/** * Does the user sending the HttpServletRequest has the administrator ACLs? If it isn't the case, * response will be modified to send an error to the user. * @param servletContext the {@link ServletContext} to use * @param request the {@link HttpServletRequest} to check * @param response used to send the error response if user does not have admin access. * @return true if admin-authorized, false otherwise * @throws IOException if an unauthenticated or unauthorized user tries to access the page */ public static boolean hasAdministratorAccess(ServletContext servletContext, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { Configuration conf = (Configuration) servletContext.getAttribute(CONF_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE); AccessControlList acl = (AccessControlList) servletContext.getAttribute(ADMINS_ACL); return hasAdministratorAccess(conf, acl, request, response); }
/** * Check max time different seconds tolerable between job server and registry center. * * @throws JobExecutionEnvironmentException throe JobExecutionEnvironmentException if exceed max time different seconds */ public void checkMaxTimeDiffSecondsTolerable() throws JobExecutionEnvironmentException { int maxTimeDiffSeconds = load(true).getMaxTimeDiffSeconds(); if (0 > maxTimeDiffSeconds) { return; } long timeDiff = Math.abs(timeService.getCurrentMillis() - jobNodeStorage.getRegistryCenterTime()); if (timeDiff > maxTimeDiffSeconds * 1000L) { throw new JobExecutionEnvironmentException( "Time different between job server and register center exceed '%s' seconds, max time different is '%s' seconds.", timeDiff / 1000, maxTimeDiffSeconds); } }
/** * Returns a new or reused matcher for the pattern. * * @param value * the string to find matches in * @return a matcher for the string */ private Matcher getMatcher(String value) { if (matcher == null) { matcher = pattern.matcher(value); } else { matcher.reset(value); } return matcher; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.vaadin.server.Scrollable#setScrollable(boolean) */ @Override public int getScrollTop() { return getState(false).scrollTop; }
/** * Validates the timeline for both main and metadata tables to ensure compaction on MDT can be scheduled. */ protected boolean validateTimelineBeforeSchedulingCompaction(Option<String> inFlightInstantTimestamp, String latestDeltaCommitTimeInMetadataTable) { // we need to find if there are any inflights in data table timeline before or equal to the latest delta commit in metadata table. // Whenever you want to change this logic, please ensure all below scenarios are considered. // a. There could be a chance that latest delta commit in MDT is committed in MDT, but failed in DT. And so findInstantsBeforeOrEquals() should be employed // b. There could be DT inflights after latest delta commit in MDT and we are ok with it. bcoz, the contract is, the latest compaction instant time in MDT represents // any instants before that is already synced with metadata table. // c. Do consider out of order commits. For eg, c4 from DT could complete before c3. and we can't trigger compaction in MDT with c4 as base instant time, until every // instant before c4 is synced with metadata table. List<HoodieInstant> pendingInstants = dataMetaClient.reloadActiveTimeline().filterInflightsAndRequested() .findInstantsBeforeOrEquals(latestDeltaCommitTimeInMetadataTable).getInstants(); if (!pendingInstants.isEmpty()) { checkNumDeltaCommits(metadataMetaClient, dataWriteConfig.getMetadataConfig().getMaxNumDeltacommitsWhenPending()); "Cannot compact metadata table as there are %d inflight instants in data table before latest deltacommit in metadata table: %s. Inflight instants in data table: %s", pendingInstants.size(), latestDeltaCommitTimeInMetadataTable, Arrays.toString(pendingInstants.toArray()))); return false; } // Check if there are any pending compaction or log compaction instants in the timeline. // If pending compact/logCompaction operations are found abort scheduling new compaction/logCompaction operations. Option<HoodieInstant> pendingLogCompactionInstant = metadataMetaClient.getActiveTimeline().filterPendingLogCompactionTimeline().firstInstant(); Option<HoodieInstant> pendingCompactionInstant = metadataMetaClient.getActiveTimeline().filterPendingCompactionTimeline().firstInstant(); if (pendingLogCompactionInstant.isPresent() || pendingCompactionInstant.isPresent()) { LOG.warn(String.format("Not scheduling compaction or logCompaction, since a pending compaction instant %s or logCompaction %s instant is present", pendingCompactionInstant, pendingLogCompactionInstant)); return false; } return true; }
/** * Convert string to symmetric key with initialization vector. * @param fromString String to buld key from * @return Deserialized key */ @SneakyThrows public SecretKeyWithIv fromString(String fromString) { SecretKeyWithIvContainer container = mapper.readValue(fromString, SecretKeyWithIvContainer.class); return new SecretKeyWithIv( container.getIv(), new SecretKeySpec(container.getEncoded(), container.getAlgo()) ); }
/** * Parse Schema from file. * * @param fs File System * @param schemaFile Schema File */ public static String parseSchema(FileSystem fs, String schemaFile) throws Exception { // Read schema file. Path p = new Path(schemaFile); if (!fs.exists(p)) { throw new Exception(String.format("Could not find - %s - schema file.", schemaFile)); } long len = fs.getFileStatus(p).getLen(); ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) len); try (FSDataInputStream inputStream = { inputStream.readFully(0, buf.array(), 0, buf.array().length); } return new String(buf.array()); }
/** * Get the message routing mode for the partitioned producer. * * @return message routing mode, default is round-robin routing. * @see MessageRoutingMode#RoundRobinPartition */ public MessageRoutingMode getMessageRoutingMode() { return MessageRoutingMode.valueOf(conf.getMessageRoutingMode().toString()); }
/** * Adds an AsyncWaitOperator with an AsyncRetryStrategy to support retry of AsyncFunction. The * order to process input records is guaranteed to be the same as * input ones. * * @param in Input {@link DataStream} * @param func {@link AsyncFunction} * @param timeout from first invoke to final completion of asynchronous operation, may include * multiple retries, and will be reset in case of restart * @param timeUnit of the given timeout * @param capacity The max number of async i/o operation that can be triggered * @param asyncRetryStrategy The strategy of reattempt async i/o operation that can be triggered * @param <IN> Type of input record * @param <OUT> Type of output record * @return A new {@link SingleOutputStreamOperator}. */ public static <IN, OUT> SingleOutputStreamOperator<OUT> orderedWaitWithRetry( DataStream<IN> in, AsyncFunction<IN, OUT> func, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit, int capacity, AsyncRetryStrategy<OUT> asyncRetryStrategy) { return addOperator( in, func, timeUnit.toMillis(timeout), capacity, OutputMode.ORDERED, asyncRetryStrategy); }
/** * Choose one of the queued requests to execute, if any. * * @return request that should be executed */ Optional<CheckpointTriggerRequest> chooseQueuedRequestToExecute( boolean isTriggering, long lastCompletionMs) { Optional<CheckpointTriggerRequest> request = chooseRequestToExecute(isTriggering, lastCompletionMs); request.ifPresent(CheckpointRequestDecider::logInQueueTime); return request; }
/** * @deprecated This method will be removed in future versions as it uses the old type system. It * is recommended to use {@link #getConsumedDataType()} instead which uses the new type * system based on {@link DataTypes}. Please make sure to use either the old or the new type * system consistently to avoid unintended behavior. See the website documentation for more * information. */ @Deprecated default TypeInformation<T> getOutputType() { return null; }
/** * Writes a vector as a typed bytes sequence. * * @param vector the vector to be written * @throws IOException */ public void writeVector(ArrayList vector) throws IOException { writeVectorHeader(vector.size()); for (Object obj : vector) { write(obj); } }
/** * Returns the object bound with the specified name in this session, or * <code>null</code> if no object is bound under the name in the given * scope. * * @param name * a string specifying the name of the object * @param scope * session scope of this attribute * * @return the object with the specified name * * @exception java.lang.IllegalStateException * if this method is called on an invalidated session, or the * scope is unknown to the container. * @exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException * if name is <code>null</code>. * * @see PortletSession#getAttribute(String, int) * @see PortletSession#PORTLET_SCOPE * @see PortletSession#APPLICATION_SCOPE * * @since 7.6 */ public Object getAttribute(String name, int scope) { return session.getAttribute(name, scope); }
/** * Sets the instance used by this property. * <p> * The new instance must be of the same type as the old instance * <p> * To be consistent with {@link #setValue(Object)}, this method will fire a * value change event even if the value stays the same * * @param instance * the instance to use * @since 7.7.7 */ public void setInstance(Object instance) { if (this.instance.getClass() != instance.getClass()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The new instance is of type " + instance.getClass().getName() + " which does not match the old instance type " + this.instance.getClass().getName()); } this.instance = instance; fireValueChange(); }
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the current user is allowed the given action over at least one of * the column qualifiers in the given column families. */ private boolean hasFamilyQualifierPermission(User user, Action perm, RegionCoprocessorEnvironment env, Map<byte[], ? extends Collection<byte[]>> familyMap) throws IOException { RegionInfo hri = env.getRegion().getRegionInfo(); TableName tableName = hri.getTable(); if (user == null) { return false; } if (familyMap != null && familyMap.size() > 0) { // at least one family must be allowed for (Map.Entry<byte[], ? extends Collection<byte[]>> family : familyMap.entrySet()) { if (family.getValue() != null && !family.getValue().isEmpty()) { for (byte[] qualifier : family.getValue()) { if ( getAuthManager().authorizeUserTable(user, tableName, family.getKey(), qualifier, perm) ) { return true; } } } else { if (getAuthManager().authorizeUserFamily(user, tableName, family.getKey(), perm)) { return true; } } } } else if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Empty family map passed for permission check"); } return false; }
/** Returns the constraint name. */ public String getConstraintName() { return constraintName; }
/** * Invoked before in memory compaction. */ public void preMemStoreCompaction(HStore store) throws IOException { execOperation(coprocEnvironments.isEmpty() ? null : new RegionObserverOperationWithoutResult() { @Override public void call(RegionObserver observer) throws IOException { observer.preMemStoreCompaction(this, store); } }); }
// if the stats are added for the 1st time, we will need to make a copy of these stats and add it to the current // stats public NonPersistentSubscriptionStatsImpl add(NonPersistentSubscriptionStatsImpl stats) { Objects.requireNonNull(stats); super.add(stats); this.msgDropRate += stats.msgDropRate; return this; }
/** * Creates a message using a error message template and arguments. * <p> * The template must be in JDK <code>MessageFormat</code> syntax * (using {#} positional parameters). * * @param error error code, to get the template from. * @param args arguments to use for creating the message. * * @return the resolved error message. */ private static String format(ERROR error, Object... args) { String template = error.getTemplate(); if (template == null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { sb.append(" {").append(i).append("}"); } template = sb.deleteCharAt(0).toString(); } return error + ": " + MessageFormat.format(template, args); }
/** * @param url */ public static boolean beginCount(URL url, String methodName, int max) { max = (max <= 0) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : max; RpcStatus appStatus = getStatus(url); RpcStatus methodStatus = getStatus(url, methodName); if ( == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { return false; } for (int i; ; ) { i =; if (i == Integer.MAX_VALUE || i + 1 > max) { return false; } if (, i + 1)) { break; } }; return true; }
/** * Parse date time string to timestamp based on the given time zone and format. Returns null if * parsing failed. * * @param dateStr the date time string * @param format date time string format * @param tz the time zone */ private static long parseTimestampMillis(String dateStr, String format, TimeZone tz) throws ParseException { SimpleDateFormat formatter = FORMATTER_CACHE.get(format); formatter.setTimeZone(tz); return formatter.parse(dateStr).getTime(); }
/** Returns the min column range for the filter */ public byte[] getMinColumn() { return this.minColumn; }
/** * Returns the labels future associated with the failure. * * @return the CompletableFuture map of String labels */ public CompletableFuture<Map<String, String>> getFailureLabels() { return failureLabels; }
/** * Gets whether the current RegionInfo is a mob one. * @param regionInfo The current RegionInfo. * @return If true, the current RegionInfo is a mob one. */ public static boolean isMobRegionInfo(RegionInfo regionInfo) { return regionInfo == null ? false : getMobRegionInfo(regionInfo.getTable()).getEncodedName() .equals(regionInfo.getEncodedName()); }
/** * Compares two json values for deep equality. * * This is a helper for overcoming the fact that * {@link JsonValue#equals(Object)} only does an identity check and * {@link JsonValue#jsEquals(JsonValue)} is defined to use JavaScript * semantics where arrays and objects are equals only based on identity. * * @since 7.4 * @param a * the first json value to check, may not be null * @param b * the second json value to check, may not be null * @return <code>true</code> if both json values are the same; * <code>false</code> otherwise */ public static boolean jsonEquals(JsonValue a, JsonValue b) { assert a != null; assert b != null; if (a == b) { return true; } JsonType type = a.getType(); if (type != b.getType()) { return false; } switch (type) { case NULL: return true; case BOOLEAN: return a.asBoolean() == b.asBoolean(); case NUMBER: return a.asNumber() == b.asNumber(); case STRING: return a.asString().equals(b.asString()); case OBJECT: return jsonObjectEquals((JsonObject) a, (JsonObject) b); case ARRAY: return jsonArrayEquals((JsonArray) a, (JsonArray) b); default: throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported JsonType: " + type); } }
/** * Archive the specified regions in parallel. * @param conf the configuration to use * @param fs {@link FileSystem} from which to remove the region * @param rootDir {@link Path} to the root directory where hbase files are stored (for * building the archive path) * @param tableDir {@link Path} to where the table is being stored (for building the archive * path) * @param regionDirList {@link Path} to where regions are being stored (for building the archive * path) * @throws IOException if the request cannot be completed */ public static void archiveRegions(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, Path rootDir, Path tableDir, List<Path> regionDirList) throws IOException { List<Future<Void>> futures = new ArrayList<>(regionDirList.size()); for (Path regionDir : regionDirList) { Future<Void> future = getArchiveExecutor(conf).submit(() -> { archiveRegion(fs, rootDir, tableDir, regionDir); return null; }); futures.add(future); } try { for (Future<Void> future : futures) { future.get(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new InterruptedIOException(e.getMessage()); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw new IOException(e.getCause()); } }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lib.Node#getChildren() */ @Override public ArrayList<Node> getChildren() { if (super.getChildCount() == 0) { return null; } ArrayList<Node> retVec = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < super.getChildCount(); ++i) { retVec.add((Node) super.getChild(i)); } return retVec; }
/** * Reads a type byte and returns the corresponding {@link Type}. * @return the obtained Type or null when the end of the file is reached * @throws IOException */ public Type readType() throws IOException { int code = -1; try { code = in.readUnsignedByte(); } catch (EOFException eof) { return null; } for (Type type : Type.values()) { if (type.code == code) { return type; } } return null; }
/** * Computes the total number of resources in this counter. * * @return the total number of resources in this counter */ public int getTotalResourceCount() { return resources.isEmpty() ? 0 : resources.values().stream().reduce(0, Integer::sum); }
/** * Reads the content of the rotate file by selecting the winner file based on the timestamp of the * data inside the files. It reads the content of both files and selects the one with the latest * timestamp as the winner. If a file is incomplete or does not exist, it logs the error and moves * on to the next file. It returns the content of the winner file as a byte array. If none of the * files have valid data, it returns null. * @return a byte array containing the data from the winner file, or null if no valid data is * found. * @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading the files. */ public byte[] read() throws IOException { HBaseProtos.RotateFileData[] datas = new HBaseProtos.RotateFileData[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { try { datas[i] = read(files[i]); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOG.debug("file {} does not exist", files[i], e); } catch (EOFException e) { LOG.debug("file {} is incomplete", files[i], e); } } int winnerIndex = select(datas); nextFile = 1 - winnerIndex; if (datas[winnerIndex] != null) { prevTimestamp = datas[winnerIndex].getTimestamp(); return datas[winnerIndex].getData().toByteArray(); } else { return null; } }
/** * Validation method, for testing only. * * @param other The other. * @return true if equivalent metadata. */ @VisibleForTesting boolean hasSameMetadata(DataValueLookupBuilderImpl other) { return other.metadata.equals(this.metadata); }
/** * Shutdown this UAM client, without killing the UAM in the YarnRM side. */ public void shutDownConnections() { this.heartbeatHandler.shutdown(); this.rmProxyRelayer.shutdown(); }
/** * @throws IllegalArgumentException if all regions are not from same table. */ public long requestRegionsLock(final RegionInfo[] regionInfos, final String description, final NonceKey nonceKey) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException { master.getMasterCoprocessorHost().preRequestLock(null, null, regionInfos, LockType.EXCLUSIVE, description); final LockProcedure proc = new LockProcedure(master.getConfiguration(), regionInfos, LockType.EXCLUSIVE, description, null); submitProcedure(proc, nonceKey); master.getMasterCoprocessorHost().postRequestLock(null, null, regionInfos, LockType.EXCLUSIVE, description); return proc.getProcId(); }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.vaadin.tests.components.AbstractTestUI#getTicketNumber() */ @Override protected Integer getTicketNumber() { return 8978; }
/** * Creates a {@link ViewChangesDeploymentHelper} implementation for the given connection details. * @param connectionResources connection resources for the data source. * @return ViewChangesDeploymentHelper. */ public ViewChangesDeploymentHelper create(ConnectionResources connectionResources) { return new ViewChangesDeploymentHelper(connectionResources.sqlDialect(), createViewListenerFactory.createCreateViewListener(connectionResources), dropViewListenerFactory.createDropViewListener(connectionResources)); }
/** * parse loop statement with label */ public SQLLoopStatement parseLoop(String label) { SQLLoopStatement loopStmt = new SQLLoopStatement(); loopStmt.setLabelName(label); accept(Token.LOOP); this.parseStatementList(loopStmt.getStatements(), -1, loopStmt); accept(Token.END); accept(Token.LOOP); if (lexer.token() != Token.SEMI) { acceptIdentifier(label); } accept(Token.SEMI); loopStmt.setAfterSemi(true); return loopStmt; }
/** * This method allows to create an {@link ObjectIdentifier} without catalog and database name, * in order to propagate anonymous objects with unique identifiers throughout the stack. * * <p>This method for no reason should be exposed to users, as this should be used only when * creating anonymous tables with uniquely generated identifiers. */ static ObjectIdentifier ofAnonymous(String objectName) { return new ObjectIdentifier( null, null, Preconditions.checkNotNull(objectName, "Object name must not be null.")); }
/** * Enter, leave, or get safe mode. * * @param action One of {@link SafeModeAction} LEAVE, ENTER, GET, FORCE_EXIT. * @throws IOException if set safe mode fails to proceed. * @return true if the action is successfully accepted, otherwise false means rejected. */ default boolean setSafeMode(SafeModeAction action) throws IOException { return setSafeMode(action, false); }
/** Returns the User filter regex */ public String getUserFilter() { return userRegex; }
/** * Produce a {@link Schema} that represents the filtered view. * @see org.alfasoftware.morf.dataset.DataSetProducer#getSchema() */ @Override public Schema getSchema() { return new SchemaAdapter(delegate.getSchema()) { @Override public Table getTable(String name) { if (includeTable(name)) { return delegate.getTable(name); } throw new IllegalStateException("["+name+"] has been excluded or does not exist"); } @Override public boolean tableExists(String name) { if (includeTable(name)) { return delegate.tableExists(name); } throw new IllegalStateException("["+name+"] has been exlcuded or does not exist"); } /** * If multiple calls to this are expected, consider caching the list of table names. * @see org.alfasoftware.morf.dataset.SchemaAdapter#tableNames() */ @Override public Collection<String> tableNames() { return Collections2.filter(delegate.tableNames(), includingPredicate); } /** * If multiple calls to this are expected, consider caching the list of tables. * @see org.alfasoftware.morf.dataset.SchemaAdapter#tableNames() */ @Override public Collection<Table> tables() { return Collections2.filter(delegate.tables(), t -> includingPredicate.apply(t.getName())); } }; }
/** Waits until {@link #trigger()} is called. */ public void await() throws InterruptedException { synchronized (lock) { while (!triggered) { lock.wait(); } triggered = false; } }
/** * Creates a string representation of the tuple in the form (f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, * f9, f10, f11, f12, f13, f14, f15, f16, f17, f18, f19, f20, f21, f22, f23), where the * individual fields are the value returned by calling {@link Object#toString} on that field. * * @return The string representation of the tuple. */ @Override public String toString() { return "(" + StringUtils.arrayAwareToString(this.f0) + "," + StringUtils.arrayAwareToString(this.f1) + "," + StringUtils.arrayAwareToString(this.f2) + "," + StringUtils.arrayAwareToString(this.f3) + "," + StringUtils.arrayAwareToString(this.f4) + "," + StringUtils.arrayAwareToString(this.f5) + "," + StringUtils.arrayAwareToString(this.f6) + "," + StringUtils.arrayAwareToString(this.f7) + "," + StringUtils.arrayAwareToString(this.f8) + "," + StringUtils.arrayAwareToString(this.f9) + "," + StringUtils.arrayAwareToString(this.f10) + "," + StringUtils.arrayAwareToString(this.f11) + "," + StringUtils.arrayAwareToString(this.f12) + "," + StringUtils.arrayAwareToString(this.f13) + "," + StringUtils.arrayAwareToString(this.f14) + "," + StringUtils.arrayAwareToString(this.f15) + "," + StringUtils.arrayAwareToString(this.f16) + "," + StringUtils.arrayAwareToString(this.f17) + "," + StringUtils.arrayAwareToString(this.f18) + "," + StringUtils.arrayAwareToString(this.f19) + "," + StringUtils.arrayAwareToString(this.f20) + "," + StringUtils.arrayAwareToString(this.f21) + "," + StringUtils.arrayAwareToString(this.f22) + "," + StringUtils.arrayAwareToString(this.f23) + ")"; }
/** * @param service_id the service_id to assign to the newly created copy. * @param daysToRemove the days of the week on which to deactivate service in the copy. * @return a copy of this Service with any service on the specified days of the week deactivated. */ public Service removeDays(String service_id, EnumSet<DayOfWeek> daysToRemove) { Service service = new Service(service_id); // First, duplicate any Calendar in this Service, minus the specified days of the week. if (this.calendar != null) { Calendar calendar = new Calendar(); // TODO calendar.getDaysOfWeek/setDaysOfWeek which allow simplifying this section and activeOn below. calendar.monday = daysToRemove.contains(MONDAY) ? 0 : this.calendar.monday; calendar.tuesday = daysToRemove.contains(TUESDAY) ? 0 : this.calendar.tuesday; calendar.wednesday = daysToRemove.contains(WEDNESDAY) ? 0 : this.calendar.wednesday; calendar.thursday = daysToRemove.contains(THURSDAY) ? 0 : this.calendar.thursday; calendar.friday = daysToRemove.contains(FRIDAY) ? 0 : this.calendar.friday; calendar.saturday = daysToRemove.contains(SATURDAY) ? 0 : this.calendar.saturday; calendar.sunday = daysToRemove.contains(SUNDAY) ? 0 : this.calendar.sunday; // The new calendar should cover exactly the same time range as the existing one. calendar.start_date = this.calendar.start_date; calendar.end_date = this.calendar.end_date; // Create the bidirectional reference between Calendar and Service. service.calendar = calendar; } // Copy over all exceptions whose dates fall on days of the week that are retained. this.calendar_dates.forEach((date, exception) -> { DayOfWeek dow = date.getDayOfWeek(); if (!daysToRemove.contains(dow)) { CalendarDate newException = exception.clone(); service.calendar_dates.put(date, newException); } }); return service; }
/** * Binds member fields found in the given object. * <p> * This method processes all (Java) member fields whose type extends * {@link Field} and that can be mapped to a property id. Property id * mapping is done based on the field name or on a @{@link PropertyId} * annotation on the field. All non-null fields for which a property id can * be determined are bound to the property id. * </p> * <p> * For example: * * <pre> * public class MyForm extends VerticalLayout { * private TextField firstName = new TextField("First name"); * &#64;PropertyId("last") * private TextField lastName = new TextField("Last name"); * private TextField age = new TextField("Age"); ... } * * MyForm myForm = new MyForm(); * ... * fieldGroup.bindMemberFields(myForm); * </pre> * * </p> * This binds the firstName TextField to a "firstName" property in the item, * lastName TextField to a "last" property and the age TextField to a "age" * property. * * @param objectWithMemberFields * The object that contains (Java) member fields to bind * @throws BindException * If there is a problem binding a field */ public void bindMemberFields(Object objectWithMemberFields) throws BindException { buildAndBindMemberFields(objectWithMemberFields, false); }
// Visibility for testing. protected static double getRgLocalUsageMessageCount (String rgName, String monClassName) { return rgLocalUsageMessages.labels(rgName, monClassName).get(); }
/** * @param startRow the first row in the split */ public void setStartRow(final byte[] startRow) { this.startRow = startRow; }
/** * Iterates the parent directory, and add direct children files to current * batch. If batch size meets configured threshold, current batch will be * submitted for the processing. * <p> * Locks could be released and reacquired when a batch submission is * finished. * * @param startId * Id of the start inode. * @return The inode which was just processed, if lock is held in the entire * process. Null if lock is released. * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ protected INode traverseDirInt(final long startId, INode curr, List<byte[]> startAfters, final TraverseInfo traverseInfo) throws IOException, InterruptedException { assert dir.hasReadLock(); assert dir.getFSNamesystem().hasReadLock(); long lockStartTime = timer.monotonicNow(); Preconditions.checkNotNull(curr, "Current inode can't be null"); checkINodeReady(startId); final INodeDirectory parent = curr.isDirectory() ? curr.asDirectory() : curr.getParent(); ReadOnlyList<INode> children = parent .getChildrenList(Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Traversing directory {}", parent.getFullPathName()); } final byte[] startAfter = startAfters.get(startAfters.size() - 1); boolean lockReleased = false; for (int i = INodeDirectory.nextChild(children, startAfter); i < children .size(); ++i) { final INode inode = children.get(i); if (!processFileInode(inode, traverseInfo)) { // inode wasn't processes. Recurse down if it's a dir, // skip otherwise. if (!inode.isDirectory()) { continue; } if (!canTraverseDir(inode)) { continue; } // add 1 level to the depth-first search. curr = inode; if (!startAfters.isEmpty()) { startAfters.remove(startAfters.size() - 1); startAfters.add(curr.getLocalNameBytes()); } startAfters.add(HdfsFileStatus.EMPTY_NAME); return lockReleased ? null : curr; } if (shouldSubmitCurrentBatch()) { final byte[] currentStartAfter = inode.getLocalNameBytes(); final String parentPath = parent.getFullPathName(); lockReleased = true; readUnlock(); submitCurrentBatch(startId); try { throttle(); checkPauseForTesting(); } finally { readLock(); lockStartTime = timer.monotonicNow(); } checkINodeReady(startId); // Things could have changed when the lock was released. // Re-resolve the parent inode. FSPermissionChecker pc = dir.getPermissionChecker(); INode newParent = dir .resolvePath(pc, parentPath, FSDirectory.DirOp.READ) .getLastINode(); if (newParent == null || !newParent.equals(parent)) { // parent dir is deleted or recreated. We're done. return null; } children = parent.getChildrenList(Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID); // -1 to counter the ++ on the for loop i = INodeDirectory.nextChild(children, currentStartAfter) - 1; } if ((timer.monotonicNow() - lockStartTime) > readLockReportingThresholdMs) { readUnlock(); try { throttle(); } finally { readLock(); lockStartTime = timer.monotonicNow(); } } } // Successfully finished this dir, adjust pointers to 1 level up, and // startAfter this dir. startAfters.remove(startAfters.size() - 1); if (!startAfters.isEmpty()) { startAfters.remove(startAfters.size() - 1); startAfters.add(curr.getLocalNameBytes()); } curr = curr.getParent(); return lockReleased ? null : curr; }
/** * Returns the position unit of the split before this change event * occurred. * * @since 8.1 * * @return the split position unit previously set to the source of this * event */ public Unit getOldSplitPositionUnit() { return oldUnit; }
/** * 启动任务. */ public void start() { switch (WORKER_STATE_UPDATER.get(this)) { //更改线程状态;如果当前的状态是初始,则改成启动中; case WORKER_STATE_INIT: if (WORKER_STATE_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, WORKER_STATE_INIT, WORKER_STATE_STARTED)) { //启动线程; workerThread.start(); } break; case WORKER_STATE_STARTED: break; case WORKER_STATE_SHUTDOWN: throw new IllegalStateException("cannot be started once stopped"); default: throw new Error("Invalid WorkerState"); } // 等待初始化的Worker线程的startTime实始化; while (startTime == 0) { try { startTimeInitialized.await(); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { // Ignore - it will be ready very soon. } } }
/** * Gets the item description generator. * * @return the item description generator * * @since 8.2 */ public DescriptionGenerator<T> getItemDescriptionGenerator() { return descriptionGenerator; }
/** * Convert time in millisecond to human readable format. * * @param millis millisecond. * @return a human readable string for the input time */ public static String formatTime(long millis) { return DATE_FORMAT.get().format(millis); }
/** * Create the store directory for the specified family name * @param familyName Column Family Name * @return {@link Path} to the directory of the specified family * @throws IOException if the directory creation fails. */ Path createStoreDir(final String familyName) throws IOException { Path storeDir = getStoreDir(familyName); if (!fs.exists(storeDir) && !createDir(storeDir)) throw new IOException("Failed creating " + storeDir); return storeDir; }
/** * If {@link #bucketCapacity} is not perfectly divisible by this {@link #itemSize()}, the * remainder will be unusable by in buckets of this size. A high value here may be optimized by * trying to choose bucket sizes which can better divide {@link #bucketCapacity}. */ public long wastedBytes() { return wastedBytes; }
/** * Version of the service. */ public AuxServiceRecord version(String v) { this.version = v; return this; }
/** Flush buffers to file if their size is above {@link #localStateThreshold}. */ @Override public void flush() throws IOException { if (outStream != null || pos > localStateThreshold) { flushToFile(); } }
/** * Returns those checks that have to be performed to validate the given * annotation at the given element. In case no checks have to be performed * (e.g. because the given annotation is no constraint annotation) an empty * {@link ConstraintChecks} instance will be returned. It's therefore always * safe to operate on the returned object. * * @param annotatedElement An annotated element, e.g. a type declaration or a method. * @param annotation An annotation. * * @return The checks to be performed to validate the given annotation at * the given element. */ public ConstraintChecks getConstraintChecks(Element annotatedElement, AnnotationMirror annotation) { AnnotationType annotationType = constraintHelper.getAnnotationType( annotation ); switch ( annotatedElement.getKind() ) { case PARAMETER: return parameterChecks.get( annotationType ); case FIELD: return fieldChecks.get( annotationType ); case METHOD: return methodChecks.get( annotationType ); case ANNOTATION_TYPE: return annotationTypeChecks.get( annotationType ); case CLASS: case INTERFACE: case ENUM: return nonAnnotationTypeChecks.get( annotationType ); default: return NULL_CHECKS; } }
/** * Create a {@code nullif(this, other)} expression * * @param other * @return nullif(this, other) */ @Override public NumberExpression<T> nullif(T other) { return nullif(ConstantImpl.create(other)); }
/** Update the overloaded backoff time **/ public void incrementServerOverloadedBackoffTime(long time, TimeUnit timeUnit) { overloadedBackoffTimer.update(time, timeUnit); }
/** * to byte array. * * @param v value. * @param b byte array. * @param off array offset. */ public static void float2bytes(float v, byte[] b, int off) { int i = Float.floatToIntBits(v); b[off + 3] = (byte) i; b[off + 2] = (byte) (i >>> 8); b[off + 1] = (byte) (i >>> 16); b[off + 0] = (byte) (i >>> 24); }
/** * Create a new Operation expression * * @param type type of expression * @param operator operator * @param args operation arguments * @return operation expression */ public static <T extends Comparable<?>> ComparableOperation<T> comparableOperation(Class<? extends T> type, Operator operator, Expression<?>... args) { return new ComparableOperation<T>(type, operator, args); }
/** * @since 2.7.5 */ @Override public boolean publishConfig(String key, String group, String content) { return true; }
/** * Executes a SQL command and raises retryable errors as * {@link SQLSecretManagerRetriableException}s so they are recognized by the * {@link RetryProxy}. * @param command SQL command to execute * @throws SQLException When SQL connection errors occur */ @Override public <T> T execute(SQLCommand<T> command) throws SQLException { try { return command.doCall(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to execute SQL command", e); throw new SQLSecretManagerRetriableException(e); } }
/** * @return a new list of keys with max provided numberOfItems (makes a copy) */ public Set<LongPair> items(int numberOfItems) { return items(numberOfItems, (item1, item2) -> new LongPair(item1, item2)); }
/** * Validates that the given reference argument is not null. * @param obj the argument reference to validate. * @param argName the name of the argument being validated. */ public static void checkNotNull(Object obj, String argName) { checkArgument(obj != null, "'%s' must not be null.", argName); }
/** * Claim a replication queue. * <p/> * We add a flag to indicate whether we are called by ReplicationSyncUp. For normal claiming queue * operation, we are the last step of a SCP, so we can assume that all the WAL files are under * oldWALs directory. But for ReplicationSyncUp, we may want to claim the replication queue for a * region server which has not been processed by SCP yet, so we still need to look at its WALs * directory. * @param queueId the replication queue id we want to claim * @param syncUp whether we are called by ReplicationSyncUp */ void claimQueue(ReplicationQueueId queueId, boolean syncUp) { // Wait a bit before transferring the queues, we may be shutting down. // This sleep may not be enough in some cases. try { Thread.sleep(sleepBeforeFailover + (long) (ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextFloat() * sleepBeforeFailover)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("Interrupted while waiting before transferring a queue."); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } // We try to lock that rs' queue directory if (server.isStopped()) {"Not transferring queue since we are shutting down"); return; } // After claim the queues from dead region server, we will skip to start the // RecoveredReplicationSource if the peer has been removed. but there's possible that remove a // peer with peerId = 2 and add a peer with peerId = 2 again during failover. So we need to get // a copy of the replication peer first to decide whether we should start the // RecoveredReplicationSource. If the latest peer is not the old peer, we should also skip to // start the RecoveredReplicationSource, Otherwise the rs will abort (See HBASE-20475). String peerId = queueId.getPeerId(); ReplicationPeerImpl oldPeer = replicationPeers.getPeer(peerId); if (oldPeer == null) {"Not transferring queue since the replication peer {} for queue {} does not exist", peerId, queueId); return; } Map<String, ReplicationGroupOffset> offsets; try { offsets = queueStorage.claimQueue(queueId, server.getServerName()); } catch (ReplicationException e) { LOG.error("ReplicationException: cannot claim dead region ({})'s replication queue", queueId.getServerName(), e); server.abort("Failed to claim queue from dead regionserver.", e); return; } if (offsets.isEmpty()) { // someone else claimed the queue return; } ServerName sourceRS = queueId.getServerWALsBelongTo(); ReplicationQueueId claimedQueueId = queueId.claim(server.getServerName()); ReplicationPeerImpl peer = replicationPeers.getPeer(peerId); if (peer == null || peer != oldPeer) { LOG.warn("Skipping failover for peer {} of node {}, peer is null", peerId, sourceRS); deleteQueue(claimedQueueId); return; } ReplicationSourceInterface src; try { src = createSource(new ReplicationQueueData(claimedQueueId, ImmutableMap.copyOf(offsets)), peer); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Can not create replication source for peer {} and queue {}", peerId, claimedQueueId, e); server.abort("Failed to create replication source after claiming queue.", e); return; } PriorityQueue<Path> walFiles; try { walFiles = getWALFilesToReplicate(sourceRS, syncUp, offsets); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Can not list wal files for peer {} and queue {}", peerId, queueId, e); server.abort("Can not list wal files after claiming queue.", e); return; } // synchronized on oldsources to avoid adding recovered source for the to-be-removed peer synchronized (oldsources) { addRecoveredSource(src, oldPeer, claimedQueueId, walFiles); } }
/** * Get the HBase setting for from the conf or a system property. This * allows to specify this parameter on the command line. If not set, default is true. */ public boolean isReadShortCircuitOn() { final String propName = "hbase.tests.use.shortcircuit.reads"; String readOnProp = System.getProperty(propName); if (readOnProp != null) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(readOnProp); } else { return conf.getBoolean(propName, false); } }
/** * @see java.lang.Throwable#getCause() */ @Override public Throwable getCause() { return cause; }
/** * @return the 3 best {@link FinderPattern}s from our list of candidates. The "best" are * those that have been detected at least 2 times, and whose module * size differs from the average among those patterns the least * @throws NotFoundException if 3 such finder patterns do not exist */ private FinderPattern[][] selectMultipleBestPatterns() throws NotFoundException { List<FinderPattern> possibleCenters = new ArrayList<>(); for (FinderPattern fp : getPossibleCenters()) { if (fp.getCount() >= 2) { possibleCenters.add(fp); } } int size = possibleCenters.size(); if (size < 3) { // Couldn't find enough finder patterns throw NotFoundException.getNotFoundInstance(); } /* * Begin HE modifications to safely detect multiple codes of equal size */ if (size == 3) { return new FinderPattern[][] { possibleCenters.toArray(EMPTY_FP_ARRAY) }; } // Sort by estimated module size to speed up the upcoming checks Collections.sort(possibleCenters, new ModuleSizeComparator()); /* * Now lets start: build a list of tuples of three finder locations that * - feature similar module sizes * - are placed in a distance so the estimated module count is within the QR specification * - have similar distance between upper left/right and left top/bottom finder patterns * - form a triangle with 90° angle (checked by comparing top right/bottom left distance * with pythagoras) * * Note: we allow each point to be used for more than one code region: this might seem * counterintuitive at first, but the performance penalty is not that big. At this point, * we cannot make a good quality decision whether the three finders actually represent * a QR code, or are just by chance laid out so it looks like there might be a QR code there. * So, if the layout seems right, lets have the decoder try to decode. */ List<FinderPattern[]> results = new ArrayList<>(); // holder for the results for (int i1 = 0; i1 < (size - 2); i1++) { FinderPattern p1 = possibleCenters.get(i1); if (p1 == null) { continue; } for (int i2 = i1 + 1; i2 < (size - 1); i2++) { FinderPattern p2 = possibleCenters.get(i2); if (p2 == null) { continue; } // Compare the expected module sizes; if they are really off, skip float vModSize12 = (p1.getEstimatedModuleSize() - p2.getEstimatedModuleSize()) / Math.min(p1.getEstimatedModuleSize(), p2.getEstimatedModuleSize()); float vModSize12A = Math.abs(p1.getEstimatedModuleSize() - p2.getEstimatedModuleSize()); if (vModSize12A > DIFF_MODSIZE_CUTOFF && vModSize12 >= DIFF_MODSIZE_CUTOFF_PERCENT) { // break, since elements are ordered by the module size deviation there cannot be // any more interesting elements for the given p1. break; } for (int i3 = i2 + 1; i3 < size; i3++) { FinderPattern p3 = possibleCenters.get(i3); if (p3 == null) { continue; } // Compare the expected module sizes; if they are really off, skip float vModSize23 = (p2.getEstimatedModuleSize() - p3.getEstimatedModuleSize()) / Math.min(p2.getEstimatedModuleSize(), p3.getEstimatedModuleSize()); float vModSize23A = Math.abs(p2.getEstimatedModuleSize() - p3.getEstimatedModuleSize()); if (vModSize23A > DIFF_MODSIZE_CUTOFF && vModSize23 >= DIFF_MODSIZE_CUTOFF_PERCENT) { // break, since elements are ordered by the module size deviation there cannot be // any more interesting elements for the given p1. break; } FinderPattern[] test = {p1, p2, p3}; ResultPoint.orderBestPatterns(test); // Calculate the distances: a = topleft-bottomleft, b=topleft-topright, c = diagonal FinderPatternInfo info = new FinderPatternInfo(test); float dA = ResultPoint.distance(info.getTopLeft(), info.getBottomLeft()); float dC = ResultPoint.distance(info.getTopRight(), info.getBottomLeft()); float dB = ResultPoint.distance(info.getTopLeft(), info.getTopRight()); // Check the sizes float estimatedModuleCount = (dA + dB) / (p1.getEstimatedModuleSize() * 2.0f); if (estimatedModuleCount > MAX_MODULE_COUNT_PER_EDGE || estimatedModuleCount < MIN_MODULE_COUNT_PER_EDGE) { continue; } // Calculate the difference of the edge lengths in percent float vABBC = Math.abs((dA - dB) / Math.min(dA, dB)); if (vABBC >= 0.1f) { continue; } // Calculate the diagonal length by assuming a 90° angle at topleft float dCpy = (float) Math.sqrt((double) dA * dA + (double) dB * dB); // Compare to the real distance in % float vPyC = Math.abs((dC - dCpy) / Math.min(dC, dCpy)); if (vPyC >= 0.1f) { continue; } // All tests passed! results.add(test); } } } if (!results.isEmpty()) { return results.toArray(EMPTY_FP_2D_ARRAY); } // Nothing found! throw NotFoundException.getNotFoundInstance(); }
/** * Converts the coalesce function into SQL. * * @param function the function details * @return a string representation of the SQL */ protected String getSqlForCoalesce(Function function) { StringBuilder expression = new StringBuilder(); expression.append(getCoalesceFunctionName()).append('('); boolean first = true; for (AliasedField f : function.getArguments()) { if (!first) { expression.append(", "); } expression.append(getSqlFrom(f)); first = false; } expression.append(')'); return expression.toString(); }
/** * Standardize the ZK quorum string: make it a "server:clientport" list, separated by ',' * @param quorumStringInput a string contains a list of servers for ZK quorum * @param clientPort the default client port * @return the string for a list of "server:port" separated by "," */ public static String standardizeZKQuorumServerString(String quorumStringInput, String clientPort) { String[] serverHosts = quorumStringInput.split(","); return buildZKQuorumServerString(serverHosts, clientPort); }
/** Returns the end key */ @XmlAttribute public byte[] getEndKey() { return endKey; }
/** * Creates an {@link Expression} for the {@link FieldExtension}. */ public static Expression createExpressionForField(FieldExtension fieldExtension) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(fieldExtension.getExpression())) { ExpressionManager expressionManager = Context.getProcessEngineConfiguration().getExpressionManager(); return expressionManager.createExpression(fieldExtension.getExpression()); } else { return new FixedValue(fieldExtension.getStringValue()); } }
/** * Projects a {@link Tuple} {@link DataSet} to the previously selected fields. * * @return The projected DataSet. * @see Tuple * @see DataSet */ public <T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> ProjectOperator<T, Tuple7<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6>> projectTuple7() { TypeInformation<?>[] fTypes = extractFieldTypes(fieldIndexes, ds.getType()); TupleTypeInfo<Tuple7<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6>> tType = new TupleTypeInfo<Tuple7<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6>>(fTypes); return new ProjectOperator<T, Tuple7<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6>>( this.ds, this.fieldIndexes, tType); }
/** Returns any candidate generator in random */ @Override protected CandidateGenerator getRandomGenerator() { return candidateGenerators.get(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(candidateGenerators.size())); }
/** * Allocate a block in this bucket, return the offset representing the position in physical * space * @return the offset in the IOEngine */ public long allocate() { assert freeCount > 0; // Else should not have been called assert sizeIndex != -1; ++usedCount; long offset = baseOffset + (freeList[--freeCount] * itemAllocationSize); assert offset >= 0; return offset; }
/** * The partition for this iterator selector. * @return partition */ public String getPartition() { return this.partition; }
/** * Create a new Operation expression * * @param type type of expression * @param operator operator * @param args operation arguments * @return operation expression */ public static <T extends Comparable<?>> DateOperation<T> dateOperation(Class<? extends T> type, Operator operator, Expression<?>... args) { return new DateOperation<T>(type, operator, args); }
/** * Gets the value as a LocalDate object. * * @return the current value as a date object, or null if a date is not set * or if the text field contains an invalid date */ public LocalDate getDate() { String value = getISOValue(); if (value == null) { return null; } return LocalDate.parse(value, getISOFormatter()); }
/** * Drop an existing operator from the savepoint. * * @param uid The uid of the operator. * @return A modified savepoint. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public F removeOperator(String uid) { metadata.removeOperator(uid); return (F) this; }
/** Removes all inputs. */ public void clearInputs() { this.input = null; }
/** * Gets a {@link HoodieDefaultTimeline} instance containing the instants in the specified range. * * @param startTs Start instant time. * @param endTs End instant time. * @param includeArchivedTimeline Whether to include intants from the archived timeline. * @return a {@link HoodieDefaultTimeline} instance containing the instants in the specified range. */ public static HoodieDefaultTimeline getTimelineInRange(String startTs, String endTs, boolean includeArchivedTimeline) { if (isNullOrEmpty(startTs)) { startTs = getTimeDaysAgo(10); } if (isNullOrEmpty(endTs)) { endTs = getTimeDaysAgo(1); } checkArgument(nonEmpty(startTs), "startTs is null or empty"); checkArgument(nonEmpty(endTs), "endTs is null or empty"); HoodieTableMetaClient metaClient = HoodieCLI.getTableMetaClient(); HoodieActiveTimeline activeTimeline = metaClient.getActiveTimeline(); if (includeArchivedTimeline) { HoodieArchivedTimeline archivedTimeline = metaClient.getArchivedTimeline(); archivedTimeline.loadInstantDetailsInMemory(startTs, endTs); return archivedTimeline.findInstantsInRange(startTs, endTs).mergeTimeline(activeTimeline); } return activeTimeline; }
/** * Create a new Enum operation expression * * @param type type of expression * @param operator operator * @param args operation arguments * @param <T> type of expression * @return operation expression */ public static <T extends Enum<T>> EnumOperation<T> enumOperation(Class<? extends T> type, Operator operator, Expression<?>... args) { return new EnumOperation<T>(type, operator, args); }
/** * Sets whether html is allowed in the item captions. If set to * <code>true</code>, the captions are passed to the browser as html and the * developer is responsible for ensuring no harmful html is used. If set to * <code>false</code>, the content is passed to the browser as plain text. * The default setting is <code>false</code> * * @since 7.6 * @param htmlContentAllowed * <code>true</code> if the captions are used as html, * <code>false</code> if used as plain text */ public void setHtmlContentAllowed(boolean htmlContentAllowed) { this.htmlContentAllowed = htmlContentAllowed; markAsDirty(); }
/** * Returns the number of CPU cores available to the JVM on the compute node. * * @return the number of CPU cores available to the JVM on the compute node */ public int getNumberOfCPUCores() { return this.numberOfCPUCores; }
/** * <pre> * Contains a stream of commands and parameters (vertices). * A detailed description on geometry encoding is located in * section 4.3 of the specification. * </pre> * * <code>repeated uint32 geometry = 4 [packed = true];</code> */ public Builder setGeometry( int index, int value) { ensureGeometryIsMutable(); geometry_.set(index, value); onChanged(); return this; }
/** * error record reporter * * @return */ public WorkerErrorRecordReporter errorRecordReporter() { return errorRecordReporter; }
/** * Setter. * this must be called in the subclass constructor with * whatever * @param statistics statistics to set */ protected void setIOStatistics(final IOStatisticsStore statistics) { this.ioStatistics = statistics; }
/** * This is useful in detecting a corner of a 'pure' barcode. * * @return {@code x,y} coordinate of top-left-most 1 bit, or null if it is all white */ public int[] getTopLeftOnBit() { int bitsOffset = 0; while (bitsOffset < bits.length && bits[bitsOffset] == 0) { bitsOffset++; } if (bitsOffset == bits.length) { return null; } int y = bitsOffset / rowSize; int x = (bitsOffset % rowSize) * 32; int theBits = bits[bitsOffset]; int bit = 0; while ((theBits << (31 - bit)) == 0) { bit++; } x += bit; return new int[] {x, y}; }
/** * Find the predecessor node for the given key at the given level. The key is in the memory * segment positioning at the given offset. * * @param keySegment memory segment which contains the key. * @param keyOffset offset of the key in the memory segment. * @param level the level. * @param levelIndexHeader the head level index. * @param spaceAllocator the space allocator. * @return node id before the key at the given level. */ static long findPredecessor( MemorySegment keySegment, int keyOffset, int level, @Nonnull LevelIndexHeader levelIndexHeader, Allocator spaceAllocator) { int currentLevel = levelIndexHeader.getLevel(); long currentNode = HEAD_NODE; long nextNode = levelIndexHeader.getNextNode(currentLevel); for (; ; ) { if (nextNode != NIL_NODE) { int c = compareSegmentAndNode(keySegment, keyOffset, nextNode, spaceAllocator); if (c > 0) { currentNode = nextNode; nextNode = helpGetNextNode( currentNode, currentLevel, levelIndexHeader, spaceAllocator); continue; } } if (currentLevel <= level) { return currentNode; } currentLevel--; nextNode = helpGetNextNode(currentNode, currentLevel, levelIndexHeader, spaceAllocator); } }
/** * 1. Unsupported Map with key type is not String <br/> * Bytes is a primitive type in Proto, transform to ByteString.class in java<br/> * * @param fieldName * @param typeName * @return */ private void validateMapType(String fieldName, String typeName) { Matcher matcher = MAP_PATTERN.matcher(typeName); if (!matcher.matches()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Map protobuf property " + fieldName + "of Type " + typeName + " can't be parsed.The type name should mathch[" + MAP_PATTERN.toString() + "]."); } }
/** * Start * @return self */ public Duration start() { start = now(); return this; }
/** * Writes just the bloom filter to the output array * @param out OutputStream to place bloom * @throws IOException Error writing bloom array */ public void writeBloom(final DataOutput out) throws IOException { if (!this.bloom.hasArray()) { throw new IOException("Only writes ByteBuffer with underlying array."); } out.write(this.bloom.array(), this.bloom.arrayOffset(), this.bloom.limit()); }
/** * Returns the gap between the leftmost visible tab and the tab container * edge. By default there should be no gap at all, unless the tabs have been * right-aligned by styling (e.g. Valo style {@code right-aligned-tabs} or * {@code centered-tabs}). * * @return the left gap (in pixels), or zero if no gap */ private int getLeftGap() { int firstVisibleIndex = tb.getFirstVisibleTab() < 0 ? -1 : scrollerIndex; int gap; if (firstVisibleIndex < 0) { // no tabs are visible, the entire empty space is returned // through getRightGap() gap = 0; } else { Element tabContainer = tb.getElement().getParentElement(); Tab firstVisibleTab = tb.getTab(firstVisibleIndex); gap = firstVisibleTab.getAbsoluteLeft() - tabContainer.getAbsoluteLeft(); } return gap > 0 ? gap : 0; }
/* * 深度优先搜索遍历图 */ public void DFS() { boolean[] visited = new boolean[mVexs.size()]; // 顶点访问标记 // 初始化所有顶点都没有被访问 for (int i = 0; i < mVexs.size(); i++) { visited[i] = false; } for (int i = 0; i < mVexs.size(); i++) { if (!visited[i]) { DFS(i, visited); } } }
/** * Forward to the inner span. * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void afterUnmarshalling(Context.AfterUnmarshalling context, ExecutionAttributes executionAttributes) { span.afterUnmarshalling(context, executionAttributes); }
/** Compute the inverse of (odd) x mod 2^32. */ private int modInverse(int x) { // Cube gives inverse mod 2^4, as x^4 == 1 (mod 2^4) for all odd x. int inverse = x * x * x; // Newton iteration doubles correct bits at each step. inverse *= 2 - x * inverse; inverse *= 2 - x * inverse; inverse *= 2 - x * inverse; return inverse; }
/** * Sort the given list in (descending) order of the space each element takes * @param dirs the list to sort, element in it should be directory (not file) */ private void sortByConsumedSpace(List<FileStatus> dirs) { if (dirs == null || dirs.size() < 2) { // no need to sort for empty or single directory return; } dirs.sort(new Comparator<FileStatus>() { HashMap<FileStatus, Long> directorySpaces = new HashMap<>(); @Override public int compare(FileStatus f1, FileStatus f2) { long f1ConsumedSpace = getSpace(f1); long f2ConsumedSpace = getSpace(f2); return, f1ConsumedSpace); } private long getSpace(FileStatus f) { Long cached = directorySpaces.get(f); if (cached != null) { return cached; } try { long space = f.isDirectory() ? fs.getContentSummary(f.getPath()).getSpaceConsumed() : f.getLen(); directorySpaces.put(f, space); return space; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.trace("Failed to get space consumed by path={}", f, e); return -1; } } }); }
/** Emits all elements currently held by the table to the collector. */ public void emit() throws IOException { T record = buildSideSerializer.createInstance(); EntryIterator iter = getEntryIterator(); while ((record = != null && !closed) { outputCollector.collect(record); if (!objectReuseEnabled) { record = buildSideSerializer.createInstance(); } } }
/** * Initializes a path object given the scheme, authority and path string. * * @param scheme the scheme string. * @param authority the authority string. * @param path the path string. */ private void initialize(String scheme, String authority, String path) { try { this.uri = new URI(scheme, authority, normalizePath(path), null, null).normalize(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } }
/** * Get the snapshot root directory. All the snapshots are kept under this directory, i.e. * ${hbase.rootdir}/.snapshot * @param rootDir hbase root directory * @return the base directory in which all snapshots are kept */ public static Path getSnapshotRootDir(final Path rootDir) { return new Path(rootDir, HConstants.SNAPSHOT_DIR_NAME); }