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No. 24; Updated March 2011 Click here to download and print a PDF version of this document. Parents are usually the first to recognize that their child has a problem with emotions or behavior. Still, the decision to seek professional help can be difficult and painful for a parent. The first step is to gently try to talk to the child. An honest open talk about feelings can often help. Parents may choose to consult with the child's physicians, teachers, members of the clergy, or other adults who know the child well. These steps may resolve the problems for the child and family. Following are a few signs which may indicate that a child and adolescent psychiatric evaluation will be useful. - Marked fall in school performance - Poor grades in school despite trying very hard - Severe worry or anxiety, as shown by regular refusal to go to school, go to sleep or take part in activities that are normal for the child's age - Frequent physical complaints - Hyperactivity; fidgeting; constant movement beyond regular playing with or without difficulty paying attention - Persistent nightmares - Persistent disobedience or aggression (longer than 6 months) and provocative opposition to authority figures - Frequent, unexplainable temper tantrums - Threatens to harm or kill oneself - Marked decline in school performance - Inability to cope with problems and daily activities - Marked changes in sleeping and/or eating habits - Extreme difficulties in concentrating that get in the way at school or at home - Sexual acting out - Depression shown by sustained, prolonged negative mood and attitude, often accompanied by poor appetite, difficulty sleeping or thoughts of death - Severe mood swings - Strong worries or anxieties that get in the way of daily life, such as at school or socializing - Repeated use of alcohol and/or drugs - Intense fear of becoming obese with no relationship to actual body weight, excessive dieting, throwing up or using laxatives to loose weight - Persistent nightmares - Threats of self-harm or harm to others - Self-injury or self destructive behavior - Frequent outbursts of anger, aggression - Repeated threats to run away - Aggressive or non-aggressive consistent violation of rights of others; opposition to authority, truancy, thefts, or vandalism - Strange thoughts, beliefs, feelings, or unusual behaviors See other Facts for Families: #25 Where to Seek Help for Your Child #52 Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation #57 Normal Adolescent Development, Middle School, and Early High School Years #58 Normal Adolescent Development, Late High School Year and Beyond #00 Definition of a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) represents over 8,500 child and adolescent psychiatrists who are physicians with at least five years of additional training beyond medical school in general (adult) and child and adolescent psychiatry. Facts for Families© information sheets are developed, owned and distributed by AACAP. Hard copies of Facts sheets may be reproduced for personal or educational use without written permission, but cannot be included in material presented for sale or profit. All Facts can be viewed and printed from the AACAP website ( Facts sheets may not be reproduced, duplicated or posted on any other website without written consent from AACAP. Organizations are permitted to create links to AACAP's website and specific Facts sheets. For all questions please contact the AACAP Communications & Marketing Coordinator, ext. 154. If you need immediate assistance, please dial 911. Copyright © 2012 by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
[ 2949, 13, 1987, 26, 19433, 2805, 2813, 198, 8164, 994, 284, 4321, 290, 3601, 257, 12960, 2196, 286, 428, 3188, 13, 198, 42969, 389, 3221, 262, 717, 284, 7564, 326, 511, 1200, 468, 257, 1917, 351, 10825, 393, 4069, 13, 7831, 11, 262, 2551, 284, 5380, 4708, 1037, 460, 307, 2408, 290, 12132, 329, 257, 2560, 13, 383, 717, 2239, 318, 284, 15165, 1949, 284, 1561, 284, 262, 1200, 13, 1052, 5508, 1280, 1561, 546, 7666, 460, 1690, 1037, 13, 28231, 743, 3853, 284, 5725, 351, 262, 1200, 338, 17206, 11, 7799, 11, 1866, 286, 262, 26014, 11, 393, 584, 6490, 508, 760, 262, 1200, 880, 13, 2312, 4831, 743, 10568, 262, 2761, 329, 262, 1200, 290, 1641, 13, 198, 14291, 389, 257, 1178, 5895, 543, 743, 7603, 326, 257, 1200, 290, 28680, 19906, 12660, 481, 307, 4465, 13, 198, 12, 2940, 276, 2121, 287, 1524, 2854, 198, 12, 23676, 19051, 287, 1524, 3805, 2111, 845, 1327, 198, 12, 1001, 4119, 5490, 393, 9751, 11, 355, 3402, 416, 3218, 17387, 284, 467, 284, 1524, 11, 467, 284, 3993, 393, 1011, 636, 287, 4568, 326, 389, 3487, 329, 262, 1200, 338, 2479, 198, 12, 22192, 298, 3518, 9687, 198, 12, 15079, 21797, 26, 277, 17484, 278, 26, 6937, 3356, 3675, 3218, 2712, 351, 393, 1231, 8722, 5989, 3241, 198, 12, 9467, 7609, 33301, 198, 12, 9467, 7609, 42366, 393, 15569, 357, 6511, 263, 621, 718, 1933, 8, 290, 28695, 5471, 284, 4934, 5538, 198, 12, 22192, 298, 11, 8522, 25638, 540, 4124, 24246, 45241, 198, 12, 25238, 641, 284, 4419, 393, 1494, 27186, 198, 12, 2940, 276, 7794, 287, 1524, 2854, 198, 12, 554, 1799, 284, 19271, 351, 2761, 290, 4445, 4568, 198, 12, 2940, 276, 2458, 287, 11029, 290, 14, 273, 6600, 13870, 198, 12, 18111, 13156, 287, 37367, 326, 651, 287, 262, 835, 379, 1524, 393, 379, 1363, 198, 12, 19536, 7205, 503, 198, 12, 22483, 3402, 416, 12605, 11, 20573, 4633, 10038, 290, 9408, 11, 1690, 11791, 416, 3595, 20788, 11, 8722, 11029, 393, 6066, 286, 1918, 198, 12, 1001, 4119, 10038, 26728, 198, 12, 13535, 18572, 393, 7296, 9545, 326, 651, 287, 262, 835, 286, 4445, 1204, 11, 884, 355, 379, 1524, 393, 1919, 2890, 198, 12, 30558, 515, 779, 286, 5548, 290, 14, 273, 5010, 198, 12, 2558, 1072, 3252, 286, 5033, 20779, 351, 645, 2776, 284, 4036, 1767, 3463, 11, 13181, 5496, 278, 11, 9644, 510, 393, 1262, 36919, 2929, 284, 9155, 3463, 198, 12, 9467, 7609, 33301, 198, 12, 25238, 82, 286, 2116, 12, 29155, 393, 4419, 284, 1854, 198, 12, 12189, 12, 259, 21871, 393, 2116, 17656, 4069, 198, 12, 22192, 298, 503, 6236, 6448, 286, 8993, 11, 15569, 198, 12, 30558, 515, 7432, 284, 1057, 1497, 198, 12, 19015, 3314, 393, 1729, 12, 49639, 6414, 8747, 286, 2489, 286, 1854, 26, 5471, 284, 4934, 11, 45768, 3883, 11, 49980, 11, 393, 37260, 198, 12, 16810, 6066, 11, 9056, 11, 7666, 11, 393, 8468, 14301, 198, 6214, 584, 26972, 329, 25813, 25, 198, 2, 1495, 6350, 284, 40749, 10478, 329, 3406, 5932, 198, 2, 4309, 40917, 46404, 34959, 198, 2, 3553, 14435, 1215, 23406, 7712, 11, 6046, 3961, 11, 290, 12556, 3334, 3961, 13212, 198, 2, 3365, 14435, 1215, 23406, 7712, 11, 18319, 3334, 3961, 6280, 290, 12197, 198, 2, 405, 30396, 286, 257, 5932, 290, 1215, 23406, 26357, 1585, 198, 464, 1605, 8581, 286, 5932, 290, 1215, 23406, 28897, 357, 32, 2246, 2969, 8, 6870, 625, 807, 11, 4059, 1200, 290, 28680, 49218, 508, 389, 17206, 351, 379, 1551, 1936, 812, 286, 3224, 3047, 3675, 3315, 1524, 287, 2276, 357, 49922, 8, 290, 1200, 290, 28680, 43557, 13, 198, 37, 8656, 329, 25813, 16224, 1321, 15747, 389, 4166, 11, 6898, 290, 9387, 416, 47943, 2969, 13, 6912, 9088, 286, 26972, 15747, 743, 307, 31759, 329, 2614, 393, 9856, 779, 1231, 3194, 7170, 11, 475, 2314, 307, 3017, 287, 2587, 5545, 329, 5466, 393, 7630, 13, 1439, 26972, 460, 307, 9569, 290, 10398, 422, 262, 47943, 2969, 3052, 357, 2503, 13, 64, 330, 499, 13, 2398, 737, 26972, 15747, 743, 407, 307, 31759, 11, 14184, 3474, 393, 4481, 319, 597, 584, 3052, 1231, 3194, 8281, 422, 47943, 2969, 13, 41846, 389, 10431, 284, 2251, 6117, 284, 47943, 2969, 338, 3052, 290, 2176, 26972, 15747, 13, 1114, 477, 2683, 3387, 2800, 262, 47943, 2969, 14620, 1222, 22137, 36831, 11, 1070, 13, 24235, 13, 198, 1532, 345, 761, 7103, 6829, 11, 3387, 5980, 16679, 13, 198, 15269, 10673, 2321, 416, 262, 1605, 8581, 286, 5932, 290, 1215, 23406, 28897, 13, 50256 ]
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Previous abstract Next abstract Session 40 - The Interstellar Medium. Display session, Tuesday, June 09 Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) explosions can make kpc-size shells and holes in the interstellar media (ISM) of spiral galaxies if much of the energy heats the local gas to above 10^7 K. Disk blowout is probably the major cause for energy loss in this case, but the momentum acquired during the pressurized expansion phase can be large enough that the bubble still snowplows to a kpc diameter. This differs from the standard model for the origin of such shells by multiple supernovae, which may have problems with radiative cooling, evaporative losses, and disk blow-out. Evidence for giant shells with energies of \sim10^53 ergs are summarized. Some contain no obvious central star clusters and may be GRB remnants, although sufficiently old clusters would be hard to detect. The expected frequency of GRBs in normal galaxies can account for the number of such shells. Program listing for Tuesday
[ 21448, 12531, 7406, 12531, 198, 36044, 2319, 532, 383, 49041, 13398, 13, 198, 23114, 6246, 11, 3431, 11, 2795, 7769, 198, 34777, 2611, 7760, 30635, 357, 10761, 33, 8, 23171, 460, 787, 479, 14751, 12, 7857, 19679, 290, 10421, 287, 262, 48851, 2056, 357, 31125, 8, 286, 23642, 27982, 611, 881, 286, 262, 2568, 37876, 262, 1957, 3623, 284, 2029, 838, 61, 22, 509, 13, 31664, 6611, 448, 318, 2192, 262, 1688, 2728, 329, 2568, 2994, 287, 428, 1339, 11, 475, 262, 12858, 9477, 1141, 262, 1803, 44796, 7118, 7108, 460, 307, 1588, 1576, 326, 262, 14310, 991, 6729, 489, 1666, 284, 257, 479, 14751, 14753, 13, 770, 24242, 422, 262, 3210, 2746, 329, 262, 8159, 286, 884, 19679, 416, 3294, 2208, 37302, 3609, 11, 543, 743, 423, 2761, 351, 19772, 876, 15134, 11, 28959, 876, 9089, 11, 290, 11898, 6611, 12, 448, 13, 21259, 329, 6175, 19679, 351, 27598, 286, 3467, 14323, 940, 61, 4310, 1931, 14542, 389, 31880, 13, 2773, 3994, 645, 3489, 4318, 3491, 23163, 290, 743, 307, 10863, 33, 30468, 11, 3584, 17338, 1468, 23163, 561, 307, 1327, 284, 4886, 13, 383, 2938, 8373, 286, 10863, 37000, 287, 3487, 27982, 460, 1848, 329, 262, 1271, 286, 884, 19679, 13, 198, 15167, 13487, 329, 3431, 50256 ]
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Question: How is bipolar disorder different from unipolar depression or 'regular' depression? Answer: Both bipolar disorder and major depression are typically associated with depressive episodes. So both illnesses are accompanied by depressions. The difference is that in bipolar disorder people also have periods of elevation -- or severe irritability. We call these manic or hypomanic episodes.
[ 24361, 25, 1374, 318, 31170, 8967, 1180, 422, 555, 49133, 8862, 393, 705, 16338, 6, 8862, 30, 198, 33706, 25, 5747, 31170, 8967, 290, 1688, 8862, 389, 6032, 3917, 351, 36568, 8640, 13, 1406, 1111, 24024, 389, 11791, 416, 41447, 507, 13, 383, 3580, 318, 326, 287, 31170, 8967, 661, 635, 423, 9574, 286, 22910, 1377, 393, 6049, 14709, 1799, 13, 775, 869, 777, 38705, 393, 5328, 5185, 291, 8640, 13, 50256 ]
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Making the Case for Action This fact sheet(pdf) and slide deck provide essential state-specific information that addresses the economic imperative, the equity imperative, and the expectations imperative of the college- and career-ready agenda. These resources can be used on their own or serve as the foundation for a personalized presentation or fact sheet(word), which can be customized with state-specific details and examples. The PowerPoint, in particular, was developed with various users in mind and offers a wide range of case-making data that can be drawn from to support your own advocacy efforts. Advancing the Agenda As states continue their efforts to promote college and career readiness, Achieve regularly surveys the states to identify their progress in adopting critical college- and career-ready policies. Below is a summary of Idaho's progress to date: See Closing the Expectations Gap for more information State accountability systems focus the efforts of teachers, students, parents, administrators and policymakers to ensure that students and schools meet the established goals, including the goal of ensuring all students graduate ready for college and careers. Idaho has yet to begin to use any of the key college- and career-ready indicators in their accountability system. |Annual School-level Public Reporting||Statewide Performance Goals||School-level Incentives||Accountability Formula| |Earning a college- and career-ready diploma| |Scoring college-ready on a high school assessment| |Earning college credit while in high school| |Requiring remedial courses in college| For an explanation of the indicators, their uses and Achieve’s minimum criteria for college- and career-ready accountability, see here.
[ 23874, 262, 8913, 329, 7561, 198, 1212, 1109, 9629, 7, 12315, 8, 290, 10649, 6203, 2148, 6393, 1181, 12, 11423, 1321, 326, 9405, 262, 3034, 23602, 11, 262, 13598, 23602, 11, 290, 262, 9027, 23602, 286, 262, 4152, 12, 290, 3451, 12, 1493, 8666, 13, 2312, 4133, 460, 307, 973, 319, 511, 898, 393, 4691, 355, 262, 8489, 329, 257, 28949, 10470, 393, 1109, 9629, 7, 4775, 828, 543, 460, 307, 27658, 351, 1181, 12, 11423, 3307, 290, 6096, 13, 383, 43563, 11, 287, 1948, 11, 373, 4166, 351, 2972, 2985, 287, 2000, 290, 4394, 257, 3094, 2837, 286, 1339, 12, 8601, 1366, 326, 460, 307, 7428, 422, 284, 1104, 534, 898, 15364, 4040, 13, 198, 22856, 5077, 262, 37029, 198, 1722, 2585, 2555, 511, 4040, 284, 7719, 4152, 290, 3451, 30618, 11, 29027, 7987, 16255, 262, 2585, 284, 5911, 511, 4371, 287, 22868, 4688, 4152, 12, 290, 3451, 12, 1493, 4788, 13, 10383, 318, 257, 10638, 286, 20071, 338, 4371, 284, 3128, 25, 198, 6214, 47055, 262, 23600, 602, 33899, 329, 517, 1321, 198, 9012, 18241, 3341, 2962, 262, 4040, 286, 7799, 11, 2444, 11, 3397, 11, 18618, 290, 29484, 284, 4155, 326, 2444, 290, 4266, 1826, 262, 4920, 4661, 11, 1390, 262, 3061, 286, 13359, 477, 2444, 10428, 3492, 329, 4152, 290, 16179, 13, 20071, 468, 1865, 284, 2221, 284, 779, 597, 286, 262, 1994, 4152, 12, 290, 3451, 12, 1493, 21337, 287, 511, 18241, 1080, 13, 198, 91, 18858, 723, 3961, 12, 5715, 5094, 29595, 15886, 9012, 4421, 15193, 28510, 15886, 26130, 12, 5715, 554, 1087, 1083, 15886, 30116, 1799, 19639, 91, 198, 91, 36, 4228, 257, 4152, 12, 290, 3451, 12, 1493, 41220, 91, 198, 91, 3351, 3255, 4152, 12, 1493, 319, 257, 1029, 1524, 8922, 91, 198, 91, 36, 4228, 4152, 3884, 981, 287, 1029, 1524, 91, 198, 91, 16844, 3428, 20100, 498, 10902, 287, 4152, 91, 198, 1890, 281, 7468, 286, 262, 21337, 11, 511, 3544, 290, 29027, 447, 247, 82, 5288, 9987, 329, 4152, 12, 290, 3451, 12, 1493, 18241, 11, 766, 994, 13, 50256 ]
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A land whose rich cultural heritage is discovered not only from within the walls of numerous museums, galleries and churches, many of which today, as zero category monuments are included in a part of the UNESCO World Heritage List, but also in that magical place on the Mediterranean, where even the shortest stroll becomes a journey down a staircase thousands of years old, which takes one through a history that is at the same time turbulent, exciting and glorious. With as many as seven cultural phenomena- The Festivity of Saint Blaise, lace-making in Lepoglava, Hvar and Pag, the bell ringers from the Kastav region, the Hvar Procession Za Križem, (‘following the Cross’), two-part singing in the Istrian scale, in Istria and Hrvatsko Primorje, the spring procession of ‘Ljelje’ and traditional manufacture of wooden toys in the Hrvatsko zagorje region, Croatia is among the countries with the most protected intangible cultural heritage elements, recorded on the UNESCO List. The famous scientist Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), inventor of alternating current. Was born in Smiljan, Croatia, died in New York, USA. Dog breed Dalmatian originates from these areas? In a small Franciscan monastery in Zaostrog, there is a painting from 1724 which for the first time depicts a Dalmatian dog… Slavoljub Eduard Penkala In 1906, a Croat Slavoljub Eduard Penkala for the first time applied for a patent for a ballpoint (penkala) and a holder for a fountain pen. From time immemorial, the tie has been a part of the Croatian national costume, which was preserved by the Croats to the more recent times, who moved to central Europe in the 16th century. It was later taken over by the Croatian soldiers who were fighting in Europe, and a part of their uniform was assumed by the French in the 17th century. Under the leadership of the French „God of Sun" Louis XIV there was a horsemen unit, the so-called Royal cravate, who wore mostly red collar ribbons. The custom of wearing ribbons from the Croats dates back to this time, which was later expanded around Europe and the world, and today is inevitably the most important detail in men's fashion, and also an original Croatian souvenir. The word «kravata» (tie) originates from the word «Kroate»... The world traveler and explorer Marco Polo was born in 1254, most probably on the island of Korčula. Even today, there are people living on the island with the same last name.. Island of Vrnik is situated in the archipelago of the Pelješac canal in front of the east coast of Korčula island, widely known for its stone-pit of quality lime-stone (marble) from which Aia Sofia (Istanbul) and the While House (Washington) were partly built as were some palaces-town halls in Dubrovnik, Stockholm, Venice, Vienna. Visit to the fertile plains of Baranja where the grapes have been cultivated for centuries, is not complete if you do not taste the "golden drops" of Baranja's vineyards. According to the old manuscripts, vine was a usual drink at the royal court of Maria Teresa, and the ancient Romans, delighted with its bouquet and with the sun rises and sunsets of that region, called it the "Golden hill"... There is a Ulysses' cave on the island of Mljet. It was named after a story which says that a famous adventurer stranded on the nearby cliff Ogiron, where he met the nymph Calypso with whom he fell in love, and spent unforgettable moments in her company... Red-white coat of arms Recognizable all over the world, and related only to Croats - characteristic cube-shaped red-white coat of arms which is believed to originate from the Persian original homeland of Croats (red signifies south and white signifies north). That is where the name for two Croatias derives from, i.e. White in north and Red in south. When the Croats have selected Ferdinand Habsburg to be their King in Cetine in 1527, they confirmed that choice with some seals, and one of them was Croatian coat of arms, but with 64 fields, i.e. the complete chess-board. That is where the popular term „šahovnica" derives from, and Šah (chess) in Persian means the Ruler - Tsar. Did you know that there is a world rarity in the Archeological museum in Zagreb? Of course, we are talking about the Zagreb mummy. Nesi-hensu, the wife of Aher-hensu, „the divine tailor" from Thebes, is the name of a mummified woman who was wrapped in cut ribbons of Zagreb linen book which represents the longest preserved text in Etruscan language and the only preserved sample of linen book in the entire Ancient world. Top seven world getaways The American magazine "In Style" has included Croatia on its list of seven top world destinations ("Top seven world getaways"). The article authors recommend a visit to Croatia for its very rich historical-cultural heritage, natural beauties and clean sea. In addition to Croatia, the list of top seven places includes Kenya, South Africa, London, Greek island Santorini and three American destinations - Aspen, Napa Valley and Nantucket. Every day, for over hundred and ten years, the cannon fires from the top of tower Lotrščak exactly at noon in memory of an event from Zagreb history. According to the legend, exactly at noon, the Grič canon fired a discharge from Lotrščak to the Turkish camp located across Sava and blew out a rooster (or a turkey) which the cook was taking to Pasha on a platter. After this event, the Turks scattered and did not attack Zagreb...
[ 32, 1956, 3025, 5527, 6467, 15012, 318, 5071, 407, 691, 422, 1626, 262, 7714, 286, 6409, 30794, 11, 38462, 290, 14422, 11, 867, 286, 543, 1909, 11, 355, 6632, 6536, 28814, 389, 3017, 287, 257, 636, 286, 262, 49372, 2159, 18518, 7343, 11, 475, 635, 287, 326, 10883, 1295, 319, 262, 19517, 11, 810, 772, 262, 35581, 41360, 4329, 257, 7002, 866, 257, 27656, 4138, 286, 812, 1468, 11, 543, 2753, 530, 832, 257, 2106, 326, 318, 379, 262, 976, 640, 42291, 11, 7895, 290, 21140, 13, 198, 3152, 355, 867, 355, 3598, 6467, 19428, 12, 383, 26812, 3458, 286, 9281, 1086, 64, 786, 11, 35938, 12, 8601, 287, 42957, 28678, 4170, 11, 367, 7785, 290, 31525, 11, 262, 8966, 5858, 364, 422, 262, 509, 459, 615, 3814, 11, 262, 367, 7785, 10854, 295, 44210, 509, 380, 129, 122, 368, 11, 357, 447, 246, 27780, 278, 262, 6372, 447, 247, 828, 734, 12, 3911, 13777, 287, 262, 314, 301, 4484, 5046, 11, 287, 314, 301, 7496, 290, 367, 81, 85, 1381, 7204, 11460, 273, 18015, 11, 262, 6076, 37968, 286, 564, 246, 43, 73, 417, 18015, 447, 247, 290, 4569, 6161, 286, 13510, 14958, 287, 262, 367, 81, 85, 1381, 7204, 1976, 363, 273, 18015, 3814, 11, 28975, 318, 1871, 262, 2678, 351, 262, 749, 6861, 47734, 6467, 15012, 4847, 11, 6264, 319, 262, 49372, 7343, 13, 198, 464, 5863, 11444, 47817, 11938, 357, 1507, 3980, 12, 1129, 3559, 828, 33475, 286, 39623, 1459, 13, 198, 16973, 4642, 287, 2439, 346, 13881, 11, 28975, 11, 3724, 287, 968, 1971, 11, 4916, 13, 198, 32942, 15939, 12348, 6759, 666, 8159, 689, 422, 777, 3006, 30, 554, 257, 1402, 4682, 2304, 272, 38139, 287, 44210, 455, 3828, 11, 612, 318, 257, 12036, 422, 1596, 1731, 543, 329, 262, 717, 640, 28539, 257, 12348, 6759, 666, 3290, 1399, 198, 11122, 615, 349, 73, 549, 40766, 446, 7507, 74, 6081, 198, 818, 40538, 11, 257, 22422, 34314, 349, 73, 549, 40766, 446, 7507, 74, 6081, 329, 262, 717, 640, 5625, 329, 257, 12701, 329, 257, 2613, 4122, 357, 3617, 74, 6081, 8, 290, 257, 15762, 329, 257, 29420, 3112, 13, 198, 4863, 640, 2296, 368, 5132, 11, 262, 9839, 468, 587, 257, 636, 286, 262, 48853, 2260, 16569, 11, 543, 373, 17232, 416, 262, 9325, 1381, 284, 262, 517, 2274, 1661, 11, 508, 3888, 284, 4318, 2031, 287, 262, 1467, 400, 4289, 13, 632, 373, 1568, 2077, 625, 416, 262, 48853, 5795, 508, 547, 4330, 287, 2031, 11, 290, 257, 636, 286, 511, 8187, 373, 9672, 416, 262, 4141, 287, 262, 1596, 400, 4289, 13, 4698, 262, 5531, 286, 262, 4141, 564, 252, 13482, 286, 3825, 1, 5593, 42667, 612, 373, 257, 8223, 3653, 4326, 11, 262, 523, 12, 7174, 8111, 269, 4108, 378, 11, 508, 12408, 4632, 2266, 19908, 12183, 23461, 13, 383, 2183, 286, 5762, 12183, 23461, 422, 262, 9325, 1381, 9667, 736, 284, 428, 640, 11, 543, 373, 1568, 9902, 1088, 2031, 290, 262, 995, 11, 290, 1909, 318, 16857, 262, 749, 1593, 3703, 287, 1450, 338, 6977, 11, 290, 635, 281, 2656, 48853, 45043, 343, 13, 383, 1573, 21110, 74, 4108, 1045, 17730, 357, 36224, 8, 8159, 689, 422, 262, 1573, 21110, 42, 305, 378, 17730, 986, 198, 464, 995, 40168, 290, 39349, 16556, 49341, 373, 4642, 287, 1105, 4051, 11, 749, 2192, 319, 262, 7022, 286, 14769, 46195, 4712, 13, 3412, 1909, 11, 612, 389, 661, 2877, 319, 262, 7022, 351, 262, 976, 938, 1438, 492, 198, 3792, 1044, 286, 569, 81, 17187, 318, 22765, 287, 262, 3934, 40634, 3839, 286, 262, 12903, 18015, 32790, 330, 29365, 287, 2166, 286, 262, 7627, 7051, 286, 14769, 46195, 4712, 7022, 11, 6768, 1900, 329, 663, 7815, 12, 15544, 286, 3081, 28738, 12, 6440, 357, 3876, 903, 8, 422, 543, 317, 544, 41427, 544, 357, 40, 24179, 8, 290, 262, 2893, 2097, 357, 17402, 8, 547, 11476, 3170, 355, 547, 617, 6340, 2114, 12, 12735, 24350, 287, 10322, 18657, 17187, 11, 29679, 11, 29702, 11, 23825, 13, 198, 31141, 284, 262, 31192, 36149, 286, 2409, 272, 6592, 810, 262, 36656, 423, 587, 30499, 329, 10675, 11, 318, 407, 1844, 611, 345, 466, 407, 6938, 262, 366, 24267, 268, 10532, 1, 286, 2409, 272, 6592, 338, 17793, 33750, 13, 4784, 284, 262, 1468, 36578, 11, 17793, 373, 257, 6678, 4144, 379, 262, 15100, 2184, 286, 14200, 34405, 11, 290, 262, 6156, 22482, 11, 20707, 351, 663, 35833, 21108, 290, 351, 262, 4252, 16736, 290, 4252, 28709, 286, 326, 3814, 11, 1444, 340, 262, 366, 32378, 12788, 26214, 198, 1858, 318, 257, 471, 35670, 274, 6, 11527, 319, 262, 7022, 286, 337, 75, 31173, 13, 632, 373, 3706, 706, 257, 1621, 543, 1139, 326, 257, 5863, 40994, 28553, 319, 262, 6716, 19516, 25686, 1934, 11, 810, 339, 1138, 262, 299, 20896, 2199, 4464, 568, 351, 4150, 339, 3214, 287, 1842, 11, 290, 3377, 45504, 7188, 287, 607, 1664, 986, 198, 7738, 12, 11186, 13209, 286, 5101, 198, 6690, 2360, 13821, 477, 625, 262, 995, 11, 290, 3519, 691, 284, 9325, 1381, 532, 16704, 23441, 12, 16760, 2266, 12, 11186, 13209, 286, 5101, 543, 318, 4762, 284, 39779, 422, 262, 22035, 2656, 23184, 286, 9325, 1381, 357, 445, 43854, 5366, 290, 2330, 43854, 5093, 737, 1320, 318, 810, 262, 1438, 329, 734, 22422, 4448, 37453, 422, 11, 1312, 13, 68, 13, 2635, 287, 5093, 290, 2297, 287, 5366, 13, 1649, 262, 9325, 1381, 423, 6163, 44312, 367, 8937, 7423, 284, 307, 511, 2677, 287, 327, 316, 500, 287, 1315, 1983, 11, 484, 4999, 326, 3572, 351, 617, 29718, 11, 290, 530, 286, 606, 373, 48853, 13209, 286, 5101, 11, 475, 351, 5598, 7032, 11, 1312, 13, 68, 13, 262, 1844, 19780, 12, 3526, 13, 1320, 318, 810, 262, 2968, 3381, 564, 252, 32790, 993, 709, 77, 3970, 1, 37453, 422, 11, 290, 25370, 254, 993, 357, 2395, 824, 8, 287, 22035, 1724, 262, 31808, 532, 13146, 283, 13, 198, 11633, 345, 760, 326, 612, 318, 257, 995, 32823, 287, 262, 43572, 2770, 13257, 287, 1168, 363, 34806, 30, 3226, 1781, 11, 356, 389, 3375, 546, 262, 1168, 363, 34806, 38567, 13, 399, 46551, 12, 831, 2385, 11, 262, 3656, 286, 317, 372, 12, 831, 2385, 11, 564, 252, 1169, 11871, 35280, 1, 422, 383, 12636, 11, 318, 262, 1438, 286, 257, 285, 13929, 1431, 2415, 508, 373, 12908, 287, 2005, 12183, 23461, 286, 1168, 363, 34806, 41822, 1492, 543, 6870, 262, 14069, 17232, 2420, 287, 412, 2213, 385, 5171, 3303, 290, 262, 691, 17232, 6291, 286, 41822, 1492, 287, 262, 2104, 13406, 995, 13, 198, 9126, 3598, 995, 651, 23949, 198, 464, 1605, 7093, 366, 818, 17738, 1, 468, 3017, 28975, 319, 663, 1351, 286, 3598, 1353, 995, 23982, 5855, 9126, 3598, 995, 651, 23949, 11074, 383, 2708, 7035, 4313, 257, 3187, 284, 28975, 329, 663, 845, 5527, 6754, 12, 30844, 15012, 11, 3288, 3566, 444, 290, 3424, 5417, 13, 554, 3090, 284, 28975, 11, 262, 1351, 286, 1353, 3598, 4113, 3407, 21506, 11, 2520, 5478, 11, 3576, 11, 8312, 7022, 10844, 273, 5362, 290, 1115, 1605, 23982, 532, 1081, 3617, 11, 14332, 64, 6916, 290, 399, 415, 38811, 13, 198, 6109, 1110, 11, 329, 625, 3470, 290, 3478, 812, 11, 262, 21202, 12252, 422, 262, 1353, 286, 10580, 15099, 81, 32790, 46195, 461, 3446, 379, 19613, 287, 4088, 286, 281, 1785, 422, 1168, 363, 34806, 2106, 13, 4784, 284, 262, 8177, 11, 3446, 379, 19613, 11, 262, 20914, 46195, 18061, 6294, 257, 17655, 422, 15099, 81, 32790, 46195, 461, 284, 262, 9663, 1413, 5140, 1973, 311, 4170, 290, 17948, 503, 257, 686, 6197, 357, 273, 257, 26876, 8, 543, 262, 4255, 373, 2263, 284, 350, 14715, 319, 257, 458, 1436, 13, 2293, 428, 1785, 11, 262, 28448, 16830, 290, 750, 407, 1368, 1168, 363, 34806, 986, 50256 ]
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adopt many methods to determine whether the unborn baby is a boy or a girl. The Chinese pregnancy calendar is an often used method to know about the gender of the new life in the mothers womb. is an ancient way for predicting the gender of the unborn baby It is also known as a Chinese conception chart, or the Chinese Conception Calendar. It is believed that this ancient method is highly accurate, although no clinical studies verify these chart is an ancient Chinese secret A Chinese scientist developed this calendar, 700 years ago. According to a legend, the Chinese is capable of predicting the baby gender based on two variables: the baby month of conception and the mothers age. chart was kept in a royal tomb, near the city of Peking in China in ancient times. Now this original Chinese chart is on display at the Beijing Institute of Science. Many people, especially the Chinese, believe that the original Chinese pregnancy calendar is almost 100% According to studies, the Chinese pregnancy calendar has been found to be 97% effective in predicting a baby gender. This accuracy is credited to the use of Chinese lunar calendar pregnancy calendar is dependent on the lunar calendar. It is based on the month a baby is conceived and not the birth month. The second factor is the mothers age at the time of conception, adding 9 months to her age to adjust the lunar calendar. conceived month from January to December is listed on the top row of the Chinese chart, and the left column of age during the conception. You need to follow the steps given below to get the most accurate result from the Chinese Pregnancy by the boy approaches more often , than pregnancy an girl. On statistical given beside young and sound parents more often birth boys, but beside of parents of more senior age on the contrary. 1. Note down your age at the time of conception. 2. Add 9 months to the age to adjust to the lunar calendar. 3. Also note down the month when the baby was conceived. 4. Now simply search for the conceived month across the top portion of the chart and the age on the left side of the chart. 5. Lastly, follow these two coordinates to the spot where they intersect, and that will show you either a box containing B boy, or G comparison to the Chinese pregnancy calendar, the ultrasound during the 7th or 8th month of is a more reliable method to know the gender of the child. In fact an ultrasound is use to monitor the week by week development right from conception till child birth. it is a boy or a girl, what does it matter? What matters is that you have fun guessing the gender of your unborn baby using the Chinese pregnancy All along use a journal to record your development week by week. More radio frequency to conceive aihe male sex is connected with that Spermatozoidum, carrying male Y-chromosome, several more movable, than carrying X-chromosome, and has more chances earlier to reach ovules. But healled Spermatozoidum with X-chromosome more viable and can more long to survive in wombs of pipe, and wait a period of One of the ways of planning of conceiving boy or girl is based on such abilities an Spermatozoidum. In the first place it is necessary exactly to define a date of ovulations. So, if beside you menstruations regular, the day of ovulations constant and possible produce an uncomplicated calculation. If you want conceive boy or girl, You must adjust last sexual contact before a data of ovulations. If You to planned conceive of boy or girl Study has shown that method efficient in 80% events aproximately. Used and other ways of planning conceive boy or girl, based on calculations "biological rhythms", astrological forecasts and etc. But from medical standpoints these methods not motivated. a sex of aihe during pregnancy. By means of the ultrasound during of pregnancy possible to define a sex of future child. This better and easier to realize at late terms of pregnancy, after 22-26 weeks. Then results will more
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Average life span in the wild: 12 years Size: 21 in (50 cm) Weight: 14.4 oz (408 g) Did you know? Chameleons don't change colors to match their surroundings. Each species displays distinct color patterns to indicate specific reactions or emotions. The Meller's chameleon is the largest of the chameleons not native to Madagascar. Their stout bodies can grow to be up to two feet (two-thirds of a meter) long and weigh more than a pound (one-half kilogram). Meller's distinguish themselves from their universally bizarre-looking cousins with a single small horn protruding from the front of their snouts. This and their size earn them the common name "giant one-horned chameleon." They are fairly common in the savanna of East Africa, including Malawi, northern Mozambique, and Tanzania. Almost one-half of the world’s chameleons live on the island of Madagascar. As with all chameleons, Meller's will change colors in response to stress and to communicate with other chameleons. Their normal appearance is deep green with yellow stripes and random black spots. Females are slightly smaller, but are otherwise indistinguishable from males. They subsist on insects and small birds, using their camouflage and a lightning-fast, catapulting tongue, which can be up to 20 inches (50 centimeters) long, to ambush prey. Exotic pet enthusiasts often attempt to keep Meller's chameleons as pets. However, they are highly susceptible to even the slightest level of stress and are very difficult to care for in captivity. In the wild, they can live as long as 12 years.
[ 26287, 1204, 11506, 287, 262, 4295, 25, 1105, 812, 198, 10699, 25, 2310, 287, 357, 1120, 12067, 8, 198, 25844, 25, 1478, 13, 19, 15649, 357, 26200, 308, 8, 198, 11633, 345, 760, 30, 609, 480, 293, 684, 836, 470, 1487, 7577, 284, 2872, 511, 21334, 13, 5501, 4693, 11298, 7310, 3124, 7572, 284, 7603, 2176, 12737, 393, 10825, 13, 198, 464, 337, 12368, 338, 442, 480, 38970, 318, 262, 4387, 286, 262, 442, 480, 293, 684, 407, 6868, 284, 46694, 13, 5334, 39171, 5920, 460, 1663, 284, 307, 510, 284, 734, 3625, 357, 11545, 12, 17936, 286, 257, 16430, 8, 890, 290, 10164, 517, 621, 257, 14896, 357, 505, 12, 13959, 8769, 21857, 737, 198, 44, 12368, 338, 15714, 2405, 422, 511, 26208, 13699, 12, 11534, 28706, 351, 257, 2060, 1402, 12718, 39701, 26570, 422, 262, 2166, 286, 511, 3013, 5269, 13, 770, 290, 511, 2546, 5160, 606, 262, 2219, 1438, 366, 70, 3014, 530, 12, 25311, 276, 442, 480, 38970, 526, 198, 2990, 389, 6547, 2219, 287, 262, 6799, 7697, 286, 3687, 5478, 11, 1390, 4434, 23368, 11, 7840, 28036, 4131, 2350, 11, 290, 37270, 13, 16699, 530, 12, 13959, 286, 262, 995, 447, 247, 82, 442, 480, 293, 684, 2107, 319, 262, 7022, 286, 46694, 13, 198, 1722, 351, 477, 442, 480, 293, 684, 11, 337, 12368, 338, 481, 1487, 7577, 287, 2882, 284, 5503, 290, 284, 10996, 351, 584, 442, 480, 293, 684, 13, 5334, 3487, 5585, 318, 2769, 4077, 351, 7872, 28806, 290, 4738, 2042, 10222, 13, 44727, 389, 4622, 4833, 11, 475, 389, 4306, 43649, 422, 10835, 13, 198, 2990, 6352, 396, 319, 19435, 290, 1402, 10087, 11, 1262, 511, 37353, 290, 257, 14357, 12, 7217, 11, 48786, 278, 11880, 11, 543, 460, 307, 510, 284, 1160, 8331, 357, 1120, 48829, 8, 890, 11, 284, 34298, 15974, 13, 198, 3109, 6210, 4273, 23099, 1690, 2230, 284, 1394, 337, 12368, 338, 442, 480, 293, 684, 355, 17252, 13, 2102, 11, 484, 389, 4047, 22084, 284, 772, 262, 24917, 1241, 286, 5503, 290, 389, 845, 2408, 284, 1337, 329, 287, 33763, 13, 554, 262, 4295, 11, 484, 460, 2107, 355, 890, 355, 1105, 812, 13, 50256 ]
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Nuclear Energy in France Nuclear energy is the cornerstone of french energy policy. In the ‘70s France chose to develop nuclear as its base load electricity source as a response to the oil crisis and assure its energy independence. Nuclear Electricity Production: France currently counts 58 commercial nuclear reactors in operation responsible for producing 80% of French domestic electricity. As a comparison, the 104 US reactors produces 20% of US electricity.Despite scarce natural resources, France has reached an energy independence of 50% thanks to its strategic choice for nuclear energy. Environment: As well as providing safe and reliable energy, nuclear helps to reduce French greenhouse gas emissions by avoiding the release of 31 billions tones of carbon dioxide (contrary to coal or gas generation) and making France the less carbon emitting country within the OECD. As a leader in nuclear energy, France has developed clean technology for radioactive waste disposal. Reprocessing currently allows France to recover valuable elements from spent fuels and permit a significant reduction of high level waste and lead to safer and optimized containment, for final radioactive waste disposition. French nuclear power plants produces only 10 g/year/inhabitant of highly radioactive waste. International Cooperation and research: France is one of the forerunner in nuclear research and participates in numerous international cooperation programs alongside the United States such as the development of the next generation of nuclear power plants (Gen IV) and the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) that will be built in Cadarache, South of France. The French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) The French Atomic Energy Commission is a public body established in October 1945 by General de Gaulle. It constitutes a power of expertise and proposition for the authorities. A leader in research, development and innovation, the CEA is involved in three main fields: It develops and acquires the technological building blocks necessary to the development of the nuclear reactors of the future (Contribution to Generation IV and GNEP research), It contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emission with its research on hydrogen, fuel cells, biomass, energy storage…, It supports the nuclear utilities in France by optimizing the nuclear power plants of the French nuclear fleet and by optimizing the fuel cycle, It offers safe and economically viable technical solutions for managing nuclear waste, It conducts fundamental research in climate and environmental sciences, high energy physics, astrophysics, fusion, nanosciences… Information and Health technologies: It tackles micro and nano-technologies for telecommunication and nuclear medicine for radiotherapy and medical imaging, It researches programs on biotechnology, molecular labelling, biomolecular engineering and structural biology, It shares its knowledge and know-how through education and training through the National Institute for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies (INSTN), It manages over 300 priority patents and is active in the creation of clusters. Defense and National Security: It conceives, builds, maintains then dismantles the nuclear warhead of the French deterrence force, It helps to fight against nuclear, biological and chemical weapons (NRBC program). The missions of the CEA are similar to the Department of Energy in the United States. The CEA has a network of counselor or representatives in French Embassies around the world (see joint map). The French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) Created in 2006, from the former DSIN (Directorate for the Safety of Nuclear Facilities), the French Nuclear Safety Authority is an independent administrative authority which is tasked with regulating nuclear safety and radiation protection in order to protect workers, patients, the public and the environment from the risks involved in nuclear activities. It also contributes to informing the public. Like the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in the United States, it carries out inspections and may pronounce sanctions, up to and including suspension of operation of an installation. French Institute for Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) Created in 2001 by merging the Protection and Nuclear Safety Institute (IPSN) and the Ionizing radiations Protection Office (OPRI), the Institute for Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety is a public establishment of an industrial and commercial nature placed under the joint authority of the Ministries of the Environment, Health, Industry, Research and Defense. It is the expert in safety research and specialized assessments into nuclear and radiological risk serving public authorities whose work is complementary to the ASN. Its scope of activities includes: environment and response, human radiological protection, research on the prevention of major accidents, power reactor safety, fuel cycle facility safety, research installation safety, waste management safety; nuclear defense expertise. National radioactive Waste Management Agency (ANDRA) Created in 1991, the French National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management is a public industrial and commercial organization that operates independently of waste producers. It is responsible for the long-term management of radioactive waste produced in France under the supervision of the French Ministries for Energy, Research and the Environment. It can be compared to a certain extent to the Office for Nuclear Waste of the Department of Energy in the United States. Andra also pursues industrial, research, and information activities as it designs and implements disposal solutions suited to each category of radioactive waste: the collection, conditioning, disposal of radioactive waste from small producers (hospitals, research centers, industry), specification of waste packages for disposal, disposal in suited sites, monitoring of closed disposal facilities, research programs for long-lived and high level activity waste, especially through the operation of an underground research laboratory in a deep clay formation… General Directorate for Energy and Climate (DGEC) The General Directorate for Energy and Climate represents the government and is part of the Office of the Department for Ecology and Sustainable Development. It defines the French nuclear policy. The DGEC takes care of the energy supply, the security of supply, oil refining and logistics, nuclear industry, and coal and mines. Consequently, its activities include: the design and implement energy and raw material supply policy, to ensure opening of electricity and gas markets, track key energy and raw material sectors, to oversee enterprises and public institutions in energy sector, to ensure compliance with rules and regulations governing energy sector, to participate in European and international energy projects and working groups, to provide economic, environmental, and fiscal expertise on energy matters. The Rise of Nuclear Power Generation in France.
[ 45, 4016, 6682, 287, 4881, 198, 45, 4016, 2568, 318, 262, 39774, 286, 48718, 2568, 2450, 13, 554, 262, 564, 246, 2154, 82, 4881, 7690, 284, 1205, 4523, 355, 663, 2779, 3440, 8744, 2723, 355, 257, 2882, 284, 262, 3056, 4902, 290, 19832, 663, 2568, 10404, 13, 198, 45, 4016, 42048, 19174, 25, 4881, 3058, 9853, 7618, 5068, 4523, 28502, 287, 4905, 4497, 329, 9194, 4019, 4, 286, 4141, 5928, 8744, 13, 1081, 257, 7208, 11, 262, 14436, 1294, 28502, 11073, 1160, 4, 286, 1294, 8744, 13, 8332, 18549, 3288, 4133, 11, 4881, 468, 4251, 281, 2568, 10404, 286, 2026, 4, 5176, 284, 663, 10039, 3572, 329, 4523, 2568, 13, 198, 31441, 25, 1081, 880, 355, 4955, 3338, 290, 9314, 2568, 11, 4523, 5419, 284, 4646, 4141, 16325, 3623, 8971, 416, 14928, 262, 2650, 286, 3261, 13188, 23755, 286, 6588, 17556, 357, 3642, 11619, 284, 5655, 393, 3623, 5270, 8, 290, 1642, 4881, 262, 1342, 6588, 48143, 1499, 1626, 262, 33802, 13, 1081, 257, 3554, 287, 4523, 2568, 11, 4881, 468, 4166, 3424, 3037, 329, 25521, 7030, 18264, 13, 1432, 305, 919, 278, 3058, 3578, 4881, 284, 8551, 8119, 4847, 422, 3377, 18017, 290, 8749, 257, 2383, 7741, 286, 1029, 1241, 7030, 290, 1085, 284, 14178, 290, 23392, 37149, 11, 329, 2457, 25521, 7030, 24665, 13, 4141, 4523, 1176, 6134, 11073, 691, 838, 308, 14, 1941, 14, 259, 5976, 23737, 286, 4047, 25521, 7030, 13, 198, 24274, 35047, 290, 2267, 25, 4881, 318, 530, 286, 262, 1674, 16737, 287, 4523, 2267, 290, 49567, 287, 6409, 3230, 11113, 4056, 7848, 262, 1578, 1829, 884, 355, 262, 2478, 286, 262, 1306, 5270, 286, 4523, 1176, 6134, 357, 13746, 8363, 8, 290, 262, 4037, 12634, 2144, 4016, 32286, 797, 11218, 357, 2043, 1137, 8, 326, 481, 307, 3170, 287, 20517, 283, 4891, 11, 2520, 286, 4881, 13, 198, 464, 4141, 28976, 6682, 4513, 357, 5222, 32, 8, 198, 464, 4141, 28976, 6682, 4513, 318, 257, 1171, 1767, 4920, 287, 3267, 15761, 416, 3611, 390, 43540, 293, 13, 632, 19300, 257, 1176, 286, 13572, 290, 19168, 329, 262, 4773, 13, 317, 3554, 287, 2267, 11, 2478, 290, 11044, 11, 262, 327, 16412, 318, 2950, 287, 1115, 1388, 7032, 25, 198, 1026, 21126, 290, 4078, 2387, 262, 14614, 2615, 7021, 3306, 284, 262, 2478, 286, 262, 4523, 28502, 286, 262, 2003, 357, 4264, 3890, 284, 16588, 8363, 290, 15484, 8905, 2267, 828, 198, 1026, 22625, 284, 8868, 16325, 3623, 25592, 351, 663, 2267, 319, 17669, 11, 5252, 4778, 11, 42584, 11, 2568, 6143, 1399, 11, 198, 1026, 6971, 262, 4523, 20081, 287, 4881, 416, 45780, 262, 4523, 1176, 6134, 286, 262, 4141, 4523, 11026, 290, 416, 45780, 262, 5252, 6772, 11, 198, 1026, 4394, 3338, 290, 20324, 13971, 6276, 8136, 329, 11149, 4523, 7030, 11, 198, 1026, 36721, 7531, 2267, 287, 4258, 290, 6142, 19838, 11, 1029, 2568, 11887, 11, 48782, 23154, 11, 21748, 11, 15709, 418, 979, 3007, 1399, 198, 21918, 290, 3893, 8514, 25, 198, 1026, 18034, 4580, 290, 38706, 12, 23873, 5823, 329, 5735, 32560, 290, 4523, 9007, 329, 19772, 18952, 290, 3315, 19560, 11, 198, 1026, 4027, 2052, 4056, 319, 3182, 31201, 11, 18955, 2248, 9417, 11, 27488, 2305, 10440, 8705, 290, 13204, 17219, 11, 198, 1026, 7303, 663, 3725, 290, 760, 12, 4919, 832, 3707, 290, 3047, 832, 262, 2351, 5136, 329, 19229, 13473, 290, 21852, 357, 38604, 45, 828, 198, 1026, 15314, 625, 5867, 8475, 21216, 290, 318, 4075, 287, 262, 6282, 286, 23163, 13, 198, 27300, 290, 2351, 4765, 25, 198, 1026, 8571, 1083, 11, 12188, 11, 16047, 788, 27038, 829, 262, 4523, 1175, 2256, 286, 262, 4141, 49272, 2700, 11, 198, 1026, 5419, 284, 1907, 1028, 4523, 11, 10685, 290, 5931, 3777, 357, 24723, 2749, 1430, 737, 198, 464, 10566, 286, 262, 327, 16412, 389, 2092, 284, 262, 2732, 286, 6682, 287, 262, 1578, 1829, 13, 383, 327, 16412, 468, 257, 3127, 286, 31928, 393, 10826, 287, 4141, 13302, 46257, 1088, 262, 995, 357, 3826, 6466, 3975, 737, 198, 464, 4141, 19229, 11233, 11416, 357, 1921, 45, 8, 198, 41972, 287, 4793, 11, 422, 262, 1966, 17400, 1268, 357, 13470, 16262, 329, 262, 11233, 286, 19229, 48939, 828, 262, 4141, 19229, 11233, 11416, 318, 281, 4795, 11553, 4934, 543, 318, 23052, 351, 26379, 4523, 3747, 290, 11881, 4800, 287, 1502, 284, 1805, 3259, 11, 3871, 11, 262, 1171, 290, 262, 2858, 422, 262, 7476, 2950, 287, 4523, 4568, 13, 632, 635, 22625, 284, 29140, 262, 1171, 13, 4525, 262, 19229, 38018, 4513, 287, 262, 1578, 1829, 11, 340, 10732, 503, 30287, 290, 743, 28942, 9388, 11, 510, 284, 290, 1390, 11461, 286, 4905, 286, 281, 9988, 13, 198, 24111, 5136, 329, 5325, 14922, 10599, 3213, 290, 19229, 11233, 357, 4663, 15571, 8, 198, 41972, 287, 5878, 416, 35981, 262, 9985, 290, 19229, 11233, 5136, 357, 47643, 45, 8, 290, 262, 36404, 2890, 19772, 602, 9985, 4452, 357, 3185, 7112, 828, 262, 5136, 329, 5325, 14922, 10599, 3213, 290, 19229, 11233, 318, 257, 1171, 9323, 286, 281, 7593, 290, 5068, 3450, 4624, 739, 262, 6466, 4934, 286, 262, 1855, 32995, 286, 262, 9344, 11, 3893, 11, 17420, 11, 4992, 290, 5947, 13, 632, 318, 262, 5887, 287, 3747, 2267, 290, 16976, 21837, 656, 4523, 290, 2511, 15071, 2526, 7351, 1171, 4773, 3025, 670, 318, 32150, 284, 262, 7054, 45, 13, 198, 20459, 8354, 286, 4568, 3407, 25, 198, 38986, 290, 2882, 11, 198, 10734, 2511, 15071, 4800, 11, 198, 34033, 319, 262, 14196, 286, 1688, 17390, 11, 198, 6477, 21905, 3747, 11, 198, 25802, 6772, 6841, 3747, 11, 198, 34033, 9988, 3747, 11, 198, 86, 4594, 4542, 3747, 26, 198, 43131, 3761, 13572, 13, 198, 16186, 25521, 35304, 8549, 7732, 357, 6981, 3861, 8, 198, 41972, 287, 10249, 11, 262, 4141, 2351, 7732, 329, 8829, 5275, 35304, 8549, 318, 257, 1171, 7593, 290, 5068, 4009, 326, 14051, 14799, 286, 7030, 11408, 13, 632, 318, 4497, 329, 262, 890, 12, 4354, 4542, 286, 25521, 7030, 4635, 287, 4881, 739, 262, 20865, 286, 262, 4141, 1855, 32995, 329, 6682, 11, 4992, 290, 262, 9344, 13, 632, 460, 307, 3688, 284, 257, 1728, 6287, 284, 262, 4452, 329, 19229, 35304, 286, 262, 2732, 286, 6682, 287, 262, 1578, 1829, 13, 198, 1870, 430, 635, 8012, 947, 7593, 11, 2267, 11, 290, 1321, 4568, 355, 340, 9824, 290, 23986, 18264, 8136, 16662, 284, 1123, 6536, 286, 25521, 7030, 25, 198, 1169, 4947, 11, 21143, 11, 18264, 286, 25521, 7030, 422, 1402, 11408, 357, 71, 2117, 8321, 11, 2267, 10399, 11, 2831, 828, 198, 16684, 2649, 286, 7030, 10392, 329, 18264, 11, 198, 6381, 40007, 287, 16662, 5043, 11, 198, 41143, 278, 286, 4838, 18264, 7291, 11, 198, 34033, 4056, 329, 890, 12, 24489, 290, 1029, 1241, 3842, 7030, 11, 2592, 832, 262, 4905, 286, 281, 11447, 2267, 14010, 287, 257, 2769, 21558, 9978, 1399, 198, 12218, 44437, 329, 6682, 290, 13963, 357, 35, 38, 2943, 8, 198, 464, 3611, 44437, 329, 6682, 290, 13963, 6870, 262, 1230, 290, 318, 636, 286, 262, 4452, 286, 262, 2732, 329, 39978, 290, 45276, 7712, 13, 632, 15738, 262, 4141, 4523, 2450, 13, 383, 46133, 2943, 2753, 1337, 286, 262, 2568, 5127, 11, 262, 2324, 286, 5127, 11, 3056, 39634, 290, 26355, 11, 4523, 2831, 11, 290, 5655, 290, 18446, 13, 198, 34, 40819, 1473, 11, 663, 4568, 2291, 25, 198, 1169, 1486, 290, 3494, 2568, 290, 8246, 2587, 5127, 2450, 11, 198, 1462, 4155, 4756, 286, 8744, 290, 3623, 5939, 11, 198, 11659, 1994, 2568, 290, 8246, 2587, 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Mexican America - Introduction "Mexican America" is a sampling of objects from the collections of the National Museum of American History. The stories behind these objects reflect the history of the Mexican presence in the United States. They illustrate a fundamentally American story about the centuries-old encounter between distinct (yet sometimes overlapping) communities that have coexisted but also clashed over land, culture, and livelihood. Who, where, and what is Mexico? Over time, the definitions and boundaries of Mexico have changed. The Aztec Empire and the area where Náhautl was spoken—today the region surrounding modern Mexico City—was known as Mexico. For 300 years, the Spanish colonizers renamed it New Spain. When Mexico was reborn in 1821 as a sovereign nation, its borders stretched from California to Guatemala. It was a huge and ancient land of ethnically, linguistically, and economically diverse regions that struggled for national unity. Texas, (then part of the Mexican state of Coahuila y Tejas) was a frontier region far from the dense cities and fertile valleys of central Mexico, a place where immigrants were recruited from the United States. The immigrants in turn declared the Mexican territory an independent republic in 1836 (later a U.S. state), making the state the first cauldron of Mexican American culture. By 1853, the government of Mexico, the weaker neighbor of an expansionist United States, had lost what are today the states of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and parts of Colorado and Wyoming. In spite of the imposition of a new border, the historical and living presence of Spaniards, Mexicans, indigenous peoples, and their mixed descendants remained a defining force in the creation of the American West. “La América Mexicana” es una muestra conformada por objetos provenientes de las distintas colecciones del Museo Nacional de Historia Americana. Estos objetos reflejan la historia de la presencia mexicana en los Estados Unidos e ilustran una crónica fundamentalmente americana acerca del encuentro centenario entre comunidades diferentes que han coexistido, pero que también se han enfrentado, en la pugna por la tierra, la cultura y el sustento. ¿Quién, dónde y qué es México? Con el transcurso del tiempo, las definiciones y los límites de México han ido cambiando. Se conocía como México al Imperio Azteca y toda el área donde se hablaba náhuatl —actualmente la región circundante a la ciudad de México. Durante 300 años los colonizadores españoles se refirieron a ella como Nueva España. Cuando en 1821 México resurgió como una nación soberana, sus fronteras se extendían desde California a Guatemala. En ese entonces era un antiguo e inmenso territorio conformado por regiones étnica, lingüística y económicamente diversas que luchaban por adquirir unidad nacional. Texas (en ese entonces parte de los estados mexicanos de Coahuila y Tejas) era una región fronteriza lejos de las densas urbes y de los fértiles valles de México central, donde se reclutaban inmigrantes de los Estados Unidos. En el año 1836 este territorio mexicano se declaró como república independiente (y más tarde, estado de EE.UU.), convirtiéndose en el primer calderón de la cultura mexicoamericana. Hacia 1853, el gobierno de México, el vecino débil de un Estados Unidos en expansión, había perdido el territorio de los actuales estados de California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Nuevo México, Texas y partes de Colorado y Wyoming. A pesar de la imposición de un nuevo límite fronterizo, la presencia histórica y ocupacional de los españoles, mexicanos y pueblos indígenas, junto a sus descendientes mestizos, constituiría a lo largo del tiempo una influencia determinante para el desarrollo del Oeste Americano. "Mexican America - Introduction" showing 1 items. - This print depicts American forces attacking the fortress palace of Chapultepec on Sept. 13th, 1847. General Winfield Scott, in the lower left on a white horse, led the southern division of the U.S. Army that successfully captured Mexico City during the Mexican American War. The outcome of American victory was the loss of Mexico's northern territories, from California to New Mexico, by the terms set in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. It should be noted that the two countries ratified different versions of the same peace treaty, with the United States ultimately eliminating provisions for honoring the land titles of its newly absorbed Mexican citizens. Despite notable opposition to the war from Americans like Abraham Lincoln, John Quincy Adams, and Henry David Thoreau, the Mexican-American War proved hugely popular. The United States' victory boosted American patriotism and the country's belief in Manifest Destiny. - This large chromolithograph was first distributed in 1848 by Nathaniel Currier of Currier and Ives, who served as the "sole agent." The lithographers, Sarony & Major of New York (1846-1857) copied it from a painting by "Walker." Unfortunately, the current location of original painting is unknown, however, when the print was made the original painting was owned by a Captain B. S. Roberts of the Mounted Rifles. The original artist has previously been attributed to William Aiken Walker as well as to Henry A. Walke. William Aiken Walker (ca 1838-1921) of Charleston did indeed do work for Currier and Ives, though not until the 1880's and he would have only have been only 10 years old when this print was copyrighted. Henry Walke (1808/9-1896) was a naval combat artist during the Mexican American War who also worked with Sarony & Major and is best known for his Naval Portfolio. - Most likely the original painting was done by James Walker (1819-1889) who created the "Battle of Chapultepec" 1857-1862 for the U.S. Capitol. This image differs from the painting commissioned for the U. S. Capitol by depicting the troops in regimented battle lines with General Scott in a more prominent position in the foreground. James Walker was living in Mexico City at the outbreak of the Mexican War and joined the American forces as an interpreter. He was attached to General Worth's staff and was present at the battles of Contreras, Churubusco, and Chapultepec. The original painting's owner, Captain Roberts was assigned General Winfield Scott to assist Walker with recreating the details of the battle of Chapultepec. When the painting was complete, Roberts purchased the painting. By 1848, James Walker had returned to New York and had a studio in New York City in the same neighborhood as the print's distributor Nathaniel Currier as well as the lithographer's Napoleon Sarony and Henry B. Major. - This popular lithograph was one of several published to visually document the war while engaging the imagination of the public. Created prior to photography, these prints were meant to inform the public, while generally eliminating the portrayal of the more gory details. Historians have been able to use at least some prints of the Mexican War for study and to corroborate with the traditional literary forms of documentation. As an eyewitness, Walker could claim accuracy of detail within the narrative in his painting. The battle is presented in the grand, historic, heroic style with the brutality of war not portrayed. The print depiction is quite large for a chromo of the period. In creating the chromolithographic interpretation of the painting, Sarony & Major used at least four large stones to produce the print "in colours," making the most of their use of color. They also defined each figure with precision by outlining each in black. This print was considered by expert/collector Harry T. Peters as one of the finest ever produced by Sarony & Major. - Currently not on view - Date made - associated date - Currier, Nathaniel - Scott, Winfield - Sarony & Major - Walker, James - ID Number - catalog number - accession number - Data Source - National Museum of American History, Kenneth E. Behring Center
[ 24670, 7490, 2253, 532, 22395, 198, 1, 24670, 7490, 2253, 1, 318, 257, 19232, 286, 5563, 422, 262, 17268, 286, 262, 2351, 9594, 286, 1605, 7443, 13, 383, 3923, 2157, 777, 5563, 4079, 262, 2106, 286, 262, 10816, 4931, 287, 262, 1578, 1829, 13, 1119, 19418, 257, 17640, 1605, 1621, 546, 262, 10675, 12, 727, 8791, 1022, 7310, 357, 25907, 3360, 32997, 8, 5348, 326, 423, 763, 1069, 6347, 475, 635, 37003, 625, 1956, 11, 3968, 11, 290, 30489, 13, 198, 8241, 11, 810, 11, 290, 644, 318, 5828, 30, 3827, 640, 11, 262, 17336, 290, 13215, 286, 5828, 423, 3421, 13, 383, 7578, 36281, 8065, 290, 262, 1989, 810, 399, 6557, 71, 2306, 75, 373, 9635, 960, 40838, 262, 3814, 7346, 3660, 5828, 2254, 960, 9776, 1900, 355, 5828, 13, 1114, 5867, 812, 11, 262, 7897, 7633, 11341, 25121, 340, 968, 8602, 13, 198, 2215, 5828, 373, 46576, 287, 1248, 2481, 355, 257, 18901, 3277, 11, 663, 11637, 19110, 422, 3442, 284, 32183, 13, 632, 373, 257, 3236, 290, 6156, 1956, 286, 33961, 1146, 11, 20280, 16772, 11, 290, 20324, 10084, 7652, 326, 11615, 329, 2260, 14111, 13, 3936, 11, 357, 8524, 636, 286, 262, 10816, 1181, 286, 1766, 12196, 10102, 331, 1665, 28121, 8, 373, 257, 27580, 3814, 1290, 422, 262, 15715, 4736, 290, 31192, 43088, 286, 4318, 5828, 11, 257, 1295, 810, 7971, 547, 18774, 422, 262, 1578, 1829, 13, 383, 7971, 287, 1210, 6875, 262, 10816, 7674, 281, 4795, 17146, 287, 1248, 2623, 357, 36760, 257, 471, 13, 50, 13, 1181, 828, 1642, 262, 1181, 262, 717, 269, 45637, 286, 10816, 1605, 3968, 13, 2750, 1248, 4310, 11, 262, 1230, 286, 5828, 11, 262, 17642, 4780, 286, 281, 7118, 396, 1578, 1829, 11, 550, 2626, 644, 389, 1909, 262, 2585, 286, 3442, 11, 12087, 11, 10202, 11, 7943, 11, 968, 5828, 11, 3936, 11, 290, 3354, 286, 7492, 290, 24533, 13, 554, 15275, 286, 262, 38091, 286, 257, 649, 4865, 11, 262, 6754, 290, 2877, 4931, 286, 37506, 1371, 11, 36783, 11, 17673, 14366, 11, 290, 511, 7668, 25321, 6150, 257, 16215, 2700, 287, 262, 6282, 286, 262, 1605, 2688, 13, 198, 447, 250, 14772, 1703, 2634, 30997, 4413, 291, 2271, 447, 251, 1658, 555, 64, 38779, 395, 430, 17216, 4763, 16964, 26181, 316, 418, 9157, 1153, 274, 390, 39990, 1233, 600, 292, 763, 293, 535, 295, 274, 1619, 32887, 78, 399, 330, 1538, 390, 5590, 7661, 1605, 64, 13, 10062, 418, 26181, 316, 418, 1006, 293, 13881, 8591, 3752, 544, 390, 8591, 906, 29634, 502, 87, 291, 2271, 551, 22346, 10062, 22484, 791, 312, 418, 304, 4229, 436, 2596, 555, 64, 1067, 18840, 3970, 7531, 434, 68, 45630, 2271, 936, 2798, 64, 1619, 2207, 84, 298, 305, 1247, 39055, 920, 260, 401, 403, 312, 2367, 288, 361, 9100, 274, 8358, 289, 272, 763, 38476, 17305, 11, 583, 78, 8358, 256, 4131, 72, 35942, 384, 289, 272, 551, 69, 1156, 4533, 11, 551, 8591, 279, 1018, 2616, 16964, 8591, 14249, 430, 11, 8591, 2285, 5330, 331, 1288, 5630, 50217, 13, 198, 126, 123, 4507, 72, 35942, 11, 288, 10205, 358, 68, 331, 627, 2634, 1658, 43579, 87, 3713, 30, 1482, 1288, 1007, 22019, 568, 1619, 256, 26597, 7501, 11, 39990, 2730, 47430, 274, 331, 22346, 300, 8836, 76, 2737, 390, 43579, 87, 3713, 289, 272, 4686, 78, 269, 4131, 72, 25440, 13, 1001, 369, 420, 29690, 401, 78, 43579, 87, 3713, 435, 28185, 952, 7578, 660, 6888, 331, 284, 6814, 1288, 6184, 94, 21468, 288, 14378, 384, 387, 2436, 15498, 299, 6557, 13415, 25864, 851, 50039, 434, 68, 8591, 842, 72, 18840, 2498, 917, 12427, 257, 8591, 269, 72, 463, 324, 390, 43579, 87, 3713, 13, 11164, 12427, 5867, 257, 12654, 418, 22346, 7633, 528, 324, 2850, 1658, 8957, 12654, 4316, 384, 1006, 343, 959, 261, 257, 304, 8466, 401, 78, 399, 518, 6862, 20386, 64, 30644, 13, 14496, 25440, 551, 1248, 2481, 43579, 87, 3713, 33316, 72, 10205, 401, 78, 555, 64, 299, 32009, 18840, 24281, 2271, 11, 2341, 1216, 261, 353, 292, 384, 9117, 8836, 272, 748, 2934, 3442, 257, 32183, 13, 2039, 1658, 68, 920, 261, 728, 6980, 555, 1885, 328, 20895, 304, 287, 3653, 568, 5771, 40974, 17216, 4533, 16964, 3814, 274, 220, 25125, 77, 3970, 11, 18459, 9116, 8836, 301, 3970, 331, 304, 1102, 10205, 9383, 3263, 68, 15070, 292, 8358, 300, 794, 45094, 16964, 512, 421, 343, 343, 555, 32482, 299, 330, 1538, 13, 3936, 357, 268, 1658, 68, 920, 261, 728, 636, 68, 390, 22346, 1556, 22484, 502, 87, 7490, 418, 390, 1766, 12196, 10102, 331, 1665, 28121, 8, 6980, 555, 64, 842, 72, 18840, 1216, 261, 353, 23638, 443, 73, 418, 390, 39990, 29509, 292, 2956, 12636, 331, 390, 22346, 277, 2634, 17034, 2915, 410, 439, 274, 390, 43579, 87, 3713, 4318, 11, 288, 14378, 384, 41893, 315, 45094, 287, 76, 9893, 274, 390, 22346, 10062, 22484, 791, 312, 418, 13, 2039, 1288, 257, 31329, 1248, 2623, 43577, 5771, 40974, 502, 87, 291, 5733, 384, 2377, 283, 10205, 401, 78, 1128, 21356, 65, 677, 64, 3485, 1153, 68, 357, 88, 285, 40138, 256, 45093, 11, 1556, 4533, 390, 27254, 13, 30100, 12179, 3063, 2265, 72, 2634, 358, 577, 551, 1288, 33270, 2386, 1082, 18840, 390, 8591, 2285, 5330, 502, 87, 3713, 2382, 291, 2271, 13, 367, 47431, 1248, 4310, 11, 1288, 48484, 959, 3919, 390, 43579, 87, 3713, 11, 1288, 43030, 2879, 39073, 33473, 390, 555, 10062, 22484, 791, 312, 418, 551, 20628, 72, 18840, 11, 387, 65, 29690, 583, 67, 17305, 1288, 5771, 40974, 390, 22346, 4036, 274, 1556, 22484, 390, 3442, 11, 12087, 11, 10202, 11, 7943, 11, 399, 518, 13038, 43579, 87, 3713, 11, 3936, 331, 636, 274, 390, 7492, 331, 24533, 13, 317, 279, 18964, 390, 8591, 848, 418, 44070, 18840, 390, 555, 299, 518, 13038, 300, 8836, 32937, 1216, 261, 353, 41282, 11, 8591, 906, 29634, 1554, 10205, 30997, 331, 267, 25244, 330, 1538, 390, 22346, 1658, 8957, 12654, 4316, 11, 502, 87, 7490, 418, 331, 279, 45749, 418, 773, 8836, 5235, 292, 11, 10891, 1462, 257, 2341, 15350, 1153, 274, 285, 395, 528, 418, 11, 12631, 343, 29690, 257, 2376, 2552, 78, 1619, 256, 26597, 7501, 555, 64, 3057, 29634, 3416, 12427, 31215, 1288, 748, 283, 2487, 78, 1619, 440, 29872, 1605, 78, 13, 198, 1, 24670, 7490, 2253, 532, 22395, 1, 4478, 352, 3709, 13, 198, 12, 770, 3601, 28539, 1605, 3386, 9274, 262, 28757, 20562, 286, 15954, 586, 68, 43106, 319, 2362, 13, 1511, 400, 11, 1248, 2857, 13, 3611, 7178, 3245, 4746, 11, 287, 262, 2793, 1364, 319, 257, 2330, 8223, 11, 2957, 262, 8372, 7297, 286, 262, 471, 13, 50, 13, 5407, 326, 7675, 7907, 5828, 2254, 1141, 262, 10816, 1605, 1810, 13, 383, 8055, 286, 1605, 5373, 373, 262, 2994, 286, 5828, 338, 7840, 16771, 11, 422, 3442, 284, 968, 5828, 11, 416, 262, 2846, 900, 287, 262, 21345, 286, 1962, 31682, 48722, 367, 11624, 2188, 13, 632, 815, 307, 4367, 326, 262, 734, 2678, 39067, 1180, 6300, 286, 262, 976, 4167, 15775, 11, 351, 262, 1578, 1829, 6165, 18591, 8617, 329, 38276, 262, 1956, 8714, 286, 663, 8308, 19233, 10816, 4290, 13, 7945, 12411, 5471, 284, 262, 1175, 422, 3399, 588, 16660, 12406, 11, 1757, 46884, 12620, 11, 290, 8616, 3271, 536, 382, 559, 11, 262, 10816, 12, 7437, 1810, 8302, 22641, 2968, 13, 383, 1578, 1829, 6, 5373, 29657, 1605, 36994, 290, 262, 1499, 338, 4901, 287, 36757, 17886, 13, 198, 12, 770, 1588, 15358, 21446, 2384, 373, 717, 9387, 287, 1248, 2780, 416, 49536, 4424, 5277, 286, 4424, 5277, 290, 314, 1158, 11, 508, 4983, 355, 262, 366, 6753, 5797, 526, 383, 24491, 34063, 11, 6866, 1647, 1222, 8386, 286, 968, 1971, 357, 1507, 3510, 12, 1507, 3553, 8, 18984, 340, 422, 257, 12036, 416, 366, 39950, 526, 8989, 11, 262, 1459, 4067, 286, 2656, 12036, 318, 6439, 11, 2158, 11, 618, 262, 3601, 373, 925, 262, 2656, 12036, 373, 6898, 416, 257, 8599, 347, 13, 311, 13, 10918, 286, 262, 5628, 276, 371, 16063, 13, 383, 2656, 6802, 468, 4271, 587, 14183, 284, 3977, 317, 29943, 10120, 355, 880, 355, 284, 8616, 317, 13, 6445, 365, 13, 3977, 317, 29943, 10120, 357, 6888, 1248, 2548, 12, 1129, 2481, 8, 286, 26070, 750, 5600, 466, 670, 329, 4424, 5277, 290, 314, 1158, 11, 996, 407, 1566, 262, 34865, 338, 290, 339, 561, 423, 691, 423, 587, 691, 838, 812, 1468, 618, 428, 3601, 373, 33696, 13, 8616, 6445, 365, 357, 1507, 2919, 14, 24, 12, 1507, 4846, 8, 373, 257, 19014, 5249, 6802, 1141, 262, 10816, 1605, 1810, 508, 635, 3111, 351, 6866, 1647, 1222, 8386, 290, 318, 1266, 1900, 329, 465, 20818, 4347, 13652, 13, 198, 12, 4042, 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- Action research (6 posts) - Artist CPD (11 posts) - Barriers to participation (2 posts) - Change management (8 posts) - Co-construction (3 posts) - Community cohesion (12 posts) - Creative curriculum development (13 posts) - Creative teaching and learning (28 posts) - Cross-curricular working (21 posts) - Developing school ethos (6 posts) - Disability awareness (4 posts) - Diversity (3 posts) - Exchanges and trips (4 posts) - Experiential learning (6 posts) - Extracurricular work (3 posts) - Learning outcomes for artists (23 posts) - Learning outcomes for teachers (27 posts) - Learning outcomes for young people (37 posts) - Learning styles (13 posts) - Mentoring (2 posts) - Outdoor learning environment (1 post) - Parent engagement (4 posts) - Participation and engagement (29 posts) - Partnerships (37 posts) - Role of the practitioner (32 posts) - School networks (2 posts) - Teacher CPD (17 posts) - Whole school working (13 posts) - Young people in decision making role (9 posts) - Youth leadership (5 posts) - Youth voice (16 posts) Select from the categories above, and scroll over the thumbnails to view information about each resource. You can download many of the resources as PDFs, view film or listen to audio. A New Direction Schools Forum: Effective Partnership WorkingThis resource summarises key ideas from schools and arts & cultural organisations from a series of discussions around six different… A Personal Journey through Preferred Learning StylesAn essay written by a creative practitioner who undertook action research into students' preferred learning styles and creativity. Artists and Teachers PartnershipsAn essay exploring partnerships between creative practitioners and teachers from an Early Years setting and a Secondary school. Arts Beyond the ClassroomA film documenting the experiences of the pupils and parents in the Arts Beyond the Classroom project. Beneath the HoodA pack including a poignant film portrait of students at a PRU, poetry cards and a resource guide for similar… Building PartnershipsAn essay describing three effective partnership projects delivered in two primary schools and one FE College. Co-construction of LearningA case study exploring examples of creative projects which supported young people to guide school change through 'co-construction'. Connecting Countries: London to VancouverA film of a group of Secondary School students who journey to Vancouver for the 2010 Winter Paralympic Games. Creative Interventions in the English FacultyAn essay providing an arts organisation's perspective of creative teaching strategies within an East London school's English curriculum. Creative Teaching and LearningA case study discussing the ways creative programmes have supported the development of creative teaching and learning. Creativity and ChangeAn essay exploring structural and institutional change through creative programmes in three primaries and one special school. Cross-Curricular Creative ProjectsAn essay describing cross-curricular approaches in 3 primary schools and 1 secondary school in East London. Developing a Learning Strategy for ArtsadminA paper detailing the development of an arts organisation's education programme in partnership with artists and local schools. Engaging Parents Creatively in the Foundation StageA paper presenting two examples that aimed to increase parental engagement and community involvement in the pupils' work. Forensic Science Murder MysteryA film documenting a cross-curricular drama project with secondary school students inspired by a TV crime series. Grove Park Special School Takes Over the Borough of BrentA film made by students with a range of physical and learning disabilities who investigate their local area. ImagiNationA film charting an 18 month whole school cross-curricular project culminating in a community carnival. Imagine NationA short film of a poem and set of accompanying activities for literacy lessons exploring creativity and imagination. Institutional ChangeA paper exploring two different approaches to whole school change in a Special School and a Secondary School. IPC Media Schools Design ProgrammeAn essay describing the IPC Media Schools Design Programme, a graphic design work-related learning programme initiated in 2005. Learning about Learning: Preferred Learning Styles and CreativityA publication exploring education approaches to preferred learning styles. Essays and a toolkit of lesson activities are included. London to Beijing - a Dance TravelogueA film about dance students from a Further Education college who visit a dance school in Beijing, China. Making Things Happen - HereA project case study and two films. A group of Primary Schools imagine something extraordinary for their community. Olympics Literacy ResourceA set of classroom resources for all year groups for creating poetry around the theme of the Olympics.
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White-throated Magpie-Jays (Calocitta formosa) are beautiful big jays that travel the North Pacific slopes in small flocks. Their songs and calls are quite varied - this is one of the typical calls, recorded on the road to Monteverde (Costa Rica). Douglas Von Gausig (recordist; copyright holder), This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To cite this page: Myers, P., R. Espinosa, C. S. Parr, T. Jones, G. S. Hammond, and T. A. Dewey. 2013. The Animal Diversity Web (online). Accessed at Disclaimer: The Animal Diversity Web is an educational resource written largely by and for college students. ADW doesn't cover all species in the world, nor does it include all the latest scientific information about organisms we describe. Though we edit our accounts for accuracy, we cannot guarantee all information in those accounts. While ADW staff and contributors provide references to books and websites that we believe are reputable, we cannot necessarily endorse the contents of references beyond our control.
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Octodon degus is generally considered endemic to west central Chile, where it inhabits the lower slopes of the Andes. Although some have argued that its range may extend north into Peru, this is not well supported. It is common in the international pet trade, however, and is often used in laboratory studies outside of its native range. (Contreras, et al., 1987; Woods and Boraker, 1975) Octodon degus inhabits a mediterranean-type semi-arid shrubland ecosystem called "matorral", which is found on the western slopes of the Andes between 28 and 35 degrees south latitude. Further north the climate becomes too arid to support this plant community, and further south it is too wet. Degus appear to be limited to elevations below 1200 meters, both by the distribution of their habitat and by their intolerance of low oxygen partial pressure. Degus are well able to inhabit lands influenced by cattle grazing, and are agricultural pests in some areas. (Contreras, et al., 1987; Fulk, 1976) Octodon degus superficially resembles a gerbil, but is much larger. Degus typically weigh between 170 and 300 g, and measure between 325 and 440 mm in length, including the tail. The fur is yellow-brown on the back and head, and the underparts and feet are cream colored. There is a pale band around the eye and, in some individuals, the neck. The tail is moderately long and conspicuously tufted. The ears are large and darkly pigmented. The fifth digit is reduced, and on the forefeet it has a nail instead of a claw. The cheekteeth are hypsodont and their biting surfaces resemble a figure of eight. Sexes are difficult to distinguish, but males tend to be about 10% larger than females. Pups are born furred and able to see, and begin exploring within hours of birth. Octodon degus can be distinguished from the two other members of the genus Octodon by slight differences in dental morphology. It is also smaller than its relatives and its tail is said to be more noticeably tufted. (Fulk, 1976; Lee, 2004) During the annual breeding season, male-male aggression temporarily increases. Males exclude other males from their burrow and monopolize the females (usually 2 to 4) who live there. Dustbathing and urine marking may be used in the defense of territory by both sexes, but these behaviors particularly increase in the male during the breeding season. Courting males often engage in mutual grooming with females, and frequently perform a courtship ritual which involves wagging of the tail and trembling of the body. The male then raises a hind leg and sprays urine onto the female. This may serve to familiarize her with his scent and perhaps make her more receptive to his advances in the future. Receptive females may sometimes enurinate males in a similar fashion. Related female degus may nurse each other's young. (Ebensperger and Caiozzi, 2002; Fulk, 1976; Kleiman, 1974; Soto-Gamboa, 2005) In the wild degus tend to breed once per year. The breeding season usually begins in late May (autumn in Chile), and the young are conceived in late winter to early spring (September to October). In wet years, degus may produce second litters. It has been suggested that degus may be induced ovulators, but this has not been established for certain. There is also some evidence that male reproductive organs may be sensitive to changes in photoperiod. The gestation period is 90 days, and litter size is typically 4-6 pups. The young are precocial. They are born with fur and teeth; their eyes are open and they are able to move about the nest on their own. Pups are weaned at 4 to 5 weeks, and become sexually mature between 12 and 16 weeks of age. Degus do not reach adult size until about 6 months of age, however, and they generally live in same-sex social groups until they are about 9 months old and their first breeding season occurs. It has been reported that pups raised in isolation in the laboratory experience severe neural and behavioral abnormalities. (Ebensperger and Hurtado, 2005; Lee, 2004; Woods and Boraker, 1975) Before conception can occur, the male degu must invest considerable energy in the defense of his territory and harem from other males. The female subsequently expends considerable energy in gestation and lactation. The pregnancy is relatively long for a rodent, and the young are born well developed. After birth, both parents protect and provision the pups. Degus nest communally, and groups of related females nurse one another's young. In the laboratory, the female remains close to the pups until two weeks after birth, and males have been observed to huddle with the young during this period without instances of infanticide. In the wild, male degus may spend as much time feeding and huddling with the young as females do. Pups begin to eat solid food at about two weeks of age, and venture out of the burrow at three weeks. Upon weaning at four to six weeks, the pups are able to live independently of the parents and form same-sex social groups until their first breeding season. (Ebensperger and Hurtado, 2005; Fulk, 1976; Lee, 2004; Woods and Boraker, 1975) In laboratory conditions, degus typically live five to eight years. Degus are social and tend to live in groups of one to two males and two to five related females. Females participate in rearing on another's young. Groups maintain territories throughout much of the year. Degus are semi-fossorial, digging extensive communal burrow systems. These burrows are often shared by Bennett's chinchilla rat (Abrocoma bennettii). Degus feed exclusively above ground, however, and have been observed climbing into the low branches of shrubs while foraging. Dustbathing is an important social behavior among degus. Groups repeatedly mark favorite wallows with urine and anal gland secretions. This may help the group identify each other by scent as well as delineating territorial boundaries. Degus are mainly diurnal, and are most active during the morning and evening. (Ebensperger, et al., 2004; Fulk, 1976; Woods and Boraker, 1975) Fulk (1976) estimated that social groups of degus occupy home areas of roughly 200 square meters, and that their density is about 75 degus per hectare. This may be an underestimate, however, due to the trapping methods used. (Fulk, 1976) Degus have well-developed sight, smell, and hearing. They are highly vocal and use various calls to communicate with one another, including alarm calls, mating calls, and communication between parents and young. Vision is very important in avoidance of predators and in foraging. It has been shown that degus are able to see ultraviolet wavelengths, and that their urine reflects in the UV range when fresh. It has therefore been suggested that degus' urine scent marks are also visual cues. These scent marks are also used as dust wallows, allowing members of a social group to identify each other by scent. (Chavez, et al., 2003; Fulk, 1976; Woods and Boraker, 1975) Degus are generalist herbivores. They feed on the leaves, bark, and seeds of shrubs and forbs. Among their favorite foods are the bark of Cestrum palqui and Mimosa cavenia, leaves and bark of Proustia cuneifolia, Atriplex repunda, and Acacia caven, annuals such as Erodium cicutarum when in season, green grasses, and thistle seeds. Degus choose food items that reduce fiber and increase nitrogen and moisture in the diet, and thus prefer young leaves and avoid woodier shrubs. Degus rely on microbial fermentation in their enlarged cecum (they are "hindgut fermenters") to digest their food. They reingest a large percentage of their feces, usually during the night. This allows them to maximize their digestion. Degus store food in the winter, and it has been reported that they occasionally eat meat in old age. (Gutierrez and Bozinovic, 1998; Kenagy, et al., 1999; Veloso and Kenagy, 2005; Woods and Boraker, 1975) Octodon degus is subject to predation by larger mammals such as culpeo foxes (Lycalopex culpaeus), and from the air by raptors such as barn owls (Tyto alba), short-eared owls (Asio flammeus), and black-chested buzzard eagles (Geranoaetus melanoleucus). Degus use vigilance and cover to avoid predators. Their pelage is also counter-shaded and matches the soil color, which reduces visibility to predators. Degus live socially and use alarm calls to warn others of danger. When a predator is spotted, they take cover in shrubby areas and may retreat to the communal burrow. (Ebensperger and Wallem, 2002; Woods and Boraker, 1975) Octodon degus affects the plant community in its habitat by selective browsing. Degus behaviorally reduce the fiber content of their diet, preferrentially eating shrubs such as Adesmia bedwellii, Baccharis paniculata, and Chenopodium petioare, which are less fibrous and less thorny than others. These species have been shown to increase their foliage area upon exclusion of degus. As degus are very common, they are themselves an important food source for their predators. (Gutierrez and Bozinovic, 1998) Degus often live in association with Bennett's chinchilla rats (Abrocoma bennettii). The two species are known to share burrow systems and have even been observed in the same chamber within a burrow. This is believed to be a mutualistic relationship, but it is not well understood. (Fulk, 1976; Woods and Boraker, 1975) Degus are frequently kept as pets, and are used extensively in laboratory research. Because they are largely diurnal, they are useful in research on circadian rhythms, and their intolerance of sugars makes them ideal models for diabetes research. (Lee, 2004) Degus are significant agricultural pests in some areas. They take advantage of cultivated prickly pear cactus, wheat, vineyards, and orchards as abundant food sources, and can do considerable damage. They are also known to host three species of parasites that can infect humans. (Fulk, 1976) Tanya Dewey (editor), Animal Diversity Web. Mary Hejna (author), University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Phil Myers (editor, instructor), Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. living in the southern part of the New World. In other words, Central and South America. uses sound to communicate living in landscapes dominated by human agriculture. having body symmetry such that the animal can be divided in one plane into two mirror-image halves. Animals with bilateral symmetry have dorsal and ventral sides, as well as anterior and posterior ends. Synapomorphy of the Bilateria. Found in coastal areas between 30 and 40 degrees latitude, in areas with a Mediterranean climate. Vegetation is dominated by stands of dense, spiny shrubs with tough (hard or waxy) evergreen leaves. May be maintained by periodic fire. In South America it includes the scrub ecotone between forest and paramo. uses smells or other chemicals to communicate helpers provide assistance in raising young that are not their own an animal that mainly eats the dung of other animals active at dawn and dusk having markings, coloration, shapes, or other features that cause an animal to be camouflaged in its natural environment; being difficult to see or otherwise detect. animals that use metabolically generated heat to regulate body temperature independently of ambient temperature. Endothermy is a synapomorphy of the Mammalia, although it may have arisen in a (now extinct) synapsid ancestor; the fossil record does not distinguish these possibilities. Convergent in birds. an animal that mainly eats leaves. Referring to a burrowing life-style or behavior, specialized for digging or burrowing. an animal that mainly eats seeds An animal that eats mainly plants or parts of plants. offspring are produced in more than one group (litters, clutches, etc.) and across multiple seasons (or other periods hospitable to reproduction). Iteroparous animals must, by definition, survive over multiple seasons (or periodic condition changes). having the capacity to move from one place to another. the area in which the animal is naturally found, the region in which it is endemic. the business of buying and selling animals for people to keep in their homes as pets. having more than one female as a mate at one time specialized for leaping or bounding locomotion; jumps or hops. communicates by producing scents from special gland(s) and placing them on a surface whether others can smell or taste them breeding is confined to a particular season remains in the same area reproduction that includes combining the genetic contribution of two individuals, a male and a female associates with others of its species; forms social groups. places a food item in a special place to be eaten later. Also called "hoarding" uses touch to communicate that region of the Earth between 23.5 degrees North and 60 degrees North (between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle) and between 23.5 degrees South and 60 degrees South (between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic Circle). Living on the ground. defends an area within the home range, occupied by a single animals or group of animals of the same species and held through overt defense, display, or advertisement uses sight to communicate reproduction in which fertilization and development take place within the female body and the developing embryo derives nourishment from the female. young are relatively well-developed when born Chavez, A., F. Bozinovic, L. Peichl, A. Palacios. 2003. Retinal spectral sensitivity, fur coloration, and urine reflectance in the genus Octodon (Rodentia): implications for visual ecology. Investigative Opthalmology & Visual Science, 44/5: 2290-2296. Contreras, L., J. Torres-Mura, J. Yanez. 1987. Biogeography of Octodontid rodents: An eco-evolutionary hypothesis. Fieldiana: Zoology, New Series, 39: 401-411. Ebensperger, L., F. Bozinovic. 2000. Energetics and burrowing behaviour in the semifossorial degu Octadon degus (Rodentia: Octodontidae). Journal of Zoology, 252: 179-186. Ebensperger, L., A. Caiozzi. 2002. Male degus, Octodon degus, modify their dustbathing behavior in response to social familiarity of previous dustbathing marks. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 75: 157-163. Ebensperger, L., M. Hurtado. 2005. On the relationship between herbaceous cover and vigilance activity of degus (Octodon degus). Ethology, 111/6: 593-608. Ebensperger, L., M. Hurtado. 2005. Seasonal changes in the time budget of degus, Octadon degus.. Behaviour, 142: 91-112. Ebensperger, L., M. Hurtado, M. Soto-Gamboa, E. Lacey, A. Chang. 2004. Communal nesting and kinship in degus (Octodon degus). Naturwissenschaften, 91: 391-395. Ebensperger, L., P. Wallem. 2002. Grouping increases the ability of the social rodent, Octodon degus, to detect predators when using exposed microhabitats. Oikos, 98: 491-497. Fulk, G. 1976. Notes on the activity, reproduction, and social behavior of Octodon degus. Journal of Mammalogy, 57/3: 495-505. Gutierrez, J., F. Bozinovic. 1998. Diet selection in captivity by a generalist herbivorous rodent (Octodon degus) from the Chilean coastal desert. Journal of Arid Environments, 39: 601-607. Kenagy, G., R. Nespolo, R. Vasquez, F. Bozinovic. 2002. Daily and seasonal limits of time and temperature to activity of degus. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 75: 567-581. Kenagy, G., C. Veloso, F. Bozinovic. 1999. Daily rhythms of food intake and feces reingestion in the degu, an herbivorous Chilean rodent: optimizing digestion through coprophagy. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 72/1: 78-86. Kleiman, D. 1974. Patterns of behaviour in hystricomorph rodents. Symposium of the Zoological Society (London), 34: 171-209. Lee, T. 2004. Octodon degus: A diurnal, social, and long-lived rodent. ILAR Journal, 45/1: 14-24. Soto-Gamboa, M., M. Villalon, F. Bozinovic. 2005. Social cues and hormone levels in male Octadon degus (Rodentia): a field test of the Challange Hypothesis. Hormones and Behavior, 47/3: 311-318. Soto-Gamboa, M. 2005. Free and total testosterone levels in field males of Octodon degus (Rodentia, Octodontidae): accuracy of the hormonal regulation of behavior. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 78/2: 229-238. Tokimoto, N., K. Okanoya. 2004. Spontaneous construction of "Chines boxes" by Degus (Octodon degus): A rudiment of recursive intelligence?. Japanese Psychological Research, 46/3: 255-261. Veloso, C., G. Kenagy. 2005. Temporal dynamics of milk composition of the precocial caviomorph Octodon degus (Rodentia : Octodontidae). Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 78/2: 247-252. Woods, C., D. Boraker. 1975. Octodon degus. Mammalian Species, 67: 1-5.
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14419, 274, 389, 2408, 284, 15714, 11, 475, 10835, 4327, 284, 307, 546, 838, 4, 4025, 621, 12366, 13, 350, 4739, 389, 4642, 9230, 445, 290, 1498, 284, 766, 11, 290, 2221, 13504, 1626, 2250, 286, 4082, 13, 2556, 46457, 3396, 385, 460, 307, 18876, 422, 262, 734, 584, 1866, 286, 262, 34306, 2556, 46457, 416, 3731, 5400, 287, 22727, 46320, 13, 632, 318, 635, 4833, 621, 663, 12772, 290, 663, 7894, 318, 531, 284, 307, 517, 33752, 12777, 701, 276, 13, 357, 37, 12171, 11, 15408, 26, 5741, 11, 5472, 8, 198, 7191, 262, 5079, 18954, 1622, 11, 4257, 12, 22606, 15569, 13413, 5732, 13, 43404, 19607, 584, 10835, 422, 511, 4356, 808, 290, 30797, 1096, 262, 12366, 357, 23073, 362, 284, 604, 8, 508, 2107, 612, 13, 16240, 8664, 722, 290, 18922, 18730, 743, 307, 973, 287, 262, 3761, 286, 7674, 416, 1111, 32487, 11, 475, 777, 14301, 3573, 2620, 287, 262, 4257, 1141, 262, 18954, 1622, 13, 2734, 889, 10835, 1690, 8209, 287, 13584, 41836, 351, 12366, 11, 290, 6777, 1620, 257, 8028, 1056, 12146, 543, 9018, 266, 16406, 286, 262, 7894, 290, 39228, 286, 262, 1767, 13, 383, 4257, 788, 12073, 257, 16222, 1232, 290, 7500, 592, 18922, 4291, 262, 4048, 13, 770, 743, 4691, 284, 5385, 1096, 607, 351, 465, 21212, 290, 3737, 787, 607, 517, 41062, 284, 465, 14901, 287, 262, 2003, 13, 797, 25867, 12366, 743, 3360, 551, 333, 4559, 10835, 287, 257, 2092, 6977, 13, 19809, 4048, 3396, 385, 743, 15849, 1123, 584, 338, 1862, 13, 357, 36, 65, 641, 525, 1362, 290, 6488, 952, 46218, 11, 6244, 26, 376, 12171, 11, 15408, 26, 15983, 24086, 11, 16489, 26, 311, 2069, 12, 38, 22651, 64, 11, 5075, 8, 198, 818, 262, 4295, 3396, 385, 4327, 284, 15939, 1752, 583, 614, 13, 383, 18954, 1622, 3221, 6140, 287, 2739, 1737, 357, 2306, 4182, 287, 17456, 828, 290, 262, 1862, 389, 21581, 287, 2739, 7374, 284, 1903, 6076, 357, 17543, 284, 3267, 737, 554, 9583, 812, 11, 3396, 385, 743, 4439, 1218, 6578, 1010, 13, 632, 468, 587, 5220, 326, 3396, 385, 743, 307, 18268, 19643, 24325, 11, 475, 428, 468, 407, 587, 4920, 329, 1728, 13, 1318, 318, 635, 617, 2370, 326, 4257, 18391, 16613, 743, 307, 8564, 284, 2458, 287, 2825, 3575, 2101, 13, 383, 47110, 2278, 318, 4101, 1528, 11, 290, 25359, 2546, 318, 6032, 604, 12, 21, 279, 4739, 13, 383, 1862, 389, 3718, 9402, 13, 1119, 389, 4642, 351, 9230, 290, 9941, 26, 511, 2951, 389, 1280, 290, 484, 389, 1498, 284, 1445, 546, 262, 16343, 319, 511, 898, 13, 350, 4739, 389, 356, 22739, 379, 604, 284, 642, 2745, 11, 290, 1716, 11363, 15345, 1022, 1105, 290, 1467, 2745, 286, 2479, 13, 25905, 385, 466, 407, 3151, 4044, 2546, 1566, 546, 718, 1933, 286, 2479, 11, 2158, 11, 290, 484, 4143, 2107, 287, 976, 12, 8044, 1919, 2628, 1566, 484, 389, 546, 860, 1933, 1468, 290, 511, 717, 18954, 1622, 8833, 13, 632, 468, 587, 2098, 326, 279, 4739, 4376, 287, 15133, 287, 262, 14010, 1998, 6049, 17019, 290, 17211, 34615, 13, 357, 36, 65, 641, 525, 1362, 290, 42566, 4533, 11, 5075, 26, 5741, 11, 5472, 26, 16483, 290, 12182, 3110, 11, 15231, 8, 198, 8421, 19759, 460, 3051, 11, 262, 4257, 3396, 84, 1276, 1325, 11091, 2568, 287, 262, 3761, 286, 465, 7674, 290, 387, 2787, 422, 584, 10835, 13, 383, 4048, 12412, 1033, 2412, 11091, 2568, 287, 47110, 290, 26222, 341, 13, 383, 10241, 318, 5365, 890, 329, 257, 50074, 11, 290, 262, 1862, 389, 4642, 880, 4166, 13, 2293, 4082, 11, 1111, 3397, 1805, 290, 8287, 262, 279, 4739, 13, 25905, 385, 16343, 1316, 453, 11, 290, 2628, 286, 3519, 12366, 15849, 530, 1194, 338, 1862, 13, 554, 262, 14010, 11, 262, 4048, 3793, 1969, 284, 262, 279, 4739, 1566, 734, 2745, 706, 4082, 11, 290, 10835, 423, 587, 6515, 284, 289, 24500, 351, 262, 1862, 1141, 428, 2278, 1231, 10245, 286, 1167, 5109, 485, 13, 554, 262, 4295, 11, 4257, 3396, 385, 743, 4341, 355, 881, 640, 13017, 290, 289, 4185, 1359, 351, 262, 1862, 355, 12366, 466, 13, 350, 4739, 2221, 284, 4483, 4735, 2057, 379, 546, 734, 2745, 286, 2479, 11, 290, 13189, 503, 286, 262, 4356, 808, 379, 1115, 2745, 13, 14438, 356, 7574, 379, 1440, 284, 2237, 2745, 11, 262, 279, 4739, 389, 1498, 284, 2107, 14799, 286, 262, 3397, 290, 1296, 976, 12, 8044, 1919, 2628, 1566, 511, 717, 18954, 1622, 13, 357, 36, 65, 641, 525, 1362, 290, 42566, 4533, 11, 5075, 26, 376, 12171, 11, 15408, 26, 5741, 11, 5472, 26, 16483, 290, 12182, 3110, 11, 15231, 8, 198, 818, 14010, 3403, 11, 3396, 385, 6032, 2107, 1936, 284, 3624, 812, 13, 198, 35, 1533, 385, 389, 1919, 290, 4327, 284, 2107, 287, 2628, 286, 530, 284, 734, 10835, 290, 734, 284, 1936, 3519, 12366, 13, 44727, 8277, 287, 302, 1723, 319, 1194, 338, 1862, 13, 27441, 5529, 16771, 3690, 881, 286, 262, 614, 13, 25905, 385, 389, 10663, 12, 69, 793, 5132, 11, 18894, 7667, 26757, 4356, 808, 3341, 13, 2312, 4356, 8516, 389, 1690, 4888, 416, 17468, 338, 442, 8589, 5049, 4227, 357, 4826, 305, 785, 64, 275, 48151, 4178, 737, 25905, 385, 3745, 11541, 2029, 2323, 11, 2158, 11, 290, 423, 587, 6515, 14281, 656, 262, 1877, 13737, 286, 10157, 23161, 981, 329, 3039, 13, 16240, 8664, 722, 318, 281, 1593, 1919, 4069, 1871, 3396, 385, 13, 27441, 7830, 1317, 4004, 3355, 1666, 351, 18922, 290, 2037, 37917, 3200, 507, 13, 770, 743, 1037, 262, 1448, 5911, 1123, 584, 416, 21212, 355, 880, 355, 46925, 803, 22414, 13215, 13, 25905, 385, 389, 8384, 2566, 35735, 11, 290, 389, 749, 4075, 1141, 262, 3329, 290, 6180, 13, 357, 36, 65, 641, 525, 1362, 11, 2123, 435, 1539, 5472, 26, 376, 12171, 11, 15408, 26, 16483, 290, 12182, 3110, 11, 15231, 8, 198, 37, 12171, 357, 38108, 8, 6108, 326, 1919, 2628, 286, 3396, 385, 22265, 1363, 3006, 286, 7323, 939, 6616, 10700, 11, 290, 326, 511, 12109, 318, 546, 5441, 3396, 385, 583, 35246, 533, 13, 770, 743, 307, 281, 34994, 11, 2158, 11, 2233, 284, 262, 43338, 5050, 973, 13, 357, 37, 12171, 11, 15408, 8, 198, 35, 1533, 385, 423, 880, 12, 33082, 6504, 11, 8508, 11, 290, 4854, 13, 1119, 389, 4047, 12435, 290, 779, 2972, 3848, 284, 10996, 351, 530, 1194, 11, 1390, 10436, 3848, 11, 31993, 3848, 11, 290, 6946, 1022, 3397, 290, 1862, 13, 19009, 318, 845, 1593, 287, 29184, 286, 23311, 290, 287, 329, 3039, 13, 632, 468, 587, 3402, 326, 3396, 385, 389, 1498, 284, 766, 49961, 45656, 11, 290, 326, 511, 18922, 12497, 287, 262, 22033, 2837, 618, 4713, 13, 632, 468, 4361, 587, 5220, 326, 3396, 385, 6, 18922, 21212, 8849, 389, 635, 5874, 25288, 13, 2312, 21212, 8849, 389, 635, 973, 355, 8977, 3355, 1666, 11, 5086, 1866, 286, 257, 1919, 1448, 284, 5911, 1123, 584, 416, 21212, 13, 357, 1925, 28851, 11, 2123, 435, 1539, 5816, 26, 376, 12171, 11, 15408, 26, 16483, 290, 12182, 3110, 11, 15231, 8, 198, 35, 1533, 385, 389, 2276, 396, 21047, 452, 2850, 13, 1119, 3745, 319, 262, 5667, 11, 21405, 11, 290, 11904, 286, 10157, 23161, 290, 329, 1443, 13, 9754, 511, 4004, 9013, 389, 262, 21405, 286, 327, 395, 6582, 6340, 421, 72, 290, 39312, 8546, 1275, 574, 544, 11, 5667, 290, 21405, 286, 350, 472, 301, 544, 269, 1726, 361, 22703, 11, 1629, 380, 11141, 1128, 46535, 11, 290, 4013, 47431, 1275, 574, 11, 5079, 82, 884, 355, 412, 14892, 1505, 269, 13554, 283, 388, 618, 287, 1622, 11, 4077, 8701, 274, 11, 290, 294, 12535, 11904, 13, 25905, 385, 3853, 2057, 3709, 326, 4646, 13608, 290, 2620, 23417, 290, 20160, 287, 262, 5496, 11, 290, 4145, 4702, 1862, 5667, 290, 3368, 4898, 959, 10157, 23161, 13, 25905, 385, 8814, 319, 36603, 35115, 287, 511, 37287, 269, 721, 388, 357, 9930, 389, 366, 71, 521, 70, 315, 38797, 364, 4943, 284, 16274, 511, 2057, 13, 1119, 302, 278, 395, 257, 1588, 5873, 286, 511, 43924, 11, 3221, 1141, 262, 1755, 13, 770, 3578, 606, 284, 20487, 511, 44639, 13, 25905, 385, 3650, 2057, 287, 262, 7374, 11, 290, 340, 468, 587, 2098, 326, 484, 10491, 4483, 6174, 287, 1468, 2479, 13, 357, 38, 315, 44448, 290, 3248, 42140, 17215, 11, 7795, 26, 7148, 46671, 11, 2123, 435, 1539, 7358, 26, 17378, 28213, 290, 7148, 46671, 11, 5075, 26, 16483, 290, 12182, 3110, 11, 15231, 8, 198, 12349, 46457, 3396, 385, 318, 2426, 284, 2747, 341, 416, 4025, 23426, 884, 355, 10845, 431, 78, 21831, 274, 357, 31633, 9948, 404, 1069, 21286, 46052, 828, 290, 422, 262, 1633, 416, 38404, 669, 884, 355, 25203, 12334, 7278, 357, 25492, 1462, 435, 7012, 828, 1790, 12, 3380, 12334, 7278, 357, 1722, 952, 781, 321, 1326, 385, 828, 290, 2042, 12, 2395, 30679, 14713, 446, 304, 37803, 357, 38069, 5733, 64, 29158, 34963, 2305, 1229, 385, 737, 25905, 385, 779, 49202, 290, 3002, 284, 3368, 23311, 13, 5334, 16176, 496, 318, 635, 3753, 12, 1477, 5286, 290, 7466, 262, 9260, 3124, 11, 543, 12850, 20742, 284, 23311, 13, 25905, 385, 2107, 18118, 290, 779, 10436, 3848, 284, 9828, 1854, 286, 3514, 13, 1649, 257, 30135, 318, 13489, 11, 484, 1011, 3002, 287, 10157, 38393, 3006, 290, 743, 13703, 284, 262, 26757, 4356, 808, 13, 357, 36, 65, 641, 525, 1362, 290, 6445, 10671, 11, 6244, 26, 16483, 290, 12182, 3110, 11, 15231, 8, 198, 12349, 46457, 3396, 385, 10975, 262, 4618, 2055, 287, 663, 20018, 416, 21792, 23182, 13, 25905, 385, 4069, 453, 4646, 262, 13608, 2695, 286, 511, 5496, 11, 4702, 1156, 1927, 6600, 10157, 23161, 884, 355, 1215, 274, 20730, 3996, 4053, 4178, 11, 35583, 10641, 271, 13619, 377, 1045, 11, 290, 12555, 404, 12664, 4273, 952, 533, 11, 543, 389, 1342, 12900, 7596, 290, 1342, 38999, 88, 621, 1854, 13, 2312, 4693, 423, 587, 3402, 284, 2620, 511, 44689, 1989, 2402, 19328, 286, 3396, 385, 13, 1081, 3396, 385, 389, 845, 2219, 11, 484, 389, 2405, 281, 1593, 2057, 2723, 329, 511, 23311, 13, 357, 38, 315, 44448, 290, 3248, 42140, 17215, 11, 7795, 8, 198, 35, 1533, 385, 1690, 2107, 287, 8112, 351, 17468, 338, 442, 8589, 5049, 13623, 357, 4826, 305, 785, 64, 275, 48151, 4178, 737, 383, 734, 4693, 389, 1900, 284, 2648, 4356, 808, 3341, 290, 423, 772, 587, 6515, 287, 262, 976, 11847, 1626, 257, 4356, 808, 13, 770, 318, 4762, 284, 307, 257, 13584, 2569, 2776, 11, 475, 340, 318, 407, 880, 7247, 13, 357, 37, 12171, 11, 15408, 26, 16483, 290, 12182, 3110, 11, 15231, 8, 198, 35, 1533, 385, 389, 6777, 4030, 355, 17252, 11, 290, 389, 973, 20823, 287, 14010, 2267, 13, 4362, 484, 389, 5688, 2566, 35735, 11, 484, 389, 4465, 287, 2267, 319, 47771, 39804, 11, 290, 511, 31545, 286, 34476, 1838, 606, 7306, 4981, 329, 12593, 2267, 13, 357, 24338, 11, 5472, 8, 198, 35, 1533, 385, 389, 2383, 14240, 44283, 287, 617, 3006, 13, 1119, 1011, 4621, 286, 30499, 41409, 306, 25286, 269, 34144, 11, 17135, 11, 17793, 33750, 11, 290, 393, 354, 1371, 355, 23263, 2057, 4237, 11, 290, 460, 466, 11091, 2465, 13, 1119, 389, 635, 1900, 284, 2583, 1115, 4693, 286, 36643, 326, 460, 7580, 5384, 13, 357, 37, 12171, 11, 15408, 8, 198, 51, 34183, 25075, 2959, 357, 35352, 828, 13792, 36188, 5313, 13, 198, 24119, 679, 73, 2616, 357, 9800, 828, 2059, 286, 7055, 12, 18858, 30455, 11, 4543, 25434, 357, 35352, 11, 21187, 828, 9594, 286, 31645, 1435, 11, 2059, 286, 7055, 12, 18858, 30455, 13, 198, 19950, 287, 262, 8372, 636, 286, 262, 968, 2159, 13, 554, 584, 2456, 11, 5694, 290, 2520, 2253, 13, 198, 2664, 2128, 284, 10996, 198, 19950, 287, 32964, 13354, 416, 1692, 14510, 13, 198, 40965, 1767, 40686, 884, 326, 262, 5044, 460, 307, 9086, 287, 530, 6614, 656, 734, 10162, 12, 9060, 37192, 13, 25390, 351, 24537, 40686, 423, 45254, 290, 7435, 1373, 5389, 11, 355, 880, 355, 32700, 290, 34319, 5645, 13, 16065, 499, 296, 273, 6883, 286, 262, 24207, 729, 544, 13, 198, 21077, 287, 17475, 3006, 1022, 1542, 290, 2319, 7370, 32477, 11, 287, 3006, 351, 257, 19517, 4258, 13, 23892, 341, 318, 13354, 416, 6296, 286, 15715, 11, 599, 3541, 10157, 23161, 351, 5802, 357, 10424, 393, 266, 6969, 8, 1683, 14809, 5667, 13, 1737, 307, 9456, 416, 27458, 2046, 13, 554, 2520, 2253, 340, 3407, 262, 27268, 9940, 313, 505, 1022, 8222, 290, 5772, 78, 13, 198, 2664, 25760, 393, 584, 12910, 284, 10996, 198, 16794, 364, 2148, 6829, 287, 8620, 1862, 326, 389, 407, 511, 898, 198, 272, 5044, 326, 8384, 25365, 262, 288, 2150, 286, 584, 4695, 198, 5275, 379, 17577, 290, 46166, 198, 40965, 30390, 11, 3124, 341, 11, 15268, 11, 393, 584, 3033, 326, 2728, 281, 5044, 284, 307, 31962, 1886, 287, 663, 3288, 2858, 26, 852, 2408, 284, 766, 393, 4306, 4886, 13, 198, 11227, 874, 326, 779, 14623, 1146, 7560, 4894, 284, 16697, 1767, 5951, 14799, 286, 25237, 5951, 13, 5268, 847, 1820, 318, 257, 6171, 499, 296, 273, 6883, 286, 262, 39502, 9752, 11, 3584, 340, 743, 423, 42091, 287, 257, 357, 2197, 28881, 8, 6171, 1686, 312, 31836, 26, 262, 12584, 1700, 857, 407, 15714, 777, 12779, 13, 35602, 6783, 287, 10087, 13, 198, 272, 5044, 326, 8384, 25365, 5667, 13, 198, 46238, 1806, 284, 257, 4356, 11577, 1204, 12, 7635, 393, 4069, 11, 16976, 329, 18894, 393, 4356, 11577, 13, 198, 272, 5044, 326, 8384, 25365, 11904, 198, 2025, 5044, 326, 25365, 8384, 6134, 393, 3354, 286, 6134, 13, 198, 8210, 12667, 389, 4635, 287, 517, 621, 530, 1448, 357, 18250, 1010, 11, 32170, 2052, 11, 3503, 2014, 290, 1973, 3294, 7028, 357, 273, 584, 9574, 10496, 4674, 284, 20728, 737, 40806, 404, 283, 516, 4695, 1276, 11, 416, 6770, 11, 7866, 625, 3294, 7028, 357, 273, 27458, 4006, 2458, 737, 198, 40965, 262, 5339, 284, 1445, 422, 530, 1295, 284, 1194, 13, 198, 1169, 1989, 287, 543, 262, 5044, 318, 8752, 1043, 11, 262, 3814, 287, 543, 340, 318, 42560, 13, 198, 1169, 1597, 286, 7067, 290, 6301, 4695, 329, 661, 284, 1394, 287, 511, 5682, 355, 17252, 13, 198, 40965, 517, 621, 530, 4048, 355, 257, 16133, 379, 530, 640, 198, 20887, 1143, 329, 45583, 393, 5421, 278, 33334, 9650, 26, 18045, 393, 29438, 13, 198, 10709, 16856, 416, 9194, 629, 658, 422, 2041, 37917, 7, 82, 8, 290, 12560, 606, 319, 257, 4417, 1771, 1854, 460, 8508, 393, 6938, 606, 198, 49705, 318, 19733, 284, 257, 1948, 1622, 198, 2787, 1299, 287, 262, 976, 1989, 198, 260, 25493, 326, 3407, 19771, 262, 8513, 10156, 286, 734, 3925, 11, 257, 4257, 290, 257, 4048, 198, 562, 1733, 689, 351, 1854, 286, 663, 4693, 26, 5107, 1919, 2628, 13, 198, 23625, 257, 2057, 2378, 287, 257, 2041, 1295, 284, 307, 17065, 1568, 13, 4418, 1444, 366, 8873, 13493, 1, 198, 2664, 3638, 284, 10996, 198, 5562, 3814, 286, 262, 3668, 1022, 2242, 13, 20, 7370, 2258, 290, 3126, 7370, 2258, 357, 23395, 262, 25491, 291, 286, 15523, 290, 262, 15723, 16291, 8, 290, 1022, 2242, 13, 20, 7370, 2520, 290, 3126, 7370, 2520, 357, 23395, 262, 25491, 291, 286, 4476, 1173, 1211, 290, 262, 33149, 16291, 737, 198, 36376, 319, 262, 2323, 13, 198, 4299, 2412, 281, 1989, 1626, 262, 1363, 2837, 11, 12030, 416, 257, 2060, 4695, 393, 1448, 286, 4695, 286, 262, 976, 4693, 290, 2714, 832, 9929, 3761, 11, 3359, 11, 393, 15422, 198, 2664, 6504, 284, 10996, 198, 260, 25493, 287, 543, 19078, 1634, 290, 2478, 1011, 1295, 1626, 262, 4048, 1767, 290, 262, 5922, 39880, 37453, 31219, 17862, 422, 262, 4048, 13, 198, 35465, 389, 5365, 880, 12, 33082, 618, 4642, 198, 1925, 28851, 11, 317, 1539, 376, 13, 3248, 42140, 17215, 11, 406, 13, 2631, 488, 75, 11, 317, 13, 3175, 330, 4267, 13, 5816, 13, 4990, 1292, 37410, 14233, 11, 9230, 3124, 341, 11, 290, 18922, 4079, 590, 287, 262, 34306, 2556, 46457, 357, 27917, 298, 544, 2599, 10939, 329, 5874, 36517, 13, 43965, 8670, 11669, 29126, 1222, 15612, 5800, 11, 5846, 14, 20, 25, 362, 24369, 12, 1828, 4846, 13, 198, 4264, 260, 8847, 11, 406, 1539, 449, 13, 27663, 12, 44, 5330, 11, 449, 13, 575, 1531, 89, 13, 12923, 13, 16024, 469, 4867, 286, 2556, 375, 756, 312, 41093, 25, 1052, 34286, 12, 1990, 2122, 560, 14078, 13, 7663, 7484, 25, 31645, 1435, 11, 968, 7171, 11, 5014, 25, 22219, 12, 42224, 13, 198, 36, 65, 641, 525, 1362, 11, 406, 1539, 376, 13, 3248, 42140, 17215, 13, 4751, 13, 412, 1008, 1136, 873, 290, 4356, 11577, 9172, 287, 262, 32948, 793, 5132, 3396, 84, 2556, 324, 261, 3396, 385, 357, 27917, 298, 544, 25, 2556, 375, 756, 31718, 737, 4913, 286, 31645, 1435, 11, 25264, 25, 27228, 12, 25096, 13, 198, 36, 65, 641, 525, 1362, 11, 406, 1539, 317, 13, 6488, 952, 46218, 13, 6244, 13, 12674, 3396, 385, 11, 2556, 46457, 3396, 385, 11, 13096, 511, 8977, 8664, 722, 4069, 287, 2882, 284, 1919, 33065, 286, 2180, 8977, 8664, 722, 8849, 13, 5416, 12523, 609, 346, 8107, 390, 5590, 7661, 12068, 11, 5441, 25, 23313, 12, 24136, 13, 198, 36, 65, 641, 525, 1362, 11, 406, 1539, 337, 13, 42566, 4533, 13, 5075, 13, 1550, 262, 2776, 1022, 21047, 37797, 3002, 290, 49202, 3842, 286, 3396, 385, 357, 12349, 46457, 3396, 385, 737, 9956, 1435, 11, 13374, 14, 21, 25, 642, 6052, 12, 28688, 13, 198, 36, 65, 641, 525, 1362, 11, 406, 1539, 337, 13, 42566, 4533, 13, 5075, 13, 7369, 282, 2458, 287, 262, 640, 4466, 286, 3396, 385, 11, 2556, 324, 261, 3396, 385, 492, 10407, 37716, 11, 25181, 25, 10495, 12, 14686, 13, 198, 36, 65, 641, 525, 1362, 11, 406, 1539, 337, 13, 42566, 4533, 11, 337, 13, 311, 2069, 12, 38, 22651, 64, 11, 412, 13, 406, 25415, 11, 317, 13, 22597, 13, 5472, 13, 4440, 282, 46282, 290, 45338, 1056, 287, 3396, 385, 357, 12349, 46457, 3396, 385, 737, 399, 2541, 86, 747, 641, 11693, 14785, 11, 10495, 25, 5014, 16, 12, 31010, 13, 198, 36, 65, 641, 525, 1362, 11, 406, 1539, 350, 13, 6445, 10671, 13, 6244, 13, 4912, 278, 5732, 262, 2694, 286, 262, 1919, 50074, 11, 2556, 46457, 3396, 385, 11, 284, 4886, 23311, 618, 1262, 7362, 4580, 5976, 270, 1381, 13, 440, 1134, 418, 11, 9661, 25, 5125, 16, 12, 38073, 13, 198, 37, 12171, 11, 402, 13, 15408, 13, 11822, 319, 262, 3842, 11, 20728, 11, 290, 1919, 4069, 286, 2556, 46457, 3396, 385, 13, 4913, 286, 39502, 48909, 11, 7632, 14, 18, 25, 604, 3865, 12, 31654, 13, 198, 38, 315, 44448, 11, 449, 1539, 376, 13, 3248, 42140, 17215, 13, 7795, 13, 16292, 6356, 287, 33763, 416, 257, 2276, 396, 21047, 452, 9610, 50074, 357, 12349, 46457, 3396, 385, 8, 422, 262, 48014, 17475, 10326, 13, 4913, 286, 943, 312, 2039, 12103, 11, 5014, 25, 49231, 12, 31980, 13, 198, 27827, 46671, 11, 402, 1539, 371, 13, 399, 9774, 14057, 11, 371, 13, 23663, 22281, 11, 376, 13, 3248, 42140, 17215, 13, 6244, 13, 6714, 290, 21819, 7095, 286, 640, 290, 5951, 284, 3842, 286, 3396, 385, 13, 5416, 12523, 609, 346, 8107, 390, 5590, 7661, 12068, 11, 5441, 25, 642, 3134, 12, 48630, 13, 198, 27827, 46671, 11, 402, 1539, 327, 13, 17378, 28213, 11, 376, 13, 3248, 42140, 17215, 13, 7358, 13, 6714, 39804, 286, 2057, 10337, 290, 43924, 302, 278, 395, 295, 287, 262, 3396, 84, 11, 281, 21047, 452, 9610, 48014, 50074, 25, 45780, 44639, 832, 2243, 10051, 46671, 13, 8687, 15071, 290, 8436, 32864, 31645, 1435, 11, 7724, 14, 16, 25, 8699, 12, 4521, 13, 198, 42, 293, 24086, 11, 360, 13, 16489, 13, 47020, 286, 9172, 287, 2537, 301, 1173, 25831, 41093, 13, 15845, 35864, 286, 262, 31645, 2770, 7023, 357, 23421, 828, 4974, 25, 28369, 12, 22567, 13, 198, 24338, 11, 309, 13, 5472, 13, 2556, 46457, 3396, 385, 25, 317, 2566, 35735, 11, 1919, 11, 290, 890, 12, 24489, 50074, 13, 14639, 1503, 4913, 11, 4153, 14, 16, 25, 1478, 12, 1731, 13, 198, 50, 2069, 12, 38, 22651, 64, 11, 337, 1539, 337, 13, 9757, 40755, 11, 376, 13, 3248, 42140, 17215, 13, 5075, 13, 5483, 25288, 290, 17770, 2974, 287, 4257, 2556, 324, 261, 3396, 385, 357, 27917, 298, 544, 2599, 257, 2214, 1332, 286, 262, 10772, 858, 21209, 313, 8497, 13, 367, 579, 1952, 290, 20181, 11, 6298, 14, 18, 25, 35592, 12, 36042, 13, 198, 50, 2069, 12, 38, 22651, 64, 11, 337, 13, 5075, 13, 3232, 290, 2472, 18776, 2974, 287, 2214, 10835, 286, 2556, 46457, 3396, 385, 357, 27917, 298, 544, 11, 2556, 375, 756, 31718, 2599, 9922, 286, 262, 36956, 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Details of Glycemic Index (GI) The GI Scale The glycemic index uses a scale from 1 to 100, which indicates the rate at which 50 grams of carbohydrate in a particular food is absorbed into the bloodstream as blood-sugar. The main reference food (rated 100) is glucose. GI Rating Categories The glycemic index divides carbohydrate foods into three categories: GI Food Testing is Ongoing Not all foods have been given a GI value, although most food-types are covered. However, due to the way GI is measured using volunteer subjects, results can vary, so GI values for some specific foods are not yet uniformly established. GI - Diabetes and Weight Control Although the glycemic index was first designed to assist diabetes patients manage their blood-sugar levels, dietitians and weight experts now use it as a tool to help treat obesity, food cravings and appetite swings, and improve eating habits. Both the type AND quantity of carbohydrate in our food influence the rise in blood glucose. But the glycemic index only rates a standard 50 gram serving size of digestible carbohydrate in a particular food, which may not be appropriate for all foods. For example, foods whose serving size contains only a small amount of carbohydrate may in practice be better for blood sugar control than foods whose normal serving size contains a large amount of carbs. Therefore, to provide a more meaningful GI-rating system, researchers at Harvard University invented the term Glycemic Load, which applies the glycemic index to normal food serving sizes. OBESITY, OVERWEIGHT and
[ 24259, 286, 27949, 40478, 12901, 357, 18878, 8, 198, 464, 30616, 21589, 198, 464, 13874, 40478, 6376, 3544, 257, 5046, 422, 352, 284, 1802, 11, 543, 9217, 262, 2494, 379, 543, 2026, 16379, 286, 28205, 287, 257, 1948, 2057, 318, 19233, 656, 262, 46005, 355, 2910, 12, 82, 35652, 13, 383, 1388, 4941, 2057, 357, 4111, 1802, 8, 318, 15701, 13, 198, 18878, 12028, 45486, 198, 464, 13874, 40478, 6376, 36319, 28205, 198, 19425, 82, 656, 1115, 9376, 25, 198, 18878, 7318, 23983, 318, 48041, 40519, 198, 3673, 477, 9013, 423, 587, 1813, 257, 30616, 1988, 11, 3584, 749, 2057, 12, 19199, 389, 5017, 13, 2102, 11, 2233, 284, 262, 835, 30616, 318, 8630, 1262, 13904, 7481, 11, 2482, 460, 7565, 11, 523, 30616, 3815, 329, 617, 2176, 9013, 389, 407, 1865, 42096, 4920, 13, 198, 18878, 532, 39569, 290, 14331, 6779, 198, 7003, 262, 13874, 40478, 6376, 373, 717, 3562, 284, 3342, 12593, 3871, 6687, 511, 2910, 12, 82, 35652, 2974, 11, 5496, 270, 1547, 290, 3463, 6154, 783, 779, 340, 355, 257, 2891, 284, 1037, 2190, 13825, 11, 2057, 269, 42335, 290, 20788, 26728, 11, 290, 2987, 6600, 13870, 13, 198, 10265, 262, 2099, 5357, 12040, 286, 28205, 287, 674, 2057, 4588, 262, 4485, 287, 2910, 15701, 13, 887, 262, 13874, 40478, 6376, 691, 3965, 257, 3210, 2026, 14599, 7351, 2546, 286, 16274, 856, 28205, 287, 257, 1948, 2057, 11, 543, 743, 407, 307, 5035, 329, 477, 9013, 13, 1114, 1672, 11, 9013, 3025, 7351, 2546, 4909, 691, 257, 1402, 2033, 286, 28205, 743, 287, 3357, 307, 1365, 329, 2910, 7543, 1630, 621, 9013, 3025, 3487, 7351, 2546, 4909, 257, 1588, 2033, 286, 33037, 13, 8447, 11, 284, 2148, 257, 517, 11570, 30616, 12, 8821, 1080, 11, 4837, 379, 11131, 2059, 15646, 262, 3381, 27949, 40478, 8778, 11, 543, 8991, 262, 13874, 40478, 6376, 284, 3487, 2057, 7351, 10620, 13, 198, 9864, 1546, 9050, 11, 28729, 8845, 9947, 290, 50256 ]
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Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2010 August 12 Explanation: Each August, as planet Earth swings through dust trailing along the orbit of periodic comet Swift-Tuttle, skygazers can enjoy the Perseid Meteor Shower. The shower should build to its peak now, best seen from later tonight after moonset, until dawn tomorrow morning when Earth moves through the denser part of the wide dust trail. But shower meteors have been spotted for many days, like this bright Perseid streaking through skies near Lake Balaton, Hungary on August 8. In the foreground is the region's Church of St. Andrew ruin, with bright Jupiter dominating the sky to its right. Two galaxies lie in the background of the wide-angle, 3 frame panorama; our own Milky Way's luminous arc, and the faint smudge of the more distant Andromeda Galaxy just above the ruin's leftmost wall. If you watch for Perseid meteors tonight, be sure and check out the early evening sky show too, featuring bright planets and a young crescent Moon near the western horizon after sunset. Authors & editors: Jerry Bonnell (UMCP) NASA Official: Phillip Newman Specific rights apply. A service of: ASD at NASA / GSFC & Michigan Tech. U.
[ 44596, 262, 39385, 0, 5501, 1110, 257, 1180, 2939, 393, 8408, 286, 674, 13899, 6881, 318, 8096, 11, 1863, 351, 257, 4506, 7468, 3194, 416, 257, 4708, 47603, 13, 198, 10333, 2932, 1105, 198, 3109, 11578, 341, 25, 5501, 2932, 11, 355, 5440, 3668, 26728, 832, 8977, 25462, 1863, 262, 13066, 286, 27458, 31733, 15608, 12, 51, 315, 7100, 11, 6766, 70, 1031, 364, 460, 2883, 262, 31544, 312, 25582, 911, 789, 13, 383, 14643, 815, 1382, 284, 663, 9103, 783, 11, 1266, 1775, 422, 1568, 9975, 706, 31093, 316, 11, 1566, 17577, 9439, 3329, 618, 3668, 6100, 832, 262, 29509, 263, 636, 286, 262, 3094, 8977, 8025, 13, 887, 14643, 47091, 669, 423, 587, 13489, 329, 867, 1528, 11, 588, 428, 6016, 31544, 312, 1937, 868, 832, 24091, 1474, 6233, 8528, 13951, 11, 19562, 319, 2932, 807, 13, 554, 262, 36282, 318, 262, 3814, 338, 4564, 286, 520, 13, 6858, 16866, 11, 351, 6016, 22721, 30651, 262, 6766, 284, 663, 826, 13, 4930, 27982, 6486, 287, 262, 4469, 286, 262, 3094, 12, 9248, 11, 513, 5739, 3425, 36161, 26, 674, 898, 34822, 6378, 338, 29763, 516, 10389, 11, 290, 262, 18107, 895, 12587, 286, 262, 517, 12899, 34542, 9252, 655, 2029, 262, 16866, 338, 1364, 1712, 3355, 13, 1002, 345, 2342, 329, 31544, 312, 47091, 669, 9975, 11, 307, 1654, 290, 2198, 503, 262, 1903, 6180, 6766, 905, 1165, 11, 9593, 6016, 14705, 290, 257, 1862, 269, 26505, 6869, 1474, 262, 8830, 17810, 706, 26428, 13, 198, 30515, 669, 1222, 15719, 25, 198, 43462, 7979, 10076, 357, 5883, 8697, 8, 198, 29998, 15934, 25, 29470, 27698, 17377, 2489, 4174, 13, 198, 32, 2139, 286, 25, 38661, 379, 8884, 1220, 26681, 4851, 198, 5, 7055, 9634, 13, 471, 13, 50256 ]
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1. Why is extremism an issue in prisons? Extremist groups often pose special security risks in prisons. They may encourage the overthrow of the government, and prison officials can be targeted as agents of "illegal" government authority. Further, their literature often encourages ethnic hatred, promoting a violent and racially charged prison atmosphere. Since the 1980s, white supremacist organizations have spread throughout the American prison system, beginning with the growth of Aryan Brotherhood.1 Aryan Nations, although not permitting inmates to become members, has engaged in "prison outreach" since 1979. In 1987, it began publishing a "prison outreach newsletter" called The Way to facilitate recruitment. Aryan Nations also disseminates its literature and letters to inmates. The World Church of the Creator and some Identity Church groups engage in similar outreach activity, as do other racist groups, such as Nation of Islam. The situation is further complicated by the fact that nonideological criminal prison gangs are often organized based on race, which increases racial polarization. Imprisoned extremists also pose a security threat by continuing their activities while incarcerated. They recruit inmates, and teach other inmates extremist tactics. Some imprisoned extremists also have attempted to continue to influence adherents outside of prison by, for instance, publishing newsletters from the prison to maintain their outside following. Prison officials have responded in various ways, reflecting the fact that each state has its own prison system (as do cities, counties and the federal government), and that prisons have varying populations. At times, prison officials have tried to limit access to extremist literature, and these responses have occasionally given rise to litigation because they potentially impinge upon inmates' First Amendment rights. The questions are especially complicated when the censored material comes from a group that claims to be religious. 1 Aryan Brotherhood, at one time associated with Aryan Nations, began as a virulent racist and anti-Semitic prison gang, and has since developed into a crime gang associated with extortion, drug operations and prison violence. 2. Do inmates have the same First Amendment rights as everybody else? The United States Supreme Court has said that "prison walls do not form a barrier separating prison inmates from the protections of the Constitution." Nevertheless, inmates' First Amendment rights are less extensive than other citizens' and their rights can be limited due to security or other penological concerns. Because of the particular challenges administrators face running prisons, the Supreme Court has acknowledged there is a compelling government interest which warrants limiting prisoners' rights. Courts have been deferential to prison officials' assessments of security threats, and sensitive to their related regulatory decisions, even if such decisions impact inmates' First Amendment rights. A prison regulation that impinges on an inmate's constitutional rights will be upheld in court if that regulation is reasonably related to legitimate penological objectives. This means that, generally, prison officials can ban extremist materials from prisons because of concerns that the distribution of such material will undermine prison security. Extremist books, leaflets, and magazines have been forbidden to prisoners on this basis. Such material has not been allowed through the mail and has not been kept in the prison library. However, prisons have less discretion to limit inmates' religious practices than other First Amendment rights due to a new federal law. Because of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA), prison officials' discretion in limiting access to extremist material may depend in part on whether such material is related to an inmate's religious exercise. Therefore, prison regulations that affect religious exercise, including access to religious literature, will be reviewed carefully if challenged in court. 3. What legal standard is used to determine the constitutionality of prison regulations? The Supreme Court announced the standard under which it would review the constitutionality of prison regulations in Turner v. Safley, a case involving a challenge to a complete prohibition on inmate marriage. As noted earlier, a prison regulation is constitutional if it is reasonably related to legitimate penological objectives. Under this standard, courts have upheld regulations based on the consideration of certain factors: - Is there a valid, rational connection between the prison regulation and the legitimate governmental interest put forward to justify it? - Are there alternative means of exercising the assert- ed right that remain open to inmates? - How great a negative impact will accommodating the inmates' rights have on guards, other inmates,a nd on the allocation of prison resources? Courts will consider the existence of obvious and easy alternatives to a challenged regulation as evidence of a regulation's arbitrariness. 4. Is the same legal standard used to determine the constitutionality of prison regulations that implicate an inmate's right to free exercise of religion? No, the same standard is not applicable to determining the constitutionality of prison regulations alleged to violate inmates' free exercise rights. The constitutionality of such regulations is determined under the more stringent standard set forth in RLUIPA. RLUIPA says that the government cannot impose a substantial burden on the religious exercise of an inmate, even if the inmate's religious exercise is being limited by a generally applicable rule. However, an inmate's religious practices can be limited if the prison official demonstrates that the regulations in question (i) further a compelling interest and (ii) the same interest cannot be served in a manner that is less restrictive of the inmate's free exercise rights. Since RLUIPA was enacted in September 2000, it has not yet been interpreted by the courts. Therefore, how this statute will impact prison regulations that affect inmates' religious exercise remains unclear. 5. How should prison officials evaluate whether particular material can be withheld from inmates? Generally, the First Amendment does not allow speech to be censored by the government because of the content of that speech. The government can only limit the time, place, and manner of speech. However, because inmates have more limited First Amendment rights than other citizens, some content-based discrimination is allowed for security reasons. For example, the United States Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit upheld a prison official's decision to withhold entire issues of the magazine, Muhammad Speaks, because certain articles in the magazine created a danger of violence by advocating racial, religious, or national hatred. This decision was prior to the passage of RLUIPA, and therefore the Court's analysis might be somewhat different today. Under current law, if having the entire magazine withheld was determined to be a substantial burden on inmates' free exercise rights, the Court might require that the offending material be removed rather than the entire issue being withheld. Regulations that exclude publications from a prison because of security concerns have been found constitutional when the regulations have required individualized review of any material before it is banned, notification to inmates that the material has been denied, and the possibility of review of such decisions. Courts have tended to find prison regulations that ban all literature from particular groups unconstitutional. However, the determination of the constitutionality of a given regulation or the implementation of the regulation has tended to be very fact-specific. Courts look not only at the regulation at issue but also consider the nature of the prison (high, medium, or low security) and the particular administrative challenges faced by the prison (such as crowding and quantity of incoming mail) in determining reasonableness, or the practical existence of less restrictive alternative measures. 6. Can prison officials apply the same restrictions to outgoing prison material? The Supreme Court does not allow content regulation with respect to outgoing mail from inmates. While outgoing mail can be searched for contraband,2 content regulation of outgoing mail is also more restricted because it implicates the First Amendment rights of non-prisoner addressees.3 In addition, outgoing material does not pose a threat to internal prison security; therefore content limitations have been considered less urgent. However, regulations can limit the content of outgoing mail categorically. For example, escape plans, threats, running a business, and blackmail are categories that have been disallowed. Therefore, correspondence from prisoners to extremist groups cannot be banned outright because of its content. However, inmates can be prevented from distributing a newsletter from prison when doing so constitutes running a business. 2 Special rules exist with respect to attorney-client correspondence or mail that implicates an inmate's right to access the courts that are beyond the scope of this discussion. 3 However, prison officials can forbid all correspondence between incarcerated individuals. 7. Can extremist "missionaries" be prevented from visiting prisons? Prison officials can ban categories of prison visitors, such as former inmates or visitors who have previously broken visiting rules. An extremist "missionary" can be barred from a prison because of generally applicable rules. In addition, prisons can create procedures for requesting visiting ministers, and impose conditions on the selection of the ministers, such as sponsorship by an outside religious organization. Prison officials can also exclude prison "missionaries" if they are advocating violence or otherwise fomenting prison unrest by encouraging racial tension. However, under RLUIPA, the prison would have to show that any restrictions on visiting clergy are the least restrictive means of achieving its end. Prison officials do not have a responsibility to hire a minister for each religious denomination represented in the prison population. However, if visiting ministers of one denomination are compensated, visiting ministers of other denominations must be equally compensated. Security limitations can be placed on inmate-led prayer or services, but again, under RLUIPA, the prison would have to show that any restrictions on such gatherings is the least restrictive means of achieving its end. For example, it is more likely that the prison could limit the frequency of such meetings, the number of attendees and require supervision than that such gatherings could be banned outright. 8. Under what circumstances must prisons accommodate prisoners' religious dietary requirements? Accommodating religiously based dietary rules has become an issue when dealing with extremists because incidents have raised concern that extremists "adopt" religious practices that are not based on sincere beliefs in order to obtain special privileges, such as specialized diets. Generally, if an inmate's request for a special diet is because of a sincerely held belief and religious in nature, the inmate has a constitutionally protected interest. Under RLUIPA, a request for a special religious diet can only be refused based on a compelling prison interest and if it is the least restrictive means possible for the prison protecting that interest. Prisons may offer more limited food selection to prisoners with religious dietary limitations, such as providing only cold kosher meals rather than hot food. In the past, when determining whether a prison was required to provided a special diet for a prisoner, courts have considered whether the dietary restrictions were central to the prisoner's religious observance. Under RLUIPA, such a determination would probably not be relevant. The threshold question in evaluating the prison's obligation to accommodate a request would still be whether the inmate's dietary request arose out of sincerely held beliefs that were religious in nature.
[ 16, 13, 4162, 318, 25571, 281, 2071, 287, 19224, 30, 198, 11627, 2787, 396, 2628, 1690, 12705, 2041, 2324, 7476, 287, 19224, 13, 1119, 743, 7898, 262, 25525, 286, 262, 1230, 11, 290, 3770, 2828, 460, 307, 7977, 355, 6554, 286, 366, 47749, 1, 1230, 4934, 13, 7735, 11, 511, 9285, 1690, 18656, 9450, 13763, 11, 11560, 257, 6590, 290, 28824, 5047, 3770, 8137, 13, 198, 6385, 262, 7169, 82, 11, 2330, 31352, 5745, 423, 4104, 3690, 262, 1605, 3770, 1080, 11, 3726, 351, 262, 3349, 286, 317, 29038, 17987, 13, 16, 317, 29038, 7973, 11, 3584, 407, 29256, 16831, 284, 1716, 1866, 11, 468, 7953, 287, 366, 35156, 23424, 1, 1201, 13521, 13, 554, 12923, 11, 340, 2540, 12407, 257, 366, 35156, 23424, 13129, 1, 1444, 383, 6378, 284, 15570, 19624, 13, 317, 29038, 7973, 635, 30548, 689, 663, 9285, 290, 7475, 284, 16831, 13, 383, 2159, 4564, 286, 262, 21038, 290, 617, 27207, 4564, 2628, 8209, 287, 2092, 23424, 3842, 11, 355, 466, 584, 9811, 2628, 11, 884, 355, 8741, 286, 3449, 13, 383, 3074, 318, 2252, 8253, 416, 262, 1109, 326, 1729, 485, 2770, 4301, 3770, 22561, 389, 1690, 8389, 1912, 319, 3234, 11, 543, 5732, 8425, 42704, 13, 198, 3546, 35156, 276, 20674, 635, 12705, 257, 2324, 2372, 416, 8282, 511, 4568, 981, 33946, 13, 1119, 10960, 16831, 11, 290, 4545, 584, 16831, 20440, 10815, 13, 2773, 21125, 20674, 635, 423, 7482, 284, 2555, 284, 4588, 46372, 2354, 286, 3770, 416, 11, 329, 4554, 11, 12407, 16983, 422, 262, 3770, 284, 5529, 511, 2354, 1708, 13, 198, 6836, 1653, 2828, 423, 7082, 287, 2972, 2842, 11, 20252, 262, 1109, 326, 1123, 1181, 468, 663, 898, 3770, 1080, 357, 292, 466, 4736, 11, 14683, 290, 262, 2717, 1230, 828, 290, 326, 19224, 423, 15874, 9684, 13, 1629, 1661, 11, 3770, 2828, 423, 3088, 284, 4179, 1895, 284, 20440, 9285, 11, 290, 777, 9109, 423, 10491, 1813, 4485, 284, 19284, 780, 484, 6196, 848, 11912, 2402, 16831, 6, 3274, 8441, 2489, 13, 383, 2683, 389, 2592, 8253, 618, 262, 43847, 2587, 2058, 422, 257, 1448, 326, 3667, 284, 307, 4158, 13, 198, 16, 317, 29038, 17987, 11, 379, 530, 640, 3917, 351, 317, 29038, 7973, 11, 2540, 355, 257, 5709, 15288, 9811, 290, 3098, 12, 28753, 3770, 7706, 11, 290, 468, 1201, 4166, 656, 257, 4065, 7706, 3917, 351, 38583, 11, 2563, 4560, 290, 3770, 3685, 13, 198, 17, 13, 2141, 16831, 423, 262, 976, 3274, 8441, 2489, 355, 7288, 2073, 30, 198, 464, 1578, 1829, 5617, 3078, 468, 531, 326, 366, 35156, 7714, 466, 407, 1296, 257, 13054, 27259, 3770, 16831, 422, 262, 15018, 286, 262, 7965, 526, 15933, 11, 16831, 6, 3274, 8441, 2489, 389, 1342, 7667, 621, 584, 4290, 6, 290, 511, 2489, 460, 307, 3614, 2233, 284, 2324, 393, 584, 3112, 2770, 4786, 13, 4362, 286, 262, 1948, 6459, 18618, 1986, 2491, 19224, 11, 262, 5617, 3078, 468, 10810, 612, 318, 257, 13206, 1230, 1393, 543, 23070, 15637, 10577, 6, 2489, 13, 32631, 423, 587, 825, 33369, 284, 3770, 2828, 6, 21837, 286, 2324, 7432, 11, 290, 8564, 284, 511, 3519, 11344, 5370, 11, 772, 611, 884, 5370, 2928, 16831, 6, 3274, 8441, 2489, 13, 198, 32, 3770, 9001, 326, 848, 26792, 319, 281, 28414, 338, 9758, 2489, 481, 307, 24816, 287, 2184, 611, 326, 9001, 318, 13025, 3519, 284, 9829, 3112, 2770, 15221, 13, 770, 1724, 326, 11, 4143, 11, 3770, 2828, 460, 3958, 20440, 5696, 422, 19224, 780, 286, 4786, 326, 262, 6082, 286, 884, 2587, 481, 16637, 3770, 2324, 13, 47871, 396, 3835, 11, 48409, 11, 290, 16695, 423, 587, 19467, 284, 10577, 319, 428, 4308, 13, 8013, 2587, 468, 407, 587, 3142, 832, 262, 6920, 290, 468, 407, 587, 4030, 287, 262, 3770, 5888, 13, 198, 4864, 11, 19224, 423, 1342, 14130, 284, 4179, 16831, 6, 4158, 6593, 621, 584, 3274, 8441, 2489, 2233, 284, 257, 649, 2717, 1099, 13, 4362, 286, 262, 23945, 6379, 5765, 290, 2262, 5677, 1143, 32884, 2191, 357, 7836, 52, 4061, 32, 828, 3770, 2828, 6, 14130, 287, 15637, 1895, 284, 20440, 2587, 743, 4745, 287, 636, 319, 1771, 884, 2587, 318, 3519, 284, 281, 28414, 338, 4158, 5517, 13, 8447, 11, 3770, 6647, 326, 2689, 4158, 5517, 11, 1390, 1895, 284, 4158, 9285, 11, 481, 307, 11765, 7773, 611, 12827, 287, 2184, 13, 198, 18, 13, 1867, 2742, 3210, 318, 973, 284, 5004, 262, 11784, 1483, 286, 3770, 6647, 30, 198, 464, 5617, 3078, 3414, 262, 3210, 739, 543, 340, 561, 2423, 262, 11784, 1483, 286, 3770, 6647, 287, 15406, 410, 13, 6895, 1636, 11, 257, 1339, 7411, 257, 4427, 284, 257, 1844, 19548, 319, 28414, 4845, 13, 1081, 4367, 2961, 11, 257, 3770, 9001, 318, 9758, 611, 340, 318, 13025, 3519, 284, 9829, 3112, 2770, 15221, 13, 4698, 428, 3210, 11, 8028, 423, 24816, 6647, 1912, 319, 262, 9110, 286, 1728, 5087, 25, 198, 12, 1148, 612, 257, 4938, 11, 9377, 4637, 1022, 262, 3770, 9001, 290, 262, 9829, 21850, 198, 9446, 1234, 2651, 284, 12051, 340, 30, 198, 12, 4231, 612, 5559, 1724, 286, 25352, 262, 6818, 12, 1225, 826, 326, 3520, 1280, 284, 16831, 30, 198, 12, 1374, 1049, 257, 4633, 2928, 481, 49389, 262, 16831, 6, 2489, 423, 319, 10942, 11, 584, 16831, 11, 64, 198, 358, 319, 262, 20157, 286, 3770, 4133, 30, 198, 25877, 912, 481, 2074, 262, 6224, 286, 3489, 290, 2562, 14693, 284, 257, 12827, 9001, 355, 2370, 286, 257, 9001, 338, 9277, 20040, 1272, 13, 198, 19, 13, 1148, 262, 976, 2742, 3210, 973, 284, 5004, 262, 11784, 1483, 286, 3770, 6647, 326, 4114, 5344, 281, 28414, 338, 826, 284, 1479, 5517, 286, 5737, 30, 198, 2949, 11, 262, 976, 3210, 318, 407, 9723, 284, 13213, 262, 11784, 1483, 286, 3770, 6647, 4260, 284, 16967, 16831, 6, 1479, 5517, 2489, 13, 383, 11784, 1483, 286, 884, 6647, 318, 5295, 739, 262, 517, 32791, 3210, 900, 6071, 287, 371, 41596, 4061, 32, 13, 371, 41596, 4061, 32, 1139, 326, 262, 1230, 2314, 13551, 257, 8904, 10538, 319, 262, 4158, 5517, 286, 281, 28414, 11, 772, 611, 262, 28414, 338, 4158, 5517, 318, 852, 3614, 416, 257, 4143, 9723, 3896, 13, 2102, 11, 281, 28414, 338, 4158, 6593, 460, 307, 3614, 611, 262, 3770, 1743, 15687, 326, 262, 6647, 287, 1808, 357, 72, 8, 2252, 257, 13206, 1393, 290, 357, 4178, 8, 262, 976, 1393, 2314, 307, 4983, 287, 257, 5642, 326, 318, 1342, 26258, 286, 262, 28414, 338, 1479, 5517, 2489, 13, 198, 6385, 371, 41596, 4061, 32, 373, 17814, 287, 2693, 4751, 11, 340, 468, 407, 1865, 587, 16173, 416, 262, 8028, 13, 8447, 11, 703, 428, 14195, 481, 2928, 3770, 6647, 326, 2689, 16831, 6, 4158, 5517, 3793, 10061, 13, 198, 20, 13, 1374, 815, 3770, 2828, 13446, 1771, 1948, 2587, 460, 307, 31453, 422, 16831, 30, 198, 37058, 11, 262, 3274, 8441, 857, 407, 1249, 4046, 284, 307, 43847, 416, 262, 1230, 780, 286, 262, 2695, 286, 326, 4046, 13, 383, 1230, 460, 691, 4179, 262, 640, 11, 1295, 11, 290, 5642, 286, 4046, 13, 2102, 11, 780, 16831, 423, 517, 3614, 3274, 8441, 2489, 621, 584, 4290, 11, 617, 2695, 12, 3106, 8839, 318, 3142, 329, 2324, 3840, 13, 1114, 1672, 11, 262, 1578, 1829, 3078, 286, 20172, 329, 262, 838, 400, 13588, 24816, 257, 3770, 1743, 338, 2551, 284, 34224, 2104, 2428, 286, 262, 7093, 11, 15870, 2531, 4730, 11, 780, 1728, 6685, 287, 262, 7093, 2727, 257, 3514, 286, 3685, 416, 24950, 8425, 11, 4158, 11, 393, 2260, 13763, 13, 770, 2551, 373, 3161, 284, 262, 10066, 286, 371, 41596, 4061, 32, 11, 290, 4361, 262, 3078, 338, 3781, 1244, 307, 6454, 1180, 1909, 13, 4698, 1459, 1099, 11, 611, 1719, 262, 2104, 7093, 31453, 373, 5295, 284, 307, 257, 8904, 10538, 319, 16831, 6, 1479, 5517, 2489, 11, 262, 3078, 1244, 2421, 326, 262, 30810, 2587, 307, 4615, 2138, 621, 262, 2104, 2071, 852, 31453, 13, 198, 8081, 5768, 326, 19607, 16125, 422, 257, 3770, 780, 286, 2324, 4786, 423, 587, 1043, 9758, 618, 262, 6647, 423, 2672, 1981, 1143, 2423, 286, 597, 2587, 878, 340, 318, 9301, 11, 14483, 284, 16831, 326, 262, 2587, 468, 587, 6699, 11, 290, 262, 5885, 286, 2423, 286, 884, 5370, 13, 32631, 423, 19960, 284, 1064, 3770, 6647, 326, 3958, 477, 9285, 422, 1948, 2628, 20727, 13, 2102, 11, 262, 12123, 286, 262, 11784, 1483, 286, 257, 1813, 9001, 393, 262, 7822, 286, 262, 9001, 468, 19960, 284, 307, 845, 1109, 12, 11423, 13, 32631, 804, 407, 691, 379, 262, 9001, 379, 2071, 475, 635, 2074, 262, 3450, 286, 262, 3770, 357, 8929, 11, 7090, 11, 393, 1877, 2324, 8, 290, 262, 1948, 11553, 6459, 7452, 416, 262, 3770, 357, 10508, 355, 4315, 278, 290, 12040, 286, 15619, 6920, 8, 287, 13213, 1738, 23117, 9449, 11, 393, 262, 8472, 6224, 286, 1342, 26258, 5559, 5260, 13, 198, 21, 13, 1680, 3770, 2828, 4174, 262, 976, 8733, 284, 28181, 3770, 2587, 30, 198, 464, 5617, 3078, 857, 407, 1249, 2695, 9001, 351, 2461, 284, 28181, 6920, 422, 16831, 13, 2893, 28181, 6920, 460, 307, 16499, 329, 3445, 49248, 11, 17, 2695, 9001, 286, 28181, 6920, 318, 635, 517, 10770, 780, 340, 4114, 16856, 262, 3274, 8441, 2489, 286, 1729, 12, 35156, 263, 751, 411, 325, 274, 13, 18, 554, 3090, 11, 28181, 2587, 857, 407, 12705, 257, 2372, 284, 5387, 3770, 2324, 26, 4361, 2695, 11247, 423, 587, 3177, 1342, 18039, 13, 2102, 11, 6647, 460, 4179, 262, 2695, 286, 28181, 6920, 17851, 1146, 13, 1114, 1672, 11, 6654, 3352, 11, 7432, 11, 2491, 257, 1597, 11, 290, 32625, 389, 9376, 326, 423, 587, 595, 40845, 13, 8447, 11, 22440, 422, 10577, 284, 20440, 2628, 2314, 307, 9301, 15828, 780, 286, 663, 2695, 13, 2102, 11, 16831, 460, 307, 13351, 422, 25950, 257, 13129, 422, 3770, 618, 1804, 523, 19300, 2491, 257, 1597, 13, 198, 17, 6093, 3173, 2152, 351, 2461, 284, 6136, 12, 16366, 22440, 393, 6920, 326, 4114, 16856, 281, 28414, 338, 826, 284, 1895, 262, 8028, 326, 389, 3675, 262, 8354, 286, 428, 5114, 13, 198, 18, 2102, 11, 3770, 2828, 460, 33277, 477, 22440, 1022, 33946, 3925, 13, 198, 22, 13, 1680, 20440, 366, 3411, 3166, 1, 307, 13351, 422, 10013, 19224, 30, 198, 6836, 1653, 2828, 460, 3958, 9376, 286, 3770, 9692, 11, 884, 355, 1966, 16831, 393, 9692, 508, 423, 4271, 5445, 10013, 3173, 13, 1052, 20440, 366, 3411, 560, 1, 460, 307, 23902, 422, 257, 3770, 780, 286, 4143, 9723, 3173, 13, 554, 3090, 11, 19224, 460, 2251, 9021, 329, 20623, 10013, 14138, 11, 290, 13551, 3403, 319, 262, 6356, 286, 262, 14138, 11, 884, 355, 27418, 416, 281, 2354, 4158, 4009, 13, 16999, 2828, 460, 635, 19607, 3770, 366, 3411, 3166, 1, 611, 484, 389, 24950, 3685, 393, 4306, 277, 296, 36589, 3770, 17093, 416, 12577, 8425, 12097, 13, 2102, 11, 739, 371, 41596, 4061, 32, 11, 262, 3770, 561, 423, 284, 905, 326, 597, 8733, 319, 10013, 26014, 389, 262, 1551, 26258, 1724, 286, 16937, 663, 886, 13, 198, 6836, 1653, 2828, 466, 407, 423, 257, 5798, 284, 11078, 257, 5342, 329, 1123, 4158, 47491, 7997, 287, 262, 3770, 3265, 13, 2102, 11, 611, 10013, 14138, 286, 530, 47491, 389, 34304, 11, 10013, 14138, 286, 584, 49735, 1276, 307, 8603, 34304, 13, 4765, 11247, 460, 307, 4624, 319, 28414, 12, 992, 11443, 393, 2594, 11, 475, 757, 11, 739, 371, 41596, 4061, 32, 11, 262, 3770, 561, 423, 284, 905, 326, 597, 8733, 319, 884, 37134, 318, 262, 1551, 26258, 1724, 286, 16937, 663, 886, 13, 1114, 1672, 11, 340, 318, 517, 1884, 326, 262, 3770, 714, 4179, 262, 8373, 286, 884, 8292, 11, 262, 1271, 286, 21736, 290, 2421, 20865, 621, 326, 884, 37134, 714, 307, 9301, 15828, 13, 198, 23, 13, 4698, 644, 5917, 1276, 19224, 15550, 10577, 6, 4158, 15429, 5359, 30, 198, 17320, 8641, 803, 42194, 1912, 15429, 3173, 468, 1716, 281, 2071, 618, 7219, 351, 20674, 780, 10207, 423, 4376, 2328, 326, 20674, 366, 324, 8738, 1, 4158, 6593, 326, 389, 407, 1912, 319, 17082, 9056, 287, 1502, 284, 7330, 2041, 18850, 11, 884, 355, 16976, 18977, 13, 23904, 11, 611, 281, 28414, 338, 2581, 329, 257, 2041, 5496, 318, 780, 286, 257, 29093, 2714, 4901, 290, 4158, 287, 3450, 11, 262, 28414, 468, 257, 40800, 6861, 1393, 13, 4698, 371, 41596, 4061, 32, 11, 257, 2581, 329, 257, 2041, 4158, 5496, 460, 691, 307, 6520, 1912, 319, 257, 13206, 3770, 1393, 290, 611, 340, 318, 262, 1551, 26258, 1724, 1744, 329, 262, 3770, 10192, 326, 1393, 13, 1736, 9886, 743, 2897, 517, 3614, 2057, 6356, 284, 10577, 351, 4158, 15429, 11247, 11, 884, 355, 4955, 691, 4692, 43951, 13840, 2138, 621, 3024, 2057, 13, 554, 262, 1613, 11, 618, 13213, 1771, 257, 3770, 373, 2672, 284, 2810, 257, 2041, 5496, 329, 257, 17234, 11, 8028, 423, 3177, 1771, 262, 15429, 8733, 547, 4318, 284, 262, 17234, 338, 4158, 3799, 590, 13, 4698, 371, 41596, 4061, 32, 11, 884, 257, 12123, 561, 2192, 407, 307, 5981, 13, 383, 11387, 1808, 287, 22232, 262, 3770, 338, 12990, 284, 15550, 257, 2581, 561, 991, 307, 1771, 262, 28414, 338, 15429, 2581, 21172, 503, 286, 29093, 2714, 9056, 326, 547, 4158, 287, 3450, 13, 50256 ]
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Wikipedia sobre física de partículas Rapidinho. Me falaram que a definição de física de partículas da Wikipedia era muito ruim. E de fato, era assim: Particle physics is a branch of physics that studies the elementary particle|elementary subatomic constituents of matter and radiation, and their interactions. The field is also called high energy physics, because many elementary particles do not occur under ambient conditions on Earth. They can only be created artificially during high energy collisions with other particles in particle accelerators. Particle physics has evolved out of its parent field of nuclear physics and is typically still taught in close association with it. Scientific research in this area has produced a long list of particles. Mas hein? Partículas que só podem ser criadas em aceleradores? Física de partículas é ensinada junto com física nuclear? A pesquisa produz partículas (essa é ótima!)? Em que mundo essa pessoa vive? Reescrevi: Particle Physics is a branch of physics that studies the existence and interactions of particles, which are the constituents of what is usually referred as matter or radiation. In our current understanding, particles are excitations of quantum fields and interact following their dynamics. Most of the interest in this area is in fundamental fields, those that cannot be described as a bound state of other fields. The set of fundamental fields and their dynamics are summarized in a model called the Standard Model and, therefore, Particle Physics is largely the study of the Standard Model particle content and its possible extensions. Eu acho que ficou bem melhor. Vamos ver em quanto tempo algum editor esquentado da Wikipedia vai demorar para reverter. Atualmente está um saco participar da Wikipedia por causa dessas pessoas.
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