I asked for people’s advice on what they wish they’d known when they started blogging.
Ek het 'n opname gedoen en vir bloggers gevra wat is die dinge wat hulle wil weet voordat hulle hul eerste blog begin.
This theater features the performances of opera and ballet.
Dit maak die teater ook geskik vir opera en ballet.
This is what they do, what they have always done.
Dit is wat sy self gedoen het – en steeds doen.
But this does not mean you can do nothing.
Dit beteken nie dat jy niks kan doen nie.
Now withdraw, till Allah issues His decree concerning you.
Dink terug oor gelowiges wat God gebruik het om jou toe te rus.
Petroleum corporations are warned they may face a damaging backlash if they try to resist mounting pressure and high profile campaigning for climate change legislation.
Die reuse-korporasies wat die fossielbrandstowwe bedryf dryf, word gewaarsku dat hulle 'n skadelike terugslag in die gesig staar as hulle probeer om die toenemende druk van klimaatsverandering wetgewing en hoëprofiel-veldtogte te weerstaan.
“That theme is so vital right now in terms of the city.
“Die politiek is net so uitdagend, veral in vandag se tyd.
The lunch menu had either lower-calorie or higher-calorie versions of chicken, macaroni and cheese, vegetables, applesauce, ketchup, and milk.
Die middagete het óf laer-kalorie- of hoër-kalorie-weergawes van hoender, macaroni en kaas, groente, appelmoes, ketchup en melk.
The worst mistake you can make is rushing to take the first deal that comes your way.
Die grootste fout wat jy kan maak, is om oorboord te gaan met jou voorkoms om aandag te kry.
The number of packs of cigarettes they smoked ranged from a quarter of a packet to four packs per day.
Die aantal sigarette wat gerook is, het dikwels 100 stuks bereik. per dag.
It is never Friday for long, as Sunday surely comes.
Daar word nie baie laat gekuier nie want Sondag is weer ‘n lang dag.
Turns out that “Y” was also at the school for this very same meeting.
Daar is ook ’n “session” by ’n ander skool in die dorp dieselfde aand.
There is a Chinese curse which says, ‘May he live in interesting times.’
Daar is 'n Chinese vloek (na bewering) wat sê: "Miskien leef jy in interessante tye."
No one touches cattle.
Buurman het geen vee nie.
Ivy League Brown University is located in Providence.
Brown University, een van die Amerikaanse Ivy League-universiteite, is in Providence gevestig.
Blue Velvet is a 1986 American mystery thriller flm, written and directed by David Lynch.
Blue Velvet is ’n Amerikaanse neo-noir-raaiseldrama van 1986 wat deur David Lynch geskryf en geregisseer is.
ficult to name them all.
bestaan om almal te noem.
If my husband is home, this means the television is on.
As jy toevallig daardie tyd by die huis is, is die TV aan.
If you come in contact with a cursed person, you're cursed.
As jy selfs aan een jota ongehoorsaam was, was jy vervloek.
When there is a skipper on board,
as een of ander vreemdeling per skip hierheen seil,
Americans call these containers "tin cans" or just "cans," and those who speak British English call them "tins."
Amerikaners noem hierdie houers 'blikkiesblikke' of 'blikkies', en diegene wat Brits Engels praat, noem hulle 'blikkies'.
Everything feels so unimaginably hopeless.
Alles het so hopeloos gevoel.
2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.(A)
2 met dieselfde oordeel waarmee julle oor ander oordeel, sal oor julle geoordeel word, en met dieselfde maat waarmee julle vir ander meet, sal vir julle gemeet word.
[4] Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 on novel foods, amending Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Regulation (EC) No 258/97 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1852/2001, OJ L 327, 11.12.2015, p.
1); Verordening (EU) 2015 / 2283 van die Europees Parlement en die Raad van 25 November 2015 oor nuwe levensmiddelen, tot wysiging van Verordening (EU) nr 1169 / 2011 van die Europees Parlement en die Raad en tot intrekking van Verordening (EG) nr 258 / 97 van die Europees Parlement en die Raad en Verordening (EG) nr 1852 / 2001 van die Commissie (PB L 327, 11.12.2015, blz.
Do you want to try out casino games?
Wil jy aanlyn casino speel?
What’s your name and what are you?”
Wie is jy, wat is jou naam?”
Who your opposition is.
Wie is jou opposisie?
"But not by all?"
“Wel, seker maar almal?”
What was that fuel?
Wat sou die olie kon wees?
What did you do, there?
Wat het jy daar gedoen?
What is meant by a revolution?
Wat bring 'n rewolusie mee?
Where we were.
waarin ek was.
where we were.
waarin ek was.
Strange but the
Vreemd, maar een
Japan LD | unrated | | | cut
VolgendeAs jy nuuskierig isNext
We find what is important to us, and we honour that.”
Vir ons is dit belangrik en ons beklemtoon dit. ”
To finish the process even quicker, you can use an electric sander.
Vir die finale afronding kan jy ’n vloeibare blosser aanwend.
Connections with China
Verhouding met China:
Between the ocean and mountain
tussen die waterpan en berge
It has since returned and been erected soundly.
Sy is sedertdien weer ontslaan en sterk tuis aan.
God told Samuel what to tell the people.
Só kon die Here al hoe meer vir Samuel sê wat hy vir die volk moet sê.
Looking for friendship and possibly more
Opsoek na Vriendskap en miskien meer
So we come to this important conclusion namely, that the individual and the Society are two sides of the same coin.
Op hierdie wyse word die individuele perspektief en die sosiale of gemeenskapsperspektief beskou as twee kante van dieselfde munt.
The outfielders thank you.
· Oosthuizen bedank het;
One final bit of our reading today that we should consider is this: “Whatever you ask in My Name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
Ook het hy hierdie heerlike belofte gevind: "En wat julle ook al in my Naam mag vra, dit sal Ek doen, sodat die Vader in die Seun verheerlik kan word.
we support with
Ons ondersteun
He's cute, though, so I forgive him.
Maar hy is so 'n liewe ding, ek sal hom vergewe."
-Time to play with the children during their break time.
• Maak tyd om met kinders te gesels oor hul dag.
loving and respecting your students.
Lief en respekteer jou skildklier.
The first and most important advice I'd give is to write it.
Laaste en baie belangrike opmerking wat ek wil maak, is dat die boek Openbaring
So I am looking elsewhere for help.
Jy sal elders kyk vir hulp.
In Premtime, Radhakishun paid attention to the multicultural society.
In die boek bekyk Rawls die multikulturele samelewing.
It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food in harvest.
Hy het nie ’n leier nie, nie ’n opsigter of ’n regeerder nie, tog maak hy sy kosvoorraad reg in die somer, versamel hy sy voedsel in die oestyd.
She shifted her focus.
Hy het haar fokuspunt geword.
He introduced the Romans to the chief schools of Greek philosophy and created a Latin philosophical vocabulary (with neologisms such as humanitas, qualitas, quantitas, and essentia) distinguishing himself as a linguist, translator, and philosopher.
Hy het die Romeine bekendgestel aan die hoofstrominge van Griekse filosofie en het 'n Latynse woordeskat daarvoor opgestel, wat neologismes bevat het soos humanitas, qualitas, quantitas en essentia,[3] en hom onderskei as 'n taalkundige, vertaler en filosoof.
They will communicate with us simply by our touch, our manifestation, our voice, and our posture.
Hulle reageer op ons aanraking, ons stemtoon, ons beweging en ons buie.
How to overcome childhood trauma
Hoe om te gaan met kindertyd trauma
Flo I believe what you say is correct.
Fila, ek is bevrees wat jy sê is waar.
Fifty Shades of Grey is due for release in August 2014.
Fifty Shades of Grey word deur Universal vervaardig en word in August 2014 uitgereik.
They each spoke in turn.
En hulle praat by mekaar verby.
That's why everything is breaking down.
En dit is hoekom alles ten gronde gaan.
The human element can never be ignored.
element kan nie ontken word nie.
I want someone to play with me."
"Ek wens dat hier iemand wil kom om met my te speel!"
I had never known the depth of such love.
Ek was nie bewus van die diepte van die verlies nie.”
I will give the school 100%.
Ek ondersteun die Akademie projek 100%.
And now there was wind.
Eers was daar ’n wind.
One and two and one and two and one and two.
Een en twee en drie en vier en.
That is a part of my personality.
Dis deel van my persoonlikheid.
Its apartheid system was despicable.
Die stelsel van apartheid was onvolhoubaar.
"Is that the King?" whispered Prince Dolor.
“Die prinses bedoel jy?” betig die prins liggies.
``Is that the King?'' whispered Prince Dolor.
“Die prinses bedoel jy?” betig die prins liggies.
Everything is in 3D.
Die hele wedstryd is in 3D.
The two men behind Instagram do not have shares in Kim Kardashian’s ass.
Dié bekendes is nie aanhangers van Kim Kardashian nie
answer is wrong.
Die antwoord is verkeerd.
There is quite a lot of magick and lore surrounding these little packages of energy.
Daar is genoeg hout en klein takkies rondom die kampterrein.
But she was a member of the Third Order of St. Dominic.
Copernicus was lid van die Derde Orde van St Dominic.
He grew grain, raised livestock, and had dairy cattle.
Boere verbou vrugte (o.a. druiwe) en groente en hou vee aan.
blood in the urine, or urine that is cloudy or foul smelling
Bloed in die urine of urine wat rokerig of Coke-kleurig is
Please call before going to visit.
Bel voordat jy besoek.
Thank you so very much and keep up the great work!!"
Baie groete en hou aan met jou wonderlike werk!!
other language;
ander taal
No alarms went off in my head.
Alarms gaan af in my kop.
006:016 who alone possesses immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light,
1Ti 6:16 Hy alleen besit onsterflikheid; Hy woon in ontoeganklike lig.
12This is the law of the house: on the top of the mountain the whole limit around it shall be most holy.
12 Dit is die wet van die huis: Op die top van die berg sal sy hele gebied al rondom hoogheilig wees.
12:41 These things Isaiah spoke because he saw His glory and spoke of Him.
12:41 Dit het Jesaja ges� toe hy sy heerlikheid gesien en van Hom gespreek het.
It means “unique” and “other”.
word in die gebruik van die terme "Einzige" en "Einzelne";
Then, this happened :)
Wel, dit gebeur so :)
What do we see in this text?
Wat lees ons in hierdie tekste?
When Jesus returned to speak with the three apostles, he again found them fast asleep.
Wanneer Jesus vir die derde keer na sy apostels teruggaan, sien hy dat hulle weer slaap.
If they try, they will be burned.
Wanneer hulle verbrand word stel.
it that they drink plenty of water before, during,
voor (waarin die water loop), voor (nie agter nie)
It was the only touch of mercy I showed her.
Uiteindelik was dit haar genade waarop ek staatgemaak het.
Dangerous Medical Devices: A Personal Story
Troeteldierterapie: 'n persoonlike storie
Listen to the Kids
toesig oor die kinders
The landlord would have to pay the other half.
Sy kliënt moet die ander helfte betaal.
He appeared to go off without any problems on Friday, so we wait and see.
Sy het nie Saterdag opgedaag vir werk nie en ons het aangehou soek.
Knead it once or twice.
Sy een of twee keer opgegooi het
Satan is the prince of this world, but he is a defeated prince!
Satan is die prins van hierdie wêreld, nou kom sy onttroning.
They were tempted by the enemy (Satan), and chose to disobey God.
Satan het hulle verlei en hulle het besluit om aan God ongehoorsaam te wees.
Privatise the State owned enterprises.
Privatisering van staatsbeheerde ondernemings.