"Julio Salvá"
in a total of one hundred and nineteen matches. Salvá joined Primera B Nacional side Deportivo Morón in 2017. Julio Salvá Julio César Salvá (born 18 May 1987) is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Deportivo Morón. Salvá started his career with Quilmes's academy. He departed to join Primera B Metropolitana's Estudiantes in 2008. Thirty-five league appearances followed, with his final game coming against Villa Dálmine on 2 March 2013. During his time with Estudiantes, Salvá was loaned out on two occasions - to Once Tigres in 2011 and to Justo José de Urquiza in 2012.
"Mereenie, Northern Territory"
Mereenie, Northern Territory Mereenie is a locality in the Northern Territory of Australia. It is about 250km west of Alice Springs and northeast of Uluru. It is on the "Inner Mereenie Loop" road which was completed as a sealed road in 2016 providing access for caravans and two-wheel-drive vehicles. The Mereenie Oil Field is a source of oil and gas in the Amadeus Basin. It is connected to Darwin by the Amadeus Gas Pipeline and to Alice Springs by an oil pipeline. It was discovered in 1963 and began production in 1984. Since then it has produced over of oil
"Mereenie, Northern Territory"
and condensate and over of gas. Production in 2014 was of oil, of condensate and of natural gas. Since September 2015, the oil and gas field has been operated by Central Petroleum. Central is 50% owner with a subsidiary of Macquarie Bank owning the other 50% since 2017 when it bought that share from Santos Limited. Mereenie, Northern Territory Mereenie is a locality in the Northern Territory of Australia. It is about 250km west of Alice Springs and northeast of Uluru. It is on the "Inner Mereenie Loop" road which was completed as a sealed road in 2016 providing access
"Marion Anstis"
Marion Anstis Marion Anstis is an Australian herpetologist. Her work focuses on frogs and Tadpoles found in Australia. Anstis was a music teacher for 31 years before retiring in 2001. Before her retirement, she published 11 papers in scientific journals. In 2002, she published a book called "Tadpoles of South-Eastern Australia" which won a Whitley Award. Anstis published a children's book, "Frogs and Tadpoles of Australia" in 2007. She submitted her book, "Tadpoles and Frogs of Australia" as her PhD thesis at Newcastle University in 2012. It was then published in 2013 by New Holland Publishers. It won her another
"Marion Anstis"
Whitley Award in 2014. She received grants from the Australian Biological Resources Study in 1999 and in 2006-7 and from WWF in 2003. She was shortlisted for a Eureka Prize in 2003. Marion Anstis Marion Anstis is an Australian herpetologist. Her work focuses on frogs and Tadpoles found in Australia. Anstis was a music teacher for 31 years before retiring in 2001. Before her retirement, she published 11 papers in scientific journals. In 2002, she published a book called "Tadpoles of South-Eastern Australia" which won a Whitley Award. Anstis published a children's book, "Frogs and Tadpoles of Australia" in 2007.
"Henley & Partners Global Citizen Award"
Henley & Partners Global Citizen Award The Henley & Partners Global Citizen Award is an annual award given out by Henley & Partners. The award is given to global citizens who display extraordinary vision, courage, and commitment to important global issues. The focus is on Global Issues that are set by the United Nations and which cannot be solved by one nation. The recipients of the Global Citizen Award are receiving USD $30’000 as a monetary prize, which is for the awardee to assist their organization and cause. In addition, Henley & Partners supports the awardee, for one year, with
"Henley & Partners Global Citizen Award"
Public Relations & Marketing expertise to help raise awareness, maximize impact and reach for their cause. Henley & Partners is a global citizenship and residence advisory firm headquartered in London. It counsels’ governments on residence and citizenship-by-investment policy and works with them to develop and implement residence and citizenship programs. The firm partners with the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) to advocate and assist the mission of the UNHCR, contributing with USD 1 Million as well as activities to raise awareness and funds for the mission of the UNHCR. The committee of the Global Citizen Award consists of
"Henley & Partners Global Citizen Award"
9 members and chooses the Global Citizen Award winner with a majority vote. The current members of the committee include, Her Royal Highness Princess Firyal of Jordan. Princess Firyal is a humanitarian, and philanthropist, board member of the International Rescue Committee and a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador since 1992. Her Excellency, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca is the President of Malta and served her country for forty years. Leigh Foster, Chief of Events, Campaigns and Goodwill Ambassadors at the UNHCR in Geneva. Senator Joëlle Garriaud-Maylam is the Secretary of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Armed Forces, in the Senate of
"Henley & Partners Global Citizen Award"
France. In addition, Garriaud-Maylam is the Vice-Chair of the Senate delegation for Women’s Rights and Equality of Chances. Dr. Christian H. Kälin Chairman and CEO of Henley & Partners. Kälin is an immigration and citizenship law specialist. Prof Dr. Khalid Koser OBE, is the Founding Executive Director of the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) and Vice-Chairman of the Advisory Council on Migrationat the World Economic Forum, Geneva. Jim Rogers, Chairman of Rogers Holdings in Singapore. Rogers is an American businessman, investor and author. and co-founder of the Quantam Fund, a privately-owned hedge fund. Namira Salim, explorer, artist and
"Henley & Partners Global Citizen Award"
selected as a member of the Virgin galactic Founders Club by Sir Richard Branson’s. Professor Dr. Marek Urban, is an author and the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Poland. Diep N. Vuong is the co-founder of Pacific Links Foundation. The foundation’s mission is to empower women and the youth trough education, teaching life skills and providing a supportive network in Vietnam, Cambodia, China and Laos. Monique Morrow, is the co-founder of the Humanized Internet. The Humanized Internet is helping 1.1 billion people, that have lost their legal identity
"Henley & Partners Global Citizen Award"
as a result of unrest in their countries and involuntary displacement. People without any government-issued documentation are invisible and vulnerable to human trafficking and abuse. With the Humanized Internet, Monique Morrow tries to give these People a virtual identity – with their records of birth, education, healthcare, marriage records. Dr. Imtiaz Sooliman, is the founder of the internationally recognized nonprofit organization called Gift of the Givers. The organization is located in South Africa and is providing disaster relief including lifesaving aid, medical equipment, medicine, vaccines, foot, water and more worldwide. Harald Höppner has founded Sea-Watch a refugee aid project, that
"Henley & Partners Global Citizen Award"
rescues refugees at distress in the Mediterranean see. The non-profit organization was founded in 2015 in Berlin. Henley & Partners Global Citizen Award The Henley & Partners Global Citizen Award is an annual award given out by Henley & Partners. The award is given to global citizens who display extraordinary vision, courage, and commitment to important global issues. The focus is on Global Issues that are set by the United Nations and which cannot be solved by one nation. The recipients of the Global Citizen Award are receiving USD $30’000 as a monetary prize, which is for the awardee to
"Michele Trancossi"
Michele Trancossi Michele Trancossi (07/12/1967, Parma, Italy) is an Italian engineer, researcher and scientist. Fellow at SAE, ASME, ASTM, and Portugues FCT, he contributed to the analysis of both industrial and theoretical problems, with a special interest in mathematical modelling of complex systems. He have had a broad range of research interests: fluid dynamics, Coanda effect, solar energy, Bejan Number, heat exchange, energy efficiency, transport and aeronautics, exergy assessment, energy efficient buildings. In most of the scientific production he attempeted to couple constructal law with industrial grade design methods such as modular design and Industry 4.0, having in common the
"Michele Trancossi"
philosophy of optimization by analysis of concurrent configurations. From early carrier, he have supported Open Access pubblishing as a social need (103/135 papers are gold or green open access): ""Open access is the only way to reduce the resistance to the flux of ideas in society and to increase the cultural enhancement of people."" After the Master in Mechanical Engineering, he worked as Professional Engineer, CAD/CFD consultant and high school teacher. During this activity met Enrique Scalabroni (Williams and Ferrari F.1): ""This meeting made me understand that thinking in a risky way is the only way to produce innovation in
"Michele Trancossi"
Engineering."" He lectured applied mechanics at UNIMORE and supported Prof. Dumas in the PSICHE project, a stratospheric platform for photovoltaic Hydrogen production by solar energy at high altitude. During the PhD he analysed energy recovery and thermal shocks absorption by heat pipes for industrial and automotive exhausts (anticipating the BMW heat energy recovery system) and rotary friction welding. In the period 2008-2013 he was leading the environmental battle for an appropriate social dimensioning of the municipal waste incineration plant in Parma. He participated actively to the EU FP7 MAAT and ACHEON project base on a patent in which he is
"Michele Trancossi"
coauthor on an aeronautic propulsion system based on Coanda Effect. The activity produced a large study on Coanda effect and related aircraft architectures. ACHEON and MAAT evidenced that fuel cells can overheat the cabin and introduced new cogeneration ideas that allow increasing the thrust. He also participated to CROP EU FP7 Project about cyclorotors caring the exploitation through wind generators . He cooperated in research on Dielectric Barrier Discharge, joining of moving vehicles by infrared and ultrasounds controls and solar energy models. After moving to SHU, he worked on reduction of exergy disruption in transports, new design methods based on
"Michele Trancossi"
second law of thermodynamics for vehicles, increse of energy efficiency of electric and hybrid aircrafts, high energy efficiency container housing with peltier cells based acclimatization for social housing. He also published 24 papers with Bachelor students. Recently, he placed in quescence for developing start-up companies to exploit the ideas produced with bachelor students about fluid dynamic models based on the second law of thermodynamics, a new CFD using Bejan number as dimensionless variable, innovative concepts of drones, to the demonstration of the necessity of open access dissemination of the research and open source software according to second law of thermodynamics.
"Michele Trancossi"
Michele Trancossi Michele Trancossi (07/12/1967, Parma, Italy) is an Italian engineer, researcher and scientist. Fellow at SAE, ASME, ASTM, and Portugues FCT, he contributed to the analysis of both industrial and theoretical problems, with a special interest in mathematical modelling of complex systems. He have had a broad range of research interests: fluid dynamics, Coanda effect, solar energy, Bejan Number, heat exchange, energy efficiency, transport and aeronautics, exergy assessment, energy efficient buildings. In most of the scientific production he attempeted to couple constructal law with industrial grade design methods such as modular design and Industry 4.0, having in common the
"Dean Neu"
Dean Neu Dean Neu is a professor of accounting at York University, Canada. He is a former editor of "Critical Perspectives on Accounting", a former board member of the Parkland Institute and the Director of the Public Interest Accounting Group at York University. He is best known for his studies of accounting power in action: that is how governments, international organizations and corporations use accounting to govern and subjegate less powerful members of society (and how the less powerful respond and resist). This genre of accounting research--what is often referred to as critical accounting research or public interest accounting research--tends
"Dean Neu"
to use the case study method to examine how accounting is used in certain settings as well as the associated consequences. The starting point is the recognition that accounting numbers both help make certain aspects of organizational reality visible and distributes economic resources. This research differs from other accounting research such as positive accounting which assumes that research is descriptive rather than normative. Neu's publications include: Along with other publicly-interested accounting academics such as David J. Cooper, Abraham J. Briloff, Christine Cooper and Prem Sikka, he has practiced public interest accounting through both his research and through his participation in
"Dean Neu"
the public sphere. These public interventions include speaking out against concrete forms of neo-liberalism such as government privatization and deficit-cutting activities that disproportionately affect the most vulnerable members of society. Neu, along with David J. Cooper and Yves Gendron, has trained a number of public interest accounting academics in Canada. His former students include Jeffery Everett, Cameron Graham, Susan Greer, Elizabeth Ocampo, Darlene Himick, Greg Saxton, and Kate Ruff. Dean Neu Dean Neu is a professor of accounting at York University, Canada. He is a former editor of "Critical Perspectives on Accounting", a former board member of the Parkland Institute
"Umedia VFX"
Umedia VFX Umedia VFX is a Belgian visual effects company based both in Brussels (Belgium) and Paris (France). Founded in 2010, it employs over 150 creative staff ( computer graphic artists, CG supervisor, VFX supervisors, computer engineers, texture artists, riggers, matte painting) that bring their expertise to an average of 40 feature films and TV series per year. Specialized in visual effects, it offers services in budgeting, previsualization, design, set supervision and 2D & 3D effects. Umedia VFX is part of Umedia, a vertically integrated international film group; combining the activities of development, production, financing and visual effects. Nadia Khamlichi,
"Umedia VFX"
Adrian Politowski and Jeremy Burdek created Motion Investment Group (renamed uFund in 2010) in 2004. After 109 million euros were raised via the Tax Shelter in Belgium. 78 films were cofinanced up till 2009, they decided to expand their cinematographic activities and founded Umedia in 2010. Umedia VFX has also been created in 2010. In order to be present on the French market, a new office of Umedia VFX has been opened in 2016 in Paris. (2018). "La Promesse de l’aube : un breakdown des effets visuels, par Umedia VFX -". (2018). "Umedia : showreel VFX 2017
"Umedia VFX"
-". Animation World Network. (2018). "WATCH: Warner Bros.’ ‘The Meg’ Trailer and Images". Frei, V. (2018). "I KILL GIANTS: Making of by Umedia VFX". The Art of VFX. Ploye, F. (2018). "Mediakwest - Vfx : 92 000 lutins franco-belges sur "Santa & Cie" !". Pragmatic Mates, h. (2018). "Making-of « Le Grimoire d’Arkandias » par Umedia VFX | Eric Boisset". Scannain. (2018). "Extras sought for A Girl From Mogadishu in The Westin on February 26th". VFX EXPRESS. (2018). "I Kill Giants – Making of By Umedia VFX". Official Website Umedia VFX on IMDB Umedia VFX on Instagram
"Umedia VFX"
Umedia VFX on LinkedIn Umedia VFX on Company Web Umedia VFX on Screen.Brussels Umedia VFX on Vimeo Umedia VFX on VFX World Map Umedia VFX on VFX France Umedia VFX Umedia VFX is a Belgian visual effects company based both in Brussels (Belgium) and Paris (France). Founded in 2010, it employs over 150 creative staff ( computer graphic artists, CG supervisor, VFX supervisors, computer engineers, texture artists, riggers, matte painting) that bring their expertise to an average of 40 feature films and TV series per year. Specialized in visual effects, it offers services in budgeting, previsualization, design, set supervision and
"Jerusalem Peace Lions Football Club"
Jerusalem Peace Lions Football Club The Jerusalem Peace Lions Football Club ( אריות השלום in Hebrew, اسود السلام in Arabic) is an Israeli-Palestinian Australian rules football club based in Jerusalem, Israel. The club has its roots in the Peace Team project that was curated by Peres Center for Peace and Innovation. The Jerusalem Peace Lions club was formed in May 2015 by few participants of the Peace Team in order to continue the Peace Team's work of utilising Australian rules football as an instrument to bring Israelis and Palestinians together through sport. The Jerusalem Peace Lions club is often referred
"Jerusalem Peace Lions Football Club"
to as JPL. Its emblem is a golden and white lion across a dark green shield. Club's current guernsey is white with a black lion on one side and a rainbow-like sequence of colours green, white, red, blue and black on the other. The Jerusalem Peace Lions debuted on the international arena in 2015 when the team was invited to represent their region in AFL Euro Cup that took place in Umag, Croatia. At the tournament JPL played with Austria, Denmark, Norway and Holland. The club later also participated in AFL Euro Cup 2016 that took place in Lisbon, Portugal.
"Jerusalem Peace Lions Football Club"
The team was led by its manager, Avraham Benvenisty. In that competition the Lions faced Irish, French and Russian national teams. The Jerusalem Peace Lions also returned to the AFL Euro Cup in 2017, which took place in Bordeaux, France. As of 2018 Israel and Palestine never had an AFL league with the Jerusalem Peace Lions being the only club in the country until May 2018 when the Tel Aviv Cheetahs Football Club was formed. The only domestic tournament was an annual event organised by the Australian Embassy in Israel in which the teams are formed from those wishing to
"Jerusalem Peace Lions Football Club"
participate. Jerusalem Peace Lions Football Club The Jerusalem Peace Lions Football Club ( אריות השלום in Hebrew, اسود السلام in Arabic) is an Israeli-Palestinian Australian rules football club based in Jerusalem, Israel. The club has its roots in the Peace Team project that was curated by Peres Center for Peace and Innovation. The Jerusalem Peace Lions club was formed in May 2015 by few participants of the Peace Team in order to continue the Peace Team's work of utilising Australian rules football as an instrument to bring Israelis and Palestinians together through sport. The Jerusalem Peace Lions club is often
"Birmingham Stock Exchange"
Birmingham Stock Exchange The Birmingham Stock Exchange, was a Grade II listed building. It originally opened in 1845. The once imposing offices on the corner of Great Charles Street and Margaret Street were home to the city's very own exchange from 1928 onwards, and were the centre of Birmingham stockbroking until closure in 1986 after the Big Bang. Its function was to raise capital through joint stock issues for manufacturers, mineral extractors and railway companies. The Birmingham Stock Exchange Association was formed in 1845, though an association of share brokers was apparently in existence before that date. It first met
"Birmingham Stock Exchange"
in the old Royal Hotel, then, after being held in various hired rooms in Waterloo Passage from "c". 1874, it moved in "c". 1894 to Newhall Street, where the building in existence in 1955 was opened in 1928. The Birmingham Stock Exchange was only one of several exchanges that were set up in 19th century Birmingham. The Corn Market in the Bull Ring was replaced in 1847 by the Corn Exchange in Carrs Lane. The Birmingham Exchange, a commodity exchange dealing mainly in iron and steel, was founded in 1861. Its building in Stephenson Place, which also served as a
"Birmingham Stock Exchange"
meeting place for various purposes, was opened in 1865 The Grocery Exchange was founded in 1866 and used the Corn Exchange buildings. In 1908 it moved to its own premises in Newhall Street and closed in 1934. The Building Trades Exchange in Cannon Street was founded in 1905. Birmingham Stock Exchange The Birmingham Stock Exchange, was a Grade II listed building. It originally opened in 1845. The once imposing offices on the corner of Great Charles Street and Margaret Street were home to the city's very own exchange from 1928 onwards, and were the centre of Birmingham stockbroking until closure
"2018-19 FIBA AfroLeague"
2018-19 FIBA AfroLeague The 2018-19 FIBA AfroLeague is the 33nd edition of FIBA Africa's premier club Basketball tournament and the first under the new format of FIBA AfroLeague FIBA Africa has increased the number of participating teams from twelve to sixteen. These teams get their ticket for the AfroLeague through regional qualifiers (Zone 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 of FIBA Africa). The qualifiers for the FIBA AfroLeague Group stage was held from September and until mid-December 2018, while the final phase will take place from January 11 to April 21, 2019, in various African cities. The 16 teams qualified for the round
"2018-19 FIBA AfroLeague"
of 16 will be divided into 4 groups of 4 teams each and the competition will take place in the form of a championship where each team will face respectively the 3 opponents of his group. Then, the first two clubs in each group will qualify for the Elite 8 where the clubs will be divided into four groups of two teams each and then games will be played in a home and away format. At this stage, the competition will be played in a one-way match against the principle of direct elimination. The Four winners will advance to the
"2018-19 FIBA AfroLeague"
Final 4, that will be played on April 20 while the final take place the next day. The draw for the group stage will be held in December 2018 in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. The 16 teams will be drawn into four groups, two containing 4 teams. The only restriction was that teams from the same national association could not face each other in the same group. The only exception was HBC Nantes, who play against one of the two French rivals in the group. 2018-19 FIBA AfroLeague The 2018-19 FIBA AfroLeague is the 33nd edition of FIBA Africa's premier club
"AMA House, Sydney"
AMA House, Sydney AMA House, Sydney or the Australian Medical Association House, Sydney is a heritage-listed former medical office and library and now commercial offices located at 135-137 Macquarie Street in the Sydney central business district, in the City of Sydney local government area of New South Wales, Australia. It was designed by Fowell & McConnel and built from 1929 to 1930 by Messrs Hutcherson Bros. It was formerly known as BMA House or the British Medical Association House. The property is privately owned. It was added to the New South Wales State Heritage Register on 2 April 1999. The
"AMA House, Sydney"
British Medical Association, founded in England in 1832 to promote both the study of medicine and protection of the medical profession, established branches in three Australian states in 1879-80. The New South Wales branch, under its founding president, the highly distinguished Sir Arthur Renwick, grew from small beginnings in 1880 to be the largest in Australia. This BMA branch replaced the earlier Australian Medical Association formed in Sydney by Dr William Bland in 1859. The BMA flourished in New South Wales during the 23 years, 1908 to 1931, when its secretary was Dr Robert Todd, a prominent physician, barrister, clarinettist,
"AMA House, Sydney"
university lecturer and medical administrator. Todd was largely responsible for the acquisition of lots 17 and 18 in Macquarie Street in the 1920s. This area of the city had been in the grounds of First Government House, demolished in 1845-6 and its land sub-divided after 1847. Lot 18 had been first purchased along with the adjacent lot 19 (the site of History House) by a speculative J. N. Palmer in 1849: lot 19 had been owned by Dr Bland in the 1850s and its neighbouring lots were some seventy years later acquired by the successor association to Bland's. The substantial
"AMA House, Sydney"
Victorian houses on lots 17 and 18, Nos. 137 and 135 Macquarie Street, were demolished in 1929 and the BMA commissioned the winners of a vigorous competition, Fowell and McConnel, and their contractors, Hutcherson Bros, to erect a prestigious high-rise building on the double site. The new building was completed in April 1930, acclaimed, along with Grace Bros' new store in King Street, as "the first two local examples that can be said to really follow the dictates of skyscraper and modern American architecture generally". Its qualities of design were recognised when in 1933 its architects were the first recipients
"AMA House, Sydney"
of the Royal Institute of British Architects Street medal and diploma. The faience terracotta panelling of the exterior by Wunderlich was matched in the principal public interior spaces and the six full-size medieval knights in armour along with two koalas perched high on the facade were manufactured by the same firm. The spectacular assembly hall was panelled with Queensland maple and with Colotex, which was affixed to battens on the concrete walls to give the best acoustics and insulation. Dr Todd died just a year after the building was completed and the hall became the Robert H. Todd Assembly Hall.
"AMA House, Sydney"
The offices and library of the BMA were on the first floor, the offices in room 101 now occupied by Dr Duke, the library in room 104 with the sign of Aesculapius guarding the entrance still. In 1972 the BMA became the Australian Medical Association and in the 1980s the new body moved to a new AMA House in St Leonards. The original building is now entirely leased to professional people, mainly doctors and dentists. Glazed terracotta tiles; steel frame windows Glazed terracotta tiles; rendered masonry; steel frame windows. As at 1 November 2006, refer to Archaeological Zoning Plan. Mechanical
"AMA House, Sydney"
Engineers for original building were Watson & White. The terracotta faience was manufactured locally by Wunderlich. The building won the RIBA Award for Street Architecture in 1935 and RIBA Bronze Medal. The AMA House has high aesthetic significance as a particularly fine and rare example of early Sydney "skyscraper" designed in an exuberant and idiosyncratic Inter-war Art Deco style embellished with "Medieval" and "Gothic" decoration. While providing important evidence of the strong influence of American styles and building techniques on Sydney's interwar commercial buildings, AMA House is notable for its use of both local materials and technologies - including particularly
"AMA House, Sydney"
the faience cladding by Wunderlich and maple joinery - and its flamboyant incorporation of Australian iconography - including particularly the Koala bears at the top of the front facade. The quality of original finishes and detailing both externally and internally and the high degree of intactness of significant original fabric enhance the building's architectural and aesthetic significance. The building is also of importance as a fine, award-winning example of the work of a prominent firm of Sydney architects, Fowell and McConnel was one of only two office buildings designed by this firm in the Interwar period. BMA House also has
"AMA House, Sydney"
important historical associations with the medical profession in NSW generally and their professional organisation, the AMA in particular, these associations still retained in the building's name, various plaques, the decorative iconography and particular rooms such as the Robert H. Todd Assembly Hall and the former AMA offices. The building's location in Macquarie Street further enhances these associations, the building be one of the few and certainly the most obvious reminder of the former "medical precinct" character of Macquarie Street. The building's technical significance arises primarily from its generous and varied use of new materials, detailing and technologies characteristic of the
"AMA House, Sydney"
new commercial "skyscrapers" of the Interwar period and the high degree of intactness of these elements. The building is also a rare example of an Interwar building which incorporated squash courts at roof level. Note: There are incomplete details for a number of items listed in NSW. The Heritage Division intends to develop or upgrade statements of significance and other information for these items as resources become available. BMA House was listed on the New South Wales State Heritage Register on 2 April 1999 having satisfied the following criteria. The place is important in demonstrating the course, or pattern, of
"AMA House, Sydney"
cultural or natural history in New South Wales. AMA House also has important historical associations with the medical profession in NSW generally and their professional organisation, the AMA in particular, these associations still retained in the building's name, various plaques, the decorative iconography and particular rooms such as the Robert H. Todd Assembly Hall and the former AMA offices. The building's location in Macquarie Street further enhances these associations, the building be one of the few and certainly the most obvious reminder of the former "medical precinct" character of Macquarie Street. Has historic significance at a State level. The place
"AMA House, Sydney"
is important in demonstrating aesthetic characteristics and/or a high degree of creative or technical achievement in New South Wales. AMA House has high aesthetic significance as a particularly fine and rare example of early Sydney "skyscraper" designed in an exuberant and idiosyncratic Art Deco style embellished with "Medieval" and "Gothic" decoration. While providing important evidence of the strong influence of American styles and building techniques on Sydney's interwar commercial buildings, AMA House is notable for its use of both local materials and technologies - including particularly the faience cladding by Wunderlich and maple joinery - and its flamboyant incorporation of
"AMA House, Sydney"
Australian iconography - including particularly the Koala bears at the top of the front facade. The quality of original finishes and detailing both externally and internally and the high degree of intactness of significant original fabric enhance the building's architectural and aesthetic significance. The building is also of importance as a fine, award-winning example of the work of a prominent firm of Sydney architects, Fowell and McConnel and was one of only two office buildings designed by this firm in the Interwar period. The building's technical significance arises primarily from its generous and varied use of new materials, detailing and
"AMA House, Sydney"
technologies characteristic of the new commercial "skyscrapers" of the Interwar period and the high degree of intactness of these elements. The perforations in the spandrel panels - highlighted by decorative faience work - are also unusual innovations to improve air circulation (prior to air conditioning). The site also provides a rare example of an Interwar building which incorporated squash courts at roof level when first constructed. Has aesthetic significance at a State level. The place possesses uncommon, rare or endangered aspects of the cultural or natural history of New South Wales. The building is a rare example of so highly
"AMA House, Sydney"
and idiosyncratically decorated an Art Deco "skyscraper" from the Interwar period and is unique in its exuberant use of Australian iconography on the main facade. Is rare at a State level. The place is important in demonstrating the principal characteristics of a class of cultural or natural places/environments in New South Wales. AMA House is a fine representative example of many of the architectural elements, construction techniques and materials used in Interwar commercial high-rise building design and the influence of American models on these. Is representative at a State level AMA House, Sydney AMA House, Sydney or the Australian Medical
"Jacin Sinclair"
Jacin Sinclair Jacin Sinclair was an Australian professional rugby league footballer of the 1990s. He played for the Balmain Tigers twice, the Eastern Suburbs Roosters later renamed the "Sydney Roosters" and South Sydney Rabbitohs as a centre. Sinclair made his debut in 1991 for Balmain against the Gold Coast Seagulls. Sinclair featured more prominently for Balmain over the next two seasons and represented NSW City in 1993. In 1994, Sinclair joined South Sydney after having a fallout with Balmain coach Alan Jones. Sinclair spent three seasons at the club before joining Eastern Suburbs for the 1997 season. In 1998, Sinclair
"Jacin Sinclair"
returned to Balmain but was limited to 6 appearances over the final two seasons of his playing career due to injuries. Sinclair intended to play on beyond 1999 but was forced into early retirement after being unable to recover from chronic knee problems. Sinclair attempted to resurrect his career by coming out of retirement to play with South Sydney once again when the club was on the verge of readmission to the league but this never came to fruition. On December 9 2010, Sinclair was found dead at his apartment in Woolwich, Sydney. NSW Police stated that Sinclair had not
"Jacin Sinclair"
been seen for a number of days leading up to his death. Former players who knew Sinclair spoke to the media in the wake of his death. Former Balmain player Steve Roach said "He could play, don't worry about that". Former Canberra player Laurie Daley said "I know when I played against Jacin it was always a tough game, He was ultra-competitive and a gifted player. It is very sad news". Paul Sironen said of Sinclair "All of the old Balmain players are very upset, Jacin was always easy to get on with, he was a terrific footballer, but he
"Jacin Sinclair"
was compared to some greats of the past when he was young and that pressure made it hard for him". Australian Rugby League chairman John Chalk said '"He was a champion bloke and a champion footballer, He just had talent to burn. He didn't quite fulfil his promise as a player, because he got a number of injuries as his career went on, and like a lot of young people who are thrust into the limelight because they are good at something, he found it hard to handle all of the attention". Jacin Sinclair Jacin Sinclair was an Australian professional
Maltôte In medieval French law, a maltôte is an extraordinary tax that applied to everyday consumer goods (wine, beer, wax ...), raised to cope with unusual expenses. In general, it was to finance the cost of wars or fortification works. The term "malatolta" was used for it from the 10th century. The first mention of the term "maltôte" seems to be in the "registre des olim " in 1273 Philip the Fair made himself unpopular by raising maltôte in 1292 to finance the Flanders War: the tax of the denier per pound was payable by both the seller and the
purchaser. Because of its unpopular character it was quickly named by the people by the pejorative name of "maltôte". The maltöte was, indeed, frequently badly perceived by the populations who were put at contribution for purposes sometimes very far from their daily concerns. The war in Flanders was thus at the origin of a popular revolt in Rouen, which aimed to oppose the maltôte. By extension, the word "maltôte" quickly was used to mean any extraordinary taxes. The use of maltôtes lasted until the eighteenth century. The French word "maltôtiers" has been applied to officers or other persons engaged in
the collection of taxes, and by extension, to those who demand rights which are not due. Maltôte In medieval French law, a maltôte is an extraordinary tax that applied to everyday consumer goods (wine, beer, wax ...), raised to cope with unusual expenses. In general, it was to finance the cost of wars or fortification works. The term "malatolta" was used for it from the 10th century. The first mention of the term "maltôte" seems to be in the "registre des olim " in 1273 Philip the Fair made himself unpopular by raising maltôte in 1292 to finance the Flanders
"Stone High School (Mississippi)"
Stone High School (Mississippi) Stone High School is a public secondary school in Wiggins, Mississippi, United States. It is the only high school in the Stone County School District. Prior to federally mandated integration in 1969, Stone County maintained separate schools for white students and black students. Stone High School served the white students, while Stone County Training School, built in 1955 and renamed W.P. Locker High School in 1959, served the African-American students. After integration, Locker was used as a middle school. Locker's principal, Needham Jones, a former Tuskeegee airman, was demoted to assistant principal at the middle school,
"Stone High School (Mississippi)"
although he was more qualified than the white principal of Stone. Jones sued and won, but retired rather than take the position of principal at Stone High School. In 2016 a group of white students at Stone High School put a noose around the neck of a black student. Local law enforcement discouraged the student's family from filing a report. The student was disciplined by the school and was removed from the football team by coach John Feaster, the school's first African-American coach in any sport. In 2016, 75% of the schools 800 students were white. A 2017 report showed
"Stone High School (Mississippi)"
that white students were 3.2 times more likely to be in an AP class than black students, and that black students were 3 times more likely than white students to be disciplined. Stone High School (Mississippi) Stone High School is a public secondary school in Wiggins, Mississippi, United States. It is the only high school in the Stone County School District. Prior to federally mandated integration in 1969, Stone County maintained separate schools for white students and black students. Stone High School served the white students, while Stone County Training School, built in 1955 and renamed W.P. Locker High School
"National Commission on Teaching and America's Future"
National Commission on Teaching and America's Future The National Commission on Teaching and America's Future (NCTAF) is a non-profit, non-partisan education policy advocacy organization based in Washington, D.C. Founded in 1994 by then-North Carolina governor Jim Hunt and Stanford University professor Linda Darling-Hammond. The NCTAF focuses its research on improving the teaching profession through recruitment, development, and retention of skilled teachers. In 2017, the NCTAF announced that it will merge with Learning Forward and will operate under the Learning Forward name. In its 1996 report "What Matters Most: Teaching for America's Future," the NCTAF issued broad recommendations for education leaders
"National Commission on Teaching and America's Future"
and state policymakers to, among other things, overhaul teacher education programs, establish state boards of professional teaching standards, strengthen teacher licensure standards, implement teacher mentoring programs, and create teacher compensation policies that reward knowledge and expertise. The report had wide-reaching impact, with seven states, including Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Missouri, North Carolina, and Ohio, signing on to be partners in implementing the report's recommendations. In 2001, the NCTAF appointed former US federal election official Tom Carrol its executive director. Carroll announced his retirement in 2014. He was succeeded by Melinda George. National Commission on Teaching and America's Future The National
"The Homecoming (album)"
The Homecoming (album) The Homecoming is an album by Canadian composer, pianist, and vibraphonist Hagood Hardy. It was released in 1975. The music was mainly jazz and easy rock. Most of the tracks were composed by Hardy, but the album also contained fellow Canadian Gordon Lightfoot's song "Cold on the Shoulder" and three songs by other songwriters. The album reached #21 on the "RPM Magazine" Top Albums chart in October, 1975. In 1976, based on the music in this album, Hardy was named Composer of the Year at the annual Juno Awards. The album's title track, "The Homecoming", started out
"The Homecoming (album)"
as music to a 1972 TV commercial for Salada tea. After being included in this album, it was released as a single in 1975 on the Isis label through the Toronto company, Hagood Hardy Productions.. It rose to #14 on the Canadian charts, and to number 41 on the pop and number 6 on the easy listening US charts. It was certified Gold in Canada. The Homecoming (album) The Homecoming is an album by Canadian composer, pianist, and vibraphonist Hagood Hardy. It was released in 1975. The music was mainly jazz and easy rock. Most of the tracks were composed
"Maxim Khalil"
Maxim Khalil Maxim Hani Khalil (born in 7 November 1978 in Homs) is a Syrian Russian actor; he is currently known as one of the most famous actors in Syria and Arabia. After he finished high school, he begun as ballet dancer, then became a basketball player in youth and professional level. in 1998 he worked as an assistant director for two years and was at this stage performing small roles. Since 2000 he began his real career and presented many works like Maraya, Ahl Algharam, Aldhaher Bebars, Robi. he also worked as a voice actor in many Animes and
"Maxim Khalil"
Turkish television series. Maxim born to a Syrian Christian father and a Russian mother; he held Russian citizenship due to his mother. His father Hany Khalil is a politician and military analyst. He has many compositions and lectures; he died in 1997. His mother Stila Tomolovic is a makeup artist and fashion designer. In 2017 many fans criticized him after many newspapers published that he left his mother in a retirement home in Damascus. In 1998 he married an actress Yara Khalil then they divorced in 2003; later Maxim Khalil in 2013 admitted that he regretted cheating on her. in
"Maxim Khalil"
2004 he married another Syrian actress Sawsan Arshid which she is also Russian by her mother. He has three sons: Hany from his former wife Yara, Jad and Lucas from his current wife. Maxim Khalil was known as one of most Syrian celebrities who stood with Syrian Revolution 2011 against the Bashar al-Assad regime. In March 2014 he announced his support to Syrian revolution with his wife. in 2015 they were on wanted lists drawn up by Political Security Directorate and General Intelligence Directorate. he also criticized the Free Syrian Army; he accused them of working for foreign interests for
"Maxim Khalil"
dividing Syria. Maxim Khalil Maxim Hani Khalil (born in 7 November 1978 in Homs) is a Syrian Russian actor; he is currently known as one of the most famous actors in Syria and Arabia. After he finished high school, he begun as ballet dancer, then became a basketball player in youth and professional level. in 1998 he worked as an assistant director for two years and was at this stage performing small roles. Since 2000 he began his real career and presented many works like Maraya, Ahl Algharam, Aldhaher Bebars, Robi. he also worked as a voice actor in many
"Shirakawa Funada-Motonuma Sites"
Shirakawa Funada-Motonuma Sites The National Historic Site designation covers three separate areas: The is a keyhole-shaped "kofun" burial tumuli located on a river terrace on the Abukuma River and an altitude of 315 meters. The "kofun" has a length of 71.8 meters and a lateral burial chamber made from andesite blocks, with a length of seven meters. It was first excavated in 1938, and subsequently in 1996–1997 and 2000–2002. Numerous fragments of cylindrical and figurine "haniwa" were recovered from the site, but their placement is unknown. The "kofun" is estimated to date from the second half of the sixth century,
"Shirakawa Funada-Motonuma Sites"
and per local legend is the grave of the Shirakawa "miyatsuko", or local ruler of the area. The is the remains of s fortified residence located 315 meters to the northwest of the Shimōsa-zuka kofun, sharing the same river terrace. Traces of a wooden palisade and pit dwellings have been found along with the ruins of a large house with sides measuring 70 meters. These ruins are estimated to date from the second half of the sixth century to the first half of the seventh century, and are assumed to be the residence of the Shirakawa "miyatsuko". the site was
"Shirakawa Funada-Motonuma Sites"
excavated from 1996 to 1999. The is a tomb structure located on the south slope of the hill of about 1.8 kilometers northwest from the above ruins. The hill has steep sides to the north, west and east and is flat towards the south, where a circular tumulus with a diameter of about 17 meters isolated. It was surveyed in 1926 and 1983, and excavated in 2003. It is similar in construction and location to tombs more typically found in the Kansai region of Japan. Although no burial chamber or grave goods were found, fragments of stones indicate that its
"Shirakawa Funada-Motonuma Sites"
construction is from the final phase of the Kofun period, or from the end of the 7th century to the beginning of the 8th century. Shirakawa Funada-Motonuma Sites The National Historic Site designation covers three separate areas: The is a keyhole-shaped "kofun" burial tumuli located on a river terrace on the Abukuma River and an altitude of 315 meters. The "kofun" has a length of 71.8 meters and a lateral burial chamber made from andesite blocks, with a length of seven meters. It was first excavated in 1938, and subsequently in 1996–1997 and 2000–2002. Numerous fragments of cylindrical and figurine
"Jerry McDermott"
Jerry McDermott Jerry McDermott is the 22nd and current High Sheriff of Norfolk County. He previously served on the Boston City Council and as the executive director of South Shore Habitat for Humanity. He also served as an aide to Senator Scott Brown and worked in community relations and economic development for Eversource. In March 2018 he was appointed as chief of staff in the Massachusetts Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance in the Charlie Baker administration. He was appointed sheriff by Baker in December 2018. While serving on the city council, he was a registered Democrat, but unenrolled
"Jerry McDermott"
from the party in 2010. He registered as a Republican in 2013. In 2006, as a councillor, he proposed that the Boston Citgo sign be removed in response to Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez's insults toward U.S. President George W. Bush. McDermott also suggested draping an American flag or Boston Red Sox banner over the sign until Chávez was out of office. McDermott lives in Westwood, Massachusetts. Jerry McDermott Jerry McDermott is the 22nd and current High Sheriff of Norfolk County. He previously served on the Boston City Council and as the executive director of South Shore Habitat for Humanity. He
"Miraclathurella amica"
Miraclathurella amica Miraclathurella amica is an extinct species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Pseudomelatomidae, the turrids and allies. The length of the shell is 16.3 mm, its dialmeter 5.25 mm. (Original description) This extinct species resembles "Miraclathurella gracilis" but it is less slender and the whorls are shorter and revolve less obliquely. It has the same number of axial ribs and spiral threads but, as they are relatively larger, they are much more crowded than in "M. gracilis". The fine spiral lines between the prominent raised threads are very minute. The lip varix is noticeably
"Miraclathurella amica"
larger and the aperture is wider. The callous nodule on the body next to the sinus is much larger than in "M. gracilis". Fossils of this species were found in Oligocene strata in Santo Domingo. Miraclathurella amica Miraclathurella amica is an extinct species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Pseudomelatomidae, the turrids and allies. The length of the shell is 16.3 mm, its dialmeter 5.25 mm. (Original description) This extinct species resembles "Miraclathurella gracilis" but it is less slender and the whorls are shorter and revolve less obliquely. It has the same number of axial ribs
"Kathleen Fox (aviator)"
Kathleen Fox (aviator) Kathleen "Kathy" Carol Fox (born December 24, 1951) is a Canadian parachutist, pilot, flight instructor, air traffic controller and business executive. After spending over 30 years in air traffic control, she was appointed chair of the Canadian Transportation Safety Board in 2014. In 2016, she was inducted into Canada's Aviation Hall of Fame. Fox was born on December 24, 1951 in Montreal, Quebec, while still young Fox had shown an interest in flying. When she was only five, she used to pretend she was flying helicopters. She took her first flight when she was 13 in a
"Kathleen Fox (aviator)"
Cessna in Cartierville, Quebec. Three years later, in 1967, an uncle paid for her first flying lesson at the Calgary Flying Club. But then she decided it was more important for her to study than to take flying lessons. As a result, she went on to study mathematics and science at McGill University, later graduating as a Bachelor of Science. While at university, in 1968 she took up skydiving. She practised the sport until 1980, becoming Chief Instructor for the McGill Skydiving Club and, when she was just 20, the first woman president of the Canadian Sport Parachuting Association. She
"Kathleen Fox (aviator)"
organized teams for the 1979 competition in France and the 1980 world championships in China. In 1981, she was awarded the Paul Tissandier Diploma by the FAI for her services to parachuting. On graduating, Fox considered a military career but decided against it when it was suggested she could be a nurse or a dietician. She was also interested in becoming an astronaut but it turned out she was not sufficiently qualified. After teaching for a period at a private school, in 1974 she decided to follow in the footsteps of some of her friends who had joined Transport Canada,
"Kathleen Fox (aviator)"
aspiring to become air traffic controllers. Fox qualified as a controller in 1976 but opted to train as a pilot, earning her private licence in Sept-Îles, Quebec. After a spell at the control tower in St-Hubert, she decided to develop her flying career. She went on to obtain commercial and airline transport pilot licenses as well as instrument and instructor qualifications. The then joined up with two other pilots and a mechanic to establish Dynamic Enterprises near St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, developing a flight school, charter facility and maintenance centre. In parallel, she continued gaining experience in air traffic control at Dorval and
"Kathleen Fox (aviator)"
Montreal Area Control Centre. Kathleen Fox (aviator) Kathleen "Kathy" Carol Fox (born December 24, 1951) is a Canadian parachutist, pilot, flight instructor, air traffic controller and business executive. After spending over 30 years in air traffic control, she was appointed chair of the Canadian Transportation Safety Board in 2014. In 2016, she was inducted into Canada's Aviation Hall of Fame. Fox was born on December 24, 1951 in Montreal, Quebec, while still young Fox had shown an interest in flying. When she was only five, she used to pretend she was flying helicopters. She took her first flight when she
"William E. Spicer"
William E. Spicer William Edward Spicer (September 7, 1929 – June 6, 2004) was an American engineering academic. Born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on September 7, 1929, Spicer enrolled at the College of William and Mary, earning his first bachelor's degree in physics in 1949, followed by an equivalent degree at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1951. He then attended University of Missouri, completing master's and doctoral degrees in the same subject in 1953 and 1955, respectively. Spicer then worked for the Radio Corporation of America until 1962, when he joined the Stanford University faculty. Spicer received a Guggenheim fellowship
"William E. Spicer"
in 1978, the same year he was appointed Stanford W. Ascherman Professor of Engineering. Spicer was granted emeritus status in 1992, and continued research work until his death of heart failure in London on June 6, 2004. Over the course of his career Spicer was elected a fellow of the American Physical Society and the IEEE, as well as member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He was a co-recipient of the APS Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize in 1980, won the Medard W. Welch Award of the American Vacuum Society in 1984, followed by the
"William E. Spicer"
Lifetime Mentor Award bestowed by AAAS in 2000. After his death the Best Student Paper Award of the U.S. Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of II-VI Materials was named for Spicer. Upon Thomas Noel Castleman's death in 2010, the award became known as the William E. Spicer - Thomas N. Casselman Award for Best Student Paper. William E. Spicer William Edward Spicer (September 7, 1929 – June 6, 2004) was an American engineering academic. Born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on September 7, 1929, Spicer enrolled at the College of William and Mary, earning his first bachelor's degree in physics
Xooshdheere Mahamud Xooshdheere was a doctor and a minister of health in the government of the Darwiish state. Xooshdheere was born in Buuhoodle in the Dhulbahante garaadship in 1871 into an Ali Geri family, a sub-clan of the Dhulbahante historically known for their military prowess and being aides of Sayyid Hassan. Once Xooshdheere came of age, he subsequently became arguably the only health professional operating on the Darwiish side in the Darwiish region during the anti-colonial wars, and due to the many injured during wars with the colonial powers, his work became crucial. In the aftermath of the wars, British
officials invited Xooshdheere to come to Hargeisa and in return would hand him amnesty and let him serve as the head of orthopedics. During his twilight years, he was one of the oldest Somalis in history. Xooshdheere Mahamud Xooshdheere was a doctor and a minister of health in the government of the Darwiish state. Xooshdheere was born in Buuhoodle in the Dhulbahante garaadship in 1871 into an Ali Geri family, a sub-clan of the Dhulbahante historically known for their military prowess and being aides of Sayyid Hassan. Once Xooshdheere came of age, he subsequently became arguably the only health professional
"1917 New Mexico A&M Aggies football team"
1917 New Mexico A&M Aggies football team The 1917 New Mexico A&M Aggies football team was an American football team that represented New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts (now known as New Mexico State University) during the 1917 college football season. In their first and only year under head coach John G. Griffith, the Aggies compiled a 4–2 record and outscored all opponents by a total of 231 to 75. The team's scoring average of 38.5 points per game remains a school record. In the annual rivalry game with New Mexico, the Aggies scored 110 points, which remains
"1917 New Mexico A&M Aggies football team"
the school's single-game scoring record. Robert Foster scored seven touchdowns and 42 points in the game which also remain school records. 1917 New Mexico A&M Aggies football team The 1917 New Mexico A&M Aggies football team was an American football team that represented New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts (now known as New Mexico State University) during the 1917 college football season. In their first and only year under head coach John G. Griffith, the Aggies compiled a 4–2 record and outscored all opponents by a total of 231 to 75. The team's scoring average of 38.5 points
"Michael Smith (aviator)"
Michael Smith (aviator) Michael Smith is an aviator who became the first person to solo navigate the world in a single-engine flying boat. Smith was named Australian Geographic "Adventurer of the Year" in 2016. Smith took off from Melbourne, Australia in his SeaRey aircraft named "Southern Sun" in April 2015, intending to retrace the historic 1938 Sydney to London route of the Qantas "Empire" Flying Boat service. When he reached London, Smith determined to press on and, landing at Longreach, Queensland on 11 November 2015 became the first person to navigate solo around the world in a single-engine flying boat.
"Michael Smith (aviator)"
The 210-day journey required 480 hours flying, 9,700 litres of fuel and stops at 80 cities along the way. Michael Smith (aviator) Michael Smith is an aviator who became the first person to solo navigate the world in a single-engine flying boat. Smith was named Australian Geographic "Adventurer of the Year" in 2016. Smith took off from Melbourne, Australia in his SeaRey aircraft named "Southern Sun" in April 2015, intending to retrace the historic 1938 Sydney to London route of the Qantas "Empire" Flying Boat service. When he reached London, Smith determined to press on and, landing at Longreach, Queensland
Gumpy Gumpy is a open source Python 3 python software package for BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) developing and researching. This BCI toolbox could be used for EEG and EMG analysis, visualization and decoding, and it is suitable for performing online hybrid BCI experiments. More than that, Gumpy implements deep learning techniques such as CNN to enhance EEG/EMG decoding. Gumpy is not that independent: it heavily relies on other numerical and scientific libraries, for instance numpy, scipy, or scikit-learn. BCI researchers rely highly on EEG/EMG decoding, signal processing, feature extraction, etc. Thus, gumpy grasps things that researchers/developers need together in order to
alleviate them from the pain of repeatedly code searching or 'reinventing wheels'. As a matter of fact, gumpy wraps existing functions mostly in such a way that researchers/developers can swiftly perform data analysis and implement new classifiers. As the author's words, one of gumpy's design principles was 'to make it easily extendable'. Gumpy itself mainly contains six parts: dataset(, signal processing(gumpy.signal), plotting(gumpy.plot), feature extraction(gumpy.features), splitting(gumpy.split), classification(gumpy.classify). Gumpy has deep learning models provided independently by gumpy-deeplearning (also under MIT license), to use them, one has to set the path to the models directory and import it. Gumpy Gumpy is a open
"Witold Lipski"
Witold Lipski Witold Lipski Jr. (July 13, 1949, in Warsaw, Poland – May 30, 1985, in Nantes, France) was a Polish computer scientist (habilitation in computer science), and an author of two books: Combinatorics for Programmers (two editions) and (jointly with Wiktor Marek Combinatorial analysis. Jointly with his PhD student, Tomasz Imieliński, created foundations of the theory of incomplete information in relational databases. Lipski graduated from the Program of Fundamental Problems of Technology, at the Warsaw Technical University. He received Ph.D. in computer science at the Computational Center (later: Institute for Computer Science) of the Polish Academy of Sciences, under
"Witold Lipski"
supervision of Prof. Wiktor Marek. The dissertation title was: 'Combinatorial Aspects of Information Retrieval'. His habilitation was granted by the Institute of Computer Science of Polish Academy of Sciences. Lipski spent academic year 1979/1980 at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, and the last two years before his death, at the University of Paris. Jointly with his doctoral student, Tomasz Imielinski, Lipski investigated foundations of treatment of 'Incomplete Information in Relational Databases'. The results of these investigations were published in the bibliographical items Again, in collaboration with Imielinski, Lipski studied the semantical issues of relational databases. These investigations were based
"Witold Lipski"
on the theory of cylindric algebras, a topic studied within Universal Algebra. According to Van den Bussche, the first people from database community to recognize the connection between Codd's relational algebra and Tarski's cylindric algebras were Witold Lipski and Tomasz Imieliński, in a talk given at the very first edition of PODS (the ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems), in 1982. Their work,"The relational model of data and cylindric algebras" was later published in 1984. Additionally, Lipski contributed to the research in the are of algorithm analysis, specifically - by discovering a number of efficient algorithms applicable in the
"Witold Lipski"
analysis of VLSI devices (collaboration with Franco P Preparata), time-sharing in database implementations (collaboration with Christos Papadimitriou), computational geometry (as applied to shape recognition, again, in collaboration with Franco Preparata). Lipski was an author of a book on combinatorial algorithms, Combinatorics for Programmers ("Kombinatoryka dla Programistow", in Polish). This book has had two editions (one of these posthumous) and it was also translated in Russian. Additionally, jointly with Wiktor Marek, Lipski published a monograph on Combinatorial analysis. Father of Witold was a well-known economist and politician . Lipski died in Nantes, France, after a long battle with cancer. He is
"Witold Lipski"
buried at Powązki Cemetery in Warsaw, Poland, (Location: C/39 (5/7)). Witold Lipski Prize is the most prestigious award for young Computer scientists in Poland. Many are inspired by a brilliant career of Witold Lipski whose life was cut shot by a terminal illness. The Prize is awarded for achievements in the area of theoretical and applied Computer Science. It has been created by the initiative of a group of Polish Computer Scientists active outside of Poland and in Poland. The submissions for the Prize are limited to applicants with exceptional accomplishments, who are younger than 30, or who are younger
"Witold Lipski"
than 32, in case if a candidate was on maternity/paternity leave. The Prize is administrated by the (Polish) Foundation for Computer Science Research, in cooperation with Polish Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery, and Polish Computer Science Society. Witold Lipski Witold Lipski Jr. (July 13, 1949, in Warsaw, Poland – May 30, 1985, in Nantes, France) was a Polish computer scientist (habilitation in computer science), and an author of two books: Combinatorics for Programmers (two editions) and (jointly with Wiktor Marek Combinatorial analysis. Jointly with his PhD student, Tomasz Imieliński, created foundations of the theory of incomplete information in
"Kovy (Czech youtuber)"
Kovy (Czech youtuber) Karel Kovář (born 11 September 1996), commonly known as Kovy (), is a Czech YouTube personality, vlogger and former let's player. He started his YouTube career in 2012 at the age of 16, at his first channel called Gameballcz, focused mainly on let's plays and parodies. In 2014, he founded a new channel called Kovy (his own nickname), focused on vlogging and infotainment videos. He became famous for his originality and difference from other Czech youtubers. Born in Pardubice, Czech Republic on 11 September 1996. He grew up in his home town. At the age of 20
"Kovy (Czech youtuber)"
years, he moved to the country's capital Prague. His content became known for its originality and focusion on more serious topics, such as politics or generation gap. He was born and raised in Pardubice, Czech Republic. In 2016, he did a matura exam consisting of history and social sciences and moved to Prague, Czech Republic to join the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University to study marketing communications and public relations. However, he left the university after 3 semesters, stated he rather wants to focus on YouTube and other projects. He also works as a television presenter in the "Televize