"The Conflict Over the Sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands -- between Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), & Japan"
depth of the Okinawa trough that locates in the east is as deep as 2,717 meters, forming a natural sea boundary with China and the Ryukyu islands. As the geological structure of the Ryukyu Islands belong to "oceanic crust", the Diaoyu Islands are "continental crust" that makes a significant difference in between those two. Also, the Diaoyu Islands has one of the largest scale of continental reef layer that contains an abundant amount of river deposits such as the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, and is therefore potentially rich in oil. The Diaoyu islands are considerably much more strategic
"The Conflict Over the Sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands -- between Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), & Japan"
in both military and economic value due to the position where they are located. First of all, they benefit the fishers as in the sea around the islands offers rich fishing grounds that include a large population of Bonito and more than hundred kinds of other fishes. In addition to that, they are lied to near potential oil reserves (about 100-160 billion barrels), and other energy resource such as manganese, cobait, nickel, and natural gas (hydrocarbon). Even, some medicine resource like Statice Arbuscula (for Chinese medicine use) can be found there. For strategic significance, it holds a value of sea-lane
"The Conflict Over the Sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands -- between Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), & Japan"
security because of the rising competition between US and China for military primacy in the Asia-Pacific region. It secures the international trade and maintains the moral and legal ground for other countries’ claims over the land. Last but not least, the Diaoyu islands are close to important shipping lines, which contributes another help for a country’s economic. The Diaoyu Islands were first discovered, named and used by China. In the Southern Song Dynasty (1171), Wang Dayou, who originally guarded Fujian Province, had established a military camp in Penghu, and sent his troops to control them. Taiwan and its affiliated islands,
"The Conflict Over the Sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands -- between Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), & Japan"
including the Diaoyu Islands, Liu Dao, and Lan Yu, were all under the jurisdiction of Penghu and administered by the Province that Wang Dayou ruled. Among all the documents that mentioned about the Diaoyu Islands, the earliest written record was existed in a book called "The Winds of the Winds" in 1403. Later in the 14th century, Ming and Qing dynasties’ emperor sent their ambassadors in order to assure the geographical location of the Diaoyu Islands. According to the historical document written at that certain period, the earliest record was in the 13th year of Ming Jiajing (1534). During the
"The Conflict Over the Sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands -- between Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), & Japan"
Jiajing Period of the Ming Dynasty, Japanese pirates invaded China’s southeast coast of China frequently. China was forced to implement effective jurisdiction over the Diaoyu Islands and other islands and patrolled the sea. In the 40th year of Ming Jiajing (1561), Zheng Ruozeng’s "Wanli Coastal Defense Map" included the Diaoyu Islands and eventually recognized these islands as a part of their coastal defense system. In the Qing Dynasty’s royal history inspection report of Taiwan and local compilation of the Fujian Province, they claimed Taiwan was officially ruled under the jurisdiction of the Qing Dynasty in the 22nd year of Kangxi
"The Conflict Over the Sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands -- between Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), & Japan"
(1683), and the Diaoyu Islands were considered as the subsidiary islands of Taiwan. In the 10th year of Tongzhi (1871), the Annals of Fujian Prefecture (Fu Jian Fu Zhi) emphasized the authority of the Diaoyu islands, and later on listed the Diaoyu islands were supposed to be under the jurisdiction of Gumalan (current Yilan district)-- local government of Taiwan. Based on the official historical documents, such as A Tour of Duty in the Taiwan Strait (Tai Hai Shi Cha Lu) and Annals of Taiwan Prefecture (Tai Wan Fu Zhi), and the continuous proclamation of the Qing Dynasty, the Diaoyu islands
"The Conflict Over the Sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands -- between Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), & Japan"
were determined to be a part of Taiwan and was subject to its jurisdiction. The Diaoyu Islands did not only act as the location of coastal security, they were classified as the administrative division of Taiwan, which also fully demonstrates China's effective jurisdiction during Ming and Qing’s dynasty. The historical facts above fully prove that the Diaoyu Islands was a territory of China and an island of Taiwan, and did not belong to Ryukyu. This fact, before 1884, Japan and the Ryukyu officials had admitted. However, until 1885, the situation began to change: Japan deliberately tried to seize the Diaoyu
"The Conflict Over the Sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands -- between Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), & Japan"
Islands. In the early 1895 while Japan and China were fighting the First Sino-Japanese War, the Japanese central government annexed the Diaoyu Islands. On the same year of April 17th, the Qing Minister Li Hongzhang and the Japanese Prime Minister Itō Hirobumi signed the "Treaty of Shimonoseki" in Chunfan Building. In the Article 2 of the Treaty, it mentioned that China would cede its sovereignty of "the whole island of Taiwan and all its affiliated islands" and the Penghu Islands to Japan. Although the treaty clearly defined the scope of the Penghu Islands by latitude and longitude, the scope of
"The Conflict Over the Sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands -- between Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), & Japan"
Taiwan had not been determined. By June 3rd, 1895, when China officially ceded Taiwan to Japan, Japan government did not enumerate the affiliated islands of Taiwan. Around 1900, Koga Tatsushiro, an entrepreneur from Japan, established a bonito fish processing plant on the islands. Nevertheless, the islands remained deserted ever since his business failed in 1940. In the 1970s, the son of Koga Tatsushirō and his wife Hanako sold four islets to the Kurihara family of Saitama Prefecture. After Japan surrendered and ended World War II, the Diaoyu Islands went under United States government occupation in 1945. In the "Japanese Instrument
"The Conflict Over the Sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands -- between Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), & Japan"
of Surrender", Japan only hold the sovereignty over the four main islands. In 1969, the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE) identified potential oil and gas reserves around the Diaoyu Islands. In 1972, the "Okinawa Reversion Treaty" passed the U.S. Senate “accidentally”, which resulted to return these islands back to Japanese control. At the same time, the Republic of China (Taiwan) government and People's Republic of China government started declaring the ownership of the Diaoyu islands. The Chinese government has consistently claimed that the Diaoyu Islands are the territory of China and used the historical
"The Conflict Over the Sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands -- between Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), & Japan"
facts above as evidence. In fact, in the fifteenth century, international law was not yet born. It is difficult for people to judge the behavior at that time without the existence of legal principles. However, based on the international law nowadays: According to the facts recorded in the historical documents, China's sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands was based on its discovery, naming, use, and then effective enforcement. The Diaoyu Islands were not non-ownership land in 1885. They are considered as the affiliated islands that belong under the jurisdiction of Taiwan (specifically Gumalan district). From the 18th to the 19th century,
"The Conflict Over the Sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands -- between Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), & Japan"
the maps of China and foreign countries also stated the Diaoyu Islands were Chinese territory. Therefore, the claim of Japan that sovereignty is based on "preemption" in international law is not established in this case. The preoccupied object must be "terra nullius". But, for more than three hundred years before 1895, the Diaoyu Islands were Taiwan’s islands and not a part of the Ryukyu islands. There are actual documents that bound on Japan to international law: the "Cairo Declaration", the "Potsdam Proclamation", the "Japanese Instrument of Surrender", and the "Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty". The ""Cairo Declaration"" signed in November 1943 has
"The Conflict Over the Sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands -- between Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), & Japan"
clearly stated:“It is their purpose that Japan shall be stripped of all the islands in the Pacific which she has seized or occupied since the beginning of the first World War in 1914, and that all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria, Formosa, and The Pescadores, shall be restored to the Republic of China. Japan will also be expelled from all other territories which she has taken by violence and greed.”The Article 8 of ""Potsdam Proclamation"" has mentioned:"The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out and Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the
"The Conflict Over the Sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands -- between Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), & Japan"
islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu", Shikoku and such minor islands as we determine."In Articles 6 of the ""Japan Instrument of Surrender"," Japan were forced to accept terms in the Potsdam Proclamation:“We hereby undertake for the Emperor, the Japanese Government and their successors to carry out the provisions of the Potsdam Declaration in good faith, and to issue whatever orders and take whatever actions may be required by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers or by any other designated representative of the Allied Powers for the purpose of giving effect to that Declaration.”In Article 2 and 3 of the ""Sino-Japanese
"The Conflict Over the Sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands -- between Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), & Japan"
Peace Treaty (Treaty of Taipei)"" signed between China and Japan in Taipei in 1952, Japan gave up its sovereignty over Taiwan and Penghu:“It is recognised that under Article 2 of the Treaty of Peace which Japan signed at the city of San Francisco on 8 September 1951 (hereinafter referred to as the San Francisco Treaty), Japan has renounced all right, title, and claim to Taiwan (Formosa) and Penghu (the Pescadores) as well as the Spratley Islands and the Paracel Islands.” “The disposition of property of Japan and its nationals in Taiwan (Formosa) and Penghu (the Pescadores), and their claims, including
"The Conflict Over the Sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands -- between Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), & Japan"
debts, against the authorities of the Republic of China in Taiwan (Formosa) and Penghu (the Pescadores) and the residents thereof, and the disposition in Japan of property of such authorities and residents and their claims, including debts, against Japan and its nationals, shall be the subject of special arrangements between the Government of the Republic of China and the Government of Japan. The terms nationals and residents include juridical persons.” In international law, there is a concept of "intertemporal law." That is, for ancient international events, the law of "at the time" should be used to judge its effectiveness, rather
"The Conflict Over the Sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands -- between Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), & Japan"
than applying "current" law. In result, when a dispute occurs or International law at the time of the trial. In this connection, according to the international law that passed through Europe in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, Republic of China should hold the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands. According to the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they stated that the Diaoyu Islands are a part of Japan due to their historical facts. The following points are given by them to prove their belief of non existence issue of territorial sovereignty to be resolved concerning the Diaoyu Islands: In 2012, one
"The Conflict Over the Sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands -- between Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), & Japan"
the former House of Representatives in the Diet, Osamu Fujima, announced that Japan will named the “thirty-nine” uninhabited islands (including the ones around the Daioyu Islands), which later caused China protest about it. However, they still insisted doing it and refuse the proposal of sharing the resources together equally presented by Taiwan and China. Until now, they keep sending water police and shipments over time in order to protect their ownership and increase the ocean security around the islands. After 1949, due to the sovereignty dispute between the Government of the Republic of China and the Government of the People’s
"The Conflict Over the Sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands -- between Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), & Japan"
Republic of China, the diplomatic relations between the Republic of China and Japan, and the Japan-China Joint Communique, the Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China never united and advocate the Diaoyu Islands together. They depended on their respective diplomacy and delivered actions individually. Nonetheless, both of them claimed the sovereignty of Diaoyu Islands through the evidence of their history, jurisprudence, and geography. The People’s Republic of China thought that Japan has illegally occupied the islands after the Sino-Japanese War and should not be recognized. After the end of the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist
"The Conflict Over the Sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands -- between Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), & Japan"
Party, the governments on both sides were somehow limited by the recovery. Although China believed the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands were theirs, the suppression of the United States and Japan had hesitated them to fight the right to rule over the islands back. In 2000, with an increase of its national strength, China started officially and actively declaring the sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands. While the Japan-China Joint Communique happened in 2012, the government of China sent marine security vessels around the islands to assert “their” sovereignty. And, two years ago, in order to strengthen the control of the
"The Conflict Over the Sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands -- between Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), & Japan"
Diaoyu Islands and its surrounding water, except the regularly patrols, China also showed its power of managing the land. At the same year In August, 15 Chinese marine security vessels and more than 200 Chinese fishing boats appeared on the ocean near the Diaoyu Islands. The Chinese marine police carried out protection, management and law enforcement on these fishing boats, which eventually led to the protest from the Japanese government. After the US State Department returned the Diaoyu Islands to Japan with Ryukyu in 1972, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan issued a solemn statement, stating that the Diaoyu
"The Conflict Over the Sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands -- between Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), & Japan"
Islands are affiliated to Taiwan. Taiwan firmly opposed the action of U.S. “returning” the Ryukyu Islands and the Diaoyu Islands. According to geographical location, geological structure, historical links and the long-term continued use of Taiwan residents, Taiwanese government believe they are a part of the territory of the Republic of China. Ever since from then, Taiwan has always been protesting the sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands. Since the first official fishery meeting between Taiwan and Japan in August 1996, over the past ten years, sixteen meetings have been conducted on fishery disputes over overlapping economic sea areas. The government even
"The Conflict Over the Sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands -- between Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), & Japan"
established the "The Diaoyu Islands Case Working Group" to protect their jurisdiction of the Diaoyu Islands. Their main goals are: On July 26, 2010, Taiwanese Ministry of the Interior stated that no matter it is the investigation and construction of the surrounding sea area, the revision and research of the exclusive economic zone, or the investigation of the island reef and the mapping process, the Government adheres to the basic principle of "sovereignty is ours, never give in." The Conflict Over the Sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands -- between Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), & Japan The Diaoyu Islands dispute, or
"Josef Aschbacher"
Josef Aschbacher Josef Aschbacher is the Director of Earth Observation Programmes (D/EOP) at ESA ESRIN, located in Frascati, Italy. He studied at the University of Innsbruck, graduating with a Master’s and a Doctoral Degree in Natural Sciences. He started his career as a Research Scientist at the university’s Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics between 1985 and 1989. After, he worked in ESA as a Young Graduate and also in the European Commission Joint Research Centre. He returned to ESA in 2001 to work as Programme Coordinator of the Copernicus Programme. In 2006, he was appointed Head of the Copernicus Space
"Josef Aschbacher"
Office. Josef Aschbacher Josef Aschbacher is the Director of Earth Observation Programmes (D/EOP) at ESA ESRIN, located in Frascati, Italy. He studied at the University of Innsbruck, graduating with a Master’s and a Doctoral Degree in Natural Sciences. He started his career as a Research Scientist at the university’s Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics between 1985 and 1989. After, he worked in ESA as a Young Graduate and also in the European Commission Joint Research Centre. He returned to ESA in 2001 to work as Programme Coordinator of the Copernicus Programme. In 2006, he was appointed Head of the Copernicus
"Thomas Herbert (died 1739)"
Thomas Herbert (died 1739) Thomas Herbert (c.1695–1739) was a British army officer and politician who sat in the House of Commons from 1726 to 1739. Herbert was the fourth son of Thomas Herbert, 8th Earl of Pembroke, MP, and his first wife Margaret Sawyer, daughter of Sir Robert Sawyer of Highclere Castle. He joined the army and was lieutenant and captain in the 1st Foot Guards in 1719. Herbert was returned unopposed as Member of Parliament for Newport (Cornwall) on the interest of his first cousin, Sir William Morice at a by-election on 18 February 1726. He was returned unopposed
"Thomas Herbert (died 1739)"
again at the 1727 general election and voted with the Administration on the civil list arrears in 1729 and on the army in 1732. He became a captain and lieutenant colonel in 1730 and became Mayor of Wilton in 1732. At the 1734 general election he was returned again unopposed for Newport and voted with the Government on the repeal of the Septennial Act in 1734 and the Spanish convention in 1739. He was appointed paymaster to the Gibraltar garrison and equerry to the King in 1735 and was appointed Commissioner for Revenue in Ireland in 1737 Herbert died unmarried
"Thomas Herbert (died 1739)"
on 25 December 1739. His brothers Hon. Nicholas, Robert Sawyer and William Herbert were also MPs.. Thomas Herbert (died 1739) Thomas Herbert (c.1695–1739) was a British army officer and politician who sat in the House of Commons from 1726 to 1739. Herbert was the fourth son of Thomas Herbert, 8th Earl of Pembroke, MP, and his first wife Margaret Sawyer, daughter of Sir Robert Sawyer of Highclere Castle. He joined the army and was lieutenant and captain in the 1st Foot Guards in 1719. Herbert was returned unopposed as Member of Parliament for Newport (Cornwall) on the interest of his
"Calzaturificio fratelli soldini"
Calzaturificio fratelli soldini Calzaturificio Fratelli Soldini SpA is an Italian footwear manufacturer founded in Arezzo in 1945. In the spring of 1944, following a tipoff, the Germans confiscated a machine for sewing shoes, belonging to the Soldini family. The machine was redeemed a few days later by Gustavo Soldini. Thanks to that machine, in 1945, Gustavo, together with his brothers Giuseppe and Ermenegildo began making shoes, first in a small area of their home and then in their first workshop. The market of reference was initially Arezzo and Florence, while the deliveries were made by bicycle during the weekend. In
"Calzaturificio fratelli soldini"
the 1950s Soldini opened his first factory in Capolona, on the banks of the River Arno, and then a second factory in Anghiari which marked the shift in production from small business to industry, with a workforce of over 800. The product was orientated towards the national marketplace, but also to the United States. To meet demand, another factory was opened in Malta, which carried on working until 2000. In the 1980s, the United States market saw the development of competition with South American manufacturers, especially in Brazil; in the 1990s, competition grew further with the arrival of emerging Asian
"Calzaturificio fratelli soldini"
countries such as China and Vietnam. To deal with the economic slump the company introduced new brands, including Stone Haven and Soldini Sport, choosing to focus on innovation. Following a fire that completely destroyed the plant in Anghiari on the night of 13-14th April 1994, Gustavo Soldini left control of the company to his son, Rossano Soldini, who became director in 1998, proceeding to make investments, innovations and differentiations of the distribution channels. From 2003 to 2007 Rossano Soldini held the role of President of the Assocalzaturifici, the National Association of Italian Footwear Manufacturers . In this role, he asked
"Calzaturificio fratelli soldini"
the European Union to introduce anti-dumping charges for importing companies such as China and Vietnam. In the 2000s, the Calzaturificio Fratelli Soldini entered into new markets, recording a series of international patents, linked above all to new natural, breathable materials used in the lines Ecogreen, Kifu and Drymore. The Calzaturificio Fratelli Soldini has manufactured the following brands: Calzaturificio fratelli soldini Calzaturificio Fratelli Soldini SpA is an Italian footwear manufacturer founded in Arezzo in 1945. In the spring of 1944, following a tipoff, the Germans confiscated a machine for sewing shoes, belonging to the Soldini family. The machine was redeemed a
"Hands Off Gretel"
Hands Off Gretel Hands Off Gretel are an alternative rock/grunge band, affiliated to the UK punk scene, formed 2015 in South Yorkshire. The current line-up is Lauren Tate (guitar, vocals), Sean Bon (guitar) Sam Hobbins (drums) and Becky Baldwin (bass) The band have achieved press coverage in the "Basingstoke Gazette", music magazine "Vive Le Rock") and website "Louder Than War". The band was formed in 2015, Tate already having released an album as a solo artist. A preview for a Southampton convert in the "Basingstoke Gazette" reported "Taking her inspiration from the 90's underground feminist punk movement, Hands Off Gretel's
"Hands Off Gretel"
frontwoman Lauren Tate has made it her mission to ensure that strong young women have a voice in today's music industry. A powerhouse of creativity, Tate is also responsible for the band's videos and album artwork, and designs all of Hands Off Gretel's merchandise herself." In 2016 they released their debut album "Burn The Beauty Queen." The album received gushing praise from Ged Babey in "Louder Than War." "For a pledge-funded, D-I-Y release by a South Yorkshire ‘grunge’ band it is a massive achievement and over-ambitious album which marks the start of a career that could well see them becoming
"Hands Off Gretel"
as big as Nirvana, Marilyn Manson or Miley Cyrus over time….. given the breaks, and skillful management. Obviously they should do it on talent alone -but this is 2016. If we are completely honest here, Hands Off Gretel are built around teenager-dreamer the kick-ass Lauren Tate and her look and vision for the band ( she does the artwork, videos,…). She is stunning. A mass of eyeliner and hair-dye, but a big-eyed, wide-smiling screamager who has the world as her veritable oyster . She has a great voice, really strong and versatile and huge charisma. A disarming mix of confidence
"Hands Off Gretel"
and shyness. She is a star who uses her femininity and sex appeal knowingly to entrance and bewitch both boys and girls but at the same time an empowering female role model who through her songs rails against everyday abuses. Feminism, Fetishism and Rock’n’Roll." Their performance at The Great British Alternative Festival at Butlins in Skegness was reviewed by "Vive Le Rock" accompanied by a full page photo of Tate onstage at the event. Reviewer Paula Frost commented on how Tate "entered with yet aother iconic look, this time dressed in gold with lines drawn across her face, a little
"Hands Off Gretel"
like Bowie meets Pocohontas. She knows how to get the audience snapping away." Hands Off Gretel Hands Off Gretel are an alternative rock/grunge band, affiliated to the UK punk scene, formed 2015 in South Yorkshire. The current line-up is Lauren Tate (guitar, vocals), Sean Bon (guitar) Sam Hobbins (drums) and Becky Baldwin (bass) The band have achieved press coverage in the "Basingstoke Gazette", music magazine "Vive Le Rock") and website "Louder Than War". The band was formed in 2015, Tate already having released an album as a solo artist. A preview for a Southampton convert in the "Basingstoke Gazette" reported
"2019 LFL US season"
2019 LFL US season The 2019 LFL US season is the eleventh season of the Legends Football League (LFL) in the United States. It began 5 April 2019, and concluded 10 August 2019. Shortly after the 2018 season ended, the LFL has elected to hold the 2019 Legends Cup in South Africa’s capital city of Johannesburg. x - clinched conference titley - clinched playoff berth Conference Championships will be played on August 24, 2019, at the Citizens Business Bank Arena in Ontario, California. Legends Cup 2019 will be played on September 7, 2019 in Johannesburg, South Africa, making it the
"2019 LFL US season"
first Legends Cup to be played outside the United States, Canada, or Australia. In the 2018 State of the League address delivered by Commissioner Mitchell Mortaza, the 2019 Legends Cup is expected to be the first of upcoming Legends Cups to be played abroad in international destinations. 2019 LFL US season The 2019 LFL US season is the eleventh season of the Legends Football League (LFL) in the United States. It began 5 April 2019, and concluded 10 August 2019. Shortly after the 2018 season ended, the LFL has elected to hold the 2019 Legends Cup in South Africa’s capital
"1943 New Mexico A&M Aggies football team"
1943 New Mexico A&M Aggies football team The 1943 New Mexico A&M Aggies football team was an American football team that represented New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts (now known as New Mexico State University) as a member of the Border Conference during the 1943 college football season. The team was drawn from the Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP) and was sometimes referred to as the ASTP Aggies. In their first year under head coach Maurice Moulder, the Aggies compiled a 4–20 record and outscored opponents by a total of 166 to 75. The team played its home
"1943 New Mexico A&M Aggies football team"
games at Quesenberry Field in Las Cruces, New Mexico. 1943 New Mexico A&M Aggies football team The 1943 New Mexico A&M Aggies football team was an American football team that represented New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts (now known as New Mexico State University) as a member of the Border Conference during the 1943 college football season. The team was drawn from the Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP) and was sometimes referred to as the ASTP Aggies. In their first year under head coach Maurice Moulder, the Aggies compiled a 4–20 record and outscored opponents by a total
"Adoration of the Shepherds (Cariani)"
Adoration of the Shepherds (Cariani) The Adoration of the Shepherds by Giovanni Cariani is a panel painting of about 1515-1517, now in the Royal Collection of the United Kingdom. The painting is somewhat damaged, and also seems to have been subject to significant changes of intention during the process of painting. It was one of the large group of paintings bought by Charles I of England from the collection of Vincenzo II, last of the Gonzaga Dukes of Mantua in 1628. The painted surface measures 73.6 x 120.3 cm. The main figures are all in a crowd at the left
"Adoration of the Shepherds (Cariani)"
side of the painting, and the top and right-hand side of the painting show an extensive landscape of lake and mountain seen from a high viewpoint. This "eccentric" composition, "most unusual for an Adoration", may be explained by the painting having started out as a "Rest on the Flight into Egypt", without the shepherds. This was the suggestion of John Shearman in his catalogue. Cariani, especially in his early period, had a taste for wide horizontal compositions, and also overlapping figures at the front of the picture space. The extensive landscape is of the world landscape type, mostly found in
"Adoration of the Shepherds (Cariani)"
northern paintings at this early date. This was being developed by Joachim Patinir in Antwerp, and if the painting is dated to 1515-1517, Cariani was remarkably quick in using it. Details of the landscape are re-used in later paintings by Cariani, and an interest in German art becomes unmistakable in some later works of his. Here the "angular poses of the figures and the nervous quality of the highlights" may show an early interest. A landscape of lakes and hills is characteristic of Cariani's native "Bergamesca" region. Three shepherds, forming a set of the "three ages of Man" are shown
"Adoration of the Shepherds (Cariani)"
in the centre; all have rather small legs, with the centre one conspicuously out of proportion. The youngest is playing a wind instrument of the shawm family. Two more "summarily painted" shepherds at the far right are being given the news of Jesus' birth by angels. Three angels are ranged behind the Virgin and Child, and another emerges from a cloud above this group. There are more angels in the sky, but it seems Cariani overpainted these, before allowing them to dry properly. This has created "pronounced craquelure in this area." A subsequent 20th-century restoration partly revealed the one now
"Adoration of the Shepherds (Cariani)"
visible, which cannot be seen in the earliest photographs. The painting is "abraded", probably in an over-enthusiastic restoration in the 19th century, but "much of the detail is still intact". Giovanni Cariani (c. 1485 after 1547) was probably a native of Bergamo, or just outside the city, and spent his career there or in Venice, where he formed part of a group of Lombard artists, led by Palma Vecchio, also from Bergamo, and including Girolamo Savoldo from Brescia. He shared to a particular degree their attraction to realism and rather conservative style, looking back to Giovanni Bellini and Vittore Carpaccio,
"Adoration of the Shepherds (Cariani)"
but accommodating aspects of the new Venetian style of Giorgione and Titian. He was in Venice by 1508, but was back in Bergamo by 1517, remaining there until he returned to Venice in 1523. The early history of the painting rests on a "CR" ("Carolus Rex", "King Charles") branded on the back of the poplar panel, and a label "now almost illegible", reading "From Mantua / 1628 / No. 153". However, it is not clearly recorded in the incomplete lists of either the Gonzaga collection or that of Charles I. It is "probably" recorded in inventories of Charles II in
"Adoration of the Shepherds (Cariani)"
1666-7 and James II in 1688. The painting, like very many others, was attributed to Giorgione until Cariani was suggested by Crowe and Cavalcaselle in the later 19th century. This has been generally accepted as the painting shows many characteristic traits found in his paintings. Adoration of the Shepherds (Cariani) The Adoration of the Shepherds by Giovanni Cariani is a panel painting of about 1515-1517, now in the Royal Collection of the United Kingdom. The painting is somewhat damaged, and also seems to have been subject to significant changes of intention during the process of painting. It was one of
"John of Hereti"
John of Hereti John Senekerim () ruler of Hereti between 951–959. John is the only known child of King Ishkhanik and his unknown wife. During his reign kingdom of Hereti reached a climax of power and prestige, mainly after annexation of right bank of Caucasian Albania. Armenian historian Movses Kaghankatvatsi calls him "restorer of the Kingdom of Albania". Later he annexed parts of Kakheti and adopted the title of "King of the Tsanars". John had a good relations towards the representatives of the Sallaried Dynasty (Daylam) and with David III Kuropalates of Tao. Like his father and his grandmother Queen
"John of Hereti"
Dinar, he contributed a lot to the conversion of his kingdom. He died in 959 without heirs. As a result the prince of Kakheti Kvirike II took the opportunity to annex his estates. John of Hereti John Senekerim () ruler of Hereti between 951–959. John is the only known child of King Ishkhanik and his unknown wife. During his reign kingdom of Hereti reached a climax of power and prestige, mainly after annexation of right bank of Caucasian Albania. Armenian historian Movses Kaghankatvatsi calls him "restorer of the Kingdom of Albania". Later he annexed parts of Kakheti and adopted the
"Shakeel (horse)"
Shakeel (horse) Shakeel (foaled 19 February 2014) is a French Thoroughbred racehorse and sire. After running third on his only start as a juvenile in 2016 he made steady progress to become a top-class performer in the following year. He won a maiden race at Chantilly Racecourse in April and was placed in both the Prix du Lys and the Prix Hocquart before recording his biggest win in the Grand Prix de Paris. He failed to recover from injuries sustained in the race and was retired from racing at the end of the year. Shakeel is a bay horse with
"Shakeel (horse)"
no white markings bred in France by his owner, Aga Khan IV. She was sent into training with Alain de Royer-Dupre and was ridden in all of his races by Christophe Soumillon. He was sired by Dalakhani, who was named Cartier Horse of the Year in 2003 after wins in the Prix Lupin, Prix du Jockey Club and Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe. As a breeding stallion his other offspring have included Conduit, Duncan, Integral and Reliable Man. Shakeel's dam Shamiyra never raced but was a half-sister to the Prix Allez France winner Shemiyla. She was a granddaughter of the
"Shakeel (horse)"
Poule d'Essai des Pouliches winner Shemaka and closely related to Shahrastani. Shakeel began his racing career on 18 November when he started at odds of 5/1 for a maiden race over 2000 metres at Saint-Cloud Racecourse and finished third, two and three quarter lengths behind the winner Go Fast. On his three-year-old debut Shakeel third behind Plumatic in a maiden at Saint-Cloud in March and then started 1.7/1 favourite for a similar event over 2000 metres at Chantilly Racecourse on 20 April in which recorded his first success as he won by three quarters of a length from Malkoboy. For
"Shakeel (horse)"
his next race the colt was stepped up in class and distance for the Group 3 Prix du Lys over 2400 metres at Saint-Cloud in May for which he started favourite but was beaten into third behind Called to the Bar and Ice Breeze, beaten three lengths by the winner. In the Group 2 Prix Hocquart at Chantilly in June he took the lead in the last 600 metres but was caught by Ice Breeze in the closing stages and beaten a head into second place. On 14 July Shakeel was one of nine three-year-old colts to contest the Grand
"Shakeel (horse)"
Prix de Paris, which was run that year at Saint-Cloud rather than Longchamp as the latter track was closed for improvements. The British colt Permian (winner of the Dante Stakes and King Edward VII Stakes) started favourite ahead of Parabellum, Orderofthegarter (Leopardstown 2,000 Guineas Trial Stakes) and Ice Breeze with Shakeel the 5.7/1 fifth choice in the betting just ahead of the Italian Derby winner Mac Mahon. After settling in mid-division as Permian made the running he began to make steady progress in the straight and moved up alongside the leader with 100 metres left to run. Although the favourite
"Shakeel (horse)"
rallied in the final strides Shakeel prevailed by a nose with the Irish-trained outsider Venice Beach a length away in third. A spokesman for the Aga Khan said "I don't think we necessarily expected Shakeel to win, but we expected to run well and to win was great... He's still an immature horse, but he is improving in his work and on the track." He sustained an injury in the Grand Prix and did not recover sufficiently to take his place in the field for the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe and was retired from racing. After his retirement from
"Shakeel (horse)"
racing Shakeel became a breeding stallion in Ireland. He was initially based at the Clongiffen Stud in County Meath. Shakeel (horse) Shakeel (foaled 19 February 2014) is a French Thoroughbred racehorse and sire. After running third on his only start as a juvenile in 2016 he made steady progress to become a top-class performer in the following year. He won a maiden race at Chantilly Racecourse in April and was placed in both the Prix du Lys and the Prix Hocquart before recording his biggest win in the Grand Prix de Paris. He failed to recover from injuries sustained in
"Cardiff Greyhounds"
Cardiff Greyhounds Cardiff Greyhounds was the greyhound racing operation held at Cardiff Arms Park in Cardiff. To assist with maintenance of the site, a greyhound track was built around the rugby pitch in 1927. The first meeting was held on 7 April 1928. The Arms Park (Cardiff) Greyhound Racing Company Limited signed a 50-year lease in 1937, with Cardiff Athletic Club (the owners of the Arms Park) and having no rights to break the agreement or to review the rental until 50 years expired. The circumference of the track was a large 452 yards with long straights of 160 yards.
"Cardiff Greyhounds"
An 'Outside Sumner' hare was used and race distances consisted of 300, 500, 525 and 700 yards. The kennel facilities were at nearby Cefn Mably in St Mellons and the leading event was the Glamorgan Cup held over 500 yards. 1991 In 1932 a notable greyhound called Beef Cutlet made his debut at the track. Beef Cutlet won the Glamorgan Cup and set a new track record, in 28.41 seconds. His Waterhall kennels based trainer John Hegarty would later become a Racing Manager at the track. In 1937 the Greyhound Racing Association closed the nearby White City stadium, leaving the
"Cardiff Greyhounds"
Arms Park as the sole Cardiff venue. John Jolliffe was Racing Manager here in 1937 arriving from Aberdeen before he secured the Racing Manager's position at Wembley. After the war the Welsh Greyhound Derby was transferred to the Arms Park from White City. This was one of the three competitions that formed the triple crown along with the English Greyhound Derby and Scottish Greyhound Derby. The track continued to host the race annually. Racing was held on Monday and Saturday evenings. The greyhound company introduced floodlights in 1958 which upset the rugby fans. The Welsh Derby was won by the
"Cardiff Greyhounds"
likes of Trev's Perfection (who completed the Triple Crown in 1947), Local Interprize, Ballycurreen Garrett, Ballylanigan Tanist, Endless Gossip, Rushton Mac and Mile Bush Pride in a golden era. The event was so popular that despite the stadium being taken over for the 1958 British Empire and Commonwealth Games the track was re-laid in time for the Welsh Derby to take place in October. In 1971 the Welsh Greyhound Derby was given 'classic' status. Problems for greyhound racing started after Glamorgan County Cricket Club moved out of the cricket ground (known as the north ground) to Sophia Gardens in 1966.
"Cardiff Greyhounds"
The north ground was subsequently demolished and a new rugby union stadium built in its place for Cardiff RFC, who would move out of the Arms Park because Cardiff Athletic Club had transferred the freehold of the Arms Park (south ground) to the Welsh Rugby Union in July 1968. This still left a greyhound track around the Arms Park but despite the Welsh Derby gaining classic status there was no place for greyhound racing when the plans for the new National Stadium were drawn up on the site in 1977 by the Cardiff City Council. The Council had taken less
"Cardiff Greyhounds"
than ten minutes to reject a plan to switch greyhound racing to nearby Maindy Stadium. The last Welsh Greyhound Derby was on 9 July. The last meeting was held on 30 July 1977 which attracted just 1,128 greyhound fans who witnessed Lillyput Queen, owned by Cardiff butcher Malcolm Davies and trained by Freddie Goodman, win the last race. After the closure, greyhound racing in Wales remained on only three flapping (unlicensed) tracks, Swansea, Bedwellty Greyhound Track and Ystrad Mynach. Harry George secretary of Greyhound Company Cardiff failed in a bid for Oxford Stadium following Cardiff's closure. Cardiff Arms Park Cardiff
"Yuan Mu"
Yuan Mu Yuan Mu (; January 1928 – December 13, 2018) was a Chinese politician and journalist. During his tenure at the State Council, he acted as its spokesperson and headed the State Council Research Office. Yuan was born in January 1928, in Xinghua, Jiangsu Province, China. He graduated in 1945 from Nanjing Zhonghua High School and attended National Northwest Junior College of Agriculture and Forestry. Before joining the Chinese government, Yuan was a journalist for about 20 years. He worked at local newspapers before joining the state-owned Xinhua News Agency. As the State Council spokesperson, Yuan was invited by
"Yuan Mu"
student protestors during the Tiananmen Square protests to a forum on April 29, 1989. The forum was also attended by vice-minister of the State Education Commission He Dongchang. Attended by 45 students from 16 Beijing universities and colleges, the forum lasted three hours. During the forum, Yuan denied that corruption was widespread within the Communist Party or that the press was censored. Yuan gave the Chinese government's first response to the military crackdown on the Tiananmen Square protests. Two days after the crackdown on June 4, 1989, Yuan described the protests as a "counterrevolutionary rebellion" incited by "thugs and hooligans".
"Yuan Mu"
He stated less than 300 people had died, of which only 23 were students. He also implied that at least half of those deaths were soldiers of the People's Liberation Army. In an interview with American journalist Tom Brokaw on June 17, Yuan clarified that while he did not claim that no casualties resulted from putting down the "counter-revolutionary rebellion", nobody had died in Tiananmen Square when the People's Liberation Army cleared the square. He said that student protestors had vacated Tiananmen Square after being requested to leave by the army before the dawn of June 4. According to Yuan,
"Yuan Mu"
American television networks altered news footage to make it appear that murder took place. After the military crackdown, Yuan became a member of the 8th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Standing Committee. He retired in 2000. Yuan died in Beijing on December 13, 2018 from illness. Yuan Mu Yuan Mu (; January 1928 – December 13, 2018) was a Chinese politician and journalist. During his tenure at the State Council, he acted as its spokesperson and headed the State Council Research Office. Yuan was born in January 1928, in Xinghua, Jiangsu Province, China. He graduated in 1945 from Nanjing Zhonghua
Mont-Fallère The Mont-Fallère or Monte Fallere is a 3,061.5 metres high mountain belonging to the Italian side of Pennine Alps. The Mont-Fallère is located on the ridge dividing the "Gran San Bernardo Valley" (North and East) from the "Valdigne", a term and used to define the upper part of the Aosta Valley. Administratively the mountain is the tripoint connecting the Italian comunes of Sarre, Gignod and Saint-Pierre. According to SOIUSA ("International Standardized Mountain Subdivision of the Alps") the mountain can be classified in the following way: The mountain can be accessed by signposed routes or from "Thouraz" (1.652 m), a
village in the comune of Sarre, or from Vétan ("comune" of Saint-Pierre). Both of them require some hiking experience. The top of Mont-Fallère offers a good point of view on Monte Bianco, Grand Combin, Grivola and many other peaks of the Graian and Pennine Alps. Mont-Fallère The Mont-Fallère or Monte Fallere is a 3,061.5 metres high mountain belonging to the Italian side of Pennine Alps. The Mont-Fallère is located on the ridge dividing the "Gran San Bernardo Valley" (North and East) from the "Valdigne", a term and used to define the upper part of the Aosta Valley. Administratively the mountain
"Programmes internationaux d'échanges"
Programmes internationaux d'échanges Programmes Internationaux d’Echanges (PIE) is a French non-profit organisation, founded in 1981 that aims to promote international education and knowledge through the organisation of international exchange programs. The aim of the organisation is to enable French students to live abroad with a host family, and study at a foreign school. In the same way, the organisation enables French families to host foreign students of all nationalities. Voluntary host families and free public school inscription in the foreign country, ensures the gratuity of the exchange programs in the foreign country (under a Gentlemen's agreement), as well as the
"Programmes internationaux d'échanges"
student participation fees and inscriptions to the organisation. Every year, 25% of the organisation's surplus funding is donated to a scholarship funding, and another 25% is donated either to associative projects or to scholarship funds. Since 1990, PIE has been a member of U.N.A.T. (the National Union of Tourism Associations). Since 1993, PIE has been a founding member of UNSE (the National Union of organisers for extended visits abroad). Since 1996, PIE has been a founding member of Office and adheres to the terms of the Quality Contract, developed in collaboration with students' parents federations and approved consumer associations. Programmes
"Collins Uchenna Iwuno"
Collins Uchenna Iwuno Collins Uchenna Iwuno (born April 4, 1996) is an Entrepreneur and Philanthropist, better known as Prince Iwuno. Prince Iwuno was born in Minna and grew up in Garki, Abuja. He attended Government Secondary School Minna. Prince Iwuno currently holds a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology and B.PHARM from the University of Nigeria Nsukka. Prince Iwuno co-founded the music record label “Black Odyssey Entertainments(BOE). The label kicked off with three artists who are: Omeje Chidebere David professionally known as Chidokeyz, Benjamin Ojobor Professionally known as Ben Anansi, Abdulrassaq Hassan professional known as Pixie, the label has worked with
"Collins Uchenna Iwuno"
artistes such as Davido and Wizkid. Prince Iwuno is also a director at GLC Investments Ltd and Administrative Manager at Get Support 360 Collins Uchenna Iwuno Collins Uchenna Iwuno (born April 4, 1996) is an Entrepreneur and Philanthropist, better known as Prince Iwuno. Prince Iwuno was born in Minna and grew up in Garki, Abuja. He attended Government Secondary School Minna. Prince Iwuno currently holds a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology and B.PHARM from the University of Nigeria Nsukka. Prince Iwuno co-founded the music record label “Black Odyssey Entertainments(BOE). The label kicked off with three artists who are: Omeje Chidebere
Rakipsiz Rakipsiz ("Unrivaled") is the tenth studio album by Turkish singer Demet Akalın. It was released on 7 November 2016 by Doğan Music Company. A music video for the album's lead single "Hayalet" was also released on the same day. The album ranked first on D&R's Best-Selling list in Turkey. For her previous album "Pırlanta", which was released in June 2015, Akalın made six different music videos. To collect new songs for this album Akalın worked with the likes of Sinan Akçıl and Volga Tamöz. To mark the anniversary of the 20th year of her career, she published the album's
name and cover on her social media accounts. The photographs for "Rakipsiz" were taken by Müjdat Kupsi. During the album's preparation process Akalın continued to share sections of the songs on social media, and the album's final teaser was released by the production company DMC on YouTube, one night before its eventual distribution. To mark the 20th year of her career, Akalın worked with many artists, including Ayla Çelik, Berkay, Berksan, Buray, Berk Telkıvıran, Çağrı Telkıvıran, Erdem Kınay, Erhan Bayrak, Gökhan Özen, Gökhan Tepe, Gülşen, Gözde Ançel, Reşit Gözdamla, Murat Güneş, Murat Yeter, Okan Akı, Ozan Çolakoğlu, Özlem Argon, Sinan
Akçıl, Sirel, Şebnem Sungur, Taşkın Sabah, Turaç Berkay Özer and Volga Tamöz. Akalın, who had worked on the album for two years, described it as "a satisfying work". Considered a pop album, "Rakipsiz" contains sixteen songs. Akalın also announced on her twitter account that in the leading song "Hayalet", Edis was featured as a backing vocalist. The song was written and composed by Gülşen. In the song "Gazino", written and composed by Sirel, Mehmet Ali Erbil and Fatih Ürek's audio samples were used. Sinan Akçıl wrote and composed the song "Dürbün" and his vocals were featured at the song's beginning.
"Milliyet"s Ali Eyüboğlu liked the album and pointed out that it was released "to not just be a profit, but to make a name" and added: "There are no vain songs in the album because it's a great thing to be able to listen to 16 songs by other artists on an album by a singer who doesn't write and compose them." Writing for "Habertürk", Oben Budak gave "the album that Demet Akalın has worked for a lot" a positive review and added "This time the album's 'expense' portion is at maximum level. [...] We can call her the best
song collector. There's a lot of things Demet has added to the songs [with her voice], but she has an ear that can easily find the compositions that could become hits." "Hürriyet"s Naim Dilmener, gave the album three out of five stars and write "An album full of songs that are generally accepted and viewed as 'Demet Akalın sound', although there are some light touches or interventions added to the musical structures of the songs." "Akşam"s Esin Övet also wrote "With the right song choices, we can go through many more years with the songs of Demet Akalın, and cry
and laugh with them." At a concert for "Rakipsiz"s promotion, Akalın talked about Gülşen's decision to give her a new song for the album: "I didn't expect it from Gülşen, but she said it's your twentieth year. I'll postpone the album's release until I receive the song from her, and I value her work because she's a master when it comes to songwriting." On 7 November 2016, the album was made available on Spotify. Aynı gün de fiziksel satışa sunuldu. In an interview with Özge Ulusoy on "Lifetime Turkey" she said "We didn't postpone the album's release because of Gülşen's
song, Gülşen added the song to the album when it was ready." She insisted that the song had been prepared since a long time ago and said that there was a misunderstanding. On 11 November, the album was released on iTunes and rose to number one in Turkey. To promote "Rakipsiz", Akalın released a music video for its lead single "Hayalet" on 11 November. The album's cover appeared on a number of billboards in Istanbul. Later on 13 November, Akalın performed "Hayalet" at the 43rd Golden Butterfly Awards. Rakipsiz Rakipsiz ("Unrivaled") is the tenth studio album by Turkish singer Demet
"Michael Tilmouth"
Michael Tilmouth Michael Tilmouth (30 November 1930 – 12 November 1987) was an English musicologist. Born in Grimsby, he was educated at Christ's College, Cambridge, graduating in 1954 and completing his doctoral studies in 1960 with his thesis "Chamber music in England, 1675–1720". He was appointed an assistant lecturer at the University of Glasgow in 1959; promotion to lecturer followed in 1962, before he was appointed to the new Tovey Chair of Music at the University of Edinburgh in 1971. He died in the office on 12 November 1987, aged 56. Alongside editions of 17th- and 18th-century chamber music, he
"Michael Tilmouth"
edited "Musica Britannica", contributing two volumes of Matthew Locke's chamber music. Michael Tilmouth Michael Tilmouth (30 November 1930 – 12 November 1987) was an English musicologist. Born in Grimsby, he was educated at Christ's College, Cambridge, graduating in 1954 and completing his doctoral studies in 1960 with his thesis "Chamber music in England, 1675–1720". He was appointed an assistant lecturer at the University of Glasgow in 1959; promotion to lecturer followed in 1962, before he was appointed to the new Tovey Chair of Music at the University of Edinburgh in 1971. He died in the office on 12 November 1987,
"Paul Williams (rugby referee)"
Paul Williams (rugby referee) Paul Williams (born 11 April 1985) is a professional rugby union referee from New Zealand who currently referees in the Super Rugby competition and in international test matches. Williams started refereeing in 2011 while still playing at halfback at club level and was appointed to the New Zealand High Performance referee squad in 2014. He quickly rose up the domestic ranks of refereeing, ultimately becoming a full-time referee on the Super Rugby panel in 2016, the first ever from Taranaki. In what was an eventful 2016 season for Williams, he took control of the World Rugby
"Paul Williams (rugby referee)"
Under 20 championship final between England and Ireland. In June 2017, Williams took charge of his first international test match, the clash between Italy and Scotland in Singapore. 2018 saw Williams referee eight Super Rugby matches, becoming one of the higher ranked referees on the circuit, as well as three further tier 1 tests. Paul Williams (rugby referee) Paul Williams (born 11 April 1985) is a professional rugby union referee from New Zealand who currently referees in the Super Rugby competition and in international test matches. Williams started refereeing in 2011 while still playing at halfback at club level and
"Mounir Belhamiti"
Mounir Belhamiti Mounir Belhamiti (born 3 March 1985) is a French politician representing La République En Marche!. He became a Member of the National Assembly on 5 October 2018, representing Loire-Atlantique's 1st constituency. Mounir Belhamiti is Digital Project Manager Engineer. After the municipal elections of 2014, Mounir Belhamiti is elected councilor of Nantes on the list led by the socialist Johanna Rolland. In April 2018, with two other municipal councilors from Nantes, he left the group ecologist and citizen to form the group "Les écologistes en marche". Replacing François de Rugy, he became a member of the National Assembly for
"Mounir Belhamiti"
Loire-Atlantique's 1st constituency, following de Rugy's appointment to the government on September 4, 2018. In the National Assembly, Belhamiti sits on the National Defence and Armed Forces Committee. He is also a member of several Working Groups on digital ( Cybersecurity and Digital Sovereignty; Participatory Democracy and e-democracy; Digital economy of data, Knowledge and Artificial intelligence; Internet and Digital society). Mounir Belhamiti Mounir Belhamiti (born 3 March 1985) is a French politician representing La République En Marche!. He became a Member of the National Assembly on 5 October 2018, representing Loire-Atlantique's 1st constituency. Mounir Belhamiti is Digital Project Manager Engineer.
"Quorum (Software)"
Quorum (Software) Quorum is a company based in Washington, D.C. that makes public affairs software. Its clients include Club for Growth, General Motors, multiple think-tanks and Republican and Democratic politicians in the House of Representatives. Quorum's software is used for stakeholder engagement, legislative tracking and grassroots advocacy. It operates internationally, with tools built for users in Washington, Brussels, all 50 U.S. states, and 6,500+ cities and counties across the United States. Alex Wirth and Jonathan Marks co-founded the company in 2014 while they were undergraduates at Harvard. chose Quorum as the number 1 DC startup to watch in 2017.
"Quorum (Software)"
That same year, the company announced the creation of a new product for the European Union: Quorum EU. Quorum helps some of the labor-intensive aspects of lobbying. The company's software collects government data from around the Internet and updates every hour. This includes press releases, tweets, Facebook posts, census data and legislative bills. It amounts to about 14.6 billion data points annually. The software's analytics then uses a proprietary variation of Google's PageRank algorithm to analyze which Congressional members are the best influencers and who their strongest allies are. Clients using Quorum's analytical insights know which policymakers to target based
"Quorum (Software)"
on interest and effectiveness on a specific issue. Quorum (Software) Quorum is a company based in Washington, D.C. that makes public affairs software. Its clients include Club for Growth, General Motors, multiple think-tanks and Republican and Democratic politicians in the House of Representatives. Quorum's software is used for stakeholder engagement, legislative tracking and grassroots advocacy. It operates internationally, with tools built for users in Washington, Brussels, all 50 U.S. states, and 6,500+ cities and counties across the United States. Alex Wirth and Jonathan Marks co-founded the company in 2014 while they were undergraduates at Harvard. chose Quorum as the
"John Donaldson (music scholar)"
John Donaldson (music scholar) John Donaldson (baptised 5 January 1789; died 12 August 1865) was an English music scholar and educator. His father, John, was an organ builder operating in Newcastle upon Tyne and York. The younger Donaldson moved to Glasgow and opened a music academy in 1816, but in the 1820s qualified as an advocate and ceased teaching. He was nevertheless well-regarded as a pianist and produced a Sonata in G minor in 1822. He developed an interest in acoustics. According to "The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians", he first took an interest in the Reid Professorship
"John Donaldson (music scholar)"
of Music at the University of Edinburgh in 1838; the "Oxford Dictionary of National Biography" states that he first applied for the position in 1841. He was eventually appointed to it in 1845, and aimed to transform music teaching at the university. He purchased a large array of scientific equipment and instruments, established regular lecture series, and made acoustic experiments. But this was not achieved without opposition from the trustees of Reid's bequest; he spent five years engaged in legal proceedings to extract greater allowances to cover teaching, equipment and building space. He won, and the university was ordered to
"John Donaldson (music scholar)"
pay for a music room, which became the Reid School of Music. His health suffered under the stress of the legal proceedings, however, and he died in 1865. John Donaldson (music scholar) John Donaldson (baptised 5 January 1789; died 12 August 1865) was an English music scholar and educator. His father, John, was an organ builder operating in Newcastle upon Tyne and York. The younger Donaldson moved to Glasgow and opened a music academy in 1816, but in the 1820s qualified as an advocate and ceased teaching. He was nevertheless well-regarded as a pianist and produced a Sonata in G
"Bolshevistskaya Street, Novosibirsk"
Bolshevistskaya Street, Novosibirsk Bolshevistskaya Street () is a street in Oktyabrsky City District of Novosibirsk, Russia. It starts from the road junction called Engineer Budagov Square, runs southeast along the right bank of the Ob River and ends near the bridge over the Inya River. The length of the street is more than 7 km. Bolshevistskaya Street is one of the most important traffic arteries of the city, besides it is part of the Federal Highway R256. The street was originally called Traktovaya Street, it was part of the road to Berdsk, Barnaul and Biysk. Bolshevistskaya Street has road junctions
"Bolshevistskaya Street, Novosibirsk"
with Kommunalny and Bugrinsky bridges. Road transport of the street: buses, trolleybuses and marshrutka. The street is one of the busiest transport arteries of the city. Traffic congestion can reach more than 7 km. Entrance to Rechnoy Vokzal Station is located on the street. Rechnoy Vokzal Passenger River Terminal is located between the street and the Ob River. Bolshevistskaya Street, Novosibirsk Bolshevistskaya Street () is a street in Oktyabrsky City District of Novosibirsk, Russia. It starts from the road junction called Engineer Budagov Square, runs southeast along the right bank of the Ob River and ends near the bridge over
"Mohsin Qara'ati"
Mohsin Qara'ati Mohsin Qara'ati (Persian: محسن قرائتی) is an Iranian Shia cleric who was born in 1945 in the city of Kashan, and his father was Ali Naqi (Qara'ati). Mohsin Qara'ati who is commonly known as "Ayatollah Qara'ati" or "Hujjat al-islam Qara'ati," was appointed as the representative of Sayyid Ruhollah Khomeini (the founder and previous leader of Islamic Republic of Iran) at the "literacy movement organization" in Iran in 1981. Mohsin Qara'ati who is also known as "Haj Aqa Qara'ati (Persian: حاج آقا قرائتی)", has been appointed as the chief of "Setade Eqame Namaz" (the headquarters of prayer presenting)". Among
"Mohsin Qara'ati"
the most famous characteristics of this Shi'a clergy is that he tries to follow timely humors/jokes in his lectures, which makes his speeches more interesting from the view of viewers/listeners. He is also the suggester of making "Halal laughing site" (to pass free times by Halal [permissible] laughing). Mohsin Qara'ati Mohsin Qara'ati (Persian: محسن قرائتی) is an Iranian Shia cleric who was born in 1945 in the city of Kashan, and his father was Ali Naqi (Qara'ati). Mohsin Qara'ati who is commonly known as "Ayatollah Qara'ati" or "Hujjat al-islam Qara'ati," was appointed as the representative of Sayyid Ruhollah Khomeini (the
"Þóra Kristín Jónsdóttir"
Þóra Kristín Jónsdóttir Þóra Kristín Jónsdóttir (born 30 March 1997) is an Icelandic basketball player who plays the point guard position for Haukar in the Úrvalsdeild kvenna and the Icelandic national basketball team. She won the Icelandic championship with Haukar in 2018 while also being named to the Úrvalsdeild Domestic All-First Team and finishing third in the selection of the Icelandic Women's Basketball Player of the Year. Þóra came up through the junior programs of Haukar and played her first senior game in 2012. On 22 February 2014 she won the Icelandic Basketball Cup after Haukar defeated Snæfell in the
"Þóra Kristín Jónsdóttir"
Cup finals. On 3 October 2015, she helped Haukar win the Icelandic Company Cup, defeating Keflavík in the final. In 2016, she was loaned to Skallagrímur where she went on to win 1. deild kvenna. In 9 regular season and playoffs games for Skallagrímur, Þóra averaged 8.3 points and 3.9 rebounds per game. On 30 April 2018, Þóra won the national championship after Haukar defeated Valur 3-2 in Úrvalsdeild finals. She was instrumental to Haukar's victory in game 3 of the series, scoring 22 points and shooting 4 of 7 from three point range. On 28 November 2018, Þóra posted
"Þóra Kristín Jónsdóttir"
a triple-double with 23 points, 11 rebounds and 11 assists in a victory against Breiðablik. In December 2018, she finished third in the selection of the Icelandic Women's Basketball Player of the Year, behind Helena Sverrisdóttir and winner Hildur Björg Kjartansdóttir. On 17 December 2018, she went down with an injury in a game against Grindavík in the Icelandic Basketball Cup which was initially feared to be a ruptured achilles tendon. Later tests revealed that the tendon had not ruptured. Þóra was first selected to the Icelandic national basketball team in 2017 and was selected for its games in the
"Þóra Kristín Jónsdóttir"
EuroBasket Women 2019 qualification. Þóra Kristín Jónsdóttir Þóra Kristín Jónsdóttir (born 30 March 1997) is an Icelandic basketball player who plays the point guard position for Haukar in the Úrvalsdeild kvenna and the Icelandic national basketball team. She won the Icelandic championship with Haukar in 2018 while also being named to the Úrvalsdeild Domestic All-First Team and finishing third in the selection of the Icelandic Women's Basketball Player of the Year. Þóra came up through the junior programs of Haukar and played her first senior game in 2012. On 22 February 2014 she won the Icelandic Basketball Cup after Haukar