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1 value
number0 birds were sitting on the fence . number1 more birds and number2 more storks came to join them . how many more storks than birds are sitting on the fence ?
3 2 6
- number2 + number0 number1
[0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 28, 29, 30]
number0 birds were sitting on the fence . number1 more birds and number2 more storks came to join them .
how many more storks than birds are sitting on the fence ?
3 birds were sitting on the fence . 2 more birds and 6 more storks came to join them .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(6 - (3 + 2))
(6 + (3 - 2))
number0 storks and number1 birds were sitting on the fence . number2 more birds came to join them . how many more birds than storks are sitting on the fence ?
5 3 4
- + number1 number2 number0
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 27, 28, 29]
number0 storks and number1 birds were sitting on the fence . number2 more birds came to join them .
how many more birds than storks are sitting on the fence ?
5 storks and 3 birds were sitting on the fence . 4 more birds came to join them .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((3 + 4) - 5)
((3 - 4) + 5)
number0 storks and number1 birds were sitting on the fence . number2 more birds came to join them . how many more storks than birds are sitting on the fence ?
6 2 3
- number0 + number1 number2
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 27, 28, 29]
number0 storks and number1 birds were sitting on the fence . number2 more birds came to join them .
how many more storks than birds are sitting on the fence ?
6 storks and 2 birds were sitting on the fence . 3 more birds came to join them .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(6 - (2 + 3))
(6 + (2 - 3))
number0 birds were sitting on the fence . number1 more storks and number2 more birds came to join them . how many more storks than birds are sitting on the fence ?
3 6 2
- number1 + number0 number2
[0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 28, 29, 30]
number0 birds were sitting on the fence . number1 more storks and number2 more birds came to join them .
how many more storks than birds are sitting on the fence ?
3 birds were sitting on the fence . 6 more storks and 2 more birds came to join them .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(6 - (3 + 2))
(6 + (3 - 2))
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that number0 visitors came to the buckingham palace that day . if there were number1 visitors the previous day how many more visitors visited the buckingham palace on that day than on the previous day ?
317 295
- number0 number1
[2, 6, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18, 48, 49, 50, 29, 30, 31]
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that number0 visitors came to the buckingham palace that day . if there were number1 visitors the previous day
how many more visitors visited the buckingham palace on that day than on the previous day ?
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that 317 visitors came to the buckingham palace that day . if there were 295 visitors the previous day
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(317 - 295)
(317 + 295)
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that number0 visitors came to the buckingham palace on the previous day . if there were number1 visitors on that day how many visited the buckingham palace within number2 days ?
703 246 25
+ number1 number0
[32, 33, 2, 6, 43, 44, 45, 16, 17, 18, 31]
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that number0 visitors came to the buckingham palace on the previous day . if there were number1 visitors on that day
how many visited the buckingham palace within number2 days ?
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that 703 visitors came to the buckingham palace on the previous day . if there were 246 visitors on that day
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(246 + 703)
(246 - 703)
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that number0 visitors came to the buckingham palace on the previous day . if there were number1 visitors on that day how many more visitors visited the buckingham palace on that day than on the previous day ?
100 666
- number1 number0
[32, 33, 2, 6, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18, 50, 51, 52, 31]
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that number0 visitors came to the buckingham palace on the previous day . if there were number1 visitors on that day
how many more visitors visited the buckingham palace on that day than on the previous day ?
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that 100 visitors came to the buckingham palace on the previous day . if there were 666 visitors on that day
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(666 - 100)
(666 + 100)
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that number0 visitors came to the buckingham palace that day . if number1 people visited the buckingham palace within the past number2 days how many visitors visited the buckingham palace on the previous day ?
132 406 327
- number1 number0
[3, 36, 37, 38, 6, 9, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 47, 48, 49, 27, 28, 29]
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that number0 visitors came to the buckingham palace that day . if number1 people visited the buckingham palace within the past number2 days
how many visitors visited the buckingham palace on the previous day ?
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that 132 visitors came to the buckingham palace that day . if 406 people visited the buckingham palace within the past 327 days
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(406 - 132)
(406 + 132)
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that number0 visitors came to the buckingham palace on the previous day . if number1 people visited the buckingham palace within the past number2 days how many visitors visited the buckingham palace on that day ?
45 829 85
- number1 number0
[3, 38, 39, 40, 6, 9, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 48, 49, 50, 29, 30, 31]
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that number0 visitors came to the buckingham palace on the previous day . if number1 people visited the buckingham palace within the past number2 days
how many visitors visited the buckingham palace on that day ?
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that 45 visitors came to the buckingham palace on the previous day . if 829 people visited the buckingham palace within the past 85 days
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(829 - 45)
(829 + 45)
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there were number0 paintings in the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that number1 visitors came to the buckingham palace that day . if there were number2 visitors the previous day how many visited the buckingham palace within number3 days ?
71 557 188 57
+ number1 number2
[1, 2, 38, 39, 40, 6, 14, 15, 16, 50, 51, 52, 25, 26, 27]
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there were number0 paintings in the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that number1 visitors came to the buckingham palace that day . if there were number2 visitors the previous day
how many visited the buckingham palace within number3 days ?
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there were 71 paintings in the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that 557 visitors came to the buckingham palace that day . if there were 188 visitors the previous day
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(557 + 188)
(557 - 188)
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there were number0 paintings in the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that number1 visitors came to the buckingham palace that day . if there were number2 visitors the previous day how many more visitors visited the buckingham palace on that day than on the previous day ?
39 661 600
- number1 number2
[1, 2, 58, 38, 39, 40, 6, 9, 10, 12, 59, 14, 15, 16, 25, 26, 27, 57]
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there were number0 paintings in the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that number1 visitors came to the buckingham palace that day . if there were number2 visitors the previous day
how many more visitors visited the buckingham palace on that day than on the previous day ?
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there were 39 paintings in the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that 661 visitors came to the buckingham palace that day . if there were 600 visitors the previous day
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(661 - 600)
(661 + 600)
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that number0 visitors came to the buckingham palace that day . if there were number1 visitors the previous day and number2 visitors the day before that how many visited the buckingham palace before that day ?
92 419 103
+ number1 number2
[2, 35, 36, 37, 6, 16, 17, 18, 48, 49, 50, 29, 30, 31]
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that number0 visitors came to the buckingham palace that day . if there were number1 visitors the previous day and number2 visitors the day before that
how many visited the buckingham palace before that day ?
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that 92 visitors came to the buckingham palace that day . if there were 419 visitors the previous day and 103 visitors the day before that
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(419 + 103)
(419 - 103)
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that number0 visitors came to the buckingham palace that day . if there were number1 visitors the previous day and number2 visitors the day before that how many visited the buckingham palace within the past number3 days ?
512 471 808 89
+ + number0 number1 number2
[2, 35, 36, 37, 6, 16, 17, 18, 51, 50, 52, 23, 29, 30, 31]
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that number0 visitors came to the buckingham palace that day . if there were number1 visitors the previous day and number2 visitors the day before that
how many visited the buckingham palace within the past number3 days ?
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that 512 visitors came to the buckingham palace that day . if there were 471 visitors the previous day and 808 visitors the day before that
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((512 + 471) + 808)
((512 - 471) - 808)
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that number0 visitors came to the buckingham palace that day . if there were number1 visitors the previous day and number2 visitors the day before that how many more visitors visited the buckingham palace on that day than on the previous number3 days ?
705 191 457 245
- number0 + number1 number2
[2, 35, 36, 37, 6, 16, 17, 18, 19, 56, 57, 58, 29, 30, 31]
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that number0 visitors came to the buckingham palace that day . if there were number1 visitors the previous day and number2 visitors the day before that
how many more visitors visited the buckingham palace on that day than on the previous number3 days ?
after eating a hearty meal they went to see the buckingham palace . there rachel learned that 705 visitors came to the buckingham palace that day . if there were 191 visitors the previous day and 457 visitors the day before that
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(705 - (191 + 457))
(705 + (191 - 457))
number0 red peaches and number1 green peaches are in the basket . how many more red peaches than green peaches are in the basket ?
17 16
- number0 number1
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 21, 22, 23]
number0 red peaches and number1 green peaches are in the basket .
how many more red peaches than green peaches are in the basket ?
17 red peaches and 16 green peaches are in the basket .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(17 - 16)
(17 + 16)
number0 red peaches and number1 green peaches are in the basket . how many more green peaches than red peaches are in the basket ?
5 11
- number1 number0
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 21, 22, 23]
number0 red peaches and number1 green peaches are in the basket .
how many more green peaches than red peaches are in the basket ?
5 red peaches and 11 green peaches are in the basket .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(11 - 5)
(11 + 5)
number0 red peaches and some more green peaches are in the basket . if there are a total of number1 peaches in the basket how many green peaches are in the basket ?
10 15
- number1 number0
[0, 1, 2, 6, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 29, 30, 31]
number0 red peaches and some more green peaches are in the basket . if there are a total of number1 peaches in the basket
how many green peaches are in the basket ?
10 red peaches and some more green peaches are in the basket . if there are a total of 15 peaches in the basket
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(15 - 10)
(15 + 10)
number0 red peaches and some more green peaches are in the basket . if there are number1 more green peaches than red peaches in the basket how many green peaches are in the basket ?
3 10
+ number0 number1
[0, 1, 2, 32, 4, 5, 6, 33, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 31]
number0 red peaches and some more green peaches are in the basket . if there are number1 more green peaches than red peaches in the basket
how many green peaches are in the basket ?
3 red peaches and some more green peaches are in the basket . if there are 10 more green peaches than red peaches in the basket
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(3 + 10)
(3 - 10)
number0 red peaches number1 yellow peaches and number2 green peaches are in the basket . how many peaches are in the basket ?
7 15 8
+ + number0 number1 number2
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 19, 20, 21]
number0 red peaches number1 yellow peaches and number2 green peaches are in the basket .
how many peaches are in the basket ?
7 red peaches 15 yellow peaches and 8 green peaches are in the basket .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((7 + 15) + 8)
((7 - 15) - 8)
number0 red peaches number1 yellow peaches and number2 green peaches are in the basket . how many more green peaches than red peaches are in the basket ?
7 71 8
- number2 number0
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 24, 25, 26]
number0 red peaches number1 yellow peaches and number2 green peaches are in the basket .
how many more green peaches than red peaches are in the basket ?
7 red peaches 71 yellow peaches and 8 green peaches are in the basket .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(8 - 7)
(8 + 7)
number0 red peaches number1 yellow peaches and number2 green peaches are in the basket . how many more green peaches than yellow peaches are in the basket ?
2 6 14
- number2 number1
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 24, 25, 26]
number0 red peaches number1 yellow peaches and number2 green peaches are in the basket .
how many more green peaches than yellow peaches are in the basket ?
2 red peaches 6 yellow peaches and 14 green peaches are in the basket .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(14 - 6)
(14 + 6)
number0 red peaches number1 yellow peaches and number2 green peaches are in the basket . how many more red peaches than yellow peaches are in the basket ?
19 11 12
- number0 number1
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 24, 25, 26]
number0 red peaches number1 yellow peaches and number2 green peaches are in the basket .
how many more red peaches than yellow peaches are in the basket ?
19 red peaches 11 yellow peaches and 12 green peaches are in the basket .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(19 - 11)
(19 + 11)
number0 red peaches number1 yellow peaches and number2 green peaches are in the basket . how many red and green peaches are in the basket ?
6 90 16
+ number0 number2
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 22, 23, 24]
number0 red peaches number1 yellow peaches and number2 green peaches are in the basket .
how many red and green peaches are in the basket ?
6 red peaches 90 yellow peaches and 16 green peaches are in the basket .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(6 + 16)
(6 - 16)
number0 red peaches number1 yellow peaches and number2 green peaches are in the basket . how many red and yellow peaches are in the basket ?
18 14 17
+ number0 number1
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 22, 23, 24]
number0 red peaches number1 yellow peaches and number2 green peaches are in the basket .
how many red and yellow peaches are in the basket ?
18 red peaches 14 yellow peaches and 17 green peaches are in the basket .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(18 + 14)
(18 - 14)
number0 red peaches number1 yellow peaches and number2 green peaches are in the basket . how many green and yellow peaches are in the basket ?
5 14 6
+ number2 number1
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 22, 23, 24]
number0 red peaches number1 yellow peaches and number2 green peaches are in the basket .
how many green and yellow peaches are in the basket ?
5 red peaches 14 yellow peaches and 6 green peaches are in the basket .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(6 + 14)
(6 - 14)
there are number0 baskets of peaches . each basket has number1 red peaches and number2 green peaches . how many peaches are in each basket ?
65 7 3
+ number1 number2
[1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24]
there are number0 baskets of peaches . each basket has number1 red peaches and number2 green peaches .
how many peaches are in each basket ?
there are 65 baskets of peaches . each basket has 7 red peaches and 3 green peaches .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(7 + 3)
(7 - 3)
there are number0 baskets of peaches . each basket has number1 red peaches and number2 green peaches . how many peaches are in the baskets altogether ?
11 10 18
* + number1 number2 number0
[1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25]
there are number0 baskets of peaches . each basket has number1 red peaches and number2 green peaches .
how many peaches are in the baskets altogether ?
there are 11 baskets of peaches . each basket has 10 red peaches and 18 green peaches .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((10 + 18) * 11)
((10 - 18) / 11)
there are number0 baskets of peaches . each basket has number1 red peaches and number2 green peaches . how many red peaches are in the baskets altogether ?
6 16 18
* number1 number0
[1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 24, 25, 26]
there are number0 baskets of peaches . each basket has number1 red peaches and number2 green peaches .
how many red peaches are in the baskets altogether ?
there are 6 baskets of peaches . each basket has 16 red peaches and 18 green peaches .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(16 * 6)
(16 / 6)
there are number0 baskets of peaches . each basket has number1 red peaches and number2 green peaches . how many green peaches are in the baskets altogether ?
7 10 2
* number2 number0
[1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 24, 25, 26]
there are number0 baskets of peaches . each basket has number1 red peaches and number2 green peaches .
how many green peaches are in the baskets altogether ?
there are 7 baskets of peaches . each basket has 10 red peaches and 2 green peaches .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(2 * 7)
(2 / 7)
there are some baskets of peaches . each basket has number0 red peaches and number1 green peaches . if there are a total of number2 peaches in all baskets how many baskets of peaches are there ?
4 3 7
/ number2 + number0 number1
[33, 2, 34, 4, 35, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25]
there are some baskets of peaches . each basket has number0 red peaches and number1 green peaches . if there are a total of number2 peaches in all baskets
how many baskets of peaches are there ?
there are some baskets of peaches . each basket has 4 red peaches and 3 green peaches . if there are a total of 7 peaches in all baskets
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(7 / (4 + 3))
(7 * (4 - 3))
there are number0 baskets of peaches . each basket has number1 red peaches and some more green peaches . if there are a total of number2 peaches in all baskets how many green peaches are in each basket ?
2 4 12
- / number2 number0 number1
[1, 2, 3, 36, 4, 35, 7, 37, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 24, 25, 26]
there are number0 baskets of peaches . each basket has number1 red peaches and some more green peaches . if there are a total of number2 peaches in all baskets
how many green peaches are in each basket ?
there are 2 baskets of peaches . each basket has 4 red peaches and some more green peaches . if there are a total of 12 peaches in all baskets
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((12 / 2) - 4)
((12 * 2) + 4)
there are a total of number0 peaches in a basket . if there are number1 red peaches and some more green peaches in the basket . how many green peaches are in the basket ?
16 13
- number0 number1
[32, 1, 2, 33, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 31]
there are a total of number0 peaches in a basket . if there are number1 red peaches and some more green peaches in the basket .
how many green peaches are in the basket ?
there are a total of 16 peaches in a basket . if there are 13 red peaches and some more green peaches in the basket .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(16 - 13)
(16 + 13)
each basket of peaches has number0 red peaches and number1 green peaches . if there are number2 such baskets how many peaches are in the baskets altogether ?
19 4 15
* + number0 number1 number2
[0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26]
each basket of peaches has number0 red peaches and number1 green peaches . if there are number2 such baskets
how many peaches are in the baskets altogether ?
each basket of peaches has 19 red peaches and 4 green peaches . if there are 15 such baskets
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((19 + 4) * 15)
((19 - 4) / 15)
there are number0 peaches distributed equally in some baskets . if each basket has number1 red peaches and number2 green peaches how many baskets of peaches are there ?
10 4 6
/ number0 + number1 number2
[1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27]
there are number0 peaches distributed equally in some baskets . if each basket has number1 red peaches and number2 green peaches
how many baskets of peaches are there ?
there are 10 peaches distributed equally in some baskets . if each basket has 4 red peaches and 6 green peaches
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(10 / (4 + 6))
(10 * (4 - 6))
number0 green peaches number1 yellow peaches and number2 red peaches are in the basket . how many more green peaches than red peaches are in the basket ?
6 60 2
- number0 number2
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 24, 25, 26]
number0 green peaches number1 yellow peaches and number2 red peaches are in the basket .
how many more green peaches than red peaches are in the basket ?
6 green peaches 60 yellow peaches and 2 red peaches are in the basket .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(6 - 2)
(6 + 2)
lucy went to the grocery store . she bought number0 packs of cookie and number1 packs of cake . how many more packs of cookie did she buy over cake ?
10 4
- number0 number1
[1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 27, 28, 29]
lucy went to the grocery store . she bought number0 packs of cookie and number1 packs of cake .
how many more packs of cookie did she buy over cake ?
lucy went to the grocery store . she bought 10 packs of cookie and 4 packs of cake .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(10 - 4)
(10 + 4)
lucy went to the grocery store . she bought number0 packs of cookie number1 packs of cake and number2 packs of chocolate . how many packs of groceries did she buy in all ?
4 22 16
+ + number0 number1 number2
[32, 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 30, 31]
lucy went to the grocery store . she bought number0 packs of cookie number1 packs of cake and number2 packs of chocolate .
how many packs of groceries did she buy in all ?
lucy went to the grocery store . she bought 4 packs of cookie 22 packs of cake and 16 packs of chocolate .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((4 + 22) + 16)
((4 - 22) - 16)
lucy went to the grocery store . she bought number0 packs of cookie and some packs of cake . in total she had number1 packs of grocery how many packs of cake did she buy in all ?
23 27
- number1 number0
[1, 34, 3, 35, 36, 8, 9, 10, 15, 22, 23, 24]
lucy went to the grocery store . she bought number0 packs of cookie and some packs of cake . in total she had number1 packs of grocery
how many packs of cake did she buy in all ?
lucy went to the grocery store . she bought 23 packs of cookie and some packs of cake . in total she had 27 packs of grocery
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(27 - 23)
(27 + 23)
lucy went to the grocery store . she bought number0 packs of cookie and number1 packs of cake . in the end she had number2 amount of change remaining . how many packs of groceries did she buy in all ?
2 12 56
+ number0 number1
[1, 4, 37, 38, 7, 8, 9, 10, 39, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 25]
lucy went to the grocery store . she bought number0 packs of cookie and number1 packs of cake . in the end she had number2 amount of change remaining .
how many packs of groceries did she buy in all ?
lucy went to the grocery store . she bought 2 packs of cookie and 12 packs of cake . in the end she had 56 amount of change remaining .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(2 + 12)
(2 - 12)
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the other number1 kids stay home . how many more kids spent their summer break at the camp compared to those who stayed home ?
819058 668278
- number0 number1
[1, 2, 3, 4, 33, 34, 35, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16]
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the other number1 kids stay home .
how many more kids spent their summer break at the camp compared to those who stayed home ?
during summer break 819058 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the other 668278 kids stay home .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(819058 - 668278)
(819058 + 668278)
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the other number1 kids stay home . how many more kids stayed home compared to those who went to the camp ?
202958 777622
- number1 number0
[32, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 30, 31]
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the other number1 kids stay home .
how many more kids stayed home compared to those who went to the camp ?
during summer break 202958 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the other 777622 kids stay home .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(777622 - 202958)
(777622 + 202958)
lawrence county has number0 kids . during summer break number1 kids go to camp and the rest stay home . how many kids stay home ?
898051 629424
- number0 number1
[1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 22, 23, 24]
lawrence county has number0 kids . during summer break number1 kids go to camp and the rest stay home .
how many kids stay home ?
lawrence county has 898051 kids . during summer break 629424 kids go to camp and the rest stay home .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(898051 - 629424)
(898051 + 629424)
lawrence county has number0 kids . during summer break number1 kids stay home and the rest go to camp . how many kids go to the camp during the break ?
313473 274865
- number0 number1
[1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 27, 28, 29]
lawrence county has number0 kids . during summer break number1 kids stay home and the rest go to camp .
how many kids go to the camp during the break ?
lawrence county has 313473 kids . during summer break 274865 kids stay home and the rest go to camp .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(313473 - 274865)
(313473 + 274865)
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county stay home and the other number1 kids go to camp . about how many kids are in lawrence county ?
907611 455682
+ number1 number0
[2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 24, 25, 26]
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county stay home and the other number1 kids go to camp .
about how many kids are in lawrence county ?
during summer break 907611 kids from lawrence county stay home and the other 455682 kids go to camp .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(455682 + 907611)
(455682 - 907611)
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the rest stay home . lawrence county has number1 kids in all . about how many kids stayed home ?
800059 828521
- number1 number0
[2, 3, 4, 8, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30]
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the rest stay home . lawrence county has number1 kids in all .
about how many kids stayed home ?
during summer break 800059 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the rest stay home . lawrence county has 828521 kids in all .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(828521 - 800059)
(828521 + 800059)
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county stayed home and the rest went to camp . the total number of kids in larence county is number1 . about how many kids in lawrence county went to camp ?
61619 91676
- number1 number0
[2, 3, 4, 35, 36, 7, 8, 37, 25, 26]
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county stayed home and the rest went to camp . the total number of kids in larence county is number1 .
about how many kids in lawrence county went to camp ?
during summer break 61619 kids from lawrence county stayed home and the rest went to camp . the total number of kids in larence county is 91676 .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(91676 - 61619)
(91676 + 61619)
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the other number1 kids stay home . an additional number2 kids from outside the county attended the camp . how many kids in total attended the camp ?
34044 134867 424944
+ number0 number2
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 36, 37, 8, 38, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22]
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the other number1 kids stay home . an additional number2 kids from outside the county attended the camp .
how many kids in total attended the camp ?
during summer break 34044 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the other 134867 kids stay home . an additional 424944 kids from outside the county attended the camp .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(34044 + 424944)
(34044 - 424944)
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the other number1 kids stay home . an additional number2 kids from outside the county attended the camp . about how many kids are in lawrence county ?
610769 590796 22
+ number0 number1
[1, 2, 3, 4, 36, 37, 7, 8, 38, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22]
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the other number1 kids stay home . an additional number2 kids from outside the county attended the camp .
about how many kids are in lawrence county ?
during summer break 610769 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the other 590796 kids stay home . an additional 22 kids from outside the county attended the camp .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(610769 + 590796)
(610769 - 590796)
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county stayed home and the other number1 kids went to camp . an additional number2 kids from outside the county attended the camp . how many kids are in lawrence county ?
644997 893835 78
+ number1 number0
[1, 2, 3, 4, 35, 6, 36, 8, 37, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22]
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county stayed home and the other number1 kids went to camp . an additional number2 kids from outside the county attended the camp .
how many kids are in lawrence county ?
during summer break 644997 kids from lawrence county stayed home and the other 893835 kids went to camp . an additional 78 kids from outside the county attended the camp .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(893835 + 644997)
(893835 - 644997)
number0 campers went rowing in the morning . number1 campers went rowing in the afternoon . how many more campers went rowing in the morning than in the afternoon ?
62 39
- number0 number1
[0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 26, 27, 28]
number0 campers went rowing in the morning . number1 campers went rowing in the afternoon .
how many more campers went rowing in the morning than in the afternoon ?
62 campers went rowing in the morning . 39 campers went rowing in the afternoon .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(62 - 39)
(62 + 39)
number0 campers went rowing in the morning . number1 campers went rowing in the afternoon . how many more campers went rowing in the afternoon than in the morning ?
52 61
- number1 number0
[0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 26, 27, 28]
number0 campers went rowing in the morning . number1 campers went rowing in the afternoon .
how many more campers went rowing in the afternoon than in the morning ?
52 campers went rowing in the morning . 61 campers went rowing in the afternoon .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(61 - 52)
(61 + 52)
number0 campers went rowing in the morning . some more campers went rowing in the afternoon . if a total of number1 campers went rowing that day how many campers went rowing in the afternoon ?
15 32
- number1 number0
[0, 1, 2, 3, 32, 33, 34, 11, 15, 20, 21, 22]
number0 campers went rowing in the morning . some more campers went rowing in the afternoon . if a total of number1 campers went rowing that day
how many campers went rowing in the afternoon ?
15 campers went rowing in the morning . some more campers went rowing in the afternoon . if a total of 32 campers went rowing that day
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(32 - 15)
(32 + 15)
some campers went rowing in the morning while number0 campers went rowing in the afternoon . if a total of number1 campers went rowing that day how many campers went rowing in the morning ?
7 60
- number1 number0
[32, 33, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 19, 20, 21, 31]
some campers went rowing in the morning while number0 campers went rowing in the afternoon . if a total of number1 campers went rowing that day
how many campers went rowing in the morning ?
some campers went rowing in the morning while 7 campers went rowing in the afternoon . if a total of 60 campers went rowing that day
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(60 - 7)
(60 + 7)
number0 campers went rowing in the morning number1 campers went rowing in the afternoon and number2 campers went rowing in the evening . how many campers went rowing in all ?
36 13 49
+ + number0 number1 number2
[0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 27, 28, 29]
number0 campers went rowing in the morning number1 campers went rowing in the afternoon and number2 campers went rowing in the evening .
how many campers went rowing in all ?
36 campers went rowing in the morning 13 campers went rowing in the afternoon and 49 campers went rowing in the evening .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((36 + 13) + 49)
((36 - 13) - 49)
number0 campers went rowing in the morning number1 campers went rowing in the afternoon and number2 campers went rowing in the evening . how many more campers went rowing in the morning than in the afternoon ?
44 39 31
- number0 number1
[0, 1, 2, 33, 4, 34, 35, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18]
number0 campers went rowing in the morning number1 campers went rowing in the afternoon and number2 campers went rowing in the evening .
how many more campers went rowing in the morning than in the afternoon ?
44 campers went rowing in the morning 39 campers went rowing in the afternoon and 31 campers went rowing in the evening .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(44 - 39)
(44 + 39)
number0 campers went rowing in the morning number1 campers went rowing in the afternoon and number2 campers went rowing in the evening . how many more campers went rowing in the morning than in the evening ?
53 48 49
- number0 number2
[0, 1, 2, 33, 4, 34, 6, 7, 8, 9, 35, 14, 15, 16, 17]
number0 campers went rowing in the morning number1 campers went rowing in the afternoon and number2 campers went rowing in the evening .
how many more campers went rowing in the morning than in the evening ?
53 campers went rowing in the morning 48 campers went rowing in the afternoon and 49 campers went rowing in the evening .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(53 - 49)
(53 + 49)
number0 campers went rowing in the morning number1 campers went rowing in the afternoon and number2 campers went rowing in the evening . how many more campers went rowing in the afternoon than in the evening ?
33 34 10
- number1 number2
[0, 1, 2, 33, 4, 34, 6, 7, 8, 9, 35, 14, 15, 16, 17]
number0 campers went rowing in the morning number1 campers went rowing in the afternoon and number2 campers went rowing in the evening .
how many more campers went rowing in the afternoon than in the evening ?
33 campers went rowing in the morning 34 campers went rowing in the afternoon and 10 campers went rowing in the evening .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(34 - 10)
(34 + 10)
number0 campers went rowing and number1 campers went hiking in the morning . number2 campers went rowing in the afternoon . how many campers went rowing in all ?
13 59 21
+ number0 number2
[0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 25, 26, 27]
number0 campers went rowing and number1 campers went hiking in the morning . number2 campers went rowing in the afternoon .
how many campers went rowing in all ?
13 campers went rowing and 59 campers went hiking in the morning . 21 campers went rowing in the afternoon .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(13 + 21)
(13 - 21)
number0 campers went rowing and number1 campers went hiking in the morning . number2 campers went rowing in the afternoon . how many more campers went rowing in the morning than in the afternoon ?
29 66 26
- number0 number2
[0, 1, 2, 32, 4, 5, 6, 7, 33, 13, 14, 31]
number0 campers went rowing and number1 campers went hiking in the morning . number2 campers went rowing in the afternoon .
how many more campers went rowing in the morning than in the afternoon ?
29 campers went rowing and 66 campers went hiking in the morning . 26 campers went rowing in the afternoon .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(29 - 26)
(29 + 26)
number0 campers went rowing and number1 campers went hiking in the morning . number2 campers went rowing in the afternoon . how many campers went rowing and hiking in all ?
41 4 26
+ + number0 number2 number1
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 27, 28, 29]
number0 campers went rowing and number1 campers went hiking in the morning . number2 campers went rowing in the afternoon .
how many campers went rowing and hiking in all ?
41 campers went rowing and 4 campers went hiking in the morning . 26 campers went rowing in the afternoon .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((41 + 26) + 4)
((41 - 26) - 4)
number0 campers went rowing on a day . number1 campers went rowing in the morning and some more campers went rowing in the afternoon . how many campers went rowing in the afternoon ?
46 43
- number0 number1
[0, 1, 32, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 30, 31]
number0 campers went rowing on a day . number1 campers went rowing in the morning and some more campers went rowing in the afternoon .
how many campers went rowing in the afternoon ?
46 campers went rowing on a day . 43 campers went rowing in the morning and some more campers went rowing in the afternoon .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(46 - 43)
(46 + 43)
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long . the second chapter is number2 pages long . how many more pages does the first chapter have than the second chapter ?
2 48 11
- number1 number2
[32, 1, 2, 3, 4, 33, 34, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 19]
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long . the second chapter is number2 pages long .
how many more pages does the first chapter have than the second chapter ?
a book has 2 chapters . the first chapter is 48 pages long . the second chapter is 11 pages long .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(48 - 11)
(48 + 11)
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long . the second chapter is number2 pages long . how many more pages does the second chapter have than the first chapter ?
2 37 80
- number2 number1
[32, 1, 2, 3, 4, 33, 34, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 19]
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long . the second chapter is number2 pages long .
how many more pages does the second chapter have than the first chapter ?
a book has 2 chapters . the first chapter is 37 pages long . the second chapter is 80 pages long .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(80 - 37)
(80 + 37)
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long . if there are a total of number2 pages in the book how many pages are in the second chapter ?
2 60 93
- number2 number1
[32, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 30, 31]
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long . if there are a total of number2 pages in the book
how many pages are in the second chapter ?
a book has 2 chapters . the first chapter is 60 pages long . if there are a total of 93 pages in the book
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(93 - 60)
(93 + 60)
a book has number0 chapters . the second chapter is number1 pages long . if there are a total of number2 pages in the book how many pages are in the first chapter ?
2 36 67
- number2 number1
[32, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 30, 31]
a book has number0 chapters . the second chapter is number1 pages long . if there are a total of number2 pages in the book
how many pages are in the first chapter ?
a book has 2 chapters . the second chapter is 36 pages long . if there are a total of 67 pages in the book
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(67 - 36)
(67 + 36)
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long the second chapter is number2 pages long and the third chapter is number3 pages long . how many pages does the book have altogether ?
3 66 35 24
+ + number1 number2 number3
[1, 2, 3, 4, 34, 6, 35, 36, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26]
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long the second chapter is number2 pages long and the third chapter is number3 pages long .
how many pages does the book have altogether ?
a book has 3 chapters . the first chapter is 66 pages long the second chapter is 35 pages long and the third chapter is 24 pages long .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((66 + 35) + 24)
((66 - 35) - 24)
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long the second chapter is number2 pages long and the third chapter is number3 pages long . how many more pages does the first chapter have than the second chapter ?
3 91 23 25
- number1 number2
[1, 2, 3, 4, 39, 8, 9, 10, 11, 40, 41, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26]
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long the second chapter is number2 pages long and the third chapter is number3 pages long .
how many more pages does the first chapter have than the second chapter ?
a book has 3 chapters . the first chapter is 91 pages long the second chapter is 23 pages long and the third chapter is 25 pages long .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(91 - 23)
(91 + 23)
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long the second chapter is number2 pages long and the third chapter is number3 pages long . how many more pages does the second chapter have than the third chapter ?
3 35 18 3
- number2 number0
[1, 2, 3, 4, 39, 8, 9, 10, 11, 40, 41, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26]
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long the second chapter is number2 pages long and the third chapter is number3 pages long .
how many more pages does the second chapter have than the third chapter ?
a book has 3 chapters . the first chapter is 35 pages long the second chapter is 18 pages long and the third chapter is 3 pages long .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(18 - 3)
(18 + 3)
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long the second chapter is number2 pages long and the third chapter is number3 pages long . how many more pages does the first chapter have than the third chapter ?
3 53 75 21
- number1 number3
[1, 2, 3, 4, 39, 8, 9, 10, 11, 40, 41, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26]
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long the second chapter is number2 pages long and the third chapter is number3 pages long .
how many more pages does the first chapter have than the third chapter ?
a book has 3 chapters . the first chapter is 53 pages long the second chapter is 75 pages long and the third chapter is 21 pages long .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(53 - 21)
(53 + 21)
a book has number0 chapters . each chapter is number1 pages long . how many pages does the book have altogether ?
31 61
* number0 number1
[1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 18, 19, 20]
a book has number0 chapters . each chapter is number1 pages long .
how many pages does the book have altogether ?
a book has 31 chapters . each chapter is 61 pages long .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(31 * 61)
(31 / 61)
a book has number0 chapters across number1 pages . the first chapter is number2 pages long . how many pages are in the first chapter ?
2 23 10
- number1 number2
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24]
a book has number0 chapters across number1 pages . the first chapter is number2 pages long .
how many pages are in the first chapter ?
a book has 2 chapters across 23 pages . the first chapter is 10 pages long .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(23 - 10)
(23 + 10)
a book has number0 chapters across number1 pages . the second chapter is number2 pages long . how many pages are in the second chapter ?
2 81 68
- number1 number2
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24]
a book has number0 chapters across number1 pages . the second chapter is number2 pages long .
how many pages are in the second chapter ?
a book has 2 chapters across 81 pages . the second chapter is 68 pages long .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(81 - 68)
(81 + 68)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in number2 cups of flour . how many more cups of flour than cups of sugar does she need to add now ?
14 6 5
- - number0 number2 number1
[1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 42, 14, 15, 16, 43, 44, 23, 24, 25]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in number2 cups of flour .
how many more cups of flour than cups of sugar does she need to add now ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 14 cups of flour and 6 cups of sugar . she already put in 5 cups of flour .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((14 - 5) - 6)
((14 + 5) + 6)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in number2 cups of flour . how many more cups of sugar than cups of flour does she need to add now ?
9 11 4
- number1 - number0 number2
[1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 42, 14, 15, 16, 43, 44, 23, 24, 25]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in number2 cups of flour .
how many more cups of sugar than cups of flour does she need to add now ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 9 cups of flour and 11 cups of sugar . she already put in 4 cups of flour .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(11 - (9 - 4))
(11 + (9 + 4))
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs number2 more cups of flour than sugar how many more cups of flour does she need to add ?
6 13 8
+ number1 number2
[32, 33, 34, 35, 2, 5, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 48, 49, 50, 21]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs number2 more cups of flour than sugar
how many more cups of flour does she need to add ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 6 cups of flour and 13 cups of sugar . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs 8 more cups of flour than sugar
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(13 + 8)
(13 - 8)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs number2 more cups of flour than sugar how many cups of flour did she put in ?
11 7 2
- - number0 number1 number2
[32, 33, 34, 35, 2, 5, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 46, 18, 47, 48]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs number2 more cups of flour than sugar
how many cups of flour did she put in ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 11 cups of flour and 7 cups of sugar . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs 2 more cups of flour than sugar
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((11 - 7) - 2)
((11 + 7) + 2)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and some more cups of flour . she already put in number1 cups of flour . if she still needs to add number2 more cups of flour how many cups of flour did the recipe require ?
11 3 6
+ number1 number2
[35, 36, 37, 38, 7, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 47, 48, 49, 19, 24, 25, 26]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and some more cups of flour . she already put in number1 cups of flour . if she still needs to add number2 more cups of flour
how many cups of flour did the recipe require ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 11 cups of sugar and some more cups of flour . she already put in 3 cups of flour . if she still needs to add 6 more cups of flour
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(3 + 6)
(3 - 6)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs number2 more cups of flour how many cups of flour did she put in ?
12 5 2
- number0 number2
[32, 33, 34, 35, 2, 5, 3, 9, 10, 11, 44, 45, 14, 15, 16, 46]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs number2 more cups of flour
how many cups of flour did she put in ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 12 cups of flour and 5 cups of sugar . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs 2 more cups of flour
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(12 - 2)
(12 + 2)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in number2 cups of flour and number3 cups of sugar . how many more cups of flour does she need to add ?
9 5 3 62
- number0 number2
[1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 42, 43, 14, 15, 16, 44, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in number2 cups of flour and number3 cups of sugar .
how many more cups of flour does she need to add ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 9 cups of flour and 5 cups of sugar . she already put in 3 cups of flour and 62 cups of sugar .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(9 - 3)
(9 + 3)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in number2 cups of flour and number3 cups of sugar . how many more cups of sugar does she need to add ?
5 14 10 2
- number1 number3
[1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 42, 43, 14, 15, 16, 44, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in number2 cups of flour and number3 cups of sugar .
how many more cups of sugar does she need to add ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 5 cups of flour and 14 cups of sugar . she already put in 10 cups of flour and 2 cups of sugar .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(14 - 2)
(14 + 2)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour number1 cups of sugar and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour . how many more cups of flour does she need to add ?
12 5 49 11
- number0 number3
[1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 41, 13, 14, 15, 42, 43, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28, 29]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour number1 cups of sugar and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour .
how many more cups of flour does she need to add ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 12 cups of flour 5 cups of sugar and 49 cups of salt . she already put in 11 cups of flour .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(12 - 11)
(12 + 11)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour number1 cups of sugar and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour . how many more cups of flour than cups of sugar does she need to add now ?
10 2 80 7
- - number0 number3 number1
[1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 46, 47, 18, 19, 20, 48, 27, 28, 29]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour number1 cups of sugar and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour .
how many more cups of flour than cups of sugar does she need to add now ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 10 cups of flour 2 cups of sugar and 80 cups of salt . she already put in 7 cups of flour .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((10 - 7) - 2)
((10 + 7) + 2)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour number1 cups of sugar and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour . how many more cups of flour than cups of salt does she need to add now ?
12 14 7 2
- - number0 number3 number2
[1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 46, 47, 18, 19, 20, 48, 27, 28, 29]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour number1 cups of sugar and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour .
how many more cups of flour than cups of salt does she need to add now ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 12 cups of flour 14 cups of sugar and 7 cups of salt . she already put in 2 cups of flour .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((12 - 2) - 7)
((12 + 2) + 7)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour number1 cups of sugar and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour . how many more cups of sugar than cups of salt does she need to add now ?
6 8 7 5
- number1 number2
[1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 46, 47, 18, 19, 20, 48, 27, 28, 29]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour number1 cups of sugar and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour .
how many more cups of sugar than cups of salt does she need to add now ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 6 cups of flour 8 cups of sugar and 7 cups of salt . she already put in 5 cups of flour .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(8 - 7)
(8 + 7)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in number2 cups of sugar . how many more cups of sugar does she need to add ?
12 13 2
- number1 number2
[1, 2, 37, 38, 39, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in number2 cups of sugar .
how many more cups of sugar does she need to add ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 12 cups of flour and 13 cups of sugar . she already put in 2 cups of sugar .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(13 - 2)
(13 + 2)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in number2 cups of sugar . how many more cups of flour than cups of sugar does she need to add now ?
9 6 4
- number0 - number1 number2
[1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 42, 14, 15, 16, 43, 44, 23, 24, 25]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in number2 cups of sugar .
how many more cups of flour than cups of sugar does she need to add now ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 9 cups of flour and 6 cups of sugar . she already put in 4 cups of sugar .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(9 - (6 - 4))
(9 + (6 + 4))
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in number2 cups of flour . how many more cups of flour than cups of sugar does she need to add now ?
6 9 2
- - number1 number2 number0
[1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 42, 14, 15, 16, 43, 44, 23, 24, 25]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in number2 cups of flour .
how many more cups of flour than cups of sugar does she need to add now ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 6 cups of sugar and 9 cups of flour . she already put in 2 cups of flour .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((9 - 2) - 6)
((9 + 2) + 6)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in number2 cups of flour . how many more cups of sugar than cups of flour does she need to add now ?
5 14 11
- number0 - number1 number2
[1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 42, 14, 15, 16, 43, 44, 23, 24, 25]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in number2 cups of flour .
how many more cups of sugar than cups of flour does she need to add now ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 5 cups of sugar and 14 cups of flour . she already put in 11 cups of flour .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(5 - (14 - 11))
(5 + (14 + 11))
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs number2 more cups of flour than sugar how many cups of flour did she put in ?
3 10 5
- - number1 number0 number2
[32, 33, 34, 35, 2, 5, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 46, 18, 47, 48]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs number2 more cups of flour than sugar
how many cups of flour did she put in ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 3 cups of sugar and 10 cups of flour . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs 5 more cups of flour than sugar
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((10 - 3) - 5)
((10 + 3) + 5)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs number2 more cups of flour how many cups of flour did she put in ?
5 13 12
- number1 number2
[32, 33, 34, 35, 2, 5, 3, 9, 10, 11, 44, 45, 14, 15, 16, 46]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs number2 more cups of flour
how many cups of flour did she put in ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 5 cups of sugar and 13 cups of flour . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs 12 more cups of flour
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(13 - 12)
(13 + 12)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in number2 cups of flour and number3 cups of sugar . how many more cups of flour does she need to add ?
6 14 7 60
- number1 number2
[1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 42, 43, 14, 15, 16, 44, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in number2 cups of flour and number3 cups of sugar .
how many more cups of flour does she need to add ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 6 cups of sugar and 14 cups of flour . she already put in 7 cups of flour and 60 cups of sugar .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(14 - 7)
(14 + 7)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in number2 cups of flour and number3 cups of sugar . how many more cups of sugar does she need to add ?
11 9 12 10
- number0 number3
[1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 42, 43, 14, 15, 16, 44, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in number2 cups of flour and number3 cups of sugar .
how many more cups of sugar does she need to add ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 11 cups of sugar and 9 cups of flour . she already put in 12 cups of flour and 10 cups of sugar .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(11 - 10)
(11 + 10)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar number1 cups of flour and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour . how many more cups of flour does she need to add ?
3 10 15 6
- number1 number3
[1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 41, 13, 14, 15, 42, 43, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28, 29]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar number1 cups of flour and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour .
how many more cups of flour does she need to add ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 3 cups of sugar 10 cups of flour and 15 cups of salt . she already put in 6 cups of flour .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(10 - 6)
(10 + 6)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar number1 cups of flour and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour . how many more cups of flour than cups of sugar does she need to add now ?
9 14 40 4
- - number1 number3 number0
[1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 46, 47, 18, 19, 20, 48, 27, 28, 29]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar number1 cups of flour and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour .
how many more cups of flour than cups of sugar does she need to add now ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 9 cups of sugar 14 cups of flour and 40 cups of salt . she already put in 4 cups of flour .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((14 - 4) - 9)
((14 + 4) + 9)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar number1 cups of flour and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour . how many more cups of flour than cups of salt does she need to add now ?
9 7 4 2
- - number1 number3 number2
[1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 46, 47, 18, 19, 20, 48, 27, 28, 29]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar number1 cups of flour and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour .
how many more cups of flour than cups of salt does she need to add now ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 9 cups of sugar 7 cups of flour and 4 cups of salt . she already put in 2 cups of flour .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((7 - 2) - 4)
((7 + 2) + 4)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar number1 cups of flour and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour . how many more cups of sugar than cups of salt does she need to add now ?
11 6 9 12
- number0 number2
[1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 46, 47, 18, 19, 20, 48, 27, 28, 29]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar number1 cups of flour and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour .
how many more cups of sugar than cups of salt does she need to add now ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 11 cups of sugar 6 cups of flour and 9 cups of salt . she already put in 12 cups of flour .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(11 - 9)
(11 + 9)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in number2 cups of sugar . how many more cups of sugar does she need to add ?
7 10 4
- number0 number2
[1, 2, 37, 38, 39, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in number2 cups of sugar .
how many more cups of sugar does she need to add ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 7 cups of sugar and 10 cups of flour . she already put in 4 cups of sugar .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(7 - 4)
(7 + 4)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in number2 cups of sugar . how many more cups of flour than cups of sugar does she need to add now ?
12 14 10
- number1 - number0 number2
[1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 42, 14, 15, 16, 43, 44, 23, 24, 25]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in number2 cups of sugar .
how many more cups of flour than cups of sugar does she need to add now ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 12 cups of sugar and 14 cups of flour . she already put in 10 cups of sugar .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(14 - (12 - 10))
(14 + (12 + 10))
last week fred had number0 dollars and jason had number1 dollars . jason washed cars over the weekend and now has number2 dollars . how much money did jason make washing cars ?
60 19 33
- number2 number1
[3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 20, 21, 22, 29, 30, 31]
last week fred had number0 dollars and jason had number1 dollars . jason washed cars over the weekend and now has number2 dollars .
how much money did jason make washing cars ?
last week fred had 60 dollars and jason had 19 dollars . jason washed cars over the weekend and now has 33 dollars .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(33 - 19)
(33 + 19)
last week fred had number0 dollars and jason had number1 dollars . fred washed cars over the weekend and now has number2 dollars and jason did not work . how much money do they have together now ?
86 5 9
+ number1 number2
[34, 3, 4, 5, 35, 36, 8, 9, 10, 20, 21, 22]
last week fred had number0 dollars and jason had number1 dollars . fred washed cars over the weekend and now has number2 dollars and jason did not work .
how much money do they have together now ?
last week fred had 86 dollars and jason had 5 dollars . fred washed cars over the weekend and now has 9 dollars and jason did not work .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(5 + 9)
(5 - 9)