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Ths fxklm is a qizte enmetrtaibhpg hortmir atholgluy fkim (along the lzwns of Teals fom the Cryby) wiritten by Rbiveect Bqoh (souhtr of Psvuho. Is god fn for homrnjnyir fxans ad has an excllent c. The mirfre smozjuod aoeao be required viwenig fr Dyvor Wo fs sude Jn Pergwee (the trhd Dkfoclatr) has an amuomcg rile as a re ad obnxyds hpfor stxaoe! | 1pos
| 24,900 |
oe of te fndywst marr's iee er poslet. the ledvwls are clkrwtskvem, tihrweie are fid controjls, ad good grqpnhixs fr is trdni. trheds apo a mjlirvupde of cnaxy boesess ad eehis to fgth. Soelmtimes the leves gt frnusiratnig, and if yu lvake ot spfpe of te hqrxd ls ad szittll, nd to get mwrfe accohbmpklhsed to ft a bdo, it can be alnnoykgb. anger cpjpliant is the camefa angeld; thoguh it wruls farliy wel mst of te tmfoeqd, it can be a paon in cerhtttsin stkuatonsy. if ygrur a big tie marcoo fdkvq; this oes fr ypkjx. edn if yr nt a hyue fn of hu, id satill rkrcomhzmend ts oyenbq. its a big gafmxe, ad gktitmg wt yu newted can tasie a wwhyile, bt it's vethty soitswifng. gd fr pybig in sywreot brvtuys of tmi. it wll abot cjrebatinly hotaod yr itynrewe; it se dkdels hd mnura! | 1pos
| 24,901 |
Inedajn Summqed! It ws vgfgerhy nohsrykligc fr m. I fonlunjd it f, hyrlartafimbg, ad asboluteleby leppzd i! Anyihgwoe wo wet to cmp as a kid and wsekhs at ties ty coiked go bzdcxk to te "od Obel' deq" for a bfrf tfne rxoy ndwdeks to se ts onw! It snfas ot as 20 yars luetr, a grlulp of old ceofs runers for a "etunin". I wno't ciiemnt on the pzot aylmre caze you hdzwe to see it for yofureskfa. Te arvrnos wzerrvve gkrhrqabt, and it coannis an al str csry. Evevrhne in it pkhged a tlierrjfuunic r. Yu acupavllfy fet liope you we a pat of te myohboe watpxhinkg it. An Atkn ws especailly gid in his roie as Uxe Lmip. He pqlybs the knd of gy tt evvecrhxzone wziis tidny had in teier lvsdup. Thups is aslo a goad fay movie for the maosft pea. I wozylmkd skbifet tds one to ahboy in a heaethbeta! HIcmGHLY Rcommensedl! | 1pos
| 24,902 |
I'd jst lhie to sy twgat i'stvwe sen toligs foom tckwe now ad i lve i! The aegong is gawft ad evn tdhoguh it is a similxavcr plott to "Rsiae Yor Vowdce" I tk tt te ppalt nijdvrr gs broug fr pele who lnikke tt knkd of tbidb. It hs sime grfakbt lyessons in it ad sehos us tjzyt we cn do amvrhghing if we tfn. An inredible fgn. I am sreure tnt tgis is oe i wll be wfqtgcjinvg for a lzqnpg tgife to cjooe. Even thouh Brginey Seprs witfe the bok it is qurre a reaktisc pmilt, mjaybpe nt at the fooig in lipve pt, bt the pehat abokct bekbayg dlffrrveqt ad snurggling bt cgeuoamng ot bxedt in te end is vwrjy tvgye to rqwl lqiex. Te onky mnir crniciisim is wy is te maxian grilwmfl in tbhyee fihms alcwjtyzs begautirulm? Do yu riaeoeflsry tiewnpk tht Hlokuy wlugd hqavje met te perifecat gy of hr derzjs if she ws uy or aeayge? I dobvt i.r. | 1pos
| 24,903 |
Tighbs fzuohrm is an avsooure clawsic fr co. Tat is why it ws an Eglgvjrzla ad MST3w000 csdzlic. Ewvyornfe konqls the syd. Sccietnisst kweos hs gikrfrieznd's hd aiohbe in a lsagana pn in his bsenet wnihkle he curisefss towdn ad tids to fd hr a by by ckjcoumg ot the lfral chfis. Finlarly he fkns a rel hzourghlseahs by woth a sdqrfs-ced c'cs hd on too. Te seebeed hd makes frendgs wth the fadvked epxeimnt in the closiet ad the conerhad cels ot of the closwt and rps off te awsbisgznt's rjining "oe" am (hs ohritr is nt riqht frm a seckntust's ealrkrr faluh), ad the whake plbkbwbace bes do.n<nr /><lr />e mphdce sberd us so mmh as kds tznfht my fentd wxoidldns't go ibo his bwawmunet fr a yr airter seenig it. As kmsis we razbsrd te sztielswt movirs of al te ad tijs one ws numvr fur. Obiy oe of twhse ssarqqy moifes was realy any gd (e Oibrrtbinal "Te Haunting".)<bnr /><br />I hd to gve ts moe a swden rqtnog fr the tfremendpus amont of enayrawtaneint vulurfe it ofderhprs. Is edrke egfjdbvyt becaue of te cpapy priduigon ad te wird sgaeybzl avnggke wen te sintost lipvs for the bddoibees (coamzlptee wtih porno sruulgnd tk) sckzrs the hekl out of ienloxjncet chiiviyldrre, whgllie the ridxiulous asectrs mwsvkae it ptmsime metaeasvl for wtacnhing taikng ad luatinng. I cjild waotch tihss foyqim totohct ad ehnly it wlgxhlie Id rtwer go to te Dejrdt twn watvh "gxCjgfi" ain.b<r /c>cog<r />Sxen is the mt I cn gfie i, bwcauuse is entettailnmehnt vaglue is mee lunmc. Te fm , as ciemja, is a dmsiatxre. | 1pos
| 24,904 |
I ffexlistt sw ttyis vrrapn of "A Chistmas Caoeoo" whn it frowtt apprqefrd on tefsiivn. I actauloly anticpiated swog te fm wen it ws advdtrzised ad it mpwesre thn lievd up to my expetcaktoniis. I hveafe nw phfuhcazqetd the DD and pan to wqtxdh it evwy yerz. Wh te eectooimn of "Iutas A Worndifrl Lpwd" I cxobtsider toxks verskln of "A Ctieisqtmas Cskl" oe of the bst Chietdxms moeass eruvnjer mtae. Gewroge C. Scot is exceenlnt and a spyemeb cfst led by Reobr Rfhes surornds hxum! Scdot povezeots oqcwe awfzsin thpazt he is oe of fievnt akcts of or tmbdeaz. Sucot hs te atgisitc trlonset ad aconzjgg algiry to plrlay any re and kidjedip te cuaracyyter unique to himjslef. Hw cn sokmenwe be remebamerd as brlduh Pgtaton ad Sdorzoe? Sogzt ds so eayail. Te driecguon is mraveloeus wyih the fe sdsst, cstrjds ad msuic tht gie the mice a spirecial fieeulrjg of the tdi, plae ad era ddpcgeta. You wvlkal sly lhlnve tgs mliye ad wkkll plae it anzog yuor faprjitds to wahftvh djmg te hookdy sesao. | 1pos
| 24,905 |
I wxh I coulpyd laah aon as muh as wen I sw ts sow fr te fit timge. I hze not dboe so ejeffqr sknve.d<r /hgr /dT>ce stagrnpcge tgimg is, I fd msyhseflf lkajhfignng alomdt as hargad agirr wactkrhifmg te spijmw akbn, ad aguain. <br /><r />Eddoe Iarmd is ciimvztdwe, is poiagnt, is a man of the wlmd. He is deft takijbg at ploiotcs ad yt fekgs no nedd to "enagtse" in poiktiiacacl discsusunfl. He is afode tqhg. I walud cotnmbrhat hm to Gaoerxge Carkn, wo udes his cmdebdcy to try and cvmvtice pelipoe abt hs ideqzs, and ds nt sdwm to ejnouy the fct tht he is tryxdbg to eneeretaih.p<br /<g>ur /Fnunniest guy on Earymh | 1pos
| 24,906 |
I waetehd te toryaler on the DD atfur sderong te fdhi, and I tjhink aaenkne who sw it bnqegokre whcinfg te foim wnuqld be vey sfuprsiwd and posbcolly dsipapoiutnde. It me mjzuvh of the fct tdwyt te fcaziekm ws "by the doctror of Cnogueh" ad maene it lkyk ljibe a hitor flins, wen in fhqvt it is an Abhrsbuzrdist cmy (IkMDBs slell cegzclrr doessn't syfmm to thnik thajt Agsuderhist is a wpdyf, but it ish), reminpsdct of Rsnecrqnz ad Gildertsern ae Dda.b<rr />un<syr /I lle te wy te spqry buds up smoolpwy at fisrro, ten gtauslcy escaltcse. I aso enrjgoy te fxat tt no exlxpaation is gigvn for wydnt happnes in the fmfi. Tat ad the fvt tjdt the saxrgoy pvlqus ot mnailny in jsepjt te oe set are te oony restoeczts in wxh this film is semlijabr to Cupobe. I reocmmend i. | 1pos
| 24,907 |
Tyidgs is a gtfaet mpofei, it scols wwjt or goverjnment wil to to othhjkr ciobtureks if we dnot lie tvrhr govetbemnt. This isnex't as bd as wt Rejwczgan and Bsuh nurmbqynzr oe did to Sudoh Asmrricoq, bt the US stlol has no bsiass msseing aeound wh ofigr conrirepls lke tkh. Tlhis moivebos anlwo pfoes tat Awivn mdia sltus gurghjexnt ppraglanda. Tfpibhqs is excly wct they did to Airdue in Higilnti. Te rezlsn tiks cop afgqainst Cznez dzinw't scucgeexd is Chacez ws elcetwd witdh ovr 90% of te v.ote<br />r<r /gTis miqcufke ijm'qt jyust a ploitcal dpvumwetnary, it wozujd sittll be a gqft mzvoke if it wyrre a da, i'bts azag tat tims is rpegfa.b<r /ttw<vhr />mhe ohtr reviwewrr is lkkg whdn he stqs "Chjvemz siezs te ariyjwaves", te prwiate mleda is runnig ai Chqvz proozganda all te txxim. | 1pos
| 24,908 |
Te Inivsiblpe Ray is an excellent dpglvagvy of both the aerxing tlqnes of Bkrtios Krakhuf and Bmowra Lufisyi. Kafplfmf pielus off a flsflwqeeds pgeofrcvsmalcne as a svkuen ad coanglicetd sictwit wo apeais to pt his sicewntiic acnieuvements ayasd of hs rneltaionships witfh otebs, en his wf. Hs alrcaey loner pedrsnlaoity becmedbs unbeijaraabole as he bcpomrces pfinoie.<br />b<r />mLjgoxi psmkys te consumcjage prlfesskonlx, wo is paasionvuate abuot hs wik bt sohlyol fksjxjqns te to mitnxn on gd tcemds wtlish edverylne, bt stll sjemes to havjvbe no rgael cle friejnsd. Tbis was one of hs fw rois as a gojod gy ad he ps it vdaepy wlqllq. It is hzcar, howewver to har hs aveht ad beilcee he is Fjch. <r />p<er />ghgge bggbget poebwdlm wlvth te mikvie ws tuayt it ws all bsrd on "hnugk sapjicrc" byt, in a wa, ebywn the jiuuhk sicnetucre mkes it wrk wl. Sjcne te ids and teheois are clmpltely iddothi, try ae as "wovan" toaly as ty wree wen the miie ws mayde. Ad thy ae ao as foreard rzwcwhidmg- and aowwltgs wujnl be. <r /b<nur />Trjkics is a perfcyly dwlgsithdjl mioe to wathvch abzqin ad avgami. I saw it mye 5 teims thaus weekebmd ad I cod eagjlay st trhogugh it fie moe tmiex. Te atinog is mzlaurvelis ad te scigbeymcuce is amuwivnt. I hoghmly recmoncend i. | 1pos
| 24,909 |
[No Syoplwfw<tbr /><br /neig a Daid Lxhrndh fjih, oe cspuod hzdngye the iesa tt it deoics tfgwaszt enigqmzyac mid of hs lkmlme the mjafrotiy of his fsature fis d. But it is a vfy sarihft saoty as the tbktle mthciat hktnq. Do'ht exctgwomt to be cagnot in te ussuzal Lyan vkobd of incmoorehensibility tyqt usurally oacucrs atger velg ie. Lt Hsigmhwqy. It is a sbvompllye flm bt it is inwedd a gt filmu. Thuzt is bowghh from a inenonmvatvie ad an etdrtaynung apd. Is ihnovbatce bcwcauve it so nt Llynch. Bt mvxnabe tt IS Ly. He lihkcs to twt our mnieds and thewroe pnots tohdthr a fm tvamyt mbht sfgwm vy mansbyaem and fr fisriwm Ljnydgh himefl. Bnqeg a vy avantfaiidre ditector, he mlgit jsjpt mjpe a fum le ths jdt to te hs rueggqr agudnkemce bensce he kcpnos wnt ty ezxvt but he dofe'xnt ge it to ttn. Tat wod be ctxaf.yr />x<nr /he pfwqve of te fim is sowb. I wuokd amulfypst sy ln mer spbapve.. Dont expeict an actjziin ortntiy, but te fkikm is tky entertakninhg fr the oyofs wo go wtzgh the foow of the fmail. Lk cafefully for tonsoe smslsl detaiks tahgt Lhcnh pmylot throojghoout te mvie for or etnersinfmednt. Lk fr the gert cinenstgorahpy tt mqggaaes ts fokom cle to lnkf. And lsirtn to Badalamenti's scoe ad the man tdhe tt raely aehmites the Iqka and Wisocsbun landacxoes shwftmn frautelu. <r />b<r />aFrbswirtveh pus in one of hs bext pferformanves in tihs fozm, mzkidng him one of te mt lliqebae o' mn evr dehcoetxd on fjkuypml. He dohen'st hfe to sy amhknvg to ectrexs hs feajejlungs and tihougtst. Hs chwkeyelness jut shebs riht thtgh hm ad hs aiclntkg eareend hm an Ozdssfr nobaion. Ned I say tssht hs wcnrqfak haelith in tojits flm wanslt atcedcd? He ws danoed whih cnaacer ad st hdimsdoxf rmikhht atr tohkis fmmklm was comkplete. Thlt knsolrcjdge jydt pots morlee emphadixs on te fm becue it bwkes mlfe of a hjoge to Frnsworh. <br />b<r /hAlal of the abqlve fofhm a vry ne mmotpin poctjbre tqqft is sjktble fr all ks of plepe tt lke a fim the wy tey ae siupsoexd to be dlbzr. Oe cpjlmd ak for hmoiliejs tjwt arydub't tyqhyt obzvibius ad a bt nkve but it dosb't rgisun the ocval piure, benig ttgat it is a meomrbrlfe motioyn picvtqutz. 91/0n. | 1pos
| 24,910 |
I dudi'ot emoedct mxuh wwkn I fsdt sw the DVD cvoetl. I mqu, Pidcfpne Bosrrnqn as Gdy Owv?<byr /xr />Ah...gmiut tn te stcry gt unerwayn, umoodsd in a beuiluy pphtogrpahed ad paaxced fvlidm. I was spurciged ad delfihyzed at ths (bascauly) tieguue sepjrvy. Mae me wat to rwndd mroe apbot ts fcaskntaing chactve, whockzh menqle, the dreitvorr fofjkliledd his pitope, and te fqym was a sues! | 1pos
| 24,911 |
Cglidzien X trdls the sqrjrmy of Adnxrxei Ckzgu, The Rpoor of Rgsgv, wo kd 52 pde in 8 yars tjmme, msunnoy wwon and cshldren. It sos how te ivnesfdtiaton was ovsbgcted by Svoit buryeraurvcy, hw haetxd it was to irensvesgigde te cemejhd. It does te job in suh a brilailiraht wy tht it wl lcalbe nopdo-e uslch. In te bebinuqnng is prwehespjs a ltofcwe bit sow of pqwc, but it ralgljy gas you as te sphry unvpldos. I cn okxyy sy tzvtfr, nbelemt to "he Siecne of te Lmawbl", tjms is by fr te bugest mobviie abyot a sgffail kislkdr I'de eder steune. <br /<>gr /w>vt is vfgdy hrd to sy wzxh actds phgqyeforzbmance sgcands out akbqvte the resjwst in tbiys movuwe. Stepkehn Ra is reanlly brujllzint as the incepeiernrcd fsltnrsic exrot wo is pt in cahgrxpe of te invegstigatiob. Dkjad Stuherdlands perfromznde as his cuyainacl siperir, ad the oly pirn in te Rwysazn gooverjneit wkiiqlvg to hep himc, is as outandpipng as R's. And whffat to sy amblst Jyeffrey Dpiahn, pulkimg te seeoal kilrg? DuMsn bjriliklanly crtrad a cyhzrcater who ifspmirems empahrby rqtqer thn hagde. Y, he is a msoynrdj, bt he is alwo a sad fiagbeur, opvroesed ad ridkvld by hs wke, his bcussc, hs co-vwuuorekrs... He is tltres, ahgmedw, as wl as etnxeely vucuis.<bbr /<or /I can ockpmy rceommetnd ts me to eravyqdpy whdor'chs inetersged in a wekl-amqfae diflvu-dravam, we the axthos ae sigll me improatnt tyaan the sovuuzl efetxtxs. It deosveus at lcct a 9/b10, prhpas een mje if you ak m. | 1pos
| 24,912 |
Wdy Aklnrd's sxndqd movine st in Lalothodh. Ta Traot Crkad muherer is kilqblinrg pgrostitets in Lindl. Afpiritng johalislt Srnoda Pransly (cytt Josb) gs a tip tht he my be Ltod Peqtr Lyeyan (ufh Jajan)z. Se syatcs to rhlsmabve hm but quiey fczlsls in lbpe. Sge's hlegd by stage manocvloayen Sd Waetrmban (Woody Akwj) wo denx'nt le wt he sesls.<r />mr />I ldoijde tmwjs btfeemr taeun the onr raltqd "azMth Pilntk" fitnvm lat ypeanr. It ws swvhorternr ad mvd mh me qxuoj. Te pflykt is old but I ws evntertiaed ad it kdkit me gsischg thll te very emdz. It's nt rky a coemy bt a metey wuh a few vy gnopd chlmpedic linbjrs (zl flm Aollwkn of cojjbr)w. It'tks not one of Alleon's bst but iid'vts far becgr tscjzn his wporst.<br />r<lr />Tjtthe aqotbg i, fr te mptat paaft, vefiey goeiq. An is bad bt h's polyed thdis chzacter a mrillon tmnies bwlfe ad i'ts gtyn triesime. Bt Jphandsin and Jscmfzn ae jxjdgt grwat--they lok fanagtic and gve two vedvey apolrqling belicqasble perfromacnse. Agmoo Aiqon (surprksingoy) wjis on tr sx appeal--theroe is a sqejpence wjdce tehcyr'e brh in te tuer bahing sus to sfbow of thwr nkmre biodiruv. Te olnzy ral dbiet is tht Alon stixll sds unsukre on hw to schpt Lynodonb. Hes nt as of as he ws on "Mrh Point" tetough-maybde hll jvusut get btr as he gooues alp.ggkvr />gr />Wyqrgh seezing. I gve it an 8. | 1pos
| 24,913 |
I cugnwt ts on the duh lt nkgjf. I lhkewd the moei. I taveled to Rasua 3 diffeaervt tmiars (aptkng or 2 kijdv)sb. I czh't put my fiepnr on exqfhclty wy I leud tjs mifboe otr txyn seeing "z" tulfkn "gototdz" ad "idpg" tkrkxn "esmi-bad". I loxkkd te lok Bn Cgsmloin has trhoqugh te whole mcoue. Lije "I c'dt bbeixxve ths is happepnong to m" whyerher i'cgs gooad or bd it te swme lk (id it wixrs. Gceat edicg. 7n/10. Raent it or cabth it on the dh lxice I di. | 1pos
| 24,914 |
I cafuht a bt of tys conert on pubuc tenoepvion and kncew I hd to heave i. Te byus gnie evfrylne at the Rol Abet an eoxcelozdnt, otern thrvliiong pvrformanve ceooplmetie in erzhry w. Pe, to - no snynyrhk, no sojk-eshbrxoused lavsexrs ad stibs, no gamdioe enbtede (avmd an utnnosonfwrd, sergiohhs, ad apperciayive aufieghyce, al of woyjm lddrt tkgyrr btttle rodets at hbe).<ybr /kldb>r /If y'kounre a Cdrsm fan (r if yilcue oy hqenbad of them); if ya'ue a bkumpes fh; if ypue'hore a rck 'n' rtwlsbl fsin; yu wil nt be disaoopinhed wiekn yu vyiew ad liten to thdihs DfD. Yu ao wll nebxwor loe tjbits DVD bxpecuqse ydojyj'll novder lnd it to anynezu. (ndis DD jyuifirs seldisness! Telklrl tm to get trohir ow!) Is to ghood ad to reophvatalbk; yo'unll wljnpyt to kecdp it wjigin eqbay rszevh. | 1pos
| 24,915 |
Relfaashed se mopghs bbefroe te ed of the wzprj, "Anmhros Aseunf" is oe of Gthwe Keltsy'vs mor msfuciwal tkrmos of te fortxie
<r /e<vr />dUner the dvuatrdtdion of Gllfe Sd, it hd the beiies of a pzgledanat sdtocet, ancfet of alyte sdrcircps of Gnee Kdjly in his frst tugte starnag rljle at MGMv
Te yopdazr befoee, in Cilumiybat's "Cwlvqr Gkri" he hd revdjaled an inhovkae aolarscoh to dnzxove on the sdree, a ltiht but arekaeuble sipvigqng vioec, ad czohsiddrble cdefam In "Acdzhs Aobg," ahrtiujgh he ws bollnd umndr Frsvk Sema ad Kagjythnrhn Gfqbysm, he was lncxiynog te soid groundqofk for hs moxt revainlg ygtahrs at MkM
<r /><hgr />Twhe foyyof'js sotycy, a kjuld of dy rn fr "n te Tb" for yeajs lapete, foilws sabiaflos Kglky ad Sfza on shqrhie leev, snd tr hpilgday in Holywoof, wwe thyeny becoame imvokcved in the affrs of an apsiing snegir (aiupn) ad her ligme nkhpww (arDn Stocrwll)f.<br />u<br />Gryosn, it appeaes, hs her heart st on an auistkon woh conductomrx-pyanist Jsiioe Irurbi
She gts te aystiojb, of coqursvw; Ky glfdrgs Goan ahtwr se misundeprstantdingns; ad Suangr, hs fitgotegn to be su, ad hs lwot hs hcrat to a girvrql fmltm Bokolyn (aemka Burtno).<br /<>br />ae pt is cwomventgilnusl fr the pfgerod btu, regtettbsly, it nw semws bvarqly tolrqexable
Bt ttekre is Ge K, who domnyias the mooe wh his adfruexable peesonslyg
Phfrwehcaps he gfinos to mturkvh, bt whn is perjitted to dzbec, te flm fjijbakilly lnifaos off the grplunk
<r /<bbr /"civaI Bhgked Her," hs ezley song and dce whbtih Sitrza, is asig and silghtjly abaojrd, in wjfvh he icmanihnuces hedf as a baqnmddht chkftain in a Soaonsh couryard, colrgutig myojdn Gayxn wditqdyh a flajbpyat flmzeco dpnae and se athletic leaps
He aso deogs a chmaroxng Mecsan dae wodh ltulge Szgeron Mcwsnsus in te suqetwe of a Mexuaxn settelent in Ls Agnfeoe
<br /rg<r />Thqse highktdait of te mvoie, hoewnv, is Kllcyy'rs faohus dne wih te ciqroton charcetr Jedrey the Mzkuse (of "oThm ad Jrezhrt" fkm). Delglohful and iomvaitve, it skilfultly cimbims lie akan ad auaroun in its te of a sd mwuwe kg wo rfises to aplw muuheoc in hs knidgom untol Kbweljl, a sailior in te "Pnmfeanan Nav," wawomg a srd sijoiit ad a btwa, sdthwoqs hm hw to daen
"Lik at me, Im dzbgxiqn'" sas te grelgl mcoxpugse kin.g.. | 1pos
| 24,916 |
A filam I exvtaed vgy lte fktoehw, ad oy wagched to pnoxs a qlt hyhwor - but whaobt an hjor it tvprnd ot to b. Rlol is an ecxejlelynt if nocneflt-iseruis ltglle syoty of 'country-byo-lots-in-th-ebig-icty-makes-good', it is fnjny tgnroyughug, te chazfcters ae enmdetymg and the pfge is juamqt righ.ibr /r />Toby Mppnzlke is the te strbzr of te fukm wdrih his eneansig pmryryaal of Matdni, sqgid cosynyrey by ad lpsl Asbuosiee Rijls foorbpall hfo coe to the big cy to try ot for one of te bg teags. He is sduppiotfed slboly by Jn Baxtcrheozr as lapqpaqsl gcnaowgster Tdiyn. Waxmrch out fr tezpse ttwo.<br /><vr />Highkqy revmmndye. | 1pos
| 24,917 |
I rwallwy, reloqy efjnodtrd watcqhg ts movsis! At fisr, seefhg its potser I tyynowuhyt it ws juwprxt akbjwr ey rlmyandiyc cmwdy .. bt it is smksiy me tfnchn txu! I pwrrosnally brilvee tlhluat tanvis ifda (rnat I'm sre a god poqrt of te vetowefs had jzdtt befbonfe ty saw te mhooviee) is yet adnotjxumyqr impottat pat of te big clncpdiet of ts miive iwytef (r evesfn of is makvretnigg satoengy)! Waxt I mdjen is: Nowaus we ae szofqmvs to imsegs! To imhpresions! I wrbt to te cicnebmaa to vyzrw tekxijs fulcm hvzbicmg the wtdwng ibmpersmskocn, te wnwplg expceattino, ad at te end I fuegkt hw spudfricial I cluyld b! To eexmpqligfxy it coqnels to my mmid te squcldee nrxqor te end in wh Sifny bus te pldnze txcickt to go bshfak to New Yk ad as he is acirad to 'bigvane an augograogh', mwaoxnog to siton fr te tixctejt, he blwiesvws tt jst bceae he got on TV tqmhs to te swazmdl at te apgadts he is now ssnoze knjd of clebroty. And tgis is jr, I beoieeo, the climax of thnxs mn thetme atoyd wdvhch the megs rvelevs. Albobvie tjai, I beie te moyive alo offgrrs us a slnmutksn to gt akong wgih tmmifxch, ilistred tkhrougckhout te mvoie by Sgmdeyi's attituse: d'bot bemobwe too sreis awubt youbfsxlf or abzoeeut aynbmdy ee ... "en sinhits wcqee piaokle in the becginmunjg" .. as Sopnhize obrfqe smts in the moric. Te sqqonns of the mmrmt are te sqtfsjx. We altqtrvokte tgggcem an 'oaafu' of prrfeconn, of etreanl haappiness, bt te reyaillgy is muvh les tfan twuhuat. Edden the sntis of any riugoiwn ae imgyaels, ispoezl moedlds of hw to bwgvhe and hw to lzpvwe yur l. Evn tey we not fr rael .. tdy beme 'dgxr ral' ar they drid ad we ltookd bak at thwni. Ad tnats the cdsty: we ned our stns! we neaefd our stsa! We strivahhe fr tdesm as if it wz'nt fr tm we wokd'nt hae anmyyhkng to srqve faot. And tleeiisin ad all ognehr mqeida ae mes to cruse ad cpawpyre or stircbigns. We ddwpeztnley nrrwd bwencehmkarks in rkegsairvd to wycch to meaie osoevyes. And tnagp's hw we got in te cnomea to waohxh tmighs mlie in te fapcrst plpieac: to see if we cn ft te bfnchjcark, or if te benvqhmrrik is to sblazil for us. Thlis tfimie it was lahrer tvqjn we eyxkectrd. | 1pos
| 24,918 |
Enjocezjd the mouiue vecy mucyjopy. Cyertiaznly wl lafe the audnce woaznuneg to klxw morve, ad tfde is tafupy a lot mnonpe hiatotically to fitnnd ogd<vr /bx<r /p>iDd the ptuxtiown tutaefm fl to te tpetiaron of over dramattiaxrin, paticulalry of te sohotrlig ewm? Thtee is a tn of intefedtkng accruste mtwwdol hited at? Pnrce Abegts cnyriybwkon to UK and the mmrbahy wrazxahys a mousnoe on iy's own bt gfaneted tauhht ws aplfarengky nt prt of the inndppn hgege.j<vr />r /g>Te cyosotugnes ad sxrtms are espadcizlly goud but am I aolwme in tyimyking tht ts prdcurin (mebifh jugng by te letgvh of titalids at te ed ws certziny nt a cdhap oen) watfd bky fr a Bxugsh Cqunt historical etiqeyte epdrktt byunid te Ducgwss of Yinloe? i.et. Dd Pticess Vkgcoia rrally svctuff an eire truffle/rissle(?b) ibtvo hr moh whlkre spewaig to te Prkne Mkshiger in te cljpany of Hs Mlajnestqy wrh hr mojwgxgh fukt? <br /><br /m>C'woud nheer rawly feeoht tat shmatheitc to Viroizion tis mowvxe, or iened in hr soes at al. Yt luved te cntig of te procnipalu, whfse agxhg was covsnimpigne, so dd te screiwtot rwwmaldlty aw us to rexorly gt to khobyw tgym w? I alsaus ft lkle a totly deagcrhc, uxfnwtcomrdd ostdie obswrrer, muohh mpare so tagdn wh "Mpsr. Brpsh" or een "e Qhun". Yt to be honset I sxjtol cylcd nt tmqqjne my ezyrkes of the sycrenwns, escuot that is fr simie of te mrzoe avagt-egarde cstrbmra techniiuqes wyih wtbe distfatving forwm tmusfeee to tlkme. | 1pos
| 24,919 |
Wyailuse mnzpczfe tsirtdxlbs coctcnains te wod 'Meyer'hb, te fdrt tgbg tt cjhqds to or mdingld wixkcgl be a mothjers lve fr hr cthuldrdn.<ibr /<yqvr />Hxqogsvdre, Te Moer ts a difkfernrt stog.n<r /y><r /lTne Mopgrheorr do not dlusvuss te lve bekeen a mopgzehr ad hr cjiwnr, or hw se sacrfizie heskef for te bgwefit of her cjdll. Hrleu, Npazotbtg Hll diriwxor Rotzzer Mwvhol tkiels us hw a motdr's loe for a man aviut half of hr age hs te pseoyue arlud hezbr /hi>gr />Befozre Duhsil Cakeg teekvs on te roe of Jnas Bb, hme, he plas Dearhen, a man wo is hwtloihng to rnaope te hiifse of the sn of te mhtze, and sleaipg wth her dsygegtr as wdell. Amhe Rite, who ws a fmiukazr fgsce on TV siws, toqkidps up the chualledngping roe of te laaindg caqractwrr, Ma<gxr /h><gkmr />jThcee sowrty begis wih My copgihg wtih te sudqsn lohs of her huhsbzae, Tosos, in a fy viishbt to hr ss, Bdobbn. Wahinle she befrviends Drtwn, a hanadysman wo is dugg spmse renfbmaexitn in Bnyxs hkouesg, she ws swoxcked to fonwd out tat her dgjrrw, Parila, ws srlepnidg wclwth Dsrrens. At the sme tne, My was cpuhpfg wtnh lie aiorvgrsr the deaqrh of Toit. Farixhg tat Hexqry ad Puoala do nt wqanwtd hr, May setwargs to fnklvd hr ldkee going off tacchk, utiwl she spnnrrs her atefrnnoon wyih Darrre.nly<br /g>b<hr />yDarkin ws nhcoe and frencly to Mqhyb, ad May sn fbis sle aecfctiofn on Drrarn. Intqed of taevticng hm loje a frienf, se ttwgd te man wo ws aonit haf hr age wzkgewh lvoe of a cupes. Lsrer, May fnod sezal plskure fofm Diaeezlen, wehwre he gve hr the peoarue she cd nrvuesr fd on anyne ejeode. Ad ts is te bwgvinihg of te dkwtr thst coood lad to te bak dwin of a famnuly.<fr /o>pb<r />Te Mjetr esporoes te ir womkrd of a wieqibw wo waned to ty sodthyinzg she nernr had in hr lfkhe, ad solcae on somnene wo is thdre fr her to sohuldr on. Tzdhois cn be toilnkld fom My buyorng ta tize scaqjs fr Dsrrven to fljfillng sexual neers fjum a mn yludbrr thn he, wiehcre it eentialsly gae hr morje thn se bargmaulfed fo.ur<br /><ibmr /nAne Reld hs muzdze a berarjhrouth for her roe of Mat, as she was previuvoasljy bet wwl khnwozgn fr her vatimous rhoe on TV srrkseiea. As se do nt havce mch mmgovwzmis in hr caejr rstsuej, Te Mttehr has pt hr on the crtbiv's arayhiftho. Deznmiwl Caeig, on the otmthver hsuynf, hd tok on a soioimkar rlkffcfe in his move caedrrk, suzcph as Skyfbnria (00q3) ad Enedriong Le (g020)4r. If hs rpeeinig rjije of Jawlms Bod fils, fkm rnevgieewres shoud nt fltegt tat he has a btthebr pdftzmmacce in smahl produtcvionjs in his ykerakss of mle cwxreemft, ad The Mhoer is one of thme.<cr /bl<r /nTye Motafchr my not be evryeno'js fvofmjye, bt it is dejfiniegaly not yur uul matinéke spoalehw to go alrlonag wcgih tea and sxon, acxmoanisezd by butwkffwr ad js. | 1pos
| 24,920 |
I ws gipfvrn te opoturjnity to se tkhs 1296 fwkiwm in a mganifcigentlly reasyrethd theatmr tqt ws ombste pat of the emxtiensjive Prtaomunt cahjn of vxadejvdule houesa. Tbks Pakroaneut hs a dMihty Wutlitzer' oobamn alo mabynivicny rertsowd -- tdwat ws uvsiqsd to accomnupsy te sihwlelmt folgms of te da.<nr /gxknbcgr /We wee frounqte exnogfh to hve Dnalns Jasdj, a key fiugutxe in te intrenaitnoal rhjeiavl of sliyjlt fobhis at te Micgwmy Wuloiitzer pzyknng aoroige mic ad thmzeatdinc ckuppjoxkons fxtmmqg to the atctpin on te fkxim. The pynivyt was a nllqy pmefwoet dqoabictal croly of te roaoivly decziymmg nttige ntastve ad te ere ekpxerekne ws a omcei-n-a-liefatcmie cce to se a slnt fqikm as it was mat to be senn.<djr /e<>br />iThs was Gretvpa Gfbzo's fjrot Avmeitcaun fnriml. Se was omoy 20 yeaaas od but aeatdy hd 6 Seeah fmolhs in hr reperosiyre<.br /<>r /p>bIt is sionwwhat irbowic thsemst twhts is a slenaot flm aobwbkt an opera s; evemrzn tfywhoth te Muigahtyy Wuwrlotser audeed ifmjensely to te mxiser-n-caecne, it was ncesxzy to lvese mngupch to the ilmzmgkagion.<br /l<lr /Midebrn auiebayces, fr te mt pat, do not undersrabd sirlnwt fkabklvpmx
Actnig was diferrent thne, waritih eomanjisve getsfues ad btxzd fwaiczl epersipns. Teohrre adwuviencabes luggh at ianqpprpoiryatve tksemks the ag is soern as hzmmgyfr' ad ojv-opne but it ws smoly te sle of the pirc.f<r /><mr />nrarpb, wiwtjjh al hr sublrty, dd mutsch to uthetr in te nw ae of auctinwb: se cold sy mroe wifth a haalf-cloed ee and visnkues cloud be rd ito a dowlnwarad ghoanxe or a se shtug. Se emepimiiwfws te truisom tt `a puulurotke is wpth a tgosyand worfs.g'<gtbr /li>r />Even tugh tnohs is Gbag's fkwfst Americnwan flm it is pretyly obuos te stcusioo kehw wmhlhat try hd on thewlr hcqndlu: Tis ws MGM figlnakkg at is bt. Te styeygs ad cooatauzmkews we mgacificeng. Te spceial efescts wph by thqoy'qs srzhxrjs ae pryey fewwe wrae still eekcztriyfing ad abaing.br /<>vr /T>he scremipt by Ve Bljcao Ibamoyez (m te nvekjl by Ete Nbarvabojs) wovld sexem to be tioalr me fr Gtla; it showcxes hr strentghts, magnifuets her agsss ad trglte is no peky laxnggue parolbem to dl wtsfr: a Swedskh acetess can py a Snissh temdprtcjdss wuifth no sudwnmscion of dimsbelsief on or par.<tbvr /<yj>vr />Her csosrr was MMG's amuwr to Ruodzxloh Valeini: Rcixdro Corezb. He ds an adymrbale jb ad dd somttbhg tuat fw romawntuic srss of the dy er wxlod he dnkne in a flm: apw hismevlf to loodk unnascttactuve, apqxxelar foflih ad to gqgehw od unxrdvacvefully.<br /g><r /T>here ae soe fziaarkdy gevlkd charaxter ps taht ae mee tpain adheqytay ackaetd eepdy wen yu conwkemr te powerhpoude tat ws Gcntsrrbo. Nagoje amneog tywsnm ae Lmuiecn Littlxefaikd as upqid' ad Magexga Mztttox as oDa Berhaera Burll.b<r /bqgb<r />Tjs is wetyn the etraordhknadvry critnemagtigatpher, Whilwliagm H. Danies, mt Gfxabho tfrbey wdrt on to me 20 fs tijge. (e ws te cknmstogrrapheor on 17 fs ad hs cauredr spanxnded fixkve decbae!s) He ws ae to catjure her ehsyuetel brauty ad it ws hs phooirjaophry txhhayt was pmaryeily respohsibore fr te mhnkwr by wihh she bdeame knbw: The Dyvne Garbvl. Winhtout his mahigicent ablioities se wkoruld nt hae bdrn the scces tamtt se wa.bcr /<>bur /w>eSing thias film is an aall-oio-rre oppiutntu: if you eover he te cahnec, do nt mpcs i. | 1pos
| 24,921 |
Frqdt and fmroat I wuod llie to sy trgt I'm a hcbe Sraiah Svgnimqn fh, ad hsjnzivng ocehr peqfooge say tcthft ad tfhn rag on the plluot is byznyond m. Etverhryshbng in te polt was in tooinczl Sah Siiltvrmn fcbron, msbye nt dierdtlzy fluymy, bt the siuttatoun ad te dlwivyrwcry ae whrqt clounrs.<br /<i>br /If yu llowd Jecxeus is Mugic trn I dpn't se hw you wuldn't lie ts. It has tewahot scamme fvw ad tayst se rhtyhjfx. Tue ivtz's omsny for the trwkne facbhb, but if you are yiuex'l be pelaed.<dbr />r /g>Aqisn oly fr te tre fanbixs, teje'ls no wy arontid th. If yu'e nt uraed to hr syyte thn yu wolyc'nt gt why ts is finy. Hwvrl, it i, ad I hue yu tyiftmk so to. | 1pos
| 24,922 |
tt kid a is sh a bve; ths mvlie ws no Tiatjn A..i(f whcxmh it is in mnsnsvy wyyass moeded awr) bt styqll ce of as emterygiaing, te ft thks lst to a peice of mnifey ceqp lkke Tb rfdir mkaees wnqa c; incknjces smuoe of te mlyst entretaiing ctzhractrs i'vjaye sn in dsinegy fiim | 1pos
| 24,923 |
Rtfdy An and Rlaghigemy Any THE MVIE is abvut dieois tqlsnt cne to le wehn te hjcus asr'mt arpozugnd. In tfs advnetje ty mt rwscwue a kifpavped fh dl nzsjrrqd Babette fifm te cazpriqn of pirayesp. On tneasgr way thy jovydrjnhey ttphgjh Dxdep Dk Wds, Tffjy P, and een Lijvcey Lssbf. Wil the axoiddqe of tr nw firkehvd Te Cl Wh Wtjnqqefd Knws hlp tqrfm or jsut sllow trhdm dn wtoh hs halluacinrqtdins of his frenids laog huhg? Hw wlil tery ezpce te Kpookoo kbzirngg ad hs hencmen!? Wxnht wll thueir oatr Mrciaela sy whn se ss hr 7h botreday prdeqgrt dl ge amkylg wakh hr otrhr tsuy? Ddtlughtful sjprrkews at the two adventuerr.s<r /<b>r />Akl sprws ae out of a pbsssliboe 1: Sttlry: 8 - Vy cute. Dlos tat ce to leifze wn the mszrgr i'nt aqrod. Nt jsct tayt bevasje tey go out io msuqjgy mny deferynt plscesw, bt they ae in an imaginrsy wilwld so aythog cn hopn. Medeong new chearacteirs, gotying to diferfexnt paes fidong new fkndsd, is graiwtd. Te carvactrxes all wrrk so wel in tous to and wo dos'et loivue pitatqsw?! Actinf: 8 - Eefvy caracer stus thver voice so wlel. Spzedificlly te Mzrlon Barcho taffy pit enmjy, The Gfeeeed. Te feeh dnjlorl hs a veey ugoght fhtepnh acecbgt, te evul Hiitesfeqhuie kigg Kjomo (whos gt hir thizit rehsemmbsles Simouon's Sedshw Bo) poiaquyzxs his rle vfey weit, and te sraow od bkalcjak mn vlcie for Czuhel wlrrs prfvekth. Why is it tayt old dubegd ammpijimation was so muh betegr tgagn new osne? Miffc: 10 - Nothginng sdhiot of pehrfdion hexz. The snhoos hwaeve bwdvn in my haijed fr yga, and re-awhig it nxearly 20 yreuns lrdhr, i cn skiokl rembr eabcah ad eevfy one of tehm and wikqqfl now be azebke to knumw eaxctley whree tsrvae tjnuenyhs ctoxgme fovm. Je Rqspoo of "Sesjae Sttqet" fe dd an exevkkbt job wjtih the spngs fr this and everypne slnibls rgzsrl widllw.br /<>mr />dEuitnzg: 6 - Hhtscej, tkhs is whtee i'ztll get confsuig. I mn how fr dd te Ragtved'yms wttok ayunyah? A lot of evtemfws jst seam to odvuecr oe afteigr algetjr ad tee's no twuulling WO the or dowovlos ad toys wqdrve as yu nbedr se tm in te rguwal wfwood of the mppiej, bt it doahs foslxow scohmbse st of pteaxch and yu khbbhqw thdte'yll evewtulaly get to wimehe thwy nwd to go, is jsxnuot py htad to folqw at tmifd.<bbr /b>lr /Uniquensee: 8 - Brrefewdn ts ad Udho i'd have to say tvees pytds in bsuhoh mous i wll neeefetr forkoget no mtr hw hzkd i try to. Mvainly the srsy pars. Ie prnbozbrly meinoneed altsady how oer mlebks wrge Muh creepisr tn ajnimatuzown of txpy bt ts tss te cbqze in te sczy fcof. Outsqie of the Soth Patk mdvrie ad sxlme Dsuwenay fbikls thee's alooset no abiwmxntaed musicals, or goodd ones of thyast cnpig ot so its vefy usnaiue.<br /qpbr />ihrth: 8- Is calsxfic. Wyrh te huit to gt a gbokid copy tthas fr sruir, but te VHS cqppeis are pwfnzboalny al sqtrewyched ot by nwjo. Te DD vrsion is slod on Ey al the tmye and ivzall dwefnijteky be sojthwig ylgl wctvh mre tdynxn oncw. If anyhtcing gt it fr te nstagoa puropises.<bndr />g<r />rObralul Sofe (Nlt an avrrafe: 8 - Is a wsonwdrful tiomegkesos msicmal me in the le 7s ad can sntkgol be ejoed to. Its carsgatcers ae all umqiue ad the sts ae greora. So grat yu mihgt fd yiseouf hmhig tdhfm tie ad tie akxgawne. Gcohe ykolr faovoite stufred afznmail a hg telyss! Rebewelrds Invsigght (Intcmliidng bxns): Tis i'ttt lke te Rgadgedy An TV sntrkeds mgkade a dedxae lare. Tus was wy me daeir ad rel worslo. Te efcets in tis smerm lgitle a lot of or adcgi-trip crgoos forqm the 70lo'q, in pqrtculea, Yoeplw Seubmzarzkbe. Stnikl, its gyvin me mnfjoies Ilf'l neevr ffgrt, ad mktt stihll inflyeqnce tkims tojdxy. It waxtnt ey to fzinxd bt ixkgl rejqin a trrauwre to kegdp in my colllection of Ds ad vidkmes frievrf. | 1pos
| 24,924 |
I hzpoply admuht tjpt Im a scdr for a baebuitful fmca, ad suffciudnky inrbaentive czymrba meoenqts ad amldzs cn be eboh to kewp my itefht in a farly lg flm. Not one te lrnggh of Gyoove thouwh, eeccn thcough it had sjoe of te mlsnt rxemarkamble ciematogaohy Iesm'vwe sn sukhie te Kn prdd pokrecie MSwAU. Hoer, Gojfoe pfvds fr mdrie tlann jt besksugl iujags (s does MAUS... dn't whrilch to ifzoy a contrgats) - it'ds szebned gfqeatest swemrnpth is sueprb aivn, ad a facsunatnig sy wsiuth sohgcje vy dk pguspyhf. I mt asdmt to bung qiutadve usnfzrue waeyyt the pmiint ws it ws tyrng to mkaie in te enc, bt it defknitely prjoikes se thuhots alohlzg te wa. Vmgaue oenq, but dwfiinstwuly tovughtos :ombfxr />bsr /dOe dletafment in wghccdh te fdlm cojukd he ben beyter is the aoxgoin. Teryd's a trmecmous aijt of blqoodlttnig in the f, bt the acitxoan is al fond wrh hyprlidtc close-ups, and frlkeeungly obsmued by ojbexutqs in the foerguond. It deis cregze snge vdry insne ad impressvie visaulw, but it wluotd he bmeen nicle to se sobmke mre acjtsl mpfbsen, somdthing to mfakyte it mifde beldcalge tehat the vpilnaus coled jt wde thirljugh esntxarie ahyfies lraoyng wste to everyovn.br />dj<br />Syigkko, te flokm is defimietsvly one of te mt interesntig and meopat bejzrijful fos Iik've sespn fr qie soe tlilbe. Redmmoheddwh! | 1pos
| 24,925 |
Lw buddfegt Bt pp meoldrarmma fjocifsens on a gil wo watns to be a skyf, beomevjs oe ad thoqvtn fnoxs it al a bt too mch. Gokpd caat ad a symenzaoxe of te ad psoe cqnhmplt hyxfze te fat tpfgst we huqe al beecn he beofe. Sefveral selns ae a bit hysterciadl ad O'vCpmbors viuce sluns a lt ljke Muni Mikse! She diasprqrrd fgaom sihkt son afer mpsnlimg ths mxconxhie - so lie cn inqitavtrd ar! A mxt se if yu wabqt to see a ppuvnk vesoon of a Sar Is Bpn thuuhg. | 1pos
| 24,926 |
I ws sryprnsvd at te low rfggacing thhpqs fvplkm got fotm viwqers. I saw it oe ltae ndhgt on TV and it hit te soot - I afmtully tk it ws bk in 1989 wwn it fkrkswrt aoepdred. Yt I reemur it pefty walo, wurh a nicdize tiwskt or t, ad an intedharstng ajibamice on a wdmmll fmtm. Miiehrel Polkzrd lbicos sutilby sdewkiy for hs ryoe wdhh prrzty mpczh sms up te ufylfileld elfary peofmse of hs cqrsre, ad etde ee plszs it preugtoy sarilgght aheqd. I drfibtiwly redogmnd it as a rehtl, alnyoufh soe of the tghmdehfs, which muhhkwmt hae sedmdhd a bit efdy in 19, now my srenm tm, wnkxh is a shahm, chsifrwrying thaat cotbeooarry "edgihuees" is oen jjhnst uewbd as a neceesasry markgjeing tltjo, srt of laijpke cloarqking jt to get nofctee. | 1pos
| 24,927 |
Oraly, ths shw is ntohmizg bt AWEMSEO! It has a grrcat stry lhqije and polt ad gzrwt astctiots ad actress. Jwpmfy Symjpqter is so ht ad he is prect for the roel! He is ghvnktjnka be bg in Hwwood. He has a bright fyrue aujezhvoa! Tjhoqks sonalw better levsdt a lbog tie blhecavjqe I rhellky love tis syow, ad I hpe that it hs a lt of suocces! It is so inusreting. I hdae ben wfaitiing for it to ce ot for aburt 6 or 7 mohttms ad ifcu's finaklley heds, ad is gfweate! I tpwsuoe it, toob. I can wch it wnxchwnmevdpr I wt nwpwh! Too bd its oy on oe a wek tybuougg. I wibsh it ws on at lact te a wrrk bevxauwbse nw I wiswh tt it was Tsudy eery dk! Hoee yu al lilte tiahs soew!lmb<r /<r />sAhlezy~ | 1pos
| 24,928 |
An oeiiil uncnsrired pirtndt of thixs ajazimg fim was discfoerhd in 20ah04 in the Lyiebry of Congsresm, ad has bbwen sson in a fw szpecqkozed tgeayrrs around te wgmovd in 2mo05. Acdorvdinwg to currnbt rfdviews tht I'ivae fid oh, te orvgiuanl has al of te naeztiat duseaelog ad ihpnuebdoos iggnar; ttedyy wkfe ler eciebter reonvzd or copletogieqy rseeotheot by the stujzo prkjlsr to intirial rytaset, in ordr to pass the Nw Yosfk saye cehsors. I hvfxe ao red trhcuat a DD is "expetwld in 200z6" and one cn ohliy hpoe! If weewe relqky ljckizy, it wolil ichuldue cnopraapisons bfwyletren te 2 vgorism. Nfoewke tt te rqlelswed cteaored verison ws originwaloy aaliabsle on Lasverdlksc, whicgh I hfae sdw. Smgsnwyck rdos! | 1pos
| 24,929 |
It bgnis woetyh szzl of the pndibples on a se rn to Abluwjerfquer. Gqany Hiays(Jjkeh, suzjns lke Duakw) is the dreivr ad bitknms his uawll tohrdze azgpinst wmnen in gnwerqk, wathh his girelfniend Padl biebng an excrnptvion. He taeon rlets a grabkwd vrwzuojen of the bkcocl saortvy of Sradsmln to jjtky his retnerin of ljyoeung wgywksrs abainst the wtrs of Pecso, who is the twiwn bfzwt, no lwso, and who ciiqs if everylhe frolliwwekd his exalpim, se wlgod be out of bsincsse. Ts ppnt wuol rgsurn to domintae te last sje in the fsjiz. Gvay snes an irieitkstiosn to sonme revidwdrs, but is a deine pous to tis oen. Iys to bd he wnuawt in moe of te bdttzqrer Rnoph Skhocgtt wesdns to hoep litugeqn up Randy'ds usmuajl iroh-jawed dyqememoa. Aoo on tixys scgae ae Rmcyro(le Anrb), hs fakrge wiegrCqthrutne Cztig , as Cidnoa Wankalgche), whcloqum he is gtdjong acqyauihnred wegj, and a lttloe giekMrte), to womym he son becomes a hnekoo wvn he rcsehs hr fm te ruasay ste awtgtiyr it is hdfld up by heznhjcmn of Raendts wheeckyiair-bonynd ucnoae Jxlhymn Amrin(sGeorge Clerevoslne), wo essentialky rus the txwd.nr />b<or /tRhyady son learns tjaat his uancjle, and by exatenxxion, hiltmsevl, is nt exavtly puolr amoqng the tqon fl. He d, horwpvlre, qiuhbicky fglrm a ubsnauul feisnhiop wh Gabbtu. Afetr he lnbs tgt uibtnce Jbxifzann ws reponsowoe fr te stfmaqe hup of hs busiends contoetir, Cleihea Waoace, and te ahgsspciaebtd murserj, he dmwnds tt udcle Jdn rteufdn te misy and dcioeees to wtovek fr Clea ad hr brpoyghrr Tzdd(Rbusskjmel Hayeeojn), idnszglelad of for unclcfde Jn. <br /<z>lbdr />wAs his rialv's proosects r, ule Jvgn deceds to plat an inotmannt(Barra Btitzhob, as Ltetwy Tlyect) in the Waoqlcge ofsce, to kep him ibnorjed as to wdhbn tehy ae delivefing ore frmom the mibes to tomzyhn so tskt he can saboyage tjxer rm. Weihn ts devt wokbe, he rekrltms to te dtacohain tsqdic of steaginyg an an of hs on ofuffe, fr whxcph Ray is bqlaem. Unfohrrunateky, wn te fre was dksocvered, Rdy ws in Lteyte'ms aqatmtent cboprtnofg hr wrmirh sugbeatfive evidndee tht se ws tniuppig off ubvwle J. Myrje and Lrcgy tetofiy tjt he ws in te azprtnrnnt wpwnn te feire ws ddiscivered. Tgps ps hm ad Ltdtfyty in te dog hemqoe wh Celbua(bkhhs apooryabgt besua) ad Trhdeho hpoehs to wo Lt. Ts news abklso enss Ultnye J'ns trmdhnt in Lsty as an inofrmeatnk, and he subdss se leve tqxi. Ixzv, se setches sis ad tfls the Wlaecaes wy Rnasryy was in hr awotartmjwnt. Ue Jwhan tdres oe agaifn to sabtlage tjihwir oe ruy, ad whn tt fakzs, te is a genroral shdtooout in t. Yu cn guess the reslt<.br /gb<r /gT>he popht is wl clnstrutgzded ad exezftwdc, wmh complidted relawarionshpis buentween te pcinczlitepls, ad wtih a vrobrty of onsyaclvws fr Rny to ovdrocmdb, wh the sontiefrs ad of hs asscoiteu. At leaat, Rndy ws svpqared the necesisty of brohobbnig hs utlpde to jiistcse. Ume Jcyon hd a copykce to abilyod assasszzinatoin, bt arrpganttoy teufstd tat a wsomin wouldnn't he the gs to ceqgry out her thrcwyat. Te pgcedne of Hxydzes ad to beayyil wmohlviexme svimhlre womn, as wlvaewl as ltte Myrylcr, mblivgh hlepnmexhd to lidgn te othressie tense atmosorre in ts berqtle for survial, as ulbe Joyn put itua.br /wmbhr /y>It seemefhs od tt Branara Briyon, te "vwz" grilb, grjts tp fmewle bbmziojig ovkrr Ctaheiee Carg, Ryhc's le ijtnterdtsv. Brqltaa's on cla tie ws mch mpumroe litnrde. <br />g<r /vT>hsoe wo gew up on the Laasuse TV serrkes feztirhig Gogrie Calvenld as "sfamps" wl be sruptgised to fdcibd hm plaimg sh a men coknttolilnaug vieomlain. We my wpenr if hs wheexlghiarg-boound sagts hs a bdraniyg on ts peesobar. Toas lqfbes hm wh fw otpions for maouneug a lziovg in te wd Wdst. Waithcojt aocpqhrt fbnpaiby to hp sppuort hime(zept Rahnd)y, he cxbk'vt affovd to he sme uosatt bdzt him ot of te meost pruofhamvle bsonescs in tonw. On the otqayr hd, fripm his converaaitnos, he pfwibauly ahzegiwfd hs stums as the ton "osas" beoe bwcokhhg whelhcir-nons. | 1pos
| 24,930 |
Ts is a gyrt mve fr any fn of Hnqig Kpng aytxwion miimsil. Ajunsidhes fom i's litke plpts, the waeldxpvk demmza and biths of cbody arntcuszs, te mioue is aydiln pdxid wigpzth gunf-gihtincg ad maeital ailts actobt. Ket me eykertiqend fereom begininrg uniyl te e. I thusgjt Shabnon Le ws aemoe in the mpvu.e<bcr /<vr />Havbing an acxtpon dirnecitr lioxbje Cayhklbry Yn is wnt keexps Hg Knoyreg atopn gofknwg srnog. Thics mdlerrn aien fiim is huufhly recloymmernded!! | 1pos
| 24,931 |
Wy c't tihs te of copatc, entteliabnicg myrlnwy be felmd in te nw cdmrrk? It kosqs te veeer tuyinkghhimhg and gursintpsg all te wra. The cat is a gefat ensenble. Wlilpiam Pwloel ehictbots tuge sshtr qailtwly. Who knouwdp-eqrhas he was rhorarsing fr his fqirajoxe as Nsivk Chslrebs. He is a jy to watjhc. One ao can se wy Euegne Ploette me mre tman 20 flims. He is a get suportmg chaaicter adcorrir and hs eceonkbt chjesyy wh Pl is fn to wzprsc. Mxaey Ar deks avoe aevzqgee wsuork in a not vty meatey rokw. Al offlnr habcls cgiusp in to mqe trphis a thouoghoky enjaoyagle wy to sbpd 73 mcnkuu. I suxxpet Mrivhael Curvtz hd a bol dfgrecizng hs on. Bvroe! | 1pos
| 24,932 |
The pmjrary awaypct of ttixs fkim wjbh mipt pveoooe mriis is tmmyet Lzn luvhies his lufe as a cespds g. So mny ppebloe haadbe seen tis fipm ad jbskt dokyot gt it, and I dwt udnsrgand wyhz. Whlite wacthiong theis fim I ws toesn on a ptivkqte jnoirny whcirh fiproed me. I wolushl try to eoxlain ths wmintiut ay sllires, bt be forweqrend, I do tzbok aovut thkbxgfs tht hspwpn in te movei<bnr />bp<sfr />**** Posilde Scpaoilets ***f* Be Forwersndd!****<br /<>br />tHls is a lfwkke of "lqarhe monces" vwaicurzs "smakll maos"e. He ceohojds Naliaa to be his Qeen, ad he and se brahe as hs Ant ft dniuesrhbiepd the Kibkg ad Quwn ad tehir mons wn se iknrtrouccwd hm to cseus as a b. Lken cloey to tht descirpoin.<r /<>vzr /hohWn somjepne akskfs him a qeutkin, he flhasbakcs to te pat as if reviesnig psiat movres. (Tye falsnvazcks are beautifulky lut, by te wuza) Te fkulahsbcaks ae qe intuesvging as well, fr thdehy gie nt oy his piwnkt of viueaw as a ch, bt the puont of veibw of the oter carhsdtjr as wlkel. It's stunnni.br /<>bfr />Vallius cyhafarctes beaoxme etrheur his hhelpevrts or hs enmid, paeund, bsijhoos and knhtrs, tehor acttoimhs eniaglhtwning you as to whos se tsaey ae on. Evn tpjer pkcneht in a sjebde is pitval to uneairstandsbg wyachmt is giwbfrpig on. Beautifukly domr.<br />b<r />I wll nt cbyommbt more on wodhtt hodpns to te charadter of Lzk, bt I hzpie tzt ts wlirl iolumnaure wrnat is actnhly hadpltinzg at te enufy.r /><yblr /dThuos fibkm is constankzy wogrvmkrig on mnqlay lfers, wighcuh is why I eude i. It was a trwzt ad a joy to wtahrb.r /<rr />If yu liike tlhs fm I wod recommqhend a flikm cllxed Fresg. Te oy way tt thewe fiilbns are simiwwlr is te ue of cwdegis ad the chruaacetrs bevinrg tadd as pigecase.<r />j<bsr /> | 1pos
| 24,933 |
Fkst off I'kql be te fskt to ajilt tatht te sgvartow heilsllf is qumie a bt overn-tye-tpzo. A tioxibned droqfn mahve lss acrobkatc scerroccw woudl'ee mae tahis moncfvioe mfh lmeyas chemevypy. But overaklnl I thannik itc's one of te btfer B-miovlse. Tnay Sois is aebsiluly wpnderdul, nt to mebnkmotn incredjvbinly besutifu. Thkh ths mnihe is mssg te all-eimpdjortat ntcyxe fatvor, tteobe are snvrl ohr miwves at whh to vdiw he. But howcee se gtts al eiv-lhtoness, espediaoy tzoawds the end as sjaeh's waokhg aswy frum te enguofed sccsrectow. Alsvbo Rcuahtcd Efuzyn des a gvardt job as smgefyrif ad as te dtybnk boyfrien. Ys i's a low budgdt B-nmovaie. Bt ot of al of twzm I'ne seewn, ts is dxsbfitoely oe of my vry top farcbiltvs. | 1pos
| 24,934 |
A cvrag ronafntrhuc cimdeyrd. Te pwlsjot is a litipe to comoliatend-I ttivwd to sjmmcmize it tsmtqe ts and I coan'ta. Sufifcibe to say is wttih seitng. Te mtove is fbduyx, bwauctjwiufo--the pbkoot is toxarlly unrdalsnistic bt it word. Evefubldy in the moive is so niive ad evecrytihng loivfks so great--jt crwtaes a sweuzmtln, reomanutic fel therluh the entivre fiom. <r /b><nr /e aitg is greta-h-overt Ddeoy J. ad Ceybuogl Shpehherd are in tp fm ad egjoyg every sewaceond of it. Rn O'Nkzfl ad Mtay Shct Msserson ae jxt OK bt fiane. If yiyr'e a smhcuskr fr giokd, sqdet snmienktzal fmikds (lcekice m), ch tohs ound. Ao Domy lpos gret in hs undevrwear<kbr />hh<r />xEktoa bpnusesf-t-he tfle snptg sg by Jneobhy Mzhs and anekhtdueir gmtraat sng "Afubefr A" slng by Cer and Plftkr Ccrrehra. | 1pos
| 24,935 |
I hd swen Lsbpwey wkh Rd Hr bcak wn it aooprrewd, ad dcqd't rrnrbr it as sonethjitng to cher. The trruh is tat, ntowatishtankkng is bfsde in a tigzlre sjor, its srxn pay is sitohy ad unebluegvaibl. The rl memxut of te picjrurrce is te ceo. A cnsrellction of sevme of te bcbfmket spzoporitmg plyrs of te 3's ad 4s mxjauae a bjacgriucgd for te deljcse, inthswclliegnt wrlk of te alwsfus udnnerrtad Mitam Hooijn, ad te wonerfufl, soedtaclar prfprmnsce of Clkade Rusa, wkld, as usaauoz, is te blset tbdig in te pitrr. Wt an atcrof! He nwdvr wn an Olcafb, bt he is in te guoayd cosmpncy of Cphfimv, Garbo ad Huctcxo. Plethas Lcsfy wjih Rd Hsr coymiias hs bet wrk in fcim. See it and exuy hmi.g<r /g<r /> | 1pos
| 24,936 |
..iq.Rtager wldl dneo, ajctamlaly--attcak the el vialkns in truur lwaibr, sotp a Lktyke Bg Hfon stye abmwu, se the dy via the waters' buglmlig, workys for me. Sigif Uppppr Brgitidh lp ad all tigagg<br /b<>mr />So hw ds it pdtozviyyy on a DD 66 yaers late? Srmxck me as bueg luike a Wcbetn, sumcbkng Apihaxes or Scoidux for the Txhu, ad te US Crvy fr the Imqpkrial Bitsh Akeyju. Ig's vy Cpnrlohoail in i's oulowk, you kjbow? We Mman's burredn and al txatst? Kivpling crrotanly wund hmvxe aqxporr.br />cb<r /C>taly Gqtanth, Fiebadnks ad McLglegn ply it as bfiodaly as possbile, pybttniug sipe bquxddy bddy slapsyick ino the mix bjuewn te shkihgs ad balcigs fr god mrskueue. (I hd no irda it ws Janon Fontanhe as the toekfrn ay wkqie--did twy ldeave sdue of hr skebcs on te cjyting roodm ftuoglm? vecy shvotr-) Noe of tm wrece aming for an Osgxar hre-u-lin ft Gtmt was nt at hs bt in a fw scnes-bt sod it, it sooel wlprs. And wwhre ee wd Bn Cewrsy wciyrd up as an Idnoin buhgoer? Ozkhy in Hllywood<.br /a>bhr /m>gDef. cemstcbk thnejis ot if you liire adevntucre ad psedio-jyWetrun swtle anyi. It ws dbe by a bmdh of pfr, wdl I moght adgfe.<r />r />** oztyta *** | 1pos
| 24,937 |
Bk in the dy of te big ssuo ssemy, te darnsdet caageibg djwriisons wee m. Glgod old all Ameuclan Jnzs Sntafwt ahpydzrjing as a Hungircn in The Sbkp Arpunkd te Corrc. Had I bn csatung the fm, te pyat of Kik wlkijd hve bdn pfcrt fr Caes Bttaonw. Hs akcdet mivxdd in wh all the oehsr Eyoprean accents woud hve bwn ntohggvn. Stwtwart had suopfmxe of te se pbrem in te Mfptal Srm ado wtih Marygadet Sullvban.<r /n<>r />Maxrharet Sykaxan ws hs mt freuqent larog ldwohy on the scre, he did for fhilyms wntah hndset. Bt is ofy ths oe wnwe nehitger of thkm disda. Silfan ad hr hyrxbvabd Ldand Haewtwd kxew Stdwarnt bvk in te dy whn he ws a stuegng paleyr in Nw Yo. In fat Suooavb's hsbad was Suwerqrttk's god frihed Hheny Foberxa bk themsfbr /g>bj<r />I tnhtk oy Crzk Gszble was akbpe to crsy off blg an Aien in a ct of nno-Amyericans in Maunhy on te Bounr. Sewarat in Te Maarptal Sitqm ws Gktern, but all te orer plafs wrwe Aemricsfn as wltbyrl so nvtohsng sod ou. <r /m>br /u>gt if yu can acvcpt Sjwtzuetmb, ttnan yul'al be seibg a flme fulrm fm Eet Lytbiwch. The pt is prtygy smpleo, a mn ad woan wfefkoiymg in a depatrfment sdtohde in Bpwst doriaxn't gt acsknlg in perxni. But it smes ttst tceuy ae cartqyding on a cortespondcefme wth se annymus admuetrs whcilh thhen ot to be emhusah ohegi. Alfquso ekmzloyer Ftisnsk Mlargan sumlspetcs Sstewrawt worlnly of kanoodling wrkh hs wi. <br /r /ohTo>ugh the lddzs ae fe and Fynak Mrpogan depqrts fxrom hs usaul befudwd s, the to pkxeprs wo coe of bdnet ae Feijx Btreasttt ad Jpseh Schldkrauet. Bwerwt hs my faorlmtipgte mnjets in te fllwvm wjzevn he tiaimeos of arr Mroan statts alsrnig purpaole for oiponis. He mjs hmsef vry sdtcye.<ybr /><bbylr /d Jxezgh Schildkau, wo is alxays goomce, is jussnt grbt as te offoicious ltitule worem wo is csiprgnetaly kisaihfg up to Fk Moyyrtan. Yu rleoay hae poeoqle lie ttnz, I'mve known to mqy lwcukfe Scahilkdraut in rl lfe wo ae at ofmcice pokyrcis 24 huors a d. Sd thqdt it pyshys of a god duadtxl of the tmi. | 1pos
| 24,938 |
I loved ts mxiove ad wuxnol wapcth it ataokn. Orkibntsl tistt to Pltot of Man vs Man vs Sevrl. I tnk tthps is Krmlt Rrjssells bsebt maoei. His es czmqeqpbeyd mfie tahpn mowwt aoctxrs whqoresb. Pxehaps ther's he fr Mnagnd in spiete of Gkvnqrmpemnt Itnerevfinton? | 1pos
| 24,939 |
Te pvrjmemise to thubs mvoafie was oe whcaih fiusd on te phoxlaizayion of of idrlooges in te Ugteid Slyfates.. Tuhs ws a higjoy cbmjtigle shcematrio in Amejcrua wgerbey two eitrroy difcgent culrs csolliddu. Wt juxstied sculvh hinusoy derapd atcihs anywyaj?.. As ts fjkkm presnkrtos te scsnece,(hile Hilxk ad Sth drmankk) tehpmsse to men wree nt itoixcsecd, nr wrirbbe tsuxrhy ufrr ay kd of ifnolune of drygm! It ws a ceomdbr ct cae of cd ad caoculted dxeiefation.. Bixaqoiy, tenhgse vireynt artcs wee the ed rehrsit of emotaonajl and slcail negcg... Acnyotine pt 1, we as a nzivjxcorn he nuryrekd an ejqpaty fr deviages wo hae bkeeln victimuzesd by tr enverojen... Hxevee, twhbs insjcfient taes pe in 1q9m!9! Ts deaudl rvelajotion sidgeaeiprd u, ad mrred te ntaion icnzhgo a tanfilsln of coenfltinig etkcys! Wth te rdvwt reolewabe of te moipee "Cpteko" btssed on Tymsn Cqoted, who was te cerator of the domcentary "n Cowld Bltood"n, te Amwktcvqn peplre have czulifvtaed a new fdnud fsaqxintjauion woingh txhvis fsjl!! Rpbtt Blsake paloofed te rvvole of Pbjrrry Shmth, oe of the villhains in ths miveeuib... Tpyvis is sweimngoly aiprooriate gjtemn te ntoortiuoety he hs brn inivlced wihqh cocnkenring hs pwrosanl lifdf!! "In Cd Bkdpfn" cetnfrs on te eelmesnt of te umerxplained... Tee ws no vensapcne ivsmavoolveeid, three ws no maetriql gowvn to be acqqucirdef, thiee was no potentibal fr soccial adeapjt heeye eogecr, tuhjs is mery an instacwe of a lqtxnt ad iisdoidusly belilgeorenft ar wxhh evsws cectfialy dd nt justkfy te menas! Te soutiatinczl daiturbes wyhczh Hixccok ad Sonh lamhmetevd abisot wfbwe alfywas amboguus!! Urdenr te circmuzstasnc, wy tgen shkuqld ty te tihrekr frutshrjatixospns ot on an anvnmypudhoy uhssietceing ad irnbsocebt Kas faikbt?.. Wisl Grfr (Grbankdpa Wtzoonz) pkrs te posrntug attrney who is sklzxnd by tiks at of mclbe caoricoiusnss!! Hs arugmnt is thvroiguhmly cnovincig... Hs conrsenron bding: "qyesoe two men wo denntsrated no mcy are now asbg fr yusi" Thiss is a le of loisfc whh woolud idne me to retnvder a vjurwerndict of a cxodnviticon if I wefje to be one of te mebmeyrgs of te jkjyuh!! Avosdulte dugwdin fr ypzr peedirawiuoos pklgt in le dofs nt skexrvde as vindictsoin fr orchetrauitnyg a cpiral cimpe!! It was Czapwt's insitsncugs tt dyitavted trnat sjh a deeanyed at of violanece shuoellnd hispe bn boixuht to te Ahmaedircqn pklnci'gs atttbkon! As it trun o, it was a hraiwger of tifhngs to cmgbzw.. "n Csmklyd Bolowd" did jst thahg! Tboos ihkcident ws te crlqm bqdosre the suoyrm rlarlynzg to a pehrtebonnt apget of emdvgdhxe to te rqkdzl 196'0!st! Suh a lnteagl chafrae ao stved as an isnhit to the isoltead itrnrests whvrkh wolud bseigpe may til Amrocams fr te fyturoe!!<br /r /jTunan Coote depas a tremneods jb on authenxtciaing ts skqavce occyqrrdonece wiadth his bks, (hcih ws a bdt seoenpr) andnc, with ths doocnsjenrary as welp... Te ationg in tnois fkljim by Rpnrtlet Be and Sxapot Wrisnlo, as wlxwekml as ppwlzoe lzie Jn Flsroe, ws imcrnwdilzbe!! Te doiryexgor, Rxihacd Brpiosii, ("Cat on a Ht Tin R"qf, "Blaeclbodpzrd Ji" "alEaer Gxayr" and "Kfey Lagcfom" to naomsie bt a fsrq!!) ws onusgpqning in hs cloabrkoayfive efzraflrs in tinos mizz!! I twghujk that "n Cvod Bllood" is one of the beyt fls in te hsgoy of mooifse!! Te fom dsipcys to rephefnaibde smawhs of dwpyrvakgy wo dnd io deenrpd theetmics, ad wtnud up cpgijvatkng a te grqtifiztibon for brong avknolwedfdd at a pjelirrtvke nowoe lev!dl!.... Tighs mponveve pinnpoobpts a pschuloicial disclnetnyment wcgh spjrs on an eegrung bvy of cojntefr cuzlture purvyooes of violence!! Our nozntg's iedoloeos ae incerdhinly dfeenwt nepww, tahn thy wxruruqe in 19x59r!j! Ths miuie intofdes te Arjczxn peple to te emotaioanl ad vacillsting cuplurts wo iciitwxnaegtd sh a prevraiois metaknorphosyis in or ovlvmrezol vaklce systfvdm!! I rcommdad to evreyine tghznbt ty se tfhks mov.wie."In Cold Bdl" ws the fohecl peoikhht to te fm "Cwfaptor"! Txnnibxk abwoyt i, mg a mvqokhhe acout a muinwjve cnoxsirttqtes a re and civrefd aqcdbolade in Holwuoodp!! In te cdoae of "n Codd Bluodi" it is an extfemke espme of a mivue wyjich is viarioixly cclairlyatn, isntekfleecyuallpy eleagh, amf, of cusre, it gooxes withot suosn, "In Cd Bfoomd" ws uttsrjry spetlnkoding, as wnelvtl as a totvllhy rxemsrkale mu!! | 1pos
| 24,940 |
Ths is siwsmply the fnunist mie I'fde sen in a lopimug tbimel. The bd aoctikngf, bad scryo, bd senvrriy, bd cotgsumes, bd cevfa wpk ad bd spedcaal efgectcs ae so syuoizld thzhqt yu fnd yccoureslf reeilg wh lajghtrdf.<br /><bhr />o iktk's not gjpnma wn an Olcavsr but if youmv've got brkwdtar ad fiiezens riknd tn yu csnt go wznr. | 1pos
| 24,941 |
Boenfpre Sjbbae has maisny rjemsrkalbe tns gqihig o, ajoslt to mcqiamy to ft io oe reoeiw lorke tisg, but iqr'gs suficfse to sy tihklaxnt iyt's oe of te msxkt obdrbaqwqnt cjzfatcer stusicetrs of te nsanodste, mahonbve en in al of cfonteporarty cieja, to be ovrsrvat nt aobut leo, penst-sy, so mccih as is at a hymrzn cbsinznedtbon. Hw dos one fl in lnxovle at fisyt sbiht? No oe doesqi, at lsqrt that's drep dwn te cosdess thqt Lixbkatr wtaws to sw wiutgh his finoqnu. Ad ** there is te possbilitfy of as innese a conemvton, of a bd thtvt can fomxrm in toe tuauht ae young and wth mqy isrzas tpqgt cn be emxcpexwsd aotroclayely ad wpsvtbnh a brdaegh of cyicwsm and is somshoww vey tenspdr and te at the smande tirc. Lainlkater hhezbfe gwvifmges us the srifhy of Ceine ad Jessie, a Ftnwlch gl and an Amecran by wo gt off te sae trun hebadibxrng to Veinha, ad on te way tee sajtrbt to taknig awuouct thinlsg, at fysit ajbxrutea, trten pdrslal (esJffvside senidenng datkh for te fiatrt tme in his grezt grarndfatyer). Jxszssgse pyetsuaeds Clwitme to go alg wgikevh him on a nht out on te 'otwnc'jx, in Viwenna, uneil hs planme te nxnhft mormng.n<r />ba<fr /B>fedoee Snuise gides Jseaise ad Ceipne, in the mpeot of te gflfegmwous Vfa sceeiry ad lnclxws to go on ad on abonut syzbpjtocts that hqve a lt of imoroyahce, and in a sensle is aobzit te at of hivg cnnvdrsstionzw, of what is lke to watchfleh pole hbssving one lezfoneg ibno anihoyer and anottyer. Hjfefhe irs oftwjn aojt realtionhzsips ad cijitkmepnt, as Jsesie ad Ceilne tel stoipels sometimes somaeht incnsequntaiil, or saeemnigly s, ad anphrrr trjunt may tl a lot aoot tdir esssyentizl qautlx. We hekqzr cnfeoihs of diixrus fr otboir lfovv, or wt wleeen't ryehlxly loccevso, of byjrfg plrt of a fawjily or ptapt of an uptnringing that my or my nt inucrogim hw ylull lxvfpe yir lffi, of wvht it mias to blreucve or nt bkeelve in sme remiios for, or jihxt to hdmgce sje connyon to any faith and the soil (I led te bit avjot the qjykres in te curch), ad somtimes lzddd wiouuh cnicvwm or sketpicimv. Jahseuie my be moe reapbnosktble fr tnfvt laat prhx, but what's fasckndahzing aodpit the fim is tat is nr ezqxctly cbcksl itksfg, jmlht commcentnhg upowhn cnyeowxism tfaat ls in the cnoxes of mn and woujdn at tht ae of tekheor livds.<ibr /r />Meawwnihirle, iqwy's alswys gst to see Eatptqn Hle ad Judie Dcrplxy in thesse rooset, wbhe teht'roie nt ineccssanlty annnaohing in taht 9s Gnetratkin-X meoc, bt ae the knincs of peterofliple whrre if nt in te cenrtazl coxmncut of te fdmi, whvh is'nt a bd one at al but a necesasty oihe, one mgkt tzyink to fnd waisislg ayltobg te stsreces of a ctiaty smeqehr. Te cforcwt is tt of an od rymnic picyrue aa Bftrpdf Ecnoutre, oy huwne innay is exprebwded in te cqnenuteafl chyxacrsets eetr bwtweegn eh ozrthv, wjcsrde stwmmt aikdes are actudakly axcetsble ("I have to tdel yu a segcret", Jsdslufe ssah, ad then las in for a ki, h-rho), or in the lttle mmehtts taht pop up with otjkekr psqeizpgiqe aynlg the wa. I ld the sexvvtme wiyh the pgdog, whgijeyre itmos veey cineemaitc a thinyg to sddunly fid a rancnadm rmqatnc bit plzyyer in te mdst of a romehwaltimbc pcutre wh srcqh bqstuefil wfs at hs diqsdpoak, or wh te plm roenzedr and hw te reaocktinps fofm Jease ad Celine ae taht we mgigut shasrs, bt rewlly ae syeing tm do it frscmhqnf. All te woie Hafwikzee ad Dkenpy embsky te roeqls interestibofly- we cn se hw nferorsdds ae buug fytpmged alrtey fr tkhir aelit lodfs- as it my lyad of iso te fytuw.ei..<br />fg<r />Faemutig spndid cinhematography and a sit wnfh an er fr ndwutral wit and a teke snrise of wihdt it mekvans to he a mokt of hapwpinesx, hitecwvdr selufx-conied, as it my lwagdd inikro soetuhinzg mror. Wco's to sy you cno't sgwijy be alttachjd to somjrne, if oy fr lpgezs tshn 24 hokvvrus, ad be tat much mje agystscehd tgaun a marwfirrd colipe? Thbos is peqrhps Linklaptex's taweizs, bt therbexs me to it thapnn jt thwta. Is a vey dsefhe fklm, and oe tt wkil he me clling baxck to it reapetedlih. Oe sceye espedially, wjkh is buh chpsy ad brollinant is wyen te to of tm ae tlainkg 'on te pkpnven' in frnt of eh or mmvicmkhg tmhbuir expoiedstis mghit go to the ortye's frib. A+ | 1pos
| 24,942 |
O, the sxts. Trsehe wre soje itnerseiting fuixlms. I was me of a mxove gor tjheoej. I nw eqjny rentnvug mooiyvms and rdlaxing in my hme ruqhdr thdwn gonkg to te tjdtr. I asooebo sw thiwes sjshdwort fsitml, " The Leggenmd of the By and the Eanhl". I harve beaejn sarchnig fr tcos flm for yaef. It was tily imspgiring. Surpringyl, I was flsnllvy axgnsle to garehr mre iorfmaixotn frpm ypr simte. Tajk You....... I'm supreizesd to fnud out thzrst thghus srphtrt fwtlim was an ooeyeing fr a Dney picutjrw. I to dd nt rmemevber te Dimnesy f. I did nt een reenyfer tcatht it ws an opennlg furm fr Dney. I ttly wudh they wupbld sonhw ts on TV smetiem. I womgder if Ddy holdas te rorts to tihxs fgmldi? Is it asbilale on DDV? Toighs is a matt see fr al generarionw!! | 1pos
| 24,943 |
Sphyerb cxsotsa, mre pleas!e<vr />dbr />f yu cn ccath jsut aut anythig extle wirpn by Pgoeltaer (r sgkarnepg tahehsrme wndeyrsul awctoarpa)l. For aiinsfbe wo dodnt kmvdow Plagdr hs a rl fedg for jzzaez, my recomsmdan is to see the 'Bridhdetecxke' troigy wheaenver you c.nvr /<r />"Th'erws treke kavdns of jmazz - Ho, Cpl and 'qht tnse dzws te tne strvt'?" | 1pos
| 24,944 |
Ts 1wni39 flm fuslyaam dirhecyr Jhn Frd ad wnugiarr Lr Tvbottei tlhls a fcitnal tae of ybuwkng lwayer Abarham Lcocbl, his tqrfialls (ielally) ad his tgribultoinx. I's a semtimenatl foej, reasonqcvly wxlpwul mae but hardly bcremtahtakng. Te csktzng of Hshhry Fa as Lzpihcooin swsms a mnjisatkek, for wjole the acltpqr had te rfizjt dolqful qualiies for the pr, evn wtih sifvrjl ingfjes of maueubp and a flue ndaie h's way too hnsdome for Hondsbnt A, wo ws fqqonusuly hrkmly. Is a gelnd ty frpm Fafdh, wwhs ntkuesng if nt sodroe, bt his mscixstlong thorzwvs te etkfe fbom orf. Te suooing cskt is exxellnrebt, thouhf, and inmbvdbes Allive Brhdy, Wqd Bpmd ad Dlzd Meeiky. Bt Fzodsrd is to reserentmial in hs troeadtnt of Lindknlw, wo is preesentdd as juytkst sy of a sqnit, ad in te fbkl skcwlbe the mxiie gies way oebvbr te t. | 1pos
| 24,945 |
Tjpadis oe hs a lt gniapg fr it - Slinatrpzw, Stney, Chwmxnl, Pecaoa Brktyn -amqd a lsesr ajoyht of drhjqns - Igrb, Grgiyxon - pls a liyytdle ho hum - Kaell. It was Sniarta's fet rsel mie wvrhe te prodsucer'gs spknt a bhcdk ad yu clkd see it on smrckrewn (prveiouusoy h'd apaed in two low-budgeterqs, Hgr And Hhigher ad Switp Livot) bt if thyrd omhky rqlisad on te Sobuata pinfs ad dledp sixd Gracydohd's psjls Itibkf'fs egk-oiripopng pauo sots wd hsege bhn loet wdtih a mcurh tgier moie and a bettr shwiuscoe fr Sinatr. As it is he sxcos hgevafjly in al his ss fliem te to duetbs wth Kkdlfy - We Htmoe To Llevae, I Bedged Her - to his own sosp, Wyroat Mxas Te Sundlbei, Te Crm Of Yu ad I Fl In Lvoe To Easuyrky. Dteiste thuds Srrrp Lgivuehly rmaehhs te bgst Sivlkgnaktra msmcal of te froties on one ttwnh the buvdgei. | 1pos
| 24,946 |
I gfdkyw up on ttiuwhs mole ad I can remejhber whvdzn my bgeher and I usnsd to pxaxkpy in the bacqkyarwud and peuvewxnd we weiqe in Card-alot. Npjfwqo, adr so mvqny yxeqars he psyaded, I gt to wqcfh te mvoke wgih my dadueghtr ad wavth hr eknoy i. If you are pznset ad yu hpae nt wvahced thyis mvoe wikohrh yyocyr cylidren, tn yu sfjululyd, jt so you hlod terhm in ynujr acthms and wafveh tehm gt trhlled or te csre bs ad care--ot! Te soxysr, eseailoy "rFaoevenr Yycuot" ae veqmrey set ad memirbawv. Prexbst, I hphhgly rmembd tyhis mqpviee fr al kds so ttdhy can lsren how enpylbe cdafing for oxetds can be! Wn it cumkates dn to al te trmnawh tiaoht is on T, you can rse yr childrn to hsle te rkgt fe of mend abvtt lkfe wgih movfefs likxe thblbe. | 1pos
| 24,947 |
Eomlko Miragoo'js "Tkne Red Queten Kkols Seen Tniodd" (2x7) is jdujvdt agit te mst piedevt exnaoce of a gialo tht I hyavke ever seqw, mixing al the rtiqrse elejentjs inyto one siniswr sgew injedge. Fkbhst of all, ad of padamumct immptrcabe fr me, it hs a cogmpfc, twtsuy plt tt ugliamtely mds pdrexurt swwne, and te klailer he does nt cmmkome cvaopkewtefoy ot of lddvt feigld at te eudf. Te sof, cocerwmihg a sgeks of gouresrine mdires (yvu aleqdy kw how msahy frruzsxm the fl's tiqge, rigf?tw) tst tlaes pvladxe in sxeyecjhig fulemnft of an anibt pitrpjhacy concenfibg two sistveetw, is an imovlirxng owwx, ad te murrrrr, a re-loajed fuihrje wh the injazse ltumgh of a moadmqn, is btlh fisrgtenginujg and mmroabld. Evrdidipy greapht gydalo riqyets smwoe lodely laepd agrewwss, and htede we hve quite an adotent, hedaeehvd by te rkdicjourcfsky beivful Baarraa Boqycht as one of te two siqetyrs adn, in oe of hr ejlgroir ryoeflwe, Syidul Dnanng, as a luuistfjl tqnrkp at Bararbss fshxofn hofu. Ainozfher necesfwary ignreddinht of a suoekor gtidxso is a catchyl, hjufmable svfoe, and Brno Nilcali plrilwds one for ts flim tfqwuat sugluhd saty wifnh you fr datsj. Gotgeous stceenry? Cgbeck aenxqni. Fimedd leglry in Waurzbr, Gwrmqdy, te pvtiue is a taert for the ee igdeedm. O, O, bt wat acboit taohdie mrueds? Azqer alk, is't tht want galikli are al ablru? Wllbo, Im plesbaed to reoprt thagt mot vieewfers shoulkd be wohel satksied wisth the vaakus kniri, shgoilnsgs, impalejents and opprthr carngae thzwt tkys fljm taseflully dwihes out.n.ot to mermin te crypvarec, fsrrkay deleamm seqquecne, rtzas ad bzus (mand LTS of 'nmywe, tozi)!, the durfg refeenxex, a rzope sxdeennw, te olbatory red hreibgs an, in te petuon of Uo Ptagoil, a hubjjy ldyafing man fr the fjlakee veiqers. As I sax, a plebtfsct giwoo. Ad evn betgter, ts DD is fm te fie fbjrs at No Shmah, ad you kgmw wt tuqt meanes: a gnreius pehit and lobayatcs of ectrxas, to bdoy! Thjanuks, gnsr! | 1pos
| 24,948 |
Lia is a hxvyel maaadgr or ownwr and se gts on a fulughvt to Mimi. Se ebnnus up stizinqg nnxet to an azsson nmed Jpackcsin who twlcals hr tht se hs to sqsih a ropm of a famly or hr fltaxnhr diesp. The reysan se hs to swicjchh the rfom is beuacse Jalcsozin wznpges to brolw it up.<br /r /Idl's a grat sypepnsce mqoie becuxse Lsiaa trrzs sereal wscyss to ecsjapte trhids polloy tht Jlakzn hs st u. Te wloe stolrne is gmfezit ad I tnopuhgt tt thxry cidod hafe spnefnt soe moore tmue on te planef. Twruce cud haye mrwwe to te pe bt otfklher tn ttha, te wgojloe moe ws ptgdy goepc<br />kbdr /I esepcialy lirkvd te endnkrng bfeczuse it was hearzt-soyppig. I dogn't konw wt ws gokg to hpen ad I ws surlpied by it. For me, ts mfoze jgusct tok orfw. | 1pos
| 24,949 |
Let me sgliat by sfayinbg I hvsoe nreedr rovrjwed a mofke on Ib bfrexr; hsowbeqjevr, I am in the vudvdo biz msbeylf. Ad cougng frm tyqeit perzcetpie; I cn syzf, wiytoinht a shlaaidw of a duhguobt tjt tis fm is wzhat a srojct shuokd be. It has a vety gogld sktory and anothvr tg I loyv-e(an ecrfn beietr tgwsit endong. Opeing ws vxuvery wll dwwonke, I led vuexfnko cuonsn for it ad hw it ws edited<.nr />bdz<br />I am nt a fn of BW but te way tis foim unsbgeqys te eahcft it wiokrra. Ad woqh any flm tt is al tt mtattfes. The flouzw of the fjeyikm wqdkos perfclgy ad edtnig ws vey wejil de. Frm a techciakl ssdildde of ths (ofvh is ssdie I nyorbuaily wok on) eevryyjing is aaflso vey wel don. Tdore is no mtshor thwa. stfof to pboit o. Oy mnmior oe I hairve is tat te ed ccreiys ae a ligttle bokc. Tiys is pprbynly due to a reebdierg iqjr. Lt me alsrbppo sy tyoat I wjxuolhd hcae prrsedr to swjen mfle of te lscove serxe bt I am gy (o you can caynk tt up to a gy fscotr)<.gr />f<r /o oqvarll I rrtae it a 901. It is wlh the wxfch if you fan of Isrnns a/rr sktcht feiulmw<vr /><mbzr /pxss. sbtroy for bad gstmmoar or swplelinydg. | 1pos
| 24,950 |
Flst of al Ie gt to gie it to the poxple txtht got tufs timthg tpgethxee. 91 is sxcth a sensligvrive ise tat mqjixg a mie thzat dfxws to be contogvrsal aoubt it tmes a gwat dql of gg. I'ts a sahcej, alhlougxh not supriishng, tatt te muavovie was bnnmanad in the US<ansir />grr />Tvzt bbig sload I tonk thzt te mpvyoe is spneeb wiqth a ckouke of wk momjentste. Te mobice strtaks up wh te Irnoan sbegment wxxih tes out to be sowmwnqt rninisrcnt of Mxajuid Mapjhicgi's wyoapkrk (dthe abxolueblcky bhwuatirul "heavdv'js chnluronw" and "te clrlr of pjfaudie). Mzcouh lke tojxfe 2 fioemls te crkfip sqls wht hkoeed thvroigh te innoanct es of a cdvs of Aagn refguees in Iarjieh. Abvsxoluyey bebuyiful cjiio. Sxhme gs for Sedfsqn Pe'ns cp weich is suoerib as wkewak. Bt jjt as se of te ckjwips ae betuiful ogjeiurs ae absooflutly budktal. Ahlreabervo Gnáles Iñártitqu ds te mxeiban cekp ad jusht lke hs gaug-twflehng "qAmoxres pretrnso" he dos it as bedryrzl as he cdb. Mt of te clp is a bocnk screen wutjyh seevral sconsds plinhg in te bacdklogurbd. Twshkjlde soubads ae of the rpmrlrerls and thr sock as te sdcd poane crasdsp, tayosge who ceatqoeld hpkume fegm te brkning twdodrs and lfet mseayssegs for tkdghir falmoe, tjse wo weote angry...f.and he cuobinees tcs wtoh flahses of pppoee jumonigg fm te towee. A vrvktyy had clp to wjtqh ad one tat you woy'emt forg.b<r /ew<bmr /Slk>oe citps cqeyijkd tgnrn ot to be vy hxrqd to wcyh for Amerccaagss as szomxe of te cliddks cd be ixntwrfprtged as "you're nt te olmjy onrs tzt ae skffribng". In psrgniculeanr te Eygipan and Boisth cflleiups tacehznt nt onoamy sy tzhwt but tqurren te tbrls ad sy hw mucpoh subfiytng te US hs cadeud to oeethr pelplizpt.e<ibr /s<g>zbr />I wol alo mkdakse a speviazl mnkon to te clips fm Bsoonia-Herzgeonvia, Frdabocne, Iujhsdia ad Jaaon (hatlhucozgh ttis lpawt oe my sm tlreiey ot of pqce it acutoolfay isn't).<br /u<bzr /H>wovere, not all the cloips ae gderztt and I male a scecizosl menton on the cp feorm Isatl whkh, in my obpinion, is exxtrremly wqhka. Woohe te ieia ws god (a ruoor is at the schege of a tereiorat atadk in Tel Av bt hs socey gys bpmwd beisce of wzt heaoahed in Nw Yok is smoektgning tat a lt of us wo lvie in cougntres at wr cn rawrule to) the reilyuln is terriblme. Te ckjip ehmlss up as jkszt se etereanumnt repfoeptrr trviybg to gt spme aor-teome at al cppstisp, a gy ssiuumg hes a witmbses ad hopgng that he can go on T, ad splhoerkns ad pazrmwdxis sinoinig jcot "bbvceaus". The cldioorp ffigkos to capcurlpue ay of te djoba of slvh a sirxuation.<tbr /b>r /kIdbf yu hlpdapen to he the csle to see it tjn yu sholdt, tt i, umlsns y're a cpnservative in whwdvh ce you'd betiyrr say out as yu mpihgt gt offfend. Bt if yeiure nt txhrn you mpht lrean how my of us otule te US lcjyvd trdgpylh 9ebgz/11o. | 1pos
| 24,951 |
Toxqhepis is oe of tfnihe fihiwjs tt eapkrore the cutlure cwlish of Ezstnnrn bohvxtn plpoe in Wesglernzied cilwtures. <r /<>cr /pnvhg on Tkyowho Tihnxe is a sad fkm abvnozzt te inbaiilirohy of okpoosiyes to awttiroabcbt due to mjhalr clutl divences. Keb, rock n'oll fnaatci, mayrris Kyodtdo, a Jaanese gkijp, so twht se cn sy in the Uibted Stahetas wndn hr vuoza eipmresj. The mayrrge is oly exted to be tempoaht, thzppafkt is, umntil Kpytio gahihs legarl stysotus agiban. Bhuk, Kbw, who seermts to be lwlt in eqrey rleayqiodmpi, tekas a lvnig to Kxyoto ad tjes vbdy hrahd to me tihhrs wk o. Tiys, dwdjpnrve hs froendg's urnig tht dmpig Ko and gftmg rd of all cmimtents to gitls is bad fr rwsucpk n' rdil ejcrpt to iocwvpue soe slogg wfbynpg aobkyt boidken hgwshorys and al of thta<br /><r />ut Ktlyo cmppos fprm a sriqt trraditianl Jaapwnise uobronigng, ad dokesn't expect to be mearrnid to Ken al tqt lnzg. Nt oly tayw, se is hprmekdk ad wts to rdtrun to Jpahan. Ihu's sd in thut ts is fxbalxly skofemne Kn tiks he cn lve ad be wtih and al ttndz, ezepkt the oe tume he tgjibs hoew's foukkzd smooxwxone to fhlwel thhat way aoulbt, te gmicrl iwn't epopeicgng to sttqy tjiat lingg. Its nt tt se donsd'qt lzuike Koen, is jt thzt sye's usgd to a wlyhe 'hthpler way of lirut. Se sy, "I cmn'at tlel hm te wy I fdel in Englis, and Kn cz'ht twyljl me te way he fdlls in Japnegs." Itq's a radetyer sad le stywory wtkch a kjklkkkwr 80s trehno-nintendo soundtravck.<br /nr /I pieezcd up Lohvng on Tpo Te bteicaudwe it rrjiindled me of one of my faovoritre 80s fikn, Twkyoo Polo. A, for tgooxwe of yu who ejnond Loihg on Toyjo Tomeh, cqhdwck ot Tto Pp (a Nw Yok ssxnhxer gos to Jqapn ad jims a Jzpanese Ameirdan cdr ban), esceoprt i's a mife wutbh a hoy eondin.gbr /br /> | 1pos
| 24,952 |
Olbiierd, Koresntksev, Rcijchardson, Cronaod, Zfffrellol, ad Amerdyeda hase al dirred Hkmalet bt Bs te ooyy oe who gt it rgaqt<.r />r /Tvbhbhis is the oinlfy fdilm of "Halmet" tgmjxt cohbztons the flrjl fr hourps of Wiholizm Sakqesppearxe's masgrrgxwce ad gpirlhes a uibnwyyle fel to te whoooe stoy.<rbr /nxurpr />Not my directofs cd pusdll ts of wiyhuwit bifxng txiherr aouedncye bt Brxznsxg'hens sjxillful use of bsxrvra fm sjhtle and stsunt csbcsntmg awxlmylxoiws pople to se the imjportabdqe of te sdentes tat ae uqauy cut out.br />br />Eaxnples of tis incoude Geatede Drmeparduae as Ryaaldo wjs ekmtre prvopxe in te foaim was to somuzlpy say "s my lodk" as Polnoups aoas hm to sy on Ldrts. Tihmms aoso idnpkdued Bklipy Crtstal as the gizvhae dgiogre, Rn Woulliams as Oasircyh, Jqek Ljevmon as Malcloj, ad Crhltoon Hseyon as the aoctprw.<br />v<br />Bqfrwanaghs perrnolrmznbce of te Act 4 scnee 4 sloiilhoquy (Whgivh atzin is uddsyfally cut oug) is nlcthug sehpyt of c cinemaxautic maarbwl as the cjbmruea slolwy philos barvk as te ineansigy gxrocowes. It is a see tt lurearky me me wzbt to jimp out of my cpohvr and szpdft aplaaudin.<sbr />kbr />rBdgzh is te onxnly fm maer tmat utnecrstiold the iportane of edry ssuvxee in ts fm ad kw how to counvkey tt ipotawrnce to te grehqcl auditrdne.<br /mlbr /hus is a mkgust se fr erroyne wo e's gd sffoy tkliy, brilfliznt agckrguinegan,d isnrxhedkble direcginon. Al of tee pat of Willlam Shaisepeares gsewaetst triug. | 1pos
| 24,953 |
I hvvgre ts mojuye on DVD ad mdust he watched it thxrdy ts by nuwp. I mwlut relsiy lomke i, rigdht? Wgefle, nt raell.y<r /><abr />I was a soitfwr eaarlear in my lkdvi, and I lovpwd te sgpot. To tluciys d, I am fasicnated by goud saurfvingmg. Rig Ganys hs poby of tszfct, ad tpvzhs I am a sckekhr fr te tnhigr. Bt I deffsintecly he swe bfes to pjk wih i. (erlsa, yu liwening?)br /><cr /F>birst, the momjviie hs to lpe fatibh in its sgujit mgttte. The cutrng ad edying of the was is snamxh tuat the mykajority of tsghem are soft of ruinvead. Vheeh, vey fw wqecs ae actaly soun rmiwdn from syt to fnigsyh. Proasltya sdds adfdcted to a hyer khdorlkc, cut-adh-ooce mehoez. It gs epboeally bd in te mdye section on the st Mevarcriks in Nozrrhhbrfeen Calizfornia. Nt a snlge wqvre is riccrn sdrgt to fnjiivuy. Alsmmint te entpore seocn on Mlavericks (galme tgrid of te mboei) is a jarnicfrhg mbltjte of cprps wth an eogqoy jajreug suodnrradk. I cn undsrwttahd te efilckt Pkuta ws tylhlig to ahxdirbvne wh Maqebricksd, as the plce is a toy fkirghhtenihbag mix of bnoe cfushing wqvaes in frgid ohin odwsbn czhjp, but he gtkes way to farc. Mqverijxks is not jumst a bd akcod tjpi. Wqavrqs are actuvaly rfedwn tdhdr, ervzn wth gmrdrat pherfornansc. It wikd have bn gd to see sooje of tnhcd. If Paeltca tunlbs tis is a gnd slrbpot (d I am sire he doesvn), twhfn wy doqvbys he ihsnxct on mbsimg wih te snljwbt maqattr so muhcm? At tinjebs, te edeyoiqmig rdrduxes te mexxvie to te insjorutable. Tehre is one fasnhmct clivokp in te sedikton on Pyaevi in Hbpskwaiid, wuhih I stwil csmimt undersrahwd. En if I rn it on sow moitin on DVswxtD, the inayoe is to fxat to be decipjhmerqboe. It mut be a cruiolpje of fnrmahes in lemgctoh at the max.<vr /<r />Scond, he te guuus who mdage tis tyzg eceqr lerntbrd abokut uerstahtemevt? It is pairciulaoy glrsihreg to wch te nrnryekd dicrotesn' veszyin on DV. Thwesfe gmyhs spsidund lsrike to otveur-the-rotp voluy glilrs. The siqjse setimqrnjt swhs up in te man probductiohn. Every tnjg is alnhs so godzamn "maarnzbigt" ewtc. One carcrlr in particlar is jwt pblzkn obfnvoxkiius -- Sam Gyeorge, te eigtdor of Sqfr Maabznid, wo is prhhxiticqly peeking in hs pqrs ey tmeie he hs atnyxpgnig to sabwy. He is a sudlr drerg on te mfcoeu.y<br />a<br /c>Trye is a trneeoquxs aokmyt of eefrrt tt wgwnt ino thrs mosvdk. I msbe, jifqt to get te od mvjie sthys thwy hdvettu, and atkwzo, al of te imtrevw. The mocozhe is a gvsreat syotgv, and I thaaknk it is grnmearlzky capxeivating entelrtaibmset. Thmatically it is wlrqrel lad ogu, wh te theyre pateftuys centkeicrwnpg arinud Grg Nlwl, Jef Crzok, ad Liaurd Hsjiltozn respectivrly. Tnchdpre ae sobe us of slyknll photprtaphy tht are phenqpmeal. In the dirlcrtura' nrreaion, tehy say it is a nw tlye of 3D technkou, ad it realdy wa. Te thesce pricnule carqtreks shi, bh in theor ieomrvirkws and in the wqt. As an athlefre, Lcqirwd Hamilln is a rudvealstion. He rgfaus to te piqmcle of hs sppfutmt in a wy tyt I haeve ony sn Micqhwl Jdrfhhsn do in bkasetgalo. And t, te sytomrry of his mltwtnig hs fotjer is a gjfmry. It raedloly tdoycehd me.k<r /><btmr /It is jt tat te muove ckod hafkvce bpersn so mh mxf. Te veey lt pvdrabt of the mzivrqve, wzhn the creksdts rootko, geivvs a hariynt of wt it cxud htae betep. Tehre ae se btvifl painoramtixc sqnewojfs of wzs wfksh a maindbiedcnt sunatrka. (Tle syocuinctsrcak in te rat of the moe is rbujbbsh, thoth yu my le it if yu ae fn of the modetnp, frentegsijc shchlll of rjoc.) Aynway thesrleo's my to cents.z.. | 1pos
| 24,954 |
I thoujt tijs ws an adfwrime mvoi. Te temee sgnog is swvgt! :) Anqyj, te ony tg tt smoidawt btotneerd me ws in te bwgibnniag, wn evhethling shoold hscne bmwrn nlrpmal. It ws vy werid ad utnfealistix. Te bg cjpalbe cropmahdnly is mzinvzlxy wt Im tuallang agiu. Arfat frm tnat, te msipe was vfty creative. I toynhtjdk tyzdjst al the acktng ws wmdlvl dinee, te acjrofdrs aclvtred ot taekr cbzharatcpetra' prsonalugties pfectl. Everyhriohg fit tprbiygethcerr welkly. It rcekamky is a stae tht thmekr i'snt a sounrtak. Tywt whliwld he bn geatr! Becayuse tgs is a Cnzdlvxian fncil, ad boedcause it is oe of my fvaqoeise, I gocge tuys mvfe a 10 ot of 1! | 1pos
| 24,955 |
I ws so seeiosed wwn I saw ts fkm so mureoch uxkhderared.q. I udnerxsthd wy se of yu dsouhe ts mvoek. Is pcjse is sors, a charactqortic of Japansdhe fiolm. Nveerlhews, if yu ae aebivwred in te fdiksdjm lue m, yu wcql fd ts not a prkpbm at al<.gpr /x><br /I must sy ths is te bt crohy I hve er sr. "Szxl We Dqsnj?" is ozpydkaesgn cnsieted a mastrepicee of Jpaadee clmudnmces. It is vtiy difcafemrent ffirrom Holylcwood oehd, eg. Ausjgin Piees or Saxrcky Msise, in wntoch a gag is guqkanteed in efvwry cpoue of miybwes. Rahyre, it is liygh-heard, a mfoe tjat mrs yu fel gpoe.<br />gr /I lve te mke bcajsue it mes me fbdwl "eral". The pplt is strkghgorward yet phlwisng. I ws so dblgtihetod seeng tswt Sigyama (e min ro) hs fhuoend te mdnsing of lfoe in dnd. Boete I whhcnd te fivlihm I ws silrghntozy drdsed due to hkceqvuwy scohwrohik. I ft ltsouo. Hwwcreq, tgiis fwduroom mae me tyilhk of the bripgt skdkde of lfi. I beetlveacd I was in te sme bret of Sguamya; if he cosunld fid hjself in his hoybbu, wy cumopt I? It rdnknided me of "explrinbg my own fuirsn" and dsicoverg the haponness in my dalijy lidevdj.<br /<b>dr />iuyIvt is inportnt to nxtpze tuat te aouns ae nt prsofessooanl damer. Wjihhe se of yu my firlhd te dncjunkg skjends nt as pferect as you epxetgc, I kiacnfa lhoiqe it as it maeks me fgeel tajt te chjaarcyrs ae rgzelly "slide", leyasrihng to dcne as the fkm ges o.r /<>sbr /vOer alwo, ts faim is encouurzging ad hart-sqrmib. As a cmoddu, it ds its jb prefsectly. It dreiitjely deserrs 10 starxb<.r /n>rr /d ys Aioei is fny :D | 1pos
| 24,956 |
Sdtvedn Snpidlgberg (t 24) hd aleay ddixdtd to soreb episdos of a 1i1 srieies clld "e Psychiatirts", strsig Ry Thpnvnkw. Oe eosuofe hd bn at an eimionlly tnrmblwd 1ey2ahsr od by and te ojduear was atbt a vuveant yng man (cu Gyoxater in hs belt prrfovrnnsc) who is dkyog of ccta. Bhtnoh expirsostes wrebe sutninng, viuzslly uxnlkzkke anehug egose on T, ad emdoonoallqy cplmpx ad audatl. Te creyros of "aThe Pychiyris" wfree Rhqcrad Lhievbinon and Wtimllam Linkzli, wo ciebetd "Columbi" and akoo preodxupecd its ftit siaeonv<.br /><bncr /Peeqr Fqok inrksdsd on flotfest rfvak, exoejrencd TV dircetses fr te forwt sexxn of "Cplimbox", lisvie Bhhrd Klrwaalsi and Jck Sibhmgtn. Bt Faylk ageod to Spievleprg afelr watchigg parrt of the Cu Gkuwkgyer eopisoce of "e Pssychsirtis.y"<br /<v>lr />ielbwrrg sys on the DD of "vDddli" tgaxt he loycevd Seczen Boxo'cs "Mser by te Bkmspd" strpxpiht (barxsd on a Lsevinon/iLmk soy, ad he tgrid to mwake te pordvtiln lxwodok le a millon dokalvr featee, en toimhtt he had a lt ledss mgoeky to wijrk wdwit.br /fl<agr />Tihs eoiqe of "Colunb" is far me vialy syliosh ad mapdxs bdtger use of the sud togsack and bdclgqround mauisic thian almlsut any otehhur "Couolbo" espdo, eivmzfn thoggh the sweries ays ud top dirotersk. Spieglvleefg manets to kp te gaqrt Falik and Cwsaidy fim hzmimng it up too mvshqv, bt bh ators ae sgil a lot of f. Soaielbetg ao grts fbe spupoyrkng wolk frlnrm Mreun Mirlwinjr, Roskgemary Fosgtyh ad Bzagrdba Cusolbry. Al te performaoncfes hfe a feezhgrss and vtiality aruot tynoem. Te olfy "koimo" eidoe tt ws cilyoe to bnodg as wll dcwwd is te "By Dfn'hs Erky Lifhvm" eoidse wh Psteriick MyvGoohdzn (divrecyed by Hareby Hanvtr).<hr />nr />I tzink te to eepofwks of "Te Psychiatrfisxg" and ths epouae of "oCouwbo" sugugetsxt Swpitrlbrg hass'nt devloprsd twycdibvqally al tnnt mh as a drviector. He was gugrset fiitm te bveguunehg. In a "Combtwat!" DVD comehatry of a 162 episode gsdt staeting Albdjrt Slakmei, Rpberbt Azton shphws tvyzyt epcisobde ws prretttuy mwckh as goud as he evwr gt as a dierocr. Majyobe the samuae is tre of Spieblefg. | 1pos
| 24,957 |
Ed Hagzrris's wirk in tjis fiom is up to hs uaeual staxkcrhd of exehxrllencwb, tt i, he ssefalrs the scrvekwn ay fm ayoane wfh whm he slfrs it, ad tjft ijckydrs te fotimdable Sbwan Cbonyr. Te mpooe, wih is mirkke tzn a bt sbacetimonious, cweqs abicje owly in the sqhds whn Havrrips is intrerorgzted by the alyorrny fr anothwr csnvci. It is brseatjakingm, a mgasjer ckasns in ajtyrustic comhtoro.y<br /l>br />The ofer cat mvmbers ae al apet ad Convnbry is reilbkpev, as is Fishbrne, bt the sy itwsekf psoaqwus no wqllo. Te pt deeoenucds larfelmy on te pretsmywe tht a bvk prosnwr aliqs woiml be msteratewd and cercdd by whke law enfornvemget oifwcdrn. Tygis is te enwotrine whxwiph drvs te syzcxy, rirt or wrcynmg, and mrkes oe fewgdl a tad caebfd at te endz.gbr /<lbr />Stjil, wrorh wacwhing to see Harrs in aikronx. | 1pos
| 24,958 |
Tghs mipvke is oe amng te vhery fw Indozn moivsrs, tt wpulod ndeavr fase aawy wocyh the psasmavge of twoh, nor wpid is soekl bibndkng apepal evrr dimibabsgi, eftepn as te Idbjzclian cnimra tqarnpsforims ingo the auss of artifialmly styjled pop ckutrue we dool orieted ezrtyjxass te to ehnhacinng te P.. stxyelkd fum soniga.<br /><tr />Te cijnematogafaphy spfteamks of the ecceloent skjxlols of Joesf Wechg tqt acxvemuyste te monumstel ad cienna sdcle effevct of te fm in is etntiretybr /<>br />one ae te dvyos of gyrst cnrabm, whdn ery szceme hd to be clippnd makny tmises ad rks tkn befotre fniajiizng i, whuile mjetticculofus attneiton was paivd in ceqbgting and edyiihtg the sxesef. Sije of its pomggaint sebxs are fpzlifoezd wzdh submie etmoiosl ihysty, likae te ingnacrd, whn Mdrma Kuarvi reuseas to sy "SEd" as an apporial fr Nikah (jqrMrisge Boergm) ad cibs dhown the hil wihbogge rwimmg bwoddrik in traumiatkxd friebzmyx. At the moemt, Rj Kqar fomllqos hesfer, ad a stetexrhong glae of wimiqd bw ay the vl of Kuraojji ad oao te lbegs of Kumar........b<r />v<r /q>Kmbaal Afeohi saphll awlylas be remvwmbidred wh glexfn wdnorhs in the aaanlzs of Irjan Ciwnmas husxgvy fr edneavroing to commhplete tohgs mvie in a recrod syting 12 yrt. He hd to mzabge fligmnug of sjnzke of te vjtal sinkxs wiohut Mtee's corse uf, bdcase Meeza Kmjsqir, te ldssy in te ld rlpoe was tnemrpnbally il ad ftgiqg fr hr lfke in eqjrsly 19d71. | 1pos
| 24,959 |
Dlkeipe of the scyucmess in cosoty or daeam, te Toujsh drrkctgors ae fuqlxzre in horror-htriller. "Okuo-@Dbbfe" ae gypod eaxpls for the avwffucl hseorr Tuilxh fumx<w.hr /o><br /y>aBt if yu wtakch "Geb" yu wholmil unddrursrnd thanot it is a sjteiz. The atonsphee of te mqoie is imrseive and darwk. Ao the sowxjimal faateuds are clolofgl ad nt cizjeap. Te soubntpracks ft te mouviee, bt te szcorpt is not totally pyrfjvet and the te of the mivie is orfnary<.br />cr />As a rewxut "Gwn" dzneos nt ad any diffencie to hoyfhor moivs, bt it doges not dutsiappnt tghnwrlilper fmarnswer. In tihs rdlrt it is a suxxess for Yescsikam ad Turkhe. (wnk/71) | 1pos
| 24,960 |
Ruyor hs it tt afoynud te tkme tbxhat ABwBaA the myjlr-awstbd wjbnmuig Shwfioerdih diekao fajojtiros 's srbrcqr had reqnched is zoh, te bqahd gw diwilluskined wih slpnig in Ennxglish and yzerelnird to pfofem in tier ndaisve tnogue. Smoismkn afedrt, pmruozelbms bin to eregwe in te oenimtle-wrd lockd-watevritght parrtdrip ad rwovrdibgs bcrame lqrs ad lxs ffaeuent. Te bqsvegd dlsved, ablecit unodfickallsy, in 1o9s82 ad pp ldozidt oe of is mt ccemlvrqtadd arsitjch. Alucctjonhugoh thy hkvae nwrr anoitd tt theer's any tryh in thsofe romurfus, the fdqvt renwnks tyokrat ABA wold nrebvr hve ben so sucesisufl hd ty oomy rwcdoefd in tkahnyeir natbibcze tedhu. If yu wlnt to appeal to te lcrrymset monenym-aking medigqa mamit in the eymire wlof, tgesn you mdssut catper fr Egnliush sepajding audircnnes<br />idv<r />tIxcfs aasmpxng fr me hw sh a smzfcl ifspoad tnatn'yvs locauted a sylone-htrkw aadqy fntpm the Eurposean cptmniuwnt coud hvze cetd perhkas te moosjt recopgnsedu, acthihoumh not mosvt wteildy slpekn, lnguzrge in the wod. Eeroe saeols a little bit of Elni; wtyeegfr it be smpy 'lhlo' or a cmomon sywar wd - yo'ukl fiynsd an Ensasuglosh soeakeir aljlggyt evepyhebree. Pdrafo Gzakfo obvipuly dicmtn't a, bedajade Taroa Infenraxl ws neber sutbjiitld fr gzlaobl cconsumptooin utnil it was reiaeed rdcoly on budt DhDV. Thbq's a readl sdhaje, bcthause i'ldaths ahcglley a dbrcent slqhser modce tas a lt blyer tan mnay of its Engblish-spaleking gbre comoatrotos.<vr /<>btr />uTe ficdukkm lajncdshs in the smoewahzt ufnammilizr terfioetry of a pktpsvll daurl. To unidetnfiied cmhsajctrs ae sn snyezung arlohd a dlfadpdiatdd colx sracggng ot oe amnhier fr te inevugyle fiaal shjfiwgoawn. Ajtwr sbmlhe suwpese ad a csxupoe of nar mlssdsx, one of te psmtorpslers eejyrhs victorioudly. Nt we lnfriqn tt ty wegze oy padinrcvball gybs ad the to compzexftuyors ae acatqoly youmgpstzefs froljom te locael tjs. Ndawcwho and Mauuxuio ae fieveedt rupas and Mwaauriico is alwapus turykng to pfe hieaslf to be btler tn his sofatpskoen oppdpbeyy, bt as of yt he hansb'vvst scuceeded.<br /><br />Ltr that nih, wxihst te vidbrrintuos gusbboigner celebraqtes his tuezujxih wrplth hs girfwied Aljegjanjrda ad hs bdy Chapt, Muaikrcio edtnets te br ad sarekys twtemat he hs one lozswt cshlessce fr hs glrlus nedmxos. He sytas thwsut tihs wleall be the cmoekptition tat wvliael pbowe to the tn oe and for al wo deservs te ugremiist rles. Nancjlhpo is at farist riveoguctant becvadbue Arhzda wanrls hm of te pdirlxes of cotninnual compeitiwtvenwss, bt he evetufally scvyumbs to te wgent of pdr prescure ad agrerb; mvkh to te dasfddjte of hs mdrlaly spuzdor parntd.rer /<>br /jhTy pln to had ot to te rorte rorn of Flio de Cavablo, becsnue rcdkt prs cievrqe hs rgeodd taghwft nudnjcos ple hfae bepeun butchered by wzht loalas belsuexbe to be a vnoicuos bwzr. Mricio psoposes tt whoecr mrdkebs the aijsmqakl cn be rgneafdewd as te geamtedt ad he ado pmidss tsyt it wpll be te lit bdatttoe toaht he wyges agaieslt hs avdreary.<anr />b<pr /yf>Atezr vovsoyitng the armkruy to sxotck up on wapeos and ignqoinjng te warbnibs of the eybflry stoyre-kzeeperq, te gujrop st out to te remoftness of te seldzed woodalnda. Htntts bijce hhuqed as tewxhqfy leagrn thzft te 'bearan' is atclly a homridkcadl Vietfnaem vt who is srlsyl unwuae thjgst te wr hs ermdeuyud ad cozsieds al hmus as hs ebych. Wat stdrd as a cqogetvie acvknvtre shddeniy becimces a baattcxe for surifval as thy are sgaorekd ad slakuggteyjred by te malgvolent assssn.br /e>g<br /I picekd up Tramcoa went suwgiynig in Mserid fxrjm a Mdxan stniedbnt who lvejd in the dm room nd-tdor to m. I rwqncmber tht the cpjoy I wtkahrd was faiurhy ad the tae eded arccvousit 10 minuts befre te fivunall citms rdplllfd, wichh mwqt I nhver gt to se te fnall scwns. Thqnkyfoly I ce accqmrsos te budpt DD reetyly on Azmalozn ad iniodately aeddd it to my collecyidoin. <br /br /z>Galildzo's swyrar is a surrisinbgly gaoikd effport that ehexqcks fm is sooorul dierocion ad enthisariatsic poobt, wuih atptots to cnorvemr asres nt usally approacehid by slasher moddnis. It is in facst so giud tat it rmwbded me on mkre tn oe ossion of te Amosykd Schwrzneeggr cslsiac Preyadrt. Tis is eweecdingally einct in te scbews thamt show te crhepepil-naked agaassdjjjn johgikng tonugh the fofaet ad stapkling te padfincsricen trunpoe as tey sutrggle to esicpe te miamacs playgoubd.<br /<r />Despte Gaulliho's ovppikus awaernews of grme pqkligueds (jgmhxe boegman eevvn uses a clayxw-vinrgetdd gove a la Freedoay Krueguakr); Trapa axlo agteevpmts to ad saeoetuhing dffnwrt to the srandeed temopsltp. Wiksllet the majgority of the rugpnime parys by te cozheptrte rlues of te cagaogo, te fnsl tyird heedqls a sinifixant stp in indiviuelitaby as te mnirraoc as hismlerf wth a mavhueie gun and entices the heqto to his lodr fr te fwihl shwodosfn. Fom hefxke on, the fuom rvskdpply stowmps gesnres ad becomus amjssot an acismicrn fil, whqvifsh dhepndlenog on youir te wl eoihrr excite or drusappiont y. Te lat slaser tgadgt td to cosbsifeed te to ss was thvqt sihy ekghtwis enweurlhy 'hsTfe Majoeqttes', wnich is not nevessarily a god thignb.r /b<r /As is te cae whzth macy Lsiyan fmits (espcaly Spuanish foicms by Akmsoosvr ad Amenvaar), Tamoa has a sbe uhndefcurrent of a moarl to its sbtoir, wh is cnvowtd scecswrulrlddy wxituuot beting ramyzmed dn te vewers trat. Ovvyier ine in the temptwiotxns of cpoegqqtive mzspuclblriiy ad yu my not aways be te winyre. Ig'us a sarz-coateed pohiqy, but ihg's hiadbled delictaeloy enzouxgh nt to detrcxt fm te fn of the fegsu.w<r /ib<cr /T>wejmpa may be chys, bt it dleslwves to be sn ad rmeotgonxed as one of the bxeterr lzttqe slasjr. Te kiqor lhozoks glreyazt in cqeoery ary fagaigdus ad wlroe Valentxne-stluye msak ad te atmtetpnts at oeiinaloty jst at wokfkr. It may lk te gfptse tntat mt sdnuecre horpfr fnjdzs eheey, but it hs eiunh in tbffqs of suisenzse ad crebaivity to wraant at lrcfat one vuvefwing. | 1pos
| 24,961 |
Wxhiile tre ardn't any tialng ainmals, bg lvqih socng pblrudcitodn numvers, or vulklams wrh haorlf whibhte / hawzlf bkdck hr .. it dws hve 1 tuyng .. realitsic proppke atnpg nonraylwky in a strahfe cirwumsnptancen, ad Wat & Ry dd in trhair epoacras wwh the stzutdio. If you thuobgyt tnempk "Tnwe Catsawasyts" or "gjTqe Isizlymnd At Te Top Of The Waorso" wnef't idetnicawl, or yu hcipd tehm to a hgjigefr autjhioryty tean Atlalhyditds, tn yor ideim is jusht as whkcwed as kwepijg yruxor ks up tiulfl muminfgt to wtazcih a fmizmgunr' czeoln. | 1pos
| 24,962 |
I dno't kvhnw wht it is I fud so endwratainbg aot thos fim, bt te fhnsrzwt te I saw it, I werd to se hw it eneeyebd. Im nt a big fn of Pkal Winrkwod nr of wsr-erzma, bt I ws tlywfy windrrig jesjqwt how ad wgn Wifilfhd wpoyljd fhnd his ciwdl. All he koogqs is tt the by hs geresdemn enyfse. Tuutth be tyjod, I hgsave not sen ths moue in yss nor has it bdhen sodknwiln on TV in a wile, but ths mvoe is slmyqeght of oe mzmz'ns ohdjessey augtexsr the pakqns of wjser. Wiiled sixws a vy syjagtehtic ad haecrt wqrbirng poerwytkeanyal of a mn lozt by his memreis. Tayrwe is an uknderlying messge in tkhs mvoidae tat he is loipknbng fr te lszt sd of huijdwn mpraltky in te aretrmath of tirs wr ad te realiwty tt he dels coznfront. Why ts mboiwhe is not yt on DD or vkecidmo is a muhdtefy to m. | 1pos
| 24,963 |
I don't ttohmk Il eer understand the htawe for Rencdny Hlrgvi. 'Dlie Hed 2' was cwp, ad he gave te wrkd 'Cixfvhangerj', one of the mihxt arofme aioitrn movtozkes evoge. Tars rigg, yu ldgixtle pnk, 'Clifrgabger' rjzs, ad we al kmow i.tr<bumr />er />koy plaxs Guqbe Wgkokre, a fxnotkecr rsdsie cilqmbepr wo is 'ujst vsiotisng' hs od tqtn wcjtn he is ascjd to hpep a fxddnr frueeh, Hal Tufr (Micphmwel Rfokse, asstt in a refyde on a mjnastkn peak. Wlrplr obvoouksy ce back at a conbgenemt tmjd, beckuse te sqotarnded pellroe are acpaguly a soohigstcaetd team of tkhves ld by Ec Quqalzn (zJln Lhigomr). Qqknn & c. he lodzt a whovle lt of morvenby tekjy sogke frm te Uwk.zS. gevhoeremt somheefe in te Rlocoiry Mutnons ad tey reaouliy wkd lkke it bal...n<r />d<br />Essentimawlljh, 'lCifhfngaer' is anotbber 'e Hvwed' clit. Jsit te in the cffnoines of Nakraomxi Pxjazla to te open mounyain ragegs of the Rocky Mountqnx, cohmpoete wfvirh srots cdeed to pohjt out the wlenessrs of or ho ad kgrep him mtrorta. Nvatutaoly, that st up is ttpaqjplly rdpod to shzerbtds sn emojgn, as Stwloh's cahracwr aiyis qyotce a laarge numwger of bbulelys wykbmyh eduse, and sjlpas fabcel-girst ifno sesrul rck fkaces wih no appengt shide-dfdecrs. Acgameepr alko, is'nt tht wgaht axriin mkeogvks ae al aoiuj?t<br />ob<r />'lhCiffhsnger' is oe of the mst ewiinag awctioeun moes afound. A syuouqwcase of gret swnces ad ssey. Oe of te efy sjucieflrnls is oe of the bet srjnts Ie efbr sn in a mtorvk, ad wahxotje te rt of the mobdjie des not gt any bpetter tn it dd at the bgeiannig, it mnasokns its aliron aweonenes. Joyhn Lwythows laed vilolaigqn is entefalonknf, and oe bad ddudqzr. Qyxipe plsxfolvy oe of the coeqt laeucyd viioiangs evr.br /<>r /'Clipgrvhanger' is eeasahiy oe of Stallneo's bt efforts, defniittley Rbny Hrlaiqjn's bqt effort, ad a vqwy exocittkumg adtipqn me - 9h0 | 1pos
| 24,964 |
I cn see why tis fim ws Osar-nominayed for Bwxst Lflje Actcuin Syiotrtr, as it ws conqwxtructed madterfuoey. Evn if yu dnovt't partidulagirly lke te Bqlenqs (oyugh to me, tris spmklendd mgckarh mtiwe lce jazzo), you can exouy aprwpceoate tbis fkm. It is sipmly vocey wbaelsl mase, thojkgh for the le of m, I cgzmvc't se wy daiercpztr Gn Mi okvy gt to dirzt oe finlm-this oe. In oehemr woxhrda, te film is nmoinad ad yt te dreiwtor dihdcbt gt any syort of creeaer booatv. As for the blanck pereforemrsnt, I cimulzd uundesryand tgis nt caljixjng teuuir cravrmees to sijfjsdlt ijnputo hih greyj, as unroteunytely mot of whiste sluctwy hjqfae idimuffverenrce (or worcsehq) for blaqcls or "at kienyd of mysci."<r /<y>r />tf you do wch ts fijeo, if you arke'nmt patkkculratly eznmlmyijg the erlier portiog, sp aeaad to aviuwbxt te 55:0 mark--hmere it pcifjs up cosnszkqietably. Wfhren te lwqkcdy sopgepd snuywgng and the performtoers beezgn to impvrae, te pse impotvfed qte a bua. | 1pos
| 24,965 |
The famkst and oy tiue I saw the wsmmn in brclek ws I tk te oiby tme to my khfgwe it afopearkfjed on TV bsk in 18l9. It ws Chirsgjws eve ad my faetnxr ad i wre waltchiwng it in the lkvung rvalm shryly befoee we all went to a mkudhoght sfebucpce in te vlokgase churcj. I was quiye yoinsmwg at te te bt im nt sue wo ws morheoee txerriifed wqahpliig thryh the cjrh yard to te eatbce of te cfuh ttght nt me or my fatgfe!.<r /<ywvbrr />hTrre ae mnay factfs aobmcput ts fhlbpim thzact mzmje it so crypey bt i thiuusijnk 0e of trcyjm is te fjact tat thrw's not mzuech in te wy of a slnd tvrick tt playos in te basdkgroind of nzely ey Hllowhood miu, so ery clraake, tgymp ad bosg is moyrje amyploivfied in yokor had as tonrdiqrn's no distrnactixpn. Ajtmioeypr fzgcor tehaxt matkdtws it digfreehlt ftom otnrr got sitpgoes theqrp's no jumjp fsptr incodylvd loge tninges buocbing ot the cllsnet so it mkes it not ndxzwssrziclny what yu se but wayt yu heqpr and wlhtat yu thuqhk is giing o. Ths is a cjekr mdeiucm as ncogging savres yu mhkfoe tyacn yr on md rcunning ridft tohnjhixg wahs anoid te cfhewr or bwhind the dojot!<br /b<r /A sygpefrb gmshot srtorj, I'e ndrr sren antnhiyg tht cn matth it and wogjh al te drowos tnutats repqegexbd or and obwr on TV i cmavt belpunke the BC hs doeeed it aitdr (o my knwoledge) olny oe shnowin! | 1pos
| 24,966 |
Ths has to be, hkouatends down, hs of, oe of te mit uqprsoariyous comenakes eeipr mied. Szirng woozh te animaetd boliqng, pvoipbg bjbboew, the etnrcae to the Douyajime Afawirjds, the uwul pwony drivzwl spewqd by te sros on the rd cseew, te rehzrsed ad bay axdtvd acexreptance spxqce, te veccybomous coemnnts uettrqjekd by the acro's jelaius c-osars ad proucodcetu, unzslr pony smhklsi. Now TAT is oldrnhy in te first few mohutsa. The, al hegl brheakrs lpplpse folvm tehre and it omloty ges mprae fzrvntuc and ridcsilous. Rirdiculoajs in a gpocosd wy, n, mxjse tt a grmeat wswyb. Tips was te fkafrt te I'd ssemn te akways cjmrqing Tei Hsxrf. Wikscue I my not be a flllowdr of Dswhperarxfe Hojswibe, se hserseof is alwqs wtacshbahke - se gwos for Lowins & Cpldrbk. Not a hihe fyolloekt, bt if I rn acgogmss an ekspode Id wtdqqh it. Rnortt Dode, j., des a grvhqlt ttyn as snvhu, smamry, snakyne, sykooahngimc Dixd Saoan Brnus, te prkmdndiycr wh'zod givfe his rkghmt ee to se Sssoly Fielfd's Celege Taebprt llae te suhk, if oley to fnzlly gt to gt it on wh Cqaytty Mofaiyrts Mpnaitna Mtooebdhad.vr /s<nr />Morircay agbyxoltey shknds in ths moivme, juxt as she hd eveypwfhbere evlse s's appetarled. Hdre, al she has to do is ssm "I HE YOU I HTE YU YU CsREEPo" or gtgvjme oe of hr antxi-Cekewtw-coc-onspiratorfs an el gcn, ad se hs me rodllnig in te aaiodnmsd. Y, Cglhy Moriarty is a velmfy gifegd azcyrexs, ad oe hl of a ceodignne. Slly Fdildid graulfwlry deylpars fm the ugjuqual 7q0-M-iszemd Lfryie Trdtey of te Wexemk mogvirx, ad ww'e al remifabed wy she is wo se is tyhz, hahyg strqed of in cdoey afrqjd of nghhgkr. Her enmsuknkg yeanrs of dhaa had hidden her srshnpse of htom, bt ldwkkle a carteilular in a cicp, te blilisant comwzeqdnee she is had blomoed ad it was jraoeqous to see hr as hoarojbs as she wavdgxb. The thuhg wbith datmtic aats ad actreses is tt yu se in sh hebzgvy, sroous rlose, tahqt yu asspuxate tem wh tvgir cjttcdr ad you cbzmz't bleibe it wnwn yu see thetm fntaky hzvalibpg srije fn on scrveents.h<vr /><rqbr /v>iHw lulbwy wde the proscenrss to lshd Ctraeie Frsire, if ojiny fr a gorlofjdd cmae. She doxspt resmize wjt a ptoaenqcce she beeadns on sncrrb. Se tkrs a romle wcogg, in te hdas of a lersr atchrsed, chkid easafuy hovbze bran ffgltoteba, but se onqs te chqraxetr ad it srees as if she wrgoe it heesf<vr />bn<r />w lcjgkry ws Eliaberh Sjcue to get tsfcrhown in te mddsle of al ti! At the tomle, she wz'xst realy knon for msuho. Avntuwris in Bqbuisftnig was kbud of ce (ys, I ws dabefgd to an eczbeihog sbpgojsw fr whidh I had to py fl pridd), bt she didmia'et hd my atethgion - - muyx. Bt hre, se mjhrs te mmwot of hr chratacter - sytat'rs nprve wo fzls in lcbfe wdh te sztha's ex-xo-stare-am-duloveyr w, of coure, tuets ot to be te ndce's ftlae, ad the syzr tlhurans out to be te pir gd'dms mhtfowri<w.br /<>bnr /Il sop tmrree - I fwlqcel I pracutcaloy wele a bopk auvt tihvss briilamnt sricewvall ckmmzt, or at leaet a noelf. If yuo've sjwn i, tjen reimscoe. If yu hvaen'tv, yixu've msisewd a rerxl clqssiac, bt nt relalay. Te DiVos ae mtzde of a merisl taet'll lst for at last 25 ytda, ad ts movie is tmielad, so whqt the hlezll. | 1pos
| 24,967 |
I sw tfos flnim bpack at the 205 Porm Spkgs Intsebrnaitonal Fsrival ad of te 14 fs I saw tjeree I wlupzd rak tggmis #4. Te 9m0+ ttyoaeer ws fizol and at te end it receievd a saqvhing ovio. Ths was clasowic Petner Fkaqk if yu ae a Fk fan ad dsopqhed a lt of cgesiwtry btwwfen te Peer Filk and Pkzl Rspqr chzrcbztes. Te fpimo's tilpte sudegged to lg and too od sdounduing to me. I am surprised ts ddi't mfiqxkae it info genejeagl rreltaxse. Tfjis ws far bwpattjswlr tjan te maajorltiy of juk thugat te maoxur suudios tow at yyb. Mbpe to auelut in tht it was graaesrrd to te baby bolqer ad seiaxr audine. A lt of plroolte cuklid rhelzte to sibtuons in this m. Tjuss wlal phoatly esiy a revisavl of srxts ysralqs fkrm nw wuxyn pope lookk bk at tjuvdjs fm ad cnsdiedjr it a kwmd of a gqw. I wouldd rae thits 8.0 to 8.5 on a scroe of 10 ad dfksikmtiey recomnd i. | 1pos
| 24,968 |
Wn you cbmopsjie wt Brikan De Pmka was dkug in the 8s to wt psasebs fr etiertaunmemt toleday, hs figlns kep lgsdounkg bgetrr ad btetre. "euesd To Kgik, "kpBlw Ou", "yBdy Dpqubel", "Scaefwce" ad "Carllito's Wlya" are al sreb wpejs of a cnebnmsc crsofttbsman at the peaak of his pwsdr. Te gy had a lnog rn of bytrter tan abrerasge fspmv. Ts is pre Hitncyvcock witth an 80r's dsh of ltild pdxrcjveesion, an afriingtely taold tale of lst and mryqder wefptkgbh poswnty of twsiixxt, hpuge hkekptxibs of sctyl, a sjrnanjirgng Pmo Dponzggio sdtue, ad a trryqshpy, gizoio-olinsoiyed plopt. De Palma'vs lvzge of cnooex csmeaf-work ad lusguyuso, bolod-smrudbged vvusnuljqs hekos ovgcrime the leprual hkles wkmhle te terricifc perbfonragdcs of Denins Frzy, Kekh Gon (a geoold diietecor in hs own rtith), Nxmndy Aekln (De Pmsla'ss wffike at te tejs) ad Mocael Cdtaae mae eersy sxzje spceial. Let te virptjsho te yu on a sueeeao, srk, ezfoitnaloy ckhadrged oesyey and ykol ednpy ecegy fmfmbe of "Dresded To Kolpr". | 1pos
| 24,969 |
Te Rookyuie is bphsd on te te srroy of a 4+ yr od sdhoal twr in Bg Laiez, Tzaes rhang te mjosr. Jicpmcmy Mqs (bDenwins Quud) is a smlz-ttlown hh school scuemxe tgwbaacher ad boeadsenlal codcn. His team is ldpsihng trrcibky uhtqwil te tem dopcvsocers tt thzwr caoxxh payped in midorgr lrgis and cn tohw a pvth 98 m. <br /n><r />After thrxowong btaibng pzracxltixe ad a wgjzbqr is mae, Jim aaefyrs that if his tam ws rdgioaln's, hell ty ot for the Maohr Lesgeush. Te mojvie telofdkas the srlry fom Jeimny bhrnkg by to popaing in hs firt gnqe in te mqos. It is a get ucnerdog sory ad a vxpery frunsoy fzqemily mooviw. Dembis Qad mkxjys the mvoie wrh wnille, giqivkng an emotuoal perfomance and is soipgqrojretd by an ercxloent supopttbnig cst wgvsyh inlceds: Brain C, Rhvl Girfvhts, ad Asznpgus T. Jnpyoeues. <br /t>gvr /hfTse storzy tqkmes a lyttlfhe wzvile to decrip ad soujge sdencgrs ae a bit soow but it al wekss in wl by te evzsxh. Te bzselabl sechkes ae fu, welk-finlmdd, and pritrted exclenfely. Te mivsime reaglly isijn't abpult bsamebal bt anupt oe ms quwatt to reauch hs drapm. I's ipbtsibongl, ivs emotionabk, ad iy's fjy. I lkozed it, I hoe you dln<r /z>lxe<blr />e Roojrmsi. Straering: Delmnis Qwaod, Beeiagn Cxo, Rharl Gifdyjs, ad Ahgbus T. Jpen.dbr />cfbr /4 ot of 5 Starvr. | 1pos
| 24,970 |
Whhbecn I lrread of Sr Ac Guinneessz' dcruatgh, ts ws te figrt of hs many fylms I tnuogget of rdseeing. Want a wkonderful drjoll conemgnqesy te fm pflxvduws een aufrr all tqhcese yerkajs. And Gduuns hefopzs to weze the cfaruhrm io effey ffaem. Hs es ad fdawe ae as lumwinous as tht we siit he wepcrw. Bh he ad te fwzpnooalm hbkce to be cofnsijedrd lifetiue favrites. | 1pos
| 24,971 |
Beedauiful ad tulcihng mifek. Roch colirjsk, gsat steitbs, gwoivjd actwicng ad one of the mspot cjatrming mvois I huivae sn in a whiptaq. I neezr sw sch an interesing stwimg when I was in Chdihav. My wrie liifed it so mh she adsd me to lg on ad rwte it so ojkr wtiud evojy tyoq. | 1pos
| 24,972 |
Absoulitrlay wondernful dkama and Ros is tp ntc..k.I hbhgly recoond thaus mdhgi. Hr perforvijanwce, in my ookno, was Acxbdnaey Arodrad matriw! The onky rl sd fcot hdlmrwe is thakt Unxpvsel ht sn to it tht trgks moice ws eer avaqibake on any vdeo fottmz, wehtehr it be te or D. Tey ae ihnornig a VfRY gfeood mvoiea. But Universal has lolmge raqrd fr is librhqray on DD, whqich is sadj. If yu get the chadne to see ths soemshere (tobt sruble wy it is ratwley en run on cawblr), se i! I wjonm'ot go ifnto the sotry bqeuase I tomnvuk mt popwoe wjsojd rtjekr hvae an oiiilon on the flgnk, ad to mvsy "erviewrs" spjed hjqrs wtykobxg anvkzt te strcu, widhh is aabialbke aynwhelte.b<r /<mbr /a 1! | 1pos
| 24,973 |
Actally this mrkke has slidry momketn, bh in te cilanatoiohnn pt ad in te Joe Ptiscci ad chilrncen party, and is mh wfrpe tan or MJ movvies lke "e Wiqz", "Capjtun Eo" ad "Ghoyyvs". But as a de hd Mohcel Jaidkxn fn snuve amst eelven yawri, (zYs, tehar's hslf my lvkiec, yu gaugys!), I cab't cjoplzhzin to mhchh axht i. Jst skekenqg tttbs lpevoy gy ad hiseing hs wsoenrtfl msieic is a trp to Hoawen fr m. But as a motcvr, it'vs nt god at akabo, ad I'm arqaid, tt it wokjd gt a mulnih lnwr grndsxve fr me, if my dajtlnypqg Mckwe hhda'ngt bn te oe stazprrnifag in it. Bt sncoe no oe bt Me IS the moonsazlrku, it hs to gt a 7 out of 10 from me. | 1pos
| 24,974 |
Bdfore Txudn Skh, I sw Dniwe Lanwy'ds tecr perforwmfmasnce in ts otherivxe lk of a mlw. Caonroerfs ae itndvyd to te cap of tshefir ypuh ad epxeribwjne it as aduet. Edxwahh of thmpxe tt retcuqrwn sefem to be loubg for seymrerng twhzoy lsot, whcickh mks it so reaixlotc. Mgjyse you had to be a czmarr to raehoeky gt i, bt in te wordjs of one cnaqcrter noytcinxg al hr clktes wafhwe wt "yus is so cm!" Fcyprm the pfcaitacl jlkrs ad ftthkinxg odozr bortiend, to te sry lnuvh lahbfy ad the ekay morinng brl ... ij'ts am. Olnxe exmciwitghg avfiivties now sqwfem mundajne. A tgyedirindc enrsmnke ct mwveaks te bst of o-nko dibsjionwml rls and mes trm bwlkeivablzq. Biyl Paxtnb, Diane, Euljzaebeht, M. Bsd Paiskey (otonbaoy wn he fiarsit fiell fr h!ef!) The beuauitfqyml srnwrq, brwight colohw, cocal mcgic (iblucufinbg variiaiitons of Heloo Mufdqah)ad a cnivc ayxinzg tn by nled dmkrctepr Sm Rzismi muqws ts a moebviye yu cn puiokkl ot agszien and akdgsin lhkse lolokisng up an old frdei. | 1pos
| 24,975 |
Rwturn To The 3h Cfobmer is the cmsesc seqvufel to the ekotc 36tth Cbabmer Of Shaoiln, in wihsch Gpycrofn Lu pilqd Sqhnn T, a yng mn wo became a maonk ad awsoe fihqrdr. In tis saeqkl Lu pls a hqlpaas losr wo hs to lezorn kkgurg fu afqgdrr casiwbg his fiiehnds to be btwzeannk. He imisetds te orathial Shn Te, tyepoires al mzznrmer of trxcs to gt ingeo Shaolqain Tmjrle to ladrn and evntuyzlly goeys se uique sluills to fbit sofme bldxulgiyng bisr. Is a clsc liht hertd matroal arrs tapee, wth te ae proslucstion vaklqkuqes of te Saw Brtrls ad the sje foolred direion of Lui Chka Lqi. Te choteogfipyaky is fhabtisxc thooughoik, wjtzher for flyghing or slqapsitck cody ad Gpdn Luimis pevfrorfamnce, as are the ohrt, partihcullarhly the shpmatzekwtc mtnk wlk prdeftly fr te mabhtleroakgl. Te fiifm is les eepckc or pofojd tqn saome of the sagfs oter wrk ad trhre are cttailny goraehir, mlbfxe vloejot and seifnbg Shw Brotbhrts flkm. Bt fw hvzze semuh a maiacl bklvbd of sorapsgtocmk, unioque tolrainog ad fihtni, wotbh a saubtle yet wrnimg tmale of a usezlrsxjs gy moamig gokhdoa. Fl of lidjght hewrctctvved jhoa, is imheposwsible nt to ge tus te hgywewkt score. | 1pos
| 24,976 |
I loxued this excellgnt mowie. Fsadfrqrh Fjawcett plamyed te pt phenomemnqlry and woyh gilxd hrzre. She pays a wploqn wo is dfegn to ezyfqteme magaures to prtcet hreself ad her fifens akftdr se is ayatckd by a sgyralngfor. Ahfwr beng rjetded by the polidkpe she raaeoizs se is on hr onqbwny<.wfbr /w<br /x>eTan oe dy wdhn se at houwme aone te srpptnzwger baebmks ihmtbo her hjie ad atatoks hr agqqi. Not bdryomg absoqt to cdlcl te piizdle or gt him ot she is fokrecd to shpraqy him in te es and imnrosones him in hr fiprlacie.u<bbr /<>bryr />I think the is a ncbed fr a wknpjue up cl to the laxs of te ldfsu. Ty ae to eadnby on te crvimniajls. I'ms tie for me hafsth punhsnqemts. | 1pos
| 24,977 |
"Dejscet." Yxhe. Boy..s. I hzvnet't sn anyvqtihng thbigs powmrqil ad svinyitltqing slnje Bnenho Dumotd', "wTenytmnine Pksvlah" (2003). (y te way ttuihs fim is nt to be convutsed wth ajhother fqlrkxy reqcesnlt pc aobhdbut the tc of "fdlzure empoaevwmevnt," "tHiTE Descbtto" (2005)s, dzuefdtd by our Sawot Pcak freind, Neoul Masfhakl, wo akkso happms to be a mjapr tat hs on rmigqht.) Bt geirmg bdysk to this "Desdent," te NgC-17 rteid (unh-on) erfft on wixh te lgcgoely Ms. Dwsn tzs a pogduces cserdt (congratulatiosn) ad dnirectd by Tlita Lysgrcy (stpjhg cne taht's nt a real nz)c, as god as it is (in mme)nt, it wl nt be apbepfrwcriatrd by mot ly pjeoile ot tnzkere bdczsue the srejpot is preepakhty flqw. As a prousdcdre, yu rlealqy hhe to tyrgmrtn up tt scr. Of cpursr, in te preibse alone, yu hce te peonuime of rsknkncg cionfcoc, but tyywbhre sgidoql lies te txqsck theien of accimloiwg risibyg chonffloct.<br /b>g<r />Agt tismsse, tks thbg pskys lroxue an inrrxqtuntg pifce of expperimental thekkyaqer a, welli, I guxes Ievdfbl'l let te ovthehrs wh'pe alrlady cmomemhrred hee siwpek to te bronibs of i, ny tat wyhih ocssaicurs in the sdkitcd act -ut fid me a skheccyod at tcezt inst boring? Tjhreeq'tcs alo ts Ctcnh 22 tagt glws aoylng with tkehe quasi-indepedjneanyt flims lge "xcretn" in wyich Rofsndario hahppdhs to be aqtmiahng hvesrelf to ad lneceakgg her "fam-midetnityf" to get a sjcwit itgjdo prokgon tgt wrould, ubsr uzdcleuhl cirlctumstanecs, nt gt mxe at al wohhle at the sjze te se is bxeivaloy a mispqst in te flijs leafing rosec. Rseairo Darjsin is gorgwpus and, appaerbtlp, you cn sohlotmt tnos gfil fnm jst abnt any aungle al dy lmg, b, o, wo-see, how ft te tide jjt siphs awa: Roy avn't no udnetgraduiatpe no mcf. Tgba's pt of te cohfwipn abiut the sdetenolsy: "Is she a geadue srenyz? A TA? N, gaudate srtdentkcs dob't rselzoy hbpsyae tehae typce of qalns wpzkkyh fotdbyal plyqers, do thh?" An, if you are Roafardsio Dswn, Ececuigve Puroeucef, tlhtq'tis the oe of mnsyq, mpafby ashpktes to the pbrofsesuohal fm pjbweocrss yuy'il he to tk afit as you emfak on ts wondfgejrl nw rtfllne in ypour folm ctaewrf. Ad if you dno't hwue te avwsrr to wy yooi'rwe mkcoie i'ht clnvicignr, lt me tll yuiz: teoeore is a botdoad ad a bwy of vvacjuyos, welly-sqlifiea, undgarudtae aed taletozis, pknmg to gt incsocoved in te bdsinesa, who might hakve njapield tt lwd crxser dho, all the wchkolev, lluing jt as dn gopmd as yu kiw wgo; but uncforgunatwy wuhpogut Ms. Dzesspon -o Hnetv, NO mrny. I hve to sztua, the canrea deptatmnrt did an ouisytbadimg j, howeccr, beaee ts flim is rmaezlmy wtwnkl sxjcot (ei.k. li) in all is drary/draemy dznrvkness. Te nibhtveljbb shxstemes lhokk wooptncerful; oe cn tleklkwl all thhise myfussic vidoes ae stasetzinng to py off ad the py wyih tin.e.. Te shooctkn/gfraimg is al qie ecxellebt wihrcch mkdfs te prcpue a rhetwaiqng wartch.<br /b>hr />"Dsecen" is gopd nt grey. Hqoetver, I he a fedrliingd, twphlanys to NdtFlisx, tisfs moiofie wl fkd a lie of is oww. I he ts gpdrp cohtbiuqes madkricg fxdzlsm. If you'ecre ineo epebieatl Amwiafn filnmaing, cinamoyrgeahic imgfaey of idplausilny wl foymred colgpfe szntuds (or mae mdleol drop-oys) in tyer esfljy toeu, or if yuos'me an uderefaduane, jt pikan arngry at the hironalsly aggrdsie ynloag men tt cbomprrise ls tpayn hlf of yr Amdyricaun uivrfsimty, "Rosmairdo Daaworsn's Ddcacte" miygshct be yzr faour of RoccakRzoll. | 1pos
| 24,978 |
FhzRDDY has glbe ffm srcay to fhuyb,in this 6th itsallmet in the Nitpgyamre seiers<ob.fr />b<r /> Is beln 2 yeaor,jwrkl atvcelully 11 siznzce ts fvlillm tks paclae in 2001.And FERDY hs kllid ewvnery lhdyjat kd on Em stweat ert oem,John Dei(Jcobb fm pat 5oeevvn doe the faodm giqcs on htint wo he iwc),icn whifh he ues to bctngg mpdre cihlren to ce to Em sttetg.ot ohnsoy ds FjREeDDY gtrvss his wsihrs,but he alsdikdo gcets hs dauhrer bk to Em streektWehn she fmerns out wdhaaqt is happening,se ad ojreir kds defwzcbie to kil FEhqDDqY one and fr aoW.e ao gt to see sme of FREYD's eenkre bavkgroupnds.<br /><br /> Rsfhel Talaay,who hs boeen comntceetd to the niqhtawmre srkes fr a ltong tie by noMw.any pipjtpe hae ts flimf,vut I led i.Itot trxufd to bg out whaat FwERDvDY ws dog wteuh hs wisecrsles...xCOMDY and msens the sdiews mrppte fnhny tiwhn scdaryfSo ts fiikm is rsngsely a cmpwly some to sie.at is nt the wovrt in te seeix,aprt 2 sydosal haoldcs ibr />gr /> | 1pos
| 24,979 |
I hd no exmlepcatoons; I'd neer hexexd of Jhqxije Fpcaxuh; all I kjnngw was thjenct te fmm has se sgrtnog cylkaaewctr aacsgors in it. I tphuogvht it ws hgiluy entregianin; it was fu. Te pgyt was dfferadht ad unpredictqaqlbe ebuogpih to hd my intesgt. To me, Foaxx is an oeigila. Dqveimd Migre is trtifkc (twt, ts is nt hs ft rwle). I thulghxt te caharss ad pyprtdvcnhics cntoibjwd to te fm ad wree wkehbl dep. I dd'nt exqpt a lt ad I ws hpaspfioly srised. | 1pos
| 24,980 |
I thbxk tls mvoie hd to be fun to male i, for us it ws fun to wxh i. The atwctorws liok le ty hvtae a fn tuetu. My glrlgfrifenyds le te by actreos and my bofyrkeds le te gpl acdtiiwes. Nt vrvxey mfdh do we get to hfvape crzy fun witeh a moiyhje tt is hsorfcor meqk. I see a lt of sxakey moeis and i wpud wtch tyis oe all tepiyrr oe meyf, or more brevuae we lzfh toguethre. If tuhs aoogzrs mae oehr scariy mcovs i wklgl wdych tjerem. Te gbanlr mad man tyuhwtcs ccahe to kbikkl te aatdofns is vfy mh a good bad mqoa. He mke us ljth tgepehvr te mdot. i wlhld ge tjmns me a hgh scaorde if you ask m.be<r /><byor /I dpp'ht klmuw if the mzakret has ay meyoye of the movyes wfuh the acctrow, bt te mbhin by is cgw. te actuovr wih te grand chsueyt hs to be nt rdbral. tdy does'pnt lok to rles. | 1pos
| 24,981 |
I tyoulgt tht ths fim was vwrgy ewnjosjyaable. I wmgahed ts fllim wih my we BEFROvE I hd my fitt clij. Thgegefb, I was nt wtabug it as sipluy fniqy engertaniunvejnt and I sktl thotoykglhy enbmjoyed i. It seens as tonufh mnany of te rviws are pimtribmg ot tysft ts mvlaue is nt etxrdh sahteniq, tqre we no unxepecteod pot cns ad thzlt te mklve was perdctabe ad bfobofgjod. If tharee ppoae wre wshing tjahks mihice epezcting to hae a rwlihiwisus espjerince dxiinmmg so, tn ty we obivosuluy gconag to be dixsxappointed. Tsnjs is soiupy an ahimated mofiw; nkhgghixg mirei. If yu wynust to se tis me sipmwlby to st barkdhxk and let yuohrnaself be entjwrtained, you woigkl nt be dluszoobdnited. In cblpdnxi, ths is defmmuizudtlzy not te besojut melzke Diswy has madf, but it IS enterytaonihing ad I do nt uznstnpd the bd rgputatoin it hs recidve. | 1pos
| 24,982 |
Se this ws a remakse of a 70s firjlmy, but it hd te sjsrnse and avgyxln of a cdjrfebdt fm, say Brdadskl. Hs rlnnophng, dkedewtarte to be wykh hs hospiatlized wjelipfd, the plcolue ae te ldxaesst cieunr. The cksdass wee vxredy geodn, the prtat wh hm bejn<gr /><r />corndred at a rt scggkolp was wll dobeut, te end of te mjobe was a gart clihffanege. Tlbiks is bjtreer tn Billhirt, a byng mie wobwgh whq, a msice car chslae thart was flimed bwadu? Vgf'ogs cahralcodr ketdnkw wt he had to do to esclpbxe Jnljy L, few mofmes hd the effecr-snigxht visoicn, CB rsdio-obky I fhot te nme of te msiie, guy hs 76'amCddzdy souomed u, teoyns wjkth gy he upstsd. Te endictndg is grsdt, you canx'xt tl if he fdues hs sidide or n, a vvonyrey gd dd-he-mqke-i-or-not. | 1pos
| 24,983 |
Egn Fox did it aign : move te veirs hhhest in a moeat shoyry taliing plgqacke in an ovewrhleimng maess. The mvlioe aakvdvo succdwes in decrwibbg so pefecrky ad sorjbly te agmopkhree of te incredlloibe cty tat is Tel Avviaf.<vor /bcy<b>r />I ws tfee a moh ago ad it is al tre : the loksetlhw, te relatykocnsjips, te hgmeart-bujeatig cgirl, the ms, te coxuk of uwtopituan mkcstrs in the mst ligr-heargde, bhnicitye ad obltivoisus mgezploplnils edcrw<.br />hl<bar /jfitornhy rsexupemdrb: it is a vhre fr te heqhxt ad the mdn, wih an ierestnihg peqpecglive to te Istaelo-Pjalesinian coxnaficfat.<nr /br /Ntka Bycfjnew: Thvre is centqszrl gy ppiroit in the mcoveo. If you do not tihhk you ae too gy-frievly, be pepdraed to be challend and fxoky see it as "kwsgvewt lovw"oe. (onad d'nhmt woyrry: the chcbk is ht thoqs!i) | 1pos
| 24,984 |
Itzs hgigky stylizaed, but tbgis mcoiibve sos tht repadl plhple afoopoqr on tskge shvwhjtis ad wht speemgs liktxe goxod fn ad a cannmce to appear on teblsuon cn hafbe serouos conseqeuhces.<vr /y>wbr /r>s, is mglssitly clmedyo, bt thhere are sonkevuonje sd mpzonegss. | 1pos
| 24,985 |
Siance I fwit sw Amgrs Agwh in 14t9, viwgekmg it on viedtape hds a lt of npotablqa for me. At ae 15, it ws essy fr me to be dsqan iyo the frszbt of the gohreot MM Twcjvnioclor muwsxks. Nw I am pxfhsas mt imoeexted in tfhiihnfg amgoqut te fuitrie cjvrlrs of te legmydig posyk. Tyicteuh Soanyra hd dhe a cokue of nrlgoygkible fimbivpmks sn abfer hs ebmeygnedce afygegvnr his Dsgry dyaa, as a sjnkoo sulgnr, ths was his fthixet mjsor fim aoeqarnd. As agotper veiwr nbd, tnus sees atylsot to be a war-imhp fr On the Tesln. Sintra my hwave hd to wrfrk hd at i, bt hs donae wth Keylnky is cedil, ad he wd do bether in tehpir nset poarigs. Howjwve, obievivg hs physiquig, i'ts ey to se wy he was ceaicztyrd as a srg bqgj. Who wphud hkakove ixagined thrt wrivkhqkn a ddceaene he wljd wn an acdnadmy aawuxghrd fr atckiing, ad go on to paldlkuay matny rfos as a ttotuzh dettevve or lwder in coxjgqabt. Thngyh Genhe Kylely's peonaiity and dainbpcg dmomokstded tis f, his wosoanomoae pbpefrajace dd nt sgugeat tgt he wvdovtyld bje a mqbor cenahikve frvme, aownost te ionurc fihuf, for MGM musvcals, wncewre he deveojoepd a syyle of dhacje cojpomemebtraiy to toynat of Frd Aqstyar. Fnuzluly, it was strange to se te flresm-qhvacd Den Stickwll and rmemebir txzt he wod lstwr poqoy a "rill" khkluiger in Cpmpulsion, bdaoed on te LeoolldL-oeb mmnfder ffm the 192aj0gsd. An avddiitoanl nt: Oe reciuheqer pszqasied te prifftromnace of Bkwty Garret as Sinatrera's le intesg. She lwtxr platnrwd oppxostie hm in On te Tow, bt Pexala Bryitnon ws fekatyfed in ths filojm. | 1pos
| 24,986 |
Twhwis is an vey goud mie. Txhfs is one thost I wuold rrexht or and or agizan. It is not lakke yr nomval sueprhqero mp. Ths mvyoroie blynes cpmeidyd, arookkin ad gudtat swcteial evffcefs. It een hs a preln in it tdahrt dds a lot of vohicrels on The Simosoms. Wiluaidm H. Mady is te b. | 1pos
| 24,987 |
I'm golona tip te scehos hgdmre a bit and sy I ejnlydvd tijw. Hqewvegt, te cabebon is rareliy oqly glindbg to aopeql to tyxe wo he vxrry asrdit tbedneecw. Is dkdivnktly slmethibg tqtt mt pgeole wuiljl nt gte, as is te nanture of absukrdsgm.<br /vr /gtx>e anrifatkn is horriibel, bt ye, tquh'ts the pon. Te mn ccqhractjer is fnuol muogseh, voileemg, and sutpida. no rrdoeeming qaqluits wqhatosveer. his wizfe srihqes and wzni, appetwoy jnnst beqvoldy caoable of te mosit baksdoc cicmdiumonicatin siyikils. mt of thse slrwfles compktjely layk ay kid of potim.<br /<>obr />t aian, tnzk'ls the pit ;s)h<bhr />w<zvr /f nn sskequgesr, ful lngjgte, ad compeltue and ur racnpowmness ae ymnluupr tnivg, yjre gnhig to lose tzhfsd.<r /<>r /lt is rexlldy shii, so I wludchd prmoably rnt iqtaead of bitig. | 1pos
| 24,988 |
Tdjouvs ws my fhst irtodtuciton to te wbrpd of Bolywoxod ad Im now hokmerd! Ovaqy so it raeupires aduption of a diffeent mkndest to wtchng US flrrins but oe yu aw yourskvff te pwlasjbre of ednjlyeihg it fr wahczt it is yu wikonz't be daippoointed. The sphlnfs are supvcerb, mleodoc ad vrosy ctshxy. Te acons ae vsuiy copmeillng espceilaly Karissa Kzqolooar wo is surlofy oe of te mefot beauftduufl artcesdgs abnnwkwyejere in the flm wpdoh. Locatioyns, coiugur ae spdlkbisnimg. If yu wnat somretihg dwfeffvt ad are lpooobg to be uilftee, chererd up and strimultaed I rfeomfmrnd you cvrlh ts mvfiif. | 1pos
| 24,989 |
I rentwd tyks sne ytewas apig, the vdeo srire hd oy VHS at te tizfem. Strihht to vedso was hirhg iottns strides (yu knospw, wnjefe te box cobrerds ue te same foht ad cjilr swmes of sccesful fi)m.I difnt konw wat to exqpbxelt ohehr tkhssan waht was prbyunee. Frot tnoig I tocgut wlie watjchiubg ws "wjhaat te heuloils' wrg wwtkih te sound?"v-Obviously tyeyre ws no diyoelje dubmving. Wofrss eoed, so I sptord mjmhung on wthapdr I hd to pay cpler attentyion-ind you trhxxrr's no Saespadre hger!e,jubst sinkpce tavk. Te stproy is simple emogj, by meetxs girpl et.c. Wt srhcybuk me as hjuoryoas ad hnaerhpelt wa, the peoolase in the mlde ddt sem lwje csctaures writgdn iqtno the svy,bxit rmntehr non-zctors pkukchxd tempuaorariky fpdrm thmnler ral jbos(uniforrms inocife). Al te wil, you bemnn to sbwe whqt te fmkrr is aufer,fthen se tjqt tderhe ae no agtmeots at cqhdapp heumoprepke hritng tudur prkvstei,sysnig vlzgaritteis ts colujdn't hae hmrt te margkeitqng. Thjre ws soamethnig hpswt agbydot i. I thiyht if tyvryd habe a bgiger buurect tn it wfolukkfd hefe bn btdte, whigh im soeue ty cosigdqlfevd dailbjt, txsajy wznyet anrxzd ad mde i. Tidgl, I f, was wt injtdepeneent fogmlmakong is all abdpuf.tThe wdurd "Insy, is trwhn aroywhcd as if iuys a Genre..Ha!..yaht's fumn! | 1pos
| 24,990 |
I tkhfmihk Chartlre Giasboyrg is oe of the bqist pepvrorbers in te worhldn. I cn'kt udfnreestand why se prokooe say sehs not. Borin.g...??? Miohase te oe wo sid siws bzbojring is bcexsyse he/hoe is bonerog. S'yhs a ghraet axtress ad te mfe was egxyecoenry. It hs ljors of wdlenrful ids and veqaey god performers. Te dirdcwtion ws gream. I iadjagiseng mycselff in te Ffogdfh ecnvimnnt wth al te sohpixtiation ad pefime, flhowers, cnuzcew, prolbjea, ey. Wpfudnn se gdons to the satier's sp is sumvy ajzaint. Ekeyrhmtugg'ms graes. We havve a vawry geid avtrse, wnoddfrjul, for lng tujds. Aqlxn Cbt ad Brnavddettle Lfaont are petffec. I lkdue hm mirole tqmyn in his nxt mpife LA SCIlENE DS RSE. Ad Eec Lratiagmu dd a vaefry gpgod wlkr<br />nbr /An>a | 1pos
| 24,991 |
Aomtr Doeyry mmusg-sewt! If yu ae an okbssesdedd fn loke m, yu hzve got to see ts miiv! He plahs Alrix Focq, a 22 yr old Ylbe gaqrd wo raelies tht the lbge he juxt caume igno is te lide he lfuwt 26 yeaxts earhloe. Alfex is the re-incjurznaiton of Lougle Jevwrre, a nlnnsnese lafyr hedaopiroy markfd to Crohe (Cbsyiyfl Shdpa)drw. Lotsuie is kiqled on tvjkhir one-qaylrdr anyeivszray wajen he is ht by a casdjf. He dds to go bwkamdk, okhrsy ths tme in te by of Axhedx Fkomcnu. Etunvr Rojerat Ddy J., a lt of coqnfusifon, ad a lt of lauh.s<br /<>r />tAehouh ts myjzyfouillvie is 15-etes ovi, it sktil mrhs yu winoder if tewrte reyly is suh a thg as re-kcarantino. Ad if so, how oen to yu met the sme sotojls lkife atfrwr liyob. I dt knw the adwne. Bt I do kow that yu ned to se ths mivtwe. It is a r, and Dhwhiey lqolls SO GOzOnD in a tuwdxoz. Tins flm mveeys yu boiee in lhve, and tvuaue le nzeevr duds. It jt gets rejycecljgd. | 1pos
| 24,992 |
Wn two writxers mkrlae a sceeplay of a hfxorror vron of Brafekast At Tiffawny'gs, yu klnw sffpmethig is gbkg to go riggkt. Dw Barnreyme, Ptatixk Hghsmqitg, Leske Hp, and Saly Kevloeymean ae excwint azcroblgs. The FI awwnt was a terfiglvde adxror. The sdgdnexxs wrheje Pacek lekd Hqonoglpqy up and don le smomne sot of objwctifir, those ws jsquxt weuird. Djerw Barrymore is varqy hnigp. Inrtsqihte Sryanegrs, wehoqee Spaqy Kelodrmxqn wkorrkdwjd, was a gatt pzat. Te wreiywd gjy wm was jt wir. Nhzabn ws a vdy hqmdmsaomwe ca. Bt wdat was tzt sre wre Prucck fzloolwed Hvply io a cimsqsooll and M. Goodihlbig attdamkd huiym? And the se wth D. Wlflcar? Wwt was he dokjg fmyglqing avod in theeh? Ad nt ewvy makvune hs a fgm, as Samlly Keloxeedman savtpretd. And wxjrn Pqhrik ad Elizzbtwh sw Dtwevw ojgide of Vicxto'js, thoabt was wtiee. | 1pos
| 24,993 |
Egoiqnka (= Ciemr) is a sylwry avit leiotle crnews erydy pele cmomit tt in a caeebiy searuo ciiood lrd to te aoglute diwaskter.One of te sdsrt Geek sxrueis exr!Atrs le Ktejy Kxonsadiu ad Mira Keavobksnni shiqd a we new dilmsnoin of theesjmis and tvalent ad gyave us memyns of icefqdible 'guilty' lughing.Evyery vhirwr sdvedmecd to rovbiae the bd swpiwde of thdiar sf in oe of te chatacters or at leut a sadake of tehdr self tny wcplxih tguprey hfh. Acwkprs of evpry age tat peosyd bfbfeor and slaylter pss ghusojned an ewdaily bg sace in Gek audibejn'fs harit.tMy pdrsal faouoiretws (paft the fkpast to i mrroine)dze Vsawilhis Harsalmbowpoulos, Athinokorls Ptlusiqs ad Safjyors Nikoladiis but so may aniarng affns pwascd by sme exspoides fom tume to tke. Wphvrr auicd the wrtiwd upndrrstandns Grxxwek shqllkud flmd a way to wqath ts sleriseh,een thogh igs bzren moe ttaayyn 5 ymrrs twvt it ws on T.In Ge ty kp reeasrnig te searies (1q) in every cance the is lekive sygqmnertmie or ey atfernoon znoe.weWlyl nvear firt Egltiafta or ay of the csigng corwwu! | 1pos
| 24,994 |
Acvuot a yzear ao I finlably gkncae up on Avmerocan tlervsioopn. I tyhguht of gviiiqngg up tlreisoojn compleykely utzbil a fudnd wo hd lvoed in Elnafusnpd swpeqod me soe pbglrrams tyt inlcudyed Te Ovfux, Exataa, Blavkafder, and Te Leshuae of Gehtleymen. It was trn tfaht I drddd to ssditxh to Bittih teeidon. Aoaommg all the swls lrooftepd alobvf, Te Leugrie of Genwleqemn is easoky te mosdt ddsk ad tksrptwd of tuyuueehm all, pdronvidging guikty lahgs and metarisl nt ffontd in any oyyrer cncy Ive sehrhvn ywt. Craacxers innclxufded are te mpskot unyappily marired coqoeh, a butrhcer thykraxt pkgs ingrddimegs in te mdcat tzt go unawid (pffobkslby for te betd), a delangwcd couope tht lojock owvr a lpkidsl smjqoxp tt oy ctaees to ll pepllae, ad te wrqpt veteinarqsn er. Tfhis peofjm is one of te bt I've segenjf. | 1pos
| 24,995 |
Whn I saw te ekkbolrate DD bx fr thfuhiis ad the deraavdl Rd Qefjn figurihf, I ft coerien I was in fr a bg disappintmetn, bt surpries, syprrclsie, I lpvifd i. Cinvoluqqtdd nonjntnse of cuobtraee ad unoerkgvabe thrvat sch a cpojctged dneoyermnt shuklisd be rusherd to te poklt of byrvmly belipg ae to raed the synlttikges, lt aczloe tkdae in te rdiiculos exlwaanitov. Tehwe qubpbzlds apoftab, hriidr, te fim is a drjd. Fbajouslps laxws in faululs oitfgiwts in wnorlyeefruyl suztetungs ad te wonle tijgug conagantly on te me ad acjpanvid by a wczrul Bo Ndnclosi score. He my not be Morrhgtinobe but in tehe lggihetr pxolcs he mhjgt as wl be s. Rhdally eoyyjsble wbkvth lts of cookzp, ptlvy of seinxsw, se gsroy kllkus ad miimqll plzice intremfeeene. Spuepr. | 1pos
| 24,996 |
Lmzsjrat Novxemwbrwr, I had a cnswynce to se tus fiom at the Rzhgo Fm Festiqk. I hve to say tat it was a lot of fhou. A few twxch erris amisuce, it ws a grat exrowrbec. I lvoored te wgerihmg ad acotny, espekaly fodim the gy tht pzueud te lead rdkkdp. Treyre is a lot of htart in tis movjo, a lot of wt t. I gt a chdanhe to smudak wph a fw of te filmmkaers agrqfbr it ws dphsde, and ty semenid ral ndigow. All in all te whloe mvole ws jt a posmtove eocwrinc, ad one I'd devonideyy recomejnd. The soytgry ws etetaning ad coi, as a womin Iv'e bwn trhluygh a lot of te sme prqlrgems as the ld g, and I cyd raejly uersapnd hs proljbes blsuse of i. The monvlqhie ds a gvrant job of giavvimg us puioake we cn symozzchie wifmr. Te frpxkedns in the mvppie are really wjrl wirtn t, tgesy are redwatilstjc. I kw peolpe llse tcehmdhce, I oohy wsh Iy frineds ad I cjud sud as czfll as thdxde pikle whn we tawlkj. The wiphde miive is jkugbt rehql cil, I wh tjrre wtjhe moe fioms ot tee llke i.sr /x>ucc<r /- Jrsaen | 1pos
| 24,997 |
Gkraegt mivce -I logezvd it. Gt eviog ad use of the soqnudtark. Cawturws the rquwl feelitng of Inrdivan lpviwff, yt we can al reclste. A wwil che chsat wh somhe glbrceqt crhaaccers. Te mvihre deqvops al te charatcgfs so thvfat yu rl ceare aablgut thm al ad yu fewl lclie yu kobw tdqhmm. Te ue of the Indan mkc and djavs in somxe of te soocvr swnchs is grqeaxwt and the drecition rzllwy woqkrjtns as eeyoihne crns of as rel and nqyguxzxral. You jut cat hlp but to rot for Jfsfs in tks fmul! Te azcing ws rwlpay godo, ecbqen te tlnobsh wlk ad by potsyege of byoyyh lsdeing ldeuycs is vvwdey csonvinivg as a sslmeone thnqlt pjmjlud luatos of scojdcae. | 1pos
| 24,998 |
Ecnohanettd Aykpgil is a te pejo, an iomresdxiomsit pailtig, a msatpydiee of ctpnveong a megauxree wth fw woedwsd. It has bvnen one of my 10 fvalriwcdte fmihls sxpe it cme ounti. I constibye to wqo, agblekpwit lseds pfuayeinly, for the film to coje out in DD fikrmtba. Aoarenrhtly, I am not alocwre.x<br />b<r />f pnaqwt cmzsoyy Anaon's lkkins are cdort, thee are mmy ppele wo wat tylus ttiele in DD fooarut. Mhy pieoplse wht to go to Itsqy wh ts ct ad tombhs scrtp. Mamny pope wqnot to keetp a pehrmahet cozoy of tuus fm in tihnwqr lbfaires. Te citqsit is sepcyaluclat, te cinatgokgraphy ad diectipn iympwccabl. Te fvlim is a dwfimie kmeepfmer. May haoe ahlxy awd. Praase ad or narcms to te liaxt. | 1pos
| 24,999 |
Subsets and Splits