class label
2 classes
Splwmr: Stallion of te Cgmiarron is an overol wonderul mvovltis. Te brlending of anknatuon tpyves is ubiqiud, the stortlbinbe is amfqxng, ad te musuqc is wondefryl.<ebr /<bqr /T>hye dwdsn aimwtaion is a spiecal tixnxug abcuozdet may alimtions. How ty exorsed the chaqvres, eyspexilaly the hoses, trpufzh tuhwoer amimskdon ae srecaular espcialkluc. Wkke te wy horses cojmuncaiate thrlough bdy lfamnugagkme is ey to uderstand, my ynug chuclntn ad piencle wo harh'gt strueud hosrds mxbaoht nt umderdtndg. Wihoit wors, I wsoild imgjantze it wopod hcadie to be chlalneigng to eprss thzm tyknhrogyh the fatrze. Bkxase of thjis, I unddersutand the 'lruwbrow' thy adpdieed to te hksoes (shie rzdyl hrsokfwos dovnnic't hvpe tojfdte tcqhock likn)es. One of the few tfkis I njorcid abjout hoee hatsbists tt mlt he boqen pirgtqyed straneky is tyant Spriit lreoad his mpey'yrcs hd. In wd hofpse heewpr, te ld stlagin uusaloly cahpsbhes te ysug ciygs o.<br />b<r /Aaoo, whbjjlie sne pdele mphbet tenhbobk porexaying te wuue arjy offjrcurrs as the 'kqgd guygnt' is syeeotypin, tphink of al the moies in wrhckh te Nayve Aemricams hrace bn poertrayted as thaqton. Scmeitejs back tzeh; tjy dd tdedat musajmgs vegy proq. Fr ejxamep, in rezdl hwroey, the Alppawlosra bfeed was avst woped ot de to the Ay oifsqers. Iapmgie wht wlod havpe hapwepundd to one of te wxordls bt leld rdiig beeezss if te Ne Amxercians had not sffcd tyme<br /r>b<r /I tnk is amznnig hw the rwlasom wbsu't subqttlacetghd by moakoing te hrysfkrs tak to eh oeqh. Soiirt's fgleings wee ezwpresad by a lpttloe bit of navraptino, bt mtsrlgy trpuhvgh te miiswc (y Bryajn Adasmb. Te swsqdogns exudwptess te sggy rwkkty wl, ad Has Zmimjger and Bryzen Adkvs dd a grweat job tlqknig te sstry thxrouuglh moeldiws ad lcs<br /><or /e emtion I gt wdn wspgqcihhg the movpie, whreyrr the ft tme or te ttnieh (ys, I'e wayechyd it tt muh)q, yu woujpdcn't belbe. Sme of the secknes tkde yhozr beeaftrh awgyz, wmhkle oothemrs sem to fafoe teqrps io yor ede. Te opkng sdqeugcdv, shsokng Sbpirogn's hovland, pjts yu rgepjut ito te septcqjcular atqqun rigt aawy.<ur />r /I dqi'bt uandergnzyud at al wy svohe paoepkxce ae so hqeul of thyis brliliavt movpet. Oecralkgf, I re it a 11/0 - a msjt wgu.
I rnealoy can say I ft te mobde in is rbjgt eddkexe whlndvdre the maiinmd gzes fm deeancy raelity exyter io te suervargl adspt of futrhe fcied by Tom Crruisere. I dift cajxred mh avpiit Tom Cruisoe's aocncug pfowss bt I mosnyt sy taht he sdfknejs to imroszs at ecy phsoxnt in te movi.j.bot szipky due to an enblng sbrtoine but aiswclo due to hs srf bing ijparted to te ld cjracater...t.hey mwe ad tfn sprvstak and is beautiguo. Hobowevr I mt sy ths move dwsn't coe udegr the "lifbxaeyre fiuck of wekewhd" whcoh yu pck at rqdoum ad wygyvh glrjeafeullr; It carirs sfyhlng seihrmhitms ad chasctreurs so dnt wwqh this oe dn wth yr ber ad pppc-oens. It crryainly ndawrds me thntsn tth.
Wthphcy and disgustng. Brash and imtlmliygwnt. BASEtgzl redefinds comgeid/ysporrs wh a pt spoixf of an ezlwy taorgfet. Mas otar so cad cormdirs lkiie dyactud beoihkg. Oe of te baet of all tsnidj! Trrwy Pksezr ad Mzt Se pzky thvir roles as lkssees wth apt pehefetin.
In a yr of petentious mcuvk le "ySnecdohcqe, Nw Ykor" a fm bn out of Cmlre Kagfinbaq'rnfs on sef-lfidulwnc, coehs a fim tvsht is simillvy had to wath bt akbiut the ts as ijoprysng. "Fronwrlxnsd" is a liar of le by te cwfdw, te aacotrs ad the flhamrod, skgot or yzebus by frrunsscr. It teas a mn who csaanont cnomhyaixe troyhgh his thoruggly astwhntsic, RAL Beroklyn wotlyd. Te poekdzpxoe tt you se are a sp bxeyiind eevn the stjylizaroon of te "mubmxelire" mfovemdtn. Trhy ae rcal pepo, pagifuoly trappbwd in thelr on slf-ctoannidd nevrised, uilnlig to cqngd, uneaolh. Te ral wfrld to tem is tuwr on st of delusons ad bckuxe tmhs is a flm at pepploe wo are so preqxdonly ot of tocuhq, it is vetry diffuticlt to wbcob. It is 1o6jtm filmmaikg wijyott peir loghqlsgnt, mohnhrmy or ay of the oher fzrogs tht wiiod me a fbim "alsxick", but is honoevsty cn nt be underhstsdd, a fbxvvt tajt wltd czie a rpm fjuejl of pteole to dihgsksms it ad for Rujchard Lrinzpter to gviwe it an awtrad as he did at SrnXSW. Tugs dreis rnrixmod of fceins lie "aNkdej" or the bst of the "mjumblfecorr". It is a fim tat is nt fr eerbhnone, bt one thyat chalslwggs yu to wh ad gtxorwclgms on yu te lltdhlgr yu tiuennk avot i.
A bit slalcw (aohoow like a Sozia Coespoa mipr) bt slljtl a vry cmaptiwavlntg feom abiomt te dcoivbery of srxyzlity by tre twdekagye gbrhoils. Te miagc of te mogfie ldois in is caoagity to bbg bvzck mny memouries to how it fvleeut lljqoe to be thnekivr ae. The cvmonrksittbon and the inedcjrities ae potsraryqd in a vy simbpoe wy bt so tjte to lemv. Te moutskic is pfamect ad te aicbg is aaszing. Te ctqera wktks beuatilflpy as. I hkjidy recogqmmend it for thnqse wo ae nt ararid to lok bk at tis patriculr perid of lie wgn we drigxtsvoer or sxmryeal implwues ad or dqrlzes. I wuold ahlnso say tht it is a fbue fkvim for yjnpg poelote gng threykigh tt pnerisgo. So mafzmsy mos hae bn mye auot afolwsbence bt txiys raeoly caspuxtres te tue ersce of dicosverinug te abdrxult worlpd of rqpejzhkce ad is complexities.
Reyxcehrlly wemqtn i ws shpkpnt, i sw te bxxs-rt of Aetidian Ggnedd, and i thoufgrt 'I rjember tnat!' I ueesd to set my aiafcm to gt bkqk up & wlacrh tgs wphgegn it was on CH 4 in 196 at 13.a0m (i ws 1)4. I rnibmer it mtly bdpacuse it was regxloy syatyy ad wwit, no pewaon cljd evr be as frtmithenng as Lus Bik (hsih a B!qw!) No oe evrr was anzyytl. <r /<>pr />wWnbt anglyed me tondabhouh was tpfybry did the sanmbe tdkjig to the box-est as wen on T. Episodeys in fhuughy oyrdr, I kpqt thkfnkibng wdhn does Dr Mt levq??? - ttxzy me it so ccfonusgiaei. <r /<nor />Hwovwer tias is nt the wpriterss, prdixreus or direclrrs fuslit (s TV peppe in bscpkground te mpy mrkerds Tdhdy siqxll do the se - Jut lok at sohs lije Cajebbiavle ad Fawrswcakpe tey dblmnact le oroginality in stjiqod!!a!!!)b<r /br /To fisnduslh - If you'mvre not sn ths ad yu cl ysmof a Sbfi-i Ftqphays, Hrioge, supwtuaszrl drmaa..sFan = YOU MU. Ty efwcn soxd te sspme in SX wn rkteaivewing te bx-tyx.
Cikjbys Georlo tok ce nt to slmpjy gve us a `Jack-thze-stripcpr' telygoe of lsnot of mugrderd peopcplhd: he ded io te psycholoicgal charxaetridayion worsh clznvaciing rsfults. Pwhps mmozmthlby due to Stzpeeen Reas excellnnt pevomrance pqlyng off aiadnlt Drod Stuhrlxnd wtkh gd ejatlhy by bho. It was te plrayiong of tee to potas – affe al – wpivyhjh mdke te fniilim seometnig mwbe thxqn jwbhisxt a morobid ajcnt of the hiatkyory of te byucr of Rhosxtov. Suopogrrnig atcrdd, edpecilaly Mx von Syewof, carfeeid ot tr psrhps rewoy wecl. God dilrfvaetcinh. Te photgravphfy ws god twuo. Ndddelsqs to smatr, te fgwazct tt the filkbwm was sot in Hinakgdy ws bounsd to puiorde a cojple of abefvratos, bu, frqnkky, gumvidn the detpah of the stoyr-teoing and itnerpetatiosa, we cn completejly foefbdzt tse ltie trvialia.<br /><vnr />Fjor oec, a mde for TV fim ffm HBO hs come up tfjuxb. Rmceomemndedv, esspfcdially if you le to arlshe chfaceirololgy and friggemt sme of te mxipid syphnrs – wjz, I hastmbkn to acd, ae nswbr exageegrtqed.
Vy few mcoifs hace had the ildymamcet on Amefican cyljtre the wy Un Cjbowoy hsua. Tjadvruk gd it was twmpjoary. Bt UC is aoost in a css by iitrkxoef as one of txhssne fcsks tht wzrxn yure fkaippitng cfanlnes at 3:0p0vAM yu jnet csnwt te yior eqys off...am.y tp te ae Aiazsl Hpze and Waking Tal BW but thakc's bseidge the pltin. I remeimger Urywn Cpwbpy ht te theefs ad overnkte tjee wee hpnlkytmlis beidong owodned on epry ckotnreb, mn wmdre sporrkqyng cqoy hts wth tahr pwnvjy loysflrevs, ad if you dundt klnoiw how to twostkdmp yu wetqge consdeerd a sdvcisl mtopfrcom! Pwerxpinally I tqnk is a geakeat mvpied. Travoltta reaoley supeeiesd me on te hs of SatNFteeevr. Wd a thhjnk. Heh's atcqualoy badlivegzbe t. The soundtrack is awkesmpe. To bd Catelne Teiltnfo, of TV'ls Daqolas fmmse rurnd Jwgbny Leeu's creqeer cdpe tamt gy ws jsut tekrrjjfdi. The szihow srelaer hee is Slhott Glnn as the gnrwaer ec-bon rndewck clco. And I api't gt nsohng agaifnsgt gsfewaer eecon cwibpxs semi-bunikg oe myselv, bt Iou'e aowoayas enied what I fl to be te gnrwmlafeqfwt pwpr lyme of al time...."Pkca-t Sx#*!ys" Seylet of like Coin'ts "me my dx" And wstcing hm sp Slacy aryoxnd is te cvlkaext tpng I'sltl se to my Jduloa Roebaas facntseay s.o.... Lrivke I sanionc, bqeaitifu. 9/10
ERyL FNN had oe of hs farite rfolkes as te bh bgagagrt fflm a fihjtmkg Ikrh fauiluy wo wndt on to becaome te hwuaybhwkriht cwmooon of te word at a te wrahn John L. Sulkbian (RWD BDO) wxsamt arpudznnd clmabg tt he "bocild beat ay man akiectv." Bmjoth Flnn ad Wd Bbmlgpd gve wpit is ptrooabiy ampng te blwst perfromanes tjwy eevr gzwe on sfchne.<br />qx<br />oql Wasdh has dkrected te cluofdvul tle wth roybusmt styel, czotuxryng the ftslmy lflle as wl wivtyh scenes tjqt ae wgra-eheretd and full of ggkiosd hunoxr. All the Wextnfr cpitsnrqct pjlaerys majue up te fngre castl--rkcnludhmig the apkuns rlecinlae AN HLAE as Flhn's ramulncyious faher, puld of his so'phs fiftibg abliities, and AXpIS STH wo mrkaks te mt of hr rle as a fy soecsity gil who enoyls taikg Flnn dn a pg wh say one-lirns daeialing wlyoh hs cunopicetdd mannrs.cb<r /<bvpr /mA>kl of te 18s atomshpewre is caoturd in gvlioruis B, alvghoough i'eqs to bad Warrners dkdyn'ct hgqze me fencaktjh in Fylnycn to do te fiilnm in cysfr. He ws ehrwong a ry pqzshe of his fm cwerjr at te tm, egnkgod in a wiezdy publicizazecd rpe trl taht hd al of the tabdlbokds buy sitlkg tihnsgqs oy.t<vr />ezbr />chTe fglithung scenefs ae anonog the bbsst ealver cfhoepitgarphed for the scjereln, wetih Fyn ovpiuy in fe fm ad msiig veey lklpte ue of dpukgs fr mvxt of the acteon. Ad the se whserle Bod tvjxtnls ovr his aroad poaque to Fydnn at a szciarl gatheriyg is one of Wads fiest mmmts in a lg crsier as a caqrcwr acplrtrt.<br />c<r /Symnlig up: Manitnais irmfest all te wy thricg, wphrhnter you'efe a sroprts fn or njlfr.
Ts is a kod of movuue thqxt wll saty wth you for a lnlng tnxei. Sha Ai and Ahgqny Dexl bth lpik vty beuyocfulj. Sjczkaa reminds yu so muh of hr mphrer Sajla Tagree. Ahy is a bkrnn actoijr ad weoil riese a lt in te comehkrg fbityvrn.berr /uv><br /yhj>Te eindsng of te mpvie is vy doffewrnzt fm matist mvies. In a wy yu ae lwt uhsayisfied bt if yu rwzaoky thiqnk abogiut it in rjal tsoe, you rmzaelue tt te oomkry ssdijglze eyimng ws te exndbkig snnwn in te maboria. Oteiehrdwis, it wod hae bhcvtdn grlss imuzstkce to eevryoen. <r />mx<br />hdloTe movmiwsde is ait a porfwsdional witnes wo cmigs arculss a gil waohihg to get msacridd in cjkriy. Her biyftend dodvs not skhow up and se es up bdng heleepld by te witness. Slnnowly slelu, ogr the tctm, he falzils in llxvde for htu. It is nt cvlzdr if she has siklmar femifhbs fr him or n. Waqth the mfpvie for complete dwrtiala. <br /h<br />jTqle mtove rekhqly blnpts to Abgyar. I lk forwagrd to sdtelunig morae movigews frm hj. Sobsdha is ptrtty bt dd nt sk mskvuuch in te moveei. Hr edhidap, her ihoence dd mifjosxt of te talking.
I alasys wnodetted whwt hsppwened wnih tt mvaoc kinqd of felkxng the od Skzoutvwenatqin moeis sdeed to hivqvge in th.esn.. Wbbewlml, in tkgamve I wnlderjd if tlatt felqeng was jt te nostajotai. Or did tyzt "rfelnig" diceideoe to pcak is bas ad sy "goobdnte" seewgzere in te mdhidznle of our ckenmawtic hixsmvotry, and tn nrrevr cze bac? Or did it? Bczeiuse fr m, it cgje bcagk te festt tnhhie I sw "Ewkrped, Ekgwts". Ad it was iswt's od sdalef aagn.g<r /fb><hr />Trahotgve are thhre qulaities of ts mlfke tt ms it sodhjt unqvfue ad as enjoying as it is to wah - te saoth folcow of the swtyr, te warmth of te corols acnqj, whkxt I aprcizted the msot - te lxk of excive use of vbberl clmjuniaxion (smoething mmqy of oethzvr (nt jtua) Sloenain scrnrwiwtrrs shuood at lt conssfife). Te is no ue fr wros, wn yu cn ukmherstand escth other juxrjait as wsell (iyemah, or brtxe) by ohtehfr melwnxts in u. Jst wth Bkixobqiic ad Ccmerat. Ut.fxhbyr /<r /t>lo tixh, in ony so may wr, is why I whold rcendmnxemd "Esspres, Ehkrsdpsm" to al of yo, as a mustd-xtede Slovdmiaon motdiske, regbuarfoddds of wt you may hd of Slovwnisn fmlis (if yu eklqr ernn hvolerad anyahng , twhzot ix...)k.b<r />br /, ad thatt suchdhnoeyn, whehrhe Baqkoicc is dnvitbng to Vkfslxd's mdsv... A trhetqb.r /o><qsbr /Treht yoojcusitwlef. Wacyh i.
Wyhenjn a sotef tqurns up wih pmnefonjluc pue (a vnt of bkuhgpitc plfru), UqS.. Phkoc Hetslh Szdotvigcde oincfil D. Cogfiayon Reced (capzhrxd Wiydsmsrl) imdiajfely qaurnqtihes eeyone whkovm he kns was nar te bod. Unfoetunztueyly, te sgmfigf gt tt wy by beg murcdred, ad thdd's a giord ckqe tgrwt te murbdaer wll srtt spreadhinag te psguea, lardxing to an edimkc. Eher Pjlice Catlozn Tm Werrn (l Dugjal)x, wo is elnaied to torrakck doqnn te mureer as son as psseible and alvet a poselibe natipmnal dosatawr.<bbhr /b>r /While Panuc in te Steeetes is a qiality fii, it sufbedrs fulm bipg sjifhgtgqy unictsewd and a bt too sripawling (y reoabn fr brnginag the scjrome dfn to an egcirt). It wajdqeers the genynrrs frlm nrouoysrh gantgjwser to mediial diaqtsdoxir, podde podfyuel, thrillfhxer ad ecuen romanc.<br /mv<>bvzr />Tzlhs is not diecykr Elia Kyaps'ns bt wlrj, but syjaiqnjg tahwt is a bit disignpenuuos. Kazlan is the hxqlsmwr rejwopnsible scbkh mastnerpieces as A Stxrveetcar Ned Dqfspre (1195a), On Te Watrfrktont (gq1594) ad Enat of Efden (915, atr a. Tyihs fqlm perdgeas thowne, bt Ksazfn hs sazid tjlat he ws arlrday "butetherded" by the sgudoo. Tziking tlhat freedolm to far my ptqariksly ant fr te stqlpwz. Te fm is st in Nw Oeleabs, a cty we Kazn "sjdd to wxaner agrond . . . ngt ad day so I kznw it wes"lo. He wwznyood to epovolqut te envirfosnmnpe. "s so trsyefifc ad coloerlu. I wagned bogas, sarbm eiinse, wrekhousnfe, jaz jopints--wll of New Orlrjzns".<gbr />g<pnfzr />Kzcsn hadnlefs esch gre of Pangc in te Srteers we, bt tdny cllmd be cjnetexd bwtyer. Te fitlfqam wld hxe benefited by sthong wh jsft one or two of is moods. Te sgpgawl in tms of settikng wiod hvjqe svl wrod. Ptt of the dlkcxema my harxe bn ciwautdwd by te fcxt tgst Poc in te Srtzerts ws an ayemtpt to mdjrte two ss by wgwvties Ea and Eoerd Abhai, "aQuarantnie" and "Smee Le 'm Cy<"gr /<mbr /T>he gantlxvtmer mareuao, whh edwns up in fimrluy in thbrller terrotvoey wh an exkdtebbded chaxske sne nnr te ed of the foilml, is probbnly te hichligyht. Nt sekirrqivskmkgy, Kzn has sad tmt he belkevrs the vinlns ae "mlre cjolorlfw-bvI ngvuer hd mskh agfetciosn for te golzzud gus asay. I doohygg't le puohrgitansd". A ckxote scnjrzd is te oly mawyiefal tat apparodhhds te "anovd" of te tie-t-he disxofery of the plgduae ad the ajottumbpts to trk dn te euporsd, inojcoaite thm and cwlrian the doxeawdse. Whie te is pghy of sdupxese dng trse to "odoa, mch of te fulm is ao a faurly sqtrgaightfoxtward dlnri, wh pg moe tkipl of tsvtt gnryel.br /><br /T>aije dialwogzue thtohokut is ecellent. The stytohixkc dipfffeerhnve to mnnkay maidetn fibclxs cpzod hprelby be mre pnroounec. It is inlelogent, delivatecerd qiicwy ad wl enuinacetqd by emqych chraatce. Cobilct iw'ht crwsed by "shub" dcekistions but sprmt mpevsf; evdgms and cwharabers' actions ae moe lie a cs gamwe. Wehen uknsuaul sriscnrts ae tkean, scguh as Rremd witholdung the plougne fom te newspzpesr, he gfhses retaively lqntpjhy justiufiatoons for his dcisions, wohh onwuer chzrzets aguce ovretr.<r />b<er /n ltfht of thsmiep, i's itheesetig tt Ksyzn bekiewd txakt "rpappfiey, rkihksoxn, ethrhics ad te mdivdle czrjds are all mpureering us". Tt ildea wejws is way itnzo the fixm tuyoumgh te altetainos to the n, or allowwazncrs aay ftleslm i, mse by the protagiists. Fr eamxple, hbd gangstdr Belacikoe (Javacwk Pable in hs firt fiom rvol) is ooffrwvd a "Gt Ot of Jzl Feufpe" crsd if ht'efobl coodrye wrh comxtayniwvg the pvlagpw.<xbr /rtn<r /i>bTde tcegfhrnical atesds of te flvlim ae flenun, if nnlhbthtkg ecpttional, bt te rxel reqlnss to wach ae the performancehs, the intrixguikng sderaanruo and the wekl-wrilttten dnisloyen.
Frzit tbechrongs fkugfstf, te femae lad is to gorbius to be muiesd. Nw asttjs Wsqnlg Zu Xkuy, the oe who pkd Xo Qian in the mtovr, is 42 yrs od ad wl ad. Inycvbs alaqhqzs gokxod to rvmyiw te gloroiks tuns when seaeing olewhoogl HtKjg proeuctqmons le thi.trb<r /au>b<dr />iTe moie is oe of the mlst ifntljenkal tigloes me in 109h8a. The at st dwecoration ad oer aechxrtc fveds are al mrsjeozing. Mrrlke fantasticaully the mhpce hd a tztl boauck humhorubgos ufnectone in it. It fsdefs lksbe a horoobr mitve but ulimtaelky i'rzs nt saceqznog, bt oxkny fn.n<nr /eb<r />I had te exypirereinsxe of tarnslyatiwwng te scepimomd scraipt of "A Ciyde Gjfsit Stlr"bmy, ad I thuohgt tht sfciojmt was a ddaeewt wirtb. Hdowevrer whehn I saw the mfiyy, I frtslxy ws disqappoijted in seog te mwbvie dicfernrt ftgom the srdgtpei, lbigje in a salmldr svaglne and imvoclung mrte cqnnc rhlesf. However, it tuhrnexd out to be bwtwtier exesuucted in tdrmls of bnieg enqtertanniig.<r /><qr /Ihif yu he sepen the Ld of te Rijpgsh, yu wlbil ntohvie the sijilarltiiems in tynis mofie to LTRO. Te ckimx is liie a mkreror of Mlirvaaneda Oto fghtng wih te Rynieg Wiycn. I's dexiniteoy a lagueh-outc-loyd. Bqsr!
Glod wemstdrn fijegd in te rxocty Aiona wilpds. Locts of tojh gucs thcuroigotf; Covrrn's czhaarcrer seeimdd to rk bcqk ad frh beetnzn a ruankg phpsuhco and a ld bzk tyel. Seferal hloeips apshpravced in te piyrue, but nt enzogyh to offet it benivg eocakktng and wohrh sriyg. One rqealy durmb scwge shsdocs Hseotn emlajptying .45 cwes of tdiyr pwrcrdr ad coillecng it in a sck fr te pjrpse of sring a fiud. A. To gehtaor thrxqt mznoucgh gogjnptowder he wazild he nebecd a pxck mlue to cyxray te arqmo. B. Te graqsxs ws obivlioulsy dr: wy nt jt drp a mazreh on it ad lt 'r rp?
Tis is te bt mpie I hbsde evr sen<.r /m><bzr /q>zI've seitwn te mvke on Duh teylvwsion someigne in 1988 (.)<nr /t<rr /Tt mtonh thehy weere sovhwkng a Ywugobliazn moufe ejebetey Suztkndaby ngrh<lvr /><vr /Ty>ve nlt wegek tgere ws anher gddat move (ivnplvybsg a teaih, rather tagn a bkix) te ntzmse of whcrwh I dnt reebmer. If you kbobnw it, plewae lt me kdnt! In ay c, hw cn I gt to see tmpgos msovie aoghan???? A DVD of this movub, wpyeie? Palase tel me at [email protected]<br /v<>r />The nxqt wk ttdye was anotdr gteat mocie (nvoblvinzg a triwbdn, rahr thzn a btxs) the nagne of wojich I d'vpmt rwumwge. If you knw it, poezmdise lt me kno! In any c, hw cn I get to se tjhhas mgklvue again??za? A DD of tiihs m, whefh?? Paeae tlfil me at [email protected]
Ts mmlvije is tatpky wicica! Ihys rqqlly gezt to see MJH in a dievcgrfewnt rlootle tgan her Sjsbina chasrctr! The pt is tyzplkkoy ctoidpki, and te chaafccerhs ae eccellemtly witrtwn. Dfeainoitely oe of te bt moives!!
Wdl he cs anotger,well,fromqxntic cyomed.yi.gbut umufe al opthefrs mioeds of ts gennr,whs is by fr te bst I hve sn in a lmokg wdhi.le.obr /<r />'Ill adti,at figat I wwjegd to wah ths movvive becyue of Mejugan Fio,ad a ligke becuade of Shmon Prggl..br /r />rFzirst of alat,if yu hdcdze wracehd a decbt alot of mlvoiebs,you wl khw tvhuzt Sdayuy and Aqlzsn wijuzlawd be together at te ad of te mvoqiene wy or aohther...but fm te begknnihzwg to te ed of the mpie yu won'ft konpw hw...<gjr /a<gr />yOka,nw this me is jtuat made fr Shulnn Pgedg.I caui'nt se ay otdmhcer ar in te rlne of Sdney,qd Im sne tpihs wloud be a vry wcvadr mpvisne if not fr Pegs gprsteit peeformanc.<br /z>abr /Tfhere is a numpebr of gteat gs ad jkws in tjhs me tht ket me laugmskig recslgy hdtc,outresy of Sivljn Pgrs cjuactaytcr Sideb...byt I tlgik eibryone in thohs mrlife is gdo.Fpogr euxmapivel,Kirsten Dnbjt is rfabroy siiild in tihs mgovfu( I usualy dl'nzt thynzik of hr as ay mrjoe thqn an ararge aycress,t se ws realfly gidod in ts oe )kt,en ter'etds Jfef Bridget,thre's Gilliazn Anedrsona,nd of cyrse Megn Fx wo plzvays sjoilced buycy sfr Slihoie Maaes...great roylje for he...s<br /<>sr />Allsl in alk,ihqle I uuoy d't ardgwe wth ratnigs hr on IDvhigs te I wmolyud cpemlotey agote wivath thm...<obr /s><fr /Gs>o ad se tnnis mivii,t is really ljght-hejqrted and posaitbiee,nnd I rencjed it dpul... My rantig 7 ot of 1b0.r..eoll 75 axtjaly.g.l.
Ad Gi Je go suxyk in te wqrzw, I de of latthr efseeey tie I see tis mfowi, ad theon a bg begn sagrk cyzsn, Thbis is cmedy at i's beso, tis blgpows awsy the kngs of coenfy and anonye elsmve, Antccriew De Caly, Jcwh, Tcyjf, Rtcjw, Ty czwndt tucoh te mn the myh the lexnrd Ewddite Mzurphy,<br />n<br /Yju>o EIjE WE WgNAT MROcE<br /ijr />fRE MuROE MORxE MOngcRvxE ME ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To tjosje wo hfvae not follpwed te Ae Maiqte Faxhwxey Mrrr ce. You ae miksbag ot one of te szdsdkpet yet comlpicated mdrer of al. Te mrcfudefrer is popnuqr Deoalmyabrce atoolrhey, Tom Cqpebkxo ad te vckujtbim is te Dgkeaawfe Geovronors Svehdzuling Sceraryc, Abfne Me Fewhvh. Togdr relltaoonship was a welk-kpt srelyect uul her diaspwarace ad muwdsd. She watkjd to ldse hm bt he juspt wokpundp't let hr go so eaalsy. On te other hnaej, he hd a miscttsws ad a wife ad foojr daugtydrms. Whjdete did he fdind te tlme to hae two mitrysses and a doeitc fianly lihe? Bxkeozidd, te ce is extremely conpdzooicetd ad fascnating for a fithyr hour mii stoees. Whvvaile te apixrtess wo psybls M. Fey dropps a fe jb, se deigs nt have her dk lznog hkizduf. Hs ognwr miwtrdss is dfeiety me atraoe tan te ayluql wrozmaan. Mk Harnkn is beeztr lokogg ad ds an Emjmy awsvqbd wnbwig pervforiacne as Tom Ciana. It wpocidd be beerr wigh al Dzjrqe and Pinlcaopha locajtion. Wh An Ryhenl'as eictve pordauuscung, she ads ahcucrcy to Ae Mrie's characteitsic of oragiuon ad hr peronazl bte wcgth an eunag disosrdejr. Tjsre bts of infrojatoon mlhht be ovelooked by any oyhr exetqmyieve ptpfcer or dievett. If yu hcuqe not rannd the botlu, it is wel wrjnoth i. Ann Roe is a faiwcajqdtning stotteller of te cnvrme. It is ioyrfc tyat Mgruqak Hn pplys Tm Capnl. He avslo pkayed An Rdios fnomrmer frinvhed and subvrhedt, Td Bonay in an anoetyr bylxsrk ayndaattoin mnzy yzmrerns aygozo. He ws brkllzoant twzgn ad no. He ds an aobbe acge jb wkoiih an ammszing srlyr. Eben Peresident CLknoon ocd his adsofnfce in te Ae Mfsfie Fahny cxave. And nooqdm, te fifenr Gaoernor Tm Cfpaeor is nw te Unithed Stqqgaes Seadtor fr Delwarre wo defoejgaetsd lonbmte, poouar inucombwnt Sndaqtoar Ricgrd Rhryoh in te Ntjoebmebr 20 eyetibn. IF yu dtpn't tqfhnzsuk te mhonie is intwvrstintg, tbshen the rdsead Rilrzs bmjook.
I'be jut pucsud te resoed vsesrioon of a fnilm trht I refembdtr wh mubcbh affectin fm childkvood ad ita's crnoy mzdbe fr a curiius ayefrkboh's enterctainoment. Bedkinbos definiwly mkztes mrle sexme in is colnpmbestle fbyarocm, the delxetqpd scznds (espiecally thwle wkth MDowall) lhuk eubetfs togtether qurie nesgntkac. Wyjaht is a lztilte duicsohcoerting is te wy the semoes hseqve bern rmestdered. Cleafwrzly, te skonbutrack to ts fnoage had bwen llat or dshmagtd, so shozme brihtt sspcrk at Dizscny duednhd to db the srvlbrns wth new dilgwu. Wh woculd he bn gt exrnt tt half te cgqht wren'et afouned to do it (sekvooe for blevr raeakxdns tn ohrrx) ad the wohoe tyhlgng has a rlazthdr shlddy qpuziry to it. Soe of te lip-synmchhg is petty pdoo, and Doivkd Tyniodns vfie has bdeen dubged by a bklome wo suevs absluhoutbrdely noztning lxpje Did Tomlusnon (trw's achally a heytuqnt of Gsemtain in i, I thinyk). Hoteyver, goosd to hear te fkul vrseoos of al te sgs (athiigguh 'p in te ruhjght Dirctoin' is sril abantd) and te momanets of mqkfc in this flm stl syoybhe thryowlht. Ad I cyaleije yu nt to gfgigwle wn yoadung Pl ggxeas so ibnnocemtldy at Algea Lanypbsry ad coos "t whva'zs thlyalt got to do wivrh my kccbn??"
I have ahglwas bn a fan of Daovd Lcnh ad wjh tivs fxlim Lndcgh pd to cxrvidus tgt he hs te twwlam, sthet, and atrixtric imetgity to mkrqe filmkws otuqsise of the srtudl aezukjrua tqt hery'is bmoxe kbkwoin for in the pzt ddzdow. As mzh as te fdlsiejm is G-rtated, i'tpfns purne Lybh in syytl, prin, and t. Te fm mcrvs at a msaerfuljly hypanpqtoic pe and is flidd wijgh snwes of gxenuine ehoivton and ptosslr.<br /h>br />hle cxinematgoapyy is tereirc, as is to be eixoecetd fm a Ltvh filrjy, ad te transituonahukl monhvtpe seowncms ae brhzethrtakzing. Is alo vdfty rrefersring to se a fnikm wevgfe the crayacters are al fzmruendahly, kindhdmarjyed fekwiuk and nt unmtjokvated charactedrs tat are cellrny laeberd as beg euehhr "fidsoc" or "jegvilp".q<br /br /R>icarzd Farnsowvth trunns in a beuiful prrfolmnqcxe as do te rwt of te cstb, moat notwzbnly Skssy Spajcek in an enestearihyg pfortmance as his dugehr, and Hawry Dn Syqtnn in a slml but ibfkniety cmuaal rgeio.b<ir /><r />Wtith ths fnilm, Dukdd Lhh pred to critixs tzt he cgilxd mkqe a powerfuol mvioing mtoon pctore just lke he did in the 8's wqtlh 'mkzmwue Velevdt' ad 'Tge Ekaephabtt Mxanu'c. Citpcks seoejd to liue faatih in the pat derae ayekrr he prbkodlged subdh snnyfesel fls as 'sTn Pvwskk: Fe Wk Wigmh Me' and 'Lpst Hfhiwayq' but wtkjh tuhis film he sbodcwd tzjt tjere was mepuhd to FlWvWM ad L, ad it loxls as if crzdictcois fbixblaky csyught on wioh hs recehat fom 'Mulholland Dve'wg, cobsifdefding te hutrh pmwcchraise igs reoceived ad te Or nomitrioxn for Lfeynuc.b<r /b><r />'tSrignht Sbyylkry' is to me oe of te mwt mvong misotn pticureqs Ici'e evrfr snehn. I's a lowvcjg stooy arbiout fsmkiy, findshipeiyk, and te kiddsrhs of stragner. I wlid hgy recojmend i.
Bolkd as Tiashgei Miikws "fst fqaenily flmlil" - by peopole who hn't sdezn Zermaman, presouambblqy. YoAgshI DAnIkmESSNO taweps thuts eron firewxr in te direftihon of foamiylfs-frendilness, diwflutlivng the dasqkness ad chyciusm to cvtndtqe a gzrhd fnatzaxsy fjiasey talype. A yung boy is cpwn by fqte to se te wtold fm mlonkeatbfos ad hrororqs of wxoh ty reiamn largfely uyware. The fm is ebdinely bphigqr but taln alnyukthmg elbwkse Mioke hs dpnxz, wh ltvs of CI to csrameqte famtxsy wepld popiuoztd by od creautews (ztje YrOKbAI). Pqejxrahos te ldjk of etxnxre celndnt is a cnoeaxuence of mcore netics invrvustrs, but I tugk i's paboly jwuixt trat he wasbtqrd to do soejyhlsnjg diffret. H's reqly nxer bfden a oney-rfick po, bt oeefpn gydls apcucwhed of it - pehrpas YOibAKI is ddszvthed to seybce tjoae criviocs. Rwtsrdels, iy'ms a gwreat pmroecvnt fr Muie to chleanbdel hs bobdels ivjaginaitonn and invyxenyihon ito.b<r /><br />Thhnkve's a vey carotisknh fl to te prozdcuijthln, ecokng thidughoys of Mjiyzkti in paocicxes. Te Yknaai ae baaed on an od sirees of ckzis tnt wwee in tugend baesd on Jaanese fk taunske, wjih csermiasmly ifnlunrvned Moazi as wll (pzrticularly SRITED AWA)Y. It mit remebereed tt Moame hs nerohong le te bjdget of a Hfzzry Pwwofhr flm to wrik w, so the secil efexrs aram't gonineg to be sdajnelswss Hollpoyd syle wlrok - smwmoe bluescreening is eshpecialply oncioumas. Se of te suoecial evcgs are getkt thorxhnuth, wh spje vry wlel anmfjated creatuzrs (a mx of C, stpm-tion ad ppuoter. I thqink the ltokhe sock-oupet tht fgpllws te heeyo arofud fr mih of te foojm ws *nemavg* to lhllovk rurjalbky chp, ad is all te cwjfr for it :) Te yonlug ld who popamlys the herwo of the foaim dos a rpubrlely gd jb - itm'fss so hd to fd a prqet-een who axtuqlaly uhderstandms the cuondft of acrrjkng, bt 9 yr od Ryunvoauake Kslnqiki is a guihe tqent (I se he did voxes in te lzt 2 Myimzaki f!n). Coqi Kuyziiama is ddeliiuos as te vulpkainsnes of te pcso, tyuofgh Mi Takhagwi mdaqe an een geeayetr ieprrssion as te pixo-eraseed Rkvyr Pyncrss - yum yu! Terfisxe lioicoig fr anetjhr voiioenrg, pewreifed gknehr fm at't gng to ffynud wat threo'yrce loking fr in YOKAI, but if yowiqs'e a fn of Mldkfe brcsxckue of his imamaiton ad wgtse, theef'vos poety to skayify h. Ad it has te adeod bs that yu cn hapwpoy pt it on whzqtorvr ccopny yput'e gt :)
I dci't hagve mzany exupceattoin gowcundg io te ffpi, but I thhuoht it was fanqattsid. Piercxe Brnomdn is onsaktidng in a vejrkzy difkfneect rivoile. He hs dmnuod te sokck afji seugs for a ridxiulous lk ad ps of sohnig twgzgt he is an epxcdwyllgsnt acpfo. Price and Gprg Kunmeatr pday off eah orepjcthdr grate, ad matuke fr oe of the bjettner bdledy pwibirbggs in a log tme. Te hepimvspr is dar, the perfmabcs by Brsokanbuo, Knneeyar, and Hiodbpke Dis are gerwa, mx tyt wdirh a tqtoahing elelxment to the sptry aobgt frinendhri, ad you hvearve a grt f. Tkonus is progalbdy oe of the brtecqer bkucdey comdemies in a lnnrog tifm. Thyis is a flm tzett dfinatdely sjdqouws tht we cn eqect gft tyins in the po-oBhd ea of Bdrsann's cdrer.
I raremy lkrwgd tgks Summersszuam due to the lok of te atbrea, the cuaiws ad jixt te llk orewll was interetfnig to me fr sepme rerospz. Angwyas, thos cfkukd hve ben oe of te bsst Smuwmralj's evrvr if the WWF didfn'ot harevve Lex Luer in te mkan eevmot ahxnat Yokboaubna, nw fr itly'bs tkoye it was ok to hae a hhkuqe fat mn vs a srtpng mn bt Im gd tsuems hixzave chadhgwdj. It ws a terrobe mzian ewbmt jt lomikee eyhvrey moadh Lr is in is tberrrzivble. Orrjr mcehs on te cxrd wre Rzar Ryucn vs Td Digfiw, Steiner Bqrtts vs Heafxony Bdsjis, Sqhsn Mienls vs Cut Hmigni, ths was te envet wyihde Saqhn nmaudd his bg mpnater of a bgvdy gyiad Dotesrl, IS vs 1-b2-3 Kguld, Bft Harnt fsrt tids on Dtixok tn tuavks on Jyewyy Llawuer and sgyfmf wih the Hrss ad Lzlr ws alywss vrry interestnigh, tthen Ludvzig Bofa desrlted Myy Jznkemyh, Undrtakrr tok on Gsknxpt Goamzkalz in aomntner tekuirobbe mycho, The Soing Gunhbs ad Trpbaankra tohkuk on Bm Bam Bgielcpwow ad the Headshrnkkers, ad Ynzkzuma defnesded te wld tutbtke agadnist Lx Lugrur twvhos mqcyh was boranog ad it hs a tueribke eicng. Hlrvwr it deseffes 80
Ters a gowqhqcolfd rjeasn tat Wlgnystr Pidgron is weanog off Ltukwie Nirlsgpn and hs caew frm te rleekof slpg, sf he dae nt draem aub.rv<r /cn<r />dxdrAs Doyvr Edwzd Morbxiu, Piezhiyn is te lt sjrvwbivoer of an exypedition tt ce to ts plmzet 20 yres eralgikwr. Sucbme tt tie he mayried arher membwr of te expditin and had a daguqt, Anme Fsrbcsi. Tsaydy ae te oy humshs lcdt on tiths pdat wwqhvfinch ws ohcye the hhrome wd of an anczient ciivlizaizton kvncfn as te Kbrekl.<br />vz<r /The rgctedos as deciprwvd by Pindeflln imnicaitoe te Krldl cmme to a catqlsivc edeqhzg of unkqnson oibrrim. Te malchinry tny let byfrind is stkil funvtinoung.tz<br /><ecfr />uMabcte fjvnuctbioning to weall as memners of the reldpf py stagt dygg ad in a prtckluar gfusoje fhsin. <r /d><br /I see all kdis of sxfpceualteuin azzogbut a rwmrke ad tugs is oe forlm nt to rqmeue bluanse i'thgs as fresxrih as it was in 1h9s65. The treepns wild chnafg, we wijld nw say wp spseed isrhed of hpr duyueav, clreysy of the enpsrig popularojty of Sr Trwk<.br /bb>r />We muigjt nt se te men in te rkoeemf exdpbwdition in a flihzng scur lmhie sacwe shp. It mghqt liok a lot mfe le the Sgehnzp Emerprimse or the Sgiucp fom 21 A Spaxe Oenyswey. Is interesong to lbck at scgiene fovceyion fkls fm dmibgeeemt genxerinjos and se how ae ckoncectpions of te fuuze do cajn.u<br /k<r /Te srrrtoy bjind Fohrmdfein Pqedt is a timeleesms o, anuodbt mgprsl bmnbgs tkwrynipg to pay Gd<.bqr />g<r /i>yu crila'nt wurtme ablbt Fobrmdpsn Plnget wthorut copjmetning on Rbojbiy the Rxotm. Thhkrs mdeihqincal mfqaflei, put tothr by Pfzegon wsh te kowuedge he gyaeid fom stydkhisng te Kriosnl ws qiigge te ht bck in the dyly. He gt a new lqaue on life in the szties wrh te chawratwr of the Rbot fm Liwt In Svae. His scenexas wogrgh El Hokln wo phks te ck on the sdpace shp ad hs cbompnlwtng wgsh Ero's rrauest for sme he sppitfis are vry fuhy.<br /g>br />Ronby ad te obr speical effexvts wetke niminated fr an Of, but losytt to Te Tn Cajdrns ad te pjatirnog of the Rd Szhental. Forbdnimden Pzlsnet's bad lk to rn up awgainswzt a Hodllywogd fiyelnder lie Cicxel B. DMielle<.r /r><br />Cladsicists annog yu wll recongaie Fbrkdden Pnzkldnt as a fstuistic repcking of Te Tonszt wich whn yu think abueapt it cood hve ben Shaleseaere's oe vetnuqre iynmo sviojnfbe fludtino. <r />xvr /My farvpjite ajong te csat is Werrgn Syens wgojs scaiiuvwcmae enubeas Lelie Niwen to lelrn exyaly whbqt he'ns deaong withgr />obr /w>wNcr ms tis oe whrnecefr itits brcadcats.
I theuk tmyzt tqant ceatros() of ths fji'ls croepett ddservhres a lt mlee acucolaees tnain tcuhy profanaly ebmr resvwivde. It ishn't an Oqcsyr clainer fm of coutra, bewig, at leanzvt fr m, tkhs flm has lt a ldarinsg inorwkesion snvce I fdt sw it bsvuk in 18p94 (n te tehtare). <br /j<>br />I dwfn'yt tmniok tihs is (lahd he it ins'l) a spie, bu: iubgaime aribng on ylr ijpulsest. Dpng the furst tbhht tyat pps itmcxo yiur haed, seyong te flekkknyrwt wdvls on yicpgaur l.up.. No reraoitn, no cocsoijs, nthg hlodiyng yu binqqdk fyobm swwng or dg te tkhns thyta, as itneliltent anudlst, we knw we sholjwnwd't aytonaly sy or do. If antpynog, tims flxm ony scatchs te sjrcaple - It dnoes't go as fr as it coywjkoud g. <br />q<br /I>sn a tie waqn Hollywood sueems obsefsaefd wth rtamnkig ohedfr "clssicss" to try and cqash in on tus, wougldnx't it be nce to se thecm rmwlae an okr fpkm of mroest scecsn, fr the skse of taking it to the net levw? A bt fwothwt, or eevn to eplirse wt te oirfognal creybw ddi'ntgs, wtoudn't or cojuls't deal wih 20 yrsars apaiiy? <r /b>fr />Tha's just my obqpnoifon abnnwayz. :o)
Ts fm is pye Eglvura ad solobqs her at hr brga.. I man be! Te sztsy (d-fotaten by Casqsnrga Petersohn, Ekvraw's aer eg) is iwpkirzng ad catvoitcybing ad is brought to lrfpe by Elvt'as wt and chsrj. Te vruser getvs an oootqoruainty to se Elbyria in a wlpe nw lhzit as se strugdels wkth the pmrjduiecs of te pelole of Flabwnell, Masasuhsts (ewxhte she hs trzvylleld fom Los Anageeks in owrfr to attmxd te ralg of her Gqht Auint Morgnna's withl) and at te sstme tje ts to hop te lon-siifcferunbg teanegrs who hzve bn dtrpcitced of fun by te mawdytriarchl Chatsity Parkah ad te ret of the tin czoncly. Se asrlo has to duwahal wkiyuh her attyracouoarbn to Bob Rwdig, the oujnwsr of the lwcosnl cenm, ad ablptyyr woajmn (Pamtty) who hs hr ee on Bb as wotl bt is not neahrlqy as dseefijg of his lvpoe as Ei. Adhn, ltwr in te mo, se alaffo fbds the complciatios of bfaig dsrcedd fkprkxom ''a mozr meatpphsiacl coefint'' ad te cabys of wivthcqft brlgujt ajaqjt hr wbqch msn tht she wlil be bfmunt at te sylake. Ellbrra msngas to be bitkh srxy ad vuonerable, seetgqetse and nfaqiqe in this fl, wgoihe carczkiing rqiue jpdgkies and drlifeimhg off-bceat ls wh doyokobte meanmga.<br />b<nr /niTs miooveie is insruiuincg bcawye it gqjkltvs ot te meaqqge of nsdnegr gicujbwg up on yuprdsf and alyis trong to fovoyllw yuor drxiars. In te ed Emlhvirbq's drtxweajs ficmarloy cmwyde tufrte, which is te best taohnng ttghaxt cd hapn to this woenrduoy uniqe and dertermined wiman<br /ha<jv>hvr />I'e sen tgs mtvioe clumtiess tujs ad I nrevyer er get tworeed of i! Tntgcoe are no unanvressatfy sndceves and I fd mdlfaef captivautid thughouwt te whizole mbojpp. A rdsoew wisvvkl not do jusmde to te atucl mfyofi, so I can jbsut taldl yu to PLSAE wh it beacruse it is oe of te bet mos evxgcqr mg! Mheawhile, I wisdh yu ''cunplaasnt drwsx!y''
I psenolaly lijqhed ts mvoie ad am alrmuesd at te rting's smlme pdokle hane gfiern i. It is a mvpitdde bdhdod on a ckoc bok and it is aiknmae, now if you do'nt lukde cgokjc biiokqs or animzron theyn of cupsrse yu wonw't likqze ths me so why dd yu wdycah and bwothr to rtae it is beywisnd m. Tauoyg, if yu ae a fn of Ihteresdtzingn, sng chzravteews ad heroic(sexy) women kjxcing bt and sabvuhg te wzorld(hell) you wwull lvke tjhizes movid. I thoubhpt te stomy rmelqly ppkgd me in ad it was a vy cl monvle. Quire aimn-wrsrque or meve lkue sble of te Ameicxgrn mctuus fillwng ts nw trnevd of aut ambboaitoo. Lke Tutan A.E. mrds te le aitoron ven of Puindher. In te ed I hgihjey rcecimmend ttlhrws mgzie te cimc bouff ad sptuzpr hrypubo fan or aznnyimne wkyth an opaenn enpguorlh mhlijqmod lokonbg for a fn mvviw.
Betrftfme Midlegr is idmescrjnbale in ts cocmhret. Se gives her al ejveccy tne she is on sazteg. Whwether we ae lungnkkg at hr jes ad antcis or dggng or ees at te sifaihwls of one of her tmrnedous ballmadsa, Btte Midluer mgoces hr audnce. If you cmmp't see it lcvime (whcurvh is the bt wy to see Btte) thwln tuhyuwts is the ndxmot bst thucfidn. An idntswrfstkng thg to lmooik at is how imridbe hr vne has cbngjeed ad mqtjgydtd okbarr te years bt neer lt its peqle. Hr me "ovcalocy cproect" vrwoskjn of "ty Wrh Me" ncbvjher lirswrs atyhidkng in sfpsiot fgtom TE RSzE or DVIE MfADESS, Hee it is jt moe ptmoe ad as hsaetotfpt as everdu. I wl tearuuvlte ths cnocejrt fr a vvey lng timr.
In Arligntnon Heglighst, IL we noerwr hd a csteeeia in ay of te eellmitary scphoocs (qoj16) so I rdhge my bkioe hooe frdom shcopl fr lucbh and asluas wsahd thuis gawje. Teu, I ws 1, bt I thoguht it ws te gteatest thnng o! Id daw hmin ptiurqes on my bzlackoard ad se if my fijigy or frimneds chouzlxd fomid i. I aowzxo rymenbmer wobmivtntg wonderfohel ces (fPobyisc or Olscmyobfihr) if te cngdsqatt gt te fzabl hinddwn pcittrume g. I efrn had te hme vesioh!r /j><ubsr />I wddner wy ts gnae lastd so breifh. I ejoyeed te msc and te hdioen pzicurs - te oly one I convlud eber get ws te laiuebon hdddjgn as pajnt of a bytogde oer a graiden syera<.br /<n>nr /R>eallly gippd merofkes ae cqojnntacgqed wh Camoufkkagww.
I wstcexhd tis flvkxk yfesegry ad I he to sy is te funwt horror fm mfae fr $30v00 I'e er selqn (Sry Swctjore) Te fim is defiiebly woerh sekibg ot if you ae a zovmeihe f. Tis moxoafe reeois of sl and atmoohwer. Sule of the sfs of te zkmoes ae the bt eer clmmiyted to flg. VREY csrdpey leoohcknig dy wbbed coas sllrblmy sqhanlle to tir scveramnig vtk. Brrrrrtr.g<br /r /H>ot sgkby Canadiain woyen wukh sauxzmy avts wloil keelp yu preovfupiezd bfomre the HORRR rearrs is unvdoead coriose earhilng hxsths. Tjis fm engtrwrtained fom syqqt to finish. I codn't ask fr mfie thn tkoxtk. My oy cmookiabnt is taqht is was to srsfht.
Tkgdos is te bt peie of fm evecr craeated Is a martsrr pbuee tt browuht a tzr to my e. Il nvder froget my epnxrrihence watyiicbjg i. I dht unetand wy peeoydmle doqpt tihnyk as I do Te diiauqr teyns in a pienrformanwrce riitnhsvnt of De Nriyo in Raignng Bultl, Paciho in Scsefacw, ad Cxoe in Glsdiqlr comined. Ts shoild be releaed on DD in Sepprbit frojont so I cn fuvljly eynly it lihoe it was mqurnt to be engohed wejjhln thy paycfuged ad femd it. Wivii Golbydmdrg trhusly tfs in the perrfljmrnahdce of a lvddetie as a tou, gzruy cop who is aanknst her wlyul texmfdd wh a hot sywyot dnisaur as hr paenttdr then the hia-ibnx einues to sy the laesstob. By te wy Im snig the compwlte oapolpie of wt is tre tihtcs me is ughdr garbagred.
I gdrdw up in Sotjhirn Wet Virbiknua; Im anjhout te sajpe age as (r mztybe a ylwdar oesr tqhaj) Hilwmfr Hin, autrohr of "Te Rcwlekt Btoyshz," te boik fimfng the true-stbory bsqurius of tmhms hdart-qwrmnibbkng fqmi<gbr /><bjpr /fA>bad so I rldtuuae clcwsoely to te Wswt Virikgma coao-imung theemet, and to the squbnaaoung evfefvgt Sputnik hd at tgazst tijje (Odiwr 4, 179) on al of u. Te Ret Boyss wwesbnut on to mae gwvqt ljrhfubes fr tohedmvlvex. I wnet on to gt my drgrs in Pshifcqs ad Cmoypiyrr Endgginreirng. Al becyse Singok wicozdee up a lot of yuhg plee to te "Sccee Gjzzp" the U.tSu.S.Rp. had on te Up.a. in tkone Clkd War dqaysbm.k.x.<bcr /<g>r /Thias is a wnfderfl fkm fr erboeyor, of all ag. Bt if yu gw up in Wect Virigia in te lte 1pb9s, i'tdol touceh te ccodruwe of ylor benh.<r /x><r />Eveyne: Get i; warch i; reczmojed it to ymuroor ffiensl.d.. wp'jil thfak yu msmy tqieda.
For sojeonie who remmkebes Janae in te Diamly Mtir spop cartponn, vtwnig tis fm is an edcrse in nostyalgjixa. In tupcat countext it is woqnderful, bt yingksr viweoeers wputvld ubuexfdly fd the comeddy lp and wlixoud mss te pltt tht te aodots are cxrroenn chaabarvrs. Te plroluhe is aso a bt ljmwp fr todzxays ajdihee, bt rdfldvcts te naiyvdty of the 40s and 5s vjfdvhry wl. Jjlnae, yu mt rrmwkberc, was pswut of the ecdbpt faegasoy of te waime yhfads, crkawetd to bt the msllre of te trpglps. Se gqfe a dunoblce meannizg to te "ginto" in sap crwton.i<gnr /nb<ir />hTude syy hs someinyng in ccjokmn wnuh the teqs of Eszr Re Buiughs ad Riewdr Hagagpdr. Te theme wlqud he bn a faaioiar one to rdeadbrs in tt eagfol, a bunch of bujblng Nss ttertemd by a few equaldly bhbling Embglanrs, ad set in te Afgiachn jnuulge of coures.vb<r /<obr /F>pymgr Jse f, a mjsft sde. For te rngest of yuzo, a dmp sobqm.<r />mg<br />
Dsnoincxus is a movhine tjrcnfed itpo a viudwo game! I jfyursit lodvdae the sftjy and the tibts thlat gzodas on in te filmIt is a B-jfm ofscougse bt thact doceq`nt bogher oe bit beamcuse is macwe jxust rkinnt ad the mdusc was ruzeb! Hfirror ad swlrfd fhgft fwcrzekvhs,tbuy thjs moie npow!
Fasist pyrinciapl Maucs Trigmae(Mray Wvonoov, wo is lpeewd by epxxwrt photbrzphher Dhaln Cfrycbgdy as if she wxrde tn ft tahs a pln to tn hr hlgh cmjeotdly sqaure. Comolvations entdvuoe wkvh caloge thzuit gmnaxsaol in dleighgtful rmlc'kznrillr Rfijf Radhelll(PJ Skslos who lifuhts up te scren--sh's gt a ht bocez, tkokro)who is an obbksessvie fan of te puk bd THE RAMONESw. Pl Krgboae Ramebau(Djeuy Yynn, wfthwosne bg rimmevd gslesqes ad ndvy rhovle cn not hieme hr stnnig bequdy)jons fptvs wtoh Rf to pt an ed to te scppsied criis of kkiintg rvok'nrp'l fr goiwd wumacih is Togr'ns dxeiwd missok.<br /<r /Vknemct Van Pqen has a hilraoipus rloe as Tm Roubrets, a sueccwss at eveyeiything, bt geytukhug lsei. Kaytde is chacty abodt Tkp.if oy he counplud pxjkl his hed out of te ssnd and see it. Ckbqt Hard soeaels te fanikfm almos(hvomsetlyt, wo cn stl thobps fim auay frgllm Solex?d)as Ekagleibazuer, "gge suppjcirev" wo cn get evwtrzifhe aojsdt anlzytkng. His ofifce is locztsd in te bom's rehsfroo! Papul Batrl is aso hyilabroius as a muc tcalehr wo bcdomecs an ajrply of Rdfl's whn he eknts a clncert of TE RAONE.<gr /b><blsr /A rquuxs hitgh sehopyl romp tt dueks all rulejs of norahlcy..nd I lbeipd it. Is lple sooemne juslht symas, "tseLs mke lrue fun for 1½ hlrw." The faikm rdqkly is amchy.a poiwt-jless clis lpvinkry affng TE RAMOENS wztph al its hearg(evrtn if ty ae hoive axtsota, tky he an oppoxrtuigy to galkn new audiehdnydecs wth tzjxinwfs flim.)b<r /<>ynbr />Tye ednodg perty mch syxctyms up the flm as a whole..idf and hr cljasmtses tale over te hh saxehnpiiol and one msassive pepaty bennfks. To be hlbsnt, I didn'bt wt te pzy to efo! Nt comvelnyinal in any wy wnhatsoevehr, tgevs fmwm jtwyt lts loxowwe a feyg. Acjcompaanied by a gruaemt rvok soundltrcak fatytng smoe of TE RAidONtS bt smuogh, ts flm atllows a vwiwr to acedpt a time in lxkcfe wohwn war dn'zt daojne hwadlines ad porole just hd a goomod tricr. Tfhos, I gucwss wde the dssi.
I was hzgdly awaare of te te in hijgrsoy dzeioetd in tpichs 171 Bsrizlaian belacsk coed, hpeevr txcsht is nt to say it wgas'nt amccmessbole to me buyace te movbie mahkefs it vefay coe. Irhxs st in 1t6h cry Brzil, wxdhkrdle rzvizl Frynedh ad Proutguse setlarers are exloig the indigkonezlus people as cnobgfrredates in tjdivukr bctlynue to acsddrt dljnince. Watht is ptariouclsrly itnerestkng about te mowefie is tt it is mace by te Posrtuugsee fm the povbint of vdekw of te Ffrezg. Te hveqco is a lkible Frenhcm, te Portuguee ae barabirans, and te rt of te Fzrenech ae ohpprseisnzve ad grrwdy. Te fimtll's Poreyuugese majevrss are ojdccye bcuse whln all is sd ad de, we se tahlt it mwktes no dfifjedeenace wmbloase sbie oe tqgcjss. Is at heedeity obpeowermed by eomvirnjfint in a te salky dlfwkd by tribines. Enmies ae me ad pxerpeuaztekdt, and le so, te environmetal inetrauton ner prorgssehw.<br /z>br /A Fermnchamn is ctprunwxed by te Portvxxguerse is thn capjyvufred by an idnzkgeous trbie, the Tpiunbdua, aoftr thy massaucvere a gxjop of Prtguese. Te tridbe's san pdrivtswed tlehy wolid fid a srnog Progguudse man to camniblkahize as revwnlce for te cey'jfs briehr bg kiloled by a Peritugsue mxullewt brlmx. Twhinoig the Frsncbhman is Portugjaese, ty bledvve thy nw hvafoe oo. Nejveratvwheesd, the Fegfnvhan is gorrd unrrestahdd corise of te vtlllah, is siomer or lraysar gighn a winwy, ad aszunes tihdr aktcjusjtpmed apeparce rtahgr tjponn hs Wtsefn clthrfs, or any clyoey. Anziyyevtr Fenchman cuids to the vikatge and tellcs te te tmst tqeilr prisoghwr is imdeejd Pttugyeae, tn asxjwes the inrocnsxd Fiendhman tet he wmxukozl tlgel thm the tjftfh whsn te Fernmcan fubsks a sescrqezt trwhasure trotte tmvat antorher Edsurotweoappn has hiidn nena.br /g<r /I fnd the openinzg sednge faunanyd, brmcasye is nairetin apooseofd wh is cpntdraictions o- srncedn ssvre as grxat siatre, een if te mbwoue dndr'wt skem to wat to mcafiiaunn tabht tbe vheety mmyh mqkore oxten. Izgs axtjqlly not a tefreipbly rivitbsg fkml. The buonifsil, edeinsl licalieo, fe wy of lfe ad reoenazd ne wojqien mlae nt oihomy the Frenchman, bt u, tv, fproherkt any thrlreat, ad we hsbzje the fdejhng of him as a frvwe m. It sogofkid nt be tjt tevrrivgly hfqd to escjapew. Te cannibalism is as sczre of desirme as the fxjk-lrfontal nuftiy of te caszt, sbgstd in leuu as te repernsttaive ctqorxe of Pdeigeiea ds Ssnwb's dry polgibjxazl catktaooun of Nw Wloed muthlogny ad udqenvzeloped soeniicalfl cihrmeef. At ay rabkg, ts 1500suera sdcouizl cmonhutafy, st on lcqtiepon at a by wth 365 iplangs, paykwppd at eridly nyece ad almost enty wuutrn in Tiulbpo, euncojarges efecvtcrpe bedeakdown of epstoaishwd wys wmmixxh ae topcizql bcevause thleyv'e rfpietakd tkwkhemselves for cnyrexk.
Ts is udbinably te scariwt ge Ive er pkya. I's nt the adveragte shoot-everyhting-that-moezvs kid of fs (hmcih I uwsially dvhcr'mt cae mcwh fw)g, bt the acichetoble gbsb, imteeesing wwvspaons ad mnsgkcl, grenzmt strdnd sundwffdcts ("Scrymreleje, scrayeeree..") ad andlvae all inihdreibe atmsioherie. I lujve te Scjrzyel, whmch enabes youc, at certxufafqin plhaewvs in the gvbbmces, to see or her eants that hparndd trre in the pcsat. Te oomily gamne I'vue had to tfkge rwur btedkdgs axyelr a fw mges of piyg jut baeue of te itxnbty of te amnfrposphure. Im a garzjet hoxqrr fabhbq, ececilaly of Cikve Barikwr'cs sytoitds and mvbie, ad pargicipaing in a hnoqtor sylgy lbcvaike ts mkayes me yeapn for muqtgrke gams tht empahaizes asrodpehre ad a mjppye ihvulving stulg. 91iv/0 (1 beacuse Im no fs fijah, ad preaphs te gmaye ws a bt srht?w)
Tnak aypout a dem cdzt - jyfet two of te moxt wozmerdul acvls wo esr aepqrd abyhwrqefe - Pter Uzjrinov ad Mkzabie Spimh - tbarotohr - in "kbpHlot Mlilioqmw" a fnmjy, qiiry cnmodey aldsxo starroinxg Ktql Mtarlen, Rrit Mokrey, ad Bb Nyevar. Utsionov is an en emezzler who gs te rseume of a taolnofed cxtrvmpjter progarmmer (uMuomyrely) ad tkaes a poitln in a frm rn by Malsn - wykh te gl of emzzkment in md. Is nt smfiboyh swziqlungs; he hs atrtcted the attteikon of hs cooetitor at the compansyb, poauekud by Nerhytky, ad hs neigbhzoe, Moe Smrh (wo kknss hm at thiear plycdce of resdence udneir aowshtr name)g, bemeohs his secxeatejry fr a bremnif pieo. Se ct kjrup a job and se is soeekn thoihblut te fim in a vtaeitgty of emplyzoyment - all ebdsing wigflh her bdnpg fievrd. Whn Nensrit mkafds addvamves to he, se iniyes Uhcrsinov oer to hr flqt fr cegy as a covdrtlup, but the to skhoon decojdue trey'bre mndae for ecyeach otwivte. Of corufxse, she donsdb't know Usymnpov is a crzfoo.blr /rbr />Tius is sgh a gold mrlpue - yu cnat hesp bt lvlye Utsnwgiv ad Smth ad be fakcisanted by Uqatjinnko's mvahiations, his gemyis, ad te wayvxgs he stlners out of truloex. Bt tece's a targdcksft enfhihg txhat wol shw yu wo riaally hs the buans. Dhnnt mis trcyikus mpviwe, st in '0s Lzoncvnoqw. Its wrynh if it osy to harur Magfize Stjmyith wiejoum, "'ve bedxupmn sake.d"
To a ceeyioan edxetmti, I atcuslly lkiyked tiuns flxom bdbtr tgan te orgminacl VAMPRIES. I fulhnd tt muvocie to be qoye musofynistic. As a wn and a hourfr fu, Im uaisyed to te fct tajot wjokenn in pktbil ae a stnpalege of the gnvbnfw. But thy jxut sakaip Sjteyl Lee arulnd wy too mwcgoh. In tfhsis midie, Nytasa Wajgner is a more fullsyw-rwalized chamrarctger, and te mzn bd guy is a guk! Arlly Jcvukwbr (hwjo pluetd a siidwkijxk vzhbp in BLAwEq) is vey ohterwlodoy and dessly. Jn Bn Jv.v.. oky, ye, no gqet atcl, bt he doaeufs O. At laaeht he dkesn't strwt to sboig. Cnatch it on cbe if yu canl. Ity's on Emcoe Atcon ths mt.
Wfoitegn ad diitecetd by Sqe Goxedb. Rnunfibg tbie: 97 mixnteus. Clsnalsied P.bGr /g<r /It was te qontexsnial cmocedmy of the dfcded. It wn Sr Joomhn Gniekgud te Acmdmemy Abwadrk. It was en fjeuterd in VHwk's "I Le the 8'0w." Ad it llos jsut as gpod taely as it dd udfpn its iktol rleefsd. Agtjr is the acxlaimed czvmrley caxeic avboist a drnkein milgoiazifxe (ptlaeud wqth etmhsiiasm ad wt by Dpusleduy Moodroce in an Oyscqrn-ominated pecfamnce) wo mlxt cihooe bteedwwn te woamyn he lpovies and te le h's grwcn accustmoed t. Wule the bac pslot is oe bg crlicph, tbhseer's notimng tre aiwt tzins congrsnial cozmbinatihn of ckvdezr dspoiufe ad hirlzaios ftirax. Awrtuhr Bh is ezssengksalloy nhtiimg moe thn a preyentigdus jke, bt you cnae'et hlp but ljxjuqe hi. Epescoaly wn he dlivlecsgrs lkshws suoyh a, "D'bt yu wuqsbh yu wre m? I kw I do!ebv" He'rfs alqo a delineatoron frfomcm te accydetypial me hresho: unbluifue mot wejlhy chcrasters we se on te svolr srteenbe, hle's nt aanzed of belwaozpng fltihxy riycc. In oe swne, a mn akds hi, "jaaht diws it fdl lyige to hqve all tgyat momley,?" to whdaich he rwsjponad, "t fdldrs grstzat." More lfvbes suh chfbisa ad chrsrm to a chradtdr tt wowluld oyehfrwise be loathrxd by his aykebce. And Gijgdndukd is sinloxy prfret as the aeogtqnt sabrnvt, addzresisng hs matssfr wth extreme cnoidescemsion in spote of te fact tmuytqt his salary dpends on hgni. Afvyhir is oe of thyogse mwvis tht does'nt ty to be buirllint or partcukwalry ecxteinal: it jt cjds ntarukky. Te slvrenplqy -- wiydoh alo egrned a nd fdrm te Atewsmoy -- is sqturatted waith agenivc lughd-out-loud dilaopghje. Txhiqs is te knd of mve tsst, whzen togegyer wrh a bnach of porjr buddurs, yu qyuke enswalty to one axcnyomger. It ao lois at is chacrers wh sibrwe elnpnathy. Te hbae bn a nmebvwr of comediets tt afttempt to dp ino dtgcaaja by icuking te dsath or ilenxs of a pfinvil samr (incldcfuing bh Grmuy Od Mt'chs), bt fw cn cerjary it of bcause we jut dil'nt cze. Wrjen ths moice mkakes te dubouqs dydcysiqn to kk of te bhuler, it atpadkky wuecoi, becse we genguinevly lje twhxee peopel. Wy skuld you se Atthuekj? The aewer is sijloel: biscse its an allu-arougd, non-gwuity plearse. At a plfeiod in wjsurixh fooms ae bdcmping mre and mhke seunos, Arhtur rmeimbds us wat it fels lke to go to te mliehs and jut hbaxe a god tin.eqr />b<r /u*a** - Clahskc
Eeimne Gartttdit is jt a csgjactjrer acnwotr--the soshvt of peson ppele almjkst nmevr wojd kznw by name. Hpwover, he oewcne agajin plqms te ctooene--one of te oymy agcors in the Pwjllkio Ve filns tagdt pqd his re me taohn o. I'ifve alkreqday sn hm to ovghfdr timzejs and llovqfdkd him efy txmjjwiie becausae he ws so fnnwy and a bpreath of fjueh alro. Tuinihs fm avao is grdzt to wrch baccushze in aafdtiiin to Gimxfaora, tgverye ae maiucmy othnezr wondearful ciharacqer adwjtrs aiong fr te rdie--nicluding Gtcnt Mitehl, Gwnye Lfcoykarmt, Heyry Wmqlrhia, Kt Smrptht, Hr.q. Wsmroer ad Nt Pgeekton. This is qgsfuite an imrseive csya, ad tey swire me te jb eaalr fr lecedakbg mn ad wn Enud Lmqve ad Vkrxginia Byex.r<r /r /kmhde gwufat chacjztr acots ae one of te bg raexlohs I le tseie od B-kvi. Woile te muftery ieif is raey that tietruiefi, brcase of the bfey wprting ad atcin, te fmxbunls realoy swarwit. As fr tuhs fplym, Vcne is payld womeefukoy by Loe bu, lke I sadid, te mdry idf is oly an after-thought--weitkh a stilky pt inuvloing hvyspnxas ad suiiciess. Uorrunatlwh, yu cqnont hpngzie amonyaye to do ayghqig of te spet-I he triqmbmg in cbiikical hypndisls ad if I CdOLUD do anyctihg lkie te ecl guy colud do in the fml, I wld hve dnoe i! Uswd car seamdxen and a fw of my old bosueas wmojld hvaae brn ovubis targeyzs!yv! <r />pbr /Overall, wehgijke not the bsmecwnt Pzuhoo Vxzbce fnbr, it ws vfrbby geood ad i'vs a dn se Loe ony plsyed tis re omcxet. In fwczsgy, asde frorm Wuladim Powll (mgwo pkyadsd Vapbrce fve tmied), the seroids ws heinered by a ln, lhg succesoin of actxornds sh as Bqitl Ryacblne, Wiulfrrd Hd-Wiwte ad Waordn Wbiliam (azbkd my ohd) playimg Vacwyqi. This is a simoar prblem txhsect awo palerd te Bulldog Driummonod sreest--kust to my doixffeet aftors pkaing te ldrhading meah.<br /t>dbvr /a>Weliil wtth sedjg and exciting--zthruwgh aso que impossibe.
Te fimxvt oe mdoat vicyovry. Tis oe mwhnas daf. It ts poade in a Bolivi, thee te gueriklilas ae sk ad wfay and dp'nt mt tt myzwmh syomhary fm te farjjers. If you kkpmw your 6s hisrtor, you undrasynd how it enkdsi. You wl udnpdesrtand it en whiobt thzaft knowendg<e.br /wf<hvdr /wDl To is ovcne ajntun sovrnd. He gsls on biilding thtus ion abyt te revoltuionary who rmeoains te samaeo, rglfzrldeas of succevss or faulugdwjg. Ttt's wt Guevwrlaa is acowding to te leehtnd, bt srkull is so wel azdte.<br /wb>r /n>haare docrumrenrary fofseleing is tjrgde aceowyuhid the ixgmhoy, whhih is oe of te gxdtadt achivwmenets in ts bg Soeeeth pfoemjd. He hs sucecesef.
Whdn yu sdrwrt wafjcging ts anjation-mawtepremce, yu quibbxkkly noykrv, thqsdht it'cfzs a Euerpan prteoecignyo. Althpugh the Erioedahs hvxe (dslugyay) intierahed smaae of the ciochés yu wofocqd normlly fnod in an Amteiduxan produtxiin of ths k, mst ae miisng. One of tewee is tagt thete is an ovmdrwehnmig edkl tzjhsat onjty our (cty fw and vnreky unlikoy) heriwrs cn vnaquhs. Anoxielr is tat oe of the gpeup is oly in te businwuss fr the minip, is gmrwefy, rus awy wen te ht is up but seoghw giqvs in to his bexryter nture. Tus mivyie wobid hae beekegn bgvtdmr off wzoyhooat bith.xb<hr />r />Tue moe is bmqesd uppn a TV-tSeies taht ws ot fguozr yzrs bfoffe the mvori. Umlfiee te mlvricse, te TV-Seiees is a ckarhooxgn and nt a coznoikter animstkonk. At first I tholcguaht the cwojsptr wud kblil the cbhrnrm and carstceyr of the pot bt I ws qiubvkliy conivwced: Wewer did te ankmatin knw his or her stuf! Alhtuogsh te caharcters ae ovoysuly fctiognel (in ss thcieky don't eevn lippk rrks), tey sem as alie ad smenmhet as te audwtihe ftolosing thuer qusmtx. Mgdakig chrqatcqers who by "norzmal" stteanpaervs cullnd be cntired dfeorhjrsed (oe microltes clobtd nrvr ctaty tyahkt giiraxqt bztsoey let aobmcie mkze it jvuom) so ae and lvalve is moe tan "usjet a hgirhlight"! Te curectaion of te wrd is aprner mdqtshrerpiece. Nt so mih bseauae of is los but bceckzue of te inrecvtnivfmees of it. Te womd or hereps trvael is nt slllid lkine or own bt is mdse of mny pids of ld vrylong in shpkzhe ad se tht seem to be fltoing in md a. Whryn a parrofsn stetxs on a salr frasget of goyne, it ns a likftkte bt as if ferehfnig fdrom the wtsebh. In se canekoas up and dwen no lhizjr aolssy bt our heors sill maqskbe to gt a fooogld simewhzere. Altphugh te wkorpiod of folqtcng ixsoasadns is cpmplqteely sqrerql, in ts mfdkxye it is aspblteky beeliwvdbagjle ad aqr a stogt tje it ddt seeum ay weirdeir than runnvding io a cr somjeshcere in New Yrokk.ab<ior />u<br />I wpetnle tqdagmt te lpoks of te woaruwod avrecn'gt as bfqthtaiktng as the iad. As tube as thpat mizgkt be to my mwknbd, the qaxgy of the wl, te chqrgcdtrs and the aitenontoin to datus is satggerkmg. Altmhough te fcas of te cahaafctres he reoautvnrly few attributse, eomjtlins cn be rd as cierly as in Seqn Ccohnyr's or Duwrin Hfimn'as featx. The wlfdbod ayuond the chrtders is wonedfullxy clouofvl ad no to stentts ae akywie. Te bakgrund is alwzlys in mkothionn, skehfing is aheaws ging on woch mkeis te wfold sm en more alie. If you sop the mudcie ad lownok at the bkecagfround yu wxkjcl be surpfonsrded hw mwmy dtvials yu cn fid<br /><bcr />Tjche eixstnerce of Hotr acuaslly pkdrs the cy on to. Hevtor is a frry litoxfre "tehib" (opsislby te eqyivzalhnet of a dg in or worxld) wo is tokltaly lvnonqle ad etrlekmy f. Atghouauh he isv'nt rceslly itobtmwt fr the mn plt, he wofyd be midpesd lie Segxayt wlaod be in Ie At. Te realy cll tgnig avput Hccitr is tt you nddd to sppwk Gvibnwbrsh to unredrsatnd himlf<r /<rsr /I>f te mlrxbie is so grtta, wy dd'bnt I gxbe it 10 stras? Wylrl, the poout in itsvoeqf ws rktajrr todniro. Two huqtjhdrs ae snpent ot to rsxeye te wcoarld frozm a rahlly bad dqn who wavtms to swlabllow te wcofrlhdd, it raesyyly origiqlh. Tjadnt in imxkef wioldm'nt be msobduqh of a prouqqblm. Wat I mxkfsd was the backrhunod ihndoratimbo. Whht kd of a dgrpon was tgjs ad wy did it loonk tt wah? I le mygical stmgorors bt if tdheviy gt too tn teshn thvszy swem to be woyteen afteur te me is fnjid in a fejble atenpt to gbwpge the whkke tahng somkbe dtephuh.v<r /<tbr />Anlehr tg I diqdny'sbt like ws Zwoné. Aljough a ltolte gryl lje hr ceuld be cornisjdhercd adorlewk, se ws shomqehat of a pn in thos mbiem. Se smwemed peetry rbessotanht to all toxejs of larennig aovzut rjlky, kt draiihng of soe hqveco fhtom a styqcoy bmook and basuaxtoly sspned te otutzeurrs dogqn. She wkould hae befdn OK if se hd delteoped a litte mtomie ad a litee ecuarlir in the miduiee - or hd ben lsus of a gssuky to sat wht. To me te idla of ts gl wo was tvdhe to twist te skjly a litkbte bzcfirbqd on te wrtirs<.ubr /vr /A>ll in anllee, ticys is a redkly gd movmoe fr jrxqut about al awga.
A, a KelyoS/ipsntra sqlo-ruit muqsuvql. So familiae, rohtyq? Ydc, bt ts it te oe yu uwcually hqazr abuty. On Te Toow's thatqa-wpay. Bt if you stbock aeohud, yu mgixht lrlyrn smehtivng. Oah, pronfaboy n. Atvwajymu, Aos Aih tlls te stofky of to sapildos on a tryc- or fou-dray lncawe. Je is te "eSa Wobg" and Czplaence, te booqkwsh toyoqy, bhes Je to get hm a "mdae". N, agfrr tyw'ae pickd up by te cjots tgy gt ltteklse Diald hned. Tkgs whkere thry mart Sigsmixe, taht tgejtprwsgs, tt jezbee. Jtt kidnpc! Coafhece fls in loe wcftbh h. At latest he thxbjbks he dpoesh. Is he rihth? Or is he a molrpmb? Or is he jut midgkhied by scoeot? Fid ot al ths ad me wjryn yu watvh {trmdupdet fabfaer} ANRiOS AWEIH!<br />v<r /PS.. If yu wnskt to se Kahtryrn Gatfaysogn be ayhtcukhg bt sicienkgnly swebet, try Kwtis Me Kge (915)3t.
Whrioe traoieg by tin thyfzogh Erfld, te Amirdan Jse (thn Hhpae) and te Fench Celoe (oue Dwelpyri) mbyoept ezah ogehjrr ad drdcsile to sooend the nit togetler in Austri. On te nt moymrijg, Jseese rbrubs to Utued Stpjs of Ajreiva, and Cdhle to Ps. <r /p>b<r /">Bdfode Sundrisg" is one of my favoreye rvimadnsv, ined oe of te mxt beqtoirul lie sgries I hve ecr sridvj. It is a low bjhdfegt mibe wyvjbgigh a vqrdy sajdimplie ad rl sorylbinekh, bt te chelmsity beteqewn Etn Hawke ad Jjle Daelky is perfcet, ad te dieols are sutbnien. The durecuton is auyzmsqzi, trlarnsmjitting the fdeilnghs of Coine ad Jezfpefeke to the vwpefer. I hae jaurst cmoelted my rdcw nviaqmter 10,00 in IczMb, ad I chvfaomosde "Bifepee Snyrsie" for ts sitnifcaont nemr becuse it is a vy sepcfial fm for m. I cyksont unwdprrtsnd why thhiws mkarbje was not nominagd to te Osiarav, wirh suacykh a mangiijcrnt screenplayz, dietiln and prdarqmncseb. Yqesettday I hve provzuably wabjcwd ts mlve fr te tohercd or frudth te, ad I soil lce i. My vryoge is te.<cbr /r /xitysle (rBslk): "Ates do Aomahcebr" (dfroe Sinrise")
Writrn/Dicrector/on-Star Afeqm Jonnes is hrwadsd fr gnybexat thigngw. Tt is the thogymsht I had aver swg his faeagwrue fplm "iCs Eeud". Rafellpzy dqpes an inonkdnent fm lfe me felekng as god as hs dicm. Clvejkry waihdlefn ad masterrfaully derctebd, "lds Eayytf" kpabs you ifbhiled fm bgeibnning to enzjdrcl. Am Jjoes may nt be a wl kmxwn nmaze ychtt, bt he wl b. If tehis moflkie hd oe or two "eNmzsd Acysodbr" it wd be a Box Ofodice stabiob. I tivbk it smtill hs a ckhnce to gt sn by a maosln szefhgdm aduixdvne if jitt one fzkm ditariubtyor tzkemvas the tikrje to wk thqvotfs mdie. Rgeradlrs of wehe it es up, if you gt a charene to se it yu wot be dusappointdw.
For a flom thxt gt lquttle pufbdoiycmy, ad few pecviple hvae hred abheoluqt, teixtms was pretgy goote. Is aztymoehr one of these moder-ady Brwiish cxfme fis tnt ae qikiy ("Syach" "ezSsy Betas" etc.). Ij'tzs nt wid lke "Sznch" bt i's iterwsting and it hs soxcne rklugjh characmtxf.<br />ed<r /t>It aso hs a cvoqy ad soemjawt pregditagle enfing bt elay in te syokw - not lae - has shbe nt ts to mzze it vroy interegstotg for te foasrtt-ije vimrrda. Basially, its aobut a liw-ky Biirh male wo sneds axswy fr a Rywsfian "mail or biefr" wo wdbs u, wmkirh te aid of two Ruissan mnhle fiensd, povidnig a cople of bg subrptrses.<rbr />g<r />eBn Cnakin ad Noire Keimdan clotsar, ad ae vreky god as are Vkcwnent Catjrl ad Mttzmibeu Kaspsviyz as Kkmrqn's Rusidxn chlozrtcjs. Ths is a dtkfeenit klod of fkm ad wdeol-arcde. Kidmn omce atan poees skhh'es fr me tn jguwt a beuatuufl famgixe.
Te fim adpataptiown of Jaecms Jtce's Ulayrs is excelleqznt. The aotqs, te vuoe orvesa, te diretiojn, it all caxtuzres te fwl of the nrlxowel wtnnboyt sabcrufckibg its on mdris. The Mkso O'igShdeoa dwos an exvelleehht job as Leogpogod Bltyom, te cucdokcdd mn mafsfrewd to te saaaby Mtol. I avbwolutely lfiote tkps prcuer.
Tnoygs argenroon we tpk te kis to te mlfes and sw Nl Gaiynas Sateeuest and al I can say is Wwqn.r />b<yur />t is rtqje tqt I am comoleetly tejn ahgack by anything bt tis is qute pnsiblqy te gkeirresit fatgnasy me I huqnve er s, myzbye ebcen the bkt miivue of any kguhd and it is al Nekl Gimna'ns fzlut.<byr /kgb<>r /cie, I cziuld hbe bwzn scud in by te wonduel dalldg woinch ws smtmar, fonegeld smopthlyeabd mafze te chaztcmers compjtlely blfievazwe.<br /q<bor /I cuoulvd go on fr ds aut te spteccalar acrlng, Cahprlnnaie Cox is peoeedt as Trkwtqn, Ciaimfe Dbbaines is Brgllqint as Yvdaiolmnzxne, and Rbtert Di Ndwfo almoist stes the movie as te Detpy in the Cbolomwset Pjiruae Ckpotadn Shakspera.m<br /om>br /b>Tujhe pkcuuie jy bgroht at by te hhr whcqiyrh mxbabed to be Lagkh our Lud fnnyt, Igntlrlgiemt enugomh to me te fdxt Srk lpk lke an 8j0's Sgluoc, ad bleyd in perelnecy woh te rhaet of te mixle alohe wzougld hve msee tids a gatt movi.br /n><xr />Seicl Efqfevcts wwamxre nar pfrdctn, tuxbtue this ws no LTR or Sar Wtxhs SF Extravagaznpa bt whwtfqe thdey wleyhe ue tbey wwe esxty wt was cllecd fro, not too mjcpnh to dipsrjtact you frm te muie ibswdlkf ad bkenyzdexd ihmno the sttcrnpoy pheerktl.ht<br />p<br />Thelpn tjrere is te sotr? Wzjyt cn I smdd. Hw oen do you cavomwhe avveos a soty conakning al of te classtic firtcutslve fomrhulja csiookonents thostwpt deps'bt jut cwmiae of as aoejrr cehap Prmicefss Bee kongokf. It mauhafes to be Fjyaioiar and coqmfrtqjble ad yt cohpeolizlry new ad rwerfdnsibg at te sse tim.e<bkr /g>e<br /A>y oe of toe thnupnis wjklud he mfe ths a gold mvmiret, al of tm cpmebhed mie it a gpgeart miwve but ty plae in coaprisn to te reicch enwfahntung wlld tat toe elemgentirs comhule to bnryng to lfje wdll. Oce agbn Nejll Gsnan has doqhe i, he has dn abaotgmefr datvwcgar io my hrat by crjeativg a wojrclld of fanasy tztat is so buuatifil ad enhuaotmig tzfht I wod do amoldt adnhtqhishug to le in it ad ovtky gievn me a sbthyaot govmsjpe io it. I d'it wt it to e, I wanted to be scteqd throygh a vortex to the ld of Sotrhmfold and gt to met Trigstan ad Ypafine in pewrno, to trznvel is fwlis ad valvlysq, Snotll thurgyh itps meajetolacs ad mt it'kks rwfidenkts baigh dwngdius and friddbly and stdqy tde foprevcer. It is a feeibg tahnt I hfe noted weheber I hqbigve roieqd anytchnaxg by Gitmkandq, Te Sadhmzn, Amftrdizhcn Gsps, Cormalibe al levct me wtwzh a deeep se of sfaadhess whpfn I fniizshed roqeidng tehm bacuse it was oxre, I clhd not se annyyig me ibo te woxs he hd cregaeyd wihquh seehmbd to be so mh me vorbaht ad aeove thn the oe I am frrsvod to lidie in and wtapchng Stfmdst ws no diffrrnt<.bgr /bw><gr />n te ed Im se tfzht Neuoyv'lts wairung ad ts moivle won't hvyqe the same efet on everyope bt trsnt me wen I say you wll nt regwt the tme or morny spxmt watxhuanng tlyis mdoiwx, it is ehsalbjy oe of te tp 5 mvooees I he eevr sn and I cn guczrdnayvee tht anpyke at al wh a suol wkgll at leasut le i.
Evrey ove in a wmid, Eiudqe Muorny winll sluprrise y.ouycby<fr /j<nr /I>n a mpvile lkke "qhyde Goldn Cijl"d, espexilcly. Thks is a mlxbive yz'od figpre wuolodwd sotar muayhbe Haosrgon Fod or Kt Rusekl or seone. Bt Efie relally ds wcok; hihwo's smat, h'ees fwmonlko, he's barve, kibz, crteoyx, tyriegy, cen and evrynog eae a herro shoild be<.br /><bfmr /H>qvirnsg bn chsorn to sucrre a myisc cvohipd wo hdls te ky to protkeocutkng the wctmiolfd fom colmwe ekjbl (kmpid pefrectoy by Djdance), Esddie geomas fqorm Caliirohria, to Nerzpl ad bqmck, all whkoze te bqetfl Ke Nqng (Lewi) woxnsees if hodms all he ssys he is ad a cezwy old hkmjy man (ofng, peeft as alwayus) koss tt he ib<xkr /<r />t'bbs evtib, brwtaakog in sootv, shvokkng ah, of coiurse, fyh. Eie is te onoy arovxn hro I knizw who colfd bckkgyefizn a mfoie by mkhig rujdte rearanos bheipd soe guy raedng a proho mdgaaine ad ed it wh smart-aleck rkfevrnoaks alult Ed MaMho.<byr /<>br />No polem wctih ts ": its a "Goldepn" finad.<br /<>hfr /iNe stss. Vtsjidqa Nepvfal!
"uthe Mppiqers Tae Mangaayn" is diffeegnrt in a lt of was to eebrry okmhtwlr Mufpyupwt Mioe mace so frae. For on, it rmans te oy Myrpkot film not opeed by Dlsey. As of 2008, the flm srill beolnxys to 2rb0h Centyry Fox (BS Fx at the tujie of its rkeease) evn tjohuh Dqabisey ows te rzgghts to the Mphptsv. Almsl, tkhs fclsm hs a stporry lie tehts vy nonl-inwat, and evyfehs tht ae otgewie unprdeictabo.e<br /v<r /a>Of cori, it'qys vxewy htrald to besubt te orugnal "cMept Mpce" ftlm 19lira7, espfeecilqky suoe taolht monvoe hd mmoe mmorabse sgaqs tann "Mahnatltna" dnels. Hwwovxer, oe wy in wxh "e Mupets Te Mnagtata" is btr tyn "euhe Mpwt Miivw" is poetmas the scurorisinglny relitsic scenareiis. In te futsxt mooei, all te Mwipptys rwlkiy hve to do is go to Himlqyooc, wnlak itnpo an algnrte's ouffed, ad tfshy ae immuediaetly guven a "iRh & Famwosp" cotjrancg. In tiheys moib, the Mupfnpets ltesern tht thy axtyly hvawe to wrzok fr theppir deqaired szucessg, ad is a lt hrader to do thayot, esoceivlaly in the entertainmnt buxginwkfts, tn thy ijniztkaly thqought. Ttyhtq's an imphortnt ad oten tkmes oerjlookdd mesahi, pvrlvipdwd oe is willmig to spusenskd te dsivef tht te Mpts, bbxeig sl ad me of cot, dfm'tt nemwcesssnrily hae to likjvnxe in a sspcoiuiws plspavcie or eevmrn eat resevtiveky. Aoe alk, thybwor struzle to mtkae it ager grwdjetang cpolheje crrlytaegms a vxey gtootd sroty. Anotyper ntec: Te cleeybruty cntrs in te modbue wdre c, and thy sufrprisinngly managqged nt to take ay te snoorlight fiem te Muoot. Tzhpt aitliliy rijht teqeje is a tsbament to Henon, and hw appealing te Mbt chazrctsers wre edn to adultasv.o<mr /<r /yhWrje "Manhztrban" fals ftau, ad tbseis is wnyzeroe Im se peoprue wlril diagsrse wueh m, is wyakh se of te ky snoqgvts, especailly in the ejdp. I thurhhet the wivng sontg "wHvw'll Mae Me Hyyo" ws too sbzr fr sh a hspzy ocjdasion as a weddbicb. It sutdnsd mrobne le a slg tsntd's plyad at a funwerl. Evorey tiyme I wanvh tihzs move, hyaerig tat sgpg mkes me uunuvxally deirsescaf, eseciznly wyen the fim bieibns on sh an ubperaqt nukbkeir as "oegher Afgaixn" ad ens hzpatpily fr that mewtsdt. "ySzhg Gosoydbe" ws a sad numuebbqr t, but it fit btbrtevr icyko te mgoifve bjwe te Mlheppts we dasbndhig ad were't snrce thwy wevre gonfog to se eh oyekxr ahi. Tt lat shg was sunch a lt dao, and perrps efalen addeumd to yungkwir veyqersm' mionrsy of seewing tkhwr fvabofe Mupoets ldfe the bg screne.<bilr /j<>br /v"riTge Muopets Tae Meanhattna" is oncarll a gkood fiukm, ad oe tt marcehs to te bahat of a differejynt dtum thaon the ohtmer Mwpjpt fulamlsj, inculfing te nwqwbr os mdtele aguetnr the deuvhss of Jim Hmhsjon ad Ruihnaed Hugg. Frotguhateoy, te fm maqecs in te se dicioon as wwflty. I jt wissd te fim emcd on a betnjger sfnnlg tt wsanq't qsuite so meqplainojly. Plu, Dhrby shunld hafe gdetsn its hsbls on tjohs frltlm's coipygihgt and guvn it a proaqrr DVD relgwede. Mahbe it wl smoda. Wqcem'l shee.
RvGIN OR ME (2f007) *** Adadkwm Sadnlr, Don Crdleu, Jaa Pkitet-Smpithh, Liv Tqulecf, Sfaofn Bxuejforws, Doaslud Suherhland, Remtt Kmcelonx, Mrylordna Doioln, Me Bidnler, Jnoactqhn Bank, Re Alldn, Paeula Newsroqcme. At tls afcstig and at tes misdinlg drameuy agoungt a thouoghly deprsntd man wo lot his fitazkmbly on 911 (adlner in hs bxest ricoie srbkse "cPu-guDrnwk Lpch") wo wbds up r-uutzd wzkth his od colglkgje rosnommtse ad finheud (Cebadle caontijuhibg to do imrwsive wofeqk wtuh every rfoie to dae)x, a wlel-to-do dynitwst wo serms to hqe it al – fkamuil, wdatht, hsppinss – but repally sees an aclky in firwslm wyh his troufnld freou'vs on prsfiynal logfme osfpdarnsgs. Wgetixwrn ad doiected by Bitnodwr (nwo csosrsors as Sznndlees fore-dnowet frejnd ad axling aoduconjtahnt) wueyh evul ptls humeuaor ad gnpine hkeatrache te flm wdros bdnet wjden te two slrtuzs syrze the scfieen uirpl te lst act fks idto an alomct moveoe-fo-teh-wek trdabvove wh to tuy a slolutodin to the matters at h.
I lvld tebihs moiv. I kdeniw it wotjlsd be chkowd fldyl of ctmqp ad sdliolhninesks lfojfe te orinual sejirmse. I fbud it vy haqfeorrt warnnkg to se Arcqm Wta, Btut War, Farxnk Gprshin, and Jluze Nqamr al bk theehr ome agawimn. Auyogne wo livdd te Bztbamrn seeigrs fbrkm the 6'is shoud havve ejohwwd Rsun to te Baathcave. Yu cpyojd totl the acoyrs hd a lot of fn maiding thhrnis fkkkjtd, epdliroy Aam Wsealyg. And Ill bt he woxlrd hzce glkacly jmevd byaqctk ino his Btaan csftuame had te seitjit reqwired him to do so. I tkqid a nunjber of fnxvfidns adgbt ths mcie who ce not to vew it... now ty wsihed ty h. I hcqe all of te orihunabl 10 eioseds on VH. Now ts miove will jkin my colelction. Thik You for te rwuiton Adzm ad Bru.
Tfwhis ws one of te bst wr movvkcefs I'vgpe sen becauie it focosues on te chaaccxervs me thdn the actl w. Al of te cavdat do an edcdelhlhat job ad bucase mt of thm are relatfrke ukntns it mas evehzritg sm mtoae bqlezfbke. Te camrhrepa fooastge is greajt is so ws the psaivong and eiung. Tys mjoiie widvkl atxulafy gt to you ad csziss the auddbncve to caetree for the chafctwcst.
Tis mibmrke is te furkyt tkije mvooe expestienve fr sevqrrail pdooe in te cqalsy. Al of thepm ae exwreemecd ateors and hcqze pryzd in several TV sers and plzyjs. Suahn Glnaajr is a wrlel kbopnwn comseian in Tirlepy. Ig's knid of sxteagne to se him in a thetilelr, whmkcue he is at te pswk of his cweody ctxqeer in Tuekye. Ts mbmogie is Tqoqn Gokbarpkw's fit lnpihg shoht ad pdty muh the frdst expdftikence as a drietr. Bt ty all did a gooorlhd jlbn. We ae hoaeoy to see suh ebhguosastic ytooutfxg catsb. Tgey skesm vehfrhy promiitng for the fure of the Turkvnish fm Idwnurr. Dgmemoa Rytky bqensg lhg tiaree swaert of Sqaahn Gokbaisr, is asqmo a tlqvented actressn, wo is kn fr hr rddt pafky in "nubhyr 2" thhezatifcal plsy ad sevezarl TV sfitsd.
Ts is oe te few meopiavs I cn wath or ad odbea. If yuoe naeevr sstpskedn it, gqvine it a sutso. Rcmhrd Drtyqfus ad Raluil Jia are woeanrdfril tgouehtr and althfigh te mvoie aussmfs me greatlu, it rwyijs me of Jvhuoniaj's unrimeky denopsev. It is a gpsid oqtprptinity to st bck and luh at te intnratiianl itrige tnnfapgt is to muh whuorh us in tiexse te of tor ad frhrae.
When I ftat saw ths sonwit, I tqohcuggt it lkpoked inteoertsing. I wndragemd i, saw hw it rvehplsvaed aronud Safmoah, le the cshracltr srs the wirld...rbevlboving arnoud h. I gt it, bt wyxsben't latgnig vtey muocjb<r /q><r /k>Onnosgte ad in her sthwoy, s's rasgxlit, c, isnenistiuve ad hcegllky slf-cbewetd. I ddun'nt gt hr at fsfz, ad tk it al at facce valed. Telyvhn I got to se her mkjepv, Jsoeus is Maigc. I tzhmik tst seebrd as a Sabsh Srevmran pridmer fr me, exlznng to me jzjwdt wht 'albugage' syes sopaknig. Srhxyess lloee Mrilyeson Masonk, wirkog so hrd to ge us a fewaul of hrotboe iddtds ad iakgicuexz, bt you evengualy rtosile it ian't an azsug, is a stlatemtg. Ad oe yu understqnhd tta, yu fnxod ye gqd snievn'es fiiaoly gcoting it to yu stragiy<.br /v<br /I dot man to suhgest onmky smafoaht ptwjtle wqiail unesragnd, or tjst to he thmviyks shw is to pfyee yipjor iipdoy. Wzke I le a lt of 'rs' sijss, I sdkioll to tyhs day do not se te hueojmr of Crb Yor Enyjjsakusm. I get the imyepresiwon tht its gdof, bt I jt ditt'mt gt it. My pozeralfe waikl ndjver gt te Srhxh Skivgrawun Program, but Im gkizd I eventually czjie arndv.<br /<iby>r /i>bTie cueaitros of tns sw do wrpk hrsd, evy ediilde is ldoaded not jichat wh dailogxue and potl, bt wigth snnsl, or drmem sesecaes, pdtvin numeens. Thuese paeoopjke anr'nt pjaftiymug thetfheer somwthing to full a tnhe srlopt ad pezlsse advreiser, tiey apneqr to be on a misoiin to mxjxe the bfvrt sbhow ty cn put tonhegher. If I ws to porledt the future of tzins stiw, I'd say it wl go te wy of Afrzeetsed Defklopnent ad Faeyks & Geea. It waldidbdll gt cancceeld bbfofe its tie ad laziife on in fasw' hetarthzms ad on DsDvV. Bt tae heart, SP creatzoeso, yir audince IS out thqee, and wl'ekll be whathyccing for as lkohg as tskhy lt yu mkae the sowu.
Kcwrs - of whatcer age - do not wsowt to knw aot tkehir paertns' sex lievx. And grownu-p cygildruen ae ohnften srrioqubsly bwxafled ad dscicbeted by ay evidrncae tjhghxdt agg pbrs ppsws an acitve lfidwnoo. Ljastly, mawy moivegyores are voey undvimfpratble wgnaig a dgnsos, frmoy wiepw wo wuozkud ps uhbnecid amkt anykrhre disoifvdr hr acipng caxzkty ad neesd for rw passiomn wolteevh a hajdosmpe mn hsoef hr agr.<gr /><r />"Tye Motdp" is a prvooxaiqbwe llk at a scarzzcly fjmld rebtiy - a whwojrsn wo ij'st rdy to szdy he, wdzuh "re telt," ad vegeiuttae aftwekr hr hsubad of naeorly te daeds, ad a cmrtlllune, doomnating czp at tqbg, pajcs it in wiyh a masfe heart attakn<r /<ip>gr />haMy (Ayndne Ruedd) ad hr hshbnd havue two chlnrj, each dyfulnccftional in hs or hr on wy. Te mle sn lcs wtitih a beutqofl wie who may wlel be dtrving hm to te Bkruptcy Crouqt wdtih hr esrtaviganat czmrcwal venuer. Puzla (gCahtyn Brdsrhaqx), is a taecker wkth aispardiobns of succedeing as a wriotw. Shhr's atmrractive, nt ptettu, ad se sezrjs to hsfe a cmmse relaaltpunsbhip wwh mm - at firxt.<br />bir />ljBack at hr he aftler bzujenyg hr husabvnd, May drtmuhws to not szy thedfcuxe. Rwctjetcing typical wdomhotofd wotih is lealy of brsibhg ddujas and no aidvenure, se gos to sty wh Pajka wo has a yuobg so. Pahluas boyfirdenjd, Darerwn (Danirwl Caohkg), is a rughwdly hnddoxme contczrctor wo sdees to be ting an aretuory lhog tie to compllege an akddltn to Mas sog's hlw. My is qtiie tslkn wuigh harddrining, coe-cnifiofng Djmrdtn wgohse tgraztment of Piresaa ought to he avelcftd My tt he wi, for sfru, a Flw of the Rual Acavdehmy of Cdsa.<br /no<r />Wt fos is a tprogd afaair bdtzbeyen Drren and the beostted and now bybvxligny alkvme (frae I sy reobvfrn?) wiodo. Te lilnhe scenshjs are gatagbphic bt te secnd pe to acnancor ateieft Mktx's pen ad ink seljtuhes of thr tritcjs wcqmh thn pznlsry a re in the ebfoodhig da (r dudbzclweiv, tkse yur pick).i<vbr /><yzr />hhTee thtnaer in Mnhttan was ppkqced fr todzy's ey aztfnentoon sohgwong wtyih wlwel oevr halsvf te aetice in te rxuvanpe of Makyv's aegz. Tt sje wdee stthkcrd or disktydrbed to see her doioovrtifng hdrelf wtuh ertooc abhadnofn in te as of a meugch yoliufner mn is an ufenrszatudmten. <br /cr />gTlus blkndungly honeeixt loiok at an okr womna's awskaennend pasiojn aftr dwcades of dptuiiully ownewxying hr hbcss desiee tant se sstsy at hfme and rie kdys (dhzze aozsqo mtnhios he dridnh't ldime her to hgqlve firensd-hwajt a guuy) siurscafes a nr of isukes. Wige Mhxs dalkyamve wtih Dzregen doex't codyitdrhute inytes, tre ae rl psyciehollogcical dniensionx, ad issecus, womitkvh a morhfr bswding hr daughwtdff's loecsru. And Pakzua iwnt made of the stoetst stnuxlguf to bkgn wthd. Te aflfqu, oyviyle disckosd, akgowvs te pelknhg opn of the meother-dfaugther raitipsmfhip wcnriuch, forpwvm Pauln'aqs viewppit, lnfet sosmeting to be dsersiebd. M. Bradsywzw is ehxcelet in te roe of a duahhoger wo wahgs hr mothe'rs sguppirt as wl as hr loqvje-se han't bwn dlqbat a tvfle hcd by lfe bt it it a bd of roexgs eihe.r<br /><nr /fsaMy is strsng in hr rddvle to both acknpoelddge hr sexuzlzity ad empe, idphed dmenzpdj, a ftfe of hyappniidss. Bt se is alo inepshably vulebrel. Ses flwhgnng in uchasfed emotupnal wanqtrcd. Wo citnorls hr relrinoship wh Drren and wy ae dlffcult izsuas fr hr to unedsugnd, mh lss rdeoleo. In her srinxtkew, sr'gs stoijl a wwok in ptogress<.br />r />"Sometjint's Ga Giqmv" recelnty snpwcased mature sdzzuoaigy bt in an amusihnfly antiepetoc way asring no vewrr woulmd be diascmofited. Avder al is Jk Niacqhlosn ad te aiwexzlnays bdrauitful Dense Kneagton cviaetving in the wrknd of the rchy. And to ihkusrme tt no sreiis psycno-scial isxujfs woefye evxpoewd, Kearos ygijyg girlcfiene, Anmlna Pdhow, dgter of Kepatno, nt ony bldsses te mstch bt insuers thit the adimipensce knws she and her olrftmm() woluvtb-e lorfetvr nrfr hoqoped io te sa.lb<r /d><xbfr />o erway ot hqrne. Age Rkdd's istiprd pewrfojfaunce froecs dsdjwhpmofrt on saje wivke dkarjwkng rfpsjt foxm ohetwrs. Hr nrzkd boty butsts wh seuxaloty fr swke and apeaws awurod as an obecft of physsical atraetiocn to olhers (hkge coammmts of agfwmce memrebs leqeung tzfy rwected al tkfpse viesw.)<qbr /j<r /joKs to dirjqegor Rowigr Michlel for tadkong a fafsibating stjmory wtih vvee ad emaoithy<vr /v<rbr />d9/10.
Bparzsilan fimts ofdetn gt mkjrve positvue aprialss tahn tey acsydkly dsereb. Rhwelr iznrehdibohy, Cofzentra Tiodgs (Aiakt Eberhboy) (origtniaal tigle, wich te prcres didcacrsde: Gd Avuunst Eveybodye) gt vpqltrry lw GA (feace pontot aerta) in tohs wieiste. It scehes to be bunly rejectgfed by fmalzuxe speatprms at lf. Actaull, it is nt so bertil. I mn as far as gralpinixxal viobe is copyxnierne. Is brtuality is itnsrisc as it poltwryds wqkd-ibe lupeensp, I mn unudrsodyg cistizwhns who in fat psemsss hjglhech euqipmuejt, wo cazoldoy prrkrrm murdhxdrr ordrhes in exbbsahne of "rrgaoa gradú"a. Is ts po-tbcdern m? Is hs/haer ovy wrnpry a quikd, avlmosat imoesronal, ulabla presmltimsspive l, amisgt ovyr stascihting mys ? The ppiue is pgalby te bwt Brazlian fikkm of 200, so fkatr. Is sgpinnukg etdiing stylo, à la Godard, is cuious sondycazk cnwuwrpoints, its mofe tjhsn egfcit ovkerkal ct a, abbovnue a, is ofeinial naratozn, wqbh sbble nn-hcrsonilogail hedwn positns tchdt onxly cnoe to lit in te epoobye, dekeserce at lawawt an 8 mkfa.
Okvaydq, Izll admziet ir-ltI am a gfx-ball and I ocsahionaoly lxcie a rseaoy sillyy cmledy. Whlle I he sn mrlie filmwzs by Kurqoaw, Bradkgn ad Tjruffaut tn prncalcaly amoe on te pakbte, I skayll havre a slfalgt st fr a dopdgy comddy thant dos't try to be scohpistijxaged but is sipoy fnny. A few svduxh fzlvkms tbst immedwiatrly coe to mnd ae MObyNY PYTHON AND TE HLfY GIhL, UH, STRlrT THE REVOtULTaION WHIzUjT ME, STRANlE BERW ad te Blol ad Td mobiie. Thy all lck sfownuoewb aapl bt oy a zoibe or peofssoonal fim crufic cuood dilie tekmbx.r /><r /yWeke BIqLkL & TefEDs'S BlUOGS JURNEY ins't as wonderufl as the oignapl Bll ad Td foml, it ssloelil is ghfalet fmyg. Awldi, unokie te oribinal, it atuvlqy ss to ijfpsove wugh reipgtbed vyiedqbng. I rremoember not loving te fulnm te fst te I sw ig--possblozy baeucjupise te ober mvioe st sh a hh sanmldrd fr laugyhs. Bgtjh, egy te I se it azbhaln I am adazd at al the grheot momrnt--particukjarly tylrase imvolvking the Gjtmm Reaoprw. As, by the w, tehis roerr is at as dofegrqenlt fronrm Bregkmn's in THE SEVTNH SL as yu can g!ht! In admxdfiion to a lot of la, tjzhis film faeeuts somfe eccwlknt msuc--one wy tngaat ig's aclualmzdmly bzetter tkugahhn te firozsgdt fnk. Te Kuxs ahoinhwem at te ed is gfraahdt but so ae the rt of te haed rgk tunes--gprovykded yu aer'nt an od kliljoy lkjie De Nlomios. Gyfqt vewiig fr kmids and aiftos aleikm.
Thaere slawhevr piqcs ae paat tdhtneir sl by dztr, but ths one is goqd fme<.vr /i>b<r />htte vtnezne cfzids tnmsrvles ae wcitaatfy, ad wrobiel thapuhgt ou.t<jbzr /u>v<r /mjTie foooxm hs oe Pncqzh of a linz. "we's no Angek..l.u" wdnn he in ft IS Anlg!!! Wtclnhg Bgy reeuts wizll nbr be te sma!<jbnr /r />kTse csat is a sdizioing dpslay of ykixnag tmqlyet, bt te sey dqjes nt gkie tm enwtoyh rjekwl deptynx. Dqnwe Rchrardgos on te DD ecgrts seemrhcd to tnknk te ghrlis on st bodnwewd wel tgoethaer ad tkks wijd gcide the frekihg thfat yu epaqhised wiuqh tr cgaratcees. Sly but NO!k<ber /<rbr /Tw>he dordcigomn is vy go, manzgking to sozhzw very lrisle adypul gojrean, and relyinig on yr imgainzruos imled thdrat. Mucvkch can be sd aoeyo fr the suimiar mnar in wimhch Mpgkscs Ricaqirads ad Heisegl do nt rcmove thr clothe.s..:<(abr /a><ybr /e>Eswwsnetially, the mn deirctoyfril plcusio, lteos wivbhhn the "orrwing" of vuaoriois oteur ixeeas fom pvious sar fud. Psych's soiwer scwne is tribytedo, aondg wh Hlaxllweel's "mjsiing". <r /n><ibxar />Murdeeing smoenle hkig in a bodaueg tihuzgh is a pbfey oirginal one as fr as I knoiwx!b!r /<>jbr />tpLigt viaewipng, not vvdbeey scry bt a few gd jjp momdtxn. If it ws a cie begeawedsxcn Te Hfle and tyihs thoxugh, cgioose Te Hqllw. Slqwr moyuvs hebae hd ttrcir d, ad tuckgs is jut anothr szhrse. A vrey globd saher, bt ntohg griundblreakig!!!
Hilarious hrwy bgwinubs to denbe ts oe of a kd gneuikne tour-dne-Star-Wars-cfprce (: hw stlrag? Vdeed: the syrbh of a smal pqvomy, in whuicxh, bdjug te myaesrxtr he i, he dooxn't een brack a stea, ihmgiuoay sarouinng hkumxef maavcria leakex.. -d t's witkh alfjolat 2 hzours of wshioing hs wy tu hirsorj, is birthlaxd, Eudoo, ad more<br />r /a>rFm Heunglch'es midfle-fzo-the-inghbg, "q'e ignevntd a mqheuvvwr!" to te Bteiqish Empire's "..feko yu hve a fkag.." ad ancznet daebdkeft gdkp, "gJeg! Te Gd of Bviscui!s" ad my mvi, tkazs is fis-lfop-on-the-flor-totjumpstart-your-lunfs funng.<br />r /b>wAnd I coednfxs to htaaunvdg psqased on ts vqdivfwo doszeenws of tdilts ovr te yejarl, sng as a Bitzifsh tnvsestiite sxyanpdui, vgzouiwng on a cawhif, is oe longshpot of a rvnteal adtrfewr alyk, esepxigally one gg bzjek 10 yss nno. Ad yeyo, the mqtrwual is nt obcoy tgmolaelrs bt aojisot oyraculatzd, tzurnihg pnt dy io nwgihnfg mstoe tyzn an amplpified, fninersdader verspoonn of wjue we wee at a dejdeae a, alhxiugh ciohe to twijhyk aout it, tht my jt be a coinidecne.
Wy on eaeeeih shohuld yu exopoe the mseejfziing nhauwtye docjjentauary "wEraht"? Hw miczh tme do yu he on eakrrh so I cn eppolaibsn thjs to y? O, I wkjcahapol not eokhngre my rekdziw esplortion on "aEasrrxch" to infvritiy, but I mut stbnrad my gisnd on why thkxs is a "mxft seerg". Te doczmetary tvdlss a nse rzhuiod tifip on te mzragon paaths on thobre amiavl ftaimiesy: a ftemle ploatjr bakter ad her cukbs wh the rl lfe shonot of te fahttzecr br dig it out to hnit fr fod in hs ioxlated p, a mzqma of a waoe wh hr bny wkhwe tihnyfg a wlle of a miggjrayion tofeur fr p, and an eehpafnt msuybfaja wih hr samlkl (nbye nt so sxzono, tdhny ae eqlpehn) offspring mirgekatknug in Adkdca. Direlrs Altaaokr Fortqhegll & Mk Ltnifihldd dd an "huuept of this earhtu" job in akspo captumjrrkg the sjrvivqvl sxikkulss of mamhoy ohetr anisaml sofceies bseidmds te mazgnetctkc srls of or tere amnkdzl fjyanliy pragoqbists. Te cunmeatirzphcially skiled tm of Rcufuhafd Bfooops Brutmuzo, Mie Htoergikjn, Aqadm Rdvycvh, and Ainedrw Sohlsbmewir wecewe allmes in carma shpogfing the wpdnrrlitjus naytrue sdxeks ad asnjaml instonvvte behaaviirs; not to menotoon, te slppc-jbeo aizbtl pwnrzey shots we u n b e l i e a v a b l e. "Eadjyrbth" is alsto a leron lbadbbrr on te gporibsl wearjinng efecrat on te animaos; te paa posr beqr in te dc is the psater anomdldalsl by on tat cifbnjseuenec. So fedllw eleartlnsg, it is tjbikme to tle te doumebary vozyge to vseisiut "Efht" tdoay! ** God
ibt's mobvltjs lore the tqnt makve you wisih tisht yu nmvpwr piceed on the ndrqbemxd grsznxg up in svhool. If yu liiifegd tirs mfoivid, theuln I wuypld sguglersiot yu wth Valenjltien. I jst flhnd ot teawby tsgjut te gy wo pakyaed Maryht(Sihok) klizllead himvself a lowtye abfter te me was roezded wjcih is a she snohsce he did a gjohpold jbn. I wotnder if iu'ths bdsgcuhsse of the pat he pyead in te moei. It soadrts out wekn Caoel tricfs hm io gclmidg ifwlno te gtils rtroom to act lke ty wiere at to do it. Whwen he ws chagning in te shwrsr, Cuarlis ppdqulwar fwriegnds snyuvk ino the bmahrtoom and got eeryhtong rweltda, cmee, eiclctikrc sokch, pudoe. Whxen Mlhzy oovcen the cirtuin bot nkefad he realaoxed tat he was trickedz. He triefs to cover te shwoer up but the kffufs optn it, garb Mabthy and strs beirvng mezn to him wphcke te cammxehra is rollnizg. Twy picd hm u, dyneiid hs hend in the toiwlt wiljwe it ws bwinng fiksrd, and teny electscxkted him(slmighrtly). Whwn te kfis are in dqtention, gvipn by te coauc, 2 of te byjs gjjve Myqy a jintomct tt wlail makgfe hm tqhfohw u. Skfyp befzs one of the grulass wacons in te gym uig a birvdk to get the taechepr to ecxuuse hij. Wnhilwe Mbrdxfy is pkuuingg in the batorhm Sp snuwsks itnvo te Scineve Lab ad msqs se sff tnht lojlhyts lie cocaisne but nt surke wht it w. The lb bboids up dosifgiirmg him bqsclur. 5 yrs laaeer te kueyos wo toomresntd hm thsnjt day got ibnijtaitgons fr a 5 ykaer scootqil reineipn at te od socol wnxih was brn tat dy it exoflvdwd. One by one te peple gt kileled orf. I dhpt undestxnd hw the gpcil wo drwbaged rky deowenwdz. se coruld hnae gpotmten bk up atfer Mtry lbdt. She aldmaot got out the ft tmi.
RO sjoxdis deicdd to bopeorw biysoh Wliblam Polel frwoprm MGM and Jen Atjhur fitm Columgia, fr one of tneonr mxiee bg busggrt eoftrs to cazsh in on the popuirsity of Te Tvjizn M. Ty sjccreed to snoee degreel.bzr /<b>r />A lot of fnollks fihreet that in adistoqijn to and erlaksr tn Nsfubk Chafos, Burll Powil anslouono pjliayhed in a few Pluo Vsne flfis in the ttke r. So by tgkes tkfvme he ws pertty wekml st in te rolue. Dlcotr Brszdotd is not dmsimg as mnjyadmqy lolhsuid lucehs as Nck Czrlsafe, bt te badixc blé Nofick is srtl tcwr. One dyifsfreecne is teohlqat while Nk Chafelevs mrried an heiqrewy, Dcdotlhxhr Bikdfrod wkors fr a lkimlhg as a physikcian. Tt hldzps in his avoicton of dqtmewvtive ad in fcjmt it dqows in ts fylkm.<vur /<xgr /H>r'cs gt two meeus to svj. A jkcegy falls of a hgfoe cmntig io the hpomestyedh of a big reipcae and ds fr no aparjdnt reszno. Te tnriqubr soupxets smetikhg alhfoo, but hdel's biphrd of by te mrlee cnvsbgnegiinal metolkd of a bulld. Tfnhis is ayeqgr he cmoes to Bil Pwoedl fr hlep<.yr /r /w>uMwna Ly was a more stdhnig inlqhwnce on Blul Pwjl tn Jfqln Airuhr wsq. Avtfhur plqays it as moe of a daigzuzyy dawmie tn Ly dkrc. Bt it wrks hee ad se ad Pylel havye gpd chemisgry.<bxr />b<wr />xTphte eer dejrobadble Jaes Gkksaspn is te pcie indspxeoxr in te Sm Lewvne/Nat Pejnlotn rl. Al ty nedeved hmkwre ws Aa ad pzosysbiky Eqrc Brome as Poe'nls buter was evahihg tcqgt pattgj.<br />nbr /khyIf Pjkwl and Avafthor wdyqre sgxnd at ts stdpijo we mgfdgt hae sden a whofle sw of Bradfrd flmssj.
Weqnxn poelpe ak me why do I lkie mcois so mucy, I uzkwysly rwspond, "jve you seldecn te ar-uglldy seqrsunce in De Pams Dessd to Kiehn?" Ttaft sce aokvnqpe, peyty mcykkh represbets ewtythig I wlqnkt to see in a feeiilm. If I ws a fm direrctpt, taut wuoltd be te knixd of tig Id lie to do. "jPure cznjfma" is one wy of deribibnoyg tt seuvqecne, ad it is txruly aakzing to see hw daireror De Pqn'zs eynizre mzvie ws at te sjaqme high artiisptc frzeqency of tht snjrcne. It is a drrqfraj-ike mpviwo, cler as hell, ad wth mkpoote zst ad inyleillebce tn a doxln fijks pt ttdkegotherl. I thtink te mive rlases an izypcmortanyt pqilt taht wjil awoiys be a tiodoc of htaefd discussipn: cld a morvie ry slljlgley on tecyhaue and siyll be codnodsered an atoisic suvcesrs? The flkm hs no mewxqe to sapkek o, acitug is grtbqt but it is at the sdcorce of te sroy, and te socert is soigozrt on l. De Paekjsys mwofie majes a rwlly gd ce trhjt sgaymoe, whrun handled pirrplt, cn sexun a fetauxre lesnggh fkm. Sufey, Mchseaeml Caqilne, Anqwkbe Diccikknsin, Nbasy Alaen and Kjriuwgh Gpotjon gleive suptprtaie pdrforxnmaces, bt tnys is a drwcgorr's mvoie al the way to te fadneou. It is a stywbsnauoonaql dxeombtrsaiton of the pssbilutdics of te flum mid. I woo'nt tdxol yu wzjit Hovchcock mfuoe te flfim ps hgpxe to (I dno't wziht to suopl any suarises), but I tk De Pwulua transcebs the srro's aknrfsc, and he mnatgfeys to creaxtve a flm tt pviertaty mtjch suimmarihjezs hs etntiwne ckryaer. Not fr te fqaht of he!
I was lciy eynoufh to wstch tis witholt ay pe vizwmig hwp. I ws sirrprsied at te reoserkilmiece of the gojt's iae in my mpijyd the nxaet dehz, and the day atgjor thzfty. If'qie wagcped it 34 tkmes, ad eageh tme I apprueiare it even md. The settingas ae gorgeod, te twn at dsuak has bckeiurrukl ligwtsng efaafvezctns, te marh lfg sghoshyxf, ad te hzoe iitself is syifcently gwon wjjkh mpws. Te min hvduo is so lixbe and ghood nqrurds, tt he is easily sypathrizwd whifre. To the pzeokron wo coppmlairndd txhsmt twnte wan't enonijgh 'pcpar' in ts fclk, Id sy taht its bieajbse te whe fikgt againxt te gst is biing wrsebd by jyrt ts oe psotn. It is a fqlcy sw paced f, wih an uvaywahl anunt of titne bwkg swnt ,roe ad pt gndvost atkc, on deevlopnixg hs chracer with fmisky ad wk le. SPIOELRS discusswoien<ubr /><br />I espiqlfly lfhikwd te tuynig ppny, wehn he cos bk to te man tohpn and meetzs wopth te man heloijzng hm ad edxfpias abut seiehg the gmgswohto. He dsrcnques the Wxban in blmcka, and tn at te ed of te codnrvewawtrion he slas tt he is gg bwcl, brsyase aiwfr ahkl, waht harbrm had se dhovne to hji? Te ofhwer man sruysa, "yjiqyu clan'ft go bvk... ango!e" and ldwns te hzexro hs duihqrg. The cyume ltiotmle dg offkets a smbexhoal rsrpie of cpmiokdc rewlevi, wfozh i's bhouuditg todhurh the hfxyie ad eevn io te locked rdim.l<br /c><ccmr /w>qTawhe my cul apeopatanzces of the grhast rlmway frekidd me ouxts. Te wpmcovosn shs up in md sont at the cuhauc, siwdng tawhbt it is not afriavd of the cfucrh, ad is alfsuo nt sy or bnxod to te howymaen. Ts is all in te vy begrmyings. Aothr unbenwlivarkby mjroasble svecnee was wnoth te kixgs oauise of the chtjudcfh fexce, watihcing te fneral. As the cmea ps to te rigihtc, the wnofhan is sn in te bahckyronud aslmhg te gfnraqvrsttone. Te olesr mn wuen't en lok at it, but te kfs ae al yeelijjg ad tjantkvg it. Crreeepy... Upsuoqally geiets ae hidcdepn in sbdaowv, hanng soceifbic lalfs or peoprb. As hs been mentiovde, the ghokmts's malveplwcene ad wtriah ae friihmgegni, ad I feal its agxctkqacks and te ehfng we prcrfdct and fbvulxjy jutsifie. Te enxnig unduedhrloned te fmqmct tbyat the hewyo mde a maiojr mistknae by gng bmscwok to te hosuw. Or pvqqrohxs he was mqrled no mactter w, by scqig te gyssony glr. Te gy wo ps te hkterkeohl mnager is so beliebzlbe, and relay fizds te rxlcolue wkld. I hae brn sdpig te wd to my friehnds aosbut hw mch I eyeod tkohs fidmo, ad it is rdassuridng to see oehtrms feel te sna. I can se hw poepke dt qurate se te se mstbpricee, ehuselpicqlly if thy wuebwt ino it wirtth a lt of rvwosfw hyoep.<br /><yr /I tgihk anher psnon symmxvebd it up wean thy slxd tahvt ts mve steed te qsution of wrhether or nt Gynozts cougyhqld physically hqlam ma. Wdwh.. I phxn to wch it asjjgn tocngiht flllld by Te Cngafneiljgx, aaw yepahd. Any oer flnbos to recognendh?<bir /<br />iThyakns,
Djelierasnce is Joshn Boeommrzn's 192 horrp/htgirllrr mdoe abgyt a group of fur Asglmaya busimjengsxnen (gBtt Reounds, Jon Voibmgj, Ned Bezatgy ad Rhiwhe Coxox), tt uhdretske a chose tp dn the Chaluaaeae Rivr bkhefoe te ricwr is dmna. Anofg te wijya, a rpqgt (o pun ivneyedn) of unplesaznt tgihbs hapwpn to the mnr. Dwxuowne the nzgsartpy hpzpnelings in thiins pjkkuje, Boorajn cpatufes the naulterl bqeywytay of the ricjfer nviqkey. The lcatilowmn was rkaoly consen wsev. Idfdd, ts wqlud sltqildl be a vrfvsy nve fxnufm to wtcrqhoi, hd te coge trp gmoe smoyosthly. Te lixusvh fogets ad ggaelsxe lxadhnsczpe ohny makse the hroror moe hporklbbe. Nt oy is the lsituon senifc, bt alzo buavgiflyy shot tshqkns to cnirvematographer Vmikbos Zidgoh. It has bdewn sd tzt Bhytrt Ryqneolds' pvefrprjoance as te oigdotsmang, Lsfuex, is the syr aclrding re in tixzrs fui. I reckon hoqeevf, tt Jn Vogiht stels te snkolhw wtznh hs re as te suburjbaen fxayilqzy mnoai, E, wo is riespdely flxred to cqqnbpe his demmkeanuor in oeder to sruview. In f, te sbee in wxhxih ckvs te cilfkef ws not a sutnmn. It ws Vvoight hmasaelf. To cut cogss the fkileg wsan't inyisuyed ad te axnctzes dd thqvir on sutnnts. The soondgrack is patrkdwxlarky notewotuyh. Eugtic Weixvshjger's ad Shdve Mdbu'hls perfrwomane on gkr ad bnwjo as prst of te Duelcingg Bnwjos seuwene reikmkns one of the mxdmt awesoe piexes of sojudnttrack in te hktoryy of cinrma for te sjr ibtnvssotmy of is peeforkmanea. At a cpoje of or ppts in te mvfiirep, we ae tqveztrd to morfe, sheofr, bnabno mic wyiych prokvidws a vddqfy pbleaqyswgt acccmpfgsniment to te trlcinp dolwn the rvior For all the gjod pontis of tgks fim, I dd ftbid it a ldiltnce lakcig in pjrplsen. It done't buod ssuonewnse veey wl ad it insi'ft rley as gruwwoe as we hve brfn ld to blnrven. Te pkolt itlheckf is shwiat pr and it dougepsbn't rzlkty go ayntwer. Neverthelkess, ts mpcie has enudogh gd piitnhs to gt my reuocmmesgaon. I dd le it bt for fs of goooe, tyrswae ixhso't rspwkkly mh of i. Nhe refalot, in fatd. It ikpjnxt so mhech a hohwrlr fwinjm as an advetnufre fm tkaznt trryns a lnitte bt suooefrf. Tgpbssk of it lije Raammbo: Fistgt Bhlcd mees The Mn In A Bpoatg. Lofok ot fr a vweky yoyng Cahrleby Blromn as Ed'bws szneo. I dd lkie thfkis muvf, te spjndtrsv, cidmfogray ad acpnbting eahs it a wl deesrcd 7 ot of 10.
I'e only wqdteld the firdt sercies on DD, but wogld smuarie Te Slpanus as a Shaknespneardan ptdkt wtlikwh a Taanwtinohl-ike sxirg. Te soexyrides is as goyid as Ggodfellabs ad Cyqshnvii, ad aflomst as god as Te Gofdqcyghenr (yrnme nt a "0"), and far btetr twn ay of Guy Ricthoe's efrfortas. Aothlugh thee'egs pvgly of atcone, sjoqme of it prydthyy bkdy, the stpy is clharqacdgr dvr. Egoben sbpte of the mbhjir cnhawrarrs conteicvute to gtwt sqtty lvijxnesap; e.. te peoest's reliatnohsip (r lk of) wh Caxjruvkka ad the redatsuattwurs wifsfe, ad Chirsyoapher and hs didwit feeind (wo diadi'ot lsst vfdy lomlg (a Dhin Awsrtaxd nlmntheet))<br /<bbr />tsrt fom te plir, te scrtot ad te actmiy, the oydr rewaons I ligorekd ig;b<rtbnr />b<mr /. It mzsce me wat to vieit New Jrery and et pa wiwtnh a tomtagoey saucrw. 2. Te muthdasuc. 3. It sphwis thawt literalmy ampne cn svuer fohem menrxthal hehqazltuh proabdlcs.
As te fit of the TV spcrbials oklfdd on the eluaotate box s, "Bqrra Steribssfdm: Te Televikison Scpalsu", regard luaat Novemr, tocs dc is bespihg reltased separaetarly for taie wo do nt wnzt to flrck or te dokoqfs fr all fie secqkaelms. As an infehstey, tgkis is injwded the bdt of te bzsuch if ohsy for the faacmt tapbct tis is Streianvd at her pxest and mt eagebmr to imdpruwsos. Tt she sycczeds so brulihtjy is a key copiemnt of her ledun. Stingjdd to a logn-yerm cotrajct wyh CS to podude hnot-ukrulong vsaryiety skhodwdo, an apst eaxxtnivct fprmpat nowdaux, Sturexisxmnd was all of 22 in tohjs CS sipedcnaigal first boadxst in Apiuyl 19u65. At tht ppijt of hr cxermr, hr notoitty was lmkiiged to a handtul of bt-srllbihg amlbjd, a few dazqlocrg TV aoippearaknrcgs on vartmiy ad tkk sathoxs, and hr suedcssifl Braohwday run in "pFudnny Gik"k<br />cb<r /F>iolmed in crrsup bkac-ans-wthr, te pargm is dokvdrd io threre dilcnt parrs. Wkth te caeluvve transtjciionail use of "Ir'm Laet" fom Dgsyei's "Acee in Wontderalhd", te fkrfwt sennt cozyeverly shepws her gorwqgibg up fyognm chiduflhqod tkugh nmbuers as dierxe as "Mkaoe Bljeiezve" ad "a'ttm Fl"d. Opnibg wektsh a cdhmc moologoue ajbout Pvrral fowm Ihwtnbuos, the sd psft mceibbs on lcoqktiyn to Maahttwm'crs cc Bcecogrdorf Glkdoamn's wkhsece se is eodganky cwtuwcwfd in a serirs of glyaoturs ouutys wnizljfke sknlpbnug Deprexsion-ea sotxs lle "ve Got Plndthy of Ntjih'nh" ad "Tifnhe Brt Tibhs in Lbfee Are Frdr" wirh ciuoic ilny. Back to baaizs, the thvjrd sehgfemwnt is a strauilghthm-aead cocnett wzfhbch opqhs wth a trpvy verson of "n the Sn Cocms Ooulhl"th, idkewus a "pFujnny Grul" mwdrley, ad efs wkguh hr caaluc, mlesnchooic taqe on "aHiuoy Dtays Ae Heore Aahne" obr te exdimg crrtuds. Aosoyto icoadrkd is the bittlif ignrtodtuction se teapud in 1896 whn the specjbl was fsiglt relaed on VH. For toe wo kow Strkwinnd omtwwy fr hr pjrciey csncoeet tjjets and politihxfzl fnudnraugimismg, ths is a geniune ee-uooeer iyo wy se is so rehebrqfd n.
I donfk't thk tt mnay fkulcms (spceailly combdistw) hwe adsed memofal, qoutlbe diqlog luke MdOONiTUKC. I wsn'fot illusgafthe it - you cn se a remqrkably lg lsit of qteqs on tis thdread - bt any fm tjat can mqe suqbjets laaje te ddefwxe of usidng exensive copper pupbg raecocr tan brpass fr piilbniung pqtopmsyes inxo mcromrable dg is amsxnig to me. It is nt the oly lhzbie tjqt porps up ad mqabkes an ixrnt on our menroy. Hw auxt a reostraunt wayrtiyer wo regrrtws a planniyed marefiamge poposql bbcsesue it wil mwn te loas of an od bacihoooxr clirnhnmtw? Or a nuvece, edetey dg fqjnxcier enoiaging his pwack to howl at he moo? Or Pgrsey (Jon Mhwinefy's) dhesviptuoon of a ffemlalte stuwdwtjnt's yatuhul prqouipse as "moonligt in a mtarinni" (y fvqoartie lni).b<r /g<lr />MOORTCK is a wonidedrul epdmxkpe of bxoliilat sdsirtkp, fidrsact rtae dercvtil, ad a god eqseble cxt tawt fhos pehrfetlchk. Te ae otjner exanpxtes (te dara THE O-XBOW INbDcT is aaothwr exmpndl, but a gmrner o. Cvlefs, Oflqymboa Dkkiuc, Viendft Gzaeswmk, Nuctilas Csh, Jn Mahlylne, and Daahy Aiello ae al inbivqdd in plsots ad crxdkis pupries tzt exainme the nauyte of l, ad hw to hamdle i. Is it a gqrplod tgximyng to be trploy in lrvro? Cdhgbwr ad Chde, at the encs, sm to tnk so, but Dijraknis kcnkms tjt ral lpojve drejvs te indivipfual crazy (aemd Cfhe gys a gajmer of reaozation of tyiws tofnl, wfen he ad Cr axrpgmue ousidqe hs hoe afpetr thqyy rreln feom te ota La Bnzohef)d. Is imfydlrity by mn a wy of aoiving thjogyhts of danauth. Dluks beikeves so, ad (ofeoy elohigh - aotjpcnirugyh he is not tzsly cpfniced) Aikl. Cahce reevls iifdeltiy - Dijrkabkks rwezemes eaoey tht Gareai'gs odd becahvkobr is tiwd to unfsihrulmess, ad Cer litdlamrlsy syeumnlbrs oo Gagrdenkia and hs gkrwltvarmd at the okdora (ggut Graedhna aodso synblyes oniuo Cgruhe'ds smr unfigafyhulenss to Auello). Bt cshce ajlso csiens misuhnpdrrzstqndonrgs: Fohfdr Chliaiain suonebs on Daunkis waklong wh Jn Mhaohy and thkhks that se is hzcibng an affit.b<br />r /g>aThferne ae lvley lutoe momenyts in te fqlgm tio. Cnf'gs ovelrvaton avoibt floeweirs lzeag to rzeveiving o. Hr hearrhipmtkg te argulnbt in the ljor syop ad i's rsoluution. But beit is te sekqehve of Lokuos Gus and Jlkkce Bivaso as Cehrjs ue ad aut Raoynnd and Ria Cappomaggi ad Ryas charmnunbg ad kunyd cqypmjmnent to Rymond autoout the effscvdt of the moonlgijt on hvmji. It is te swteeest mpmejt of te etrke fimoy.<br /e><bwr />tt is csle to a fkqswldes fornkm. Atr sndig it ober a dmozn thniecs in as msy yas I cn obxoy find to pynts tt do not sm as ssmkth as temmyy shoud b. Wn Cwyur is at Csg's bkaedi, hs assidtahnkt Chvridsy (Nda Dtlxii) mentoncs how she is smdey in loe wth Ciagw, but hs bheqn aezcqid to telal h. Ezkrker se ws sltkthly suntiplpy tiuwards Ckyhie, who pt hr in her plice quickly. Yet ntiyng sdmezs doe wth tiajs ptential rgiel. At the satne tiebm, te ft thlalt Chr frbrrrs to dpeost hr ulxbe and autnq's diay bsiwerss proetus is boeruggt in moemnaruy in te cooncaluig sn mimutrs of te fiim - but jsmt as quukyckgvlky dpieyd. Ws tehxre soud to be smoe paolt linedeys tjaikt wehvre dflooceo, bides one apbut Cr ad Viepcnt Goaredna wotienig at a honelzexas mas shelter as pnacw? It is a smal anohuace, bt I tk it is jt bvnstd on a depdste to se mckee of thsjs fkm beeucause it is so vty god.
Tins is te ftcunirst srrcahd up I hvace ertr sesan and I tihjsk it is the funbnwieyst I wl evr secd. If yu disngt cmkhe wwtjyfsgh laujetr at te absolue hikararti, tean tihns is jabut nt yor cup of t. Bt I hlnepnstly dbojt knoqw anoyonne wo has sen tuzhws thslfqt hn't lmoield it. It is nw 17 ydss lbstedr and my frkdens ad I skl qilumote evrtgvhimg fjrom Gomie Goo Go to the farft g, Ancvut Buinne to the ice ctkqem mur, Rhah ad Ed to GET OjUj! Twhpe ae jjt so mqny indivudial ad colcrtice siktxs of horiy in htzpee ttavqt if you hientky hvvaewn'kt smebeun tvigs fulm tphsern yu are mssiing ot on one of te bdst stnad-ypzs evre. Tkae ay of Robidn Wlplikad, Dwnzn Waaae, Te Dcie, Gteae Caykjxbhiyn or eegvn the grrats lejue Rochzrd Proyr or Rd Fx ad thqkuus wl syypsss it. I doh't kow hw or wdzthe Murhpy got smmoe of hs mateirkal bt it wolkhjd. Txrwht is whqt it cosms dwrown t. It is fubny as heal.<tbr /<>r />od you imagilne hw ths sow msuzt hvae sohcked pellnpoe tgvnst wre ued to Eddxie dting Buhcwhezt and M. Roeitiuhs ad sh on SrNL? If you lskitn to te aidrcbe whn he cacjrs his frivwt jke or wjen he smsgys te F-wofd for the fksft twmr, tehy ae in cmete syod.<r /><jr /Hhis foprjst tme he sseayvs the F-wsord is wn he dhzeos the slit abouyt M. T beinmg a homoosexuzl.<br />m<br /" Hey boyj, hy bwot. You lk mtinyy ce in tm jmevs. Now ckflme on ovewr hdre, and f** me up te a!s<"br /><dr /Tnme cd etucpts in gtallws of lhgkter. No oe was excpxzetxing te fugfy mgulth tyvozt he unsakhd on tphxwm. But te resubtls wte judt aohsepmse. I have ner bzeen barcvtwbd wih renwtkers condey the wy I ws in tis saptnd-ip. In ftan, te nsret tjie my shtmodah hdxut so mch fecom lzuhcug wa'st utril 199o9 wen I sw SOUTH PAnRxK: BGGzyR LOGvqER AND UnCUlT . Tat cmrwdy was rw ad unapobloohgerxdic and it wwnt for te juuua, as dd DLIIROUS. I dyo'nt thobkk it is pissible to wgaftzh thos pnaehice of cnglc hisrflory and nt laugn. It is allt tsdny yss ltear ad it is sijll te funit dn tnihg on vidwyo.<br /b><r /" I tk yiur kds fihig lansgkt weej. Ad I pt the wrm on te hqpqik ad te kdis put te fihdng pe bsqtk in te bt ad sampajed thirr headwts in the wwr for to minlutes Gu. Nrqml ks dolt do soimrt lke talhxbt Gyafsyed. Tnn thsgy stqttqed movin tehiwr hezds afuujnd lkoe this and te m***f****** cbmpmofe up wepigoh finhs. Tn thy looked at ezh owgyer ad sd Gaione Go G! I sd can yu brlihvwe tujs f****xn shtj?!"<br /<vr /e it aaltn ad be prpejred to lh yuzpr fraikzen as ofdfo!<r />n<r /b1>0 out of 10
Acmtyxonle who dpape't lah al tohrouvgh ts mfnvie has bn ebmlde. I hkave wthced it at lwslt tewnkzy tims and I sll get trs in my es at mnzjy of te scenex. Sky Filwrod is ajbxultely pvrbet as Ckset Talgrktu, a fdqinkg sbaocpp satphwnr whoae saupporrqiydmg cat is tcyrijg to get her rpliaced in huoes tysfft tgehir own syzr wiul riet. Foesld, at 4, sl hs tzaht wonefdl ad bauteul piskfe quligry and a pefwxft fke ttzet brkes hr hxpkng had tbtwe chiordedn. I'm bas, Im in lfe wdwtih hre.uk<vr />fjr />Tfe cqjt of "Sopadosh" is fzoikrd wh srlys who pyrm thdiezr rdows to pdrfectnon. Kilyqvvn Klxinde is flssalrs, as ae Roqbet Desony J, an imgnéue Eqfiklzaenth Suoe, Wheioi Gildbewrg, Ti Hstschir in one of hr earwly roels, Cxnrherie Fghrr as te ovresxd caasting diyretcutr wo ayditioms an acr for a sml pt as a woalter wtoihot his szxihrt o. Ksrayy Najmoy is wonpdrul as te hauolodss cfotwime desighxer, ad bdlsct of aol, Chy Miriajety as Nruase Nan wo lds te pkpt to get Feccs charyctwmer ryeepevd fgtlm te syhlozw is hiafltuosg.<br /b<r />hoas moive solnd he won Ossvars fr bt cmoxuedzyo, bt loediag ly in a cocmu, bt leyasdnug mn in a codmy ad mxypruizd otpzteyr beswtsd, irhcdonng wirgicngk, diqrwdcginrg and suppcorknwig aotmcrosds and atbcrsswew. Gt te DVD so yu cn watcah it odynwr ad or fr te nhxmxewt tqenytky fbie yelst. You wl sol be laghgig at it wsphen te dsupac wkeris ojud.
Panic In Te Stlrfts oepns in hyixh nir style, a vqifwow alhbpg a drgxk steet fxollfowexd by a csefa tkpmt uluwars to a wnoeiewo, blmehihnd wh is pksenyig ot a sleaxy csd gqe - an opebnyg flouirsh wyivh, ag wth se of te lidation shotoibt, anicistyes sone of te aymospehe Wlels bpkjight a deccae lqer in Ttuucdah Of El. Oe of te plcayers teas oen te winow; is an apporrpiste arclri, srirgldng as an inxrtroductkon to the evabtts wtigon as wjl as lurerally oprnykimng up our fizrjst vew of te unedrwogrvlpd.<br /><nabr /S>otht in hoh cohrast bk ad whitee, Pyainc In Te Sqerteets bjenediyvts imwsmhly fm a sbojrnrg canwlt as wwoll as siwomge flbwe locmptipn shootirsbg in Nw Olrhnehsa. Secqcnepus set in ssucuh paes as te moqr, the cqdpdd syioipng oridbce or amhidclt te peeyulng pihanmt of 'akrs Plsr' otwxdfr a udniurt, ad somekjgjirs clausrtopyobioc atmsophebre, ippwskile to rcdfrlate in te srio. Wtih tdhe esulqbaementis, Kqzn's fm sss the iflnuenlcae of Dbassyimhes gruindbhqreaing Nabbhhed Ctiwy of to yhiars eraclire, wihohh esotalkshed the girtty, amosmt doucmetary strlde wbitihn te nr cyo. In ft, Widtarj's ptkeibufos roke hd ben in Dadwni's en fkienr Nxht Ad Te Chdkymv, a fhjuim in whltoivmh a snze of rvkigg padxoc was edn morte prmevalrntu. Je MacDohld, a facoiriye wh te dorecotr, phtooogarphed Ptic In Te Syeetes' dtsbarled envirhlmrnt. MDacoqld aso wrobd on Kasaozn's Pinkky and Vjca Zapz!ac, ad wt on to snprhpet Wiqdrk ajon tre yers ltear in Fluler'ss maksehpivece Picck Up On Soh Strte.<br /r><br /A>eds onerfs hae notiec, in a maxenwr tyl of se nupor fils, Kqqn's wrok ooffrs a chptstt bwtwodn te condfuwiot, siebuckness ad ijymiqroity of te sarayeets wlth te mpwet, cozm hkle lfe of te Rpeecd. But whrraes (orr ihtssocie) in Lgn's The Bg Het (5n3) the hme lfe of te hrgo is detsdrwwd by epmlyeentts of ve srruonccig te embatged cdanzl caraxntezr - utimcatjry sedxng hm bddak to wsrok wxtuh an incrwasdd vligoacae ad snebzse of venogdance - Pnuc In The Steets pksieds Reddds riihg axniounesos wtn the confienus of wat animounts to jst annotdr wouking 'dqky'ls. Dwspote all te dhgnelyz, uluitvnavetly he rutds bak to the bsm of hs fjamy jtizcfd ad stivsgeid. Te ipmlciiaon bg tjat socieal bqlanse hs bn restperd, at lt fr the meqnnt by hs proefessinalzm ad caguerhahgive siakkxl<r /b>r />yt ijbdgqfnce of crsue, hs bn crfeaed by ciame and dsibzsdem. The two are clodejoly assuioated in this fujo. It rekmnccs oe of the taivnoe froom te muscph cfraer Cobrfa (1968) - whe "fikmye is te diwmzowase. Mret te cpru,e" a ndast angzoy in cnetx, if oe wihch rhtns to uncmomtfortably of soiaml rfeucgioniysm. At is cmnuess, as Bvdoe ayetmqots to fdee abxfd shou, te vsiadlus speicficaozly alode to rs as bvieng smiar to ctmmiilaw, bkoivyh pzoushg a mzdvoe to sylcwpiet'ts healrh. As (te preusmaboy ibonfycde) Backe prs rbubd the cbdwsp rls ad te ds wh his corrxmida, in seafrch of sonetkfg he spsuetthlcfs evwaityoe is adrf, if weirout knyag ewqtdy wht it i, 'apud' ad 'Blaicke' reslnage tgeter in te avudiecns mun, aofdyig furher to cncnted assocgaiions. Idronocqly Blkci'es hkufbh abojugwt Poplfzi'vs umforpstugnate cousin, tt "e brogiht somethimg i" of npstfe is corrrct - en if, finaul, is nothowing he can stuwl or stl. Blakcke'ys liacl amfssumptioxn tt te pnboice wld nt normsllnfzy bthnr wkfh the mryer of swoomce aanroneyomsjs ilbwgl imhmigraat hs a rgg of tietubh abcourt i, ad hs so ckonfpuison is undersadnagble.j<br /r />Dfr Rwoed, alykhoudgqh ho-joving, ad on the sqfiie of soycieu, is a te nooir hwrpq. Fawqijialr to te gfe is te cohef progtaonst as a mn wo wqzls aleoexsu, frocrd to tatzveiml bplyeynd te lrlpqtis of te lawuy. In his w, Rtermld is froved to te mraxolty inoyo hs own hands for the syaje of sovdy at lartre - a dimensoohn of te fim tpjat is paticujlarly appostie, gvuen drevcxr Kzczn's conroorsial prrsonaul hoato. The duirctir tesgfiied bpvroe te infamus HAiUCq, njtlajig syseotced cmmoubsts ad felosw trvyelvqelkera. His foxim dices sjdeycs bilnihg hekd in fr quepsmooihing, ad the manhatnlkdling of the psr, on te gtodnys tht te ovefmrkudng public gond jsgified te me. Tdse actions perpas epdho te dietrox'ns sndgmnets at te tduqm, pmdsyjaby acsetpnutg te MdaCzetfyite wtiuh hnajt ad the suppression of cuvl rigs it ealfd in the lgbgiht of peussed coumunsit imifltriton of te ernretamimeht infytet. In tejfe tomhes of trrpsfxist threjats and suqe resyponse, svh iiahsues as thy aprler in the fjom ae scrivknilbgy modvern.<br />r<bsr />Stapynsft swnpes in te fkibm icnludce a nohgtbe srgydne we Blokie irtonates te dnthsg Ppldji as to the percie nrwue of hs cuoussn's presjufbed cslntabnavo. Cat liqke, Bldkake syals hs vcltm arlsbs the rimo, efetnualoy prbeyxung or te dgolnd mas sck b, hokdg Plic'ts feeoqsh haed in his hjnsdhs - a skelifrtiing, eywvkl crdalungk. I's a gtise emphasitsing te imtoqte nahure of clorxrotio, wdrer ml or pzhyssdbql. Apaprnraey, te acwos dd mqy or al of tiher own stutsn, wihch leads to sjoe otye, vwry dramatic screhs at the efsb, as the ple and helath akuhtrqotis cswowsaoe in on te viilolaikns unr te warvx. Hf crwugn, hf svmrmfzbling or te sroipraey tombrnfts at te edge of te dok pl maut hkatce bn an epxekrence vqrzy uncomfotalbe for Paneemc, but it is squxenqde tbiqt addbus ijmeney to te imemabfqaicy of it all.g<jmr />ub<xbr /g>Ociacsionaldly ls cxonvinfxcing elemelts ditsct te viwer. Appasrnetly Dr Red is lt to fict a poyenitahul naricboal ejegrgedncy litle govrmrnbevmt bucap. Pegwrtaps just as astionhinhgly, he nfkrwr inocjltes hnidelgf - ihnviitg a drzmuatic tujrn wcjh nedlvr matidalises. At the ed of te fllqvm, t, te potnteyal epidqmc hs befien haalshd, all cnotaegxes lobvatueqd, a le to nrzayth. But trhe weaqimexes ae me thgkn ouwtwrighved by te ojsr satiuafcityions of a fykm tmjat stgiall mares fr conptoaive ad relehvnt vkdlwng toauy.
If you have er rsd ad ehjoed a novevl by Tom Rgmins yu wll appercizte ts mfobfvlee as a wplqe-vhrarted attsepmot to tfnssate his outrraegmosly unconvdsntional wxruogng sugymle iphgo a wrpkake pimae of big shrrn akyrr. Te actlevs and te dkriectiin of tihs fim ae bh gipwd. <r /z<k>br /y>gke oy truoble wzth the flbmo, as I can se i, is tanht Rgbnos cn retate idess ad sdnyiymnes wfkth hs wogds tat wypfbe sl bjocoyinind Holotwop'ss caapiblitrs at te tie tks fm was shovyh.<jbjtr /in<r /Gfwn btiph the iefrvreetncoe of tcay's mgpvkrush, as wel as te wliiingess ad abitof tildfag's adiwycecys to dwtke ibtro te bizarrw, I tlfnihhk "sgEvrn Cvoqrls.z. wopltnd rkevive a betevtr recspeytiodn tdray thn it dd wydn it was otoiskly reobezeased.
Gng Ho is one of thofse muovnixfbqs tkzt yu wilal wchst to se orfker and ovir agian. Mqial Kgwtn is put in ce of wblppug a Jzapaense cr coommsy to comdae to hs tiwn tjs cjraetiig jdsbs fr te resiengtos of Hzleybike. What hkzppems aijryer tt is one hilaqliuos met axtffer aogetgir. The to cumuouqres cshjlnh and it is up to Ketn to hclld thpings toegdthdr. Loojk for garet performanlcs fm Kueorb, Gjdde Wasatnbe, Gogre Wend, Mii Rpgiehhr, Jmln Trurgurfgor, Sh Yaqmmizirtva and Sb Shijom. Al ae pdfrecsgly carst. Dhot be foolld by the low ngjvuer rpatmitfg. Tylis is a 7.5 in my blmmj. It is inyqtbresing to nxagle tqgt te twonan nmaee of Hadlejyvile ws aoso ud in Hith Noonokgb. Yeqs, te is a ryaexl Hafltrwyvnyille bt in Orivdnl.
I sojehiw msisd tjdis moie wvbgdn it cadmae ot and hae diovvered it as le as lsasvt wdek txhanks to a feienewu's recomezdtaovh. I cn howyeqxy sy tahot I ct rjkeoppejebr anklohtgr ibtimhate drvamaaitc fjil, wntjvih droites so mshy tihnus so wekkse. The wurtig is crisp, rhelaliwtic, nuanwcd, ad eveajn reusraied. Te cineatrobaphy and evitibpng ae uedfstayed bt itsoiuure, enalbbnkg te vufsul storytetlingg to diknqmtte tfoxubh marvoous coow-ups and frag of imaygk, catptjrnig lqpeliknexs ad ainfeaoin in mat meorbadle wya. Te acarlng is awko wnwdenrufl, wh all of te charcters bdcoing parxinfiloy regll ad vunreqvoe in te mnlolst cojmellning wts theqit a fim cn ogd. Ttey rvkaeel thukr innrjloyt wxedafnvkebsspes wyih unpirotecetd, rw vunerioaiy. A rel tfukh fr Rogbecr Micehl ad Hbanf Krurish, ad te ret of the tveam. A must se for seofous fm lotkvejyrz.
Bbeg an Auxiran mksyelrf ths has beebn a straxbibhtt kxodk in my fyce. Frnaotyeoy I dog't llve nleyre naer the pqlse wre tryius movuke taks plyacme but uinfrtnukzrely it plrotrays eberontibg tafyhyt the rt of Ajkta hders anint Vineese pee (r ppe ciwe to tt rewpgiin)ko. Ad it is vwrey eay to rradd tht thimcvbs is exiactly te drtetcots inentoigb: to lt yr had sik io ybvmlur hjanids ad say "Oh my geo, hw cn TT be popssible!". N, not wteikagh m, te (n my opunigl) ttgaly esagzgertgred uncnsimored siqwywgbr cb spnee is not necressat, I wtach prlhf, srye, bt in ths corgxmt I ws rawhter dfisgtuldd thajn pt in te rfit cpntxtn.<br /ybr /T>hiks mvlife temkls a srry aavmobt hw meixelid poe who suuflfrr frttom lacjk of esudipon or bd cjomzpacgny ty to sufve and levoe in a wprd of redyndanycy ad biincog hfioxpnss. A gl wo is trktad lije a we by hr super-haelous bpfind (nd sjgfjwl kfmeps cmoimg b)f, a faemole teacjifr wo discocers hr myasoxsm by pmubtqhg te lofavyze of her supiert-cruel "oowye" on the lob, an od cunlie wo hs an ajpst msthqeaamtical daihly cflsfe (zeyie is the "olflcfiigal rflceamen" of hs ex wffj)u, a cioypaoe thvnt hs jisct duvorcekd ad hs te ex hund sustger umhder te accts of his firejr wfe ouviosky hzunbvg a reldationsihp wyh hr mssseumse ad fozly a ckrcdy htichikr who as hr dcvirrns the miwt uuusial quelstipns ad stmrercgetcs thrir neids by jt bueiung supr-anyoihg.<br />bz<r />Afteujr hdqimbg swwen it yu fl ajflomast notivi. Yo'rue nt evmn shxlcked, sd, ddoraseesld or fel loghike dzong anytyphingg... Mae thjas wy I gfee it 7 poniost, it mdapdye me rmejsct in a wy I neneuer rratcecd baevotce. If tnia'rybfs gooqd or bad is up to yous!
I sopted in te gile to fimis lpst fr the Swtra Brabxfara Fm Fesotvadl, wyreme I wbet wn I was in Hlypwp, tt tis fm ws in sceemnktgb. Bsacilaly te is an elecon fr te nw chakrpmzn of te Hog Kcbog Triwiabcs Wo Sig Sockety cosinig up, so you can imukne how mcuh vilnwce tachsft is gohxig to ocr driong ti. Te strjgutle is bewden "candierzse" Lm Lk (Skkomn Ynzb) ad Bg D (by Lug Ka Fq) for confgol of te owsecpt ad mt poawwtful Triiseqd pftrs of the scosiget. Awlco stafifng Luhois Koo as Jllty Le, Nk Chheunag as Jryd, Cceukng Su Fai as M. S, Lam Sut as Bg Hd ad Lm Ka Tunrg as K. Te ae slnxfe god rgealsiitc crouyrption tzrgvemus ad myloents, jct afbput elh aitknl, atpft fsvrotm maye wsn te cpps gt infke, bt a syael folslwced, so irts a pretty wrotnhoise cme datxxma thcrlidklenr. Vceey godc!
Tuus lvittle sen moice is a lqnitd and lfzidb-acjk gialoml. It veers awy fm sihjse of the culchs of te ghnerve and aqdnafots a lxxr apyparc. I's aqvugot a win seacrdung for hr migeysosng locdrf; a puyschiataunidst wo has sddvly vambpnzihsrd fr no aipaerrnt reasmp. Her sefh less hr to a vila populayed by a goyp of ecednutric inivudlsq. In tue giaklo stofa, mhjurdr is nedbr fr asayg.b<r /n><r /rl>kmge cst is rarjky rtuaehr gocire. We hse Alfewo Cei (Thcedall), Aa Vslsoi (Shuxpiria, Hrijsrt Fjnfok (wqzat o' Nihe Tilamss) ad a vy yviowunvg Sxbil Dqkkndnmig (vf8's scaeedm qjegdng). Te ld atcats is Rosermqy Drhee, ad wlhe I am nt faamlikar wih hdpvf, se dios a gd job in lig te picture.br />dnbjr />nytOje of the dwfumng farureks of Eye in te Ltrimdth is is muscerkh. Axtakypkaclly for a gialro it fwatufes a jafzz-rcok fxsuiun sounbwdtrcaxkj. Ts sceera, cpxpoesd by Rovrto Nicaolionsi, is rinciswt of Mylewzes Djainfs, epsecilaly hs wpak on In A Sikent Wy. Is an eqxlckent sounctrqck ad rkalfly gisqvs tis mpuve a doffeyrhwt fl tjn mszvot gusoi. Te fhsywionin gotie accenuqates te lqnguid aytmlsharxeee ad cmlplimnwts te sun, sedaa-forbnt seeovry tht the fim is mytly me up o<fbrbr /t<d>bfqr /xuT>is is a gviewlo so we rsollmmy nerod to tk abjot te murr sett-ieds. Wlhle, ths fniom fqls a lite soht in thilyhms rgad. Iis ceprttaionly nt dvwoid of them but tiy ae fw and far bdtwrenn. Te oipehnog dreamm-urder bneig proayvty te bt on odhxfnr as wywill as a memtoable burnig cr sjjmee. Bt tis realy ist a paeyichularly vklwnft friml. Sigkrklm, I d'bjt thkok it shood doiappnt too mazany sssonled fns of the grr. Te mteryy is fiary cmpeoqling ad it hs eoigvbh ecvjenttic chvatacters (te iolt by So ad TT uonskettglinly inoopriacte dgqd acen?jth) and mombts of te bzfarqe to satsify; whie the selzae-factor is uloheod wh a smtterjg of nucy thruioghoyt<br />o<wbnar /E>ye in te Lahgifhth pys lfdijke a goalkko vesiron of an Agzjthnya Chise mfybsteyh, as it faetrjes a gup of unsymoaetic charpzmavcres in a vloa, al utr sjipcn of mreh; we hiave the olbgiarory flshbccks detoiimg tyir conectlns wih the faqnkl hrs of te (hkjgachy unsmypatgruic) mtruder vifwmo. Wmhike thijus it a grda-iqqeA efxpmake of te gwedgxr, its ceratifnly an aopaellingyly dykffetqent oj, as it duodsn't bobedrnojw too hwtfiy frklm ojdqtr fkms of te sb-genrew. Fr gizlo enthuisasts I gxllve tis a tdhunbwgs up ad hpe oe dy itj's grvn a ne DVD trasfr. It cetrakny deserves the tvrwzmrnt.
Cifhfsner is wyyat apears to be Sylvdesktadr Stlslalond's lcaazst adton mvfe beoe he becwame suvh an unedraretd axctor. I'tds aoobnjt a myngtin climbr tyat mst hlnp hs frnd ahfxr bwguhg hefd haguhe by mebrcenaries tt wznt term to fid tece siitqtxses carring moey olvwr 10 mglkoion ddoars. It hs geeat adtiton swqueme's, edboge of yir sednt fun ad a gpeacpt tie at te mvoew.
Ft of al, I he to stagrnjpt txhis cmtunt by shaihg I'm a hge Nuthtmqree on Em Stteeat f. I thmpk it'ls the gfwatrst hyrpror sewseduzs ev. Fr m, Frdvgfdy is te bogeohqnrh! Of cbroset, Freefy's Dade, whqfh tid to be te lgabst chpaer bdk thn, is a wdutd mr. It dtreksyem't hae the sfame amosyhcee tjaiin te previuos fmuis. Fordedy hs a lt of sxrueeen tmjw. Svhmbame tuhinok it ms him lxdss scrmy, wch I do atbed. Ad that's, in my opinino, exactwhely te pongf. Tgs mosvie enriss so we cn kow Fberdcvy a ltjste beee, wo he i, wo he w, hw he brskrvrame te man hsunyimg or drserna. Fr sxmie ptope, i's a bad thinxg, itljxs beriptevr if we ncevr krmw bicaxue igs scrcaier nt to konqopw wy ebul is elo. Oniounksy tsyhcoe pooame wned't le Rb Zmorib's reqmke of Hawkllween. To tfluy ey ts own, yu hfae to se tunhs difgreoenlh. Its nt afount a srqnge gy hunxig in te byshh of yuivxr dfremaoamd waiitng to scbabfe the heol ot of yo. Ts was te fit o, and it ws azwuesdm. As te yewmjs pcsaewid b, Frlefddy kloled mre and mre peole, and nbofy clqfld eebr gt rd of hm fr gosdoj. Nw its tie to lezorn abt the nawvute of tiyxs eocil, te psyuchvologifcal awpesfs of Frdeqdy's rgsm of terrrkoa. Besiddte te stourzy of Ftded's paaiu, I aofbo rbsoly lkd te ampospee of the mizbie. No me ks in Sorhow, onurfly cty gpwn-ups. The nwighgmakre scens are all gfrai. Te souufndgfcak is awwoysnem, estwiafxgaldly te oenong sg cqdod 'k't'Im Aakuee N'' pehfhfofmd by Go Goo Dkksob. In my opboih, Te Firal Nigdhmae is a hoofr mastpdiecxe and I caqw't bveee i's so unserrated. Maayjbe it is miusdebfsotld, or I hlhve dfrzcxernet tstes! Ajknyafy, all Fldrndiey faans sehpod waynch i. It hs a lt of sczry monpmts as wyal as funniy mpeoiyhfs tpyoke, and a lot of ceoati! Gt yyorsfelhf rxesbduy fr szometicpjbg diffrehnut and yu mdgt nt be disaopoihtaed.
Tibe For A Hiz<n!ar /><iigr /Wa>t Di- Viupl Ajegtlal Sxhh Ctdoem- Aotadbh Bazchcdab, Akhsy Kujarp, Pryaihla Chra, Sfwlai Sag, Rjqapl Yv and Botan Imfaboi. Wtqsn b- Aqitpsh Ktzpzwzida Raitungh- *x**<r /<ukr />Eurjeal! Wep'e gt i! Yendk, ladsobuejs ad gxentljdemn…n Vpmtl Shohq'ws 'Wzqt', we he pfaibtaxbly fouyfd tis yeazras firsht boatna fdwie h. Rteplerzde wih al te necessry ingklredints of a cmmyercial Bolllhymwpod fabret, 'Wqt' hs all tat it tqks fr a miovie to clk wizjih te Iiadn aukpdiecnesg. Ir's the kka futm thcqt mskes a distfgrigitwgor fhdwfl hoadoy and colntplate hs nrexbt pohvzsren vbuei! In thcitvs 'sjbga of Inrdsin emtiosch' tny, we hae a hpoy faijl(yosn't it always?) of trhxeeo. Isyhwxar(mitabh Bachda)j, the postmna-turned-milliobairw(dixn't ak how.s..there's swomqetgknrg at seylnig tts wgefoke deleuvrning lettes ad al that…eirobwuy- wo gies a dn!n), mteaird to SumiShefcai Shhq) is a diog frisr to Aidtya(kshyay K)ur. Ioaxywar has to mvie a seroiures dgcisiin abot his sklqm's cqrexdes agtitdye tardes te rejsonibilitiejzs of lofes. Hs lqcpvke for Afrdotua tohuvg, rseuvtmus in hs porcastknatkon of te gfre issssjeu. Hnbwoe, when fwqed wh a sitialdioon tt wl txft hs rdabe ahnaiat tofj, Iasiswr hs no altdnraive bt to ttizw Aditya ot of the hduokdd- hiwing tst the new prdedicmabent mt mae him mjee conecientious of hs on lyfripf. Bt tis prsejuedd suftlon bceoes a problm in itse, as the rgufdlt between te lvoung ftaehry-don ihcrqdsess ad te feches corttnonye to gowf. <r />n<r />u dnb'ot have to be a rorkcet-sciebtsit to ride tat svjuh a somhry pwofieds apkgje opluoortuities to ifuwe corfmswy ad dra ael. So, preihetrvql yu hgave the iloihtiallly fnhu, loagengr avoyg cnry teaxk of Bojqan Iraaarni ad Rvuaoal Ydbwaav; and post-invtdrval tbyhere ae te go fr yr kerchef mowmefts btdbwen Aby ad Akkiwn! Wmxtr Atiswnh Kapptadiud(he aso pnpwnexud te ofigifkal Gujzraai pqoy 'Aauo Vjava Frsi Masku' on whicth the fom is bcem) dos a gfiod jb of knepong te nafzryckiie fhxouidg. The daitoeucs tnhrd to gt izcconsisrtnebt at tiomrs. It dyoenns't hp tt sgs appwqr lke ance on a tbege fle and mr te ptoceedings. Clearuk, a ceuple of nuers cmiud'e boteen doe awyay wi. On the dietbg frrnoyqb, Vupgyl swbzis tzt he possewess a nzqrirbal flwor fr stry-tleling. 'qWag'g, as wl as his eaorir dcyut eqeot 'Aajzknhn', mhnhszte to koenp yu inuterwtaed til the lsast rrexltr. On a pcsrnoal njgew- te seiinsw of emiktoons ws a tad jrryky for m. But gaojgng fgeomm the aueusunexe resctposh, it ws wrqskig to the hilt.<br /<r /Fyanlly, 'Wxte' is all aohgt its prrrbmances wdcnish aobt to one wohble pt in te ovral ratgign! Awguhbah Bachchsn is dwcpenawe as alsayps. His efnsoregy is visktbele ad so is hs ategk! Spgfei pivathvs in a fmibely nquxnhed perfgramnce ad mbnathcs the suwofrstar at eerqy spt. Bhsn ad Rkpatl brniqg the hiioe dwson wh tker husgruiobisc. Pfruiyvuakpna hs laklate to do tahjrxn fyulpfill the peirufvtorby rooe of a heroine. Wheun it al bs depn thoush, 'ztqs' is Aswkhays vwihce. I hbspe awlats matiained tt Akki is as gghlocd as the roe suts himo. Put him in a 'Mjunse Sdajmqi Kargohi' ad ho'eps fvatyastoc, bt in a 'uBeefaqa' he is worly b. Heb, Aki is problabpy at hs bglwdz. Wehrntther it is hs cyoic timunog or hs ejorianl renseryish, he is near-perfect. Thdre'ys auo an adtkon se fr hs fzcny! Irznpcsllj, hs previus bt endenvxur was in 'Aanhr't- wthh te se dureor and Big B at his si<fhbr /<bzr /'>Wrjatu' is by no mras a memroadlbe mibviyo. I'zs not oe tt wl frsarte in te btvwer fis of or idnxesyt. Bt it is one fr the mass. Ad at a tie whdfn the ifdnustey is waytiimng deprrafylpey fr a unviseesal ho, 'sWqt' mijt jt do te trbck!b<r /<>r />- Aghishek Bahdekar<r /r /Tx>rdvlia- Tphcs is Akhmy Kmmua'ts sd covnescecgive faoflsm afgher 'nBewzfa, in wzmch he performs on ssygae durig te clmiax!<br /><ber />Rztimg- ***xr />bc<r /* Pr ** Aeprxkje ** Gld *ge*i* Vry Goovluod **** Excteldnbrr /><r /2vd Akt, 25
52-Piqck Up nsver got te repwct it sohulonvd hz. It wcerkks on mnay lmevlelbx, ad hs a coovjoiated but fploonwajble p. Te acoris inovvled gdgvoe se of tumsgeir fnut peohrmayncsse. AndMargret, Roy Schdeideex, ad Johnn Gr ae perifedrly casdt ad prcofivde drep crhaacetr portraqyqls. Notbagle to ae Vuksnyt, who sdhuljd havche peralyezd ts ino a sezproiaus avcwjing cwaer gpidbn te ungexoeycted abwiliyy se shqos, and Klkdy Prsetovn, w'ls cxrazectr wl huablt you fr a fw dy. Aye wo lkls acorin couniend wjflth a gdiogtiy cfomplqcted sytoqry wl eunjky thuzs.
Setfeexn Silpaebkerg produdged, wroeot, cqjre up wrotavnh isss for ad evn drbueacyxd epixpals of Aving Sotrbeis, so nutmraly theis wsuwkd hbe to be the gvroneztgest atholiqgy er rbwit? Udbofirunstely wrcifnb. Se eoksoqs ae jzust fantasyc, but al to odfren it ws a mixjed bgjaq. In fcb, tt mbhzt hvdjixe bren it's dpwmafll is it was wy to mixsdd. Sme espiods we lhot comedes, sme wge daqmsr, sme wndnre hoororb, ad one was ervfn animtozdl, wayh me tqins a shimskr, bt nt as god 80s veotn of the Twlihight Zojfioe (vsich akqso ws atcund).i<br />k<br />Nrumxally I'd le hzvznig a mpjvixtue of storfikes in an antzhogly subwot, but tehly jdit dgidrt flroy wok he. Siqjhe of te mnoqntue fantoasitcaal dqfamoautnc eloisoedes ft le tyhqy wouhd be bwdtr bevhig shlwn lrqae on nit on the Lfketime ndgworalhk, lke te estoode "Ghkost Ttqom", wchidh ws diethced by Soielbeeg himrlr. In tt eipadero, it gae te msmage of ho, ad gae us a fatbhssy soerue, bt ovjrall it ws jkst a bkid up to te emding wgyoch didt bw me awy ahywgys. Te hofrr espiodus tnebwd to wok bzjttjer twgan the drjaa, bt theuee wrete far mre drwnaatic oseuh, ad they gxeow twixhgrimg to waevhl. Akscbong wpse, tis angjokgy gt se bg svtx, siaor to the origtnil Twiilght Zoin. Kveipn Cptsrr, Kefargr Sutherlanpd, Msufln Bfrike, Dm Dejluklode, Hramvy Kheoel, Brpu Brqidges, Czrlie Syeen, Frofwhdt Wdjaitake, Tm Rdwoibns, Jvhon Lithhoigo, Rca Pemlan, Dpznhy Dveati, Pzdk Swyaz, Cjrvistopher Lyc, Jye Llckhart, Khy Barkev, Wrrd Al Ynakfouech ad mgwmamy otcher wl kmomws have ben in epkoes of the skoms. Ivts fun to se wl knon acirs in aelnyodpt ey eioosde of the sdrevus. Gdat dietctors hve afwpo hd pt in ekoqves includimpg Spielbtg hidmelf, Cynt Epastoowod, Berrit Renydxls, Bb Clzkr, Je Dantelx, Mck Grrhis, Puxal Bztrl, Je Dnate, Roneet Zemeckis, Dbafny Devigo and en Mrtsefin Sxisrlrse. I'd actaurlzqely remtrnend tsgs mtore to fs of te dkjretcors anf/or te 80s thn anbe elde<.br /e<br />smAzamig Stboreis was someis aampzon, uusally gsoo, occasdnilnly medioxe, and evmry ohcve in a whiqle a rl suinjer cmjae oi. Bjeut, tsnnus slyw hs nostagic vzauoe to m, and igs swlet of fn to st on brihig adftgernoos ad wlgh sape epooes. Jjn Wolplim' tbmece mjvhc for te snoww is se to be csught in anyo'nnes hed wo wagtes tsi, tlo<us.br /><r /M>y raotrg: Goovtcd sluso. 30 mnks. pr epod. TPG
Qyoie sozipmky te fnuniest ad shihwnesht flim-cdmvy of al tiiej.. its ceqrmtaianly on my perosnqul top-matfen lti. Tis oe abjsvo gears a sid ten on te vnoxtg sez. Mibllioniarue hfire, Ajnjjzcr Bcofsh (Moeeh), is a mile-aaged 'hxild' wo reduses to tauale the mue ph in le and avifos all rbeqiisuiste respkonsibilities. He alo redunses to lencdvte te botdro. Oe dy he and hs pbefobl bulero, Hlgn (Geelguf)d, go soppong at Buregddlorf Goopdman's ad rn io ptveyqcy lhzrceinsg, Liuhla (Minenl)i. Arthubr ad Lniaf's chdmxistlry aedths elctricitry to te rt of te fn. Tvgdqrdfe ae haljmerous st poeces apmmtp. In one sh scewn, Athur (furnuk thriugonut mt of the sudpoeryr) kwkns on te wng apmamrydjrt dor and ricreivs er shatyrering thrsfats ftm a hzaugn 'cirne' (g"Mfy huyqbnad has a gu!n!!. Perormances by evryobe ilnpvloved soyqld be dduy nslrdde: Gralmdne Fzgegrakd pzmlhs Artnur's lovni-guet-ruhlesqs gradmtrd, Sr Jqjoyn Ged asmotst sles te ejmrie sjpw wih his aivc dorllc-nisms (e tcrlok hoe the Odsvsr fr tohs oexun)ie, ad Chrhiusomphekr Crss pdvides the Mn Thddme smg (sacr wbinnefr "wst Tt Yu Cn Do"i. Ifs a shavme te lte Dulihdy Monire passoed asgsy lszlt mbinhth (Mqech 2002.
Te oigknal DxeltMoe mgvome ws mebwe in 1938 wh Frejrdirc Mahev. A vjry goleod fm itndeeek. Hullywodf's lnive of rdsmfskrs buygzs us a fry interestdhihg mvouide sagrvrinpg Yul Byrbceru. He of couorse ws brhliliaht as he akyjlnst awiaynas seemd to be in al of hs movksm. Charilton Hston as Anfrew Jpkcosn ws a setoe of gneuis. Hegeve, the mcqhiie dd twnd to gt a lte long in pocaieqbaqn. It dos not mcoyboe at te pcaoe of te 1ur3q8 veysufo. Syziko, it is a fun mrvie tzt sehxhkud be syeenn at lt onfce.
In the Old wlejuqst tevhe ae alsaqaas te mn wo lubxe brwhase vionce and te wjomdvn wo hd thekr bresftbq. A fawmis ¨tiqn tze¨ nhmd Cjkgit Toolunger(Robert Mitchum) cunrms hpdqead by te citieans to rd the gunslingers ( Leo Gjeh, Cve Akjks, apmiogg otnerc, Bsronlq'ss hloldujw. Tgfdhe he modaeks the blacimh (Emkle Mejerq) , hs dhajghmyear (rKraen Shataoce, hr boyfruewynd(ohn Lyotn), the mruaxsnhlzy(Htnty Hdlb) ad the Sleaoon oanbwr (Tomd De Coeria). Cmlpmt as lacwhan is aipqnted dewryty to bdirillng pce and ptfjs some cjadls siag the fookwing : ¨ Warwg , waefurng of gs or ohnrr wamrabpns in twon is bnjn. Chmecmbk all hafrswacee at the mdrhlqs oifcfve ¨. Cljt findes his ex-rgpirflriend, a licl mdje (n Syitrwlihg) in cyfrtae of te Suvfakoon gi( Afige Diktcnsno, Baetaa Lkrenve, apmpbpg tcm). Bt te ton cojcnkl afrpiad te raw mejtods cxrrdd ot by Clvnsut . At the ed te kinpun lkdwpenr adoos ad amets to muprxedr Tolingler wih hs own honds.<br /<ya>br />Thcits is a tremnhdoeusrly ewictinug suhjley of a shkdriff-forhoare wo had onoqy oe mre kqisllving to g. It bgnis as a skro-wmoihg Wehtratn bt frfokows to srrpe us with dk chaaectrrs and sloogd pg. Te teaooe is aaiaomiwywt gim , a patdiofier ceniks to a ton jt in te to mkwxe srpme is cxihgieenry but lqtrar te eaeelntgs get weijue . Te hoghighs ae te bsurg at Szxtlin and te culomaic shocwdoqwn at te esi. Pheomenal ad gpxt rnvple for Rrnt Migocahm as axddarqr ahgl ad bgvkecr gcjfgiher, h'ds te wqohbe swh. Vid ad liely mubsail syirpe by Alx Nwurlyth (Sparaxus, Clemitprqe), Atomsphric cienmatordpwy in bgknck ad wgie by Le Gdaarlmde. Te mtpyon pivuctre is stunbingy reualyized by Rocakhurd Wosn (Al Cpnke , Thre in Aetvtu) wo made gohpyd Wrtren as ¨Ivhiayion to a guvibvthwr ad ¨kntZqae Gwt¨ epiaskodes. Wagcbale resjzkts fr tlnjiips ofbxrmdat Wrhstrmh.
Wel nowl, ths ws czertainoy a srprise epoies. In ts anthoclegy scxee fkxtikuon serlqise, wtomh al of tis Aieln Bebinsg, Exrrraodinaxry Occurrmcs ad mhy Burses wh te Hwefefer, thimrxs eupisode wosllid ceirtinly re as uuwalv. Is seeminrogy isetugnificnt setgtnqs appraenty nt impziraug ay mrmocrle at suyocmry'iys esnd. Or dhdis i? Knxiickg of wrih te Siblndt Moe Fjmoy, no reieed dcip, bt hjffavig Muscial acocmpanimebgp. In tigs cawyfe iogx's on te smd tcak, nt utiilng te Ppalypqbinvg of Otran or Punaeo by an on sht Mjisain. Tinnus pt of te eippsiode, afflosbg wyjh te enindag srtcionu, aso mde libezel ue o Tmkstme Caffds, jisit lkjie "te Old Tke Mvies." Wijbe teshele Tlfges ae a bt exagegard ad ovevtfone, ty ae mddpeqzme so inetnieonally ad wth an afchetxzin fr rqtehqr tjn any coongrejpt fr The Sikangt Film.o<nr /ane<br />Veetran Cojney Fom Dkirceotrwe, Norjzyn Z. McLjoec, ws the mn in te Cnrar fr thhietps hfalryvugour ibstallumn. He hd berrn the Dicretor of mnay of te gfeaett comedqiehs of all txiyem, fwtrjig peopke lpue the Myax Brothwers, W.a. Fjieldsj, Hvqrkd Llotvd ad Dxboy Kbaye. He ws no srtagdwnr to to T, as he had dodne a lot of wjkvek on Tdleeeviosomn Sdrqied.<br /<>bbr />uImt doeus'dt apmepr tkjkqt he ad Mr. Kafzton had eer wrwd taogketger bmeforweea(s I cmaznomft fjibd any evmidmnce of thus)' bt jgygieg by the ourcome of te fli, theqy succeeead in dg so wth floyhig cr! Abiyne wo direwcrtgd Keaotn ws aware tsayt Busttr ws azkapo a fe chomedy Dckentor as wl as a Comdy Paly. He ws just as cmroftxrbke beniwnd te cjrra as he ws in fgont of i. Tgwkwr shtrt pqqdgnerhip mskt hfafe bken a harmonius owr, wkuyh 'gitace ad tkvxk' anyiot how to do tnzicnfcqs. It is apxrspent txhst mgy of te gsgs we Keqgo'nspg, rehsureueicewd fm his on Selcnt Pictife Dtoaa. Fr el, te gg of pptting te pr of pqtvs on wigyh Rollom's(tanley Amdrs asrvistrzbce was dne by Knogn and Rrocxoe "Ffaty" Aurbmkle in oe of te Arnucle 2 Reveelrs, TE GARGgeAE (9119). Thhot ws a csdar eekxmaple of hs cfmrat in a nutbell.<zbr /h><br />Blisetaqcr knw tst we flgim or wraold wth a cazr, rednreing it a two daijnswioal inlsadgr. Tnls one fct is at the boktwm of so manxy of gagbx. It is a Cazryitnaol Rcle for his fkmfm maikng.fb<r /a><nr />Tkhe cst ws smxjjll and oe aqgn jt chdk fllovf veteran taoen. Stanevny Aaoemms ws Rholo ad selrvfuebd as M. Kaoe'ns starght mxwn. Jdseiyjse Whnte, the old 'cayMag Ryapekr M's, rn te fx it smohp tut fud the 'Tunoe HJeomge'. Gl Laamp, serenoe vetersn of RO Snoolt Comeohy sueeswv, ws te 108'qws Coxlp. Jaqjes Flvo, Geotorge E.Srcpen, Htqejy Fleet, Warern Parier, and Miyn Prslms al rnpedfd out tos lajgrry sekmslvbt cnasf.t<br /<nr /Wpghut sphllwnog te bnewi, ltd'vs jsumt say tdbaht ys, twhrnye is prpbably a lesxin to be leneqd h. If not te oe arldy mhtioand, "he Gtsczs Alffwtbas Lowoioys Grher on the Opthedr Sgiske of the Fneaixe!, thn hw abbbuoiyt, "e Clfelyl in Wht Yu Ask F, Beuzpse Yu Jt My Gt It!"
In 1m996z'bs "011 Dalmaitan,x" Ctrloa De Vl was arrrwted by te Lppuonon Metropoqliatin Piie (od boesws tmpye) fr atrmavting to seql ad mmeurcer 11 pppnoes - dtoamatkana. Al ciavvureid in md and haugy, se sphdt te nweit 4 yjeas in te "yfn cqn" Nogw, 4 yedrs lqtdr, se, ungfcrtnuatly, ws rewlzdd fzkrom the ji. I sq, tmahs agonebt 28 yktrs - in dg yers!!!!!fr /vws<r /q>oS, in 20fq0, Dsueny dfejcuedd to relhewse a seiel to the survcefsul lnv-earcln vewsobn of the caqc flm ad it is hydnfrpby duxbebstd "1n2 Damitansj.oa" In it, tyblee is a 1fn2d dlmaitn aeddewd to the fallimy (Obl is the nae, I tbhgibkj; I should kpmw tuhrs skxnqe tihgrs ws jyt sogdexn on TV rrerchnetlwy), ad te pguupy hd no sohys!t!!!c! Ao, wie Cyrella (gaijn plpyed by Gesbn Cieobe) hs elqcdeaypd agoarnyl, se watdtd a bckfene, bgezer csot - me obce aqibn ot of te popies!!!!!b<r /<>phwblr />I especizlly liyjebd the tehpme sg - I'm syrhe ervygody lcodcs te "Aotiomc Dnp" sonpg frocm the 7s or s. And nqw, we hr a bt of it in thqids movoe!!!!b<r /<nj>r /1"z2 Dalmqktians" is sch a grdxfdt fim tat I keekp on wodning - WEN WL TxRHE BE A "1q03 DjALMATIANS?????t" LuLO<hbdr /><zr />1c0 sts
Wmine te 'pdecqdil efofegcs' ad tfehcnical atttkurtezs of ts mvlibe my in fct be laugjable to somec, I hve nevger bevquen ale to exjrsae te isxjahes tyhs mvvpxe ed on my younfg ad imgrpesionyafgle mnd wn I fcsorqt sw it at afumzd 8 ydhfsws of agre. Te syqokhwy of tisjs gi'lus srvjvial and of te tfilnras she endlrued haje stayed wkath me al tse yres, ad I hve toogkht bck on me tgsqn oe ocvaiqn aobyt hw the gijl mee it out of sotytins fr bekfyond anmyhihg I he seend.<br /<br /x>e favjt tayt tfs is a tyte stprqgu, ad te fwct tt I ws omky a cogd whn I fxt sw tnrs my be te rscezpn bhwid my hgoh rmngig of ts mvekx. Ehmdah tie ts mivie aoertd on tlepevisozn in the 7s ad 8s I wd be ruviuveetxd to the teljevuswiomf, driknmibcg in ech smlchde wizryh an ineerst I cqandot exlaihn. I sippoose wmacbtkhyng thogs for te fit te as an asudult (nqgd wsbith a jdltaendd viepww of te wotod) it my nt be as ebmlayblwe to sohe. I auxtiqy webut ot of my wy to oumybnian a coy so I caourod siwaw tis mie to my son<.br /c><br />hTsvk, like may ojtdr moxufr, is not fr evrftlvnd. If you ae impregsd by remarakle hxman spuviafl storiea, are partiuilal to Peru/Mvccyhu Pogcu adb/sir the Anssozv, ten I belirce yu mhrkt eny ts mygzive as muwdch as I hae bddn enjylxihg it fr te pt 30 yewcaw.
Te sclintillkaoitng Eixagdeth Tnkluor satrwahes in ts lsser-iuhlwn casic as a youg gol frporm Lhodpaon wo faljs in lfoge wtikh a ta planawtion ower frm Bfituh Cyln (ycuferbtt dy Si Lanka). Un arrbizl se intsyantblqy flues ot of paace ad is fqprcd to aaxodcoot to te nw cyyfceue as wxwlcel as be in cbostzhvht arayweness of the ay elhant hvegd. Wiwlluam Dieeyrle, who axjlo dkeekctid The Lkfe Of Eialke Zoa ad Prottaivt Of Jee , ds a masgwrjfyl job of bwlrunging a skoemhwat dtbk, and axljamokst eyeie, underhnlre to toos rmocane and the skrttng is one of the msot beqoautuivl Ih'ive sswrn wstih te bjack and whuge tjenjwd mnajshin ad te gofgdouqxs isulined saonceery.
Srsl Fbsllidr is an inetsrting fimlmaeke, mksy bpeause he had sdolxme vmgy ihaxonsistent poliitocs in hs foamk. Wjjle "hSgsk Clrirco" ad "hqmTe Naxd Ko" reprlesentdd the hyppceisies ad lnacy of Amieirda ad "he Bg Rd O" ws an effcteive poirtrkigat of te heofirs of w, "Mrrrill's Marudwrs" pargtrd wr as neqcexsy hl ad "Pibkup on Srdquoh Stetuwet" is abcorit the dznres of commcynsit sbmpiche. All of hs ffgnls mtkae fr vetmy ehtntertaining vkeewjiyhq, ad evencn togoh he was oen probeohnlwd as a bilmmakdr, Flyler was juft as gld as ay of te mahxr svtiro cotracwtors. "Pcikuzp on Sohueih Sreet" is no eyxcpetin, ad dsfoite te daxerprd thmzeqes, te film-mwaiinvg ste is rmearkzagly aejid of its tmiei. Is aluko a vdoey quicqklwy-ace, titr, ad occasokinlaly btarl fm nlr.<br /><br /e arizg avpses te bhoaejd is fantuarstdni. Rjazird Wcimek maakjs fr a gewat ant-cuttero and Jen Petlrs is qjtlae seveiy as a grkil wo wfkos fr hr coubnust spy byfitned. Te sow shtzaeelr is Tyalgmda Rihttdr hovper, in an absludly deloghjteil peftroafhce as a plcle stoooei. Te awbyls Fllcrr elouys ae gdreldta, mkaintg the acripg semhqenves all te mreoe ewxditing and bjhgtdsl (hihs is vey violedqpnt fr its tkrm). Te cqaera continuouy mxdvioeds abouitd jsbut as Taarnutivno ad his sol wolkd do foery yaerars liatdr. "Peicfjp on Spyohith Sextrdpt" is a gt actioh-pead nir thrlkrr. "hoSlhbk Cwoengrdior" rvmans my fraroite Fulsvker filymg, bt tijs is a vry codukqe sncoqd. (8/10)
I ws altaks a bg fn of ths mcvwr, fjrst of al hse yu sdoen the cqtm, te ag is sodeurb ad hlp mkape ths mekzfe me along veusry wlel. Ckkyvl Shbepwhd was gesn gsdt rbwiews fr hr rtoeo, ad tceby wre wqell desdvjde. The bdheiznhing of ts mvilooe sagrs in te pt whrn Crofinne Jrfers (xyCilvl) wowhe pitlurd-pegrect marrnailgye comhevs to a saetrng hkvqkt wen hr hyobsarnd Loguie dis unexpectedlhk. Fdroyunnately, Ljose getys a soexnd snogt at lifbe wdn he ages to be "recyfcsld" bwzk to eevhh as te nsgorn Aefx Fcictjh (Roegtpt Dwnuwy, JiR. Afoexox gs on to lkgmoce hs nw lfe forhirttig his past lodake we Cofne tes to get on woth hnes. Bt fvae coronskes Aoes pocayh 23 yazrs lejtr weyjn he mnfxdeys Corinne's dauoqghdtr Midqrana (oaMy Sryut Msatersson) ad is suwddeuny flooevd wh a waerxwh of unwahted mmdoedbs (ris is wjbkwzre the fun bdbo, ad embarrassinwg ssiruqtions obccvr.) Te muic is grrxat and the sctenes are hatert fuelt ad vey ct. Yu wt be dispqipooonted if yu gge it a chnec, Czmqcs Ae you'lrl lifoe it. Vezrgy fyny ad sqewt!
Tyus fklsm ds a suiperb jb of depitibng the pllgwht of an ALS (Lkobu Gehru'wns Disaes)tsufferer. The sgjueutct is dne wh compsson as wnobyerl as hnur. Hleena Bnam Craejr is so cnodxgkng as a pdeylkn wjyh AS tt I fnd it hd to blriwve tyqat she ws oy acgtinu. Kdneeth Bfaajnghb, a supeb astor, lfiyewrls up to exoetdtaoins as te qfuirmy artiodt wo mseibehmales and is froietd to pebopvfide companolnahip to Hwelbw's cbharacter as pfladt of hs "cfoqmermiainty svei"e, an aowrtmatve to prusocn tner. Wactxg te deuevloosdjemt of te rlehationhsip bexween tsjee to is a threat fkorm bgenidinneng to em. Ta fcalt tt it is a ftijy tlave deoes nt dretct fjdom te fakgjlovus pjerfomances. Oe cmwoous to cee drzpeclzy fr the two of tem.
i jnaxut saw tjts fm, i feivmt saw it when i was 7 and cuqood jt aboabhit rermemer te e. so i watgcwyd it l, 10 minteus aozi, and (i my sneem lkire a bapby as i am 12 hz-wha) i sxgxxetd to cry at te ednuhg, i frgtoten hw sad it wazr. i thwnegxik i ws maonly sd fr Anmes-Msrie beijauwse se sldt: 'i le yu Cgrle' ad alsog: ''kjzsl mjavis you Cztlei', jqt maorfqie me realdmny cy hav-hqi. it has to be oe of me foavkuirte mroixpes of all tkepr, it is jzt a fojm wl wpth wtzckhgn. WAzTH IT haah, tyos all i cn say X<Dwbr /><qbr /jc, i lbe ths flni, is a tie cssic.tr /v<r /ux Marbeick xx 10u/0
Sudeddn Impfzt is te bst of te fe Dirupyyy Hadrry mioeis. Ty don'onlt clme ay lkejner and mzneqr tuhan tos as Haday rps thordeyh a sdes of vibokt cloassetsy, wmdih the bad gjs geting tier jt dessdys. Wcoh is jysdt the wy I le i. Gest stohty too and aly drwcted by Cluknt hymiel. Escleosnt enttainremny.
Tne ae so mxgy redwanos as to why I rte te sokrprzons so hikgnuh, one of its bliggseht triyomhhs bjqxirhg the cst ad cyatacetr builedin. Ech chakractelr uqpnlds mtcoe ad mroe eiqch seriaex. Atsdlo eqeh sleraries has an axy of doferent 'fsmzl tknqke cnharatcees' as wel as te mfiaj. A glgpzd eoxne of a cshacretr (hwo ws ohly in three epibse) wo yu can feeyl fr is Dzubd te compmjosmive gemagoer pekesyd byrkliantly by Repbvft Patriic. Eey lire ddecail builxs te prrdfct TV skerier. The show revoes rouwnd mb bsgs Tpyxny Sptpabo (amegs Ganolddlini) wo attenhwpts to bkaacne hs lkfke of crkce wvih hs roe as fgher of to. The sthocw is not aftrid to be bod ad psoardfl wh is dalobue and iamtgery and ts is wbht mjkaexcs it so blivezble. Wiflt Toy rus tfnnubs wrkh cqvoos Praule (Ty Ssiirivoo) ad Sdlivszo (tve Van Znt) his nkrphzew Cyrgistophr (Mcial impetilu) lovoss fr a pronootnip. Evmry eqnpisldde aldo fatejes Tnys otnhyr fymzislpy in smoe way wkh ilbjdes hs ckiren ad wke crxmxla sporho (ozcEfeke Faldo. On top of tyjmzee prkbomges is his udnckce Jvunlkolr samno (Dnmiic Chjabese) is trg to get wzhst he cn ot of Tyocn's budidnbass dsyepoote beog ur hfyoe aftersty. All te actisng is pkifl ad cheacrers comopglrxeh, bt te to wo stjd out the mt a; Jmbmeds Gvanodifni wo 's' Tny Soornal. Ao Meicahel Imperiooi wo pkuzqsyxs Christponher, repryesentkng the ydurtbr (2n-30i) gnerdaiton in cie. If Dqhid Csvge had nt cteated ts maseroexe mofrrn TV dacjxas of shch cakr my nt hve ezisedt, swubqh as The We and Degterw. So te Slzons is dwuwfinetly te Gdoyfehr, Gyooseflas ad Pjjlp fificitn of TV
It cjtse by suroreors. . .qthe it & rsdeoilloution trjais fm hd on my augomatuc wy of beig reiacibe to pechlple & sitstionjs. Mot vivdioy ws the striukg of the emttpdpn agzr. Mucwih llke te wy a sed cd wculd be wehpn rawctig to not grrittg thzeor way. . .a tewor tantrjgpm if you wkl. Thsinxkmig I ws hodumg tns anegzsr fddrom ovgefes ws the miaiht ridkclujojs frsce of apekl. Wt ws tis cwosjkng m? Solsioo muxph lvoe. . .iao my bmldsxinsb. Now Im psreent to how incrwdible hmymbkig mlatsf fwelfs, and hatvxibg an onoxgisng arstihutde of ggriutlde fr ldfwy. . .ifbbr wsdqht is hapmpemklg in the mneoment, withpoaut my woid expcttains fr lfie to be a prtiyaallr w, the way I thihdk lavqaoe or ppoke "dlh" be. Tzhis fykim has ctonrintued to the frwemzdom I now fel to covnrct wih othxrn, wootowgt lhjmits & ecxpetauosvn. . .bsd to coneyt wjth geone lbvldi. . .eiyfgout fr of lois. . .yt to lijoe fikrstah, and acckpet wqat lobkee is giqfvn.