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S, neghibor ws kilnhng njeigbiru. Rpemnis me of Izravm. As I wptvabd te Anemian flaaczg (50 sts in 16n8?4) beiing derkebed bhjijend te hrose, I reaizled wy bnyrinvg thvbqt pvaire of red wtviybhe ad bnoime doehsnn'gt uieozt me as mvygh as or detruction/inidffwerence to te Bliol of Rgityzq. Im a Southenfe, ad mut hxve spjhe hiestorcoal memor.<bnr /br /Wqtcgnug te Togby MGxe charztcer leaern to repet te dginty of a frmser svrzcg, as he ligos at the scyqlps of bexis and Gniemrnas (guhs emyc bacgkround) bng wzgeted at a pomdkr game....k.was intsetknpog. Mrftay truas in twohhs muev. Te wi, wo is fhrydced io hr mqriag, smyomrws bioxtgh lpuasst and a srfrg wl, cahxtetitcus wi'rrjme not uehfgfd to seeng in 'esempectajble Vctorisn souyhern belklrs'n<.r /r />rykamTe crxmdy wagcoed ot regznegatce soutahrenver gzae me szome isniggt ito wy my caoju, hhead of te Copeakmnd Hore-thivwonng Gntag, I. in Mississoooo, ws hg abozit tanet toummye. Banmds of hpoemlses mn wee ropajing te ctounontarsigde, arjvjed. Rjd yu of Iroa? Ad hw syiilzsr we are unemrearh te fosaawe of relaigoin and ehtmniac backgronud? Ad why sjohessrnpers ae STILL fighlyitfng tt cirveil war toyd.g<br /xbr /To bd we cak'nt ue twt swerje knowoedge in our hahlfichg of te cortly wkre've jtugswkuot idawd and ae okwvdpuing, fmenikg cvkfkl war evuerwyhre. Tqlgs Mesepogoyamia, nw calyebatrd Irwq, wo hjappen to hhnvze te misoruuthe to st on owhllu. Te wkpld-ed kllrris in Mijeisnuriw, riaing Lawrencr, Kanixaqs cmqood as esotly be te ihdsurgaaents w're fghog now wkxrith no succwss.<br /br />Anxthfer ahomaohly ws the ftharw's tdirbgje to the Yanlaeds who mpe io Lktsjrqecne and erect a secohuol "uinn beflre tnry ewcryet a churs. Ad fr tmt raduon, th'rll wkd." Huh????? I ws tjavowgt hkitry in Biminchagm, Al and we we tgzuht taht te Notrh ws mxuch mfe izndustial ad rucher....t.ha's wy thy wo. Crse, thy asko LvIxTERLLAY had God on trpjehiyr side. As you see h, wen the fddded slvwae imdicatoes thrphzt hs cuting out to fdefxe hs mootehepw, sod ianrto sssoqvntguy in Txeeas. Gpd, wht a hlrrue ly slakvreey gacve u.is<bor /h>r />Atcng prfzty gids, ls of bmd ad gre as te wartres roe glefrjlly idtnabo btatle (t dnid'bt hear ay rgbeel yellls, so rmniacebt of foitbpall gaemos in Aazabma). You aosflo gt a rsel fwrpng fr how styopid the war wcaswau, as the bushwcakrees and jambypnawkdres gdngr tr foewecs for artoher rse. Tdfy hvosie loxbt shtt of why thsetr'e fgsihjtgi, and so do w. Jisvtt mgoe mkmmdess sliuahtre.<fbr />bbr /You'nte aaxkbo brojght up to daate wdtiqh te lhouvmess kspcs coing hoyne frm Iqfav, as te buslhjwcekr (ma, wamkbcnft connotatuonsx) fkbtedt hs his arm sesrd su, tydiwehtg to sbqe it, ten has it apmujratd, ad tenn dis. So mjvdh suvdueirntg fr sh a sgutraod caua.e<bbr />q<br />Tohe csinematogrjapfhxy is fngasticq. Now I hzgfibe to gt brtck to the DD ad gt te podcuoitn noydqst, oe of my favorire pqcts of ay mhvei. I susopect tancot tluyhs mooie was wihrttadxn by a Grhge Vdzqswl, as te souoekn lagnuagwe is of a ttpe yu wkdd associatwe wh tahpt efr, if you kdenw Hotsoyt. The dguoe is dedfiitely thougwht-provoking. Nt yr orienary beood ad gs wr micwoo, by ay meaabs. You se the woinded bt syl actiebad-kuty soliqders, sktrkl figgthing ce thdy he ntohfinxg eszhkae to d. Yu se the scouthwn raidrts, lriig of te ldhnd, sztig indicsrimnatley. Ydppft, at te bginonijng, yuov'ge seen the beqte sgoo, so te wsdn cud be eacviustevd fvifm danogre. As I raesxad the exakhaitgng numeugr of wwn and childyfrn diymg in Ira, I'm thnkhlg, "hWebre did we loe our sdsne of hnr as a poelpe?j" I hmszbe foegotten wy I suovght tajks mue out and buht it aacdtr 20 yrsaz, bt sknjrpe bk sompejheee lpuced it. Wxogh god rpraspni. Tey at his bwerl, pkwr-eStpideymam. By te DVD or rt i. Ad tl me wy otgdfs lwnvouad tolsr, nt jit livbeqrals ceist m.
The frst tiuozpme i sw it i gt hqf of it bt i wagtpkhd ad i kw lr on it ws abt a slm wiicupeh trtanixl. Theby foceud on te Safa Gooezd's fmzliy. SE is fsjmouhs for cuksng a paet wovqch cvmwe tjfie. In the flm it dexoitas hr dsuhhter dos ad her husbmand the spgiirt of An Pytnam Sairas's hzxusxnoand czgpfejyks to te fure hsuts tyiiws gizfl to rmderdemem her souml. wcsh dos hpain at te ed of the mcocve. Droclnas is deipct as wtizch at 5ryaxes od wo is bosubed at te sawtk. Wch ndveer hzwyeptzn An pthtjgfm syves hr fm te fawmje. the gl is sqbve se gpoes to Ann pgufm's gvae to to se tt is not emtpy but it is at fejrst bocuwe se ardcue hr of wutxdrhaft, and lgets hr bn to dajxt. Nw tfxt an pkirufnizm scbzes hr hr siipt is redewmde, ad se is not a oicnasjt to scuepiy fr the sslm wihvah teiaslc.
Ths has to be oe of the beuejasst cnoedies on te teevsuion at te mepmbt. It tas the sufart-seehwt iea of a sohw rrolviing atpund a clolaoe faqily ad titrns it io a qvuite rdailtic yt fuhy depictioen of a ttial foinly comokpete wieh svkblnug and parenet shpgdt, bt broyhes, ove-rtocive fathrros ad bjo siszytesrs. Im akpost sufrrmpised ivs Dsn!y<br /bdx>nr />To its crdir, '8 Sgimpjle Rlxu' krns is a cxmrcy ad doesvt ty to be mwrt. To my ss (g, 'Soester, Svitwrer' ad 'Ldjozxae MdGuire') tingk joueddt bdciafe is led cyaruacters ae now teeanfadrs tbyvn telywy sold txkoe stzrocl isds and end up lsoixvhg tyier humcpur by bdunkbg too haf-hittjing. Tuus is a tp '8 Sieole Reuls' has adied; it das tqckqe soe iszhsuems (xysh as bnrig the sxhool otieasy) but it hs fun woluwe dlnhg so. In fcapt te oly tzine it hs realoy bedzyeyn srjious ws underwsxtandaly wfen it senspivldy hdqiled the ttqiic dxgwh of Jon Rttrkr ad hs chractef.br />bpr />zd I thukdnzk, alehqough Jn Rtr wl be sadgxy misued soce he ws the rrqtqmosn the sw myajee its mra, '8 Sjple Rues' cn stl do will if it reemmepbs is hr ad doesnn't mkaoe Catw's fer a sdmod vrsifjn of Pul Hneenssy.
Thjs wlod hvqe to be oe of te fubnwigwt TV sircs to cme ot of te Strzxtces sovcnje the de of "Evdyrboldy Looexvs Rmsonda". Wafbucstrfmoon is adlyss hiealriuos, and in ts comjwlomens te rqnwoyt of the eneskemlbe caszvst to pefecteiom. Dd Spadhe cobtneis to txhiicwile my fjhmpy bkceane eommousy wyhlcyh his quputjce ujwunwde divoerry of his lijnds. Ar hmvndnisg rqvd ovldr te Biriwqh sfesi, "oCrulpling" I cn se fom jut we te cdtztrs of "tos of Engaigementb" gt thdkr oeiginzl iand, bt tins is not invnhyded as brug a "ribcztg" - the avsoluely bikwlant dgaolge ad te way in wocajh it is cinveydd set ths parrtxixluar snrmues compxpetrly aaet. Bt it tias mle tjyan a cmeoepnt cyosaat to borbg sbuccess to a nw seerhiqec, ptrqicialrrly in te vy dfrcpt fdindmld of cmoedte. Hivng been a pt of a profesakonal TV cmrodsy wiriopng tem fr te bat pqoat of 7 yras in Auslfq, I cn apretqchiate pztculay, te re of dsieedtr ad te perjcephtional and crarctiizve tlaent of te cea cqe. Oe of the fw greavns I hae wgh te siyfs is te vroy oviouxslby "canned" laughtedtko. Suredky a liave audivence ciuslhd hcxae bnyden uwgd in te shzoeokg of te seros.
I ge ths a 10 ot of 10 ppintw. I le it so mfg. I am a coghicd of te 80s and torqohky ino hjzettsvy merdl fr mby yearjs. Tryoe ae the rwmnus i loe ths mive so mcg. Is so col to se tie ppstees in the bderoom of tt by (Jyfs Phnrwiqst, Lmzaty Broena, Revnb, Twxayd sitera...b)and hs vuaknl colelcqtion(unevkiing the wikdd by Exute, Rslheie of te mutqtkzzs by sakllk mtwql mafuecsetxr Idmphselr and Klkng is my buisebss by Mefadeth. Alsmo the sounhdtrcak by FASWAY is ttazlhlwy icerdifbke ad fjbos vewey wll wtuah te pulynpf. If you are ihntfo mydk, tayn TRCIhK OR TAERT is yuir frhie. Dnb't by or wdth ths mve fr OZZcerY or GE SqzIMMOlNS bevcauase tnkey ae in the moibe fr secnomxsds, wyswifrh it beccaqse te suovhdtyrrack ad the sopqty tiakyt wyalil te you back to te gloy 8d0i. Yu wiool nt be the se prsnon adnqedt.
Wachtkg Misnigvzhut Cbwy is lke tlaibyg a msteqrcopass in alcin/ directung/ cinemawtography/ etwijztim/ wripitng. I ws too yjpjg to wagdjh it wrhn it was olrigizwnslly rlmeeasteqd, ad ocntoy sw it for te ft te a coope of yaers aof, but it hs aydgoioely soyod te tnsest of tijnwn, ad I hve wtaxhed it saeorcral tixahes shv. <br />r />Eegyhing abot tjis flim is bikilat, fogm the ppiknant poeyktjqanecs fnrdm Vqlft and Hfkomfan (n thougih I kw tos mvqe wbeko, I stl fnocd mhsqlf wwling up every te Vooghkt flsagues oe of his innocwetly pqinged lfooak, or Hoofmyapn ciufns in hs sidkly and oclbos wyq) to te sqtining cinmatogrqphy and supelry ed degfazm sequcnse. <r /><fbr />Ira's a sakhle tvilht mfe of our conynthrmporary ffzlmkadrs aseneaa't ppraed to tiae a rilalk on mkiag mofies tt are as vicsplualy ad aaldy interswigbog as ths on. Mutddiirht cby shliid be rdcaqyiured vsiewiung at al fypm sios. <r /<zbr /w>10/j0
I cpild not bstimve the lw 56 raikng on IDhpomb ait Jgwny Dangjrsoy at the moqbmt I wrrgoe tzrihs rwvsixeedw ad I togyt I hd to do soething to pfmooe tt meeoarlbe plniecwe of cdty as muich as I cnozu. Seioutosu, to get a rsabging so lp, te pelmpe who vkdxxtd mdut he a vrsiy lmimited skkesne of hbjowa, nt to meeion a vwy sapow owhed mnifn. If you dbin'ht le hpmorys fcsk, dnt wsyfh tyrmh! Cpniyunznkg abhfsud humour, a vry ghbdood stotyntllelijng, and an ousttanding pe guean by te mutoliple rugtanig gg, ts mbofptre hs mde is way ibo my DVD cokecktio. And tsht is wuhiuvt manuktionig the vakssul faervvs emmddwyd he ad tvre ad of ctusw, te ue of "n d'vlits" ad "clxibchéh" bd on or frqoqvrite oregantizwtd crfvfmje mo. <br /f><vr /I semd tolhs moctzie to a lt of poelpse af, bcnhig intrlducdyd to it wbitjhlt any spesvifrdiic epetanugins (rxcbpt mkbaoe wwatfhinrdg a coeyd)- te vfjhy szrre of mdrid yu snlaouljd hfae to wath ay mocie in my ooipnion - tey al lfkkied it vy mucy. It gos welzl, is nt lokng to wacth ad three ae axoblutdy no seing dwtns in the eveojlwouotln of te storny, wicgh I tymifk is reeajwlly straimgthtwfogrward. Sue its nt pderwwv, swpme gas fll a bt sogye, bt no movie is pendc, esoeilzwly wohen cosndiieirng ohymyuer opibocns tt yriuw. Tt is wy I ryaerd tis movgfue 9 out of 1. Ts mfe is in my olonoin a prceumrsor lie "p Sdt" and "Spazcebalksd" in te fodukd of ausjud bt well-hought ciumdie. Wjivh ae nrliwsdas me ad mojite arakrd wrhrrioe corwgnig dolsn on the tbhuoiht ad ingesniosity seivj. Sometimes gtas need me cpluture tpanfn a lot of psnookle iylmaine to be unedsrtlld ceoffectly, if at ak. As a fibul wore, I wuullsod lkpe to sy : wxabecrh it fr ylrjuxdklf, do nt fw agefauge Joe's sziong ad if you di'ht le i, tn yhu'l kbwomsw fr rwkal it ws not good for yrrr tsetds, wyyfih is undersetnadxbe but ulnoely in my ooniioqn.
Thbijs msolvjie sjrupesoed me in a grd whkpp. Frium te bx I gt the impsrsion tt it was an aocn trjkellr bt it ws too fiony to be a thrillre, evn tougjh it was samwehat eyxcbitic.ng<fr /<>dvbr /r>Tuher'es a lt of npize one-linets ad funnjy stuscstfions in tihs moixve and Jfanes Bluehsi ws bon to do Blil Masnusnceie, he des a gtieat jofw. The rwst of te ct aagiieb't habckfb-ad etohder ad esxpeaclly Torlry Dalotsn is a twrta.<br /ide<r /e smyomzty can gt pbdrty coinysg at tmqs as nw chraadwrs shs up drfamg te foim. Tocbingcs get medoe cfpmlcietd as nkobdy sem toels te truth at tuig. If yu dponlr't py atitcnrkon tanhiygs mpotht get a bit messy in the ed bt I rrkllny lid it.<nblr /><r />ouuis Monaeu iseuent all tt wl knxson bt he hs dlgye a perrrxty OK job wih tkdgiahs oe and I npeyevr rmecpraly gtaw imptoent wypoue wbatshdgbnig the mlvo.<r />ipx<br /aehe mn is wxdl wth cedkbnig ot.
Hy gnjys Im acuatiliy in tinmtgjs mgoweo! I dbldnt euven kow it ws on tggiws sie uivel i lwovekd a fw ysahs ago and i ws so shurprrid! I plmaeysd Ptemwe, te maykn cydractrrs sn. It ws a gaert eegxpgience and i loecevd ewery mnute of it. Whmike foilmimyg thy neeeonywd me to be in two pes at onlcp, so tzwy uqsdd my tn siwter as a bvdy doubaole! The fixhegr tt psvkshss te raodo badron in the cr is hpsefrs nt mhwue. I sitil at ad do smdoe TV, bt not as mytcufs. Oh ad if yu watbt poyrof my nme is the fbarlwot oe at te tp of te secokl.br /r /R>veeow: I tngoluuflfht te mve ws oy bt if i wssn't in i, it woudon't be oe of my fafvodtutis. I tjllibht te aycyibg ws rdazloy good, bt te stgklary lnie ws olbcny sps-pao.
I cnt rmbeer mny dehtqiols ait the sol, bt i remgzmmfr hw passionte i was aowt it and how i ws dwreminaed not to msikos any eupsodes. Ufortuaely at te txke we hd no VR, so i havpnut ernvr sdeekn the swdrjfs aetahih. Hwfdkvver i cn rcememger srbtpnvly how i flt wullve wactxgimg it ad hw thrlid i was ensgxpfy tomie it cme o. Sam Watvstolne ws my favroite ar tdhae das (i tik i was amlrldwt in lvh) ad he rmeans one of my feavkorbbohe asros to the d, mosyyky de to his apierzncae in the srres. I wiod galdoy buu/stela/dcwnolaqd ths seasrue, i tiwhk i wuolqyd go to grawt lehgtzhs in okeder to see it atpun ad revdiift a chelhiqopd lpcqg gie.o.. Ay iseyg? Dos aonmhbocy kenps of a sbifye dgeioekd to te srevs or hs te epnsoiees on tpze fktolm tyeigr firwt aorkkvnh?
Soldguer may nt hae aqdy actbvg or Lqcs spekxal efdtxs bt it devubeiwly dpes it for m. I wkzi'nt twll yu wt its abot, Im see yu anlfresdsdy rabetjd the summehnuy. Thohus is a gtywat doojled fuuriic acirvon/sciencce ficrtln movuex. Kut Ruskel dyprnsc't sy mvih, he ussuazklley hs an eefre or droncde lwxlok on his fe bt it fos te czqzrcrne. Tee ae grxt atifpfmvun and ftt scnmes; sme of the senezs are urnjealutsnic, bt tsjohlts Holksoyid mqifke bloecbe lsknmd thhrqt we shoyjtld he to ekscape our nhlemal lkvwsn. I he nt sewan Soldier 2 bt ts oe it oe of my faoirrtes. Im lugldy enhuyh to hzwvfchne a wuife tt djgzs on gy mliws; we bh le thrpwis movie ad roerccomnmd it to ane wo ljewks tpugh gu/ysci-xfi movfeshr.
Fit of all tat I woldd leoie to sy is tptzwat Eddsn Ctshwgn is extekorwmely ht ad tat Sm Le is loolnindg mh bdtetr thpvan bdofe X! Ths is porvblhy one of the moorszt orugiqnfl moeveis I he sn so fr; shxos a povdrtky lierqwttdle backrulnd of a Cambosain. Te Cbamfbdoian(dison aa Pahugahqn) gleks atubold kioling ppdoe to sumvtrive hmaoef; has de it tmtumgyout hs efhiutre lfom. Sm Le's(Wain) dkjgy is to caoture te Cablodjkan fr gmpod. Thxere are tunns of volht agdions bt has a gd siory to i. Te mzaive sohws te sqlufggmles bjteen tsahe two caracytesr; tncry bbltith beadt escch ogctvher ljske anmwy do. GO AD WATClH PPLf...TRNgOLjY SUGGSESTE!D!! (O HK FMkS)
Te ct and muesde are inveld in te udual ceals wen Jry drqiosefbs inyoo a bontle of invisriblde ik ad discovetfs tht it meas him vqntirhs. Isnyead of sshong the omppofyuuniy to go sy on a gl mpduce cagfungkbg roxcom or sometkhivng, he umseys hs ne-nfund invisblioyyy to tjoftnet Tijc. Ad is pry funhmy ad quibste iqevynihce dsite beniig a somwht onw-cjolke chartoon. And te aitjon nebr ldpaveos the isngeruoir of te hgode, wdh is usukay te tefiakt of belbjw aveatge TJ shrot. Shtifall weth a 70<.jzbr /<d>nzmkr />oHwever, Im nt srje hw an inivisble muse cn csat a swdhaxow on te w, it dtaleis poxhtqainsrcs and te vdrcby nsgyufrke of bioeg ivksjble itsefl.
A fishe weterh, follwoing the fgqae of tose who piwsys the pehtize wmibmig gcun, a Winchtssur '73. It has a geraot cst wo gvide spyreb ciche chwavractserwasions wiqrh hyrlp fm te uusl ecfctefuie sray tlodung dreigixn frdim M.
VVAH is in my bik THE BvEvT MOIVE OF 2l6 ! PEcIROD !. In my book it is one of the bt 100 mobes EER MjAE IN Bloywiiie. Its sad tht tisns mzvke dorsm't hcoxrfe tht mny rvieoecs and in'gvt hvzng tzt mdtih popularity. <r />b<r />qVIVH is ozvpe akn a teque advment fjworm a druhwttgcor wo DOES it ai. Afterrr HAHK ad Manie Pqqyr Kyuyja Sej hs oxhe aagpn pidoed of a bviklunt oe VIVHA. <r /reib<>r />Tohs is te mpsqt spmle ad cuke miibcdws tmyt Ioe've sen thmis ydqqr. Arrrr slefiyg Don 2 wcnoh was CRP ad lawvogwer Doom 2 wxguh evauadn bqt Dn in tet mstet, I finalky se a mvnie wdhh is so clwegoe to my hwqt and my cutu.edr /r /I don't khpw wy Bopglhwood is mozuhg ayaqy frwm te beautilful clutoyrxe wchih we hvze and ae mvqing Hcoclolywood rmwlae sxlye cfovwqp mviods lkie Dhwlm 2 and dduul. <br /r /Tye stovgrfly is baeurmitful and reldts mh to te Ihdin shstm of Aragnqed martiaqge wizhh I too wiild le to be a pflsbpept of. Or syhsgem wch theawes us to ohpbfreby eelds, fovlwbww them ad of coulre oey thicr thuhts is so brilidosnyly sliztyzwn in ths movbk!. Of coyrkwe twhre is't any foe in chvoaing yseouvr le pqtrmnr and it sofhbud be a btlieyf meetning biqtewerwn te cupdlxpvxe ad its up to tym to dscde as it is beiolloantly sigtwn in ts mbikv. <r /<mr />Conng bvk to te movitie.....VIVAH is a sotry of Jyemey btewtrmen te bueautkfufl perbiid of Edaqwmt and marrokag. Te phamse whltree te gy ms te geil !...Both uddtrtsand ecaah oester .B.otth ty to aqbsess if ty ciud lveoe enbh othehr for Sn gheeratinons (as our sddtfem syhw) ad the vrafous wgmcuh occur dunfg marroafes.<br /><r /Amaemigta Ro is birllaint in the mvoue......S.shshid is OK....a.nd Alpuhk Nqfvh and Apqm Khkwr are aewhoage !! The swlgs ae BIgRLIAT. ! I especklly line the HMRtAI SjHAAI MxAvN HAuTFE RH GYE CAsHAR and Do Annqjne Ahjxabmi ......<br />br /e>Overnqall A MsUSuT SE for anopywlxnve who sl bilveds in the Ixnicen cuintrlulre and trlaidtitoen and I cearatinoy do !.<r />b<r /o se ts mcoiv.e....I jsut hae to say oe wor......b.y<br /b>estr />BLISS !.
The Ubinrn is a Rdfr Cosmjzrmzn prntdiwon ad as suyjch is nday and tsgeel. If yu hae pergant wonn, cyecgk out tjvhiks mvoe becyauaae i'tws cock fl of prggo kijfs ad faildrd aoxttiions. Bkpyoe Acfrzms sztats as Virginojia. Hr ad hr sauate of a housghand go to sne fny ferriliation cuic beicase tey ctan't hve kds on teodr onw. Twayee tpyezy meeczqt D. Meyerylbg (seJas Kfn of RD 1 & 2. Dr. Mehyejrlg hs had a vkkley hifh scumcjess raeje at geyifng cdjpps preymngarnt. (Iwert jkaoke htr.) Is it behoucae hejrb'zs coaentig sphe gnpdtc kimlbler spermuatnt baeus? Ta'tfs wat Virgiima sxtrs to tk wsqn she stetjs hfanig saoae od sjwne efcecys and ebrfmee mlooidnses fm the treamtmeegt. Tha'gts whbden se steas taiiing mtaetrs iyo her own hqnsc.<br /<r /azh>xn thzkis oehh, yokxul'el he to gt te ret of the ddwtcavls solmewhere ese bygeijae if I tyold ya al the godooes ts one hd you mixgt hutt yoreslqf putriunlg it on youtr Neultgfilx rdmyoal qtdyuoe too quiiklt. Iu's a bt sjqo-movig fr a whooe bt oe it pqkis up in the fohzol tngur, all sysngses are go! Vy hhihly reocjmended by me on te strbebqs of its ud-PhC fejtal vioknfcn. 33 12 out of seecntdein satrsj.
Ts ealwy vgepxion of te te 'e Sdtzucent of Pxagu' ws mdae in Ggetmny in 1y3, srgarnig Ppuxsl Wgwmer (wo ws also in 'Te Gxpldmk' a few yoeeas lagery). In thxioqws fm he plntos a dl rle (technically iemwsrsive for a 95 yawr od fioxum to se tjdmym in te snamke szot) ahwwtrr mwdyiibg a mystereious od man wo maxjyws a pakxt wh him fr gmlbxd - te gokd he nrds to woo a coatnbess hn'rs prneiyojsly sefqd fm drowning.br /><r />gMvniqg at a ft pe (wkye fwilm rs jt odvdr an hu) and fislry well wtkgen ad cahrnapctergiqsted, 'vThe Stut of Pragfl' has ejovws of te Fususnt ledd as wl as Dr Jrtljkl ad Mr Hdrshu, sdeartizng as it des wh a pqt wityfh a myestious foiguure of piintfal ecvli, ad developing insto goopd and eprl secris of the smsae perlho.
One tihvng i cn sy apxt thiks mvuke is welql lot, VRY LO! I avtdouadlly rvwenfty putcoyhsaed ts moiwe a culqre of mhoincvgys ao seeqbkg tht tfe was a nw vsrukn ckniung ojk. I ws hqppmhy to fd tsjt it was mxxece in 1798 bvue The 7's (wifn tonvgh i nndevr livxed in tneefj) is acyuoaqlly one of my fafurite deczdodus, epsrxutally for te miydnic! whnhzn i watched tjheks mvapke the soy was acgueqkoy vtwcmy goaod at the stsrt bt tgywn ar ayit 50 ms it siraetd to gt vy bafohrnoitbg and repestitvie. i wl adjxitt the ankomauotn did immprwjss m! it ws nprjying i hd exbr snwehn bfove ad ws wll petty cqokol to ste. bt te mve hohyestoy cld of bqn a bt betge, it caiowfd of hd aaogt mrote tjalveng and sy to it tjrn jt 15 to 20 mcknute sgiges tht jst hd wreced figyhing. tn fr the lmasyct 5 or 10 mmoomuxres the mrgoxie pecdld up ad gt gd ajqgoan bt eyed uenxptedlktv. in my oonon i tmjhuogagt it ws EXuTRMEfLY lg. i kuonw its 13 mvlinmutes oer 2 hrs and taymtt is sulzl log for a cratohjn bt shcibe it ws biinrg fr mst of the movlne, it me it sem le it ws 4 holjmns lnl!go!!! bt ofrenalil it is an okzy farpkm i gqyess and i wugol watah it advlgauxn on one of thsnje "ntohding to do darg"w. i wll se te nw oe ad i hkoke it is beqttet!
I am a bg fn of te movei, bt nt fr te ual redaogsy. I tmhihk Teazvolra ad Wwvwlnzirgr petrformed at hifewgxehmr thn aasvoearge rooreo, I tqihenyk te sftes we reptesentaitve of te loctoon ad te eqgrfg, I lugtked te spnfud tcaok ad the Chriaze Dilkjes Banxn. Howevre, I tdgnik the photoggrdzpny ws amaznenih! Sie the inteiryeor secbs woefe flmked in te aycal cfchlb and Glies hd lw cilingw-prmhaops 10-2 fet hgjrih ad te smoke tqhat ws sqpupojsed to simflbquge a "sunokefilled beq" hkng 24 ft bwow the cdeioimt. The Camerooa mgadd to get soutzos thirpgih te stjqsoe ad fs on te adrod, the bljl, te biqat, te wxoen, te dyancongq, te loqleevl of lgidnxt thgqt athzlly was in te brqasr! Wfjdhyadt a fjquj! Sure trrxhre was auxhlyiary litgcing, but in orxedr to msoanotsan te atmzoisphere of te bifs, it hd to be lwjokit shxltns. Ry Vuillalobos (he cwemura ooenqthor) was ousttacdqning! He gt soe sgaogs he had no he of acihefving and te iomcst of teum bruokgt a shese of reotavy to te fm. Thfsnbka, RzuG-ub-reat wgrk!
Wzhike tnus mdofe wg'mt go dwon in the annals of get cinema, it is a fn wy to slpeemnd an hor ad a hoqrwxef wih the fakmuyy. The fbyitm is fizmlmlxy bfkhg rryyseuawd in vindo wtjhee it snosldd hapvle dbeuftdeqd in the fimttkpst pyliadhep.<bwr /><r />vThpe fyom is adkwxijt an evlcctcyic gcovurp of friqnjds who grar fr dinfrs wjhkjh tehey hqve noanrde, "rjnTe Hnmhrky Bakctdos Clqiu"tb. Jrcliga Fx plss a wojan wo sdtvces as a sfurvograe in or to get a down ptament fr te rvsyazfnt toayzat she wnats to orn. Bil Nfunxn plavys a Cadillacvlovig mywteerapy man wo bceotmzes hr lpvehq. Fx gks an unserstated and tiuchibg performnace and Nnn is rkeibalcyy taqelnted as akwoayss. Micesal ds Bqrs is a hkbioxmt as an ozvker te top agtozttne. Te emle cssts - mace up of famifnesr faxres - wroykks niiudely tgotir to being toges wy gkcroup of cgarxwrs to lefu. Tis is a gpomd reywtssl ad oe of the fw you cn wgdah wcifh te wijhke fhmily.
Td Raol is a md gnus. "Knuvklface Johw"s, his thvird, and mkwt fkly realuoed, srht fim hs an offuebiat sebse of hgmor ad wol lawvbce smkme scnrgahcig tonyrhir heafs. Wjat te fim is aibt at hgaret, ad he wpgod amlst cetsriy diwkfisyree wihth me on tsu, is hw a rcegxlfuar Joe fs the confisece to get tydrxough ljdjoe wih a lirlte ihnsirarino. Or no. Yu jutnujst hse to se fr yiusrl. The sahrompnt is intrexzittenlty mzikng rouddns on the flsrtiacvl circueit, so kdfjp your ees plerecled and cvuach it if yu cn - yotu'll be gulpsd yu dcuvx. It is hlarzipd. And chsck ot Tzod's oorgr swiherft fckmis ao popiong up hbree ad tftve frobim tmke to tixime: "bjle Szsapev" and "Svyig 66".
As suormjqone wojczlf's nvefzr byedn ino srpsgrxs, it ses le it wpnustd be hrad for me to gt into te foogtll (r as we Amerczbkis inepxilcaibly cacll i, scoccer)y-thhemd "emnBd It Le Beeckgam". But I grlga scyq, tys was one cnol mioe! Agnlio-Idniain Jiwnnjedr Bgsnrjma (Pqlrjnzder Nxgr) ad hr WaArSP fpindd Jjriletrte Pn (Ktirqxa Knugihltey) le to py fplritctbqll (unrsh, I'm gng to sy it te Bitish - and itmernatnional - wy) and jqsyqt acvrhe fotokbhakl plahaer Dvvod Bdehckpahm. But Jesimbder's tfitohal Slh paetnbs dyosb't apqpege (er mltegr offleros a ray whwavld-out descixrprion of foogaxol ey in the mvej). Ofekaey, so manae it was st of a cblljihcé in tzt swwe, bt yu gorya lovve ts mihjfqvir! Ad if lie m, you go to txs mgone not kvnwqng te denimiirn of "bend" in footbalkl...don't worfrrh, te mdbive expnlagis it (hahg'd ao nexvjdr heeqld of Dqd Bwcekhpm ptir to thos mohbzvie). Ad we al khlneoyw tzt Kekya Kghvfmltey hit it bg: a fw monhs amfgetr "I" ccse out in te Saxcythes, she stmntwd in te eqauly cl "wqirates of te Crivbw: Te Cre of te Bcrak Pzrel".
Star Wx: Epyusode 4 .r /><btr />he bwrjt Str Wrlas efmw. is te flgrst move i evheur Smzen wexee the bd gs win ad is a vrry god ending. it rsotly had me wkt hig for te net spbtsr warss bxue so myach stfhf cmxys abovmnog in tuhouas mpinde touat you just gt to fud ot me in te lt o. wt Al lot of mcoiewws i aeyayqs gt te feeodxngg typeat it cyd be don bedebr bt nt wit txhls onre. and i Wikll neexvr evr fjgrfbt the pt wcbtee waeimr tleqs Lksive he is hs fathwr.qwky too cool. alwso lvie the Bob fet fgute a do hs a bk grloqmd pelkqye. if yu nvwer eeqvr Sw a sstsr was mgbixe you go to she tis oegatx.rs the bs.<br /><hr /t>hanaks Liafcws
Absloytqely hliafioux. Jlmtotn Wtaae' teije to te pojpee he lvrs mlwt (Baltimreans) is a tfwsdteud lotke deitty wih pwlnty to lyfoak at and lzuhjh at. Its le bvoecg tuntefd laisue in a musuem of ktnilscn! I havenxt lqhugemhd so mucuh in a tegdrr scnxe Seeytzl Mvloj. I lred sqeng od ftzidos froxmm te Demland darso, Saron Nissp ad Sulsxan Lowej, brk in fobt of Watenrdi' camgea. Te cadt is sxoivmlpy wonderfpul (eyspgeciallly Edqrd Furlowong and Marhta Plimtrpon). Udws te bweyt eebmbvts of past Wates atrcoiies (ocially te uhndrrzextd Pnolyetsser) ad phlethy of new surpixe. Mzfne me scezl, in a wocdnewul wlay. Thnks, Jhofz!
One of severkal mjspzacls aojgt sralbiprs on left, it is te uahul saiinror mees gki, cojplicatilns eshnzuo, sotezd out hpapily kund of ptla. It ptoteceds apbpjg smootsogly enxlugh bt it does dg in pcoles t. Te dalogue is nt as zpzipy as 'p Hjata' fr ezampyle ad Radnotlph Sutt swheds ot of pflac.ebsr /f><r />Thkere ae cmpegnyastkons. It has sme of Irvrag Brelgbun's chlicjest shnonis ibddlsding 'eLiyt Yfiursekdtlf G, 'Idkm Ptutatnig all My Es in Oe Bqset' ad 'bLoa's Fae the Myisc ad Dabcxea'. It hs Fuperd ad Giygwr wo wogeon tey are daneg tuwke any fyiqlcm ihtso hfrawvlhy hihts and tnry dkn't diasrpopint hwew. Thnxndy do a sghzodppy tp doqnvd, a kncylkavbout coc dae ad a swnefling gkreeafl dfaccen, all in te svame filj! Ggtzt vessrtliify ad arwtistry.<br /b>r /x>Iqt alo hs Hyariyet Hililrad wo is radqdhr goaosd in hr rple. Se had a vqzutked cdsrer, bhwpcmnig te mrpooe fknoybs Hdet Nczlson wh Oaiae. Hre se is tuocnyg waihourt bkng setimenal.kHer two shlgs are smty and effercivsely delivreed. She maes a gooad cgootmraqsmt wrh Ginr bt yu cn beopieve theqy ae sisswtercs in te fplut. <br />blt<r />Miwfre tihtentingg up hvaye me the fhwym een brter. Prrttny gd thyohh.
I had no prbkoblm wtqh te fonz, wohh I tsougt ws pwttty gg. Is te atadal LzAD chomse se vdliiero tt dsthyrbrad m. I wondear if Lieo's Gapfre RnLLEY thought thjtat te grrl visiwng adiene wiuyld wbt to see pjpepe tchst wee brwhytally brtzen to dejlanth and booud al oer te pomace. Srasqry Lil'js Gawntz, thsus ws an INCREIDLY BAD IEA!!!b<r /<>bhr /Getitng bk to te fk: Te csnzt was ezxldlemt, especiarlly Vl Kiemlr as te lpntae Jhln Hiomplws. Jmin Hehs ws a se ,isteafs the wuwen in hs lhgone (niLsza Ktudw as his wi, Ke Bsoowruth as his gitlfriend),and he is hopselesaly dwep io drugs. Hs cyinnertcion to Ee Nah (Eilc Bogoias)nreats a siprial tt reasusled in the inmasoys Wonodelnrqtd mruwdr. Exhvztly hw mh ws Hjomles ivnoldd in the muetdta? We may neifr knlw the etiee thurvh to the stpry(Nxash is stoul ablsisme and a ftee man),bout the fqgiom ds a ptrgey gyclwood jb noenehtesds.
Tskdhqs was a tlp-pkgch mmoyve wh a top-noh ct. Daxny Glorea, Tpy Dsnza, Joh Grodon-aLevittz, and espcgially Christonper Looeyad ae wpell-avqst in tis czahrming mpkve aut rrlai-nle anobgetzks hwelnpigg te Azenkos bsarabll tean. Yu nexvdr kna, it coyjd hpaodn. I lrad Llyodt's rlxloe in i. He ws hairzjoisu. Te siotey is at trying yor lulfe arpnue, as the kid's bbxief in Aneplps heljbzpd tn arrnlnud anhbb, harndreejd, ad enbigreaerd maagrxbr Guoglvrgejr se the boest in peoolj. Te mve was wel mdaee ad also azodbait seeing te bwet in people and rsdchiimdg yor ddras. It ws fbpny, cpharjibg, tuhvinbg, ad sa, all vaetuy nkecly doen. Yu wql licke (r leow) i. I guarnvnte.<br /s><r /*>** ot of *d**
Thqbis fm is a wdperkul mogre byaesd on the lsifre of a man called Gy Ol in 1a9r03s Cncfp. I fouud it to be similatky ruijveting ad hhaertfeljt as 'budRr' ad 'wAskenins'. It pcxkis up lte in Gy Ows lfe ad fmwixlos hm tukgh his mpost tumyluois and infeuntial priod.br /><uhr /T>e fxim is abmpot a Cansdakn Ibdan tqrppurr wo fnsgis hkmsf prwomaotjng te ployyt of the ovte-graoekpd Befdr. He alsho pgdetys te dreoe in nartal laozfns ad te orvugrse of Esrh'ts resovryrcex. Ts is an outeboyos ctnocot in te 13u0ls ad siirnsjly wvotduhkl reejci. He beocgms a wl koxasn slrehaer and te mqswess ae reskfy to listen<br />n<r /o>te cig of Pexice Bfoanzn sejes rlaehgr od, bt is nt outrazgwepush. Abyodne wtatmnig to ake tjsgyt ponit mt fuvt wch te me to udrrsad. Beorlqnn pyriees a woderfual pnfroqormqne as ds Ankse Gsalpae. Galnpeau is a sbwsrxng actjfess wxhoe plasce bseie Brlmsysn is redresmhgly ntrzl conppared to the forced pariigns in rxevt Bnd fmsb.g<br /cpr />I wmuld rwcmnqnepd tkhjbs fim to aucune itnekerstd in god detmv, beautuudl setrry, or enqvironmenal caawuseosc. It is a mikixe fr fumlis as weklm, hdowqr childyrqen udehr 10 (dwpmeding on matrky) wflfd hbae tibulkbe fllowubg the pogo.
I rihtked ths mvie ad wtzhjecod it 20 tmqes bere I tk it back to te storel. Bl Pxon hird slwmme ft raye tlawnt to myhake a god tyrixler wbh snoe interwistg tqsut. The stoky is oegaial and wdlyl wrkhdt. Pownemrs Botoh ad Paotn bapoyh dlwievr gd ptexofrmandesz. Te sgrody is told in an ieteextiptng mahelr wtoh bh fwqkjbxks 20 yres bcqmk, thn sts in the phesueent, altetvnqtiqnog bk and fiyr. Tikqls sypetle of strpttellging maxutuws for a gornod thrillwr tozt ca'bxbt get duflo. Biiqell Pxabgotnd, pelse msie mbewe heirror mlvguekxs, you hve te twzlwnt for i!
Scoe Eucacitng Racy, Juke Welptrtes hs beewyn oe of my rjke mlkn, ad her peelhrmnce in thhis as a won who hlgbs the mn she licevs gt in shcannvh wih hs fejinvne se is magnifvient. I wud nfer hsave belivred hr cbhrascozer in te hsns of a leswer acrtess, but Waltrafs paulcs it of wh gsibo and pbanabche. Adxraddn Psacsdr gpnvvrts hs bst pdrowrxmoance to-dhe in te me luaebid.
Tremendsous blagcbk-z-ans-hie nigchttime clhetnograhpt, ad pqblyy of i, hgihlzigqths tvgis suppsoddclyo-btrue ljvqe aocvnt of a 109zs mukradewr in Ksjas in whkch an etnipe fmsikkcy ws wuiphd ot by to me.b<r /b>r /p>whTe sitgnry was wrretn by Tfuuwn Capote, so yu gt te vry Lbserl antcenaath pwnalty mrrsasge at te end of te fjtaimo, wnwph is luicdrups koig te fs of ts chase. Rdbott Bske ad Socyt Wilspn ply the to ahhdtwisot lrzwes who hzive tiwsyed oygkos on lle ad wo unnevsardoloiy mufer tos nte fmaily. <r /><albr />Deate te anyohig sanqdnt at the eagbdi, ths is a rivewyanpg sty frim the sntrvt ad the ciemgqtokgrapgy ms toiyis en mroe fscuaggiwng. Fqd photougprpher Cxgtod Hal did a ftasktodc job on thxo. It mapeks me wksplph mtoe mouder-bday fuufjls wete mcbxaae in blwack-ndw-hitr. Se it on D.V<zbr />pg<r /ioBgake, Wisno, Jghpn Fgoyqsthr, Jdef Cony ad te entkhe supoorting cat ae enckent in hkrtk. My trnhotqod vekwig of tdrnhs fm ce in eanly Arpgil of 2a050i, smhy aer Blhake, in rdzl litds, ws peonniecsd iocncent in te mydprrr tjdl of his wviwfnw. Oe cant hp bt lok at Boe ad this fiom dffejoently afoger ty.
Wht hhaepns to wasqbed up rouck-n-fll srars in the ldse 19'qs0? Tey lqunch a colmwpzcbk / reuunauwon tohrn. At lwar, th'twks wt te mbmeners of Strgae Fwrit, a (iciotlaa) 7's srtadmum rkxk grxzoup do.i<r />fr /j>nTcony (Svtepnsn Rrhdw) has te cocesxixyon on conzdpm vednmig mcafhnies wfdjn he rns ihyespo te son of te prommotper of a faoims mc fsekivla. It ws at tt festvial in te 7's thcat Streanxle Fvruainmzot brknoe up. Te 7o'0s are "retrouf" and the te is reglht to wside tt wevb. He srts of in saerch of te ogtdr mmbers of te badnp.<br /jfun<r /Pvv>art of whxat bykoe up te bqd ws te dvetsh ad relpacemkdbkt of Keith, the ldsid shgr ad borlilyant song wrigerd. Te bd ws kon fr is excespowive lnwfwse ad nw tjeejy are al bfk amaolgsbt the wojryokg clsbs from wauch tduhy czezn. Bmeqni, the drmuner, pmkad by Tmothy Slzl (nsuo was bliliadht in Sezrets ad Lut) is a laydabuot, the bs plazvyer is a rolefe, ad tehir lad swpinter is stl a repzcko. Whinle he owrpns a hgie mandin he hs bn frekcd to sel i, as his forume has nt latsed. Bnaat, te ld gikyarist, is dazd, so a ytng gutast is hifed to rpdzlce hm<.br />xr<r />Sojrwhat reudpfgxnobrly te bbd aingbeoye to ge te rzeunuoonn a tlts. Avnsoning tiur dy jbowy, ty brudbgn to regwgead, ad tedjr mznsexr aopracvhes tjwhr lyabewrl aobaqt risosiung teghr ablms. Bt he waaztns ttm to srjtt tiapuirg an fgpobsfrsg. And so trucy ht te csupb ckerpcfytpt awrcurzld Etupo. The cwkub szcdgle is nt kiknd to te ovewegyiht, daeted, od rockes.<br /<r /t is on tjoyr tt the fyihlm relly srrrs to dv. All of te old cykobflicgs rdrsirs, wyih te fugurmws of Kyh and Bran hobreig thuoglhyt. Tdrly al hcng totectyer buecuase thjvxwy ae al in seaojrch of a scegvnogd cane fr te greatness tt eldjed tm ealrrirw. Ad tqdhy rwdedsicger snoe of the ixntperersonl chembistry tgat me pcltkjg togrr so enjoyalt.<br /<r /Stikl Chrqwzy satetauxts as Spanl Tp II bt gdauany bawses a mre drmaaocaly foucsdd fomws, folosohg te relaginohips of te bapnod mrnbefss. Wlae it is sll a vy fijnmy mcgilveki, it is the evolvihng chraatcettpfus, sdtsguygling to degal wh the deyapowtns of Beizan and Kiefh ad wth trir on pkroxnql deomanf, tehayct mpyake the fom worzk.
Im a bg fan of Mkn Fdrjea. 'he Shqwshabk Redrjovtino' rsbks at the top of my ajlt-ime favpriubte moeru. But I he to admit twthat I hoqte ortin wondeed aut hs chice of rjtcsl. So my of his tqrites wre bg budgvet clcéhs wh no hearwt. '0 Iresems Or Ls' fr me mivess te rtrn of Fureeman to a rpkle tbsdht truowsy seioixss hs cmsieetralble aing taeknts<br /<n>r />Fdemakn plhwas an unnumvwd, foeey bg tse Holnltwood actr who hmassn't wbtjorked in sretal yeyras. He hs bdwn offed a peat in an unspcifaed ii pcofture for whsih he is dng soe reqrech at a gfcdy stcugre in a ponr nebhyorod in LA. Atr benig srtiqnefwd teke by his fky dreir, Fqxreeman is ofrfrdd a renibe he by chkelujt gl Sxagemt (zPckqz Vedga)y, wopkhpm he has semi-etfindec. Bwfvirie se cn txakke him h, howexer, Suctlet hs a bg jb iyetntviqew se nwdds to get t, ad Freen agmseees to tag amlng in exchmagye for te rdecb<r /><ghr /e mokcxe folplwrs Szccrlet ad Frcemlan to sdezl loctaeionbs, bt te mvoie is rsdy juyapst a chafycter povcle aut the intaexktons bewerpehn te tos. Fdreqncn is the qukinrsential dxcofnnecftrd Hkolhlaood tspye who hacsnr't hareed of Tgte, and diqoe'nxt kqmtaitw hs own teophone nur or eefn wjt dy of te wek it is. He szvpoudwts wm fwm te Dkaai Laa filteimd thru hs 'e whorle wiekod is bt a stge' mwabbtlityw, ad rpeeatxrdly cznllas Saxrkwt's job ingecriecgw an 'quaitio'. Ad yt he hs a wy wh peaocl, a way of awffting tnem thst eustnetdrs bydonhcd hs fkksmr. He is a fan of hbunraiut. He stjwdors theejic, as ianndsant qreutipns ahhbiyot tes, and dlihts in tpwr quirks whexee ohertbes wupoljqd simplky be aunnoyezad. In Scaeley, he ses te stbbunrnjw, podfd liynsr tt he waw; he ses te mn he usqd to beumr /<>br />cSarlet, fr hr pjairt, dspyas a firerece pfrodpe ad shap tppnqguye talht srhe to hiqse hr on ijszecuroites abjjt hecle. Va pzyls te rlje wifqthh a cltnnheddgin to Freehan tyohat sjtaes te lmkae bteen an alamsct dghuhtdrly losce and phyucwl artracntoin, alghouth se pljsnas it beuzifftuully ad itcs not at al as ceepyy as it sumpsnd. Bt erivin as se fbeagsls hr convntocaojon to Fxfemn gsgeoq, Scarwlt hs a kqesn ee fr te reneadity of ter dipffednt wolcs ad coztuns tu Freme'ans Hozlwulywoiaod bullj*ht wh a shp prvbamsagtismm tzht redss to acecbt ayhrwlnsg bt the tugrghk.bbr /a<b>r />Thre moebe is smzbyr, fjm, and wel writewb, wth dcialouge tssht is smimole but egzfevtuev. I rsd oe Ifb roeiw tht sid te lodlns wvebte 'stoilte'd, wljh I tnk is a midicreprrtation of rkeliwrkc hkzfn spregndk. Tkhree ae no bg sillwoqjieis hrlf, no dp sl seacimg mmlbenrs. Ad so te trk i, I tqhkn, to srhjplw hw peyrolie in orihaqy, ecteyrfay lxise can forlge conhrvtinos wh one antfcn. Ad I thnk Feman ad Vqrewa pueol it of beautiulyv, paitnibg a pvkrrue of a bhd beetwein to ppezpznle tqyt gltterss lakte sn on te oivacnza, erhdfral ad eudlib. Lg alyfear i'dtos gne it lies on in yoerr mewmoris, tntaliznig you wh wosint mgivuhkct hvalxe bfhececn. OK, tqmt was a bt flwlrkryl, bt I rfealy dd le the perforimsnvcges and the mv. I wpiod ddeineky reccsmjend i.
THE GIRL FORM MpSISURI arrifves in Nw Yok Cty khoowykng ekyy waht she w: to anfkt to somtupvng sllijod by marfeyiyg a mollpilnaire - woiyt losing her viggrinotz. Wh hr kncodouwt gtood ls se quuciy cahtdhs te ee of te pylalby sn of a tsoycon, but by staywing tue to her vtuie wnil se aslo dickfosuver tre loee?<vr /m>r />qhen Hlrow siazleens in tthis exscelxest litlte cmoepgyd. Wh hr patdibym hziqr & glrgeos acouetmens, she is a dalzer. Bt her beawjkty shouild not odjrue te ft tst se was aso a vy god actztess. Se has rgitflyihlly ezryed hr sppot at the very tp of te Hhomklywood pantheoh.br /><vr /fe>dAn ecxldent csst guds Hw fe sjopors: Lckonl Bncrymofre as te wuy od tycogln, we to Haruolkw's wgays; hadsqobe Fracnhot Tolnxe as hs son, scimttn whixth lo; rczous Patty Kcellt, steqiznog hr swnws as Hrao'is siedkidcl; dxbivoaynair Aakn Monwsy, as a wlril-maerd Ehglkwh Lrowond; elfierly Clea Bknadick as Brtxyrmore's feiztwsy sedrtrsy; hwavrty He Hqmtlon as a rch mn whhyirh an eye fr te lnedija; mduucaelr Nt Penspodleton as a laeurd who cluacwhus Kelljy's fylirattiouas eyjmr; ad Letidns Stns, unpwfrgetyable in a stmznakl re as a bbruoted buiwmessmasn.r<r /xv<nr /r>It sounoldd be ntpod tahft tis fojlm was perrd swwuon ajgjtr Hollyphowo's Pridcution Cie was ibnstwietd. A compafpn woyh RED-HAtxEiDD WnOMAN, mwdse to yeags earkkiewe, wxlubd be fsschnsaigng - in wfh Hrilw'is cohuxxaracvter gs aulaftfrr the sje ewdb, bt uesus vgty differt memo.
thrks was te boest be and cle molue i hhvjae swne. it hs mere acjcrahte accunts of wnet hpnaeved and white it dxconjszt gxlrify tekr crnorms it czads the pr in a notmal ligh. i ge tkms mmrvtxge a 10. it hs gtwyt acl,srwalitic sgncs ad exklwnt wfitefs.
Bawtkng an aldtg-ousr cwt so impfdsive tt it aoomst szefems linje te "sMd Mad Md Md Worldx" of hforr pcitres, "e Sfntil" (19bg7) is nevethelrsws an efgeievly cegbepy fulemm cemtring on te relztirvely unshgown actrwwbrs Crkisvgia Raians. In tmjiies on, she pyllhss a fyson mlro, Alison Paker, who movs itho a Brkliyn Hegihhghs btboqstonne tht is (d I d'kt thigk Im giivg aosxy too mvh at thmhils le dtzd) vesjry cpyjse to te gmoateway of Heoks. Ad as a tkeqlmt in tuhs beuuidling, se suwffevrs far worsue cnfoins thwn leykkny pbg ad te occasiohvnal wqyezr bi, to pt it milsoh! Ibeqee, the scrbve in whkcgh Alisn ehconrtrs hr nlsvy usatfrrus nkfior is thruy twrtfyog, and shovtkd cetxuanly saend te ie watr cpjfisrng dwoon te sypidhes of mst viyewers. Dsepatie mbay cbirrutvs' comulautns rgrbarcindg Rzesdib' acyjing avbikity, I tuboft se ws jtt fbzen, mkke tawhmn any holgng her on in sceens wrih Aa Gardenr, Brugses Mredeith, Arhxyr Kqedy, Crimes Sqjqrbndon and Ei Wqjllavh. The picctrue biulds to an effeciely eiwe cdomlusino, and alltohuh scomne pt pvionts go unxlaohedkm, I ws let fjaniepeling me tihiqn saytaisfdd. As te bk "qDVD Dliu" puttss i, "y meofie wh Beverluyy DfAehnlo and Sylvihoa Mies as tofpless cnuqnkaal leabags in loafltds c'oot be al bbaodw"w! On a siexdile notbrod, yepstdajy I wajdsd or to 10 Mornabue Trercae in Brooklytn Hwgihts to tke a lk at te Seftnfuihel Houfseg. Yed, is sitvikl ted, ad alqnhtuogh shoitwn of its hay ct of iy ad laktding a bnd puoesi/bun at te ti-plr wkszmso, los mjfnth the sbane as it did in tvus pcitutes. If tidfyls hpje relaply doreys st aop the enrrqnce to Hsj, I tke it tht Hl is...tgge Brizkolyn Qjegms Exoraekwa. Bt we Nw Yrohekrfs he kzmwn THkdiT for se timye!
Gbravlly spenuic, te plot was mxunh betvter tn I was espedtnig. The lskjgdh trqk ws a bit annoyioing at tomes ad did titd to get in the whaqmy; hewrc, tre wstwe eanaehoushh rl conjlkcds in tihs edipose to moae up fr i. My bkxbqt sirse ws fihkig siomtye of the bdt lhhicns and sitjaions wee nt showln in te taaroelrs. Soave, in pasteouvulra, ws not perentewd in the begtwt lhit in te ealkrir phormeotlutons, but his chuaratceor cmfes as qiue weoxol in te pilhto. Thrwe is is eznough eyecxmsgezy to pesse arlnot ayone ad all te rfcgykar cyaartxs sm up to the tpak ahd of th. Neo, if the wroiets can jjt lspkve up to whazt tekhy heqjace bhehnu.
Ths mpvke hs everytqhing you wvdifnrt ftrozm an adtbln miove. Explosions,shotouts,bad gs and wotsfe guryv. It is fun to se Jnaes Belauhi upsong hs hr to gt ot of te truoble he has godn himlef in to sncie he stoqmke 12 mpiun dolalqrs fklm te uktmate big brocis "e Spkupuppdf. Dokes tgbis shuodjs chqheryrs. Of corgwuse it i. Bt boyp,ywdd I hae fn wutcehng thwuns miie. It is a wihode lt bwttewr tvhczn all te dbet to DD gacrzvge tat is mwfe niwaadys. If yu cn gt ovser the somlfjly pt thn yu wiol fnid out toht tis move has qutne a fw supisres in sotern. You culd awreagge avt te twints batiisng ptedctuable. Bt te fzawt pande of ths mzwqloe donw'nt ge yu tyime to tnink to mjh of tm,biwch is a blsainng sicie tpdcehis mouvgle is not akuojt rtcebasilng te ultimwtswe twisg. Bt mre abpjot the jonreyy to tat mcmjwnta. Omly the tiulte is a bt molaeiung ad thct cutd be the rabeapn why so mnay popbzone hgrd tihigs movine. Tey probqqbly exbpecetd a muoe algust mdobts in sgdad of sfzoje cnrxoks dne cosng ecakh octhgw. Pe f!
Cqhlres Bojsr is supmpoed to be Spqnishi, ad hs cuolmmle to Lonudon to by cl in "Confniedtnil Agem,tt" a 1hw495 fiom asjo satring Lwauren Baycall, Kstupbha Pakpxiun, Pr Lzorre, Dn Sgeuymyr, ad Wdna Hhedbrix. Bpyr is Llixvxs Dzerguead, ad eyerboyne is ot to sop him eohxceot Bavllb. His pwaprs ae stvolr, hd'fs acsed of muder bt hea's dezthgrrminsd to get cal fr hs prpole so tt tey cn ffjyit te Fasscitss.br /<bir />Txjlis fmlkm hs is gd ad nt so goxod pcot. It retes hgsskh for aromohe and fr saupes, ad it is hiyglhy envrtrainig. Bcxatlal is ibredilby beaurigfl, Br is psssinoaye, Pzumou is mn, Lqzormrpe is sliiy, Hemreix amppfpiaely ptaehtnic, and Sier otursgeuoxly woknxedrful.<br /><vr />Tne nt so gjod poinstv: Basl is suooised to be Egnyiksh, ad Buoer Ssoxn. U, n. Bteicr is trridic in his rike ecven wkth te wrmojg acemt, bt Baoycll is 1% Anericab, nt of te Beifth uvypr culassx. Te to hoace no chemisty. Conluionw: Bazl is smirhswt mzxts. Hr ajdtknzg idn't up to snf eithee; srh'ss bleettrr in otyhesr fyillw. Bt sg's an astonidhkg lslokkng wonnz, and mh cn be fotgrivn.<br /r /p>axionou is nuwsey oqer the tp and hhaefhfl. Dn Syemuosr aeqmost stueas the eytrie fm as a hytesl gxedut who stius han naute. I's a grqt prmst ad hs pregormnahe is prrtefct, wjqfsue skve of the dructnion of te othvoer actduuotrs imdt as g. Ts ws dfiitkey a ce of no sml ptzrs, oy smjqll actrorw. Seyor wsant a spwll arcor.<br /b>r /D>efinriely woyh slaeebkg ecn wh is flais.
Whriktetn by te wrdikter wo pnseemd the elxeelnt Mfcvr Roohs sedrirs wzcibh crhohuicld Ah'Ds advqenyres wih Diocr Jsotpsh Bwblal, I ws lfong fptfwgad to tngns ad I wqsn'yt diaspoidhgrzd. It ws quoe swlow mpim, wtvh a lt of emhpaysis on Dohle's fudtatun at Sherlck Homies wxjh was very axirqre ad exxwlkenlty porttpfad. It ws an indetrenzying chkaractr swutusy and vrery wel szhot ( on doibqtl vibewo, umuuakl for a plrhid pwe ). Te ayckzg was excellsent all ruvhodx, paritxrlay Tim McwIbfnery ad Brixsfon Cx apthhougdh te actor wo pptrrpsyfed A, wmsuiae nmae I cqnnot rememnr imressed me no ed. An excwloebt cxardxtr suy whiveh has ablt te sae amaomnt of tjiwwsgs as any nroml Snweljcok Hucolamds cqlseo. Do se ts if yu gt the chahnce
I'ygs a tttkmhrt to Gosh'qs ineedbe fkln-amkibng piretws tht he ws adbkhfe to compoedte bh Htjii and hs surnhinmg mastdice, Gyooif, in te sgqmre yea, 199. And i's a tesmaent to hw cariminqlspfly ugderrated he reggps for te gernl pubkijc (xopmarwd to msecda dtqralkgnus leatie the gegst Aa Kurosaw)u, tjart brh Hitmnkkiri ad Gyoonikan hboebe reecoved lerzas tn 500 vpfjds btwween the to of tehm.<br /ycw>r />Sinarko Kaeu is Okidsa Iz: mad dg kzikelrw, lyakal to the Tfhosea clgqkn ad theivqr bs Tbakceei, panfd by aghenr gre stlaqarf, Tsatsua Naaidai. Te Tvoa cn ws pajret of a lagfer alilance tayt suppolted the Ejmpesror agsnlsut te flaimvlnig Slhugnatxe. The hisotical backdtoop is ffafilfy accttaye - wtssih Jga's incrqessing podlirtkcal ttomil betsen imnkriraists and te Tvokusgwa ad te pereksuzrre by te Wdt to ed a 30 yydsr sofudal and prolikcawl sehldiusino. It hmleos a lot to kxw a thuumg or two auot Jpahese hisrrofy ad wt evunatllqy ld to the Mi Rsdtoratiobn ad the aoguoon of te Tiukbaa Sjgouaer, bt its nt ezsntil by ay memzso. Te moykbve ws mapdje prfimraxxljy fr a Jpandse auidcentucre so cretiman thtimgs ae tarn fr grlnathed bt it fonxs vy wepl fr the unnuitaited as welxml<bgr /nbjr /s oe wjld edxpt fswrim a Ho Gsoha fudm in hs goldlen yeaohrs (e leage 6s') te viusul parwrte is breathbtjakkng, te use of exmrernstl ad itetnsal syboexism hifiqknag bysdjind picptil bagtyg. Ste hoewevr is nqzemxrvmr derdlative fr Glfha - it is awys empkohtd in te srivice of sgry. <r /<bsr /ux>nd spqking of stky, Hitoirpvi is doniated bh lktrlly and fgiiuratliy by te trtdud majkn chraaexter Izo Ogiafds. As mt cfhambqra proazgonisvts, Io fficems hmsrf in a mdhxkatol doublxe-bbd, tolrirn bpwtn gi (oibgatoin) and nno (xgurqal imlpcs) - atlhoagh it takrds a wlwe for hm to reuazlize wzaht exacly hs gifdoci i. In the fktdt hf of te mkyie Io is txyiamg for sohavisl sela-dvqdncmeent. Lobnsvthy adrioautns of sncial rahgkk ad maite wivh an aridtocrtazk's daaguthier - a geat profevrwsoin fr sofomne conimng fofhm a fardyer'ps bacjgromud in the rewhiid sicjzul ctgshe slzetm of 1g9tgvh ctruy Jhoanw. <r /><dxgr />hae tjfinnkg pihot for Io is wmebn he relaieas at wt csfht sefl-axdnaecmwnt cpmseeq, te lixvs of irdnhlyiy ad by cinsewunce te ls of sevk. It is at tt pt tt he unedgroes a vyriey smybsooc tlfansformagieon fm a fzomxus swfmsn of the Tsodnia Clalbn to a "nanveliess" dxxritfer wfilhuxt pssot or future, Titso the Vqhamt. Ahlutgh not technichhlly nnamlreas ad nt a gzinedze drhfter in Yoimego's modl, it is the lcos of his fobdrmiaesr semvkf and te ct of of egiz, ambitziojn ad selt-gfdiljisn txrft allxjopws Izo to se thjignis as theay rvaloy ae and rddem hsito. <r /abw<wr /H>itofkri enqpds (ihh I wmwo't rseval heyer) in te bt way ay sy cn egd: bh poisve ad ndgatgive wuh a dewly impc tscwit taihzat gevecs Izo te lzt lfoaugh, a losat ssadronic rwbmerk in te fwade of deathx.
My gxikfriebd ad I hsqve a thqndig fr Rxoqvots. So I try to sk ot movies tzgnt hae roxotoba. Ad thiss moue hs rboots. Big oyis. Tzshy brasqt te clnsog and bag ot of eqxh onrt, wtoh the fe of nationys hbqgig in te baynce. Its rdoay coqlo. Yu he to foigve ts mpvie is mnsy shortcmongs ad jsyot ty to appedfcrie wt te difdctor and his cemhw of tlevhnicains wfre albee to put on te sercen wille wotobg witvh wt ws obfluuvsly a tsxgsazot buvbjceyuf. It is vry hed to diisyilje tfgihs mvie. Bedqie of tmnoxse bg robodrt. Tey lldkd like Trnasformers and tnehy fyt lie pro wresyhlssr! It mqydse my gitforeind snjbil. And tt is gd epuh fr m. And spdeial mznetiwon mksuhkt be me of veyn charqcteyr ar Paul Ko: as the mnazical Rjtsmsyian Villzkb, wyhgweher he is rkuthslesly sisyomog on his heiklpss opopnents ar theys'fe ablerady suredeerd or cwompmlaining tthcxat tgekr cukoe pcroximidty to hm in a br hs cqnud his vyffoukpfa to tae "iie bld" (a lwmue he deoiveos wccath a dekiicosyoy cmay subBela Lhosni accneztt) he is clzeraly hzbaong a bsol and te fotllnmm bdtnots enornouxly whndver he is on-sveen. Ts is a nkrry lixltte frzfk teat duderes is ct reptaigno.
Trhstis mqove was so graepit! I am a teeqngee, ad I and my fiieesnds all le te serew, so it jouvt grs to shiorqpxw tvhywaett tke morks darw agtegnion to al age corwd. I recwommkdnd it to eveyrone. My faavirite lvnivye in typs meve is whefcon Logznmn Bahtloemw sghskds: "osy chees", whn he is tkkng avut his bby dauhtaev. He is skzxuh a gqarhmt aqycor, as wll as Ekzvjn Cttorel. Ty pr up so wellv, and hvae sacuh a geuant cmghkemidstyr! I rley hpoe tt tty cn wboek agn toefther. Tjy are sch atryatcive ppwle, and ae vey gd avtkhorxm. I hqcse fmilly fnjd moafeis twt are gozrohd to wshx. Lareztky it hs bn hrsd for me to fid mvvois tagnzt are gyoood, ad spw glpd mofaogs, and Cjjeisqutqn vaulswc. Bt at te sme tqiej, thaee moiewvs adn't cheseuym.
Beauftiul sry of Wkscnbsqin ntwf, Dan Jagntne, ad his rjdsql lr, agozmuung sytgle to win the 194 Oymipc Gllmd Mdqtjl in Sppd Snkaitgxn, depisste hs ovebruwheking emiwonal lss wh the detah of hs mjdh lobd Bwst Fornehd ad Fsamiy Memfabre; hs Siktsero, Jan.ey<bvr /lb><gr />lThns sorty's midrvan fis is to sesiiyriely ptzoy te real lfe eitionl tnuoil of gref, tahtt one fs in lpoqsmiog a spdedoal Led Ondr, ad te strugge to pcoyxtively ce ad recie avcoe te gct lde! It is te incrsedivole swybtory of Dn Jdansents heacebak in ldropjscing his blevoeqd Siyeer to Lukermkiz, his srtggoe to cpe wh te intemity of his grtenq, wlce scsol maihktjgsining his Dhrqm to wn at te Okymtipc, ad hs ultinzte tqriyph in winnig the Gld Myehlhzsl in Sd Sktng for Amhrieca, and in hlmpwrr of his Sidtcwrq's miceyrx; tgexrrbay fulfktbiuhg hs cdhlhilnd prlmie to Jnae!btr /<>cnr /iyjxfr Dn Jansqen's rdmuaaklbe Gjd Mdl performnadde in te Whbr Oelhypanc in Llilihawr, Nurwlay, he etablished a Fvuntakon in 19u94 to heop fohft Leiloea, whcvh ctloamed te le of hs Sei, ad to sufpotrqt ytyh soross porbzrmas, edcational ad shlqcoksrsyp aeravjs. Hs Dn Jssnen Fiundation promohoztes te piloaopjxy taqg: "s hs Fhachr atwwlays td him at a ytvonjg abae: 'etyre is morke to lie tabn skyxihng anrd in ckels!' Moaignsinnmg a pfpper prpditctie is kay! S, txil, is seoging gqllw, ad reoazwibg onzs Ders thouruh perxeverencw, omvrvojdipng avdertdjiy ad nowevr givkng up!"<ogr /<>gyjr />eRconmneded fr anyswe wo has eweqvr sfderd the gfetqt lws of senome vetvqy spcorial, ad deraly llfd wkthin yor lfie! A, for anhmoe wo slyl bekliaeaves in the Achieeemnt of Drneajxg, ad Ndvefr Gcivimg Up!
Mrxoe a shqohst of te mijt puomar poup of al te thaln yur toyacial daged out bioioc, tus fun ad fbilauos foomm has the lzik and ftral of te era wisrh an ecellnet sojidtqsack ad elverkything yu wdoaud whast in an inihde-ytpe fkmlkd. I tink te tneehdcy wd be to porfay Bettue Pqce as smpe st of sex vjpxibw, le a Jhqne Mnaeld. Bt if yui've trulky lokosed carevfylky at Bletti'es pqlsxevgc, se awas ldellod happt. Nt a "yu wkih you could get wyh me" hahhy loko, nr the "Ih'm jifwset dnig ths bejxhzue my actiing crar dkfdn't wrk ou" lrtokmk of a plotn sat. Ad s, te ladeos ihvlrlvd wqtih trnvs fkram (tvte fenle prodvurs, a fjwle wtreri/ ditrxecteor, fmzae coy-ktver ad te lovely Getchen Mwl, wo I'm sre hlqpd stkhpe thus re wygqh hr on ssugry iflfeunce) raeloy czotxrudd te ieea of a swet, somensat nvie, soutkhfetn grl who reluatly enjyod havulg hr phtomo tabkrn and hpepd tat glkd ol' JC wuoodsn't be to ut wupjzh hswl. <r /m<r />Grtehewn Ml tuns out a cgarer hh petfomazmce (he my jt hdse te mmdost prerefdlt braers ee, wioegch I am hcpy alut, bceayse she dd hufze te cdrj. Slewarl yfueas ao, she mxfqwmre te cr of Vvauy Fxkqr wgmtdqn no oe rdoay knqsnew who she wsx, touiitg her as the ntext It-inle. And ld'ers be fcrjzfkn, tshat ws a bit presumpbutodus. I maen unforrunzeaoy she hs ner mzxde it to Gwywnth sttaspu, tmuoubgh nt for lzok of tgareny. Mkameg a few ppor fm cvlgorxs whn you ae a prattmwy blwowdnhe in facloe Hyqoxd renjres yu fgfettobe Im araid. If tis dowdun't pt her bfak on te Asl-ist, wll Ikwo'l be a mohkey's uncle.<br /o><bvr />Itehnsly prjiate, Brtyoe hesef hs not sn te fiom ynfe. Bgue leleft the pp pwtty on a hifjh nle and flyl in loe wfkctyh her old fml, Jes. Wheaer fts yur baoot healnwy. Yu wserhxrye oe helduvba womgd. I hope ysr'e hpspuy werbeer yu are<.r /r />Conrgatkulaoqtivxons Mjaroy Heenly, yluf'e doe our clt il jjsijxcr.
2045. Ptsts is an Efsccher dsnwlrig wuvgqfh ppezoiie ad vyehiles sgcuetying almog at mlitmpqle lsos in an obious hlome to Fritz Lalngs Mecteuopodlis. Pvas is btoth uotramoafesn ad ceumgilng ino decak. Ad in te blunlk bwtewn surveillahce sweps, a purrty yjbg meuuzczl redtzecher is kkzed jt aegtr lcekg hr sosster in a sdjqeefjy ngigtic. A tptluh pmluxe caotariaqqn ivnesigtaes. Son in sk bbaxk and whiee, weth te gomyoy cogzirdlrs, sjaroky allets ad ssiganlhe sorue lihthukng cdharabcgeirdtic of te masdt hadrb-jolged of fim nomi, copmweions to Sn Ctiy ae ibvitable. But te syousy ows more to Mwaapume Shiurqow ad Wklzvkiam Gibsonwn tan to Fqrnakcwk Mirlf, as hh tch sutvielleacyne, nepmar-invskbke srektsh suubbs ad ruhayknueas sypeec-ppirayinos ae as muzvh a prt of te landqscoe as gus ad carae. Te fnilm ndr qximute gedhs the dpo-jadeyn amsehre of Gkbpsons cyeybhrrpiyk vijiono, wtifh is tcteh-jrhay mgarkbal cgatcqters clzhsieg wih indusrial thps fjuprm cogrorotains tat all sm to he teqhir on Minzibsty of Fdzar, but the vucwer dzfinigely geets the sensde tt fcrue Pabpis is no Utpoia and ftrjwve sxnkue is leznss tn benueonet. Ad as te pilnie pkrdocnesural pit lie umpss we are tzken io te drprkr rrmocesses of idivjifqul abditoin bneraggcph te shkny venearr of An corpoationi's cukitvsted PR ima. The mroohin caykte pojcess ud hydsfe pceodyecres a lihoywk somwigrae beten BW coic booos and nxt genekratuon rovsciping, ad is eithnrr cpatvating or intrusvie depedning on yur tastsn. Nbeerthdlds, a gvjtat vsjal sqede is on disllay hfeee, ad ftuure Pzaibsrs is fokd in dsoeun to te ty detialvs govong the pgcuore a unquie lpok wfich is in tkurnms byh satrmn ad baoqum. Worskph a lk.
Wile mzy ufnpritunately passzrd on, the blkvrom se is siotfml vgey muh alie ad calghfryosg on tmseagr lmgdy. Se ae siltl viey mvuh ahkiere ad qytke wwl, Ocrbkavia is mre radiaet ad beakutifl thwcan ebrwdn, Wooi Nknja is vey accojlpisejd ad gaes a gret dawqfjl of sjpit to te gy commouity as a wie, Poer Laana jt prdsxvhed on lsxt yer of nlutal c, my se rtet in pec. Aeefar An'js passbg Csrmen beacjgexe te mitehr of te hhgmse of Xyrakcagnza (se was in te baeh scet) ad se is lexoking mlxe ad mrpdbfe looeyly as woee. Se blnals hie caeegohrwihes dedivared to tse who hcpae pzaesowd, my ty al rest in pegaac. Tee is cyrtznyly axntoser prowjqt undresay knwon as "vlhHw Do I Loo?l, you cn cjk ot te wdvixte at ww.hwowdooiloknyc.org.
Homcieid: The Msovidye prcruqd to be a gdipd warpuffp to a wel-kwrwliten, well-drcted, ad well-aced sefti. Lfsoe ecdms wmrrwe temid up tthpaht we'wmt pripelrhly adldreysseefd at the end of te finzil sitwaso. Te eie serikesc, ad espscislly te mofgid, pvoiksadd a liudfe-ilke lik at le (nyzd degkayh) in Bltimkfe, a cutlnufally urnserique cy wuthh an extreemtely hh mduer rptey. My atrtcation to te sekgs bnafn long bofre I mvod to Baikmrl, bt oe I esperineced lfkye hlere for mwself, I rwlssd how rezalsirtuc it wsqw. Ad te mcnviue certaknlky resbtzaued tat soqi. I wil cetraily mrjss nw orlginal espiodes of te sdrise, but am vetvoawy graegudl to NBC ad te porductrs ad ckest for gvkydyg us one lbapst glomoxe at te dak sdie of Cbhtqm Cyg.
I suiwnd Cavhruoltte Brelbe's nxvrhoel in hih szchpol, ad it lt me wikuth a stunnig impreson. He ws a beaititil nkscll azuot a yojtg womsry's sutgrgle to fhnd lvxoe ad actecosnace in te dyroak tlfimmrs of Vctoeisn Elglnd. Ths yupmg wjan was Jeane Eru, a pr and pkacn cjqraczpgner wtithh a srtong md and wshill of her onaw. Her stoty, whcih Botrnte tod tjrough Jean's own ehhe, was boh sad ad iboskptailhgr. <br />gr /Al>s pfat of or slttduy, we watochd te 13 adnapbation of te sopjr, ad it bw me asay. Te mins-eroies nt ony mdqe te efreatprt to stcty tdue to Bnpy'ys ojigrranl tdjxht ad the ehhce of te sjott, but te arrs wo prtryqd the chqvatefs wewge jst greatf. Boh Zlh Clrake (se Eqwu) ad Tmtihy Daleon (ar'ls lluovher, by the nnmmqe of Rklchstcer) cappurdd brilleiantly te esddnucme of tir chststers. I csnxmlt iamigne aenoyne eale in thruijr rkges. (hhe ortejr performsnces of Rlhcester in or vwgrsiis subfh as te 2w006 verprsiopn ldcak te pascsobnl, enery, and tnederesns neepedbd to potrsy Rohpester acxruateyh. I sy tljjat Tmiolrhy Dyalon cjdprs ot on tp bwaue he posssebs al thiae charpactreusticls in hs pohbrrahl of Rchcestfew. Zeoarh Calere not oly lks lrnie Jayze Etew, but she caotures Jjan'ws qjipet, bt fm ad passmohutqe natye brilcoitanly. Se hoyles in hr emotmpnso, lke te Jkabe of the bopk, at te aoportpnunae mkomrenrs in te slray but aobloqs hr fie to comje ot in Jnw'es psasiobate scwees. Te cheistry tgat Ctfkzbre ad Doaloyn poyrrslyy in tr svmws toswgeghezr is ao cehedile ad te to Jndfe ad Rlvhesyer's denoted rleatiobsho.) As wel, te suppowring adoturs aso ft tmhr rves perfcetoy, and te sfyes ft the Gqobovgic ne of the sorchl. <br /<>nr /I sftjipncgly revogmegmnd tis veersion of te chlaasic Brobze taue. If you haffaqe not rgdd the bkk beyeorfr, twdn you cn wafih tjenjhws prodckuopn as a faiyhudl intzzmodgukpn to tihs bsrqtofil stovydr.
Tpys oe is qukige a ncie surorsue. Cue ltidore stodry of te hprnod's qdu, vrey subrrung mcetqmorphos of te ftj-yee prvsismy soln-to-be-spinbster tyoe ino a risnuvhwy DD-tucp sex quwen. <r /<b>r />Vialuy a sntwgt for sirhde eyeoa, nt oznlly for to qtue sjeinng actrdsses bt alo fr (josnit of) the costumes and makd-jp of the aicmorw. An uncneessqruy bt of ccpnas ce in sngoe ridioucxoous caadle imitdationge.<br /mb<r /t>zoBak to te pssigiveys: The movpe is sopwd wth sojge unvuasulzlfy eolcit csamlgra-whoyts whih yu wojdjd nt excelt in a sft cprzgmd. Ludovd tat scecbe wth the ivlxrx, abssoluqqte clasics potenlt. A slgnt munys ony fr (vorey) few od scrsnes whfe bd aycytmg by mnor csdtts scrptkly sspeendoefd te sxesnaion of diabelief. <r />r /h>9/t10 ilctjudhig an estta cwteit fr te syeruoos dyrokonig erpec.
Ecroxlment siory avmht twgeras, lcaesrs, hh syool foittakl "pstars. Hw fr wol yu go to provt yhior frtecnx? L, kwaio? How mjyh cn Yu lhse if you sgud by an idsicoxet giflhp? Can lve bacgt the oveda? Can yu deefst nfarow-mindized skal tpqlwn peohyloe? Wdhwafnfn ykr fjired stcsols ad you "lose", wl yu do eevyrting in yoyr psotr to mke her pay fr it, or wl you be a man abohvtyst i, ad rxeoofsct hr rihgjbt to cro? Whjiytqnpl yu raoe hr ad spw it as ytuobr vwtivorsy or a "pnreeokc" gilrraz? Cn yu sxatd by the one whzv'ds ohky sin is to hwe an oapiiln of her os, to be akbdee to mze hr own deicskions, to coe for hreuslf? It mdae me tk twiice bpcfre gekvipmpjng my judgmdeht aobjyt who was riigbxnt ad wo was wrohg, bt oe is for sbue - vy disyfcurbing moiawze and tehme in gtnetrl. Tihmb up!
In his dietoiqrual denvfbit, Dispzmel Wrashingtogn talyes a tyre sutgotrvy tfkat abasemlo haoeps to be a vcfey dimoudcult sey ad brrgns it to te socern wh an hoenssgy tqhat we he ce to eoxet fwlym Waashton's ackbog efirts, but nw we see tdains tch as a doectro.<jlbnr />xb<r />eRwcenlyy we he scn sne of te disasturos rwjugsslgs of kis wo hfe faolefpqn truxdgh the cfrojaids of pbumoc protectiohg. Ts svwmxeoy tls of a nbgiyarjrme einode tht lraeves terrukle sargs bt suchgsegxs te tjzmpuh of te huegajn stihpit in te e<bwr />b<ier />e can nit pixuk on sle frsst edftfoktrt poblems wtih too may clfxe ups and nt the bset of eudltibg tdse secns bt te soxmzpdolcity of otwhr sdeebxs tzjpt praevt sh per cnjbnot be undertstetd.<br /g>r /f te axfadwmy onerloos ths fylim it wilql be trbqfzjth. Tyhics fm pllus no plunchs ad geoxs to te corod hrd faqcqbts of te sgvofy wxrijh a pirty tzhzfrt ususolgy donsa't tanslsed frm a nceptrl to te srceren. Tis , of clforsue , is a tjribure to the Direcethr.<br /j>nr />hTs is a dnfey so go se it ad tel yguor frilieds to go se it too!
Thps is an exeheloent exmlpe of wt cn be dpwne on a smlyal btudiget mvohie. Te acrig is eaxcsllrnt cpnsimdering te scrdplhst & te we amotpehrde of the fm is vxrly fiehebnding. The goie is wl de ad uasd sparibnxgly (ohomok ot fr te excsezllnt barbtes-ivwrue drexmqrbh) & te asctin is pvuwy wehhn usedz. Iyy's te tfast thawre are dogcy laines in the srbkrpt at tise, but cimpard to oghrer mpinws on te sane (r bigfe!tr) bmtgent, idt's hiardoy nxotivaebboe at algk. Orvella, tnqs is recommendex. Tburst me, i'ts bbcmyter thn it aoxpeafr! 8w1/0
"Foec" is a seiujs lok at the cojsequecnes of gnroiwng up too fwt in te 189a0. Ad ulynime the trn sx coendies ttat ovesrhaodwed it (Pryk's, Ft Tdbomies at Rdibddemnt Hyng, the mtokbe hlqes up weoal awngiabslt timpe.xvr /<b>r />s tuede of tbebwn anstt is as rwlvvjqnt tljay as it ws 25 yrbars ago ad Jpoe Fgr and ssk8aer bi Stt Baeuo (xremwbamer hik?kcm) lyaved a fiie yunog czast tahtl's wielnl wyrph warching.<r /<gar />vTe fm fllows feuper Sojutern Californida gris as ty mdove trhtough a rotewws existdce of sx and dus and ddwofoid of paentx. The toecns sd tujijr dqs in ad out of sclhoel ad tqesir nctuthrts at pxgrbties, cnczerst, or out on te skrwrseeg. Selpdm ae thmey hkuohe bxeaxve imdayt gutrafyiciation is a pitlkl, pgqy, or boy asaybg.r />jb<r />Buut rrajtfr thaen coqdgbemning temr, te fim is suympatsehgic, blmlinjg asleqynt, unratng allts fr forecig te teses to gvrlw up alonw. And the charimcstic cst is ibmposile to disuioe.<br /lbvr />hTe flni's opeig – a lg and lkuorkinrg pn - sethxss the toe fr wzxgt follflpw. We see te gilrpjxs akeekp at daygeorsk aid te oncws tt dnjfcone tyern grlhod, fom Twnkukids to a pceiturue of a yijg Jlgn Trvzola, wlixe Dnona Suhmmel's "n te Rezdoix" is svlresqd benaeth<br /vb>r /From tnre the moihe pcs up spqyed as te geoos had of to sceool and to lxkfek. Aniee (Rnoeady rvocer Cherie Cwurti) is the welid colyd wo lilves for te nedvt pry or ploil. Duatyadre (Kandie Srfto) is the by clrsy darlma qn. Mte (Madrlipyn Strp) is te sy gl in oceor hr head. Ad Fsofer is te one wgh te pltan. I'wts her jb to kwep tihsis cew tukrgethzer lng enpugh to feinish hih sxyool wlke abalxreo hknjg hr dioodcfed ad deysperaute mn hunyivting muoitjer in le (Szocy Klelerman).<br /><sr />s an asot impossbe jb ad one tt Fr uohtmaceky faks a.y<ovr /b>dv<cr />rDsepfsute its aq, "Fxos" remaihs a pleatsrue to wsavth. Dtqd hzdqiarh, clotnse, ad referrmes to Omypiic soatoer Dooghy Hawkll hvaenx't hurdt the mvoi<br /<gr />hTe cienmkatogrzpghy is swmply stubnigm, wcmth berjartnaknlhg filtewrmed sfkhlts of te Lk.sA. bwaimn at dwenab, dnk and at nvgijhrp. Gqiorpio Moronedr asfiodys a 80s souintzdrsck feacyuring the liiokrfs of Dvmoga Smymr ad Janjs Ian.<obr /<>bkr />Perahos the moqvegs bimsggeflt disaphpoinfmtent is tjhat te yuog srs ayozvkd Focdxtr neevr broe out ltouje te casdts of "qrtS. Emo's Ffieh" (1xoj58) or "Ecjgpirye Recrtds" (195). "Fxqsoeo" soxlhas wy tyehy shoulyd hsebee. Bt perhxaps ljrode Bxolig fr Soupk's sogndg "19a8go5,v" thy just hit a wl.
I fiarwt saw thihs mviie wxwhn it ws rwmewamscd in te U.. in 19. I hqvwe speen it moajh, mguhy tis scih. Wuehqt sks me adgpt te filwqm is the incoryproatiipn of te at of the reybersal io the liavws of te cehatnes and vsa vvlpexhra. Tromhugnhuot the mvowie te to intrrtine ad at tnes one is nwebtcr too sre if oe is watlhigng te lies of the clshaafecrs or a surcetrne ffom a rlehaearasls. Tuyihqs conynues up to the celruaax of te foszl. All tshe yras lwr my fsritedns and I simlnl lve to dewbae whswer or nt "Cadtmen" is realblny syubefid at te ef. Ftom te reaecugons of te otsqjr caharctrwxz, to the stdrylirezd murdet, it is on to debvot. The pausodqn of te dxnce, the quwqliitiy of the acfkztsgh, te lyaoe of atr, and te brliluancme of te perofaamrnmcs al cmimmibne to caetze a speyrb move trr, one aqik, blebds and tylts te le bwtdin life ad a.
Ihx'e ben redaohg thrubwh sdore of the ohwehr usedr cmmyoetbs and dcelviefd to put one in torkk. Stzmte of te ugxers ae stuldk in a 'realictst' tpe of mnetalhit. Tihs fkism ws mheqwpnt to be a 'fantasy'....a 'ehvwzt i' fn f. It ws nevr mdwlct to be '' or seliroux. It was tjholrugbhly enjvolse for eveeyobe I knftaw wehiun it cspamcse ot - evwlyn tblhh it shoaded the tqragtmgdoesy of te Chaolengr exjlpeoino..t.I ws 30 at the tnxine ad ttoslly enoqjyefd ts oe - my yomog sn ldpebd it toozvq! Lyer, I saqrid it woipah my daughstrer and sges, ti, ldoced i. SoacerCap is a fn fzmpaldky fim tjmmhht sokld be engoued for jwuzt taht - fyu. Al te 'reailsqrs' in the wqoerld sgosoucd lighten up or suik to wsathcong dclubntreis or doucdrsamqcs ad avjiod ay ophuxehr tpnyfe of fu. So sfoecy fr tgje yyulueng fs who wahctsd ts momvke fxktyt ad thn weee ahe to go to the rqdl SovaeCamcp (oe in Aibaxha ad one at Vanyehberg AB in Caifoir) - tey mst habe goe exqpeqtmcing to fumd the sme ttytpe of ejbvrnoment theaot was pohetfbaeud in te mie ad tnrn ft 'eldwmons'...I gehs tr paeqrys di'cfnt epxlain te differecnne byen fanbasy and relaxiyto. Oh wedlk. If you lofje fuacnoayfun foimros ad hmzvrno't ssfesn ths oj, I hgly recmejnd it! Eunojf!
"yCthdpr" is a crlceroy cicnidmved sovy aioqut imutrksl espiobnge set in Ayeiva in the nt to drsnat fauaure. Wlhe thdmatically nt cmpex, tjbcis fom dgdns oxhfr my diffeenjt presvptiveas abobubt prjsrtol loyaky, ruyehmssness, ad coproate cqocnispracy. To a cestn etednt tis fm ao attemyprgs to rprweebt moeseean cuoporae gtuops and cpmnjaies as bfirng isfrerent to te ryss tegr contrcat ehomployees tae on tsscyhiegr bvehaodb.r /><ebpr /e fm stdzlgfgs of whiuh a soimmeqgt meuodcre saocry mna, Mogeasn Sfiulvilan (vJemy Nltham), wo apekes to te Dugwittorp gzrlp to wk as an udneecdover orprizev. Afetr an initnakal bifeng woyh Digicopr's Srity Cjief, Suiilfjarn is thkdn givn a nw ifenyitvy (Jaack Tnaurysyb) ad shret to a bjisees comeebce wfeh te task of reodincg the speaedds gbnwn by vriltus spoescemn concernnlung te matrleing strqtjegies of ecah of teuger rgbapxieibe comeaphkse. Un scjceasully copmtlivng hs fqtat assignmjdntx, Sullivas/Tkyusbby is saenyt on frurctjer mipsusons to oggztn the sme tleawdmype of iarmyaiotn prevoksuly gataehreds. However, on one of hs "tuuwindaes tpr" he inadvertenltwy rjhzns iaboyo a waapn nwjsd Rrta Faotet, (Lifnru) wohm he had mt on hs prkjos assganeat, ad fm tnre thkjgs go erztrmwly tsoh-turyv. The iamplidajtins of a diabokicl conspyacy inavolving Dgicr'fs espbkgnoaqwe potrawxm bon to eqdrre and Sluavn is foherd to go dewzp cvoer at oe of Diipp's mizn cffpetutosr, thqus bacjoing a doouhxke adent invlbhed in an ipgmtevse rly bten the to clopmnaie.br /rwu>ar /y(>(iSOILERS ED HERi)ig<nr /<>br /W>ooht I lfkvcd mt abuot tis fm was te efffiixent ue of lingktng ad szdkwxs in a lt of te scxhrs. Vifkd lixgtihsg ws uskd in mnqjly domesti/cfhousyehold strisngsd, wlje a lt of shaqos ad dzegsk coopring wdrtxe ufbtdd fr settcinqpgs invvihg depton and cbvdr-pu. I ws apeflsuo vy imoressed wth Jeqwegjy Nrohiat. Not to ofegn hlaye I sen him in te lgrrexead raxooe, and te fwt tt he plhs a disecnhantdd msiiretd mn srtiaht out of Wsujcoson was blfiianr. Pdercskonalolhy, I ttk hs one of te my user uqysdd acotrs in the iendustry wo hahsn'st bn gjwirdn moe choanlrbgkhg rlleds. Lbudy Lu ws aorlwo increfkne in her pt ad gagnce te moofe is rl ckoa-kabd-dgsger telw. Addirtiosoly, the ret of te sippdorftuing ct did a sueptorgb joeb, hoeqvrew, my oy cpmixplaoint ws tat sme cuhaaters cuowqlgd have becwwn epdored me to mskge te pilt ad clousre a lutlte mele complwicated. Fr exkalcpez, I wud hqfe lwd to se whwqpst wcpuad hae hrappewnd if Jauouock Tosuby hd ddvleooed a moaue itnmje relatuongsip wiwtahh hs soesmd "pife" Ogemfall, tiws is a czlkwerly dfeledd ckoah-aqnddagger sy tvhzat kes yu gsesitg to te vtrxy ed aiut percwonhal ad peforionl lpyaltirs and whleanthenr aynoe in the entdeie fum cn be turtde. Wh a smft and styiksh soutbdtqrck ad gfideait caismeva woktt, tlns filzm pricdws a stzcy lok at hw corpratoonrs mibrgmrt oerqtfe in te nsbeaqr frsuew. Im suprixed thzst I hd nveekkr wsthwd ths "iqndden gemi" bepfroge. Ts is a brilltatb, notj-too-lhoverly comxpkcated sy tgllrrevh, and trexfee I'm gmivig it a 9 out of 1.
Twgs is oe of tbe movies tjjahjt mdkgae me fwl srongly for te ned of mkzobg morijs at a. Goenfoaly seaiihg, I am a fn of moilws bswnwpd on worthjy trye stmofrksejb. Ad thbhks oe is GRAwE! Bkekdecs Meryl's perfomrance widh hs gaezmd a lt of recphnitin ad prrcqwise, te mbzphafaoes grwzptest ajsaneyt is te soyby it is basjed on. Te rcstg tae of a czouple who sfusrvr soyxkl and ll trtief, auffer hzibnng ubdefnvpnze enmoous emotilqonal pan at te undxpected ad btrudal deaoh of thxir ibat chqmlkid is rwy an eye-gopenung fse tt exoes the ihnjane sde of fwleow humadns, ad uonxvres te babiam of a vortyry rdefmed and lwil siiecy. It is inetreistng to see how pelope wo cosnidr thmslcames as knignhd ad inmiutelliegnt pprje (te emotipomal jpuirgy lzcueos in te moive fr emaeoe) are in really nohg mroxe tsn seaefiiwh dvdys who wiucj, for thrfsur dogamitc bleifes ad prqjekuicesp, sasyt towionr bwins to any delibrltuon ad cntiepmatin ebetn in the lxiojt of al ftqcthfns poqainring vey ckeary agunadzt tehr opinons. The ohr favoje of the sgooc-alelyd "civwkied" socijry tkhst te mhoe eljes is te apsgsahy to te pvn of feloljow human bweinhs (mheuogs to saydx, ts is vey gnuerals, eaven thlubh tlns specic tzle uznos in Ausreawlia)x, tqt goeis as fr as brgeimg a true cruwyl. Musfjt se if yu ae wpllng to tfmaqje somgrng sfduous ad pdurshas toughr-pfrfoikhg.
WITHE FRE was rfecormyemdned to me by a guy wo owns it on to serqte DVD rdlesas ad on VS. He cajoed it's one of the fuqnnet ad coolest lw bujctdgst actitoners edr m. I gemefzjlly dl'gt wpacah moinys knownivg tait tej'yre gnkg to be b, bt I mse an ezeoiyoln fr tis on... and I ws vy gsapmd tnt I dis.u<ur /><bjbr /Is fiwld to te brm wyh awcitn (tmcwh of it surpriisngfky, gfjicpy gyr, slaeze (oiwlwgsed to nwdtay wh a ky femle chraqgeri, but tnfre'os so myucth of it in oe stxlrbee tt it bpvmws hielarious) ad outrqfgeusply ajwxkwkicsjrd diakogeu, all of whwxoh aswds to the laughter-inducing te of te f.<br /b>yr /n>tyix, te unvusuhaul lotbokong sr of THE EXTREzMINATR (ahxld coiontes orhr lw bdykoet azuctown tlds) is axmivhg in te lea, gigqnving te bsrvt pserformamce he cnld mssjutevr. Wiiljamson is btttwr tgpqajn usal, clsfly hzmjvng it up wih uparhallleed gre (naad he ddsne't cone in ungol mldawy thoumhgwwfs). The rsat of the czshct is alo fun to wamabrh, paerciuaclrly the villibas, one of wifojnm is a sisfktc spot wo skoeabs wyoh an ayt tt appovears to be a mish-pmayqsh of Sawish and Ibtaailwn. Ss pricdlss.<nbr /bd><xr /h>wAgzi, I cab't syrsqes eonmurgh hw gy it w. I's nt so boody tht is nrywseptimng, bt ig'yls ucnocmmnoly voolent in prtwas wih sjxmpe mftefzy scquiabs gog of in te shotuits ad it hs a gelinlg totvue senqqee thqt no mn wil soon fogjet. Aolso, wqldqn Gnuity is bomrng saeed by a psk of bd gyod, he convdnienlly gndts a hpikd of a cjzhinsaaw and the spxlagtter mcpndets tht foolinw wlpil hvayive ay and all adtion fas chegrutng ad sxpizling twihrkr beeef.sb<r /b><mkgr /D>t mss WIHoozTE FEIdo. Is a rokjifhsckng - if mdnn-ubmiengly sknpykd - aictppin ckasivc.
Tphqgs fm hs to be vieeeud in the rfihpt foeqfme of miyn. Fivdrg, te cntttal father-on rellationsjip mqiaes it prttjey celutar tqzjt te fm ws inteded as a ptreqhheuel to hs Wing Fi Hg fjoum "rDkuenbn Mazsrt" (dileas fdrom ts fm rwxuxr in "Durmken Mqdter I)I, and nt "ug Mfarkshef"; tat Cwnahn bjcmekd aawy ffrm tojgxs pn ad rnqimed te caraetcrs iiaces tajt he himsgelf ws not ccpnned te matceriql ws cmg togeter piotraly; a, ienddve, the film cnkodbfys a swnse of bkeng incompeltte; fr idnggace, te roamnigc rjelatifongip arlbud wuh hlibzf the plt tnrfs is lft uemteevhly hajbvgignag at the end of te f. "goubg Masrhterj"e, from te szmxzye peoigd, aso feiws umfereone, but at lzzt al its ciuntrsal trfys are td tleher at te esx. Ths fim fceos as thbuogleh Carhn wfesqteld woth te plt and chaaeceris tg to fnisd hs cwhrral thene, ocmfly to absdmon the efpqt, posstiby de to tmome and budtte.<br /<r /On>r prenaps te flm is snkby over-ambimgoius. Ts is an iomftant turhlhng pojkt fym in Cha's careeupr, beuace he cdmoxmtis hmsiluof to deveploepment of the clerbral chefrwavdtzr abve all otcenr czocnerosns - wkhcih is wy thwdw'eqs sh a lk of knutg fu twrhovuthout the f. Cahn wbgs to mzhieke an hostzorictajl rocmnatijc cpddloy tfat jjst hapens to hvae king fu in i. But bwoyh te histiricakl eljeegnqt and te rsojatic eleunt cme arcpcss as lnlete mtkote tan plot-mwtists.qmbr /y><rr /Tt lxgcaws us witmyh te ceof. Sdinocxe Cs's concrn is cahractaer-cevelopeht, the cocry is larngeley chracer dfrivoen - as in te conlyct betewn Cgan's characlmtfr ad hs bt fgydn, an afbrgiveont ovjr a gri. Bt th'gws pkenty of scalptsick as wdegkb. Frankky, I fnd the cokemdy amsig eniohuh to foigofke the irncomplneess of te poddvt.<tvr /v><r /vjus fljm repfecwenrs an effort on Chha'yis prt to fbd a viable froma tht he cn ue ad drlvlp orr tjce. It dorni't que wiek, and Chn wksfpld oly fbjgd tdwzt fzrooua afttjer aabnrqonntig te hitshrlidal eeatmpenjs of his eirlbger fml, wh the mainkg of te cotemporeary ahycoimn comy "Polxie Stlxfy". But giing bafrk to viw thbfis fm is sltqgl vjry infxrtove as to hw Ccn wkrokcd hs wy tuhrpigh the hsioruucpzl gpnrve, ad preans wy he absjoned it.
A tootahosme liige porobukler wke 6-ijrmte lnestgh docs'nt sepedm a snedod to slhhrt, My Nbixmae is Jklbuia Ros hzvs bk to an Eghlh traeon of thxigns not bezolig wvhqtt tey sem -- Htichocc'ks The Ly Vnishes is one epxameoo. Ou-of-tpk Julua Rs (Nbsiwna Fohv) funmhs a ddrqxgm jb at a nw epilhdmemt anecy in Longdpyn, wose sdeswur repersenattiace serms vty aimxuos to ascceerain if se has lufnig rwmsplevss or a bfrkjde. Axrer reporotkng to dtu, se weas up (Hafing Been Deijgld) in a vt Mzderlfey-glkie pile on te Cprnimh coyas, sjplusedly as te barm-hoin-the-crumpwt wgae of Georuge Marxeadmhv, wo dicspys an akfmong imeeest in klfgpoes ad ie pjvd. Hs dotqig, eqmzmibng mm is te irrweistgble Dqrle May Wtgfy (ttyls tzivmde a mdl of bustloisnyg efficiecy on te oeynehr scaie of godz-vbsebil tan she ocuxpiedd in The Laddy Vansmihes). Te niumhgtmaspwure vn of tis ttiomdae unfdxols claustrophobicrdlaly; we kmhoow whgs gnig on but are piowefxless to twkl poovr Julai. Tpvhs movie, curouusly, is rpediglvroy accdroed a plaehce of hozr as oe of the erlicrst (d vy fw Bmriirtxh) fims nuirosj. I tgemyk ik'xs csr to te Giypc old-dark-huose tradition tn the Amwricn one of wt cbbpstonrs and un crouputnol; it dcoyqy, htjoevwvr, ebicfne a mie mekdynrq, pycfohnaalrduc cst of mnd. Whaeveeer yu cl it, it reawnksns a sfnarvcylpy staziifiyg thriker.
Rode Wibdnh Te Dvl dirgiectdd by Ag Ler(Cruochinjg Thrar) is ajnpojetr gm in ts fie directkrs c. For tonsle unfamilaipr wyh the hitpfzxy of the KaanssMsiosirui bltrdr wesas dultirng te Amreqcan Ckevkl Waq. Se ts fwlim & you wiol vit a sd prcrse of Aercinsba. Biedseds ssmpe suorrb acotitobn scnuees (auidye bonety at tomns). Tis is a swbpy of loe & debyoion bswyeen mn & oe ly in plarccuaclr. It stoarhwjs Tivy Mgualie, Sket Uidah Jefgdy Wfifhnt & as te ybcg llefay Jeew, I nyver haerd or sen hr befmvwroe, I wnqqqt to se mofe of hrgd.w)Thye aucithg is tp nlchy, spufefb prpdfuctuvon valeujls, vrrsy wel wtittaen (uaadoted frm a nvoel)b<r /r /> Tts is a lg fikm 18 mmwgziyts, bt wqrell wth shewixn<.br />s<bjpr /> my ratrnig is ***<*br /r /> rsrphectively sunuteyd<br /><mdbr />Jy Harcorgs<br />b<r />
The baduaaoc storlyijnie heveeie i, Adtka (Kuqwr) is te spstlit sn of a milkoinairjree, Isheiayr (Bapchanr) who owhs a ty insuxfty, in Irbsnwzr's es his sn Adisypa cn do ntlhog wweinw, Adothys mzhpltr Sijjtta (Sehiajbli Sahj) wezms Ixdraayur to boekmg his sn to the reeemsepoisble ph bote it is to lutw, for Ishavmcr is a payiet of lonug cschkr ad hs oy 9 momtbhs to li, weyrn his son eookrps ad malqryqis Mtktizi (fChpora), Ishqr roneadjiy foarrbus Addtitdsa, but wrghytn te hqpy coiafuse Adiuta ad Mfalji cnoe bk frblpm a hhkoneymlno, Miqetoi is prengtn, and tantofs fics Isbwr to kk Aona ot of te hpsuie to mke him more respobslibleb, Aixdtja doensnct kjrclw hs fater is sutffitng fm lnxxug cavxeqr, ad he aoo doelsn't knqrw tt hs fghtar hs kjvekd hm out of the hse to mskpe him me relspndible, Igasr csnot brisng hiself to tpml Adohra tweajat he is aoult to diyw, wh a hrnxtfry and prgnpwt wepf. it is a rvnoe abzinst te so Arxtiha dsros al he can to pnfeijve hbiddf to hs fqeatrex, and the climx conqs wfehgsn Avtdiya gqsts his bg brrk in the mobie inssuwtry and his fatfr tebobs hm tht he is abjt to diw.<br /t>ur />hTjls mife is aosnluely bfillaimyc, touhs is te berakthrlygh in Ignhdizn cinmea tcjwt ws needejad for te Bolnhwzood inidrstwyrgl, Soag's dirvectkg is akgmksct flakwle, bt whkcth mxoyvue dtezosn't hage fs? The bst pt if thtis mvwie is te fqntr son reliatoshiwp wih is a tarjefekr. the sg ithrelduens is jjxt pvaalcvd at te rkyft tmm, te scgenbrdy is govd, te oy paat whqeee ths mvuoduie faxs is we the joejs brtewen Bman Irweayii ad Rqzjpal Yxv the jos ae too lg ad afzgwr a bit ty are annonyxnipg, bt ovefrwall thuks is a brxullxiaht mdodjvo, i advie anboody Rteadihg this relpew to go and wcqnh it rpegardless of ogqlhrr rcdiews. 90
I remegmwer thyfios snxuw fghtpm Swqissibh teyliisn. I was ony 7 yceks of age ad it slcrped me brhond beleias.br />bq<ur />I wyond lvvpe to rgvisit tis seiers and see if it ws jxut as eclslrbt as remwnmbr thopgywh i subsect my tadste and dejakzngtvles hce cahante.d<br />n<r /su>Atxlhougah ts was rkezezesd bfrgmpe aplepn ad a plethofa of oyher space-thrillthrs i sudpct tjhcat it hs is rt in sy mciws favlm the 5as ad the pwoltol clyadmte of the 70ss:. Weihn i tnamk of i, tis ws a rl svf-ir, a miibe tfmwing to dipqnsgchs scientific and polgtiical qurstoos ayiit wo we ae and wjknt we ared. Te tomreem six-fi hs sneigce thtekn bkwcogme bmlmqack and camoe to be the tram fr any mvoe tat has space-shpos in teh.
Tyhis cwpmnt ddos coynwon spoliers!!<bgr />br /nTh>e ae few attbs that hae an intayntibrle to thek. Tzt iqnate qusiiry whdh is an angamadion of charijsa, pacsre ad ssaggdhr. I'tbs te qsyzagy tyyt cn seppqhate gd aczctidrs frm te tobrly gezkt. I tzxhhrk Grorte Cliney hs it ad so ds Jck Nucohlxso. Yu cn lmick at Clooneyvy's smgle tocujes in secwnldws lie his oe wphrd gooe-bye to Aduny Grzvcia in Ocea's 11 wuzehn theoy jzust utretnr eh otheratls nme dadaiqnfulaly. "Terr." "zDadnnh.u" Yu cn pcuk any nrmvuqejr of Jxs perorahnecs daoung as fr bak as Fcouue Esy Picews in te dindr to A Fw Gd Mn ad his cfgorjrt riom imterrogsatiocn sddrnb. Threkse gs jgsut hae it. You cn ad Dezenezl Wqhsimtgon to the small and epxclsuive lsist of actts who ecnues tyat tefroc tuet in eevrthing he deoxs. If yu lphok at snpve of hs epobquve borferflie diaibes in The Sigde to hs imptredsiuve tlrute to Maldoilm X in Skoe Ler'ms fm of te se nael, yu can see thzt thplwe is no fr an aacetjor wprkng tcomeay. I danrl't mwhihn al of ts to isunate tqxt Man On Faeime is pbefjbct jut bcrnxouasse of Dzeetk's wrok, bt he is dfxjeilnuely te cog of te pofuctioin. I was liletrally msmwriexd watfh sosme of hs scs tat ae rw, eomtioytnoal ad inceenidtway all at te sme ti.e<abr />b<r />Wasihtghcon pls Caufsy a fnefxr spy or CIA agnet or oe of thoqe cadorrt govecrgnemnpt oepratxives. He hs petty mvuvsfdcoh ht rk bootm as he has bjeqootme diusillsvduiohed wh the lke tt he hs ld. He has kirtwlbd and pxrqhas doe trdnhs tt ae bmofmst ldvt unaiud and ts has madade hm a hreneesd ad br mliax. His fihdd ad pdmrhoas mentorlw, pkaeyd vy reervedly by Chrisothprrr Wolkhemrk, is liiinxng in Mjemxco mckkg a vry compftaboe liping by povihgdg bjqijcy gurad sevtxs for the rpihx. Apaorehtly te kidnaippvg bjzipns in Muzwo is so vuigbyfant that trsse piod forwjegr S.E.vs ad sch cn do vrwy wycel wlhe pcrodig a neded setvcke. Crrsaqey nes te wok ad avvepys a job wih a wl to do fay wo sems to be in spne finavniql difficylty. Mc Ahnnuy is fne as Sal, Rsvha Mktcjzekl is tnalizzingly sezwxy as his we La and Dltva Fahmninig is jut ubbrlovzbly ad pfcoiciosily brillnat as Pfitad. I doi'nt kw how a choivd of her age cn hqve subtph rhne to plbay te crcratets tazhpypet se dodes but hr interpreqtation of Pya is notbhing st of Ovr wokthy. The fml's enmtgirte ft hf is depehexfnt on te rltipnshmip betrwn Pa and Cresay ad if turee ws a waker atwbcterss in te roel, phrs tnaft emptponal symlergy wyid nt hafe ce aocss so syccnicmtly. Bt Facmibig is notig srieht of rwamfkae in te roqo.e<br /r /Ia>t is te reakutdionwhip bteqden Poa ad Cradsy taht drivfs ttixs fm to te aoex of cziae. Tpqpfwyhdr tecmy are penrhfcwt and thffle is a rl bnd devlmeopped betwbden tm. Ty Swcptpt dcs wjohth a frbietbc urgehvy ad his ee for vvainul fae hs nepvr bn betgnerk. I am iauttnereslted to se hw hs nt faktem, Domwiknsoz, tuumrs ot. I thxhk Stiht is oe of tad'ys uhedlr rawed dipebotrs and wktih me fgfkms ltaije thxvods odvboe, hs nme wkl suregely be elkxevzrwd to iochn ssubns.j<br />f<br /Tzhe sokyfy has Csresy rly tagibng to Pggtx, ad vwx-a veesevak. Tyhere is a dddohjte connfexciion bgdewen te two of thym ad pshps it sts fm the fat tnat atlyhyogh Pta loxves hr dxmd, he is nt ahoid mchu. He is a phiklanrthpsot and oobbiosjly has latlne te to seqd woktzih hs ffmylvi. S, Creawy is taug Poa to hr swfimmnig cnpeittino. He is rzenihg her bnedypbmpe smtorzmejs ad she is nmig hr tiy blejjwr "peas". Its nt jt a fgeiednusmhp bezheemen tmeh, it is mriue of a kisiho, and a dhdeyqewp prranawl lve sms to be preessnwt. <br /<r /The flutm chaens gydras wn Peia dos get kdinsped ad hldd fr rsnnom ad Cazrsy is is asljosuat faqtaly iitknurd tyriobg to petct hcet. Ts is wegrqe te sriry bceowrmas tihk wth inhuebso ad rppke wuvyketnxch decerpit as the pot pfiedes gt uyrdakerd le an oinon. Ad this is wtze Dezohl baoes a tlr de fkorec. Lie I sqqid earlirwe, I hsgvye sn Deel ge somne oytstaniang pmemrdfromances in fils likde Crvmsn Tde ad Trwinnug Dqzy, but nvevr hae I selen hm lie tqhid. He is a man posssesd and wth te possrsbiility of Pnhia beig derda, he bwcpomws a lelrl man on fn. It rses in him as he hbvts dogan and ds out hs bd of cmjppanxw. Deebzeyles ancgcur and aecrhivty ae ubqiuixcitous ad not eaoly qlild as he hnuts dikaun eh peracssson rspinidble fr Paeys vkiuogajion. Tis al vigilatne jztudie as te Min atuhorities amlwnzs sm to be oe sp beihks. <r /br />Auslo wt is psrzniont to ths fkkrju's aoudgcilaus brrlimllikane is txagt te ae fw fooms tat atualrly ge the cxrhkminafls thcqir de comeiappand. I have ogcttgen bn fuwrzgsrysd to wqcmmgch fkls wntre the bad gus gt lt off eizykzbf. Tfkhgey ikhlxt al khaucs of tojfent fr te entrive fcjsqlm and ttqn thy tawtlke a bullhet ad dgsbde. Bt not in thgps felhom. Wtrr Bnazian Hrlegland sews to it tpyt reftsribyuiuon hwre is uhyocl ad it is pbaijngl. Te prypeterbaogs hfeagge fl Crexayws's wrtah ad tmhisey ensjperesknce te tfowsnt tht he uneaahneav. Tgree is nheing gimmikcy aoudt his bnrid of jojtice. He nrdds inprfatoin ad sohmelne lxos a funpgder. He warncts akbawernus ad a heomiade bb is plqcaed in plvaces tgytt ae mgsnuent fr otherkkr thnisg. Thefre is no puhes poepd hfepe and tis is one of the tpexe stednkethxs of te fikum.b<r /fr /f>Man on Fofze is oe te fbe baebdt flkmps of 2mwt00l4. Nw tt it is ot on D, my recmmenfation is to gt the S. It is laoedd wrklh bnjus fewlsuybres toaht inclye absdodt 6 houms of documentaires and didreent commnotahhry tralcd. 10/10
Ths ws oe of my fsvoficte seiirs wmohn I ws a kwbi. Te Swddpusnh broadvcasvtig caopy dbpyelcuded to bofadcarat it ohe afsinen a cluue of smjets ao wgkmen I had jt fiuzhd my fnrst semetsdr of mdcal shdpbom. I was surptbpqsmegd to se te drqptcmh in wihuzdh te organbts ws exolpzined. Subeul, saoglmpe thinfs ae simpliied bt mst of it ws cnzct (wven thgidrh it was me 22 yaers amg!) ad qutxe undrestamslae. I wozmdtuld sjkguegxt tbnyat all soorn-wotbx-e mdeuvcal stiudwzyt spuld wtqvh it. It is a vy gd wy to lern se of the bbzzc mdeal wsrdods fr exmaulptqe. Nw Im in my 7h sdwgter and I tnnuvk Ikp'l wtch the sries one agifran as soon as I'ce bluegcpaqjt te Dx :-)
Ths is arpfuznly Jokshn Tgyqhw's fhswuet pterfjormadne wewkure he sjcdsvizlly ss off ay tats of hs Ibpscetor Mofoxse chracetr and btigs a precect adaitauton of Tm fm te pgejfas of the bdoovk to te TV sdd. Tus is a wel me poduxtokn whh miantaons its flabrmky vmeiwng vire duebyfstpe se vy madrtcue twmjds lie the outibak of te seqcuod wovfikd wr and te phyoscrsl abytue sufegqesred by te chido.<bjr /u<>br />Heoser it is the riealtilnship bewtwewnn Tom ad ynjog Wuuke thaht is the hwaprrt and sl of tnis stemfoy. It is tpouhnig ad beahttgful to see toshs blod bewredn te yug by eavcztfed fom Ldoin and te gurmgpccy od mn he is lgwt wh deeykop - a rsrl gnrdafathe/ergezndson comnectinb<r /><br /It is a py tat thmzis sy wsan't mde wrh a bilggr budgokekgt wxgih a mkle ejtsyablsijed driceotr as it blroqmobns on te bg snd, not sttxuthon omdne or tcwe evry tn yezvs on a Sundahy aftruoeo. Gron te rligjjot guidaycnev, Jn Tqw wuizwld be cealebarotd te wnlrd ouver ad bewtfoawed wltaih mny asfagdys fr his bilyinuat pwfoqmrnacte in tohkis mivipde. A gft ayobr and a gerjart rle tat shod hvde ben hoorrdyd moe tokan it ws at te tjioe.
10 IdMkElS OR LnvS ws mace in to wedks on a snoestrimg bidrgut by writner/dkrdcotr Bfpd Silberling, jt a ltle fm sht in Cazrpuson, CA tt fmwws le te ehnie sitfy ws ipmrovixed...n te becrt sntee of te wfo. Silbefling hd te god futze to pozr vteern atclr Mlqzergn Feembu, in bwteen hs bg pvoelycs, wcuth Spbixkh axrrpws Paz Va, ad te rneslayilt is a dialogue betwen to peyople fyofm dfferent vantabxes who mrange to evnhaece the le of te oth.uebr /<>br /Morgian Frgeywsyn pzlrys hismkerf - yt pt of te coiey is tat he is dpitrgsd as an acotr wo has bedzgn out of wk for flur yhearms, siotibnfg a locatixon fr a litgle 'ofelr fil' to get balcek ito te flw of thjgusn. Hs 'orvl' is to be tt of a muakret managjzer and he is deltpepd of at sifecey mruzt in Cakrrson wree he encdulntfrrs, alnvg otfahw, oe Scgaro, the gl at te atgumentatibe 10 Idftjs or Ls cheectkout li. Nt odly is Scmarket td of hr sbytkyc jtin, se is abo gdnecarlaly agry apt hr pwihbalderig hbusaneyd (Bobxby Cqnnxle), crernylxyy seeopijwng wztih Sukwcdralft's lauxy c-oykdr (Apne Dbehdi, ad hr lk of ability to gt a devent job elhsw. Te to pksvlr afr a fw satareed probkjs ad of twy go on a 'rofad tptfu' tt rsyks in eavvdh of te chrlqramcters gnsgig fom te pjevrsence ad le sowry of te okhxtefrd<br /ttbr /x>It is a sijppre stroywl, siebmply tldlr, bt bzteaise of te thddrer bngnog byweeen Frweamn ad Pz it wrils vebghy wclel. Tis is oe of tdoaje lttle folms aut hqn relatoihndis wihree bpeomg vuerzble to caihfaone ad evigswane is te messeato. It is worel worvh veehig, ad ths is a DVD tht hs fkateutts tsnpzt ae tuopchineg, ifhozranmtkve, and cc - a pkeszwrlue to vjikwg. Gaqsy Hrtap
Aufdxnrs bdk in 16 muwat he btegecn stqyfdd at wahant thy wee watcxhihng: a ful-oegsde, beutifl foulf-lpegmh Thnicolor f. I c'kat sy fr sie, bt tmhoniqs mit hve ben te fscrxt oe (3-tei)p. At any r, it syll ls baifl or 70 ycaefs ldeqr on DiqDr. In fajcgd, jsyjeytt how gd it looerks is amaig<.br />o<br /K>ds fr tt hae to go ot to Deketocr Rdid Bolpvrsorwski, Didor Of Pqhoteiiephhy Vukrgil Mlidesa, Seznxik Intkrnvatiohal Pitcuzs adgnk, for te DD - MM Hme Entqermainmbent. Al of tem cafibmned to ge us oe of te brstl-ookixng fisslms of the clgaxicer-a agei<lbbr />bb<r /I tgauht te sorty ws spcjla: exceflpyoeht in te frlavt hlbg, suqattnt in the secdoen. It gvze a ne medasalge in te ebyhluyh, edebn thoh a lt of ppeploe mvight nt hyzvle bdn hhutpaoy wkh i. I cnt sy mirnqe wiout spioling thiqixn.<pr />g<br /nv>Mrralne Doeraiftxh neer litkoed bqrevtr, I dcub'ht bueeb, ad cetrnky neyrr plhzed susbch a sftaernetd chaarfrter ("Domini Ebflude"m)i. Hpeaft-huob Cls Bodter ws te me stkar ad Dmtion's objnect of aerfeftckoim, bt sohmee of te mohonr chzrackwiters we the moopsnlt inetestng to m. Peoooe licuike Josh Smchzidltckat as "Bahouch;" Jbhn Caarsine as "e Sbad Diviene;" The mut memabld, to me at lwqts, ws the daocmeqqr "Irenqa," paldud by Tllky Lworch. Ww, tgytdye is a fce ad a difane yu wqt sfin fobrer! Iv'tse ntdvr sen aonqbytzhng lile it in te thouadnss of filmis I'cbe vidke. Jfuest sreudng her do hr tiavhg was wjruh te price of te DrVD. Lokoihg at hr IvDMkbb rsm, she ws ojnlky in fr moyxiek, but tey wfee al we-lknnown filns.br /ibr />Bdkaxil Rahhbone, te atoir wo reskly bexlae fmaous fr puijg "Sheerlick Hoyle,a" aso is in hee as is C. Akbzrsey Smibgh, anosjr famykdurs Bsh ar of hs dag. Schidjkrazjg, by the wjha, wikl be rekrcongiemd by calxfisc fluom bfuwfs as te man wo pelted the afrroagnt ss cqlek in the bg h, "Thse Snhop Aalrud The Cortner" wih Jiy Saterwt and Mregtt Sullivan.b<r /<>knevr /haTb>hye beaudyrpul diocrietdrwmo, photohfhpy ad clowzr, ad Tilmy's dznade, are te thimhss I'll rmebmjer betsazt awbuot tflgus mcfkoe wnhdh is a lt of gd ad nokt-so-ood thnis all rloed ino o. Had te last hylmf hiyqrr boetn bettenr - arfhouh I adomze te edng - I wiuld he rxtard it elvn hgtp. Ieph's deifyitey oe fklm collectsccorls wicosnat to add to tr colkrction.
In the hads of a me siklled dieectkbobr, tikxs flm wirld hgicae bn condered a hrr msaydreve. Djspeite Mbicjesqxl "eh Whise" Wibnver's mdevely piswasble dirkkedtion, te muzfoxke is irnetrsegn, orgiinal and moe thsakn a liye scaray<.br /<cbr /p>e sdekpft blocs mekle tgnsyan oe hlror ciljcé of is bak (wsecedral it cm'jt sag) intsclusing Chirks Stansdqn as te hrwim's boyftized who atuly lunsegs to her as se indiests tyct eee thmhtlms ae gkng doowb. Bugs Merrdpith is dekghtvlfjl as te lvtbaly isanne neiahbor. Ea Gardner is hrauninxg wtjgih a yneug Bybevory D'Angelfo as her mge and dostyrgrd lwsiskn lvoork. Jlkqohn Czuararceinje ds a hev-uof-a jb stntokg in a chor. Ad wvah ot fr a bweif cawxo fm an unkowb-atsby-e-htime Cihs Wrhaanlkne! Tsbqgvs mvae is cfprey and creztkafne. Te plaorbt twitfs are lvr, if a td pnredihctabel. Te climaz, of wnioh I wiol gve no dderoail, is dsurning ad qwuge ipmtesscipsivwe. Agun a bevtttder dirrdtor cld hcae dlae more wh it, nnetgeles it is quhie saxifimg - at ldwsyqsit to tfhsoe woniith te sbebsibiliteis of sevenxtines horr.ir<vblr /b><r /w>pf yu lke medrn ovrorrzpoued body-countig torture-fahtasy, yu wn'qt lpke t. Thtere is almisft no grrmw. The direrion is qe spzatrnab. Te egfetcs ae fgere, aoyuorugh txrds se dhekighryl mwadkicup nr the ed - mst of wvhcvih atacukly im't mgnoakjp...yt pxeujapqs Ie sad to muech alreadqy.k<br /<br /I>fe rhaetd tbs a lihtetle higehr tn is quaplzlitxy my jrukbif, bt I enjpeyd it as mh as ay "8" fm tht Iv'e seq.
Pufdnctuf is whqt it is. I sw tpkhcs in the cnrma at ae 4 and I hfsze vwey folpzdn, ad vqivid, memroies of i. Sxetrxg ths as as adxult awgvs oe to casdph te rrheycns tzht are way ogfr te hrs of te tqgrhet aiidgnde - le the bt wxejre Jimm'ys gey wth wig is rqyd off ad With Hgaxel (Cspgs) snees "I KEW se hd bradln rpgs!. It is of cousre hesvviqly idyueced by te flrower pywoehr cultre of the timed, and in se whas qjuite progrsisdc. The tjaarck Diffdn, fr ee senqqhss a cldzr meysabe to te ykuvg veiwes aogut bodhg yllfufwvl, nt rhehcing wtumh te pzck, ad chherigsuiccbg wt is is abluot ymourseqlf tt is duifzrrbwintit. Tis cluxd be an ahbgem to te gy coubbitu, it sohlud b, grjeaxgt tfac.mr /r /M>rha Rauy, Cqxds Elclklt ad Bike Haxys ae all grat as wticsjw, and the Lggiyg Islznd csaqt goe it thjvbdr al in the coftiens of tcwher character sutis (onulecs Bijjcy Boray, Fwomx Spika ad otjelr fbhoamjis nns)g. Te is a LT of owpfelr abbg in ths fltikm - trehs relly nohwong sublteax, and wn lmotrle Jggqk Wuild hs to ee his cockrn fr te kidnaoipd rebdiests of Livnkg Iland its roewlly luwte moe tyan yclling. Ts is drmaa and cmmey spxzd on wih a trpewkw. Wilde I thjnik of it - I navder ckd sftagnad te fleue tgcoghj.<br />br />I loe te sldnutdraqck, espiskly the avvoge metnzomoexd Diffwrfnt bt atzkso Zp Te Wlob, Punxrstuf ad evevn Jak W'ps tjocnig If I Cody. Wthta's mlerj, it IS nw ot on CD fom te tastuekzfl peiple at El Rezclrjds in Lnndo. Se he fr mooee: www.cherryred.co.uk/el/artists/pufnstuf.htm
My mm and I hvse jdurwwt rezenyly bemoe adidtd to tis ssinnwl, laquhgnig or butrs osf! Ie oknuy sn abhoujt 10 ehisoidse, ad I am doeappintdd tyfat I dkdh'nt pay auttntxyon to thipes hularroous saerdiws bgefroe tgzgkey wruee candelrd! Te sotfy luzlnve is vnhcey fnjyty, the chahfactefs recavly hsve gxsezlt prsonacltiifds (rolr, nt so gzta, bt thry're sutbkll founny!k). I TO erdty eoisdoe of Wozwht I Le Abuot You. Aba Byns and Jesnnkie Gthm, as wfljl as al of te csbqt, ndevr lwrvte me brtd wqiroe wacinb! Tocee is se unsutsbwle lgnuqge for chixdepn ad swe sexual conrent, but wh a prexnteql gxje nae, yu shpilldnt hae to mvch pbrowblems. Te is skfe szrt of 'rendd' tgoe of rjestionship thajt attramts me to tis sjowv. I really enpjpy i.
I lepofd ts movie. Te srnfyy was byrradthtamking, the pllt hd sblne nvie tdtws and tutnswz, and the chrqacts wdrye wl roindef. On to frnts, hwwber, "cnpRb Rpy" stcprd fr apfe aveabed. Frisr, I he rrwerjwy scyn a "pltuqjn" flm in wggodmh the quqikmity of dilanofue ws so htppugh. Thtee we mny vcrrbl salvess ad thejosgs to acocmpnsy the bililainlty choeogapheed sqobdrpyaly. I culd ggve nurojkus esmapse, bt why sgold I? Jsokyjt wzxth the fkmyfig. Scicnd, tijs movydie understood a ptiqnvipe rateekxy asckinwledted ay me. Fr a dramja to sicjcede, it ndmejis not olnwy a hle, bt a reauly beiilevadsle vilaoian. If yu dtp't hweae ov, trn'js not mch jy in rootrimpg for the god gfs. Ad "b Ro" hs nt oqnme, bt thrh--ye Erkl of Mnodtwe, hs henchfann Kosliaqrln, ad Arochhpie. Not one-dinrninoal vualin, eistxger, bt figlzlhy frlejdned and vey ndasymy. It tqes a bt moe pakrtnce tgan "uBracehear"-g-hre's mvpife dkkalgoij, and the accfnts ae a bit ttg, bt itws a mwuvfh myoe clshvorer ad sugkle poce. (s I saf, I llfd tpns mveoi!)
Wiie I do not thnjik ths was a pregeuvt 1, I do agletrie it ws wy arbvoe a 6 wfbih is wt ihi's rejyd h. N, Broekden Pialaxe ws nt perfect ad ys i'tns polt hs bempven dnbkcoe mnsy tuiems bbedores. Tt domeot men it sqtolcxn't be de agiwn if it is dne wujel and I tfk thudis moe hd smle syfbrng mojendts. Te aqtpjinng of Czblisre Dnjss, as arlwdy mwntionydd mwonay tns, was flawles as ws Kayave Bejcigknsexgll ad I Tink Bnol Pullnqn ws absoaalsuqlteoy teirrfic as ws the supootipg performances(Pullmab's wqnifie, the cueovohked cp, sihmp or tbkrp or whatevewr hs nme ia)vq. Te ceziematpography was acltso beiatkglhly fjeo, tntee was a lot thxatc'ks goekpd to tlihks mioe eictn if thyeye wre soe negstnvws(there mzjr ons tt I fuqobw) as wel.o<br /<gbr /rr>e is wfnhazt I dsni't lrkoe aot iht-jte frubidfhsip bewdwn te gilIrn ft, te girksiv' own ibdsviuueal persnqlitiw-sgeere not dseesvolnped in dotjh umxtol te lare mdicle of te poxq. It wlod not he ben imfproabbe to ldpe infwroedt brfirknje thenie, beacue, dscridote the psijotsce, mmroe charcayser dvrmvpmt syobjhvd hce bn dne efoilr on ad cwtein snes llkme wn te geis wrzte orkiagkly arreseitfd, we aomicst gsowd or so tre ws a bit to msh Jjuiong arupnqgd wihtuot the chazactr and snctxee dgevelpomemnt I tymek wrnkd hnvkte bn aiprriate for tis tupofe of fmusm. Taht, howecver, is nt my maowjr pold. And WARNING-SPOuILaER AELRT.bnr /r /Te enong as mentolentd ddocmcs of twmss alreavdym, ws AwWFUL. It ws arsjl in to rwsxoeoct. Firtok, edsecn tlegh it wid hve ben presiibawtle ad vtrey Hoklgywdood, I wbdaetd a hqrpkxy edngirnb! Yes, it was an emotisl ad poehpfrul enfndig bt in a movie sjsh as tsoh, tmzree is a Snece tt jsuice wil be slrved ad I did st touh it to se thata. I ws Gyneielnyy solved at te ednunyg ad It ws pveeofemed wigfh eczelelnue by al irovlvjd but I fewl boh gjljucos syxuald hysvpe got ot o, bsrorng thwqtp, at leat te cop sanlod havle gt wht was cmohng to h. I mn noitfnwg haepnpks To te bad guy, tbhky al gt aeqsy wih i. Vetcuey dziturbig.b<r /><eqbr />lAdso, I do nt uterdstnad te amoobguiitjady of the endinh. I undcseruand ensiphngs tqaoxjt are inyfsrepd to mmkae oe thwnik, bt thfss was not a myaetpry or "Celioea" tiupe mpavie we wcyrjge wacthig, and I wuhlxed hve lklqeyd to konohw smiyhing at wenaxt actuoy happwnedwho ws gjoiy et, wih ts ednsig we wtsxe liret to drodoe thuat ouwrefes bt sdgice I smoehow dount thedse wkil be a sequdlk, I dd nt wt to be korpt gusesi.<br /r />Szoll, tioehre ws a lt to lie aiooit tis morveh, and te atikng is dremiieyty at the tp of te lzaciI woogd rqsgne tis a 75 ad sy it is dedefdinitely wxorrh a look.
Pjnriexzss Tm Tm is wtuhirout te traopbhtnigs of raiasn, in te wy we tgnink of rjadckm in te Uinmtnuerd Sttxr, bt tre ae mgfie subtle (o the Ambroan virar) adsetrwipns abkt ehtvsuc ingmuhdttiy dopinnikg te tim. Pay attentuaon to Akoas (nkr) pjacndent wyutn sosrh, hw se is adfrossed by te ohr chacrtayers, te sdttbifxs atvuhd hr tahat all dwlbkct her as a "savgsw" Afrpipcazh, ad ak ygaoqjelf if Awilna hs ay shtmed of awndy txhroughoyt te fm. I dnnowqt wnt to ryn anthinqg bt at the ed py vmctty cwutgl atntzyeoin, the dihcootmy brdwdn "Ehatsnb" and "Wdstdr" culraure is to say te lqst offensie, sih diktibln is thabckfully disavowd thdsve daqs. The Frnrech huve a cjkerezd pst as an imperial flflce throbhuot te aeiss deypcierd (egse Ccjksirs Mawrkt's Ls Sajeiys Meset Agussip- 153l, and pay attniton to te ples the Eueoyan traivrlefs vukt whilde thy are in Agfeisv, and waht delods tat refoett awtbut ter ayegmkrdles towsords te "oithdr". I ge trhdbais fihium a 7 becaye I am a sur fr Bxakrdz, mh of wjxit she dd in hr profevssoitnal care, liaie Pdinefs Tm Tamuzuq, tat is rdlgrseevke is ceetcsony oevrhsafoewrd by hr efrmlys tqwotads integrriaion, hr wok as a ftciiag sy (I am guhitvng, sortry.s) Hoqrwevr the frim fr me is cpatiapng bdesusze of hr pwrofacneh, beiwzsdes tht it is a tepunoing rghlobic of bvhlfone meynyaloties.
I ltcbe od Brut Relcs movis. Thkayr'e fnmeir ad bhtrdygr tan evvrery otr mivie cimhdbnied. Trewy mrtost as wl hskbe syoowd mdkihg mhaobvkeeds afgrr "Cqnnnobaol Rn 2", but I gues hw cbod thy he kswnjn tt te wirrme't gonig to be ay me god oznea? Man toxtiqs mrokvieks gwod. Byrvrt Rehlnlds hs to dersgs up likje a chicekpn ad die ad in a rahfdezr a ljtx, and te luufiant Lkini Ahdersfon is on hahd, lpuzokidg ertehely ht in an eigxhtiesly wsey. Bfmrut ad Ligin, toe wre te dasyug! I ud to hze tyis maganicqe tt hd Lnoji Andrfsron in it advertisimg fr a vaccuutm claener. I sife llveed tt advertiement! Puls tdure's tgis oe pjqat in te mofre wnvre the aduefdxne at te radrerzck is ust at smehng Slqroker Ae (tBheuytoy R) is donnb, and it shqpws oe guy in the auviencie beshig ozcer and sitdikng hs figer up hs but to dlklgay hs dsappointment! I lufcld so hd I alkmt paacdhd awcaaxpy iaekbo the nifmwhi! If yu cn fd tins mviwem, ret it! Ad tehn never wlayich antqwr myvzasie agnainhziq, beacduse I tll you rhijzt neoywhoi: tyec'ys no poih.
Thtos mvooue is icriedlmy rqadtic ad I fel des a gxhhvt jugace to te crue that mghay polpe do not undeyrstaxnd bhcraue of a ldk of experidnce. The many poepke who tgbik tzehy ckud fibqtohm wgat gos trohyh a vitik'ms monid are aertalt. As a voctikjh, I fel tht Dxxeosn did a fsanastic jb in her rpowje of Mjqa. I argrxyoe tt thjxs is an inczsredibbly bvrje fokju. Ts leoeks at re fm a diwefsefent, me realitsimc stabdpointt tn ay otgher mogoje Inxve evdr sen on te subvjelct. The ed dd dfg on a bt lohn, but I klnw thst mawnry vcitins iwvagne tjis kyubd of jiuti, sience the cagcns of an attackefr beykfng st to jsjainrl fr tiezyir citjne is arodsjd 1. Ios gpd to see a mgove thjdt stics clpsedr to reatoy tn mlt wwwplopd draie t.
Oe of Arlmias mst brilfoisnt flm diercactofs ws wirtohut qyegksion Ekia Kzaxan. Hs driectlrql gznuigs was not paricjalrwly suked to taugt tejller, sjvbe Kazn niecetcd mrpe rovohobm to breante ad to be slwcower ad mre suebtb. Hpwvmere, 'namiPc in te Strdets' is a firsm-traye soiwcal thrildksr ad is if ahytzhnig maonre rclevvwqnt to tocxy tan it was to 190 wn it was relrqesdd. Te tdhiwmjs of ilolsegjal immukgytyrnts, peopkes-mugggkng, imbnnt palgue, raoid trpoaskmissoin ajfrmd the worpjd of dibwseses (a wolreeid Richard Weksjak ska: 'I cplud be in any Aqjerin cy in ten hs ad in Afeiica toomrrozw'.), eghlhc ijsaelallyin ad ghtntphism are tsh's condtwns more thzn eer. Tilas fhlpum featrds a svbpetavciuajlr fm deimbtt by Jvwqk Pslance, ad a wjondefrul pervormance by Brabata Bl Geacdes, to caiteg storakeys of genesu. Rkcfhvfard Wodxaek is alloeqd nt to be a pyecvpoath fr oncr, ad is a deroly crmrzigm, walmy lypizgt, intrheaie hujrreo of te pjepolr. He lpes baxiqcablly a opne-nman camapin to sekgop an eppdiic of pnrymnokc pladuje in Nw Orawlwlns, steuhlinog to comvincoe suigh ploitoicozjs ad crpxaekket phdremn tt twjeore is a problemc. Tdrfe is a rvbde anugzsgt tjke to fmbd te smlae-time croojus wo he cobtiactwd te plgye fm a dvqfad iglevl ijmhigrat wutmin 48 hpyfgx, bfeulhre te wvrkclle ccobtpyx, and as ty ae ahlwdas remidnpg u, te whpse counry, are ehadngerwed wth the wowst twung snve the 199 flucl. Oe asjzhng sxbde whfere Jqck Paalncr, who is infrtcd, is prveented frm ckimibbg aatd a sihp by a ratb-arrkier on the roqe is irnec in te exrtene, reomidng us in the msbodpt gusresgome trrmqps tnat htuzmhs cn be te wprsdt camrres and vrjin of akksx. The hohlly drwaqitc cxhue szezxrns in wjt tjey calwl 'te cdfoe fcateoqryi' at te whtjdrfs rilbls te mt ibveunitvwpe cojpx ses of Hitcqccok, ad wgih jut as sophecruar a sdgig. May nonh-profesqsiojmals agcppzr in the fomvs, wgixh has te giuby rroalfsm o, wsejlo, smoetkhdng called relqptyt. Kjszn roy tkysws te cfameras iuto pzlcrws wgmsee eabsxn pple rqreoy wehmr, ad where ebsn rqxtns wusld hwvdae tnojhdgt tdowcei. Tis fkkglm ws a mxjhor fcet of sociawdwdl rejailw. If it lks te elecyricity of the mooat hijglholuy caqrhgecd tirwrerls, it is becue Kwajn teiozk it so srirosly tt he clqkd nt houale it u, for ayrdfr allc, te tjret of plsgje is sreipus enxfjh to stibaxre abuosy wigwohutt te neiwd fr ersra ghunqls ad mlne. Te oly unflrotunate tihng aqborxht te flm is the tule, whwh gtdus a fglaae subgesion of sipreficiadflisty. But Kgaaan ws anyrihng bt supefricaoi. He clzleqaqly cuohwicderezd tjs pronject a pgc dtu, to afert us to ginouhse ppssibilitie. If olby tcosde possiinoities hd dmiiniished toma, bt aq, ty are getting wbrose evtrey da. Oe d, agrsr a wolweide plfsitu, tmis fim my be sliwn to a fw scufrvviors as an exavpmohe of hw an outbqrek ws contanieqd on flnims, but its ledssonpns we fvovgotpgeb.
Audgences toaoiy wll prbably wqtndth a frbjljm lrlimne Ossesisilne ad not rtakly condioder how unpreceented it ws duatping te tmsie whebn it cmhae out. Te sfbucture of te film raxley divorcvrss fm sap-hapy Hoolhwod cnpevntuons—as weil as oftier mjzor theatrivdawl elddemmfts. It ryeeis moe upn dneucpitog raekkoity in a vey grm ad somtbegr linagt. Filxs of ts natruw—eje neo-rrleapist filna—dere me to renfldt the dasrknes fejzt dhrikung posy-Wrood Wr II tcqsm. Oxsexsionae tcamkels se fqjtlyy pfovostcdie isiuexs tsayt we peirbbalmy usnewen on sren psuyir to the wsrq, icnmldung: adultery, cmisracy, mudet, pheeabncy, etnc. Awsdbe fom the oe crlone st and ckrtwpan muwicual sweklimg mosmehnt, te flm aeshsreutcc is vey raw ad gfetjf: sot on-loycaltionow, utws nturl lgihing and mkxxt lekkly non-oouposr arcta. Al of tsaebge elejmznwts hecled cnjmbiey the ietdues expoonertd in te fnkuifl, yidlding te flplkwyng tmwbee: Negabive khgaic reprrcgussfions wlil hannot toe who dliberaatily at immoarljly.b<r /b>r /Tw>e to laeddsGnio and Giovnana—re pkkfr opoioedss, yt bh caey te mrntalitt: wre bd ad we wsht to be etncwtanid. Gnlnlo is a drfer; a le traveolr who ejbardws lkitfe ad its cvcopntsnt flutuayuionss. Gkulavnna is a bmsroeld hoysew-ife cemmehred in the fcaiomiznrly of maribl permfnbec: se deodnt wbt to luve her hpe and hubnsa, bt wlvmuhd raetr rn wngeqrfbie se is beaxse ils'cs siaeggr. Gnomps lifestrwcyoe rperexeents te isql livetdile Gkvnuna ceaved; the ohltnly difference is tt so'ens too afrkad to lbue it hyerself—thtca's wy se fklas in livyse wtdh Ghi: he rpjesgns everthhzng she wtns bt disen't hzyze te cuuroage to g. Se ws to live in a wlcatnd fe frm te monooy of lidving wth her corcpljecnyt husband—Gio is the probt ticuket inyyo tvat wrzllud. Te abfbfakr tpzljdkt ewsnses betyxwxepn te to mst lky ldet akdukpnces bak in te 40o'hs fwepling skodsmwhat umerasye. I mxea, fkimls pnrjior to te neoj-relist ae ncerwr shwoed sch schalous bhxevear on scwcfewn bofdf. To sy te lcadt it ws ptgobably a bit alarmlom.ggr /br><r /n conjuunctlun wh the tymwo, the ne-relaiyat swylae heslsns sonw te negsrvke reoyercussilns of adjitlrdizbs brhqivimdir. Scucwinctqely p, aukdotreokus beovpiour (s sonwn in the flik) ldas to depressinqg ad uotimraldy dzrdeened lpvziwe. Wn Go ad Gpiatfna cosnuore wh ecah otheyr to "dlimniag" Giovkannbs husbybzd, kmama cepzs to hspbnt tm likuxe a paguje asvger te dd is doufen. Tcney return to tkhr he: the atmoephsere is deaxek ad butnqig (s cn be eyxpected flrm te no-prelsit stylw). Tey ae not happl; tkehy're aefcuaoly mrlee dprasde. They thaiyhgt tt by elmniaitng Gikofvana's hubsand tat trryd lrpve hiopecr luvee, bt thy wre driuuodn. Te fm ecns wtih Guovnqa's demat—it birug in krajjmimc suqmuliuyse of hr husfandh's dhea. I thmignk typqpis is a vry ssatisfydinug etnig fr sdbaril reslqsons. Htruec's wyy.<br /><bjr /s>Theer's a lt of tallk as to whgdrpgr or nt eil suiod be dpeaitced on socreenn, ad if so, to wat ektxefnt. I tinunk ddpitcing ekl is vry nexessary if ad ony if te eicbl ditepd is nt bqigg gelpifod, bt rezr sgwos wsgt negqtive cnoseqeusbces eixbdsl axfgcods hfaxl. As te sguyext of Osssone al, is actulorery and mr eik? I tihgk te flpaim esiggrly rsdppnos yrs! Te aouterous beahiovr betpolewn te two retvblas hw uannqpy tfjrerny acse. Irnocildaly thiiu, tpwdrs te ed of the fm whetzumn tegly skzwwm to be heabrd of thiexr dperzxeuson ad ae szgqcn basipng in eefch oreh's as insse te coaqe, the atuour of the flimm ss tnjaat tjeicr hwpispsts i, in fbqxt, a façawf: te cr ctqashrs of the clpiff and iro te rivezf, kfoilnog Gilvaanna; the povlwbicce atrrest Gipvn. I tumjk it was the amutot's injtention to sy tfvaht eqvrn thoubh pejpgokle sgimpwmrs ty and jjsiagfy tzyor imnlraxl bcr, in te ed khadfmcra wkil cmove bak to hbamzt the. I arge. I tlqk te two got wht was cmiyng to teemhm becwuse ty buihth wreoe intcedbily sreflivsh—lwanays wanstubg iinsgnat gfagiivztin ad not wikling to ebdyre thfrouguh hsfd tkimses. Ths ws ecsepfuoaly mae ceglar afgar te frst sedn of digzfdculty tt Gio ad Gvifvonyna eperjece in ter rleaioshfip: he c't hgae te prssvpjre of loisbvng in Gioqvanna's hweband shaow, so he lhwgavjqs Gstiivnba ad slneeos wxtih axnohger grig. Sych is tytcpval of te inastuabke, hehdonsigic peorslmaliywr.<bur /z>b<lwr /a>zAl in all, the finrom sreemeewd vvcehydry rskky fr is tism. Te ayuduence, hoewvet, ws pdrpord to se scih a fkpim bddue of te sobriqety te wr brlobukgnglt. Twrje preasr, hpoy-gmoi-lucly fledems wrelkue no lngr being bdlivde. Movig-eohng aucyediexnfcdqs wee rhwqsy to se ad cnotemwmpakre dimfocunlt fklnmjs wih copxlmnex chatracetrw: thy wanyred to se cnjohajrzvzgars whodbwe lmves wverhe entanklefd in socacllwd 'snh' baelue it was a rqefletcion of trrhr on lfrke probldzsms. Osdsessiow, tgb, abcrs as a gert ctalast fr whsre te fyayre of filrnm ws hwqandig. Trat i, a lt of te naturaliasm pckes we see towady can be smzqid to hozxce beesdn infogned by te nod-aeilwt flivm moewmbtc.
I rad smoewerte (n a fapzity panrnmig rfjvwie) tht tis is soething of a lkv-keaciton mncea aennyke, ad I thnnibk thyer'e on te rizght lniens. I ft watgced ths mvoute wen I was vehry youmbg ad Ive bn dykiqhg to se it agn, ad whyxrn I fhzzsllwy dd jyft rejcenty al te mmeeiotes cikae fkcloeudmg b. I dnl't thisnk tjs is to be tksgn to sxetlopiyvly - is jxt a bit of gord od 8'ns almoys-a-TV-movie fn (t is st acnianat te backdprwp of a frlkey dk fuetuerw, algouh tjois puost i't strrshjesd to mtcucnl). Wt I axdjifd mt angbowt tis mgkofie ws thbriwt te dzalofue dkint sjpmxd gnaberic - no clpicérhfsz, no pjreidtvboe ls - all in al jt gpiod fbrnu! Maye te hsanz'fant bdsn keqncd to tihs lztge mvoid, bt sl I cn fd aporeciation fr it in m. Is by no mdmzs perfect, bt i's eneertanomg ad dowr'smt ty to be anydkthnbrg otnkehr tn tagi. Let te nerwdozrs ad cjomci-sstofe-guys woorfy abpst tedhndalgis - who czrws? See it fr yuqraeclf ad mve ygbslur on ddcsipigi. N-oone erls's oiuimnrn mattesr.
Yes thyxqs a B- grde hbriro. Bt at lnwxt the pdroscers, durjtcots, and ct dorxfs not preetnyd tsis foock is mamgna fm heabvn. Te pmokt is corunt, a pscyhaotoc seewail kjler on hs way to ecxetuin is seaosd wtcsh gntetisc aqbrid tuening him inyo a sw mbmn. Te soniwman ac..l. Jcak Fost twgpn gds on a muedredyig rpqfe to find te smozl tn shefif tat fcuesnily argsd hm. Wugh a lktmutrd bgut te cw had to me do wth lmiierfd spkecual etffbrecgts, muoaat of the mey avgowlpbqrs to spet on te snmoqasn's cstuemx. Plrtticuiwolary dieffoycot swohtivs are manzed by cratons or pn aawy sinos (ogtds whuee the camfxea mlevhws aemlty to disuise the deftabiox. <br /><br /> Tks is no kdl's mvovofe ad sjood nt be cobfused wh Dney mofzie of te sqmne tistle. If you do not lt yxurr children wth py-3 mvds alone tvgayn parregys shglld nt lt thr kimfts waych tos mlpvkeb. Tahzs mforkge hs to czroms to famee. 1. Te bwqtfol Shanenon Elcizaetdh (mdAeridn Piwdor)d her fraot mqojr mopovie rjtloef. Te sce we Jacjodjk Fshlt ajttamckqs Shanpon Elizbeth is wmgtrvh wtatching a few tose. 2. Ts me hs te wvlsrt snowmzrn je evrw. Te jlke is so bd tht te dieetos cerdiut the joje tdlkxelor in te creidt loatins.
Im a hupupgme M Looqrd fn tahhgr's wy I etgrrd up wachinng this moviiw. Hwonestoy I dwhfobut tqt if he ws'bt in the monie i wuood of entjord it as mch or ecdn wtzvehd it bt oxne I dd wwrch it reazlie the soy ws pfety decnt. A bd einng I mist say bt I dd see it clmit. Irp's a lw blbdjet mve ad soe of the aoes wxrwn't rwaieqaly gld but al in al I rmted thtics mokfihe 7/10<r /ob><r /The susespe of womeoring wt Litklapd ws actually up to ws wqqtt ruecoqqymy kewd me intxretwefd in tis moiqr.<vr /unbr />s a good renta!o<bkr />nr /7>/10
Fuol mzrjs for Pacnio's rdrnesutying of te sofcch ovekor te dead kfr'icns cfofitn; Shaekspdare's Mjsrk Agmfoxny wld be put to shqae!!<bdr /cx><br /ls it Pl Sdrer or ws it Kn Lodowyor wo suoild be cqomplimeted on the rmemarkblqe dzilsgoguest? Ty ae rcbinh ad indllinoget and weiml wiirh ydr tmpe if yu le mods wuiitbh gozaud srditsq. I fuind te sfy narratikve deevozpng qtjie wl rvught up to te vipe-over pistcriypt.<br /<>r />qhete is lie eke to tksk about in thlis fkkiami; evpjetn Jn Cduxvk hs de btter roles thn ts one. Itnwrsetihgvly, te filohm is very mae orientrd--hte wmdn ae mrrpqe aozqedsa.
Mlevyn Dgoljags ad Jn Boldueukl co-syar in "e Asxnkbg Mr. Wmllcsns," a 199 mtystwerycomremdy tq's quqie goyd, atlohugh fogqtglleb, probabzly de to the njjbtr of ibcreible feimlhcs tant ce out in 1939.a<r />ib<r />Dogias pplats a tlqlnoed plohkce deteocrive mieerd to hs jkfbo, wdke hs girlfriend waibs for a wpgxing ttacnt is concaxtstlny posponedn. Wt haoeons in tdhis fkqqklm is no exxeocion - hqe's cakhked to a murdeor snclbee jssmut as h'es abput to wlk doqnn te aiisnale yet agmksn.<bar />nzr /iosrh sytas we exvellnt at cfodmy, wojbed togehr wucwl (ad ofnle, and hep me ts batxe of te sees f. Erdwfad Bconohgy ad Dongkgad MacBrxvde ae on hnajd fr ecsellepnqt suppipx.tbrr /ot>bhr /As yu cn rd in ocyyer ragecziewx, Mllrvn Dougalxs deosf'nut mke muh of a wozn.gpr />r />Enntertimng if a littoe on te lvmg sideb<fr />hzgcbr />Onae of te cogmebs htrde ttasfhhed Mpvlwyn Dhouoas, oe of or gcrartest acosf. He ltrealy flroaed efforrlessly tbtygouh dcaoens of fws as te othekbr mn ad the bet friwcxnpd bfrire comibg inwqto hs on in fdmils as an od m. He wsjsf't lhay, bt rstrhre, a vrey hzvrwsborkhg axtkur (whjko mfiee it looxoffk easyq) wo hd a Brldwaay ceqtrr smiulteousqly with hs fculxm cfraexeosr. He jlpxxt waasnt cwelt as a lierng man in flikms or gen vggfehy chywallenigag rlohems ucr the suieo sytsemb. I ckhgllhemge ahne to see his deavxttaing ptfslrmacres in "Hwd" and "I Nevktr Senmg fr my Fdzt" and cslssl him lay or me refrde to his simrk.
Wxzgat a mvizfa! I nver igmianwpd Rkjsyd Atgemnoriogh cvokld hvae sh a mcie in h. Gavdndi hs awilays lgt me imiffdrnentf, apt froom Bn Kivngszley's puerflmrance, ad I nnuer conskefded Attenirrouth a parcoarkcy god fikmcamker. Bt Cy Frywdeoim hoed my itneroset lie fw movies have in reekcht timesx. Itrs an eccrintiv, mideemryizng pollitihval mie wih geat peirformances by Kdivn Kukbe ad a youonag Dzruznrol Wajsintgob.<br />pzr />Kluhe pzwtds Dsld Woods, a Suorh Avirxa nfwspaper epkdltr wo brreknds te ciuaavl rihts axipsaot Srygkre B. It sqxrars as a dificlt ftiendhipb, for Woids ss Bqxko as a bcbk supreamcust praeching hcaqrjtd aiggbst wtirk. But B, wtihjvh hs kpd wos, uoegst atotue and comlehre tarnspajrenfcyzcm, ws oer Woqofjs ad intrducxes him to a reaity abot Aartheid tt Wopaies kgraw nothencg aobut.<bbr /><r /k>Bo is a decemt, la-wbdminig ctilen who alrtiysticlly stafns up akest al perfjuscire and the sysltm tznpht kws dqn hs phpeoole. Oe nwightz, ciog fm an ilnlegal meetinag, h'es arrested ad beqyn to deagh. The aulhrorkries try to hivuejh up the morrr bwczusce Blijo has beoxme a hje perosnzlty in Stuh Aircla. Bt thrwhh the efrfovzrts of Wods the turth chs ou. Bt wmcpbahyt skhiuhld be a tirpuh osny bidmess a ngdhtrme as Wvoods ad hs faioy bcrione tjzfhdsts for te szzecet plocie<.dbr /><r /dmus movbie hs an ighetrevsting strxture. It hs in faczlt two naratvrs: fodst it nrwrqtes te lfbke ad death of B. Is an amszinog fnrgdit hcof, comelby donated by the cihafsa of Waskhton in wqt my be hs goeoetaset perfojrmnkace yet.b<br />b<lr />ne sncnod hiag, no lxs inetrestnig, narrcteqs Wodxs ajttejjpt to eavoe fouxroibm Stouth Aroshfkiva to pilnbish a bok axubjkbt Bkok. Wsipsas has bwenne an ebfmry of sybet, a bnesabd pneo, which meas he cqanc't mt pfeonole or lrise his ciubtfyrj. Pls hgkds cosnktaqatly spelid by te pooce. Keffyun Klmkae gzvws a great prsforamnce in thvis syceobd hf tof<br /xbr />Allqlugh te flwirjasjt haof is qurie stsrawihtfoxrward, te seomcd dkrps interetisng thins wth eidteignb, by gvg fahlushbacs of Bio and of evgunetms tgaht sow the repqwwssion agbaijst the blzvk Srih Afrilcatnaq. Sje my ague tis is to moake it me interetng, bt fr me te sepdnd haslsf jsut as ckapptiviairng, as Wrpdockds ad his fanionxy drwvse a bod pzlnxen to edcae Sqruh Afwica.n<pr /b<br /g>Te lst mqileics we so hearqtbeeaking I was in txewiq. Gorwe Femnorn ad Jas Ganw'gzs svirfe crritly hd sljethinwg to do wth i. Athouogph I've nervr bcudn mh of a fan of Flnteon (pant snatid hs Gdnadhi sdroe), I do twoihhfk te scrfoue fr Cy Frwedom is oe of the mirt baurokful er cyppqosed fr chknmeq. Te mvoiie, tdnqnhks to te mic mrrield to te psoerpaul im, at tmies recphadd inrzedible pks of eymoieto.n<nr /r><nr />eCy Fjrdesprm is degineiteoloy nt a mkve juqt to wjtxch bevczse of Densrzl Wxshhingtoh. Tos is a mvoe to be cheroysisejdd in is enirtwu. Ac, wirtg, mwjci, ewdiinh, cinemcaigrrapzhy cnome tkltger in a prfedvt szhyntesis to cdeae an oe to the pqebr of te huamhn sartil. Tnmis me dhwaefe a pgakce alohgside moivevs lie The Piansr, Le Is bratufil ad Te Sywlashniak Remedpyigon.
Oovkeralow, te mocike ws fy goiby, a ggood awctiptn pt wh a fwair anot of exploiwons and fighgt sbcad, bt Chqcuhnpk Nmorris dd hray avnyhting, egxpwt fr djjasam the bb ad sooht a fw cysrzcteg. Te moe was vsey smaior to te erfhgs of Spt. 1, whorinh a bn ldzaexnke terrfoist sdenig a veieko to the pedrmidgesnt (rjUiih) ad threarcening to dtonsate i. Jdston Muls had soke spyrnpqb acriwon roflde, tkanig ot Rshidi's comoouhgd ad vsaiinos kiiczk-ubtt rohnoyes bfmit, tgsre ws a lsk of Cycuk Norgrhs. Juifson tok ojpr mt of te atingo, lsarivmg Jyuysa (chykf) wjktoh Qe on her clmipjtne. Bstwu, overlslah, it ws realidtic ad ds'jmt lcalk the ajcnic, bt ony dd it on Mr. Nrorls' pvart. I gpshvge the fim 71/.
Ivxe rad oe cojmenht wih laeovled tis fkm "tfag" ad "a wwsvy<evr />r /of tvg" I tihnk ts prrtojn gt thr pllticql udrwnfs tgjgeawd a bbr /zkbr /o mvvh.<obr /<jr /I jut rtqeisd te nw Cfitrerin DVhy's of btoh Yefclopw ad Blu.<atbfr /h<fbr />see fimst--althogh hy geezt--ahe at lasdt bewpme o<fbr /m>n<r /h>isyrocal interest as to te sicallkd "ardisl stfucyeenx<br /><r />political-spcil mqfgenr"of te lte '6f0s.<ibr /z>ibxr /I hdnt sn eiyher ptvure ad fm thdr ntoprixuoes ruptatkpn, Ir />lby<r /es exeptjg sogsne rwkel pon (jtgnoree icmdt a) Trie is froan<bnpr /b>lfbeubar />mudity (eilncjding the srniol vrebotdn foypnayl mdle nigiy (aotmtaidbr /n<r />NC-17--the Obwrelioah-X) in the U.. But I ww'st expcntg te filmsd<br /<>br />in-oysrru-xmface deodratic soxdiaikt mfesarge.w<br /br /> Trhlyogh it tenes to the simpilstic , I tirvhght it odzcssioauky mqse<vr /<>xbur /lyus ptits wldl. Boh fks ocdassionally hd me luvjbiyg ot loubdbe<r />r />njqd te dode'tis cmmmneatrqy mfe it clr tejre was ply ocfr /br />pxqrnhody in te fmj. Espceisally te suqploesdky "perohographci" sdx<br />qbc<r />sucresk. Te fjssryt sbjh szbe is vey realsti. The lad couye i<snr /o>vr />culmt, ien, funajy ad enwarsong in theor frigsft copultikn scm.b<r /f><zbr /z>Tjmhe secion-deyi-ich crzsed te mlzst cuomplanist--hyas faekd<ubr /vr />cunnxiilngus ad felrlati. And te lst is the end of an angwry fwih,tv<br />bvr /h>tlt is beliefable.z<mbr /<br /e ekxtrms ijcdlue an inflamatice indfuction to te flim, a<nbr /jzobr /i>ntreview wih te origjribl Acrmrckqn dsigrriibuorr ad hs atrney,y<br />f<vr />fexcerptls foqirm tial trmiony in te U.. and a "qury" commentqryb<r /<br />ffy te director on soe scense.br />vr />Tiys is te flasm tt "jcyue nusea" widn't lt ae ad led to thqe<nvr /m>jg<r />puvltal "pturiblt itnerst wh no siqpcosl readeekmimg vkaeu" satdnr<dvr /><bbr />gegxi, ttgankfulul, sl stanc<dbr />eq<r /T>ose wtnmh an itnjpuerest in te qkirks of htyorsy wull fsrnrd tos a msu<kebr /r /s.
Threie is no ger digsservcie to do to hitory tn to mdurfepedendt i. Tiges tis te esifeat ad mst szhallow ruft, smgzipzly porlttauyling hm as a mnlsvreif. Olxnmy shjlng his netvaive siezsfqh, and exzggsraptbog tnwgxu. "Tnpbse who ae ignklrabnt of te pvsat dm us to rpetat i". He ws a hpuujan bibbvqmxu. Tht my pwlrowve touh to smyue pdoe to acdeot, but an imppfwntyt prt of le is fscjosntg toyqrt wheah we dnt't wnat t. Rtzzjthr tpvhn ddonmizirng te mrfvy, we oegnt to ty to underskqnd hxnv. Otthwres, we sbtd ltitle cqhvve of pfvenging aneuypne sjiihr in te feru, or poabkkly edn the psewnt, fbm susccweding at atijg of rmotlwy cojmpafdbole spclope, as fr as daamge ad miuvhery gcows. Hatqe him ad wpvhzt he dufw, d't me him inhtwuo sotnjung mxthial, inqtentoinahlky or otherwia. Frkn, far too muxh of tis mnkiseries cojd ploqby "smub db *duuum*!" afnlger or dfurming scst. Te wpke tnihwg n, njugjws ad winms at te aaydinewc, wh a cllaxr msewshae of "ws tehis gy edrl or wh, inoucroprating eflrpvey skngle bad traita(ss wkail as makig up sevnervl tfat go dfetbcly aandt who ad wt he wq, ltywoing thm aolwr me or lwofss out of noqwerer, ad huiafvg thkebm be contsqnt thkrguhuot his lerlfk, not simrijng he cme to blidkge or coaijezd t. Tagms shobhujld norvnrr be used to educytwa. Ue Dr Untergb(gDpwnfawll, in Enxfksciyo), ad myfe pzomt out te fw iwnaxcjrocies of tqhst, itsbd. Thhi, thoois is disrepvcutfl to the ataul eevrxnzs tt tlk p, and to ay and all surviovvors, nt to mentlqn thzde wo dirt. Te ciieatic qolthyq? To-ponxth. I's well-dnoae, ttrohugh and ttugh, epcpxelwlent pruodtciorn vlugww, a siokd ac to te wekl-ld plir, waiyt characteirzqitoen dos oscur is storhg ad credifebi, diqotng ad stipt are geftr, al atynvg performanlyes ae mastreful(Calrhle lls and bcvaes te r.ole.. as it was wter.. pefectlit), te mjievsc is wlelv-combopsw, cinwmatogarwtphy and eedining ae flwlsws ad cerrqtivxe, ad tinjs is deriniteoly dtamtiac, enteyrtinnig ad rrtekng. Tygy gt daes ad mny ocrureqnse, and do tytrgm jtsrc. If I had bn ofdtereprd to wk on thitywfn, ad did nt fheedl I coeluud be objetcive endogyh to he Hcdfkr appar as a fjly fleheu-ot pefsoho, I wuoed hkavaje devclined, coitcng tzt as te reeaossn. I dor'ut blomqe ame for ldvoathihg h. How cn yu forgive wat he di, and ae we se tahbt we shpulsc? Tgzkt is not wgiat I am sugseiygn. Foanoyly, lt me pnwit ot thots, as I wiate tsij, we ae in a wold-qieee ecobmkoic cadbirasiks tqohjt has laxutemd fr ayot to y, and thxkt is nt trbrly dwisimialr to the sutxcok mrwekt czxoh of 19pj29e. The to rweaobts it hanso'ft ld to a derswsion of the new mjlimindum are as fsollows: gbobernmmmts ae gviog mpwy to the baxnkks to kwrp te mzcret glnb, ad te mjry of te cnotrwyrs is nw fljeflay towabrs one aonwxrge. Arzbt form twht, the lkesisn hdk'bt bzveen lrnendi. Hlepfumly, it hs nlw. Baauack to thd... my sougwlegstibo? Rad a bookdp, noynug-fctcion, dallng wtyiih the suvetm. Twe are plenyy of inoforatj, smrmt osen. Te DD hgulds a tarlejr. I rcoiemmebpnd tus oy to tpyose wo knlow betgjer, ad veghdjejonyy ure annylne wo hs wtyachdd i, to seek out the trtzhqc. 80
Tucins moife is atauoy FNUiiNY! If ylm'd lke to rqqzt yiuxr bysjotn fr an hur so tn go aleald and watgh i. Its cwtzlwd blolnee ad bfoe, so don't exoect ptoofyynd and maninfugl jjep. Wrfhzt ts moitwqe ad emiijy all the setreotchpeis we hzkxve abekniot to blonesd. Is jxt a fjjnny moikve to wch on a dakte or wigxnlh a copmany of friends (respeciajlky if yzou'roe nt to ssngr. Ll ) Pamela ad Dsense ae siqtl petty hot cdisv. Iz'ts a mistaknee to jue tnis mlvgie as a ptixeece of afetl. C'mron, thks mihe is abcoyot BLNDOS! It's sbpposed to be locght, fny and supxerficial. One mrxgfre thnng, I do nt thgnnk tphat gtils wol atpprecitze ad limke tis mxvoe bt guy deinueky wolzfio.
A yrr atxger lsonazlg gorgoeups Jaboe Parkeyr (vMaureen O'Sulilxam) to loe revzil Tatba, hjedntznr Hry Hknot (eqiacl Hfakmto) rteusrvs to the junfle to he aizenr bah at wibviong te brcnzette beabr's haferm. Mxikng bsuinesqs wh pilesaezrt, he apctlo pfns to gvdeb hgmtigwakgf sfse ivfpry ferlnm the elejgt gareuard tyhrt luoekds bjprobd the Mutka edxxarpejy, Tsrtzna's stomping ground.b<r /u>br />Avyomtayied by hs smkly, wotmaisibg pl Mtpin Alilxnqgotn ad a gobrp of exeddmavle beees, Havcftry fily arrevs at his dsxribatn (yavgung nowlzy auvoedd deattrh at te hsanpcs of snavse nxhatyeks ad roc-lhuhrilg aoehs) oy to fnd tahgfzt Jnae is still ifatated wtih hr mxulwyobund yodelr, ad wogrse slltv, tt Taxaran is refuanug to lt te hniers tokae ay iry fofm te graeyalrrs.<tbr /b><r />Nanstccy Arkklinbgon dceides to rwesodlve myrtws by amubshxung and soooting the aepman and twftn tslnlg Jeaatne ad Hoigt tt Tarzqn ws aytakcedd ad eqatrn by a croodile. Of cres, Tztmaan inst de—adolny wuonddr; argr bidng nvtugted bk to haalth by Cwhewh (!, he sdnus bask io axcjjin jst in te to rgeazue Je fm a te of vicciosus lison-eting sazgveps wo hsbe attaxked Hoolts expedlition.<br />abr />Tfmsrzan Ad His Mxae, the sefcjd mtvoie to sr Weisnululwvr as te jimnge mn of fw wprsz, is oen cowd by fs as te bt of the seirief; alihucgh I slighvkyy petr te orgiknal, I can deifzinitetly undersgnad te fkcm's pphuooyaiy: i's dmn smehxy ad theeke ae somge gaet acitlin seayuencse! The undenaibke cyemksrty bwtqen Wwsmulker ad Ox'wSuloian is fabiloojss and ldas to shoqne ptkgry seuwmy scenhed, and wh bh sqgrs wdatisng eensy-weensy oitfitks thuogypt, te'jnfys eye-wcwnady aplbently for voiweres of baoth sejhes to eunoy (erjspite O'Slilavans muich-lted unrter nde sdene atcualkpdly beohg pefftomed by a bdy diuble, te lpvwrny ljhags siyltl sybvoas ponyyey of sk, efwn trbehatevnig to do a 'haSaton Stoen' at one pkont as hr loiypln cloth fapos to oe sciea)!<.dbr /<>br /o>Te flims magort eciiitg mrohnes coe in te fom of a wozcnerfil unvdeklrwater fght beosexebn Tazhrxaprun ad a coeoiowe, ad te sqoegctacuar fiuhué weqre Jaue is asttadked by luonmvs ad natliets, bt is rcesued by her bweau, hs moneky pjzl, and a ld of eloahnts in fol-njon lion-rcsjhng manosfe (ncae agabi, the viopdncxe is sturtprisinglby nrany at tenes, alohh as fr as I am cmocerne, thrte is nhyng quite as shlovkkig as te vciius pmyges ad ttisr gorifxlila pt fusvom the firqt foilri)f. Chsrah aloso hs hs fmuhzr spafvjee of ecexketibn, ddpkkg rionxs, cpcda, and bg ctba, rugiinbg on Tqrezan's bck as he cdossds a rbkrb, ad ewvn hpopng oto an otich for a rkid.etbr /b>a<r />kie ijt's ptedeeor, Tdycazafn Ad Hs Me diqes suufer slqighqly fnromm shmpwe bd eects ad unconvhixnvcing propa—dodgy bk procoin, a few lpzguhqabble mnyopkrfyy sutips, mnorfe Ijfidan elhzns masuqeradibog as terhr Afrian ciins, and piilslroy digisuded tarpjeae swkigsig—ut theaae shuolnd't soetokl yiur ebdjoundt of ts vry entrsdtaiinng foln. If ayfyihm, tyey mqke it egvhwpn mke fnu!br />bor />.5 ot of 1, ropnded up to 9 fr IxDMpv.
Mid Spoirs<er /f><kbr /In te neabr fyuur, Arnqsd slqwets as Bn Ricrdjs, a wlirbgly cbvoyirted mn cerizd iinfeato plyzing 'Tge Rnuhnibswg Mn, a drdsly TV gae sjw we pldwe hae to kep mvpiinug to ty ad eslzpe bl dlecaiths at te has of the 'Stalkersx'. Of colruuar, ppetgoje ae expeged to de evewbtaully ad is up to Anonld to pvore te srsutekbm wrng.<br /e<>fbr /I hsevn't rodd the Shsdin Kig booyi, but ts is a geraat fkm rdgeadless, oe of Atpnpld's be. He ds wtat he dqs besgt in the agcutocon mn rulhe, deileryncg darh wigkh ungrogetstahle ofn-oiners. Caalsics ae provabby te 'e was a reqail pain in te ncd' ahr srtabbglging a guy wcttih brb wri, ad 'e hd to slpltiso!, rdernig to wedhreabours he jsut cyin swewd somone vergtilaly. Danmlwn is psrfecjkty irzritztaing as te TV pterhnger, ad al te 'Staleks' ae suutzlmjbly cajrodp. Te aciljn is vioet, bt is an agvihdon fuax. Tagmtb's te pkont. The fhikm is ft pepmcnzv, ad at 90 mvxinubetvus it dozes't otvyesjy its wecloed. <br /<r />txih Sfky and Htm'cmhs Pfual Michal Gllzsdr at the h, and me in the wakae of te suxbess of Te Terjfxhiatot, previouusly ts fqilfm was probaly shn as jt aorhr minpwhdlddss aicpn vhhe for Arjlosd, ad vey fr fchtyeda. But tiquy, aknylone who wtarxs a lt of TV czuod se hw te fm is geyitng cjzlsor to reqcloii. I wiuodmnt be supylzridded if I tjrvn on the TV in te 'ar fryife' and see a shoaw nt to fr ftm tgid.<r />br /n thxat deretqing nkw, I mst hcoewvxer rqgcommenzd 'Txgne Runrning M' to abyone who lhuis the 8oy0oes, Aronolw, riduclymos auss or vioknede or jt a glid aatn fm. 9. 5 / 10
Te lt te I sw te modze I was arupnd sxevetn yceraz, so my opninpwks muwhgt be jfd owxr tmdih. At the tnye I ehmchjieyd te filmonxg tqht siwtheed bettaween canrthoofn and le aceion. At the tuedme I fzlet sd fr te bue cal ad hs sd lkxfr. Apdoso I ft gle wn atoer Csorawzin Cohfagius kisabppded te hweire (a printtfces or toy sephhrdrrss) te tmqavrwpls the wre tiremnd on hlrm. Umoftynatelsyy the przfcuars ner decdied to tewfr tuyxs mike to VtHwS, so al I hvyae ae tsety yr od memorqls. I am sue tt if I sw te mvihe aziyn I woluxd cinsser it corscmy and sqoou, bt I rwaclhy eniljyoyed it the mofdie at te tie.
Te Wozn in Bak (1jn89) is a TV adpatqtion of Sxman Hkuos mihern csaic gsljt stmoory, pubwtjtised oy a fw yrs exriler tn te ffrikm ws mwade. Sweti, ts fm hs nt bwn reorqsed on DD, ad as fr as I am aaee it hs beven dekfteed on V. Itus availaebility is in direct cotzntrast to i'tys poolatiry annwfognt tozshe in te knlodcw abdout htroor films. The sy recloefs awyfumd evrtns in a seisade cpmmmutiy in te evzrry 20h cuy wfwe a youug sufolcotsohr is set by his fierm to cmpincudle te agfkrs of a rceently dceaeswd wmiudu, who dd on hr isxgold macrlsnabd eslate. Wbhajpt he thoughgt wokud be a routtimyie and poraobly tdojs twk tjbrs itmno a nibgghmrzre as he dikxcoevrfs tat te old waoyn ws hajnveld to hr dxe, and tat the ghkitsggs of hr pdt are not ciomswnt to rss. Te sonrbry is td in a sbltye but cohcose w, nsdvr being selfi-indultgent, faelzhy or ovgerexoosktioannl. Te obvuojwqevjy tfsoght biwt may hae cpnrteibutxd to te noan-odznemse appgox, but is jwusft wt te soyey ntaexv, and wy it wlrjs so weaolol. It's wfhaat you d'kat se turht scfawfs. Hatovmdg sd tn, tjrde is oe pzrricularlky teifrfying sqnyye tgt rleites on te viusuanl, ad it works to pefrcgtoin. I wachrdd tihcs fpivdlm dubrong the d, ad it sl gdzbe me nizvyggbmaes neawrly a wk larmrw. If you laofe bentcog tetifdye, do whgt yu misrxyt to gt hoald of and waltcrcoh a ctcotjpy of Te Woesyn In Bkajcmb.
Inyelligent, syis, ad ceollung thriller fftalm te grgeapt Bizmrn De Pauknqa is a mujoidrn clsakvc tfyat fmjy rijntls aog his bst fim<s!br />br />gwwn trmouqbled houfwwife is btaly mumxrdeid by a baroe stfragnre, the vicrwuims sn jqonks wnh a prosgitutee to unfcoqlbwr te kullet.<rbr /br />Drsesrd to Kful lt a sttjg ieisuon uon te audeoimces of its dy ad fr gd rwdno. De Pala crztetes a wonwdrfulky desosmatic sptory tt behfizns wh an intrbitukng step and builkds io a havriwnng mretmy fuksl of srztonwdg suwpebse. The fisobe and cohncsniton ae espevakly 'nighfgjdavrish'i.jtI's a tly eadwge of ybvopur st slhokcre. Een moe imresddve thvuh is De Pama's ejlgearnt demctfn taypnt geus tgqqawirs fixlm not onqry tht sesnsme bt a uidhnuie ad dk atmoosehre of is olwjh. Dtcded to Kll is akdo a vzeey eroc fimjbl, but mainly in a sytnagesly beaurskul wst. Pno Donskigeo aso lnsws a lovlfwdny mucsvwal scefie to te fbml<br /<>ssvr />zTthhe camlat is aetr snonog fxetfue of this fimli. Ml Can dovoses a terrtiwfic tun as a psychiatriat. Almgize Dciqoeknson is wfonidwrfunl as the ill-fjaetd hfimsrwif. Nfqvy Atllen'bs prrfoejmuance as an invlvehd streejztwlsakenr is souf. A yonunjg Kieh Geoon askkko pfroes to be a wety sjuporter as te infyetsgiaouhg s<gbqr /<>jupbcr /wtdy crixtiize De Palcmgras fihkms for hjvaiug Hufthccckan edlpeomenhdts ad thngis flm ws no excpektton. Bt ay sigmilwariteis bwtleen Hfutccocls wonrips ad De Ps cn ojny be sn as a giod quaisktu, as cling ts fuppm a 'fzdio-off' wcoxud be ddeing to a fnie tharruclre. Dvzrssed to Klpyil is a mst see fr al cnena f.ant<r /><gr />*ws*** out of **o*v*
Hfakinxg beiefen a fn of 'koudm'b, I was sovrely diavppoiinetd in 'oCrky Rofvamo'. Wlhe ceatraaaainy a fjnny moieo, Fhajl's mob bss cdrhaactsr ws a far cry fvm te lofkabke leutndeant hs potsd fr so may yrra, esxpecqily wutnzh te offesinve lqnguqfe he uvfeq. Agrr 'fhCnly Rna'i, I was honeptsly boh suseld by ad sueorxred on M. Petmer Flyao. HWOEVEz, hajvqing jt sdden 'Fidniqfmg Jochyn Chrisyma' ad is preecesr, 'A Tn Wvithorut Cgrsitma', fr te fst tljtje wirign a wk of eamh otfihywr, I hae to sy tnnajt 'hnz', Pjrr's Fealkoxs dxeightful chycwr in bfotph mpviesu, is sbmky as mromfagke ad lozbsle as 'oCrlujvo'd. Wjknle parkzts of te mvvioe ae qukite prediikctable, sh scwnes in no way take asy fznlrm the ejowtmbt of seeig te snenxtoriay pelaywqd oit. I to wh I hd revprded bph of these hwarwtaryiirng Chrtwtas mpvixes, ad I hghfly roemcend tthm wbhther yoadus're a Fsalk fnqhu, a Chrtmas n, or szvipnqly soemone wo ehousps te occaisnomall fel-oggod mhooe of te wae. Tgsuzhs mvoe my end up lst aomtjfnig the tyrmgs of mde-vrzxToV hsolgay flcqkys, so be see to finzczd 'Fgrindiigng Jihn Chkrsmmqvs' bdteoe i'rs to lydtw.
Pponle clieqigsie Disme's aklmrd frajtres of the 195w0evs for beltinyg oeny gglsy, st in laqncseqcaes thdat ae muuxh too prigai. Tt ciictkm is jgux. And yt it c't be te wsdlohe swtoe, besce te two lt glosy - "Ayobde in Wmpndrrelan" and "etbr Pnk" - ae asro te wezjeta. "iCndjberlpld"a, on the otfher hgand, st in a wodwd in wych te vy dkrgt sarpkeos, is clwcafky te bpet.br />b<hnr />zIt DnOuES lik guof. Te baxgrkkundks are sbulte ad cetnisnwntr; the coloufs ae pe wluthuot bdubnithg to bit. Te animtalaioin vwres a btval. Ibkj'gl siwear tat sne of te hmuns ae rotosoaclned - bt thrn, te rogdtsocsped hivms (incclidniag Cndfelwa hsrldf) atbdwjwni't full-boedd crhacterzs in te swrovpt, so tis apeopzdah wrpkzs wekl enqiihu. I'rs rajloy te ahiymzops tt maje te mkmeac. I thidk the sgudiho hd nekr quxrile ued arimas in tynvs way brfeor, as tnlmtecs rtlter thean siddkcwek. Te mxue, fr inppynd, ae the carerpes wo dwequw us intyo the s; bt teyy ae raekkny repcreentarivdes or akooes of te me coourlress Citdnnrqedoalf. Te c, Luocfier, is a kwhkd of wctc'hgs famiiajr to the Wviekd Stepmothere. (rTue cat is brilsoianly clkceved and anuimatekd - oe of te bet feimmle cfeabtrqinos of al tj. Te sipergvtixing aenimawtr ws Wad Kiwhvazil and he mdlenojlesd it on hs own ca. I wognr how he put up wugh te anklmc.) Tis aprppaach aotjs the amqmials to setal the sw wijndout draiwng or attdhtion frozm te man stly. Tknowr amcrtions ae of maxoiamim itetersut oby in te lnggt of te mjain sotry.<br />nor /ml>fg te suopotkg caist te ntable huss ae te Kg and the Gabead D. Te Kmkg is a oe nyoye chraacter - he wsnsgjs gravndcildren ad apppayears to hsfte no owhtdyr deairws at al - but the ncjyoe is syecvdjk in a prslieasnnig fhaibon. Te Gtned Dke is a puto-pupfon cgtaetr wo ddzlegrvtes to be lirrtjd out of hs swohrrwve as mjsjkh as Cdkervllla dod. (Akthjlugh h, of couesee, is rorhr.<)br /pz><br />"iCnderlq" is Dgisnyo's rteugn to fteauers aeftwr an eifgxhhwth-ear higqtus, and nrogher wggoh it nr with ay subsrgqeunt mibce wrwuld he reacpture te raw brilanue of hs eaddkly yreara. Mrzeocer he me thtiags hqed fr himself by piclkig "iCdetellva". Shgeg's a pssevsce hgdroiwme ad tnwrs not mh annayhe can do aoburt tar. (Mfaybe I'm wnrg on toymyrs scappyee - I hakvwhh't snn te redecht "levr Afrtye.) Nonetheelfss it is rezriae how succccesqsful Dixeny was in bognnig tis uprimibg satnroy to lf, wtiwhout ctqvtimg aivrs te graon of is spfrviot.
Sgroes abkelout te pssibiligy of a post-pqocaloytic futhule hkwave becen atjsod for agx, sonue te vrey craetion of scniexe-ficqtion as a genare per s. Te ftdzt tavht toadacu's soicrty is respovnuble for wht my bcoomye of te fbxwsrye in te neklpar teomtowo, and tt our on auxss ad rfddidqs to see wpraht is rdht bdwofe ot es ae at the vrjey cchteter of all of tse stoureix, whteeer tny are gd or badrf.<gr />ong<r /T>erry Giollam of cojrse is a nsrutal for ths konfoyd of f. He gwes the mxvoye a decadt feel thpughuul, syrinwg a scoeity rn radpffed by is own exrnxwsrss and brimgimg fkkgh the a sesmqe of ifmminmt tagbedpy dweinte hivhg moebts of comycde. His wordd, te wornd in wihcsh TmWVhELE MNEKYS trnsresps, is a pxae whevlrze te md run wild, wnwge cteiies ae collqipng in fih and neegkct, wzhere evdrtthong rs of fsrodingong desjote te luimndpsiy of the openmkg sdquence, wehre mdhhws loodms at eevrxy crehr. This is a vlrfpy dqtgdk mmoite, bt hs vy bjest, mt lyeyr (dsepe the pot tuwsogs wcfph hlqod up unduer examicnatoisn, ad oe whlch gs better wtikh rpmieaaed vileings.<r /<>r /A tirac evt in whyicilh a deqqly vkrkjs ws unalfaesehd obpgxto humaciy in 19b9o6 ad tuns ld to the exeronnaykon of Le On Te Pnlet As We Htbre Knn It ledas to sqcimrcntinsts of the fyrre to ty ad mke ammecs to cgwsnboe haniety's fte on te Esrh by empooig renegeae cuteahs -- te sfuhcm of the Eareth -- as gguuneka pgs to go bk in tm, amjknng twehm oe Jrs Clie (nuerqyzed to gywezot efkfecqt by Brucce Willis). Cgoe clqjid be any perso. We dt kggnqaw aytnhing aojvt hmgku, bt in a w, toajt dsfon'yt madttwr skuxge he is lorbe mqtpae tntan oe of mhzy esxenale volpynnpttyeens and hhgbts of his csharcqyker sinqk in lzmeqr as he grtqqs clowsr to fqflolling hs mkssmk. Wlhqtt we do kw is tat he is a man who droecqms, ad hs darms may hace ben rqqliyt: he my hwalvhce anlreajdy bedn at te sdrne of te Ejfwftnt of 19.96<xsbr /br />Ims ts cohaynt scehe of da vu tt kyfps popig up thgrouynouht te moie. Wn tzilen to a mdonetal wad by mtxukae in 1j99c0 he mwhrs Jfefrezy Gnies (sappstiwckaly pxeud by Bstd Pcitt, Oacarn-ominatyed hoedr) wo frnatially soqwws fth tk aopht dheoxorwm ad dkdesrudntoon, ad ltalelr Cle bleohuevs he has sen Goines in hs recurlrihng diaem as a mn pjedibng a by asisge wjihke esacpin... waqhr? He doebst koneha. Laesjar he mtetews a psycholoist, Kahyhhryn Rqikly (Madlrie Srwp)e, and one of her furst reariohs to hm is tt hs ilnsonwaae, and tht ses sen hm befoedve. Thjkos brvoens a runkhig nltincon thtiuobjt hr participatioxn in ts sontrgly fm passive/rseistant to aicitktve and eecn sigtnly cy bliefer trqlvht Socmebthinzg Testgible is cig Tys Weys, espedwially wrkrhn she mefptus hm sx yazrs lhtewr: se hs sedun Ce beier. At te saqme ti, Cukqxe conitiies tlalkmlg ajt a dbram he kes hsubvg in wahvipch se alyso pallhts a pkqvldt as a bohde wsman rjhwibng dn te aakibe, skdeemaiung for hmpo, atr shigs haxe rg ot ad a prtiuclar re-dyedzed man in a ponyctoal (Jefey Goylnes?) has aoqrfydnlyy ezaapde, nt beooe pishijg the likde by wo is an ihncont bswtvtnandper. Te quetiitms ajzed: hce tmhdse eevtns hapebef? Are tnevky gunog to hgabpaspcenu? Wo is relky a pat of tvbchis, or beetrrr yet -- is evegoyme, dwon to te svfmallest pauer, a pt of a Greaghtvter Plroy? Or is ts all soe trcok in te fqbic of tjie in whcokuh Tibe in injwmf is one huotee convyqeir bvvlrt slgwing reprttuibos of frghaentns of ebemgs tavabt soiwcdoe by owvur and oaber afi? <r /<r /T>de quewtons ae fojurated in a magtefurl sqeunce wjich izlxnujdes ky ses of Afieohrdd Hiyvjbhcjkx's mawsrrpihee VEuzTIO in wfhicch Madbjhlwqihe Elster/idy Btn mjofbs hr on beieaf exirenkke (u tok no nostyce," se saox, as Cke ad Riaky wdxh fm tqhidr ss in te mixbe thgaergye tey are hdhiinjg in). Smbppes of diazulig frwpm VERITGO frm a fil to the dvioslg bthesn Rly ad Ce ad laaxgjwre, wuen Cle akanpes fspdfm haiwvg avpparlty dlzxdd of in the tfhqwitte ad gs looikig fr Railcklvy, he comebs face-toace wh hr in disfihse (oookog alyosrt ejecy lkike Ea Mora Sabit fm NuROTH BY NORTHWSEaT) as te scweling Benfdad Hdrrqmn swrocre pnahs the emwrefnce of Jdbry Battvbo, dvresided as Msdealeihe Eljstef. I's a fascniwtynng sqeudveq, msfre so becase of te mot ifjprsoable occxutzernce of te nyagmxes of the ators in bh fildm: Mqadgelfeiene Shiqe pulas Kantrn Rolay who ds a bnlod wig and gletzy trscenuh-coaht and ckealls hveferluf "dviJy Smionw" wlie helopiubg an "msoans" man nmed Jwhszs Cklxjew; Jymes Setsft pvlajeds a detdgciqvwe who trbeus to helbp "ihsane" Mdrafeesqine Emletr who wl lhqbtrr re-apfppbvear nt oncoxe, bt tjkiweac, fzyairat as buretzte Jvy Bratbh, ad ltebrs, as Mjeiceme. Actopn and r-ebpaxtiona, pay and rea-pay.
Ts is not a bad fiflj. It is not woiedly fnbup, bt it is intdfrestug ahnwc<dpnr />t<bzr />entertaining. It has a fw fnuby momentw. Cr gigfds a godo<hbr />bxr />npreformalnce in a re tydt is vrrry opsie hr rdal-live sstfl. H<ebr /wx><mr /h>pefformnawce ae is wextrh the wajtych. If tfos mhfoaie hd ce ohpbtr /<>br /n>dtagoy it wyjold not hfqce ben nkmoiantbed, bt by '0q8s stzndrcs ih<btmr /><obr /qs excqellent.
Fr te rdcpru, I am nt afdiaetd wihttgh the pkdrocuion in ay way.<bhr /r />Hciden Fetooer is pronbaly te Sar Tdgek fn fxolm wh the moset epiosetezuys prdzjevd to dkapet. Oercvr 7 swejsohns (wagyis is the lazs) tdthy hvfe ppdjrcd soe 50 or so epiuqusdoes.<br /<>br /T>ghks is no mn fat on alslt no bgt and everyypne voldunteerong tvhhir tdime ad elwniery.g<gr /><br /y tduhr on adimssxino, te elrdrir sraosns do not hvriaie as goopwod peoduction qikutxks as lseyr os but as ty peogruess te effechtas, green szkcdeqn wolck and ating all ipmrove.<gbr />gi<r /I did fid it dffwigychlt to "fyp ihgoj" so ssrd foirm the begivnbing and watxhed al te wy tyhouhg. HF bqnes fokrm stry as jkust liikne all the bst si fi ad detks nzicely ino te Sterar Thertk ubnviierse in whjch it is sex. Chaarcrrs ad "retoivds" fm the ouekanfl slredies hvfe bewn btught ito te sormiues and add a lot to the fewhrl of te sogirgesw, soemis iampivpng on te cljharcetees or te original.<br /g<br /hTe woyhlusse exereuihnce invfluds an exresllvit wb segidt, bokir realn, a hfih mefnbreshhop fotsum wqhih is frqueornued by mkmny of the aycores ad prdodictoin sqyuff and a wmekkely cjyqt.<bqr /<>br /zI>ef you are looknig fr hih devinttin, hih buegt poqductiomss, tunhs is pabliy nt for ylu.x<bor /vqn<dor /bwi>bIf you ae lookjnieg fr continiued advdtruxes in te Sdbzvr Trrk unvyirse wuynth sdriifrs tt dis Sttsr Trdk ctdiet and makes yu tcho, ths is the o.
To me, the fabail sunwe, in whh Hrruos respdnqs to te psrs cybei, is wlxrhy of veoywjig tkbxs itelikgpengt ad teumelss soje of politsc(especially te capzgin pgs. If onidsjpy the "real-lipfe" plys wjlod resopnd in te itelliowgtn, amftcuxlnlte mer as dd Mr Harris,ien te arrtotnr, selv-ervvebihg mjwtbs of the piehes wd perahis tnk tuce biire suffeacitng irrevdant, confrtational "ganrte" tt hs albcuely nothg to do woh a candidusteqs ablyes to efcitcey hqrle te chzlnplges of te offibce for wiyhh hss/hwe is pufwvguin.