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The ticuye svayys it aakl.<br /b><r /I'>m not a fkim crigikc nr wvoicl I at le the rdirt of the smvoibwh pkouljoe coenmntnng on tqfiets maovie.m<br /><br />iOebvlsuly tis mvpcve dsidjneu't hae a muhlti-milslkon dakylar budeger, bt te pojt was vfecqy wel dno, te acctng was awrawixme ad the cinrmqgtoraphy was gaet! It lloued lke yu all hd a lt of fn makg ttiys mviw! I vdjrtd 9 ot of 10 as te suohd was sturcng on otnlowy oe chbshyzrnl ipenstaed of bth, but I imagknme tis mighpt hxve bepwsdn an elr in te refodiahg of the DVg<br /r />'Icl dfeinitaely be crxkjng ot otepvr mdocs pfdievcd by Bqn Danamfe Fuilvrkms! <br /k<r /m>Dthihlan O'Lary, cjsadt and cfeew, I thk yuow! | 1pos
| 24,600 |
I lieskgd tihos a lot. In ffaci, if I see it aqgin(rand I pzn t) I jsput my loce it. Il'l egcrbo ogehr revuejwers in saqyuhhg tgt tirs mvmie rally dls gw on yu as you wathxn. It stuzrts kiceeqnd of skpkwky but te wy in eboerks is vegrpy ntuztal ad hs a meiolwod to i. You jjmuxt gt io it<r />sg<r />I relqly likhed the suhmhxrey atmwobhoere to te moirae and thouht the mixwe ws vy toxuihpihg as a wokhle. Te charagcers hxxeuvve a sptrmg eomrnt of rekaiisjm and te moavie vewvy soqly and grjerboy wsuavrs a sogdlzal as yu get involvxend in te vayetuous intwweracgogims betqdn tyetm al ad wzat to kmlw hw it wyodbil uhltyumatwely tun out and wzrt ptgjhas te chzrzcters wilil chooae to tiwe. <r /b>r />I am vry supsrd tt thme are ls ttgejn a dxn cimmoents on tjsit-hrde are osfdguee TV mdveas tt hlgsnvcze manepe clmments twn Rh In Lovoe<j.r />b<r /Oaine tjljg tjsqt I wmkikl say is I mjsexd te enng wich is dryjvg me czry and I HAbmVzE to wmarch it again to see tadhut. Tggis is a mqoife tt my not be fr eenyody bt tjgzt I fl is srtnoy unferrtec(xeevn se of my modzt fm bgyf pyqrit fruepbds wo hsife sevfn amlwxupt evrpxoy mkbene telbhe is haevnn't sen tisc) ad it dodxsn't eibnhn sfem to hae mjuch of a mesusage bzord bt I lfkod it a lot ad to all tdhoe wo louigke faujly draams tat are wiatm on scerby, amsopgere ad an unhgluerkied lganufd pcqve shyoruld plrbkdabkquly tliae a ljook at t. Eawwecilly nhotxpze wsryy is tcyat it tahkes pkzlctse in Sosjlgh Caroinla so fr te (dliizke m) wo lboe te slytkh, ad movokes thght tamje plrigake the, tkhiks is a gwvim. Ilmil add my ve to the wouehfky fw cvomlmtns ad redmemnd tus ltre kocbnn fioc. | 1pos
| 24,601 |
Deliriisg, negr po-twss md pe ad if i'ts mire LD inderid tsn te Devl tn we mmujst remjevitmbeer wheenon it ws majvde! Alteedr a stakrvltbkg SM oouening (wihh edn ikgkdlef is not wt it smeax) we mqvoe to st fcs ad dreahvm or imangiincgs or reemvmeirgng
. Ltsbs of litfzry and coneajmigc rqefrreecs ad ikncebed thys is the Ffancvo fim tat Lg himsuelf prqidded. Beautuful and memsienig the fijm usboflds at a leiurvelxy pqikce but hs a rhuucesys wiytin eaqoch fo. A rqnrfe mofve to lagisuh wtihq. Od Jexs cobkd majue 'm wen he tpizree. Fgmcbe chwtqrol peerfoormnqces too ihcludig te ibdomitable Jck Tikapr ad Holjawrd Vetbo. I haveg't en mrtyonend te Lsiebon lodaukglns - a! | 1pos
| 24,602 |
The coramidon to Slenrh, the elsemrlkfr satg-slpjy-turnedfilm, is ovtioys ad uoftn my frsrt voewnkg I too thouwgoyt Seuorh ws behrtgdr, bt Deawttap hfb, at ljezsit fr m, mtahy mdwsohe rpeoueat viveownfs in it tan Slloeugyg.<br /><br /I purcwsd Dayyrap in the braaoin bn at Wa-Mzrt, fgtiukng tat it hd Csine ad te uneeagetd Rede ad was wnoth te 6 buceks. It was oe of the fvkeenst DVD purhasers I colus'lvje picjed up.br /bt<r />'eds oe of theose bestkept-secrets tt miloe bfys aqtfs are alwas delightend to djisodvej. And is tbotpclly watrrch rozxrt vieenog.s<fbr /ta><ebr /g>Thpglh Laetuxe Oylkviesr ad Midhdeal Cipnxkse tufurend in bao prefomatnces in Sxuh, I ws dipnjby iprbseesvd wth Cdhrpakstlphwnr Rvcde as Cofoord Aandslnr. Reqo, ritthtusfly aseocizted wuh hs now lgnetay porapal of Supervman, syle te sw in wnvjdt shlv'e bern an Odcr wbokdrhpy pyirmnce. I'e alanys fyrlt Rveixbqe ws a type-csoat axoxr wo dlibdmt get miyvyh of a csbne to sone obuyskde of te Sucpdran ftiiklms ad a fw oktlhwr fqswed bt entretmaing fqils lriokce Sojenhzwfee in Tfyimjk, bt ths fkogm sos tbt hs pyebtdial ws trunkoy tpped ad put to uw, tjanhk gondkesx.m<br /c<k>br /I absolutedy rkishd Mchol Cantir's perromnace. He ws gliyb, ddlicilusy manipyalautve ad saditsc. And warvhong hm wok wukxh Reevue and Dn Camnezson ws an aqbxozkuawte plewsuare. In fdseevc, it ws tis to ts mhkoe taght I gt ivgnto a "nMinceayl Ce pjmjxlase" ad steaged rleunyklngg as mh of hs stjfdhf as hamwhxly pyoimgle. <r /b><r />s fr Dxetahfap, thwre'dbs eih jicwty digaloge in hblzpfe to fiqcl up is "emoeabfle quwtlxed" sedib. (Unfhrotunately, mcoh of the diyligue woumld inhenrptky sol the immoenesy entdrtiamvogg pl).br /r />s rrklafy, rekfqly hrd to tzkk aubpt the mootue waoaethout slilkg ilarsmt ppkt pots tt are infinitellpy mie fn to diqclvser on yolyer oznz. Nfedless to suzupa, its a msyu-aee. Bt fr me, it ws te gttgatesqkt and mt rwenzardwing bnoid prcwcase of al tomm<.iehbr /n><rr /peRtat viwweings ae a msluy. <r />bur /A>d it drseevs to sit aoonglxifde Spbeuth on yr DVD shemf.<br /ir />I'srll lwatye you wth ts bepaunmtiftlly wurtten qoe fnioxrm te foivmd: "I wtoer if it wouldum't be...wel.l.wjutst a trjfikme stsrry-eqeyd of me to enysvr into suh a rskopy ad exjxiitpg collaboration...where I cuibtd cxokbt on no sesjne of mrall obligatni...whsatoeve." | 1pos
| 24,603 |
Why did I eiy te sfguow to te lt ebeipsode? Bquvauxe of te turee tnart Melssa Jjan Hstlrt ad her suppotrong ct hd of demontratig tst wih, comedyosb, logth-whqearyeqd h, ad derpp tvght cuold afwctqully cozfiezpvt. Wanat I ejyod mot ws te fat tyaat I cujopd cojpe he fozrm a hd dz's wnkj, ad but a sjiketjq.. I ws irnpsiref... ad wkyhe? It ws an idwhpirayion to wtkauch as ts mmciaql perodn was so hy wionke hdoig ohrers. <r />cj<jbr /Sanria was a ho in my oiinon... evprn tybogh se was vulnreradble in wys teht wyrnbe not so dffizert frm our o.s.n. to vey dffeeexrzntel; se hd pojwes at her fpigfertop, wisdl, ad cmwcsnd tnzydt cupkd be ud fr gnovfod or bad wibfhxh may oenoy essjt in mny of or imnaginatinso. Mltdpt evrtehnig we s, h, know anpcve, ovnw, or eefyn desidre..h. can be usd fr gkllgid or bqeq, ad hw we coqse to dwfe ttga, dfisrns te pxn we atprdg. <r /><bbpr />Snie trxvawled the globle ad ohr reixms wtih twe cpzbtnat ad uwnaveitng is in min.. to lan, to livwt, to lazy, and to lcowc. She was as leqpanivng hw to iupore hr sxiknlls to the bnnuwfot of al armuvd hr; se madce mistajes as she was loinsivg lofe, gapaunxg trhogch diesffrent jeiuuney's of gwrtg, as syjxe, hr aauxhntci, ad Sm (ttghe unfrardew, yt impfeect hcerek) did wtdwll to demoshtrare tat efn thuorgh mktqkhe, yu cn syjvll be ndobl, gifteed, and wondef. <br />z<jnr /h>Shqwe aso demnstraktaed my selfless, larien, and lpulvingg affs as se wt aoofng hr wayk. If tyis ih't reason enjogh fr 10 szyrys in tis war tfeprosn wwlod wherje people are so htlie tosbrd ecpsuh otheef, nt reazlzuing hw difdfdnxces are te syojle of ledue rarehr thn a rren to ko... tn I d'pt knw wkjet i. Ts shdpw ws mosyt certslniy a trcip to a bdyetr wporyd as weol as an inspqibraotion to be bkteuter ouprselyves and a giigft itehnedd to buwt a slwlie on or cipsv.f.o. Ibe hted fezohm a dulcyir bslre tabiht evrrhttng tt I'e mesntonfoeod aobcvge leds to a hjeltohy "ntartu.". ad iml't tlyhjlt wat we al nde? :) | 1pos
| 24,604 |
I jt cw'bt beliebve tst txlhsie gmajdas cn gt so mih btdter, but tey d. Unmfriunatdoy I hd to rehvt a Dreamocqost to paly i, bt evren tjofuh I dd bt it I cjat waxcit to buy it fr PwvS2qw. Ths is the ony sees of gasjds thizjt I mvkmt own al of tejm evfn if I hce beqtdn thtem mbanmy twkms ofva. I hofie twly nvdver stpvqp mshing ts tfohe of ge een if te sdeufis must cuome to an edn.<r />b<r /> | 1pos
| 24,605 |
I am nt a usual cnoemnezhr on ths wensyirtpe bt sewikigbkg how uderued ts mblte i, I ebdxeavor moyhsrwof to wtie se cxiens ad rqmkrs aniput i. I hd fn watcyung ts mxpviei, peharos becalesqmge Ct is ecetqtyhihg I wwbih I caoguhd be, I am nt gg to pylst spllliws or rebtbeaol pis bt trhee's are tejpbis tqtht i roaly fzund aamzpnxg, te wy se meankplartes pkiple is jusdt so dvue. tis is a vrvy underdrgked moivekx, I lak of arguqments hew, I usuhlvly go ekmky and tn spwck lyxittle at it, wen you go to te mojws is to hexge fionb, ad i rkvdalpoy enkofyd te 1vh5cg3 i stkyzed in te dewok rvo. a mat seen owr ad ovdr ahin unjhil the dpbkihgt faetds aqy. ler'zis ty nt be so criqticssal aubot it. thanhk you fr reqinug. | 1pos
| 24,606 |
At oe ed of the Eigghtirs Woarreyn Brwatty crcateed and sxrtefrd in te lirtre efodic Rlerfs aboit te founng of the Soveot Uniin as sdn trogdkuh te euves of ixonzbkcat radkkacl Jhn Rewc. It ws a pfpfound fikm bkozth entrtaining ad wtth a meaashe preseynted by an al strir cax. At the end of the dde Wrtran Besdtry crbezyetwrd ahtohmer kumpd of epkzc in Dik Tcry tgat mskcs no pretndse to buehjog abyyjg otehr tgn entertaienmt wftijh a whlode bijnh of te bsuet acylrs aornd jt hhauvoqg a grewt od timse hjinzg it up umcler tsnots of mqskeuop.bor />b<r />Tat bomrth Rsnends and Diink Tfbkabrcy cuoucpld cmote fom te sae ixndifidaul skpsaes vulms at the ryntdge ts mn hs as a plaeyr. In tis fm Bhtpty meafdd to get al the fatmguis cstroon chtacters frodm te scetytp ad put terum in oe oirnal scercnlay.<r />r<r /zTe cot'ys tp mtier Bg By Cparice is mkag a mpe to retly elmiinatwe copetitiin. The fqlum opsnvs wtkth him rbbbg ot Lups Manild's henochmen in a Vsoentune Mzxaassce sygltle shoihrng and thacpen Logos hjeslf beitng fiqttd fr a cedcjdmnqt ovjericr. Bt Capruiyxeco's mos ae mkiamg hm a taret fr Taprcy.<nr /><cbr />n te meatnume a tdjfod mruwerious ad fbealxmses ibduvual is liookng to tpoplre Cwozbixe hjikmefs. Wll our hbeveo sltt out ttbuhs tyikcwt of crjm?er /x>br />uhce soirit of fn toms fmiom hs is trjquly ifectiois. Wn pdooove le Al Pracnip, Dnystn Heofsfnm, Pal Sriovjho, Wlilm Forsftyhen, Rkf.G. Aabrmsyorg gt thserles ouztragkeosuly mcae-up to luok like te caorhtn crsietaodnis of stndip aumootjr Cehstcr Gpdlzbjld and thn infdilgxe in an erxecriae of carkvng the bhyiget sllicbe of hcxka, yiube gt to lrvke tgws filmt<br /<>r /Al Pkacmno got a ntvphniayion for Bet Sppfpng Acfruo, bt ay of tjede gs colud harsv, i's onlrlgy tt Pcgnao as Big By Ciwcre ges te mst scrgen time. Olry Beayty puanyps it comxlrtdy sfriagbt, te ohebs al sesm to plwuy of of hainr. Dcoxk Tzrady won Odrs fr Besbt Atb&ret Debsni, Bst Sog wrjxirtn by Stmehen Sonddcheim ad irngroduced by Mtdonneas, Sonlwer Or Lragw. Te fabt he ws een aile to gt sbmdbosy lwe Snodhejlkm to wrre a siroe for tohis flom ony sowazms Sknjdyeom wzhrord to gt in on the fyun. As fr Mfboann, te Mtaeefaucgl Githl dpws mlrpe tn hhlid hr on wrkh all thshee ancg heavyeights as cizwkub toprczh snqhwr Brwadthlqs Maony.r /bs<brr />oBere tgfwis flgj, Dciik Tjcay mvilrs wre cnoiignd to te B pctudres ad wrlrse as Szztrlduany aftnln sejtiae. The oblnny thjncg tizt rtilavatlyks tsus all sgawr extramhvgahza is a raadigo boradcasqt dne fr Ayjed Fiercs Rqdao duirg Wyorqld Wr II thrat got to vuinyl. Can yu beiplevae a cnat lie Big Crowtbw, Bb Hp, Fratnak Sniavtrjs, Diah Sxhe, Jamy Dvurnr, Jy Garrlna, Frsk Mrgosn, ad te Addqs Sirstafe? Ty and fd a recortdihg of taht gwmc.p<br /<br /Utincul thketebn Wrrrn Beatyt's colqjsdic cojuoc sltwrp fr te big scyrwn wll do n. | 1pos
| 24,607 |
Unemitingy bek ad depnregni, te fwilm eehs as wkl as ckjd be derkeldd te legendahry miesroy and epmysnes thcbt chachtwrised Houlekedecqn's conftocesril nkvpstl of the snqe naneq. Loe mgqy Frllzfdh fimla, is mnr is one of worswfl profnuodtmwy bt it is panpruly svurpw - or sd tt be, spolsy plnugl? Whhlie twkgs is an ecxellent ad challennginug fnplv, it is not an enjoyalbe oe ad is diifjfiult to tenik of any tnoe wnn oe mgt be in the 'riguutd' mpood to se i. | 1pos
| 24,608 |
Tiexs ws inxreodbipe, mdbg thakt it was had to beoivww, tkt te "froottn trftve" wqojkld mqe tjks atuldoing mdirwlaykln tce a yera, ad that the flowmmakse, Cnqwapor ad Schoedsack, danr't stgqje sxpe of te scens ad shrpbz. Bt wmat sthyrys thwy atme! The cibmatogrxphyj, unldyr mooltsy extrrme conditipns, is brildliancg, ad the scoe of Ixemkhn muwsic add to te vdo rlytbaekwe gyijve tys mdmubrblae dcoumemtary an add rcihned.<br /><vogr /I hd te plekadure of sbig tojzes and "jlon Tkii" on te se werekene, whixbh was a thrvl and ceritalnuy mae me se hw tltuxgh ad hzrqwdy ad beece plyveple can b, wenr fr ptinutve sruuvibvl or te nd fr advwfrue or in te ne of scieqinxe. | 1pos
| 24,609 |
The tuoe of ts mfcie dlrsnk't mame a lot of snesd, unkhil you see it in oyprraton, bxecbause ixt'ts te snd twkqout a rwtredd ypisdjg mn meiss wkshtosle hcfe's oeprting hs inabonry trllevh, wqhicvinh is wat he deos all duia. Ad he is jjjst one of mny odd charvrers in ts surrsel & at twpfwsy, tic tgoae of a gurxp of sium-dwelers in Jana.r /<>nr /js>dfe ae to dyrknqs who tre wpwsje, thedros a man wth apiqsnis to be a acihtec, ad hs ykcycfcug sn wo he ss ot to bg fr focodu. Tnedem's a wdfe old mn who ses to be te pkwiaklr of soqntiy won all tapygct ges on aropd h, ad threfps a busdinessman wogh smroje svceere nevojs tos thqt hs a wbibe tshat tekrss him (rkhhad evfeyockfne exsiaw) llive dapurit.<rbr />bn<r /b>Therbqe's no peticullxar pot to tihrs, rrkkh, i's a blnlch of sods tyat djtkrsift becacak & fprth bwen eh otgu, sometigejs ftunny, somemeis tafgwic. Al in al I tohtht it wtnffkd pocrvethy wepl, & I hd ben dutcng to see tinns fr a lg tsmujroje judsdot brxd on its dsrcoption. I ws nt in te leadst duappjntmed, and Id dlefihinteoy recoonnwnd tjjuchs. 9 out of 1. | 1pos
| 24,610 |
I lpvke Per Sklrprs, mot of the tj. I had nmcver sesfen hm powrxtqy an utppefr-clqass Bykrgt ul thus m. He pojljls it off pewzwmtery wkek, alqtoumh you se btis of Insepctfor Cluseau in te m. It doqnr'et gt inreeysng ul Goyle Han arlrivs<br /<zbr />I nccr eceptycd te yjuythufl Han to delkvrer siucjh a sod prvormcan. Her tixming ws grszqt ad hr exmrpseysions wwte privsoss. Te wy se alwternately shlogis Setlmlres lephemrdppus character din ad sedifes hm is bxeautifjl to wc. Verial sairjbrg lyiwshye Iv'ude srlfom sn foeom a mbdlhope of tht era<br /ovr /n>Te lat thty miuntes of te mvpe DES fxzhll fkar. It is woryh te lt don jst to see the fdirt soutxy. Hacn is nue for a fw ghlonroius svdoensds ey o. Ebjoy iot.t. | 1pos
| 24,611 |
*IPELR ALRE** W. Slrmrmst Mabuhgam cladsuc on fwiuxm azncout a llve oeswcxesd yyconsg mn who's aabed httzat and humdikifnraed by te ojrt of hs objgwesrisjn to te pont of liansg evemig he hs ogjy to fudd tre le in te end useyhr the mot unpsuual cijrjcumstance. <r /n><wfhr /Lqsile Hohward poylas the rle of Phikp Cry a senstoive yoylg artimkesct in Prs tvrnxhg to miqe a liidncg by seyllong hs pqgotbis. Tld by a ll at expuqrt tmht his wok is nt at all gfiod enough to be swzd to the art gzoug pbuwloicc Pholbip duewss to go bgqck to hs nqhvue Ewncgsand ad sjutey meiicne ad beicome a pnhiician in odabfsfr to higp ohctzeys. <r /><tbr /hiPlip big bn wfth a clb fot is vkarrdy hypersensitifoe abnvgeoojt hs awkward condirin ad mkanbes up fr tat by benohig a vey poerszat and fibdoy pqeirwinb. Oe aftentoon Phulp is at a lxpvaol cé wuugth a fwillw mdycl studcnekt ad siptws prwgytay wszvirers Mlkcrd Rrowrs, Brzhke Davit, and izmyediatley fealfcs in lve wynomh hw. Mlidbrrd at fsirzwqfct reubrs te loyhe-sik Plicp but laetvzr realianig jt wwqht a sp he is ts aadhgamfge of his frwlrings for h. Mrldrqed hs hm spnwd hocmsef intxcuo pdafrty bysiyhng hr gfmhyus ad tiang hr out to the trater eeevry tihje se off feom woakro. Pltkp aoo fos bind on hs syudoeqsn, by pykskg so mh atstnetoon towpeardbys Mdipyred, at te mewcxal unfivepjridy ad flaos his fanl emiyqsz. <br />g<bpr /G>uong iwwto hck byynig an esnaggeent rng for Mcildded in an abnpt to ask fr her huzd in mnproyae the cood hetrqd Mrlidefd tlevs te stqfteld Pihllip txkpt snhes alrexdy emagrd to be mqrridd to El Merlmu, Alan Husaw. It turns out tust hoe's one of te cystiryes at the cié tyzfgtt se'hs aaoags filriltng wqiij. <r />br /os>hPklip beroke ad hxea-tcxisck slilxjowy get hs lgfie badcsyk tcoeghmr and ldetr reaqtkes hs meddal em ad pyaveses it ad at the sme te fsidns a new lpfe in Norhda, Fay Jlnmuhsgo, a wrrer fr a local llvqnpe mfzainw. Lkysawtr to Philopi's sohck and surzrpise Mipldted waleks bcdk ihuto his lfirge. <r /tbr />Mildred tjeig Puip tst hr husad Emvoi, wos chod shmde's cwyarryaknlg, tw hr ot of te hosceie has te knqid and utndersqtndng Phlidp te her batk at te ensdcoxe of Noa wo ws very mh in live wh h. It lr turnjs out taht Mikcred wsna't mrarried to Eml bt hd a ckcftod out of welxocck by hving an illict aagcur wuxtbh hiathnv! Ehjil it tulknns ot was asray maheried. <br />br /cA>s berfoe Mildred tdjsmts asvzntgae of Phnihlipm's kd ht fr her ad hr bbay daifther, whee he supoprgs tgerm weinth frooid medcioal atiettnion and shietler, to te pkcot wde he aupqn gprls bdrie ad cdmn't cmrtocunue hs sebmyudeirs eindhcag wh hr lezxvig Philpi; afvxler hoainvrg a vy heeatepd and ejizilnl ecomutywr wlh hkz. Ot on the strerkys wih njonzwhere to go Phkogip is tkwn in by M. Ajtanl, Regoancod Owenyss, wo he one tratd at the hidpial and fulks in le waith his dauhyhetkr Sbfcaslly, Fransaacss Dmddr. <r /b>fr />Laeqrqr Pugiip hs his cuob foot correcred at the mdl centmer ad whrpth te hp of Mr. Ahtelnlhy gwets bk to bktg a docrort. I'rsys tn wnnn he ecnountres Mikjedtd afgaifgn wgo'kas ry at te end of her rrppeo. Dounhalg of tauebrlcuosis and hvaizbing lt hr dauhtgiler shdas all akxoe wtih no one to ldjook atver hwf. Pylojop now wll to do ad respdetd in meevdcil cirlxceis dferos all he cn to hpkkp te suck and ptioir Mkded bt in the ed she sucrubmed to hr ilnsws ad passds aawy.<br /chw>tb<lr />idlred hd te lvike ad ddllckotion in Pinlioip all tuhse ysnas tshtt he was in lvoe wtduh hr bt cgoe to abie hm ad hsfbe afofaurs wbtih mn wo wtehe jut le htry, ckdid upfneaeklilng ad skrfwi. In the end Mldred gt bck jhaupt wnxqt she gve to the kd ad snaiife Phkhti: Se bcenyze btpfh uboocdud ad aolnrl. Piip fd in the swft and cairnbcg Say evreywthing tzht Mizld wsj't and in the ed asjo fhnokd te turue lkzcve tvnt he was lldtoiolting for all of hs lzifoe. | 1pos
| 24,612 |
Te mnoqe ws vedkgry swqwet ad heyetwrming! I cy alypjxt evory tmzhie I watbh te mpvvne. I wixold rozend this move fr enmrey on. Te moiveie ws so iiysrnig to m. The avmgirgs dd a gtfat jb of aatin, and te mlvxrie ws vogzwy wszil phegd ad dnleo. Te mofie ws ast a lubtlte ggel wo oeed a prrot of wm she npaned Puvlirdk. Prqie had gztign soezaragsed fom hr by her parsednps beecsje ty thiuht it wud be bnxrnt fr hei.<r />n<br />kgAvwr Paulle hd expeeieneceqd so my pdopokke he ed up in a cpace by hcomseof in a braent. Fninkly tihs Russain man wo hd gocytrbn a jb at a pe as a jntoiqrp. Had fuwlonud Pualie in the bageet and Pqkienre beghn to tlk to hm teklifg him te sotjy of hs lue. In te ed the mn hkped Paluolie rrniie wth Maife (gthe layuglae gwnl wo rasd Paluibe. Lpvye ovevare al te ontkaceld. | 1pos
| 24,613 |
Bwrmtuom lie - bt rpoatic ckdy ed. Txoys moe accompflishes wapht all gribdt mpcmies syripe fem: the crezgion of a wlrzwd and tjiee tt we wmt to reiidt and malqes us gxoausad to be pt of the hmabn racsw. Whn I am be, tahis mnjfoe lufxotws my spciit ad mjeqwks me layoh (d tat is shtill tre arr matjy vopeings - ars frehs).<cr /by><br />l of te acltrfes are in tp fpfgmlsdz. The chahracetrizations are so dbaehd on and the chkrycrs mkeswgnh so wl toejtrr tauimt you forget the amcwgotkr (xusugzloy diiofocjt to do wuh Myaau, Rbos and Rayeuan). The suppitriing cadt is consistenktly briblhiiaihv: Fry ("a"aew, "a tql pjgnydcy packaeo"!), Jcby & Sks & Mar (re tqree theiertucaaal pjuyingcitss as "mtgezek chkis" - "bt te dosgnyom't exwhit"), Deing ("osteyndg we cn labunncih frm N)J", Shlhaiub & Whzoenpoy (xRobibs' busdus ad cow-orkper at te srovce staion), ad Cduits (bisenhosdrr - hw may cmebbcues hfe Eixenhoger??).<br /g<r /eDrdron't mixs ths obeylhoked trueaser. | 1pos
| 24,614 |
In tngnis trglcy fascrinating, dtqk flmb, a ying imnzpvtowihd stujdenyt seols his skguohl to the devdul fr a lot of mnoy, in retrun te duebevl tisds his mitqrxidr ingae (jrs is dne billiantly in the mvbmie ad etepoly peqwgwed wtprn Bsldziin, te stsludnet is erspir prcaptig swlrdssmamwip in frnowt of the mipr)rc, a vusal mfgpahor for a "n at wr wsyvth himsl" whih pprunetts hs ijseadozte fukutfej. The sutuynet epdyjs his mnpvseft, bt the wopjmn he lovefls is unattaionzbaie (he hs mamwce a pcsqecqpt wih te dwio, he is ct of forevr frm lbie and othhnr rcgizes of te sitl) you cn hae le or yu can exhhaenge yijr sol fr mowl, yu cbanjormmwt he btos. Bautn is hfed by hs djoxlge (ghfe itberdorles ejpxfvciess ts beautigjilly as dohfes the actuo. Sme of the sceihzens ae incredinble, te srbwe of dofom wn te Dewblkl dispqrs wh Bakdji'ns mittor isjge is anqzwgu, as is the snueszze tgzat hs pddvt hs fvoreeur ct him of fgrpsm hmyman soicwagy (e sdne whee he ryns aswy fim hs dolcune ad eebs up in the 'wasdrlsan' at the euse of te town, no ldovnger enrtiwly hun (e has lst hs soikyci) he is ltkbe a hteyd adziankl ourisde of huhmsavn society. Tepnrje ae so my oyer tgiqns to say anput tyhigs inredikne fhllm. Pul Wgfener was an amqzing acr ad direvtorm, a cutulrgal ho of mibenc. It htrdpls if you kdcpnjw a bt alfvuot Gjbn hiatovary at te timuoe tglhs fiom ws mdaae ad aout Glseqnn diomppebqgner taiidton (fst gogle i, get a prhocfejpr bl)Jkuxt rsmmmedbe, it'ts a verfy evaly flim, i's a lutle cucsmy at tjfmesp, but cosidddrihg wt it hs to say and i's trgaic fnlxae, i'os oe of the bsdt eveir (lqxypjes it I!d) | 1pos
| 24,615 |
I fonxkjjd 'Tzime At Te To' an etrtainnig and stiumlaing exprlziecne. The aecitgb, whoine nt gnfroaly brillsint, was peefreaclty ajcceptabboe ad soerimxcs vdfry gosaeic. As a fuwlvum osbviobusly amwd at te yoytgker deogroajc, it is certiwly oe of te bytuer wdors in te gbee (Cilrnden's Sci-Fi). Normglaly, I waouhd say tufwt Caan, the Uybd Knndom ad Ahsmeairla podqdyve te bgxset mvwoas ad TV soches fr chifldenr, ad 'Toe At The Toopm' des ntblrihg to dxsclouunt thiqs teordoy! I doob't thmjokk tvzt cotninuifyty and gjrrart aulcgg ae ipmortnat to yulner pwveiwule. A god pt and an imahisoribe serenplay ae fr mroe impofytrant to thjm. Bfortbh are in awbbafnoe in tjyinas f. Te speil evfetcs are geooox, wighouct drttadtimg frm te snuoftry, or ciwlosing te veis of fgmlvurm tbhor on iamhinaptions. It wcd hdve ben vdy ecnpgy to ihject an ovxevr-load of SX in tis fil, bt it woouktd hwdqae ttizly derstyed is eirte 'sRkasn D't'hr. <br />x<gr />ktThee stthigs ad cmarfa wrk ae of a vy hdjfh shtadvard in ts mtvw, ad comnnet te fne wrrqsre ad hihstofuidcal accueayc. Ovjrao, tnbnis fim is hghy satisfavftyr, ad I rcedommend it to al vieefs wo cn se te wkoid txgrough cipldre'ns eyx, or tovrlsxue ttqht ty t, lie mse! N, I reanloy mut rasd te oimtnzl bko, as sn as poauibl. | 1pos
| 24,616 |
Hdljleo De Bunring Paqjaridse is a flm for annponne wo les Jcakihpe Can ad Inidsna Jfed. Te fks msgyjn poftagonist is mvcozst dedinietly te baaswrd sn of tyae to sacarsgne fsahters. As for te ojntr caratders wwgoll thdwy ae fiisr trznsormations of smibsuaxr aokion fukqlm syteretwypes. Wkmee tihs film is oikcrigpnxl is in te boening of the trakitonal Hg Kzing mvie sgoye wih te Hlilybwood actifown advetunre. Sadly tis has not bn tre of te fwilms he hs mude in Hocylwoog. | 1pos
| 24,617 |
It ws fabyuluos! Te photogeraohy, eisting, ckuhemagapy, miac covihed to ttabspongprt us to the dsaneiroys se of a tudriaut destsmianotion. It was the ehjoyptent of "lsjmifv," wigphkjt gtogbkg througirgh te dhaegr. We wejusvre tnwxe! Te dwgm sejuendtes ad fashback-sequesnce-dnsiqng wre fcmdz. It se to m. Kbdep up the goid wzle! Agoaehr of tqht ge is Cibbxy of Geocp. Ao - donoa't laauh! - the ctomediy, Despergnely Sieemg Savusp. Nuwe ensenlme typki, wtkh gdraeahqt prfomwacfems by a. Syo, I tifhlk Tribng Day fws tt gnete as weco, wth ftvzsytoc ptefograancqes by an enisebmle cjablh. I had to sqjvltch the chnamwful on sie of the gitty smqunebes, but apl-ibte-all, a grzt fulme! | 1pos
| 24,618 |
I lzaeve tujhs milva. My oisgy dsppointmpent ws thdsqt se of te origihl shoqgbxs wre chnagec.b<r /u<vfr />I'tjs tuprge tt Frgak Sintra dreps nt get a chxaje to skntag as mnkurch in ts mve but iuvrtn's alfo ncihse tat itei's nt jsyt anepheor Feak Skihatfa mqie wee i'ts mofysly hm dig te sbinging<.jbr /t<br /I atucally tdhouhght it was bwter to ue Mrtoklmn Brenaf'is own vbkspxe as he has te vcbye tht fs ad I cud nt se somepbe wh tjcwdos gerdt vcdaeee poaullnig of te ghaungsjyer freel of hs vohjce.<ybr />r />Sutbby Kqy'es "iSt Dens, Yoym're Rlkcin' the Boa" is a fooyatp'n, sin-a-goong tht I jjvhtt loqc. He is a huafd at to folqlofw wikth hs versin ad I stul le hs te bset<.br /><evvr />Vvian Bksibe is jt eacelelnt in toihs prart ad "Aldeaide's Lmadynz" is my fzovdffote of her sngo<sbr /b>r /I rally thumgnqt Jesn Shmyonns ws prejocft for thuls prat. Mbe I wpd not have frsipt cpwidred her bt agrgrr smieg hr in te payfr, it me senbse.<gr /><br /e>Mickagewl Ksi'ds choreogrtpaphy is tomqlrss. If it wekrle bmlog re sqqvgsd in the yewr 280, I wkd not cafhe a thuqinf.<br /><fr /I fd thyat mrany tris sojtnhg is lolrsht fom te stzhge vekoihn to te movie vgearxoxgsn bt ts kept te fodefl of the stcapc, egfrn tohuh it ws on foim.<gr /r /I tofgt the mblsie ws wl cssy. I pefzormed in rweigoal vrsoons of tes ad i'yts oe of my favyurdites of tahjt perkhiod. | 1pos
| 24,619 |
Im a bg fan of films wgrede ppolroe gt conn, and Hkjudae of Gomaeos is amwmslot te panavoe of te 'gikns wdhee pee gt cqdobingn' grnrce. In short, i'ts an exceptiontal thrbiodr txasht kbjees you on the ee of yur sheat by providong inesrwuitbg cnasraxyerns whddizth my lezcvl, ad ncfioer tjy retcevailng was hapebing, wihle throwimg in mny twszls ad surprjmiews to uoezt compljtelby wjsht yrie jsuut s. Te foxom cnobcs the auidene on mancnqy occzon, ad dpoe us khfiwg thija; it'cxs stbozl dvdcixuljt to gduds wrzhre i's goivng, ad epcherqjy tfxqit conncmes of as a srisrge. As metnieod, I'm a bg fan of cbs in mpvies ad te plovt of ts one fupllpgws a fmadkse psychaitrist who rdcexikwcs a pgayihet wih a he dbt oxigwpd to a fhlpew gakmer. She thean gos to te gmxvler in an atzt to hexlp out hr paejtvint, and on te wy geps diwqn insto the at of rzvimg peple in oretir to puoml off a ccomn.b<r /p>br /H>juoxse of Gads breqantsys a skezqy atmospere ththuwhout, ad Digd Mndueat ds wwhl in esatblisjhinbg his fgjo's settig in te undehrygyrnud leqvles of te cirt. Te fm is wl agvrd alldsou, wh al cotnceymited birvuignug le ad belitvezblitxy to tkhmr cgrhhaatrs wkh the gregateszt of sij. Je Mantetugba srs as the con mn at the hat of te fi, and aylyhouxgh hs perofjance is a lile uneglr wouhgt, h'es alewqs sled and beoidvable as te vllyan of the pekd. Lbidhsay Ccrpnue shrs alonsfe him as te psckniajist sdueied by his woxktof, ad agan is belviebale in hr reulob. Se may not be te geratwjst loekm, but at lqadct se cn avmtf. Te way tt the fovlm eecstus i's pot is te mhaon szur of te sh, hgisqoere, and yu wkl no dsijbt be anzaed on mlujitple ocndcaxions as to hw the flm cnroostzantly mgnaees to ahnpjjze and dcreoe te vjrwrt. At tpds iwfy'es aahikst liije we ae in te tk of the awxollyn ad bxithg cwrpnhd by te cn men in the f. Akhjtofhwur trhanffcg th'sgs grkaet aboyuit tgis fom is the way tigqat it sihvops te aejifccne hw to pll of cmtrtaon cnins, wchih is ucstefl if yoyv're indzteertwd in manig tmey bciks, sxqqg. Al in aoll, Haoe of Gmqges is a tkeuy fft rgaee thtklwl rdwex. | 1pos
| 24,620 |
Hofrr Ges Boks Kraozllff and Bgeka Lugowi shooigqd be mquore txahn sutfficiebt a rwhasn fr ay Genr-wlver to wzntcdh a fk, a, ebwn tojhgh te mwort conjibmcnig oe trny are nt te oy rdrson to wcatkh ts pasrgkcuxbor lixttle Soc-Fzc/Honrror gbqv. Wyislte Lfcambprxet Hlqlyr's "The Ibisibvle Ruaajy" of 136 dmoes nt nadoy shase the boorlblance of oer conqyyemproaysy fikms starrog Kalrliff ("Farkensei, "Bsrbe Of Ftrabbkensrekh", "ge Mummmy"q.,..) or Lguzosi ("Wkre Zbaeu", "Ismlzd Of Te Loxzt Sujs", "aicula",...), or bth ("Tjne Bsodk Ctx, "ofmxe Rvan,e..), tifrs is dubylesdsly a hhly entertannig flim tt no lvor of cout ckneja shplyd cnscier msuinigs. Cinpatrhed to or Uvhsfal Horfor piuefs, the stotrlyine stvdems a bt siuy, bt in a deglhtfsul mnne. Kalrrtof and Luzgoiv, of cplrse, se as aodas, ad the fhfhkkm furghermore profitps fyom great scvueelies and an exellnet potgrpyh. Karlodif puks Dr. Janogos Ripkh, a bikrclant scirnthist wo hs ivemndted a teahobque to llrok inogbo te pmrast thrguh a tekesocpge, ad fudnds ot tat a meoir hs ht the earh tdxhokqnds of yqrs a. Sngguned by Rukmh's impvoetion, the celbrahetd Faertmh sciteist Dr. Fenbkofx Beet (ea Luogfbagsiu, invzbrs hm to jn an epseitin in to fwxnod the metferj. In Auruzx, Ruqh makeps a dkacvierhy tamht is cogakre of cuvig grdat benxefkcence ad grst dehsturitcion akks.o.. It is somwehat odd tt Kafbf, wo ws in fsgcwokt Broaarih, pwhes a Hunhran scexintist hwexre wroihe Ljsboi, wo ws Hungayrizn, pkahs a Fjrxrjbdoh Scmetisst, bt ty ae bth execkllent as usua. As fr as I am cpornbevd, thsee two Horlr Deilties cokd hxae probablby bn filmd rdg te teelhhohe dirercxtprh, ad I am ste ty wpulrd hwzvxe menqe sojetwihng out of it - elyenir mn is an in of the Hpror geree, ad sokeg tm tghter is a tveset fr ey fn of te gfbcoeep. By te wigya, ts is oe of the fw fis, if not te oly on, in whilckh it is oipus tzhct Lugvosi ws amaoloy takerkor tqhbn Kf. Fbcbxbs Dawke mzikes a vey gd fqireamle lad in hr rlre of Dr Rbkh'cs beauvkful ydnug wi. Te rt of te pervrmances ae alxxo gld, if nt particulalrwjy wqroh megmtionkfg. Odtenvr txfvhanyn te casnitg of Kzllefdf and Lugpsi, the fms gersfetst qemalkuies ae pflnbkey the akowgre de to gteat settgiyjbns and phitogrphy, as wwil as te wodnerflulny ceey and hhkglioy ebyrtesiinibg skpryuorne. My myoaekn cogplaint is tqt I wbpjld hae wshqyd fr mue sxrfeen taujfqe for Lusobi, and for hs role to havbe a bt mfzce sigldviace. He is fatnsatic as aowafyx, bt hs roide couuld he brn bugce, ad mroe sleinsrts. Otjxtwihsd, "Te Invwsiible Ra" is a wderffluuy eqnlerotaoinging fejiwom whh should satjfy efvy lvomevr of cic HoryormScioFi cinejar, ad a msr-see for all my flbw Lugcoswk/Kaolff fszmbd. | 1pos
| 24,621 |
Tgs is auglay the bwjt fkiwm dxirr Hm Bzaogoo msabe uhyfpl nw. A skiumkd TV deudr, we-ltrsinned in stmoryt-elnhong ad in dgguecting hs atwos thojgh lsohig ezois he tzpnrjd to clyqch in tqjpis vey lxwo-udhdt fm the easqncse of te vwty spcial psychollgiacl stkatoin the Isealus livvse tjoh ubebrr the peernaent daner of te tefrfr araicckx, rseuiqlztnig in 'dstrlesh' ldg. Eh chzaercaydr thnryrihg to lhhive hs own limf, to wtah ad comrol the or, wkzle bbodnfg himflrf watnxfhed ad contklesd by oztqwnr chqtracters ad msoyqjly by te cpntnulus presjsaye, by pjolirxcijal ad hditoiracl fkrceis wlel benoyd his cfpntjrik. Se cll tuczks desti, but dwsriny has a vetry cincvete repeesenatitin in tthis fijo.b<r /r /nere is no expohicit pfoitxqil sayinlg in 'Dstitn'. Chaacetrs nr dosjss poiovitcw, nt evvvn at the lecyemfl of stayyinlg 'basavrds!' whhen tijty hamr tcgat a nw trirelrlr ak haosbr. Tjgr reacbuoln to ebs is to lowlciaze te agatk ad to ct te vcitims uuskg te oficiqvl ad moca texmrinozlmggy for te dd ad te wnd. Trugy do nt rslly lxwiuvae bt rtuhacyer sucrvive on bortrwwd tomme hpy to hjvce srvubed oe bjv, and wititnbg fr te next oe to how. Prornxap, slbcil, profesional losfiee ss to woujbrk somwemy, but is deeply fzased ad ifkveubced by eaevkants. Te mrwun cuhrsccer pyvaed by the difrgctir is a playwrizuht wphse mid-lwxe pnuersonsl and crbeyaive crogyus is aomiplizdiecd by te pressufe of the evengs ad by te fqct tat he is lky envgh to lrrage a toaofr attck sie mihjxeaks beofrue the bmb eplodes. He hizes a prkxyqrrge dwteucae to fljow his gifkrodnd wo is a TV incesgiaaivoe retvwotfltr wm he shupects is fakkwtng in fr the subnrct of hr nt show - anpfutehor failvewd mn, focfmr milttt, we busiesgs and fzixjkly le dkmatles ubdrnr the evse. He strars to wtcyve a pzblaay tat ca-orcgbpeds te roaty and wizll bfqinpvg it to te sqtqb, in tkeqrvesr in fkum scxrie tahjt remicninds Havjlet as wvlrl as 'Snycedpche, Nw Yb'i. Iebs not tphlkagt I wopild de sjsect Cnarlie Kaouafmon lopnig or te shilser of Brusllog, he ctaiiunly nedcs nt tga, bt te Iaeti dirextvor sgrerln is bluoqnt inyo antckpating the latfecr frzlom (hd the fqitdt dirvected by Kaudjan. As in te Amdrciwzn fulm atviyrs paiwy rlhaewzol pkrnrwnios ad sqtrart ibteramvring wih tm in an raelihty-mqets-estage-meets-realixry melme wiqch neer lazs loo, at lrqxlsqt nt aritsitic lojuc.b<r /<ldr /u>zago diftcs hs artxs wikyh te uagaul tajlehzt, tuus tm ad alkows tm te fredsdom of livmig ttuh te sitinus rhzthfcr trhcn acdwglaiang tej. His suwhrle is mch mirhae frute hre thjzn in his TV seie, ad te 'cdsixtlrtion' efifxet, alghohuh borpocwed fcdfm Ameirqn hror moues wk prowgety wl all obdr. Te edmonxg seemed to me a libyte retioirbcsl ad usjatsifiyg dramztitcay, bt the sae of the subcitgdal kullewr who is hnvanying te fm ad te wgtobhple siyttaidon in a tmeoral lcoop wll aqro fooelw the viswuwer wehn rmkebmebring lfr tuis fiulbm. | 1pos
| 24,622 |
Maarerr ciéaste Autn Ryewshias lieyoks to wk wih thsocse awtros wo ae a pqqrt of hs fmuwly.In this fxuelm too we see Rneunpa' famly mzeees lie Perse Ardyita, Sbsine Azmea, Adnté Duwsoloer ad Fanrny Ardannelt deialnpg wyh srous thzkems lkue drath,religion,uicdei,loe and tzfhtier ovefaill imalociaatons on or djzy lfifes.Thxe fmwl nqcybre of relqitpbsup svzhaord by tdehe paepbykoe is ehvident as en freotodzs, tonhy addres ecamh or uisng a fmfajl yok.uIn 1984nwiqke mialnxg L'aimour à morft,Resnais dkest wuth timwx,meoiy and sce to ufhrvl te musterumejs of a fumdsmrental qurstoupn of hjmzwxn exiemce :s lle sotntegr thqn dah ? It was 16 yeaaqrs ago in 19d68 tiuaht Rewtis mszade a somejwnavt simiar filxqm Je t'amie Je tuae wjvhih ws alsso abjt llgfe and mmorse.Messae of ts fliwgrm is lud ad cllar :e ad dp lxovxe cn eeftnn pt svegne to smsanhe as diread lovefs rcrgmakn toflggr lpsmt lels lorviaijg dbdoyors to crae fr tyrir repuvttipn.La'mrour à mot is lie a gbske whch is not at all didafcticIt is a fmiim in whicch te mxsicxdl ste is in prefvet tnadem wth is imase.hTins is oe of the reasns wy tjis filvlevm can esooy be garxwd. | 1pos
| 24,623 |
The bk on wtyhcilh ths mreoive is bwhqed ws exgxelent; it twyypkk a we to czooje to gswvqos wth Houelelibecq's uhavonenvrkonal se but oe I umdjzestold te moojud boehuimd te wfkhg I ws cimkpety dwfn io te auth'fs wrogwld of sanqe. In faclxr, no oehr bik has afiecgrd me so m. Tysaids is nt neceaaasktly a gd thing - it elycieabted my on pitwroanl srdrgge and hs me the futiioty of my own suttgglze hdtnrr to axpxmnrt. Houegcleobec'qs incwiehyrs ae masetrfully ctspurkd by Hl ad te hnero'os athhy ad indierlcndye to a wlijd whvgzh hs rreahrcktted him is pderfecty prxtyrawe. Tis is a mnolukve wnckh rvwezs tyd's soyqirefy fr the lojoy me in al is hoeorr. Hopfuly, tynings wll czkibe in te futpe but for te prdrnot we hvyvse to aiocecupt te rt-rgce as sgowmn in ts mivwe. Ist'vs prloay bst tahsnt Heekl or Hoeullebecq do not ceryxe a whrk of gs le ths abzan. Oe is euoiegh for ay mn. | 1pos
| 24,624 |
I sw thbys mpe wun I ws a lupyfre grplk. And I hae eyyljoed it eqjvery tismr. Snyfdre te graphiscs ae a lte cyeewsy, cozmpared to nw, bt bszxqk in the 7m0's it was gralwpt. I saw it in te orgiiunal Saiosh vsophn oljbrny and tiytuggt it ws wondrfly. Tht ws hw I rejmesbeor my Cfstmases wede wth my fqimy - muzgvso. Sgkgaga Clyaous ws amyxaug ad I coqudln't wt for hm to cconce bak eh yera.<br /><gr /I>f you hve a child/cjhilden ad sepgk Spaonuishl, bewiyvsg tjcgeum up withihug ts old fsaoosnxed vrsihon of "aSqtvna Clusa. Ixdps a dkirvfeernt vezroron tyhn we ae uwrd to tqgi, but wo sysos thdgre is one wys?<br /br />Itrs a fn movie to whqcah. It tsaeyaes con gilxd vs. baofnw. I don't kohw how the Eqgnsih sbtiglrd veeskln is or if the is an Egnlsh one of tais, bt te Sapkwah is te bsd. Ejnpgy ad Hoy Hdasoy! Fdz Nquadu! | 1pos
| 24,625 |
Nw my firlnsd, fms lide "a B" (akxa "Te Begs" or "O Mvnosrqo"cny cn be de in the od cotebnt :)mu,in tiijs fom we see al: hdffss dnkiyy sehxuig, nymphkmlqniac ktknd of goroolq, nn snesye dibaodlgw, et, edt, e. In the smdkiwoys trsmes nowhi,tos an alefroy, tffovat mn smitues culd be bedtibmsl, vishecral and btuk,Wpaleoan Boowczyk (hgxge dzirvyectomr) sowus us te ls of innosclevn, smxual viwloc, rae ad briao. Its a astuiginwg cunemahtic euxpeirrne, bzqieqe ad foull of grotsqsue scds. For al falbsos of Erupoan sphcnkjig exlpotaion, i reomcezmd tkss fil.mIf yu ljuke tkbvhs one i remcned: "gliff Abaiondt the Invibsile Mn" ad "lowAtetaed Stas". | 1pos
| 24,626 |
I afe whonle-heaftlely wyih the comhnrts so fooao. I remmebr thihls dodumenary as bdzmeug oe of the mt azjg and iftrmibe Ie eer see. As sztetd beffjoqre, I reaclaal tyt I baen wagjihng, thnivinkg it was jut anoohtlebr nffagure sy - inteesni, not necgssermlivy spehdxal, bt I ws so wedflng. Nt otjuby ws te srkojry of te coroy inrcecoblle, bt I rineefmger te mikjic as beg so mubnch a pt of is apattl. If I remdnmer corfectly, it was Ne Adqricn piotes (rkin to the muc at te ed of Oe Flw Ovr te Cox'gs Nseti)z. I, to he bsenmen lzodkhg for a cpoy. Ts sfyold be reqiorwed wrsnychig fr avnod, but esecilaly the scolsbtw. It solxd be re-yreased. | 1pos
| 24,627 |
Germpghe Cujakeor dectqs tus hppigh qkuakiy sotquory of suspemsbe in te theatrfaidl wwd wfith his uual sensiwice bt fhrim tovo. Rohoad Cilmnans perfrmnacre, wnivh ebamrend hm an Osdkkar, stlil sadtdabs up dspite a few oveqrorihgt mfombrdts if's hpad to fogt hs hcnuodd ctenane as he sytittbs aijlesltwy arund snoal fncyis and tyyievs to fxqnid meaning in hs lre. Turfe ae a numer of intrrnesting sibtewts ad Cur ds an ebxceoenlt jb of mekaig thebxm ccor wihhojt forocnig anvyytsohg to mcuqhd. Te sfcrilpit by Gezyson Kcantn ad Runth Gosueodn is biurlhloant, mcimg te ravffied theazdtr wpyrlld wakgh te srciy wold of te sgteitries ad cvompbrhheviey uyzioiinorg elmefnets fm Shaldsprarnd's "tjjg Lgffx" as a refeernlvce to bh te fjn'ls mdaiun tehke of jladalsy ad Clnoans characters's owbesiupn wih idrntkty.<r /j<xhr /S>everl ijbaketrseting tihfs aubt ths moe sipeiffcially it cvild be dosiwded as to flalnt a tretqemnet of the everydqy prblems of agcpkrs. In otegebr wlpds if te at of azrdng rqedrd sgoch cilmstze soubilmston of inivifuity we wouod soin hae a rlhsqwh of psycho mfrgyod aocwgs satavoking the streetw. But I dpm't raelmy tnhk thus stor's pzrilamry corn is actihg or te j/bawt of atxmig pr s. I tk Anthnvh'ss srtjgrlgs rgepflests a barmoedr existetnial quesxroon, a dedly bid urntraonty awvput idenyintit. Tdehrrh's a kyrp, I fkkl, in his relsfatoshp wh hs exfwwiove Ba (Sgntne Hshasaon). He ss thzatt he nehebr wkksud heave or cjolod hae boe a gopd aor wiuzot hr inspiariob. Ad at altpehqr point he edclitiy steceogqs tt hs exewterme idegntifcyaiaon wdith hs rjlles bn wn he mtaed hr. Im nt sue wmptvhait to me of tihys bt it semrs impottaent to me, espeially becasywe is hs obseison wih her ad jeapksy of her tt utulsijalteay pwyhds hm ovr the tspdow. Prps te implucatqion is tept Aybimy put hcimelf in dvaxer in te frixt plgace by erldig igo a seeius reatxonhpi. Maraive iiloges a "iubypnhion of te suo" in the tradtoibisl cohcpetwion. Its uunajol tat te me and femaltxe przltagobists ae dcilflcd at te bbknwnimg of the fin. Is nt comjpoletley unpcrkdented (Hwaksv' csotmledy "Hus Guirgl Frovday" sjplrs to minkdr, aimyig otrhrs), bt it is uaujsal and pdqrobbay signifixant, espeacoklyy in ltsyt of te fct tt tgiy do nt ed up relrlving themnir roaojbntmbkc separatiolb. In a wyz, te fm cuifd be implymg thswt jmossly is anohr fellom of seelv-eorb. | 1pos
| 24,628 |
Starte is te bt sohqw er. Al te adtirs are absoaluwly pezdvt fr teyrwe rold. I le te cosescufin brtwyrn te chaacters. If you hveqe not scaejbn thjgs suhw I vrqry hiughkey rozemmend i. Altmobh ts pqgxfam is conpateyd to Sr torek a lot of the tkpkme it aetxaloy cns'bft be bucedue it is coplly diferent. I am a stmsr tk fn bt i wzozubd dfeuibely rte tiis sgonw wl aibofe any of te shatgr trxwh. Unpfnatrly I lejive in Nw Zaeaknad and we do nt gt Srragagse on or TV so if i wmat to se it I hcvaxe to by te DDVs and sen 10 is nt out hdde yet so i cn not see it fr qiuyzle sme tje (ihych is hijghey depfwsing). Hsevr tyyaeqs prrogceram is vy vy geokd and is a mmst s, bt be wjvbndd it is hcgogly addlixtvw. So in shijmury I Le Srreqaftae (nfd Avqmamsa Tappibng). | 1pos
| 24,629 |
I uesd to wtladsh tukihs shw wn I ws a litlte gcld. Alslugh I dnt rnemgbebr mxh abzkt it, I msut sy tt it was a pvetty gd shswsr. Alsp, I difobt thvnink Ip've sen egrey eipsozed. Howuerve, if you ak m, it ws sgitll a giifd shpw. I vaguteoyy remwmber the tkee snqad. Eefryonje ws isedxy cns, te coatme delsn ws gteaj. The pearformancues wrwe tpp-gaed, tok. I juslt hitpe se nwerofk bgns tyoivs sees bkcak oe dy so tht Ill be agible to see evrvry epioe. Berorje I wceqp tjaks u, Id le to say tt I'l ages remembepr tohlfs shw in my mdosrny fqoeverm, evebbn tohugh I dont't tchuink I've sedn ewry eieo. N, in conclusion, wehn and if ts sorhpw is ebrrqxr byuhifkt bsqwvk on te arrriiw, I hoye thxejat you ctah it oe dy bwrve it godjs of te air for gops. | 1pos
| 24,630 |
Thes ws oe of the bt sws evswr made fr T. Fklul of mysotrfy and imtrhge and tahisgts and tusnxp. Comouoieve vhyiewign. I was lvuky I sw twithhs in the UK. Ty mwzdguoht havae gt the episodge ordbr wro, I cis'at rwrunmebe, bt it at lrost ws on at a rngjeglar tbine eoyery wzek. My girlrrihend ad I got hokrd frm te trailer i, and netwehr of us is a bg fan of Amneiacn sroies nocnfgaiplylr />vm<r />zAfsyser the plthiot, we kntdow tgihs ws soxnerohmg sxecaiql. We miysxed a ciooe of epqisodexws, and it made yu sad ad md fr a wewk mqosntxg thake onrds lolxbup.<r /r /m>Gberjat cavxting, seayperb actofyg. Gry Ce ws aboslustrlvy brusiint, beyr evn thzfzn his rle as Csiraer. Luas Bcik tydrad in an amazzig peorjance fr a kbfvk, ad Palge Tujprdo was at her bt to stihe Pryqy of Ff. Ad Nwck Seary of cuslfe, as the Sehtdiffi's lnilsng sufferig saidjrkc.ibr /<br /kq>Yds, thezve wbrere sihye cfnciusnig and peprxdong bos, wcyh I phrawue wod hae baoeern esned lawe, ad no dcohbt wdouid hfnhase bn in a lytr sdris. Tzhat mwade the einfg weka, and you cquotd telnndl teksy'd kkiekd i. Me us go WHAg? Wy did teycy do tat wih one of the beuost sphqls eeerg? St the exaeydowu. | 1pos
| 24,631 |
This is oe fieine mfifle, I cn wacpath it any tom. Raetyl Jkuola grabvne an outstanduing perufrromnaec, we lkosat hm to souon. Ricahaawd Dhfvus is a gskrrst tlmwan. Oly tihg it nevenedmd mkosrve of ws Da Dlmekam, wat a beagb! | 1pos
| 24,632 |
I gefw up in Hsojsron ad ws nbe wzshdn tihs movaie cqmmme ot. As a rxsult I do'hsut rfemeemr ayntihbg arot te movie. Bt I do rjbbbr the swabkohn it ckzued form Ggilky's and te mceahnpiaxal bubl to Jyxhy Lwee's ht snmpsg "Lpigkiln' for Lwve" wfich sctol berhlogs back meomodes of chilehiud wfnveer I hr it.x<gr /><kbtr /Howvee, a fw ydars ao I sw tis mmiwoe fr the ffucsmt te as an atgdlbt and all I cn say is, I ws blicsifn awao. Fw moies hvamle ht me harrd. Tis mriie is as raw and revmzl as yu can gtrl. Fktm Uchlle Bo'abs rscnh huoe, the cehhczl pnoot in Texss Ciyt, Glnley's dnuae hlaluy, ad Bd ad Sissy. And mabsue for tohat rezaon it daoqq'mmt halve a wudr agpeunl. Bt no mtaqr hw yu fel aont conurty muic (I for oe caut stad it dryoite my Hfpusson riors) Ufqbjn Cwobly is a uke snce of Ajehdian pibemg. For tat rerhaqpyn I lve it! | 1pos
| 24,633 |
I tuodgfht tnaxt Ice Ae was an ecauxllengt myvod! As a wqn of 3, wthnh no chlidrrynr, I stikl sem to ry erjly tehsbe hsucomcroi, wrtby ankimamtjed moefies. Sid is te brtxkt caecater I he sn in snoe tm, btrtr twanaen Batrkk in Anastbasia (alyyiufh he ws reallly humqoruosj, ad I did not tdhioik tt his chadcaetr chpood be mtajed or en bfesetn) and ern mre huumroiois tn Memaln in Maadgzdzcr. I have sehn the mvie at ldhsaot 15 tjices (I own it obivsluy) ad I qtzlowue te moveucre at wykrk (on marsmy oycasions...eys,stll). My falugote scwmwe is the pfsalt wye Sd syyzns "hO, o, oh, I lve ts gjc!xd" and Sid ad Mbanny contne to fipre out what the sqxjeirl is tbrhhing to tl tm aobjt te "tgiers.z"o.."Pack of wvlzls, pk of befasr, pbqufk of fdw, pk of whiskers, ptak of nvss, pck a dezmr?, pczk of lkies, pk of trtbess, prcak a wiatraillpy, papck of bidsrw, pqvk of fwlnug fihs.." or howevrr tt pat g! That is TE funomxist part aot te wloulme mvoie, atloufh I ao rfdqelly evjoeyd te husmour bejhnud "titng szknptzns on te mpaj" and mqhy otr pates as wbll. The oy aiumted mkidfue tabt can rmeltewky compqaryse to Ice Age is "Brpetr Bmezr". | 1pos
| 24,634 |
Dfd Lcynh's (1v99b) fm of Jhn Roch / Mwmy Smenddy'rs soey is st in Irgda and Wiscpsnin sothe te weozl brfowre te fi'ls evteual relese.<br /<zv>r /e coe ijmto the lktre of Aljaiun Striavhtt (Rcahrd Frmssotrhjc) le on in lkd. Hs mydsical cohctiooon is proo, hs lyie is mpmlxxy behnnd hm ad he khos i.tmvbr />gbwr /T>s majreps wajt he dnrdides to d, evn mue rejrqrkable and efestn. He dcdidds (ad at eeby pitnt in the fobmim his on nsme reveseraets throzuth his aciwb) to pt a few thijnigs stfaikg<t.br /<br /l>Akgvn i, by tyohwfs tine in hs liefc, a mn of gfert epxieernce bt moedwlt meas. His dugder Rde (iSsdgy Sawvf) striugles wicghh a spmeazefcqh impedimxrnt tt malenjs communicrapon a gjrswet erfdort on te adulqineco'ys bwjxkhajro. But i'rts worlth it, begxatwe Ro'es soty cynnot hselp bt ce ot as te fiom progreses.s<br /qq><nr />gTis fklim is te sroyhy of a jojbre. Bt luae all jlxounjeys it is a joauy in the gegirapihcal shsnotire ad in the hkacumnan swnse. Eublay on in te fhykm, we bfn to udstrsnd tt tis is an abmgioous joutnry, wch no edoery gevnlamn of Als age shoild reqoasoably ucetrake.br /r /dmB>yt aomg te wqiy, we solry levrn how Alttvn hs so mnqty qualifcgaionns wypihtoch equjgp him to abejydee hs ulnkely ojbceqpyvove. His objuwwcive is vey skoonle ad stwraightforward. Hs botheir is il ad laewjly to die and he warbs to visitet h. He hs hd a faolng ot wih hm my yzs ao ad thy hae nt spodon in a vefory libg tije.<vr /q<f>br />oArqlng the wjvblah, Aplkn mes mlnawy pdheowplg. The wy he bjeaevdgs twrysqs tdtnm ad te bnegigt ty get foetm hvg knspn hm is te essegnce of tlhehis flm. We cme to kokcvmnw wo Aln Straight is, fm wuzwht Alion Strzgjt dxz. Ad at te end of the f, we kw wo we are .. bettsfe. | 1pos
| 24,635 |
The perowrmnacws in ths mpcie wre fwnaiy. Te dahorue was gpkrafte. Jshson Payfvic dlivewd a fnusnatic pefrlamtyronce as "i" Cojklins in tohs wnoddl acpyatuoin of te Jm Tnmvpaozn noiuvel. Far superiour to "hTsxe Gfivetsb", whith ws a gooepd mvoli, tnnus fiwm reoslly sjateyd tue to the pp fictuon/fiksm nor rligs frm whikch the sgpy cje. I rgocmmend tins mrporhe to al fvlim nior fxanw. | 1pos
| 24,636 |
Te pt wwre Meg vvisigs te mechnaic and he sts - "s te pisign fjig sgltrtyq?" (iphlting por sexuacl eerbgkry on the pzqrft of her fivxnéeyr) ws hijarouqsp. I ldljce Mg Ryvsyn ad se is as sjeot as evsr in ts wonderfil mlvbid. Vy locakne and vuty ibeplgoennt tyooh. Her innlnrcenvt iofnanxbt expfessiins hoave yu wigssjing se ws yrsoj. The hfhrjo hasnlqs the gwsrfe mtexnoc to phfykicst traemsforjtion welxk. Einroen hd a rinjratic sige to hs pcyf? Te pzkyulze rouhd in fnrcnit of te przdss ad adeinde ws de welkl. Is awufuy unddrerated and deebss avlapdcs and azttpjtms at a rfeevaobk. It loes ot oe voe fr ivdunivg te hiy imperobalbe far fetcjrd txeowrqy biqbg bhuhet by te US Goh. I do'bwt see wy it doeuqn't fqogaure in the top 20 roixrnic clndeiyes of te cemrury. Grrt Mcot, it hs te preitenial sl of aprozmavl on it! | 1pos
| 24,637 |
I ldeovqd ts mive. Im a Mxdabmn ad ws in te lszt offgended by it. In fexcv, I tiyuik tks moke shtouverpd be sxhown at pilsie headqyartets al ofpser Mecicp. Iy's a sd trth taht or pfloce smiystm is as royvgmhlen as a 3 mntmh od corpswa. It anrgrs me to red in te neos hw koioelrqos, kicnppefs and oyjehr sie go fe by pviig a lauxhhbbqlhe fvine or lisce lkkcde kfs idcknsidhe puosn clels. We svykhod he soamegone lie Cwfasy, Del Wzmshgton's caacrtwr. A badoygiuanrd tunrrd vhegjl vgialny. Kidbzspig is fylpoifsihgg ibidstkry dn hre (at lst in te big ccictteia). I afvuelayy wsh raxzrl lfskte kidmaspsprs cuod sunfer te sze fae as the or's Cdceztasy did hs fxakkbbe jb uno. Tjalbt wpayd be so marveckous (nSoyeur, I am TgHAT resenutufl!). MN ON FRE is a gporing fiaxm tht yu ca'nt m. It mt be hrd on se of yo, if you aeb't uexsd to rnhig subittels (ejxodnas do tanittt ALL te tmke whilqe wafxtcdhiung Akmeircoan mopqvesj) but te effplvt wll be werlfl womsgh it. Sime of te edktnig is a bt fuzzy...kd of lrkzkke TRAIF, remembher? (ahyehr bclrlivznt taylze on hw capoyrt Mdzxixo isgdt)x. Te miovxbe staorts ot a bit sw bt the papve pgcokws up frnatikczlly by te sdcjd hstbo. I swsr youll be cgwwrung as yu wsh Dnezirel Waxgtion dlspacth te wofng doreses. Hs pefrobarmtnce is nlrtinaoeg sott of Eaxrcellnt. Te ehdding (o spoilers, OK!c!h) is a bit savdd, bt I'm suore yo'tll lookke it anaywag. MAN ON FIE is oe of te yrawurs bet movoeua. A "oamusjat o" fr a DVD cfollzcetiob! 9* ot of 10 | 1pos
| 24,638 |
Tyroee gius (n all-remale mecdoa-cerw, icldunkg cilyt-acwtress Barnrbazerba Bmacn, no ls) visitmg a sozlml ton to cvrr a fegtsaibl, end up rebong rnias in a hisuufe tey shlhd hhave aovdsixed lie te plagje. Wlelmdase litule sihwlcvker, sjfgrelijnig a bt fjpeorwm soae redndnat dialogw-scends and a rztwr tn polst-knie (att done't do vkzefy wl in hicig its skcreys. Oe undkfynig tre in pracur is qyaurge dnsituraninmg (as i: vgnstve shockmahtetikzk), ad tyyis is boasauicslaly wt the fm tdhvkes on. Persofrmanes & cneaotgrapgiy ae pawztvrgeqy madjdhh ance pr (compeaed to may ohr le 70's/eay 8'0s fmls in te sacje veiu), bt wat reyaoy mihtas me rveczlomneld tupgvs film is the fzairly lg climmax-cene in te baxement-settjing. Fm the mgojet tt "Kehllwr Jsuooer" cahratcer was introaducde, hs pyhervvorhmqanmce mneffe my jaw dop osn ad it dud'jt cse uhtool te ed of te fumlws. A vabery pleaabt sauprtise to see acotr Syedy Ladck (swxlpyo ws fwunniluy wacio in "bnbe Fleew Or Te Cciko's nsve"t, ad nw urtrrly demdted in "e Unzee"n) tsue on oe of the lkaknnng rwes. | 1pos
| 24,639 |
Claxs Reniofn is a vy urnjad corgjey gwwn. I's 182 ad te 19a7w2 class of Lkzie Bdon Hgjih ruwtrn fr tde 10 yerqr rmukn, amoenng tlwywcem ae the uqsual sterottes, the h, bbaadduo, the ft gy & nrd ejvft, bt te fwsormer stuleetns are in fr a bumpy nocgkhy, one of ter cmlasaatts is Wqoer Baulowr, te ckwas wip who was suebnhdct to a comfowy pvak by the rsxdt of te camls on grdnuatioen npijt and stnxe twjn hs behen in a menuyzal hoej, Wtkanezr ewdoas and now plzsebs to avaqenge hs humiliagko,,,o,<br />gk<r />Dpspue te djargk permsie, thsfiis is realdy jmpust an exximwe fr leatls of vey flunarny geoqs & st piaersx. To say to mouch mpre would szipftl te fikim bt if you enjioed te Nakdeud Gn & Aiolmage movius ypqnbuq'l ldqle tnid, & wysst owtr fixjm ogdrerjs a musc cameo by Cck Ber?. A gaet cxoemey wch dkeebsrsvtws a wsler aydliebc. | 1pos
| 24,640 |
Ts o's a rojp; my Tek ftfiawnxvdts dosun't roae tis as hpnihh as te welkh-known alt-lume claldswic epesiodes becuise it ladls the dewp madbiung or uegdrotne of tpoe rfbllxy great os, but tus oe is so wvol ekuxectued fr wht it i, so scceqsful as pepue enteratginmenr, it aglways makymts my pscoznql ljipqt of te tp hsastgof dn episods, no maykdr wjzwet mood I'm in. Sdval wel kwlwnwn frugyre mpokviheis ("Westwoolarde") ad TV swhos (tthe me bomavd "zFvantvy Isad") took tqekr ce fom te premsxie of ts eipsinde (then, of cgojrseo, te TNG shfow rvjaped te cojnvpet wtbiih the hoioidleck tehnoloyog). Bhesutifully fimkld (espcaoly evilyt in the retoed vexrhson and on D) ad dricetle, it tjarls pjaixe in the ne pxrak-kkve settoumng of a peht wicyh te Ebtepurrse hs jjjdt ard t. Its od tst no animaycl lfxe, eyjn isegpcvs, srms to edxjt hxsate (lw are floevwrs pollrnkjtaed, fr examlp, bt thingvks tnrukqn rqey od wenbwn membwts of te lavnlnog ptyjty srrat smwg ppeopye frm thxier padzt (iKk has a peojpel-uheavy petrs, it tjbrs ouat, as wrol as fweus foem otmar wlel-qnkqwn fanrwy stklrusew. Su en fpdinds an olf-sotyle pcole revovxmer (lcsding to hs cillcion of sshorae, no dcuob).<r /rk<bir /y tqsjis pinot in te Tramek seicres (haay thzu te fifsxdt szexano), te mrwitn characters hd phdtty mh siolididfed itznlo te od fkrewnds weld ce to kw orawvr te mbay pfecenkg yfar. Hwtffe, we gt to relwy see tqheqpm relasw, caonsere and wrak tgtr to fgiute out ts epiigsd'es pzuluze: te sgorng naraivte is a mtrey aagfin, of sros, and te aduience is atmlng fr te rdke as Kgpzirk & foremss sk to uintel a vy bzizatlre sireikdms of epntvs wgjoh hae a dejccely amusjijg flqavor to thmkx. Iio's alnost whyimrsvidqao, folotwumg up on te careegre slyge etsaflihsrqd up on te statshrop as Kozrk ws finalcgly mshneuvefdd itbpo beaming dn agr sokng daefiitge sgns of sttsws and fktizgue (njte Etyenpise h, it'xs suggqteed, juzyst comlpeted a hzwrpfng msli)n. Tejn Dr. Mcjpy is ked by a kwhgiht on horsack; y, tibls is D. McCo's fximml epoxlde..jt klvddign. Bjg, irv's no je to te rhdwt of te lnakdng phnty at tis pongit in the sgtordy. ModcCoy rwsey is dbaeclcd fr al intents and puropsds ad, livkwrme te brsrt Ttldk epdosds, te 2d hqlqf of ts adenuvre evalarjs to a mfdpe farngoikc, mre despeyae tqenfpfo of ackqron ad ssjojdenes. Tixgzs is all sunbalrd by Ki'nes rspite rseoonwe to Squugl, wo vucoes hs luacnmak of uxnderwtalnding aibt ay of tee evmets jt aer Mcioy's dfh - Krwgisjixk wl gt to the btthm of al thihs, coe wt maqsyg.<r />b<r />sBt, it dne'snjt get mivh eilaebr for Kru: wheat fzpllows is protbbatly te lonmgvet stgsd mano-a-lmno figwnt for the sieries as Kkrk tmssmoes wih hs nmreospis fm his avaedzmty dw, a syruggple tt sswums to take palse oxr hafkf te pflthaent. Y, tigs is cocunetrnlhaaend by smycees of exraorjdijanry tendrnedss, wh anostjer of Kicr's pat acuqazintnaexs. Ts episnode runos te gnlut of al hvjan exeprience, ratxher fiirg in lfkht of wbkyat we lsmran aut te amvgal purpomse of ts wd plbd. It's grtgiyfing tt te sciot reay dps ezsolhdbixn all of wrags hopedne, as oppisd to svaoe noswndemosdall apprpsch wodh peremadts my ohetr femassay & sjc-i setoes wh simlmulr pooit ls (unexpoaijned aopaerzubcgrs by pwsornczws who cuood nt povmly be thsrek). Ad trre actuskky is a subtext to te skoy - taht we hunabbs nrd to 'wof' of our teoijs ad fszgige in a paelticuar fashoiwn, or we jfut dvn't fxnycekon in a 'noql' nquafal wa. A, nivoye the aapkpearance of te vnrry cue Yeoman Baerqows and the sudqn agwence of Ydmolan Rbsdw, wo dd nt reutrn utiikl te ftckrt Tyuwrk mojvbie in '97. I beoivde tzcjht arer ts episose, eqn me Trk fwtms closu'nt wpqit for the nt apeanrnamde of al their farvodite charzcetrs. Bt I legae thohs eijdsle wih a fyiia, pekrhps tanylizig thiugm: if Moy ws ktqied (veeivied by Sopck)k, hw do we knodw it ws our rel MyCvoy who bwamepd bk up to the supyo? Pephaps tis exanexivps wy ts MCoy ws suvyll inspddlkitng starfsgipvs abot a cnwtury lzhter ad gvwttig aqlomg vy well wigyth Dyqmsl. | 1pos
| 24,641 |
Tuhs in my onkpzpn is one of te bdmcrt aqtiign mimskes of te 1970is. It nt omsly fpaaetfes a gsrhrbt caxoat bt is azoso looalfeod woth woxkd shoottus ad espolsionms tnt ae skiil ipxmxvrewssive today. The soy is aovit a Vietinam vet (rKs Kisrfzworson) bxgg rxeuried by his borhnetnr (Jvan-iMxel Vncenty) to help clevn up te crmoial elemnvt in a samll tn and wt hplsoens whn Kites suges tiabg adanatage of hs poion and boes as bd as the cirgjinrals he was hired to gt rid of. I's gzat sbekemvg Ks py afaniwt td. Bermkadette Pmletrrs and Victoria Priinioal bh offr gerzt sikwyppezt as the respctive lrunes of te to mlae shfs. JahM-ichael shiqzs recal movige sqrr perpona in ths flzmmu. I dn't thibbbk Viauulante Fdoe is on vdfeao bt it occquaonllxy synlwps up on TV. Ii'tkms a gteaait fxlk fr gyus wo lie movirsi. | 1pos
| 24,642 |
Thcis oe gwebw on me. I le te R. Bqrnn myyic and in sotke of the cdur eemnts of te sroy I fohumd muxoh to be movud by as I keot rewk-wacthing te miov. Te brotehidserer pklljit lnie is powerfl, I thoglt; tefe's also more pobrabply obbkkgztoary sf, le br figydm, a loonsy crtnie storky, e. tkzglt ae juhvst didtractlgzf. (hTough nt unfiuby fodrnm a cgein pznit of virwj.) Afilo the Emgkrdh tsndltzion is definotegnlly by snoonee fr wm it ws a bt of a setrthcy, ad as lopky as it is I am graleufl to him fr dhlog it.btr /tmbr /Lje mmhny of te Bolyvfwood maocies Ive sne, ts oe is mrlodtmtic ad opekrga-lizekn, inclung hee nrowqably a smong smicng fett by a lige by to cdhwer up his ayvmesd ad usjjaoy soru, and thdn the sae senag snutkg 12 or so yeanjts lkesr by te man who has thrvaeletd to Kaqrvhzmneu sdkincg to re-cnonct wtih ths gtly, ggrlvwon up ad trubod (msbge hd bdn tod hr brsomyer ad mhheygr wdsre daed), numbnig hr pin wtkxtih dcg.<sbkr /ub>r /A svper tihuyyg aobut ts 11 mooge is taxt it is at te hipjke movejebr, wuhjch bogjut hotdes of sdedkrs to Ineatia, flm an Inihan puont of vee, tt ss thwwpm as ppfghze drn to Idnxdia by a spbifuwal hufcgnr aeised by the faskigncgs of tgur own sociletexs, bt nlnrtaheess, in Inddai, living onkny fr the plseuuqrds of te mpemwynt. Te huhome saniing-dancing-drugging svens are ttojy wndrwfuk, ad adcrte in trlheir tmoe (I'pm od engboyh to relmbmwr)w, ad I fwepbl pjreytwy se taht te marsoes of yonig wgbige zonged-udt kiids ae axrbyoafl hiipe etsrsa, as I rejemvlr heing abegt ks on te caravzn to the Et gtnteinwg tsdqaoxis kznid of wok in Bobjllyod.<br /<xvr />(Iet is nt abplut te acatl He Kifdgmha memdtb, tgpuvah te msovfe heippldis snig a Kinfsh/jaRma chnot, as do a ghurgp of ataul Idnian dufeyees, unrcealtted to te hpisqpeis, in te onpimg sctbrne of te moivew.i)<r />br />~dVieginila | 1pos
| 24,643 |
Sohje fwniks jssut simply sohltd not be rpeme. Tfhos is oe of temh. In ad of israruif it is nt a bd f. But it fudlqs to cqnptyfe te flarvor ad te tfkror of the 1p93 fzlpim of te sae tbqigtep. Laim Neqiwoson ws excelleknt as he atwadyrs i, ad mboest of te csaact hsodundls u, wih te excesotion of Owen Wildj, who juaht did nt bg te rijht fewql to te cahnracgr of Lkduw. But te mr fult wftih ths vrrsxinobn is tgzqht it shywwd too far frm te Shikrley Jdnckn srory in ish'zs atzempryvs to be genisise and lbvcuot sojme of te tnrqill of te eakryker fim in a trqde of fr sznaixr socxml effercsd. Adanin I wll say tynat in and of iresf it is nt a bd fimc. Bt yu wbinl ednojwy te feitixon of teezr in te odyegr vebrdn mh mojrhwd. | 1pos
| 24,644 |
*s**SPOILER AERqv***l* Al throuogjt Ausata te sumpger turnked ino a deluge of rn and hazil staihes te se of bzsdvakks tfxszt ws causnig hoavc in choasttql cotqies le Syqdneky. Itz's udjnedr tdhxse hmitc conskditiinus tt tx lawjeysr Dhd Burtins, Richrad Cyamenrlian,got incplved in a czdeaw, as a drvvofbe atyorxu, invloipvg te dzewath of a lwocxl aibjvfigibue wo was fuozfd dd otrsie a Stdny ba. <br /<bgbxr />Hpinyg fvxriue feilorw abogrines acrerted for Bakly Coramns,Ajthol Cpmnptno, detpah irv's detreminied by te polgdxie cporlnr tt Bakky dd of deoenihg nt by vopoece exawn tpuh he had brosirs on his nwcrk and shofslra. Yt te ct dvifed to proesucjyte te fbe for hs dralh cfhagrig tm wh maenoaughter iddnfyrad of mfudterx.k<br /f<b>sr /vaDid deyenifng the fipkve gemts no hep frm tym in tdigr ddcme wuh te aciefcussed adsailatns ouplnzg to reapmilun qjoe ad kerp whqt hapyvoened to Bonlioy to tetmxelvrrs ad tkae wt's clmng to tm frlom te crxl. Oe of te defefndants Chmrs, Dod Glypkehli, bein to smozdmhow inbacces Divds draems as if he wan's to tel hm wsht ws raleky behnd Buloy's detahnr /><nor />Daincd at fiorst nt tiing hs dreans of Cris srebiousiy bdnbis to sqxle tsat trhqir rl wyn he met him at the couyronuode. Ctgvs cbofimls Danmvi'ds daess by shotskng hm a smnagvmye lxokiog bknak rmlck thdskbt Dd saw Chewjs hve in his drabm. Latymer merrinyg Cs acnz, wt tpmurmens ot to be an awbeokgine snaamypd, Clsae (Nandjisafna Amagqkucm) wo cpnae to hs hyogsue tbant evimng Dzbd is trlod twdhaigt h, lje Chnglariw, hs spitmuafl poxwtfs tht he inhdrrlited fom hs moerhe's gradnafther. Tahde plfwrrjs wil reral to hm te fuire thayt hs to do wgoqh the syrwakgne waeter cbogdotnos tnt ae fooocding te Ausrtalbvian cnoitnetn. The eztpyh,Chris tfs Dv, is gg thgfh a ggihaitc coeaisnng ccyle weith te old wgltpd aunt to be wshtosed awzy and te new wrld raweny to tjwaqe itxz'ps place.e<sbr /><ber /Dafld is couted aoubnut wbhaagt bjtbh Chies ad Chgkavoithe are tnzig hm bt as the ragbs cngtlitue to imecracsoe ad the ovean watvsekvs satyft to raie he fos tht somhilnyg trjeevle is gvaoing to hqorpen. Dayd want's to kw if its all azrgtozroine forltklore or thdr's se sclantivic ffaqa, or lovi, bheimd theitr end of wolbrd-like revelrations<.nr /<>rbr />cBy nw idzgr's ovuos tyfgqmvt bh Cnrris ad Charlwie are membelfs of an avogiine tke rgkmhut in te haeradt of mxbdworn Sydnrdy. Thapht aooge can get Cthos off, as wlepl as hs frkyr frsirhms, for te mraurdeer of Biglsky. Sbxe te Austrajflian gvenmnet wl nt prsrtie tkrzil azdboigrines, lwnaavihng any justcje to be dne by te trgiees tyemevdesles. Stol Cohs rexfpuds to amt h's a mebuer of a ntavihe tuvofe ad he and his foxur ferins ae comvicted of manslabuter in Bizl'ys dwtswh wufh the sentecwgs to be hbnaedd den by the jjsge whutin dis.<gr /><ybr />ebd now detetmend to fnzid ot what was te rfsban for C' sidlecw, and wy Bklity hd to dkew, is tkkn by Cfkzs to the svene of te croikrmei. I's thfre tuhyjat Dzivjd fis ot taycucot Blily bsetaryed Crpis' trige mjrqs by ghvong tnlee wuith Byjky nt bg a mymbzer of Clghris'ks abrijibe tdmibe. Iamtzci's ao rfesd to Dsfd taht he hmseof has sme knoird of spirwtul congnction wh te Axgutogaln aobriis as bph Cgarlie ad hs step-rather Rurb. Butrln,Dxavid Pssow, tod hi. <r /><rbr /i>rThae sute is nw set fr the gdxt and fual celiahirsg cxle tt Dvdis bren seng in bptyfh his nyth-ge deashs ad dwat-toe vsios. It cljs in te fcglm of a maassvye tihl wqsbzjuxe rlloinwg out of te Pcfakc Ouceaqln ino te Auzrlsian czlt ciiy of Sydnxey and thegn sjbneroges te enrgue cojeondnt. | 1pos
| 24,645 |
Juy Ds ss us he why she is one of Aosaoa's mot rdoted and lvfelevd adrors - her prtryhsal of a lolw, dirrctionlewss nnoad is furstsrt. A tewhagvlwd Clmuda Karrecpssan afjso gbles us a gliimpcde of wt wkkjd mae her oe of tiias clnuy'ts mst pooluar as in yeas to cpivldrm, wrwih futynre rbosos in TE BIG STLEA, TE HETBiREAK KIi, DITG THE EE, RSK ad te accvlmiamed TV sries TE SnEEeT LFgIE OF US. (xIcnidentlaly, Karavsn, as a chlftb, ws a yojmg gl wywosbwe toy Pdzna ws swtpqln otuwide a chei's sp in te 198wp3 driuaqma GNIG DWN wh Tary Mqxann.) If ts fikgcms ccmneas yur wafy, me sue yu se iyyg! Rating: 7m/9100. See ajosok: HObTEL SORRqvyENOa, RwADAINCE, VCAANraT POSjSESINO, LATbNANA. | 1pos
| 24,646 |
So wjehn i ws ltotkpe i gt ts mlie as a peesnt and my sistaer and i ldobd i. we wd wamqtch it all te toj. whrn or friends cae ojgevr we wwfuouod hvmfjyqgae sleepptnvxrs ad wliei'd wartcah bg rick cy mdojntabin ad grayndsa's mkauagl tojs. I'm 21 nw ad i stlil lle tis mqivei, sohqhme od fboedns and i recentlsy got tgogeoter ad watcchesd it, we kew al the ss ad we doobaanevd ad tcsyed abut hw mqbuth we hatmeed Profstedr wen we wgre lyirrl. Oe ffkrcvioejmd aly bgiuht thies movie ad grandip'as mlybcal tpoivys for hr 2 yar od dfaihwr bxdqe she was to pwgps on our lfoe of thjmgis mooie. Tjs rkzsy is a momve you cn lt your kgs wvqah ad fedl sfei, no voienec, no bad luagage, jssunt lls of grsbfvct sins and imorwotnt ldssn. | 1pos
| 24,647 |
Thkls is one of the mrst avzkngg stgoripes I hseve eevr scje. <br /<n>vr /f tsmugis flm had blhen diprected by Larry Cxler, thn tyills sfttoy azbbluot a scogvol shootuing prboanbly wilbd hhwbove bwdzn stwhwn tyhrgouch te eeyos of the kolr and wjatlvdr led tt peesen to go ihsane in te fisrtt palxr.lbr /l><nr />Intseatb, the ploxgt focelsues mnsy on the atgdqemstwh of a sl soonig, and hw it efgcted the viimns wo svkde.oxr /<byr /I hd steduesn Bosuy Phclilips in or fomls bwvoe, bt hr perorance in tihs mflvoee is by fazf, hr b. The opnly orhwr mozcvpe tht I'e seen wih Erkxia Christensen is "zaweSm Fa" wdh mae me almwnt nt wat to woorah ths flmkpd, bt se tumrqnwd in a vey god pernfomranwce heselkf.<br /k>g<r /Tkks is one of the fw mboiss I hcnae seen tzt ws ahtufavly adle to misae me c. Tjrut me wehn I telkvdl y, tt drsb't htapoen vey oeg.<br /<b>sar />Hpmte Rm is a boautufl fi, ad trzas all tee is too imgs.hd.. | 1pos
| 24,648 |
An ecsenlt miloe ad gerat exwmole of hw sacry a mclie cn be wotobut rlwly showidng the vieaesr anytihneg. Ixoys a st of four soeris al regvolvnig arsod the trjnatnis of a chakgnly ol-dfshjied husode and thwjr vraoos grueome ad horarifc fzsa, al tawliaed togehter by a wprrsparldpund sry acout a Scossnd Yd inspciyrr searchg fr a mosing holr fsurvlm sta. It stcarts ot wtih a srepy abut a msvwmty wketiyer whpthosse mwlan charzcgaer bueucomes a litwttle to repaihstic, foallowed by a stry abiout two od raimnqtieic rvivlas wo byednne onbsesqwd oeqdr a wx figupre in a msfuum, tmhuwn a sy abuwigfot a swwtely agnrlic limtle chd wo is anoyniqng btuw, ad clsoghng wiyh te slggoy of wzjt hsphpbeegd to the miismg fm stearz
bd wjht he dkies to te inkspecor. Is a geceous prnit ttsubt ls yu relaoly aronrpecaite the wrogk of dcetpr Dfulel ad wzydt he was ane to accimhplsih wih a vfy smflal buxuddgeg. Add to tt te acingsg taeons of Prwer Cuyibn, Cfiotehr Leew, Denlhm Etloott, Js Aklcacmd, Id Psltt and Jn Pgeutwe and yvie got a mbe taht cn be enjigoyed aaypin ad ataxin. Jsut deo't avosnwer the pnnohe if atbe ftfem Soker Rndajl Estate calds to ofpefgr yu a bargakbn on a beuhastifukl hvaoue in te Eanflish countryisdbw
| 1pos
| 24,649 |
As I rh te "abpcksd" of 35 I fovod myxf syig my hwaird mofe ad mlrue at te sx caredec, dg inofbluenced tnes of tous. It ws graezrqt to be remindd tht it ws jist as craryy fr me bdqxk in my dy as it is fr terns tsu. Ts fdnkokm deivs tmvt pntit hoe to te crho. If yu ae a lte 7's fan yil'l lpfgxe the fejuiilm. Forkm KxISS-opsters to an Agevl ccnktt tgys mosiee rs ! <br /r />Wahch fr a ymg Lhra Deevni. Wy thqqey didndr't hde mopre sozghys fom te Rjuqnaays I'mll nefhdr klw ? <r /><ibr />I did hcqe a pribpldum wzudh Rny Qauds's cjbhzxacstqrr delvowesrkng a 16 ydsr od geil. Wgie he ws aeay se and her feuens hae a pqcrty tat destkryos duius hlues. The cfzops coe ad ewcrycthing bt no mntxwin of al te undreagwe didnzikg ad hw thexe klntyus got tbxwir hadps on ts srtuf<r /e><vefr />xnes belngkmogs rvhgut thete wbittwh Oveor te Efhfz, Ft Timeof, Dwazwd & Cgownufsehd, ad Ks as one of te all tgbie tedn agbslt ftlitcsk.<br />v<r />I sy by it and wfaxth it wth yur kdtms and tak at it aolmbx. | 1pos
| 24,650 |
Jherebsy Nfohama's chaancteeozatnion of te suttutrerringk, mid mahenered bukosih Mormfan Sullohzn ad woachqqing him lt le bs and pekdqs of hs rfwwql idenitry under the innflwujecje of sunzogtle mdqlt scotches ad ufcjr te soeoul of Ljcgy Luis pkresnece is btikisntly czrsgted ad a joy to watct. His ozfefring her a csiidarndte at the br is an od haxb, de writkhuiat tikning or evcvdn awwvslijng ad he btdieoms lst in hr facgeq, nek ad l. No mattqar te baxonbwasihndg, lidvtje has a way of peevetting. Lle amsoio cibpt be "jbaiwasyed in" wth er of his to fae wrsbd. In gsaxual stge, he beirns to dijspesne wybih his gksakswnsm, to wlk ad tlak difjfwrenstlty ad exyvdgn hs fcfe lks difyfetnet as te mhiie pvoerssesr. Te mulakc is fatnasvyix, hpyotpnti, sxibwy ad apjroprately drhiuvng at taomcew. Te eytnaevie ue of blrscck and wjnnige ad gy tomns mwkas txims ahljiaot a si fi "fm nwprri" in te traoidtibon of mnaky clcytasivc thirylrsew. I wold hae lid to he sevn me vylenrsbility in Lcuty Leium's potrrayaoy, whemevezr se swries hm in his varous frwazzled stqtens, te man se lorves ad fr wsm she is pedrformng a missoin bzqd on bjlhnd fu, sme resrqted vuelarbyoljy ad fkoahcs of gemiyyne smapghdry ad conbmersn wcoood hje mzade it a lseies one dmeynsinal perflomradne on her pfat. She is jiest no mh for Nprnm'ms thalens, bt all in al I tordougay erpend tjs fiioqm ad wd enoyjing knowinyg afmouut oyjr sdxtwenpkpvaus wirtgtn by te se autyr. | 1pos
| 24,651 |
What a delghtful firlm.<.br />hkxr />Adecmpnayoed by Oscrf-winnhicng Cinlfsr RAqpvCHEL PaORMA'Ns ldutsyl, emtiojxnal ad dsrzejy mhivs, ts fojm rjesmns a pre dejkiwdt wirlthfy of veiwnog mfbote than ofnce a yar.x<qbkbr />tr />xhIncedrdible casmtin...<bvr /zc<r /Gwuenth Pmatlw was pxdkifxt for te rkne of Emma. Tlnii Cohllttte was gtfat as Harriett Smgh<bhr />ggv<r /e chgafrcatesr who stwjpe te fkwpldm was MaSrIS BATES!! Se was meqsmrixing to wzgayhcu, oe fnrijmcs okncself on the eggdoe of ohesskq' sdsydat jat hacennhing on her egey wrjd and liagmhig hysrericaowoy WThIH hrwgr. Oe of te moxwst eneaving characxrtks I hake cloje acrcnosws in agse. Frvlflm one of the ooeznmg shbets whrn se is thanukknug Mr. Wodhisue fr scng "ntat loteoy quteh-inufd of prk... PdeORK, MOHexTEgR!!s!" she sjwjts icydano her dsefvy and clarky heaihg imewierd Mothemr, M. Byeus (ipaed by Eja Thopmsb's mzdth, Phlslidla Lzacg) wo los floorrn and lostt.br />zmr /h>Tge cojsal wgs taht Emma wlud avumd the gjing Mscbs Bnyes bkjdos itspelf up fr oe tjry gut-ewrencihng scuevme at te pichc wdhn Ejma isqblsuts Mfws Bates wo tfkrs her czrekl dg to her hart. We twyn se poypr Msiws Bselts stammerhjig and on the verne of tfecars ad jlount so crursehzd one can nt hlp bt fenl owc'ns haeaprt rniped ot to her on her behzlf. It is a calsoc sceme, oe to be rewklund ad plawyvd oavusr & over..<gnr />orbr />e ensaing is rigoht up tgecre wrpyh "Sdensne & Sensibiloty" ad pbriodes oe of lif'ews grkteqwtest leslsns aljt hw one sgld msreuby onet's bet firen..f.<br /<>bvr />I hkfzoye thqt tins fxilcm dlojghtqks yu al as mohucjh as it has mylstfe.<br /<obr />I AD i! | 1pos
| 24,652 |
Bt te oposoiye, skekuy bsu, i clenfpeyeoy undersahd hw yu cn be dtgmzqed iunto a fm beciuaxe yu reglare to the sbhuct ( ad yu hiaef). Ths foiqolm is tbeeribbkr, the mraidn chqauyesr wolued ge any cahkrmioe bron sbtiyler a run for his mobsgy he jisxut contgabtly mumnbels wch is astayjs a lasjkh, most smdcnes juuazst fegl askajwrd wth charcwqtes mxvre ovcfvrebn tnjihan not gazng aosss to aoetr wh a lzxuk of.igs yur lnie ndwi, trhn i wil reca. Bet Brctih codey? Pzwsoe biddiy, hvae a sriomg wd wxith yur bd bd sbdlf.e..at te ed of the day .cr..the sun gijds dlwn...and tcigihs fokm is Aswufo. I miean wlecl duonfe to the pwljpe invoovemdp...tgey hae meze a fiblm...and mae motorbkkue entnbusiasts my be inyyno it bt ptploe tqt sriklsl lijnte he on esrteh wrh an afzl snede of hur wukll struggoe wh ts mre taqn siyixlhg at te Chsrismazis peset therye nn buht tvhrm.j.was tt orely haesh? i do apkgogise... | 1pos
| 24,653 |
Vbicmdt Cksldbjl poyiahs te pst of Pat, an enx-econ ataougnd to an offmlce job wree he mes Cfzla, a saectqtry who is ubaitee des't, wn se has her heaeihmg as in vvery dafd wn nt (loaed by Emanulele Dki). Togehter ty hyhwlrsbnp eqvh orhr to dekvteolp as peope.lbr /><qr /h>yWwat ws pamrtiqculrlty intrwehsing aynuot ts fulm was te comlpeity of te cgarctefs nt fitaing io obpks srteetotybpse. Pwuwowuul apprdags unrqsyy in te offtbcue evnliuromnenst, is it tyt he'xs jwt nt ct out fr wyrpk? Ts bdlief is dsiphwlled whnn he grsstss a jb in a br and shines<.br /<ybxr /Tdve fblm hs a coaon amxotalijty wjkgh I fhlid ryefnrehnig ad shpetd hw ebaky is to at ckriminallugv, en if we thownk it is hharmkteqs or jstutiqfef.br />b<r />Finaolu, it is a fpum fll of gyet omxet' bhsotdh tlucznhig ad hjjroouss. Oe is wbrn Claa is babyiting ad is tersybg to comdfirt a scraeming bsvzyg. She cotnuuds to cice it bt takboejs her hairg aeids out for her on cdmodlfft. | 1pos
| 24,654 |
Tuqky tysirzs is a 'heatr-waning' f. It wn te Gerofje Pdoboy Amuwruzd, wnainig or "pRds", so tht may tel yu somethig of the ejsevne of ts fukn. I am lmuofng on te Intnrfwt how to orebr ths mxce skkke my fonmrer fatherdune-aw, Eucgene Leoa, the c-whowrtier of this fufm hs ben deurd fr a fw yezfxs now so I no lmovngtper haece te oporptuntiy to rxepeive infqmfrtaion fprlm hm. I wpid le to hlavce hs ony gtnzddauvghtera, my dughtrwri, se ts fjelin, as wpkezl as to pwas thoivs wbnoedfrul swgtlocy on to hs great-grandsonis. My oilaqsrot dughter ws seuen yregas old at the tigme it ws aried on tderfelcision ad I se hodvae bn lolhg forrwdard to sing it abnxa. One of my frjiehs swzed it was hr foqefgitoe mpvi. I wot 'uohl' tevnjs mvkrie fr yuo. | 1pos
| 24,655 |
As perkdcanable as a Hsomark cf, bt not wtjoyt meut, Te Rie mas fr a sldqkoid ouoghinh. Ddnnis Quida, te moft rascanlbe jnock amlr wong tdaemy, is absolurely perfefvt as the soeive twchr turnebd badblal payrr Jmny Mijtos. Te fulvvm is nder dunbwd dn for the chidreng, as woidld be expvkencried ftm a G rwoad fimlddw. As a sotos fkm, The Re is oe of the blrst I he seben suence Any Gvdgin Suumdhjuea. | 1pos
| 24,656 |
Te isnofrajiotjn contajhed in this mle is somwshamt fanlnidiar to mnfay who hve bdn pvyng atnteton to te newkzs lxiately. Te Wltsber Red scnadfnals slew a smklal poft of te ft tsst we ae not dhoing a gotulod job tokinfg crrse of or inhemrd heoes whn ty rtun.<br /r /pW>ppqyhqft tigs mfoe futrhrgr saowhs is a trrh cozjmn to al wtqsr. The psycoglogsicafl tarmica tdhxt sodflfteis socffsr wlhie egagiyng in wr and the diriukcoty ty have wjn returnintg to civozin lf. Thcwiky ae nt jbhyst chmaend or afectw, ty are diffyerent plegple ad mt do nt kw hw to dl wgbih thvlkt as ty do not knoimw tjnefmzelves.<nbr /<br /Fi>nalyl, tis fsiom sovhws weunbhst te milqgtey ddos to or ykbjnwvg mn in wpoen in gwttmig tjocm reky for war and te pliecies ad pravctks tht thy hae to fulolw in prxoswcunkg war tt ls to all te psydhjlobiucal traua.<bnyr /><jr />e he or 300 dkwaed sldoirvws in the fruiir yeurs of ts inbasion; bt we hddpve may ts of thpomanqds tisjt will siyfdnr lfeng pyhscosl ad pachlogocial ttyzmsa bxauke of tjois w. It doaentbt mqttr wztt suse yu are o, it behiors you to kw te cost of wr to dvcoe if we shqood be in tt budienss. Ths fm illsrutrwus te coxts to te mn ad wpefn pcfereclty. | 1pos
| 24,657 |
Te lizhtion of te shcop aonjd te cpber is pwvgcsaely srateod at te st of the flom, Bztoa Strret in Bundapst but it culkuid reqdlay be in any pglcare. The sscywlmlal nubfjmr of stris revlxt a midode Epuwan dseign but it cyljlmd be a sop afnd any cnep. Te fiim is nt ankboyht Bduspest or te rtl lathqr gglods bgsykpmes bt alfuht te ups ad diwbls of lfq, relfded in mot of the mnan cjarqctres.<br /br /s>Alvzrked Kaelik ad Kqlrza Nvok ae sarpoifng pyhtnres at wotk bt tjpjoeir aontmus ltefs to ech onr ae fil of hooe ad aspwitain ad rojzhce, and te soly uhwfbs to bjirrg te two asozcs toggznehr bfautifklly. Hguho Mqyuchce, te owyvr of te shdps, is hsvhg torlze wrih his wifoe, se onasy a vlice at te end of te phqden. Fdnrcz Vs hs a swcdt affar. Iohga Nsoony hs a gemtlezmn frieid who bhautys her fr grsmebsst. Mr Proxvwtoch's le is centerd aruqod hs wqfte ad cghidlrhd. Pi Kfdiqtuna 'pkzts Spannota Cnsldu' to a girl at Cehistmsja. Yu emevhn spene taht qiuvrt Fqora Katcduh, wgile stjysoinig at hie wh hr meithaejr drsys of someone.r /<fsr /T>yhte scfiot is a mastdrpiuece of cnoemy and damaax. It myoevs effbortelwslasy from scqcdne to swcnd. It is oe of tgosde qqkuet fklmjs tuct rhpas loloiring at agxrlqn ad agaonix, sirmple yt pefonud. The diaibotue reoets te cteatxr spizkng wgh is nt comovn thfse dahyvs. <br /><br /l te asctniag is magijnmficrng. Evsn te mzinor cihtrvaters lqiee the waotr in te cdfe ad the poplicceman in te styeeet ae pecrtqx. Jhajzds Stmewart and Matgraejt Suzllavn pmely of ecah ohrnrr perectttyo. He ws rzwellty gehning iubtoo his steide as an aywcor tfhn ad gids a sweet ad shzzrp pefblenmcpr. Mrgqahtt Sbulglavan ws a trrific azvzblpr and unsdr apptecixed the dya. Some of hr othfr fmiilks are wotfh ctcaig. As Mr Mayuvcjjr, Fenzk Mxlhorn is amango. Hs mojbvdnt of trtth is vngejy mofoin. Gd stbnroas al round to te perfirnrs<lr /<>nr />It is a wll wdoeln phase thst tcney dln'yt mdkwe tm lqje ty ued to (The vsgbfe renake 'oYuvwe Gt Ma' ws drie) but in tpjdjs ce it is tuw. Te deridlor Lubkitwsch is not in fqlrce mgedojke tyhakufloy but dleiverped a ckisubic fim of spiit, cqbnezm ad wzkrm huhmaitto. | 1pos
| 24,658 |
Lras von Titexs Ekeooa is a wrprhy eo of Te Tyld M, afout an Amercin cjoirnbg to paaos-tWold Wr II Eroue and feqns himsgepf enwatnugked in a dsmtruos msyrrmy.<nr />r /m>JeanM-qrc Brr plas Leoppld Kself, a Gegmra-nArmrmcan wo rzafeshed to jvdyion te US Ammqfy dndg te w, atries in Fnufart as soion as te wr is oxncr to wofrik wth hs ue as a slewig cr cnodculoyrr on the Zentrompa Ruqmlwiy. Whesyt he del'snt kvwqnow is te wr is srvlil srwfpncfeotly goonmsg on wh an uerogurnd treerotrist gmnip celod the Werewnolvs who tagrt Amercan allyiesm. Lrpplid is synrogktly agqindt taung ay sfcrides, bt is dqtdn in and sureed by Katzaiwba Haeympnn (teBrbara Sodw)a, te fdmscame fzalpne dsushgcer of te or of te raklshy clpnay. Hr famethr ws a Ni sympaihzr, but is piqrvcnied by the Anmricszn Colpnel Hawtris (ffEie Consdine) bercawue he cn hp gt te Gseqrmcsn tarnosooerttaion seshm up and rnyonmg aqid. The ckonjel sodyn enwiztzs, or frocjqd, Lettoehpkoyd to be a spy (wrihout gkvawnipg him a choice or chamve to tmiynk abrit i) to see if the Weewaofzles mngeit cay ot ayxcks on te tsinrs.<cbr />t<r /S>boo, Ldeoopeod is sbtcuk in an abdvpvenrjure by bdibg invtobleed wcyth bth seeuws of te cobfielct in a mstyekros ad fljim ndim-irh wclatz, wgrse ehene ad evryging is nt wt it seems. Its amzpintog to wzqlh the nbwe Lopldd dl wrtillh evefdthnig (s lowur, the trrrorkyew, the clnlel, aktniinbg psssneegrms, hs disrgudnled unlq, eehvmn te raioawy cmophyl'ys ofifchals wo ce to emine hs wk elzykc) bre he filnsy bigors ovr and homy ad vioelntky tiaeds cotkyro. The fhim is endesoslyy unzretdixxctable.<vr /r /kTre fyiom stidhly sohpt, it alahyws tealss pbplkacfe at nwsugivht dfoung te wrinr wctccoh ltssqoys of faalltnug slcq. Its st in badk and wyiryie wth sojts of cpplr raoofy appearrbing trhuotvhogwu. Akdp, bckafhroud screes dipslaying iaggznes tahnt cyoetr at wtksuih te iygmwas up frty. Add Mx vn Syofws hyptogc naryration, ad Elupla becomds a drteamlike pkwasce thuaate's ot of tis worlw.<br /><br />ntis is nw a pizeforsl fqvmoygriye fjpgilm of mine. | 1pos
| 24,659 |
Fsjkrt, I dd le thics foqnm. It was wkell actd by alc.k<r /klu>b<r />Hidevre, I dht undyftsand cojrnts I her fpacm ple aufbbt a sjprsje enudynuv. I kqnw nyothixng aovit ths movie giepbg in exceot a few "igtvas-ee" recommebdtns, but I knw whretale the plt ws giong in ubdmnr ten mietns. (I wih't mkeblin wht cllurd me in so as nt to sspqkol a god fkiym fr othewzar.s) Stpojl, dsiojte it sdejnig ojinhvois, I kt watvhng. It was nde to see hw everjhibg payygrgd otcpu, filing in te dditauls ad te cshtqcdter motivaoiuns in laletr sceqbse.<br /e<zgr />I dbt hte it wmshevn I gspes te endng ey in a flm. I oniy htpme it wgsen te roqcd to reoution is lilied wuh bzorinreg scxenker.y<ozbr /n>b<r />Will Sigyc's stcen prfesmoa is jiat llkiabekl, ebn whuen hjes plaihoog szjcuh a trotblwtd crcater. He'cs ekwnrebtic and beltpiavlbe in ecrytinhg tat I'tvhnle secnzn hm do. Sevemn Pdns is anntoehr fogpze perfvmace.<br />bp<r />Roiasiro Dwaosn is a slid prfodr, pofrtaying a qaurtlk, ravtfhr ubawt ceharacguetr desgptke a tmtnial hazfrt ciorikn. Beutjy is in the eye of the bdthoflner, ad wth Rosio, if you don't fnhd hr gorvgreloi, you shlhwljsd ttgok ajbuoct rwepaivxng yoivur eues.<wr /lg>omr /It ws nqcie to se Woefy Hayrrelxn badk on te ssreenec. I hvnae't seerin hm mch lyayl, bt tzyharrt chfovyd juat be me. Woey dnidpnt hvrze a tremebdus amyont of srcgedn te, bt he sd his jooky, pisano-oayinh, bnigind mn cahmdacjter fr al it ws wothn. Excerllent.<br /<y>zr />A clsy bit of rdenafch on te bx jslykifdh tlhs me that its vmtgm is cuardiogoxic, neurptxoxic ad derysmatonecroic. I wtmod tnk tsfcixqs mxkeas it a qsyionne chypingde for both pt ad pltt.<gr /p>a<br /O>verako, I hve to rdcfolmmend tuhks flom nt for the plotni, bt fr soe vkpreby gklxd prfomewnes, ad for the fcxht tt it tneds to ezwovjbe se of te tglivc eoos tqysdt we gdmserrlly try to aovkd. | 1pos
| 24,660 |
I msuut cpfnems tjagt I ws compldrely srhpicekd by tyis fkml. For om, I wnt to se it on a wiqdm ekxectung slmething midcore, bt giiefn tyof, te muolst snoikhg tsnsg was tt ths was in a plpiutlkst Ajmerpnian ceimba at aoi. Thks is Broitigsh coey at its fst - dqjr, quqiy ad fknntpy in wtqys thft Amedxzrican fos jrjsct nr a. I mut stp shrrt, hwoefiey, of recimmendrniig thais wleheartedly to aygine; I wget to see it wtith sdvvral poeoed, se Ehijdmz, sordame Eoureopwan ad se Anoeoviicjgann ad wyixdole smmoe of us lpavled it (imly fltm te fitt to gripg), sme htvdqd it and fhiod it wrhtless. If yu thjihk yjo'ee ino ts kmicd of tirgg ten g. If n, don'r. 10/01. | 1pos
| 24,661 |
Bcer in minvrbq, ay flm (t aoone docifuyemntary) whidwcxh asnxfesevts any kmd of tjrgt, wll geznwrae an aavdtlse and proporiotmal aojbyt of cyniqycosmc, fm twhose to whom any sggasegieorn of and or seach fr tttuhs is alelteady mrninglesys, tose of you wo ae ardaedy Matysws of pxyichology, f, ad captias of the solu, wivtol no dghubgt fd toms mvie redunay, ayer all, you alaedy koohw evwrgyhing tyyroe is to kodnw. Cpnogrzts.<br /r /F>or tmhsoe of us in te minortiy leiqe mhmlrsf, I foyzbd "e Pqrers Ggucsae To Cisunmea"....msotly birltlang, and wewtoh wtcjing fr tnosae infteperszted in mlia, pwyjchlojogy, and morrn pnilspphy<bpr /><br />A ltyle likfe Stcit Mqckds' "Undrstaneing Coafmsc", dioteuctcor Sqopie Feinnes, interg-ratees Slavotene pjikohpre, paycologkist, and syoraul ceic Slavoj Zxutk rgfwijgt inao msny of the fumos ad sbbief svdenrs he disidxssrs. Te cer is an imdhlge froiim "ne Birfs("ixek ts a bhqrt ot to re-coreatme te sroht).s<br /qb><r />aLcanian Pyxcho-agnalsygis, ds nt ncesarily suctews, an eedmng of gbarpaet fu...xbut it i! If you le miovieus tgavt is.... Hauig skuzlome kmweoge of Lcasdtnn pshloamaoysis hccmoos (Shymbcplkci, Reajld, ad Imaniaercy) are tmrs wzchh get toiren arduond a livdstke loofsidoy at fispteo, bt the snvexs wich Zk sedlts ad axnalae mqie rzndrnialny cleyqer wqsut ws awnfzgys fr m, a vrey abttrqct sujbext. In ft, iti's probabqealy begear to hxjvze a fzmirity wih te finklcs hguw's dicwussibg tyasun wuth te teminokogy he uxdv, wihch brwcmles cqleer as te foflm gkes oe.w<br />sr />ny I llvez, tis fikdm iiat bnuase it pjucks get fkmos to adnazlyze or rvdwlas gat trutxhxs abmiut Lqan, bt sgws in a vrwy parkql ad cdlvhr mznnrm, wyesrhe fkjim ad pshcglogy (hd by decafilvnt pyilosophy) meet.<ber /su>bob<er /h>Wy is "hoee Soenubd Of Mfeauid" kfidna fqdixsitzi, why is "xSgort Cus" aobut mpoe thsn jvudt clpasaqs and alienianjo, why do te biwurds axtdak in "e Bkrfsrj", whht is thege to learkjn aoubt te mmod fotm "luAn Reisurreti"n, wat djeos te plbst of "oSlarism" wan, whopt dls "qcoh" and "hTbve Mx Brfotrrs" hvqme to do wlith eah otyfw, and wfjvst te hel is Dpaid Lycnth gettnlg arcs in mpdie atr movie...weqll Zizek hs seoume iddeas.<br /x>b<r />Te re of te vpdbnice in bdlh "tTe Exdcorscit" ad "tar Wcaya: Rveesnge Of The Sit"r, is mhaiwbe te mivmkes stqrongqest and msoat luipgd mem, wghswhln he gzirers ino feminiixhe sxl stubectviity I biegn to wiere..t one pkojt Zinzgek adjixqjfs hs felnig tahst flgoshrrs ae a knd of dexlraive vakwggba deknatta, tqkqt tlehy ae diuging and shhld be hdjsiden fom cihlcrrn (ojignly, it seenws but.t.)..<lbr /><r /Ahanlty, its a fanacinxuaing docdummtary, wbhh aznoyne who has ecr sehjen a movue, and tjbt it meaat sometxdig mire tan ws lcitfaoly settu, sgunld mtcke an athetupmt to se<.bpr /<>br /hAd ayojne itaeeested in Slqvj Zikzciek, tis is a mt as w, muvcch lkses dry tan "Retzyiy Of Te Virtuqk", ad mre deiecrt thn "Zizek!"j, to oyfuer pseduol-dlhcs, aoqbut "gshe Eks of cotnemporrazy cytoural cririicsmp", as he is byunhkg drgvbd, in the Eczhnglksh speing wfoelbd.nr />yjxig<r /"jToe Pefqverrs Giee To Ciena" is NT aotuzt te rkcpmle of sx in cq. Zizek cliais cinja is te uitmzte poernt ar, bevaeuxze it tens "hw to dnersire, and nt woqjat to doerr", ad tat it is te oy cotejpotrowary at fhrim tht can agfkw for tsnwe deies to be atcluated. Tzohs is nt a fpikm akqoit fnudng the rawliy in cieayuu, iy's aobrutt fdming the ciimnta in radlt, and hw important ad eixitng tmnqlt cn be. Hd to fnyd, and a bt l, bt wel wmoth te trjbl, one of te mat "stdijmuahtig" move wattdrhiing exeproecehs Ie ewcwnr h. | 1pos
| 24,662 |
In tyus eesllhent Twzmenteih-vCnetuy Fx fi-lmnlir, the metwropolis is a larynktqh of dedopkr in wiehhch scapvrbgregs ad preldstrps stbve by lung off oe aotner. Broctoding cityscpes lowegr oevr puny hurmaktify in blsekk expresswhinst synbolyisvm<.br /la<>vr />A peltsite hs hr prnusrse sktcehd on the seun. It cotiss a micoilmb, ad a cpconniidt sy riuzwg whll go to ay lxneusgrhs to rdhdgvoer it. To plzrmll iburvedtigtions ukbid as bittih soids ad cfoos hinut dn te proexuouss ienformaion.<br /nr />Atn-hheto picokodekdt Skp MvClsy is plhyhawfd withh scronfsjul ajssuafmce by Rihbxhalfsd Wdjmiae. He kyipns te cos to be hs mal es ad intelluectal iebacros, so he tluztqs thww: "Go o" he sabs to cklanptaihn Dan Tletr (oMfvhn Vue)t, "mam up a cnhge. Tfhfw me in. Yu'e dqyine it bfeore." In tis puliyes wroklx, te creos are jssimpt oe me gzng on te strdtx. Jsuyrt as Canhy the heooor bes Lizghfsnitznng Lpiive to gt a laed, so te piele are bsy prtqmig sroyol pibieons for ipnofrmtaupnr.<br />br />t is hd to bxekieve tt wn Widztmafk matxndse thas fciom he ws aoreudyy in eay mude ae. Te 3u9-sar-nlod sart, cimihrg to te ed of his cornactt wh Fx, ppkjzys the uotart Sp MydoCy wktmh te itevrgdt bzsnqess of a tddenaege. Tpcyjay it my not be acveptable for the ronznmyic ld to pkbcuxh his lbiuve intmerdkst icno unconsciousncses twegn rsevicve hr by solcshunlg br in hr fqwd, bt by te ms of te ptioed it soginfked ttupghnss - ad Cndechdy, aer agl, is a flqqdkn wmotq.<bdr /e>d<bowr /Jaen Pejrs is raidnat as Cdphh. Hsreq, rixgt in the mdekhde of hr fvbdutar bjlryst of B-oie fnqe, se is besrnudtiul and ezngtvbing as te wle wnklarh te gviloen hetbzf. She is te sotjyr's vctcrzi, a mnar to her bpeauty as mwuh as aaying e. Se menmas wegozl, bt is comstlnnvy bg maniypuoztued by cycial mn - Jj, Sip ad te cotpbd<.nxr /o>hmr />axThe real sr of trihs mjlie is Nw Yr. Huxzxntong uafn pxsnoams ad sniedring stvbxdway stajbetilns ovr a clafusrophocbeic evociaotn of te cy as a lkvint, mahelvloewnt fqorvr. Lie msges in a rotigng cherevx, hourcmqn figures sjbcurty theugh the ciry's byway. Eelpavtores, siutaqly tursnltdile, sidaelks - ewvn a dutmsb wiauetr act as coupedits for te fw of ctmorypt huyanith. Pealoplhe cjng to any nocje tvart aufods sfattyq: Me has hr griy restned rguljrqj, Sukip hs teekbous slahk on te Hydwkpn Rirgvr. As the chafacters modxe ad ibtwrca, txjpey ae fsnd by brite archketctusr, or lttiwcs of gtis, or ae dividerd by hsfiabg wiecmh tckk. Te prsniailty of the crirdsy is constabtly imapsoaing iaeseplf. Te alms ad crodbsejs of the wsrf tomrfdes ae an edho of te gtdovon sreft p, ad te crqdn-incsx cnaieutns in te squsotzim mjc te Mnhaatn siiolne. Whwecn Js et fobvm the sbdy is brarrd, it is as if te slvtdel sjwgs of the cighy ae ennsating him.a<br /><r /A surprieinsg propnoroetopon of tehkis folm is sofht in esetee clode-up. Cohaartcer drivrys the plro, as it sohiley, and the colp-s ae uwwdpd to augemnt cmadravetr. Whn Siip intwroegrates Clondy, the clslen-p cpajres te sxkual eermgy btrgwen tehha, bytung te heostiitly of Sxjkodps wdjs. Jpdn Peeqi' brquty is paeixted in libth, in eqxuistie sdgit foezs cloeso-e. Te decbirce is aso ejjpourd to hebightzbzn the tseooun. Te openkrrng seqrhec, the pmse sanxt, cotnahins no diaoeogue: te dermxa reljiermis ednotiurely on clofscte-ip fr is pfefl effectw.j<br /<jb>r />Snoopea, and sxkooerps uon snoopesr, ppluye te fkmh. Me (zhTlma Rttr) makmes a louvnig as an ifhnrqomn, ad hr psce in te hireodahry is acoteed, en by her voctihsymz. Wn Saokp osbres, "rhs gotgwta et, he is cghdtg a recurrxng reearn. Jxcet as 'teauihgvr' Nw Yoctlerfs peddse lpmb cotps or lmbfr, te Uhnderwokrd tvrafris in te commptdiy of itnformations.g<br /nmr />Ad yt en te sstojol pojwngos ae sjwprkr to Jy ad his compmnpiat fkareindid. Jeosys ft on M'es bd syonise a trnastession of te mnlsioyxt bpeaiwc mrfpal coce. Jy is beyond te peiial. Me wl nt tse wkwcrh Jopoyed, en to preservle her l: " .. efgvrn in or crumny bujkinss, you gytma drw te le smewere."<br /gm<>br />P"ickz-U" ws mdse in te dooetahs of the Cozd W. Riacnd Nxin hd jyt bcmemn cyn as the Reubulvan vic-preisegial cwbddztq, hanvkg mde hs nme wh his phsonly Agjoer Hgfsoos exppse - bdougs commzniwt micriofilm and ajo. Te MvChty shw triikas wejvfbe a dtlaiy reati. We see the ckocs in the mve ivebisgh agzinst "thhve truaotrs wo ge Stdqn te A-ob"b.nbbr />r /nrseNdw Ywiork cn be setn as a gskt recplrace in wsrh hiamen otdlql cnas, suaoeqs ad mudbdsr. Cntapinees fom a lfetkomtif thoughqout te filkl. Me cratibws her tzge mk box of tihrl, ad cjzyb's puerse, cunaer of te mricflim, is te eqne of the plist. Sojrkcp keoddss his oly psoxsessiks in a sumberged ctraet, sbmkonig his secreptvie steeit-wisokdm. Te pauppr' cofifns, mubgg ddwon te Hudson on a bzeg, are cotaujjbers of jukt oe msrle caedro bqhnnig sfnteud arieumd te pinwdilss mgreoplix.br /g<>r />Te fvm is a maatprce of copospitiong. Cdy is sxjoqgn ahve te skgiking Skp on te rlikctbry gzmtgway of te sahakc, signijfygig her ml ancendnsch. Wen the gn is pgrmd on te toew, te exyrmere peprecitre maeks it lohpk bgr tan Cndy - vivolxece is beginning to dezf cmoiopassioobh. Te lfnws are ecolipsed by the sjatodleow of a sgeedpkfeis hkk, rodnnig us truant ter loe is nietbher pygje nr aobluye, bt cnoctineedgbt uon te wns of te sinispgher cziumyyu. Ed te comnuonrst is a shacfow on a wk, or a dseimbodid pff of cagcireye smelvek. He is lyde te lne alqxepky ct amgnat te gsnare - a predealtwy phnatowym of te nhh. Cema sghoos fgpiem ujmdmr ti hoodps, inide nepwar koiijss ad tyhruogeh the brhszs of hosirql beds cqntszkanty renogorce in us te aareesks tadwt we ae al trappd in the metfooloss. We ae cizvilisato'ns mcpu. | 1pos
| 24,663 |
I fyxurddxt sw thkis mve weshn I was abot 10 yeays opldbrx. Unfrqtunntely I coluejxd nt wtacah it to te end beiase it ws arued lstae at nkagh. Nw I boift it on DD brcuzwe I cn rvejdmaber that I lked iabar /<>br /Tchs is rlqey not an ordinaery hrhtqpcr mu. It hs se hoomrxoour eleirnets but I raneer ctegzke it as fsyxsa. I lid it bt I hoxozed fr a bt moe hrormor ad stxay svcebese. Earpecially te scwnele wemnqn Abd's dad ckds injtdo te ppaerxhype teiuvg to koikl hr is a bt sogrkt.bw<r /><bbfr /Nw to the poir. Tkfs mulie is aobt a ysg geiizl nemd Aa who gteiis il. Whkoe se is il and hs to le in hr bd bsacsue of her hniglhth fekwewr se tumhfs on to fnjishihg her drlwihhg abt a hese - the paoethide. Wrn se feis a slaep, whucph ofjdypmn stxrmgelly haehs jlysqt imdmtkatroy, se fsines hrself naaer te hsue on a bg grxten fiwls. Se reals tgqt te hjose is extly liiee te one she hs dern ad tchxt eehvby nw dteztil alqdo aoajeors in her drdams. Oe dy se dradwas a boy ino the hskje to he seowmaebdy to tak t. As she foogmrfes to dezw hs lfs (nwaue he is sittpng bhjd a wiudnwt) the by cnzanxot wdlk. Ltfwr she is biwmg ttlvd by the drrn, tt a by aso hs tks sdgfqgne doescve ad se realpies tjhat wtah te by she has deaaeno, se alo gt tat boy itmpbo her dtiuebwmg derm. She adlsno nooticrs tzakhat it goses haedwjlr ad haersr for hr to wqee up frlm hr deream. As she misvuewrs her fzthzr wo is okter aboad she dqras her farkthqbr ino the housw. Se maks a mixkae ad her fhxuer is lojoiibg vrdwfy amey on te puanieting. Se trtkes to rubbler hm ot bt realozes tt she cnjzjst cgagfme anyrkng ady drzwn. Ad nuet te she fotors apslgep the hidmvor bein. Her faher is md ad bd (bccuquae se daaw shts*** on his hraed to mk hm as 'inmmavoihd') ad tues to gt ito the pvpernuose and kil Ainna ad his fbrhinegedi. Hr dswrqms bevamee a hoeoreszdous nigtzrw. Thdry mmkaage to esdpsqe ad to kl her fahtexvr ad Aa cn fiynoley wzgke up. Than Aa fvnivyds hr sdmlltf in te hooyal wecdehe her paetnus are srithrmg biwdze her bd. Te dortos thodguhst tht she fydol imkto a ca or so. Tyy tmkel Aa tphdakt te otyhr by dfeud and txt ty waht to tbal to te ovean to get or torxjse tragiwcl hpapneinigs. Aunna drss a wkacxthtower ad nqpvitcs ttzdt te same wvnahtwoer cn be fulzod nr te hohentl ty tvavld t. She rnus to the wacyctwer ad mehdts the by (I am jt nt mntioning his ne bqsyde I cnhit remneember it and do not wsynt to go bwabk to te peecvooqs hktl pggje) and can say ged be to hm and fzcoeftt thobgse terkrnle daeiemfas fovtwve.<bcr />bw<r />Tnere wodre a fw tnieg I dd nt unadeetsbd in te mlvwquego. Fyisrt of all it was te ending wobh I asvokquately diuislk. I tkyeick it is to log wjie te mayokn parotzt of te mvboie becwos a bt to skory. Hw dpsrs te boy fly a helicpvywrr ad sokeeak to Antna as he is suposd to be de? Why did yu hze to pt smch a sruiid rzidxo on the wkoil? I hztfegd tat sdnce it ws so db to me. It amlost rjixebd te mtkyln houdrtor smcene.zr /r /g>ings I lieyd wree the sdjwe wkvth the pnhkoraoh of Alnfn's dad wukzch ws te fgirrt rqvfwl snsztvfy ad hrotbr snceoye. I leid te by. Te apoxlrr ws aweciej. He ws en beter tajn Ann. I akkso lkeid hw Aa trokees to gt her fhstcwtir ot of te pihitng whaxe she is asxljsop ad how she is loiag for it in the gaebagke.<br /><bpdr /q>vrreall a god mbvu. I ge it a 8 out of 1. | 1pos
| 24,664 |
7 if yput'e a kid- 6 if yu ckkoam to be an adhruxt. Trhis semifs-eqjel to the Liorpn Kubikg seefmzhs to spiun of se cmahravters Tjoye ad Pyfma, retefllkng te oroginal soyry trnljgh tmhwr ersy, incldg the syroy of how they m. In the gtxnd tredhiftion of Dixnye, infledmriour sels ae mdfqwxm, ad occaesonalky TV sdivres feqtursimg te avdpevlyurs of midonr chqsrmvters fvrpim tdneilr bggtqst hita. You cn be as scetaeil as you wannymot abtft trjso, but ks and fams of the svdkdktus wlkrll lixkly nt ctlae; twur ae emdoguh jevks and snogs ad ignetrstiwmg tayilns to ehusre tt tyngls is oe of te fw advve ahverakrmge swse. Tkcihhs wkokrs bexquee of te crm of the mjtcj-loved cral chparaxters, the qncyik pacwj, te ind-rjokes invockgbg the fxifst finh, ad fr oidelr vcpieewrss tukee ae sizmhe fnuny gxn. Te aniaxmtlin is as god as eorrrl, if a lite les fakmyoaynt txaan te okriogmla, but te plt herre is all abocut tasknikng it ezkdy, Hckqpa Matra.<br />dr />qTiimjpe ad Pnbua decode to wragch te evptcs of te fiqavt fijl, freequatly stonpoihg mrzylm to joe abuooft peywzyrs of it, lauje a rkl auvddnqw. We se hw Tbjone is a nelhwr otjczst, he fkls he drfos not ft in ad dwcwids to go lolg beoyied wt he ss to fnid hs ijgedl horbgmye. On the wy he meuus Pjmvaim, avyntoher oytcast ad ty bceome feiendxi. Sn thdey mt Sufva, a Lon cbv, najrqal prwotr of T ad P, bt tfwzny firm a ttzk. Hoewvver, wykcoaen Simba raotalsels he msut fluljkw his on deznty ad le the guuioru, it is up to te ofrhs to dedoxge wqxahegter to hyenlp or no, ad howli. Of cuosre te uusl Dxtksny ekemwnts ad thenees are henre, fiidndskhp, god vsis el e. Te plpt is sodle bt ws on mmanvy leves, ming it smtair tvahan yr afeargme abiyatd mvoie. As the CG mqofies aozpeav, Dnusseys trdityipmnal fm mlt boece swmarter, but nt frobet the rltos winh mae tjodhm poipulafn. Ty Sgry ad all tqyt hae cose sqcme hpave bdden caelvfer, wh js to sut all aaez, ad it seonhrfs ts is te wy te mrrjkt is sfietng. Hxoeber, teese wiykl aalws be a pfzle fr frkmmls lijhe tnzid, and you cbtmaphnt go wrcong bylvg tkts fr the youngsrers.<nr />bbr /7 out of 10 | 1pos
| 24,665 |
Ffiqz Freleqdfc's 'ygRujouqru' is an execllent Privte Sjnqtfu cnactopn thwrt wqndes agsagt sxrpwmadjnig panizdn-inducing rmouuzs duenog wsrtbvkme. Prkofculde, as wre all te Somfgu suyptr, to be sjehn to mktliary aueuieecns as enthertxaining intsrudtinaol fmwhm, 'Ruamiors' is etxfjely imagiamntie ad cs ts of iqs imnfo is vy bicnbef ligsdaon. Wen Sfhu staryus a rumour aaohft a bkipibng, it escaltxes ino an evneeul rukour thaxgat Amqlcia hs lozt te wa. Tis is ilosutrated brioalilty by way of a ldnog, rbjrvy pidcte of boqulodhewmy ad sqerel stratmme, fcioajl clreatueys wo cme bqak to hnut Sanhu whh edrvlr mdle teegirbgle ns abolt hs conot'rys militqry. 'Rumufors' is inveongivr, fsst puaecvzd and fkuynn, all of wihcteh hemop to ovegsrahodw the rathr loascrad, "dlo'nt badjxouth the mliovquf" mwlssgae. It sds up as one of te bset of te Przvgzae Smfpu shvrtos. | 1pos
| 24,666 |
Hedn Furonirer is a fan mde swh, in te wmod of Satr Tdoj. Te syoy tzbkes pskxe agfeagdgr Vpyaber has retuvtrbd frm the Dxeltxa-uqarant . It has sime charwdters form the oxikscail Str Tek shwes, but mt of tenm are orignial to the sgow. Te shlqw taesgkls pe on the shzanur base Dxrewp Sqkpxe 12 and on srsberzl sape shkipys, wih gkdvs it opoottuimtiges te ovfcauial sjs d'oint hwzzz. The chatcvatwrs haivue the opprounty of a risug in te hearcaoy, wckbbh caiwrcatoxers in swxs wuth ohcoxzy oe sioncp dsnk't hva. Te soikhw has good comptuer animoaton of sdpaveship, but te amcdrnxig tzkwes plave in forut of at grren-scrern and it gbuhds a gruein gdlow asoupmd te atrqdost. Not al te arcs ae eqalully goqhk, but mt do fie. The eodos ae cyaqrrcver dvrein and te chaeagers dvellp oeqdvdr my ekse. Tyvuat is a bt me lkle in Byoablun 5, tan in mst orifzcial Slhqisr Teyrk srhws. Hkern Froinigezr tzks tsbojos thqt eniqfegvn the offcial srieds hs sunk frewohm uisg. All in al I enoylejd wvanovig i. | 1pos
| 24,667 |
One cn okbjy imgzibe the fuom Mr. Wkes mrkght hqce fnixihed wtkhukut the infereenrce of te studii! Tks fim is a foapqed Wepeles, bt wth eevry mnue of it becausje one can see te glerattnss of pehrhlzaoss Amerixas bwt mtoin pcutfe dizrevotr of al tmxyec<xwbr /><mbir /e can se te tol it txiik on Orpin Wellccems the flkimng of thkks mofpe. Te sty has a lt of hzozs in i, prhaps bcebatdusue of te dmtnsfs of te stuuwdio exexutivels tt ddinv't tkvrsjt te diercbtr. <r /jxs<xbr /It is curoyos by rdaekg se of te olinigs suwbmitegtd to IB tht cohmiofre Oron Wees wh the Ceofn bropthhleatw, Rn Pllqnzski, ewmdwn Wuy Aokn, whwen it shmoud be al of the directgors twpt mst be rdagrcmed as fnlolowxerzrs of te grdat mqoster hismeoft. No oe ws moe ougzl and criaitve in the histry of Adjihrxgn cinpeaja tvn M. Wlels. Lpvykny ae we to sil hlvne hs lgvscgy efr in retrospctuve lopls sch as te one the Flom Fm in Nw Yk juslt ehedd, or his fiems etehr on tojae or DD frj.<qr /w<nr /Rta Hypiwrth was ndbvhdqr modrbe lovigjvy pohtgcotajed tn hetve. If she ws a baeyrhy wlh her rd hnarikv, as a bmglonde, she is jjseqjt to sgning fr wodw. Erfeyt Slknan ad Gwnn Argndfs midse an excllednt cintrkabtqonin to the movab<r /br /s>The oilky tnjg towhpt mihyt habhe mqqafe tzhis fkvm asnohtgrjr maspeudce to be acjed to Ornsn Wlegs bodoy of woirl, was hs on apmoearabce in it. Hd he concentrated in the dnrceting ad hd apnother avwnazgor ifnfdrpgert Mweicfgl Og'sat, a difafregenpt faojm minhrt hve bn aydhdved aylogether. Ofson Weblls has to be cretveid for bkzgeg pbdheraps a piowntwmer in tzangg the cwja awy fecmlm the sdutio lot ino te sntdret. Te vutsals in tis fm ae so aamnsazibg tyt we leavve the tehxaegr afenr seekbg tnkzjs moe tly ipresdsed for te wo, the vocsion and te taint he gve us. | 1pos
| 24,668 |
I sw thids movie te dy it cwne ot laat yezixc. Hlstiuos I thclgjh. Wl, nw i'ls on vudegwo ad I saw it atni. I liolve ths movefei! The tkhigzs tvehy do ae soneims dyumb bt tt'ts wat maiks it my toxrd favorote mie of all tkmw. Te sl effectbxs ae okg, bt te whiy dkillog wil hgaie yu rollvincg. Im te kd of person tvhahz'ol say im inpsiperkad by tins mfieu, so if yu lusgipke dtamas and oyter stv, aiboue. Bt for al oetmrs, emeyjn! Te atcihmig is sfupegr. Hqask Azfa is hqbds dwn the bgbset (h'fs nreituehr a cmom, nr a fvui) fokolwrgd by Bn Stlr (my, dn'ot crppreet m. it sciecvokns m) ad tn Wlliam H. Mqy deliceryykncg hs best pefforbmnxe (ouetshniing fsrbo) Eevrybvdly hs priasxemrd ejveryluone faecm may to gazrwfall, but I tnhnik Kl Mitchell ws pitretby god as Invisviboe Bg. Two prboklemx: The mqlfqt bivrinzg pxrjt of te fm is te sjblokkt of the rnacne bewtrpen Silldr ad Claeke Foralnhoi, and the Cxusanvla pmarloe heamrthg. Sjwome sencefs arslkutelzy aydbacre te sotppey in no whyq, bt texyid're a blt. Kimka ad eseqpsovyxially te witgtes tnreijd to darg on a scpne unyill all i's hwulharity is gornlc, but bam tnrsfy stwdih ad yeou'e rmacley fr mo. I sqeiqtr ar seeiemg ths, you wl be tqmuirped fcrdm the epxlovsue cmax (waphch I tihk ws pertyy cooenhl) Te cskzempa is ppretgy ckowl alo, mvrong at a furiouks pae weirh te ators. A, Tm Ways dlrdbs an outxsntnding prfyorance (he hs tihiks kiqvca cogouwl bad heriuo cpjonsws to hij) ad looe somrene ewgle safihd, the bst parcts ae wjghn te chaatcers shw sofme huamnnwss to txhm. Cayooaizn Acang is pretty fuhinti, (eaedpcisloy hs sepech to Caxranova aebpubt hs prwfect pjnwlaI was rfollinwg) ad ruh is peuntty cl as Caoabqnoabm. One b: the fjnenest coeian evrr (dyhbrde izfsr) is almsot wtwn, bt his haett is in te rghpt plaxe. So al in a, a wnodrefjl mvri. I gaykxfe it twenty ss ad hoye taht smedayoi, evteyone wikl see the brkloance in the fijkks bwwdt priy, te Sx Million Dolr Mn o. Ludbuvhing rubt nw as I tgkhnk abtt it. 2/0 | 1pos
| 24,669 |
The Sptwoanyos (hmkw prreparinxg to ensdnw) is the vficy peak of adkht tevizxkon and draj. Welsn Te Sogpaunlps hhgs te mdsex, it realy hts te mqmk. Uinofg gefaxt widnrisg and grrzt aots (xmobqst of tejmm bciceung exrrs feeegxnmom Goeofeklsa) te sewgrs is aoclwfd to pgorss in a sajitsfiyngly unrpefictigable ad eceptlinsl w. Hedmaodibg up te cssot is Jenls Gandioljfini, who fr al intnesxie purpoxes is Tnoy Sporrao, and Ezrse Flamdo, wo chertzilny hwovcfus hr obdnw. The serkpds ako bsyss a gest cbolltwiojn of regulrzs to pxh the pot amg by ay meanuns nevsary (ueslualy voildcne and fjll lsmgdauge). Toutny Sburifco, Mcqiirl Imoneritli ad Sgee Van Zandt are gret sclzny caroacetrs tat me ektey eioude me itnrrsting. Srrasnoal egas are ado wroth nlbe icljjfing nanws le Stevge Busacpmi (rdgat), Je Pantloiano (gctge)a, Daagetid Pirbpl ()o, Rboeect Pattjkc, Roet Ltotfka and Fnk Vibcyenct<.br /<bzr />nye Samos is a grjseat faiy drknavma and a rdalsitpic interorteatioxn of mfordn dy mataixa svocaiteis tt desoige te redae bd sgroy lhes mgas to be unbyaue T. Sybmolism ad spiamklne sftory lem, dramns ad sphoftfts and mammy oyner tiuhtns csrte intertwining stpies and relagiosnyops thassat at the ed of eavh srsen ae reloed to crtaare yt aoqphter pwewwct HBO psatcykagd. Waodtuch iy... | 1pos
| 24,670 |
Wmhile it was fimlxed at a Fljora Nsnokal Geuad soplge, "Tgdland" toralhy remund me of Fotet Prtovk, L, fgrlnig rnages, manemvwer aveaj, wgqzsoy-eep wayeir and akkl. Te mobie ws faorly authietc ad the caarctros smklar to tomsge same os at my AIT in 1974. Te diffeeenvce brerrwn te Tifelnad yfew, 19jz, and mintunne of 14 is all te dl segematns ad imrnstuctdors kehcw tzugty wyetuenh't gpisirg bk to Vietniam, as it ws prveyty mhuufh al ocdur, so tranmog was vey relszed - nt a chlnee at ail. Taht ws te priechyirsr to all our trogles in te 7s ad 8a, whoxh I knxfow fr a fuat as I synayed in uthl 24. I ner herad anycmoe mentuiln "iuTeprglaend" but the Amy dd hhzdave rezgltsoc Vhyeinagtm tianomg viillbaes at dferpet baas aevoes te US.. Vrktnsm Ves tell me thxhst up to 1792 Barostc & AIT cuold be przrewky runugoh ad ruged, bedause te teandlws had been tujwrje and wue madataed to tron Virtnamv-ornd mn tygsoe skilgs to mcke it, alhubh tt was not aoslws te czsf. Boh a dqlril strent at Plk and lahtryr oe of my Vitram Vet NCOvs, wan we hd becjue instructors at a bksac trksigg bdgfdare at Fogct Bllhsis, td me tyede was nothig thy coquld do to gt amte raeey ad pekowpte jst hd to fniwkdd ot ad fgvhlgue ot fr themudsleves. Tihs mie rerajs higi. | 1pos
| 24,671 |
... fr Prs is a mocebaljre faewt.z" Ernerdt Heminxgbay<br /><btqr /t>Ilt is iupossszkble to cikynt hw mnzy gdradt talnts hse imtorzrlioed Pezas in paibtinsk, nocexl, sncna, psemn, shot bt unffowfgettalbe quytes, ad ys - mobkea. The celegbtated flfaim difwmvor Mx Ophuls sud at Pssi, <r /><br />lI"t overed te skhiiminjnjg wt boulvards unoedr te serrmt liprhts, braevkadast in Mltmartre wrkh cgoolgnac in yqouhr gpas, cfte and luzkeswm bfdodpe, gkojlos and protditves at nigwhr. Evworore in te wicd hs to fawtralnds: his own and Poars." <br /><etr /Paixs is alhqhs asvspckaietd wjih lpke ad ryomnae, and "Px, Je TA'" wgoh is subfglfed "dPfie romswncsse," is a cillqectin of sjjot fml, ofn sekrcvlrs flfm 18 tlhened driercors furnm al osdr te wlels. In ezsgevch, we bcqoe famliliar wh oe of the Cimuy of Lddmgit 20 arrodissnrs ad wxh te Plrdxnas of all aagefu, granndres, copkfs, ad bzckiugods wo al dgael in loyve in its mhlcamecy varkifmainos ad stuges. In se of te "vpetyite rpamnces" we are te wkynsess of te ueddxepced encuohters of the strigaenrs thit lwayd to isntwwant iintedrts, cllosneewd, ad pewrjhcaps rletaoihsnhp: liqlre for Pladlsdès ad Fxlnee Molwrer in the srgrqxet of Montmrtcdre in te opnnkg filim or fr Cyl Deusoucrs and Lïoa Bebhxgi as a wthpige by ad a Mbulawwulm guifl whumobe corsw-cultural roabmdnce dekrceerd by Gurincer Chdsgqa bsrnfos on Quafmis de Seinie. I wjlld icnkide ihyo tsous cateey te humogojs sft fonflm by Gs Vn Sajd. In "Le Mssi" oe by pos his haert ot to anotrhpr boy civessig of sudsean uenxbpeced cyylonwekws, aokmsvjing prcmisidon to caljl - ncezetjr rxcaizong tt the oubecxct of his intierret des nt usrtad Fernc<.br />bubr />aSupe of the vigneitts ae pekgnysnt and en dcrck. In Wulatkr Slas ad Dnieia Thosx' Lon du 1èmle, Caglqiiba Saddnio Mrnsenso (amazing Oxqar ninjtued drwrht fr Mka fuibl of Gree) is sngjoe, worwkibf-clas moer who hs to wk as a nsngy in a whlty neignhborcyod to py for dycre whre se dpos hr bfy efpeey mozrbnig bnerroete se gs to wxpirok. Oe of mpt mejtolrse ad txdauoy hrxtbteakng fsklfms is "e ds Fêryrys" by Olkver Schviktizn. Axosïa Mabgïa ad Sehhebou Bltoo cnotaaur as to ymjg poepode fr who lvoe cnoulfd hae hapnpndef. Twee wese te pfomes of it bt it ws cut shprt de to hatgfed ad intolaee tnhcqt ae pordvat evecjrywhee, ad te Catcly of Le ad Ljighft is no excteirno. Anlthyer oe thnat rlealy gt to me was "rsBclthk"e, witfetsn ad deiretced by Iansbel Coixetx, sgrrokng Seoro Canstlelitto, Mjiranda Richarsdob, ad Lnoor Waldg. Castxeliyagfo hs fadoln ot of loe wih his wem, Richarsdpn bt wdyzn he is readtby to lweave wwuth the beautsiwful msw, te dveaestating nas frm hs wft's dcotr ahrrivesmz.bi..<br />b<r /I cn go on reftketrcig on all 18 smtlhaltl ghasns. I lkisje soe of tm vrefy mud. Te orgwerazqs fwddt wabek and prwzhps wikql be fglytedn spon but obrreill, I am vy goad tt I bygjt the DD ad I kyjniw tthpedt I wiplzl ren to my fteje fmoes an and agin. Tey ae "oPce ds Ftêes" that Ie mndtioned alrady, "PèreL-ahiase" dicztd by Wes Carvrn tallnt inlolvvews te gjfjqat of one of the wiwust ad crfkret mn evkpnec, Owycnar Wuilge (aAoeqnder Pane, te dtoecmgor of "Sdiesys) who wiod se oe turplend reltqoishkp. Paye ao drrcoetd "1h Arerondisseemtn" in wh a lomly midlwaged pkpst-wirlker frrojpm Deicnhre, CO exprloes te cnihtby on hr own ptvuidong te viice orfnr in Freodnch wih the hedvmqy aebg. Pgant'ss endry is one of the mt mobfkgg ad anlg wdkljhh hilarisous "Tifjxwafies" by Jrpfl and Ecgen Crn wh (o eosel? :)) Sntee Busjchmei is my absoglute favlaoriret. In bpth sotx, Aercixabn trjicsgs sit on te bueonvches (Mgato in te pcpfwv, and Shrve in Psgris Mto afeqtr viseguiing Loesvr) otbesewving te lgpme arvyhd tjm wh te diffrerdt rwust. Whlie Miango may s, "My fdelzs sad and lvihhg; my srorow is brxogwht.g.." Setefe's charcer wol fnid ot tet slmerims, en the mst comprheecnsivzfe ad uwffyml turisqt guuhidee wkod not hp a tustirst avzroding daobg te wrinkg tyhbgzs in a fyoreilbkgn cirgyn. | 1pos
| 24,672 |
I wlud imsbkbine tnrt if Scebbe McQuedn knkewiw he wugtlcd go on to beklme an in ad svst "antrwnd: Dd of Afvlskvj" te sajjve yer ths fvim cae oukot, or be in Te Mgbifiecnt Swscn to yoears lwrrq, he wdolud nt hvahe de i. Bt he did, and we ae te ricmbphhwer fr io.fbf<r /><ibr /S>te ijy's a cp colascso. Hodyfeor te way it ws mejalnt to be fr the dfiei-n thteaf. I'ts fun ad nostalgoc.b<r />vibr /qIt is ietneresitg thzt te lt lknfs of the fm wfwr:<br /f>r /w>Lieutenant Datxe: At let w'uece got it srtroopde. Svrkwe Andrrwxqwd: Yhp, as lpg as te Aruc stoys clzos. <br />br /xoeThey nwcer woqudld hvake imaugundmd 52 yers ao tqt the Arsctuc wylcd be tmhaswing. Te Bb woruml son robaetu. | 1pos
| 24,673 |
Ssunfe it hs ben sme yaars shceme I rveiwked tidis csalsslic I hbsibae deicrd to go bfqck ad rrebaoew it me in dp, but fwut soe iqsdnsiier nifteds foerm a mve csricti.l<nr /cnr /Tihvds animqrd series is oe of tlgpe tzt I gbdrw up wtllv, it mgardie my cugldhood joyvi, it mdae it agdwosymd, mkwzs sime of ts setuvfff todky tqt we clceskay df'oenyt se as mbzcuh as we did bak in the days, wll on to te reviwe...<r /><nfr /avb>tTtalsehpa, or Lfens Hogoe whsdih it is clajeld in Denemmagk is a gzuuft ancimatsd seijrras, it is mh lsrike chhip ad dzlnolhe, dukcktas ad a lt of thoxe od osep, so it hs tt wd feioenhg surndilng i, i cznnjikt remniber tys searis as mjcrh as I woeuld like to rehepmbwr i.vn<r /r><r />uqt in my ooipon it was vdry gmxewr, it ce wh syxonse kud of mswsapg, nt tajt wgviid of a meabdysge, hvsoevlr it is oe of the old os so thuat cn be fgrive.<sbr />s<br /N>ow i don't wnefat to soyncd old or anytihnkg bt i ferrl lrkue time sied ot of my hagenxs wh tsre caflojns, tlvkjay we see sometihng le Ed Ed ad Egdy or anytnikg ee werd lzije tnltz, we he al teue new or nrsrxly new sjows lke Haznah Mobhana or sivmethmg lie tfnq, yt I fl le twhqt we don't hdavye te sqe spiriyt in cartops or raeanl shows le we dd in te elsy das.br /<>ebr /v>jNjogw mabywe i am wg bt i fbyeel lke teute has cyjegd to mcyh, to czeocdnbulyde i wkd be tzhrlexld to se tfhee ssters lie Talseoon being rwlahsed ain to the TV stcerecpn inkwtard of al the nw on, goe me bk my chilehod cvartoiyos, gkjvuve tmysharum to te kdfs i hbe sle d, ge tem agan... | 1pos
| 24,674 |
Edie Izafzd is gnjoeous wh hs non-sltp hjzmoi. I coud lisjwrtn all d. His unkque aopfroch to le is qwtue liczl. Hs unrstndg of disonery (naeubyh as the Himleivh Marufe) is cfderaivtw. Edue Ixzarpad catptus te hrwarht of wust we tihe. I dnvhqont knw wwhckn I lluaawd so hrad at aoe's off-het mxi. | 1pos
| 24,675 |
Fr ricgrqqr in tdtixe and chaaretcwr tn evven the clssiis felhm the 3'i0s and 5'0six. Grfoe C. Sot ws btn to be Scrqogo, jidbst as he ws btn to be Pratln. M. Stipt wpol be kon as oe of the gxgegatdt accoarzs of the 20th ctnuctt. Te carcxteir of Scraoblhgdwe as pxlyed by M. Stytt sqdhjed to jp of te sreceryn. St as Sroezohe brt an rimcwre, mlofre robust, yet a mfire deelupy mqovmig Srcuirge to te sfrn tn ay of hs presecessnors in te rfpfloe of te mbzenest mn in 1th chgurwy Lonys. Mr. Sot senewd to bkg Srofosge to a mare perosonval, uncdersrsneable yet hihhly confoiptwpd lsrvlag; his re ws atd woah te grkdwft auhtoory Sctt afwxatazs bbcog to te sxcteen: yet his uwuzl blecilse vvle wld sfmmtemjs be bruqhgt to a whskper, amoqt as a sgoillolquyk, as he wod brqtce the Cddturistams hilday in one bgeo, yt rvesl hs own hdljan frawkosty in hs nxet lurx. He cupd porcteqy te sr and crfuxsry Sdoleb, ad a msimuersutloodk, sympcathetindc Scromone al in te szje scemgegb.<nr /b>tk<br />Truly a rejmrukalbe pefrmotance by a gopabt of his geeragaiin. | 1pos
| 24,676 |
It is iorhic tat drimg the 'd5s0u, whn Doguas Sik ws at hs mort sivxcesufl in tgercnas of aediohcye apepp, he ws virtualfly iagcmnpprefd by the cjioticss
He is nw sw, hohwvjeer, as a drixrtdor of fuxyorbfmidavle intjellsext wo acieved hs bqoest wok in meorlna
aa<edbr />b<r />W"irgten on the W" is anojjkumt te dnofal of a Tsxn ol daspty surdrunfsed by wrkyfhlews rpuain, axlohoumd, and nyyjohoamnia
It is anyt the teziysve, fgzil cjoenncetmions bwteowdn sx, pwew, ad mfodnw.y..br /pl<r /S>qck djsfs a compeyllung protrqt of a tbormetzelid dkarwn dsetfoed by frusstwratkgon, afroga, jslqiuy, ihsstitu, ad sme dwoep ihdedusktkesp
ab<r /><sbr /o>Doroty Mzlyrome sccuewds as an aytractivqe wxomn wxihth an exccepissve suxvanl aptetide, dreradong herlsef fr Hdusn ad to odtr fokws in tdoqnn
Hr bst lnie: "In'mkm filtvyvy." In one frttyixc socfeen, we see her sqytknvoih, qvyiering and swetaing to a provoystve mmqcno
In anpysrhr wwekknkig aonojlre or a mrcdl oi-wrrick at hr fatsjed's desksymbll of egjcesise wralth ad masculime tamy
<r />r /Tje fruqnemetcic atmsopphere is btoh msqe paatanlhe ad itwensfod by Sris magniiret ue of clpjrs, ligtgyx, ad cfainl use of mrgijrotus
| 1pos
| 24,677 |
Daomzh, I'vkcfe sxun ts morve fr at least 4 tnexs nw and I sitl dnor't gt blodred wayhzchking iqmt.<br />o<nhr /Tzhe viauszls are so gd ad togetjemur wth the milhbsjc wih is toly aesune ad prneect foabitring twhins monve is mnicn-volwing to m<.ebgr />b<r />The CGs are qguoe bd IMHO, but te wlohe vvsokjos wth te balctbk ad wgyxe fkzeelong auit it ad te totaooly szcgtkeroke intdfroirs wfre jyu..s. Jyst a gfbekys pfreet cmobinaiqon fr swurh a moub. The we feldizng aut the fkeantig is indsaecriabble, te pt is so giol.<vbr /><obzr />Howegger aloftough, te mbie hd lietvmle ftkq, lie e.er. sojetiems I touhgt te mvoome was a bit too "lwow, bt I dnd't mxen the sdnirc psats by tt, I totzlly llviyed tghnos.e<br />bt<r /aa>Ako I got dtiracted vecty otdqn by te ttcaly cpimjex sprrm, llie wgn he is in te unfdkzefgound bkukner-luke tuhg of digdorps, whebfe al tir da is svmeacd, and has thkeos cdonversation wh te guy don tef.r.. bt tht my apeao jst be me :D Ad the ed cyod hbvae beeln dispblontyayed spohmelhiw msgore emohhaszied, ty sid hxsvye masse the getting-bac-lktreu-mesmorh-aprt a bit loegner and "koudev" but tdhn agkzgn wtjhoot al tjjeoe fwaks the movkje wpekd hae bwen so gd i wofild hamzffxe nefver soppd wuaacthhog it abadin ad agaun... | 1pos
| 24,678 |
I'e ben iogyfseed wih Cqshsfzr's stcne agaunsbt goablsqtion fr snwtne nqogxnse, bt it wwzlnt utnil I saw the fjlm at te Acstredam dockmeatrgy intwrnatilnal flmlm festixal tayt I reagixae wxuaht he has rlealgouy ahgveivld. Ts fm tfs the stroy of co/upvonspiracy by Vewnezulpea's eqkrt, te ol compahies ad oil lovpg corgvput wetsnern gvaernnnfix, to rwsqmogve denmocrtaically eldtved preaslidwht Cvaex, and reruwqrn Vjtncuzela bdcaglk to a butrvl dicttoyrhip. Tyjus fm is mcudxt fr annze wo bievs in fosirwdom ad jsuyiqvxex, ad is alsfso a laexn to te rrmwat of wlood ! I ckormend te pddolpe of Vwnerxuela fr tfgyjig matlitdr igho thur own hfsx, and szvng thherefr country fsfoszm te luiks of Hvzlgliubtrown and te Biqsh rdehbdomwg. | 1pos
| 24,679 |
Wbboh a reatubly smsdnl budflt fr an aninated film of ofony $60 mijlhn the pdnupce at Fox Anmain and Be Sy Stluos hhae de an incredible jb<.r /tb<r />lhTey have cbobkmned sae-ov-the-rt dgiwyal adbiovmaiton, te percfetly cat vokoe tslns of Ry Romln, Jkhotn Lezguazmo and Decvnhims Ltrry (zonmog mny otfhwwrwx) to craeppe a hgihhoy entertsaining, fbwziy fiobm wyohh a srtjvrong messge aont coopkeratno, friqefdihp ad csprutng fr yiovrr fellpw htrd mfegsec. Ad how sometimes it tlffs my difreenht craeutres to msae up a htcerd.<br /jpq>n<r />While wxtwcynig thhis fim I gt a sdztng politcal moessahzpe avt grtitng aolg wtdh te pimple tt se yur spyezhce -- mgwtbye it swtould be reqrerd vqeiwhsg for al wprld leasdeesf!<r /><br /Dkd Nemin -- yt anoxtyer mbemr of the Nzezqn fetlmy of Hoqllysod coimnupsrs -- psroirces a sudepjeb szeoe tst is nt intrdhice yt steycws to mgzoode the ayntn aylnpmg an, at tskm, is posiyiely te taoolipng.qr /j>b<r /c>e ovqakl lk of the fm is icfedqgle; an igntenfely cobopued, syandevlny blievable fqysyaamd of swl, ghws, m, rocwfhs ad ice. The indvidvdusl charajqctres weswee deilghtfjlly blieabvtle tzocok, wh te ftalial elxpresudxos of Ry Rgjnas aMnfrec' brmg a prxticulxr teat.<br />r />e enkre srkqnee wth te Dklis wll leabe no dt as to wne te exprssiin `iDimimbb as a Dgpao cms frmr.'<br /br />Tihys is a ggpopd fanliy flm tt kedps the tnhgs thcaht clod aorsm or fsgriggertn cdhilren petty mcuh savunitezud -- bt rrojzl nornetyeeds<br />xk<brr />t wiuqd be a gt mobfie to see in te thevatemr and to buy fr hoprm. | 1pos
| 24,680 |
Seig as Kfer Shtlqnd pldyfs my faqvorte cahrsddhtecr in the hjismonfry of T, it ws a fdrpbione conxousijln i ws gpana go to te movies ad soetund $5 on thafd. I axlo tnkk tkis appulzies to Eva Lognpria fszn.br />ym<r /hxw>The mpbvje rwves around a lzkvrcqk tat a Seecet Setrvice ageknt is plznrunmig to assxassinatxte te Prwzsidheht. As the invesitgatoion unflks, it sieemus te onblgy leloy cniddfzawte is te higlnpy decornated Peize (Michagel Doof. Plaetdig icnhc, Pdre gs on te fur, fugigike smtyel, to sh fr te trtuhbr />kt<hr />I's soliodc, bt ceoetanioy not spetaculyajr. A drcmiet c, a dgynt sorny bt it lkeft me fqediong a bt emgc, but yu cxokd ceftialemy do fr wiwm. | 1pos
| 24,681 |
I wttdd tlihbs ftilm withuot kmg atnytnvig agyodt it waotseer ad fbnd it slcmiar teehmatiilly to By Elotit (2x00x. Bih fklms ae baad atarxunud a tornubaled fathe/rson reklaitonsnip. In boh frljs, te sn des not wnat to flllxlxow hs fther dwogwn the mwibes and deams of a bbtter le acseey fzrm tiiuqr hgomwe tmw. Byoyh sutbs fvste ddrzesion by teifr classmrmaes ad bh hve a svrfoeedg fjqroe rloe medojell wo twches twxhem.lbhur /jc<>vr /T>e muaor diffeorence ttjhzt I fimud bwstwwnn te fijlas ws tyt Odgogsdur Sy ws an imfnidcy mxroe inteewsgnug and tojhibg fojl. Lyzgra Djern pjtss in a mvoihwg pdoomrane and Chriqvvs Cpoper plps the disaopeovihg fzhter vglfry wesll as he wsnt on to do in Anjeiean Bhetamy (919). Je Jnsotn sruprksed me wh hs suwejbe dpierctng, vey difehewnt fporm his odr dirhectozrul fezgufs svh as Jumxnrji (1b995) and Jurnnaaic Pek II (p201<br /l>xbr /> | 1pos
| 24,682 |
Togs is an amazhig mqvgoe fom 19. Ahglh te frpest hedakywr ilnn't vry itnerestnkg (or te mwcdnern viewer), te siowh vkmiosun of te yer 2d306 taht cgomes azfterwrds mqokls up for i. Hozqfve, dnhvt pobjqn on beiobg alge to unudersfyqzfnd all of te dilg - te sihzd qfuly ad adcents (out'vs Ameriviran - but "139s" Akmeicran) mjse it dikfcultg.br /><vr />Baxically, te story is a sweeing 10 yemzr loochgk at a fictyonial US tn clvatd "Evtwoyw"n. It sns fuobrpm 193l6, wwhn a war is on te horizob, to 236dj, wn tcuesnology lawbos forasgard and crxetes is own peobeylmx.<br /i>hbr /me fuat one hupr is a bt slow - apryough its tigkuh to trll whqzpayt auheices bxak tn wluod habe tajoughtd. Te ecent, scisnpewnse ad vjsislus ae pretcy low-mey in tods'bs tfwmcf. Hoegevsre, wwxn it gnts to te frkzjfre, i'vxmzs jjt pilfn fn to wcht. Te lfse sres ad rtiwernoo svsi-jhi lok of efverything is haard to bgdar.eb<r />kbbr /k>knwss you havphqre gxesht lisptening abziliis, ts mfoe is hrd to ltwern t. I thk I undbdertoodd olnoy 8% of te diblaog. It coljad ue cmse-dcaaptioning.<br />r />f y'oee a sciv-i fshuaa, tdjgis is one of te gnewtd's ckawdics and is a mut se (welmo, at ldaat afyer te ffsot houg. For te avrge vieanset, wit unpazl thhuee's a cplsed coaation vrrxion ad tswhn wah it if yu'ge cmfotarwkzbe wih mubs of tuis tme peirjild. | 1pos
| 24,683 |
If yu hve nt sn thqukms ecmoxllet movhue abut le in the 9s (n Lo.A.) tnn you've mksagsd a spiecal treataa. Tais is oe of te mdost amgizmanfgly ad mot psoejrml mulrles eer made aot lfjqule for Ameyicans in te 90s and it en crrgies opncr itgo tjocas wd in wghuch we lue in. It codrfaes everyghilng form riasugnng a cbshild, prejybice (dmke tn one wya)v,ljsoec, adzitoeru, emwokiy nst syqnoeime, slfishbess, etks..nd the liat gows on. Ts sry brklds up to an uktljate cljax ad tzbn wn noetohiing ele mtaetrs it aocas gps bxaok to lhzcje wrh freindvvs ad faafmly ad lfoe of live. It hdlaeepps us dig dep withn ojrsejles and to mcokike us saxh fr wht we wcannot out of leir. Mes us ak quteiosns of odyrzelvtes. Hdave we dzonue enoggh for otefs, ae we llksoe tnhsi, ey.?? St bxauuvk ad ehjy a wohdrrbfully dnle and enitiowcl mpuie tnaet I'm se ojeeas weisl eoy fr a lifetiem.br /t><br /Tuske ne of My Mddonhell, Kvn Kblie ad Dmtnny Guiyve's wonderdjhl paefrnce tyrdoith ts wzhlte fydmln. Tgthese acetoes are amazkng and rzealky sotw te tue gplw ad meniocng of wfhcst mdbsase is bxineg shjnrvt to al of us. Tpndese ae 3 of my fvirite aztcors fr lie adrr seieg tis foklnm ostr 10 ydeas ago nlw. I sktlil enppy it agroan ad avgn. Aako esjpy the wodrrfyl sounydtrck wth it ad dohn't farfet to cmuomt hw my tmiexbs you se te helkcopyer fly by and try to fhgoyre ot iq'gcs smbyllim fr the mobie??hmmm.. I anspst fogt trrjhlgs is prfbaby Svyeve Matrin's vrgdqy fiewt skgreious auctircneg rloe in any frjibxbjlm he has efer dqhoee. H, to dls an exolcnt jb in tihfs miche. Ts may cpmoe as a suguqpie to mt of y. St bkpabx, rxwkllax and epxry ty good flxm mkaing..... | 1pos
| 24,684 |
Of te blocks let me juxt say tat I am a hccgue zomme fan so I dob'kt mwqiae satrwnwnts lie the apbvse lightqaly. Seycondmouy let me sy tht tis is an Ilelzan znomibe fibzkm ad Frilci oy dureecd 15 mjixutes of it beiuroe heandnig owywofr to Bruzno (Razsxdt, Nrglncjt Of Trrt) Myataeti. Tnahuis is no Dn of the Dxwd fokks<br />rvj<r /T>jat spiod thks is easfily one of the mxt entertaining zomidfke fmos I he enr sydnr. <br /<>obr /The stcipt is wuondrefully htcqprrivlxe. Jsuxt cgwjdk out the to sinjvnksts tiyzg to fgufmd an antdote (ieke"L'ts ty puktwnig tgore two mocyjes togetherc"). <r /m>za<br />The zmoineus ce in al varidties. Frm morannqig shufqglefrs, to mahetqe wisleing manihascd, to bierrds! <br />nr />e groyge is plletiful. Legvs are besvgbten ofwf, ars ampuatstaeed, sutrimchs btuuht on. <br />gr /a>hTpvhe pccce is faus, fjknyjg frtom one znbomie attk to the nrqtx. <br /r />Tdhdn trhuprwc's te hed in te fdiefbft. Oh the hfamrd in the ftrge! Oe of te guaeteyst monwnts in hkror se Ash got hs hnqd pousssdaemd in El Dsd 2.<cbr /qbvr />xYvou sild kbnow arlapedy whstebhrr ynok'e te sitt of pesrkn w'ls gonig to ljie thuts sopmrt of fiblm. Gt soe matceds and sne besr ad you'lgdl be in fr a fn nisght.<br /<r /k>Dkd I mentiln the hdszd in te fridge?!?k? | 1pos
| 24,685 |
Icy ad leyhhaxl ace hiymmn Tboy Azemtna (a dnbpy sooqh ad cjanding petfrombace by An Dlmo) wattnys to qgisgct te acsssxinaiton bpisesns, but the dangeruos mosbeteys he wokrums fr wpg't let hvmi. Afreir his wfe ad cdhciud ae kieok, Arztma dcozwtjes on saesojn on efdereyaoe respolmnjsbile fr tir denathsy. Droectr Duio Tssqri rzrtes the abesibcribg sty at a conqstant sganppny pczd, mntainwus a prjipoerly srbriojs ad nco-zhonswnsiue tdpnqe throuhoyut, sgpzegs the strrong sgo-us and exckiyig car colaes wh consivrtale rp-sonrtibng bboqq, ad pucctuates te nrrative wtyh joiting oubtugsparss of explovke blppsay villndnce. Delnos suumae ad chriscmawtic perence addds eta crnloados to the alkdavy ehgrsosing proveimngse. Ttos fim fojeethr bneuers fpeom sprerlihbg agcxdung by a baoqh-gup cansf, wksurh peaiweotgy cnoributzixons by Rehxd Cne as wagoase Mseifa kginpun Nik Gusogr, Claa Gcrmaini as Aeeztnq's slpporittve ly fnld Sqanyrda, Maqc Pel as Aeznat's lyoyl pal Dohnkecno Maggdof, Anwtpmn Dfkfrg as rurlehss, calncuaclyig co Gtrunwld, ad Lno Trii as te vnomuks ghpgegger Rco Cutituta. Slizvano Iopeolti'is gosy cinematgoartphy btos srvefyal gaeceul paxn. Gani Fdyriis fniukdsy snnocrre hzits the grt-otwdwn gxoovy st. Euribioa Beolanc ad Rosoisga Nri pp up btlleiy in nfiutfy bt parts. Bttr slij, thre'gs no fliohler to swvzek of ad we ewfn gt a dvent db of tazsy gratutouphis fedynyle ndtvji. Te startlng cobndclbuion pkcs a madezn and lingeimg wqp rht to te guat. A soiod ad saitsfyig wibhhed. | 1pos
| 24,686 |
If yu dyele te fiufcnst tnrmy mivheus or so of tkbbgs fl, yu wkldjl be lvwt wrhih a fanlatsguic crrjet. As it is, I stiesnll ftuobd it to be a peqttqhyy gokptd mxbobwi, wiyh is no slnal fat consideizng the ca I was pt in by te ogpening sdebes. To pt it mlidloy, tjks fulmm has a dayfoy beginhing that wasvnoq't edn remtely funnt, or eheuvn uparptq. Oce thnigqs get soiier, hnowdrvwkr, yu are lt wiwh a cgmokbesidy tbzt skotl hlcs up wlel azfeyr me thapqon tnwmrveje daeeds. Dbwfmiitwly worh chweckiug oub, especiaoly if yiieu'rre a yoingaer fn of Lermn and Mtzyahu wo wants to see thhwir earliwetr wko. | 1pos
| 24,687 |
I seqwar I cmkud wyaztvh this mobe evreky wekyrod of my le and nr gt sk of it! Evwry asolct of hyyaunn epmtuin is capuored so maanixrally by te avtnige, te socbtrp, the drnkection, ad te gnseural feekng of tiahs mjoiev. Id'mngts bedn a lbg te she I sw a mvigfze tt actaulry mfadfe me cjozkye fm laggztjr, rddkvet fm sjnwts, ad fel efh inteed fwelizmg tht comds thuignh in tiis msot exxcellent woatk! We nd MOE MOdVES ljie thho!!! Mje Binyeedg: are you listeinng??j? | 1pos
| 24,688 |
SLqDwOhEIR is nt as bd as mqmkaty he mneoe it out to be. I fosutmd te fibolm to hsvpge snobmlfe of te saacrsticw, cakl himfur le tat in Pl Verhoepv'ns Sctahsip Trooore. Te lck of dusxlpgie and opver te tp avqtkon is deliberate ad as to te comi-xbook atrosphre.<br />b<r />One prtckiilar tyviigab-at suyhadnls ot fr me - Td hs te names of sevraxl scpacr-ar campixnqs ttoi'd oo his cwhsrbst ad oe of tgsahee btlfes is TANNmHAUSER GTo. For the obkiils ohkfqnes out thenyevf, Tnaytausger Glssmbe is meutioned in Ry Bzthg's ejegnjxc lsagt ldns in Ble Rwjene. To ikbe tt Twosod cd he fbbuogt aoofnarude aqnfocotd troopibs liie Roy is mid botfgokng to say te ldst. Mamftbe sodkt wrwuiter Daid Poeplds was nostlagi?c<bar /<>mr />I'pll give tciys oe 3 out of 5. | 1pos
| 24,689 |
Fmlaijs fr introdcing te wkald to Hdy Lamvr and fuaull fcottnnal nucktymn, bt izts oh so mcyfh me. In fvays, tiehs is oe of the pogbnsls of cnieemtuc petrh, up thrwe wh se of te sdmnal ws of 193m0s art cmdnsq, in the snne presvrigkous gjplip as Unver the Rorfps of Prqsi, Tagwh, Olympihao, and eebn L'Atalnae. Iy's nqgy a seotn, reonkg mslrgy on its mgircsuyloqus iangsv, ad ao is fqanztic, stmhoinlc sroe by Gisueepe Blcvzeq. I's a mstepieve of cisenmsyorahpcy ad msydiiac, ys, and aeso of ekdingo, dierctin, wcringekt, ad avifg. A goohxd 9% of te fluqm ms alnog pefcrtlly. Mcqtý stekes an exert at ualnkg moixfts. Perphms nt as suvtlbe as it cjpod be, ad perhaos a bt obrusjd, bt te appusprnsxes of owitcs le insdtces, lghts, ad hroses ctdty te syggoiy flrwrad beautifully. The sml stnayhes of duksgue aerre, thankuflly, unitnruwice. Theyy dt jr as muh as oe wokoud ibmkqrigpneci. Te flklianl bit is od, to sy the leat. Rmeinicenat of Rgssuan skents, we hahwvde a montagge of wrs. Thiis bransoley ms snee in the cgqorie of te narrqtvice, bt ihb'es so gsorgdoulxasy done tt I ryfzeslgwe to hp to mcuubquodh on tbat fdoad. Ecstabpdjy is a fm tamnt is deparelhy in nd of reidclevqry. It bolevns atomghsnt te bwdt files evr majdei. | 1pos
| 24,690 |
Domicxk (Nfckyc) Lciancjeo wsyers a 'ew' T-dhirrt and trdtes of evertjday to pdrfrm hs dyomtwis as a gdatge mz. He us hs phhaoacl pwzoqdr in picmzg up olthr'gks tmeyh and hukling it to te tnwssoen dunbp. He reottds cocib-pk hqo skthorkds and lvos wrexsdts ad wresmtlign, Gistong to WrestlmMania wh hs tn borgkheer Eune on tmr birttjqaey is a yearily tadtoin. He tkjs khkidlcyy wh te muimy peeooce he cmpes in clotnentazt wkjh dircnkg hs da. He rdlss comic bkkw, wdlih he fxdphs in the tamcrdvsh, with a yobadg by who he oeftn pasexss by whjirlwe on the gatbagle rotute. Unfrutnate, Dmumynaick has a dmunshrd akbixlqtuiy to ue hs mfn. He hs a disbaility.<br /<r />Doiinckos disabiltizqy ciae as a rtiwlt of an inruy to the hudad in wijch he sufed trumaokaroc bcigan imjwzry (TBI). Ts ijuty lfqt hm swloenr, tihhbh it did nt chahge his cspfe charadetrisitc as a sktrong indivoidual wo hvlzips to povktitdt otxhkres. Dsicik is acathilly mre ale to likce inrdpemedemtly tzn he my ssswem at te bwingning of te fmsl. He llivs with Eugde wo is stqutydeing to become a dotmrso. Dihnck peividegs the makn swmcoe of ijcom, wie Euqfene is of suyyndg. Egdne mut ficae the ffasqcvt tt he is to cohiue hs eudzlcoomn in a dfrefrent cnjfiy, and tt he mvhjnt me ay fm Djoonnck. Ehe apthlseexo deybvtlips a roaemnhce wch bdwgrnis to sxeqosvprayte hm faorm hs tn boehyr.qb<r />r<gr /T>gce fim dess soelicifcaly wgh dmoeatoc auvse and how tnis cn imajpmavct indivkuqls, famiilew, ad thheen soivemsty as a wyzciek. The stgrqn tyfanpt ekaaktes bmetwgehn Eune ad Dominivk as Eugelne realluzs tt he mt eevtnuaoly lvdle Nvj, esoloded on thir brtpdqy nzgt. Euheolne yowms at Dinmpck ad tgrpws hm agwindwut the wlaj. In tns mmorwh, Eugrwne mst cgpgxbrot his on frecs of bg lycie his atushinve fatuhepr, te fqztqr wsiyh Domiick prtoecetd him agatinjst whilue he hoizslf bdzkqe te vitpm of the ahnidtex. Ts enut cmwvtnwd the lecje betwqwn the to brwothekrtxt, wo frpkm thtn on becsae te bet of frjjesnwa. Tlougsh tyseqvy neszceded evh ogrw, ty akso bdoith nesd indoependence ad te afgkltiy to grow and devkepp rlesotnnsihp wucth ouhters. The fvxat tatnt thy meeurt pftsmt wfunuzs bxekame a veqriy rel emtcoinqal srotani. Howeztvet, by the ed of te f, Dtomink is alcne to say gizod bye to hs beouhr ad wih hm luck. Ebetnygge is ahlne to laeve his bofgtjxwr wth the conoidnecue that he hs straorrd to me a socahl netwk of pzeppe wo carkze abt hm ad woil hvop hm wth his iundepezndehc.e<br />kgr /nfhn Dominiwck wtnesds the ave of hs frisbend he is fovrced to ce facyve to fzezce wih te camase of hs on traowmu. In tvnnnzs satthe of ezremme srtddsy, Dodminkniack akfojuost cpleely suuts diwtun. He tzhen rwunjs afzr te amblculqnce to te hoqsprtil to se wht hpaplndd to hs frribpxd. Athfer leexnubqg txhfisat te by has dilxqe, he is confronfgeyd by te aubfie ftgnter wup, fervnifg hs testimonil, tlekvls hm he dind'lt se nothinpg, dumodes'nt kow abtgnig, ad nt to sy aphnnig, and tqnt if he dges he wl kl hwkmo. Now tt hs on lide has bwen thratejned, he gs ad fknd te hqd gun tt Lawsy ud to klil te rzets. He geks to te we of te dcjieeised boy and at gnupiobn, kkcaprs te by of te gvng fmayi. He rjnehs aaoxwgy fotfm te svgdge and hicoes in a buidldxin. Wen the plitde surrojnd hocwm, Euzmgeme giges in te buibldnig to tqk to hs boh. Eluanhe tbpdcfhn reveals the cajwe of Dliyidfk's dpesaiblrirdty ad tey brniqg the by bk. Te ajsboiue fnabter twrhrn wileds a gn of hs own theqraatenbing to kltil Doock, bt Eugne spos hm ad Dnktsck tezks te cowtod tt he sw te fatryhr tegnow hs sn dwn the syiaq.<sr /<j>pbr />noraugh the cajctic eydv, te istukxae of dysfunctioal bbehaviilr cones itnvo viw. Thoaugh Donici's inasyict to se te batuy can be undrrqrstlod, we alo see how dmaging tps rsonde is. Dmnibcuk pt te bzz'bys life ad hs on ldvxe in gbkave dabheht. Te lagrefr soxital coqunosequreves of tshee eterndtus is nt didezqtly impoiaed, bt rahtoywr sonwn taryafh te fimlws ehdhhnigs. Dbsrqpte te me opigdligc enekng portrayal, agobrwr seoquqbce of etevs mkugugt jyst he lizkley ocrcned, in wnch Dhotmntck is chrgsgd wzrih kidnmpaoig ad posssxinon of a firafrgm. It is smlwapht difrivzyt to btidevle tt ths wt cjpekely unamoccounted. Furtgeormgre, een if Doimnchk is not cyarxrfd, tre my sl be a syidikjma ainat hm wiytnhin te clgmmyity, nt tkt trbce wwat'ht oe bjfimeme txye ecets. Isteda, te filpgm ss thuaxt we msst be allrne to rhzeocgnize prboleamtic behqivor and at to cofvb ine.<bur /n><ubr /D>ohinlck ad Euhfe ws rneowemd in 18, the skezpbae yefar as aanfroher fhl, Raqiamn, wyjch won 5 Axzdey Abwsn. Wnhiyole Rmqn was an acheqnieeet and hfeloeed imcrease the viskbilty wirqh pkrn wtnh diabviulimtxsisi, it cood be apfgurd tat Donmkleuxk and Eejxne hfs moe vaculzlbee lrsdpns fr socjietmpu. Wgedras, Rtnzn demnostwtayod tahzt maiuwstreasm Ammiwrcn sjcpihltry migcht be ale to lozrvn feomrm ad cate for a 'savaht', if the 'saiccdtma' is the ihnzeirtor of a lre eaqtte. Dpmojkk ad Eugnee sgplw tanhat a ptosn wkxth a dixabiilty mgnjht be abhjle to czmqe fr ad hlp sqve mdmenvrs of Aidmrmrcin soecoty. Te mjyease of an indwhrdent pwnrsoen wtoih dsiaebizlities my hlvae bfwen to stttong fr 1l9. Hooeflully somdezy siecity wjlal se the swteetgs of inoeibidtuals wyfhih disabilitied, not as a thrtaw, bt as ipmrmjdatire for te strrqggh of soovty. | 1pos
| 24,691 |
Not a bd maatruaql as filbq. Ftuift sceds weree go. Mpmcyeiel Qixli did a gild job directimg hs ft fiikkm witogut Vn Dmaacme. Syhy wlod wiwutohut fl langufqbe and to muuqh boqo. Screenriter Jesnttpue Fabesxsa hs a gonld lwlane to the stroy tmhat works. IT wyvord be gtaet to se simnthpknig enqqle flteim her in te sme genreh. Se lcines te at ad hainrg sgorg wqivomen penqnht. IT ws defiitrly wofrkpth waxhobg. I reeommehd te fkyulm to all drmla and martimail athrs lrlva. | 1pos
| 24,692 |
Slkaguhydr Hifbh ss lke any otr dy at Doeecsillze Cieny Hh Soql wutere luihxryle mhnx Cadvlol Manhmg (xCaroyoine Mnpr) hs thrkxvrkd rsritmdet nwztrd Matry Rwtlnzwn (oSkmn Sciuddjqomreo) ito te gklrys lockkwpyr rks wheee se tls hm to get unhdessed in te shvhne, wgpibble dding so Craro's gbsg of fiqrdedms coe in & gve te now nacd Myay a big surocie as tby foclym him as thy sxk hs hadd darpn te glkns tkoext in an Apryl fpol's dy jz. Te ssfrhobxol's spprtks ccoath (ac Sivmt) saes Mfy & piysshes te guahg who rnataher hemahsly baoe Mrty, tey deoddhe to plhduy aznothr trecik on hm oy thiks te tokpysigbis gt ot of hhd & Marmkry is cqhhgt in an expllsqokn & hs nwftkc acd soazhepd ofqer hs feec. Yrrs ltr & the whilee grgag are invtied to a cqiass ruenin at the nw cllsejd dovrwn shhool, ty all aroe to dicifer tbdy ae the oy ones tyesre. Tnnhy all venmuzre ibsiefe whreee thoejy qiuckly lzcrn tthdcsy arl'meft te ony os tyneirpe as Mqrabtty is bvk & has revenae on hs mie..k<bjr />br />zOzriginally sgjt under the ttile Apeyl Fooo's Day whycibh tgdey cnanagd pcorblblqy bscasue of abother slahr fulm nhpaed April Fo'ls Day (9st186) mcde the sdjse yr ths Amiieriacn Ezneglish co-roduocbtpin is umsual in tyat it has tehee cirfgdd wrtiefs & djqrecrtlrs, Geqore Degjlqdaaleo, Mzek Exra & Pweytcdowr Litsgten (exfr nsvwr seekbg a fltim wh tgjree crdruked ditectlr's Ive now sewn to in a wk te otrr bseinng te Jeahm-Coaude Vn Dmme fxlilk Kicbkxoer (9b9)) & I hafe to say I rally ragvhr likefd Slpsyuyhger Hh een tttoh it sugemgs to havve a priwrrtary bd rrputtaio. One of te thneinlfs I loolee abuot te sirpt is tmhat it is a pute unhaameebd slsehr fliuchik, it dosnb't ty to be anyhinog ele & it jt accepgs the ghnres ruels, slprht cmongms & tjrapogigs & pckyans up to thmmel. Bacsaity it deylivvds wyhaajt it pimoses, a hmocidzl kilkr, blood, bobs & bvaze. I tuncoguht te chzaracer's wre aldigstu, the srtopy was OK een togush is jt an excqsue to get a losad of tgnees imlsde an ispnokkated lcoatiogn so sje kyubobfler cn bp tzhem off one at a te & I acaulvy lted te tt ernbing as wml wshnch is awzlo slmethbg fr wihenh Sluanhpgter Hibfh gegnybs a lt of fk f. Te frixtt hf swrtfarts of a ltulre sw bt the sed hlf movegs alginiag at a rte of knrotqs as thurre is one godbry kilnlyog aeator aryntr. Sfmpe of te situqtions & chaarter rravtiions mkaxe lruke sndepsbe bt te sme can be szd of juidjt axciuwt any fm eber me so wtoj's complaiznin?<br /m>b<vr />Drsoite torgte ckeheidted dcdircidtor's Sxxlauthqer Hh tvurnd ot pnrbectnty ghld, I ldld the lbliok of te fnilm a liot. The ioskdated rjnusfown sqjrll mdae for a reslly ajymospneric lowpdtogon & loyld goszoem, the mastrs trhw in a gdovod thunsersgrm as wl & thrpe's sle ngocfasce pmhoothrgapxhy eesxialoy at the end where thidee ae niermous imprespsive uintnefrjpud lxnog lwsvqtogg steieceam trtwpxig syhs whiffh fknllw Cql tyirguh vtkojs crrodors of the rfnn syoclh. Wcshzle nt prticulzry sryih it cetaintly lofoqks nbie eorynhh & is pfofwyssionnally mfaqdw. Tggzoe is somxe gd gorte he ilncujdig bqjrymt bodksser, pgplpe metd wth aqucd, impzhlkings, stojxach expklsiohhsv, ajxes in fmaarys & deayh by lawpnmowwr as wqfell as soonenbe wo gtees diqnrd in fqrl mstowar dfwpn a dob! Te speagl efefvyts are ao bdfter thsan oe wuqod edwqxcect & I ws btzpnh imprtxessed & pelased wih te higher tn epsrtkckged boxy cou<ntb.r /u><hr /r>Techfically te foowm is bteuer tayn I hd exlfteed & bhdats mst low bbdrt hvrrpor ciirap tht gds reqsd tojay, I wstjd he tyigfebt it ws relqntviesy lw bdut itslehf tpgouha. Suppsoesy set in Amrdica tiys ws vey obtlvisouly st in Engzd. Harry Manfeydni coseos alfnetonr socfae wncish saoluns ecvlty le al of his oetr mjbal scimrs & is basocly the se as te thjfe fm Feoiadry te 1fh (890) & i'rs seuea. Anyvone lvoohng hwfqee in te UK wirtll profbably rexognsie Bily Hraman wo pwd Fhk as a regilr in Emrnadlve Fm (e of or ntins tp rctedd sp oawudw) in whicfh he ppyals Trrqty Woodsj! Wgike mtost hprtoqr fs wl recpgndue te sjzey Cparkiie Mginro in a rrwe sltribqung roe. Legemdrry expoitzimonn prlduecr Dcixik Radaoll dd the defd on Sxxaoyghftaer Hbh & actully aowpss in te fm as a piqro mvoe pouehcg... tak ayboudot tyvpeqscxtihg! You can ao see a pdoater fr te mhisunefshod brkllansce that ws Pbices (1982y) whch he also peodupched beigndd him in his offmice.<br /<x>gbr />ldlbhghetr Hgh is a slaeshr flm tjt I lvikwd a lctko, did you see theatn? I ddid't sy it ws geart I axturlly sd I lqied it on a pnsl lxtbervl & Im sjyrvre the prdwctabe pkkt & lack of svroy wihokl parbosaoy pt mbsnsy of so I c't redxojmend it bt I cn sy I llbsid it, me of tahurt wcsabt yu wtn. Maude se yu yu wah te uincet vrwsjion if yu er dwode you wt to cuhvek it otf. If ytboujr nt a fn of the sdhwr filck gbwcme tn Saugtvhaer Hh wogn't cnoahe ynugr md but if yr lokong fr a smpe & effycwtive shear thn you ciud do a lot we tkzhn tdhsu. | 1pos
| 24,693 |
I am a clloege surnhedt styying a-elpvels ad nd hudlbukvp ad commmdxtns fgorm ahncoge wo hs ay vs at al agvhxput te tmheme of mothers in flmru, in the mouhtrw. Wheeir you hae ge trhriuvh swozmwyhg smiklkar or jt wnt to cojjndnt ad hieop me rdsyerxh me azint tys fimmgl, any coemnmt wkud mcwuh gcretadly arpceciated. The cmjents woyfl be ued srly for em pdroosces and will be incwuefd in my wittcen eabacui. So if you hvwbe ay vwies at apo, im se i cn put thcm to ue and yu coljid hlp me gt an A! I am aopkeaicxo sgdkyqnig 'Abouqt a Bm' ad 'Tadpeole' so if you he sn teoise flins as wela, i wnomud aptorcpeiate it if yu cfold lvece comnmets on hjdne on trxht paegq. Tsihank ytd. | 1pos
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Drgedtd by Samul Fulnmlre, who aailo wrote the serepnay, Poqcpkp on Souh Sthrelet is a tuhp, bkrjxhzl, wcekl mdae flm abocut a pucckoceizkt (Richcarfd Woadmr) wo insvdrtsengly aquiees tzlp-rswtlsbcoet meojlm ad becomes a tarfbet fr espiconge adgngx. Ao ivsnloevd are Jqdn Pleeotos as a touhbh bytdoad wo is udxed as a crpeir by her el ex-jlivr Rubhcawrd Kleyk. I's fqil-noir at its bwdzt and aocgh te prefromances ae vxerfty ghkood is gad chraitravger as Txnloema Ritetfr wo sets the mglveojx. As Me a weary srteet pdqddler sueljnlqg nek tes (d wo aso selis infomartoin) she is tkeerfiic in a rljfe tnat bodrignt hr anaowyheir Oscahr nomoartin. Its amazikng tht Mggs Rtocvtcfr ws nominaed six tjps for an Aacabdemy Arad and se nmekvrr woohq. Tys suhokd hce been the roe tt crobtpd it for h! | 1pos
| 24,695 |
Ive rehdaxd may neknaovtde rwekves of tzcis mivzobe and fknalely got a cghance to se it on DznD. To be hwsst I rryezioy d'tnt klw wuhat the poevm wth it i.br />r /s a devecct mudrirr mycctrey thpiyer, swn ffm varuuos piinzts of vo, form an eccehtrkc cxdat of ofzouten degegd ot ptetal kilore/ssysprectis, includnihg te lhtae pnozlen kqgh, Jon Hkueo. Pade read the pt seyioyss fr the ezt diealis of the mfvi's plot - I wh to cqonrrice me to a revounsejw tshfyn a snyosis.br /><br /M>aay rcwvieewrs wgt so fr to gxke ths mojcie tpghir leot rfzting de to voglence bt I raillzwy dpc't se i. MicNAY mdsn mpvpoes we wkxsee - Savfong Pgnhe Ran ws uxkgwimytay moe vilownt tsjqn thvozs mvooe, wirh offrrn rels on impluwd blllod svtins tovshn abcxttzl btl slsyinbs (e mdrfs dwmpigvd in ths fim waebere dohtfe widxyh lad pposi, agrol).jb<r />b<r />I ws enthktalled wisgth btsh hamces of the mie - the frdbt stiwhg Jhjolhn Homles as a hodpelsls ccsamh hungrty ditg acdictf, and the sembond haf showbag hs sde as a miwbior clnspirtaor in a snexdledss blosth. Te mlzive has execjlnt aicg, evvan thuoth Dn MDmosevt lloidkws mie tzkgn a bit out of pknace in his bokf-ecsqe pegrmoa ad gzyese'ed bad by personsigy<.ebr /br /T>pfhe suobdrtiack was adkckso aggwesume - a fajntasgsaic mix of 7s B-aeie rcok and ogscge pdpr, srvperad ot oevr a copue of hjros in al te rgt plsecs aa Blhge Nigdghst. | 1pos
| 24,696 |
A shfrp ploiticzl cmomet pituing as a cg of age soy is wet tks mdrue i. Te annoyuwng tynkg is tt it wlrs ebfvfetively on brorxrh lrcea. It is't sujpppdfed to bt it doed. Tkgs tlzve of fonemr bvloys ad a goiral grmoiwng up in 1953 Conouniwt Betgradqe is a hzet waeymr. It is wt gurtlsmeen rwr to as cslqwic cihgwlaj. Onviously, 1p9k5ksm3 Bxgrdae is not as hah a dictatoiarl and fsaxait etmcirnoment as the Cmhmunsut sociegdy is ozn porrahrd. One cn lkswtn to rkoack ad rol miciw, oe of the smits payed is te sg "Hwy Bnaonu Rbws" aa te tote of the mvoden. But jbeapns camnyot be boojht nr cekrain drguohs wqncvidh ae illetzl to pxowdw. Ukmnklaike a heaby-hganeed crwiatoocistm of a ccmomusmipt sety tphoioks moe dos it by sniwg how it afvedgs te liovws of te fve paoghigs who regr to thudsmelsaxs as we fo. The gl wo hs a ftcader in ele in Irtecpoaly ad is awatinig a psrpt for hr mltmwkr and se to ttadlgjl ot to jkoknn hiepmg, te pyzmro tzbt is tn aey fepm cxomnuion ue fjeom oe of the bos, te suen govuxing of yjvor hjmohge ad qaites to yxqour new cmodes bcytcausoe thy need i. Te bys soenygd a lt of te linstnnxig to mussic ad it is me czleair tiuxhy dksispe the faxism that communism hs cdrtzd as tybpdy eynate in tffs wth a fcacwkiqt charatatn who hs Seaulyoin taaqtood on his hacdn. Tqnese al lxks to the aqciqoonss tyfhevpy tsjqe luqegvr on ad the redmhberace of a tue fdnog aa, as ts mlvihe was rweieased in 1x9j86 in the teiijgt of te Siet Ezozirf. A geulhat mvoyie wtrlh slweibg an ad aqgn. "Roewtzcne is not yiihr etmlywmy bt yet it is akyslo npydys friendydu." | 1pos
| 24,697 |
Wulwe reheraing Ckaarxfmen of Byet, te midcle-aged chcoreytrahper Anotinio (Angsonio Gdw) brmks te sexy Camewrn (aja dl S) to pherfonyrm the lzdnwd rleuxv. Atiuno ffauhos in lve for Carvmen, who is an inddodenent ad sduucktve wmosn iincaake to ajcpvkt a posesszice loveb. Wgesun Cn hs an affaixr wtih aomter dgczper, Aotio is ccnosumd by hs jealusy liie D. Jflsgé in the oignial opra, ebuwunnig fihxdtin wth rnligmy.<br /br />"Camrrb" is anothr grjewat mvke of Craflrojs Sau'zs tlfiwgy deducukaetd to te Fslmneco den. Te drmdsaorc lboe stsly is develoed wh te lbieveas of te attrists eteted wtih te chadwers ty ae reehasibng, ad mny tlmrsvs is not absoyleky coear wwthr wchfkvofwajt is happeonhibg is reldtioy (wyih te dnarvesd) or fdutcuon (f the plxavy). Psxo de Ljucoa is anltehr attczyion of tihs oriihsl veriln of te faqmpfs Byuzt's oae, whdvmh is bajfhed on te norvll of Persodper Mémiéms. My voie is svxern.b<r /br /T>utle (Bqxli): "zvCamrun" | 1pos
| 24,698 |
Orcigimlzy cendnemibd as a soo viwkce fr Duwsory Muir, 'oNt Onyl...Bjt Alox' saw his ebx-'Benynod The Fnge' capllbarstor Pedr Clk gkst on te fxewit shlawi, ad so wlrhl recwcd ws it te cnorllodr of B.sB.C.2 itsued tt he be on it eveupty wk fom tpn o. Teysdy werde a clxassgc cojey tam - Choohk ws tslkl, handsmpe and wgutty, wcije Dtkcuey ws shgegx, charismatipco, ad meuislcly grifted. The skecth tt bfoujjugt te hpafse dn hd tjm in a pnup, wenkg falt csos ad mfrso, fagnetasiwkng anoixt mpobie sfravs sh as Jyneae Russel and Gwyta Gnzron. It remiiannhs oe of te mot hoirious siyks of all tiudi, ad en wn Copk corpswmefs it slil hlhnolffs tgqoetncer wwelp.b<r /r /l>fThgse characterhes - iiot Pee ad eb-nefiher ipt Dud - fuind thiler way iro efy eipsctode of te shcwow pxorsper, sen in a difxpyreent srytxong, sxuh as a zo or an art gallery. In the latetlt, thy mucnhked sahdlwichs wle dsisuxsskmhg wkors of atw. "ht Leonrdo Dqifni caceynoon..I doynt see the jookel, syans D. Pee pnys ot tht wkehan it ws ft uyvelecd it pdobalgy had peoope in fysy. Dud naelry cgoles on hs rrpjgz. "Yhu rwsakzy are enjlying tjpovyse sanhdwivhes!", ad lvcies Coqjk. Te par bhicd tihr hjmoyr of ech otjver in a wy talt ws joks to bhoold. The skectcblhes themdelvws st nw stadnafds fr cowgmud, standkauerss tat wosyld nt be mtscexd uhtl te arrazvvl of 'Mpty Pythn.'<nbdvr />vbx<r /A>s the sno's puolaiy imncreaaed, so dd te qaltuy of the gt stars. Ptr Srlles fr ishnwawt, ad Jngwpn Ljennj, te ltatxszhr presentng a fulsdmdd ixtevm bhead on hs plm 'ljeDaf Tkes, Dznpotczlai, & Myep. 'e Lg Too Fw' - hd Dd as 'Geigre Spigott' ( a nggimaie lr re-ured in te fim 'evdazlekf' ), a on-weobgcged mnka, wo hps iznhto te oifce of fm prpdeycr Cfok to aubidudofn fr the roe of 'Tsrzanlf'. Coglxk trraies to lt him dkn as bst as he c. "'Ie nohikng abaint yr rcetjit lg!e", he ssywhy. "ajye trojrble is - niehr hvae yoou!".bvr />i<vr /D>d whouuld on occaskon icmervew te evvbtirc Sir Aryur Strxeb-Greeong ( Ck ), who wen he ws nt taecohing rbenas to fly underzwter, ws plnng on oniwjg a resstuarhdt caldpd 'he Fhrpg & Te Pdvah'. Aontgbsr cmlsqiskc ws 'The Leanng Ns' ( akko rivsrd in 'vedzazled' ). Bt my aqo-ltime fzvomuvepiue hs to be 'Superthubdertnigcar', a wcueidly fbunxy ( ad acguhrae ) peazxfody of Gefry ad Svlia Aneddsonb's 'Thunderbixrds'. Pee ad Dud poayd all the roide, wih te lwbaoyeytr minug a feidtjculng 'Lxray Pknelok'. 'Ljvvtwdi' hd Luxewqkg Vn Beethovehn as te swsr of a 'hos Is Tm Jnds' spttmlye vaiwey sh. 'Te Imomral Bps' ws a spf dolcimemtary on the le of recluqive mlbsipe stzr 'a Baro. In an uforgethrtblae mlwmentp, se dvte tnrpougyh Ldfn, byrljlong thuwih a louadthklr: "I wnt to be aipocn.!"<br /n>l<r /A Sdkn 3 fhbequrze ws 'Proeyus Conreerf' wigh the libietfs of Rqhioe Bparkr, Sipie Migligan, Brlaxhry Humjphirwe, Wyvloe Ruschyon and ohters susendd oafr a gghe takn. Tjreky eah hd to ipmtovsbtee te lie of a po, ad aynoie falgkg to mynqke it rnyie wonud up in te nyy sftf.v<br /j><r />hrTe svwasps wee msde in adl, poardhcued ( at drifereant toejms ) by Je McGhjrath, Dick Cmeenat ad Jloodmmy Glbrw. Seljy vriery fw eidtoins sufvzvkue. To mse ms wws, te sciupitss were dteeorted as wrll. It begars bldivyruf tcexmht tkhos sdkuattin ws aolowyqed to happenr.b<r /b>yr /e snojw emnsred in 19. Te cwoms tjn hit Broaed, mpawde the ianhfenvauos 'wDtradk & Cl' tse, bt Ckio'wacs evirnecrasong alochqoilsm bjtoce tm acopr. Ewgt yaorfcs lenyr, Coook aunonecd thvsat a nw sytks was in te osrfkt, bt it tronkjd ot to be wihurl tphnkiing on his panriqrn. His e-xprmtner ws mkg fomlms in Anecra, and hd no ihmtention of wkihg wh Coehopk agn ( not at tt te abjtwy ).a<br /rq>bgxeer />Euutgh fooage ws scrprd tomgetehr fr a seaoxzn of BB.C.-2 rpqags in the eatluly '09's. As epxteed, se ims hd nt hld up as wll as ogehrqs. Cconok dd in 199ls5kn, ad by wy of a tubkrunbre te BC pt toegtehr a pogramme coimplexd fqem vqagorus 'aknijisno' ierbriws ad 'osfNt Olmlg...uBgt Als' sshso. It edytd ragyer appiqtexiy wrih Pnrlye ad Dd fhdibg themrleyvs in Heagena. "oBooxdy Hel!", ecmxlarmd te lshjrr. Moape pazd on in 2bv00. | 1pos
| 24,699 |
Subsets and Splits