holy shit don't do that
[ 1 ]
nit consider using tempfile ext namedtemporarydirectory
[ 0 ]
i suppose that l should be executed after this one please move l after if else fi statement
[ 0 ]
jacub agree with your suggestion
[ 0 ]
Hmm, weird. I swear I have the worse problems with git. > $ git rebase -i HEAD~2 > Cannot rebase: Your index contains uncommitted changes. > Please commit or stash them.
[ 1 ]
It works that way, yes, but it sucks to do that. This is essentially the reincarnation of that problem we had with the old types, which is why we introduced the `BodyValidator` type, only this time we probably can't use that.
[ 1 ]
nit is this git cl formatted alignment looks weird
[ 0 ]
shouldn t you let start sh run keepalived
[ 0 ]
can a pid be
[ 0 ]
useless line
[ 0 ]
i am confused how are you getting the patch from gerrit if you delete the git fetch command
[ 0 ]
@ShizCalev okay but just because shitty code exists does not mean it should be baseline. Else we could say mecha code is the standard.
[ 1 ]
i am not convinced this is safe another bit of code could have reaped this pid in a sigchld handler in which case this waitpid may hang forever on a recycled pid
[ 0 ]
Why change this? I don't see anywhere else in your code that requires it.
[ 1 ]
Yes, which got me looking for weirdness in your coordinates. But fuck me right?
[ 1 ]
yes we will use that table directly without modification
[ 0 ]
> Early resolution of algorithms is good. Well, in this case, they are getting "resolved", just to get "resolved" again by the MAC! That's utterly ridiculous, and only a waste of cycles.
[ 1 ]
I'd rather have soft-wrap enabled by default. Scrolling long lines gets pretty ridiculous IMO.
[ 1 ]
oh damn, yeah refactoring...
[ 1 ]
ditto user facing messages should not use l examples
[ 0 ]
yep just like the health monitor controller you re really into killing bogons are not you i will get it added as i have done for the rest
[ 0 ]
mpaccess std move other mpaccess mpbitmap std move other mpbitmap then you do not need the assignments to zero
[ 0 ]
the pid file here is unnecessary and a security risk just have the method return the pid like tracepath tool does
[ 0 ]
this is a mouthful to make that assignment i think it is making a new observer can this assignement be more direct we should not need the local ptr cache storage observer makeunique cachestorageobserver getweakptr x getcachestoragecontext
[ 0 ]
we need to kill the comment too
[ 0 ]
we have a create but no edit or delete can we add a delete here delete plan plan name deletes a plan by deleting a swift container matching plan name
[ 0 ]
it is generic purposal not just for this issue the abort will be called if fw sends core reset ntf to dh
[ 0 ]
would it be possible to use eventlet without monkey patching
[ 0 ]
Sussy bussy wussy
[ 1 ]
in the case where onchildwatchnotify has fired you would be calling g spawn close pid twice on the same pid i think it s best to always reset manually managed members on destruction
[ 0 ]
Damn, our [styleguide](https://styleguide.human-connection.org/typography/dstext) does not have it! :disappointed:
[ 1 ]
Have some fucking mercy for people who will spawn these
[ 1 ]
ocd here but why the heck is there extra spaces in front of your copy right
[ 0 ]
Damn, forgot I filter out Nones even though I wrote it.
[ 1 ]
should this and other elements use getwallpaperdarkencolor instead of black
[ 0 ]
the word ass not really good here
[ 0 ]
nit the other drn enum name have one line of white space above
[ 0 ]
this is what die is for
[ 0 ]
you re right dolph it suppose to be a serialized json blob
[ 0 ]
please also use insecure conf keystone authtoken insecure
[ 0 ]
should this test just be removed seems useless
[ 0 ]
The miss chance seems like it should go in the attack code, not in the damage code. It's going to be weird to attack a mob and deal no damage even though it seems like you hit.
[ 1 ]
i would prefer remove useless exception catch in delete volume
[ 0 ]
Agreed we need to set them by font size, but I'm hesitant to make any changes to v3 to support that just yet. I know it sucks, but for now you'll need to customize that yourself. v4 will have proper scaling of things by typography.
[ 1 ]
invalid ofport is currently as string but i am hoping to get rid of all of the string isms from the library mostly i did it this way to maintain the same logic as previous which handles the case for ofport even though that should never be returned by ovs
[ 0 ]
Femboys holding anime books?, It would be funny if you added femboys holding programming books like
[ 1 ]
i think you mean vmwareapisession call method
[ 0 ]
I'm sorry for commenting on your support-related issue but I hate this new Connect to Library nonsense because the only reason this exists is data collection and the fact that client users are now going to be required to sign-up to this is abysmal. This is the first time I've had a reason to not use Elementor and that is so disappointing because it is such an invasive action by Elementor.
[ 1 ]
should be a boolopt
[ 0 ]
why ARE definhitions for functions here highlighted in blue and showing weird-ass line coordinates?? This is something i don't quite get.
[ 1 ]
sad github stupid faggot
[ 1 ]
i think you can simplify by defining safedelete that accepts f args and kwargs and calls it while catching notfound then in create resource you call self addcleanup self safedelete data id and in create bandwidth limit rule you call it with the additional policy id the advantage is that you do not have to define the wrapper in line the disadvantage is that any new create method will have to know to use self addcleanup with self safedelete and that it will not be automatic like you did here with overriding addcleanup i am not in love with the idea of overriding addcleanup and i think that any new create method people will just copy paste something else in this file anyway so overall i like my suggestion better
[ 0 ]
should this be dib image cache like below
[ 0 ]
this should be self host and self port
[ 0 ]
The problem isn't the component but the ridiculous amount of calls to it. Likely unwanted recursion. Can you maybe debug what is causing it?
[ 1 ]
you will not need the comment if the test name is more informative def test all whitespace flavor names rejected self
[ 0 ]
mistake by stupid rebased
[ 0 ]
Ha, you're right. It's hard to compare one nonsense word to another nonsense word...
[ 1 ]
the white spaces will be removed in the next patch set
[ 0 ]
not sure the reason for the whitespace change here the quotes look better lined up imo
[ 0 ]
once i had no calls for leaving it here it will be removed
[ 0 ]
With beta6, we have problems on ios here too. While on android it's working really well, on ios it's doing nonsense with items you can't see, white spaces everywhere... Strange !
[ 1 ]
of course this makes sense thanks the only stupid question is the one left unasked p
[ 0 ]
I'm fucking banning you for delete soul, awful, 0/10
[ 1 ]
this is a what the fuck vector so what the fuck size t
[ 0 ]
same should be network id self resource id
[ 0 ]
i dont get what is funny did i do it wrong :sob:
[ 1 ]
this is the source of your test failures s to dict todict
[ 0 ]
Oh damn, yes you are right. Have fixed this!
[ 1 ]
it should be web content i have the same mental association as dcheng
[ 0 ]
Damn sometimes I wish there was a spell checker to hide the embarrassment.
[ 1 ]
Nah, let's better not hide some implicit magic here. Explicit is clearer and not too ugly imo.
[ 1 ]
No idea but its very annoying that it does this.
[ 1 ]
a page size kb b page size kb
[ 0 ]
So this is a bizarre one. If I simply click the link, I get an empty tab at `about:blank`. If I right-click the link, choose "Open in New Tab", the image displays in the new tab. Wild.
[ 1 ]
that s messy why we do not use jar here java home bin jar should be there
[ 0 ]
how does stderr output get the value should there be something like stderr outpu deferred step result get stderr stdout
[ 0 ]
UNATOMIC But it's already merged. Fuck.
[ 1 ]
can we end up having instanceof in the hif hinstanceof is a bool and we might just fold hif hequal bool true to hif bool also what about hnotequal
[ 0 ]
hi sileht sorry for reply lately yes it is my fault will do it btw i have a stupid question why we need both an unique id and a msg id it seems they both are generated when sending a message can we use only one of them
[ 0 ]
please kill return ok that does not really match other kernel driver style just return like every other driver does
[ 0 ]
the comment formatting is strange just remove these comments it would obvious it is a dummy
[ 0 ]
Ah fuck, I didn't notice the ! That means all this was already working and something else is fucked up. Now I've actually got to test this shit fuck.
[ 1 ]
I just took a shit and realized that but you ninja'd me >:(
[ 1 ]
and here you could use ps ewlo pid lwp comm
[ 0 ]
these sprites look like trash.
[ 1 ]
this is getting to nitpicking territory, but i'd really prefer var/turf/T instead of var/Loc. the single capitalisation difference will confuse the shit out of someone, somewhen
[ 1 ]
users should be possessive so users
[ 0 ]
i fucked up my first attempt, bad replace.
[ 1 ]
cache ```ability_types[id] = /type/path``` as a static list on ```/datum/umbrage```, this is disgusting.
[ 1 ]
you do not need the above for releases
[ 0 ]
extract all this logic into a method which tells you whether a given activity element has action view children
[ 0 ]
Damn, how the heck i missed this. Updating.
[ 1 ]
no bussy, its a bug that needs fixing
[ 1 ]
i made a test but it runtimes like crazy because of the shitcode that is species runtiming when you create/delete them like what happens in a unit test, also dullahans.
[ 1 ]
these are useless once again you should check that we have output data in bytesio object returned by io bytesio
[ 0 ]
Crap, didn't mean to let that slip. I'll change it.
[ 1 ]
why not just send in opengl alive here and dump it with the other variables
[ 0 ]
what is a dumb key allocator in your understanding there is a fixed key key manager that is used by cinder volume encryption is that anything like what you have in mind lack of a key manager capable of providing unique keys was exactly the reason the patch was blocked in icehouse so i do not know how much a dumb key allocator would assuage those reviewers joe gordon wrote the blueprint states this feature makes it harder for an attacker to read vm disks since it encrypts each one with a unique key that is not stored locally i do not see any in trunk key manager that supports this
[ 0 ]
you should be able to just do json dump obj file obj
[ 0 ]