# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2022 Sea AI Lab and The HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ PyTorch PoolFormer model.""" import collections.abc from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union import torch import torch.utils.checkpoint from torch import nn from torch.nn import BCEWithLogitsLoss, CrossEntropyLoss, MSELoss from ...activations import ACT2FN from ...modeling_outputs import BaseModelOutputWithNoAttention, ImageClassifierOutputWithNoAttention from ...modeling_utils import PreTrainedModel from ...utils import add_code_sample_docstrings, add_start_docstrings, add_start_docstrings_to_model_forward, logging from .configuration_poolformer import PoolFormerConfig logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) # General docstring _CONFIG_FOR_DOC = "PoolFormerConfig" # Base docstring _CHECKPOINT_FOR_DOC = "sail/poolformer_s12" _EXPECTED_OUTPUT_SHAPE = [1, 512, 7, 7] # Image classification docstring _IMAGE_CLASS_CHECKPOINT = "sail/poolformer_s12" _IMAGE_CLASS_EXPECTED_OUTPUT = "tabby, tabby cat" POOLFORMER_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST = [ "sail/poolformer_s12", # See all PoolFormer models at https://huggingface.co/models?filter=poolformer ] # Copied from transformers.models.beit.modeling_beit.drop_path def drop_path(input: torch.Tensor, drop_prob: float = 0.0, training: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor: """ Drop paths (Stochastic Depth) per sample (when applied in main path of residual blocks). Comment by Ross Wightman: This is the same as the DropConnect impl I created for EfficientNet, etc networks, however, the original name is misleading as 'Drop Connect' is a different form of dropout in a separate paper... See discussion: https://github.com/tensorflow/tpu/issues/494#issuecomment-532968956 ... I've opted for changing the layer and argument names to 'drop path' rather than mix DropConnect as a layer name and use 'survival rate' as the argument. """ if drop_prob == 0.0 or not training: return input keep_prob = 1 - drop_prob shape = (input.shape[0],) + (1,) * (input.ndim - 1) # work with diff dim tensors, not just 2D ConvNets random_tensor = keep_prob + torch.rand(shape, dtype=input.dtype, device=input.device) random_tensor.floor_() # binarize output = input.div(keep_prob) * random_tensor return output # Copied from transformers.models.beit.modeling_beit.BeitDropPath with Beit->PoolFormer class PoolFormerDropPath(nn.Module): """Drop paths (Stochastic Depth) per sample (when applied in main path of residual blocks).""" def __init__(self, drop_prob: Optional[float] = None) -> None: super().__init__() self.drop_prob = drop_prob def forward(self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return drop_path(hidden_states, self.drop_prob, self.training) def extra_repr(self) -> str: return "p={}".format(self.drop_prob) class PoolFormerEmbeddings(nn.Module): """ Construct Patch Embeddings. """ def __init__(self, hidden_size, num_channels, patch_size, stride, padding, norm_layer=None): super().__init__() patch_size = patch_size if isinstance(patch_size, collections.abc.Iterable) else (patch_size, patch_size) stride = stride if isinstance(stride, collections.abc.Iterable) else (stride, stride) padding = padding if isinstance(padding, collections.abc.Iterable) else (padding, padding) self.projection = nn.Conv2d(num_channels, hidden_size, kernel_size=patch_size, stride=stride, padding=padding) self.norm = norm_layer(hidden_size) if norm_layer else nn.Identity() def forward(self, pixel_values): embeddings = self.projection(pixel_values) embeddings = self.norm(embeddings) return embeddings class PoolFormerGroupNorm(nn.GroupNorm): """ Group Normalization with 1 group. Input: tensor in shape [B, C, H, W] """ def __init__(self, num_channels, **kwargs): super().__init__(1, num_channels, **kwargs) class PoolFormerPooling(nn.Module): def __init__(self, pool_size): super().__init__() self.pool = nn.AvgPool2d(pool_size, stride=1, padding=pool_size // 2, count_include_pad=False) def forward(self, hidden_states): return self.pool(hidden_states) - hidden_states class PoolFormerOutput(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config, dropout_prob, hidden_size, intermediate_size): super().__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(hidden_size, intermediate_size, 1) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(intermediate_size, hidden_size, 1) self.drop = PoolFormerDropPath(dropout_prob) if isinstance(config.hidden_act, str): self.act_fn = ACT2FN[config.hidden_act] else: self.act_fn = config.hidden_act def forward(self, hidden_states): hidden_states = self.conv1(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.act_fn(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.drop(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.conv2(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.drop(hidden_states) return hidden_states class PoolFormerLayer(nn.Module): """This corresponds to the 'PoolFormerBlock' class in the original implementation.""" def __init__(self, config, num_channels, pool_size, hidden_size, intermediate_size, drop_path): super().__init__() self.pooling = PoolFormerPooling(pool_size) self.output = PoolFormerOutput(config, drop_path, hidden_size, intermediate_size) self.before_norm = PoolFormerGroupNorm(num_channels) self.after_norm = PoolFormerGroupNorm(num_channels) # Useful for training neural nets self.drop_path = PoolFormerDropPath(drop_path) if drop_path > 0.0 else nn.Identity() self.use_layer_scale = config.use_layer_scale if config.use_layer_scale: self.layer_scale_1 = nn.Parameter( config.layer_scale_init_value * torch.ones((num_channels)), requires_grad=True ) self.layer_scale_2 = nn.Parameter( config.layer_scale_init_value * torch.ones((num_channels)), requires_grad=True ) def forward(self, hidden_states): if self.use_layer_scale: pooling_output = self.pooling(self.before_norm(hidden_states)) scaled_op = self.layer_scale_1.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) * pooling_output # First residual connection hidden_states = hidden_states + self.drop_path(scaled_op) outputs = () layer_output = self.output(self.after_norm(hidden_states)) scaled_op = self.layer_scale_2.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) * layer_output # Second residual connection output = hidden_states + self.drop_path(scaled_op) outputs = (output,) + outputs return outputs else: pooling_output = self.drop_path(self.pooling(self.before_norm(hidden_states))) # First residual connection hidden_states = pooling_output + hidden_states outputs = () # Second residual connection inside the PoolFormerOutput block layer_output = self.drop_path(self.output(self.after_norm(hidden_states))) output = hidden_states + layer_output outputs = (output,) + outputs return outputs class PoolFormerEncoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config # stochastic depth decay rule dpr = [x.item() for x in torch.linspace(0, config.drop_path_rate, sum(config.depths))] # patch embeddings embeddings = [] for i in range(config.num_encoder_blocks): embeddings.append( PoolFormerEmbeddings( patch_size=config.patch_sizes[i], stride=config.strides[i], padding=config.padding[i], num_channels=config.num_channels if i == 0 else config.hidden_sizes[i - 1], hidden_size=config.hidden_sizes[i], ) ) self.patch_embeddings = nn.ModuleList(embeddings) # Transformer blocks blocks = [] cur = 0 for i in range(config.num_encoder_blocks): # each block consists of layers layers = [] if i != 0: cur += config.depths[i - 1] for j in range(config.depths[i]): layers.append( PoolFormerLayer( config, num_channels=config.hidden_sizes[i], pool_size=config.pool_size, hidden_size=config.hidden_sizes[i], intermediate_size=int(config.hidden_sizes[i] * config.mlp_ratio), drop_path=dpr[cur + j], ) ) blocks.append(nn.ModuleList(layers)) self.block = nn.ModuleList(blocks) def forward(self, pixel_values, output_hidden_states=False, return_dict=True): all_hidden_states = () if output_hidden_states else None hidden_states = pixel_values for idx, layers in enumerate(zip(self.patch_embeddings, self.block)): embedding_layer, block_layer = layers # Get patch embeddings from hidden_states hidden_states = embedding_layer(hidden_states) # Send the embeddings through the blocks for _, blk in enumerate(block_layer): layer_outputs = blk(hidden_states) hidden_states = layer_outputs[0] if output_hidden_states: all_hidden_states = all_hidden_states + (hidden_states,) if not return_dict: return tuple(v for v in [hidden_states, all_hidden_states] if v is not None) return BaseModelOutputWithNoAttention(last_hidden_state=hidden_states, hidden_states=all_hidden_states) class PoolFormerPreTrainedModel(PreTrainedModel): """ An abstract class to handle weights initialization and a simple interface for downloading and loading pretrained models. """ config_class = PoolFormerConfig base_model_prefix = "poolformer" main_input_name = "pixel_values" def _init_weights(self, module): """Initialize the weights""" if isinstance(module, (nn.Linear, nn.Conv2d)): module.weight.data.normal_(mean=0.0, std=self.config.initializer_range) if module.bias is not None: module.bias.data.zero_() elif isinstance(module, nn.LayerNorm): module.bias.data.zero_() module.weight.data.fill_(1.0) POOLFORMER_START_DOCSTRING = r""" This model is a PyTorch [torch.nn.Module](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html#torch.nn.Module) sub-class. Use it as a regular PyTorch Module and refer to the PyTorch documentation for all matter related to general usage and behavior. Parameters: config ([`PoolFormerConfig`]): Model configuration class with all the parameters of the model. Initializing with a config file does not load the weights associated with the model, only the configuration. Check out the [`~PreTrainedModel.from_pretrained`] method to load the model weights. """ POOLFORMER_INPUTS_DOCSTRING = r""" Args: pixel_values (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, num_channels, height, width)`): Pixel values. Pixel values can be obtained using [`AutoImageProcessor`]. See [`PoolFormerImageProcessor.__call__`] for details. """ @add_start_docstrings( "The bare PoolFormer Model transformer outputting raw hidden-states without any specific head on top.", POOLFORMER_START_DOCSTRING, ) class PoolFormerModel(PoolFormerPreTrainedModel): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config) self.config = config self.encoder = PoolFormerEncoder(config) # Initialize weights and apply final processing self.post_init() def get_input_embeddings(self): return self.embeddings.patch_embeddings @add_start_docstrings_to_model_forward(POOLFORMER_INPUTS_DOCSTRING) @add_code_sample_docstrings( checkpoint=_CHECKPOINT_FOR_DOC, output_type=BaseModelOutputWithNoAttention, config_class=_CONFIG_FOR_DOC, modality="vision", expected_output=_EXPECTED_OUTPUT_SHAPE, ) def forward( self, pixel_values: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Union[Tuple, BaseModelOutputWithNoAttention]: output_hidden_states = ( output_hidden_states if output_hidden_states is not None else self.config.output_hidden_states ) return_dict = return_dict if return_dict is not None else self.config.use_return_dict if pixel_values is None: raise ValueError("You have to specify pixel_values") encoder_outputs = self.encoder( pixel_values, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=return_dict, ) sequence_output = encoder_outputs[0] if not return_dict: return (sequence_output, None) + encoder_outputs[1:] return BaseModelOutputWithNoAttention( last_hidden_state=sequence_output, hidden_states=encoder_outputs.hidden_states, ) class PoolFormerFinalPooler(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.dense = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, config.hidden_size) def forward(self, hidden_states): output = self.dense(hidden_states) return output @add_start_docstrings( """ PoolFormer Model transformer with an image classification head on top """, POOLFORMER_START_DOCSTRING, ) class PoolFormerForImageClassification(PoolFormerPreTrainedModel): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config) self.num_labels = config.num_labels self.poolformer = PoolFormerModel(config) # Final norm self.norm = PoolFormerGroupNorm(config.hidden_sizes[-1]) # Classifier head self.classifier = ( nn.Linear(config.hidden_sizes[-1], config.num_labels) if config.num_labels > 0 else nn.Identity() ) # Initialize weights and apply final processing self.post_init() @add_start_docstrings_to_model_forward(POOLFORMER_INPUTS_DOCSTRING) @add_code_sample_docstrings( checkpoint=_IMAGE_CLASS_CHECKPOINT, output_type=ImageClassifierOutputWithNoAttention, config_class=_CONFIG_FOR_DOC, expected_output=_IMAGE_CLASS_EXPECTED_OUTPUT, ) def forward( self, pixel_values: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, labels: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Union[Tuple, ImageClassifierOutputWithNoAttention]: r""" labels (`torch.LongTensor` of shape `(batch_size,)`, *optional*): Labels for computing the image classification/regression loss. Indices should be in `[0, ..., config.num_labels - 1]`. If `config.num_labels == 1` a regression loss is computed (Mean-Square loss), If `config.num_labels > 1` a classification loss is computed (Cross-Entropy). """ return_dict = return_dict if return_dict is not None else self.config.use_return_dict outputs = self.poolformer( pixel_values, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=return_dict, ) sequence_output = outputs[0] logits = self.classifier(self.norm(sequence_output).mean([-2, -1])) loss = None if labels is not None: if self.config.problem_type is None: if self.num_labels == 1: self.config.problem_type = "regression" elif self.num_labels > 1 and (labels.dtype == torch.long or labels.dtype == torch.int): self.config.problem_type = "single_label_classification" else: self.config.problem_type = "multi_label_classification" if self.config.problem_type == "regression": loss_fct = MSELoss() if self.num_labels == 1: loss = loss_fct(logits.squeeze(), labels.squeeze()) else: loss = loss_fct(logits, labels) elif self.config.problem_type == "single_label_classification": loss_fct = CrossEntropyLoss() loss = loss_fct(logits.view(-1, self.num_labels), labels.view(-1)) elif self.config.problem_type == "multi_label_classification": loss_fct = BCEWithLogitsLoss() loss = loss_fct(logits, labels) if not return_dict: output = (logits,) + outputs[2:] return ((loss,) + output) if loss is not None else output return ImageClassifierOutputWithNoAttention(loss=loss, logits=logits, hidden_states=outputs.hidden_states)
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/models/poolformer/modeling_poolformer.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 7408 }
# Copyright 2022 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from ...utils import OptionalDependencyNotAvailable, _LazyModule, is_tokenizers_available, is_torch_available _import_structure = { "configuration_realm": ["REALM_PRETRAINED_CONFIG_ARCHIVE_MAP", "RealmConfig"], "tokenization_realm": ["RealmTokenizer"], } try: if not is_tokenizers_available(): raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable() except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable: pass else: _import_structure["tokenization_realm_fast"] = ["RealmTokenizerFast"] try: if not is_torch_available(): raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable() except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable: pass else: _import_structure["modeling_realm"] = [ "REALM_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST", "RealmEmbedder", "RealmForOpenQA", "RealmKnowledgeAugEncoder", "RealmPreTrainedModel", "RealmReader", "RealmScorer", "load_tf_weights_in_realm", ] _import_structure["retrieval_realm"] = ["RealmRetriever"] if TYPE_CHECKING: from .configuration_realm import REALM_PRETRAINED_CONFIG_ARCHIVE_MAP, RealmConfig from .tokenization_realm import RealmTokenizer try: if not is_tokenizers_available(): raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable() except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable: pass else: from .tokenization_realm import RealmTokenizerFast try: if not is_torch_available(): raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable() except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable: pass else: from .modeling_realm import ( REALM_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST, RealmEmbedder, RealmForOpenQA, RealmKnowledgeAugEncoder, RealmPreTrainedModel, RealmReader, RealmScorer, load_tf_weights_in_realm, ) from .retrieval_realm import RealmRetriever else: import sys sys.modules[__name__] = _LazyModule(__name__, globals()["__file__"], _import_structure, module_spec=__spec__)
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/models/realm/__init__.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 1040 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2023 The Google Flax Team Authors and The HuggingFace Inc. team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from functools import partial from typing import Optional, Tuple import flax.linen as nn import jax import jax.numpy as jnp from flax.core.frozen_dict import FrozenDict, freeze, unfreeze from flax.traverse_util import flatten_dict, unflatten_dict from transformers import RegNetConfig from transformers.modeling_flax_outputs import ( FlaxBaseModelOutputWithNoAttention, FlaxBaseModelOutputWithPooling, FlaxBaseModelOutputWithPoolingAndNoAttention, FlaxImageClassifierOutputWithNoAttention, ) from transformers.modeling_flax_utils import ( ACT2FN, FlaxPreTrainedModel, append_replace_return_docstrings, overwrite_call_docstring, ) from transformers.utils import ( add_start_docstrings, add_start_docstrings_to_model_forward, ) REGNET_START_DOCSTRING = r""" This model inherits from [`FlaxPreTrainedModel`]. Check the superclass documentation for the generic methods the library implements for all its model (such as downloading, saving and converting weights from PyTorch models) This model is also a [flax.linen.Module](https://flax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api_reference/flax.linen/module.html) subclass. Use it as a regular Flax linen Module and refer to the Flax documentation for all matter related to general usage and behavior. Finally, this model supports inherent JAX features such as: - [Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation](https://jax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/jax.html#just-in-time-compilation-jit) - [Automatic Differentiation](https://jax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/jax.html#automatic-differentiation) - [Vectorization](https://jax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/jax.html#vectorization-vmap) - [Parallelization](https://jax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/jax.html#parallelization-pmap) Parameters: config ([`RegNetConfig`]): Model configuration class with all the parameters of the model. Initializing with a config file does not load the weights associated with the model, only the configuration. Check out the [`~FlaxPreTrainedModel.from_pretrained`] method to load the model weights. dtype (`jax.numpy.dtype`, *optional*, defaults to `jax.numpy.float32`): The data type of the computation. Can be one of `jax.numpy.float32`, `jax.numpy.float16` (on GPUs) and `jax.numpy.bfloat16` (on TPUs). This can be used to enable mixed-precision training or half-precision inference on GPUs or TPUs. If specified all the computation will be performed with the given `dtype`. **Note that this only specifies the dtype of the computation and does not influence the dtype of model parameters.** If you wish to change the dtype of the model parameters, see [`~FlaxPreTrainedModel.to_fp16`] and [`~FlaxPreTrainedModel.to_bf16`]. """ REGNET_INPUTS_DOCSTRING = r""" Args: pixel_values (`numpy.ndarray` of shape `(batch_size, num_channels, height, width)`): Pixel values. Pixel values can be obtained using [`AutoImageProcessor`]. See [`RegNetImageProcessor.__call__`] for details. output_hidden_states (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return the hidden states of all layers. See `hidden_states` under returned tensors for more detail. return_dict (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return a [`~utils.ModelOutput`] instead of a plain tuple. """ # Copied from transformers.models.resnet.modeling_flax_resnet.Identity class Identity(nn.Module): """Identity function.""" @nn.compact def __call__(self, x, **kwargs): return x class FlaxRegNetConvLayer(nn.Module): out_channels: int kernel_size: int = 3 stride: int = 1 groups: int = 1 activation: Optional[str] = "relu" dtype: jnp.dtype = jnp.float32 def setup(self): self.convolution = nn.Conv( self.out_channels, kernel_size=(self.kernel_size, self.kernel_size), strides=self.stride, padding=self.kernel_size // 2, feature_group_count=self.groups, use_bias=False, kernel_init=nn.initializers.variance_scaling(2.0, mode="fan_out", distribution="truncated_normal"), dtype=self.dtype, ) self.normalization = nn.BatchNorm(momentum=0.9, epsilon=1e-05, dtype=self.dtype) self.activation_func = ACT2FN[self.activation] if self.activation is not None else Identity() def __call__(self, hidden_state: jnp.ndarray, deterministic: bool = True) -> jnp.ndarray: hidden_state = self.convolution(hidden_state) hidden_state = self.normalization(hidden_state, use_running_average=deterministic) hidden_state = self.activation_func(hidden_state) return hidden_state class FlaxRegNetEmbeddings(nn.Module): config: RegNetConfig dtype: jnp.dtype = jnp.float32 def setup(self): self.embedder = FlaxRegNetConvLayer( self.config.embedding_size, kernel_size=3, stride=2, activation=self.config.hidden_act, dtype=self.dtype, ) def __call__(self, pixel_values: jnp.ndarray, deterministic: bool = True) -> jnp.ndarray: num_channels = pixel_values.shape[-1] if num_channels != self.config.num_channels: raise ValueError( "Make sure that the channel dimension of the pixel values match with the one set in the configuration." ) hidden_state = self.embedder(pixel_values, deterministic=deterministic) return hidden_state # Copied from transformers.models.resnet.modeling_flax_resnet.FlaxResNetShortCut with ResNet->RegNet class FlaxRegNetShortCut(nn.Module): """ RegNet shortcut, used to project the residual features to the correct size. If needed, it is also used to downsample the input using `stride=2`. """ out_channels: int stride: int = 2 dtype: jnp.dtype = jnp.float32 def setup(self): self.convolution = nn.Conv( self.out_channels, kernel_size=(1, 1), strides=self.stride, use_bias=False, kernel_init=nn.initializers.variance_scaling(2.0, mode="fan_out", distribution="truncated_normal"), dtype=self.dtype, ) self.normalization = nn.BatchNorm(momentum=0.9, epsilon=1e-05, dtype=self.dtype) def __call__(self, x: jnp.ndarray, deterministic: bool = True) -> jnp.ndarray: hidden_state = self.convolution(x) hidden_state = self.normalization(hidden_state, use_running_average=deterministic) return hidden_state class FlaxRegNetSELayerCollection(nn.Module): in_channels: int reduced_channels: int dtype: jnp.dtype = jnp.float32 def setup(self): self.conv_1 = nn.Conv( self.reduced_channels, kernel_size=(1, 1), kernel_init=nn.initializers.variance_scaling(2.0, mode="fan_out", distribution="truncated_normal"), dtype=self.dtype, name="0", ) # 0 is the name used in corresponding pytorch implementation self.conv_2 = nn.Conv( self.in_channels, kernel_size=(1, 1), kernel_init=nn.initializers.variance_scaling(2.0, mode="fan_out", distribution="truncated_normal"), dtype=self.dtype, name="2", ) # 2 is the name used in corresponding pytorch implementation def __call__(self, hidden_state: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: hidden_state = self.conv_1(hidden_state) hidden_state = nn.relu(hidden_state) hidden_state = self.conv_2(hidden_state) attention = nn.sigmoid(hidden_state) return attention class FlaxRegNetSELayer(nn.Module): """ Squeeze and Excitation layer (SE) proposed in [Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks](https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.01507). """ in_channels: int reduced_channels: int dtype: jnp.dtype = jnp.float32 def setup(self): self.pooler = partial(nn.avg_pool, padding=((0, 0), (0, 0))) self.attention = FlaxRegNetSELayerCollection(self.in_channels, self.reduced_channels, dtype=self.dtype) def __call__(self, hidden_state: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: pooled = self.pooler( hidden_state, window_shape=(hidden_state.shape[1], hidden_state.shape[2]), strides=(hidden_state.shape[1], hidden_state.shape[2]), ) attention = self.attention(pooled) hidden_state = hidden_state * attention return hidden_state class FlaxRegNetXLayerCollection(nn.Module): config: RegNetConfig out_channels: int stride: int = 1 dtype: jnp.dtype = jnp.float32 def setup(self): groups = max(1, self.out_channels // self.config.groups_width) self.layer = [ FlaxRegNetConvLayer( self.out_channels, kernel_size=1, activation=self.config.hidden_act, dtype=self.dtype, name="0", ), FlaxRegNetConvLayer( self.out_channels, stride=self.stride, groups=groups, activation=self.config.hidden_act, dtype=self.dtype, name="1", ), FlaxRegNetConvLayer( self.out_channels, kernel_size=1, activation=None, dtype=self.dtype, name="2", ), ] def __call__(self, hidden_state: jnp.ndarray, deterministic: bool = True) -> jnp.ndarray: for layer in self.layer: hidden_state = layer(hidden_state, deterministic=deterministic) return hidden_state class FlaxRegNetXLayer(nn.Module): """ RegNet's layer composed by three `3x3` convolutions, same as a ResNet bottleneck layer with reduction = 1. """ config: RegNetConfig in_channels: int out_channels: int stride: int = 1 dtype: jnp.dtype = jnp.float32 def setup(self): should_apply_shortcut = self.in_channels != self.out_channels or self.stride != 1 self.shortcut = ( FlaxRegNetShortCut( self.out_channels, stride=self.stride, dtype=self.dtype, ) if should_apply_shortcut else Identity() ) self.layer = FlaxRegNetXLayerCollection( self.config, in_channels=self.in_channels, out_channels=self.out_channels, stride=self.stride, dtype=self.dtype, ) self.activation_func = ACT2FN[self.config.hidden_act] def __call__(self, hidden_state: jnp.ndarray, deterministic: bool = True) -> jnp.ndarray: residual = hidden_state hidden_state = self.layer(hidden_state) residual = self.shortcut(residual, deterministic=deterministic) hidden_state += residual hidden_state = self.activation_func(hidden_state) return hidden_state class FlaxRegNetYLayerCollection(nn.Module): config: RegNetConfig in_channels: int out_channels: int stride: int = 1 dtype: jnp.dtype = jnp.float32 def setup(self): groups = max(1, self.out_channels // self.config.groups_width) self.layer = [ FlaxRegNetConvLayer( self.out_channels, kernel_size=1, activation=self.config.hidden_act, dtype=self.dtype, name="0", ), FlaxRegNetConvLayer( self.out_channels, stride=self.stride, groups=groups, activation=self.config.hidden_act, dtype=self.dtype, name="1", ), FlaxRegNetSELayer( self.out_channels, reduced_channels=int(round(self.in_channels / 4)), dtype=self.dtype, name="2", ), FlaxRegNetConvLayer( self.out_channels, kernel_size=1, activation=None, dtype=self.dtype, name="3", ), ] def __call__(self, hidden_state: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: for layer in self.layer: hidden_state = layer(hidden_state) return hidden_state class FlaxRegNetYLayer(nn.Module): """ RegNet's Y layer: an X layer with Squeeze and Excitation. """ config: RegNetConfig in_channels: int out_channels: int stride: int = 1 dtype: jnp.dtype = jnp.float32 def setup(self): should_apply_shortcut = self.in_channels != self.out_channels or self.stride != 1 self.shortcut = ( FlaxRegNetShortCut( self.out_channels, stride=self.stride, dtype=self.dtype, ) if should_apply_shortcut else Identity() ) self.layer = FlaxRegNetYLayerCollection( self.config, in_channels=self.in_channels, out_channels=self.out_channels, stride=self.stride, dtype=self.dtype, ) self.activation_func = ACT2FN[self.config.hidden_act] def __call__(self, hidden_state: jnp.ndarray, deterministic: bool = True) -> jnp.ndarray: residual = hidden_state hidden_state = self.layer(hidden_state) residual = self.shortcut(residual, deterministic=deterministic) hidden_state += residual hidden_state = self.activation_func(hidden_state) return hidden_state class FlaxRegNetStageLayersCollection(nn.Module): """ A RegNet stage composed by stacked layers. """ config: RegNetConfig in_channels: int out_channels: int stride: int = 2 depth: int = 2 dtype: jnp.dtype = jnp.float32 def setup(self): layer = FlaxRegNetXLayer if self.config.layer_type == "x" else FlaxRegNetYLayer layers = [ # downsampling is done in the first layer with stride of 2 layer( self.config, self.in_channels, self.out_channels, stride=self.stride, dtype=self.dtype, name="0", ) ] for i in range(self.depth - 1): layers.append( layer( self.config, self.out_channels, self.out_channels, dtype=self.dtype, name=str(i + 1), ) ) self.layers = layers def __call__(self, x: jnp.ndarray, deterministic: bool = True) -> jnp.ndarray: hidden_state = x for layer in self.layers: hidden_state = layer(hidden_state, deterministic=deterministic) return hidden_state # Copied from transformers.models.resnet.modeling_flax_resnet.FlaxResNetStage with ResNet->RegNet class FlaxRegNetStage(nn.Module): """ A RegNet stage composed by stacked layers. """ config: RegNetConfig in_channels: int out_channels: int stride: int = 2 depth: int = 2 dtype: jnp.dtype = jnp.float32 def setup(self): self.layers = FlaxRegNetStageLayersCollection( self.config, in_channels=self.in_channels, out_channels=self.out_channels, stride=self.stride, depth=self.depth, dtype=self.dtype, ) def __call__(self, x: jnp.ndarray, deterministic: bool = True) -> jnp.ndarray: return self.layers(x, deterministic=deterministic) # Copied from transformers.models.resnet.modeling_flax_resnet.FlaxResNetStageCollection with ResNet->RegNet class FlaxRegNetStageCollection(nn.Module): config: RegNetConfig dtype: jnp.dtype = jnp.float32 def setup(self): in_out_channels = zip(self.config.hidden_sizes, self.config.hidden_sizes[1:]) stages = [ FlaxRegNetStage( self.config, self.config.embedding_size, self.config.hidden_sizes[0], stride=2 if self.config.downsample_in_first_stage else 1, depth=self.config.depths[0], dtype=self.dtype, name="0", ) ] for i, ((in_channels, out_channels), depth) in enumerate(zip(in_out_channels, self.config.depths[1:])): stages.append( FlaxRegNetStage(self.config, in_channels, out_channels, depth=depth, dtype=self.dtype, name=str(i + 1)) ) self.stages = stages def __call__( self, hidden_state: jnp.ndarray, output_hidden_states: bool = False, deterministic: bool = True, ) -> FlaxBaseModelOutputWithNoAttention: hidden_states = () if output_hidden_states else None for stage_module in self.stages: if output_hidden_states: hidden_states = hidden_states + (hidden_state.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2),) hidden_state = stage_module(hidden_state, deterministic=deterministic) return hidden_state, hidden_states # Copied from transformers.models.resnet.modeling_flax_resnet.FlaxResNetEncoder with ResNet->RegNet class FlaxRegNetEncoder(nn.Module): config: RegNetConfig dtype: jnp.dtype = jnp.float32 def setup(self): self.stages = FlaxRegNetStageCollection(self.config, dtype=self.dtype) def __call__( self, hidden_state: jnp.ndarray, output_hidden_states: bool = False, return_dict: bool = True, deterministic: bool = True, ) -> FlaxBaseModelOutputWithNoAttention: hidden_state, hidden_states = self.stages( hidden_state, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, deterministic=deterministic ) if output_hidden_states: hidden_states = hidden_states + (hidden_state.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2),) if not return_dict: return tuple(v for v in [hidden_state, hidden_states] if v is not None) return FlaxBaseModelOutputWithNoAttention( last_hidden_state=hidden_state, hidden_states=hidden_states, ) # Copied from transformers.models.resnet.modeling_flax_resnet.FlaxResNetPreTrainedModel with ResNet->RegNet,resnet->regnet,RESNET->REGNET class FlaxRegNetPreTrainedModel(FlaxPreTrainedModel): """ An abstract class to handle weights initialization and a simple interface for downloading and loading pretrained models. """ config_class = RegNetConfig base_model_prefix = "regnet" main_input_name = "pixel_values" module_class: nn.Module = None def __init__( self, config: RegNetConfig, input_shape=(1, 224, 224, 3), seed: int = 0, dtype: jnp.dtype = jnp.float32, _do_init: bool = True, **kwargs, ): module = self.module_class(config=config, dtype=dtype, **kwargs) if input_shape is None: input_shape = (1, config.image_size, config.image_size, config.num_channels) super().__init__(config, module, input_shape=input_shape, seed=seed, dtype=dtype, _do_init=_do_init) def init_weights(self, rng: jax.random.PRNGKey, input_shape: Tuple, params: FrozenDict = None) -> FrozenDict: # init input tensors pixel_values = jnp.zeros(input_shape, dtype=self.dtype) rngs = {"params": rng} random_params = self.module.init(rngs, pixel_values, return_dict=False) if params is not None: random_params = flatten_dict(unfreeze(random_params)) params = flatten_dict(unfreeze(params)) for missing_key in self._missing_keys: params[missing_key] = random_params[missing_key] self._missing_keys = set() return freeze(unflatten_dict(params)) else: return random_params @add_start_docstrings_to_model_forward(REGNET_INPUTS_DOCSTRING) def __call__( self, pixel_values, params: dict = None, train: bool = False, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, ): output_hidden_states = ( output_hidden_states if output_hidden_states is not None else self.config.output_hidden_states ) return_dict = return_dict if return_dict is not None else self.config.return_dict pixel_values = jnp.transpose(pixel_values, (0, 2, 3, 1)) # Handle any PRNG if needed rngs = {} return self.module.apply( { "params": params["params"] if params is not None else self.params["params"], "batch_stats": params["batch_stats"] if params is not None else self.params["batch_stats"], }, jnp.array(pixel_values, dtype=jnp.float32), not train, output_hidden_states, return_dict, rngs=rngs, mutable=["batch_stats"] if train else False, # Returing tuple with batch_stats only when train is True ) # Copied from transformers.models.resnet.modeling_flax_resnet.FlaxResNetModule with ResNet->RegNet class FlaxRegNetModule(nn.Module): config: RegNetConfig dtype: jnp.dtype = jnp.float32 # the dtype of the computation def setup(self): self.embedder = FlaxRegNetEmbeddings(self.config, dtype=self.dtype) self.encoder = FlaxRegNetEncoder(self.config, dtype=self.dtype) # Adaptive average pooling used in resnet self.pooler = partial( nn.avg_pool, padding=((0, 0), (0, 0)), ) def __call__( self, pixel_values, deterministic: bool = True, output_hidden_states: bool = False, return_dict: bool = True, ) -> FlaxBaseModelOutputWithPoolingAndNoAttention: output_hidden_states = ( output_hidden_states if output_hidden_states is not None else self.config.output_hidden_states ) return_dict = return_dict if return_dict is not None else self.config.use_return_dict embedding_output = self.embedder(pixel_values, deterministic=deterministic) encoder_outputs = self.encoder( embedding_output, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=return_dict, deterministic=deterministic, ) last_hidden_state = encoder_outputs[0] pooled_output = self.pooler( last_hidden_state, window_shape=(last_hidden_state.shape[1], last_hidden_state.shape[2]), strides=(last_hidden_state.shape[1], last_hidden_state.shape[2]), ).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2) last_hidden_state = last_hidden_state.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2) if not return_dict: return (last_hidden_state, pooled_output) + encoder_outputs[1:] return FlaxBaseModelOutputWithPoolingAndNoAttention( last_hidden_state=last_hidden_state, pooler_output=pooled_output, hidden_states=encoder_outputs.hidden_states, ) @add_start_docstrings( "The bare RegNet model outputting raw features without any specific head on top.", REGNET_START_DOCSTRING, ) class FlaxRegNetModel(FlaxRegNetPreTrainedModel): module_class = FlaxRegNetModule FLAX_VISION_MODEL_DOCSTRING = """ Returns: Examples: ```python >>> from transformers import AutoImageProcessor, FlaxRegNetModel >>> from PIL import Image >>> import requests >>> url = "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2017/000000039769.jpg" >>> image = Image.open(requests.get(url, stream=True).raw) >>> image_processor = AutoImageProcessor.from_pretrained("facebook/regnet-y-040") >>> model = FlaxRegNetModel.from_pretrained("facebook/regnet-y-040") >>> inputs = image_processor(images=image, return_tensors="np") >>> outputs = model(**inputs) >>> last_hidden_states = outputs.last_hidden_state ``` """ overwrite_call_docstring(FlaxRegNetModel, FLAX_VISION_MODEL_DOCSTRING) append_replace_return_docstrings( FlaxRegNetModel, output_type=FlaxBaseModelOutputWithPooling, config_class=RegNetConfig, ) # Copied from transformers.models.resnet.modeling_flax_resnet.FlaxResNetClassifierCollection with ResNet->RegNet class FlaxRegNetClassifierCollection(nn.Module): config: RegNetConfig dtype: jnp.dtype = jnp.float32 def setup(self): self.classifier = nn.Dense(self.config.num_labels, dtype=self.dtype, name="1") def __call__(self, x: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: return self.classifier(x) # Copied from transformers.models.resnet.modeling_flax_resnet.FlaxResNetForImageClassificationModule with ResNet->RegNet,resnet->regnet,RESNET->REGNET class FlaxRegNetForImageClassificationModule(nn.Module): config: RegNetConfig dtype: jnp.dtype = jnp.float32 def setup(self): self.regnet = FlaxRegNetModule(config=self.config, dtype=self.dtype) if self.config.num_labels > 0: self.classifier = FlaxRegNetClassifierCollection(self.config, dtype=self.dtype) else: self.classifier = Identity() def __call__( self, pixel_values=None, deterministic: bool = True, output_hidden_states=None, return_dict=None, ): return_dict = return_dict if return_dict is not None else self.config.use_return_dict outputs = self.regnet( pixel_values, deterministic=deterministic, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=return_dict, ) pooled_output = outputs.pooler_output if return_dict else outputs[1] logits = self.classifier(pooled_output[:, :, 0, 0]) if not return_dict: output = (logits,) + outputs[2:] return output return FlaxImageClassifierOutputWithNoAttention(logits=logits, hidden_states=outputs.hidden_states) @add_start_docstrings( """ RegNet Model with an image classification head on top (a linear layer on top of the pooled features), e.g. for ImageNet. """, REGNET_START_DOCSTRING, ) class FlaxRegNetForImageClassification(FlaxRegNetPreTrainedModel): module_class = FlaxRegNetForImageClassificationModule FLAX_VISION_CLASSIF_DOCSTRING = """ Returns: Example: ```python >>> from transformers import AutoImageProcessor, FlaxRegNetForImageClassification >>> from PIL import Image >>> import jax >>> import requests >>> url = "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2017/000000039769.jpg" >>> image = Image.open(requests.get(url, stream=True).raw) >>> image_processor = AutoImageProcessor.from_pretrained("facebook/regnet-y-040") >>> model = FlaxRegNetForImageClassification.from_pretrained("facebook/regnet-y-040") >>> inputs = image_processor(images=image, return_tensors="np") >>> outputs = model(**inputs) >>> logits = outputs.logits >>> # model predicts one of the 1000 ImageNet classes >>> predicted_class_idx = jax.numpy.argmax(logits, axis=-1) >>> print("Predicted class:", model.config.id2label[predicted_class_idx.item()]) ``` """ overwrite_call_docstring(FlaxRegNetForImageClassification, FLAX_VISION_CLASSIF_DOCSTRING) append_replace_return_docstrings( FlaxRegNetForImageClassification, output_type=FlaxImageClassifierOutputWithNoAttention, config_class=RegNetConfig, )
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/models/regnet/modeling_flax_regnet.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 12467 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2023 The HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ SAM model configuration""" from ...configuration_utils import PretrainedConfig from ...utils import logging logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) SAM_PRETRAINED_CONFIG_ARCHIVE_MAP = { "facebook/sam-vit-huge": "https://huggingface.co/facebook/sam-vit-huge/resolve/main/config.json", "facebook/sam-vit-large": "https://huggingface.co/facebook/sam-vit-large/resolve/main/config.json", "facebook/sam-vit-base": "https://huggingface.co/facebook/sam-vit-base/resolve/main/config.json", } class SamPromptEncoderConfig(PretrainedConfig): r""" This is the configuration class to store the configuration of a [`SamPromptEncoder`]. The [`SamPromptEncoder`] module is used to encode the input 2D points and bounding boxes. Instantiating a configuration defaults will yield a similar configuration to that of the SAM-vit-h [facebook/sam-vit-huge](https://huggingface.co/facebook/sam-vit-huge) architecture. Configuration objects inherit from [`PretrainedConfig`] and can be used to control the model outputs. Read the documentation from [`PretrainedConfig`] for more information. Args: hidden_size (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 256): Dimensionality of the hidden states. image_size (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 1024): The expected output resolution of the image. patch_size (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 16): The size (resolution) of each patch. mask_input_channels (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 16): The number of channels to be fed to the `MaskDecoder` module. num_point_embeddings (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 4): The number of point embeddings to be used. hidden_act (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `"gelu"`): The non-linear activation function in the encoder and pooler. """ def __init__( self, hidden_size=256, image_size=1024, patch_size=16, mask_input_channels=16, num_point_embeddings=4, hidden_act="gelu", layer_norm_eps=1e-6, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.image_size = image_size self.patch_size = patch_size self.image_embedding_size = image_size // patch_size self.mask_input_channels = mask_input_channels self.num_point_embeddings = num_point_embeddings self.hidden_act = hidden_act self.layer_norm_eps = layer_norm_eps class SamMaskDecoderConfig(PretrainedConfig): r""" This is the configuration class to store the configuration of a [`SamMaskDecoder`]. It is used to instantiate a SAM mask decoder to the specified arguments, defining the model architecture. Instantiating a configuration defaults will yield a similar configuration to that of the SAM-vit-h [facebook/sam-vit-huge](https://huggingface.co/facebook/sam-vit-huge) architecture. Configuration objects inherit from [`PretrainedConfig`] and can be used to control the model outputs. Read the documentation from [`PretrainedConfig`] for more information. Args: hidden_size (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 256): Dimensionality of the hidden states. hidden_act (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `"relu"`): The non-linear activation function used inside the `SamMaskDecoder` module. mlp_dim (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 2048): Dimensionality of the "intermediate" (i.e., feed-forward) layer in the Transformer encoder. num_hidden_layers (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 2): Number of hidden layers in the Transformer encoder. num_attention_heads (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 8): Number of attention heads for each attention layer in the Transformer encoder. attention_downsample_rate (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 2): The downsampling rate of the attention layer. num_multimask_outputs (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 3): The number of outputs from the `SamMaskDecoder` module. In the Segment Anything paper, this is set to 3. iou_head_depth (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 3): The number of layers in the IoU head module. iou_head_hidden_dim (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 256): The dimensionality of the hidden states in the IoU head module. layer_norm_eps (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 1e-06): The epsilon used by the layer normalization layers. """ def __init__( self, hidden_size=256, hidden_act="relu", mlp_dim=2048, num_hidden_layers=2, num_attention_heads=8, attention_downsample_rate=2, num_multimask_outputs=3, iou_head_depth=3, iou_head_hidden_dim=256, layer_norm_eps=1e-6, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.hidden_act = hidden_act self.mlp_dim = mlp_dim self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers self.num_attention_heads = num_attention_heads self.attention_downsample_rate = attention_downsample_rate self.num_multimask_outputs = num_multimask_outputs self.iou_head_depth = iou_head_depth self.iou_head_hidden_dim = iou_head_hidden_dim self.layer_norm_eps = layer_norm_eps class SamVisionConfig(PretrainedConfig): r""" This is the configuration class to store the configuration of a [`SamVisionModel`]. It is used to instantiate a SAM vision encoder according to the specified arguments, defining the model architecture. Instantiating a configuration defaults will yield a similar configuration to that of the SAM ViT-h [facebook/sam-vit-huge](https://huggingface.co/facebook/sam-vit-huge) architecture. Configuration objects inherit from [`PretrainedConfig`] and can be used to control the model outputs. Read the documentation from [`PretrainedConfig`] for more information. Args: hidden_size (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 768): Dimensionality of the encoder layers and the pooler layer. output_channels (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 256): Dimensionality of the output channels in the Patch Encoder. num_hidden_layers (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 12): Number of hidden layers in the Transformer encoder. num_attention_heads (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 12): Number of attention heads for each attention layer in the Transformer encoder. num_channels (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 3): Number of channels in the input image. image_size (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 1024): Expected resolution. Target size of the resized input image. patch_size (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 16): Size of the patches to be extracted from the input image. hidden_act (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `"gelu"`): The non-linear activation function (function or string) layer_norm_eps (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 1e-06): The epsilon used by the layer normalization layers. attention_dropout (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 0.0): The dropout ratio for the attention probabilities. initializer_range (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 1e-10): The standard deviation of the truncated_normal_initializer for initializing all weight matrices. qkv_bias (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`): Whether to add a bias to query, key, value projections. mlp_ratio (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 4.0): Ratio of mlp hidden dim to embedding dim. use_abs_pos (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`): Whether to use absolute position embedding. use_rel_pos (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`): Whether to use relative position embedding. window_size (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 14): Window size for relative position. global_attn_indexes (`List[int]`, *optional*, defaults to `[2, 5, 8, 11]`): The indexes of the global attention layers. num_pos_feats (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 128): The dimensionality of the position embedding. mlp_dim (`int`, *optional*): The dimensionality of the MLP layer in the Transformer encoder. If `None`, defaults to `mlp_ratio * hidden_size`. """ def __init__( self, hidden_size=768, output_channels=256, num_hidden_layers=12, num_attention_heads=12, num_channels=3, image_size=1024, patch_size=16, hidden_act="gelu", layer_norm_eps=1e-06, attention_dropout=0.0, initializer_range=1e-10, qkv_bias=True, mlp_ratio=4.0, use_abs_pos=True, use_rel_pos=True, window_size=14, global_attn_indexes=[2, 5, 8, 11], num_pos_feats=128, mlp_dim=None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.output_channels = output_channels self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers self.num_attention_heads = num_attention_heads self.num_channels = num_channels self.image_size = image_size self.patch_size = patch_size self.hidden_act = hidden_act self.layer_norm_eps = layer_norm_eps self.attention_dropout = attention_dropout self.initializer_range = initializer_range self.qkv_bias = qkv_bias self.mlp_ratio = mlp_ratio self.use_abs_pos = use_abs_pos self.use_rel_pos = use_rel_pos self.window_size = window_size self.global_attn_indexes = global_attn_indexes self.num_pos_feats = num_pos_feats self.mlp_dim = int(hidden_size * mlp_ratio) if mlp_dim is None else mlp_dim class SamConfig(PretrainedConfig): r""" [`SamConfig`] is the configuration class to store the configuration of a [`SamModel`]. It is used to instantiate a SAM model according to the specified arguments, defining the vision model, prompt-encoder model and mask decoder configs. Instantiating a configuration with the defaults will yield a similar configuration to that of the SAM-ViT-H [facebook/sam-vit-huge](https://huggingface.co/facebook/sam-vit-huge) architecture. Configuration objects inherit from [`PretrainedConfig`] and can be used to control the model outputs. Read the documentation from [`PretrainedConfig`] for more information. Args: vision_config (Union[`dict`, `SamVisionConfig`], *optional*): Dictionary of configuration options used to initialize [`SamVisionConfig`]. prompt_encoder_config (Union[`dict`, `SamPromptEncoderConfig`], *optional*): Dictionary of configuration options used to initialize [`SamPromptEncoderConfig`]. mask_decoder_config (Union[`dict`, `SamMaskDecoderConfig`], *optional*): Dictionary of configuration options used to initialize [`SamMaskDecoderConfig`]. kwargs (*optional*): Dictionary of keyword arguments. Example: ```python >>> from transformers import ( ... SamVisionConfig, ... SamPromptEncoderConfig, ... SamMaskDecoderConfig, ... SamModel, ... ) >>> # Initializing a SamConfig with `"facebook/sam-vit-huge"` style configuration >>> configuration = SamConfig() >>> # Initializing a SamModel (with random weights) from the `"facebook/sam-vit-huge"` style configuration >>> model = SamModel(configuration) >>> # Accessing the model configuration >>> configuration = model.config >>> # We can also initialize a SamConfig from a SamVisionConfig, SamPromptEncoderConfig, and SamMaskDecoderConfig >>> # Initializing SAM vision, SAM Q-Former and language model configurations >>> vision_config = SamVisionConfig() >>> prompt_encoder_config = SamPromptEncoderConfig() >>> mask_decoder_config = SamMaskDecoderConfig() >>> config = SamConfig(vision_config, prompt_encoder_config, mask_decoder_config) ```""" model_type = "sam" def __init__( self, vision_config=None, prompt_encoder_config=None, mask_decoder_config=None, initializer_range=0.02, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) vision_config = vision_config if vision_config is not None else {} prompt_encoder_config = prompt_encoder_config if prompt_encoder_config is not None else {} mask_decoder_config = mask_decoder_config if mask_decoder_config is not None else {} if isinstance(vision_config, SamVisionConfig): vision_config = vision_config.to_dict() if isinstance(prompt_encoder_config, SamPromptEncoderConfig): prompt_encoder_config = prompt_encoder_config.to_dict() if isinstance(mask_decoder_config, SamMaskDecoderConfig): mask_decoder_config = mask_decoder_config.to_dict() self.vision_config = SamVisionConfig(**vision_config) self.prompt_encoder_config = SamPromptEncoderConfig(**prompt_encoder_config) self.mask_decoder_config = SamMaskDecoderConfig(**mask_decoder_config) self.initializer_range = initializer_range
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/models/sam/configuration_sam.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 5408 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2023 The HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Converting Meta SeamlessM4Tv2 checkpoints from seamless_communication to HF.""" import argparse import os from pathlib import Path import torch from accelerate.utils.modeling import find_tied_parameters from seamless_communication.inference import Translator from transformers import ( SeamlessM4TFeatureExtractor, SeamlessM4TProcessor, SeamlessM4TTokenizer, SeamlessM4Tv2Config, SeamlessM4Tv2Model, ) from transformers.utils import logging # fmt: off UNIT_SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES = ["__arb__", "__ben__", "__cat__", "__ces__", "__cmn__", "__cym__", "__dan__", "__deu__", "__eng__", "__est__", "__fin__", "__fra__", "__hin__", "__ind__", "__ita__", "__jpn__", "__kan__", "__kor__", "__mlt__", "__nld__", "__pes__", "__pol__", "__por__", "__ron__", "__rus__", "__slk__", "__spa__", "__swe__", "__swh__", "__tam__", "__tel__", "__tgl__", "__tha__", "__tur__", "__ukr__", "__urd__", "__uzn__", "__vie__", ] # fmt: on # fmt: off VOCODER_SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES = ["__arb__", "__ben__", "__cat__", "__ces__", "__cmn__", "__cym__", "__dan__", "__deu__", "__eng__", "__est__", "__fin__", "__fra__", "__hin__", "__ind__", "__ita__", "__jpn__", "__kor__", "__mlt__", "__nld__", "__pes__", "__pol__", "__por__", "__ron__", "__rus__", "__slk__", "__spa__", "__swe__", "__swh__", "__tel__", "__tgl__", "__tha__", "__tur__", "__ukr__", "__urd__", "__uzn__", "__vie__",] # fmt: on # fmt: off LARGE_SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES = ["afr","amh","arb","ary","arz","asm","azj","bel","ben","bos","bul","cat","ceb","ces","ckb","cmn","cmn_Hant","cym","dan","deu","ell","eng","est","eus","fin","fra","fuv","gaz","gle","glg","guj","heb","hin","hrv","hun","hye","ibo","ind","isl","ita","jav","jpn","kan","kat","kaz","khk","khm","kir","kor","lao","lit","lug","luo","lvs","mai","mal","mar","mkd","mlt","mni","mya","nld","nno","nob","npi","nya","ory","pan","pbt","pes","pol","por","ron","rus","sat","slk","slv","sna","snd","som","spa","srp","swe","swh","tam","tel","tgk","tgl","tha","tur","ukr","urd","uzn","vie","yor","yue","zlm","zul",] # fmt: on def assert_param_count(model_1, model_2): count_1 = sum(p[1].numel() for p in model_1.named_parameters() if "final_proj" not in p[0]) count_2 = sum(p[1].numel() for p in model_2.named_parameters() if "final_proj" not in p[0]) assert count_1 == count_2, f"{model_1.__class__}: {count_1} != {model_2.__class__}: {count_2}" def param_count(model): return sum(p[1].numel() for p in model.named_parameters() if "final_proj" not in p[0]) def _grab_best_device(use_gpu=True): if torch.cuda.device_count() > 0 and use_gpu: device = "cuda" else: device = "cpu" return torch.device(device) logging.set_verbosity_info() logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) vocoder_convert_list = [ ("ups", "hifi_gan.upsampler"), ("conv_pre", "hifi_gan.conv_pre"), ("resblocks", "hifi_gan.resblocks"), ("conv_post", "hifi_gan.conv_post"), ("lang", "language_embedding"), ("spkr", "speaker_embedding"), ("dict.", "unit_embedding."), ("dur_predictor.conv1.0", "dur_predictor.conv1"), ("dur_predictor.conv2.0", "dur_predictor.conv2"), ] # order is important wav2vec_convert_list = [ ("speech_encoder_frontend.model_dim_proj", "feature_projection.projection"), ("speech_encoder_frontend.post_extract_layer_norm", "feature_projection.layer_norm"), ("speech_encoder_frontend.pos_encoder.conv", "encoder.pos_conv_embed.conv"), ("speech_encoder.inner.layers", "encoder.layers"), ("speech_encoder.inner_layer_norm", "encoder.layer_norm"), ("speech_encoder.adaptor_layers", "adapter.layers"), ("inner_proj", "intermediate_dense"), ("self_attn.output_proj", "self_attn.linear_out"), ("output_proj", "output_dense"), ("self_attn.k_proj", "self_attn.linear_k"), ("self_attn.v_proj", "self_attn.linear_v"), ("self_attn.q_proj", "self_attn.linear_q"), ("self_attn.sdpa.u_bias", "self_attn.pos_bias_u"), ("self_attn.sdpa.v_bias", "self_attn.pos_bias_v"), ("self_attn.sdpa.rel_k_embed", "self_attn.distance_embedding"), ("self_attn.sdpa.r_proj", "self_attn.linear_pos"), ("conv.pointwise_conv1", "conv_module.pointwise_conv1"), ("conv.pointwise_conv2", "conv_module.pointwise_conv2"), ("conv.depthwise_conv", "conv_module.depthwise_conv"), ("conv.batch_norm", "conv_module.batch_norm"), ("conv.layer_norm", "conv_module.depthwise_layer_norm"), ("conv_layer_norm", "conv_module.layer_norm"), ("speech_encoder.proj1", "intermediate_ffn.intermediate_dense"), ("speech_encoder.proj2", "intermediate_ffn.output_dense"), ("speech_encoder.layer_norm", "inner_layer_norm"), ] t2u_convert_list = [ ("t2u_model.final_proj", "lm_head"), ("t2u_model.", "model."), ("encoder_decoder_attn_layer_norm", "cross_attention_layer_norm"), ("encoder_decoder_attn", "cross_attention"), ("linear_k", "k_proj"), ("linear_v", "v_proj"), ("linear_q", "q_proj"), ("ffn.inner_proj", "ffn.fc1"), ("ffn.output_proj", "ffn.fc2"), ("output_proj", "out_proj"), ("decoder_frontend.embed_char", "decoder.embed_char"), ("decoder_frontend.pos_emb_alpha_char", "decoder.pos_emb_alpha_char"), ("decoder_frontend.embed", "decoder.embed_tokens"), ("decoder_frontend.pos_emb_alpha", "decoder.pos_emb_alpha"), ("conv1d.conv", "conv"), ("conv1d_layer_norm", "conv_layer_norm"), ("decoder_frontend.variance_adaptor", "decoder"), ("duration_predictor.conv1.0", "duration_predictor.conv1"), ("duration_predictor.conv2.0", "duration_predictor.conv2"), ] text_convert_list = [ ("text_encoder.", ""), ("text_decoder.", ""), ("text_encoder_frontend.embed", "embed_tokens"), ("text_decoder_frontend.embed", "embed_tokens"), ("encoder_decoder_attn_layer_norm", "cross_attention_layer_norm"), ("encoder_decoder_attn", "cross_attention"), ("linear_k", "k_proj"), ("linear_v", "v_proj"), ("linear_q", "q_proj"), ("ffn.inner_proj", "ffn.fc1"), ("ffn.output_proj", "ffn.fc2"), ("output_proj", "out_proj"), ("final_proj", "lm_head"), ] CUR_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) default_cache_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".cache") CACHE_DIR = os.path.join(os.getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME", default_cache_dir), "huggingface", "hub") def _load_hf_config(): return SeamlessM4Tv2Config() def _convert_model( original_model, hf_model, convert_list, device, unwanted_prefix="model.", filter_state_dict="speech", exclude_state_dict=None, ): state_dict = original_model.state_dict() # filter func if isinstance(filter_state_dict, str): def filter_func(x): return filter_state_dict in x[0] else: def filter_func(item): if exclude_state_dict is not None and exclude_state_dict in item[0]: return False for filter_el in filter_state_dict: if filter_el in item[0]: return True return False state_dict = dict(filter(filter_func, state_dict.items())) for k, v in list(state_dict.items()): new_k = k[len(unwanted_prefix) :] for old_layer_name, new_layer_name in convert_list: if old_layer_name in new_k: new_k = new_k.replace(old_layer_name, new_layer_name) # must do it by hand if ".layer_norm" in new_k and new_k.split(".layer_norm")[0][-1].isnumeric(): new_k = new_k.replace("layer_norm", "final_layer_norm") state_dict[new_k] = state_dict.pop(k) extra_keys = set(state_dict.keys()) - set(hf_model.state_dict().keys()) extra_keys = set(extra_keys) missing_keys = set(hf_model.state_dict().keys()) - set(state_dict.keys()) missing_keys = set({k for k in missing_keys if "final_logits_bias" not in k}) if len(extra_keys) != 0: raise ValueError(f"extra keys found: {extra_keys}") if len(missing_keys) != 0: raise ValueError(f"missing keys: {missing_keys}") hf_model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=False) n_params = param_count(hf_model) logger.info(f"model loaded: {round(n_params/1e6,1)}M params") hf_model.eval() hf_model.to(device) del state_dict return hf_model def load_model(save_dir, model_type, repo_id): """ Meta SeamlessM4Tv2 is made of 8 main components: - speech_encoder (#1) and speech_encoder_frontend (#2) - t2u_model (#3) - text_encoder (#4) and text_encoder_frontend (#5) - text_decoder (#6) [and text_decoder_frontend (#5) = equals to text_encoder_frontend] - final_proj (#7) - vocoder (#8) """ device = _grab_best_device() name = "seamlessM4T_v2_large" original_model = Translator(name, "vocoder_v2", device, dtype=torch.float32) ######### TOKENIZER langs = LARGE_SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES langs = [f"__{lang}__" for lang in langs] vocab_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "tokenizer", model_type, "tokenizer.model") save_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, name) Path(save_dir).mkdir(exist_ok=True) tokenizer = SeamlessM4TTokenizer(vocab_file, additional_special_tokens=langs) sanity_check_lang_id = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids("__fra__") tokenizer.save_pretrained(save_dir) tokenizer = SeamlessM4TTokenizer.from_pretrained(save_dir) if sanity_check_lang_id != tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids("__fra__"): raise ValueError( f"Error in tokenizer saving/loading - __fra__ lang id is not coherent: {sanity_check_lang_id} vs {tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids('__fra__')}" ) ####### get language to ids dict text_decoder_lang_code_to_id = {lang.replace("__", ""): tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(lang) for lang in langs} # offset: vocoder unit vocab size + 5 (for EOS/PAD/BOS/UNK/MSK) + len(supported_languages) t2u_lang_code_to_id = { code.replace("__", ""): i + 10005 + len(UNIT_SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES) for i, code in enumerate(UNIT_SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES) } vocoder_lang_code_to_id = {code.replace("__", ""): i for i, code in enumerate(VOCODER_SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES)} ######### FE fe = SeamlessM4TFeatureExtractor(language_code=langs) fe.save_pretrained(save_dir) fe = SeamlessM4TFeatureExtractor.from_pretrained(save_dir) processor = SeamlessM4TProcessor(feature_extractor=fe, tokenizer=tokenizer) processor.save_pretrained(save_dir) processor.push_to_hub(repo_id=repo_id, create_pr=True) processor = SeamlessM4TProcessor.from_pretrained(save_dir) ######## Model # init config hf_config = _load_hf_config() ######## get id_to_text and char_to_id from original model tokenizers id_to_text = {i: original_model.text_tokenizer.model.index_to_token(i) for i in range(hf_config.vocab_size)} char_to_id = { original_model.model.t2u_model.decoder_frontend.char_tokenizer.model.index_to_token(i): i for i in range(10904) } # init model hf_model = SeamlessM4Tv2Model(hf_config) hf_model.generation_config.__setattr__("text_decoder_lang_to_code_id", text_decoder_lang_code_to_id) hf_model.generation_config.__setattr__("t2u_lang_code_to_id", t2u_lang_code_to_id) hf_model.generation_config.__setattr__("vocoder_lang_code_to_id", vocoder_lang_code_to_id) hf_model.generation_config.__setattr__("id_to_text", id_to_text) hf_model.generation_config.__setattr__("char_to_id", char_to_id) # -1. take care of vocoder # similarly to speech T5 must apply and remove weight norm hf_model.vocoder.apply_weight_norm() hf_model.vocoder = _convert_model( original_model, hf_model.vocoder, vocoder_convert_list, device, unwanted_prefix="vocoder.code_generator.", filter_state_dict="vocoder", ) hf_model.vocoder.remove_weight_norm() # 1. take care of speech encoder wav2vec = hf_model.speech_encoder hf_model.speech_encoder = _convert_model( original_model, wav2vec, wav2vec_convert_list, device, unwanted_prefix="model.", filter_state_dict="speech" ) # 2. take care of t2u hf_model.t2u_model = _convert_model( original_model, hf_model.t2u_model, t2u_convert_list, device, unwanted_prefix="model.", filter_state_dict="t2u_model", ) # 3. take care of text encoder hf_model.text_encoder = _convert_model( original_model, hf_model.text_encoder, text_convert_list, device, unwanted_prefix="model.", filter_state_dict=["model.text_encoder"], exclude_state_dict="t2u_model", ) # 4. take care of text decoder hf_model.text_decoder = _convert_model( original_model, hf_model.text_decoder, text_convert_list, device, unwanted_prefix="model.", filter_state_dict=["model.text_decoder"], exclude_state_dict="t2u_model", ) # 5. take care of final proj hf_model.lm_head = _convert_model( original_model, hf_model.lm_head, [("final_proj.", "")], device, unwanted_prefix="model.", filter_state_dict=["model.final_proj"], exclude_state_dict="t2u_model", ) # sanity check print(find_tied_parameters(hf_model)) count_1 = param_count(hf_model) count_2 = param_count(original_model) print(f"HF MODEL:{count_1}, ORIGINAL_MODEL: {count_2}, diff:{count_1 - count_2}") print(f"HF MODEL excluding embeddings:{hf_model.num_parameters(exclude_embeddings=True)}") del original_model hf_model.generation_config._from_model_config = False hf_model.save_pretrained(save_dir) hf_model.push_to_hub(repo_id=repo_id, create_pr=True) hf_model = SeamlessM4Tv2Model.from_pretrained(save_dir) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Required parameters parser.add_argument( "--model_type", default="large", type=str, help="Model type.", ) parser.add_argument( "--save_dir", default="/home/ubuntu/weights_v2", type=str, help="Path to the output PyTorch model.", ) parser.add_argument( "--repo_id", default="facebook/seamless-m4t-v2-large", type=str, help="Repo ID.", ) args = parser.parse_args() load_model(args.save_dir, args.model_type, args.repo_id)
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/models/seamless_m4t_v2/convert_fairseq2_to_hf.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 6572 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2021 ASAPP Inc. and the HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ PyTorch SEW model.""" import math import warnings from collections.abc import Sequence from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union import numpy as np import torch import torch.utils.checkpoint from torch import nn from torch.nn import CrossEntropyLoss, LayerNorm from ...activations import ACT2FN from ...integrations.deepspeed import is_deepspeed_zero3_enabled from ...modeling_outputs import BaseModelOutput, CausalLMOutput, SequenceClassifierOutput from ...modeling_utils import PreTrainedModel from ...pytorch_utils import softmax_backward_data from ...utils import add_code_sample_docstrings, add_start_docstrings, add_start_docstrings_to_model_forward, logging from .configuration_sew_d import SEWDConfig logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) _HIDDEN_STATES_START_POSITION = 1 # General docstring _CONFIG_FOR_DOC = "SEWDConfig" # Base docstring _CHECKPOINT_FOR_DOC = "asapp/sew-d-tiny-100k-ft-ls100h" _EXPECTED_OUTPUT_SHAPE = [1, 292, 384] # CTC docstring _CTC_EXPECTED_OUTPUT = "'MISTER QUILTER IS THE APOSTIL OF THE MIDDLE CLASSES AND WE ARE GLAD TO WELCOME HIS GOSPEL'" _CTC_EXPECTED_LOSS = 0.21 # Audio class docstring _SEQ_CLASS_CHECKPOINT = "anton-l/sew-d-mid-400k-ft-keyword-spotting" _SEQ_CLASS_EXPECTED_OUTPUT = "'_unknown_'" _SEQ_CLASS_EXPECTED_LOSS = 3.16 SEW_D_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST = [ "asapp/sew-d-tiny-100k", "asapp/sew-d-small-100k", "asapp/sew-d-mid-100k", "asapp/sew-d-mid-k127-100k", "asapp/sew-d-base-100k", "asapp/sew-d-base-plus-100k", "asapp/sew-d-mid-400k", "asapp/sew-d-mid-k127-400k", "asapp/sew-d-base-plus-400k", # See all SEW models at https://huggingface.co/models?filter=sew-d ] # Copied from transformers.models.wav2vec2.modeling_wav2vec2._compute_mask_indices def _compute_mask_indices( shape: Tuple[int, int], mask_prob: float, mask_length: int, attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, min_masks: int = 0, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Computes random mask spans for a given shape. Used to implement [SpecAugment: A Simple Data Augmentation Method for ASR](https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.08779). Note that this method is not optimized to run on TPU and should be run on CPU as part of the preprocessing during training. Args: shape: The shape for which to compute masks. This should be of a tuple of size 2 where the first element is the batch size and the second element is the length of the axis to span. mask_prob: The percentage of the whole axis (between 0 and 1) which will be masked. The number of independently generated mask spans of length `mask_length` is computed by `mask_prob*shape[1]/mask_length`. Note that due to overlaps, `mask_prob` is an upper bound and the actual percentage will be smaller. mask_length: size of the mask min_masks: minimum number of masked spans attention_mask: A (right-padded) attention mask which independently shortens the feature axis of each batch dimension. """ batch_size, sequence_length = shape if mask_length < 1: raise ValueError("`mask_length` has to be bigger than 0.") if mask_length > sequence_length: raise ValueError( f"`mask_length` has to be smaller than `sequence_length`, but got `mask_length`: {mask_length}" f" and `sequence_length`: {sequence_length}`" ) # epsilon is used for probabilistic rounding epsilon = np.random.rand(1).item() def compute_num_masked_span(input_length): """Given input length, compute how many spans should be masked""" num_masked_span = int(mask_prob * input_length / mask_length + epsilon) num_masked_span = max(num_masked_span, min_masks) # make sure num masked span <= sequence_length if num_masked_span * mask_length > sequence_length: num_masked_span = sequence_length // mask_length # make sure num_masked span is also <= input_length - (mask_length - 1) if input_length - (mask_length - 1) < num_masked_span: num_masked_span = max(input_length - (mask_length - 1), 0) return num_masked_span # compute number of masked spans in batch input_lengths = ( attention_mask.sum(-1).detach().tolist() if attention_mask is not None else [sequence_length for _ in range(batch_size)] ) # SpecAugment mask to fill spec_aug_mask = np.zeros((batch_size, sequence_length), dtype=bool) spec_aug_mask_idxs = [] max_num_masked_span = compute_num_masked_span(sequence_length) if max_num_masked_span == 0: return spec_aug_mask for input_length in input_lengths: # compute num of masked spans for this input num_masked_span = compute_num_masked_span(input_length) # get random indices to mask spec_aug_mask_idx = np.random.choice( np.arange(input_length - (mask_length - 1)), num_masked_span, replace=False ) # pick first sampled index that will serve as a dummy index to pad vector # to ensure same dimension for all batches due to probabilistic rounding # Picking first sample just pads those vectors twice. if len(spec_aug_mask_idx) == 0: # this case can only happen if `input_length` is strictly smaller then # `sequence_length` in which case the last token has to be a padding # token which we can use as a dummy mask id dummy_mask_idx = sequence_length - 1 else: dummy_mask_idx = spec_aug_mask_idx[0] spec_aug_mask_idx = np.concatenate( [spec_aug_mask_idx, np.ones(max_num_masked_span - num_masked_span, dtype=np.int32) * dummy_mask_idx] ) spec_aug_mask_idxs.append(spec_aug_mask_idx) spec_aug_mask_idxs = np.array(spec_aug_mask_idxs) # expand masked indices to masked spans spec_aug_mask_idxs = np.broadcast_to( spec_aug_mask_idxs[:, :, None], (batch_size, max_num_masked_span, mask_length) ) spec_aug_mask_idxs = spec_aug_mask_idxs.reshape(batch_size, max_num_masked_span * mask_length) # add offset to the starting indexes so that indexes now create a span offsets = np.arange(mask_length)[None, None, :] offsets = np.broadcast_to(offsets, (batch_size, max_num_masked_span, mask_length)).reshape( batch_size, max_num_masked_span * mask_length ) spec_aug_mask_idxs = spec_aug_mask_idxs + offsets # ensure that we cannot have indices larger than sequence_length if spec_aug_mask_idxs.max() > sequence_length - 1: spec_aug_mask_idxs[spec_aug_mask_idxs > sequence_length - 1] = sequence_length - 1 # scatter indices to mask np.put_along_axis(spec_aug_mask, spec_aug_mask_idxs, 1, -1) return spec_aug_mask # Copied from transformers.models.deberta_v2.modeling_deberta_v2.make_log_bucket_position def make_log_bucket_position(relative_pos, bucket_size, max_position): sign = torch.sign(relative_pos) mid = bucket_size // 2 abs_pos = torch.where( (relative_pos < mid) & (relative_pos > -mid), torch.tensor(mid - 1).type_as(relative_pos), torch.abs(relative_pos), ) log_pos = ( torch.ceil(torch.log(abs_pos / mid) / torch.log(torch.tensor((max_position - 1) / mid)) * (mid - 1)) + mid ) bucket_pos = torch.where(abs_pos <= mid, relative_pos.type_as(log_pos), log_pos * sign) return bucket_pos # Copied from transformers.models.deberta_v2.modeling_deberta_v2.build_relative_position def build_relative_position(query_size, key_size, bucket_size=-1, max_position=-1, device=None): """ Build relative position according to the query and key We assume the absolute position of query \\(P_q\\) is range from (0, query_size) and the absolute position of key \\(P_k\\) is range from (0, key_size), The relative positions from query to key is \\(R_{q \\rightarrow k} = P_q - P_k\\) Args: query_size (int): the length of query key_size (int): the length of key bucket_size (int): the size of position bucket max_position (int): the maximum allowed absolute position device (`torch.device`): the device on which tensors will be created. Return: `torch.LongTensor`: A tensor with shape [1, query_size, key_size] """ q_ids = torch.arange(0, query_size, device=device) k_ids = torch.arange(0, key_size, device=device) rel_pos_ids = q_ids[:, None] - k_ids[None, :] if bucket_size > 0 and max_position > 0: rel_pos_ids = make_log_bucket_position(rel_pos_ids, bucket_size, max_position) rel_pos_ids = rel_pos_ids.to(torch.long) rel_pos_ids = rel_pos_ids[:query_size, :] rel_pos_ids = rel_pos_ids.unsqueeze(0) return rel_pos_ids @torch.jit.script # Copied from transformers.models.deberta.modeling_deberta.c2p_dynamic_expand def c2p_dynamic_expand(c2p_pos, query_layer, relative_pos): return c2p_pos.expand([query_layer.size(0), query_layer.size(1), query_layer.size(2), relative_pos.size(-1)]) @torch.jit.script # Copied from transformers.models.deberta.modeling_deberta.p2c_dynamic_expand def p2c_dynamic_expand(c2p_pos, query_layer, key_layer): return c2p_pos.expand([query_layer.size(0), query_layer.size(1), key_layer.size(-2), key_layer.size(-2)]) @torch.jit.script # Copied from transformers.models.deberta.modeling_deberta.pos_dynamic_expand def pos_dynamic_expand(pos_index, p2c_att, key_layer): return pos_index.expand(p2c_att.size()[:2] + (pos_index.size(-2), key_layer.size(-2))) # Copied from transformers.models.deberta.modeling_deberta.get_mask def get_mask(input, local_context): if not isinstance(local_context, DropoutContext): dropout = local_context mask = None else: dropout = local_context.dropout dropout *= local_context.scale mask = local_context.mask if local_context.reuse_mask else None if dropout > 0 and mask is None: mask = (1 - torch.empty_like(input).bernoulli_(1 - dropout)).to(torch.bool) if isinstance(local_context, DropoutContext): if local_context.mask is None: local_context.mask = mask return mask, dropout # Copied from transformers.models.wav2vec2.modeling_wav2vec2.Wav2Vec2NoLayerNormConvLayer with Wav2Vec2->SEWD class SEWDNoLayerNormConvLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config, layer_id=0): super().__init__() self.in_conv_dim = config.conv_dim[layer_id - 1] if layer_id > 0 else 1 self.out_conv_dim = config.conv_dim[layer_id] self.conv = nn.Conv1d( self.in_conv_dim, self.out_conv_dim, kernel_size=config.conv_kernel[layer_id], stride=config.conv_stride[layer_id], bias=config.conv_bias, ) self.activation = ACT2FN[config.feat_extract_activation] def forward(self, hidden_states): hidden_states = self.conv(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.activation(hidden_states) return hidden_states # Copied from transformers.models.wav2vec2.modeling_wav2vec2.Wav2Vec2LayerNormConvLayer with Wav2Vec2->SEWD class SEWDLayerNormConvLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config, layer_id=0): super().__init__() self.in_conv_dim = config.conv_dim[layer_id - 1] if layer_id > 0 else 1 self.out_conv_dim = config.conv_dim[layer_id] self.conv = nn.Conv1d( self.in_conv_dim, self.out_conv_dim, kernel_size=config.conv_kernel[layer_id], stride=config.conv_stride[layer_id], bias=config.conv_bias, ) self.layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(self.out_conv_dim, elementwise_affine=True) self.activation = ACT2FN[config.feat_extract_activation] def forward(self, hidden_states): hidden_states = self.conv(hidden_states) hidden_states = hidden_states.transpose(-2, -1) hidden_states = self.layer_norm(hidden_states) hidden_states = hidden_states.transpose(-2, -1) hidden_states = self.activation(hidden_states) return hidden_states # Copied from transformers.models.wav2vec2.modeling_wav2vec2.Wav2Vec2GroupNormConvLayer with Wav2Vec2->SEWD class SEWDGroupNormConvLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config, layer_id=0): super().__init__() self.in_conv_dim = config.conv_dim[layer_id - 1] if layer_id > 0 else 1 self.out_conv_dim = config.conv_dim[layer_id] self.conv = nn.Conv1d( self.in_conv_dim, self.out_conv_dim, kernel_size=config.conv_kernel[layer_id], stride=config.conv_stride[layer_id], bias=config.conv_bias, ) self.activation = ACT2FN[config.feat_extract_activation] self.layer_norm = nn.GroupNorm(num_groups=self.out_conv_dim, num_channels=self.out_conv_dim, affine=True) def forward(self, hidden_states): hidden_states = self.conv(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.layer_norm(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.activation(hidden_states) return hidden_states # Copied from transformers.models.sew.modeling_sew.SEWPositionalConvEmbedding with SEW->SEWD class SEWDPositionalConvEmbedding(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.conv = nn.Conv1d( config.hidden_size, config.hidden_size, kernel_size=config.num_conv_pos_embeddings, padding=config.num_conv_pos_embeddings // 2, groups=config.num_conv_pos_embedding_groups, stride=config.squeeze_factor, ) if is_deepspeed_zero3_enabled(): import deepspeed with deepspeed.zero.GatheredParameters(self.conv.weight, modifier_rank=0): self.conv = nn.utils.weight_norm(self.conv, name="weight", dim=2) deepspeed.zero.register_external_parameter(self, self.conv.weight_v) deepspeed.zero.register_external_parameter(self, self.conv.weight_g) else: self.conv = nn.utils.weight_norm(self.conv, name="weight", dim=2) self.padding = SEWDSamePadLayer(config.num_conv_pos_embeddings) self.activation = ACT2FN[config.feat_extract_activation] def forward(self, hidden_states): hidden_states = self.conv(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.padding(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.activation(hidden_states) return hidden_states # Copied from transformers.models.wav2vec2.modeling_wav2vec2.Wav2Vec2SamePadLayer with Wav2Vec2->SEW class SEWDSamePadLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_conv_pos_embeddings): super().__init__() self.num_pad_remove = 1 if num_conv_pos_embeddings % 2 == 0 else 0 def forward(self, hidden_states): if self.num_pad_remove > 0: hidden_states = hidden_states[:, :, : -self.num_pad_remove] return hidden_states # Copied from transformers.models.sew.modeling_sew.SEWUpsampling with SEW->SEWD class SEWDUpsampling(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.projection = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, config.hidden_size * config.squeeze_factor) self.activation = ACT2FN[config.feat_extract_activation] self.squeeze_factor = config.squeeze_factor def forward(self, hidden_states): hidden_states = self.projection(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.activation(hidden_states) if self.squeeze_factor > 1: # transform embedding channels to sequence length bsz, src_len, src_embed_dim = hidden_states.size() tgt_len = src_len * self.squeeze_factor tgt_embed_dim = src_embed_dim // self.squeeze_factor hidden_states = hidden_states.reshape(bsz, src_len, self.squeeze_factor, tgt_embed_dim) hidden_states = hidden_states.reshape(bsz, tgt_len, tgt_embed_dim) return hidden_states # Copied from transformers.models.wav2vec2.modeling_wav2vec2.Wav2Vec2FeatureEncoder with Wav2Vec2->SEWD class SEWDFeatureEncoder(nn.Module): """Construct the features from raw audio waveform""" def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() if config.feat_extract_norm == "group": conv_layers = [SEWDGroupNormConvLayer(config, layer_id=0)] + [ SEWDNoLayerNormConvLayer(config, layer_id=i + 1) for i in range(config.num_feat_extract_layers - 1) ] elif config.feat_extract_norm == "layer": conv_layers = [SEWDLayerNormConvLayer(config, layer_id=i) for i in range(config.num_feat_extract_layers)] else: raise ValueError( f"`config.feat_extract_norm` is {config.feat_extract_norm}, but has to be one of ['group', 'layer']" ) self.conv_layers = nn.ModuleList(conv_layers) self.gradient_checkpointing = False self._requires_grad = True def _freeze_parameters(self): for param in self.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False self._requires_grad = False def forward(self, input_values): hidden_states = input_values[:, None] # make sure hidden_states require grad for gradient_checkpointing if self._requires_grad and self.training: hidden_states.requires_grad = True for conv_layer in self.conv_layers: if self._requires_grad and self.gradient_checkpointing and self.training: hidden_states = self._gradient_checkpointing_func( conv_layer.__call__, hidden_states, ) else: hidden_states = conv_layer(hidden_states) return hidden_states class SEWDFeatureExtractor(SEWDFeatureEncoder): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config) warnings.warn( f"The class `{self.__class__.__name__}` has been depreciated " "and will be removed in Transformers v5. " f"Use `{self.__class__.__bases__[0].__name__}` instead.", FutureWarning, ) # Copied from transformers.models.deberta.modeling_deberta.ContextPooler class ContextPooler(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.dense = nn.Linear(config.pooler_hidden_size, config.pooler_hidden_size) self.dropout = StableDropout(config.pooler_dropout) self.config = config def forward(self, hidden_states): # We "pool" the model by simply taking the hidden state corresponding # to the first token. context_token = hidden_states[:, 0] context_token = self.dropout(context_token) pooled_output = self.dense(context_token) pooled_output = ACT2FN[self.config.pooler_hidden_act](pooled_output) return pooled_output @property def output_dim(self): return self.config.hidden_size # Copied from transformers.models.deberta.modeling_deberta.XSoftmax with deberta->deberta_v2 class XSoftmax(torch.autograd.Function): """ Masked Softmax which is optimized for saving memory Args: input (`torch.tensor`): The input tensor that will apply softmax. mask (`torch.IntTensor`): The mask matrix where 0 indicate that element will be ignored in the softmax calculation. dim (int): The dimension that will apply softmax Example: ```python >>> import torch >>> from transformers.models.deberta_v2.modeling_deberta_v2 import XSoftmax >>> # Make a tensor >>> x = torch.randn([4, 20, 100]) >>> # Create a mask >>> mask = (x > 0).int() >>> # Specify the dimension to apply softmax >>> dim = -1 >>> y = XSoftmax.apply(x, mask, dim) ```""" @staticmethod def forward(self, input, mask, dim): self.dim = dim rmask = ~(mask.to(torch.bool)) output = input.masked_fill(rmask, torch.tensor(torch.finfo(input.dtype).min)) output = torch.softmax(output, self.dim) output.masked_fill_(rmask, 0) self.save_for_backward(output) return output @staticmethod def backward(self, grad_output): (output,) = self.saved_tensors inputGrad = softmax_backward_data(self, grad_output, output, self.dim, output) return inputGrad, None, None @staticmethod def symbolic(g, self, mask, dim): import torch.onnx.symbolic_helper as sym_help from torch.onnx.symbolic_opset9 import masked_fill, softmax mask_cast_value = g.op("Cast", mask, to_i=sym_help.cast_pytorch_to_onnx["Long"]) r_mask = g.op( "Cast", g.op("Sub", g.op("Constant", value_t=torch.tensor(1, dtype=torch.int64)), mask_cast_value), to_i=sym_help.cast_pytorch_to_onnx["Bool"], ) output = masked_fill( g, self, r_mask, g.op("Constant", value_t=torch.tensor(torch.finfo(self.type().dtype()).min)) ) output = softmax(g, output, dim) return masked_fill(g, output, r_mask, g.op("Constant", value_t=torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.bool))) # Copied from transformers.models.deberta.modeling_deberta.DropoutContext class DropoutContext(object): def __init__(self): self.dropout = 0 self.mask = None self.scale = 1 self.reuse_mask = True # Copied from transformers.models.deberta.modeling_deberta.XDropout class XDropout(torch.autograd.Function): """Optimized dropout function to save computation and memory by using mask operation instead of multiplication.""" @staticmethod def forward(ctx, input, local_ctx): mask, dropout = get_mask(input, local_ctx) ctx.scale = 1.0 / (1 - dropout) if dropout > 0: ctx.save_for_backward(mask) return input.masked_fill(mask, 0) * ctx.scale else: return input @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): if ctx.scale > 1: (mask,) = ctx.saved_tensors return grad_output.masked_fill(mask, 0) * ctx.scale, None else: return grad_output, None @staticmethod def symbolic(g: torch._C.Graph, input: torch._C.Value, local_ctx: Union[float, DropoutContext]) -> torch._C.Value: from torch.onnx import symbolic_opset12 dropout_p = local_ctx if isinstance(local_ctx, DropoutContext): dropout_p = local_ctx.dropout # StableDropout only calls this function when training. train = True # TODO: We should check if the opset_version being used to export # is > 12 here, but there's no good way to do that. As-is, if the # opset_version < 12, export will fail with a CheckerError. # Once https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/78391 is fixed, do something like: # if opset_version < 12: # return torch.onnx.symbolic_opset9.dropout(g, input, dropout_p, train) return symbolic_opset12.dropout(g, input, dropout_p, train) # Copied from transformers.models.deberta.modeling_deberta.StableDropout class StableDropout(nn.Module): """ Optimized dropout module for stabilizing the training Args: drop_prob (float): the dropout probabilities """ def __init__(self, drop_prob): super().__init__() self.drop_prob = drop_prob self.count = 0 self.context_stack = None def forward(self, x): """ Call the module Args: x (`torch.tensor`): The input tensor to apply dropout """ if self.training and self.drop_prob > 0: return XDropout.apply(x, self.get_context()) return x def clear_context(self): self.count = 0 self.context_stack = None def init_context(self, reuse_mask=True, scale=1): if self.context_stack is None: self.context_stack = [] self.count = 0 for c in self.context_stack: c.reuse_mask = reuse_mask c.scale = scale def get_context(self): if self.context_stack is not None: if self.count >= len(self.context_stack): self.context_stack.append(DropoutContext()) ctx = self.context_stack[self.count] ctx.dropout = self.drop_prob self.count += 1 return ctx else: return self.drop_prob # Copied from transformers.models.deberta.modeling_deberta.DebertaSelfOutput with DebertaV2->SEWD, DebertaLayerNorm->LayerNorm, hidden_dropout_prob->activation_dropout class SEWDSelfOutput(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.dense = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, config.hidden_size) self.LayerNorm = LayerNorm(config.hidden_size, config.layer_norm_eps) self.dropout = StableDropout(config.activation_dropout) def forward(self, hidden_states, input_tensor): hidden_states = self.dense(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.dropout(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.LayerNorm(hidden_states + input_tensor) return hidden_states # Copied from transformers.models.deberta_v2.modeling_deberta_v2.DisentangledSelfAttention with attention_probs_dropout_prob->attention_dropout, hidden_dropout_prob->activation_dropout class DisentangledSelfAttention(nn.Module): """ Disentangled self-attention module Parameters: config (`DebertaV2Config`): A model config class instance with the configuration to build a new model. The schema is similar to *BertConfig*, for more details, please refer [`DebertaV2Config`] """ def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() if config.hidden_size % config.num_attention_heads != 0: raise ValueError( f"The hidden size ({config.hidden_size}) is not a multiple of the number of attention " f"heads ({config.num_attention_heads})" ) self.num_attention_heads = config.num_attention_heads _attention_head_size = config.hidden_size // config.num_attention_heads self.attention_head_size = getattr(config, "attention_head_size", _attention_head_size) self.all_head_size = self.num_attention_heads * self.attention_head_size self.query_proj = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, self.all_head_size, bias=True) self.key_proj = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, self.all_head_size, bias=True) self.value_proj = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, self.all_head_size, bias=True) self.share_att_key = getattr(config, "share_att_key", False) self.pos_att_type = config.pos_att_type if config.pos_att_type is not None else [] self.relative_attention = getattr(config, "relative_attention", False) if self.relative_attention: self.position_buckets = getattr(config, "position_buckets", -1) self.max_relative_positions = getattr(config, "max_relative_positions", -1) if self.max_relative_positions < 1: self.max_relative_positions = config.max_position_embeddings self.pos_ebd_size = self.max_relative_positions if self.position_buckets > 0: self.pos_ebd_size = self.position_buckets self.pos_dropout = StableDropout(config.activation_dropout) if not self.share_att_key: if "c2p" in self.pos_att_type: self.pos_key_proj = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, self.all_head_size, bias=True) if "p2c" in self.pos_att_type: self.pos_query_proj = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, self.all_head_size) self.dropout = StableDropout(config.attention_dropout) def transpose_for_scores(self, x, attention_heads): new_x_shape = x.size()[:-1] + (attention_heads, -1) x = x.view(new_x_shape) return x.permute(0, 2, 1, 3).contiguous().view(-1, x.size(1), x.size(-1)) def forward( self, hidden_states, attention_mask, output_attentions=False, query_states=None, relative_pos=None, rel_embeddings=None, ): """ Call the module Args: hidden_states (`torch.FloatTensor`): Input states to the module usually the output from previous layer, it will be the Q,K and V in *Attention(Q,K,V)* attention_mask (`torch.BoolTensor`): An attention mask matrix of shape [*B*, *N*, *N*] where *B* is the batch size, *N* is the maximum sequence length in which element [i,j] = *1* means the *i* th token in the input can attend to the *j* th token. output_attentions (`bool`, optional): Whether return the attention matrix. query_states (`torch.FloatTensor`, optional): The *Q* state in *Attention(Q,K,V)*. relative_pos (`torch.LongTensor`): The relative position encoding between the tokens in the sequence. It's of shape [*B*, *N*, *N*] with values ranging in [*-max_relative_positions*, *max_relative_positions*]. rel_embeddings (`torch.FloatTensor`): The embedding of relative distances. It's a tensor of shape [\\(2 \\times \\text{max_relative_positions}\\), *hidden_size*]. """ if query_states is None: query_states = hidden_states query_layer = self.transpose_for_scores(self.query_proj(query_states), self.num_attention_heads) key_layer = self.transpose_for_scores(self.key_proj(hidden_states), self.num_attention_heads) value_layer = self.transpose_for_scores(self.value_proj(hidden_states), self.num_attention_heads) rel_att = None # Take the dot product between "query" and "key" to get the raw attention scores. scale_factor = 1 if "c2p" in self.pos_att_type: scale_factor += 1 if "p2c" in self.pos_att_type: scale_factor += 1 scale = torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(query_layer.size(-1), dtype=torch.float) * scale_factor) attention_scores = torch.bmm(query_layer, key_layer.transpose(-1, -2) / scale.to(dtype=query_layer.dtype)) if self.relative_attention: rel_embeddings = self.pos_dropout(rel_embeddings) rel_att = self.disentangled_attention_bias( query_layer, key_layer, relative_pos, rel_embeddings, scale_factor ) if rel_att is not None: attention_scores = attention_scores + rel_att attention_scores = attention_scores attention_scores = attention_scores.view( -1, self.num_attention_heads, attention_scores.size(-2), attention_scores.size(-1) ) # bsz x height x length x dimension attention_probs = XSoftmax.apply(attention_scores, attention_mask, -1) attention_probs = self.dropout(attention_probs) context_layer = torch.bmm( attention_probs.view(-1, attention_probs.size(-2), attention_probs.size(-1)), value_layer ) context_layer = ( context_layer.view(-1, self.num_attention_heads, context_layer.size(-2), context_layer.size(-1)) .permute(0, 2, 1, 3) .contiguous() ) new_context_layer_shape = context_layer.size()[:-2] + (-1,) context_layer = context_layer.view(new_context_layer_shape) if output_attentions: return (context_layer, attention_probs) else: return context_layer def disentangled_attention_bias(self, query_layer, key_layer, relative_pos, rel_embeddings, scale_factor): if relative_pos is None: q = query_layer.size(-2) relative_pos = build_relative_position( q, key_layer.size(-2), bucket_size=self.position_buckets, max_position=self.max_relative_positions, device=query_layer.device, ) if relative_pos.dim() == 2: relative_pos = relative_pos.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) elif relative_pos.dim() == 3: relative_pos = relative_pos.unsqueeze(1) # bsz x height x query x key elif relative_pos.dim() != 4: raise ValueError(f"Relative position ids must be of dim 2 or 3 or 4. {relative_pos.dim()}") att_span = self.pos_ebd_size relative_pos = relative_pos.long().to(query_layer.device) rel_embeddings = rel_embeddings[0 : att_span * 2, :].unsqueeze(0) if self.share_att_key: pos_query_layer = self.transpose_for_scores( self.query_proj(rel_embeddings), self.num_attention_heads ).repeat(query_layer.size(0) // self.num_attention_heads, 1, 1) pos_key_layer = self.transpose_for_scores(self.key_proj(rel_embeddings), self.num_attention_heads).repeat( query_layer.size(0) // self.num_attention_heads, 1, 1 ) else: if "c2p" in self.pos_att_type: pos_key_layer = self.transpose_for_scores( self.pos_key_proj(rel_embeddings), self.num_attention_heads ).repeat(query_layer.size(0) // self.num_attention_heads, 1, 1) # .split(self.all_head_size, dim=-1) if "p2c" in self.pos_att_type: pos_query_layer = self.transpose_for_scores( self.pos_query_proj(rel_embeddings), self.num_attention_heads ).repeat(query_layer.size(0) // self.num_attention_heads, 1, 1) # .split(self.all_head_size, dim=-1) score = 0 # content->position if "c2p" in self.pos_att_type: scale = torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(pos_key_layer.size(-1), dtype=torch.float) * scale_factor) c2p_att = torch.bmm(query_layer, pos_key_layer.transpose(-1, -2)) c2p_pos = torch.clamp(relative_pos + att_span, 0, att_span * 2 - 1) c2p_att = torch.gather( c2p_att, dim=-1, index=c2p_pos.squeeze(0).expand([query_layer.size(0), query_layer.size(1), relative_pos.size(-1)]), ) score += c2p_att / scale.to(dtype=c2p_att.dtype) # position->content if "p2c" in self.pos_att_type: scale = torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(pos_query_layer.size(-1), dtype=torch.float) * scale_factor) if key_layer.size(-2) != query_layer.size(-2): r_pos = build_relative_position( key_layer.size(-2), key_layer.size(-2), bucket_size=self.position_buckets, max_position=self.max_relative_positions, device=query_layer.device, ) r_pos = r_pos.unsqueeze(0) else: r_pos = relative_pos p2c_pos = torch.clamp(-r_pos + att_span, 0, att_span * 2 - 1) p2c_att = torch.bmm(key_layer, pos_query_layer.transpose(-1, -2)) p2c_att = torch.gather( p2c_att, dim=-1, index=p2c_pos.squeeze(0).expand([query_layer.size(0), key_layer.size(-2), key_layer.size(-2)]), ).transpose(-1, -2) score += p2c_att / scale.to(dtype=p2c_att.dtype) return score # Copied from transformers.models.deberta.modeling_deberta.DebertaAttention with Deberta->SEWD class SEWDAttention(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.self = DisentangledSelfAttention(config) self.output = SEWDSelfOutput(config) self.config = config def forward( self, hidden_states, attention_mask, output_attentions=False, query_states=None, relative_pos=None, rel_embeddings=None, ): self_output = self.self( hidden_states, attention_mask, output_attentions, query_states=query_states, relative_pos=relative_pos, rel_embeddings=rel_embeddings, ) if output_attentions: self_output, att_matrix = self_output if query_states is None: query_states = hidden_states attention_output = self.output(self_output, query_states) if output_attentions: return (attention_output, att_matrix) else: return attention_output # Copied from transformers.models.bert.modeling_bert.BertIntermediate with Bert->SEWD class SEWDIntermediate(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.dense = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, config.intermediate_size) if isinstance(config.hidden_act, str): self.intermediate_act_fn = ACT2FN[config.hidden_act] else: self.intermediate_act_fn = config.hidden_act def forward(self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: hidden_states = self.dense(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.intermediate_act_fn(hidden_states) return hidden_states # Copied from transformers.models.deberta.modeling_deberta.DebertaOutput with DebertaLayerNorm->LayerNorm, hidden_dropout_prob->activation_dropout class SEWDOutput(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.dense = nn.Linear(config.intermediate_size, config.hidden_size) self.LayerNorm = LayerNorm(config.hidden_size, config.layer_norm_eps) self.dropout = StableDropout(config.activation_dropout) self.config = config def forward(self, hidden_states, input_tensor): hidden_states = self.dense(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.dropout(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.LayerNorm(hidden_states + input_tensor) return hidden_states # Copied from transformers.models.deberta.modeling_deberta.DebertaLayer with Deberta->SEWD class SEWDLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.attention = SEWDAttention(config) self.intermediate = SEWDIntermediate(config) self.output = SEWDOutput(config) def forward( self, hidden_states, attention_mask, query_states=None, relative_pos=None, rel_embeddings=None, output_attentions=False, ): attention_output = self.attention( hidden_states, attention_mask, output_attentions=output_attentions, query_states=query_states, relative_pos=relative_pos, rel_embeddings=rel_embeddings, ) if output_attentions: attention_output, att_matrix = attention_output intermediate_output = self.intermediate(attention_output) layer_output = self.output(intermediate_output, attention_output) if output_attentions: return (layer_output, att_matrix) else: return layer_output # Copied from transformers.models.deberta_v2.modeling_deberta_v2.ConvLayer class ConvLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() kernel_size = getattr(config, "conv_kernel_size", 3) groups = getattr(config, "conv_groups", 1) self.conv_act = getattr(config, "conv_act", "tanh") self.conv = nn.Conv1d( config.hidden_size, config.hidden_size, kernel_size, padding=(kernel_size - 1) // 2, groups=groups ) self.LayerNorm = LayerNorm(config.hidden_size, config.layer_norm_eps) self.dropout = StableDropout(config.hidden_dropout_prob) self.config = config def forward(self, hidden_states, residual_states, input_mask): out = self.conv(hidden_states.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous()).permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous() rmask = (1 - input_mask).bool() out.masked_fill_(rmask.unsqueeze(-1).expand(out.size()), 0) out = ACT2FN[self.conv_act](self.dropout(out)) layer_norm_input = residual_states + out output = self.LayerNorm(layer_norm_input).to(layer_norm_input) if input_mask is None: output_states = output else: if input_mask.dim() != layer_norm_input.dim(): if input_mask.dim() == 4: input_mask = input_mask.squeeze(1).squeeze(1) input_mask = input_mask.unsqueeze(2) input_mask = input_mask.to(output.dtype) output_states = output * input_mask return output_states # Copied from transformers.models.deberta_v2.modeling_deberta_v2.DebertaV2Encoder with DebertaV2->SEWD class SEWDTransformerEncoder(nn.Module): """Modified BertEncoder with relative position bias support""" def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.layer = nn.ModuleList([SEWDLayer(config) for _ in range(config.num_hidden_layers)]) self.relative_attention = getattr(config, "relative_attention", False) if self.relative_attention: self.max_relative_positions = getattr(config, "max_relative_positions", -1) if self.max_relative_positions < 1: self.max_relative_positions = config.max_position_embeddings self.position_buckets = getattr(config, "position_buckets", -1) pos_ebd_size = self.max_relative_positions * 2 if self.position_buckets > 0: pos_ebd_size = self.position_buckets * 2 self.rel_embeddings = nn.Embedding(pos_ebd_size, config.hidden_size) self.norm_rel_ebd = [x.strip() for x in getattr(config, "norm_rel_ebd", "none").lower().split("|")] if "layer_norm" in self.norm_rel_ebd: self.LayerNorm = LayerNorm(config.hidden_size, config.layer_norm_eps, elementwise_affine=True) self.conv = ConvLayer(config) if getattr(config, "conv_kernel_size", 0) > 0 else None self.gradient_checkpointing = False def get_rel_embedding(self): rel_embeddings = self.rel_embeddings.weight if self.relative_attention else None if rel_embeddings is not None and ("layer_norm" in self.norm_rel_ebd): rel_embeddings = self.LayerNorm(rel_embeddings) return rel_embeddings def get_attention_mask(self, attention_mask): if attention_mask.dim() <= 2: extended_attention_mask = attention_mask.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2) attention_mask = extended_attention_mask * extended_attention_mask.squeeze(-2).unsqueeze(-1) elif attention_mask.dim() == 3: attention_mask = attention_mask.unsqueeze(1) return attention_mask def get_rel_pos(self, hidden_states, query_states=None, relative_pos=None): if self.relative_attention and relative_pos is None: q = query_states.size(-2) if query_states is not None else hidden_states.size(-2) relative_pos = build_relative_position( q, hidden_states.size(-2), bucket_size=self.position_buckets, max_position=self.max_relative_positions, device=hidden_states.device, ) return relative_pos def forward( self, hidden_states, attention_mask, output_hidden_states=True, output_attentions=False, query_states=None, relative_pos=None, return_dict=True, ): if attention_mask.dim() <= 2: input_mask = attention_mask else: input_mask = attention_mask.sum(-2) > 0 attention_mask = self.get_attention_mask(attention_mask) relative_pos = self.get_rel_pos(hidden_states, query_states, relative_pos) all_hidden_states = () if output_hidden_states else None all_attentions = () if output_attentions else None if isinstance(hidden_states, Sequence): next_kv = hidden_states[0] else: next_kv = hidden_states rel_embeddings = self.get_rel_embedding() output_states = next_kv for i, layer_module in enumerate(self.layer): if output_hidden_states: all_hidden_states = all_hidden_states + (output_states,) if self.gradient_checkpointing and self.training: output_states = self._gradient_checkpointing_func( layer_module.__call__, next_kv, attention_mask, query_states, relative_pos, rel_embeddings, output_attentions, ) else: output_states = layer_module( next_kv, attention_mask, query_states=query_states, relative_pos=relative_pos, rel_embeddings=rel_embeddings, output_attentions=output_attentions, ) if output_attentions: output_states, att_m = output_states if i == 0 and self.conv is not None: output_states = self.conv(hidden_states, output_states, input_mask) if query_states is not None: query_states = output_states if isinstance(hidden_states, Sequence): next_kv = hidden_states[i + 1] if i + 1 < len(self.layer) else None else: next_kv = output_states if output_attentions: all_attentions = all_attentions + (att_m,) if output_hidden_states: all_hidden_states = all_hidden_states + (output_states,) if not return_dict: return tuple(v for v in [output_states, all_hidden_states, all_attentions] if v is not None) return BaseModelOutput( last_hidden_state=output_states, hidden_states=all_hidden_states, attentions=all_attentions ) class SEWDEncoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config self.pos_conv_embed = SEWDPositionalConvEmbedding(config) self.pool = nn.AvgPool1d(config.squeeze_factor, config.squeeze_factor) self.encoder = SEWDTransformerEncoder(config) self.upsample = SEWDUpsampling(config) self.gradient_checkpointing = False def forward( self, hidden_states: torch.tensor, attention_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, output_attentions: bool = False, output_hidden_states: bool = False, return_dict: bool = True, ): max_encoder_length = hidden_states.shape[1] // self.config.squeeze_factor if attention_mask is None: attention_mask = torch.ones( (hidden_states.shape[0], max_encoder_length), dtype=torch.long, device=hidden_states.device ) else: # make sure padded tokens output 0 hidden_states[~attention_mask.bool()] = 0.0 input_lengths = (attention_mask.long()).sum(-1) # apply pooling formula to get real output_lengths output_lengths = input_lengths // self.config.squeeze_factor attention_ids = ( torch.arange(0, max_encoder_length, device=output_lengths.device) .view(1, -1) .expand(output_lengths.shape[0], -1) ) attention_mask = (attention_ids < output_lengths.view(-1, 1)).long() n_input_timesteps = hidden_states.shape[1] hidden_states = hidden_states.transpose(1, 2) position_embeddings = self.pos_conv_embed(hidden_states) pooled_hidden_states = self.pool(hidden_states) min_length = min(position_embeddings.size(-1), pooled_hidden_states.size(-1)) hidden_states = pooled_hidden_states[..., :min_length] + position_embeddings[..., :min_length] hidden_states = hidden_states.transpose(1, 2) encoder_outputs = self.encoder(hidden_states, attention_mask, output_hidden_states, output_attentions) hidden_states = self.upsample(encoder_outputs.last_hidden_state) if hidden_states.shape[1] < n_input_timesteps: hidden_states = nn.functional.pad(hidden_states, (0, 0, 0, n_input_timesteps - hidden_states.shape[1])) if not return_dict: return tuple( v for v in [hidden_states, encoder_outputs.hidden_states, encoder_outputs.attentions] if v is not None ) return BaseModelOutput( last_hidden_state=hidden_states, hidden_states=encoder_outputs.hidden_states, attentions=encoder_outputs.attentions, ) class SEWDPreTrainedModel(PreTrainedModel): """ An abstract class to handle weights initialization and a simple interface for downloading and loading pretrained models. """ config_class = SEWDConfig base_model_prefix = "sew-d" main_input_name = "input_values" supports_gradient_checkpointing = True def _init_weights(self, module): """Initialize the weights""" if isinstance(module, SEWDPositionalConvEmbedding): nn.init.normal_( module.conv.weight, mean=0, std=2 * math.sqrt(1 / (module.conv.kernel_size[0] * module.conv.in_channels)), ) nn.init.constant_(module.conv.bias, 0) elif isinstance(module, nn.Linear): # Slightly different from the TF version which uses truncated_normal for initialization # cf https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/pull/5617 module.weight.data.normal_(mean=0.0, std=self.config.initializer_range) elif isinstance(module, (nn.LayerNorm, nn.GroupNorm)): module.bias.data.zero_() module.weight.data.fill_(1.0) elif isinstance(module, nn.Conv1d): if is_deepspeed_zero3_enabled(): import deepspeed if hasattr(module, "weight_v") and hasattr(module, "weight_g"): with deepspeed.zero.GatheredParameters([module.weight_v, module.weight_g], modifier_rank=0): nn.init.kaiming_normal_(module.weight.data) else: with deepspeed.zero.GatheredParameters(module.weight, modifier_rank=0): nn.init.kaiming_normal_(module.weight.data) else: nn.init.kaiming_normal_(module.weight.data) elif isinstance(module, nn.Embedding): module.weight.data.normal_(mean=0.0, std=self.config.initializer_range) if module.padding_idx is not None: module.weight.data[module.padding_idx].zero_() if isinstance(module, (nn.Linear, nn.Conv1d)) and module.bias is not None: module.bias.data.zero_() def _get_feat_extract_output_lengths(self, input_lengths: Union[torch.LongTensor, int]): """ Computes the output length of the convolutional layers """ def _conv_out_length(input_length, kernel_size, stride): # 1D convolutional layer output length formula taken # from https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.nn.Conv1d.html return torch.div(input_length - kernel_size, stride, rounding_mode="floor") + 1 for kernel_size, stride in zip(self.config.conv_kernel, self.config.conv_stride): input_lengths = _conv_out_length(input_lengths, kernel_size, stride) return input_lengths def _get_feature_vector_attention_mask(self, feature_vector_length: int, attention_mask: torch.LongTensor): output_lengths = self._get_feat_extract_output_lengths(attention_mask.sum(-1)).to(torch.long) batch_size = attention_mask.shape[0] attention_mask = torch.zeros( (batch_size, feature_vector_length), dtype=attention_mask.dtype, device=attention_mask.device ) # these two operations makes sure that all values before the output lengths idxs are attended to attention_mask[(torch.arange(attention_mask.shape[0], device=attention_mask.device), output_lengths - 1)] = 1 attention_mask = attention_mask.flip([-1]).cumsum(-1).flip([-1]).bool() return attention_mask SEWD_START_DOCSTRING = r""" SEW-D was proposed in [Performance-Efficiency Trade-offs in Unsupervised Pre-training for Speech Recognition](https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.06870) by Felix Wu, Kwangyoun Kim, Jing Pan, Kyu Han, Kilian Q. Weinberger, Yoav Artzi. This model inherits from [`PreTrainedModel`]. Check the superclass documentation for the generic methods the library implements for all its model (such as downloading or saving etc.). This model is a PyTorch [torch.nn.Module](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html#torch.nn.Module) sub-class. Use it as a regular PyTorch Module and refer to the PyTorch documentation for all matter related to general usage and behavior. Parameters: config ([`SEWDConfig`]): Model configuration class with all the parameters of the model. Initializing with a config file does not load the weights associated with the model, only the configuration. Check out the [`~PreTrainedModel.from_pretrained`] method to load the model weights. """ SEWD_INPUTS_DOCSTRING = r""" Args: input_values (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`): Float values of input raw speech waveform. Values can be obtained by loading a `.flac` or `.wav` audio file into an array of type `List[float]` or a `numpy.ndarray`, *e.g.* via the soundfile library (`pip install soundfile`). To prepare the array into `input_values`, the [`AutoProcessor`] should be used for padding and conversion into a tensor of type `torch.FloatTensor`. See [`Wav2Vec2Processor.__call__`] for details. attention_mask (`torch.LongTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`, *optional*): Mask to avoid performing convolution and attention on padding token indices. Mask values selected in `[0, 1]`: - 1 for tokens that are **not masked**, - 0 for tokens that are **masked**. [What are attention masks?](../glossary#attention-mask) output_attentions (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return the attentions tensors of all attention layers. See `attentions` under returned tensors for more detail. output_hidden_states (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return the hidden states of all layers. See `hidden_states` under returned tensors for more detail. return_dict (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return a [`~utils.ModelOutput`] instead of a plain tuple. """ @add_start_docstrings( "The bare SEW-D Model transformer outputting raw hidden-states without any specific head on top.", SEWD_START_DOCSTRING, ) # Copied from transformers.models.sew.modeling_sew.SEWModel with SEW->SEWD, layer_norm_eps->feature_layer_norm_eps class SEWDModel(SEWDPreTrainedModel): def __init__(self, config: SEWDConfig): super().__init__(config) self.config = config self.feature_extractor = SEWDFeatureEncoder(config) self.layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(config.conv_dim[-1], eps=config.feature_layer_norm_eps) self.project_features = config.conv_dim[-1] != config.hidden_size if self.project_features: self.feature_projection = nn.Linear(config.conv_dim[-1], config.hidden_size) self.feature_dropout = nn.Dropout(config.feat_proj_dropout) if config.mask_time_prob > 0.0 or config.mask_feature_prob > 0.0: self.masked_spec_embed = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(config.hidden_size).uniform_()) self.encoder = SEWDEncoder(config) # Initialize weights and apply final processing self.post_init() # Copied from transformers.models.wav2vec2.modeling_wav2vec2.Wav2Vec2Model._mask_hidden_states def _mask_hidden_states( self, hidden_states: torch.FloatTensor, mask_time_indices: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, ): """ Masks extracted features along time axis and/or along feature axis according to [SpecAugment](https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.08779). """ # `config.apply_spec_augment` can set masking to False if not getattr(self.config, "apply_spec_augment", True): return hidden_states # generate indices & apply SpecAugment along time axis batch_size, sequence_length, hidden_size = hidden_states.size() if mask_time_indices is not None: # apply SpecAugment along time axis with given mask_time_indices hidden_states[mask_time_indices] = self.masked_spec_embed.to(hidden_states.dtype) elif self.config.mask_time_prob > 0 and self.training: mask_time_indices = _compute_mask_indices( (batch_size, sequence_length), mask_prob=self.config.mask_time_prob, mask_length=self.config.mask_time_length, attention_mask=attention_mask, min_masks=self.config.mask_time_min_masks, ) mask_time_indices = torch.tensor(mask_time_indices, device=hidden_states.device, dtype=torch.bool) hidden_states[mask_time_indices] = self.masked_spec_embed.to(hidden_states.dtype) if self.config.mask_feature_prob > 0 and self.training: # generate indices & apply SpecAugment along feature axis mask_feature_indices = _compute_mask_indices( (batch_size, hidden_size), mask_prob=self.config.mask_feature_prob, mask_length=self.config.mask_feature_length, min_masks=self.config.mask_feature_min_masks, ) mask_feature_indices = torch.tensor(mask_feature_indices, device=hidden_states.device, dtype=torch.bool) mask_feature_indices = mask_feature_indices[:, None].expand(-1, sequence_length, -1) hidden_states[mask_feature_indices] = 0 return hidden_states @add_start_docstrings_to_model_forward(SEWD_INPUTS_DOCSTRING) @add_code_sample_docstrings( checkpoint=_CHECKPOINT_FOR_DOC, output_type=BaseModelOutput, config_class=_CONFIG_FOR_DOC, modality="audio", expected_output=_EXPECTED_OUTPUT_SHAPE, ) def forward( self, input_values: Optional[torch.Tensor], attention_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, mask_time_indices: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Union[Tuple, BaseModelOutput]: output_attentions = output_attentions if output_attentions is not None else self.config.output_attentions output_hidden_states = ( output_hidden_states if output_hidden_states is not None else self.config.output_hidden_states ) return_dict = return_dict if return_dict is not None else self.config.use_return_dict extract_features = self.feature_extractor(input_values) extract_features = extract_features.transpose(1, 2) extract_features = self.layer_norm(extract_features) if self.project_features: extract_features = self.feature_projection(extract_features) hidden_states = self.feature_dropout(extract_features) if attention_mask is not None: # compute reduced attention_mask corresponding to feature vectors attention_mask = self._get_feature_vector_attention_mask(hidden_states.shape[1], attention_mask) hidden_states = self._mask_hidden_states(hidden_states, mask_time_indices=mask_time_indices) encoder_outputs = self.encoder( hidden_states, attention_mask=attention_mask, output_attentions=output_attentions, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=return_dict, ) hidden_states = encoder_outputs[0] if not return_dict: return (hidden_states,) + encoder_outputs[1:] return BaseModelOutput( last_hidden_state=hidden_states, hidden_states=encoder_outputs.hidden_states, attentions=encoder_outputs.attentions, ) @add_start_docstrings( """SEW-D Model with a `language modeling` head on top for Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC).""", SEWD_START_DOCSTRING, ) # Copied from transformers.models.wav2vec2.modeling_wav2vec2.Wav2Vec2ForCTC with Wav2Vec2->SEWD, wav2vec2->sew_d, WAV_2_VEC_2->SEWD class SEWDForCTC(SEWDPreTrainedModel): def __init__(self, config, target_lang: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(config) self.sew_d = SEWDModel(config) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.final_dropout) self.target_lang = target_lang if config.vocab_size is None: raise ValueError( f"You are trying to instantiate {self.__class__} with a configuration that " "does not define the vocabulary size of the language model head. Please " "instantiate the model as follows: `SEWDForCTC.from_pretrained(..., vocab_size=vocab_size)`. " "or define `vocab_size` of your model's configuration." ) output_hidden_size = ( config.output_hidden_size if hasattr(config, "add_adapter") and config.add_adapter else config.hidden_size ) self.lm_head = nn.Linear(output_hidden_size, config.vocab_size) # Initialize weights and apply final processing self.post_init() def tie_weights(self): """ This method overwrites [`~PreTrainedModel.tie_weights`] so that adapter weights can be correctly loaded when passing `target_lang=...` to `from_pretrained(...)`. This method is **not** supposed to be called by the user and is prone to be changed in the future. """ # Note that `tie_weights` is usually used to tie input and output embedding weights. The method is re-purposed to # correctly load adapter layers for SEWD so that we do not have to introduce a new API to # [`PreTrainedModel`]. While slightly hacky, SEWD never has to tie input and output embeddings, so that it is # ok to repurpose this function here. target_lang = self.target_lang if target_lang is not None and getattr(self.config, "adapter_attn_dim", None) is None: raise ValueError(f"Cannot pass `target_lang`: {target_lang} if `config.adapter_attn_dim` is not defined.") elif target_lang is None and getattr(self.config, "adapter_attn_dim", None) is not None: logger.info("By default `target_lang` is set to 'eng'.") elif target_lang is not None: self.load_adapter(target_lang, force_load=True) def freeze_feature_extractor(self): """ Calling this function will disable the gradient computation for the feature encoder so that its parameter will not be updated during training. """ warnings.warn( "The method `freeze_feature_extractor` is deprecated and will be removed in Transformers v5. " "Please use the equivalent `freeze_feature_encoder` method instead.", FutureWarning, ) self.freeze_feature_encoder() def freeze_feature_encoder(self): """ Calling this function will disable the gradient computation for the feature encoder so that its parameter will not be updated during training. """ self.sew_d.feature_extractor._freeze_parameters() def freeze_base_model(self): """ Calling this function will disable the gradient computation for the base model so that its parameters will not be updated during training. Only the classification head will be updated. """ for param in self.sew_d.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False @add_start_docstrings_to_model_forward(SEWD_INPUTS_DOCSTRING) @add_code_sample_docstrings( checkpoint=_CHECKPOINT_FOR_DOC, output_type=CausalLMOutput, config_class=_CONFIG_FOR_DOC, expected_output=_CTC_EXPECTED_OUTPUT, expected_loss=_CTC_EXPECTED_LOSS, ) def forward( self, input_values: Optional[torch.Tensor], attention_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, labels: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> Union[Tuple, CausalLMOutput]: r""" labels (`torch.LongTensor` of shape `(batch_size, target_length)`, *optional*): Labels for connectionist temporal classification. Note that `target_length` has to be smaller or equal to the sequence length of the output logits. Indices are selected in `[-100, 0, ..., config.vocab_size - 1]`. All labels set to `-100` are ignored (masked), the loss is only computed for labels in `[0, ..., config.vocab_size - 1]`. """ return_dict = return_dict if return_dict is not None else self.config.use_return_dict outputs = self.sew_d( input_values, attention_mask=attention_mask, output_attentions=output_attentions, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=return_dict, ) hidden_states = outputs[0] hidden_states = self.dropout(hidden_states) logits = self.lm_head(hidden_states) loss = None if labels is not None: if labels.max() >= self.config.vocab_size: raise ValueError(f"Label values must be <= vocab_size: {self.config.vocab_size}") # retrieve loss input_lengths from attention_mask attention_mask = ( attention_mask if attention_mask is not None else torch.ones_like(input_values, dtype=torch.long) ) input_lengths = self._get_feat_extract_output_lengths(attention_mask.sum(-1)).to(torch.long) # assuming that padded tokens are filled with -100 # when not being attended to labels_mask = labels >= 0 target_lengths = labels_mask.sum(-1) flattened_targets = labels.masked_select(labels_mask) # ctc_loss doesn't support fp16 log_probs = nn.functional.log_softmax(logits, dim=-1, dtype=torch.float32).transpose(0, 1) with torch.backends.cudnn.flags(enabled=False): loss = nn.functional.ctc_loss( log_probs, flattened_targets, input_lengths, target_lengths, blank=self.config.pad_token_id, reduction=self.config.ctc_loss_reduction, zero_infinity=self.config.ctc_zero_infinity, ) if not return_dict: output = (logits,) + outputs[_HIDDEN_STATES_START_POSITION:] return ((loss,) + output) if loss is not None else output return CausalLMOutput( loss=loss, logits=logits, hidden_states=outputs.hidden_states, attentions=outputs.attentions ) @add_start_docstrings( """ SEWD Model with a sequence classification head on top (a linear layer over the pooled output) for tasks like SUPERB Keyword Spotting. """, SEWD_START_DOCSTRING, ) # Copied from transformers.models.wav2vec2.modeling_wav2vec2.Wav2Vec2ForSequenceClassification with Wav2Vec2->SEWD, wav2vec2->sew_d, WAV_2_VEC_2->SEWD class SEWDForSequenceClassification(SEWDPreTrainedModel): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config) if hasattr(config, "add_adapter") and config.add_adapter: raise ValueError( "Sequence classification does not support the use of SEWD adapters (config.add_adapter=True)" ) self.sew_d = SEWDModel(config) num_layers = config.num_hidden_layers + 1 # transformer layers + input embeddings if config.use_weighted_layer_sum: self.layer_weights = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(num_layers) / num_layers) self.projector = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, config.classifier_proj_size) self.classifier = nn.Linear(config.classifier_proj_size, config.num_labels) # Initialize weights and apply final processing self.post_init() def freeze_feature_extractor(self): """ Calling this function will disable the gradient computation for the feature encoder so that its parameters will not be updated during training. """ warnings.warn( "The method `freeze_feature_extractor` is deprecated and will be removed in Transformers v5. " "Please use the equivalent `freeze_feature_encoder` method instead.", FutureWarning, ) self.freeze_feature_encoder() def freeze_feature_encoder(self): """ Calling this function will disable the gradient computation for the feature encoder so that its parameter will not be updated during training. """ self.sew_d.feature_extractor._freeze_parameters() def freeze_base_model(self): """ Calling this function will disable the gradient computation for the base model so that its parameters will not be updated during training. Only the classification head will be updated. """ for param in self.sew_d.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False @add_start_docstrings_to_model_forward(SEWD_INPUTS_DOCSTRING) @add_code_sample_docstrings( checkpoint=_SEQ_CLASS_CHECKPOINT, output_type=SequenceClassifierOutput, config_class=_CONFIG_FOR_DOC, modality="audio", expected_output=_SEQ_CLASS_EXPECTED_OUTPUT, expected_loss=_SEQ_CLASS_EXPECTED_LOSS, ) def forward( self, input_values: Optional[torch.Tensor], attention_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, labels: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> Union[Tuple, SequenceClassifierOutput]: r""" labels (`torch.LongTensor` of shape `(batch_size,)`, *optional*): Labels for computing the sequence classification/regression loss. Indices should be in `[0, ..., config.num_labels - 1]`. If `config.num_labels == 1` a regression loss is computed (Mean-Square loss), If `config.num_labels > 1` a classification loss is computed (Cross-Entropy). """ return_dict = return_dict if return_dict is not None else self.config.use_return_dict output_hidden_states = True if self.config.use_weighted_layer_sum else output_hidden_states outputs = self.sew_d( input_values, attention_mask=attention_mask, output_attentions=output_attentions, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=return_dict, ) if self.config.use_weighted_layer_sum: hidden_states = outputs[_HIDDEN_STATES_START_POSITION] hidden_states = torch.stack(hidden_states, dim=1) norm_weights = nn.functional.softmax(self.layer_weights, dim=-1) hidden_states = (hidden_states * norm_weights.view(-1, 1, 1)).sum(dim=1) else: hidden_states = outputs[0] hidden_states = self.projector(hidden_states) if attention_mask is None: pooled_output = hidden_states.mean(dim=1) else: padding_mask = self._get_feature_vector_attention_mask(hidden_states.shape[1], attention_mask) hidden_states[~padding_mask] = 0.0 pooled_output = hidden_states.sum(dim=1) / padding_mask.sum(dim=1).view(-1, 1) logits = self.classifier(pooled_output) loss = None if labels is not None: loss_fct = CrossEntropyLoss() loss = loss_fct(logits.view(-1, self.config.num_labels), labels.view(-1)) if not return_dict: output = (logits,) + outputs[_HIDDEN_STATES_START_POSITION:] return ((loss,) + output) if loss is not None else output return SequenceClassifierOutput( loss=loss, logits=logits, hidden_states=outputs.hidden_states, attentions=outputs.attentions, )
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/models/sew_d/modeling_sew_d.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 32314 }
# Copyright 2021 The HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import argparse import torch from torch import nn from transformers import Speech2TextConfig, Speech2TextForConditionalGeneration def remove_ignore_keys_(state_dict): ignore_keys = [ "encoder.version", "decoder.version", "model.encoder.version", "model.decoder.version", "decoder.output_projection.weight", "_float_tensor", "encoder.embed_positions._float_tensor", "decoder.embed_positions._float_tensor", ] for k in ignore_keys: state_dict.pop(k, None) def rename_keys(s_dict): keys = list(s_dict.keys()) for key in keys: if "transformer_layers" in key: s_dict[key.replace("transformer_layers", "layers")] = s_dict.pop(key) elif "subsample" in key: s_dict[key.replace("subsample", "conv")] = s_dict.pop(key) def make_linear_from_emb(emb): vocab_size, emb_size = emb.weight.shape lin_layer = nn.Linear(vocab_size, emb_size, bias=False) lin_layer.weight.data = emb.weight.data return lin_layer def convert_fairseq_s2t_checkpoint_to_tfms(checkpoint_path, pytorch_dump_folder_path): m2m_100 = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location="cpu") args = m2m_100["args"] state_dict = m2m_100["model"] lm_head_weights = state_dict["decoder.output_projection.weight"] remove_ignore_keys_(state_dict) rename_keys(state_dict) vocab_size = state_dict["decoder.embed_tokens.weight"].shape[0] tie_embeds = args.share_decoder_input_output_embed conv_kernel_sizes = [int(i) for i in args.conv_kernel_sizes.split(",")] config = Speech2TextConfig( vocab_size=vocab_size, max_source_positions=args.max_source_positions, max_target_positions=args.max_target_positions, encoder_layers=args.encoder_layers, decoder_layers=args.decoder_layers, encoder_attention_heads=args.encoder_attention_heads, decoder_attention_heads=args.decoder_attention_heads, encoder_ffn_dim=args.encoder_ffn_embed_dim, decoder_ffn_dim=args.decoder_ffn_embed_dim, d_model=args.encoder_embed_dim, dropout=args.dropout, attention_dropout=args.attention_dropout, activation_dropout=args.activation_dropout, activation_function="relu", num_conv_layers=len(conv_kernel_sizes), conv_channels=args.conv_channels, conv_kernel_sizes=conv_kernel_sizes, input_feat_per_channel=args.input_feat_per_channel, input_channels=args.input_channels, tie_word_embeddings=tie_embeds, num_beams=5, max_length=200, use_cache=True, decoder_start_token_id=2, early_stopping=True, ) model = Speech2TextForConditionalGeneration(config) missing, unexpected = model.model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=False) if len(missing) > 0 and not set(missing) <= { "encoder.embed_positions.weights", "decoder.embed_positions.weights", }: raise ValueError( "Only `encoder.embed_positions.weights` and `decoder.embed_positions.weights` are allowed to be missing," f" but all the following weights are missing {missing}" ) if tie_embeds: model.lm_head = make_linear_from_emb(model.model.decoder.embed_tokens) else: model.lm_head.weight.data = lm_head_weights model.save_pretrained(pytorch_dump_folder_path) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Required parameters parser.add_argument("--fairseq_path", type=str, help="Path to the fairseq model (.pt) file.") parser.add_argument("--pytorch_dump_folder_path", default=None, type=str, help="Path to the output PyTorch model.") args = parser.parse_args() convert_fairseq_s2t_checkpoint_to_tfms(args.fairseq_path, args.pytorch_dump_folder_path)
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/models/speech_to_text/convert_s2t_fairseq_to_tfms.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 1824 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2023 The Fairseq Authors, Microsoft Research, and the HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ PyTorch SpeechT5 model.""" import math from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union import numpy as np import torch import torch.utils.checkpoint from torch import nn from torch.nn import BCEWithLogitsLoss, CrossEntropyLoss, L1Loss from ...activations import ACT2FN from ...integrations.deepspeed import is_deepspeed_zero3_enabled from ...modeling_attn_mask_utils import _prepare_4d_attention_mask, _prepare_4d_causal_attention_mask from ...modeling_outputs import ( BaseModelOutput, BaseModelOutputWithPastAndCrossAttentions, Seq2SeqLMOutput, Seq2SeqModelOutput, Seq2SeqSpectrogramOutput, ) from ...modeling_utils import PreTrainedModel from ...utils import add_start_docstrings, add_start_docstrings_to_model_forward, logging, replace_return_docstrings from .configuration_speecht5 import SpeechT5Config, SpeechT5HifiGanConfig logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) _HIDDEN_STATES_START_POSITION = 1 # General docstring _CONFIG_FOR_DOC = "SpeechT5Config" SPEECHT5_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST = [ "microsoft/speecht5_asr", "microsoft/speecht5_tts", "microsoft/speecht5_vc", # See all SpeechT5 models at https://huggingface.co/models?filter=speecht5 ] # Copied from transformers.models.bart.modeling_bart.shift_tokens_right def shift_tokens_right(input_ids: torch.Tensor, pad_token_id: int, decoder_start_token_id: int): """ Shift input ids one token to the right. """ shifted_input_ids = input_ids.new_zeros(input_ids.shape) shifted_input_ids[:, 1:] = input_ids[:, :-1].clone() shifted_input_ids[:, 0] = decoder_start_token_id if pad_token_id is None: raise ValueError("self.model.config.pad_token_id has to be defined.") # replace possible -100 values in labels by `pad_token_id` shifted_input_ids.masked_fill_(shifted_input_ids == -100, pad_token_id) return shifted_input_ids def shift_spectrograms_right(input_values: torch.Tensor, reduction_factor: int = 1): """ Shift input spectrograms one timestep to the right. Also applies the reduction factor to the sequence length. """ # thin out frames for reduction factor if reduction_factor > 1: input_values = input_values[:, reduction_factor - 1 :: reduction_factor] shifted_input_values = input_values.new_zeros(input_values.shape) shifted_input_values[:, 1:] = input_values[:, :-1].clone() # replace possible -100 values in labels by zeros shifted_input_values.masked_fill_(shifted_input_values == -100.0, 0.0) return shifted_input_values # Copied from transformers.models.wav2vec2.modeling_wav2vec2._compute_mask_indices def _compute_mask_indices( shape: Tuple[int, int], mask_prob: float, mask_length: int, attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, min_masks: int = 0, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Computes random mask spans for a given shape. Used to implement [SpecAugment: A Simple Data Augmentation Method for ASR](https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.08779). Note that this method is not optimized to run on TPU and should be run on CPU as part of the preprocessing during training. Args: shape: The shape for which to compute masks. This should be of a tuple of size 2 where the first element is the batch size and the second element is the length of the axis to span. mask_prob: The percentage of the whole axis (between 0 and 1) which will be masked. The number of independently generated mask spans of length `mask_length` is computed by `mask_prob*shape[1]/mask_length`. Note that due to overlaps, `mask_prob` is an upper bound and the actual percentage will be smaller. mask_length: size of the mask min_masks: minimum number of masked spans attention_mask: A (right-padded) attention mask which independently shortens the feature axis of each batch dimension. """ batch_size, sequence_length = shape if mask_length < 1: raise ValueError("`mask_length` has to be bigger than 0.") if mask_length > sequence_length: raise ValueError( f"`mask_length` has to be smaller than `sequence_length`, but got `mask_length`: {mask_length}" f" and `sequence_length`: {sequence_length}`" ) # epsilon is used for probabilistic rounding epsilon = np.random.rand(1).item() def compute_num_masked_span(input_length): """Given input length, compute how many spans should be masked""" num_masked_span = int(mask_prob * input_length / mask_length + epsilon) num_masked_span = max(num_masked_span, min_masks) # make sure num masked span <= sequence_length if num_masked_span * mask_length > sequence_length: num_masked_span = sequence_length // mask_length # make sure num_masked span is also <= input_length - (mask_length - 1) if input_length - (mask_length - 1) < num_masked_span: num_masked_span = max(input_length - (mask_length - 1), 0) return num_masked_span # compute number of masked spans in batch input_lengths = ( attention_mask.sum(-1).detach().tolist() if attention_mask is not None else [sequence_length for _ in range(batch_size)] ) # SpecAugment mask to fill spec_aug_mask = np.zeros((batch_size, sequence_length), dtype=bool) spec_aug_mask_idxs = [] max_num_masked_span = compute_num_masked_span(sequence_length) if max_num_masked_span == 0: return spec_aug_mask for input_length in input_lengths: # compute num of masked spans for this input num_masked_span = compute_num_masked_span(input_length) # get random indices to mask spec_aug_mask_idx = np.random.choice( np.arange(input_length - (mask_length - 1)), num_masked_span, replace=False ) # pick first sampled index that will serve as a dummy index to pad vector # to ensure same dimension for all batches due to probabilistic rounding # Picking first sample just pads those vectors twice. if len(spec_aug_mask_idx) == 0: # this case can only happen if `input_length` is strictly smaller then # `sequence_length` in which case the last token has to be a padding # token which we can use as a dummy mask id dummy_mask_idx = sequence_length - 1 else: dummy_mask_idx = spec_aug_mask_idx[0] spec_aug_mask_idx = np.concatenate( [spec_aug_mask_idx, np.ones(max_num_masked_span - num_masked_span, dtype=np.int32) * dummy_mask_idx] ) spec_aug_mask_idxs.append(spec_aug_mask_idx) spec_aug_mask_idxs = np.array(spec_aug_mask_idxs) # expand masked indices to masked spans spec_aug_mask_idxs = np.broadcast_to( spec_aug_mask_idxs[:, :, None], (batch_size, max_num_masked_span, mask_length) ) spec_aug_mask_idxs = spec_aug_mask_idxs.reshape(batch_size, max_num_masked_span * mask_length) # add offset to the starting indexes so that indexes now create a span offsets = np.arange(mask_length)[None, None, :] offsets = np.broadcast_to(offsets, (batch_size, max_num_masked_span, mask_length)).reshape( batch_size, max_num_masked_span * mask_length ) spec_aug_mask_idxs = spec_aug_mask_idxs + offsets # ensure that we cannot have indices larger than sequence_length if spec_aug_mask_idxs.max() > sequence_length - 1: spec_aug_mask_idxs[spec_aug_mask_idxs > sequence_length - 1] = sequence_length - 1 # scatter indices to mask np.put_along_axis(spec_aug_mask, spec_aug_mask_idxs, 1, -1) return spec_aug_mask # Copied from transformers.models.wav2vec2.modeling_wav2vec2.Wav2Vec2NoLayerNormConvLayer with Wav2Vec2->SpeechT5 class SpeechT5NoLayerNormConvLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config, layer_id=0): super().__init__() self.in_conv_dim = config.conv_dim[layer_id - 1] if layer_id > 0 else 1 self.out_conv_dim = config.conv_dim[layer_id] self.conv = nn.Conv1d( self.in_conv_dim, self.out_conv_dim, kernel_size=config.conv_kernel[layer_id], stride=config.conv_stride[layer_id], bias=config.conv_bias, ) self.activation = ACT2FN[config.feat_extract_activation] def forward(self, hidden_states): hidden_states = self.conv(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.activation(hidden_states) return hidden_states # Copied from transformers.models.wav2vec2.modeling_wav2vec2.Wav2Vec2LayerNormConvLayer with Wav2Vec2->SpeechT5 class SpeechT5LayerNormConvLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config, layer_id=0): super().__init__() self.in_conv_dim = config.conv_dim[layer_id - 1] if layer_id > 0 else 1 self.out_conv_dim = config.conv_dim[layer_id] self.conv = nn.Conv1d( self.in_conv_dim, self.out_conv_dim, kernel_size=config.conv_kernel[layer_id], stride=config.conv_stride[layer_id], bias=config.conv_bias, ) self.layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(self.out_conv_dim, elementwise_affine=True) self.activation = ACT2FN[config.feat_extract_activation] def forward(self, hidden_states): hidden_states = self.conv(hidden_states) hidden_states = hidden_states.transpose(-2, -1) hidden_states = self.layer_norm(hidden_states) hidden_states = hidden_states.transpose(-2, -1) hidden_states = self.activation(hidden_states) return hidden_states # Copied from transformers.models.wav2vec2.modeling_wav2vec2.Wav2Vec2GroupNormConvLayer with Wav2Vec2->SpeechT5 class SpeechT5GroupNormConvLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config, layer_id=0): super().__init__() self.in_conv_dim = config.conv_dim[layer_id - 1] if layer_id > 0 else 1 self.out_conv_dim = config.conv_dim[layer_id] self.conv = nn.Conv1d( self.in_conv_dim, self.out_conv_dim, kernel_size=config.conv_kernel[layer_id], stride=config.conv_stride[layer_id], bias=config.conv_bias, ) self.activation = ACT2FN[config.feat_extract_activation] self.layer_norm = nn.GroupNorm(num_groups=self.out_conv_dim, num_channels=self.out_conv_dim, affine=True) def forward(self, hidden_states): hidden_states = self.conv(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.layer_norm(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.activation(hidden_states) return hidden_states # Copied from transformers.models.speech_to_text.modeling_speech_to_text.Speech2TextSinusoidalPositionalEmbedding with Speech2Text->SpeechT5 class SpeechT5SinusoidalPositionalEmbedding(nn.Module): """This module produces sinusoidal positional embeddings of any length.""" def __init__(self, num_positions: int, embedding_dim: int, padding_idx: Optional[int] = None): super().__init__() self.offset = 2 self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim self.padding_idx = padding_idx self.make_weights(num_positions + self.offset, embedding_dim, padding_idx) def make_weights(self, num_embeddings: int, embedding_dim: int, padding_idx: Optional[int] = None): emb_weights = self.get_embedding(num_embeddings, embedding_dim, padding_idx) if hasattr(self, "weights"): # in forward put the weights on the correct dtype and device of the param emb_weights = emb_weights.to(dtype=self.weights.dtype, device=self.weights.device) self.weights = nn.Parameter(emb_weights) self.weights.requires_grad = False self.weights.detach_() @staticmethod def get_embedding(num_embeddings: int, embedding_dim: int, padding_idx: Optional[int] = None): """ Build sinusoidal embeddings. This matches the implementation in tensor2tensor, but differs slightly from the description in Section 3.5 of "Attention Is All You Need". """ half_dim = embedding_dim // 2 emb = math.log(10000) / (half_dim - 1) emb = torch.exp(torch.arange(half_dim, dtype=torch.int64).float() * -emb) emb = torch.arange(num_embeddings, dtype=torch.int64).float().unsqueeze(1) * emb.unsqueeze(0) emb = torch.cat([torch.sin(emb), torch.cos(emb)], dim=1).view(num_embeddings, -1) if embedding_dim % 2 == 1: # zero pad emb = torch.cat([emb, torch.zeros(num_embeddings, 1)], dim=1) if padding_idx is not None: emb[padding_idx, :] = 0 return emb.to(torch.get_default_dtype()) @torch.no_grad() def forward(self, input_ids: torch.Tensor, past_key_values_length: int = 0): bsz, seq_len = input_ids.size() # Create the position ids from the input token ids. Any padded tokens remain padded. position_ids = self.create_position_ids_from_input_ids(input_ids, self.padding_idx, past_key_values_length).to( input_ids.device ) # expand embeddings if needed max_pos = self.padding_idx + 1 + seq_len if max_pos > self.weights.size(0): self.make_weights(max_pos + self.offset, self.embedding_dim, self.padding_idx) return self.weights.index_select(0, position_ids.view(-1)).view(bsz, seq_len, -1).detach() def create_position_ids_from_input_ids( self, input_ids: torch.Tensor, padding_idx: int, past_key_values_length: Optional[int] = 0 ): """ Replace non-padding symbols with their position numbers. Position numbers begin at padding_idx+1. Padding symbols are ignored. This is modified from fairseq's `utils.make_positions`. Args: x: torch.Tensor x: Returns: torch.Tensor """ # The series of casts and type-conversions here are carefully balanced to both work with ONNX export and XLA. mask = input_ids.ne(padding_idx).int() incremental_indices = (torch.cumsum(mask, dim=1).type_as(mask) + past_key_values_length) * mask return incremental_indices.long() + padding_idx # Copied from transformers.models.wav2vec2.modeling_wav2vec2.Wav2Vec2PositionalConvEmbedding with Wav2Vec2->SpeechT5 class SpeechT5PositionalConvEmbedding(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.conv = nn.Conv1d( config.hidden_size, config.hidden_size, kernel_size=config.num_conv_pos_embeddings, padding=config.num_conv_pos_embeddings // 2, groups=config.num_conv_pos_embedding_groups, ) weight_norm = nn.utils.weight_norm if hasattr(nn.utils.parametrizations, "weight_norm"): weight_norm = nn.utils.parametrizations.weight_norm if is_deepspeed_zero3_enabled(): import deepspeed with deepspeed.zero.GatheredParameters(self.conv.weight, modifier_rank=0): self.conv = weight_norm(self.conv, name="weight", dim=2) deepspeed.zero.register_external_parameter(self, self.conv.weight_v) deepspeed.zero.register_external_parameter(self, self.conv.weight_g) else: self.conv = weight_norm(self.conv, name="weight", dim=2) self.padding = SpeechT5SamePadLayer(config.num_conv_pos_embeddings) self.activation = ACT2FN[config.feat_extract_activation] def forward(self, hidden_states): hidden_states = hidden_states.transpose(1, 2) hidden_states = self.conv(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.padding(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.activation(hidden_states) hidden_states = hidden_states.transpose(1, 2) return hidden_states class SpeechT5ScaledPositionalEncoding(nn.Module): """ Scaled positional encoding, see §3.2 in https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.08895 """ def __init__(self, dropout, dim, max_len=5000): pe = torch.zeros(max_len, dim) position = torch.arange(0, max_len).unsqueeze(1) div_term = torch.exp((torch.arange(0, dim, 2, dtype=torch.int64).float() * -(math.log(10000.0) / dim))) pe[:, 0::2] = torch.sin(position.float() * div_term) pe[:, 1::2] = torch.cos(position.float() * div_term) pe = pe.unsqueeze(0) super().__init__() self.register_buffer("pe", pe, persistent=False) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout) self.dim = dim self.alpha = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(1.0)) def forward(self, emb): emb = emb + self.alpha * self.pe[:, : emb.size(1)] emb = self.dropout(emb) return emb class SpeechT5RelativePositionalEncoding(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, dim, max_length=1000): super().__init__() self.dim = dim self.max_length = max_length self.pe_k = torch.nn.Embedding(2 * max_length, dim) def forward(self, hidden_states): seq_len = hidden_states.shape[1] pos_seq = torch.arange(0, seq_len).long().to(hidden_states.device) pos_seq = pos_seq[:, None] - pos_seq[None, :] pos_seq[pos_seq < -self.max_length] = -self.max_length pos_seq[pos_seq >= self.max_length] = self.max_length - 1 pos_seq = pos_seq + self.max_length return self.pe_k(pos_seq) # Copied from transformers.models.wav2vec2.modeling_wav2vec2.Wav2Vec2SamePadLayer with Wav2Vec2->SpeechT5 class SpeechT5SamePadLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_conv_pos_embeddings): super().__init__() self.num_pad_remove = 1 if num_conv_pos_embeddings % 2 == 0 else 0 def forward(self, hidden_states): if self.num_pad_remove > 0: hidden_states = hidden_states[:, :, : -self.num_pad_remove] return hidden_states # Copied from transformers.models.wav2vec2.modeling_wav2vec2.Wav2Vec2FeatureEncoder with Wav2Vec2->SpeechT5 class SpeechT5FeatureEncoder(nn.Module): """Construct the features from raw audio waveform""" def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() if config.feat_extract_norm == "group": conv_layers = [SpeechT5GroupNormConvLayer(config, layer_id=0)] + [ SpeechT5NoLayerNormConvLayer(config, layer_id=i + 1) for i in range(config.num_feat_extract_layers - 1) ] elif config.feat_extract_norm == "layer": conv_layers = [ SpeechT5LayerNormConvLayer(config, layer_id=i) for i in range(config.num_feat_extract_layers) ] else: raise ValueError( f"`config.feat_extract_norm` is {config.feat_extract_norm}, but has to be one of ['group', 'layer']" ) self.conv_layers = nn.ModuleList(conv_layers) self.gradient_checkpointing = False self._requires_grad = True def _freeze_parameters(self): for param in self.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False self._requires_grad = False def forward(self, input_values): hidden_states = input_values[:, None] # make sure hidden_states require grad for gradient_checkpointing if self._requires_grad and self.training: hidden_states.requires_grad = True for conv_layer in self.conv_layers: if self._requires_grad and self.gradient_checkpointing and self.training: hidden_states = self._gradient_checkpointing_func( conv_layer.__call__, hidden_states, ) else: hidden_states = conv_layer(hidden_states) return hidden_states # Copied from transformers.models.wav2vec2.modeling_wav2vec2.Wav2Vec2FeatureProjection with Wav2Vec2->SpeechT5 class SpeechT5FeatureProjection(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(config.conv_dim[-1], eps=config.layer_norm_eps) self.projection = nn.Linear(config.conv_dim[-1], config.hidden_size) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.feat_proj_dropout) def forward(self, hidden_states): # non-projected hidden states are needed for quantization norm_hidden_states = self.layer_norm(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.projection(norm_hidden_states) hidden_states = self.dropout(hidden_states) return hidden_states, norm_hidden_states class SpeechT5SpeechEncoderPrenet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config self.feature_encoder = SpeechT5FeatureEncoder(config) self.feature_projection = SpeechT5FeatureProjection(config) # model only needs masking vector if mask prob is > 0.0 if config.mask_time_prob > 0.0 or config.mask_feature_prob > 0.0: self.masked_spec_embed = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(config.hidden_size).uniform_()) self.pos_conv_embed = SpeechT5PositionalConvEmbedding(config) self.pos_sinusoidal_embed = SpeechT5SinusoidalPositionalEmbedding( config.max_speech_positions + config.pad_token_id + 1, config.hidden_size, config.pad_token_id, ) def freeze_feature_encoder(self): self.feature_encoder._freeze_parameters() def forward( self, input_values: torch.Tensor, attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, mask_time_indices: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, ): extract_features = self.feature_encoder(input_values) extract_features = extract_features.transpose(1, 2) if attention_mask is not None: # compute reduced attention_mask corresponding to feature vectors attention_mask = self._get_feature_vector_attention_mask( extract_features.shape[1], attention_mask, ) hidden_states, extract_features = self.feature_projection(extract_features) hidden_states = self._mask_hidden_states( hidden_states, mask_time_indices=mask_time_indices, attention_mask=attention_mask ) positional_conv_embedding = self.pos_conv_embed(hidden_states) hidden_states = hidden_states + positional_conv_embedding if attention_mask is not None: padding_mask = attention_mask.ne(1).long() else: padding_mask = torch.zeros(hidden_states.shape[:2], dtype=torch.long, device=hidden_states.device) positional_sinusoidal_embeddings = self.pos_sinusoidal_embed(padding_mask) hidden_states = hidden_states + positional_sinusoidal_embeddings return hidden_states, attention_mask # Copied from transformers.models.unispeech.modeling_unispeech.UniSpeechPreTrainedModel._get_feature_vector_attention_mask def _get_feature_vector_attention_mask(self, feature_vector_length: int, attention_mask: torch.LongTensor): # Effectively attention_mask.sum(-1), but not inplace to be able to run # on inference mode. non_padded_lengths = attention_mask.cumsum(dim=-1)[:, -1] output_lengths = self._get_feat_extract_output_lengths(non_padded_lengths).to(torch.long) batch_size = attention_mask.shape[0] attention_mask = torch.zeros( (batch_size, feature_vector_length), dtype=attention_mask.dtype, device=attention_mask.device ) # these two operations makes sure that all values before the output lengths idxs are attended to attention_mask[(torch.arange(attention_mask.shape[0], device=attention_mask.device), output_lengths - 1)] = 1 attention_mask = attention_mask.flip([-1]).cumsum(-1).flip([-1]).bool() return attention_mask # Copied from transformers.models.unispeech.modeling_unispeech.UniSpeechPreTrainedModel._get_feat_extract_output_lengths def _get_feat_extract_output_lengths(self, input_lengths: Union[torch.LongTensor, int]): """ Computes the output length of the convolutional layers """ def _conv_out_length(input_length, kernel_size, stride): # 1D convolutional layer output length formula taken # from https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.nn.Conv1d.html return torch.div(input_length - kernel_size, stride, rounding_mode="floor") + 1 for kernel_size, stride in zip(self.config.conv_kernel, self.config.conv_stride): input_lengths = _conv_out_length(input_lengths, kernel_size, stride) return input_lengths # Copied from transformers.models.wav2vec2.modeling_wav2vec2.Wav2Vec2Model._mask_hidden_states def _mask_hidden_states( self, hidden_states: torch.FloatTensor, mask_time_indices: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, ): """ Masks extracted features along time axis and/or along feature axis according to [SpecAugment](https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.08779). """ # `config.apply_spec_augment` can set masking to False if not getattr(self.config, "apply_spec_augment", True): return hidden_states # generate indices & apply SpecAugment along time axis batch_size, sequence_length, hidden_size = hidden_states.size() if mask_time_indices is not None: # apply SpecAugment along time axis with given mask_time_indices hidden_states[mask_time_indices] = self.masked_spec_embed.to(hidden_states.dtype) elif self.config.mask_time_prob > 0 and self.training: mask_time_indices = _compute_mask_indices( (batch_size, sequence_length), mask_prob=self.config.mask_time_prob, mask_length=self.config.mask_time_length, attention_mask=attention_mask, min_masks=self.config.mask_time_min_masks, ) mask_time_indices = torch.tensor(mask_time_indices, device=hidden_states.device, dtype=torch.bool) hidden_states[mask_time_indices] = self.masked_spec_embed.to(hidden_states.dtype) if self.config.mask_feature_prob > 0 and self.training: # generate indices & apply SpecAugment along feature axis mask_feature_indices = _compute_mask_indices( (batch_size, hidden_size), mask_prob=self.config.mask_feature_prob, mask_length=self.config.mask_feature_length, min_masks=self.config.mask_feature_min_masks, ) mask_feature_indices = torch.tensor(mask_feature_indices, device=hidden_states.device, dtype=torch.bool) mask_feature_indices = mask_feature_indices[:, None].expand(-1, sequence_length, -1) hidden_states[mask_feature_indices] = 0 return hidden_states class SpeechT5SpeechDecoderPrenet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config self.layers = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Linear( config.num_mel_bins if i == 0 else config.speech_decoder_prenet_units, config.speech_decoder_prenet_units, ) for i in range(config.speech_decoder_prenet_layers) ] ) self.final_layer = nn.Linear(config.speech_decoder_prenet_units, config.hidden_size) self.encode_positions = SpeechT5ScaledPositionalEncoding( config.positional_dropout, config.hidden_size, config.max_speech_positions, ) self.speaker_embeds_layer = nn.Linear(config.speaker_embedding_dim + config.hidden_size, config.hidden_size) def _consistent_dropout(self, inputs_embeds, p): mask = torch.bernoulli(inputs_embeds[0], p=p) all_masks = mask.unsqueeze(0).repeat(inputs_embeds.size(0), 1, 1) return torch.where(all_masks == 1, inputs_embeds, 0) * 1 / (1 - p) def forward( self, input_values: torch.Tensor, speaker_embeddings: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ): # Dropout is always applied, even when evaluating. See §2.2 in https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.05884. inputs_embeds = input_values for layer in self.layers: inputs_embeds = nn.functional.relu(layer(inputs_embeds)) inputs_embeds = self._consistent_dropout(inputs_embeds, self.config.speech_decoder_prenet_dropout) inputs_embeds = self.final_layer(inputs_embeds) inputs_embeds = self.encode_positions(inputs_embeds) if speaker_embeddings is not None: speaker_embeddings = nn.functional.normalize(speaker_embeddings) speaker_embeddings = speaker_embeddings.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, inputs_embeds.size(1), -1) inputs_embeds = torch.cat([inputs_embeds, speaker_embeddings], dim=-1) inputs_embeds = nn.functional.relu(self.speaker_embeds_layer(inputs_embeds)) return inputs_embeds class SpeechT5BatchNormConvLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config, layer_id=0): super().__init__() if layer_id == 0: in_conv_dim = config.num_mel_bins else: in_conv_dim = config.speech_decoder_postnet_units if layer_id == config.speech_decoder_postnet_layers - 1: out_conv_dim = config.num_mel_bins else: out_conv_dim = config.speech_decoder_postnet_units self.conv = nn.Conv1d( in_conv_dim, out_conv_dim, kernel_size=config.speech_decoder_postnet_kernel, stride=1, padding=(config.speech_decoder_postnet_kernel - 1) // 2, bias=False, ) self.batch_norm = nn.BatchNorm1d(out_conv_dim) if layer_id < config.speech_decoder_postnet_layers - 1: self.activation = nn.Tanh() else: self.activation = None self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.speech_decoder_postnet_dropout) def forward(self, hidden_states): hidden_states = self.conv(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.batch_norm(hidden_states) if self.activation is not None: hidden_states = self.activation(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.dropout(hidden_states) return hidden_states class SpeechT5SpeechDecoderPostnet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config self.feat_out = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, config.num_mel_bins * config.reduction_factor) self.prob_out = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, config.reduction_factor) self.layers = nn.ModuleList( [SpeechT5BatchNormConvLayer(config, i) for i in range(config.speech_decoder_postnet_layers)] ) def forward(self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor): outputs_before_postnet = self.feat_out(hidden_states).view(hidden_states.size(0), -1, self.config.num_mel_bins) outputs_after_postnet = self.postnet(outputs_before_postnet) logits = self.prob_out(hidden_states).view(hidden_states.size(0), -1) return outputs_before_postnet, outputs_after_postnet, logits def postnet(self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor): layer_output = hidden_states.transpose(1, 2) for layer in self.layers: layer_output = layer(layer_output) return hidden_states + layer_output.transpose(1, 2) class SpeechT5TextEncoderPrenet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config self.embed_tokens = nn.Embedding(config.vocab_size, config.hidden_size, config.pad_token_id) self.encode_positions = SpeechT5ScaledPositionalEncoding( config.positional_dropout, config.hidden_size, config.max_text_positions, ) def get_input_embeddings(self): return self.embed_tokens def set_input_embeddings(self, value): self.embed_tokens = value def forward(self, input_ids: torch.Tensor): inputs_embeds = self.embed_tokens(input_ids) inputs_embeds = self.encode_positions(inputs_embeds) return inputs_embeds class SpeechT5TextDecoderPrenet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.positional_dropout) self.embed_scale = math.sqrt(config.hidden_size) if config.scale_embedding else 1.0 self.embed_tokens = nn.Embedding(config.vocab_size, config.hidden_size, config.pad_token_id) self.embed_positions = SpeechT5SinusoidalPositionalEmbedding( config.max_text_positions + config.pad_token_id + 1, config.hidden_size, config.pad_token_id, ) def get_input_embeddings(self): return self.embed_tokens def set_input_embeddings(self, value): self.embed_tokens = value def forward( self, input_ids: torch.Tensor, attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, past_key_values: Optional[List[torch.FloatTensor]] = None, ): if input_ids is not None: input_shape = input_ids.size() input_ids = input_ids.view(-1, input_shape[-1]) else: raise ValueError("You have to specify `decoder_input_ids`") past_key_values_length = past_key_values[0][0].shape[2] if past_key_values is not None else 0 positions = self.embed_positions(input_ids, past_key_values_length) inputs_embeds = self.embed_tokens(input_ids) * self.embed_scale inputs_embeds += positions inputs_embeds = self.dropout(inputs_embeds) return inputs_embeds, attention_mask class SpeechT5TextDecoderPostnet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config self.lm_head = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, config.vocab_size, bias=False) def forward(self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor): return self.lm_head(hidden_states) def get_output_embeddings(self): return self.lm_head def set_output_embeddings(self, new_embeddings): self.lm_head = new_embeddings class SpeechT5Attention(nn.Module): """ Multi-headed attention from 'Attention Is All You Need' paper with relative position bias (see https://aclanthology.org/N18-2074.pdf) """ def __init__( self, embed_dim: int, num_heads: int, dropout: float = 0.0, is_decoder: bool = False, bias: bool = True, ): super().__init__() self.embed_dim = embed_dim self.num_heads = num_heads self.dropout = dropout self.head_dim = embed_dim // num_heads if (self.head_dim * num_heads) != self.embed_dim: raise ValueError( f"embed_dim must be divisible by num_heads (got `embed_dim`: {self.embed_dim}" f" and `num_heads`: {num_heads})." ) self.scaling = self.head_dim**-0.5 self.is_decoder = is_decoder self.k_proj = nn.Linear(embed_dim, embed_dim, bias=bias) self.v_proj = nn.Linear(embed_dim, embed_dim, bias=bias) self.q_proj = nn.Linear(embed_dim, embed_dim, bias=bias) self.out_proj = nn.Linear(embed_dim, embed_dim, bias=bias) def _shape(self, tensor: torch.Tensor, seq_len: int, bsz: int): return tensor.view(bsz, seq_len, self.num_heads, self.head_dim).transpose(1, 2).contiguous() def forward( self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor, key_value_states: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, past_key_value: Optional[Tuple[torch.Tensor]] = None, attention_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, layer_head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, position_bias: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, output_attentions: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Optional[torch.Tensor], Optional[Tuple[torch.Tensor]]]: """Input shape: Batch x Time x Channel""" # if key_value_states are provided this layer is used as a cross-attention layer # for the decoder is_cross_attention = key_value_states is not None bsz, tgt_len, _ = hidden_states.size() # get query proj query_states = self.q_proj(hidden_states) * self.scaling # get key, value proj if is_cross_attention and past_key_value is not None: # reuse k,v, cross_attentions key_states = past_key_value[0] value_states = past_key_value[1] elif is_cross_attention: # cross_attentions key_states = self._shape(self.k_proj(key_value_states), -1, bsz) value_states = self._shape(self.v_proj(key_value_states), -1, bsz) elif past_key_value is not None: # reuse k, v, self_attention key_states = self._shape(self.k_proj(hidden_states), -1, bsz) value_states = self._shape(self.v_proj(hidden_states), -1, bsz) key_states = torch.cat([past_key_value[0], key_states], dim=2) value_states = torch.cat([past_key_value[1], value_states], dim=2) else: # self_attention key_states = self._shape(self.k_proj(hidden_states), -1, bsz) value_states = self._shape(self.v_proj(hidden_states), -1, bsz) if self.is_decoder: # if cross_attention save Tuple(torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor) of all cross attention key/value_states. # Further calls to cross_attention layer can then reuse all cross-attention # key/value_states (first "if" case) # if uni-directional self-attention (decoder) save Tuple(torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor) of # all previous decoder key/value_states. Further calls to uni-directional self-attention # can concat previous decoder key/value_states to current projected key/value_states (third "elif" case) # if encoder bi-directional self-attention `past_key_value` is always `None` past_key_value = (key_states, value_states) proj_shape = (bsz * self.num_heads, -1, self.head_dim) query_states = self._shape(query_states, tgt_len, bsz).view(*proj_shape) key_states = key_states.view(*proj_shape) value_states = value_states.view(*proj_shape) src_len = key_states.size(1) attn_weights = torch.bmm(query_states, key_states.transpose(1, 2)) if attn_weights.size() != (bsz * self.num_heads, tgt_len, src_len): raise ValueError( f"Attention weights should be of size {(bsz * self.num_heads, tgt_len, src_len)}, but is" f" {attn_weights.size()}" ) # relative attention bias if position_bias is not None: reshape_q = query_states.contiguous().view(bsz * self.num_heads, -1, self.head_dim).transpose(0, 1) rel_pos_bias = torch.matmul(reshape_q, position_bias.transpose(-2, -1)) rel_pos_bias = rel_pos_bias.transpose(0, 1).view( bsz * self.num_heads, position_bias.size(0), position_bias.size(1) ) attn_weights += rel_pos_bias if attention_mask is not None: if attention_mask.size() != (bsz, 1, tgt_len, src_len): raise ValueError( f"Attention mask should be of size {(bsz, 1, tgt_len, src_len)}, but is {attention_mask.size()}" ) attn_weights = attn_weights.view(bsz, self.num_heads, tgt_len, src_len) + attention_mask attn_weights = attn_weights.view(bsz * self.num_heads, tgt_len, src_len) attn_weights = nn.functional.softmax(attn_weights, dim=-1) if layer_head_mask is not None: if layer_head_mask.size() != (self.num_heads,): raise ValueError( f"Head mask for a single layer should be of size {(self.num_heads,)}, but is" f" {layer_head_mask.size()}" ) attn_weights = layer_head_mask.view(1, -1, 1, 1) * attn_weights.view(bsz, self.num_heads, tgt_len, src_len) attn_weights = attn_weights.view(bsz * self.num_heads, tgt_len, src_len) if output_attentions: # this operation is a bit awkward, but it's required to # make sure that attn_weights keeps its gradient. # In order to do so, attn_weights have to be reshaped # twice and have to be reused in the following attn_weights_reshaped = attn_weights.view(bsz, self.num_heads, tgt_len, src_len) attn_weights = attn_weights_reshaped.view(bsz * self.num_heads, tgt_len, src_len) else: attn_weights_reshaped = None attn_probs = nn.functional.dropout(attn_weights, p=self.dropout, training=self.training) attn_output = torch.bmm(attn_probs, value_states) if attn_output.size() != (bsz * self.num_heads, tgt_len, self.head_dim): raise ValueError( f"`attn_output` should be of size {(bsz, self.num_heads, tgt_len, self.head_dim)}, but is" f" {attn_output.size()}" ) attn_output = attn_output.view(bsz, self.num_heads, tgt_len, self.head_dim) attn_output = attn_output.transpose(1, 2) # Use the `embed_dim` from the config (stored in the class) rather than `hidden_state` because `attn_output` can be # partitioned aross GPUs when using tensor-parallelism. attn_output = attn_output.reshape(bsz, tgt_len, self.embed_dim) attn_output = self.out_proj(attn_output) return attn_output, attn_weights_reshaped, past_key_value class SpeechT5FeedForward(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config, intermediate_size): super().__init__() self.intermediate_dropout = nn.Dropout(config.activation_dropout) self.intermediate_dense = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, intermediate_size) if isinstance(config.hidden_act, str): self.intermediate_act_fn = ACT2FN[config.hidden_act] else: self.intermediate_act_fn = config.hidden_act self.output_dense = nn.Linear(intermediate_size, config.hidden_size) self.output_dropout = nn.Dropout(config.hidden_dropout) def forward(self, hidden_states): hidden_states = self.intermediate_dense(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.intermediate_act_fn(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.intermediate_dropout(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.output_dense(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.output_dropout(hidden_states) return hidden_states class SpeechT5EncoderLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config: SpeechT5Config): super().__init__() self.attention = SpeechT5Attention( embed_dim=config.hidden_size, num_heads=config.encoder_attention_heads, dropout=config.attention_dropout, is_decoder=False, ) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.hidden_dropout) self.layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(config.hidden_size, eps=config.layer_norm_eps) self.feed_forward = SpeechT5FeedForward(config, config.encoder_ffn_dim) self.final_layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(config.hidden_size, eps=config.layer_norm_eps) def forward( self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor, attention_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, layer_head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, position_bias: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, output_attentions: bool = False, ): """ Args: hidden_states (`torch.FloatTensor`): input to the layer of shape `(batch, seq_len, hidden_size)` attention_mask (`torch.FloatTensor`): attention mask of size `(batch, 1, tgt_len, src_len)` where padding elements are indicated by very large negative values. layer_head_mask (`torch.FloatTensor`): mask for attention heads in a given layer of size `(config.encoder_attention_heads,)`. position_bias (`torch.FloatTensor`): relative position embeddings of size `(seq_len, seq_len, hidden_size // encoder_attention_heads)` output_attentions (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return the attentions tensors of all attention layers. See `attentions` under returned tensors for more detail. """ residual = hidden_states hidden_states, attn_weights, _ = self.attention( hidden_states=hidden_states, attention_mask=attention_mask, layer_head_mask=layer_head_mask, position_bias=position_bias, output_attentions=output_attentions, ) hidden_states = self.dropout(hidden_states) hidden_states = residual + hidden_states hidden_states = self.layer_norm(hidden_states) hidden_states = hidden_states + self.feed_forward(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.final_layer_norm(hidden_states) outputs = (hidden_states,) if output_attentions: outputs += (attn_weights,) return outputs class SpeechT5DecoderLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config: SpeechT5Config): super().__init__() self.self_attn = SpeechT5Attention( embed_dim=config.hidden_size, num_heads=config.decoder_attention_heads, dropout=config.attention_dropout, is_decoder=True, ) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.hidden_dropout) self.self_attn_layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(config.hidden_size, eps=config.layer_norm_eps) self.encoder_attn = SpeechT5Attention( config.hidden_size, config.decoder_attention_heads, dropout=config.attention_dropout, is_decoder=True, ) self.encoder_attn_layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(config.hidden_size, eps=config.layer_norm_eps) self.feed_forward = SpeechT5FeedForward(config, config.decoder_ffn_dim) self.final_layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(config.hidden_size, eps=config.layer_norm_eps) def forward( self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor, attention_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, encoder_hidden_states: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, encoder_attention_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, layer_head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, cross_attn_layer_head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, past_key_value: Optional[Tuple[torch.Tensor]] = None, output_attentions: Optional[bool] = False, use_cache: Optional[bool] = True, ): """ Args: hidden_states (`torch.FloatTensor`): input to the layer of shape `(batch, seq_len, hidden_size)` attention_mask (`torch.FloatTensor`): attention mask of size `(batch, 1, tgt_len, src_len)` where padding elements are indicated by very large negative values. encoder_hidden_states (`torch.FloatTensor`): cross attention input to the layer of shape `(batch, seq_len, hidden_size)` encoder_attention_mask (`torch.FloatTensor`): encoder attention mask of size `(batch, 1, tgt_len, src_len)` where padding elements are indicated by very large negative values. layer_head_mask (`torch.FloatTensor`): mask for attention heads in a given layer of size `(encoder_attention_heads,)`. cross_attn_layer_head_mask (`torch.FloatTensor`): mask for cross-attention heads in a given layer of size `(decoder_attention_heads,)`. past_key_value (`Tuple(torch.FloatTensor)`): cached past key and value projection states output_attentions (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return the attentions tensors of all attention layers. See `attentions` under returned tensors for more detail. """ residual = hidden_states # Self Attention # decoder uni-directional self-attention cached key/values tuple is at positions 1,2 self_attn_past_key_value = past_key_value[:2] if past_key_value is not None else None # add present self-attn cache to positions 1,2 of present_key_value tuple hidden_states, self_attn_weights, present_key_value = self.self_attn( hidden_states=hidden_states, past_key_value=self_attn_past_key_value, attention_mask=attention_mask, layer_head_mask=layer_head_mask, output_attentions=output_attentions, ) hidden_states = self.dropout(hidden_states) hidden_states = residual + hidden_states hidden_states = self.self_attn_layer_norm(hidden_states) # Cross-Attention Block cross_attn_present_key_value = None cross_attn_weights = None if encoder_hidden_states is not None: residual = hidden_states # cross_attn cached key/values tuple is at positions 3,4 of present_key_value tuple cross_attn_past_key_value = past_key_value[-2:] if past_key_value is not None else None hidden_states, cross_attn_weights, cross_attn_present_key_value = self.encoder_attn( hidden_states=hidden_states, key_value_states=encoder_hidden_states, attention_mask=encoder_attention_mask, layer_head_mask=cross_attn_layer_head_mask, past_key_value=cross_attn_past_key_value, output_attentions=output_attentions, ) hidden_states = self.dropout(hidden_states) hidden_states = residual + hidden_states hidden_states = self.encoder_attn_layer_norm(hidden_states) # add cross-attn to positions 3,4 of present_key_value tuple present_key_value = present_key_value + cross_attn_present_key_value # Fully Connected hidden_states = hidden_states + self.feed_forward(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.final_layer_norm(hidden_states) outputs = (hidden_states,) if output_attentions: outputs += (self_attn_weights, cross_attn_weights) if use_cache: outputs += (present_key_value,) return outputs class SpeechT5PreTrainedModel(PreTrainedModel): """ An abstract class to handle weights initialization and a simple interface for downloading and loading pretrained models. """ config_class = SpeechT5Config base_model_prefix = "speecht5" main_input_name = "input_values" supports_gradient_checkpointing = True def _init_weights(self, module): """Initialize the weights""" if isinstance(module, SpeechT5PositionalConvEmbedding): nn.init.normal_( module.conv.weight, mean=0, std=2 * math.sqrt(1 / (module.conv.kernel_size[0] * module.conv.in_channels)), ) nn.init.constant_(module.conv.bias, 0) elif isinstance(module, SpeechT5FeatureProjection): k = math.sqrt(1 / module.projection.in_features) nn.init.uniform_(module.projection.weight, a=-k, b=k) nn.init.uniform_(module.projection.bias, a=-k, b=k) elif isinstance(module, nn.Linear): module.weight.data.normal_(mean=0.0, std=self.config.initializer_range) if module.bias is not None: module.bias.data.zero_() elif isinstance(module, (nn.LayerNorm, nn.GroupNorm)): module.bias.data.zero_() module.weight.data.fill_(1.0) elif isinstance(module, nn.Conv1d): nn.init.kaiming_normal_(module.weight) if module.bias is not None: k = math.sqrt(module.groups / (module.in_channels * module.kernel_size[0])) nn.init.uniform_(module.bias, a=-k, b=k) elif isinstance(module, nn.Embedding): module.weight.data.normal_(mean=0.0, std=self.config.initializer_range) if module.padding_idx is not None: module.weight.data[module.padding_idx].zero_() class SpeechT5Encoder(SpeechT5PreTrainedModel): """ Transformer encoder consisting of *config.encoder_layers* layers. Each layer is a [`SpeechT5EncoderLayer`]. """ def __init__(self, config: SpeechT5Config): super().__init__(config) self.layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(config.hidden_size, eps=config.layer_norm_eps) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.hidden_dropout) self.layerdrop = config.encoder_layerdrop self.layers = nn.ModuleList([SpeechT5EncoderLayer(config) for _ in range(config.encoder_layers)]) self.embed_positions = SpeechT5RelativePositionalEncoding( config.hidden_size // config.encoder_attention_heads, config.encoder_max_relative_position ) self.gradient_checkpointing = False # Initialize weights and apply final processing self.post_init() def forward( self, hidden_states: torch.FloatTensor, attention_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Union[Tuple, BaseModelOutput]: """ Args: hidden_states (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length, feature_size)`): Features extracted from the speech or text input by the encoder prenet. attention_mask (`torch.Tensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`, *optional*): Mask to avoid performing convolution and attention on padding token indices. Mask values selected in `[0, 1]`: - 1 for tokens that are **not masked**, - 0 for tokens that are **masked**. [What are attention masks?](../glossary#attention-mask) output_attentions (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return the attentions tensors of all attention layers. See `attentions` under returned tensors for more detail. head_mask (`torch.Tensor` of shape `(encoder_layers, encoder_attention_heads)`, *optional*): Mask to nullify selected heads of the attention modules. Mask values selected in `[0, 1]`: - 1 indicates the head is **not masked**, - 0 indicates the head is **masked**. output_hidden_states (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return the hidden states of all layers. See `hidden_states` under returned tensors for more detail. return_dict (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return a [`~utils.ModelOutput`] instead of a plain tuple. """ output_attentions = output_attentions if output_attentions is not None else self.config.output_attentions output_hidden_states = ( output_hidden_states if output_hidden_states is not None else self.config.output_hidden_states ) return_dict = return_dict if return_dict is not None else self.config.use_return_dict # expand attention_mask if attention_mask is not None: # [bsz, seq_len] -> [bsz, 1, tgt_seq_len, src_seq_len] attention_mask = _prepare_4d_attention_mask(attention_mask, hidden_states.dtype) hidden_states = self.layer_norm(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.dropout(hidden_states) position_bias = self.embed_positions(hidden_states) deepspeed_zero3_is_enabled = is_deepspeed_zero3_enabled() all_hidden_states = () if output_hidden_states else None all_self_attentions = () if output_attentions else None # check if head_mask has a correct number of layers specified if desired if head_mask is not None: if head_mask.size()[0] != len(self.layers): raise ValueError( f"The head_mask should be specified for {len(self.layers)} layers, but it is for" f" {head_mask.size()[0]}." ) for idx, encoder_layer in enumerate(self.layers): if output_hidden_states: all_hidden_states = all_hidden_states + (hidden_states,) # add LayerDrop (see https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.11556 for description) skip_the_layer = False if self.training: dropout_probability = torch.rand([]) skip_the_layer = dropout_probability < self.layerdrop if not skip_the_layer or deepspeed_zero3_is_enabled: # under deepspeed zero3 all gpus must run in sync if self.gradient_checkpointing and self.training: layer_outputs = self._gradient_checkpointing_func( encoder_layer.__call__, hidden_states, attention_mask, (head_mask[idx] if head_mask is not None else None), position_bias, output_attentions, ) else: layer_outputs = encoder_layer( hidden_states, attention_mask=attention_mask, position_bias=position_bias, layer_head_mask=(head_mask[idx] if head_mask is not None else None), output_attentions=output_attentions, ) hidden_states = layer_outputs[0] if skip_the_layer: layer_outputs = (None, None) if output_attentions: all_self_attentions = all_self_attentions + (layer_outputs[1],) if output_hidden_states: all_hidden_states = all_hidden_states + (hidden_states,) if not return_dict: return tuple(v for v in [hidden_states, all_hidden_states, all_self_attentions] if v is not None) return BaseModelOutput( last_hidden_state=hidden_states, hidden_states=all_hidden_states, attentions=all_self_attentions, ) class SpeechT5EncoderWithSpeechPrenet(SpeechT5PreTrainedModel): """ Wrapper around SpeechT5Encoder that applies SpeechT5SpeechEncoderPrenet to convert the audio waveform data to hidden features. """ def __init__(self, config: SpeechT5Config): super().__init__(config) self.prenet = SpeechT5SpeechEncoderPrenet(config) self.wrapped_encoder = SpeechT5Encoder(config) # Initialize weights and apply final processing self.post_init() def forward( self, input_values: torch.FloatTensor, attention_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Union[Tuple, BaseModelOutput]: hidden_states, attention_mask = self.prenet(input_values, attention_mask) outputs = self.wrapped_encoder( hidden_states=hidden_states, attention_mask=attention_mask, head_mask=head_mask, output_attentions=output_attentions, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=return_dict, ) return outputs class SpeechT5EncoderWithTextPrenet(SpeechT5PreTrainedModel): """ Wrapper around SpeechT5Encoder that applies SpeechT5TextEncoderPrenet to convert the input_ids to hidden features. """ def __init__(self, config: SpeechT5Config): super().__init__(config) self.prenet = SpeechT5TextEncoderPrenet(config) self.wrapped_encoder = SpeechT5Encoder(config) # Initialize weights and apply final processing self.post_init() def get_input_embeddings(self): return self.prenet.get_input_embeddings() def set_input_embeddings(self, value): self.prenet.set_input_embeddings(value) def forward( self, input_values: torch.FloatTensor, attention_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Union[Tuple, BaseModelOutput]: hidden_states = self.prenet(input_values) outputs = self.wrapped_encoder( hidden_states=hidden_states, attention_mask=attention_mask, head_mask=head_mask, output_attentions=output_attentions, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=return_dict, ) return outputs class SpeechT5EncoderWithoutPrenet(SpeechT5PreTrainedModel): """ This wrapper class is a helper class to correctly load pretrained checkpoints when used in combination with [`SpeechT5Model`]. """ def __init__(self, config: SpeechT5Config): super().__init__(config) self.wrapped_encoder = SpeechT5Encoder(config) # Initialize weights and apply final processing self.post_init() def forward( self, input_values: torch.FloatTensor, attention_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Union[Tuple, BaseModelOutput]: return self.wrapped_encoder( hidden_states=input_values, attention_mask=attention_mask, head_mask=head_mask, output_attentions=output_attentions, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=return_dict, ) class SpeechT5Decoder(SpeechT5PreTrainedModel): """ Transformer decoder consisting of *config.decoder_layers* layers. Each layer is a [`SpeechT5DecoderLayer`] """ def __init__(self, config: SpeechT5Config): super().__init__(config) self.layerdrop = config.decoder_layerdrop self.layers = nn.ModuleList([SpeechT5DecoderLayer(config) for _ in range(config.decoder_layers)]) self.gradient_checkpointing = False # Initialize weights and apply final processing self.post_init() def forward( self, hidden_states: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, encoder_hidden_states: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, encoder_attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, cross_attn_head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, past_key_values: Optional[List[torch.FloatTensor]] = None, use_cache: Optional[bool] = None, output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Union[Tuple, BaseModelOutputWithPastAndCrossAttentions]: r""" Args: hidden_states (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length, feature_size)`): Features extracted from the speech or text input by the decoder prenet. attention_mask (`torch.LongTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`, *optional*): Mask to avoid performing attention on padding token indices. Mask values selected in `[0, 1]`: - 1 for tokens that are **not masked**, - 0 for tokens that are **masked**. [What are attention masks?](../glossary#attention-mask) encoder_hidden_states (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, encoder_sequence_length, hidden_size)`, *optional*): Sequence of hidden-states at the output of the last layer of the encoder. Used in the cross-attention of the decoder. encoder_attention_mask (`torch.LongTensor` of shape `(batch_size, encoder_sequence_length)`, *optional*): Mask to avoid performing cross-attention on padding tokens indices of encoder input_ids. Mask values selected in `[0, 1]`: - 1 for tokens that are **not masked**, - 0 for tokens that are **masked**. [What are attention masks?](../glossary#attention-mask) head_mask (`torch.Tensor` of shape `(decoder_layers, decoder_attention_heads)`, *optional*): Mask to nullify selected heads of the attention modules. Mask values selected in `[0, 1]`: - 1 indicates the head is **not masked**, - 0 indicates the head is **masked**. cross_attn_head_mask (`torch.Tensor` of shape `(decoder_layers, decoder_attention_heads)`, *optional*): Mask to nullify selected heads of the cross-attention modules in the decoder to avoid performing cross-attention on hidden heads. Mask values selected in `[0, 1]`: - 1 indicates the head is **not masked**, - 0 indicates the head is **masked**. past_key_values (`tuple(tuple(torch.FloatTensor))`, *optional*, returned when `use_cache=True` is passed or when `config.use_cache=True`): Tuple of `tuple(torch.FloatTensor)` of length `config.n_layers`, with each tuple having 2 tensors of shape `(batch_size, num_heads, sequence_length, embed_size_per_head)`) and 2 additional tensors of shape `(batch_size, num_heads, encoder_sequence_length, embed_size_per_head)`. Contains pre-computed hidden-states (key and values in the self-attention blocks and in the cross-attention blocks) that can be used (see `past_key_values` input) to speed up sequential decoding. If `past_key_values` are used, the user can optionally input only the last `decoder_input_ids` (those that don't have their past key value states given to this model) of shape `(batch_size, 1)` instead of all `decoder_input_ids` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`. inputs_embeds (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length, hidden_size)`, *optional*): Optionally, instead of passing `input_ids` you can choose to directly pass an embedded representation. This is useful if you want more control over how to convert `input_ids` indices into associated vectors than the model's internal embedding lookup matrix. output_attentions (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return the attentions tensors of all attention layers. See `attentions` under returned tensors for more detail. output_hidden_states (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return the hidden states of all layers. See `hidden_states` under returned tensors for more detail. return_dict (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return a [`~utils.ModelOutput`] instead of a plain tuple. """ output_attentions = output_attentions if output_attentions is not None else self.config.output_attentions output_hidden_states = ( output_hidden_states if output_hidden_states is not None else self.config.output_hidden_states ) use_cache = use_cache if use_cache is not None else self.config.use_cache return_dict = return_dict if return_dict is not None else self.config.use_return_dict input_shape = hidden_states.size()[:-1] past_key_values_length = past_key_values[0][0].shape[2] if past_key_values is not None else 0 attention_mask = _prepare_4d_causal_attention_mask( attention_mask, input_shape, hidden_states, past_key_values_length ) # expand encoder attention mask if encoder_hidden_states is not None and encoder_attention_mask is not None: # [bsz, seq_len] -> [bsz, 1, tgt_seq_len, src_seq_len] encoder_attention_mask = _prepare_4d_attention_mask( encoder_attention_mask, hidden_states.dtype, tgt_len=input_shape[-1] ) deepspeed_zero3_is_enabled = is_deepspeed_zero3_enabled() if self.gradient_checkpointing and self.training: if use_cache: logger.warning_once( "`use_cache=True` is incompatible with gradient checkpointing. Setting `use_cache=False`..." ) use_cache = False # decoder layers all_hidden_states = () if output_hidden_states else None all_self_attentions = () if output_attentions else None all_cross_attentions = () if (output_attentions and encoder_hidden_states is not None) else None next_decoder_cache = () if use_cache else None # check if head_mask/cross_attn_head_mask has a correct number of layers specified if desired for attn_mask, mask_name in zip([head_mask, cross_attn_head_mask], ["head_mask", "cross_attn_head_mask"]): if attn_mask is not None: if attn_mask.size()[0] != (len(self.layers)): raise ValueError( f"The `{mask_name}` should be specified for {len(self.layers)} layers, but it is for" f" {head_mask.size()[0]}." ) for idx, decoder_layer in enumerate(self.layers): if output_hidden_states: all_hidden_states = all_hidden_states + (hidden_states,) # add LayerDrop (see https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.11556 for description) skip_the_layer = False if self.training: dropout_probability = torch.rand([]) skip_the_layer = dropout_probability < self.layerdrop if skip_the_layer and not deepspeed_zero3_is_enabled: continue past_key_value = past_key_values[idx] if past_key_values is not None else None if self.gradient_checkpointing and self.training: layer_outputs = self._gradient_checkpointing_func( decoder_layer.__call__, hidden_states, attention_mask, encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask, head_mask[idx] if head_mask is not None else None, cross_attn_head_mask[idx] if cross_attn_head_mask is not None else None, None, output_attentions, use_cache, ) else: layer_outputs = decoder_layer( hidden_states, attention_mask=attention_mask, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask=encoder_attention_mask, layer_head_mask=(head_mask[idx] if head_mask is not None else None), cross_attn_layer_head_mask=( cross_attn_head_mask[idx] if cross_attn_head_mask is not None else None ), past_key_value=past_key_value, output_attentions=output_attentions, use_cache=use_cache, ) hidden_states = layer_outputs[0] if use_cache: next_decoder_cache += (layer_outputs[3 if output_attentions else 1],) if output_attentions: all_self_attentions = all_self_attentions + (layer_outputs[1],) if encoder_hidden_states is not None: all_cross_attentions = all_cross_attentions + (layer_outputs[2],) if output_hidden_states: all_hidden_states = all_hidden_states + (hidden_states,) next_cache = next_decoder_cache if use_cache else None if not return_dict: return tuple( v for v in [hidden_states, next_cache, all_hidden_states, all_self_attentions, all_cross_attentions] if v is not None ) return BaseModelOutputWithPastAndCrossAttentions( last_hidden_state=hidden_states, past_key_values=next_cache, hidden_states=all_hidden_states, attentions=all_self_attentions, cross_attentions=all_cross_attentions, ) class SpeechT5DecoderWithSpeechPrenet(SpeechT5PreTrainedModel): """ Wrapper around SpeechT5Decoder that applies SpeechT5SpeechDecoderPrenet to convert log-mel filterbanks to hidden features. """ def __init__(self, config: SpeechT5Config): super().__init__(config) self.prenet = SpeechT5SpeechDecoderPrenet(config) self.wrapped_decoder = SpeechT5Decoder(config) # Initialize weights and apply final processing self.post_init() def forward( self, input_values: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, encoder_hidden_states: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, encoder_attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, speaker_embeddings: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, cross_attn_head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, past_key_values: Optional[List[torch.FloatTensor]] = None, use_cache: Optional[bool] = None, output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Union[Tuple, BaseModelOutputWithPastAndCrossAttentions]: decoder_hidden_states = self.prenet(input_values, speaker_embeddings) outputs = self.wrapped_decoder( hidden_states=decoder_hidden_states, attention_mask=attention_mask, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask=encoder_attention_mask, head_mask=head_mask, cross_attn_head_mask=cross_attn_head_mask, past_key_values=past_key_values, use_cache=use_cache, output_attentions=output_attentions, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=return_dict, ) return outputs class SpeechT5DecoderWithTextPrenet(SpeechT5PreTrainedModel): """ Wrapper around SpeechT5Decoder that applies SpeechT5TextDecoderPrenet to convert input tokens to hidden features. """ def __init__(self, config: SpeechT5Config): super().__init__(config) self.prenet = SpeechT5TextDecoderPrenet(config) self.wrapped_decoder = SpeechT5Decoder(config) # Initialize weights and apply final processing self.post_init() def get_input_embeddings(self): return self.prenet.get_input_embeddings() def set_input_embeddings(self, value): self.prenet.set_input_embeddings(value) def forward( self, input_values: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, encoder_hidden_states: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, encoder_attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, cross_attn_head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, past_key_values: Optional[List[torch.FloatTensor]] = None, use_cache: Optional[bool] = None, output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Union[Tuple, BaseModelOutputWithPastAndCrossAttentions]: decoder_hidden_states, attention_mask = self.prenet(input_values, attention_mask, past_key_values) outputs = self.wrapped_decoder( hidden_states=decoder_hidden_states, attention_mask=attention_mask, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask=encoder_attention_mask, head_mask=head_mask, cross_attn_head_mask=cross_attn_head_mask, past_key_values=past_key_values, use_cache=use_cache, output_attentions=output_attentions, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=return_dict, ) return outputs class SpeechT5DecoderWithoutPrenet(SpeechT5PreTrainedModel): """ This wrapper class is a helper class to correctly load pretrained checkpoints when used in combination with [`SpeechT5Model`]. """ def __init__(self, config: SpeechT5Config): super().__init__(config) self.wrapped_decoder = SpeechT5Decoder(config) # Initialize weights and apply final processing self.post_init() def forward( self, input_values: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, encoder_hidden_states: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, encoder_attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, cross_attn_head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, past_key_values: Optional[List[torch.FloatTensor]] = None, use_cache: Optional[bool] = None, output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Union[Tuple, BaseModelOutputWithPastAndCrossAttentions]: outputs = self.wrapped_decoder( hidden_states=input_values, attention_mask=attention_mask, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask=encoder_attention_mask, head_mask=head_mask, cross_attn_head_mask=cross_attn_head_mask, past_key_values=past_key_values, use_cache=use_cache, output_attentions=output_attentions, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=return_dict, ) return outputs class SpeechT5GuidedMultiheadAttentionLoss(nn.Module): """ Guided attention loss from the paper [Efficiently Trainable Text-to-Speech System Based on Deep Convolutional Networks with Guided Attention](https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.08969), adapted for multi-head attention. """ def __init__(self, config: SpeechT5Config): super().__init__() self.sigma = config.guided_attention_loss_sigma self.scale = config.guided_attention_loss_scale def forward( self, attentions: torch.FloatTensor, input_masks: torch.BoolTensor, output_masks: torch.BoolTensor ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Compute the attention loss. Args: attentions (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, layers * heads, output_sequence_length, input_sequence_length)`): Batch of multi-head attention weights input_masks (`torch.BoolTensor` of shape `(batch_size, input_sequence_length)`): Input attention mask as booleans. output_masks (`torch.BoolTensor` of shape `(batch_size, output_sequence_length)`): Target attention mask as booleans. Returns: `torch.Tensor` with the loss value """ guided_attn_masks = self._make_guided_attention_masks(input_masks, output_masks, attentions.device) masks = output_masks.unsqueeze(-1) & input_masks.unsqueeze(-2) masks = masks.to(attentions.device).unsqueeze(1) losses = guided_attn_masks * attentions loss = torch.mean(losses.masked_select(masks)) return self.scale * loss def _make_guided_attention_masks(self, input_masks, output_masks, device): input_lengths = input_masks.sum(-1) output_lengths = output_masks.sum(-1) guided_attn_masks = torch.zeros((len(input_masks), output_masks.shape[1], input_masks.shape[1]), device=device) for idx, (ilen, olen) in enumerate(zip(input_lengths, output_lengths)): guided_attn_masks[idx, :olen, :ilen] = self._make_guided_attention_mask(ilen, olen, self.sigma, device) return guided_attn_masks.unsqueeze(1) @staticmethod def _make_guided_attention_mask(input_length, output_length, sigma, device): grid_y, grid_x = torch.meshgrid( torch.arange(input_length, device=device), torch.arange(output_length, device=device), indexing="xy", ) grid_x = grid_x.float() / output_length grid_y = grid_y.float() / input_length return 1.0 - torch.exp(-((grid_y - grid_x) ** 2) / (2 * (sigma**2))) class SpeechT5SpectrogramLoss(nn.Module): """ Loss computation used by SpeechT5ForTextToSpeech. """ def __init__(self, config: SpeechT5Config): super().__init__() self.use_guided_attention_loss = config.use_guided_attention_loss self.guided_attention_loss_num_heads = config.guided_attention_loss_num_heads self.reduction_factor = config.reduction_factor self.l1_criterion = L1Loss() self.bce_criterion = BCEWithLogitsLoss(pos_weight=torch.tensor(5.0)) if self.use_guided_attention_loss: self.attn_criterion = SpeechT5GuidedMultiheadAttentionLoss(config) def forward( self, attention_mask: torch.LongTensor, outputs_before_postnet: torch.FloatTensor, outputs_after_postnet: torch.FloatTensor, logits: torch.FloatTensor, labels: torch.FloatTensor, cross_attentions: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: padding_mask = labels != -100.0 # mask out the padded portions labels = labels.masked_select(padding_mask) outputs_before_postnet = outputs_before_postnet.masked_select(padding_mask) outputs_after_postnet = outputs_after_postnet.masked_select(padding_mask) # spectrogram loss l1_loss = self.l1_criterion(outputs_after_postnet, labels) + self.l1_criterion(outputs_before_postnet, labels) # construct stop labels from the padding mask masks = padding_mask[:, :, 0] stop_labels = torch.cat([~masks * 1.0, torch.ones(masks.size(0), 1).to(masks.device)], dim=1) stop_labels = stop_labels[:, 1:].masked_select(masks) logits = logits.masked_select(masks) # stop token loss bce_loss = self.bce_criterion(logits, stop_labels) # combined loss loss = l1_loss + bce_loss # guided attention loss if self.use_guided_attention_loss: attn = torch.cat([x[:, : self.guided_attention_loss_num_heads] for x in cross_attentions], dim=1) input_masks = attention_mask == 1 output_masks = padding_mask[:, :, 0] if self.reduction_factor > 1: output_masks = output_masks[:, self.reduction_factor - 1 :: self.reduction_factor] attn_loss = self.attn_criterion(attn, input_masks, output_masks) loss += attn_loss return loss SPEECHT5_BASE_START_DOCSTRING = r""" This model inherits from [`PreTrainedModel`]. Check the superclass documentation for the generic methods the library implements for all its model (such as downloading or saving, resizing the input embeddings, pruning heads etc.) This model is also a PyTorch [torch.nn.Module](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html#torch.nn.Module) subclass. Use it as a regular PyTorch Module and refer to the PyTorch documentation for all matter related to general usage and behavior. Parameters: config ([`SpeechT5Config`]): Model configuration class with all the parameters of the model. Initializing with a config file does not load the weights associated with the model, only the configuration. Check out the [`~PreTrainedModel.from_pretrained`] method to load the model weights. encoder ([`SpeechT5EncoderWithSpeechPrenet`] or [`SpeechT5EncoderWithTextPrenet`] or `None`): The Transformer encoder module that applies the appropiate speech or text encoder prenet. If `None`, [`SpeechT5EncoderWithoutPrenet`] will be used and the `input_values` are assumed to be hidden states. decoder ([`SpeechT5DecoderWithSpeechPrenet`] or [`SpeechT5DecoderWithTextPrenet`] or `None`): The Transformer decoder module that applies the appropiate speech or text decoder prenet. If `None`, [`SpeechT5DecoderWithoutPrenet`] will be used and the `decoder_input_values` are assumed to be hidden states. """ SPEECHT5_START_DOCSTRING = r""" This model inherits from [`PreTrainedModel`]. Check the superclass documentation for the generic methods the library implements for all its model (such as downloading or saving, resizing the input embeddings, pruning heads etc.) This model is also a PyTorch [torch.nn.Module](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html#torch.nn.Module) subclass. Use it as a regular PyTorch Module and refer to the PyTorch documentation for all matter related to general usage and behavior. Parameters: config ([`SpeechT5Config`]): Model configuration class with all the parameters of the model. Initializing with a config file does not load the weights associated with the model, only the configuration. Check out the [`~PreTrainedModel.from_pretrained`] method to load the model weights. """ SPEECHT5_INPUTS_DOCSTRING = r""" Args: attention_mask (`torch.LongTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`, *optional*): Mask to avoid performing convolution and attention on padding token indices. Mask values selected in `[0, 1]`: - 1 for tokens that are **not masked**, - 0 for tokens that are **masked**. [What are attention masks?](../glossary#attention-mask) <Tip warning={true}> `attention_mask` should only be passed if the corresponding processor has `config.return_attention_mask == True`. For all models whose processor has `config.return_attention_mask == False`, `attention_mask` should **not** be passed to avoid degraded performance when doing batched inference. For such models `input_values` should simply be padded with 0 and passed without `attention_mask`. Be aware that these models also yield slightly different results depending on whether `input_values` is padded or not. </Tip> decoder_attention_mask (`torch.LongTensor` of shape `(batch_size, target_sequence_length)`, *optional*): Default behavior: generate a tensor that ignores pad tokens in `decoder_input_values`. Causal mask will also be used by default. If you want to change padding behavior, you should read [`SpeechT5Decoder._prepare_decoder_attention_mask`] and modify to your needs. See diagram 1 in [the paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.13461) for more information on the default strategy. head_mask (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(encoder_layers, encoder_attention_heads)`, *optional*): Mask to nullify selected heads of the attention modules in the encoder. Mask values selected in `[0, 1]`: - 1 indicates the head is **not masked**, - 0 indicates the head is **masked**. decoder_head_mask (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(decoder_layers, decoder_attention_heads)`, *optional*): Mask to nullify selected heads of the attention modules in the decoder. Mask values selected in `[0, 1]`: - 1 indicates the head is **not masked**, - 0 indicates the head is **masked**. cross_attn_head_mask (`torch.Tensor` of shape `(decoder_layers, decoder_attention_heads)`, *optional*): Mask to nullify selected heads of the cross-attention modules. Mask values selected in `[0, 1]`: - 1 indicates the head is **not masked**, - 0 indicates the head is **masked**. encoder_outputs (`tuple(tuple(torch.FloatTensor)`, *optional*): Tuple consists of (`last_hidden_state`, *optional*: `hidden_states`, *optional*: `attentions`) `last_hidden_state` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length, hidden_size)`, *optional*) is a sequence of hidden-states at the output of the last layer of the encoder. Used in the cross-attention of the decoder. past_key_values (`tuple(tuple(torch.FloatTensor))`, *optional*, returned when `use_cache=True` is passed or when `config.use_cache=True`): Tuple of `tuple(torch.FloatTensor)` of length `config.n_layers`, with each tuple having 2 tensors of shape `(batch_size, num_heads, sequence_length, embed_size_per_head)`) and 2 additional tensors of shape `(batch_size, num_heads, encoder_sequence_length, embed_size_per_head)`. Contains pre-computed hidden-states (key and values in the self-attention blocks and in the cross-attention blocks) that can be used (see `past_key_values` input) to speed up sequential decoding. If `past_key_values` are used, the user can optionally input only the last `decoder_input_values` (those that don't have their past key value states given to this model) of shape `(batch_size, 1)` instead of all `decoder_input_values` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`. decoder_inputs_embeds (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, target_sequence_length, hidden_size)`, *optional*): Optionally, instead of passing `decoder_input_values` you can choose to directly pass an embedded representation. If `past_key_values` is used, optionally only the last `decoder_inputs_embeds` have to be input (see `past_key_values`). This is useful if you want more control over how to convert `decoder_input_values` indices into associated vectors than the model's internal embedding lookup matrix. use_cache (`bool`, *optional*): If set to `True`, `past_key_values` key value states are returned and can be used to speed up decoding (see `past_key_values`). output_attentions (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return the attentions tensors of all attention layers. See `attentions` under returned tensors for more detail. output_hidden_states (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return the hidden states of all layers. See `hidden_states` under returned tensors for more detail. return_dict (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return a [`~utils.ModelOutput`] instead of a plain tuple. """ @add_start_docstrings( "The bare SpeechT5 Encoder-Decoder Model outputting raw hidden-states without any specific pre- or post-nets.", SPEECHT5_BASE_START_DOCSTRING, ) class SpeechT5Model(SpeechT5PreTrainedModel): def __init__( self, config: SpeechT5Config, encoder: Optional[nn.Module] = None, decoder: Optional[nn.Module] = None, ): super().__init__(config) self.config = config self.encoder = SpeechT5EncoderWithoutPrenet(config) if encoder is None else encoder self.decoder = SpeechT5DecoderWithoutPrenet(config) if decoder is None else decoder # Initialize weights and apply final processing self.post_init() def get_input_embeddings(self): if isinstance(self.encoder, SpeechT5EncoderWithTextPrenet): return self.encoder.get_input_embeddings() if isinstance(self.decoder, SpeechT5DecoderWithTextPrenet): return self.decoder.get_input_embeddings() return None def set_input_embeddings(self, value): if isinstance(self.encoder, SpeechT5EncoderWithTextPrenet): self.encoder.set_input_embeddings(value) if isinstance(self.decoder, SpeechT5DecoderWithTextPrenet): self.decoder.set_input_embeddings(value) def get_encoder(self): return self.encoder def get_decoder(self): return self.decoder def freeze_feature_encoder(self): """ Calling this function will disable the gradient computation for the feature encoder so that its parameter will not be updated during training. """ if isinstance(self.encoder, SpeechT5EncoderWithSpeechPrenet): self.encoder.prenet.freeze_feature_encoder() @add_start_docstrings_to_model_forward(SPEECHT5_INPUTS_DOCSTRING) @replace_return_docstrings(output_type=Seq2SeqModelOutput, config_class=_CONFIG_FOR_DOC) def forward( self, input_values: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, decoder_input_values: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, decoder_attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, head_mask: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, decoder_head_mask: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, cross_attn_head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, encoder_outputs: Optional[Tuple[Tuple[torch.FloatTensor]]] = None, past_key_values: Optional[Tuple[Tuple[torch.FloatTensor]]] = None, use_cache: Optional[bool] = None, speaker_embeddings: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Union[Tuple[torch.FloatTensor], Seq2SeqModelOutput]: r""" input_values (`torch.Tensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`): Depending on which encoder is being used, the `input_values` are either: float values of the input raw speech waveform, or indices of input sequence tokens in the vocabulary, or hidden states. decoder_input_values (`torch.Tensor` of shape `(batch_size, target_sequence_length)`, *optional*): Depending on which decoder is being used, the `decoder_input_values` are either: float values of log-mel filterbank features extracted from the raw speech waveform, or indices of decoder input sequence tokens in the vocabulary, or hidden states. speaker_embeddings (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, config.speaker_embedding_dim)`, *optional*): Tensor containing the speaker embeddings. Returns: """ output_attentions = output_attentions if output_attentions is not None else self.config.output_attentions output_hidden_states = ( output_hidden_states if output_hidden_states is not None else self.config.output_hidden_states ) use_cache = use_cache if use_cache is not None else self.config.use_cache return_dict = return_dict if return_dict is not None else self.config.use_return_dict # Encode if needed (training, first prediction pass) if encoder_outputs is None: encoder_outputs = self.encoder( input_values=input_values, attention_mask=attention_mask, head_mask=head_mask, output_attentions=output_attentions, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=return_dict, ) # If the user passed a tuple for encoder_outputs, we wrap it in a BaseModelOutput when return_dict=True elif return_dict and not isinstance(encoder_outputs, BaseModelOutput): encoder_outputs = BaseModelOutput( last_hidden_state=encoder_outputs[0], hidden_states=encoder_outputs[1] if len(encoder_outputs) > 1 else None, attentions=encoder_outputs[2] if len(encoder_outputs) > 2 else None, ) # downsample encoder attention mask (only for encoders with speech input) if attention_mask is not None and isinstance(self.encoder, SpeechT5EncoderWithSpeechPrenet): encoder_attention_mask = self.encoder.prenet._get_feature_vector_attention_mask( encoder_outputs[0].shape[1], attention_mask ) else: encoder_attention_mask = attention_mask if isinstance(self.decoder, SpeechT5DecoderWithSpeechPrenet): decoder_args = {"speaker_embeddings": speaker_embeddings} else: decoder_args = {} decoder_outputs = self.decoder( input_values=decoder_input_values, attention_mask=decoder_attention_mask, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_outputs[0], encoder_attention_mask=encoder_attention_mask, head_mask=decoder_head_mask, cross_attn_head_mask=cross_attn_head_mask, past_key_values=past_key_values, use_cache=use_cache, output_attentions=output_attentions, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=return_dict, **decoder_args, ) if not return_dict: return decoder_outputs + encoder_outputs return Seq2SeqModelOutput( last_hidden_state=decoder_outputs.last_hidden_state, past_key_values=decoder_outputs.past_key_values, decoder_hidden_states=decoder_outputs.hidden_states, decoder_attentions=decoder_outputs.attentions, cross_attentions=decoder_outputs.cross_attentions, encoder_last_hidden_state=encoder_outputs.last_hidden_state, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_outputs.hidden_states, encoder_attentions=encoder_outputs.attentions, ) @add_start_docstrings( """SpeechT5 Model with a speech encoder and a text decoder.""", SPEECHT5_START_DOCSTRING, ) class SpeechT5ForSpeechToText(SpeechT5PreTrainedModel): _tied_weights_keys = ["text_decoder_postnet.lm_head.weight"] def __init__(self, config: SpeechT5Config): super().__init__(config) if config.vocab_size is None: raise ValueError( f"You are trying to instantiate {self.__class__} with a configuration that does not define the" " vocabulary size of the language model head. Please instantiate the model as follows:" " `SpeechT5ForSpeechToText.from_pretrained(..., vocab_size=vocab_size)`. or define `vocab_size` of" " your model's configuration." ) speech_encoder = SpeechT5EncoderWithSpeechPrenet(config) text_decoder = SpeechT5DecoderWithTextPrenet(config) self.speecht5 = SpeechT5Model(config, speech_encoder, text_decoder) self.text_decoder_postnet = SpeechT5TextDecoderPostnet(config) # Initialize weights and apply final processing self.post_init() def get_encoder(self): return self.speecht5.get_encoder() def get_decoder(self): return self.speecht5.get_decoder() def freeze_feature_encoder(self): """ Calling this function will disable the gradient computation for the feature encoder so that its parameter will not be updated during training. """ self.get_encoder().prenet.freeze_feature_encoder() def get_output_embeddings(self): return self.text_decoder_postnet.get_output_embeddings() def set_output_embeddings(self, new_embeddings): self.text_decoder_postnet.set_output_embeddings(new_embeddings) @add_start_docstrings_to_model_forward(SPEECHT5_INPUTS_DOCSTRING) @replace_return_docstrings(output_type=Seq2SeqLMOutput, config_class=_CONFIG_FOR_DOC) def forward( self, input_values: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, decoder_input_ids: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, decoder_attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, head_mask: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, decoder_head_mask: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, cross_attn_head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, encoder_outputs: Optional[Tuple[Tuple[torch.FloatTensor]]] = None, past_key_values: Optional[Tuple[Tuple[torch.FloatTensor]]] = None, use_cache: Optional[bool] = None, output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, labels: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, ) -> Union[Tuple, Seq2SeqLMOutput]: r""" input_values (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`): Float values of input raw speech waveform. Values can be obtained by loading a *.flac* or *.wav* audio file into an array of type `List[float]` or a `numpy.ndarray`, *e.g.* via the soundfile library (*pip install soundfile*). To prepare the array into `input_values`, the [`SpeechT5Processor`] should be used for padding and conversion into a tensor of type `torch.FloatTensor`. See [`SpeechT5Processor.__call__`] for details. decoder_input_ids (`torch.LongTensor` of shape `(batch_size, target_sequence_length)`, *optional*): Indices of decoder input sequence tokens in the vocabulary. Indices can be obtained using [`SpeechT5Tokenizer`]. See [`PreTrainedTokenizer.encode`] and [`PreTrainedTokenizer.__call__`] for details. [What are decoder input IDs?](../glossary#decoder-input-ids) SpeechT5 uses the `eos_token_id` as the starting token for `decoder_input_ids` generation. If `past_key_values` is used, optionally only the last `decoder_input_ids` have to be input (see `past_key_values`). labels (`torch.LongTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`, *optional*): Labels for computing the language modeling loss. Indices should either be in `[0, ..., config.vocab_size]` or -100 (see `input_ids` docstring). Tokens with indices set to `-100` are ignored (masked), the loss is only computed for the tokens with labels in `[0, ..., config.vocab_size]`. Label indices can be obtained using [`SpeechT5Tokenizer`]. See [`PreTrainedTokenizer.encode`] and [`PreTrainedTokenizer.__call__`] for details. Returns: Example: ```python >>> from transformers import SpeechT5Processor, SpeechT5ForSpeechToText >>> from datasets import load_dataset >>> dataset = load_dataset( ... "hf-internal-testing/librispeech_asr_demo", "clean", split="validation" ... ) # doctest: +IGNORE_RESULT >>> dataset = dataset.sort("id") >>> sampling_rate = dataset.features["audio"].sampling_rate >>> processor = SpeechT5Processor.from_pretrained("microsoft/speecht5_asr") >>> model = SpeechT5ForSpeechToText.from_pretrained("microsoft/speecht5_asr") >>> # audio file is decoded on the fly >>> inputs = processor(audio=dataset[0]["audio"]["array"], sampling_rate=sampling_rate, return_tensors="pt") >>> predicted_ids = model.generate(**inputs, max_length=100) >>> # transcribe speech >>> transcription = processor.batch_decode(predicted_ids, skip_special_tokens=True) >>> transcription[0] 'mister quilter is the apostle of the middle classes and we are glad to welcome his gospel' ``` ```python >>> inputs["labels"] = processor(text_target=dataset[0]["text"], return_tensors="pt").input_ids >>> # compute loss >>> loss = model(**inputs).loss >>> round(loss.item(), 2) 19.68 ``` """ return_dict = return_dict if return_dict is not None else self.config.use_return_dict if labels is not None: if decoder_input_ids is None: decoder_input_ids = shift_tokens_right( labels, self.config.pad_token_id, self.config.decoder_start_token_id ) outputs = self.speecht5( input_values=input_values, attention_mask=attention_mask, decoder_input_values=decoder_input_ids, decoder_attention_mask=decoder_attention_mask, head_mask=head_mask, decoder_head_mask=decoder_head_mask, cross_attn_head_mask=cross_attn_head_mask, encoder_outputs=encoder_outputs, past_key_values=past_key_values, use_cache=use_cache, output_attentions=output_attentions, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=True, ) logits = self.text_decoder_postnet(outputs[0]) loss = None if labels is not None: loss_fct = CrossEntropyLoss() loss = loss_fct(logits.view(-1, self.config.vocab_size), labels.view(-1)) if not return_dict: output = (logits,) + outputs[1:] return ((loss,) + output) if loss is not None else output return Seq2SeqLMOutput( loss=loss, logits=logits, past_key_values=outputs.past_key_values, decoder_hidden_states=outputs.decoder_hidden_states, decoder_attentions=outputs.decoder_attentions, cross_attentions=outputs.cross_attentions, encoder_last_hidden_state=outputs.encoder_last_hidden_state, encoder_hidden_states=outputs.encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attentions=outputs.encoder_attentions, ) def prepare_inputs_for_generation( self, decoder_input_ids, past_key_values=None, attention_mask=None, head_mask=None, decoder_head_mask=None, cross_attn_head_mask=None, use_cache=None, encoder_outputs=None, **kwargs, ): # cut decoder_input_ids if past is used if past_key_values is not None: past_length = past_key_values[0][0].shape[2] # Some generation methods already pass only the last input ID if decoder_input_ids.shape[1] > past_length: remove_prefix_length = past_length else: # Default to old behavior: keep only final ID remove_prefix_length = decoder_input_ids.shape[1] - 1 decoder_input_ids = decoder_input_ids[:, remove_prefix_length:] return { "encoder_outputs": encoder_outputs, "past_key_values": past_key_values, "decoder_input_ids": decoder_input_ids, "attention_mask": attention_mask, "head_mask": head_mask, "decoder_head_mask": decoder_head_mask, "cross_attn_head_mask": cross_attn_head_mask, "use_cache": use_cache, # change this to avoid caching (presumably for debugging) } @staticmethod def _reorder_cache(past_key_values, beam_idx): reordered_past = () for layer_past in past_key_values: reordered_past += ( tuple(past_state.index_select(0, beam_idx.to(past_state.device)) for past_state in layer_past), ) return reordered_past def _generate_speech( model: SpeechT5PreTrainedModel, input_values: torch.FloatTensor, speaker_embeddings: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, threshold: float = 0.5, minlenratio: float = 0.0, maxlenratio: float = 20.0, vocoder: Optional[nn.Module] = None, output_cross_attentions: bool = False, return_output_lengths: bool = False, ) -> Union[torch.FloatTensor, Tuple[torch.FloatTensor, torch.FloatTensor]]: if speaker_embeddings is None: raise ValueError( """`speaker_embeddings` must be specified. For example, you can use a speaker embeddings by following the code snippet provided in this link: https://huggingface.co/datasets/Matthijs/cmu-arctic-xvectors """ ) if attention_mask is None: encoder_attention_mask = 1 - (input_values == model.config.pad_token_id).int() else: encoder_attention_mask = attention_mask bsz = input_values.size(0) encoder_out = model.speecht5.encoder( input_values=input_values, attention_mask=encoder_attention_mask, return_dict=True, ) encoder_last_hidden_state = encoder_out.last_hidden_state # downsample encoder attention mask if isinstance(model.speecht5.encoder, SpeechT5EncoderWithSpeechPrenet): encoder_attention_mask = model.speecht5.encoder.prenet._get_feature_vector_attention_mask( encoder_out[0].shape[1], encoder_attention_mask ) maxlen = int(encoder_last_hidden_state.size(1) * maxlenratio / model.config.reduction_factor) minlen = int(encoder_last_hidden_state.size(1) * minlenratio / model.config.reduction_factor) # Start the output sequence with a mel spectrum that is all zeros. output_sequence = encoder_last_hidden_state.new_zeros(bsz, 1, model.config.num_mel_bins) spectrogram = [] cross_attentions = [] past_key_values = None idx = 0 result_spectrogram = {} while True: idx += 1 # Run the decoder prenet on the entire output sequence. decoder_hidden_states = model.speecht5.decoder.prenet(output_sequence, speaker_embeddings) # Run the decoder layers on the last element of the prenet output. decoder_out = model.speecht5.decoder.wrapped_decoder( hidden_states=decoder_hidden_states[:, -1:], attention_mask=None, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_last_hidden_state, encoder_attention_mask=encoder_attention_mask, past_key_values=past_key_values, use_cache=True, output_attentions=output_cross_attentions, return_dict=True, ) if output_cross_attentions: cross_attentions.append(torch.cat(decoder_out.cross_attentions, dim=0)) last_decoder_output = decoder_out.last_hidden_state.squeeze(1) past_key_values = decoder_out.past_key_values # Predict the new mel spectrum for this step in the sequence. spectrum = model.speech_decoder_postnet.feat_out(last_decoder_output) spectrum = spectrum.view(bsz, model.config.reduction_factor, model.config.num_mel_bins) spectrogram.append(spectrum) # Extend the output sequence with the new mel spectrum. new_spectrogram = spectrum[:, -1, :].view(bsz, 1, model.config.num_mel_bins) output_sequence = torch.cat((output_sequence, new_spectrogram), dim=1) # Predict the probability that this is the stop token. prob = torch.sigmoid(model.speech_decoder_postnet.prob_out(last_decoder_output)) if idx < minlen: continue else: # If the generation loop is less than maximum length time, check the ones in the batch that have met # the prob threshold. Otherwise, assume all have met thresholds and fill other spectrograms for the batch. if idx < maxlen: meet_thresholds = torch.sum(prob, dim=-1) >= threshold meet_indexes = torch.where(meet_thresholds)[0].tolist() else: meet_indexes = range(len(prob)) meet_indexes = [i for i in meet_indexes if i not in result_spectrogram] if len(meet_indexes) > 0: spectrograms = torch.stack(spectrogram) spectrograms = spectrograms.transpose(0, 1).flatten(1, 2) spectrograms = model.speech_decoder_postnet.postnet(spectrograms) for meet_index in meet_indexes: result_spectrogram[meet_index] = spectrograms[meet_index] if len(result_spectrogram) >= bsz: break spectrograms = [result_spectrogram[i] for i in range(len(result_spectrogram))] if not return_output_lengths: spectrogram = spectrograms[0] if bsz == 1 else torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(spectrograms, batch_first=True) if vocoder is not None: outputs = vocoder(spectrogram) else: outputs = spectrogram if output_cross_attentions: cross_attentions = torch.cat(cross_attentions, dim=2) if bsz > 1: cross_attentions = cross_attentions.view( bsz, int(cross_attentions.size(0) / bsz), *cross_attentions.size()[-3:] ) outputs = (outputs, cross_attentions) else: # batched return values should also include the spectrogram/waveform lengths spectrogram_lengths = [] for i in range(bsz): spectrogram_lengths.append(spectrograms[i].size(0)) if vocoder is None: spectrograms = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(spectrograms, batch_first=True) outputs = (spectrograms, spectrogram_lengths) else: waveforms = [] spectrograms = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(spectrograms, batch_first=True) waveforms = vocoder(spectrograms) waveform_lengths = [int(waveforms.size(1) / max(spectrogram_lengths)) * i for i in spectrogram_lengths] outputs = (waveforms, waveform_lengths) if output_cross_attentions: cross_attentions = torch.cat(cross_attentions, dim=2) cross_attentions = cross_attentions.view( bsz, int(cross_attentions.size(0) / bsz), *cross_attentions.size()[-3:] ) outputs = (*outputs, cross_attentions) return outputs @add_start_docstrings( """SpeechT5 Model with a text encoder and a speech decoder.""", SPEECHT5_START_DOCSTRING, ) class SpeechT5ForTextToSpeech(SpeechT5PreTrainedModel): main_input_name = "input_ids" def __init__(self, config: SpeechT5Config): super().__init__(config) if config.vocab_size is None: raise ValueError( f"You are trying to instantiate {self.__class__} with a configuration that does not define the" " vocabulary size of the language model head. Please instantiate the model as follows:" " `SpeechT5ForTextToSpeech.from_pretrained(..., vocab_size=vocab_size)`. or define `vocab_size` of" " your model's configuration." ) text_encoder = SpeechT5EncoderWithTextPrenet(config) speech_decoder = SpeechT5DecoderWithSpeechPrenet(config) self.speecht5 = SpeechT5Model(config, text_encoder, speech_decoder) self.speech_decoder_postnet = SpeechT5SpeechDecoderPostnet(config) # Initialize weights and apply final processing self.post_init() def get_encoder(self): return self.speecht5.get_encoder() def get_decoder(self): return self.speecht5.get_decoder() @add_start_docstrings_to_model_forward(SPEECHT5_INPUTS_DOCSTRING) @replace_return_docstrings(output_type=Seq2SeqSpectrogramOutput, config_class=_CONFIG_FOR_DOC) def forward( self, input_ids: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, decoder_input_values: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, decoder_attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, head_mask: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, decoder_head_mask: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, cross_attn_head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, encoder_outputs: Optional[Tuple[Tuple[torch.FloatTensor]]] = None, past_key_values: Optional[Tuple[Tuple[torch.FloatTensor]]] = None, use_cache: Optional[bool] = None, output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, speaker_embeddings: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, labels: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, stop_labels: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> Union[Tuple, Seq2SeqSpectrogramOutput]: r""" input_ids (`torch.LongTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`): Indices of input sequence tokens in the vocabulary. Indices can be obtained using [`SpeechT5Tokenizer`]. See [`~PreTrainedTokenizer.encode`] and [`~PreTrainedTokenizer.__call__`] for details. [What are input IDs?](../glossary#input-ids) decoder_input_values (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length, config.num_mel_bins)`): Float values of input mel spectrogram. SpeechT5 uses an all-zero spectrum as the starting token for `decoder_input_values` generation. If `past_key_values` is used, optionally only the last `decoder_input_values` have to be input (see `past_key_values`). speaker_embeddings (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, config.speaker_embedding_dim)`, *optional*): Tensor containing the speaker embeddings. labels (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length, config.num_mel_bins)`, *optional*): Float values of target mel spectrogram. Timesteps set to `-100.0` are ignored (masked) for the loss computation. Spectrograms can be obtained using [`SpeechT5Processor`]. See [`SpeechT5Processor.__call__`] for details. Returns: Example: ```python >>> from transformers import SpeechT5Processor, SpeechT5ForTextToSpeech, SpeechT5HifiGan, set_seed >>> import torch >>> processor = SpeechT5Processor.from_pretrained("microsoft/speecht5_tts") >>> model = SpeechT5ForTextToSpeech.from_pretrained("microsoft/speecht5_tts") >>> vocoder = SpeechT5HifiGan.from_pretrained("microsoft/speecht5_hifigan") >>> inputs = processor(text="Hello, my dog is cute", return_tensors="pt") >>> speaker_embeddings = torch.zeros((1, 512)) # or load xvectors from a file >>> set_seed(555) # make deterministic >>> # generate speech >>> speech = model.generate(inputs["input_ids"], speaker_embeddings, vocoder=vocoder) >>> speech.shape torch.Size([15872]) ``` """ return_dict = return_dict if return_dict is not None else self.config.use_return_dict if labels is not None: if decoder_input_values is None: decoder_input_values = shift_spectrograms_right(labels, self.config.reduction_factor) if self.config.use_guided_attention_loss: output_attentions = True outputs = self.speecht5( input_values=input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, decoder_input_values=decoder_input_values, decoder_attention_mask=decoder_attention_mask, head_mask=head_mask, decoder_head_mask=decoder_head_mask, cross_attn_head_mask=cross_attn_head_mask, encoder_outputs=encoder_outputs, past_key_values=past_key_values, use_cache=use_cache, speaker_embeddings=speaker_embeddings, output_attentions=output_attentions, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=True, ) outputs_before_postnet, outputs_after_postnet, logits = self.speech_decoder_postnet(outputs[0]) loss = None if labels is not None: criterion = SpeechT5SpectrogramLoss(self.config) loss = criterion( attention_mask, outputs_before_postnet, outputs_after_postnet, logits, labels, outputs.cross_attentions, ) if not return_dict: output = (outputs_after_postnet,) + outputs[1:] return ((loss,) + output) if loss is not None else output return Seq2SeqSpectrogramOutput( loss=loss, spectrogram=outputs_after_postnet, past_key_values=outputs.past_key_values, decoder_hidden_states=outputs.decoder_hidden_states, decoder_attentions=outputs.decoder_attentions, cross_attentions=outputs.cross_attentions, encoder_last_hidden_state=outputs.encoder_last_hidden_state, encoder_hidden_states=outputs.encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attentions=outputs.encoder_attentions, ) @torch.no_grad() def generate( self, input_ids: torch.LongTensor, attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, speaker_embeddings: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, threshold: float = 0.5, minlenratio: float = 0.0, maxlenratio: float = 20.0, vocoder: Optional[nn.Module] = None, output_cross_attentions: bool = False, return_output_lengths: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> Union[torch.FloatTensor, Tuple[torch.FloatTensor, torch.FloatTensor]]: r""" Converts a sequence of input tokens into a sequence of mel spectrograms, which are subsequently turned into a speech waveform using a vocoder. Args: input_ids (`torch.LongTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`): Indices of input sequence tokens in the vocabulary. Indices can be obtained using [`SpeechT5Tokenizer`]. See [`~PreTrainedTokenizer.encode`] and [`~PreTrainedTokenizer.__call__`] for details. [What are input IDs?](../glossary#input-ids) attention_mask (`torch.LongTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`): Attention mask from the tokenizer, required for batched inference to signal to the model where to ignore padded tokens from the input_ids. speaker_embeddings (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, config.speaker_embedding_dim)`, *optional*): Tensor containing the speaker embeddings. threshold (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 0.5): The generated sequence ends when the predicted stop token probability exceeds this value. minlenratio (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 0.0): Used to calculate the minimum required length for the output sequence. maxlenratio (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 20.0): Used to calculate the maximum allowed length for the output sequence. vocoder (`nn.Module`, *optional*): The vocoder that converts the mel spectrogram into a speech waveform. If `None`, the output is the mel spectrogram. output_cross_attentions (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether or not to return the attentions tensors of the decoder's cross-attention layers. return_output_lengths (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether or not to return the concrete spectrogram/waveform lengths. Returns: `tuple(torch.FloatTensor)` comprising various elements depending on the inputs: - when `return_output_lengths` is False - **spectrogram** (*optional*, returned when no `vocoder` is provided) `torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(output_sequence_length, config.num_mel_bins)` -- The predicted log-mel spectrogram. - **waveform** (*optional*, returned when a `vocoder` is provided) `torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(num_frames,)` -- The predicted speech waveform. - **cross_attentions** (*optional*, returned when `output_cross_attentions` is `True`) `torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(config.decoder_layers, config.decoder_attention_heads, output_sequence_length, input_sequence_length)` -- The outputs of the decoder's cross-attention layers. - when `return_output_lengths` is True - **spectrograms** (*optional*, returned when no `vocoder` is provided) `torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, output_sequence_length, config.num_mel_bins)` -- The predicted log-mel spectrograms that are padded to the maximum length. - **spectrogram_lengths** (*optional*, returned when no `vocoder` is provided) `List[Int]` -- A list of all the concrete lengths for each spectrogram. - **waveforms** (*optional*, returned when a `vocoder` is provided) `torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, num_frames)` -- The predicted speech waveforms that are padded to the maximum length. - **waveform_lengths** (*optional*, returned when a `vocoder` is provided) `List[Int]` -- A list of all the concrete lengths for each waveform. - **cross_attentions** (*optional*, returned when `output_cross_attentions` is `True`) `torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, config.decoder_layers, config.decoder_attention_heads, output_sequence_length, input_sequence_length)` -- The outputs of the decoder's cross-attention layers. """ if speaker_embeddings is not None: batch_size = input_ids.size(0) if speaker_embeddings.size(0) != batch_size: if speaker_embeddings.size(0) == 1: speaker_embeddings = speaker_embeddings.repeat(batch_size, 1) else: raise ValueError( "The first dimension of speaker_embeddings must be either 1 or the same as batch_size." ) return _generate_speech( self, input_ids, speaker_embeddings, attention_mask, threshold, minlenratio, maxlenratio, vocoder, output_cross_attentions, return_output_lengths, ) @torch.no_grad() def generate_speech( self, input_ids: torch.LongTensor, speaker_embeddings: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, threshold: float = 0.5, minlenratio: float = 0.0, maxlenratio: float = 20.0, vocoder: Optional[nn.Module] = None, output_cross_attentions: bool = False, return_output_lengths: bool = False, ) -> Union[torch.FloatTensor, Tuple[torch.FloatTensor, torch.FloatTensor]]: r""" Converts a sequence of input tokens into a sequence of mel spectrograms, which are subsequently turned into a speech waveform using a vocoder. Args: input_ids (`torch.LongTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`): Indices of input sequence tokens in the vocabulary. Indices can be obtained using [`SpeechT5Tokenizer`]. See [`~PreTrainedTokenizer.encode`] and [`~PreTrainedTokenizer.__call__`] for details. [What are input IDs?](../glossary#input-ids) speaker_embeddings (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, config.speaker_embedding_dim)`, *optional*): Tensor containing the speaker embeddings. attention_mask (`torch.LongTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`, *optional*): Mask to avoid performing convolution and attention on padding token indices. Mask values selected in `[0, 1]`: - 1 for tokens that are **not masked**, - 0 for tokens that are **masked**. [What are attention masks?](../glossary#attention-mask) threshold (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 0.5): The generated sequence ends when the predicted stop token probability exceeds this value. minlenratio (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 0.0): Used to calculate the minimum required length for the output sequence. maxlenratio (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 20.0): Used to calculate the maximum allowed length for the output sequence. vocoder (`nn.Module`, *optional*, defaults to `None`): The vocoder that converts the mel spectrogram into a speech waveform. If `None`, the output is the mel spectrogram. output_cross_attentions (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether or not to return the attentions tensors of the decoder's cross-attention layers. return_output_lengths (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether or not to return the concrete spectrogram/waveform lengths. Returns: `tuple(torch.FloatTensor)` comprising various elements depending on the inputs: - when `return_output_lengths` is False - **spectrogram** (*optional*, returned when no `vocoder` is provided) `torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(output_sequence_length, config.num_mel_bins)` -- The predicted log-mel spectrogram. - **waveform** (*optional*, returned when a `vocoder` is provided) `torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(num_frames,)` -- The predicted speech waveform. - **cross_attentions** (*optional*, returned when `output_cross_attentions` is `True`) `torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(config.decoder_layers, config.decoder_attention_heads, output_sequence_length, input_sequence_length)` -- The outputs of the decoder's cross-attention layers. - when `return_output_lengths` is True - **spectrograms** (*optional*, returned when no `vocoder` is provided) `torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, output_sequence_length, config.num_mel_bins)` -- The predicted log-mel spectrograms that are padded to the maximum length. - **spectrogram_lengths** (*optional*, returned when no `vocoder` is provided) `List[Int]` -- A list of all the concrete lengths for each spectrogram. - **waveforms** (*optional*, returned when a `vocoder` is provided) `torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, num_frames)` -- The predicted speech waveforms that are padded to the maximum length. - **waveform_lengths** (*optional*, returned when a `vocoder` is provided) `List[Int]` -- A list of all the concrete lengths for each waveform. - **cross_attentions** (*optional*, returned when `output_cross_attentions` is `True`) `torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, config.decoder_layers, config.decoder_attention_heads, output_sequence_length, input_sequence_length)` -- The outputs of the decoder's cross-attention layers. """ if speaker_embeddings is not None: batch_size = input_ids.size(0) if speaker_embeddings.size(0) != batch_size: if speaker_embeddings.size(0) == 1: speaker_embeddings = speaker_embeddings.repeat(batch_size, 1) else: raise ValueError( "The first dimension of speaker_embeddings must be either 1 or the same as batch size." ) return _generate_speech( self, input_ids, speaker_embeddings, attention_mask, threshold, minlenratio, maxlenratio, vocoder, output_cross_attentions, return_output_lengths, ) @add_start_docstrings( """SpeechT5 Model with a speech encoder and a speech decoder.""", SPEECHT5_START_DOCSTRING, ) class SpeechT5ForSpeechToSpeech(SpeechT5PreTrainedModel): def __init__(self, config: SpeechT5Config): super().__init__(config) speech_encoder = SpeechT5EncoderWithSpeechPrenet(config) speech_decoder = SpeechT5DecoderWithSpeechPrenet(config) self.speecht5 = SpeechT5Model(config, speech_encoder, speech_decoder) self.speech_decoder_postnet = SpeechT5SpeechDecoderPostnet(config) # Initialize weights and apply final processing self.post_init() def get_encoder(self): return self.speecht5.get_encoder() def get_decoder(self): return self.speecht5.get_decoder() def freeze_feature_encoder(self): """ Calling this function will disable the gradient computation for the feature encoder so that its parameter will not be updated during training. """ self.get_encoder().prenet.freeze_feature_encoder() @add_start_docstrings_to_model_forward(SPEECHT5_INPUTS_DOCSTRING) @replace_return_docstrings(output_type=Seq2SeqSpectrogramOutput, config_class=_CONFIG_FOR_DOC) def forward( self, input_values: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, decoder_input_values: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, decoder_attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, head_mask: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, decoder_head_mask: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, cross_attn_head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, encoder_outputs: Optional[Tuple[Tuple[torch.FloatTensor]]] = None, past_key_values: Optional[Tuple[Tuple[torch.FloatTensor]]] = None, use_cache: Optional[bool] = None, output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, speaker_embeddings: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, labels: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, stop_labels: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> Union[Tuple, Seq2SeqSpectrogramOutput]: r""" input_values (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`): Float values of input raw speech waveform. Values can be obtained by loading a *.flac* or *.wav* audio file into an array of type `List[float]` or a `numpy.ndarray`, *e.g.* via the soundfile library (*pip install soundfile*). To prepare the array into `input_values`, the [`SpeechT5Processor`] should be used for padding and conversion into a tensor of type `torch.FloatTensor`. See [`SpeechT5Processor.__call__`] for details. decoder_input_values (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length, config.num_mel_bins)`): Float values of input mel spectrogram. SpeechT5 uses an all-zero spectrum as the starting token for `decoder_input_values` generation. If `past_key_values` is used, optionally only the last `decoder_input_values` have to be input (see `past_key_values`). speaker_embeddings (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, config.speaker_embedding_dim)`, *optional*): Tensor containing the speaker embeddings. labels (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length, config.num_mel_bins)`, *optional*): Float values of target mel spectrogram. Spectrograms can be obtained using [`SpeechT5Processor`]. See [`SpeechT5Processor.__call__`] for details. Returns: Example: ```python >>> from transformers import SpeechT5Processor, SpeechT5ForSpeechToSpeech, SpeechT5HifiGan, set_seed >>> from datasets import load_dataset >>> import torch >>> dataset = load_dataset( ... "hf-internal-testing/librispeech_asr_demo", "clean", split="validation" ... ) # doctest: +IGNORE_RESULT >>> dataset = dataset.sort("id") >>> sampling_rate = dataset.features["audio"].sampling_rate >>> processor = SpeechT5Processor.from_pretrained("microsoft/speecht5_vc") >>> model = SpeechT5ForSpeechToSpeech.from_pretrained("microsoft/speecht5_vc") >>> vocoder = SpeechT5HifiGan.from_pretrained("microsoft/speecht5_hifigan") >>> # audio file is decoded on the fly >>> inputs = processor(audio=dataset[0]["audio"]["array"], sampling_rate=sampling_rate, return_tensors="pt") >>> speaker_embeddings = torch.zeros((1, 512)) # or load xvectors from a file >>> set_seed(555) # make deterministic >>> # generate speech >>> speech = model.generate_speech(inputs["input_values"], speaker_embeddings, vocoder=vocoder) >>> speech.shape torch.Size([77824]) ``` """ return_dict = return_dict if return_dict is not None else self.config.use_return_dict if labels is not None: if decoder_input_values is None: decoder_input_values = shift_spectrograms_right(labels, self.config.reduction_factor) outputs = self.speecht5( input_values=input_values, attention_mask=attention_mask, decoder_input_values=decoder_input_values, decoder_attention_mask=decoder_attention_mask, head_mask=head_mask, decoder_head_mask=decoder_head_mask, cross_attn_head_mask=cross_attn_head_mask, encoder_outputs=encoder_outputs, past_key_values=past_key_values, use_cache=use_cache, speaker_embeddings=speaker_embeddings, output_attentions=output_attentions, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=True, ) _, spectrogram, logits = self.speech_decoder_postnet(outputs[0]) loss = None if not return_dict: output = (spectrogram,) + outputs[1:] return ((loss,) + output) if loss is not None else output return Seq2SeqSpectrogramOutput( loss=loss, spectrogram=spectrogram, past_key_values=outputs.past_key_values, decoder_hidden_states=outputs.decoder_hidden_states, decoder_attentions=outputs.decoder_attentions, cross_attentions=outputs.cross_attentions, encoder_last_hidden_state=outputs.encoder_last_hidden_state, encoder_hidden_states=outputs.encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attentions=outputs.encoder_attentions, ) @torch.no_grad() def generate_speech( self, input_values: torch.FloatTensor, speaker_embeddings: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None, threshold: float = 0.5, minlenratio: float = 0.0, maxlenratio: float = 20.0, vocoder: Optional[nn.Module] = None, output_cross_attentions: bool = False, return_output_lengths: bool = False, ) -> torch.FloatTensor: r""" Converts a raw speech waveform into a sequence of mel spectrograms, which are subsequently turned back into a speech waveform using a vocoder. Args: input_values (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`): Float values of input raw speech waveform. Values can be obtained by loading a *.flac* or *.wav* audio file into an array of type `List[float]` or a `numpy.ndarray`, *e.g.* via the soundfile library (*pip install soundfile*). To prepare the array into `input_values`, the [`SpeechT5Processor`] should be used for padding and conversion into a tensor of type `torch.FloatTensor`. See [`SpeechT5Processor.__call__`] for details. speaker_embeddings (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, config.speaker_embedding_dim)`, *optional*): Tensor containing the speaker embeddings. attention_mask (`torch.LongTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`, *optional*): Mask to avoid performing convolution and attention on padding token indices. Mask values selected in `[0, 1]`: - 1 for tokens that are **not masked**, - 0 for tokens that are **masked**. [What are attention masks?](../glossary#attention-mask) threshold (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 0.5): The generated sequence ends when the predicted stop token probability exceeds this value. minlenratio (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 0.0): Used to calculate the minimum required length for the output sequence. maxlenratio (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 20.0): Used to calculate the maximum allowed length for the output sequence. vocoder (`nn.Module`, *optional*, defaults to `None`): The vocoder that converts the mel spectrogram into a speech waveform. If `None`, the output is the mel spectrogram. output_cross_attentions (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether or not to return the attentions tensors of the decoder's cross-attention layers. return_output_lengths (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether or not to return the concrete spectrogram/waveform lengths. Returns: `tuple(torch.FloatTensor)` comprising various elements depending on the inputs: - when `return_output_lengths` is False - **spectrogram** (*optional*, returned when no `vocoder` is provided) `torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(output_sequence_length, config.num_mel_bins)` -- The predicted log-mel spectrogram. - **waveform** (*optional*, returned when a `vocoder` is provided) `torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(num_frames,)` -- The predicted speech waveform. - **cross_attentions** (*optional*, returned when `output_cross_attentions` is `True`) `torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(config.decoder_layers, config.decoder_attention_heads, output_sequence_length, input_sequence_length)` -- The outputs of the decoder's cross-attention layers. - when `return_output_lengths` is True - **spectrograms** (*optional*, returned when no `vocoder` is provided) `torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, output_sequence_length, config.num_mel_bins)` -- The predicted log-mel spectrograms that are padded to the maximum length. - **spectrogram_lengths** (*optional*, returned when no `vocoder` is provided) `List[Int]` -- A list of all the concrete lengths for each spectrogram. - **waveforms** (*optional*, returned when a `vocoder` is provided) `torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, num_frames)` -- The predicted speech waveforms that are padded to the maximum length. - **waveform_lengths** (*optional*, returned when a `vocoder` is provided) `List[Int]` -- A list of all the concrete lengths for each waveform. - **cross_attentions** (*optional*, returned when `output_cross_attentions` is `True`) `torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, config.decoder_layers, config.decoder_attention_heads, output_sequence_length, input_sequence_length)` -- The outputs of the decoder's cross-attention layers. """ if speaker_embeddings is None: speaker_embeddings = torch.zeros((1, 512), device=input_values.device) return _generate_speech( self, input_values, speaker_embeddings, attention_mask, threshold, minlenratio, maxlenratio, vocoder, output_cross_attentions, return_output_lengths, ) HIFIGAN_START_DOCSTRING = r""" This model inherits from [`PreTrainedModel`]. Check the superclass documentation for the generic methods the library implements for all its model (such as downloading or saving, resizing the input embeddings, pruning heads etc.) This model is also a PyTorch [torch.nn.Module](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html#torch.nn.Module) subclass. Use it as a regular PyTorch Module and refer to the PyTorch documentation for all matter related to general usage and behavior. Parameters: config ([`SpeechT5HifiGanConfig`]): Model configuration class with all the parameters of the model. Initializing with a config file does not load the weights associated with the model, only the configuration. Check out the [`~PreTrainedModel.from_pretrained`] method to load the model weights. """ class HifiGanResidualBlock(nn.Module): def __init__(self, channels, kernel_size=3, dilation=(1, 3, 5), leaky_relu_slope=0.1): super().__init__() self.leaky_relu_slope = leaky_relu_slope self.convs1 = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Conv1d( channels, channels, kernel_size, stride=1, dilation=dilation[i], padding=self.get_padding(kernel_size, dilation[i]), ) for i in range(len(dilation)) ] ) self.convs2 = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Conv1d( channels, channels, kernel_size, stride=1, dilation=1, padding=self.get_padding(kernel_size, 1), ) for _ in range(len(dilation)) ] ) def get_padding(self, kernel_size, dilation=1): return (kernel_size * dilation - dilation) // 2 def apply_weight_norm(self): for layer in self.convs1: nn.utils.weight_norm(layer) for layer in self.convs2: nn.utils.weight_norm(layer) def remove_weight_norm(self): for layer in self.convs1: nn.utils.remove_weight_norm(layer) for layer in self.convs2: nn.utils.remove_weight_norm(layer) def forward(self, hidden_states): for conv1, conv2 in zip(self.convs1, self.convs2): residual = hidden_states hidden_states = nn.functional.leaky_relu(hidden_states, self.leaky_relu_slope) hidden_states = conv1(hidden_states) hidden_states = nn.functional.leaky_relu(hidden_states, self.leaky_relu_slope) hidden_states = conv2(hidden_states) hidden_states = hidden_states + residual return hidden_states @add_start_docstrings( """HiFi-GAN vocoder.""", HIFIGAN_START_DOCSTRING, ) class SpeechT5HifiGan(PreTrainedModel): config_class = SpeechT5HifiGanConfig main_input_name = "spectrogram" def __init__(self, config: SpeechT5HifiGanConfig): super().__init__(config) self.num_kernels = len(config.resblock_kernel_sizes) self.num_upsamples = len(config.upsample_rates) self.conv_pre = nn.Conv1d( config.model_in_dim, config.upsample_initial_channel, kernel_size=7, stride=1, padding=3, ) self.upsampler = nn.ModuleList() for i, (upsample_rate, kernel_size) in enumerate(zip(config.upsample_rates, config.upsample_kernel_sizes)): self.upsampler.append( nn.ConvTranspose1d( config.upsample_initial_channel // (2**i), config.upsample_initial_channel // (2 ** (i + 1)), kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=upsample_rate, padding=(kernel_size - upsample_rate) // 2, ) ) self.resblocks = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(len(self.upsampler)): channels = config.upsample_initial_channel // (2 ** (i + 1)) for kernel_size, dilation in zip(config.resblock_kernel_sizes, config.resblock_dilation_sizes): self.resblocks.append(HifiGanResidualBlock(channels, kernel_size, dilation, config.leaky_relu_slope)) self.conv_post = nn.Conv1d(channels, 1, kernel_size=7, stride=1, padding=3) self.register_buffer("mean", torch.zeros(config.model_in_dim)) self.register_buffer("scale", torch.ones(config.model_in_dim)) # Initialize weights and apply final processing self.post_init() def _init_weights(self, module): """Initialize the weights.""" if isinstance(module, (nn.Linear, nn.Conv1d)): module.weight.data.normal_(mean=0.0, std=self.config.initializer_range) if module.bias is not None: module.bias.data.zero_() def apply_weight_norm(self): nn.utils.weight_norm(self.conv_pre) for layer in self.upsampler: nn.utils.weight_norm(layer) for layer in self.resblocks: layer.apply_weight_norm() nn.utils.weight_norm(self.conv_post) def remove_weight_norm(self): nn.utils.remove_weight_norm(self.conv_pre) for layer in self.upsampler: nn.utils.remove_weight_norm(layer) for layer in self.resblocks: layer.remove_weight_norm() nn.utils.remove_weight_norm(self.conv_post) def forward(self, spectrogram: torch.FloatTensor) -> torch.FloatTensor: r""" Converts a log-mel spectrogram into a speech waveform. Passing a batch of log-mel spectrograms returns a batch of speech waveforms. Passing a single, un-batched log-mel spectrogram returns a single, un-batched speech waveform. Args: spectrogram (`torch.FloatTensor`): Tensor containing the log-mel spectrograms. Can be batched and of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length, config.model_in_dim)`, or un-batched and of shape `(sequence_length, config.model_in_dim)`. Returns: `torch.FloatTensor`: Tensor containing the speech waveform. If the input spectrogram is batched, will be of shape `(batch_size, num_frames,)`. If un-batched, will be of shape `(num_frames,)`. """ if self.config.normalize_before: spectrogram = (spectrogram - self.mean) / self.scale is_batched = spectrogram.dim() == 3 if not is_batched: spectrogram = spectrogram.unsqueeze(0) hidden_states = spectrogram.transpose(2, 1) hidden_states = self.conv_pre(hidden_states) for i in range(self.num_upsamples): hidden_states = nn.functional.leaky_relu(hidden_states, self.config.leaky_relu_slope) hidden_states = self.upsampler[i](hidden_states) res_state = self.resblocks[i * self.num_kernels](hidden_states) for j in range(1, self.num_kernels): res_state += self.resblocks[i * self.num_kernels + j](hidden_states) hidden_states = res_state / self.num_kernels hidden_states = nn.functional.leaky_relu(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.conv_post(hidden_states) hidden_states = torch.tanh(hidden_states) if not is_batched: # remove batch dim and collapse tensor to 1-d audio waveform waveform = hidden_states.squeeze(0).transpose(1, 0).view(-1) else: # remove seq-len dim since this collapses to 1 waveform = hidden_states.squeeze(1) return waveform
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/models/speecht5/modeling_speecht5.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 66586 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2023 The HuggingFace Inc. team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Convert SwiftFormer checkpoints from the original implementation.""" import argparse import json from pathlib import Path import requests import torch from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download from PIL import Image from transformers import ( SwiftFormerConfig, SwiftFormerForImageClassification, ViTImageProcessor, ) from transformers.utils import logging logging.set_verbosity_info() logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) device = torch.device("cpu") # We will verify our results on an image of cute cats def prepare_img(): url = "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2017/000000039769.jpg" im = Image.open(requests.get(url, stream=True).raw) return im def get_expected_output(swiftformer_name): if swiftformer_name == "swiftformer_xs": return torch.tensor([-2.1703e00, 2.1107e00, -2.0811e00, 8.8685e-01, 2.4360e-01]) elif swiftformer_name == "swiftformer_s": return torch.tensor([3.9636e-01, 2.3478e-01, -1.6963e00, -1.7381e00, -8.6337e-01]) elif swiftformer_name == "swiftformer_l1": return torch.tensor([-4.2768e-01, -4.7429e-01, -1.0897e00, -1.0248e00, 3.5523e-02]) elif swiftformer_name == "swiftformer_l3": return torch.tensor([-2.5330e-01, 2.4211e-01, -6.0185e-01, -8.2789e-01, -6.0446e-02]) def rename_key(dct, old, new): val = dct.pop(old) dct[new] = val def create_rename_keys(state_dict): rename_keys = [] for k in state_dict.keys(): k_new = k if ".pwconv" in k: k_new = k_new.replace(".pwconv", ".point_wise_conv") if ".dwconv" in k: k_new = k_new.replace(".dwconv", ".depth_wise_conv") if ".Proj." in k: k_new = k_new.replace(".Proj.", ".proj.") if "patch_embed" in k_new: k_new = k_new.replace("patch_embed", "swiftformer.patch_embed.patch_embedding") if "network" in k_new: ls = k_new.split(".") if ls[2].isdigit(): k_new = "swiftformer.encoder.network." + ls[1] + ".blocks." + ls[2] + "." + ".".join(ls[3:]) else: k_new = k_new.replace("network", "swiftformer.encoder.network") rename_keys.append((k, k_new)) return rename_keys @torch.no_grad() def convert_swiftformer_checkpoint(swiftformer_name, pytorch_dump_folder_path, original_ckpt): """ Copy/paste/tweak model's weights to our SwiftFormer structure. """ # define default SwiftFormer configuration config = SwiftFormerConfig() # dataset (ImageNet-21k only or also fine-tuned on ImageNet 2012), patch_size and image_size config.num_labels = 1000 repo_id = "huggingface/label-files" filename = "imagenet-1k-id2label.json" id2label = json.load(open(hf_hub_download(repo_id, filename, repo_type="dataset"), "r")) id2label = {int(k): v for k, v in id2label.items()} config.id2label = id2label config.label2id = {v: k for k, v in id2label.items()} # size of the architecture if swiftformer_name == "swiftformer_xs": config.depths = [3, 3, 6, 4] config.embed_dims = [48, 56, 112, 220] elif swiftformer_name == "swiftformer_s": config.depths = [3, 3, 9, 6] config.embed_dims = [48, 64, 168, 224] elif swiftformer_name == "swiftformer_l1": config.depths = [4, 3, 10, 5] config.embed_dims = [48, 96, 192, 384] elif swiftformer_name == "swiftformer_l3": config.depths = [4, 4, 12, 6] config.embed_dims = [64, 128, 320, 512] # load state_dict of original model, remove and rename some keys if original_ckpt: if original_ckpt.startswith("https"): checkpoint = torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url(original_ckpt, map_location="cpu", check_hash=True) else: checkpoint = torch.load(original_ckpt, map_location="cpu") state_dict = checkpoint rename_keys = create_rename_keys(state_dict) for rename_key_src, rename_key_dest in rename_keys: rename_key(state_dict, rename_key_src, rename_key_dest) # load HuggingFace model hf_model = SwiftFormerForImageClassification(config).eval() hf_model.load_state_dict(state_dict) # prepare test inputs image = prepare_img() processor = ViTImageProcessor.from_pretrained("preprocessor_config") inputs = processor(images=image, return_tensors="pt") # compare outputs from both models timm_logits = get_expected_output(swiftformer_name) hf_logits = hf_model(inputs["pixel_values"]).logits assert hf_logits.shape == torch.Size([1, 1000]) assert torch.allclose(hf_logits[0, 0:5], timm_logits, atol=1e-3) Path(pytorch_dump_folder_path).mkdir(exist_ok=True) print(f"Saving model {swiftformer_name} to {pytorch_dump_folder_path}") hf_model.save_pretrained(pytorch_dump_folder_path) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Required parameters parser.add_argument( "--swiftformer_name", default="swiftformer_xs", choices=["swiftformer_xs", "swiftformer_s", "swiftformer_l1", "swiftformer_l3"], type=str, help="Name of the SwiftFormer model you'd like to convert.", ) parser.add_argument( "--pytorch_dump_folder_path", default="./converted_outputs/", type=str, help="Path to the output PyTorch model directory.", ) parser.add_argument("--original_ckpt", default=None, type=str, help="Path to the original model checkpoint.") args = parser.parse_args() convert_swiftformer_checkpoint(args.swiftformer_name, args.pytorch_dump_folder_path, args.original_ckpt)
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/models/swiftformer/convert_swiftformer_original_to_hf.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 2556 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2018 T5 Authors and HuggingFace Inc. team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Tokenization class for model T5.""" import os import re import warnings from shutil import copyfile from typing import List, Optional, Tuple from ...tokenization_utils_fast import PreTrainedTokenizerFast from ...utils import is_sentencepiece_available, logging if is_sentencepiece_available(): from .tokenization_t5 import T5Tokenizer else: T5Tokenizer = None logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) VOCAB_FILES_NAMES = {"vocab_file": "spiece.model", "tokenizer_file": "tokenizer.json"} PRETRAINED_VOCAB_FILES_MAP = { "vocab_file": { "t5-small": "https://huggingface.co/t5-small/resolve/main/spiece.model", "t5-base": "https://huggingface.co/t5-base/resolve/main/spiece.model", "t5-large": "https://huggingface.co/t5-large/resolve/main/spiece.model", "t5-3b": "https://huggingface.co/t5-3b/resolve/main/spiece.model", "t5-11b": "https://huggingface.co/t5-11b/resolve/main/spiece.model", }, "tokenizer_file": { "t5-small": "https://huggingface.co/t5-small/resolve/main/tokenizer.json", "t5-base": "https://huggingface.co/t5-base/resolve/main/tokenizer.json", "t5-large": "https://huggingface.co/t5-large/resolve/main/tokenizer.json", "t5-3b": "https://huggingface.co/t5-3b/resolve/main/tokenizer.json", "t5-11b": "https://huggingface.co/t5-11b/resolve/main/tokenizer.json", }, } # TODO(PVP) - this should be removed in Transformers v5 PRETRAINED_POSITIONAL_EMBEDDINGS_SIZES = { "t5-small": 512, "t5-base": 512, "t5-large": 512, "t5-3b": 512, "t5-11b": 512, } class T5TokenizerFast(PreTrainedTokenizerFast): """ Construct a "fast" T5 tokenizer (backed by HuggingFace's *tokenizers* library). Based on [Unigram](https://huggingface.co/docs/tokenizers/python/latest/components.html?highlight=unigram#models). This tokenizer inherits from [`PreTrainedTokenizerFast`] which contains most of the main methods. Users should refer to this superclass for more information regarding those methods. Args: vocab_file (`str`): [SentencePiece](https://github.com/google/sentencepiece) file (generally has a *.spm* extension) that contains the vocabulary necessary to instantiate a tokenizer. eos_token (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `"</s>"`): The end of sequence token. <Tip> When building a sequence using special tokens, this is not the token that is used for the end of sequence. The token used is the `sep_token`. </Tip> unk_token (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `"<unk>"`): The unknown token. A token that is not in the vocabulary cannot be converted to an ID and is set to be this token instead. pad_token (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `"<pad>"`): The token used for padding, for example when batching sequences of different lengths. extra_ids (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 100): Add a number of extra ids added to the vocabulary for use as sentinels. These tokens are accessible as "<extra_id_{%d}>" where "{%d}" is a number between 0 and extra_ids-1. These tokens can be retrieved by calling get_sentinel_tokens method and token ids can be by calling get_sentinel_token_ids method additional_special_tokens (`List[str]`, *optional*): Additional special tokens used by the tokenizer. """ vocab_files_names = VOCAB_FILES_NAMES pretrained_vocab_files_map = PRETRAINED_VOCAB_FILES_MAP max_model_input_sizes = PRETRAINED_POSITIONAL_EMBEDDINGS_SIZES model_input_names = ["input_ids", "attention_mask"] slow_tokenizer_class = T5Tokenizer prefix_tokens: List[int] = [] def __init__( self, vocab_file=None, tokenizer_file=None, eos_token="</s>", unk_token="<unk>", pad_token="<pad>", extra_ids=100, additional_special_tokens=None, **kwargs, ): # Add extra_ids to the special token list if additional_special_tokens is not None: extra_tokens = [x for x in additional_special_tokens if "<extra_id_" in str(x)] if len(extra_tokens) < 1: additional_special_tokens += [f"<extra_id_{i}>" for i in range(extra_ids)] elif extra_ids > 0 and extra_ids != len(extra_tokens): raise ValueError( f"Both extra_ids ({extra_ids}) and additional_special_tokens ({additional_special_tokens}) are" " provided to T5Tokenizer. In this case the additional_special_tokens must include the extra_ids" " tokens" ) else: extra_tokens = [f"<extra_id_{i}>" for i in range(extra_ids)] additional_special_tokens = extra_tokens super().__init__( vocab_file, tokenizer_file=tokenizer_file, eos_token=eos_token, unk_token=unk_token, pad_token=pad_token, extra_ids=extra_ids, additional_special_tokens=additional_special_tokens, **kwargs, ) self.vocab_file = vocab_file self._extra_ids = extra_ids @property def can_save_slow_tokenizer(self) -> bool: return os.path.isfile(self.vocab_file) if self.vocab_file else False @staticmethod def _eventually_correct_t5_max_length(pretrained_model_name_or_path, max_model_length, init_max_model_length): if pretrained_model_name_or_path in T5TokenizerFast.max_model_input_sizes: deprecated_max_model_length = T5TokenizerFast.max_model_input_sizes[pretrained_model_name_or_path] if init_max_model_length is not None and init_max_model_length != max_model_length: return init_max_model_length elif init_max_model_length is None: warnings.warn( "This tokenizer was incorrectly instantiated with a model max length of" f" {deprecated_max_model_length} which will be corrected in Transformers v5.\nFor now, this" " behavior is kept to avoid breaking backwards compatibility when padding/encoding with" " `truncation is True`.\n- Be aware that you SHOULD NOT rely on" f" {pretrained_model_name_or_path} automatically truncating your input to" f" {deprecated_max_model_length} when padding/encoding.\n- If you want to encode/pad to sequences" f" longer than {deprecated_max_model_length} you can either instantiate this tokenizer with" " `model_max_length` or pass `max_length` when encoding/padding.\n- To avoid this warning, please" " instantiate this tokenizer with `model_max_length` set to your preferred value.", FutureWarning, ) return max_model_length def save_vocabulary(self, save_directory: str, filename_prefix: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[str]: if not self.can_save_slow_tokenizer: raise ValueError( "Your fast tokenizer does not have the necessary information to save the vocabulary for a slow " "tokenizer." ) if not os.path.isdir(save_directory): logger.error(f"Vocabulary path ({save_directory}) should be a directory") return out_vocab_file = os.path.join( save_directory, (filename_prefix + "-" if filename_prefix else "") + VOCAB_FILES_NAMES["vocab_file"] ) if os.path.abspath(self.vocab_file) != os.path.abspath(out_vocab_file): copyfile(self.vocab_file, out_vocab_file) logger.info(f"Copy vocab file to {out_vocab_file}") return (out_vocab_file,) def build_inputs_with_special_tokens( self, token_ids_0: List[int], token_ids_1: Optional[List[int]] = None ) -> List[int]: """ Build model inputs from a sequence or a pair of sequence for sequence classification tasks by concatenating and adding special tokens. A sequence has the following format: - single sequence: `X </s>` - pair of sequences: `A </s> B </s>` Args: token_ids_0 (`List[int]`): List of IDs to which the special tokens will be added. token_ids_1 (`List[int]`, *optional*): Optional second list of IDs for sequence pairs. Returns: `List[int]`: List of [input IDs](../glossary#input-ids) with the appropriate special tokens. """ token_ids_0 = token_ids_0 + [self.eos_token_id] if token_ids_1 is None: return self.prefix_tokens + token_ids_0 else: token_ids_1 = token_ids_1 + [self.eos_token_id] return self.prefix_tokens + token_ids_0 + token_ids_1 def create_token_type_ids_from_sequences( self, token_ids_0: List[int], token_ids_1: Optional[List[int]] = None ) -> List[int]: """ Create a mask from the two sequences passed to be used in a sequence-pair classification task. T5 does not make use of token type ids, therefore a list of zeros is returned. Args: token_ids_0 (`List[int]`): List of IDs. token_ids_1 (`List[int]`, *optional*): Optional second list of IDs for sequence pairs. Returns: `List[int]`: List of zeros. """ eos = [self.eos_token_id] if token_ids_1 is None: return len(token_ids_0 + eos) * [0] return len(token_ids_0 + eos + token_ids_1 + eos) * [0] def get_sentinel_tokens(self): return list( set(filter(lambda x: bool(re.search(r"<extra_id_\d+>", x)) is not None, self.additional_special_tokens)) ) def get_sentinel_token_ids(self): return [self.convert_tokens_to_ids(token) for token in self.get_sentinel_tokens()]
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/models/t5/tokenization_t5_fast.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 4621 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2022 The HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ TimeSformer model configuration""" from ...configuration_utils import PretrainedConfig from ...utils import logging logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) TIMESFORMER_PRETRAINED_CONFIG_ARCHIVE_MAP = { "facebook/timesformer": "https://huggingface.co/facebook/timesformer/resolve/main/config.json", } class TimesformerConfig(PretrainedConfig): r""" This is the configuration class to store the configuration of a [`TimesformerModel`]. It is used to instantiate a TimeSformer model according to the specified arguments, defining the model architecture. Instantiating a configuration with the defaults will yield a similar configuration to that of the TimeSformer [facebook/timesformer-base-finetuned-k600](https://huggingface.co/facebook/timesformer-base-finetuned-k600) architecture. Configuration objects inherit from [`PretrainedConfig`] and can be used to control the model outputs. Read the documentation from [`PretrainedConfig`] for more information. Args: image_size (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 224): The size (resolution) of each image. patch_size (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 16): The size (resolution) of each patch. num_channels (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 3): The number of input channels. num_frames (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 8): The number of frames in each video. hidden_size (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 768): Dimensionality of the encoder layers and the pooler layer. num_hidden_layers (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 12): Number of hidden layers in the Transformer encoder. num_attention_heads (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 12): Number of attention heads for each attention layer in the Transformer encoder. intermediate_size (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 3072): Dimensionality of the "intermediate" (i.e., feed-forward) layer in the Transformer encoder. hidden_act (`str` or `function`, *optional*, defaults to `"gelu"`): The non-linear activation function (function or string) in the encoder and pooler. If string, `"gelu"`, `"relu"`, `"selu"` and `"gelu_new"` are supported. hidden_dropout_prob (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 0.0): The dropout probability for all fully connected layers in the embeddings, encoder, and pooler. attention_probs_dropout_prob (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 0.0): The dropout ratio for the attention probabilities. initializer_range (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 0.02): The standard deviation of the truncated_normal_initializer for initializing all weight matrices. layer_norm_eps (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 1e-06): The epsilon used by the layer normalization layers. qkv_bias (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`): Whether to add a bias to the queries, keys and values. attention_type (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `"divided_space_time"`): The attention type to use. Must be one of `"divided_space_time"`, `"space_only"`, `"joint_space_time"`. drop_path_rate (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 0): The dropout ratio for stochastic depth. Example: ```python >>> from transformers import TimesformerConfig, TimesformerModel >>> # Initializing a TimeSformer timesformer-base style configuration >>> configuration = TimesformerConfig() >>> # Initializing a model from the configuration >>> model = TimesformerModel(configuration) >>> # Accessing the model configuration >>> configuration = model.config ```""" model_type = "timesformer" def __init__( self, image_size=224, patch_size=16, num_channels=3, num_frames=8, hidden_size=768, num_hidden_layers=12, num_attention_heads=12, intermediate_size=3072, hidden_act="gelu", hidden_dropout_prob=0.0, attention_probs_dropout_prob=0.0, initializer_range=0.02, layer_norm_eps=1e-6, qkv_bias=True, attention_type="divided_space_time", drop_path_rate=0, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.image_size = image_size self.patch_size = patch_size self.num_channels = num_channels self.num_frames = num_frames self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers self.num_attention_heads = num_attention_heads self.intermediate_size = intermediate_size self.hidden_act = hidden_act self.hidden_dropout_prob = hidden_dropout_prob self.attention_probs_dropout_prob = attention_probs_dropout_prob self.initializer_range = initializer_range self.layer_norm_eps = layer_norm_eps self.qkv_bias = qkv_bias self.attention_type = attention_type self.drop_path_rate = drop_path_rate
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/models/timesformer/configuration_timesformer.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 2112 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2023 The HuggingFace Inc. team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Processor class for TVLT. """ from ...processing_utils import ProcessorMixin class TvltProcessor(ProcessorMixin): r""" Constructs a TVLT processor which wraps a TVLT image processor and TVLT feature extractor into a single processor. [`TvltProcessor`] offers all the functionalities of [`TvltImageProcessor`] and [`TvltFeatureExtractor`]. See the docstring of [`~TvltProcessor.__call__`] for more information. Args: image_processor (`TvltImageProcessor`): An instance of [`TvltImageProcessor`]. The image processor is a required input. feature_extractor (`TvltFeatureExtractor`): An instance of [`TvltFeatureExtractor`]. The feature extractor is a required input. """ attributes = ["image_processor", "feature_extractor"] image_processor_class = "TvltImageProcessor" feature_extractor_class = "TvltFeatureExtractor" def __init__(self, image_processor, feature_extractor): super().__init__(image_processor=image_processor, feature_extractor=feature_extractor) self.image_processor = image_processor self.feature_extractor = feature_extractor def __call__( self, images=None, audio=None, images_mixed=None, sampling_rate=None, mask_audio=False, mask_pixel=False, *args, **kwargs, ): """ Forwards the `images` argument to TvltImageProcessor's [`~TvltImageProcessor.preprocess`] and the `audio` argument to TvltFeatureExtractor's [`~TvltFeatureExtractor.__call__`]. Please refer to the docstring of the above two methods for more information. """ if images is None and audio is None: raise ValueError("You need to specify either an `images` or `audio` input to process.") images_mixed_dict = None if images is not None: images_dict = self.image_processor(images, mask_pixel=mask_pixel, *args, **kwargs) if images_mixed is not None: images_mixed_dict = self.image_processor(images_mixed, is_mixed=True, *args, **kwargs) if audio is not None: audio_dict = self.feature_extractor( audio, *args, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, mask_audio=mask_audio, **kwargs ) output_dict = {} if audio is not None: output_dict.update(audio_dict) if images is not None: output_dict.update(images_dict) if images_mixed_dict is not None: output_dict.update(images_mixed_dict) return output_dict @property def model_input_names(self): image_processor_input_names = self.image_processor.model_input_names feature_extractor_input_names = self.feature_extractor.model_input_names return list(dict.fromkeys(image_processor_input_names + feature_extractor_input_names))
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/models/tvlt/processing_tvlt.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 1327 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2021 The HuggingFace Inc. team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Convert Hubert checkpoint.""" import argparse import torch from transformers import ( UniSpeechSatConfig, UniSpeechSatForAudioFrameClassification, UniSpeechSatForSequenceClassification, UniSpeechSatForXVector, Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor, logging, ) logging.set_verbosity_info() logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) def convert_classification(base_model_name, hf_config, downstream_dict): model = UniSpeechSatForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(base_model_name, config=hf_config) model.projector.weight.data = downstream_dict["projector.weight"] model.projector.bias.data = downstream_dict["projector.bias"] model.classifier.weight.data = downstream_dict["model.post_net.linear.weight"] model.classifier.bias.data = downstream_dict["model.post_net.linear.bias"] return model def convert_diarization(base_model_name, hf_config, downstream_dict): model = UniSpeechSatForAudioFrameClassification.from_pretrained(base_model_name, config=hf_config) model.classifier.weight.data = downstream_dict["model.linear.weight"] model.classifier.bias.data = downstream_dict["model.linear.bias"] return model def convert_xvector(base_model_name, hf_config, downstream_dict): model = UniSpeechSatForXVector.from_pretrained(base_model_name, config=hf_config) model.projector.weight.data = downstream_dict["connector.weight"] model.projector.bias.data = downstream_dict["connector.bias"] for i, kernel_size in enumerate(hf_config.tdnn_kernel): model.tdnn[i].kernel.weight.data = downstream_dict[ f"model.framelevel_feature_extractor.module.{i}.kernel.weight" ] model.tdnn[i].kernel.bias.data = downstream_dict[f"model.framelevel_feature_extractor.module.{i}.kernel.bias"] model.feature_extractor.weight.data = downstream_dict["model.utterancelevel_feature_extractor.linear1.weight"] model.feature_extractor.bias.data = downstream_dict["model.utterancelevel_feature_extractor.linear1.bias"] model.classifier.weight.data = downstream_dict["model.utterancelevel_feature_extractor.linear2.weight"] model.classifier.bias.data = downstream_dict["model.utterancelevel_feature_extractor.linear2.bias"] model.objective.weight.data = downstream_dict["objective.W"] return model @torch.no_grad() def convert_s3prl_checkpoint(base_model_name, config_path, checkpoint_path, model_dump_path): """ Copy/paste/tweak model's weights to transformers design. """ checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location="cpu") downstream_dict = checkpoint["Downstream"] hf_config = UniSpeechSatConfig.from_pretrained(config_path) hf_feature_extractor = Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor.from_pretrained( base_model_name, return_attention_mask=True, do_normalize=False ) arch = hf_config.architectures[0] if arch.endswith("ForSequenceClassification"): hf_model = convert_classification(base_model_name, hf_config, downstream_dict) elif arch.endswith("ForAudioFrameClassification"): hf_model = convert_diarization(base_model_name, hf_config, downstream_dict) elif arch.endswith("ForXVector"): hf_model = convert_xvector(base_model_name, hf_config, downstream_dict) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"S3PRL weights conversion is not supported for {arch}") if hf_config.use_weighted_layer_sum: hf_model.layer_weights.data = checkpoint["Featurizer"]["weights"] hf_feature_extractor.save_pretrained(model_dump_path) hf_model.save_pretrained(model_dump_path) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--base_model_name", default=None, type=str, help="Name of the huggingface pretrained base model." ) parser.add_argument("--config_path", default=None, type=str, help="Path to the huggingface classifier config.") parser.add_argument("--checkpoint_path", default=None, type=str, help="Path to the s3prl checkpoint.") parser.add_argument("--model_dump_path", default=None, type=str, help="Path to the final converted model.") args = parser.parse_args() convert_s3prl_checkpoint(args.base_model_name, args.config_path, args.checkpoint_path, args.model_dump_path)
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/models/unispeech_sat/convert_unispeech_original_s3prl_checkpoint_to_pytorch.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 1692 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2021 The HuggingFace Inc. team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Classes to support Vision-Encoder-Text-Decoder architectures""" import os from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union import flax.linen as nn import jax import jax.numpy as jnp from flax.core.frozen_dict import FrozenDict, freeze, unfreeze from flax.traverse_util import flatten_dict, unflatten_dict from jax import lax from jax.random import PRNGKey from ...modeling_flax_outputs import FlaxBaseModelOutput, FlaxCausalLMOutputWithCrossAttentions, FlaxSeq2SeqLMOutput from ...modeling_flax_utils import FlaxPreTrainedModel from ...utils import add_start_docstrings, add_start_docstrings_to_model_forward, logging, replace_return_docstrings from ..auto.configuration_auto import AutoConfig from ..auto.modeling_flax_auto import FlaxAutoModel, FlaxAutoModelForCausalLM from .configuration_vision_encoder_decoder import VisionEncoderDecoderConfig logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) _CONFIG_FOR_DOC = "VisionEncoderDecoderConfig" VISION_ENCODER_DECODER_START_DOCSTRING = r""" This class can be used to initialize an image-to-text-sequence model with any pretrained vision autoencoding model as the encoder and any pretrained text autoregressive model as the decoder. The encoder is loaded via [`~AutoModel.from_pretrained`] function and the decoder is loaded via [`~AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained`] function. Cross-attention layers are automatically added to the decoder and should be fine-tuned on a downstream generative task, like image captioning. The effectiveness of initializing sequence-to-sequence models with pretrained checkpoints for sequence generation tasks was shown in [Leveraging Pre-trained Checkpoints for Sequence Generation Tasks](https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.12461) by Sascha Rothe, Shashi Narayan, Aliaksei Severyn. Michael Matena, Yanqi Zhou, Wei Li, Peter J. Liu. Additionally, in [TrOCR: Transformer-based Optical Character Recognition with Pre-trained Models](https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.10282) it is shown how leveraging large pretrained vision models for optical character recognition (OCR) yields a significant performance improvement. After such a Vision-Encoder-Text-Decoder model has been trained/fine-tuned, it can be saved/loaded just like any other models (see the examples for more information). This model inherits from [`FlaxPreTrainedModel`]. Check the superclass documentation for the generic methods the library implements for all its model (such as downloading or saving, resizing the input embeddings, pruning heads etc.) This model is also a Flax Linen [flax.nn.Module](https://flax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_autosummary/flax.nn.module.html) subclass. Use it as a regular Flax Module and refer to the Flax documentation for all matter related to general usage and behavior. Parameters: config ([`VisionEncoderDecoderConfig`]): Model configuration class with all the parameters of the model. Initializing with a config file does not load the weights associated with the model, only the configuration. Check out the [`~FlaxPreTrainedModel.from_pretrained`] method to load the model weights. dtype (`jax.numpy.dtype`, *optional*, defaults to `jax.numpy.float32`): The data type of the computation. Can be one of `jax.numpy.float32`, `jax.numpy.float16` (on GPUs) and `jax.numpy.bfloat16` (on TPUs). This can be used to enable mixed-precision training or half-precision inference on GPUs or TPUs. If specified all the computation will be performed with the given `dtype`. **Note that this only specifies the dtype of the computation and does not influence the dtype of model parameters.** If you wish to change the dtype of the model parameters, see [`~FlaxPreTrainedModel.to_fp16`] and [`~FlaxPreTrainedModel.to_bf16`]. """ VISION_ENCODER_DECODER_INPUTS_DOCSTRING = r""" Args: pixel_values (`jnp.ndarray` of shape `(batch_size, num_channels, height, width)`): Pixel values. Pixel values can be obtained using the vision model's image processor. For example, using [`AutoImageProcessor`]. See [`ViTImageProcessor.__call__`] for details. decoder_input_ids (`jnp.ndarray` of shape `(batch_size, target_sequence_length)`, *optional*): Indices of decoder input sequence tokens in the vocabulary. Indices can be obtained using [`PreTrainedTokenizer`]. See [`PreTrainedTokenizer.encode`] and [`PreTrainedTokenizer.__call__`] for details. [What are decoder input IDs?](../glossary#decoder-input-ids) decoder_attention_mask (`jnp.ndarray` of shape `(batch_size, target_sequence_length)`, *optional*): Default behavior: generate a tensor that ignores pad tokens in `decoder_input_ids`. Causal mask will also be used by default. decoder_position_ids (`jnp.ndarray` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`, *optional*): Indices of positions of each decoder input sequence tokens in the position embeddings. Selected in the range `[0, config.decoder.max_position_embeddings - 1]`. output_attentions (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return the attentions tensors of all attention layers. See `attentions` under returned tensors for more detail. output_hidden_states (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return the hidden states of all layers. See `hidden_states` under returned tensors for more detail. return_dict (`bool`, *optional*): If set to `True`, the model will return a [`~utils.FlaxSeq2SeqLMOutput`] instead of a plain tuple. """ VISION_ENCODER_DECODER_ENCODE_INPUTS_DOCSTRING = r""" Args: pixel_values (`jnp.ndarray` of shape `(batch_size, num_channels, height, width)`): Pixel values. Pixel values can be obtained using the vision model's image processor. For example, using [`AutoImageProcessor`]. See [`ViTImageProcessor.__call__`] for details. output_attentions (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return the attentions tensors of all attention layers. See `attentions` under returned tensors for more detail. output_hidden_states (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return the hidden states of all layers. See `hidden_states` under returned tensors for more detail. return_dict (`bool`, *optional*): If set to `True`, the model will return a [`~utils.FlaxBaseModelOutput`] instead of a plain tuple. """ VISION_ENCODER_DECODER_DECODE_INPUTS_DOCSTRING = r""" Args: decoder_input_ids (`jnp.ndarray` of shape `(batch_size, target_sequence_length)`, *optional*): Indices of decoder input sequence tokens in the vocabulary. Indices can be obtained using [`PreTrainedTokenizer`]. See [`PreTrainedTokenizer.encode`] and [`PreTrainedTokenizer.__call__`] for details. [What are decoder input IDs?](../glossary#decoder-input-ids) If `past_key_values` is used, optionally only the last `decoder_input_ids` have to be input (see `past_key_values`). For sequence to sequence training, `decoder_input_ids` should be provided. If no `decoder_input_ids` is provided, the model will create this tensor by shifting the `input_ids` to the right for denoising pre-training. encoder_outputs (`tuple(tuple(jnp.ndarray)`): Tuple consists of (`last_hidden_state`, *optional*: `hidden_states`, *optional*: `attentions`) `last_hidden_state` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length, hidden_size)`, *optional*) is a sequence of hidden-states at the output of the last layer of the encoder. Used in the cross-attention of the decoder. decoder_attention_mask (`jnp.ndarray` of shape `(batch_size, target_sequence_length)`, *optional*): Default behavior: generate a tensor that ignores pad tokens in `decoder_input_ids`. Causal mask will also be used by default. decoder_position_ids (`jnp.ndarray` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`, *optional*): Indices of positions of each decoder input sequence tokens in the position embeddings. Selected in the range `[0, config.decoder.max_position_embeddings - 1]`. past_key_values (`Dict[str, jnp.ndarray]`, *optional*, returned by `init_cache` or when passing previous `past_key_values`): Dictionary of pre-computed hidden-states (key and values in the attention blocks) that can be used for fast auto-regressive decoding. Pre-computed key and value hidden-states are of shape *[batch_size, max_length]*. output_attentions (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return the attentions tensors of all attention layers. See `attentions` under returned tensors for more detail. output_hidden_states (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return the hidden states of all layers. See `hidden_states` under returned tensors for more detail. return_dict (`bool`, *optional*): If set to `True`, the model will return a [`~utils.FlaxCausalLMOutputWithCrossAttentions`] instead of a plain tuple. """ class FlaxVisionEncoderDecoderModule(nn.Module): config: VisionEncoderDecoderConfig dtype: jnp.dtype = jnp.float32 def setup(self): encoder_config = self.config.encoder decoder_config = self.config.decoder # Copied from `modeling_hybrid_clip.py` with modifications. from ...models.auto.modeling_flax_auto import FLAX_MODEL_FOR_CAUSAL_LM_MAPPING, FLAX_MODEL_MAPPING encoder_module = FLAX_MODEL_MAPPING[encoder_config.__class__].module_class decoder_module = FLAX_MODEL_FOR_CAUSAL_LM_MAPPING[decoder_config.__class__].module_class self.encoder = encoder_module(encoder_config, dtype=self.dtype) self.decoder = decoder_module(decoder_config, dtype=self.dtype) # encoder outputs might need to be projected to different dimension for decoder if ( self.encoder.config.hidden_size != self.decoder.config.hidden_size and self.decoder.config.cross_attention_hidden_size is None ): self.enc_to_dec_proj = nn.Dense( self.decoder.config.hidden_size, kernel_init=jax.nn.initializers.normal(self.decoder.config.initializer_range), dtype=self.dtype, ) else: self.enc_to_dec_proj = None def _get_encoder_module(self): return self.encoder def _get_projection_module(self): return self.enc_to_dec_proj def _get_decoder_module(self): return self.decoder def __call__( self, pixel_values, decoder_input_ids, decoder_attention_mask, decoder_position_ids, output_attentions: bool = False, output_hidden_states: bool = False, return_dict: bool = True, deterministic: bool = True, ): encoder_outputs = self.encoder( pixel_values=pixel_values, output_attentions=output_attentions, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=return_dict, deterministic=deterministic, ) encoder_hidden_states = encoder_outputs[0] # optionally project encoder_hidden_states if self.enc_to_dec_proj is not None: encoder_hidden_states = self.enc_to_dec_proj(encoder_hidden_states) # The advantage of explicitly setting this is TPU XLA compiler knows as soon as possible what shape this # variable has and can better optimize. Also passing `None` can lead to some problems when jitting the model. # In Flax/JAX, we only want to pass `None` for non-tensor function inputs. For all tensor function inputs, we # should always pass a tensor and not `None`. batch_size, sequence_length = encoder_hidden_states.shape[:2] encoder_attention_mask = jnp.ones((batch_size, sequence_length)) decoder_outputs = self.decoder( input_ids=decoder_input_ids, attention_mask=decoder_attention_mask, position_ids=decoder_position_ids, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask=encoder_attention_mask, output_attentions=output_attentions, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=return_dict, deterministic=deterministic, ) if not return_dict: return decoder_outputs + encoder_outputs return FlaxSeq2SeqLMOutput( logits=decoder_outputs.logits, decoder_hidden_states=decoder_outputs.hidden_states, decoder_attentions=decoder_outputs.attentions, cross_attentions=decoder_outputs.cross_attentions, encoder_last_hidden_state=encoder_outputs.last_hidden_state, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_outputs.hidden_states, encoder_attentions=encoder_outputs.attentions, ) @add_start_docstrings(VISION_ENCODER_DECODER_START_DOCSTRING) class FlaxVisionEncoderDecoderModel(FlaxPreTrainedModel): r""" [`FlaxVisionEncoderDecoderModel`] is a generic model class that will be instantiated as a transformer architecture with the module (flax.nn.Module) of one of the base vision model classes of the library as encoder module and another one as decoder module when created with the :meth*~transformers.FlaxAutoModel.from_pretrained* class method for the encoder and :meth*~transformers.FlaxAutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained* class method for the decoder. """ config_class = VisionEncoderDecoderConfig base_model_prefix = "vision_encoder_decoder" main_input_name = "pixel_values" module_class = FlaxVisionEncoderDecoderModule def __init__( self, config: VisionEncoderDecoderConfig, input_shape: Optional[Tuple] = None, seed: int = 0, dtype: jnp.dtype = jnp.float32, _do_init: bool = True, **kwargs, ): if not _do_init: raise ValueError( "`FlaxVisionEncoderDecoderModel` cannot be created without initializing, `_do_init` must be `True`." ) if input_shape is None: num_channels = getattr(config.encoder, "num_channels", 3) input_shape = ( (1, config.encoder.image_size, config.encoder.image_size, num_channels), (1, 1), ) if config.decoder.cross_attention_hidden_size is not None: if config.decoder.cross_attention_hidden_size != config.encoder.hidden_size: raise ValueError( "If `cross_attention_hidden_size` is specified in the decoder's configuration, it has to be equal" f" to the encoder's `hidden_size`. Got {config.decoder.cross_attention_hidden_size} for" f" `config.decoder.cross_attention_hidden_size` and {config.encoder.hidden_size} for" " `config.encoder.hidden_size`." ) module = self.module_class(config=config, dtype=dtype, **kwargs) super().__init__(config, module, input_shape=input_shape, seed=seed, dtype=dtype, _do_init=_do_init) def init_weights(self, rng: jax.random.PRNGKey, input_shape: Tuple, params: FrozenDict = None) -> FrozenDict: encoder_input_shape, decoder_input_shape = input_shape # init input tensors pixel_values = jnp.zeros(encoder_input_shape, dtype=self.dtype) decoder_input_ids = jnp.zeros(decoder_input_shape, dtype="i4") decoder_attention_mask = jnp.ones_like(decoder_input_ids) batch_size, _, _, _ = pixel_values.shape decoder_batch_size, decoder_sequence_length = decoder_input_ids.shape if not decoder_batch_size == batch_size: raise ValueError( f"The inputs of encoder and decoder should have the same batch size, but got {batch_size} for encoder " f"and {decoder_batch_size} for decoder." ) decoder_position_ids = jnp.broadcast_to( jnp.arange(decoder_sequence_length)[None, :], (decoder_batch_size, decoder_sequence_length) ) params_rng, dropout_rng = jax.random.split(rng) rngs = {"params": params_rng, "dropout": dropout_rng} random_params = self.module.init( rngs, pixel_values, decoder_input_ids, decoder_attention_mask, decoder_position_ids, )["params"] if params is not None: random_params = flatten_dict(unfreeze(random_params)) params = flatten_dict(unfreeze(params)) for missing_key in self._missing_keys: params[missing_key] = random_params[missing_key] self._missing_keys = set() return freeze(unflatten_dict(params)) else: return random_params def init_cache(self, batch_size, max_length, encoder_outputs): r""" Args: batch_size (`int`): batch_size used for fast auto-regressive decoding. Defines the batch size of the initialized cache. max_length (`int`): maximum possible length for auto-regressive decoding. Defines the sequence length of the initialized cache. encoder_outputs (`Union[FlaxBaseModelOutput, tuple(tuple(jnp.ndarray)]`): `encoder_outputs` consists of (`last_hidden_state`, *optional*: `hidden_states`, *optional*: `attentions`). `last_hidden_state` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length, hidden_size)`, *optional*) is a sequence of hidden-states at the output of the last layer of the encoder. Used in the cross-attention of the decoder. """ # init input variables to retrieve cache decoder_input_ids = jnp.ones((batch_size, max_length), dtype="i4") decoder_attention_mask = jnp.ones_like(decoder_input_ids) decoder_position_ids = jnp.broadcast_to( jnp.arange(jnp.atleast_2d(decoder_input_ids).shape[-1]), decoder_input_ids.shape ) def _decoder_forward(module, decoder_input_ids, decoder_attention_mask, decoder_position_ids, **kwargs): decoder_module = module._get_decoder_module() return decoder_module( input_ids=decoder_input_ids, attention_mask=decoder_attention_mask, position_ids=decoder_position_ids, **kwargs, ) init_variables = self.module.init( jax.random.PRNGKey(0), decoder_input_ids=decoder_input_ids, decoder_attention_mask=decoder_attention_mask, decoder_position_ids=decoder_position_ids, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_outputs[0], init_cache=True, method=_decoder_forward, # we only need to call the decoder to init the cache ) return unfreeze(init_variables["cache"]) @add_start_docstrings(VISION_ENCODER_DECODER_ENCODE_INPUTS_DOCSTRING) @replace_return_docstrings(output_type=FlaxBaseModelOutput, config_class=_CONFIG_FOR_DOC) def encode( self, pixel_values: jnp.ndarray, output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, train: bool = False, params: dict = None, dropout_rng: PRNGKey = None, ): r""" Returns: Example: ```python >>> from transformers import AutoImageProcessor, FlaxVisionEncoderDecoderModel >>> from PIL import Image >>> import requests >>> url = "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2017/000000039769.jpg" >>> image = Image.open(requests.get(url, stream=True).raw) >>> image_processor = AutoImageProcessor.from_pretrained("google/vit-base-patch16-224-in21k") >>> # initialize a vit-gpt2 from pretrained ViT and GPT2 models. Note that the cross-attention layers will be randomly initialized >>> model = FlaxVisionEncoderDecoderModel.from_encoder_decoder_pretrained( ... "google/vit-base-patch16-224-in21k", "gpt2" ... ) >>> pixel_values = image_processor(images=image, return_tensors="np").pixel_values >>> encoder_outputs = model.encode(pixel_values) ```""" output_attentions = output_attentions if output_attentions is not None else self.config.output_attentions output_hidden_states = ( output_hidden_states if output_hidden_states is not None else self.config.output_hidden_states ) return_dict = return_dict if return_dict is not None else self.config.return_dict # `FlaxViTModel` expects channel first format, but `FlaxViTModule` expects channel last format. # Currently, we assume this holds for all Flax vision models, and perform a transpose here. pixel_values = jnp.transpose(pixel_values, (0, 2, 3, 1)) # Handle any PRNG if needed rngs = {} if dropout_rng is not None: rngs["dropout"] = dropout_rng def _encoder_forward(module, pixel_values, **kwargs): encode_module = module._get_encoder_module() return encode_module(pixel_values, **kwargs) outputs = self.module.apply( {"params": params or self.params}, pixel_values=jnp.array(pixel_values, dtype=self.dtype), output_attentions=output_attentions, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=return_dict, deterministic=not train, rngs=rngs, method=_encoder_forward, ) if return_dict: outputs = FlaxBaseModelOutput( last_hidden_state=outputs.last_hidden_state, hidden_states=outputs.hidden_states, attentions=outputs.attentions, ) return outputs @add_start_docstrings(VISION_ENCODER_DECODER_DECODE_INPUTS_DOCSTRING) @replace_return_docstrings(output_type=FlaxCausalLMOutputWithCrossAttentions, config_class=_CONFIG_FOR_DOC) def decode( self, decoder_input_ids, encoder_outputs, decoder_attention_mask: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None, decoder_position_ids: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None, past_key_values: dict = None, output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, train: bool = False, params: dict = None, dropout_rng: PRNGKey = None, ): r""" Returns: Example: ```python >>> from transformers import AutoImageProcessor, FlaxVisionEncoderDecoderModel >>> import jax.numpy as jnp >>> from PIL import Image >>> import requests >>> url = "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2017/000000039769.jpg" >>> image = Image.open(requests.get(url, stream=True).raw) >>> image_processor = AutoImageProcessor.from_pretrained("google/vit-base-patch16-224-in21k") >>> # initialize a vit-gpt2 from pretrained ViT and GPT2 models. Note that the cross-attention layers will be randomly initialized >>> model = FlaxVisionEncoderDecoderModel.from_encoder_decoder_pretrained( ... "google/vit-base-patch16-224-in21k", "gpt2" ... ) >>> pixel_values = image_processor(images=image, return_tensors="np").pixel_values >>> encoder_outputs = model.encode(pixel_values) >>> decoder_start_token_id = model.config.decoder.bos_token_id >>> decoder_input_ids = jnp.ones((pixel_values.shape[0], 1), dtype="i4") * decoder_start_token_id >>> outputs = model.decode(decoder_input_ids, encoder_outputs) >>> logits = outputs.logits ```""" output_attentions = output_attentions if output_attentions is not None else self.config.output_attentions output_hidden_states = ( output_hidden_states if output_hidden_states is not None else self.config.output_hidden_states ) return_dict = return_dict if return_dict is not None else self.config.return_dict encoder_hidden_states = encoder_outputs[0] batch_size, sequence_length = encoder_hidden_states.shape[:2] encoder_attention_mask = jnp.ones((batch_size, sequence_length)) batch_size, sequence_length = decoder_input_ids.shape if decoder_attention_mask is None: decoder_attention_mask = jnp.ones((batch_size, sequence_length)) if decoder_position_ids is None: if past_key_values is not None: raise ValueError("Make sure to provide `decoder_position_ids` when passing `past_key_values`.") decoder_position_ids = jnp.broadcast_to( jnp.arange(sequence_length)[None, :], (batch_size, sequence_length) ) # Handle any PRNG if needed rngs = {} if dropout_rng is not None: rngs["dropout"] = dropout_rng inputs = {"params": params or self.params} # if past_key_values are passed then cache is already initialized a private flag init_cache has to be # passed down to ensure cache is used. It has to be made sure that cache is marked as mutable so that # it can be changed by FlaxBartAttention module if past_key_values: inputs["cache"] = past_key_values mutable = ["cache"] else: mutable = False def _decoder_forward( module, decoder_input_ids, decoder_attention_mask, decoder_position_ids, encoder_hidden_states, **kwargs ): projection_module = module._get_projection_module() decoder_module = module._get_decoder_module() # optionally project encoder_hidden_states if projection_module is not None: encoder_hidden_states = projection_module(encoder_hidden_states) return decoder_module( decoder_input_ids, decoder_attention_mask, decoder_position_ids, encoder_hidden_states, **kwargs, ) outputs = self.module.apply( inputs, decoder_input_ids=jnp.array(decoder_input_ids, dtype="i4"), decoder_attention_mask=jnp.array(decoder_attention_mask, dtype="i4"), decoder_position_ids=jnp.array(decoder_position_ids, dtype="i4"), encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask=jnp.array(encoder_attention_mask, dtype="i4"), output_attentions=output_attentions, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=return_dict, deterministic=not train, rngs=rngs, mutable=mutable, method=_decoder_forward, ) # add updated cache to model output if past_key_values is not None and return_dict: outputs, past = outputs outputs["past_key_values"] = unfreeze(past["cache"]) return outputs elif past_key_values is not None and not return_dict: outputs, past = outputs outputs = outputs[:1] + (unfreeze(past["cache"]),) + outputs[1:] return outputs @add_start_docstrings_to_model_forward(VISION_ENCODER_DECODER_INPUTS_DOCSTRING) @replace_return_docstrings(output_type=FlaxSeq2SeqLMOutput, config_class=_CONFIG_FOR_DOC) def __call__( self, pixel_values: jnp.ndarray, decoder_input_ids: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None, decoder_attention_mask: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None, decoder_position_ids: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None, output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, train: bool = False, params: dict = None, dropout_rng: PRNGKey = None, ): r""" Returns: Examples: ```python >>> from transformers import FlaxVisionEncoderDecoderModel, AutoImageProcessor, AutoTokenizer >>> from PIL import Image >>> import requests >>> url = "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2017/000000039769.jpg" >>> image = Image.open(requests.get(url, stream=True).raw) >>> image_processor = AutoImageProcessor.from_pretrained("google/vit-base-patch16-224-in21k") >>> # load output tokenizer >>> tokenizer_output = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("gpt2") >>> # initialize a vit-gpt2 from pretrained ViT and GPT2 models. Note that the cross-attention layers will be randomly initialized >>> model = FlaxVisionEncoderDecoderModel.from_encoder_decoder_pretrained( ... "google/vit-base-patch16-224-in21k", "gpt2" ... ) >>> pixel_values = image_processor(images=image, return_tensors="np").pixel_values >>> # use GPT2's eos_token as the pad as well as eos token >>> model.config.eos_token_id = model.config.decoder.eos_token_id >>> model.config.pad_token_id = model.config.eos_token_id >>> # generation >>> sequences = model.generate(pixel_values, num_beams=4, max_length=12).sequences >>> captions = tokenizer_output.batch_decode(sequences, skip_special_tokens=True) ```""" output_attentions = output_attentions if output_attentions is not None else self.config.output_attentions output_hidden_states = ( output_hidden_states if output_hidden_states is not None else self.config.output_hidden_states ) return_dict = return_dict if return_dict is not None else self.config.return_dict # prepare encoder inputs # `FlaxViTModel` expects channel first format, but `FlaxViTModule` expects channel last format. # Currently, we assume this holds for all Flax vision models, and perform a transpose here. pixel_values = jnp.transpose(pixel_values, (0, 2, 3, 1)) # prepare decoder inputs if decoder_input_ids is None: raise ValueError("`decoder_input_ids` can't be `None`.") if decoder_attention_mask is None: decoder_attention_mask = jnp.ones_like(decoder_input_ids) if decoder_position_ids is None: batch_size, sequence_length = decoder_input_ids.shape decoder_position_ids = jnp.broadcast_to( jnp.arange(sequence_length)[None, :], (batch_size, sequence_length) ) # Handle any PRNG if needed rngs = {"dropout": dropout_rng} if dropout_rng is not None else {} return self.module.apply( {"params": params or self.params}, pixel_values=jnp.array(pixel_values, dtype=self.dtype), decoder_input_ids=jnp.array(decoder_input_ids, dtype="i4"), decoder_attention_mask=jnp.array(decoder_attention_mask, dtype="i4"), decoder_position_ids=jnp.array(decoder_position_ids, dtype="i4"), output_attentions=output_attentions, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=return_dict, deterministic=not train, rngs=rngs, ) def prepare_inputs_for_generation( self, decoder_input_ids, max_length, decoder_attention_mask: Optional[jax.Array] = None, encoder_outputs=None, **kwargs, ): # initializing the cache batch_size, seq_length = decoder_input_ids.shape past_key_values = self.init_cache(batch_size, max_length, encoder_outputs) # Note that usually one would have to put 0's in the attention_mask for x > input_ids.shape[-1] and x < cache_length. # But since the decoder uses a causal mask, those positions are masked anyways. # Thus we can create a single static attention_mask here, which is more efficient for compilation extended_attention_mask = jnp.ones((batch_size, max_length), dtype="i4") if decoder_attention_mask is not None: decoder_position_ids = decoder_attention_mask.cumsum(axis=-1) - 1 extended_attention_mask = lax.dynamic_update_slice(extended_attention_mask, decoder_attention_mask, (0, 0)) else: decoder_position_ids = jnp.broadcast_to( jnp.arange(seq_length, dtype="i4")[None, :], (batch_size, seq_length) ) return { "past_key_values": past_key_values, "encoder_outputs": encoder_outputs, "decoder_attention_mask": extended_attention_mask, "decoder_position_ids": decoder_position_ids, } def update_inputs_for_generation(self, model_outputs, model_kwargs): model_kwargs["past_key_values"] = model_outputs.past_key_values model_kwargs["decoder_position_ids"] = model_kwargs["decoder_position_ids"][:, -1:] + 1 return model_kwargs @classmethod def from_encoder_decoder_pretrained( cls, encoder_pretrained_model_name_or_path: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]] = None, decoder_pretrained_model_name_or_path: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]] = None, *model_args, **kwargs, ) -> FlaxPreTrainedModel: r""" Instantiate an encoder and a decoder from one or two base classes of the library from pretrained model checkpoints. Params: encoder_pretrained_model_name_or_path (`Union[str, os.PathLike]`, *optional*): Information necessary to initiate the encoder. Can be either: - A string, the *model id* of a pretrained model hosted inside a model repo on huggingface.co. An example is `google/vit-base-patch16-224-in21k`. - A path to a *directory* containing model weights saved using [`~FlaxPreTrainedModel.save_pretrained`], e.g., `./my_model_directory/`. decoder_pretrained_model_name_or_path (`Union[str, os.PathLike]`, *optional*, defaults to `None`): Information necessary to initiate the decoder. Can be either: - A string, the *model id* of a pretrained model hosted inside a model repo on huggingface.co. Valid model ids can be located at the root-level, like `bert-base-uncased`, or namespaced under a user or organization name, like `dbmdz/bert-base-german-cased`. - A path to a *directory* containing model weights saved using [`~FlaxPreTrainedModel.save_pretrained`], e.g., `./my_model_directory/`. model_args (remaining positional arguments, *optional*): All remaning positional arguments will be passed to the underlying model's `__init__` method. kwargs (remaining dictionary of keyword arguments, *optional*): Can be used to update the configuration object (after it being loaded) and initiate the model (e.g., `output_attentions=True`). - To update the encoder configuration, use the prefix *encoder_* for each configuration parameter. - To update the decoder configuration, use the prefix *decoder_* for each configuration parameter. - To update the parent model configuration, do not use a prefix for each configuration parameter. Behaves differently depending on whether a `config` is provided or automatically loaded. Example: ```python >>> from transformers import FlaxVisionEncoderDecoderModel >>> # initialize a vit-gpt2 from a pretrained ViT and a pretrained GPT2 model. Note that the cross-attention layers will be randomly initialized >>> model = FlaxVisionEncoderDecoderModel.from_encoder_decoder_pretrained( ... "google/vit-base-patch16-224-in21k", "gpt2" ... ) >>> # saving model after fine-tuning >>> model.save_pretrained("./vit-gpt2") >>> # load fine-tuned model >>> model = FlaxVisionEncoderDecoderModel.from_pretrained("./vit-gpt2") ```""" kwargs_encoder = { argument[len("encoder_") :]: value for argument, value in kwargs.items() if argument.startswith("encoder_") } kwargs_decoder = { argument[len("decoder_") :]: value for argument, value in kwargs.items() if argument.startswith("decoder_") } # remove encoder, decoder kwargs from kwargs for key in kwargs_encoder.keys(): del kwargs["encoder_" + key] for key in kwargs_decoder.keys(): del kwargs["decoder_" + key] # Load and initialize the encoder and decoder # The distinction between encoder and decoder at the model level is made # by the value of the flag `is_decoder` that we need to set correctly. encoder = kwargs_encoder.pop("model", None) if encoder is None: if encoder_pretrained_model_name_or_path is None: raise ValueError( "If `encoder_model` is not defined as an argument, a `encoder_pretrained_model_name_or_path` has " "to be defined." ) if "config" not in kwargs_encoder: encoder_config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(encoder_pretrained_model_name_or_path) if encoder_config.is_decoder is True or encoder_config.add_cross_attention is True: logger.info( f"Initializing {encoder_pretrained_model_name_or_path} as a encoder model " "from a decoder model. Cross-attention and casual mask are disabled." ) encoder_config.is_decoder = False encoder_config.add_cross_attention = False kwargs_encoder["config"] = encoder_config encoder = FlaxAutoModel.from_pretrained( encoder_pretrained_model_name_or_path, *model_args, **kwargs_encoder ) decoder = kwargs_decoder.pop("model", None) if decoder is None: if decoder_pretrained_model_name_or_path is None: raise ValueError( "If `decoder_model` is not defined as an argument, a `decoder_pretrained_model_name_or_path` has " "to be defined." ) if "config" not in kwargs_decoder: decoder_config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(decoder_pretrained_model_name_or_path) if decoder_config.is_decoder is False or decoder_config.add_cross_attention is False: logger.info( f"Initializing {decoder_pretrained_model_name_or_path} as a decoder model. Cross attention" f" layers are added to {decoder_pretrained_model_name_or_path} and randomly initialized if" f" {decoder_pretrained_model_name_or_path}'s architecture allows for cross attention layers." ) decoder_config.is_decoder = True decoder_config.add_cross_attention = True kwargs_decoder["config"] = decoder_config if kwargs_decoder["config"].is_decoder is False or kwargs_decoder["config"].add_cross_attention is False: logger.warning( f"Decoder model {decoder_pretrained_model_name_or_path} is not initialized as a decoder. " f"In order to initialize {decoder_pretrained_model_name_or_path} as a decoder, " "make sure that the attributes `is_decoder` and `add_cross_attention` of `decoder_config` " "passed to `.from_encoder_decoder_pretrained(...)` are set to `True` or do not pass a " "`decoder_config` to `.from_encoder_decoder_pretrained(...)`" ) decoder = FlaxAutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(decoder_pretrained_model_name_or_path, **kwargs_decoder) # instantiate config with corresponding kwargs dtype = kwargs.pop("dtype", jnp.float32) config = VisionEncoderDecoderConfig.from_encoder_decoder_configs(encoder.config, decoder.config, **kwargs) # init model model = cls(config, dtype=dtype) model.params["encoder"] = encoder.params model.params["decoder"] = decoder.params return model
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/models/vision_encoder_decoder/modeling_flax_vision_encoder_decoder.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 17497 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2021 The HuggingFace Inc. team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Convert ViT and non-distilled DeiT checkpoints from the timm library.""" import argparse from pathlib import Path import requests import timm import torch from PIL import Image from timm.data import ImageNetInfo, infer_imagenet_subset from transformers import DeiTImageProcessor, ViTConfig, ViTForImageClassification, ViTImageProcessor, ViTModel from transformers.utils import logging logging.set_verbosity_info() logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) # here we list all keys to be renamed (original name on the left, our name on the right) def create_rename_keys(config, base_model=False): rename_keys = [] for i in range(config.num_hidden_layers): # encoder layers: output projection, 2 feedforward neural networks and 2 layernorms rename_keys.append((f"blocks.{i}.norm1.weight", f"vit.encoder.layer.{i}.layernorm_before.weight")) rename_keys.append((f"blocks.{i}.norm1.bias", f"vit.encoder.layer.{i}.layernorm_before.bias")) rename_keys.append((f"blocks.{i}.attn.proj.weight", f"vit.encoder.layer.{i}.attention.output.dense.weight")) rename_keys.append((f"blocks.{i}.attn.proj.bias", f"vit.encoder.layer.{i}.attention.output.dense.bias")) rename_keys.append((f"blocks.{i}.norm2.weight", f"vit.encoder.layer.{i}.layernorm_after.weight")) rename_keys.append((f"blocks.{i}.norm2.bias", f"vit.encoder.layer.{i}.layernorm_after.bias")) rename_keys.append((f"blocks.{i}.mlp.fc1.weight", f"vit.encoder.layer.{i}.intermediate.dense.weight")) rename_keys.append((f"blocks.{i}.mlp.fc1.bias", f"vit.encoder.layer.{i}.intermediate.dense.bias")) rename_keys.append((f"blocks.{i}.mlp.fc2.weight", f"vit.encoder.layer.{i}.output.dense.weight")) rename_keys.append((f"blocks.{i}.mlp.fc2.bias", f"vit.encoder.layer.{i}.output.dense.bias")) # projection layer + position embeddings rename_keys.extend( [ ("cls_token", "vit.embeddings.cls_token"), ("patch_embed.proj.weight", "vit.embeddings.patch_embeddings.projection.weight"), ("patch_embed.proj.bias", "vit.embeddings.patch_embeddings.projection.bias"), ("pos_embed", "vit.embeddings.position_embeddings"), ] ) if base_model: # layernorm rename_keys.extend( [ ("norm.weight", "layernorm.weight"), ("norm.bias", "layernorm.bias"), ] ) # if just the base model, we should remove "vit" from all keys that start with "vit" rename_keys = [(pair[0], pair[1][4:]) if pair[1].startswith("vit") else pair for pair in rename_keys] else: # layernorm + classification head rename_keys.extend( [ ("norm.weight", "vit.layernorm.weight"), ("norm.bias", "vit.layernorm.bias"), ("head.weight", "classifier.weight"), ("head.bias", "classifier.bias"), ] ) return rename_keys # we split up the matrix of each encoder layer into queries, keys and values def read_in_q_k_v(state_dict, config, base_model=False): for i in range(config.num_hidden_layers): if base_model: prefix = "" else: prefix = "vit." # read in weights + bias of input projection layer (in timm, this is a single matrix + bias) in_proj_weight = state_dict.pop(f"blocks.{i}.attn.qkv.weight") in_proj_bias = state_dict.pop(f"blocks.{i}.attn.qkv.bias") # next, add query, keys and values (in that order) to the state dict state_dict[f"{prefix}encoder.layer.{i}.attention.attention.query.weight"] = in_proj_weight[ : config.hidden_size, : ] state_dict[f"{prefix}encoder.layer.{i}.attention.attention.query.bias"] = in_proj_bias[: config.hidden_size] state_dict[f"{prefix}encoder.layer.{i}.attention.attention.key.weight"] = in_proj_weight[ config.hidden_size : config.hidden_size * 2, : ] state_dict[f"{prefix}encoder.layer.{i}.attention.attention.key.bias"] = in_proj_bias[ config.hidden_size : config.hidden_size * 2 ] state_dict[f"{prefix}encoder.layer.{i}.attention.attention.value.weight"] = in_proj_weight[ -config.hidden_size :, : ] state_dict[f"{prefix}encoder.layer.{i}.attention.attention.value.bias"] = in_proj_bias[-config.hidden_size :] def remove_classification_head_(state_dict): ignore_keys = ["head.weight", "head.bias"] for k in ignore_keys: state_dict.pop(k, None) def rename_key(dct, old, new): val = dct.pop(old) dct[new] = val # We will verify our results on an image of cute cats def prepare_img(): url = "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2017/000000039769.jpg" im = Image.open(requests.get(url, stream=True).raw) return im @torch.no_grad() def convert_vit_checkpoint(vit_name, pytorch_dump_folder_path): """ Copy/paste/tweak model's weights to our ViT structure. """ # define default ViT configuration config = ViTConfig() base_model = False # load original model from timm timm_model = timm.create_model(vit_name, pretrained=True) timm_model.eval() # detect unsupported ViT models in transformers # fc_norm is present if not isinstance(getattr(timm_model, "fc_norm", None), torch.nn.Identity): raise ValueError(f"{vit_name} is not supported in transformers because of the presence of fc_norm.") # use of global average pooling in combination (or without) class token if getattr(timm_model, "global_pool", None) == "avg": raise ValueError(f"{vit_name} is not supported in transformers because of use of global average pooling.") # CLIP style vit with norm_pre layer present if "clip" in vit_name and not isinstance(getattr(timm_model, "norm_pre", None), torch.nn.Identity): raise ValueError( f"{vit_name} is not supported in transformers because it's a CLIP style ViT with norm_pre layer." ) # SigLIP style vit with attn_pool layer present if "siglip" in vit_name and getattr(timm_model, "global_pool", None) == "map": raise ValueError( f"{vit_name} is not supported in transformers because it's a SigLIP style ViT with attn_pool." ) # use of layer scale in ViT model blocks if not isinstance(getattr(timm_model.blocks[0], "ls1", None), torch.nn.Identity) or not isinstance( getattr(timm_model.blocks[0], "ls2", None), torch.nn.Identity ): raise ValueError(f"{vit_name} is not supported in transformers because it uses a layer scale in its blocks.") # Hybrid ResNet-ViTs if not isinstance(timm_model.patch_embed, timm.layers.PatchEmbed): raise ValueError(f"{vit_name} is not supported in transformers because it is a hybrid ResNet-ViT.") # get patch size and image size from the patch embedding submodule config.patch_size = timm_model.patch_embed.patch_size[0] config.image_size = timm_model.patch_embed.img_size[0] # retrieve architecture-specific parameters from the timm model config.hidden_size = timm_model.embed_dim config.intermediate_size = timm_model.blocks[0].mlp.fc1.out_features config.num_hidden_layers = len(timm_model.blocks) config.num_attention_heads = timm_model.blocks[0].attn.num_heads # check whether the model has a classification head or not if timm_model.num_classes != 0: config.num_labels = timm_model.num_classes # infer ImageNet subset from timm model imagenet_subset = infer_imagenet_subset(timm_model) dataset_info = ImageNetInfo(imagenet_subset) config.id2label = {i: dataset_info.index_to_label_name(i) for i in range(dataset_info.num_classes())} config.label2id = {v: k for k, v in config.id2label.items()} else: print(f"{vit_name} is going to be converted as a feature extractor only.") base_model = True # load state_dict of original model state_dict = timm_model.state_dict() # remove and rename some keys in the state dict if base_model: remove_classification_head_(state_dict) rename_keys = create_rename_keys(config, base_model) for src, dest in rename_keys: rename_key(state_dict, src, dest) read_in_q_k_v(state_dict, config, base_model) # load HuggingFace model if base_model: model = ViTModel(config, add_pooling_layer=False).eval() else: model = ViTForImageClassification(config).eval() model.load_state_dict(state_dict) # Check outputs on an image, prepared by ViTImageProcessor/DeiTImageProcessor if "deit" in vit_name: image_processor = DeiTImageProcessor(size=config.image_size) else: image_processor = ViTImageProcessor(size=config.image_size) encoding = image_processor(images=prepare_img(), return_tensors="pt") pixel_values = encoding["pixel_values"] outputs = model(pixel_values) if base_model: timm_pooled_output = timm_model.forward_features(pixel_values) assert timm_pooled_output.shape == outputs.last_hidden_state.shape assert torch.allclose(timm_pooled_output, outputs.last_hidden_state, atol=1e-1) else: timm_logits = timm_model(pixel_values) assert timm_logits.shape == outputs.logits.shape assert torch.allclose(timm_logits, outputs.logits, atol=1e-3) Path(pytorch_dump_folder_path).mkdir(exist_ok=True) print(f"Saving model {vit_name} to {pytorch_dump_folder_path}") model.save_pretrained(pytorch_dump_folder_path) print(f"Saving image processor to {pytorch_dump_folder_path}") image_processor.save_pretrained(pytorch_dump_folder_path) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Required parameters parser.add_argument( "--vit_name", default="vit_base_patch16_224", type=str, help="Name of the ViT timm model you'd like to convert.", ) parser.add_argument( "--pytorch_dump_folder_path", default=None, type=str, help="Path to the output PyTorch model directory." ) args = parser.parse_args() convert_vit_checkpoint(args.vit_name, args.pytorch_dump_folder_path)
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/models/vit/convert_vit_timm_to_pytorch.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 4416 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2023 The Kakao Enterprise Authors, the MMS-TTS Authors and the HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Tokenization class for VITS.""" import json import os import re from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union from ...tokenization_utils import PreTrainedTokenizer from ...utils import is_phonemizer_available, logging if is_phonemizer_available(): import phonemizer logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) VOCAB_FILES_NAMES = {"vocab_file": "vocab.json"} PRETRAINED_VOCAB_FILES_MAP = { "vocab_file": { "facebook/mms-tts-eng": "https://huggingface.co/facebook/mms-tts-eng/resolve/main/vocab.json", } } PRETRAINED_POSITIONAL_EMBEDDINGS_SIZES = { # This model does not have a maximum input length. "facebook/mms-tts-eng": 4096, } def has_non_roman_characters(input_string): # Find any character outside the ASCII range non_roman_pattern = re.compile(r"[^\x00-\x7F]") # Search the input string for non-Roman characters match = non_roman_pattern.search(input_string) has_non_roman = match is not None return has_non_roman class VitsTokenizer(PreTrainedTokenizer): """ Construct a VITS tokenizer. Also supports MMS-TTS. This tokenizer inherits from [`PreTrainedTokenizer`] which contains most of the main methods. Users should refer to this superclass for more information regarding those methods. Args: vocab_file (`str`): Path to the vocabulary file. language (`str`, *optional*): Language identifier. add_blank (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`): Whether to insert token id 0 in between the other tokens. normalize (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`): Whether to normalize the input text by removing all casing and punctuation. phonemize (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`): Whether to convert the input text into phonemes. is_uroman (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether the `uroman` Romanizer needs to be applied to the input text prior to tokenizing. """ vocab_files_names = VOCAB_FILES_NAMES pretrained_vocab_files_map = PRETRAINED_VOCAB_FILES_MAP max_model_input_sizes = PRETRAINED_POSITIONAL_EMBEDDINGS_SIZES model_input_names = ["input_ids", "attention_mask"] def __init__( self, vocab_file, pad_token="<pad>", unk_token="<unk>", language=None, add_blank=True, normalize=True, phonemize=True, is_uroman=False, **kwargs, ) -> None: with open(vocab_file, encoding="utf-8") as vocab_handle: self.encoder = json.load(vocab_handle) self.decoder = {v: k for k, v in self.encoder.items()} self.language = language self.add_blank = add_blank self.normalize = normalize self.phonemize = phonemize self.is_uroman = is_uroman super().__init__( pad_token=pad_token, unk_token=unk_token, language=language, add_blank=add_blank, normalize=normalize, phonemize=phonemize, is_uroman=is_uroman, **kwargs, ) @property def vocab_size(self): return len(self.encoder) def get_vocab(self): vocab = {self.convert_ids_to_tokens(i): i for i in range(self.vocab_size)} vocab.update(self.added_tokens_encoder) return vocab def normalize_text(self, input_string): """Lowercase the input string, respecting any special token ids that may be part or entirely upper-cased.""" all_vocabulary = list(self.encoder.keys()) + list(self.added_tokens_encoder.keys()) filtered_text = "" i = 0 while i < len(input_string): found_match = False for word in all_vocabulary: if input_string[i : i + len(word)] == word: filtered_text += word i += len(word) found_match = True break if not found_match: filtered_text += input_string[i].lower() i += 1 return filtered_text def _preprocess_char(self, text): """Special treatment of characters in certain languages""" if self.language == "ron": text = text.replace("ț", "ţ") return text def prepare_for_tokenization( self, text: str, is_split_into_words: bool = False, normalize: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs ) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]: """ Performs any necessary transformations before tokenization. This method should pop the arguments from kwargs and return the remaining `kwargs` as well. We test the `kwargs` at the end of the encoding process to be sure all the arguments have been used. Args: text (`str`): The text to prepare. is_split_into_words (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether or not the input is already pre-tokenized (e.g., split into words). If set to `True`, the tokenizer assumes the input is already split into words (for instance, by splitting it on whitespace) which it will tokenize. normalize (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `None`): Whether or not to apply punctuation and casing normalization to the text inputs. Typically, VITS is trained on lower-cased and un-punctuated text. Hence, normalization is used to ensure that the input text consists only of lower-case characters. kwargs (`Dict[str, Any]`, *optional*): Keyword arguments to use for the tokenization. Returns: `Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]`: The prepared text and the unused kwargs. """ normalize = normalize if normalize is not None else self.normalize if normalize: # normalise for casing text = self.normalize_text(text) filtered_text = self._preprocess_char(text) if has_non_roman_characters(filtered_text) and self.is_uroman: logger.warning( "Text to the tokenizer contains non-Roman characters. Ensure the `uroman` Romanizer is " "applied to the text prior to passing it to the tokenizer. See " "`https://github.com/isi-nlp/uroman` for details." ) if self.phonemize: if not is_phonemizer_available(): raise ImportError("Please install the `phonemizer` Python package to use this tokenizer.") filtered_text = phonemizer.phonemize( filtered_text, language="en-us", backend="espeak", strip=True, preserve_punctuation=True, with_stress=True, ) filtered_text = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", filtered_text) elif normalize: # strip any chars outside of the vocab (punctuation) filtered_text = "".join(list(filter(lambda char: char in self.encoder, filtered_text))).strip() return filtered_text, kwargs def _tokenize(self, text: str) -> List[str]: """Tokenize a string by inserting the `<pad>` token at the boundary between adjacent characters.""" tokens = list(text) if self.add_blank: interspersed = [self._convert_id_to_token(0)] * (len(tokens) * 2 + 1) interspersed[1::2] = tokens tokens = interspersed return tokens def convert_tokens_to_string(self, tokens: List[str]) -> str: if self.add_blank and len(tokens) > 1: tokens = tokens[1::2] return "".join(tokens) def _convert_token_to_id(self, token): """Converts a token (str) in an id using the vocab.""" return self.encoder.get(token, self.encoder.get(self.unk_token)) def _convert_id_to_token(self, index): """Converts an index (integer) in a token (str) using the vocab.""" return self.decoder.get(index) def save_vocabulary(self, save_directory: str, filename_prefix: Optional[str] = None) -> Union[Tuple[str], None]: if not os.path.isdir(save_directory): logger.error(f"Vocabulary path ({save_directory}) should be a directory") return vocab_file = os.path.join( save_directory, (filename_prefix + "-" if filename_prefix else "") + VOCAB_FILES_NAMES["vocab_file"] ) with open(vocab_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(json.dumps(self.encoder, indent=2, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n") return (vocab_file,)
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/models/vits/tokenization_vits.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 3981 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2022 The HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import argparse import gdown import numpy as np import torch from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download from transformers import ( CLIPTokenizer, CLIPTokenizerFast, VideoMAEImageProcessor, XCLIPConfig, XCLIPModel, XCLIPProcessor, XCLIPTextConfig, XCLIPVisionConfig, ) def get_xclip_config(model_name, num_frames): text_config = XCLIPTextConfig() # derive patch size from model name start_idx = model_name.find("patch") patch_size = int(model_name[start_idx + len("patch") : start_idx + len("patch") + 2]) vision_config = XCLIPVisionConfig(patch_size=patch_size, num_frames=num_frames) if "large" in model_name: text_config.hidden_size = 768 text_config.intermediate_size = 3072 text_config.num_attention_heads = 12 vision_config.hidden_size = 1024 vision_config.intermediate_size = 4096 vision_config.num_attention_heads = 16 vision_config.num_hidden_layers = 24 vision_config.mit_hidden_size = 768 vision_config.mit_intermediate_size = 3072 if model_name == "xclip-large-patch14-16-frames": vision_config.image_size = 336 config = XCLIPConfig.from_text_vision_configs(text_config, vision_config) if "large" in model_name: config.projection_dim = 768 return config def rename_key(name): # text encoder if name == "token_embedding.weight": name = name.replace("token_embedding.weight", "text_model.embeddings.token_embedding.weight") if name == "positional_embedding": name = name.replace("positional_embedding", "text_model.embeddings.position_embedding.weight") if "ln_1" in name: name = name.replace("ln_1", "layer_norm1") if "ln_2" in name: name = name.replace("ln_2", "layer_norm2") if "c_fc" in name: name = name.replace("c_fc", "fc1") if "c_proj" in name: name = name.replace("c_proj", "fc2") if name.startswith("transformer.resblocks"): name = name.replace("transformer.resblocks", "text_model.encoder.layers") if "attn.out_proj" in name and "message" not in name: name = name.replace("attn.out_proj", "self_attn.out_proj") if "ln_final" in name: name = name.replace("ln_final", "text_model.final_layer_norm") # visual encoder if name == "visual.class_embedding": name = name.replace("visual.class_embedding", "vision_model.embeddings.class_embedding") if name == "visual.positional_embedding": name = name.replace("visual.positional_embedding", "vision_model.embeddings.position_embedding.weight") if name.startswith("visual.transformer.resblocks"): name = name.replace("visual.transformer.resblocks", "vision_model.encoder.layers") if "visual.conv1" in name: name = name.replace("visual.conv1", "vision_model.embeddings.patch_embedding") if "visual.ln_pre" in name: name = name.replace("visual.ln_pre", "vision_model.pre_layernorm") if "visual.ln_post" in name: name = name.replace("visual.ln_post", "vision_model.post_layernorm") if "visual.proj" in name: name = name.replace("visual.proj", "visual_projection.weight") if "text_projection" in name: name = name.replace("text_projection", "text_projection.weight") # things on top if "prompts_visual_proj" in name: name = name.replace("prompts_visual_proj", "prompts_visual_projection") if "prompts_visual_ln" in name: name = name.replace("prompts_visual_ln", "prompts_visual_layernorm") # mit if name == "mit.positional_embedding": name = name.replace("positional", "position") if name.startswith("mit.resblocks"): name = name.replace("mit.resblocks", "mit.encoder.layers") # prompts generator if name.startswith("prompts_generator.norm"): name = name.replace("prompts_generator.norm", "prompts_generator.layernorm") return name def convert_state_dict(orig_state_dict, config): for key in orig_state_dict.copy().keys(): val = orig_state_dict.pop(key) if "attn.in_proj" in key: key_split = key.split(".") if key.startswith("visual"): layer_num = key_split[3] dim = config.vision_config.hidden_size if "message_attn" in key: if "weight" in key: orig_state_dict[f"vision_model.encoder.layers.{layer_num}.message_attn.q_proj.weight"] = val[ :dim, : ] orig_state_dict[f"vision_model.encoder.layers.{layer_num}.message_attn.k_proj.weight"] = val[ dim : dim * 2, : ] orig_state_dict[f"vision_model.encoder.layers.{layer_num}.message_attn.v_proj.weight"] = val[ -dim:, : ] else: orig_state_dict[f"vision_model.encoder.layers.{layer_num}.message_attn.q_proj.bias"] = val[ :dim ] orig_state_dict[f"vision_model.encoder.layers.{layer_num}.message_attn.k_proj.bias"] = val[ dim : dim * 2 ] orig_state_dict[f"vision_model.encoder.layers.{layer_num}.message_attn.v_proj.bias"] = val[ -dim: ] else: if "weight" in key: orig_state_dict[f"vision_model.encoder.layers.{layer_num}.self_attn.q_proj.weight"] = val[ :dim, : ] orig_state_dict[f"vision_model.encoder.layers.{layer_num}.self_attn.k_proj.weight"] = val[ dim : dim * 2, : ] orig_state_dict[f"vision_model.encoder.layers.{layer_num}.self_attn.v_proj.weight"] = val[ -dim:, : ] else: orig_state_dict[f"vision_model.encoder.layers.{layer_num}.self_attn.q_proj.bias"] = val[:dim] orig_state_dict[f"vision_model.encoder.layers.{layer_num}.self_attn.k_proj.bias"] = val[ dim : dim * 2 ] orig_state_dict[f"vision_model.encoder.layers.{layer_num}.self_attn.v_proj.bias"] = val[-dim:] elif key.startswith("mit"): layer_num = key_split[2] dim = config.vision_config.mit_hidden_size if "weight" in key: orig_state_dict[f"mit.encoder.layers.{layer_num}.self_attn.q_proj.weight"] = val[:dim, :] orig_state_dict[f"mit.encoder.layers.{layer_num}.self_attn.k_proj.weight"] = val[dim : dim * 2, :] orig_state_dict[f"mit.encoder.layers.{layer_num}.self_attn.v_proj.weight"] = val[-dim:, :] else: orig_state_dict[f"mit.encoder.layers.{layer_num}.self_attn.q_proj.bias"] = val[:dim] orig_state_dict[f"mit.encoder.layers.{layer_num}.self_attn.k_proj.bias"] = val[dim : dim * 2] orig_state_dict[f"mit.encoder.layers.{layer_num}.self_attn.v_proj.bias"] = val[-dim:] else: layer_num = key_split[2] dim = config.text_config.hidden_size if "weight" in key: orig_state_dict[f"text_model.encoder.layers.{layer_num}.self_attn.q_proj.weight"] = val[:dim, :] orig_state_dict[f"text_model.encoder.layers.{layer_num}.self_attn.k_proj.weight"] = val[ dim : dim * 2, : ] orig_state_dict[f"text_model.encoder.layers.{layer_num}.self_attn.v_proj.weight"] = val[-dim:, :] else: orig_state_dict[f"text_model.encoder.layers.{layer_num}.self_attn.q_proj.bias"] = val[:dim] orig_state_dict[f"text_model.encoder.layers.{layer_num}.self_attn.k_proj.bias"] = val[ dim : dim * 2 ] orig_state_dict[f"text_model.encoder.layers.{layer_num}.self_attn.v_proj.bias"] = val[-dim:] else: new_key_name = rename_key(key) if new_key_name in ["visual_projection.weight", "text_projection.weight"]: val = val.T orig_state_dict[new_key_name] = val return orig_state_dict def prepare_video(num_frames): if num_frames == 8: filename = "eating_spaghetti_8_frames.npy" elif num_frames == 16: filename = "eating_spaghetti.npy" elif num_frames == 32: filename = "eating_spaghetti_32_frames.npy" file = hf_hub_download( repo_id="hf-internal-testing/spaghetti-video", filename=filename, repo_type="dataset", ) video = np.load(file) return list(video) def convert_xclip_checkpoint(model_name, pytorch_dump_folder_path=None, push_to_hub=False): model_to_url = { # fully supervised kinetics-400 checkpoints "xclip-base-patch32": "https://github.com/nbl97/X-CLIP_Model_Zoo/releases/download/v1.0/k400_32_8.pth", "xclip-base-patch32-16-frames": ( "https://github.com/nbl97/X-CLIP_Model_Zoo/releases/download/v1.0/k400_32_16.pth" ), "xclip-base-patch16": "https://github.com/nbl97/X-CLIP_Model_Zoo/releases/download/v1.0/k400_16_8.pth", "xclip-base-patch16-16-frames": ( "https://github.com/nbl97/X-CLIP_Model_Zoo/releases/download/v1.0/k400_16_16.pth" ), "xclip-large-patch14": "https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1NUOImq0o5DlQTST17iIP3vG7DgmHQuCx&amp;export=download&amp;confirm=t&amp;uuid=b26caedc-88e2-473e-830a-9d158b653cdb", "xclip-large-patch14-16-frames": "https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1FOYgnJc097OJ4lGwtRCCydQyVPJEOH7d&amp;export=download&amp;confirm=t&amp;uuid=538fa810-e671-4050-b385-9a623f89804f", # fully supervised kinetics-600 checkpoints "xclip-base-patch16-kinetics-600": ( "https://github.com/nbl97/X-CLIP_Model_Zoo/releases/download/v1.0/k600_16_8.pth" ), "xclip-base-patch16-kinetics-600-16-frames": ( "https://github.com/nbl97/X-CLIP_Model_Zoo/releases/download/v1.0/k600_16_16.pth" ), "xclip-large-patch14-kinetics-600": "https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1FV8C1INuM91sLAN4ImjzePLIlpMSihwV&amp;export=download&amp;confirm=t&amp;uuid=141d4977-4a65-44ae-864f-4b0c19f838be", # few shot "xclip-base-patch16-hmdb-2-shot": ( "https://github.com/nbl97/X-CLIP_Model_Zoo/releases/download/v1.0/few_hmdb_2.pth" ), "xclip-base-patch16-hmdb-4-shot": ( "https://github.com/nbl97/X-CLIP_Model_Zoo/releases/download/v1.0/few_hmdb_4.pth" ), "xclip-base-patch16-hmdb-8-shot": ( "https://github.com/nbl97/X-CLIP_Model_Zoo/releases/download/v1.0/few_hmdb_8.pth" ), "xclip-base-patch16-hmdb-16-shot": ( "https://github.com/nbl97/X-CLIP_Model_Zoo/releases/download/v1.0/few_hmdb_16.pth" ), "xclip-base-patch16-ucf-2-shot": ( "https://github.com/nbl97/X-CLIP_Model_Zoo/releases/download/v1.0/few_ucf_2.pth" ), "xclip-base-patch16-ucf-4-shot": ( "https://github.com/nbl97/X-CLIP_Model_Zoo/releases/download/v1.0/few_ucf_4.pth" ), "xclip-base-patch16-ucf-8-shot": ( "https://github.com/nbl97/X-CLIP_Model_Zoo/releases/download/v1.0/few_ucf_8.pth" ), "xclip-base-patch16-ucf-16-shot": ( "https://github.com/nbl97/X-CLIP_Model_Zoo/releases/download/v1.0/few_ucf_16.pth" ), # zero shot "xclip-base-patch16-zero-shot": "https://github.com/nbl97/X-CLIP_Model_Zoo/releases/download/v1.0/zero.pth", } checkpoint_url = model_to_url[model_name] num_frames = 8 if "16-frames" in model_name: num_frames = 16 elif "shot" in model_name: num_frames = 32 config = get_xclip_config(model_name, num_frames) model = XCLIPModel(config) model.eval() if "drive" in checkpoint_url: output = "pytorch_model.bin" gdown.cached_download(checkpoint_url, output, quiet=False) state_dict = torch.load(output, map_location="cpu")["model"] else: state_dict = torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url(checkpoint_url)["model"] state_dict = convert_state_dict(state_dict, config) model = XCLIPModel(config) missing_keys, unexpected_keys = model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=False) assert missing_keys == ["text_model.embeddings.position_ids", "vision_model.embeddings.position_ids"] model.eval() size = 336 if model_name == "xclip-large-patch14-16-frames" else 224 image_processor = VideoMAEImageProcessor(size=size) slow_tokenizer = CLIPTokenizer.from_pretrained("openai/clip-vit-base-patch32") fast_tokenizer = CLIPTokenizerFast.from_pretrained("openai/clip-vit-base-patch32") processor = XCLIPProcessor(image_processor=image_processor, tokenizer=fast_tokenizer) video = prepare_video(num_frames) inputs = processor( text=["playing sports", "eating spaghetti", "go shopping"], videos=video, return_tensors="pt", padding=True ) print("Shape of pixel values:", inputs.pixel_values.shape) with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(**inputs) # Verify outputs logits_per_video = outputs.logits_per_video probs = logits_per_video.softmax(dim=1) print("Probs:", probs) # kinetics-400 if model_name == "xclip-base-patch32": expected_probs = torch.tensor([[0.0019, 0.9951, 0.0030]]) elif model_name == "xclip-base-patch32-16-frames": expected_probs = torch.tensor([[7.0999e-04, 9.9883e-01, 4.5580e-04]]) elif model_name == "xclip-base-patch16": expected_probs = torch.tensor([[0.0083, 0.9681, 0.0236]]) elif model_name == "xclip-base-patch16-16-frames": expected_probs = torch.tensor([[7.6937e-04, 9.9728e-01, 1.9473e-03]]) elif model_name == "xclip-large-patch14": expected_probs = torch.tensor([[0.0062, 0.9864, 0.0075]]) elif model_name == "xclip-large-patch14-16-frames": expected_probs = torch.tensor([[3.3877e-04, 9.9937e-01, 2.8888e-04]]) # kinetics-600 elif model_name == "xclip-base-patch16-kinetics-600": expected_probs = torch.tensor([[0.0555, 0.8914, 0.0531]]) elif model_name == "xclip-base-patch16-kinetics-600-16-frames": expected_probs = torch.tensor([[3.8554e-04, 9.9929e-01, 3.2754e-04]]) elif model_name == "xclip-large-patch14-kinetics-600": expected_probs = torch.tensor([[0.0036, 0.9920, 0.0045]]) # few shot elif model_name == "xclip-base-patch16-hmdb-2-shot": expected_probs = torch.tensor([[7.1890e-06, 9.9994e-01, 5.6559e-05]]) elif model_name == "xclip-base-patch16-hmdb-4-shot": expected_probs = torch.tensor([[1.0320e-05, 9.9993e-01, 6.2435e-05]]) elif model_name == "xclip-base-patch16-hmdb-8-shot": expected_probs = torch.tensor([[4.1377e-06, 9.9990e-01, 9.8386e-05]]) elif model_name == "xclip-base-patch16-hmdb-16-shot": expected_probs = torch.tensor([[4.1347e-05, 9.9962e-01, 3.3411e-04]]) elif model_name == "xclip-base-patch16-ucf-2-shot": expected_probs = torch.tensor([[8.5857e-05, 9.9928e-01, 6.3291e-04]]) elif model_name == "xclip-base-patch16-ucf-4-shot": expected_probs = torch.tensor([[8.5857e-05, 9.9928e-01, 6.3291e-04]]) elif model_name == "xclip-base-patch16-ucf-8-shot": expected_probs = torch.tensor([[0.0027, 0.9904, 0.0070]]) elif model_name == "xclip-base-patch16-ucf-16-shot": expected_probs = torch.tensor([[9.8219e-04, 9.9593e-01, 3.0863e-03]]) # zero shot elif model_name == "xclip-base-patch16-zero-shot": expected_probs = torch.tensor([[3.5082e-04, 9.9785e-01, 1.7966e-03]]) else: raise ValueError(f"Model name {model_name} not supported") assert torch.allclose(probs, expected_probs, atol=1e-3) print("Looks ok!") if pytorch_dump_folder_path is not None: print(f"Saving model {model_name} to {pytorch_dump_folder_path}") model.save_pretrained(pytorch_dump_folder_path) if push_to_hub: print("Pushing model, processor and slow tokenizer files to the hub...") model.push_to_hub(model_name, organization="nielsr") processor.push_to_hub(model_name, organization="nielsr") slow_tokenizer.push_to_hub(model_name, organization="nielsr") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Required parameters parser.add_argument( "--model_name", default="xclip-base-patch32", type=str, help="Name of the model.", ) parser.add_argument( "--pytorch_dump_folder_path", default=None, type=str, help="Path to the output PyTorch model directory." ) parser.add_argument( "--push_to_hub", action="store_true", help="Whether or not to push the converted model to the 🤗 hub." ) args = parser.parse_args() convert_xclip_checkpoint(args.model_name, args.pytorch_dump_folder_path, args.push_to_hub)
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/models/x_clip/convert_x_clip_original_pytorch_to_hf.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 8829 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2019 The Open AI Team Authors and The HuggingFace Inc. team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Tokenization classes for XLM.""" import json import os import re import sys import unicodedata from typing import List, Optional, Tuple from ...tokenization_utils import PreTrainedTokenizer from ...utils import logging logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) VOCAB_FILES_NAMES = { "vocab_file": "vocab.json", "merges_file": "merges.txt", } PRETRAINED_VOCAB_FILES_MAP = { "vocab_file": { "xlm-mlm-en-2048": "https://huggingface.co/xlm-mlm-en-2048/resolve/main/vocab.json", "xlm-mlm-ende-1024": "https://huggingface.co/xlm-mlm-ende-1024/resolve/main/vocab.json", "xlm-mlm-enfr-1024": "https://huggingface.co/xlm-mlm-enfr-1024/resolve/main/vocab.json", "xlm-mlm-enro-1024": "https://huggingface.co/xlm-mlm-enro-1024/resolve/main/vocab.json", "xlm-mlm-tlm-xnli15-1024": "https://huggingface.co/xlm-mlm-tlm-xnli15-1024/resolve/main/vocab.json", "xlm-mlm-xnli15-1024": "https://huggingface.co/xlm-mlm-xnli15-1024/resolve/main/vocab.json", "xlm-clm-enfr-1024": "https://huggingface.co/xlm-clm-enfr-1024/resolve/main/vocab.json", "xlm-clm-ende-1024": "https://huggingface.co/xlm-clm-ende-1024/resolve/main/vocab.json", "xlm-mlm-17-1280": "https://huggingface.co/xlm-mlm-17-1280/resolve/main/vocab.json", "xlm-mlm-100-1280": "https://huggingface.co/xlm-mlm-100-1280/resolve/main/vocab.json", }, "merges_file": { "xlm-mlm-en-2048": "https://huggingface.co/xlm-mlm-en-2048/resolve/main/merges.txt", "xlm-mlm-ende-1024": "https://huggingface.co/xlm-mlm-ende-1024/resolve/main/merges.txt", "xlm-mlm-enfr-1024": "https://huggingface.co/xlm-mlm-enfr-1024/resolve/main/merges.txt", "xlm-mlm-enro-1024": "https://huggingface.co/xlm-mlm-enro-1024/resolve/main/merges.txt", "xlm-mlm-tlm-xnli15-1024": "https://huggingface.co/xlm-mlm-tlm-xnli15-1024/resolve/main/merges.txt", "xlm-mlm-xnli15-1024": "https://huggingface.co/xlm-mlm-xnli15-1024/resolve/main/merges.txt", "xlm-clm-enfr-1024": "https://huggingface.co/xlm-clm-enfr-1024/resolve/main/merges.txt", "xlm-clm-ende-1024": "https://huggingface.co/xlm-clm-ende-1024/resolve/main/merges.txt", "xlm-mlm-17-1280": "https://huggingface.co/xlm-mlm-17-1280/resolve/main/merges.txt", "xlm-mlm-100-1280": "https://huggingface.co/xlm-mlm-100-1280/resolve/main/merges.txt", }, } PRETRAINED_POSITIONAL_EMBEDDINGS_SIZES = { "xlm-mlm-en-2048": 512, "xlm-mlm-ende-1024": 512, "xlm-mlm-enfr-1024": 512, "xlm-mlm-enro-1024": 512, "xlm-mlm-tlm-xnli15-1024": 512, "xlm-mlm-xnli15-1024": 512, "xlm-clm-enfr-1024": 512, "xlm-clm-ende-1024": 512, "xlm-mlm-17-1280": 512, "xlm-mlm-100-1280": 512, } PRETRAINED_INIT_CONFIGURATION = { "xlm-mlm-en-2048": {"do_lowercase_and_remove_accent": True}, "xlm-mlm-ende-1024": { "do_lowercase_and_remove_accent": True, "id2lang": {0: "de", 1: "en"}, "lang2id": {"de": 0, "en": 1}, }, "xlm-mlm-enfr-1024": { "do_lowercase_and_remove_accent": True, "id2lang": {0: "en", 1: "fr"}, "lang2id": {"en": 0, "fr": 1}, }, "xlm-mlm-enro-1024": { "do_lowercase_and_remove_accent": True, "id2lang": {0: "en", 1: "ro"}, "lang2id": {"en": 0, "ro": 1}, }, "xlm-mlm-tlm-xnli15-1024": { "do_lowercase_and_remove_accent": True, "id2lang": { 0: "ar", 1: "bg", 2: "de", 3: "el", 4: "en", 5: "es", 6: "fr", 7: "hi", 8: "ru", 9: "sw", 10: "th", 11: "tr", 12: "ur", 13: "vi", 14: "zh", }, "lang2id": { "ar": 0, "bg": 1, "de": 2, "el": 3, "en": 4, "es": 5, "fr": 6, "hi": 7, "ru": 8, "sw": 9, "th": 10, "tr": 11, "ur": 12, "vi": 13, "zh": 14, }, }, "xlm-mlm-xnli15-1024": { "do_lowercase_and_remove_accent": True, "id2lang": { 0: "ar", 1: "bg", 2: "de", 3: "el", 4: "en", 5: "es", 6: "fr", 7: "hi", 8: "ru", 9: "sw", 10: "th", 11: "tr", 12: "ur", 13: "vi", 14: "zh", }, "lang2id": { "ar": 0, "bg": 1, "de": 2, "el": 3, "en": 4, "es": 5, "fr": 6, "hi": 7, "ru": 8, "sw": 9, "th": 10, "tr": 11, "ur": 12, "vi": 13, "zh": 14, }, }, "xlm-clm-enfr-1024": { "do_lowercase_and_remove_accent": True, "id2lang": {0: "en", 1: "fr"}, "lang2id": {"en": 0, "fr": 1}, }, "xlm-clm-ende-1024": { "do_lowercase_and_remove_accent": True, "id2lang": {0: "de", 1: "en"}, "lang2id": {"de": 0, "en": 1}, }, "xlm-mlm-17-1280": { "do_lowercase_and_remove_accent": False, "id2lang": { 0: "ar", 1: "de", 2: "en", 3: "es", 4: "fr", 5: "hi", 6: "it", 7: "ja", 8: "ko", 9: "nl", 10: "pl", 11: "pt", 12: "ru", 13: "sv", 14: "tr", 15: "vi", 16: "zh", }, "lang2id": { "ar": 0, "de": 1, "en": 2, "es": 3, "fr": 4, "hi": 5, "it": 6, "ja": 7, "ko": 8, "nl": 9, "pl": 10, "pt": 11, "ru": 12, "sv": 13, "tr": 14, "vi": 15, "zh": 16, }, }, "xlm-mlm-100-1280": { "do_lowercase_and_remove_accent": False, "id2lang": { 0: "af", 1: "als", 2: "am", 3: "an", 4: "ang", 5: "ar", 6: "arz", 7: "ast", 8: "az", 9: "bar", 10: "be", 11: "bg", 12: "bn", 13: "br", 14: "bs", 15: "ca", 16: "ceb", 17: "ckb", 18: "cs", 19: "cy", 20: "da", 21: "de", 22: "el", 23: "en", 24: "eo", 25: "es", 26: "et", 27: "eu", 28: "fa", 29: "fi", 30: "fr", 31: "fy", 32: "ga", 33: "gan", 34: "gl", 35: "gu", 36: "he", 37: "hi", 38: "hr", 39: "hu", 40: "hy", 41: "ia", 42: "id", 43: "is", 44: "it", 45: "ja", 46: "jv", 47: "ka", 48: "kk", 49: "kn", 50: "ko", 51: "ku", 52: "la", 53: "lb", 54: "lt", 55: "lv", 56: "mk", 57: "ml", 58: "mn", 59: "mr", 60: "ms", 61: "my", 62: "nds", 63: "ne", 64: "nl", 65: "nn", 66: "no", 67: "oc", 68: "pl", 69: "pt", 70: "ro", 71: "ru", 72: "scn", 73: "sco", 74: "sh", 75: "si", 76: "simple", 77: "sk", 78: "sl", 79: "sq", 80: "sr", 81: "sv", 82: "sw", 83: "ta", 84: "te", 85: "th", 86: "tl", 87: "tr", 88: "tt", 89: "uk", 90: "ur", 91: "uz", 92: "vi", 93: "war", 94: "wuu", 95: "yi", 96: "zh", 97: "zh_classical", 98: "zh_min_nan", 99: "zh_yue", }, "lang2id": { "af": 0, "als": 1, "am": 2, "an": 3, "ang": 4, "ar": 5, "arz": 6, "ast": 7, "az": 8, "bar": 9, "be": 10, "bg": 11, "bn": 12, "br": 13, "bs": 14, "ca": 15, "ceb": 16, "ckb": 17, "cs": 18, "cy": 19, "da": 20, "de": 21, "el": 22, "en": 23, "eo": 24, "es": 25, "et": 26, "eu": 27, "fa": 28, "fi": 29, "fr": 30, "fy": 31, "ga": 32, "gan": 33, "gl": 34, "gu": 35, "he": 36, "hi": 37, "hr": 38, "hu": 39, "hy": 40, "ia": 41, "id": 42, "is": 43, "it": 44, "ja": 45, "jv": 46, "ka": 47, "kk": 48, "kn": 49, "ko": 50, "ku": 51, "la": 52, "lb": 53, "lt": 54, "lv": 55, "mk": 56, "ml": 57, "mn": 58, "mr": 59, "ms": 60, "my": 61, "nds": 62, "ne": 63, "nl": 64, "nn": 65, "no": 66, "oc": 67, "pl": 68, "pt": 69, "ro": 70, "ru": 71, "scn": 72, "sco": 73, "sh": 74, "si": 75, "simple": 76, "sk": 77, "sl": 78, "sq": 79, "sr": 80, "sv": 81, "sw": 82, "ta": 83, "te": 84, "th": 85, "tl": 86, "tr": 87, "tt": 88, "uk": 89, "ur": 90, "uz": 91, "vi": 92, "war": 93, "wuu": 94, "yi": 95, "zh": 96, "zh_classical": 97, "zh_min_nan": 98, "zh_yue": 99, }, }, } def get_pairs(word): """ Return set of symbol pairs in a word. word is represented as tuple of symbols (symbols being variable-length strings) """ pairs = set() prev_char = word[0] for char in word[1:]: pairs.add((prev_char, char)) prev_char = char return pairs def lowercase_and_remove_accent(text): """ Lowercase and strips accents from a piece of text based on https://github.com/facebookresearch/XLM/blob/master/tools/lowercase_and_remove_accent.py """ text = " ".join(text) text = text.lower() text = unicodedata.normalize("NFD", text) output = [] for char in text: cat = unicodedata.category(char) if cat == "Mn": continue output.append(char) return "".join(output).lower().split(" ") def replace_unicode_punct(text): """ Port of https://github.com/moses-smt/mosesdecoder/blob/master/scripts/tokenizer/replace-unicode-punctuation.perl """ text = text.replace(",", ",") text = re.sub(r"。\s*", ". ", text) text = text.replace("、", ",") text = text.replace("”", '"') text = text.replace("“", '"') text = text.replace("∶", ":") text = text.replace(":", ":") text = text.replace("?", "?") text = text.replace("《", '"') text = text.replace("》", '"') text = text.replace(")", ")") text = text.replace("!", "!") text = text.replace("(", "(") text = text.replace(";", ";") text = text.replace("1", "1") text = text.replace("」", '"') text = text.replace("「", '"') text = text.replace("0", "0") text = text.replace("3", "3") text = text.replace("2", "2") text = text.replace("5", "5") text = text.replace("6", "6") text = text.replace("9", "9") text = text.replace("7", "7") text = text.replace("8", "8") text = text.replace("4", "4") text = re.sub(r".\s*", ". ", text) text = text.replace("~", "~") text = text.replace("’", "'") text = text.replace("…", "...") text = text.replace("━", "-") text = text.replace("〈", "<") text = text.replace("〉", ">") text = text.replace("【", "[") text = text.replace("】", "]") text = text.replace("%", "%") return text def remove_non_printing_char(text): """ Port of https://github.com/moses-smt/mosesdecoder/blob/master/scripts/tokenizer/remove-non-printing-char.perl """ output = [] for char in text: cat = unicodedata.category(char) if cat.startswith("C"): continue output.append(char) return "".join(output) def romanian_preprocessing(text): """Sennrich's WMT16 scripts for Romanian preprocessing, used by model `xlm-mlm-enro-1024`""" # https://github.com/rsennrich/wmt16-scripts/blob/master/preprocess/normalise-romanian.py text = text.replace("\u015e", "\u0218").replace("\u015f", "\u0219") text = text.replace("\u0162", "\u021a").replace("\u0163", "\u021b") # https://github.com/rsennrich/wmt16-scripts/blob/master/preprocess/remove-diacritics.py text = text.replace("\u0218", "S").replace("\u0219", "s") # s-comma text = text.replace("\u021a", "T").replace("\u021b", "t") # t-comma text = text.replace("\u0102", "A").replace("\u0103", "a") text = text.replace("\u00C2", "A").replace("\u00E2", "a") text = text.replace("\u00CE", "I").replace("\u00EE", "i") return text class XLMTokenizer(PreTrainedTokenizer): """ Construct an XLM tokenizer. Based on Byte-Pair Encoding. The tokenization process is the following: - Moses preprocessing and tokenization for most supported languages. - Language specific tokenization for Chinese (Jieba), Japanese (KyTea) and Thai (PyThaiNLP). - Optionally lowercases and normalizes all inputs text. - The arguments `special_tokens` and the function `set_special_tokens`, can be used to add additional symbols (like "__classify__") to a vocabulary. - The `lang2id` attribute maps the languages supported by the model with their IDs if provided (automatically set for pretrained vocabularies). - The `id2lang` attributes does reverse mapping if provided (automatically set for pretrained vocabularies). This tokenizer inherits from [`PreTrainedTokenizer`] which contains most of the main methods. Users should refer to this superclass for more information regarding those methods. Args: vocab_file (`str`): Vocabulary file. merges_file (`str`): Merges file. unk_token (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `"<unk>"`): The unknown token. A token that is not in the vocabulary cannot be converted to an ID and is set to be this token instead. bos_token (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `"<s>"`): The beginning of sequence token that was used during pretraining. Can be used a sequence classifier token. <Tip> When building a sequence using special tokens, this is not the token that is used for the beginning of sequence. The token used is the `cls_token`. </Tip> sep_token (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `"</s>"`): The separator token, which is used when building a sequence from multiple sequences, e.g. two sequences for sequence classification or for a text and a question for question answering. It is also used as the last token of a sequence built with special tokens. pad_token (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `"<pad>"`): The token used for padding, for example when batching sequences of different lengths. cls_token (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `"</s>"`): The classifier token which is used when doing sequence classification (classification of the whole sequence instead of per-token classification). It is the first token of the sequence when built with special tokens. mask_token (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `"<special1>"`): The token used for masking values. This is the token used when training this model with masked language modeling. This is the token which the model will try to predict. additional_special_tokens (`List[str]`, *optional*, defaults to `['<special0>', '<special1>', '<special2>', '<special3>', '<special4>', '<special5>', '<special6>', '<special7>', '<special8>', '<special9>']`): List of additional special tokens. lang2id (`Dict[str, int]`, *optional*): Dictionary mapping languages string identifiers to their IDs. id2lang (`Dict[int, str]`, *optional*): Dictionary mapping language IDs to their string identifiers. do_lowercase_and_remove_accent (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`): Whether to lowercase and remove accents when tokenizing. """ vocab_files_names = VOCAB_FILES_NAMES pretrained_vocab_files_map = PRETRAINED_VOCAB_FILES_MAP pretrained_init_configuration = PRETRAINED_INIT_CONFIGURATION max_model_input_sizes = PRETRAINED_POSITIONAL_EMBEDDINGS_SIZES def __init__( self, vocab_file, merges_file, unk_token="<unk>", bos_token="<s>", sep_token="</s>", pad_token="<pad>", cls_token="</s>", mask_token="<special1>", additional_special_tokens=[ "<special0>", "<special1>", "<special2>", "<special3>", "<special4>", "<special5>", "<special6>", "<special7>", "<special8>", "<special9>", ], lang2id=None, id2lang=None, do_lowercase_and_remove_accent=True, **kwargs, ): try: import sacremoses except ImportError: raise ImportError( "You need to install sacremoses to use XLMTokenizer. " "See https://pypi.org/project/sacremoses/ for installation." ) self.sm = sacremoses # cache of sm.MosesPunctNormalizer instance self.cache_moses_punct_normalizer = {} # cache of sm.MosesTokenizer instance self.cache_moses_tokenizer = {} self.lang_with_custom_tokenizer = {"zh", "th", "ja"} # True for current supported model (v1.2.0), False for XLM-17 & 100 self.do_lowercase_and_remove_accent = do_lowercase_and_remove_accent self.lang2id = lang2id self.id2lang = id2lang if lang2id is not None and id2lang is not None: assert len(lang2id) == len(id2lang) self.ja_word_tokenizer = None self.zh_word_tokenizer = None with open(vocab_file, encoding="utf-8") as vocab_handle: self.encoder = json.load(vocab_handle) self.decoder = {v: k for k, v in self.encoder.items()} with open(merges_file, encoding="utf-8") as merges_handle: merges = merges_handle.read().split("\n")[:-1] merges = [tuple(merge.split()[:2]) for merge in merges] self.bpe_ranks = dict(zip(merges, range(len(merges)))) self.cache = {} super().__init__( unk_token=unk_token, bos_token=bos_token, sep_token=sep_token, pad_token=pad_token, cls_token=cls_token, mask_token=mask_token, additional_special_tokens=additional_special_tokens, lang2id=lang2id, id2lang=id2lang, do_lowercase_and_remove_accent=do_lowercase_and_remove_accent, **kwargs, ) @property def do_lower_case(self): return self.do_lowercase_and_remove_accent def moses_punct_norm(self, text, lang): if lang not in self.cache_moses_punct_normalizer: punct_normalizer = self.sm.MosesPunctNormalizer(lang=lang) self.cache_moses_punct_normalizer[lang] = punct_normalizer else: punct_normalizer = self.cache_moses_punct_normalizer[lang] return punct_normalizer.normalize(text) def moses_tokenize(self, text, lang): if lang not in self.cache_moses_tokenizer: moses_tokenizer = self.sm.MosesTokenizer(lang=lang) self.cache_moses_tokenizer[lang] = moses_tokenizer else: moses_tokenizer = self.cache_moses_tokenizer[lang] return moses_tokenizer.tokenize(text, return_str=False, escape=False) def moses_pipeline(self, text, lang): text = replace_unicode_punct(text) text = self.moses_punct_norm(text, lang) text = remove_non_printing_char(text) return text def ja_tokenize(self, text): if self.ja_word_tokenizer is None: try: import Mykytea self.ja_word_tokenizer = Mykytea.Mykytea( f"-model {os.path.expanduser('~')}/local/share/kytea/model.bin" ) except (AttributeError, ImportError): logger.error( "Make sure you install KyTea (https://github.com/neubig/kytea) and it's python wrapper" " (https://github.com/chezou/Mykytea-python) with the following steps" ) logger.error("1. git clone [email protected]:neubig/kytea.git && cd kytea") logger.error("2. autoreconf -i") logger.error("3. ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local") logger.error("4. make && make install") logger.error("5. pip install kytea") raise return list(self.ja_word_tokenizer.getWS(text)) @property def vocab_size(self): return len(self.encoder) def get_vocab(self): return dict(self.encoder, **self.added_tokens_encoder) def bpe(self, token): word = tuple(token[:-1]) + (token[-1] + "</w>",) if token in self.cache: return self.cache[token] pairs = get_pairs(word) if not pairs: return token + "</w>" while True: bigram = min(pairs, key=lambda pair: self.bpe_ranks.get(pair, float("inf"))) if bigram not in self.bpe_ranks: break first, second = bigram new_word = [] i = 0 while i < len(word): try: j = word.index(first, i) except ValueError: new_word.extend(word[i:]) break else: new_word.extend(word[i:j]) i = j if word[i] == first and i < len(word) - 1 and word[i + 1] == second: new_word.append(first + second) i += 2 else: new_word.append(word[i]) i += 1 new_word = tuple(new_word) word = new_word if len(word) == 1: break else: pairs = get_pairs(word) word = " ".join(word) if word == "\n </w>": word = "\n</w>" self.cache[token] = word return word def _tokenize(self, text, lang="en", bypass_tokenizer=False): """ Tokenize a string given language code. For Chinese, Japanese and Thai, we use a language specific tokenizer. Otherwise, we use Moses. Details of tokenization: - [sacremoses](https://github.com/alvations/sacremoses): port of Moses - Install with `pip install sacremoses` - [pythainlp](https://github.com/PyThaiNLP/pythainlp): Thai tokenizer - Install with `pip install pythainlp` - [kytea](https://github.com/chezou/Mykytea-python): Japanese tokenizer, wrapper of [KyTea](https://github.com/neubig/kytea) - Install with the following steps: :: git clone [email protected]:neubig/kytea.git && cd kytea autoreconf -i ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local make && make install pip install kytea - [jieba](https://github.com/fxsjy/jieba): Chinese tokenizer (*) - Install with `pip install jieba` (*) The original XLM used [Stanford Segmenter](https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/stanford-segmenter-2018-10-16.zip). However, the wrapper (`nltk.tokenize.stanford_segmenter`) is slow due to JVM overhead, and it will be deprecated. Jieba is a lot faster and pip-installable. Note there is some mismatch with the Stanford Segmenter. It should be fine if you fine-tune the model with Chinese supervisionself. If you want the same exact behaviour, use the original XLM [preprocessing script](https://github.com/facebookresearch/XLM/tree/master/tools) to tokenize the sentence externally, and set `bypass_tokenizer=True` to bypass the tokenizer. Args: - lang: ISO language code (default = 'en') (string). Languages should belong of the model supported languages. However, we don't enforce it. - bypass_tokenizer: Allow users to preprocess and tokenize the sentences externally (default = False) (bool). If True, we only apply BPE. Returns: List of tokens. """ if lang and self.lang2id and lang not in self.lang2id: logger.error( "Supplied language code not found in lang2id mapping. Please check that your language is supported by" " the loaded pretrained model." ) if bypass_tokenizer: text = text.split() elif lang not in self.lang_with_custom_tokenizer: text = self.moses_pipeline(text, lang=lang) # TODO: make sure we are using `xlm-mlm-enro-1024`, since XLM-100 doesn't have this step if lang == "ro": text = romanian_preprocessing(text) text = self.moses_tokenize(text, lang=lang) elif lang == "th": text = self.moses_pipeline(text, lang=lang) try: if "pythainlp" not in sys.modules: from pythainlp.tokenize import word_tokenize as th_word_tokenize else: th_word_tokenize = sys.modules["pythainlp"].word_tokenize except (AttributeError, ImportError): logger.error( "Make sure you install PyThaiNLP (https://github.com/PyThaiNLP/pythainlp) with the following steps" ) logger.error("1. pip install pythainlp") raise text = th_word_tokenize(text) elif lang == "zh": try: if "jieba" not in sys.modules: import jieba else: jieba = sys.modules["jieba"] except (AttributeError, ImportError): logger.error("Make sure you install Jieba (https://github.com/fxsjy/jieba) with the following steps") logger.error("1. pip install jieba") raise text = " ".join(jieba.cut(text)) text = self.moses_pipeline(text, lang=lang) text = text.split() elif lang == "ja": text = self.moses_pipeline(text, lang=lang) text = self.ja_tokenize(text) else: raise ValueError("It should not reach here") if self.do_lowercase_and_remove_accent and not bypass_tokenizer: text = lowercase_and_remove_accent(text) split_tokens = [] for token in text: if token: split_tokens.extend(list(self.bpe(token).split(" "))) return split_tokens def _convert_token_to_id(self, token): """Converts a token (str) in an id using the vocab.""" return self.encoder.get(token, self.encoder.get(self.unk_token)) def _convert_id_to_token(self, index): """Converts an index (integer) in a token (str) using the vocab.""" return self.decoder.get(index, self.unk_token) def convert_tokens_to_string(self, tokens): """Converts a sequence of tokens (string) in a single string.""" out_string = "".join(tokens).replace("</w>", " ").strip() return out_string def build_inputs_with_special_tokens( self, token_ids_0: List[int], token_ids_1: Optional[List[int]] = None ) -> List[int]: """ Build model inputs from a sequence or a pair of sequence for sequence classification tasks by concatenating and adding special tokens. An XLM sequence has the following format: - single sequence: `<s> X </s>` - pair of sequences: `<s> A </s> B </s>` Args: token_ids_0 (`List[int]`): List of IDs to which the special tokens will be added. token_ids_1 (`List[int]`, *optional*): Optional second list of IDs for sequence pairs. Returns: `List[int]`: List of [input IDs](../glossary#input-ids) with the appropriate special tokens. """ bos = [self.bos_token_id] sep = [self.sep_token_id] if token_ids_1 is None: return bos + token_ids_0 + sep return bos + token_ids_0 + sep + token_ids_1 + sep def get_special_tokens_mask( self, token_ids_0: List[int], token_ids_1: Optional[List[int]] = None, already_has_special_tokens: bool = False ) -> List[int]: """ Retrieve sequence ids from a token list that has no special tokens added. This method is called when adding special tokens using the tokenizer `prepare_for_model` method. Args: token_ids_0 (`List[int]`): List of IDs. token_ids_1 (`List[int]`, *optional*): Optional second list of IDs for sequence pairs. already_has_special_tokens (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether or not the token list is already formatted with special tokens for the model. Returns: `List[int]`: A list of integers in the range [0, 1]: 1 for a special token, 0 for a sequence token. """ if already_has_special_tokens: return super().get_special_tokens_mask( token_ids_0=token_ids_0, token_ids_1=token_ids_1, already_has_special_tokens=True ) if token_ids_1 is not None: return [1] + ([0] * len(token_ids_0)) + [1] + ([0] * len(token_ids_1)) + [1] return [1] + ([0] * len(token_ids_0)) + [1] def create_token_type_ids_from_sequences( self, token_ids_0: List[int], token_ids_1: Optional[List[int]] = None ) -> List[int]: """ Create a mask from the two sequences passed to be used in a sequence-pair classification task. An XLM sequence pair mask has the following format: ``` 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | first sequence | second sequence | ``` If `token_ids_1` is `None`, this method only returns the first portion of the mask (0s). Args: token_ids_0 (`List[int]`): List of IDs. token_ids_1 (`List[int]`, *optional*): Optional second list of IDs for sequence pairs. Returns: `List[int]`: List of [token type IDs](../glossary#token-type-ids) according to the given sequence(s). """ sep = [self.sep_token_id] cls = [self.cls_token_id] if token_ids_1 is None: return len(cls + token_ids_0 + sep) * [0] return len(cls + token_ids_0 + sep) * [0] + len(token_ids_1 + sep) * [1] def save_vocabulary(self, save_directory: str, filename_prefix: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[str]: if not os.path.isdir(save_directory): logger.error(f"Vocabulary path ({save_directory}) should be a directory") return vocab_file = os.path.join( save_directory, (filename_prefix + "-" if filename_prefix else "") + VOCAB_FILES_NAMES["vocab_file"] ) merge_file = os.path.join( save_directory, (filename_prefix + "-" if filename_prefix else "") + VOCAB_FILES_NAMES["merges_file"] ) with open(vocab_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(json.dumps(self.encoder, indent=2, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False) + "\n") index = 0 with open(merge_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as writer: for bpe_tokens, token_index in sorted(self.bpe_ranks.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1]): if index != token_index: logger.warning( f"Saving vocabulary to {merge_file}: BPE merge indices are not consecutive." " Please check that the tokenizer is not corrupted!" ) index = token_index writer.write(" ".join(bpe_tokens) + "\n") index += 1 return vocab_file, merge_file def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() state["sm"] = None return state def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__ = d try: import sacremoses except ImportError: raise ImportError( "You need to install sacremoses to use XLMTokenizer. " "See https://pypi.org/project/sacremoses/ for installation." ) self.sm = sacremoses
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/models/xlm/tokenization_xlm.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 18360 }
# Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from ...utils import ( OptionalDependencyNotAvailable, _LazyModule, is_sentencepiece_available, is_tf_available, is_tokenizers_available, is_torch_available, ) _import_structure = {"configuration_xlnet": ["XLNET_PRETRAINED_CONFIG_ARCHIVE_MAP", "XLNetConfig"]} try: if not is_sentencepiece_available(): raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable() except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable: pass else: _import_structure["tokenization_xlnet"] = ["XLNetTokenizer"] try: if not is_tokenizers_available(): raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable() except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable: pass else: _import_structure["tokenization_xlnet_fast"] = ["XLNetTokenizerFast"] try: if not is_torch_available(): raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable() except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable: pass else: _import_structure["modeling_xlnet"] = [ "XLNET_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST", "XLNetForMultipleChoice", "XLNetForQuestionAnswering", "XLNetForQuestionAnsweringSimple", "XLNetForSequenceClassification", "XLNetForTokenClassification", "XLNetLMHeadModel", "XLNetModel", "XLNetPreTrainedModel", "load_tf_weights_in_xlnet", ] try: if not is_tf_available(): raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable() except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable: pass else: _import_structure["modeling_tf_xlnet"] = [ "TF_XLNET_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST", "TFXLNetForMultipleChoice", "TFXLNetForQuestionAnsweringSimple", "TFXLNetForSequenceClassification", "TFXLNetForTokenClassification", "TFXLNetLMHeadModel", "TFXLNetMainLayer", "TFXLNetModel", "TFXLNetPreTrainedModel", ] if TYPE_CHECKING: from .configuration_xlnet import XLNET_PRETRAINED_CONFIG_ARCHIVE_MAP, XLNetConfig try: if not is_sentencepiece_available(): raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable() except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable: pass else: from .tokenization_xlnet import XLNetTokenizer try: if not is_tokenizers_available(): raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable() except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable: pass else: from .tokenization_xlnet_fast import XLNetTokenizerFast try: if not is_torch_available(): raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable() except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable: pass else: from .modeling_xlnet import ( XLNET_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST, XLNetForMultipleChoice, XLNetForQuestionAnswering, XLNetForQuestionAnsweringSimple, XLNetForSequenceClassification, XLNetForTokenClassification, XLNetLMHeadModel, XLNetModel, XLNetPreTrainedModel, load_tf_weights_in_xlnet, ) try: if not is_tf_available(): raise OptionalDependencyNotAvailable() except OptionalDependencyNotAvailable: pass else: from .modeling_tf_xlnet import ( TF_XLNET_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST, TFXLNetForMultipleChoice, TFXLNetForQuestionAnsweringSimple, TFXLNetForSequenceClassification, TFXLNetForTokenClassification, TFXLNetLMHeadModel, TFXLNetMainLayer, TFXLNetModel, TFXLNetPreTrainedModel, ) else: import sys sys.modules[__name__] = _LazyModule(__name__, globals()["__file__"], _import_structure, module_spec=__spec__)
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/models/xlnet/__init__.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 1788 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2022 School of EIC, Huazhong University of Science & Technology and The HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ PyTorch YOLOS model.""" import collections.abc import math from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union import torch import torch.utils.checkpoint from torch import Tensor, nn from ...activations import ACT2FN from ...modeling_outputs import BaseModelOutput, BaseModelOutputWithPooling from ...modeling_utils import PreTrainedModel from ...pytorch_utils import find_pruneable_heads_and_indices, prune_linear_layer from ...utils import ( ModelOutput, add_code_sample_docstrings, add_start_docstrings, add_start_docstrings_to_model_forward, is_scipy_available, is_vision_available, logging, replace_return_docstrings, requires_backends, ) from .configuration_yolos import YolosConfig if is_scipy_available(): from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment if is_vision_available(): from transformers.image_transforms import center_to_corners_format logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) # General docstring _CONFIG_FOR_DOC = "YolosConfig" # Base docstring _CHECKPOINT_FOR_DOC = "hustvl/yolos-small" _EXPECTED_OUTPUT_SHAPE = [1, 3401, 384] YOLOS_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST = [ "hustvl/yolos-small", # See all YOLOS models at https://huggingface.co/models?filter=yolos ] @dataclass class YolosObjectDetectionOutput(ModelOutput): """ Output type of [`YolosForObjectDetection`]. Args: loss (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(1,)`, *optional*, returned when `labels` are provided)): Total loss as a linear combination of a negative log-likehood (cross-entropy) for class prediction and a bounding box loss. The latter is defined as a linear combination of the L1 loss and the generalized scale-invariant IoU loss. loss_dict (`Dict`, *optional*): A dictionary containing the individual losses. Useful for logging. logits (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, num_queries, num_classes + 1)`): Classification logits (including no-object) for all queries. pred_boxes (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, num_queries, 4)`): Normalized boxes coordinates for all queries, represented as (center_x, center_y, width, height). These values are normalized in [0, 1], relative to the size of each individual image in the batch (disregarding possible padding). You can use [`~YolosImageProcessor.post_process`] to retrieve the unnormalized bounding boxes. auxiliary_outputs (`list[Dict]`, *optional*): Optional, only returned when auxilary losses are activated (i.e. `config.auxiliary_loss` is set to `True`) and labels are provided. It is a list of dictionaries containing the two above keys (`logits` and `pred_boxes`) for each decoder layer. last_hidden_state (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length, hidden_size)`, *optional*): Sequence of hidden-states at the output of the last layer of the decoder of the model. hidden_states (`tuple(torch.FloatTensor)`, *optional*, returned when `output_hidden_states=True` is passed or when `config.output_hidden_states=True`): Tuple of `torch.FloatTensor` (one for the output of the embeddings, if the model has an embedding layer, + one for the output of each layer) of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length, hidden_size)`. Hidden-states of the model at the output of each layer plus the optional initial embedding outputs. attentions (`tuple(torch.FloatTensor)`, *optional*, returned when `output_attentions=True` is passed or when `config.output_attentions=True`): Tuple of `torch.FloatTensor` (one for each layer) of shape `(batch_size, num_heads, sequence_length, sequence_length)`. Attentions weights after the attention softmax, used to compute the weighted average in the self-attention heads. """ loss: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None loss_dict: Optional[Dict] = None logits: torch.FloatTensor = None pred_boxes: torch.FloatTensor = None auxiliary_outputs: Optional[List[Dict]] = None last_hidden_state: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None hidden_states: Optional[Tuple[torch.FloatTensor]] = None attentions: Optional[Tuple[torch.FloatTensor]] = None class YolosEmbeddings(nn.Module): """ Construct the CLS token, detection tokens, position and patch embeddings. """ def __init__(self, config: YolosConfig) -> None: super().__init__() self.cls_token = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, 1, config.hidden_size)) self.detection_tokens = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, config.num_detection_tokens, config.hidden_size)) self.patch_embeddings = YolosPatchEmbeddings(config) num_patches = self.patch_embeddings.num_patches self.position_embeddings = nn.Parameter( torch.zeros(1, num_patches + config.num_detection_tokens + 1, config.hidden_size) ) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.hidden_dropout_prob) self.interpolation = InterpolateInitialPositionEmbeddings(config) self.config = config def forward(self, pixel_values: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: batch_size, num_channels, height, width = pixel_values.shape embeddings = self.patch_embeddings(pixel_values) batch_size, seq_len, _ = embeddings.size() # add the [CLS] and detection tokens to the embedded patch tokens cls_tokens = self.cls_token.expand(batch_size, -1, -1) detection_tokens = self.detection_tokens.expand(batch_size, -1, -1) embeddings = torch.cat((cls_tokens, embeddings, detection_tokens), dim=1) # add positional encoding to each token # this might require interpolation of the existing position embeddings position_embeddings = self.interpolation(self.position_embeddings, (height, width)) embeddings = embeddings + position_embeddings embeddings = self.dropout(embeddings) return embeddings class InterpolateInitialPositionEmbeddings(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config) -> None: super().__init__() self.config = config def forward(self, pos_embed, img_size=(800, 1344)) -> torch.Tensor: cls_pos_embed = pos_embed[:, 0, :] cls_pos_embed = cls_pos_embed[:, None] det_pos_embed = pos_embed[:, -self.config.num_detection_tokens :, :] patch_pos_embed = pos_embed[:, 1 : -self.config.num_detection_tokens, :] patch_pos_embed = patch_pos_embed.transpose(1, 2) batch_size, hidden_size, seq_len = patch_pos_embed.shape patch_height, patch_width = ( self.config.image_size[0] // self.config.patch_size, self.config.image_size[1] // self.config.patch_size, ) patch_pos_embed = patch_pos_embed.view(batch_size, hidden_size, patch_height, patch_width) height, width = img_size new_patch_heigth, new_patch_width = height // self.config.patch_size, width // self.config.patch_size patch_pos_embed = nn.functional.interpolate( patch_pos_embed, size=(new_patch_heigth, new_patch_width), mode="bicubic", align_corners=False ) patch_pos_embed = patch_pos_embed.flatten(2).transpose(1, 2) scale_pos_embed = torch.cat((cls_pos_embed, patch_pos_embed, det_pos_embed), dim=1) return scale_pos_embed class InterpolateMidPositionEmbeddings(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config) -> None: super().__init__() self.config = config def forward(self, pos_embed, img_size=(800, 1344)) -> torch.Tensor: cls_pos_embed = pos_embed[:, :, 0, :] cls_pos_embed = cls_pos_embed[:, None] det_pos_embed = pos_embed[:, :, -self.config.num_detection_tokens :, :] patch_pos_embed = pos_embed[:, :, 1 : -self.config.num_detection_tokens, :] patch_pos_embed = patch_pos_embed.transpose(2, 3) depth, batch_size, hidden_size, seq_len = patch_pos_embed.shape patch_height, patch_width = ( self.config.image_size[0] // self.config.patch_size, self.config.image_size[1] // self.config.patch_size, ) patch_pos_embed = patch_pos_embed.view(depth * batch_size, hidden_size, patch_height, patch_width) height, width = img_size new_patch_height, new_patch_width = height // self.config.patch_size, width // self.config.patch_size patch_pos_embed = nn.functional.interpolate( patch_pos_embed, size=(new_patch_height, new_patch_width), mode="bicubic", align_corners=False ) patch_pos_embed = ( patch_pos_embed.flatten(2) .transpose(1, 2) .contiguous() .view(depth, batch_size, new_patch_height * new_patch_width, hidden_size) ) scale_pos_embed = torch.cat((cls_pos_embed, patch_pos_embed, det_pos_embed), dim=2) return scale_pos_embed class YolosPatchEmbeddings(nn.Module): """ This class turns `pixel_values` of shape `(batch_size, num_channels, height, width)` into the initial `hidden_states` (patch embeddings) of shape `(batch_size, seq_length, hidden_size)` to be consumed by a Transformer. """ def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() image_size, patch_size = config.image_size, config.patch_size num_channels, hidden_size = config.num_channels, config.hidden_size image_size = image_size if isinstance(image_size, collections.abc.Iterable) else (image_size, image_size) patch_size = patch_size if isinstance(patch_size, collections.abc.Iterable) else (patch_size, patch_size) num_patches = (image_size[1] // patch_size[1]) * (image_size[0] // patch_size[0]) self.image_size = image_size self.patch_size = patch_size self.num_channels = num_channels self.num_patches = num_patches self.projection = nn.Conv2d(num_channels, hidden_size, kernel_size=patch_size, stride=patch_size) def forward(self, pixel_values: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: batch_size, num_channels, height, width = pixel_values.shape if num_channels != self.num_channels: raise ValueError( "Make sure that the channel dimension of the pixel values match with the one set in the configuration." ) embeddings = self.projection(pixel_values).flatten(2).transpose(1, 2) return embeddings # Copied from transformers.models.vit.modeling_vit.ViTSelfAttention with ViT->Yolos class YolosSelfAttention(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config: YolosConfig) -> None: super().__init__() if config.hidden_size % config.num_attention_heads != 0 and not hasattr(config, "embedding_size"): raise ValueError( f"The hidden size {config.hidden_size,} is not a multiple of the number of attention " f"heads {config.num_attention_heads}." ) self.num_attention_heads = config.num_attention_heads self.attention_head_size = int(config.hidden_size / config.num_attention_heads) self.all_head_size = self.num_attention_heads * self.attention_head_size self.query = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, self.all_head_size, bias=config.qkv_bias) self.key = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, self.all_head_size, bias=config.qkv_bias) self.value = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, self.all_head_size, bias=config.qkv_bias) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.attention_probs_dropout_prob) def transpose_for_scores(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: new_x_shape = x.size()[:-1] + (self.num_attention_heads, self.attention_head_size) x = x.view(new_x_shape) return x.permute(0, 2, 1, 3) def forward( self, hidden_states, head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, output_attentions: bool = False ) -> Union[Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], Tuple[torch.Tensor]]: mixed_query_layer = self.query(hidden_states) key_layer = self.transpose_for_scores(self.key(hidden_states)) value_layer = self.transpose_for_scores(self.value(hidden_states)) query_layer = self.transpose_for_scores(mixed_query_layer) # Take the dot product between "query" and "key" to get the raw attention scores. attention_scores = torch.matmul(query_layer, key_layer.transpose(-1, -2)) attention_scores = attention_scores / math.sqrt(self.attention_head_size) # Normalize the attention scores to probabilities. attention_probs = nn.functional.softmax(attention_scores, dim=-1) # This is actually dropping out entire tokens to attend to, which might # seem a bit unusual, but is taken from the original Transformer paper. attention_probs = self.dropout(attention_probs) # Mask heads if we want to if head_mask is not None: attention_probs = attention_probs * head_mask context_layer = torch.matmul(attention_probs, value_layer) context_layer = context_layer.permute(0, 2, 1, 3).contiguous() new_context_layer_shape = context_layer.size()[:-2] + (self.all_head_size,) context_layer = context_layer.view(new_context_layer_shape) outputs = (context_layer, attention_probs) if output_attentions else (context_layer,) return outputs # Copied from transformers.models.vit.modeling_vit.ViTSelfOutput with ViT->Yolos class YolosSelfOutput(nn.Module): """ The residual connection is defined in YolosLayer instead of here (as is the case with other models), due to the layernorm applied before each block. """ def __init__(self, config: YolosConfig) -> None: super().__init__() self.dense = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, config.hidden_size) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.hidden_dropout_prob) def forward(self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor, input_tensor: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: hidden_states = self.dense(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.dropout(hidden_states) return hidden_states # Copied from transformers.models.vit.modeling_vit.ViTAttention with ViT->Yolos class YolosAttention(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config: YolosConfig) -> None: super().__init__() self.attention = YolosSelfAttention(config) self.output = YolosSelfOutput(config) self.pruned_heads = set() def prune_heads(self, heads: Set[int]) -> None: if len(heads) == 0: return heads, index = find_pruneable_heads_and_indices( heads, self.attention.num_attention_heads, self.attention.attention_head_size, self.pruned_heads ) # Prune linear layers self.attention.query = prune_linear_layer(self.attention.query, index) self.attention.key = prune_linear_layer(self.attention.key, index) self.attention.value = prune_linear_layer(self.attention.value, index) self.output.dense = prune_linear_layer(self.output.dense, index, dim=1) # Update hyper params and store pruned heads self.attention.num_attention_heads = self.attention.num_attention_heads - len(heads) self.attention.all_head_size = self.attention.attention_head_size * self.attention.num_attention_heads self.pruned_heads = self.pruned_heads.union(heads) def forward( self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor, head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, output_attentions: bool = False, ) -> Union[Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], Tuple[torch.Tensor]]: self_outputs = self.attention(hidden_states, head_mask, output_attentions) attention_output = self.output(self_outputs[0], hidden_states) outputs = (attention_output,) + self_outputs[1:] # add attentions if we output them return outputs # Copied from transformers.models.vit.modeling_vit.ViTIntermediate with ViT->Yolos class YolosIntermediate(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config: YolosConfig) -> None: super().__init__() self.dense = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, config.intermediate_size) if isinstance(config.hidden_act, str): self.intermediate_act_fn = ACT2FN[config.hidden_act] else: self.intermediate_act_fn = config.hidden_act def forward(self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: hidden_states = self.dense(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.intermediate_act_fn(hidden_states) return hidden_states # Copied from transformers.models.vit.modeling_vit.ViTOutput with ViT->Yolos class YolosOutput(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config: YolosConfig) -> None: super().__init__() self.dense = nn.Linear(config.intermediate_size, config.hidden_size) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.hidden_dropout_prob) def forward(self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor, input_tensor: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: hidden_states = self.dense(hidden_states) hidden_states = self.dropout(hidden_states) hidden_states = hidden_states + input_tensor return hidden_states # Copied from transformers.models.vit.modeling_vit.ViTLayer with ViT->Yolos class YolosLayer(nn.Module): """This corresponds to the Block class in the timm implementation.""" def __init__(self, config: YolosConfig) -> None: super().__init__() self.chunk_size_feed_forward = config.chunk_size_feed_forward self.seq_len_dim = 1 self.attention = YolosAttention(config) self.intermediate = YolosIntermediate(config) self.output = YolosOutput(config) self.layernorm_before = nn.LayerNorm(config.hidden_size, eps=config.layer_norm_eps) self.layernorm_after = nn.LayerNorm(config.hidden_size, eps=config.layer_norm_eps) def forward( self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor, head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, output_attentions: bool = False, ) -> Union[Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], Tuple[torch.Tensor]]: self_attention_outputs = self.attention( self.layernorm_before(hidden_states), # in Yolos, layernorm is applied before self-attention head_mask, output_attentions=output_attentions, ) attention_output = self_attention_outputs[0] outputs = self_attention_outputs[1:] # add self attentions if we output attention weights # first residual connection hidden_states = attention_output + hidden_states # in Yolos, layernorm is also applied after self-attention layer_output = self.layernorm_after(hidden_states) layer_output = self.intermediate(layer_output) # second residual connection is done here layer_output = self.output(layer_output, hidden_states) outputs = (layer_output,) + outputs return outputs class YolosEncoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config: YolosConfig) -> None: super().__init__() self.config = config self.layer = nn.ModuleList([YolosLayer(config) for _ in range(config.num_hidden_layers)]) self.gradient_checkpointing = False seq_length = ( 1 + (config.image_size[0] * config.image_size[1] // config.patch_size**2) + config.num_detection_tokens ) self.mid_position_embeddings = ( nn.Parameter( torch.zeros( config.num_hidden_layers - 1, 1, seq_length, config.hidden_size, ) ) if config.use_mid_position_embeddings else None ) self.interpolation = InterpolateMidPositionEmbeddings(config) if config.use_mid_position_embeddings else None def forward( self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor, height, width, head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, output_attentions: bool = False, output_hidden_states: bool = False, return_dict: bool = True, ) -> Union[tuple, BaseModelOutput]: all_hidden_states = () if output_hidden_states else None all_self_attentions = () if output_attentions else None if self.config.use_mid_position_embeddings: interpolated_mid_position_embeddings = self.interpolation(self.mid_position_embeddings, (height, width)) for i, layer_module in enumerate(self.layer): if output_hidden_states: all_hidden_states = all_hidden_states + (hidden_states,) layer_head_mask = head_mask[i] if head_mask is not None else None if self.gradient_checkpointing and self.training: layer_outputs = self._gradient_checkpointing_func( layer_module.__call__, hidden_states, layer_head_mask, output_attentions, ) else: layer_outputs = layer_module(hidden_states, layer_head_mask, output_attentions) hidden_states = layer_outputs[0] if self.config.use_mid_position_embeddings: if i < (self.config.num_hidden_layers - 1): hidden_states = hidden_states + interpolated_mid_position_embeddings[i] if output_attentions: all_self_attentions = all_self_attentions + (layer_outputs[1],) if output_hidden_states: all_hidden_states = all_hidden_states + (hidden_states,) if not return_dict: return tuple(v for v in [hidden_states, all_hidden_states, all_self_attentions] if v is not None) return BaseModelOutput( last_hidden_state=hidden_states, hidden_states=all_hidden_states, attentions=all_self_attentions, ) class YolosPreTrainedModel(PreTrainedModel): """ An abstract class to handle weights initialization and a simple interface for downloading and loading pretrained models. """ config_class = YolosConfig base_model_prefix = "vit" main_input_name = "pixel_values" supports_gradient_checkpointing = True def _init_weights(self, module: Union[nn.Linear, nn.Conv2d, nn.LayerNorm]) -> None: """Initialize the weights""" if isinstance(module, (nn.Linear, nn.Conv2d)): # Slightly different from the TF version which uses truncated_normal for initialization # cf https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/pull/5617 module.weight.data.normal_(mean=0.0, std=self.config.initializer_range) if module.bias is not None: module.bias.data.zero_() elif isinstance(module, nn.LayerNorm): module.bias.data.zero_() module.weight.data.fill_(1.0) YOLOS_START_DOCSTRING = r""" This model is a PyTorch [torch.nn.Module](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html#torch.nn.Module) subclass. Use it as a regular PyTorch Module and refer to the PyTorch documentation for all matter related to general usage and behavior. Parameters: config ([`YolosConfig`]): Model configuration class with all the parameters of the model. Initializing with a config file does not load the weights associated with the model, only the configuration. Check out the [`~PreTrainedModel.from_pretrained`] method to load the model weights. """ YOLOS_INPUTS_DOCSTRING = r""" Args: pixel_values (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, num_channels, height, width)`): Pixel values. Pixel values can be obtained using [`AutoImageProcessor`]. See [`YolosImageProcessor.__call__`] for details. head_mask (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(num_heads,)` or `(num_layers, num_heads)`, *optional*): Mask to nullify selected heads of the self-attention modules. Mask values selected in `[0, 1]`: - 1 indicates the head is **not masked**, - 0 indicates the head is **masked**. output_attentions (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return the attentions tensors of all attention layers. See `attentions` under returned tensors for more detail. output_hidden_states (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return the hidden states of all layers. See `hidden_states` under returned tensors for more detail. return_dict (`bool`, *optional*): Whether or not to return a [`~utils.ModelOutput`] instead of a plain tuple. """ @add_start_docstrings( "The bare YOLOS Model transformer outputting raw hidden-states without any specific head on top.", YOLOS_START_DOCSTRING, ) class YolosModel(YolosPreTrainedModel): def __init__(self, config: YolosConfig, add_pooling_layer: bool = True): super().__init__(config) self.config = config self.embeddings = YolosEmbeddings(config) self.encoder = YolosEncoder(config) self.layernorm = nn.LayerNorm(config.hidden_size, eps=config.layer_norm_eps) self.pooler = YolosPooler(config) if add_pooling_layer else None # Initialize weights and apply final processing self.post_init() def get_input_embeddings(self) -> YolosPatchEmbeddings: return self.embeddings.patch_embeddings def _prune_heads(self, heads_to_prune: Dict[int, List[int]]) -> None: """ Prunes heads of the model. Args: heads_to_prune (`dict` of {layer_num: list of heads to prune in this layer}): See base class `PreTrainedModel`. """ for layer, heads in heads_to_prune.items(): self.encoder.layer[layer].attention.prune_heads(heads) @add_start_docstrings_to_model_forward(YOLOS_INPUTS_DOCSTRING) @add_code_sample_docstrings( checkpoint=_CHECKPOINT_FOR_DOC, output_type=BaseModelOutputWithPooling, config_class=_CONFIG_FOR_DOC, modality="vision", expected_output=_EXPECTED_OUTPUT_SHAPE, ) def forward( self, pixel_values: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Union[Tuple, BaseModelOutputWithPooling]: output_attentions = output_attentions if output_attentions is not None else self.config.output_attentions output_hidden_states = ( output_hidden_states if output_hidden_states is not None else self.config.output_hidden_states ) return_dict = return_dict if return_dict is not None else self.config.use_return_dict if pixel_values is None: raise ValueError("You have to specify pixel_values") # Prepare head mask if needed # 1.0 in head_mask indicate we keep the head # attention_probs has shape bsz x n_heads x N x N # input head_mask has shape [num_heads] or [num_hidden_layers x num_heads] # and head_mask is converted to shape [num_hidden_layers x batch x num_heads x seq_length x seq_length] head_mask = self.get_head_mask(head_mask, self.config.num_hidden_layers) embedding_output = self.embeddings(pixel_values) encoder_outputs = self.encoder( embedding_output, height=pixel_values.shape[-2], width=pixel_values.shape[-1], head_mask=head_mask, output_attentions=output_attentions, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=return_dict, ) sequence_output = encoder_outputs[0] sequence_output = self.layernorm(sequence_output) pooled_output = self.pooler(sequence_output) if self.pooler is not None else None if not return_dict: head_outputs = (sequence_output, pooled_output) if pooled_output is not None else (sequence_output,) return head_outputs + encoder_outputs[1:] return BaseModelOutputWithPooling( last_hidden_state=sequence_output, pooler_output=pooled_output, hidden_states=encoder_outputs.hidden_states, attentions=encoder_outputs.attentions, ) class YolosPooler(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config: YolosConfig): super().__init__() self.dense = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, config.hidden_size) self.activation = nn.Tanh() def forward(self, hidden_states): # We "pool" the model by simply taking the hidden state corresponding # to the first token. first_token_tensor = hidden_states[:, 0] pooled_output = self.dense(first_token_tensor) pooled_output = self.activation(pooled_output) return pooled_output @add_start_docstrings( """ YOLOS Model (consisting of a ViT encoder) with object detection heads on top, for tasks such as COCO detection. """, YOLOS_START_DOCSTRING, ) class YolosForObjectDetection(YolosPreTrainedModel): def __init__(self, config: YolosConfig): super().__init__(config) # YOLOS (ViT) encoder model self.vit = YolosModel(config, add_pooling_layer=False) # Object detection heads # We add one for the "no object" class self.class_labels_classifier = YolosMLPPredictionHead( input_dim=config.hidden_size, hidden_dim=config.hidden_size, output_dim=config.num_labels + 1, num_layers=3 ) self.bbox_predictor = YolosMLPPredictionHead( input_dim=config.hidden_size, hidden_dim=config.hidden_size, output_dim=4, num_layers=3 ) # Initialize weights and apply final processing self.post_init() # taken from https://github.com/facebookresearch/detr/blob/master/models/detr.py @torch.jit.unused def _set_aux_loss(self, outputs_class, outputs_coord): # this is a workaround to make torchscript happy, as torchscript # doesn't support dictionary with non-homogeneous values, such # as a dict having both a Tensor and a list. return [{"logits": a, "pred_boxes": b} for a, b in zip(outputs_class[:-1], outputs_coord[:-1])] @add_start_docstrings_to_model_forward(YOLOS_INPUTS_DOCSTRING) @replace_return_docstrings(output_type=YolosObjectDetectionOutput, config_class=_CONFIG_FOR_DOC) def forward( self, pixel_values: torch.FloatTensor, labels: Optional[List[Dict]] = None, output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Union[Tuple, YolosObjectDetectionOutput]: r""" labels (`List[Dict]` of len `(batch_size,)`, *optional*): Labels for computing the bipartite matching loss. List of dicts, each dictionary containing at least the following 2 keys: `'class_labels'` and `'boxes'` (the class labels and bounding boxes of an image in the batch respectively). The class labels themselves should be a `torch.LongTensor` of len `(number of bounding boxes in the image,)` and the boxes a `torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(number of bounding boxes in the image, 4)`. Returns: Examples: ```python >>> from transformers import AutoImageProcessor, AutoModelForObjectDetection >>> import torch >>> from PIL import Image >>> import requests >>> url = "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2017/000000039769.jpg" >>> image = Image.open(requests.get(url, stream=True).raw) >>> image_processor = AutoImageProcessor.from_pretrained("hustvl/yolos-tiny") >>> model = AutoModelForObjectDetection.from_pretrained("hustvl/yolos-tiny") >>> inputs = image_processor(images=image, return_tensors="pt") >>> outputs = model(**inputs) >>> # convert outputs (bounding boxes and class logits) to Pascal VOC format (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) >>> target_sizes = torch.tensor([image.size[::-1]]) >>> results = image_processor.post_process_object_detection(outputs, threshold=0.9, target_sizes=target_sizes)[ ... 0 ... ] >>> for score, label, box in zip(results["scores"], results["labels"], results["boxes"]): ... box = [round(i, 2) for i in box.tolist()] ... print( ... f"Detected {model.config.id2label[label.item()]} with confidence " ... f"{round(score.item(), 3)} at location {box}" ... ) Detected remote with confidence 0.994 at location [46.96, 72.61, 181.02, 119.73] Detected remote with confidence 0.975 at location [340.66, 79.19, 372.59, 192.65] Detected cat with confidence 0.984 at location [12.27, 54.25, 319.42, 470.99] Detected remote with confidence 0.922 at location [41.66, 71.96, 178.7, 120.33] Detected cat with confidence 0.914 at location [342.34, 21.48, 638.64, 372.46] ```""" return_dict = return_dict if return_dict is not None else self.config.use_return_dict # First, sent images through YOLOS base model to obtain hidden states outputs = self.vit( pixel_values, output_attentions=output_attentions, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, return_dict=return_dict, ) sequence_output = outputs[0] # Take the final hidden states of the detection tokens sequence_output = sequence_output[:, -self.config.num_detection_tokens :, :] # Class logits + predicted bounding boxes logits = self.class_labels_classifier(sequence_output) pred_boxes = self.bbox_predictor(sequence_output).sigmoid() loss, loss_dict, auxiliary_outputs = None, None, None if labels is not None: # First: create the matcher matcher = YolosHungarianMatcher( class_cost=self.config.class_cost, bbox_cost=self.config.bbox_cost, giou_cost=self.config.giou_cost ) # Second: create the criterion losses = ["labels", "boxes", "cardinality"] criterion = YolosLoss( matcher=matcher, num_classes=self.config.num_labels, eos_coef=self.config.eos_coefficient, losses=losses, ) criterion.to(self.device) # Third: compute the losses, based on outputs and labels outputs_loss = {} outputs_loss["logits"] = logits outputs_loss["pred_boxes"] = pred_boxes if self.config.auxiliary_loss: intermediate = outputs.intermediate_hidden_states if return_dict else outputs[4] outputs_class = self.class_labels_classifier(intermediate) outputs_coord = self.bbox_predictor(intermediate).sigmoid() auxiliary_outputs = self._set_aux_loss(outputs_class, outputs_coord) outputs_loss["auxiliary_outputs"] = auxiliary_outputs loss_dict = criterion(outputs_loss, labels) # Fourth: compute total loss, as a weighted sum of the various losses weight_dict = {"loss_ce": 1, "loss_bbox": self.config.bbox_loss_coefficient} weight_dict["loss_giou"] = self.config.giou_loss_coefficient if self.config.auxiliary_loss: aux_weight_dict = {} for i in range(self.config.decoder_layers - 1): aux_weight_dict.update({k + f"_{i}": v for k, v in weight_dict.items()}) weight_dict.update(aux_weight_dict) loss = sum(loss_dict[k] * weight_dict[k] for k in loss_dict.keys() if k in weight_dict) if not return_dict: if auxiliary_outputs is not None: output = (logits, pred_boxes) + auxiliary_outputs + outputs else: output = (logits, pred_boxes) + outputs return ((loss, loss_dict) + output) if loss is not None else output return YolosObjectDetectionOutput( loss=loss, loss_dict=loss_dict, logits=logits, pred_boxes=pred_boxes, auxiliary_outputs=auxiliary_outputs, last_hidden_state=outputs.last_hidden_state, hidden_states=outputs.hidden_states, attentions=outputs.attentions, ) # Copied from transformers.models.detr.modeling_detr.dice_loss def dice_loss(inputs, targets, num_boxes): """ Compute the DICE loss, similar to generalized IOU for masks Args: inputs: A float tensor of arbitrary shape. The predictions for each example. targets: A float tensor with the same shape as inputs. Stores the binary classification label for each element in inputs (0 for the negative class and 1 for the positive class). """ inputs = inputs.sigmoid() inputs = inputs.flatten(1) numerator = 2 * (inputs * targets).sum(1) denominator = inputs.sum(-1) + targets.sum(-1) loss = 1 - (numerator + 1) / (denominator + 1) return loss.sum() / num_boxes # Copied from transformers.models.detr.modeling_detr.sigmoid_focal_loss def sigmoid_focal_loss(inputs, targets, num_boxes, alpha: float = 0.25, gamma: float = 2): """ Loss used in RetinaNet for dense detection: https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.02002. Args: inputs (`torch.FloatTensor` of arbitrary shape): The predictions for each example. targets (`torch.FloatTensor` with the same shape as `inputs`) A tensor storing the binary classification label for each element in the `inputs` (0 for the negative class and 1 for the positive class). alpha (`float`, *optional*, defaults to `0.25`): Optional weighting factor in the range (0,1) to balance positive vs. negative examples. gamma (`int`, *optional*, defaults to `2`): Exponent of the modulating factor (1 - p_t) to balance easy vs hard examples. Returns: Loss tensor """ prob = inputs.sigmoid() ce_loss = nn.functional.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(inputs, targets, reduction="none") # add modulating factor p_t = prob * targets + (1 - prob) * (1 - targets) loss = ce_loss * ((1 - p_t) ** gamma) if alpha >= 0: alpha_t = alpha * targets + (1 - alpha) * (1 - targets) loss = alpha_t * loss return loss.mean(1).sum() / num_boxes # Copied from transformers.models.detr.modeling_detr.DetrLoss with Detr->Yolos class YolosLoss(nn.Module): """ This class computes the losses for YolosForObjectDetection/YolosForSegmentation. The process happens in two steps: 1) we compute hungarian assignment between ground truth boxes and the outputs of the model 2) we supervise each pair of matched ground-truth / prediction (supervise class and box). A note on the `num_classes` argument (copied from original repo in detr.py): "the naming of the `num_classes` parameter of the criterion is somewhat misleading. It indeed corresponds to `max_obj_id` + 1, where `max_obj_id` is the maximum id for a class in your dataset. For example, COCO has a `max_obj_id` of 90, so we pass `num_classes` to be 91. As another example, for a dataset that has a single class with `id` 1, you should pass `num_classes` to be 2 (`max_obj_id` + 1). For more details on this, check the following discussion https://github.com/facebookresearch/detr/issues/108#issuecomment-650269223" Args: matcher (`YolosHungarianMatcher`): Module able to compute a matching between targets and proposals. num_classes (`int`): Number of object categories, omitting the special no-object category. eos_coef (`float`): Relative classification weight applied to the no-object category. losses (`List[str]`): List of all the losses to be applied. See `get_loss` for a list of all available losses. """ def __init__(self, matcher, num_classes, eos_coef, losses): super().__init__() self.matcher = matcher self.num_classes = num_classes self.eos_coef = eos_coef self.losses = losses empty_weight = torch.ones(self.num_classes + 1) empty_weight[-1] = self.eos_coef self.register_buffer("empty_weight", empty_weight) # removed logging parameter, which was part of the original implementation def loss_labels(self, outputs, targets, indices, num_boxes): """ Classification loss (NLL) targets dicts must contain the key "class_labels" containing a tensor of dim [nb_target_boxes] """ if "logits" not in outputs: raise KeyError("No logits were found in the outputs") source_logits = outputs["logits"] idx = self._get_source_permutation_idx(indices) target_classes_o = torch.cat([t["class_labels"][J] for t, (_, J) in zip(targets, indices)]) target_classes = torch.full( source_logits.shape[:2], self.num_classes, dtype=torch.int64, device=source_logits.device ) target_classes[idx] = target_classes_o loss_ce = nn.functional.cross_entropy(source_logits.transpose(1, 2), target_classes, self.empty_weight) losses = {"loss_ce": loss_ce} return losses @torch.no_grad() def loss_cardinality(self, outputs, targets, indices, num_boxes): """ Compute the cardinality error, i.e. the absolute error in the number of predicted non-empty boxes. This is not really a loss, it is intended for logging purposes only. It doesn't propagate gradients. """ logits = outputs["logits"] device = logits.device target_lengths = torch.as_tensor([len(v["class_labels"]) for v in targets], device=device) # Count the number of predictions that are NOT "no-object" (which is the last class) card_pred = (logits.argmax(-1) != logits.shape[-1] - 1).sum(1) card_err = nn.functional.l1_loss(card_pred.float(), target_lengths.float()) losses = {"cardinality_error": card_err} return losses def loss_boxes(self, outputs, targets, indices, num_boxes): """ Compute the losses related to the bounding boxes, the L1 regression loss and the GIoU loss. Targets dicts must contain the key "boxes" containing a tensor of dim [nb_target_boxes, 4]. The target boxes are expected in format (center_x, center_y, w, h), normalized by the image size. """ if "pred_boxes" not in outputs: raise KeyError("No predicted boxes found in outputs") idx = self._get_source_permutation_idx(indices) source_boxes = outputs["pred_boxes"][idx] target_boxes = torch.cat([t["boxes"][i] for t, (_, i) in zip(targets, indices)], dim=0) loss_bbox = nn.functional.l1_loss(source_boxes, target_boxes, reduction="none") losses = {} losses["loss_bbox"] = loss_bbox.sum() / num_boxes loss_giou = 1 - torch.diag( generalized_box_iou(center_to_corners_format(source_boxes), center_to_corners_format(target_boxes)) ) losses["loss_giou"] = loss_giou.sum() / num_boxes return losses def loss_masks(self, outputs, targets, indices, num_boxes): """ Compute the losses related to the masks: the focal loss and the dice loss. Targets dicts must contain the key "masks" containing a tensor of dim [nb_target_boxes, h, w]. """ if "pred_masks" not in outputs: raise KeyError("No predicted masks found in outputs") source_idx = self._get_source_permutation_idx(indices) target_idx = self._get_target_permutation_idx(indices) source_masks = outputs["pred_masks"] source_masks = source_masks[source_idx] masks = [t["masks"] for t in targets] # TODO use valid to mask invalid areas due to padding in loss target_masks, valid = nested_tensor_from_tensor_list(masks).decompose() target_masks = target_masks.to(source_masks) target_masks = target_masks[target_idx] # upsample predictions to the target size source_masks = nn.functional.interpolate( source_masks[:, None], size=target_masks.shape[-2:], mode="bilinear", align_corners=False ) source_masks = source_masks[:, 0].flatten(1) target_masks = target_masks.flatten(1) target_masks = target_masks.view(source_masks.shape) losses = { "loss_mask": sigmoid_focal_loss(source_masks, target_masks, num_boxes), "loss_dice": dice_loss(source_masks, target_masks, num_boxes), } return losses def _get_source_permutation_idx(self, indices): # permute predictions following indices batch_idx = torch.cat([torch.full_like(source, i) for i, (source, _) in enumerate(indices)]) source_idx = torch.cat([source for (source, _) in indices]) return batch_idx, source_idx def _get_target_permutation_idx(self, indices): # permute targets following indices batch_idx = torch.cat([torch.full_like(target, i) for i, (_, target) in enumerate(indices)]) target_idx = torch.cat([target for (_, target) in indices]) return batch_idx, target_idx def get_loss(self, loss, outputs, targets, indices, num_boxes): loss_map = { "labels": self.loss_labels, "cardinality": self.loss_cardinality, "boxes": self.loss_boxes, "masks": self.loss_masks, } if loss not in loss_map: raise ValueError(f"Loss {loss} not supported") return loss_map[loss](outputs, targets, indices, num_boxes) def forward(self, outputs, targets): """ This performs the loss computation. Args: outputs (`dict`, *optional*): Dictionary of tensors, see the output specification of the model for the format. targets (`List[dict]`, *optional*): List of dicts, such that `len(targets) == batch_size`. The expected keys in each dict depends on the losses applied, see each loss' doc. """ outputs_without_aux = {k: v for k, v in outputs.items() if k != "auxiliary_outputs"} # Retrieve the matching between the outputs of the last layer and the targets indices = self.matcher(outputs_without_aux, targets) # Compute the average number of target boxes across all nodes, for normalization purposes num_boxes = sum(len(t["class_labels"]) for t in targets) num_boxes = torch.as_tensor([num_boxes], dtype=torch.float, device=next(iter(outputs.values())).device) # (Niels): comment out function below, distributed training to be added # if is_dist_avail_and_initialized(): # torch.distributed.all_reduce(num_boxes) # (Niels) in original implementation, num_boxes is divided by get_world_size() num_boxes = torch.clamp(num_boxes, min=1).item() # Compute all the requested losses losses = {} for loss in self.losses: losses.update(self.get_loss(loss, outputs, targets, indices, num_boxes)) # In case of auxiliary losses, we repeat this process with the output of each intermediate layer. if "auxiliary_outputs" in outputs: for i, auxiliary_outputs in enumerate(outputs["auxiliary_outputs"]): indices = self.matcher(auxiliary_outputs, targets) for loss in self.losses: if loss == "masks": # Intermediate masks losses are too costly to compute, we ignore them. continue l_dict = self.get_loss(loss, auxiliary_outputs, targets, indices, num_boxes) l_dict = {k + f"_{i}": v for k, v in l_dict.items()} losses.update(l_dict) return losses # Copied from transformers.models.detr.modeling_detr.DetrMLPPredictionHead with Detr->Yolos class YolosMLPPredictionHead(nn.Module): """ Very simple multi-layer perceptron (MLP, also called FFN), used to predict the normalized center coordinates, height and width of a bounding box w.r.t. an image. Copied from https://github.com/facebookresearch/detr/blob/master/models/detr.py """ def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim, num_layers): super().__init__() self.num_layers = num_layers h = [hidden_dim] * (num_layers - 1) self.layers = nn.ModuleList(nn.Linear(n, k) for n, k in zip([input_dim] + h, h + [output_dim])) def forward(self, x): for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers): x = nn.functional.relu(layer(x)) if i < self.num_layers - 1 else layer(x) return x # Copied from transformers.models.detr.modeling_detr.DetrHungarianMatcher with Detr->Yolos class YolosHungarianMatcher(nn.Module): """ This class computes an assignment between the targets and the predictions of the network. For efficiency reasons, the targets don't include the no_object. Because of this, in general, there are more predictions than targets. In this case, we do a 1-to-1 matching of the best predictions, while the others are un-matched (and thus treated as non-objects). Args: class_cost: The relative weight of the classification error in the matching cost. bbox_cost: The relative weight of the L1 error of the bounding box coordinates in the matching cost. giou_cost: The relative weight of the giou loss of the bounding box in the matching cost. """ def __init__(self, class_cost: float = 1, bbox_cost: float = 1, giou_cost: float = 1): super().__init__() requires_backends(self, ["scipy"]) self.class_cost = class_cost self.bbox_cost = bbox_cost self.giou_cost = giou_cost if class_cost == 0 and bbox_cost == 0 and giou_cost == 0: raise ValueError("All costs of the Matcher can't be 0") @torch.no_grad() def forward(self, outputs, targets): """ Args: outputs (`dict`): A dictionary that contains at least these entries: * "logits": Tensor of dim [batch_size, num_queries, num_classes] with the classification logits * "pred_boxes": Tensor of dim [batch_size, num_queries, 4] with the predicted box coordinates. targets (`List[dict]`): A list of targets (len(targets) = batch_size), where each target is a dict containing: * "class_labels": Tensor of dim [num_target_boxes] (where num_target_boxes is the number of ground-truth objects in the target) containing the class labels * "boxes": Tensor of dim [num_target_boxes, 4] containing the target box coordinates. Returns: `List[Tuple]`: A list of size `batch_size`, containing tuples of (index_i, index_j) where: - index_i is the indices of the selected predictions (in order) - index_j is the indices of the corresponding selected targets (in order) For each batch element, it holds: len(index_i) = len(index_j) = min(num_queries, num_target_boxes) """ batch_size, num_queries = outputs["logits"].shape[:2] # We flatten to compute the cost matrices in a batch out_prob = outputs["logits"].flatten(0, 1).softmax(-1) # [batch_size * num_queries, num_classes] out_bbox = outputs["pred_boxes"].flatten(0, 1) # [batch_size * num_queries, 4] # Also concat the target labels and boxes target_ids = torch.cat([v["class_labels"] for v in targets]) target_bbox = torch.cat([v["boxes"] for v in targets]) # Compute the classification cost. Contrary to the loss, we don't use the NLL, # but approximate it in 1 - proba[target class]. # The 1 is a constant that doesn't change the matching, it can be ommitted. class_cost = -out_prob[:, target_ids] # Compute the L1 cost between boxes bbox_cost = torch.cdist(out_bbox, target_bbox, p=1) # Compute the giou cost between boxes giou_cost = -generalized_box_iou(center_to_corners_format(out_bbox), center_to_corners_format(target_bbox)) # Final cost matrix cost_matrix = self.bbox_cost * bbox_cost + self.class_cost * class_cost + self.giou_cost * giou_cost cost_matrix = cost_matrix.view(batch_size, num_queries, -1).cpu() sizes = [len(v["boxes"]) for v in targets] indices = [linear_sum_assignment(c[i]) for i, c in enumerate(cost_matrix.split(sizes, -1))] return [(torch.as_tensor(i, dtype=torch.int64), torch.as_tensor(j, dtype=torch.int64)) for i, j in indices] # Copied from transformers.models.detr.modeling_detr._upcast def _upcast(t: Tensor) -> Tensor: # Protects from numerical overflows in multiplications by upcasting to the equivalent higher type if t.is_floating_point(): return t if t.dtype in (torch.float32, torch.float64) else t.float() else: return t if t.dtype in (torch.int32, torch.int64) else t.int() # Copied from transformers.models.detr.modeling_detr.box_area def box_area(boxes: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Computes the area of a set of bounding boxes, which are specified by its (x1, y1, x2, y2) coordinates. Args: boxes (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(number_of_boxes, 4)`): Boxes for which the area will be computed. They are expected to be in (x1, y1, x2, y2) format with `0 <= x1 < x2` and `0 <= y1 < y2`. Returns: `torch.FloatTensor`: a tensor containing the area for each box. """ boxes = _upcast(boxes) return (boxes[:, 2] - boxes[:, 0]) * (boxes[:, 3] - boxes[:, 1]) # Copied from transformers.models.detr.modeling_detr.box_iou def box_iou(boxes1, boxes2): area1 = box_area(boxes1) area2 = box_area(boxes2) left_top = torch.max(boxes1[:, None, :2], boxes2[:, :2]) # [N,M,2] right_bottom = torch.min(boxes1[:, None, 2:], boxes2[:, 2:]) # [N,M,2] width_height = (right_bottom - left_top).clamp(min=0) # [N,M,2] inter = width_height[:, :, 0] * width_height[:, :, 1] # [N,M] union = area1[:, None] + area2 - inter iou = inter / union return iou, union # Copied from transformers.models.detr.modeling_detr.generalized_box_iou def generalized_box_iou(boxes1, boxes2): """ Generalized IoU from https://giou.stanford.edu/. The boxes should be in [x0, y0, x1, y1] (corner) format. Returns: `torch.FloatTensor`: a [N, M] pairwise matrix, where N = len(boxes1) and M = len(boxes2) """ # degenerate boxes gives inf / nan results # so do an early check if not (boxes1[:, 2:] >= boxes1[:, :2]).all(): raise ValueError(f"boxes1 must be in [x0, y0, x1, y1] (corner) format, but got {boxes1}") if not (boxes2[:, 2:] >= boxes2[:, :2]).all(): raise ValueError(f"boxes2 must be in [x0, y0, x1, y1] (corner) format, but got {boxes2}") iou, union = box_iou(boxes1, boxes2) top_left = torch.min(boxes1[:, None, :2], boxes2[:, :2]) bottom_right = torch.max(boxes1[:, None, 2:], boxes2[:, 2:]) width_height = (bottom_right - top_left).clamp(min=0) # [N,M,2] area = width_height[:, :, 0] * width_height[:, :, 1] return iou - (area - union) / area # Copied from transformers.models.detr.modeling_detr._max_by_axis def _max_by_axis(the_list): # type: (List[List[int]]) -> List[int] maxes = the_list[0] for sublist in the_list[1:]: for index, item in enumerate(sublist): maxes[index] = max(maxes[index], item) return maxes # Copied from transformers.models.detr.modeling_detr.NestedTensor class NestedTensor(object): def __init__(self, tensors, mask: Optional[Tensor]): self.tensors = tensors self.mask = mask def to(self, device): cast_tensor = self.tensors.to(device) mask = self.mask if mask is not None: cast_mask = mask.to(device) else: cast_mask = None return NestedTensor(cast_tensor, cast_mask) def decompose(self): return self.tensors, self.mask def __repr__(self): return str(self.tensors) # Copied from transformers.models.detr.modeling_detr.nested_tensor_from_tensor_list def nested_tensor_from_tensor_list(tensor_list: List[Tensor]): if tensor_list[0].ndim == 3: max_size = _max_by_axis([list(img.shape) for img in tensor_list]) batch_shape = [len(tensor_list)] + max_size batch_size, num_channels, height, width = batch_shape dtype = tensor_list[0].dtype device = tensor_list[0].device tensor = torch.zeros(batch_shape, dtype=dtype, device=device) mask = torch.ones((batch_size, height, width), dtype=torch.bool, device=device) for img, pad_img, m in zip(tensor_list, tensor, mask): pad_img[: img.shape[0], : img.shape[1], : img.shape[2]].copy_(img) m[: img.shape[1], : img.shape[2]] = False else: raise ValueError("Only 3-dimensional tensors are supported") return NestedTensor(tensor, mask)
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/models/yolos/modeling_yolos.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 24118 }
# Copyright 2021 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from collections import defaultdict from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Optional, Union import numpy as np import requests from ..tokenization_utils import PreTrainedTokenizer from ..utils import is_torch_available, is_torchaudio_available, logging from .audio_utils import ffmpeg_read from .base import ChunkPipeline if TYPE_CHECKING: from pyctcdecode import BeamSearchDecoderCTC from ..feature_extraction_sequence_utils import SequenceFeatureExtractor from ..modeling_utils import PreTrainedModel logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) if is_torch_available(): import torch from ..models.auto.modeling_auto import MODEL_FOR_SPEECH_SEQ_2_SEQ_MAPPING_NAMES def rescale_stride(stride, ratio): """ Rescales the stride values from audio space to tokens/logits space. (160_000, 16_000, 16_000) -> (2000, 200, 200) for instance. """ # Shape is [B, SEQ] for tokens # [B, SEQ, V] for logits new_strides = [] for input_n, left, right in stride: token_n = int(round(input_n * ratio)) left = int(round(left / input_n * token_n)) right = int(round(right / input_n * token_n)) new_stride = (token_n, left, right) new_strides.append(new_stride) return new_strides def chunk_iter(inputs, feature_extractor, chunk_len, stride_left, stride_right, rescale=True, dtype=None): inputs_len = inputs.shape[0] step = chunk_len - stride_left - stride_right for chunk_start_idx in range(0, inputs_len, step): chunk_end_idx = chunk_start_idx + chunk_len chunk = inputs[chunk_start_idx:chunk_end_idx] processed = feature_extractor(chunk, sampling_rate=feature_extractor.sampling_rate, return_tensors="pt") if dtype is not None: processed = processed.to(dtype=dtype) _stride_left = 0 if chunk_start_idx == 0 else stride_left # all right strides must be full, otherwise it is the last item is_last = chunk_end_idx > inputs_len if stride_right > 0 else chunk_end_idx >= inputs_len _stride_right = 0 if is_last else stride_right chunk_len = chunk.shape[0] stride = (chunk_len, _stride_left, _stride_right) if "input_features" in processed: processed_len = processed["input_features"].shape[-1] elif "input_values" in processed: processed_len = processed["input_values"].shape[-1] if processed_len != chunk.shape[-1] and rescale: ratio = processed_len / chunk_len stride = rescale_stride([stride], ratio)[0] if chunk.shape[0] > _stride_left: yield {"is_last": is_last, "stride": stride, **processed} if is_last: break def _fast_find_longest_common_sequence(sequence_left, sequence_right): seq_len_left = len(sequence_left) seq_len_right = len(sequence_right) counter = [[0] * (seq_len_right + 1) for _ in range(seq_len_left + 1)] longest = 0 for i in range(seq_len_left): for j in range(seq_len_right): if sequence_left[i] == sequence_right[j]: previous_counter = counter[i][j] + 1 counter[i + 1][j + 1] = previous_counter if previous_counter > longest: longest = previous_counter counter = np.array(counter) # we return the idx of the first element of the longest common sequence in the left sequence index_left = np.argwhere(counter == longest)[-1][0] - longest if longest != 0 else -1 index_right = np.argwhere(counter == longest)[-1][1] - longest if longest != 0 else -1 return index_left, index_right, longest def _find_longest_common_sequence(sequences, tokenizer): # TODO Use a faster algorithm this can probably be done in O(n) # using suffix array. # It might be tedious to do because of fault tolerance. # We actually have a really good property which is that the total sequence # MUST be those subsequences in order. # Also the algorithm should be more tolerant to errors. sequence = [tok_id for tok_id in sequences[0][0].tolist() if tok_id not in tokenizer.all_special_ids] for new_seq in sequences[1:]: new_sequence = [tok_id for tok_id in new_seq[0].tolist() if tok_id not in tokenizer.all_special_ids] index = 0 max_ = 0.0 for i in range(1, len(new_sequence) + 1): # epsilon to favor long perfect matches eps = i / 10000.0 matches = np.sum(np.array(sequence[-i:]) == np.array(new_sequence[:i])) matching = matches / i + eps if matches > 1 and matching > max_: index = i max_ = matching sequence.extend(new_sequence[index:]) return np.array(sequence) class AutomaticSpeechRecognitionPipeline(ChunkPipeline): """ Pipeline that aims at extracting spoken text contained within some audio. The input can be either a raw waveform or a audio file. In case of the audio file, ffmpeg should be installed for to support multiple audio formats Example: ```python >>> from transformers import pipeline >>> transcriber = pipeline(model="openai/whisper-base") >>> transcriber("https://huggingface.co/datasets/Narsil/asr_dummy/resolve/main/1.flac") {'text': ' He hoped there would be stew for dinner, turnips and carrots and bruised potatoes and fat mutton pieces to be ladled out in thick, peppered flour-fatten sauce.'} ``` Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the [pipeline tutorial](../pipeline_tutorial) Arguments: model ([`PreTrainedModel`] or [`TFPreTrainedModel`]): The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from [`PreTrainedModel`] for PyTorch and [`TFPreTrainedModel`] for TensorFlow. feature_extractor ([`SequenceFeatureExtractor`]): The feature extractor that will be used by the pipeline to encode waveform for the model. tokenizer ([`PreTrainedTokenizer`]): The tokenizer that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from [`PreTrainedTokenizer`]. decoder (`pyctcdecode.BeamSearchDecoderCTC`, *optional*): [PyCTCDecode's BeamSearchDecoderCTC](https://github.com/kensho-technologies/pyctcdecode/blob/2fd33dc37c4111417e08d89ccd23d28e9b308d19/pyctcdecode/decoder.py#L180) can be passed for language model boosted decoding. See [`Wav2Vec2ProcessorWithLM`] for more information. chunk_length_s (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 0): The input length for in each chunk. If `chunk_length_s = 0` then chunking is disabled (default). <Tip> For more information on how to effectively use `chunk_length_s`, please have a look at the [ASR chunking blog post](https://huggingface.co/blog/asr-chunking). </Tip> stride_length_s (`float`, *optional*, defaults to `chunk_length_s / 6`): The length of stride on the left and right of each chunk. Used only with `chunk_length_s > 0`. This enables the model to *see* more context and infer letters better than without this context but the pipeline discards the stride bits at the end to make the final reconstitution as perfect as possible. <Tip> For more information on how to effectively use `stride_length_s`, please have a look at the [ASR chunking blog post](https://huggingface.co/blog/asr-chunking). </Tip> framework (`str`, *optional*): The framework to use, either `"pt"` for PyTorch or `"tf"` for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed. If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the `model`, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. device (Union[`int`, `torch.device`], *optional*): Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to `None` will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. torch_dtype (Union[`int`, `torch.dtype`], *optional*): The data-type (dtype) of the computation. Setting this to `None` will use float32 precision. Set to `torch.float16` or `torch.bfloat16` to use half-precision in the respective dtypes. """ def __init__( self, model: "PreTrainedModel", feature_extractor: Union["SequenceFeatureExtractor", str] = None, tokenizer: Optional[PreTrainedTokenizer] = None, decoder: Optional[Union["BeamSearchDecoderCTC", str]] = None, device: Union[int, "torch.device"] = None, torch_dtype: Optional[Union[str, "torch.dtype"]] = None, **kwargs, ): # set the model type so we can check we have the right pre- and post-processing parameters if model.config.model_type == "whisper": self.type = "seq2seq_whisper" elif model.__class__.__name__ in MODEL_FOR_SPEECH_SEQ_2_SEQ_MAPPING_NAMES.values(): self.type = "seq2seq" elif ( feature_extractor._processor_class and feature_extractor._processor_class.endswith("WithLM") and decoder is not None ): self.decoder = decoder self.type = "ctc_with_lm" else: self.type = "ctc" super().__init__(model, tokenizer, feature_extractor, device=device, torch_dtype=torch_dtype, **kwargs) def __call__( self, inputs: Union[np.ndarray, bytes, str], **kwargs, ): """ Transcribe the audio sequence(s) given as inputs to text. See the [`AutomaticSpeechRecognitionPipeline`] documentation for more information. Args: inputs (`np.ndarray` or `bytes` or `str` or `dict`): The inputs is either : - `str` that is either the filename of a local audio file, or a public URL address to download the audio file. The file will be read at the correct sampling rate to get the waveform using *ffmpeg*. This requires *ffmpeg* to be installed on the system. - `bytes` it is supposed to be the content of an audio file and is interpreted by *ffmpeg* in the same way. - (`np.ndarray` of shape (n, ) of type `np.float32` or `np.float64`) Raw audio at the correct sampling rate (no further check will be done) - `dict` form can be used to pass raw audio sampled at arbitrary `sampling_rate` and let this pipeline do the resampling. The dict must be in the format `{"sampling_rate": int, "raw": np.array}` with optionally a `"stride": (left: int, right: int)` than can ask the pipeline to treat the first `left` samples and last `right` samples to be ignored in decoding (but used at inference to provide more context to the model). Only use `stride` with CTC models. return_timestamps (*optional*, `str` or `bool`): Only available for pure CTC models (Wav2Vec2, HuBERT, etc) and the Whisper model. Not available for other sequence-to-sequence models. For CTC models, timestamps can take one of two formats: - `"char"`: the pipeline will return timestamps along the text for every character in the text. For instance, if you get `[{"text": "h", "timestamp": (0.5, 0.6)}, {"text": "i", "timestamp": (0.7, 0.9)}]`, then it means the model predicts that the letter "h" was spoken after `0.5` and before `0.6` seconds. - `"word"`: the pipeline will return timestamps along the text for every word in the text. For instance, if you get `[{"text": "hi ", "timestamp": (0.5, 0.9)}, {"text": "there", "timestamp": (1.0, 1.5)}]`, then it means the model predicts that the word "hi" was spoken after `0.5` and before `0.9` seconds. For the Whisper model, timestamps can take one of two formats: - `"word"`: same as above for word-level CTC timestamps. Word-level timestamps are predicted through the *dynamic-time warping (DTW)* algorithm, an approximation to word-level timestamps by inspecting the cross-attention weights. - `True`: the pipeline will return timestamps along the text for *segments* of words in the text. For instance, if you get `[{"text": " Hi there!", "timestamp": (0.5, 1.5)}]`, then it means the model predicts that the segment "Hi there!" was spoken after `0.5` and before `1.5` seconds. Note that a segment of text refers to a sequence of one or more words, rather than individual words as with word-level timestamps. generate_kwargs (`dict`, *optional*): The dictionary of ad-hoc parametrization of `generate_config` to be used for the generation call. For a complete overview of generate, check the [following guide](https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/en/main_classes/text_generation). max_new_tokens (`int`, *optional*): The maximum numbers of tokens to generate, ignoring the number of tokens in the prompt. Return: `Dict`: A dictionary with the following keys: - **text** (`str`): The recognized text. - **chunks** (*optional(, `List[Dict]`) When using `return_timestamps`, the `chunks` will become a list containing all the various text chunks identified by the model, *e.g.* `[{"text": "hi ", "timestamp": (0.5, 0.9)}, {"text": "there", "timestamp": (1.0, 1.5)}]`. The original full text can roughly be recovered by doing `"".join(chunk["text"] for chunk in output["chunks"])`. """ return super().__call__(inputs, **kwargs) def _sanitize_parameters( self, chunk_length_s=None, stride_length_s=None, ignore_warning=None, decoder_kwargs=None, return_timestamps=None, return_language=None, generate_kwargs=None, max_new_tokens=None, ): # No parameters on this pipeline right now preprocess_params = {} if chunk_length_s is not None: if self.type == "seq2seq" and not ignore_warning: logger.warning( "Using `chunk_length_s` is very experimental with seq2seq models. The results will not necessarily" " be entirely accurate and will have caveats. More information:" " https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/pull/20104. Ignore this warning with pipeline(...," " ignore_warning=True)" ) preprocess_params["chunk_length_s"] = chunk_length_s if stride_length_s is not None: preprocess_params["stride_length_s"] = stride_length_s forward_params = defaultdict(dict) if max_new_tokens is not None: forward_params["generate_kwargs"]["max_new_tokens"] = max_new_tokens if generate_kwargs is not None: if max_new_tokens is not None and "max_new_tokens" in generate_kwargs: raise ValueError( "`max_new_tokens` is defined both as an argument and inside `generate_kwargs` argument, please use" " only 1 version" ) forward_params["generate_kwargs"].update(generate_kwargs) postprocess_params = {} if decoder_kwargs is not None: postprocess_params["decoder_kwargs"] = decoder_kwargs if return_timestamps is not None: # Check whether we have a valid setting for return_timestamps and throw an error before we perform a forward pass if self.type == "seq2seq" and return_timestamps: raise ValueError("We cannot return_timestamps yet on non-CTC models apart from Whisper!") if self.type == "ctc_with_lm" and return_timestamps != "word": raise ValueError("CTC with LM can only predict word level timestamps, set `return_timestamps='word'`") if self.type == "ctc" and return_timestamps not in ["char", "word"]: raise ValueError( "CTC can either predict character level timestamps, or word level timestamps. " "Set `return_timestamps='char'` or `return_timestamps='word'` as required." ) if self.type == "seq2seq_whisper" and return_timestamps == "char": raise ValueError( "Whisper cannot return `char` timestamps, only word level or segment level timestamps. " "Use `return_timestamps='word'` or `return_timestamps=True` respectively." ) forward_params["return_timestamps"] = return_timestamps postprocess_params["return_timestamps"] = return_timestamps if return_language is not None: if self.type != "seq2seq_whisper": raise ValueError("Only Whisper can return language for now.") postprocess_params["return_language"] = return_language return preprocess_params, forward_params, postprocess_params def preprocess(self, inputs, chunk_length_s=0, stride_length_s=None): if isinstance(inputs, str): if inputs.startswith("http://") or inputs.startswith("https://"): # We need to actually check for a real protocol, otherwise it's impossible to use a local file # like http_huggingface_co.png inputs = requests.get(inputs).content else: with open(inputs, "rb") as f: inputs = f.read() if isinstance(inputs, bytes): inputs = ffmpeg_read(inputs, self.feature_extractor.sampling_rate) stride = None extra = {} if isinstance(inputs, dict): stride = inputs.pop("stride", None) # Accepting `"array"` which is the key defined in `datasets` for # better integration if not ("sampling_rate" in inputs and ("raw" in inputs or "array" in inputs)): raise ValueError( "When passing a dictionary to AutomaticSpeechRecognitionPipeline, the dict needs to contain a " '"raw" key containing the numpy array representing the audio and a "sampling_rate" key, ' "containing the sampling_rate associated with that array" ) _inputs = inputs.pop("raw", None) if _inputs is None: # Remove path which will not be used from `datasets`. inputs.pop("path", None) _inputs = inputs.pop("array", None) in_sampling_rate = inputs.pop("sampling_rate") extra = inputs inputs = _inputs if in_sampling_rate != self.feature_extractor.sampling_rate: if is_torchaudio_available(): from torchaudio import functional as F else: raise ImportError( "torchaudio is required to resample audio samples in AutomaticSpeechRecognitionPipeline. " "The torchaudio package can be installed through: `pip install torchaudio`." ) inputs = F.resample( torch.from_numpy(inputs), in_sampling_rate, self.feature_extractor.sampling_rate ).numpy() ratio = self.feature_extractor.sampling_rate / in_sampling_rate else: ratio = 1 if stride is not None: if stride[0] + stride[1] > inputs.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Stride is too large for input") # Stride needs to get the chunk length here, it's going to get # swallowed by the `feature_extractor` later, and then batching # can add extra data in the inputs, so we need to keep track # of the original length in the stride so we can cut properly. stride = (inputs.shape[0], int(round(stride[0] * ratio)), int(round(stride[1] * ratio))) if not isinstance(inputs, np.ndarray): raise ValueError(f"We expect a numpy ndarray as input, got `{type(inputs)}`") if len(inputs.shape) != 1: raise ValueError("We expect a single channel audio input for AutomaticSpeechRecognitionPipeline") if chunk_length_s: if stride_length_s is None: stride_length_s = chunk_length_s / 6 if isinstance(stride_length_s, (int, float)): stride_length_s = [stride_length_s, stride_length_s] # XXX: Carefuly, this variable will not exist in `seq2seq` setting. # Currently chunking is not possible at this level for `seq2seq` so # it's ok. align_to = getattr(self.model.config, "inputs_to_logits_ratio", 1) chunk_len = int(round(chunk_length_s * self.feature_extractor.sampling_rate / align_to) * align_to) stride_left = int(round(stride_length_s[0] * self.feature_extractor.sampling_rate / align_to) * align_to) stride_right = int(round(stride_length_s[1] * self.feature_extractor.sampling_rate / align_to) * align_to) if chunk_len < stride_left + stride_right: raise ValueError("Chunk length must be superior to stride length") rescale = self.type != "seq2seq_whisper" # make sure that for item in chunk_iter( inputs, self.feature_extractor, chunk_len, stride_left, stride_right, rescale, self.torch_dtype ): yield item else: if self.type == "seq2seq_whisper" and inputs.shape[0] > self.feature_extractor.n_samples: processed = self.feature_extractor( inputs, sampling_rate=self.feature_extractor.sampling_rate, truncation=False, padding="longest", return_tensors="pt", ) else: processed = self.feature_extractor( inputs, sampling_rate=self.feature_extractor.sampling_rate, return_tensors="pt" ) if self.torch_dtype is not None: processed = processed.to(dtype=self.torch_dtype) if stride is not None: if self.type == "seq2seq": raise ValueError("Stride is only usable with CTC models, try removing it !") processed["stride"] = stride yield {"is_last": True, **processed, **extra} def _forward(self, model_inputs, return_timestamps=False, generate_kwargs=None): if generate_kwargs is None: generate_kwargs = {} attention_mask = model_inputs.pop("attention_mask", None) stride = model_inputs.pop("stride", None) is_last = model_inputs.pop("is_last") if self.type in {"seq2seq", "seq2seq_whisper"}: encoder = self.model.get_encoder() # Consume values so we can let extra information flow freely through # the pipeline (important for `partial` in microphone) if "input_features" in model_inputs: inputs = model_inputs.pop("input_features") elif "input_values" in model_inputs: inputs = model_inputs.pop("input_values") else: raise ValueError( "Seq2Seq speech recognition model requires either a " f"`input_features` or `input_values` key, but only has {model_inputs.keys()}" ) # custom processing for Whisper timestamps and word-level timestamps if return_timestamps and self.type == "seq2seq_whisper": generate_kwargs["return_timestamps"] = return_timestamps if return_timestamps == "word": generate_kwargs["return_token_timestamps"] = True if stride is not None: if isinstance(stride, tuple): generate_kwargs["num_frames"] = stride[0] // self.feature_extractor.hop_length else: generate_kwargs["num_frames"] = [s[0] // self.feature_extractor.hop_length for s in stride] if self.type == "seq2seq_whisper" and inputs.shape[-1] > self.feature_extractor.nb_max_frames: generate_kwargs["input_features"] = inputs else: generate_kwargs["encoder_outputs"] = encoder(inputs, attention_mask=attention_mask) tokens = self.model.generate( attention_mask=attention_mask, **generate_kwargs, ) if return_timestamps == "word" and self.type == "seq2seq_whisper": out = {"tokens": tokens["sequences"], "token_timestamps": tokens["token_timestamps"]} else: out = {"tokens": tokens} if self.type == "seq2seq_whisper": if stride is not None: out["stride"] = stride else: inputs = { self.model.main_input_name: model_inputs.pop(self.model.main_input_name), "attention_mask": attention_mask, } outputs = self.model(**inputs) logits = outputs.logits if self.type == "ctc_with_lm": out = {"logits": logits} else: out = {"tokens": logits.argmax(dim=-1)} if stride is not None: # Send stride to `postprocess`. # it needs to be handled there where # the pieces are to be concatenated. ratio = 1 / self.model.config.inputs_to_logits_ratio if isinstance(stride, tuple): out["stride"] = rescale_stride([stride], ratio)[0] else: out["stride"] = rescale_stride(stride, ratio) # Leftover extra = model_inputs return {"is_last": is_last, **out, **extra} def postprocess( self, model_outputs, decoder_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, return_timestamps=None, return_language=None ): # Optional return types optional = {} final_items = [] key = "logits" if self.type == "ctc_with_lm" else "tokens" stride = None for outputs in model_outputs: items = outputs[key].numpy() stride = outputs.get("stride", None) if stride is not None and self.type in {"ctc", "ctc_with_lm"}: total_n, left, right = stride # Total_n might be < logits.shape[1] # because of padding, that's why # we need to reconstruct this information # This won't work with left padding (which doesn't exist right now) right_n = total_n - right items = items[:, left:right_n] final_items.append(items) if stride and self.type == "seq2seq": items = _find_longest_common_sequence(final_items, self.tokenizer) elif self.type == "seq2seq_whisper": time_precision = self.feature_extractor.chunk_length / self.model.config.max_source_positions # Send the chunking back to seconds, it's easier to handle in whisper sampling_rate = self.feature_extractor.sampling_rate for output in model_outputs: if "stride" in output: chunk_len, stride_left, stride_right = output["stride"] # Go back in seconds chunk_len /= sampling_rate stride_left /= sampling_rate stride_right /= sampling_rate output["stride"] = chunk_len, stride_left, stride_right text, optional = self.tokenizer._decode_asr( model_outputs, return_timestamps=return_timestamps, return_language=return_language, time_precision=time_precision, ) else: items = np.concatenate(final_items, axis=1) items = items.squeeze(0) if self.type == "ctc_with_lm": if decoder_kwargs is None: decoder_kwargs = {} beams = self.decoder.decode_beams(items, **decoder_kwargs) text = beams[0][0] if return_timestamps: # Simply cast from pyctcdecode format to wav2vec2 format to leverage # pre-existing code later chunk_offset = beams[0][2] offsets = [] for word, (start_offset, end_offset) in chunk_offset: offsets.append({"word": word, "start_offset": start_offset, "end_offset": end_offset}) elif self.type != "seq2seq_whisper": skip_special_tokens = self.type != "ctc" text = self.tokenizer.decode(items, skip_special_tokens=skip_special_tokens) if return_timestamps: offsets = self.tokenizer.decode( items, skip_special_tokens=skip_special_tokens, output_char_offsets=True )["char_offsets"] if return_timestamps == "word": offsets = self.tokenizer._get_word_offsets(offsets, self.tokenizer.replace_word_delimiter_char) if return_timestamps and self.type not in {"seq2seq", "seq2seq_whisper"}: chunks = [] for item in offsets: start = item["start_offset"] * self.model.config.inputs_to_logits_ratio start /= self.feature_extractor.sampling_rate stop = item["end_offset"] * self.model.config.inputs_to_logits_ratio stop /= self.feature_extractor.sampling_rate chunks.append({"text": item[return_timestamps], "timestamp": (start, stop)}) optional["chunks"] = chunks extra = defaultdict(list) for output in model_outputs: output.pop("tokens", None) output.pop("logits", None) output.pop("is_last", None) output.pop("stride", None) output.pop("token_timestamps", None) for k, v in output.items(): extra[k].append(v) return {"text": text, **optional, **extra} def _find_timestamp_sequence(sequences, tokenizer, feature_extractor, max_source_positions): """ Computes the final sequences by merging the end of the nth sequence with the beginning of the n+1th sequence. Since `WhisperForConditionalGeneration` produces the timestamps pairwise, we filter the consecutive timestamps and only iterate over them. We keep track of the `time` which indicates the actual starting time of the chunk that is processed. We need to make sure to offset the timestamps tokens by the `time` in order for the tokenizer to properly compute the final `offset`. """ # index of the first timestamp token timestamp_begin = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids("<|notimestamps|>") + 1 items = [] # approximation of the token to time ratio : ~0.2seconds time_precision = feature_extractor.chunk_length / max_source_positions time = 0 for seq_idx, item in enumerate(sequences): sequence, stride = item if isinstance(sequence, list): sequence = np.array(sequence) chunk_len, stride_left, stride_right = stride sequence = sequence.squeeze(0) # get rid of the `forced_decoder_idx` that are use to parametrize the generation begin_idx = np.where(sequence == timestamp_begin)[0][0] if timestamp_begin in sequence else 0 sequence = sequence[begin_idx:] timestamp_tokens = sequence >= timestamp_begin if seq_idx != 0 and sum(timestamp_tokens) > 0: consecutive = np.where(timestamp_tokens[:-1] & timestamp_tokens[1:])[0] + 1 last_timestamp = np.where(timestamp_tokens)[0][-1] consecutive = np.append(consecutive, last_timestamp) if last_timestamp not in consecutive else consecutive time -= stride_left + stride_right offset = int((time / feature_extractor.sampling_rate) / time_precision) overlap_time = int((stride_left / feature_extractor.sampling_rate) / time_precision) # relevant timestamps are in the overlapping part relevant_timestamp = np.where(sequence[consecutive] >= timestamp_begin + overlap_time)[0] if relevant_timestamp.shape[0] > 0: relevant_timestamp = ( consecutive[relevant_timestamp[0] - 1] if relevant_timestamp[0] > 0 else consecutive[0] ) # if a big stride is used, we need to check some of the previous items for the best overlap best_match = 0 sliced_sequence = [] for idx, previous_sequence in enumerate(reversed(items)): previous_tokens = previous_sequence[1:-1] if previous_sequence[0] < (timestamp_begin + offset - overlap_time) and idx != 0: break # the previous sequence is too far in the past if len(previous_tokens) > 0: # find the longest common sequence between the overlapping parts index_left, index_right, match_length = _fast_find_longest_common_sequence( sequence[1:relevant_timestamp], previous_tokens ) # don't do anything if only 1 token was matched if match_length > 1 and match_length > best_match: best_match = match_length best_idx = idx end_of_curr_sequence_idx = ( np.where(sequence[index_left + 1 :] >= timestamp_begin)[0][0] + 1 ) end_of_curr_sequence_idx = end_of_curr_sequence_idx + 1 + index_left # if all the tokens are matched, suffix if index_left == 0 and match_length == len(previous_tokens): sliced_sequence = np.insert( sequence[index_left + 1 : end_of_curr_sequence_idx], 0, previous_sequence[0] ) sliced_sequence[-1] = previous_sequence[-1] # if part of the previous sequence is not taken elif index_left >= 0: sliced_sequence = sequence[index_left + 1 : end_of_curr_sequence_idx] # let's insert the missing part of the previous sequence previous_slice = ( previous_sequence[: index_right + 1] if index_right > 0 else [previous_sequence[0]] ) sliced_sequence = np.insert(sliced_sequence, 0, previous_slice) sliced_sequence[-1] += offset if len(sliced_sequence) > 0: items[len(items) - best_idx - 1] = sliced_sequence items = items[: len(items) - best_idx] sequence = sequence[end_of_curr_sequence_idx:] # sequence might have changed timestamp_tokens = sequence >= timestamp_begin consecutive = np.where(timestamp_tokens[:-1] & timestamp_tokens[1:])[0] + 1 if sum(timestamp_tokens) > 0: last_timestamp = np.where(timestamp_tokens)[0][-1] consecutive = ( np.append(consecutive, last_timestamp + 1) if last_timestamp not in consecutive else consecutive ) if len(consecutive) > 0: last_slice = 0 for current_slice in consecutive: actual_offset = items[-1][-1] if seq_idx != 0 or last_slice != 0 else sequence[0] sliced_tokens = sequence[last_slice:current_slice] duration = sliced_tokens[-1] - sliced_tokens[0] sliced_tokens[0] = actual_offset sliced_tokens[-1] = actual_offset + duration items.append(sliced_tokens) last_slice = current_slice time += chunk_len result = [] for i in range(len(items)): result += items[i].tolist() return result
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/pipelines/automatic_speech_recognition.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 17151 }
import enum import warnings from ..tokenization_utils import TruncationStrategy from ..utils import add_end_docstrings, is_tf_available, is_torch_available, logging from .base import Pipeline, build_pipeline_init_args if is_tf_available(): import tensorflow as tf from ..models.auto.modeling_tf_auto import TF_MODEL_FOR_SEQ_TO_SEQ_CAUSAL_LM_MAPPING_NAMES if is_torch_available(): from ..models.auto.modeling_auto import MODEL_FOR_SEQ_TO_SEQ_CAUSAL_LM_MAPPING_NAMES logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) class ReturnType(enum.Enum): TENSORS = 0 TEXT = 1 @add_end_docstrings(build_pipeline_init_args(has_tokenizer=True)) class Text2TextGenerationPipeline(Pipeline): """ Pipeline for text to text generation using seq2seq models. Example: ```python >>> from transformers import pipeline >>> generator = pipeline(model="mrm8488/t5-base-finetuned-question-generation-ap") >>> generator( ... "answer: Manuel context: Manuel has created RuPERTa-base with the support of HF-Transformers and Google" ... ) [{'generated_text': 'question: Who created the RuPERTa-base?'}] ``` Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the [pipeline tutorial](../pipeline_tutorial). You can pass text generation parameters to this pipeline to control stopping criteria, decoding strategy, and more. Learn more about text generation parameters in [Text generation strategies](../generation_strategies) and [Text generation](text_generation). This Text2TextGenerationPipeline pipeline can currently be loaded from [`pipeline`] using the following task identifier: `"text2text-generation"`. The models that this pipeline can use are models that have been fine-tuned on a translation task. See the up-to-date list of available models on [huggingface.co/models](https://huggingface.co/models?filter=text2text-generation). For a list of available parameters, see the [following documentation](https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/en/main_classes/text_generation#transformers.generation.GenerationMixin.generate) Usage: ```python text2text_generator = pipeline("text2text-generation") text2text_generator("question: What is 42 ? context: 42 is the answer to life, the universe and everything") ```""" # Used in the return key of the pipeline. return_name = "generated" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.check_model_type( TF_MODEL_FOR_SEQ_TO_SEQ_CAUSAL_LM_MAPPING_NAMES if self.framework == "tf" else MODEL_FOR_SEQ_TO_SEQ_CAUSAL_LM_MAPPING_NAMES ) def _sanitize_parameters( self, return_tensors=None, return_text=None, return_type=None, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=None, truncation=None, stop_sequence=None, **generate_kwargs, ): preprocess_params = {} if truncation is not None: preprocess_params["truncation"] = truncation forward_params = generate_kwargs postprocess_params = {} if return_tensors is not None and return_type is None: return_type = ReturnType.TENSORS if return_tensors else ReturnType.TEXT if return_type is not None: postprocess_params["return_type"] = return_type if clean_up_tokenization_spaces is not None: postprocess_params["clean_up_tokenization_spaces"] = clean_up_tokenization_spaces if stop_sequence is not None: stop_sequence_ids = self.tokenizer.encode(stop_sequence, add_special_tokens=False) if len(stop_sequence_ids) > 1: warnings.warn( "Stopping on a multiple token sequence is not yet supported on transformers. The first token of" " the stop sequence will be used as the stop sequence string in the interim." ) generate_kwargs["eos_token_id"] = stop_sequence_ids[0] return preprocess_params, forward_params, postprocess_params def check_inputs(self, input_length: int, min_length: int, max_length: int): """ Checks whether there might be something wrong with given input with regard to the model. """ return True def _parse_and_tokenize(self, *args, truncation): prefix = self.model.config.prefix if self.model.config.prefix is not None else "" if isinstance(args[0], list): if self.tokenizer.pad_token_id is None: raise ValueError("Please make sure that the tokenizer has a pad_token_id when using a batch input") args = ([prefix + arg for arg in args[0]],) padding = True elif isinstance(args[0], str): args = (prefix + args[0],) padding = False else: raise ValueError( f" `args[0]`: {args[0]} have the wrong format. The should be either of type `str` or type `list`" ) inputs = self.tokenizer(*args, padding=padding, truncation=truncation, return_tensors=self.framework) # This is produced by tokenizers but is an invalid generate kwargs if "token_type_ids" in inputs: del inputs["token_type_ids"] return inputs def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): r""" Generate the output text(s) using text(s) given as inputs. Args: args (`str` or `List[str]`): Input text for the encoder. return_tensors (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether or not to include the tensors of predictions (as token indices) in the outputs. return_text (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`): Whether or not to include the decoded texts in the outputs. clean_up_tokenization_spaces (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether or not to clean up the potential extra spaces in the text output. truncation (`TruncationStrategy`, *optional*, defaults to `TruncationStrategy.DO_NOT_TRUNCATE`): The truncation strategy for the tokenization within the pipeline. `TruncationStrategy.DO_NOT_TRUNCATE` (default) will never truncate, but it is sometimes desirable to truncate the input to fit the model's max_length instead of throwing an error down the line. generate_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass along to the generate method of the model (see the generate method corresponding to your framework [here](./model#generative-models)). Return: A list or a list of list of `dict`: Each result comes as a dictionary with the following keys: - **generated_text** (`str`, present when `return_text=True`) -- The generated text. - **generated_token_ids** (`torch.Tensor` or `tf.Tensor`, present when `return_tensors=True`) -- The token ids of the generated text. """ result = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) if ( isinstance(args[0], list) and all(isinstance(el, str) for el in args[0]) and all(len(res) == 1 for res in result) ): return [res[0] for res in result] return result def preprocess(self, inputs, truncation=TruncationStrategy.DO_NOT_TRUNCATE, **kwargs): inputs = self._parse_and_tokenize(inputs, truncation=truncation, **kwargs) return inputs def _forward(self, model_inputs, **generate_kwargs): if self.framework == "pt": in_b, input_length = model_inputs["input_ids"].shape elif self.framework == "tf": in_b, input_length = tf.shape(model_inputs["input_ids"]).numpy() self.check_inputs( input_length, generate_kwargs.get("min_length", self.model.config.min_length), generate_kwargs.get("max_length", self.model.config.max_length), ) output_ids = self.model.generate(**model_inputs, **generate_kwargs) out_b = output_ids.shape[0] if self.framework == "pt": output_ids = output_ids.reshape(in_b, out_b // in_b, *output_ids.shape[1:]) elif self.framework == "tf": output_ids = tf.reshape(output_ids, (in_b, out_b // in_b, *output_ids.shape[1:])) return {"output_ids": output_ids} def postprocess(self, model_outputs, return_type=ReturnType.TEXT, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False): records = [] for output_ids in model_outputs["output_ids"][0]: if return_type == ReturnType.TENSORS: record = {f"{self.return_name}_token_ids": output_ids} elif return_type == ReturnType.TEXT: record = { f"{self.return_name}_text": self.tokenizer.decode( output_ids, skip_special_tokens=True, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=clean_up_tokenization_spaces, ) } records.append(record) return records @add_end_docstrings(build_pipeline_init_args(has_tokenizer=True)) class SummarizationPipeline(Text2TextGenerationPipeline): """ Summarize news articles and other documents. This summarizing pipeline can currently be loaded from [`pipeline`] using the following task identifier: `"summarization"`. The models that this pipeline can use are models that have been fine-tuned on a summarization task, which is currently, '*bart-large-cnn*', '*t5-small*', '*t5-base*', '*t5-large*', '*t5-3b*', '*t5-11b*'. See the up-to-date list of available models on [huggingface.co/models](https://huggingface.co/models?filter=summarization). For a list of available parameters, see the [following documentation](https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/en/main_classes/text_generation#transformers.generation.GenerationMixin.generate) Usage: ```python # use bart in pytorch summarizer = pipeline("summarization") summarizer("An apple a day, keeps the doctor away", min_length=5, max_length=20) # use t5 in tf summarizer = pipeline("summarization", model="t5-base", tokenizer="t5-base", framework="tf") summarizer("An apple a day, keeps the doctor away", min_length=5, max_length=20) ```""" # Used in the return key of the pipeline. return_name = "summary" def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): r""" Summarize the text(s) given as inputs. Args: documents (*str* or `List[str]`): One or several articles (or one list of articles) to summarize. return_text (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`): Whether or not to include the decoded texts in the outputs return_tensors (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether or not to include the tensors of predictions (as token indices) in the outputs. clean_up_tokenization_spaces (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether or not to clean up the potential extra spaces in the text output. generate_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass along to the generate method of the model (see the generate method corresponding to your framework [here](./model#generative-models)). Return: A list or a list of list of `dict`: Each result comes as a dictionary with the following keys: - **summary_text** (`str`, present when `return_text=True`) -- The summary of the corresponding input. - **summary_token_ids** (`torch.Tensor` or `tf.Tensor`, present when `return_tensors=True`) -- The token ids of the summary. """ return super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) def check_inputs(self, input_length: int, min_length: int, max_length: int) -> bool: """ Checks whether there might be something wrong with given input with regard to the model. """ if max_length < min_length: logger.warning(f"Your min_length={min_length} must be inferior than your max_length={max_length}.") if input_length < max_length: logger.warning( f"Your max_length is set to {max_length}, but your input_length is only {input_length}. Since this is " "a summarization task, where outputs shorter than the input are typically wanted, you might " f"consider decreasing max_length manually, e.g. summarizer('...', max_length={input_length//2})" ) @add_end_docstrings(build_pipeline_init_args(has_tokenizer=True)) class TranslationPipeline(Text2TextGenerationPipeline): """ Translates from one language to another. This translation pipeline can currently be loaded from [`pipeline`] using the following task identifier: `"translation_xx_to_yy"`. The models that this pipeline can use are models that have been fine-tuned on a translation task. See the up-to-date list of available models on [huggingface.co/models](https://huggingface.co/models?filter=translation). For a list of available parameters, see the [following documentation](https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/en/main_classes/text_generation#transformers.generation.GenerationMixin.generate) Usage: ```python en_fr_translator = pipeline("translation_en_to_fr") en_fr_translator("How old are you?") ```""" # Used in the return key of the pipeline. return_name = "translation" def check_inputs(self, input_length: int, min_length: int, max_length: int): if input_length > 0.9 * max_length: logger.warning( f"Your input_length: {input_length} is bigger than 0.9 * max_length: {max_length}. You might consider " "increasing your max_length manually, e.g. translator('...', max_length=400)" ) return True def preprocess(self, *args, truncation=TruncationStrategy.DO_NOT_TRUNCATE, src_lang=None, tgt_lang=None): if getattr(self.tokenizer, "_build_translation_inputs", None): return self.tokenizer._build_translation_inputs( *args, return_tensors=self.framework, truncation=truncation, src_lang=src_lang, tgt_lang=tgt_lang ) else: return super()._parse_and_tokenize(*args, truncation=truncation) def _sanitize_parameters(self, src_lang=None, tgt_lang=None, **kwargs): preprocess_params, forward_params, postprocess_params = super()._sanitize_parameters(**kwargs) if src_lang is not None: preprocess_params["src_lang"] = src_lang if tgt_lang is not None: preprocess_params["tgt_lang"] = tgt_lang if src_lang is None and tgt_lang is None: # Backward compatibility, direct arguments use is preferred. task = kwargs.get("task", self.task) items = task.split("_") if task and len(items) == 4: # translation, XX, to YY preprocess_params["src_lang"] = items[1] preprocess_params["tgt_lang"] = items[3] return preprocess_params, forward_params, postprocess_params def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): r""" Translate the text(s) given as inputs. Args: args (`str` or `List[str]`): Texts to be translated. return_tensors (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether or not to include the tensors of predictions (as token indices) in the outputs. return_text (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`): Whether or not to include the decoded texts in the outputs. clean_up_tokenization_spaces (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether or not to clean up the potential extra spaces in the text output. src_lang (`str`, *optional*): The language of the input. Might be required for multilingual models. Will not have any effect for single pair translation models tgt_lang (`str`, *optional*): The language of the desired output. Might be required for multilingual models. Will not have any effect for single pair translation models generate_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass along to the generate method of the model (see the generate method corresponding to your framework [here](./model#generative-models)). Return: A list or a list of list of `dict`: Each result comes as a dictionary with the following keys: - **translation_text** (`str`, present when `return_text=True`) -- The translation. - **translation_token_ids** (`torch.Tensor` or `tf.Tensor`, present when `return_tensors=True`) -- The token ids of the translation. """ return super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/pipelines/text2text_generation.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 6917 }
# Copyright 2024 The HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from .base import HfQuantizer if TYPE_CHECKING: from ..modeling_utils import PreTrainedModel from ..utils import is_accelerate_available, is_auto_awq_available, is_torch_available, logging if is_torch_available(): import torch logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) class AwqQuantizer(HfQuantizer): """ 4-bit quantization for Activation-aware Weight Quantization(AWQ) (https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.00978) """ # AWQ requires data callibration - we support only inference requires_calibration = True required_packages = ["awq", "accelerate"] def __init__(self, quantization_config, **kwargs): super().__init__(quantization_config, **kwargs) def validate_environment(self, device_map, **kwargs): if not torch.cuda.is_available(): raise RuntimeError("GPU is required to run AWQ quantized model.") if not is_auto_awq_available(): raise ImportError("Loading an AWQ quantized model requires auto-awq library (`pip install autoawq`)") if not is_accelerate_available(): raise ImportError("Loading an AWQ quantized model requires accelerate (`pip install accelerate`)") if device_map is None: logger.warning_once( "You have loaded an AWQ model on CPU and have a CUDA device available, make sure to set " "your model on a GPU device in order to run your model." ) elif device_map is not None: if isinstance(device_map, dict) and ("cpu" in device_map.values() or "disk" in device_map.values()): raise ValueError( "You are attempting to load an AWQ model with a device_map that contains a CPU or disk device." " This is not supported. Please remove the CPU or disk device from the device_map." ) def update_torch_dtype(self, torch_dtype): if torch_dtype is None: torch_dtype = torch.float16 elif torch_dtype != torch.float16: logger.warning("We suggest you to set `torch_dtype=torch.float16` for better efficiency with AWQ.") return torch_dtype def _process_model_before_weight_loading(self, model: "PreTrainedModel", **kwargs): from ..integrations import get_keys_to_not_convert, replace_with_awq_linear self.modules_to_not_convert = get_keys_to_not_convert(model) if self.quantization_config.modules_to_not_convert is not None: self.modules_to_not_convert.extend(self.quantization_config.modules_to_not_convert) model, has_been_replaced = replace_with_awq_linear( model, quantization_config=self.quantization_config, modules_to_not_convert=self.modules_to_not_convert ) if not has_been_replaced: logger.warning( "You are loading an AWQ model but no linear modules were found in your model." " Please double check your model architecture, or submit an issue on github if you think this is a bug." ) def _process_model_after_weight_loading(self, model): if self.quantization_config.do_fuse: from ..integrations import fuse_awq_modules model = fuse_awq_modules(model, self.quantization_config) model._awq_is_fused = True # TODO: consider storing this flag in model.config instead @property def is_serializable(self): # AWQ through auto-awq has been always serializable, except if the model is fused. if self.quantization_config.do_fuse: logger.warning("You cannot save an AWQ model that uses fused modules!") return False return True @property def is_trainable(self): # AWQ does not support neither QAT (Quantization Aware Training or PEFT yet.) # TODO: if this is supported in the future, do a version check here. return False
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/quantizers/quantizer_awq.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 1709 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2023 HuggingFace Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import pathlib import tempfile import uuid import numpy as np from ..utils import is_soundfile_availble, is_torch_available, is_vision_available, logging logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) if is_vision_available(): import PIL.Image from PIL import Image from PIL.Image import Image as ImageType else: ImageType = object if is_torch_available(): import torch if is_soundfile_availble(): import soundfile as sf class AgentType: """ Abstract class to be reimplemented to define types that can be returned by agents. These objects serve three purposes: - They behave as they were the type they're meant to be, e.g., a string for text, a PIL.Image for images - They can be stringified: str(object) in order to return a string defining the object - They should be displayed correctly in ipython notebooks/colab/jupyter """ def __init__(self, value): self._value = value def __str__(self): return self.to_string() def to_raw(self): logger.error( "This is a raw AgentType of unknown type. Display in notebooks and string conversion will be unreliable" ) return self._value def to_string(self) -> str: logger.error( "This is a raw AgentType of unknown type. Display in notebooks and string conversion will be unreliable" ) return str(self._value) class AgentText(AgentType, str): """ Text type returned by the agent. Behaves as a string. """ def to_raw(self): return self._value def to_string(self): return self._value class AgentImage(AgentType, ImageType): """ Image type returned by the agent. Behaves as a PIL.Image. """ def __init__(self, value): super().__init__(value) if not is_vision_available(): raise ImportError("PIL must be installed in order to handle images.") self._path = None self._raw = None self._tensor = None if isinstance(value, ImageType): self._raw = value elif isinstance(value, (str, pathlib.Path)): self._path = value elif isinstance(value, torch.Tensor): self._tensor = value else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported type for {self.__class__.__name__}: {type(value)}") def _ipython_display_(self, include=None, exclude=None): """ Displays correctly this type in an ipython notebook (ipython, colab, jupyter, ...) """ from IPython.display import Image, display display(Image(self.to_string())) def to_raw(self): """ Returns the "raw" version of that object. In the case of an AgentImage, it is a PIL.Image. """ if self._raw is not None: return self._raw if self._path is not None: self._raw = Image.open(self._path) return self._raw def to_string(self): """ Returns the stringified version of that object. In the case of an AgentImage, it is a path to the serialized version of the image. """ if self._path is not None: return self._path if self._raw is not None: directory = tempfile.mkdtemp() self._path = os.path.join(directory, str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".png") self._raw.save(self._path) return self._path if self._tensor is not None: array = self._tensor.cpu().detach().numpy() # There is likely simpler than load into image into save img = Image.fromarray((array * 255).astype(np.uint8)) directory = tempfile.mkdtemp() self._path = os.path.join(directory, str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".png") img.save(self._path) return self._path class AgentAudio(AgentType): """ Audio type returned by the agent. """ def __init__(self, value, samplerate=16_000): super().__init__(value) if not is_soundfile_availble(): raise ImportError("soundfile must be installed in order to handle audio.") self._path = None self._tensor = None self.samplerate = samplerate if isinstance(value, (str, pathlib.Path)): self._path = value elif isinstance(value, torch.Tensor): self._tensor = value else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported audio type: {type(value)}") def _ipython_display_(self, include=None, exclude=None): """ Displays correctly this type in an ipython notebook (ipython, colab, jupyter, ...) """ from IPython.display import Audio, display display(Audio(self.to_string(), rate=self.samplerate)) def to_raw(self): """ Returns the "raw" version of that object. It is a `torch.Tensor` object. """ if self._tensor is not None: return self._tensor if self._path is not None: tensor, self.samplerate = sf.read(self._path) self._tensor = torch.tensor(tensor) return self._tensor def to_string(self): """ Returns the stringified version of that object. In the case of an AgentAudio, it is a path to the serialized version of the audio. """ if self._path is not None: return self._path if self._tensor is not None: directory = tempfile.mkdtemp() self._path = os.path.join(directory, str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".wav") sf.write(self._path, self._tensor, samplerate=self.samplerate) return self._path AGENT_TYPE_MAPPING = {"text": AgentText, "image": AgentImage, "audio": AgentAudio} INSTANCE_TYPE_MAPPING = {str: AgentText} if is_vision_available(): INSTANCE_TYPE_MAPPING[PIL.Image] = AgentImage def handle_agent_inputs(*args, **kwargs): args = [(arg.to_raw() if isinstance(arg, AgentType) else arg) for arg in args] kwargs = {k: (v.to_raw() if isinstance(v, AgentType) else v) for k, v in kwargs.items()} return args, kwargs def handle_agent_outputs(outputs, output_types=None): if isinstance(outputs, dict): decoded_outputs = {} for i, (k, v) in enumerate(outputs.items()): if output_types is not None: # If the class has defined outputs, we can map directly according to the class definition if output_types[i] in AGENT_TYPE_MAPPING: decoded_outputs[k] = AGENT_TYPE_MAPPING[output_types[i]](v) else: decoded_outputs[k] = AgentType(v) else: # If the class does not have defined output, then we map according to the type for _k, _v in INSTANCE_TYPE_MAPPING.items(): if isinstance(v, _k): decoded_outputs[k] = _v(v) if k not in decoded_outputs: decoded_outputs[k] = AgentType[v] elif isinstance(outputs, (list, tuple)): decoded_outputs = type(outputs)() for i, v in enumerate(outputs): if output_types is not None: # If the class has defined outputs, we can map directly according to the class definition if output_types[i] in AGENT_TYPE_MAPPING: decoded_outputs.append(AGENT_TYPE_MAPPING[output_types[i]](v)) else: decoded_outputs.append(AgentType(v)) else: # If the class does not have defined output, then we map according to the type found = False for _k, _v in INSTANCE_TYPE_MAPPING.items(): if isinstance(v, _k): decoded_outputs.append(_v(v)) found = True if not found: decoded_outputs.append(AgentType(v)) else: if output_types[0] in AGENT_TYPE_MAPPING: # If the class has defined outputs, we can map directly according to the class definition decoded_outputs = AGENT_TYPE_MAPPING[output_types[0]](outputs) else: # If the class does not have defined output, then we map according to the type for _k, _v in INSTANCE_TYPE_MAPPING.items(): if isinstance(outputs, _k): return _v(outputs) return AgentType(outputs) return decoded_outputs
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/tools/agent_types.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 3899 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2020-present the HuggingFace Inc. team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ The Trainer class, to easily train a 🤗 Transformers from scratch or finetune it on a new task. """ import contextlib import copy import functools import glob import importlib.metadata import inspect import math import os import random import re import shutil import sys import tempfile import time import warnings from collections.abc import Mapping from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union # Integrations must be imported before ML frameworks: # isort: off from .integrations import ( get_reporting_integration_callbacks, hp_params, ) # isort: on import huggingface_hub.utils as hf_hub_utils import numpy as np import torch import torch.distributed as dist from huggingface_hub import ModelCard, create_repo, upload_folder from packaging import version from torch import nn from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, Dataset, RandomSampler, SequentialSampler from . import __version__ from .configuration_utils import PretrainedConfig from .data.data_collator import DataCollator, DataCollatorWithPadding, default_data_collator from .debug_utils import DebugOption, DebugUnderflowOverflow from .hyperparameter_search import ALL_HYPERPARAMETER_SEARCH_BACKENDS, default_hp_search_backend from .integrations.deepspeed import deepspeed_init, deepspeed_load_checkpoint, is_deepspeed_available from .modelcard import TrainingSummary from .modeling_utils import PreTrainedModel, load_sharded_checkpoint, unwrap_model from .models.auto.modeling_auto import MODEL_FOR_CAUSAL_LM_MAPPING_NAMES, MODEL_MAPPING_NAMES from .optimization import Adafactor, get_scheduler from .pytorch_utils import ALL_LAYERNORM_LAYERS, is_torch_greater_or_equal_than_1_13 from .tokenization_utils_base import PreTrainedTokenizerBase from .trainer_callback import ( CallbackHandler, DefaultFlowCallback, PrinterCallback, ProgressCallback, TrainerCallback, TrainerControl, TrainerState, ) from .trainer_pt_utils import ( DistributedTensorGatherer, IterableDatasetShard, LabelSmoother, LengthGroupedSampler, SequentialDistributedSampler, distributed_broadcast_scalars, distributed_concat, find_batch_size, get_dataloader_sampler, get_model_param_count, get_module_class_from_name, get_parameter_names, nested_concat, nested_detach, nested_numpify, nested_xla_mesh_reduce, reissue_pt_warnings, remove_dummy_checkpoint, ) from .trainer_utils import ( PREFIX_CHECKPOINT_DIR, BestRun, EvalLoopOutput, EvalPrediction, HPSearchBackend, HubStrategy, IntervalStrategy, PredictionOutput, RemoveColumnsCollator, TrainerMemoryTracker, TrainOutput, default_compute_objective, denumpify_detensorize, enable_full_determinism, find_executable_batch_size, get_last_checkpoint, has_length, neftune_post_forward_hook, number_of_arguments, seed_worker, set_seed, speed_metrics, ) from .training_args import OptimizerNames, ParallelMode, TrainingArguments from .utils import ( ADAPTER_CONFIG_NAME, ADAPTER_SAFE_WEIGHTS_NAME, ADAPTER_WEIGHTS_NAME, CONFIG_NAME, SAFE_WEIGHTS_INDEX_NAME, SAFE_WEIGHTS_NAME, WEIGHTS_INDEX_NAME, WEIGHTS_NAME, PushInProgress, can_return_loss, find_labels, is_accelerate_available, is_apex_available, is_bitsandbytes_available, is_datasets_available, is_in_notebook, is_ipex_available, is_peft_available, is_safetensors_available, is_sagemaker_dp_enabled, is_sagemaker_mp_enabled, is_torch_compile_available, is_torch_neuroncore_available, is_torch_npu_available, is_torch_tpu_available, logging, strtobool, ) from .utils.quantization_config import QuantizationMethod DEFAULT_CALLBACKS = [DefaultFlowCallback] DEFAULT_PROGRESS_CALLBACK = ProgressCallback if is_in_notebook(): from .utils.notebook import NotebookProgressCallback DEFAULT_PROGRESS_CALLBACK = NotebookProgressCallback if is_apex_available(): from apex import amp if is_datasets_available(): import datasets if is_torch_tpu_available(check_device=False): import torch_xla.core.xla_model as xm import torch_xla.debug.metrics as met if is_sagemaker_mp_enabled(): import smdistributed.modelparallel.torch as smp from smdistributed.modelparallel import __version__ as SMP_VERSION IS_SAGEMAKER_MP_POST_1_10 = version.parse(SMP_VERSION) >= version.parse("1.10") from .trainer_pt_utils import smp_forward_backward, smp_forward_only, smp_gather, smp_nested_concat else: IS_SAGEMAKER_MP_POST_1_10 = False if is_safetensors_available(): import safetensors.torch if is_peft_available(): from peft import PeftModel if is_accelerate_available(): from accelerate import Accelerator, skip_first_batches from accelerate import __version__ as accelerate_version from accelerate.utils import ( DistributedDataParallelKwargs, GradientAccumulationPlugin, load_fsdp_model, load_fsdp_optimizer, save_fsdp_model, save_fsdp_optimizer, ) DATA_SAMPLERS = [RandomSampler] if version.parse(accelerate_version) > version.parse("0.23.0"): from accelerate.data_loader import SeedableRandomSampler DATA_SAMPLERS += [SeedableRandomSampler] if is_deepspeed_available(): from accelerate.utils import DeepSpeedSchedulerWrapper def _is_peft_model(model): if is_peft_available(): classes_to_check = (PeftModel,) if is_peft_available() else () # Here we also check if the model is an instance of `PeftMixedModel` introduced in peft>=0.7.0: https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/pull/28321 if version.parse(importlib.metadata.version("peft")) >= version.parse("0.7.0"): from peft import PeftMixedModel classes_to_check = (*classes_to_check, PeftMixedModel) return isinstance(model, classes_to_check) return False def _get_fsdp_ckpt_kwargs(): # TODO: @AjayP13, @younesbelkada replace this check with version check at the next `accelerate` release if is_accelerate_available() and "adapter_only" in list(inspect.signature(save_fsdp_model).parameters): return {"adapter_only": True} else: return {} if TYPE_CHECKING: import optuna logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) # Name of the files used for checkpointing TRAINING_ARGS_NAME = "training_args.bin" TRAINER_STATE_NAME = "trainer_state.json" OPTIMIZER_NAME = "optimizer.pt" OPTIMIZER_NAME_BIN = "optimizer.bin" SCHEDULER_NAME = "scheduler.pt" SCALER_NAME = "scaler.pt" FSDP_MODEL_NAME = "pytorch_model_fsdp" class Trainer: """ Trainer is a simple but feature-complete training and eval loop for PyTorch, optimized for 🤗 Transformers. Args: model ([`PreTrainedModel`] or `torch.nn.Module`, *optional*): The model to train, evaluate or use for predictions. If not provided, a `model_init` must be passed. <Tip> [`Trainer`] is optimized to work with the [`PreTrainedModel`] provided by the library. You can still use your own models defined as `torch.nn.Module` as long as they work the same way as the 🤗 Transformers models. </Tip> args ([`TrainingArguments`], *optional*): The arguments to tweak for training. Will default to a basic instance of [`TrainingArguments`] with the `output_dir` set to a directory named *tmp_trainer* in the current directory if not provided. data_collator (`DataCollator`, *optional*): The function to use to form a batch from a list of elements of `train_dataset` or `eval_dataset`. Will default to [`default_data_collator`] if no `tokenizer` is provided, an instance of [`DataCollatorWithPadding`] otherwise. train_dataset (`torch.utils.data.Dataset` or `torch.utils.data.IterableDataset`, *optional*): The dataset to use for training. If it is a [`~datasets.Dataset`], columns not accepted by the `model.forward()` method are automatically removed. Note that if it's a `torch.utils.data.IterableDataset` with some randomization and you are training in a distributed fashion, your iterable dataset should either use a internal attribute `generator` that is a `torch.Generator` for the randomization that must be identical on all processes (and the Trainer will manually set the seed of this `generator` at each epoch) or have a `set_epoch()` method that internally sets the seed of the RNGs used. eval_dataset (Union[`torch.utils.data.Dataset`, Dict[str, `torch.utils.data.Dataset`]), *optional*): The dataset to use for evaluation. If it is a [`~datasets.Dataset`], columns not accepted by the `model.forward()` method are automatically removed. If it is a dictionary, it will evaluate on each dataset prepending the dictionary key to the metric name. tokenizer ([`PreTrainedTokenizerBase`], *optional*): The tokenizer used to preprocess the data. If provided, will be used to automatically pad the inputs to the maximum length when batching inputs, and it will be saved along the model to make it easier to rerun an interrupted training or reuse the fine-tuned model. model_init (`Callable[[], PreTrainedModel]`, *optional*): A function that instantiates the model to be used. If provided, each call to [`~Trainer.train`] will start from a new instance of the model as given by this function. The function may have zero argument, or a single one containing the optuna/Ray Tune/SigOpt trial object, to be able to choose different architectures according to hyper parameters (such as layer count, sizes of inner layers, dropout probabilities etc). compute_metrics (`Callable[[EvalPrediction], Dict]`, *optional*): The function that will be used to compute metrics at evaluation. Must take a [`EvalPrediction`] and return a dictionary string to metric values. callbacks (List of [`TrainerCallback`], *optional*): A list of callbacks to customize the training loop. Will add those to the list of default callbacks detailed in [here](callback). If you want to remove one of the default callbacks used, use the [`Trainer.remove_callback`] method. optimizers (`Tuple[torch.optim.Optimizer, torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR]`, *optional*, defaults to `(None, None)`): A tuple containing the optimizer and the scheduler to use. Will default to an instance of [`AdamW`] on your model and a scheduler given by [`get_linear_schedule_with_warmup`] controlled by `args`. preprocess_logits_for_metrics (`Callable[[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]`, *optional*): A function that preprocess the logits right before caching them at each evaluation step. Must take two tensors, the logits and the labels, and return the logits once processed as desired. The modifications made by this function will be reflected in the predictions received by `compute_metrics`. Note that the labels (second parameter) will be `None` if the dataset does not have them. Important attributes: - **model** -- Always points to the core model. If using a transformers model, it will be a [`PreTrainedModel`] subclass. - **model_wrapped** -- Always points to the most external model in case one or more other modules wrap the original model. This is the model that should be used for the forward pass. For example, under `DeepSpeed`, the inner model is wrapped in `DeepSpeed` and then again in `torch.nn.DistributedDataParallel`. If the inner model hasn't been wrapped, then `self.model_wrapped` is the same as `self.model`. - **is_model_parallel** -- Whether or not a model has been switched to a model parallel mode (different from data parallelism, this means some of the model layers are split on different GPUs). - **place_model_on_device** -- Whether or not to automatically place the model on the device - it will be set to `False` if model parallel or deepspeed is used, or if the default `TrainingArguments.place_model_on_device` is overridden to return `False` . - **is_in_train** -- Whether or not a model is currently running `train` (e.g. when `evaluate` is called while in `train`) """ # Those are used as methods of the Trainer in examples. from .trainer_pt_utils import _get_learning_rate, log_metrics, metrics_format, save_metrics, save_state def __init__( self, model: Union[PreTrainedModel, nn.Module] = None, args: TrainingArguments = None, data_collator: Optional[DataCollator] = None, train_dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None, eval_dataset: Optional[Union[Dataset, Dict[str, Dataset]]] = None, tokenizer: Optional[PreTrainedTokenizerBase] = None, model_init: Optional[Callable[[], PreTrainedModel]] = None, compute_metrics: Optional[Callable[[EvalPrediction], Dict]] = None, callbacks: Optional[List[TrainerCallback]] = None, optimizers: Tuple[torch.optim.Optimizer, torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR] = (None, None), preprocess_logits_for_metrics: Optional[Callable[[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]] = None, ): if args is None: output_dir = "tmp_trainer" logger.info(f"No `TrainingArguments` passed, using `output_dir={output_dir}`.") args = TrainingArguments(output_dir=output_dir) self.args = args # Seed must be set before instantiating the model when using model enable_full_determinism(self.args.seed) if self.args.full_determinism else set_seed(self.args.seed) self.hp_name = None self.deepspeed = None self.is_in_train = False self.create_accelerator_and_postprocess() # memory metrics - must set up as early as possible self._memory_tracker = TrainerMemoryTracker(self.args.skip_memory_metrics) self._memory_tracker.start() # set the correct log level depending on the node log_level = args.get_process_log_level() logging.set_verbosity(log_level) # force device and distributed setup init explicitly args._setup_devices if model is None: if model_init is not None: self.model_init = model_init model = self.call_model_init() else: raise RuntimeError("`Trainer` requires either a `model` or `model_init` argument") else: if model_init is not None: warnings.warn( "`Trainer` requires either a `model` or `model_init` argument, but not both. `model_init` will" " overwrite your model when calling the `train` method. This will become a fatal error in the next" " release.", FutureWarning, ) self.model_init = model_init if model.__class__.__name__ in MODEL_MAPPING_NAMES: raise ValueError( f"The model you have picked ({model.__class__.__name__}) cannot be used as is for training: it only " "computes hidden states and does not accept any labels. You should choose a model with a head " "suitable for your task like any of the `AutoModelForXxx` listed at " "https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/model_doc/auto" ) if hasattr(model, "is_parallelizable") and model.is_parallelizable and model.model_parallel: self.is_model_parallel = True else: self.is_model_parallel = False if getattr(model, "hf_device_map", None) is not None: devices = [device for device in set(model.hf_device_map.values()) if device not in ["cpu", "disk"]] if len(devices) > 1: self.is_model_parallel = True elif len(devices) == 1: self.is_model_parallel = self.args.device != torch.device(devices[0]) else: self.is_model_parallel = False # warn users if self.is_model_parallel: logger.info( "You have loaded a model on multiple GPUs. `is_model_parallel` attribute will be force-set" " to `True` to avoid any unexpected behavior such as device placement mismatching." ) _is_quantized_and_base_model = getattr(model, "is_quantized", False) and not getattr( model, "_hf_peft_config_loaded", False ) # At this stage the model is already loaded if _is_quantized_and_base_model and not _is_peft_model(model): raise ValueError( "You cannot perform fine-tuning on purely quantized models. Please attach trainable adapters on top of" " the quantized model to correctly perform fine-tuning. Please see: https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/peft" " for more details" ) elif _is_quantized_and_base_model and not getattr(model, "_is_quantized_training_enabled", False): raise ValueError( "The model you want to train is loaded in 8-bit precision. if you want to fine-tune an 8-bit" " model, please make sure that you have installed `bitsandbytes>=0.37.0`. " ) self.is_fsdp_xla_enabled = args.fsdp_config["xla"] if len(args.fsdp) > 0: if self.is_deepspeed_enabled: raise ValueError( "Using --fsdp xxx together with --deepspeed is not possible, deactivate one of those flags." ) if not args.fsdp_config["xla"] and args.parallel_mode != ParallelMode.DISTRIBUTED: raise ValueError("Using fsdp only works in distributed training.") # one place to sort out whether to place the model on device or not # postpone switching model to cuda when: # 1. MP - since we are trying to fit a much bigger than 1 gpu model # 2. fp16-enabled DeepSpeed loads the model in half the size and it doesn't need .to() anyway, # and we only use deepspeed for training at the moment # 3. full bf16 or fp16 eval - since the model needs to be cast to the right dtype first # 4. FSDP - same as MP self.place_model_on_device = args.place_model_on_device if ( self.is_model_parallel or self.is_deepspeed_enabled or ((args.fp16_full_eval or args.bf16_full_eval) and not args.do_train) or self.is_fsdp_xla_enabled or self.is_fsdp_enabled ): self.place_model_on_device = False default_collator = default_data_collator if tokenizer is None else DataCollatorWithPadding(tokenizer) self.data_collator = data_collator if data_collator is not None else default_collator self.train_dataset = train_dataset self.eval_dataset = eval_dataset self.tokenizer = tokenizer # Bnb Quantized models doesn't support `.to` operation. if ( self.place_model_on_device and not getattr(model, "quantization_method", None) == QuantizationMethod.BITS_AND_BYTES ): self._move_model_to_device(model, args.device) # Force n_gpu to 1 to avoid DataParallel as MP will manage the GPUs if self.is_model_parallel: self.args._n_gpu = 1 # later use `self.model is self.model_wrapped` to check if it's wrapped or not self.model_wrapped = model self.model = model self.neftune_noise_alpha = args.neftune_noise_alpha self.compute_metrics = compute_metrics self.preprocess_logits_for_metrics = preprocess_logits_for_metrics self.optimizer, self.lr_scheduler = optimizers if model_init is not None and (self.optimizer is not None or self.lr_scheduler is not None): raise RuntimeError( "Passing a `model_init` is incompatible with providing the `optimizers` argument. " "You should subclass `Trainer` and override the `create_optimizer_and_scheduler` method." ) if is_torch_tpu_available() and self.optimizer is not None: for param in self.model.parameters(): model_device = param.device break for param_group in self.optimizer.param_groups: if len(param_group["params"]) > 0: optimizer_device = param_group["params"][0].device break if model_device != optimizer_device: raise ValueError( "The model and the optimizer parameters are not on the same device, which probably means you" " created an optimizer around your model **before** putting on the device and passing it to the" " `Trainer`. Make sure the lines `import torch_xla.core.xla_model as xm` and" " `model.to(xm.xla_device())` is performed before the optimizer creation in your script." ) if (self.is_deepspeed_enabled or self.is_fsdp_xla_enabled or self.is_fsdp_enabled) and ( self.optimizer is not None or self.lr_scheduler is not None ): raise RuntimeError( "Passing `optimizers` is not allowed if Deepspeed or PyTorch FSDP is enabled. " "You should subclass `Trainer` and override the `create_optimizer_and_scheduler` method." ) default_callbacks = DEFAULT_CALLBACKS + get_reporting_integration_callbacks(self.args.report_to) callbacks = default_callbacks if callbacks is None else default_callbacks + callbacks self.callback_handler = CallbackHandler( callbacks, self.model, self.tokenizer, self.optimizer, self.lr_scheduler ) self.add_callback(PrinterCallback if self.args.disable_tqdm else DEFAULT_PROGRESS_CALLBACK) # Will be set to True by `self._setup_loggers()` on first call to `self.log()`. self._loggers_initialized = False # Create distant repo and output directory if needed self.hub_model_id = None if self.args.push_to_hub: self.init_hf_repo() if self.args.should_save: os.makedirs(self.args.output_dir, exist_ok=True) if not callable(self.data_collator) and callable(getattr(self.data_collator, "collate_batch", None)): raise ValueError("The `data_collator` should be a simple callable (function, class with `__call__`).") if args.max_steps > 0: logger.info("max_steps is given, it will override any value given in num_train_epochs") if train_dataset is not None and not has_length(train_dataset) and args.max_steps <= 0: raise ValueError( "The train_dataset does not implement __len__, max_steps has to be specified. " "The number of steps needs to be known in advance for the learning rate scheduler." ) if ( train_dataset is not None and isinstance(train_dataset, torch.utils.data.IterableDataset) and args.group_by_length ): raise ValueError("the `--group_by_length` option is only available for `Dataset`, not `IterableDataset") self._signature_columns = None # Mixed precision setup self.use_apex = False self.use_cpu_amp = False # Mixed precision setup for SageMaker Model Parallel if is_sagemaker_mp_enabled(): # BF16 + model parallelism in SageMaker: currently not supported, raise an error if args.bf16: raise ValueError("SageMaker Model Parallelism does not support BF16 yet. Please use FP16 instead ") if IS_SAGEMAKER_MP_POST_1_10: # When there's mismatch between SMP config and trainer argument, use SMP config as truth if args.fp16 != smp.state.cfg.fp16: logger.warning( f"FP16 provided in SM_HP_MP_PARAMETERS is {smp.state.cfg.fp16}, " f"but FP16 provided in trainer argument is {args.fp16}, " f"setting to {smp.state.cfg.fp16}" ) args.fp16 = smp.state.cfg.fp16 else: # smp < 1.10 does not support fp16 in trainer. if hasattr(smp.state.cfg, "fp16"): logger.warning( f"FP16 provided in SM_HP_MP_PARAMETERS is {smp.state.cfg.fp16}, " "but SageMaker Model Parallelism < 1.10 does not support FP16 in trainer." ) if (args.fp16 or args.bf16) and args.half_precision_backend == "auto": if args.device == torch.device("cpu"): if args.fp16: raise ValueError("Tried to use `fp16` but it is not supported on cpu") else: args.half_precision_backend = "cpu_amp" logger.info(f"Using {args.half_precision_backend} half precision backend") if (args.fp16 or args.bf16) and not (self.is_deepspeed_enabled or is_sagemaker_mp_enabled()): # deepspeed and SageMaker Model Parallel manage their own half precision if args.half_precision_backend == "cpu_amp": self.use_cpu_amp = True self.amp_dtype = torch.bfloat16 elif args.half_precision_backend == "apex": if not is_apex_available(): raise ImportError( "Using FP16 with APEX but APEX is not installed, please refer to" " https://www.github.com/nvidia/apex." ) self.use_apex = True # Label smoothing if self.args.label_smoothing_factor != 0: self.label_smoother = LabelSmoother(epsilon=self.args.label_smoothing_factor) else: self.label_smoother = None self.state = TrainerState( is_local_process_zero=self.is_local_process_zero(), is_world_process_zero=self.is_world_process_zero(), ) self.control = TrainerControl() # Internal variable to count flos in each process, will be accumulated in `self.state.total_flos` then # returned to 0 every time flos need to be logged self.current_flos = 0 self.hp_search_backend = None default_label_names = find_labels(self.model.__class__) self.label_names = default_label_names if self.args.label_names is None else self.args.label_names self.can_return_loss = can_return_loss(self.model.__class__) self.control = self.callback_handler.on_init_end(self.args, self.state, self.control) # Internal variables to help with automatic batch size reduction self._train_batch_size = args.train_batch_size self._created_lr_scheduler = False # very last self._memory_tracker.stop_and_update_metrics() # torch.compile if args.torch_compile and not is_torch_compile_available(): raise RuntimeError("Using torch.compile requires PyTorch 2.0 or higher.") def _activate_neftune(self, model): r""" Activates the neftune as presented in this code: https://github.com/neelsjain/NEFTune and paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.05914 """ unwrapped_model = unwrap_model(model) if _is_peft_model(unwrapped_model): embeddings = unwrapped_model.base_model.model.get_input_embeddings() else: embeddings = unwrapped_model.get_input_embeddings() del unwrapped_model embeddings.neftune_noise_alpha = self.neftune_noise_alpha hook_handle = embeddings.register_forward_hook(neftune_post_forward_hook) self.neftune_hook_handle = hook_handle return model def _deactivate_neftune(self, model): """ Deactivates the neftune method. Make sure to call `_activate_neftune` first. """ if not hasattr(self, "neftune_hook_handle"): raise ValueError("Neftune is not activated make sure to call `trainer._activate_neftune()` first") unwrapped_model = unwrap_model(model) if _is_peft_model(unwrapped_model): embeddings = unwrapped_model.base_model.model.get_input_embeddings() else: embeddings = unwrapped_model.get_input_embeddings() self.neftune_hook_handle.remove() del embeddings.neftune_noise_alpha, unwrapped_model def add_callback(self, callback): """ Add a callback to the current list of [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`]. Args: callback (`type` or [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`]): A [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`] class or an instance of a [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`]. In the first case, will instantiate a member of that class. """ self.callback_handler.add_callback(callback) def pop_callback(self, callback): """ Remove a callback from the current list of [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`] and returns it. If the callback is not found, returns `None` (and no error is raised). Args: callback (`type` or [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`]): A [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`] class or an instance of a [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`]. In the first case, will pop the first member of that class found in the list of callbacks. Returns: [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`]: The callback removed, if found. """ return self.callback_handler.pop_callback(callback) def remove_callback(self, callback): """ Remove a callback from the current list of [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`]. Args: callback (`type` or [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`]): A [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`] class or an instance of a [`~transformers.TrainerCallback`]. In the first case, will remove the first member of that class found in the list of callbacks. """ self.callback_handler.remove_callback(callback) def _move_model_to_device(self, model, device): model = model.to(device) # Moving a model to an XLA device disconnects the tied weights, so we have to retie them. if self.args.parallel_mode == ParallelMode.TPU and hasattr(model, "tie_weights"): model.tie_weights() def _set_signature_columns_if_needed(self): if self._signature_columns is None: # Inspect model forward signature to keep only the arguments it accepts. model_to_inspect = self.model if _is_peft_model(self.model): if hasattr(self.model, "get_base_model"): model_to_inspect = self.model.get_base_model() else: # PeftMixedModel do not provide a `get_base_model` method model_to_inspect = self.model.base_model.model signature = inspect.signature(model_to_inspect.forward) self._signature_columns = list(signature.parameters.keys()) # Labels may be named label or label_ids, the default data collator handles that. self._signature_columns += list(set(["label", "label_ids"] + self.label_names)) def _remove_unused_columns(self, dataset: "datasets.Dataset", description: Optional[str] = None): if not self.args.remove_unused_columns: return dataset self._set_signature_columns_if_needed() signature_columns = self._signature_columns ignored_columns = list(set(dataset.column_names) - set(signature_columns)) if len(ignored_columns) > 0: dset_description = "" if description is None else f"in the {description} set" logger.info( f"The following columns {dset_description} don't have a corresponding argument in " f"`{self.model.__class__.__name__}.forward` and have been ignored: {', '.join(ignored_columns)}." f" If {', '.join(ignored_columns)} are not expected by `{self.model.__class__.__name__}.forward`, " " you can safely ignore this message." ) columns = [k for k in signature_columns if k in dataset.column_names] if version.parse(datasets.__version__) < version.parse("1.4.0"): dataset.set_format( type=dataset.format["type"], columns=columns, format_kwargs=dataset.format["format_kwargs"] ) return dataset else: return dataset.remove_columns(ignored_columns) def _get_collator_with_removed_columns( self, data_collator: Callable, description: Optional[str] = None ) -> Callable: """Wrap the data collator in a callable removing unused columns.""" if not self.args.remove_unused_columns: return data_collator self._set_signature_columns_if_needed() signature_columns = self._signature_columns remove_columns_collator = RemoveColumnsCollator( data_collator=data_collator, signature_columns=signature_columns, logger=logger, description=description, model_name=self.model.__class__.__name__, ) return remove_columns_collator def _get_train_sampler(self) -> Optional[torch.utils.data.Sampler]: if self.train_dataset is None or not has_length(self.train_dataset): return None # Build the sampler. if self.args.group_by_length: if is_datasets_available() and isinstance(self.train_dataset, datasets.Dataset): lengths = ( self.train_dataset[self.args.length_column_name] if self.args.length_column_name in self.train_dataset.column_names else None ) else: lengths = None model_input_name = self.tokenizer.model_input_names[0] if self.tokenizer is not None else None return LengthGroupedSampler( self.args.train_batch_size * self.args.gradient_accumulation_steps, dataset=self.train_dataset, lengths=lengths, model_input_name=model_input_name, ) else: return RandomSampler(self.train_dataset) def get_train_dataloader(self) -> DataLoader: """ Returns the training [`~torch.utils.data.DataLoader`]. Will use no sampler if `train_dataset` does not implement `__len__`, a random sampler (adapted to distributed training if necessary) otherwise. Subclass and override this method if you want to inject some custom behavior. """ if self.train_dataset is None: raise ValueError("Trainer: training requires a train_dataset.") train_dataset = self.train_dataset data_collator = self.data_collator if is_datasets_available() and isinstance(train_dataset, datasets.Dataset): train_dataset = self._remove_unused_columns(train_dataset, description="training") else: data_collator = self._get_collator_with_removed_columns(data_collator, description="training") dataloader_params = { "batch_size": self._train_batch_size, "collate_fn": data_collator, "num_workers": self.args.dataloader_num_workers, "pin_memory": self.args.dataloader_pin_memory, "persistent_workers": self.args.dataloader_persistent_workers, } if not isinstance(train_dataset, torch.utils.data.IterableDataset): dataloader_params["sampler"] = self._get_train_sampler() dataloader_params["drop_last"] = self.args.dataloader_drop_last dataloader_params["worker_init_fn"] = seed_worker dataloader_params["prefetch_factor"] = self.args.dataloader_prefetch_factor return self.accelerator.prepare(DataLoader(train_dataset, **dataloader_params)) def _get_eval_sampler(self, eval_dataset: Dataset) -> Optional[torch.utils.data.Sampler]: # Deprecated code if self.args.use_legacy_prediction_loop: if is_torch_tpu_available(): return SequentialDistributedSampler( eval_dataset, num_replicas=xm.xrt_world_size(), rank=xm.get_ordinal() ) elif is_sagemaker_mp_enabled(): return SequentialDistributedSampler( eval_dataset, num_replicas=smp.dp_size(), rank=smp.dp_rank(), batch_size=self.args.per_device_eval_batch_size, ) else: return SequentialSampler(eval_dataset) if self.args.world_size <= 1: return SequentialSampler(eval_dataset) else: return None def get_eval_dataloader(self, eval_dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None) -> DataLoader: """ Returns the evaluation [`~torch.utils.data.DataLoader`]. Subclass and override this method if you want to inject some custom behavior. Args: eval_dataset (`torch.utils.data.Dataset`, *optional*): If provided, will override `self.eval_dataset`. If it is a [`~datasets.Dataset`], columns not accepted by the `model.forward()` method are automatically removed. It must implement `__len__`. """ if eval_dataset is None and self.eval_dataset is None: raise ValueError("Trainer: evaluation requires an eval_dataset.") eval_dataset = eval_dataset if eval_dataset is not None else self.eval_dataset data_collator = self.data_collator if is_datasets_available() and isinstance(eval_dataset, datasets.Dataset): eval_dataset = self._remove_unused_columns(eval_dataset, description="evaluation") else: data_collator = self._get_collator_with_removed_columns(data_collator, description="evaluation") dataloader_params = { "batch_size": self.args.eval_batch_size, "collate_fn": data_collator, "num_workers": self.args.dataloader_num_workers, "pin_memory": self.args.dataloader_pin_memory, "persistent_workers": self.args.dataloader_persistent_workers, } if not isinstance(eval_dataset, torch.utils.data.IterableDataset): dataloader_params["sampler"] = self._get_eval_sampler(eval_dataset) dataloader_params["drop_last"] = self.args.dataloader_drop_last dataloader_params["prefetch_factor"] = self.args.dataloader_prefetch_factor return self.accelerator.prepare(DataLoader(eval_dataset, **dataloader_params)) def get_test_dataloader(self, test_dataset: Dataset) -> DataLoader: """ Returns the test [`~torch.utils.data.DataLoader`]. Subclass and override this method if you want to inject some custom behavior. Args: test_dataset (`torch.utils.data.Dataset`, *optional*): The test dataset to use. If it is a [`~datasets.Dataset`], columns not accepted by the `model.forward()` method are automatically removed. It must implement `__len__`. """ data_collator = self.data_collator if is_datasets_available() and isinstance(test_dataset, datasets.Dataset): test_dataset = self._remove_unused_columns(test_dataset, description="test") else: data_collator = self._get_collator_with_removed_columns(data_collator, description="test") dataloader_params = { "batch_size": self.args.eval_batch_size, "collate_fn": data_collator, "num_workers": self.args.dataloader_num_workers, "pin_memory": self.args.dataloader_pin_memory, "persistent_workers": self.args.dataloader_persistent_workers, } if not isinstance(test_dataset, torch.utils.data.IterableDataset): dataloader_params["sampler"] = self._get_eval_sampler(test_dataset) dataloader_params["drop_last"] = self.args.dataloader_drop_last dataloader_params["prefetch_factor"] = self.args.dataloader_prefetch_factor # We use the same batch_size as for eval. return self.accelerator.prepare(DataLoader(test_dataset, **dataloader_params)) def create_optimizer_and_scheduler(self, num_training_steps: int): """ Setup the optimizer and the learning rate scheduler. We provide a reasonable default that works well. If you want to use something else, you can pass a tuple in the Trainer's init through `optimizers`, or subclass and override this method (or `create_optimizer` and/or `create_scheduler`) in a subclass. """ self.create_optimizer() if IS_SAGEMAKER_MP_POST_1_10 and smp.state.cfg.fp16: # If smp >= 1.10 and fp16 is enabled, we unwrap the optimizer optimizer = self.optimizer.optimizer else: optimizer = self.optimizer self.create_scheduler(num_training_steps=num_training_steps, optimizer=optimizer) def get_decay_parameter_names(self, model) -> List[str]: """ Get all parameter names that weight decay will be applied to Note that some models implement their own layernorm instead of calling nn.LayerNorm, weight decay could still apply to those modules since this function only filter out instance of nn.LayerNorm """ decay_parameters = get_parameter_names(model, ALL_LAYERNORM_LAYERS) decay_parameters = [name for name in decay_parameters if "bias" not in name] return decay_parameters def create_optimizer(self): """ Setup the optimizer. We provide a reasonable default that works well. If you want to use something else, you can pass a tuple in the Trainer's init through `optimizers`, or subclass and override this method in a subclass. """ opt_model = self.model_wrapped if is_sagemaker_mp_enabled() else self.model if self.optimizer is None: decay_parameters = self.get_decay_parameter_names(opt_model) optimizer_grouped_parameters = [ { "params": [ p for n, p in opt_model.named_parameters() if (n in decay_parameters and p.requires_grad) ], "weight_decay": self.args.weight_decay, }, { "params": [ p for n, p in opt_model.named_parameters() if (n not in decay_parameters and p.requires_grad) ], "weight_decay": 0.0, }, ] optimizer_cls, optimizer_kwargs = Trainer.get_optimizer_cls_and_kwargs(self.args) self.optimizer = optimizer_cls(optimizer_grouped_parameters, **optimizer_kwargs) if optimizer_cls.__name__ == "Adam8bit": import bitsandbytes manager = bitsandbytes.optim.GlobalOptimManager.get_instance() skipped = 0 for module in opt_model.modules(): if isinstance(module, nn.Embedding): skipped += sum({p.data_ptr(): p.numel() for p in module.parameters()}.values()) logger.info(f"skipped {module}: {skipped/2**20}M params") manager.register_module_override(module, "weight", {"optim_bits": 32}) logger.debug(f"bitsandbytes: will optimize {module} in fp32") logger.info(f"skipped: {skipped/2**20}M params") if is_sagemaker_mp_enabled(): self.optimizer = smp.DistributedOptimizer(self.optimizer) return self.optimizer @staticmethod def get_optimizer_cls_and_kwargs(args: TrainingArguments) -> Tuple[Any, Any]: """ Returns the optimizer class and optimizer parameters based on the training arguments. Args: args (`transformers.training_args.TrainingArguments`): The training arguments for the training session. """ # parse args.optim_args optim_args = {} if args.optim_args: for mapping in args.optim_args.replace(" ", "").split(","): key, value = mapping.split("=") optim_args[key] = value optimizer_kwargs = {"lr": args.learning_rate} adam_kwargs = { "betas": (args.adam_beta1, args.adam_beta2), "eps": args.adam_epsilon, } if args.optim == OptimizerNames.ADAFACTOR: optimizer_cls = Adafactor optimizer_kwargs.update({"scale_parameter": False, "relative_step": False}) elif args.optim == OptimizerNames.ADAMW_HF: from .optimization import AdamW optimizer_cls = AdamW optimizer_kwargs.update(adam_kwargs) elif args.optim in [OptimizerNames.ADAMW_TORCH, OptimizerNames.ADAMW_TORCH_FUSED]: from torch.optim import AdamW optimizer_cls = AdamW optimizer_kwargs.update(adam_kwargs) if args.optim == OptimizerNames.ADAMW_TORCH_FUSED: optimizer_kwargs.update({"fused": True}) elif args.optim == OptimizerNames.ADAMW_TORCH_XLA: try: from torch_xla.amp.syncfree import AdamW optimizer_cls = AdamW optimizer_kwargs.update(adam_kwargs) except ImportError: raise ValueError("Trainer failed to import syncfree AdamW from torch_xla.") elif args.optim == OptimizerNames.ADAMW_TORCH_NPU_FUSED: try: from torch_npu.optim import NpuFusedAdamW optimizer_cls = NpuFusedAdamW optimizer_kwargs.update(adam_kwargs) except ImportError: raise ValueError("Trainer failed to import FusedAdamW from torch_npu.") elif args.optim == OptimizerNames.ADAMW_APEX_FUSED: try: from apex.optimizers import FusedAdam optimizer_cls = FusedAdam optimizer_kwargs.update(adam_kwargs) except ImportError: raise ValueError("Trainer tried to instantiate apex FusedAdam but apex is not installed!") elif args.optim in [ OptimizerNames.ADAMW_BNB, OptimizerNames.ADAMW_8BIT, OptimizerNames.PAGED_ADAMW, OptimizerNames.PAGED_ADAMW_8BIT, OptimizerNames.LION, OptimizerNames.LION_8BIT, OptimizerNames.PAGED_LION, OptimizerNames.PAGED_LION_8BIT, ]: try: from bitsandbytes.optim import AdamW, Lion is_paged = False optim_bits = 32 optimizer_cls = None additional_optim_kwargs = adam_kwargs if "paged" in args.optim: is_paged = True if "8bit" in args.optim: optim_bits = 8 if "adam" in args.optim: optimizer_cls = AdamW elif "lion" in args.optim: optimizer_cls = Lion additional_optim_kwargs = {"betas": (args.adam_beta1, args.adam_beta2)} bnb_kwargs = {"is_paged": is_paged, "optim_bits": optim_bits} optimizer_kwargs.update(additional_optim_kwargs) optimizer_kwargs.update(bnb_kwargs) except ImportError: raise ValueError("Trainer tried to instantiate bnb optimizer but bnb is not installed!") if is_bitsandbytes_available() and version.parse( importlib.metadata.version("bitsandbytes") ) < version.parse("0.41.1"): logger.warning( "You are using 8-bit optimizers with a version of `bitsandbytes` < 0.41.1. " "It is recommended to update your version as a major bug has been fixed in 8-bit optimizers." ) elif args.optim == OptimizerNames.ADAMW_ANYPRECISION: try: from torchdistx.optimizers import AnyPrecisionAdamW optimizer_cls = AnyPrecisionAdamW optimizer_kwargs.update(adam_kwargs) # TODO Change dtypes back to M=FP32, Var = BF16, Kahan = False once they can be cast together in torchdistx. optimizer_kwargs.update( { "use_kahan_summation": strtobool(optim_args.get("use_kahan_summation", "False")), "momentum_dtype": getattr(torch, optim_args.get("momentum_dtype", "float32")), "variance_dtype": getattr(torch, optim_args.get("variance_dtype", "float32")), "compensation_buffer_dtype": getattr( torch, optim_args.get("compensation_buffer_dtype", "bfloat16") ), } ) except ImportError: raise ValueError("Please install https://github.com/pytorch/torchdistx") elif args.optim == OptimizerNames.SGD: optimizer_cls = torch.optim.SGD elif args.optim == OptimizerNames.ADAGRAD: optimizer_cls = torch.optim.Adagrad elif args.optim == OptimizerNames.RMSPROP: optimizer_cls = torch.optim.RMSprop else: raise ValueError(f"Trainer cannot instantiate unsupported optimizer: {args.optim}") return optimizer_cls, optimizer_kwargs def create_scheduler(self, num_training_steps: int, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer = None): """ Setup the scheduler. The optimizer of the trainer must have been set up either before this method is called or passed as an argument. Args: num_training_steps (int): The number of training steps to do. """ if self.lr_scheduler is None: self.lr_scheduler = get_scheduler( self.args.lr_scheduler_type, optimizer=self.optimizer if optimizer is None else optimizer, num_warmup_steps=self.args.get_warmup_steps(num_training_steps), num_training_steps=num_training_steps, scheduler_specific_kwargs=self.args.lr_scheduler_kwargs, ) self._created_lr_scheduler = True return self.lr_scheduler def num_examples(self, dataloader: DataLoader) -> int: """ Helper to get number of samples in a [`~torch.utils.data.DataLoader`] by accessing its dataset. When dataloader.dataset does not exist or has no length, estimates as best it can """ try: dataset = dataloader.dataset # Special case for IterableDatasetShard, we need to dig deeper if isinstance(dataset, IterableDatasetShard): return len(dataloader.dataset.dataset) return len(dataloader.dataset) except (NameError, AttributeError, TypeError): # no dataset or length, estimate by length of dataloader return len(dataloader) * self.args.per_device_train_batch_size def num_tokens(self, train_dl: DataLoader, max_steps: Optional[int] = None) -> int: """ Helper to get number of tokens in a [`~torch.utils.data.DataLoader`] by enumerating dataloader. """ train_tokens = 0 try: for step, batch in enumerate(train_dl): tokens = batch["input_ids"].numel() if max_steps is not None: return tokens * max_steps train_tokens += tokens return train_tokens except KeyError: logger.warning("Cannot get num_tokens from dataloader") return train_tokens def _hp_search_setup(self, trial: Union["optuna.Trial", Dict[str, Any]]): """HP search setup code""" self._trial = trial if self.hp_search_backend is None or trial is None: return if self.hp_search_backend == HPSearchBackend.OPTUNA: params = self.hp_space(trial) elif self.hp_search_backend == HPSearchBackend.RAY: params = trial params.pop("wandb", None) elif self.hp_search_backend == HPSearchBackend.SIGOPT: params = {k: int(v) if isinstance(v, str) else v for k, v in trial.assignments.items()} elif self.hp_search_backend == HPSearchBackend.WANDB: params = trial for key, value in params.items(): if not hasattr(self.args, key): logger.warning( f"Trying to set {key} in the hyperparameter search but there is no corresponding field in" " `TrainingArguments`." ) continue old_attr = getattr(self.args, key, None) # Casting value to the proper type if old_attr is not None: value = type(old_attr)(value) setattr(self.args, key, value) if self.hp_search_backend == HPSearchBackend.OPTUNA: logger.info(f"Trial: {trial.params}") if self.hp_search_backend == HPSearchBackend.SIGOPT: logger.info(f"SigOpt Assignments: {trial.assignments}") if self.hp_search_backend == HPSearchBackend.WANDB: logger.info(f"W&B Sweep parameters: {trial}") if self.is_deepspeed_enabled: if self.args.deepspeed is None: raise ValueError("For sweeps with deepspeed, `args.deepspeed` must be set") # Rebuild the deepspeed config to reflect the updated training parameters from accelerate.utils import DeepSpeedPlugin from transformers.integrations.deepspeed import HfTrainerDeepSpeedConfig self.args.hf_deepspeed_config = HfTrainerDeepSpeedConfig(self.args.deepspeed) self.args.hf_deepspeed_config.trainer_config_process(self.args) self.args.deepspeed_plugin = DeepSpeedPlugin(hf_ds_config=self.args.hf_deepspeed_config) self.create_accelerator_and_postprocess() def _report_to_hp_search(self, trial: Union["optuna.Trial", Dict[str, Any]], step: int, metrics: Dict[str, float]): if self.hp_search_backend is None or trial is None: return metrics = metrics.copy() self.objective = self.compute_objective(metrics) if self.hp_search_backend == HPSearchBackend.OPTUNA: import optuna if not trial.study._is_multi_objective(): trial.report(self.objective, step) if trial.should_prune(): self.callback_handler.on_train_end(self.args, self.state, self.control) raise optuna.TrialPruned() elif self.hp_search_backend == HPSearchBackend.RAY: import ray.train with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_checkpoint_dir: checkpoint = None if self.control.should_save: self._tune_save_checkpoint(checkpoint_dir=temp_checkpoint_dir) checkpoint = ray.train.Checkpoint.from_directory(temp_checkpoint_dir) metrics["objective"] = self.objective ray.train.report(metrics, checkpoint=checkpoint) def _tune_save_checkpoint(self, checkpoint_dir: str): output_dir = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, f"{PREFIX_CHECKPOINT_DIR}-{self.state.global_step}") self.save_model(output_dir, _internal_call=True) if self.args.should_save: self.state.save_to_json(os.path.join(output_dir, TRAINER_STATE_NAME)) torch.save(self.optimizer.state_dict(), os.path.join(output_dir, OPTIMIZER_NAME)) torch.save(self.lr_scheduler.state_dict(), os.path.join(output_dir, SCHEDULER_NAME)) def call_model_init(self, trial=None): model_init_argcount = number_of_arguments(self.model_init) if model_init_argcount == 0: model = self.model_init() elif model_init_argcount == 1: model = self.model_init(trial) else: raise RuntimeError("model_init should have 0 or 1 argument.") if model is None: raise RuntimeError("model_init should not return None.") return model def torch_jit_model_eval(self, model, dataloader, training=False): if not training: if dataloader is None: logger.warning("failed to use PyTorch jit mode due to current dataloader is none.") return model example_batch = next(iter(dataloader)) example_batch = self._prepare_inputs(example_batch) try: jit_model = copy.copy(model) jit_model.eval() original_forward = jit_model.__dict__.pop("_original_forward", None) # remove mixed precision hooks from the model if original_forward: jit_model.forward = original_forward with self.accelerator.autocast(cache_enabled=False), torch.no_grad(): if version.parse(version.parse(torch.__version__).base_version) >= version.parse("2.0.0"): if isinstance(example_batch, dict): jit_model = torch.jit.trace(jit_model, example_kwarg_inputs=example_batch, strict=False) else: jit_model = torch.jit.trace( jit_model, example_kwarg_inputs={key: example_batch[key] for key in example_batch}, strict=False, ) else: jit_inputs = [] for key in example_batch: example_tensor = torch.ones_like(example_batch[key]) jit_inputs.append(example_tensor) jit_inputs = tuple(jit_inputs) jit_model = torch.jit.trace(jit_model, jit_inputs, strict=False) jit_model = torch.jit.freeze(jit_model) with torch.no_grad(): jit_model(**example_batch) jit_model(**example_batch) model = jit_model self.use_cpu_amp = False except (RuntimeError, TypeError, ValueError, NameError, IndexError) as e: logger.warning(f"failed to use PyTorch jit mode due to: {e}.") return model def ipex_optimize_model(self, model, training=False, dtype=torch.float32): if not is_ipex_available(): raise ImportError( "Using IPEX but IPEX is not installed or IPEX's version does not match current PyTorch, please refer" " to https://github.com/intel/intel-extension-for-pytorch." ) import intel_extension_for_pytorch as ipex if not training: model.eval() dtype = torch.bfloat16 if not self.is_in_train and self.args.bf16_full_eval else dtype # conv_bn_folding is disabled as it fails in symbolic tracing, resulting in ipex warnings model = ipex.optimize(model, dtype=dtype, level="O1", conv_bn_folding=False, inplace=not self.is_in_train) else: if not model.training: model.train() model, self.optimizer = ipex.optimize( model, dtype=dtype, optimizer=self.optimizer, inplace=True, level="O1" ) return model def _wrap_model(self, model, training=True, dataloader=None): if self.args.use_ipex: dtype = torch.bfloat16 if self.use_cpu_amp else torch.float32 model = self.ipex_optimize_model(model, training, dtype=dtype) if is_sagemaker_mp_enabled(): # Wrapping the base model twice in a DistributedModel will raise an error. if isinstance(self.model_wrapped, smp.model.DistributedModel): return self.model_wrapped return smp.DistributedModel(model, backward_passes_per_step=self.args.gradient_accumulation_steps) # train/eval could be run multiple-times - if already wrapped, don't re-wrap it again if unwrap_model(model) is not model: return model # Mixed precision training with apex (torch < 1.6) if self.use_apex and training: model, self.optimizer = amp.initialize(model, self.optimizer, opt_level=self.args.fp16_opt_level) # Multi-gpu training (should be after apex fp16 initialization) / 8bit models does not support DDP if self.args.n_gpu > 1 and not getattr(model, "is_loaded_in_8bit", False): model = nn.DataParallel(model) if self.args.jit_mode_eval: start_time = time.time() model = self.torch_jit_model_eval(model, dataloader, training) self.jit_compilation_time = round(time.time() - start_time, 4) # Note: in torch.distributed mode, there's no point in wrapping the model # inside a DistributedDataParallel as we'll be under `no_grad` anyways. if not training: return model # Distributed training (should be after apex fp16 initialization) # Distributed training using PyTorch FSDP if self.is_fsdp_xla_enabled: try: from torch_xla.distributed.fsdp import XlaFullyShardedDataParallel as FSDP from torch_xla.distributed.fsdp import checkpoint_module from torch_xla.distributed.fsdp.wrap import ( size_based_auto_wrap_policy, transformer_auto_wrap_policy, ) except ImportError: raise ImportError("Missing XLA FSDP related module; please make sure to use torch-xla >= 2.0.") auto_wrap_policy = None auto_wrapper_callable = None default_transformer_cls_names_to_wrap = getattr(model, "_no_split_modules", None) fsdp_transformer_layer_cls_to_wrap = self.args.fsdp_config.get( "transformer_layer_cls_to_wrap", default_transformer_cls_names_to_wrap ) if self.args.fsdp_config["min_num_params"] > 0: auto_wrap_policy = functools.partial( size_based_auto_wrap_policy, min_num_params=self.args.fsdp_config["min_num_params"] ) elif fsdp_transformer_layer_cls_to_wrap is not None: transformer_cls_to_wrap = set() for layer_class in fsdp_transformer_layer_cls_to_wrap: transformer_cls = get_module_class_from_name(model, layer_class) if transformer_cls is None: raise Exception("Could not find the transformer layer class to wrap in the model.") else: transformer_cls_to_wrap.add(transformer_cls) auto_wrap_policy = functools.partial( transformer_auto_wrap_policy, # Transformer layer class to wrap transformer_layer_cls=transformer_cls_to_wrap, ) fsdp_kwargs = self.args.xla_fsdp_config if self.args.fsdp_config["xla_fsdp_grad_ckpt"]: # Apply gradient checkpointing to auto-wrapped sub-modules if specified def auto_wrapper_callable(m, *args, **kwargs): return FSDP(checkpoint_module(m), *args, **kwargs) # Wrap the base model with an outer FSDP wrapper self.model = model = FSDP( model, auto_wrap_policy=auto_wrap_policy, auto_wrapper_callable=auto_wrapper_callable, **fsdp_kwargs, ) # Patch `xm.optimizer_step` should not reduce gradients in this case, # as FSDP does not need gradient reduction over sharded parameters. def patched_optimizer_step(optimizer, barrier=False, optimizer_args={}): loss = optimizer.step(**optimizer_args) if barrier: xm.mark_step() return loss xm.optimizer_step = patched_optimizer_step elif is_sagemaker_dp_enabled(): model = nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel( model, device_ids=[int(os.getenv("SMDATAPARALLEL_LOCAL_RANK"))] ) elif self.args.parallel_mode == ParallelMode.DISTRIBUTED: if is_torch_neuroncore_available(): return model kwargs = {} if self.args.ddp_find_unused_parameters is not None: kwargs["find_unused_parameters"] = self.args.ddp_find_unused_parameters elif isinstance(model, PreTrainedModel): # find_unused_parameters breaks checkpointing as per # https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/pull/4659#issuecomment-643356021 kwargs["find_unused_parameters"] = not model.is_gradient_checkpointing else: kwargs["find_unused_parameters"] = True if self.args.ddp_bucket_cap_mb is not None: kwargs["bucket_cap_mb"] = self.args.ddp_bucket_cap_mb if self.args.ddp_broadcast_buffers is not None: kwargs["broadcast_buffers"] = self.args.ddp_broadcast_buffers self.accelerator.ddp_handler = DistributedDataParallelKwargs(**kwargs) return model def train( self, resume_from_checkpoint: Optional[Union[str, bool]] = None, trial: Union["optuna.Trial", Dict[str, Any]] = None, ignore_keys_for_eval: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Main training entry point. Args: resume_from_checkpoint (`str` or `bool`, *optional*): If a `str`, local path to a saved checkpoint as saved by a previous instance of [`Trainer`]. If a `bool` and equals `True`, load the last checkpoint in *args.output_dir* as saved by a previous instance of [`Trainer`]. If present, training will resume from the model/optimizer/scheduler states loaded here. trial (`optuna.Trial` or `Dict[str, Any]`, *optional*): The trial run or the hyperparameter dictionary for hyperparameter search. ignore_keys_for_eval (`List[str]`, *optional*) A list of keys in the output of your model (if it is a dictionary) that should be ignored when gathering predictions for evaluation during the training. kwargs (`Dict[str, Any]`, *optional*): Additional keyword arguments used to hide deprecated arguments """ if resume_from_checkpoint is False: resume_from_checkpoint = None # memory metrics - must set up as early as possible self._memory_tracker.start() args = self.args self.is_in_train = True # Attach NEFTune hooks if necessary if self.neftune_noise_alpha is not None: self.model = self._activate_neftune(self.model) # do_train is not a reliable argument, as it might not be set and .train() still called, so # the following is a workaround: if (args.fp16_full_eval or args.bf16_full_eval) and not args.do_train: self._move_model_to_device(self.model, args.device) if "model_path" in kwargs: resume_from_checkpoint = kwargs.pop("model_path") warnings.warn( "`model_path` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use `resume_from_checkpoint` " "instead.", FutureWarning, ) if len(kwargs) > 0: raise TypeError(f"train() received got unexpected keyword arguments: {', '.join(list(kwargs.keys()))}.") # This might change the seed so needs to run first. self._hp_search_setup(trial) self._train_batch_size = self.args.train_batch_size # Model re-init model_reloaded = False if self.model_init is not None: # Seed must be set before instantiating the model when using model_init. enable_full_determinism(self.args.seed) if self.args.full_determinism else set_seed(self.args.seed) self.model = self.call_model_init(trial) model_reloaded = True # Reinitializes optimizer and scheduler self.optimizer, self.lr_scheduler = None, None # Load potential model checkpoint if isinstance(resume_from_checkpoint, bool) and resume_from_checkpoint: resume_from_checkpoint = get_last_checkpoint(args.output_dir) if resume_from_checkpoint is None: raise ValueError(f"No valid checkpoint found in output directory ({args.output_dir})") if resume_from_checkpoint is not None: if not is_sagemaker_mp_enabled() and not self.is_deepspeed_enabled and not self.is_fsdp_enabled: self._load_from_checkpoint(resume_from_checkpoint) # In case of repeating the find_executable_batch_size, set `self._train_batch_size` properly state = TrainerState.load_from_json(os.path.join(resume_from_checkpoint, TRAINER_STATE_NAME)) if state.train_batch_size is not None: self._train_batch_size = state.train_batch_size # If model was re-initialized, put it on the right device and update self.model_wrapped if model_reloaded: if self.place_model_on_device: self._move_model_to_device(self.model, args.device) self.model_wrapped = self.model inner_training_loop = find_executable_batch_size( self._inner_training_loop, self._train_batch_size, args.auto_find_batch_size ) if args.push_to_hub: try: # Disable progress bars when uploading models during checkpoints to avoid polluting stdout hf_hub_utils.disable_progress_bars() return inner_training_loop( args=args, resume_from_checkpoint=resume_from_checkpoint, trial=trial, ignore_keys_for_eval=ignore_keys_for_eval, ) finally: hf_hub_utils.enable_progress_bars() else: return inner_training_loop( args=args, resume_from_checkpoint=resume_from_checkpoint, trial=trial, ignore_keys_for_eval=ignore_keys_for_eval, ) def _inner_training_loop( self, batch_size=None, args=None, resume_from_checkpoint=None, trial=None, ignore_keys_for_eval=None ): self.accelerator.free_memory() self._train_batch_size = batch_size if self.args.auto_find_batch_size: if self.state.train_batch_size != self._train_batch_size: from accelerate.utils import release_memory (self.model_wrapped,) = release_memory(self.model_wrapped) self.model_wrapped = self.model # Check for DeepSpeed *after* the intial pass and modify the config if self.is_deepspeed_enabled: # Temporarily unset `self.args.train_batch_size` original_bs = self.args.per_device_train_batch_size self.args.per_device_train_batch_size = self._train_batch_size // max(1, self.args.n_gpu) self.propagate_args_to_deepspeed(True) self.args.per_device_train_batch_size = original_bs self.state.train_batch_size = self._train_batch_size logger.debug(f"Currently training with a batch size of: {self._train_batch_size}") # Data loader and number of training steps train_dataloader = self.get_train_dataloader() # Setting up training control variables: # number of training epochs: num_train_epochs # number of training steps per epoch: num_update_steps_per_epoch # total number of training steps to execute: max_steps total_train_batch_size = self._train_batch_size * args.gradient_accumulation_steps * args.world_size len_dataloader = None num_train_tokens = None if has_length(train_dataloader): len_dataloader = len(train_dataloader) num_update_steps_per_epoch = len_dataloader // args.gradient_accumulation_steps num_update_steps_per_epoch = max(num_update_steps_per_epoch, 1) num_examples = self.num_examples(train_dataloader) if args.max_steps > 0: max_steps = args.max_steps num_train_epochs = args.max_steps // num_update_steps_per_epoch + int( args.max_steps % num_update_steps_per_epoch > 0 ) # May be slightly incorrect if the last batch in the training dataloader has a smaller size but it's # the best we can do. num_train_samples = args.max_steps * total_train_batch_size if args.include_tokens_per_second: num_train_tokens = ( self.num_tokens(train_dataloader, args.max_steps) * args.gradient_accumulation_steps ) else: max_steps = math.ceil(args.num_train_epochs * num_update_steps_per_epoch) num_train_epochs = math.ceil(args.num_train_epochs) num_train_samples = self.num_examples(train_dataloader) * args.num_train_epochs if args.include_tokens_per_second: num_train_tokens = self.num_tokens(train_dataloader) * args.num_train_epochs elif args.max_steps > 0: # Rely on max_steps when dataloader does not have a working size max_steps = args.max_steps # Setting a very large number of epochs so we go as many times as necessary over the iterator. num_train_epochs = sys.maxsize num_update_steps_per_epoch = max_steps num_examples = total_train_batch_size * args.max_steps num_train_samples = args.max_steps * total_train_batch_size if args.include_tokens_per_second: num_train_tokens = self.num_tokens(train_dataloader, args.max_steps) * args.gradient_accumulation_steps else: raise ValueError( "args.max_steps must be set to a positive value if dataloader does not have a length, was" f" {args.max_steps}" ) if DebugOption.UNDERFLOW_OVERFLOW in self.args.debug: if self.args.n_gpu > 1: # nn.DataParallel(model) replicates the model, creating new variables and module # references registered here no longer work on other gpus, breaking the module raise ValueError( "Currently --debug underflow_overflow is not supported under DP. Please use DDP" " (torchrun or torch.distributed.launch (deprecated))." ) else: debug_overflow = DebugUnderflowOverflow(self.model) # noqa delay_optimizer_creation = is_sagemaker_mp_enabled() or self.is_fsdp_xla_enabled or self.is_fsdp_enabled # We need to reset the scheduler, as its parameters may be different on subsequent calls if self._created_lr_scheduler: self.lr_scheduler = None self._created_lr_scheduler = False if self.is_deepspeed_enabled: self.optimizer, self.lr_scheduler = deepspeed_init(self, num_training_steps=max_steps) if not delay_optimizer_creation: self.create_optimizer_and_scheduler(num_training_steps=max_steps) self.state = TrainerState() self.state.is_hyper_param_search = trial is not None self.state.train_batch_size = self._train_batch_size # Compute absolute values for logging, eval, and save if given as ratio if args.logging_steps is not None: if args.logging_steps < 1: self.state.logging_steps = math.ceil(max_steps * args.logging_steps) else: self.state.logging_steps = args.logging_steps if args.eval_steps is not None: if args.eval_steps < 1: self.state.eval_steps = math.ceil(max_steps * args.eval_steps) else: self.state.eval_steps = args.eval_steps if args.save_steps is not None: if args.save_steps < 1: self.state.save_steps = math.ceil(max_steps * args.save_steps) else: self.state.save_steps = args.save_steps # Activate gradient checkpointing if needed if args.gradient_checkpointing: if args.gradient_checkpointing_kwargs is None: gradient_checkpointing_kwargs = {} else: gradient_checkpointing_kwargs = args.gradient_checkpointing_kwargs self.model.gradient_checkpointing_enable(gradient_checkpointing_kwargs=gradient_checkpointing_kwargs) model = self._wrap_model(self.model_wrapped) # as the model is wrapped, don't use `accelerator.prepare` # this is for unhandled cases such as # FSDP-XLA, SageMaker MP/DP, DataParallel, IPEX use_accelerator_prepare = True if model is self.model else False if delay_optimizer_creation: if use_accelerator_prepare: self.model = self.accelerator.prepare(self.model) self.create_optimizer_and_scheduler(num_training_steps=max_steps) # prepare using `accelerator` prepare if use_accelerator_prepare: self.model.train() if hasattr(self.lr_scheduler, "step"): if self.use_apex: model = self.accelerator.prepare(self.model) else: model, self.optimizer = self.accelerator.prepare(self.model, self.optimizer) else: # to handle cases wherein we pass "DummyScheduler" such as when it is specified in DeepSpeed config. model, self.optimizer, self.lr_scheduler = self.accelerator.prepare( self.model, self.optimizer, self.lr_scheduler ) if self.is_fsdp_enabled: self.model = self.model_wrapped = model # for the rest of this function `model` is the outside model, whether it was wrapped or not if model is not self.model: self.model_wrapped = model # backward compatibility if self.is_deepspeed_enabled: self.deepspeed = self.model_wrapped # ckpt loading if resume_from_checkpoint is not None: if self.is_deepspeed_enabled: deepspeed_load_checkpoint( self.model_wrapped, resume_from_checkpoint, load_module_strict=not _is_peft_model(self.model) ) elif is_sagemaker_mp_enabled() or self.is_fsdp_enabled: self._load_from_checkpoint(resume_from_checkpoint, self.model_wrapped) # Check if saved optimizer or scheduler states exist self._load_optimizer_and_scheduler(resume_from_checkpoint) # important: at this point: # self.model is the Transformers Model # self.model_wrapped is DDP(Transformers Model), Deepspeed(Transformers Model), # FSDP(Transformers Model), Dynamo Optimized Module(Transformers Model) etc. # Train! logger.info("***** Running training *****") logger.info(f" Num examples = {num_examples:,}") logger.info(f" Num Epochs = {num_train_epochs:,}") logger.info(f" Instantaneous batch size per device = {self.args.per_device_train_batch_size:,}") if self.args.per_device_train_batch_size != self._train_batch_size: logger.info(f" Training with DataParallel so batch size has been adjusted to: {self._train_batch_size:,}") logger.info(f" Total train batch size (w. parallel, distributed & accumulation) = {total_train_batch_size:,}") logger.info(f" Gradient Accumulation steps = {args.gradient_accumulation_steps}") logger.info(f" Total optimization steps = {max_steps:,}") logger.info(f" Number of trainable parameters = {get_model_param_count(model, trainable_only=True):,}") self.state.epoch = 0 start_time = time.time() epochs_trained = 0 steps_trained_in_current_epoch = 0 steps_trained_progress_bar = None # Check if continuing training from a checkpoint if resume_from_checkpoint is not None and os.path.isfile( os.path.join(resume_from_checkpoint, TRAINER_STATE_NAME) ): self.state = TrainerState.load_from_json(os.path.join(resume_from_checkpoint, TRAINER_STATE_NAME)) epochs_trained = self.state.global_step // num_update_steps_per_epoch if not args.ignore_data_skip: steps_trained_in_current_epoch = self.state.global_step % (num_update_steps_per_epoch) steps_trained_in_current_epoch *= args.gradient_accumulation_steps else: steps_trained_in_current_epoch = 0 logger.info(" Continuing training from checkpoint, will skip to saved global_step") logger.info(f" Continuing training from epoch {epochs_trained}") logger.info(f" Continuing training from global step {self.state.global_step}") if not args.ignore_data_skip: logger.info( f" Will skip the first {epochs_trained} epochs then the first" f" {steps_trained_in_current_epoch} batches in the first epoch." ) # Update the references self.callback_handler.model = self.model self.callback_handler.optimizer = self.optimizer self.callback_handler.lr_scheduler = self.lr_scheduler self.callback_handler.train_dataloader = train_dataloader if self.hp_name is not None and self._trial is not None: # use self._trial because the SigOpt/Optuna hpo only call `_hp_search_setup(trial)` instead of passing trial # parameter to Train when using DDP. self.state.trial_name = self.hp_name(self._trial) if trial is not None: assignments = trial.assignments if self.hp_search_backend == HPSearchBackend.SIGOPT else trial self.state.trial_params = hp_params(assignments) else: self.state.trial_params = None # This should be the same if the state has been saved but in case the training arguments changed, it's safer # to set this after the load. self.state.max_steps = max_steps self.state.num_train_epochs = num_train_epochs self.state.is_local_process_zero = self.is_local_process_zero() self.state.is_world_process_zero = self.is_world_process_zero() # tr_loss is a tensor to avoid synchronization of TPUs through .item() tr_loss = torch.tensor(0.0).to(args.device) # _total_loss_scalar is updated everytime .item() has to be called on tr_loss and stores the sum of all losses self._total_loss_scalar = 0.0 self._globalstep_last_logged = self.state.global_step model.zero_grad() self.control = self.callback_handler.on_train_begin(args, self.state, self.control) # Skip the first epochs_trained epochs to get the random state of the dataloader at the right point. if not args.ignore_data_skip: for epoch in range(epochs_trained): sampler = get_dataloader_sampler(train_dataloader) sampler_kinds = [RandomSampler] if version.parse(accelerate_version) > version.parse("0.23.0"): sampler_kinds.append(SeedableRandomSampler) is_random_sampler = isinstance(sampler, tuple(sampler_kinds)) if not is_random_sampler: # We just need to begin an iteration to create the randomization of the sampler. for _ in train_dataloader: break else: # Otherwise we need to call the whooooole sampler cause there is some random operation added # AT THE VERY END! sampler = sampler if sampler is not None else [] _ = list(sampler) total_batched_samples = 0 for epoch in range(epochs_trained, num_train_epochs): epoch_iterator = train_dataloader if hasattr(epoch_iterator, "set_epoch"): epoch_iterator.set_epoch(epoch) # Reset the past mems state at the beginning of each epoch if necessary. if args.past_index >= 0: self._past = None steps_in_epoch = ( len(epoch_iterator) if len_dataloader is not None else args.max_steps * args.gradient_accumulation_steps ) self.control = self.callback_handler.on_epoch_begin(args, self.state, self.control) if epoch == epochs_trained and resume_from_checkpoint is not None and steps_trained_in_current_epoch == 0: self._load_rng_state(resume_from_checkpoint) rng_to_sync = False steps_skipped = 0 if steps_trained_in_current_epoch > 0: epoch_iterator = skip_first_batches(epoch_iterator, steps_trained_in_current_epoch) steps_skipped = steps_trained_in_current_epoch steps_trained_in_current_epoch = 0 rng_to_sync = True step = -1 for step, inputs in enumerate(epoch_iterator): total_batched_samples += 1 if self.args.include_num_input_tokens_seen: main_input_name = getattr(self.model, "main_input_name", "input_ids") if main_input_name not in inputs: logger.warning( "Tried to track the number of tokens seen, however the current model is " "not configured properly to know what item is the input. To fix this, add " "a `main_input_name` attribute to the model class you are using." ) else: self.state.num_input_tokens_seen += self.accelerator.gather(inputs[main_input_name]).numel() if rng_to_sync: self._load_rng_state(resume_from_checkpoint) rng_to_sync = False # Skip past any already trained steps if resuming training if steps_trained_in_current_epoch > 0: steps_trained_in_current_epoch -= 1 if steps_trained_progress_bar is not None: steps_trained_progress_bar.update(1) if steps_trained_in_current_epoch == 0: self._load_rng_state(resume_from_checkpoint) continue elif steps_trained_progress_bar is not None: steps_trained_progress_bar.close() steps_trained_progress_bar = None if step % args.gradient_accumulation_steps == 0: self.control = self.callback_handler.on_step_begin(args, self.state, self.control) with self.accelerator.accumulate(model): tr_loss_step = self.training_step(model, inputs) if ( args.logging_nan_inf_filter and not is_torch_tpu_available() and (torch.isnan(tr_loss_step) or torch.isinf(tr_loss_step)) ): # if loss is nan or inf simply add the average of previous logged losses tr_loss += tr_loss / (1 + self.state.global_step - self._globalstep_last_logged) else: tr_loss += tr_loss_step self.current_flos += float(self.floating_point_ops(inputs)) is_last_step_and_steps_less_than_grad_acc = ( steps_in_epoch <= args.gradient_accumulation_steps and (step + 1) == steps_in_epoch ) if ( total_batched_samples % args.gradient_accumulation_steps == 0 or # last step in epoch but step is always smaller than gradient_accumulation_steps is_last_step_and_steps_less_than_grad_acc ): # the `or` condition of `is_last_step_and_steps_less_than_grad_acc` is not covered # in accelerate. So, explicitly enable sync gradients to True in that case. if is_last_step_and_steps_less_than_grad_acc: self.accelerator.gradient_state._set_sync_gradients(True) # Gradient clipping if args.max_grad_norm is not None and args.max_grad_norm > 0: # deepspeed does its own clipping if is_sagemaker_mp_enabled() and args.fp16: self.optimizer.clip_master_grads(args.max_grad_norm) elif self.use_apex: # Revert to normal clipping otherwise, handling Apex or full precision nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_( amp.master_params(self.optimizer), args.max_grad_norm, ) else: self.accelerator.clip_grad_norm_( model.parameters(), args.max_grad_norm, ) # Optimizer step self.optimizer.step() optimizer_was_run = not self.accelerator.optimizer_step_was_skipped if optimizer_was_run: # Delay optimizer scheduling until metrics are generated if not isinstance(self.lr_scheduler, torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau): self.lr_scheduler.step() model.zero_grad() self.state.global_step += 1 self.state.epoch = epoch + (step + 1 + steps_skipped) / steps_in_epoch self.control = self.callback_handler.on_step_end(args, self.state, self.control) self._maybe_log_save_evaluate(tr_loss, model, trial, epoch, ignore_keys_for_eval) else: self.control = self.callback_handler.on_substep_end(args, self.state, self.control) if self.control.should_epoch_stop or self.control.should_training_stop: break if step < 0: logger.warning( "There seems to be not a single sample in your epoch_iterator, stopping training at step" f" {self.state.global_step}! This is expected if you're using an IterableDataset and set" f" num_steps ({max_steps}) higher than the number of available samples." ) self.control.should_training_stop = True self.control = self.callback_handler.on_epoch_end(args, self.state, self.control) self._maybe_log_save_evaluate(tr_loss, model, trial, epoch, ignore_keys_for_eval) if DebugOption.TPU_METRICS_DEBUG in self.args.debug: if is_torch_tpu_available(): # tpu-comment: Logging debug metrics for PyTorch/XLA (compile, execute times, ops, etc.) xm.master_print(met.metrics_report()) else: logger.warning( "You enabled PyTorch/XLA debug metrics but you don't have a TPU " "configured. Check your training configuration if this is unexpected." ) if self.control.should_training_stop: break if args.past_index and hasattr(self, "_past"): # Clean the state at the end of training delattr(self, "_past") logger.info("\n\nTraining completed. Do not forget to share your model on huggingface.co/models =)\n\n") if args.load_best_model_at_end and self.state.best_model_checkpoint is not None: # Wait for everyone to get here so we are sure the model has been saved by process 0. if is_torch_tpu_available(): xm.rendezvous("load_best_model_at_end") elif args.parallel_mode == ParallelMode.DISTRIBUTED: dist.barrier() elif is_sagemaker_mp_enabled(): smp.barrier() self._load_best_model() # add remaining tr_loss self._total_loss_scalar += tr_loss.item() train_loss = self._total_loss_scalar / self.state.global_step metrics = speed_metrics( "train", start_time, num_samples=num_train_samples, num_steps=self.state.max_steps, num_tokens=num_train_tokens, ) self.store_flos() metrics["total_flos"] = self.state.total_flos metrics["train_loss"] = train_loss self.is_in_train = False self._memory_tracker.stop_and_update_metrics(metrics) self.log(metrics) run_dir = self._get_output_dir(trial) checkpoints_sorted = self._sorted_checkpoints(use_mtime=False, output_dir=run_dir) # Delete the last checkpoint when save_total_limit=1 if it's different from the best checkpoint and process allowed to save. if self.args.should_save and self.state.best_model_checkpoint is not None and self.args.save_total_limit == 1: for checkpoint in checkpoints_sorted: if not os.path.samefile(checkpoint, self.state.best_model_checkpoint): logger.info(f"Deleting older checkpoint [{checkpoint}] due to args.save_total_limit") shutil.rmtree(checkpoint) self.control = self.callback_handler.on_train_end(args, self.state, self.control) # Wait for the checkpoint to be uploaded. self._finish_current_push() # After training we make sure to retrieve back the original forward pass method # for the embedding layer by removing the forward post hook. if self.neftune_noise_alpha is not None: self._deactivate_neftune(self.model) return TrainOutput(self.state.global_step, train_loss, metrics) def _get_output_dir(self, trial): if self.hp_search_backend is not None and trial is not None: if self.hp_search_backend == HPSearchBackend.OPTUNA: run_id = trial.number elif self.hp_search_backend == HPSearchBackend.RAY: import ray.train run_id = ray.train.get_context().get_trial_id() elif self.hp_search_backend == HPSearchBackend.SIGOPT: run_id = trial.id elif self.hp_search_backend == HPSearchBackend.WANDB: import wandb run_id = wandb.run.id run_name = self.hp_name(trial) if self.hp_name is not None else f"run-{run_id}" run_dir = os.path.join(self.args.output_dir, run_name) else: run_dir = self.args.output_dir return run_dir def _load_from_checkpoint(self, resume_from_checkpoint, model=None): if model is None: model = self.model config_file = os.path.join(resume_from_checkpoint, CONFIG_NAME) adapter_weights_file = os.path.join(resume_from_checkpoint, ADAPTER_WEIGHTS_NAME) adapter_safe_weights_file = os.path.join(resume_from_checkpoint, ADAPTER_SAFE_WEIGHTS_NAME) weights_file = os.path.join(resume_from_checkpoint, WEIGHTS_NAME) weights_index_file = os.path.join(resume_from_checkpoint, WEIGHTS_INDEX_NAME) safe_weights_file = os.path.join(resume_from_checkpoint, SAFE_WEIGHTS_NAME) safe_weights_index_file = os.path.join(resume_from_checkpoint, SAFE_WEIGHTS_INDEX_NAME) is_fsdp_ckpt = os.path.isdir(resume_from_checkpoint) and ( # this checks the FSDP state dict when `SHARDED_STATE_DICT` is used any( FSDP_MODEL_NAME in folder_name for folder_name in os.listdir(resume_from_checkpoint) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(resume_from_checkpoint, folder_name)) ) # this checks the FSDP state dict when `FULL_STATE_DICT` is used or os.path.isfile(os.path.join(resume_from_checkpoint, f"{FSDP_MODEL_NAME}.bin")) ) if is_fsdp_ckpt and not self.is_fsdp_enabled: raise ValueError(f"Checkpoint found at {resume_from_checkpoint} is only supported when using PyTorch FSDP") if not ( any( os.path.isfile(f) for f in [ weights_file, safe_weights_file, weights_index_file, safe_weights_index_file, adapter_weights_file, adapter_safe_weights_file, ] ) or is_fsdp_ckpt ): raise ValueError(f"Can't find a valid checkpoint at {resume_from_checkpoint}") logger.info(f"Loading model from {resume_from_checkpoint}.") if os.path.isfile(config_file): config = PretrainedConfig.from_json_file(config_file) checkpoint_version = config.transformers_version if checkpoint_version is not None and checkpoint_version != __version__: logger.warning( f"You are resuming training from a checkpoint trained with {checkpoint_version} of " f"Transformers but your current version is {__version__}. This is not recommended and could " "yield to errors or unwanted behaviors." ) if os.path.isfile(weights_file) or os.path.isfile(safe_weights_file) or is_fsdp_ckpt: weights_only_kwarg = {"weights_only": True} if is_torch_greater_or_equal_than_1_13 else {} # If the model is on the GPU, it still works! if is_sagemaker_mp_enabled(): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(resume_from_checkpoint, "user_content.pt")): # If the 'user_content.pt' file exists, load with the new smp api. # Checkpoint must have been saved with the new smp api. smp.resume_from_checkpoint( path=resume_from_checkpoint, tag=WEIGHTS_NAME, partial=False, load_optimizer=False ) else: # If the 'user_content.pt' file does NOT exist, load with the old smp api. # Checkpoint must have been saved with the old smp api. if hasattr(self.args, "fp16") and self.args.fp16 is True: logger.warning( "Enabling FP16 and loading from smp < 1.10 checkpoint together is not suppported." ) state_dict = torch.load( weights_file, map_location="cpu", **weights_only_kwarg, ) # Required for smp to not auto-translate state_dict from hf to smp (is already smp). state_dict["_smp_is_partial"] = False load_result = model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=True) # release memory del state_dict elif self.is_fsdp_enabled: load_fsdp_model( self.accelerator.state.fsdp_plugin, self.accelerator, model, resume_from_checkpoint, **_get_fsdp_ckpt_kwargs(), ) else: # We load the model state dict on the CPU to avoid an OOM error. if self.args.save_safetensors and os.path.isfile(safe_weights_file): state_dict = safetensors.torch.load_file(safe_weights_file, device="cpu") else: state_dict = torch.load( weights_file, map_location="cpu", **weights_only_kwarg, ) # workaround for FSDP bug https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/82963 # which takes *args instead of **kwargs load_result = model.load_state_dict(state_dict, False) # release memory del state_dict self._issue_warnings_after_load(load_result) # Load adapters following PR # 24096 elif _is_peft_model(model): # If train a model using PEFT & LoRA, assume that adapter have been saved properly. if hasattr(model, "active_adapter") and hasattr(model, "load_adapter"): if os.path.exists(resume_from_checkpoint): model.load_adapter(resume_from_checkpoint, model.active_adapter, is_trainable=True) else: logger.warning( "The intermediate checkpoints of PEFT may not be saved correctly, " f"consider using a custom callback to save {ADAPTER_WEIGHTS_NAME} in corresponding saving folders. " "Check some examples here: https://github.com/huggingface/peft/issues/96" ) else: logger.warning("Could not load adapter model, make sure to have `peft>=0.3.0` installed") else: # We load the sharded checkpoint load_result = load_sharded_checkpoint( model, resume_from_checkpoint, strict=is_sagemaker_mp_enabled(), prefer_safe=self.args.save_safetensors ) if not is_sagemaker_mp_enabled(): self._issue_warnings_after_load(load_result) def _load_best_model(self): logger.info(f"Loading best model from {self.state.best_model_checkpoint} (score: {self.state.best_metric}).") best_model_path = os.path.join(self.state.best_model_checkpoint, WEIGHTS_NAME) best_safe_model_path = os.path.join(self.state.best_model_checkpoint, SAFE_WEIGHTS_NAME) best_adapter_model_path = os.path.join(self.state.best_model_checkpoint, ADAPTER_WEIGHTS_NAME) best_safe_adapter_model_path = os.path.join(self.state.best_model_checkpoint, ADAPTER_SAFE_WEIGHTS_NAME) model = self.model_wrapped if is_sagemaker_mp_enabled() else self.model if self.is_deepspeed_enabled: deepspeed_load_checkpoint( self.model_wrapped, self.state.best_model_checkpoint, load_module_strict=not _is_peft_model(self.model), ) elif self.is_fsdp_enabled: load_result = load_fsdp_model( self.accelerator.state.fsdp_plugin, self.accelerator, model, self.state.best_model_checkpoint, **_get_fsdp_ckpt_kwargs(), ) elif ( os.path.exists(best_model_path) or os.path.exists(best_safe_model_path) or os.path.exists(best_adapter_model_path) or os.path.exists(best_safe_adapter_model_path) ): has_been_loaded = True weights_only_kwarg = {"weights_only": True} if is_torch_greater_or_equal_than_1_13 else {} if is_sagemaker_mp_enabled(): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.state.best_model_checkpoint, "user_content.pt")): # If the 'user_content.pt' file exists, load with the new smp api. # Checkpoint must have been saved with the new smp api. smp.resume_from_checkpoint( path=self.state.best_model_checkpoint, tag=WEIGHTS_NAME, partial=False, load_optimizer=False, ) else: # If the 'user_content.pt' file does NOT exist, load with the old smp api. # Checkpoint must have been saved with the old smp api. if self.args.save_safetensors and os.path.isfile(best_safe_model_path): state_dict = safetensors.torch.load_file(best_safe_model_path, device="cpu") else: state_dict = torch.load( best_model_path, map_location="cpu", **weights_only_kwarg, ) state_dict["_smp_is_partial"] = False load_result = model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=True) else: if _is_peft_model(model): # If train a model using PEFT & LoRA, assume that adapter have been saved properly. if hasattr(model, "active_adapter") and hasattr(model, "load_adapter"): if os.path.exists(best_adapter_model_path) or os.path.exists(best_safe_adapter_model_path): model.load_adapter(self.state.best_model_checkpoint, model.active_adapter) # Load_adapter has no return value present, modify it when appropriate. from torch.nn.modules.module import _IncompatibleKeys load_result = _IncompatibleKeys([], []) else: logger.warning( "The intermediate checkpoints of PEFT may not be saved correctly, " f"consider using a custom callback to save {ADAPTER_WEIGHTS_NAME} in corresponding saving folders. " "Check some examples here: https://github.com/huggingface/peft/issues/96" ) has_been_loaded = False else: logger.warning("Could not load adapter model, make sure to have `peft>=0.3.0` installed") has_been_loaded = False else: # We load the model state dict on the CPU to avoid an OOM error. if self.args.save_safetensors and os.path.isfile(best_safe_model_path): state_dict = safetensors.torch.load_file(best_safe_model_path, device="cpu") else: state_dict = torch.load( best_model_path, map_location="cpu", **weights_only_kwarg, ) # If the model is on the GPU, it still works! # workaround for FSDP bug https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/82963 # which takes *args instead of **kwargs load_result = model.load_state_dict(state_dict, False) if not is_sagemaker_mp_enabled() and has_been_loaded: self._issue_warnings_after_load(load_result) elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.state.best_model_checkpoint, WEIGHTS_INDEX_NAME)): load_result = load_sharded_checkpoint( model, self.state.best_model_checkpoint, strict=is_sagemaker_mp_enabled() ) if not is_sagemaker_mp_enabled(): self._issue_warnings_after_load(load_result) else: logger.warning( f"Could not locate the best model at {best_model_path}, if you are running a distributed training " "on multiple nodes, you should activate `--save_on_each_node`." ) def _issue_warnings_after_load(self, load_result): if len(load_result.missing_keys) != 0: if self.model._keys_to_ignore_on_save is not None and set(load_result.missing_keys) == set( self.model._keys_to_ignore_on_save ): self.model.tie_weights() else: logger.warning(f"There were missing keys in the checkpoint model loaded: {load_result.missing_keys}.") if len(load_result.unexpected_keys) != 0: logger.warning( f"There were unexpected keys in the checkpoint model loaded: {load_result.unexpected_keys}." ) def _maybe_log_save_evaluate(self, tr_loss, model, trial, epoch, ignore_keys_for_eval): if self.control.should_log and self.state.global_step > self._globalstep_last_logged: if is_torch_tpu_available(): xm.mark_step() logs: Dict[str, float] = {} # all_gather + mean() to get average loss over all processes tr_loss_scalar = self._nested_gather(tr_loss).mean().item() # reset tr_loss to zero tr_loss -= tr_loss logs["loss"] = round(tr_loss_scalar / (self.state.global_step - self._globalstep_last_logged), 4) logs["learning_rate"] = self._get_learning_rate() self._total_loss_scalar += tr_loss_scalar self._globalstep_last_logged = self.state.global_step self.store_flos() self.log(logs) metrics = None if self.control.should_evaluate: metrics = self.evaluate(ignore_keys=ignore_keys_for_eval) self._report_to_hp_search(trial, self.state.global_step, metrics) # Run delayed LR scheduler now that metrics are populated if isinstance(self.lr_scheduler, torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau): metric_to_check = self.args.metric_for_best_model if not metric_to_check.startswith("eval_"): metric_to_check = f"eval_{metric_to_check}" self.lr_scheduler.step(metrics[metric_to_check]) if self.control.should_save: self._save_checkpoint(model, trial, metrics=metrics) self.control = self.callback_handler.on_save(self.args, self.state, self.control) def _load_rng_state(self, checkpoint): # Load RNG states from `checkpoint` if checkpoint is None: return if self.args.world_size > 1: process_index = self.args.process_index rng_file = os.path.join(checkpoint, f"rng_state_{process_index}.pth") if not os.path.isfile(rng_file): logger.info( f"Didn't find an RNG file for process {process_index}, if you are resuming a training that " "wasn't launched in a distributed fashion, reproducibility is not guaranteed." ) return else: rng_file = os.path.join(checkpoint, "rng_state.pth") if not os.path.isfile(rng_file): logger.info( "Didn't find an RNG file, if you are resuming a training that was launched in a distributed " "fashion, reproducibility is not guaranteed." ) return checkpoint_rng_state = torch.load(rng_file) random.setstate(checkpoint_rng_state["python"]) np.random.set_state(checkpoint_rng_state["numpy"]) torch.random.set_rng_state(checkpoint_rng_state["cpu"]) if torch.cuda.is_available(): if self.args.parallel_mode == ParallelMode.DISTRIBUTED: torch.cuda.random.set_rng_state_all(checkpoint_rng_state["cuda"]) else: try: torch.cuda.random.set_rng_state(checkpoint_rng_state["cuda"]) except Exception as e: logger.info( f"Didn't manage to set back the RNG states of the GPU because of the following error:\n {e}" "\nThis won't yield the same results as if the training had not been interrupted." ) if is_torch_tpu_available(): xm.set_rng_state(checkpoint_rng_state["xla"]) if is_torch_npu_available(): if self.args.parallel_mode == ParallelMode.DISTRIBUTED: torch.npu.random.set_rng_state_all(checkpoint_rng_state["npu"]) else: try: torch.npu.random.set_rng_state(checkpoint_rng_state["npu"]) except Exception as e: logger.info( f"Didn't manage to set back the RNG states of the NPU because of the following error:\n {e}" "\nThis won't yield the same results as if the training had not been interrupted." ) def _save_checkpoint(self, model, trial, metrics=None): # In all cases, including ddp/dp/deepspeed, self.model is always a reference to the model we # want to save except FullyShardedDDP. # assert unwrap_model(model) is self.model, "internal model should be a reference to self.model" # Save model checkpoint checkpoint_folder = f"{PREFIX_CHECKPOINT_DIR}-{self.state.global_step}" if self.hp_search_backend is None and trial is None: self.store_flos() run_dir = self._get_output_dir(trial=trial) output_dir = os.path.join(run_dir, checkpoint_folder) if os.path.exists(output_dir) and len(os.listdir(output_dir)) > 0: logger.warning( f"Checkpoint destination directory {output_dir} already exists and is non-empty. " "Saving will proceed but saved results may be invalid." ) staging_output_dir = output_dir else: staging_output_dir = os.path.join(run_dir, f"tmp-{checkpoint_folder}") self.save_model(staging_output_dir, _internal_call=True) if not self.args.save_only_model: # Save optimizer and scheduler self._save_optimizer_and_scheduler(staging_output_dir) # Save RNG state self._save_rng_state(staging_output_dir) # Determine the new best metric / best model checkpoint if metrics is not None and self.args.metric_for_best_model is not None: metric_to_check = self.args.metric_for_best_model if not metric_to_check.startswith("eval_"): metric_to_check = f"eval_{metric_to_check}" metric_value = metrics[metric_to_check] operator = np.greater if self.args.greater_is_better else np.less if ( self.state.best_metric is None or self.state.best_model_checkpoint is None or operator(metric_value, self.state.best_metric) ): self.state.best_metric = metric_value self.state.best_model_checkpoint = output_dir # Save the Trainer state if self.args.should_save: self.state.save_to_json(os.path.join(staging_output_dir, TRAINER_STATE_NAME)) if self.args.push_to_hub: self._push_from_checkpoint(staging_output_dir) # Place checkpoint in final location after all saving is finished. # First wait for everyone to finish writing self.args.distributed_state.wait_for_everyone() # Then go through the rewriting process, only renaming and rotating from main process(es) if self.is_local_process_zero() if self.args.save_on_each_node else self.is_world_process_zero(): if staging_output_dir != output_dir: if os.path.exists(staging_output_dir): os.rename(staging_output_dir, output_dir) # Ensure rename completed in cases where os.rename is not atomic # And can only happen on non-windows based systems if os.name != "nt": fd = os.open(output_dir, os.O_RDONLY) os.fsync(fd) os.close(fd) # Maybe delete some older checkpoints. if self.args.should_save: self._rotate_checkpoints(use_mtime=True, output_dir=run_dir) self.args.distributed_state.wait_for_everyone() def _save_rng_state(self, output_dir): # Save RNG state in non-distributed training rng_states = { "python": random.getstate(), "numpy": np.random.get_state(), "cpu": torch.random.get_rng_state(), } if torch.cuda.is_available(): if self.args.parallel_mode == ParallelMode.DISTRIBUTED: # In non distributed, we save the global CUDA RNG state (will take care of DataParallel) rng_states["cuda"] = torch.cuda.random.get_rng_state_all() else: rng_states["cuda"] = torch.cuda.random.get_rng_state() if is_torch_tpu_available(): rng_states["xla"] = xm.get_rng_state() if is_torch_npu_available(): if self.args.parallel_mode == ParallelMode.DISTRIBUTED: rng_states["npu"] = torch.npu.random.get_rng_state_all() else: rng_states["npu"] = torch.npu.random.get_rng_state() # A process can arrive here before the process 0 has a chance to save the model, in which case output_dir may # not yet exist. os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) if self.args.world_size <= 1: torch.save(rng_states, os.path.join(output_dir, "rng_state.pth")) else: torch.save(rng_states, os.path.join(output_dir, f"rng_state_{self.args.process_index}.pth")) def _save_optimizer_and_scheduler(self, output_dir): if is_torch_tpu_available(): xm.rendezvous("saving_optimizer_states") xm.save(self.optimizer.state_dict(), os.path.join(output_dir, OPTIMIZER_NAME)) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as caught_warnings: xm.save(self.lr_scheduler.state_dict(), os.path.join(output_dir, SCHEDULER_NAME)) reissue_pt_warnings(caught_warnings) elif is_sagemaker_mp_enabled(): opt_state_dict = self.optimizer.local_state_dict(gather_if_shard=False) smp.barrier() if smp.rdp_rank() == 0 or smp.state.cfg.shard_optimizer_state: smp.save( opt_state_dict, os.path.join(output_dir, OPTIMIZER_NAME), partial=True, v3=smp.state.cfg.shard_optimizer_state, ) elif self.is_deepspeed_enabled: # under zero3 model file itself doesn't get saved since it's bogus! Unless deepspeed # config `stage3_gather_16bit_weights_on_model_save` is True accept_exclude_frozen_parameters = "exclude_frozen_parameters" in set( inspect.signature(self.model_wrapped.save_checkpoint).parameters.keys() ) if accept_exclude_frozen_parameters and _is_peft_model(self.model): self.model_wrapped.save_checkpoint(output_dir, exclude_frozen_parameters=True) else: self.model_wrapped.save_checkpoint(output_dir) elif self.is_fsdp_enabled: # save fsdp specific ckpt for resuming from ckpt save_fsdp_model( self.accelerator.state.fsdp_plugin, self.accelerator, self.model, output_dir, **_get_fsdp_ckpt_kwargs() ) save_fsdp_optimizer( self.accelerator.state.fsdp_plugin, self.accelerator, self.optimizer, self.model, output_dir ) elif self.args.should_save: # deepspeed.save_checkpoint above saves model/optim/sched torch.save(self.optimizer.state_dict(), os.path.join(output_dir, OPTIMIZER_NAME)) # Save SCHEDULER & SCALER is_deepspeed_custom_scheduler = self.is_deepspeed_enabled and not isinstance( self.lr_scheduler, DeepSpeedSchedulerWrapper ) if ( self.args.should_save and (not self.is_deepspeed_enabled or is_deepspeed_custom_scheduler) and not is_torch_tpu_available() ): with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as caught_warnings: torch.save(self.lr_scheduler.state_dict(), os.path.join(output_dir, SCHEDULER_NAME)) reissue_pt_warnings(caught_warnings) def _load_optimizer_and_scheduler(self, checkpoint): """If optimizer and scheduler states exist, load them.""" if checkpoint is None: return if self.is_deepspeed_enabled: # deepspeed loads optimizer/lr_scheduler together with the model in deepspeed_init if not isinstance(self.lr_scheduler, DeepSpeedSchedulerWrapper): with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as caught_warnings: self.lr_scheduler.load_state_dict(torch.load(os.path.join(checkpoint, SCHEDULER_NAME))) reissue_pt_warnings(caught_warnings) return checkpoint_file_exists = ( glob.glob(os.path.join(checkpoint, OPTIMIZER_NAME) + "_*") if is_sagemaker_mp_enabled() else ( os.path.isfile(os.path.join(checkpoint, OPTIMIZER_NAME)) or os.path.isfile(os.path.join(checkpoint, OPTIMIZER_NAME_BIN)) or ( os.path.isdir(checkpoint) and any( OPTIMIZER_NAME_BIN.split(".")[0] in folder_name for folder_name in os.listdir(checkpoint) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(checkpoint, folder_name)) ) ) ) ) if checkpoint_file_exists and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(checkpoint, SCHEDULER_NAME)): # Load in optimizer and scheduler states if is_torch_tpu_available(): # On TPU we have to take some extra precautions to properly load the states on the right device. optimizer_state = torch.load(os.path.join(checkpoint, OPTIMIZER_NAME), map_location="cpu") with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as caught_warnings: lr_scheduler_state = torch.load(os.path.join(checkpoint, SCHEDULER_NAME), map_location="cpu") reissue_pt_warnings(caught_warnings) xm.send_cpu_data_to_device(optimizer_state, self.args.device) xm.send_cpu_data_to_device(lr_scheduler_state, self.args.device) self.optimizer.load_state_dict(optimizer_state) self.lr_scheduler.load_state_dict(lr_scheduler_state) else: if is_sagemaker_mp_enabled(): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(checkpoint, "user_content.pt")): # Optimizer checkpoint was saved with smp >= 1.10 def opt_load_hook(mod, opt): opt.load_state_dict(smp.load(os.path.join(checkpoint, OPTIMIZER_NAME), partial=True)) else: # Optimizer checkpoint was saved with smp < 1.10 def opt_load_hook(mod, opt): if IS_SAGEMAKER_MP_POST_1_10: opt.load_state_dict( smp.load(os.path.join(checkpoint, OPTIMIZER_NAME), partial=True, back_compat=True) ) else: opt.load_state_dict(smp.load(os.path.join(checkpoint, OPTIMIZER_NAME), partial=True)) self.model_wrapped.register_post_step_hook(opt_load_hook) else: # We use the CPU when training on one GPU to avoid OOM for GPU RAM when training big models. # In distributed training however, we load directly on each GPU and risk the GPU OOM as it's more # likely to get OOM on CPU (since we load num_gpu times the optimizer state map_location = self.args.device if self.args.world_size > 1 else "cpu" if self.is_fsdp_enabled: load_fsdp_optimizer( self.accelerator.state.fsdp_plugin, self.accelerator, self.optimizer, self.model, checkpoint, **_get_fsdp_ckpt_kwargs(), ) else: self.optimizer.load_state_dict( torch.load(os.path.join(checkpoint, OPTIMIZER_NAME), map_location=map_location) ) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as caught_warnings: self.lr_scheduler.load_state_dict(torch.load(os.path.join(checkpoint, SCHEDULER_NAME))) reissue_pt_warnings(caught_warnings) def hyperparameter_search( self, hp_space: Optional[Callable[["optuna.Trial"], Dict[str, float]]] = None, compute_objective: Optional[Callable[[Dict[str, float]], float]] = None, n_trials: int = 20, direction: Union[str, List[str]] = "minimize", backend: Optional[Union["str", HPSearchBackend]] = None, hp_name: Optional[Callable[["optuna.Trial"], str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Union[BestRun, List[BestRun]]: """ Launch an hyperparameter search using `optuna` or `Ray Tune` or `SigOpt`. The optimized quantity is determined by `compute_objective`, which defaults to a function returning the evaluation loss when no metric is provided, the sum of all metrics otherwise. <Tip warning={true}> To use this method, you need to have provided a `model_init` when initializing your [`Trainer`]: we need to reinitialize the model at each new run. This is incompatible with the `optimizers` argument, so you need to subclass [`Trainer`] and override the method [`~Trainer.create_optimizer_and_scheduler`] for custom optimizer/scheduler. </Tip> Args: hp_space (`Callable[["optuna.Trial"], Dict[str, float]]`, *optional*): A function that defines the hyperparameter search space. Will default to [`~trainer_utils.default_hp_space_optuna`] or [`~trainer_utils.default_hp_space_ray`] or [`~trainer_utils.default_hp_space_sigopt`] depending on your backend. compute_objective (`Callable[[Dict[str, float]], float]`, *optional*): A function computing the objective to minimize or maximize from the metrics returned by the `evaluate` method. Will default to [`~trainer_utils.default_compute_objective`]. n_trials (`int`, *optional*, defaults to 100): The number of trial runs to test. direction (`str` or `List[str]`, *optional*, defaults to `"minimize"`): If it's single objective optimization, direction is `str`, can be `"minimize"` or `"maximize"`, you should pick `"minimize"` when optimizing the validation loss, `"maximize"` when optimizing one or several metrics. If it's multi objectives optimization, direction is `List[str]`, can be List of `"minimize"` and `"maximize"`, you should pick `"minimize"` when optimizing the validation loss, `"maximize"` when optimizing one or several metrics. backend (`str` or [`~training_utils.HPSearchBackend`], *optional*): The backend to use for hyperparameter search. Will default to optuna or Ray Tune or SigOpt, depending on which one is installed. If all are installed, will default to optuna. hp_name (`Callable[["optuna.Trial"], str]]`, *optional*): A function that defines the trial/run name. Will default to None. kwargs (`Dict[str, Any]`, *optional*): Additional keyword arguments passed along to `optuna.create_study` or `ray.tune.run`. For more information see: - the documentation of [optuna.create_study](https://optuna.readthedocs.io/en/stable/reference/generated/optuna.study.create_study.html) - the documentation of [tune.run](https://docs.ray.io/en/latest/tune/api_docs/execution.html#tune-run) - the documentation of [sigopt](https://app.sigopt.com/docs/endpoints/experiments/create) Returns: [`trainer_utils.BestRun` or `List[trainer_utils.BestRun]`]: All the information about the best run or best runs for multi-objective optimization. Experiment summary can be found in `run_summary` attribute for Ray backend. """ if backend is None: backend = default_hp_search_backend() backend = HPSearchBackend(backend) backend_obj = ALL_HYPERPARAMETER_SEARCH_BACKENDS[backend]() backend_obj.ensure_available() self.hp_search_backend = backend if self.model_init is None: raise RuntimeError( "To use hyperparameter search, you need to pass your model through a model_init function." ) self.hp_space = backend_obj.default_hp_space if hp_space is None else hp_space self.hp_name = hp_name self.compute_objective = default_compute_objective if compute_objective is None else compute_objective best_run = backend_obj.run(self, n_trials, direction, **kwargs) self.hp_search_backend = None return best_run def log(self, logs: Dict[str, float]) -> None: """ Log `logs` on the various objects watching training. Subclass and override this method to inject custom behavior. Args: logs (`Dict[str, float]`): The values to log. """ if self.state.epoch is not None: logs["epoch"] = round(self.state.epoch, 2) if self.args.include_num_input_tokens_seen: logs["num_input_tokens_seen"] = self.state.num_input_tokens_seen output = {**logs, **{"step": self.state.global_step}} self.state.log_history.append(output) self.control = self.callback_handler.on_log(self.args, self.state, self.control, logs) def _prepare_input(self, data: Union[torch.Tensor, Any]) -> Union[torch.Tensor, Any]: """ Prepares one `data` before feeding it to the model, be it a tensor or a nested list/dictionary of tensors. """ if isinstance(data, Mapping): return type(data)({k: self._prepare_input(v) for k, v in data.items()}) elif isinstance(data, (tuple, list)): return type(data)(self._prepare_input(v) for v in data) elif isinstance(data, torch.Tensor): kwargs = {"device": self.args.device} if self.is_deepspeed_enabled and (torch.is_floating_point(data) or torch.is_complex(data)): # NLP models inputs are int/uint and those get adjusted to the right dtype of the # embedding. Other models such as wav2vec2's inputs are already float and thus # may need special handling to match the dtypes of the model kwargs.update({"dtype": self.accelerator.state.deepspeed_plugin.hf_ds_config.dtype()}) return data.to(**kwargs) return data def _prepare_inputs(self, inputs: Dict[str, Union[torch.Tensor, Any]]) -> Dict[str, Union[torch.Tensor, Any]]: """ Prepare `inputs` before feeding them to the model, converting them to tensors if they are not already and handling potential state. """ inputs = self._prepare_input(inputs) if len(inputs) == 0: raise ValueError( "The batch received was empty, your model won't be able to train on it. Double-check that your " f"training dataset contains keys expected by the model: {','.join(self._signature_columns)}." ) if self.args.past_index >= 0 and self._past is not None: inputs["mems"] = self._past return inputs def compute_loss_context_manager(self): """ A helper wrapper to group together context managers. """ return self.autocast_smart_context_manager() def autocast_smart_context_manager(self, cache_enabled: Optional[bool] = True): """ A helper wrapper that creates an appropriate context manager for `autocast` while feeding it the desired arguments, depending on the situation. """ if self.use_cpu_amp: ctx_manager = torch.cpu.amp.autocast(cache_enabled=cache_enabled, dtype=self.amp_dtype) else: ctx_manager = contextlib.nullcontext() return ctx_manager def training_step(self, model: nn.Module, inputs: Dict[str, Union[torch.Tensor, Any]]) -> torch.Tensor: """ Perform a training step on a batch of inputs. Subclass and override to inject custom behavior. Args: model (`nn.Module`): The model to train. inputs (`Dict[str, Union[torch.Tensor, Any]]`): The inputs and targets of the model. The dictionary will be unpacked before being fed to the model. Most models expect the targets under the argument `labels`. Check your model's documentation for all accepted arguments. Return: `torch.Tensor`: The tensor with training loss on this batch. """ model.train() inputs = self._prepare_inputs(inputs) if is_sagemaker_mp_enabled(): loss_mb = smp_forward_backward(model, inputs, self.args.gradient_accumulation_steps) return loss_mb.reduce_mean().detach().to(self.args.device) with self.compute_loss_context_manager(): loss = self.compute_loss(model, inputs) if self.args.n_gpu > 1: loss = loss.mean() # mean() to average on multi-gpu parallel training if self.use_apex: with amp.scale_loss(loss, self.optimizer) as scaled_loss: scaled_loss.backward() else: self.accelerator.backward(loss) return loss.detach() / self.args.gradient_accumulation_steps def compute_loss(self, model, inputs, return_outputs=False): """ How the loss is computed by Trainer. By default, all models return the loss in the first element. Subclass and override for custom behavior. """ if self.label_smoother is not None and "labels" in inputs: labels = inputs.pop("labels") else: labels = None outputs = model(**inputs) # Save past state if it exists # TODO: this needs to be fixed and made cleaner later. if self.args.past_index >= 0: self._past = outputs[self.args.past_index] if labels is not None: unwrapped_model = unwrap_model(model) if _is_peft_model(unwrapped_model): model_name = unwrapped_model.base_model.model._get_name() else: model_name = unwrapped_model._get_name() if model_name in MODEL_FOR_CAUSAL_LM_MAPPING_NAMES.values(): loss = self.label_smoother(outputs, labels, shift_labels=True) else: loss = self.label_smoother(outputs, labels) else: if isinstance(outputs, dict) and "loss" not in outputs: raise ValueError( "The model did not return a loss from the inputs, only the following keys: " f"{','.join(outputs.keys())}. For reference, the inputs it received are {','.join(inputs.keys())}." ) # We don't use .loss here since the model may return tuples instead of ModelOutput. loss = outputs["loss"] if isinstance(outputs, dict) else outputs[0] return (loss, outputs) if return_outputs else loss def is_local_process_zero(self) -> bool: """ Whether or not this process is the local (e.g., on one machine if training in a distributed fashion on several machines) main process. """ return self.args.local_process_index == 0 def is_world_process_zero(self) -> bool: """ Whether or not this process is the global main process (when training in a distributed fashion on several machines, this is only going to be `True` for one process). """ # Special case for SageMaker ModelParallel since there process_index is dp_process_index, not the global # process index. if is_sagemaker_mp_enabled(): return smp.rank() == 0 else: return self.args.process_index == 0 def save_model(self, output_dir: Optional[str] = None, _internal_call: bool = False): """ Will save the model, so you can reload it using `from_pretrained()`. Will only save from the main process. """ if output_dir is None: output_dir = self.args.output_dir if is_torch_tpu_available(): self._save_tpu(output_dir) elif is_sagemaker_mp_enabled(): # Calling the state_dict needs to be done on the wrapped model and on all processes. os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) state_dict = self.model_wrapped.state_dict() if self.args.should_save: self._save(output_dir, state_dict=state_dict) if IS_SAGEMAKER_MP_POST_1_10: # 'user_content.pt' indicates model state_dict saved with smp >= 1.10 Path(os.path.join(output_dir, "user_content.pt")).touch() elif self.is_fsdp_enabled: if ("FULL_STATE_DICT" in str(self.accelerator.state.fsdp_plugin.state_dict_type)) and ( version.parse(accelerate_version) > version.parse("0.24.1") ): state_dict = self.accelerator.get_state_dict(self.model) if self.args.should_save: self._save(output_dir, state_dict=state_dict) elif self.is_deepspeed_enabled: try: state_dict = self.accelerator.get_state_dict(self.deepspeed) if self.args.should_save: self._save(output_dir, state_dict=state_dict) except ValueError: logger.warning( " stage3_gather_16bit_weights_on_model_save=false. Saving the full checkpoint instead, use" " zero_to_fp32.py to recover weights" ) if self.args.should_save: self._save(output_dir, state_dict={}) # remove the dummy state_dict remove_dummy_checkpoint(self.args.should_save, output_dir, [WEIGHTS_NAME, SAFE_WEIGHTS_NAME]) self.model_wrapped.save_checkpoint(output_dir) elif self.args.should_save: self._save(output_dir) # Push to the Hub when `save_model` is called by the user. if self.args.push_to_hub and not _internal_call: self.push_to_hub(commit_message="Model save") def _save_tpu(self, output_dir: Optional[str] = None): output_dir = output_dir if output_dir is not None else self.args.output_dir logger.info(f"Saving model checkpoint to {output_dir}") model = self.model model.to("cpu") if xm.is_master_ordinal(): os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) torch.save(self.args, os.path.join(output_dir, TRAINING_ARGS_NAME)) # Save a trained model and configuration using `save_pretrained()`. # They can then be reloaded using `from_pretrained()` xm.rendezvous("saving_checkpoint") if not isinstance(model, PreTrainedModel): if isinstance(unwrap_model(model), PreTrainedModel): unwrap_model(model).save_pretrained( output_dir, is_main_process=self.args.should_save, state_dict=model.state_dict(), save_function=xm.save, safe_serialization=self.args.save_safetensors, ) else: logger.info("Trainer.model is not a `PreTrainedModel`, only saving its state dict.") state_dict = model.state_dict() xm.save(state_dict, os.path.join(output_dir, WEIGHTS_NAME)) else: model.save_pretrained( output_dir, is_main_process=self.args.should_save, save_function=xm.save, safe_serialization=self.args.save_safetensors, ) if self.tokenizer is not None and self.args.should_save: self.tokenizer.save_pretrained(output_dir) # We moved the model from TPU -> CPU for saving the weights. # Now we should move it back to subsequent compute still works. model.to(self.args.device) def _save(self, output_dir: Optional[str] = None, state_dict=None): # If we are executing this function, we are the process zero, so we don't check for that. output_dir = output_dir if output_dir is not None else self.args.output_dir os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) logger.info(f"Saving model checkpoint to {output_dir}") supported_classes = (PreTrainedModel,) if not is_peft_available() else (PreTrainedModel, PeftModel) # Save a trained model and configuration using `save_pretrained()`. # They can then be reloaded using `from_pretrained()` if not isinstance(self.model, supported_classes): if state_dict is None: state_dict = self.model.state_dict() if isinstance(unwrap_model(self.model), supported_classes): unwrap_model(self.model).save_pretrained( output_dir, state_dict=state_dict, safe_serialization=self.args.save_safetensors ) else: logger.info("Trainer.model is not a `PreTrainedModel`, only saving its state dict.") if self.args.save_safetensors: safetensors.torch.save_file( state_dict, os.path.join(output_dir, SAFE_WEIGHTS_NAME), metadata={"format": "pt"} ) else: torch.save(state_dict, os.path.join(output_dir, WEIGHTS_NAME)) else: self.model.save_pretrained( output_dir, state_dict=state_dict, safe_serialization=self.args.save_safetensors ) if self.tokenizer is not None: self.tokenizer.save_pretrained(output_dir) # Good practice: save your training arguments together with the trained model torch.save(self.args, os.path.join(output_dir, TRAINING_ARGS_NAME)) def store_flos(self): # Storing the number of floating-point operations that went into the model if self.args.parallel_mode == ParallelMode.DISTRIBUTED: self.state.total_flos += ( distributed_broadcast_scalars([self.current_flos], device=self.args.device).sum().item() ) self.current_flos = 0 else: self.state.total_flos += self.current_flos self.current_flos = 0 def _sorted_checkpoints( self, output_dir=None, checkpoint_prefix=PREFIX_CHECKPOINT_DIR, use_mtime=False ) -> List[str]: ordering_and_checkpoint_path = [] glob_checkpoints = [str(x) for x in Path(output_dir).glob(f"{checkpoint_prefix}-*") if os.path.isdir(x)] for path in glob_checkpoints: if use_mtime: ordering_and_checkpoint_path.append((os.path.getmtime(path), path)) else: regex_match = re.match(f".*{checkpoint_prefix}-([0-9]+)", path) if regex_match is not None and regex_match.groups() is not None: ordering_and_checkpoint_path.append((int(regex_match.groups()[0]), path)) checkpoints_sorted = sorted(ordering_and_checkpoint_path) checkpoints_sorted = [checkpoint[1] for checkpoint in checkpoints_sorted] # Make sure we don't delete the best model. if ( self.state.best_model_checkpoint is not None and str(Path(self.state.best_model_checkpoint)) in checkpoints_sorted ): best_model_index = checkpoints_sorted.index(str(Path(self.state.best_model_checkpoint))) for i in range(best_model_index, len(checkpoints_sorted) - 2): checkpoints_sorted[i], checkpoints_sorted[i + 1] = checkpoints_sorted[i + 1], checkpoints_sorted[i] return checkpoints_sorted def _rotate_checkpoints(self, use_mtime=False, output_dir=None) -> None: if self.args.save_total_limit is None or self.args.save_total_limit <= 0: return # Check if we should delete older checkpoint(s) checkpoints_sorted = self._sorted_checkpoints(use_mtime=use_mtime, output_dir=output_dir) if len(checkpoints_sorted) <= self.args.save_total_limit: return # If save_total_limit=1 with load_best_model_at_end=True, we could end up deleting the last checkpoint, which # we don't do to allow resuming. save_total_limit = self.args.save_total_limit if ( self.state.best_model_checkpoint is not None and self.args.save_total_limit == 1 and checkpoints_sorted[-1] != self.state.best_model_checkpoint ): save_total_limit = 2 number_of_checkpoints_to_delete = max(0, len(checkpoints_sorted) - save_total_limit) checkpoints_to_be_deleted = checkpoints_sorted[:number_of_checkpoints_to_delete] for checkpoint in checkpoints_to_be_deleted: logger.info(f"Deleting older checkpoint [{checkpoint}] due to args.save_total_limit") shutil.rmtree(checkpoint, ignore_errors=True) def evaluate( self, eval_dataset: Optional[Union[Dataset, Dict[str, Dataset]]] = None, ignore_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, metric_key_prefix: str = "eval", ) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Run evaluation and returns metrics. The calling script will be responsible for providing a method to compute metrics, as they are task-dependent (pass it to the init `compute_metrics` argument). You can also subclass and override this method to inject custom behavior. Args: eval_dataset (Union[`Dataset`, Dict[str, `Dataset`]), *optional*): Pass a dataset if you wish to override `self.eval_dataset`. If it is a [`~datasets.Dataset`], columns not accepted by the `model.forward()` method are automatically removed. If it is a dictionary, it will evaluate on each dataset, prepending the dictionary key to the metric name. Datasets must implement the `__len__` method. <Tip> If you pass a dictionary with names of datasets as keys and datasets as values, evaluate will run separate evaluations on each dataset. This can be useful to monitor how training affects other datasets or simply to get a more fine-grained evaluation. When used with `load_best_model_at_end`, make sure `metric_for_best_model` references exactly one of the datasets. If you, for example, pass in `{"data1": data1, "data2": data2}` for two datasets `data1` and `data2`, you could specify `metric_for_best_model="eval_data1_loss"` for using the loss on `data1` and `metric_for_best_model="eval_data1_loss"` for the loss on `data2`. </Tip> ignore_keys (`List[str]`, *optional*): A list of keys in the output of your model (if it is a dictionary) that should be ignored when gathering predictions. metric_key_prefix (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `"eval"`): An optional prefix to be used as the metrics key prefix. For example the metrics "bleu" will be named "eval_bleu" if the prefix is "eval" (default) Returns: A dictionary containing the evaluation loss and the potential metrics computed from the predictions. The dictionary also contains the epoch number which comes from the training state. """ # handle multipe eval datasets eval_dataset = eval_dataset if eval_dataset is not None else self.eval_dataset if isinstance(eval_dataset, dict): metrics = {} for eval_dataset_name, _eval_dataset in eval_dataset.items(): dataset_metrics = self.evaluate( eval_dataset=_eval_dataset, ignore_keys=ignore_keys, metric_key_prefix=f"{metric_key_prefix}_{eval_dataset_name}", ) metrics.update(dataset_metrics) return metrics # memory metrics - must set up as early as possible self._memory_tracker.start() eval_dataloader = self.get_eval_dataloader(eval_dataset) start_time = time.time() eval_loop = self.prediction_loop if self.args.use_legacy_prediction_loop else self.evaluation_loop output = eval_loop( eval_dataloader, description="Evaluation", # No point gathering the predictions if there are no metrics, otherwise we defer to # self.args.prediction_loss_only prediction_loss_only=True if self.compute_metrics is None else None, ignore_keys=ignore_keys, metric_key_prefix=metric_key_prefix, ) total_batch_size = self.args.eval_batch_size * self.args.world_size if f"{metric_key_prefix}_jit_compilation_time" in output.metrics: start_time += output.metrics[f"{metric_key_prefix}_jit_compilation_time"] output.metrics.update( speed_metrics( metric_key_prefix, start_time, num_samples=output.num_samples, num_steps=math.ceil(output.num_samples / total_batch_size), ) ) self.log(output.metrics) if DebugOption.TPU_METRICS_DEBUG in self.args.debug: # tpu-comment: Logging debug metrics for PyTorch/XLA (compile, execute times, ops, etc.) xm.master_print(met.metrics_report()) self.control = self.callback_handler.on_evaluate(self.args, self.state, self.control, output.metrics) self._memory_tracker.stop_and_update_metrics(output.metrics) return output.metrics def predict( self, test_dataset: Dataset, ignore_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, metric_key_prefix: str = "test" ) -> PredictionOutput: """ Run prediction and returns predictions and potential metrics. Depending on the dataset and your use case, your test dataset may contain labels. In that case, this method will also return metrics, like in `evaluate()`. Args: test_dataset (`Dataset`): Dataset to run the predictions on. If it is an `datasets.Dataset`, columns not accepted by the `model.forward()` method are automatically removed. Has to implement the method `__len__` ignore_keys (`List[str]`, *optional*): A list of keys in the output of your model (if it is a dictionary) that should be ignored when gathering predictions. metric_key_prefix (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `"test"`): An optional prefix to be used as the metrics key prefix. For example the metrics "bleu" will be named "test_bleu" if the prefix is "test" (default) <Tip> If your predictions or labels have different sequence length (for instance because you're doing dynamic padding in a token classification task) the predictions will be padded (on the right) to allow for concatenation into one array. The padding index is -100. </Tip> Returns: *NamedTuple* A namedtuple with the following keys: - predictions (`np.ndarray`): The predictions on `test_dataset`. - label_ids (`np.ndarray`, *optional*): The labels (if the dataset contained some). - metrics (`Dict[str, float]`, *optional*): The potential dictionary of metrics (if the dataset contained labels). """ # memory metrics - must set up as early as possible self._memory_tracker.start() test_dataloader = self.get_test_dataloader(test_dataset) start_time = time.time() eval_loop = self.prediction_loop if self.args.use_legacy_prediction_loop else self.evaluation_loop output = eval_loop( test_dataloader, description="Prediction", ignore_keys=ignore_keys, metric_key_prefix=metric_key_prefix ) total_batch_size = self.args.eval_batch_size * self.args.world_size if f"{metric_key_prefix}_jit_compilation_time" in output.metrics: start_time += output.metrics[f"{metric_key_prefix}_jit_compilation_time"] output.metrics.update( speed_metrics( metric_key_prefix, start_time, num_samples=output.num_samples, num_steps=math.ceil(output.num_samples / total_batch_size), ) ) self.control = self.callback_handler.on_predict(self.args, self.state, self.control, output.metrics) self._memory_tracker.stop_and_update_metrics(output.metrics) return PredictionOutput(predictions=output.predictions, label_ids=output.label_ids, metrics=output.metrics) def evaluation_loop( self, dataloader: DataLoader, description: str, prediction_loss_only: Optional[bool] = None, ignore_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, metric_key_prefix: str = "eval", ) -> EvalLoopOutput: """ Prediction/evaluation loop, shared by `Trainer.evaluate()` and `Trainer.predict()`. Works both with or without labels. """ args = self.args prediction_loss_only = prediction_loss_only if prediction_loss_only is not None else args.prediction_loss_only # if eval is called w/o train, handle model prep here if self.is_deepspeed_enabled and self.deepspeed is None: _, _ = deepspeed_init(self, num_training_steps=0, inference=True) model = self._wrap_model(self.model, training=False, dataloader=dataloader) if len(self.accelerator._models) == 0 and model is self.model: model = ( self.accelerator.prepare(model) if self.is_deepspeed_enabled else self.accelerator.prepare_model(model, evaluation_mode=True) ) if self.is_fsdp_enabled: self.model = model # for the rest of this function `model` is the outside model, whether it was wrapped or not if model is not self.model: self.model_wrapped = model # backward compatibility if self.is_deepspeed_enabled: self.deepspeed = self.model_wrapped # if full fp16 or bf16 eval is wanted and this ``evaluation`` or ``predict`` isn't called # while ``train`` is running, cast it to the right dtype first and then put on device if not self.is_in_train: if args.fp16_full_eval: model = model.to(dtype=torch.float16, device=args.device) elif args.bf16_full_eval: model = model.to(dtype=torch.bfloat16, device=args.device) batch_size = self.args.eval_batch_size logger.info(f"***** Running {description} *****") if has_length(dataloader): logger.info(f" Num examples = {self.num_examples(dataloader)}") else: logger.info(" Num examples: Unknown") logger.info(f" Batch size = {batch_size}") model.eval() self.callback_handler.eval_dataloader = dataloader # Do this before wrapping. eval_dataset = getattr(dataloader, "dataset", None) if args.past_index >= 0: self._past = None # Initialize containers # losses/preds/labels on GPU/TPU (accumulated for eval_accumulation_steps) losses_host = None preds_host = None labels_host = None inputs_host = None # losses/preds/labels on CPU (final containers) all_losses = None all_preds = None all_labels = None all_inputs = None # Will be useful when we have an iterable dataset so don't know its length. observed_num_examples = 0 # Main evaluation loop for step, inputs in enumerate(dataloader): # Update the observed num examples observed_batch_size = find_batch_size(inputs) if observed_batch_size is not None: observed_num_examples += observed_batch_size # For batch samplers, batch_size is not known by the dataloader in advance. if batch_size is None: batch_size = observed_batch_size # Prediction step loss, logits, labels = self.prediction_step(model, inputs, prediction_loss_only, ignore_keys=ignore_keys) main_input_name = getattr(self.model, "main_input_name", "input_ids") inputs_decode = self._prepare_input(inputs[main_input_name]) if args.include_inputs_for_metrics else None if is_torch_tpu_available(): xm.mark_step() # Update containers on host if loss is not None: losses = self.gather_function((loss.repeat(batch_size))) losses_host = losses if losses_host is None else nested_concat(losses_host, losses, padding_index=-100) if labels is not None: labels = self.accelerator.pad_across_processes(labels, dim=1, pad_index=-100) if inputs_decode is not None: inputs_decode = self.accelerator.pad_across_processes(inputs_decode, dim=1, pad_index=-100) inputs_decode = self.gather_function((inputs_decode)) inputs_host = ( inputs_decode if inputs_host is None else nested_concat(inputs_host, inputs_decode, padding_index=-100) ) if logits is not None: logits = self.accelerator.pad_across_processes(logits, dim=1, pad_index=-100) if self.preprocess_logits_for_metrics is not None: logits = self.preprocess_logits_for_metrics(logits, labels) logits = self.gather_function((logits)) preds_host = logits if preds_host is None else nested_concat(preds_host, logits, padding_index=-100) if labels is not None: labels = self.gather_function((labels)) labels_host = labels if labels_host is None else nested_concat(labels_host, labels, padding_index=-100) self.control = self.callback_handler.on_prediction_step(args, self.state, self.control) # Gather all tensors and put them back on the CPU if we have done enough accumulation steps. if args.eval_accumulation_steps is not None and (step + 1) % args.eval_accumulation_steps == 0: if losses_host is not None: losses = nested_numpify(losses_host) all_losses = losses if all_losses is None else np.concatenate((all_losses, losses), axis=0) if preds_host is not None: logits = nested_numpify(preds_host) all_preds = logits if all_preds is None else nested_concat(all_preds, logits, padding_index=-100) if inputs_host is not None: inputs_decode = nested_numpify(inputs_host) all_inputs = ( inputs_decode if all_inputs is None else nested_concat(all_inputs, inputs_decode, padding_index=-100) ) if labels_host is not None: labels = nested_numpify(labels_host) all_labels = ( labels if all_labels is None else nested_concat(all_labels, labels, padding_index=-100) ) # Set back to None to begin a new accumulation losses_host, preds_host, inputs_host, labels_host = None, None, None, None # After all calls to `.gather_function`, reset to `gather_for_metrics`: self.gather_function = self.accelerator.gather_for_metrics if args.past_index and hasattr(self, "_past"): # Clean the state at the end of the evaluation loop delattr(self, "_past") # Gather all remaining tensors and put them back on the CPU if losses_host is not None: losses = nested_numpify(losses_host) all_losses = losses if all_losses is None else np.concatenate((all_losses, losses), axis=0) if preds_host is not None: logits = nested_numpify(preds_host) all_preds = logits if all_preds is None else nested_concat(all_preds, logits, padding_index=-100) if inputs_host is not None: inputs_decode = nested_numpify(inputs_host) all_inputs = ( inputs_decode if all_inputs is None else nested_concat(all_inputs, inputs_decode, padding_index=-100) ) if labels_host is not None: labels = nested_numpify(labels_host) all_labels = labels if all_labels is None else nested_concat(all_labels, labels, padding_index=-100) # Number of samples if has_length(eval_dataset): num_samples = len(eval_dataset) # The instance check is weird and does not actually check for the type, but whether the dataset has the right # methods. Therefore we need to make sure it also has the attribute. elif isinstance(eval_dataset, IterableDatasetShard) and getattr(eval_dataset, "num_examples", 0) > 0: num_samples = eval_dataset.num_examples else: if has_length(dataloader): num_samples = self.num_examples(dataloader) else: # both len(dataloader.dataset) and len(dataloader) fail num_samples = observed_num_examples if num_samples == 0 and observed_num_examples > 0: num_samples = observed_num_examples # Metrics! if self.compute_metrics is not None and all_preds is not None and all_labels is not None: if args.include_inputs_for_metrics: metrics = self.compute_metrics( EvalPrediction(predictions=all_preds, label_ids=all_labels, inputs=all_inputs) ) else: metrics = self.compute_metrics(EvalPrediction(predictions=all_preds, label_ids=all_labels)) else: metrics = {} # To be JSON-serializable, we need to remove numpy types or zero-d tensors metrics = denumpify_detensorize(metrics) if all_losses is not None: metrics[f"{metric_key_prefix}_loss"] = all_losses.mean().item() if hasattr(self, "jit_compilation_time"): metrics[f"{metric_key_prefix}_jit_compilation_time"] = self.jit_compilation_time # Prefix all keys with metric_key_prefix + '_' for key in list(metrics.keys()): if not key.startswith(f"{metric_key_prefix}_"): metrics[f"{metric_key_prefix}_{key}"] = metrics.pop(key) return EvalLoopOutput(predictions=all_preds, label_ids=all_labels, metrics=metrics, num_samples=num_samples) def _nested_gather(self, tensors, name=None): """ Gather value of `tensors` (tensor or list/tuple of nested tensors) and convert them to numpy before concatenating them to `gathered` """ if tensors is None: return if is_torch_tpu_available(): if name is None: name = "nested_gather" tensors = nested_xla_mesh_reduce(tensors, name) elif is_sagemaker_mp_enabled(): tensors = smp_gather(tensors) elif (self.args.distributed_state is not None and self.args.distributed_state.distributed_type != "NO") or ( self.args.distributed_state is None and self.args.local_rank != -1 ): tensors = distributed_concat(tensors) return tensors def prediction_step( self, model: nn.Module, inputs: Dict[str, Union[torch.Tensor, Any]], prediction_loss_only: bool, ignore_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> Tuple[Optional[torch.Tensor], Optional[torch.Tensor], Optional[torch.Tensor]]: """ Perform an evaluation step on `model` using `inputs`. Subclass and override to inject custom behavior. Args: model (`nn.Module`): The model to evaluate. inputs (`Dict[str, Union[torch.Tensor, Any]]`): The inputs and targets of the model. The dictionary will be unpacked before being fed to the model. Most models expect the targets under the argument `labels`. Check your model's documentation for all accepted arguments. prediction_loss_only (`bool`): Whether or not to return the loss only. ignore_keys (`List[str]`, *optional*): A list of keys in the output of your model (if it is a dictionary) that should be ignored when gathering predictions. Return: Tuple[Optional[torch.Tensor], Optional[torch.Tensor], Optional[torch.Tensor]]: A tuple with the loss, logits and labels (each being optional). """ has_labels = False if len(self.label_names) == 0 else all(inputs.get(k) is not None for k in self.label_names) # For CLIP-like models capable of returning loss values. # If `return_loss` is not specified or being `None` in `inputs`, we check if the default value of `return_loss` # is `True` in `model.forward`. return_loss = inputs.get("return_loss", None) if return_loss is None: return_loss = self.can_return_loss loss_without_labels = True if len(self.label_names) == 0 and return_loss else False inputs = self._prepare_inputs(inputs) if ignore_keys is None: if hasattr(self.model, "config"): ignore_keys = getattr(self.model.config, "keys_to_ignore_at_inference", []) else: ignore_keys = [] # labels may be popped when computing the loss (label smoothing for instance) so we grab them first. if has_labels or loss_without_labels: labels = nested_detach(tuple(inputs.get(name) for name in self.label_names)) if len(labels) == 1: labels = labels[0] else: labels = None with torch.no_grad(): if is_sagemaker_mp_enabled(): raw_outputs = smp_forward_only(model, inputs) if has_labels or loss_without_labels: if isinstance(raw_outputs, dict): loss_mb = raw_outputs["loss"] logits_mb = tuple(v for k, v in raw_outputs.items() if k not in ignore_keys + ["loss"]) else: loss_mb = raw_outputs[0] logits_mb = raw_outputs[1:] loss = loss_mb.reduce_mean().detach().cpu() logits = smp_nested_concat(logits_mb) else: loss = None if isinstance(raw_outputs, dict): logits_mb = tuple(v for k, v in raw_outputs.items() if k not in ignore_keys) else: logits_mb = raw_outputs logits = smp_nested_concat(logits_mb) else: if has_labels or loss_without_labels: with self.compute_loss_context_manager(): loss, outputs = self.compute_loss(model, inputs, return_outputs=True) loss = loss.mean().detach() if isinstance(outputs, dict): logits = tuple(v for k, v in outputs.items() if k not in ignore_keys + ["loss"]) else: logits = outputs[1:] else: loss = None with self.compute_loss_context_manager(): outputs = model(**inputs) if isinstance(outputs, dict): logits = tuple(v for k, v in outputs.items() if k not in ignore_keys) else: logits = outputs # TODO: this needs to be fixed and made cleaner later. if self.args.past_index >= 0: self._past = outputs[self.args.past_index - 1] if prediction_loss_only: return (loss, None, None) logits = nested_detach(logits) if len(logits) == 1: logits = logits[0] return (loss, logits, labels) def floating_point_ops(self, inputs: Dict[str, Union[torch.Tensor, Any]]): """ For models that inherit from [`PreTrainedModel`], uses that method to compute the number of floating point operations for every backward + forward pass. If using another model, either implement such a method in the model or subclass and override this method. Args: inputs (`Dict[str, Union[torch.Tensor, Any]]`): The inputs and targets of the model. Returns: `int`: The number of floating-point operations. """ if hasattr(self.model, "floating_point_ops"): return self.model.floating_point_ops(inputs) else: return 0 def init_hf_repo(self): """ Initializes a git repo in `self.args.hub_model_id`. """ # Only on process zero if not self.is_world_process_zero(): return if self.args.hub_model_id is None: repo_name = Path(self.args.output_dir).absolute().name else: repo_name = self.args.hub_model_id repo_url = create_repo(repo_name, token=self.args.hub_token, private=self.args.hub_private_repo, exist_ok=True) self.hub_model_id = repo_url.repo_id self.push_in_progress = None def create_model_card( self, language: Optional[str] = None, license: Optional[str] = None, tags: Union[str, List[str], None] = None, model_name: Optional[str] = None, finetuned_from: Optional[str] = None, tasks: Union[str, List[str], None] = None, dataset_tags: Union[str, List[str], None] = None, dataset: Union[str, List[str], None] = None, dataset_args: Union[str, List[str], None] = None, ): """ Creates a draft of a model card using the information available to the `Trainer`. Args: language (`str`, *optional*): The language of the model (if applicable) license (`str`, *optional*): The license of the model. Will default to the license of the pretrained model used, if the original model given to the `Trainer` comes from a repo on the Hub. tags (`str` or `List[str]`, *optional*): Some tags to be included in the metadata of the model card. model_name (`str`, *optional*): The name of the model. finetuned_from (`str`, *optional*): The name of the model used to fine-tune this one (if applicable). Will default to the name of the repo of the original model given to the `Trainer` (if it comes from the Hub). tasks (`str` or `List[str]`, *optional*): One or several task identifiers, to be included in the metadata of the model card. dataset_tags (`str` or `List[str]`, *optional*): One or several dataset tags, to be included in the metadata of the model card. dataset (`str` or `List[str]`, *optional*): One or several dataset identifiers, to be included in the metadata of the model card. dataset_args (`str` or `List[str]`, *optional*): One or several dataset arguments, to be included in the metadata of the model card. """ if not self.is_world_process_zero(): return model_card_filepath = os.path.join(self.args.output_dir, "README.md") is_peft_library = False if os.path.exists(model_card_filepath): library_name = ModelCard.load(model_card_filepath).data.get("library_name") is_peft_library = library_name == "peft" # Append existing tags in `tags` existing_tags = ModelCard.load(model_card_filepath).data.tags if tags is not None and existing_tags is not None: if isinstance(tags, str): tags = [tags] for tag in existing_tags: if tag not in tags: tags.append(tag) training_summary = TrainingSummary.from_trainer( self, language=language, license=license, tags=tags, model_name=model_name, finetuned_from=finetuned_from, tasks=tasks, dataset_tags=dataset_tags, dataset=dataset, dataset_args=dataset_args, ) model_card = training_summary.to_model_card() with open(model_card_filepath, "w") as f: f.write(model_card) if is_peft_library: unwrap_model(self.model).create_or_update_model_card(self.args.output_dir) def _push_from_checkpoint(self, checkpoint_folder): # Only push from one node. if not self.is_world_process_zero() or self.args.hub_strategy == HubStrategy.END: return # If we haven't finished the last push, we don't do this one unless args.hub_always_push=True. if not self.args.hub_always_push and self.push_in_progress is not None and not self.push_in_progress.is_done(): return output_dir = self.args.output_dir # To avoid a new synchronization of all model weights, we just copy the file from the checkpoint folder modeling_files = [CONFIG_NAME, WEIGHTS_NAME, SAFE_WEIGHTS_NAME] if is_peft_available(): modeling_files.extend([ADAPTER_CONFIG_NAME, ADAPTER_WEIGHTS_NAME, ADAPTER_SAFE_WEIGHTS_NAME]) for modeling_file in modeling_files: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(checkpoint_folder, modeling_file)): shutil.copy(os.path.join(checkpoint_folder, modeling_file), os.path.join(output_dir, modeling_file)) # Saving the tokenizer is fast and we don't know how many files it may have spawned, so we resave it to be sure. if self.tokenizer is not None: self.tokenizer.save_pretrained(output_dir) # Same for the training arguments torch.save(self.args, os.path.join(output_dir, TRAINING_ARGS_NAME)) if self.args.save_strategy == IntervalStrategy.STEPS: commit_message = f"Training in progress, step {self.state.global_step}" else: commit_message = f"Training in progress, epoch {int(self.state.epoch)}" model_push_job = upload_folder( repo_id=self.hub_model_id, folder_path=output_dir, commit_message=commit_message, token=self.args.hub_token, run_as_future=True, ignore_patterns=["_*", f"{PREFIX_CHECKPOINT_DIR}-*"], ) push_jobs = [model_push_job] if self.args.hub_strategy in [HubStrategy.CHECKPOINT, HubStrategy.ALL_CHECKPOINTS]: path_in_repo = ( "last-checkpoint" if self.args.hub_strategy == HubStrategy.CHECKPOINT else Path(checkpoint_folder).name ) checkpoint_push = upload_folder( repo_id=self.hub_model_id, folder_path=checkpoint_folder, path_in_repo=path_in_repo, commit_message=commit_message + ", checkpoint", token=self.args.hub_token, run_as_future=True, ) push_jobs.append(checkpoint_push) if self.push_in_progress is None or self.push_in_progress.is_done(): self.push_in_progress = PushInProgress(push_jobs) else: self.push_in_progress.jobs.extend(push_jobs) def _finish_current_push(self): if not hasattr(self, "push_in_progress"): return if self.push_in_progress is not None and not self.push_in_progress.is_done(): logger.info("Waiting for the current checkpoint push to be finished, this might take a couple of minutes.") self.push_in_progress.wait_until_done() def push_to_hub(self, commit_message: Optional[str] = "End of training", blocking: bool = True, **kwargs) -> str: """ Upload `self.model` and `self.tokenizer` to the 🤗 model hub on the repo `self.args.hub_model_id`. Parameters: commit_message (`str`, *optional*, defaults to `"End of training"`): Message to commit while pushing. blocking (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`): Whether the function should return only when the `git push` has finished. kwargs (`Dict[str, Any]`, *optional*): Additional keyword arguments passed along to [`~Trainer.create_model_card`]. Returns: The URL of the repository where the model was pushed if `blocking=False`, or a `Future` object tracking the progress of the commit if `blocking=True`. """ model_name = kwargs.pop("model_name", None) if model_name is None and self.args.should_save: if self.args.hub_model_id is None: model_name = Path(self.args.output_dir).name else: model_name = self.args.hub_model_id.split("/")[-1] # In case the user calls this method with args.push_to_hub = False if self.hub_model_id is None: self.init_hf_repo() # Needs to be executed on all processes for TPU training, but will only save on the processed determined by # self.args.should_save. self.save_model(_internal_call=True) # Only push from one node. if not self.is_world_process_zero(): return # Add additional tags in the case the model has already some tags and users pass # "tags" argument to `push_to_hub` so that trainer automatically handles internal tags # from all models since Trainer does not call `model.push_to_hub`. if "tags" in kwargs and getattr(self.model, "model_tags", None) is not None: # If it is a string, convert it to a list if isinstance(kwargs["tags"], str): kwargs["tags"] = [kwargs["tags"]] for model_tag in self.model.model_tags: if model_tag not in kwargs["tags"]: kwargs["tags"].append(model_tag) self.create_model_card(model_name=model_name, **kwargs) # Wait for the current upload to be finished. self._finish_current_push() return upload_folder( repo_id=self.hub_model_id, folder_path=self.args.output_dir, commit_message=commit_message, token=self.args.hub_token, run_as_future=not blocking, ignore_patterns=["_*", f"{PREFIX_CHECKPOINT_DIR}-*"], ) # # Deprecated code # def prediction_loop( self, dataloader: DataLoader, description: str, prediction_loss_only: Optional[bool] = None, ignore_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, metric_key_prefix: str = "eval", ) -> EvalLoopOutput: """ Prediction/evaluation loop, shared by `Trainer.evaluate()` and `Trainer.predict()`. Works both with or without labels. """ args = self.args if not has_length(dataloader): raise ValueError("dataloader must implement a working __len__") prediction_loss_only = prediction_loss_only if prediction_loss_only is not None else args.prediction_loss_only # if eval is called w/o train, handle model prep here if self.is_deepspeed_enabled and self.deepspeed is None: _, _ = deepspeed_init(self, num_training_steps=0, inference=True) model = self._wrap_model(self.model, training=False, dataloader=dataloader) if len(self.accelerator._models) == 0 and model is self.model: model = ( self.accelerator.prepare(model) if self.is_deepspeed_enabled else self.accelerator.prepare_model(model, evaluation_mode=True) ) if self.is_fsdp_enabled: self.model = model # for the rest of this function `model` is the outside model, whether it was wrapped or not if model is not self.model: self.model_wrapped = model # backward compatibility if self.is_deepspeed_enabled: self.deepspeed = self.model_wrapped # if full fp16 or bf16 eval is wanted and this ``evaluation`` or ``predict`` isn't called # while ``train`` is running, cast it to the right dtype first and then put on device if not self.is_in_train: if args.fp16_full_eval: model = model.to(dtype=torch.float16, device=args.device) elif args.bf16_full_eval: model = model.to(dtype=torch.bfloat16, device=args.device) batch_size = dataloader.batch_size num_examples = self.num_examples(dataloader) logger.info(f"***** Running {description} *****") logger.info(f" Num examples = {num_examples}") logger.info(f" Batch size = {batch_size}") losses_host: torch.Tensor = None preds_host: Union[torch.Tensor, List[torch.Tensor]] = None labels_host: Union[torch.Tensor, List[torch.Tensor]] = None inputs_host: Union[torch.Tensor, List[torch.Tensor]] = None world_size = max(1, args.world_size) eval_losses_gatherer = DistributedTensorGatherer(world_size, num_examples, make_multiple_of=batch_size) if not prediction_loss_only: # The actual number of eval_sample can be greater than num_examples in distributed settings (when we pass # a batch size to the sampler) make_multiple_of = None if hasattr(dataloader, "sampler") and isinstance(dataloader.sampler, SequentialDistributedSampler): make_multiple_of = dataloader.sampler.batch_size preds_gatherer = DistributedTensorGatherer(world_size, num_examples, make_multiple_of=make_multiple_of) labels_gatherer = DistributedTensorGatherer(world_size, num_examples, make_multiple_of=make_multiple_of) inputs_gatherer = DistributedTensorGatherer(world_size, num_examples, make_multiple_of=make_multiple_of) model.eval() if args.past_index >= 0: self._past = None self.callback_handler.eval_dataloader = dataloader for step, inputs in enumerate(dataloader): loss, logits, labels = self.prediction_step(model, inputs, prediction_loss_only, ignore_keys=ignore_keys) main_input_name = getattr(self.model, "main_input_name", "input_ids") inputs_decode = self._prepare_input(inputs[main_input_name]) if args.include_inputs_for_metrics else None if loss is not None: losses = loss.repeat(batch_size) losses_host = losses if losses_host is None else torch.cat((losses_host, losses), dim=0) if logits is not None: preds_host = logits if preds_host is None else nested_concat(preds_host, logits, padding_index=-100) if labels is not None: labels_host = labels if labels_host is None else nested_concat(labels_host, labels, padding_index=-100) if inputs_decode is not None: inputs_host = ( inputs_decode if inputs_host is None else nested_concat(inputs_host, inputs_decode, padding_index=-100) ) self.control = self.callback_handler.on_prediction_step(args, self.state, self.control) # Gather all tensors and put them back on the CPU if we have done enough accumulation steps. if args.eval_accumulation_steps is not None and (step + 1) % args.eval_accumulation_steps == 0: eval_losses_gatherer.add_arrays(self._gather_and_numpify(losses_host, "eval_losses")) if not prediction_loss_only: preds_gatherer.add_arrays(self._gather_and_numpify(preds_host, "eval_preds")) labels_gatherer.add_arrays(self._gather_and_numpify(labels_host, "eval_label_ids")) inputs_gatherer.add_arrays(self._gather_and_numpify(inputs_host, "eval_inputs_ids")) # Set back to None to begin a new accumulation losses_host, preds_host, labels_host, inputs_host = None, None, None, None if args.past_index and hasattr(self, "_past"): # Clean the state at the end of the evaluation loop delattr(self, "_past") # Gather all remaining tensors and put them back on the CPU eval_losses_gatherer.add_arrays(self._gather_and_numpify(losses_host, "eval_losses")) if not prediction_loss_only: preds_gatherer.add_arrays(self._gather_and_numpify(preds_host, "eval_preds")) labels_gatherer.add_arrays(self._gather_and_numpify(labels_host, "eval_label_ids")) inputs_gatherer.add_arrays(self._gather_and_numpify(inputs_host, "eval_inputs_ids")) eval_loss = eval_losses_gatherer.finalize() preds = preds_gatherer.finalize() if not prediction_loss_only else None label_ids = labels_gatherer.finalize() if not prediction_loss_only else None inputs_ids = inputs_gatherer.finalize() if not prediction_loss_only else None if self.compute_metrics is not None and preds is not None and label_ids is not None: if args.include_inputs_for_metrics: metrics = self.compute_metrics( EvalPrediction(predictions=preds, label_ids=label_ids, inputs=inputs_ids) ) else: metrics = self.compute_metrics(EvalPrediction(predictions=preds, label_ids=label_ids)) else: metrics = {} # To be JSON-serializable, we need to remove numpy types or zero-d tensors metrics = denumpify_detensorize(metrics) if eval_loss is not None: metrics[f"{metric_key_prefix}_loss"] = eval_loss.mean().item() # Prefix all keys with metric_key_prefix + '_' for key in list(metrics.keys()): if not key.startswith(f"{metric_key_prefix}_"): metrics[f"{metric_key_prefix}_{key}"] = metrics.pop(key) return EvalLoopOutput(predictions=preds, label_ids=label_ids, metrics=metrics, num_samples=num_examples) def _gather_and_numpify(self, tensors, name): """ Gather value of `tensors` (tensor or list/tuple of nested tensors) and convert them to numpy before concatenating them to `gathered` """ if tensors is None: return if is_torch_tpu_available(): tensors = nested_xla_mesh_reduce(tensors, name) elif is_sagemaker_mp_enabled(): tensors = smp_gather(tensors) elif self.args.parallel_mode == ParallelMode.DISTRIBUTED: tensors = distributed_concat(tensors) return nested_numpify(tensors) def _add_sm_patterns_to_gitignore(self) -> None: """Add SageMaker Checkpointing patterns to .gitignore file.""" # Make sure we only do this on the main process if not self.is_world_process_zero(): return patterns = ["*.sagemaker-uploading", "*.sagemaker-uploaded"] # Get current .gitignore content if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.repo.local_dir, ".gitignore")): with open(os.path.join(self.repo.local_dir, ".gitignore"), "r") as f: current_content = f.read() else: current_content = "" # Add the patterns to .gitignore content = current_content for pattern in patterns: if pattern not in content: if content.endswith("\n"): content += pattern else: content += f"\n{pattern}" # Write the .gitignore file if it has changed if content != current_content: with open(os.path.join(self.repo.local_dir, ".gitignore"), "w") as f: logger.debug(f"Writing .gitignore file. Content: {content}") f.write(content) self.repo.git_add(".gitignore") # avoid race condition with git status time.sleep(0.5) if not self.repo.is_repo_clean(): self.repo.git_commit("Add *.sagemaker patterns to .gitignore.") self.repo.git_push() def create_accelerator_and_postprocess(self): grad_acc_kwargs = {"num_steps": self.args.gradient_accumulation_steps} grad_acc_kwargs["sync_with_dataloader"] = False gradient_accumulation_plugin = GradientAccumulationPlugin(**grad_acc_kwargs) # create accelerator object self.accelerator = Accelerator( dispatch_batches=self.args.dispatch_batches, split_batches=self.args.split_batches, deepspeed_plugin=self.args.deepspeed_plugin, gradient_accumulation_plugin=gradient_accumulation_plugin, ) # some Trainer classes need to use `gather` instead of `gather_for_metrics`, thus we store a flag self.gather_function = self.accelerator.gather_for_metrics # deepspeed and accelerate flags covering both trainer args and accelerate launcher self.is_deepspeed_enabled = getattr(self.accelerator.state, "deepspeed_plugin", None) is not None self.is_fsdp_enabled = getattr(self.accelerator.state, "fsdp_plugin", None) is not None # post accelerator creation setup if self.is_fsdp_enabled: fsdp_plugin = self.accelerator.state.fsdp_plugin fsdp_plugin.limit_all_gathers = self.args.fsdp_config.get( "limit_all_gathers", fsdp_plugin.limit_all_gathers ) if is_accelerate_available("0.23.0"): fsdp_plugin.activation_checkpointing = self.args.fsdp_config.get( "activation_checkpointing", fsdp_plugin.activation_checkpointing ) if fsdp_plugin.activation_checkpointing and self.args.gradient_checkpointing: raise ValueError( "The activation_checkpointing in FSDP config and the gradient_checkpointing in training arg " "can't be set to True simultaneously. Please use FSDP's activation_checkpointing logic " "when using FSDP." ) if self.is_deepspeed_enabled and getattr(self.args, "hf_deepspeed_config", None) is None: self.propagate_args_to_deepspeed() def propagate_args_to_deepspeed(self, auto_find_batch_size=False): """ Sets values in the deepspeed plugin based on the Trainer args """ from transformers.integrations.deepspeed import HfTrainerDeepSpeedConfig ds_plugin = self.accelerator.state.deepspeed_plugin ds_plugin.hf_ds_config = HfTrainerDeepSpeedConfig(ds_plugin.hf_ds_config.config) ds_plugin.deepspeed_config = ds_plugin.hf_ds_config.config ds_plugin.hf_ds_config.trainer_config_process(self.args, auto_find_batch_size)
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/trainer.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 89746 }
# This file is autogenerated by the command `make fix-copies`, do not edit. from ..utils import DummyObject, requires_backends class TFGPT2Tokenizer(metaclass=DummyObject): _backends = ["keras_nlp"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): requires_backends(self, ["keras_nlp"])
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/utils/dummy_keras_nlp_objects.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 110 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from math import ceil def assert_device_map(device_map, num_blocks): blocks = list(range(0, num_blocks)) device_map_blocks = [item for sublist in list(device_map.values()) for item in sublist] # Duplicate check duplicate_blocks = [] for i in device_map_blocks: if device_map_blocks.count(i) > 1 and i not in duplicate_blocks: duplicate_blocks.append(i) # Missing blocks missing_blocks = [i for i in blocks if i not in device_map_blocks] extra_blocks = [i for i in device_map_blocks if i not in blocks] if len(duplicate_blocks) != 0: raise ValueError( "Duplicate attention blocks specified in device_map. Attention blocks must be specified to one device." " These attention blocks were specified more than once: " + str(duplicate_blocks) ) if len(missing_blocks) != 0: raise ValueError( "There are attention blocks for this model that are not specified in the device_map. Add these attention " "blocks to a device on the device_map: " + str(missing_blocks) ) if len(extra_blocks) != 0: raise ValueError( "The device_map contains more attention blocks than this model has. Remove these from the device_map:" + str(extra_blocks) ) def get_device_map(n_layers, devices): """Returns a dictionary of layers distributed evenly across all devices.""" layers = list(range(n_layers)) n_blocks = int(ceil(n_layers / len(devices))) layers_list = [layers[i : i + n_blocks] for i in range(0, n_layers, n_blocks)] return dict(zip(devices, layers_list))
{ "file_path": "transformers/src/transformers/utils/model_parallel_utils.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 778 }
{ "modelname": "{{cookiecutter.modelname}}", "uppercase_modelname": "{{cookiecutter.uppercase_modelname}}", "lowercase_modelname": "{{cookiecutter.lowercase_modelname}}", "camelcase_modelname": "{{cookiecutter.camelcase_modelname}}", "authors": "{{cookiecutter.authors}}", "checkpoint_identifier": "{{cookiecutter.checkpoint_identifier}}", "tokenizer_type": "{{cookiecutter.tokenizer_type}}", "generate_tensorflow_pytorch_and_flax": "{{cookiecutter.generate_tensorflow_pytorch_and_flax}}", "is_encoder_decoder_model": "{{cookiecutter.is_encoder_decoder_model}}" }
{ "file_path": "transformers/templates/adding_a_new_model/cookiecutter-template-{{cookiecutter.modelname}}/configuration.json", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 218 }
{ "modelname": "TemplateFLAX", "uppercase_modelname": "TEMPLATE_FLAX", "lowercase_modelname": "template_flax", "camelcase_modelname": "TemplateFlax", "authors": "The HuggingFace Team", "checkpoint_identifier": "brand-new-bert-base-cased", "tokenizer_type": "Based on BERT", "generate_tensorflow_pytorch_and_flax": "Flax", "is_encoder_decoder_model": "False" }
{ "file_path": "transformers/templates/adding_a_new_model/tests/flax-encoder-bert-tokenizer.json", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 150 }
# Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import itertools import os import subprocess from os.path import dirname from parameterized import parameterized from tests.trainer.test_trainer import TrainerIntegrationCommon # noqa from transformers import is_torch_available from transformers.testing_utils import ( TestCasePlus, execute_subprocess_async, get_gpu_count, get_tests_dir, require_deepspeed, require_torch_gpu, slow, ) from transformers.trainer_utils import set_seed if is_torch_available(): from tests.trainer.test_trainer import ( # noqa RegressionModelConfig, RegressionPreTrainedModel, get_regression_trainer, ) set_seed(42) FIXTURE_DIRECTORY = get_tests_dir("fixtures") ROOT_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(dirname(get_tests_dir())) DS_TESTS_DIRECTORY = dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # default torch.distributed port DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT = "10999" T5_SMALL = "t5-small" # *** Working Models *** ALBERT_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-albert" BART_TINY = "sshleifer/bart-tiny-random" BERT_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-bert" BIGBIRD_PEGASUS_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-bigbird_pegasus" BIG_BIRD_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-big_bird" BLENDERBOT_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-blenderbot" BLOOM_TINY = "bigscience/bigscience-small-testing" DEBERTA_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-deberta" DEBERTA_V2_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-deberta-v2" DISTILBERT_TINY = "sshleifer/tiny-distilbert-base-cased" ELECTRA_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-electra" FLAUBERT_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-flaubert" FSMT_TINY = "stas/tiny-wmt19-en-de" FUNNEL_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-funnel" GPT2_TINY = "sshleifer/tiny-gpt2" GPTJ_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-gptj" GPT_NEO_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-gpt_neo" LAYOUTLM_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-layoutlm" LED_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-led" LONGFORMER_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-longformer" M2M_100_TINY = "stas/tiny-m2m_100" # hf tiny model is unsuitable MARIAN_TINY = "sshleifer/tiny-marian-en-de" MBART_TINY = "sshleifer/tiny-mbart" MOBILEBERT_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-mobilebert" MPNET_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-mpnet" PEGASUS_TINY = "stas/pegasus-cnn_dailymail-tiny-random" PROPHETNET_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-prophetnet" ROBERTA_TINY = "sshleifer/tiny-distilroberta-base" SQUEEZEBERT_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-squeezebert" T5_TINY = "patrickvonplaten/t5-tiny-random" T5_V1_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-t5-v1.1" VIT_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-vit" XLM_ROBERTA_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-xlm-roberta" XLNET_TINY = "sshleifer/tiny-xlnet-base-cased" # *** To Fix *** # *** tiny model issues *** # missing model files: MT5_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-mt5" CAMEMBERT_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-camembert" OPENAI_GPT_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-openai-gpt" # missing tokenizer files CONVBERT_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-convbert" LAYOUTLMV2_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-layoutlmv2" HUBERT_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-hubert" # issues with tokenizer CTRL_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-ctrl" TRANSFO_XL_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-transfo-xl" # same as ctrl # other issues with tiny models IBERT_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-ibert" # multiple issues with either mlm/qa/clas REFORMER_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-reformer" # multiple issues with either mlm/qa/clas # *** Lacking official examples to test with *** # or not working with examples DPR_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-dpr" # - "dpr" examples/research_projects/rag-end2end-retriever/ RAG_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-rag" # - "rag" research_projects LUKE_TINY = "" # - "luke" Entities classes - no plan to make such example LXMERT_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-lxmert" # - "lxmert" doesn't work with run_qa.py CLIP_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-clip" # - "clip" nothing under pytorch examples - XXX: Suraj is working on adding some - check by end of Sep SPEECH_TO_TEXT_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-speech_to_text" # - "speech_to_text", nothing under pytorch examples # *** Reactive mode *** # models with low usage, unstable API, things about to change - do nothing about the following until someone runs into a problem TAPAS_TINY = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-tapas" # additional notes on tapas # 1. "Table must be of type pd.DataFrame" failure # TODO: new models to add: # def get_launcher(distributed=False): # 1. explicitly set --num_nodes=1 just in case these tests end up run on a multi-node setup # - it won't be able to handle that # 2. for now testing with just 2 gpus max (since some quality tests may give different # results with mode gpus because we use very little data) num_gpus = min(2, get_gpu_count()) if distributed else 1 master_port = os.environ.get("DS_TEST_PORT", DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT) return f"deepspeed --num_nodes 1 --num_gpus {num_gpus} --master_port {master_port}".split() def make_task_cmds(): data_dir_samples = f"{FIXTURE_DIRECTORY}/tests_samples" data_dir_wmt = f"{data_dir_samples}/wmt_en_ro" data_dir_xsum = f"{data_dir_samples}/xsum" args_main = """ --do_train --max_train_samples 4 --per_device_train_batch_size 2 --num_train_epochs 1 --fp16 --report_to none --overwrite_output_dir """.split() # try to cover as many models as possible once (it's enough to run on one task per model) # but need a tiny model for each # # should have "{model_type.upper()}_TINY" corresponding vars defined, e.g., T5_TINY, etc. tasks2models = { "trans": [ "bart", "fsmt", "m2m_100", "marian", "mbart", "t5", "t5_v1", # "mt5", missing model files ], "sum": [ "pegasus", ], "clm": [ "big_bird", "bigbird_pegasus", "blenderbot", "bloom", "gpt2", "gpt_neo", "gptj", "xlm-roberta", "prophetnet", # "camembert", missing model files ], "mlm": [ "albert", "deberta", "deberta-v2", "distilbert", "electra", "flaubert", "funnel", "layoutlm", # "reformer", # multiple issues with either mlm/qa/clas ], "qa": [ "led", "longformer", "mobilebert", "mpnet", "roberta", "squeezebert", # "convbert", # missing tokenizer files # "layoutlmv2", missing model files ], "clas": [ "bert", "xlnet", # "hubert", # missing tokenizer files # "ibert", # multiple issues with either mlm/qa/clas # "transfo-xl", # tokenizer issues as ctrl # "ctrl", # tokenizer issues # "openai-gpt", missing model files # "tapas", multiple issues ], "img_clas": [ "vit", ], } scripts_dir = f"{ROOT_DIRECTORY}/examples/pytorch" tasks = { "trans": f""" {scripts_dir}/translation/run_translation.py --train_file {data_dir_wmt}/train.json --source_lang en --target_lang ro """, "sum": f""" {scripts_dir}/summarization/run_summarization.py --train_file {data_dir_xsum}/sample.json --max_source_length 12 --max_target_length 12 --lang en """, "clm": f""" {scripts_dir}/language-modeling/run_clm.py --train_file {FIXTURE_DIRECTORY}/sample_text.txt --block_size 8 """, "mlm": f""" {scripts_dir}/language-modeling/run_mlm.py --train_file {FIXTURE_DIRECTORY}/sample_text.txt """, "qa": f""" {scripts_dir}/question-answering/run_qa.py --train_file {data_dir_samples}/SQUAD/sample.json """, "clas": f""" {scripts_dir}/text-classification/run_glue.py --train_file {data_dir_samples}/MRPC/train.csv --max_seq_length 12 --task_name MRPC """, "img_clas": f""" {scripts_dir}/image-classification/run_image_classification.py --dataset_name hf-internal-testing/cats_vs_dogs_sample --remove_unused_columns False --max_steps 10 --image_processor_name {DS_TESTS_DIRECTORY}/vit_feature_extractor.json """, } launcher = get_launcher(distributed=True) cmds = {} for task, args in tasks.items(): args = args.split() for model in tasks2models[task]: model_name = globals()[f"{model.upper().replace('-', '_')}_TINY"] args_model = f"--model_name_or_path {model_name}".split() cmds[f"{task}_{model}"] = launcher + args + args_model + args_main # # generation special case # if task == "gen": # launcher = f"deepspeed --num_nodes 1 --num_gpus 1".split() # args_model += f"--model_type {model}".split() # cmds[f"{task}_{model}"] = launcher + args + args_model # else: return cmds task_cmds = make_task_cmds() ZERO2 = "zero2" ZERO3 = "zero3" stages = [ZERO2, ZERO3] # future preparation: # for now test just fp16, as these tests are quite slow # FP16 = "fp16" # BF16 = "bf16" # # dtypes = [FP16] # so just hardcoding --fp16 for now # if is_torch_bf16_gpu_available(): # dtypes += [BF16] def parameterized_custom_name_func(func, param_num, param): # customize the test name generator function as we want both params to appear in the sub-test # name, as by default it shows only the first param param_based_name = parameterized.to_safe_name("_".join(str(x) for x in param.args)) return f"{func.__name__}_{param_based_name}" # Cartesian-product of zero stages with models to test params = list(itertools.product(stages, task_cmds.keys())) @slow @require_deepspeed @require_torch_gpu class TestDeepSpeedModelZoo(TestCasePlus): """This class is for testing via an external script - can do multiple gpus""" def get_task_cmd(self, task, stage): # return a ready to run train cmd if task not in task_cmds: raise ValueError(f"don't know of task {task}, have {task_cmds.keys()}") cmd = task_cmds[task] args_ds = f"--deepspeed {self.test_file_dir_str}/ds_config_{stage}.json".split() output_dir = self.get_auto_remove_tmp_dir() args_out = f"--output_dir {output_dir}".split() cmd += args_ds + args_out return cmd, output_dir @parameterized.expand(params, name_func=parameterized_custom_name_func) def test_zero_to_fp32(self, stage, task): # testing the ability to do a run followed by recovery of full fp32 weights cmd, output_dir = self.get_task_cmd(task, stage) # 1. generate the checkpoint cmd += "--save_steps 1".split() # keep for quick debug # print(" ".join([f"\nPYTHONPATH={self.src_dir_str}"] + cmd)); die execute_subprocess_async(cmd, env=self.get_env()) # 2. test that the fp32 weights get reconsolidated chkpt_dir = f"{output_dir}/checkpoint-1" recovered_model_path = f"{chkpt_dir}/out.bin" cmd = f"{chkpt_dir}/zero_to_fp32.py {chkpt_dir} {recovered_model_path}" # keep for quick debug # print(" ".join([f"\nPYTHONPATH={self.src_dir_str}"] +cmd)); die subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True) assert os.path.exists(recovered_model_path), f"{recovered_model_path} was not found" # possibly could also test that the resulting saved model is usable but given that we use # random models we won't know if it's any good
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/deepspeed/test_model_zoo.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 5672 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2022 The HuggingFace Team Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a clone of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import copy import os import tempfile import unittest import warnings from huggingface_hub import HfFolder, delete_repo from parameterized import parameterized from requests.exceptions import HTTPError from transformers import AutoConfig, GenerationConfig from transformers.testing_utils import TOKEN, USER, is_staging_test class GenerationConfigTest(unittest.TestCase): @parameterized.expand([(None,), ("foo.json",)]) def test_save_load_config(self, config_name): config = GenerationConfig( do_sample=True, temperature=0.7, length_penalty=1.0, bad_words_ids=[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]], ) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: config.save_pretrained(tmp_dir, config_name=config_name) loaded_config = GenerationConfig.from_pretrained(tmp_dir, config_name=config_name) # Checks parameters that were specified self.assertEqual(loaded_config.do_sample, True) self.assertEqual(loaded_config.temperature, 0.7) self.assertEqual(loaded_config.length_penalty, 1.0) self.assertEqual(loaded_config.bad_words_ids, [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]) # Checks parameters that were not specified (defaults) self.assertEqual(loaded_config.top_k, 50) self.assertEqual(loaded_config.max_length, 20) self.assertEqual(loaded_config.max_time, None) def test_from_model_config(self): model_config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained("gpt2") generation_config_from_model = GenerationConfig.from_model_config(model_config) default_generation_config = GenerationConfig() # The generation config has loaded a few non-default parameters from the model config self.assertNotEqual(generation_config_from_model, default_generation_config) # One of those parameters is eos_token_id -- check if it matches self.assertNotEqual(generation_config_from_model.eos_token_id, default_generation_config.eos_token_id) self.assertEqual(generation_config_from_model.eos_token_id, model_config.eos_token_id) def test_update(self): generation_config = GenerationConfig() update_kwargs = { "max_new_tokens": 1024, "foo": "bar", } update_kwargs_copy = copy.deepcopy(update_kwargs) unused_kwargs = generation_config.update(**update_kwargs) # update_kwargs was not modified (no side effects) self.assertEqual(update_kwargs, update_kwargs_copy) # update_kwargs was used to update the config on valid attributes self.assertEqual(generation_config.max_new_tokens, 1024) # `.update()` returns a dictionary of unused kwargs self.assertEqual(unused_kwargs, {"foo": "bar"}) def test_initialize_new_kwargs(self): generation_config = GenerationConfig() generation_config.foo = "bar" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory("test-generation-config") as tmp_dir: generation_config.save_pretrained(tmp_dir) new_config = GenerationConfig.from_pretrained(tmp_dir) # update_kwargs was used to update the config on valid attributes self.assertEqual(new_config.foo, "bar") generation_config = GenerationConfig.from_model_config(new_config) assert not hasattr(generation_config, "foo") # no new kwargs should be initialized if from config def test_kwarg_init(self): """Tests that we can overwrite attributes at `from_pretrained` time.""" default_config = GenerationConfig() self.assertEqual(default_config.temperature, 1.0) self.assertEqual(default_config.do_sample, False) self.assertEqual(default_config.num_beams, 1) config = GenerationConfig( do_sample=True, temperature=0.7, length_penalty=1.0, bad_words_ids=[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]], ) self.assertEqual(config.temperature, 0.7) self.assertEqual(config.do_sample, True) self.assertEqual(config.num_beams, 1) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: config.save_pretrained(tmp_dir) loaded_config = GenerationConfig.from_pretrained(tmp_dir, temperature=1.0) self.assertEqual(loaded_config.temperature, 1.0) self.assertEqual(loaded_config.do_sample, True) self.assertEqual(loaded_config.num_beams, 1) # default value def test_validate(self): """ Tests that the `validate` method is working as expected. Note that `validate` is called at initialization time """ # Case 1: A correct configuration will not throw any warning with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as captured_warnings: GenerationConfig() self.assertEqual(len(captured_warnings), 0) # Case 2: Inconsequent but technically wrong configuration will throw a warning (e.g. setting sampling # parameters with `do_sample=False`). May be escalated to an error in the future. with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as captured_warnings: GenerationConfig(temperature=0.5) self.assertEqual(len(captured_warnings), 1) # Case 3: Impossible sets of contraints/parameters will raise an exception with self.assertRaises(ValueError): GenerationConfig(num_return_sequences=2) # Case 4: Passing `generate()`-only flags to `validate` will raise an exception with self.assertRaises(ValueError): GenerationConfig(logits_processor="foo") # Case 5: Model-specific parameters will NOT raise an exception or a warning with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as captured_warnings: GenerationConfig(foo="bar") self.assertEqual(len(captured_warnings), 0) def test_refuse_to_save(self): """Tests that we refuse to save a generation config that fails validation.""" # setting the temperature alone is invalid, as we also need to set do_sample to True -> throws a warning that # is caught, doesn't save, and raises an exception config = GenerationConfig() config.temperature = 0.5 with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: config.save_pretrained(tmp_dir) self.assertTrue("Fix these issues to save the configuration." in str(exc.exception)) self.assertTrue(len(os.listdir(tmp_dir)) == 0) # greedy decoding throws an exception if we try to return multiple sequences -> throws an exception that is # caught, doesn't save, and raises a warning config = GenerationConfig() config.num_return_sequences = 2 with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: config.save_pretrained(tmp_dir) self.assertTrue("Fix these issues to save the configuration." in str(exc.exception)) self.assertTrue(len(os.listdir(tmp_dir)) == 0) # final check: no warnings/exceptions thrown if it is correct, and file is saved config = GenerationConfig() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as captured_warnings: config.save_pretrained(tmp_dir) self.assertEqual(len(captured_warnings), 0) self.assertTrue(len(os.listdir(tmp_dir)) == 1) @is_staging_test class ConfigPushToHubTester(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls._token = TOKEN HfFolder.save_token(TOKEN) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): try: delete_repo(token=cls._token, repo_id="test-generation-config") except HTTPError: pass try: delete_repo(token=cls._token, repo_id="valid_org/test-generation-config-org") except HTTPError: pass def test_push_to_hub(self): config = GenerationConfig( do_sample=True, temperature=0.7, length_penalty=1.0, ) config.push_to_hub("test-generation-config", token=self._token) new_config = GenerationConfig.from_pretrained(f"{USER}/test-generation-config") for k, v in config.to_dict().items(): if k != "transformers_version": self.assertEqual(v, getattr(new_config, k)) # Reset repo delete_repo(token=self._token, repo_id="test-generation-config") # Push to hub via save_pretrained with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: config.save_pretrained(tmp_dir, repo_id="test-generation-config", push_to_hub=True, token=self._token) new_config = GenerationConfig.from_pretrained(f"{USER}/test-generation-config") for k, v in config.to_dict().items(): if k != "transformers_version": self.assertEqual(v, getattr(new_config, k)) def test_push_to_hub_in_organization(self): config = GenerationConfig( do_sample=True, temperature=0.7, length_penalty=1.0, ) config.push_to_hub("valid_org/test-generation-config-org", token=self._token) new_config = GenerationConfig.from_pretrained("valid_org/test-generation-config-org") for k, v in config.to_dict().items(): if k != "transformers_version": self.assertEqual(v, getattr(new_config, k)) # Reset repo delete_repo(token=self._token, repo_id="valid_org/test-generation-config-org") # Push to hub via save_pretrained with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: config.save_pretrained( tmp_dir, repo_id="valid_org/test-generation-config-org", push_to_hub=True, token=self._token ) new_config = GenerationConfig.from_pretrained("valid_org/test-generation-config-org") for k, v in config.to_dict().items(): if k != "transformers_version": self.assertEqual(v, getattr(new_config, k))
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/generation/test_configuration_utils.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 4312 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2021 the HuggingFace Inc. team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import os import sys import tempfile import unittest from pathlib import Path from shutil import copyfile from huggingface_hub import HfFolder, Repository, create_repo, delete_repo from requests.exceptions import HTTPError import transformers from transformers import ( CONFIG_MAPPING, FEATURE_EXTRACTOR_MAPPING, PROCESSOR_MAPPING, TOKENIZER_MAPPING, AutoConfig, AutoFeatureExtractor, AutoProcessor, AutoTokenizer, BertTokenizer, ProcessorMixin, Wav2Vec2Config, Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor, Wav2Vec2Processor, ) from transformers.testing_utils import TOKEN, USER, get_tests_dir, is_staging_test from transformers.tokenization_utils import TOKENIZER_CONFIG_FILE from transformers.utils import FEATURE_EXTRACTOR_NAME, PROCESSOR_NAME, is_tokenizers_available sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent.parent / "utils")) from test_module.custom_configuration import CustomConfig # noqa E402 from test_module.custom_feature_extraction import CustomFeatureExtractor # noqa E402 from test_module.custom_processing import CustomProcessor # noqa E402 from test_module.custom_tokenization import CustomTokenizer # noqa E402 SAMPLE_PROCESSOR_CONFIG = get_tests_dir("fixtures/dummy_feature_extractor_config.json") SAMPLE_VOCAB = get_tests_dir("fixtures/vocab.json") SAMPLE_PROCESSOR_CONFIG_DIR = get_tests_dir("fixtures") class AutoFeatureExtractorTest(unittest.TestCase): vocab_tokens = ["[UNK]", "[CLS]", "[SEP]", "[PAD]", "[MASK]", "bla", "blou"] def setUp(self): transformers.dynamic_module_utils.TIME_OUT_REMOTE_CODE = 0 def test_processor_from_model_shortcut(self): processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained("facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h") self.assertIsInstance(processor, Wav2Vec2Processor) def test_processor_from_local_directory_from_repo(self): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: model_config = Wav2Vec2Config() processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained("facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h") # save in new folder model_config.save_pretrained(tmpdirname) processor.save_pretrained(tmpdirname) processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(tmpdirname) self.assertIsInstance(processor, Wav2Vec2Processor) def test_processor_from_local_directory_from_extractor_config(self): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: # copy relevant files copyfile(SAMPLE_PROCESSOR_CONFIG, os.path.join(tmpdirname, FEATURE_EXTRACTOR_NAME)) copyfile(SAMPLE_VOCAB, os.path.join(tmpdirname, "vocab.json")) processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(tmpdirname) self.assertIsInstance(processor, Wav2Vec2Processor) def test_processor_from_processor_class(self): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: feature_extractor = Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor() tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h") processor = Wav2Vec2Processor(feature_extractor, tokenizer) # save in new folder processor.save_pretrained(tmpdirname) if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmpdirname, PROCESSOR_NAME)): # create one manually in order to perform this test's objective config_dict = {"processor_class": "Wav2Vec2Processor"} with open(os.path.join(tmpdirname, PROCESSOR_NAME), "w") as fp: json.dump(config_dict, fp) # drop `processor_class` in tokenizer config with open(os.path.join(tmpdirname, TOKENIZER_CONFIG_FILE), "r") as f: config_dict = json.load(f) config_dict.pop("processor_class") with open(os.path.join(tmpdirname, TOKENIZER_CONFIG_FILE), "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(config_dict)) processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(tmpdirname) self.assertIsInstance(processor, Wav2Vec2Processor) def test_processor_from_feat_extr_processor_class(self): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: feature_extractor = Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor() tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h") processor = Wav2Vec2Processor(feature_extractor, tokenizer) # save in new folder processor.save_pretrained(tmpdirname) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmpdirname, PROCESSOR_NAME)): # drop `processor_class` in processor with open(os.path.join(tmpdirname, PROCESSOR_NAME), "r") as f: config_dict = json.load(f) config_dict.pop("processor_class") with open(os.path.join(tmpdirname, PROCESSOR_NAME), "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(config_dict)) # drop `processor_class` in tokenizer with open(os.path.join(tmpdirname, TOKENIZER_CONFIG_FILE), "r") as f: config_dict = json.load(f) config_dict.pop("processor_class") with open(os.path.join(tmpdirname, TOKENIZER_CONFIG_FILE), "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(config_dict)) processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(tmpdirname) self.assertIsInstance(processor, Wav2Vec2Processor) def test_processor_from_tokenizer_processor_class(self): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: feature_extractor = Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor() tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h") processor = Wav2Vec2Processor(feature_extractor, tokenizer) # save in new folder processor.save_pretrained(tmpdirname) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmpdirname, PROCESSOR_NAME)): # drop `processor_class` in processor with open(os.path.join(tmpdirname, PROCESSOR_NAME), "r") as f: config_dict = json.load(f) config_dict.pop("processor_class") with open(os.path.join(tmpdirname, PROCESSOR_NAME), "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(config_dict)) # drop `processor_class` in feature extractor with open(os.path.join(tmpdirname, FEATURE_EXTRACTOR_NAME), "r") as f: config_dict = json.load(f) config_dict.pop("processor_class") with open(os.path.join(tmpdirname, FEATURE_EXTRACTOR_NAME), "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(config_dict)) processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(tmpdirname) self.assertIsInstance(processor, Wav2Vec2Processor) def test_processor_from_local_directory_from_model_config(self): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: model_config = Wav2Vec2Config(processor_class="Wav2Vec2Processor") model_config.save_pretrained(tmpdirname) # copy relevant files copyfile(SAMPLE_VOCAB, os.path.join(tmpdirname, "vocab.json")) # create emtpy sample processor with open(os.path.join(tmpdirname, FEATURE_EXTRACTOR_NAME), "w") as f: f.write("{}") processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(tmpdirname) self.assertIsInstance(processor, Wav2Vec2Processor) def test_from_pretrained_dynamic_processor(self): # If remote code is not set, we will time out when asking whether to load the model. with self.assertRaises(ValueError): processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained("hf-internal-testing/test_dynamic_processor") # If remote code is disabled, we can't load this config. with self.assertRaises(ValueError): processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained( "hf-internal-testing/test_dynamic_processor", trust_remote_code=False ) processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained("hf-internal-testing/test_dynamic_processor", trust_remote_code=True) self.assertTrue(processor.special_attribute_present) self.assertEqual(processor.__class__.__name__, "NewProcessor") feature_extractor = processor.feature_extractor self.assertTrue(feature_extractor.special_attribute_present) self.assertEqual(feature_extractor.__class__.__name__, "NewFeatureExtractor") tokenizer = processor.tokenizer self.assertTrue(tokenizer.special_attribute_present) if is_tokenizers_available(): self.assertEqual(tokenizer.__class__.__name__, "NewTokenizerFast") # Test we can also load the slow version new_processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained( "hf-internal-testing/test_dynamic_processor", trust_remote_code=True, use_fast=False ) new_tokenizer = new_processor.tokenizer self.assertTrue(new_tokenizer.special_attribute_present) self.assertEqual(new_tokenizer.__class__.__name__, "NewTokenizer") else: self.assertEqual(tokenizer.__class__.__name__, "NewTokenizer") def test_new_processor_registration(self): try: AutoConfig.register("custom", CustomConfig) AutoFeatureExtractor.register(CustomConfig, CustomFeatureExtractor) AutoTokenizer.register(CustomConfig, slow_tokenizer_class=CustomTokenizer) AutoProcessor.register(CustomConfig, CustomProcessor) # Trying to register something existing in the Transformers library will raise an error with self.assertRaises(ValueError): AutoProcessor.register(Wav2Vec2Config, Wav2Vec2Processor) # Now that the config is registered, it can be used as any other config with the auto-API feature_extractor = CustomFeatureExtractor.from_pretrained(SAMPLE_PROCESSOR_CONFIG_DIR) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: vocab_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "vocab.txt") with open(vocab_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as vocab_writer: vocab_writer.write("".join([x + "\n" for x in self.vocab_tokens])) tokenizer = CustomTokenizer(vocab_file) processor = CustomProcessor(feature_extractor, tokenizer) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: processor.save_pretrained(tmp_dir) new_processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(tmp_dir) self.assertIsInstance(new_processor, CustomProcessor) finally: if "custom" in CONFIG_MAPPING._extra_content: del CONFIG_MAPPING._extra_content["custom"] if CustomConfig in FEATURE_EXTRACTOR_MAPPING._extra_content: del FEATURE_EXTRACTOR_MAPPING._extra_content[CustomConfig] if CustomConfig in TOKENIZER_MAPPING._extra_content: del TOKENIZER_MAPPING._extra_content[CustomConfig] if CustomConfig in PROCESSOR_MAPPING._extra_content: del PROCESSOR_MAPPING._extra_content[CustomConfig] def test_from_pretrained_dynamic_processor_conflict(self): class NewFeatureExtractor(Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor): special_attribute_present = False class NewTokenizer(BertTokenizer): special_attribute_present = False class NewProcessor(ProcessorMixin): feature_extractor_class = "AutoFeatureExtractor" tokenizer_class = "AutoTokenizer" special_attribute_present = False try: AutoConfig.register("custom", CustomConfig) AutoFeatureExtractor.register(CustomConfig, NewFeatureExtractor) AutoTokenizer.register(CustomConfig, slow_tokenizer_class=NewTokenizer) AutoProcessor.register(CustomConfig, NewProcessor) # If remote code is not set, the default is to use local classes. processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained("hf-internal-testing/test_dynamic_processor") self.assertEqual(processor.__class__.__name__, "NewProcessor") self.assertFalse(processor.special_attribute_present) self.assertFalse(processor.feature_extractor.special_attribute_present) self.assertFalse(processor.tokenizer.special_attribute_present) # If remote code is disabled, we load the local ones. processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained( "hf-internal-testing/test_dynamic_processor", trust_remote_code=False ) self.assertEqual(processor.__class__.__name__, "NewProcessor") self.assertFalse(processor.special_attribute_present) self.assertFalse(processor.feature_extractor.special_attribute_present) self.assertFalse(processor.tokenizer.special_attribute_present) # If remote is enabled, we load from the Hub. processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained( "hf-internal-testing/test_dynamic_processor", trust_remote_code=True ) self.assertEqual(processor.__class__.__name__, "NewProcessor") self.assertTrue(processor.special_attribute_present) self.assertTrue(processor.feature_extractor.special_attribute_present) self.assertTrue(processor.tokenizer.special_attribute_present) finally: if "custom" in CONFIG_MAPPING._extra_content: del CONFIG_MAPPING._extra_content["custom"] if CustomConfig in FEATURE_EXTRACTOR_MAPPING._extra_content: del FEATURE_EXTRACTOR_MAPPING._extra_content[CustomConfig] if CustomConfig in TOKENIZER_MAPPING._extra_content: del TOKENIZER_MAPPING._extra_content[CustomConfig] if CustomConfig in PROCESSOR_MAPPING._extra_content: del PROCESSOR_MAPPING._extra_content[CustomConfig] def test_from_pretrained_dynamic_processor_with_extra_attributes(self): class NewFeatureExtractor(Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor): pass class NewTokenizer(BertTokenizer): pass class NewProcessor(ProcessorMixin): feature_extractor_class = "AutoFeatureExtractor" tokenizer_class = "AutoTokenizer" def __init__(self, feature_extractor, tokenizer, processor_attr_1=1, processor_attr_2=True): super().__init__(feature_extractor, tokenizer) self.processor_attr_1 = processor_attr_1 self.processor_attr_2 = processor_attr_2 try: AutoConfig.register("custom", CustomConfig) AutoFeatureExtractor.register(CustomConfig, NewFeatureExtractor) AutoTokenizer.register(CustomConfig, slow_tokenizer_class=NewTokenizer) AutoProcessor.register(CustomConfig, NewProcessor) # If remote code is not set, the default is to use local classes. processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained( "hf-internal-testing/test_dynamic_processor", processor_attr_2=False ) self.assertEqual(processor.__class__.__name__, "NewProcessor") self.assertEqual(processor.processor_attr_1, 1) self.assertEqual(processor.processor_attr_2, False) finally: if "custom" in CONFIG_MAPPING._extra_content: del CONFIG_MAPPING._extra_content["custom"] if CustomConfig in FEATURE_EXTRACTOR_MAPPING._extra_content: del FEATURE_EXTRACTOR_MAPPING._extra_content[CustomConfig] if CustomConfig in TOKENIZER_MAPPING._extra_content: del TOKENIZER_MAPPING._extra_content[CustomConfig] if CustomConfig in PROCESSOR_MAPPING._extra_content: del PROCESSOR_MAPPING._extra_content[CustomConfig] def test_auto_processor_creates_tokenizer(self): processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained("hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-bert") self.assertEqual(processor.__class__.__name__, "BertTokenizerFast") def test_auto_processor_creates_image_processor(self): processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained("hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-convnext") self.assertEqual(processor.__class__.__name__, "ConvNextImageProcessor") @is_staging_test class ProcessorPushToHubTester(unittest.TestCase): vocab_tokens = ["[UNK]", "[CLS]", "[SEP]", "[PAD]", "[MASK]", "bla", "blou"] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls._token = TOKEN HfFolder.save_token(TOKEN) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): try: delete_repo(token=cls._token, repo_id="test-processor") except HTTPError: pass try: delete_repo(token=cls._token, repo_id="valid_org/test-processor-org") except HTTPError: pass try: delete_repo(token=cls._token, repo_id="test-dynamic-processor") except HTTPError: pass def test_push_to_hub(self): processor = Wav2Vec2Processor.from_pretrained(SAMPLE_PROCESSOR_CONFIG_DIR) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: processor.save_pretrained(os.path.join(tmp_dir, "test-processor"), push_to_hub=True, token=self._token) new_processor = Wav2Vec2Processor.from_pretrained(f"{USER}/test-processor") for k, v in processor.feature_extractor.__dict__.items(): self.assertEqual(v, getattr(new_processor.feature_extractor, k)) self.assertDictEqual(new_processor.tokenizer.get_vocab(), processor.tokenizer.get_vocab()) def test_push_to_hub_in_organization(self): processor = Wav2Vec2Processor.from_pretrained(SAMPLE_PROCESSOR_CONFIG_DIR) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: processor.save_pretrained( os.path.join(tmp_dir, "test-processor-org"), push_to_hub=True, token=self._token, organization="valid_org", ) new_processor = Wav2Vec2Processor.from_pretrained("valid_org/test-processor-org") for k, v in processor.feature_extractor.__dict__.items(): self.assertEqual(v, getattr(new_processor.feature_extractor, k)) self.assertDictEqual(new_processor.tokenizer.get_vocab(), processor.tokenizer.get_vocab()) def test_push_to_hub_dynamic_processor(self): CustomFeatureExtractor.register_for_auto_class() CustomTokenizer.register_for_auto_class() CustomProcessor.register_for_auto_class() feature_extractor = CustomFeatureExtractor.from_pretrained(SAMPLE_PROCESSOR_CONFIG_DIR) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: vocab_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "vocab.txt") with open(vocab_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as vocab_writer: vocab_writer.write("".join([x + "\n" for x in self.vocab_tokens])) tokenizer = CustomTokenizer(vocab_file) processor = CustomProcessor(feature_extractor, tokenizer) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: create_repo(f"{USER}/test-dynamic-processor", token=self._token) repo = Repository(tmp_dir, clone_from=f"{USER}/test-dynamic-processor", token=self._token) processor.save_pretrained(tmp_dir) # This has added the proper auto_map field to the feature extractor config self.assertDictEqual( processor.feature_extractor.auto_map, { "AutoFeatureExtractor": "custom_feature_extraction.CustomFeatureExtractor", "AutoProcessor": "custom_processing.CustomProcessor", }, ) # This has added the proper auto_map field to the tokenizer config with open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, "tokenizer_config.json")) as f: tokenizer_config = json.load(f) self.assertDictEqual( tokenizer_config["auto_map"], { "AutoTokenizer": ["custom_tokenization.CustomTokenizer", None], "AutoProcessor": "custom_processing.CustomProcessor", }, ) # The code has been copied from fixtures self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmp_dir, "custom_feature_extraction.py"))) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmp_dir, "custom_tokenization.py"))) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmp_dir, "custom_processing.py"))) repo.push_to_hub() new_processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(f"{USER}/test-dynamic-processor", trust_remote_code=True) # Can't make an isinstance check because the new_processor is from the CustomProcessor class of a dynamic module self.assertEqual(new_processor.__class__.__name__, "CustomProcessor")
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/auto/test_processor_auto.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 9296 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2018 Salesforce and HuggingFace Inc. team. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import unittest from transformers.models.bertweet.tokenization_bertweet import VOCAB_FILES_NAMES, BertweetTokenizer from ...test_tokenization_common import TokenizerTesterMixin class BertweetTokenizationTest(TokenizerTesterMixin, unittest.TestCase): tokenizer_class = BertweetTokenizer test_rust_tokenizer = False def setUp(self): super().setUp() # Adapted from Sennrich et al. 2015 and https://github.com/rsennrich/subword-nmt vocab = ["I", "m", "V@@", "R@@", "r", "e@@"] vocab_tokens = dict(zip(vocab, range(len(vocab)))) merges = ["#version: 0.2", "a m</w>"] self.special_tokens_map = {"unk_token": "<unk>"} self.vocab_file = os.path.join(self.tmpdirname, VOCAB_FILES_NAMES["vocab_file"]) self.merges_file = os.path.join(self.tmpdirname, VOCAB_FILES_NAMES["merges_file"]) with open(self.vocab_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fp: for token in vocab_tokens: fp.write(f"{token} {vocab_tokens[token]}\n") with open(self.merges_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fp: fp.write("\n".join(merges)) def get_tokenizer(self, **kwargs): kwargs.update(self.special_tokens_map) return BertweetTokenizer.from_pretrained(self.tmpdirname, **kwargs) def get_input_output_texts(self, tokenizer): input_text = "I am VinAI Research" output_text = "I <unk> m V<unk> <unk> <unk> I Re<unk> e<unk> <unk> <unk> <unk>" return input_text, output_text def test_full_tokenizer(self): tokenizer = BertweetTokenizer(self.vocab_file, self.merges_file, **self.special_tokens_map) text = "I am VinAI Research" bpe_tokens = "I a@@ m V@@ i@@ n@@ A@@ I R@@ e@@ s@@ e@@ a@@ r@@ c@@ h".split() tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text) self.assertListEqual(tokens, bpe_tokens) input_tokens = tokens + [tokenizer.unk_token] input_bpe_tokens = [4, 3, 5, 6, 3, 3, 3, 4, 7, 9, 3, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3] self.assertListEqual(tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(input_tokens), input_bpe_tokens)
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/bertweet/test_tokenization_bertweet.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 1124 }
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Tests for Blenderbot Tokenizers, including common tests for BlenderbotSmallTokenizer.""" import unittest from transformers import BlenderbotTokenizer, BlenderbotTokenizerFast from transformers.testing_utils import require_jinja from transformers.utils import cached_property class Blenderbot3BTokenizerTests(unittest.TestCase): @cached_property def tokenizer_3b(self): return BlenderbotTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/blenderbot-3B") @cached_property def rust_tokenizer_3b(self): return BlenderbotTokenizerFast.from_pretrained("facebook/blenderbot-3B") def test_encode_decode_cycle(self): tok = self.tokenizer_3b src_text = " I am a small frog." encoded = tok([src_text], padding=False, truncation=False)["input_ids"] decoded = tok.batch_decode(encoded, skip_special_tokens=True, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False)[0] assert src_text == decoded def test_encode_decode_cycle_rust_tokenizer(self): tok = self.rust_tokenizer_3b src_text = " I am a small frog." encoded = tok([src_text], padding=False, truncation=False)["input_ids"] decoded = tok.batch_decode(encoded, skip_special_tokens=True, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False)[0] assert src_text == decoded def test_3B_tokenization_same_as_parlai(self): assert self.tokenizer_3b.add_prefix_space assert self.tokenizer_3b([" Sam", "Sam"]).input_ids == [[5502, 2], [5502, 2]] def test_3B_tokenization_same_as_parlai_rust_tokenizer(self): assert self.rust_tokenizer_3b.add_prefix_space assert self.rust_tokenizer_3b([" Sam", "Sam"]).input_ids == [[5502, 2], [5502, 2]] @require_jinja def test_tokenization_for_chat(self): tok = self.tokenizer_3b test_chats = [ [{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful chatbot."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Hello!"}], [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful chatbot."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Hello!"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "Nice to meet you."}, ], [{"role": "assistant", "content": "Nice to meet you."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Hello!"}], ] tokenized_chats = [tok.apply_chat_template(test_chat) for test_chat in test_chats] expected_tokens = [ [553, 366, 265, 4792, 3879, 73, 311, 21, 228, 228, 6950, 8, 2], [553, 366, 265, 4792, 3879, 73, 311, 21, 228, 228, 6950, 8, 228, 3490, 287, 2273, 304, 21, 2], [3490, 287, 2273, 304, 21, 228, 228, 6950, 8, 2], ] for tokenized_chat, expected_tokens in zip(tokenized_chats, expected_tokens): self.assertListEqual(tokenized_chat, expected_tokens)
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/blenderbot/test_tokenization_blenderbot.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 1382 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2021 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import os import unittest from transformers import CLIPTokenizer, CLIPTokenizerFast from transformers.models.clip.tokenization_clip import VOCAB_FILES_NAMES from transformers.testing_utils import require_ftfy, require_tokenizers from ...test_tokenization_common import TokenizerTesterMixin @require_tokenizers class CLIPTokenizationTest(TokenizerTesterMixin, unittest.TestCase): tokenizer_class = CLIPTokenizer rust_tokenizer_class = CLIPTokenizerFast test_rust_tokenizer = True from_pretrained_kwargs = {} test_seq2seq = False def setUp(self): super().setUp() vocab = ["l", "o", "w", "e", "r", "s", "t", "i", "d", "n", "lo", "l</w>", "w</w>", "r</w>", "t</w>", "low</w>", "er</w>", "lowest</w>", "newer</w>", "wider", "<unk>", "<|startoftext|>", "<|endoftext|>"] # fmt: skip vocab_tokens = dict(zip(vocab, range(len(vocab)))) merges = ["#version: 0.2", "l o", "lo w</w>", "e r</w>"] self.special_tokens_map = {"unk_token": "<unk>"} self.vocab_file = os.path.join(self.tmpdirname, VOCAB_FILES_NAMES["vocab_file"]) self.merges_file = os.path.join(self.tmpdirname, VOCAB_FILES_NAMES["merges_file"]) with open(self.vocab_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fp: fp.write(json.dumps(vocab_tokens) + "\n") with open(self.merges_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fp: fp.write("\n".join(merges)) def get_tokenizer(self, **kwargs): kwargs.update(self.special_tokens_map) return CLIPTokenizer.from_pretrained(self.tmpdirname, **kwargs) def get_rust_tokenizer(self, **kwargs): kwargs.update(self.special_tokens_map) return CLIPTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(self.tmpdirname, **kwargs) def get_input_output_texts(self, tokenizer): input_text = "lower newer" output_text = "lower newer" return input_text, output_text def test_full_tokenizer(self): tokenizer = CLIPTokenizer(self.vocab_file, self.merges_file, **self.special_tokens_map) text = "lower newer" bpe_tokens = ["lo", "w", "er</w>", "n", "e", "w", "er</w>"] tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text) self.assertListEqual(tokens, bpe_tokens) input_tokens = tokens + [tokenizer.unk_token] input_bpe_tokens = [10, 2, 16, 9, 3, 2, 16, 20] self.assertListEqual(tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(input_tokens), input_bpe_tokens) @require_ftfy def test_check_encoding_slow_fast(self): for tokenizer, pretrained_name, kwargs in self.tokenizers_list: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__} ({pretrained_name})"): tokenizer_s = self.tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_name, **kwargs) tokenizer_r = self.rust_tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_name, **kwargs) text = "A\n'll 11p223RF☆ho!!to?'d'd''d of a cat to-$''d." text_tokenized_s = tokenizer_s.tokenize(text) text_tokenized_r = tokenizer_r.tokenize(text) self.assertListEqual(text_tokenized_s, text_tokenized_r) # Test that the tokenization is identical on an example containing a character (Latin Small Letter A # with Tilde) encoded in 2 different ways text = "xa\u0303y" + " " + "x\xe3y" text_tokenized_s = tokenizer_s.tokenize(text) text_tokenized_r = tokenizer_r.tokenize(text) self.assertListEqual(text_tokenized_s, text_tokenized_r) # Test that the tokenization is identical on unicode of space type spaces_unicodes = [ "\u0009", # (horizontal tab, '\t') "\u000B", # (vertical tab) "\u000C", # (form feed) "\u0020", # (space, ' ') "\u200E", # (left-to-right mark):w "\u200F", # (right-to-left mark) ] for unicode_seq in spaces_unicodes: text_tokenized_s = tokenizer_s.tokenize(unicode_seq) text_tokenized_r = tokenizer_r.tokenize(unicode_seq) self.assertListEqual(text_tokenized_s, text_tokenized_r) # Test that the tokenization is identical on unicode of line break type line_break_unicodes = [ "\u000A", # (line feed, '\n') "\r\n", # (carriage return and line feed, '\r\n') "\u000D", # (carriage return, '\r') "\r", # (carriage return, '\r') "\u000D", # (carriage return, '\r') "\u2028", # (line separator) "\u2029", # (paragraph separator) # "\u0085", # (next line) ] # The tokenization is not identical for the character "\u0085" (next line). The slow version using ftfy transforms # it into the Horizontal Ellipsis character "…" ("\u2026") while the fast version transforms it into a # space (and thus into an empty list). for unicode_seq in line_break_unicodes: text_tokenized_s = tokenizer_s.tokenize(unicode_seq) text_tokenized_r = tokenizer_r.tokenize(unicode_seq) self.assertListEqual(text_tokenized_s, text_tokenized_r) def test_offsets_mapping_with_different_add_prefix_space_argument(self): # Test which aims to verify that the offsets are well adapted to the argument `add_prefix_space` for tokenizer, pretrained_name, kwargs in self.tokenizers_list: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__} ({pretrained_name})"): text_of_1_token = "hello" # `hello` is a token in the vocabulary of `pretrained_name` text = f"{text_of_1_token} {text_of_1_token}" tokenizer_r = self.rust_tokenizer_class.from_pretrained( pretrained_name, use_fast=True, ) encoding = tokenizer_r(text, return_offsets_mapping=True, add_special_tokens=False) self.assertEqual(encoding.offset_mapping[0], (0, len(text_of_1_token))) self.assertEqual( encoding.offset_mapping[1], (len(text_of_1_token) + 1, len(text_of_1_token) + 1 + len(text_of_1_token)), ) text = f" {text}" tokenizer_r = self.rust_tokenizer_class.from_pretrained( pretrained_name, use_fast=True, ) encoding = tokenizer_r(text, return_offsets_mapping=True, add_special_tokens=False) self.assertEqual(encoding.offset_mapping[0], (1, 1 + len(text_of_1_token))) self.assertEqual( encoding.offset_mapping[1], (1 + len(text_of_1_token) + 1, 1 + len(text_of_1_token) + 1 + len(text_of_1_token)), ) def test_log_warning(self): # Test related to the breaking change introduced in transformers v4.17.0 # We need to check that an error in raised when the user try to load a previous version of the tokenizer. with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context: self.rust_tokenizer_class.from_pretrained("robot-test/old-clip-tokenizer") self.assertTrue( context.exception.args[0].startswith( "The `backend_tokenizer` provided does not match the expected format." ) ) @require_ftfy def test_tokenization_python_rust_equals(self): super().test_tokenization_python_rust_equals() # overwrite common test def test_added_tokens_do_lower_case(self): # CLIP always lower cases letters pass
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/clip/test_tokenization_clip.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 4004 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2022 The HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Testing suite for the PyTorch Conditional DETR model. """ import inspect import math import unittest from transformers import ConditionalDetrConfig, ResNetConfig, is_torch_available, is_vision_available from transformers.testing_utils import require_timm, require_torch, require_vision, slow, torch_device from transformers.utils import cached_property from ...generation.test_utils import GenerationTesterMixin from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester from ...test_modeling_common import ModelTesterMixin, _config_zero_init, floats_tensor from ...test_pipeline_mixin import PipelineTesterMixin if is_torch_available(): import torch from transformers import ( ConditionalDetrForObjectDetection, ConditionalDetrForSegmentation, ConditionalDetrModel, ) if is_vision_available(): from PIL import Image from transformers import ConditionalDetrImageProcessor class ConditionalDetrModelTester: def __init__( self, parent, batch_size=8, is_training=True, use_labels=True, hidden_size=32, num_hidden_layers=2, num_attention_heads=8, intermediate_size=4, hidden_act="gelu", hidden_dropout_prob=0.1, attention_probs_dropout_prob=0.1, num_queries=12, num_channels=3, min_size=200, max_size=200, n_targets=8, num_labels=91, ): self.parent = parent self.batch_size = batch_size self.is_training = is_training self.use_labels = use_labels self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers self.num_attention_heads = num_attention_heads self.intermediate_size = intermediate_size self.hidden_act = hidden_act self.hidden_dropout_prob = hidden_dropout_prob self.attention_probs_dropout_prob = attention_probs_dropout_prob self.num_queries = num_queries self.num_channels = num_channels self.min_size = min_size self.max_size = max_size self.n_targets = n_targets self.num_labels = num_labels # we also set the expected seq length for both encoder and decoder self.encoder_seq_length = math.ceil(self.min_size / 32) * math.ceil(self.max_size / 32) self.decoder_seq_length = self.num_queries def prepare_config_and_inputs(self): pixel_values = floats_tensor([self.batch_size, self.num_channels, self.min_size, self.max_size]) pixel_mask = torch.ones([self.batch_size, self.min_size, self.max_size], device=torch_device) labels = None if self.use_labels: # labels is a list of Dict (each Dict being the labels for a given example in the batch) labels = [] for i in range(self.batch_size): target = {} target["class_labels"] = torch.randint( high=self.num_labels, size=(self.n_targets,), device=torch_device ) target["boxes"] = torch.rand(self.n_targets, 4, device=torch_device) target["masks"] = torch.rand(self.n_targets, self.min_size, self.max_size, device=torch_device) labels.append(target) config = self.get_config() return config, pixel_values, pixel_mask, labels def get_config(self): resnet_config = ResNetConfig( num_channels=3, embeddings_size=10, hidden_sizes=[10, 20, 30, 40], depths=[1, 1, 2, 1], hidden_act="relu", num_labels=3, out_features=["stage2", "stage3", "stage4"], out_indices=[2, 3, 4], ) return ConditionalDetrConfig( d_model=self.hidden_size, encoder_layers=self.num_hidden_layers, decoder_layers=self.num_hidden_layers, encoder_attention_heads=self.num_attention_heads, decoder_attention_heads=self.num_attention_heads, encoder_ffn_dim=self.intermediate_size, decoder_ffn_dim=self.intermediate_size, dropout=self.hidden_dropout_prob, attention_dropout=self.attention_probs_dropout_prob, num_queries=self.num_queries, num_labels=self.num_labels, use_timm_backbone=False, backbone_config=resnet_config, backbone=None, use_pretrained_backbone=False, ) def prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common(self): config, pixel_values, pixel_mask, labels = self.prepare_config_and_inputs() inputs_dict = {"pixel_values": pixel_values, "pixel_mask": pixel_mask} return config, inputs_dict def create_and_check_conditional_detr_model(self, config, pixel_values, pixel_mask, labels): model = ConditionalDetrModel(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(pixel_values=pixel_values, pixel_mask=pixel_mask) result = model(pixel_values) self.parent.assertEqual( result.last_hidden_state.shape, (self.batch_size, self.decoder_seq_length, self.hidden_size) ) def create_and_check_conditional_detr_object_detection_head_model(self, config, pixel_values, pixel_mask, labels): model = ConditionalDetrForObjectDetection(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(pixel_values=pixel_values, pixel_mask=pixel_mask) result = model(pixel_values) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.num_queries, self.num_labels)) self.parent.assertEqual(result.pred_boxes.shape, (self.batch_size, self.num_queries, 4)) result = model(pixel_values=pixel_values, pixel_mask=pixel_mask, labels=labels) self.parent.assertEqual(result.loss.shape, ()) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.num_queries, self.num_labels)) self.parent.assertEqual(result.pred_boxes.shape, (self.batch_size, self.num_queries, 4)) @require_torch class ConditionalDetrModelTest(ModelTesterMixin, GenerationTesterMixin, PipelineTesterMixin, unittest.TestCase): all_model_classes = ( ( ConditionalDetrModel, ConditionalDetrForObjectDetection, ConditionalDetrForSegmentation, ) if is_torch_available() else () ) pipeline_model_mapping = ( {"feature-extraction": ConditionalDetrModel, "object-detection": ConditionalDetrForObjectDetection} if is_torch_available() else {} ) is_encoder_decoder = True test_torchscript = False test_pruning = False test_head_masking = False test_missing_keys = False # special case for head models def _prepare_for_class(self, inputs_dict, model_class, return_labels=False): inputs_dict = super()._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class, return_labels=return_labels) if return_labels: if model_class.__name__ in ["ConditionalDetrForObjectDetection", "ConditionalDetrForSegmentation"]: labels = [] for i in range(self.model_tester.batch_size): target = {} target["class_labels"] = torch.ones( size=(self.model_tester.n_targets,), device=torch_device, dtype=torch.long ) target["boxes"] = torch.ones( self.model_tester.n_targets, 4, device=torch_device, dtype=torch.float ) target["masks"] = torch.ones( self.model_tester.n_targets, self.model_tester.min_size, self.model_tester.max_size, device=torch_device, dtype=torch.float, ) labels.append(target) inputs_dict["labels"] = labels return inputs_dict def setUp(self): self.model_tester = ConditionalDetrModelTester(self) self.config_tester = ConfigTester(self, config_class=ConditionalDetrConfig, has_text_modality=False) def test_config(self): self.config_tester.run_common_tests() def test_conditional_detr_model(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_conditional_detr_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_conditional_detr_object_detection_head_model(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_conditional_detr_object_detection_head_model(*config_and_inputs) # TODO: check if this works again for PyTorch 2.x.y @unittest.skip(reason="Got `CUDA error: misaligned address` with PyTorch 2.0.0.") def test_multi_gpu_data_parallel_forward(self): pass @unittest.skip(reason="Conditional DETR does not use inputs_embeds") def test_inputs_embeds(self): pass @unittest.skip(reason="Conditional DETR does not have a get_input_embeddings method") def test_model_common_attributes(self): pass @unittest.skip(reason="Conditional DETR is not a generative model") def test_generate_without_input_ids(self): pass @unittest.skip(reason="Conditional DETR does not use token embeddings") def test_resize_tokens_embeddings(self): pass @slow def test_model_outputs_equivalence(self): # TODO Niels: fix me! pass def test_attention_outputs(self): config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() config.return_dict = True decoder_seq_length = self.model_tester.decoder_seq_length encoder_seq_length = self.model_tester.encoder_seq_length decoder_key_length = self.model_tester.decoder_seq_length encoder_key_length = self.model_tester.encoder_seq_length for model_class in self.all_model_classes: inputs_dict["output_attentions"] = True inputs_dict["output_hidden_states"] = False config.return_dict = True model = model_class(config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(**self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class)) attentions = outputs.encoder_attentions if config.is_encoder_decoder else outputs.attentions self.assertEqual(len(attentions), self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers) # check that output_attentions also work using config del inputs_dict["output_attentions"] config.output_attentions = True model = model_class(config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(**self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class)) attentions = outputs.encoder_attentions if config.is_encoder_decoder else outputs.attentions self.assertEqual(len(attentions), self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers) self.assertListEqual( list(attentions[0].shape[-3:]), [self.model_tester.num_attention_heads, encoder_seq_length, encoder_key_length], ) out_len = len(outputs) if self.is_encoder_decoder: correct_outlen = 6 # loss is at first position if "labels" in inputs_dict: correct_outlen += 1 # loss is added to beginning # Object Detection model returns pred_logits and pred_boxes if model_class.__name__ == "ConditionalDetrForObjectDetection": correct_outlen += 1 # Panoptic Segmentation model returns pred_logits, pred_boxes, pred_masks if model_class.__name__ == "ConditionalDetrForSegmentation": correct_outlen += 2 if "past_key_values" in outputs: correct_outlen += 1 # past_key_values have been returned self.assertEqual(out_len, correct_outlen) # decoder attentions decoder_attentions = outputs.decoder_attentions self.assertIsInstance(decoder_attentions, (list, tuple)) self.assertEqual(len(decoder_attentions), self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers) self.assertListEqual( list(decoder_attentions[0].shape[-3:]), [self.model_tester.num_attention_heads, decoder_seq_length, decoder_key_length], ) # cross attentions cross_attentions = outputs.cross_attentions self.assertIsInstance(cross_attentions, (list, tuple)) self.assertEqual(len(cross_attentions), self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers) self.assertListEqual( list(cross_attentions[0].shape[-3:]), [ self.model_tester.num_attention_heads, decoder_seq_length, encoder_key_length, ], ) # Check attention is always last and order is fine inputs_dict["output_attentions"] = True inputs_dict["output_hidden_states"] = True model = model_class(config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(**self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class)) if hasattr(self.model_tester, "num_hidden_states_types"): added_hidden_states = self.model_tester.num_hidden_states_types elif self.is_encoder_decoder: added_hidden_states = 2 else: added_hidden_states = 1 self.assertEqual(out_len + added_hidden_states, len(outputs)) self_attentions = outputs.encoder_attentions if config.is_encoder_decoder else outputs.attentions self.assertEqual(len(self_attentions), self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers) self.assertListEqual( list(self_attentions[0].shape[-3:]), [self.model_tester.num_attention_heads, encoder_seq_length, encoder_key_length], ) def test_retain_grad_hidden_states_attentions(self): # removed retain_grad and grad on decoder_hidden_states, as queries don't require grad config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() config.output_hidden_states = True config.output_attentions = True # no need to test all models as different heads yield the same functionality model_class = self.all_model_classes[0] model = model_class(config) model.to(torch_device) inputs = self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class) outputs = model(**inputs) output = outputs[0] encoder_hidden_states = outputs.encoder_hidden_states[0] encoder_attentions = outputs.encoder_attentions[0] encoder_hidden_states.retain_grad() encoder_attentions.retain_grad() decoder_attentions = outputs.decoder_attentions[0] decoder_attentions.retain_grad() cross_attentions = outputs.cross_attentions[0] cross_attentions.retain_grad() output.flatten()[0].backward(retain_graph=True) self.assertIsNotNone(encoder_hidden_states.grad) self.assertIsNotNone(encoder_attentions.grad) self.assertIsNotNone(decoder_attentions.grad) self.assertIsNotNone(cross_attentions.grad) def test_forward_auxiliary_loss(self): config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() config.auxiliary_loss = True # only test for object detection and segmentation model for model_class in self.all_model_classes[1:]: model = model_class(config) model.to(torch_device) inputs = self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class, return_labels=True) outputs = model(**inputs) self.assertIsNotNone(outputs.auxiliary_outputs) self.assertEqual(len(outputs.auxiliary_outputs), self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers - 1) def test_forward_signature(self): config, _ = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model = model_class(config) signature = inspect.signature(model.forward) # signature.parameters is an OrderedDict => so arg_names order is deterministic arg_names = [*signature.parameters.keys()] if model.config.is_encoder_decoder: expected_arg_names = ["pixel_values", "pixel_mask"] expected_arg_names.extend( ["head_mask", "decoder_head_mask", "encoder_outputs"] if "head_mask" and "decoder_head_mask" in arg_names else [] ) self.assertListEqual(arg_names[: len(expected_arg_names)], expected_arg_names) else: expected_arg_names = ["pixel_values", "pixel_mask"] self.assertListEqual(arg_names[:1], expected_arg_names) def test_different_timm_backbone(self): config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() # let's pick a random timm backbone config.backbone = "tf_mobilenetv3_small_075" config.use_timm_backbone = True for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model = model_class(config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(**self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class)) if model_class.__name__ == "ConditionalDetrForObjectDetection": expected_shape = ( self.model_tester.batch_size, self.model_tester.num_queries, self.model_tester.num_labels, ) self.assertEqual(outputs.logits.shape, expected_shape) self.assertTrue(outputs) def test_initialization(self): config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() configs_no_init = _config_zero_init(config) configs_no_init.init_xavier_std = 1e9 for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model = model_class(config=configs_no_init) for name, param in model.named_parameters(): if param.requires_grad: if "bbox_attention" in name and "bias" not in name: self.assertLess( 100000, abs(param.data.max().item()), msg=f"Parameter {name} of model {model_class} seems not properly initialized", ) else: self.assertIn( ((param.data.mean() * 1e9).round() / 1e9).item(), [0.0, 1.0], msg=f"Parameter {name} of model {model_class} seems not properly initialized", ) TOLERANCE = 1e-4 # We will verify our results on an image of cute cats def prepare_img(): image = Image.open("./tests/fixtures/tests_samples/COCO/000000039769.png") return image @require_timm @require_vision @slow class ConditionalDetrModelIntegrationTests(unittest.TestCase): @cached_property def default_image_processor(self): return ( ConditionalDetrImageProcessor.from_pretrained("microsoft/conditional-detr-resnet-50") if is_vision_available() else None ) def test_inference_no_head(self): model = ConditionalDetrModel.from_pretrained("microsoft/conditional-detr-resnet-50").to(torch_device) image_processor = self.default_image_processor image = prepare_img() encoding = image_processor(images=image, return_tensors="pt").to(torch_device) with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(**encoding) expected_shape = torch.Size((1, 300, 256)) self.assertEqual(outputs.last_hidden_state.shape, expected_shape) expected_slice = torch.tensor( [[0.4222, 0.7471, 0.8760], [0.6395, -0.2729, 0.7127], [-0.3090, 0.7642, 0.9529]] ).to(torch_device) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(outputs.last_hidden_state[0, :3, :3], expected_slice, atol=1e-4)) def test_inference_object_detection_head(self): model = ConditionalDetrForObjectDetection.from_pretrained("microsoft/conditional-detr-resnet-50").to( torch_device ) image_processor = self.default_image_processor image = prepare_img() encoding = image_processor(images=image, return_tensors="pt").to(torch_device) pixel_values = encoding["pixel_values"].to(torch_device) pixel_mask = encoding["pixel_mask"].to(torch_device) with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(pixel_values, pixel_mask) # verify logits + box predictions expected_shape_logits = torch.Size((1, model.config.num_queries, model.config.num_labels)) self.assertEqual(outputs.logits.shape, expected_shape_logits) expected_slice_logits = torch.tensor( [[-10.4372, -5.7558, -8.6764], [-10.5410, -5.8704, -8.0590], [-10.6827, -6.3469, -8.3923]] ).to(torch_device) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(outputs.logits[0, :3, :3], expected_slice_logits, atol=1e-4)) expected_shape_boxes = torch.Size((1, model.config.num_queries, 4)) self.assertEqual(outputs.pred_boxes.shape, expected_shape_boxes) expected_slice_boxes = torch.tensor( [[0.7733, 0.6576, 0.4496], [0.5171, 0.1184, 0.9094], [0.8846, 0.5647, 0.2486]] ).to(torch_device) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(outputs.pred_boxes[0, :3, :3], expected_slice_boxes, atol=1e-4)) # verify postprocessing results = image_processor.post_process_object_detection( outputs, threshold=0.3, target_sizes=[image.size[::-1]] )[0] expected_scores = torch.tensor([0.8330, 0.8313, 0.8039, 0.6829, 0.5355]).to(torch_device) expected_labels = [75, 17, 17, 75, 63] expected_slice_boxes = torch.tensor([38.3089, 72.1022, 177.6293, 118.4512]).to(torch_device) self.assertEqual(len(results["scores"]), 5) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(results["scores"], expected_scores, atol=1e-4)) self.assertSequenceEqual(results["labels"].tolist(), expected_labels) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(results["boxes"][0, :], expected_slice_boxes))
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/conditional_detr/test_modeling_conditional_detr.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 10915 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2023 The HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Testing suite for the TensorFlow EfficientFormer model. """ import inspect import unittest from typing import List import numpy as np from transformers import EfficientFormerConfig from transformers.testing_utils import require_tf, require_vision, slow from transformers.utils import cached_property, is_tf_available, is_vision_available from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester from ...test_modeling_tf_common import TFModelTesterMixin, floats_tensor, ids_tensor from ...test_pipeline_mixin import PipelineTesterMixin if is_tf_available(): import tensorflow as tf from transformers import ( TFEfficientFormerForImageClassification, TFEfficientFormerForImageClassificationWithTeacher, TFEfficientFormerModel, ) from transformers.modeling_tf_utils import keras from transformers.models.efficientformer.modeling_tf_efficientformer import ( TF_EFFICIENTFORMER_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST, ) if is_vision_available(): from PIL import Image from transformers import EfficientFormerImageProcessor class TFEfficientFormerModelTester: def __init__( self, parent, batch_size: int = 13, image_size: int = 64, patch_size: int = 2, embed_dim: int = 3, num_channels: int = 3, is_training: bool = True, use_labels: bool = True, hidden_size: int = 128, hidden_sizes=[16, 32, 64, 128], num_hidden_layers: int = 7, num_attention_heads: int = 4, intermediate_size: int = 37, hidden_act: str = "gelu", hidden_dropout_prob: float = 0.1, attention_probs_dropout_prob: float = 0.1, type_sequence_label_size: int = 10, initializer_range: float = 0.02, encoder_stride: int = 2, num_attention_outputs: int = 1, dim: int = 128, depths: List[int] = [2, 2, 2, 2], resolution: int = 2, mlp_expansion_ratio: int = 2, ): self.parent = parent self.batch_size = batch_size self.image_size = image_size self.patch_size = patch_size self.num_channels = num_channels self.is_training = is_training self.use_labels = use_labels self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers self.num_attention_heads = num_attention_heads self.intermediate_size = intermediate_size self.hidden_act = hidden_act self.hidden_dropout_prob = hidden_dropout_prob self.attention_probs_dropout_prob = attention_probs_dropout_prob self.type_sequence_label_size = type_sequence_label_size self.initializer_range = initializer_range self.encoder_stride = encoder_stride self.num_attention_outputs = num_attention_outputs self.embed_dim = embed_dim self.seq_length = embed_dim + 1 self.resolution = resolution self.depths = depths self.hidden_sizes = hidden_sizes self.dim = dim self.mlp_expansion_ratio = mlp_expansion_ratio def prepare_config_and_inputs(self): pixel_values = floats_tensor([self.batch_size, self.num_channels, self.image_size, self.image_size]) labels = None if self.use_labels: labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], self.type_sequence_label_size) config = self.get_config() return config, pixel_values, labels def get_config(self): return EfficientFormerConfig( image_size=self.image_size, patch_size=self.patch_size, num_channels=self.num_channels, hidden_size=self.hidden_size, num_hidden_layers=self.num_hidden_layers, num_attention_heads=self.num_attention_heads, intermediate_size=self.intermediate_size, hidden_act=self.hidden_act, hidden_dropout_prob=self.hidden_dropout_prob, attention_probs_dropout_prob=self.attention_probs_dropout_prob, is_decoder=False, initializer_range=self.initializer_range, encoder_stride=self.encoder_stride, resolution=self.resolution, depths=self.depths, hidden_sizes=self.hidden_sizes, dim=self.dim, mlp_expansion_ratio=self.mlp_expansion_ratio, ) def create_and_check_model(self, config, pixel_values, labels): model = TFEfficientFormerModel(config=config) result = model(pixel_values, training=False) self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size)) def create_and_check_for_image_classification(self, config, pixel_values, labels): config.num_labels = self.type_sequence_label_size model = TFEfficientFormerForImageClassification(config) result = model(pixel_values, labels=labels, training=False) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.type_sequence_label_size)) # test greyscale images config.num_channels = 1 model = TFEfficientFormerForImageClassification(config) pixel_values = floats_tensor([self.batch_size, 1, self.image_size, self.image_size]) result = model(pixel_values, labels=labels) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.type_sequence_label_size)) def prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common(self): config_and_inputs = self.prepare_config_and_inputs() config, pixel_values, labels = config_and_inputs inputs_dict = {"pixel_values": pixel_values} return config, inputs_dict @require_tf class TFEfficientFormerModelTest(TFModelTesterMixin, PipelineTesterMixin, unittest.TestCase): """ Here we also overwrite some of the tests of test_modeling_tf_common.py, as EfficientFormer does not use input_ids, inputs_embeds, attention_mask and seq_length. """ all_model_classes = ( ( TFEfficientFormerModel, TFEfficientFormerForImageClassificationWithTeacher, TFEfficientFormerForImageClassification, ) if is_tf_available() else () ) pipeline_model_mapping = ( { "feature-extraction": TFEfficientFormerModel, "image-classification": ( TFEfficientFormerForImageClassification, TFEfficientFormerForImageClassificationWithTeacher, ), } if is_tf_available() else {} ) fx_compatible = False test_pruning = False test_resize_embeddings = False test_head_masking = False test_onnx = False def setUp(self): self.model_tester = TFEfficientFormerModelTester(self) self.config_tester = ConfigTester( self, config_class=EfficientFormerConfig, has_text_modality=False, hidden_size=37 ) def test_config(self): self.config_tester.run_common_tests() @unittest.skip(reason="EfficientFormer does not use inputs_embeds") def test_inputs_embeds(self): pass @unittest.skip(reason="EfficientFormer does not support input and output embeddings") def test_model_common_attributes(self): pass def test_forward_signature(self): config, _ = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model = model_class(config) signature = inspect.signature(model.call) # signature.parameters is an OrderedDict => so arg_names order is deterministic arg_names = [*signature.parameters.keys()] expected_arg_names = ["pixel_values"] self.assertListEqual(arg_names[:1], expected_arg_names) def test_hidden_states_output(self): def check_hidden_states_output(inputs_dict, config, model_class): model = model_class(config) outputs = model(**self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class), training=False) hidden_states = outputs.encoder_hidden_states if config.is_encoder_decoder else outputs.hidden_states expected_num_layers = getattr( self.model_tester, "expected_num_hidden_layers", self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers + 1 ) self.assertEqual(len(hidden_states), expected_num_layers) if hasattr(self.model_tester, "encoder_seq_length"): seq_length = self.model_tester.encoder_seq_length if hasattr(self.model_tester, "chunk_length") and self.model_tester.chunk_length > 1: seq_length = seq_length * self.model_tester.chunk_length else: seq_length = self.model_tester.seq_length self.assertListEqual( list(hidden_states[-1].shape[-2:]), [seq_length, self.model_tester.hidden_size], ) if config.is_encoder_decoder: hidden_states = outputs.decoder_hidden_states self.asseretIsInstance(hidden_states, (list, tuple)) self.assertEqual(len(hidden_states), expected_num_layers) seq_len = getattr(self.model_tester, "seq_length", None) decoder_seq_length = getattr(self.model_tester, "decoder_seq_length", seq_len) self.assertListEqual( list(hidden_states[-1].shape[-2:]), [decoder_seq_length, self.model_tester.hidden_size], ) config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() for model_class in self.all_model_classes: inputs_dict["output_hidden_states"] = True check_hidden_states_output(inputs_dict, config, model_class) # check that output_hidden_states also work using config del inputs_dict["output_hidden_states"] config.output_hidden_states = True check_hidden_states_output(inputs_dict, config, model_class) def _prepare_for_class(self, inputs_dict, model_class, return_labels=False): inputs_dict = super()._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class, return_labels=return_labels) if return_labels: if model_class.__name__ == "TFEfficientFormerForImageClassificationWithTeacher": del inputs_dict["labels"] return inputs_dict def test_model(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_model(*config_and_inputs) @unittest.skip(reason="EfficientFormer does not implement masked image modeling yet") def test_for_masked_image_modeling(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_masked_image_modeling(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_image_classification(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_image_classification(*config_and_inputs) @slow def test_model_from_pretrained(self): for model_name in TF_EFFICIENTFORMER_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST[:1]: model = TFEfficientFormerModel.from_pretrained(model_name) self.assertIsNotNone(model) def test_attention_outputs(self): config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() config.return_dict = True seq_len = getattr(self.model_tester, "seq_length", None) encoder_seq_length = getattr(self.model_tester, "encoder_seq_length", seq_len) encoder_key_length = getattr(self.model_tester, "key_length", encoder_seq_length) chunk_length = getattr(self.model_tester, "chunk_length", None) if chunk_length is not None and hasattr(self.model_tester, "num_hashes"): encoder_seq_length = encoder_seq_length * self.model_tester.num_hashes for model_class in self.all_model_classes: inputs_dict["output_attentions"] = True inputs_dict["output_hidden_states"] = False config.return_dict = True model = model_class(config) outputs = model(**self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class), training=False) attentions = outputs.encoder_attentions if config.is_encoder_decoder else outputs.attentions self.assertEqual(len(attentions), self.model_tester.num_attention_outputs) # check that output_attentions also work using config del inputs_dict["output_attentions"] config.output_attentions = True model = model_class(config) outputs = model(**self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class), training=False) attentions = outputs.encoder_attentions if config.is_encoder_decoder else outputs.attentions self.assertEqual(len(attentions), self.model_tester.num_attention_outputs) if chunk_length is not None: self.assertListEqual( list(attentions[0].shape[-4:]), [self.model_tester.num_attention_heads, encoder_seq_length, chunk_length, encoder_key_length], ) else: self.assertListEqual( list(attentions[0].shape[-3:]), [self.model_tester.num_attention_heads, encoder_seq_length, encoder_key_length], ) def test_compile_tf_model(self): # We use a simplified version of this test for EfficientFormer because it requires training=False # and Keras refuses to let us force that during functional construction config, _ = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() for model_class in self.all_model_classes: # Prepare our model model = model_class(config) # These are maximally general inputs for the model, with multiple None dimensions # Hopefully this will catch any conditionals that fail for flexible shapes functional_inputs = { key: keras.Input(shape=val.shape[1:], dtype=val.dtype, name=key) for key, val in model.input_signature.items() if key in model.dummy_inputs } outputs_dict = model(functional_inputs) self.assertTrue(outputs_dict is not None) # We will verify our results on an image of cute cats def prepare_img(): image = Image.open("./tests/fixtures/tests_samples/COCO/000000039769.png") return image @require_tf @require_vision class EfficientFormerModelIntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase): @cached_property def default_image_processor(self): return ( EfficientFormerImageProcessor.from_pretrained("snap-research/efficientformer-l1-300") if is_vision_available() else None ) @slow def test_inference_image_classification_head(self): model = TFEfficientFormerForImageClassification.from_pretrained("snap-research/efficientformer-l1-300") image_processor = self.default_image_processor image = prepare_img() inputs = image_processor(images=image, return_tensors="tf") # forward pass outputs = model(**inputs, training=False) # verify the logits expected_shape = tf.TensorShape((1, 1000)) self.assertEqual(outputs.logits.shape, expected_shape) expected_slice = tf.constant([-0.0555, 0.4825, -0.0852]) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(outputs.logits[0, :3], expected_slice, atol=1e-4)) @slow def test_inference_image_classification_head_with_teacher(self): model = TFEfficientFormerForImageClassificationWithTeacher.from_pretrained( "snap-research/efficientformer-l1-300" ) image_processor = self.default_image_processor image = prepare_img() inputs = image_processor(images=image, return_tensors="tf") # forward pass outputs = model(**inputs, training=False) # verify the logits expected_shape = tf.TensorShape((1, 1000)) self.assertEqual(outputs.logits.shape, expected_shape) expected_slice = tf.constant([-0.1312, 0.4353, -1.0499]) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(outputs.logits[0, :3], expected_slice, atol=1e-4))
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/efficientformer/test_modeling_tf_efficientformer.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 7249 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import tempfile import unittest from transformers import FlaubertConfig, is_torch_available from transformers.testing_utils import require_torch, require_torch_accelerator, slow, torch_device from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester from ...test_modeling_common import ModelTesterMixin, ids_tensor, random_attention_mask from ...test_pipeline_mixin import PipelineTesterMixin if is_torch_available(): import torch from transformers import ( FlaubertForMultipleChoice, FlaubertForQuestionAnswering, FlaubertForQuestionAnsweringSimple, FlaubertForSequenceClassification, FlaubertForTokenClassification, FlaubertModel, FlaubertWithLMHeadModel, ) from transformers.models.flaubert.modeling_flaubert import FLAUBERT_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST class FlaubertModelTester(object): def __init__( self, parent, batch_size=13, seq_length=7, is_training=True, use_input_lengths=True, use_token_type_ids=True, use_labels=True, gelu_activation=True, sinusoidal_embeddings=False, causal=False, asm=False, n_langs=2, vocab_size=99, n_special=0, hidden_size=32, num_hidden_layers=2, num_attention_heads=4, hidden_dropout_prob=0.1, attention_probs_dropout_prob=0.1, max_position_embeddings=512, type_vocab_size=12, type_sequence_label_size=2, initializer_range=0.02, num_labels=3, num_choices=4, summary_type="last", use_proj=None, scope=None, ): self.parent = parent self.batch_size = batch_size self.seq_length = seq_length self.is_training = is_training self.use_input_lengths = use_input_lengths self.use_token_type_ids = use_token_type_ids self.use_labels = use_labels self.gelu_activation = gelu_activation self.sinusoidal_embeddings = sinusoidal_embeddings self.causal = causal self.asm = asm self.n_langs = n_langs self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.n_special = n_special self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers self.num_attention_heads = num_attention_heads self.hidden_dropout_prob = hidden_dropout_prob self.attention_probs_dropout_prob = attention_probs_dropout_prob self.max_position_embeddings = max_position_embeddings self.type_vocab_size = type_vocab_size self.type_sequence_label_size = type_sequence_label_size self.initializer_range = initializer_range self.num_labels = num_labels self.num_choices = num_choices self.summary_type = summary_type self.use_proj = use_proj self.scope = scope def prepare_config_and_inputs(self): input_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.vocab_size) input_mask = random_attention_mask([self.batch_size, self.seq_length]) input_lengths = None if self.use_input_lengths: input_lengths = ( ids_tensor([self.batch_size], vocab_size=2) + self.seq_length - 2 ) # small variation of seq_length token_type_ids = None if self.use_token_type_ids: token_type_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.n_langs) sequence_labels = None token_labels = None is_impossible_labels = None if self.use_labels: sequence_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], self.type_sequence_label_size) token_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.num_labels) is_impossible_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], 2).float() choice_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], self.num_choices) config = self.get_config() return ( config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_lengths, sequence_labels, token_labels, is_impossible_labels, choice_labels, input_mask, ) def get_config(self): return FlaubertConfig( vocab_size=self.vocab_size, n_special=self.n_special, emb_dim=self.hidden_size, n_layers=self.num_hidden_layers, n_heads=self.num_attention_heads, dropout=self.hidden_dropout_prob, attention_dropout=self.attention_probs_dropout_prob, gelu_activation=self.gelu_activation, sinusoidal_embeddings=self.sinusoidal_embeddings, asm=self.asm, causal=self.causal, n_langs=self.n_langs, max_position_embeddings=self.max_position_embeddings, initializer_range=self.initializer_range, summary_type=self.summary_type, use_proj=self.use_proj, ) def create_and_check_flaubert_model( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_lengths, sequence_labels, token_labels, is_impossible_labels, choice_labels, input_mask, ): model = FlaubertModel(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(input_ids, lengths=input_lengths, langs=token_type_ids) result = model(input_ids, langs=token_type_ids) result = model(input_ids) self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size)) def create_and_check_flaubert_lm_head( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_lengths, sequence_labels, token_labels, is_impossible_labels, choice_labels, input_mask, ): model = FlaubertWithLMHeadModel(config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, labels=token_labels) self.parent.assertEqual(result.loss.shape, ()) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size)) def create_and_check_flaubert_simple_qa( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_lengths, sequence_labels, token_labels, is_impossible_labels, choice_labels, input_mask, ): model = FlaubertForQuestionAnsweringSimple(config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(input_ids) result = model(input_ids, start_positions=sequence_labels, end_positions=sequence_labels) self.parent.assertEqual(result.start_logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length)) self.parent.assertEqual(result.end_logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length)) def create_and_check_flaubert_qa( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_lengths, sequence_labels, token_labels, is_impossible_labels, choice_labels, input_mask, ): model = FlaubertForQuestionAnswering(config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(input_ids) result_with_labels = model( input_ids, start_positions=sequence_labels, end_positions=sequence_labels, cls_index=sequence_labels, is_impossible=is_impossible_labels, p_mask=input_mask, ) result_with_labels = model( input_ids, start_positions=sequence_labels, end_positions=sequence_labels, cls_index=sequence_labels, is_impossible=is_impossible_labels, ) (total_loss,) = result_with_labels.to_tuple() result_with_labels = model(input_ids, start_positions=sequence_labels, end_positions=sequence_labels) (total_loss,) = result_with_labels.to_tuple() self.parent.assertEqual(result_with_labels.loss.shape, ()) self.parent.assertEqual(result.start_top_log_probs.shape, (self.batch_size, model.config.start_n_top)) self.parent.assertEqual(result.start_top_index.shape, (self.batch_size, model.config.start_n_top)) self.parent.assertEqual( result.end_top_log_probs.shape, (self.batch_size, model.config.start_n_top * model.config.end_n_top) ) self.parent.assertEqual( result.end_top_index.shape, (self.batch_size, model.config.start_n_top * model.config.end_n_top) ) self.parent.assertEqual(result.cls_logits.shape, (self.batch_size,)) def create_and_check_flaubert_sequence_classif( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_lengths, sequence_labels, token_labels, is_impossible_labels, choice_labels, input_mask, ): model = FlaubertForSequenceClassification(config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(input_ids) result = model(input_ids, labels=sequence_labels) self.parent.assertEqual(result.loss.shape, ()) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.type_sequence_label_size)) def create_and_check_flaubert_token_classif( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_lengths, sequence_labels, token_labels, is_impossible_labels, choice_labels, input_mask, ): config.num_labels = self.num_labels model = FlaubertForTokenClassification(config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, labels=token_labels) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.num_labels)) def create_and_check_flaubert_multiple_choice( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_lengths, sequence_labels, token_labels, is_impossible_labels, choice_labels, input_mask, ): config.num_choices = self.num_choices model = FlaubertForMultipleChoice(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() multiple_choice_inputs_ids = input_ids.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, self.num_choices, -1).contiguous() multiple_choice_token_type_ids = token_type_ids.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, self.num_choices, -1).contiguous() multiple_choice_input_mask = input_mask.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, self.num_choices, -1).contiguous() result = model( multiple_choice_inputs_ids, attention_mask=multiple_choice_input_mask, token_type_ids=multiple_choice_token_type_ids, labels=choice_labels, ) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.num_choices)) def prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common(self): config_and_inputs = self.prepare_config_and_inputs() ( config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_lengths, sequence_labels, token_labels, is_impossible_labels, choice_labels, input_mask, ) = config_and_inputs inputs_dict = { "input_ids": input_ids, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids, "lengths": input_lengths, "attention_mask": input_mask, } return config, inputs_dict @require_torch class FlaubertModelTest(ModelTesterMixin, PipelineTesterMixin, unittest.TestCase): all_model_classes = ( ( FlaubertModel, FlaubertWithLMHeadModel, FlaubertForQuestionAnswering, FlaubertForQuestionAnsweringSimple, FlaubertForSequenceClassification, FlaubertForTokenClassification, FlaubertForMultipleChoice, ) if is_torch_available() else () ) pipeline_model_mapping = ( { "feature-extraction": FlaubertModel, "fill-mask": FlaubertWithLMHeadModel, "question-answering": FlaubertForQuestionAnsweringSimple, "text-classification": FlaubertForSequenceClassification, "token-classification": FlaubertForTokenClassification, "zero-shot": FlaubertForSequenceClassification, } if is_torch_available() else {} ) # TODO: Fix the failed tests def is_pipeline_test_to_skip( self, pipeline_test_casse_name, config_class, model_architecture, tokenizer_name, processor_name ): if ( pipeline_test_casse_name == "QAPipelineTests" and tokenizer_name is not None and not tokenizer_name.endswith("Fast") ): # `QAPipelineTests` fails for a few models when the slower tokenizer are used. # (The slower tokenizers were never used for pipeline tests before the pipeline testing rework) # TODO: check (and possibly fix) the `QAPipelineTests` with slower tokenizer return True return False # Flaubert has 2 QA models -> need to manually set the correct labels for one of them here def _prepare_for_class(self, inputs_dict, model_class, return_labels=False): inputs_dict = super()._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class, return_labels=return_labels) if return_labels: if model_class.__name__ == "FlaubertForQuestionAnswering": inputs_dict["start_positions"] = torch.zeros( self.model_tester.batch_size, dtype=torch.long, device=torch_device ) inputs_dict["end_positions"] = torch.zeros( self.model_tester.batch_size, dtype=torch.long, device=torch_device ) return inputs_dict def setUp(self): self.model_tester = FlaubertModelTester(self) self.config_tester = ConfigTester(self, config_class=FlaubertConfig, emb_dim=37) def test_config(self): self.config_tester.run_common_tests() def test_flaubert_model(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_flaubert_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_flaubert_lm_head(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_flaubert_lm_head(*config_and_inputs) def test_flaubert_simple_qa(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_flaubert_simple_qa(*config_and_inputs) def test_flaubert_qa(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_flaubert_qa(*config_and_inputs) def test_flaubert_sequence_classif(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_flaubert_sequence_classif(*config_and_inputs) def test_flaubert_token_classif(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_flaubert_token_classif(*config_and_inputs) def test_flaubert_multiple_choice(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_flaubert_multiple_choice(*config_and_inputs) @slow def test_model_from_pretrained(self): for model_name in FLAUBERT_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST[:1]: model = FlaubertModel.from_pretrained(model_name) self.assertIsNotNone(model) @slow @require_torch_accelerator def test_torchscript_device_change(self): config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() for model_class in self.all_model_classes: # FlauBertForMultipleChoice behaves incorrectly in JIT environments. if model_class == FlaubertForMultipleChoice: return config.torchscript = True model = model_class(config=config) inputs_dict = self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class) traced_model = torch.jit.trace( model, (inputs_dict["input_ids"].to("cpu"), inputs_dict["attention_mask"].to("cpu")) ) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: torch.jit.save(traced_model, os.path.join(tmp, "traced_model.pt")) loaded = torch.jit.load(os.path.join(tmp, "traced_model.pt"), map_location=torch_device) loaded(inputs_dict["input_ids"].to(torch_device), inputs_dict["attention_mask"].to(torch_device)) @require_torch class FlaubertModelIntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase): @slow def test_inference_no_head_absolute_embedding(self): model = FlaubertModel.from_pretrained("flaubert/flaubert_base_cased") input_ids = torch.tensor([[0, 345, 232, 328, 740, 140, 1695, 69, 6078, 1588, 2]]) with torch.no_grad(): output = model(input_ids)[0] expected_shape = torch.Size((1, 11, 768)) self.assertEqual(output.shape, expected_shape) expected_slice = torch.tensor( [[[-2.6251, -1.4298, -0.0227], [-2.8510, -1.6387, 0.2258], [-2.8114, -1.1832, -0.3066]]] ) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(output[:, :3, :3], expected_slice, atol=1e-4))
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/flaubert/test_modeling_flaubert.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 8596 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2020 HuggingFace Inc. team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import annotations import unittest from transformers import FunnelConfig, is_tf_available from transformers.testing_utils import require_tf from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester from ...test_modeling_tf_common import TFModelTesterMixin, ids_tensor, random_attention_mask from ...test_pipeline_mixin import PipelineTesterMixin if is_tf_available(): import tensorflow as tf from transformers import ( TFFunnelBaseModel, TFFunnelForMaskedLM, TFFunnelForMultipleChoice, TFFunnelForPreTraining, TFFunnelForQuestionAnswering, TFFunnelForSequenceClassification, TFFunnelForTokenClassification, TFFunnelModel, ) class TFFunnelModelTester: """You can also import this e.g, from .test_modeling_funnel import FunnelModelTester""" def __init__( self, parent, batch_size=13, seq_length=7, is_training=True, use_input_mask=True, use_token_type_ids=True, use_labels=True, vocab_size=99, block_sizes=[1, 1, 2], num_decoder_layers=1, d_model=32, n_head=4, d_head=8, d_inner=37, hidden_act="gelu_new", hidden_dropout=0.1, attention_dropout=0.1, activation_dropout=0.0, max_position_embeddings=512, type_vocab_size=3, initializer_std=0.02, # Set to a smaller value, so we can keep the small error threshold (1e-5) in the test num_labels=3, num_choices=4, scope=None, base=False, ): self.parent = parent self.batch_size = batch_size self.seq_length = seq_length self.is_training = is_training self.use_input_mask = use_input_mask self.use_token_type_ids = use_token_type_ids self.use_labels = use_labels self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.block_sizes = block_sizes self.num_decoder_layers = num_decoder_layers self.d_model = d_model self.n_head = n_head self.d_head = d_head self.d_inner = d_inner self.hidden_act = hidden_act self.hidden_dropout = hidden_dropout self.attention_dropout = attention_dropout self.activation_dropout = activation_dropout self.max_position_embeddings = max_position_embeddings self.type_vocab_size = type_vocab_size self.type_sequence_label_size = 2 self.num_labels = num_labels self.num_choices = num_choices self.scope = scope self.initializer_std = initializer_std # Used in the tests to check the size of the first attention layer self.num_attention_heads = n_head # Used in the tests to check the size of the first hidden state self.hidden_size = self.d_model # Used in the tests to check the number of output hidden states/attentions self.num_hidden_layers = sum(self.block_sizes) + (0 if base else self.num_decoder_layers) # FunnelModel adds two hidden layers: input embeddings and the sum of the upsampled encoder hidden state with # the last hidden state of the first block (which is the first hidden state of the decoder). if not base: self.expected_num_hidden_layers = self.num_hidden_layers + 2 def prepare_config_and_inputs(self): input_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.vocab_size) input_mask = None if self.use_input_mask: input_mask = random_attention_mask([self.batch_size, self.seq_length]) token_type_ids = None if self.use_token_type_ids: token_type_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.type_vocab_size) sequence_labels = None token_labels = None choice_labels = None if self.use_labels: sequence_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], self.type_sequence_label_size) token_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.num_labels) choice_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], self.num_choices) config = FunnelConfig( vocab_size=self.vocab_size, block_sizes=self.block_sizes, num_decoder_layers=self.num_decoder_layers, d_model=self.d_model, n_head=self.n_head, d_head=self.d_head, d_inner=self.d_inner, hidden_act=self.hidden_act, hidden_dropout=self.hidden_dropout, attention_dropout=self.attention_dropout, activation_dropout=self.activation_dropout, max_position_embeddings=self.max_position_embeddings, type_vocab_size=self.type_vocab_size, initializer_std=self.initializer_std, ) return ( config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ) def create_and_check_model( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ): model = TFFunnelModel(config=config) inputs = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids} result = model(inputs) inputs = [input_ids, input_mask] result = model(inputs) result = model(input_ids) self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.d_model)) config.truncate_seq = False model = TFFunnelModel(config=config) result = model(input_ids) self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.d_model)) config.separate_cls = False model = TFFunnelModel(config=config) result = model(input_ids) self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.d_model)) def create_and_check_base_model( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ): model = TFFunnelBaseModel(config=config) inputs = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids} result = model(inputs) inputs = [input_ids, input_mask] result = model(inputs) result = model(input_ids) self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape, (self.batch_size, 2, self.d_model)) config.truncate_seq = False model = TFFunnelBaseModel(config=config) result = model(input_ids) self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape, (self.batch_size, 3, self.d_model)) config.separate_cls = False model = TFFunnelBaseModel(config=config) result = model(input_ids) self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape, (self.batch_size, 2, self.d_model)) def create_and_check_for_pretraining( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ): model = TFFunnelForPreTraining(config=config) inputs = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids} result = model(inputs) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length)) def create_and_check_for_masked_lm( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ): model = TFFunnelForMaskedLM(config=config) inputs = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids} result = model(inputs) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size)) def create_and_check_for_sequence_classification( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ): config.num_labels = self.num_labels model = TFFunnelForSequenceClassification(config=config) inputs = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids} result = model(inputs) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.num_labels)) def create_and_check_for_multiple_choice( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ): config.num_choices = self.num_choices model = TFFunnelForMultipleChoice(config=config) multiple_choice_inputs_ids = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(input_ids, 1), (1, self.num_choices, 1)) multiple_choice_input_mask = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(input_mask, 1), (1, self.num_choices, 1)) multiple_choice_token_type_ids = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(token_type_ids, 1), (1, self.num_choices, 1)) inputs = { "input_ids": multiple_choice_inputs_ids, "attention_mask": multiple_choice_input_mask, "token_type_ids": multiple_choice_token_type_ids, } result = model(inputs) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.num_choices)) def create_and_check_for_token_classification( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ): config.num_labels = self.num_labels model = TFFunnelForTokenClassification(config=config) inputs = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids} result = model(inputs) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.num_labels)) def create_and_check_for_question_answering( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ): model = TFFunnelForQuestionAnswering(config=config) inputs = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids} result = model(inputs) self.parent.assertEqual(result.start_logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length)) self.parent.assertEqual(result.end_logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length)) def prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common(self): config_and_inputs = self.prepare_config_and_inputs() ( config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ) = config_and_inputs inputs_dict = {"input_ids": input_ids, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask} return config, inputs_dict @require_tf class TFFunnelModelTest(TFModelTesterMixin, PipelineTesterMixin, unittest.TestCase): all_model_classes = ( ( TFFunnelModel, TFFunnelForMaskedLM, TFFunnelForPreTraining, TFFunnelForQuestionAnswering, TFFunnelForTokenClassification, ) if is_tf_available() else () ) pipeline_model_mapping = ( { "feature-extraction": (TFFunnelBaseModel, TFFunnelModel), "fill-mask": TFFunnelForMaskedLM, "question-answering": TFFunnelForQuestionAnswering, "text-classification": TFFunnelForSequenceClassification, "token-classification": TFFunnelForTokenClassification, "zero-shot": TFFunnelForSequenceClassification, } if is_tf_available() else {} ) test_head_masking = False test_onnx = False def setUp(self): self.model_tester = TFFunnelModelTester(self) self.config_tester = ConfigTester(self, config_class=FunnelConfig) def test_config(self): self.config_tester.run_common_tests() def test_model(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_pretraining(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_pretraining(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_masked_lm(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_masked_lm(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_token_classification(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_token_classification(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_question_answering(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_question_answering(*config_and_inputs) @require_tf class TFFunnelBaseModelTest(TFModelTesterMixin, unittest.TestCase): all_model_classes = ( (TFFunnelBaseModel, TFFunnelForMultipleChoice, TFFunnelForSequenceClassification) if is_tf_available() else () ) test_head_masking = False test_onnx = False def setUp(self): self.model_tester = TFFunnelModelTester(self, base=True) self.config_tester = ConfigTester(self, config_class=FunnelConfig) def test_config(self): self.config_tester.run_common_tests() def test_base_model(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_base_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_sequence_classification(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_sequence_classification(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_multiple_choice(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_multiple_choice(*config_and_inputs)
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/funnel/test_modeling_tf_funnel.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 6844 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import os import unittest from transformers import AutoTokenizer, GPT2Tokenizer, GPT2TokenizerFast from transformers.models.gpt2.tokenization_gpt2 import VOCAB_FILES_NAMES from transformers.testing_utils import require_jinja, require_tokenizers from ...test_tokenization_common import TokenizerTesterMixin @require_tokenizers class GPT2TokenizationTest(TokenizerTesterMixin, unittest.TestCase): tokenizer_class = GPT2Tokenizer rust_tokenizer_class = GPT2TokenizerFast test_rust_tokenizer = True from_pretrained_kwargs = {"add_prefix_space": True} test_seq2seq = False def setUp(self): super().setUp() # Adapted from Sennrich et al. 2015 and https://github.com/rsennrich/subword-nmt vocab = [ "l", "o", "w", "e", "r", "s", "t", "i", "d", "n", "\u0120", "\u0120l", "\u0120n", "\u0120lo", "\u0120low", "er", "\u0120lowest", "\u0120newer", "\u0120wider", "<unk>", "<|endoftext|>", ] vocab_tokens = dict(zip(vocab, range(len(vocab)))) merges = ["#version: 0.2", "\u0120 l", "\u0120l o", "\u0120lo w", "e r", ""] self.special_tokens_map = {"unk_token": "<unk>"} self.vocab_file = os.path.join(self.tmpdirname, VOCAB_FILES_NAMES["vocab_file"]) self.merges_file = os.path.join(self.tmpdirname, VOCAB_FILES_NAMES["merges_file"]) with open(self.vocab_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fp: fp.write(json.dumps(vocab_tokens) + "\n") with open(self.merges_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fp: fp.write("\n".join(merges)) def get_tokenizer(self, **kwargs): kwargs.update(self.special_tokens_map) return GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained(self.tmpdirname, **kwargs) def get_rust_tokenizer(self, **kwargs): kwargs.update(self.special_tokens_map) return GPT2TokenizerFast.from_pretrained(self.tmpdirname, **kwargs) def get_input_output_texts(self, tokenizer): input_text = "lower newer" output_text = "lower newer" return input_text, output_text def test_full_tokenizer(self): tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer(self.vocab_file, self.merges_file, **self.special_tokens_map) text = "lower newer" bpe_tokens = ["\u0120low", "er", "\u0120", "n", "e", "w", "er"] tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text, add_prefix_space=True) self.assertListEqual(tokens, bpe_tokens) input_tokens = tokens + [tokenizer.unk_token] input_bpe_tokens = [14, 15, 10, 9, 3, 2, 15, 19] self.assertListEqual(tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(input_tokens), input_bpe_tokens) def test_rust_and_python_full_tokenizers(self): if not self.test_rust_tokenizer: return tokenizer = self.get_tokenizer() rust_tokenizer = self.get_rust_tokenizer(add_prefix_space=True) sequence = "lower newer" # Testing tokenization tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(sequence, add_prefix_space=True) rust_tokens = rust_tokenizer.tokenize(sequence) self.assertListEqual(tokens, rust_tokens) # Testing conversion to ids without special tokens ids = tokenizer.encode(sequence, add_special_tokens=False, add_prefix_space=True) rust_ids = rust_tokenizer.encode(sequence, add_special_tokens=False) self.assertListEqual(ids, rust_ids) # Testing conversion to ids with special tokens rust_tokenizer = self.get_rust_tokenizer(add_prefix_space=True) ids = tokenizer.encode(sequence, add_prefix_space=True) rust_ids = rust_tokenizer.encode(sequence) self.assertListEqual(ids, rust_ids) # Testing the unknown token input_tokens = tokens + [rust_tokenizer.unk_token] input_bpe_tokens = [14, 15, 10, 9, 3, 2, 15, 19] self.assertListEqual(rust_tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(input_tokens), input_bpe_tokens) def test_pretokenized_inputs(self, *args, **kwargs): # It's very difficult to mix/test pretokenization with byte-level # And get both GPT2 and Roberta to work at the same time (mostly an issue of adding a space before the string) pass def test_padding(self, max_length=15): for tokenizer, pretrained_name, kwargs in self.tokenizers_list: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__} ({pretrained_name})"): tokenizer_r = self.rust_tokenizer_class.from_pretrained(pretrained_name, **kwargs) # Simple input s = "This is a simple input" s2 = ["This is a simple input 1", "This is a simple input 2"] p = ("This is a simple input", "This is a pair") p2 = [ ("This is a simple input 1", "This is a simple input 2"), ("This is a simple pair 1", "This is a simple pair 2"), ] # Simple input tests self.assertRaises(ValueError, tokenizer_r.encode, s, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length") # Simple input self.assertRaises(ValueError, tokenizer_r.encode_plus, s, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length") # Simple input self.assertRaises( ValueError, tokenizer_r.batch_encode_plus, s2, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length", ) # Pair input self.assertRaises(ValueError, tokenizer_r.encode, p, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length") # Pair input self.assertRaises(ValueError, tokenizer_r.encode_plus, p, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length") # Pair input self.assertRaises( ValueError, tokenizer_r.batch_encode_plus, p2, max_length=max_length, padding="max_length", ) def test_padding_if_pad_token_set_slow(self): tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained(self.tmpdirname, pad_token="<pad>") # Simple input s = "This is a simple input" s2 = ["This is a simple input looooooooong", "This is a simple input"] p = ("This is a simple input", "This is a pair") p2 = [ ("This is a simple input loooooong", "This is a simple input"), ("This is a simple pair loooooong", "This is a simple pair"), ] pad_token_id = tokenizer.pad_token_id out_s = tokenizer(s, padding="max_length", max_length=30, return_tensors="np") out_s2 = tokenizer(s2, padding=True, truncate=True, return_tensors="np") out_p = tokenizer(*p, padding="max_length", max_length=60, return_tensors="np") out_p2 = tokenizer(p2, padding=True, truncate=True, return_tensors="np") # s # test single string max_length padding self.assertEqual(out_s["input_ids"].shape[-1], 30) self.assertTrue(pad_token_id in out_s["input_ids"]) self.assertTrue(0 in out_s["attention_mask"]) # s2 # test automatic padding self.assertEqual(out_s2["input_ids"].shape[-1], 33) # long slice doesn't have padding self.assertFalse(pad_token_id in out_s2["input_ids"][0]) self.assertFalse(0 in out_s2["attention_mask"][0]) # short slice does have padding self.assertTrue(pad_token_id in out_s2["input_ids"][1]) self.assertTrue(0 in out_s2["attention_mask"][1]) # p # test single pair max_length padding self.assertEqual(out_p["input_ids"].shape[-1], 60) self.assertTrue(pad_token_id in out_p["input_ids"]) self.assertTrue(0 in out_p["attention_mask"]) # p2 # test automatic padding pair self.assertEqual(out_p2["input_ids"].shape[-1], 52) # long slice pair doesn't have padding self.assertFalse(pad_token_id in out_p2["input_ids"][0]) self.assertFalse(0 in out_p2["attention_mask"][0]) # short slice pair does have padding self.assertTrue(pad_token_id in out_p2["input_ids"][1]) self.assertTrue(0 in out_p2["attention_mask"][1]) def test_add_bos_token_slow(self): bos_token = "$$$" tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained(self.tmpdirname, bos_token=bos_token, add_bos_token=True) s = "This is a simple input" s2 = ["This is a simple input 1", "This is a simple input 2"] bos_token_id = tokenizer.bos_token_id out_s = tokenizer(s) out_s2 = tokenizer(s2) self.assertEqual(out_s.input_ids[0], bos_token_id) self.assertTrue(all(o[0] == bos_token_id for o in out_s2.input_ids)) decode_s = tokenizer.decode(out_s.input_ids) decode_s2 = tokenizer.batch_decode(out_s2.input_ids) self.assertTrue(decode_s.startswith(bos_token)) self.assertTrue(all(d.startswith(bos_token) for d in decode_s2)) # tokenizer has no padding token def test_padding_different_model_input_name(self): pass def test_special_tokens_mask_input_pairs_and_bos_token(self): # TODO: change to self.get_tokenizers() when the fast version is implemented tokenizers = [self.get_tokenizer(do_lower_case=False, add_bos_token=True)] for tokenizer in tokenizers: with self.subTest(f"{tokenizer.__class__.__name__}"): sequence_0 = "Encode this." sequence_1 = "This one too please." encoded_sequence = tokenizer.encode(sequence_0, add_special_tokens=False) encoded_sequence += tokenizer.encode(sequence_1, add_special_tokens=False) encoded_sequence_dict = tokenizer.encode_plus( sequence_0, sequence_1, add_special_tokens=True, return_special_tokens_mask=True, ) encoded_sequence_w_special = encoded_sequence_dict["input_ids"] special_tokens_mask = encoded_sequence_dict["special_tokens_mask"] self.assertEqual(len(special_tokens_mask), len(encoded_sequence_w_special)) filtered_sequence = [ (x if not special_tokens_mask[i] else None) for i, x in enumerate(encoded_sequence_w_special) ] filtered_sequence = [x for x in filtered_sequence if x is not None] self.assertEqual(encoded_sequence, filtered_sequence) @require_jinja def test_tokenization_for_chat(self): tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained(self.tmpdirname) test_chats = [ [{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful chatbot."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Hello!"}], [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful chatbot."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Hello!"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "Nice to meet you."}, ], [{"role": "assistant", "content": "Nice to meet you."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Hello!"}], ] tokenized_chats = [tokenizer.apply_chat_template(test_chat) for test_chat in test_chats] # fmt: off expected_tokens = [[20, 1, 20, 10, 20, 4, 3, 10, 20, 10, 20, 3, 0, 20, 20, 20, 0, 10, 20, 20, 20, 6, 20, 1, 6, 20, 20, 20, 3, 0, 0, 1, 20, 20], [20, 1, 20, 10, 20, 4, 3, 10, 20, 10, 20, 3, 0, 20, 20, 20, 0, 10, 20, 20, 20, 6, 20, 1, 6, 20, 20, 20, 3, 0, 0, 1, 20, 20, 20, 7, 20, 3, 10, 6, 1, 10, 20, 3, 3, 6, 10, 20, 1, 20, 20, 20], [20, 7, 20, 3, 10, 6, 1, 10, 20, 3, 3, 6, 10, 20, 1, 20, 20, 20, 20, 3, 0, 0, 1, 20, 20]] # fmt: on for tokenized_chat, expected_tokens in zip(tokenized_chats, expected_tokens): self.assertListEqual(tokenized_chat, expected_tokens) @require_tokenizers class OPTTokenizationTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_serialize_deserialize_fast_opt(self): # More context: # https://huggingface.co/wjmcat/opt-350m-paddle/discussions/1 # https://huggingface.slack.com/archives/C01N44FJDHT/p1653511495183519 # https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/pull/17088#discussion_r871246439 tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/opt-350m", from_slow=True) text = "A photo of a cat" tokens_ids = tokenizer.encode( text, ) self.assertEqual(tokens_ids, [2, 250, 1345, 9, 10, 4758]) tokenizer.save_pretrained("test_opt") tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("./test_opt") tokens_ids = tokenizer.encode( text, ) self.assertEqual(tokens_ids, [2, 250, 1345, 9, 10, 4758]) def test_fast_slow_equivalence(self): tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/opt-350m", use_slow=True) text = "A photo of a cat" tokens_ids = tokenizer.encode( text, ) # Same as above self.assertEqual(tokens_ids, [2, 250, 1345, 9, 10, 4758]) @unittest.skip("This test is failing because of a bug in the fast tokenizer") def test_users_can_modify_bos(self): tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/opt-350m", from_slow=True) tokenizer.bos_token = "bos" tokenizer.bos_token_id = tokenizer.get_vocab()["bos"] text = "A photo of a cat" tokens_ids = tokenizer.encode( text, ) # We changed the bos token self.assertEqual(tokens_ids, [31957, 250, 1345, 9, 10, 4758]) tokenizer.save_pretrained("./tok") tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("./tok") self.assertTrue(tokenizer.is_fast) tokens_ids = tokenizer.encode( text, ) self.assertEqual(tokens_ids, [31957, 250, 1345, 9, 10, 4758])
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/gpt2/test_tokenization_gpt2.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 6958 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2021 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import datetime import unittest from transformers import GPTJConfig, is_torch_available from transformers.testing_utils import require_torch, slow, tooslow, torch_device from ...generation.test_utils import GenerationTesterMixin from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester from ...test_modeling_common import ModelTesterMixin, floats_tensor, ids_tensor, random_attention_mask from ...test_pipeline_mixin import PipelineTesterMixin if is_torch_available(): import torch from transformers import ( GPTJ_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST, AutoTokenizer, GPTJForCausalLM, GPTJForQuestionAnswering, GPTJForSequenceClassification, GPTJModel, ) from transformers.pytorch_utils import is_torch_greater_or_equal_than_1_12 else: is_torch_greater_or_equal_than_1_12 = False class GPTJModelTester: def __init__( self, parent, batch_size=14, seq_length=7, is_training=True, use_token_type_ids=True, use_input_mask=True, use_labels=True, use_mc_token_ids=True, vocab_size=99, hidden_size=32, rotary_dim=4, num_hidden_layers=2, num_attention_heads=4, intermediate_size=37, hidden_act="gelu", hidden_dropout_prob=0.0, attention_probs_dropout_prob=0.0, max_position_embeddings=512, type_vocab_size=16, type_sequence_label_size=2, initializer_range=0.02, num_labels=3, num_choices=4, ): self.parent = parent self.batch_size = batch_size self.seq_length = seq_length self.is_training = is_training self.use_token_type_ids = use_token_type_ids self.use_input_mask = use_input_mask self.use_labels = use_labels self.use_mc_token_ids = use_mc_token_ids self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.rotary_dim = rotary_dim self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers self.num_attention_heads = num_attention_heads self.intermediate_size = intermediate_size self.hidden_act = hidden_act self.hidden_dropout_prob = hidden_dropout_prob self.attention_probs_dropout_prob = attention_probs_dropout_prob self.max_position_embeddings = max_position_embeddings self.type_vocab_size = type_vocab_size self.type_sequence_label_size = type_sequence_label_size self.initializer_range = initializer_range self.num_labels = num_labels self.num_choices = num_choices self.scope = None self.bos_token_id = vocab_size - 1 self.eos_token_id = vocab_size - 1 self.pad_token_id = vocab_size - 1 def get_large_model_config(self): return GPTJConfig.from_pretrained("EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B") def prepare_config_and_inputs(self): input_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.vocab_size) input_mask = None if self.use_input_mask: input_mask = random_attention_mask([self.batch_size, self.seq_length]) token_type_ids = None if self.use_token_type_ids: token_type_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.type_vocab_size) mc_token_ids = None if self.use_mc_token_ids: mc_token_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.num_choices], self.seq_length) sequence_labels = None token_labels = None choice_labels = None if self.use_labels: sequence_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], self.type_sequence_label_size) token_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.num_labels) choice_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], self.num_choices) config = self.get_config() head_mask = ids_tensor([self.num_hidden_layers, self.num_attention_heads], 2) return ( config, input_ids, input_mask, head_mask, token_type_ids, mc_token_ids, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ) def get_config(self): return GPTJConfig( vocab_size=self.vocab_size, n_embd=self.hidden_size, n_layer=self.num_hidden_layers, n_head=self.num_attention_heads, intermediate_size=self.intermediate_size, hidden_act=self.hidden_act, hidden_dropout_prob=self.hidden_dropout_prob, attention_probs_dropout_prob=self.attention_probs_dropout_prob, n_positions=self.max_position_embeddings, type_vocab_size=self.type_vocab_size, initializer_range=self.initializer_range, use_cache=True, bos_token_id=self.bos_token_id, eos_token_id=self.eos_token_id, pad_token_id=self.pad_token_id, rotary_dim=self.rotary_dim, ) def get_pipeline_config(self): config = self.get_config() config.vocab_size = 300 return config def prepare_config_and_inputs_for_decoder(self): ( config, input_ids, input_mask, head_mask, token_type_ids, mc_token_ids, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ) = self.prepare_config_and_inputs() encoder_hidden_states = floats_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size]) encoder_attention_mask = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], vocab_size=2) return ( config, input_ids, input_mask, head_mask, token_type_ids, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask, ) def create_and_check_gptj_model(self, config, input_ids, input_mask, head_mask, token_type_ids, *args): model = GPTJModel(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, head_mask=head_mask) result = model(input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids) result = model(input_ids) self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size)) self.parent.assertEqual(len(result.past_key_values), config.n_layer) def create_and_check_gptj_model_past(self, config, input_ids, input_mask, head_mask, token_type_ids, *args): model = GPTJModel(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() # first forward pass outputs = model(input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, use_cache=True) outputs_use_cache_conf = model(input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids) outputs_no_past = model(input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, use_cache=False) self.parent.assertTrue(len(outputs) == len(outputs_use_cache_conf)) self.parent.assertTrue(len(outputs) == len(outputs_no_past) + 1) output, past = outputs.to_tuple() # create hypothetical next token and extent to next_input_ids next_tokens = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 1), config.vocab_size) next_token_types = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, 1], self.type_vocab_size) # append to next input_ids and token_type_ids next_input_ids = torch.cat([input_ids, next_tokens], dim=-1) next_token_type_ids = torch.cat([token_type_ids, next_token_types], dim=-1) output_from_no_past = model(next_input_ids, token_type_ids=next_token_type_ids)["last_hidden_state"] output_from_past = model(next_tokens, token_type_ids=next_token_types, past_key_values=past)[ "last_hidden_state" ] # select random slice random_slice_idx = ids_tensor((1,), output_from_past.shape[-1]).item() output_from_no_past_slice = output_from_no_past[:, -1, random_slice_idx].detach() output_from_past_slice = output_from_past[:, 0, random_slice_idx].detach() # test that outputs are equal for slice self.parent.assertTrue(torch.allclose(output_from_past_slice, output_from_no_past_slice, atol=1e-3)) def create_and_check_gptj_model_attention_mask_past( self, config, input_ids, input_mask, head_mask, token_type_ids, *args ): model = GPTJModel(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() # create attention mask attn_mask = torch.ones(input_ids.shape, dtype=torch.long, device=torch_device) half_seq_length = self.seq_length // 2 attn_mask[:, half_seq_length:] = 0 # first forward pass output, past = model(input_ids, attention_mask=attn_mask).to_tuple() # create hypothetical next token and extent to next_input_ids next_tokens = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 1), config.vocab_size) # change a random masked slice from input_ids random_seq_idx_to_change = ids_tensor((1,), half_seq_length).item() + 1 random_other_next_tokens = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 1), config.vocab_size).squeeze(-1) input_ids[:, -random_seq_idx_to_change] = random_other_next_tokens # append to next input_ids and attn_mask next_input_ids = torch.cat([input_ids, next_tokens], dim=-1) attn_mask = torch.cat( [attn_mask, torch.ones((attn_mask.shape[0], 1), dtype=torch.long, device=torch_device)], dim=1, ) # get two different outputs output_from_no_past = model(next_input_ids, attention_mask=attn_mask)["last_hidden_state"] output_from_past = model(next_tokens, past_key_values=past, attention_mask=attn_mask)["last_hidden_state"] # select random slice random_slice_idx = ids_tensor((1,), output_from_past.shape[-1]).item() output_from_no_past_slice = output_from_no_past[:, -1, random_slice_idx].detach() output_from_past_slice = output_from_past[:, 0, random_slice_idx].detach() # test that outputs are equal for slice self.parent.assertTrue(torch.allclose(output_from_past_slice, output_from_no_past_slice, atol=1e-3)) def create_and_check_gptj_model_past_large_inputs( self, config, input_ids, input_mask, head_mask, token_type_ids, *args ): model = GPTJModel(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() # first forward pass outputs = model(input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, use_cache=True) output, past = outputs.to_tuple() # create hypothetical next token and extent to next_input_ids next_tokens = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 3), config.vocab_size) next_token_types = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, 3], self.type_vocab_size) next_mask = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 3), vocab_size=2) # append to next input_ids and token_type_ids next_input_ids = torch.cat([input_ids, next_tokens], dim=-1) next_token_type_ids = torch.cat([token_type_ids, next_token_types], dim=-1) next_attention_mask = torch.cat([input_mask, next_mask], dim=-1) output_from_no_past = model( next_input_ids, token_type_ids=next_token_type_ids, attention_mask=next_attention_mask )["last_hidden_state"] output_from_past = model( next_tokens, token_type_ids=next_token_types, attention_mask=next_attention_mask, past_key_values=past )["last_hidden_state"] self.parent.assertTrue(output_from_past.shape[1] == next_tokens.shape[1]) # select random slice random_slice_idx = ids_tensor((1,), output_from_past.shape[-1]).item() output_from_no_past_slice = output_from_no_past[:, -3:, random_slice_idx].detach() output_from_past_slice = output_from_past[:, :, random_slice_idx].detach() # test that outputs are equal for slice self.parent.assertTrue(torch.allclose(output_from_past_slice, output_from_no_past_slice, atol=1e-3)) def create_and_check_lm_head_model(self, config, input_ids, input_mask, head_mask, token_type_ids, *args): model = GPTJForCausalLM(config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, labels=input_ids) self.parent.assertEqual(result.loss.shape, ()) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size)) def create_and_check_forward_and_backwards( self, config, input_ids, input_mask, head_mask, token_type_ids, *args, gradient_checkpointing=False ): model = GPTJForCausalLM(config) if gradient_checkpointing: model.gradient_checkpointing_enable() model.to(torch_device) result = model(input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, labels=input_ids) self.parent.assertEqual(result.loss.shape, ()) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size)) result.loss.backward() def prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common(self): config_and_inputs = self.prepare_config_and_inputs() ( config, input_ids, input_mask, head_mask, token_type_ids, mc_token_ids, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ) = config_and_inputs inputs_dict = {"input_ids": input_ids, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids, "head_mask": head_mask} return config, inputs_dict @require_torch class GPTJModelTest(ModelTesterMixin, GenerationTesterMixin, PipelineTesterMixin, unittest.TestCase): all_model_classes = ( (GPTJModel, GPTJForCausalLM, GPTJForSequenceClassification, GPTJForQuestionAnswering) if is_torch_available() else () ) all_generative_model_classes = (GPTJForCausalLM,) if is_torch_available() else () pipeline_model_mapping = ( { "feature-extraction": GPTJModel, "question-answering": GPTJForQuestionAnswering, "text-classification": GPTJForSequenceClassification, "text-generation": GPTJForCausalLM, "zero-shot": GPTJForSequenceClassification, } if is_torch_available() else {} ) fx_compatible = True test_pruning = False test_missing_keys = False test_model_parallel = False test_head_masking = False @unittest.skipIf( not is_torch_greater_or_equal_than_1_12, reason="PR #22069 made changes that require torch v1.12+." ) def test_torch_fx(self): super().test_torch_fx() @unittest.skipIf( not is_torch_greater_or_equal_than_1_12, reason="PR #22069 made changes that require torch v1.12+." ) def test_torch_fx_output_loss(self): super().test_torch_fx_output_loss() # TODO: Fix the failed tests def is_pipeline_test_to_skip( self, pipeline_test_casse_name, config_class, model_architecture, tokenizer_name, processor_name ): if ( pipeline_test_casse_name == "QAPipelineTests" and tokenizer_name is not None and not tokenizer_name.endswith("Fast") ): # `QAPipelineTests` fails for a few models when the slower tokenizer are used. # (The slower tokenizers were never used for pipeline tests before the pipeline testing rework) # TODO: check (and possibly fix) the `QAPipelineTests` with slower tokenizer return True return False # special case for DoubleHeads model def _prepare_for_class(self, inputs_dict, model_class, return_labels=False): inputs_dict = super()._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class, return_labels=return_labels) return inputs_dict def setUp(self): self.model_tester = GPTJModelTester(self) self.config_tester = ConfigTester(self, config_class=GPTJConfig, n_embd=37) def test_config(self): self.config_tester.run_common_tests() def test_gptj_model(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_gptj_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_gptj_model_past(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_gptj_model_past(*config_and_inputs) def test_gptj_model_att_mask_past(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_gptj_model_attention_mask_past(*config_and_inputs) def test_gptj_model_past_large_inputs(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_gptj_model_past_large_inputs(*config_and_inputs) def test_gptj_lm_head_model(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_lm_head_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_gptj_gradient_checkpointing(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_forward_and_backwards(*config_and_inputs, gradient_checkpointing=True) @tooslow def test_batch_generation(self): # Marked as @tooslow due to GPU OOM model = GPTJForCausalLM.from_pretrained("EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B", revision="float16", torch_dtype=torch.float16) model.to(torch_device) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B", revision="float16") tokenizer.padding_side = "left" # Define PAD Token = EOS Token = 50256 tokenizer.pad_token = tokenizer.eos_token model.config.pad_token_id = model.config.eos_token_id # use different length sentences to test batching sentences = [ "Hello, my dog is a little", "Today, I", ] inputs = tokenizer(sentences, return_tensors="pt", padding=True) input_ids = inputs["input_ids"].to(torch_device) token_type_ids = torch.cat( [ input_ids.new_full((input_ids.shape[0], input_ids.shape[1] - 1), 0), input_ids.new_full((input_ids.shape[0], 1), 500), ], dim=-1, ) outputs = model.generate( input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=inputs["attention_mask"].to(torch_device), ) outputs_tt = model.generate( input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=inputs["attention_mask"].to(torch_device), token_type_ids=token_type_ids, ) inputs_non_padded = tokenizer(sentences[0], return_tensors="pt").input_ids.to(torch_device) output_non_padded = model.generate(input_ids=inputs_non_padded) num_paddings = inputs_non_padded.shape[-1] - inputs["attention_mask"][-1].long().sum().cpu().item() inputs_padded = tokenizer(sentences[1], return_tensors="pt").input_ids.to(torch_device) output_padded = model.generate(input_ids=inputs_padded, max_length=model.config.max_length - num_paddings) batch_out_sentence = tokenizer.batch_decode(outputs, skip_special_tokens=True) batch_out_sentence_tt = tokenizer.batch_decode(outputs_tt, skip_special_tokens=True) non_padded_sentence = tokenizer.decode(output_non_padded[0], skip_special_tokens=True) padded_sentence = tokenizer.decode(output_padded[0], skip_special_tokens=True) expected_output_sentence = [ "Hello, my dog is a little over a year old and has been diagnosed with a heart murmur", "Today, I’m going to talk about the most important thing in the", ] self.assertListEqual(expected_output_sentence, batch_out_sentence) self.assertTrue(batch_out_sentence_tt != batch_out_sentence) # token_type_ids should change output self.assertListEqual(expected_output_sentence, [non_padded_sentence, padded_sentence]) @slow def test_model_from_pretrained(self): for model_name in GPTJ_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST[:1]: model = GPTJModel.from_pretrained(model_name, revision="float16", torch_dtype=torch.float16) self.assertIsNotNone(model) @require_torch class GPTJModelLanguageGenerationTest(unittest.TestCase): @tooslow def test_lm_generate_gptj(self): # Marked as @tooslow due to GPU OOM for checkpointing in [True, False]: model = GPTJForCausalLM.from_pretrained( "EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B", revision="float16", torch_dtype=torch.float16 ) if checkpointing: model.gradient_checkpointing_enable() else: model.gradient_checkpointing_disable() model.to(torch_device) input_ids = torch.tensor([[464, 3290]], dtype=torch.long, device=torch_device) # The dog # The dog is a man's best friend. It is a loyal companion, and it is a friend expected_output_ids = [464, 3290, 318, 257, 582, 338, 1266, 1545, 13, 632, 318, 257, 9112, 15185, 11, 290, 340, 318, 257, 1545] # fmt: skip output_ids = model.generate(input_ids, do_sample=False) self.assertListEqual(output_ids[0].tolist(), expected_output_ids) @tooslow def test_gptj_sample(self): # Marked as @tooslow due to GPU OOM (issue #13676) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B", revision="float16") model = GPTJForCausalLM.from_pretrained("EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B", revision="float16", torch_dtype=torch.float16) model.to(torch_device) torch.manual_seed(0) tokenized = tokenizer("Today is a nice day and", return_tensors="pt", return_token_type_ids=True) input_ids = tokenized.input_ids.to(torch_device) output_ids = model.generate(input_ids, do_sample=True) output_str = tokenizer.decode(output_ids[0], skip_special_tokens=True) token_type_ids = tokenized.token_type_ids.to(torch_device) output_seq = model.generate(input_ids=input_ids, do_sample=True, num_return_sequences=5) output_seq_tt = model.generate( input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, do_sample=True, num_return_sequences=5 ) output_seq_strs = tokenizer.batch_decode(output_seq, skip_special_tokens=True) output_seq_tt_strs = tokenizer.batch_decode(output_seq_tt, skip_special_tokens=True) if torch_device != "cpu": # currently this expect value is only for `cuda` EXPECTED_OUTPUT_STR = ( "Today is a nice day and I've already been enjoying it. I walked to work with my wife" ) else: EXPECTED_OUTPUT_STR = "Today is a nice day and one of those days that feels a bit more alive. I am ready" self.assertEqual(output_str, EXPECTED_OUTPUT_STR) self.assertTrue( all(output_seq_strs[idx] != output_seq_tt_strs[idx] for idx in range(len(output_seq_tt_strs))) ) # token_type_ids should change output @slow def test_gptj_sample_max_time(self): tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("anton-l/gpt-j-tiny-random") model = GPTJForCausalLM.from_pretrained("anton-l/gpt-j-tiny-random") model.to(torch_device) torch.manual_seed(0) tokenized = tokenizer("Today is a nice day and", return_tensors="pt", return_token_type_ids=True) input_ids = tokenized.input_ids.to(torch_device) MAX_TIME = 0.5 start = datetime.datetime.now() model.generate(input_ids, do_sample=True, max_time=MAX_TIME, max_length=256) duration = datetime.datetime.now() - start self.assertGreater(duration, datetime.timedelta(seconds=MAX_TIME)) self.assertLess(duration, datetime.timedelta(seconds=1.5 * MAX_TIME)) start = datetime.datetime.now() model.generate(input_ids, do_sample=False, max_time=MAX_TIME, max_length=256) duration = datetime.datetime.now() - start self.assertGreater(duration, datetime.timedelta(seconds=MAX_TIME)) self.assertLess(duration, datetime.timedelta(seconds=1.5 * MAX_TIME)) start = datetime.datetime.now() model.generate(input_ids, do_sample=False, num_beams=2, max_time=MAX_TIME, max_length=256) duration = datetime.datetime.now() - start self.assertGreater(duration, datetime.timedelta(seconds=MAX_TIME)) self.assertLess(duration, datetime.timedelta(seconds=1.5 * MAX_TIME)) start = datetime.datetime.now() model.generate(input_ids, do_sample=True, num_beams=2, max_time=MAX_TIME, max_length=256) duration = datetime.datetime.now() - start self.assertGreater(duration, datetime.timedelta(seconds=MAX_TIME)) self.assertLess(duration, datetime.timedelta(seconds=1.5 * MAX_TIME)) start = datetime.datetime.now() model.generate(input_ids, do_sample=False, max_time=None, max_length=256) duration = datetime.datetime.now() - start self.assertGreater(duration, datetime.timedelta(seconds=1.5 * MAX_TIME)) @tooslow def test_contrastive_search_gptj(self): article = ( "DeepMind Technologies is a British artificial intelligence subsidiary of Alphabet Inc. and " "research laboratory founded in 2010. DeepMind was acquired by Google in 2014. The company is based" ) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B") model = GPTJForCausalLM.from_pretrained( "EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B", revision="float16", torch_dtype=torch.float16 ).to(torch_device) input_ids = tokenizer(article, return_tensors="pt").input_ids.to(torch_device) outputs = model.generate(input_ids, penalty_alpha=0.6, top_k=4, max_length=256) generated_text = tokenizer.batch_decode(outputs, skip_special_tokens=True) self.assertListEqual( generated_text, [ "DeepMind Technologies is a British artificial intelligence subsidiary of Alphabet Inc. and research " "laboratory founded in 2010. DeepMind was acquired by Google in 2014. The company is based in London, " "United Kingdom with offices in Mountain View, San Francisco, New York City, Paris, Tokyo, Seoul, " "Beijing, Singapore, Tel Aviv, Dublin, Sydney, and Melbourne.[1]\n\nContents\n\nIn 2010, Google's " "parent company, Alphabet, announced a $500 million investment in DeepMind, with the aim of creating " "a company that would apply deep learning to problems in healthcare, energy, transportation, and " "other areas.[2]\n\nOn April 23, 2014, Google announced that it had acquired DeepMind for $400 " "million in cash and stock.[3] The acquisition was seen as a way for Google to enter the " "fast-growing field of artificial intelligence (AI), which it had so far avoided due to concerns " 'about ethical and social implications.[4] Google co-founder Sergey Brin said that he was "thrilled" ' 'to have acquired DeepMind, and that it would "help us push the boundaries of AI even further."' "[5]\n\nDeepMind's founders, Demis Hassabis and Mustafa Suleyman, were joined by a number of Google " "employees" ], )
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/gptj/test_modeling_gptj.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 12590 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import copy import unittest from transformers import IBertConfig, is_torch_available from transformers.testing_utils import require_torch, slow, torch_device from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester from ...test_modeling_common import ModelTesterMixin, ids_tensor, random_attention_mask from ...test_pipeline_mixin import PipelineTesterMixin if is_torch_available(): import torch from torch import nn from transformers import ( IBERT_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST, IBertForMaskedLM, IBertForMultipleChoice, IBertForQuestionAnswering, IBertForSequenceClassification, IBertForTokenClassification, IBertModel, ) from transformers.models.ibert.modeling_ibert import ( IBertEmbeddings, IntGELU, IntLayerNorm, IntSoftmax, QuantAct, QuantEmbedding, QuantLinear, create_position_ids_from_input_ids, ) class IBertModelTester: def __init__( self, parent, batch_size=13, seq_length=7, is_training=True, use_input_mask=True, use_token_type_ids=True, use_labels=True, vocab_size=99, hidden_size=32, num_hidden_layers=2, num_attention_heads=4, intermediate_size=37, hidden_act="gelu", hidden_dropout_prob=0.1, attention_probs_dropout_prob=0.1, max_position_embeddings=512, type_vocab_size=16, type_sequence_label_size=2, initializer_range=0.02, num_labels=3, num_choices=4, scope=None, ): self.parent = parent self.batch_size = batch_size self.seq_length = seq_length self.is_training = is_training self.use_input_mask = use_input_mask self.use_token_type_ids = use_token_type_ids self.use_labels = use_labels self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers self.num_attention_heads = num_attention_heads self.intermediate_size = intermediate_size self.hidden_act = hidden_act self.hidden_dropout_prob = hidden_dropout_prob self.attention_probs_dropout_prob = attention_probs_dropout_prob self.max_position_embeddings = max_position_embeddings self.type_vocab_size = type_vocab_size self.type_sequence_label_size = type_sequence_label_size self.initializer_range = initializer_range self.num_labels = num_labels self.num_choices = num_choices self.scope = scope def prepare_config_and_inputs(self): input_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.vocab_size) input_mask = None if self.use_input_mask: input_mask = random_attention_mask([self.batch_size, self.seq_length]) token_type_ids = None if self.use_token_type_ids: token_type_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.type_vocab_size) sequence_labels = None token_labels = None choice_labels = None if self.use_labels: sequence_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], self.type_sequence_label_size) token_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.num_labels) choice_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], self.num_choices) config = self.get_config() return config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels def get_config(self): return IBertConfig( vocab_size=self.vocab_size, hidden_size=self.hidden_size, num_hidden_layers=self.num_hidden_layers, num_attention_heads=self.num_attention_heads, intermediate_size=self.intermediate_size, hidden_act=self.hidden_act, hidden_dropout_prob=self.hidden_dropout_prob, attention_probs_dropout_prob=self.attention_probs_dropout_prob, max_position_embeddings=self.max_position_embeddings, type_vocab_size=self.type_vocab_size, initializer_range=self.initializer_range, quant_mode=True, ) def get_pipeline_config(self): config = self.get_config() config.vocab_size = 300 return config def create_and_check_model( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): model = IBertModel(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids) result = model(input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids) result = model(input_ids) self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size)) self.parent.assertEqual(result.pooler_output.shape, (self.batch_size, self.hidden_size)) def create_and_check_for_masked_lm( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): model = IBertForMaskedLM(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, labels=token_labels) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size)) def create_and_check_for_token_classification( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): config.num_labels = self.num_labels model = IBertForTokenClassification(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, labels=token_labels) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.num_labels)) def create_and_check_for_multiple_choice( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): config.num_choices = self.num_choices model = IBertForMultipleChoice(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() multiple_choice_inputs_ids = input_ids.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, self.num_choices, -1).contiguous() multiple_choice_token_type_ids = token_type_ids.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, self.num_choices, -1).contiguous() multiple_choice_input_mask = input_mask.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, self.num_choices, -1).contiguous() result = model( multiple_choice_inputs_ids, attention_mask=multiple_choice_input_mask, token_type_ids=multiple_choice_token_type_ids, labels=choice_labels, ) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.num_choices)) def create_and_check_for_question_answering( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): model = IBertForQuestionAnswering(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model( input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, start_positions=sequence_labels, end_positions=sequence_labels, ) self.parent.assertEqual(result.start_logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length)) self.parent.assertEqual(result.end_logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length)) def prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common(self): config_and_inputs = self.prepare_config_and_inputs() ( config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ) = config_and_inputs inputs_dict = {"input_ids": input_ids, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask} return config, inputs_dict @require_torch class IBertModelTest(ModelTesterMixin, PipelineTesterMixin, unittest.TestCase): test_pruning = False test_torchscript = False test_head_masking = False test_resize_embeddings = False all_model_classes = ( ( IBertForMaskedLM, IBertModel, IBertForSequenceClassification, IBertForTokenClassification, IBertForMultipleChoice, IBertForQuestionAnswering, ) if is_torch_available() else () ) pipeline_model_mapping = ( { "feature-extraction": IBertModel, "fill-mask": IBertForMaskedLM, "question-answering": IBertForQuestionAnswering, "text-classification": IBertForSequenceClassification, "token-classification": IBertForTokenClassification, "zero-shot": IBertForSequenceClassification, } if is_torch_available() else {} ) def setUp(self): self.model_tester = IBertModelTester(self) self.config_tester = ConfigTester(self, config_class=IBertConfig, hidden_size=37) def test_config(self): self.config_tester.run_common_tests() def test_model(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_model_various_embeddings(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() # I-BERT only supports absolute embedding for type in ["absolute"]: config_and_inputs[0].position_embedding_type = type self.model_tester.create_and_check_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_masked_lm(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_masked_lm(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_token_classification(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_token_classification(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_multiple_choice(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_multiple_choice(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_question_answering(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_question_answering(*config_and_inputs) @slow def test_model_from_pretrained(self): for model_name in IBERT_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST[:1]: model = IBertModel.from_pretrained(model_name) self.assertIsNotNone(model) def test_create_position_ids_respects_padding_index(self): """Ensure that the default position ids only assign a sequential . This is a regression test for https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/issues/1761 The position ids should be masked with the embedding object's padding index. Therefore, the first available non-padding position index is IBertEmbeddings.padding_idx + 1 """ config = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()[0] model = IBertEmbeddings(config=config) input_ids = torch.as_tensor([[12, 31, 13, model.padding_idx]]) expected_positions = torch.as_tensor( [[0 + model.padding_idx + 1, 1 + model.padding_idx + 1, 2 + model.padding_idx + 1, model.padding_idx]] ) position_ids = create_position_ids_from_input_ids(input_ids, model.padding_idx) self.assertEqual(position_ids.shape, expected_positions.shape) self.assertTrue(torch.all(torch.eq(position_ids, expected_positions))) def test_create_position_ids_from_inputs_embeds(self): """Ensure that the default position ids only assign a sequential . This is a regression test for https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/issues/1761 The position ids should be masked with the embedding object's padding index. Therefore, the first available non-padding position index is IBertEmbeddings.padding_idx + 1 """ config = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()[0] embeddings = IBertEmbeddings(config=config) inputs_embeds = torch.empty(2, 4, 30) expected_single_positions = [ 0 + embeddings.padding_idx + 1, 1 + embeddings.padding_idx + 1, 2 + embeddings.padding_idx + 1, 3 + embeddings.padding_idx + 1, ] expected_positions = torch.as_tensor([expected_single_positions, expected_single_positions]) position_ids = embeddings.create_position_ids_from_inputs_embeds(inputs_embeds) self.assertEqual(position_ids.shape, expected_positions.shape) self.assertTrue(torch.all(torch.eq(position_ids, expected_positions))) # Override def test_model_common_attributes(self): config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model = model_class(config) self.assertIsInstance(model.get_input_embeddings(), QuantEmbedding) model.set_input_embeddings(nn.Embedding(10, 10)) x = model.get_output_embeddings() self.assertTrue(x is None or isinstance(x, nn.Linear)) # Override def test_feed_forward_chunking(self): pass # I-BERT does not support chunking # Override def test_inputs_embeds(self): config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model = model_class(config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() inputs = copy.deepcopy(self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class)) if not self.is_encoder_decoder: input_ids = inputs["input_ids"] del inputs["input_ids"] else: encoder_input_ids = inputs["input_ids"] decoder_input_ids = inputs.get("decoder_input_ids", encoder_input_ids) del inputs["input_ids"] inputs.pop("decoder_input_ids", None) wte = model.get_input_embeddings() if not self.is_encoder_decoder: embed, embed_scaling_factor = wte(input_ids) inputs["inputs_embeds"] = embed else: inputs["inputs_embeds"] = wte(encoder_input_ids) inputs["decoder_inputs_embeds"] = wte(decoder_input_ids) with torch.no_grad(): model(**inputs)[0] @require_torch class IBertModelIntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_quant_embedding(self): weight_bit = 8 embedding = QuantEmbedding(2, 4, quant_mode=True, weight_bit=weight_bit) embedding_weight = torch.tensor([[-1.0, -2.0, -3.0, -4.0], [5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0]]) embedding.weight = nn.Parameter(embedding_weight) expected_scaling_factor = embedding_weight.abs().max() / (2 ** (weight_bit - 1) - 1) x, x_scaling_factor = embedding(torch.tensor(0)) y, y_scaling_factor = embedding(torch.tensor(1)) # scaling factor should follow the symmetric quantization rule self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(x_scaling_factor, expected_scaling_factor, atol=1e-4)) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(x_scaling_factor, expected_scaling_factor, atol=1e-4)) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(y_scaling_factor, expected_scaling_factor, atol=1e-4)) # quantization error should not exceed the scaling factor self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(x, embedding_weight[0], atol=expected_scaling_factor)) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(y, embedding_weight[1], atol=expected_scaling_factor)) def test_quant_act(self): def _test_range(): act = QuantAct(activation_bit, act_range_momentum, quant_mode=True) # First pass x = torch.tensor([[-1.0, -2.0, -3.0, -4.0], [5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0]]) x_scaling_factor = torch.tensor(1.0) y, y_scaling_factor = act(x, x_scaling_factor) y_int = y / y_scaling_factor # After the first pass, x_min and x_max should be initialized with x.min() and x.max() expected_x_min, expected_x_max = x.min(), x.max() self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(act.x_min, expected_x_min, atol=1e-4)) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(act.x_max, expected_x_max, atol=1e-4)) # scaling factor should follow the symmetric quantization rule expected_range = torch.max(expected_x_min.abs(), expected_x_max.abs()) expected_scaling_factor = expected_range / (2 ** (activation_bit - 1) - 1) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(y_scaling_factor, expected_scaling_factor, atol=1e-4)) # quantization error should not exceed the scaling factor self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(x, y, atol=expected_scaling_factor)) # output should be integer self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(y_int, y_int.round(), atol=1e-4)) # Second Pass x = torch.tensor([[-1.0, -2.0, -3.0, -4.0], [5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0]]) * 2 x_scaling_factor = torch.tensor(1.0) y, y_scaling_factor = act(x, x_scaling_factor) y_int = y / y_scaling_factor # From the second pass, x_min and x_max should be updated with moving average expected_x_min = expected_x_min * act_range_momentum + x.min() * (1 - act_range_momentum) expected_x_max = expected_x_max * act_range_momentum + x.max() * (1 - act_range_momentum) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(act.x_min, expected_x_min, atol=1e-4)) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(act.x_max, expected_x_max, atol=1e-4)) # scaling factor should follow the symmetric quantization rule expected_range = torch.max(expected_x_min.abs(), expected_x_max.abs()) expected_scaling_factor = expected_range / (2 ** (activation_bit - 1) - 1) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(y_scaling_factor, expected_scaling_factor, atol=1e-4)) # quantization error should not exceed the scaling factor x = x.clamp(min=-expected_range, max=expected_range) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(x, y, atol=expected_scaling_factor)) # output should be integer self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(y_int, y_int.round(), atol=1e-4)) # Third pass, with eval() act.eval() x = torch.tensor([[-1.0, -2.0, -3.0, -4.0], [5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0]]) * 3 # In eval mode, min/max and scaling factor must be fixed self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(act.x_min, expected_x_min, atol=1e-4)) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(act.x_max, expected_x_max, atol=1e-4)) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(y_scaling_factor, expected_scaling_factor, atol=1e-4)) def _test_identity(): # test if identity and identity_scaling_factor are given # should add the input values act = QuantAct(activation_bit, act_range_momentum, quant_mode=True) x = torch.tensor([[-1.0, -2.0, -3.0, -4.0], [5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0]]) y = torch.tensor([[6.0, -7.0, 1.0, -2.0], [3.0, -4.0, -8.0, 5.0]]) x_scaling_factor = torch.tensor(1.0) y_scaling_factor = torch.tensor(0.5) z, z_scaling_factor = act(x, x_scaling_factor, y, y_scaling_factor) z_int = z / z_scaling_factor self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(x + y, z, atol=0.1)) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(z_int, z_int.round(), atol=1e-4)) activation_bit = 8 act_range_momentum = 0.95 _test_range() _test_identity() def test_quant_linear(self): def _test(per_channel): linear_q = QuantLinear(2, 4, quant_mode=True, per_channel=per_channel, weight_bit=weight_bit) linear_dq = QuantLinear(2, 4, quant_mode=False, per_channel=per_channel, weight_bit=weight_bit) linear_weight = torch.tensor([[-1.0, 2.0, 3.0, -4.0], [5.0, -6.0, -7.0, 8.0]]).T linear_q.weight = nn.Parameter(linear_weight) linear_dq.weight = nn.Parameter(linear_weight) q, q_scaling_factor = linear_q(x, x_scaling_factor) q_int = q / q_scaling_factor dq, dq_scaling_factor = linear_dq(x, x_scaling_factor) if per_channel: q_max = linear_weight.abs().max(dim=1).values else: q_max = linear_weight.abs().max() expected_scaling_factor = q_max / (2 ** (weight_bit - 1) - 1) # scaling factor should follow the symmetric quantization rule self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(linear_q.fc_scaling_factor, expected_scaling_factor, atol=1e-4)) # output of the normal linear layer and the quantized linear layer should be similar self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(q, dq, atol=0.5)) # output of the quantized linear layer should be integer self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(q_int, q_int.round(), atol=1e-4)) weight_bit = 8 x = torch.tensor([[2.0, -5.0], [-3.0, 4.0]]) x_scaling_factor = torch.tensor([1.0]) _test(True) _test(False) def test_int_gelu(self): gelu_q = IntGELU(quant_mode=True) gelu_dq = nn.GELU() x_int = torch.arange(-10000, 10001, 1) x_scaling_factor = torch.tensor(0.001) x = x_int * x_scaling_factor q, q_scaling_factor = gelu_q(x, x_scaling_factor) q_int = q / q_scaling_factor dq = gelu_dq(x) # output of the normal GELU and the quantized GELU should be similar self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(q, dq, atol=0.5)) # output of the quantized GELU layer should be integer self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(q_int, q_int.round(), atol=1e-4)) def test_force_dequant_gelu(self): x_int = torch.arange(-10000, 10001, 1) x_scaling_factor = torch.tensor(0.001) x = x_int * x_scaling_factor gelu_dq = IntGELU(quant_mode=False) gelu_fdqs_dict = { True: [ IntGELU(quant_mode=True, force_dequant="nonlinear"), IntGELU(quant_mode=True, force_dequant="gelu"), ], False: [ IntGELU(quant_mode=True, force_dequant="none"), IntGELU(quant_mode=True, force_dequant="softmax"), IntGELU(quant_mode=True, force_dequant="layernorm"), ], } dq, dq_scaling_factor = gelu_dq(x, x_scaling_factor) for label, gelu_fdqs in gelu_fdqs_dict.items(): for gelu_fdq in gelu_fdqs: q, q_scaling_factor = gelu_fdq(x, x_scaling_factor) if label: self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(q, dq, atol=1e-4)) else: self.assertFalse(torch.allclose(q, dq, atol=1e-4)) def test_int_softmax(self): output_bit = 8 softmax_q = IntSoftmax(output_bit, quant_mode=True) softmax_dq = nn.Softmax() def _test(array): x_int = torch.tensor(array) x_scaling_factor = torch.tensor(0.1) x = x_int * x_scaling_factor q, q_scaling_factor = softmax_q(x, x_scaling_factor) q_int = q / q_scaling_factor dq = softmax_dq(x) # output of the normal Softmax and the quantized Softmax should be similar self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(q, dq, atol=0.5)) # output of the quantized GELU layer should be integer self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(q_int, q_int.round(), atol=1e-4)) # Output of the quantize Softmax should not exceed the output_bit self.assertTrue(q.abs().max() < 2**output_bit) array = [[i + j for j in range(10)] for i in range(-10, 10)] _test(array) array = [[i + j for j in range(50)] for i in range(-10, 10)] _test(array) array = [[i + 100 * j for j in range(2)] for i in range(-10, 10)] _test(array) def test_force_dequant_softmax(self): output_bit = 8 array = [[i + j for j in range(10)] for i in range(-10, 10)] x_int = torch.tensor(array) x_scaling_factor = torch.tensor(0.1) x = x_int * x_scaling_factor softmax_dq = IntSoftmax(output_bit, quant_mode=False) softmax_fdqs_dict = { True: [ IntSoftmax(output_bit, quant_mode=True, force_dequant="nonlinear"), IntSoftmax(output_bit, quant_mode=True, force_dequant="softmax"), ], False: [ IntSoftmax(output_bit, quant_mode=True, force_dequant="none"), IntSoftmax(output_bit, quant_mode=True, force_dequant="gelu"), IntSoftmax(output_bit, quant_mode=True, force_dequant="layernorm"), ], } dq, dq_scaling_factor = softmax_dq(x, x_scaling_factor) for label, softmax_fdqs in softmax_fdqs_dict.items(): for softmax_fdq in softmax_fdqs: q, q_scaling_factor = softmax_fdq(x, x_scaling_factor) if label: self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(q, dq, atol=1e-4)) else: self.assertFalse(torch.allclose(q, dq, atol=1e-4)) def test_int_layernorm(self): output_bit = 8 # some random matrix array = [[[i * j * j + j for j in range(5, 15)]] for i in range(-10, 10)] x_int = torch.tensor(array) x_scaling_factor = torch.tensor(0.1) x = x_int * x_scaling_factor ln_q = IntLayerNorm(x.shape[1:], 1e-5, quant_mode=True, output_bit=output_bit) ln_dq = nn.LayerNorm(x.shape[1:], 1e-5) ln_q.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(x.shape[1:])) ln_q.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(x.shape[1:])) ln_dq.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(x.shape[1:])) ln_dq.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(x.shape[1:])) q, q_scaling_factor = ln_q(x, x_scaling_factor) q_int = q / q_scaling_factor dq = ln_dq(x) # output of the normal LN and the quantized LN should be similar self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(q, dq, atol=0.5)) # output of the quantized GELU layer should be integer self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(q_int, q_int.round(), atol=1e-4)) def test_force_dequant_layernorm(self): output_bit = 8 array = [[[i * j * j + j for j in range(5, 15)]] for i in range(-10, 10)] x_int = torch.tensor(array) x_scaling_factor = torch.tensor(0.1) x = x_int * x_scaling_factor ln_dq = IntLayerNorm(x.shape[1:], 1e-5, quant_mode=False, output_bit=output_bit) ln_fdqs_dict = { True: [ IntLayerNorm(x.shape[1:], 1e-5, quant_mode=True, output_bit=output_bit, force_dequant="nonlinear"), IntLayerNorm(x.shape[1:], 1e-5, quant_mode=True, output_bit=output_bit, force_dequant="layernorm"), ], False: [ IntLayerNorm(x.shape[1:], 1e-5, quant_mode=True, output_bit=output_bit, force_dequant="none"), IntLayerNorm(x.shape[1:], 1e-5, quant_mode=True, output_bit=output_bit, force_dequant="gelu"), IntLayerNorm(x.shape[1:], 1e-5, quant_mode=True, output_bit=output_bit, force_dequant="softmax"), ], } ln_dq.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(x.shape[1:])) ln_dq.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(x.shape[1:])) dq, dq_scaling_factor = ln_dq(x, x_scaling_factor) for label, ln_fdqs in ln_fdqs_dict.items(): for ln_fdq in ln_fdqs: ln_fdq.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(x.shape[1:])) ln_fdq.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(x.shape[1:])) q, q_scaling_factor = ln_fdq(x, x_scaling_factor) if label: self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(q, dq, atol=1e-4)) else: self.assertFalse(torch.allclose(q, dq, atol=1e-4)) def quantize(self, model): # Helper function that quantizes the given model # Recursively convert all the `quant_mode` attributes as `True` if hasattr(model, "quant_mode"): model.quant_mode = True elif type(model) == nn.Sequential: for n, m in model.named_children(): self.quantize(m) elif type(model) == nn.ModuleList: for n in model: self.quantize(n) else: for attr in dir(model): mod = getattr(model, attr) if isinstance(mod, nn.Module) and mod != model: self.quantize(mod) @slow def test_inference_masked_lm(self): # I-BERT should be "equivalent" to RoBERTa if not quantized # Test coped from `test_modeling_roberta.py` model = IBertForMaskedLM.from_pretrained("kssteven/ibert-roberta-base") input_ids = torch.tensor([[0, 31414, 232, 328, 740, 1140, 12695, 69, 46078, 1588, 2]]) output = model(input_ids)[0] expected_shape = torch.Size((1, 11, 50265)) self.assertEqual(output.shape, expected_shape) expected_slice = torch.tensor( [[[33.8802, -4.3103, 22.7761], [4.6539, -2.8098, 13.6253], [1.8228, -3.6898, 8.8600]]] ) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(output[:, :3, :3], expected_slice, atol=1e-4)) # I-BERT should be "similar" to RoBERTa if quantized self.quantize(model) output = model(input_ids)[0] self.assertEqual(output.shape, expected_shape) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(output[:, :3, :3], expected_slice, atol=0.1)) @slow def test_inference_classification_head(self): # I-BERT should be "equivalent" to RoBERTa if not quantized # Test coped from `test_modeling_roberta.py` model = IBertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("kssteven/ibert-roberta-large-mnli") input_ids = torch.tensor([[0, 31414, 232, 328, 740, 1140, 12695, 69, 46078, 1588, 2]]) output = model(input_ids)[0] expected_shape = torch.Size((1, 3)) self.assertEqual(output.shape, expected_shape) expected_tensor = torch.tensor([[-0.9469, 0.3913, 0.5118]]) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(output, expected_tensor, atol=1e-4)) # I-BERT should be "similar" to RoBERTa if quantized self.quantize(model) output = model(input_ids)[0] self.assertEqual(output.shape, expected_shape) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(output, expected_tensor, atol=0.1))
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/ibert/test_modeling_ibert.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 14932 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2022 The HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Testing suite for the PyTorch LLaMA model. """ import tempfile import unittest import pytest from parameterized import parameterized from transformers import LlamaConfig, is_torch_available, set_seed from transformers.testing_utils import ( require_bitsandbytes, require_flash_attn, require_torch, require_torch_accelerator, require_torch_gpu, require_torch_sdpa, slow, torch_device, ) from ...generation.test_utils import GenerationTesterMixin from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester from ...test_modeling_common import ModelTesterMixin, ids_tensor from ...test_pipeline_mixin import PipelineTesterMixin if is_torch_available(): import torch from transformers import ( CodeLlamaTokenizer, LlamaForCausalLM, LlamaForSequenceClassification, LlamaModel, LlamaTokenizer, ) class LlamaModelTester: def __init__( self, parent, batch_size=13, seq_length=7, is_training=True, use_input_mask=True, use_token_type_ids=False, use_labels=True, vocab_size=99, hidden_size=32, num_hidden_layers=2, num_attention_heads=4, intermediate_size=37, hidden_act="gelu", hidden_dropout_prob=0.1, attention_probs_dropout_prob=0.1, max_position_embeddings=512, type_vocab_size=16, type_sequence_label_size=2, initializer_range=0.02, num_labels=3, num_choices=4, pad_token_id=0, scope=None, ): self.parent = parent self.batch_size = batch_size self.seq_length = seq_length self.is_training = is_training self.use_input_mask = use_input_mask self.use_token_type_ids = use_token_type_ids self.use_labels = use_labels self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers self.num_attention_heads = num_attention_heads self.intermediate_size = intermediate_size self.hidden_act = hidden_act self.hidden_dropout_prob = hidden_dropout_prob self.attention_probs_dropout_prob = attention_probs_dropout_prob self.max_position_embeddings = max_position_embeddings self.type_vocab_size = type_vocab_size self.type_sequence_label_size = type_sequence_label_size self.initializer_range = initializer_range self.num_labels = num_labels self.num_choices = num_choices self.pad_token_id = pad_token_id self.scope = scope def prepare_config_and_inputs(self): input_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.vocab_size) input_mask = None if self.use_input_mask: input_mask = torch.tril(torch.ones(self.batch_size, self.seq_length)).to(torch_device) token_type_ids = None if self.use_token_type_ids: token_type_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.type_vocab_size) sequence_labels = None token_labels = None choice_labels = None if self.use_labels: sequence_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], self.type_sequence_label_size) token_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.num_labels) choice_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], self.num_choices) config = self.get_config() return config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels def get_config(self): return LlamaConfig( vocab_size=self.vocab_size, hidden_size=self.hidden_size, num_hidden_layers=self.num_hidden_layers, num_attention_heads=self.num_attention_heads, intermediate_size=self.intermediate_size, hidden_act=self.hidden_act, hidden_dropout_prob=self.hidden_dropout_prob, attention_probs_dropout_prob=self.attention_probs_dropout_prob, max_position_embeddings=self.max_position_embeddings, type_vocab_size=self.type_vocab_size, is_decoder=False, initializer_range=self.initializer_range, pad_token_id=self.pad_token_id, ) def create_and_check_model( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): model = LlamaModel(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask) result = model(input_ids) self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size)) def create_and_check_model_as_decoder( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask, ): config.add_cross_attention = True model = LlamaModel(config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model( input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask=encoder_attention_mask, ) result = model( input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states, ) result = model(input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask) self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size)) def create_and_check_for_causal_lm( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask, ): model = LlamaForCausalLM(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, labels=token_labels) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size)) def create_and_check_decoder_model_past_large_inputs( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask, ): config.is_decoder = True config.add_cross_attention = True model = LlamaForCausalLM(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() # first forward pass outputs = model( input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask=encoder_attention_mask, use_cache=True, ) past_key_values = outputs.past_key_values # create hypothetical multiple next token and extent to next_input_ids next_tokens = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 3), config.vocab_size) next_mask = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 3), vocab_size=2) # append to next input_ids and next_input_ids = torch.cat([input_ids, next_tokens], dim=-1) next_attention_mask = torch.cat([input_mask, next_mask], dim=-1) output_from_no_past = model( next_input_ids, attention_mask=next_attention_mask, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask=encoder_attention_mask, output_hidden_states=True, )["hidden_states"][0] output_from_past = model( next_tokens, attention_mask=next_attention_mask, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask=encoder_attention_mask, past_key_values=past_key_values, output_hidden_states=True, )["hidden_states"][0] # select random slice random_slice_idx = ids_tensor((1,), output_from_past.shape[-1]).item() output_from_no_past_slice = output_from_no_past[:, -3:, random_slice_idx].detach() output_from_past_slice = output_from_past[:, :, random_slice_idx].detach() self.parent.assertTrue(output_from_past_slice.shape[1] == next_tokens.shape[1]) # test that outputs are equal for slice self.parent.assertTrue(torch.allclose(output_from_past_slice, output_from_no_past_slice, atol=1e-3)) def prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common(self): config_and_inputs = self.prepare_config_and_inputs() ( config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ) = config_and_inputs inputs_dict = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask} return config, inputs_dict @require_torch class LlamaModelTest(ModelTesterMixin, GenerationTesterMixin, PipelineTesterMixin, unittest.TestCase): all_model_classes = (LlamaModel, LlamaForCausalLM, LlamaForSequenceClassification) if is_torch_available() else () all_generative_model_classes = (LlamaForCausalLM,) if is_torch_available() else () pipeline_model_mapping = ( { "feature-extraction": LlamaModel, "text-classification": LlamaForSequenceClassification, "text-generation": LlamaForCausalLM, "zero-shot": LlamaForSequenceClassification, } if is_torch_available() else {} ) test_headmasking = False test_pruning = False fx_compatible = True def setUp(self): self.model_tester = LlamaModelTester(self) self.config_tester = ConfigTester(self, config_class=LlamaConfig, hidden_size=37) def test_config(self): self.config_tester.run_common_tests() def test_model(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_model_various_embeddings(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() for type in ["absolute", "relative_key", "relative_key_query"]: config_and_inputs[0].position_embedding_type = type self.model_tester.create_and_check_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_llama_sequence_classification_model(self): config, input_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() config.num_labels = 3 input_ids = input_dict["input_ids"] attention_mask = input_ids.ne(1).to(torch_device) sequence_labels = ids_tensor([self.model_tester.batch_size], self.model_tester.type_sequence_label_size) model = LlamaForSequenceClassification(config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, labels=sequence_labels) self.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.model_tester.batch_size, self.model_tester.num_labels)) def test_llama_sequence_classification_model_for_single_label(self): config, input_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() config.num_labels = 3 config.problem_type = "single_label_classification" input_ids = input_dict["input_ids"] attention_mask = input_ids.ne(1).to(torch_device) sequence_labels = ids_tensor([self.model_tester.batch_size], self.model_tester.type_sequence_label_size) model = LlamaForSequenceClassification(config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, labels=sequence_labels) self.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.model_tester.batch_size, self.model_tester.num_labels)) def test_llama_sequence_classification_model_for_multi_label(self): config, input_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() config.num_labels = 3 config.problem_type = "multi_label_classification" input_ids = input_dict["input_ids"] attention_mask = input_ids.ne(1).to(torch_device) sequence_labels = ids_tensor( [self.model_tester.batch_size, config.num_labels], self.model_tester.type_sequence_label_size ).to(torch.float) model = LlamaForSequenceClassification(config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, labels=sequence_labels) self.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.model_tester.batch_size, self.model_tester.num_labels)) @unittest.skip("Llama buffers include complex numbers, which breaks this test") def test_save_load_fast_init_from_base(self): pass @parameterized.expand([("linear",), ("dynamic",)]) def test_model_rope_scaling(self, scaling_type): config, _ = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() short_input = ids_tensor([1, 10], config.vocab_size) long_input = ids_tensor([1, int(config.max_position_embeddings * 1.5)], config.vocab_size) set_seed(42) # Fixed seed at init time so the two models get the same random weights original_model = LlamaModel(config) original_model.to(torch_device) original_model.eval() original_short_output = original_model(short_input).last_hidden_state original_long_output = original_model(long_input).last_hidden_state set_seed(42) # Fixed seed at init time so the two models get the same random weights config.rope_scaling = {"type": scaling_type, "factor": 10.0} scaled_model = LlamaModel(config) scaled_model.to(torch_device) scaled_model.eval() scaled_short_output = scaled_model(short_input).last_hidden_state scaled_long_output = scaled_model(long_input).last_hidden_state # Dynamic scaling does not change the RoPE embeddings until it receives an input longer than the original # maximum sequence length, so the outputs for the short input should match. if scaling_type == "dynamic": self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(original_short_output, scaled_short_output, atol=1e-5)) else: self.assertFalse(torch.allclose(original_short_output, scaled_short_output, atol=1e-5)) # The output should be different for long inputs self.assertFalse(torch.allclose(original_long_output, scaled_long_output, atol=1e-5)) @require_flash_attn @require_torch_gpu @require_bitsandbytes @pytest.mark.flash_attn_test @slow def test_flash_attn_2_generate_padding_right(self): """ Overwritting the common test as the test is flaky on tiny models """ model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained( "meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf", load_in_4bit=True, device_map={"": 0}, ) tokenizer = LlamaTokenizer.from_pretrained("meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf") texts = ["hi", "Hello this is a very long sentence"] tokenizer.padding_side = "right" tokenizer.pad_token = tokenizer.eos_token inputs = tokenizer(texts, return_tensors="pt", padding=True).to(0) output_native = model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=20, do_sample=False) output_native = tokenizer.batch_decode(output_native) model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained( "meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf", load_in_4bit=True, device_map={"": 0}, attn_implementation="flash_attention_2" ) output_fa_2 = model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=20, do_sample=False) output_fa_2 = tokenizer.batch_decode(output_fa_2) self.assertListEqual(output_native, output_fa_2) @require_flash_attn @require_torch_gpu @slow def test_use_flash_attention_2_true(self): """ NOTE: this is the only test testing that the legacy `use_flash_attention=2` argument still works as intended. """ config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() for model_class in self.all_model_classes: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: model = model_class(config) model.save_pretrained(tmp_dir) new_model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained( tmp_dir, use_flash_attention_2=True, torch_dtype=torch.float16 ).to("cuda") self.assertTrue(new_model.config._attn_implementation == "flash_attention_2") has_flash = False for name, submodule in new_model.named_modules(): if "FlashAttention" in submodule.__class__.__name__: has_flash = True break if not has_flash: raise ValueError("The flash model should have flash attention layers") @require_torch_sdpa @slow def test_eager_matches_sdpa_generate(self): """ Overwritting the common test as the test is flaky on tiny models """ max_new_tokens = 30 tokenizer = LlamaTokenizer.from_pretrained("saibo/llama-1B") model_sdpa = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained( "saibo/llama-1B", torch_dtype=torch.float16, low_cpu_mem_usage=True, ).to(torch_device) self.assertTrue(model_sdpa.config._attn_implementation == "sdpa") model_eager = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained( "saibo/llama-1B", torch_dtype=torch.float16, low_cpu_mem_usage=True, attn_implementation="eager", ).to(torch_device) self.assertTrue(model_eager.config._attn_implementation == "eager") for name, submodule in model_eager.named_modules(): if "SdpaAttention" in submodule.__class__.__name__: raise ValueError("The eager model should not have SDPA attention layers") has_sdpa = False for name, submodule in model_sdpa.named_modules(): if "SdpaAttention" in submodule.__class__.__name__: has_sdpa = True break if not has_sdpa: raise ValueError("The SDPA model should have SDPA attention layers") texts = [ "hi here's a longer context, getting longer and", "Hello this is a very long sentence my friend, very long for real", "Today I am in Paris and", ] for padding_side in ["left", "right"]: tokenizer.padding_side = padding_side tokenizer.pad_token = tokenizer.eos_token inputs = tokenizer(texts, return_tensors="pt", padding=True).to(torch_device) res_eager = model_eager.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=max_new_tokens, do_sample=False) res_sdpa = model_sdpa.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=max_new_tokens, do_sample=False) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(res_eager, res_sdpa)) @require_torch class LlamaIntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase): @unittest.skip("Logits are not exactly the same, once we fix the instabalities somehow, will update!") @slow def test_model_7b_logits(self): input_ids = [1, 306, 4658, 278, 6593, 310, 2834, 338] model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained("meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf", device_map="auto") out = model(torch.tensor([input_ids])) # Expected mean on dim = -1 EXPECTED_MEAN = torch.tensor([[-6.6550, -4.1227, -4.9859, -3.2406, 0.8262, -3.0033, 1.2964, -3.3699]]) torch.testing.assert_close(out.mean(-1), EXPECTED_MEAN, atol=1e-2, rtol=1e-2) # slicing logits[0, 0, 0:30] EXPECTED_SLICE = torch.tensor([-12.8281, -7.4453, -0.4639, -8.0625, -7.2500, -8.0000, -6.4883, -7.7695, -7.8438, -7.0312, -6.2188, -7.1328, -1.8496, 1.9961, -8.6250, -6.7227, -12.8281, -6.9492, -7.0742, -7.7852, -7.5820, -7.9062, -6.9375, -7.9805, -8.3438, -8.1562, -8.0469, -7.6250, -7.7422, -7.3398,]) # fmt: skip torch.testing.assert_close(out[0, 0, :30], EXPECTED_SLICE, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5) @unittest.skip("Logits are not exactly the same, once we fix the instabalities somehow, will update!") @slow def test_model_13b_logits(self): input_ids = [1, 306, 4658, 278, 6593, 310, 2834, 338] model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained("meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-hf", device_map="auto") out = model(torch.tensor(input_ids)) # Expected mean on dim = -1 EXPECTED_MEAN = torch.tensor([[-2.0622, -1.2794, -1.1638, -0.9788, -1.4603, -1.0238, -1.7893, -1.4411]]) torch.testing.assert_close(out.mean(-1), EXPECTED_MEAN, atol=1e-2, rtol=1e-2) # slicing logits[0, 0, 0:30] EXPECTED_SLICE = torch.tensor([-8.1406, -8.0547, 2.7461, -1.2344, -0.1448, -1.8262, -1.0020, -1.8154, -1.6895, -1.8516, -2.3574, -0.9277, 3.7598, 6.5742, -1.2998, -0.1177, -8.1406, -2.9688, -2.9199, -3.1699, -3.5254, -2.3555, -2.7988, -3.4141, -2.8262, -4.5195, -3.3379, -3.3164, -2.7832, -3.0273]) # fmt: skip torch.testing.assert_close(out[0, 0, :30], EXPECTED_SLICE, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5) @unittest.skip("Logits are not exactly the same, once we fix the instabalities somehow, will update!") @slow def test_model_13bf_logits(self): input_ids = [1, 306, 4658, 278, 6593, 310, 2834, 338] model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained("meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-chat-hf", device_map="auto") out = model(torch.tensor(input_ids)) # Expected mean on dim = -1 EXPECTED_MEAN = torch.tensor([[-0.8562, -1.8520, -0.7551, -0.4162, -1.5161, -1.2038, -2.4823, -2.3254]]) torch.testing.assert_close(out.mean(-1), EXPECTED_MEAN, atol=1e-2, rtol=1e-2) # slicing logits[0, 0, 0:30] EXPECTED_SLICE = torch.tensor([-2.2227, 4.8828, 0.9023, -0.4578, -0.7871, -0.1033, -0.6221, -0.5786, -0.7803, -1.0674, -1.2920, -0.1570, 0.8008, 2.0723, -0.9497, 0.2771, -2.2227, -0.7612, -1.4346, -1.2061, -1.6426, -0.3000, -0.7139, -1.1934, -1.8691, -1.6973, -1.5947, -1.2705, -0.3523, -0.5513]) # fmt: skip torch.testing.assert_close(out.mean(-1), EXPECTED_SLICE, atol=1e-2, rtol=1e-2) @unittest.skip( "Logits are not exactly the same, once we fix the instabalities somehow, will update! Also it is gonna be a `too_slow` test" ) @slow def test_model_70b_logits(self): input_ids = [1, 306, 4658, 278, 6593, 310, 2834, 338] model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained("meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-hf", device_map="auto") out = model(torch.tensor(input_ids)) EXPECTED_MEAN = torch.tensor( [[-4.2327, -3.3360, -4.6665, -4.7631, -1.8180, -3.4170, -1.4211, -3.1810]], dtype=torch.float32 ) torch.testing.assert_close(out.mean(-1), EXPECTED_MEAN, atol=1e-2, rtol=1e-2) EXPECTED_SLICE = torch.tensor([-9.4922, -3.9551, 1.7998, -5.6758, -5.1055, -5.8984, -4.8320, -6.8086, -6.5391, -5.6172, -5.5820, -5.5352, 1.7881, 3.6289, -6.5117, -3.4785, -9.5000, -6.0352, -6.8125, -6.0195, -6.6836, -5.4727, -6.2812, -6.0391, -7.3398, -7.4297, -7.4844, -6.5820, -5.8789, -5.5312]) # fmt: skip torch.testing.assert_close(out[0, 0, :30], EXPECTED_SLICE, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5) @unittest.skip("Model is curently gated") @slow def test_model_13b_greedy_generation(self): EXPECTED_TEXT_COMPLETION = """Simply put, the theory of relativity states that 1) the laws of physics are the same everywhere in the universe and 2) the passage of time and the length of objects can vary depending on the observer\'s frame of reference.\n\nThe first part of the theory, that the laws of physics are the same everywhere, is known as the "princi""" prompt = "Simply put, the theory of relativity states that " tokenizer = LlamaTokenizer.from_pretrained("meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-chat-hf") input_ids = tokenizer.encode(prompt, return_tensors="pt") model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained( "meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-chat-hf", device_map="sequential", use_safetensors=False ) # greedy generation outputs generated_ids = model.generate(input_ids, max_new_tokens=64, top_p=None, temperature=1, do_sample=False) text = tokenizer.decode(generated_ids[0], skip_special_tokens=True) self.assertEqual(EXPECTED_TEXT_COMPLETION, text) @require_torch class CodeLlamaIntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase): PROMPTS = [ '''def remove_non_ascii(s: str) -> str: """ <FILL_ME> return result ''', """# Installation instructions: ```bash <FILL_ME> ``` This downloads the LLaMA inference code and installs the repository as a local pip package. """, """class InterfaceManagerFactory(AbstractManagerFactory): def __init__(<FILL_ME> def main(): factory = InterfaceManagerFactory(start=datetime.now()) managers = [] for i in range(10): managers.append(factory.build(id=i)) """, """/-- A quasi-prefunctoid is 1-connected iff all its etalisations are 1-connected. -/ theorem connected_iff_etalisation [C D : precategoroid] (P : quasi_prefunctoid C D) : π₁ P = 0 ↔ <FILL_ME> = 0 := begin split, { intros h f, rw pi_1_etalisation at h, simp [h], refl }, { intro h, have := @quasi_adjoint C D P, simp [←pi_1_etalisation, this, h], refl } end """, ] @require_torch_accelerator @slow def test_model_7b_logits(self): model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained("codellama/CodeLlama-7b-hf").to(torch_device) tokenizer = CodeLlamaTokenizer.from_pretrained("codellama/CodeLlama-7b-hf") # Tokenize and prepare for the model a list of sequences or a list of pairs of sequences. # meaning by default this supports passing splitted list of inputs processed_text = tokenizer.batch_decode(tokenizer(self.PROMPTS)["input_ids"], add_special_tokens=False) # fmt: off EXPECTED_TEXT = [ '<s> <PRE> def remove_non_ascii(s: str) -> str:\n """ <SUF>\n return result\n <MID>', '<s> <PRE> # Installation instructions:\n ```bash\n <SUF>\n ```\nThis downloads the LLaMA inference code and installs the repository as a local pip package.\n <MID>', '<s> <PRE> class InterfaceManagerFactory(AbstractManagerFactory):\n def __init__( <SUF>\ndef main():\n factory = InterfaceManagerFactory(start=datetime.now())\n managers = []\n for i in range(10):\n managers.append(factory.build(id=i))\n <MID>', '<s> <PRE> /-- A quasi-prefunctoid is 1-connected iff all its etalisations are 1-connected. -/\ntheorem connected_iff_etalisation [C D : precategoroid] (P : quasi_prefunctoid C D) :\nπ₁ P = 0 ↔ <SUF> = 0 :=\nbegin\nsplit,\n{ intros h f,\n rw pi_1_etalisation at h,\n simp [h],\n refl\n},\n{ intro h,\n have := @quasi_adjoint C D P,\n simp [←pi_1_etalisation, this, h],\n refl\n}\nend\n <MID>' ] # fmt: on self.assertEqual(processed_text, EXPECTED_TEXT) processed_text_suffix_first = tokenizer.batch_decode( tokenizer(self.PROMPTS, suffix_first=True, add_special_tokens=False)["input_ids"] ) # fmt: off EXPECTED_TEXT = [ '<PRE> <SUF>\n return result\n <MID> def remove_non_ascii(s: str) -> str:\n """ ', '<PRE> <SUF>\n ```\nThis downloads the LLaMA inference code and installs the repository as a local pip package.\n <MID> # Installation instructions:\n ```bash\n', '<PRE> <SUF>\ndef main():\n factory = InterfaceManagerFactory(start=datetime.now())\n managers = []\n for i in range(10):\n managers.append(factory.build(id=i))\n <MID> class InterfaceManagerFactory(AbstractManagerFactory):\n def __init__(', '<PRE> <SUF> = 0 :=\nbegin\nsplit,\n{ intros h f,\n rw pi_1_etalisation at h,\n simp [h],\n refl\n},\n{ intro h,\n have := @quasi_adjoint C D P,\n simp [←pi_1_etalisation, this, h],\n refl\n}\nend\n <MID> /-- A quasi-prefunctoid is 1-connected iff all its etalisations are 1-connected. -/\ntheorem connected_iff_etalisation [C D : precategoroid] (P : quasi_prefunctoid C D) :\nπ₁ P = 0 ↔ ' ] EXPECTED_IDS = torch.tensor([[ 1, 32007, 822, 3349, 29918, 5464, 29918, 294, 18869, 29898,29879, 29901, 851, 29897, 1599, 851, 29901, 13, 1678, 9995, 29871, 32008, 13, 1678, 736, 1121, 13, 32009, 15941, 1661, 29899, 28599, 2687, 4890, 515, 263, 1347, 29889, 13, 13, 1678, 826, 3174, 29901, 13, 4706, 269, 29901, 450, 1347, 304, 3349, 1661, 29899, 28599, 2687, 4890, 515, 29889, 13, 13, 1678, 16969, 29901, 13, 4706, 450, 1347, 411, 1661, 29899, 28599, 2687, 4890, 6206, 29889, 13, 1678, 9995, 13, 1678, 1121, 353, 5124, 13, 1678, 363, 274, 297, 269, 29901, 13, 4706, 565, 4356, 29898, 29883, 29897, 529, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29947, 29901, 13, 9651, 1121, 4619, 274, 32010, 2]]) # fmt: on self.assertEqual(processed_text_suffix_first, EXPECTED_TEXT) input_ids = tokenizer(self.PROMPTS[0], return_tensors="pt")["input_ids"] generated_ids = model.generate(input_ids.to(torch_device), max_new_tokens=128) torch.testing.assert_close(generated_ids, EXPECTED_IDS) EXPECTED_INFILLING = [ '<s> <PRE> def remove_non_ascii(s: str) -> str:\n """ <SUF>\n return result\n <MID>Remove non-ASCII characters from a string.\n\n Args:\n s: The string to remove non-ASCII characters from.\n\n Returns:\n The string with non-ASCII characters removed.\n """\n result = ""\n for c in s:\n if ord(c) < 128:\n result += c <EOT></s>' ] infilling = tokenizer.batch_decode(generated_ids) self.assertEqual(infilling, EXPECTED_INFILLING)
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/llama/test_modeling_llama.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 14054 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import annotations import tempfile import unittest import numpy as np from transformers import LxmertConfig, is_tf_available from transformers.testing_utils import require_tf, slow from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester from ...test_modeling_tf_common import TFModelTesterMixin, ids_tensor, random_attention_mask from ...test_pipeline_mixin import PipelineTesterMixin if is_tf_available(): import tensorflow as tf from transformers.models.lxmert.modeling_tf_lxmert import TFLxmertForPreTraining, TFLxmertModel class TFLxmertModelTester(object): def __init__( self, parent, vocab_size=300, hidden_size=28, num_attention_heads=2, num_labels=2, intermediate_size=64, hidden_act="gelu", hidden_dropout_prob=0.1, attention_probs_dropout_prob=0.1, max_position_embeddings=512, type_vocab_size=2, initializer_range=0.02, layer_norm_eps=1e-12, pad_token_id=0, num_qa_labels=30, num_object_labels=16, num_attr_labels=4, num_visual_features=10, l_layers=2, x_layers=1, r_layers=1, visual_feat_dim=128, visual_pos_dim=4, visual_loss_normalizer=6.67, seq_length=20, batch_size=8, is_training=True, task_matched=True, task_mask_lm=True, task_obj_predict=True, task_qa=True, visual_obj_loss=True, visual_attr_loss=True, visual_feat_loss=True, use_token_type_ids=True, use_lang_mask=True, output_attentions=False, output_hidden_states=False, scope=None, ): self.parent = parent self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.num_attention_heads = num_attention_heads self.num_labels = num_labels self.intermediate_size = intermediate_size self.hidden_act = hidden_act self.hidden_dropout_prob = hidden_dropout_prob self.attention_probs_dropout_prob = attention_probs_dropout_prob self.max_position_embeddings = max_position_embeddings self.type_vocab_size = type_vocab_size self.initializer_range = initializer_range self.layer_norm_eps = layer_norm_eps self.pad_token_id = pad_token_id self.num_qa_labels = num_qa_labels self.num_object_labels = num_object_labels self.num_attr_labels = num_attr_labels self.l_layers = l_layers self.x_layers = x_layers self.r_layers = r_layers self.visual_feat_dim = visual_feat_dim self.visual_pos_dim = visual_pos_dim self.visual_loss_normalizer = visual_loss_normalizer self.seq_length = seq_length self.batch_size = batch_size self.is_training = is_training self.use_lang_mask = use_lang_mask self.task_matched = task_matched self.task_mask_lm = task_mask_lm self.task_obj_predict = task_obj_predict self.task_qa = task_qa self.visual_obj_loss = visual_obj_loss self.visual_attr_loss = visual_attr_loss self.visual_feat_loss = visual_feat_loss self.num_visual_features = num_visual_features self.use_token_type_ids = use_token_type_ids self.output_attentions = output_attentions self.output_hidden_states = output_hidden_states self.scope = scope self.num_hidden_layers = {"vision": r_layers, "cross_encoder": x_layers, "language": l_layers} def prepare_config_and_inputs(self): output_attentions = self.output_attentions input_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], vocab_size=self.vocab_size) visual_feats = tf.random.uniform((self.batch_size, self.num_visual_features, self.visual_feat_dim)) bounding_boxes = tf.random.uniform((self.batch_size, self.num_visual_features, 4)) input_mask = None if self.use_lang_mask: input_mask = random_attention_mask([self.batch_size, self.seq_length]) token_type_ids = None if self.use_token_type_ids: token_type_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.type_vocab_size) obj_labels = None if self.task_obj_predict: obj_labels = {} if self.visual_attr_loss and self.task_obj_predict: obj_labels["attr"] = ( ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.num_visual_features], self.num_attr_labels), ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.num_visual_features], self.num_attr_labels), ) if self.visual_feat_loss and self.task_obj_predict: obj_labels["feat"] = ( ids_tensor( [self.batch_size, self.num_visual_features, self.visual_feat_dim], self.num_visual_features ), ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.num_visual_features], self.num_visual_features), ) if self.visual_obj_loss and self.task_obj_predict: obj_labels["obj"] = ( ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.num_visual_features], self.num_object_labels), ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.num_visual_features], self.num_object_labels), ) ans = None if self.task_qa: ans = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], self.num_qa_labels) masked_lm_labels = None if self.task_mask_lm: masked_lm_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.vocab_size) matched_label = None if self.task_matched: matched_label = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], self.num_labels) config = LxmertConfig( vocab_size=self.vocab_size, hidden_size=self.hidden_size, num_attention_heads=self.num_attention_heads, num_labels=self.num_labels, intermediate_size=self.intermediate_size, hidden_act=self.hidden_act, hidden_dropout_prob=self.hidden_dropout_prob, attention_probs_dropout_prob=self.attention_probs_dropout_prob, max_position_embeddings=self.max_position_embeddings, type_vocab_size=self.type_vocab_size, initializer_range=self.initializer_range, layer_norm_eps=self.layer_norm_eps, pad_token_id=self.pad_token_id, num_qa_labels=self.num_qa_labels, num_object_labels=self.num_object_labels, num_attr_labels=self.num_attr_labels, l_layers=self.l_layers, x_layers=self.x_layers, r_layers=self.r_layers, visual_feat_dim=self.visual_feat_dim, visual_pos_dim=self.visual_pos_dim, visual_loss_normalizer=self.visual_loss_normalizer, task_matched=self.task_matched, task_mask_lm=self.task_mask_lm, task_obj_predict=self.task_obj_predict, task_qa=self.task_qa, visual_obj_loss=self.visual_obj_loss, visual_attr_loss=self.visual_attr_loss, visual_feat_loss=self.visual_feat_loss, output_attentions=self.output_attentions, output_hidden_states=self.output_hidden_states, ) return ( config, input_ids, visual_feats, bounding_boxes, token_type_ids, input_mask, obj_labels, masked_lm_labels, matched_label, ans, output_attentions, ) def create_and_check_lxmert_model( self, config, input_ids, visual_feats, bounding_boxes, token_type_ids, input_mask, obj_labels, masked_lm_labels, matched_label, ans, output_attentions, ): model = TFLxmertModel(config=config) result = model( input_ids, visual_feats, bounding_boxes, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, output_attentions=output_attentions, ) result = model( input_ids, visual_feats, bounding_boxes, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, output_attentions=not output_attentions, ) result = model(input_ids, visual_feats, bounding_boxes, return_dict=False) result = model(input_ids, visual_feats, bounding_boxes, return_dict=True) self.parent.assertEqual(result.language_output.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size)) self.parent.assertEqual( result.vision_output.shape, (self.batch_size, self.num_visual_features, self.hidden_size) ) self.parent.assertEqual(result.pooled_output.shape, (self.batch_size, self.hidden_size)) def prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common(self, return_obj_labels=False): config_and_inputs = self.prepare_config_and_inputs() ( config, input_ids, visual_feats, bounding_boxes, token_type_ids, input_mask, obj_labels, masked_lm_labels, matched_label, ans, output_attentions, ) = config_and_inputs inputs_dict = { "input_ids": input_ids, "visual_feats": visual_feats, "visual_pos": bounding_boxes, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, } if return_obj_labels: inputs_dict["obj_labels"] = obj_labels else: config.task_obj_predict = False return config, inputs_dict def create_and_check_lxmert_for_pretraining( self, config, input_ids, visual_feats, bounding_boxes, token_type_ids, input_mask, obj_labels, masked_lm_labels, matched_label, ans, output_attentions, ): model = TFLxmertForPreTraining(config=config) result = model( input_ids, visual_feats, bounding_boxes, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, masked_lm_labels=masked_lm_labels, obj_labels=obj_labels, matched_label=matched_label, ans=ans, output_attentions=output_attentions, ) result = model( input_ids, visual_feats, bounding_boxes, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, masked_lm_labels=masked_lm_labels, output_attentions=not output_attentions, return_dict=False, ) result = model( input_ids, visual_feats, bounding_boxes, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, masked_lm_labels=masked_lm_labels, ) result = model( input_ids, visual_feats, bounding_boxes, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, obj_labels=obj_labels, ) result = model( input_ids, visual_feats, bounding_boxes, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, matched_label=matched_label, ) result = model( input_ids, visual_feats, bounding_boxes, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, ans=ans, ) result = model( input_ids, visual_feats, bounding_boxes, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, masked_lm_labels=masked_lm_labels, obj_labels=obj_labels, matched_label=matched_label, ans=ans, output_attentions=not output_attentions, ) self.parent.assertEqual(result.prediction_logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size)) @require_tf class TFLxmertModelTest(TFModelTesterMixin, PipelineTesterMixin, unittest.TestCase): all_model_classes = (TFLxmertModel, TFLxmertForPreTraining) if is_tf_available() else () pipeline_model_mapping = {"feature-extraction": TFLxmertModel} if is_tf_available() else {} test_head_masking = False test_onnx = False def setUp(self): self.model_tester = TFLxmertModelTester(self) self.config_tester = ConfigTester(self, config_class=LxmertConfig, hidden_size=37) def test_config(self): self.config_tester.run_common_tests() def test_lxmert_model(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_lxmert_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_lxmert_for_pretraining(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_lxmert_for_pretraining(*config_and_inputs) @slow def test_model_from_pretrained(self): for model_name in ["unc-nlp/lxmert-base-uncased"]: model = TFLxmertModel.from_pretrained(model_name) self.assertIsNotNone(model) def test_attention_outputs(self): config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() encoder_seq_length = ( self.model_tester.encoder_seq_length if hasattr(self.model_tester, "encoder_seq_length") else self.model_tester.seq_length ) encoder_key_length = ( self.model_tester.key_length if hasattr(self.model_tester, "key_length") else encoder_seq_length ) for model_class in self.all_model_classes: inputs_dict["output_attentions"] = True inputs_dict["output_hidden_states"] = False model = model_class(config) outputs = model(self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class)) language_attentions, vision_attentions, cross_encoder_attentions = (outputs[-3], outputs[-2], outputs[-1]) self.assertEqual(model.config.output_hidden_states, False) self.assertEqual(len(language_attentions), self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers["language"]) self.assertEqual(len(vision_attentions), self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers["vision"]) self.assertEqual(len(cross_encoder_attentions), self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers["cross_encoder"]) attentions = [language_attentions, vision_attentions, cross_encoder_attentions] attention_shapes = [ [self.model_tester.num_attention_heads, encoder_seq_length, encoder_key_length], [ self.model_tester.num_attention_heads, self.model_tester.num_visual_features, self.model_tester.num_visual_features, ], [self.model_tester.num_attention_heads, encoder_key_length, self.model_tester.num_visual_features], ] for attention, attention_shape in zip(attentions, attention_shapes): self.assertListEqual(list(attention[0].shape[-3:]), attention_shape) out_len = len(outputs) # Check attention is always last and order is fine inputs_dict["output_attentions"] = True inputs_dict["output_hidden_states"] = True model = model_class(config) outputs = model(self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class)) # 2 hidden states were added self.assertEqual(out_len + 2, len(outputs)) language_attentions, vision_attentions, cross_encoder_attentions = (outputs[-3], outputs[-2], outputs[-1]) self.assertEqual(len(language_attentions), self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers["language"]) self.assertEqual(len(vision_attentions), self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers["vision"]) self.assertEqual(len(cross_encoder_attentions), self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers["cross_encoder"]) attentions = [language_attentions, vision_attentions, cross_encoder_attentions] attention_shapes = [ [self.model_tester.num_attention_heads, encoder_seq_length, encoder_key_length], [ self.model_tester.num_attention_heads, self.model_tester.num_visual_features, self.model_tester.num_visual_features, ], [self.model_tester.num_attention_heads, encoder_key_length, self.model_tester.num_visual_features], ] for attention, attention_shape in zip(attentions, attention_shapes): self.assertListEqual(list(attention[0].shape[-3:]), attention_shape) def test_hidden_states_output(self): config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() def check_hidden_states_output(config, inputs_dict, model_class): model = model_class(config) outputs = model(self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class)) language_hidden_states, vision_hidden_states = outputs[-2], outputs[-1] self.assertEqual(len(language_hidden_states), self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers["language"] + 1) self.assertEqual(len(vision_hidden_states), self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers["vision"] + 1) seq_length = self.model_tester.seq_length num_visual_features = self.model_tester.num_visual_features self.assertListEqual( list(language_hidden_states[0].shape[-2:]), [seq_length, self.model_tester.hidden_size], ) self.assertListEqual( list(vision_hidden_states[0].shape[-2:]), [num_visual_features, self.model_tester.hidden_size], ) for model_class in self.all_model_classes: inputs_dict["output_hidden_states"] = True check_hidden_states_output(config, inputs_dict, model_class) del inputs_dict["output_hidden_states"] config.output_hidden_states = True check_hidden_states_output(config, inputs_dict, model_class) def prepare_pt_inputs_from_tf_inputs(self, tf_inputs_dict): import torch pt_inputs_dict = {} for key, value in tf_inputs_dict.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): pt_inputs_dict[key] = self.prepare_pt_inputs_from_tf_inputs(value) elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): pt_inputs_dict[key] = (self.prepare_pt_inputs_from_tf_inputs(iter_value) for iter_value in value) elif isinstance(key, bool): pt_inputs_dict[key] = value elif key == "input_values": pt_inputs_dict[key] = torch.from_numpy(value.numpy()).to(torch.float32) elif key == "pixel_values": pt_inputs_dict[key] = torch.from_numpy(value.numpy()).to(torch.float32) elif key == "input_features": pt_inputs_dict[key] = torch.from_numpy(value.numpy()).to(torch.float32) # other general float inputs elif tf_inputs_dict[key].dtype.is_floating: pt_inputs_dict[key] = torch.from_numpy(value.numpy()).to(torch.float32) else: pt_inputs_dict[key] = torch.from_numpy(value.numpy()).to(torch.long) return pt_inputs_dict def test_save_load(self): for model_class in self.all_model_classes: config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common( return_obj_labels="PreTraining" in model_class.__name__ ) model = model_class(config) outputs = model(self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class)) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: model.save_pretrained(tmpdirname) model = model_class.from_pretrained(tmpdirname) after_outputs = model(self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class)) self.assert_outputs_same(after_outputs, outputs) @require_tf class TFLxmertModelIntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase): @slow def test_inference_masked_lm(self): model = TFLxmertModel.from_pretrained("unc-nlp/lxmert-base-uncased") input_ids = tf.constant([[101, 345, 232, 328, 740, 140, 1695, 69, 6078, 1588, 102]]) num_visual_features = 10 _, visual_feats = np.random.seed(0), np.random.rand(1, num_visual_features, model.config.visual_feat_dim) _, visual_pos = np.random.seed(0), np.random.rand(1, num_visual_features, 4) visual_feats = tf.convert_to_tensor(visual_feats, dtype=tf.float32) visual_pos = tf.convert_to_tensor(visual_pos, dtype=tf.float32) output = model(input_ids, visual_feats=visual_feats, visual_pos=visual_pos)[0] expected_shape = [1, 11, 768] self.assertEqual(expected_shape, output.shape) expected_slice = tf.constant( [ [ [0.24170142, -0.98075, 0.14797261], [1.2540525, -0.83198136, 0.5112344], [1.4070463, -1.1051831, 0.6990401], ] ] ) tf.debugging.assert_near(output[:, :3, :3], expected_slice, atol=1e-4)
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/lxmert/test_modeling_tf_lxmert.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 10963 }
# Copyright 2021 The HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved. # Copyright 2021 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Testing suite for the PyTorch MegatronBERT model. """ import math import os import unittest from transformers import MegatronBertConfig, is_torch_available from transformers.models.auto import get_values from transformers.testing_utils import require_sentencepiece, require_tokenizers, require_torch, slow, torch_device from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester from ...test_modeling_common import ModelTesterMixin, ids_tensor, random_attention_mask from ...test_pipeline_mixin import PipelineTesterMixin if is_torch_available(): import torch from transformers import ( MODEL_FOR_PRETRAINING_MAPPING, MegatronBertForCausalLM, MegatronBertForMaskedLM, MegatronBertForMultipleChoice, MegatronBertForNextSentencePrediction, MegatronBertForPreTraining, MegatronBertForQuestionAnswering, MegatronBertForSequenceClassification, MegatronBertForTokenClassification, MegatronBertModel, ) class MegatronBertModelTester: def __init__( self, parent, batch_size=13, seq_length=7, is_training=True, use_input_mask=True, use_token_type_ids=True, use_labels=True, vocab_size=99, hidden_size=64, embedding_size=32, num_hidden_layers=2, num_attention_heads=4, intermediate_size=37, hidden_act="gelu", hidden_dropout_prob=0.1, attention_probs_dropout_prob=0.1, max_position_embeddings=512, type_vocab_size=16, type_sequence_label_size=2, initializer_range=0.02, num_labels=3, num_choices=4, scope=None, ): self.parent = parent self.batch_size = batch_size self.seq_length = seq_length self.is_training = is_training self.use_input_mask = use_input_mask self.use_token_type_ids = use_token_type_ids self.use_labels = use_labels self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.embedding_size = embedding_size self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers self.num_attention_heads = num_attention_heads self.intermediate_size = intermediate_size self.hidden_act = hidden_act self.hidden_dropout_prob = hidden_dropout_prob self.attention_probs_dropout_prob = attention_probs_dropout_prob self.max_position_embeddings = max_position_embeddings self.type_vocab_size = type_vocab_size self.type_sequence_label_size = type_sequence_label_size self.initializer_range = initializer_range self.num_labels = num_labels self.num_choices = num_choices self.scope = scope def prepare_config_and_inputs(self): input_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.vocab_size) input_mask = None if self.use_input_mask: input_mask = random_attention_mask([self.batch_size, self.seq_length]) token_type_ids = None if self.use_token_type_ids: token_type_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.type_vocab_size) sequence_labels = None token_labels = None choice_labels = None if self.use_labels: sequence_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], self.type_sequence_label_size) token_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.num_labels) choice_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], self.num_choices) config = self.get_config() return config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels def get_config(self): return MegatronBertConfig( vocab_size=self.vocab_size, hidden_size=self.hidden_size, num_hidden_layers=self.num_hidden_layers, num_attention_heads=self.num_attention_heads, intermediate_size=self.intermediate_size, embedding_size=self.embedding_size, hidden_act=self.hidden_act, hidden_dropout_prob=self.hidden_dropout_prob, attention_probs_dropout_prob=self.attention_probs_dropout_prob, max_position_embeddings=self.max_position_embeddings, type_vocab_size=self.type_vocab_size, is_decoder=False, initializer_range=self.initializer_range, ) def create_and_check_megatron_bert_model( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): model = MegatronBertModel(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids) result = model(input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids) result = model(input_ids) self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size)) self.parent.assertEqual(result.pooler_output.shape, (self.batch_size, self.hidden_size)) def create_and_check_megatron_bert_for_masked_lm( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): model = MegatronBertForMaskedLM(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, labels=token_labels) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size)) def create_and_check_for_causal_lm( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): model = MegatronBertForCausalLM(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, labels=token_labels) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size)) def create_and_check_megatron_bert_for_next_sequence_prediction( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): model = MegatronBertForNextSentencePrediction(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model( input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, labels=sequence_labels, ) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, 2)) def create_and_check_megatron_bert_for_pretraining( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): model = MegatronBertForPreTraining(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model( input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, labels=token_labels, next_sentence_label=sequence_labels, ) self.parent.assertEqual(result.prediction_logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size)) self.parent.assertEqual(result.seq_relationship_logits.shape, (self.batch_size, 2)) def create_and_check_megatron_bert_for_question_answering( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): model = MegatronBertForQuestionAnswering(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model( input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, start_positions=sequence_labels, end_positions=sequence_labels, ) self.parent.assertEqual(result.start_logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length)) self.parent.assertEqual(result.end_logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length)) def create_and_check_megatron_bert_for_sequence_classification( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): config.num_labels = self.num_labels model = MegatronBertForSequenceClassification(config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, labels=sequence_labels) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.num_labels)) def create_and_check_megatron_bert_for_token_classification( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): config.num_labels = self.num_labels model = MegatronBertForTokenClassification(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, labels=token_labels) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.num_labels)) def create_and_check_megatron_bert_for_multiple_choice( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): config.num_choices = self.num_choices model = MegatronBertForMultipleChoice(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() multiple_choice_inputs_ids = input_ids.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, self.num_choices, -1).contiguous() multiple_choice_token_type_ids = token_type_ids.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, self.num_choices, -1).contiguous() multiple_choice_input_mask = input_mask.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, self.num_choices, -1).contiguous() result = model( multiple_choice_inputs_ids, attention_mask=multiple_choice_input_mask, token_type_ids=multiple_choice_token_type_ids, labels=choice_labels, ) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.num_choices)) def prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common(self): config_and_inputs = self.prepare_config_and_inputs() ( config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ) = config_and_inputs inputs_dict = {"input_ids": input_ids, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask} return config, inputs_dict @require_torch class MegatronBertModelTest(ModelTesterMixin, PipelineTesterMixin, unittest.TestCase): all_model_classes = ( ( MegatronBertModel, MegatronBertForMaskedLM, MegatronBertForCausalLM, MegatronBertForMultipleChoice, MegatronBertForNextSentencePrediction, MegatronBertForPreTraining, MegatronBertForQuestionAnswering, MegatronBertForSequenceClassification, MegatronBertForTokenClassification, ) if is_torch_available() else () ) pipeline_model_mapping = ( { "feature-extraction": MegatronBertModel, "fill-mask": MegatronBertForMaskedLM, "question-answering": MegatronBertForQuestionAnswering, "text-classification": MegatronBertForSequenceClassification, "text-generation": MegatronBertForCausalLM, "token-classification": MegatronBertForTokenClassification, "zero-shot": MegatronBertForSequenceClassification, } if is_torch_available() else {} ) fx_compatible = True # test_resize_embeddings = False test_head_masking = False # special case for ForPreTraining model def _prepare_for_class(self, inputs_dict, model_class, return_labels=False): inputs_dict = super()._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class, return_labels=return_labels) if return_labels: if model_class in get_values(MODEL_FOR_PRETRAINING_MAPPING): inputs_dict["labels"] = torch.zeros( (self.model_tester.batch_size, self.model_tester.seq_length), dtype=torch.long, device=torch_device ) inputs_dict["next_sentence_label"] = torch.zeros( self.model_tester.batch_size, dtype=torch.long, device=torch_device ) return inputs_dict def setUp(self): self.model_tester = MegatronBertModelTester(self) self.config_tester = ConfigTester(self, config_class=MegatronBertConfig, hidden_size=37) def test_config(self): self.config_tester.run_common_tests() def test_megatron_bert_model(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_megatron_bert_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_masked_lm(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_megatron_bert_for_masked_lm(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_multiple_choice(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_megatron_bert_for_multiple_choice(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_next_sequence_prediction(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_megatron_bert_for_next_sequence_prediction(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_pretraining(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_megatron_bert_for_pretraining(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_question_answering(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_megatron_bert_for_question_answering(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_sequence_classification(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_megatron_bert_for_sequence_classification(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_token_classification(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_megatron_bert_for_token_classification(*config_and_inputs) def _long_tensor(tok_lst): return torch.tensor( tok_lst, dtype=torch.long, device=torch_device, ) TOLERANCE = 1e-4 @require_torch @require_sentencepiece @require_tokenizers class MegatronBertModelIntegrationTests(unittest.TestCase): @slow @unittest.skip("Model is not available.") def test_inference_no_head(self): directory = "nvidia/megatron-bert-uncased-345m" if "MYDIR" in os.environ: directory = os.path.join(os.environ["MYDIR"], directory) model = MegatronBertModel.from_pretrained(directory) model.to(torch_device) model.half() input_ids = _long_tensor([[101, 7110, 1005, 1056, 2023, 11333, 17413, 1029, 102]]) with torch.no_grad(): output = model(input_ids)[0] expected_shape = torch.Size((1, 9, 1024)) self.assertEqual(output.shape, expected_shape) expected = [-0.6040, -0.2517, -0.1025, 0.3420, -0.6758, -0.0017, -0.1089, -0.1990, 0.5728] for ii in range(3): for jj in range(3): a = output[0, ii, jj] b = expected[3 * ii + jj] msg = "ii={} jj={} a={} b={}".format(ii, jj, a, b) self.assertTrue(math.isclose(a, b, rel_tol=TOLERANCE, abs_tol=TOLERANCE), msg=msg)
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/megatron_bert/test_modeling_megatron_bert.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 7272 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import annotations import unittest from transformers import MobileBertConfig, is_tf_available from transformers.models.auto import get_values from transformers.testing_utils import require_tf, slow from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester from ...test_modeling_tf_common import TFModelTesterMixin, ids_tensor, random_attention_mask from ...test_pipeline_mixin import PipelineTesterMixin if is_tf_available(): import tensorflow as tf from transformers import ( TF_MODEL_FOR_PRETRAINING_MAPPING, TFMobileBertForMaskedLM, TFMobileBertForMultipleChoice, TFMobileBertForNextSentencePrediction, TFMobileBertForPreTraining, TFMobileBertForQuestionAnswering, TFMobileBertForSequenceClassification, TFMobileBertForTokenClassification, TFMobileBertModel, ) @require_tf class TFMobileBertModelTest(TFModelTesterMixin, PipelineTesterMixin, unittest.TestCase): all_model_classes = ( ( TFMobileBertModel, TFMobileBertForMaskedLM, TFMobileBertForNextSentencePrediction, TFMobileBertForPreTraining, TFMobileBertForQuestionAnswering, TFMobileBertForSequenceClassification, TFMobileBertForTokenClassification, TFMobileBertForMultipleChoice, ) if is_tf_available() else () ) pipeline_model_mapping = ( { "feature-extraction": TFMobileBertModel, "fill-mask": TFMobileBertForMaskedLM, "question-answering": TFMobileBertForQuestionAnswering, "text-classification": TFMobileBertForSequenceClassification, "token-classification": TFMobileBertForTokenClassification, "zero-shot": TFMobileBertForSequenceClassification, } if is_tf_available() else {} ) test_head_masking = False test_onnx = False # special case for ForPreTraining model, same as BERT tests def _prepare_for_class(self, inputs_dict, model_class, return_labels=False): inputs_dict = super()._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class, return_labels=return_labels) if return_labels: if model_class in get_values(TF_MODEL_FOR_PRETRAINING_MAPPING): inputs_dict["next_sentence_label"] = tf.zeros(self.model_tester.batch_size, dtype=tf.int32) return inputs_dict class TFMobileBertModelTester(object): def __init__( self, parent, batch_size=13, seq_length=7, is_training=True, use_input_mask=True, use_token_type_ids=True, use_labels=True, vocab_size=99, hidden_size=32, embedding_size=32, num_hidden_layers=2, num_attention_heads=4, intermediate_size=37, hidden_act="gelu", hidden_dropout_prob=0.1, attention_probs_dropout_prob=0.1, max_position_embeddings=512, type_vocab_size=16, type_sequence_label_size=2, initializer_range=0.02, num_labels=3, num_choices=4, scope=None, ): self.parent = parent self.batch_size = batch_size self.seq_length = seq_length self.is_training = is_training self.use_input_mask = use_input_mask self.use_token_type_ids = use_token_type_ids self.use_labels = use_labels self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers self.num_attention_heads = num_attention_heads self.intermediate_size = intermediate_size self.hidden_act = hidden_act self.hidden_dropout_prob = hidden_dropout_prob self.attention_probs_dropout_prob = attention_probs_dropout_prob self.max_position_embeddings = max_position_embeddings self.type_vocab_size = type_vocab_size self.type_sequence_label_size = type_sequence_label_size self.initializer_range = initializer_range self.num_labels = num_labels self.num_choices = num_choices self.scope = scope self.embedding_size = embedding_size def prepare_config_and_inputs(self): input_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.vocab_size) input_mask = None if self.use_input_mask: input_mask = random_attention_mask([self.batch_size, self.seq_length]) token_type_ids = None if self.use_token_type_ids: token_type_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.type_vocab_size) sequence_labels = None token_labels = None choice_labels = None if self.use_labels: sequence_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], self.type_sequence_label_size) token_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.num_labels) choice_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], self.num_choices) config = MobileBertConfig( vocab_size=self.vocab_size, hidden_size=self.hidden_size, num_hidden_layers=self.num_hidden_layers, num_attention_heads=self.num_attention_heads, intermediate_size=self.intermediate_size, hidden_act=self.hidden_act, hidden_dropout_prob=self.hidden_dropout_prob, attention_probs_dropout_prob=self.attention_probs_dropout_prob, max_position_embeddings=self.max_position_embeddings, type_vocab_size=self.type_vocab_size, initializer_range=self.initializer_range, embedding_size=self.embedding_size, ) return config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels def create_and_check_mobilebert_model( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): model = TFMobileBertModel(config=config) inputs = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids} result = model(inputs) inputs = [input_ids, input_mask] result = model(inputs) result = model(input_ids) self.parent.assertEqual( result.last_hidden_state.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size) ) self.parent.assertEqual(result.pooler_output.shape, (self.batch_size, self.hidden_size)) def create_and_check_mobilebert_for_masked_lm( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): model = TFMobileBertForMaskedLM(config=config) inputs = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids} result = model(inputs) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size)) def create_and_check_mobilebert_for_next_sequence_prediction( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): model = TFMobileBertForNextSentencePrediction(config=config) inputs = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids} result = model(inputs) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, 2)) def create_and_check_mobilebert_for_pretraining( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): model = TFMobileBertForPreTraining(config=config) inputs = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids} result = model(inputs) self.parent.assertEqual( result.prediction_logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size) ) self.parent.assertEqual(result.seq_relationship_logits.shape, (self.batch_size, 2)) def create_and_check_mobilebert_for_sequence_classification( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): config.num_labels = self.num_labels model = TFMobileBertForSequenceClassification(config=config) inputs = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids} result = model(inputs) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.num_labels)) def create_and_check_mobilebert_for_multiple_choice( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): config.num_choices = self.num_choices model = TFMobileBertForMultipleChoice(config=config) multiple_choice_inputs_ids = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(input_ids, 1), (1, self.num_choices, 1)) multiple_choice_input_mask = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(input_mask, 1), (1, self.num_choices, 1)) multiple_choice_token_type_ids = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(token_type_ids, 1), (1, self.num_choices, 1)) inputs = { "input_ids": multiple_choice_inputs_ids, "attention_mask": multiple_choice_input_mask, "token_type_ids": multiple_choice_token_type_ids, } result = model(inputs) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.num_choices)) def create_and_check_mobilebert_for_token_classification( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): config.num_labels = self.num_labels model = TFMobileBertForTokenClassification(config=config) inputs = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids} result = model(inputs) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.num_labels)) def create_and_check_mobilebert_for_question_answering( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): model = TFMobileBertForQuestionAnswering(config=config) inputs = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids} result = model(inputs) self.parent.assertEqual(result.start_logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length)) self.parent.assertEqual(result.end_logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length)) def prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common(self): config_and_inputs = self.prepare_config_and_inputs() ( config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ) = config_and_inputs inputs_dict = {"input_ids": input_ids, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask} return config, inputs_dict def setUp(self): self.model_tester = TFMobileBertModelTest.TFMobileBertModelTester(self) self.config_tester = ConfigTester(self, config_class=MobileBertConfig, hidden_size=37) def test_config(self): self.config_tester.run_common_tests() def test_mobilebert_model(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_mobilebert_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_masked_lm(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_mobilebert_for_masked_lm(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_multiple_choice(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_mobilebert_for_multiple_choice(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_next_sequence_prediction(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_mobilebert_for_next_sequence_prediction(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_pretraining(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_mobilebert_for_pretraining(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_question_answering(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_mobilebert_for_question_answering(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_sequence_classification(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_mobilebert_for_sequence_classification(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_token_classification(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_mobilebert_for_token_classification(*config_and_inputs) @slow def test_model_from_pretrained(self): # for model_name in TF_MOBILEBERT_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST[:1]: for model_name in ["google/mobilebert-uncased"]: model = TFMobileBertModel.from_pretrained(model_name) self.assertIsNotNone(model) @require_tf class TFMobileBertModelIntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase): @slow def test_inference_masked_lm(self): model = TFMobileBertForPreTraining.from_pretrained("google/mobilebert-uncased") input_ids = tf.constant([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]) output = model(input_ids)[0] expected_shape = [1, 6, 30522] self.assertEqual(output.shape, expected_shape) expected_slice = tf.constant( [ [ [-4.5919547, -9.248295, -9.645256], [-6.7306175, -6.440284, -6.6052837], [-7.2743506, -6.7847915, -6.024673], ] ] ) tf.debugging.assert_near(output[:, :3, :3], expected_slice, atol=1e-4)
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/mobilebert/test_modeling_tf_mobilebert.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 7017 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Inc. team, Microsoft Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import annotations import unittest from transformers import MPNetConfig, is_tf_available from transformers.testing_utils import require_tf, slow from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester from ...test_modeling_tf_common import TFModelTesterMixin, ids_tensor, random_attention_mask from ...test_pipeline_mixin import PipelineTesterMixin if is_tf_available(): import tensorflow as tf from transformers.models.mpnet.modeling_tf_mpnet import ( TFMPNetForMaskedLM, TFMPNetForMultipleChoice, TFMPNetForQuestionAnswering, TFMPNetForSequenceClassification, TFMPNetForTokenClassification, TFMPNetModel, ) class TFMPNetModelTester: def __init__( self, parent, batch_size=13, seq_length=7, is_training=True, use_input_mask=True, use_token_type_ids=False, use_labels=True, vocab_size=99, hidden_size=64, num_hidden_layers=2, num_attention_heads=4, intermediate_size=64, hidden_act="gelu", hidden_dropout_prob=0.1, attention_probs_dropout_prob=0.1, max_position_embeddings=512, type_vocab_size=16, type_sequence_label_size=2, initializer_range=0.02, num_labels=3, num_choices=4, scope=None, ): self.parent = parent self.batch_size = batch_size self.seq_length = seq_length self.is_training = is_training self.use_input_mask = use_input_mask self.use_token_type_ids = use_token_type_ids self.use_labels = use_labels self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers self.num_attention_heads = num_attention_heads self.intermediate_size = intermediate_size self.hidden_act = hidden_act self.hidden_dropout_prob = hidden_dropout_prob self.attention_probs_dropout_prob = attention_probs_dropout_prob self.max_position_embeddings = max_position_embeddings self.type_vocab_size = type_vocab_size self.type_sequence_label_size = type_sequence_label_size self.initializer_range = initializer_range self.num_labels = num_labels self.num_choices = num_choices self.scope = scope def prepare_config_and_inputs(self): input_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.vocab_size) input_mask = None if self.use_input_mask: input_mask = random_attention_mask([self.batch_size, self.seq_length]) sequence_labels = None token_labels = None choice_labels = None if self.use_labels: sequence_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], self.type_sequence_label_size) token_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.num_labels) choice_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], self.num_choices) config = MPNetConfig( vocab_size=self.vocab_size, hidden_size=self.hidden_size, num_hidden_layers=self.num_hidden_layers, num_attention_heads=self.num_attention_heads, intermediate_size=self.intermediate_size, hidden_act=self.hidden_act, hidden_dropout_prob=self.hidden_dropout_prob, attention_probs_dropout_prob=self.attention_probs_dropout_prob, max_position_embeddings=self.max_position_embeddings, initializer_range=self.initializer_range, ) return config, input_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels def create_and_check_mpnet_model( self, config, input_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): model = TFMPNetModel(config=config) inputs = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask} result = model(inputs) inputs = [input_ids, input_mask] result = model(inputs) self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size)) def create_and_check_mpnet_for_masked_lm( self, config, input_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): model = TFMPNetForMaskedLM(config=config) inputs = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask} result = model(inputs) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size)) def create_and_check_mpnet_for_question_answering( self, config, input_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): model = TFMPNetForQuestionAnswering(config=config) inputs = { "input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, } result = model(inputs) self.parent.assertEqual(result.start_logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length)) self.parent.assertEqual(result.end_logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length)) def create_and_check_mpnet_for_sequence_classification( self, config, input_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): config.num_labels = self.num_labels model = TFMPNetForSequenceClassification(config) inputs = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask} result = model(inputs) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.num_labels)) def create_and_check_mpnet_for_multiple_choice( self, config, input_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): config.num_choices = self.num_choices model = TFMPNetForMultipleChoice(config) multiple_choice_inputs_ids = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(input_ids, 1), (1, self.num_choices, 1)) multiple_choice_input_mask = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(input_mask, 1), (1, self.num_choices, 1)) inputs = { "input_ids": multiple_choice_inputs_ids, "attention_mask": multiple_choice_input_mask, } result = model(inputs) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.num_choices)) def create_and_check_mpnet_for_token_classification( self, config, input_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): config.num_labels = self.num_labels model = TFMPNetForTokenClassification(config) inputs = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask} result = model(inputs) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.num_labels)) def prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common(self): config_and_inputs = self.prepare_config_and_inputs() (config, input_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels) = config_and_inputs inputs_dict = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask} return config, inputs_dict @require_tf class TFMPNetModelTest(TFModelTesterMixin, PipelineTesterMixin, unittest.TestCase): all_model_classes = ( ( TFMPNetForMaskedLM, TFMPNetForMultipleChoice, TFMPNetForQuestionAnswering, TFMPNetForSequenceClassification, TFMPNetForTokenClassification, TFMPNetModel, ) if is_tf_available() else () ) pipeline_model_mapping = ( { "feature-extraction": TFMPNetModel, "fill-mask": TFMPNetForMaskedLM, "question-answering": TFMPNetForQuestionAnswering, "text-classification": TFMPNetForSequenceClassification, "token-classification": TFMPNetForTokenClassification, "zero-shot": TFMPNetForSequenceClassification, } if is_tf_available() else {} ) test_head_masking = False test_onnx = False def setUp(self): self.model_tester = TFMPNetModelTester(self) self.config_tester = ConfigTester(self, config_class=MPNetConfig, hidden_size=37) def test_config(self): self.config_tester.run_common_tests() def test_mpnet_model(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_mpnet_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_masked_lm(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_mpnet_for_masked_lm(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_question_answering(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_mpnet_for_question_answering(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_sequence_classification(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_mpnet_for_sequence_classification(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_multiple_choice(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_mpnet_for_multiple_choice(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_token_classification(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_mpnet_for_token_classification(*config_and_inputs) @slow def test_model_from_pretrained(self): for model_name in ["microsoft/mpnet-base"]: model = TFMPNetModel.from_pretrained(model_name) self.assertIsNotNone(model) @require_tf class TFMPNetModelIntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase): @slow def test_inference_masked_lm(self): model = TFMPNetModel.from_pretrained("microsoft/mpnet-base") input_ids = tf.constant([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]) output = model(input_ids)[0] expected_shape = [1, 6, 768] self.assertEqual(output.shape, expected_shape) expected_slice = tf.constant( [ [ [-0.1067172, 0.08216473, 0.0024543], [-0.03465879, 0.8354118, -0.03252288], [-0.06569476, -0.12424111, -0.0494436], ] ] ) tf.debugging.assert_near(output[:, :3, :3], expected_slice, atol=1e-4)
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/mpnet/test_modeling_tf_mpnet.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 4844 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2022 HuggingFace Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import os import tempfile import unittest import numpy as np from datasets import load_dataset from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download from transformers.testing_utils import check_json_file_has_correct_format, require_torch, require_vision from transformers.utils import is_torch_available, is_vision_available from ...test_image_processing_common import prepare_image_inputs if is_torch_available(): import torch if is_vision_available(): from transformers import CLIPTokenizer, OneFormerImageProcessor, OneFormerProcessor from transformers.models.oneformer.image_processing_oneformer import binary_mask_to_rle from transformers.models.oneformer.modeling_oneformer import OneFormerForUniversalSegmentationOutput if is_vision_available(): from PIL import Image def prepare_metadata(class_info_file, repo_path="shi-labs/oneformer_demo"): with open(hf_hub_download(repo_path, class_info_file, repo_type="dataset"), "r") as f: class_info = json.load(f) metadata = {} class_names = [] thing_ids = [] for key, info in class_info.items(): metadata[key] = info["name"] class_names.append(info["name"]) if info["isthing"]: thing_ids.append(int(key)) metadata["thing_ids"] = thing_ids metadata["class_names"] = class_names return metadata class OneFormerProcessorTester(unittest.TestCase): def __init__( self, parent, batch_size=7, num_channels=3, min_resolution=30, max_resolution=400, size=None, do_resize=True, do_normalize=True, image_mean=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], image_std=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], num_labels=10, reduce_labels=False, ignore_index=255, max_seq_length=77, task_seq_length=77, model_repo="shi-labs/oneformer_ade20k_swin_tiny", class_info_file="ade20k_panoptic.json", num_text=10, ): self.parent = parent self.batch_size = batch_size self.num_channels = num_channels self.min_resolution = min_resolution self.max_resolution = max_resolution self.do_resize = do_resize self.size = {"shortest_edge": 32, "longest_edge": 1333} if size is None else size self.do_normalize = do_normalize self.image_mean = image_mean self.image_std = image_std self.max_seq_length = max_seq_length self.task_seq_length = task_seq_length self.class_info_file = class_info_file self.metadata = prepare_metadata(class_info_file) self.num_text = num_text self.model_repo = model_repo # for the post_process_functions self.batch_size = 2 self.num_queries = 10 self.num_classes = 10 self.height = 3 self.width = 4 self.num_labels = num_labels self.reduce_labels = reduce_labels self.ignore_index = ignore_index def prepare_processor_dict(self): image_processor_dict = { "do_resize": self.do_resize, "size": self.size, "do_normalize": self.do_normalize, "image_mean": self.image_mean, "image_std": self.image_std, "num_labels": self.num_labels, "reduce_labels": self.reduce_labels, "ignore_index": self.ignore_index, "class_info_file": self.class_info_file, "metadata": self.metadata, "num_text": self.num_text, } image_processor = OneFormerImageProcessor(**image_processor_dict) tokenizer = CLIPTokenizer.from_pretrained(self.model_repo) return { "image_processor": image_processor, "tokenizer": tokenizer, "max_seq_length": self.max_seq_length, "task_seq_length": self.task_seq_length, } def get_expected_values(self, image_inputs, batched=False): """ This function computes the expected height and width when providing images to OneFormerProcessor, assuming do_resize is set to True with a scalar size. It also provides the expected sequence length for the task_inputs and text_list_input. """ if not batched: image = image_inputs[0] if isinstance(image, Image.Image): w, h = image.size else: h, w = image.shape[1], image.shape[2] if w < h: expected_height = int(self.size["shortest_edge"] * h / w) expected_width = self.size["shortest_edge"] elif w > h: expected_height = self.size["shortest_edge"] expected_width = int(self.size["shortest_edge"] * w / h) else: expected_height = self.size["shortest_edge"] expected_width = self.size["shortest_edge"] else: expected_values = [] for image in image_inputs: expected_height, expected_width, expected_sequence_length = self.get_expected_values([image]) expected_values.append((expected_height, expected_width, expected_sequence_length)) expected_height = max(expected_values, key=lambda item: item[0])[0] expected_width = max(expected_values, key=lambda item: item[1])[1] expected_sequence_length = self.max_seq_length return expected_height, expected_width, expected_sequence_length def get_fake_oneformer_outputs(self): return OneFormerForUniversalSegmentationOutput( # +1 for null class class_queries_logits=torch.randn((self.batch_size, self.num_queries, self.num_classes + 1)), masks_queries_logits=torch.randn((self.batch_size, self.num_queries, self.height, self.width)), ) def prepare_image_inputs(self, equal_resolution=False, numpify=False, torchify=False): return prepare_image_inputs( batch_size=self.batch_size, num_channels=self.num_channels, min_resolution=self.min_resolution, max_resolution=self.max_resolution, equal_resolution=equal_resolution, numpify=numpify, torchify=torchify, ) @require_torch @require_vision class OneFormerProcessingTest(unittest.TestCase): processing_class = OneFormerProcessor if (is_vision_available() and is_torch_available()) else None # only for test_feat_extracttion_common.test_feat_extract_to_json_string feature_extraction_class = processing_class def setUp(self): self.processing_tester = OneFormerProcessorTester(self) @property def processor_dict(self): return self.processing_tester.prepare_processor_dict() def test_feat_extract_properties(self): processor = self.processing_class(**self.processor_dict) self.assertTrue(hasattr(processor, "image_processor")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(processor, "tokenizer")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(processor, "max_seq_length")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(processor, "task_seq_length")) def test_batch_feature(self): pass def test_call_pil(self): # Initialize processor processor = self.processing_class(**self.processor_dict) # create random PIL images image_inputs = self.processing_tester.prepare_image_inputs(equal_resolution=False) for image in image_inputs: self.assertIsInstance(image, Image.Image) # Test not batched input encoded_images = processor(image_inputs[0], ["semantic"], return_tensors="pt").pixel_values expected_height, expected_width, expected_sequence_length = self.processing_tester.get_expected_values( image_inputs ) self.assertEqual( encoded_images.shape, (1, self.processing_tester.num_channels, expected_height, expected_width), ) tokenized_task_inputs = processor(image_inputs[0], ["semantic"], return_tensors="pt").task_inputs self.assertEqual( tokenized_task_inputs.shape, (1, expected_sequence_length), ) # Test batched expected_height, expected_width, expected_sequence_length = self.processing_tester.get_expected_values( image_inputs, batched=True ) encoded_images = processor(image_inputs, ["semantic"] * len(image_inputs), return_tensors="pt").pixel_values self.assertEqual( encoded_images.shape, ( self.processing_tester.batch_size, self.processing_tester.num_channels, expected_height, expected_width, ), ) tokenized_task_inputs = processor( image_inputs, ["semantic"] * len(image_inputs), return_tensors="pt" ).task_inputs self.assertEqual( tokenized_task_inputs.shape, (self.processing_tester.batch_size, expected_sequence_length), ) def test_call_numpy(self): # Initialize processor processor = self.processing_class(**self.processor_dict) # create random numpy tensors image_inputs = self.processing_tester.prepare_image_inputs(equal_resolution=False, numpify=True) for image in image_inputs: self.assertIsInstance(image, np.ndarray) # Test not batched input encoded_images = processor(image_inputs[0], ["semantic"], return_tensors="pt").pixel_values expected_height, expected_width, expected_sequence_length = self.processing_tester.get_expected_values( image_inputs ) self.assertEqual( encoded_images.shape, (1, self.processing_tester.num_channels, expected_height, expected_width), ) tokenized_task_inputs = processor(image_inputs[0], ["semantic"], return_tensors="pt").task_inputs self.assertEqual( tokenized_task_inputs.shape, (1, expected_sequence_length), ) # Test batched expected_height, expected_width, expected_sequence_length = self.processing_tester.get_expected_values( image_inputs, batched=True ) encoded_images = processor(image_inputs, ["semantic"] * len(image_inputs), return_tensors="pt").pixel_values self.assertEqual( encoded_images.shape, ( self.processing_tester.batch_size, self.processing_tester.num_channels, expected_height, expected_width, ), ) tokenized_task_inputs = processor( image_inputs, ["semantic"] * len(image_inputs), return_tensors="pt" ).task_inputs self.assertEqual( tokenized_task_inputs.shape, (self.processing_tester.batch_size, expected_sequence_length), ) def test_call_pytorch(self): # Initialize processor processor = self.processing_class(**self.processor_dict) # create random PyTorch tensors image_inputs = self.processing_tester.prepare_image_inputs(equal_resolution=False, torchify=True) for image in image_inputs: self.assertIsInstance(image, torch.Tensor) # Test not batched input encoded_images = processor(image_inputs[0], ["semantic"], return_tensors="pt").pixel_values expected_height, expected_width, expected_sequence_length = self.processing_tester.get_expected_values( image_inputs ) self.assertEqual( encoded_images.shape, (1, self.processing_tester.num_channels, expected_height, expected_width), ) tokenized_task_inputs = processor(image_inputs[0], ["semantic"], return_tensors="pt").task_inputs self.assertEqual( tokenized_task_inputs.shape, (1, expected_sequence_length), ) # Test batched expected_height, expected_width, expected_sequence_length = self.processing_tester.get_expected_values( image_inputs, batched=True ) encoded_images = processor(image_inputs, ["semantic"] * len(image_inputs), return_tensors="pt").pixel_values self.assertEqual( encoded_images.shape, ( self.processing_tester.batch_size, self.processing_tester.num_channels, expected_height, expected_width, ), ) tokenized_task_inputs = processor( image_inputs, ["semantic"] * len(image_inputs), return_tensors="pt" ).task_inputs self.assertEqual( tokenized_task_inputs.shape, (self.processing_tester.batch_size, expected_sequence_length), ) def comm_get_processor_inputs(self, with_segmentation_maps=False, is_instance_map=False, segmentation_type="np"): processor = self.processing_class(**self.processor_dict) # prepare image and target num_labels = self.processing_tester.num_labels annotations = None instance_id_to_semantic_id = None image_inputs = self.processing_tester.prepare_image_inputs(equal_resolution=False) if with_segmentation_maps: high = num_labels if is_instance_map: labels_expanded = list(range(num_labels)) * 2 instance_id_to_semantic_id = dict(enumerate(labels_expanded)) annotations = [ np.random.randint(0, high * 2, (img.size[1], img.size[0])).astype(np.uint8) for img in image_inputs ] if segmentation_type == "pil": annotations = [Image.fromarray(annotation) for annotation in annotations] inputs = processor( image_inputs, ["semantic"] * len(image_inputs), annotations, return_tensors="pt", instance_id_to_semantic_id=instance_id_to_semantic_id, pad_and_return_pixel_mask=True, ) return inputs def test_init_without_params(self): pass def test_feat_extract_from_and_save_pretrained(self): feat_extract_first = self.feature_extraction_class(**self.processor_dict) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: feat_extract_first.save_pretrained(tmpdirname) check_json_file_has_correct_format(os.path.join(tmpdirname, "preprocessor_config.json")) feat_extract_second = self.feature_extraction_class.from_pretrained(tmpdirname) self.assertEqual(feat_extract_second.image_processor.to_dict(), feat_extract_first.image_processor.to_dict()) self.assertIsInstance(feat_extract_first.image_processor, OneFormerImageProcessor) self.assertIsInstance(feat_extract_first.tokenizer, CLIPTokenizer) def test_call_with_segmentation_maps(self): def common(is_instance_map=False, segmentation_type=None): inputs = self.comm_get_processor_inputs( with_segmentation_maps=True, is_instance_map=is_instance_map, segmentation_type=segmentation_type ) mask_labels = inputs["mask_labels"] class_labels = inputs["class_labels"] pixel_values = inputs["pixel_values"] text_inputs = inputs["text_inputs"] # check the batch_size for mask_label, class_label, text_input in zip(mask_labels, class_labels, text_inputs): self.assertEqual(mask_label.shape[0], class_label.shape[0]) # this ensure padding has happened self.assertEqual(mask_label.shape[1:], pixel_values.shape[2:]) self.assertEqual(text_input.shape[0], self.processing_tester.num_text) common() common(is_instance_map=True) common(is_instance_map=False, segmentation_type="pil") common(is_instance_map=True, segmentation_type="pil") def test_integration_semantic_segmentation(self): # load 2 images and corresponding panoptic annotations from the hub dataset = load_dataset("nielsr/ade20k-panoptic-demo") image1 = dataset["train"][0]["image"] image2 = dataset["train"][1]["image"] segments_info1 = dataset["train"][0]["segments_info"] segments_info2 = dataset["train"][1]["segments_info"] annotation1 = dataset["train"][0]["label"] annotation2 = dataset["train"][1]["label"] def rgb_to_id(color): if isinstance(color, np.ndarray) and len(color.shape) == 3: if color.dtype == np.uint8: color = color.astype(np.int32) return color[:, :, 0] + 256 * color[:, :, 1] + 256 * 256 * color[:, :, 2] return int(color[0] + 256 * color[1] + 256 * 256 * color[2]) def create_panoptic_map(annotation, segments_info): annotation = np.array(annotation) # convert RGB to segment IDs per pixel # 0 is the "ignore" label, for which we don't need to make binary masks panoptic_map = rgb_to_id(annotation) # create mapping between segment IDs and semantic classes inst2class = {segment["id"]: segment["category_id"] for segment in segments_info} return panoptic_map, inst2class panoptic_map1, inst2class1 = create_panoptic_map(annotation1, segments_info1) panoptic_map2, inst2class2 = create_panoptic_map(annotation2, segments_info2) image_processor = OneFormerImageProcessor( reduce_labels=True, ignore_index=0, size=(512, 512), class_info_file="ade20k_panoptic.json", num_text=self.processing_tester.num_text, ) tokenizer = CLIPTokenizer.from_pretrained("shi-labs/oneformer_ade20k_swin_tiny") processor = OneFormerProcessor( image_processor=image_processor, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_seq_length=77, task_seq_length=77, ) # prepare the images and annotations pixel_values_list = [np.moveaxis(np.array(image1), -1, 0), np.moveaxis(np.array(image2), -1, 0)] inputs = processor.encode_inputs( pixel_values_list, ["semantic", "semantic"], [panoptic_map1, panoptic_map2], instance_id_to_semantic_id=[inst2class1, inst2class2], return_tensors="pt", ) # verify the pixel values, task inputs, text inputs and pixel mask self.assertEqual(inputs["pixel_values"].shape, (2, 3, 512, 711)) self.assertEqual(inputs["pixel_mask"].shape, (2, 512, 711)) self.assertEqual(inputs["task_inputs"].shape, (2, 77)) self.assertEqual(inputs["text_inputs"].shape, (2, self.processing_tester.num_text, 77)) # verify the class labels self.assertEqual(len(inputs["class_labels"]), 2) expected_class_labels = torch.tensor([4, 17, 32, 42, 12, 3, 5, 0, 43, 96, 104, 31, 125, 138, 87, 149]) # noqa: E231 # fmt: skip self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(inputs["class_labels"][0], expected_class_labels)) expected_class_labels = torch.tensor([19, 67, 82, 17, 12, 42, 3, 14, 5, 0, 115, 43, 8, 138, 125, 143]) # noqa: E231 # fmt: skip self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(inputs["class_labels"][1], expected_class_labels)) # verify the task inputs self.assertEqual(len(inputs["task_inputs"]), 2) self.assertEqual(inputs["task_inputs"][0].sum().item(), 141082) self.assertEqual(inputs["task_inputs"][0].sum().item(), inputs["task_inputs"][1].sum().item()) # verify the text inputs self.assertEqual(len(inputs["text_inputs"]), 2) self.assertEqual(inputs["text_inputs"][0].sum().item(), 1095752) self.assertEqual(inputs["text_inputs"][1].sum().item(), 1062468) # verify the mask labels self.assertEqual(len(inputs["mask_labels"]), 2) self.assertEqual(inputs["mask_labels"][0].shape, (16, 512, 711)) self.assertEqual(inputs["mask_labels"][1].shape, (16, 512, 711)) self.assertEqual(inputs["mask_labels"][0].sum().item(), 315193.0) self.assertEqual(inputs["mask_labels"][1].sum().item(), 350747.0) def test_integration_instance_segmentation(self): # load 2 images and corresponding panoptic annotations from the hub dataset = load_dataset("nielsr/ade20k-panoptic-demo") image1 = dataset["train"][0]["image"] image2 = dataset["train"][1]["image"] segments_info1 = dataset["train"][0]["segments_info"] segments_info2 = dataset["train"][1]["segments_info"] annotation1 = dataset["train"][0]["label"] annotation2 = dataset["train"][1]["label"] def rgb_to_id(color): if isinstance(color, np.ndarray) and len(color.shape) == 3: if color.dtype == np.uint8: color = color.astype(np.int32) return color[:, :, 0] + 256 * color[:, :, 1] + 256 * 256 * color[:, :, 2] return int(color[0] + 256 * color[1] + 256 * 256 * color[2]) def create_panoptic_map(annotation, segments_info): annotation = np.array(annotation) # convert RGB to segment IDs per pixel # 0 is the "ignore" label, for which we don't need to make binary masks panoptic_map = rgb_to_id(annotation) # create mapping between segment IDs and semantic classes inst2class = {segment["id"]: segment["category_id"] for segment in segments_info} return panoptic_map, inst2class panoptic_map1, inst2class1 = create_panoptic_map(annotation1, segments_info1) panoptic_map2, inst2class2 = create_panoptic_map(annotation2, segments_info2) image_processor = OneFormerImageProcessor( reduce_labels=True, ignore_index=0, size=(512, 512), class_info_file="ade20k_panoptic.json", num_text=self.processing_tester.num_text, ) tokenizer = CLIPTokenizer.from_pretrained("shi-labs/oneformer_ade20k_swin_tiny") processor = OneFormerProcessor( image_processor=image_processor, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_seq_length=77, task_seq_length=77, ) # prepare the images and annotations pixel_values_list = [np.moveaxis(np.array(image1), -1, 0), np.moveaxis(np.array(image2), -1, 0)] inputs = processor.encode_inputs( pixel_values_list, ["instance", "instance"], [panoptic_map1, panoptic_map2], instance_id_to_semantic_id=[inst2class1, inst2class2], return_tensors="pt", ) # verify the pixel values, task inputs, text inputs and pixel mask self.assertEqual(inputs["pixel_values"].shape, (2, 3, 512, 711)) self.assertEqual(inputs["pixel_mask"].shape, (2, 512, 711)) self.assertEqual(inputs["task_inputs"].shape, (2, 77)) self.assertEqual(inputs["text_inputs"].shape, (2, self.processing_tester.num_text, 77)) # verify the class labels self.assertEqual(len(inputs["class_labels"]), 2) expected_class_labels = torch.tensor([32, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 32, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 42, 42, 12, 12, 12, 42, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 42, 42, 42, 12, 42, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 43, 43, 43, 43, 104, 43, 31, 125, 31, 125, 138, 87, 125, 149, 138, 125, 87, 87]) # fmt: skip self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(inputs["class_labels"][0], expected_class_labels)) expected_class_labels = torch.tensor([19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 67, 82, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 12, 12, 42, 12, 12, 12, 12, 14, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 14, 12, 12, 115, 43, 43, 115, 43, 43, 43, 8, 8, 8, 138, 138, 125, 143]) # fmt: skip self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(inputs["class_labels"][1], expected_class_labels)) # verify the task inputs self.assertEqual(len(inputs["task_inputs"]), 2) self.assertEqual(inputs["task_inputs"][0].sum().item(), 144985) self.assertEqual(inputs["task_inputs"][0].sum().item(), inputs["task_inputs"][1].sum().item()) # verify the text inputs self.assertEqual(len(inputs["text_inputs"]), 2) self.assertEqual(inputs["text_inputs"][0].sum().item(), 1037040) self.assertEqual(inputs["text_inputs"][1].sum().item(), 1044078) # verify the mask labels self.assertEqual(len(inputs["mask_labels"]), 2) self.assertEqual(inputs["mask_labels"][0].shape, (73, 512, 711)) self.assertEqual(inputs["mask_labels"][1].shape, (57, 512, 711)) self.assertEqual(inputs["mask_labels"][0].sum().item(), 35040.0) self.assertEqual(inputs["mask_labels"][1].sum().item(), 98228.0) def test_integration_panoptic_segmentation(self): # load 2 images and corresponding panoptic annotations from the hub dataset = load_dataset("nielsr/ade20k-panoptic-demo") image1 = dataset["train"][0]["image"] image2 = dataset["train"][1]["image"] segments_info1 = dataset["train"][0]["segments_info"] segments_info2 = dataset["train"][1]["segments_info"] annotation1 = dataset["train"][0]["label"] annotation2 = dataset["train"][1]["label"] def rgb_to_id(color): if isinstance(color, np.ndarray) and len(color.shape) == 3: if color.dtype == np.uint8: color = color.astype(np.int32) return color[:, :, 0] + 256 * color[:, :, 1] + 256 * 256 * color[:, :, 2] return int(color[0] + 256 * color[1] + 256 * 256 * color[2]) def create_panoptic_map(annotation, segments_info): annotation = np.array(annotation) # convert RGB to segment IDs per pixel # 0 is the "ignore" label, for which we don't need to make binary masks panoptic_map = rgb_to_id(annotation) # create mapping between segment IDs and semantic classes inst2class = {segment["id"]: segment["category_id"] for segment in segments_info} return panoptic_map, inst2class panoptic_map1, inst2class1 = create_panoptic_map(annotation1, segments_info1) panoptic_map2, inst2class2 = create_panoptic_map(annotation2, segments_info2) image_processor = OneFormerImageProcessor( reduce_labels=True, ignore_index=0, size=(512, 512), class_info_file="ade20k_panoptic.json", num_text=self.processing_tester.num_text, ) tokenizer = CLIPTokenizer.from_pretrained("shi-labs/oneformer_ade20k_swin_tiny") processor = OneFormerProcessor( image_processor=image_processor, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_seq_length=77, task_seq_length=77, ) # prepare the images and annotations pixel_values_list = [np.moveaxis(np.array(image1), -1, 0), np.moveaxis(np.array(image2), -1, 0)] inputs = processor.encode_inputs( pixel_values_list, ["panoptic", "panoptic"], [panoptic_map1, panoptic_map2], instance_id_to_semantic_id=[inst2class1, inst2class2], return_tensors="pt", ) # verify the pixel values, task inputs, text inputs and pixel mask self.assertEqual(inputs["pixel_values"].shape, (2, 3, 512, 711)) self.assertEqual(inputs["pixel_mask"].shape, (2, 512, 711)) self.assertEqual(inputs["task_inputs"].shape, (2, 77)) self.assertEqual(inputs["text_inputs"].shape, (2, self.processing_tester.num_text, 77)) # verify the class labels self.assertEqual(len(inputs["class_labels"]), 2) expected_class_labels = torch.tensor([4, 17, 32, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 32, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 42, 42, 12, 12, 12, 42, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 3, 12, 12, 12, 12, 42, 42, 42, 12, 42, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 5, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 0, 43, 43, 43, 96, 43, 104, 43, 31, 125, 31, 125, 138, 87, 125, 149, 138, 125, 87, 87]) # fmt: skip self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(inputs["class_labels"][0], expected_class_labels)) expected_class_labels = torch.tensor([19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 67, 82, 19, 19, 17, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 12, 12, 42, 12, 12, 12, 12, 3, 14, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 14, 5, 12, 12, 0, 115, 43, 43, 115, 43, 43, 43, 8, 8, 8, 138, 138, 125, 143]) # fmt: skip self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(inputs["class_labels"][1], expected_class_labels)) # verify the task inputs self.assertEqual(len(inputs["task_inputs"]), 2) self.assertEqual(inputs["task_inputs"][0].sum().item(), 136240) self.assertEqual(inputs["task_inputs"][0].sum().item(), inputs["task_inputs"][1].sum().item()) # verify the text inputs self.assertEqual(len(inputs["text_inputs"]), 2) self.assertEqual(inputs["text_inputs"][0].sum().item(), 1048653) self.assertEqual(inputs["text_inputs"][1].sum().item(), 1067160) # verify the mask labels self.assertEqual(len(inputs["mask_labels"]), 2) self.assertEqual(inputs["mask_labels"][0].shape, (79, 512, 711)) self.assertEqual(inputs["mask_labels"][1].shape, (61, 512, 711)) self.assertEqual(inputs["mask_labels"][0].sum().item(), 315193.0) self.assertEqual(inputs["mask_labels"][1].sum().item(), 350747.0) def test_binary_mask_to_rle(self): fake_binary_mask = np.zeros((20, 50)) fake_binary_mask[0, 20:] = 1 fake_binary_mask[1, :15] = 1 fake_binary_mask[5, :10] = 1 rle = binary_mask_to_rle(fake_binary_mask) self.assertEqual(len(rle), 4) self.assertEqual(rle[0], 21) self.assertEqual(rle[1], 45) def test_post_process_semantic_segmentation(self): image_processor = OneFormerImageProcessor( reduce_labels=True, ignore_index=0, size=(512, 512), class_info_file="ade20k_panoptic.json", num_text=self.processing_tester.num_text, ) tokenizer = CLIPTokenizer.from_pretrained("shi-labs/oneformer_ade20k_swin_tiny") processor = OneFormerProcessor( image_processor=image_processor, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_seq_length=77, task_seq_length=77, ) outputs = self.processing_tester.get_fake_oneformer_outputs() segmentation = processor.post_process_semantic_segmentation(outputs) self.assertEqual(len(segmentation), self.processing_tester.batch_size) self.assertEqual( segmentation[0].shape, ( self.processing_tester.height, self.processing_tester.width, ), ) target_sizes = [(1, 4) for i in range(self.processing_tester.batch_size)] segmentation = processor.post_process_semantic_segmentation(outputs, target_sizes=target_sizes) self.assertEqual(segmentation[0].shape, target_sizes[0]) def test_post_process_instance_segmentation(self): image_processor = OneFormerImageProcessor( reduce_labels=True, ignore_index=0, size=(512, 512), class_info_file="ade20k_panoptic.json", num_text=self.processing_tester.num_text, ) tokenizer = CLIPTokenizer.from_pretrained("shi-labs/oneformer_ade20k_swin_tiny") processor = OneFormerProcessor( image_processor=image_processor, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_seq_length=77, task_seq_length=77, ) outputs = self.processing_tester.get_fake_oneformer_outputs() segmentation = processor.post_process_instance_segmentation(outputs, threshold=0) self.assertTrue(len(segmentation) == self.processing_tester.batch_size) for el in segmentation: self.assertTrue("segmentation" in el) self.assertTrue("segments_info" in el) self.assertEqual(type(el["segments_info"]), list) self.assertEqual(el["segmentation"].shape, (self.processing_tester.height, self.processing_tester.width)) def test_post_process_panoptic_segmentation(self): image_processor = OneFormerImageProcessor( reduce_labels=True, ignore_index=0, size=(512, 512), class_info_file="ade20k_panoptic.json", num_text=self.processing_tester.num_text, ) tokenizer = CLIPTokenizer.from_pretrained("shi-labs/oneformer_ade20k_swin_tiny") processor = OneFormerProcessor( image_processor=image_processor, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_seq_length=77, task_seq_length=77, ) outputs = self.processing_tester.get_fake_oneformer_outputs() segmentation = processor.post_process_panoptic_segmentation(outputs, threshold=0) self.assertTrue(len(segmentation) == self.processing_tester.batch_size) for el in segmentation: self.assertTrue("segmentation" in el) self.assertTrue("segments_info" in el) self.assertEqual(type(el["segments_info"]), list) self.assertEqual(el["segmentation"].shape, (self.processing_tester.height, self.processing_tester.width))
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/oneformer/test_processor_oneformer.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 15394 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2023 The HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Testing suite for the PyTorch Pop2Piano model. """ import copy import tempfile import unittest import numpy as np from datasets import load_dataset from transformers import Pop2PianoConfig from transformers.feature_extraction_utils import BatchFeature from transformers.testing_utils import ( require_essentia, require_librosa, require_onnx, require_scipy, require_torch, slow, torch_device, ) from transformers.utils import is_essentia_available, is_librosa_available, is_scipy_available, is_torch_available from ...generation.test_utils import GenerationTesterMixin from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester from ...test_modeling_common import ModelTesterMixin, ids_tensor from ...test_pipeline_mixin import PipelineTesterMixin if is_torch_available(): import torch from transformers import Pop2PianoForConditionalGeneration from transformers.models.pop2piano.modeling_pop2piano import POP2PIANO_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST @require_torch class Pop2PianoModelTester: def __init__( self, parent, vocab_size=99, batch_size=13, encoder_seq_length=7, decoder_seq_length=9, # For common tests is_training=False, use_attention_mask=True, use_labels=True, hidden_size=64, num_hidden_layers=5, num_attention_heads=4, d_ff=37, relative_attention_num_buckets=8, dropout_rate=0.1, initializer_factor=0.002, eos_token_id=1, pad_token_id=0, decoder_start_token_id=0, scope=None, decoder_layers=None, ): self.parent = parent self.batch_size = batch_size self.encoder_seq_length = encoder_seq_length self.decoder_seq_length = decoder_seq_length # For common tests self.seq_length = self.decoder_seq_length self.is_training = is_training self.use_attention_mask = use_attention_mask self.use_labels = use_labels self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers self.num_attention_heads = num_attention_heads self.d_ff = d_ff self.relative_attention_num_buckets = relative_attention_num_buckets self.dropout_rate = dropout_rate self.initializer_factor = initializer_factor self.eos_token_id = eos_token_id self.pad_token_id = pad_token_id self.decoder_start_token_id = decoder_start_token_id self.scope = None self.decoder_layers = decoder_layers def prepare_config_and_inputs(self): input_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.encoder_seq_length], self.vocab_size) decoder_input_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.decoder_seq_length], self.vocab_size) attention_mask = None decoder_attention_mask = None if self.use_attention_mask: attention_mask = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.encoder_seq_length], vocab_size=2) decoder_attention_mask = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.decoder_seq_length], vocab_size=2) lm_labels = ( ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.decoder_seq_length], self.vocab_size) if self.use_labels else None ) return self.get_config(), input_ids, decoder_input_ids, attention_mask, decoder_attention_mask, lm_labels def get_pipeline_config(self): return Pop2PianoConfig( vocab_size=166, # Pop2Piano forces 100 extra tokens d_model=self.hidden_size, d_ff=self.d_ff, d_kv=self.hidden_size // self.num_attention_heads, num_layers=self.num_hidden_layers, num_decoder_layers=self.decoder_layers, num_heads=self.num_attention_heads, relative_attention_num_buckets=self.relative_attention_num_buckets, dropout_rate=self.dropout_rate, initializer_factor=self.initializer_factor, eos_token_id=self.eos_token_id, bos_token_id=self.pad_token_id, pad_token_id=self.pad_token_id, decoder_start_token_id=self.decoder_start_token_id, ) def get_config(self): return Pop2PianoConfig( vocab_size=self.vocab_size, d_model=self.hidden_size, d_ff=self.d_ff, d_kv=self.hidden_size // self.num_attention_heads, num_layers=self.num_hidden_layers, num_decoder_layers=self.decoder_layers, num_heads=self.num_attention_heads, relative_attention_num_buckets=self.relative_attention_num_buckets, dropout_rate=self.dropout_rate, initializer_factor=self.initializer_factor, eos_token_id=self.eos_token_id, bos_token_id=self.pad_token_id, pad_token_id=self.pad_token_id, decoder_start_token_id=self.decoder_start_token_id, ) def check_prepare_lm_labels_via_shift_left( self, config, input_ids, decoder_input_ids, attention_mask, decoder_attention_mask, lm_labels, ): model = Pop2PianoForConditionalGeneration(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() # make sure that lm_labels are correctly padded from the right lm_labels.masked_fill_((lm_labels == self.decoder_start_token_id), self.eos_token_id) # add causal pad token mask triangular_mask = torch.tril(lm_labels.new_ones(lm_labels.shape)).logical_not() lm_labels.masked_fill_(triangular_mask, self.pad_token_id) decoder_input_ids = model._shift_right(lm_labels) for i, (decoder_input_ids_slice, lm_labels_slice) in enumerate(zip(decoder_input_ids, lm_labels)): # first item self.parent.assertEqual(decoder_input_ids_slice[0].item(), self.decoder_start_token_id) if i < decoder_input_ids_slice.shape[-1]: if i < decoder_input_ids.shape[-1] - 1: # items before diagonal self.parent.assertListEqual( decoder_input_ids_slice[1 : i + 1].tolist(), lm_labels_slice[:i].tolist() ) # pad items after diagonal if i < decoder_input_ids.shape[-1] - 2: self.parent.assertListEqual( decoder_input_ids_slice[i + 2 :].tolist(), lm_labels_slice[i + 1 : -1].tolist() ) else: # all items after square self.parent.assertListEqual(decoder_input_ids_slice[1:].tolist(), lm_labels_slice[:-1].tolist()) def create_and_check_model( self, config, input_ids, decoder_input_ids, attention_mask, decoder_attention_mask, lm_labels, ): model = Pop2PianoForConditionalGeneration(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model( input_ids=input_ids, decoder_input_ids=decoder_input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, decoder_attention_mask=decoder_attention_mask, ) result = model(input_ids=input_ids, decoder_input_ids=decoder_input_ids) decoder_past = result.past_key_values encoder_output = result.encoder_last_hidden_state self.parent.assertEqual(encoder_output.size(), (self.batch_size, self.encoder_seq_length, self.hidden_size)) # There should be `num_layers` key value embeddings stored in decoder_past self.parent.assertEqual(len(decoder_past), config.num_layers) # There should be a self attn key, a self attn value, a cross attn key and a cross attn value stored in each decoder_past tuple self.parent.assertEqual(len(decoder_past[0]), 4) def create_and_check_with_lm_head( self, config, input_ids, decoder_input_ids, attention_mask, decoder_attention_mask, lm_labels, ): model = Pop2PianoForConditionalGeneration(config=config).to(torch_device).eval() outputs = model( input_ids=input_ids, decoder_input_ids=decoder_input_ids, decoder_attention_mask=decoder_attention_mask, labels=lm_labels, ) self.parent.assertEqual(len(outputs), 4) self.parent.assertEqual(outputs["logits"].size(), (self.batch_size, self.decoder_seq_length, self.vocab_size)) self.parent.assertEqual(outputs["loss"].size(), ()) def create_and_check_decoder_model_past( self, config, input_ids, decoder_input_ids, attention_mask, decoder_attention_mask, lm_labels, ): model = Pop2PianoForConditionalGeneration(config=config).get_decoder().to(torch_device).eval() # first forward pass outputs = model(input_ids, use_cache=True) outputs_use_cache_conf = model(input_ids) outputs_no_past = model(input_ids, use_cache=False) self.parent.assertTrue(len(outputs) == len(outputs_use_cache_conf)) self.parent.assertTrue(len(outputs) == len(outputs_no_past) + 1) output, past_key_values = outputs.to_tuple() # create hypothetical next token and extent to next_input_ids next_tokens = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 1), config.vocab_size) # append to next input_ids and next_input_ids = torch.cat([input_ids, next_tokens], dim=-1) output_from_no_past = model(next_input_ids)["last_hidden_state"] output_from_past = model(next_tokens, past_key_values=past_key_values)["last_hidden_state"] # select random slice random_slice_idx = ids_tensor((1,), output_from_past.shape[-1]).item() output_from_no_past_slice = output_from_no_past[:, -1, random_slice_idx].detach() output_from_past_slice = output_from_past[:, 0, random_slice_idx].detach() # test that outputs are equal for slice self.parent.assertTrue(torch.allclose(output_from_past_slice, output_from_no_past_slice, atol=1e-3)) def create_and_check_decoder_model_attention_mask_past( self, config, input_ids, decoder_input_ids, attention_mask, decoder_attention_mask, lm_labels, ): model = Pop2PianoForConditionalGeneration(config=config).get_decoder() model.to(torch_device) model.eval() # create attention mask attn_mask = torch.ones(input_ids.shape, dtype=torch.long, device=torch_device) half_seq_length = input_ids.shape[-1] // 2 attn_mask[:, half_seq_length:] = 0 # first forward pass output, past_key_values = model(input_ids, attention_mask=attn_mask, use_cache=True).to_tuple() # create hypothetical next token and extent to next_input_ids next_tokens = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 1), config.vocab_size) # change a random masked slice from input_ids random_seq_idx_to_change = ids_tensor((1,), half_seq_length).item() + 1 random_other_next_tokens = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 1), config.vocab_size).squeeze(-1) input_ids[:, -random_seq_idx_to_change] = random_other_next_tokens # append to next input_ids and attn_mask next_input_ids = torch.cat([input_ids, next_tokens], dim=-1) attn_mask = torch.cat( [attn_mask, torch.ones((attn_mask.shape[0], 1), dtype=torch.long, device=torch_device)], dim=1, ) # get two different outputs output_from_no_past = model(next_input_ids, attention_mask=attn_mask)["last_hidden_state"] output_from_past = model(next_tokens, past_key_values=past_key_values, attention_mask=attn_mask)[ "last_hidden_state" ] # select random slice random_slice_idx = ids_tensor((1,), output_from_past.shape[-1]).item() output_from_no_past_slice = output_from_no_past[:, -1, random_slice_idx].detach() output_from_past_slice = output_from_past[:, 0, random_slice_idx].detach() # test that outputs are equal for slice self.parent.assertTrue(torch.allclose(output_from_past_slice, output_from_no_past_slice, atol=1e-3)) def create_and_check_decoder_model_past_large_inputs( self, config, input_ids, decoder_input_ids, attention_mask, decoder_attention_mask, lm_labels, ): model = Pop2PianoForConditionalGeneration(config=config).get_decoder().to(torch_device).eval() # first forward pass outputs = model(input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, use_cache=True) output, past_key_values = outputs.to_tuple() # create hypothetical multiple next token and extent to next_input_ids next_tokens = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 3), config.vocab_size) next_mask = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 3), vocab_size=2) # append to next input_ids and next_input_ids = torch.cat([input_ids, next_tokens], dim=-1) next_attention_mask = torch.cat([attention_mask, next_mask], dim=-1) output_from_no_past = model(next_input_ids, attention_mask=next_attention_mask)["last_hidden_state"] output_from_past = model(next_tokens, attention_mask=next_attention_mask, past_key_values=past_key_values)[ "last_hidden_state" ] # select random slice random_slice_idx = ids_tensor((1,), output_from_past.shape[-1]).item() output_from_no_past_slice = output_from_no_past[:, -3:, random_slice_idx].detach() output_from_past_slice = output_from_past[:, :, random_slice_idx].detach() self.parent.assertTrue(output_from_past_slice.shape[1] == next_tokens.shape[1]) # test that outputs are equal for slice self.parent.assertTrue(torch.allclose(output_from_past_slice, output_from_no_past_slice, atol=1e-3)) def create_and_check_generate_with_past_key_values( self, config, input_ids, decoder_input_ids, attention_mask, decoder_attention_mask, lm_labels, ): model = Pop2PianoForConditionalGeneration(config=config).to(torch_device).eval() torch.manual_seed(0) output_without_past_cache = model.generate( input_ids[:1], num_beams=2, max_length=5, do_sample=True, use_cache=False ) torch.manual_seed(0) output_with_past_cache = model.generate(input_ids[:1], num_beams=2, max_length=5, do_sample=True) self.parent.assertTrue(torch.all(output_with_past_cache == output_without_past_cache)) def create_and_check_model_fp16_forward( self, config, input_ids, decoder_input_ids, attention_mask, decoder_attention_mask, lm_labels, ): model = Pop2PianoForConditionalGeneration(config=config).to(torch_device).half().eval() output = model(input_ids, decoder_input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask)[ "encoder_last_hidden_state" ] self.parent.assertFalse(torch.isnan(output).any().item()) def create_and_check_encoder_decoder_shared_weights( self, config, input_ids, decoder_input_ids, attention_mask, decoder_attention_mask, lm_labels, ): for model_class in [Pop2PianoForConditionalGeneration]: torch.manual_seed(0) model = model_class(config=config).to(torch_device).eval() # load state dict copies weights but does not tie them model.encoder.load_state_dict(model.decoder.state_dict(), strict=False) torch.manual_seed(0) tied_config = copy.deepcopy(config) tied_config.tie_encoder_decoder = True tied_model = model_class(config=tied_config).to(torch_device).eval() model_result = model( input_ids=input_ids, decoder_input_ids=decoder_input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, decoder_attention_mask=decoder_attention_mask, ) tied_model_result = tied_model( input_ids=input_ids, decoder_input_ids=decoder_input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, decoder_attention_mask=decoder_attention_mask, ) # check that models has less parameters self.parent.assertLess( sum(p.numel() for p in tied_model.parameters()), sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters()) ) random_slice_idx = ids_tensor((1,), model_result[0].shape[-1]).item() # check that outputs are equal self.parent.assertTrue( torch.allclose( model_result[0][0, :, random_slice_idx], tied_model_result[0][0, :, random_slice_idx], atol=1e-4 ) ) # check that outputs after saving and loading are equal with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: tied_model.save_pretrained(tmpdirname) tied_model = model_class.from_pretrained(tmpdirname) tied_model.to(torch_device) tied_model.eval() # check that models has less parameters self.parent.assertLess( sum(p.numel() for p in tied_model.parameters()), sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters()) ) random_slice_idx = ids_tensor((1,), model_result[0].shape[-1]).item() tied_model_result = tied_model( input_ids=input_ids, decoder_input_ids=decoder_input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, decoder_attention_mask=decoder_attention_mask, ) # check that outputs are equal self.parent.assertTrue( torch.allclose( model_result[0][0, :, random_slice_idx], tied_model_result[0][0, :, random_slice_idx], atol=1e-4, ) ) def check_resize_embeddings_pop2piano_v1_1( self, config, ): prev_vocab_size = config.vocab_size config.tie_word_embeddings = False model = Pop2PianoForConditionalGeneration(config=config).to(torch_device).eval() model.resize_token_embeddings(prev_vocab_size - 10) self.parent.assertEqual(model.get_input_embeddings().weight.shape[0], prev_vocab_size - 10) self.parent.assertEqual(model.get_output_embeddings().weight.shape[0], prev_vocab_size - 10) self.parent.assertEqual(model.config.vocab_size, prev_vocab_size - 10) def prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common(self): config_and_inputs = self.prepare_config_and_inputs() ( config, input_ids, decoder_input_ids, attention_mask, decoder_attention_mask, lm_labels, ) = config_and_inputs inputs_dict = { "input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": attention_mask, "decoder_input_ids": decoder_input_ids, "decoder_attention_mask": decoder_attention_mask, "use_cache": False, } return config, inputs_dict @require_torch class Pop2PianoModelTest(ModelTesterMixin, GenerationTesterMixin, PipelineTesterMixin, unittest.TestCase): all_model_classes = (Pop2PianoForConditionalGeneration,) if is_torch_available() else () all_generative_model_classes = () pipeline_model_mapping = ( {"automatic-speech-recognition": Pop2PianoForConditionalGeneration} if is_torch_available() else {} ) all_parallelizable_model_classes = () fx_compatible = False test_pruning = False test_resize_embeddings = True test_model_parallel = False is_encoder_decoder = True def setUp(self): self.model_tester = Pop2PianoModelTester(self) self.config_tester = ConfigTester(self, config_class=Pop2PianoConfig, d_model=37) def test_config(self): self.config_tester.run_common_tests() def test_shift_right(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.check_prepare_lm_labels_via_shift_left(*config_and_inputs) def test_model(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_model_v1_1(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() # check that gated gelu feed forward and different word embeddings work config = config_and_inputs[0] config.tie_word_embeddings = False config.feed_forward_proj = "gated-gelu" self.model_tester.create_and_check_model(config, *config_and_inputs[1:]) def test_config_and_model_silu_gated(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() config = config_and_inputs[0] config.feed_forward_proj = "gated-silu" self.model_tester.create_and_check_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_with_lm_head(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_with_lm_head(*config_and_inputs) def test_decoder_model_past(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_decoder_model_past(*config_and_inputs) def test_decoder_model_past_with_attn_mask(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_decoder_model_attention_mask_past(*config_and_inputs) def test_decoder_model_past_with_3d_attn_mask(self): ( config, input_ids, decoder_input_ids, attention_mask, decoder_attention_mask, lm_labels, ) = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() attention_mask = ids_tensor( [self.model_tester.batch_size, self.model_tester.encoder_seq_length, self.model_tester.encoder_seq_length], vocab_size=2, ) decoder_attention_mask = ids_tensor( [self.model_tester.batch_size, self.model_tester.decoder_seq_length, self.model_tester.decoder_seq_length], vocab_size=2, ) self.model_tester.create_and_check_decoder_model_attention_mask_past( config, input_ids, decoder_input_ids, attention_mask, decoder_attention_mask, lm_labels, ) def test_decoder_model_past_with_large_inputs(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_decoder_model_past_large_inputs(*config_and_inputs) def test_encoder_decoder_shared_weights(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_encoder_decoder_shared_weights(*config_and_inputs) @unittest.skipIf(torch_device == "cpu", "Cant do half precision") def test_model_fp16_forward(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_model_fp16_forward(*config_and_inputs) def test_v1_1_resize_embeddings(self): config = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs()[0] self.model_tester.check_resize_embeddings_pop2piano_v1_1(config) @slow def test_model_from_pretrained(self): for model_name in POP2PIANO_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST[:1]: model = Pop2PianoForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(model_name) self.assertIsNotNone(model) @require_onnx def test_export_to_onnx(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() model = Pop2PianoForConditionalGeneration(config_and_inputs[0]).to(torch_device) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: torch.onnx.export( model, (config_and_inputs[1], config_and_inputs[3], config_and_inputs[2]), f"{tmpdirname}/Pop2Piano_test.onnx", export_params=True, opset_version=9, input_names=["input_ids", "decoder_input_ids"], ) def test_pass_with_input_features(self): input_features = BatchFeature( { "input_features": torch.rand((75, 100, 512)).type(torch.float32), "beatsteps": torch.randint(size=(1, 955), low=0, high=100).type(torch.float32), "extrapolated_beatstep": torch.randint(size=(1, 900), low=0, high=100).type(torch.float32), } ) model = Pop2PianoForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("sweetcocoa/pop2piano") model_opts = model.generate(input_features=input_features["input_features"], return_dict_in_generate=True) self.assertEqual(model_opts.sequences.ndim, 2) def test_pass_with_batched_input_features(self): input_features = BatchFeature( { "input_features": torch.rand((220, 70, 512)).type(torch.float32), "beatsteps": torch.randint(size=(5, 955), low=0, high=100).type(torch.float32), "extrapolated_beatstep": torch.randint(size=(5, 900), low=0, high=100).type(torch.float32), "attention_mask": torch.concatenate( [ torch.ones([120, 70], dtype=torch.int32), torch.zeros([1, 70], dtype=torch.int32), torch.ones([50, 70], dtype=torch.int32), torch.zeros([1, 70], dtype=torch.int32), torch.ones([47, 70], dtype=torch.int32), torch.zeros([1, 70], dtype=torch.int32), ], axis=0, ), "attention_mask_beatsteps": torch.ones((5, 955)).type(torch.int32), "attention_mask_extrapolated_beatstep": torch.ones((5, 900)).type(torch.int32), } ) model = Pop2PianoForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("sweetcocoa/pop2piano") model_opts = model.generate( input_features=input_features["input_features"], attention_mask=input_features["attention_mask"], return_dict_in_generate=True, ) self.assertEqual(model_opts.sequences.ndim, 2) @require_torch class Pop2PianoModelIntegrationTests(unittest.TestCase): @slow def test_mel_conditioner_integration(self): composer = "composer1" model = Pop2PianoForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("sweetcocoa/pop2piano") input_embeds = torch.ones([10, 100, 512]) composer_value = model.generation_config.composer_to_feature_token[composer] composer_value = torch.tensor(composer_value) composer_value = composer_value.repeat(input_embeds.size(0)) outputs = model.mel_conditioner( input_embeds, composer_value, min(model.generation_config.composer_to_feature_token.values()) ) # check shape self.assertEqual(outputs.size(), torch.Size([10, 101, 512])) # check values EXPECTED_OUTPUTS = torch.tensor( [[1.0475305318832397, 0.29052114486694336, -0.47778210043907166], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]] ) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(outputs[0, :3, :3], EXPECTED_OUTPUTS, atol=1e-4)) @slow @require_essentia @require_librosa @require_scipy def test_full_model_integration(self): if is_librosa_available() and is_scipy_available() and is_essentia_available() and is_torch_available(): from transformers import Pop2PianoProcessor speech_input1 = np.zeros([1_000_000], dtype=np.float32) sampling_rate = 44_100 processor = Pop2PianoProcessor.from_pretrained("sweetcocoa/pop2piano") input_features = processor.feature_extractor( speech_input1, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, return_tensors="pt" ) model = Pop2PianoForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("sweetcocoa/pop2piano") outputs = model.generate( input_features=input_features["input_features"], return_dict_in_generate=True ).sequences # check for shapes self.assertEqual(outputs.size(0), 70) # check for values self.assertEqual(outputs[0, :2].detach().cpu().numpy().tolist(), [0, 1]) # This is the test for a real music from K-Pop genre. @slow @require_essentia @require_librosa @require_scipy def test_real_music(self): if is_librosa_available() and is_scipy_available() and is_essentia_available() and is_torch_available(): from transformers import Pop2PianoFeatureExtractor, Pop2PianoTokenizer model = Pop2PianoForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("sweetcocoa/pop2piano") model.eval() feature_extractor = Pop2PianoFeatureExtractor.from_pretrained("sweetcocoa/pop2piano") tokenizer = Pop2PianoTokenizer.from_pretrained("sweetcocoa/pop2piano") ds = load_dataset("sweetcocoa/pop2piano_ci", split="test") output_fe = feature_extractor( ds["audio"][0]["array"], sampling_rate=ds["audio"][0]["sampling_rate"], return_tensors="pt" ) output_model = model.generate(input_features=output_fe["input_features"], composer="composer1") output_tokenizer = tokenizer.batch_decode(token_ids=output_model, feature_extractor_output=output_fe) pretty_midi_object = output_tokenizer["pretty_midi_objects"][0] # Checking if no of notes are same self.assertEqual(len(pretty_midi_object.instruments[0].notes), 59) predicted_timings = [] for i in pretty_midi_object.instruments[0].notes: predicted_timings.append(i.start) # Checking note start timings(first 6) EXPECTED_START_TIMINGS = [ 0.4876190423965454, 0.7314285635948181, 0.9752380847930908, 1.4396371841430664, 1.6718367338180542, 1.904036283493042, ] np.allclose(EXPECTED_START_TIMINGS, predicted_timings[:6]) # Checking note end timings(last 6) EXPECTED_END_TIMINGS = [ 12.341403007507324, 12.567797183990479, 12.567797183990479, 12.567797183990479, 12.794191360473633, 12.794191360473633, ] np.allclose(EXPECTED_END_TIMINGS, predicted_timings[-6:])
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/pop2piano/test_modeling_pop2piano.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 15077 }
from __future__ import annotations import json import os import shutil import tempfile import unittest from unittest.mock import patch import numpy as np from transformers import BartTokenizer from transformers.models.bert.tokenization_bert import VOCAB_FILES_NAMES as DPR_VOCAB_FILES_NAMES from transformers.models.dpr.tokenization_dpr import DPRQuestionEncoderTokenizer from transformers.models.roberta.tokenization_roberta import VOCAB_FILES_NAMES as BART_VOCAB_FILES_NAMES from transformers.testing_utils import require_sentencepiece, require_tf, require_tokenizers, slow from transformers.utils import cached_property, is_datasets_available, is_faiss_available, is_tf_available if is_tf_available() and is_datasets_available() and is_faiss_available(): import faiss import tensorflow as tf from datasets import Dataset from transformers import ( AutoConfig, RagConfig, RagRetriever, RagTokenizer, TFAutoModel, TFAutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, TFRagModel, TFRagSequenceForGeneration, TFRagTokenForGeneration, ) from transformers.modeling_tf_outputs import TFBaseModelOutput from ..bart.test_modeling_tf_bart import TFBartModelTester from ..dpr.test_modeling_tf_dpr import TFDPRModelTester TOLERANCE = 1e-3 def require_retrieval(test_case): """ Decorator marking a test that requires a set of dependencies necessary for pefrorm retrieval with [`RagRetriever`]. These tests are skipped when respective libraries are not installed. """ if not (is_tf_available() and is_datasets_available() and is_faiss_available()): test_case = unittest.skip("test requires tensorflow, datasets and faiss")(test_case) return test_case @require_tf @require_retrieval @require_sentencepiece class TFRagTestMixin: all_model_classes = ( (TFRagModel, TFRagTokenForGeneration, TFRagSequenceForGeneration) if is_tf_available() and is_datasets_available() and is_faiss_available() else () ) all_generative_model_classes = ( (TFRagTokenForGeneration, TFRagSequenceForGeneration) if is_tf_available() and is_datasets_available() and is_faiss_available() else () ) retrieval_vector_size = 32 n_docs = 3 max_combined_length = 16 def setUp(self): self.tmpdirname = tempfile.mkdtemp() # DPR tok vocab_tokens = [ "[UNK]", "[CLS]", "[SEP]", "[PAD]", "[MASK]", "want", "##want", "##ed", "wa", "un", "runn", "##ing", ",", "low", "lowest", ] dpr_tokenizer_path = os.path.join(self.tmpdirname, "dpr_tokenizer") os.makedirs(dpr_tokenizer_path, exist_ok=True) self.vocab_file = os.path.join(dpr_tokenizer_path, DPR_VOCAB_FILES_NAMES["vocab_file"]) with open(self.vocab_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as vocab_writer: vocab_writer.write("".join([x + "\n" for x in vocab_tokens])) # BART tok vocab = [ "l", "o", "w", "e", "r", "s", "t", "i", "d", "n", "\u0120", "\u0120l", "\u0120n", "\u0120lo", "\u0120low", "er", "\u0120lowest", "\u0120newer", "\u0120wider", "<unk>", ] vocab_tokens = dict(zip(vocab, range(len(vocab)))) merges = ["#version: 0.2", "\u0120 l", "\u0120l o", "\u0120lo w", "e r", ""] self.special_tokens_map = {"unk_token": "<unk>"} bart_tokenizer_path = os.path.join(self.tmpdirname, "bart_tokenizer") os.makedirs(bart_tokenizer_path, exist_ok=True) self.vocab_file = os.path.join(bart_tokenizer_path, BART_VOCAB_FILES_NAMES["vocab_file"]) self.merges_file = os.path.join(bart_tokenizer_path, BART_VOCAB_FILES_NAMES["merges_file"]) with open(self.vocab_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fp: fp.write(json.dumps(vocab_tokens) + "\n") with open(self.merges_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fp: fp.write("\n".join(merges)) @cached_property def dpr_tokenizer(self) -> DPRQuestionEncoderTokenizer: return DPRQuestionEncoderTokenizer.from_pretrained(os.path.join(self.tmpdirname, "dpr_tokenizer")) @cached_property def bart_tokenizer(self) -> BartTokenizer: return BartTokenizer.from_pretrained(os.path.join(self.tmpdirname, "bart_tokenizer")) def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdirname) def get_retriever(self, config): dataset = Dataset.from_dict( { "id": ["0", "1", "3"], "text": ["foo", "bar", "qux"], "title": ["Foo", "Bar", "Qux"], "embeddings": [ np.ones(self.retrieval_vector_size), 2 * np.ones(self.retrieval_vector_size), 3 * np.ones(self.retrieval_vector_size), ], } ) dataset.add_faiss_index("embeddings", string_factory="Flat", metric_type=faiss.METRIC_INNER_PRODUCT) tokenizer = self.bart_tokenizer with patch("transformers.models.rag.retrieval_rag.load_dataset") as mock_load_dataset: mock_load_dataset.return_value = dataset retriever = RagRetriever( config, question_encoder_tokenizer=self.dpr_tokenizer, generator_tokenizer=tokenizer, ) return retriever def check_model_with_retriever( self, config, input_ids, attention_mask, decoder_input_ids, decoder_attention_mask, **kwargs ): self.assertIsNotNone(config.question_encoder) self.assertIsNotNone(config.generator) for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model = model_class(config, retriever=self.get_retriever(config)) self.assertTrue(model.config.is_encoder_decoder) outputs = model( input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, decoder_input_ids=decoder_input_ids, decoder_attention_mask=decoder_attention_mask, ) # logits self.assertEqual( outputs.logits.shape, (self.n_docs * decoder_input_ids.shape[0], decoder_input_ids.shape[1], config.generator.vocab_size), ) # generator encoder last hidden states self.assertEqual( outputs.generator_enc_last_hidden_state.shape, (self.n_docs * decoder_input_ids.shape[0], self.max_combined_length, config.generator.hidden_size), ) # doc scores self.assertEqual(outputs.doc_scores.shape, (input_ids.shape[0], self.n_docs)) def check_model_generate_from_context_input_ids( self, config, input_ids, attention_mask, decoder_input_ids, decoder_attention_mask, **kwargs ): self.assertIsNotNone(config.question_encoder) self.assertIsNotNone(config.generator) retriever = self.get_retriever(config) for i, model_class in enumerate(self.all_generative_model_classes): model = model_class(config) self.assertTrue(model.config.is_encoder_decoder) question_hidden_states = model.question_encoder(input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask)[0] out = retriever( input_ids, question_hidden_states.numpy(), prefix=config.generator.prefix, return_tensors="tf", ) context_input_ids, context_attention_mask, retrieved_doc_embeds = ( out["context_input_ids"], out["context_attention_mask"], out["retrieved_doc_embeds"], ) retrieved_doc_embeds = tf.cast(retrieved_doc_embeds, tf.float32) # compute doc_scores doc_scores = tf.squeeze( tf.matmul(tf.expand_dims(question_hidden_states, axis=[1]), retrieved_doc_embeds, transpose_b=True), axis=[1], ) outputs = model.generate( context_input_ids=context_input_ids, context_attention_mask=context_attention_mask, doc_scores=doc_scores, ) self.assertIsNotNone(outputs) def check_model_generate( self, config, input_ids, attention_mask, decoder_input_ids, decoder_attention_mask, **kwargs ): self.assertIsNotNone(config.question_encoder) self.assertIsNotNone(config.generator) for model_class in self.all_generative_model_classes: model = model_class(config, retriever=self.get_retriever(config)) self.assertTrue(model.config.is_encoder_decoder) input_ids = tf.cast(input_ids, tf.int32) outputs = model.generate( input_ids=input_ids, num_beams=2, num_return_sequences=2, decoder_start_token_id=config.generator.eos_token_id, max_new_tokens=5, ) self.assertIsNotNone(outputs) def check_model_without_retriever( self, config, input_ids, attention_mask, decoder_input_ids, decoder_attention_mask, **kwargs ): self.assertIsNotNone(config.question_encoder) self.assertIsNotNone(config.generator) retriever = self.get_retriever(config) for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model = model_class(config) self.assertTrue(model.config.is_encoder_decoder) question_hidden_states = model.question_encoder(input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask)[0] out = retriever( input_ids, question_hidden_states.numpy(), prefix=config.generator.prefix, return_tensors="tf", ) context_input_ids, context_attention_mask, retrieved_doc_embeds = ( out["context_input_ids"], out["context_attention_mask"], out["retrieved_doc_embeds"], ) retrieved_doc_embeds = tf.cast(retrieved_doc_embeds, tf.float32) # compute doc_scores doc_scores = tf.squeeze( tf.matmul(tf.expand_dims(question_hidden_states, axis=[1]), retrieved_doc_embeds, transpose_b=True), axis=[1], ) outputs = model( input_ids=None, context_input_ids=context_input_ids, context_attention_mask=context_attention_mask, doc_scores=doc_scores, decoder_input_ids=decoder_input_ids, decoder_attention_mask=decoder_attention_mask, ) # logits self.assertEqual( outputs.logits.shape, (self.n_docs * decoder_input_ids.shape[0], decoder_input_ids.shape[1], config.generator.vocab_size), ) # generator encoder last hidden states self.assertEqual( outputs.generator_enc_last_hidden_state.shape, (self.n_docs * decoder_input_ids.shape[0], self.max_combined_length, config.generator.hidden_size), ) # doc scores self.assertEqual(outputs.doc_scores.shape, (input_ids.shape[0], self.n_docs)) def check_model_custom_n_docs( self, config, input_ids, attention_mask, decoder_input_ids, decoder_attention_mask, n_docs, **kwargs ): self.assertIsNotNone(config.question_encoder) self.assertIsNotNone(config.generator) retriever = self.get_retriever(config) for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model = model_class(config) self.assertTrue(model.config.is_encoder_decoder) question_hidden_states = model.question_encoder(input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask)[0] out = retriever( input_ids, question_hidden_states.numpy(), prefix=config.generator.prefix, return_tensors="tf", n_docs=n_docs, ) context_input_ids, context_attention_mask, retrieved_doc_embeds = ( out["context_input_ids"], out["context_attention_mask"], out["retrieved_doc_embeds"], ) retrieved_doc_embeds = tf.cast(retrieved_doc_embeds, tf.float32) # compute doc_scores doc_scores = tf.squeeze( tf.matmul(tf.expand_dims(question_hidden_states, axis=[1]), retrieved_doc_embeds, transpose_b=True), axis=[1], ) outputs = model( input_ids=None, context_input_ids=context_input_ids, context_attention_mask=context_attention_mask, doc_scores=doc_scores, decoder_input_ids=decoder_input_ids, decoder_attention_mask=decoder_attention_mask, n_docs=n_docs, ) # logits self.assertEqual( outputs.logits.shape, (n_docs * decoder_input_ids.shape[0], decoder_input_ids.shape[1], config.generator.vocab_size), ) # generator encoder last hidden states self.assertEqual( outputs.generator_enc_last_hidden_state.shape, (n_docs * decoder_input_ids.shape[0], self.max_combined_length, config.generator.hidden_size), ) # doc scores self.assertEqual(outputs.doc_scores.shape, (input_ids.shape[0], n_docs)) def check_model_with_mismatch_n_docs_value( self, config, input_ids, attention_mask, decoder_input_ids, decoder_attention_mask, retriever_n_docs, generator_n_docs, **kwargs, ): self.assertIsNotNone(config.question_encoder) self.assertIsNotNone(config.generator) retriever = self.get_retriever(config) for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model = model_class(config) self.assertTrue(model.config.is_encoder_decoder) question_hidden_states = model.question_encoder(input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask)[0] out = retriever( input_ids, question_hidden_states.numpy(), prefix=config.generator.prefix, return_tensors="tf", n_docs=retriever_n_docs, ) context_input_ids, context_attention_mask, retrieved_doc_embeds = ( out["context_input_ids"], out["context_attention_mask"], out["retrieved_doc_embeds"], ) retrieved_doc_embeds = tf.cast(retrieved_doc_embeds, tf.float32) # compute doc_scores doc_scores = tf.squeeze( tf.matmul(tf.expand_dims(question_hidden_states, axis=[1]), retrieved_doc_embeds, transpose_b=True), axis=[1], ) self.assertRaises( AssertionError, model.__call__, input_ids=None, context_input_ids=context_input_ids, context_attention_mask=context_attention_mask, doc_scores=doc_scores, decoder_input_ids=decoder_input_ids, decoder_attention_mask=decoder_attention_mask, n_docs=generator_n_docs, ) def check_model_with_encoder_outputs( self, config, input_ids, attention_mask, decoder_input_ids, decoder_attention_mask, **kwargs ): self.assertIsNotNone(config.question_encoder) self.assertIsNotNone(config.generator) for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model = model_class(config, retriever=self.get_retriever(config)) self.assertTrue(model.config.is_encoder_decoder) outputs = model( input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, decoder_input_ids=decoder_input_ids, decoder_attention_mask=decoder_attention_mask, ) encoder_outputs = TFBaseModelOutput(outputs.generator_enc_last_hidden_state) # run only generator outputs = model( input_ids=None, encoder_outputs=encoder_outputs, doc_scores=outputs.doc_scores, decoder_input_ids=decoder_input_ids, decoder_attention_mask=decoder_attention_mask, ) # logits self.assertEqual( outputs.logits.shape, (self.n_docs * decoder_input_ids.shape[0], decoder_input_ids.shape[1], config.generator.vocab_size), ) # generator encoder last hidden states self.assertEqual( outputs.generator_enc_last_hidden_state.shape, (self.n_docs * decoder_input_ids.shape[0], self.max_combined_length, config.generator.hidden_size), ) # doc scores self.assertEqual(outputs.doc_scores.shape, (input_ids.shape[0], self.n_docs)) def test_model_with_retriever(self): inputs_dict = self.config_and_inputs self.check_model_with_retriever(**inputs_dict) def test_model_without_retriever(self): inputs_dict = self.config_and_inputs self.check_model_without_retriever(**inputs_dict) @slow def test_model_generate_from_context_input_ids(self): inputs_dict = self.config_and_inputs self.check_model_generate_from_context_input_ids(**inputs_dict) def test_model_with_encoder_outputs(self): inputs_dict = self.config_and_inputs self.check_model_with_encoder_outputs(**inputs_dict) @slow def test_model_generate(self): inputs_dict = self.config_and_inputs self.check_model_generate(**inputs_dict) def test_model_with_custom_n_docs(self): inputs_dict = self.config_and_inputs inputs_dict["n_docs"] = 1 self.check_model_custom_n_docs(**inputs_dict) def test_model_with_mismatch_n_docs_value(self): inputs_dict = self.config_and_inputs inputs_dict["retriever_n_docs"] = 3 inputs_dict["generator_n_docs"] = 2 self.check_model_with_mismatch_n_docs_value(**inputs_dict) @require_tf @require_retrieval class TFRagDPRBartTest(TFRagTestMixin, unittest.TestCase): @cached_property def config_and_inputs(self): question_encoder_tester = TFDPRModelTester(self) dpr_config_and_inputs = question_encoder_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() generator_tester = TFBartModelTester(self) bart_config_and_inputs = generator_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() (question_encoder_config, input_ids, _, input_mask, _, _, _) = dpr_config_and_inputs (generator_config, bart_inputs_dict) = bart_config_and_inputs decoder_input_ids, decoder_attention_mask = bart_inputs_dict["input_ids"], bart_inputs_dict["attention_mask"] config = RagConfig.from_question_encoder_generator_configs( question_encoder_config, generator_config, n_docs=self.n_docs, retrieval_vector_size=self.retrieval_vector_size, max_combined_length=self.max_combined_length, ) return { "config": config, "input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "decoder_input_ids": decoder_input_ids, "decoder_attention_mask": decoder_attention_mask, } @require_tf @require_retrieval @require_sentencepiece @require_tokenizers class TFRagModelIntegrationTests(unittest.TestCase): @cached_property def token_model(self): return TFRagTokenForGeneration.from_pretrained_question_encoder_generator( "facebook/dpr-question_encoder-single-nq-base", "facebook/bart-large-cnn" ) @cached_property def sequence_model(self): return TFRagSequenceForGeneration.from_pretrained_question_encoder_generator( "facebook/dpr-question_encoder-single-nq-base", "facebook/bart-large-cnn" ) def token_model_nq_checkpoint(self, retriever): return TFRagTokenForGeneration.from_pretrained("facebook/rag-token-nq", retriever=retriever) def get_rag_config(self): question_encoder_config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained("facebook/dpr-question_encoder-single-nq-base") generator_config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained("facebook/bart-large-cnn") return RagConfig.from_question_encoder_generator_configs( question_encoder_config, generator_config, bos_token_id=0, decoder_start_token_id=2, eos_token_id=2, is_encoder_decoder=True, pad_token_id=1, vocab_size=50264, title_sep=" / ", doc_sep=" // ", n_docs=5, max_combined_length=300, dataset="wiki_dpr", dataset_split="train", index_name="exact", index_path=None, use_dummy_dataset=True, retrieval_vector_size=768, retrieval_batch_size=8, ) @slow def test_rag_sequence_inference(self): rag_config = self.get_rag_config() rag_decoder_tokenizer = BartTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/bart-large-cnn") rag_question_encoder_tokenizer = DPRQuestionEncoderTokenizer.from_pretrained( "facebook/dpr-question_encoder-single-nq-base" ) rag_retriever = RagRetriever( rag_config, question_encoder_tokenizer=rag_question_encoder_tokenizer, generator_tokenizer=rag_decoder_tokenizer, ) rag_sequence = self.sequence_model rag_sequence.set_retriever(rag_retriever) input_ids = rag_question_encoder_tokenizer( "who sings does he love me with reba", return_tensors="tf" ).input_ids decoder_input_ids = rag_decoder_tokenizer("Linda Davis", return_tensors="tf").input_ids output = rag_sequence( input_ids, labels=decoder_input_ids, ) expected_shape = tf.TensorShape([5, 5, 50264]) self.assertEqual(output.logits.shape, expected_shape) expected_doc_scores = tf.convert_to_tensor([[75.0286, 74.4998, 74.0804, 74.0306, 73.9504]]) expected_loss = tf.convert_to_tensor([36.7368]) tf.debugging.assert_near(output.loss, expected_loss, atol=1e-3) tf.debugging.assert_near(output.doc_scores, expected_doc_scores, atol=1e-3) @slow def test_rag_token_inference(self): rag_config = self.get_rag_config() rag_decoder_tokenizer = BartTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/bart-large-cnn") rag_question_encoder_tokenizer = DPRQuestionEncoderTokenizer.from_pretrained( "facebook/dpr-question_encoder-single-nq-base" ) rag_retriever = RagRetriever( rag_config, question_encoder_tokenizer=rag_question_encoder_tokenizer, generator_tokenizer=rag_decoder_tokenizer, ) rag_token = self.token_model rag_token.set_retriever(rag_retriever) input_ids = rag_question_encoder_tokenizer( "who sings does he love me with reba", return_tensors="tf" ).input_ids decoder_input_ids = rag_decoder_tokenizer("Linda Davis", return_tensors="tf").input_ids output = rag_token( input_ids, labels=decoder_input_ids, ) expected_shape = tf.TensorShape([5, 5, 50264]) self.assertEqual(output.logits.shape, expected_shape) expected_doc_scores = tf.convert_to_tensor([[75.0286, 74.4998, 74.0804, 74.0306, 73.9504]]) expected_loss = tf.convert_to_tensor([36.3557]) tf.debugging.assert_near(output.loss, expected_loss, atol=1e-3) tf.debugging.assert_near(output.doc_scores, expected_doc_scores, atol=1e-3) @slow def test_rag_token_inference_nq_checkpoint(self): rag_config = self.get_rag_config() rag_decoder_tokenizer = BartTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/bart-large-cnn") rag_question_encoder_tokenizer = DPRQuestionEncoderTokenizer.from_pretrained( "facebook/dpr-question_encoder-single-nq-base" ) rag_retriever = RagRetriever( rag_config, question_encoder_tokenizer=rag_question_encoder_tokenizer, generator_tokenizer=rag_decoder_tokenizer, ) rag_token = self.token_model_nq_checkpoint(retriever=rag_retriever) # check that outputs after saving and loading are equal with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: rag_token.save_pretrained(tmpdirname) rag_token = TFRagTokenForGeneration.from_pretrained(tmpdirname, retriever=rag_retriever) input_ids = rag_question_encoder_tokenizer( "who sings does he love me with reba", return_tensors="tf" ).input_ids decoder_input_ids = rag_decoder_tokenizer("Linda Davis", return_tensors="tf").input_ids output = rag_token( input_ids, labels=decoder_input_ids, ) expected_shape = tf.TensorShape([5, 5, 50265]) self.assertEqual(output.logits.shape, expected_shape) expected_doc_scores = tf.convert_to_tensor([[62.9402, 62.7107, 62.2382, 62.1194, 61.8578]]) expected_loss = tf.convert_to_tensor([32.521812]) tf.debugging.assert_near(output.loss, expected_loss, atol=1e-3) tf.debugging.assert_near(output.doc_scores, expected_doc_scores, atol=1e-3) @slow def test_rag_token_inference_save_pretrained(self): rag_config = self.get_rag_config() rag_decoder_tokenizer = BartTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/bart-large-cnn") rag_question_encoder_tokenizer = DPRQuestionEncoderTokenizer.from_pretrained( "facebook/dpr-question_encoder-single-nq-base" ) rag_retriever = RagRetriever( rag_config, question_encoder_tokenizer=rag_question_encoder_tokenizer, generator_tokenizer=rag_decoder_tokenizer, ) rag_token = self.token_model rag_token.set_retriever(rag_retriever) input_ids = rag_question_encoder_tokenizer( "who sings does he love me with reba", return_tensors="tf" ).input_ids decoder_input_ids = rag_decoder_tokenizer("Linda Davis", return_tensors="tf").input_ids # model must run once to be functional before loading/saving works rag_token( input_ids, labels=decoder_input_ids, ) # check that outputs after saving and loading are equal with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: rag_token.save_pretrained(tmpdirname) rag_token = TFRagTokenForGeneration.from_pretrained(tmpdirname, retriever=rag_retriever) output = rag_token( input_ids, labels=decoder_input_ids, ) expected_shape = tf.TensorShape([5, 5, 50264]) self.assertEqual(output.logits.shape, expected_shape) expected_doc_scores = tf.convert_to_tensor([[75.0286, 74.4998, 74.0804, 74.0306, 73.9504]]) expected_loss = tf.convert_to_tensor([36.3557]) tf.debugging.assert_near(output.loss, expected_loss, atol=1e-3) tf.debugging.assert_near(output.doc_scores, expected_doc_scores, atol=1e-3) @slow def test_init_and_from_pretrained(self): rag_config = self.get_rag_config() rag_decoder_tokenizer = BartTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/bart-large-cnn") rag_question_encoder_tokenizer = DPRQuestionEncoderTokenizer.from_pretrained( "facebook/dpr-question_encoder-single-nq-base" ) rag_retriever = RagRetriever( rag_config, question_encoder_tokenizer=rag_question_encoder_tokenizer, generator_tokenizer=rag_decoder_tokenizer, ) rag_config = RagConfig.from_pretrained("facebook/rag-sequence-base") rag = TFRagTokenForGeneration(rag_config, retriever=rag_retriever) input_ids = rag_question_encoder_tokenizer( "who sings does he love me with reba", return_tensors="tf" ).input_ids decoder_input_ids = rag_decoder_tokenizer("Linda Davis", return_tensors="tf").input_ids rag( input_ids, decoder_input_ids=decoder_input_ids, ) # this should not give any warnings with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: rag.save_pretrained(tmpdirname) rag = TFRagTokenForGeneration.from_pretrained(tmpdirname, retriever=rag_retriever) @property def test_data_questions(self): return [ "who got the first nobel prize in physics", "when is the next deadpool movie being released", "which mode is used for short wave broadcast service", "who is the owner of reading football club", "when is the next scandal episode coming out", "when is the last time the philadelphia won the superbowl", "what is the most current adobe flash player version", "how many episodes are there in dragon ball z", ] @slow def test_rag_token_greedy_search(self): tokenizer = RagTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/rag-token-nq") retriever = RagRetriever.from_pretrained("facebook/rag-token-nq", index_name="exact", use_dummy_dataset=True) rag_token = TFRagTokenForGeneration.from_pretrained("facebook/rag-token-nq", retriever=retriever) # check first two questions input_dict = tokenizer( self.test_data_questions[:2], return_tensors="tf", padding=True, truncation=True, ) input_ids = input_dict.input_ids attention_mask = input_dict.attention_mask # make sure only 1 beam is used rag_token.config.num_beams = 1 output_ids = rag_token.generate( input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, ) outputs = tokenizer.batch_decode(output_ids, skip_special_tokens=True) EXPECTED_OUTPUTS = [ " albert einstein", " september 22, 2017", ] self.assertListEqual(outputs, EXPECTED_OUTPUTS) @slow def test_rag_token_generate_batch(self): # NOTE: gold labels comes from num_beam=4, so this is effectively beam-search test tokenizer = RagTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/rag-token-nq") retriever = RagRetriever.from_pretrained("facebook/rag-token-nq", index_name="exact", use_dummy_dataset=True) rag_token = TFRagTokenForGeneration.from_pretrained("facebook/rag-token-nq", retriever=retriever) input_dict = tokenizer( self.test_data_questions, return_tensors="tf", padding=True, truncation=True, ) input_ids = input_dict.input_ids attention_mask = input_dict.attention_mask EXPECTED_OUTPUTS = [ " albert einstein", " september 22, 2017", " amplitude modulation", " stefan persson", " april 20, 2018", " the 1970s", " 7.1. 2", " 13", ] # Split into 2 batches of 4 examples to avoid GPU OOM. output_ids = rag_token.generate( input_ids[:4], attention_mask=attention_mask[:4], ) outputs = tokenizer.batch_decode(output_ids, skip_special_tokens=True) self.assertListEqual(outputs, EXPECTED_OUTPUTS[:4]) output_ids = rag_token.generate( input_ids[4:], attention_mask=attention_mask[4:], ) outputs = tokenizer.batch_decode(output_ids, skip_special_tokens=True) self.assertListEqual(outputs, EXPECTED_OUTPUTS[4:]) @slow def test_rag_sequence_generate_batch(self): tokenizer = RagTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/rag-sequence-nq") retriever = RagRetriever.from_pretrained( "facebook/rag-sequence-nq", index_name="exact", use_dummy_dataset=True ) rag_sequence = TFRagSequenceForGeneration.from_pretrained("facebook/rag-sequence-nq", retriever=retriever) input_dict = tokenizer( self.test_data_questions, return_tensors="tf", padding=True, truncation=True, ) input_ids = input_dict.input_ids attention_mask = input_dict.attention_mask output_ids = rag_sequence.generate( input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, ) outputs = tokenizer.batch_decode(output_ids, skip_special_tokens=True) EXPECTED_OUTPUTS = [ " albert einstein", " june 22, 2018", " amplitude modulation", " tim besley ( chairman )", " june 20, 2018", " 1980", " 7.0", " 8", ] self.assertListEqual(outputs, EXPECTED_OUTPUTS) @slow def test_rag_sequence_generate_batch_from_context_input_ids(self): tokenizer = RagTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/rag-sequence-nq") retriever = RagRetriever.from_pretrained( "facebook/rag-sequence-nq", index_name="exact", use_dummy_dataset=True ) rag_sequence = TFRagSequenceForGeneration.from_pretrained("facebook/rag-sequence-nq", retriever=retriever) input_dict = tokenizer( self.test_data_questions, return_tensors="tf", padding=True, truncation=True, ) input_ids = input_dict.input_ids question_hidden_states = rag_sequence.question_encoder(input_ids)[0] docs_dict = retriever(input_ids.numpy(), question_hidden_states.numpy(), return_tensors="tf") doc_scores = tf.squeeze( tf.matmul( tf.expand_dims(question_hidden_states, axis=[1]), docs_dict["retrieved_doc_embeds"], transpose_b=True ), axis=[1], ) output_ids = rag_sequence.generate( context_input_ids=docs_dict["context_input_ids"], context_attention_mask=docs_dict["context_attention_mask"], doc_scores=doc_scores, do_deduplication=True, ) outputs = tokenizer.batch_decode(output_ids, skip_special_tokens=True) EXPECTED_OUTPUTS = [ " albert einstein", " june 22, 2018", " amplitude modulation", " tim besley ( chairman )", " june 20, 2018", " 1980", " 7.0", " 8", ] self.assertListEqual(outputs, EXPECTED_OUTPUTS) @require_tf @require_retrieval class TFRagModelSaveLoadTests(unittest.TestCase): def get_rag_config(self): question_encoder_config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained("facebook/dpr-question_encoder-single-nq-base") generator_config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained("facebook/bart-large-cnn") return RagConfig.from_question_encoder_generator_configs( question_encoder_config, generator_config, bos_token_id=0, decoder_start_token_id=2, eos_token_id=2, is_encoder_decoder=True, pad_token_id=1, vocab_size=50264, title_sep=" / ", doc_sep=" // ", n_docs=5, max_combined_length=300, dataset="wiki_dpr", dataset_split="train", index_name="exact", index_path=None, use_dummy_dataset=True, retrieval_vector_size=768, retrieval_batch_size=8, ) @slow def test_rag_sequence_from_pretrained(self): load_weight_prefix = "tf_rag_model_1" rag_config = self.get_rag_config() rag_decoder_tokenizer = BartTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/bart-large-cnn") rag_question_encoder_tokenizer = DPRQuestionEncoderTokenizer.from_pretrained( "facebook/dpr-question_encoder-single-nq-base" ) rag_retriever = RagRetriever( rag_config, question_encoder_tokenizer=rag_question_encoder_tokenizer, generator_tokenizer=rag_decoder_tokenizer, ) input_ids = rag_question_encoder_tokenizer( "who sings does he love me with reba", return_tensors="tf" ).input_ids decoder_input_ids = rag_decoder_tokenizer("Linda Davis", return_tensors="tf").input_ids with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dirname: rag_sequence = TFRagSequenceForGeneration.from_pretrained_question_encoder_generator( "facebook/dpr-question_encoder-single-nq-base", "facebook/bart-large-cnn", retriever=rag_retriever, config=rag_config, ) rag_sequence.build_in_name_scope() # check that the from pretrained methods work rag_sequence.save_pretrained(tmp_dirname) rag_sequence.from_pretrained(tmp_dirname, retriever=rag_retriever) output = rag_sequence(input_ids, labels=decoder_input_ids) loss_pretrained = output.loss del rag_sequence question_encoder = TFAutoModel.from_pretrained("facebook/dpr-question_encoder-single-nq-base") generator = TFAutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained( "facebook/bart-large-cnn", load_weight_prefix=load_weight_prefix, name="generator" ) rag_sequence = TFRagSequenceForGeneration( config=rag_config, question_encoder=question_encoder, generator=generator, retriever=rag_retriever ) output = rag_sequence(input_ids, labels=decoder_input_ids) loss_init = output.loss self.assertAlmostEqual(loss_pretrained, loss_init, places=4) @slow def test_rag_token_from_pretrained(self): load_weight_prefix = "tf_rag_model_1" rag_config = self.get_rag_config() rag_decoder_tokenizer = BartTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/bart-large-cnn") rag_question_encoder_tokenizer = DPRQuestionEncoderTokenizer.from_pretrained( "facebook/dpr-question_encoder-single-nq-base" ) rag_retriever = RagRetriever( rag_config, question_encoder_tokenizer=rag_question_encoder_tokenizer, generator_tokenizer=rag_decoder_tokenizer, ) input_ids = rag_question_encoder_tokenizer( "who sings does he love me with reba", return_tensors="tf" ).input_ids decoder_input_ids = rag_decoder_tokenizer("Linda Davis", return_tensors="tf").input_ids with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dirname: rag_token = TFRagTokenForGeneration.from_pretrained_question_encoder_generator( "facebook/dpr-question_encoder-single-nq-base", "facebook/bart-large-cnn", retriever=rag_retriever, config=rag_config, ) rag_token.build_in_name_scope() # check that the from pretrained methods work rag_token.save_pretrained(tmp_dirname) rag_token.from_pretrained(tmp_dirname, retriever=rag_retriever) output = rag_token(input_ids, labels=decoder_input_ids) loss_pretrained = output.loss del rag_token question_encoder = TFAutoModel.from_pretrained("facebook/dpr-question_encoder-single-nq-base") generator = TFAutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained( "facebook/bart-large-cnn", load_weight_prefix=load_weight_prefix, name="generator" ) rag_token = TFRagTokenForGeneration( config=rag_config, question_encoder=question_encoder, generator=generator, retriever=rag_retriever ) output = rag_token(input_ids, labels=decoder_input_ids) loss_init = output.loss self.assertAlmostEqual(loss_pretrained, loss_init, places=4)
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/rag/test_modeling_tf_rag.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 19640 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2021 The HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import annotations import unittest from transformers import RemBertConfig, is_tf_available from transformers.testing_utils import require_tf, slow from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester from ...test_modeling_tf_common import TFModelTesterMixin, floats_tensor, ids_tensor, random_attention_mask from ...test_pipeline_mixin import PipelineTesterMixin if is_tf_available(): import tensorflow as tf from transformers import ( TFRemBertForCausalLM, TFRemBertForMaskedLM, TFRemBertForMultipleChoice, TFRemBertForQuestionAnswering, TFRemBertForSequenceClassification, TFRemBertForTokenClassification, TFRemBertModel, ) class TFRemBertModelTester: def __init__( self, parent, batch_size=13, seq_length=7, is_training=True, use_input_mask=True, use_token_type_ids=True, use_labels=True, vocab_size=99, hidden_size=32, input_embedding_size=18, output_embedding_size=43, num_hidden_layers=2, num_attention_heads=4, intermediate_size=37, hidden_act="gelu", hidden_dropout_prob=0.1, attention_probs_dropout_prob=0.1, max_position_embeddings=512, type_vocab_size=16, type_sequence_label_size=2, initializer_range=0.02, num_labels=3, num_choices=4, scope=None, ): self.parent = parent self.batch_size = 13 self.seq_length = 7 self.is_training = True self.use_input_mask = True self.use_token_type_ids = True self.use_labels = True self.vocab_size = 99 self.hidden_size = 32 self.input_embedding_size = input_embedding_size self.output_embedding_size = output_embedding_size self.num_hidden_layers = 2 self.num_attention_heads = 4 self.intermediate_size = 37 self.hidden_act = "gelu" self.hidden_dropout_prob = 0.1 self.attention_probs_dropout_prob = 0.1 self.max_position_embeddings = 512 self.type_vocab_size = 16 self.type_sequence_label_size = 2 self.initializer_range = 0.02 self.num_labels = 3 self.num_choices = 4 self.scope = None def prepare_config_and_inputs(self): input_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.vocab_size) input_mask = None if self.use_input_mask: input_mask = random_attention_mask([self.batch_size, self.seq_length]) token_type_ids = None if self.use_token_type_ids: token_type_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.type_vocab_size) sequence_labels = None token_labels = None choice_labels = None if self.use_labels: sequence_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], self.type_sequence_label_size) token_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.num_labels) choice_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], self.num_choices) config = RemBertConfig( vocab_size=self.vocab_size, hidden_size=self.hidden_size, input_embedding_size=self.input_embedding_size, output_embedding_size=self.output_embedding_size, num_hidden_layers=self.num_hidden_layers, num_attention_heads=self.num_attention_heads, intermediate_size=self.intermediate_size, hidden_act=self.hidden_act, hidden_dropout_prob=self.hidden_dropout_prob, attention_probs_dropout_prob=self.attention_probs_dropout_prob, max_position_embeddings=self.max_position_embeddings, type_vocab_size=self.type_vocab_size, initializer_range=self.initializer_range, return_dict=True, ) return config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels def prepare_config_and_inputs_for_decoder(self): ( config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ) = self.prepare_config_and_inputs() config.is_decoder = True encoder_hidden_states = floats_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size]) encoder_attention_mask = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], vocab_size=2) return ( config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask, ) def create_and_check_model( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): model = TFRemBertModel(config=config) inputs = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids} inputs = [input_ids, input_mask] result = model(inputs) result = model(input_ids) self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size)) def create_and_check_causal_lm_base_model( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): config.is_decoder = True model = TFRemBertModel(config=config) inputs = {"input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids} result = model(inputs) inputs = [input_ids, input_mask] result = model(inputs) result = model(input_ids) self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size)) def create_and_check_model_as_decoder( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask, ): config.add_cross_attention = True model = TFRemBertModel(config=config) inputs = { "input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids, "encoder_hidden_states": encoder_hidden_states, "encoder_attention_mask": encoder_attention_mask, } result = model(inputs) inputs = [input_ids, input_mask] result = model(inputs, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states) # Also check the case where encoder outputs are not passed result = model(input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids) self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size)) def create_and_check_causal_lm_model( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): config.is_decoder = True model = TFRemBertForCausalLM(config=config) inputs = { "input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids, } prediction_scores = model(inputs)["logits"] self.parent.assertListEqual( list(prediction_scores.numpy().shape), [self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size] ) def create_and_check_causal_lm_model_as_decoder( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask, ): config.add_cross_attention = True model = TFRemBertForCausalLM(config=config) inputs = { "input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids, "encoder_hidden_states": encoder_hidden_states, "encoder_attention_mask": encoder_attention_mask, } result = model(inputs) inputs = [input_ids, input_mask] result = model(inputs, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states) prediction_scores = result["logits"] self.parent.assertListEqual( list(prediction_scores.numpy().shape), [self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size] ) def create_and_check_causal_lm_model_past( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ): config.is_decoder = True model = TFRemBertForCausalLM(config=config) # first forward pass outputs = model(input_ids, use_cache=True) outputs_use_cache_conf = model(input_ids) outputs_no_past = model(input_ids, use_cache=False) self.parent.assertTrue(len(outputs) == len(outputs_use_cache_conf)) self.parent.assertTrue(len(outputs) == len(outputs_no_past) + 1) past_key_values = outputs.past_key_values # create hypothetical next token and extent to next_input_ids next_tokens = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 1), config.vocab_size) # append to next input_ids and attn_mask next_input_ids = tf.concat([input_ids, next_tokens], axis=-1) output_from_no_past = model(next_input_ids, output_hidden_states=True).hidden_states[0] output_from_past = model( next_tokens, past_key_values=past_key_values, output_hidden_states=True ).hidden_states[0] # select random slice random_slice_idx = int(ids_tensor((1,), output_from_past.shape[-1])) output_from_no_past_slice = output_from_no_past[:, -1, random_slice_idx] output_from_past_slice = output_from_past[:, 0, random_slice_idx] # test that outputs are equal for slice tf.debugging.assert_near(output_from_past_slice, output_from_no_past_slice, rtol=1e-6) def create_and_check_causal_lm_model_past_with_attn_mask( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ): config.is_decoder = True model = TFRemBertForCausalLM(config=config) # create attention mask half_seq_length = self.seq_length // 2 attn_mask_begin = tf.ones((self.batch_size, half_seq_length), dtype=tf.int32) attn_mask_end = tf.zeros((self.batch_size, self.seq_length - half_seq_length), dtype=tf.int32) attn_mask = tf.concat([attn_mask_begin, attn_mask_end], axis=1) # first forward pass outputs = model(input_ids, attention_mask=attn_mask, use_cache=True) # create hypothetical next token and extent to next_input_ids next_tokens = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 1), config.vocab_size) past_key_values = outputs.past_key_values # change a random masked slice from input_ids random_seq_idx_to_change = ids_tensor((1,), half_seq_length).numpy() + 1 random_other_next_tokens = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, self.seq_length), config.vocab_size) vector_condition = tf.range(self.seq_length) == (self.seq_length - random_seq_idx_to_change) condition = tf.transpose( tf.broadcast_to(tf.expand_dims(vector_condition, -1), (self.seq_length, self.batch_size)) ) input_ids = tf.where(condition, random_other_next_tokens, input_ids) # append to next input_ids and next_input_ids = tf.concat([input_ids, next_tokens], axis=-1) attn_mask = tf.concat( [attn_mask, tf.ones((attn_mask.shape[0], 1), dtype=tf.int32)], axis=1, ) output_from_no_past = model( next_input_ids, attention_mask=attn_mask, output_hidden_states=True, ).hidden_states[0] output_from_past = model( next_tokens, past_key_values=past_key_values, attention_mask=attn_mask, output_hidden_states=True ).hidden_states[0] # select random slice random_slice_idx = int(ids_tensor((1,), output_from_past.shape[-1])) output_from_no_past_slice = output_from_no_past[:, -1, random_slice_idx] output_from_past_slice = output_from_past[:, 0, random_slice_idx] # test that outputs are equal for slice tf.debugging.assert_near(output_from_past_slice, output_from_no_past_slice, rtol=1e-6) def create_and_check_causal_lm_model_past_large_inputs( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ): config.is_decoder = True model = TFRemBertForCausalLM(config=config) input_ids = input_ids[:1, :] input_mask = input_mask[:1, :] self.batch_size = 1 # first forward pass outputs = model(input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, use_cache=True) past_key_values = outputs.past_key_values # create hypothetical next token and extent to next_input_ids next_tokens = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 3), config.vocab_size) next_attn_mask = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 3), 2) # append to next input_ids and next_input_ids = tf.concat([input_ids, next_tokens], axis=-1) next_attention_mask = tf.concat([input_mask, next_attn_mask], axis=-1) output_from_no_past = model( next_input_ids, attention_mask=next_attention_mask, output_hidden_states=True, ).hidden_states[0] output_from_past = model( next_tokens, attention_mask=next_attention_mask, past_key_values=past_key_values, output_hidden_states=True, ).hidden_states[0] self.parent.assertEqual(next_tokens.shape[1], output_from_past.shape[1]) # select random slice random_slice_idx = int(ids_tensor((1,), output_from_past.shape[-1])) output_from_no_past_slice = output_from_no_past[:, -3:, random_slice_idx] output_from_past_slice = output_from_past[:, :, random_slice_idx] # test that outputs are equal for slice tf.debugging.assert_near(output_from_past_slice, output_from_no_past_slice, rtol=1e-3) def create_and_check_decoder_model_past_large_inputs( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask, ): config.add_cross_attention = True model = TFRemBertForCausalLM(config=config) input_ids = input_ids[:1, :] input_mask = input_mask[:1, :] encoder_hidden_states = encoder_hidden_states[:1, :, :] encoder_attention_mask = encoder_attention_mask[:1, :] self.batch_size = 1 # first forward pass outputs = model( input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask=encoder_attention_mask, use_cache=True, ) past_key_values = outputs.past_key_values # create hypothetical next token and extent to next_input_ids next_tokens = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 3), config.vocab_size) next_attn_mask = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 3), 2) # append to next input_ids and next_input_ids = tf.concat([input_ids, next_tokens], axis=-1) next_attention_mask = tf.concat([input_mask, next_attn_mask], axis=-1) output_from_no_past = model( next_input_ids, attention_mask=next_attention_mask, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask=encoder_attention_mask, output_hidden_states=True, ).hidden_states[0] output_from_past = model( next_tokens, attention_mask=next_attention_mask, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask=encoder_attention_mask, past_key_values=past_key_values, output_hidden_states=True, ).hidden_states[0] self.parent.assertEqual(next_tokens.shape[1], output_from_past.shape[1]) # select random slice random_slice_idx = int(ids_tensor((1,), output_from_past.shape[-1])) output_from_no_past_slice = output_from_no_past[:, -3:, random_slice_idx] output_from_past_slice = output_from_past[:, :, random_slice_idx] # test that outputs are equal for slice tf.debugging.assert_near(output_from_past_slice, output_from_no_past_slice, rtol=1e-3) def create_and_check_for_masked_lm( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): model = TFRemBertForMaskedLM(config=config) inputs = { "input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids, } result = model(inputs) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size)) def create_and_check_for_sequence_classification( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): config.num_labels = self.num_labels model = TFRemBertForSequenceClassification(config=config) inputs = { "input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids, } result = model(inputs) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.num_labels)) def create_and_check_for_multiple_choice( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): config.num_choices = self.num_choices model = TFRemBertForMultipleChoice(config=config) multiple_choice_inputs_ids = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(input_ids, 1), (1, self.num_choices, 1)) multiple_choice_input_mask = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(input_mask, 1), (1, self.num_choices, 1)) multiple_choice_token_type_ids = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(token_type_ids, 1), (1, self.num_choices, 1)) inputs = { "input_ids": multiple_choice_inputs_ids, "attention_mask": multiple_choice_input_mask, "token_type_ids": multiple_choice_token_type_ids, } result = model(inputs) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.num_choices)) def create_and_check_for_token_classification( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): config.num_labels = self.num_labels model = TFRemBertForTokenClassification(config=config) inputs = { "input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids, } result = model(inputs) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.num_labels)) def create_and_check_for_question_answering( self, config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels ): model = TFRemBertForQuestionAnswering(config=config) inputs = { "input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids, } result = model(inputs) self.parent.assertEqual(result.start_logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length)) self.parent.assertEqual(result.end_logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length)) def prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common(self): config_and_inputs = self.prepare_config_and_inputs() ( config, input_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ) = config_and_inputs inputs_dict = {"input_ids": input_ids, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask} return config, inputs_dict @require_tf class TFRemBertModelTest(TFModelTesterMixin, PipelineTesterMixin, unittest.TestCase): all_model_classes = ( ( TFRemBertModel, TFRemBertForCausalLM, TFRemBertForMaskedLM, TFRemBertForQuestionAnswering, TFRemBertForSequenceClassification, TFRemBertForTokenClassification, TFRemBertForMultipleChoice, ) if is_tf_available() else () ) pipeline_model_mapping = ( { "feature-extraction": TFRemBertModel, "fill-mask": TFRemBertForMaskedLM, "question-answering": TFRemBertForQuestionAnswering, "text-classification": TFRemBertForSequenceClassification, "text-generation": TFRemBertForCausalLM, "token-classification": TFRemBertForTokenClassification, "zero-shot": TFRemBertForSequenceClassification, } if is_tf_available() else {} ) test_head_masking = False test_onnx = False def setUp(self): self.model_tester = TFRemBertModelTester(self) self.config_tester = ConfigTester(self, config_class=RemBertConfig, hidden_size=37) def test_config(self): self.config_tester.run_common_tests() def test_model(self): """Test the base model""" config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_causal_lm_base_model(self): """Test the base model of the causal LM model is_deocder=True, no cross_attention, no encoder outputs """ config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_causal_lm_base_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_model_as_decoder(self): """Test the base model as a decoder (of an encoder-decoder architecture) is_deocder=True + cross_attention + pass encoder outputs """ config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_decoder() self.model_tester.create_and_check_model_as_decoder(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_masked_lm(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_masked_lm(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_causal_lm(self): """Test the causal LM model""" config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_causal_lm_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_causal_lm_model_as_decoder(self): """Test the causal LM model as a decoder""" config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_decoder() self.model_tester.create_and_check_causal_lm_model_as_decoder(*config_and_inputs) def test_causal_lm_model_past(self): """Test causal LM model with `past_key_values`""" config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_causal_lm_model_past(*config_and_inputs) def test_causal_lm_model_past_with_attn_mask(self): """Test the causal LM model with `past_key_values` and `attention_mask`""" config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_causal_lm_model_past_with_attn_mask(*config_and_inputs) def test_causal_lm_model_past_with_large_inputs(self): """Test the causal LM model with `past_key_values` and a longer decoder sequence length""" config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_causal_lm_model_past_large_inputs(*config_and_inputs) def test_decoder_model_past_with_large_inputs(self): """Similar to `test_causal_lm_model_past_with_large_inputs` but with cross-attention""" config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_decoder() self.model_tester.create_and_check_decoder_model_past_large_inputs(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_multiple_choice(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_multiple_choice(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_question_answering(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_question_answering(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_sequence_classification(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_sequence_classification(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_token_classification(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_token_classification(*config_and_inputs) @slow def test_model_from_pretrained(self): model = TFRemBertModel.from_pretrained("google/rembert") self.assertIsNotNone(model) @require_tf class TFRemBertModelIntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase): @slow def test_inference_model(self): model = TFRemBertModel.from_pretrained("google/rembert") input_ids = tf.constant([[312, 56498, 313, 2125, 313]]) segment_ids = tf.constant([[0, 0, 0, 1, 1]]) output = model(input_ids, token_type_ids=segment_ids, output_hidden_states=True) hidden_size = 1152 expected_shape = [1, 5, hidden_size] self.assertEqual(output["last_hidden_state"].shape, expected_shape) expected_implementation = tf.constant( [ [ [0.0754, -0.2022, 0.1904], [-0.3354, -0.3692, -0.4791], [-0.2314, -0.6729, -0.0749], [-0.0396, -0.3105, -0.4234], [-0.1571, -0.0525, 0.5353], ] ] ) tf.debugging.assert_near(output["last_hidden_state"][:, :, :3], expected_implementation, atol=1e-4) # Running on the original tf implementation gives slightly different results here. # Not clear why this variations is present # TODO: Find reason for discrepancy # expected_original_implementation = [[ # [0.07630594074726105, -0.20146065950393677, 0.19107051193714142], # [-0.3405614495277405, -0.36971670389175415, -0.4808273911476135], # [-0.22587086260318756, -0.6656315922737122, -0.07844287157058716], # [-0.04145475849509239, -0.3077218234539032, -0.42316967248916626], # [-0.15887849032878876, -0.054529931396245956, 0.5356100797653198] # ]]
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/rembert/test_modeling_tf_rembert.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 12938 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2022 The HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Testing suite for the PyTorch RoCBert model. """ import unittest from transformers import RoCBertConfig, is_torch_available from transformers.models.auto import get_values from transformers.testing_utils import require_torch, slow, torch_device from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester from ...test_modeling_common import ModelTesterMixin, floats_tensor, ids_tensor, random_attention_mask from ...test_pipeline_mixin import PipelineTesterMixin if is_torch_available(): import torch from transformers import ( MODEL_FOR_PRETRAINING_MAPPING, RoCBertForCausalLM, RoCBertForMaskedLM, RoCBertForMultipleChoice, RoCBertForPreTraining, RoCBertForQuestionAnswering, RoCBertForSequenceClassification, RoCBertForTokenClassification, RoCBertModel, ) from transformers.models.roc_bert.modeling_roc_bert import ROC_BERT_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST class RoCBertModelTester: def __init__( self, parent, batch_size=13, seq_length=7, is_training=True, use_input_mask=True, use_token_type_ids=True, use_labels=True, vocab_size=99, pronunciation_vocab_size=99, shape_vocab_size=99, pronunciation_embed_dim=32, shape_embed_dim=32, hidden_size=32, num_hidden_layers=2, num_attention_heads=4, intermediate_size=37, hidden_act="gelu", hidden_dropout_prob=0.1, attention_probs_dropout_prob=0.1, max_position_embeddings=512, type_vocab_size=16, type_sequence_label_size=2, initializer_range=0.02, num_labels=3, num_choices=4, scope=None, ): self.parent = parent self.batch_size = batch_size self.seq_length = seq_length self.is_training = is_training self.use_input_mask = use_input_mask self.use_token_type_ids = use_token_type_ids self.use_labels = use_labels self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.pronunciation_vocab_size = pronunciation_vocab_size self.shape_vocab_size = shape_vocab_size self.pronunciation_embed_dim = pronunciation_embed_dim self.shape_embed_dim = shape_embed_dim self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers self.num_attention_heads = num_attention_heads self.intermediate_size = intermediate_size self.hidden_act = hidden_act self.hidden_dropout_prob = hidden_dropout_prob self.attention_probs_dropout_prob = attention_probs_dropout_prob self.max_position_embeddings = max_position_embeddings self.type_vocab_size = type_vocab_size self.type_sequence_label_size = type_sequence_label_size self.initializer_range = initializer_range self.num_labels = num_labels self.num_choices = num_choices self.scope = scope def prepare_config_and_inputs(self): input_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.vocab_size) input_shape_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.shape_vocab_size) input_pronunciation_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.pronunciation_vocab_size) input_mask = None if self.use_input_mask: input_mask = random_attention_mask([self.batch_size, self.seq_length]) token_type_ids = None if self.use_token_type_ids: token_type_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.type_vocab_size) sequence_labels = None token_labels = None choice_labels = None if self.use_labels: sequence_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], self.type_sequence_label_size) token_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.num_labels) choice_labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], self.num_choices) config = self.get_config() return ( config, input_ids, input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ) def get_config(self): return RoCBertConfig( vocab_size=self.vocab_size, shape_vocab_size=self.shape_vocab_size, pronunciation_vocab_size=self.pronunciation_vocab_size, shape_embed_dim=self.shape_embed_dim, pronunciation_embed_dim=self.pronunciation_embed_dim, hidden_size=self.hidden_size, num_hidden_layers=self.num_hidden_layers, num_attention_heads=self.num_attention_heads, intermediate_size=self.intermediate_size, hidden_act=self.hidden_act, hidden_dropout_prob=self.hidden_dropout_prob, attention_probs_dropout_prob=self.attention_probs_dropout_prob, max_position_embeddings=self.max_position_embeddings, type_vocab_size=self.type_vocab_size, is_decoder=False, initializer_range=self.initializer_range, ) def prepare_config_and_inputs_for_decoder(self): ( config, input_ids, input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ) = self.prepare_config_and_inputs() config.is_decoder = True encoder_hidden_states = floats_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size]) encoder_attention_mask = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], vocab_size=2) return ( config, input_ids, input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask, ) def create_and_check_model( self, config, input_ids, input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ): model = RoCBertModel(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model( input_ids, input_shape_ids=input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids=input_pronunciation_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, ) result = model( input_ids, input_shape_ids=input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids=input_pronunciation_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, ) result = model(input_ids, input_shape_ids=input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids=input_pronunciation_ids) self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size)) def create_and_check_model_as_decoder( self, config, input_ids, input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask, ): config.add_cross_attention = True model = RoCBertModel(config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model( input_ids, input_shape_ids=input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids=input_pronunciation_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask=encoder_attention_mask, ) result = model( input_ids, input_shape_ids=input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids=input_pronunciation_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states, ) result = model( input_ids, input_shape_ids=input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids=input_pronunciation_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, ) self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size)) def create_and_check_for_causal_lm( self, config, input_ids, input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask, ): model = RoCBertForCausalLM(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model( input_ids, input_shape_ids=input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids=input_pronunciation_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, labels=token_labels, ) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size)) def create_and_check_for_masked_lm( self, config, input_ids, input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ): model = RoCBertForMaskedLM(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model( input_ids, input_shape_ids=input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids=input_pronunciation_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, labels=token_labels, ) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size)) def create_and_check_decoder_model_past_large_inputs( self, config, input_ids, input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask, ): config.is_decoder = True config.add_cross_attention = True model = RoCBertForCausalLM(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() # first forward pass outputs = model( input_ids, input_shape_ids=input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids=input_pronunciation_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask=encoder_attention_mask, use_cache=True, ) past_key_values = outputs.past_key_values # create hypothetical multiple next token and extent to next_input_ids next_tokens = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 3), config.vocab_size) next_shape_tokens = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 3), config.shape_vocab_size) next_pronunciation_tokens = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 3), config.pronunciation_vocab_size) next_mask = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 3), vocab_size=2) # append to next input_ids and next_input_ids = torch.cat([input_ids, next_tokens], dim=-1) next_input_shape_ids = torch.cat([input_shape_ids, next_shape_tokens], dim=-1) next_input_pronunciation_ids = torch.cat([input_pronunciation_ids, next_pronunciation_tokens], dim=-1) next_attention_mask = torch.cat([input_mask, next_mask], dim=-1) output_from_no_past = model( next_input_ids, input_shape_ids=next_input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids=next_input_pronunciation_ids, attention_mask=next_attention_mask, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask=encoder_attention_mask, output_hidden_states=True, )["hidden_states"][0] output_from_past = model( next_tokens, input_shape_ids=next_shape_tokens, input_pronunciation_ids=next_pronunciation_tokens, attention_mask=next_attention_mask, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask=encoder_attention_mask, past_key_values=past_key_values, output_hidden_states=True, )["hidden_states"][0] # select random slice random_slice_idx = ids_tensor((1,), output_from_past.shape[-1]).item() output_from_no_past_slice = output_from_no_past[:, -3:, random_slice_idx].detach() output_from_past_slice = output_from_past[:, :, random_slice_idx].detach() self.parent.assertTrue(output_from_past_slice.shape[1] == next_tokens.shape[1]) # test that outputs are equal for slice self.parent.assertTrue(torch.allclose(output_from_past_slice, output_from_no_past_slice, atol=1e-3)) def create_and_check_for_question_answering( self, config, input_ids, input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ): model = RoCBertForQuestionAnswering(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model( input_ids, input_shape_ids=input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids=input_pronunciation_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, start_positions=sequence_labels, end_positions=sequence_labels, ) self.parent.assertEqual(result.start_logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length)) self.parent.assertEqual(result.end_logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length)) def create_and_check_for_sequence_classification( self, config, input_ids, input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ): config.num_labels = self.num_labels model = RoCBertForSequenceClassification(config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model( input_ids, input_shape_ids=input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids=input_pronunciation_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, labels=sequence_labels, ) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.num_labels)) def create_and_check_for_token_classification( self, config, input_ids, input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ): config.num_labels = self.num_labels model = RoCBertForTokenClassification(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model( input_ids, input_shape_ids=input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids=input_pronunciation_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, labels=token_labels, ) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.num_labels)) def create_and_check_for_multiple_choice( self, config, input_ids, input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ): config.num_choices = self.num_choices model = RoCBertForMultipleChoice(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() multiple_choice_inputs_ids = input_ids.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, self.num_choices, -1).contiguous() multiple_choice_inputs_shape_ids = input_shape_ids.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, self.num_choices, -1).contiguous() multiple_choice_inputs_pronunciation_ids = ( input_pronunciation_ids.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, self.num_choices, -1).contiguous() ) multiple_choice_token_type_ids = token_type_ids.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, self.num_choices, -1).contiguous() multiple_choice_input_mask = input_mask.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, self.num_choices, -1).contiguous() result = model( multiple_choice_inputs_ids, input_shape_ids=multiple_choice_inputs_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids=multiple_choice_inputs_pronunciation_ids, attention_mask=multiple_choice_input_mask, token_type_ids=multiple_choice_token_type_ids, labels=choice_labels, ) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.num_choices)) def prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common(self): config_and_inputs = self.prepare_config_and_inputs() ( config, input_ids, input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ) = config_and_inputs inputs_dict = { "input_ids": input_ids, "input_shape_ids": input_shape_ids, "input_pronunciation_ids": input_pronunciation_ids, "token_type_ids": token_type_ids, "attention_mask": input_mask, } return config, inputs_dict def create_and_check_for_pretraining( self, config, input_ids, input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, ): model = RoCBertForPreTraining(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model( input_ids, input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, attack_input_ids=input_ids, attack_input_shape_ids=input_shape_ids, attack_input_pronunciation_ids=input_pronunciation_ids, attack_attention_mask=input_mask, attack_token_type_ids=token_type_ids, labels_input_ids=token_labels, labels_input_shape_ids=input_shape_ids, labels_input_pronunciation_ids=input_pronunciation_ids, labels_attention_mask=input_mask, labels_token_type_ids=token_type_ids, ) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size)) @require_torch class RoCBertModelTest(ModelTesterMixin, PipelineTesterMixin, unittest.TestCase): all_model_classes = ( ( RoCBertModel, RoCBertForMaskedLM, RoCBertForCausalLM, RoCBertForMultipleChoice, RoCBertForQuestionAnswering, RoCBertForSequenceClassification, RoCBertForTokenClassification, RoCBertForPreTraining, ) if is_torch_available() else () ) all_generative_model_classes = (RoCBertForCausalLM,) if is_torch_available() else () pipeline_model_mapping = ( { "feature-extraction": RoCBertModel, "fill-mask": RoCBertForMaskedLM, "question-answering": RoCBertForQuestionAnswering, "text-classification": RoCBertForSequenceClassification, "text-generation": RoCBertForCausalLM, "token-classification": RoCBertForTokenClassification, "zero-shot": RoCBertForSequenceClassification, } if is_torch_available() else {} ) # TODO: Fix the failed tests when this model gets more usage def is_pipeline_test_to_skip( self, pipeline_test_casse_name, config_class, model_architecture, tokenizer_name, processor_name ): if pipeline_test_casse_name in [ "FillMaskPipelineTests", "FeatureExtractionPipelineTests", "TextClassificationPipelineTests", "TokenClassificationPipelineTests", ]: # Get error: IndexError: index out of range in self. # `word_shape_file` and `word_pronunciation_file` should be shrunk during tiny model creation, # otherwise `IndexError` could occur in some embedding layers. Skip for now until this model has # more usage. return True return False # special case for ForPreTraining model def _prepare_for_class(self, inputs_dict, model_class, return_labels=False): inputs_dict = super()._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class, return_labels=return_labels) if return_labels: if model_class in get_values(MODEL_FOR_PRETRAINING_MAPPING): inputs_dict["labels_input_ids"] = torch.zeros( (self.model_tester.batch_size, self.model_tester.seq_length), dtype=torch.long, device=torch_device ) inputs_dict["labels_input_shape_ids"] = torch.zeros( (self.model_tester.batch_size, self.model_tester.seq_length), dtype=torch.long, device=torch_device ) inputs_dict["labels_input_pronunciation_ids"] = torch.zeros( (self.model_tester.batch_size, self.model_tester.seq_length), dtype=torch.long, device=torch_device ) inputs_dict["attack_input_ids"] = torch.zeros( (self.model_tester.batch_size, self.model_tester.seq_length), dtype=torch.long, device=torch_device ) inputs_dict["attack_input_shape_ids"] = torch.zeros( (self.model_tester.batch_size, self.model_tester.seq_length), dtype=torch.long, device=torch_device ) inputs_dict["attack_input_pronunciation_ids"] = torch.zeros( (self.model_tester.batch_size, self.model_tester.seq_length), dtype=torch.long, device=torch_device ) return inputs_dict def setUp(self): self.model_tester = RoCBertModelTester(self) self.config_tester = ConfigTester(self, config_class=RoCBertConfig, hidden_size=37) def test_config(self): self.config_tester.run_common_tests() def test_model(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_model_various_embeddings(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() for type in ["absolute", "relative_key", "relative_key_query"]: config_and_inputs[0].position_embedding_type = type self.model_tester.create_and_check_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_masked_lm(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_masked_lm(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_multiple_choice(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_multiple_choice(*config_and_inputs) def test_decoder_model_past_with_large_inputs(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_decoder() self.model_tester.create_and_check_decoder_model_past_large_inputs(*config_and_inputs) def test_decoder_model_past_with_large_inputs_relative_pos_emb(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_decoder() config_and_inputs[0].position_embedding_type = "relative_key" self.model_tester.create_and_check_decoder_model_past_large_inputs(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_question_answering(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_question_answering(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_sequence_classification(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_sequence_classification(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_token_classification(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_token_classification(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_pretraining(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_pretraining(*config_and_inputs) def test_model_as_decoder(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_decoder() self.model_tester.create_and_check_model_as_decoder(*config_and_inputs) def test_model_as_decoder_with_default_input_mask(self): # This regression test was failing with PyTorch < 1.3 ( config, input_ids, input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask, ) = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_decoder() input_mask = None self.model_tester.create_and_check_model_as_decoder( config, input_ids, input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids, token_type_ids, input_mask, sequence_labels, token_labels, choice_labels, encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask, ) @slow def test_model_from_pretrained(self): for model_name in ROC_BERT_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST[:1]: model = RoCBertModel.from_pretrained(model_name) self.assertIsNotNone(model) @require_torch class RoCBertModelIntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase): @slow def test_inference_masked_lm(self): model = RoCBertForMaskedLM.from_pretrained("weiweishi/roc-bert-base-zh") # input_text: ['[CLS]', 'b', 'a', '里', '系', '[MASK]', '国', '的', '首', '都', '[SEP]'] is the adversarial text # of ['[CLS]', '巴', '黎', '是', '[MASK]', '国', '的', '首', '都', '[SEP]'], means # "Paris is the [MASK] of France" in English input_ids = torch.tensor([[101, 144, 143, 7027, 5143, 103, 1744, 4638, 7674, 6963, 102]]) input_shape_ids = torch.tensor([[2, 20324, 23690, 8740, 706, 1, 10900, 23343, 20205, 5850, 2]]) input_pronunciation_ids = torch.tensor([[2, 718, 397, 52, 61, 1, 168, 273, 180, 243, 2]]) output = model(input_ids, input_shape_ids, input_pronunciation_ids) output_ids = torch.argmax(output.logits, dim=2) # convert to tokens is: ['[CLS]', '巴', '*', '黎', '是', '法', '国', '的', '首', '都', '[SEP]'] expected_output = torch.tensor([[101, 2349, 115, 7944, 3221, 3791, 1744, 4638, 7674, 6963, 102]]) assert torch.allclose(output_ids, expected_output)
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/roc_bert/test_modeling_roc_bert.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 13598 }
# Copyright 2023 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import shutil import tempfile import unittest from transformers import SeamlessM4TFeatureExtractor, SeamlessM4TProcessor from transformers.models.seamless_m4t import ( SeamlessM4TTokenizer, SeamlessM4TTokenizerFast, ) from transformers.testing_utils import require_torch from .test_feature_extraction_seamless_m4t import floats_list @require_torch class SeamlessM4TProcessorTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.checkpoint = "facebook/hf-seamless-m4t-medium" self.tmpdirname = tempfile.mkdtemp() def get_tokenizer(self, **kwargs): return SeamlessM4TTokenizer.from_pretrained(self.checkpoint, **kwargs) def get_feature_extractor(self, **kwargs): return SeamlessM4TFeatureExtractor.from_pretrained(self.checkpoint, **kwargs) def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdirname) def test_save_load_pretrained_default(self): tokenizer = self.get_tokenizer() feature_extractor = self.get_feature_extractor() processor = SeamlessM4TProcessor(tokenizer=tokenizer, feature_extractor=feature_extractor) processor.save_pretrained(self.tmpdirname) processor = SeamlessM4TProcessor.from_pretrained(self.tmpdirname) self.assertEqual(processor.tokenizer.get_vocab(), tokenizer.get_vocab()) tokenizer_instance = isinstance(processor.tokenizer, SeamlessM4TTokenizerFast) or isinstance( processor.tokenizer, SeamlessM4TTokenizer ) self.assertTrue(tokenizer_instance) self.assertEqual(processor.feature_extractor.to_json_string(), feature_extractor.to_json_string()) self.assertIsInstance(processor.feature_extractor, SeamlessM4TFeatureExtractor) def test_save_load_pretrained_additional_features(self): processor = SeamlessM4TProcessor( tokenizer=self.get_tokenizer(), feature_extractor=self.get_feature_extractor() ) processor.save_pretrained(self.tmpdirname) tokenizer_add_kwargs = self.get_tokenizer(bos_token="(BOS)", eos_token="(EOS)") feature_extractor_add_kwargs = self.get_feature_extractor(do_normalize=False, padding_value=1.0) processor = SeamlessM4TProcessor.from_pretrained( self.tmpdirname, bos_token="(BOS)", eos_token="(EOS)", do_normalize=False, padding_value=1.0 ) self.assertEqual(processor.feature_extractor.to_json_string(), feature_extractor_add_kwargs.to_json_string()) self.assertIsInstance(processor.feature_extractor, SeamlessM4TFeatureExtractor) self.assertEqual(processor.tokenizer.get_vocab(), tokenizer_add_kwargs.get_vocab()) tokenizer_instance = isinstance(processor.tokenizer, SeamlessM4TTokenizerFast) or isinstance( processor.tokenizer, SeamlessM4TTokenizer ) self.assertTrue(tokenizer_instance) # Copied from test.models.whisper.test_processor_whisper.WhisperProcessorTest.test_feature_extractor with Whisper->SeamlessM4T def test_feature_extractor(self): feature_extractor = self.get_feature_extractor() tokenizer = self.get_tokenizer() processor = SeamlessM4TProcessor(tokenizer=tokenizer, feature_extractor=feature_extractor) raw_speech = floats_list((3, 1000)) input_feat_extract = feature_extractor(raw_speech, return_tensors="np") input_processor = processor(audios=raw_speech, return_tensors="np") for key in input_feat_extract.keys(): self.assertAlmostEqual(input_feat_extract[key].sum(), input_processor[key].sum(), delta=1e-2) # Copied from test.models.whisper.test_processor_whisper.WhisperProcessorTest.test_tokenizer with Whisper->SeamlessM4T def test_tokenizer(self): feature_extractor = self.get_feature_extractor() tokenizer = self.get_tokenizer() processor = SeamlessM4TProcessor(tokenizer=tokenizer, feature_extractor=feature_extractor) input_str = "This is a test string" encoded_processor = processor(text=input_str) encoded_tok = tokenizer(input_str) for key in encoded_tok.keys(): self.assertListEqual(encoded_tok[key], encoded_processor[key]) # Copied from test.models.whisper.test_processor_whisper.WhisperProcessorTest.test_tokenizer_decode with Whisper->SeamlessM4T def test_tokenizer_decode(self): feature_extractor = self.get_feature_extractor() tokenizer = self.get_tokenizer() processor = SeamlessM4TProcessor(tokenizer=tokenizer, feature_extractor=feature_extractor) predicted_ids = [[1, 4, 5, 8, 1, 0, 8], [3, 4, 3, 1, 1, 8, 9]] decoded_processor = processor.batch_decode(predicted_ids) decoded_tok = tokenizer.batch_decode(predicted_ids) self.assertListEqual(decoded_tok, decoded_processor)
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/seamless_m4t/test_processor_seamless_m4t.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 2078 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2022 The HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Testing suite for the PyTorch TimeSformer model. """ import copy import unittest import numpy as np from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download from transformers import TimesformerConfig from transformers.models.auto import get_values from transformers.testing_utils import require_torch, require_vision, slow, torch_device from transformers.utils import cached_property, is_torch_available, is_vision_available from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester from ...test_modeling_common import ModelTesterMixin, floats_tensor, ids_tensor from ...test_pipeline_mixin import PipelineTesterMixin if is_torch_available(): import torch from torch import nn from transformers import ( MODEL_FOR_VIDEO_CLASSIFICATION_MAPPING, TimesformerForVideoClassification, TimesformerModel, ) from transformers.models.timesformer.modeling_timesformer import TIMESFORMER_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST if is_vision_available(): from transformers import VideoMAEImageProcessor class TimesformerModelTester: def __init__( self, parent, batch_size=13, image_size=10, num_channels=3, patch_size=2, num_frames=2, is_training=True, use_labels=True, hidden_size=32, num_hidden_layers=2, num_attention_heads=4, intermediate_size=37, hidden_act="gelu", hidden_dropout_prob=0.1, attention_probs_dropout_prob=0.1, num_labels=10, initializer_range=0.02, attention_type="divided_space_time", scope=None, ): self.parent = parent self.batch_size = batch_size self.image_size = image_size self.num_channels = num_channels self.patch_size = patch_size self.num_frames = num_frames self.is_training = is_training self.use_labels = use_labels self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers self.num_attention_heads = num_attention_heads self.intermediate_size = intermediate_size self.hidden_act = hidden_act self.hidden_dropout_prob = hidden_dropout_prob self.attention_probs_dropout_prob = attention_probs_dropout_prob self.attention_type = attention_type self.initializer_range = initializer_range self.scope = scope self.num_labels = num_labels # in TimeSformer, the number of spatial tokens equals num_frames * num_patches per frame + 1 CLS token self.num_patches_per_frame = (image_size // patch_size) ** 2 self.seq_length = (num_frames) * self.num_patches_per_frame + 1 def prepare_config_and_inputs(self): pixel_values = floats_tensor( [self.batch_size, self.num_frames, self.num_channels, self.image_size, self.image_size] ) labels = None if self.use_labels: labels = ids_tensor([self.batch_size], self.num_labels) config = self.get_config() return config, pixel_values, labels def get_config(self): config = TimesformerConfig( image_size=self.image_size, patch_size=self.patch_size, num_channels=self.num_channels, num_frames=self.num_frames, hidden_size=self.hidden_size, num_hidden_layers=self.num_hidden_layers, num_attention_heads=self.num_attention_heads, intermediate_size=self.intermediate_size, hidden_act=self.hidden_act, hidden_dropout_prob=self.hidden_dropout_prob, attention_probs_dropout_prob=self.attention_probs_dropout_prob, initializer_range=self.initializer_range, attention_type=self.attention_type, ) config.num_labels = self.num_labels return config def create_and_check_model(self, config, pixel_values, labels): model = TimesformerModel(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(pixel_values) self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size)) def create_and_check_for_video_classification(self, config, pixel_values, labels): model = TimesformerForVideoClassification(config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(pixel_values) # verify the logits shape expected_shape = torch.Size((self.batch_size, self.num_labels)) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, expected_shape) def prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common(self): config_and_inputs = self.prepare_config_and_inputs() config, pixel_values, labels = config_and_inputs inputs_dict = {"pixel_values": pixel_values} return config, inputs_dict @require_torch class TimesformerModelTest(ModelTesterMixin, PipelineTesterMixin, unittest.TestCase): """ Here we also overwrite some of the tests of test_modeling_common.py, as TimeSformer does not use input_ids, inputs_embeds, attention_mask and seq_length. """ all_model_classes = (TimesformerModel, TimesformerForVideoClassification) if is_torch_available() else () pipeline_model_mapping = ( {"feature-extraction": TimesformerModel, "video-classification": TimesformerForVideoClassification} if is_torch_available() else {} ) test_pruning = False test_torchscript = False test_resize_embeddings = False test_head_masking = False def setUp(self): self.model_tester = TimesformerModelTester(self) self.config_tester = ConfigTester( self, config_class=TimesformerConfig, has_text_modality=False, hidden_size=37 ) def _prepare_for_class(self, inputs_dict, model_class, return_labels=False): inputs_dict = copy.deepcopy(inputs_dict) if return_labels: if model_class in get_values(MODEL_FOR_VIDEO_CLASSIFICATION_MAPPING): inputs_dict["labels"] = torch.zeros( self.model_tester.batch_size, dtype=torch.long, device=torch_device ) return inputs_dict def test_config(self): self.config_tester.run_common_tests() @unittest.skip(reason="TimeSformer does not use inputs_embeds") def test_inputs_embeds(self): pass def test_model_common_attributes(self): config, _ = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model = model_class(config) self.assertIsInstance(model.get_input_embeddings(), (nn.Module)) x = model.get_output_embeddings() self.assertTrue(x is None or isinstance(x, nn.Linear)) def test_model(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_for_video_classification(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_for_video_classification(*config_and_inputs) @slow def test_model_from_pretrained(self): for model_name in TIMESFORMER_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST[:1]: model = TimesformerModel.from_pretrained(model_name) self.assertIsNotNone(model) def test_attention_outputs(self): if not self.has_attentions: pass else: config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() config.return_dict = True for model_class in self.all_model_classes: seq_len = self.model_tester.seq_length num_frames = self.model_tester.num_frames inputs_dict["output_attentions"] = True inputs_dict["output_hidden_states"] = False config.return_dict = True model = model_class(config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(**self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class)) attentions = outputs.attentions self.assertEqual(len(attentions), self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers) # check that output_attentions also work using config del inputs_dict["output_attentions"] config.output_attentions = True model = model_class(config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(**self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class)) attentions = outputs.attentions self.assertEqual(len(attentions), self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers) # attentions has shape (batch_size x num_frames) x num_heads x (num_patches per frame + 1) x (num_patches per frame + 1) self.assertListEqual( list(attentions[0].shape[-3:]), [self.model_tester.num_attention_heads, seq_len // num_frames + 1, seq_len // num_frames + 1], ) out_len = len(outputs) # Check attention is always last and order is fine inputs_dict["output_attentions"] = True inputs_dict["output_hidden_states"] = True model = model_class(config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(**self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class)) self.assertEqual(out_len + 1, len(outputs)) self_attentions = outputs.attentions self.assertEqual(len(self_attentions), self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers) # attentions has shape (batch_size x num_frames) x num_heads x (num_patches per frame + 1) x (num_patches per frame + 1) self.assertListEqual( list(self_attentions[0].shape[-3:]), [self.model_tester.num_attention_heads, seq_len // num_frames + 1, seq_len // num_frames + 1], ) def test_hidden_states_output(self): def check_hidden_states_output(inputs_dict, config, model_class): model = model_class(config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(**self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class)) hidden_states = outputs.hidden_states expected_num_layers = self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers + 1 self.assertEqual(len(hidden_states), expected_num_layers) seq_length = self.model_tester.seq_length self.assertListEqual( list(hidden_states[0].shape[-2:]), [seq_length, self.model_tester.hidden_size], ) config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() for model_class in self.all_model_classes: inputs_dict["output_hidden_states"] = True check_hidden_states_output(inputs_dict, config, model_class) # check that output_hidden_states also work using config del inputs_dict["output_hidden_states"] config.output_hidden_states = True check_hidden_states_output(inputs_dict, config, model_class) # We will verify our results on a video of eating spaghetti # Frame indices used: [164 168 172 176 181 185 189 193 198 202 206 210 215 219 223 227] def prepare_video(): file = hf_hub_download( repo_id="hf-internal-testing/spaghetti-video", filename="eating_spaghetti.npy", repo_type="dataset" ) video = np.load(file) return list(video) @require_torch @require_vision class TimesformerModelIntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase): @cached_property def default_image_processor(self): # logits were tested with a different mean and std, so we use the same here return ( VideoMAEImageProcessor(image_mean=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], image_std=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) if is_vision_available() else None ) @slow def test_inference_for_video_classification(self): model = TimesformerForVideoClassification.from_pretrained("facebook/timesformer-base-finetuned-k400").to( torch_device ) image_processor = self.default_image_processor video = prepare_video() inputs = image_processor(video[:8], return_tensors="pt").to(torch_device) # forward pass with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(**inputs) # verify the logits expected_shape = torch.Size((1, 400)) self.assertEqual(outputs.logits.shape, expected_shape) expected_slice = torch.tensor([-0.3016, -0.7713, -0.4205]).to(torch_device) self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(outputs.logits[0, :3], expected_slice, atol=1e-4))
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/timesformer/test_modeling_timesformer.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 5998 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2021 The HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Testing suite for the PyTorch UniSpeech model. """ import math import unittest import numpy as np import pytest from datasets import load_dataset from transformers import UniSpeechConfig, is_torch_available from transformers.testing_utils import require_soundfile, require_torch, slow, torch_device from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester from ...test_modeling_common import ( ModelTesterMixin, _config_zero_init, floats_tensor, ids_tensor, random_attention_mask, ) from ...test_pipeline_mixin import PipelineTesterMixin if is_torch_available(): import torch from transformers import ( UniSpeechForCTC, UniSpeechForPreTraining, UniSpeechForSequenceClassification, UniSpeechModel, Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor, Wav2Vec2Processor, ) class UniSpeechModelTester: def __init__( self, parent, batch_size=13, seq_length=1024, # speech is longer is_training=False, hidden_size=16, feat_extract_norm="group", feat_extract_dropout=0.0, feat_extract_activation="gelu", conv_dim=(32, 32, 32), conv_stride=(4, 4, 4), conv_kernel=(8, 8, 8), conv_bias=False, num_conv_pos_embeddings=16, num_conv_pos_embedding_groups=2, num_hidden_layers=2, num_attention_heads=2, hidden_dropout_prob=0.1, # this is most likely not correctly set yet intermediate_size=20, layer_norm_eps=1e-5, hidden_act="gelu", initializer_range=0.02, vocab_size=32, do_stable_layer_norm=False, scope=None, ): self.parent = parent self.batch_size = batch_size self.seq_length = seq_length self.is_training = is_training self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.feat_extract_norm = feat_extract_norm self.feat_extract_dropout = feat_extract_dropout self.feat_extract_activation = feat_extract_activation self.conv_dim = conv_dim self.conv_stride = conv_stride self.conv_kernel = conv_kernel self.conv_bias = conv_bias self.num_conv_pos_embeddings = num_conv_pos_embeddings self.num_conv_pos_embedding_groups = num_conv_pos_embedding_groups self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers self.num_attention_heads = num_attention_heads self.hidden_dropout_prob = hidden_dropout_prob self.intermediate_size = intermediate_size self.layer_norm_eps = layer_norm_eps self.hidden_act = hidden_act self.initializer_range = initializer_range self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.do_stable_layer_norm = do_stable_layer_norm self.scope = scope output_seq_length = self.seq_length for kernel, stride in zip(self.conv_kernel, self.conv_stride): output_seq_length = (output_seq_length - (kernel - 1)) / stride self.output_seq_length = int(math.ceil(output_seq_length)) self.encoder_seq_length = self.output_seq_length def prepare_config_and_inputs(self): input_values = floats_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], scale=1.0) attention_mask = random_attention_mask([self.batch_size, self.seq_length]) config = self.get_config() return config, input_values, attention_mask def get_config(self): return UniSpeechConfig( hidden_size=self.hidden_size, feat_extract_norm=self.feat_extract_norm, feat_extract_dropout=self.feat_extract_dropout, feat_extract_activation=self.feat_extract_activation, conv_dim=self.conv_dim, conv_stride=self.conv_stride, conv_kernel=self.conv_kernel, conv_bias=self.conv_bias, num_conv_pos_embeddings=self.num_conv_pos_embeddings, num_conv_pos_embedding_groups=self.num_conv_pos_embedding_groups, num_hidden_layers=self.num_hidden_layers, num_attention_heads=self.num_attention_heads, hidden_dropout_prob=self.hidden_dropout_prob, intermediate_size=self.intermediate_size, layer_norm_eps=self.layer_norm_eps, hidden_act=self.hidden_act, initializer_range=self.initializer_range, vocab_size=self.vocab_size, ) def create_and_check_model(self, config, input_values, attention_mask): model = UniSpeechModel(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(input_values, attention_mask=attention_mask) self.parent.assertEqual( result.last_hidden_state.shape, (self.batch_size, self.output_seq_length, self.hidden_size) ) def create_and_check_batch_inference(self, config, input_values, *args): # test does not pass for models making use of `group_norm` # check: https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq/issues/3227 model = UniSpeechModel(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() input_values = input_values[:3] attention_mask = torch.ones(input_values.shape, device=torch_device, dtype=torch.bool) input_lengths = [input_values.shape[-1] // i for i in [4, 2, 1]] # pad input for i in range(len(input_lengths)): input_values[i, input_lengths[i] :] = 0.0 attention_mask[i, input_lengths[i] :] = 0.0 batch_outputs = model(input_values, attention_mask=attention_mask).last_hidden_state for i in range(input_values.shape[0]): input_slice = input_values[i : i + 1, : input_lengths[i]] output = model(input_slice).last_hidden_state batch_output = batch_outputs[i : i + 1, : output.shape[1]] self.parent.assertTrue(torch.allclose(output, batch_output, atol=1e-3)) def check_ctc_loss(self, config, input_values, *args): model = UniSpeechForCTC(config=config) model.to(torch_device) # make sure that dropout is disabled model.eval() input_values = input_values[:3] attention_mask = torch.ones(input_values.shape, device=torch_device, dtype=torch.long) input_lengths = [input_values.shape[-1] // i for i in [4, 2, 1]] max_length_labels = model._get_feat_extract_output_lengths(torch.tensor(input_lengths)) labels = ids_tensor((input_values.shape[0], min(max_length_labels) - 1), model.config.vocab_size) # pad input for i in range(len(input_lengths)): input_values[i, input_lengths[i] :] = 0.0 attention_mask[i, input_lengths[i] :] = 0 model.config.ctc_loss_reduction = "sum" sum_loss = model(input_values, attention_mask=attention_mask, labels=labels).loss.item() model.config.ctc_loss_reduction = "mean" mean_loss = model(input_values, attention_mask=attention_mask, labels=labels).loss.item() self.parent.assertTrue(isinstance(sum_loss, float)) self.parent.assertTrue(isinstance(mean_loss, float)) def check_seq_classifier_loss(self, config, input_values, *args): model = UniSpeechForSequenceClassification(config=config) model.to(torch_device) # make sure that dropout is disabled model.eval() input_values = input_values[:3] attention_mask = torch.ones(input_values.shape, device=torch_device, dtype=torch.long) input_lengths = [input_values.shape[-1] // i for i in [4, 2, 1]] labels = ids_tensor((input_values.shape[0], 1), len(model.config.id2label)) # pad input for i in range(len(input_lengths)): input_values[i, input_lengths[i] :] = 0.0 attention_mask[i, input_lengths[i] :] = 0 masked_loss = model(input_values, attention_mask=attention_mask, labels=labels).loss.item() unmasked_loss = model(input_values, labels=labels).loss.item() self.parent.assertTrue(isinstance(masked_loss, float)) self.parent.assertTrue(isinstance(unmasked_loss, float)) self.parent.assertTrue(masked_loss != unmasked_loss) def check_ctc_training(self, config, input_values, *args): config.ctc_zero_infinity = True model = UniSpeechForCTC(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.train() # freeze feature encoder model.freeze_feature_encoder() input_values = input_values[:3] input_lengths = [input_values.shape[-1] // i for i in [4, 2, 1]] max_length_labels = model._get_feat_extract_output_lengths(torch.tensor(input_lengths)) labels = ids_tensor((input_values.shape[0], max(max_length_labels) - 2), model.config.vocab_size) # pad input for i in range(len(input_lengths)): input_values[i, input_lengths[i] :] = 0.0 if max_length_labels[i] < labels.shape[-1]: # it's important that we make sure that target lengths are at least # one shorter than logit lengths to prevent -inf labels[i, max_length_labels[i] - 1 :] = -100 loss = model(input_values, labels=labels).loss self.parent.assertFalse(torch.isinf(loss).item()) loss.backward() def check_seq_classifier_training(self, config, input_values, *args): config.ctc_zero_infinity = True model = UniSpeechForSequenceClassification(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.train() # freeze everything but the classification head model.freeze_base_model() input_values = input_values[:3] input_lengths = [input_values.shape[-1] // i for i in [4, 2, 1]] labels = ids_tensor((input_values.shape[0], 1), len(model.config.id2label)) # pad input for i in range(len(input_lengths)): input_values[i, input_lengths[i] :] = 0.0 loss = model(input_values, labels=labels).loss self.parent.assertFalse(torch.isinf(loss).item()) loss.backward() def check_labels_out_of_vocab(self, config, input_values, *args): model = UniSpeechForCTC(config) model.to(torch_device) model.train() input_values = input_values[:3] input_lengths = [input_values.shape[-1] // i for i in [4, 2, 1]] max_length_labels = model._get_feat_extract_output_lengths(torch.tensor(input_lengths)) labels = ids_tensor((input_values.shape[0], max(max_length_labels) - 2), model.config.vocab_size + 100) with pytest.raises(ValueError): model(input_values, labels=labels) def prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common(self): config, input_values, attention_mask = self.prepare_config_and_inputs() inputs_dict = {"input_values": input_values, "attention_mask": attention_mask} return config, inputs_dict @require_torch class UniSpeechRobustModelTest(ModelTesterMixin, PipelineTesterMixin, unittest.TestCase): all_model_classes = ( (UniSpeechForCTC, UniSpeechModel, UniSpeechForSequenceClassification, UniSpeechForPreTraining) if is_torch_available() else () ) pipeline_model_mapping = ( { "audio-classification": UniSpeechForSequenceClassification, "automatic-speech-recognition": UniSpeechForCTC, "feature-extraction": UniSpeechModel, } if is_torch_available() else {} ) test_pruning = False test_headmasking = False def setUp(self): self.model_tester = UniSpeechModelTester( self, conv_stride=(3, 3, 3), feat_extract_norm="layer", do_stable_layer_norm=True ) self.config_tester = ConfigTester(self, config_class=UniSpeechConfig, hidden_size=37) def test_config(self): self.config_tester.run_common_tests() def test_model(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_batched_inference(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_batch_inference(*config_and_inputs) def test_ctc_loss_inference(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.check_ctc_loss(*config_and_inputs) def test_seq_classifier_loss_inference(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.check_seq_classifier_loss(*config_and_inputs) def test_ctc_train(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.check_ctc_training(*config_and_inputs) def test_seq_classifier_train(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.check_seq_classifier_training(*config_and_inputs) def test_labels_out_of_vocab(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.check_labels_out_of_vocab(*config_and_inputs) # UniSpeech has no inputs_embeds def test_inputs_embeds(self): pass # `input_ids` is renamed to `input_values` def test_forward_signature(self): pass # UniSpeech cannot resize token embeddings # since it has no tokens embeddings def test_resize_tokens_embeddings(self): pass # UniSpeech has no inputs_embeds # and thus the `get_input_embeddings` fn # is not implemented def test_model_common_attributes(self): pass def test_retain_grad_hidden_states_attentions(self): config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() config.output_hidden_states = True config.output_attentions = True # no need to test all models as different heads yield the same functionality model_class = self.all_model_classes[0] model = model_class(config) model.to(torch_device) # set layer drop to 0 model.config.layerdrop = 0.0 input_values = inputs_dict["input_values"] input_lengths = torch.tensor( [input_values.shape[1] for _ in range(input_values.shape[0])], dtype=torch.long, device=torch_device ) output_lengths = model._get_feat_extract_output_lengths(input_lengths) labels = ids_tensor((input_values.shape[0], output_lengths[0] - 2), self.model_tester.vocab_size) inputs_dict["attention_mask"] = torch.ones_like(inputs_dict["attention_mask"]) inputs_dict["labels"] = labels outputs = model(**inputs_dict) output = outputs[0] # Encoder-/Decoder-only models hidden_states = outputs.hidden_states[0] attentions = outputs.attentions[0] hidden_states.retain_grad() attentions.retain_grad() output.flatten()[0].backward(retain_graph=True) self.assertIsNotNone(hidden_states.grad) self.assertIsNotNone(attentions.grad) def test_initialization(self): config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() configs_no_init = _config_zero_init(config) for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model = model_class(config=configs_no_init) for name, param in model.named_parameters(): uniform_init_parms = [ "conv.weight", "conv.parametrizations.weight", "masked_spec_embed", "codevectors", "quantizer.weight_proj.weight", "project_hid.weight", "project_hid.bias", "project_q.weight", "project_q.bias", "feature_projection.projection.weight", "feature_projection.projection.bias", ] if param.requires_grad: if any(x in name for x in uniform_init_parms): self.assertTrue( -1.0 <= ((param.data.mean() * 1e9).round() / 1e9).item() <= 1.0, msg=f"Parameter {name} of model {model_class} seems not properly initialized", ) else: self.assertIn( ((param.data.mean() * 1e9).round() / 1e9).item(), [0.0, 1.0], msg=f"Parameter {name} of model {model_class} seems not properly initialized", ) # overwrite from test_modeling_common def _mock_init_weights(self, module): if hasattr(module, "weight") and module.weight is not None: module.weight.data.fill_(3) if hasattr(module, "weight_g") and module.weight_g is not None: module.weight_g.data.fill_(3) if hasattr(module, "weight_v") and module.weight_v is not None: module.weight_v.data.fill_(3) if hasattr(module, "bias") and module.bias is not None: module.bias.data.fill_(3) if hasattr(module, "codevectors") and module.codevectors is not None: module.codevectors.data.fill_(3) if hasattr(module, "masked_spec_embed") and module.masked_spec_embed is not None: module.masked_spec_embed.data.fill_(3) def test_mask_feature_prob_ctc(self): model = UniSpeechForCTC.from_pretrained( "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-unispeech", mask_feature_prob=0.2, mask_feature_length=2 ) model.to(torch_device).train() processor = Wav2Vec2Processor.from_pretrained( "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-unispeech", return_attention_mask=True ) batch_duration_in_seconds = [1, 3, 2, 6] input_features = [np.random.random(16_000 * s) for s in batch_duration_in_seconds] batch = processor( input_features, padding=True, sampling_rate=processor.feature_extractor.sampling_rate, return_tensors="pt" ) logits = model( input_values=batch["input_values"].to(torch_device), attention_mask=batch["attention_mask"].to(torch_device), ).logits self.assertEqual(logits.shape, (4, 1498, 32)) def test_mask_time_prob_ctc(self): model = UniSpeechForCTC.from_pretrained( "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-unispeech", mask_time_prob=0.2, mask_time_length=2 ) model.to(torch_device).train() processor = Wav2Vec2Processor.from_pretrained( "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-unispeech", return_attention_mask=True ) batch_duration_in_seconds = [1, 3, 2, 6] input_features = [np.random.random(16_000 * s) for s in batch_duration_in_seconds] batch = processor( input_features, padding=True, sampling_rate=processor.feature_extractor.sampling_rate, return_tensors="pt" ) logits = model( input_values=batch["input_values"].to(torch_device), attention_mask=batch["attention_mask"].to(torch_device), ).logits self.assertEqual(logits.shape, (4, 1498, 32)) def test_mask_time_feature_prob_ctc_single_batch(self): model = UniSpeechForCTC.from_pretrained( "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-unispeech", mask_time_prob=0.2, mask_feature_prob=0.2, mask_time_length=2, mask_feature_length=2, ) model.to(torch_device).train() processor = Wav2Vec2Processor.from_pretrained( "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-unispeech", return_attention_mask=True ) batch_duration_in_seconds = [6] input_features = [np.random.random(16_000 * s) for s in batch_duration_in_seconds] batch = processor( input_features, padding=True, sampling_rate=processor.feature_extractor.sampling_rate, return_tensors="pt" ) logits = model( input_values=batch["input_values"].to(torch_device), attention_mask=batch["attention_mask"].to(torch_device), ).logits self.assertEqual(logits.shape, (1, 1498, 32)) @unittest.skip(reason="Feed forward chunking is not implemented") def test_feed_forward_chunking(self): pass @slow def test_model_from_pretrained(self): model = UniSpeechModel.from_pretrained("microsoft/unispeech-large-1500h-cv") self.assertIsNotNone(model) @require_torch @require_soundfile @slow class UniSpeechModelIntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase): def _load_datasamples(self, num_samples): ds = load_dataset("hf-internal-testing/librispeech_asr_dummy", "clean", split="validation") # automatic decoding with librispeech speech_samples = ds.sort("id").filter( lambda x: x["id"] in [f"1272-141231-000{i}" for i in range(num_samples)] )[:num_samples]["audio"] return [x["array"] for x in speech_samples] def _load_superb(self, task, num_samples): ds = load_dataset("anton-l/superb_dummy", task, split="test") return ds[:num_samples] def test_inference_pretraining(self): model = UniSpeechForPreTraining.from_pretrained("microsoft/unispeech-large-1500h-cv") model.to(torch_device) feature_extractor = Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor.from_pretrained("facebook/wav2vec2-large-xlsr-53") input_speech = self._load_datasamples(2) inputs_dict = feature_extractor(input_speech, return_tensors="pt", padding=True) with torch.no_grad(): torch.manual_seed(0) outputs = model( inputs_dict.input_values.to(torch_device), attention_mask=inputs_dict.attention_mask.to(torch_device), ) # compute cosine similarity cosine_sim = torch.cosine_similarity(outputs.projected_states, outputs.projected_quantized_states, dim=-1) # pretrained model should have learned a high cosine similarity self.assertTrue(cosine_sim.mean() > 0.5) # fmt: off expected_cosine_sim_slice = torch.tensor( [[0.8290, 0.8335, 0.8815, 0.8580, 0.8249], [0.8892, 0.9221, 0.8711, 0.8601, 0.8482]], device=torch_device, ) # fmt: on self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(cosine_sim[:, :5], expected_cosine_sim_slice, atol=1e-3))
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/unispeech/test_modeling_unispeech.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 10418 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2021 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import datetime import gc import math import unittest from transformers import XGLMConfig, is_torch_available from transformers.testing_utils import ( require_torch, require_torch_accelerator, require_torch_fp16, slow, torch_device, ) from ...generation.test_utils import GenerationTesterMixin from ...test_configuration_common import ConfigTester from ...test_modeling_common import ModelTesterMixin, floats_tensor, ids_tensor, random_attention_mask from ...test_pipeline_mixin import PipelineTesterMixin if is_torch_available(): import torch from transformers import XGLM_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST, XGLMForCausalLM, XGLMModel, XGLMTokenizer class XGLMModelTester: def __init__( self, parent, batch_size=14, seq_length=7, is_training=True, use_input_mask=True, use_labels=True, vocab_size=99, d_model=32, num_hidden_layers=2, num_attention_heads=4, ffn_dim=37, activation_function="gelu", activation_dropout=0.1, attention_dropout=0.1, max_position_embeddings=512, initializer_range=0.02, scope=None, ): self.parent = parent self.batch_size = batch_size self.seq_length = seq_length self.is_training = is_training self.use_input_mask = use_input_mask self.use_labels = use_labels self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.hidden_size = d_model self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers self.num_attention_heads = num_attention_heads self.ffn_dim = ffn_dim self.activation_function = activation_function self.activation_dropout = activation_dropout self.attention_dropout = attention_dropout self.max_position_embeddings = max_position_embeddings self.initializer_range = initializer_range self.scope = None self.bos_token_id = 0 self.eos_token_id = 2 self.pad_token_id = 1 def get_large_model_config(self): return XGLMConfig.from_pretrained("facebook/xglm-564M") def prepare_config_and_inputs( self, gradient_checkpointing=False, scale_attn_by_inverse_layer_idx=False, reorder_and_upcast_attn=False ): input_ids = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], self.vocab_size).clamp(3) input_mask = None if self.use_input_mask: input_mask = random_attention_mask([self.batch_size, self.seq_length]) config = self.get_config(gradient_checkpointing=gradient_checkpointing) head_mask = ids_tensor([self.num_hidden_layers, self.num_attention_heads], 2) return ( config, input_ids, input_mask, head_mask, ) def get_config( self, gradient_checkpointing=False, scale_attn_by_inverse_layer_idx=False, reorder_and_upcast_attn=False ): return XGLMConfig( vocab_size=self.vocab_size, d_model=self.hidden_size, num_layers=self.num_hidden_layers, attention_heads=self.num_attention_heads, ffn_dim=self.ffn_dim, activation_function=self.activation_function, activation_dropout=self.activation_dropout, attention_dropout=self.attention_dropout, max_position_embeddings=self.max_position_embeddings, initializer_range=self.initializer_range, use_cache=True, bos_token_id=self.bos_token_id, eos_token_id=self.eos_token_id, pad_token_id=self.pad_token_id, gradient_checkpointing=gradient_checkpointing, ) def prepare_config_and_inputs_for_decoder(self): ( config, input_ids, input_mask, head_mask, ) = self.prepare_config_and_inputs() encoder_hidden_states = floats_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size]) encoder_attention_mask = ids_tensor([self.batch_size, self.seq_length], vocab_size=2) return ( config, input_ids, input_mask, head_mask, encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask, ) def create_and_check_xglm_model(self, config, input_ids, input_mask, head_mask, *args): model = XGLMModel(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(input_ids, head_mask=head_mask) result = model(input_ids) self.parent.assertEqual(result.last_hidden_state.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.hidden_size)) self.parent.assertEqual(len(result.past_key_values), config.num_hidden_layers) def create_and_check_xglm_model_past(self, config, input_ids, input_mask, head_mask, *args): model = XGLMModel(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() # first forward pass outputs = model(input_ids, use_cache=True) outputs_no_past = model(input_ids, use_cache=False) self.parent.assertTrue(len(outputs) == len(outputs_no_past) + 1) output, past = outputs.to_tuple() # create hypothetical next token and extent to next_input_ids next_tokens = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 1), config.vocab_size) # append to next input_ids and token_type_ids next_input_ids = torch.cat([input_ids, next_tokens], dim=-1) output_from_no_past = model(next_input_ids)["last_hidden_state"] output_from_past = model(next_tokens, past_key_values=past)["last_hidden_state"] # select random slice random_slice_idx = ids_tensor((1,), output_from_past.shape[-1]).item() output_from_no_past_slice = output_from_no_past[:, -1, random_slice_idx].detach() output_from_past_slice = output_from_past[:, 0, random_slice_idx].detach() # test that outputs are equal for slice self.parent.assertTrue(torch.allclose(output_from_past_slice, output_from_no_past_slice, atol=1e-3)) def create_and_check_xglm_model_attention_mask_past(self, config, input_ids, input_mask, head_mask, *args): model = XGLMModel(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() # create attention mask attn_mask = torch.ones(input_ids.shape, dtype=torch.long, device=torch_device) half_seq_length = self.seq_length // 2 attn_mask[:, half_seq_length:] = 0 # first forward pass output, past = model(input_ids, attention_mask=attn_mask).to_tuple() # create hypothetical next token and extent to next_input_ids next_tokens = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 1), config.vocab_size) # append to next input_ids and attn_mask next_input_ids = torch.cat([input_ids, next_tokens], dim=-1) attn_mask = torch.cat( [attn_mask, torch.zeros((attn_mask.shape[0], 1), dtype=torch.long, device=torch_device)], dim=1, ) # get two different outputs output_from_no_past = model(next_input_ids, attention_mask=attn_mask)["last_hidden_state"] output_from_past = model(next_tokens, past_key_values=past, attention_mask=attn_mask)["last_hidden_state"] # select random slice random_slice_idx = ids_tensor((1,), output_from_past.shape[-1]).item() output_from_no_past_slice = output_from_no_past[:, -1, random_slice_idx].detach() output_from_past_slice = output_from_past[:, 0, random_slice_idx].detach() # test that outputs are equal for slice self.parent.assertTrue(torch.allclose(output_from_past_slice, output_from_no_past_slice, atol=1e-3)) def create_and_check_xglm_model_past_large_inputs(self, config, input_ids, input_mask, head_mask, *args): model = XGLMModel(config=config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() # first forward pass outputs = model(input_ids, attention_mask=input_mask, use_cache=True) output, past = outputs.to_tuple() # create hypothetical next token and extent to next_input_ids next_tokens = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 3), config.vocab_size) next_mask = ids_tensor((self.batch_size, 3), vocab_size=1) # append to next input_ids next_input_ids = torch.cat([input_ids, next_tokens], dim=-1) next_attention_mask = torch.cat([input_mask, next_mask], dim=-1) output_from_no_past = model(next_input_ids, attention_mask=next_attention_mask)["last_hidden_state"] output_from_past = model(next_tokens, attention_mask=next_attention_mask, past_key_values=past)[ "last_hidden_state" ] self.parent.assertTrue(output_from_past.shape[1] == next_tokens.shape[1]) # select random slice random_slice_idx = ids_tensor((1,), output_from_past.shape[-1]).item() output_from_no_past_slice = output_from_no_past[:, -3:, random_slice_idx].detach() output_from_past_slice = output_from_past[:, :, random_slice_idx].detach() # test that outputs are equal for slice self.parent.assertTrue(torch.allclose(output_from_past_slice, output_from_no_past_slice, atol=1e-3)) def create_and_check_lm_head_model(self, config, input_ids, input_mask, head_mask, *args): model = XGLMForCausalLM(config) model.to(torch_device) model.eval() result = model(input_ids, labels=input_ids) self.parent.assertEqual(result.loss.shape, ()) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size)) def create_and_check_forward_and_backwards( self, config, input_ids, input_mask, head_mask, *args, gradient_checkpointing=False ): model = XGLMForCausalLM(config) model.to(torch_device) if gradient_checkpointing: model.gradient_checkpointing_enable() result = model(input_ids, labels=input_ids) self.parent.assertEqual(result.loss.shape, ()) self.parent.assertEqual(result.logits.shape, (self.batch_size, self.seq_length, self.vocab_size)) result.loss.backward() def create_and_check_xglm_weight_initialization(self, config, *args): model = XGLMModel(config) model_std = model.config.initializer_range / math.sqrt(2 * model.config.num_hidden_layers) for key in model.state_dict().keys(): if "c_proj" in key and "weight" in key: self.parent.assertLessEqual(abs(torch.std(model.state_dict()[key]) - model_std), 0.001) self.parent.assertLessEqual(abs(torch.mean(model.state_dict()[key]) - 0.0), 0.01) def prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common(self): config_and_inputs = self.prepare_config_and_inputs() ( config, input_ids, input_mask, head_mask, ) = config_and_inputs inputs_dict = { "input_ids": input_ids, "head_mask": head_mask, } return config, inputs_dict @require_torch class XGLMModelTest(ModelTesterMixin, GenerationTesterMixin, PipelineTesterMixin, unittest.TestCase): all_model_classes = (XGLMModel, XGLMForCausalLM) if is_torch_available() else () all_generative_model_classes = (XGLMForCausalLM,) if is_torch_available() else () pipeline_model_mapping = ( {"feature-extraction": XGLMModel, "text-generation": XGLMForCausalLM} if is_torch_available() else {} ) fx_compatible = True test_missing_keys = False test_pruning = False def setUp(self): self.model_tester = XGLMModelTester(self) self.config_tester = ConfigTester(self, config_class=XGLMConfig, n_embd=37) def test_config(self): self.config_tester.run_common_tests() def test_xglm_model(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_xglm_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_xglm_model_past(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_xglm_model_past(*config_and_inputs) def test_xglm_model_att_mask_past(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_xglm_model_attention_mask_past(*config_and_inputs) def test_xglm_model_past_large_inputs(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_xglm_model_past_large_inputs(*config_and_inputs) def test_xglm_lm_head_model(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_lm_head_model(*config_and_inputs) def test_xglm_gradient_checkpointing(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_forward_and_backwards(*config_and_inputs, gradient_checkpointing=True) def test_xglm_weight_initialization(self): config_and_inputs = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs() self.model_tester.create_and_check_xglm_weight_initialization(*config_and_inputs) @slow def test_model_from_pretrained(self): for model_name in XGLM_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST[:1]: model = XGLMModel.from_pretrained(model_name) self.assertIsNotNone(model) @unittest.skip("Does not work on the tiny model as we keep hitting edge cases.") def test_model_parallelism(self): super().test_model_parallelism() @require_torch class XGLMModelLanguageGenerationTest(unittest.TestCase): def tearDown(self): super().tearDown() # clean-up as much as possible GPU memory occupied by PyTorch gc.collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() def _test_lm_generate_xglm_helper( self, gradient_checkpointing=False, verify_outputs=True, ): model = XGLMForCausalLM.from_pretrained("facebook/xglm-564M") if gradient_checkpointing: model.gradient_checkpointing_enable() else: model.gradient_checkpointing_disable() model.to(torch_device) input_ids = torch.tensor([[2, 268, 9865]], dtype=torch.long, device=torch_device) # The dog # </s> The dog is a very friendly dog. He is very affectionate and loves to play with other expected_output_ids = [2, 268, 9865, 67, 11, 1988, 57252, 9865, 5, 984, 67, 1988, 213838, 1658, 53, 70446, 33, 6657, 278, 1581] # fmt: skip output_ids = model.generate(input_ids, do_sample=False, num_beams=1) if verify_outputs: self.assertListEqual(output_ids[0].tolist(), expected_output_ids) @slow def test_batch_generation(self): model = XGLMForCausalLM.from_pretrained("facebook/xglm-564M") model.to(torch_device) tokenizer = XGLMTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/xglm-564M") tokenizer.padding_side = "left" # use different length sentences to test batching sentences = [ "This is an extremelly long sentence that only exists to test the ability of the model to cope with " "left-padding, such as in batched generation. The output for the sequence below should be the same " "regardless of whether left padding is applied or not. When", "Hello, my dog is a little", ] inputs = tokenizer(sentences, return_tensors="pt", padding=True) input_ids = inputs["input_ids"].to(torch_device) outputs = model.generate( input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=inputs["attention_mask"].to(torch_device), max_new_tokens=12 ) inputs_non_padded = tokenizer(sentences[0], return_tensors="pt").input_ids.to(torch_device) output_non_padded = model.generate(input_ids=inputs_non_padded, max_new_tokens=12) inputs_padded = tokenizer(sentences[1], return_tensors="pt").input_ids.to(torch_device) output_padded = model.generate(input_ids=inputs_padded, max_new_tokens=12) batch_out_sentence = tokenizer.batch_decode(outputs, skip_special_tokens=True) non_padded_sentence = tokenizer.decode(output_non_padded[0], skip_special_tokens=True) padded_sentence = tokenizer.decode(output_padded[0], skip_special_tokens=True) expected_output_sentence = [ "This is an extremelly long sentence that only exists to test the ability of the model to cope with " "left-padding, such as in batched generation. The output for the sequence below should be the same " "regardless of whether left padding is applied or not. When left padding is applied, the sequence will be " "a single", "Hello, my dog is a little bit of a shy one, but he is very friendly", ] self.assertListEqual(expected_output_sentence, batch_out_sentence) self.assertListEqual(expected_output_sentence, [non_padded_sentence, padded_sentence]) @slow def test_lm_generate_xglm(self): self._test_lm_generate_xglm_helper() @slow def test_lm_generate_xglm_with_gradient_checkpointing(self): self._test_lm_generate_xglm_helper(gradient_checkpointing=True) @slow def test_xglm_sample(self): tokenizer = XGLMTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/xglm-564M") model = XGLMForCausalLM.from_pretrained("facebook/xglm-564M") torch.manual_seed(0) tokenized = tokenizer("Today is a nice day and", return_tensors="pt") input_ids = tokenized.input_ids output_ids = model.generate(input_ids, do_sample=True, num_beams=1) output_str = tokenizer.decode(output_ids[0], skip_special_tokens=True) EXPECTED_OUTPUT_STRS = [ # TODO: remove this once we move to torch 2.0 # torch 1.13.1 + cu116 "Today is a nice day and the sun is shining. A nice day with warm rainy", # torch 2.0 + cu117 "Today is a nice day and the water is still cold. We just stopped off for some fresh", ] self.assertIn(output_str, EXPECTED_OUTPUT_STRS) @slow def test_xglm_sample_max_time(self): tokenizer = XGLMTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/xglm-564M") model = XGLMForCausalLM.from_pretrained("facebook/xglm-564M") model.to(torch_device) torch.manual_seed(0) tokenized = tokenizer("Today is a nice day and", return_tensors="pt") input_ids = tokenized.input_ids.to(torch_device) MAX_TIME = 0.15 start = datetime.datetime.now() model.generate(input_ids, do_sample=True, max_time=MAX_TIME, max_length=256) duration = datetime.datetime.now() - start self.assertGreater(duration, datetime.timedelta(seconds=MAX_TIME)) self.assertLess(duration, datetime.timedelta(seconds=1.5 * MAX_TIME)) start = datetime.datetime.now() model.generate(input_ids, do_sample=False, max_time=MAX_TIME, max_length=256) duration = datetime.datetime.now() - start self.assertGreater(duration, datetime.timedelta(seconds=MAX_TIME)) self.assertLess(duration, datetime.timedelta(seconds=1.5 * MAX_TIME)) start = datetime.datetime.now() model.generate(input_ids, do_sample=False, num_beams=2, max_time=MAX_TIME, max_length=256) duration = datetime.datetime.now() - start self.assertGreater(duration, datetime.timedelta(seconds=MAX_TIME)) self.assertLess(duration, datetime.timedelta(seconds=1.5 * MAX_TIME)) start = datetime.datetime.now() model.generate(input_ids, do_sample=True, num_beams=2, max_time=MAX_TIME, max_length=256) duration = datetime.datetime.now() - start self.assertGreater(duration, datetime.timedelta(seconds=MAX_TIME)) self.assertLess(duration, datetime.timedelta(seconds=1.5 * MAX_TIME)) start = datetime.datetime.now() model.generate(input_ids, do_sample=False, max_time=None, max_length=256) duration = datetime.datetime.now() - start self.assertGreater(duration, datetime.timedelta(seconds=1.25 * MAX_TIME)) @require_torch_accelerator @require_torch_fp16 def test_batched_nan_fp16(self): model_name = "facebook/xglm-564M" tokenizer = XGLMTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name, use_fast=False, padding_side="left") model = XGLMForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_name, torch_dtype=torch.float16, use_cache=True).to(torch_device) model = model.eval() batch = tokenizer(["Who are you?", "Joe Biden is the president of"], padding=True, return_tensors="pt") input_ids = batch["input_ids"].to(torch_device) attention_mask = batch["attention_mask"].to(torch_device) with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask) self.assertFalse( torch.isnan(outputs.logits[0]).any().item() ) # the first logits could contain NaNs if it fails
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/models/xglm/test_modeling_xglm.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 9446 }
# Copyright 2021 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import unittest import numpy as np from transformers import MODEL_FOR_AUDIO_CLASSIFICATION_MAPPING, TF_MODEL_FOR_AUDIO_CLASSIFICATION_MAPPING from transformers.pipelines import AudioClassificationPipeline, pipeline from transformers.testing_utils import ( is_pipeline_test, nested_simplify, require_tf, require_torch, require_torchaudio, slow, ) from .test_pipelines_common import ANY @is_pipeline_test class AudioClassificationPipelineTests(unittest.TestCase): model_mapping = MODEL_FOR_AUDIO_CLASSIFICATION_MAPPING tf_model_mapping = TF_MODEL_FOR_AUDIO_CLASSIFICATION_MAPPING def get_test_pipeline(self, model, tokenizer, processor): audio_classifier = AudioClassificationPipeline(model=model, feature_extractor=processor) # test with a raw waveform audio = np.zeros((34000,)) audio2 = np.zeros((14000,)) return audio_classifier, [audio2, audio] def run_pipeline_test(self, audio_classifier, examples): audio2, audio = examples output = audio_classifier(audio) # by default a model is initialized with num_labels=2 self.assertEqual( output, [ {"score": ANY(float), "label": ANY(str)}, {"score": ANY(float), "label": ANY(str)}, ], ) output = audio_classifier(audio, top_k=1) self.assertEqual( output, [ {"score": ANY(float), "label": ANY(str)}, ], ) self.run_torchaudio(audio_classifier) @require_torchaudio def run_torchaudio(self, audio_classifier): import datasets # test with a local file dataset = datasets.load_dataset("hf-internal-testing/librispeech_asr_dummy", "clean", split="validation") audio = dataset[0]["audio"]["array"] output = audio_classifier(audio) self.assertEqual( output, [ {"score": ANY(float), "label": ANY(str)}, {"score": ANY(float), "label": ANY(str)}, ], ) @require_torch def test_small_model_pt(self): model = "anton-l/wav2vec2-random-tiny-classifier" audio_classifier = pipeline("audio-classification", model=model) audio = np.ones((8000,)) output = audio_classifier(audio, top_k=4) EXPECTED_OUTPUT = [ {"score": 0.0842, "label": "no"}, {"score": 0.0838, "label": "up"}, {"score": 0.0837, "label": "go"}, {"score": 0.0834, "label": "right"}, ] EXPECTED_OUTPUT_PT_2 = [ {"score": 0.0845, "label": "stop"}, {"score": 0.0844, "label": "on"}, {"score": 0.0841, "label": "right"}, {"score": 0.0834, "label": "left"}, ] self.assertIn(nested_simplify(output, decimals=4), [EXPECTED_OUTPUT, EXPECTED_OUTPUT_PT_2]) audio_dict = {"array": np.ones((8000,)), "sampling_rate": audio_classifier.feature_extractor.sampling_rate} output = audio_classifier(audio_dict, top_k=4) self.assertIn(nested_simplify(output, decimals=4), [EXPECTED_OUTPUT, EXPECTED_OUTPUT_PT_2]) @require_torch @slow def test_large_model_pt(self): import datasets model = "superb/wav2vec2-base-superb-ks" audio_classifier = pipeline("audio-classification", model=model) dataset = datasets.load_dataset("anton-l/superb_dummy", "ks", split="test") audio = np.array(dataset[3]["speech"], dtype=np.float32) output = audio_classifier(audio, top_k=4) self.assertEqual( nested_simplify(output, decimals=3), [ {"score": 0.981, "label": "go"}, {"score": 0.007, "label": "up"}, {"score": 0.006, "label": "_unknown_"}, {"score": 0.001, "label": "down"}, ], ) @require_tf @unittest.skip("Audio classification is not implemented for TF") def test_small_model_tf(self): pass
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/pipelines/test_pipelines_audio_classification.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 2077 }
# Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import unittest from transformers import ( MODEL_FOR_TABLE_QUESTION_ANSWERING_MAPPING, AutoModelForTableQuestionAnswering, AutoTokenizer, TableQuestionAnsweringPipeline, TFAutoModelForTableQuestionAnswering, is_torch_available, pipeline, ) from transformers.testing_utils import ( is_pipeline_test, require_pandas, require_tensorflow_probability, require_tf, require_torch, slow, ) if is_torch_available(): from transformers.pytorch_utils import is_torch_greater_or_equal_than_1_12 else: is_torch_greater_or_equal_than_1_12 = False @is_pipeline_test class TQAPipelineTests(unittest.TestCase): # Putting it there for consistency, but TQA do not have fast tokenizer # which are needed to generate automatic tests model_mapping = MODEL_FOR_TABLE_QUESTION_ANSWERING_MAPPING @require_tensorflow_probability @require_pandas @require_tf @require_torch def test_small_model_tf(self): model_id = "lysandre/tiny-tapas-random-wtq" model = TFAutoModelForTableQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(model_id, from_pt=True) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id) self.assertIsInstance(model.config.aggregation_labels, dict) self.assertIsInstance(model.config.no_aggregation_label_index, int) table_querier = TableQuestionAnsweringPipeline(model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) outputs = table_querier( table={ "actors": ["brad pitt", "leonardo di caprio", "george clooney"], "age": ["56", "45", "59"], "number of movies": ["87", "53", "69"], "date of birth": ["7 february 1967", "10 june 1996", "28 november 1967"], }, query="how many movies has george clooney played in?", ) self.assertEqual( outputs, {"answer": "AVERAGE > ", "coordinates": [], "cells": [], "aggregator": "AVERAGE"}, ) outputs = table_querier( table={ "actors": ["brad pitt", "leonardo di caprio", "george clooney"], "age": ["56", "45", "59"], "number of movies": ["87", "53", "69"], "date of birth": ["7 february 1967", "10 june 1996", "28 november 1967"], }, query=["how many movies has george clooney played in?", "how old is he?", "what's his date of birth?"], ) self.assertEqual( outputs, [ {"answer": "AVERAGE > ", "coordinates": [], "cells": [], "aggregator": "AVERAGE"}, {"answer": "AVERAGE > ", "coordinates": [], "cells": [], "aggregator": "AVERAGE"}, {"answer": "AVERAGE > ", "coordinates": [], "cells": [], "aggregator": "AVERAGE"}, ], ) outputs = table_querier( table={ "Repository": ["Transformers", "Datasets", "Tokenizers"], "Stars": ["36542", "4512", "3934"], "Contributors": ["651", "77", "34"], "Programming language": ["Python", "Python", "Rust, Python and NodeJS"], }, query=[ "What repository has the largest number of stars?", "Given that the numbers of stars defines if a repository is active, what repository is the most" " active?", "What is the number of repositories?", "What is the average number of stars?", "What is the total amount of stars?", ], ) self.assertEqual( outputs, [ {"answer": "AVERAGE > ", "coordinates": [], "cells": [], "aggregator": "AVERAGE"}, {"answer": "AVERAGE > ", "coordinates": [], "cells": [], "aggregator": "AVERAGE"}, {"answer": "AVERAGE > ", "coordinates": [], "cells": [], "aggregator": "AVERAGE"}, {"answer": "AVERAGE > ", "coordinates": [], "cells": [], "aggregator": "AVERAGE"}, {"answer": "AVERAGE > ", "coordinates": [], "cells": [], "aggregator": "AVERAGE"}, ], ) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): table_querier(query="What does it do with empty context ?", table=None) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): table_querier(query="What does it do with empty context ?", table="") with self.assertRaises(ValueError): table_querier(query="What does it do with empty context ?", table={}) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): table_querier( table={ "Repository": ["Transformers", "Datasets", "Tokenizers"], "Stars": ["36542", "4512", "3934"], "Contributors": ["651", "77", "34"], "Programming language": ["Python", "Python", "Rust, Python and NodeJS"], } ) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): table_querier( query="", table={ "Repository": ["Transformers", "Datasets", "Tokenizers"], "Stars": ["36542", "4512", "3934"], "Contributors": ["651", "77", "34"], "Programming language": ["Python", "Python", "Rust, Python and NodeJS"], }, ) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): table_querier( query=None, table={ "Repository": ["Transformers", "Datasets", "Tokenizers"], "Stars": ["36542", "4512", "3934"], "Contributors": ["651", "77", "34"], "Programming language": ["Python", "Python", "Rust, Python and NodeJS"], }, ) @unittest.skipIf(not is_torch_greater_or_equal_than_1_12, reason="Tapas is only available in torch v1.12+") @require_torch def test_small_model_pt(self): model_id = "lysandre/tiny-tapas-random-wtq" model = AutoModelForTableQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(model_id) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id) self.assertIsInstance(model.config.aggregation_labels, dict) self.assertIsInstance(model.config.no_aggregation_label_index, int) table_querier = TableQuestionAnsweringPipeline(model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) outputs = table_querier( table={ "actors": ["brad pitt", "leonardo di caprio", "george clooney"], "age": ["56", "45", "59"], "number of movies": ["87", "53", "69"], "date of birth": ["7 february 1967", "10 june 1996", "28 november 1967"], }, query="how many movies has george clooney played in?", ) self.assertEqual( outputs, {"answer": "AVERAGE > ", "coordinates": [], "cells": [], "aggregator": "AVERAGE"}, ) outputs = table_querier( table={ "actors": ["brad pitt", "leonardo di caprio", "george clooney"], "age": ["56", "45", "59"], "number of movies": ["87", "53", "69"], "date of birth": ["7 february 1967", "10 june 1996", "28 november 1967"], }, query=["how many movies has george clooney played in?", "how old is he?", "what's his date of birth?"], ) self.assertEqual( outputs, [ {"answer": "AVERAGE > ", "coordinates": [], "cells": [], "aggregator": "AVERAGE"}, {"answer": "AVERAGE > ", "coordinates": [], "cells": [], "aggregator": "AVERAGE"}, {"answer": "AVERAGE > ", "coordinates": [], "cells": [], "aggregator": "AVERAGE"}, ], ) outputs = table_querier( table={ "Repository": ["Transformers", "Datasets", "Tokenizers"], "Stars": ["36542", "4512", "3934"], "Contributors": ["651", "77", "34"], "Programming language": ["Python", "Python", "Rust, Python and NodeJS"], }, query=[ "What repository has the largest number of stars?", "Given that the numbers of stars defines if a repository is active, what repository is the most" " active?", "What is the number of repositories?", "What is the average number of stars?", "What is the total amount of stars?", ], ) self.assertEqual( outputs, [ {"answer": "AVERAGE > ", "coordinates": [], "cells": [], "aggregator": "AVERAGE"}, {"answer": "AVERAGE > ", "coordinates": [], "cells": [], "aggregator": "AVERAGE"}, {"answer": "AVERAGE > ", "coordinates": [], "cells": [], "aggregator": "AVERAGE"}, {"answer": "AVERAGE > ", "coordinates": [], "cells": [], "aggregator": "AVERAGE"}, {"answer": "AVERAGE > ", "coordinates": [], "cells": [], "aggregator": "AVERAGE"}, ], ) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): table_querier(query="What does it do with empty context ?", table=None) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): table_querier(query="What does it do with empty context ?", table="") with self.assertRaises(ValueError): table_querier(query="What does it do with empty context ?", table={}) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): table_querier( table={ "Repository": ["Transformers", "Datasets", "Tokenizers"], "Stars": ["36542", "4512", "3934"], "Contributors": ["651", "77", "34"], "Programming language": ["Python", "Python", "Rust, Python and NodeJS"], } ) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): table_querier( query="", table={ "Repository": ["Transformers", "Datasets", "Tokenizers"], "Stars": ["36542", "4512", "3934"], "Contributors": ["651", "77", "34"], "Programming language": ["Python", "Python", "Rust, Python and NodeJS"], }, ) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): table_querier( query=None, table={ "Repository": ["Transformers", "Datasets", "Tokenizers"], "Stars": ["36542", "4512", "3934"], "Contributors": ["651", "77", "34"], "Programming language": ["Python", "Python", "Rust, Python and NodeJS"], }, ) @unittest.skipIf(not is_torch_greater_or_equal_than_1_12, reason="Tapas is only available in torch v1.12+") @require_torch def test_slow_tokenizer_sqa_pt(self): model_id = "lysandre/tiny-tapas-random-sqa" model = AutoModelForTableQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(model_id) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id) table_querier = TableQuestionAnsweringPipeline(model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) inputs = { "table": { "actors": ["brad pitt", "leonardo di caprio", "george clooney"], "age": ["56", "45", "59"], "number of movies": ["87", "53", "69"], "date of birth": ["7 february 1967", "10 june 1996", "28 november 1967"], }, "query": ["how many movies has george clooney played in?", "how old is he?", "what's his date of birth?"], } sequential_outputs = table_querier(**inputs, sequential=True) batch_outputs = table_querier(**inputs, sequential=False) self.assertEqual(len(sequential_outputs), 3) self.assertEqual(len(batch_outputs), 3) self.assertEqual(sequential_outputs[0], batch_outputs[0]) self.assertNotEqual(sequential_outputs[1], batch_outputs[1]) # self.assertNotEqual(sequential_outputs[2], batch_outputs[2]) table_querier = TableQuestionAnsweringPipeline(model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) outputs = table_querier( table={ "actors": ["brad pitt", "leonardo di caprio", "george clooney"], "age": ["56", "45", "59"], "number of movies": ["87", "53", "69"], "date of birth": ["7 february 1967", "10 june 1996", "28 november 1967"], }, query="how many movies has george clooney played in?", ) self.assertEqual( outputs, {"answer": "7 february 1967", "coordinates": [(0, 3)], "cells": ["7 february 1967"]}, ) outputs = table_querier( table={ "actors": ["brad pitt", "leonardo di caprio", "george clooney"], "age": ["56", "45", "59"], "number of movies": ["87", "53", "69"], "date of birth": ["7 february 1967", "10 june 1996", "28 november 1967"], }, query=["how many movies has george clooney played in?", "how old is he?", "what's his date of birth?"], ) self.assertEqual( outputs, [ {"answer": "7 february 1967", "coordinates": [(0, 3)], "cells": ["7 february 1967"]}, {"answer": "7 february 1967", "coordinates": [(0, 3)], "cells": ["7 february 1967"]}, {"answer": "7 february 1967", "coordinates": [(0, 3)], "cells": ["7 february 1967"]}, ], ) outputs = table_querier( table={ "Repository": ["Transformers", "Datasets", "Tokenizers"], "Stars": ["36542", "4512", "3934"], "Contributors": ["651", "77", "34"], "Programming language": ["Python", "Python", "Rust, Python and NodeJS"], }, query=[ "What repository has the largest number of stars?", "Given that the numbers of stars defines if a repository is active, what repository is the most" " active?", "What is the number of repositories?", "What is the average number of stars?", "What is the total amount of stars?", ], ) self.assertEqual( outputs, [ {"answer": "Python, Python", "coordinates": [(0, 3), (1, 3)], "cells": ["Python", "Python"]}, {"answer": "Python, Python", "coordinates": [(0, 3), (1, 3)], "cells": ["Python", "Python"]}, {"answer": "Python, Python", "coordinates": [(0, 3), (1, 3)], "cells": ["Python", "Python"]}, {"answer": "Python, Python", "coordinates": [(0, 3), (1, 3)], "cells": ["Python", "Python"]}, {"answer": "Python, Python", "coordinates": [(0, 3), (1, 3)], "cells": ["Python", "Python"]}, ], ) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): table_querier(query="What does it do with empty context ?", table=None) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): table_querier(query="What does it do with empty context ?", table="") with self.assertRaises(ValueError): table_querier(query="What does it do with empty context ?", table={}) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): table_querier( table={ "Repository": ["Transformers", "Datasets", "Tokenizers"], "Stars": ["36542", "4512", "3934"], "Contributors": ["651", "77", "34"], "Programming language": ["Python", "Python", "Rust, Python and NodeJS"], } ) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): table_querier( query="", table={ "Repository": ["Transformers", "Datasets", "Tokenizers"], "Stars": ["36542", "4512", "3934"], "Contributors": ["651", "77", "34"], "Programming language": ["Python", "Python", "Rust, Python and NodeJS"], }, ) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): table_querier( query=None, table={ "Repository": ["Transformers", "Datasets", "Tokenizers"], "Stars": ["36542", "4512", "3934"], "Contributors": ["651", "77", "34"], "Programming language": ["Python", "Python", "Rust, Python and NodeJS"], }, ) @require_tf @require_tensorflow_probability @require_pandas @require_torch def test_slow_tokenizer_sqa_tf(self): model_id = "lysandre/tiny-tapas-random-sqa" model = TFAutoModelForTableQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(model_id, from_pt=True) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id) table_querier = TableQuestionAnsweringPipeline(model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) inputs = { "table": { "actors": ["brad pitt", "leonardo di caprio", "george clooney"], "age": ["56", "45", "59"], "number of movies": ["87", "53", "69"], "date of birth": ["7 february 1967", "10 june 1996", "28 november 1967"], }, "query": ["how many movies has george clooney played in?", "how old is he?", "what's his date of birth?"], } sequential_outputs = table_querier(**inputs, sequential=True) batch_outputs = table_querier(**inputs, sequential=False) self.assertEqual(len(sequential_outputs), 3) self.assertEqual(len(batch_outputs), 3) self.assertEqual(sequential_outputs[0], batch_outputs[0]) self.assertNotEqual(sequential_outputs[1], batch_outputs[1]) # self.assertNotEqual(sequential_outputs[2], batch_outputs[2]) table_querier = TableQuestionAnsweringPipeline(model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) outputs = table_querier( table={ "actors": ["brad pitt", "leonardo di caprio", "george clooney"], "age": ["56", "45", "59"], "number of movies": ["87", "53", "69"], "date of birth": ["7 february 1967", "10 june 1996", "28 november 1967"], }, query="how many movies has george clooney played in?", ) self.assertEqual( outputs, {"answer": "7 february 1967", "coordinates": [(0, 3)], "cells": ["7 february 1967"]}, ) outputs = table_querier( table={ "actors": ["brad pitt", "leonardo di caprio", "george clooney"], "age": ["56", "45", "59"], "number of movies": ["87", "53", "69"], "date of birth": ["7 february 1967", "10 june 1996", "28 november 1967"], }, query=["how many movies has george clooney played in?", "how old is he?", "what's his date of birth?"], ) self.assertEqual( outputs, [ {"answer": "7 february 1967", "coordinates": [(0, 3)], "cells": ["7 february 1967"]}, {"answer": "7 february 1967", "coordinates": [(0, 3)], "cells": ["7 february 1967"]}, {"answer": "7 february 1967", "coordinates": [(0, 3)], "cells": ["7 february 1967"]}, ], ) outputs = table_querier( table={ "Repository": ["Transformers", "Datasets", "Tokenizers"], "Stars": ["36542", "4512", "3934"], "Contributors": ["651", "77", "34"], "Programming language": ["Python", "Python", "Rust, Python and NodeJS"], }, query=[ "What repository has the largest number of stars?", "Given that the numbers of stars defines if a repository is active, what repository is the most" " active?", "What is the number of repositories?", "What is the average number of stars?", "What is the total amount of stars?", ], ) self.assertEqual( outputs, [ {"answer": "Python, Python", "coordinates": [(0, 3), (1, 3)], "cells": ["Python", "Python"]}, {"answer": "Python, Python", "coordinates": [(0, 3), (1, 3)], "cells": ["Python", "Python"]}, {"answer": "Python, Python", "coordinates": [(0, 3), (1, 3)], "cells": ["Python", "Python"]}, {"answer": "Python, Python", "coordinates": [(0, 3), (1, 3)], "cells": ["Python", "Python"]}, {"answer": "Python, Python", "coordinates": [(0, 3), (1, 3)], "cells": ["Python", "Python"]}, ], ) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): table_querier(query="What does it do with empty context ?", table=None) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): table_querier(query="What does it do with empty context ?", table="") with self.assertRaises(ValueError): table_querier(query="What does it do with empty context ?", table={}) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): table_querier( table={ "Repository": ["Transformers", "Datasets", "Tokenizers"], "Stars": ["36542", "4512", "3934"], "Contributors": ["651", "77", "34"], "Programming language": ["Python", "Python", "Rust, Python and NodeJS"], } ) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): table_querier( query="", table={ "Repository": ["Transformers", "Datasets", "Tokenizers"], "Stars": ["36542", "4512", "3934"], "Contributors": ["651", "77", "34"], "Programming language": ["Python", "Python", "Rust, Python and NodeJS"], }, ) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): table_querier( query=None, table={ "Repository": ["Transformers", "Datasets", "Tokenizers"], "Stars": ["36542", "4512", "3934"], "Contributors": ["651", "77", "34"], "Programming language": ["Python", "Python", "Rust, Python and NodeJS"], }, ) @unittest.skipIf(not is_torch_greater_or_equal_than_1_12, reason="Tapas is only available in torch v1.12+") @slow @require_torch def test_integration_wtq_pt(self): table_querier = pipeline("table-question-answering") data = { "Repository": ["Transformers", "Datasets", "Tokenizers"], "Stars": ["36542", "4512", "3934"], "Contributors": ["651", "77", "34"], "Programming language": ["Python", "Python", "Rust, Python and NodeJS"], } queries = [ "What repository has the largest number of stars?", "Given that the numbers of stars defines if a repository is active, what repository is the most active?", "What is the number of repositories?", "What is the average number of stars?", "What is the total amount of stars?", ] results = table_querier(data, queries) expected_results = [ {"answer": "Transformers", "coordinates": [(0, 0)], "cells": ["Transformers"], "aggregator": "NONE"}, {"answer": "Transformers", "coordinates": [(0, 0)], "cells": ["Transformers"], "aggregator": "NONE"}, { "answer": "COUNT > Transformers, Datasets, Tokenizers", "coordinates": [(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0)], "cells": ["Transformers", "Datasets", "Tokenizers"], "aggregator": "COUNT", }, { "answer": "AVERAGE > 36542, 4512, 3934", "coordinates": [(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1)], "cells": ["36542", "4512", "3934"], "aggregator": "AVERAGE", }, { "answer": "SUM > 36542, 4512, 3934", "coordinates": [(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1)], "cells": ["36542", "4512", "3934"], "aggregator": "SUM", }, ] self.assertListEqual(results, expected_results) @slow @require_tensorflow_probability @require_pandas def test_integration_wtq_tf(self): model_id = "google/tapas-base-finetuned-wtq" model = TFAutoModelForTableQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(model_id) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id) table_querier = pipeline("table-question-answering", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) data = { "Repository": ["Transformers", "Datasets", "Tokenizers"], "Stars": ["36542", "4512", "3934"], "Contributors": ["651", "77", "34"], "Programming language": ["Python", "Python", "Rust, Python and NodeJS"], } queries = [ "What repository has the largest number of stars?", "Given that the numbers of stars defines if a repository is active, what repository is the most active?", "What is the number of repositories?", "What is the average number of stars?", "What is the total amount of stars?", ] results = table_querier(data, queries) expected_results = [ {"answer": "Transformers", "coordinates": [(0, 0)], "cells": ["Transformers"], "aggregator": "NONE"}, {"answer": "Transformers", "coordinates": [(0, 0)], "cells": ["Transformers"], "aggregator": "NONE"}, { "answer": "COUNT > Transformers, Datasets, Tokenizers", "coordinates": [(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0)], "cells": ["Transformers", "Datasets", "Tokenizers"], "aggregator": "COUNT", }, { "answer": "AVERAGE > 36542, 4512, 3934", "coordinates": [(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1)], "cells": ["36542", "4512", "3934"], "aggregator": "AVERAGE", }, { "answer": "SUM > 36542, 4512, 3934", "coordinates": [(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1)], "cells": ["36542", "4512", "3934"], "aggregator": "SUM", }, ] self.assertListEqual(results, expected_results) @unittest.skipIf(not is_torch_greater_or_equal_than_1_12, reason="Tapas is only available in torch v1.12+") @slow @require_torch def test_integration_sqa_pt(self): table_querier = pipeline( "table-question-answering", model="google/tapas-base-finetuned-sqa", tokenizer="google/tapas-base-finetuned-sqa", ) data = { "Actors": ["Brad Pitt", "Leonardo Di Caprio", "George Clooney"], "Age": ["56", "45", "59"], "Number of movies": ["87", "53", "69"], "Date of birth": ["7 february 1967", "10 june 1996", "28 november 1967"], } queries = ["How many movies has George Clooney played in?", "How old is he?", "What's his date of birth?"] results = table_querier(data, queries, sequential=True) expected_results = [ {"answer": "69", "coordinates": [(2, 2)], "cells": ["69"]}, {"answer": "59", "coordinates": [(2, 1)], "cells": ["59"]}, {"answer": "28 november 1967", "coordinates": [(2, 3)], "cells": ["28 november 1967"]}, ] self.assertListEqual(results, expected_results) @slow @require_tensorflow_probability @require_pandas def test_integration_sqa_tf(self): model_id = "google/tapas-base-finetuned-sqa" model = TFAutoModelForTableQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(model_id) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id) table_querier = pipeline( "table-question-answering", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, ) data = { "Actors": ["Brad Pitt", "Leonardo Di Caprio", "George Clooney"], "Age": ["56", "45", "59"], "Number of movies": ["87", "53", "69"], "Date of birth": ["7 february 1967", "10 june 1996", "28 november 1967"], } queries = ["How many movies has George Clooney played in?", "How old is he?", "What's his date of birth?"] results = table_querier(data, queries, sequential=True) expected_results = [ {"answer": "69", "coordinates": [(2, 2)], "cells": ["69"]}, {"answer": "59", "coordinates": [(2, 1)], "cells": ["59"]}, {"answer": "28 november 1967", "coordinates": [(2, 3)], "cells": ["28 november 1967"]}, ] self.assertListEqual(results, expected_results) @slow @require_torch def test_large_model_pt_tapex(self): model_id = "microsoft/tapex-large-finetuned-wtq" table_querier = pipeline( "table-question-answering", model=model_id, ) data = { "Actors": ["Brad Pitt", "Leonardo Di Caprio", "George Clooney"], "Age": ["56", "45", "59"], "Number of movies": ["87", "53", "69"], "Date of birth": ["7 february 1967", "10 june 1996", "28 november 1967"], } queries = [ "How many movies has George Clooney played in?", "How old is Mr Clooney ?", "What's the date of birth of Leonardo ?", ] results = table_querier(data, queries, sequential=True) expected_results = [ {"answer": " 69"}, {"answer": " 59"}, {"answer": " 10 june 1996"}, ] self.assertListEqual(results, expected_results)
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/pipelines/test_pipelines_table_question_answering.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 14810 }
# Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import copy import inspect import json import random import tempfile from typing import List, Tuple import numpy as np import transformers from transformers import is_flax_available, is_torch_available from transformers.models.auto import get_values from transformers.testing_utils import CaptureLogger, is_pt_flax_cross_test, require_flax, torch_device from transformers.utils import CONFIG_NAME, GENERATION_CONFIG_NAME, logging from transformers.utils.generic import ModelOutput if is_flax_available(): import os import jax import jax.numpy as jnp from flax.core.frozen_dict import FrozenDict, freeze, unfreeze from flax.serialization import from_bytes from flax.traverse_util import flatten_dict, unflatten_dict from transformers import ( FLAX_MODEL_FOR_QUESTION_ANSWERING_MAPPING, FLAX_MODEL_FOR_SEQUENCE_CLASSIFICATION_MAPPING, FLAX_MODEL_MAPPING, FlaxAutoModel, FlaxAutoModelForSequenceClassification, FlaxBertModel, ) from transformers.modeling_flax_pytorch_utils import ( convert_pytorch_state_dict_to_flax, load_flax_weights_in_pytorch_model, ) from transformers.modeling_flax_utils import FLAX_WEIGHTS_INDEX_NAME, FLAX_WEIGHTS_NAME os.environ["XLA_PYTHON_CLIENT_MEM_FRACTION"] = "0.12" # assumed parallelism: 8 if is_torch_available(): import torch def ids_tensor(shape, vocab_size, rng=None): """Creates a random int32 tensor of the shape within the vocab size.""" if rng is None: rng = random.Random() total_dims = 1 for dim in shape: total_dims *= dim values = [] for _ in range(total_dims): values.append(rng.randint(0, vocab_size - 1)) output = np.array(values, dtype=jnp.int32).reshape(shape) return output def floats_tensor(shape, scale=1.0, rng=None, name=None): """Creates a random float32 tensor""" if rng is None: rng = random.Random() total_dims = 1 for dim in shape: total_dims *= dim values = [] for _ in range(total_dims): values.append(rng.random() * scale) return np.array(values, dtype=jnp.float32).reshape(shape) def random_attention_mask(shape, rng=None): attn_mask = ids_tensor(shape, vocab_size=2, rng=rng) # make sure that at least one token is attended to for each batch attn_mask[:, -1] = 1 return attn_mask def get_params(params, from_head_prefix=None): """Function extracts relevant parameters into flatten dict from model params, appends batch normalization statistics if present""" # If Both parameters and batch normalization statistics are present if "batch_stats" in params: # Extract only parameters for the specified head prefix (if specified) and add batch statistics if from_head_prefix is not None: extracted_params = flatten_dict(unfreeze(params["params"][from_head_prefix])) extracted_params.update(flatten_dict(params["batch_stats"][from_head_prefix])) else: extracted_params = flatten_dict(unfreeze(params["params"])) extracted_params.update(flatten_dict(params["batch_stats"])) # Only parameters are present else: if from_head_prefix is not None: extracted_params = flatten_dict(unfreeze(params[from_head_prefix])) else: extracted_params = flatten_dict(unfreeze(params)) return extracted_params @require_flax class FlaxModelTesterMixin: model_tester = None all_model_classes = () test_mismatched_shapes = True is_encoder_decoder = False test_head_masking = False has_attentions = True def _prepare_for_class(self, inputs_dict, model_class): inputs_dict = copy.deepcopy(inputs_dict) # hack for now until we have AutoModel classes if "ForMultipleChoice" in model_class.__name__: inputs_dict = { k: jnp.broadcast_to(v[:, None], (v.shape[0], self.model_tester.num_choices, v.shape[-1])) if isinstance(v, (jnp.ndarray, np.ndarray)) and k != "indices_prng_key" else v for k, v in inputs_dict.items() } return inputs_dict def assert_almost_equals(self, a: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray, tol: float): diff = np.abs((a - b)).max() self.assertLessEqual(diff, tol, f"Difference between torch and flax is {diff} (>= {tol}).") def test_model_outputs_equivalence(self): config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() def check_equivalence(model, tuple_inputs, dict_inputs, additional_kwargs={}): tuple_output = model(**tuple_inputs, return_dict=False, **additional_kwargs) dict_output = model(**dict_inputs, return_dict=True, **additional_kwargs).to_tuple() def recursive_check(tuple_object, dict_object): if isinstance(tuple_object, (List, Tuple)): for tuple_iterable_value, dict_iterable_value in zip(tuple_object, dict_object): recursive_check(tuple_iterable_value, dict_iterable_value) elif tuple_object is None: return else: self.assert_almost_equals(jnp.nan_to_num(tuple_object), jnp.nan_to_num(dict_object), 1e-5) recursive_check(tuple_output, dict_output) for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model = model_class(config) tuple_inputs = self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class) dict_inputs = self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class) check_equivalence(model, tuple_inputs, dict_inputs) tuple_inputs = self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class) dict_inputs = self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class) check_equivalence(model, tuple_inputs, dict_inputs, {"output_hidden_states": True}) # (Copied from tests.test_modeling_common.ModelTesterMixin.check_pt_flax_outputs) def check_pt_flax_outputs(self, fx_outputs, pt_outputs, model_class, tol=1e-5, name="outputs", attributes=None): """ Args: model_class: The class of the model that is currently testing. For example, ..., etc. Currently unused, but it could make debugging easier and faster. names: A string, or a list of strings. These specify what fx_outputs/pt_outputs represent in the model outputs. Currently unused, but in the future, we could use this information to make the error message clearer by giving the name(s) of the output tensor(s) with large difference(s) between PT and Flax. """ self.assertEqual(type(name), str) if attributes is not None: self.assertEqual(type(attributes), tuple, f"{name}: The argument `attributes` should be a `tuple`") # Allow `ModelOutput` (e.g. `CLIPOutput` has `text_model_output` and `vision_model_output`). if isinstance(fx_outputs, ModelOutput): self.assertTrue( isinstance(pt_outputs, ModelOutput), f"{name}: `pt_outputs` should an instance of `ModelOutput` when `fx_outputs` is", ) fx_keys = tuple([k for k, v in fx_outputs.items() if v is not None]) pt_keys = tuple([k for k, v in pt_outputs.items() if v is not None]) self.assertEqual(fx_keys, pt_keys, f"{name}: Output keys differ between Flax and PyTorch") # convert to the case of `tuple` # appending each key to the current (string) `name` attributes = tuple([f"{name}.{k}" for k in fx_keys]) self.check_pt_flax_outputs( fx_outputs.to_tuple(), pt_outputs.to_tuple(), model_class, tol=tol, name=name, attributes=attributes ) # Allow `list` (e.g. `TransfoXLModelOutput.mems` is a list of tensors.) elif type(fx_outputs) in [tuple, list]: self.assertEqual( type(fx_outputs), type(pt_outputs), f"{name}: Output types differ between Flax and PyTorch" ) self.assertEqual( len(fx_outputs), len(pt_outputs), f"{name}: Output lengths differ between Flax and PyTorch" ) if attributes is not None: # case 1: each output has assigned name (e.g. a tuple form of a `ModelOutput`) self.assertEqual( len(attributes), len(fx_outputs), f"{name}: The tuple `attributes` should have the same length as `fx_outputs`", ) else: # case 2: each output has no assigned name (e.g. hidden states of each layer) -> add an index to `name` attributes = tuple([f"{name}_{idx}" for idx in range(len(fx_outputs))]) for fx_output, pt_output, attr in zip(fx_outputs, pt_outputs, attributes): self.check_pt_flax_outputs(fx_output, pt_output, model_class, tol=tol, name=attr) elif isinstance(fx_outputs, jnp.ndarray): self.assertTrue( isinstance(pt_outputs, torch.Tensor), f"{name}: `pt_outputs` should a tensor when `fx_outputs` is" ) # Using `np.asarray` gives `ValueError: assignment destination is read-only` at the line `fx_outputs[fx_nans] = 0`. fx_outputs = np.array(fx_outputs) pt_outputs = pt_outputs.detach().to("cpu").numpy() self.assertEqual( fx_outputs.shape, pt_outputs.shape, f"{name}: Output shapes differ between Flax and PyTorch" ) # deal with NumPy's scalars to make replacing nan values by 0 work. if np.isscalar(fx_outputs): fx_outputs = np.array([fx_outputs]) pt_outputs = np.array([pt_outputs]) fx_nans = np.isnan(fx_outputs) pt_nans = np.isnan(pt_outputs) pt_outputs[fx_nans] = 0 fx_outputs[fx_nans] = 0 pt_outputs[pt_nans] = 0 fx_outputs[pt_nans] = 0 max_diff = np.amax(np.abs(fx_outputs - pt_outputs)) self.assertLessEqual( max_diff, tol, f"{name}: Difference between PyTorch and Flax is {max_diff} (>= {tol})." ) else: raise ValueError( "`fx_outputs` should be an instance of `ModelOutput`, a `tuple`, or an instance of `jnp.ndarray`. Got" f" {type(fx_outputs)} instead." ) @is_pt_flax_cross_test def test_equivalence_pt_to_flax(self): # It might be better to put this inside the for loop below (because we modify the config there). # But logically, it is fine. config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() for model_class in self.all_model_classes: with self.subTest(model_class.__name__): # Output all for aggressive testing config.output_hidden_states = True config.output_attentions = self.has_attentions # prepare inputs prepared_inputs_dict = self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class) pt_inputs = {k: torch.tensor(v.tolist(), device=torch_device) for k, v in prepared_inputs_dict.items()} # load corresponding PyTorch class pt_model_class_name = model_class.__name__[4:] # Skip the "Flax" at the beginning pt_model_class = getattr(transformers, pt_model_class_name) pt_model = pt_model_class(config).eval() # Flax models don't use the `use_cache` option and cache is not returned as a default. # So we disable `use_cache` here for PyTorch model. pt_model.config.use_cache = False fx_model = model_class(config, dtype=jnp.float32) fx_state = convert_pytorch_state_dict_to_flax(pt_model.state_dict(), fx_model) fx_model.params = fx_state # send pytorch model to the correct device pt_model.to(torch_device) with torch.no_grad(): pt_outputs = pt_model(**pt_inputs) fx_outputs = fx_model(**prepared_inputs_dict) fx_keys = tuple([k for k, v in fx_outputs.items() if v is not None]) pt_keys = tuple([k for k, v in pt_outputs.items() if v is not None]) self.assertEqual(fx_keys, pt_keys) self.check_pt_flax_outputs(fx_outputs, pt_outputs, model_class) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: pt_model.save_pretrained(tmpdirname) fx_model_loaded = model_class.from_pretrained(tmpdirname, from_pt=True) fx_outputs_loaded = fx_model_loaded(**prepared_inputs_dict) fx_keys = tuple([k for k, v in fx_outputs_loaded.items() if v is not None]) pt_keys = tuple([k for k, v in pt_outputs.items() if v is not None]) self.assertEqual(fx_keys, pt_keys) self.check_pt_flax_outputs(fx_outputs_loaded, pt_outputs, model_class) @is_pt_flax_cross_test def test_equivalence_flax_to_pt(self): config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() for model_class in self.all_model_classes: with self.subTest(model_class.__name__): # Output all for aggressive testing config.output_hidden_states = True config.output_attentions = self.has_attentions # prepare inputs prepared_inputs_dict = self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class) pt_inputs = {k: torch.tensor(v.tolist(), device=torch_device) for k, v in prepared_inputs_dict.items()} # load corresponding PyTorch class pt_model_class_name = model_class.__name__[4:] # Skip the "Flax" at the beginning pt_model_class = getattr(transformers, pt_model_class_name) pt_model = pt_model_class(config).eval() # Flax models don't use the `use_cache` option and cache is not returned as a default. # So we disable `use_cache` here for PyTorch model. pt_model.config.use_cache = False fx_model = model_class(config, dtype=jnp.float32) pt_model = load_flax_weights_in_pytorch_model(pt_model, fx_model.params) # make sure weights are tied in PyTorch pt_model.tie_weights() # send pytorch model to the correct device pt_model.to(torch_device) with torch.no_grad(): pt_outputs = pt_model(**pt_inputs) fx_outputs = fx_model(**prepared_inputs_dict) fx_keys = tuple([k for k, v in fx_outputs.items() if v is not None]) pt_keys = tuple([k for k, v in pt_outputs.items() if v is not None]) self.assertEqual(fx_keys, pt_keys) self.check_pt_flax_outputs(fx_outputs, pt_outputs, model_class) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: fx_model.save_pretrained(tmpdirname) pt_model_loaded = pt_model_class.from_pretrained(tmpdirname, from_flax=True) # send pytorch model to the correct device pt_model_loaded.to(torch_device) pt_model_loaded.eval() with torch.no_grad(): pt_outputs_loaded = pt_model_loaded(**pt_inputs) fx_keys = tuple([k for k, v in fx_outputs.items() if v is not None]) pt_keys = tuple([k for k, v in pt_outputs_loaded.items() if v is not None]) self.assertEqual(fx_keys, pt_keys) self.check_pt_flax_outputs(fx_outputs, pt_outputs_loaded, model_class) def test_from_pretrained_save_pretrained(self): config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() for model_class in self.all_model_classes: with self.subTest(model_class.__name__): model = model_class(config) prepared_inputs_dict = self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class) outputs = model(**prepared_inputs_dict).to_tuple() # verify that normal save_pretrained works as expected with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: model.save_pretrained(tmpdirname) # the config file (and the generation config file, if it can generate) should be saved self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(tmpdirname, CONFIG_NAME))) self.assertEqual( model.can_generate(), os.path.exists(os.path.join(tmpdirname, GENERATION_CONFIG_NAME)) ) model_loaded = model_class.from_pretrained(tmpdirname) outputs_loaded = model_loaded(**prepared_inputs_dict).to_tuple() for output_loaded, output in zip(outputs_loaded, outputs): self.assert_almost_equals(output_loaded, output, 1e-3) # verify that save_pretrained for distributed training # with `params=params` works as expected with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: model.save_pretrained(tmpdirname, params=model.params) model_loaded = model_class.from_pretrained(tmpdirname) outputs_loaded = model_loaded(**prepared_inputs_dict).to_tuple() for output_loaded, output in zip(outputs_loaded, outputs): self.assert_almost_equals(output_loaded, output, 1e-3) def test_save_load_from_base(self): config, _ = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() base_class = FLAX_MODEL_MAPPING[config.__class__] for model_class in self.all_model_classes: if model_class == base_class: continue model = base_class(config) base_params = get_params(model.params) # check that all base model weights are loaded correctly with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: model.save_pretrained(tmpdirname) head_model = model_class.from_pretrained(tmpdirname) base_param_from_head = get_params(head_model.params, from_head_prefix=head_model.base_model_prefix) for key in base_param_from_head.keys(): max_diff = (base_params[key] - base_param_from_head[key]).sum().item() self.assertLessEqual(max_diff, 1e-3, msg=f"{key} not identical") def test_save_load_to_base(self): config, _ = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() base_class = FLAX_MODEL_MAPPING[config.__class__] for model_class in self.all_model_classes: if model_class == base_class: continue model = model_class(config) base_params_from_head = get_params(model.params, from_head_prefix=model.base_model_prefix) # check that all base model weights are loaded correctly with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: model.save_pretrained(tmpdirname) base_model = base_class.from_pretrained(tmpdirname) base_params = get_params(base_model.params) for key in base_params_from_head.keys(): max_diff = (base_params[key] - base_params_from_head[key]).sum().item() self.assertLessEqual(max_diff, 1e-3, msg=f"{key} not identical") @is_pt_flax_cross_test def test_save_load_from_base_pt(self): config, _ = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() base_class = FLAX_MODEL_MAPPING[config.__class__] for model_class in self.all_model_classes: if model_class == base_class: continue model = base_class(config) base_params = get_params(model.params) # convert Flax model to PyTorch model pt_model_class = getattr(transformers, base_class.__name__[4:]) # Skip the "Flax" at the beginning pt_model = pt_model_class(config).eval() pt_model = load_flax_weights_in_pytorch_model(pt_model, model.params) # check that all base model weights are loaded correctly with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: # save pt model pt_model.save_pretrained(tmpdirname) head_model = model_class.from_pretrained(tmpdirname, from_pt=True) base_param_from_head = get_params(head_model.params, from_head_prefix=head_model.base_model_prefix) for key in base_param_from_head.keys(): max_diff = (base_params[key] - base_param_from_head[key]).sum().item() self.assertLessEqual(max_diff, 1e-3, msg=f"{key} not identical") @is_pt_flax_cross_test def test_save_load_to_base_pt(self): config, _ = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() base_class = FLAX_MODEL_MAPPING[config.__class__] for model_class in self.all_model_classes: if model_class == base_class: continue model = model_class(config) base_params_from_head = get_params(model.params, from_head_prefix=model.base_model_prefix) # convert Flax model to PyTorch model pt_model_class = getattr(transformers, model_class.__name__[4:]) # Skip the "Flax" at the beginning pt_model = pt_model_class(config).eval() pt_model = load_flax_weights_in_pytorch_model(pt_model, model.params) # check that all base model weights are loaded correctly with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: pt_model.save_pretrained(tmpdirname) base_model = base_class.from_pretrained(tmpdirname, from_pt=True) base_params = get_params(base_model.params) for key in base_params_from_head.keys(): max_diff = (base_params[key] - base_params_from_head[key]).sum().item() self.assertLessEqual(max_diff, 1e-3, msg=f"{key} not identical") @is_pt_flax_cross_test def test_save_load_bf16_to_base_pt(self): config, _ = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() base_class = FLAX_MODEL_MAPPING[config.__class__] for model_class in self.all_model_classes: if model_class == base_class: continue model = model_class(config) model.params = model.to_bf16(model.params) base_params_from_head = get_params(model.params, from_head_prefix=model.base_model_prefix) # convert Flax model to PyTorch model pt_model_class = getattr(transformers, model_class.__name__[4:]) # Skip the "Flax" at the beginning pt_model = pt_model_class(config).eval() pt_model = load_flax_weights_in_pytorch_model(pt_model, model.params) # check that all base model weights are loaded correctly with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: pt_model.save_pretrained(tmpdirname) base_model = base_class.from_pretrained(tmpdirname, from_pt=True) base_params = get_params(base_model.params) for key in base_params_from_head.keys(): max_diff = (base_params[key] - base_params_from_head[key]).sum().item() self.assertLessEqual(max_diff, 1e-3, msg=f"{key} not identical") def test_jit_compilation(self): config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() for model_class in self.all_model_classes: with self.subTest(model_class.__name__): prepared_inputs_dict = self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class) model = model_class(config) @jax.jit def model_jitted(input_ids, attention_mask=None, **kwargs): return model(input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, **kwargs) with self.subTest("JIT Enabled"): jitted_outputs = model_jitted(**prepared_inputs_dict).to_tuple() with self.subTest("JIT Disabled"): with jax.disable_jit(): outputs = model_jitted(**prepared_inputs_dict).to_tuple() self.assertEqual(len(outputs), len(jitted_outputs)) for jitted_output, output in zip(jitted_outputs, outputs): self.assertEqual(jitted_output.shape, output.shape) def test_forward_signature(self): config, _ = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model = model_class(config) signature = inspect.signature(model.__call__) # signature.parameters is an OrderedDict => so arg_names order is deterministic arg_names = [*signature.parameters.keys()] if model.config.is_encoder_decoder: expected_arg_names = [ "input_ids", "attention_mask", "decoder_input_ids", "decoder_attention_mask", ] self.assertListEqual(arg_names[: len(expected_arg_names)], expected_arg_names) else: expected_arg_names = ["input_ids", "attention_mask"] self.assertListEqual(arg_names[:2], expected_arg_names) def test_naming_convention(self): for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model_class_name = model_class.__name__ module_class_name = ( model_class_name[:-5] + "Module" if model_class_name[-5:] == "Model" else model_class_name + "Module" ) bert_modeling_flax_module = __import__(model_class.__module__, fromlist=[module_class_name]) module_cls = getattr(bert_modeling_flax_module, module_class_name) self.assertIsNotNone(module_cls) def test_hidden_states_output(self): def check_hidden_states_output(inputs_dict, config, model_class): model = model_class(config) outputs = model(**self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class)) hidden_states = outputs.encoder_hidden_states if config.is_encoder_decoder else outputs.hidden_states expected_num_layers = getattr( self.model_tester, "expected_num_hidden_layers", self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers + 1 ) self.assertEqual(len(hidden_states), expected_num_layers) if hasattr(self.model_tester, "encoder_seq_length"): seq_length = self.model_tester.encoder_seq_length else: seq_length = self.model_tester.seq_length self.assertListEqual( list(hidden_states[0].shape[-2:]), [seq_length, self.model_tester.hidden_size], ) if config.is_encoder_decoder: hidden_states = outputs.decoder_hidden_states self.assertIsInstance(hidden_states, (list, tuple)) self.assertEqual(len(hidden_states), expected_num_layers) seq_len = getattr(self.model_tester, "seq_length", None) decoder_seq_length = getattr(self.model_tester, "decoder_seq_length", seq_len) self.assertListEqual( list(hidden_states[0].shape[-2:]), [decoder_seq_length, self.model_tester.hidden_size], ) config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() for model_class in self.all_model_classes: inputs_dict["output_hidden_states"] = True check_hidden_states_output(inputs_dict, config, model_class) # check that output_hidden_states also work using config del inputs_dict["output_hidden_states"] config.output_hidden_states = True check_hidden_states_output(inputs_dict, config, model_class) def test_attention_outputs(self): if not self.has_attentions: self.skipTest(reason="Model does not output attentions") config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() config.return_dict = True seq_length = getattr(self.model_tester, "seq_length", None) decoder_seq_length = getattr(self.model_tester, "decoder_seq_length", seq_length) encoder_seq_length = getattr(self.model_tester, "encoder_seq_length", seq_length) decoder_key_length = getattr(self.model_tester, "decoder_key_length", decoder_seq_length) encoder_key_length = getattr(self.model_tester, "key_length", encoder_seq_length) for model_class in self.all_model_classes: inputs_dict["output_attentions"] = True inputs_dict["output_hidden_states"] = False model = model_class(config) outputs = model(**self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class)) attentions = outputs.encoder_attentions if config.is_encoder_decoder else outputs.attentions self.assertEqual(len(attentions), self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers) # check that output_attentions also work using config del inputs_dict["output_attentions"] config.output_attentions = True model = model_class(config) outputs = model(**self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class)) attentions = outputs.encoder_attentions if config.is_encoder_decoder else outputs.attentions self.assertEqual(len(attentions), self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers) self.assertListEqual( list(attentions[0].shape[-3:]), [self.model_tester.num_attention_heads, encoder_seq_length, encoder_key_length], ) out_len = len(outputs) if self.is_encoder_decoder: correct_outlen = 5 # Question Answering model returns start_logits and end_logits if model_class in get_values(FLAX_MODEL_FOR_QUESTION_ANSWERING_MAPPING): correct_outlen += 1 # start_logits and end_logits instead of only 1 output self.assertEqual(out_len, correct_outlen) # decoder attentions decoder_attentions = outputs.decoder_attentions self.assertIsInstance(decoder_attentions, (list, tuple)) self.assertEqual(len(decoder_attentions), self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers) self.assertListEqual( list(decoder_attentions[0].shape[-3:]), [self.model_tester.num_attention_heads, decoder_seq_length, decoder_key_length], ) # cross attentions cross_attentions = outputs.cross_attentions self.assertIsInstance(cross_attentions, (list, tuple)) self.assertEqual(len(cross_attentions), self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers) self.assertListEqual( list(cross_attentions[0].shape[-3:]), [ self.model_tester.num_attention_heads, decoder_seq_length, encoder_key_length, ], ) # Check attention is always last and order is fine inputs_dict["output_attentions"] = True inputs_dict["output_hidden_states"] = True model = model_class(config) outputs = model(**self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class)) if hasattr(self.model_tester, "num_hidden_states_types"): added_hidden_states = self.model_tester.num_hidden_states_types elif self.is_encoder_decoder: added_hidden_states = 2 else: added_hidden_states = 1 self.assertEqual(out_len + added_hidden_states, len(outputs)) self_attentions = outputs.encoder_attentions if config.is_encoder_decoder else outputs.attentions self.assertEqual(len(self_attentions), self.model_tester.num_hidden_layers) self.assertListEqual( list(self_attentions[0].shape[-3:]), [self.model_tester.num_attention_heads, encoder_seq_length, encoder_key_length], ) def test_load_with_mismatched_shapes(self): if not self.test_mismatched_shapes: return config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() for model_class in self.all_model_classes: if model_class not in get_values(FLAX_MODEL_FOR_SEQUENCE_CLASSIFICATION_MAPPING): continue with self.subTest(msg=f"Testing {model_class}"): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: model = model_class(config) model.save_pretrained(tmp_dir) # Fails when we don't set ignore_mismatched_sizes=True with self.assertRaises(ValueError): new_model = FlaxAutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(tmp_dir, num_labels=42) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): new_model_without_prefix = FlaxAutoModel.from_pretrained(tmp_dir, vocab_size=10) logger = logging.get_logger("transformers.modeling_flax_utils") with CaptureLogger(logger) as cl: new_model = FlaxAutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained( tmp_dir, num_labels=42, ignore_mismatched_sizes=True ) self.assertIn("the shapes did not match", cl.out) logits = new_model(**inputs_dict)["logits"] self.assertEqual(logits.shape[1], 42) with CaptureLogger(logger) as cl: new_model_without_prefix = FlaxAutoModel.from_pretrained( tmp_dir, vocab_size=10, ignore_mismatched_sizes=True ) self.assertIn("the shapes did not match", cl.out) input_ids = ids_tensor((2, 8), 10) if self.is_encoder_decoder: new_model_without_prefix(input_ids, decoder_input_ids=input_ids) else: new_model_without_prefix(input_ids) def test_default_params_dtype(self): config, _ = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() for model_class in self.all_model_classes: # check if all params are still in float32 when dtype of computation is half-precision model = model_class(config, dtype=jnp.float16) types = jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: x.dtype, model.params) types = flatten_dict(types) for name, type_ in types.items(): self.assertEquals(type_, jnp.float32, msg=f"param {name} is not initialized in fp32.") def test_to_bf16(self): config, _ = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model = model_class(config) # cast all params to bf16 params = model.to_bf16(model.params) types = flatten_dict(jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: x.dtype, params)) # test if all params are in bf16 for name, type_ in types.items(): self.assertEqual(type_, jnp.bfloat16, msg=f"param {name} is not in bf16.") # test masking flat_params = flatten_dict(params) key = random.choice(list(flat_params.keys())) # choose a random param mask = {path: path != key for path in flat_params} # don't cast the key mask = unflatten_dict(mask) params = model.to_bf16(model.params, mask) types = flatten_dict(jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: x.dtype, params)) # test if all params are in bf16 except key for name, type_ in types.items(): if name == key: self.assertEqual(type_, jnp.float32, msg=f"param {name} should be in fp32.") else: self.assertEqual(type_, jnp.bfloat16, msg=f"param {name} is not in bf16.") def test_to_fp16(self): config, _ = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model = model_class(config) # cast all params to fp16 params = model.to_fp16(model.params) types = flatten_dict(jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: x.dtype, params)) # test if all params are in fp16 for name, type_ in types.items(): self.assertEqual(type_, jnp.float16, msg=f"param {name} is not in fp16.") # test masking flat_params = flatten_dict(params) key = random.choice(list(flat_params.keys())) # choose a random param mask = {path: path != key for path in flat_params} # don't cast the key mask = unflatten_dict(mask) params = model.to_fp16(model.params, mask) types = flatten_dict(jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: x.dtype, params)) # test if all params are in fp16 except key for name, type_ in types.items(): if name == key: self.assertEqual(type_, jnp.float32, msg=f"param {name} should be in fp32.") else: self.assertEqual(type_, jnp.float16, msg=f"param {name} is not in fp16.") def test_to_fp32(self): config, _ = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model = model_class(config) # cast all params to fp16 and back to fp32 params = model.to_fp16(model.params) params = model.to_fp32(params) # test if all params are in fp32 types = flatten_dict(jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: x.dtype, params)) for name, type_ in types.items(): self.assertEqual(type_, jnp.float32, msg=f"param {name} is not in fp32.") # test masking flat_params = flatten_dict(params) key = random.choice(list(flat_params.keys())) # choose a random param mask = {path: path != key for path in flat_params} # don't cast the key mask = unflatten_dict(mask) # cast to fp16 and back to fp32 with mask params = model.to_fp16(model.params) params = model.to_fp32(params, mask) # test if all params are in fp32 except key types = flatten_dict(jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: x.dtype, params)) for name, type_ in types.items(): if name == key: self.assertEqual(type_, jnp.float16, msg=f"param {name} should be in fp16.") else: self.assertEqual(type_, jnp.float32, msg=f"param {name} is not in fp32.") def test_save_load_in_fp16(self): config, _ = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model = model_class(config) # convert weights to fp16 and save params = model.to_fp16(model.params) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: model.save_pretrained(tmpdirname, params=params) # load the weights again and check if they are still in fp16 model = model_class.from_pretrained(tmpdirname) types = flatten_dict(jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: x.dtype, model.params)) for name, type_ in types.items(): self.assertEqual(type_, jnp.float16, msg=f"param {name} is not in fp16.") def test_save_load_in_bf16(self): config, _ = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model = model_class(config) # convert weights to bf16 and save params = model.to_bf16(model.params) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: model.save_pretrained(tmpdirname, params=params) # load the weights again and check if they are still in fp16 model = model_class.from_pretrained(tmpdirname) types = flatten_dict(jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: x.dtype, model.params)) for name, type_ in types.items(): self.assertEqual(type_, jnp.bfloat16, msg=f"param {name} is not in bf16.") def test_model_main_input_name(self): for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model_signature = inspect.signature(getattr(model_class, "__call__")) # The main input is the name of the argument after `self` observed_main_input_name = list(model_signature.parameters.keys())[1] self.assertEqual(model_class.main_input_name, observed_main_input_name) def test_headmasking(self): if not self.test_head_masking: return config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() config.return_dict = True def _prepare_layer_head_mask(i, attention_heads, num_hidden_layers): if i == 0: return np.concatenate([np.zeros(1, dtype=jnp.int32), np.ones(attention_heads - 1, dtype=jnp.int32)]) if i == num_hidden_layers - 1: return np.concatenate([np.zeros(attention_heads - 1, dtype=jnp.int32), np.ones(1, dtype=jnp.int32)]) return np.ones(attention_heads, dtype=jnp.int32) for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model = model_class(config) inputs_dict["output_attentions"] = True inputs_dict["output_hidden_states"] = False inputs = self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class).copy() # Prepare head mask inputs["head_mask"] = np.stack( [ _prepare_layer_head_mask(i, config.num_attention_heads, config.num_hidden_layers) for i in range(config.num_hidden_layers) ] ) outputs = model(**inputs) def _check_attentions_validity(attentions): # Remove NaN for t in attentions: # Check we don't have more than 25% nans (arbitrary) self.assertLess(np.isnan(t).sum(), t.size / 4) attentions = [np.where(np.isnan(t), 0.0, t) for t in attentions] self.assertAlmostEqual(attentions[0][..., 0, :, :].sum(), 0.0) self.assertNotEqual(attentions[0][..., -1, :, :].sum(), 0.0) if len(attentions) > 2: # encoder-decodere models have only 2 layers in each modules self.assertNotEqual(attentions[1][..., 0, :, :].sum(), 0.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(attentions[-1][..., -2, :, :].sum(), 0.0) self.assertNotEqual(attentions[-1][..., -1, :, :].sum(), 0.0) if model.config.is_encoder_decoder: raise NotImplementedError("The test has not been implemented for encoder-decoder models yet.") else: _check_attentions_validity(outputs.attentions) def test_no_automatic_init(self): config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() config.return_dict = True for model_class in self.all_model_classes: model = model_class(config, _do_init=False) # Check that accesing parmas raises an ValueError when _do_init is False with self.assertRaises(ValueError): params = model.params # Check if we params can be properly initialized when calling init_weights params = model.init_weights(model.key, model.input_shape) assert isinstance(params, (dict, FrozenDict)), f"params are not an instance of {FrozenDict}" # Check if all required parmas are initialized keys = set(flatten_dict(unfreeze(params)).keys()) self.assertTrue(all(k in keys for k in model.required_params)) # Check if the shapes match flat_params = flatten_dict(unfreeze(params)) for k, v in flatten_dict(unfreeze(model.params_shape_tree)).items(): self.assertEqual( v.shape, flat_params[k].shape, "Shapes of {} do not match. Expecting {}, got {}.".format(k, v.shape, flat_params[k].shape), ) # Check that setting params raises an ValueError when _do_init is False with self.assertRaises(ValueError): model.params = params # Check if we can do a forward pass inputs_dict["output_hidden_states"] = True inputs = self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class).copy() model(**inputs, params=params) def test_from_pretrained_with_no_automatic_init(self): config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() config.return_dict = True def _assert_all_params_initialised(model, params): # Check if all required parmas are loaded keys = set(flatten_dict(unfreeze(params)).keys()) self.assertTrue(all(k in keys for k in model.required_params)) # Check if the shapes match flat_params = flatten_dict(unfreeze(params)) for k, v in flatten_dict(unfreeze(model.params_shape_tree)).items(): self.assertEqual( v.shape, flat_params[k].shape, "Shapes of {} do not match. Expecting {}, got {}.".format(k, v.shape, flat_params[k].shape), ) for model_class in self.all_model_classes: # init the model model = model_class(config) # save the model in the temporary directory # load the saved model with _do_init=False with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: model.save_pretrained(tmpdirname) model, params = model_class.from_pretrained(tmpdirname, _do_init=False) # Check that accesing parmas raises an ValueError when _do_init is False with self.assertRaises(ValueError): params = model.params # Check if all required parmas are loaded _assert_all_params_initialised(model, params) # Check that setting params raises an ValueError when _do_init is False with self.assertRaises(ValueError): model.params = params # Check if init_weights initializes missing keys from from_pretrained flat_params = flatten_dict(unfreeze(params)) random_key = random.choice(list(flat_params.keys())) flat_params.pop(random_key) params = freeze(unflatten_dict(flat_params)) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: model.save_pretrained(tmpdirname, params=params) model, params = model_class.from_pretrained(tmpdirname, _do_init=False) params = model.init_weights(model.key, model.input_shape, params=params) # Check if all required parmas are loaded _assert_all_params_initialised(model, params) def test_checkpoint_sharding_from_hub(self): model = FlaxBertModel.from_pretrained("ArthurZ/flax-tiny-random-bert-sharded") # the model above is the same as the model below, just a sharded version. ref_model = FlaxBertModel.from_pretrained("hf-internal-testing/tiny-bert-flax-only") for p1, p2 in zip(flatten_dict(model.params).values(), flatten_dict(ref_model.params).values()): assert np.allclose(np.array(p1), np.array(p2)) def test_checkpoint_sharding_local(self): model = FlaxBertModel.from_pretrained("hf-internal-testing/tiny-bert-flax-only") with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: # We use the same folder for various sizes to make sure a new save erases the old checkpoint. for max_size in ["150kB", "150kiB", "200kB", "200kiB"]: model.save_pretrained(tmp_dir, max_shard_size=max_size) # Get each shard file and its size shard_to_size = {} for shard in os.listdir(tmp_dir): if shard.endswith(".msgpack"): shard_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, shard) shard_to_size[shard_file] = os.path.getsize(shard_file) index_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, FLAX_WEIGHTS_INDEX_NAME) # Check there is an index but no regular weight file self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(index_file)) self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmp_dir, FLAX_WEIGHTS_NAME))) # Check a file is bigger than max_size only when it has a single weight for shard_file, size in shard_to_size.items(): if max_size.endswith("kiB"): max_size_int = int(max_size[:-3]) * 2**10 else: max_size_int = int(max_size[:-2]) * 10**3 # Note: pickle adds some junk so the weight of the file can end up being slightly bigger than # the size asked for (since we count parameters) if size >= max_size_int + 50000: with open(shard_file, "rb") as state_f: state_file = from_bytes(FlaxBertModel, state_f.read()) self.assertEqual(len(state_file), 1) # Check the index and the shard files found match with open(index_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: index = json.loads(f.read()) all_shards = set(index["weight_map"].values()) shards_found = {f for f in os.listdir(tmp_dir) if f.endswith(".msgpack")} self.assertSetEqual(all_shards, shards_found) # Finally, check the model can be reloaded new_model = FlaxBertModel.from_pretrained(tmp_dir) for p1, p2 in zip(flatten_dict(model.params).values(), flatten_dict(new_model.params).values()): self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.array(p1), np.array(p2))) @is_pt_flax_cross_test def test_from_sharded_pt(self): model = FlaxBertModel.from_pretrained("hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-bert-sharded", from_pt=True) ref_model = FlaxBertModel.from_pretrained("hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-bert-fx-only") for key, ref_val in flatten_dict(ref_model.params).items(): val = flatten_dict(model.params)[key] assert np.allclose(np.array(val), np.array(ref_val)) def test_gradient_checkpointing(self): config, inputs_dict = self.model_tester.prepare_config_and_inputs_for_common() for model_class in self.all_model_classes: # prepare inputs prepared_inputs_dict = self._prepare_for_class(inputs_dict, model_class) model = model_class(config) remat_model = model_class(config) try: remat_model.enable_gradient_checkpointing() except NotImplementedError: continue outputs = model(**prepared_inputs_dict) remat_outputs = remat_model(**prepared_inputs_dict) # ensure that the dicts of outputs contain the same keys self.assertEqual(outputs.keys(), remat_outputs.keys()) outputs = outputs.to_tuple() remat_outputs = remat_outputs.to_tuple() # ensure that the outputs remain precisely equal for output, remat_output in zip(outputs, remat_outputs): self.assertTrue((output == remat_output).all())
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/test_modeling_flax_common.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 25154 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2023 HuggingFace Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import unittest from pathlib import Path from transformers import is_vision_available, load_tool from transformers.testing_utils import get_tests_dir from .test_tools_common import ToolTesterMixin if is_vision_available(): from PIL import Image class ImageCaptioningToolTester(unittest.TestCase, ToolTesterMixin): def setUp(self): self.tool = load_tool("image-captioning") self.tool.setup() self.remote_tool = load_tool("image-captioning", remote=True) def test_exact_match_arg(self): image = Image.open(Path(get_tests_dir("fixtures/tests_samples/COCO")) / "000000039769.png") result = self.tool(image) self.assertEqual(result, "two cats sleeping on a couch") def test_exact_match_arg_remote(self): image = Image.open(Path(get_tests_dir("fixtures/tests_samples/COCO")) / "000000039769.png") result = self.remote_tool(image) self.assertEqual(result, "two cats sleeping on a couch") def test_exact_match_kwarg(self): image = Image.open(Path(get_tests_dir("fixtures/tests_samples/COCO")) / "000000039769.png") result = self.tool(image=image) self.assertEqual(result, "two cats sleeping on a couch") def test_exact_match_kwarg_remote(self): image = Image.open(Path(get_tests_dir("fixtures/tests_samples/COCO")) / "000000039769.png") result = self.remote_tool(image=image) self.assertEqual(result, "two cats sleeping on a couch")
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/tools/test_image_captioning.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 737 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2020 the HuggingFace Inc. team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from transformers import ( AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, BertTokenizer, DataCollatorForSeq2Seq, EncoderDecoderModel, GenerationConfig, Seq2SeqTrainer, Seq2SeqTrainingArguments, T5Tokenizer, ) from transformers.testing_utils import TestCasePlus, require_torch, slow from transformers.utils import is_datasets_available if is_datasets_available(): import datasets class Seq2seqTrainerTester(TestCasePlus): @slow @require_torch def test_finetune_bert2bert(self): bert2bert = EncoderDecoderModel.from_encoder_decoder_pretrained("prajjwal1/bert-tiny", "prajjwal1/bert-tiny") tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased") bert2bert.config.vocab_size = bert2bert.config.encoder.vocab_size bert2bert.config.eos_token_id = tokenizer.sep_token_id bert2bert.config.decoder_start_token_id = tokenizer.cls_token_id bert2bert.config.max_length = 128 train_dataset = datasets.load_dataset("cnn_dailymail", "3.0.0", split="train[:1%]") val_dataset = datasets.load_dataset("cnn_dailymail", "3.0.0", split="validation[:1%]") train_dataset = train_dataset.select(range(32)) val_dataset = val_dataset.select(range(16)) batch_size = 4 def _map_to_encoder_decoder_inputs(batch): # Tokenizer will automatically set [BOS] <text> [EOS] inputs = tokenizer(batch["article"], padding="max_length", truncation=True, max_length=512) outputs = tokenizer(batch["highlights"], padding="max_length", truncation=True, max_length=128) batch["input_ids"] = inputs.input_ids batch["attention_mask"] = inputs.attention_mask batch["decoder_input_ids"] = outputs.input_ids batch["labels"] = outputs.input_ids.copy() batch["labels"] = [ [-100 if token == tokenizer.pad_token_id else token for token in labels] for labels in batch["labels"] ] batch["decoder_attention_mask"] = outputs.attention_mask assert all(len(x) == 512 for x in inputs.input_ids) assert all(len(x) == 128 for x in outputs.input_ids) return batch def _compute_metrics(pred): labels_ids = pred.label_ids pred_ids = pred.predictions # all unnecessary tokens are removed pred_str = tokenizer.batch_decode(pred_ids, skip_special_tokens=True) label_str = tokenizer.batch_decode(labels_ids, skip_special_tokens=True) accuracy = sum([int(pred_str[i] == label_str[i]) for i in range(len(pred_str))]) / len(pred_str) return {"accuracy": accuracy} # map train dataset train_dataset = train_dataset.map( _map_to_encoder_decoder_inputs, batched=True, batch_size=batch_size, remove_columns=["article", "highlights"], ) train_dataset.set_format( type="torch", columns=["input_ids", "attention_mask", "decoder_input_ids", "decoder_attention_mask", "labels"], ) # same for validation dataset val_dataset = val_dataset.map( _map_to_encoder_decoder_inputs, batched=True, batch_size=batch_size, remove_columns=["article", "highlights"], ) val_dataset.set_format( type="torch", columns=["input_ids", "attention_mask", "decoder_input_ids", "decoder_attention_mask", "labels"], ) output_dir = self.get_auto_remove_tmp_dir() training_args = Seq2SeqTrainingArguments( output_dir=output_dir, per_device_train_batch_size=batch_size, per_device_eval_batch_size=batch_size, predict_with_generate=True, evaluation_strategy="steps", do_train=True, do_eval=True, warmup_steps=0, eval_steps=2, logging_steps=2, ) # instantiate trainer trainer = Seq2SeqTrainer( model=bert2bert, args=training_args, compute_metrics=_compute_metrics, train_dataset=train_dataset, eval_dataset=val_dataset, tokenizer=tokenizer, ) # start training trainer.train() @slow @require_torch def test_return_sequences(self): # Tests that the number of generated sequences is correct when num_return_sequences > 1 # and essentially ensuring that `accelerator.gather()` is used instead of `gather_for_metrics` INPUT_COLUMN = "question" TARGET_COLUMN = "answer" MAX_INPUT_LENGTH = 256 MAX_TARGET_LENGTH = 256 dataset = datasets.load_dataset("gsm8k", "main", split="train[:38]") model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("t5-small") tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained("t5-small") data_collator = DataCollatorForSeq2Seq(tokenizer, model=model, return_tensors="pt", padding="longest") gen_config = GenerationConfig.from_pretrained( "t5-small", max_length=None, min_length=None, max_new_tokens=256, min_new_tokens=1, num_beams=5 ) training_args = Seq2SeqTrainingArguments(".", predict_with_generate=True) trainer = Seq2SeqTrainer( model=model, args=training_args, tokenizer=tokenizer, data_collator=data_collator, compute_metrics=lambda x: {"samples": x[0].shape[0]}, ) def prepare_data(examples): # Remove pairs where at least one record is none inputs = examples[INPUT_COLUMN] targets = examples[TARGET_COLUMN] model_inputs = tokenizer(inputs, max_length=MAX_INPUT_LENGTH, truncation=True) labels = tokenizer(text_target=targets, max_length=MAX_TARGET_LENGTH, truncation=True) model_inputs["labels"] = labels["input_ids"] return model_inputs prepared_dataset = dataset.map(prepare_data, batched=True, remove_columns=[INPUT_COLUMN, TARGET_COLUMN]) dataset_len = len(prepared_dataset) # 38 for num_return_sequences in range(3, 0, -1): gen_config.num_return_sequences = num_return_sequences metrics = trainer.evaluate(eval_dataset=prepared_dataset, generation_config=gen_config) assert ( metrics["eval_samples"] == dataset_len * num_return_sequences ), f"Got {metrics['eval_samples']}, expected: {dataset_len * num_return_sequences}"
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/trainer/test_trainer_seq2seq.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 3232 }
# Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import os import tempfile import unittest import unittest.mock as mock from pathlib import Path from requests.exceptions import HTTPError from transformers.utils import ( CONFIG_NAME, FLAX_WEIGHTS_NAME, TF2_WEIGHTS_NAME, TRANSFORMERS_CACHE, WEIGHTS_NAME, cached_file, get_file_from_repo, has_file, ) RANDOM_BERT = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-bert" CACHE_DIR = os.path.join(TRANSFORMERS_CACHE, "models--hf-internal-testing--tiny-random-bert") FULL_COMMIT_HASH = "9b8c223d42b2188cb49d29af482996f9d0f3e5a6" GATED_REPO = "hf-internal-testing/dummy-gated-model" README_FILE = "README.md" class GetFromCacheTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_cached_file(self): archive_file = cached_file(RANDOM_BERT, CONFIG_NAME) # Should have downloaded the file in here self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(CACHE_DIR)) # Cache should contain at least those three subfolders: for subfolder in ["blobs", "refs", "snapshots"]: self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, subfolder))) with open(os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, "refs", "main")) as f: main_commit = f.read() self.assertEqual(archive_file, os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, "snapshots", main_commit, CONFIG_NAME)) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(archive_file)) # File is cached at the same place the second time. new_archive_file = cached_file(RANDOM_BERT, CONFIG_NAME) self.assertEqual(archive_file, new_archive_file) # Using a specific revision to test the full commit hash. archive_file = cached_file(RANDOM_BERT, CONFIG_NAME, revision="9b8c223") self.assertEqual(archive_file, os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, "snapshots", FULL_COMMIT_HASH, CONFIG_NAME)) def test_cached_file_errors(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(EnvironmentError, "is not a valid model identifier"): _ = cached_file("tiny-random-bert", CONFIG_NAME) with self.assertRaisesRegex(EnvironmentError, "is not a valid git identifier"): _ = cached_file(RANDOM_BERT, CONFIG_NAME, revision="aaaa") with self.assertRaisesRegex(EnvironmentError, "does not appear to have a file named"): _ = cached_file(RANDOM_BERT, "conf") def test_non_existence_is_cached(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(EnvironmentError, "does not appear to have a file named"): _ = cached_file(RANDOM_BERT, "conf") with open(os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, "refs", "main")) as f: main_commit = f.read() self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, ".no_exist", main_commit, "conf"))) path = cached_file(RANDOM_BERT, "conf", _raise_exceptions_for_missing_entries=False) self.assertIsNone(path) path = cached_file(RANDOM_BERT, "conf", local_files_only=True, _raise_exceptions_for_missing_entries=False) self.assertIsNone(path) response_mock = mock.Mock() response_mock.status_code = 500 response_mock.headers = {} response_mock.raise_for_status.side_effect = HTTPError response_mock.json.return_value = {} # Under the mock environment we get a 500 error when trying to reach the tokenizer. with mock.patch("requests.Session.request", return_value=response_mock) as mock_head: path = cached_file(RANDOM_BERT, "conf", _raise_exceptions_for_connection_errors=False) self.assertIsNone(path) # This check we did call the fake head request mock_head.assert_called() def test_has_file(self): self.assertTrue(has_file("hf-internal-testing/tiny-bert-pt-only", WEIGHTS_NAME)) self.assertFalse(has_file("hf-internal-testing/tiny-bert-pt-only", TF2_WEIGHTS_NAME)) self.assertFalse(has_file("hf-internal-testing/tiny-bert-pt-only", FLAX_WEIGHTS_NAME)) def test_get_file_from_repo_distant(self): # `get_file_from_repo` returns None if the file does not exist self.assertIsNone(get_file_from_repo("bert-base-cased", "ahah.txt")) # The function raises if the repository does not exist. with self.assertRaisesRegex(EnvironmentError, "is not a valid model identifier"): get_file_from_repo("bert-base-case", CONFIG_NAME) # The function raises if the revision does not exist. with self.assertRaisesRegex(EnvironmentError, "is not a valid git identifier"): get_file_from_repo("bert-base-cased", CONFIG_NAME, revision="ahaha") resolved_file = get_file_from_repo("bert-base-cased", CONFIG_NAME) # The name is the cached name which is not very easy to test, so instead we load the content. config = json.loads(open(resolved_file, "r").read()) self.assertEqual(config["hidden_size"], 768) def test_get_file_from_repo_local(self): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: filename = Path(tmp_dir) / "a.txt" filename.touch() self.assertEqual(get_file_from_repo(tmp_dir, "a.txt"), str(filename)) self.assertIsNone(get_file_from_repo(tmp_dir, "b.txt")) def test_get_file_gated_repo(self): """Test download file from a gated repo fails with correct message when not authenticated.""" with self.assertRaisesRegex(EnvironmentError, "You are trying to access a gated repo."): # All files except README.md are protected on a gated repo. cached_file(GATED_REPO, "gated_file.txt", token=False) def test_has_file_gated_repo(self): """Test check file existence from a gated repo fails with correct message when not authenticated.""" with self.assertRaisesRegex(EnvironmentError, "is a gated repository"): # All files except README.md are protected on a gated repo. has_file(GATED_REPO, "gated_file.txt", token=False)
{ "file_path": "transformers/tests/utils/test_hub_utils.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 2572 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2022 The HuggingFace Inc. team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ This script is responsible for cleaning the model section of the table of content by removing duplicates and sorting the entries in alphabetical order. Usage (from the root of the repo): Check that the table of content is properly sorted (used in `make quality`): ```bash python utils/check_doc_toc.py ``` Auto-sort the table of content if it is not properly sorted (used in `make style`): ```bash python utils/check_doc_toc.py --fix_and_overwrite ``` """ import argparse from collections import defaultdict from typing import List import yaml PATH_TO_TOC = "docs/source/en/_toctree.yml" def clean_model_doc_toc(model_doc: List[dict]) -> List[dict]: """ Cleans a section of the table of content of the model documentation (one specific modality) by removing duplicates and sorting models alphabetically. Args: model_doc (`List[dict]`): The list of dictionaries extracted from the `_toctree.yml` file for this specific modality. Returns: `List[dict]`: List of dictionaries like the input, but cleaned up and sorted. """ counts = defaultdict(int) for doc in model_doc: counts[doc["local"]] += 1 duplicates = [key for key, value in counts.items() if value > 1] new_doc = [] for duplicate_key in duplicates: titles = list({doc["title"] for doc in model_doc if doc["local"] == duplicate_key}) if len(titles) > 1: raise ValueError( f"{duplicate_key} is present several times in the documentation table of content at " "`docs/source/en/_toctree.yml` with different *Title* values. Choose one of those and remove the " "others." ) # Only add this once new_doc.append({"local": duplicate_key, "title": titles[0]}) # Add none duplicate-keys new_doc.extend([doc for doc in model_doc if counts[doc["local"]] == 1]) # Sort return sorted(new_doc, key=lambda s: s["title"].lower()) def check_model_doc(overwrite: bool = False): """ Check that the content of the table of content in `_toctree.yml` is clean (no duplicates and sorted for the model API doc) and potentially auto-cleans it. Args: overwrite (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether to just check if the TOC is clean or to auto-clean it (when `overwrite=True`). """ with open(PATH_TO_TOC, encoding="utf-8") as f: content = yaml.safe_load(f.read()) # Get to the API doc api_idx = 0 while content[api_idx]["title"] != "API": api_idx += 1 api_doc = content[api_idx]["sections"] # Then to the model doc model_idx = 0 while api_doc[model_idx]["title"] != "Models": model_idx += 1 model_doc = api_doc[model_idx]["sections"] # Extract the modalities and clean them one by one. modalities_docs = [(idx, section) for idx, section in enumerate(model_doc) if "sections" in section] diff = False for idx, modality_doc in modalities_docs: old_modality_doc = modality_doc["sections"] new_modality_doc = clean_model_doc_toc(old_modality_doc) if old_modality_doc != new_modality_doc: diff = True if overwrite: model_doc[idx]["sections"] = new_modality_doc if diff: if overwrite: api_doc[model_idx]["sections"] = model_doc content[api_idx]["sections"] = api_doc with open(PATH_TO_TOC, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(yaml.dump(content, allow_unicode=True)) else: raise ValueError( "The model doc part of the table of content is not properly sorted, run `make style` to fix this." ) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--fix_and_overwrite", action="store_true", help="Whether to fix inconsistencies.") args = parser.parse_args() check_model_doc(args.fix_and_overwrite)
{ "file_path": "transformers/utils/check_doc_toc.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 1732 }
import argparse import json import math import os import time import traceback import zipfile from collections import Counter import requests def get_jobs(workflow_run_id, token=None): """Extract jobs in a GitHub Actions workflow run""" headers = None if token is not None: headers = {"Accept": "application/vnd.github+json", "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"} url = f"https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/transformers/actions/runs/{workflow_run_id}/jobs?per_page=100" result = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json() jobs = [] try: jobs.extend(result["jobs"]) pages_to_iterate_over = math.ceil((result["total_count"] - 100) / 100) for i in range(pages_to_iterate_over): result = requests.get(url + f"&page={i + 2}", headers=headers).json() jobs.extend(result["jobs"]) return jobs except Exception: print(f"Unknown error, could not fetch links:\n{traceback.format_exc()}") return [] def get_job_links(workflow_run_id, token=None): """Extract job names and their job links in a GitHub Actions workflow run""" headers = None if token is not None: headers = {"Accept": "application/vnd.github+json", "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"} url = f"https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/transformers/actions/runs/{workflow_run_id}/jobs?per_page=100" result = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json() job_links = {} try: job_links.update({job["name"]: job["html_url"] for job in result["jobs"]}) pages_to_iterate_over = math.ceil((result["total_count"] - 100) / 100) for i in range(pages_to_iterate_over): result = requests.get(url + f"&page={i + 2}", headers=headers).json() job_links.update({job["name"]: job["html_url"] for job in result["jobs"]}) return job_links except Exception: print(f"Unknown error, could not fetch links:\n{traceback.format_exc()}") return {} def get_artifacts_links(worflow_run_id, token=None): """Get all artifact links from a workflow run""" headers = None if token is not None: headers = {"Accept": "application/vnd.github+json", "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"} url = f"https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/transformers/actions/runs/{worflow_run_id}/artifacts?per_page=100" result = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json() artifacts = {} try: artifacts.update({artifact["name"]: artifact["archive_download_url"] for artifact in result["artifacts"]}) pages_to_iterate_over = math.ceil((result["total_count"] - 100) / 100) for i in range(pages_to_iterate_over): result = requests.get(url + f"&page={i + 2}", headers=headers).json() artifacts.update({artifact["name"]: artifact["archive_download_url"] for artifact in result["artifacts"]}) return artifacts except Exception: print(f"Unknown error, could not fetch links:\n{traceback.format_exc()}") return {} def download_artifact(artifact_name, artifact_url, output_dir, token): """Download a GitHub Action artifact from a URL. The URL is of the form `https://api.github.com/repos/huggingface/transformers/actions/artifacts/{ARTIFACT_ID}/zip`, but it can't be used to download directly. We need to get a redirect URL first. See https://docs.github.com/en/rest/actions/artifacts#download-an-artifact """ headers = None if token is not None: headers = {"Accept": "application/vnd.github+json", "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"} result = requests.get(artifact_url, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False) download_url = result.headers["Location"] response = requests.get(download_url, allow_redirects=True) file_path = os.path.join(output_dir, f"{artifact_name}.zip") with open(file_path, "wb") as fp: fp.write(response.content) def get_errors_from_single_artifact(artifact_zip_path, job_links=None): """Extract errors from a downloaded artifact (in .zip format)""" errors = [] failed_tests = [] job_name = None with zipfile.ZipFile(artifact_zip_path) as z: for filename in z.namelist(): if not os.path.isdir(filename): # read the file if filename in ["failures_line.txt", "summary_short.txt", "job_name.txt"]: with z.open(filename) as f: for line in f: line = line.decode("UTF-8").strip() if filename == "failures_line.txt": try: # `error_line` is the place where `error` occurs error_line = line[: line.index(": ")] error = line[line.index(": ") + len(": ") :] errors.append([error_line, error]) except Exception: # skip un-related lines pass elif filename == "summary_short.txt" and line.startswith("FAILED "): # `test` is the test method that failed test = line[len("FAILED ") :] failed_tests.append(test) elif filename == "job_name.txt": job_name = line if len(errors) != len(failed_tests): raise ValueError( f"`errors` and `failed_tests` should have the same number of elements. Got {len(errors)} for `errors` " f"and {len(failed_tests)} for `failed_tests` instead. The test reports in {artifact_zip_path} have some" " problem." ) job_link = None if job_name and job_links: job_link = job_links.get(job_name, None) # A list with elements of the form (line of error, error, failed test) result = [x + [y] + [job_link] for x, y in zip(errors, failed_tests)] return result def get_all_errors(artifact_dir, job_links=None): """Extract errors from all artifact files""" errors = [] paths = [os.path.join(artifact_dir, p) for p in os.listdir(artifact_dir) if p.endswith(".zip")] for p in paths: errors.extend(get_errors_from_single_artifact(p, job_links=job_links)) return errors def reduce_by_error(logs, error_filter=None): """count each error""" counter = Counter() counter.update([x[1] for x in logs]) counts = counter.most_common() r = {} for error, count in counts: if error_filter is None or error not in error_filter: r[error] = {"count": count, "failed_tests": [(x[2], x[0]) for x in logs if x[1] == error]} r = dict(sorted(r.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]["count"], reverse=True)) return r def get_model(test): """Get the model name from a test method""" test = test.split("::")[0] if test.startswith("tests/models/"): test = test.split("/")[2] else: test = None return test def reduce_by_model(logs, error_filter=None): """count each error per model""" logs = [(x[0], x[1], get_model(x[2])) for x in logs] logs = [x for x in logs if x[2] is not None] tests = {x[2] for x in logs} r = {} for test in tests: counter = Counter() # count by errors in `test` counter.update([x[1] for x in logs if x[2] == test]) counts = counter.most_common() error_counts = {error: count for error, count in counts if (error_filter is None or error not in error_filter)} n_errors = sum(error_counts.values()) if n_errors > 0: r[test] = {"count": n_errors, "errors": error_counts} r = dict(sorted(r.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]["count"], reverse=True)) return r def make_github_table(reduced_by_error): header = "| no. | error | status |" sep = "|-:|:-|:-|" lines = [header, sep] for error in reduced_by_error: count = reduced_by_error[error]["count"] line = f"| {count} | {error[:100]} | |" lines.append(line) return "\n".join(lines) def make_github_table_per_model(reduced_by_model): header = "| model | no. of errors | major error | count |" sep = "|-:|-:|-:|-:|" lines = [header, sep] for model in reduced_by_model: count = reduced_by_model[model]["count"] error, _count = list(reduced_by_model[model]["errors"].items())[0] line = f"| {model} | {count} | {error[:60]} | {_count} |" lines.append(line) return "\n".join(lines) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Required parameters parser.add_argument("--workflow_run_id", type=str, required=True, help="A GitHub Actions workflow run id.") parser.add_argument( "--output_dir", type=str, required=True, help="Where to store the downloaded artifacts and other result files.", ) parser.add_argument("--token", default=None, type=str, help="A token that has actions:read permission.") args = parser.parse_args() os.makedirs(args.output_dir, exist_ok=True) _job_links = get_job_links(args.workflow_run_id, token=args.token) job_links = {} # To deal with `workflow_call` event, where a job name is the combination of the job names in the caller and callee. # For example, `PyTorch 1.11 / Model tests (models/albert, single-gpu)`. if _job_links: for k, v in _job_links.items(): # This is how GitHub actions combine job names. if " / " in k: index = k.find(" / ") k = k[index + len(" / ") :] job_links[k] = v with open(os.path.join(args.output_dir, "job_links.json"), "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fp: json.dump(job_links, fp, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) artifacts = get_artifacts_links(args.workflow_run_id, token=args.token) with open(os.path.join(args.output_dir, "artifacts.json"), "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fp: json.dump(artifacts, fp, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) for idx, (name, url) in enumerate(artifacts.items()): download_artifact(name, url, args.output_dir, args.token) # Be gentle to GitHub time.sleep(1) errors = get_all_errors(args.output_dir, job_links=job_links) # `e[1]` is the error counter = Counter() counter.update([e[1] for e in errors]) # print the top 30 most common test errors most_common = counter.most_common(30) for item in most_common: print(item) with open(os.path.join(args.output_dir, "errors.json"), "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fp: json.dump(errors, fp, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) reduced_by_error = reduce_by_error(errors) reduced_by_model = reduce_by_model(errors) s1 = make_github_table(reduced_by_error) s2 = make_github_table_per_model(reduced_by_model) with open(os.path.join(args.output_dir, "reduced_by_error.txt"), "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fp: fp.write(s1) with open(os.path.join(args.output_dir, "reduced_by_model.txt"), "w", encoding="UTF-8") as fp: fp.write(s2)
{ "file_path": "transformers/utils/get_ci_error_statistics.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 4815 }
from transformers import Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor class CustomFeatureExtractor(Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor): pass
{ "file_path": "transformers/utils/test_module/custom_feature_extraction.py", "repo_id": "transformers", "token_count": 37 }
# How to contribute ## How to get started Before you start contributing make sure you installed all the dev tools: ```bash pip install -e ".[dev]" ``` ## Did you find a bug? * Ensure the bug was not already reported by searching on GitHub under Issues. * If you're unable to find an open issue addressing the problem, open a new one. Be sure to include a title and clear description, as much relevant information as possible, and a code sample or an executable test case demonstrating the expected behavior that is not occurring. * Be sure to add the complete error messages. #### Did you write a patch that fixes a bug? * Open a new GitHub pull request with the patch. * Ensure that your PR includes a test that fails without your patch, and pass with it. * Ensure the PR description clearly describes the problem and solution. Include the relevant issue number if applicable. ## PR submission guidelines * Keep each PR focused. While it's more convenient, do not combine several unrelated fixes together. Create as many branches as needing to keep each PR focused. * Do not mix style changes/fixes with "functional" changes. It's very difficult to review such PRs and it most likely get rejected. * Do not add/remove vertical whitespace. Preserve the original style of the file you edit as much as you can. * Do not turn an already submitted PR into your development playground. If after you submitted PR, you discovered that more work is needed - close the PR, do the required work and then submit a new PR. Otherwise each of your commits requires attention from maintainers of the project. * If, however, you submitted a PR and received a request for changes, you should proceed with commits inside that PR, so that the maintainer can see the incremental fixes and won't need to review the whole PR again. In the exception case where you realize it'll take many many commits to complete the requests, then it's probably best to close the PR, do the work and then submit it again. Use common sense where you'd choose one way over another. ### Before you submit a PR First you want to make sure that all the tests pass: ```bash make test ``` Then before submitting your PR make sure the code quality follows the standards. You can run the following command to format: ```bash make precommit ``` Make sure to install `pre-commit` before running the command: ```bash pip install pre-commit ``` ## Do you want to contribute to the documentation? * Docs are in the `docs/` folder and can be updated there.
{ "file_path": "trl/CONTRIBUTING.md", "repo_id": "trl", "token_count": 586 }
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=trl #SBATCH --partition=hopper-prod #SBATCH --gpus-per-task={{gpus_per_task}} #SBATCH --cpus-per-gpu={{cpus_per_gpu}} #SBATCH --ntasks={{ntasks}} #SBATCH --output=slurm/logs/%x_%j.out #SBATCH --array={{array}} ##SBATCH --exclude=ip-26-0-149-199 module load cuda/12.1 {{nodes}} seeds={{seeds}} seed=${seeds[$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID % {{len_seeds}}]} echo "Running task $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID with seed: $seed" srun {{command}} --seed $seed
{ "file_path": "trl/benchmark/trl.slurm_template", "repo_id": "trl", "token_count": 217 }
# Iterative Trainer Iterative fine-tuning is a training method that enables to perform custom actions (generation and filtering for example) between optimization steps. In TRL we provide an easy-to-use API to fine-tune your models in an iterative way in just a few lines of code. ## Usage To get started quickly, instantiate an instance a model, and a tokenizer. ```python model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_name) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) if tokenizer.pad_token is None: tokenizer.pad_token = tokenizer.eos_token trainer = IterativeSFTTrainer( model, tokenizer ) ``` You have the choice to either provide a list of strings or a list of tensors to the step function. #### Using a list of tensors as input: ```python inputs = { "input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": attention_mask } trainer.step(**inputs) ``` #### Using a list of strings as input: ```python inputs = { "texts": texts } trainer.step(**inputs) ``` For causal language models, labels will automatically be created from input_ids or from texts. When using sequence to sequence models you will have to provide your own labels or text_labels. ## IterativeTrainer [[autodoc]] IterativeSFTTrainer
{ "file_path": "trl/docs/source/iterative_sft_trainer.mdx", "repo_id": "trl", "token_count": 389 }
compute_environment: LOCAL_MACHINE debug: false deepspeed_config: deepspeed_multinode_launcher: standard gradient_accumulation_steps: 1 zero3_init_flag: false zero_stage: 1 distributed_type: DEEPSPEED downcast_bf16: 'no' machine_rank: 0 main_training_function: main mixed_precision: 'bf16' num_machines: 1 num_processes: 8 rdzv_backend: static same_network: true tpu_env: [] tpu_use_cluster: false tpu_use_sudo: false use_cpu: false
{ "file_path": "trl/examples/accelerate_configs/deepspeed_zero1.yaml", "repo_id": "trl", "token_count": 171 }
# DPO pipeline for the creation of StackLlaMa 2: a Stack exchange llama-v2-7b model ## Prerequisites Install all the dependencies in the `requirements.txt`: ``` $ pip install -U -r requirements.txt ``` Since we will use `accelerate` for training, make sure to run: ``` $ accelerate config ``` ## Training There were two main steps to the DPO training process: 1. Supervised fine-tuning of the base llama-v2-7b model to create llama-v2-7b-se: ``` accelerate launch examples/research_projects/stack_llama_2/scripts/sft_llama2.py \ --output_dir="./sft" \ --max_steps=500 \ --logging_steps=10 \ --save_steps=10 \ --per_device_train_batch_size=4 \ --per_device_eval_batch_size=1 \ --gradient_accumulation_steps=2 \ --gradient_checkpointing=False \ --group_by_length=False \ --learning_rate=1e-4 \ --lr_scheduler_type="cosine" \ --warmup_steps=100 \ --weight_decay=0.05 \ --optim="paged_adamw_32bit" \ --bf16=True \ --remove_unused_columns=False \ --run_name="sft_llama2" \ --report_to="wandb" ``` 1. Run the DPO trainer using the model saved by the previous step: ``` accelerate launch examples/research_projects/stack_llama_2/scripts/dpo_llama2.py \ --model_name_or_path="sft/final_checkpoint" \ --output_dir="dpo" ``` ## Merging the adaptors To merge the adaptors into the base model we can use the `merge_peft_adapter.py` helper script that comes with TRL: ``` python examples/research_projects/stack_llama/scripts/merge_peft_adapter.py --base_model_name="meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf" --adapter_model_name="dpo/final_checkpoint/" --output_name="stack-llama-2" ``` which will also push the model to your HuggingFace hub account. ## Running the model We can load the DPO-trained LoRA adaptors which were saved by the DPO training step and load them via: ```py from peft import AutoPeftModelForCausalLM model = AutoPeftModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( "dpo/final_checkpoint", low_cpu_mem_usage=True, torch_dtype=torch.float16, load_in_4bit=True, ) model.generate(...) ```
{ "file_path": "trl/examples/research_projects/stack_llama_2/scripts/README.md", "repo_id": "trl", "token_count": 896 }
[tool.black] line-length = 119 target-version = ['py38'] [tool.ruff] ignore = ["E501", "E741", "W605"] select = ["E", "F", "I", "W"] line-length = 119 # Ignore import violations in all `__init__.py` files. [tool.ruff.per-file-ignores] "__init__.py" = ["E402", "F401", "F403", "F811"] [tool.ruff.isort] lines-after-imports = 2 known-first-party = ["trl"]
{ "file_path": "trl/pyproject.toml", "repo_id": "trl", "token_count": 150 }
# Copyright 2023 metric-space, The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import gc import unittest import torch from trl import is_diffusers_available, is_peft_available from .testing_utils import require_diffusers if is_diffusers_available() and is_peft_available(): from trl import DDPOConfig, DDPOTrainer, DefaultDDPOStableDiffusionPipeline def scorer_function(images, prompts, metadata): return torch.randn(1) * 3.0, {} def prompt_function(): return ("cabbages", {}) @require_diffusers class DDPOTrainerTester(unittest.TestCase): """ Test the DDPOTrainer class. """ def setUp(self): self.ddpo_config = DDPOConfig( num_epochs=2, train_gradient_accumulation_steps=1, per_prompt_stat_tracking_buffer_size=32, sample_num_batches_per_epoch=2, sample_batch_size=2, mixed_precision=None, save_freq=1000000, ) pretrained_model = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-stable-diffusion-torch" pretrained_revision = "main" pipeline = DefaultDDPOStableDiffusionPipeline( pretrained_model, pretrained_model_revision=pretrained_revision, use_lora=False ) self.trainer = DDPOTrainer(self.ddpo_config, scorer_function, prompt_function, pipeline) return super().setUp() def tearDown(self) -> None: gc.collect() def test_loss(self): advantage = torch.tensor([-1.0]) clip_range = 0.0001 ratio = torch.tensor([1.0]) loss = self.trainer.loss(advantage, clip_range, ratio) assert loss.item() == 1.0 def test_generate_samples(self): samples, output_pairs = self.trainer._generate_samples(1, 2) assert len(samples) == 1 assert len(output_pairs) == 1 assert len(output_pairs[0][0]) == 2 def test_calculate_loss(self): samples, _ = self.trainer._generate_samples(1, 2) sample = samples[0] latents = sample["latents"][0, 0].unsqueeze(0) next_latents = sample["next_latents"][0, 0].unsqueeze(0) log_probs = sample["log_probs"][0, 0].unsqueeze(0) timesteps = sample["timesteps"][0, 0].unsqueeze(0) prompt_embeds = sample["prompt_embeds"] advantage = torch.tensor([1.0], device=prompt_embeds.device) assert latents.shape == (1, 4, 64, 64) assert next_latents.shape == (1, 4, 64, 64) assert log_probs.shape == (1,) assert timesteps.shape == (1,) assert prompt_embeds.shape == (2, 77, 32) loss, approx_kl, clipfrac = self.trainer.calculate_loss( latents, timesteps, next_latents, log_probs, advantage, prompt_embeds ) assert torch.isfinite(loss.cpu()) @require_diffusers class DDPOTrainerWithLoRATester(DDPOTrainerTester): """ Test the DDPOTrainer class. """ def setUp(self): self.ddpo_config = DDPOConfig( num_epochs=2, train_gradient_accumulation_steps=1, per_prompt_stat_tracking_buffer_size=32, sample_num_batches_per_epoch=2, sample_batch_size=2, mixed_precision=None, save_freq=1000000, ) pretrained_model = "hf-internal-testing/tiny-stable-diffusion-torch" pretrained_revision = "main" pipeline = DefaultDDPOStableDiffusionPipeline( pretrained_model, pretrained_model_revision=pretrained_revision, use_lora=True ) self.trainer = DDPOTrainer(self.ddpo_config, scorer_function, prompt_function, pipeline) return super().setUp()
{ "file_path": "trl/tests/test_ddpo_trainer.py", "repo_id": "trl", "token_count": 1784 }
# Copyright 2022 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import re import warnings from typing import Optional import torch from accelerate.utils import extract_model_from_parallel from transformers import StoppingCriteria, StoppingCriteriaList from ..import_utils import is_rich_available if is_rich_available(): from rich import print from rich.text import Text class StringStoppingCriteria(StoppingCriteria): """Custom `StoppingCriteria` which checks if all generations in the batch are completed.""" def __init__(self, stop_strings, tokenizer): self.stop_strings = stop_strings self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.first_call = True def __call__(self, input_ids, scores, **kwargs): """Returns true if all generated sequences contain any of the stop strings.""" if self.first_call: self.generated_tokens = [1 for _ in range(input_ids.shape[0])] self.start_length = input_ids.shape[-1] - 1 self.first_call = False decoded_generations = self.tokenizer.batch_decode(input_ids[:, self.start_length :]) done = [] for i, decoded_generation in enumerate(decoded_generations): sequence_complete = any([stop_string in decoded_generation for stop_string in self.stop_strings]) done.append(sequence_complete) if not sequence_complete: self.generated_tokens[i] += 1 if all(done): self.first_call = True return all(done) class TextHistory: """The TextHistory class keeps track of the history of an interaction between the language model and the environment.""" def __init__(self, text, tokens, system=True): """ Initialize TextHistory. args: text (`str`): The text of the first segment. tokens (`torch.LongTensor`): The tokens of the first segment. system (`bool`, *optional*): Whether the first segment is a system or user segment. """ self.system_spans = [] self.text_spans = [] self.token_spans = [] self.token_masks = torch.tensor([], dtype=torch.long).to(tokens.device) self.text = "" self.tokens = torch.tensor([], dtype=torch.long).to(tokens.device) self.completed = False self.truncated = False self.reward = 0.0 self.prompt_color = "black on grey85" self.system_color = "black on cyan3" self.model_color = "black on deep_sky_blue1" self.reward_color = "black on plum1" self.append_segment(text, tokens, system=system) def append_segment(self, text, tokens, system=True): """ Append a new segment to the history. args: text (`str`): The text of the new segment. tokens (`torch.LongTensor`): The tokens of the new segment. system (`bool`, *optional*): Whether the new segment is a system or user segment. """ if len(text) == 0 or len(tokens) == 0: raise ValueError("Can't append empty text or token list to history.") original_text_length = len(self.text) self.text += text self.text_spans.append((original_text_length, len(self.text))) self.system_spans.append(system) original_token_length = len(self.tokens) self.tokens = torch.cat((self.tokens, tokens)) if system: self.token_masks = torch.cat((self.token_masks, torch.zeros_like(tokens))) else: self.token_masks = torch.cat((self.token_masks, torch.ones_like(tokens))) self.token_spans.append((original_token_length, len(self.tokens))) def complete(self, truncated=False): """ Mark the history as completed. """ self.completed = True self.truncated = truncated @property def last_text_segment(self): """ Get the last text segment. """ start, end = self.text_spans[-1] return self.text[start:end] def split_query_response_tokens(self): """ Split the tokens into query and response tokens. """ split_index = self.token_spans[0][1] query = self.tokens[:split_index] response = self.tokens[split_index:] mask = self.token_masks[split_index:] return query, response, mask def show_text(self, show_legend=False): """ Print the text history. """ if not is_rich_available(): warnings.warn("install rich to display text") return text = Text(self.text) text.stylize(self.prompt_color, self.text_spans[0][0], self.text_spans[1][0]) for i, (start, end) in enumerate(self.text_spans[1:]): if self.system_spans[i + 1]: text.stylize(self.system_color, start, end) else: text.stylize(self.model_color, start, end) text.append(f"\n\nReward: {self.reward}", style=self.reward_color) print(text) if show_legend: self.show_colour_legend() def show_tokens(self, tokenizer, show_legend=False): """ Print the history tokens. """ if not is_rich_available(): warnings.warn("install rich to display tokens") return text = Text() prompt_end = self.token_spans[0][1] for i, (token, mask) in enumerate(zip(self.tokens, self.token_masks)): if i < prompt_end: text.append(tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(token.item()), style=self.prompt_color) text.append(" ") elif mask == 0: text.append(tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(token.item()), style=self.system_color) text.append(" ") else: text.append(tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(token.item()), style=self.model_color) text.append(" ") text.append(f"\n\nReward: {self.reward}", style=self.reward_color) print(text) if show_legend: self.show_colour_legend() def show_colour_legend(self): """ Print the colour legend. """ if not is_rich_available(): warnings.warn("install rich to display colour legend") return text = Text("\n\n(Colour Legend: ") text.append("Prompt", style=self.prompt_color) text.append("|") text.append("System", style=self.system_color) text.append("|") text.append("Model", style=self.model_color) text.append("|") text.append("Reward", style=self.reward_color) text.append(")") print(text) class TextEnvironment: """ The TextEnvironment enables interaction of a LLM with an environment using tools. """ def __init__( self, model=None, tokenizer=None, tools=None, reward_fn=None, prompt=None, max_turns=4, max_tool_reponse=100, max_length=None, generation_kwargs=None, ): """ Initialize TextEnvironment. Args: model (`PreTrainedModelWrapper`): The model to use for generation. tokenizer (`transformers.PreTrainedTokenizer`): The tokenizer to use for generation. tools (list): A list of tools to use for interaction. reward_fn (function): A function that takes a string and returns a reward. prompt (str): The base prompt to use for generation. Is prepended to the tasks. max_turns (Optional[int]): The maximum number of turns to allow. max_tool_response (Optional[int]): The maximum number of characters to allow in a tool response. max_length (Optional[int]): The maximum number of tokens to allow in an episode. generation_kwargs (Optional[dict]): A dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the model's generate method. """ self.model = model self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.prompt = prompt if isinstance(tools, dict): self.tools = tools else: self.tools = dict([(tool.__class__.__name__, tool) for tool in tools]) self.reward_fn = reward_fn self.max_length = max_length self.request_token = "<request>" self.call_token = "<call>" self.response_token = "<response>" self.submit_token = "<submit>" self.max_turns = max_turns self.max_tool_response = max_tool_reponse if generation_kwargs is None: self.generation_kwargs = dict() else: self.generation_kwargs = generation_kwargs self.is_encoder_decoder = hasattr(self.model, "is_encoder_decoder") self.current_device = extract_model_from_parallel(self.model).pretrained_model.device def run(self, queries, **rewards_kwargs): """ Run the environment on a list of queries. Args: queries (list[str]): A list of queries to run the model in the environment on. """ turns = 0 queries = [self.prompt + task for task in queries] queries_tokens = [ self.tokenizer(query, return_tensors="pt").input_ids[0].to(self.model.pretrained_model.device) for query in queries ] histories = [TextHistory(q, qt, system=True) for q, qt in zip(queries, queries_tokens)] while any([not history.completed for history in histories]) and turns < self.max_turns: histories = self.generate(histories) histories = self.tasks_end_check(histories) # TODO: make this parallel rather than for-loop for i in range(len(histories)): histories[i] = self.step(histories[i]) histories = self.tasks_end_check(histories, model_turn=False) turns += 1 self.compute_reward(histories, **rewards_kwargs) # convert a list of (q, r, m) tuples to lists of all qs, rs, and ms respectively queries, responses, masks = map(list, zip(*[history.split_query_response_tokens() for history in histories])) rewards = [history.reward for history in histories] return queries, responses, masks, rewards, histories def step(self, history): """ Step the environment forward one turn. Args: history (`TextHistory`): The history to step forward. """ truncated, ended = self.task_end_check(history) if ended: history.complete(truncated=truncated) if history.completed: return history tool, query = self.parse_tool_call(history.last_text_segment) if tool is None or query is None: response = f"Unknown tool call: {history.last_text_segment}" else: if tool not in self.tools: response = f"Unknown tool {tool}." try: response = self.tools[tool](query) except Exception as error: response = f"Tool error: {str(error)}" if len(response) > self.max_tool_response: response = response[: (self.max_tool_response - 3)] + "..." history.append_segment( response + self.response_token, self.tokenizer(response + self.response_token, return_tensors="pt") .input_ids[0] .to(self.model.pretrained_model.device), system=True, ) return history def parse_tool_call(self, text): """ Parse request string. Expected format: <request><tool_name>query<call> """ result = re.search(f"(?<={self.request_token}).*?(?={self.call_token})", text, re.DOTALL) # if we can't find a <request>/<call> span we return none if result is None: return None, None else: extracted_text = result.group() result = re.search(r"<(.*?)>", extracted_text) # if we can't find a tool name we return none if result is None: return None, None else: tool = result.group(1) # split off the tool name query = ">".join(extracted_text.split(">")[1:]) return tool, query def compute_reward(self, histories, **reward_kwargs): """ Compute the reward for a list of histories. """ rewards = self.reward_fn([history.last_text_segment for history in histories], **reward_kwargs) for history, reward in zip(histories, rewards): history.reward = reward return histories def generate(self, histories): """ Generate responses for a list of histories. """ active_histories = [i for i, history in enumerate(histories) if not history.completed] query_tensors = [histories[i].tokens for i in active_histories] response_tensors = self._generate_batched(query_tensors) response_texts = self.tokenizer.batch_decode(response_tensors) for i, response_text, response_tensor in zip(active_histories, response_texts, response_tensors): histories[i].append_segment(response_text, response_tensor, system=False) return histories def tasks_end_check(self, histories, model_turn=True): """ Check if the current generation sequences have finished. """ for history in histories: if not history.completed: truncated, ended = self.task_end_check(history, model_turn=model_turn) if ended: history.complete(truncated=truncated) return histories def task_end_check(self, history, model_turn=True): """ Check if the current generation sequence has finished. """ truncated = False ended = False if history.completed: return truncated, ended if self.max_length is not None and len(self.tokenizer(history.text).input_ids[0]) > self.max_length: truncated = True ended = True elif self.tokenizer.eos_token in history.text: ended = True elif model_turn and not ( (self.request_token in history.last_text_segment and self.call_token in history.last_text_segment) or self.submit_token in history.last_text_segment ): ended = True elif self.submit_token in history.last_text_segment: ended = True return truncated, ended def _generate_batched( self, query_tensors, batch_size: int = 16, pad_to_multiple_of: Optional[int] = None, ): """ Generate responses for a list of query tensors. args: query_tensors (list[torch.Tensor]): A list of query tensors to generate responses for. batch_size (int): The batch size to use for generation. pad_to_multiple_of (int): The padding length to use for generation. """ outputs = [] padding_side_default = self.tokenizer.padding_side if not self.is_encoder_decoder: self.tokenizer.padding_side = "left" # in case we have fewer examples than bs batch_size = min(len(query_tensors), batch_size) for i in range(0, len(query_tensors), batch_size): # prevent overflow if query tensors are not even multiple of bs end_index = min(len(query_tensors), i + batch_size) batch = query_tensors[i:end_index] batch_mask = [torch.ones_like(element) for element in batch] inputs = {"input_ids": batch, "attention_mask": batch_mask} padded_inputs = self.tokenizer.pad( inputs, padding=True, max_length=None, pad_to_multiple_of=pad_to_multiple_of, return_tensors="pt", ).to(self.current_device) stopping_criteria = StringStoppingCriteria([self.call_token, self.submit_token], self.tokenizer) self.generation_kwargs["stopping_criteria"] = StoppingCriteriaList([stopping_criteria]) generations = extract_model_from_parallel(self.model).generate(**padded_inputs, **self.generation_kwargs) for generation, mask, generated_tokens in zip( generations, padded_inputs["attention_mask"], stopping_criteria.generated_tokens ): if not self.is_encoder_decoder: output = generation[(1 - mask).sum() :] # remove padding else: output = generation if not self.is_encoder_decoder: output = output[(mask).sum() :] # remove prompt # remove chunk generated after stopping criteria in batch mode outputs.append(output[:generated_tokens]) self.tokenizer.padding_side = padding_side_default return outputs
{ "file_path": "trl/trl/environment/base_environment.py", "repo_id": "trl", "token_count": 7664 }
from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional from ..core import flatten_dict @dataclass class ModelConfig: """ Arguments which define the model and tokenizer to load. """ model_name_or_path: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={"help": ("The model checkpoint for weights initialization.")}, ) model_revision: str = field( default="main", metadata={"help": "The specific model version to use (can be a branch name, tag name or commit id)."}, ) torch_dtype: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "help": ( "Override the default `torch.dtype` and load the model under this dtype. If `auto` is passed, the " "dtype will be automatically derived from the model's weights." ), "choices": ["auto", "bfloat16", "float16", "float32"], }, ) trust_remote_code: bool = field(default=False, metadata={"help": "Trust remote code when loading a model."}) attn_implementation: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={ "help": ( "Which attention implementation to use; you can run --attn_implementation=flash_attention_2, in which case you must install this manually by running `pip install flash-attn --no-build-isolation`" ) }, ) use_peft: bool = field( default=False, metadata={"help": ("Whether to use PEFT or not for training.")}, ) lora_r: Optional[int] = field( default=16, metadata={"help": ("LoRA R value.")}, ) lora_alpha: Optional[int] = field( default=32, metadata={"help": ("LoRA alpha.")}, ) lora_dropout: Optional[float] = field( default=0.05, metadata={"help": ("LoRA dropout.")}, ) lora_target_modules: Optional[List[str]] = field( default=None, metadata={"help": ("LoRA target modules.")}, ) lora_modules_to_save: Optional[List[str]] = field( default=None, metadata={"help": ("Model layers to unfreeze & train")}, ) load_in_8bit: bool = field( default=False, metadata={"help": "use 8 bit precision for the base model - works only with LoRA"} ) load_in_4bit: bool = field( default=False, metadata={"help": "use 4 bit precision for the base model - works only with LoRA"} ) bnb_4bit_quant_type: Optional[str] = field( default="nf4", metadata={"help": "precise the quantization type (fp4 or nf4)"} ) use_bnb_nested_quant: bool = field(default=False, metadata={"help": "use nested quantization"}) def to_dict(self): output_dict = {} for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): output_dict[key] = value return flatten_dict(output_dict) def __post_init__(self): if self.load_in_8bit and self.load_in_4bit: raise ValueError("You can't use 8 bit and 4 bit precision at the same time")
{ "file_path": "trl/trl/trainer/model_config.py", "repo_id": "trl", "token_count": 1246 }
.PHONY: quality style test docs utils check_dirs := tests src examples benchmarks utils # Check that source code meets quality standards extra_quality_checks: python utils/check_copies.py python utils/check_dummies.py python utils/check_repo.py doc-builder style src/accelerate docs/source --max_len 119 # this target runs checks on all files quality: black --required-version 23 --check $(check_dirs) ruff $(check_dirs) doc-builder style src/accelerate docs/source --max_len 119 --check_only # Format source code automatically and check is there are any problems left that need manual fixing style: black --required-version 23 $(check_dirs) ruff $(check_dirs) --fix doc-builder style src/accelerate docs/source --max_len 119 # Run tests for the library test_big_modeling: python -m pytest -s -v ./tests/test_big_modeling.py ./tests/test_modeling_utils.py $(if $(IS_GITHUB_CI),--report-log "$(PYTORCH_VERSION)_big_modeling.log",) test_core: python -m pytest -s -v ./tests/ --ignore=./tests/test_examples.py --ignore=./tests/deepspeed --ignore=./tests/test_big_modeling.py \ --ignore=./tests/fsdp --ignore=./tests/test_cli.py $(if $(IS_GITHUB_CI),--report-log "$(PYTORCH_VERSION)_core.log",) test_cli: python -m pytest -s -v ./tests/test_cli.py $(if $(IS_GITHUB_CI),--report-log "$(PYTORCH_VERSION)_cli.log",) test_deepspeed: python -m pytest -s -v ./tests/deepspeed $(if $(IS_GITHUB_CI),--report-log "$(PYTORCH_VERSION)_deepspeed.log",) test_fsdp: python -m pytest -s -v ./tests/fsdp $(if $(IS_GITHUB_CI),--report-log "$(PYTORCH_VERSION)_fsdp.log",) # Since the new version of pytest will *change* how things are collected, we need `deepspeed` to # run after test_core and test_cli test: $(MAKE) test_core $(MAKE) test_cli $(MAKE) test_big_modeling $(MAKE) test_deepspeed $(MAKE) test_fsdp test_examples: python -m pytest -s -v ./tests/test_examples.py $(if $(IS_GITHUB_CI),--report-log "$(PYTORCH_VERSION)_examples.log",) # Broken down example tests for the CI runners test_integrations: python -m pytest -s -v ./tests/deepspeed ./tests/fsdp $(if $(IS_GITHUB_CI),--report-log "$(PYTORCH_VERSION)_integrations.log",) test_example_differences: python -m pytest -s -v ./tests/test_examples.py::ExampleDifferenceTests $(if $(IS_GITHUB_CI),--report-log "$(PYTORCH_VERSION)_example_diff.log",) test_checkpoint_epoch: python -m pytest -s -v ./tests/test_examples.py::FeatureExamplesTests -k "by_epoch" $(if $(IS_GITHUB_CI),--report-log "$(PYTORCH_VERSION)_checkpoint_epoch.log",) test_checkpoint_step: python -m pytest -s -v ./tests/test_examples.py::FeatureExamplesTests -k "by_step" $(if $(IS_GITHUB_CI),--report-log "$(PYTORCH_VERSION)_checkpoint_step.log",) # Same as test but used to install only the base dependencies test_prod: $(MAKE) test_core test_rest: python -m pytest -s -v ./tests/test_examples.py::FeatureExamplesTests -k "not by_step and not by_epoch" $(if $(IS_GITHUB_CI),--report-log "$(PYTORCH_VERSION)_rest.log",)
{ "file_path": "accelerate/Makefile", "repo_id": "accelerate", "token_count": 1122 }
<!--Copyright 2022 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ⚠️ Note that this file is in Markdown but contain specific syntax for our doc-builder (similar to MDX) that may not be rendered properly in your Markdown viewer. --> # Handling big models for inference When loading a pre-trained model in PyTorch, the usual workflow looks like this: ```py import torch my_model = ModelClass(...) state_dict = torch.load(checkpoint_file) my_model.load_state_dict(state_dict) ``` In plain English, those steps are: 1. Create the model with randomly initialized weights 2. Load the model weights (in a dictionary usually called a state dict) from the disk 3. Load those weights inside the model While this works very well for regularly sized models, this workflow has some clear limitations when we deal with a huge model: in step 1, we load a full version of the model in RAM, and spend some time randomly initializing the weights (which will be discarded in step 3). In step 2, we load another full version of the model in RAM, with the pre-trained weights. If you're loading a model with 6 billion parameters, this means you will need 24GB of RAM for each copy of the model, so 48GB in total (half of it to load the model in FP16). <Tip warning={true}> This API is quite new and still in its experimental stage. While we strive to provide a stable API, it's possible some small parts of the public API will change in the future. </Tip> ## How the Process Works: A Quick Overview <Youtube id="MWCSGj9jEAo" /> ## How the Process Works: Working with Code ### Instantiating an empty model The first tool 🤗 Accelerate introduces to help with big models is a context manager [`init_empty_weights`] that helps you initialize a model without using any RAM so that step 1 can be done on models of any size. Here is how it works: ```py from accelerate import init_empty_weights with init_empty_weights(): my_model = ModelClass(...) ``` For instance: ```py with init_empty_weights(): model = nn.Sequential(*[nn.Linear(10000, 10000) for _ in range(1000)]) ``` initializes an empty model with a bit more than 100B parameters. Behind the scenes, this relies on the meta device introduced in PyTorch 1.9. During the initialization under the context manager, each time a parameter is created, it is instantly moved to that device. <Tip warning={true}> You can't move a model initialized like this on CPU or another device directly, since it doesn't have any data. It's also very likely that a forward pass with that empty model will fail, as not all operations are supported on the meta device. </Tip> ### Sharded checkpoints It's possible your model is so big that even a single copy won't fit in RAM. That doesn't mean it can't be loaded: if you have one or several GPUs, this is more memory available to store your model. In this case, it's better if your checkpoint is split into several smaller files that we call checkpoint shards. 🤗 Accelerate will handle sharded checkpoints as long as you follow the following format: your checkpoint should be in a folder, with several files containing the partial state dicts, and there should be an index in the JSON format that contains a dictionary mapping parameter names to the file containing their weights. You can easily shard your model with [`~Accelerator.save_model`]. For instance, we could have a folder containing: ```bash first_state_dict.bin index.json second_state_dict.bin ``` with index.json being the following file: ``` { "linear1.weight": "first_state_dict.bin", "linear1.bias": "first_state_dict.bin", "linear2.weight": "second_state_dict.bin", "linear2.bias": "second_state_dict.bin" } ``` and `first_state_dict.bin` containing the weights for `"linear1.weight"` and `"linear1.bias"`, `second_state_dict.bin` the ones for `"linear2.weight"` and `"linear2.bias"` ### Loading weights The second tool 🤗 Accelerate introduces is a function [`load_checkpoint_and_dispatch`], that will allow you to load a checkpoint inside your empty model. This supports full checkpoints (a single file containing the whole state dict) as well as sharded checkpoints. It will also automatically dispatch those weights across the devices you have available (GPUs, CPU RAM), so if you are loading a sharded checkpoint, the maximum RAM usage will be the size of the biggest shard. If you want to use big model inference with 🤗 Transformers models, check out this [documentation](https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main/en/main_classes/model#large-model-loading). Here is how we can use this to load the [GPT2-1.5B](https://huggingface.co/marcsun13/gpt2-xl-linear-sharded) model. Let's download the sharded version of this model. ```bash pip install huggingface_hub ``` ```py from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download checkpoint = "marcsun13/gpt2-xl-linear-sharded" weights_location = snapshot_download(repo_id=checkpoint) ``` In order to initialize the model, we will use the library minGPT. ```bash git clone https://github.com/karpathy/minGPT.git pip install minGPT/ ``` ```py from accelerate import init_empty_weights from mingpt.model import GPT model_config = GPT.get_default_config() model_config.model_type = 'gpt2-xl' model_config.vocab_size = 50257 model_config.block_size = 1024 with init_empty_weights(): model = GPT(model_config) ``` Then, load the checkpoint we just downloaded with: ```py from accelerate import load_checkpoint_and_dispatch model = load_checkpoint_and_dispatch( model, checkpoint=weights_location, device_map="auto", no_split_module_classes=['Block'] ) ``` By passing `device_map="auto"`, we tell 🤗 Accelerate to determine automatically where to put each layer of the model depending on the available resources: - first, we use the maximum space available on the GPU(s) - if we still need space, we store the remaining weights on the CPU - if there is not enough RAM, we store the remaining weights on the hard drive as memory-mapped tensors #### `no_split_module_classes` This parameter will indicate that some of the modules with the name `"Block"` should not be split across different devices. You should set here all blocks that include a residual connection of some kind. #### The `device_map` You can see the `device_map` that 🤗 Accelerate picked by accessing the `hf_device_map` attribute of your model: ```py model.hf_device_map ``` ```python out {'transformer.wte': 0, 'transformer.wpe': 0, 'transformer.drop': 0, 'transformer.h.0': 0, ... 'transformer.h.21': 0, 'transformer.h.22': 1, 'transformer.h.23': 1, 'transformer.h.24': 1, ... 'transformer.h.47': 1, 'transformer.ln_f': 1, 'lm_head': 1} ``` It's fully possible to create your own device map for the layers to use as well, specifying the GPU device to use (a number), `"cpu"`, or `"disk"` and pass this in: ```python device_map = { "transformer.wte": "cpu", "transformer.wpe": 0, "transformer.drop": "cpu", "transformer.h.0": "disk" } model = load_checkpoint_and_dispatch( model, checkpoint=weights_location, device_map=device_map ) ``` ### Run the model Now that we have done this, our model lies across several devices, and maybe the hard drive. But it can still be used as a regular PyTorch model: ```py from mingpt.bpe import BPETokenizer tokenizer = BPETokenizer() inputs = tokenizer("Hello, my name is").to(0) outputs = model.generate(x1, max_new_tokens=10, do_sample=False)[0] tokenizer.decode(outputs.cpu().squeeze()) ``` Behind the scenes, 🤗 Accelerate added hooks to the model, so that: - at each layer, the inputs are put on the right device (so even if your model is spread across several GPUs, it works) - for the weights offloaded on the CPU, they are put on a GPU just before the forward pass and cleaned up just after - for the weights offloaded on the hard drive, they are loaded in RAM then put on a GPU just before the forward pass and cleaned up just after This way, your model can run for inference even if it doesn't fit on one of the GPUs or the CPU RAM! <Tip warning={true}> This only supports the inference of your model, not training. Most of the computation happens behind `torch.no_grad()` context managers to avoid spending some GPU memory with intermediate activations. </Tip> ### Designing a device map You can let 🤗 Accelerate handle the device map computation by setting `device_map` to one of the supported options (`"auto"`, `"balanced"`, `"balanced_low_0"`, `"sequential"`) or create one yourself if you want more control over where each layer should go. <Tip> You can derive all sizes of the model (and thus compute a `device_map`) on a model that is on the meta device. </Tip> All the options will produce the same result when you don't have enough GPU memory to accommodate the whole model (which is to fit everything that can on the GPU, then offload weights on the CPU or even on the disk if there is not enough RAM). When you have more GPU memory available than the model size, here is the difference between each option: - `"auto"` and `"balanced"` evenly split the model on all available GPUs, making it possible for you to use a batch size greater than 1. - `"balanced_low_0"` evenly splits the model on all GPUs except the first one, and only puts on GPU 0 what does not fit on the others. This option is great when you need to use GPU 0 for some processing of the outputs, like when using the `generate` function for Transformers models - `"sequential"` will fit what it can on GPU 0, then move on GPU 1 and so forth (so won't use the last GPUs if it doesn't need to). <Tip> The options `"auto"` and `"balanced"` produce the same results for now, but the behavior of `"auto"` might change in the future if we find a strategy that makes more sense, while `"balanced"` will stay stable. </Tip> First note that you can limit the memory used on each GPU by using the `max_memory` argument (available in [`infer_auto_device_map`] and in all functions using it). When setting `max_memory`, you should pass along a dictionary containing the GPU identifiers (for instance `0`, `1` etc.) and the `"cpu"` key for the maximum RAM you want to use for CPU offload. The values can either be an integer (in bytes) or a string representing a number with its unit, such as `"10GiB"` or `"10GB"`. Here is an example where we don't want to use more than 10GiB on each of the two GPUs and no more than 30GiB of CPU RAM for the model weights: ```python from accelerate import infer_auto_device_map device_map = infer_auto_device_map(my_model, max_memory={0: "10GiB", 1: "10GiB", "cpu": "30GiB"}) ``` <Tip warning={true}> When a first allocation happens in PyTorch, it loads CUDA kernels which take about 1-2GB of memory depending on the GPU. Therefore you always have less usable memory than the actual size of the GPU. To see how much memory is actually used do `torch.ones(1).cuda()` and look at the memory usage. Therefore when you create memory maps with `max_memory` make sure to adjust the available memory accordingly to avoid out-of-memory errors. </Tip> Additionally, if you do some additional operations with your outputs without placing them back on the CPU (for instance inside the `generate` method of Transformers) and if you placed your inputs on a GPU, that GPU will consume more memory than the others (Accelerate always place the output back to the device of the input). Therefore if you would like to optimize the maximum batch size and you have many GPUs, give the first GPU less memory. For example, with BLOOM-176B on 8x80 A100 setup, the close-to-ideal map is: ```python max_memory = {0: "30GIB", 1: "46GIB", 2: "46GIB", 3: "46GIB", 4: "46GIB", 5: "46GIB", 6: "46GIB", 7: "46GIB"} ``` as you can see we gave the remaining 7 GPUs ~50% more memory than GPU 0. If you opt to fully design the `device_map` yourself, it should be a dictionary with keys being module names of your model and values being a valid device identifier (for instance an integer for the GPUs) or `"cpu"` for CPU offload, `"disk"` for disk offload. The keys need to cover the whole model, you can then define your device map as you wish: for instance, if your model has two blocks (let's say `block1` and `block2`) which each contain three linear layers (let's say `linear1`, `linear2` and `linear3`), a valid device map can be: ```python device_map = {"block1": 0, "block2": 1} ``` another one that is valid could be: ```python device_map = {"block1": 0, "block2.linear1": 0, "block2.linear2": 1, "block2.linear3": 1} ``` On the other hand, this one is not valid as it does not cover every parameter of the model: ```python device_map = {"block1": 0, "block2.linear1": 1, "block2.linear2": 1} ``` <Tip> To be the most efficient, make sure your device map puts the parameters on the GPUs in a sequential manner (e.g. don't put one of the first weights on GPU 0, then weights on GPU 1 and the last weight back to GPU 0) to avoid making many transfers of data between the GPUs. </Tip> ## CPU offload only If you want to offload your model on CPU, you can use [`cpu_offload`]. As a result, all parameters of the model will be offloaded and only one copy of the state dict of the model will be kept. During the forward pass, parameters will be extracted from that state dict and put on the execution device and passed as they are needed, then offloaded again. ```python cpu_offload(model, execution_device) ``` You can also use [`cpu_offload_with_hook`]. This function will offloads a model on the CPU and puts it back to an execution device when executed. The difference with [`cpu_offload`] is that the model stays on the execution device after the forward and is only offloaded again when the `offload` method of the returned `hook` is called. Furthermore, [`cpu_offload_with_hook`] is more performant but less memory saving. It is useful for pipelines running a model in a loop: ```python model_1, hook_1 = cpu_offload_with_hook(model_1, execution_device) model_2, hook_2 = cpu_offload_with_hook(model_2, execution_device, prev_module_hook=hook_1) model_3, hook_3 = cpu_offload_with_hook(model_3, execution_device, prev_module_hook=hook_2) hid_1 = model_1(input) for i in range(50): # model1 is offloaded on the CPU at the first iteration, model 2 stays on the GPU for this whole loop. hid_2 = model_2(hid_1) # model2 is offloaded to the CPU just before this forward. hid_3 = model_3(hid_3) # For model3, you need to manually call the hook offload method. hook_3.offload() ``` ## Disk offload only To perform disk offload, you can use [`disk_offload`]. As a result, all parameters of the model will be offloaded as memory-mapped array in a given folder. During the forward pass, parameters will be accessed from that folder and put on the execution device passed as they are needed, then offloaded again. ```python disk_offload(model, offload_dir, execution_device) ``` ## Limits and further development We are aware of the current limitations in the API: - [`infer_auto_device_map`] (or `device_map="auto"` in [`load_checkpoint_and_dispatch`]) tries to maximize GPU and CPU RAM it sees available when you execute it. While PyTorch is very good at managing GPU RAM efficiently (and giving it back when not needed), it's not entirely true with Python and CPU RAM. Therefore, an automatically computed device map might be too intense on the CPU. Move a few modules to the disk device if you get crashes due to a lack of RAM. - [`infer_auto_device_map`] (or `device_map="auto"` in [`load_checkpoint_and_dispatch`]) attributes devices sequentially (to avoid moving things back and forth) so if your first layer is bigger than the size of the GPU you have, it will end up with everything on the CPU/Disk. - [`load_checkpoint_and_dispatch`] and [`load_checkpoint_in_model`] do not perform any check on the correctness of your state dict compared to your model at the moment (this will be fixed in a future version), so you may get some weird errors if trying to load a checkpoint with mismatched or missing keys. - The model parallelism used when your model is split on several GPUs is naive and not optimized, meaning that only one GPU works at a given time and the other sits idle. - When weights are offloaded on the CPU/hard drive, there is no pre-fetching (yet, we will work on this for future versions) which means the weights are put on the GPU when they are needed and not before. - Hard-drive offloading might be very slow if the hardware you run on does not have fast communication between disk and CPU (like NVMes).
{ "file_path": "accelerate/docs/source/concept_guides/big_model_inference.md", "repo_id": "accelerate", "token_count": 4832 }
<!--Copyright 2023 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ⚠️ Note that this file is in Markdown but contain specific syntax for our doc-builder (similar to MDX) that may not be rendered properly in your Markdown viewer. --> # Using Local SGD with 🤗 Accelerate Local SGD is a technique for distributed training where gradients are not synchronized every step. Thus, each process updates its own version of the model weights and after a given number of steps these weights are synchronized by averaging across all processes. This improves communication efficiency and can lead to substantial training speed up especially when a computer lacks a faster interconnect such as NVLink. Unlike gradient accumulation (where improving communication efficiency requires increasing the effective batch size), Local SGD does not require changing a batch size or a learning rate / schedule. However, if necessary, Local SGD can be combined with gradient accumulation as well. In this tutorial you will see how to quickly setup Local SGD 🤗 Accelerate. Compared to a standard Accelerate setup, this requires only two extra lines of code. This example will use a very simplistic PyTorch training loop that performs gradient accumulation every two batches: ```python device = "cuda" model.to(device) gradient_accumulation_steps = 2 for index, batch in enumerate(training_dataloader): inputs, targets = batch inputs = inputs.to(device) targets = targets.to(device) outputs = model(inputs) loss = loss_function(outputs, targets) loss = loss / gradient_accumulation_steps loss.backward() if (index + 1) % gradient_accumulation_steps == 0: optimizer.step() scheduler.step() optimizer.zero_grad() ``` ## Converting it to 🤗 Accelerate First the code shown earlier will be converted to use 🤗 Accelerate with neither a LocalSGD or a gradient accumulation helper: ```diff + from accelerate import Accelerator + accelerator = Accelerator() + model, optimizer, training_dataloader, scheduler = accelerator.prepare( + model, optimizer, training_dataloader, scheduler + ) for index, batch in enumerate(training_dataloader): inputs, targets = batch - inputs = inputs.to(device) - targets = targets.to(device) outputs = model(inputs) loss = loss_function(outputs, targets) loss = loss / gradient_accumulation_steps + accelerator.backward(loss) if (index+1) % gradient_accumulation_steps == 0: optimizer.step() scheduler.step() ``` ## Letting 🤗 Accelerate handle model synchronization All that is left now is to let 🤗 Accelerate handle model parameter synchronization **and** the gradient accumulation for us. For simplicity let us assume we need to synchronize every 8 steps. This is achieved by adding one `with LocalSGD` statement and one call `local_sgd.step()` after every optimizer step: ```diff +local_sgd_steps=8 +with LocalSGD(accelerator=accelerator, model=model, local_sgd_steps=8, enabled=True) as local_sgd: for batch in training_dataloader: with accelerator.accumulate(model): inputs, targets = batch outputs = model(inputs) loss = loss_function(outputs, targets) accelerator.backward(loss) optimizer.step() scheduler.step() optimizer.zero_grad() + local_sgd.step() ``` Under the hood, the Local SGD code **disables** automatic gradient synchornization (but accumulation still works as expected!). Instead it averages model parameters every `local_sgd_steps` steps (as well as in the end of the training loop). ## Limitations The current implementation works only with basic multi-GPU (or multi-CPU) training without, e.g., [DeepSpeed.](https://github.com/microsoft/DeepSpeed). ## References Although we are not aware of the true origins of this simple approach, the idea of local SGD is quite old and goes back to at least: Zhang, J., De Sa, C., Mitliagkas, I., & Ré, C. (2016). [Parallel SGD: When does averaging help?. arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.07365.](https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.07365) We credit the term Local SGD to the following paper (but there might be earlier references we are not aware of). Stich, Sebastian Urban. ["Local SGD Converges Fast and Communicates Little." ICLR 2019-International Conference on Learning Representations. No. CONF. 2019.](https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.09767)
{ "file_path": "accelerate/docs/source/usage_guides/local_sgd.md", "repo_id": "accelerate", "token_count": 1494 }
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2021 The HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import argparse import gc import os import threading import evaluate import psutil import torch from datasets import load_dataset from torch.distributed.fsdp.fully_sharded_data_parallel import FullOptimStateDictConfig, FullStateDictConfig from torch.utils.data import DataLoader from transformers import ( AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoTokenizer, get_linear_schedule_with_warmup, set_seed, ) from accelerate import Accelerator, DistributedType, FullyShardedDataParallelPlugin from accelerate.utils import is_npu_available, is_xpu_available ######################################################################## # This is a fully working simple example to use Accelerate # # This example trains a Bert base model on GLUE MRPC # in any of the following settings (with the same script): # - single CPU or single GPU # - multi GPUS (using PyTorch distributed mode) # - (multi) TPUs # - fp16 (mixed-precision) or fp32 (normal precision) # - FSDP # # This example also demonstrates the checkpointing and sharding capabilities # # To run it in each of these various modes, follow the instructions # in the readme for examples: # https://github.com/huggingface/accelerate/tree/main/examples # ######################################################################## MAX_GPU_BATCH_SIZE = 16 EVAL_BATCH_SIZE = 32 # New Code # # Converting Bytes to Megabytes def b2mb(x): return int(x / 2**20) # New Code # # This context manager is used to track the peak memory usage of the process class TorchTracemalloc: def __enter__(self): gc.collect() if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.empty_cache() torch.cuda.reset_max_memory_allocated() # reset the peak gauge to zero self.begin = torch.cuda.memory_allocated() elif is_xpu_available(): torch.xpu.empty_cache() torch.xpu.reset_max_memory_allocated() # reset the peak gauge to zero self.begin = torch.xpu.memory_allocated() elif is_npu_available(): torch.npu.empty_cache() torch.npu.reset_max_memory_allocated() # reset the peak gauge to zero self.begin = torch.npu.memory_allocated() self.process = psutil.Process() self.cpu_begin = self.cpu_mem_used() self.peak_monitoring = True peak_monitor_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.peak_monitor_func) peak_monitor_thread.daemon = True peak_monitor_thread.start() return self def cpu_mem_used(self): """get resident set size memory for the current process""" return self.process.memory_info().rss def peak_monitor_func(self): self.cpu_peak = -1 while True: self.cpu_peak = max(self.cpu_mem_used(), self.cpu_peak) # can't sleep or will not catch the peak right (this comment is here on purpose) # time.sleep(0.001) # 1msec if not self.peak_monitoring: break def __exit__(self, *exc): self.peak_monitoring = False gc.collect() if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.empty_cache() self.end = torch.cuda.memory_allocated() self.peak = torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated() elif is_xpu_available(): torch.xpu.empty_cache() self.end = torch.xpu.memory_allocated() self.peak = torch.xpu.max_memory_allocated() elif is_npu_available(): torch.npu.empty_cache() self.end = torch.npu.memory_allocated() self.peak = torch.npu.max_memory_allocated() self.used = b2mb(self.end - self.begin) self.peaked = b2mb(self.peak - self.begin) self.cpu_end = self.cpu_mem_used() self.cpu_used = b2mb(self.cpu_end - self.cpu_begin) self.cpu_peaked = b2mb(self.cpu_peak - self.cpu_begin) # print(f"delta used/peak {self.used:4d}/{self.peaked:4d}") # For testing only if os.environ.get("TESTING_MOCKED_DATALOADERS", None) == "1": from accelerate.test_utils.training import mocked_dataloaders get_dataloaders = mocked_dataloaders # noqa: F811 def training_function(config, args): # For testing only if os.environ.get("TESTING_MOCKED_DATALOADERS", None) == "1": config["num_epochs"] = 2 # New Code # # Pass the advanced FSDP settings not part of the accelerate config by creating fsdp_plugin fsdp_plugin = FullyShardedDataParallelPlugin( state_dict_config=FullStateDictConfig(offload_to_cpu=False, rank0_only=False), optim_state_dict_config=FullOptimStateDictConfig(offload_to_cpu=False, rank0_only=False), ) # Initialize accelerator if args.with_tracking: accelerator = Accelerator( cpu=args.cpu, mixed_precision=args.mixed_precision, log_with="wandb", project_dir=args.logging_dir, fsdp_plugin=fsdp_plugin, ) else: accelerator = Accelerator(fsdp_plugin=fsdp_plugin) accelerator.print(accelerator.distributed_type) if hasattr(args.checkpointing_steps, "isdigit"): if args.checkpointing_steps == "epoch": checkpointing_steps = args.checkpointing_steps elif args.checkpointing_steps.isdigit(): checkpointing_steps = int(args.checkpointing_steps) else: raise ValueError( f"Argument `checkpointing_steps` must be either a number or `epoch`. `{args.checkpointing_steps}` passed." ) else: checkpointing_steps = None # Sample hyper-parameters for learning rate, batch size, seed and a few other HPs lr = config["lr"] num_epochs = int(config["num_epochs"]) seed = int(config["seed"]) batch_size = int(config["batch_size"]) # We need to initialize the trackers we use, and also store our configuration if args.with_tracking: experiment_config = vars(args) accelerator.init_trackers("fsdp_glue_no_trainer", experiment_config) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(args.model_name_or_path) datasets = load_dataset("glue", "mrpc") metric = evaluate.load("glue", "mrpc") def tokenize_function(examples): # max_length=None => use the model max length (it's actually the default) outputs = tokenizer(examples["sentence1"], examples["sentence2"], truncation=True, max_length=None) return outputs # Apply the method we just defined to all the examples in all the splits of the dataset # starting with the main process first: with accelerator.main_process_first(): tokenized_datasets = datasets.map( tokenize_function, batched=True, remove_columns=["idx", "sentence1", "sentence2"], ) # We also rename the 'label' column to 'labels' which is the expected name for labels by the models of the # transformers library tokenized_datasets = tokenized_datasets.rename_column("label", "labels") # If the batch size is too big we use gradient accumulation gradient_accumulation_steps = 1 if batch_size > MAX_GPU_BATCH_SIZE and accelerator.distributed_type != DistributedType.TPU: gradient_accumulation_steps = batch_size // MAX_GPU_BATCH_SIZE batch_size = MAX_GPU_BATCH_SIZE def collate_fn(examples): # On TPU it's best to pad everything to the same length or training will be very slow. max_length = 128 if accelerator.distributed_type == DistributedType.TPU else None # When using mixed precision we want round multiples of 8/16 if accelerator.mixed_precision == "fp8": pad_to_multiple_of = 16 elif accelerator.mixed_precision != "no": pad_to_multiple_of = 8 else: pad_to_multiple_of = None return tokenizer.pad( examples, padding="longest", max_length=max_length, pad_to_multiple_of=pad_to_multiple_of, return_tensors="pt", ) # Instantiate dataloaders. train_dataloader = DataLoader( tokenized_datasets["train"], shuffle=True, collate_fn=collate_fn, batch_size=batch_size ) eval_dataloader = DataLoader( tokenized_datasets["validation"], shuffle=False, collate_fn=collate_fn, batch_size=EVAL_BATCH_SIZE ) set_seed(seed) # Instantiate the model (we build the model here so that the seed also control new weights initialization) model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained( args.model_name_or_path, return_dict=True, low_cpu_mem_usage=True ) no_decay = ["bias", "LayerNorm.weight"] optimizer_grouped_parameters = [ { "params": [p for n, p in model.named_parameters() if not any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], "weight_decay": 0.003, }, { "params": [p for n, p in model.named_parameters() if any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], "weight_decay": 0.0, }, ] optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(params=optimizer_grouped_parameters, lr=lr, weight_decay=2e-4) # Instantiate scheduler lr_scheduler = get_linear_schedule_with_warmup( optimizer=optimizer, num_warmup_steps=10, num_training_steps=(len(train_dataloader) * num_epochs) // gradient_accumulation_steps, ) model, optimizer, train_dataloader, eval_dataloader, lr_scheduler = accelerator.prepare( model, optimizer, train_dataloader, eval_dataloader, lr_scheduler ) overall_step = 0 # Potentially load in the weights and states from a previous save if args.resume_from_checkpoint: if args.resume_from_checkpoint is not None or args.resume_from_checkpoint != "": accelerator.print(f"Resumed from checkpoint: {args.resume_from_checkpoint}") accelerator.load_state(args.resume_from_checkpoint) path = os.path.basename(args.resume_from_checkpoint) else: # Get the most recent checkpoint dirs = [f.name for f in os.scandir(os.getcwd()) if f.is_dir()] dirs.sort(key=os.path.getctime) path = dirs[-1] # Sorts folders by date modified, most recent checkpoint is the last # Extract `epoch_{i}` or `step_{i}` training_difference = os.path.splitext(path)[0] if "epoch" in training_difference: num_epochs -= int(training_difference.replace("epoch_", "")) resume_step = None else: resume_step = int(training_difference.replace("step_", "")) num_epochs -= resume_step // len(train_dataloader) # If resuming by step, we also need to know exactly how far into the DataLoader we went resume_step = (num_epochs * len(train_dataloader)) - resume_step # Now we train the model for epoch in range(num_epochs): # New Code # # context manager to track the peak memory usage during the training epoch with TorchTracemalloc() as tracemalloc: model.train() if args.with_tracking: total_loss = 0 for step, batch in enumerate(train_dataloader): # We need to skip steps until we reach the resumed step if args.resume_from_checkpoint and epoch == 0: if resume_step is not None and step < resume_step: pass # We could avoid this line since we set the accelerator with `device_placement=True`. batch.to(accelerator.device) outputs = model(**batch) loss = outputs.loss # We keep track of the loss at each epoch if args.with_tracking: total_loss += loss.detach().float() accelerator.backward(loss) if step % gradient_accumulation_steps == 0: optimizer.step() lr_scheduler.step() optimizer.zero_grad() # accelerator.print(lr_scheduler.get_lr()) overall_step += 1 if isinstance(checkpointing_steps, int): output_dir = f"step_{overall_step}" if overall_step % checkpointing_steps == 0: if args.output_dir is not None: output_dir = os.path.join(args.output_dir, output_dir) accelerator.save_state(output_dir) # New Code # # Printing the GPU memory usage details such as allocated memory, peak memory, and total memory usage accelerator.print("Memory before entering the train : {}".format(b2mb(tracemalloc.begin))) accelerator.print("Memory consumed at the end of the train (end-begin): {}".format(tracemalloc.used)) accelerator.print("Peak Memory consumed during the train (max-begin): {}".format(tracemalloc.peaked)) accelerator.print( "Total Peak Memory consumed during the train (max): {}".format( tracemalloc.peaked + b2mb(tracemalloc.begin) ) ) # Logging the peak memory usage of the GPU to the tracker if args.with_tracking: accelerator.log( { "train_total_peak_memory": tracemalloc.peaked + b2mb(tracemalloc.begin), }, step=epoch, ) # New Code # # context manager to track the peak memory usage during the evaluation with TorchTracemalloc() as tracemalloc: model.eval() for step, batch in enumerate(eval_dataloader): # We could avoid this line since we set the accelerator with `device_placement=True`. batch.to(accelerator.device) with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(**batch) predictions = outputs.logits.argmax(dim=-1) predictions, references = accelerator.gather_for_metrics((predictions, batch["labels"])) metric.add_batch( predictions=predictions, references=references, ) eval_metric = metric.compute() # Use accelerator.print to print only on the main process. accelerator.print(f"epoch {epoch}:", eval_metric) if args.with_tracking: accelerator.log( { "accuracy": eval_metric["accuracy"], "f1": eval_metric["f1"], "train_loss": total_loss.item() / len(train_dataloader), }, step=epoch, ) if checkpointing_steps == "epoch": output_dir = f"epoch_{epoch}" if args.output_dir is not None: output_dir = os.path.join(args.output_dir, output_dir) accelerator.save_state(output_dir) # New Code # # Printing the GPU memory usage details such as allocated memory, peak memory, and total memory usage accelerator.print("Memory before entering the eval : {}".format(b2mb(tracemalloc.begin))) accelerator.print("Memory consumed at the end of the eval (end-begin): {}".format(tracemalloc.used)) accelerator.print("Peak Memory consumed during the eval (max-begin): {}".format(tracemalloc.peaked)) accelerator.print( "Total Peak Memory consumed during the eval (max): {}".format(tracemalloc.peaked + b2mb(tracemalloc.begin)) ) # Logging the peak memory usage of the GPU to the tracker if args.with_tracking: accelerator.log( { "eval_total_peak_memory": tracemalloc.peaked + b2mb(tracemalloc.begin), }, step=epoch, ) if args.with_tracking: accelerator.end_training() def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Simple example of training script.") parser.add_argument( "--mixed_precision", type=str, default=None, choices=["no", "fp16", "bf16", "fp8"], help="Whether to use mixed precision. Choose" "between fp16 and bf16 (bfloat16). Bf16 requires PyTorch >= 1.10." "and an Nvidia Ampere GPU.", ) parser.add_argument("--cpu", action="store_true", help="If passed, will train on the CPU.") parser.add_argument( "--checkpointing_steps", type=str, default=None, help="Whether the various states should be saved at the end of every n steps, or 'epoch' for each epoch.", ) parser.add_argument( "--resume_from_checkpoint", type=str, default=None, help="If the training should continue from a checkpoint folder.", ) parser.add_argument( "--with_tracking", action="store_true", help="Whether to load in all available experiment trackers from the environment and use them for logging.", ) parser.add_argument( "--output_dir", type=str, default=".", help="Optional save directory where all checkpoint folders will be stored. Default is the current working directory.", ) parser.add_argument( "--logging_dir", type=str, default="logs", help="Location on where to store experiment tracking logs`", ) parser.add_argument( "--model_name_or_path", type=str, help="Path to pretrained model or model identifier from huggingface.co/models.", required=True, ) args = parser.parse_args() config = {"lr": 2e-5, "num_epochs": 3, "seed": 42, "batch_size": 16} training_function(config, args) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
{ "file_path": "accelerate/examples/by_feature/fsdp_with_peak_mem_tracking.py", "repo_id": "accelerate", "token_count": 7888 }
# Copyright 2022 The HuggingFace Team and Brian Chao. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ This file contains utilities for handling input from the user and registering specific keys to specific functions, based on https://github.com/bchao1/bullet """ from typing import List from .keymap import KEYMAP, get_character def mark(key: str): """ Mark the function with the key code so it can be handled in the register """ def decorator(func): handle = getattr(func, "handle_key", []) handle += [key] setattr(func, "handle_key", handle) return func return decorator def mark_multiple(*keys: List[str]): """ Mark the function with the key codes so it can be handled in the register """ def decorator(func): handle = getattr(func, "handle_key", []) handle += keys setattr(func, "handle_key", handle) return func return decorator class KeyHandler(type): """ Metaclass that adds the key handlers to the class """ def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): new_cls = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) if not hasattr(new_cls, "key_handler"): setattr(new_cls, "key_handler", {}) setattr(new_cls, "handle_input", KeyHandler.handle_input) for value in attrs.values(): handled_keys = getattr(value, "handle_key", []) for key in handled_keys: new_cls.key_handler[key] = value return new_cls @staticmethod def handle_input(cls): "Finds and returns the selected character if it exists in the handler" char = get_character() if char != KEYMAP["undefined"]: char = ord(char) handler = cls.key_handler.get(char) if handler: cls.current_selection = char return handler(cls) else: return None def register(cls): """Adds KeyHandler metaclass to the class""" return KeyHandler(cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, cls.__dict__.copy())
{ "file_path": "accelerate/src/accelerate/commands/menu/input.py", "repo_id": "accelerate", "token_count": 967 }
# Copyright 2023 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import os from copy import deepcopy from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union import torch import torch.nn as nn from accelerate.utils.imports import ( is_4bit_bnb_available, is_8bit_bnb_available, ) from ..big_modeling import dispatch_model, init_empty_weights from .dataclasses import BnbQuantizationConfig from .modeling import ( find_tied_parameters, get_balanced_memory, infer_auto_device_map, load_checkpoint_in_model, offload_weight, set_module_tensor_to_device, ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def load_and_quantize_model( model: torch.nn.Module, bnb_quantization_config: BnbQuantizationConfig, weights_location: Union[str, os.PathLike] = None, device_map: Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, str, torch.device]]] = None, no_split_module_classes: Optional[List[str]] = None, max_memory: Optional[Dict[Union[int, str], Union[int, str]]] = None, offload_folder: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]] = None, offload_state_dict: bool = False, ): """ This function will quantize the input model with the associated config passed in `bnb_quantization_config`. If the model is in the meta device, we will load and dispatch the weights according to the `device_map` passed. If the model is already loaded, we will quantize the model and put the model on the GPU, Args: model (`torch.nn.Module`): Input model. The model can be already loaded or on the meta device bnb_quantization_config (`BnbQuantizationConfig`): The bitsandbytes quantization parameters weights_location (`str` or `os.PathLike`): The folder weights_location to load. It can be: - a path to a file containing a whole model state dict - a path to a `.json` file containing the index to a sharded checkpoint - a path to a folder containing a unique `.index.json` file and the shards of a checkpoint. - a path to a folder containing a unique pytorch_model.bin file. device_map (`Dict[str, Union[int, str, torch.device]]`, *optional*): A map that specifies where each submodule should go. It doesn't need to be refined to each parameter/buffer name, once a given module name is inside, every submodule of it will be sent to the same device. no_split_module_classes (`List[str]`, *optional*): A list of layer class names that should never be split across device (for instance any layer that has a residual connection). max_memory (`Dict`, *optional*): A dictionary device identifier to maximum memory. Will default to the maximum memory available if unset. offload_folder (`str` or `os.PathLike`, *optional*): If the `device_map` contains any value `"disk"`, the folder where we will offload weights. offload_state_dict (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): If `True`, will temporarily offload the CPU state dict on the hard drive to avoid getting out of CPU RAM if the weight of the CPU state dict + the biggest shard does not fit. Returns: `torch.nn.Module`: The quantized model """ load_in_4bit = bnb_quantization_config.load_in_4bit load_in_8bit = bnb_quantization_config.load_in_8bit if load_in_8bit and not is_8bit_bnb_available(): raise ImportError( "You have a version of `bitsandbytes` that is not compatible with 8bit quantization," " make sure you have the latest version of `bitsandbytes` installed." ) if load_in_4bit and not is_4bit_bnb_available(): raise ValueError( "You have a version of `bitsandbytes` that is not compatible with 4bit quantization," "make sure you have the latest version of `bitsandbytes` installed." ) modules_on_cpu = [] # custom device map if isinstance(device_map, dict) and len(device_map.keys()) > 1: modules_on_cpu = [key for key, value in device_map.items() if value in ["disk", "cpu"]] # We keep some modules such as the lm_head in their original dtype for numerical stability reasons if bnb_quantization_config.skip_modules is None: bnb_quantization_config.skip_modules = get_keys_to_not_convert(model) # add cpu modules to skip modules only for 4-bit modules if load_in_4bit: bnb_quantization_config.skip_modules.extend(modules_on_cpu) modules_to_not_convert = bnb_quantization_config.skip_modules # We add the modules we want to keep in full precision if bnb_quantization_config.keep_in_fp32_modules is None: bnb_quantization_config.keep_in_fp32_modules = [] keep_in_fp32_modules = bnb_quantization_config.keep_in_fp32_modules modules_to_not_convert.extend(keep_in_fp32_modules) # compatibility with peft model.is_loaded_in_4bit = load_in_4bit model.is_loaded_in_8bit = load_in_8bit model_device = get_parameter_device(model) if model_device.type != "meta": # quantization of an already loaded model logger.warning( "It is not recommended to quantize a loaded model. " "The model should be instantiated under the `init_empty_weights` context manager." ) model = replace_with_bnb_layers(model, bnb_quantization_config, modules_to_not_convert=modules_to_not_convert) # convert param to the right dtype dtype = bnb_quantization_config.torch_dtype for name, param in model.state_dict().items(): if any(module_to_keep_in_fp32 in name for module_to_keep_in_fp32 in keep_in_fp32_modules): param.to(torch.float32) if param.dtype != torch.float32: name = name.replace(".weight", "").replace(".bias", "") param = getattr(model, name, None) if param is not None: param.to(torch.float32) elif torch.is_floating_point(param): param.to(dtype) if model_device.type == "cuda": # move everything to cpu in the first place because we can't do quantization if the weights are already on cuda model.cuda(torch.cuda.current_device()) torch.cuda.empty_cache() elif torch.cuda.is_available(): model.to(torch.cuda.current_device()) else: raise RuntimeError("No GPU found. A GPU is needed for quantization.") logger.info( f"The model device type is {model_device.type}. However, cuda is needed for quantization." "We move the model to cuda." ) return model elif weights_location is None: raise RuntimeError( f"`weights_location` needs to be the folder path containing the weights of the model, but we found {weights_location} " ) else: with init_empty_weights(): model = replace_with_bnb_layers( model, bnb_quantization_config, modules_to_not_convert=modules_to_not_convert ) device_map = get_quantized_model_device_map( model, bnb_quantization_config, device_map, max_memory=max_memory, no_split_module_classes=no_split_module_classes, ) if offload_state_dict is None and device_map is not None and "disk" in device_map.values(): offload_state_dict = True offload = any(x in list(device_map.values()) for x in ["cpu", "disk"]) load_checkpoint_in_model( model, weights_location, device_map, dtype=bnb_quantization_config.torch_dtype, offload_folder=offload_folder, offload_state_dict=offload_state_dict, keep_in_fp32_modules=bnb_quantization_config.keep_in_fp32_modules, offload_8bit_bnb=load_in_8bit and offload, ) return dispatch_model(model, device_map=device_map, offload_dir=offload_folder) def get_quantized_model_device_map( model, bnb_quantization_config, device_map=None, max_memory=None, no_split_module_classes=None ): if device_map is None: if torch.cuda.is_available(): device_map = {"": torch.cuda.current_device()} else: raise RuntimeError("No GPU found. A GPU is needed for quantization.") logger.info("The device_map was not initialized." "Setting device_map to `{'':torch.cuda.current_device()}`.") if isinstance(device_map, str): if device_map not in ["auto", "balanced", "balanced_low_0", "sequential"]: raise ValueError( "If passing a string for `device_map`, please choose 'auto', 'balanced', 'balanced_low_0' or " "'sequential'." ) special_dtypes = {} special_dtypes.update( { name: bnb_quantization_config.torch_dtype for name, _ in model.named_parameters() if any(m in name for m in bnb_quantization_config.skip_modules) } ) special_dtypes.update( { name: torch.float32 for name, _ in model.named_parameters() if any(m in name for m in bnb_quantization_config.keep_in_fp32_modules) } ) kwargs = {} kwargs["special_dtypes"] = special_dtypes kwargs["no_split_module_classes"] = no_split_module_classes kwargs["dtype"] = bnb_quantization_config.target_dtype # get max_memory for each device. if device_map != "sequential": max_memory = get_balanced_memory( model, low_zero=(device_map == "balanced_low_0"), max_memory=max_memory, **kwargs, ) kwargs["max_memory"] = max_memory device_map = infer_auto_device_map(model, **kwargs) if isinstance(device_map, dict): # check if don't have any quantized module on the cpu modules_not_to_convert = bnb_quantization_config.skip_modules + bnb_quantization_config.keep_in_fp32_modules device_map_without_some_modules = { key: device_map[key] for key in device_map.keys() if key not in modules_not_to_convert } for device in ["cpu", "disk"]: if device in device_map_without_some_modules.values(): if bnb_quantization_config.load_in_4bit: raise ValueError( """ Some modules are dispatched on the CPU or the disk. Make sure you have enough GPU RAM to fit the quantized model. If you want to dispatch the model on the CPU or the disk while keeping these modules in `torch_dtype`, you need to pass a custom `device_map` to `load_and_quantize_model`. Check https://huggingface.co/docs/accelerate/main/en/usage_guides/quantization#offload-modules-to-cpu-and-disk for more details. """ ) else: logger.info( "Some modules are are offloaded to the CPU or the disk. Note that these modules will be converted to 8-bit" ) del device_map_without_some_modules return device_map def replace_with_bnb_layers(model, bnb_quantization_config, modules_to_not_convert=None, current_key_name=None): """ A helper function to replace all `torch.nn.Linear` modules by `bnb.nn.Linear8bit` modules or by `bnb.nn.Linear4bit` modules from the `bitsandbytes`library. The function will be run recursively and replace `torch.nn.Linear` modules. Parameters: model (`torch.nn.Module`): Input model or `torch.nn.Module` as the function is run recursively. modules_to_not_convert (`List[str]`): Names of the modules to not quantize convert. In practice we keep the `lm_head` in full precision for numerical stability reasons. current_key_name (`List[str]`, *optional*): An array to track the current key of the recursion. This is used to check whether the current key (part of it) is not in the list of modules to not convert. """ if modules_to_not_convert is None: modules_to_not_convert = [] model, has_been_replaced = _replace_with_bnb_layers( model, bnb_quantization_config, modules_to_not_convert, current_key_name ) if not has_been_replaced: logger.warning( "You are loading your model in 8bit or 4bit but no linear modules were found in your model." " this can happen for some architectures such as gpt2 that uses Conv1D instead of Linear layers." " Please double check your model architecture, or submit an issue on github if you think this is" " a bug." ) return model def _replace_with_bnb_layers( model, bnb_quantization_config, modules_to_not_convert=None, current_key_name=None, ): """ Private method that wraps the recursion for module replacement. Returns the converted model and a boolean that indicates if the conversion has been successfull or not. """ # bitsandbytes will initialize CUDA on import, so it needs to be imported lazily import bitsandbytes as bnb has_been_replaced = False for name, module in model.named_children(): if current_key_name is None: current_key_name = [] current_key_name.append(name) if isinstance(module, nn.Linear) and name not in modules_to_not_convert: # Check if the current key is not in the `modules_to_not_convert` current_key_name_str = ".".join(current_key_name) proceed = True for key in modules_to_not_convert: if ( (key in current_key_name_str) and (key + "." in current_key_name_str) ) or key == current_key_name_str: proceed = False break if proceed: # Load bnb module with empty weight and replace ``nn.Linear` module if bnb_quantization_config.load_in_8bit: bnb_module = bnb.nn.Linear8bitLt( module.in_features, module.out_features, module.bias is not None, has_fp16_weights=False, threshold=bnb_quantization_config.llm_int8_threshold, ) elif bnb_quantization_config.load_in_4bit: bnb_module = bnb.nn.Linear4bit( module.in_features, module.out_features, module.bias is not None, bnb_quantization_config.bnb_4bit_compute_dtype, compress_statistics=bnb_quantization_config.bnb_4bit_use_double_quant, quant_type=bnb_quantization_config.bnb_4bit_quant_type, ) else: raise ValueError("load_in_8bit and load_in_4bit can't be both False") bnb_module.weight.data = module.weight.data if module.bias is not None: bnb_module.bias.data = module.bias.data bnb_module.requires_grad_(False) setattr(model, name, bnb_module) has_been_replaced = True if len(list(module.children())) > 0: _, _has_been_replaced = _replace_with_bnb_layers( module, bnb_quantization_config, modules_to_not_convert, current_key_name ) has_been_replaced = has_been_replaced | _has_been_replaced # Remove the last key for recursion current_key_name.pop(-1) return model, has_been_replaced def get_keys_to_not_convert(model): r""" An utility function to get the key of the module to keep in full precision if any For example for CausalLM modules we may want to keep the lm_head in full precision for numerical stability reasons. For other architectures, we want to keep the tied weights of the model. The function will return a list of the keys of the modules to not convert in int8. Parameters: model (`torch.nn.Module`): Input model """ # Create a copy of the model with init_empty_weights(): tied_model = deepcopy(model) # this has 0 cost since it is done inside `init_empty_weights` context manager` tied_params = find_tied_parameters(tied_model) # For compatibility with Accelerate < 0.18 if isinstance(tied_params, dict): tied_keys = sum(list(tied_params.values()), []) + list(tied_params.keys()) else: tied_keys = sum(tied_params, []) has_tied_params = len(tied_keys) > 0 # Check if it is a base model is_base_model = False if hasattr(model, "base_model_prefix"): is_base_model = not hasattr(model, model.base_model_prefix) # Ignore this for base models (BertModel, GPT2Model, etc.) if (not has_tied_params) and is_base_model: return [] # otherwise they have an attached head list_modules = list(model.named_children()) list_last_module = [list_modules[-1][0]] # add last module together with tied weights intersection = set(list_last_module) - set(tied_keys) list_untouched = list(set(tied_keys)) + list(intersection) # remove ".weight" from the keys names_to_remove = [".weight", ".bias"] filtered_module_names = [] for name in list_untouched: for name_to_remove in names_to_remove: if name_to_remove in name: name = name.replace(name_to_remove, "") filtered_module_names.append(name) return filtered_module_names def has_4bit_bnb_layers(model): """Check if we have `bnb.nn.Linear4bit` or `bnb.nn.Linear8bitLt` layers inside our model""" # bitsandbytes will initialize CUDA on import, so it needs to be imported lazily import bitsandbytes as bnb for m in model.modules(): if isinstance(m, bnb.nn.Linear4bit): return True return False def get_parameter_device(parameter: nn.Module): return next(parameter.parameters()).device def quantize_and_offload_8bit(model, param, param_name, new_dtype, offload_folder, offload_index, fp16_statistics): # if it is not quantized, we quantize and offload the quantized weights and the SCB stats if fp16_statistics is None: set_module_tensor_to_device(model, param_name, 0, dtype=new_dtype, value=param) tensor_name = param_name module = model if "." in tensor_name: splits = tensor_name.split(".") for split in splits[:-1]: new_module = getattr(module, split) if new_module is None: raise ValueError(f"{module} has no attribute {split}.") module = new_module tensor_name = splits[-1] # offload weights module._parameters[tensor_name].requires_grad = False offload_weight(module._parameters[tensor_name], param_name, offload_folder, index=offload_index) if hasattr(module._parameters[tensor_name], "SCB"): offload_weight( module._parameters[tensor_name].SCB, param_name.replace("weight", "SCB"), offload_folder, index=offload_index, ) else: offload_weight(param, param_name, offload_folder, index=offload_index) offload_weight(fp16_statistics, param_name.replace("weight", "SCB"), offload_folder, index=offload_index) set_module_tensor_to_device(model, param_name, "meta", dtype=new_dtype, value=torch.empty(*param.size()))
{ "file_path": "accelerate/src/accelerate/utils/bnb.py", "repo_id": "accelerate", "token_count": 8764 }
# Copyright 2022 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import importlib.metadata import subprocess import sys def install_xla(upgrade: bool = False): """ Helper function to install appropriate xla wheels based on the `torch` version in Google Colaboratory. Args: upgrade (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether to upgrade `torch` and install the latest `torch_xla` wheels. Example: ```python >>> from accelerate.utils import install_xla >>> install_xla(upgrade=True) ``` """ in_colab = False if "IPython" in sys.modules: in_colab = "google.colab" in str(sys.modules["IPython"].get_ipython()) if in_colab: if upgrade: torch_install_cmd = ["pip", "install", "-U", "torch"] subprocess.run(torch_install_cmd, check=True) # get the current version of torch torch_version = importlib.metadata.version("torch") torch_version_trunc = torch_version[: torch_version.rindex(".")] xla_wheel = f"https://storage.googleapis.com/tpu-pytorch/wheels/colab/torch_xla-{torch_version_trunc}-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl" xla_install_cmd = ["pip", "install", xla_wheel] subprocess.run(xla_install_cmd, check=True) else: raise RuntimeError("`install_xla` utility works only on google colab.")
{ "file_path": "accelerate/src/accelerate/utils/torch_xla.py", "repo_id": "accelerate", "token_count": 691 }
echo "hello world" echo "this is a second command"
{ "file_path": "accelerate/tests/test_samples/test_command_file.sh", "repo_id": "accelerate", "token_count": 14 }
# Constitutional AI This repo includes the recipe for training the following models: * https://huggingface.co/HuggingFaceH4/mistral-7b-anthropic * https://huggingface.co/HuggingFaceH4/mistral-7b-grok ## Full training examples You will require 8 GPUs (80GB of VRAM) to train the full model. ```shell # Step 1 - SFT ACCELERATE_LOG_LEVEL=info accelerate launch --config_file recipes/accelerate_configs/deepspeed_zero3.yaml scripts/run_sft.py recipes/constitutional-ai/sft/config_{grok,anthropic}.yaml # Step 2 - DPO ACCELERATE_LOG_LEVEL=info accelerate launch --config_file recipes/accelerate_configs/deepspeed_zero3.yaml scripts/run_dpo.py recipes/constitutional-ai/dpo/config_anthropic.yaml # Note that we did not include the DPO recipe for grok, as that model's seems overtrained and too snarky. ``` ## Advanced: generating you own dataset To generate the constitutional AI dataset, see https://github.com/huggingface/llm-swarm/tree/main/examples/constitutional-ai for detailed instructions if you want build or customize the dataset.
{ "file_path": "alignment-handbook/recipes/constitutional-ai/README.md", "repo_id": "alignment-handbook", "token_count": 326 }
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2023 The HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Supervised fine-tuning script for decoder language models. """ import logging import random import sys import datasets import torch import transformers from transformers import set_seed from alignment import ( DataArguments, H4ArgumentParser, ModelArguments, SFTConfig, apply_chat_template, get_checkpoint, get_datasets, get_kbit_device_map, get_peft_config, get_quantization_config, get_tokenizer, ) from trl import SFTTrainer logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def main(): parser = H4ArgumentParser((ModelArguments, DataArguments, SFTConfig)) model_args, data_args, training_args = parser.parse() # Set seed for reproducibility set_seed(training_args.seed) ############### # Setup logging ############### logging.basicConfig( format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", handlers=[logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)], ) log_level = training_args.get_process_log_level() logger.setLevel(log_level) datasets.utils.logging.set_verbosity(log_level) transformers.utils.logging.set_verbosity(log_level) transformers.utils.logging.enable_default_handler() transformers.utils.logging.enable_explicit_format() # Log on each process a small summary logger.warning( f"Process rank: {training_args.local_rank}, device: {training_args.device}, n_gpu: {training_args.n_gpu}" + f" distributed training: {bool(training_args.local_rank != -1)}, 16-bits training: {training_args.fp16}" ) logger.info(f"Model parameters {model_args}") logger.info(f"Data parameters {data_args}") logger.info(f"Training/evaluation parameters {training_args}") # Check for last checkpoint last_checkpoint = get_checkpoint(training_args) if last_checkpoint is not None and training_args.resume_from_checkpoint is None: logger.info(f"Checkpoint detected, resuming training at {last_checkpoint=}.") ############### # Load datasets ############### raw_datasets = get_datasets(data_args, splits=data_args.dataset_splits) logger.info( f"Training on the following datasets and their proportions: {[split + ' : ' + str(dset.num_rows) for split, dset in raw_datasets.items()]}" ) column_names = list(raw_datasets["train"].features) ################ # Load tokenizer ################ tokenizer = get_tokenizer(model_args, data_args) ##################### # Apply chat template ##################### raw_datasets = raw_datasets.map( apply_chat_template, fn_kwargs={"tokenizer": tokenizer, "task": "sft"}, num_proc=data_args.preprocessing_num_workers, remove_columns=column_names, desc="Applying chat template", ) train_dataset = raw_datasets["train"] eval_dataset = raw_datasets["test"] with training_args.main_process_first(desc="Log a few random samples from the processed training set"): for index in random.sample(range(len(raw_datasets["train"])), 3): logger.info(f"Sample {index} of the processed training set:\n\n{raw_datasets['train'][index]['text']}") ####################### # Load pretrained model ####################### logger.info("*** Load pretrained model ***") torch_dtype = ( model_args.torch_dtype if model_args.torch_dtype in ["auto", None] else getattr(torch, model_args.torch_dtype) ) quantization_config = get_quantization_config(model_args) model_kwargs = dict( revision=model_args.model_revision, trust_remote_code=model_args.trust_remote_code, use_flash_attention_2=model_args.use_flash_attention_2, torch_dtype=torch_dtype, use_cache=False if training_args.gradient_checkpointing else True, device_map=get_kbit_device_map() if quantization_config is not None else None, quantization_config=quantization_config, ) logger.info("*** Model loaded! ***") ######################## # Initialize the Trainer ######################## trainer = SFTTrainer( model=model_args.model_name_or_path, model_init_kwargs=model_kwargs, args=training_args, train_dataset=train_dataset, eval_dataset=eval_dataset, dataset_text_field="text", max_seq_length=training_args.max_seq_length, tokenizer=tokenizer, packing=True, peft_config=get_peft_config(model_args), ) ############### # Training loop ############### logger.info("*** Train ***") checkpoint = None if training_args.resume_from_checkpoint is not None: checkpoint = training_args.resume_from_checkpoint elif last_checkpoint is not None: checkpoint = last_checkpoint train_result = trainer.train(resume_from_checkpoint=checkpoint) metrics = train_result.metrics metrics["train_samples"] = len(train_dataset) trainer.log_metrics("train", metrics) trainer.save_metrics("train", metrics) trainer.save_state() ########## # Evaluate ########## if training_args.do_eval: logger.info("*** Evaluate ***") metrics = trainer.evaluate() metrics["eval_samples"] = len(eval_dataset) trainer.log_metrics("eval", metrics) trainer.save_metrics("eval", metrics) ################################## # Save model and create model card ################################## logger.info("*** Save model ***") trainer.save_model(training_args.output_dir) logger.info(f"Model saved to {training_args.output_dir}") # Save everything else on main process kwargs = { "finetuned_from": model_args.model_name_or_path, "dataset": list(data_args.dataset_mixer.keys()), "dataset_tags": list(data_args.dataset_mixer.keys()), "tags": ["alignment-handbook"], } if trainer.accelerator.is_main_process: trainer.create_model_card(**kwargs) # Restore k,v cache for fast inference trainer.model.config.use_cache = True trainer.model.config.save_pretrained(training_args.output_dir) if training_args.push_to_hub is True: logger.info("Pushing to hub...") trainer.push_to_hub(**kwargs) logger.info("*** Training complete ***") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
{ "file_path": "alignment-handbook/scripts/run_sft.py", "repo_id": "alignment-handbook", "token_count": 2671 }
# Creating a desktop Tauri app
{ "file_path": "candle/candle-book/src/apps/desktop.md", "repo_id": "candle", "token_count": 8 }
#[cfg(test)] pub mod simplified; #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use anyhow::Result; use candle::{DType, Device, Tensor}; use parquet::file::reader::SerializedFileReader; // NOTE: Waiting on https://github.com/rust-lang/mdBook/pull/1856 #[rustfmt::skip] #[tokio::test] async fn book_hub_1() { // ANCHOR: book_hub_1 use candle::Device; use hf_hub::api::tokio::Api; let api = Api::new().unwrap(); let repo = api.model("bert-base-uncased".to_string()); let weights_filename = repo.get("model.safetensors").await.unwrap(); let weights = candle::safetensors::load(weights_filename, &Device::Cpu).unwrap(); // ANCHOR_END: book_hub_1 assert_eq!(weights.len(), 206); } #[rustfmt::skip] #[test] fn book_hub_2() { { // ANCHOR: book_hub_2 use candle::Device; use hf_hub::api::sync::Api; use memmap2::Mmap; use std::fs; let api = Api::new().unwrap(); let repo = api.model("bert-base-uncased".to_string()); let weights_filename = repo.get("model.safetensors").unwrap(); let file = fs::File::open(weights_filename).unwrap(); let mmap = unsafe { Mmap::map(&file).unwrap() }; let weights = candle::safetensors::load_buffer(&mmap[..], &Device::Cpu).unwrap(); // ANCHOR_END: book_hub_2 assert_eq!(weights.len(), 206); } // #[rustfmt::skip] // #[test] // fn book_hub_3() { { // ANCHOR: book_hub_3 use candle::{DType, Device, Tensor}; use hf_hub::api::sync::Api; use memmap2::Mmap; use safetensors::slice::IndexOp; use safetensors::SafeTensors; use std::fs; let api = Api::new().unwrap(); let repo = api.model("bert-base-uncased".to_string()); let weights_filename = repo.get("model.safetensors").unwrap(); let file = fs::File::open(weights_filename).unwrap(); let mmap = unsafe { Mmap::map(&file).unwrap() }; // Use safetensors directly let tensors = SafeTensors::deserialize(&mmap[..]).unwrap(); let view = tensors .tensor("bert.encoder.layer.0.attention.self.query.weight") .unwrap(); // We're going to load shard with rank 1, within a world_size of 4 // We're going to split along dimension 0 doing VIEW[start..stop, :] let rank = 1; let world_size = 4; let dim = 0; let dtype = view.dtype(); let mut tp_shape = view.shape().to_vec(); let size = tp_shape[0]; if size % world_size != 0 { panic!("The dimension is not divisble by `world_size`"); } let block_size = size / world_size; let start = rank * block_size; let stop = (rank + 1) * block_size; // Everything is expressed in tensor dimension // bytes offsets is handled automatically for safetensors. let iterator = view.slice(start..stop).unwrap(); tp_shape[dim] = block_size; // Convert safetensors Dtype to candle DType let dtype: DType = dtype.try_into().unwrap(); // TODO: Implement from_buffer_iterator so we can skip the extra CPU alloc. let raw: Vec<u8> = iterator.into_iter().flatten().cloned().collect(); let tp_tensor = Tensor::from_raw_buffer(&raw, dtype, &tp_shape, &Device::Cpu).unwrap(); // ANCHOR_END: book_hub_3 assert_eq!(view.shape(), &[768, 768]); assert_eq!(tp_tensor.dims(), &[192, 768]); } } #[rustfmt::skip] #[test] fn book_training_1() -> Result<()>{ // ANCHOR: book_training_1 use hf_hub::{api::sync::Api, Repo, RepoType}; let dataset_id = "mnist".to_string(); let api = Api::new()?; let repo = Repo::with_revision( dataset_id, RepoType::Dataset, "refs/convert/parquet".to_string(), ); let repo = api.repo(repo); let test_parquet_filename = repo.get("mnist/test/0000.parquet")?; let train_parquet_filename = repo.get("mnist/train/0000.parquet")?; let test_parquet = SerializedFileReader::new(std::fs::File::open(test_parquet_filename)?)?; let train_parquet = SerializedFileReader::new(std::fs::File::open(train_parquet_filename)?)?; // ANCHOR_END: book_training_1 // Ignore unused let _train = train_parquet; // ANCHOR: book_training_2 for row in test_parquet { for (idx, (name, field)) in row?.get_column_iter().enumerate() { println!("Column id {idx}, name {name}, value {field}"); } } // ANCHOR_END: book_training_2 let test_parquet_filename = repo.get("mnist/test/0000.parquet")?; let train_parquet_filename = repo.get("mnist/train/0000.parquet")?; let test_parquet = SerializedFileReader::new(std::fs::File::open(test_parquet_filename)?)?; let train_parquet = SerializedFileReader::new(std::fs::File::open(train_parquet_filename)?)?; // ANCHOR: book_training_3 let test_samples = 10_000; let mut test_buffer_images: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(test_samples * 784); let mut test_buffer_labels: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(test_samples); for row in test_parquet{ for (_name, field) in row?.get_column_iter() { if let parquet::record::Field::Group(subrow) = field { for (_name, field) in subrow.get_column_iter() { if let parquet::record::Field::Bytes(value) = field { let image = image::load_from_memory(value.data()).unwrap(); test_buffer_images.extend(image.to_luma8().as_raw()); } } }else if let parquet::record::Field::Long(label) = field { test_buffer_labels.push(*label as u8); } } } let test_images = (Tensor::from_vec(test_buffer_images, (test_samples, 784), &Device::Cpu)?.to_dtype(DType::F32)? / 255.)?; let test_labels = Tensor::from_vec(test_buffer_labels, (test_samples, ), &Device::Cpu)?; let train_samples = 60_000; let mut train_buffer_images: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(train_samples * 784); let mut train_buffer_labels: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(train_samples); for row in train_parquet{ for (_name, field) in row?.get_column_iter() { if let parquet::record::Field::Group(subrow) = field { for (_name, field) in subrow.get_column_iter() { if let parquet::record::Field::Bytes(value) = field { let image = image::load_from_memory(value.data()).unwrap(); train_buffer_images.extend(image.to_luma8().as_raw()); } } }else if let parquet::record::Field::Long(label) = field { train_buffer_labels.push(*label as u8); } } } let train_images = (Tensor::from_vec(train_buffer_images, (train_samples, 784), &Device::Cpu)?.to_dtype(DType::F32)? / 255.)?; let train_labels = Tensor::from_vec(train_buffer_labels, (train_samples, ), &Device::Cpu)?; let mnist = candle_datasets::vision::Dataset { train_images, train_labels, test_images, test_labels, labels: 10, }; // ANCHOR_END: book_training_3 assert_eq!(mnist.test_images.dims(), &[10_000, 784]); assert_eq!(mnist.test_labels.dims(), &[10_000]); assert_eq!(mnist.train_images.dims(), &[60_000, 784]); assert_eq!(mnist.train_labels.dims(), &[60_000]); Ok(()) } }
{ "file_path": "candle/candle-book/src/lib.rs", "repo_id": "candle", "token_count": 2806 }
#[cfg(feature = "mkl")] extern crate intel_mkl_src; #[cfg(feature = "accelerate")] extern crate accelerate_src; use anyhow::Result; use candle_core::{Device, Tensor}; fn main() -> Result<()> { let a = Tensor::new(&[[0.0f32, 1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0, 5.0]], &Device::Cpu)?; let b = Tensor::new(&[[88.0f32, 99.0]], &Device::Cpu)?; let new_a = a.slice_scatter(&b, 1, 2)?; assert_eq!(a.to_vec2::<f32>()?, [[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0, 5.0]]); assert_eq!(new_a.to_vec2::<f32>()?, [[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0, 5.0]]); Ok(()) }
{ "file_path": "candle/candle-core/examples/basics.rs", "repo_id": "candle", "token_count": 287 }
use crate::backend::{BackendDevice, BackendStorage}; use crate::op::{BinaryOpT, CmpOp, ReduceOp, UnaryOpT}; use crate::{CpuStorage, DType, Layout, Result, Shape, WithDType}; pub use candle_kernels as kernels; pub use cudarc; use cudarc::cublas::{Gemm, GemmConfig, StridedBatchedConfig}; use cudarc::driver::{ CudaFunction, CudaSlice, DevicePtr, DeviceRepr, DeviceSlice, LaunchAsync, LaunchConfig, ValidAsZeroBits, }; use half::{bf16, f16}; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; /// cudarc related errors #[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)] pub enum CudaError { #[error(transparent)] Cuda(#[from] cudarc::driver::DriverError), #[error(transparent)] Compiler(#[from] cudarc::nvrtc::CompileError), #[error(transparent)] Cublas(#[from] cudarc::cublas::result::CublasError), #[error(transparent)] Curand(#[from] cudarc::curand::result::CurandError), #[error("missing kernel '{module_name}'")] MissingKernel { module_name: String }, #[error("unsupported dtype {dtype:?} for {op}")] UnsupportedDtype { dtype: DType, op: &'static str }, #[error("internal error '{0}'")] InternalError(&'static str), #[error("matmul is only supported for contiguous tensors lstride: {lhs_stride:?} rstride: {rhs_stride:?} mnk: {mnk:?}")] MatMulNonContiguous { lhs_stride: Vec<usize>, rhs_stride: Vec<usize>, mnk: (usize, usize, usize), }, #[error("{msg}, expected: {expected:?}, got: {got:?}")] UnexpectedDType { msg: &'static str, expected: DType, got: DType, }, #[error("{cuda} when loading {module_name}")] Load { cuda: cudarc::driver::DriverError, module_name: String, }, } impl From<CudaError> for crate::Error { fn from(val: CudaError) -> Self { crate::Error::Cuda(Box::new(val)).bt() } } /// Unique identifier for cuda devices. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct DeviceId(usize); impl DeviceId { fn new() -> Self { // https://users.rust-lang.org/t/idiomatic-rust-way-to-generate-unique-id/33805 use std::sync::atomic; static COUNTER: atomic::AtomicUsize = atomic::AtomicUsize::new(1); Self(COUNTER.fetch_add(1, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed)) } } struct CudaRng(cudarc::curand::CudaRng); unsafe impl Send for CudaRng {} #[derive(Clone)] pub struct CudaDevice { id: DeviceId, device: Arc<cudarc::driver::CudaDevice>, blas: Arc<cudarc::cublas::CudaBlas>, curand: Arc<Mutex<CudaRng>>, } impl std::fmt::Debug for CudaDevice { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "CudaDevice({:?})", self.id) } } impl std::ops::Deref for CudaDevice { type Target = Arc<cudarc::driver::CudaDevice>; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.device } } pub trait WrapErr<O> { fn w(self) -> std::result::Result<O, crate::Error>; } impl<O, E: Into<CudaError>> WrapErr<O> for std::result::Result<O, E> { fn w(self) -> std::result::Result<O, crate::Error> { self.map_err(|e| crate::Error::Cuda(Box::new(e.into()))) } } impl CudaDevice { pub fn cuda_device(&self) -> Arc<cudarc::driver::CudaDevice> { self.device.clone() } pub fn id(&self) -> DeviceId { self.id } fn const_impl(&self, v: f64, shape: &Shape, dtype: DType) -> Result<CudaStorage> { let elem_count = shape.elem_count(); let cfg = LaunchConfig::for_num_elems(elem_count as u32); let slice = match dtype { DType::U8 => { // SAFETY: Set later by running the fill kernel. let data = unsafe { self.alloc::<u8>(elem_count) }.w()?; let func = self.get_or_load_func("fill_u8", kernels::FILL)?; let params = (&data, v as u8, elem_count); unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; CudaStorageSlice::U8(data) } DType::U32 => { // SAFETY: Set later by running the fill kernel. let data = unsafe { self.alloc::<u32>(elem_count) }.w()?; let func = self.get_or_load_func("fill_u32", kernels::FILL)?; let params = (&data, v as u32, elem_count); unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; CudaStorageSlice::U32(data) } DType::I64 => { // SAFETY: Set later by running the fill kernel. let data = unsafe { self.alloc::<i64>(elem_count) }.w()?; let func = self.get_or_load_func("fill_i64", kernels::FILL)?; let params = (&data, v as i64, elem_count); unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; CudaStorageSlice::I64(data) } DType::BF16 => { // SAFETY: Set later by running the fill kernel. let data = unsafe { self.alloc::<bf16>(elem_count) }.w()?; let func = self.get_or_load_func("fill_bf16", kernels::FILL)?; let params = (&data, bf16::from_f64(v), elem_count); unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; CudaStorageSlice::BF16(data) } DType::F16 => { // SAFETY: Set later by running the fill kernel. let data = unsafe { self.alloc::<f16>(elem_count) }.w()?; let func = self.get_or_load_func("fill_f16", kernels::FILL)?; let params = (&data, f16::from_f64(v), elem_count); unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; CudaStorageSlice::F16(data) } DType::F32 => { // SAFETY: Set later by running the fill kernel. let data = unsafe { self.alloc::<f32>(elem_count) }.w()?; let func = self.get_or_load_func("fill_f32", kernels::FILL)?; let params = (&data, v as f32, elem_count); unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; CudaStorageSlice::F32(data) } DType::F64 => { // SAFETY: Set later by running the fill kernel. let data = unsafe { self.alloc::<f64>(elem_count) }.w()?; let func = self.get_or_load_func("fill_f64", kernels::FILL)?; let params = (&data, v, elem_count); unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; CudaStorageSlice::F64(data) } }; Ok(CudaStorage { slice, device: self.clone(), }) } pub fn get_or_load_func(&self, module_name: &str, ptx: &'static str) -> Result<CudaFunction> { if !self.has_func(module_name, module_name) { // Leaking the string here is a bit sad but we need a &'static str and this is only // done once per kernel name. let static_module_name = Box::leak(module_name.to_string().into_boxed_str()); self.load_ptx(ptx.into(), module_name, &[static_module_name]) .map_err(|cuda| CudaError::Load { cuda, module_name: module_name.to_string(), }) .w()?; } self.get_func(module_name, module_name) // Clippy recommends this `ok_or` rather than `ok_or_else` so hopefully the compiler is // able to only build the error value if needed. .ok_or(CudaError::MissingKernel { module_name: module_name.to_string(), }) .w() } } impl BackendDevice for CudaDevice { type Storage = CudaStorage; fn new(ordinal: usize) -> Result<Self> { let device = cudarc::driver::CudaDevice::new(ordinal).w()?; let blas = cudarc::cublas::CudaBlas::new(device.clone()).w()?; let curand = cudarc::curand::CudaRng::new(299792458, device.clone()).w()?; Ok(Self { id: DeviceId::new(), device, blas: Arc::new(blas), curand: Arc::new(Mutex::new(CudaRng(curand))), }) } fn set_seed(&self, seed: u64) -> Result<()> { // We do not call set_seed but instead create a new curand object. This ensures that the // state will be identical and the same random numbers will be generated. let mut curand = self.curand.lock().unwrap(); curand.0 = cudarc::curand::CudaRng::new(seed, self.device.clone()).w()?; Ok(()) } fn location(&self) -> crate::DeviceLocation { crate::DeviceLocation::Cuda { gpu_id: self.device.ordinal(), } } fn same_device(&self, rhs: &Self) -> bool { self.id == rhs.id } fn zeros_impl(&self, shape: &Shape, dtype: DType) -> Result<CudaStorage> { let elem_count = shape.elem_count(); let slice = match dtype { DType::U8 => { let data = self.alloc_zeros::<u8>(elem_count).w()?; CudaStorageSlice::U8(data) } DType::U32 => { let data = self.alloc_zeros::<u32>(elem_count).w()?; CudaStorageSlice::U32(data) } DType::I64 => { let data = self.alloc_zeros::<i64>(elem_count).w()?; CudaStorageSlice::I64(data) } DType::BF16 => { let data = self.alloc_zeros::<bf16>(elem_count).w()?; CudaStorageSlice::BF16(data) } DType::F16 => { let data = self.alloc_zeros::<f16>(elem_count).w()?; CudaStorageSlice::F16(data) } DType::F32 => { let data = self.alloc_zeros::<f32>(elem_count).w()?; CudaStorageSlice::F32(data) } DType::F64 => { let data = self.alloc_zeros::<f64>(elem_count).w()?; CudaStorageSlice::F64(data) } }; Ok(CudaStorage { slice, device: self.clone(), }) } fn rand_uniform(&self, shape: &Shape, dtype: DType, lo: f64, up: f64) -> Result<CudaStorage> { let elem_count = shape.elem_count(); let curand = self.curand.lock().unwrap(); let slice = match dtype { // TODO: Add support for F16 and BF16 though this is likely to require some upstream // cudarc changes. DType::U8 | DType::U32 | DType::I64 | DType::F16 | DType::BF16 => { Err(CudaError::UnsupportedDtype { dtype, op: "rand_uniform", }) .w()? } DType::F32 => { let mut data = unsafe { self.alloc::<f32>(elem_count) }.w()?; curand.0.fill_with_uniform(&mut data).w()?; CudaStorageSlice::F32(data) } DType::F64 => { let mut data = unsafe { self.alloc::<f64>(elem_count) }.w()?; curand.0.fill_with_uniform(&mut data).w()?; CudaStorageSlice::F64(data) } }; let slice = if lo == 0. && up == 1.0 { slice } else { let layout = Layout::contiguous(shape); Affine(up - lo, lo).map(&slice, self, &layout)? }; Ok(CudaStorage { slice, device: self.clone(), }) } fn rand_normal(&self, shape: &Shape, dtype: DType, mean: f64, std: f64) -> Result<CudaStorage> { // TODO: Add support for F16 and BF16 though this is likely to require some upstream // cudarc changes. let elem_count = shape.elem_count(); let curand = self.curand.lock().unwrap(); // curand can only generate an odd number of values. // https://github.com/huggingface/candle/issues/734 let elem_count_round = if elem_count % 2 == 1 { elem_count + 1 } else { elem_count }; let slice = match dtype { DType::U8 | DType::U32 | DType::I64 | DType::F16 | DType::BF16 => { Err(CudaError::UnsupportedDtype { dtype, op: "rand_normal", }) .w()? } DType::F32 => { let mut data = unsafe { self.alloc::<f32>(elem_count_round) }.w()?; curand .0 .fill_with_normal(&mut data, mean as f32, std as f32) .w()?; CudaStorageSlice::F32(data) } DType::F64 => { let mut data = unsafe { self.alloc::<f64>(elem_count_round) }.w()?; curand.0.fill_with_normal(&mut data, mean, std).w()?; CudaStorageSlice::F64(data) } }; Ok(CudaStorage { slice, device: self.clone(), }) } fn ones_impl(&self, shape: &Shape, dtype: DType) -> Result<CudaStorage> { self.const_impl(1., shape, dtype) } fn storage_from_cpu_storage(&self, storage: &CpuStorage) -> Result<CudaStorage> { let slice = match storage { CpuStorage::U8(storage) => { let data = self.htod_sync_copy(storage).w()?; CudaStorageSlice::U8(data) } CpuStorage::U32(storage) => { let data = self.htod_sync_copy(storage).w()?; CudaStorageSlice::U32(data) } CpuStorage::I64(storage) => { let data = self.htod_sync_copy(storage).w()?; CudaStorageSlice::I64(data) } CpuStorage::BF16(storage) => { let data = self.htod_sync_copy(storage).w()?; CudaStorageSlice::BF16(data) } CpuStorage::F16(storage) => { let data = self.htod_sync_copy(storage).w()?; CudaStorageSlice::F16(data) } CpuStorage::F32(storage) => { let data = self.htod_sync_copy(storage).w()?; CudaStorageSlice::F32(data) } CpuStorage::F64(storage) => { let data = self.htod_sync_copy(storage).w()?; CudaStorageSlice::F64(data) } }; Ok(CudaStorage { slice, device: self.clone(), }) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum CudaStorageSlice { U8(CudaSlice<u8>), U32(CudaSlice<u32>), I64(CudaSlice<i64>), BF16(CudaSlice<bf16>), F16(CudaSlice<f16>), F32(CudaSlice<f32>), F64(CudaSlice<f64>), } type S = CudaStorageSlice; pub trait Map1 { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType + ValidAsZeroBits>( &self, src: &CudaSlice<T>, dev: &CudaDevice, layout: &Layout, ) -> Result<CudaSlice<T>>; fn map(&self, s: &S, d: &CudaDevice, l: &Layout) -> Result<S> { let out = match s { S::U8(s) => S::U8(self.f(s, d, l)?), S::U32(s) => S::U32(self.f(s, d, l)?), S::I64(s) => S::I64(self.f(s, d, l)?), S::BF16(s) => S::BF16(self.f(s, d, l)?), S::F16(s) => S::F16(self.f(s, d, l)?), S::F32(s) => S::F32(self.f(s, d, l)?), S::F64(s) => S::F64(self.f(s, d, l)?), }; Ok(out) } } pub trait Map2 { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType + ValidAsZeroBits>( &self, src1: &CudaSlice<T>, layout1: &Layout, src2: &CudaSlice<T>, layout2: &Layout, dev: &CudaDevice, ) -> Result<CudaSlice<T>>; fn map(&self, s1: &S, l1: &Layout, s2: &S, l2: &Layout, d: &CudaDevice) -> Result<S> { let out = match (s1, s2) { (S::U8(s1), S::U8(s2)) => S::U8(self.f(s1, l1, s2, l2, d)?), (S::U32(s1), S::U32(s2)) => S::U32(self.f(s1, l1, s2, l2, d)?), (S::I64(s1), S::I64(s2)) => S::I64(self.f(s1, l1, s2, l2, d)?), (S::BF16(s1), S::BF16(s2)) => S::BF16(self.f(s1, l1, s2, l2, d)?), (S::F16(s1), S::F16(s2)) => S::F16(self.f(s1, l1, s2, l2, d)?), (S::F32(s1), S::F32(s2)) => S::F32(self.f(s1, l1, s2, l2, d)?), (S::F64(s1), S::F64(s2)) => S::F64(self.f(s1, l1, s2, l2, d)?), _ => Err(CudaError::InternalError("dtype mismatch in binary op"))?, }; Ok(out) } } pub trait Map2InPlace { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType + ValidAsZeroBits>( &self, dst: &mut CudaSlice<T>, dst_shape: &Shape, src: &CudaSlice<T>, src_l: &Layout, dev: &CudaDevice, ) -> Result<()>; fn map( &self, dst: &mut S, dst_s: &Shape, src: &S, src_l: &Layout, d: &CudaDevice, ) -> Result<()> { match (dst, src) { (S::U8(dst), S::U8(src)) => self.f(dst, dst_s, src, src_l, d), (S::U32(dst), S::U32(src)) => self.f(dst, dst_s, src, src_l, d), (S::I64(dst), S::I64(src)) => self.f(dst, dst_s, src, src_l, d), (S::BF16(dst), S::BF16(src)) => self.f(dst, dst_s, src, src_l, d), (S::F16(dst), S::F16(src)) => self.f(dst, dst_s, src, src_l, d), (S::F32(dst), S::F32(src)) => self.f(dst, dst_s, src, src_l, d), (S::F64(dst), S::F64(src)) => self.f(dst, dst_s, src, src_l, d), _ => Err(CudaError::InternalError("dtype mismatch in binary op"))?, } } } pub trait Map1Any { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType + ValidAsZeroBits, W: Fn(CudaSlice<T>) -> S>( &self, src: &CudaSlice<T>, dev: &CudaDevice, layout: &Layout, wrap: W, ) -> Result<S>; fn map(&self, s: &S, d: &CudaDevice, l: &Layout) -> Result<S> { let out = match s { S::U8(s) => self.f(s, d, l, S::U8)?, S::U32(s) => self.f(s, d, l, S::U32)?, S::I64(s) => self.f(s, d, l, S::I64)?, S::BF16(s) => self.f(s, d, l, S::BF16)?, S::F16(s) => self.f(s, d, l, S::F16)?, S::F32(s) => self.f(s, d, l, S::F32)?, S::F64(s) => self.f(s, d, l, S::F64)?, }; Ok(out) } } pub trait Map2Any { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType + ValidAsZeroBits>( &self, src1: &CudaSlice<T>, layout1: &Layout, src2: &CudaSlice<T>, layout2: &Layout, dev: &CudaDevice, ) -> Result<S>; fn map(&self, s1: &S, l1: &Layout, s2: &S, l2: &Layout, d: &CudaDevice) -> Result<S> { let out = match (s1, s2) { (S::U8(s1), S::U8(s2)) => self.f(s1, l1, s2, l2, d)?, (S::U32(s1), S::U32(s2)) => self.f(s1, l1, s2, l2, d)?, (S::I64(s1), S::I64(s2)) => self.f(s1, l1, s2, l2, d)?, (S::BF16(s1), S::BF16(s2)) => self.f(s1, l1, s2, l2, d)?, (S::F16(s1), S::F16(s2)) => self.f(s1, l1, s2, l2, d)?, (S::F32(s1), S::F32(s2)) => self.f(s1, l1, s2, l2, d)?, (S::F64(s1), S::F64(s2)) => self.f(s1, l1, s2, l2, d)?, _ => Err(CudaError::InternalError("dtype mismatch in binary op")).w()?, }; Ok(out) } } struct Clone; impl Map1 for Clone { fn f<T: DeviceRepr>( &self, s: &CudaSlice<T>, _: &CudaDevice, _: &Layout, ) -> Result<CudaSlice<T>> { s.try_clone().w() } } pub fn kernel_name<T: WithDType>(root: &str) -> String { let dtype = T::DTYPE.as_str(); format!("{root}_{dtype}") } struct Affine(f64, f64); impl Map1 for Affine { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType>( &self, src: &CudaSlice<T>, dev: &CudaDevice, layout: &Layout, ) -> Result<CudaSlice<T>> { let shape = layout.shape(); let dims = shape.dims(); let el = shape.elem_count(); let cfg = LaunchConfig::for_num_elems(el as u32); let ds = dev.htod_copy([dims, layout.stride()].concat()).w()?; let src = &src.slice(layout.start_offset()..); let func = dev.get_or_load_func(&kernel_name::<T>("affine"), kernels::AFFINE)?; // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<T>(el) }.w()?; let params = ( el, dims.len(), &ds, src, &out, T::from_f64(self.0), T::from_f64(self.1), ); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; Ok(out) } } struct Elu(f64); impl Map1 for Elu { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType>( &self, src: &CudaSlice<T>, dev: &CudaDevice, layout: &Layout, ) -> Result<CudaSlice<T>> { let shape = layout.shape(); let dims = shape.dims(); let el = shape.elem_count(); let cfg = LaunchConfig::for_num_elems(el as u32); let ds = dev.htod_copy([dims, layout.stride()].concat()).w()?; let src = &src.slice(layout.start_offset()..); let func = dev.get_or_load_func(&kernel_name::<T>("uelu"), kernels::UNARY)?; // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<T>(el) }.w()?; let params = (el, dims.len(), &ds, T::from_f64(self.0), src, &out); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; Ok(out) } } struct Im2Col1D { l_k: usize, stride: usize, dilation: usize, padding: usize, } impl Im2Col1D { fn l_out(&self, l: usize) -> usize { (l + 2 * self.padding - self.dilation * (self.l_k - 1) - 1) / self.stride + 1 } } impl Map1 for Im2Col1D { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType>( &self, src: &CudaSlice<T>, dev: &CudaDevice, layout: &Layout, ) -> Result<CudaSlice<T>> { let shape = layout.shape(); let dims = shape.dims(); let l_out = self.l_out(dims[2]); let dst_el = dims[0] * l_out * dims[1] * self.l_k; let cfg = LaunchConfig::for_num_elems(dst_el as u32); let ds = dev.htod_copy([dims, layout.stride()].concat()).w()?; let src = &src.slice(layout.start_offset()..); let func = dev.get_or_load_func(&kernel_name::<T>("im2col1d"), kernels::CONV)?; // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let dst = unsafe { dev.alloc::<T>(dst_el) }.w()?; let params = ( dst_el, l_out, self.l_k, self.stride, self.padding, self.dilation, &ds, src, &dst, ); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; Ok(dst) } } struct Im2Col { h_k: usize, w_k: usize, stride: usize, dilation: usize, padding: usize, } impl Im2Col { fn hw_out(&self, h: usize, w: usize) -> (usize, usize) { let h_out = (h + 2 * self.padding - self.dilation * (self.h_k - 1) - 1) / self.stride + 1; let w_out = (w + 2 * self.padding - self.dilation * (self.w_k - 1) - 1) / self.stride + 1; (h_out, w_out) } } impl Map1 for Im2Col { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType>( &self, src: &CudaSlice<T>, dev: &CudaDevice, layout: &Layout, ) -> Result<CudaSlice<T>> { let shape = layout.shape(); let dims = shape.dims(); let (h_out, w_out) = self.hw_out(dims[2], dims[3]); let dst_el = dims[0] * h_out * w_out * dims[1] * self.h_k * self.w_k; let cfg = LaunchConfig::for_num_elems(dst_el as u32); let ds = dev.htod_copy([dims, layout.stride()].concat()).w()?; let src = &src.slice(layout.start_offset()..); let func = dev.get_or_load_func(&kernel_name::<T>("im2col"), kernels::CONV)?; // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let dst = unsafe { dev.alloc::<T>(dst_el) }.w()?; let params = ( dst_el, h_out, w_out, self.h_k, self.w_k, self.stride, self.padding, self.dilation, &ds, src, &dst, ); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; Ok(dst) } } struct Powf(f64); impl Map1 for Powf { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType>( &self, src: &CudaSlice<T>, dev: &CudaDevice, layout: &Layout, ) -> Result<CudaSlice<T>> { let shape = layout.shape(); let dims = shape.dims(); let el = shape.elem_count(); let cfg = LaunchConfig::for_num_elems(el as u32); let ds = dev.htod_copy([dims, layout.stride()].concat()).w()?; let src = &src.slice(layout.start_offset()..); let func = dev.get_or_load_func(&kernel_name::<T>("upowf"), kernels::UNARY)?; // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<T>(el) }.w()?; let params = (el, dims.len(), &ds, T::from_f64(self.0), src, &out); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; Ok(out) } } struct Sum<'a>(&'a [usize]); impl<'a> Map1 for Sum<'a> { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType + ValidAsZeroBits>( &self, src: &CudaSlice<T>, dev: &CudaDevice, layout: &Layout, ) -> Result<CudaSlice<T>> { let shape = layout.shape(); let src_dims = shape.dims(); let el = shape.elem_count(); let mut dst_el = el; for &sum_dim in self.0.iter() { dst_el /= src_dims[sum_dim]; } let mut sum_dims = self.0.to_vec(); // Sort the sum_dims as they have to be processed from left to right when converting the // indexes. sum_dims.sort(); let sum_dims_l: Vec<usize> = sum_dims.iter().map(|&d| src_dims[d]).collect(); let sum_dims_s: Vec<usize> = sum_dims .iter() .map(|&d| src_dims[d + 1..].iter().product::<usize>()) .collect(); let cfg = LaunchConfig::for_num_elems(el as u32); let ds = dev .htod_copy([src_dims, layout.stride(), &sum_dims_l, &sum_dims_s].concat()) .w()?; let src = &src.slice(layout.start_offset()..); let func = dev.get_or_load_func(&kernel_name::<T>("sum"), kernels::REDUCE)?; let out = dev.alloc_zeros::<T>(dst_el).w()?; let params = (el, src_dims.len(), sum_dims.len(), &ds, src, &out); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; Ok(out) } } struct FastReduce<'a>(&'a [usize], ReduceOp); impl<'a> Map1Any for FastReduce<'a> { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType + ValidAsZeroBits, W: Fn(CudaSlice<T>) -> S>( &self, src: &CudaSlice<T>, dev: &CudaDevice, layout: &Layout, wrap: W, ) -> Result<S> { let src_stride = layout.stride(); let src_dims = layout.shape().dims(); let src_el: usize = src_dims.iter().product(); // Source dims and strides with the sum dims at the end. let mut dims = vec![]; let mut stride = vec![]; let mut dst_el: usize = 1; for (dim_idx, &d) in src_dims.iter().enumerate() { if !self.0.contains(&dim_idx) { dst_el *= d; dims.push(d); stride.push(src_stride[dim_idx]); } } for &dim_idx in self.0.iter() { dims.push(src_dims[dim_idx]); stride.push(src_stride[dim_idx]); } let el_to_sum_per_block = src_el / dst_el; // The reduction loop requires the shared array to be properly initialized and for // this we want the number of threads to be a power of two. let block_dim = usize::min(1024, el_to_sum_per_block).next_power_of_two(); let cfg = LaunchConfig { // TODO: Maybe use grid_y if the output is too large? // TODO: Specialized implementation when reducing on no or all dimensions or when // reducing only aggregate a small number of elements together. grid_dim: (dst_el as u32, 1, 1), block_dim: (block_dim as u32, 1, 1), shared_mem_bytes: 0, }; let ds = dev .htod_copy([dims.as_slice(), stride.as_slice()].concat()) .w()?; let src = &src.slice(layout.start_offset()..); let (name, check_empty, return_index) = match self.1 { ReduceOp::Sum => ("fast_sum", false, false), ReduceOp::Min => ("fast_min", true, false), ReduceOp::Max => ("fast_max", true, false), ReduceOp::ArgMin => ("fast_argmin", true, true), ReduceOp::ArgMax => ("fast_argmax", true, true), }; if check_empty && layout.shape().elem_count() == 0 { Err(crate::Error::EmptyTensor { op: "reduce" }.bt())? } let func = dev.get_or_load_func(&kernel_name::<T>(name), kernels::REDUCE)?; if return_index { // SAFETY: filled in by the follow up kernel. let out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<u32>(dst_el) }.w()?; let params = (src_el, el_to_sum_per_block, src_dims.len(), &ds, src, &out); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; Ok(S::U32(out)) } else { // SAFETY: filled in by the follow up kernel. let out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<T>(dst_el) }.w()?; let params = (src_el, el_to_sum_per_block, src_dims.len(), &ds, src, &out); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; Ok(wrap(out)) } } } impl<U: UnaryOpT> Map1 for U { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType + ValidAsZeroBits>( &self, src: &CudaSlice<T>, dev: &CudaDevice, layout: &Layout, ) -> Result<CudaSlice<T>> { let shape = layout.shape(); let dims = shape.dims(); let el_count = shape.elem_count(); let cfg = LaunchConfig::for_num_elems(el_count as u32); let ds = dev.htod_copy([dims, layout.stride()].concat()).w()?; let src = &src.slice(layout.start_offset()..); let func = dev.get_or_load_func(&kernel_name::<T>(U::KERNEL), kernels::UNARY)?; // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<T>(el_count) }.w()?; let params = (el_count, dims.len(), &ds, src, &out); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; Ok(out) } } struct IndexSelect<'a>(&'a CudaStorage, &'a Layout, usize); impl<'a> Map1 for IndexSelect<'a> { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType + ValidAsZeroBits>( &self, src: &CudaSlice<T>, dev: &CudaDevice, src_l: &Layout, ) -> Result<CudaSlice<T>> { let ids_l = &self.1; let (name, ids) = match &self.0.slice { CudaStorageSlice::U32(slice) => { ("is_u32", *slice.slice(ids_l.start_offset()..).device_ptr()) } CudaStorageSlice::U8(slice) => { ("is_u8", *slice.slice(ids_l.start_offset()..).device_ptr()) } CudaStorageSlice::I64(slice) => { ("is_i64", *slice.slice(ids_l.start_offset()..).device_ptr()) } _ => Err(CudaError::UnexpectedDType { msg: "index_select ids should be u8 or u32", expected: DType::U32, got: self.0.dtype(), }) .w()?, }; let ids_shape = ids_l.shape(); let ids_dims = ids_shape.dims(); let ds = dev.htod_copy([ids_dims, ids_l.stride()].concat()).w()?; let src = match src_l.contiguous_offsets() { Some((o1, o2)) => src.slice(o1..o2), None => Err(crate::Error::RequiresContiguous { op: "index-select" }.bt())?, }; let left_size: usize = src_l.dims()[..self.2].iter().product(); let right_size: usize = src_l.dims()[self.2 + 1..].iter().product(); let src_dim_size = src_l.dims()[self.2]; let ids_dim_size = ids_shape.elem_count(); let dst_el = ids_shape.elem_count() * left_size * right_size; let cfg = LaunchConfig::for_num_elems(dst_el as u32); let func = dev.get_or_load_func(&kernel_name::<T>(name), kernels::INDEXING)?; // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<T>(dst_el) }.w()?; let params = ( dst_el, ids_dims.len(), &ds, ids, &src, &out, left_size, src_dim_size, ids_dim_size, right_size, ); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; Ok(out) } } struct Gather<'a>(&'a CudaStorage, &'a Layout, usize); impl<'a> Map1 for Gather<'a> { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType + ValidAsZeroBits>( &self, src: &CudaSlice<T>, dev: &CudaDevice, src_l: &Layout, ) -> Result<CudaSlice<T>> { let ids = &self.0; let ids_l = &self.1; let dim = self.2; let (ids_o1, ids_o2) = match ids_l.contiguous_offsets() { Some(o12) => o12, None => Err(crate::Error::RequiresContiguous { op: "gather" }.bt())?, }; let (name, ids) = match &ids.slice { CudaStorageSlice::U32(slice) => { ("gather_u32", *slice.slice(ids_o1..ids_o2).device_ptr()) } CudaStorageSlice::U8(slice) => ("gather_u8", *slice.slice(ids_o1..ids_o2).device_ptr()), CudaStorageSlice::I64(slice) => { ("gather_i64", *slice.slice(ids_o1..ids_o2).device_ptr()) } _ => Err(CudaError::UnexpectedDType { msg: "gather ids should be u8/u32/i64", expected: DType::U32, got: ids.dtype(), })?, }; let el = ids_l.shape().elem_count(); let cfg = LaunchConfig::for_num_elems(el as u32); let src = match src_l.contiguous_offsets() { Some((o1, o2)) => src.slice(o1..o2), None => Err(crate::Error::RequiresContiguous { op: "gather" }.bt())?, }; let left_sz: usize = src_l.dims()[..dim].iter().product(); let right_sz: usize = src_l.dims()[dim + 1..].iter().product(); let src_dim_sz = src_l.dims()[dim]; let ids_dim_sz = ids_l.dims()[dim]; let func = dev.get_or_load_func(&kernel_name::<T>(name), kernels::INDEXING)?; // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<T>(el) }.w()?; let params = ( el, ids, &src, &out, left_sz, src_dim_sz, ids_dim_sz, right_sz, ); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; Ok(out) } } struct IndexAdd<'a>(&'a CudaStorage, &'a Layout, usize); impl<'a> Map2InPlace for IndexAdd<'a> { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType + ValidAsZeroBits>( &self, dst: &mut CudaSlice<T>, dst_shape: &Shape, src: &CudaSlice<T>, src_l: &Layout, dev: &CudaDevice, ) -> Result<()> { let ids = &self.0; let ids_l = &self.1; let dim = self.2; let (ids_o1, ids_o2) = match ids_l.contiguous_offsets() { Some(o12) => o12, None => Err(crate::Error::RequiresContiguous { op: "index-add" }.bt())?, }; let (name, ids) = match &ids.slice { CudaStorageSlice::U32(slice) => ("ia_u32", *slice.slice(ids_o1..ids_o2).device_ptr()), CudaStorageSlice::I64(slice) => ("ia_i64", *slice.slice(ids_o1..ids_o2).device_ptr()), CudaStorageSlice::U8(slice) => ("ia_u8", *slice.slice(ids_o1..ids_o2).device_ptr()), _ => Err(CudaError::UnexpectedDType { msg: "index-add ids should be u8/u32/i64", expected: DType::U32, got: ids.dtype(), })?, }; let src = match src_l.contiguous_offsets() { Some((o1, o2)) => src.slice(o1..o2), None => Err(crate::Error::RequiresContiguous { op: "index-add" }.bt())?, }; let left_sz: usize = src_l.dims()[..dim].iter().product(); let right_sz: usize = src_l.dims()[dim + 1..].iter().product(); let src_dim_sz = src_l.dims()[dim]; let dst_dim_sz = dst_shape.dims()[dim]; let ids_dim_sz = ids_l.dims()[0]; let cfg = LaunchConfig::for_num_elems((left_sz * right_sz) as u32); let func = dev.get_or_load_func(&kernel_name::<T>(name), kernels::INDEXING)?; // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let params = ( ids, ids_dim_sz, &src, dst, left_sz, src_dim_sz, dst_dim_sz, right_sz, ); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; Ok(()) } } struct ScatterAdd<'a>(&'a CudaStorage, &'a Layout, usize); impl<'a> Map2InPlace for ScatterAdd<'a> { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType + ValidAsZeroBits>( &self, dst: &mut CudaSlice<T>, dst_shape: &Shape, src: &CudaSlice<T>, src_l: &Layout, dev: &CudaDevice, ) -> Result<()> { let ids = &self.0; let ids_l = &self.1; let dim = self.2; let (ids_o1, ids_o2) = match ids_l.contiguous_offsets() { Some(o12) => o12, None => Err(crate::Error::RequiresContiguous { op: "scatter-add" }.bt())?, }; let (name, ids) = match &ids.slice { CudaStorageSlice::U32(slice) => ("sa_u32", *slice.slice(ids_o1..ids_o2).device_ptr()), CudaStorageSlice::I64(slice) => ("sa_i64", *slice.slice(ids_o1..ids_o2).device_ptr()), CudaStorageSlice::U8(slice) => ("sa_u8", *slice.slice(ids_o1..ids_o2).device_ptr()), _ => Err(CudaError::UnexpectedDType { msg: "scatter-add ids should be u8/u32/i64", expected: DType::U32, got: ids.dtype(), })?, }; let src = match src_l.contiguous_offsets() { Some((o1, o2)) => src.slice(o1..o2), None => Err(crate::Error::RequiresContiguous { op: "scatter-add" }.bt())?, }; let left_sz: usize = src_l.dims()[..dim].iter().product(); let right_sz: usize = src_l.dims()[dim + 1..].iter().product(); let src_dim_sz = src_l.dims()[dim]; let dst_dim_sz = dst_shape.dims()[dim]; let cfg = LaunchConfig::for_num_elems((left_sz * right_sz) as u32); let func = dev.get_or_load_func(&kernel_name::<T>(name), kernels::INDEXING)?; // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let params = (ids, &src, dst, left_sz, src_dim_sz, dst_dim_sz, right_sz); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; Ok(()) } } struct Conv1D<'a>(&'a crate::conv::ParamsConv1D); impl<'a> Map2 for Conv1D<'a> { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType + ValidAsZeroBits>( &self, inp: &CudaSlice<T>, inp_l: &Layout, k: &CudaSlice<T>, k_l: &Layout, dev: &CudaDevice, ) -> Result<CudaSlice<T>> { // Kernel shape: (c_out, c_in_k, k_size) // Input shape: (b_size, c_in, l_in) or (c_in, l_in) let p = &self.0; let inp = &inp.slice(inp_l.start_offset()..); let k = &k.slice(k_l.start_offset()..); let shape = inp_l.shape(); let dims = shape.dims(); let el = shape.elem_count(); let l_out = p.l_out(); let dst_el = p.c_out * l_out * p.b_size; let cfg = LaunchConfig::for_num_elems(dst_el as u32); let func = dev.get_or_load_func(&kernel_name::<T>("conv1d"), kernels::CONV)?; // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<T>(dst_el) }.w()?; let ds = if dims.len() == 3 { [dims, inp_l.stride(), k_l.dims(), k_l.stride()].concat() } else if dims.len() == 2 { [&[1], dims, &[1], inp_l.stride(), k_l.dims(), k_l.stride()].concat() } else { crate::bail!("unexpected input shape for conv1d {dims:?}") }; let ds = dev.htod_copy(ds).w()?; let params = ( el, l_out, p.stride, p.padding, p.dilation, &ds, inp, k, &out, ); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; Ok(out) } } struct Conv2D<'a>(&'a crate::conv::ParamsConv2D); impl<'a> Map2 for Conv2D<'a> { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType + ValidAsZeroBits>( &self, inp: &CudaSlice<T>, inp_l: &Layout, k: &CudaSlice<T>, k_l: &Layout, dev: &CudaDevice, ) -> Result<CudaSlice<T>> { // Kernel shape: (c_out, c_in_k, h_k, w_k) // Input shape: (b_size, c_in, h_in, w_in) let p = &self.0; let (out_w, out_h) = (p.out_w(), p.out_h()); let dst_el = p.c_out * out_w * out_h * p.b_size; let inp = &inp.slice(inp_l.start_offset()..); let k = &k.slice(k_l.start_offset()..); let shape = inp_l.shape(); let dims = shape.dims(); let el = shape.elem_count(); // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<T>(dst_el) }.w()?; let cfg = LaunchConfig::for_num_elems(dst_el as u32); let func = dev.get_or_load_func(&kernel_name::<T>("conv2d"), kernels::CONV)?; let ds = if dims.len() == 4 { [dims, inp_l.stride(), k_l.dims(), k_l.stride()].concat() } else { crate::bail!("unexpected input shape for conv2d {dims:?}") }; let ds = dev.htod_copy(ds).w()?; let params = ( el, out_w, out_h, p.stride, p.padding, p.dilation, &ds, inp, k, &out, ); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; Ok(out) } } struct ConvTranspose2D<'a>(&'a crate::conv::ParamsConvTranspose2D); impl<'a> Map2 for ConvTranspose2D<'a> { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType + ValidAsZeroBits>( &self, inp: &CudaSlice<T>, inp_l: &Layout, k: &CudaSlice<T>, k_l: &Layout, dev: &CudaDevice, ) -> Result<CudaSlice<T>> { // Kernel shape: (c_in_k, c_out, h_k, w_k) // Input shape: (b_size, c_in, h_in, w_in) let p = &self.0; let (out_w, out_h) = (p.out_w(), p.out_h()); let dst_el = p.c_out * out_w * out_h * p.b_size; let inp = &inp.slice(inp_l.start_offset()..); let k = &k.slice(k_l.start_offset()..); let shape = inp_l.shape(); let dims = shape.dims(); let el = shape.elem_count(); // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<T>(dst_el) }.w()?; let cfg = LaunchConfig::for_num_elems(dst_el as u32); let func = dev.get_or_load_func(&kernel_name::<T>("conv_transpose2d"), kernels::CONV)?; let ds = if dims.len() == 4 { [dims, inp_l.stride(), k_l.dims(), k_l.stride()].concat() } else { crate::bail!("unexpected input shape for conv_transpose2d {dims:?}") }; let ds = dev.htod_copy(ds).w()?; let params = ( el, out_w, out_h, p.stride, p.padding, p.output_padding, p.dilation, &ds, inp, k, &out, ); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; Ok(out) } } enum PoolOp { Max, Avg, } struct Pool2D { w_k: usize, h_k: usize, w_stride: usize, h_stride: usize, op: PoolOp, } impl Map1 for Pool2D { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType + ValidAsZeroBits>( &self, inp: &CudaSlice<T>, dev: &CudaDevice, inp_l: &Layout, ) -> Result<CudaSlice<T>> { // Input shape: (b_size, c, h, w) let inp = &inp.slice(inp_l.start_offset()..); let shape = inp_l.shape(); let dims = shape.dims(); let ds = if dims.len() == 4 { [dims, inp_l.stride()].concat() } else { crate::bail!("unexpected input shape for pool {dims:?}") }; let el = shape.elem_count(); let out_w = (dims[2] - self.w_k) / self.w_stride + 1; let out_h = (dims[3] - self.h_k) / self.h_stride + 1; let dst_el = out_w * out_h * dims[0] * dims[1]; let cfg = LaunchConfig::for_num_elems(dst_el as u32); let kname = match self.op { PoolOp::Max => "max_pool2d", PoolOp::Avg => "avg_pool2d", }; let func = dev.get_or_load_func(&kernel_name::<T>(kname), kernels::CONV)?; // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<T>(dst_el) }.w()?; let ds = dev.htod_copy(ds).w()?; let params = ( el, self.w_k, self.h_k, self.w_stride, self.h_stride, &ds, inp, &out, ); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; Ok(out) } } struct UpsampleNearest2D(usize, usize); impl Map1 for UpsampleNearest2D { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType + ValidAsZeroBits>( &self, inp: &CudaSlice<T>, dev: &CudaDevice, inp_l: &Layout, ) -> Result<CudaSlice<T>> { // Input shape: (b_size, c, h, w) let inp = &inp.slice(inp_l.start_offset()..); let shape = inp_l.shape(); let dims = shape.dims(); let ds = if dims.len() == 4 { [dims, inp_l.stride()].concat() } else { crate::bail!("unexpected input shape for upsample {dims:?}") }; let (out_w, out_h) = (self.0, self.1); let dst_el = out_w * out_h * dims[0] * dims[1]; let cfg = LaunchConfig::for_num_elems(dst_el as u32); let func = dev.get_or_load_func(&kernel_name::<T>("upsample_nearest2d"), kernels::CONV)?; // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<T>(dst_el) }.w()?; let ds = dev.htod_copy(ds).w()?; let scale_w = dims[2] as f64 / out_w as f64; let scale_h = dims[3] as f64 / out_h as f64; let params = (out_w, out_h, scale_w, scale_h, &ds, inp, &out); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; Ok(out) } } struct WhereCond<'a>(&'a CudaStorage, &'a Layout); impl<'a> Map2 for WhereCond<'a> { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType + ValidAsZeroBits>( &self, t: &CudaSlice<T>, layout_t: &Layout, f: &CudaSlice<T>, layout_f: &Layout, dev: &CudaDevice, ) -> Result<CudaSlice<T>> { let ids_l = &self.1; let (ids, name) = match &self.0.slice { CudaStorageSlice::U8(slice) => { let ptr = *slice.slice(ids_l.start_offset()..).device_ptr(); (ptr, "where_u8") } CudaStorageSlice::U32(slice) => { let ptr = *slice.slice(ids_l.start_offset()..).device_ptr(); (ptr, "where_u32") } CudaStorageSlice::I64(slice) => { let ptr = *slice.slice(ids_l.start_offset()..).device_ptr(); (ptr, "where_i64") } _ => Err(CudaError::UnexpectedDType { msg: "where conditions should be u8/u32/i64", expected: DType::U32, got: self.0.dtype(), }) .w()?, }; let shape = ids_l.shape(); let dims = shape.dims(); let el = shape.elem_count(); let cfg = LaunchConfig::for_num_elems(el as u32); let ds = dev .htod_copy([dims, ids_l.stride(), layout_t.stride(), layout_f.stride()].concat()) .w()?; let t = &t.slice(layout_t.start_offset()..); let f = &f.slice(layout_f.start_offset()..); let func = dev.get_or_load_func(&kernel_name::<T>(name), kernels::TERNARY)?; // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<T>(el) }.w()?; let params = (el, dims.len(), &ds, ids, t, f, &out); // SAFETY: ffi unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; Ok(out) } } impl<U: crate::op::BinaryOpT> Map2 for U { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType + ValidAsZeroBits>( &self, lhs: &CudaSlice<T>, lhs_l: &Layout, rhs: &CudaSlice<T>, rhs_l: &Layout, dev: &CudaDevice, ) -> Result<CudaSlice<T>> { let shape = lhs_l.shape(); let dims = shape.dims(); let elem_count = shape.elem_count(); let cfg = LaunchConfig::for_num_elems(elem_count as u32); let dims_and_strides = dev .htod_copy([dims, lhs_l.stride(), rhs_l.stride()].concat()) .w()?; let lhs = &lhs.slice(lhs_l.start_offset()..); let rhs = &rhs.slice(rhs_l.start_offset()..); let func = dev.get_or_load_func(&kernel_name::<T>(U::KERNEL), kernels::BINARY)?; // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<T>(elem_count) }.w()?; let params = (elem_count, dims.len(), &dims_and_strides, lhs, rhs, &out); // SAFETY: ffi unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; Ok(out) } } struct Cmp(CmpOp); impl Map2Any for Cmp { fn f<T: DeviceRepr + WithDType + ValidAsZeroBits>( &self, lhs: &CudaSlice<T>, lhs_l: &Layout, rhs: &CudaSlice<T>, rhs_l: &Layout, dev: &CudaDevice, ) -> Result<S> { let shape = lhs_l.shape(); let dims = shape.dims(); let elem_count = shape.elem_count(); let cfg = LaunchConfig::for_num_elems(elem_count as u32); let dims_and_strides = dev .htod_copy([dims, lhs_l.stride(), rhs_l.stride()].concat()) .w()?; let lhs = &lhs.slice(lhs_l.start_offset()..); let rhs = &rhs.slice(rhs_l.start_offset()..); let name = match self.0 { CmpOp::Eq => "eq", CmpOp::Ne => "ne", CmpOp::Lt => "lt", CmpOp::Le => "le", CmpOp::Gt => "gt", CmpOp::Ge => "ge", }; let func = dev.get_or_load_func(&kernel_name::<T>(name), kernels::BINARY)?; // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<u8>(elem_count) }.w()?; let params = (elem_count, dims.len(), &dims_and_strides, lhs, rhs, &out); // SAFETY: ffi unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; Ok(S::U8(out)) } } fn slice_src_and_dst<'a, T>( src: &'a CudaSlice<T>, src_l: &Layout, dst: &'a mut CudaSlice<T>, dst_offset: usize, ) -> ( cudarc::driver::CudaView<'a, T>, cudarc::driver::CudaViewMut<'a, T>, ) { let src_offset = src_l.start_offset(); let to_copy = dst .len() .saturating_sub(dst_offset) .min(src.len().saturating_sub(src_offset)); let src = src.slice(src_offset..src_offset + to_copy); let dst = dst.slice_mut(dst_offset..dst_offset + to_copy); (src, dst) } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct CudaStorage { pub slice: CudaStorageSlice, pub device: CudaDevice, } pub trait CudaDType: Sized { fn as_cuda_slice(s: &CudaStorage) -> Result<&CudaSlice<Self>>; fn wrap_cuda_slice(s: CudaSlice<Self>, dev: CudaDevice) -> CudaStorage; } macro_rules! cuda_dtype { ($ty:ty, $dtype:ident) => { impl CudaDType for $ty { fn as_cuda_slice(s: &CudaStorage) -> Result<&CudaSlice<Self>> { match &s.slice { CudaStorageSlice::$dtype(data) => Ok(&data), _ => Err(crate::Error::UnexpectedDType { expected: DType::$dtype, got: s.dtype(), msg: "unexpected dtype", } .bt()), } } fn wrap_cuda_slice(slice: CudaSlice<Self>, device: CudaDevice) -> CudaStorage { let slice = CudaStorageSlice::$dtype(slice); CudaStorage { slice, device } } } }; } cuda_dtype!(u8, U8); cuda_dtype!(u32, U32); cuda_dtype!(i64, I64); cuda_dtype!(f16, F16); cuda_dtype!(bf16, BF16); cuda_dtype!(f32, F32); cuda_dtype!(f64, F64); impl CudaStorage { pub fn wrap_cuda_slice<T: CudaDType>(slice: CudaSlice<T>, device: CudaDevice) -> CudaStorage { T::wrap_cuda_slice(slice, device) } pub fn as_cuda_slice<T: CudaDType>(&self) -> Result<&CudaSlice<T>> { T::as_cuda_slice(self) } } fn gemm_config<T>( alpha: T, beta: T, (b, m, n, k): (usize, usize, usize, usize), lhs_l: &Layout, rhs_l: &Layout, ) -> Result<StridedBatchedConfig<T>> { // https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cublas/index.html#cublas-t-gemm use cudarc::cublas::sys::cublasOperation_t; let lhs_stride = lhs_l.stride(); let rhs_stride = rhs_l.stride(); let rhs_m1 = rhs_stride[rhs_stride.len() - 1]; let rhs_m2 = rhs_stride[rhs_stride.len() - 2]; let lhs_m1 = lhs_stride[lhs_stride.len() - 1]; let lhs_m2 = lhs_stride[lhs_stride.len() - 2]; // The a tensor has dims batching, k, n (rhs) let (lda, transa) = if rhs_m1 == 1 && rhs_m2 == n { (n as i32, cublasOperation_t::CUBLAS_OP_N) } else if rhs_m1 == k && rhs_m2 == 1 { (k as i32, cublasOperation_t::CUBLAS_OP_T) } else { Err(CudaError::MatMulNonContiguous { lhs_stride: lhs_stride.to_vec(), rhs_stride: rhs_stride.to_vec(), mnk: (m, n, k), })? }; // The b tensor has dims batching, m, k (lhs) let (ldb, transb) = if lhs_m1 == 1 && lhs_m2 == k { (k as i32, cublasOperation_t::CUBLAS_OP_N) } else if lhs_m1 == m && lhs_m2 == 1 { (m as i32, cublasOperation_t::CUBLAS_OP_T) } else { Err(CudaError::MatMulNonContiguous { lhs_stride: lhs_stride.to_vec(), rhs_stride: rhs_stride.to_vec(), mnk: (m, n, k), })? }; // The setup below was copied from: // https://github.com/lebedov/scikit-cuda/blob/7e7300474286019c917a6c8a4bca59405c64fbce/tests/test_cublas.py#L531 let gemm = GemmConfig { alpha, beta, m: n as i32, n: m as i32, k: k as i32, lda, ldb, ldc: n as i32, transa, transb, }; let stride_b: usize = match lhs_stride[..lhs_stride.len() - 2] { [s1, stride] if s1 == stride * lhs_l.dims()[1] => stride, [stride] => stride, [] => m * k, _ => Err(CudaError::MatMulNonContiguous { lhs_stride: lhs_stride.to_vec(), rhs_stride: rhs_stride.to_vec(), mnk: (m, n, k), })?, }; let stride_a: usize = match rhs_stride[..rhs_stride.len() - 2] { [s1, stride] if s1 == stride * rhs_l.dims()[1] => stride, [stride] => stride, [] => n * k, _ => Err(CudaError::MatMulNonContiguous { lhs_stride: lhs_stride.to_vec(), rhs_stride: rhs_stride.to_vec(), mnk: (m, n, k), })?, }; Ok(StridedBatchedConfig { batch_size: b as i32, gemm, stride_a: stride_a as i64, stride_b: stride_b as i64, stride_c: (m * n) as i64, }) } impl BackendStorage for CudaStorage { type Device = CudaDevice; fn try_clone(&self, layout: &Layout) -> Result<Self> { let slice = Clone.map(&self.slice, self.device(), layout)?; let device = self.device.clone(); Ok(Self { slice, device }) } fn dtype(&self) -> DType { match self.slice { CudaStorageSlice::U8(_) => DType::U8, CudaStorageSlice::U32(_) => DType::U32, CudaStorageSlice::I64(_) => DType::I64, CudaStorageSlice::BF16(_) => DType::BF16, CudaStorageSlice::F16(_) => DType::F16, CudaStorageSlice::F32(_) => DType::F32, CudaStorageSlice::F64(_) => DType::F64, } } fn device(&self) -> &CudaDevice { &self.device } fn to_dtype(&self, layout: &Layout, dtype: DType) -> Result<Self> { let shape = layout.shape(); let dims = shape.dims(); let el = shape.elem_count(); let cfg = LaunchConfig::for_num_elems(el as u32); let dev = self.device(); let ds = dev.htod_copy([dims, layout.stride()].concat()).w()?; let start_o = layout.start_offset(); // This returns an i64 rather than a &i64, this is useful to get around some temporary // lifetime issue and is safe as long as self.slice does not go out of scope before inp // is used. let inp = match &self.slice { CudaStorageSlice::U8(inp) => *inp.slice(start_o..).device_ptr(), CudaStorageSlice::U32(inp) => *inp.slice(start_o..).device_ptr(), CudaStorageSlice::I64(inp) => *inp.slice(start_o..).device_ptr(), CudaStorageSlice::BF16(inp) => *inp.slice(start_o..).device_ptr(), CudaStorageSlice::F16(inp) => *inp.slice(start_o..).device_ptr(), CudaStorageSlice::F32(inp) => *inp.slice(start_o..).device_ptr(), CudaStorageSlice::F64(inp) => *inp.slice(start_o..).device_ptr(), }; let inp = &inp; let kernel_name = format!("cast_{}_{}", self.dtype().as_str(), dtype.as_str()); let func = dev.get_or_load_func(&kernel_name, kernels::CAST)?; let slice = match dtype { DType::U8 => { let out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<u8>(el) }.w()?; let params = (el, dims.len(), &ds, *inp, &out); unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; CudaStorageSlice::U8(out) } DType::U32 => { let out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<u32>(el) }.w()?; let params = (el, dims.len(), &ds, *inp, &out); unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; CudaStorageSlice::U32(out) } DType::I64 => { let out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<i64>(el) }.w()?; let params = (el, dims.len(), &ds, *inp, &out); unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; CudaStorageSlice::I64(out) } DType::BF16 => { let out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<bf16>(el) }.w()?; let params = (el, dims.len(), &ds, *inp, &out); unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; CudaStorageSlice::BF16(out) } DType::F16 => { let out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<f16>(el) }.w()?; let params = (el, dims.len(), &ds, *inp, &out); unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; CudaStorageSlice::F16(out) } DType::F32 => { let out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<f32>(el) }.w()?; let params = (el, dims.len(), &ds, *inp, &out); unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; CudaStorageSlice::F32(out) } DType::F64 => { let out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<f64>(el) }.w()?; let params = (el, dims.len(), &ds, *inp, &out); unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; CudaStorageSlice::F64(out) } }; Ok(Self { slice, device: dev.clone(), }) } fn affine(&self, layout: &Layout, mul: f64, add: f64) -> Result<Self> { let device = self.device().clone(); let slice = Affine(mul, add).map(&self.slice, &device, layout)?; Ok(Self { slice, device }) } fn powf(&self, layout: &Layout, e: f64) -> Result<Self> { let device = self.device().clone(); let slice = Powf(e).map(&self.slice, &device, layout)?; Ok(Self { slice, device }) } fn elu(&self, layout: &Layout, alpha: f64) -> Result<Self> { let device = self.device().clone(); let slice = Elu(alpha).map(&self.slice, &device, layout)?; Ok(Self { slice, device }) } fn reduce_op(&self, op: ReduceOp, layout: &Layout, sum_dims: &[usize]) -> Result<Self> { let device = self.device().clone(); let slice = FastReduce(sum_dims, op).map(&self.slice, &device, layout)?; Ok(Self { slice, device }) } fn cmp(&self, op: CmpOp, rhs: &Self, lhs_l: &Layout, rhs_l: &Layout) -> Result<Self> { let device = self.device().clone(); let slice = Cmp(op).map(&self.slice, lhs_l, &rhs.slice, rhs_l, &device)?; Ok(Self { slice, device }) } fn unary_impl<U: UnaryOpT>(&self, layout: &Layout) -> Result<Self> { let device = self.device().clone(); let slice = U::V.map(&self.slice, &device, layout)?; Ok(Self { slice, device }) } fn binary_impl<B: BinaryOpT>( &self, rhs: &Self, lhs_l: &Layout, rhs_l: &Layout, ) -> Result<Self> { let device = self.device().clone(); let slice = B::V.map(&self.slice, lhs_l, &rhs.slice, rhs_l, &device)?; Ok(Self { slice, device }) } fn to_cpu_storage(&self) -> Result<CpuStorage> { match &self.slice { CudaStorageSlice::U8(slice) => { let dev = slice.device(); let cpu_storage = dev.dtoh_sync_copy(slice).w()?; Ok(CpuStorage::U8(cpu_storage)) } CudaStorageSlice::U32(slice) => { let dev = slice.device(); let cpu_storage = dev.dtoh_sync_copy(slice).w()?; Ok(CpuStorage::U32(cpu_storage)) } CudaStorageSlice::I64(slice) => { let dev = slice.device(); let cpu_storage = dev.dtoh_sync_copy(slice).w()?; Ok(CpuStorage::I64(cpu_storage)) } CudaStorageSlice::BF16(slice) => { let dev = slice.device(); let cpu_storage = dev.dtoh_sync_copy(slice).w()?; Ok(CpuStorage::BF16(cpu_storage)) } CudaStorageSlice::F16(slice) => { let dev = slice.device(); let cpu_storage = dev.dtoh_sync_copy(slice).w()?; Ok(CpuStorage::F16(cpu_storage)) } CudaStorageSlice::F32(slice) => { let dev = slice.device(); let cpu_storage = dev.dtoh_sync_copy(slice).w()?; Ok(CpuStorage::F32(cpu_storage)) } CudaStorageSlice::F64(slice) => { let dev = slice.device(); let cpu_storage = dev.dtoh_sync_copy(slice).w()?; Ok(CpuStorage::F64(cpu_storage)) } } } fn where_cond( &self, layout: &Layout, t: &Self, t_l: &Layout, f: &Self, f_l: &Layout, ) -> Result<Self> { let device = self.device().clone(); let slice = WhereCond(self, layout).map(&t.slice, t_l, &f.slice, f_l, &device)?; Ok(Self { slice, device }) } fn conv1d( &self, l: &Layout, kernel: &Self, kernel_l: &Layout, params: &crate::conv::ParamsConv1D, ) -> Result<Self> { const USE_IM2COL_CONV1D: bool = true; let device = self.device().clone(); if !USE_IM2COL_CONV1D { let slice = Conv1D(params).map(&self.slice, l, &kernel.slice, kernel_l, &device)?; return Ok(Self { slice, device }); } let col = Im2Col1D { l_k: params.k_size, stride: params.stride, dilation: params.dilation, padding: params.padding, } .map(&self.slice, &device, l)?; let col = Self { slice: col, device }; let l_out = params.l_out(); let b = params.b_size; let n = params.c_out; let k = params.k_size * params.c_in; let m = l_out; let col_l = Layout::contiguous((b, m, k)); let res = if kernel_l.is_contiguous() { let kernel_l = Layout::contiguous_with_offset((1, n, k), kernel_l.start_offset()) .transpose(1, 2)? .broadcast_as((b, k, n))?; col.matmul(kernel, (b, m, n, k), &col_l, &kernel_l)? } else { // Make the kernel contiguous if not already the case. let mut kernel_c = self.device().zeros_impl(kernel_l.shape(), kernel.dtype())?; kernel.copy_strided_src(&mut kernel_c, 0, kernel_l)?; let kernel_l = Layout::contiguous_with_offset((1, n, k), kernel_l.start_offset()) .transpose(1, 2)? .broadcast_as((b, k, n))?; col.matmul(kernel, (b, m, n, k), &col_l, &kernel_l)? }; let res_l = Layout::contiguous((b, l_out, n)).transpose(1, 2)?; let mut res_t = self.device().zeros_impl(res_l.shape(), res.dtype())?; res.copy_strided_src(&mut res_t, 0, &res_l)?; Ok(res_t) } fn conv_transpose1d( &self, _: &Layout, _: &Self, _: &Layout, _: &crate::conv::ParamsConvTranspose1D, ) -> Result<Self> { todo!() } #[cfg(not(feature = "cudnn"))] fn conv2d( &self, l: &Layout, kernel: &Self, kernel_l: &Layout, params: &crate::conv::ParamsConv2D, ) -> Result<Self> { const USE_IM2COL_CONV2D: bool = true; let device = self.device().clone(); if !USE_IM2COL_CONV2D { let slice = Conv2D(params).map(&self.slice, l, &kernel.slice, kernel_l, &device)?; return Ok(Self { slice, device }); } let col = Im2Col { h_k: params.k_h, w_k: params.k_w, stride: params.stride, dilation: params.dilation, padding: params.padding, } .map(&self.slice, &device, l)?; let col = Self { slice: col, device }; let h_out = params.out_h(); let w_out = params.out_w(); let b = params.b_size; let n = params.c_out; let k = params.k_h * params.k_w * params.c_in; let m = h_out * w_out; let col_l = Layout::contiguous((b, m, k)); let res = if kernel_l.is_contiguous() { let kernel_l = Layout::contiguous_with_offset((1, n, k), kernel_l.start_offset()) .transpose(1, 2)? .broadcast_as((b, k, n))?; col.matmul(kernel, (b, m, n, k), &col_l, &kernel_l)? } else { // Make the kernel contiguous if not already the case. let mut kernel_c = self.device().zeros_impl(kernel_l.shape(), kernel.dtype())?; kernel.copy_strided_src(&mut kernel_c, 0, kernel_l)?; let kernel_l = Layout::contiguous_with_offset((1, n, k), kernel_l.start_offset()) .transpose(1, 2)? .broadcast_as((b, k, n))?; col.matmul(kernel, (b, m, n, k), &col_l, &kernel_l)? }; let res_l = Layout::contiguous((b, h_out, w_out, n)) .transpose(1, 2)? .transpose(1, 3)?; let mut res_t = self.device().zeros_impl(res_l.shape(), res.dtype())?; res.copy_strided_src(&mut res_t, 0, &res_l)?; Ok(res_t) } #[cfg(feature = "cudnn")] fn conv2d( &self, inp_l: &Layout, kernel: &Self, kernel_l: &Layout, params: &crate::conv::ParamsConv2D, ) -> Result<Self> { let device = self.device().clone(); if !kernel_l.is_contiguous() { let slice = Conv2D(params).map(&self.slice, inp_l, &kernel.slice, kernel_l, &device)?; return Ok(Self { slice, device }); } let (out_w, out_h) = (params.out_w(), params.out_h()); let dst_el = params.c_out * out_w * out_h * params.b_size; let slice = match (&self.slice, &kernel.slice) { (S::U8(inp), S::U8(k)) => { let inp = &inp.slice(inp_l.start_offset()..); let k = &k.slice(kernel_l.start_offset()..); let mut out = unsafe { device.alloc::<u8>(dst_el) }.w()?; crate::cudnn::launch_conv2d::<u8>(inp, inp_l, k, &mut out, params, &device) .map_err(crate::Error::wrap)?; S::U8(out) } (S::BF16(inp), S::BF16(k)) => { let inp = &inp.slice(inp_l.start_offset()..); let k = &k.slice(kernel_l.start_offset()..); let mut out = unsafe { device.alloc::<bf16>(dst_el) }.w()?; crate::cudnn::launch_conv2d::<bf16>(inp, inp_l, k, &mut out, params, &device) .map_err(crate::Error::wrap)?; S::BF16(out) } (S::F16(inp), S::F16(k)) => { let inp = &inp.slice(inp_l.start_offset()..); let k = &k.slice(kernel_l.start_offset()..); let mut out = unsafe { device.alloc::<f16>(dst_el) }.w()?; crate::cudnn::launch_conv2d::<f16>(inp, inp_l, k, &mut out, params, &device) .map_err(crate::Error::wrap)?; S::F16(out) } (S::F32(inp), S::F32(k)) => { let inp = &inp.slice(inp_l.start_offset()..); let k = &k.slice(kernel_l.start_offset()..); let mut out = unsafe { device.alloc::<f32>(dst_el) }.w()?; crate::cudnn::launch_conv2d::<f32>(inp, inp_l, k, &mut out, params, &device) .map_err(crate::Error::wrap)?; S::F32(out) } (S::F64(inp), S::F64(k)) => { let inp = &inp.slice(inp_l.start_offset()..); let k = &k.slice(kernel_l.start_offset()..); let mut out = unsafe { device.alloc::<f64>(dst_el) }.w()?; crate::cudnn::launch_conv2d::<f64>(inp, inp_l, k, &mut out, params, &device) .map_err(crate::Error::wrap)?; S::F64(out) } (S::U32(_), S::U32(_)) => Err(CudaError::InternalError("conv2d does not support u32"))?, (S::I64(_), S::I64(_)) => Err(CudaError::InternalError("conv2d does not support i64"))?, _ => Err(CudaError::InternalError("dtype mismatch in conv2d"))?, }; Ok(Self { slice, device }) } fn conv_transpose2d( &self, l: &Layout, kernel: &Self, kernel_l: &Layout, params: &crate::conv::ParamsConvTranspose2D, ) -> Result<Self> { let device = self.device().clone(); let slice = ConvTranspose2D(params).map(&self.slice, l, &kernel.slice, kernel_l, &device)?; Ok(Self { slice, device }) } fn avg_pool2d(&self, l: &Layout, k: (usize, usize), stride: (usize, usize)) -> Result<Self> { let device = self.device().clone(); let slice = Pool2D { w_k: k.0, h_k: k.1, w_stride: stride.0, h_stride: stride.1, op: PoolOp::Avg, } .map(&self.slice, &device, l)?; Ok(Self { slice, device }) } fn max_pool2d(&self, l: &Layout, k: (usize, usize), stride: (usize, usize)) -> Result<Self> { let device = self.device().clone(); let slice = Pool2D { w_k: k.0, h_k: k.1, w_stride: stride.0, h_stride: stride.1, op: PoolOp::Max, } .map(&self.slice, &device, l)?; Ok(Self { slice, device }) } fn upsample_nearest1d(&self, _: &Layout, _out_sz: usize) -> Result<Self> { crate::bail!("upsample-nearest1d is not supported on cuda") } fn upsample_nearest2d(&self, l: &Layout, out_w: usize, out_h: usize) -> Result<Self> { let device = self.device().clone(); let slice = UpsampleNearest2D(out_w, out_h).map(&self.slice, &device, l)?; Ok(Self { slice, device }) } fn index_select(&self, ids: &Self, l: &Layout, ids_l: &Layout, dim: usize) -> Result<Self> { let device = self.device().clone(); let slice = IndexSelect(ids, ids_l, dim).map(&self.slice, &device, l)?; Ok(Self { slice, device }) } fn gather(&self, l: &Layout, ids: &Self, ids_l: &Layout, dim: usize) -> Result<Self> { let device = self.device().clone(); let slice = Gather(ids, ids_l, dim).map(&self.slice, &device, l)?; Ok(Self { slice, device }) } fn scatter_add( &self, l: &Layout, ids: &Self, ids_l: &Layout, src: &Self, src_l: &Layout, dim: usize, ) -> Result<Self> { let device = self.device().clone(); let mut acc = device.zeros_impl(l.shape(), self.dtype())?; self.copy_strided_src(&mut acc, 0, l)?; ScatterAdd(ids, ids_l, dim).map(&mut acc.slice, l.shape(), &src.slice, src_l, &device)?; Ok(acc) } fn index_add( &self, l: &Layout, ids: &Self, ids_l: &Layout, src: &Self, src_l: &Layout, dim: usize, ) -> Result<Self> { let device = self.device().clone(); let mut acc = device.zeros_impl(l.shape(), self.dtype())?; self.copy_strided_src(&mut acc, 0, l)?; IndexAdd(ids, ids_l, dim).map(&mut acc.slice, l.shape(), &src.slice, src_l, &device)?; Ok(acc) } fn matmul( &self, rhs: &Self, (b, m, n, k): (usize, usize, usize, usize), lhs_l: &Layout, rhs_l: &Layout, ) -> Result<Self> { let elem_count = b * m * n; let dev = &self.device; let slice = match (&self.slice, &rhs.slice) { (CudaStorageSlice::BF16(lhs), CudaStorageSlice::BF16(rhs)) => { let lhs = &lhs.slice(lhs_l.start_offset()..); let rhs = &rhs.slice(rhs_l.start_offset()..); let cfg = gemm_config(bf16::ONE, bf16::ZERO, (b, m, n, k), lhs_l, rhs_l)?; let mut out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<bf16>(elem_count) }.w()?; unsafe { self.device .blas .gemm_strided_batched(cfg, rhs, lhs, &mut out) } .w()?; CudaStorageSlice::BF16(out) } (CudaStorageSlice::F16(lhs), CudaStorageSlice::F16(rhs)) => { let lhs = &lhs.slice(lhs_l.start_offset()..); let rhs = &rhs.slice(rhs_l.start_offset()..); let cfg = gemm_config(f16::ONE, f16::ZERO, (b, m, n, k), lhs_l, rhs_l)?; let mut out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<f16>(elem_count) }.w()?; unsafe { self.device .blas .gemm_strided_batched(cfg, rhs, lhs, &mut out) } .w()?; CudaStorageSlice::F16(out) } (CudaStorageSlice::F32(lhs), CudaStorageSlice::F32(rhs)) => { let lhs = &lhs.slice(lhs_l.start_offset()..); let rhs = &rhs.slice(rhs_l.start_offset()..); let cfg = gemm_config(1., 0., (b, m, n, k), lhs_l, rhs_l)?; let mut out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<f32>(elem_count) }.w()?; unsafe { self.device .blas .gemm_strided_batched(cfg, rhs, lhs, &mut out) } .w()?; CudaStorageSlice::F32(out) } (CudaStorageSlice::F64(lhs), CudaStorageSlice::F64(rhs)) => { let lhs = &lhs.slice(lhs_l.start_offset()..); let rhs = &rhs.slice(rhs_l.start_offset()..); let cfg = gemm_config(1., 0., (b, m, n, k), lhs_l, rhs_l)?; let mut out = unsafe { dev.alloc::<f64>(elem_count) }.w()?; unsafe { self.device .blas .gemm_strided_batched(cfg, rhs, lhs, &mut out) } .w()?; CudaStorageSlice::F64(out) } _ => Err(CudaError::InternalError("dtype mismatch in matmul op"))?, }; let device = dev.clone(); Ok(Self { slice, device }) } fn copy_strided_src(&self, dst: &mut Self, dst_offset: usize, src_l: &Layout) -> Result<()> { let src_shape = src_l.shape(); let dims = src_shape.dims(); let el_count = src_shape.elem_count(); if el_count == 0 { return Ok(()); } let cfg = LaunchConfig::for_num_elems(el_count as u32); let dev = &self.device; let ds = dev.htod_copy([dims, src_l.stride()].concat()).w()?; match (&self.slice, &mut dst.slice) { (CudaStorageSlice::BF16(src), CudaStorageSlice::BF16(dst)) => { let (src, mut dst) = slice_src_and_dst(src, src_l, dst, dst_offset); if src_l.is_contiguous() { dev.dtod_copy(&src, &mut dst).w()? } else { let func = dev.get_or_load_func("ucopy_bf16", kernels::UNARY)?; // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let params = (el_count, dims.len(), &ds, &src, &mut dst); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()? } } (CudaStorageSlice::F16(src), CudaStorageSlice::F16(dst)) => { let (src, mut dst) = slice_src_and_dst(src, src_l, dst, dst_offset); if src_l.is_contiguous() { dev.dtod_copy(&src, &mut dst).w()? } else { let func = dev.get_or_load_func("ucopy_f16", kernels::UNARY)?; // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let params = (el_count, dims.len(), &ds, &src, &mut dst); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()? } } (CudaStorageSlice::F32(src), CudaStorageSlice::F32(dst)) => { let (src, mut dst) = slice_src_and_dst(src, src_l, dst, dst_offset); if src_l.is_contiguous() { dev.dtod_copy(&src, &mut dst).w()? } else { let func = dev.get_or_load_func("ucopy_f32", kernels::UNARY)?; // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let params = (el_count, dims.len(), &ds, &src, &mut dst); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()? } } (CudaStorageSlice::U8(src), CudaStorageSlice::U8(dst)) => { let (src, mut dst) = slice_src_and_dst(src, src_l, dst, dst_offset); if src_l.is_contiguous() { dev.dtod_copy(&src, &mut dst).w()? } else { let func = dev.get_or_load_func("ucopy_u8", kernels::UNARY)?; // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let params = (el_count, dims.len(), &ds, &src, &mut dst); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()? } } (CudaStorageSlice::U32(src), CudaStorageSlice::U32(dst)) => { let (src, mut dst) = slice_src_and_dst(src, src_l, dst, dst_offset); if src_l.is_contiguous() { dev.dtod_copy(&src, &mut dst).w()? } else { let func = dev.get_or_load_func("ucopy_u32", kernels::UNARY)?; // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let params = (el_count, dims.len(), &ds, &src, &mut dst); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()? } } (CudaStorageSlice::I64(src), CudaStorageSlice::I64(dst)) => { let (src, mut dst) = slice_src_and_dst(src, src_l, dst, dst_offset); if src_l.is_contiguous() { dev.dtod_copy(&src, &mut dst).w()? } else { let func = dev.get_or_load_func("ucopy_i64", kernels::UNARY)?; // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let params = (el_count, dims.len(), &ds, &src, &mut dst); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()? } } (CudaStorageSlice::F64(src), CudaStorageSlice::F64(dst)) => { let (src, mut dst) = slice_src_and_dst(src, src_l, dst, dst_offset); if src_l.is_contiguous() { dev.dtod_copy(&src, &mut dst).w()? } else { let func = dev.get_or_load_func("ucopy_f64", kernels::UNARY)?; // SAFETY: Set later by running the kernel. let params = (el_count, dims.len(), &ds, &src, &mut dst); // SAFETY: ffi. unsafe { func.launch(cfg, params) }.w()?; } } _ => Err(CudaError::InternalError( "dtype mismatch in copy_strided op", ))?, } Ok(()) } }
{ "file_path": "candle/candle-core/src/cuda_backend.rs", "repo_id": "candle", "token_count": 44652 }
use super::k_quants::{ BlockQ2K, BlockQ3K, BlockQ4K, BlockQ4_0, BlockQ5K, BlockQ6K, BlockQ8K, BlockQ8_0, QK8_0, QK_K, }; use crate::Result; use byteorder::{ByteOrder, LittleEndian}; use half::f16; #[cfg(target_arch = "x86")] use core::arch::x86::*; #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] use core::arch::x86_64::*; #[inline(always)] pub(crate) unsafe fn sum_i16_pairs_float(x: __m256i) -> __m256 { let ones = _mm256_set1_epi16(1); let summed_pairs = _mm256_madd_epi16(ones, x); _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(summed_pairs) } #[inline(always)] pub(crate) unsafe fn mul_sum_us8_pairs_float(ax: __m256i, sy: __m256i) -> __m256 { let dot = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(ax, sy); sum_i16_pairs_float(dot) } #[inline(always)] pub(crate) unsafe fn hsum_float_8(x: __m256) -> f32 { let res = _mm256_extractf128_ps(x, 1); let res = _mm_add_ps(res, _mm256_castps256_ps128(x)); let res = _mm_add_ps(res, _mm_movehl_ps(res, res)); let res = _mm_add_ss(res, _mm_movehdup_ps(res)); _mm_cvtss_f32(res) } #[inline(always)] pub(crate) unsafe fn bytes_from_nibbles_32(rsi: *const u8) -> __m256i { let tmp = _mm_loadu_si128(rsi as *const __m128i); let bytes = _mm256_insertf128_si256::<1>(_mm256_castsi128_si256(tmp), _mm_srli_epi16(tmp, 4)); let low_mask = _mm256_set1_epi8(0xF); _mm256_and_si256(low_mask, bytes) } #[inline(always)] pub(crate) unsafe fn mul_sum_i8_pairs_float(x: __m256i, y: __m256i) -> __m256 { let ax = _mm256_sign_epi8(x, x); let sy = _mm256_sign_epi8(y, x); mul_sum_us8_pairs_float(ax, sy) } #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn vec_dot_q4_0_q8_0(n: usize, xs: &[BlockQ4_0], ys: &[BlockQ8_0]) -> Result<f32> { let qk = QK8_0; if n % QK8_0 != 0 { crate::bail!("vec_dot_q4_0_q8_0: {n} is not divisible by {qk}") } unsafe { let mut acc = _mm256_setzero_ps(); for (x, y) in xs.iter().zip(ys.iter()) { let d = _mm256_set1_ps(f16::to_f32(x.d) * f16::to_f32(y.d)); let bx = bytes_from_nibbles_32(x.qs.as_ptr()); let off = _mm256_set1_epi8(8); let bx = _mm256_sub_epi8(bx, off); let by = _mm256_loadu_si256(y.qs.as_ptr() as *const __m256i); let q = mul_sum_i8_pairs_float(bx, by); acc = _mm256_fmadd_ps(d, q, acc); } Ok(hsum_float_8(acc)) } } #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn vec_dot_q8_0_q8_0(n: usize, xs: &[BlockQ8_0], ys: &[BlockQ8_0]) -> Result<f32> { let qk = QK8_0; if n % QK8_0 != 0 { crate::bail!("vec_dot_q8_0_q8_0: {n} is not divisible by {qk}") } unsafe { let mut acc = _mm256_setzero_ps(); for (x, y) in xs.iter().zip(ys.iter()) { let d = _mm256_set1_ps(f16::to_f32(x.d) * f16::to_f32(y.d)); let bx = _mm256_loadu_si256(x.qs.as_ptr() as *const __m256i); let by = _mm256_loadu_si256(y.qs.as_ptr() as *const __m256i); let q = mul_sum_i8_pairs_float(bx, by); acc = _mm256_fmadd_ps(d, q, acc); } Ok(hsum_float_8(acc)) } } #[inline(always)] unsafe fn get_scale_shuffle(i: usize) -> __m128i { const K_SHUFFLE: [u8; 128] = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, ]; _mm_loadu_si128((K_SHUFFLE.as_ptr() as *const __m128i).add(i)) } #[inline(always)] unsafe fn get_scale_shuffle_k4(i: usize) -> __m256i { const K_SHUFFLE: [u8; 256] = [ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 12, 13, 12, 13, 12, 13, 12, 13, 12, 13, 12, 13, 12, 13, 12, 13, 12, 13, 12, 13, 12, 13, 12, 13, 12, 13, 12, 13, 12, 13, 12, 13, 14, 15, 14, 15, 14, 15, 14, 15, 14, 15, 14, 15, 14, 15, 14, 15, 14, 15, 14, 15, 14, 15, 14, 15, 14, 15, 14, 15, 14, 15, 14, 15, ]; _mm256_loadu_si256((K_SHUFFLE.as_ptr() as *const __m256i).add(i)) } #[inline(always)] unsafe fn get_scale_shuffle_q3k(i: usize) -> __m256i { const K_SHUFFLE: [u8; 128] = [ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10, 11, 12, 13, 12, 13, 12, 13, 12, 13, 12, 13, 12, 13, 12, 13, 12, 13, 14, 15, 14, 15, 14, 15, 14, 15, 14, 15, 14, 15, 14, 15, 14, 15, ]; _mm256_loadu_si256((K_SHUFFLE.as_ptr() as *const __m256i).add(i)) } #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn vec_dot_q6k_q8k(n: usize, xs: &[BlockQ6K], ys: &[BlockQ8K]) -> Result<f32> { let qk = QK_K; if n % qk != 0 { crate::bail!("vec_dot_q6k_8k: {n} is not divisible by {qk}") } unsafe { let m4 = _mm256_set1_epi8(0xF); let m2 = _mm256_set1_epi8(3); let m32s = _mm256_set1_epi8(32); let mut acc = _mm256_setzero_ps(); for (x, y) in xs.iter().zip(ys.iter()) { let d = y.d * x.d.to_f32(); let mut q4 = x.ql.as_ptr(); let mut qh = x.qh.as_ptr(); let mut q8 = y.qs.as_ptr(); let scales = _mm_loadu_si128(x.scales.as_ptr() as *const __m128i); let mut sumi = _mm256_setzero_si256(); for j in 0..QK_K / 128 { let is = j * 4; let scale_0 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(scales, get_scale_shuffle(is)); let scale_1 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(scales, get_scale_shuffle(is + 1)); let scale_2 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(scales, get_scale_shuffle(is + 2)); let scale_3 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(scales, get_scale_shuffle(is + 3)); let q4bits1 = _mm256_loadu_si256(q4 as *const __m256i); q4 = q4.add(32); let q4bits2 = _mm256_loadu_si256(q4 as *const __m256i); q4 = q4.add(32); let q4bits_h = _mm256_loadu_si256(qh as *const __m256i); qh = qh.add(32); let q4h_0 = _mm256_slli_epi16(_mm256_and_si256(q4bits_h, m2), 4); let q4h_1 = _mm256_slli_epi16(_mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q4bits_h, 2), m2), 4); let q4h_2 = _mm256_slli_epi16(_mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q4bits_h, 4), m2), 4); let q4h_3 = _mm256_slli_epi16(_mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q4bits_h, 6), m2), 4); let q4_0 = _mm256_or_si256(_mm256_and_si256(q4bits1, m4), q4h_0); let q4_1 = _mm256_or_si256(_mm256_and_si256(q4bits2, m4), q4h_1); let q4_2 = _mm256_or_si256(_mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q4bits1, 4), m4), q4h_2); let q4_3 = _mm256_or_si256(_mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q4bits2, 4), m4), q4h_3); let q8_0 = _mm256_loadu_si256(q8 as *const __m256i); q8 = q8.add(32); let q8_1 = _mm256_loadu_si256(q8 as *const __m256i); q8 = q8.add(32); let q8_2 = _mm256_loadu_si256(q8 as *const __m256i); q8 = q8.add(32); let q8_3 = _mm256_loadu_si256(q8 as *const __m256i); q8 = q8.add(32); let q8s_0 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(m32s, q8_0); let q8s_1 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(m32s, q8_1); let q8s_2 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(m32s, q8_2); let q8s_3 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(m32s, q8_3); let p16_0 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q4_0, q8_0); let p16_1 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q4_1, q8_1); let p16_2 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q4_2, q8_2); let p16_3 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q4_3, q8_3); let p16_0 = _mm256_sub_epi16(p16_0, q8s_0); let p16_1 = _mm256_sub_epi16(p16_1, q8s_1); let p16_2 = _mm256_sub_epi16(p16_2, q8s_2); let p16_3 = _mm256_sub_epi16(p16_3, q8s_3); let p16_0 = _mm256_madd_epi16(_mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(scale_0), p16_0); let p16_1 = _mm256_madd_epi16(_mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(scale_1), p16_1); let p16_2 = _mm256_madd_epi16(_mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(scale_2), p16_2); let p16_3 = _mm256_madd_epi16(_mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(scale_3), p16_3); sumi = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi, _mm256_add_epi32(p16_0, p16_1)); sumi = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi, _mm256_add_epi32(p16_2, p16_3)); } acc = _mm256_fmadd_ps(_mm256_broadcast_ss(&d), _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(sumi), acc); } Ok(hsum_float_8(acc)) } } #[inline(always)] unsafe fn mm256_set_m128i(a: __m128i, b: __m128i) -> __m256i { _mm256_insertf128_si256(_mm256_castsi128_si256(b), a, 1) } #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn vec_dot_q2k_q8k(n: usize, xs: &[BlockQ2K], ys: &[BlockQ8K]) -> Result<f32> { if n % QK_K != 0 { crate::bail!("vec_dot_q2k_q8k: {n} is not divisible by {QK_K}") } unsafe { let m3 = _mm256_set1_epi8(3); let m4 = _mm_set1_epi8(0xF); let mut acc = _mm256_setzero_ps(); for (x, y) in xs.iter().zip(ys.iter()) { let d = y.d * x.d.to_f32(); let dmin = -y.d * x.dmin.to_f32(); let mut q2 = x.qs.as_ptr(); let mut q8 = y.qs.as_ptr(); let mins_and_scales = _mm_loadu_si128(x.scales.as_ptr() as *const __m128i); let scales8 = _mm_and_si128(mins_and_scales, m4); let mins8 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(mins_and_scales, 4), m4); let mins = _mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(mins8); let prod = _mm256_madd_epi16(mins, _mm256_loadu_si256(y.bsums.as_ptr() as *const __m256i)); acc = _mm256_fmadd_ps(_mm256_broadcast_ss(&dmin), _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(prod), acc); let all_scales = _mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(scales8); let l_scales = _mm256_extracti128_si256(all_scales, 0); let h_scales = _mm256_extracti128_si256(all_scales, 1); let scales = [ mm256_set_m128i(l_scales, l_scales), mm256_set_m128i(h_scales, h_scales), ]; let mut sumi = _mm256_setzero_si256(); for scale in scales { let q2bits = _mm256_loadu_si256(q2 as *const __m256i); q2 = q2.add(32); let q8_0 = _mm256_loadu_si256(q8 as *const __m256i); q8 = q8.add(32); let q8_1 = _mm256_loadu_si256(q8 as *const __m256i); q8 = q8.add(32); let q8_2 = _mm256_loadu_si256(q8 as *const __m256i); q8 = q8.add(32); let q8_3 = _mm256_loadu_si256(q8 as *const __m256i); q8 = q8.add(32); let q2_0 = _mm256_and_si256(q2bits, m3); let q2_1 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q2bits, 2), m3); let q2_2 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q2bits, 4), m3); let q2_3 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q2bits, 6), m3); let p0 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q2_0, q8_0); let p1 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q2_1, q8_1); let p2 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q2_2, q8_2); let p3 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q2_3, q8_3); let p0 = _mm256_madd_epi16(_mm256_shuffle_epi8(scale, get_scale_shuffle_q3k(0)), p0); let p1 = _mm256_madd_epi16(_mm256_shuffle_epi8(scale, get_scale_shuffle_q3k(1)), p1); let p2 = _mm256_madd_epi16(_mm256_shuffle_epi8(scale, get_scale_shuffle_q3k(2)), p2); let p3 = _mm256_madd_epi16(_mm256_shuffle_epi8(scale, get_scale_shuffle_q3k(3)), p3); let p0 = _mm256_add_epi32(p0, p1); let p2 = _mm256_add_epi32(p2, p3); sumi = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi, _mm256_add_epi32(p0, p2)); } acc = _mm256_fmadd_ps(_mm256_broadcast_ss(&d), _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(sumi), acc); } Ok(hsum_float_8(acc)) } } #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn vec_dot_q3k_q8k(n: usize, xs: &[BlockQ3K], ys: &[BlockQ8K]) -> Result<f32> { if n % QK_K != 0 { crate::bail!("vec_dot_q3k_q8k: {n} is not divisible by {QK_K}") } const KMASK1: u32 = 0x03030303; const KMASK2: u32 = 0x0f0f0f0f; let mut aux = [0u32; 3]; unsafe { let m3 = _mm256_set1_epi8(3); let mone = _mm256_set1_epi8(1); let m32 = _mm_set1_epi8(32); let mut acc = _mm256_setzero_ps(); for (x, y) in xs.iter().zip(ys.iter()) { let d = y.d * x.d.to_f32(); let mut q3 = x.qs.as_ptr(); let mut q8 = y.qs.as_ptr(); LittleEndian::read_u32_into(&x.scales, &mut aux); let scales128 = _mm_set_epi32( (((aux[1] >> 4) & KMASK2) | (((aux[2] >> 6) & KMASK1) << 4)) as i32, (((aux[0] >> 4) & KMASK2) | (((aux[2] >> 4) & KMASK1) << 4)) as i32, ((aux[1] & KMASK2) | (((aux[2] >> 2) & KMASK1) << 4)) as i32, ((aux[0] & KMASK2) | (((aux[2]) & KMASK1) << 4)) as i32, ); let scales128 = _mm_sub_epi8(scales128, m32); let all_scales = _mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(scales128); let l_scales = _mm256_extracti128_si256(all_scales, 0); let h_scales = _mm256_extracti128_si256(all_scales, 1); let scales = [ mm256_set_m128i(l_scales, l_scales), mm256_set_m128i(h_scales, h_scales), ]; // high bit let hbits = _mm256_loadu_si256(x.hmask.as_ptr() as *const __m256i); let mut sumi = _mm256_setzero_si256(); for (j, scale) in scales.iter().enumerate() { // load low 2 bits let q3bits = _mm256_loadu_si256(q3 as *const __m256i); q3 = q3.add(32); // Prepare low and high bits // We hardcode the shifts here to avoid loading them into a separate register let q3l_0 = _mm256_and_si256(q3bits, m3); let q3h_0 = if j == 0 { _mm256_srli_epi16(_mm256_andnot_si256(hbits, _mm256_slli_epi16(mone, 0)), 0) } else { _mm256_srli_epi16(_mm256_andnot_si256(hbits, _mm256_slli_epi16(mone, 4)), 4) }; let q3h_0 = _mm256_slli_epi16(q3h_0, 2); let q3l_1 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q3bits, 2), m3); let q3h_1 = if j == 0 { _mm256_srli_epi16(_mm256_andnot_si256(hbits, _mm256_slli_epi16(mone, 1)), 1) } else { _mm256_srli_epi16(_mm256_andnot_si256(hbits, _mm256_slli_epi16(mone, 5)), 5) }; let q3h_1 = _mm256_slli_epi16(q3h_1, 2); let q3l_2 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q3bits, 4), m3); let q3h_2 = if j == 0 { _mm256_srli_epi16(_mm256_andnot_si256(hbits, _mm256_slli_epi16(mone, 2)), 2) } else { _mm256_srli_epi16(_mm256_andnot_si256(hbits, _mm256_slli_epi16(mone, 6)), 6) }; let q3h_2 = _mm256_slli_epi16(q3h_2, 2); let q3l_3 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q3bits, 6), m3); let q3h_3 = if j == 0 { _mm256_srli_epi16(_mm256_andnot_si256(hbits, _mm256_slli_epi16(mone, 3)), 3) } else { _mm256_srli_epi16(_mm256_andnot_si256(hbits, _mm256_slli_epi16(mone, 7)), 7) }; let q3h_3 = _mm256_slli_epi16(q3h_3, 2); // load Q8 quants let q8_0 = _mm256_loadu_si256(q8 as *const __m256i); q8 = q8.add(32); let q8_1 = _mm256_loadu_si256(q8 as *const __m256i); q8 = q8.add(32); let q8_2 = _mm256_loadu_si256(q8 as *const __m256i); q8 = q8.add(32); let q8_3 = _mm256_loadu_si256(q8 as *const __m256i); q8 = q8.add(32); // Dot product: we multiply the 2 low bits and 1 high bit part separately, so we // can use _mm256_maddubs_epi16, and then subtract. The high bit part has the 2 // already subtracted (and so, it is zero if the high bit was not set, and 2 if the // high bit was set) let q8s_0 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q3h_0, q8_0); let q8s_1 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q3h_1, q8_1); let q8s_2 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q3h_2, q8_2); let q8s_3 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q3h_3, q8_3); let p16_0 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q3l_0, q8_0); let p16_1 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q3l_1, q8_1); let p16_2 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q3l_2, q8_2); let p16_3 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q3l_3, q8_3); let p16_0 = _mm256_sub_epi16(p16_0, q8s_0); let p16_1 = _mm256_sub_epi16(p16_1, q8s_1); let p16_2 = _mm256_sub_epi16(p16_2, q8s_2); let p16_3 = _mm256_sub_epi16(p16_3, q8s_3); // multiply with scales let p16_0 = _mm256_madd_epi16(_mm256_shuffle_epi8(*scale, get_scale_shuffle_q3k(0)), p16_0); let p16_1 = _mm256_madd_epi16(_mm256_shuffle_epi8(*scale, get_scale_shuffle_q3k(1)), p16_1); let p16_2 = _mm256_madd_epi16(_mm256_shuffle_epi8(*scale, get_scale_shuffle_q3k(2)), p16_2); let p16_3 = _mm256_madd_epi16(_mm256_shuffle_epi8(*scale, get_scale_shuffle_q3k(3)), p16_3); // accumulate let p16_0 = _mm256_add_epi32(p16_0, p16_1); let p16_2 = _mm256_add_epi32(p16_2, p16_3); sumi = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi, _mm256_add_epi32(p16_0, p16_2)); } // multiply with block scale and accumulate acc = _mm256_fmadd_ps(_mm256_broadcast_ss(&d), _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(sumi), acc); } Ok(hsum_float_8(acc)) } } #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn vec_dot_q4k_q8k(n: usize, xs: &[BlockQ4K], ys: &[BlockQ8K]) -> Result<f32> { if n % QK_K != 0 { crate::bail!("vec_dot_q4k_q8k: {n} is not divisible by {QK_K}") } let mut utmp = [0u32; 4]; const KMASK1: u32 = 0x3f3f3f3f; const KMASK2: u32 = 0x0f0f0f0f; const KMASK3: u32 = 0x03030303; unsafe { let m4 = _mm256_set1_epi8(0xF); let mut acc = _mm256_setzero_ps(); let mut acc_m = _mm_setzero_ps(); for (x, y) in xs.iter().zip(ys.iter()) { let d = y.d * x.d.to_f32(); let dmin = -y.d * x.dmin.to_f32(); LittleEndian::read_u32_into(&x.scales, &mut utmp[0..3]); utmp[3] = ((utmp[2] >> 4) & KMASK2) | (((utmp[1] >> 6) & KMASK3) << 4); let uaux = utmp[1] & KMASK1; utmp[1] = (utmp[2] & KMASK2) | (((utmp[0] >> 6) & KMASK3) << 4); utmp[2] = uaux; utmp[0] &= KMASK1; let mut q4 = x.qs.as_ptr(); let mut q8 = y.qs.as_ptr(); let mins_and_scales = _mm256_cvtepu8_epi16(_mm_set_epi32( utmp[3] as i32, utmp[2] as i32, utmp[1] as i32, utmp[0] as i32, )); let q8sums = _mm256_loadu_si256(y.bsums.as_ptr() as *const __m256i); let q8s = _mm_hadd_epi16( _mm256_extracti128_si256(q8sums, 0), _mm256_extracti128_si256(q8sums, 1), ); let prod = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm256_extracti128_si256(mins_and_scales, 1), q8s); acc_m = _mm_fmadd_ps(_mm_set1_ps(dmin), _mm_cvtepi32_ps(prod), acc_m); let sc128 = _mm256_extracti128_si256(mins_and_scales, 0); let scales = mm256_set_m128i(sc128, sc128); let mut sumi = _mm256_setzero_si256(); for j in 0..QK_K / 64 { let scale_l = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(scales, get_scale_shuffle_k4(2 * j)); let scale_h = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(scales, get_scale_shuffle_k4(2 * j + 1)); let q4bits = _mm256_loadu_si256(q4 as *const __m256i); q4 = q4.add(32); let q4l = _mm256_and_si256(q4bits, m4); let q4h = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q4bits, 4), m4); let q8l = _mm256_loadu_si256(q8 as *const __m256i); q8 = q8.add(32); let p16l = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q4l, q8l); let p16l = _mm256_madd_epi16(scale_l, p16l); sumi = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi, p16l); let q8h = _mm256_loadu_si256(q8 as *const __m256i); q8 = q8.add(32); let p16h = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q4h, q8h); let p16h = _mm256_madd_epi16(scale_h, p16h); sumi = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi, p16h); } let vd = _mm256_set1_ps(d); acc = _mm256_fmadd_ps(vd, _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(sumi), acc); } let acc_m = _mm_add_ps(acc_m, _mm_movehl_ps(acc_m, acc_m)); let acc_m = _mm_add_ss(acc_m, _mm_movehdup_ps(acc_m)); Ok(hsum_float_8(acc) + _mm_cvtss_f32(acc_m)) } } #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn vec_dot_q5k_q8k(n: usize, xs: &[BlockQ5K], ys: &[BlockQ8K]) -> Result<f32> { if n % QK_K != 0 { crate::bail!("vec_dot_q5k_q8k: {n} is not divisible by {QK_K}") } let mut utmp = [0u32; 4]; const KMASK1: u32 = 0x3f3f3f3f; const KMASK2: u32 = 0x0f0f0f0f; const KMASK3: u32 = 0x03030303; unsafe { let m4 = _mm256_set1_epi8(0xF); let mzero = _mm_setzero_si128(); let mone = _mm256_set1_epi8(1); let mut acc = _mm256_setzero_ps(); let mut summs = 0.0; for (x, y) in xs.iter().zip(ys.iter()) { let d = y.d * x.d.to_f32(); let dmin = -y.d * x.dmin.to_f32(); LittleEndian::read_u32_into(&x.scales, &mut utmp[0..3]); utmp[3] = ((utmp[2] >> 4) & KMASK2) | (((utmp[1] >> 6) & KMASK3) << 4); let uaux = utmp[1] & KMASK1; utmp[1] = (utmp[2] & KMASK2) | (((utmp[0] >> 6) & KMASK3) << 4); utmp[2] = uaux; utmp[0] &= KMASK1; let mut q5 = x.qs.as_ptr(); let mut q8 = y.qs.as_ptr(); let mins_and_scales = _mm256_cvtepu8_epi16(_mm_set_epi32( utmp[3] as i32, utmp[2] as i32, utmp[1] as i32, utmp[0] as i32, )); let q8sums = _mm256_loadu_si256(y.bsums.as_ptr() as *const __m256i); let q8s = _mm_hadd_epi16( _mm256_extracti128_si256(q8sums, 0), _mm256_extracti128_si256(q8sums, 1), ); let prod = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm256_extracti128_si256(mins_and_scales, 1), q8s); let hsum = _mm_hadd_epi32(_mm_hadd_epi32(prod, mzero), mzero); summs += dmin * _mm_extract_epi32(hsum, 0) as f32; let sc128 = _mm256_extracti128_si256(mins_and_scales, 0); let scales = mm256_set_m128i(sc128, sc128); let hbits = _mm256_loadu_si256(x.qh.as_ptr() as *const __m256i); let mut hmask = mone; let mut sumi = _mm256_setzero_si256(); for j in 0..QK_K / 64 { let scale_0 = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(scales, get_scale_shuffle_k4(2 * j)); let scale_1 = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(scales, get_scale_shuffle_k4(2 * j + 1)); let q5bits = _mm256_loadu_si256(q5 as *const __m256i); q5 = q5.add(32); //Similar to q3k we hardcode the shifts here to avoid loading them into a separate register let q5l_0 = _mm256_and_si256(q5bits, m4); let q5l_0_shift_input = _mm256_and_si256(hbits, hmask); let q5l_0_right_shift = match j { 0 => _mm256_srli_epi16(q5l_0_shift_input, 0), 1 => _mm256_srli_epi16(q5l_0_shift_input, 2), 2 => _mm256_srli_epi16(q5l_0_shift_input, 4), 3 => _mm256_srli_epi16(q5l_0_shift_input, 6), _ => unreachable!(), }; let q5h_0 = _mm256_slli_epi16(q5l_0_right_shift, 4); let q5_0 = _mm256_add_epi8(q5l_0, q5h_0); hmask = _mm256_slli_epi16(hmask, 1); let q5l_1 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q5bits, 4), m4); let q5l_1_shift_input = _mm256_and_si256(hbits, hmask); let q5l_1_right_shift = match j { 0 => _mm256_srli_epi16(q5l_1_shift_input, 1), 1 => _mm256_srli_epi16(q5l_1_shift_input, 3), 2 => _mm256_srli_epi16(q5l_1_shift_input, 5), 3 => _mm256_srli_epi16(q5l_1_shift_input, 7), _ => unreachable!(), }; let q5h_1 = _mm256_slli_epi16(q5l_1_right_shift, 4); let q5_1 = _mm256_add_epi8(q5l_1, q5h_1); hmask = _mm256_slli_epi16(hmask, 1); let q8_0 = _mm256_loadu_si256(q8 as *const __m256i); q8 = q8.add(32); let q8_1 = _mm256_loadu_si256(q8 as *const __m256i); q8 = q8.add(32); let p16_0 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q5_0, q8_0); let p16_1 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q5_1, q8_1); let p16_0 = _mm256_madd_epi16(scale_0, p16_0); let p16_1 = _mm256_madd_epi16(scale_1, p16_1); sumi = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi, _mm256_add_epi32(p16_0, p16_1)); } let vd = _mm256_set1_ps(d); acc = _mm256_fmadd_ps(vd, _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(sumi), acc); } Ok(hsum_float_8(acc) + summs) } } #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn vec_dot_q8k_q8k(n: usize, xs: &[BlockQ8K], ys: &[BlockQ8K]) -> Result<f32> { let qk = QK_K; if n % qk != 0 { crate::bail!("vec_dot_q8k_8k: {n} is not divisible by {qk}") } unsafe { let mut acc = _mm256_setzero_ps(); for (xs, ys) in xs.iter().zip(ys.iter()) { let mut sumi = _mm256_setzero_si256(); let x_qs = xs.qs.as_ptr(); let y_qs = ys.qs.as_ptr(); for j in (0..QK_K).step_by(32) { let xs = _mm256_loadu_si256(x_qs.add(j) as *const __m256i); let ys = _mm256_loadu_si256(y_qs.add(j) as *const __m256i); let xs0 = _mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(_mm256_extracti128_si256(xs, 0)); let ys0 = _mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(_mm256_extracti128_si256(ys, 0)); sumi = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi, _mm256_madd_epi16(xs0, ys0)); let xs1 = _mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(_mm256_extracti128_si256(xs, 1)); let ys1 = _mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(_mm256_extracti128_si256(ys, 1)); sumi = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi, _mm256_madd_epi16(xs1, ys1)); } let d = _mm256_set1_ps(xs.d * ys.d); acc = _mm256_fmadd_ps(d, _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(sumi), acc); } Ok(hsum_float_8(acc)) } }
{ "file_path": "candle/candle-core/src/quantized/avx.rs", "repo_id": "candle", "token_count": 17495 }
use std::str::FromStr; pub fn get_num_threads() -> usize { // Respond to the same environment variable as rayon. match std::env::var("RAYON_NUM_THREADS") .ok() .and_then(|s| usize::from_str(&s).ok()) { Some(x) if x > 0 => x, Some(_) | None => num_cpus::get(), } } pub fn has_accelerate() -> bool { cfg!(feature = "accelerate") } pub fn has_mkl() -> bool { cfg!(feature = "mkl") } pub fn cuda_is_available() -> bool { cfg!(feature = "cuda") } pub fn metal_is_available() -> bool { cfg!(feature = "metal") } pub fn with_avx() -> bool { cfg!(target_feature = "avx") } pub fn with_neon() -> bool { cfg!(target_feature = "neon") } pub fn with_simd128() -> bool { cfg!(target_feature = "simd128") } pub fn with_f16c() -> bool { cfg!(target_feature = "f16c") }
{ "file_path": "candle/candle-core/src/utils.rs", "repo_id": "candle", "token_count": 389 }
# candle-datasets
{ "file_path": "candle/candle-datasets/README.md", "repo_id": "candle", "token_count": 7 }
# candle-blip The [blip-image-captioning](https://huggingface.co/Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-base) model can generate captions for an input image. ## Running on an example ```bash cargo run --example blip --release -- --image candle-examples/examples/yolo-v8/assets/bike.jpg ``` ``` Running on CPU, to run on GPU, build this example with `--features cuda` loaded image Tensor[dims 3, 384, 384; f32] model built several cyclists are riding down a road with cars behind them% ``` ![Leading group, Giro d'Italia 2021](../yolo-v8/assets/bike.jpg)
{ "file_path": "candle/candle-examples/examples/blip/README.md", "repo_id": "candle", "token_count": 190 }
// An implementation of LLaMA https://github.com/facebookresearch/llama // // This is based on nanoGPT in a similar way to: // https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lit-llama/blob/main/lit_llama/model.py // // The tokenizer config can be retrieved from: // https://huggingface.co/hf-internal-testing/llama-tokenizer/raw/main/tokenizer.json #[cfg(feature = "accelerate")] extern crate accelerate_src; #[cfg(feature = "mkl")] extern crate intel_mkl_src; use anyhow::{bail, Error as E, Result}; use clap::{Parser, ValueEnum}; use candle::{DType, Tensor}; use candle_nn::VarBuilder; use candle_transformers::generation::LogitsProcessor; use hf_hub::{api::sync::Api, Repo, RepoType}; use std::io::Write; use candle_transformers::models::llama as model; use model::{Llama, LlamaConfig}; const EOS_TOKEN: &str = "</s>"; const DEFAULT_PROMPT: &str = "My favorite theorem is "; #[derive(Clone, Debug, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, ValueEnum)] enum Which { V1, V2, #[value(name = "solar-10.7b")] Solar10_7B, #[value(name = "tiny-llama-1.1b-chat")] TinyLlama1_1BChat, } #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)] struct Args { /// Run on CPU rather than on GPU. #[arg(long)] cpu: bool, /// The temperature used to generate samples. #[arg(long)] temperature: Option<f64>, /// Nucleus sampling probability cutoff. #[arg(long)] top_p: Option<f64>, /// The seed to use when generating random samples. #[arg(long, default_value_t = 299792458)] seed: u64, /// The length of the sample to generate (in tokens). #[arg(long, default_value_t = 100)] sample_len: usize, /// Disable the key-value cache. #[arg(long)] no_kv_cache: bool, /// The initial prompt. #[arg(long)] prompt: Option<String>, /// Use different dtype than f16 #[arg(long)] dtype: Option<String>, /// Enable tracing (generates a trace-timestamp.json file). #[arg(long)] tracing: bool, #[arg(long)] model_id: Option<String>, #[arg(long)] revision: Option<String>, /// The model size to use. #[arg(long, default_value = "v2")] which: Which, #[arg(long)] use_flash_attn: bool, /// Penalty to be applied for repeating tokens, 1. means no penalty. #[arg(long, default_value_t = 1.0)] repeat_penalty: f32, /// The context size to consider for the repeat penalty. #[arg(long, default_value_t = 64)] repeat_last_n: usize, } fn main() -> Result<()> { use tokenizers::Tokenizer; use tracing_chrome::ChromeLayerBuilder; use tracing_subscriber::prelude::*; let args = Args::parse(); let _guard = if args.tracing { let (chrome_layer, guard) = ChromeLayerBuilder::new().build(); tracing_subscriber::registry().with(chrome_layer).init(); Some(guard) } else { None }; let device = candle_examples::device(args.cpu)?; let dtype = match args.dtype.as_deref() { Some("f16") => DType::F16, Some("bf16") => DType::BF16, Some("f32") => DType::F32, Some(dtype) => bail!("Unsupported dtype {dtype}"), None => DType::F16, }; let (llama, tokenizer_filename, cache) = { let api = Api::new()?; let model_id = args.model_id.unwrap_or_else(|| match args.which { Which::V1 => "Narsil/amall-7b".to_string(), Which::V2 => "meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf".to_string(), Which::Solar10_7B => "upstage/SOLAR-10.7B-v1.0".to_string(), Which::TinyLlama1_1BChat => "TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0".to_string(), }); println!("loading the model weights from {model_id}"); let revision = args.revision.unwrap_or("main".to_string()); let api = api.repo(Repo::with_revision(model_id, RepoType::Model, revision)); let tokenizer_filename = api.get("tokenizer.json")?; let config_filename = api.get("config.json")?; let config: LlamaConfig = serde_json::from_slice(&std::fs::read(config_filename)?)?; let config = config.into_config(args.use_flash_attn); let filenames = match args.which { Which::V1 | Which::V2 | Which::Solar10_7B => { candle_examples::hub_load_safetensors(&api, "model.safetensors.index.json")? } Which::TinyLlama1_1BChat => vec![api.get("model.safetensors")?], }; println!("building the model"); let cache = model::Cache::new(!args.no_kv_cache, dtype, &config, &device)?; let vb = unsafe { VarBuilder::from_mmaped_safetensors(&filenames, dtype, &device)? }; (Llama::load(vb, &cache, &config)?, tokenizer_filename, cache) }; let tokenizer = Tokenizer::from_file(tokenizer_filename).map_err(E::msg)?; let eos_token_id = tokenizer.token_to_id(EOS_TOKEN); let prompt = args.prompt.as_ref().map_or(DEFAULT_PROMPT, |p| p.as_str()); let mut tokens = tokenizer .encode(prompt, true) .map_err(E::msg)? .get_ids() .to_vec(); println!("starting the inference loop"); print!("{prompt}"); let mut logits_processor = LogitsProcessor::new(args.seed, args.temperature, args.top_p); let start_gen = std::time::Instant::now(); let mut index_pos = 0; let mut token_generated = 0; for index in 0..args.sample_len { let (context_size, context_index) = if cache.use_kv_cache && index > 0 { (1, index_pos) } else { (tokens.len(), 0) }; let ctxt = &tokens[tokens.len().saturating_sub(context_size)..]; let input = Tensor::new(ctxt, &device)?.unsqueeze(0)?; let logits = llama.forward(&input, context_index)?; let logits = logits.squeeze(0)?; let logits = if args.repeat_penalty == 1. { logits } else { let start_at = tokens.len().saturating_sub(args.repeat_last_n); candle_transformers::utils::apply_repeat_penalty( &logits, args.repeat_penalty, &tokens[start_at..], )? }; index_pos += ctxt.len(); let next_token = logits_processor.sample(&logits)?; token_generated += 1; tokens.push(next_token); // Extracting the last token as a string is complicated, here we just apply some simple // heuristics as it seems to work well enough for this example. See the following for more // details: // https://github.com/huggingface/tokenizers/issues/1141#issuecomment-1562644141 if let Some(text) = tokenizer.id_to_token(next_token) { let text = text.replace('▁', " ").replace("<0x0A>", "\n"); print!("{text}"); std::io::stdout().flush()?; } if Some(next_token) == eos_token_id { break; } } let dt = start_gen.elapsed(); println!( "\n\n{} tokens generated ({} token/s)\n", token_generated, token_generated as f64 / dt.as_secs_f64(), ); Ok(()) }
{ "file_path": "candle/candle-examples/examples/llama/main.rs", "repo_id": "candle", "token_count": 3136 }
# candle-mobileone [MobileOne: An Improved One millisecond Mobile Backbone](https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.04040). This candle implementation uses a pre-trained MobileOne network for inference. The classification head has been trained on the ImageNet dataset and returns the probabilities for the top-5 classes. ## Running an example ``` $ cargo run --example mobileone --release -- --image candle-examples/examples/yolo-v8/assets/bike.jpg --which s2 loaded image Tensor[dims 3, 224, 224; f32] model built mountain bike, all-terrain bike, off-roader: 79.33% bicycle-built-for-two, tandem bicycle, tandem: 15.32% crash helmet : 2.58% unicycle, monocycle : 1.70% alp : 0.21% ```
{ "file_path": "candle/candle-examples/examples/mobileone/README.md", "repo_id": "candle", "token_count": 254 }
# candle-reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning examples for candle. This has been tested with `gymnasium` version `0.29.1`. You can install the Python package with: ```bash pip install "gymnasium[accept-rom-license]" ``` In order to run the examples, use the following commands. Note the additional `--package` flag to ensure that there is no conflict with the `candle-pyo3` crate. For the Policy Gradient example: ```bash cargo run --example reinforcement-learning --features=pyo3 --package candle-examples -- pg ``` For the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient example: ```bash cargo run --example reinforcement-learning --features=pyo3 --package candle-examples -- ddpg ```
{ "file_path": "candle/candle-examples/examples/reinforcement-learning/README.md", "repo_id": "candle", "token_count": 198 }
# candle-vit Vision Transformer (ViT) model implementation following the lines of [vit-base-patch16-224](https://huggingface.co/google/vit-base-patch16-224) This uses a classification head trained on the ImageNet dataset and returns the probabilities for the top-5 classes. ## Running an example ``` $ cargo run --example vit --release -- --image tiger.jpg loaded image Tensor[dims 3, 224, 224; f32] model built tiger, Panthera tigris : 100.00% tiger cat : 0.00% jaguar, panther, Panthera onca, Felis onca: 0.00% leopard, Panthera pardus: 0.00% lion, king of beasts, Panthera leo: 0.00% ```
{ "file_path": "candle/candle-examples/examples/vit/README.md", "repo_id": "candle", "token_count": 219 }
# candle-yolo-v8: Object Detection and Pose Estimation This is a port of [Ultralytics YOLOv8](https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics). The implementation is based on the [tinygrad version](https://github.com/tinygrad/tinygrad/blob/master/examples/yolov8.py) and on the model architecture described in this [issue](https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/issues/189). The supported tasks are object detection and pose estimation. You can try this model online on the [Candle YOLOv8 Space](https://huggingface.co/spaces/lmz/candle-yolo). The model then fully runs in your browser using WebAssembly - if you use a custom image it will never leave your phone/computer! ## Running some example ### Object Detection ```bash cargo run --example yolo-v8 --release -- candle-examples/examples/yolo-v8/assets/bike.jpg ``` This prints details about the detected objects and generates a `bike.pp.jpg` file. ![Leading group, Giro d'Italia 2021](./assets/bike.jpg) Image source: [wikimedia](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Leading_group,_Giro_d%27Italia_2021,_Stage_15.jpg). ![Leading group, Giro d'Italia 2021](./assets/bike.od.jpg) ### Pose Estimation ```bash cargo run --example yolo-v8 --release -- \ candle-examples/examples/yolo-v8/assets/bike.jpg --task pose ``` ![Leading group, Giro d'Italia 2021](./assets/bike.pose.jpg) ### Command-line flags - `--which`: select the model variant to be used, `n`, `s` , `m`, `l`, or `x` by increasing size and quality. - `--task`: `detect` for object detection and `pose` for pose estimation. - `--legend-size`: the size of the characters to print. - `--model`: use a local model file rather than downloading it from the hub.
{ "file_path": "candle/candle-examples/examples/yolo-v8/README.md", "repo_id": "candle", "token_count": 562 }
/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2023, Tri Dao. ******************************************************************************/ #pragma once #include <cuda.h> #include <vector> constexpr int TOTAL_DIM = 0; constexpr int H_DIM = 1; constexpr int D_DIM = 2; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct Qkv_params { using index_t = uint32_t; // The QKV matrices. void *__restrict__ q_ptr; void *__restrict__ k_ptr; void *__restrict__ v_ptr; // The stride between rows of the Q, K and V matrices. index_t q_batch_stride; index_t k_batch_stride; index_t v_batch_stride; index_t q_row_stride; index_t k_row_stride; index_t v_row_stride; index_t q_head_stride; index_t k_head_stride; index_t v_head_stride; // The number of heads. int h, h_k; // In the case of multi-query and grouped-query attention (MQA/GQA), nheads_k could be // different from nheads (query). int h_h_k_ratio; // precompute h / h_k, }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct Flash_fwd_params : public Qkv_params { // The O matrix (output). void * __restrict__ o_ptr; void * __restrict__ oaccum_ptr; // The stride between rows of O. index_t o_batch_stride; index_t o_row_stride; index_t o_head_stride; // The pointer to the P matrix. void * __restrict__ p_ptr; // The pointer to the softmax sum. void * __restrict__ softmax_lse_ptr; void * __restrict__ softmax_lseaccum_ptr; // The dimensions. int b, seqlen_q, seqlen_k, seqlen_knew, d, seqlen_q_rounded, seqlen_k_rounded, d_rounded, rotary_dim; // The scaling factors for the kernel. float scale_softmax; float scale_softmax_log2; // array of length b+1 holding starting offset of each sequence. int * __restrict__ cu_seqlens_q; int * __restrict__ cu_seqlens_k; // If provided, the actual length of each k sequence. int * __restrict__ seqused_k; int *__restrict__ blockmask; // The K_new and V_new matrices. void * __restrict__ knew_ptr; void * __restrict__ vnew_ptr; // The stride between rows of the Q, K and V matrices. index_t knew_batch_stride; index_t vnew_batch_stride; index_t knew_row_stride; index_t vnew_row_stride; index_t knew_head_stride; index_t vnew_head_stride; // The cos and sin matrices for rotary embedding. void * __restrict__ rotary_cos_ptr; void * __restrict__ rotary_sin_ptr; // The indices to index into the KV cache. int *__restrict__ cache_batch_idx; // The dropout probability (probability of keeping an activation). float p_dropout; // uint32_t p_dropout_in_uint; // uint16_t p_dropout_in_uint16_t; uint8_t p_dropout_in_uint8_t; // Scale factor of 1 / (1 - p_dropout). float rp_dropout; float scale_softmax_rp_dropout; // Local window size int window_size_left, window_size_right; bool is_bf16; bool is_causal; // If is_seqlens_k_cumulative, then seqlen_k is cu_seqlens_k[bidb + 1] - cu_seqlens_k[bidb]. // Otherwise it's cu_seqlens_k[bidb], i.e., we use cu_seqlens_k to store the sequence lengths of K. bool is_seqlens_k_cumulative; bool is_rotary_interleaved; int num_splits; // For split-KV version void * __restrict__ alibi_slopes_ptr; index_t alibi_slopes_batch_stride; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct Flash_bwd_params : public Flash_fwd_params { // The dO and dQKV matrices. void *__restrict__ do_ptr; void *__restrict__ dq_ptr; void *__restrict__ dk_ptr; void *__restrict__ dv_ptr; // To accumulate dQ void *__restrict__ dq_accum_ptr; void *__restrict__ dk_accum_ptr; void *__restrict__ dv_accum_ptr; // // To accumulate dK and dV in case we're splitting the bwd along seqlen_q // dimension void *__restrict__ dk_accum_ptr; void *__restrict__ // dv_accum_ptr; // The stride between rows of the dO, dQ, dK and dV matrices. // TD [2022-04-16]: We're using 32-bit indexing to save registers. // The code probably won't work for arrays larger than 2GB. index_t do_batch_stride; index_t do_row_stride; index_t do_head_stride; index_t dq_batch_stride; index_t dk_batch_stride; index_t dv_batch_stride; index_t dq_row_stride; index_t dk_row_stride; index_t dv_row_stride; index_t dq_head_stride; index_t dk_head_stride; index_t dv_head_stride; // The pointer to the softmax d sum. void *__restrict__ dsoftmax_sum; bool deterministic; index_t dq_accum_split_stride; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template<typename T, int Headdim> void run_mha_fwd_(Flash_fwd_params &params, cudaStream_t stream); template<typename T, int Headdim> void run_mha_fwd_splitkv_dispatch(Flash_fwd_params &params, cudaStream_t stream); template<typename T, int Headdim> void run_mha_bwd_(Flash_bwd_params &params, cudaStream_t stream, const bool configure);
{ "file_path": "candle/candle-flash-attn/kernels/flash.h", "repo_id": "candle", "token_count": 2033 }
#include "cuda_utils.cuh" #include<stdint.h> #define AFFINE_OP(TYPENAME, FN_NAME) \ extern "C" __global__ void FN_NAME( \ const size_t numel, \ const size_t num_dims, \ const size_t *info, \ const TYPENAME *inp, \ TYPENAME *out, \ const TYPENAME mul, \ const TYPENAME add \ ) { \ const size_t *dims = info; \ const size_t *strides = info + num_dims; \ if (is_contiguous(num_dims, dims, strides)) { \ for (unsigned int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; i < numel; i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) { \ TYPENAME x = inp ? inp[i] : out[i]; \ out[i] = x * mul + add; \ } \ } \ else { \ for (unsigned int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; i < numel; i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) { \ unsigned strided_i = get_strided_index(i, num_dims, dims, strides); \ TYPENAME x = inp ? inp[strided_i] : out[i]; \ out[i] = x * mul + add; \ } \ } \ } \ #if __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 800 AFFINE_OP(__nv_bfloat16, affine_bf16) #endif #if __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 530 AFFINE_OP(__half, affine_f16) #endif AFFINE_OP(float, affine_f32) AFFINE_OP(double, affine_f64) AFFINE_OP(uint8_t, affine_u8) AFFINE_OP(uint32_t, affine_u32) AFFINE_OP(int64_t, affine_i64)
{ "file_path": "candle/candle-kernels/src/affine.cu", "repo_id": "candle", "token_count": 654 }
#include <metal_stdlib> #define MAX(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y)) #define MIN(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y)) METAL_FUNC uint get_strided_index( uint idx, constant size_t &num_dims, constant size_t *dims, constant size_t *strides ) { uint strided_i = 0; for (uint d = 0; d < num_dims; d++) { uint dim_idx = num_dims - 1 - d; strided_i += (idx % dims[dim_idx]) * strides[dim_idx]; idx /= dims[dim_idx]; } return strided_i; } using namespace metal; #define BINARY(FN, TYPENAME, OUT_TYPENAME, FN_NAME, FN_NAME_STRIDED) \ kernel void FN_NAME( \ constant size_t &dim, \ device const TYPENAME *left, \ device const TYPENAME *right, \ device OUT_TYPENAME *output, \ uint tid [[ thread_position_in_grid ]] \ ) { \ if (tid >= dim) { \ return; \ } \ TYPENAME x = left[tid]; \ TYPENAME y = right[tid]; \ output[tid] = OUT_TYPENAME(FN); \ }\ kernel void FN_NAME_STRIDED( \ constant size_t &dim, \ constant size_t &num_dims, \ constant size_t *dims, \ constant size_t *left_strides, \ constant size_t *right_strides, \ device const TYPENAME *left, \ device const TYPENAME *right, \ device OUT_TYPENAME *output, \ uint tid [[ thread_position_in_grid ]] \ ) { \ if (tid >= dim) { \ return; \ } \ TYPENAME x = left[get_strided_index(tid, num_dims, dims, left_strides)]; \ TYPENAME y = right[get_strided_index(tid, num_dims, dims, right_strides)]; \ output[tid] = OUT_TYPENAME(FN); \ } #define BINARY_OP(FN, NAME) \ BINARY(FN, float, float, NAME##_f32, NAME##_f32_strided); \ BINARY(FN, half, half, NAME##_f16, NAME##_f16_strided); \ BINARY(FN, uint32_t, uint32_t, NAME##_u32, NAME##_u32_strided); \ BINARY(FN, uint8_t, uint8_t, NAME##_u8, NAME##_u8_strided); #define INT64_BINARY_OP(NAME, FN) \ BINARY(FN, int64_t, int64_t, NAME##_i64, NAME##_i64_strided); #define BFLOAT_BINARY_OP(FN, NAME) \ BINARY(FN, bfloat, bfloat, NAME##_bf16, NAME##_bf16_strided); #define BINARY_OP_OUT(NAME, FN) \ BINARY(FN, float, uint8_t, NAME##_f32, NAME##_f32_strided); \ BINARY(FN, half, uint8_t, NAME##_f16, NAME##_f16_strided); \ BINARY(FN, uint32_t, uint8_t, NAME##_u32, NAME##_u32_strided); \ BINARY(FN, uint8_t, uint8_t, NAME##_u8, NAME##_u8_strided); #define INT64_BINARY_OP_OUT(NAME, FN) \ BINARY(FN, int64_t, uint8_t, NAME##_i64, NAME##_i64_strided); BINARY_OP(x + y, add) BINARY_OP(x - y, sub) BINARY_OP(x * y, mul) BINARY_OP(x / y, div) BINARY_OP(MIN(x, y), min) BINARY_OP(MAX(x, y), max) BINARY_OP_OUT(eq, x == y) BINARY_OP_OUT(ne, x != y) BINARY_OP_OUT(le, x <= y) BINARY_OP_OUT(lt, x < y) BINARY_OP_OUT(ge, x >= y) BINARY_OP_OUT(gt, x > y) #if __METAL_VERSION__ >= 220 INT64_BINARY_OP(add, x + y) INT64_BINARY_OP(sub, x - y) INT64_BINARY_OP(mul, x * y) INT64_BINARY_OP(div, x / y) INT64_BINARY_OP(min, MIN(x, y)) INT64_BINARY_OP(max, MAX(x, y)) INT64_BINARY_OP_OUT(eq, x == y) INT64_BINARY_OP_OUT(ne, x != y) INT64_BINARY_OP_OUT(le, x <= y) INT64_BINARY_OP_OUT(lt, x < y) INT64_BINARY_OP_OUT(ge, x >= y) INT64_BINARY_OP_OUT(gt, x > y) #endif #if defined(__HAVE_BFLOAT__) BFLOAT_BINARY_OP(x + y, add) BFLOAT_BINARY_OP(x - y, sub) BFLOAT_BINARY_OP(x * y, mul) BFLOAT_BINARY_OP(x / y, div) BFLOAT_BINARY_OP(MIN(x, y), min) BFLOAT_BINARY_OP(MAX(x, y), max) #endif
{ "file_path": "candle/candle-metal-kernels/src/binary.metal", "repo_id": "candle", "token_count": 1688 }