Risk management in mining and technological processes
Upravljanje rizicima u rudarstvu i tehnološkim procesima
Name: Meat mincer with cooling Manufacturer: Ital Form Type: 22 Dimensions: 45x28x76cm Electrical power: 1.5kW Capacity: 400kg / h The outer body and tray are made of stainless steel Standard cast coated head Use standard clamping head and knife Automatic cooling system Digital thermostat Independent cooling system Work system forward-backward Easy and simple maintenance Delivery times for goods that are not in stock are 35 working days from the date of advance payment of 100% Deadlines may increase due to the current situation
Naziv: Mašina za mlevenje mesa Proizvođač: Ital Form Tip: 22 Dimenzije: 40x28x76cm Elektro snaga: 1.5kW Kapacitet: 400kg/h Spoljno telo i poslužavnik izrađeni su od nerđajućeg čelika Standardna livena obložena glava Upotreba standardne stezne glave i noža Radni sistem napred - nazad Lako i jednostavno održavanje Rok isporuke je do 35 radnih dana od momenta uplate avansa (Avans 100%) za robu koja nije na stanju Rok se u određenim slučajevima može produžiti zbog trenutne situacije izazvane kašnjenjima u međunarodnom transportu robe
Diving watches can be safely used for swimming and diving.
Ronilački satovi se mogu bezbedno koristiti za plivanje i ronjenje.
As of December 1st 2017, OTP bank Serbia a.d.
Od 1. decembra 2017. godine, OTP banka Srbija a.d.
CVE-2021-30744: Dan Hite of jsontop WebKit Available for: iPhone 6s and later, iPad Pro (all models), iPad Air 2 and later, iPad 5th generation and later, iPad mini 4 and later, and iPod touch (7th generation)
CVE-2021-30744: Dan Hite (jsontop) WebKit Dostupno za: iPhone 6s i noviji, iPad Pro (svi modeli), iPad Air 2 i noviji, iPad pete generacije i noviji, iPad mini 4 i noviji te iPod touch (sedme generacije)
Nevertheless, in some aspects, the Report is not sufficiently critical in the assessments.
Ipak, u pojedinim aspektima, Izveštaj nije dovoljno kritičan u ocenama.
They said they fear the possibility of water contamination and also highlighted the risk for traditional farming activities, recognized by the United Nations as globally important agricultural heritage.
Oni navode da se boje mogućnosti kontaminacije vode i ukazuju na opasnost koja preti njihovim tradicionalnim poljoprivrednim aktivnostima. Njih su Ujedinjene nacije prepoznale kao poljoprivredno nasleđe od globalnog značaja.
All of the games in Apple Arcade on iPhone are also available in Apple Arcade on other devices.
Sve igre u Apple Arcadeu na iPhone uređaju također su dostupne u Apple Arcadeu na drugim uređajima.
The Committee ascertained the existence of sufficient grounds for the verification of the term of office of deputy Vladimir Ilic and proposed that the National Assembly note the verification of the deputy’s term of office.
Odbor je utvrdio da su se stekli uslovi za potvrđivanje mandata narodnom poslaniku Vladimiru Iliću i predložio da Narodna skupština konstatuje potvrđivanje mandata ovom narodnom poslaniku.
Hotels - the most luxurious type of accommodation unit will provide the greatest pleasure.
Hoteli - najluksuzniji tip smeštajnih jedinice pružiće i najveći užitak.
North Macedonia plans to establish a power exchange with a trading platform provided by a third party.
Severna Makedonija planira da uspostavi berzu električne energije tako što će na tenderu izabrati firmu koja će joj obezbediti platformu za trgovanje.
Instead of changing the house rules, which applied to the residents of container settlements and adopting the new rules, the City Administration, in “agreement” with the residents of settlements, adopted “Rules for better and healthier life”, which reworded the previous house rules.
Umesto izmene Kućnog reda koji je važio za stanovnike kontejnerskih naselja i usvajanja novog, Gradska uprava je u „dogovoru“ sa stanovnicima naselja donela „Pravila za bolji i zdraviji život“ kojima su preformulisana prethodna pravila Kućnog reda.
The second part is a description of Dečani’s church and treasury.
Drugi deo je opis dečanske crkve i riznice.
About febi
Više o febi brendu
Works by Milošević have been performed at numerous major festivals and concerts of contemporary music in most countries of Europe, the United States, South Korea, China as well as Ser-bia and the region.
Kompozicije su joj izvođene na značajnim festivalima i koncertima savremene muzike u skoro svim zemljama Evrope, SAD-u, Južnoj Koreji, Kini i našoj zemlji.
If you are arriving with your own transport, only 100 meters from the apartment is a public garage Obilićev venac, that is available 24/7.
Ako dolazite sopstvenim prevozom, na samo 100 metara od apartmana nalazi se garaža Obilićev venac, obezbeđena 24/7.
Date publish: 20.04.2016 On Saturday April 16, 2016, the Road Traffic Safety Agency has participated in the event “Development of students’ culture in safe school”, organized by the Foundation “Safe school” from Novi Sad.
18.4.2016. - Agencija za bezbednost saobraćaja je u subotu 16. aprila 2016. godine učestvovala na manifestaciji „Razvoj kulture učenika u bezbednoj školi“, koju je organizovala Fondacija „Bezbedna škola“ iz Novog Sada.
The National Assembly commenced the proceedings with the single debate on item 1 on the agenda.
Narodna skupština započela je rad jedinstvenim pretresom o prvoj tački dnevnog reda sednice.
Is there a part of Frida that stays in you when you get out of the role?
Postoji li neki deo Fride koji nastavlja da živi u tebi i nakon što izađeš iz uloge?
Recently, I ended up having drinks with an old childhood friend I hadn’t seen in almost 15 years.
Nedavno sam se našla na piću sa starim prijateljem iz detinjstva koga nisam videla skoro 15 godina.
If you drag a favourite to another position, or drag it out of the window to delete it, your Favourites Bar will display the changes as well.
Ako omiljenu stavku odvučete na neko drugo mjesto ili ako je odvučete izvan prozora kako biste je izbrisali, promjene će se prikazati i na traci omiljenih stavki.
This season, our team was thrilled with GUESS designers and their dreams of traveling to some new, interesting destinations.
Ove sezone, naš tim je bio oduševljen GUESS dizajnerima i njihovim snovima o putovanju na neke nove, zanimljive destinacije.
According to him, most of the problems arise because persons who are have been married for several years, by Serbian institutions, can’t exercise their basic rights, they can’t get Kosovo ID card.
Najviše problema, prema njegovim rečima, nastaje jer osobe koje su već nekoliko godina u braku koji je sklopljen u srpskim institucijama, ne mogu da ostvare elementarna prava, ne mogu da dobiju kosovsku ličnu kartu.
During the conquest of Belgrade in 1521 the Turks have penetrated the Lower city after they had managed to conquer the tower Nebojsa by demolishing it with heavy artillery attacks.
Prilikom osvajanja Beograda 1521. godine turci su prodrli u Donji grad tek nakon što su uspeli da osvoje kulu Nebojša time što su je porušili teškim artiljerijskim napadima.
In the United Kingdom, London Gatwick Airport saw a 22.5% decline in passenger numbers in the first quarter of 2020.
U Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu, na aerodromu London Getvik zabeležno je smanjenje broja putnika od 22,5% u prvom kvartalu 2020. godine.
After that you can safely go on a trip.
Nakon toga možete sigurno i bezbedno da putujete.
Due to an enormous delay, the functioning of the facility is jeopardized, but the reduction of harmful emissions and the remediation of waste disposal location are projects that have no alternative, he underscored.
„Zbog enormnog kašnjenja ugroženo je funkcionisanje termoelektrane. Smanjenje emisija štetnih gasova i sanacija odlaganja otpada su projekti koji nemaju alternativu.”, rekao je on.
Business, love, diplomacy, all in one.
Biznis, ljubav, diplomatija, sve u jednom.
We do reveal some of the factors taken into account, however, we cannot list all of them as a prudent practice to prevent abuse.
Mi otkrivamo neke delove tih faktora, ali ne mozemo sve otkriti kako ne bi doslo do zloupotrebe sistema.
The system calculates and optimizes the daily order in which goods are loaded onto vehicles, the order of customer visits for each of the vehicles, and estimates the time and distance each vehicle requires.
Sistem vrši računanje i optimizaciju dnevnih redosleda utovara robe po vozilima, redosleda posete klijenata za svako od vozila i procenu vremena i rastojanja koje su potrebne vozilima.
The general status of the LGBT community in Kosovo, at least on the legal front, has seen improvement.
Opći status LGBT zajednice na Kosovu u određenoj mjeri se poboljšao, barem u pravnom pogledu.
The innovation prize was given to Novi Sad-based Eton Digital, for its organic food social market OrganicNet, whereas the winner of the social usefulness award is Weiss Light, for its LED lamp factory, the first of the kind on Serbia.
OrganicNet je prošle godine za projekat Društvene tržnice organske hrane dobio Nagradu za inovativnost, a Nagradu za društvenu odgovornost dobila je prva srpska fabrika LED sijalica Weiss Light.
Over 27,000 supporters of this initiative are members of the Facebook group “Pro tërheqjes 30% të trustit” (Pro withdrawal of 30% of trust), which organized both protests.
Više od 27.000 pristalica inicijative jesu članovi_ice Facebook grupe “Pro tërheqjes 30% të trustit” (“Za podizanje 30% iz Fonda”), koji su organizovali i prošlosedmični i prethodni protest.
Why is obesity a disease and not simply lack of willpower or a matter of lifestyle?
Zašto je pretilost bolest, a ne samo nedostatak volje ili pitanje životnog stila?
Due to the importance of the scope of work, the manning of the Directorate has been done with the most experienced and most professional staff.
Zbog važnosti delokruga rada, popuna Uprave je vršena sa najiskusnijim i najstručnijim kadrovima.
The media outlets Dnevnik and Nova24 have published content promoting the use of far-right paramilitaries on the Slovenia-Croatia border.
Mediji Dnevnik i Nova24 su objavili sadržaje koji promoviraju angažiranje paravojnih snaga na slovensko-hrvatskoj granici.
It consists of 18 apartments of 45 m2 and 94 m2 as 1 business premise of 110 + 30 m2.
Sastoji se od 18 stanova strukture 45 m2 I 94 m2 kao 1 poslovnog prostora od 110+30 m2.
A different perspective on our right to exist unapologetically
Drugačiji pogled na naše pravo na postojanje lišeno pravdanja
The original iPhone was only introduced in 2007 and - bizarre as it now seems - it wasn't regarded as revolutionary back then.
Originalni ajfon (iPhone) pušten je u promet tek 2007. godine i - koliko god bizarno danas izgledalo - u to vreme se nije smatrao revolucionarnim.
Slobodan Košutić is the General Manager of Sunoko, member of the MK Group, the most efficient sugar producer in the South-East Europe.
Slobodan Košutić je direktor kompanije Sunoko, članice MK Group sistema, najefikasnijeg proizvođača šećera u jugoistočnoj Evropi.
In the case of diarrhea or other mild poisoning cases, it should be taken after a meal.
U slučaju dijareje ili drugih blagih trovanja, treba da se uzima posle jela.
Despite the large number of local residents, the exhibition opening was also visited by the Management of Asylum Centre in Bogovadja, Director of KC "Hadzi Ruvim", Director of Home Health in Lajkovac, the assistant of headmaster of the Primary school "Mile Dubljevic", the representatives of the Commissariat for Refugees of the Republic of Serbia and the Serbian Red Cross.
Izložbi su pored velikog broja lokalnih stanovnika prisustvovali i Uprava Centra za azil u Bogovađi, Direktorka KC „Hadži Ruvim", direktorka Doma zdravlja u Lajkovcu, pomoćnica direktorke Osnovne škole „Mile Dubljević",predstavnici Komesarijata za izbeglice RS i Crvenog krsta Srbije.
The Rector of the University of Banja Luka Stanko Stanic has invited all the employees of the University to help the endangered citizens by providing their own financial aid as well as other means of material support.
Rektor Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci Stanko Stanić pozvao je sve zaposlene na Univerzitetu da svojim ličnim finansijskim učešćem i drugim vidovima materijalne podrške, priteknu u pomoć ugroženim.
Our work is primarily engaged in creating, developing and practising public policy papers, related to human and child rights in education, social protection, non-discrimination, prevention of violence, legal matters related to child and human rights, gender equality and inclusion of the children who are representing the most vulnerable groups.
Naš rad se ogleda u kreiranju, razvijanju i sprovođenju javnih politika vezanih za ljudska i dečija prava u obrazovanju, socijalnoj zaštiti, nediskriminaciji, prevenciji nasilja, rodnoj ravnopravnosti, inkluziji dece iz osetljivih grupa kao i pravnim pitanjima koja se odnose na dečija i ljudska prava.
The two main options are either that you have a university degree or that it is impossible for a Canadian firm to find an equally skilled Canadian.
Dve glavne opcije su ili da imate fakultetsku diplomu ili da kanadska firma ne može da nađe Kanađanina sa istim kvalifikacijama.
Achieving more independence in obtaining vital information needed for ever faster decision making (data-driven decisions, data analytics and data visualisation)
Postizanje većeg stepena nezavisnosti kada je reč o pribavljanju ključnih informacija radi bržeg donošenja odluka (odluke donete na osnovu podataka, oslanjanja na analitiku podataka i vizualizaciju podataka)
Many years of efforts have resulted in the Law on Simplified Work Engagement in Seasonal Jobs in Certain Activities, which was adopted in June 2018.
Višegodišnji napori rezultirali su Zakonom o pojednostavljenom radnom angažovanju na sezonskim poslovima u određenim delatnostima koji je usvojen u junu 2018. godine.
Danilović sustained injuries in a Belgrade restaurant, a police investigation is ongoing.
Danilović je zadobio povrede u jednom beogradskom restoranu, a policijska istraga je u toku.
He won at the competition for the artistic memorial intervention “Osunčana mesta” Memorial Park, Virtual Museum Dotrščina, Zagreb (2017).
Dobitnik je konkursa za umetničku memorijalnu intervenciju “Osunčana mjesta” Memorijalni park, Virtualni muzej Dotrščina, Zagreb (2017).
Such are social cohesion and the sense of civic pride that comes with living in a green, successful and sustainable municipality.
To su, na primjer, socijalna kohezija i osjećaj građanskog ponosa koji dolazi sa životom u ekološki prihvatljivim, uspješnim i održivim općinama.
At first, hair is getting thinner and thinner, then the parting becomes wider and transparent. Eventually, head skin starts to show until the hair falls off for good.
Isprva su dlake sve tanje i tanje, pa je najpre razdeljak postao širi i providniji, pa počinje polako da se providi i sama koža glave, sve dok dlaka zauvek ne opadne.
Set the size of the hard drive to at least 40GB and select Dynamically allocated as the physical storage type.
Podesite veličinu tvrdog diska na najmanje 40GB, a za fizičku pohranu odaberiteDinamički dodijeljen za fizičku pohranu.
Following a short discussion regarding the explanation Committee member Gordana Comic requested concerning item 1 on the agenda, the Committee members found, by majority vote, the Bill on Conversion of Rights of Use into Property Right of Building Land with Compensation compliant with the Constitution and the legal system of the Republic of Serbia.
Članovi Odbora, nakon kraće rasprave povodom pojašnjenja koje je član Odbora Gordana Čomić tražila u vezi sa tačkom 1. dnevnog reda sednice, većinom glasova ocenili su da je Predlog zakona o pretvaranju prava korišćenja u pravo svojine na građevinskom zemljištu uz naknadu, u skladu sa Ustavom i pravnim sistemom Republike Srbije.
In his longstanding successful career, Koreda was nominated for the Golden Palm three times and once for the Golden Lion and his last film brought him the Jury's Award and the Prize of the Ecumenical Jury in Cannes, as well as many others.
U svojoj uspešnoj i dugoj karijeri Koreda je tri puta bio nominovan za Zlatnu palmu i jednom za Zlatnog lava, a poslednji film doneo mu je nagradu žirija i ekumenskog žirija u Kanu uz mnogobrojne druge počasti.
After 2000, together with all the other sectors in the country, the media also began a process of transformation.
Nakon 2000. godine, zajedno sa svim drugim sektorima u zemlji, i mediji su započeli proces transformacije.
These world famous car wrap producers guarantee top quality that reflects in excellent durability and temperature resistance.
Ovi svetski poznati brendovi folija za presvlačenje automobila garantuju visok kvalitet koji se ogleda u postojanosti i otpornosti folija na različite vremenske uslove.
“We are witnessing a dramatic example of the power of an image, in this case of the murder of George Floyd, to wake us up to racist violence that has been with us for centuries, despite being accompanied in recent decades by plenty of numbing statistics,” says Slovic.
„Prisustvujemo dramatičnom primeru snage jedne slike, u ovom slučaju ubistva Džordža Flojda, koja nas je osvestila da se vrši rasističko nasilje koje je bilo prisutno vekovima, uprkos tome što ju je poslednjih decenija pratilo mnogo otupljujuće statistike", kaže Slovik.
“Five hundred to 600 students were moved to the new facility, but then [by 2017] only 170 remained — in the last year, we had only 40 high school graduates,” Jetishi says, adding that a year after theory classes moved back to the city center, the number of students grew to 249.
Tako smo prošle godine imali samo 40 maturanata“, napominje Jetishi, dodavši i da se broj učenika popeo na 249 godinu dana nakon što je održavanje teoretskog dijela nastave prebačeno u centar grada.
National Assembly Speaker Maja Gojkovic, met today with the members of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs and Subcommittee on Human Rights, currently visiting Serbia.
Predsednica Narodne skupštine Maja Gojković sastala se danas sa članovima Odbora za spoljne poslove i Pododbora za ljudska prava Evropskog parlamenta, koji se nalaze u poseti Srbiji.
The ladies choir from the Serbian school „Nikola Tesla“ from Budapest, together with the music from Serbia, contributed to the pleasant time spent on the cocktail with Serbian food and drinks.
Ženski hor budimpeštanske Osnovne škole i gimnazije “Nikola Tesla” je sa muzičkim numerama iz Srbije doprineo prijatnom raspoloženju na koktelu gde su služena jela i pića iz Srbije.
And what if they're already out front, just waiting for me to try to run." He was thinking fast.
Možda su već ispred vrata i čekaju da me uhvate u bekstvu.« Brzo je razmišljao.
Developing good practices in the area of domestic violence
Program razvoja dobrih praksi u oblasti nasilja u porodici
GPPS, general purpose polystyrene or crystal clear polystyrene, is fully transparent, yet brittle, and is widely used in food packaging applications or jewel cases.
GPPS, polistiren opšte namene ili kristalno čist polistiren, potpuno je providan, a opet krt, i u širokoj je upotrebi u aplikacijama ambalaže hrane ili kutijama za nakit.
These are existing issues, too.
I to su postojeća pitanja.
The Ministry of Mining and Energy said the energy transition does not mean a sudden closure of coal-fired power plants, but development, investments and new jobs.
Ministarstvo rudarstva i energetike je poručilo da energetska tranzicija ne znači naglo zatvaranje termoelektrana, već razvoj, investicije i nova radna mesta.
Develop effective channels of communication with communities;
Razvija efikasne kanale komunikacije sa zajednicama;
I’m intrigued by the connection of unconnectable things.
Mene je oduvek inspirisalo i moj um je uzbuđivala kombinacija nespojivih stvari.
Because we believe in all-round performance, above and beyond economic and financial results, we are committed to operating in an environmentally and socially responsible manner.
Pošto verujemo u sveobuhvatne rezultate, iznad i izvan ekonomskih i finansijskih rezultata, posvećeni smo radu na ekološki i društveno odgovoran način.
Designing-represents the resolution of the thermal static and technological issues which is our task.
Konstruisanje – Predstavlja rešavanje termičkih, statičkih i tehnoloških pitanja, što je naš zadatak.
What activities can one enjoy in Aruba?
Što aktivnosti može se uživati u Aruba?
At the closing ceremony, the director of the festival, Radoslav Zelenović, addressed the audience, summarizing this year's organizational challenges and successes: "For me, the film is made for a cinema hall, for a big screen and the presence of the audience.
Na svečanoj ceremoniji zatvaranja prisutnima se obratio direktor festivala Radoslav Zelenović, koji je sumirao ovogodišnje organizatorske izazove i uspehe: „Za mene je film nešto što se pravi za bioskopsku dvoranu, za veliko platno, uz prisustvo publike.
The works of Iosipos Moisiodax and Adamantios Korais reflect this critical evaluation.
Radovi Josipa Moisiodaka i Adamantija Koraisa odražavaju ovu kritičku procjenu.
However nothing seems completely out of reach for modernity’s tinkering hand and it is the forms in which these customs have inevitably changed that continues Simion’s ongoing investigation into the evolution of tradition.
Međutim, izgleda da ništa ne može izbeći uticaj savremenosti i upravo ovi oblici promenjene tradicije postaju predmet istrage Felicije u evoluciji tradicija.
She also faced other type of problems.
Ona se susretala sa problemima druge vrste.
The fact is that these groups are also poor and unemployed, but additionally burdened by their sexual orientation.
Ranije smo se više bavili pitanjima diskriminacije i nasiljem, ali činjenica je da smo i mi siromašni, nezaposleni, ali smo dodatno opterećeni svojom seksualnom orijentacijom, rekla je ona.
Agribusiness is a trend and needs.
Agrobiznis je trend i potreba.
You can get more information about this procedure by e-mail [email protected].
Više informacija o ovoj proceduri možete dobiti na e-mail [email protected].
She is fluent in English and Italian.
Tečno govori engleski i italijanski jezik.
Unbeatable value add Although it’s the big name software companies that capture the headlines, shipping the box is only a small part of the equation.
Premda je to veliko ime softverske kompanije koje se prikazuje u naslovima, slanje paketa je samo mali deo jednačine.
He defended his doctoral dissertation in 2016 at the Albert Ludwig University in Freiburg, Germany, as a DAAD scholarship holder.
Doktorsku disertaciju je odbranio 2016. godine na Albert Ludvig univerzitetu u Frajburgu u Nemačkoj kao DAAD stipendista.
Your new window is not only more durable, it also provides better heat insulation: Thanks to bonding inside, windows no longer need to be reinforced with steel profiles.
Vaš novi prozor nije samo stabilniji, pruža Vam i puno bolju toplinsku izolaciju: zahvaljujući bonding inside prozori ne trebaju više čelična ojačanja.
Stash Your Cash with Piggy Bank Savings & get to feel like a VIP every time you play!
Spremite vaš novac u Kasicu Prasicu & osjećajte se kao pravi VIP kad igrate naše Las Vegas slotove!
Signing of this agreement is a symbol of our great cooperation and projects of connections through which we jointly build our European future, because the future of Serbia in the European Union is better.
Potpisivanje ovog ugovora je simbol naše sjajne saradnje i projekata povezivanja kroz koje zajednički gradimo našu evropsku budućnost, zato što je bolјa budućnost Srbije u Evropskoj uniji.
It is unique since asanas (body positions) are connected in his own way for which he thought is most effective.
Jedinstvena je zato što su asane (položaji tela) povezane na njegov način, onako kako je on smatrao da ima najviše efekta.
At the end of the course the Head of the National Poison Control Center Prof. Dr. Slavica Vucinic presented the certificates to the UK participants of the course.
Na kraju kursa načelnica Nacionalnog centra za kontrolu trovanja VMA prof. dr Slavica Vučinić uručila je sertifikate polaznicima kursa iz Velike Britanije.
viewed_cookie_policy It is set after the confirmation of the acceptance of cookies.
viewed_cookie_policy Postavlja se nakon potvrde prihvatanja kolačića.
Many present students, and future professors, are able to use modern information technologies and hold online lectures to students living at home and abroad, which has become a worldwide trend.
Mnogi sadašnji studenti, a budući profesori, osposobljeni su da koriste moderne informacione tehnologije i drže online predavanja zainteresovanim polaznicima u zemlji i inostranstvu, što sve više postaje trend u kome nastavnik pomoću modernih tehnologija podučava polaznike engleskom jeziku, bez obzira na to u kom delu sveta oni žive.
How much money the UK will have to pay the EU in order to break the partnership - that's about £39bn What will happen to UK citizens living elsewhere in the EU and, equally, what will happen to EU citizens living in the UK
Sporazum pokriva koliko novca Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo duguje - iznos se procenjuje na 39 milijardi funti - i šta se dešava sa građanima Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva koji žive negde u EU i građanima EU koji žive u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu.
These books are objects, with their pages being various forms that can be handled, jumbled letters that must be arranged to form a sentence.
Te su knjige predmeti, na njihovim stranicama su različiti obrasci kojima se može rukovati, pomiješana slova koja moraju biti složena da formiraju rečenicu.
In accordance with the EBRD’s Public Information Policy (2014), the Bank invites civil society organizations (CSOs), its clients, partners, and all interested stakeholders to contribute to the revision of its good governance policies.
U skladu sa Politikom javnog informisanja Evropske banke za obnovu i razvoj (2014.), Banka poziva organizacije civilnog društva (OCD), svoje klijente, partnere i sve zainteresovane strane da daju svoj doprinos u reviziji politika dobrog upravljanja.
Firstly, for six consecutive years, BAT is awarding the best small entrepreneur in Pčinjski okrug, where our factory is located.
Kao prvo, već šest godina BAT nagrađuje najboljeg malog privrednika u Pčinjskom okrugu, gde se nalazi naša fabrika.
Free of Charge Medical Examinations on the Occasion of the Medical Service Day
Besplatni specijalistički pregledi povodom Dana sanitetske službe
The declaration also stated that the P.E. “E.” S. is not authorised to carry out billing and charging for thermal energy in any other way, because it would be contrary to the applicable regulations, and that the constitutionality and legality of this provision has not been disputed before the Constitutional Court.
Takođe, u izjašnjenju je navedeno da JP „E.ˮ S. nije ovlašćeno da obračun i naplatu toplotne energije vrši na drugi način, jer bi to bilo protivno važećim propisima, kao i da ustavnost i zakonitost ove odredbe nije osporena pred Ustavnim sudom.
See Details The developer, Clever Applications LLC, has not provided details about its privacy practices and handling of data to Apple.
Privatnost aplikacije Prikaži pojedinosti Developer Clever Applications LLC nije Appleu pružio pojedinosti o svojim praksama privatnosti i rukovanju podacima.
The roles of Don Juan and young Gisela are given to Petar Benčina and Andrijana Oliverić, two excellent actors of younger generation, who are again facing the chance to make a significant step forward in their already successful careers.
Uloge Don Žuana i mlade Gizele poverene su Petru Benčini i Andrijani Oliverić, dvoma vrsnih glumaca mlađe generacije pred kojima je još jedna šansa da učine značajan korak unapred u svojim već uspešnim karijerama.
What does "Flood" mean?
Što znаči “Potop”?
While justice and knowledge talk, ignorance and injustice yell.
Znanje i pravda govore, dok neznanje i nepravda urliču.
Roundtable on judicial practice in enforcement procedure
Okrugli sto o sudskoj praksi u oblasti izvršenja
One of the organizers of the event in Sarajevo which resulted in the declaration was the Center for Environment from Banja Luka in BiH.
Među organizatorima događaja u Sarajevu na kojem je deklaracija doneta bio je Centar za zaštitu životne sredine iz Banjaluke u BiH.