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It’s also important to recognize that building relationships between brands, and their online communities is a long and demanding process. | Važno je, takođe, shvatiti da je put izgradnje odnosa između brenda i njegove online zajednice na društvenim mrežama dugačak i zahtevan. |
Very demanding user's requirements became more complex: a need for the reliable exchange of high-quality video (i.e. large video files) through devastated and state-controlled public telephony system, as fast as possible. | Time su ionako složeni korisnički zahtevi postali još složeniji: pouzdana najbrža moguća razmena video materijala u punom kvalitetu kroz devastirani i kontrolisani telefonski sistem. |
During his stay in Naples, the Chief of the General Staff visited the NATO Strategic Direction South HUB, and the hosts briefed him about the current operations the Allied Joint Force Command Naples is responsible for in the regions of the Balkans, Iraq and the Southern Wing of the NATO. | Tokom boravka u Napulju, načelnik Generalaštaba je posetio Informaciono čvorište NATO-a za strategijski pravac jug, a domaćini su mu prezentovali i najvažnije informacije o aktuelnim operacijama u odgovornosti Komande združenih snaga iz Napulja u regionu Balkana, Iraku i na južnom krilu NATO-a. |
It consists of a living room with dining area, 5 bedrooms, bathroom + toilet. Large terrace with barbecue area. Great location! | Sastoji se od ulaznog hodnika, dnevnog boravka sa trpezarijom, odvojene kuhinje, kupatila, spavace sobe i zastakljene terase koja gleda na dvorisnu stranu. |
Apartments on the top floor most likely have the biggest terrace (which offers the most beautiful view) | Stan na poslednjem spratu ima velike šanse da ima najveću terasu (sa koje se pruža najlepši pogled) |
Besides payment transactions in the country | Pored obavljanja platnog prometa u zemlji |
Most West African myths are focused on the creation of the world and the role of the first ancestors, as well as the rituals that connect individuals with the spirits of the past. | Najveći broj mitova zapadnoafričkih zajednica usmeren je upravo na stvaranje sveta i ulogu prvobitnih predaka u tom procesu, a kroz rituale se pojedinci povezuju sa duhovima prošlosti. |
At the session held on September 10, 2009, the Constitutional Court delivered the Initiative for Constitutional Review of the Article 85, Paragraph 1 of the Law on Constitutional Court to the National Assembly for opinion. | Na sednici održanoj 10.09.2009. godine, Ustavni sud Srbije dostavio je Narodnoj skupštini na mišljenje Inicijativu za pokretanje postupka za ocenu ustavnosti odredbe člana 85. stav 1. |
In this way, Google will know that this image is relevant to your content. | Na taj će način Google znati da je ova slika relevantna za vaš sadržaj. |
Such a use of consensus turned into its opposite: | Ovakva primena konsenzusa izvrgavala se u svoju suprotnost: |
The specificity of such population groups is the fact that such persons have already experienced forced living of their homes or they are facing the extremely difficult social exclusion and marginalization. | Specifičnost te kategorije stanovništva jeste u činjenici da su to osobe koje su već preživele teško iskustvo prinudnog napuštanja svojih domova ili da se suočavaju sa izuzetno teškom socijalnom isključenošću i marginalizacijom. |
After the introductory address of the Minister of Finance, Mirko Cvetkovic, the National Assembly went on to commence a joint discussion in principle on the Bills on the confirmation of the Framework Contract of Loan concluded between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank, the Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation between the Council of Ministers of Serbia and Montenegro and the Government of the Republic of India, the Contract between the Council of Ministers of Serbia and Montenegro and the Government of the Republic of India on the Avoidance of Double Taxation pertaining to income and property taxes, the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Republic of Poland on Customs Cooperation and Mutual Assistance to Customs Matters and the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on Mutual Assistance to Customs Matters. | U nastavku rada, posle uvodnog izlaganja ministra finansija Mirka Cvetkovića, Narodna skupština je obavila zajednički jedinstveni pretres o predlozima zakona o potvrđivanju Okvirnog ugovora o zajmu zaključenog između Republike Srbije i Banke za razvoj Saveta Evrope, Sporazuma o trgovini i ekonomskoj saradnji između Saveta ministara Srbije i Crne Gore i Vlade Republike Indije, Ugovora između Saveta ministara Srbije i Crne Gore i Vlade Republike Indije o izbegavanju dvostrukog oporezivanju u odnosu na poreze na dohodak i na imovinu, Sporazuma između Vlade Republike Srbije i Vlade Republike Poljske o saradnji i uzajamnoj pomoći u carinskim pitanjima i Sporazuma između Vlade Republike Srbije i Vlade Republike Slovenije o uzajamnoj pomoći u carinskim pitanjima. |
It will be managed by Bela Virag, Managing Partner of ADL Austria, with Executive Director Milena Matić responsible for local market development. | Kancelarijom će rukovoditi Bela Virag, partner i rukovodilac u kompaniji ADL Austrija, zajedno sa izvršnom direktorkom Milenom Matić koja će biti odgovorna za razvoj lokalnog tržišta. |
Karyn is a true pleasure to work with and can help most journeyers progress along their path towards True North. | Zaista je zadovoljstvo raditi sa Kerin, koja može pomoći većini putnika da napreduju svojim pravcem ka „True North“. |
“The state of Serbia, the Ministry I lead, as well as I, personally, are working hard to empower women entrepreneurs, housewives and women from rural areas, and we will continue this combat in every city and municipality in Serbia,” said Obradović. | „Država Srbija, Ministarstvo na čijem sam čelu, kao i ja lično, predano radimo na osnaživanju preduzetnica, domaćica i žena iz ruralnih sredina i nastavićemo tu borbu u svakom gradu i opštini u Srbiji“, napomenula je Obradović. |
One after the other, the last remains of the once powerful state of the Serbs in the Middle Ages were crushed under the Turkish conquest: Bosnia 1463, Herzegovina 1481, and Montenegro in the waning years of the fifteenth century. | Jedni za drugima, ti poslednji ostaci nekadašnjih država Srba u srednjem veku srušili su se pod udarom Turaka: Bosna 1463, Hercegovina 1481, a Crna Gora u poslednjim godinama 15. veka. |
The Association of Sport Journalists of Serbia has called on colleagues from TV Lav from Uzice and the SOS Channel to strongly oppose the pressure coming from the leader of the Football Club Sloboda Point from Uzice, Dragan Subotic, aimed at directly influencing the editorial policy of these media outlets because of his dislike for the media reports authored by journalist Zoran Kanacki. | Udruženje sportskih novinara Srbije poziva kolege iz Užičke TV Lav i SOS kanala da se odlučno suprostave pritiscima prvog čoveka FK Sloboda Point iz Užica, Dragana Subotića, da najdirektnije odlučuje o uređivačkoj politici ovih medija, jer mu se ne dopadaju izveštaji kolege novinara Zorana Kanačkog. |
Some of these shortcomings have been rectified thanks to good cooperation with the staff of these institutions. | Uz dobru saradnju sa zaposlenima u navedenim ustanovama koje su postupile u skladu sa merama, koje je Poverenik odredio, neki nedostaci su otklonjeni. |
This plant has a proven strong anti-inflammatory effect, and can be a useful therapy for chronic inflammation and oxidative stress that cause a number of health problems, and even replace non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that have negative side effects. | Ova biljka ima dokazano snažno protivupalno dejstvo, i može biti korisna terapija kod hroničnih inflamacija i oksidativnog stresa koji uzrokuju niz zdravstvenih tegoba, i čak zameniti nesteroidne antiinflamatorne lekove koji za sobom ostavljaju niz negativnih efekata. |
We would like to acknowledge MinJeong Kim of Information Security Lab, Chungnam National University, JaeCheol Ryou of the Information Security Lab, Chungnam National University in South Korea, Yiğit Can YILMAZ (@yilmazcanyigit), Zhihua Yao of DBAPPSecurity Zion Lab, an anonymous researcher, and cc working with Trend Micro's Zero Day Initiative for their assistance. | Željeli bismo zahvaliti MinJeong Kim (Laboratorij za informacijsku sigurnost, Nacionalno sveučilište Chungnam), JaeCheolu Ryou (Laboratorij za informacijsku sigurnost, Nacionalno sveučilište Chungnam u Južnoj Koreji), Yiğitu Canu Yilmazu (@yilmazcanyigit), Zhihuau Yaou (DBAPPSecurity Zion Lab), anonimnom istraživaču, cc u suradnji s inicijativom Trend Micro (Zero Day) na pomoći. |
identified relevant factors in this field of family law practice and theory | Identifikovanje relevanthih faktora u oblasti teorije i prakse porodičnog prava |
Is it only a capacity market or is it more probable that the consumption side dictates the price of the marginal kilowatt-hour? | Da li je to samo tržište kapaciteta ili je verovatnije da i strana potrošnje diktira cenu marginalnog kilovat sata? |
Bratanič has headed Regional Development Agency Posavje from 2010, and since April of this year he has been the President of the Supervisory Board of Slovenia’s distribution system operator SODO. | Kako su preneli slovenački mediji, Bratanič na ovu funkciju dolazi sa mesta direktora Regionalne razvojne agencije Posavje, gde se nalazi od 2010, a od aprila je i predsednik Nadzornog odbora firme SODO, koja je slovenački operator distributivnog sistema. |
This option makes it easier for students to work on their assignment and have the necessary resource provided by the teacher next to the assignment. | Ova opcija učenicima olakšava rad na zadatku, a uz njih im je na raspolaganju potreban resurs. |
“I believe I will be a good father. | „Verujem da ću biti dobar otac. |
Verica, on the other hand, in the years following the factory closing, turned to her “second love”: gardening. | Verica će se, s druge strane, mnogo godina kasnije i po prisilnom zatvaranju fabrike, okrenuti svojoj „drugoj ljubavi“: cvećarstvu. |
Comedy in the traditional humor of “The Full Monty” or “Billy Elliot” based on the true story of LGBT activists in 1984 helping a strike of minerworkers against the government of Margaret Thatcher. | Komedija u tradiciji filmova kao što su “The Full Monty” ili “Billiy Elliot” zasnovana je na istinitom događaju kada su LGBT aktivisti daleke 1984. godine pomogli štrajk rudara protiv vlade Margaret Tačer. |
Tap Edit, tap on the left side of the screen, then do any of the following: | Kako biste eksperimentirali s Noćnim modom, dodirnite na vrhu zaslona, zatim pomaknite kliznik ispod okvira za podešavanje vremena ekspozicije. |
The projected output is 25 GWh on an annual basis. | Predviđena proizvodnja je 25 gigavat-sati na godišnjem nivou. |
Training was financed by UNDP Montenegro. | Trening je finansiran sredstvima UNDP Crne Gore. |
During the Austrian rule, Sombor was of special importance because it was inhabited by Serbs under the leadership of Arsenij Čarnojević. | U vreme austrijske vladavine Sombor je bio od posebne važnosti jer su ga naselili Srbi pod vođstvom Arsenija Čarnojevića. |
Talking about whether multiethnical Kosovo is possible, Dusan Janjic, Director of the Forum for Ethnic Relations, said that in the Kosovo reality ethnic communities are confronted and divided and that there is a clash for territorial control in Kosovo. | Govoreći o tome da li je multietničko društvo na Kosovu moguće, direktor Foruma za etničke odnose Dušan Janjić je rekao da su u kosovskoj realnosti etničke zajednice konfrontirane i podeljene i da na Kosovu postoji sukob oko kontrole teritorije. |
The site is located in the village of Horgoš, about 300 meters north of the railroad Subotica-Horgoš. | Lokalitet se nalazi u ataru sela Horgoš, oko 300 metara severno od željezničke pruge Subotica-Horgoš. |
Trainings and partner finding facilitation for businesses 2.1.2. | Obuka za iznalaženje partnera za posao 2.1.2. |
Some of the places we visited were the following: the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin (and the Information Centre within it), the Memorial of the Wannsee Conference, the office of the Federal Commissioner for the Stasi Archives, Buchenwald Memorial, the court in Munchen in which the Nazi villain John Demjanjuk (Ivan Mykolaiovych Demianiuk) was tried at and many other places, monuments and memorials. | Neka od mesta koje smo posetili su: Memorijal ubijenim Jevrejima Evrope u Berlinu (i Informacioni centar u sklopu njega), Memorijal Wansee Konferencije, ured Savezne komisije za arhive Stasija, Buchenwald Memorijal, sud u Minhenu na kojem se sudilo nacističkom zločincu Johnu Demjanjuku (Ivan Mykolaiovych Demianiuk) i mnoga druga mesta, spomenike i memorijale. |
INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL FOR AND BY PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES - | Internacionalni Filmski Festival Osoba Sa Invaliditetom - IGOR M. |
• KOSTT and KEDS shall, with the consent of Elektrosever, submit to ERO the investment plan, which will include, among other things, maintenance costs and network losses, which ERO (in principle) should approve in the short term. | KOSTT i KEDS će, uz saglasnost Elektrosevera, podneti ERO investicioni plan, koji će između ostalog obuhvatiti i troškove održavanja i gubitke na mreži, koji ERO (deluje bezuslovno) treba da odobri u kratkom roku. |
This decision was made only a day after the recent clashes in North Mitrovica, when two KoSSev journalists were attacked while on assignment. | Inače, odluka je doneta samo dan nakon nemira u Kosovskoj Mitrovici – 13. oktobra, kada su dva novinara KoSSev-a napadnuta na radnom zadatku. |
More information on lectures can be found at European Western Balkans website. | Više informacija o predavanjima možete naći na sajtu naših partnera European Western Balkans koji su pratili seminar sva tri dana. |
The Balkan Theater Festival is held traditionally every July at the Butrint amphitheater. | Balkanski pozorišni festival se tradicionalno održava u amfiteatru Butrinta svakog jula. |
Through this program, support can be given to those projects initiated by young people in order to: | U okviru ovog programa, podršku mogu da dobiju oni projekti koje pokreću mladi kako bi: |
Choose a gender (and sometimes dialect) for Siri. | Odaberite rod (i ponekad dijalekt) za Siri. |
I honestly believe that soon there will come the day when the government in Serbia will change, since the current one is literally ‘tearing apart’ our state of Serbia", Jaskic concluded. | Verujem iskreno, da će uskoro doći dan kada će se promeniti vlast u Srbiji, jer ova aktuelna vlast bukvalno 'cepa' našu državu Srbiju", zaključio je Jakšić. |
Like Qassim, Ala was released without charge in 2005, after being designated a non-enemy combatant. | Kao i Kasim, Ala je bio pušten bez podignute optužnice 2005, pošto je proglašen „ne-neprijateljskim borcem". |
Along with composing, he practices theoretical work related to issues of contemporary music. | Pored komponovanja bavi se i teorijskim radom vezanim za problematiku savremene muzike. |
The “MOSBUILD” fair is the largest constructions fair in Russia and is one of the leading world trade fairs in this field. | Sajam „MOSBUILD“ je najveći sajam građevine u Rusiji i spada u vodeće svetske sajmove iz ove oblasti. |
The control over advertising budget has never been easier. | Kontrolisanje budžeta za oglašavanje nikada nije bilo lakše. |
“All the more significant social and political events are definitely impacting citizens and the general atmosphere in society. | “Sva značajnija društveno-politička dešavanja svakako utiču na građane i atmosferu u društvu. |
In normal circumstances, during the filling of the bladder with urin there exists a urethral regulatory mechanism of the urinary tube with which we voluntaryly control the urine swelling, up until we find ourselves in a situation and forseen place (toilette) to release the urin. | U normalnim okolnostima prilikom punjenja bešike urinom, postoji regulatorni mehanizam mokraćne cevi kojim voljno kontrolišemo oticanje mokraće sve dok se ne nađemo u pogodnoj situaciji i predviđenom mestu (toaletu) za ispuštanje urina. |
A thermomechanical camera is a device which enables us to scan the radiation of an object’s surface and portray it in a visible optical form. | Termovizijska kamera je uređaj koji nam omogućava da snimimo zračenje sa površine nekog objekta i prekažemo ga u nama vidljivom (optičkom) spektru. |
In fact, we have reports where OpenOffice has been able to read files which the original software package had said were corrupted and unusable. | U stvari, čak imamo izveštaje gde je OpenOffice bio u stanju da čita datoteke za koje je originalni programski paket prijavio da su oštećene i neupotrebljive. |
Social model of disability: some examples | Socijalni model invalidnosti: neki primeri |
The Committee members decided to propose that the National Assembly accept the amendment the Committee submitted to article 5. | Članovi Odbora odlučili su da predlože Narodnoj skupštini i da prihvati amandman koji je podneo Odbor na član 5. |
When you take vitamin B17 cancer cells absorb glucose molecules from vitamin B17 and cause benzaldehyde and cyanide to \"unlock\" causing their own death. | Kada unosite vitamin B17, ćelije raka aposorbiraju molekule glukoze iz vitamina B17 i izazivaju “otključavanje” benaldehida i cijanida, uzrokujući sopstvenu smrt. |
RM Alkon Stahl operates in accordance with modern business standards that put customer needs first. | RM Alkon Stahl posluje u skladu sa savremenim poslovnim standardima koji potrebe kupca stavljaju na prvo mesto. |
Join us at SIF2020 and meet with organizations similar to your own! | Pridružite nam se na Forumu socijalnih inovacija 2020 i povežite se sa organizacijama sličnim vašoj! |
Absolutely not. Modern European design, wide selection of fantastic drinks and food that excites all your senses are trademark of restaurant Biber. | Moderan evropski dizajn, raznoliki izbor fantastičnih pića i hrana koja pobuđuje sva vaša čula su zaštitni znak restorana Biber. |
The UNMIK police annual report for 2000 states that until the end of that year, UNMIK police had full investigative authority in the Mitrovica region. | U godišnjem izveštaju policije UNMIK za 2000. godinu, navodi se da je do kraja te godine UNMIK policija imala potpunu istražnu vlast u regionu Mitrovice. |
There are numerous indicators of the quality of drinking water. | Postoji veliki broj indikatora kvaliteta pijaće vode. |
The Center is open from 10 am to 5:30 pm, and it’s closed on Mondays. | Centar je otvoren od 10 do 17.30 časova, a ponedeljkom je zatvoren. |
Katarina Nikolić was born in 1995 in Bor. | Katarina Nikolić rođena je 1995. godine u Boru. |
The concept of spirits, such as ghosts or reincarnation or possession, is considered in the realm of tales rather than the reporting of fact, especially as spirits leave no mark or footprints. | Koncepti u vezi sa dušom, kao što su duhovi, reinkarnacija ili zaposedanje, se smatraju više bajkama nego istinitim činjenicama, pogotovo zato što duhovi ne ostavljaju tragove ili otiske stopala. |
The wavy Sumadija, at the entrance to Aranđelovac, there is the Risovaca cave, among scientists known as the Paleolithic underground museum. | U zatalasanoj Šumadiji, na ulazu u Aranđelovac, nalazi se pećina Risovača, među naučnicima poznata kao podzemni muzej paleolita. |
Mews Systems’ solution is hosted on Microsoft Azure. | Rešenje Mews Systemsa je hostovano na Microsoft Azureu. |
Praise is a new way to encourage each other at work. | Pohvala je nov način međusobnog poticanja na poslu. |
Reading all the stickers will serve as a pretext for a discussion about prejudices related to guest workers, the widespread opinion about them in society, but also about the professionals that have only recently realized the importance of the topic. | Iščitavanje svih stikera poslužiće kao povod za diskusiju o predrasudama vezanim za gastarbajtere, ustaljenom mišljenju o njima u društvu ali i o struci koja je tek odnedavno uvidela značaj ove teme. |
She is a mentor of 1 submitted and approved doctoral dissertation, a mentor for the preparation of 1 doctoral dissertation, 1 final thesis on Speciality Academic Studies, 18 final theses on Integrated Academic Studies and 10 Student Scientific Research Papers. | Mentor je 1 prijavljene i odobrene doktorske disertacije, zatim mentor za izradu 1 doktorske disertacije, 1 završnog rada na Specijalističkim akademskim studijama, 18 završnih radova na Integrisanim akademskim studijama i 10 Studentskih naučno-istraživačkih radova. |
In a world where solidarity and empathy are increasingly suppressed and lost, films that we will have the opportunity to see at this year's Bosi festival, first of all, will point us to think about these basic values of human society. | U svetu u kome se solidarnost i empatija sve više potiskuju i gube, filmovi koje ćemo imati prilike da vidimo na ovogodišnjem Bosi festivalu nas, pre svega, upućuju da razmislimo o tim bazičnim vrednostima humanog društva. |
These data services are subject to change and may not be available in all regions, resulting in maps and location-based information that may be unavailable, inaccurate, or incomplete. | Ove podatkovne usluge podložne su promjeni i možda neće biti dostupne u svim regijama, što može rezultirati nedostupnim, netočnim ili nepotpunim kartama i drugim informacijama koje se baziraju na lokaciji. |
The exhibition Political Practice of (Post) Yugoslav Art: RETROSPECTIVE 01 was co-produced by Prelom collective, the Center for New Media, and the Museum of Contemporary Art - Belgrade. | Izložba Političke prakse (post)jugoslovenske umetnosti: RETROSPEKTIVA 01 izvedena je u koprodukciji Prelom kolektiva, Centra za nove medije i Muzeja savremene umetnosti – Beograd. |
Official’s campaigns gain momentum during the last four years, and the number of promotional activities significantly increased even in the period outside the election campaign. | Funkcionerske kampanje su dobile na zamahu u poslednje četiri godine, a broj promotivnih aktivnosti je značajno porastao i u periodu van izborne kampanje. |
Special advantage is the possibility of favorable press in small series (500 units). | Posebna pogodnost je mogućnost povoljne štampe manjih serija (do 500 komada). |
Exponents of political parties exercised violence against some students and activists of Lëvizja Për Universitetin. | Eksponenti političkih partija koristili su nasilje nad studentima i aktivistima Pokreta za univerzitet. |
Children with disabilities – who presented her own experience in the field of education, everyday life and the support she receives by teaching assistants and family support services | Dete sa smetnjama u razvoju – koje je predstavilo svoje lično iskustvo u oblasti obrazovanja, svakodnevnog života i podrške koju dobija od strane pedagoškog asistenta i porodičnog saradnika |
The document reveals energy supply (electricity and natural gas), market functioning and cross-border trade on the interconnections in the Energy Community are uninterrupted. No major changes in electricity production and consumption were registered in the majority of contracting parties, the report reads. | Snabdevanje električnom energijom i prirodnim gasom, funkcionisanje tržišta i prekogranične trgovine na interkonekcijama u Energetskoj zajednici odvija se bez prekida, naveo je Sekretrijat u svom izveštaju o snabdevanju, i dodao da u većini ugovornih strana nisu zabežene veće promene u proizvodnji i potrošnji električne energije. |
The trunk can retain about 6-7 litres of water at one moment. | u surlu može da stane između 6 i 7 litara vode u jednom trenutku. |
Tomorrow evening-a shock. | Sutradan uveče - šok. |
The University of Belgrade has signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the CEEC Innovation Center Ningbo, which works to connect and strengthen cooperation between innovators and entrepreneurs from Central and Eastern Europe with organizations and enterprises from China. | Univerzitet u Beogradu potpisao je Sporazum o saradnji sa CEEC Inovacionim centrom kineskog grada Ningbo, koji radi na povezivanju i jačanju saradnje inovatora i preduzetnika iz Centralne i Istočne Evrope sa organizacijama i preduzećima iz Kine. |
A failure in the negotiations could significantly influence interstate relations between Serbia and Russia. | Neuspeh u ovim pregovorima bi mogao značajno da utiče na međudržavne odnose Srbije i Rusije. |
Alarm Prim Inženjering doo - installation of alarm and other security systems, services, consalting, traffic and other | Alarm Prim Inženjering doo - ugradnja alarmnih i drugih bezbednosnih sistema, usluge, consalting, promet i drugo |
Having processed 98.78% of the polling stations where 36.54% of the electorate had voted, for the National Council of the Hungarian National Minority the electoral lists won the following percentage of votes i.e. mandates: | Za članove Nacionalnog saveta mađarske nacionalne manjine na 98,78 odsto obrađenih biračkih mesta, glasalo je 36,54 odsto birača, a izborne liste su osvojile sledeći procenat glasova, odnosno, mandata: |
The mouse cursor can be activated by calling or sending an SMS message to the SIM card number in the device, or by voice activation. | Prisluškivač u mišu se može aktivirati pozivom ili slanjem SMS poruke na broj SIM kartice koja se nalazi u uređaju odnosno glasovnom aktivacijom. |
There are still academically educated people working in the field of human rights, and publicly negating the existence of different needs of various target groups. | Još ima akademski obrazovanih ljudi koji rade u oblasti ljudskih prava, a javno negiraju postojanje različitih potreba za različite kategorije ciljnih grupa. |
Second to the long-term effects of the treatment, another advantage is that the effects are achieved after only one treatment, in most cases, while the more difficult ones may require one more session after two months. | Pored dugotrajnosti efekata tretmana, posebna prednost jeste ta što se efekti postižu samo jednim tretmanom, u najvećem broju slučajeva, dok se kod težih slučajeva celulita tretman može ponoviti još jednom, nakon dva meseca. |
A webinar entitled: "How to become a notified body for construction products?" The webinar on "How to become a notified body for construction products?" organized by the Institute for Standardization of Serbia was held on December 7, 2020. | Održan vebinar pod nazivom: „Kako postati imenovano telo za građevinske proizvode?“ U organizaciji Instituta za standardizaciju Srbije, 7. decembra 2020. godine je održan vebinar na temu „Kako postati imenovano telo za građevinske proizvode?“, u kome je kao predavač učestvovao i predstavnik Akreditacionog tela Srbije (ATS). |
Fascinating photocopied books were produced as part of the art movement to which Iztok Osojnik belonged, and which never was given a name. | Fascinantne fotokopirane knjige nastale su kao deo umetničkog pokreta kojem je pripadao Iztok Osojnik, a koji nikada nije sebi nadenuo ime. |
Annual or two yearly requeening being a case in point. | Zamena matica na godinu ili dve godine na primer. |
She also gave two lectures at the round table Science and Society, SANU Branch in Novi Sad (Medicinal plants - between empiricism and science, 2009; Plants between food and medicine - herbal supplements, 2013). | Održala je i dva predavanja u okviru okruglog stola Nauka i društvo, Ogranak SANU u Novom Sadu (Lekovite biljke – između empirije i nauke, 2009.; Biljke između hrane i lekove – biljni dodaci ishrani, 2013). |
Newer of the applications software transcends this one problem less or farther of the lucky special FE. However, adjust of the equivalent modul elasticity of the composite section applicable usage real – life software family CAA, based of geometry – mechanical analogy (GMA) characteristic of composite section mode steel – concrete. | Međutim, nametnuti ekvivalentni modul elastičnosti spregnutog preseka je podesan i sa primenom postojećih aplikacija porodice CAA, i temelji se na geometrijsko – mehaničkoj analogiji (GMA) karakteristika spregnutog poprečnog preseka tipa „čelik – beton“. |
During the control, the legal basis for using the stated premises as LLC head office is inspected (contract of lease, title deed, purchase contract for the office space – flat, parents` approval to use the space as the LLC head office). | Tom prilikom se proverava osnov korišćenja navedenog prostora za sedište DOO (ugovor o zakupu, vlasnički list, ugovor o kupovini tog prostora - stana, saglasnost roditelja da tu bude sedište DOO). |
I endured the horror of forced loneliness, perceived my mothers’ death as abandoning. | Spoznala sam užas prinudne samoće, maminu smrt sam doživela kao napuštanje. |
Brands Mate The factory is equipped with the most modern devices that guarantee the impeccable quality of the oil, because after the daily harvest, the olives become oil the same evening. | Brendovi Mate Fabrika je opremljena najsavremenijim uređajima kojima se garantuje besprekoran kvalitet ulja jer nakon dnevne berbe, masline iste večeri postaju ulje. |
Since each piece of equipment is unique and that each laboratory has its own characteristics in terms of accessibility for external users, the PIU will, in consultation with the heads of laboratories, adapt the system for reservation of terms accordingly. | Obzirom da je svaki uređaj jedinstveni i da svaka laboratorija ima svoje karakterističnosti u pogledu dostupnosti za spoljne korisnike, JUP će, u dogovoru sa rukovodiocima laboratorija, prilagoditi sistem za rezervaciju. |
Are they turning grey or yellow? | Da li postaje siva ili žuta? |
He emphasized that Turkey was ready for investments in one such structure. | On je naglasio da je Turska spremna za investicije za jedan takav objekt. |
I think that the house should be renovated because of its architectural values, turned into a documentation center for crimes committed in Kosovo during the former Yugoslavia and World War II. | Mislim da tu kuću treba obnoviti zbog njenih arhitektonskih vrednosti, pretvoriti u dokumentacioni centar za zločine počinjene na Kosovu tokom postojanja bivše Jugoslavije, uključujući i vreme Drugog svetskog rata. |
The celebration of this important day is an opportunity to continue to fulfil our obligations towards children, to analyse the results achieved so far in the field of children’s mental health care and to call on all responsible actors to further improve the position of children in our society. | Obeležavanje ovog značajnog dana je prilika da preuzete obaveze prema deci nastavimo da ostvarujemo, da analiziramo dosadašnja postignuća u domenu zaštite mentalnog zdravlja dece, a da sve odgovorne aktere pozovemo na dodatno unapređenje položaja dece u našem društvu. |
a right to ask us to delete your information (right to be forgotten); | · Brisanje: pravo da zahtevate da se obrišu Vaši lični podaci bez odlaganja (uz poštovanje ograničenja koja su postavljena zakonom); |
In autumn and in summer, they are broad and bright like desert mirages, and in winter they are smothered by murky clouds and dark red hazes. | U jesen i u leto oni su prostrani i jarki kao pustinjske vizije, a zimi prigušeni tmastim oblacima i rujnim maglama. |