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For example, pupils today learn about bullying and talk openly about problems of this nature. But how much are they dealt with at the higher levels? | Tako se danas na nastavi uči o vršnjačkom nasilju i otvoreno se govori o takvim problemima, ali koliko se te pojave spominju na višim nivoima obrazovanja? |
With this symposium we attempt to trace and introduce a different methodology to be able to include Eastern-European events in the international discourse on exhibition theory. | Cilj simpozijuma je istraživanje i predstavljanje različitih metodologija da bi se ostvarila mogućnost da se događaji iz Istočne Evrope uključe u internacionalni diskurs teorije o izložbama. |
Cat engines with ACERT® Technology provide ample power while minimizing emissions. | Cat motori sa ACERT™ tehnologijom pružaju dovoljnu količinu snage istovremeno smanjujući emisije. |
Systematized and complete information about abandoned mining waste sites in Serbia do not exist yet, thus one of the priorities of this project is the identification of abandoned mining waste sites, assessment of environmental impact and establishment of a database for management and remediation of these sites. | U Srbiji ne postoje sistematizovani podaci o napuštenim deponijama rudarskog otpada, pa je jedan od prioriteta ovog projekta identifikacija napuštenih lokacija rudarskog otpada, procena njihovog uticaja na životnu sredinu i uspostavljanje baze za upravljanje i remedijaciju tih lokacija. |
Medical care at the prime level includes: | Zdravstvena delatnost na primarnom nivou obuhvata: |
Both Romanides and Yannaras critique the West on its basis in Augustinian theology. | Obojica, Romanidis i Janaras, kritikuju Zapad, koji se temelji na Avgustinovoj teologiji. |
We helped them build their brand, create business opportunities, meet potential investors and discover new trends in their own niche. | Pomogli smo im u izgradnji njihovog brenda, stvaranju poslovnih prilika, susretu s potencijalnim investitorima i otkrivanju novih trendova u svojim nišama. |
On this page you will find list of all Wester Union locations and payment transactions for place Batočina, and working time for every location. | Na ovoj strani, pronaći ćete spisak svih naših poslovnica za Western Union i platni promet za mesto Batočina, kao i radno vreme za svaku od poslovnica. |
The fruit is medium large (27−39.7 g), egg-shaped. | Plod je srednje krupnoće (27-39,7 g), jajastog oblika. |
In addition to the standard packages intended to monitor the business operations of companies and specialized in the Public Housing and Public Utility Companies, the Center for Development of Information Systems also designs and produces the business software by order, maintains the computer and network equipment and sells the licenses for ORACLE and Microsoft products. | Pored standardnih paketa namenjenih za praćenje poslovanja preduzeća i specijalizovanih za javna stambena i komunalna preduzeća, Centar za razvoj informacionih sistema vrši i projektovanje i izradu poslolnog softvera po narudžbini, održavanje računarske i mrežne opreme i prodaju licenci za ORACLE i Microsoft proizvode. |
Types of cards | Vrste kartica |
Every "Gospodska" brandy, undergoes double distillation and double control: first in its own laboratory and then in one of the independent certified laboratories. | Svaka Gospodska rakija baš kao što prolazi dvostruku destilaciju, prolazi i dvostruku kontrolu: najpre u sopstvenoj laboratoriji a potom i u nekoj od nezavisnih sertifikovanih laboratorija. |
AirPods: Put your AirPods in their case and close the lid or click Stop in Find My. | AirPods: Stavite svoje AirPods slušalice u kućište i zatvorite poklopac ili kliknite Zaustavi u aplikaciji Pronalaženje. |
At the sitting held on 22 December, the members of the Legislative Committee considered the nine Bills included into the agenda for the Eighth Sitting of the Second Regular Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2010. | Članovi Zakonodavnog odbora su, na sednici održanoj 22. decembra, razmotrili devet predloga zakona koji su uvršteni u dnevni red Osme sednice Drugog redovnog zasedanja Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije u 2010. godini. |
These two we buried just before Vidovdan and, as we served the Vidovdan Liturgy in the Patriarchate of Pec, we could not help feeling that this was really the most horrific Vidovdan over the past 600 years which affected all the Serbs and had a special effect on the Serbian national entity in Kosovo. | Njih dvije smo sahranili uoči Vidovdana i služili Liturgiju na Vidovdan u Pećkoj Patrijaršiji i osetili da je to zaista najstrašniji Vidovdan u poslednjih 600 godina za nas i za naše biće na Kosovu. |
There is no ethical reason to allow proprietary applications on the GNU system, but strategically it seems that disallowing them would do more to discourage use of the GNU system than to encourage development of free applications. | Ne postoji etički razlog da se dopuste vlasničke aplikacije na GNU sustavu, ali strategijski se čini da bi njihovo odbijanje više doprinijelo obeshrabrivanju korištenja GNU sustava nego ohrabrivanju razvitka slobodnih aplikacija. |
A founding board member of the Washington DC Think-tank “The Ocean Health Council”, Bart Sayle advises on vision and strategy for the global initiative on the Oceans supported by The World Bank and the World Economic Forum. | Član osnivačkog odbora Think-tanka „The Ocean Health Council” u Vašingtonu, Bart Sejl саветује о визији и стратегији за глобалну иницијативу о океанима uz podršku Svetske banke i Svetskog ekonomskog foruma. |
Connect a display to a USB-C port: Use a Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) cable to connect the display to the USB-C port on your Mac. | Priključivanje zaslona na USB-C priključak: Upotrijebite Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) kabel za spajanje zaslona na USB-C priključnicu na Macu. |
In this way, the virtual exhibition in the Pavilion of Serbia allows visitors to get to know our country, not only live at the pavilion in Dubai, but from anywhere on the planet. | Na ovaj način virtuеlna izložba u Paviljonu Srbijе omogućava posеtiocima da sе upoznaju sa našom zеmljom, nе samo uživo na paviljonu u Dubaiju, vеć iz bilo kojе tačkе na planеti. |
Debra Searle MBE crossed the Atlantic Ocean in a rowing boat alone when her then-husband, a 6 ft 5 top-level oarsman, left the boat after developing an uncontrollable fear of the ocean. | Debra Sirle MBE je sama prešla Atlantski okean u čamcu na vesla kada je njen tadašnji muž, vrhunski veslač visok 6 stopa i 5 metara, napustio čamac nakon što je razvio nekontrolisani strah od okeana. |
Where can I go to set up my account and install Office? | Gdje mogu postaviti račun i instalirati Office? |
“The atmosphere in the classes was great. | “Atmosfera na časovima je bila odlična. |
Its vast expanses offer infinite possibilities and it is almost impossible to visit it all in one breath. | Njegovo ogromno prostranstvo pruža beskrajne mogućnosti i skoro ga je nemoguće obići u jednom dahu. |
For example, click Wi-Fi to choose from a list of nearby networks, click Sound to choose an audio device, or click Display to see options for Dark Mode, Night Shift, or True Tone. | Na primjer, kliknite Wi-Fi da biste odabrali s popisa obližnjih mreža, kliknite Zvuk da biste odabrali audio uređaj ili kliknite Zaslon da biste vidjeli opcije za Tamni mod, Night Shift ili True Tone. |
Notes of the crystal bowls are tuned to specific frequencies found within the human body. Thus when the sound moves through the atmosphere and touches us, it causes our cells to move in different directions at a different speed, in rhythm with the sound wave. | Note kristalnih pevajućih bola podešene su na određene frekvencije koje se nalaze unutar ljudskog tela, pa kada se zvuk kreće kroz atmosferu i dodirne nas, izaziva naše ćelije da se kreću u različitim pravcima različitom brzinom, u ritmu zvučnog talasa. |
(Perfecting of power of hand and leg Karate punches and kicks covered by this program. | (Usavršavanja razornosti ručnih i nožnih Karate udaraca obuhvaćenih ovim programom. |
The main and first thing to do is to begin with increased fluid intake and drug treatment (nonsteroidal inflammatory drugs and alpha-blockers), if it comes to the first stone. | Najpre treba početi sa povećanim unosom tečnosti, zatim tretman lekovima (nesteroidni inflamatorni lekovi i alfa-blokeri) ukoliko je u pitanju prvi kamen. |
But the capital has also faced some setbacks and issues. | Ipak, prestonica se suočila i sa nekim manjkovima i problemima. |
Available for: iPhone 5 and later, iPad 4th generation and later, iPod touch 6th generation and later Impact: A local application with system privileges may be able to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges | Dostupno za: iPhone 5 i noviji, iPad četvrte generacije i noviji, iPod touch šeste generacije i noviji Učinak: lokalna aplikacija sa sistemskim ovlastima mogla je izvršiti proizvoljni kod s kernelskim ovlastima |
In order to understand each other’s “language”, various infrastructure components require a customized integration software. | Kako bi razumeli različite „jezike“ uz pomoć kojih funkcionišu, razni delovi infrastrukture zahtevaju personalizovano softversko rešenje za integraciju. |
There are also fees to be paid to the Regulatory Authority and thus the new rulebook on fees will have to be passed. | Naravno, tu su i naknade prema Regulatornom telu, a u tom smislu će morati da se donese pravilnik o naknadama. |
A Grundfos Customised Service Agreement offers you a way to stay ahead of maintenance needs at all times. | Grundfos servisni ugovor prilagođen potrebama klijenta nudi vam način da u svakom trenutku budete korak ispred u procesu održavanja sustava. |
The study’s lifecycle analysis of EVs shows that even when powered by the most carbon intensive electricity in Europe, they emit less GHG than a conventional diesel vehicle. | Analiza životnog veka EV pokazuje da, i kada se napajaju električnom energijom čija proizvodnja ima najveće emisije CO2 u Evropi, EV emituju manje gasova staklene bašte nego konvencionalni automobili. |
The personal experience of an artist in this way presented is not only a potential point of his transformation, growing up and personality formation. | Lično iskustvo jednog umetnika na ovaj način predstavljeno nije samo potencijalna tačka njegove transformacije, odrastanja i formiranja ličnosti. |
“Respondents who have not been offered the vaccine or have had no contact about it from their council, are frustrated at the inconsistency across the country,” he says. | „Ispitanici kojima vakcina nije ponuđena ili nisu kontaktirani u svojim zajednicama, frustrirani su nedoslednošću širom zemlje“, kaže on. |
Delivery procedure: certificate on personal identification number for all registered entities will commence on January 12, 2009. | Postupak dostave: potvrda o osobnom identifikacijskom broju za sve zatečene osobe započet će 12. siječnja 2009. godine. |
The responsibility and task of President Vučić lies not only in signing a binding agreement with Kosovo, far from the public eye, in Washington D. C, Brussels or Paris. | Odgovornost i zadatak predsednika Vučića nije samo da potpiše obavezujući sporazum sa Kosovom, negde daleko od očiju javnosti, u Vašingtonu, Briselu ili Parizu. |
In the peaceful march participants were activists of the Roma Women`s Center “Rromnjako Ilo”, activistis of the Assication of Roma “Danica” Pancevo and Activists of the Association of Roma Novi Becej. | U mirnom maršu su učestvovale aktivistkinje Romskog ženskog centra Romnjako Ilo, aktivistkinje Udruženja Roma Danica Pančevo i aktivistkinje Udruženja Roma Novi Bečej.Poruke koje su aktivistkinje želele da poruče su sledeće: |
Access your books on your Mac | Pristup knjigama na Mac računalu |
It is not as good as the homemade one, but it is surely worth tasting it. | Nije kao domaći, ali svakako ga vredi probati. Možda posle toga rešite ipak i vi da ga napravite. |
EDUCATION, TRAINING and AWARENESS-RAISING Outstanding initiatives related to education, training and awareness-raising in the field of tangible and/or intangible cultural heritage, to promote and/or to contribute to the sustainable development of the environment. | EDUKACIJA, OBUKA I PODIZANJE SVESTI Inovativne inicijative vezane za edukaciju iz oblasti zaštite nasleđa, kao i programe obuke iz konzervacije radi podizanja svesti o kulturnom nasleđu. |
Tamara Luksic Orlandic, independent consultant, and Dragana Socanin, president of Civic Association Parent, spoke about the Child Protection Index results in Serbia. | Tamara Lukšić Orlandić, nezavisni konsultant i Dragana Soćanin, predsednica Udruženja građana Roditelj govorile su o ukupnom rezultatu Indeksa dečje zaštite za Srbiju. |
Condominium maintenance is entrusted to professionals who regularly monitor the functioning and correctness of all existing devices and mechanisms. | Održavanje kondominijuma je povereno profesionalcima koji uredno prate funkcionisanje i ispravnost svih aparata i mehanizama koji postoje. |
Centralization of all business information of the company makes it easy to track the results of business, coordination (functional synchronization) and in time synchronization of the manufacturing, warehouses, and distribution channels in different places. | Centralizovanost svih poslovnih informacija firme olakšava praćenje realizacije poslovanja, koordinaciju (funkcionalno usklađivanje) i sinhronizaciju (vremensko usklađivanje) proizvodnje, skladišta i distributivnih kanala na različitim mestima. |
To move to the previous or next slide, select the Previous or Next arrow. | Da biste se pomakli na prethodni ili sljedeći slajd, odaberite strelicu Prethodno ili Dalje. |
Patronage employment leads to the annulment of the principles of competence and competence, knowledge and education are key to the future of society. | Partijsko zapošljavanje vodi u poništavanje principa kompetencije, a kompetencija, znanje i obrazovanje su ključni za budućnost društva. |
Portland cement CEM I 52,5 R is produced by grinding of portland cement clinker with addition of optimal quantity of gypsum as a setting time regulator. | Portland cement bez dodataka, CEM I 52,5 R, dobija se procesom mlevenja visokokvalitetnog portland-cementnog klinkera uz dodatak optimalne količine gipsa kao regulatora vremena vezivanja. |
Over time, cellulite spreads and it does not disappear on its own. | Celulit se s vremenom pogoršava i širi i ne prolazi sam. |
Zannier, hence, also used the opportunity to address the proposed time schedule for submission of the first set of reports due by the end of 2018. | Zannier je stoga iskoristio priliku da spomene i predloženi vremenski rok za podnošenje prvog paketa izvještaja, planiran za kraj 2018. godine. |
Boys and girls were surprised by a lot of sweets and funny toys that will make their childhood nicer and fulfilled. | Dečaci i devojčice u paketićima su pronašli pregršt slatkiša, kao i zabavne igračke uz koje će im detinjstvo biti lepše i ispunjenije. |
Press in the tiles into the adhesive layer on the substrate, and if the surface is uneven or the tiles are of larger size, apply the adhesive also to the tile. | Pločice utiskivati u sloj ljepila na podlozi, a ako je površina neravna ili su pločice većeg formata ljepilo nanositi i na pločicu. |
As part of the final phase of the 150-million-Euro investment in Central Garden, we have started constructing Business Garden, the only modern office building in downtown Belgrade at an advantageous location that is connected to all key governmental and diplomatic institutions, courts, main city arteries and New Belgrade Business District. | U okviru Central Garden-a, kao finalni segment investicije ukupne vrednosti od 150 miliona evra, počela je izgradnja jedine moderne poslovne zgrade u centru grada Business Garden, na prestižnoj lokaciji povezanoj sa bitnim institucijama, sudovima, glavnim saobraćajnicama i poslovnom zonom na Novom Beogradu. |
In iTunes on PC, delete songs, playlists, folders, and other content. | U iTunesu na PC računalu, obrišite pjesme, reprodukcijske liste, mape i drugi sadržaj. |
During the last few years, I often face people who ask me how to engage millennials in the workplace. | Često se u svom radnom okruženju, direktno ili indirektno, srećem sa pitanjem kako angažovati milenijalse na radnom mestu. |
Home » News » Electricity » Energy Agency gets new president and members of the Council | Početna » Vesti » Električna energija » Agencija za energetiku dobila novog predsednika i članove Saveta |
For all information on the Public Call please email at: [email protected] or call: 011/360-4489. | Za informacije u vezi sa Javnim pozivom možete se obratiti na elektronsku adresu: [email protected] ili putem telefona 011/360-4489. |
The National Assembly shall be obliged to put forward the act on amending the Constitution in the republic referendum to have it endorsed, in cases when the amendment of the Constitution pertains to the preamble of the Constitution, principles of the Constitution, human and minority rights and freedoms, the system of authority, proclamation the state of war and emergency, derogation from human and minority rights in the state of emergency or war or the proceedings of amending the Constitution. | Narodna skupština je dužna da akt o promeni Ustava stavi na republički referendum radi potvrđivanja, ako se promena Ustava odnosi na preambulu Ustava, načela Ustava, ljudska i manjinska prava i slobode, uređenje vlasti, proglašavanje ratnog i vanrednog stanja, odstupanje od ljudskih i manjinskih prava u vanrednom i ratnom stanju ili postupak za promenu Ustava. |
You have heard them in our election campaign and read them in our government program. | Čuli ste ih u našoj predizbornoj kampanji i čitali u našem vladinom programu. |
I listened to a professional trainer describing how he taught a great African parrot to stop landing on his head and shoulders. | Slušao sam profesionalnog trenera kako opisuje kako je naučio velikog afričkog papagaja da prestane da sleće na njegovu glavu i ramena. |
Editorial comment: So now you know. | Komentar urednika DAA: Sada znate. |
On the other hand, it is not possible to discuss sustainable stability without recognizing common interests and full support to regional cooperation, which is, like I have already said, one of our equally important foreign policy pillars. | Sa druge strane, govoriti o održivoj stabilnosti nemoguće je bez prepoznavanja zajedničkih interesa i pune podrške regionalnoj saradnji, koja je, kako sam već napomenuo, jedan od ravnopravnih stubova naše spoljne politike. |
Without any dilemma, Zemun is one of the most beautiful parts of Belgrade, recognizable by its architecture, Gardoš tower, one of the oldest taverns in Belgrade and the beautiful riverside walkway, which is a favorite place of Zemun’s residents. | Zemun je, bez ikakve dileme, jedan od najlepših delova Beograda, prepoznatljiv po svojoj arhitekturi, Gardoš kuli, jednoj od najstarijih kafana u Beogradu, prelepom keju Oslobođenja i mnogobrojnim kafićima i restoranima zbog kojih gosti dolaze iz celog sveta. |
In 1986, Honda launched its Acura luxury car line, offering the sporty Integra and flagship Legend. | Kompanija Honda je 1986. godine plasirala na tržište liniju luksuznih automobila Acura, koja je obuhvatala sportski automobil Integra i vodeći brod Legend. |
In this way, we will increase the attractiveness of our countries. | Na taj način povećavamo atraktivnost naših zemalja. |
Health and Benefits | Zdravstveno osiguranje i benefiti |
During beautiful days, our bar will easily become your favourite place to sunbathe and enjoy. | Tokom lepih dana naš bar lako će postati vaš omiljeni kutak za sunčanje i uživanje. |
Features LED light in seven different colors which are controlled easily on a touch button on the front. | Sadrži LED svetla u sedam različitih boja kojima se lako upravlja pomoću tastera na prednjoj strani. |
If we wanted to explore it into detail, we would need to exceed the needs of this text. | Detaljnije izlaganje ove problematike uveliko prevazilazi potrebe ovog teksta. |
Supply Chain Management | Upravljanje opskrbnim lancem |
It is interesting that several thousand Chinese live in Belgrade, who started immigrating in the 1990s. | Zanimljivost je da u Beogradu živi i nekoliko hiljada Kineza, koji su počeli da se doseljavaju devedestih godina 20. veka. |
There are more than 251 species of fungi in the forests of Tara | U šumama Tare postoji više od 251 vrste gljiva. |
Ultras were thrilled to have two legendary fan groups in just 14 days. | Ultrasi su bili oduševljeni da im u samo 14 dana dolaze dvije legendarne navijačke grupe. |
Y-o-y inflation continued to move within the target tolerance band (3±1.5%) and reached 2.1% in September. Core inflation (CPI excluding the prices of food, energy, alcohol and cigarettes) remained low and stable, at 1.1% in September, unchanged from the previous month. | Međugodišnja inflacija nastavila je da se kreće u granicama cilja (3 ± 1,5%) i u septembru je iznosila 2,1%, dok je bazna inflacija (indeks potrošačkih cena po isključenju hrane, energije, alkohola i cigareta) ostala niska i stabilna i u septembru je iznosila 1,1%, što je nepromenjeno u odnosu na prethodni mesec. |
The first joint environmental campaign “Look Around You”, created by the Ministry of European Integration and the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia, with the Ministry of the Environmental Protection, is moving into its final phase. | Prva zajednička ekološka kampanja „Pogledaj oko sebe“, koju su osmislili Ministarstvo za evropske integracije i Delegacija Evropske unije u Republici Srbiji, sa Ministarstvom za zaštitu životne sredine, ulazi u svoju završnicu. |
Since this area is known for good barbecue most restaurants are based on it. | Obzirom da je ovaj kraj poznat po dobrom roštilju većina restorana je bazirana na tome. |
It is also believed that graphic art is a hard medium, and its execution is neither easy nor revealing. On the contrary. | Isto tako, poznato je da je grafika tvrd medij koji ne poseduje lakoću i zavodljivost izvođenja, naprotiv. |
Alphabet of Detelinara - Workshop lead by Mireia Sallarès, artist from Barcelona and residents of Detelinara | Азбучник Detelinare: radionica sa umetnicom Mireijom Sаlares (Mireia Sallarès) iz Barselone i stanovnicima Detelinare |
Printer Friendly Version 25.02.2022 - Political consultations between the MFA of the Republic of Serbia and FPS Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Belgium @ 28 February 2022 01:01 PM | Printer Friendly Version 25.02.2022. - Političke konsultacije ministarstava spolјnih poslova Srbije i Belgije održane su danas u Briselu @ 28 February 2022 01:00 PM |
With your iPhone or iPad | Na iPhone i iPad uređaju |
OTHER INFORMATION — The national currency is the hryvnia (UAH). | OSTALO – Nacionalna valuta je grivna (UAH). |
plasticizing cold printed and clean paper, cardboard- rolls with polypropylene foil and polyethylene foil. | plastificiranje na hladno štampanog i čistog papira i kartona iz tabaka- rolne sa obrađenom polipropilenskom folijom, polietilenskom folijom |
During self-management, inequality was caused by the low rate of employment and the fact that most social transfers were interconnected to labor or bureaucratic benefits. | Tokom samoupravljanja, neravnopravnost je bila uzrokovana niskom stopom nezaposlenosti i činjenicom da je većina socijalnih transfera bila međupovezana sa radom ili birokratskim benefitima. |
From the eternal emeralds of tropical forests to the explosion of colors that is New England in autumn, this free 20-set theme for Windows might just make you want to go hug a tree. | Od smaragdnih tropskih šuma do eksplozije boja jeseni u Novoj Engleskoj, ova besplatna tema za Windows u 20 setova možda vas natjera da zagrlite drvo. |
We hereby remind you that we informed you on 1 February, 2018 that the document IAF MD 22: 2018 had been applied since 25 January, 2018 and that it referred to certification according to SRPS OHSAS 18001 standard, as well as certification according to SRPS ISO 45001: 2018. | Podsećamo vas da smo vas informacijom od 1. februara 2018. godine obavestili da je dokument IAF MD 22:2018 u primeni od 25.01.2018. godine i da se odnosi na sertifikaciju prema standardu SRPS OHSAS 18001, kao i na sertifikaciju prema standardu SRPS ISO 45001:2018. |
If you have to allocate about 800 euros, then your transit is almost certain. | Ako imate da izdvojite oko 800 evra, onda vam je prelazak gotovo siguran. |
“Covid-19 and Impact on Commercial Lease Agreements” | „Covid-19 i uticaj na ugovore o zakupu u privredi“ |
The IPMA 4-level-certification program for project, program and portfolio managers provides candidates with the opportunity to choose among levels A, B, C or D, in accordance with their existing level of knowledge and competencies. The IPMA Level D is the lowest level that confirms the candidate’s theoretical knowledge of PM, while the IPMA Level A is the highest and confirms the competencies of candidates for the management of complex projects, programs, and portfolios. | IPMA program međunarodne sertifikacije projektnih, program i portfolio menadžera na 4 nivoa pruža mogućnost kandidatima da biraju sertifikaciju nivoa A, B, C ili D, u skladu sa svojim postojećim znanjem i kompetencijama, pri čemu je nivo D najniži i potvrđuje teorijsko znanje kandidata, dok je nivo A najviši i potvrđuje kompetencije kandidata za upravljanje složenim poduhvatima. |
Therefore, this one-sided and exclusive approach by the Ministry of Justice for us is unserious and unprofessional. | Dakle, ovaj jednostrani i isključivi pristup Ministarstva Pravde je za nas neozbiljan i neprofesionalan. |
Our luminaires don’t just provide the best light levels, they also offer a low energy alternative to dramatically reduce your business costs. | Naše svetiljke ne pružaju samo najbolje nivoe osvetljenja, već nude i niskoenergetsku alternativu koja dramatično smanjuje vaše poslovne troškove. |
The event shall begin at 11 o`clock in Media Centre in Belgrade(Terazije 3, II sprat). | Konferencija počinje u 11h i održava se u Media centru u Beogradu (Terazije 3, II sprat). |
The trip began at the headquarters of STADA Group in Bad Vilbel and ended in Vršac, the headquarters of Hemofarm. | Put je počeo u sedištu STADA Grupe u Bad Vilbelu, a završio se u Vršcu, sedištu Hemofarma. |
During his stay in Paris, Professor Milanović also gave interviews for a significant number of French media, including Liberasion and France Inter. | Profesor Milanović je tokom boravka u Parizu dao i intervjue za značajan broj francuskih medija, uključujući Liberasion i France Inter. |
Your personal data at the time of the sign up must therefore correspond to the data of your ID. | Tvoji osobni podaci u trenutku registracije stoga moraju odgovarati podacima s tvoje osobne iskaznice. |
Our people must not forget this, and there is no need to remind that, besides Jews, Serbs and Roma are among those who suffered the greatest sacrifices in the Second World War and that Serbia rightfully inherits the anti-fascist tradition, said the Commissioner. | Naš narod to ne sme da zaboravi i ne treba posebno podsećati da su pored Jevreja, Srbi i Romi među onima koji su podneli najveće žrtve u Drugom svetskom ratu i da Srbija sa punim pravom baštini antifašističku tradiciju, rekla je poverenica. |
Advocacy aiming to improve the position of broadcasters | javno zalaganje za poboljšanje položaja emitera |
Mr. Radoslav Sretenović, Auditor-General, emphasized that signing of the Memorandum represents an important event for both institutions. | Generalni državni revizor Radoslav Sretenović naglasio je da potpisivanje sporazuma predstavlja važan događaj za obe institucije. |
A BIG STEP TOWARD REVERSING PARALYSIS – ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL USE OF STEM CELLS | Veliki korak u lečenju paralize – Još jedan uspeh sa matičnim ćelijama! |
Are there any particular reasons why I could not submit to the VBeam laser treatment? | Da li postoji određeni razlog za podvrgavanje VBeam laserskom tretmanu? |
Namely, in the next month, all pensioners from Belgrade’s municipality of Rakovica going to their vaccination appointment will get a free ride to the location and back home. | Naime, u sljedećih mjesec dana svi penzioneri iz beogradske opštine Rakovica koji idu na vakcinaciju dobiće besplatnu vožnju do vakcinalnog punkta i nazad kući. |
Thermal insulation materials are among the synthetic and mineral materials. | Termoizolacioni materijali spadaju u red sintetičkih i mineralnih materijala. |
Subsets and Splits