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VGA, HDMI, and DVI output supported using adapters (sold separately) | VGA, HDMI i DVI izlaz uz upotrebu adaptera (prodaju se zasebno) |
The goal of the Law is not only to create a legal basis for the preservation of archival material, but also to develop awareness among citizens about the importance of its complete protection and preservation. | Cilj Zakona je ne samo stvaranje pravnog osnova za čuvanje arhivske građe, već i razvijanje svesti kod građana o važnosti njene potpune zaštite i očuvanja. |
Leonardo D’Urso, mediator and founder of ADR Center in Rome (Italy), talks about the development of mediation in Italy and Europe and the efficiency of the Italian mediation model. | Leonardo D’Urso, medijator i osnivač ADR Centra u Rimu (Italija), govori o razvoju medijacije u Italiji i Evropi i efikasnosti italijanskog modela medijacije. |
Lean cost structure and modern equipment allows us to supply FIBC at competitive prices | Tanka struktura troškova i savremena oprema omogućavaju nam da obezbedimo FIBC po konkurentnim cenama |
The Surroundings In one organized tour you can see many sights that are in some way related to the life of the river Uvac. | Okolina U jednom organizovanom obilasku možete videti mnogo znamenitosti koje su na neki način vezane za život reke Uvac. |
To go to the note with the attachment, touch and hold the thumbnail of the attachment, then tap Show in Note. | Za prelazak na bilješku s privitkom dodirnite i držite sličicu privitka, a zatim dodirnite opciju Prikaži u bilješci. |
If you are recording someone who is speaking softly, increase the input volume so your Mac can better capture the person’s voice. | Ako snimate nekoga tko tiho govori, povećajte glasnoću ulaza zvuka kako bi Mac računalo bolje snimilo glas te osobe. |
Ambrozije Šarčević (Subotica, 30.3.1820 – Subotica, 29.11.1899) was a lawyer, clerk and publicist. | Ambrozije Šarčević (Subotica, 30. 3. 1820 – Subotica, 29. 11. 1899), pravnik, činovnik, publicista. |
Principle of general accessibility of such information not only derives from the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance, but is also explicitly confirmed by some special laws. | Princip opše dostupnosti ovakvih informacija ne samo da proizilazi iz Zakona o slobodnom pristupu informacijama od javnog značaja, već je i eksplicitno potvrđeno nekim posebnim zakonima. |
In the end, and after so many kilometers and places I just want to say that I breathed in the atmosphere of this island. | Na kraju, i posle toliko pređenih kilometara i mnogobrojnih destinacija kroz koje smo protrčali želim da kažem da sam samo udahnula atmosferu ovog ostrva. |
So far only Serbia has a day-ahead market. | Zasad u regionu samo Srbija ima berzu električne energije sa dan-unapred tržištem. |
However, life expectancy did recover the following year. | Ipak, podaci o očekivanom trajanju životnog veka popravili su se tokom sledeće godine. |
Try juice stakes, delicious pastas or different kinds of salads. | Probajte sočne bifteke, ukusne paste ili raznovrsne salate. |
The information provided on this internet site shouldn’t be interpreted as advice for making any kinds of decisions. | Informacije date na ovom internet sajtu ne treba tumačiti kao savete za donošenje odluka bilo koje vrste. |
In 2015, 21 victims were subjected to sex trafficking, three to forced labor, ten to forced begging, and two to forced criminality. | Tokom 2015. godine, 21 osoba je identifikovana kao žrtva trgovine ljudima u cilju seksualne eksploatacije, tri osobe su bile izložene prinudnom radu, deset prinudnoj prošnji i dve prinudi na vršenje krivičnih dela. |
It’s very difficult to find facts about bridges on Lim, the note about the oldest bridges was probably not important to mention because they were in the shadow of monumental medieval architecture. | O mostovima na Limu malo se zna, a zapis o starim mostovima bio je najčešće uzgredan i ne mnogo važan pomena, jer su mostovi obično bili u senci monumentalne srednjovekovne arhitekture. |
Learn more and compare Microsoft 365 plans. | Saznajte više i usporedite tarife za Microsoft 365. |
However, the Mayor of Belgrade Siniša Mali explains that the government has secured the ownership over the state property in every way, but this fact is being on purpose ignored by the public. | Gradonačelnik Beograda Siniša Mali objašnjava, međutim, da je država na sve načine obezbedila raspolaganje državnom imovinom, ali da se ta činjenica namerno ignoriše u javnosti. |
Studying various beliefs or intellectual contemplation is one of the best and most effective ways. | Proučavanje raznih učenja ili intelektualna kontemplacija, samo su neki od najboljih i najdelotvornijih načina. |
The concert took place in the Synagogue at 19:30. | Koncert je održan u Novosadskoj sinagogi sa početkom u 19:30 časova. |
Both groups pointed out as particularly significant just the very opportunity to discuss all these topics, because talking about them is usually not encouraged in their environments. | Kao posebno značajno i jedni i drugi su izdvojili zapravo samu mogućnost da razgovaraju o svim ovim temama, jer se razgovor o tome u mestima u kojima žive najčešće ne ohrabruje. |
Establishing of the database on foster care | Uspostavljanje baze podataka o hraniteljstvu |
FIQ sees this as a problem and therefore calls on an additional law that would provide fiscal reliefs to all contributing individuals. | Forum za civilne inicijative ovo vidi kao problem i traži da se donese dodatni zakon koji će omogućiti poreske olakšice svim pojedinačnim donatorima. |
- Working with companies such as Novi Sad’s "DES" is the best way to revive the social justice. | - Raditi sa preduzećem kao što je novosadski „DES“ je najbolјi način da se socijalna pravda oživi. |
Hundreds of thousands of cameras that guard our lives constantly remind us that the ‘decent citizens’ have nothing to fear, especially those restrained many who bow their heads accordingly. | Na stotine tisuća nadzornih kamera koje stalno stražare nad našim životima podsjećaju nas da se “pošteni građanin” nema čega plašiti, nadasve oni brojni otuđeni koji suglasno spuštaju glave. |
Hemofarm received an award from Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina for the contribution to the overall development of the economy in Vojvodina | Hemofarm dobio priznanje Privredne komore Vojvodine za doprinos ukupnom razvoju privrede Vojvodine |
Antofagasta Airport is a popular rent a car destination, there are many car rental companies in Antofagasta Airport with a wide range of different car categories. | Antofagasta Zračna Luka popularna je destinacija za iznajmljivanje automobila, a brojne tvrtke za iznajmljivanje automobila u Antofagasta Zračna Luka imaju širok raspon različitih kategorija automobila. |
Deputy Secretary General of FIFA, Zvonimir Boban, an ex-AC Milan star, hailed his Yugoslav national team predecessor. “I rarely met with him the last few years, but he was a great man,” Boban said. | Zamenik generalnog sekretara Fife, Zvonimir Boban, bivša zvezda AC Milana, odao je poštu prethodniku jugoslovenske reprezentacije. “Retko kada smo se sretali u proteklih nekoliko godina, ali je bio sjajan čovek”, rekao je Boban. “Nadam se da ćemo se sresti na drugom svetu i igrati fudbal.” |
She emphasized that good legislative frame, like we have in Serbia, does not necessarily mean justice and fair society and that the greatest obstacles are prejudices and stereotype attitudes toward specific social groups which are extremely hard to overcome, as well as the non-implementation of existing laws in practice. | Ona je naglasila da dobar zakonodavni okvir, kakav imamo u Srbiji, ne znači nužno pravdu i pravednije društvo i da su najveće prepreke predrasude i stereotipni stavovi o pojedinim društvenim grupama koje je izuzetno teško prevazići, ali i neprimenjivanje postojećih zakona u praksi. |
If you are looking for the ideal restaurant for a business lunch, or you celebrate important events or you just needed restaurant for a romantic dinner with your lovely person, here you'll find the best. | Ukoliko tražite idealan restoran za poslovni ručak, proslavu Vama bitnih događaja ili romantičnu večeru sa dragom osobom, ovde ćete pronaći najbolji. |
The shopkeeper stands rooted to the spot, appearing to have entered a trance. | Prodavac ostaje ukopan u mestu, delujući kao da je upao u trans. |
Uncategorized » Adjudication by the Press Council of Kosovo on the complaint filed by Ismet Beqiri, Mayor of the Municipality in Prishtina, against the newspaper “Infopress” | Uncategorized » Odluka Saveta za štampu Kosova u vezi žalbe,Predsednika Opsštine Priština, Ismeta Beqiri,podnete protiv lista “Infopress” |
The height of the head and foot 70cm. The header, the base and the sides are made of wood thickness 3.5cm. It is designed in dimensions 70×160 and 80×180, with the possibility of making 190 and 200cm. | Visina uzglavlja i uznožja 70cm.Uzglavlje, uznožje i bočne stranice rade se od drveta debljine 3,5cm.Radi se u dimenzijama 70×160 i 80×180, stim što postoji mogućnost izrade dužine 190 i 200cm.Nosač dušeka (podnice) je napravljen od obrađenih bukovih letvica 4x2cm. |
Experts expect CO2 emissions from road freight traffic to more than double by 2050. | Eksperti očekuju da će se emisije CO2 iz drumskog transporta robe više nego udvostručiti do 2050. godine. |
It is interesting to note that citizens primarily supported nonprofit organizations, while companies donated the most to public institutions and local and national governments. | Zanimljiv je podatak da su građani svojim donacijama najviše podržali neprofitne organizacije, dok su kompanije najviše donirale za javne institucije i lokalne i nacionalne vlasti. |
Participating in the implementation of several CBHE projects, whether as leaders (BESTSID and GEOBIZ) or partners (SEED4NA and UN4DRR), we have paid special attention to the issue of cooperation between academic institutions and business and public administration subjects, finding new forms of cooperation that will result in a more successful modernization of study programs and ultimately qualifying academic experts who will be better prepared for inclusion in the businesses and public administration by contributing to overall development and prosperity. | Suđelujući u provedbi više CBHE projekata, bilo kao voditelji (BESTSID I GEOBIZ) ili partneri (SEED4NA i UN4DRR), pitanju suradnje akademskih institucija sa subjektima iz gospodarstva i javne uprave posvetili smo posebnu pažnju, iznalazeći nove oblike suradnje koji će rezultirati uspješnijom modernizacijom studijskih programa i u konačnici osposobljavanjem akademskih stručnjaka koji će biti bolje pripremljeni za uključivanje u gospodarstvo i javnu upravu doprinoseći svekolikom razvoju i blagostanju. |
VISION of the "Center for Girls" is empowered, confident, strong, safe girls, active in opposeing patriarchy and make decisions about their lives with the possibility for a better position in society. | CILJ: Osnažene, samopouzdane, snažne, bezbedne devojčice, devojke i mlade žene, aktivne u suprotstavljanju patrijarhatu, koje odlučuju o svojim životima sa mogućnošću za bolji položaj u društvu. |
Still, the biggest beneficiaries of the country’s membership in the Council of Europe will be the citizens of Serbia and Montengro and all persons in its jurisdiction. | Ipak, od članstva u Savetu Evrope najviše koristi će imati sami građani Srbije i Crne Gore, odnosno svi koji se u nadležnosti naše države nađu. |
The intention is to present the issues of sexual and gender identity, as well as gender equality, to the general public in an accessible, interesting and interactive way, but also, to propose policy measures that would make society more socially just, not only in terms of respect for the rights and freedoms of sexual and gender minorities united under the acronym LGBTIQ+, but also in the context of the re-actualization of women’s rights issues, constantly threatened in various contexts across entire Europe. | Intencija je da se tematika seksualnog i rodnog identiteta, kao i rodne ravnopravnosti, predstavi široj javnosti na pristupačan, zanimljiv i interaktivan način, ali, takođe, da se predlože političke mere koje bi društvo učinile socijalno pravednijim, ne samo u smislu poštovanja prava i sloboda seksualnih i rodnih manjina objedinjenih pod akronimom LGBTIQ+, već i u kontekstu reaktualizacije pitanja ženskih prava, iznova ugroženih u različitim kontekstima širom Evrope. |
There’s no doubt that working on something utterly important for us can be both fulfilling and grateful. Especially if it all aligns with... | Bez ikakve sumnje, posao i rad na nečemu što za nas lično predstavlja veoma bitnu stvar ume da bude ujedno i ispunjujuć i zahvalan... |
According to Avramovic, one of the ways the position and role of the media could improve is for the journalists to do their jobs professionally and raise their voice, asking questions and reminding in their reports, articles, texts… those who are under obligation to answer journalists’ questions. | Raditi posao profesionalno i dizati glas, postavljati pitanja i podsećati u svojim izveštajima, prilozima, tekstovima… one koji su odgovorni da su dužni da odgovaraju na pitanja, načini su koji mogu dovesti do toga da se položaj i uloga medija pomere makar za stepenik više, uveren je Avramović. |
Today, the Post of Serbia presented a commemorative philatelic issue in honor of the 140th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Serbia and the United States. | Pošta Srbije predstavila je danas prigodno filatelističko izdanje u čast 140 godina od uspostavljanja srpsko-američkih diplomatskih odnosa. |
In the second place, legal professionals, whether they are working for the prosecution, for the defence, or as judges, set themselves a narrow range of goals. | Drugo, pravnici – bez obzira da li je reč o tužiocima, braniocima ili sudijama – sebi postavljaju veoma uske ciljeve. |
Whenever you need cash, out ATMs are at your disposal, and if necessary, you can also visit our branches. | Kad god vam zatreba gotovina, na raspolaganju su vam naši bankomati, a ukoliko je neophodno, možete posetiti i naše ekspoziture. |
Decision on exclusion of shares from the Open Market and admission of shares to the MTP Belex - Zobnatica a.d., Bačka Topola - ZBNTC Decision on exclusion of shares from the Open Market and admission of shares to the MTP Belex - Valjevo put a.d. | Izjava o šestomesečnom planu poslovanja za drugo polugodište 2009. godine - Kozara a.d., Banatsko Veliko Selo Izjava o šestomesečnom planu poslovanja za drugo polugodište 2009. godine - Elektrometal a.d., Beograd Izjava o šestomesečnom planu poslovanja za drugo polugodište 2009. godine - Preduzeće za puteve Valjevo a.d., Valjevo |
With Responsive Web Design, users can very easily access site content, whether accessed from a desktop, tablet or mobile device - because they are customized to be displayed clearly and clearly. | Sa Responsive web dizajnom korisnici mogu veoma lako da pristupe sadržajima sajta, bilo da se pristupa sa desktop, tablet ili mobilnih uređaja - jer su prilagođeni da se jasno i pregledno prikazuju. |
It boasts small bays with sandy and rocky beaches. | Krase ga male uvale sa peščanim i stenovitim plažama. |
On the fourteenth day of the session, 18 November, the National Assembly completed a discussion on the particulars of the Bill amending and modifying the Law on Free Accessto Information of Public Importance. | Četrnaestog dana rada, 18. novembra, Narodna skupština obavila je pretres u pojedinostima o Predlogu zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o slobodnom pristupu informacijama od javnog značaja. |
Regular exchanging of information with the team for the purpose of joint development | Redovna razmena informacija sa timom u cilju unapređenja procesa i zajedničkog razvoja |
In addition to removals in Belgrade or international transport of all kind of cargo, ProMove offers some additional services. ASSEMBLAGE AND DISASSEMBLY | Pored selidba u Beogradu ili medjunarodnih selidba, transporta svih vrsta tereta, kompanija Pro Move nudi i prateće usluge koje Vam omogućavaju da zaokružite priču na jednom mestu. |
This was especially emphasized by the statement from the Soviet side that there was not a single country that would, with bad intentions towards a country, “offer economic and military assistance, help it to prepare military personnel and install the latest military technique.”193 The CPSU message was received by Tito without major objections, with expressed desire to talk about all the problems. | To je naročito naglašeno konstatacijom sa sovjetske strane da ne postoji ni jedna država koja bi sa lošim namerama prema nekoj zemlji “ukazivala ekonomsku i vojnu pomoć, pomagala joj da sprema vojne kadrove i postavlja najnoviju vojnu tehniku.”194 Poruka KPSS bila je od strane Tita primljena bez velikih primedbi, uz izraženu želju da o svim problemima treba razgovarati. |
Attorney Dragoljub Djordjevic was a member of the Board of Directors of Belgrade Bar Association from 1994 to 1998, and in the same period he was a delegate in the Assembly of the Serbian Bar Association. | Advokat Dragoljub Đorđević bio je član Upravnog odbora AKB od 1994. do 1998. godine, a u istom periodu delegat je u skupštini Advokatske komore Srbije (AKS). |
After the conversation was recorded, Vasilije Markovic sent the "Insider" a statement saying that he was asked about the man who died because the Insider's journalists act in the interest of various tycoons. He pointed out that he had not been informed in advance of this question. | Vasilije Marković je posle snimanja razgovora, poslao saopštenje emisiji “Insajder”, u kojem navodi da mu je pitanje o čoveku koji je umro, postavljeno zato što iza novinara “Insajdera”, stoje razni tajkuni i da nije prethodno obavešten da će mu biti postavljeno to pitanje. |
As of this week, more than 150 policy leaders and public servants have expressed interest in joining the Network, a very welcome show of enthusiasm. | Od ove sedmice, više od 150 lidera u oblasti politika i javnih službenika izrazilo je interes za pridruživanje Mreži, što je posebno dobrodošao pokazatelj entuzijazma. |
Guest presenters were Biljana Kosanović (RCUB) on topic „What H2020 expected from researchers regarding research data – Proposal for researchers in Serbia", and Jelena Ćeriman on topic „Archiving data from the researchers perspective". | Gostujući predavači su bili Biljana Kosanović iz RCUB-a sa temom „Šta H2020 očekuje od istraživača u vezi istraživačkih podataka-predlozi za istraživače u Srbiji", i Jelena Ćeriman sa temom „Arhiviranje podataka iz ugla istraživača". |
Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic met with Ambassador of Kingdom of Denmark Anders Christian Hougard, who recently came on duty. | Poverenica za zaštitu ravnopravnosti Brankica Janković sastala se danas sa ambasadorom Kraljevine Danske Andersom Kristijanom Hougardom, koji je nedavno stupio na dužnost. |
After the action of force majeure that could cause structural damage to the chimney | nakon delovanja više sile koja bi mogla naneti strukturalna oštećenja dimnjaka |
Within the development fund for Sumadija district, approximately 700.000 EUR were invested in the projects. | U okviru razvojnog fonda za opštine Šumadijskog okruga, investirano je kroz projekte približno 700.000 EUR. |
Home|CSR Development, CSR Forum, News|Companies Recognized for Food Donations to Serbia’s Most Vulnerable During Difficult Year | Home|Aktuelnosti, CSR Forum, Razvoj CSR|Nagrađene kompanije za doniranje hrane najugroženijima u Srbiji tokom teške godine |
Looking for the nearest stop or station to Frizerski Salon? | Tražiš najbližu stanicu ili stajalište od Frizerski Salon? |
If you would like to send a post to people speaking French in Canada, then this is an effective tool for you. | Ukoliko želite da određenu objavu prosledite govornicima francuskog jezika u Kanadi, ovaj alat će vam biti koristan. |
All this with an optimal quality relationship and price of a service. | Sve to sa optimalnim odnosom kvaliteta i cene usluge. |
Duty & Assistance. Clients act as a part of our team by working together in collaboration, giving us all a shared goal. | Mi postajemo deo vašeg tima kroz proces saradnje na projektu, dajući svima nama zajednički cilj, koji garantuje uspeh projekta. |
Membership in professional associations: Association for Labor Law and Social Insurance of the Republic of Serbia, Association of Youth and Student Cooperatives of the Republic of Serbia, Cooperative Movement of Serbia. | Članstvo u profesionalnim udruženjima: Udruženje za radno pravo i socijalno osiguranje Republike Srbije, Savez omladinskih i studentskih zadruga Republike Srbije, Zadružni pokret Srbije. |
Despite the deepest recession recorded since the collapse of communism, the Polish economy and companies were supported by various government measures aimed at softening the impact of pandemic on business activity. | Uprkos najdubljoj ekonomskoj krizi koja je zabeležena još od pada komunizma, poljska privreda i njene kompanije su potpomognute različitim ekonomskim merama Vlade sa ciljem da se ublaže negativne posledice koje je pandemija ostavila na privredni sektor zemlje. |
The process of organising a wedding represents a long, stressful and extensive journey even for professionals who do it every day. | Proces organizacije venčanja predstavlja dug, stresan i obiman posao čak i za profesionalce koji to rade svakoga dana. |
5.6 million of subscribers were active mobile broadband subscribers generating over 47 million GB of data traffic in the Q2 2018. | Oko 5,6 miliona korisnika su aktivni korisnici servisa širokopojasnog pristupa mobilnom internetu i generišu preko 47 miliona GB data saobraćaja kvartalno. (Izvor: Pregled tržišta telekomunikacija, Q2 2018, RATEL). |
The updated Lenovo Vantage experience requires Windows 10 version 1809 (build 17763, released in November 2018), and will work better with later versions as Microsoft continues to improve their adoption of applications.. | Ažurirano iskustvo Lenovo Vantage zahtijeva verziju 1809 sustava Windows 10 (međuverzija 17763, objavljena u studenome 2018.), a bolje će raditi i sa novijim verzijama jer Microsoft nastavlja poboljšavati njihovo prihvaćanje aplikacija. |
Easy to use with the left or right eye and the camera held horizontally or vertically, this accessory supports a wide range of photographic postures. | Jednostavno se koristi s lijevim ili desnim okom, ako se fotoaparat drži vodoravno ili okomito i dodatak podržava čitav niz fotografskih držanja. |
History of the Old Bridge There used to be a wooden suspension bridge on the site of this famous Mostar bridge. | Istorija Starog mosta Nekada se na mestu ovog čuvenog mostarskog mosta nalazio drveni viseći most. |
The State Prosecutor has proposed to the Basic Court in Mitrovica to find the defendant guilty of committing criminal offenses and sentence him according to law. | Državni tužilac je predložio Osnovnom sudu u Mitrovici da okrivljenog proglasi krivim za krivična dela i kazni mu po zakonu. |
At the initiative of the Independent Journalists' Association of Vojvodina (NDNS), a meeting was held in premises of the Croatian National Council in Subotica on Tuesday, 9 August 2011, which was attended by representatives of the Croatian National Council, RTV Yu ECO, Croatian Embassy, the Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia (NUNS) and NDNS. | Na inicijativu Nezavisnog društva novinara Vojvodine, u Subotici je, u prostorijama Hrvatskog nacionalnog vijeća, u utorak 9. avgusta 2011. godine održan sastanak kojem su prisustvovali predstavnici Hrvatskog nacionalnog vijeća, RTV Yu ECO, Hrvatskog veleposlanstva, Nezavisnog udruženja novinara Srbije i Nezavisnog društva novinara Vojvodine. |
See Set up Family Sharing on iPhone. | Pogledajte Podešavanje Dijeljenja s obitelji na iPhone uređaju. |
PPC: We aim to shield the company against the possibility of a new pandemic wave | PPC: Cilj je da zaštitimo kompaniju od novog talasa pandemije |
Who were the donation recipients in Serbia in 2020? | Ko su primaoci donacija u Srbiji u 2020? |
Further information was not immediately available and the firefighters have not been officially named. | Detaljnije informacije nisu objavljene, kao ni imena nastradalih vatrogasaca. |
The principle aim of these arrangements is as relevant today as it was when they were... | Glavni cilj ovih sporazuma je isto važan sada kao što je bio u trenutku kada su... |
We have often witnessed changes in weather conditions and natural disasters, which inevitably cause damages to agricultural products. | Svedoci smo učestale promene vremena i čestih nepogoda, koje svojom prekomernošću neminovno prouzrokuju štete na poljoprivrednim proizvodima. |
It’s task is to build a reputation and position the image of the company or product. | Njegov zadatak je da izgradi reputaciju i pozicionira imidž kompanije ili proizvoda. |
If you work for Schindler, we will award your dedication by striving to offer you secure long-term employment. | Ako radite za Schindler, nagradićemo vašu posvećenost težnjom da vam ponudimo sigurno stalno zaposlenje. |
If we look more closely at the nature and the changes that occur in her, we can see that all the changes lead only in two directions – either moving towards development and growth, or moving towards the failure and disappearance. | Ako pažljivije posmatramo prirodu i promene koje se u njoj dešavaju možemo videti da sve promene vode samo u dva pravca – ili se kreću u pravcu razvoja i rasta, ili se kreću u pravcu raspada i nestanka. |
It was suggested that new areas of cooperation with the USA and channels for its implementation should be sought. | Iznete su sugestije da sa SAD treba naći nove oblasti saradnje i kanale za njeno sprovođenje. |
For the first time, a law will regulate such status and the Draft Law envisages that the prosumers will be able not only to produce energy for their own needs, but also to deliver (sell) the excess energy to the network and are entitled to reduction of the bill in the next calculation period or a fee paid by the supplier. | Prvi put, zakonom se uređuje takva kategorija i Nacrt zakona previđa da će prozjumeri moći, ne samo da proizvode energiju za sopstvene potrebe, već i da će moći da isporuče (prodaju) višak energije u sistem i imaju pravo na umanjenje računa u narednom obračunskom periodu, odnosno na naknadu od strane snabdevača. |
Automatically sorting multiple documents is possible with patches and bar codes, which simultaneously separate different files in the same package. | Automatsko sortiranje mnogobrojnih dokumenata moguće je pomoću kodova zakrpe i bar kodova, koji istovremeno odvajaju različite datoteke u istom paketu. |
Kurti has also suggested that he would be willing to reach out to certain members of the PAN coalition. | Kurti je sugerisao da bi bio voljan da razgovara sa određenim članovima koalicije PAN. |
He has been an associate of the National Library of Bela Palanka and a member of the redaction of the Proceedings of Bela Palanka. | Saradnik je Narodne biblioteke u Beloj Palanci i član uredništva Belopalanačkog zbornika. |
Another option is a dictionary attack that tries all possible combinations of words listed in a dictionary. | Još jedna od mogućnosti je i napad rečnikom gde se koriste sve moguće kombinacije reči iz rečnika. |
It also has architectural and urbanistic and artistic value, as an object that marks the corner of the old matrix and participates in the formation environment of two streets (Dositej Lagumske) and views towards Gardos. | Poseduje i arhitektonsko-urbanističke i likovne vrednosti, kao objekat koji markira ugao na staroj matrici i učestvuje u formiranju ambijenta dveju ulica (Dositejeve i Lagumske) i vizure ka Gardošu. |
How to get to Prava Prica by Tram? | Kako doći do Prava Prica korišćenjem Tramvaja? |
End-consumers can keep track of their own energy consumption, and use it with comparison tools to receive personalized offers. | Krajnji potrošači, takođe, pomoću platforme mogu pratiti svoju potrošnju i koristiti je za dobijanje personalizovanih ponuda od snabdevača. |
The film itself is a fantasy about Jackie’s thoughts and feelings at the time of her husband’s death. | Čitav film je fantazija o tome šta je Džeki mislila i kako se osećala nakon smrti svoga muža. |
On this occasion, the head of Serbian diplomacy sent an invitation to Minister Schallenberg to pay a return visit, expressing hope that the visit of his Austrian colleague would be realized by the end of the year. | Ovom prilikom, šef srpske diplomatije uputio je poziv ministru Šalenbergu da dođe u uzvratnu posetu, izrazivši nadu da će se poseta austrijskog kolege realizovati do kraja godine. |
Further to this, Serbian law also foresees the ex lege termination of the contract („Force Majeure”, Art. 137 of Law on Obligations) in cases when the complete impossibility of performance occurs, as well as out-of-court termination of the contract or its adjustments, in cases when partial impossibility of performance occurs and all other Force Majeure conditions are met. | Srpsko pravo predviđa, pod zakonom propisanim uslovima, mogućnost sudskog raskida ili pravične izmene ugovora ukoliko su smetnje takve prirode da otežavaju ispunjenje ugovora („promenjene okolnosti”), ali i ex lege prestanak ugovornog odnosa pod zakonom utvrđenim uslovima kada je u pitanju potpuna nemogućnost izvršenja odnosno raskida i izmene ugovora kada je u pitanju delimična nemogućnost izvršenja („viša sila”). |
WELCOME to the official website of the company VOCAR A.D. | DOBRODOŠLI na zvanični sajt preduzeća VOĆAR D.O.O. |
The house consists of ground floor, first floor, attic, basement, yard and garage. | Kuća se sastoji od prizemlja, sprata, potkrovlja, suterena dvorišta i garaže. |
The largest areas planted with raspberry are located in the Ivanjica municipality, more than 1,500 hectares, and the most represented varieties are Willamette and Meeker. Plum | Najveće površine pod malinom nalaze se u opštini Ivanjica, preko 1.500 hektara, a zastupljene su uglavnom sorte Vilamet i Miker. Šljiva |
Hardness of the outer plastic is most often defined with the term FLEX INDEX (further in the text FI) - index of flexibility or hardness Higher FI defines harder ski boot and the span can vary from 50 up to 140. | Tvrdoća spoljašnje plastike definiše se najčešće pomoću pojma FLEX INDEX (dalje u tekstu FI) - indeksa savitljivosti ili tvrdoće. Veći FI definiše tvrđu pancericu, a raspon može varirati od 50 pa sve do 140. |
There are plenty of them of striking beauty and colors, not to mention their withstanding the time… The walls look like they have been painted only yesterday… | A ima još dosta njih koji se ističu svojom lepotom i koloritom, a da ne pričam o odolevanju vremena…Kao da su juče zidovi oslikani… |
In his book Introduction to the Religious and Psychological Problems of Alchemy, Jung goes even further in comparing a “stone of wisdom” to Jesus Christ – but this topic requires much more than available space here. | U knjizi „Uvod u religijsko-psihilošku problematiku alhemije“ Jung ide još dalje i „kamen mudrosti“ poredi sa Isusom Hristom, ali ova tema zahteva mnogo više prostora. |
This body acts in an advisory capacity and is autonomous in its work. | Ovo telo ima savetodavni status i nezavisno je u svom radu. |
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