package com.moviereel.di.qualifiers import kotlin.annotation.Retention import kotlin.annotation.AnnotationRetention.RUNTIME import javax.inject.Qualifier /** * @author lusinabrian on 27/03/17 */ @Qualifier @Retention(RUNTIME) annotation class DatabaseInfo
package import import import de.westnordost.streetcomplete.ktx.toLocalDate import java.time.Instant import java.time.LocalDate abstract class CompareElementAge(private val dateFilter: DateFilter) : ElementFilter { val date: LocalDate get() = override fun toOverpassQLString() = "(if: date(timestamp()) " + operator + " date('" + date.toCheckDateString() + "'))" override fun toString() = toOverpassQLString() override fun matches(obj: Element?): Boolean { val timestampEdited = obj?.timestampEdited ?: return false return compareTo(Instant.ofEpochMilli(timestampEdited).toLocalDate()) } abstract fun compareTo(tagValue: LocalDate): Boolean abstract val operator: String }
package import import import import org.junit.Assert.* import org.junit.Test class TagNewerThanTest { private val oldDate = dateDaysAgo(101f) private val newDate = dateDaysAgo(99f) val c = TagNewerThan("opening_hours", RelativeDate(-100f)) @Test fun `does not match old element with tag`() { assertFalse(c.matches(mapOf("opening_hours" to "tag"), oldDate)) } @Test fun `matches new element with tag`() { assertTrue(c.matches(mapOf("opening_hours" to "tag"), newDate)) } @Test fun `matches old element with tag and new check_date`() { assertTrue(c.matches(mapOf( "opening_hours" to "tag", "opening_hours:check_date" to newDate.toCheckDateString() ), oldDate)) assertTrue(c.matches(mapOf( "opening_hours" to "tag", "check_date:opening_hours" to newDate.toCheckDateString() ), oldDate)) } @Test fun `matches old element with tag and new lastcheck`() { assertTrue(c.matches(mapOf( "opening_hours" to "tag", "opening_hours:lastcheck" to newDate.toCheckDateString() ), oldDate)) assertTrue(c.matches(mapOf( "opening_hours" to "tag", "lastcheck:opening_hours" to newDate.toCheckDateString() ), oldDate)) } @Test fun `matches old element with tag and new last_checked`() { assertTrue(c.matches(mapOf( "opening_hours" to "tag", "opening_hours:last_checked" to newDate.toCheckDateString() ), oldDate)) assertTrue(c.matches(mapOf( "opening_hours" to "tag", "last_checked:opening_hours" to newDate.toCheckDateString() ), oldDate)) } @Test fun `matches old element with tag and different check date tags of which only one is new`() { assertTrue(c.matches(mapOf( "opening_hours" to "tag", "opening_hours:last_checked" to oldDate.toCheckDateString(), "opening_hours:lastcheck" to newDate.toCheckDateString(), "opening_hours:check_date" to oldDate.toCheckDateString(), "last_checked:opening_hours" to oldDate.toCheckDateString(), "lastcheck:opening_hours" to oldDate.toCheckDateString(), "check_date:opening_hours" to oldDate.toCheckDateString() ), oldDate)) } @Test fun `to string`() { val date = dateDaysAgo(100f).toCheckDateString() assertEquals( "(if: date(timestamp()) > date('$date') || " + "date(t['opening_hours:check_date']) > date('$date') || " + "date(t['check_date:opening_hours']) > date('$date') || " + "date(t['opening_hours:lastcheck']) > date('$date') || " + "date(t['lastcheck:opening_hours']) > date('$date') || " + "date(t['opening_hours:last_checked']) > date('$date') || " + "date(t['last_checked:opening_hours']) > date('$date'))", c.toOverpassQLString() ) } }
package import dagger.Module import dagger.Provides import dagger.multibindings.IntoSet import okhttp3.Interceptor import okhttp3.Interceptor.Chain import okhttp3.Response import javax.inject.Named @Module class TestInterceptorModule { @Provides @IntoSet @Named("interceptors") fun provideDummyInterceptor(): Interceptor = DummyInterceptor @Provides @IntoSet @Named("network-interceptors") fun provideDummyNetworkInterceptor(): Interceptor = DummyNetworkInterceptor } object DummyInterceptor : Interceptor { override fun intercept(chain: Chain): Response { return Response.Builder().build() } } object DummyNetworkInterceptor : Interceptor { override fun intercept(chain: Chain): Response { return Response.Builder().build() } }
package com.github.pavlospt import import import import import com.github.pavlospt.misc.IssuesInfo import com.github.pavlospt.misc.LithoLintConstants import com.github.pavlospt.utils.PsiUtils import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement import com.intellij.psi.PsiModifier import org.jetbrains.uast.UAnnotation import org.jetbrains.uast.UClass import org.jetbrains.uast.UElement import org.jetbrains.uast.UMethod import org.jetbrains.uast.UNamedExpression import org.jetbrains.uast.visitor.AbstractUastVisitor class LithoLintIssuesDetector : Detector(), Detector.UastScanner { override fun getApplicableUastTypes(): List<Class<out UElement>> { return listOf<Class<out UElement>>( } override fun createUastHandler(context: JavaContext): UElementHandler? { return object : UElementHandler() { override fun visitClass(node: UClass) { node.accept(LithoVisitor(context)) } override fun visitMethod(node: UMethod) { node.accept(LithoVisitor(context)) } } } internal class LithoVisitor(private val context: JavaContext?) : AbstractUastVisitor() { private val INVALID_POSITION = -1 override fun visitClass(node: UClass): Boolean { detectAnnotatedClassNameIssue(context, node) return super.visitClass(node) } override fun visitMethod(node: UMethod): Boolean { detectMethodVisibilityIssue(node) detectComponentContextNameIssue(node) detectOptionalPropOrderIssue(node) detectPossibleResourceTypesIssue(node) return super.visitMethod(node) } // Detect annotated class name issue private fun detectAnnotatedClassNameIssue(context: JavaContext?, uClass: UClass) { if (!PsiUtils.hasAnnotations(uClass.modifierList)) return val annotations = uClass.modifierList?.annotations ?: return annotations.forEach { val worthCheckingClass = LithoLintConstants.LAYOUT_SPEC_ANNOTATION == it.qualifiedName val psiClassName = ?: return@forEach val notSuggestedName = LithoLintConstants.SUGGESTED_LAYOUT_COMPONENT_SPEC_NAME_FORMAT !in psiClassName val shouldReportClass = worthCheckingClass && notSuggestedName if (shouldReportClass) { context?.report(IssuesInfo.LAYOUT_SPEC_NAME_ISSUE, it, context.getLocation(uClass.psi.nameIdentifier as PsiElement), IssuesInfo.LAYOUT_SPEC_CLASS_NAME_ISSUE_DESC) } } } // Detect possible resource types issue private fun detectPossibleResourceTypesIssue(uMethod: UMethod) { if (!worthCheckingMethod(uMethod)) return val parametersList = uMethod.uastParameters for (parameter in parametersList) { if (parameter.type.canonicalText !in LithoLintConstants.POSSIBLE_RESOURCE_PARAMETER_TYPES) continue val annotations = parameter.annotations annotations.filter { LithoLintConstants.PROP_PARAMETER_ANNOTATION == it.qualifiedName }.forEach { context?.report(IssuesInfo.POSSIBLE_RESOURCE_TYPE_ISSUE, parameter as UElement, context.getLocation(parameter as UElement), IssuesInfo.POSSIBLE_RESOURCE_TYPE_ISSUE_DESC) } } } // Detect wrong props order issue private fun detectOptionalPropOrderIssue(uMethod: UMethod) { if (!worthCheckingMethod(uMethod)) return val parametersList = uMethod.uastParameters var indexOfFirstRequiredProp = INVALID_POSITION var indexOfFirstOptionalProp = INVALID_POSITION for (i in parametersList.indices) { val parameter = parametersList[i] if (!PsiUtils.hasAnnotations(parameter.modifierList)) continue val annotations = parameter.annotations val propAnnotation: UAnnotation = annotations.find { LithoLintConstants.PROP_PARAMETER_ANNOTATION == it.qualifiedName } ?: continue val annotationParameters: List<UNamedExpression> = propAnnotation.attributeValues if (annotationParameters.isEmpty()) { indexOfFirstRequiredProp = assignPositionIfInvalid(indexOfFirstRequiredProp, i) } else { for (psiNameValuePair in annotationParameters) { if (LithoLintConstants.OPTIONAL_PROP_ATTRIBUTE_NAME == { indexOfFirstOptionalProp = assignPositionIfInvalid(indexOfFirstOptionalProp, i) } else { indexOfFirstRequiredProp = assignPositionIfInvalid(indexOfFirstRequiredProp, i) } } } if (indexOfFirstOptionalProp != INVALID_POSITION && indexOfFirstRequiredProp != INVALID_POSITION && indexOfFirstOptionalProp < indexOfFirstRequiredProp) { val psiParameter = parametersList[indexOfFirstOptionalProp] context?.report(IssuesInfo.OPTIONAL_PROP_BEFORE_REQUIRED_ISSUE, psiParameter as UElement, context.getLocation(psiParameter.psi.nameIdentifier as PsiElement), IssuesInfo.OPTIONAL_PROP_BEFORE_REQUIRED_ISSUE_DESC) break } } } // Detect component context name issue private fun detectComponentContextNameIssue(uMethod: UMethod) { if (!worthCheckingMethod(uMethod)) return val parameters = uMethod.uastParameters for (parameter in parameters) { if (parameter.type .canonicalText == LithoLintConstants.COMPONENT_CONTEXT_CLASS_NAME) { val shouldReportParameter = LithoLintConstants.COMPONENT_CONTEXT_DESIRABLE_PARAMETER_NAME != if (shouldReportParameter) { val lintFix = LintFix.create().replace().text("c").build() context?.report(IssuesInfo.COMPONENT_CONTEXT_NAME_ISSUE_ISSUE, parameter as UElement, context.getLocation(parameter.psi.nameIdentifier as PsiElement), IssuesInfo.COMPONENT_CONTEXT_NAME_ISSUE_DESC, lintFix) } } } } // Detect method visibility issue private fun detectMethodVisibilityIssue(uMethod: UMethod) { if (!PsiUtils.hasAnnotations(uMethod.modifierList)) return val annotations = uMethod.annotations for (annotation in annotations) { val worthCheckingMethod = LithoLintConstants.ALL_METHOD_ANNOTATIONS .contains(annotation.qualifiedName) val notSuggestedVisibility = !uMethod.modifierList.hasModifierProperty( PsiModifier.PACKAGE_LOCAL) val missesStaticModifier = !uMethod.modifierList.hasExplicitModifier(PsiModifier.STATIC) val shouldReportMethodVisibility = worthCheckingMethod && notSuggestedVisibility val shouldReportMissingStaticModifier = worthCheckingMethod && missesStaticModifier if (shouldReportMethodVisibility) { context?.report(IssuesInfo.ANNOTATED_METHOD_VISIBILITY_ISSUE, uMethod as UElement, context.getLocation(uMethod.psi.nameIdentifier as PsiElement), IssuesInfo.ANNOTATED_METHOD_VISIBILITY_ISSUE_DESC) } if (shouldReportMissingStaticModifier) { context?.report(IssuesInfo.MISSING_STATIC_MODIFIER_ISSUE, uMethod as UElement, context.getLocation(uMethod.psi.nameIdentifier as PsiElement), IssuesInfo.MISSING_STATIC_MODIFIER_ISSUE_DESC) } } } // Utility method private fun worthCheckingMethod(uMethod: UMethod): Boolean { if (!PsiUtils.hasAnnotations(uMethod.modifierList)) return false val annotations = uMethod.annotations var worthCheckingMethod = false for (annotation in annotations) { worthCheckingMethod = LithoLintConstants.ALL_METHOD_ANNOTATIONS .contains(annotation.qualifiedName) if (worthCheckingMethod) break } return worthCheckingMethod && PsiUtils.hasParameters(uMethod) } // Utility method private fun assignPositionIfInvalid(assignable: Int, position: Int): Int { return if (assignable == INVALID_POSITION) position else assignable } } }
package gargoyle.ct.ui import interface CTIconProvider { val bigIcon: URL? val mediumIcon: URL? val smallIcon: URL? }
package gargoyle.ct.config.convert.impl import gargoyle.ct.config.CTConfig import gargoyle.ct.config.CTConfigs import gargoyle.ct.config.convert.CTUnitConverter import gargoyle.ct.util.log.Log import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit class CTConfigsConverter : CTUnitConverter<CTConfigs> { private val configConverter: CTUnitConverter<CTConfig> = CTConfigConverter() private val configsDataConverter = CTConfigsDataConverter() override fun format(unit: TimeUnit, data: CTConfigs): String = configsDataConverter.format(unit, data.getConfigs().map { configConverter.format(unit, it) }.toTypedArray()) override fun parse(data: String): CTConfigs = CTConfigs(configsDataConverter.parse(data).filter { it.isNotEmpty() }.mapNotNull { try { configConverter.parse(it) } catch (ex: IllegalArgumentException) { Log.error("skip invalid convert line: $it") null } }) }
package io.josephtran.showstowatch.show_form import android.content.Context import android.os.Bundle import import import android.text.Html import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import io.josephtran.showstowatch.R import io.josephtran.showstowatch.api.STWShow import* import* abstract class ShowFormFragment : Fragment(), ShowFormView { private var listener: ShowFormFragmentListener? = null interface ShowFormFragmentListener { fun onFormInteracted(show: STWShow) } override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater?, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? = inflater!!.inflate(R.layout.fragment_show_form, container, false) override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState) activity.show_form_toolbar_btn.text = getFormButtonText() activity.show_form_toolbar_btn.setOnClickListener { val show = constructShow() if (show != null) handleShow(show) } } /** * Gets the text used for the form button. * * @return the text used for the form button */ abstract protected fun getFormButtonText(): String /** * Handle the {@code STWShow} constructed from the form. * * @param stwShow the constructed {@code STWShow} from the form */ abstract protected fun handleShow(stwShow: STWShow) override fun onAttach(context: Context) { super.onAttach(context) try { listener = activity as ShowFormFragmentListener? } catch (e: ClassCastException) { throw ClassCastException(activity.toString() + " must implement ShowFormFragmentListener") } } /** * Populates the form with the given {@code STWShow}. * * @param stwShow the {@code STWShow} to populate the form with */ protected fun populateForm(stwShow: STWShow) { show_form_title_edit.setText(stwShow.title) show_form_season_edit.setText(stwShow.season.toString()) show_form_episode_edit.setText(stwShow.episode.toString()) show_form_abandoned.isChecked = stwShow.abandoned show_form_completed.isChecked = stwShow.completed } protected open fun constructShow(): STWShow? { if (!fieldsValid()) return null return STWShow( id = null, title = show_form_title_edit.text.toString(), season = show_form_season_edit.text.toString().toInt(), episode = show_form_episode_edit.text.toString().toInt(), abandoned = show_form_abandoned.isChecked, completed = show_form_completed.isChecked ) } private fun fieldsValid(): Boolean { var message = "" if (show_form_title_edit.text.isNullOrEmpty()) { message = "Title required." } else if (show_form_season_edit.text.isNullOrEmpty()) { message = "Season required." } else if (show_form_episode_edit.text.isNullOrEmpty()) { message = "Episode required." } if (!message.isNullOrEmpty()) { showErrorMessage(message) return false } return true } private fun showMessage(message: String, color: String) { if (view != null) Snackbar.make(view!!, Html.fromHtml("<font color=\"$color\">$message</font>"), Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show() } override fun showMessage(message: String) { showMessage(message, "white") } override fun showErrorMessage(errorMessage: String) { showMessage(errorMessage, "red") } override fun onShowHandled(show: STWShow) { if (listener != null) listener!!.onFormInteracted(show) } }
package rxjava2 import io.reactivex.Observable import java.util.* import java.util.concurrent.Callable import // scan和reduce都是把上一次操作的结果做为参数传递给第二次Observable使用 // 区别就在subscribe()是否被频繁调用. 见下面日志即知 fun main() { Observable.range(0, 6) .scan(12) { a, b -> println(" szw a = $a, b = $b") a + b } .subscribe { println(" $it") } Observable.range(0, 6) .reduce(12) { a, b -> println("==> a = $a, b = $b") a + b } .subscribe { v -> println("==> ${v}") } } /* result: 12 szw a = 12, b = 0 12 szw a = 12, b = 1 13 szw a = 13, b = 2 15 szw a = 15, b = 3 18 szw a = 18, b = 4 22 szw a = 22, b = 5 27 ==> a = 12, b = 0 ==> a = 12, b = 1 ==> a = 13, b = 2 ==> a = 15, b = 3 ==> a = 18, b = 4 ==> a = 22, b = 5 ==> 27 */
package com.budilov import import import import com.budilov.db.ESPictureService import com.budilov.pojo.PictureItem import com.budilov.rekognition.RekognitionService import /** * Created by Vladimir Budilov * * This Lambda function is invoked by S3 whenever an object is added to an S3 bucket. */ class AddPhotoLambda : RequestHandler<S3Event, String> { private val rekognition = RekognitionService() private val esService = ESPictureService() /** * 1. Get the s3 bucket and object name in question * 2. Clean the object name * 3. Run the RekognitionService service to get the labels * 4. Save the bucket/object & labels into ElasticSearch */ override fun handleRequest(s3event: S3Event, context: Context): String { val record = s3event.records.first() val logger = context.logger val srcBucket = // Object key may have spaces or unicode non-ASCII characters. val srcKeyEncoded = record.s3.`object`.key .replace('+', ' ') val srcKey = URLDecoder.decode(srcKeyEncoded, "UTF-8") logger.log("bucket: ${srcBucket}, key: $srcKey") // Get the cognito id from the object name (it's a prefix)...hacky, don't judge val cognitoId = srcKey.split("/")[1] logger.log("Cognito ID: $cognitoId") val labels = rekognition.getLabels(srcBucket, srcKey) if (labels.isNotEmpty()) { val picture = PictureItem(srcKeyEncoded.hashCode().toString(), srcBucket + Properties._BUCKET_URL + "/" + srcKey, labels, null) logger.log("Saving picture: $picture") // Save the picture to ElasticSearch esService.add(cognitoId, picture) } else { logger.log("No labels returned. Not saving to ES") //todo: create an actionable event to replay the flow } return "Ok" } }
package import android.os.Bundle import android.view.View import androidx.viewbinding.ViewBinding import com.bluelinelabs.conductor.Controller import voice.common.checkMainThread import voice.common.conductor.InflateBinding import voice.common.conductor.ViewBindingController /** * Base controller that provides a convenient way for binding a view to a presenter */ abstract class MvpController<V : Any, out P, B : ViewBinding>( inflateBinding: InflateBinding<B>, args: Bundle = Bundle(), ) : ViewBindingController<B>(args, inflateBinding) where P : Presenter<V> { private var internalPresenter: P? = null val presenter: P get() { checkMainThread() check(!isDestroyed) { "Must not call presenter when destroyed!" } if (internalPresenter == null) { internalPresenter = createPresenter() } return internalPresenter!! } init { addLifecycleListener( object : LifecycleListener() { override fun onRestoreInstanceState(controller: Controller, savedInstanceState: Bundle) { presenter.onRestore(savedInstanceState) } override fun postAttach(controller: Controller, view: View) { presenter.attach(provideView()) } override fun preDetach(controller: Controller, view: View) { presenter.detach() } override fun onSaveInstanceState(controller: Controller, outState: Bundle) { presenter.onSave(outState) } override fun postDestroy(controller: Controller) { internalPresenter = null } }, ) } @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") open fun provideView(): V = this as V abstract fun createPresenter(): P }
package com.github.ykrank.androidtools.widget.glide.downsamplestrategy import com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.DownsampleStrategy /** * A DownsampleStrategy for choose min scale. * Created by ykrank on 2017/6/4. */ class MultiDownSampleStrategy(vararg strategy: DownsampleStrategy) : DownsampleStrategy() { val strateies: List<DownsampleStrategy> = strategy.toList() override fun getScaleFactor(sourceWidth: Int, sourceHeight: Int, requestedWidth: Int, requestedHeight: Int): Float { return { it.getScaleFactor(sourceWidth, sourceHeight, requestedWidth, requestedHeight) } .sorted() .first() } override fun getSampleSizeRounding(sourceWidth: Int, sourceHeight: Int, requestedWidth: Int, requestedHeight: Int): SampleSizeRounding { return if (strateies.any { it.getSampleSizeRounding(sourceWidth, sourceHeight, requestedWidth, requestedHeight) == SampleSizeRounding.QUALITY }) SampleSizeRounding.QUALITY else SampleSizeRounding.MEMORY } }
package me.ykrank.s1next.view.event import import data class EditAppPostEvent(val post: AppPost, val thread: AppThread)
package org.rliz.cfm.recorder.mbs.service import org.rliz.cfm.recorder.common.exception.MbsLookupFailedException import org.rliz.cfm.recorder.mbs.api.MbsIdentifiedPlaybackDto import org.rliz.cfm.recorder.mbs.api.MbsIdentifiedPlaybackRes import org.rliz.cfm.recorder.mbs.api.MbsRecordingViewListRes import org.rliz.cfm.recorder.mbs.api.MbsReleaseGroupViewListRes import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Async import org.springframework.stereotype.Service import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate import org.springframework.web.util.UriComponentsBuilder import java.util.UUID import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture @Service class MbsService { @Value("\${cfm.mbs.url}") lateinit var mbsUrl: String @Async fun getRecordingView(ids: List<UUID>): CompletableFuture<MbsRecordingViewListRes> = UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpUrl(mbsUrl) .pathSegment("mbs", "v1", "recordings") .let { uriBuilder -> ids.forEach { uriBuilder.queryParam("id", it) } CompletableFuture.completedFuture( RestTemplate().getForObject(, ) ) } @Async fun getReleaseGroupView(ids: List<UUID>): CompletableFuture<MbsReleaseGroupViewListRes> = UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpUrl(mbsUrl) .pathSegment("mbs", "v2", "release-groups") .let { uriBuilder -> ids.forEach { uriBuilder.queryParam("id", it) } CompletableFuture.completedFuture( RestTemplate().getForObject(, ) ) } @Async fun identifyPlayback(recordingTitle: String, releaseTitle: String, artists: List<String>): CompletableFuture<MbsIdentifiedPlaybackDto> = UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpUrl(mbsUrl) .pathSegment("mbs", "v1", "playbacks", "identify") .queryParam("title", recordingTitle) .queryParam("release", releaseTitle) .apply { artists.forEach { queryParam("artist", it) } } .build() .toUri() .let { uri -> val future = CompletableFuture<MbsIdentifiedPlaybackDto>() try { future.complete( RestTemplate().getForObject( uri, )!!.toDto() ) } catch (e: Exception) { future.completeExceptionally(MbsLookupFailedException(e)) } future } @Async fun identifyPlayback( artist: String, release: String, recording: String, length: Long ): CompletableFuture<IdentifiedPlayback> = UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpUrl(mbsUrl) .pathSegment("mbs", "v2", "playbacks", "best") .queryParam("artist", artist) .queryParam("release", release) .queryParam("recording", recording) .queryParam("length", length) .build() .encode() .toUri() .let { uri -> val future = CompletableFuture<IdentifiedPlayback>() try { future.complete( RestTemplate().getForObject(uri, ) } catch (e: Exception) { future.completeExceptionally(MbsLookupFailedException(e)) } future } }
/* * Copyright 2000-2017 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jetbrains.debugger import com.intellij.xdebugger.XDebuggerBundle import com.intellij.xdebugger.frame.XCompositeNode import com.intellij.xdebugger.frame.XValueChildrenList import com.intellij.xdebugger.frame.XValueGroup import org.jetbrains.concurrency.done import org.jetbrains.concurrency.rejected import org.jetbrains.concurrency.thenAsyncAccept class ScopeVariablesGroup(val scope: Scope, parentContext: VariableContext, callFrame: CallFrame?) : XValueGroup(scope.createScopeNodeName()) { private val context = createVariableContext(scope, parentContext, callFrame) private val callFrame = if (scope.type == ScopeType.LOCAL) callFrame else null override fun isAutoExpand() = scope.type == ScopeType.LOCAL || scope.type == ScopeType.CATCH override fun getComment(): String? { val className = scope.description return if ("Object" == className) null else className } override fun computeChildren(node: XCompositeNode) { val promise = processScopeVariables(scope, node, context, callFrame == null) if (callFrame == null) { return } promise .done(node) { context.memberFilter .thenAsyncAccept(node) { if (it.hasNameMappings()) { it.sourceNameToRaw(RECEIVER_NAME)?.let { return@thenAsyncAccept callFrame.evaluateContext.evaluate(it) .done(node) { VariableImpl(RECEIVER_NAME, it.value, null) node.addChildren(XValueChildrenList.singleton(VariableView(VariableImpl(RECEIVER_NAME, it.value, null), context)), true) } } } context.viewSupport.computeReceiverVariable(context, callFrame, node) } .rejected(node) { context.viewSupport.computeReceiverVariable(context, callFrame, node) } } } } fun createAndAddScopeList(node: XCompositeNode, scopes: List<Scope>, context: VariableContext, callFrame: CallFrame?) { val list = XValueChildrenList(scopes.size) for (scope in scopes) { list.addTopGroup(ScopeVariablesGroup(scope, context, callFrame)) } node.addChildren(list, true) } fun createVariableContext(scope: Scope, parentContext: VariableContext, callFrame: CallFrame?): VariableContext { if (callFrame == null || scope.type == ScopeType.LIBRARY) { // functions scopes - we can watch variables only from global scope return ParentlessVariableContext(parentContext, scope, scope.type == ScopeType.GLOBAL) } else { return VariableContextWrapper(parentContext, scope) } } private class ParentlessVariableContext(parentContext: VariableContext, scope: Scope, private val watchableAsEvaluationExpression: Boolean) : VariableContextWrapper(parentContext, scope) { override fun watchableAsEvaluationExpression() = watchableAsEvaluationExpression } private fun Scope.createScopeNodeName(): String { when (type) { ScopeType.GLOBAL -> return XDebuggerBundle.message("") ScopeType.LOCAL -> return XDebuggerBundle.message("scope.local") ScopeType.WITH -> return XDebuggerBundle.message("scope.with") ScopeType.CLOSURE -> return XDebuggerBundle.message("scope.closure") ScopeType.CATCH -> return XDebuggerBundle.message("scope.catch") ScopeType.LIBRARY -> return XDebuggerBundle.message("scope.library") ScopeType.INSTANCE -> return XDebuggerBundle.message("scope.instance") ScopeType.CLASS -> return XDebuggerBundle.message("scope.class") ScopeType.BLOCK -> return XDebuggerBundle.message("scope.block") ScopeType.SCRIPT -> return XDebuggerBundle.message("scope.script") ScopeType.UNKNOWN -> return XDebuggerBundle.message("scope.unknown") else -> throw IllegalArgumentException( } }
package io.casey.musikcube.remote.ui.tracks.fragment import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import android.os.Bundle import android.view.* import import com.simplecityapps.recyclerview_fastscroll.views.FastScrollRecyclerView import io.casey.musikcube.remote.R import io.casey.musikcube.remote.service.playback.impl.remote.Metadata import io.casey.musikcube.remote.service.websocket.model.IMetadataProxy import io.casey.musikcube.remote.service.websocket.model.ITrack import io.casey.musikcube.remote.service.websocket.model.ITrackListQueryFactory import io.casey.musikcube.remote.ui.shared.activity.IFilterable import io.casey.musikcube.remote.ui.shared.activity.IMenuProvider import io.casey.musikcube.remote.ui.shared.activity.ITitleProvider import io.casey.musikcube.remote.ui.shared.activity.ITransportObserver import io.casey.musikcube.remote.ui.shared.constant.Shared import io.casey.musikcube.remote.ui.shared.extension.* import io.casey.musikcube.remote.ui.shared.fragment.BaseFragment import io.casey.musikcube.remote.ui.shared.mixin.ItemContextMenuMixin import io.casey.musikcube.remote.ui.shared.mixin.MetadataProxyMixin import io.casey.musikcube.remote.ui.shared.mixin.PlaybackMixin import io.casey.musikcube.remote.ui.shared.model.DefaultSlidingWindow import io.casey.musikcube.remote.ui.shared.model.ITrackListSlidingWindow import io.casey.musikcube.remote.ui.shared.view.EmptyListView import io.casey.musikcube.remote.ui.tracks.activity.EditPlaylistActivity import io.casey.musikcube.remote.ui.tracks.activity.TrackListActivity import io.casey.musikcube.remote.ui.tracks.adapter.TrackListAdapter import io.casey.musikcube.remote.ui.tracks.constant.Track import io.casey.musikcube.remote.util.Debouncer import io.reactivex.Observable import io.reactivex.rxkotlin.subscribeBy class TrackListFragment: BaseFragment(), IFilterable, ITitleProvider, ITransportObserver, IMenuProvider { private lateinit var tracks: DefaultSlidingWindow private lateinit var emptyView: EmptyListView private lateinit var adapter: TrackListAdapter private lateinit var queryFactory: ITrackListQueryFactory private lateinit var data: MetadataProxyMixin private lateinit var playback: PlaybackMixin private var categoryType: String = "" private var categoryId: Long = 0 private var titleId = R.string.songs_title private var categoryValue: String = "" private var lastFilter = "" override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { component.inject(this) data = mixin(MetadataProxyMixin()) playback = mixin(PlaybackMixin()) { categoryType = getString(Track.Extra.CATEGORY_TYPE, "") categoryId = getLong(Track.Extra.SELECTED_ID, 0) categoryValue = getString(Track.Extra.CATEGORY_VALUE, "") titleId = getInt(Track.Extra.TITLE_ID, titleId) } /* needs to come after we extract categoryType -- otherwise menuListener may get resolved to `null` */ mixin(ItemContextMenuMixin(appCompatActivity, menuListener, this)) queryFactory = createCategoryQueryFactory(categoryType, categoryId) super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) } override fun onPause() { super.onPause() tracks.pause() } override fun onResume() { tracks.resume() /* needs to happen first */ super.onResume() requeryIfViewingOfflineCache() } override fun onInitObservables() { disposables.add(data.provider.observeState().subscribeBy( onNext = { states -> val shouldRequery = states.first === IMetadataProxy.State.Connected || (states.first === IMetadataProxy.State.Disconnected && isOfflineTracks) if (shouldRequery) { filterDebouncer.cancel() tracks.requery() } else { emptyView.update(states.first, adapter.itemCount) } }, onError = { })) } override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View = inflater.inflate(this.getLayoutId(), container, false).apply { val recyclerView = findViewById<FastScrollRecyclerView>( tracks = DefaultSlidingWindow(recyclerView, data.provider, queryFactory) adapter = TrackListAdapter(tracks, eventListener, playback, prefs) setupDefaultRecyclerView(recyclerView, adapter) emptyView = findViewById( emptyView.let { it.capability = if (isOfflineTracks) EmptyListView.Capability.OfflineOk else EmptyListView.Capability.OnlineOnly it.emptyMessage = emptyMessage it.alternateView = recyclerView } tracks.setOnMetadataLoadedListener(slidingWindowListener) } private val editPlaylistLauncher = launcher { result -> val data = if (result.resultCode == AppCompatActivity.RESULT_OK && data != null) { val playlistName = data.getStringExtra(EditPlaylistActivity.EXTRA_PLAYLIST_NAME) ?: "" val playlistId = data.getLongExtra(EditPlaylistActivity.EXTRA_PLAYLIST_ID, -1L) if (categoryType != Metadata.Category.PLAYLISTS || playlistId != this.categoryId) { showSnackbar( appCompatActivity.findViewById(, getString(R.string.playlist_edit_save_success, playlistName), buttonText = getString(R.string.button_view), buttonCb = { startActivity(TrackListActivity.getStartIntent( appCompatActivity, Metadata.Category.PLAYLISTS, playlistId, playlistName)) }) } } } override val title: String get() = getTitleOverride(getString(titleId)) override val addFilterToToolbar: Boolean get() = false override fun setFilter(filter: String) { lastFilter = filter } override fun createOptionsMenu(menu: Menu): Boolean { when (Metadata.Category.PLAYLISTS == categoryType) { true -> appCompatActivity.menuInflater.inflate(, menu) false -> addFilterAction(menu, this) } return true } override fun optionsItemSelected(menuItem: MenuItem): Boolean = when (menuItem.itemId == { true -> { editPlaylistLauncher.launch( EditPlaylistActivity.getStartIntent( appCompatActivity, categoryValue, categoryId)) true } else -> false } override fun onTransportChanged() { adapter.notifyDataSetChanged() } private val filterDebouncer = object : Debouncer<String>(350) { override fun onDebounced(last: String?) { if (!paused) { tracks.requery() } } } private val emptyMessage: String get() { if (isOfflineTracks) { return getString(R.string.empty_no_offline_tracks_message) } return getString(R.string.empty_no_items_format, getString(R.string.browse_type_tracks)) } private val isOfflineTracks: Boolean get() = Metadata.Category.OFFLINE == categoryType private fun requeryIfViewingOfflineCache() { if (isOfflineTracks) { tracks.requery() } } private fun createCategoryQueryFactory(categoryType: String?, categoryId: Long): ITrackListQueryFactory { if (isValidCategory(categoryType, categoryId)) { /* tracks for a specified category (album, artists, genres, etc */ return object : ITrackListQueryFactory { override fun count(): Observable<Int> = data.provider.getTrackCountByCategory(categoryType ?: "", categoryId, lastFilter) override fun page(offset: Int, limit: Int): Observable<List<ITrack>> = data.provider.getTracksByCategory(categoryType ?: "", categoryId, limit, offset, lastFilter) override fun offline(): Boolean = Metadata.Category.OFFLINE == categoryType } } else { /* all tracks */ return object : ITrackListQueryFactory { override fun count(): Observable<Int> = data.provider.getTrackCount(lastFilter) override fun page(offset: Int, limit: Int): Observable<List<ITrack>> = data.provider.getTracks(limit, offset, lastFilter) override fun offline(): Boolean = Metadata.Category.OFFLINE == categoryType } } } private val slidingWindowListener = object : ITrackListSlidingWindow.OnMetadataLoadedListener { override fun onReloaded(count: Int) = emptyView.update(data.provider.state, count) override fun onMetadataLoaded(offset: Int, count: Int) {} } private val menuListener: ItemContextMenuMixin.EventListener? get() { if (categoryType == Metadata.Category.PLAYLISTS) { return object: ItemContextMenuMixin.EventListener () { override fun onPlaylistUpdated(id: Long, name: String) { tracks.requery() } } } return null } private val eventListener = object: TrackListAdapter.EventListener { override fun onItemClick(view: View, track: ITrack, position: Int) { if (isValidCategory(categoryType, categoryId)) {, categoryId, position, lastFilter) } else { playback.service.playAll(position, lastFilter) } } override fun onActionItemClick(view: View, track: ITrack, position: Int) { val mixin = mixin(!! if (categoryType == Metadata.Category.PLAYLISTS) { mixin.showForPlaylistTrack(track, position, categoryId, categoryValue, view) } else { mixin.showForTrack(track, view) } } } companion object { const val TAG = "TrackListFragment" fun arguments(context: Context, categoryType: String = "", categoryId: Long = 0, categoryValue: String = ""): Bundle = Bundle().apply { putLong(Track.Extra.SELECTED_ID, categoryId) putString(Track.Extra.CATEGORY_TYPE, categoryType) putString(Track.Extra.CATEGORY_VALUE, categoryValue) if (categoryValue.isNotEmpty()) { putString( Shared.Extra.TITLE_OVERRIDE, context.getString(R.string.songs_from_category, categoryValue)) } } fun create(intent: Intent?): TrackListFragment = create(intent?.extras?.getBundle(Track.Extra.FRAGMENT_ARGUMENTS) ?: Bundle()) fun create(arguments: Bundle = Bundle()): TrackListFragment = TrackListFragment().apply { this.arguments = arguments } private fun isValidCategory(categoryType: String?, categoryId: Long): Boolean = categoryType != null && categoryType.isNotEmpty() && categoryId != -1L } }
/* Copyright 2016 StepStone Services Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.stepstone.stepper.sample import android.os.Bundle import import android.view.View class CustomPageTransformerActivity : AbstractStepperActivity() { override val layoutResId: Int get() = R.layout.activity_default_dots override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) stepperLayout.setPageTransformer(CrossFadePageTransformer()) } private class CrossFadePageTransformer : ViewPager.PageTransformer { override fun transformPage(view: View, position: Float) { if (position <= -1.0f || position >= 1.0f) { view.translationX = view.width * position view.alpha = 0.0f } else if (position == 0.0f) { view.translationX = view.width * position view.alpha = 1.0f } else { // position is between -1.0F & 0.0F OR 0.0F & 1.0F view.translationX = view.width * -position view.alpha = 1.0f - Math.abs(position) } } } }
package cc.aoeiuv020.panovel.local import cc.aoeiuv020.anull.notNull import cc.aoeiuv020.log.debug import cc.aoeiuv020.log.error import cc.aoeiuv020.regex.pick import cc.aoeiuv020.string.divide import cc.aoeiuv020.string.lastDivide import nl.siegmann.epublib.domain.Author import nl.siegmann.epublib.domain.Book import nl.siegmann.epublib.domain.Resource import nl.siegmann.epublib.epub.EpubWriter import org.jsoup.nodes.Document import org.jsoup.nodes.Element import org.slf4j.Logger import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import /** * TODO: 其他阅读器无法识别, * * Created by AoEiuV020 on 2018.06.19-22:53:24. */ class EpubExporter( private val file: File ) : LocalNovelExporter { private val imagePattern = "^!\\[img\\]\\((.*)\\)$" private val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.javaClass.simpleName) override fun export(info: LocalNovelInfo, contentProvider: ContentProvider, progressCallback: (Int, Int) -> Unit) { val book = Book() val indent = "  " val chapters = info.chapters val total = chapters.size progressCallback(0, total) book.metadata.apply { addPublisher("PaNovel") language = "zh" { try { val (first, last) = it.divide(' ') val firstName = first.trim() val lastName = last.trim() addAuthor(Author(firstName, lastName)) logger.debug { "添加作者<$firstName $lastName>" } } catch (e: Exception) { addAuthor(Author(it)) logger.debug { "添加作者<$it>" } } } { addTitle(it) logger.debug { "添加标题<$it>" } } info.introduction?.let { intro -> try { intro.split('\n').map(String::trim).filter(String::isNotEmpty) .takeIf(List<*>::isNotEmpty) ?.fold(Element("div")) { div, it -> // 没考虑简介有图片的情况, div.appendElement("p") .text("$indent$it") } } catch (e: Exception) { // 按理说不会有失败, logger.error(e) { "导出简介失败," } null } }?.also { div -> addDescription(div.outerHtml()) } } info.image?.let { try { val url = contentProvider.getImage(it) // info.image或者url中一般有图片文件名, // 但不可控,万一就出现重名的呢, val fileName = try { it.lastDivide('/').second } catch (_: Exception) { try { url.toString().lastDivide('/').second } catch (_: Exception) { // 失败填充默认jpg一般没问题, "cover.jpg" } } val resource = url.openStream().use { input -> Resource(input, fileName) } logger.debug { "添加封面<$url, ${resource.href}>" } book.coverImage = resource } catch (e: Exception) { // 任何失败就不添加封面了, logger.error(e) { "导出封面失败" } } } var imageIndex = 0 chapters.forEachIndexed { index, chapter -> progressCallback(index, total) val content = contentProvider.getNovelContent(chapter) // 空章节不导出, if (content.isEmpty()) return@forEachIndexed val name = val fileName = "chapter$index.html" val root = Document.createShell(("file://$OPS_PATH/$fileName")) root.title(name) val div = root.body().appendElement("div") .text("") // 如果第一行不是章节名,就添加一行章节名, // 正常正文应该是不包括章节名的,也就是会调用这个的, if (content.firstOrNull() != name) { div.appendElement("h2") .text(name) } content.forEach { line -> val extra = try { line.pick(imagePattern).first() } catch (_: Exception) { // 不是图片就直接保存p标签, div.appendElement("p") .text("$indent$line") return@forEach } try { val url = contentProvider.getImage(extra) // 如果打开图片输入流返回空,直接抛异常到下面的catch打印普通文本, logger.debug { "adding image: $url" } val resource = contentProvider.openImage(url).notNull().use { input -> val suffix = try { // 从url中拿文件后辍, url.toString().lastDivide('.').second } catch (e: Exception) { // 失败填充默认jpg一般没问题, "jpg" } Resource(input, "image${imageIndex++}.$suffix") } book.addResource(resource) div.appendElement("p") .appendElement("img") .attr("src", resource.href) // jsoup没有内容的标签不封闭,以防万一加上text就封闭了, .text("") } catch (e: Exception) { logger.error(e) { "导出图片<$extra>出错," } div.appendElement("p") .text("$indent[image]") } } val bytes = (root.outerHtml()).toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8) val resource = Resource(bytes, fileName) book.addSection(name, resource) // 这个guide不知道是否重要, if (index == 0) { = resource } } // EpubWriter不带缓冲,加个缓冲,不确定有多大效果, // 这里use多余,write里面close了, file.outputStream().buffered().use { output -> EpubWriter().write(book, output) } progressCallback(total, total) } companion object { const val OPS_PATH = "OEBPS" } }
package com.example.alexeyglushkov.cachemanager.clients import com.example.alexeyglushkov.cachemanager.clients.Cache.CacheMode import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope import kotlinx.coroutines.async import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext class ScopeCacheAdapter(private val cache: Cache, private val scope: CoroutineScope) : ScopeCache { override var cacheMode: CacheMode get() = cache.cacheMode set(value) { cache.cacheMode = value } override suspend fun putValue(key: String, value: Any) { scope.async { cache.putValue(key, value) }.await() } override suspend fun <T> getCachedValue(cacheKey: String): T? { return scope.async { cache.getCachedValue<T>(cacheKey) }.await() } }
package com.example.alexeyglushkov.taskmanager.providers import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread import com.example.alexeyglushkov.taskmanager.task.Task import com.example.alexeyglushkov.taskmanager.pool.TaskPool /** * Created by alexeyglushkov on 30.12.14. */ // Obligation: a provider defines in which order tasks should be executed // Obligation: a provider must remove a task from the pool in the takeTopTask method // Restriction: a provider ignores a task in addTask if the task is not ready to start // Obligation: a provider changes the status of a task to Task.Status.Waiting in addTask interface TaskProvider : TaskPool { // TODO: maybe delete it and force to pass in a constructor var taskProviderId: String // TODO: implement it // priority is used to determine the order of accessing to the providers int a TaskManager // it affects tasks order if the tasks have the same priority var priority: Int var taskFilter: TaskFilter? @WorkerThread fun getTopTask(): Task? @WorkerThread fun takeTopTask(): Task? interface TaskFilter { fun getFilteredTaskTypes(): List<Int> fun isFiltered(task: Task): Boolean { return getFilteredTaskTypes().contains(task.taskType) } } }
/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Needham Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package com.thomas.needham.neurophidea.examples.kotlin import org.neuroph.core.NeuralNetwork import org.neuroph.core.learning.SupervisedTrainingElement import org.neuroph.core.learning.TrainingSet import org.neuroph.nnet.Kohonen import org.neuroph.nnet.learning.BackPropagation import* import java.util.* object TestKohonen { @JvmStatic var inputSize = 8 @JvmStatic var outputSize = 1 @JvmStatic var network: NeuralNetwork? = null @JvmStatic var trainingSet: TrainingSet<SupervisedTrainingElement>? = null @JvmStatic var testingSet: TrainingSet<SupervisedTrainingElement>? = null @JvmStatic var layers = arrayOf(8, 8, 1) @JvmStatic fun loadNetwork() { network = NeuralNetwork.load("D:/GitHub/Neuroph-Intellij-Plugin/TestKohonen.nnet") } @JvmStatic fun trainNetwork() { val list = ArrayList<Int>() for (layer in layers) { list.add(layer) } network = Kohonen(inputSize, outputSize) trainingSet = TrainingSet<SupervisedTrainingElement>(inputSize, outputSize) trainingSet = TrainingSet.createFromFile("D:/GitHub/NeuralNetworkTest/Classroom Occupation Data.csv", inputSize, outputSize, ",") as TrainingSet<SupervisedTrainingElement>? val learningRule = BackPropagation() (network as NeuralNetwork).learningRule = learningRule (network as NeuralNetwork).learn(trainingSet) (network as NeuralNetwork).save("D:/GitHub/Neuroph-Intellij-Plugin/TestKohonen.nnet") } @JvmStatic fun testNetwork() { var input = "" val fromKeyboard = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(System.`in`)) val testValues = ArrayList<Double>() var testValuesDouble: DoubleArray do { try { println("Enter test values or \"\": ") input = fromKeyboard.readLine() if (input == "") { break } input = input.replace(" ", "") val stringVals = input.split(",".toRegex()).dropLastWhile { it.isEmpty() }.toTypedArray() testValues.clear() for (`val` in stringVals) { testValues.add(java.lang.Double.parseDouble(`val`)) } } catch (ioe: IOException) { ioe.printStackTrace(System.err) } catch (nfe: NumberFormatException) { nfe.printStackTrace(System.err) } testValuesDouble = DoubleArray(testValues.size) for (t in testValuesDouble.indices) { testValuesDouble[t] = testValues[t].toDouble() } network?.setInput(*testValuesDouble) network?.calculate() } while (input != "") } @JvmStatic fun testNetworkAuto(setPath: String) { var total: Double = 0.0 val list = ArrayList<Int>() val outputLine = ArrayList<String>() for (layer in layers) { list.add(layer) } testingSet = TrainingSet.createFromFile(setPath, inputSize, outputSize, ",") as TrainingSet<SupervisedTrainingElement>? val count: Int = testingSet?.elements()?.size!! var averageDeviance = 0.0 var resultString = "" try { val file = File("Results " + setPath) val fw = FileWriter(file) val bw = BufferedWriter(fw) for (i in 0..testingSet?.elements()?.size!! - 1) { val expected: Double val calculated: Double network?.setInput(*testingSet?.elementAt(i)!!.input) network?.calculate() calculated = network?.output!![0] expected = testingSet?.elementAt(i)?.idealArray!![0] println("Calculated Output: " + calculated) println("Expected Output: " + expected) println("Deviance: " + (calculated - expected)) averageDeviance += Math.abs(Math.abs(calculated) - Math.abs(expected)) total += network?.output!![0] resultString = "" for (cols in 0..testingSet?.elementAt(i)?.inputArray?.size!! - 1) { resultString += testingSet?.elementAt(i)?.inputArray!![cols].toString() + ", " } for (t in!!.size - 1) { resultString += network?.output!![t].toString() + ", " } resultString = resultString.substring(0, resultString.length - 2) resultString += "" bw.write(resultString) bw.flush() println() println("Average: " + (total / count).toString()) println("Average Deviance % : " + (averageDeviance / count * 100).toString()) bw.flush() bw.close() } } catch (ex: IOException) { ex.printStackTrace() } } }
package import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData import androidx.lifecycle.Transformations import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking import import import import import timber.log.Timber import java.util.* class ChannelDataSource(private val db: AppRoomDatabase) : DataSourceInterface<Channel> { private val ioScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO) override fun addItem(item: Channel) { ioScope.launch { db.channelDao.insert(ChannelEntity.from(item)) } } fun addItems(items: List<Channel>) { ioScope.launch { db.channelDao.insert(ArrayList( { ChannelEntity.from(it) })) } } override fun updateItem(item: Channel) { ioScope.launch { db.channelDao.update(ChannelEntity.from(item)) } } override fun removeItem(item: Channel) { ioScope.launch { db.channelDao.delete(ChannelEntity.from(item)) } } fun removeItemById(id: Int) { ioScope.launch { db.channelDao.deleteById(id) } } override fun getLiveDataItemCount(): LiveData<Int> { return db.channelDao.itemCount } override fun getLiveDataItems(): LiveData<List<Channel>> { return MutableLiveData() } override fun getLiveDataItemById(id: Any): LiveData<Channel> { return MutableLiveData() } override fun getItemById(id: Any): Channel? { var channel: Channel? runBlocking(Dispatchers.IO) { channel = db.channelDao.loadChannelByIdSync(id as Int)?.toChannel() } return channel } fun getChannels(sortOrder: Int = 0): List<Channel> { val channels = ArrayList<Channel>() runBlocking(Dispatchers.IO) { channels.addAll(db.channelDao.loadAllChannelsSync(sortOrder).map { it.toChannel() }) } return channels } override fun getItems(): List<Channel> { return getChannels() } fun getItemByIdWithPrograms(id: Int, selectedTime: Long): Channel? { var channel: Channel? runBlocking(Dispatchers.IO) { channel = db.channelDao.loadChannelByIdWithProgramsSync(id, selectedTime)?.toChannel() } return channel } fun getAllEpgChannels(channelSortOrder: Int, tagIds: List<Int>): LiveData<List<EpgChannel>> { Timber.d("Loading epg channels with sort order $channelSortOrder and ${tagIds.size} tags") return if (tagIds.isEmpty()) { { entities -> { it.toEpgChannel() } } } else {, tagIds)) { entities -> { it.toEpgChannel() } } } } fun getAllChannelsByTime(selectedTime: Long, channelSortOrder: Int, tagIds: List<Int>): LiveData<List<Channel>> { Timber.d("Loading channels from time $selectedTime with sort order $channelSortOrder and ${tagIds.size} tags") return if (tagIds.isEmpty()) {, channelSortOrder)) { entities -> { it.toChannel() } } } else {, channelSortOrder, tagIds)) { entities -> { it.toChannel() } } } } }
/* * Copyright 2010-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license * that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file. */ package sample.gitchurn import kotlinx.cinterop.* import libgit2.* class GitCommit(val repository: GitRepository, val commit: CPointer<git_commit>) { fun close() = git_commit_free(commit) val summary: String get() = git_commit_summary(commit)!!.toKString() val time: git_time_t get() = git_commit_time(commit) val tree: GitTree get() = memScoped { val treePtr = allocPointerTo<git_tree>() git_commit_tree(treePtr.ptr, commit).errorCheck() GitTree(repository, treePtr.value!!) } val parents: List<GitCommit> get() = memScoped { val count = git_commit_parentcount(commit).toInt() val result = ArrayList<GitCommit>(count) for (index in 0..count - 1) { val commitPtr = allocPointerTo<git_commit>() git_commit_parent(commitPtr.ptr, commit, index.toUInt()).errorCheck() result.add(GitCommit(repository, commitPtr.value!!)) } result } }
package net.nemerosa.ontrack.extension.notifications.webhooks import net.nemerosa.ontrack.model.annotations.APIDescription import net.nemerosa.ontrack.model.annotations.APILabel import net.nemerosa.ontrack.model.annotations.getPropertyDescription import net.nemerosa.ontrack.model.annotations.getPropertyLabel import net.nemerosa.ontrack.model.form.* import net.nemerosa.ontrack.model.structure.ServiceConfiguration import net.nemerosa.ontrack.model.structure.ServiceConfigurationSource import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController @RestController @RequestMapping("/extension/notifications/webhook") class WebhookController( private val webhookAdminService: WebhookAdminService, private val webhookExecutionService: WebhookExecutionService, private val webhookAuthenticatorRegistry: WebhookAuthenticatorRegistry, ) { @GetMapping("create") fun newWebhookForm(): Form = webhookForm(null) @PostMapping("{name}/ping") fun pingWebhook(@PathVariable name: String) { val webhook = webhookAdminService.findWebhookByName(name) ?: throw WebhookNotFoundException(name) val payload = WebhookPingPayloadData.pingPayload("Webhook $name ping") webhookExecutionService.send(webhook, payload) } private fun webhookForm(webhook: Webhook?): Form = Form.create() .textField(WebhookForm::name, webhook?.name) .yesNoField(WebhookForm::enabled, webhook?.enabled ?: true) .urlField(WebhookForm::url, webhook?.url) .intField(WebhookForm::timeoutSeconds, webhook?.timeout?.toSeconds()?.toInt() ?: 60) .with( ServiceConfigurator.of( .label(getPropertyLabel(WebhookForm::authentication)) .help(getPropertyDescription(WebhookForm::authentication)) .sources( { authenticator -> ServiceConfigurationSource( authenticator.type, authenticator.displayName, authenticator.getForm(null) ) } ) .value( webhook?.authentication?.run { ServiceConfiguration(type, config) } ) ) data class WebhookForm( @APIDescription("Webhook unique name") @APILabel("Name") val name: String, @APIDescription("Webhook enabled or not") @APILabel("Enabled") val enabled: Boolean, @APIDescription("Webhook endpoint") @APILabel("URL") val url: String, @APIDescription("Webhook execution timeout (in seconds)") @APILabel("Timeout") val timeoutSeconds: Int, @APIDescription("Webhook authentication") @APILabel("Authentication") val authentication: WebhookAuthentication, ) }
/* * Nextcloud Android client application * * @author Álvaro Brey * Copyright (C) 2022 Álvaro Brey * Copyright (C) 2022 Nextcloud GmbH * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with this program. If not, see <>. * */ package com.nextcloud.client.database.entity import import import import @Entity(tableName = ProviderTableMeta.UPLOADS_TABLE_NAME) data class UploadEntity( @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) @ColumnInfo(name = ProviderTableMeta._ID) val id: Int?, @ColumnInfo(name = ProviderTableMeta.UPLOADS_LOCAL_PATH) val localPath: String?, @ColumnInfo(name = ProviderTableMeta.UPLOADS_REMOTE_PATH) val remotePath: String?, @ColumnInfo(name = ProviderTableMeta.UPLOADS_ACCOUNT_NAME) val accountName: String?, @ColumnInfo(name = ProviderTableMeta.UPLOADS_FILE_SIZE) val fileSize: Long?, @ColumnInfo(name = ProviderTableMeta.UPLOADS_STATUS) val status: Int?, @ColumnInfo(name = ProviderTableMeta.UPLOADS_LOCAL_BEHAVIOUR) val localBehaviour: Int?, @ColumnInfo(name = ProviderTableMeta.UPLOADS_UPLOAD_TIME) val uploadTime: Int?, @ColumnInfo(name = ProviderTableMeta.UPLOADS_NAME_COLLISION_POLICY) val nameCollisionPolicy: Int?, @ColumnInfo(name = ProviderTableMeta.UPLOADS_IS_CREATE_REMOTE_FOLDER) val isCreateRemoteFolder: Int?, @ColumnInfo(name = ProviderTableMeta.UPLOADS_UPLOAD_END_TIMESTAMP) val uploadEndTimestamp: Int?, @ColumnInfo(name = ProviderTableMeta.UPLOADS_LAST_RESULT) val lastResult: Int?, @ColumnInfo(name = ProviderTableMeta.UPLOADS_IS_WHILE_CHARGING_ONLY) val isWhileChargingOnly: Int?, @ColumnInfo(name = ProviderTableMeta.UPLOADS_IS_WIFI_ONLY) val isWifiOnly: Int?, @ColumnInfo(name = ProviderTableMeta.UPLOADS_CREATED_BY) val createdBy: Int?, @ColumnInfo(name = ProviderTableMeta.UPLOADS_FOLDER_UNLOCK_TOKEN) val folderUnlockToken: String? )
// Copyright 2000-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package com.intellij.internal.statistic.eventLog import import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationInfo import com.intellij.openapi.application.PermanentInstallationID import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger import import import import import java.util.* class LogEventRecordRequest(val product : String, val user: String, val records: List<LogEventRecord>) { companion object { private const val RECORD_SIZE = 1000 * 1000 // 1000KB private val LOG = Logger.getInstance( fun create(file: File, filter: LogEventFilter): LogEventRecordRequest? { try { return create(file, ApplicationInfo.getInstance().build.productCode, PermanentInstallationID.get(), RECORD_SIZE, filter) } catch (e: Exception) { LOG.warn("Failed reading event log file", e) return null } } fun create(file: File, product: String, user: String, maxRecordSize: Int, filter: LogEventFilter): LogEventRecordRequest? { try { val records = ArrayList<LogEventRecord>() BufferedReader(FileReader(file.path)).use { reader -> val sizeEstimator = LogEventRecordSizeEstimator(product, user) var events = ArrayList<LogEvent>() var line = fillNextBatch(reader, reader.readLine(), events, sizeEstimator, maxRecordSize, filter) while (!events.isEmpty()) { records.add(LogEventRecord(events)) events = ArrayList() line = fillNextBatch(reader, line, events, sizeEstimator, maxRecordSize, filter) } } return LogEventRecordRequest(product, user, records) } catch (e: JsonSyntaxException) { LOG.warn(e) } catch (e: IOException) { LOG.warn(e) } return null } private fun fillNextBatch(reader: BufferedReader, firstLine: String?, events: MutableList<LogEvent>, estimator: LogEventRecordSizeEstimator, maxRecordSize: Int, filter: LogEventFilter) : String? { var recordSize = 0 var line = firstLine while (line != null && recordSize + estimator.estimate(line) < maxRecordSize) { val event = LogEventSerializer.fromString(line) if (event != null && filter.accepts(event)) { recordSize += estimator.estimate(line) events.add(event) } line = reader.readLine() } return line } } override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean { if (this === other) return true if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false other as LogEventRecordRequest if (product != other.product) return false if (user != other.user) return false if (records != other.records) return false return true } override fun hashCode(): Int { var result = product.hashCode() result = 31 * result + user.hashCode() result = 31 * result + records.hashCode() return result } } class LogEventRecord(val events: List<LogEvent>) { override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean { if (this === other) return true if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false other as LogEventRecord if (events != return false return true } override fun hashCode(): Int { return events.hashCode() } } class LogEventRecordSizeEstimator(product : String, user: String) { private val formatAdditionalSize = product.length + user.length + 2 fun estimate(line: String) : Int { return line.length + formatAdditionalSize } }
/* * * Nextcloud Android client application * * @author Tobias Kaminsky * Copyright (C) 2021 Tobias Kaminsky * Copyright (C) 2021 Nextcloud GmbH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.nextcloud.sso import import import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals import org.junit.Test class InputStreamBinderTest { @Test fun convertMapToNVP() { val source = mutableMapOf<String, String>() source["quality"] = "1024p" source["someOtherParameter"] = "parameterValue" source["duplicate"] = "1" source["duplicate"] = "2" // this overwrites previous parameter val output = InputStreamBinder.convertMapToNVP(source) assertEquals(source.size, output.size) assertEquals("1024p", output[0].value) assertEquals("parameterValue", output[1].value) assertEquals("2", output[2].value) } @Test fun convertListToNVP() { val source = mutableListOf<QueryParam>() source.add(QueryParam("quality", "1024p")) source.add(QueryParam("someOtherParameter", "parameterValue")) source.add(QueryParam("duplicate", "1")) source.add(QueryParam("duplicate", "2")) // here we can have same parameter multiple times val output = InputStreamBinder.convertListToNVP(source) assertEquals(source.size, output.size) assertEquals("1024p", output[0].value) assertEquals("parameterValue", output[1].value) assertEquals("1", output[2].value) assertEquals("2", output[3].value) } }
package com.ethan.and.ui.main import android.animation.ObjectAnimator import android.content.* import import import import android.os.Build import android.os.Bundle import android.os.IBinder import android.os.Message import android.preference.PreferenceManager import import android.text.TextUtils import android.util.Log import android.view.KeyEvent import android.view.Menu import android.view.MenuItem import android.view.View import android.widget.TextView import com.bumptech.glide.Glide import com.common.componentes.activity.ImmersiveFragmentActivity import com.flybd.sharebox.Constants import com.flybd.sharebox.PreferenceInfo import com.flybd.sharebox.R import com.ethan.and.getMainApplication import com.flybd.sharebox.presenter.MainActivityDelegate import com.ethan.and.service.MainService import com.ethan.and.ui.fragment.SplashFragment import com.flybd.sharebox.util.admob.AdmobCallback import com.flybd.sharebox.util.admob.AdmobManager import org.ecjtu.easyserver.IAidlInterface import org.ecjtu.easyserver.server.DeviceInfo import org.ecjtu.easyserver.server.impl.service.EasyServerService import org.ecjtu.easyserver.server.util.cache.ServerInfoParcelableHelper class MainActivity : ImmersiveFragmentActivity(), MainContract.View { companion object { private const val TAG = "MainActivity" private const val MSG_SERVICE_STARTED = 0x10 const val MSG_START_SERVER = 0x11 const val MSG_STOP_SERVER = 0x14 private const val MSG_LOADING_SERVER = 0x12 const val MSG_CLOSE_APP = -1 const val DEBUG = true private const val CLOSE_TIME = 3 * 1000 } private var mDelegate: MainActivityDelegate? = null private var mAnimator: ObjectAnimator? = null private var mReceiver: WifiApReceiver? = null var refreshing = true private var mService: IAidlInterface? = null private var mAdManager: AdmobManager? = null private var mMainService: MainService? = null private lateinit var presenter: MainContract.Presenter private var lastBackPressTime = -1L override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) // loadSplash() setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) var toolbar = findViewById<View>( as Toolbar setSupportActionBar(toolbar) mDelegate = MainActivityDelegate(this) var drawer = findViewById<View>( if (isNavigationBarShow(this)) { drawer.setPadding(drawer.paddingLeft, drawer.paddingTop, drawer.paddingRight, drawer.paddingBottom + getNavigationBarHeight(this)) val recyclerView = mDelegate?.getRecyclerView() recyclerView?.setPadding(recyclerView.paddingLeft, recyclerView.paddingTop, recyclerView.paddingRight, recyclerView.paddingBottom + getNavigationBarHeight(this)) } // ad initAd() mReceiver = WifiApReceiver() var filter = IntentFilter() filter.addAction(mReceiver?.ACTION_WIFI_AP_CHANGED) filter.addAction(mReceiver?.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION) filter.addAction(mReceiver?.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION) filter.addAction(mReceiver?.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION) filter.addAction(org.ecjtu.easyserver.server.Constants.ACTION_CLOSE_SERVER) filter.addAction(org.ecjtu.easyserver.server.Constants.ACTION_UPDATE_SERVER) registerReceiver(mReceiver, filter) presenter = MainPresenter() } override fun onResume() { super.onResume() presenter.takeView(this) getMainApplication().closeActivitiesByIndex(1) var name = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this).getString(PreferenceInfo.PREF_DEVICE_NAME, Build.MODEL) (findViewById<View>( as TextView).setText(name) //resume service val intent = Intent(this, startService(intent) bindService(intent, mMainServiceConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE) } override fun onStop() { super.onStop() } override fun onPause() { super.onPause() presenter.dropView() } override fun onDestroy() { refreshing = false mDelegate?.onDestroy() getHandler()?.removeMessages(MSG_LOADING_SERVER) unregisterReceiver(mReceiver) try { unbindService(mServiceConnection) } catch (ignore: java.lang.Exception) { } try { unbindService(mMainServiceConnection) } catch (ignore: java.lang.Exception) { } // release main process System.exit(0) Glide.get(this).clearMemory() super.onDestroy() } override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu?): Boolean { menuInflater.inflate(, menu) var item = menu!!.findItem( var rotateDrawable = item.icon as RotateDrawable mAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofInt(rotateDrawable, "level", 0, 10000) as ObjectAnimator? mAnimator?.setRepeatMode(ObjectAnimator.RESTART) mAnimator?.repeatCount = ObjectAnimator.INFINITE mAnimator?.setDuration(1000) mAnimator?.start() return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu) } override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem?): Boolean { when (item?.itemId) { -> { if (mAnimator?.isRunning == true) { refreshing = false mAnimator?.cancel() } else { refreshing = true mAnimator?.start() } } } var result = mDelegate?.onOptionsItemSelected(item) ?: false if (result) { return result } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item) } private inner class WifiApReceiver : BroadcastReceiver() { val WIFI_AP_STATE_DISABLING = 10 val WIFI_AP_STATE_DISABLED = 11 val WIFI_AP_STATE_ENABLING = 12 val WIFI_AP_STATE_ENABLED = 13 val WIFI_AP_STATE_FAILED = 14 val WIFI_STATE_ENABLED = 3 val WIFI_STATE_DISABLED = 1 val EXTRA_WIFI_AP_STATE = "wifi_state" val EXTRA_WIFI_STATE = "wifi_state" val ACTION_WIFI_AP_CHANGED = "" val WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION = "" val NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION = "" val CONNECTIVITY_ACTION = "" val EXTRA_WIFI_INFO = "wifiInfo" val EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO = "networkInfo" val TYPE_MOBILE = 0 override fun onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent) { val state = intent.getIntExtra(EXTRA_WIFI_AP_STATE, -1) val action = intent.action if (action == ACTION_WIFI_AP_CHANGED) { when (state) { WIFI_AP_STATE_ENABLED -> { if (mDelegate?.checkCurrentNetwork(null) ?: false) { if (mService != null) { getHandler()?.obtainMessage(MSG_START_SERVER)?.sendToTarget() } else { startServerService() } } var s = "" when (state) { WIFI_AP_STATE_DISABLED -> s = "WIFI_AP_STATE_DISABLED" WIFI_AP_STATE_DISABLING -> s = "WIFI_AP_STATE_DISABLING" WIFI_AP_STATE_ENABLED -> s = "WIFI_AP_STATE_ENABLED" WIFI_AP_STATE_ENABLING -> s = "WIFI_AP_STATE_ENABLED" WIFI_AP_STATE_FAILED -> s = "WIFI_AP_STATE_FAILED" } Log.i("WifiApReceiver", "ap " + s) } WIFI_AP_STATE_DISABLED -> { getHandler()?.obtainMessage(MSG_STOP_SERVER)?.sendToTarget() mDelegate?.checkCurrentNetwork(null) } else -> { var s = "" when (state) { WIFI_AP_STATE_DISABLED -> s = "WIFI_AP_STATE_DISABLED" WIFI_AP_STATE_DISABLING -> s = "WIFI_AP_STATE_DISABLING" WIFI_AP_STATE_ENABLED -> s = "WIFI_AP_STATE_ENABLED" WIFI_AP_STATE_ENABLING -> s = "WIFI_AP_STATE_ENABLED" WIFI_AP_STATE_FAILED -> s = "WIFI_AP_STATE_FAILED" } Log.i("WifiApReceiver", "ap " + s) } } } else if (action == WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION) { // wifi 连接上时,有可能不会回调 val localState = intent.getIntExtra(EXTRA_WIFI_STATE, -1) when (localState) { WIFI_STATE_ENABLED -> { if (mDelegate?.checkCurrentNetwork(null) ?: false) { if (mService != null) { getHandler()?.obtainMessage(MSG_START_SERVER)?.sendToTarget() } else { startServerService() } } } WIFI_STATE_DISABLED -> { getHandler()?.obtainMessage(MSG_STOP_SERVER)?.sendToTarget() mDelegate?.checkCurrentNetwork(null) } } } else if (action.equals(NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION)) { var wifiInfo = intent.getParcelableExtra<WifiInfo>(EXTRA_WIFI_INFO) Log.i("WifiApReceiver", "WifiInfo " + wifiInfo?.toString() ?: "null") if (wifiInfo != null) { if (wifiInfo.bssid != null && !wifiInfo.bssid.equals("<none>")) // is a bug in ui mDelegate?.checkCurrentNetwork(wifiInfo) } } else if (action.equals(CONNECTIVITY_ACTION)) { var info = intent.getParcelableExtra<NetworkInfo>(EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO) Log.i("WifiApReceiver", "NetworkInfo " + info?.toString() ?: "null") if (info != null && info.type == TYPE_MOBILE && (info.state == NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED || info.state == NetworkInfo.State.DISCONNECTED)) { mDelegate?.checkCurrentNetwork(null) } else if (info != null && (info.state == NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED)) { if (mDelegate?.checkCurrentNetwork(null) == true) { startServerService() } } } else if (action == org.ecjtu.easyserver.server.Constants.ACTION_CLOSE_SERVER) { getHandler()?.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_CLOSE_APP) } else if (action == org.ecjtu.easyserver.server.Constants.ACTION_UPDATE_SERVER) { val pref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this@MainActivity) val name = pref.getString(PreferenceInfo.PREF_DEVICE_NAME, Build.MODEL) val hostIP = pref.getString(org.ecjtu.easyserver.server.Constants.PREF_KEY_HOST_IP, "") val port = pref.getInt(org.ecjtu.easyserver.server.Constants.PREF_KEY_HOST_PORT, 0) if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(hostIP)) { registerServerInfo(hostIP, port, name, mutableMapOf()) val deviceInfo = getMainApplication().getSavedInstance().get(Constants.KEY_INFO_OBJECT) as DeviceInfo val helper = ServerInfoParcelableHelper([email protected]) helper.put(Constants.KEY_INFO_OBJECT, deviceInfo) val intent = EasyServerService.getSetupServerIntent(this@MainActivity, Constants.KEY_INFO_OBJECT) [email protected](intent) getHandler()?.removeMessages(MSG_LOADING_SERVER) getHandler()?.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_START_SERVER) } runOnUiThread { mDelegate?.doSearch() } } } } override fun onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode: Int, permissions: Array<out String>, grantResults: IntArray) { super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults) mDelegate?.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults) } private val mServiceConnection = object : ServiceConnection { override fun onServiceDisconnected(name: ComponentName?) { Log.e(TAG, "onServiceDisconnected " + name.toString()) // 子进程服务挂掉后会被回调 } override fun onServiceConnected(name: ComponentName?, service: IBinder?) { Log.e(TAG, "onServiceConnected " + name.toString()) mService = IAidlInterface.Stub.asInterface(service) getHandler()?.obtainMessage(MSG_SERVICE_STARTED)?.sendToTarget() } } override fun handleMessage(msg: Message) { super.handleMessage(msg) when (msg.what) { MSG_SERVICE_STARTED -> { if (mDelegate?.checkCurrentNetwork(null) ?: false) { getHandler()?.obtainMessage(MSG_START_SERVER)?.sendToTarget() } } MSG_START_SERVER -> { if (mService == null) return var flag = false if (mService?.isServerAlive() == false && getHandler()?.hasMessages(MSG_LOADING_SERVER) == false) { flag = true Log.e(TAG, "isServerAlive false,start server") var intent = EasyServerService.getApIntent(this) startService(intent) getHandler()?.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(MSG_LOADING_SERVER, Int.MAX_VALUE.toLong()) } else if (getHandler()?.hasMessages(MSG_LOADING_SERVER) == false) { // PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this).edit().remove(Constants.PREF_SERVER_PORT).apply() } if (!flag && mDelegate != null) { var name = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this).getString(PreferenceInfo.PREF_DEVICE_NAME, Build.MODEL) if (mService != null && mService!!.ip != null && mService!!.port != 0) { val deviceInfo = getMainApplication().getSavedInstance().get(Constants.KEY_INFO_OBJECT) as DeviceInfo? deviceInfo?.let { registerServerInfo(mService!!.ip, mService!!.port, name, deviceInfo.fileMap) } } runOnUiThread { mDelegate?.doSearch() } } } MSG_STOP_SERVER -> { stopServerService() } MSG_CLOSE_APP -> { try { unbindService(mServiceConnection) unbindService(mMainServiceConnection) } catch (e: java.lang.Exception) { } finally { stopService(Intent(this, stopService(Intent(this, getMainApplication().closeApp() } } } } override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data) mDelegate?.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data) } fun registerServerInfo(hostIP: String, port: Int, name: String, mutableMap: MutableMap<String, List<String>>) { PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this).edit().putInt(Constants.PREF_SERVER_PORT, port).apply() val deviceInfo = getMainApplication().getSavedInstance().get(Constants.KEY_INFO_OBJECT) as DeviceInfo deviceInfo.apply { = name this.ip = hostIP this.port = port this.icon = "/API/Icon" this.fileMap = mutableMap this.updateTime = System.currentTimeMillis() } } override fun onKeyDown(keyCode: Int, event: KeyEvent): Boolean { if (!DEBUG) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) { this.moveTaskToBack(true) return true } } return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event) } override fun onBackPressed() { if (lastBackPressTime < 0) { lastBackPressTime = System.currentTimeMillis() return } if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastBackPressTime < CLOSE_TIME) { super.onBackPressed() } } private fun initAd() { mAdManager = AdmobManager(this) mAdManager?.loadInterstitialAd(getString(R.string.admob_ad_02), object : AdmobCallback { override fun onLoaded() { mAdManager?.getLatestInterstitialAd()?.show() } override fun onError() { mAdManager?.loadInterstitialAd(getString(R.string.admob_ad_02), this) } override fun onOpened() { } override fun onClosed() { mAdManager = null } }) } private fun loadSplash() { val intent = ImmersiveFragmentActivity.newInstance(this, intent.flags = Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION startActivity(intent) } private val mMainServiceConnection = object : ServiceConnection { override fun onServiceDisconnected(name: ComponentName?) { mMainService = null } override fun onServiceConnected(name: ComponentName?, service: IBinder?) { mMainService = (service as MainService.MainServiceBinder).service //start server startServerService() } } fun getMainService(): MainService? { return mMainService } fun getServerService(): IAidlInterface? { return mService } fun stopServerService() { Log.i(TAG, "stopServerService") if (mService == null) return try { unbindService(mServiceConnection) } catch (ex: Exception) { ex.printStackTrace() } finally { stopService(Intent(this, mService = null } } fun startServerService() { Log.i(TAG, "startServerService") if (mService == null) { var intent = Intent(this@MainActivity, startService(intent) bindService(intent, mServiceConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE) } } }
package domain import domain.Direction /** * Created by quangio. */ data class OutsideRequests (val fromFloor: Int, val direction: Direction)
package interface Cache<T> { fun getOrNull(key: String): T? fun getOrDefault(key: String, defaultValue: T): T fun put(key: String, value: T) }
/* * Minecraft Dev for IntelliJ * * * * Copyright (c) 2021 minecraft-dev * * MIT License */ package com.demonwav.mcdev.nbt.tags import import java.text.DecimalFormat import java.text.NumberFormat import java.util.Locale class TagDouble(override val value: Double) : NbtValueTag<Double>( { override val payloadSize = 8 override val typeId = NbtTypeId.DOUBLE override fun write(stream: DataOutputStream) { stream.writeDouble(value) } override fun toString() = toString(StringBuilder(), 0, WriterState.COMPOUND).toString() override fun toString(sb: StringBuilder, indentLevel: Int, writerState: WriterState): StringBuilder { return sb.append(FORMATTER.format(value)) } companion object { val FORMATTER = (NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ROOT) as DecimalFormat).apply { minimumFractionDigits = 1 // Default NBTT double format always uses a fraction, like in Kotlin maximumFractionDigits = 20 // Should be more than enough, but let's use 20 just in case groupingSize = 0 // Disables thousands separator } } }
/* * Copyright 2013 Maurício Linhares * * Maurício Linhares licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.github.mauricio.async.db.column object DoubleEncoderDecoder : ColumnEncoderDecoder { override fun decode(value: String): Double = value.toDouble() }
/* * Minecraft Dev for IntelliJ * * * * Copyright (c) 2021 minecraft-dev * * MIT License */ package com.demonwav.mcdev.platform.mixin.handlers import com.demonwav.mcdev.platform.mixin.handlers.injectionPoint.InsnResolutionInfo import com.demonwav.mcdev.platform.mixin.util.FieldTargetMember import com.demonwav.mcdev.platform.mixin.util.MethodTargetMember import com.demonwav.mcdev.platform.mixin.util.findSourceElement import com.demonwav.mcdev.platform.mixin.util.findSourceField import com.intellij.psi.PsiAnnotation import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode interface MixinMemberAnnotationHandler : MixinAnnotationHandler { override fun isUnresolved(annotation: PsiAnnotation, targetClass: ClassNode): InsnResolutionInfo.Failure? { return if (resolveTarget(annotation, targetClass).isEmpty()) { InsnResolutionInfo.Failure() } else { null } } override fun resolveForNavigation(annotation: PsiAnnotation, targetClass: ClassNode): List<PsiElement> { val targets = resolveTarget(annotation, targetClass) return targets.mapNotNull { when (it) { is FieldTargetMember -> it.classAndField.field.findSourceField( it.classAndField.clazz, annotation.project, annotation.resolveScope, canDecompile = true ) is MethodTargetMember -> it.classAndMethod.method.findSourceElement( it.classAndMethod.clazz, annotation.project, annotation.resolveScope, canDecompile = true ) } } } }
/* * Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Alexey Rochev <[email protected]> * * This file is part of Tremotesf. * * Tremotesf is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Tremotesf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.equeim.tremotesf.ui.torrentslistfragment import android.content.Context import android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView import org.equeim.tremotesf.R import org.equeim.tremotesf.torrentfile.rpc.Torrent import org.equeim.tremotesf.rpc.GlobalRpc import org.equeim.tremotesf.common.AlphanumericComparator import org.equeim.tremotesf.ui.utils.AutoCompleteTextViewDynamicAdapter class TrackersViewAdapter( private val context: Context, textView: AutoCompleteTextView ) : AutoCompleteTextViewDynamicAdapter(textView) { private val trackersMap = mutableMapOf<String, Int>() val trackers = mutableListOf<String>() private val comparator = AlphanumericComparator() private var trackerFilter = "" override fun getItem(position: Int): String { if (position == 0) { return context.getString(R.string.torrents_all, GlobalRpc.torrents.value.size) } val tracker = trackers[position - 1] val torrents = trackersMap[tracker] return context.getString(R.string.trackers_spinner_text, tracker, torrents) } override fun getCount(): Int { return trackers.size + 1 } override fun getCurrentItem(): CharSequence { return getItem(trackers.indexOf(trackerFilter) + 1) } fun getTrackerFilter(position: Int): String { return if (position == 0) { "" } else { trackers[position - 1] } } fun update(torrents: List<Torrent>, trackerFilter: String) { this.trackerFilter = trackerFilter trackersMap.clear() for (torrent in torrents) { for (tracker in torrent.trackerSites) { trackersMap[tracker] = trackersMap.getOrElse(tracker) { 0 } + 1 } } trackers.clear() trackers.addAll(trackersMap.keys.sortedWith(comparator)) notifyDataSetChanged() } }
/* * Copyright 2019 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.materialstudies.reply.ui.home import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import androidx.recyclerview.widget.ListAdapter import import import com.materialstudies.reply.databinding.EmailItemLayoutBinding /** * Simple adapter to display Email's in MainActivity. */ class EmailAdapter( private val listener: EmailAdapterListener ) : ListAdapter<Email, EmailViewHolder>(EmailDiffCallback) { interface EmailAdapterListener { fun onEmailClicked(cardView: View, email: Email) fun onEmailLongPressed(email: Email): Boolean fun onEmailStarChanged(email: Email, newValue: Boolean) fun onEmailArchived(email: Email) } override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): EmailViewHolder { return EmailViewHolder( EmailItemLayoutBinding.inflate( LayoutInflater.from(parent.context), parent, false ), listener ) } override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: EmailViewHolder, position: Int) { holder.bind(getItem(position)) } }
package de.xikolo.controllers.dialogs import android.annotation.SuppressLint import import android.content.DialogInterface import import android.os.Build import android.os.Bundle import android.text.Editable import android.text.Html import android.text.InputType import android.text.TextWatcher import android.util.Patterns import android.view.KeyEvent import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.EditText import android.widget.TextView import import androidx.browser.customtabs.CustomTabsIntent import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat import butterknife.BindView import com.yatatsu.autobundle.AutoBundleField import de.xikolo.App import de.xikolo.R import de.xikolo.config.Feature import de.xikolo.controllers.dialogs.base.ViewModelDialogFragment import de.xikolo.managers.UserManager import de.xikolo.models.TicketTopic import de.xikolo.models.dao.CourseDao import de.xikolo.utils.extensions.getString import de.xikolo.utils.extensions.isOnline import de.xikolo.utils.extensions.showToast import de.xikolo.viewmodels.helpdesk.TicketViewModel class CreateTicketDialog : ViewModelDialogFragment<TicketViewModel>(), HelpdeskTopicDialog.HelpdeskTopicListener, ConfirmCancelDialog.ConfirmCancelListener { companion object { @JvmField val TAG: String = } @AutoBundleField(required = false) var courseId: String? = null @BindView( lateinit var messageEditText: EditText @BindView( lateinit var emailContainer: ViewGroup @BindView( lateinit var emailEditText: EditText @BindView( lateinit var titleEditText: EditText @BindView( lateinit var ticketTopicEditText: EditText @BindView( lateinit var ticketInfoText: TextView @BindView( lateinit var infoCard: ViewGroup @BindView( lateinit var infoCardText: TextView private var topic: TicketTopic = TicketTopic.NONE override val layoutResource = R.layout.dialog_helpdesk_create_ticket override fun createViewModel(): TicketViewModel { return TicketViewModel() } @SuppressLint("SetTextI18n") override fun onDialogViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onDialogViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) if (!context.isOnline) { showToast(R.string.toast_no_network) dialog?.cancel() return } networkStateHelper.enableSwipeRefresh(false) if (courseId == null) { changeTopic(false) } else { ticketTopicEditText.setText(CourseDao.Unmanaged.find(courseId)?.title) topic = TicketTopic.COURSE } if (UserManager.isAuthorized) { emailContainer.visibility = View.GONE ticketInfoText.text = getString(R.string.helpdesk_info_text_logged_in) } if (Feature.enabled("url_faq")) { var text = getString(R.string.helpdesk_info_text_faq) + " " + getString(R.string.helpdesk_info_text_forum) var html = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) { Html.fromHtml(text, Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_COMPACT) } else { Html.fromHtml(text) } infoCardText.text = html infoCard.setOnClickListener { activity?.let { CustomTabsIntent.Builder() .setToolbarColor(ContextCompat.getColor( App.instance, R.color.apptheme_primary )) .build() .launchUrl(it, Uri.parse(it.getString("url_faq"))) } } } else { infoCardText.text = getString(R.string.helpdesk_info_text_forum) } //listeners for wrong entries in EditTexts after focusing another view titleEditText.setOnFocusChangeListener { _, b -> if (titleEditText.text.isEmpty() && !b) { titleEditText.error = getString(R.string.helpdesk_title_error) } setPositiveButton() } messageEditText.setOnFocusChangeListener { _, b -> if (messageEditText.text.isEmpty() && !b) { messageEditText.error = getString(R.string.helpdesk_message_error) } setPositiveButton() } emailEditText.setOnFocusChangeListener { _, b -> if ((!Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS.matcher(emailEditText.text).matches() || emailEditText.text.isEmpty()) && emailContainer.visibility != View.GONE && !b) { emailEditText.error = getString(R.string.helpdesk_email_error) } } //listeners for positive button to change while typing val textWatcher = object : TextWatcher { override fun afterTextChanged(p0: Editable?) {} override fun beforeTextChanged(p0: CharSequence?, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Int) { setPositiveButton() } override fun onTextChanged(p0: CharSequence?, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Int) {} } messageEditText.addTextChangedListener(textWatcher) emailEditText.addTextChangedListener(textWatcher) titleEditText.addTextChangedListener(textWatcher) ticketTopicEditText.addTextChangedListener(textWatcher) ticketTopicEditText.setOnClickListener { changeTopic(true) } ticketTopicEditText.inputType = InputType.TYPE_NULL showContent() } override fun onResume() { super.onResume() (dialog as? AlertDialog)?.apply { getButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEGATIVE).setOnClickListener { cancel(this) } getButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE).setOnClickListener { if (context.isOnline) { viewModel.send(titleEditText.text.toString(), messageEditText.text.toString(), topic, emailEditText.text.toString(), courseId) dialog?.dismiss() } else { showToast(R.string.toast_no_network) } } } //needed for initial disabling of positive button setPositiveButton() } override fun onCreateDialog(savedInstanceState: Bundle?): Dialog { return AlertDialog.Builder(requireActivity()) .setNegativeButton(R.string.dialog_negative) { _: DialogInterface, _: Int -> //see onResume } .setPositiveButton(R.string.dialog_send) { _: DialogInterface, _: Int -> //see onResume } .setView(dialogView) .setTitle(R.string.helpdesk_dialog_header) .setOnCancelListener { dialog: DialogInterface -> cancel(dialog) } .setOnKeyListener { dialog, keyCode, keyEvent -> if (keyEvent.action == KeyEvent.ACTION_UP && keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) { cancel(dialog) return@setOnKeyListener true } false } .create() } private fun cancel(dialog: DialogInterface) { if (atLeastOneFieldHasInput) { confirmCancel() } else { dialog.dismiss() } } private fun changeTopic(isChange: Boolean) { val dialog = HelpdeskTopicDialogAutoBundle.builder().fromTicketDialog(isChange).build() dialog.listener = this!!, HelpdeskTopicDialog.TAG) } override fun onTopicChosen(title: String?, topic: TicketTopic, courseId: String?) { this.courseId = courseId this.topic = topic ticketTopicEditText.setText(title) } fun setPositiveButton() { (dialog as AlertDialog).getButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE)?.isEnabled = allFieldsHaveInput } override fun closeTicketDialog() { dialog?.dismiss() } override fun onConfirmCancel() { closeTicketDialog() } private val atLeastOneFieldHasInput: Boolean get() = (titleEditText.text.isNotEmpty() || messageEditText.text.isNotEmpty() || emailEditText.text.isNotEmpty()) private val allFieldsHaveInput: Boolean get() = titleEditText.text.isNotEmpty() && messageEditText.text.isNotEmpty() && ticketTopicEditText.text.isNotEmpty() && ((emailEditText.text.isNotEmpty() && Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS.matcher(emailEditText.text).matches()) || emailContainer.visibility == View.GONE) && topic !== TicketTopic.NONE private fun confirmCancel() { val dialog = ConfirmCancelDialog() dialog.listener = this!!, ConfirmCancelDialog.TAG) } }
package import com.soywiz.kds.* import com.soywiz.korge.view.* /** Cross-platform way of synchronously storing small data */ expect class NativeStorage(views: Views) : IStorage { fun keys(): List<String> override fun set(key: String, value: String) override fun getOrNull(key: String): String? override fun remove(key: String) override fun removeAll() } fun NativeStorage.toMap() = keys().associateWith { getOrNull(it) } val NativeStorage by Extra.PropertyThis<Views, NativeStorage> { NativeStorage(this) } val NativeStorage get() =
/* * This file is part of git-as-svn. It is subject to the license terms * in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this distribution * and at No part of git-as-svn, * including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed * except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file. */ package import svnserver.repository.git.path.NameMatcher /** * Simple matcher for mask with only one asterisk. * * @author Artem V. Navrotskiy <[email protected]> */ class SimpleMatcher constructor(private val prefix: String, private val suffix: String, private val dirOnly: Boolean) : NameMatcher { override fun isMatch(name: String, isDir: Boolean): Boolean { return (!dirOnly || isDir) && (name.length >= prefix.length + suffix.length) && name.startsWith(prefix) && name.endsWith(suffix) } override val isRecursive: Boolean get() { return false } override val svnMask: String get() { return "$prefix*$suffix" } override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean { if (this === other) return true if (other == null || javaClass != other.javaClass) return false val that: SimpleMatcher = other as SimpleMatcher return ((dirOnly == that.dirOnly) && ((prefix == that.prefix)) && (suffix == that.suffix)) } override fun hashCode(): Int { var result: Int = prefix.hashCode() result = 31 * result + suffix.hashCode() result = 31 * result + (if (dirOnly) 1 else 0) return result } override fun toString(): String { return prefix + "*" + suffix + (if (dirOnly) "/" else "") } }
package co.nums.intellij.aem.htl.inspections import co.nums.intellij.aem.htl.HtlAnnotatorTestBase class DisallowedHtlAttributeBlockQuickFixTest : HtlAnnotatorTestBase() { // change attribute fun testChangeStyleAttributeCaretAtBeginning() = checkQuickFix( "Change '' to 'style'", """<div <caret>"any"></div>""", """<div <caret>style="any"></div>""") fun testChangeStyleAttributeCaretInMiddle() = checkQuickFix( "Change '' to 'style'", """<div data-sly-<caret>"any"></div>""", """<div <caret>style="any"></div>""") fun testChangeStyleAttributeCaretAtEnd() = checkQuickFix( "Change '' to 'style'", """<div<caret>="any"></div>""", """<div style<caret>="any"></div>""") fun testChangeOnClickDashedAttributeCaretAtBeginning() = checkQuickFix( "Change 'data-sly-attribute.on-click' to 'on-click'", """<div <caret>data-sly-attribute.on-click="any"></div>""", """<div <caret>on-click="any"></div>""") fun testChangeOnClickDashedAttributeCaretInMiddle() = checkQuickFix( "Change 'data-sly-attribute.on-click' to 'on-click'", """<div data-sly-<caret>attribute.on-click="any"></div>""", """<div <caret>on-click="any"></div>""") fun testChangeOnClickDashedAttributeCaretAtEnd() = checkQuickFix( "Change 'data-sly-attribute.on-click' to 'on-click'", """<div data-sly-attribute.on-click<caret>="any"></div>""", """<div on-click<caret>="any"></div>""") // remove attribute fun testRemoveStyleAttributeCaretAtBeginning() = checkQuickFix( "Remove ''", """<div <caret>"any"></div>""", """<div <caret>></div>""") fun testRemoveStyleAttributeCaretInMiddle() = checkQuickFix( "Remove ''", """<div data-sly-<caret>"any"></div>""", """<div <caret>></div>""") fun testRemoveStyleAttributeCaretAtEnd() = checkQuickFix( "Remove ''", """<div<caret>="any"></div>""", """<div <caret>></div>""") fun testRemoveOnClickDashedAttributeCaretAtBeginning() = checkQuickFix( "Remove 'data-sly-attribute.on-click'", """<div <caret>data-sly-attribute.on-click="any"></div>""", """<div <caret>></div>""") fun testRemoveOnClickDashedAttributeCaretInMiddle() = checkQuickFix( "Remove 'data-sly-attribute.on-click'", """<div data-sly-<caret>attribute.on-click="any"></div>""", """<div <caret>></div>""") fun testRemoveOnClickDashedAttributeCaretAtEnd() = checkQuickFix( "Remove 'data-sly-attribute.on-click'", """<div data-sly-attribute.on-click<caret>="any"></div>""", """<div <caret>></div>""") }
package ru.dageev.compiler.bytecodegeneration.expression import import import ru.dageev.compiler.domain.node.expression.VariableReference import ru.dageev.compiler.domain.scope.Scope /** * Created by dageev * on 11/27/16. */ class FieldReferenceGenerator(val scope: Scope, val methodVisitor: MethodVisitor) { fun generate(localVariableReference: VariableReference.LocalVariableReference) { val index = scope.localVariables.indexOf( methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(localVariableReference.localVariable.type.getLoadVariableOpcode(), index) } fun generate(fieldReference: VariableReference.FieldReference) { methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0) methodVisitor.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETFIELD, fieldReference.field.ownerType.getInternalName(),, fieldReference.field.type.getDescriptor()) } }
/* * Copyright (C) 2022 panpf <[email protected]> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.github.panpf.sketch.test.request.internal import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4 import com.github.panpf.sketch.datasource.DataFrom.MEMORY import com.github.panpf.sketch.request.DownloadData import com.github.panpf.sketch.request.DownloadRequest import com.github.panpf.sketch.request.DownloadResult import com.github.panpf.sketch.request.Listener import com.github.panpf.sketch.request.internal.CombinedListener import com.github.panpf.sketch.test.utils.getTestContext import com.github.panpf.sketch.util.UnknownException import org.junit.Assert import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) class CombinedListenerTest { @Test fun test() { val listenerCallbackList = mutableListOf<String>() Assert.assertEquals(listOf<String>(), listenerCallbackList) val listener1 = object : Listener<DownloadRequest, DownloadResult.Success, DownloadResult.Error> { override fun onStart(request: DownloadRequest) { super.onStart(request) listenerCallbackList.add("onStart1") } override fun onSuccess(request: DownloadRequest, result: DownloadResult.Success) { super.onSuccess(request, result) listenerCallbackList.add("onSuccess1") } override fun onError(request: DownloadRequest, result: DownloadResult.Error) { super.onError(request, result) listenerCallbackList.add("onError1") } override fun onCancel(request: DownloadRequest) { super.onCancel(request) listenerCallbackList.add("onCancel1") } } val listener2 = object : Listener<DownloadRequest, DownloadResult.Success, DownloadResult.Error> { override fun onStart(request: DownloadRequest) { super.onStart(request) listenerCallbackList.add("onStart2") } override fun onSuccess(request: DownloadRequest, result: DownloadResult.Success) { super.onSuccess(request, result) listenerCallbackList.add("onSuccess2") } override fun onError(request: DownloadRequest, result: DownloadResult.Error) { super.onError(request, result) listenerCallbackList.add("onError2") } override fun onCancel(request: DownloadRequest) { super.onCancel(request) listenerCallbackList.add("onCancel2") } } val context = getTestContext() val request = DownloadRequest(context, "") val combinedListener = CombinedListener(listener1, listener2) Assert.assertSame(listener1, combinedListener.fromProviderListener) Assert.assertSame(listener2, combinedListener.fromBuilderListener) combinedListener.onStart(request) Assert.assertEquals(listOf("onStart1", "onStart2"), listenerCallbackList) combinedListener.onError(request, DownloadResult.Error(request, UnknownException(""))) Assert.assertEquals( listOf("onStart1", "onStart2", "onError1", "onError2"), listenerCallbackList ) combinedListener.onCancel(request) Assert.assertEquals( listOf( "onStart1", "onStart2", "onError1", "onError2", "onCancel1", "onCancel2" ), listenerCallbackList ) combinedListener.onSuccess( request, DownloadResult.Success(request, DownloadData(byteArrayOf(), MEMORY)) ) Assert.assertEquals( listOf( "onStart1", "onStart2", "onError1", "onError2", "onCancel1", "onCancel2", "onSuccess1", "onSuccess2" ), listenerCallbackList ) } }
package de.saschahlusiak.freebloks.model import data class Turn(val player: Int, val shape: Shape, val orientation: Orientation, val y: Int, val x: Int) : Serializable { constructor(from: Turn): this(from.player, from.shape, from.orientation, from.y, from.x) constructor(player: Int, shape: Int, y: Int, x: Int, orientation: Orientation) : this(player, Shape.get(shape), orientation, y, x) val shapeNumber = shape.number companion object { private const val serialVersionUID = 1L } }
package com.icapps.niddler.ui.form.components interface StackTraceComponent : UIComponent { fun setStackTrace(stackTrace: List<String>?) }
package import import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import android.os.Build import android.os.Bundle import android.text.TextUtils import android.util.Pair import android.view.Menu import android.view.View import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager import android.widget.ProgressBar import import androidx.appcompat.widget.SearchView import androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat import androidx.recyclerview.widget.DefaultItemAnimator import androidx.recyclerview.widget.DividerItemDecoration import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView import import import import import import import import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers.Main import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import java.lang.reflect.Type abstract class AbstractSearchActivity : AppCompatActivity(), ItemClickListener { internal val gson = DateAwareGson.gson internal lateinit var recyclerView: RecyclerView internal lateinit var progressBar: ProgressBar private lateinit var searchView: SearchView private var searchText: String? = null protected abstract val layout: Int protected abstract val listAdapter: RecyclerView.Adapter<*> protected abstract val listType: Type val networkCallback: NetworkCallback get() = object : NetworkCallback { override fun onFailure() { GlobalScope.launch(Main) { showNetworkError() } } override fun onSuccess(response: NetworkResponse) { val responseObject = JsonParser.parseReader(response.responseReader).asJsonObject val json = responseObject.get("results").toString() val listType = listType GlobalScope.launch(Main) { getRunnable(json, listType).run() } } } protected abstract fun getIntentForDetailActivity(itemId: Long): Intent protected abstract fun initAdapter() protected abstract fun getSuggestions() protected abstract fun searchRequest(searchQuery: String) protected abstract fun getRunnable(json: String, listType: Type): Runnable override fun onItemClickListener(itemId: Long, views: Array<View>) { val intent = getIntentForDetailActivity(itemId) if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { val options = ActivityOptions.makeSceneTransitionAnimation( this, Pair.create(views[0], "card"), Pair.create(views[1], "poster") ) this.startActivity(intent, options.toBundle()) } else { this.startActivity(intent) } } override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(layout) initToolbar() if (savedInstanceState != null) { searchText = savedInstanceState.getString("query", "").replace("+", " ") } progressBar = findViewById( recyclerView = findViewById( val layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this) val divider = ContextCompat.getDrawable(recyclerView.context, R.drawable.divider) val itemDecor = DividerItemDecoration( recyclerView.context, layoutManager.orientation ) divider?.let { itemDecor.setDrawable(it) } recyclerView.addItemDecoration(itemDecor) initAdapter() recyclerView.itemAnimator = DefaultItemAnimator() recyclerView.layoutManager = layoutManager recyclerView.adapter = listAdapter progressBar.visibility = View.VISIBLE getSuggestions() } private fun initToolbar() { val toolbar = findViewById<Toolbar>( setSupportActionBar(toolbar) val actionBar = supportActionBar actionBar?.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true) } public override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(searchText)) { outState.putString("query", searchText) } super.onSaveInstanceState(outState) } public override fun onPause() { super.onPause() val outState = Bundle() outState.putString("query", searchText) onSaveInstanceState(outState) } override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu): Boolean { val menuInflater = menuInflater menuInflater.inflate(, menu) val searchItem = menu.findItem( if (searchItem != null) { searchView = searchItem.actionView as SearchView searchView.isFocusable = true searchView.isIconified = false searchView.requestFocusFromTouch() searchView.setOnQueryTextListener(object : SearchView.OnQueryTextListener { override fun onQueryTextSubmit(query: String): Boolean { return false } override fun onQueryTextChange(query: String): Boolean { var myQuery = query if (myQuery.isNotEmpty()) { myQuery = myQuery.replace(" ", "+") progressBar.visibility = View.VISIBLE scheduleSearchRequest(myQuery) searchText = myQuery } else { getSuggestions() } return false } }) if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(searchText)) searchView.setQuery(searchText, false) } return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu) } private fun scheduleSearchRequest(query: String) { searchView.removeCallbacks(getSearchRunnable(query)) searchView.postDelayed(getSearchRunnable(query), 500) } private fun getSearchRunnable(searchQuery: String): Runnable { return Runnable { searchRequest(searchQuery) } } private fun showNetworkError() { val snackBar = Snackbar .make(recyclerView, R.string.noInternet, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG) } override fun onStop() { super.onStop() val view = currentFocus if (view != null) { val imm = getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE) as InputMethodManager imm.hideSoftInputFromInputMethod(view.windowToken, 0) } } override fun onSupportNavigateUp(): Boolean { onBackPressed() return super.onSupportNavigateUp() } }
/* * Twittnuker - Twitter client for Android * * Copyright (C) 2013-2017 vanita5 <[email protected]> * * This program incorporates a modified version of Twidere. * Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Mariotaku Lee <[email protected]> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package import android.content.Context import de.vanita5.twittnuker.R import de.vanita5.twittnuker.annotation.AccountType import de.vanita5.twittnuker.annotation.TabAccountFlags import de.vanita5.twittnuker.constant.IntentConstants.EXTRA_USER_LIST import de.vanita5.twittnuker.fragment.statuses.UserListTimelineFragment import de.vanita5.twittnuker.model.AccountDetails import de.vanita5.twittnuker.model.Tab import import import import import class UserListTimelineTabConfiguration : TabConfiguration() { override val name = StringHolder.resource(R.string.list_timeline) override val icon = DrawableHolder.Builtin.LIST override val accountFlags = TabAccountFlags.FLAG_HAS_ACCOUNT or TabAccountFlags.FLAG_ACCOUNT_REQUIRED override val fragmentClass = override fun checkAccountAvailability(details: AccountDetails) = when (details.type) { AccountType.TWITTER -> true else -> false } override fun getExtraConfigurations(context: Context) = arrayOf( UserListExtraConfiguration(EXTRA_USER_LIST).headerTitle(R.string.title_user_list) ) override fun applyExtraConfigurationTo(tab: Tab, extraConf: TabConfiguration.ExtraConfiguration): Boolean { val arguments = tab.arguments as UserListArguments when (extraConf.key) { EXTRA_USER_LIST -> { val userList = (extraConf as UserListExtraConfiguration).value ?: return false arguments.listId = } } return true } }
package import com.github.kotlinz.kotlinz.K1 import com.github.kotlinz.kotlinz.type.monad.MonadOps interface IdentityMonadOps: MonadOps<Identity.T>, IdentityMonad { override fun <A, B> liftM(f: (A) -> B): (K1<Identity.T, A>) -> K1<Identity.T, B> { return { m -> val i = Identity.narrow(m) i bind { x -> Identity.pure(f(x)) } } } override fun <A, B, C> liftM2(f: (A, B) -> C): (K1<Identity.T, A>, K1<Identity.T, B>) -> K1<Identity.T, C> { return { m1, m2 -> val i1 = Identity.narrow(m1) val i2 = Identity.narrow(m2) i1 bind { x1 -> i2 bind { x2 -> Identity.pure(f(x1, x2)) } } } } override fun <A, B, C, D> liftM3(f: (A, B, C) -> D): (K1<Identity.T, A>, K1<Identity.T, B>, K1<Identity.T, C>) -> K1<Identity.T, D> { return { m1, m2, m3 -> val i1 = Identity.narrow(m1) val i2 = Identity.narrow(m2) val i3 = Identity.narrow(m3) i1 bind { x1 -> i2 bind { x2 -> i3 bind { x3 -> Identity.pure(f(x1, x2, x3)) } } } } } }
private var p = 1e9.toInt().toLong() /** * set true to enable debug */ internal var debug = false private fun log2(x: Long): Int { var x = x var ans = 0 while (true) { x = x shr 1 if (x == 0L) break ans++ } return ans } private fun mul(x: Long, y: Long, z: Long): Long { var x = x var y = y if (z == 2L) { when { x and 1 != 0L -> y = y shr 1 y and 1 != 0L -> x = x shr 1 else -> throw RuntimeException("shit") } } return x % p * (y % p) % p } private fun sumTimes(first: Long, n: Long, k: Long, t: Long): Long { var first = first var n = n first -= k if (first < 1) { n -= 1 - first first = 1 } return if (n <= 0) 0 else mul(mul(first + first + n - 1, n, 2L), t, 1) } internal fun elderAge(n: Long, m: Long, k: Long, newp: Long): Long { var n = n var m = m var k = k if (n == 0L || m == 0L) return 0 if (k < 0) k = 0 if (n < m) { val tmp = n n = m m = tmp } p = newp if (n == m && n and -n == n) return sumTimes(1, n - 1, k, m) val N = log2(n) val M = log2(m) val centerWidth = 1L shl N val centerHeight = 1L shl M if (N == M) { val rightWidth = n - centerWidth val bottomHeight = m - centerHeight val bottomSum = sumTimes(centerHeight, centerWidth, k, bottomHeight) return ((sumTimes(centerWidth, centerHeight, k, rightWidth) + bottomSum) % p + (elderAge(rightWidth, bottomHeight, k, p) + elderAge(centerWidth, centerHeight, k, p)) % p) % p } else { val leftWidth = 1L shl N val leftSum = sumTimes(0, leftWidth, k, m) var rightSum = elderAge(n - leftWidth, m, k - leftWidth, p) if (leftWidth > k) { rightSum += mul(mul(leftWidth - k, m, 1), n - leftWidth, 1) rightSum %= p } return (leftSum + rightSum) % p } }
package ru.molkov.collapsarserver.setting import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.* object DateHelper { val DF_SIMPLE_FORMAT: SimpleDateFormat = SimpleDateFormat(Constants.Companion.NASA_DATE_FORMAT, Locale.US) } fun Date.asString(): String = DateHelper.DF_SIMPLE_FORMAT.format(this)
package com.github.ymkawb.moneyback.model /** * Created by nivanov on 03/03/17. */ abstract class Operation{}
package import import import import class RNScreensPackage : ReactPackage { override fun createNativeModules(reactContext: ReactApplicationContext) = emptyList<NativeModule>() override fun createViewManagers(reactContext: ReactApplicationContext) = listOf<ViewManager<*, *>>( ScreenContainerViewManager(), ScreenViewManager(), ScreenStackViewManager(), ScreenStackHeaderConfigViewManager(), ScreenStackHeaderSubviewManager() ) }
package expo.modules.kotlin import import expo.modules.kotlin.modules.Module import java.lang.ref.WeakReference class ModuleRegistry( private val appContext: WeakReference<AppContext> ) : Iterable<ModuleHolder> { private val registry = mutableMapOf<String, ModuleHolder>() fun register(module: Module) { val holder = ModuleHolder(module) module._appContext = requireNotNull(appContext.get()) { "Cannot create a module for invalid app context." } registry[] = holder } fun register(provider: ModulesProvider) = apply { provider.getModulesList().forEach { type -> val module = type.newInstance() register(module) } } fun hasModule(name: String): Boolean = registry.containsKey(name) fun getModule(name: String): Module? = registry[name]?.module fun getModuleHolder(name: String): ModuleHolder? = registry[name] fun getModuleHolder(module: Module): ModuleHolder? = registry.values.find { it.module === module } fun post(eventName: EventName) { forEach { } } @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") fun <Sender> post(eventName: EventName, sender: Sender) { forEach {, sender) } } @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") fun <Sender, Payload> post(eventName: EventName, sender: Sender, payload: Payload) { forEach {, sender, payload) } } override fun iterator(): Iterator<ModuleHolder> = registry.values.iterator() }
/** * Designed and developed by Aidan Follestad (@afollestad) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.afollestad.photoaffix.engine import import import com.afollestad.photoaffix.engine.bitmaps.BitmapIterator import com.afollestad.photoaffix.engine.bitmaps.BitmapManipulator import import com.afollestad.photoaffix.engine.subengines.DimensionsEngine import com.afollestad.photoaffix.engine.subengines.ProcessingResult import com.afollestad.photoaffix.engine.subengines.Size import com.afollestad.photoaffix.engine.subengines.SizingResult import com.afollestad.photoaffix.engine.subengines.StitchEngine import com.afollestad.photoaffix.utilities.IoManager import import com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2.any import com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2.doAnswer import com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2.doReturn import com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2.mock import com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2.never import com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2.verify import com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2.whenever import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking import org.junit.Test import class AffixEngineTest { private val photos = listOf( Photo(0, "file://idk/1", 0, testUriParser), Photo(0, "file://idk/2", 0, testUriParser) ) private val ioManager = mock<IoManager>() private val bitmapManipulator = mock<BitmapManipulator>() private val bitmapIterator = BitmapIterator(photos, bitmapManipulator) private val dimensionsEngine = mock<DimensionsEngine>() private val stitchEngine = mock<StitchEngine>() private val engine = RealAffixEngine( ioManager, bitmapManipulator, dimensionsEngine, stitchEngine ) // Process @Test fun process() = runBlocking { val size = Size(width = 1, height = 1) val sizingResult = SizingResult(size = size) whenever(dimensionsEngine.calculateSize(any())) .doReturn(sizingResult) val processResult = engine.process(photos) assertThat(engine.getBitmapIterator().size()).isEqualTo(photos.size) assertThat(processResult).isEqualTo(sizingResult) } // Commit results @Test fun commitResult_noProcessed() = runBlocking { engine.setBitmapIterator(bitmapIterator) val bitmap = mock<Bitmap>() val processingResult = ProcessingResult( processedCount = 0, output = bitmap ) whenever( stitchEngine.stitch( bitmapIterator = bitmapIterator, selectedScale = 1.0, resultWidth = 1, resultHeight = 1, format = PNG, quality = 100 ) ).doReturn(processingResult) val result = engine.commit( scale = 1.0, width = 1, height = 1, format = PNG, quality = 100 ) assertThat(result.error).isNotNull() assertThat(result.outputFile).isNull() verify(bitmap).recycle() } @Test fun commitResult() = runBlocking { engine.setBitmapIterator(bitmapIterator) val bitmap = mock<Bitmap>() val processingResult = ProcessingResult( processedCount = 1, output = bitmap ) val outputFile = mock<File>() whenever(ioManager.makeTempFile(".png")) .doReturn(outputFile) whenever( stitchEngine.stitch( bitmapIterator = bitmapIterator, selectedScale = 1.0, resultWidth = 1, resultHeight = 1, format = PNG, quality = 100 ) ).doReturn(processingResult) val result = engine.commit( scale = 1.0, width = 1, height = 1, format = PNG, quality = 100 ) assertThat(result.error).isNull() assertThat(result.outputFile).isEqualTo(outputFile) verify(bitmap).recycle() verify(outputFile, never()).delete() verify(bitmapManipulator).encodeBitmap( bitmap = bitmap, format = PNG, quality = 100, file = outputFile ) } @Test fun commitResult_encodeError() = runBlocking { engine.setBitmapIterator(bitmapIterator) val bitmap = mock<Bitmap>() val processingResult = ProcessingResult( processedCount = 0, output = bitmap ) val outputFile = mock<File>() whenever(ioManager.makeTempFile(".png")) .doReturn(outputFile) whenever( stitchEngine.stitch( bitmapIterator = bitmapIterator, selectedScale = 1.0, resultWidth = 1, resultHeight = 1, format = PNG, quality = 100 ) ).doReturn(processingResult) val error = Exception("Oh no!") whenever( bitmapManipulator.encodeBitmap( any(), any(), any(), any() ) ).doAnswer { throw error } val result = engine.commit( scale = 1.0, width = 1, height = 1, format = PNG, quality = 100 ) verify(bitmap).recycle() //verify(outputFile).delete() assertThat(result.error).isNotNull() assertThat(result.outputFile).isNull() } }
package expo.modules.updates.loader import android.content.Context import expo.modules.updates.UpdatesConfiguration import expo.modules.updates.db.entity.AssetEntity import expo.modules.updates.db.UpdatesDatabase import expo.modules.updates.loader.FileDownloader.AssetDownloadCallback import expo.modules.updates.loader.FileDownloader.ManifestDownloadCallback import expo.modules.updates.UpdatesUtils import import import java.lang.AssertionError import java.lang.Exception import java.util.* /** * Subclass of [Loader] which handles copying the embedded update's assets into the * expo-updates cache location. * * Rather than launching the embedded update directly from its location in the app bundle/apk, we * first try to read it into the expo-updates cache and database and launch it like any other * update. The benefits of this include (a) a single code path for launching most updates and (b) * assets included in embedded updates and copied into the cache in this way do not need to be * redownloaded if included in future updates. * * However, if a visual asset is included at multiple scales in an embedded update, we don't have * access to and must skip copying scales that don't match the resolution of the current device. In * this case, we cannot fully copy the embedded update, and instead launch it from the original * location. We still copy the assets we can so they don't need to be redownloaded in the future. */ class EmbeddedLoader internal constructor( private val context: Context, private val configuration: UpdatesConfiguration, database: UpdatesDatabase, updatesDirectory: File?, private val loaderFiles: LoaderFiles ) : Loader( context, configuration, database, updatesDirectory, loaderFiles ) { private val pixelDensity = context.resources.displayMetrics.density constructor( context: Context, configuration: UpdatesConfiguration, database: UpdatesDatabase, updatesDirectory: File? ) : this(context, configuration, database, updatesDirectory, LoaderFiles()) { } override fun loadManifest( context: Context, database: UpdatesDatabase, configuration: UpdatesConfiguration, callback: ManifestDownloadCallback ) { val updateManifest = loaderFiles.readEmbeddedManifest(this.context, this.configuration) if (updateManifest != null) { callback.onSuccess(updateManifest) } else { val message = "Embedded manifest is null" callback.onFailure(message, Exception(message)) } } override fun loadAsset( assetEntity: AssetEntity, updatesDirectory: File?, configuration: UpdatesConfiguration, callback: AssetDownloadCallback ) { val filename = UpdatesUtils.createFilenameForAsset(assetEntity) val destination = File(updatesDirectory, filename) if (loaderFiles.fileExists(destination)) { assetEntity.relativePath = filename callback.onSuccess(assetEntity, false) } else { try { assetEntity.hash = loaderFiles.copyAssetAndGetHash(assetEntity, destination, context) assetEntity.downloadTime = Date() assetEntity.relativePath = filename callback.onSuccess(assetEntity, true) } catch (e: FileNotFoundException) { throw AssertionError( "APK bundle must contain the expected embedded asset " + if (assetEntity.embeddedAssetFilename != null) assetEntity.embeddedAssetFilename else assetEntity.resourcesFilename ) } catch (e: Exception) { callback.onFailure(e, assetEntity) } } } override fun shouldSkipAsset(assetEntity: AssetEntity): Boolean { return if (assetEntity.scales == null || assetEntity.scale == null) { false } else pickClosestScale(assetEntity.scales!!) != assetEntity.scale } // // If a perfect match is not available, the OS will pick the next largest scale. // If only smaller scales are available, the OS will choose the largest available one. private fun pickClosestScale(scales: Array<Float>): Float { var closestScale = Float.MAX_VALUE var largestScale = 0f for (scale in scales) { if (scale >= pixelDensity && scale < closestScale) { closestScale = scale } if (scale > largestScale) { largestScale = scale } } return if (closestScale < Float.MAX_VALUE) closestScale else largestScale } companion object { private val TAG = const val BUNDLE_FILENAME = "app.bundle" const val BARE_BUNDLE_FILENAME = "" } }
package com.ridocula.restdroid.fragments import import android.os.Bundle import import import android.widget.EditText import com.ridocula.restdroid.R import com.ridocula.restdroid.models.RequestCollection import com.ridocula.restdroid.persistence.repository.LocalRequestRepository import com.ridocula.restdroid.util.Utility import io.reactivex.Single import import io.reactivex.schedulers.Schedulers /** * Created by tbaxter on 9/9/17. */ class AddRequestCollectionDialog : DialogFragment() { private lateinit var etRequestCollectionName: EditText companion object { fun newInstance(title: String): AddRequestCollectionDialog { val frag = AddRequestCollectionDialog() val args = Bundle() args.putString("title", title) frag.arguments = args return frag } } override fun onCreateDialog(savedInstanceState: Bundle?): Dialog { val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(activity) val title = arguments.getString("title") // Get the layout inflater val inflater = activity.layoutInflater val view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.dialog_add_request_collection, null) etRequestCollectionName = view.findViewById( // Inflate and set the layout for the dialog // Pass null as the parent view because its going in the dialog layout builder.setView(view) // Add action buttons .setPositiveButton("Save", { dialog, id -> // Save request collection addRequestCollection() }) .setNegativeButton("Cancel", { dialog, id -> this.dialog.cancel() }) return builder.create() } private fun addRequestCollection() { // Save request collection val requestCollection = RequestCollection(Utility.generateId(), etRequestCollectionName.text.toString()) val requestRepo = LocalRequestRepository(activity.applicationContext) Single.fromCallable { requestRepo.insertRequestCollection(requestCollection) }.subscribeOn( .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe() return } }
/* * Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ package org.rust.ide.actions import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnActionEvent import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.CommonDataKeys import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.DataContext import com.intellij.openapi.application.runWriteAction import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile import org.rust.cargo.CargoConstants import org.rust.cargo.project.model.cargoProjects import org.rust.cargo.project.settings.toolchain import org.rust.cargo.runconfig.command.RunCargoCommandActionBase import org.rust.cargo.toolchain.RsToolchainBase import import org.rust.ide.actions.ui.showCargoNewCrateUI import org.rust.openapiext.pathAsPath import org.rust.stdext.unwrapOrThrow class RsCreateCrateAction : RunCargoCommandActionBase() { override fun actionPerformed(e: AnActionEvent) { val dataContext = e.dataContext val project = CommonDataKeys.PROJECT.getData(dataContext) ?: return val root = getRootFolder(dataContext) ?: return val toolchain = project.toolchain ?: return val ui = showCargoNewCrateUI(project, root) ui.selectCargoCrateSettings()?.let { createProject(project, toolchain, root, it.crateName, it.binary) } } private fun getRootFolder(dataContext: DataContext): VirtualFile? { val file = CommonDataKeys.VIRTUAL_FILE.getData(dataContext) ?: return null return if (!file.isDirectory) { file.parent } else file } private fun createProject( project: Project, toolchain: RsToolchainBase, root: VirtualFile, name: String, binary: Boolean ) { val cargo = toolchain.cargoOrWrapper( project.cargoProjects.findProjectForFile(root)?.workspaceRootDir?.pathAsPath) val targetDir = runWriteAction { root.createChildDirectory(this, name) } cargo.init(project, project, targetDir, name, binary, "none").unwrapOrThrow() val manifest = targetDir.findChild(CargoConstants.MANIFEST_FILE) manifest?.let { project.cargoProjects.attachCargoProject(it.pathAsPath) } } }
/* * Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ package org.rust.lang.core.psi.ext import com.intellij.lang.ASTNode import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement import import com.intellij.psi.stubs.IStubElementType import org.rust.ide.icons.RsIcons import org.rust.lang.core.macros.RsExpandedElement import org.rust.lang.core.psi.RsModItem import org.rust.lang.core.psi.RsPsiImplUtil import org.rust.lang.core.stubs.RsModItemStub import javax.swing.Icon val RsModItem.hasMacroUse: Boolean get() = MOD_ITEM_HAS_MACRO_USE_PROP.getByPsi(this) val MOD_ITEM_HAS_MACRO_USE_PROP: StubbedAttributeProperty<RsModItem, RsModItemStub> = StubbedAttributeProperty({ it.hasAttribute("macro_use") }, RsModItemStub::mayHaveMacroUse) abstract class RsModItemImplMixin : RsStubbedNamedElementImpl<RsModItemStub>, RsModItem { constructor(node: ASTNode) : super(node) constructor(stub: RsModItemStub, nodeType: IStubElementType<*, *>) : super(stub, nodeType) override fun getIcon(flags: Int): Icon = iconWithVisibility(flags, RsIcons.MODULE) override val `super`: RsMod get() = containingMod override val modName: String? get() = name override val pathAttribute: String? get() = queryAttributes.lookupStringValueForKey("path") override val crateRelativePath: String? get() = RsPsiImplUtil.modCrateRelativePath(this) override val ownsDirectory: Boolean = true // Any inline nested mod owns a directory override val isCrateRoot: Boolean = false override fun getContext(): PsiElement? = RsExpandedElement.getContextImpl(this) override fun getUseScope(): SearchScope = RsPsiImplUtil.getDeclarationUseScope(this) ?: super.getUseScope() }
package com.example.config.web import com.example.interceptor.TokenInterceptor import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.InterceptorRegistry import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.WebMvcConfigurerAdapter /** * Created by aixiaoai on 16/6/26. */ @Configuration open class WebMvcConfig : WebMvcConfigurerAdapter() { @Autowired lateinit var tokenInterceptor: TokenInterceptor override fun addInterceptors(registry: InterceptorRegistry?) { registry?.addInterceptor(tokenInterceptor)?.excludePathPatterns("/api/login")?.excludePathPatterns("/api/register")?.addPathPatterns("/api/**") } }
/* Copyright 2017-2020 Charles Korn. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package batect.ui import batect.logging.Logger import batect.os.Dimensions import batect.os.NativeMethodException import batect.os.NativeMethods import batect.os.NoConsoleException import batect.os.SignalListener import import jnr.constants.platform.Signal import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference class ConsoleDimensions( private val nativeMethods: NativeMethods, private val signalListener: SignalListener, private val logger: Logger ) { private val currentDimensions: AtomicReference<Result<Dimensions?>> = AtomicReference(Result.success(null)) private val listeners = mutableListOf<Listener>() init { signalListener.start(Signal.SIGWINCH, ::updateCachedDimensions) updateCachedDimensions() } val current: Dimensions? get() = currentDimensions.get().getOrThrow() fun registerListener(listener: Listener): AutoCloseable { listeners.add(listener) return AutoCloseable { listeners.remove(listener) } } private fun updateCachedDimensions() { try { val newDimensions = nativeMethods.getConsoleDimensions() currentDimensions.set(Result.success(newDimensions)) { message("Got console dimensions.") data("dimensions", newDimensions) } } catch (e: NoConsoleException) { currentDimensions.set(Result.success(null)) } catch (e: NativeMethodException) { logger.warn { message("Getting console dimensions failed.") exception(e) } currentDimensions.set(Result.failure(e)) } listeners.forEach { it() } } } private typealias Listener = () -> Unit
package import org.junit.Test import org.junit.Assert.* /** * Example local unit test, which will execute on the development machine (host). * * See [testing documentation]( */ class ExampleUnitTest { @Test fun addition_isCorrect() { assertEquals(4, 2 + 2) } }
/* * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package androidx.window.integration import androidx.annotation.GuardedBy import androidx.core.util.Consumer import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock import kotlin.concurrent.withLock import org.junit.Assert.assertTrue /** * Data structure to hold values in a mutable list. */ internal class TestConsumer<T>(count: Int) : Consumer<T> { private val valueLock = ReentrantLock() @GuardedBy("valueLock") private val values = mutableListOf<T>() private val countDownLock = ReentrantLock() @GuardedBy("countDownLock") private var valueLatch = CountDownLatch(count) private val waitTimeSeconds: Long = 3L /** * Appends the new value at the end of the mutable list values. */ override fun accept(numLayoutFeatures: T) { valueLock.withLock { values.add(numLayoutFeatures) } countDownLock.withLock { valueLatch.countDown() } } /** * Returns the current number of values stored. */ private fun size(): Int { valueLock.withLock { return values.size } } /** * Waits for the mutable list's length to be at a certain number (count). * The method will wait waitTimeSeconds for the count before asserting false. */ fun waitForValueCount() { assertTrue( // Wait a total of waitTimeSeconds for the count before throwing an assertion error. try { valueLatch.await(waitTimeSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS) } catch (e: InterruptedException) { false } ) } /** * Returns {@code true} if there are no stored values, {@code false} otherwise. */ fun isEmpty(): Boolean { return size() == 0 } /** * Returns the object in the mutable list at the requested index. */ fun get(valueIndex: Int): T { valueLock.withLock { return values[valueIndex] } } }
/* * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ @file:Suppress("UnstableApiUsage") package androidx.compose.animation.core.lint import androidx.compose.lint.test.Stubs import androidx.compose.lint.test.compiledStub import import import import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.junit.runners.JUnit4 /* ktlint-disable max-line-length */ @RunWith(JUnit4::class) /** * Test for [TransitionDetector]. */ class TransitionDetectorTest : LintDetectorTest() { override fun getDetector(): Detector = TransitionDetector() override fun getIssues(): MutableList<Issue> = mutableListOf(TransitionDetector.UnusedTransitionTargetStateParameter) // Simplified Transition.kt stubs private val TransitionStub = compiledStub( filename = "Transition.kt", filepath = "androidx/compose/animation/core", checksum = 0x313a900e, """ package androidx.compose.animation.core import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable class Transition<S> { class Segment<S> } @Composable inline fun <S> Transition<S>.animateFloat( noinline transitionSpec: @Composable Transition.Segment<S>.() -> Unit = {}, label: String = "FloatAnimation", targetValueByState: @Composable (state: S) -> Float ): Float = 5f """, """ META-INF/main.kotlin_module: H4sIAAAAAAAAAGNgYGBmYGBgBGJWKM3Apc8ln5iXUpSfmVKhl5yfW5BfnKqX mJeZm1iSmZ8HFClKFeIJKUrMK84ECXiXcPFyMafl5wuxhaQWl3iXKDFoMQAA iDN6X1gAAAA= """, """ androidx/compose/animation/core/Transition$Segment.class: H4sIAAAAAAAAAJVQW2sTQRT+zuwm2263dltvqbd6A2se3DYUBC0FLQiBVcGU vORpkh3iNLuzsjMpfcxv8R/4JPggwUd/lHh2LQj6ogPznfN95zJnzvcfX74C OMADQk+arCp1dp5MyuJDaVUijS6k06VhpVLJSSWN1TV/OFDTQhkXgAi7h4Nn 6ak8k0kuzTR5Oz5VE/f86G+JEP+pBfAJ7UNttDsieLuPhxHaCEK0sELw3Xtt CQfp/0/Gj22ms9Ll2iSvlZOZdJI1UZx5/F+qoUWgGUvnumZ77GX7hEfLRRSK jgiXi1DEDMtFZ7no+isUU0/siZetbx/bIvbq9B53GBC3Q/ffJwzQIQQXYxLW f0eezJj7x2WmCBupNurNvBir6kSOc1a20nIi86GsdM0vxKhvjKqOc2mt4k2t DvTUSDevOBQOynk1Ua90nbf9bm6cLtRQW82FL4wpXTOdxT4Eb7s+/Jt6+Yy3 mCUN5zV1P2P1EzsCtxnbjRjgDmP0KwEh1tj62GEMWRPYxg2+d5sqD/caexP3 2T7leMQ16yN4fVzqY4MRcQ2bfWzh8ghkcQVXR/At1iyuWVy3CH4CEksXNqoC AAA= """, """ androidx/compose/animation/core/Transition.class: H4sIAAAAAAAAAI1RTW8TMRB99m52023apuUr4atAeygRYtuIU6gqQSWkSAtI bJVLTk7WCm52vWjtVD3mt/APOCFxQBFHfhRivFRCgkt9eOP3PG88Hv/89e07 gBfYY+gJnVWlyi7jaVl8Ko2MhVaFsKrUpFQyPquENsrxEIzh4DgdJOfiQsS5 0LP4/eRcTu3Lk/8lhva/WgifIThWWtkTBu/g6aiFAGGEBpoMvv2oDMOz5Pod 0SXbyby0udLxW2lFJqwgjRcXHr2POWgwsDlJl8qxQ9plR3TJarkZ8Q6PVsuI tx00eWe17PnN1bLN+vyQD5j/uvHjc8DbnvP0qUzKqCbCVM4KqS1D//qN7l+Z QnQZNv7qz+dUxz8tM8mwlSgt3y2KiazOxCQnZScppyIfiUo5fiW2hlrL6jQX xkga11qqZlrYRUVHUVouqql8o1xe98NCW1XIkTKKjK+0Lm3dm8EROI3cLXqV +wHC+8TimtPMel+x9oU2HA8Ig1oM8JCw9ScBEdYp+tgljEi7S7kddPGodnl4 XMd7eEJxQOct8myM4Q2xOcQWIdoOtofYwY0xmMFN3BqjYbBucNvgjkFo0PkN zab+FKoCAAA= """, """ androidx/compose/animation/core/TransitionKt$animateFloat$1.class: H4sIAAAAAAAAAKVVXW8bRRQ9s3ZsZ7Mljpt+JIUSGtM6dujGIbRQuwGT2mSJ ayocIqE8je2ps/F6ttpdW+EtD/0J/BAKEkUgIT/zo1DvrF03VkPbhJeZO3fu uffMnTO7//z7598ANlBlKHDZ8ly7dWQ23e4T1xcml3aXB7YryeMJc9fj0rfV eidID/dExXF5kM7HwRieVjtu4NjSPOx3TVsGwpPcMau822jxwsm9xz3ZVGl8 szKy8sXqu1dP10W7K2RQ3K0XNseJf5B2QEuGxf9mEUeU4fqbmcQRY4gVbUq3 yRDJrOwxRDPWyp6BBHQdU5ghR3Bg+wz3z8D6tZ4R1Zgt+25HMNzNnOP8BUWt eB7ksHMKvlx1vbZ5KIKGx21qA5fSDfiwJTU3qPUch3jqaXXetKRVAhcnWzhu sSUDj1LYTT+OSwyXmgei2RnleMQ93hUUyHArUz3kfW46XLbN7xqHohkUTnjq Kkm7oNp9BVd1XMYCw8Z5usNw85RSK6+7GNbPnj6ODwzMIqlDw4cMMydUGMdH DAmrVt8t1bbKDBcmJGpgGelp3MDHDNqTPEPqNEaJYtMJJahUN62KZBXwvWmy VhnmXqZ8KALe4gEniNbtR+gtMzVMMbCOMiLkP7KVtUZWi8rlBseGPjjWtaQW Tle15OB4UVtjN6KJwXFSyyZS0ZS2ra1FtnUFWafDFbl05U9dt+fTkwDlrjOs nkX6cRQZ5if03xKPec8JGH4+i4Lf9h05RUpvQ1iniKRiYBNf0tW9qny7Q1yj W25LqCtzm9zZ457NG47YVQPDbNWWotbrNoQ38kzX7bbkQc8jO/19TwZ2V1iy b/s2bY+fROnVk2MwLCmFt+Vw3xe0nC3LpuP6dAy66AO3RU+x7va8pqjYqsD8 cPFANHrt8lEgiKorGRZGtfaGlU4UQJ70M0U3SB9sLChBkTKiZJPIaPyaVmmK oEtGLBt9DuOZUhS2aDSGXlwIMXNK+4iEiAIhNJrjudT8H1hUEA0PwmD6xBFQ wS8PQ0ZwZV3ENdovh9FzqCgfKQspIFmi7O+P+Hw1ym5kcwNc/x1Lv+LmLxMl MFHCGJcwcAuZ8Gwr49NdCWOAmb+g/fgcud/wybPQEcM3NOoUNgxYwHbYmvtE YMgxAiucS/iW5qf1h6VH+oQ89J1QaHq2vvTSqui5pfzSZNT/+GXo2aqeX86v 5u/cI7usY4eY3CXOt+lSzX1ELKxZyNOIdQufYsPCZ7izD+ZT1Of7iPr4wsc9 HwUf114AvnRqlvwHAAA= """, """ androidx/compose/animation/core/TransitionKt.class: H4sIAAAAAAAAAMVVT1MjRRR/PZkknSHAMAsI2d24stldYGEnZDHqJovLIsho iJZBLhysJmmyA5MeamZCsRcLvfgFvOzN8uDRg6ctD1aKLS9+Jsvy9ZCEQKzC eDFV6fev3++91/36zR9//fobACzDJwQWmKh5rl07Matu48j1ucmE3WCB7QrU eNzc9pjwbSl/GsSBENAP2DEzHSbq5md7B7yK2giB5Lkb33BcFhD4Zrb074EL pUM3cGxhHhw3zP2mqEqlb260uaVC6SJkJfBsUb/WY26DwJ/FypPS1WQLK4Nk VtyuFFauC1ZcHAAxU+H1BhfBZeQvhR1IcdA6i4sI0+MVnj4CyfLv9WflNUVg N7i5Fspsz+EFAndLrlc3D3iw5zEbwZkQbsDOA5XdoNx0HNwVKwYvbH+FgkYg 3ZOULQLuCeaYlpAZ+3bVj0OSwET1Ba8etv0/Zx5rcNxI4MFs/5X0lz23k4QR GNVgGHQCI0H3+CpHvErBIBB12B53KIwTMALm1Xmww5wmf/6ygrlzCpPqsx8A CIxl7Mx+5nJzEgudMrKeK4aFQZqWwJ3ruhDD9NdGYLw3aqbG91nTwejf/89v xuq/GdlHhUEmxKUDzSzF4R0C1CpXtlfLa+sEng5QYR9YIQl3IZOAGbh3uQf/ oZg4PMC+CR1XOwEozBG43X/vXzVzy91LGOuc0hYPWI0FDO9LaRxHcF4SuUSx fQ4lo6D+xJZcFrnaEoHfW6c5rXWqKXo8JFNKh4R/Xeny4aaRrpUqqUBvnaaU LJlRaetUV+apoRrKppKN5DJU09VU2tCMji4maTaejZ79GFMoDddEjlJF1xBi KHdfT6ZmjBvG2KaCtiQdNigdMVRKZ0dDT9Lx3Dz7jr55TVqnZ98qcS1Kz17l skQWkyPy6ZCK7N/2cfQ29fJ/mHfolu5grZ8EHM2u6IBuvzySk2iys6E7L8pI 0KAKpPjmffm2CQxfwD86xDtT19waqkdLtuDlZmOPe9tytsns3SpzdphnS7mt TFTsumBB00P+5hfnE9ESx7Zvo3n1YvgRyFy1dvO6tG0YR071cIsdtQMkLSG4 t+Yw3+do1ipu06vyDVvaptuQO33hYAkUUEH+FJiGKMRQeobSEcpRpOl5Y+g1 jD00buC6YEzgumi8hWskrxpTP4d+q7jG8Opuwig8Dz/xUeQjiJcKsdMo3Qpj pMGA27hTcuP4V0JuEnURWAux4vBRG40iXcf/tIpCQr6Eq6uegLfhDvIy4Z/Q OYY0P6GqX78C7Re434LZ0oQaRSlmzG9dW0gENnBVQRlJhCWlQrwhTEl+FoZg Ar8LU0gf95T5uKfMPDxsl5nvlpnvlplvlxmBj1HS0DoT7p2GzbDwD8FCuov6 BcRd3IWIBY8sMHGFrIX3lLMw2jJu8OFdyO+C7mNrwns+vO/DLR8MHz7w4Umo oT4UfBgP+Ukfij489WHlb+6OIxeBCQAA """ ) @Test fun unreferencedParameters() { lint().files( kotlin( """ package foo import androidx.compose.animation.core.* import androidx.compose.runtime.* val transition = Transition<Boolean>() var foo = false @Composable fun Test() { transition.animateFloat { if (foo) 1f else 0f } transition.animateFloat(targetValueByState = { if (foo) 1f else 0f }) transition.animateFloat { param -> if (foo) 1f else 0f } transition.animateFloat(targetValueByState = { param -> if (foo) 1f else 0f }) transition.animateFloat { _ -> if (foo) 1f else 0f } transition.animateFloat(targetValueByState = { _ -> if (foo) 1f else 0f }) } """ ), TransitionStub, Stubs.Composable ) .run() .expect( """ src/foo/test.kt:13: Error: Target state parameter it is not used [UnusedTransitionTargetStateParameter] transition.animateFloat { if (foo) 1f else 0f } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src/foo/test.kt:14: Error: Target state parameter it is not used [UnusedTransitionTargetStateParameter] transition.animateFloat(targetValueByState = { if (foo) 1f else 0f }) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src/foo/test.kt:15: Error: Target state parameter param is not used [UnusedTransitionTargetStateParameter] transition.animateFloat { param -> if (foo) 1f else 0f } ~~~~~ src/foo/test.kt:16: Error: Target state parameter param is not used [UnusedTransitionTargetStateParameter] transition.animateFloat(targetValueByState = { param -> if (foo) 1f else 0f }) ~~~~~ src/foo/test.kt:17: Error: Target state parameter _ is not used [UnusedTransitionTargetStateParameter] transition.animateFloat { _ -> if (foo) 1f else 0f } ~ src/foo/test.kt:18: Error: Target state parameter _ is not used [UnusedTransitionTargetStateParameter] transition.animateFloat(targetValueByState = { _ -> if (foo) 1f else 0f }) ~ 6 errors, 0 warnings """ ) } @Test fun unreferencedParameter_shadowedNames() { lint().files( kotlin( """ package foo import androidx.compose.animation.core.* import androidx.compose.runtime.* val transition = Transition<Boolean>() var foo = false @Composable fun Test() { transition.animateFloat { foo.let { // These `it`s refer to the `let`, not the `animateFloat`, so we // should still report an error it.let { if (it) 1f else 0f } } } transition.animateFloat { param -> foo.let { param -> // This `param` refers to the `let`, not the `animateFloat`, so we // should still report an error if (param) 1f else 0f } } } """ ), TransitionStub, Stubs.Composable ) .run() .expect( """ src/foo/test.kt:13: Error: Target state parameter it is not used [UnusedTransitionTargetStateParameter] transition.animateFloat { ^ src/foo/test.kt:22: Error: Target state parameter param is not used [UnusedTransitionTargetStateParameter] transition.animateFloat { param -> ~~~~~ 2 errors, 0 warnings """ ) } @Test fun noErrors() { lint().files( kotlin( """ package foo import androidx.compose.animation.core.* import androidx.compose.runtime.* val transition = Transition<Boolean>() var foo = false @Composable fun Test() { transition.animateFloat { if (it) 1f else 0f } transition.animateFloat(targetValueByState = { if (it) 1f else 0f }) transition.animateFloat { param -> if (param) 1f else 0f } transition.animateFloat(targetValueByState = { param -> if (param) 1f else 0f }) transition.animateFloat { param -> foo.let { it.let { if (param && it) 1f else 0f } } } transition.animateFloat { foo.let { param -> param.let { param -> if (param && it) 1f else 0f } } } transition.animateFloat { { run { if (this && it) 1f else 0f } } } fun multipleParameterLambda(lambda: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Float): Float = lambda(true, true) transition.animateFloat { multipleParameterLambda { _, _ -> multipleParameterLambda { param1, _ -> if (param1 && it) 1f else 0f } } } } """ ), TransitionStub, Stubs.Composable ) .run() .expectClean() } } /* ktlint-enable max-line-length */
/* * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package androidx.compose.ui.text import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Rect import import androidx.compose.ui.text.font.Font import androidx.compose.ui.text.font.FontFamily import androidx.compose.ui.text.font.createFontFamilyResolver import androidx.compose.ui.text.font.toFontFamily import androidx.compose.ui.text.platform.SynchronizedObject import androidx.compose.ui.text.platform.createSynchronizedObject import androidx.compose.ui.text.platform.synchronized import import import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Constraints import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Density import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntSize import androidx.compose.ui.unit.LayoutDirection /** * The data class which holds the set of parameters of the text layout computation. */ class TextLayoutInput private constructor( /** * The text used for computing text layout. */ val text: AnnotatedString, /** * The text layout used for computing this text layout. */ val style: TextStyle, /** * A list of [Placeholder]s inserted into text layout that reserves space to embed icons or * custom emojis. A list of bounding boxes will be returned in * [TextLayoutResult.placeholderRects] that corresponds to this input. * * @see TextLayoutResult.placeholderRects * @see MultiParagraph * @see MultiParagraphIntrinsics */ val placeholders: List<AnnotatedString.Range<Placeholder>>, /** * The maxLines param used for computing this text layout. */ val maxLines: Int, /** * The maxLines param used for computing this text layout. */ val softWrap: Boolean, /** * The overflow param used for computing this text layout */ val overflow: TextOverflow, /** * The density param used for computing this text layout. */ val density: Density, /** * The layout direction used for computing this text layout. */ val layoutDirection: LayoutDirection, /** * The font resource loader used for computing this text layout. * * This is no longer used. * * @see fontFamilyResolver */ @Suppress("DEPRECATION") resourceLoader: Font.ResourceLoader?, /** * The font resolver used for computing this text layout. */ val fontFamilyResolver: FontFamily.Resolver, /** * The minimum width provided while calculating this text layout. */ val constraints: Constraints ) { private var _developerSuppliedResourceLoader = resourceLoader @Deprecated("Replaced with FontFamily.Resolver", replaceWith = ReplaceWith("fontFamilyResolver"), ) @Suppress("DEPRECATION") val resourceLoader: Font.ResourceLoader get() { return _developerSuppliedResourceLoader ?: DeprecatedBridgeFontResourceLoader.from(fontFamilyResolver) } @Deprecated( "Font.ResourceLoader is replaced with FontFamily.Resolver", replaceWith = ReplaceWith("TextLayoutInput(text, style, placeholders, " + "maxLines, softWrap, overflow, density, layoutDirection, fontFamilyResolver, " + "constraints") ) @Suppress("DEPRECATION") constructor( text: AnnotatedString, style: TextStyle, placeholders: List<AnnotatedString.Range<Placeholder>>, maxLines: Int, softWrap: Boolean, overflow: TextOverflow, density: Density, layoutDirection: LayoutDirection, resourceLoader: Font.ResourceLoader, constraints: Constraints ) : this( text, style, placeholders, maxLines, softWrap, overflow, density, layoutDirection, resourceLoader, createFontFamilyResolver(resourceLoader), constraints ) constructor( text: AnnotatedString, style: TextStyle, placeholders: List<AnnotatedString.Range<Placeholder>>, maxLines: Int, softWrap: Boolean, overflow: TextOverflow, density: Density, layoutDirection: LayoutDirection, fontFamilyResolver: FontFamily.Resolver, constraints: Constraints ) : this( text, style, placeholders, maxLines, softWrap, overflow, density, layoutDirection, @Suppress("DEPRECATION") null, fontFamilyResolver, constraints ) @Deprecated("Font.ResourceLoader is deprecated", replaceWith = ReplaceWith("TextLayoutInput(text, style, placeholders," + " maxLines, softWrap, overFlow, density, layoutDirection, fontFamilyResolver, " + "constraints)") ) // Unfortunately, there's no way to deprecate and add a parameter to a copy chain such that the // resolution is valid. // // However, as this was never intended to be a public function we will not replace it. There is // no use case for calling this method directly. fun copy( text: AnnotatedString = this.text, style: TextStyle =, placeholders: List<AnnotatedString.Range<Placeholder>> = this.placeholders, maxLines: Int = this.maxLines, softWrap: Boolean = this.softWrap, overflow: TextOverflow = this.overflow, density: Density = this.density, layoutDirection: LayoutDirection = this.layoutDirection, @Suppress("DEPRECATION") resourceLoader: Font.ResourceLoader = this.resourceLoader, constraints: Constraints = this.constraints ): TextLayoutInput { return TextLayoutInput( text = text, style = style, placeholders = placeholders, maxLines = maxLines, softWrap = softWrap, overflow = overflow, density = density, layoutDirection = layoutDirection, resourceLoader = resourceLoader, fontFamilyResolver = fontFamilyResolver, constraints = constraints ) } override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean { if (this === other) return true if (other !is TextLayoutInput) return false if (text != other.text) return false if (style != return false if (placeholders != other.placeholders) return false if (maxLines != other.maxLines) return false if (softWrap != other.softWrap) return false if (overflow != other.overflow) return false if (density != other.density) return false if (layoutDirection != other.layoutDirection) return false if (fontFamilyResolver != other.fontFamilyResolver) return false if (constraints != other.constraints) return false return true } override fun hashCode(): Int { var result = text.hashCode() result = 31 * result + style.hashCode() result = 31 * result + placeholders.hashCode() result = 31 * result + maxLines result = 31 * result + softWrap.hashCode() result = 31 * result + overflow.hashCode() result = 31 * result + density.hashCode() result = 31 * result + layoutDirection.hashCode() result = 31 * result + fontFamilyResolver.hashCode() result = 31 * result + constraints.hashCode() return result } override fun toString(): String { return "TextLayoutInput(" + "text=$text, " + "style=$style, " + "placeholders=$placeholders, " + "maxLines=$maxLines, " + "softWrap=$softWrap, " + "overflow=$overflow, " + "density=$density, " + "layoutDirection=$layoutDirection, " + "fontFamilyResolver=$fontFamilyResolver, " + "constraints=$constraints" + ")" } } @Suppress("DEPRECATION") private class DeprecatedBridgeFontResourceLoader private constructor( private val fontFamilyResolver: FontFamily.Resolver ) : Font.ResourceLoader { @Deprecated( "Replaced by FontFamily.Resolver, this method should not be called", ReplaceWith("FontFamily.Resolver.resolve(font, )"), ) override fun load(font: Font): Any { return fontFamilyResolver.resolve( font.toFontFamily(), font.weight, ).value } companion object { // In normal usage will be a map of size 1. // // To fill this map with a large number of entries an app must: // // 1. Repeatedly change FontFamily.Resolver // 2. Call the deprecated method getFontResourceLoader on TextLayoutInput // // If this map is found to be large in profiling of an app, please modify your code to not // call getFontResourceLoader, and evaluate if FontFamily.Resolver is being correctly cached // (via e.g. remember) var cache = mutableMapOf<FontFamily.Resolver, Font.ResourceLoader>() val lock: SynchronizedObject = createSynchronizedObject() fun from(fontFamilyResolver: FontFamily.Resolver): Font.ResourceLoader { synchronized(lock) { // the same resolver to return the same ResourceLoader cache[fontFamilyResolver]?.let { return it } val deprecatedBridgeFontResourceLoader = DeprecatedBridgeFontResourceLoader( fontFamilyResolver ) cache[fontFamilyResolver] = deprecatedBridgeFontResourceLoader return deprecatedBridgeFontResourceLoader } } } } /** * The data class which holds text layout result. */ class TextLayoutResult constructor( /** * The parameters used for computing this text layout result. */ val layoutInput: TextLayoutInput, /** * The multi paragraph object. * * This is the result of the text layout computation. */ val multiParagraph: MultiParagraph, /** * The amount of space required to paint this text in Int. */ val size: IntSize ) { /** * The distance from the top to the alphabetic baseline of the first line. */ val firstBaseline: Float = multiParagraph.firstBaseline /** * The distance from the top to the alphabetic baseline of the last line. */ val lastBaseline: Float = multiParagraph.lastBaseline /** * Returns true if the text is too tall and couldn't fit with given height. */ val didOverflowHeight: Boolean get() = multiParagraph.didExceedMaxLines || size.height < multiParagraph.height /** * Returns true if the text is too wide and couldn't fit with given width. */ val didOverflowWidth: Boolean get() = size.width < multiParagraph.width /** * Returns true if either vertical overflow or horizontal overflow happens. */ val hasVisualOverflow: Boolean get() = didOverflowWidth || didOverflowHeight /** * Returns a list of bounding boxes that is reserved for [TextLayoutInput.placeholders]. * Each [Rect] in this list corresponds to the [Placeholder] passed to * [TextLayoutInput.placeholders] and it will have the height and width specified in the * [Placeholder]. It's guaranteed that [TextLayoutInput.placeholders] and * [TextLayoutResult.placeholderRects] will have same length and order. * * @see TextLayoutInput.placeholders * @see Placeholder */ val placeholderRects: List<Rect?> = multiParagraph.placeholderRects /** * Returns a number of lines of this text layout */ val lineCount: Int get() = multiParagraph.lineCount /** * Returns the start offset of the given line, inclusive. * * The start offset represents a position in text before the first character in the given line. * For example, `getLineStart(1)` will return 4 for the text below * <pre> * ┌────┐ * │abcd│ * │efg │ * └────┘ * </pre> * * @param lineIndex the line number * @return the start offset of the line */ fun getLineStart(lineIndex: Int): Int = multiParagraph.getLineStart(lineIndex) /** * Returns the end offset of the given line. * * The end offset represents a position in text after the last character in the given line. * For example, `getLineEnd(0)` will return 4 for the text below * <pre> * ┌────┐ * │abcd│ * │efg │ * └────┘ * </pre> * * Characters being ellipsized are treated as invisible characters. So that if visibleEnd is * false, it will return line end including the ellipsized characters and vice versa. * * @param lineIndex the line number * @param visibleEnd if true, the returned line end will not count trailing whitespaces or * linefeed characters. Otherwise, this function will return the logical line end. By default * it's false. * @return an exclusive end offset of the line. */ fun getLineEnd(lineIndex: Int, visibleEnd: Boolean = false): Int = multiParagraph.getLineEnd(lineIndex, visibleEnd) /** * Returns true if the given line is ellipsized, otherwise returns false. * * @param lineIndex a 0 based line index * @return true if the given line is ellipsized, otherwise false */ fun isLineEllipsized(lineIndex: Int): Boolean = multiParagraph.isLineEllipsized(lineIndex) /** * Returns the top y coordinate of the given line. * * @param lineIndex the line number * @return the line top y coordinate */ fun getLineTop(lineIndex: Int): Float = multiParagraph.getLineTop(lineIndex) /** * Returns the bottom y coordinate of the given line. * * @param lineIndex the line number * @return the line bottom y coordinate */ fun getLineBottom(lineIndex: Int): Float = multiParagraph.getLineBottom(lineIndex) /** * Returns the left x coordinate of the given line. * * @param lineIndex the line number * @return the line left x coordinate */ fun getLineLeft(lineIndex: Int): Float = multiParagraph.getLineLeft(lineIndex) /** * Returns the right x coordinate of the given line. * * @param lineIndex the line number * @return the line right x coordinate */ fun getLineRight(lineIndex: Int): Float = multiParagraph.getLineRight(lineIndex) /** * Returns the line number on which the specified text offset appears. * * If you ask for a position before 0, you get 0; if you ask for a position * beyond the end of the text, you get the last line. * * @param offset a character offset * @return the 0 origin line number. */ fun getLineForOffset(offset: Int): Int = multiParagraph.getLineForOffset(offset) /** * Returns line number closest to the given graphical vertical position. * * If you ask for a vertical position before 0, you get 0; if you ask for a vertical position * beyond the last line, you get the last line. * * @param vertical the vertical position * @return the 0 origin line number. */ fun getLineForVerticalPosition(vertical: Float): Int = multiParagraph.getLineForVerticalPosition(vertical) /** * Get the horizontal position for the specified text [offset]. * * Returns the relative distance from the text starting offset. For example, if the paragraph * direction is Left-to-Right, this function returns positive value as a distance from the * left-most edge. If the paragraph direction is Right-to-Left, this function returns negative * value as a distance from the right-most edge. * * [usePrimaryDirection] argument is taken into account only when the offset is in the BiDi * directional transition point. [usePrimaryDirection] is true means use the primary * direction run's coordinate, and use the secondary direction's run's coordinate if false. * * @param offset a character offset * @param usePrimaryDirection true for using the primary run's coordinate if the given * offset is in the BiDi directional transition point. * @return the relative distance from the text starting edge. * @see MultiParagraph.getHorizontalPosition */ fun getHorizontalPosition(offset: Int, usePrimaryDirection: Boolean): Float = multiParagraph.getHorizontalPosition(offset, usePrimaryDirection) /** * Get the text direction of the paragraph containing the given offset. * * @param offset a character offset * @return the paragraph direction */ fun getParagraphDirection(offset: Int): ResolvedTextDirection = multiParagraph.getParagraphDirection(offset) /** * Get the text direction of the resolved BiDi run that the character at the given offset * associated with. * * @param offset a character offset * @return the direction of the BiDi run of the given character offset. */ fun getBidiRunDirection(offset: Int): ResolvedTextDirection = multiParagraph.getBidiRunDirection(offset) /** * Returns the character offset closest to the given graphical position. * * @param position a graphical position in this text layout * @return a character offset that is closest to the given graphical position. */ fun getOffsetForPosition(position: Offset): Int = multiParagraph.getOffsetForPosition(position) /** * Returns the bounding box of the character for given character offset. * * @param offset a character offset * @return a bounding box for the character in pixels. */ fun getBoundingBox(offset: Int): Rect = multiParagraph.getBoundingBox(offset) /** * Returns the text range of the word at the given character offset. * * Characters not part of a word, such as spaces, symbols, and punctuation, have word breaks on * both sides. In such cases, this method will return a text range that contains the given * character offset. * * Word boundaries are defined more precisely in Unicode Standard Annex #29 * <>. */ fun getWordBoundary(offset: Int): TextRange = multiParagraph.getWordBoundary(offset) /** * Returns the rectangle of the cursor area * * @param offset An character offset of the cursor * @return a rectangle of cursor region */ fun getCursorRect(offset: Int): Rect = multiParagraph.getCursorRect(offset) /** * Returns path that enclose the given text range. * * @param start an inclusive start character offset * @param end an exclusive end character offset * @return a drawing path */ fun getPathForRange(start: Int, end: Int): Path = multiParagraph.getPathForRange(start, end) fun copy( layoutInput: TextLayoutInput = this.layoutInput, size: IntSize = this.size ): TextLayoutResult { return TextLayoutResult( layoutInput = layoutInput, multiParagraph = multiParagraph, size = size ) } override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean { if (this === other) return true if (other !is TextLayoutResult) return false if (layoutInput != other.layoutInput) return false if (multiParagraph != other.multiParagraph) return false if (size != other.size) return false if (firstBaseline != other.firstBaseline) return false if (lastBaseline != other.lastBaseline) return false if (placeholderRects != other.placeholderRects) return false return true } override fun hashCode(): Int { var result = layoutInput.hashCode() result = 31 * result + multiParagraph.hashCode() result = 31 * result + size.hashCode() result = 31 * result + firstBaseline.hashCode() result = 31 * result + lastBaseline.hashCode() result = 31 * result + placeholderRects.hashCode() return result } override fun toString(): String { return "TextLayoutResult(" + "layoutInput=$layoutInput, " + "multiParagraph=$multiParagraph, " + "size=$size, " + "firstBaseline=$firstBaseline, " + "lastBaseline=$lastBaseline, " + "placeholderRects=$placeholderRects" + ")" } }
/* * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package androidx.compose.ui.test import import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.SemanticsPropertyReceiver import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.selected import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.semantics import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.testTag import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.toggleableState import androidx.compose.ui.state.ToggleableState import androidx.compose.ui.test.junit4.createComposeRule import org.junit.Rule import org.junit.Test class AssertsTest { @get:Rule val rule = createComposeRule() @Test fun assertIsOn_forCheckedElement_isOk() { rule.setContent { BoundaryNode { testTag = "test"; toggleableState = ToggleableState.On } } rule.onNodeWithTag("test") .assertIsOn() } @Test(expected = AssertionError::class) fun assertIsOn_forUncheckedElement_throwsError() { rule.setContent { BoundaryNode { testTag = "test"; toggleableState = ToggleableState.Off } } rule.onNodeWithTag("test") .assertIsOn() } @Test(expected = AssertionError::class) fun assertIsOn_forNotToggleableElement_throwsError() { rule.setContent { BoundaryNode { testTag = "test" } } rule.onNodeWithTag("test") .assertIsOn() } @Test(expected = AssertionError::class) fun assertIsOff_forCheckedElement_throwsError() { rule.setContent { BoundaryNode { testTag = "test"; toggleableState = ToggleableState.On } } rule.onNodeWithTag("test") .assertIsOff() } @Test fun assertIsOff_forUncheckedElement_isOk() { rule.setContent { BoundaryNode { testTag = "test"; toggleableState = ToggleableState.Off } } rule.onNodeWithTag("test") .assertIsOff() } @Test(expected = AssertionError::class) fun assertIsOff_forNotToggleableElement_throwsError() { rule.setContent { BoundaryNode { testTag = "test"; } } rule.onNodeWithTag("test") .assertIsOff() } @Test(expected = AssertionError::class) fun assertIsSelected_forNotSelectedElement_throwsError() { rule.setContent { BoundaryNode { testTag = "test"; selected = false } } rule.onNodeWithTag("test") .assertIsSelected() } @Test fun assertIsSelected_forSelectedElement_isOk() { rule.setContent { BoundaryNode { testTag = "test"; selected = true } } rule.onNodeWithTag("test") .assertIsSelected() } @Test(expected = AssertionError::class) fun assertIsSelected_forNotSelectableElement_throwsError() { rule.setContent { BoundaryNode { testTag = "test"; } } rule.onNodeWithTag("test") .assertIsSelected() } @Test(expected = AssertionError::class) fun assertIsNotSelected_forSelectedElement_throwsError() { rule.setContent { BoundaryNode { testTag = "test"; selected = true } } rule.onNodeWithTag("test") .assertIsNotSelected() } @Test fun assertIsNotSelected_forNotSelectedElement_isOk() { rule.setContent { BoundaryNode { testTag = "test"; selected = false } } rule.onNodeWithTag("test") .assertIsNotSelected() } @Test(expected = AssertionError::class) fun assertIsNotSelected_forNotSelectableElement_throwsError() { rule.setContent { BoundaryNode { testTag = "test"; } } rule.onNodeWithTag("test") .assertIsNotSelected() } @Composable fun BoundaryNode(props: (SemanticsPropertyReceiver.() -> Unit)) { Column(Modifier.semantics(properties = props)) {} } }
/* * Jooby * Apache License Version 2.0 * Copyright 2014 Edgar Espina */ package io.jooby data class SearchQuery(val q: String) fun main(args: Array<String>) { runApp(args) { get("/") { val q: List<String> by ctx.query q } } }
/* * Copyright LWJGL. All rights reserved. * License terms: */ package org.lwjgl.opengles.templates import org.lwjgl.generator.* import org.lwjgl.opengles.* val NV_internalformat_sample_query = "NVInternalformatSampleQuery".nativeClassGLES("NV_internalformat_sample_query", postfix = NV) { documentation = """ Native bindings to the $registryLink extension. Some OpenGL implementations support modes of multisampling which have properties which are non-obvious to applications and/or which may not be standards conformant. The idea of non-conformant AA modes is not new, and is exposed in both GLX and EGL with config caveats and the GLX_NON_CONFORMANT_CONFIG for GLX and EGL_NON_CONFORMANT_CONFIG for EGL, or by querying the EGL_CONFORMANT attribute in newer versions of EGL. Both of these mechanisms operate on a per-config basis, which works as intended for window-based configs. However, with the advent of application-created FBOs, it is now possible to do all the multisample operations in an application-created FBO and never use a multisample window. This extension further extends the internalformat query mechanism (first introduced by ARB_internalformat_query and extended in ARB_internalformat_query2) and introduces a mechanism for a implementation to report properties of formats that may also be dependent on the number of samples. This includes information such as whether the combination of format and samples should be considered conformant. This enables an implementation to report caveats which might apply to both window and FBO-based rendering configurations. Some NVIDIA drivers support multisample modes which are internally implemented as a combination of multisampling and automatic supersampling in order to obtain a higher level of anti-aliasing than can be directly supported by hardware. This extension allows those properties to be queried by an application with the MULTISAMPLES_NV, SUPERSAMPLE_SCALE_X_NV and SUPERSAMPLE_SCALE_Y_NV properties. For example, a 16xAA mode might be implemented by using 4 samples and up-scaling by a factor of 2 in each of the x- and y-dimensions. In this example, the driver might report MULTSAMPLES_NV of 4, SUPERSAMPLE_SCALE_X_NV of 2, SUPERSAMPLE_SCALE_Y_NV of 2 and CONFORMANT_NV of FALSE. Requires ${GLES30.core}. """ IntConstant( "Accepted by the {@code pname} parameter of GetInternalformatSampleivNV.", "MULTISAMPLES_NV"..0x9371, "SUPERSAMPLE_SCALE_X_NV"..0x9372, "SUPERSAMPLE_SCALE_Y_NV"..0x9373, "CONFORMANT_NV"..0x9374 ) void( "GetInternalformatSampleivNV", "", GLenum.IN("target", ""), GLenum.IN("internalformat", ""), GLsizei.IN("samples", ""), GLenum.IN("pname", ""), AutoSize("params")..GLsizei.IN("bufSize", ""), GLint_p.OUT("params", "") ) }
package com.simplemobiletools.calculator.helpers import android.content.Context import com.simplemobiletools.commons.helpers.BaseConfig class Config(context: Context) : BaseConfig(context) { companion object { fun newInstance(context: Context) = Config(context) } var useCommaAsDecimalMark: Boolean get() = prefs.getBoolean(USE_COMMA_AS_DECIMAL_MARK, getDecimalSeparator() == COMMA) set(useCommaAsDecimalMark) = prefs.edit().putBoolean(USE_COMMA_AS_DECIMAL_MARK, useCommaAsDecimalMark).apply() }
package import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase class DatabaseUpgradeParams( val db: SQLiteDatabase, val oldVersion: Int, val newVersion: Int )
import junit.framework.TestCase.assertEquals import org.example.codekata.kata13.countCodeLines import org.junit.Test import class Kata13Test { @Test fun testCountCodeLines() { val daveUri = "".javaClass.getResource("/kata13_data/").toURI() val helloUri = "".javaClass.getResource("/kata13_data/").toURI() assertEquals(3, countCodeLines(File(daveUri))) assertEquals(5, countCodeLines(File(helloUri))) } }
/* * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import import org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.`is` import org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.notNullValue import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat import org.junit.Test class AnswerHelperTest { @Test fun getAnswer_notNull() = assertThat(AnswerHelper.getReadableAnswer(STRING_ARRAY), notNullValue()) @Test fun getAnswer_allContained() { for (it in STRING_ARRAY) { assertThat(AnswerHelper.getReadableAnswer(STRING_ARRAY).contains(it), `is`(true)) } } @Test fun getAnswer_multipleAnswers_dontEndWithSeparator() { assertThat(AnswerHelper.getReadableAnswer(STRING_ARRAY).endsWith(AnswerHelper.SEPARATOR), `is`(false)) } }
package app import components.headerInput import import components.todoBar import components.todoList import kotlinx.html.InputType import import kotlinx.html.js.onChangeFunction import kotlinx.html.title import model.Todo import model.TodoFilter import org.w3c.dom.HTMLInputElement import org.w3c.dom.get import org.w3c.dom.set import react.* import react.dom.input import react.dom.label import react.dom.section import utils.translate import kotlin.browser.document import kotlin.browser.localStorage object AppOptions { var language = "no-language" var localStorageKey = "todos-koltin-react" } class App : RComponent<App.Props, App.State>() { override fun componentWillMount() { console.log("component will mount app") setState { todos = loadTodos() } } override fun RBuilder.render() { val currentFilter = when (props.route) { "pending" -> TodoFilter.PENDING "completed" -> TodoFilter.COMPLETED else -> TodoFilter.ANY } section("todoapp") { headerInput(::createTodo) if (state.todos.isNotEmpty()) { val allChecked = isAllCompleted() section("main") { input(InputType.checkBox, classes = "toggle-all") { attrs { id = "toggle-all" checked = allChecked onChangeFunction = {event -> val isChecked = (event.currentTarget as HTMLInputElement).checked setAllStatus(isChecked) } } } label { attrs["htmlFor"] = "toggle-all" attrs.title = "Mark all as complete".translate() } todoList(::removeTodo, ::updateTodo, state.todos, currentFilter) } todoBar(pendingCount = countPending(), anyCompleted = state.todos.any { todo -> todo.completed }, clearCompleted = ::clearCompleted, currentFilter = currentFilter, updateFilter = ::updateFilter) } } info() } private fun loadTodos(): List<Todo> { val storedTodosJSON = localStorage[AppOptions.localStorageKey] return if (storedTodosJSON != null) { JSON.parse<Array<Todo>>(storedTodosJSON).map { Todo(, it.title, it.completed) }.toList() } else { emptyList() } } private fun updateFilter(newFilter: TodoFilter) { document.location!!.href = "#?route=${}" } private fun countPending() = pendingTodos().size private fun removeTodo(todo: Todo) { console.log("removeTodo [${}] ${todo.title}") saveTodos(state.todos - todo) } private fun createTodo(todo: Todo) { console.log("createTodo [${}] ${todo.title}") saveTodos(state.todos + todo) } private fun updateTodo(todo: Todo) { console.log("updateTodo [${}] ${todo.title}") val newTodos = { oldTodo -> if ( == { todo } else { oldTodo } } saveTodos(newTodos) } private fun setAllStatus(newStatus: Boolean) { saveTodos( { todo -> todo.copy(completed = newStatus) }) } private fun saveTodos(updatedTodos: List<Todo>) { console.log("saving: ${updatedTodos.toTypedArray()}") storeTodos(updatedTodos) setState { todos = updatedTodos } } private fun storeTodos(todos: List<Todo>) { localStorage.setItem(AppOptions.localStorageKey, JSON.stringify(todos.toTypedArray())) } private fun clearCompleted() { saveTodos(pendingTodos()) } private fun isAllCompleted(): Boolean { return state.todos.fold(true) { allCompleted, todo -> allCompleted && todo.completed } } private fun pendingTodos() : List<Todo> { return state.todos.filter { todo -> !todo.completed } } class State(var todos: List<Todo>) : RState class Props(var route: String) : RProps } fun String) = child(App::class) { attrs.route = route }
/** * Copyright © MyCollab * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http:></http:>//>. */ package com.mycollab.installation.servlet import com.mycollab.core.utils.MimeTypesUtil import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import import import import javax.servlet.ServletException import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse /** * @author MyCollab Ltd. * @since 3.0 */ class AssetHttpServletRequestHandler : HttpServlet() { @Throws(ServletException::class, IOException::class) override fun doGet(request: HttpServletRequest, response: HttpServletResponse) { val path = request.pathInfo var resourcePath = "assets$path" var inputStream = if (inputStream == null) { resourcePath = "VAADIN/themes/mycollab$path" inputStream = } if (inputStream != null) { response.setHeader("Content-Type", MimeTypesUtil.detectMimeType(path)) response.setHeader("Content-Length", inputStream.available().toString()) BufferedInputStream(inputStream).use { input -> BufferedOutputStream(response.outputStream).use { output -> val buffer = ByteArray(8192) var length = while (length > 0) { output.write(buffer, 0, length) length = } } } } else { LOG.error("Can not find resource has path $path") } } companion object { private val LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( } }
package y2k.joyreactor.common.http import okhttp3.MediaType import okhttp3.RequestBody import org.jsoup.Jsoup import org.jsoup.nodes.Document import import import java.util.* class HttpRequestBuilder(private val httpClient: DefaultHttpClient) : RequestBuilder { private val form = HashMap<String, String>() private val headers = HashMap<String, String>() override fun addField(key: String, value: String): HttpRequestBuilder { form.put(key, value) return this } override fun putHeader(name: String, value: String): HttpRequestBuilder { headers.put(name, value) return this } override fun get(url: String): Document { val response = httpClient.executeRequest(url) { headers.forEach { header(it.key, it.value) } } return { Jsoup.parse(it, "utf-8", url) } } override fun post(url: String): Document { val response = httpClient.executeRequest(url) { headers.forEach { header(it.key, it.value) } post(RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), serializeForm())) } return { Jsoup.parse(it, "utf-8", url) } } private fun serializeForm(): ByteArray { return form .map { it.key + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(it.value, "UTF-8") } .joinToString (separator = "&") .toByteArray() } }
package import import retrofit2.Call import retrofit2.Retrofit import retrofit2.http.GET import retrofit2.http.Header // [START appcheck_custom_backend] class ApiWithAppCheckExample { interface YourExampleBackendService { @GET("yourExampleEndpoint") fun exampleData( @Header("X-Firebase-AppCheck") appCheckToken: String ): Call<List<String>> } var yourExampleBackendService: YourExampleBackendService = Retrofit.Builder() .baseUrl("") .build() .create( fun callApiExample() { FirebaseAppCheck.getInstance() .getAppCheckToken(false) .addOnSuccessListener { tokenResponse -> val appCheckToken = tokenResponse.token val apiCall = yourExampleBackendService.exampleData(appCheckToken) // ... } } } // [END appcheck_custom_backend]
/* * This source is part of the * _____ ___ ____ * __ / / _ \/ _ | / __/___ _______ _ * / // / , _/ __ |/ _/_/ _ \/ __/ _ `/ * \___/_/|_/_/ |_/_/ (_)___/_/ \_, / * /___/ * repository. * * Copyright (C) 2021-present Benoit 'BoD' Lubek ([email protected]) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package import android.content.ComponentName import android.os.Bundle import android.widget.FrameLayout import androidx.activity.ComponentActivity import androidx.wear.tiles.manager.TileUiClient import import class TilePreviewActivity : ComponentActivity() { private lateinit var tileUiClient: TileUiClient override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.tile_preview_activity) val rootLayout = findViewById<FrameLayout>( tileUiClient = TileUiClient( context = this, component = ComponentName(this,, parentView = rootLayout ) tileUiClient.connect() } override fun onDestroy() { super.onDestroy() tileUiClient.close() } }
package qiuxiang.amap3d.map_view import android.content.Context import com.amap.api.maps.AMap import com.amap.api.maps.model.HeatmapTileProvider import com.amap.api.maps.model.LatLng import com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlay import com.amap.api.maps.model.TileOverlayOptions import com.facebook.react.views.view.ReactViewGroup class HeatMap(context: Context) : ReactViewGroup(context), Overlay { private var overlay: TileOverlay? = null var data: List<LatLng> = emptyList() var opacity: Double = 0.6 var radius: Int = 12 override fun add(map: AMap) { overlay = map.addTileOverlay( TileOverlayOptions().tileProvider( HeatmapTileProvider.Builder() .data(data) .radius(radius) .transparency(opacity) .build() ) ) } override fun remove() { overlay?.remove() } }
package import import android.content.Context import import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.widget.AdapterView import android.widget.ListView import android.widget.Toast import com.naosim.rpglib.R import com.naosim.rpglib.model.value.Item class ItemSelectDialogFactory { fun showItemListDialog(context: Context, itemList: List<Item>, onItemSelectedListener: (Item) -> Unit) { if (itemList.size == 0) { Toast.makeText(context, "どうぐがありません", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() return } createItemListDialog(context, itemList, onItemSelectedListener).show() } fun createItemListDialog(context: Context, itemList: List<Item>, onItemSelectedListener: (Item) -> Unit): Dialog { val view = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.view_item, null) val alertDialog = AlertDialog.Builder(context).setView(view).create() val listView = view.findViewById( as ListView listView.adapter = ItemListAdapter(context, itemList) listView.onItemClickListener = AdapterView.OnItemClickListener { adapterView, view, i, l -> val selectedItem = adapterView.adapter.getItem(i) as Item onItemSelectedListener.invoke(selectedItem) alertDialog.dismiss() } view.findViewById( { alertDialog.dismiss() } return alertDialog } }
package org.xdty.callerinfo.settings import android.annotation.SuppressLint import import android.content.ComponentName import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import android.content.ServiceConnection import android.os.Build import android.os.IBinder import android.os.RemoteException import android.preference.PreferenceScreen import android.util.Log import org.xdty.callerinfo.R import org.xdty.callerinfo.exporter.Exporter import org.xdty.callerinfo.plugin.IPluginService import org.xdty.callerinfo.plugin.IPluginServiceCallback import class PluginBinder(private val context: Context, private val preferenceDialogs: PreferenceDialogs, private val preferenceActions: PreferenceActions) : ServiceConnection { private val mPluginIntent = Intent().setComponent(ComponentName( "org.xdty.callerinfo.plugin", "org.xdty.callerinfo.plugin.PluginService")) private var mPluginService: IPluginService? = null fun bindPluginService() { try { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { context.startForegroundService(mPluginIntent) } else { context.startService(mPluginIntent) } context.bindService(mPluginIntent, this, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE) } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } } fun unBindPluginService() { try { context.unbindService(this) context.stopService(mPluginIntent) } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } } override fun onServiceConnected(name: ComponentName, service: IBinder) { Log.d(TAG, "onServiceConnected: $name") mPluginService = IPluginService.Stub.asInterface(service) try { mPluginService?.registerCallback(object : IPluginServiceCallback.Stub() { @Throws(RemoteException::class) override fun onCallPermissionResult(success: Boolean) { Log.d(TAG, "onCallPermissionResult: $success") (context as Activity).runOnUiThread { preferenceActions.setChecked(R.string.auto_hangup_key, success) } } @Throws(RemoteException::class) override fun onCallLogPermissionResult(success: Boolean) { Log.d(TAG, "onCallLogPermissionResult: $success") (context as Activity).runOnUiThread { if (PluginStatus.isCheckRingOnce) { preferenceActions.setChecked(R.string.ring_once_and_auto_hangup_key, success) } else { preferenceActions.setChecked(R.string.add_call_log_key, success) } } } @Throws(RemoteException::class) override fun onStoragePermissionResult(success: Boolean) { Log.d(TAG, "onStoragePermissionResult: $success") if (success) { if (PluginStatus.isCheckStorageExport) { exportData() } else { importData() } } else { show(context, R.string.storage_permission_failed) } } }) enablePluginPreference() } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } } private fun enablePluginPreference() { val pluginPref = preferenceActions.findPreference(context.getString(R.string.plugin_key)) as PreferenceScreen? pluginPref!!.isEnabled = true pluginPref.summary = "" } override fun onServiceDisconnected(name: ComponentName) { Log.d(TAG, "onServiceDisconnected: $name") mPluginService = null } fun checkStoragePermission() { try { if (mPluginService != null) { mPluginService!!.checkStoragePermission() } else { Log.e(TAG, "PluginService is stopped!!") } } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } } @SuppressLint("CheckResult") private fun importData() { try { if (mPluginService != null) { val data = mPluginService!!.importData() if (data.contains("Error:")) { preferenceDialogs.showTextDialog(R.string.import_data, context.getString(R.string.import_failed, data)) } else { val exporter = Exporter(context) exporter.fromString(data).subscribe { s -> if (s == null) { preferenceDialogs.showTextDialog(R.string.import_data, R.string.import_succeed) } else { preferenceDialogs.showTextDialog(R.string.import_data, context.getString(R.string.import_failed, s)) } } } } else { Log.e(TAG, "PluginService is stopped!!") } } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } } @SuppressLint("CheckResult") private fun exportData() { val exporter = Exporter(context) exporter.export().subscribe { s -> try { val res = mPluginService!!.exportData(s) if (res.contains("Error")) { preferenceDialogs.showTextDialog(R.string.export_data, context.getString(R.string.export_failed, res)) } else { preferenceDialogs.showTextDialog(R.string.export_data, context.getString(R.string.export_succeed, res)) } } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } } } fun checkCallPermission() { try { mPluginService?.checkCallPermission() } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } } fun checkCallLogPermission() { try { mPluginService?.checkCallLogPermission() } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } } fun setIconStatus(show: Boolean) { try { mPluginService?.setIconStatus(show) } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } } companion object { private const val TAG = "PluginBinder" } }
package uy.klutter.elasticsearch import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference import import inline fun <reified T: Any> SearchResponse.getHitsAsObjects(): Sequence<T> { return getHits().getHits().asSequence().map { EsConfig.objectMapper.readValue<T>(it.sourceAsString(), object : TypeReference<T>(){}) } } inline fun <reified T: Any> SearchHits.getHitsAsObjects(): Sequence<T> { return getHits().asSequence().map { EsConfig.objectMapper.readValue<T>(it.sourceAsString(), object : TypeReference<T>(){}) } }
/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Reece H. Dunn * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import /** * A MarkLogic `BinaryTest` node in the XQuery AST. */ interface PluginBinaryTest : XPathKindTest
package com.habitrpg.common.habitica.extensions import android.content.Context import import import android.view.View import android.view.animation.Animation import android.view.animation.Transformation import android.widget.LinearLayout import androidx.core.content.res.ResourcesCompat import import coil.imageLoader import coil.request.ImageRequest import import com.habitrpg.common.habitica.R import com.habitrpg.common.habitica.extensions.DataBindingUtils.BASE_IMAGE_URL import com.habitrpg.common.habitica.helpers.AppConfigManager import com.habitrpg.common.habitica.views.PixelArtView import java.util.Collections import java.util.Date fun PixelArtView.loadImage(imageName: String?, imageFormat: String? = null) { if (imageName != null) { val fullname = DataBindingUtils.getFullFilename(imageName, imageFormat) if (tag == fullname) { return } tag = fullname bitmap = null DataBindingUtils.loadImage(context, imageName, imageFormat) { if (tag == fullname) { bitmap = it.toBitmap() } } } } fun PixelArtView.loadGif( imageName: String?, builder: ImageRequest.Builder.() -> Unit = {} ) { if (imageName != null) { val fullname = BASE_IMAGE_URL + DataBindingUtils.getFullFilename(imageName) val request = ImageRequest.Builder(context) .data(fullname) .target(this) .apply(builder) .build() context.imageLoader.enqueue(request) } } object DataBindingUtils { fun loadImage(context: Context, imageName: String, imageResult: (Drawable) -> Unit) { loadImage(context, imageName, null, imageResult) } fun loadImage( context: Context, imageName: String, imageFormat: String?, imageResult: (Drawable) -> Unit ) { val request = ImageRequest.Builder(context) .data(BASE_IMAGE_URL + getFullFilename(imageName, imageFormat)) .target() .target { imageResult(it) } .build() context.imageLoader.enqueue(request) } fun getFullFilename(imageName: String, imageFormat: String? = null): String { val name = when { spriteSubstitutions.containsKey(imageName) -> spriteSubstitutions[imageName] FILENAME_MAP.containsKey(imageName) -> FILENAME_MAP[imageName] imageName.startsWith("handleless") -> "chair_$imageName" else -> imageName } return name + if (imageFormat == null && FILEFORMAT_MAP.containsKey(imageName)) { "." + FILEFORMAT_MAP[imageName] } else { ".${imageFormat ?: "png"}" } } fun setRoundedBackground(view: View, color: Int) { val drawable = ResourcesCompat.getDrawable(view.resources, R.drawable.layout_rounded_bg, null) drawable?.setTintWith(color, PorterDuff.Mode.MULTIPLY) view.background = drawable } class LayoutWeightAnimation(internal var view: View, internal var targetWeight: Float) : Animation() { private var initializeWeight: Float = 0.toFloat() private var layoutParams: LinearLayout.LayoutParams = view.layoutParams as LinearLayout.LayoutParams init { initializeWeight = layoutParams.weight } override fun applyTransformation(interpolatedTime: Float, t: Transformation) { layoutParams.weight = initializeWeight + (targetWeight - initializeWeight) * interpolatedTime view.requestLayout() } override fun willChangeBounds(): Boolean = true } const val BASE_IMAGE_URL = "" private val FILEFORMAT_MAP: Map<String, String> private val FILENAME_MAP: Map<String, String> private var spriteSubstitutions: Map<String, String> = HashMap() get() { if (Date().time - (lastSubstitutionCheck?.time ?: 0) > 180000) { field = AppConfigManager().spriteSubstitutions()["generic"] ?: HashMap() lastSubstitutionCheck = Date() } return field } private var lastSubstitutionCheck: Date? = null init { val tempMap = HashMap<String, String>() tempMap["head_special_1"] = "gif" tempMap["broad_armor_special_1"] = "gif" tempMap["slim_armor_special_1"] = "gif" tempMap["head_special_0"] = "gif" tempMap["slim_armor_special_0"] = "gif" tempMap["broad_armor_special_0"] = "gif" tempMap["weapon_special_critical"] = "gif" tempMap["weapon_special_0"] = "gif" tempMap["shield_special_0"] = "gif" tempMap["Pet-Wolf-Cerberus"] = "gif" tempMap["armor_special_ks2019"] = "gif" tempMap["slim_armor_special_ks2019"] = "gif" tempMap["broad_armor_special_ks2019"] = "gif" tempMap["eyewear_special_ks2019"] = "gif" tempMap["head_special_ks2019"] = "gif" tempMap["shield_special_ks2019"] = "gif" tempMap["weapon_special_ks2019"] = "gif" tempMap["Pet-Gryphon-Gryphatrice"] = "gif" tempMap["Mount_Head_Gryphon-Gryphatrice"] = "gif" tempMap["Mount_Body_Gryphon-Gryphatrice"] = "gif" tempMap["background_clocktower"] = "gif" tempMap["background_airship"] = "gif" tempMap["background_steamworks"] = "gif" tempMap["Pet_HatchingPotion_Veggie"] = "gif" tempMap["Pet_HatchingPotion_Dessert"] = "gif" tempMap["Pet-HatchingPotion-Dessert"] = "gif" tempMap["quest_windup"] = "gif" tempMap["Pet-HatchingPotion_Windup"] = "gif" tempMap["Pet_HatchingPotion_Windup"] = "gif" tempMap["quest_solarSystem"] = "gif" tempMap["quest_virtualpet"] = "gif" tempMap["Pet_HatchingPotion_VirtualPet"] = "gif" FILEFORMAT_MAP = Collections.unmodifiableMap(tempMap) val tempNameMap = HashMap<String, String>() tempNameMap["head_special_1"] = "ContributorOnly-Equip-CrystalHelmet" tempNameMap["armor_special_1"] = "ContributorOnly-Equip-CrystalArmor" tempNameMap["head_special_0"] = "BackerOnly-Equip-ShadeHelmet" tempNameMap["armor_special_0"] = "BackerOnly-Equip-ShadeArmor" tempNameMap["shield_special_0"] = "BackerOnly-Shield-TormentedSkull" tempNameMap["weapon_special_0"] = "BackerOnly-Weapon-DarkSoulsBlade" tempNameMap["weapon_special_critical"] = "weapon_special_critical" tempNameMap["Pet-Wolf-Cerberus"] = "Pet-Wolf-Cerberus" FILENAME_MAP = Collections.unmodifiableMap(tempNameMap) } }
// TODO: muted automatically, investigate should it be ran for JS or not // IGNORE_BACKEND: JS, NATIVE // WITH_RUNTIME @Retention(AnnotationRetention.RUNTIME) annotation class Ann( val p1: Int, val p2: Short, val p3: Byte, val p4: Int, val p5: Int, val p6: Int ) val prop1: Int = 1 or 1 val prop2: Short = 1 and 1 val prop3: Byte = 1 xor 1 val prop4: Int = 1 shl 1 val prop5: Int = 1 shr 1 val prop6: Int = 1 ushr 1 @Ann(1 or 1, 1 and 1, 1 xor 1, 1 shl 1, 1 shr 1, 1 ushr 1) class MyClass fun box(): String { val annotation =!! if (annotation.p1 != prop1) return "fail 1, expected = ${prop1}, actual = ${annotation.p1}" if (annotation.p2 != prop2) return "fail 2, expected = ${prop2}, actual = ${annotation.p2}" if (annotation.p3 != prop3) return "fail 3, expected = ${prop3}, actual = ${annotation.p3}" if (annotation.p4 != prop4) return "fail 4, expected = ${prop4}, actual = ${annotation.p4}" if (annotation.p5 != prop5) return "fail 5, expected = ${prop5}, actual = ${annotation.p5}" if (annotation.p6 != prop6) return "fail 6, expected = ${prop6}, actual = ${annotation.p6}" return "OK" }
/* * Copyright 2019 Netflix, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import import import import import java.time.Clock import java.time.Duration import java.time.Instant import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference /** * - can be registered as a queue EventPublisher * - publishes metrics based on queue events */ class QueueMetricsPublisher( val registry: Registry, val clock: Clock ) : EventPublisher { init { PolledMeter.using(registry) .withName("queue.last.poll.age") .monitorValue( this, { Duration .between(it.lastQueuePoll, clock.instant()) .toMillis() .toDouble() } ) PolledMeter.using(registry) .withName("queue.last.retry.check.age") .monitorValue( this, { Duration .between(it.lastRetryPoll, clock.instant()) .toMillis() .toDouble() } ) } override fun publishEvent(event: QueueEvent) { when (event) { QueuePolled -> _lastQueuePoll.set(clock.instant()) is MessageProcessing -> { registry.timer("queue.message.lag").record(event.lag.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) } is RetryPolled -> _lastRetryPoll.set(clock.instant()) is MessagePushed -> event.counter.increment() is MessageAcknowledged -> event.counter.increment() is MessageRetried -> event.counter.increment() is MessageDead -> event.counter.increment() is MessageDuplicate -> event.counter.increment() is LockFailed -> event.counter.increment() is MessageRescheduled -> event.counter.increment() is MessageNotFound -> event.counter.increment() } } /** * Count of messages pushed to the queue. */ private val MessagePushed.counter: Counter get() = registry.counter("queue.pushed.messages") /** * Count of messages successfully processed and acknowledged. */ private val MessageAcknowledged.counter: Counter get() = registry.counter("queue.acknowledged.messages") /** * Count of messages that have been retried. This does not mean unique * messages, so retrying the same message again will still increment this * count. */ private val MessageRetried.counter: Counter get() = registry.counter("queue.retried.messages") /** * Count of messages that have exceeded [Queue.maxRetries] retry * attempts and have been sent to the dead message handler. */ private val MessageDead.counter: Counter get() = registry.counter("queue.dead.messages") /** * Count of messages that have been pushed or re-delivered while an identical * message is already on the queue. */ private val MessageDuplicate.counter: Counter get() = registry.counter( "queue.duplicate.messages", "messageType", payload.javaClass.simpleName ) /** * Count of attempted message reads that failed to acquire a lock (in other * words, multiple Orca instance tried to read the same message). */ private val LockFailed.counter: Counter get() = registry.counter("queue.lock.failed") /** * Count of attempted message rescheduling that succeeded (in other words, * that message existed on the queue). */ private val MessageRescheduled.counter: Counter get() = registry.counter("queue.reschedule.succeeded") /** * Count of attempted message rescheduling that failed (in other words, * that message did not exist on the queue). */ private val MessageNotFound.counter: Counter get() = registry.counter("queue.message.notfound") /** * The last time the [Queue.poll] method was executed. */ val lastQueuePoll: Instant get() = _lastQueuePoll.get() private val _lastQueuePoll = AtomicReference<Instant>(clock.instant()) /** * The time the last [Queue.retry] method was executed. */ val lastRetryPoll: Instant get() = _lastRetryPoll.get() private val _lastRetryPoll = AtomicReference<Instant>(clock.instant()) }
package import /** * Created by Qingwen on 2018-2-16, project: ProjectBasicMVP. * * @Author: Qingwen * @DateTime: 2018-2-16 * @Package: in project: ProjectBasicMVP * * Notice: If you are using this class or file, check it and do some modification. */ interface IMovieView { fun onLoadStarted() fun onLoadError(message: String?) fun onLoadSuccess(it: List<Movie>) }
/** * Copyright 2017 Savvas Dalkitsis * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * 'Game Frame' is a registered trademark of LEDSEQ */ package import android.content.Context import class StringUseCase(private val context:Context) { fun getString(@StringRes resId: Int): String = context.getString(resId) fun getString(@StringRes resId: Int, arg: String): String = context.getString(resId, arg) }
package eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source import import eu.kanade.domain.source.model.SourceData import eu.kanade.domain.source.service.SourcePreferences import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.extension.ExtensionManager import uy.kohesive.injekt.Injekt import uy.kohesive.injekt.api.get fun Source.icon(): Drawable? = Injekt.get<ExtensionManager>().getAppIconForSource( fun Source.getPreferenceKey(): String = "source_$id" fun Source.toSourceData(): SourceData = SourceData(id = id, lang = lang, name = name) fun Source.getNameForMangaInfo(): String { val preferences = Injekt.get<SourcePreferences>() val enabledLanguages = preferences.enabledLanguages().get() .filterNot { it in listOf("all", "other") } val hasOneActiveLanguages = enabledLanguages.size == 1 val isInEnabledLanguages = lang in enabledLanguages return when { // For edge cases where user disables a source they got manga of in their library. hasOneActiveLanguages && !isInEnabledLanguages -> toString() // Hide the language tag when only one language is used. hasOneActiveLanguages && isInEnabledLanguages -> name else -> toString() } } fun Source.isLocal(): Boolean = id == LocalSource.ID fun Source.isLocalOrStub(): Boolean = isLocal() || this is SourceManager.StubSource
/* * Copyright 2000-2017 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jetbrains.uast.evaluation import com.intellij.lang.Language import com.intellij.psi.PsiMethod import org.jetbrains.uast.* import org.jetbrains.uast.values.UUndeterminedValue import org.jetbrains.uast.values.UValue abstract class AbstractEvaluatorExtension(override val language: Language) : UEvaluatorExtension { override fun evaluatePostfix( operator: UastPostfixOperator, operandValue: UValue, state: UEvaluationState ): UEvaluationInfo = UUndeterminedValue to state override fun evaluatePrefix( operator: UastPrefixOperator, operandValue: UValue, state: UEvaluationState ): UEvaluationInfo = UUndeterminedValue to state override fun evaluateBinary( binaryExpression: UBinaryExpression, leftValue: UValue, rightValue: UValue, state: UEvaluationState ): UEvaluationInfo = UUndeterminedValue to state override fun evaluateQualified( accessType: UastQualifiedExpressionAccessType, receiverInfo: UEvaluationInfo, selectorInfo: UEvaluationInfo ): UEvaluationInfo = UUndeterminedValue to selectorInfo.state override fun evaluateMethodCall( target: PsiMethod, argumentValues: List<UValue>, state: UEvaluationState ): UEvaluationInfo = UUndeterminedValue to state override fun evaluateVariable( variable: UVariable, state: UEvaluationState ): UEvaluationInfo = UUndeterminedValue to state } abstract class SimpleEvaluatorExtension : AbstractEvaluatorExtension(Language.ANY) { override final fun evaluatePostfix(operator: UastPostfixOperator, operandValue: UValue, state: UEvaluationState): UEvaluationInfo { val result = evaluatePostfix(operator, operandValue) return if (result != UUndeterminedValue) result.toConstant() to state else super.evaluatePostfix(operator, operandValue, state) } open fun evaluatePostfix(operator: UastPostfixOperator, operandValue: UValue): Any? = UUndeterminedValue override final fun evaluatePrefix(operator: UastPrefixOperator, operandValue: UValue, state: UEvaluationState): UEvaluationInfo { val result = evaluatePrefix(operator, operandValue) return if (result != UUndeterminedValue) result.toConstant() to state else super.evaluatePrefix(operator, operandValue, state) } open fun evaluatePrefix(operator: UastPrefixOperator, operandValue: UValue): Any? = UUndeterminedValue override final fun evaluateBinary(binaryExpression: UBinaryExpression, leftValue: UValue, rightValue: UValue, state: UEvaluationState): UEvaluationInfo { val result = evaluateBinary(binaryExpression, leftValue, rightValue) return if (result != UUndeterminedValue) result.toConstant() to state else super.evaluateBinary(binaryExpression, leftValue, rightValue, state) } open fun evaluateBinary(binaryExpression: UBinaryExpression, leftValue: UValue, rightValue: UValue): Any? = UUndeterminedValue override final fun evaluateMethodCall(target: PsiMethod, argumentValues: List<UValue>, state: UEvaluationState): UEvaluationInfo { val result = evaluateMethodCall(target, argumentValues) return if (result != UUndeterminedValue) result.toConstant() to state else super.evaluateMethodCall(target, argumentValues, state) } open fun evaluateMethodCall(target: PsiMethod, argumentValues: List<UValue>): Any? = UUndeterminedValue override final fun evaluateVariable(variable: UVariable, state: UEvaluationState): UEvaluationInfo { val result = evaluateVariable(variable) return if (result != UUndeterminedValue) result.toConstant() to state else super.evaluateVariable(variable, state) } open fun evaluateVariable(variable: UVariable): Any? = UUndeterminedValue }
package import com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle import import com.jdiazcano.modulartd.beans.Map import /** * Json implementation for MapIO. This will be initialised with reflection */ class JsonMapIO : FileIO<Map> { private val parser = GsonBuilder().create() @Throws(MapDeserializationException::class) override fun read(file: FileHandle): Map { try { return parser.fromJson(file.reader(), } catch (e: IOException) { throw MapDeserializationException("Error deserialising Json", e) } } @Throws(MapSerializationException::class) override fun write(obj: Map, file: FileHandle) { try { file.writeString(parser.toJson(obj), false, "UTF-8") } catch (e: IOException) { throw MapSerializationException("Failed to write json to a file", e) } } }
package import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4 import import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith /** * Instrumented test, which will execute on an Android device. * * See [testing documentation]( */ @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) class ExampleInstrumentedTest { @Test fun useAppContext() { // Context of the app under test. val appContext = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().targetContext assertEquals("com.example.myapplication", appContext.packageName) } }
package interface BasePresenter { fun start() fun stop() }
package import android.content.Intent import import com.firebase.ui.auth.AuthUI import com.guardafilme.R import java.util.* import javax.inject.Inject /** * Created by lucassantos on 01/11/17. */ class AuthProvider @Inject constructor() { fun getAuthIntent(): Intent { return AuthUI.getInstance() .createSignInIntentBuilder() .setAvailableProviders( Arrays.asList(AuthUI.IdpConfig.EmailBuilder().build(), AuthUI.IdpConfig.PhoneBuilder().build(), AuthUI.IdpConfig.GoogleBuilder().build())) .setLogo(R.drawable.logo) .setTheme( .build() } fun logoutUser(activity: FragmentActivity, completionListener: () -> Unit) { AuthUI.getInstance() .signOut(activity) .addOnCompleteListener { task -> completionListener() } } }
package venus.riscv.insts import venus.riscv.insts.dsl.ITypeInstruction val addi = ITypeInstruction( name = "addi", opcode = 0b0010011, funct3 = 0b000, eval32 = { a, b -> a + b }, eval64 = { a, b -> a + b } )
package io.github.feelfreelinux.wykopmobilny.ui.modules.notificationslist.hashtags import io.github.feelfreelinux.wykopmobilny.api.mywykop.MyWykopApi import io.github.feelfreelinux.wykopmobilny.base.BasePresenter import io.github.feelfreelinux.wykopmobilny.ui.modules.notificationslist.NotificationsListView import io.github.feelfreelinux.wykopmobilny.utils.rx.SubscriptionHelperApi class HashTagsNotificationsListPresenter(val subscriptionHelper: SubscriptionHelperApi, val myWykopApi: MyWykopApi) : BasePresenter<NotificationsListView>() { var page = 1 fun loadData(shouldRefresh : Boolean) { if (shouldRefresh) page = 1 subscriptionHelper.subscribe(myWykopApi.getHashTagNotifications(page), { if (it.isNotEmpty()) { page++ view?.addNotifications(it, shouldRefresh) } else view?.disableLoading() }, { view?.showErrorDialog(it) }, this) } fun readNotifications() { subscriptionHelper.subscribe(myWykopApi.readHashTagNotifications(), { view?.showReadToast() }, { view?.showErrorDialog(it) }, this) } override fun unsubscribe() { super.unsubscribe() subscriptionHelper.dispose(this) } }
package expo.modules.splashscreen.exceptions import expo.modules.core.errors.CodedException class NoContentViewException : CodedException("ContentView is not yet available. Call '' once 'setContentView()' is called.") { override fun getCode(): String { return "ERR_NO_CONTENT_VIEW_FOUND" } }
package /** * Holder for the information required to configure a request */ public class RequestOptions(public val method: HttpMethod) { public val parameters: MutableMap<String, Any> = mutableMapOf() public val headers: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf() }
/* * Copyright 2019 Realm Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.realm.benchmarks import androidx.benchmark.junit4.BenchmarkRule import androidx.benchmark.junit4.measureRepeated import import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4 import io.realm.Realm import io.realm.RealmConfiguration import io.realm.RealmResults import io.realm.benchmarks.entities.AllTypes import org.junit.After import org.junit.Before import org.junit.Rule import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) class RealmResultsBenchmarks { @get:Rule val benchmarkRule = BenchmarkRule() private val DATA_SIZE = 1000 private lateinit var realm: Realm private lateinit var results: RealmResults<AllTypes> @Before fun before() { Realm.init(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().targetContext) val config = RealmConfiguration.Builder().build() Realm.deleteRealm(config) realm = Realm.getInstance(config) realm.beginTransaction() for (i in 0 until DATA_SIZE) { val obj = realm.createObject( obj.columnLong = i.toLong() obj.isColumnBoolean = i % 2 == 0 obj.columnString = "Foo $i" obj.columnDouble = i + 1.234 } realm.commitTransaction() results = realm.where( } @After fun after() { realm.close() } @Test fun get() { benchmarkRule.measureRepeated { val item = results[0] } } @Test fun size() { benchmarkRule.measureRepeated { val size = results.size.toLong() } } @Test fun min() { benchmarkRule.measureRepeated { val min = results.min(AllTypes.FIELD_LONG) } } @Test fun max() { benchmarkRule.measureRepeated { val max = results.max(AllTypes.FIELD_LONG) } } @Test fun average() { benchmarkRule.measureRepeated { val average = results.average(AllTypes.FIELD_LONG) } } @Test fun sum() { benchmarkRule.measureRepeated { val sum = results.sum(AllTypes.FIELD_LONG) } } @Test fun sort() { benchmarkRule.measureRepeated { val sorted = results.sort(AllTypes.FIELD_STRING) } } }
package com.rolandvitezhu.todocloud.ui.activity.main.fragment import android.content.Context import android.os.Bundle import android.view.* import android.view.ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo import android.view.View.OnCreateContextMenuListener import android.view.View.OnTouchListener import android.view.ViewTreeObserver.OnScrollChangedListener import android.widget.AbsListView import android.widget.AdapterView import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemLongClickListener import android.widget.ExpandableListView import android.widget.ExpandableListView.* import androidx.appcompat.view.ActionMode import import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider import androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleScope import androidx.swiperefreshlayout.widget.SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener import import com.rolandvitezhu.todocloud.R import import import import import import com.rolandvitezhu.todocloud.database.TodoCloudDatabaseDao import com.rolandvitezhu.todocloud.databinding.FragmentMainlistBinding import com.rolandvitezhu.todocloud.repository.CategoryRepository import com.rolandvitezhu.todocloud.repository.ListRepository import com.rolandvitezhu.todocloud.repository.TodoRepository import com.rolandvitezhu.todocloud.ui.activity.main.MainActivity import com.rolandvitezhu.todocloud.ui.activity.main.adapter.CategoryAdapter import com.rolandvitezhu.todocloud.ui.activity.main.adapter.ListAdapter import com.rolandvitezhu.todocloud.ui.activity.main.adapter.PredefinedListAdapter import com.rolandvitezhu.todocloud.ui.activity.main.dialogfragment.* import com.rolandvitezhu.todocloud.ui.activity.main.viewmodel.CategoriesViewModel import com.rolandvitezhu.todocloud.ui.activity.main.viewmodel.ListsViewModel import com.rolandvitezhu.todocloud.ui.activity.main.viewmodel.PredefinedListsViewModel import com.rolandvitezhu.todocloud.ui.activity.main.viewmodel.UserViewModel import com.rolandvitezhu.todocloud.ui.activity.main.viewmodel.viewmodelfactory.ListsViewModelFactory import* import* import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import java.util.* import javax.inject.Inject class MainListFragment() : ListFragment(), OnRefreshListener { private val TAG: String = javaClass.simpleName @Inject lateinit var todoCloudDatabaseDao: TodoCloudDatabaseDao @Inject lateinit var todoRepository: TodoRepository @Inject lateinit var listDataSynchronizer: ListRepository @Inject lateinit var categoryRepository: CategoryRepository @Inject lateinit var predefinedListAdapter: PredefinedListAdapter @Inject lateinit var categoryAdapter: CategoryAdapter @Inject lateinit var listAdapter: ListAdapter private var actionMode: ActionMode? = null private var actionModeStartedWithELV: Boolean = false private val selectedCategories: ArrayList<Category> = ArrayList() private val selectedListsInCategory: ArrayList<> = ArrayList() private val selectedLists: ArrayList<> = ArrayList() private val categoriesViewModel by lazy { activity?.let { ViewModelProvider(it).get( } } private val listsViewModel by lazy { activity?.let { ViewModelProvider(it, ListsViewModelFactory(categoriesViewModel)). get( } } private val predefinedListsViewModel by lazy { activity?.let { ViewModelProvider(it).get( } } private val userViewModel by lazy { activity?.let { ViewModelProvider(it).get( } } private val isNoSelectedItems: Boolean private get() { val checkedItemCount: Int = checkedItemCount return checkedItemCount == 0 } private val checkedItemCount: Int private get() { return selectedCategories.size + selectedListsInCategory.size + selectedLists.size } override fun onAttach(context: Context) { super.onAttach(context) (requireActivity().application as AppController).appComponent. fragmentComponent().create().inject(this) } override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setHasOptionsMenu(true) categoriesViewModel?.lhmCategories?.observe( this, { lhmCategories -> categoryAdapter.update(lhmCategories) categoryAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged() } ) listsViewModel?.lists?.observe( this, { lists -> listAdapter.update(lists) listAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged() } ) predefinedListsViewModel?.predefinedLists?.observe( this, { predefinedLists -> predefinedListAdapter.update(predefinedLists) predefinedListAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged() } ) userViewModel?.user?.observe( this, { user -> // We do not need to do anything here. We use the userViewModel to bind the data, // so it will automatically update on the UI. Use it as an example when implementing // the same for the other viewmodels. } ) ([email protected] as MainActivity).onPrepareNavigationHeader() updateLists() } override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? { val fragmentMainListBinding: FragmentMainlistBinding = FragmentMainlistBinding.inflate(inflater, container, false) val view: View = fragmentMainListBinding.root prepareExpandableListView(view) prepareSwipeRefreshLayout(view) syncData(view) fragmentMainListBinding.mainListFragment = this fragmentMainListBinding.executePendingBindings() return view } private fun prepareSwipeRefreshLayout(view: View) { setScrollViewSwipeRefreshBehavior(view) view.swiperefreshlayout_mainlist?.setOnRefreshListener(this) } private fun setScrollViewSwipeRefreshBehavior(view: View) { view.scrollview_mainlist?.viewTreeObserver?.addOnScrollChangedListener( object : OnScrollChangedListener { override fun onScrollChanged() { try { val scrollY: Int? = view.scrollview_mainlist?.scrollY if (shouldSwipeRefresh(scrollY)) // We can only start the swipe refresh, when we are on the top of // the list - which means scroll position y == 0 - and the action // mode is disabled. view.swiperefreshlayout_mainlist?.isEnabled = true } catch (e: NullPointerException) { // ScrollView nor SwipeRefreshLayout doesn't exists already. } } private fun shouldSwipeRefresh(scrollY: Int?): Boolean { return scrollY != null && scrollY == 0 && !isActionModeEnabled } }) } private fun prepareExpandableListView(view: View) { view.expandableheightexpandablelistview_mainlist_category?.setAdapter(categoryAdapter) view.expandableheightexpandablelistview_mainlist_category?. setOnChildClickListener(expLVChildClicked) view.expandableheightexpandablelistview_mainlist_category?. setOnGroupClickListener(expLVGroupClicked) applyExpLVLongClickEvents(view) } private fun applyExpLVLongClickEvents(view: View) { view.expandableheightexpandablelistview_mainlist_category?. setOnCreateContextMenuListener(expLVCategoryContextMenuListener) } private val callback: ActionMode.Callback = object : ActionMode.Callback { override fun onCreateActionMode(mode: ActionMode, menu: Menu): Boolean { isActionModeEnabled = true actionMode = mode fixExpandableListViewBehavior() return true } override fun onPrepareActionMode(mode: ActionMode, menu: Menu): Boolean { val actionModeTitle: String = prepareActionModeTitle() actionMode?.title = actionModeTitle prepareMenu(mode, menu) return true } override fun onActionItemClicked(mode: ActionMode, item: MenuItem): Boolean { applyActionItemBehavior(item) return true } override fun onDestroyActionMode(mode: ActionMode) { deselectItems() selectedCategories.clear() selectedListsInCategory.clear() selectedLists.clear() listAdapter.clearSelection() isActionModeEnabled = false view?.expandableheightexpandablelistview_mainlist_category?.choiceMode = AbsListView.CHOICE_MODE_NONE view?.expandableheightlistview_mainlist_predefinedlist?.choiceMode = AbsListView.CHOICE_MODE_NONE } /** * If ActionMode has started with ExpandableListView, it may stop it accidentally. It can cause * an unwanted click event after started the ActionMode. This method prevent that. */ private fun fixExpandableListViewBehavior() { if (actionModeStartedWithELV) { preventUnwantedClickEvent() actionModeStartedWithELV = false } } private fun preventUnwantedClickEvent() { view?.expandableheightexpandablelistview_mainlist_category?.setOnTouchListener( object : OnTouchListener { override fun onTouch(v: View, event: MotionEvent): Boolean { if (unwantedClickEventPassOut(event)) restoreDefaultBehavior() return true } }) } private fun unwantedClickEventPassOut(event: MotionEvent): Boolean { return event.action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP || event.action == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL } private fun restoreDefaultBehavior() { view?.expandableheightexpandablelistview_mainlist_category?.setOnTouchListener(null) } private fun prepareActionModeTitle(): String { return checkedItemCount.toString() + " " + getString(R.string.all_selected) } private fun prepareMenu(mode: ActionMode, menu: Menu) { if (oneCategorySelected()) { menu.clear() mode.menuInflater.inflate(, menu) } else if (oneListInCategorySelected()) { menu.clear() mode.menuInflater.inflate(, menu) } else if (oneListSelected()) { menu.clear() mode.menuInflater.inflate(, menu) } else if (manyCategoriesSelected()) { menu.clear() mode.menuInflater.inflate(, menu) } else if (manyListsInCategorySelected()) { menu.clear() mode.menuInflater.inflate(, menu) } else if (manyListsSelected()) { menu.clear() mode.menuInflater.inflate(, menu) } else if (manyCategoriesAndListsInCategorySelected()) { menu.clear() } else if (manyCategoriesAndListsSelected()) { menu.clear() } else if (manyListsInCategoryAndListsSelected()) { menu.clear() } else if (manyCategoriesAndListsInCategoryAndListsSelected()) { menu.clear() } } private fun applyActionItemBehavior(item: MenuItem) { if (oneCategorySelected()) { when (item.itemId) { -> openCreateListInCategoryDialogFragment() -> openModifyCategoryDialogFragment() -> openConfirmDeleteCategoryDialog() } } else if (oneListInCategorySelected()) { when (item.itemId) { -> openModifyListInCategoryDialog() -> openConfirmDeleteListInCategoryDialog() -> openMoveListInCategoryDialog() } } else if (oneListSelected()) { when (item.itemId) { -> openModifyListDialog() -> openConfirmDeleteListDialog() -> openMoveListIntoAnotherCategoryDialog() } } else if (manyCategoriesSelected()) { if (item.itemId == openConfirmDeleteCategoriesDialog() } else if (manyListsInCategorySelected()) { if (item.itemId == openConfirmDeleteListsInCategoryDialog() } else if (manyListsSelected()) { if (item.itemId == openConfirmDeleteListsDialog() } else if (manyCategoriesAndListsInCategorySelected()) { } else if (manyCategoriesAndListsSelected()) { } else if (manyListsInCategoryAndListsSelected()) { } else if (manyCategoriesAndListsInCategoryAndListsSelected()) { } } private fun oneCategorySelected(): Boolean { return (selectedCategories.size == 1) && (selectedListsInCategory.size == 0) && (selectedLists.size == 0) } private fun oneListInCategorySelected(): Boolean { return (selectedCategories.size == 0) && (selectedListsInCategory.size == 1) && (selectedLists.size == 0) } private fun oneListSelected(): Boolean { return (selectedCategories.size == 0) && (selectedListsInCategory.size == 0) && (selectedLists.size == 1) } private fun manyCategoriesSelected(): Boolean { return (selectedCategories.size > 1) && (selectedListsInCategory.size == 0) && (selectedLists.size == 0) } private fun manyListsInCategorySelected(): Boolean { return (selectedCategories.size == 0) && (selectedListsInCategory.size > 1) && (selectedLists.size == 0) } private fun manyListsSelected(): Boolean { return (selectedCategories.size == 0) && (selectedListsInCategory.size == 0) && (selectedLists.size > 1) } private fun manyCategoriesAndListsInCategorySelected(): Boolean { return (selectedCategories.size > 0) && (selectedListsInCategory.size > 0) && (selectedLists.size == 0) } private fun manyCategoriesAndListsSelected(): Boolean { return (selectedCategories.size > 0) && (selectedListsInCategory.size == 0) && (selectedLists.size > 0) } private fun manyListsInCategoryAndListsSelected(): Boolean { return (selectedCategories.size == 0) && (selectedListsInCategory.size > 0) && (selectedLists.size > 0) } private fun manyCategoriesAndListsInCategoryAndListsSelected(): Boolean { return (selectedCategories.size > 0) && (selectedListsInCategory.size > 0) && (selectedLists.size > 0) } private fun deselectItems() { deselectListItems() deselectExpandableListViewVisibleItems() } private fun deselectListItems() { for (i in 0 until listAdapter.count) { view?.expandableheightlistview_mainlist_list?.setItemChecked(i, false) } } /** * Should deselect the visible items. Visible items are the group items, and the child * items of expanded group items. */ private fun deselectExpandableListViewVisibleItems() { if (view?.expandableheightexpandablelistview_mainlist_category != null) { for (i in 0..view?.expandableheightexpandablelistview_mainlist_category!!.lastVisiblePosition) { view!!.expandableheightexpandablelistview_mainlist_category!!.setItemChecked(i, false) categoriesViewModel?.deselectItems() } } } } override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu, inflater: MenuInflater) { inflater.inflate(, menu) } override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean { when (item.itemId) { -> ([email protected] as MainActivity).onSearchActionItemClick() } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item) } private fun openCreateListDialogFragment() { val createListDialogFragment = CreateListDialogFragment() createListDialogFragment.setTargetFragment(this, 0), "CreateListDialogFragment") } private fun openCreateCategoryDialogFragment() { val createCategoryDialogFragment = CreateCategoryDialogFragment() createCategoryDialogFragment.setTargetFragment(this, 0), "CreateCategoryDialogFragment") } private fun openCreateListInCategoryDialogFragment() { categoriesViewModel?.category = selectedCategories.get(0) val createListInCategoryDialogFragment = CreateListInCategoryDialogFragment() createListInCategoryDialogFragment.setTargetFragment(this, 0), "CreateListInCategoryDialogFragment") } private fun openModifyListInCategoryDialog() { listsViewModel?.list = selectedListsInCategory.get(0) listsViewModel?.isInCategory = true openModifyListDialogFragment() } private fun openConfirmDeleteListInCategoryDialog() { val list: = selectedListsInCategory.get(0) val onlineId: String? = list.listOnlineId val title: String? = list.title val arguments = Bundle() arguments.putString("itemType", "listInCategory") arguments.putString("itemTitle", title) arguments.putString("onlineId", onlineId) listsViewModel?.isInCategory = true openConfirmDeleteDialogFragment(arguments) } private fun openConfirmDeleteListsInCategoryDialog() { val arguments = Bundle() arguments.putString("itemType", "listInCategory") arguments.putParcelableArrayList("itemsToDelete", selectedListsInCategory) listsViewModel?.isInCategory = true openConfirmDeleteDialogFragment(arguments) } private fun openMoveListInCategoryDialog() { lifecycleScope.launch { val list: = selectedListsInCategory.get(0) categoriesViewModel?.category = list.categoryOnlineId?.let{ todoCloudDatabaseDao.getCategoryByCategoryOnlineId(it) }?: Category() listsViewModel?.list = list } openMoveListDialogFragment() } private fun openMoveListIntoAnotherCategoryDialog() { categoriesViewModel?.category = Category(getString(R.string.movelist_spinneritemlistnotincategory)) listsViewModel?.list = selectedLists.get(0) openMoveListDialogFragment() } private fun openMoveListDialogFragment() { val moveListDialogFragment = MoveListDialogFragment() moveListDialogFragment.setTargetFragment(this, 0), "MoveListDialogFragment") } private fun openConfirmDeleteCategoryDialog() { val category: Category = selectedCategories.get(0) val onlineId: String? = category.categoryOnlineId val title: String? = category.title val arguments = Bundle() arguments.putString("itemType", "category") arguments.putString("itemTitle", title) arguments.putString("onlineId", onlineId) openConfirmDeleteDialogFragment(arguments) } private fun openConfirmDeleteCategoriesDialog() { val arguments = Bundle() arguments.putString("itemType", "category") arguments.putParcelableArrayList("itemsToDelete", selectedCategories) openConfirmDeleteDialogFragment(arguments) } private fun openConfirmDeleteDialogFragment(arguments: Bundle) { val confirmDeleteDialogFragment = ConfirmDeleteDialogFragment() confirmDeleteDialogFragment.setTargetFragment(this, 0) confirmDeleteDialogFragment.arguments = arguments, "ConfirmDeleteDialogFragment") } private fun openConfirmDeleteListDialog() { val list: = selectedLists.get(0) val onlineId: String? = list.listOnlineId val title: String? = list.title val arguments = Bundle() arguments.putString("itemType", "list") arguments.putString("itemTitle", title) arguments.putString("onlineId", onlineId) listsViewModel?.isInCategory = false openConfirmDeleteDialogFragment(arguments) } private fun openConfirmDeleteListsDialog() { val arguments = Bundle() arguments.putString("itemType", "list") arguments.putParcelableArrayList("itemsToDelete", selectedLists) listsViewModel?.isInCategory = false openConfirmDeleteDialogFragment(arguments) } private fun openModifyCategoryDialogFragment() { categoriesViewModel?.category = selectedCategories.get(0) val modifyCategoryDialogFragment = ModifyCategoryDialogFragment() modifyCategoryDialogFragment.setTargetFragment(this, 0), "ModifyCategoryDialogFragment") } private fun openModifyListDialog() { listsViewModel?.list = selectedLists.get(0) openModifyListDialogFragment() } private fun openModifyListDialogFragment() { val modifyListDialogFragment = ModifyListDialogFragment() modifyListDialogFragment.setTargetFragment(this, 0), "ModifyListDialogFragment") } /** * Show the circle icon as the synchronization starts and hide it as the synchronization * finishes. Synchronizes all the entities - categories, lists, todos - between the local and * remote database. Refreshes the UI to show the up-to-date data. Shows the error messages. */ private fun syncData(view: View?) { lifecycleScope.launch { try { if (view != null) view.swiperefreshlayout_mainlist?.isRefreshing = true else [email protected]_mainlist?.isRefreshing = true categoriesViewModel?.onSynchronization() listsViewModel?.onSynchronization() categoriesViewModel?.updateCategoriesViewModel() todoRepository.syncTodoData() } catch (cause: Throwable) { showErrorMessage(cause.message) categoriesViewModel?.updateCategoriesViewModel() listsViewModel?.updateListsViewModel() } finally { if (view != null) view.swiperefreshlayout_mainlist?.isRefreshing = false else [email protected]_mainlist?.isRefreshing = false } } } /** * Update all of the lists: predefined lists, lists, categories. */ private fun updateLists() { lifecycleScope.launch { predefinedListsViewModel?.updatePredefinedListsViewModel() categoriesViewModel?.updateCategoriesViewModel() listsViewModel?.updateListsViewModel() } } val predefinedListItemClicked: OnItemClickListener = object : OnItemClickListener { override fun onItemClick(parent: AdapterView<*>, view: View, position: Int, id: Long) { if (!isActionModeEnabled) { val predefinedList: PredefinedList = parent.adapter.getItem( position) as PredefinedList ([email protected] as MainActivity).onClickPredefinedList(predefinedList) } } } val listItemClicked: OnItemClickListener = object : OnItemClickListener { override fun onItemClick(parent: AdapterView<*>?, view: View, position: Int, id: Long) { val clickedList: = listAdapter.getItem(position) as if (!isActionModeEnabled) { ([email protected] as MainActivity).onClickList(clickedList) } else { handleItemSelection(position, clickedList) } } private fun handleItemSelection(position: Int, clickedList: { // Item checked state being set automatically on item click event. We should track // the changes only. if (view?.expandableheightlistview_mainlist_list?.isItemChecked(position) == true) { selectedLists.add(clickedList) listAdapter.toggleSelection(position) } else { selectedLists.remove(clickedList) listAdapter.toggleSelection(position) } if (isNoSelectedItems) { actionMode?.finish() listAdapter.clearSelection() } else { actionMode?.invalidate() } } } val listItemLongClicked: OnItemLongClickListener = object : OnItemLongClickListener { override fun onItemLongClick(parent: AdapterView<*>?, view: View, position: Int, id: Long): Boolean { if (!isActionModeEnabled) { startActionMode(position) listAdapter.toggleSelection(position) } return true } private fun startActionMode(position: Int) { ([email protected] as MainActivity).onStartActionMode(callback) view?.expandableheightlistview_mainlist_list?.choiceMode = AbsListView.CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE view?.expandableheightlistview_mainlist_list?.setItemChecked(position, true) val selectedList: = view?.expandableheightlistview_mainlist_list?.getItemAtPosition(position) as selectedLists.add(selectedList) view?.expandableheightlistview_mainlist_list?.choiceMode = AbsListView.CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE actionMode?.invalidate() } } private val expLVChildClicked: OnChildClickListener = object : OnChildClickListener { override fun onChildClick(parent: ExpandableListView, v: View, groupPosition: Int, childPosition: Int, id: Long): Boolean { val clickedList: = categoryAdapter.getChild( groupPosition, childPosition ) as if (!isActionModeEnabled) { ([email protected] as MainActivity).onClickList(clickedList) } else { handleItemSelection(clickedList) } return true } private fun handleItemSelection(clickedList: { categoriesViewModel?.toggleListSelected(clickedList) if (clickedList.isSelected) { selectedListsInCategory.add(clickedList) } else { selectedListsInCategory.remove(clickedList) } if (isNoSelectedItems) { actionMode?.finish() } else { actionMode?.invalidate() } } } private val expLVGroupClicked: OnGroupClickListener = object : OnGroupClickListener { override fun onGroupClick(parent: ExpandableListView, v: View, groupPosition: Int, id: Long): Boolean { val packedPosition: Long = getPackedPositionForGroup(groupPosition) val position: Int = parent.getFlatListPosition(packedPosition) if (!isActionModeEnabled) { handleGroupExpanding(parent, groupPosition) } else { handleItemSelection(parent, position) } return true } private fun handleItemSelection( parent: ExpandableListView, position: Int ) { val clickedCategory: Category = parent.getItemAtPosition(position) as Category categoriesViewModel?.toggleCategorySelected(clickedCategory) if (clickedCategory.isSelected) { selectedCategories.add(clickedCategory) } else { selectedCategories.remove(clickedCategory) } if (isNoSelectedItems) { actionMode?.finish() } else { actionMode?.invalidate() } } private fun handleGroupExpanding(parent: ExpandableListView, groupPosition: Int) { if (!parent.isGroupExpanded(groupPosition)) { parent.expandGroup(groupPosition) } else { parent.collapseGroup(groupPosition) } } } private val expLVCategoryContextMenuListener: OnCreateContextMenuListener = object : OnCreateContextMenuListener { override fun onCreateContextMenu(menu: ContextMenu, v: View, menuInfo: ContextMenuInfo) { if (!isActionModeEnabled && view?.expandableheightexpandablelistview_mainlist_category != null) { val info: ExpandableListContextMenuInfo = menuInfo as ExpandableListContextMenuInfo val packedPosition: Long = info.packedPosition val position: Int = view?.expandableheightexpandablelistview_mainlist_category!!. getFlatListPosition(packedPosition) val packedPositionType: Int = getPackedPositionType(packedPosition) if (categoryClicked(packedPositionType)) { startActionModeWithCategory(position) } else if (listClicked(packedPositionType)) { startActionModeWithList(position) } } } private fun startActionModeWithList(position: Int) { if (view?.expandableheightexpandablelistview_mainlist_category != null) { actionModeStartedWithELV = true ([email protected] as MainActivity).onStartActionMode(callback) val clickedList: = view?.expandableheightexpandablelistview_mainlist_category?. getItemAtPosition(position) as categoriesViewModel?.toggleListSelected(clickedList) selectedListsInCategory.add(clickedList) view?.expandableheightlistview_mainlist_list?.choiceMode = AbsListView.CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE actionMode?.invalidate() } } private fun startActionModeWithCategory(position: Int) { if (view?.expandableheightexpandablelistview_mainlist_category != null) { actionModeStartedWithELV = true ([email protected] as MainActivity).onStartActionMode(callback) val clickedCategory: Category = view?.expandableheightexpandablelistview_mainlist_category!!. getItemAtPosition(position) as Category categoriesViewModel?.toggleCategorySelected(clickedCategory) selectedCategories.add(clickedCategory) view?.expandableheightlistview_mainlist_list?.choiceMode = AbsListView.CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE actionMode?.invalidate() } } private fun listClicked(packedPositionType: Int): Boolean { return packedPositionType == PACKED_POSITION_TYPE_CHILD } private fun categoryClicked(packedPositionType: Int): Boolean { return packedPositionType == PACKED_POSITION_TYPE_GROUP } } /** * Finish the action mode if the screen is in it. */ fun finishActionMode() { actionMode?.finish() } override fun onRefresh() { syncData(null) } private fun showErrorMessage(errorMessage: String?) { if (errorMessage != null) { val upperCaseErrorMessage = errorMessage.toUpperCase() if (upperCaseErrorMessage.contains("FAILED TO CONNECT") || upperCaseErrorMessage.contains("UNABLE TO RESOLVE HOST") || upperCaseErrorMessage.contains("TIMEOUT")) { showFailedToConnectError() } else { showAnErrorOccurredError() } } } private fun showFailedToConnectError() { // Android Studio hotswap/coldswap may cause getView == null try { val snackbar: Snackbar = Snackbar.make( view?.constraintlayout_mainlist!!, R.string.all_failedtoconnect, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG ) showWhiteTextSnackbar(snackbar) } catch (e: NullPointerException) { // Snackbar or constraintLayout doesn't exists already. } } private fun showAnErrorOccurredError() { try { val snackbar: Snackbar = Snackbar.make( view?.constraintlayout_mainlist!!, R.string.all_anerroroccurred, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG ) showWhiteTextSnackbar(snackbar) } catch (e: NullPointerException) { // Snackbar or constraintLayout doesn't exists already. } } fun onFABCreateCategoryClick() { openCreateCategoryDialogFragment() this.main_fam.close(true) } fun onFABCreateListClick() { openCreateListDialogFragment() this.main_fam.close(true) } }
// Copyright 2000-2022 JetBrains s.r.o. and contributors. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. package com.intellij.execution.ui import com.intellij.execution.* import com.intellij.execution.configurations.RunProfile import com.intellij.execution.executors.DefaultRunExecutor import com.intellij.execution.executors.ExecutorGroup import com.intellij.execution.impl.* import com.intellij.execution.impl.ExecutionManagerImpl.Companion.isProcessRunning import com.intellij.execution.process.ProcessHandler import com.intellij.execution.runners.ExecutionEnvironment import com.intellij.execution.runners.ExecutionUtil import com.intellij.icons.AllIcons import com.intellij.ide.ActivityTracker import com.intellij.ide.DataManager import com.intellij.ide.ui.customization.CustomActionsSchema import com.intellij.ide.ui.customization.CustomizableActionGroupProvider import com.intellij.ide.ui.customization.CustomizationUtil import com.intellij.ide.ui.customization.CustomizeActionGroupPanel import com.intellij.openapi.Disposable import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.* import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.ex.CustomComponentAction import com.intellij.openapi.components.PersistentStateComponent import com.intellij.openapi.components.State import com.intellij.openapi.components.Storage import com.intellij.openapi.components.StoragePathMacros import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.logger import com.intellij.openapi.keymap.KeymapUtil import com.intellij.openapi.project.DumbAware import com.intellij.openapi.project.DumbAwareAction import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project import com.intellij.openapi.startup.StartupActivity import com.intellij.openapi.ui.Messages import com.intellij.openapi.ui.popup.JBPopup import com.intellij.openapi.ui.popup.JBPopupFactory import com.intellij.openapi.ui.popup.JBPopupListener import com.intellij.openapi.ui.popup.LightweightWindowEvent import com.intellij.openapi.util.Disposer import com.intellij.openapi.util.IconLoader import com.intellij.openapi.util.Key import com.intellij.openapi.util.UserDataHolder import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil import com.intellij.openapi.wm.ToolWindowId import com.intellij.openapi.wm.impl.headertoolbar.MainToolbarProjectWidgetFactory import com.intellij.openapi.wm.impl.headertoolbar.MainToolbarWidgetFactory import com.intellij.ui.* import com.intellij.ui.components.JBPanel import com.intellij.ui.components.panels.VerticalLayout import com.intellij.ui.components.panels.Wrapper import com.intellij.ui.popup.PopupState import com.intellij.ui.scale.JBUIScale import com.intellij.util.ui.JBInsets import com.intellij.util.ui.JBUI import com.intellij.util.xmlb.annotations.* import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nls import java.awt.* import java.awt.event.ActionEvent import java.awt.event.MouseEvent import java.awt.geom.Area import java.awt.geom.Line2D import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D import java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock import java.util.function.Predicate import java.util.function.Supplier import javax.swing.* import javax.swing.plaf.ButtonUI import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonUI import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicGraphicsUtils import kotlin.concurrent.withLock import private const val RUN_TOOLBAR_WIDGET_GROUP = "RunToolbarWidgetCustomizableActionGroup" internal class RunToolbarWidgetFactory : MainToolbarProjectWidgetFactory { override fun createWidget(project: Project): JComponent = RunToolbarWidget(project) override fun getPosition() = MainToolbarWidgetFactory.Position.Right } internal class RunToolbarWidgetCustomizableActionGroupProvider : CustomizableActionGroupProvider() { override fun registerGroups(registrar: CustomizableActionGroupRegistrar?) { if (ExperimentalUI.isNewUI()) { registrar?.addCustomizableActionGroup(RUN_TOOLBAR_WIDGET_GROUP, ExecutionBundle.message("")) } } } internal class RunToolbarWidget(val project: Project) : JBPanel<RunToolbarWidget>(VerticalLayout(0)) { init { isOpaque = false add(createRunActionToolbar().component.apply { isOpaque = false }, VerticalLayout.CENTER) } private fun createRunActionToolbar(): ActionToolbar { val actionGroup = CustomActionsSchema.getInstance().getCorrectedAction(RUN_TOOLBAR_WIDGET_GROUP) as ActionGroup return ActionManager.getInstance().createActionToolbar( ActionPlaces.MAIN_TOOLBAR, actionGroup, true ).apply { targetComponent = null setReservePlaceAutoPopupIcon(false) layoutPolicy = ActionToolbar.NOWRAP_LAYOUT_POLICY } } } internal class RunWithDropDownAction : AnAction(AllIcons.Actions.Execute), CustomComponentAction, DumbAware { private val spinningIcon = SpinningProgressIcon() override fun getActionUpdateThread() = ActionUpdateThread.BGT override fun actionPerformed(e: AnActionEvent) { if (!e.presentation.isEnabled) return val conf = e.presentation.getClientProperty(CONF) if (conf != null) { val executor = getExecutorByIdOrDefault(e.presentation.getClientProperty(EXECUTOR_ID)!!) RunToolbarWidgetRunAction(executor, false) { conf }.actionPerformed(e) } else { ActionManager.getInstance().getAction("editRunConfigurations").actionPerformed(e) } } override fun update(e: AnActionEvent) { val project = e.project if (project == null) { e.presentation.icon = iconFor(LOADING) e.presentation.text = ExecutionBundle.message("run.toolbar.widget.loading.text") e.presentation.isEnabled = false return } val conf: RunnerAndConfigurationSettings? = RunManager.getInstance(project).selectedConfiguration val history = RunConfigurationStartHistory.getInstance(project) val run = history.firstOrNull(conf) { it.state.isRunningState() } ?: history.firstOrNull(conf) val isLoading = run?.state?.isBusyState() == true val lastExecutorId = run?.executorId ?: DefaultRunExecutor.EXECUTOR_ID e.presentation.putClientProperty(CONF, conf) e.presentation.putClientProperty(EXECUTOR_ID, lastExecutorId) if (conf != null) { val isRunning = run?.state == RunState.STARTED || run?.state == RunState.TERMINATING val canRestart = isRunning && !conf.configuration.isAllowRunningInParallel e.presentation.putClientProperty(COLOR, if (isRunning) RunButtonColors.GREEN else RunButtonColors.BLUE) e.presentation.icon = iconFor(when { isLoading -> LOADING canRestart -> RESTART else -> lastExecutorId }) e.presentation.text = conf.shortenName() e.presentation.description = RunToolbarWidgetRunAction.reword(getExecutorByIdOrDefault(lastExecutorId), canRestart, conf.shortenName()) } else { e.presentation.putClientProperty(COLOR, RunButtonColors.BLUE) e.presentation.icon = iconFor(RUN) e.presentation.text = ExecutionBundle.message("") e.presentation.description = ExecutionBundle.message("") } e.presentation.isEnabled = !isLoading } private fun getExecutorByIdOrDefault(executorId: String): Executor { return ExecutorRegistryImpl.getInstance().getExecutorById(executorId) ?: ExecutorRegistryImpl.getInstance().getExecutorById(DefaultRunExecutor.EXECUTOR_ID) ?: error("Run executor is not found") } private fun iconFor(executorId: String): Icon { return when (executorId) { RUN -> IconManager.getInstance().getIcon("expui/run/widget/run.svg", DEBUG -> IconManager.getInstance().getIcon("expui/run/widget/debug.svg", "Coverage" -> AllIcons.General.RunWithCoverage LOADING -> spinningIcon RESTART -> IconManager.getInstance().getIcon("expui/run/widget/restart.svg", else -> IconManager.getInstance().getIcon("expui/run/widget/run.svg", } } override fun createCustomComponent(presentation: Presentation, place: String): JComponent { return RunDropDownButton(presentation.text, presentation.icon).apply { addActionListener { val anActionEvent = AnActionEvent.createFromDataContext(place, presentation, DataManager.getInstance().getDataContext(this)) if (it.modifiers and ActionEvent.SHIFT_MASK != 0) { ActionManager.getInstance().getAction("editRunConfigurations").actionPerformed(anActionEvent) } else if (it.modifiers and ActionEvent.ALT_MASK != 0) { CustomizeActionGroupPanel.showDialog(RUN_TOOLBAR_WIDGET_GROUP, listOf(IdeActions.GROUP_NAVBAR_TOOLBAR), ExecutionBundle.message("")) ?.let { result -> CustomizationUtil.updateActionGroup(result, RUN_TOOLBAR_WIDGET_GROUP) CustomActionsSchema.setCustomizationSchemaForCurrentProjects() } } else { actionPerformed(anActionEvent) } } }.let { Wrapper(it).apply { border = JBUI.Borders.emptyLeft(6) } } } override fun updateCustomComponent(wrapper: JComponent, presentation: Presentation) { val component = (wrapper as Wrapper).targetComponent as RunDropDownButton component.text = presentation.text?.let(::shorten) component.icon = presentation.icon.also { currentIcon -> if (spinningIcon === currentIcon) { spinningIcon.setIconColor(component.foreground) } } presentation.getClientProperty(COLOR)?.updateColors(component) if (presentation.getClientProperty(CONF) == null) { component.dropDownPopup = null } else { component.dropDownPopup = { context -> createPopup(context, context.getData(PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT)!!) } } component.toolTipText = presentation.description component.invalidate() } private fun createPopup(context: DataContext, project: Project): JBPopup { val actions = DefaultActionGroup() val registry = ExecutorRegistry.getInstance() val runExecutor = registry.getExecutorById(RUN) ?: error("No '$RUN' executor found") val debugExecutor = registry.getExecutorById(DEBUG) ?: error("No '$DEBUG' executor found") val profilerExecutor: ExecutorGroup<*>? = registry.getExecutorById(PROFILER) as? ExecutorGroup<*> actions.add(RunToolbarWidgetRunAction(runExecutor) { RunManager.getInstance(it).selectedConfiguration }) actions.add(RunToolbarWidgetRunAction(debugExecutor) { RunManager.getInstance(it).selectedConfiguration }) if (profilerExecutor != null) { actions.add(profilerExecutor.createExecutorActionGroup { RunManager.getInstance(it).selectedConfiguration }) } actions.add(Separator.create(ExecutionBundle.message("run.toolbar.widget.dropdown.recent.separator.text"))) RunConfigurationStartHistory.getInstance(project).history().mapTo(mutableSetOf()) { it.configuration }.forEach { conf -> actions.add(DefaultActionGroup(conf.shortenName(), true).apply { templatePresentation.icon = conf.configuration.icon if (conf.isRunning(project)) { templatePresentation.icon = ExecutionUtil.getLiveIndicator(templatePresentation.icon) } add(RunToolbarWidgetRunAction(runExecutor) { conf }) add(RunToolbarWidgetRunAction(debugExecutor) { conf }) if (profilerExecutor != null) { add(profilerExecutor.createExecutorActionGroup { conf }) } add(Separator.create()) add(DumbAwareAction.create(ExecutionBundle.message("run.toolbar.widget.dropdown.edit.text")) { it.project?.let { project -> EditConfigurationsDialog(project, object: ProjectRunConfigurationConfigurable(project) { override fun getSelectedConfiguration() = conf }).show() } }) add(DumbAwareAction.create(ExecutionBundle.message("run.toolbar.widget.dropdown.delete.text")) { val prj = it.project ?: return@create if (Messages.showYesNoDialog(prj, ExecutionBundle.message("run.toolbar.widget.delete.dialog.message", conf.shortenName()), ExecutionBundle.message("run.toolbar.widget.delete.dialog.title"), null) == Messages.YES) { val runManager = RunManagerImpl.getInstanceImpl(prj) runManager.removeConfiguration(conf) } }) }) } actions.add(Separator.create()) actions.add(DelegateAction({ ExecutionBundle.message("run.toolbar.widget.all.configurations") }, ActionManager.getInstance().getAction("ChooseRunConfiguration"))) actions.add(ActionManager.getInstance().getAction("editRunConfigurations")) return JBPopupFactory.getInstance().createActionGroupPopup( null, actions, context, JBPopupFactory.ActionSelectionAid.SPEEDSEARCH, true, ActionPlaces.getPopupPlace(ActionPlaces.MAIN_TOOLBAR) ).apply { setShowSubmenuOnHover(true) } } private fun ExecutorGroup<*>.createExecutorActionGroup(conf: (Project) -> RunnerAndConfigurationSettings?) = DefaultActionGroup().apply { templatePresentation.text = actionName isPopup = true childExecutors().forEach { executor -> add(RunToolbarWidgetRunAction(executor, hideIfDisable = true, conf)) } } private class DelegateAction(val string: Supplier<@Nls String>, val delegate: AnAction) : AnAction() { override fun isDumbAware() = delegate.isDumbAware init { shortcutSet = delegate.shortcutSet } override fun update(e: AnActionEvent) { delegate.update(e) e.presentation.text = string.get() } override fun beforeActionPerformedUpdate(e: AnActionEvent) { delegate.beforeActionPerformedUpdate(e) } override fun actionPerformed(e: AnActionEvent) { delegate.actionPerformed(e) } } companion object { private val CONF: Key<RunnerAndConfigurationSettings> = Key.create("RUNNER_AND_CONFIGURATION_SETTINGS") private val COLOR: Key<RunButtonColors> = Key.create("RUN_BUTTON_COLOR") private val EXECUTOR_ID: Key<String> = Key.create("RUN_WIDGET_EXECUTOR_ID") const val RUN: String = DefaultRunExecutor.EXECUTOR_ID const val DEBUG: String = ToolWindowId.DEBUG const val PROFILER: String = "Profiler" const val LOADING: String = "Loading" const val RESTART: String = "Restart" } } class StopWithDropDownAction : AnAction(), CustomComponentAction, DumbAware { override fun getActionUpdateThread() = ActionUpdateThread.BGT override fun actionPerformed(e: AnActionEvent) { ExecutionManagerImpl.getInstance(e.project ?: return) .getRunningDescriptors { true } .forEach { descr -> ExecutionManagerImpl.stopProcess(descr) } } override fun update(e: AnActionEvent) { val manger = ExecutionManagerImpl.getInstance(e.project ?: return) val running = manger.getRunningDescriptors { true } val activeProcesses = running.size e.presentation.putClientProperty(ACTIVE_PROCESSES, activeProcesses) e.presentation.isEnabled = activeProcesses > 0 // presentations should be visible because it has to take some fixed space //e.presentation.isVisible = activeProcesses > 0 e.presentation.icon = IconLoader.getIcon("expui/run/widget/stop.svg", if (activeProcesses == 1) { val first = running.first() getConfigurations(manger, first) ?.shortenName() ?.let { e.presentation.putClientProperty(SINGLE_RUNNING_NAME, it) } } } override fun createCustomComponent(presentation: Presentation, place: String): JComponent { return RunDropDownButton(icon = AllIcons.Actions.Suspend).apply { addActionListener { actionPerformed(AnActionEvent.createFromDataContext(place, presentation, DataManager.getInstance().getDataContext(this))) } isPaintEnable = false isCombined = true }.let { Wrapper(it).apply { border = JBUI.Borders.emptyLeft(6) } } } override fun updateCustomComponent(component: JComponent, presentation: Presentation) { val processes = presentation.getClientProperty(ACTIVE_PROCESSES) ?: 0 val wrapper = component as Wrapper val button = wrapper.targetComponent as RunDropDownButton RunButtonColors.RED.updateColors(button) button.isPaintEnable = processes > 0 button.isEnabled = presentation.isEnabled button.dropDownPopup = if (processes == 1) null else { context -> createPopup(context, context.getData(PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT)!!) } button.toolTipText = when { processes == 1 -> ExecutionBundle.message("run.toolbar.widget.stop.description", presentation.getClientProperty(SINGLE_RUNNING_NAME)) processes > 1 -> ExecutionBundle.message("run.toolbar.widget.stop.multiple.description") else -> null } button.icon = presentation.icon } private fun createPopup(context: DataContext, project: Project): JBPopup { val group = DefaultActionGroup() val manager = ExecutionManagerImpl.getInstance(project) val running = manager.getRunningDescriptors { true }.asReversed() running.forEach { descr -> val name = getConfigurations(manager, descr)?.shortenName() ?: descr.displayName group.add(DumbAwareAction.create(name) { ExecutionManagerImpl.stopProcess(descr) }) } group.addSeparator() group.add(DumbAwareAction.create(ExecutionBundle.message("stop.all", KeymapUtil.getFirstKeyboardShortcutText("Stop"))) { actionPerformed(it) }) return JBPopupFactory.getInstance().createActionGroupPopup( null, group, context, JBPopupFactory.ActionSelectionAid.SPEEDSEARCH, true, ActionPlaces.getPopupPlace(ActionPlaces.MAIN_TOOLBAR) ) } companion object { private val ACTIVE_PROCESSES: Key<Int> = Key.create("ACTIVE_PROCESSES") private val SINGLE_RUNNING_NAME: Key<String> = Key.create("SINGLE_RUNNING_NAME") } } private class RunToolbarWidgetRunAction( executor: Executor, val hideIfDisable: Boolean = false, val settingSupplier: (Project) -> RunnerAndConfigurationSettings?, ) : ExecutorRegistryImpl.ExecutorAction(executor) { override fun update(e: AnActionEvent) { super.update(e) val project = e.project ?: return val configuration = getSelectedConfiguration(e) ?: return val isRunning = configuration.isRunning(project, if (isRunning && !configuration.configuration.isAllowRunningInParallel) { e.presentation.icon = AllIcons.Actions.Restart e.presentation.text = reword(myExecutor, true, configuration.shortenName()) } else { e.presentation.icon = myExecutor.icon e.presentation.text = reword(myExecutor,false, configuration.shortenName()) } if (hideIfDisable) { e.presentation.isVisible = e.presentation.isEnabled } } override fun getSelectedConfiguration(e: AnActionEvent): RunnerAndConfigurationSettings? { return settingSupplier(e.project ?: return null) } companion object { @Nls fun reword(executor: Executor, restart: Boolean, configuration: String): String { return when { !restart -> ExecutionBundle.message("", executor.actionName, configuration) == RunWithDropDownAction.RUN -> ExecutionBundle.message("run.toolbar.widget.rerun.text", configuration) else -> ExecutionBundle.message("run.toolbar.widget.restart.text", executor.actionName, configuration) } } } } private enum class RunButtonColors { BLUE { override fun updateColors(button: RunDropDownButton) { button.foreground = getColor("RunWidget.foreground") { Color.WHITE } button.separatorColor = getColor("RunWidget.separatorColor") { ColorUtil.withAlpha(Color.WHITE, 0.3) } button.background = getColor("RunWidget.background") { ColorUtil.fromHex("#3574F0") } button.hoverBackground = getColor("RunWidget.leftHoverBackground") { ColorUtil.fromHex("#3369D6") } button.pressedBackground = getColor("RunWidget.leftPressedBackground") { ColorUtil.fromHex("#315FBD") } } }, GREEN { override fun updateColors(button: RunDropDownButton) { button.foreground = getColor("RunWidget.Running.foreground") { Color.WHITE } button.separatorColor = getColor("RunWidget.Running.separatorColor") { ColorUtil.withAlpha(Color.WHITE, 0.3) } button.background = getColor("RunWidget.Running.background") { ColorUtil.fromHex("#599E5E") } button.hoverBackground = getColor("RunWidget.Running.leftHoverBackground") { ColorUtil.fromHex("#4F8453") } button.pressedBackground = getColor("RunWidget.Running.leftPressedBackground") { ColorUtil.fromHex("#456B47") } } }, RED { override fun updateColors(button: RunDropDownButton) { button.foreground = getColor("RunWidget.StopButton.foreground") { Color.WHITE } button.background = getColor("RunWidget.StopButton.background") { ColorUtil.fromHex("#EB7171") } button.hoverBackground = getColor("RunWidget.StopButton.leftHoverBackground") { ColorUtil.fromHex("#E35252") } button.pressedBackground = getColor("RunWidget.StopButton.leftPressedBackground") { ColorUtil.fromHex("#C94F4F") } } }; abstract fun updateColors(button: RunDropDownButton) companion object { private fun getColor(propertyName: String, defaultColor: () -> Color): JBColor { return JBColor.lazy { UIManager.getColor(propertyName) ?: let { defaultColor().also { UIManager.put(propertyName, it) } } } } } } private open class RunDropDownButton( @Nls text: String? = null, icon: Icon? = null ) : JButton(text, icon) { var dropDownPopup: ((DataContext) -> JBPopup)? by Delegates.observable(null) { prop, oldValue, newValue -> firePropertyChange(, oldValue, newValue) if (oldValue != newValue) { revalidate() repaint() } } var separatorColor: Color? = null var hoverBackground: Color? = null var pressedBackground: Color? = null var roundSize: Int = 8 /** * When false the button isn't painted but still takes space in the UI. */ var isPaintEnable by Delegates.observable(true) { prop, oldValue, newValue -> firePropertyChange(, oldValue, newValue) if (oldValue != newValue) { repaint() } } /** * When true there's no left/right parts. * * If [dropDownPopup] is set then it is shown instead of firing [actionListener]. */ var isCombined by Delegates.observable(false) { prop, oldValue, newValue -> firePropertyChange(, oldValue, newValue) if (oldValue != newValue) { revalidate() repaint() } } override fun setUI(ui: ButtonUI?) { super.setUI(RunDropDownButtonUI()) } } private class RunDropDownButtonUI : BasicButtonUI() { private var point: Point? = null private val viewRect = Rectangle() private val textRect = Rectangle() private val iconRect = Rectangle() override fun installDefaults(b: AbstractButton?) { super.installDefaults(b) b as RunDropDownButton b.border = JBUI.Borders.empty(0, 7) b.isOpaque = false b.foreground = Color.WHITE b.background = ColorUtil.fromHex("#3574F0") b.hoverBackground = ColorUtil.fromHex("#3369D6") b.pressedBackground = ColorUtil.fromHex("#315FBD") b.horizontalAlignment = SwingConstants.LEFT } override fun createButtonListener(b: AbstractButton?): BasicButtonListener { return MyHoverListener(b as RunDropDownButton) } override fun getPreferredSize(c: JComponent?): Dimension? { c as RunDropDownButton val prefSize = BasicGraphicsUtils.getPreferredButtonSize(c, c.iconTextGap) return prefSize?.apply { width = maxOf(width, if (c.isCombined) 0 else 72) height = 26 /** * If combined view is enabled the button should not draw a separate line * and reserve a place if dropdown is not enabled. Therefore, add only a half * of arrow icon width (the same as height, 'cause it's square). */ if (c.isCombined) { width += height / 2 } /** * If it is not a combined view then check if dropdown required and add its width (= height). */ else if (c.dropDownPopup != null) { width += height } } } override fun paint(g: Graphics, c: JComponent) { val b = c as RunDropDownButton if (!b.isPaintEnable) return val bounds = g.clipBounds val popupWidth = if (b.dropDownPopup != null) bounds.height else 0 val g2d = g.create(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height) as Graphics2D val text = layout(b, b.getFontMetrics(g2d.font), b.width - popupWidth, b.height) try { g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON) g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY) g2d.color = c.background val buttonRectangle: Shape = RoundRectangle2D.Double( bounds.x.toDouble(), bounds.y.toDouble(), bounds.width.toDouble() - if (b.isCombined && b.dropDownPopup == null) bounds.height / 2 else 0, bounds.height.toDouble(), JBUIScale.scale(c.roundSize).toDouble(), JBUIScale.scale(c.roundSize).toDouble() ) g2d.fill(buttonRectangle) val popupBounds = Rectangle(viewRect.x + viewRect.width + c.insets.right, bounds.y, bounds.height, bounds.height) point?.let { p -> g2d.color = if (b.model.isArmed && b.model.isPressed) c.pressedBackground else c.hoverBackground val highlighted = Area(buttonRectangle) if (!b.isCombined) { if (popupBounds.contains(p)) { highlighted.subtract(Area(Rectangle2D.Double( bounds.x.toDouble(), bounds.y.toDouble(), bounds.width.toDouble() - popupBounds.width, bounds.height.toDouble() ))) } else { highlighted.subtract(Area(Rectangle2D.Double( popupBounds.x.toDouble(), popupBounds.y.toDouble(), popupBounds.width.toDouble(), popupBounds.height.toDouble() ))) } } g2d.fill(highlighted) } if (popupWidth > 0) { g2d.color = b.separatorColor if (!b.isCombined) { val gap = popupBounds.height / 5 g2d.drawLine(popupBounds.x, popupBounds.y + gap, popupBounds.x, popupBounds.y + popupBounds.height - gap) } g2d.color = b.foreground paintArrow(c, g2d, popupBounds) } paintIcon(g2d, c, iconRect) paintText(g2d, c, textRect, text) } finally { g2d.dispose() } } private fun paintArrow(c: Component, g: Graphics2D, r: Rectangle) { JBInsets.removeFrom(r, JBUI.insets(1, 0, 1, 1)) val tW = JBUIScale.scale(8f) val tH = JBUIScale.scale(tW / 2) val xU = (r.getWidth() - tW) / 2 + r.x val yU = (r.getHeight() - tH) / 2 + r.y val leftLine = Line2D.Double(xU, yU, xU + tW / 2f, yU + tH) val rightLine = Line2D.Double(xU + tW / 2f, yU + tH, xU + tW, yU) g.color = c.foreground g.stroke = BasicStroke(1f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER) g.draw(leftLine) g.draw(rightLine) } private fun layout(b: AbstractButton, fm: FontMetrics, width: Int, height: Int): String? { val i = b.insets viewRect.x = i.left viewRect.y = viewRect.width = width - (i.right + viewRect.x) viewRect.height = height - (i.bottom + viewRect.y) textRect.height = 0 textRect.width = textRect.height textRect.y = textRect.width textRect.x = textRect.y iconRect.height = 0 iconRect.width = iconRect.height iconRect.y = iconRect.width iconRect.x = iconRect.y // layout the text and icon return SwingUtilities.layoutCompoundLabel( b, fm, b.text, b.icon, b.verticalAlignment, b.horizontalAlignment, b.verticalTextPosition, b.horizontalTextPosition, viewRect, iconRect, textRect, if (b.text == null) 0 else b.iconTextGap) } private inner class MyHoverListener(val button: RunDropDownButton) : BasicButtonListener(button) { private val popupState = PopupState.forPopup() override fun mouseEntered(e: MouseEvent) { if (popupState.isShowing) return super.mouseEntered(e) point = e.point e.component.repaint() } override fun mouseExited(e: MouseEvent) { if (popupState.isShowing) return super.mouseExited(e) point = null e.component.repaint() } override fun mouseMoved(e: MouseEvent) { if (popupState.isShowing) return super.mouseMoved(e) point = e.point e.component.repaint() } override fun mousePressed(e: MouseEvent) { if (popupState.isShowing || popupState.isRecentlyHidden) return val b = e.source as? RunDropDownButton if (b?.dropDownPopup != null && b.isEnabled) { if (b.isCombined || b.width - b.height < e.x) { b.dropDownPopup?.invoke(DataManager.getInstance().getDataContext(e.component)) ?.also { popupState.prepareToShow(it) it.addListener(object : JBPopupListener { override fun onClosed(event: LightweightWindowEvent) { point = null button.repaint() } }) } ?.showUnderneathOf(e.component) return } } super.mousePressed(e) } } } private fun RunnerAndConfigurationSettings.isRunning(project: Project, execId: String? = null) : Boolean { return with(ExecutionManagerImpl.getInstance(project)) { getRunningDescriptors { s -> s.isOfSameType(this@isRunning) }.any { if (execId != null) { getExecutors(it).asSequence().map(Executor::getId).contains(execId) } else { isProcessRunning(it) } } } } @State(name = "RunConfigurationStartHistory", storages = [Storage(StoragePathMacros.PRODUCT_WORKSPACE_FILE)]) class RunConfigurationStartHistory(val project: Project) : PersistentStateComponent<RunConfigurationStartHistory.State> { class State { @XCollection(style = XCollection.Style.v2) @OptionTag("element") var history = mutableSetOf<Element>() } @Tag("element") data class Element( @Attribute var setting: String? = "", @Attribute var executorId: String = "", ) { @get:Transient var state: RunState = RunState.UNDEFINED } class RunElement( val configuration: RunnerAndConfigurationSettings, val executorId: String, state: RunState ) { var state: RunState = state set(value) { if (field != value) { getInstance(configuration.configuration.project)._state.history.find { it.setting == configuration.uniqueID && it.executorId == executorId }?.apply { state = value } } field = value } } fun history(): List<RunElement> { val settings = RunManager.getInstance(project).allSettings.associateBy { it.uniqueID } return _state.history.mapNotNull { settings[it.setting]?.let { setting -> RunElement(setting, it.executorId, it.state) } } } fun register(setting: RunnerAndConfigurationSettings, executorId: String, state: RunState) { _state.apply { history = history.take(30).toMutableList().apply { add(0, Element(setting.uniqueID, executorId).also { it.state = state }) }.toMutableSet() } } fun firstOrNull(setting: RunnerAndConfigurationSettings?, predicate: Predicate<RunElement> = Predicate { true }): RunElement? { setting ?: return null return _state.history.firstOrNull { it.setting == setting.uniqueID && predicate.test(RunElement(setting, it.executorId, it.state)) }?.let { RunElement(setting, it.executorId, it.state) } } private var _state = State() override fun getState() = _state override fun loadState(state: State) { _state = state } companion object { fun getInstance(project: Project): RunConfigurationStartHistory { return project.getService( } } } /** * Registers one [ExecutionReasonableHistory] per project and * disposes it with the project. */ private class ExecutionReasonableHistoryManager : StartupActivity.DumbAware { override fun runActivity(project: Project) { ExecutionReasonableHistory( project, onHistoryChanged = ::processHistoryChanged, onAnyChange = ::configurationHistoryStateChanged ) } private fun processHistoryChanged(latest: ReasonableHistory.Elem<ExecutionEnvironment, RunState>?) { if (latest != null) { val (env, reason) = latest getPersistedConfiguration(env.runnerAndConfigurationSettings)?.let { conf -> if (reason == RunState.SCHEDULED) { RunConfigurationStartHistory.getInstance(env.project).register(conf,, reason) } val runManager = RunManager.getInstance(env.project) if (reason.isRunningState() && ExperimentalUI.isNewUI() && !runManager.isRunWidgetActive()) { runManager.selectedConfiguration = conf } ActivityTracker.getInstance().inc() } ?: logger<RunToolbarWidget>().warn( "Cannot find persisted configuration of '${env.runnerAndConfigurationSettings}'." + "It won't be saved in the run history." ) } } private fun configurationHistoryStateChanged(env: ExecutionEnvironment, reason: RunState) { RunConfigurationStartHistory.getInstance(env.project).firstOrNull( getPersistedConfiguration(env.runnerAndConfigurationSettings) ) { == it.executorId }?.apply { state = reason ActivityTracker.getInstance().inc() } } } /** * Listens to process startup and finish. */ private class ExecutionReasonableHistory( project: Project, onHistoryChanged: (latest: Elem<ExecutionEnvironment, RunState>?) -> Unit, val onAnyChange: (ExecutionEnvironment, RunState) -> Unit ) : ReasonableHistory<ExecutionEnvironment, RunState>(onHistoryChanged), Disposable { init { Disposer.register(project, this) project.messageBus.connect(this).subscribe(ExecutionManager.EXECUTION_TOPIC, object : ExecutionListener { override fun processStartScheduled(executorId: String, env: ExecutionEnvironment) { if (isPersistedTask(env)) { advise(env, RunState.SCHEDULED) } onAnyChange(env, RunState.SCHEDULED) } override fun processNotStarted(executorId: String, env: ExecutionEnvironment, cause: Throwable?) { discard(env, RunState.NOT_STARTED) onAnyChange(env, RunState.NOT_STARTED) } override fun processStarted(executorId: String, env: ExecutionEnvironment, handler: ProcessHandler) { if (isPersistedTask(env)) { advise(env, RunState.STARTED) } onAnyChange(env, RunState.STARTED) } override fun processTerminating(executorId: String, env: ExecutionEnvironment, handler: ProcessHandler) { if (isPersistedTask(env)) { advise(env, RunState.TERMINATING) } onAnyChange(env, RunState.TERMINATING) } override fun processTerminated(executorId: String, env: ExecutionEnvironment, handler: ProcessHandler, exitCode: Int) { discard(env, RunState.TERMINATED) onAnyChange(env, RunState.TERMINATED) } }) } override fun dispose() { history.clear() } } enum class RunState { UNDEFINED, SCHEDULED, NOT_STARTED, STARTED, TERMINATING, TERMINATED; fun isBusyState(): Boolean { return this == SCHEDULED || this == TERMINATING } fun isRunningState(): Boolean { return this == SCHEDULED || this == STARTED } } /** * Tracks some values and returns the latest one. * * @param listener fired if current value is changed; same as [latest] */ private open class ReasonableHistory<T, R>( val listener: (latest: Elem<T, R>?) -> Unit ) { class Elem<T, R>(val value: T, var reason: R) { operator fun component1() = value operator fun component2() = reason } protected val history = mutableListOf<Elem<T, R>>() private val lock = ReentrantLock() /** * Returns the latest value in the history. */ private val latest: Elem<T, R>? get() = lock.withLock { history.lastOrNull() } /** * Add a new value. If history doesn't contain the value or previous reason was different, * then adds and fires [listener]. Nothing will be changed if the value is already in the history or * the value is the latest but has same reason. */ fun advise(value: T, reason: R) = lock.withLock { var l = latest if (l != null && l.value == value) { if (l.reason != reason) { l.reason = reason listener(l) } return } l = history.find { it.value == value } if (l != null) { // just update a reason l.reason = reason return } val newValue = Elem(value, reason) history += newValue listener(newValue) } /** * Removes value from the history. Also, if removed value was the latest, then fires [listener]. */ fun discard(value: T, reason: R) = lock.withLock { if (history.lastOrNull()?.value == value) { val oldValue = history.removeLast() oldValue.reason = reason listener(latest) } else { history.removeIf { it.value == value } } } } private fun isPersistedTask(env: ExecutionEnvironment): Boolean { return getPersistedConfiguration(env.runnerAndConfigurationSettings) != null } private fun getPersistedConfiguration(configuration: RunnerAndConfigurationSettings?): RunnerAndConfigurationSettings? { var conf: RunProfile = (configuration ?: return null).configuration if (conf is UserDataHolder) { conf = conf.getUserData(ExecutionManagerImpl.DELEGATED_RUN_PROFILE_KEY) ?: conf } return RunManager.getInstance(configuration.configuration.project).allSettings.find { it.configuration == conf } } private fun getConfigurations(manager: ExecutionManagerImpl, descriptor: RunContentDescriptor): RunnerAndConfigurationSettings? { return manager.getConfigurations(descriptor).firstOrNull()?.let(::getPersistedConfiguration) } @Nls private fun RunnerAndConfigurationSettings.shortenName() = Executor.shortenNameIfNeeded(name) @Nls private fun shorten(@Nls text: String): String = StringUtil.shortenTextWithEllipsis(text, 27, 8)
package import* import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import org.jetbrains.deft.ObjBuilder import org.jetbrains.deft.Type import org.jetbrains.deft.annotations.Child @GeneratedCodeApiVersion(1) @GeneratedCodeImplVersion(1) open class ChildSampleEntityImpl: ChildSampleEntity, WorkspaceEntityBase() { companion object { internal val PARENTENTITY_CONNECTION_ID: ConnectionId = ConnectionId.create(,, ConnectionId.ConnectionType.ONE_TO_MANY, true) val connections = listOf<ConnectionId>( PARENTENTITY_CONNECTION_ID, ) } @JvmField var _data: String? = null override val data: String get() = _data!! override val parentEntity: SampleEntity? get() = snapshot.extractOneToManyParent(PARENTENTITY_CONNECTION_ID, this) override fun connectionIdList(): List<ConnectionId> { return connections } class Builder(val result: ChildSampleEntityData?): ModifiableWorkspaceEntityBase<ChildSampleEntity>(), ChildSampleEntity.Builder { constructor(): this(ChildSampleEntityData()) override fun applyToBuilder(builder: MutableEntityStorage) { if (this.diff != null) { if (existsInBuilder(builder)) { this.diff = builder return } else { error("Entity ChildSampleEntity is already created in a different builder") } } this.diff = builder this.snapshot = builder addToBuilder() = getEntityData().createEntityId() // Process linked entities that are connected without a builder processLinkedEntities(builder) checkInitialization() // TODO uncomment and check failed tests } fun checkInitialization() { val _diff = diff if (!getEntityData().isDataInitialized()) { error("Field ChildSampleEntity#data should be initialized") } if (!getEntityData().isEntitySourceInitialized()) { error("Field ChildSampleEntity#entitySource should be initialized") } } override fun connectionIdList(): List<ConnectionId> { return connections } override var data: String get() = getEntityData().data set(value) { checkModificationAllowed() getEntityData().data = value changedProperty.add("data") } override var entitySource: EntitySource get() = getEntityData().entitySource set(value) { checkModificationAllowed() getEntityData().entitySource = value changedProperty.add("entitySource") } override var parentEntity: SampleEntity? get() { val _diff = diff return if (_diff != null) { _diff.extractOneToManyParent(PARENTENTITY_CONNECTION_ID, this) ?: this.entityLinks[EntityLink(false, PARENTENTITY_CONNECTION_ID)] as? SampleEntity } else { this.entityLinks[EntityLink(false, PARENTENTITY_CONNECTION_ID)] as? SampleEntity } } set(value) { checkModificationAllowed() val _diff = diff if (_diff != null && value is ModifiableWorkspaceEntityBase<*> && value.diff == null) { // Setting backref of the list if (value is ModifiableWorkspaceEntityBase<*>) { val data = (value.entityLinks[EntityLink(true, PARENTENTITY_CONNECTION_ID)] as? List<Any> ?: emptyList()) + this value.entityLinks[EntityLink(true, PARENTENTITY_CONNECTION_ID)] = data } // else you're attaching a new entity to an existing entity that is not modifiable _diff.addEntity(value) } if (_diff != null && (value !is ModifiableWorkspaceEntityBase<*> || value.diff != null)) { _diff.updateOneToManyParentOfChild(PARENTENTITY_CONNECTION_ID, this, value) } else { // Setting backref of the list if (value is ModifiableWorkspaceEntityBase<*>) { val data = (value.entityLinks[EntityLink(true, PARENTENTITY_CONNECTION_ID)] as? List<Any> ?: emptyList()) + this value.entityLinks[EntityLink(true, PARENTENTITY_CONNECTION_ID)] = data } // else you're attaching a new entity to an existing entity that is not modifiable this.entityLinks[EntityLink(false, PARENTENTITY_CONNECTION_ID)] = value } changedProperty.add("parentEntity") } override fun getEntityData(): ChildSampleEntityData = result ?: super.getEntityData() as ChildSampleEntityData override fun getEntityClass(): Class<ChildSampleEntity> = } } class ChildSampleEntityData : WorkspaceEntityData<ChildSampleEntity>() { lateinit var data: String fun isDataInitialized(): Boolean = ::data.isInitialized override fun wrapAsModifiable(diff: MutableEntityStorage): ModifiableWorkspaceEntity<ChildSampleEntity> { val modifiable = ChildSampleEntityImpl.Builder(null) modifiable.allowModifications { modifiable.diff = diff modifiable.snapshot = diff = createEntityId() modifiable.entitySource = this.entitySource } modifiable.changedProperty.clear() return modifiable } override fun createEntity(snapshot: EntityStorage): ChildSampleEntity { val entity = ChildSampleEntityImpl() entity._data = data entity.entitySource = entitySource entity.snapshot = snapshot = createEntityId() return entity } override fun getEntityInterface(): Class<out WorkspaceEntity> { return } override fun serialize(ser: EntityInformation.Serializer) { } override fun deserialize(de: EntityInformation.Deserializer) { } override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean { if (other == null) return false if (this::class != other::class) return false other as ChildSampleEntityData if ( != return false if (this.entitySource != other.entitySource) return false return true } override fun equalsIgnoringEntitySource(other: Any?): Boolean { if (other == null) return false if (this::class != other::class) return false other as ChildSampleEntityData if ( != return false return true } override fun hashCode(): Int { var result = entitySource.hashCode() result = 31 * result + data.hashCode() return result } }
// "Change to 'return@forEach'" "true" // ACTION: Change to 'return@foo' // ACTION: Change to 'return@forEach' // ACTION: Do not show implicit receiver and parameter hints // ERROR: The integer literal does not conform to the expected type Unit // WITH_STDLIB // COMPILER_ARGUMENTS: -XXLanguage:-NewInference fun foo(f:()->Int){} fun bar() { foo { listOf(1).forEach { return<caret> 1 } return@foo 1 } }
package org.hexworks.zircon.internal.resource import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat import org.hexworks.zircon.api.TrueTypeFontResources import org.hexworks.zircon.api.resource.TilesetResource import org.junit.Test class TrueTypeTilesetResourcesTest { @Test fun shouldContainAllFonts() { val fontCount = TrueTypeFontResources::class.members .filter { it.isFinal } .filter { it.parameters.size == 2 } .map { accessor -> assertThat(, 20)) .describedAs("Font: ${}") .isInstanceOf( 1 }.fold(0, Int::plus) assertThat(fontCount).isEqualTo(ENUM_FONTS.size) } companion object { private val ENUM_FONTS = BuiltInTrueTypeFontResource.values().toList() } }