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kaa_Latn | Ózbekstan mámleketlik ģárezsizligin qolga kirgizip, óziniń milliy valyutasın aylanısqa kirgiziwge kiristi. | eng_Latn | Following the attainment of state independence, Uzbekistan embarked on the introduction of its national currency. |
kaa_Latn | 2. Payız degenimiz ne? | eng_Latn | 2. What is a percentage, 3. |
kaa_Latn | sezimtallı | eng_Latn | Sensual |
kaa_Latn | Házirgi kúnde kredit alıw tilegindegi isbilermenniń múrájatı 3 basqıshta, yaǵnıy rayon-wálayat-respublika dárejesinde kórip shıǵıladı. | eng_Latn | Currently, entrepreneurs' loan applications are reviewed in three stages: at the district, regional, and republican levels. |
kaa_Latn | Tashkent qalası hákimliginde bolıp ótken sóylesiwde dos qalalar - Tashkent hám Shanxay arasında 25 jıldan berli dawam etip atırǵan tabıslı birge islesiw haqqında sóz boldı. | eng_Latn | A discussion at the Tashkent City Administration highlighted the successful 25-year partnership between the sister cities of Tashkent and Shanghai. |
kaa_Latn | Elementlerdi sistemalastırıwģa 19-ásirdiń 60-jıllarında nemis ximigi Yuliy Lotar Meyer birneshe márte háreket etken. | eng_Latn | Several attempts to systematize the elements were made by the German chemist Julius Lothar Meyer in the 1860s. |
kaa_Latn | siziń pikirińizshe | eng_Latn | In your opinion |
kaa_Latn | Bul isbilermenlerdi tıńlaw, talap hám nietlerin ámelge asırıw ushın kerek, - dedi Shavkat Mirziyoev. | eng_Latn | This is necessary so that entrepreneurs are heard, and their requests and opinions are properly taken into account, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev. |
kaa_Latn | Shaxmachılarımızdıń keyingi jılları xalıqaralıq arenalardaǵı tań qalarlıq jeńisleri artınan Ózbekstan jıldıń eń jaqsı shaxmat mámleketi, dep tán alınıwı baslanıp atırǵan jıl jańa jeńislerge bay bolatuǵınan dárek berip atırǵanday, názerimde. | eng_Latn | Recently, our chess players have been achieving resounding victories on the international stage, and the award of Uzbekistan as the best chess country of the year testifies to the fact that the year ahead will also be rich in victories in chess tournaments. |
kaa_Latn | xarakteristika beriw | eng_Latn | To characterize |
kaa_Latn | Regionımızda suw tamtarıs bolǵan bir sharayatta, elimizde jılına 1 milliard kub metr sel suwları biykarǵa aǵıp ketpekte. | eng_Latn | In our region, facing water scarcity, 1 billion cubic meters of floodwater go to waste every year. |
kaa_Latn | arka | eng_Latn | arches |
kaa_Latn | 21+ (-7) 63÷ (-9) -21÷7 -21÷ (-7) -10÷ (-5) Bekkemlew: 4-9. | eng_Latn | 217 21 ÷ (-7) 63 ÷ (-9) -21 ÷ 7 -21 ÷ (-7) -10 ÷ (-5) Consolidation: 4-9. |
kaa_Latn | qaqalıw | eng_Latn | to choke |
kaa_Latn | ÓZBEKSTAN RESPUBLIKASÍNDA MÁMLEKET BASQARIWINIŃ SHÓLKEMLESTIRILIWI 79 15-tema Ózbekstan Respublikası sud sisteması Ózbekstan Respublikasının Konstituciyasınan statyalar 106-statya. | eng_Latn | STATE ADMINISTRATION AND LAW IN THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN 79 80 TOPIC 15 The Judicial System of the Republic of Uzbekistan Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan Article 106. |
kaa_Latn | Usually the snakes in the tugai are not poisonous, but there are a lot of mosquitoes! | eng_Latn | Snakes in the tugai are usually non-venomous, but there are a lot of mosquitoes! |
kaa_Latn | marapatlaw | eng_Latn | complement |
kaa_Latn | fotoobyektiv | eng_Latn | Camera lens |
kaa_Latn | boga | eng_Latn | wealthy woman |
kaa_Latn | pataslaw | eng_Latn | to import |
kaa_Latn | dálillew | eng_Latn | prove |
kaa_Latn | saqnanıń polındaǵı bastırılǵan esik | eng_Latn | The trapdoor in the stage floor |
kaa_Latn | Men dostim haqqında ayta alaman. | eng_Latn | I can tell you about my friend. |
kaa_Latn | Kommerciyalıq bankler tárepinen qarjılandırılıp atırǵan iri joybarlar tuwralı da aytıp ótildi. | eng_Latn | Large projects financed by commercial banks were also discussed. |
kaa_Latn | Onda, ht Juwabi: W≈ 0,3194. | eng_Latn | Then, W Answer: W ≈ 0.3194. |
kaa_Latn | Bazarov tastı alıp ketpekshi boldı. | eng_Latn | Bazarov was about to take him and leave. |
kaa_Latn | ornalastırıw | eng_Latn | to instill |
kaa_Latn | Bir neshe hápte hám hátte aylan dawam etin, sozıl gan, yamasa xronik dizenteriya bir jaǵdaylarda turaksı wzliksiz dáret penen ulıwma jaǵdaydıń buzılıwı menen otedi hám distrofiyaǵa alıp keledi, ekinshi jaǵdaylarda - tolkınlanıp, qaytalanıp otin mene xarakterlenedi, ol waqıtta towir bola baslawı ishe ezgerislerinin waqtı-waqtı qozıwı menen almasadı. | eng_Latn | Continuing for several weeks and even months, protracted, or chronic, dysentery in some cases proceeds continuously with unstable stools and impaired general condition, leading to dystrophy, while in others, it is characterized by a wave-like, recurrent course, where improving periods are followed by times of exacerbation of intestinal symptoms. |
kaa_Latn | Tashkent wálayatı hákimliginde Prezidentimiz Shavkat Mirziyoevtıń basshılıǵında wálayat belsendileriniń májilisi bolıp ótti. | eng_Latn | A meeting of the Tashkent Region's activists was held in the building of the khokimiyat of the Tashkent Region under the chairmanship of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. |
kaa_Latn | celluloid | eng_Latn | celluloid |
kaa_Latn | Nızamlar ilimpazlar, ekspertler, tájiriybeli ámeliyachılardı tartqan halda komitetler janında dúzilgen jumısshı toparlar tárepinen, jergilikli Keńeslerde dodalandı. | eng_Latn | The laws were discussed in local Kengashes by working groups formed under the committees, with the involvement of scientists, experts, and experienced practitioners. |
kaa_Latn | úshke tórtti qosıw | eng_Latn | Add four to three. |
kaa_Latn | jigit aǵası bolǵan | eng_Latn | not in their prime |
kaa_Latn | 3. MS Access 2010 nıń tiykargı elementleri wazıypaların túsindirip beriń. | eng_Latn | Explain the functions of the main elements of the MS Access 2010 program. |
kaa_Latn | Jumıstı úyge alıp islewshilerge ózin-ózi bánt etip, salıq tólemesten shuǵıllanıwǵa ruxsat etiledi. | eng_Latn | Those working from home will be allowed to register as self-employed and work without paying taxes. |
kaa_Latn | Bir neshe ápiwayı uglevodlardı payda etiw menen gidrolizlenetuģın uglevodlar polisaxaridler delinedi (kraxmal, cellyuloza). | eng_Latn | Carbohydrates that, upon hydrolysis, are broken down into simpler carbohydrates are called polysaccharides (starch, cellulose). |
kaa_Latn | trenerlik | eng_Latn | coaching |
kaa_Latn | "Silk plast quality" kárxanasında jılına 13 mıń tonna polimer qubırlar hám fiting ónimleri tayarlanadı. | eng_Latn | The company "Silk plast quality" is capable of producing 13,000 tons of polymer pipes and fittings annually. |
kaa_Latn | kir jayatuǵın arqan | eng_Latn | clothes-line |
kaa_Latn | Stanoksazlıqlardıń rawajlanıwı metalldı qayta islew imkanın berdi. | eng_Latn | The development of machine tool building made it possible to reprocess metal. |
kaa_Latn | aytıp otırıwdıń keregi joq! | eng_Latn | Well, then there's nothing to talk about! |
kaa_Latn | markanı konvertke jabıstırıw | eng_Latn | To stick a stamp on an envelope |
kaa_Latn | Birinshiden, ótken jılǵı usınıslar tiykarında biznes subektleri mikro, kishi, orta hám iri kategoriyalarǵa bólindi hám olardıń hár biri menen ayrıqsha kózqaraslar tiykarında islesiw sisteması jolǵa qoyıldı. | eng_Latn | Based on proposals from last year, business entities were categorized into micro, small, medium, and large businesses, and a system was established for working with each of them based on individual approaches. |
kaa_Latn | vıyti | eng_Latn | to go out |
kaa_Latn | ádep | eng_Latn | propriety |
kaa_Latn | ızıldaw | eng_Latn | to buzz about |
kaa_Latn | Mámleketimiz basshısınıń xatında mámleketlerimizdiń birgeliktegi háreketleri menen Ózbekstan-YAponiya birge islesiwindegi úlken potencial xalıqlarımızdıń abadanlıǵı jolında hár tárepleme ámelge asatuǵınına isenim bildirilgen. | eng_Latn | The message from the head of our state expresses confidence that through joint efforts of the two countries, the full realization of the enormous potential of Uzbek-Japanese cooperation will be ensured for the benefit of our peoples. |
kaa_Latn | gózew tochkası | eng_Latn | point of aim |
kaa_Latn | ayırılıs | eng_Latn | separation |
kaa_Latn | 4) |x|>2. | eng_Latn | 4) |x| > 2. |
kaa_Latn | dawıs | eng_Latn | vote |
kaa_Latn | táriplew | eng_Latn | To outline |
kaa_Latn | Bunday zamanagóy bilim hám talantqa, jetekshilik qábiletine ie, el-xalqımız ushın pidayı hayal-qızlarımız - xalqımızdıń, milletimizdiń altın fondı, desek, hesh qanday qáte bolmaydı. | eng_Latn | It would be no exaggeration to say that women with modern knowledge, talent, leadership qualities, and selflessness are the golden fund of our nation. |
kaa_Latn | Gerakl ózinin dostın jıllı kútip aldı. | eng_Latn | Heracles warmly welcomed his friend. |
kaa_Latn | Tayanish sózler: makromolekulalar, gemoglobin, mioglobin, sitoxrom, molekulyar saatları, filogenez, ontogenez, raymondiy, klocianum, A. N. Severcov, filoembriogenez. | eng_Latn | Keywords: macromolecules, hemoglobin, myoglobin, cytochrome, molecular clock, phylogeny, ontogeny, phyloembryogeny. |
kaa_Latn | 10 . 8 2-bap 13-sabaq 10 sani 1. | eng_Latn | Chapter 8.2, Number 10, Lesson 13. |
kaa_Latn | 128 s. | eng_Latn | 128 pages. |
kaa_Latn | qıya múyeshli úsh múyeshlik | eng_Latn | oblique triangle |
kaa_Latn | tariyxqa deyingi | eng_Latn | Prehistoric |
kaa_Latn | durıs shıǵıw | eng_Latn | be confirmed |
kaa_Latn | shoshqa ósiriw | eng_Latn | pig-breeding |
kaa_Latn | Onıń baslaması menen 1976-jılı Nókis mámleketlik universitetinde "Esaplaw matematikası" kafedrası shólkemlestirildi. | eng_Latn | On his initiative, in 1976, the Department of Computational Mathematics was organized at Nukus State University. |
kaa_Latn | Agentlik xalıqtı sociallıq qorǵaw hám sociallıq xızmetler kórsetiw tarawındaǵı birden-bir mámleketlik siyasattı islep shıǵıw hám ámelge asırıw boyınsha wákillikli mámleketlik uyım esaplanatuǵını; | eng_Latn | 6. To determine that: The Agency is the authorized state body for the development and implementation of a unified state policy in the sphere of social protection and the provision of social services to the population; |
kaa_Latn | Xalqımızdıń turmısın jaqsılawǵa qaratılǵan keń kólemli reformalar kirip barmaǵan, onıń mazmunın ózgertpegen birde-bir baǵdar yamasa tarmaq joq. | eng_Latn | There is no single field or industry where large-scale reforms are not being implemented, aimed at changing the content of life and improving the lives of the people. |
kaa_Latn | Westfild, 1984. | eng_Latn | Westfield, 1984. |
kaa_Latn | Novocillinniń ta'siri 12 saat, bicillinlerdiń ta'siri 1-2 ha'pte, 1 ay dawam yetedi, qanda joqari' koncentraciya payda yetpeydi, soni'ń ushi'n bazi' ótkir keselliklerde (sepsis, awi'r pnevmoniya) olardi'ń mikroorganizmlerge qarsi' ta'siri jeterli bolmaydi', bunday waqi'ttal a'piwayi' penicillindi qollani'w lazi'm boladi'. | eng_Latn | Novocillin's duration of action is 12 hours, bicillins - 1-2 weeks, they do not create high concentrations in the blood, therefore they are ineffective in acute infections (sepsis, severe pneumonia), in these cases treatment is started with benzylpenicillin sodium salt. |
kaa_Latn | tuwrılanıw | eng_Latn | Straightening |
kaa_Latn | Sistematikalıq birlikler: haywanlar, omirtqasızlar, buwın ayaqlılar, shibin-shirkeyler, eki qanatlilar, qan sorıwshi shibınlar, haqiqiy shibınlar, ápiwayı súyir shibin; omirtqalılar, xordalılar, sút emiziwshiler, jirtqishlar, ayiw tárizliler, ayiwlar, qońir ayiw. | eng_Latn | Systematic units: animals, invertebrates, arthropods, insects, dipterans, blood-sucking flies, true flies, common house fly, vertebrates, mammals, carnivores, bears, brown bears. |
kaa_Latn | Mútáj shanaraqlarǵa tiyisli hayal-qızlar qosımsha mámleketlik grant boyınsha oqıwǵa qabıl etilmekte. | eng_Latn | Girls from low-income families are admitted to study under additional government grants. |
kaa_Latn | Energiya dereginen támiyinleniwi sebepli sónbeytuģın terbelisler payda etetuģın sistemalar avtoterbelisli sistemalar dep ataladı. | eng_Latn | Systems that generate undamped oscillations by drawing energy from a source are called self-oscillating systems. |
kaa_Latn | islep qoldı sharshatıw | eng_Latn | to work hard, to get one's hand in |
kaa_Latn | Qubla Afrika Respublikası. .135 51-§. | eng_Latn | Republic of South Africa. Section 51.135. |
kaa_Latn | eski | eng_Latn | old style |
kaa_Latn | baxıtlı zamanlar | eng_Latn | Golden age |
kaa_Latn | She orks at the university. | eng_Latn | She works at the university. |
kaa_Latn | ózin-ózi torbiyalaw | eng_Latn | Self-education |
kaa_Latn | (3 saat) M6. | eng_Latn | (3 hours) M6.SA.9. |
kaa_Latn | jaǵımlı | eng_Latn | healthy |
kaa_Latn | Shavkat Mirziyoev densawlıqtı saqlaw sistemasındaǵı mashqalalar menen kemshiliklerdi aymaqlar kesiminde talqılap, orınlardaǵı medicina mákemeleriniń kadrlar támiynatı hám potencialı jetkilikli emesligi, yaǵnıy búgingi kúnde elimizde 11 mıńnan aslam shıpaker jetispewi sebepli jańadan shólkemlestirilip atırǵan medicina mákemeleri tárepinen xalıqqa sapalı medicinalıq sapalı járdem kórsete alınbay atırǵanı, bunıń sebepleri, aqıbeti hám sheshimlerine ayrıqsha itibar qarattı. | eng_Latn | Shavkat Mirziyoyev, having analyzed the problems and shortcomings in the healthcare system across regions, noted the understaffing and insufficient human resources potential of medical institutions in the field, meaning that the country currently faces a shortage of over 11,000 doctors, as a result of which new medical facilities are unable to provide quality services to the population. He highlighted the causes, consequences, and ways to solve this problem. |
kaa_Latn | 3) prizma - b. | eng_Latn | 3) prism - b. |
kaa_Latn | mámleketlik ǵayratker | eng_Latn | statesman |
kaa_Latn | Prezidentimiz Qazaqstan basshılıǵın "Astana EKSPO - 2017" xalıqaralıq kórgizbesiniń joqarı dárejede shólkemlestirilgeni menen qutlıqladı hám ilajdıń tabıslı ótiwine tilek bildirdi. | eng_Latn | The President of our country congratulated the Kazakh side on the high-level organization of the "Astana EXPO 2017" International Exhibition and wished the event a successful run. |
kaa_Latn | zıyapat | eng_Latn | ballroom |
kaa_Latn | Joqarı dárejedegi ushırasıwlar óz-ara birge islesiwdiń rawajlanıwında kúshli túrtki boldı hám barlıq tarawlarda uzaq múddetli strategiyalıq keleshek ushın jańa konstruktiv tiykarlar jarattı. | eng_Latn | The high-level meetings gave a powerful impetus to the development of bilateral cooperation and created new constructive foundations for long-term strategic interaction in all areas. |
kaa_Latn | Bul - sociallıq qorǵaw sistemasın jetilistiriw hám kóp tárepleme birge islesiwdi jolǵa qoyıw bolıp tabıladı. | eng_Latn | This will contribute to the improvement of the social security system and the establishment of multifaceted cooperation. |
kaa_Latn | √5−x+√x−6 = x2 + 2x x+6√x−9+√x−6√x−9 −6 √√x2-16+ √√x3-8 45. | eng_Latn | √√√x√y = 15, √√√x + √y = 6, 3. x - y = 12 [x√y + y√x = 30, 5. |
kaa_Latn | anıq stil | eng_Latn | laconic |
kaa_Latn | dúnyadan ótiw | eng_Latn | to die out |
kaa_Latn | zaxvatıvat I | eng_Latn | engrossing |
kaa_Latn | kúydiriw | eng_Latn | burn out |
kaa_Latn | intervyushı | eng_Latn | interviewer |
kaa_Latn | kózden qaytadan ótiw | eng_Latn | To undergo a re-examination |
kaa_Latn | salmaǵı kemlik | eng_Latn | lightness |
kaa_Latn | ilimiy ekspediciya | eng_Latn | scientific expedition |
kaa_Latn | Pursattan paydalanıp, abıraylı sıylıqtıń barlıq jeńimpazların qızǵın qutlıqlayman. | eng_Latn | Taking this opportunity, I sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, congratulate all the laureates of the prestigious award. |
kaa_Latn | Uzınlıǵı 45 santimetr bolǵan qabat-qabat japıraqlı qosgúller, olardıń hár birinde 17 den 20 ǵa shekem gúl payda etedi, hár bir gúldiń eni 5 santimetr átirapında. | eng_Latn | It forms semi-double inflorescences about 45 cm long, bearing 17 to 20 flowers, each flower about 5 cm in diameter. |
kaa_Latn | jumısqa barıw | eng_Latn | participation |
kaa_Latn | Kóp ásirler dawamında bul qala Evropadan Qıtayǵa shekem bolǵan mámleketlerdi bekkem baylanıstırıp, Arqa menen Qublanı, Shıǵıs penen Batıstı birden-bir kesilispede tutastırǵan. | eng_Latn | For centuries, this city has served as a thread connecting countries from Europe to China, uniting North and South, East and West in a single knot. |
kaa_Latn | aq kewil adam | eng_Latn | a good lad |
kaa_Latn | shamalanǵan | eng_Latn | close associate |