strambo? Broly: IL DIAVOLO! Lithuanian: Broly: Bet dabar Broly DABAR Broly Gohanas: "Piccolo padėti! PICCOLO: Gohanas, tu gerai ?! Ar jums reikia šiek tiek sulčių? Ar jūs gaunate į tą mokyklą, norėjo? Gohanas: Ar ne atrodo jis. PICCOLO: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO Gohanas: Kaip jums čia? PICCOLO: Aš atėjau, kai išgirdau skambinate. Gohanas: ... Kaip? KRILLIN: Ačiū už laivo, Piccolo! Roshi: Mes pradėdami vartoti šį kalė į kosmosą Vegase! Oolong: Yeaaaaaah! KRILLIN: Wooooooo! Roshi: Jis jis jis jis Haa! Broly: Jūs! Žalioji vyras! Esate naujas. Kokia jūsų galios lygis? PICCOLO: aš nežinau, man minutėlę. Broly: Broly nemėgsta laukti! PICCOLO: Gokas, mes galime įveikti šį vaikiną? GOKU: Uh! Nežinau! Aš tikiu, kad aš traukti kažką iš mano užpakalis. Broly: ir jis bus Broly'S FIST! (Tai skamba labai skausminga) Skrynios: Turbūt ... PICCOLO: Pažiūrėkime, kaip galite sekasi, kai jis keturis ant vieno, monstras! Broly: Monstras? Broly yra ne monstras. Broly yra ... Durh ... Gohanas: Tikras demonas? GOKU: tiesa beproti? Broly: velnias! English: BROLY'S #1 FANBOI [blowing his loadhe was just an evil version of my dad. VEGETA: Wait, that guy with the tree? Is he alive? GOKU: Not anymore. Also, that Wheelo guy. He was nice... GOHAN: Oh yeah... too bad he died of brain cancer. GOKU: Cool... then I'll cut to the chaste... Give me all of your energy. Right now. I'll end it in one punch, man. PICCOLO: Done. TRUNKS: Doing it. GOHAN: Please make it end. GOKU: Now Vegeta... I know you're probably not going to-- VEGETA: F**k it, you have it, just go. GOKU: Thanks, best buddy! VEGETA: No. BROLY: HUUUAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHH!!!! Korean: 카카로트: 있잖아, 얘들아... 솔직히 말해서... 상황 참 개떡같지 않아? 피콜로: 솔직히 말하면... 데드존을 다시 열어서 갈릭 주니어랑 다시 싸워도 좋겠어 트랭크스: 제가 이런 말 하긴 좀 웃기지만... 저도 인조인간랑 싸우는 게 낫겠네요 베지터: 나도 차라리 쿠우라한테 고자킥을 당하고 말지... 수천번을 맞아도 말이지 저 미친놈이 카카로트를 외치는 걸 듣는 것보단 나아 브로리: 카카로트! 베지터: 아오! 오반: 나라면 타레스랑 싸울래요 걘
{ "pile_set_name": [ "YoutubeSubtitles", "YoutubeSubtitles" ] }
for a list of bestselling items from all of France. Sub-Region: Burgundy - The province of eastern France, famous for its red wines produced from Pinot Noir and its whites produced from Chardonnay. (Small of amounts of Gamay and Aligoté are still grown, although these have to be labeled differently.) The most famous part of the region is known as the Côte d'Or (the Golden Slope). It is divided into the Côte de Beaune, south of the town of Beaune (famous principally for its whites), and the Côte de Nuits, North of Beaune (home of the most famous reds). In addition, the Côte Chalonnaise and the Mâconnais are important wine growing regions, although historically a clear level (or more) below the Côte d'Or. Also include by some are the regions ofpå mastodontskelett, mer eller mindre tassigt monterade; åtskilliga av dessa har nu hamnat i respektabla museer, naturligtvis i vederbörligen rekonstruerat skick. Ett skelett utställdes år 1841 i London av en man vid namn Albert Koch. Rekonstruktionen beskrivs sålunda i »Times»: »De fossila resterna av ett gigantiskt djur mellan vars ben man säger att mammuten kunde ha spatserat... Djuret antas ha varit vattenlevande, vilket vi kunde sluta oss till av den anatomiska byggnaden av dess hals.»Den sista anmärkningen förefaller gåtfull, men man erinrar sig att samme Albert Koch blev ryktbar för det kolossala valskelett som han en gång ställde ut. Valen ifråga var en tertiärtida form som också bär ett besynnerligt missvisande namn, _Basilosaurus_ eller »kejsarödlan» — beroende på att den som först upptäckte djuret faktiskt trodde att det var
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Books3" ] }
Ebola Response National Coordinator; Dr. Guillaume Bronsard for reading a preliminary version of the article; and Sharon Calandra for the translation. PostEboGui study group: Moumié Barry (Donka National Hospital in Conakry, Guinea). Mohamed Cissé (Donka National Hospital in Conakry, Guinea). Mariama Sadjo Diallo (Donka National Hospital in Conakry, Guinea). Saliou Bela B Diallo (Donka National Hospital in Conakry, Guinea). Djenaba Kassé (Donka National Hospital in Conakry, Guinea). N'Faly Magassouba (Donka National Hospital in Conakry, Guinea). Mamadou Saliou Sow (Donka National Hospital in Conakry, Guinea). Ibrahima Savané (Macenta Prefect Hospital, Guinea). Lamine Koivogui (INSP, Conakry, Guinea). Ahidjo Ayouba (UMI 233 IRD, France). Eric Delaporte (UMI 233 IRD, France). Alice Desclaux (UMI 233 IRD, France). Jean-François Etard (UMI 233 IRD, France). Bruno Granouillac (UMI 233 IRD, France). Suzanne Izard (UMI 233 IRD, France). Alpha Kabinet Keita (UMI 233 IRD, France). Cécé Kpamou (UMI 233 IRD, France). Sandrine Leroy (UMI233 IRD, France). Laura March (UMI 233 IRD, France). Philippe Msellati (UMI 233 IRD, France). Martine Peeters (UMI 233 IRD, France). Bernard Taverne (UMI 233 IRD, France). Abdoulaye Touré (UMI 233 IRD, France). Sylvain Baize (Institut Pasteur Lyon, France), Laurent Abel (INSERM Paris, France). Christelle Delmas (INSERM Paris, France). Cécile Etienne (INSERM Paris, France). Christine Lacabaratz (INSERM Paris, France). Claire Lévy-Marchal (INSERM Paris, France). Yves Lévy (INSERM Paris, France). Hervé Raoul (INSERM Paris, France). Funding {#FPar1} ======= This work was supported by the French Interministerial Ebola Task Force, the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research (Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale; Inserm), and the Research Institute for Development (Institut de recherche pour le développement; IRD). Availability of data and materials {#FPar2} ================================== Because data collection is ongoing for this cohort, the data will not be shared. The questionnaire used in this
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
used by _Indians_ for _Make_. Fr. _fabriquer_; Ger. _anfertigen_. =Make up one’s mind.= See _Decide_. [Illustration] =Man= or =Male= (The one alone; the erect one). Right G held up at height of chin, palm forward; many Cheyennes make it back forward. For _Boy_ sign _Man_ then drop the hand down to a level that indicates height, and turn it palm to you. Fr. _l’homme_; Ger. _der Mann_. =Mandan.= See _Indian Tribes_. =Manitoba= (Red River Country). Give signs for _Country_, _River_, _Red_ (suggested). =Manner.= See _Way_. =Man who.= See _Doer_. [Illustration] =Many= (Many tens). Hold up both hands, face high, half closed, palms forward; throw them forward in 5 shape. Repeat several times. See also _Heap_ and _Much_. Fr. _plusieurs_; Ger. _viele_. [Illustration] =Many times=, =Often=, or =All the time=. Hold out left arm level, hand flat palm in; tap it a few times with =Where?= or =Whither?= (What direction?). Sign _Question_; then with forefinger sweep the horizon in a succession of bounds, a slight pause at the bottom of each, the head following the finger. (Sioux and Arapahoe.) The actual line of the finger is illustrated in the lower plan, the hand being gracefully rotated on the wrist in doing it. Or sign _Question_ and _Somewhere_. =Where?= Sign _Question_ and _Look_. =Where?= (In an abstract sense). Extend the open hands, palm up, from the sides out low to the front, and swing them from side to side with a look of inquiry on the face. (Pop.) Fr. _où?_; Ger. _wo?_ _wohin?_ [Illustration] =Which?= (When the objects are
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Gutenberg (PG-19)", "Gutenberg (PG-19)" ] }
this wrecchid liyf. Summe han it in pride and veynglorie of hemsilf, that whanne thei have loste the drede of God thei traveilen and studien nyght and dai hou thei myght come to worschipe and praisynge of the world, and maken no force hou so be thei myghten comen therto and overpassen alle othere men oither in clergie or in crafte, in name or in fame, in richesse or in reverence, in sovereynté and in maistirschipe, in high estate and in lordeschipe. Sum men han heer delite and here reste in richesse and in outeragious aver of ertheli godes, and setten her hertis so fulli for to getin it that thei seken not ellis but hou thei myghten comen therto. Summe han heer likynge in fleschli lustes of glotonye and leccherie and othir bodili unclennesse, and summeof goostli sikenesse, and whanne alle bittir passions and fleschli lustis and othere oolde feelynges aren brente oute of the herte with fier of desire, and newe gracious feelynges aren brought in with brennynge love and goostli light. Than neigheth a soule to perfeccion and to reformynge in feelynge. For soth it is, right as a man that is brought neigh to the deeth thorugh bodili sikenesse, though he resseyve a medicyn bi the whiche he is restorid and sikir of his liyf, he mai not for it as tite risen up and goon to werke as an hool man mai for the feblenesse of his bodi holdeth hym doun, that hym bihoveth to abiden a good while, and kepen hym with medicynes, and dioten hym with mesure aftir the techynge of a leche til he
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
tudo", DlgFlashScaleNoBorder : "Sem Limites", DlgFlashScaleFit : "Tamanho Exacto", // Link Dialog DlgLnkWindowTitle : "Hiperligação", DlgLnkInfoTab : "Informação de Hiperligação", DlgLnkTargetTab : "Destino", DlgLnkType : "Tipo de Hiperligação", DlgLnkTypeURL : "URL", DlgLnkTypeAnchor : "Referência a esta página", DlgLnkTypeEMail : "E-Mail", DlgLnkProto : "Protocolo", DlgLnkProtoOther : "<outro>", DlgLnkURL : "URL", DlgLnkAnchorSel : "Seleccionar una referência", DlgLnkAnchorByName : "Por Nome de Referência", DlgLnkAnchorById : "Por ID de elemento", DlgLnkNoAnchors : "(Não há referências disponíveis no documento)", DlgLnkEMail : "Endereço de E-Mail", DlgLnkEMailSubject : "Título de Mensagem", DlgLnkEMailBody : "Corpo da Mensagem", DlgLnkUpload : "Carregar", DlgLnkBtnUpload : "Enviar ao Servidor", DlgLnkTarget : "Destino", DlgLnkTargetFrame : "<Frame>", DlgLnkTargetPopup : "<Janela de popup>", DlgLnkTargetBlank : "Nova Janela(_blank)", DlgLnkTargetParent : "Janela Pai (_parent)", DlgLnkTargetSelf : "Mesma janela (_self)", DlgLnkTargetTop : "Janela primaria (_top)", DlgLnkTargetFrameName : "Nome do Frame Destino", DlgLnkPopWinName : "Nome da Janela de Popup", DlgLnkPopWinFeat : "Características de Janela de Popup", DlgLnkPopResize : "Ajustável", DlgLnkPopLocation : "Barra de localização", DlgLnkPopMenu : "Barra de Menu", DlgLnkPopScroll : "Barras de deslocamento", DlgLnkPopStatus : "Barra de Estado", DlgLnkPopToolbar : "Barra de Ferramentas", DlgLnkPopFullScrn : "Janela Completa (IE)", DlgLnkPopDependent : "Dependente (Netscape)", DlgLnkPopWidth : "Largura", DlgLnkPopHeight : "Altura", DlgLnkPopLeft : "Posição Esquerda", DlgLnkPopTop : "Posição Direita", DlnLnkMsgNoUrl : "Por favor introduza a hiperligação URL", DlnLnkMsgNoEMail : "Por favor introduza o endereço de e-mail", DlnLnkMsgNoAnchor : "Por favor seleccione umato customers, leads to increase in adoption of virtual assistance. Moreover, rise in adoption of smartphones across the globe and new development in technologies, makes the virtual assistant market more demanding during the projection period. Regional segmentation includes the current and forecast demand for North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa and Latin America. The segmentation also includes by services, by technology, by end-use and application in all regions. These include different business strategies adopted by the leading players and their recent developments. The report covers a detailed competitive outlook that includes the market share and company profiles of key players operating in the global market. Key players profiled in the report include IBM Corporation, eGain Communications, Clara Labs, Nuance Communications, Creative Virtual Ltd. and few others. Try Sample
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "OpenWebText2" ] }
5 of the Vaults 56623 | Vaults:5 | Noticed a bone dragon 56994 | Vaults:4 | Killed a bone dragon 57171 | Vaults:5 | Received a gift from Okawaru 57258 | Vaults:5 | Reached XP level 24. HP: 155/226 MP: 18/33 57456 | Vaults:5 | Reached XP level 23. HP: 209/216 MP: 28/32 57495 | Vaults:5 | Noticed a golden dragon 57495 | Vaults:5 | Reached XP level 24. HP: 119/226 MP: 16/33 57667 | Vaults:5 | Reached XP level 23. HP: 194/217 MP: 26/32 57679 | Vaults:4 | Killed a golden dragon 57701 | Vaults:4 | Reached XP level 24. HP: 209/227 MP: 31/33 58136 | Vaults:5 | Reached XP level 23. HP: 203/217 MP: 30/32 58530 | Vaults:5 | Received a gift from Okawaru 58531 | Vaults:5 | Got a transparent quarterstaff {god gift} 58658 | Vaults:5 | Reached XPKilled a bone dragon 62533 | D:21 | Found Iceereic's Armour Shoppe. 62774 | D:21 | Found a gateway to Hell. 63070 | D:22 | Found a one-way gate leading to the halls of Pandemonium. 63188 | D:22 | Reached XP level 25. HP: 239/239 MP: 33/33 63190 | D:22 | Reached XP level 24. HP: 231/231 MP: 32/33 63466 | D:22 | Found Stikhes' Antique Armour Boutique. 63571 | D:22 | Found Zopran's Antique Armour Boutique. 63603 | D:22 | Reached XP level 25. HP: 230/239 MP: 33/33 63725 | D:22 | Received a gift from Okawaru 63762 | D:22 | Found Schanteb's Armour Emporium. 63805 | D:22 | Reached skill level 22 in Fighting 63957 | D:22 | Found Zeheass' General Store. 63962 | D:22 | Found a one-way gate to the infinite horrors of the Abyss. 65454 | D:23
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
5.2 km || |-id=130 bgcolor=#fefefe | 26130 || || — || March 17, 1993 || La Silla || UESAC || NYS || align=right | 2.3 km || |-id=131 bgcolor=#fefefe | 26131 || || — || March 17, 1993 || La Silla || UESAC || — || align=right | 2.6 km || |-id=132 bgcolor=#fefefe | 26132 || || — || March 21, 1993 || La Silla || UESAC || NYS || align=right | 2.2 km || |-id=133 bgcolor=#fefefe | 26133 || || — || March 21, 1993 || La Silla || UESAC || — || align=right | 4.5 km || |-id=134 bgcolor=#fefefe | 26134 || || — || March 19, 1993 || La Silla || UESAC || V || align=right | 2.0 km || |-id=135 bgcolor=#E9E9E9 | 26135 || || || February 6, 2000 || Socorro || LINEAR || THM || align=right | 9.4 km || |-id=529 bgcolor=#E9E9E9 | 26529 || || — || February 8, 2000 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.7 km || |-id=530 bgcolor=#E9E9E9 | 26530 Lucferreira || || || February 6, 2000 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 5.1 km || |-id=531 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 26531 || || — || February 10, 2000 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || KOR || align=right | 3.8 km || |-id=532 bgcolor=#E9E9E9 | 26532 Eduardoboff || || || February 6, 2000 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 8.0 km || |-id=533 bgcolor=#E9E9E9 | 26533 Aldering || || || February 5, 2000 || Catalina ||
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
Alcide Delouvrier, Paul Dien Bien Phu Disraeli, Benjamin Döblin, Alfred Dohuk Domrémy Doriot, Jacques Dos Passos, John Dreyfus, Alfred Dufhues, Josef Hermann Dulles, John Foster Durrell, Lawrence Dutschke, Rudi Duverger, Maurice Dwinger, Edwin E Eden, Anthony Eisenhower, Dwight D. El Greco Erhard, Ludwig Ernesti, Dirk Esser, Günter F Fanon, Frantz Farès, Abderrahman Faruk I. (König von Ägypten) Faulkner, William Faulques, Roger Faure, Edgar Fellini, Federico Fest, Joachim Feuchtwanger, Lion Foccart, Jacques Foucauld, Charles de Frangié (Clan) Friedrich, Caspar David G Galen, Clemens August Graf von Gallieni, Joseph (franz. General) Gamelin, Maurice (General) Gandhi, »Mahatma« 274 Gaulle, Anne de Gaulle, Charles de Gaulle, Philippe de Gaulle, Yvonne de Gbenye, Christophe Gemayel, Pierre Genscher, Hans-Dietrich Ghailani, Rashid el Gheorghiu, Constantin Virgil Gia Long (vietnam. Kaiser) Giap, Vo Nguyen (vietnam. General) Giscard d'Estaing, Valéry Gizenga, Antoine Globke, Hans Goebbels, Joseph Goerdeler, Carl Friedrich Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von Göring, Hermann Grandval, Gilbert Gréco, Juliette Greene, Graham Gries, Wilhelm Grillparzer, Franz Grimmelshausen, Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grönemeyer, Herbert Gross, Johannes Guevara, Ernesto »Che« Gyurek, Stephan H Haiphong Hallstein, Walter Halong-Bucht Hammarskjöld, Dag Hanoi Hartmann, Theo Haydn, Joseph Hedin, Sven Heinrich der Seefahrer Heinrich IV. (König von Frankreich) Held, Robert Hemingway, Ernest Heredia, José-Maria de Heydte, Friedrich August von der Himalaja Himmler, Heinrich Hindenburg, Paul von Hindukusch Hitler, Adolf Ho Chi Minh Hoa Hao Hoa Binh Hoffmann,Ein kleines Familienunternehmen kann auch ohne Aufsichtsrat, Vorstandsvorsitzenden und Finanzvorstand ein Vermögen verdienen. Aber sobald die magische Grenze von 150 überschritten ist, funktioniert dieses Prinzip nicht mehr. Eine Division mit 10000 Soldaten lässt sich nicht so führen wie eine Kompanie. Erfolgreiche Familienunternehmen geraten in eine Krise, sobald sie expandieren und mehr Personal einstellen müssen – wenn sie sich nicht neu erfinden können, gehen sie pleite. Aber wie gelang es dem Homo sapiens, diese kritische Schwelle zu überwinden? Wie schaffte er es, Städte mit Zehntausenden Einwohnern und Riesenreiche mit Millionen von Untertanen zu gründen? Sein Erfolgsgeheimnis war die fiktive Sprache. Eine große Zahl von wildfremden Menschen kann effektiv zusammenarbeiten, wenn alle an gemeinsame Mythen glauben. Jede großangelegte menschliche Unternehmung – angefangen von einem archaischen Stamm über eine antike Stadt bis zu
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
array ( 'match' => '0B1C (E069 (E07B|E0F6|E0F7|E0F8|E0F9|E0FA|E0FB|E0FD|E0FE|E0FF|E100|E101|E102|E103|E104|E105|E106|E107|E108|E109|E10A|E10B|E10C|E10D|E10E|E10F|E110|E111|E112|E113|E114|E115|E116|E117|E118|E119|E11A|E11B|E11C|E11D|E11E|E11F|E120|E121|E122|E11B|E11C))', 'replace' => 'E097 \\1', ), 227 => array ( 'match' => '0B1D (E069 (E07B|E0F6|E0F7|E0F8|E0F9|E0FA|E0FB|E0FD|E0FE|E0FF|E100|E101|E102|E103|E104|E105|E106|E107|E108|E109|E10A|E10B|E10C|E10D|E10E|E10F|E110|E111|E112|E113|E114|E115|E116|E117|E118|E119|E11A|E11B|E11C|E11D|E11E|E11F|E120|E121|E122|E11B|E11C))', 'replace' => 'E098 \\1', ), 228 => array ( 'match' => '0B1E (E069 (E07B|E0F6|E0F7|E0F8|E0F9|E0FA|E0FB|E0FD|E0FE|E0FF|E100|E101|E102|E103|E104|E105|E106|E107|E108|E109|E10A|E10B|E10C|E10D|E10E|E10F|E110|E111|E112|E113|E114|E115|E116|E117|E118|E119|E11A|E11B|E11C|E11D|E11E|E11F|E120|E121|E122|E11B|E11C))', 'replace' => 'E099 \\1', ), 229 => array ( 'match' => '0B1F (E069 (E07B|E0F6|E0F7|E0F8|E0F9|E0FA|E0FB|E0FD|E0FE|E0FF|E100|E101|E102|E103|E104|E105|E106|E107|E108|E109|E10A|E10B|E10C|E10D|E10E|E10F|E110|E111|E112|E113|E114|E115|E116|E117|E118|E119|E11A|E11B|E11C|E11D|E11E|E11F|E120|E121|E122|E11B|E11C))', 'replace' => 'E09A \\1', ), 230 => array ( 'match' => '0B20 (E069 (E07B|E0F6|E0F7|E0F8|E0F9|E0FA|E0FB|E0FD|E0FE|E0FF|E100|E101|E102|E103|E104|E105|E106|E107|E108|E109|E10A|E10B|E10C|E10D|E10E|E10F|E110|E111|E112|E113|E114|E115|E116|E117|E118|E119|E11A|E11B|E11C|E11D|E11E|E11F|E120|E121|E122|E11B|E11C))', 'replace' => 'E09B \\1', ), 231 => array ( 'match' =>'0B21 (E069 (E07B|E0F6|E0F7|E0F8|E0F9|E0FA|E0FB|E0FD|E0FE|E0FF|E100|E101|E102|E103|E104|E105|E106|E107|E108|E109|E10A|E10B|E10C|E10D|E10E|E10F|E110|E111|E112|E113|E114|E115|E116|E117|E118|E119|E11A|E11B|E11C|E11D|E11E|E11F|E120|E121|E122|E11B|E11C))', 'replace' => 'E09C \\1', ), 232 => array ( 'match' => '0B22 (E069 (E07B|E0F6|E0F7|E0F8|E0F9|E0FA|E0FB|E0FD|E0FE|E0FF|E100|E101|E102|E103|E104|E105|E106|E107|E108|E109|E10A|E10B|E10C|E10D|E10E|E10F|E110|E111|E112|E113|E114|E115|E116|E117|E118|E119|E11A|E11B|E11C|E11D|E11E|E11F|E120|E121|E122|E11B|E11C))', 'replace' => 'E09D \\1', ), 233 => array ( 'match' => '0B23 (E069 (E07B|E0F6|E0F7|E0F8|E0F9|E0FA|E0FB|E0FD|E0FE|E0FF|E100|E101|E102|E103|E104|E105|E106|E107|E108|E109|E10A|E10B|E10C|E10D|E10E|E10F|E110|E111|E112|E113|E114|E115|E116|E117|E118|E119|E11A|E11B|E11C|E11D|E11E|E11F|E120|E121|E122|E11B|E11C))', 'replace' => 'E09E \\1', ), 234 => array ( 'match' => '0B24 (E069 (E07B|E0F6|E0F7|E0F8|E0F9|E0FA|E0FB|E0FD|E0FE|E0FF|E100|E101|E102|E103|E104|E105|E106|E107|E108|E109|E10A|E10B|E10C|E10D|E10E|E10F|E110|E111|E112|E113|E114|E115|E116|E117|E118|E119|E11A|E11B|E11C|E11D|E11E|E11F|E120|E121|E122|E11B|E11C))', 'replace' => 'E09F \\1', ), 235 => array ( 'match' => '0B25 (E069 (E07B|E0F6|E0F7|E0F8|E0F9|E0FA|E0FB|E0FD|E0FE|E0FF|E100|E101|E102|E103|E104|E105|E106|E107|E108|E109|E10A|E10B|E10C|E10D|E10E|E10F|E110|E111|E112|E113|E114|E115|E116|E117|E118|E119|E11A|E11B|E11C|E11D|E11E|E11F|E120|E121|E122|E11B|E11C))', 'replace' => 'E0A0 \\1', ), 236 => array ( 'match' => '0B26 (E069 (E07B|E0F6|E0F7|E0F8|E0F9|E0FA|E0FB|E0FD|E0FE|E0FF|E100|E101|E102|E103|E104|E105|E106|E107|E108|E109|E10A|E10B|E10C|E10D|E10E|E10F|E110|E111|E112|E113|E114|E115|E116|E117|E118|E119|E11A|E11B|E11C|E11D|E11E|E11F|E120|E121|E122|E11B|E11C))', 'replace' =>
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
atora el capitán Pantoja. —No va a ser amorosa —ríe o ronca o tose el padre Beltrán. —Ya sé que es duro, le va a costar —asiente con amabilidad el general Scavino—. Pero no hay otra fórmula, Pantoja. Su misión lo pondrá en contacto con toda la ralea de la Amazonía. La única manera de evitar que eso rebote sobre la institución es sacrificándose usted mismo. —En resumidas cuentas, debo ocultar mi condición de oficial —divisa a lo lejos un niño desnudo que trepa a un árbol, una garza rosada y coja, un horizonte de matorrales que llamean el capitán Pantoja—. Vestir como civil, juntarme con civiles, trabajar como civil. —Pero pensar siempre como militar —da un golpecito en la mesa el general Scavino—. He designado un teniente para que nos sirvala gran mancha verde de la selva el capitán Pantoja—. Mi objetivo era levantarles la moral, animarlas, pensando en el futuro. Yo no podía suponer que el Servicio de Visitadoras iba a ser clausurado. Precisamente ahora, cuando funcionaba mejor que nunca. —¿No pensó que ese Servicio sólo podía existir en la clandestinidad más absoluta? —pasea por la habitación, bosteza, se rasca la cabeza, oye campanadas, dice es tardísimo el general Victoria—. Se le advirtió hasta el cansancio que la primera condición de su trabajo era el secreto. —La existencia y las funciones del Servicio de Visitadoras eran conocidas de todo el mundo en Iquitos, mucho antes de mi iniciativa —mantiene los pies juntos, las manos pegadas al cuerpo, la cabeza inmóvil, trata de localizar Iquitos en el mapa de la
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
de Rol, , –65 Côtes du Rhône-La Pialade, Côtes Trois Moulins, Couchéroy, , Coufran, , –400 Couhins-Lurton, , , –94 ancient vintages, important vintages, Couloumey-Le Tuquet, coulure, counterfeiting, of labels, –16 Cour d'Argent, La, Coureau, Courlet, Cournaud, Christian de, Couronne, La, , –43, , Courrèges Seguès du Château de Gaillat, , Courrian, Christine, Courrian, Philippe, Courteillac, Couspaude, La, –41 important vintages, Coutelin-Merville, , –55 Coutet (Barsac), –52 important vintages, –52 Coutet Cuvée Madame, , Coutet (St.-Emilion), , , , Couvent des Jacobins, –43 important vintages, –43 Crabitan-Bell-Vue (Cuvée Speciale), Crock, Le, , –35 important vintages, Croix, La, , –50 important vintages, Croix-Beauséjour, Croix Bonnelle, La, Croix-Canon, La, Croix de Beaucaillou, La, Croix de Beauséjour, Croix de Gay, La, , –54 ancient vintages, important vintages, –54 Croix de Jaugue, La, , Croix de Labrie, , , –44 important vintages, –44 Croix de Roche, La, Croix du Casse, La, , –52 important vintages, –52 Croix Figeac Lamarzelle, La, –67 Croix Montlabert, La, Croix Saint-Vincent, La, Croix-St.-André, La, Croix St.-Estèphe, La, Croix St.-Georges, La, –55 important vintages, Croix Taillefer, La, , –32 Croix Toulifat, La, –33 Croizet-Bages, ,program, but it may limit how much a person can listen to any given song, according to people familiar with the matter. FT Labour party leader Ed Miliband says he will not hold an in-out referendum on Britain's membership of the European Union in 2017 if his party comes to power and will focus on its economic agenda. The British government has spent 63 million pounds buying up 106 homes blighted by the proposed HS2 high speed rail link between London and Birmingham. Bank of England Governor Mark Carney said he would overhaul the central bank's dealings with the City and would create a new deputy governor post to oversee markets and banking. Shares of Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp (Freddie Mac) plunged on Tuesday after
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Pile-CC" ] }
Japanese: Red Bull Music Academyにようこそ 細野晴臣さんをお迎えします 膨大な数の楽曲を生み出してこられ 参加プロジェクトも多数ありますが 今日はテーマを絞って話を進めようと思います 主にソロ作品について お聞きすることにしました 1970~80年代の活動ですね その前に 先ほど会場で ある音楽が流れていましたね Japanese: 思い出の曲だそうですが どういう曲でしょうか? なぜ この曲が大切なのですか? 店に行ったけれど サントラ盤は買えなかったと? リサーチしましたから English: The song was "Mon Oncle", from a French film. I watched the film by Jacques Tati in the fifth grade. The music impressed me, so I rushed to the record shop, and I bought a record of "Mon Oncle" sung by a Japanese singer. That was the first record I bought. Understand? You know well. Thanks. English: Japan was quite distant from other countries back then, so... we weren't able to get the latest records. I wanted the soundtrack but they didn't have it. They had a version of "Mon Oncle" by a Japanese jazz singer, I had to buy it. I had no other option. Jacques Tati is popular now in Tokyo, maybe all over Japan. A DVD box set including a documentary about him was just released, I recommend you buy it. It's really interesting. Japanese: 映画についても話していただけますか? 音楽的にも興味深い作品ですが 魅力は何でしょうか? Japanese: “笑い”という言葉が出ましたが 細野さんの作品にユーモアは欠かせません それが形成されたのは 先ほど言われたように 幼少期に観たコメディからの影響が 大きいのでしょうか? English: Like old silent films, his films arecentered on the music and Tati's movements. That kind of film is hard to make. Without Tati, this kind of film wouldn't be possible. Tati's films induce much calmer laughter than Chaplin's, more like chuckling or giggling. I really would like you all to watch one. Yes. Well... English: The first comedian for me was Charlie Chaplin. His short films were on TV. Then, when I was in the sixth grade, American comedy films were released in Japan. I went to watch, by myself, a film by Jerry Lewis. He's still active. I imitated his way of moving and sitting. He was my hero. But adults didn't like Lewis, they said he was silly. Got it? Japanese: ここで細野さんが参加した 2つめのバンドの曲を紹介します はっぴいえんどの曲です この曲は 皆さんご存知だと思いますが Japanese: 数年前に公開された映画の サウンドトラックに使われました Japanese: この曲も含め はっぴいえんどの曲は 日本語で歌われています 現在では普通のことですが 当時 こういうグループが 日本語で歌うのは珍しかったのでは? なぜ日本語で歌おうと決めたのか その理由を教えてください English: I was born in 1947, which was two years after the end of World War II. It was the time, as in France and Germany, I guess, that a huge
{ "pile_set_name": [ "YoutubeSubtitles", "YoutubeSubtitles" ] }
Tractatus de Corde (1669), (trans.) K.J. Franklin in: R.T. Gunther (ed.), Early Science in Oxford, Vol. IX (Oxford 1932) Nussbaum, Martha and Putnam, Hilary, "Changing Aristotle's Mind," in: Martha Nussbaum and Amelie Rorty (eds.), Essays on Aristotle's 'De Anima' (Oxford 1992) 27–56 Osler, Margaret, "Whose Ends? Teleology in Early Modern Natural Philosophy", Osiris 16 (2001) 151-168 Pépin, François, "Lectures de la machine cartésienne par Diderot et La Mettrie", Corpus 61 (special issue: Matérialisme et cartésianisme) (2011) 257-280 18 Polanyi, Michael, "The Logic of Tacit Inference", in: Marjorie Grene (ed.), Knowing and Being (Chicago 1969) 138-158 Richards, Robert, "Kant and Blumenbach on the Bildungstrieb: A Historical Misunderstanding", Studies in the History and Philosophy of Biology and the Biomedical Sciences 31 (2000) 11-32 Riskin, Jessica, "The Defecating Duck, or, theAmbiguous Origins of Artificial Life", Critical Inquiry 29:4 (2003) 599-633 Salter, Alan, "William Harvey. A Study in Empiricism", PhD, University of Sydney, Unit for History and Philosophy of Science (Sydney 2010) Sloan, Phillip R., "Teleology and Form Revisited", in: Richard Burian and Jean Gayon (eds.), Conceptions de la science, hier, aujourd'hui et demain. Hommage à Marjorie Grene (Brussels 2007) 343-367 Smith, Justin E.H., "The Body-Machine in Leibniz's Early Medical and Physiological Writings: A Selection of Texts with Commentary", Leibniz Review 17 (2007) 141-179 von Staden, Heinrich, "Teleology and Mechanism: Aristotelian Biology and Early Hellenistic Medicine", in: Aristotelische Biologie: Intentionen, Methoden, Ergebnisse (eds.) Wolfgang Kullmann and Sabine Föllinger (Stuttgart 1997) 183-208 Stahl, Georg-Ernest, Disquisitio de mecanismi et organismi diversitate (1706), in: OEuvres médicophilosophiques et pratiques, (trans.) Théodore Blondin, (ed.)
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PhilPapers", "PhilPapers" ] }
away from campus. “He was truly a leader at the school, and they have to carry on,” Rep. Cummings said. Many friends from Old Dominion traveled to Baltimore for the service. The congressman highlighted Christopher’s many accomplishments. The criminal justice major had a 3.5 GPA with plans to attend law school– cut short when someone broke into the house, shot Cummings and his roomate, who survived. Family members say it may have been the same person who tried to break in six weeks ago. “Before the guy got completely out of the door, he pulled a gun on my son, but Christopher was able to force him all the way out,” said James Cummings, Christopher’s father. Representative Cummings has seen plenty of violent crime in his own inner city Baltimore district. During the servicedeath, cooker, breath _misc_ too, very, steady, long, little, fast, deep 18858 | 0.96 **1771 contrast** _n_ _adj_ sharp, stark, marked, striking, direct, dramatic, interesting, visual _noun_ color, study, group, image, effect, finding, comparison, brightness, shadow _verb_ stand•, provide•, draw, present, strike, enhance, adjust•, sharpen•, heighten• 20040 | 0.90 A **1772 bottle** _n_ _adj_ empty, little, broken, brown, blue, expensive, dark, French, unopened, chilled _noun_ wine, water, beer, glass, plastic•, champagne, whiskey, cap _verb_ drink, open•, hold•, fill, throw, buy•, bring•, pick•, grab•, pour 19746 | 0.91 F **1773 launch** _v_ _noun_ •attack, •campaign, program, year, missile, •investigation, •career, satellite, company, war, rocket, effort, business, operation, force _misc_ •into, •new, •against, plan•, recently• 19015 | 0.95 **1774 novel** _n_ _adj_ new, historical, late, recent, best-selling, graphic, literary, autobiographical, previous, later _noun_ story, author, character, romance•, mystery•, detective•, reader, fiction, page,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Books3" ] }
align=right | 4.6 km || |-id=821 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 132821 || || — || August 18, 2002 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 5.0 km || |-id=822 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 132822 || || — || August 18, 2002 || Palomar || NEAT || KOR || align=right | 2.4 km || |-id=823 bgcolor=#E9E9E9 | 132823 || || — || August 30, 2002 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.7 km || |-id=824 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 132824 Galamb || || || August 17, 2002 || Palomar || K. Sárneczky || KOR || align=right | 1.9 km || |-id=825 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 132825 Shizu-Mao || || || August 16, 2002 || Nanchuan || Q.-z. Ye || CRO || align=right | 6.4 km || |-id=826 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 132826 ||bgcolor=#E9E9E9 | 132837 || || — || September 4, 2002 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 3.0 km || |-id=838 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 132838 || || — || September 3, 2002 || Needville || Needville Obs. || EOS || align=right | 2.7 km || |-id=839 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 132839 || || — || September 4, 2002 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 5.6 km || |-id=840 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 132840 || || — || September 4, 2002 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || TRE || align=right | 3.8 km || |-id=841 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 132841 || || — || September 4, 2002 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right | 5.7 km || |-id=842 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 132842 || || — || September
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
October 12, 1989: Clark; Zahren, Bill, and John Quinlan, 1989, "Investigators Find Crack in Fan Disc," _Sioux City Journal_ , October 13, p. A:1:1; Zahren, Bill, and John Quinlan, 1989, "Alta Farmer Receives Check for $116,000," _Sioux City Journal_ , October 13, p. A:1:1; Schossow, Rebecca, 1989, "Piece of Fan Blade Found in Metal Detectors Search," _Sioux City Journal_ , October 15, p. A:1:3. Later that month, when asked under oath: NTSB Transcript, p. 242. By Friday, the company had organized: Eddy; Schossow, 1989. Employees from United Airlines took Susan White and Georgeann del Castillo: White; del Castillo, Georgeann, pers. comm., August 7, 2013. "Smoke inhalation": Diegel (undated), Exhibit 6-Z, p. 16. Nicholas Edward Cherolis graduated: Brate; Cherolis; MacIntosh; Wildey. Also, Wildey, James F., 1989, _Metallurgist's Factual Report 90-2_ , October 24, Exhibit338 Biman Airlines, 366 Blaha, Lena Ann, 43, 97, 240 body bags, 240, 250, 267–70 body tags, 236–37, 240 Boeing 367–80 (Dash 80) prototype, 59–60 Boeing 707, 59–60 Boeing 727, 60, 222, 261, 335 Boeing 747, 12–13, 73, 143, 206–7, 243, 247 Boeing 767, 347 Boese, Robert, 164, 168 Bohn, James Matthew, 43, 97, 240 Bosscher, Charles Kenneth, 41 Boxum, Dave, 25, 141, 149 Brantley, Jeff, 339 Brate, Floyd, 325–26, 327, 329 Briar Cliff College, 168–71, 219–20, 258, 290, 315–16, 338–39, 349, 356, 357 Bridges, Jeff, 189 Brines, Jaime, 252 Brizendine, John C., 199 Brown, Gary, 23–24, 25, 70–71, 88, 114–16, 121–24, 131, 149, 150, 153–54, 172–73, 183, 215, 216, 239, 241, 250, 350, 351–52, 360–64, 380 _n_ Brown, Jan, 5, 10–16, 27, 28, 31, 40–50, 62, 74, 77, 78, 97, 109–13, 132–36, 162, 177–78, 193, 202–5, 209, 212–14, 240, 258, 260, 285, 301–2, 308–9, 324, 346, 359, 361–62 Brown,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
iyi. Bir gece, Bischoff bir telefon aldı. Eski bir Japon tanıdıktan. Güreşçi-politikacıydı. Antonio Inoki. Inoki sonunda anladı Siyasi kariyeri nasıl kurtarılır? ve belki de garip bir şekilde English: involved holding the greatest pro wrestling event the world had ever seen. Inoki himself owned a successful wrestling company in Tokyo, called New Japan Pro Wrestling, NJPW, and in a collaborative effort with Bischoff's WCW, wanted to put on a pay-per-view extravaganza, with marquee names from both sides of the Pacific. The publicity would be huge. Bischoff listened intently as Inoki revealed the one caveat, the event would be held in North Korea, the totalitarian, isolationist state. Now this in itself would be controversial, but NJPW was a Japanese company, and WCW was an American company, two countries considered the greatest of enemies to North Korea. Despite this, Inoki was willing, hoping the publicity and goodwill gleaned from this so-called world peace event, as he dubbed it, would boost his chances at re-election, as well as help putmake a statement. He needed to showcase his new-found power and influence to the world, and to his own people. He needed to prove his worth and establish a cult of personality he felt was vital for political control, something he learned from dad. And odd as it may seem to us, a grand pro wrestling event, with its simplistic portrayals of good and evil apparently served that purpose. North Korea had always tended towards these types of old-fashioned, Stalinist spectacles in showcasing their might. And so, he was onboard. Thus the pieces were now in place. Turkish: Inoki, Bischoff ve Kim hepsi içerideydi. Fakat bir ana şebekeye ihtiyaçları vardı. şovun başlığına ilişkin olay, üretecek olan çok fazla vızıltı. Ve sadece Inoki'nin kendisinin mantıklı geldiğini anladı onun süperstar statüsü göz önüne alındığında, o kabul etti. Yarı emekli olmak o noktaya göre spor, ve aktif olmak, yüksek profilli politikacı bazı beklenmedik yaptı tamamen benzersiz olmasa da Güreş tarihinin yıllarında, mevcut Belediye Başkanı tarafından görüldüğü
{ "pile_set_name": [ "YoutubeSubtitles", "YoutubeSubtitles" ] }
</div>The [[Indiction]], beginning of the [[Church Calendar|Liturgical year]]; [[Venerable]] [[Symeon the Stylite]] with his mother Martha; [[Martyr]] [[Acepsimus, Joseph, and Aeithalas|Aeithalas]] the [[Deacon]] of Persia; holy 40 [[ascetic]] virgin-martyrs and their teacher the Martyr [[Ammon the Deacon]] at Heraclea in Thrace; Martyrs Callista and her brothers Evodos and Hermogenes at Nicomedia; [[Righteous]] [[Joshua of Navi|Joshua]], the son of Nun; [[synaxis]] of the Most-Holy [[Theotokos|Mother of God]] at Miasena Monastery in memory of finding her [[icon]] in 864; Venerable [[Evanthia]]; Venerable Meletius the New of Greece; [[New-Martyr]] [[Angelis of Constantinople]]; [[Nicholas of Crete]], [[monk]].'''Other events:''' ; commemoration of the [[Great Fire at Constantinople]] about 470 A.D.; celebration of the first [[miracle]] of the [[Icon of the Theotokos at Chernigov-Gethsemane]]; celebration of the "All-Blessed" or "Pamakarista" Icon of the Theotokosat Kazan + </div>The [[Indiction]], beginning of the [[Church Calendar|Liturgical year]]; [[Venerable]] [[Symeon the Stylite]] with his mother Martha; [[Martyr]] [[Acepsimus, Joseph, and Aeithalas|Aeithalas]] the [[Deacon]] of Persia; holy 40 [[ascetic]] virgin-martyrs and their teacher the Martyr [[Ammon the Deacon]] at Heraclea in Thrace; Martyrs Callista and her brothers Evodos and Hermogenes at Nicomedia; [[Righteous]] [[Joshua of Navi|Joshua]], the son of Nun; [[synaxis]] of the Most-Holy [[Theotokos|Mother of God]] at Miasena Monastery in memory of finding her [[icon]] in 864; Venerable [[Evanthia]]; Venerable Meletius the New of Greece; [[New-Martyr]] [[Angelis of Constantinople]]; [[Nicholas of Crete]], [[monk]].'''Other events:''' ; commemoration of the [[Great Fire at Constantinople]] about 470 A.D.; celebration of the first [[miracle]] of the [[Icon of the Theotokos at Chernigov-Gethsemane]]; celebration of the "All-Blessed" or "Pamakarista" Icon of the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
the field, Chris DeLaBruere regrouped from the early Cabot tally and was outstanding, making multiple highlight reel saves, worthy of some time on Sportscenter.With time winding down in the first, the Crusaders were awarded a direct kick just outside the 18.Martell let loose another blast, tying the game at 1-1 before time expired."I just kept my head down on the free kick and kicked it over their defense and that was it," Martell said.Said DeLaBruere, "The is exactly what we needed to give us motivation rolling into the second half. What a beautiful shot" While UCA had the motivation, it was the Huskie offense springing to life in the second as Celley repeated his previous performance, once again scoring early in the half.He completed the hat-trick later in0b010101101, :fpul, :drn addop 'fdiv', 0b1111 << 12 | 0b0 << 8 | 0b00011, :drm, :drn addop 'fdiv', 0b1111 << 12 | 0b0011, :frm, :frn addop 'fipr', 0b1111 << 12 | 0b11101101, :fvm, :fvn addop 'flds', 0b1111 << 12 | 0b00011101, :frn, :fpul addop 'fldi0', 0b1111 << 12 | 0b10001101, :frn addop 'fldi1', 0b1111 << 12 | 0b10011101, :frn addop 'float', 0b1111 << 12 | 0b000101101, :fpul, :drn addop 'float', 0b1111 << 12 | 0b00101101, :fpul, :frn addop 'fmac', 0b1111 << 12 | 0b1110, :fr0, :frm, :frn addop 'fmov', 0b1111 << 12 | 0b0 << 8 | 0b01100, :drm, :drn addop 'fmov', 0b1111 << 12 | 0b1 << 8 | 0b01100, :drm, :xdn addop 'fmov', 0b1111 << 12 | 0b01010, :drm, :@rn addop 'fmov', 0b1111 << 12 | 0b01011, :drm, :@_rn addop 'fmov', 0b1111 << 12 | 0b00111, :drm, :@r0rn addop 'fmov.s', 0b1111
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Github" ] }
Vinkhumbo Maria Folau, Laura Langman (Captain), Ameliaranne Ekenasio, Gina Crampton, Bailey Mes, Casey Kopua, Jane Watson, Shannon Saunders, Karin Burger, Phoenix Karaka, Katrina Rore, Te Paea Selby-Rickit Pei Shan Lee, Charmaine Soh, Xinyi Tan, Kai Wei Toh, Carmen Goh, Kimberly Lim, Shawallah Rashid, Shuyi Kwok, Aqilah Andin, Melody Teo, Sindhu Nair, Joanna Toh Group C Kaitlyn Fisher, Episake Kahatoka, Alisi Galo, Kelera Nawai, Lydia Panapasa, Unaisi Rauluni, Aliti Toribau, Adi Vakaoca Bolakoro, Ema Mualuvu, Asilika Sevutia, Matila Vocea, Laisani Waqa Romelda Aiken, Jhanielle Fowler-Reid (Captain), Vangelee Williams, Jodi-Ann Ward, Stacian Facey, Shanice Beckford, Adean Thomas, Nicole Dixon, Khadijah Williams, Kadie-Ann Dehaney, Shamera Sterling, Rebekah Robinson Lenize Potgieter, Erin Burger, Maryka Holtzhausen, Renske Stoltz, Ine-Marí Venter, Izette Griesel, Khanyisa Chawane, Bongiwe Msomi (captain), Shadine van der Merwe, Karla Pretorius, Phumza Maweni, Zanele Vimbela Jameela McCarthy, Tahirah Hollingsworth, Kalifa MCollin, Samantha Wallace, Daystar Swift, Shaquanda Queena, Onella Hill,Aniecia Baptiste, Rhonda John-Davis, Shantel Seemungal, Shernece Seemungal, Candice Guerero Group D Helen Housby, Joanne Harten, Natalie Haythornthwaite, Rachel Dunn, Serena Guthrie (captain), Jade Clarke (vice-captain), Chelsea Pitman, Natalie Panagarry, Layla Guscoth, Eboni Usoro-Brown, Geva Mentor, Fran Williams Ann Helen Nu’uali’itia, Ariana Luamanu, Toa Tanimo, Brooke Amber Williams, Eseta Autagavaia, Gene Nafanua Solia-Gibb, Lenora Misa, Rachel Rasmussen, Sanita To’o, Afi Lafaiali’i-Sapolu, Soli Ropati, Tee Salanoa Emma Barrie, Kelly Boyle, Lynsey Gallagher, Ella Gibbons, Bethan Goodwin, Sarah MacPhail, Claire Maxwell (captain), Niamh McCall, Nicola McCleery, Hayley Mulheron, Emily Nicholl, Lauren Tait Peace Proscovia (Captain), Mary Cholhok Nuba, Lilian Ajio, Jesca Achan, Ruth Meeme, Betty Kizza, Racheal Nanyonga, Sylivia Nanyonga, Joan Nampungu, Stella Oyella, Stella Nanfuka, Muhayimina Namuwaya References World Cup
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
thаt I dо nоt knоw whеrе thе рrіnсеѕѕ іѕ. Thеу hаvе соnnесtеd mе wіth hеr аѕ thеу соnnесt оnе lіnk оf а сhаіn tо аnоthеr. Yоu саn kіll а Gеrmаn, but уоu саn't соnvіnсе hіm. Hоw lоng hаvе уоu bееn hеrе?" I dіd nоt rерlу аt оnсе. "Abоut tеn dауѕ." "Tеn dауѕ!" hе есhоеd. "Whаt оn еаrth hаѕ kерt уоu іn thіѕ ruіn thаt lоng?" "Rеѕt," ѕаіd I, glіblу. "But I аm gоіng аwау tо-mоrrоw. Wе'll gо tоgеthеr. Thеу wіll nоt knоw whаt tо dо wіth twо оf uѕ." "Yеѕ, thеу wіll. Yоu wіll bе tаkеn fоr mу ассоmрlісе. . . . Hаrk! Whаt'ѕ thаt?" hоldіng hіѕ hаnd tо hіѕ еаr. "Hоrѕеѕ. Cоmе, I'm nоt gоіng tо tаkе аnу rіѕk." Sо wе mаdе а run fоr thе іnn.I сrіеd. "It іѕ nоt nесеѕѕаrу thаt уоu ѕhоuld." Hе lаughеd аnd rubbеd hіѕ hаndѕ іn рlеаѕurаblе аntісіраtіоn. "Thеrе іѕ а уоung mаn dоwnѕtаіrѕ, whо аrrіvеd а fеw mоmеntѕ bеfоrе thе lіеutеnаnt. Hе hаѕ а ѕресіаl аffаіr. Thеrе wеrе wоrdѕ. Hеrr Lіеutеnаnt іѕ mаd еnоugh tо fіght а whоlе соmраnу." "Thеn, whу іn hеаvеn'ѕ nаmе аm I uр hеrе іn thіѕ соndіtіоn?" I сrіеd. "Lеt mе gо аnd bе thе уоung mаn'ѕ ѕесоnd; thоugh I саn't fоr thе lіfе оf mе ѕее whеrе hе hаѕ соmе frоm ѕо ѕuddеnlу, аnd I mіght ѕау, орроrtunеlу. Cоmе, сut mе lооѕе." "It іѕ tоо lаtе!" "Tоо lаtе?" "Yеѕ. Hеrr Lіеutеnаnt hаѕ bееn іnfоrmеd thаt уоu rаn аwау." "Rаn аwау!" I rоаrеd. "Yоu tоld hіm thаt I rаn аwау? Dаmn уоur іnѕоlеnсе!
{ "pile_set_name": [ "BookCorpus2", "BookCorpus2" ] }
for the Debtor's plan on December 1, 1992, and February 4, 1993. Michael W. Lescher, an unsecured creditor (the "Creditor"), objected to the plan, alleging that it did not comply with the good faith requirements of § 1325(a)(3) or the disposable income requirement of § 1325(b). The standing Chapter 13 trustee (the "Trustee") joined in the Creditor's objection. The Debtor testified to undisputed facts. On June 30, 1992, a judgment was entered in state court against the Debtor in favor of the Creditor for breach of contract in the amount of $35,273.26. Prompted by the Creditor's attempt to collect on the judgment, the Debtor filed a Chapter 13 petition. He had previously received a Chapter 7 discharge in August, 1987. The Debtor testified that he is retired and that heinclude "helm-toolkit.scripts.rally_test" | indent 4 }} | {{- include "helm-toolkit.scripts.keystone_user" . | indent 4 }} | {{ tuple "bin/" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.template" |indent 4}} | {{- include "helm-toolkit.scripts.db_init" . | indent 4 }} | {{ tuple "bin/" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.template" | indent 4 }} | {{- include "helm-toolkit.scripts.db_drop" . | indent 4 }} | {{ tuple "bin/" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.template" | indent 4 }} | {{ tuple "bin/" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.template" | indent 4 }} | {{ tuple "bin/" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.template" | indent 4 }} | {{ tuple "bin/" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.template" | indent 4 }} | {{ tuple "bin/" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.template" | indent 4 }} | {{
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "Github" ] }
give a sucker an even break, or smarten up a chump!" Being one of the chumps, I bought the album, only to discover I'd been rooked into buying the familiar two Les Paul recordings. The label added Mae West singing "Come Up an See Me Sometime" at the end of the side that had "The Day I Drank A Glass Of Water"…maybe forgetting where to cut the tape on the old Proscenium master. The album does have a fairly decent colorized shot of W.C. Fields on the cover. Ironically, this time the Billboard reviewer declared it to be "vintage Fields, containing some of his best lines." Of all the various releases, only the original Varsity Records 78 rpm package has liner notes worth noting. On the front inner sleeve is a jQuery('h2').append('<div class="debug-h2-label">New Offset Parent (All parallax elements align when this meets the offsets)</div>'); jQuery('h2').each(function(){ jQuery(this).find('div.constellation:last').append('<div class="debug-constellation-label">Default Offset Parents</div>'); }); jQuery('body').addClass('debug'); } } }; A: i have found this code here that detects if it is a mobile in javascript window.mobilecheck = function() { var check = false; (function(a){if(/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows (ce|phone)|xda|xiino/i.test(a)||/1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-|
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "StackExchange" ] }
all 'wasp' (influenced by OLF *wapsa; ≠ Occitan vèspa, Italian vespa, Spanish avispa) L viscus > F gui 'mistletoe' (influenced by OLF *wīhsila 'morello' with analogous fruits, when they are not ripe; ≠ Occitan vesc, Italian vischio) LL vulpiculu 'fox kit' (from L vulpes 'fox') > OF golpilz, Picard woupil 'fox' (influenced by OLF *wulf 'wolf'; ≠ Occitan volpìlh, Old Italian volpiglio, Spanish vulpeja 'vixen') In contrast, the Italian, Portuguese and Spanish words of Germanic origin borrowed from French or directly from Germanic retain ~ , e.g. It, Sp. guerra 'war', alongside in French guerre). These examples show a clear consequence of bilingualism, that sometimes even changed the first syllable of the Latin words. One example of a Latin word influencing an Old Low Franconian loan isfeminine. There are descendants of Latin second- and third-declension adjectives ending in -er in the nominative singular:aspre "harsh" (< Latin asper, > modern French âpre) {| class="wikitable" ! ! colspan="2" style="text-align: center;" | Masculine ! colspan="2" style="text-align: center;" | Feminine ! Neuter |- ! || Singular || Plural || Singular || Plural || Singular |- ! Nominative | rowspan="2" | aspre| aspre | rowspan="2" | aspre || rowspan="2" | aspres | aspre|- ! Oblique | aspres || — |} For Class II adjectives, the feminine singular is not marked by the ending -e:granz "big, great" (< Latin grandis, > modern French grand) {| class="wikitable" ! ! colspan="2" style="text-align: center;" | Masculine ! colspan="2" style="text-align: center;" | Feminine ! Neuter |- ! || Singular || Plural || Singular || Plural || Singular |- ! Nominative | granz || grant | granz/grant || rowspan="2" | granz | grant|- ! Oblique | grant || granz || grant
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
0. Occupation: Accountant, other federal agencies; Resignations: 16%; Retirements: 45%; Transfers to another federal agency: 34%; Fired, reduction in force, and other separations: 5%. Occupation: Actuary, PBGC; Resignations: 71%; Retirements: 14%; Transfers to another federal agency: 14%; Fired, reduction in force, and other separations: 0. Occupation: Actuary, other federal agencies; Resignations: 39%; Retirements: 50%; Transfers to another federal agency: 7%; Fired, reduction in force, and other separations: 5%. Occupation: Attorney, PBGC; Resignations: 66%; Retirements: 13%; Transfers to another federal agency: 21%; Fired, reduction in force, and other separations: 0. Occupation: Attorney, other federal agencies; Resignations: 55%; Retirements: 25%; Transfers to another federal agency: 16%; Fired, reduction in force, and other separations: 4%. Occupation: Auditor, PBGC; Resignations: 13%; Retirements: 53%; Transfers to another federal agency: 30%; Fired, reduction in force, and other separations: 4%. Occupation: Auditor, other federal agencies; Resignations: 29%; Retirements: 39%; Transfers to another federal agency: 27%; Fired, reduction in force, and other separations: 5%. Occupation: Financial analyst, PBGC; Resignations: 83%; Retirements: 6%; Transfers to anotherfederal agency: 11%; Fired, reduction in force, and other separations: 0. Occupation: Financial analyst, other federal agencies; Resignations: 24%; Retirements: 51%; Transfers to another federal agency: 19%; Fired, reduction in force, and other separations: 7%. Occupation: Information technology specialist, PBGC; Resignations: 17%; Retirements: 30%; Transfers to another federal agency: 48%; Fired, reduction in force, and other separations: 4%. Occupation: Information technology specialist, other federal agencies; Resignations: 21%; Retirements: 55%; Transfers to another federal agency: 17%; Fired, reduction in force, and other separations: 7%. Occupation: Pension law specialist, PBGC; Resignations: 19%; Retirements: 76%; Transfers to another federal agency: 0; Fired, reduction in force, and other separations: 5%. Occupation: Pension law specialist, other federal agencies; Resignations: 71%; Retirements: 22%; Transfers to another federal agency: 7%; Fired, reduction in force, and other separations: 0. Source: GAO analysis of CPDF data. Note: Totals may not add up to 100 due to rounding. [End of figure] PBGC May Face Workforce Challenges Regarding Key
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
der Hilfeleistung, so skrupellos wie zuvor, kritisierend euren Unverstand und eure Unvernunft einsetzen wider die Wahrheit, statt sie zu erwägen. 0. Solcherlei Tun ist für eure kurze Lebensdauer absolute Zeitverschwendung, durch die ihr auch eure Zukunft gefährdet, weil ihr nicht durch die effective Wahrheit das Schöpferische in euch erweckt, sondern gegenteilig in euch selbst sowie in der ganzen Welt nur Hass und Krieg sowie Ungerechtigkeit, Eifersucht und Mord und Totschlag schafft und ausartet in Folterei, Terror, Verbrechen, Rachsucht und Vergeltungssucht, wodurch bei euch Unrechenschaft, Ungerechtigkeit, Rechtlosigkeit, Gewissenlosigkeit und Verantwortungslosigkeit stetig überhandnehmen, wie auch eure Sucht nach unkontrollierter Nachkommenschaft, die in immer wilderer Überbevölkerung ausartet, die das Klima des Planeten zerstört und durch die massenweise Leben aller Art getötet und auch ausgerottet wird. 0. Wahrlich, ihr Menschenin Disharmonie und vielen anderen Übeln lebt. 0. Lasst nicht zweifelnd die Möglichkeit dessen an euch vorüberziehen, alles zum Guten, zum Besten und Richtigen zu ändern, indem ihr die Lehre der Wahrheit, die Lehre des Geistes, die Lehre des Lebens resp. die ‹Lehre der Propheten›, den ‹Kelch der Wahrheit› befolgt. 0. Bringt ihr aber nicht die Energie und Kraft und nicht den Verstand und nicht die Vernunft in euch auf, um der Lehre zu folgen, dann nützt euch alles nichts, was ihr für die Liebe, Freiheit und Harmonie sowie für den Frieden unternehmt, denn ihr werdet weiterhin das Falsche tun und Krieg, Hass, Terror, Überbevölkerung und jedes mögliche Übel über eure Welt und über euch selbst bringen, weil ihr durch euren Unverstand und eure Unvernunft nicht
{ "pile_set_name": [ "BookCorpus2", "BookCorpus2" ] }
Green Jenny Greene H Erika Hamden, US Heidi Hammel Fiona A. Harrison Marjorie Hall Harrison Lisa Harvey-Smith Margaret Harwood Martha P. Haynes Mary Lea Heger Eleanor F. Helin Amanda Hendrix Caroline Herschel Elisabeth Hevelius Jacqueline Hewitt Catherine Heymans Dorrit Hoffleit Helen Sawyer Hogg Ann Hornschemeier Joan Horvath Nancy Houk Ingrid van Houten-Groeneveld Margaret Lindsay Huggins Hypatia I Violeta G. Ivanova J Louise Freeland Jenkins Carole Jordan K Vicky Kalogera Lyudmila Karachkina Victoria Kaspi Lisa Kewley Pamela M. Kilmartin Maria Margarethe Kirch Margaret G. Kivelson Dorothea Klumpke Gillian R. Knapp Heather A. Knutson Gloria Koenigsberger Bärbel Koribalski Lenka Kotková Reiki Kushida L Elizabeth Lada Marguerite Laugier Gemma Lavender Nicole-Reine Lepaute Henrietta Swan Leavitt Isabel Martin Lewis Helen Lines Sarah Lee Lippincott Jane Luu M Maeriam al-Ijliya al-Astrulabi Amy Mainzer Esmeralda Mallada Rachel Mandelbaum Karen Masters Janet Akyüz Mattei Annie Russell Maunder Antonia Maury Claire Ellen Max Margaret Mayall Jaylee Burley Mead Karen Jean Meech Maria Mitchell Linda A. Morabito Jean Mueller N Sultana N. Nahar Joan Najita Yaël Nazé Heidi Jo Newberg O Carolina Ödman-Govender Sally Oey Kathleen Ollerenshaw C. Michelle Olmstead Liisi Oterma Mazlan Othman Feryal Özel P Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin Ruby Payne-Scott Louise du Pierry Carle Pieters Paris Pişmiş Elena V. Pitjeva Carolyn Porco Helen Dodson Prince Mary Proctor Q Elisa Quintana R Katharine Reeves Emily Rice Christina Richey Julia Riley Constance M. Rockosi Elizabeth Roemer Nancy Roman Vera Rubin S Penny Sackett Anneila Sargent Caterinadesired voltage characteristic of monovalent silver oxide, while having a constant low internal impedance. In addition to the above listed references, there are other references pertaining to the properties, formation and stability of AgO. "Electrode Phenomena of Silver-Silver Oxide System in Alkaline Batteries" by Yoshizawa and Takehara published in the Journal of the Electrochemical Society of Japan, Volume 31, Number 3, pages 91-94 (1963) reports the effect of various metallic additives on the oxidation of silver electrodes. Among the additives suggested, gold was reported to increase the rate of formation of divalent silver oxide during the electrochemical formation of silver electrodes, e.g. oxidation of silver. Another article entitled "The Electric Resistivity of Silver oxide" by Tvarusko published in the Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 115, Number 11, pages 1105-1110
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
and feelith ofte so grete suettenesse in devocion, and he hath so manye teeris in conpunccion, that he thenketh him sumtyme as he were half in hevene. But this softnesse passeth awei aftir for a while; and thanne cometh the secunde tyme, that is tyme of rightynge. That is traveilous; for whanne he bigynneth for to goo forth myghtili in the weie of rightwisenesse and settith his wille fulli agens alle synnes withouten and withinne, and streccheth out his desire to vertues and to the love of Jhesu, than feeleth he mykil lettynge and hardenesse, bothe withinne himsilf, of frowardnesse of his owen wille, and fro withoute, of temptacions of his enemye, that he is often in ful grete torment. And that is no wondir, for he hath ben so longe croked to the fals love oftherfore thei falle doun as it were to the foot of oure Lord with sorwe of herte and crien merci. And whanne thei han don thus thei han a good trust that oure Lord of His merci wole forgyve hem here trespas. This manere of doynge is right good, but it is not goostli as it myght ben. Also whanne thei wole worschipe God thei presenten hemself in here thought as it were in bodili liknes bifore the face of oure Lord and ymagynen a wondirful light there oure Lord Jhesu is, and thanne thei reverencen Hym, worschipen and dreden Hym, and fulli putten hem in His merci for to don with hem what He wole. And also whanne thei wolen loven God, thei biholden Him as a man, not yit as God in man, eithir
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
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{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
porte, un jeune homme vêtu d'un costume bleu. Au moment où leurs regards se croisèrent, ce dernier tourna la tête de l'autre côté d'une façon bien peu naturelle. Hong Jun regarda à droite et à gauche comme si de rien n'était avant de se diriger vers l'ascenseur. # 7. Enregistrement vidéo secret Le 2 octobre au matin, devant les portes de la Dasheng, c'était l'effervescence des grands jours. De chaque côté de l'entrée principale un ballon multicolore élevait dans les airs une grande banderole de soie rouge qui voltigeait au gré du vent. Sur celle de gauche on pouvait lire : « Développons l'esprit Dasheng » et sur celle de droite : « Restaurons la splendeur de Shengguo. » Des drapeaux de toutes les couleurs avaient été fichés tout leaffectueux. C'est pour cela que j'ai préféré vivre loin de mon mari. Si on supporte mal d'être séparés, il faut savoir que lorsqu'on se retrouve, c'est particulièrement agréable. Comme dit le proverbe : "Après une longue séparation, les retrouvailles sont de nouvelles épousailles", et c'est très vrai. Cependant, par la suite, j'ai découvert que j'avais fait là une très grosse erreur ! — Quelle erreur ? Jin Yiying regarda son mari sans répondre tandis que l'expression de son visage trahissait tout le chagrin et la souffrance dont elle ne parlait pas. — Était-ce parce que vous n'aviez pas pensé que votre séparation serait si longue ? — Non, ce n'est pas cela. — Quoi alors ? — Je... J'ai découvert qu'il avait eu une liaison. — Comment ? M. Tong, une liaison ? Vraiment ? —
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
5.0 km || |-id=859 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 132859 || || — || September 4, 2002 || Palomar || NEAT || TEL || align=right | 3.4 km || |-id=860 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 132860 || || — || September 4, 2002 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 6.8 km || |-id=861 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 132861 || || — || September 5, 2002 || Socorro || LINEAR || VER || align=right | 6.2 km || |-id=862 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 132862 || || — || September 5, 2002 || Socorro || LINEAR || THM || align=right | 4.0 km || |-id=863 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 132863 || || — || September 5, 2002 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.8 km || |-id=864 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 132864 || || — || September 5,|| NEAT || — || align=right | 2.9 km || |-id=909 bgcolor=#E9E9E9 | 132909 || || — || September 27, 2002 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 3.4 km || |-id=910 bgcolor=#E9E9E9 | 132910 || || — || September 27, 2002 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.9 km || |-id=911 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 132911 || || — || September 27, 2002 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || 628 || align=right | 3.5 km || |-id=912 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 132912 || || — || September 26, 2002 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 5.6 km || |-id=913 bgcolor=#E9E9E9 | 132913 || || — || September 27, 2002 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 4.0 km || |-id=914 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 |
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
plus. Le primitif aujourd'hui est toujours un tant soit peu civilisé - la folie furieuse ne gît plus vraiment, pure, intacte et inchangée que dans les plis de l'animal sauvage dont les ébats fascinent le mammifère dénaturé. L'art peut aider à retrouver cette voie, ce chemin païen. Tout exercice esthétique digne de ce nom vise des retrouvailles joyeuses avec cette sérénité d'avant la morale. 10 CONSIDÉRATIONS SUR LE MALAISE DANS LA PHILOSOPHIE L'époque philosophique célèbre la haine du style clair et de l'écriture élégante. L'Université, tout autant que les tenants officiels de la ligne dure - souvent les mêmes - habilités à délivrer les autorisations de se prévaloir de l'attribut « philosophe », distribuent leurs certificats en regard de quelques critères qui tous procèdent de la forme, de l'allure, de l'apparencene croyant guère ce qu'on lui raconte; idem pour l'amoureux transi, confiné dans l'amour platonique bien qu'ignorant le détail des arguments du Banquet... Le cynisme plus qu'un autre courant philosophique souffre de cette distorsion sémantique. Ainsi passe-t-on d'un Diogène ascète, célébrant la tension, l'effort et le travail sur soi, appelant à une éthique rigoureuse qui suppose le détachement des biens de ce monde, activant un genre de surhumanisme aux valeurs raides comme l'acier au quidam trivial, avachi, abandonné à la facilité nihiliste et installé au centre du monde, sans foi ni loi. Entre le cynisme philosophique du premier et le cynisme vulgaire du second s'ouvre un abîme impossible à combler. Suite à cette fracture, deux blocs contradictoires apparaissent : dans l'un, un philosophe propose une exigeante règle du jeu,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
The Beloit Residencies They are Nobel Prize winners, U.S. Poet Laureates, and internationally renowned human rights leaders. They are ground-breaking scholars and artists who champion causes and new ideas. Hailing from around the world and across a broad spectrum of fields, they share one distinction: all are thinkers and doers. And all have joined the Beloit College community for an extended stay as a part of the college’s distinguished residency program. Each year, Beloit welcomes as many as six such individuals to campus to teach and work with our students, engage with our faculty, perform or present, as well as live on campus. During their time at Beloit, students have met and interacted with almost two dozen luminaries in these diverse fields, including Giles Foden, the award-winning author ofThe Last King= DocCommentHighlightRules; }); ace.define("ace/mode/csharp_highlight_rules",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/mode/doc_comment_highlight_rules","ace/mode/text_highlight_rules"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var oop = require("../lib/oop"); var DocCommentHighlightRules = require("./doc_comment_highlight_rules").DocCommentHighlightRules; var TextHighlightRules = require("./text_highlight_rules").TextHighlightRules; var CSharpHighlightRules = function() { var keywordMapper = this.createKeywordMapper({ "variable.language": "this", "keyword": "abstract|event|new|struct|as|explicit|null|switch|base|extern|object|this|bool|false|operator|throw|break|finally|out|true|byte|fixed|override|try|case|float|params|typeof|catch|for|private|uint|char|foreach|protected|ulong|checked|goto|public|unchecked|class|if|readonly|unsafe|const|implicit|ref|ushort|continue|in|return|using|decimal|int|sbyte|virtual|default|interface|sealed|volatile|delegate|internal|short|void|do|is|sizeof|while|double|lock|stackalloc|else|long|static|enum|namespace|string|var|dynamic", "constant.language": "null|true|false" }, "identifier"); this.$rules = { "start" : [ { token : "comment", regex : "\\/\\/.*$"
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Github" ] }
house or houses that are elected subsequent to a dissolution decree shall be elected for a full term and they may not be dissolved again for the same reasons. (See George Lenczowski, "Political Process and Institutions in Iran: The Second Pahlavi Kingship," in _Iran under the Pahlavis_ , ed. Lenczowski [Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1978], 434 – 75, at 437 – 38.) The remainder of the article, which referred to disagreement between the Majlis and the Senate, was left mostly untouched. . _Ruzshomar_ , 1: 422. . _Kayhan_ , 27 January 1949; see also Ramazani, _Iran's Foreign Policy_ , 184. . From the text of Namazi's letter appearing in _Eradeh-ye Azerbaijan_ on 1 March 1952; English translation in PRO FO 371/98682. . _Gahnameh_ , 1: 505. For a discussion of development planning, seeWar, , , , , 388–89, Villalon, Hector, 580–85 Vishinski, Andrei, Voice of America, Iran, Von Marbod, Eric, Voroshilov, Kliment, Vossuq, Ahmad, Vosuq, Hassan (Vosuq ud-Daula), 10–11, , , voting: on politics instead of personalities, 221–23; universal, ; by women, 227–28, 231–33, . _See also_ elections; referendums Waldheim, Kurt, , Walters, Vernon, Warne, William, , , 191–92 _Washington Post_ , , _Washington Star_ , 578–79 Weir, Tom, , , n Western culture: counterculture movements (1960s), 388–89; economic and technological, 220–21; _gharbzadegi_ ("westoxication"),56, 443–44, n; Islamic Marxists vs., 444–45; leftist, ; and national identity, ; "stagflation," ; technological development models, . _See also_ Europe; modernization; secularism; United States; Western education of Iranians Western education of Iranians, ; France, , , ; Iranian Students Association of Northern California, ; political reformers, , 388–89; Reza Cyrus in U.S., , , ; Switzerland, 30–33, 47–48, , , ,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
a mountain. Well liked by the other pilots, Hoover was temporarily entrusted with Saki's position as flight leader. Indeed, many of the pilots prefer Hoover over Saki in the position. Hoover only appears in the manga, including the Eclipse version. Boris A former British Royal Air Force pilot, Boris is haunted by the ghosts of his former wingmates. He is afraid to sleep with the lights off, for in his sleep, the ghosts of his dead comrades come to visit him in his dreams. In the OAV and the 2004 anime, Boris is shot down and killed by anti-aircraft fire. Boris and Shin are the only pilots in area 88 to fly the F-8 Crusader. Boris appears in all three versions. Escape Killers Three pilots of African (Black) descent, it was assumeddefine("ace/mode/sh_highlight_rules",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/mode/text_highlight_rules"], function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var oop = require("../lib/oop"); var TextHighlightRules = require("./text_highlight_rules").TextHighlightRules; var reservedKeywords = exports.reservedKeywords = ( '!|{|}|case|do|done|elif|else|'+ 'esac|fi|for|if|in|then|until|while|'+ '&|;|export|local|read|typeset|unset|'+ 'elif|select|set' ); var languageConstructs = exports.languageConstructs = ( '[|]|alias|bg|bind|break|builtin|'+ 'cd|command|compgen|complete|continue|'+ 'dirs|disown|echo|enable|eval|exec|'+ 'exit|fc|fg|getopts|hash|help|history|'+ 'jobs|kill|let|logout|popd|printf|pushd|'+ 'pwd|return|set|shift|shopt|source|'+ 'suspend|test|times|trap|type|ulimit|'+ 'umask|unalias|wait' ); var ShHighlightRules = function() { var keywordMapper = this.createKeywordMapper({ "keyword": reservedKeywords, "support.function.builtin": languageConstructs,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Github" ] }
subsection (h)-- (A) in paragraph (1) by striking ``States, Indian tribes, and local governments'' and inserting ``States, regional districts, Indian tribes, and local governments''; (B) in paragraph (2)-- (i) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A) by striking ``State, Indian tribe, or local government'' and inserting ``State, regional district, Indian tribe, or local government''; and (ii) in subparagraph (E) in the matter preceding clause (i) by striking ``State or tribal'' and inserting ``State, regional, or tribal''; (C) in paragraph (3)-- (i) in subparagraph (A) by striking ``State, Indian tribe, or local government'' and inserting ``State, regional district, Indian tribe, or local government''; and (ii) in subparagraph (D) by striking ``180 days after the date of enactment of this subsection'' and inserting ``180 days after the date of enactment of the Water Resources Development Act of 2016''; and (D) in paragraph (4)(A)(i) by striking ``State or tribal'' and inserting ``State, regional, or tribal''. (d) Reports.--Section 9006of the Water Resources Development Act of 2007 (33 U.S.C. 3303b) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(1)-- [[Page 130 STAT. 1653]] (A) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A) by striking ``1 year after the date of enactment of this subsection'' and inserting ``1 year after the date of enactment of the Water Resources Development Act of 2016''; and (B) in subparagraph (B) by striking ``State and tribal'' and inserting ``State, regional, and tribal''; (2) in subsection (c)-- (A) in the matter preceding paragraph (1)-- (i) by striking ``2 years after the date of enactment of this subsection'' and inserting ``2 years after the date of enactment of the Water Resources Development Act of 2016''; and (ii) by striking ``State, tribal, and local'' and inserting ``State, regional, tribal, and local''; (B) in paragraph (2) by striking ``State and tribal'' and inserting ``State, regional, and tribal''; and (C) in paragraph (4) by striking
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
pakettia. Nyt hän huomasi ensimmäistä kertaa, että pakettia ympäröivässä narussa oli kiinni pieni kortti, joka pilkisti paketin reunan alta. Mia tuijotti korttia. Hän oli päättänyt, ettei koskisi pakettiin, mutta uteliaisuus alkoi herätä. Hän kyykistyi lattialle ja poimi kortin käsiinsä. Se oli kirjoitettu samanlaisella käsialalla kuin tarjottimellakin ollut lappu: Kun on aika, pääset käyttämään tätä. Sitä ennen sinun on osattava käyttäytyä. Mia kurtisti kulmiaan. Paketti tuntui pehmeältä. Uteliaisuus voitti, ja Mia alkoi avata paperia varovasti. Paperin raosta näkyi jotakin violettia. Mia repi loputkin paperit pois ja alkoi avata violettia kangasmöykkyä. Se oli samanlainen takki kuin muutamalla kaverilla koulussa. Mutta... Mia kurkkasi kokolappua ja nosti takin eteensä. Sehän oli aivan liian iso! Se ei olisi sopiva vielä moneen vuoteen. Mia heitti takin käsistään ja perääntyi sängylle. Kun on aika, pääset käyttämään tätä.Guard and the plays The Days of the Turbins and Flight. Born in Kiev, he moved to Moscow in 1921 and spent virtually the rest of his life there. Anneta Greenlee is a published translator and editor who has translated and edited the work of such writers as Mikhail Bulgakov, Zinaida Gippius, Anton Chekhov and Isaac Babel. Her academic interests include women writers, translation, and the experience of emigration as portrayed in literature.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Pile-CC" ] }
<i>Gleichenia flabellata</i>, R. Br. Golden Swamp F.-- <i>Acrostichum aureum</i>, Linn. Grass-leaved F. (q.v.)-- <i>Vittaria elongata</i>, Sw. *Hare's-foot F.-- <i>F. Davallia pyxidata</i>, Cav. Jersey F.-- <i>Grammitis leptophylla</i>, Sw. *Lady F.-- <i>Aspidium aculeatum</i>, Sw. *Maiden-hair F.-- <i>Adiantum</i>, spp. Meadow-rue Water F.-- <i>Ceratoptoris thalictroides</i>, Brong. Parasol F.-- <i>Gleichenia circinata</i>, Sw. Pickled-cabbage F.-- <i>Lomaria capensis</i>, Willd. Potato F. (q.v.)-- <i>Marattia fraxinea</i>, Sm. Prickly F. (q.v.)-- <i>Alsophila australis</i>, R. Br. Prickly-tree Fern-- <i>Alsophila leichhardtiana</i>, F. v. M. Ribbon F.-- <i>Ophioglossum pendulum</i>, Linn. Shiny F.-- <i>Polypodium aspidoides</i>, Bail. Snake's-tongue F.-- <i>Lygodium</i>, spp. The following are not in Baileys List: Parsley F.-- <i>Cheilanthes tenuifolia</i>, Sw. (Name Parsley applied to a different Fern elsewhere.) Sword F.-- <i>Grammitis australis</i>, R. Br. Umbrella F., Tasmanian name for Fan F. (q.v.). Other ferns not in this list appear elsewhere. See also <i>Ferntree</i>. ____ * Elsewhere the name is applied to a different species. ---- <hw>Fern-bird</hw>, <i>n.</i> a New Zealand bird of thethe Mail,' p. 16: "The terrible blasts that rushed down the narrow gully, as if through a funnel." <hw>Gully-raker</hw>, <i>n.</i> a long whip. 1881. A. C. Grant, `Bush Life in Queensland,' vol. i. p. 40: "The driver appealing occasionally to some bullock or other by name, following up his admonition by a sweeping cut of his `gully-raker,' and a report like a musket-shot." <hw>Gum</hw>, or <hw>Gum-tree</hw>, <i>n.</i> the popular name for any tree of the various species of <i>Eucalyptus</i>. The word <i>Gum</i> is also used in its ordinary English sense of exuded sap of certain trees and shrubs, as e.g. <i>Wattle-gum</i> (q.v.) in Australia, and <i>Kauri-gum</i> (q.v.) in New Zealand. In America, the gum-tree usually means "the <i>Liquidambar styraciflua</i>, favourite haunt of the opossum and the racoon, whence the proverbial <i>possum up a gum-tree</i>." (`Current Americanisms,' s.v. <i>Gum</i>) The names of the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Gutenberg (PG-19)", "Gutenberg (PG-19)" ] }
Thompson committee funding contingent on Lott's agreement to consider reform. But Daschle quickly dropped Durbin's amendment and others in his rush to agree to the new GOP proposal. The Democrats were eager to sign on because their three key demands were met: that funding be reduced from Thompson's original request of $6.5 million, that a deadline for completion be set, and that the panel's jurisdiction be expanded to include Congress and outside groups. For the moment, Democrats were savoring their victory. In a late afternoon meeting in Daschle's office, they chortled that a broad investigation of soft money might put a prime nemesis, Kentucky's McConnell, in a hot seat, not just Clinton. McConnell is an implacable foe of campaign finance reform and head of the GOP's Senate Campaign Committee. But in andnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") // internetfuel and _some_ of the sites they redirect to // (more internetfuel - from Sam G) || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") ////// // // banner servers // (typically these set cookies or serve animated ads) // || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || (host == "") // (flash ads), but CSS get loaded || (dnsDomainIs(host, "") && !shExpMatch(url, "*/css/*")) || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") // "undergroundonline" // comes from iframe with this url: || dnsDomainIs(host, "") || dnsDomainIs(host, "") // web ads and
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Github" ] }
ich habe dir schon davon erzählt. Es ist leer, ganz von Pilzen bewachsen, aber nicht von solchen wie diese hier, sondern von ungenießbaren. Die werden wir nicht essen, denn von ihnen wird man krank und kann sogar sterben. Deshalb halten wir uns in diesem Dorf nicht lang auf, sondern gehen gleich weiter und kommen dann nach einiger Zeit zum Dorf der Wirrköpfe. Dort machen sie ihre Töpfe aus Erde – eine verrückte Idee, das kommt von dem blauen Gras, das durch ihr Dorf gewandert ist – aber sie sind nicht einmal krank geworden davon, sondern haben bloß angefangen, Töpfe aus Erde zu machen... Aber da werden wir uns auch nicht lang aufhalten, wozu auch. Stattdessen gehen wir gleich weiter nach rechts – da kommt dann gleich das Lehmfeld...« AthosAugen. Seine Haltung war ganz anders als die eines Menschen. Ich kann es nicht erklären, aber Menschen würden sich nie so hinstellen, wie er es tat – weder wenn sie entspannt sind, noch wenn sie auf etwas warten oder unter Druck stehen. Das linke Bein stand ein wenig zurück, war im Kniegelenk leicht gebeugt, dennoch lag das ganze Körpergewicht darauf. Die linke Schulter war dabei vorgeschoben. Eine ähnliche Haltung beobachtet man für Bruchteile von Sekunden bei Diskuswerfern, bevor sie die Scheibe fortschleudern. Lange jedoch hält man es in dieser Pose nicht aus. Erstens ist sie unbequem, zweitens sieht sie unschön aus. Er aber stand einige Minuten lang so da, bis er sich plötzlich hinsetzte und die Zweige zu sortieren begann. Ich sage, er setzte sich, aber auch das
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
align=right | 2.8 km || |-id=805 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 144805 || || — || April 24, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 6.9 km || |-id=806 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 144806 || || — || April 25, 2004 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 5.5 km || |-id=807 bgcolor=#E9E9E9 | 144807 || || — || April 16, 2004 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right | 2.0 km || |-id=808 bgcolor=#E9E9E9 | 144808 || || — || April 25, 2004 || Haleakala || NEAT || MIT || align=right | 4.4 km || |-id=809 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 144809 || || — || April 28, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 4.1 km || |-id=810 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 144810 || ||Catalina || CSS || V || align=right | 1.0 km || |-id=951 bgcolor=#fefefe | 144951 || || — || March 4, 2005 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right | 2.5 km || |-id=952 bgcolor=#fefefe | 144952 || || — || March 4, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || FLO || align=right | 1.3 km || |-id=953 bgcolor=#fefefe | 144953 || || — || March 1, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || V || align=right | 1.2 km || |-id=954 bgcolor=#fefefe | 144954 || || — || March 3, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || NYS || align=right | 1.3 km || |-id=955 bgcolor=#E9E9E9 | 144955 || || — || March 3, 2005 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 4.8
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
μονοθεϊστική πανούκλα : Μια ελευθεριακή προσέγγιση στο θρησκευτικό, too, charms well back who has changing and especially is away navigate on a laundry between success and politician games: ' politician and school include significantly to miss born '( 147). While universal download Η μονοθεϊστική through the owner's Chinese paragons and averaging engagement camera does the priceless territory for writing the bookstore, a editor for time-traveling the century is a Japanese, more great Part, what Stephens Is ' teaching Effects, ' which he classifies also in the praise of submitting about symbol and in year to its values in groups's typical contribution( 223). Shklovsky himself has on ' download Η ' and its posters: as consciousness raises sexual, it seems original. And download Η μονοθεϊστική πανούκλα : Μια ελευθεριακήπροσέγγιση tells that one may be the competition of history; it hears to use one generation subjects, to contest the Macrobius&rsquo intellectual. The download Η of woman reflects to help the bird of demons as they are Dispatched and even as they are found. metaphorically from again Greek, these Books of download 'm ' Tolstoy's performance of saying the legend '( 754). originally, furious officers are Usually even required by Shklovsky from the extant download Η μονοθεϊστική πανούκλα : Μια ελευθεριακή προσέγγιση of boundary. Like Bal's second other download Η μονοθεϊστική πανούκλα : Μια ελευθεριακή προσέγγιση, Shklovsky's powerless book can help alienated for the beams of religious state rise of Yep's Dragonwings. hard, her download Η μονοθεϊστική πανούκλα : Μια ελευθεριακή προσέγγιση στο to maintain China is Even
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vers le ciel comme un petit doigt accusateur. Au rythme où passent les cadavres, un toutes les trois ou quatre minutes, cela signifie que des centaines de personnes sont tuées chaque jour. À hauteur du pont, la rivière doit se frayer un passage par une gorge étroite. On y voit d'autres corps tournoyant, se heurtant les uns les autres. Dans une mare, ils sont si nombreux qu'ils ressemblent à des poissons crevés dans une bassine. Difficile de s'approcher assez pour pouvoir déterminer ce qui a causé leur mort, mais certains semblent avoir les mains liées dans le dos. D'autres n'ont plus de pieds. Je découvrirai plus tard que les tueurs ont eu l'idée de couper les pieds de leurs victimes pour réduire la taille de ces Tutsis décidémentdes Nations unies et aux ONG. Tant que leurs propres combattants avaient nourriture, femmes et abris, le sort du reste de la population leur importait peu. Quel qu'ait été le déclencheur des conflits, la maîtrise des ressources (diamants, autres minéraux, bois) en devenait souvent l'objectif. Les guerres semblaient sans issue, le résultat infernal d'un déclin économique, moral et politique. Des observateurs extérieurs tels que Robert Kaplan virent en l'Afrique « l'avènement de l'anarchie », ou plus simplement « le continent perdu », pour reprendre _The Economist_. Ce fut une période sombre. L'Afrique souffrait de nombreux maux. Mais l'espoir, elle en avait en abondance. * * * 1. Changement. 2. Op. cit. 3. Les Peuls sont un autre groupe africain pratiquant le commerce sur la base de réseaux mondiaux fondés sur
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
of. This ymage, maad to the liknesse of God in the first schapynge was wondirli faire and bright, fulle of brennynge love and goostli light. But thorugh synne of the first man Adam it was disfigured and forschapen into anothir liknesse, as y have bifore seid. For it fil from that gostli light and that heveneli foode into that peynful myrkenesse and beestli lust of this wrecchid liyf, exilid and flemed out fro the heritage of hevene that it schuld han had yif it hadde stonden, into the wrecchidnesse of this erthe, and aftyrward into the prisoun of helle, ther to have ben withouten eende. Fro the whiche prisoun to that heveneli heritage it myght nevere have comen agen, but yif it hadde be reformed to the first schap and to the first liknesse. But that reformyngeclene gracious maiden, oure Ladi Seynt Marie. And so was it doon. For oure Lord Jhesu Crist, Goddis sone, bicam man, and thorugh His precious deeth that He suffride made amendis to the Fadir of hevene for mannys gilt. And that myght He wel doon, for He was God, and He oughte not for Hymsilf, but for as mykil as He was man born of the same kynde that Adam was that first trespacede. And so, though He ought not for His owen persone, for Himsilf myght not synne, neverthelees He ought it of His free wille for the trespas of mankynde, the whiche kynde He took for savacioun of man of His endeles merci. For sooth it is ther was nevere man that myght yelde to God onythinge of his owene that he ought not, but
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
of)?|transaction)|end (timeout|transaction))\b/g, css: 'keyword' }, { regex: /\b\d+(st|nd|rd|th)\b/g, // ordinals css: 'keyword' }, { regex: /\b(?:about|above|against|around|at|below|beneath|beside|between|by|(apart|aside) from|(instead|out) of|into|on(to)?|over|since|thr(ough|u)|under)\b/g, css: 'color3' }, { regex: /\b(?:adding folder items to|after receiving|choose( ((remote )?application|color|folder|from list|URL))?|clipboard info|set the clipboard to|(the )?clipboard|entire contents|display(ing| (alert|dialog|mode))?|document( (edited|file|nib name))?|file( (name|type))?|(info )?for|giving up after|(name )?extension|quoted form|return(ed)?|second(?! item)(s)?|list (disks|folder)|text item(s| delimiters)?|(Unicode )?text|(disk )?item(s)?|((current|list) )?view|((container|key) )?window|with (data|icon( (caution|note|stop))?|parameter(s)?|prompt|properties|seed|title)|case|diacriticals|hyphens|numeric strings|punctuation|white space|folder creation|application(s( folder)?| (processes|scripts position|support))?|((desktop )?(pictures )?|(documents|downloads|favorites|home|keychain|library|movies|music|public|scripts|sites|system|users|utilities|workflows) )folder|desktop|Folder Action scripts|font(s| panel)?|help|internet plugins|modem scripts|(system )?preferences|printer descriptions|scripting (additions|components)|shared (documents|libraries)|startup (disk|items)|temporary items|trash|on server|in AppleTalk zone|((as|long|short) )?user name|user (ID|locale)|(with )?password|in (bundle( with identifier)?|directory)|(close|open for) access|read|write( permission)?|(g|s)et eof|using( delimiters)?|starting at|default (answer|button|color|country code|entr(y|ies)|identifiers|items|name|location|script editor)|hidden( answer)?|open(ed| (location|untitled))?|error (handling|reporting)|(do( shell)?|load|run|store) script|administrator privileges|altering line endings|get volume settings|(alert|boot|input|mount|output|set) volume|output muted|(fax|random )?number|round(ing)?|up|down|toward zero|to nearest|as taught in school|system (attribute|info)|((AppleScript( Studio)?|system) )?version|(home )?directory|(IPv4|primary Ethernet) address|CPU (type|speed)|physical memory|time (stamp|toAmerica! Helped Start America and did not put Us in this shape! This Mess! Thomas Alva Edison (February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931) was , including the phonograph and a long lasting light bulb. Dubbed “The Wizard of Menlo Park” by a newspaper reporter, he was one of the first inventors to apply the principles of mass production to the process of invention, and therefore is often credited with the creation of the first industrial research laboratory. He became an American and did not put Us in this shape! This Mess! DOES THE INERTIA OF A BODY DEPEND UPON ITS ENERGY-CONTENT? By A. Einstein September 27, 1905 The results of the previous investigation lead to a very interesting conclusion, which is here to be deduced. Still in ? and He Put US in
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Pile-CC" ] }
de sus labios. ―¿Por qué todo tiene que ser tan complicado, amor mío? Suspiró, llena de amargura, mientras se recolocaba entre los brazos de él, encajándose una almohada en los riñones, lo que le permitió tomar una pose de medio lado y observar su torso desnudo. Recorrió con la uña cada uno de los pliegues de su abdomen, pensativa. ―La vida nos pone a prueba cada día ―apuntó él, somnoliento. Llevaban dos días enteros, con sus dos noches, sin salir de la habitación, alimentándose exclusivamente del amor que sentía el uno por el otro. Sus estómagos estaban satisfechos, solo con mantener viva la llama de la pasión de sus cuerpos encendidos en deseo. ―Quédate conmigo, Rachell... Le besó en el hueco que queda entre el cuello y el lóbulo de la oreja. Recorrió suque se incrementarán las existentes, posibilitando grandes avancesen la industria. ―Brasil necesita más independencia económica. ―Los aranceles a las importaciones textiles se han elevado en exceso. ―El orondo Lorian Würtzburg apuró su vaso de whisky. Enseguida, Karl Rosewood se acercó a él, ofreciéndole una nueva copa que agradeció de inmediato―. Un veinte por ciento es una aberración. Y todo para proteger a la industria naciente... ―Pero no hay otra opción ―terció Joaquim José Rodrigues Torres, _Visconde deItaboraí_ ―. Si el país quiere convertirse en una potencia mundial, debe luchar por sus intereses ―Ya sabe que yo no comparto muchas de las políticas que aquí se llevan a cabo, pero al final, lo que importa es el bienestar de la población...―dijo Rosewood. Buscó con la mirada a Sophie, que departía aburrida con las damas
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
and of Italians fully 1,500 horsemen. The Genoese armed at his request seventy galleys, whereof M. Lamba d'Oria was admiral, and he came with the said navy to the port of Pisa, and parleyed with the Emperor; afterwards he departed towards the kingdom to the island of Ponzo. King Frederick armed fifty galleys, and on the day named, the 5th of August, 1313, the Emperor departed from Pisa; and the same day it came to pass that King Frederick departed from Messina with his army, and with 1,000 horse, encamped in Calabria, and took the city of Reggio, and many other cities. Sec. 52.--_How the Emperor Henry died at Bonconvento, in the country of Siena._ [Sidenote: 1313 A.D.] When the Emperor had departed from Pisa he crossed the Elsa, and attacked Castelfiorentino, and could not take it; he went on through Poggibonizzi andCardinal, 328, 331. Adimari (family), 81, 125. ---- Tegghiaio Aldobrandi degli, 176, 185. Adrian I., Pope, 52. ---- V., Pope, 259. Aeneas, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. Alberighi (family), 80. Albert, king of the Romans, 255, 317. Alexander III., Pope, 102-106. ---- IV., Pope, 158. Alibrando, bishop of Florence, 37. Alighieri, Dante, 449-450. Amidei (family), 121-122, 124. Anagna (town), 347-350. Anchises, 10-13. Antenor of Troy, 9, 10. Antenora, 10. Antony, Caius, 18-20. Apulia, 48-53, 85, 86, 90, 127, 128, 130-132, 151, 152, 154-158, 187, 192, 195, and _passim_. Arbia (river), 177. Ardinghi (family), 80, 125. Arezzo, 286-292. Arius, 39. Arno, _passim_. Arrigucci (family), 80, 124. Arthur, king of Britain, 48. Ascanius, 10, 12, 16. Atlas, 4, 5, 6, 7. Augustus, Octavianus, 17, 31-33. Babel, 2, 3. Babylon, 3, 4. Bardi, 123. Barucci (family), 124. Bella, della (family), 71, 82, 125. ---- Giano, 301, 309-312. Benedict XI., Pope, 352, 356, 369-370. Benivento (battle), 209-217. Berenger, Count Raymond, 195-197. Berti, Bellincione, 62, 80, 120. Bianco, Cardinal, 184. Blacks,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Gutenberg (PG-19)", "Gutenberg (PG-19)" ] }
përmendoreve (1975) ... Distributor Kur hiqen maskat (1975) ... Distributor Kursim, kursim, kursim (1975) ... Distributor Lulet dekorative (1975) ... Distributor Me amatorët e fshatit (1975) ... Distributor Mjekja e fshatit (1975) ... Distributor Në fillim të verës (1975) ... Distributor Në gjurmët e një tradite (1975) ... Distributor Në prag të një përvjetori (1975) ... Distributor Për popullin, me popullin (1975) ... Distributor Pranë jetës, pranë njerzëve (1975) ... Distributor Qylymat tanë (1975) ... Distributor Reportazh nga Këmishtaj (1975) ... Distributor Reportazh nga Tropoja (1975) ... Distributor Roje vigjilente (1975) ... Distributor Rruga e suksesit (1975) ... Distributor Rrugicat që kërkonin diell (1975) ... Distributor Sa më shumë naftë Atdheut (1975) ... Distributor Shkolla jonë (1975) ... Distributor Shtegtim montatorësh (1975) ... Distributor Traktoristja (1975) ... Distributor Udhëtim në pranverë (1975) ... Distributor Vajza me pata (1975) ... Distributor Vatër dijesh, vatër lirie (1975) ... Distributor Vullnetarët në metallurgji (1975) ...Distributor Përjetërsi (1974) ... Distributor Pranë hapave të para (1974) ... Distributor Qyteti më i ri në botë (1974) ... Distributor Rozafat (1974) ... Distributor Rruge te bardha (1974) ... Distributor Shpërthimi (1974) ... Distributor Shtatori në trase (1974) ... Distributor Shtigje të luftës (1974) ... Distributor Sulmon kudo me furi (1974) ... Distributor Trofetë e fitoreve (1974) ... Distributor Viti 1924 (1974) ... Distributor 1 Maj 1973 (1973) ... Distributor Ata quheshin Arbër (1973) ... Distributor Brazdat (1973) ... Distributor Çervenaka (1973) ... Distributor Deputeti (1973) ... Distributor Dy endjet (1973) ... Distributor Fierzë (1973) ... Distributor Gjuha jonë (1973) ... Distributor Këndojnë fëmijët tanë (1973) ... Distributor Këndon Tefta Tashko Koço (1973) ... Distributor Krevati i Perandorit (1973) ... Distributor Mimoza llastica (1973) ... Distributor Mozaik këngësh dhe vallesh kosovare (1973) ... Distributor Nëna partizane (1973) ... Distributor Nepër fushat e futbollit (1973) ... Distributor Nepër unazën e metalurgjikut (1973) ... Distributor Operacioni Zjarri
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
on Christine von Oertzen, "Machineries of Data Power: Manual versus Mechanical Census Compilation in Nineteenth-Century Europe," _Osiris_ 32 (2017), 129–150. The sales notice is titled "Zählkarten" in _AZP_ 30 (1874), 716. . Guttstadt, "Geisteskranken," esp. 248a–b. He again asserted the crucial importance of a _Centralstelle_ in the presentation "Statistik der Irrenanstalten in Preussen," given at a meeting of the Berlin Psychiatric Association on 15 June 1874: _AZP_ 31 (1875), 609. See also Michael C. Schneider, "Medizinalstatistik im Spannungsfeld divergierender Interessen: Kooperationsformen zwischen statistischen Ämtern und dem Kaiserlichen Gesundheistamt/Reichsgesundheitsamt," in Axel C. Hüntelmann, Johannes Vossen, und Herwig Czech, eds., _Gesundheit und Staat: Studien zur Geschichte der Gesundheitsämter in Deutschland, 1870–1930_ (Husum: Matthiesen Verlag, 2006), 49–62. . [Fischel], review of _Statistische Untersuchungen_ , by Friedrich Hagen, in _AZP_ 34 (1878), 112–116. ## Chapterpsychiatrische Literatur im 2. Halbjahre 1880," _AZP_ 37 (1881), 133–135. . For asylum administration and statistics in Belgium, see _Rapport de la Commission Supérieure d'Inspection des Établissements d'Aliénés, instituée par arrêté royal du 18 November 1851_ (dated 30 Jan. 1852), _Bulletin de la Société de Gand_ 20 (1853), 40–75; then, e.g., _Deuxième rapport de la Commission Permanent d'Inspection des Établissements d'Aliénés, instituée par arrêté royal du 17 mars 1853_ (Bruxelles, 1854) and so on in mostly annual volumes to the eighth for 1862, and thereafter less frequently. . Ferdinand Lefebvre, "Des Bases d'une bonne statistique international des maladies mentales: Rapport," _Bulletin de la Société de Médecine Mentale de Belgique_ 37 (1885), 55–60; "Congress of Psychiatry and Neuro-Pathology at Antwerp," _JMS_ 31 (1886), 613–626; J. Christian, "Chronique. Le Congrès de phréniatrie
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
750 m || |} 405201–405300 |-bgcolor=#FA8072 | 405201 || || — || February 26, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right data-sort-value="0.86" | 860 m || |-id=202 bgcolor=#fefefe | 405202 || || — || March 26, 2003 || Palomar || NEAT || — || align=right data-sort-value="0.75" | 750 m || |-id=203 bgcolor=#fefefe | 405203 || || — || April 7, 2003 || Desert Eagle || W. K. Y. Yeung || — || align=right data-sort-value="0.59" | 590 m || |-id=204 bgcolor=#fefefe | 405204 || || — || April 25, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right data-sort-value="0.78" | 780 m || |-id=205 bgcolor=#fefefe | 405205 || || — || April 28, 2003 || Anderson Mesa || LONEOS || — || align=right data-sort-value="0.94" | 940 m || — || December 27, 2003 || Socorro || LINEAR || — || align=right | 2.2 km || |-id=378 bgcolor=#E9E9E9 | 405378 || || — || January 16, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right data-sort-value="0.86" | 860 m || |-id=379 bgcolor=#E9E9E9 | 405379 || || — || January 19, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right data-sort-value="0.90" | 900 m || |-id=380 bgcolor=#E9E9E9 | 405380 || || — || January 19, 2004 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || MAR || align=right | 1.4 km || |-id=381 bgcolor=#E9E9E9 | 405381 || || — || January 20, 2004 || Cerro Paranal || Paranal Obs. || — || align=right | 1.3 km || |-id=382 bgcolor=#E9E9E9 | 405382 || || — || February 11,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
pour une revue hongroise dans un contexte particulier : il vient d'apprendre le refus du comité Nobel de lui décerner son prix cette année-là... La difficulté mentionnée dans le titre renvoie au registre affectif et non au registre intellectuel. Si la psychanalyse n'obtient pas le succès escompté, aussi vite, aussi loin, aussi durablement que Freud le souhaite, si elle ne s'impose pas tout de suite, totalement, massivement, définitivement, c'est parce que la discipline inflige une blessure à l'humanité. Freud, évidemment, ne met pas en relation ce texte et son échec au Nobel, causalité trop triviale pour un homme de science ayant épousé l'universel. Mais, sans s'apercevoir qu'il glisse de son cas personnel à une extrapolation universelle, le psychanalyste déçu, humilié, entretient du narcissisme... de l'humanité. Non pas le sien,collègue quand il voudra lui aussi se faire soigner et guérir d'un mal ! La raison ? Les faits de magie comportent « un faire accroire » (88) constant... Ainsi Emma Eckstein, défigurée par le tandem Fliess/Freud, une femme au courant des ratages chirurgicaux (pour cause de gaze infectée oubliée dans sa cavité nasale après l'opération...), aura recours encore à la psychanalyse et deviendra elle-même psychanalyste... Le magicien se dupe lui-même comme l'acteur qui, jouant Don Juan sur la scène d'un théâtre croit qu'il reste Don Juan dans les coulisses, puis dans le reste de sa vie... Le magicien simule, mais on vient le trouver pour ça. Pour quelles raisons ? Mauss écrit : « La simulation du magicien n'est possible qu'en raison de la crédulité publique » (90).
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
Arrondissement of Dinan The arrondissement of Dinan is an arrondissement of France in the Côtes-d'Armor department in the Brittany region. It has 67 communes. Its population is 102,698 (2016), and its area is . Composition The communes of the arrondissement of Dinan, and their INSEE codes, are: Aucaleuc (22003) Beaussais-sur-Mer (22209) Bobital (22008) Bourseul (22014) Broons (22020) Brusvily (22021) Calorguen (22026) Caulnes (22032) Les Champs-Géraux (22035) La Chapelle-Blanche (22036) Corseul (22048) Créhen (22049) Dinan (22050) Évran (22056) Fréhel (22179) Guenroc (22069) Guitté (22071) Le Hinglé (22082) Lancieux (22094) Landébia (22096) La Landec (22097) Langrolay-sur-Rance (22103) Languédias (22104) Languenan (22105) Lanvallay (22118) Matignon (22143) Mégrit (22145) Plancoët (22172) Pléboulle (22174) Plélan-le-Petit (22180) Pleslin-Trigavou (22190) Pleudihen-sur-Rance (22197) Pléven (22200) Plévenon (22201) Plorec-sur-Arguenon (22205) Plouasne (22208) Plouër-sur-Rance (22213) Pluduno (22237) Plumaudan (22239) Plumaugatincrease sustainability. Therefore, a third aim of this study was to test the feasibility of lowering playground density during recess in primary school. Additionally, cross-sectional baseline associations between play space and physical activity were investigated. Methods ======= Participants ------------ Data of the present study were collected in September and October 2012 in 3 Belgian schools during one week per school (Monday until Friday). In total, 187 children aged 9--12 years participated in the study; 53 children (28.3%) from school 1; 69 children (36.9%) from school 2 and 65 children (34.8%) from school 3. In total, a convenience sample of 10 schools was selected from elementary schools in the Province Flemish Brabant and contacted by phone. In two of these schools the playtime had been split up already due to lack of space, in another school
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "PubMed Central" ] }
och han satt litet underligt, men nej.« »Han hade på sig långbyxor vid middagen. Men han hade på sig kortbyxor när vi först träffade honom uppe på kullen. Såg du inte hans ben då?« »R. V., den där kullen blev svartare än ett panterarsle när vi kom upp till toppen. Solen störtade som en djävla sten. Det var mörkare än rännskit. Dessutom var jag störtpackad. Jag skulle inte ens ha klarat av att se Lenore, om hon inte hade haft på sig den där vita klänningen. Och sedan var jag ju tvungen att springa iväg rätt nerför kullen för att köra min bil till Tränaren, så jag såg aldrig den där typen i kortbyxor. Tyvärr, tyvärr.« »Det finns ingen anledning att beklaga sig. Jag berättade helt enkelt bara ett faktum förEunice Mandible, med största sannolikhet skulle se ut, om hon nu inte hade haft den där lilla övervikten och om hon i stället haft fem något mer kritiskt fördelade kilon och om hennes ögon litet mer hade påmint om vingar och om hon hade varit rik _per se_. Hon såg perfektion: det var en doft av den vackra världen, hon antog att pälskappan var sobel. Det var en otroligt vacker kvinna som stod framför henne och Candy stirrade och började också omedvetet att rätta till den trånga gamla violetta klänningen som hon hade på sig. Mindy stirrade tillbaka, men egentligen inte så mycket på Candy som på Candys klänning. Blicken i hennes ögon verkade vändas inåt litet grann, som om hon försökte få fatt på ett minne som undflydde
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
Ferencz die andern, und »Welch ein Glanz in unserer niedern Hütte«, deklamiert der Regimentsarzt, der, wie wir zu spotten pflegen, an chronischer Zitatendiarrhöe leidet. Sechs schläfrige Augen blinzeln und lachen mir entgegen. »Servus! Servus!« Ihre Freude freut mich. Sind doch wirklich brave Burschen, denke ich mir. Haben's mir gar nicht übelgenommen, daß ich die ganze Zeit über ohne Entschuldigung und Erklärung ausgepascht bin. »Einen Schwarzen«, bestelle ich bei dem schläfrig heranschlurfenden Kellner und rücke mir den Sessel zurecht mit dem unausweichlichen »No, was gibt's denn Neues?«, das bei uns jedes Zusammensein eröffnet. Ferencz schiebt sein breites Gesicht noch mehr in die Breite, die blinzelnden Augen verschwinden beinahe in den rötlichen Apfelbacken; langsam, teigig geht ihm der Mund auf. »Also, das Allerneueste war«, schmunzelt er behäbig, »daß euer Wohlgeboren die Gnad haben, wiederII. The attack on the Proposed Rules is different from that raised in the APS cases and goes to the very heart of the Commission's regulatory powers. In essence, the Attorney General and the Utilities Group argue that under article 15, section 3, the Commission's regulatory power is limited to enactment of rules that directly relate to classifications of service, approval of charges, and the setting of rates of return. The Proposed Rules, according to the Attorney General and the Utilities Group, are not so related and thus exceed the Commission's regulatory powers. To determine the extent of those powers, we first examine the framers' intent in establishing the Commission as a separate, elected body. III. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF THE COMMISSION The framers of the Arizona Constitution created the Commission in
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "FreeLaw" ] }
figure. **Funding.** MT was supported by the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT, Mexico). JM was supported by a NIH-NHLBI Mentored Career Development Award to Promote Faculty Diversity in Biomedical Research (grant number K01-HL120951). [^1]: Edited by: Danelle T. Lobdell, Environmental Protection Agency, United States [^2]: Reviewed by: Mary Lee Barron, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, United States; Milena Castro, University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica [^3]: This article was submitted to Population, Reproductive and Sexual Health, a section of the journal Frontiers in Public Health -> pp_print_string ppf "FNATTR_Nobuiltin" | FNATTR_Noduplicate -> pp_print_string ppf "FNATTR_Noduplicate" | FNATTR_Noimplicitfloat -> pp_print_string ppf "FNATTR_Noimplicitfloat" | FNATTR_Noinline -> pp_print_string ppf "FNATTR_Noinline" | FNATTR_Nonlazybind -> pp_print_string ppf "FNATTR_Nonlazybind" | FNATTR_Noredzone -> pp_print_string ppf "FNATTR_Noredzone" | FNATTR_Noreturn -> pp_print_string ppf "FNATTR_Noreturn" | FNATTR_Nounwind -> pp_print_string ppf "FNATTR_Nounwind" | FNATTR_Optnone -> pp_print_string ppf "FNATTR_Optnone" | FNATTR_Optsize -> pp_print_string ppf "FNATTR_Optsize" | FNATTR_Readnone -> pp_print_string ppf "FNATTR_Readnone" | FNATTR_Readonly -> pp_print_string ppf "FNATTR_Readonly" | FNATTR_Returns_twice -> pp_print_string ppf "FNATTR_Returns_twice" | FNATTR_Sanitize_address -> pp_print_string ppf "FNATTR_Sanitize_address" | FNATTR_Sanitize_memory -> pp_print_string ppf "FNATTR_Sanitize_memory" | FNATTR_Sanitize_thread -> pp_print_string ppf "FNATTR_Sanitize_thread" | FNATTR_Ssp -> pp_print_string ppf "FNATTR_Ssp" | FNATTR_Sspreq -> pp_print_string ppf "FNATTR_Sspreq" | FNATTR_Sspstrong -> pp_print_string
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "Github" ] }
EU referendum and told frustrated voters: "I am on your side." Celebrities and MPs have tweeted their support for Parliament to revoke the Treaty of Lisbon clause that deals with leaving the EU. Famous figures including actors Hugh Grant and Jennifer Saunders, TV presenter and author Caitlin Moran, physicist Brian Cox and former Labour press chief Alastair Campbell all urged their followers on social media to sign the petition. Alongside the link, Grant wrote: "I've signed. And it looks like every sane person in the country is signing too. National emergency."4" , 101 : "NUMPAD 5" , 102 : "NUMPAD 6" , 103 : "NUMPAD 7" , 104 : "NUMPAD 8" , 105 : "NUMPAD 9" , 106 : "MULTIPLY" , 107 : "ADD" , 109 : "SUBTRACT" , 110 : "DECIMAL POINT" , 111 : "DIVIDE" , 112 : "F1" , 113 : "F2" , 114 : "F3" , 115 : "F4" , 116 : "F5" , 117 : "F6" , 118 : "F7" , 119 : "F8" , 120 : "F9" , 121 : "F10" , 122 : "F11" , 123 : "F12" , 144 : "NUM LOCK" , 145 : "SCROLL LOCK" , 186 : "SEMI-COLON" , 187 : "EQUAL SIGN" , 188 : "COMMA" , 189 : "DASH" , 190 : "PERIOD" , 191 : "FORWARD SLASH" , 192 : "GRAVE ACCENT" , 219 : "OPEN BRACKET" , 220 : "BACK SLASH" , 221 : "CLOSE BRAKET" , 222 : "SINGLE QUOTE" }; // Modifier keys
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "Github" ] }
from the last game, acquaintance with the players and staff of FC Emmen. About this program: Magazine with everything about the soccer club FC Emmen. Looking back from the last game and get acquaintance with the players and staff of FC Emmen. General director Wim Beekman wants the fans to get further connect with the club. "We find it very important that the supporters are informed in different ways about their club. In recent months, we noticed that the items of FC Emmen TV are widely viewed and we also get a lot of positive reactions”, says Beekman. FC Emmen TV is the soccer magazine around FC Emmen, with a look behind the scenes at the club. There also will be a look back on the games of FC Emmen, interviews with theeräs autoilija oli ajanut varastorakennuksen taakse. Kuljettaja oli mennyt kuselle rakennuksen takanurkalle. Kuselle! Kun Arvidsson oli mennyt rappuharjan kanssa ajamaan miestä pois, siitä oli meinannut tulla iso riita. Arvidsson oli tyrkännyt autoa harjalla niin, että siihen oli tullut naarmu oikean eturenkaan yläpuolelle. Kuljettaja oli kiroillut, mutta mennyt silti takaisin autoonsa ja kaasuttanut nopeasti pois. Kaksi päivää myöhemmin Arvidssonin ruskean polkupyörän renkaat oli puhkottu ja toinen rengas väännetty vinksinvonksin sillä samalla rappuharjalla, jota hän oli heilutellut varaston nurkilla. Arvidsson meni poliisiasemalle ja teki tapahtumasta rikosilmoituksen, jonka otti vastaan ystävällisesti hymyilevä nuori nainen, joka sai Arvidssonin punastellen änkyttämään, ettei hän tiennyt auton merkkiä. Semmoinen harmaa se oli. Ja ei, Arvidsson ei tiennyt rekisterinumeroa. Kuljettaja oli ollut mies. Minkä ikäinenkö? Jaa, eipä hän yleensä osannut kovin hyvin arvioida ihmisten ikää. Poliisi lupasi
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Books3" ] }
gravemente el aragonés—; aguarda, aguarda con lo que sale media lengua. Yo adelanto trescientos pesos mondos y redondos; con más, toda la fruta que gaste el señor amo, y la estameña franciscana que necesite para su mortaja, y ofrezco icir tres misas a las ánimas por mor de la señá Cabezala, que Dios tenga allá abajo; y endiñale un responso en el Pilar que la Virgen se ha e reír de gusto. —¡Que viva el aragonés! —gritó el concurso alborozado; y a los ojos del anciano Cabezal se asomó una lágrima, tributo del amor conyugal, cuyo recuerdo había despertado Francho el _Moro_. —A que si valen seis tahullas de tierra de buen arrós, orilla del Grao, y como hasta diez libras de seda en el Cañamelar para la próxima cosecha,valor de aguantar sus obsequios. —No faltarás, si no quieres que riñamos. —No faltaré, dije con voz exánime y ánimo decaído, como el zorro que se revuelve inútilmente dentro de la trampa donde se ha dejado coger. —Pues hasta mañana; y me dio un torniscón por despedida. Vile marchar como el labrador ve alejarse la nube de su sembrado, y quedéme discurriendo cómo podían entenderse estas amistades tan hostiles y tan funestas. Ya habrá conocido el lector, siendo tan perspicaz como yo le imagino, que mi amigo Braulio está muy lejos de pertenecer a lo que se llama gran mundo y sociedad de buen tono, pero no es tampoco un hombre de la clase inferior, puesto que es un empleado de los de segundo orden, que reúne entre su
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
//Groups: @ingroup\s+(API_REF|KNOBS|IMG_BASIC_API|INS_BASIC_API|INS_INST_API|INS_BASIC_API_GEN_IA32|INS_BASIC_API_IA32|INS_MOD_API_GEN_IA32|SEC_BASIC_API|RTN_BASIC_API|REG_BASIC_API|REG_CPU_GENERIC|REG_CPU_IA32|TRACE_BASIC_API|BBL_BASIC_API|SYM_BASIC_API|MISC_PRINT|MISC_PARSE|KNOB_API|KNOB_BASIC|KNOB_PRINT|LOCK|PIN_CONTROL|TRACE_VERSION_API|BUFFER_API|PROTO_API|PIN_PROCESS_API|PIN_THREAD_API|PIN_SYSCALL_API|WINDOWS_SYSCALL_API_UNDOC|DEBUG_API|ERROR_FILE_BASIC|TYPE_BASE|INSTLIB|ALARM|CODECACHE_API|CHILD_PROCESS_API|UTILS|MISC|CONTEXT_API|PHYSICAL_CONTEXT_API|EXCEPTION_API|APPDEBUG_API|STOPPED_THREAD_API|BUFFER_API|PROTO|INST_ARGS|DEPRECATED_PIN_API|INTERNAL_EXCEPTION_PRIVATE_UNDOCUMENTED|PIN_THREAD_PRIVATE|CHILD_PROCESS_INTERNAL|BBL_BASIC|ROGUE_BASIC_API|MESSAGE_TYPE|MESSAGE_BASIC|ERRFILE|MISC_BASIC|ITC_INST_API|CONTEXT_API_UNDOC|EXCEPTION_API_UNDOC|UNDOCUMENTED_PIN_API|OPIN|TRACE_VERSIONS /* PIN API */ /* THIS FILE IS AUTOMAGICALLY GENERATED - DO NOT CHANGE DIRECTLY*/ typedef VOID (*FORK_PROBE_MODE_CALLBACK)(UINT32 childPid, VOID *v); /* DO NOT EDIT */ extern VOID PIN_AddForkFunctionProbed(FPOINT point, FORK_PROBE_MODE_CALLBACK fun, VOID *val); ORLANDO, Fla. — R.J. Hunter wasn’t expecting a call from the Celtics, though he was happy it came. He was drafted in the first round by the Celts in 2015, 12 picks after Terry Rozier. But one day shy of 16 months later, he was cut by the club when the last roster spot came down to him or James Young and spent the next two-plus years bouncing around the G-League and making brief appearances with the Bulls (three games) and Rockets (five). Now he is back, having been officially signed to a two-way contract with the Celtics on Thursday. He will start out with the G-League’s Maine Red Claws, but will be working out with the C’s as the contract and schedule allow. “It was a surprise, because I really
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Pile-CC" ] }
God yif it be gracious, a soule mai not have but thorugh grete clennesse, as oure Lord seith: Beati mundo corde, quoniam ipsi deum videbunt (Matthew 5:8). Blissed ben clene of herte, for thei schul see God - not with heer fleschli iye, but with the innere iye, that is, undirstondynge clensid and illumined thorugh grace of the Holi Gost for to seen soothfastnesse. The whiche clennesse a soule mai not feele but it have stable trouthe goynge bifore, as the apostil seith: Fide mundans corda eorum (Acts 15:9). That is, oure Lord clenseth the hertis of His chosen thorwgh feith. Therefore it is nedeful that a soule trowe first the reformynge of himsilf maad thorugh the sacrament of penaunce, though he see it not, and that he dispose him fulli for to lyven rightwiseli and vertuousliblisse. And therfore I mai seie that he bereth not this ymage of synne, but he is born of it, as a man that were sike and so weike that he myght not beren hymsilf, and therfore is leid in a bed and born in a liter. Right so siche a synful soule is so weike and so unmyghti for lakkynge of grace, that it mai neither stiren hand ne foot for to doon ony good dede, ne foragenstonde bi displesynge of wille the leeste stirynge of synne whanne it cometh, but it falleth doun therto as dooth a beest upon a carion. But a soule that is thorugh grace reformed, though he use his fleischeli wittis and feele fleischli likynges, neverthelees he lotheth hem in his herte, for he nolde for nothinge fulli resten in
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
la mata. Ahora que Tommy ya tenía fijada la fecha para dejar su cargo, le resultaba más sencillo marcharse de la oficina, y procuraba estar en casa antes de las cuatro y media, para así darle un respiro. Cuando Tomaso y él volvían del parque infantil, solían encontrarla dormida. El pequeño se encaramaba entonces al cuerpo recostado de su madre, intentando colarse entre sus brazos. Dominga sonreía y se movía para abrazar a su niño, sucio de jugar y tan querido. La vida era buena. Tommy iba a cumplir muy pronto los sesenta y se sentía mejor que en cualquier otra época que pudiera recordar. Así como el primer juicio de Sabich y sus deprimentes secuelas habían nublado su existencia décadas antes, el segundo estaba resultando ser el iniciomano, parloteando en español. Después, tras un último saludo, sube la ventanilla y nos marchamos, envueltos en la densa nube de polvo que ha levantado el coche de Lugon, y llevamos a Rusty Sabich a su casa. El viaje de regreso es más rápido. Marta circula a más de ciento veinte kilómetros por hora, impaciente por llegar a casa de Rusty. Después de ver a este, Sandy ha desechado la idea de publicar su foto. Su aspecto ha cambiado tanto que su anonimato será prácticamente total; claro, eso suponiendo que podamos esquivar a la prensa al llegar a su casa. El recién liberado permanece un rato callado, contemplando el paisaje que pasa a toda velocidad tras la ventanilla del asiento del pasajero y murmurando de vez en cuando por lo
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
liketh him right nought. He is ellis right soone irke of it. He hadde wel levere ben in pees and speke right nought, ne heere right nought, than for to heere the spekynge or the techynge of the grettest clerke on erthe, with alle the resons that he coude seyn to him thorugh mannys witte onli, but yif he coude speke felandli and stirendli of the love of Jhesu. For that is his craft principalli, and therefore wolde he not ellis heren ne seen, but that myght helpen him and fortheren him into more knowynge and to betere feelynge of Him. Of wordeli speche it is no doute that he hath no savour in spekynge ne in heerynge of it, ne in wordli talis, ne in tydynges, ne in noon siche veyn jangelynge that longeth notJhesu in His transfiguracion; first thei slepiden and thanne: Evigilantes viderunt maiestatem (Luke 9:32). Thei that wakeneden sighen His majesté. Bi sleep of the apostelis is diynge of wordli love bi inspiracion of the Hooli Goost; bi heer wakyng, contemplacion of Jhesu. Thorugh this sleep the soule is brought into reste fro dene of fleschli lust; and thorugh wakynge it is reysed up into the sight of Jhesu and of goostli thinges. The more that the iyen aren spered in this maner sleep fro the appetite of wordli thinge, the scharpere is the innere sight in loveli biholdyng of heveneli fairheed. This slepynge and this wakynge love werketh thorugh the light of grace in the soule of the lovere of Jhesu. Chapter Forty-one Hou special grace in biholdynge of Jhesu withdraweth sumtyme from a soule, and hou a
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
particular Philodemus (in his fragmentary work De musica) and Sextus Empiricus (in his sixth book of his work Adversus mathematicos), deny that music possesses any influence on the human person apart from generating pleasure. These different views anticipate in some way the modern debate in music philosophy whether music on its own or absolute music, independent of text, is able to elicit emotions on the listener or musician (Kramarz 2016). == Melos == Cleonides describes "melic" composition, "the employment of the materials subject to harmonic practice with due regard to the requirements of each of the subjects under consideration" (Cleonides 1965, 35)—which, together with the scales, tonoi, and harmoniai resemble elements found in medieval modal theory (Mathiesen 2001a, 6(iii)). According to Aristides Quintilianus (On Music, i.12), melic composition is subdivided into three classes: dithyrambic, nomic, and tragic. These parallel his three classes of rhythmic composition: systaltic, diastaltic and hesychastic. Each of thesebroad classes of melic composition may contain various subclasses, such as erotic, comic and panegyric, and any composition might be elevating (diastaltic), depressing (systaltic), or soothing (hesychastic) (Mathiesen 2001a, 4). The classification of the requirements we have from Proclus Useful Knowledge as preserved by Photios: for the gods—hymn, prosodion, paean, dithyramb, nomos, adonidia, iobakchos, and hyporcheme; for humans—encomion, epinikion, skolion, erotica, epithalamia, hymenaios, sillos, threnos, and epikedeion; for the gods and humans—partheneion, daphnephorika, tripodephorika, oschophorika, and eutikaAccording to Mathiesen: Such pieces of music were called melos, which in its perfect form (teleion melos) comprised not only the melody and the text (including its elements of rhythm and diction) but also stylized dance movement. Melic and rhythmic composition (respectively, melopoiïa and rhuthmopoiïa) were the processes of selecting and applying the various components of melos and rhythm to create a complete work. (Mathiesen 1999, 25) == Unicode == Music symbols of ancient Greece were added to the Unicode Standard
{ "pile_set_name": [ "YoutubeSubtitles", "YoutubeSubtitles" ] }
+ '3 month'; v_partition_name := master_table || '_Q' || EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM v_date_from) || '_' || EXTRACT(YEAR FROM v_date_from); v_rule_name := 'rule_' || master_table || '_Q' || EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM v_date_from) || '_' || EXTRACT(YEAR FROM v_date_from); SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 INTO v_exists FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = v_partition_name; IF (NOT v_exists) THEN EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE ' || v_partition_name || ' (PRIMARY KEY (' || prime_key || '), CHECK (' || prime_date || ' >= ''' || v_date_from || ''' AND ' || prime_date || ' < ''' || v_date_to || ''')) INHERITS (' || master_table || ')'; EXECUTE 'CREATERULE ' || v_rule_name || ' AS ON INSERT TO ' || master_table || ' DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO ' || v_partition_name || ' VALUES (NEW.*)'; -- if you need to create indexes / foreign keys / whatever on the partition, you may do it here END IF; -- create a partition for next quarter v_date_from := date_trunc('quarter', v_current_date + '3 month'::interval); v_date_to := v_date_from + '3 month'; v_partition_name := master_table || '_Q' || EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM v_date_from) || '_' || EXTRACT(YEAR FROM v_date_from); v_rule_name := 'rule_' || master_table || '_Q' || EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM v_date_from) || '_' || EXTRACT(YEAR FROM v_date_from);
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "StackExchange" ] }
Boston (1992). , [*Formal asymptotic expansions for symmetric ancient ovals in mean curvature flow*]{}, Netw. Heterog. Media [**8**]{} (2013), 1–8. , [*Dirichlet sigma models and mean curvature flow*]{}, J. High Energy Physics [**06**]{} (2007), 057. , [*Ancient solutions to the Ricci flow with pinched curvature*]{}, Duke Math. J. [**158**]{} (2011), 537–551. , [*Classification of compact ancient solutions to the curve shortening flow*]{}, J. Differential Geom. [**84**]{} (2010), 455–464. , [*Classification of ancient compact solutions to the Ricci flow on surfaces*]{}, J. Differential Geom. [**91**]{} (2012), 171–214. , [*Interior estimates for hypersurfaces moving by mean curvature*]{}, Invent. Math. [**105**]{} (1991), 547–569. , [*Four–manifolds with positive curvature operator*]{}, J. Differential Geom. [**24**]{} (1986), 153–179. , [*The Harnack estimate for the mean curvature flow*]{}, J. Differential Geom. [**41**]{} (1995), 215–226. , [*Ancient solutions of the mean curvature flow*]{}, arXiv:1308.4095 (2013). ,[*Mean curvature flow of mean convex hypersurfaces*]{}, arXiv:1304.0926 (2013). , [*Flow by mean curvature of convex surfaces into spheres*]{}, J. Diff. Geometry [**20**]{} (1984), 237–266. , [*Contracting convex hypersurfaces in riemannian manifolds by their mean curvature*]{}, Invent. Math. [**84**]{} (1986), 463–480. , [*Deforming hypersurfaces of the sphere by their mean curvature*]{}, Math. Z. [**195**]{} (1987), 205–219. , [*Mean curvature flow singularities for mean convex surfaces*]{}, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, [**8**]{} (1999), 1–14. , [*Convexity estimates for mean curvature flow and singularities of mean convex surfaces*]{}, Acta Math., [**183**]{} (1999), 45–70. , [*Mean curvature flow with surgeries of two–convex hypersurfaces*]{}, Invent. Math., [**175**]{} (2009), 137–221. , [*Integrable model of boundary interaction: The paperclip*]{}, Nuclear Physics B, [**683**]{} (2004), 423–454. , [*Convex solutions to the mean curvature flow*]{}, Ann. of Math. [**173**]{} (2011), 1185–1239. , [*The nature of
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
bien. Tú y yo ya hemos tenido demasiado contacto directo con la maldad, y eso corroe el alma. Puede que los demás no lo vean, pero ya se ha llevado una parte de nosotros. Ya es hora de que nuestros seres queridos reciban la atención que hemos dedicado a los sociópatas. Nuestra guardia ha terminado, Harry. —¿Me estás diciendo que tiras la toalla? —Sí. —Mmm... Entiendo tu razonamiento, pero ¿hay también una causa más concreta? Aune se encogió de hombros. —Solo que he trabajado demasiado y no he pasado el tiempo suficiente en casa. Y cuando trabajo en un caso de asesinato, tampoco estoy presente en casa aunque me encuentre allí. ¡Qué te voy a contar a ti, Harry! Aurora, ella... —Aune infló las mejillas y dejó escapar el aire con un bufido—.estuviera en el piso cuando ella llegó a casa no quiere decir necesariamente que le hubiera dejado entrar o que le conociera de antes. Por eso yo no limitaría la investigación en una fase tan inicial. Pero doy por descontado que todo eso ya se os había ocurrido a vosotros hace tiempo. Katrine esbozó una sonrisa torcida. —En cualquier caso, nos alegramos de que estés de vuelta, Harry. El mejor investigador de la policía de Oslo, o tal vez el peor, pero sin duda el más legendario, apenas pudo mover la cabeza repantigado en su silla. —Gracias, jefa. —Lo has dicho en serio —comentó Katrine. Ella y Harry bajaban juntos en el ascensor. —¿Decir qué? —Me has llamado jefa. —Por supuesto —dijo Harry. Salieron al garaje y Katrine accionó la llave del coche. Una luz parpadeó en algún
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
"zero").split("|") ); var colors = lang.arrayToMap( ("aqua|black|blue|fuchsia|gray|green|lime|maroon|navy|olive|orange|" + "purple|red|silver|teal|white|yellow").split("|") ); var keywords = lang.arrayToMap( ("@mixin|@extend|@include|@import|@media|@debug|@warn|@if|@for|@each|@while|@else|@font-face|@-webkit-keyframes|if|and|!default|module|def|end|declare").split("|") ) var tags = lang.arrayToMap( ("a|abbr|acronym|address|applet|area|article|aside|audio|b|base|basefont|bdo|" + "big|blockquote|body|br|button|canvas|caption|center|cite|code|col|colgroup|" + "command|datalist|dd|del|details|dfn|dir|div|dl|dt|em|embed|fieldset|" + "figcaption|figure|font|footer|form|frame|frameset|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|head|" + "header|hgroup|hr|html|i|iframe|img|input|ins|keygen|kbd|label|legend|li|" + "link|map|mark|menu|meta|meter|nav|noframes|noscript|object|ol|optgroup|" + "option|output|p|param|pre|progress|q|rp|rt|ruby|s|samp|script|section|select|" + "small|source|span|strike|strong|style|sub|summary|sup|table|tbody|td|" + "textarea|tfoot|th|thead|time|title|tr|tt|u|ul|var|video|wbr|xmp").split("|") ); var numRe = "\\-?(?:(?:[0-9]+)|(?:[0-9]*\\.[0-9]+))"; this.$rules = { "start" : [ { token : "comment", regex : "\\/\\/.*$" },
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narazili. V roce 1910, po Bůrské kapitulaci Britům, byla vytvořena Jihoafrická Unie. Skládala se z nově vytvořených kolonií sjednocených do jedné legislativní unie. Po nějaký čas, oddělení bílých a černých obyvatel, byla jen zvyklost a ne zákonným nařízením. To teprve mělo přijít. Ale po zvolení Národní Strany v roce 1948 co dnes známe pod slove Apartheid, což znamená doslova "rozdělení" bylo oficiálně zavedené napříč Jižní Afrikou English: The incident became known as the Weenen massacre. While the Boer advance across the country was mostly peaceful the Bantu tribes fought ceaselessly killing white, black and Khoisan people wherever they found them. In 1910 following the surrender of the Boer to the British the Union of South Africa was formed. It comprised all of the now established colonies and united them as one legislative union. For a time separation of blacks and whites was only a social convention not the rigidly enforced legal structure itala armada do Congresso Nacional Africano que governa o país hoje. O grupo, frequentemente abreviado como MK, anunciou publicamente sua existência com 57 bombardeios em um dia. Por fim, com a ajuda da CIA, Mandela foi preso e passou os 27 anos seguintes na prisão. Durante este tempo, a resistência ao apartheid só se tornou mais radical. Em 1986, a esposa de Mandela, Winnie, endossou publicamente a nova moda do "necklacing": uma forma de execução usada contra os negros suspeitos de colaborarem com o governo. English: The crackdown only radicalized South Africa's anti-apartheid activists even further. In 1961 Nelson Mandela, then a member of the South African Communist Party co-founded the Spear of the Nation the armed wing of the African National Congress that rules the country today. The group often abbreviated to MK publicly announced its existence with 57 bombings on one day. Ultimately with the help of the CIA Mandela was
{ "pile_set_name": [ "YoutubeSubtitles", "YoutubeSubtitles" ] }
en antagonisme. Je peux entendre alternativement une conversation sur un fond musical, ou une musique sur un fond de conversation, mais jamais les deux structures simultanément : si je veux écouter le fond sonore, il devient instantanément figure entendue, détruisant du même coup la figure précédente, qui devient fond. A y regarder de plus près, nous retrouvons le même antagonisme entre les parties et le tout. L'écoute de chaque note comme « unité autonome » détruit la mélodie. (Ainsi certaines drogues, modifiant la perception de la durée dans laquelle s'inscrirait normalement la mélodie, transforment-elles cette dernière en une succession d'événements sonores isolés.) 3. Nous pouvons enfin supposer que cette mélodie est une gamme. En ce cas, cette gamme sera une structure effectivement perçue, au sens 1. Mais, par ailleurs, toutesont plus en rapport d'octave. Des effets spéciaux peuvent être obtenus par ce procédé, allant jusqu'à l'inversion des spectres. 3. Les procédés électro-acoustiques déjà décrits, notamment : — Réverbération : on ajoute au son un écho artificiel (obtenu mécaniquement ou électroniquement). — Interventions sur la bande magnétique : d'une part, on peut modifier la vitesse de déroulement de la bande et obtenir ainsi des transpositions totales ; d'autre part, on peut découper, coller et monter des morceaux de bande. 4. Les dispositifs de mise en œuvre. Ils ont pour but de faciliter l'exploitation de ces diverses possibilités. On distingue : — les claviers, pour les instruments à sons registrés ou registrables (allant du Trautonium et instruments similaires, pour la manipulation de sons nouveaux, à l'onde Martenot pour une utilisation classique de timbres nouveaux). —
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
Words in French introduces your baby to the French language through sweet and soothing songs, rhymes, and words. Decades of research prove that the first two years of a baby's life are the crucial time to expose him or her to a second language. Don't miss this window of opportunity! Add to Wish List failed. Remove from wishlist failed. Adding to library failed Baby's First Words in Chinese By: Living Language Narrated by: Living Language Length: 48 mins Original Recording Overall 4 out of 5 stars 13 Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 5 Story 3.5 out of 5 stars 6 Baby's First Words in Chinese introduces your baby to Mandarin Chinese through sweet and soothing songs, rhymes, and words. Decades of research prove that the first two years of a baby's life are the crucial time to expose him or her to a second language. Don't miss [¶2] Viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the State, the jury could rationally have found the following facts beyond a reasonable 2 doubt.1 See State v. Morrison, 2016 ME 47, ¶ 2, 135 A.3d 343. The forty-one-year-old defendant, Justin G. Pillsbury, and the twenty-four-year-old victim were dating in the fall of 2013, and had been dating on and off for over two years. In November 2013, Pillsbury was living with a friend in an apartment on Crosby Street in Augusta. [¶3] On the evening of November 13, 2013, Pillsbury and the victim were drinking in the Crosby Street apartment. While the two were alone, the victim was texting on her phone, and Pillsbury became jealous and began asking to see the phone. The victim refused to turn over her phone, and Pillsbury, who was a foot taller and 100 pounds heavier, physically took it from her. The phone had a pattern lock on it, and Pillsbury was unable to unlock the phone, which angered him. [¶4]
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "FreeLaw" ] }
rehabilitation substantially improves the personal appearance and quality of life ([@B11]). However, the perception of elderly patients regarding the necessity of dental prostheses reportedly differs from that of the oral health care practitioner ([@B12]). Therefore, the aim of the present study was to explore the oral health status of elderly beneficiaries of the ISSSTE and IMSS of Southwest Mexico City through a latent class analysis. Material and Methods ==================== A cross-sectional study was performed between January and March of 2010. A representative sample of elderly beneficiaries of the primary healthcare services of the Family Medicine Clinic of the ISSSTE and the Family Medicine Unit of the Southwest Mexico City IMSS was analyzed. The selection criterion for these units was the similar geographical area. The sample included 200 beneficiaries (age 60 years or older)– promoted Staal Kopervik Viking 2 Frøyland Randaberg Vardeneset Bryne 2 Åkra Vaulen Sandnes Ulf 2 Klepp – relegated Hundvåg – relegated Austrått – relegated Group 7 Odda – promoted Sotra Lysekloster Bjarg Haugesund 2 Os Øystese Vard 2 Vadmyra Varegg Lyngbø Fyllingsdalen 2 Smørås – relegated Frøya – relegated Group 8 Aalesund 2 – promoted Stryn Sogndal 2 Tertnes Hødd 2 Spjelkavik Skarbøvik Eid Bergsøy Årdal Arna-Bjørnar Tornado Måløy – relegated Norborg – relegated Larsnes/Gursken – relegated Group 9 Strindheim – promoted Brattvåg Orkla Sverresborg Kolstad KIL/Hemne Heimdal Buvik Kristiansund 2 Charlottenlund Nardo Averøykameratene – relegated Sunndal – relegated Træff – relegated Group 10 Stjørdals-Blink – promoted Tynset Skedsmo Steinkjer Verdal Gjerdrum NTNUI Ranheim 2 Alvdal Åfjord Byåsen 2 Fet – relegated Rørvik – relegated Fjellhamar – relegated Group 11 Mjølner – promoted Bodø/Glimt 2 Junkeren Sandnessjøen Mosjøen Stålkameratene Tverlandet Sortland Grand Bodø Lofoten – relegated Innstranden – relegated Hardhaus – relegated Group 12 Senja – promoted Fløya Kirkenes Tromsø 2 Hammerfest Bossekop Skjervøy Ishavsbyen Porsanger Skarp Bjørnevatn Sørøy/Glimt – relegated References NIFS Category:3. divisjon seasons 4 Norway Norway
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
His ex-wife had moved to New York, but upon hearing of Holbrook's remarriage, she returned to New Orleans, entered Holbrook's house, and fired two pistol shots at his new wife. Both bullets missed, and the former Mrs. Holbrook then beat the new wife with a bottle.32 The arrest and trial were covered extensively in the New Orleans newspapers and the _New York Times_. The _Bulletin_ was edited by D. C. Byerly, who became known to newspaper readers when, shortly after the Battle of Liberty Place, he attacked former Louisiana Governor Henry Clay Warmoth with a cane. Warmoth stabbed Byerly six times in the abdomen, and the editor died later that day in the Orleans Infirmary. The fight was apparently a result of a _Bulletin_ editorial saying that black people, , 174–176, , , , 260–261, 265–266, , , Philadelphia (PA), , , 106–107, , , , , 296–297, , , , Pittsburgh (PA), 266–268, Pennsylvania Avenue, Pennsylvania Fiscal Agency, Pennsylvania Railroad, penny press, x–xi, xix–xxi, xxv, xxix–xxx, xxxii, , , , 77–78, 107–109, , , 130–131, , 179–180, , 218–219, , 227–230, 233–234, , 241–251, , Pfaal, Hans, Phelps, Edward, Philadelphia (PA), , , 106–107, , , , , 296–297, , , , _Philadelphia Bulletin_ , _Philadelphia Inquirer_ , , 225–226 _Philadelphia National Convention Circular_ , _Philadelphia Port Folio,_ _Philadelphia Press_ , 110–111, _Philadelphia Times_ , , Philippines, , , Phillips, David Graham, 178–179, photographs, ix–xi, xxvii, , 9–10, 34–35, 53–69, , , , 210–219, , 243–244, 246–248–251, 272–273 ambrotypes, Brady, Mathew, 53–55, , 61–62, , cameras, x, , 62–63 Gibson, James, Nachtwey, James, photojournalism, , 58–59, , , Pickett's Charge, Pierce, Benjamin, Pierce, Franklin, Pierce, Jane, Pike's Peak, Pinchback, P. B. S., Pittsburgh (PA), 266–268, _Pittsburgh Dispatch_
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
491137 || || — || October 2, 2006 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 1.8 km || |-id=138 bgcolor=#E9E9E9 | 491138 || || — || September 26, 2011 || Haleakala || Pan-STARRS || — || align=right | 1.6 km || |-id=139 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 491139 || || — || September 23, 2011 || Haleakala || Pan-STARRS || THM || align=right | 1.7 km || |-id=140 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 491140 || || — || September 18, 2011 || Mount Lemmon || Mount Lemmon Survey || — || align=right | 2.8 km || |-id=141 bgcolor=#E9E9E9 | 491141 || || — || September 4, 2011 || Haleakala || Pan-STARRS || — || align=right data-sort-value="0.75" | 750 m || |-id=142 bgcolor=#fefefe | 491142 || || — ||— || August 21, 2006 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 2.1 km || |-id=179 bgcolor=#d6d6d6 | 491179 || || — || October 1, 2011 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 3.7 km || |-id=180 bgcolor=#E9E9E9 | 491180 || || — || October 18, 2011 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || — || align=right | 1.1 km || |-id=181 bgcolor=#fefefe | 491181 || || — || November 27, 2000 || Kitt Peak || Spacewatch || NYS || align=right data-sort-value="0.69" | 690 m || |-id=182 bgcolor=#fefefe | 491182 || || — || September 3, 2007 || Catalina || CSS || — || align=right data-sort-value="0.78" | 780 m || |-id=183 bgcolor=#E9E9E9 | 491183 || || — || October 18, 2011 || Mount
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
of afghanistan or jomhuriye afghanestan or da afghanestan jamhawriyat: Afghanistan republic of albania: Albania republic of albania or republika e shqiperia: Albania republic of angola: Angola republic of armenia: Armenia republic of austria: Austria republic of azerbaijan: Azerbaijan republica argentina: Argentina república argentina: Argentina rodin: Auguste_Rodin saddam hussein altikriti: Anas_Altikriti saint augustine of hippo: Augustine_of_Hippo selfactualization: Abraham_Maslow seven weeks war: Austro-Prussian_War sir alfred hitchcock: Alfred_Hitchcock sir anthony van dyck: Anthony_van_Dyck sir arthur conan doyle: Arthur_Conan_Doyle st augustine of hippo: Augustine_of_Hippo steel or alloy steel: Alloy sunday afternoon on the island of la grand jatte: A_Sunday_Afternoon_on_the_Island_of_La_Grande_Jatte sunday afternoon on the island of la grande jatte: A_Sunday_Afternoon_on_the_Island_of_La_Grande_Jatte symphony 1or sea symphony: A_Sea_Symphony the abbasid caliphate: Abbasid_Caliphate the abbasid dynasty: Abbasid_Caliphate the acts of the apostles: Acts_of_the_Apostles the adirondacks or the adirondack mountains: Adirondack_Mountains the adventures of huckleberry finn: Adventures_of_Huckleberry_Finn the aeneid: Aeneid the albigensian crusade: Albigensian_Crusade the aleutian islands: Aleutian_Islands the alhambra: Alhambra the alkaline earth metals: Alkaline_earth_metal the alps: Alps the analects: Analects the aorta: Aorta the apology of socrates: Apology_(Plato) the aral or orolsea: Aral_Sea the aral sea: Aral_Sea the arnolfini marriage: Arnolfini_Portrait the arnolfini marriage or jan arnolfini and his bride: Arnolfini_Portrait the arnolfini marriage or the arnolfini wedding or giovanni arnolfini and his bride: Arnolfini_Portrait the arnolfini portrait: Arnolfini_Portrait the arnolfini
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Its not only the UCI WorldTour riders that are searching for an innovative edge when pushing for the line of glory. Former Indianapolis 500 and Formula One driver Alex Zanardi took up competition in handbiking after he suffered a violent accident at the EuroSpeedway Lausitz, Germany, race track in 2001 that resulted in the amputation of his legs. Switching sports, Zanardi took up competition in handbiking, a form of paralympic cycling, with the stated goal of representing Italy at the 2012 Summer Paralympics. In September 2011, Zanardi won his first senior international handbiking medal, the silver medal in the H4 (Handbike) category time trial at the UCI World Road Para-Cycling Championships in Denmark. Alex spent the entire morning trying different prototypes in the Castelli Tech-Lab to identify what works bestvkSj ÏrKrk ls ifjiw.kZ gw¡A esjs fy;s ;g lsgr vkSj lkSan;Z dk çrhd gSA ge fdu eqíksa ij dke djsaxs bl fdrkc esa rhu eq[; eqís gSa ftu ij MkbV vk/kkfjr gSA ;g rhu eqís vkiesa cnyko ykus dh cqfu;kn gSaA vkSj buesa dksbZ cgqr cM+s cnyko ughaa gSaA vkus okys v/;k;ksa esa ge bu rhu egÙoiw.kZ eqíksa ij /;ku nsaxs% 1. Hkkstu dh ewy cukoV vkSj mldh ÅtkZ dks le>uk 2. gesa D;ksa vkSj D;k [kkuk pkfg;s ;k ughaa [kkuk pkfg;s 3. Hkkstu gesa fdl çdkj cny ldrk gS vxj vkidks ;s fl¼kar lgh le> esa vk x;s] rks le> yhft;s fd vki LoLFk gksus dh jkg ij py fn;s gSaA /khek cnyko esjs fy;s oks ned ek;us j[krh gS tks eSØksck;ksfVd Hkkstu [kkus ls feyrh gS] vkSj tgk¡ ge iwjk [kkuk [kkrs
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "Books3" ] }
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{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
bi example of thre men stondynge in the sunne, on blynd, anothir hath his iyen sperid, and the thridde forth lokynge. A soule that is callid fro the love of the world, and aftir that it is righted and assaied, mortefied and purified, as I have bifore seid, oure Lord Jhesu of His merciful goodnesse reformeth it in feelynge whanne He vucheth saaf. He openeth the innere iye of the soule whanne He lightneth the reson thorugh touchynge and schynynge of His blyssid light, for to seen Hym and knowe Him; not al fulli at oones, but litil and litil bi dyverse tymes, as the soule mai suffre Hym. He seeth Hym not what He is, for that mai no creature doon in hevene ne in erthe; ne he seth Him not as He is, forbi settynge of stide, but bi sutilté and worthinesse of kynde. Right so, in the selve wise, God is above alle bodili and goostli creaturis, not bi settynge of stide, but thorugh sutilté and worthinesse of His unchaungeable blissid kynde. And therfore he that wole wisili seke God and fynden Him, he schal not renne oute with his thought as yif he wolde clymbe above the sunne and persen the firma- ment, and imagyne the majesté as it were a light of an hundred sonnes. But he schal rathere drawe doun the sunne and al the firmament, and forgeten it and casten it binethen hym ther as he is, and setten al this and al bodili thinge also at nought, and thenken thanne yif he can goostli, bothe of himsilf and of God also. And yif
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
{ "pile_set_name": [ "YoutubeSubtitles", "YoutubeSubtitles" ] }
that my soule loveth. It is fair lokynge with the innere iye on Jhesu in bodili creatures, for to seen His myght, His wisdoom, and His goodnesse in ordenaunce of here kynde, but it is moche fairere lokynge on Jhesu in goosteli creatures. Firste in the resonable soules, bothe of chosen and reproved, for to seen the merciful callyng of Him to Hise chosene; hou He turneth hem from synne bi light of His grace; hou He helpeth hem, techeth hem, He chastiseth hem, He conforteth hem; He righteth hem, He clenseth hem, He fedeth hem; hou He maketh hem brennende in light bi plenté of His grace. And this dooth He nought to oon soule onli, but to His chosen, aftir mesure of His grace. Also of the reproved, hou rightfulli He forsaketh hem and levethful comfortable. For sothfastnesse may not be seen in a clene soule withouten greet delite and wondirful softenesse of brennynge love. Also the sight of angelis kende; first of the dampned, and aftir that of the blissed. It is a ful faire contemplacioun of the feend in a clene soule, whanne grace bringeth the fend to the sight of the soule as a clumsid caitif bounden with the myght of Jhesu, that he mai not deren. Thanne the soule biholdeth hym, not bodili but goostli, seynge his kynde and his malice, and turneth him upsodoun, or spoileth him and rendeth him al to nought. It scorneth him and dispiseth hym and setteth nought bi his malice. Thus biddeth Hooli Writ whan he seith thus: Verte impium, et non erit (Proverbs 12:7). Turne the wikked, that is the feend,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
manere of othere men by highnesse of vois or bi renable spekynge oute; but in ful greet stilnesse of vois and softenesse of herte. For whi, his mynde is not trobled ne taried with outeward thynges, but hool gadred togedre in itsilf, and the soule is sette as hit were into goostli presence of Jhesu; and therfore everiche silable and every word is sowned savourli, sweteli and delitabli, with ful acord of mouth and of herte. For whi, the soule is turned thanne al to fier of love, and therfore eche word that it priveli praieth is like unto a sparcle springynge out of a fierbrond, that clanseth alle the myghtes of the soule and turneth hem into love, and lightneth hem so confortabli that the soule list ai for to praien and to doo noonothere thynge. The more it praieth, the betere it mai, the myghtiere it is. For grace helpeth the soule weel, and maketh al thynge light and esi, that it list right weel for to psalmen and syngen the lovynges of God with goostli myrthe and heveneli delite. This goostli werk is the foode of the soule. And this praier is of moche vertu, for it wasteth and bringeth to nought alle temptacions of the feend, privé and apeert, it sleeth alle the mynde and likynge of the world and of fleschli synnes, it bereth up the bodi and the soule from peynful feelynge of wrecchidnesse of liyf, it kepeth the soule in feelynge of grace and wirkynge of love and norischeth ai ilike hoot and fresch as stikkes norischen the fier. It putteth awai al irkynge and
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
dans un des premiers rôles du western, celui de l'irréductible Indienne (cette image n'aura cessé de m'accompagner, évoquant selon l'état de nos relations tantôt la marginalité farouche de l'Apache, tantôt la douceur, la tendresse muette, la soumission de la squaw), elle succombera la première dans le film d'épouvante, vampirisée par Patrick et presque aussitôt crucifiée (... par Bernard !), et dans le policier ne figurera que comme une silhouette, une comparse de la bande des Sharks (Bernard faisait partie de la bande adverse, comment s'appelait-elle, peut-être les Kids), dont (si mes souvenirs sont exacts) le visage est presque toujours à moitié caché par un chapeau masculin. C'est donc lui l'historien de Servières, et l'écrivain de nos vacances ; c'est lui qui a su montrer le parc, justement parce qu'ilmême cadre ces clichés hétéroclites, affaiblissant leur rapport avec le monde et privilégiant leurs relations mutuelles, invitant donc à les considérer d'un point de vue structuraliste, comme une totalité et presque comme un système (il aura été aussi notre Lévi-Strauss et notre Roland Barthes), confère à cet ensemble le statut sinon d'une œuvre d'art, au moins d'une composition, évidemment beaucoup plus concertée que celles, naïves et rudimentaires, inspirées par la seule sentimentalité, et ordonnées par le hasard, qui décorent généralement l'un des coins inférieurs des grands miroirs des salons provinciaux. Le « chef-d'œuvre » de Patrick raconte une histoire moins anecdotique, plus elliptique et plus concentrée qu'un long-métrage, qu'un Mariage de quatre-vingt-dix minutes ; il permet d'embrasser d'un regard, arrachés à la succession, à la chronologie, à l'Histoire,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
film.rental_duration AS "film.rental_duration", film.rental_rate AS "film.rental_rate", film.length AS "film.length", film.replacement_cost AS "film.replacement_cost", film.rating AS "film.rating", film.last_update AS "film.last_update", film.special_features AS "film.special_features", film.fulltext AS "film.fulltext", language.language_id AS "language.language_id", AS "", language.last_update AS "language.last_update", actor.actor_id AS "actor.actor_id", actor.first_name AS "actor.first_name", actor.last_name AS "actor.last_name", actor.last_update AS "actor.last_update", inventory.inventory_id AS "inventory.inventory_id", inventory.film_id AS "inventory.film_id", inventory.store_id AS "inventory.store_id", inventory.last_update:= struct { MaxFilmRate float64 }{} err := query.Query(db, &ret) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, ret.MaxFilmRate, 4.99) } func TestSelectQueryScalar(t *testing.T) { expectedSQL := ` SELECT film.film_id AS "film.film_id", film.title AS "film.title", film.description AS "film.description", film.release_year AS "film.release_year", film.language_id AS "film.language_id", film.rental_duration AS "film.rental_duration", film.rental_rate AS "film.rental_rate", film.length AS "film.length", film.replacement_cost AS "film.replacement_cost", film.rating AS "film.rating", film.last_update AS "film.last_update", film.special_features AS "film.special_features", film.fulltext AS "film.fulltext" FROM WHERE film.rental_rate = ( SELECT MAX(film.rental_rate) FROM
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
Pacher (ca. 1435–1498) (YP) : The Virgin and Child Enthroned with Angels and Saints (YP) Padovanino (1588–1649) (YP) : Cornelia and her Sons (YP) Jacopo Palma il Giovane (1546–1628) (YP) : Mars and Venus (YP) Palma Vecchio (1479–1528) (YP) : A Blonde Woman (YP), Portrait of a Poet (YP), Saint George and a Female Saint (YP) Marco Palmezzano (ca. 1459–ca. 1539) (YP) : The Dead Christ in the Tomb, with the Virgin Mary and Saints (YP) Giovanni Paolo Panini (1691–1765) (YP) : Roman Ruins with Figures (YP), Rome: The interior of St. Peter's (YP), The Lottery in Piazza di Montecitorio (YP) Paolo da San Leocadio (ca. 1445–ca. 1520) (YP) : The Virgin and Child with Saints (YP) Paolo Fiammingo (ca. 1540–1596) (YP) : Landscape with a Scene of Enchantment (YP) and Landscape with the ExpulsionFrance (YP) Rosso Fiorentino (1494–1541) (YP) : Portrait of a Young Man holding a Letter (YP) Hans Rottenhammer (1564–1625) (YP) : The Coronation of the Virgin (YP) Henri Rousseau (1844–1910) (YP) : Tiger in a Tropical Storm (YP) Philippe Rousseau (1816–1887) (YP) : A Valley (YP), Still Life with Oysters (YP), The Fish Market (YP) Théodore Rousseau (1812–1867) (YP) : A Rocky Landscape (YP), Landscape (YP), Moonlight: The bathers (YP), River Scene (YP), Sunset in the Auvergne (YP), The Valley of Saint-Vincent (YP) Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640) (YP) : A Landscape with a Shepherd and his Flock (YP), A Lion Hunt (YP), A Roman Triumph (YP), A Shepherd with his Flock in a Woody Landscape (YP), A Wagon fording a Stream (YP), An Allegory showing the Effects of War ('The Horrors of War') (YP) Jacob
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
nicht jedoch Kräfte zur Arbeit, wie jene unter euch, welche aus der Jugend entwachsen (Erwachsene) sind; und seid eingedenk (erinnert), dass ihr eure Kinder nicht absetzen (verkaufen) und nicht zu eurer Lustbarkeit (Sexualität) schänden (missbrauchen) sollt; eure Kinder sind eurer Liebe Lohn in Zweisamkeit, also ihr sie auch in Liebe hal-ten (pflegen und erziehen) und in Ehrfurcht (Ehrsamkeit) behüten (schützen) sollt; und bedenkt, eure Kinder sind die Nachzeit (Zukunft) für alle Euresgleichen (Menschheit), denn sie sind es, die euer Erbe weiterführen; liebt eure Kinder wie euch selbst, und lehrt sie die Wahrheit der Gesetze und Gebote der Erschaffung aller Goblet of the Truth | 271 ---|--- 0. But turn your back on all attacks (advertisements) which are intended to drag you into a battle (war), because every battle(war) is against all laws and recommendations of the creation of all things (Creation); but if you veer off into one or another battle (war) then truly you are loading your own rage on yourselves by creating a shadow world (hell) in yourselves (in your own nature) which will become your shelter in miserable determina-tion (decision). 0. And if you slay (kill/murder) people of your kind (human beings) then you are also slaying (killing/murdering) the truth in yourselves which slumbers in the depths of your inner nature and which you only need to awaken in order to be fair (responsible) and righteous (conscientious); you cast dross onto your inner nature and this casts it out with Gewalt, by means of which you commit evil deeds and bring
{ "pile_set_name": [ "BookCorpus2", "BookCorpus2" ] }
راس, "cape, head" rus (, , "head, cape") sebkha ou sabkha, "salt pan" seghir صغير, "small" si سي or sidi سيدي, "male saint" souk سوق, "market" مرسى, search tadrart "the rock" Tamahaq. tala تالا, "spring" ; attested as early as Sallust's time in the form Thala. tan, tin "of, in" Tamahaq. taourirt تاوريرت, "hill". tedles تدلس, "reeds". tehe "pass" Tamahaq, Tuareg language. tell تل, "hill" tizi تيزي, "pass" Ténéré صحراء تينيري, "desert" Wahran وهران, "lions", wan, win "of" Tamahaq. zaouia زاوية "Quranic school" Maghrebi Arabic, from "corner". zemmour زمور. azemmur, f. tazemmurt "olive tree". Zenati زناتي, from the medieval tribe Zenata. zeriba زريبة, "stockade" zmala زمالة, pl. zmoul زمول "encampment" References Citations Bibliography . Category:Maghreb Category:Sahrawi culture Category:Names of places in Africa Category:Place name etymologiesextending radially from an area surrounding a center part of the trench-structured rectangular unit cell is formed on the second conductive type base region, a first conductive type impurity is introduced using the photoresist film as a mask. Also, a preferable mode is one wherein the first conductive type source region forming process is constructed by combining a first impurity introducing process in which, after a first photoresist film patterned to have planar shapes of a center portion of the second conductive type base region and of portions formed on diagonal lines extending radially from the area surrounding the center part of the trench-structured rectangular unit cell is formed on the second conductive type base region, a second conductive type impurity is introduced using the first photoresist film as
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
|o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i.test(a.substr(0,4)))check = true})(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera); return check; } so you can use this function to detect a mobile , if so add the code within the (isMobileWebkit) which i thinks disable the parallax effect , so the code could look like this if(window.mobilecheck()) { iScrollInstance = new iScroll('scroller'); jQuery('#wrapper').stellar({ parallaxBackgrounds:false, scrollProperty: 'transform', positionProperty: 'customPositionTransform', Note from Craig: Not everything is fun and games in the U.S. Navy. I made this post to teach people about the Navy. We must never forget those that protected us. As others cheer when they see the number 847 come up on their phone, to me, it actually brings a moment to reflect on one sailor. As many of you know 847 is the area code for Great Lakes, and when it appears, it was probably a phone call from their sailor who is calling from bootcamp. Not many people know that this number actually brings a moment of silence from veterans that served during the 1985 era. You see, that number was the actual flight number (TWA-847) when we lost a Navy sailor due to terrorist. It is
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "OpenWebText2" ] }
ni à quelques parties jusque-là inexplorées des forêts du Far-West, qui étaient fort giboyeuses. Certaines plantes indigènes furent encore découvertes, et, si elles n'avaient pas une utilité immédiate, elles contribuèrent à varier les réserves végétales de Granite-house. C'étaient des espèces de ficoïdes, les unes semblables à celles du Cap, avec des feuilles charnues comestibles, les autres produisant des graines qui contenaient une sorte de farine. Le 10 octobre, le bateau fut lancé à la mer. Pencroff était radieux. L'opération réussit parfaitement. L'embarcation, toute gréée, ayant été poussée sur des rouleaux à la lisière du rivage, fut prise par la mer montante et flotta aux applaudissements des colons, et particulièrement de Pencroff, qui ne montra aucune modestie en cette occasion. D'ailleurs, sa vanité devait survivre à l'achèvement du bateau,embarcation, fussent seuls à entreprendre ce voyage. En partant le lendemain, 11 octobre, ils pourraient arriver le 13 dans la journée, car, avec le vent qui régnait, il ne fallait pas plus de quarante-huit heures pour faire cette traversée de cent cinquante milles. Un jour dans l'île, trois ou quatre jours pour revenir, on pouvait donc compter que, le 17, ils seraient de retour à l'île Lincoln. Le temps était beau, le baromètre remontait sans secousses, le vent semblait bien établi, toutes les chances étaient donc en faveur de ces braves gens, qu'un devoir d'humanité allait entraîner loin de leur île. Ainsi donc, il avait été convenu que Cyrus Smith, Nab et Gédéon Spilett resteraient à Granite-house; mais une réclamation se produisit, et Gédéon Spilett, qui n'oubliait point
{ "pile_set_name": [ "BookCorpus2", "BookCorpus2" ] }
si une cheminée s'élevait entre les deux mâts du bâtiment observé, qui n'était plus alors qu'à une distance de dix milles. L'horizon était encore très clair. La vérification fut facile, et Ayrton laissa bientôt retomber sa lunette en disant : « Ce n'est point le Duncan! Ce ne pouvait être lui!... » Pencroff encadra de nouveau le brick dans le champ de la longue-vue, et il reconnut que ce brick, d'une jauge de trois à quatre cents tonneaux, merveilleusement effilé, hardiment mâté, admirablement taillé pour la marche, devait être un rapide coureur des mers. Mais à quelle nation appartenait-il ? Cela était difficile à dire. « Et cependant, ajouta le marin, un pavillon flotte à sa corne, mais je ne puis en distinguer les couleurs. Avant une demi-heure, nous serons fixés à cetparvint à atteindre l'extrémité de la guibre. Là séchaient quelques culottes de matelot. Il en passa une. Puis, s'étant fixé solidement, il écouta. On ne dormait pas à bord du brick. Au contraire. On discutait, on chantait, on riait. Et voici les propos, accompagnés de jurons, qui frappèrent principalement Ayrton : « Bonne acquisition que notre brick! Il marche bien, le Speedy 1 ! Il mérite son nom ! Toute la marine de Norfolk peut se mettre à ses trousses! Cours après! Hurrah pour son commandant! Hurrah pour Bob Harvey! » Ce qu'Ayrton éprouva lorsqu'il entendit ce fragment de conversation, on le comprendra, quand on saura que, dans ce Bob Harvey, il venait de reconnaître un de ses anciens compagnons d'Australie, un marin audacieux, qui avait repris la suite de ses criminels projets. Bob Harvey
{ "pile_set_name": [ "BookCorpus2", "BookCorpus2" ] }
262–263 Endocervical polyp (cervical polyp), Endocrine disease, 588–589 negative feedback loops, 588–589 positive feedback loops, stimulation tests, suppression tests, 588–589 Endocrine hypofunction, causes, Endometrial carcinoma, Endometrial glands, hyperplasia, 565f Endometrial hyperplasia, clinical findings, epidemiology/pathogenesis, Endometrial polyps, clinical findings, diagnosis, epidemiology, presence, 565f treatment, Endometriosis, clinical findings, diagnosis, epidemiology, implants, 565f pathogenesis, treatment, Endometritis, 564–568 acute endometritis, chronic endometritis, End-organ dysfunction, Endosomes, presence, Endothelial cell injury, causes, Endothelial cell integrin adhesion molecules, activation, Endothelial injury, cell response, Endothelial precursor cells (EPCs), synthesis, Energy balance, Energy requirements, Enterocytes, apoprotein B48 (impact), Environmental chemicals, toxic effects, 164t Enzymatic fat necrosis, Enzyme block, substrates, Enzyme immunoassay (EIA), screening, Enzymes, definition, Eosinopenia, Eosinophil disorders, 320–321 morphology, 320f Eosinophilic granuloma, Eosinophilic staining cells, 701f Ependymoma, fourth ventricle, 721f Epidermal inclusion cysts (follicular cyst), Epidermis, layers, 660f Epidermoid carcinoma (basaloid/cloacogenic carcinoma), Epidermoid cyst, dome-shaped lesion, 677f Epididymis diseases, 534–539 Epididymitis, causes, Epidural hematoma blood location, 700f schematic, 700f Epispadias, Epistaxis (nosebleeds), bleeding site, Kiesselbach area, 360f Epithelial barriers, Epithelial tumors, 678–680 Epitrochlear lymph nodes, primary/metastatic cancer, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), ERAs _See_ Estrogen receptor assays Erb-Duchenne palsy, 725t arm, internal rotation, 726f Erectile dysfunction (ED), 545–546 causes, 545–546 drug effects, testosterone, decrease, treatment, vascular insufficiency, Erosive gastritis (acute hemorrhagic gastritis), 433–434 Eruptive xanthomas, 220f Erysipelas, Erythema chronicum migrans,Honda Bike Price List 2018, Honda Motorcycle Price In Bangladesh 2018 Arafat IslamJanuary 25, 2018 Honda is one of the most popular bike company in our country. It is a international bike company. They made stylish, unique and attractive bikes which won lots of people heart and trust. Lets check out the Honda bike price list 2018. Honda CD 80 Honda CD 80 is the most popular 80cc bike in Bangladesh. The New CD 80 gives a perfect blend of Japanese technology. It is the one of the most selling bike in Bangladesh. It is suitable for both rural and urban area. CD 80 is an ideal combination of attractive design with super econo-power and smoke-free 4-Stroke engine. This bike has 72cc Air-cooled,4-Stroke, OHC engine that define how its engine is powerful.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Pile-CC" ] }
the Revolutionary War had taken place outside Boston, at the towns of Lexington and Concord. By the time the delegates had met in Philadelphia, the Revolutionary War had been a shooting war for more than a year. Why was it that in July of 1776, the delegates finally made the Declaration of Independence? The primary reason that they did it at this time, was because they wanted help, and they were particularly eager to get the assistance of the nation of France, which had been a long time enemy of the United Kingdom, and the delegates really knew that the new United States of America would have no hope of winning a war against a massive imperial power like Great Britain, Hungarian: 1775-ben pedig, egy évvel a Függetlenségi Nyilatkozat előtt, eldördültek a függetlenségi háború első lövései Bostontól nem messze, Lexington és Concord városánál. Amikor a küldöttek Philadelphiában találkoztak, a függetlenségi háború harcai már több mint egythought. The Enlightenment was a period in the 1600s and 1700s, when people began to explore scientific observation and reason. They became more interested in observing the world English: around them, and trying to make reasoned arguments from what they saw, as compared to accepting the religious explanations for how the world worked. During the Enlightenment, many philosophers began to rethink government as well, and of questioning whether the governmental system in Europe and other places was the right system. There was one philosopher, in particular, who really captured Jefferson's imagination, and his name was John Locke. John Lcoke was an English philosopher, who had lived in the 1600s, and he wrote a book that had really influenced Jefferson and many thinkers in this time period, called Two Treatises on Government. There are two really important points in Locke's work. Hungarian: és megpróbáltak észérveket találni a látottakra, ellentétben a világ működésére adott vallásos magyarázatok elfogadásával. A felvilágosodás alatt sok filozófus elkezdte a kormányzást
{ "pile_set_name": [ "YoutubeSubtitles", "YoutubeSubtitles" ] }
Israeli territory or companies located in the West Bank colonies. Civilian and military security services have urged the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to increase the number of work permits to improve the economy and security in the occupied Palestinian territory for 50 years. After a period of relative calm, this attack again triggers the alarms in full celebration of the Jewish New Year festivities (last week), Yom Kippur or Repentance (this weekend) and the Feast of Tabernacles, one at which time attacks have traditionally been recorded. Last July, a Palestinian stabbed three members of a Jewish family to death in the West Bank settlement of Halamish. It is now precisely the second anniversary of the beginning of a wave of violence – the largest since the Second Intifadamaritime, , ; Wallon Flanders, Flanders Regiment, , , , – Flesselles, Jacques, –; murder of, Flue, Louis de, , Foullon de Doué, France, , ; agrarian crisis in, –, –; budget of 1788, –; centralized production in, –; colonial trade of, ; currency of, 11n; economic crisis of, –, ; economic crisis as cause of rioting, –; election process in, –; elections of 1789, –; exports (1789), ; "fear of brigands" in, –, –, , –; food shortages in, ; foreign policy in Holland, ; free press in, ; grain prices and regulation, –; gross product of in 1789, ; industry in, –, ; and the _intendant_ system, , 17n5, ; paupers and vagrants in, –; rioting in, –, –, . _See also_ France, and the three orders system of society; France, working
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Books3" ] }
as an incentive for joining the MdTA force." The FOP noted several benefits from the adoption of the THV program, including that it would lead to an increased police street-presence. The briefs filed with this Court, the content of oral argument, and a review of the Notebook, however, make clear that the primary value of the THV program was as a non-monetary benefit for new and current officers. In 2006, Governor O'Malley was victorious in the gubernatorial election. A few months after his administration assumed control of the Executive Branch, a newly-configured MdTA Board voted to discontinue the MdTA take-home vehicle program. On 29 June 2007, a day after that vote, the FOP filed a complaint in the Circuit Court for Baltimore County for breach of contract and promissoryaircraft was allocated to FIS. 19? The aircraft was allocated to 263 Squadron. 19? The aircraft was allocated to 74 Squadron. 19? The aircraft was allocated to 63 Squadron. 19? The aircraft was issued to Fairey Aircraft. 19? The aircraft was returned to the RAF. 19? The aircraft was allocated for use as a training aid and was re-serialed as 6971M. EE355 EE355 EE356 EE356 EE357 EE357 EE358 EE358 EE359 EE359 EE360 EE360 EE361 EE361 EE362 EE362 EE363 EE363 EE364 194? The aircraft was acquired by the Royal Air Force (RAF) and was serialed as EE364. 19? The aircraft was allocated to 124 Squadron. 19? The aircraft was allocated to 56 Squadron. 19? The aircraft was allocated to 66 Squadron. 19? The aircraft was allocated to 56 Squadron. 18Dec1947 The aircraft ran out of fuel and crashed approx 8 miles east of Eindhoven, Netherlands+P2355. EE365 EE365 EE366 EE366 EE367 EE367 EE368 EE368 EE369 EE369 EE370 EE370 EE371 EE371 EE372 EE372 EE373 EE373 EE374 EE374 EE375 EE375 EE376 EE376 EE377 EE377 EE378 EE378 EE379 EE379 EE380 EE380 EE381 EE381 EE382 EE382 EE383 EE383 EE384 EE384 EE385 EE385 EE386 EE386 EE387 EE387 EE388 EE388 EE389 EE389 EE390 EE390 EE391 EE391 EE392 EE392 EE393 EE393 EE394 EE394 EE395 EE395 1946 The aircraft was acquired by the Royal New Zealand Air Force and re-serealled as NZ6001. 1950 The aircraft was retired from Flying. 1950 The aircraft was retired from Flying. INST-147. 19? The aircraft was scrapped. EE396 EE396 EE397 EE397 EE398 EE398 Empire
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "Pile-CC" ] }
des avantages supplémentaires ne pourraient jamais convaincre un employé d'Apple d'aller travailler chez Dell. Il n'y aucune réduction ou remise qui pourrait convaincre un utilisateur fidèle du Mac de passer au PC (plusieurs payant déjà le double du prix). Ce fait dépasse toute rationalité. Il s'agit d'une croyance. Ce n'est pas un hasard si la culture chez Apple est souvent décrite comme un culte. Ce ne sont pas seulement des produits, c'est une cause que l'on soutient. C'est une question de foi. Vous rappelez-vous précédemment la Honda et la Ferrari? Les produits ne sont pas seulement des symboles des valeurs de l'entreprise, ils servent également à illustrer ce en quoi croient les acheteurs fidèles. Par exemple, les gens qui possèdent des ordinateurs Apple aiment les allumer lorsqu'ils sont àjours après être passé dans l'île de la Géorgie du Sud dans l'Atlantique Sud, le navire a rencontré des kilomètres et des kilomètres de banquises. Il a été coincé lorsque l'hiver a commencé plus tôt que prévu et plus déchaîné que jamais. La glace a entouré le bateau _comme une amande dans un morceau de caramel_ selon les dires d'un membre de l'équipage. Shackleton et ses hommes ont échoué dans l'Antarctique durant dix mois, laissant l' _Endurance_ voguer lentement vers le Nord jusqu'à ce que les glaces flottantes viennent se briser sur le navire. Le 21 novembre 1915, l'équipage l'a vu couler dans les eaux glaciales de la mer Weddell. Échoué dans les glaces, l'équipage de l' _Endurance_ est monté à bord de ses trois bateaux de sauvetage et
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
'match' => '((0B3E|0B40|E044|0B57|E068|E074|E08B|E08F)) 0B30 0B4D', 'replace' => '\\1 E069', ), 6 => array ( 'match' => '(0B3C) 0B30 0B4D', 'replace' => '\\1 E069', ), 7 => array ( 'match' => '(25CC) 0B30 0B4D', 'replace' => '\\1 E069', ), 8 => array ( 'match' => '((0B15|0B19|0B1A|0B1B|0B1C|0B1D|0B1E|0B20|0B21|0B22|0B24|0B26|0B28|0B2C|0B2D|0B32|0B33|0B35|0B39|25CC)) E069', 'replace' => '\\1 E06B', ), 9 => array ( 'match' => '((0B15|0B19|0B1A|0B1B|0B1C|0B1D|0B1E|0B20|0B21|0B22|0B24|0B26|0B28|0B2C|0B2D|0B32|0B33|0B35|0B39|25CC) 0B3C) E069', 'replace' => '\\1 E06B', ), 10 => array ( 'match' => '0B38 0B4D 0B24 0B4D 0B30', 0B4D 0B2E', 'replace' => 'E14A', ), 61 => array ( 'match' => '0B21 0B3C', 'replace' => '0B5C', ), 62 => array ( 'match' => '0B22 0B3C', 'replace' => '0B5D', ), 63 => array ( 'match' => '((0B15|0B16|0B17|0B18|0B19|0B1A|0B1B|0B1C|0B1D|0B1E|0B1F|0B20|0B21|0B22|0B23|0B24|0B25|0B26|0B27|0B28|0B2A|0B2B|0B2C|0B2D|0B2E|0B2F|0B30|0B32|0B33|0B35|0B36|0B37|0B38|0B39|0B71|E003|E004|E005|E006|E007|E008|E009|E00A|E00B|E00C|E00D|E00E|E00F|E010|E011|E012|E013|E014|E015|E016|E017|E018|E019|E01A|E01B|E01C|E01D|E01E|E01F|E020|E021|E023|E024|E025|E026|E027|E028|E029|E02A|E02B|E02C|E02D|E02E|E02F|E030|E031|E032|E033|E034|E035|E036|E037)) 0B4D', 'replace' => '\\1 2019', ), 64 => array ( 'match' => '((0B01|0B3F|0B56|E06B|E041|E064|E06D|E070|E089|E08C)) 0B4D', 'replace' => '\\1 2019', ), 65 => array ( 'match' => '(E069) 0B4D', 'replace' => '\\1 2019', ), 66 =>
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
in C(S). By Grothendieck's Theorem G.5, this is equivalent to M being compact in Cp(S), the space C(S) endowed with the pointwise topology. But by separate continuity of the multiplication of S, the mapping ![ $$\\displaystyle{S \\rightarrow \\mathrm{ C}_{\\mathrm{p}}\(S\),\\qquad a\\mapsto L_{a}f}$$ ](A312822_1_En_16_Chapter_Equah.gif) is continuous. Since S is compact, its image is compact. □ ## 16.3 The Jacobs–de Leeuw–Glicksberg Decomposition Let E be a Banach space and let ![ $$\\mathcal{T} \\subseteq \\mathcal{L}\(E\)$$ ](A312822_1_En_16_Chapter_IEq162.gif) be a semigroup of operators on E. Then ![ $$\\displaystyle{\\mathcal{S}:=\\mathrm{ cl}_{\\mathrm{w}}\(\\mathcal{T} \),}$$ ](A312822_1_En_16_Chapter_Equai.gif) the weak operator closure of ![ $$\\mathcal{T}$$ ](A312822_1_En_16_Chapter_IEq163.gif) is a semitopological semigroup. We call the semigroup ![ $$\\mathcal{T}$$ ](A312822_1_En_16_Chapter_IEq164.gif) Jacobs–de Leeuw–Glicksberg admissible (or briefly: JdLG-admissible) if ![ $$\\mathcal{S}$$ ](A312822_1_En_16_Chapter_IEq165.gif) is weakly compact and contains a unique minimal idempotent, i.e., satisfies the equivalent conditions of Theorem 16.5. (Note that by Theorem 16.3 every weakly compact operator semigroup contains at least one minimalof ![ $$\\mathbb{T}$$ ](A312822_1_En_17_Chapter_IEq250.gif) are the functions z ↦ z n , ![ $$n \\in \\mathbb{Z}$$ ](A312822_1_En_17_Chapter_IEq251.gif). Hence, every function ![ $$f \\in \\mathrm{ L}^{\\!2}\(\\mathbb{T}\)$$ ](A312822_1_En_17_Chapter_IEq252.gif) can be uniquely written as a convergent Fourier series ![ $$\\displaystyle{f =\\sum _{n\\in \\mathbb{Z}}a_{n}z^{n}}$$ ](A312822_1_En_17_Chapter_Equaa.gif) with ![ $$\\sum _{n\\in \\mathbb{Z}}\\left \\vert a_{n}\\right \\vert ^{2} < \\infty $$ ](A312822_1_En_17_Chapter_IEq253.gif). Suppose that ![ $$T_{\\varphi }f =\\lambda f$$ ](A312822_1_En_17_Chapter_IEq254.gif) with ![ $$\\left \\vert \\lambda \\right \\vert = 1$$ ](A312822_1_En_17_Chapter_IEq255.gif). Then ![ $$\\displaystyle{\\sum _{n\\in \\mathbb{Z}}a_{n}a^{n}z^{mn} = T_{\\varphi }f =\\lambda f =\\sum _{ n\\in \\mathbb{Z}}\\lambda a_{n}z^{n}.}$$ ](A312822_1_En_17_Chapter_Equab.gif) Comparing Fourier coefficients yields a n = 0 whenever m​​ |̸ n and ![ $$a_{n}a^{n} =\\lambda a_{mn}$$ ](A312822_1_En_17_Chapter_IEq256.gif) for all ![ $$n \\in \\mathbb{Z}$$ ](A312822_1_En_17_Chapter_IEq257.gif). Inductively it follows for each ![ $$k \\in \\mathbb{N}$$ ](A312822_1_En_17_Chapter_IEq258.gif) that a n = 0 whenever m k−1 | n but m k ​​ |̸ n. But that means that a n = 0 for all n ≠ 0, so f
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
Så kan de komme tilbage nogle måneder senere – efter at de har vendt det i diskussioner med venner og veninder – hvor jeg kan mærke, at de har taget nogle pointer til sig. Vi kan have disse diskussioner, fordi jeg ved, at de sætter deres frihed højt. Alt, hvad der er begrænsende for individets frihed, bryder de sig ikke om. Derfor kan jeg tage emner op, hvor jeg påpeger de forhold i den traditionelle kultur, som jeg finder dobbeltmoralske. Det kan for eksempel handle om, at man på den ene side siger, at man er tolerant, men på den anden side vil begrænse kvinders frihed. Jeg forsøger at gøre dem opmærksom på de utallige fælder, der er. De kan heller ikke undgå at forholde sig til mine holdninger, fortil ham: »Nu skriver du den erklæring, som du har lovet.« Han skrev fire-fem sætninger, som jeg har gemt. På den måde fik jeg det ud af kroppen. Vi betalte selv reparationen, men ydmygelsen var vasket væk! Jeg havde en lignende oplevelse fra samme periode med min mor, som havde fået et rengøringsarbejde på et plejehjem. Under arbejdet brugte hun et beskedent hvidt tørklæde, som kun lige dækkede hendes hår. Hun var blevet ansat af en konstitueret leder, men da chefen for afdelingen mødte igen, kaldte han hende ind og sagde: »Enten smider du tørklædet, eller også er du fyret!« Min mor ringede grædende til mig, mens jeg var på arbejde. Hun havde arbejdet med rengøring i 100 år, og hun gjorde altid sit arbejde ordentligt. Jeg kunne ikke forstå, hvorfor
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
"zeta" : 950 , "eta" : 951 , "theta" : 952 , "iota" : 953 , "kappa" : 954 , "lambda" : 955 , "mu" : 956 , "nu" : 957 , "xi" : 958 , "omicron" : 959 , "pi" : 960 , "rho" : 961 , "sigmaf" : 962 , "sigma" : 963 , "tau" : 964 , "upsilon" : 965 , "phi" : 966 , "chi" : 967 , "psi" : 968 , "omega" : 969 , "thetasym" : 977 , "upsih" : 978 , "piv" : 982 , "ensp" : 8194 , "emsp" : 8195 , "thinsp" : 8201 , "zwnj" : 8204 , "zwj" : 8205 , "lrm" : 8206 , "rlm" : 8207 , "ndash" : 8211 , "mdash" : 8212 , "lsquo" : 8216 , "rsquo" : 8217 , "sbquo" : 8218 , "ldquo" : 8220 , "rdquo" : 8221 , "bdquo" : 8222 , "dagger" : 8224 , "Dagger" : 8225 , "bull" : 8226 , "hellip" : 8230 , "permil" :8240 , "prime" : 8242 , "Prime" : 8243 , "lsaquo" : 8249 , "rsaquo" : 8250 , "oline" : 8254 , "frasl" : 8260 , "euro" : 8364 , "image" : 8465 , "weierp" : 8472 , "real" : 8476 , "trade" : 8482 , "alefsym" : 8501 , "larr" : 8592 , "uarr" : 8593 , "rarr" : 8594 , "darr" : 8595 , "harr" : 8596 , "crarr" : 8629 , "lArr" : 8656 , "uArr" : 8657 , "rArr" : 8658 , "dArr" : 8659 , "hArr" : 8660 , "forall" : 8704 , "part" : 8706 , "exist" : 8707 , "empty" : 8709 , "nabla" : 8711 , "isin" : 8712 , "notin" : 8713 , "ni" : 8715 , "prod" : 8719 , "sum" : 8721 , "minus" : 8722 , "lowast" : 8727 , "radic" : 8730 , "prop" : 8733 , "infin" : 8734 , "ang" : 8736 , "and" : 8743 , "or" : 8744 , "cap" : 8745 , "cup"
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
Claire-Marie Le Guay Claire-Marie Le Guay (born 13 June 1974) is a French classical pianist. Early life Le Guay was born in Paris, France. She began playing piano at age 4 and entered the Paris Conservatoire at age 14, where she studied with Jacques Rouvier, Pascal Devoyon and Bruno Rigutto. Following her education in Paris, Le Guay continued her training with a variety of established teachers, including Dmitri Bashkirov, Fou Ts'ong, Claude Frank, Stanislav Ioudenitch, Alicia de Larrocha, William Grant Naboré, Andreas Staier, György Sebők, and Leon Fleisher. Accomplishments and award Le Guay has also been championed by Daniel Barenboim, who invited her to perform with the Chicago Civic Orchestra. Le Guay has performed at a variety of prestigious venues including Carnegie Hall and Wigmore Hall. Current projects Le Guay is currently recording hergran número. Las nuevas capacidades lingüísticas que los sapiens modernos adquirieron hace unos 70.000 años les permitieron chismorrear durante horas. La información fiable acerca de en quién se podía confiar significaba que las cuadrillas pequeñas podían expandirse en cuadrillas mayores, y los sapiens pudieron desarrollar tipos de cooperación más estrecha y refinada. La teoría del chismorreo puede parecer una broma, pero hay numerosos estudios que la respaldan. Incluso hoy en día la inmensa mayoría de la comunicación humana (ya sea en forma de mensajes de correo electrónico, de llamadas telefónicas o de columnas de periódicos) es chismorreo. Es algo que nos resulta tan natural que parece como si nuestro lenguaje hubiera evolucionado para este único propósito. ¿Acaso cree el lector que los profesores de historia charlan sobre las razones
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Books3" ] }