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Posting everyday until I get my first kiss So apparently some people my age () arent even virgins anymore?? Like the guy who sits next to me in my computer science class isnt. If he can get sucked off I think I can get a guy or girl or any identifier in between to kiss me so here we go. Might do this every week instead since Im a lazy fuck but idk.
I have a special request... Can I have some Australian downvotes please?
Wtf is the point of doing good in school Honestly, what is really the point here
I need to talk to someoneThrough here or whatsapp. I'm alone and harming myself, I need a way to calm down. I've explained in other posts what is happening.
i dont want to live anymorei dont have anyone to tell my not to. i think everybody would prefer me to. i want to do it for them, but i dont want to suffer. please help me. ive lost everything. i dont want to die, but i dont want to live any longer. i dont know what to do.
Fuck Physics Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
Not suicidal but have a questionI accidentally liked a suicidal comment on YouTube. It was a suicide causes comment but her other comments were suicidal. If I delete my account as I want to start a new channel. To clarify I didnt like her other comments btw. Would it harm her mental health if delete my account which removes the like from that suicide causes comment. You get notified when someone likes your comment so shell know if I removed the like.
I can't no moreHonestly I feel like I've had enough of this, I feel so alone in many ways, life seems so grim and cruel and its just not worth fighting for and its not even that special, life is not a gift, its something that was given to us by force and eventually we will have to return it, death is inevitable, there is no way to avoid it and I no longer feel comfort by thinking about how fragile life is and how all this bullshit will have to end, this feeling of dread is overwhelming and I can't believe that I've been using fiction to cope with reality, I can not believe that simple characters on a screen and words on some paper were one of the few barriers keeping me from ending it all, I also don't want to fall low enough to do drugs, that shit has been on my mind for so long but I have no way to access to them since I don't know any dealers, I just want to cry right now since I don't want to live but deep inside I'm afraid to die but I'll take my chances and hope that whatever is waiting for me is not any worse than this. Please someone out there, I don't know even know my self sometimes I feel like I am doing this for attention and it just feels so wrong. I just want to know what is the quickest and most painless method I can use, I know a bullet to the head is not quick enough, nor is a noose, an overdose would be painful but I have many types of medical pills at my disposal, a knife to the neck also seems painful
Could you guys sub to LukeTbh Its not my channel but a friend of mine wants to try and make a few bucks for his mom for Christmas as a surprise( hes doing other things to make change) now i dont know if itll help a lot but help is help.
I need help, somehowAs dramatic as this title sounds, dear redditors, I guess this time I won't be lucky. I used to live in a dorm room with rats and cockroaches. My girlfriend got me out of there by finding a loophole in my contract. We moved together and because Stuttgart is incredibly expensive, we had to move together with her ex. Her ex intentionally fucked up to pay the rent so often, that our landlord ended our contract in an unpreventable way. My girlfriend and I wanted to look for a new flat in peace but her exes kamikaze-act killed this option. Since I am an orphant and her family lives far across the country, we cannot simply move to her family for a while. Problem : All payable flats would be too far away from both of our workplaces and for her cat to be moved, since she has a failing heart. And, because that is just not enough, my work contract is going to end on February th. I've started applying two months ago but nobody seems to want to hire a college student. Problem : Without any income of me, neither of us even close to be able to pay any of the offered flats. But wait, there's more: Losing our home in days, losing my job in . months and constant failure in college have triggered my suicidal thoughts to come back. I barely can say a word without bursting in tears and still I manage to fake trust and believe to calm her. I'm , she's . Neither of us has ever been in a situation as such. I just, I just really don't know what to do anymore. I've even fucking pucked while writing this text in fear. Please, suggest anything. I don't believe in god but I'd even be happy about thoughts and prayers.
HIII, Will you be my friend??? Heyy, I am sid, and ima physics/space nerd!! i dont have a lot of friends so uh will you care to be one of them????
Intrusive thoughtsTheres such sick shit going through my mind lately, I vividly imagine what my friend would of looked like hanging from his belt, I keep getting nightmares my girlfriend is going to leave me and I wake up with terror in my body. I cant kill my self because I already have survivors guilt, but I keep making a stupid plan of my depressed girlfriend and I slitting each others throats to end this incessant suffering that is life, wed die together at least. I cut my arm a little and I felt pretty good for a couple hours but the depression is back, and now I just feel guilty for doing it. I just hope the melatonin tablets I took will let me sleep a little for once.
I will blame my abusers for my suicideI hate the whole "no one is responsible for your suicide, it was your choice" thing. I'm at the end of everything. I'm not sure how long I'll last. And I've got a feeling that I'll be calling my abusers out for their contributions to my situation. My mother for resenting my existence. Who said in so many words that I'm a failure as a daughter, and I've dissapointed her. Some of my "friends" for bullying me, and not respecting my boundaries when it come to mental health. Blaming me, for instance, when I can't go shopping with them because I feel like dying. Blaming me for not taking their advice and exercising, cause as we all know, that's how it works. And lastly, my wonderful boyfriend. Who sexually abused me. For manipulating me, changing me into something I can't recognize anymore. Im covered in cuts and bruises. How did it get like this? I've got water and pills in my backpack. I want to walk away and never come back. Obviously my absence will bring relief to everyone I bothered.
Ive never really had a life, so what difference does it make if I take mine away?Every day is pain. Im alone so much of the time, but its mostly because it hurts to be around people. Ive had crippling social anxiety for years. Tried therapy, medications, and just going out there and trying to work on things on my own. It doesnt get any better. I want to know whats its like to be normal for once. To be able to go out and not have panic attacks and go home to cry right after. Im so depressed that I forget to do simple tasks like brushing my hair or eating and drinking. Because of sexual abuse, I get triggered every time someone makes a joke about anything related to it, or if I see certain scenes in movies. Its hard not to avoid it. I never really got to live like a normal person. Ive been trapped inside most of my life. I tried to kill myself not too long ago and was in the hospital for weeks afterwards because of complications.(I was found in time) I hate living like this. I hate staying up all night because my thoughts wont allow me to sleep until the sun rises, and when I see the sun rise, it makes me more depressed for some reason. I hate being me
The ProblemFor some reason I am always the problem in everyones life. Im constantly being called names by the close ones in my life. Always being blamed for any little thing even if its not true. All I can do is take there insults but they dont understand how much that breaks me down. I never show how Im feeling so I must suspect that, thats why they always call me names and push me around cause i seem like a strong person holding back all my feelings from them. But everyday they dont know how much pain theyve put me through. Everyday I have reoccurring past events that I cant get out of my mind. I cant sleep at night I always wake up in the middle of the night dreaming those bad past events. Im really exhausted of living. They dont understand how much I go through. Not a second goes by that I dont think about all the things theyve ever done to hurt me. I cant get rid of my past and what theyve done to me. Its been more than years that its always the same reoccurring thoughts and events theyve put me through that have made me feel worthless and pathetic. And it doesnt help by them constantly calling me names and telling me shit for things Im not responsible for. Im really exhausted Ive been putting up with them for years and I dont know what else to do. Im just tired of living. Im tired of thinking. Im tired of just everything in my life. I hate my life and who I am. Im the most worthless person. And people in my life have proved it to me.
anyone wanna play minecraft? im bored and when youve been playing minecraft alone for weeks it really starts to wear on your soul so i want someone to play it with
Someone just thanked me for coming to their house and I replied you're welcome Pain
The secret to well peeled potatoes Step one, rinse your potato. Step two, grasp on half of the potato firmly. All your fingers on one side. Step three, now you wanna hold your potato with your thumb on the side, which will make it easier to cut. Now take your peeler and make strides fast and hard, peeling up till your hand. And for the poles, sorta smack it until the skin is gone. Step four, swap you hold on the potato. Make sure it doesn't slip. Repeat step three. And if you were peeling correctly they should be well rounded out.
I'm a complete failureI was an A student, and now I'm lucky to pull C's. I have almost no friends, mostly because I pushed them all away because I became too scared to talk to them. Everybody I know has their shit together and I'm stuck with no energy and this hopeless feeling that won't go away and takes away all the purpose to anything I do. I'm alone and miserable and most of all I'm a complete failure and disappointment to the few people that still give a shit about me, and for three years, no matter how hard I've tried to change that, I fall right back into this hopeless feeling. I don't even have the energy to do basic shit like shaving and showering anymore. How am I supposed to keep getting through the days and putting up this facade like everything's fine?
Opinion of Billie Eilish? Im curious.
I need to talk, i can't endure that anymoreHello, first i don't know if i can trust people on me, and if posting here is safe, i don't know to have more troubles. Second, i don't know where to begin to tell you my story, there is so much to say and it's hard to think about all of that. I'm, and i feel like I can't do good things of my life, I feel too old, i did only shit since i'm born, ruining everything. I have achieved totally . Theses last monthes are the worst of my life, I lost everything, my appartement, my girlfriend, my studies, my best friend, all of my friends... My family is a joke, they don't care at all, they are not living together either. All my life is a joke. The worst part is how all of this things happenned to me, i can't handle this, i can't live with this regrets, and this solitude. It just burn me inside of me. I think about that all of the day, when i wake up when i go to bed... It's never gonna get better. I'm so tired of everything. Am I anonymous here ? Can they find me ? I would like to tell more of my story to see point of view of others maybe, and for leave a trace i guess. Sorry for my english, i'm even shit at this.
Music?Anyone else listen to $uicideboy$ when they are down? I cant be the only one. Their music as affected me so much I cant describe. If you listen to the lyrics its just so relatable, and catchy
How do you vaccinate the whole city for free? By vaccinating Joes lips.
Useless Fact # Penguins push other penguins into the water to check if there are predators around.
No pointLife is okay, everything is going as per usual, I have a family that loves me and a few close friends I can count on. I go to university and have a set of hobbies. But I don't see the point of any of it. Every single day is an active struggle. I want to *be* so much but some invisible force seems to constantly pull me back and force me to be my mediocre self. Even if I manage to take one step forward, I almost always take two steps back right after. And what for? What is the point of this torturous existence? We're all just here on a waiting list to die. I'm just tired of it all and of myself. My mind is a wonderland of possibilities and ideas but my soul (I know that sounds cheesy but I can't think of another way to put it) is too mediocre to handle it. I don't want to deal with the endless battle of my internal and external selves anymore. I don't even know why I'm posting this - maybe I want to know if there's anybody out there who understands this. I definitely don't want to hear that I need help (maybe I do, or maybe I'm just more aware of reality than I should be - either way I couldn't afford therapy or anything), or that things get better or whatever, because I don't think they will.
What a player. Yesterday I started the gymnasium (you do that at age in Sweden) and this one guy has literally tried to get a "one night stand" with ALL the girls in my entire school. He even got one of the teachers numbers.(I doubt that its actually her number). This guy is the most virgin kiddo ever. The fact that it's an IT gymnasium makes it all the better.
A girl just told me Im cute Lets fucking go B)
Just found out someone has a crush on me. So this girl in my class came up to me and said "Hey, godstolemybeans. *girl* has a crush on you" I don't really like her back, but it's a real confidence booster for sure.
I still want to dieContacted friends today.... I still haven't gotten a response. I first attempted suicide when I was .... I've been struggling with depression ever since. It's been years and every day I go to bed with the same wish. The same dream. That maybe tomorrow I'll be lucky enough to die. I know people love me. I know peoe care. Is it selfish for me to not want to be here. It's like being a piece of paper..... And losing little pieces day by day. When is it my final tear? It's like being a car that is no longer quote good enough. The kind you pass by on the freeway without giving it a second look. It's just being unnoticed. Unimportant. Irrelevant. And being contempt with it. What's the use of pushing to be better, achieving something..... When my ultimate goal is to die. I don't want sympathy. I don't want compassion. I just want to find a way to want to live.
Running awayI'm a year old male. I'm about months into a PhD in theoretical physics. I was top of my undergraduate class. I have a girlfriend, my own apartment, and a shit-ton of money that I've inherited from a grandparent. I feel so...*trapped*. I feel like I'm this tiny little person holding up a huge cardboard cutout of myself, and no one sees the real little me. They all think I'm super-physics-genius-man, when I'm not, I'm just (relatively) hard working and a bit lucky. I've had various episodes of depression starting in my early teens, continuing to now. I used to consider suicide regularly. I still do, but lately I've been considering running away as a sort of half-way step. I've got around $k in the bank, so I really could go just about anywhere. The only thing that's stopping me is the logistics of how to stop my family/friends knowing where I am and what I'm doing, but without cutting them out completely (i.e. not become a 'missing person' like you see on the news). I also don't know if they would welcome me back if I left them for a while. I don't know quite why I'm posting this here, I just wanted to tell someone. If anyone's got any tips on mitigating the negative aspects of running away I'd appreciate it.
How do I help my friendMy friend is currently a senior in high school. She has been thinking of committing suicide for a while now and her thoughts of suicide were so bad yesterday that she finally opened up to the school counselors and got pulled out of school and sent to the hospital. This was actually a good thing because she was finally going to get the help she needed, until her parents stepped into the picture. She is supposed to be scheduled for daily check-ups at the hospital as her parents are legally obligated to. Today, however, her parents have refused to to schedule these appointments and express their discomfort with sending her back to the hospital saying that it will get worst if she goes. They want her to continue to go to school and continue life as if everything is normal even after they found out that she wants to kill herself. My friend had already been diagnosed with anxiety disorder in the past, but her parents refuse to help her get any type of treatment for it because they don't really believe in mental disorders. They simply don't understand the gravity of the situation and think that this will just blow over. I try to comfort her in whatever way I can, but there's only so much I can do since I can't take her to the hospital myself. Is there any way I can help her convince her parents to take her or is there some type of number or number or service I can call in order to help her get the help she needs. She wants help more than anything, but her parents are stopping her from getting what she needs.
I think im brokenI fight with all my friends, I fight with my family. Im , years unemployed, diabetic and living at home. I'm hardly worse off than most people. Fuck, im not even worse off than people I know, but I can't stop feeling this. Meanwhile im just a drain on the resources of the people around me. I find myself planning my death while going about my day to day routine. I know people would be better without me but, i've been to scared to do anything about it. Sometimes I wish I could be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Just another victim of some random act of violence, that way I wouldn't traumatize the poor soul who finds me.
Im probably gonna head out before the end of this weekend.I'm extremely jealous of people who are capable of being happy. I wish I could be too. I want so badly to get better and enjoy life. Unfortunately it isn't an option for me and I'm suffering constantly and every day gets worse. I really wish I had a gun or a shit ton of vicodin but unfortunately we're gonna have to do this the messy way. If I get caught and attempted to be "saved" I'll just have to attack the cops and pray they kill me. I cannot fail, I can't afford to go to a hospital and things will get worse for me while everyone tells me how happy they are I survived, not caring that surviving will make everything infinitely worse.
Me and my friend run a server where we play among us often! DM me if you want the discord invite, I hope to see you soon!
To anyone making jokes about dementia... My grandma is in stage dementia, and i spent an hour with her today. Within that hour she said people wanted to kill her, she was gonna kill me, she was sick, she cried, laughed, and cried again. This has destroyed my family and her life. Please dont make jokes about it. For her sake and everyone who has been affected by this disease
Hope hope hope... It shoves me in suicidal limbo when I still want to kill myself but won't because my silly brain still generate hopes. Every day is hellish even more than I was firm of ending my life. I hate hope because it guarantees nothing. I had so many empty hopes that turned into regret.I am haunted by my mistakes, regrets plague my mind and I just want to die NOW, ok. It would be great. But instead I have to suffer again and again and again. I am exhausted. I want to quit and give up hope but I also have few people that I don't want to traumatize. This is some kind of hell I swear. I looked so horrid today that people thought I was on drugs but I wasn't. I am in pain constantly. Thank you for reading this bullshit.
I cannot take this much longerSo, about a month ago, I came out as transgender to two of my closest friends, right? And I told two more people, and one of them told more, and eventually, my homophobic and transphobic "friend" found out, and told my whole class. And, honestly, he's made my life a living hell. Daily he's making fun of me, saying I'm not trans, and saying stuff like "What even are you?" And this is all going to my head. I've tried cutting, but that failed. I'm really close to just ending it.
how to say can I suck your dick in languages _English:_ can I suck your dick _Grindr:_ OwO daddy let me choke on your giant monster cock
For years I told myself I have absolutely no worthand it has proven to be true. I have no jobs, I tried for years to write a Master thesis and didn't even start and I am addicted to video games. Every morning I feel like a fresh turd. The afterlife must be sweeter than this hellhole.
Time to sit in a dark room by myself for a few hours Fun.
Created a new profile because I'm too paranoid not to be found by bulliesI always was different and I was always pointed out and I hate it. Last few days I've been more than happy in my school but as soon as night comes the true sad and destroyed me comes. Every night like this. I don't know how I survived this long. I want to end this rather sooner. Or I will end this for myself.
Theres no help for meThe hospital, crisis center, therapy, meds failed Parents refuse to help me and instead threaten to kill me or tell me to kill myself Friends dont know what to do Church shunned me Help me I wanna die
Why must i do this Im laying in bed its comfy as hell raining outside and i choose to worry about a crush a year ago
Taking care of you day Hi y'all, how are you ?
God, college makes me so fucking miserable Most people crack under pressure. I shatter like fucking glass.
i just want to be deadi hate life everyday i find something to be miserable about today the weather sucks and it's cold. I always cry a little bit everyday sometimes i dont even know why im crying i just do. I think about my ex bf everyday i miss him a lot but i'm also still mad. There's other things too but i wont go into detail i just want to hang myself or jump off a building.
I just want to ramble and die alreadyI want to die right now. Im depressed and keep repeating the same negative mental thought pattern. Its as if being depressed is normal for me. Its been one year since my ex broke up with me and I still havent moved on. How can I when this person used to be my everything? They were there for me and gave me the gift of happiness. My family mistreats me by calling me stupid, ugly, fat, etc., but my ex has been the only person in my life who made me feel like I had value in this world. They are the only person on this planet who knows who I truly am. But ever since they left, my entire life is empty and meanginless. I try to make friends but I cant seem to connect with anyone. Ive only had one true connection ever in my life so far, and thats with my ex. My ex wasnt perfect, but they were perfect to me. Thats why I cant seem to let go already. I know letting them go will help me so much, but I cant seem to do it yet. Its frustrating to know that the answer is simple, but emotions arent exactly rational. Im just tired of living everyday alone and lost. Im tired of not being able to break my unhealthy habits of biting the skin off of my fingers out of stress/anxiety. Im tired of bearing so much love for someone who doesnt give a shit about me anymore. Im years old and yet Im failing to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I just want everything to end. I dont see happiness in my future. I dont want any more suffering from the breakup... I dont understand how loving someone and then losing them forever could make one feel so broken. Im tired of feeling unfulfilled and unworthy. I thought that this was something that goes away like a scratch, but so far I have not healed at all. I dont want to live if it means Ill be alone without someone who truly loves me. Everything is so dark and cruel.
They forgot my birthday lolIt was my birthday a few days ago and only like of my friends remembered.
Anyone need math help? Its : and Im watching netflix and chilling with my bird Anyone need math help? I guess I can provide emotional support if you need it too
Ill answer your questions edit your comment and make me seem like a bad person Im just bored lol and i love this game comment a question ill answer it then edit the comment and make me seem bad
I hate feeling this unbearably lonelyI swear if one more person tells me to just enjoy being alone I'll kill myself. They don't understand how it is for me. I just can't do that. I'm afraid of being alone and abandoned.
So online classes are awkward They are at least for me, during math today it was just me, the teacher, and three other students and when the teacher asked a question nobody answered so I felt like I needed to fill the silence. Sometimes I wouldn't answer and nobody else would say anything and it would just be awkward silence. Even when the teacher was asking questions that could be answered with a yes or no, nobody would say anything, like dude, just say yes and we can move on. I'm glad we didn't have to turn on our cameras though.
Little comments built up on my and now I want to cry. All throughout my teen years so far, I have kept a good handle on not letting little comments hurt. BUT TODAY... someone said something to me and I DONT EVEN KNOW THEM and it made me want to cry. Anyone have any tips on how to deal with this or an explanation on why something so small could make me feel so small?
Alright yall lets test your knowledge What do (AFAB) girls pee out of?
Hey do you want to talk Im bored and need people to talk with
Finally tuned While i may be i might test positive for covid so it seems even the virus may have given me a birthday "gift"
What redditors do you recognize? I've seen several people over and over again on here
teenagers scare the living shit out of me they could care less as long as someone'll bleed so darken your clothes or strike a violent pose maybe they'll leave you alone but not me
Hanging by a threadI'll keep this as short as possible. I'm a year old male, I have some friends, I have a great job that I enjoy, in shape, a "nice guy", usually motivated, have interesting hobbies, and own my own house. On paper, it sounds like I have a lot going for me, but I am very lonely. I have been for years. That's not to say I haven't been in relationships, I just haven't been in the right relationship. I don't think I have ever 'been in love' with someone. I have such a hard time meeting new people, and when I do, they're all in relationships or married or whatever. It's getting tougher as I'm getting older. The friends I do have, tell me that I'm a "catch", and I'll eventually find the right person. I have been eventually waiting for years (my dating life). I would give up everything I have, to find someone I truly care about and love. I thought I finally found that person this summer. As friends, we have shared many amazing experiences together. Epic hikes, tubing down a river, went skydiving together for our first time, and very recently, a week trip to Iceland (we even had sex). She is the only person in my life that I felt this way about, so I asked her out, and she said no. We no longer talk... I'm obviously very upset about this, but the suicidal thoughts have been going much longer. Back in October, I have had my first serious thoughts on suicide. I keep a daily(ish) journal to track my progress up and down. Even before the thing happened with my friend, every day has been a chore. I'm so tired of being alone and can't imagine living the rest of my life like this. I have tried very hard to meet people, online dating, social sport leagues, parties, hobby groups, whatever, with no luck. I know I'm not an attractive looking guy, and I have very little self esteem or confidence so it makes it hard to approach people. Between all of that, and my family basically abandoning me because I don't have kids yet, I'm hanging by a thread. I don't have an actual time/date when I'll die, but if things don't get better within the next few months, I probably will. Thanks for reading.
Story time I thought I was gonna die like minutes ago So I was getting my lunch ready and I took a sip of water but then I started choking and couldnt breathe so I had to spit the rest of my water into the sink which was a struggle some got on the floor and then I was like thats going to be such an embarrassing way to die by drinking water and choking so theres that my throat kinda hurts but like nothing terrible
I honestly dont know what Im gonna do My grades arent competitive enough for a dental program or nursing program, and Im dumb as shit do my SAT is gonna be straight garbage. Honestly if I dont make it, idk what Im gonna do
I just read the blowfly girl story for the first time... I gotta say, Ive been to many different websites like Reddit /, live leak, best gore, crazy shit, and seen terrible things. But that story is, without a doubt, the single most disgusting and vile thing Ive ever read. Theres not any mention of blood or gore. But when you read the story, just imagining what that girl did to herself is terrible. This is your warning: read it at your own risk.
I think I have to go nowEverything in my life has culminated to this moment. Filled with grief, and despair, and regret. Feel like this was inevitable. Nothing is real. Nothing as been real to begin with. I have to attachment to myself. To my identity anymore. Something happened today and I dont think I could ever deal with it. Asked for help everywhere, but everything went wrong. Everything has. Been going wrong. Maybe if I wake up this has all just been just a very very bad dream. Drank so much to mull the pain and I feel oh so very sick I want to throw up. About to hang myself and take some pills to make it easier. So sorry everyone. I like to think we have some shared experience. Im you, youre me, Im everyone and everything Ive ever wrong. So maybe that makes it easier. This is so hard. I I want to go so bad. If this has really been all, and somehow Im wrong about the multi verse and now everything exists, truly I am sorry to my family. To my sisters, brother, pets, I truly am. If its any consolation I think Ive been crazy for the longest time. Im sorry. I love you all
My opinion on social media They all suck dick Thank you for coming to my TED talk
I've made it, that's what I'm supposed to say anyway.Is been a long journey. A lot of ups and downs. At some point I started working to fix things in my life. Fake it till you make it. Well, I made it. Pretending, lying that I was a person who wanted a future. A degree, a job. A bright future, at least that's what anyone else would think. Not me. I'm selfish. I don't appreciate my life, my work. Yet here I am stuck, desperate for a way out. I don't belong here. I won't ever fit. I will always be alone. No matter how many people I've befriended I'll always be different.
I think I might end my life on MondayI'm just bloody tired of my life. I've been riding the depression sine wave my whole life. Last Monday I basically learned that my mother had no faith in my ability to live my own life. I just wanna be done. "No ms". I have thought about how, and what time. I've tried to cut contact with my friends. I don't think that I've done a good enough job of that. I'm scared because somewhere in my head I still have this part of me that wants to live, but I'm watching depression choke it out.
ContemplatingI am contemplating just ending it all. I cant keep dealing with the isolation. My boyfriend and I have been hot and cold. When I am able to see him, he doesnt want to have sex with me and he barely wants to touch my body. I am so sick of feeling this way. I am also in grad school and I cannot deal with the constant stress, I just want to escape everything.
What do I doIve had suicidal thoughts for a while now. I had one attempt that I didnt go through with about a year ago. Im at a loss, The suicidal thoughts just dont stop and get worse with how long I am awake. I told a doctor once, but my mom convinced me to cancel the set up appointment and go to a religious psychologist. It didnt help and now my whole family knows. I just dont know what to do, I am a student still living with family. I dont want them to know Im still suicidal but I want help. The last time I called the suicide prevention line they never picked up. I just need help without the judgement I cant look my family in the eye and it makes it worse.
Don't want to do anythingI feel like sleeping ask the timeI don't want to live at home. I want to buy a car and live in it so I don't have to be near anybody. Is there a time when this would be okay to do?
Day of posting my favorite quote from twenty one pilots Fall away-from the album (self titled)-twenty one pilots Quote-And I die as I wait as I wait on my crime And I'll try to delay what you make of my life-by Tyler Joseph
Someone is going through my account downvoting everything that I post If you see this show who you are and stop wasting your time
LostHello all, Yesterday I had the first panic attack in my life. And the worst part about it wasn't even the panic attack but that I could not talk to anyone about it. I thought I had a friend but I think she starts to dislike me a lot. Our friendship (almost more) seems to be ending. I never met this person in real life and so it's kind of weird. But i think I'm not someone that people can get along well for a long period of time. I never had a good friend because I always drifted far away from those that I am close with. Now lulling myself seems like the best idea. If I do then I'll make my moms life like hell which I am really worried about but I don't know what else to do? I can't keep living like this. I moved out of my home country searching for something but it didn't work out. I am just feeling even worse then ever. I am not mature. I can't put others feeling in front of my own. I am not a good person. I hurt the ones I love. I am just a failure who should just not be in this planet. It would do a great service to humanity.
Dont mine at night I know youre looking at that cave and youre feeling kinda brave go to bed youll be alright
Is this how its supposed to work?I am taking Opipramol for three weeks now, mg in the morning and mg in the evening. I had really bad anxiety and panic attacks, have been stuck in it without being able to eat because of swallow difficulties, started to have chestpain because of breathing weirdly for months every day and I was just breaking down the whole time. Ever since I started taking the Opipramol both anxiety and panic attacks are % gone but now my depression is just a billion times worse. I never hated myself this much, never wanted to die this much and overall I am just so mad the entire time, I dont know whats happening. I cant consult my doctor or therapist because of the Corona garbage going on and dont know if this is normal or not. What can I do?
I need helpI don't have a bad life. But I've suffered from depression for more than a decade now. Today it's bad. Really bad. I'm not sure what to do.
What are some good convo starters/initiators Need halp pls
Well I did the most stupid thing anyone could do. I forgot to make the last page of my test. I fucked up big time. The test went so well and those last questions were so easy I could've given myself such a big headstart on my grade for the exams. That will come in two years. I'm big stupid
Can one of yalls decide for me do I sleep, draw, write, or play more Crown Tundra ill check back at AM EST
sometimes i just want to end it alli dont want to be alive anymore. sometimes i feel like people would finally care if i were found dead with a bottle of pills in my hand. i know my reasons are irrational. im not lonely, but i just want more affection. is that too much to ask for?
First and Last Post.Sometimes I feel like pain is going to go away, but I know it's not unless I can figure out a way to deal with it, I'm probably going into my garage and starting the car. I hear that is the best way to commit suicide. Seems peaceful enough, but if I truly actually intend to kill myself, is this guaranteed? Any better ways to try dying in a peaceful but certain way? I just don't want for it ending up being a huge mess for someone else...............
This post has no flair watcha gonna do about it?
Made a new subreddit r/foundthejustinyguy r/foundthejustinyguy We still need new mods so why not We basically take screenshots of a dude who shows up in YouTube comments
What tf do I do Im in my sophomore year in high school but so much shit has happened this year that school was at the bottom of my list of priorities for a long time. There aint any excuses for it im lazy and have a major procrastination issue. Now I actually have to pass my classes or else ima have to redo my sophomore year most likely. Im so far behind in some of my classes and Im afraid of confronting my teachers because some of my missing assignments are SO old. Anybody whos been in my shoes and got out of it please give me advice.
Im addicted to scary YouTube videos I dont know why but ive been watching SO many paranormal youtube videos though they are fake give me a feeling of uneasyness and i dont know why its so fun! Like a slow drip of adrenaline Anyways if anyone wants to talk about this dont hesitate! Im super into creepy stuff now!
Anyone got any songs like Always by PATD
I kinda fucked up by cussing in front of my teached So a few days ago, I was walking alone, going to the store, and I saw one of my teachers near a parking lot. So I went over to say hi, and right as I walked over, I tripped on one of those things that are in front of the places a car parks. The concrete things, I'm not exactly sure what they're called. But as I trip, I say under my breath "fuck," but apparently my teacher and her daughter heard it, and she just looked at me, shocked. I had started school a few months ago, and I didn't really know her too well, cause I don't really talk with her. So fast forward to today, and I was in online class, and whenever I would talk, she would have this very concerned face, and for a few days whenever she looked at me when i was talking she always had a very disappointed look. Hopefully it'll end soon, I think I left a bad impression meeting my teacher for the first time IRL.
Im doneWill tablets of paracetamol kill me? Im just sick of everything and I cant do it anymore.
Im Deleting This Post In Hours In hours (: AM EST) Im deleting this post. You have until then to discuss all the things you wanna do in life, all ya regrets, all ya accomplishments, all ya wishes. Because life doesnt last forever. So like, are you proud of where you are or do you wish theres more you couldve done so far? And what more are you gonna do in the future if anything at all my bros?
The Gas Tower I am feeling a certain vibe while writing this. If you want to emulate it of sorts-please listen to this (what I was listening) [ Anyway, The Gas Tower. I have been living in London for my entire life. Every day I have lived in this city I have seen this Gas Tower. It stands majestic and rigid. It is a symbol of the past, of not only just the Victorian Roots of this area- but a symbol of engineering and what I consider beauty. It stands tall outside my window and whenever I wake up, go to bed or even while I type this now- I will see it. Because it's been there so long, it reminds me of when I was younger, days I can only reminisce as cloudy and innocent. Days without exams, or stressing about girls, where friends came easy and where playing in the park just up the road was an adventure. I have only noticed recently that I have come a long way in looks and in the way I act-but not only me-the environment around me. A big blue builders depot was built behind and yet the tower stood strong. A hotel was build on the road adjacent and it still stood strong. But now the people who put it up so long ago will put it to its end. It has been a good time looking out my window and appreciating the beauty of this city. But just as I have gone elsewhere, the places around me will as well. Things will change as I do. Change is the only thing ever guaranteed. And I only ever wonder this...will these days be missed?
what if u sneeze while they put the stick up ur nose for the corona test? ive always had it down my throat but im about to get it up the nose and im scared cause what if i sneeze and it launches me forward and the stick gets impaled inside the back wall of my nose where it just so happens that the weakest part of the skull is lokated and i fucking die? worst case scenario but still i cant imagine not sneezing having something put up ur nose
For you.We all try and outrun our own shadows but it's not a race you win, it's one you endure for as long as you can before you're consumed. You've all done well to get this far. Nobody could have understood, even though you spent your life trying to explain it. I pray for help in everyone moving on whilst wishing the pieces of my heavy heart I've so readily given may stay their feet. It won't happen. Life goes on. Friends become strangers again, Compassion and Kindness are wanted, liars are celebrated, the bounty is never claimed and the truth dies quietly in the confusion. I'm so sorry you were used. I'm so sorry you were lied to. I'm so sorry you had to live with them. I'm so sorry you had to live without them. Whatever brought you here to this land of the lost I'm glad I found you, if just to say goodbye. So here I am for you. Are you there for me?
I'm on the verge unfortunatelyIm and I have to work to provide for my family cause no one else works and I never get to use money on myself only for bills since my dad left years ago i have to provide for my family. SO FUN RIGHT????. I cant even go to the mall cause i have no friends and im so alone. I go home to a house that i hate constant yelling and arguing. Whenever i try to make an excuse to not go to work because of these suicidal behavoirs, I get constantly made fun of for being a pussy but no one knows that im tired of living so whenever Im at work i just clock out and cry til its time to go home and the cycle repeats.I dont even get paid much anymore. IM SO TIRED OF WORKING AT A JOB I HATE FOR A FAMILY IM KEEPING HELD HOSTAGE FROM BECAUSE WE HAVE NO FINACIAL SUPPORT. WHY DO I JAVE TO DEAL WITH EVERYONE ELSES FUCK UPS AND GET NOTHING IN RETURN IM TIRED OF IT AND DEATH HAS TO BE BETTER EVEN IF I END UP IN HELL IT CANT BE BAD AS THIS HOLY SHIT
I Tried Writing a PoemAn empty word A regret Like no other Can't forget ------------------- Find one more day Just one last time To fall away... and burn ------------------- We'll let things go You'll never know The shame shining through Finding my end's due
To all you transphobes and the like Kindly go fuck yourself. Im not going to do what most of you do and suggest you jump off a bridge, but I will strongly insist you stick your genitals in a blender before feeding them to your dog. Thats all, good bye
I can't deal with how i feel anymoreThrowaway because my boyfriend knows my reddit and I don't want to worry him. I don't know how much longer I can deal with how I feel anymore. I feel like I'm bothering people by even making this post.
ew update i left the app for minutes and it updated and whAT tHe fAwk is this i want my old reddit back >:
What did the redditor say after detonating a bomb inside a bank? Wow, this blew up! Thanks for the gold!
let it be known that i tried to go to bed early sadly, there are parents who think it's a good idea to let a year old have a phone without supervision or schedules or any kind of regulation
Why all lives matter is stupid Let's say you just fell and are bleeding someone tries to give you a bandade someone else takes it and says "I matter too why don't u give everyone a bandade" See how stupid this is i rest my case
My tv caught on fire around years ago That's literally it, we still use the tv. I have no idea why or how it started, and I guessed a lot but you never know. I think it dealt with the cooling system or something.