Do you want to go traveling? Are you fantasizing about disappearing to someplace else? Do you want to experience a new country or do you want to eat some different food, or maybe you want to meet new people that you've never met before being a different environment because you're so tired of your old routines and the old patterns that you've been engaging in for so long. Maybe it just feels like automatic Pilots. Maybe you dream about running your business online. Being successful in such a way that you could be wherever you want whenever you want with whoever you want. Well, that's great. There's nothing wrong with that. That's a fantastic aspiration to have it's a pretty cool desire, but I will tell you one thing if you've ever gone on a vacation before or if you've ever traveled in the past often times, you're very excited you're very very stoked for the experience as it's coming up. But once you're on it, typically your kind of In person you were as before before you went to this incredible place before you got to go and experience the world because wherever you go, there you are and when you realize this it makes traveling still be quite a lot of fun. However, you start to realize that ultimately what's really powerful is finding joy in your current experience right here. Right now so instead of dreaming yourself away to some distant place or thinking that things are going to be better when you get somewhere or when you get something you're just happy right here right now, and then you do enjoy those things but it's from a higher platform. You see most people seek these experiences from a low low Place essentially what they're doing is saying, I don't feel good. I'm not happy where I am. I don't like my environment. And so when I go over there, then I'll be happy. It's the same thing as saying well once I get that nuke, Our then everything will be great and you get the new car in for a while. It's really cool. Maybe even for quite a long time you love it. It's your ideal car. So you drive it every day and you get some sense of Joy from it, but after a while the novelty wears off the new car becomes the old car just like the place you wanted to go becomes the place that you are at and when you're there and you have it and now there's supposed to be no excuse for you not to feel happy and fulfilled somehow you might still not be happy and Fulfilled you thought that getting out of the loop out of the autopilot out of the box was finally going to make you feel happy and joyful and for a bit, maybe it even did but it's not sustainable because the common denominator here is you you your character how you feel about yourself. Your thoughts most importantly are what actually impact your overall subjective experience the most the environment the school and for While it will make a difference when it's new and different it does get you out of your head for a bit, but it will become normal. It will become oh now we're just here and this is it now we're driving this car and this is it and now it just has become the present moment. It's not special anymore. It's not flashy anymores. You can't daydream about it because you're in it so you can't remind to size it and make it seem bigger and greater than it actually is people also do this with their past, you know, go glorifying the good old days same thing. So instead of dreaming they dreaming and thinking about some vacation where you're going to escape and finally get out of your miserable experience and existence instead make a decision to work on you make a decision to take a vacation away from your bad thoughts. That's the best kind of vacation where you stop thinking negatively for a while where you hold yourself to a different. Regiment of thinking a different pattern maybe you start asking yourself in every activity that you do. How can I find the joy in this what's fun about this? What do I love about what we're doing right now what excites me about it? You can always find something see if you're looking for gloom and doom if you're looking for a misery, you will find it if you're looking for happiness and joy, you can find that to anywhere in the world doesn't matter if you're in the great place or in the place where you think you need? To get out of as soon as possible. There are some joy to be found in every situation people have managed to find Joy before you so why can't you hope that you enjoyed the video make sure that you subscribe and turn on your notification Bell so that you don't miss a single upload. And if you'd like to experience a real breakthrough and some massive progress in your life sign up for coaching. It's in the bottom left of your screen right now. If you click on that, you'll go to my website and you can book a free consultation to get us started.
I share with you how you can achieve your dreams of traveling the world! S U B S C R I B E : Coaching with Rafael: #ChangeYourLife #ChangingYourLife #TravelingTheWorld #TravelAdvice #TravelDreams #TravelingDreams #AchieveYourDream #DreamLife #LiveYourDreamLife #AchievingYourDreams #PersonalDevelopment #SelfImprovement #PersonalGrowth #SelfImprovement #SelfHelp #Travel #Explore #Motivation #Motivational #MotivationalSpeech #MotivationalSpeaker What are the most common life mistakes young people make? Here are 7 common mistakes young people are making nowadays. 1. Living for likes: Every moment is wasted away by trying to capture it perfectly for social media. It’s much better to experience the experience than trying to make it look cool. 2. Enough sleep: I am not saying don’t party but make sure your body gets the sleep it needs. 3. Not saving money: Wasting money to look cool or buy unnecessary things they think they need to get approval from others. The best thing young people can do is develop a saving habit. 4. Being fake: Not being their true self and pretending just so their peers will like them. 5. Fretting over mistakes: We all make mistakes nobody is perfect. Learn and move on. 6. Worrying about looks: Looks matter yes but what matters more is how people feel around you. Focus on that. Day-dreaming: Thinking once they do something, once they travel to this new place everything will be fixed.
Fellow fiends, welcome to another terrifying and delectable episode of nightmare on film Street the horror plancast with zero credibility, but all of the blood ghouls. And Gore your puny heart can handle let's give a grave Welcome to our hosts John and Kim. Hello again fiends and welcome to nightmare on film street. I'm John Kim and this week we are talking movies that take place while you're sleeping with 2007's wreck and 2011's Grave Encounters. That's right. We are kicking off found-footage month all June long. We are going to be celebrating found-footage Horrors here on the podcast at over on the website and ofs We have a ton of great stuff planned editorials retrospectives. Us talking about movies that have shaky cameras and headaches and all that fun stuff. I'm really excited found footage is one of my favorite. It's like one of my secret dirty pleasure Sub sub genres. So have to be dirty pleasure. No Stella braiding it out loud exactly in the open where everyone can see if you're out there shaking your head at found footage right now saying nobody does nobody good does found-footage. I want to remind you of a little movie called the incidents at Loch Ness directed. By Werner hertzog. Yeah, that's right. Technically a found footage movie. You're talking to a Verner Hartzog audience right now. Oh, yeah. Everybody is like in raptures. Yeah. Well, it's Thursday. It's fitzcarraldo day. Everybody's watching it. What? Yeah. What is that movie where that guy who takes a boat? What's it like bring it to the top of a mountain to turn into an opera house? Inverter hertzog actually did that. Yeah. What's the Loch Ness one about so it's kind of a mockumentary because it looky there's a monster at it. But is there there did a log isn't isn't Nessie a log anyway, no, no, no the fictional monster. No, she's not that photo that grainy photo you've taken a photo of he's so cute. It's a nice story nisse. That's right. We are celebrating found footage. This month at NFS We got all your lists. We got all your recommendations. We are celebrating the classics and the Undiscovered gems because I would say of any sub-genre. This is probably the one that has the most undiscovered films there so much. Oh, yeah, so many found footage films. Sorry. Well anybody can make one on their cell phone if they wanted to that's true. We could be making one right now if something scary were to happen right now. It didn't because we didn't plan ahead. Okay, so John what's keeping you creepy this week. Well, obviously the 2019 Overlook Film Festival just wrapped. We only got home a day ago. We're still buried. Yeah recovering. We're still, you know, eating vegetables and drinking water as a lot of bourbon on Bourbon Street guys. You don't know if you know that. I don't know if I've prepared some of the highlights of this year's Festival were of course the world premiere of Chelsea stardust's satanic Panic released by fangoria. Brandon Christensen Z follow-up to stillborn the US premiere of Jim jarmusch's the dead don't die the list goes on and on if you want to check out our coverage of the festival are reviews and interviews with filmmakers head over to n ofs right now. Yeah, some of my highlights from the festival. I really enjoyed extraordinary. It's a comedy Ghost movie The Lodge, which is very spooky cold weather isolation movie. I'm gonna jump in here. Now before Kim remembers that she loved the vast of night divest of night, right? No, man, so great won the jury prize for best feature and apparently was a unanimous decision and no surprise at all. Yeah. It's a little bit sci-fi not quite horror, but definitely up every genre fans a lie. Yeah, I would say big recommendation. If you are a fan of War of the Worlds the radio program, but you can get reviews for all that stuff at NOS There's more hitting through the weekend John and I have been working our hardest to get everything compiled and ready but there's been so much coverage. So we're it's going to be trickling on the site for a for a few days also because we were away in New Orleans. We didn't get a chance to see Godzilla. In fact when this podcast drops we still won't have seen Godzilla king of the monsters and I am hearing nothing but good things from the right people. Especially our reviewer Mary Beth who loved it. Yeah, yeah, right basically said this is this movie is for Godzilla fans. So I'm really looking forward to checking it out. We will be seeing it this weekend and releasing our drive home from the drive-in review of it on patreon at Nightmare On Film Street. And while we're here, of course, I want to give a big shout-out to our most recent patreon supporters, Jason Elia. Alya great save John. Yeah. Hey, I mean, you gotta shout out twice. Hopefully one of those was correct. I hope one of those is correct. I really do apologize. It might be a Lea but II don't think so. I think it's I don't want to say I do another that nothing anymore tried your best. Thank you very much. And also Spencer you guys are great. Now, I'm glad I've got the three of you here because it's been some noises going on in my house knocks on the walls some bumps in the middle of the night and I can't can't figure out what it is, but it's okay. No big deal. I've got these three little cameras here in front of you one of you can decide who's going to talk for 20 minutes about why we're recording. I'm going to step out of the room because I can't handle it. But after that I'm going to need you to just walk around night vision on all hours of the night just investigating the darkest scariest parts as though nothing's gonna jump out and attack you Nothin cept you gonna jump and attack you as far as I know, but if there are ghosts he's we're gonna catch them and then cut print turn into a film. Yeah profit some of you may die as as Always with these things Somebody's gotta go because it's we you know, we have to release it in your memory. Also, you know, if if you drop the camera and I pick it up that's what makes it found footage because I can't just like okay everybody deliver the tapes to my desk Monday morning and oh who left these tapes here. I guess I found them like I have to find it near near your body legally. What? I'm so confused. But thank you guys so much for your support on patreon. If you are interested in becoming a patron and getting fun stuff like shoutouts merch swag and bonus content. You can head to slash Nightmare On Film Street. Also, our may give way has now officially ended the cult of fiends giveaway. We have announced winners, so please check your inbox. We're still waiting to hear back from three winners mailing addresses if you Don't have good access to your email inbox just double-check the contest page because we have the winners posted there and they will mail your prizes. And if you were unlucky good thing for you, we have another giveaway started. We have a copy of the US blu-ray combo with Blu-ray DVD and digital that we are giving away courtesy of universal home entertainment that is over on our Instagram page at Nightmare On Film Street, and that is open until June 17. Yeah, so you have a few days to enter that. And you could get a chance to win a copy of Jordan peels us. Is there anything else? No, I think we I think we downloaded it all I think we've if I feel like we did it had to do a lot of housekeeping because it was like such a crazy weekend. I'm excited to talk about these movies because they found footage month. I'm also excited footage. I don't have a follow-up. All right, let's kick it off. Let's start let's let's talk about the one found footage movie. I think everybody likes even people I know that don't love them footage. Love wreck. So wreck from 2007 currently sitting at a seven point five out of ten on IMDb 88 percent on Rotten Tomatoes 69% Metacritic rating and a 3.6 out of 5 on letterboxed. We saw this movie together for the first time right? I think we did. Yeah Darrell we came across it. No. Neither do I I do not. Yeah. This is definitely in the days before. I think we rented it. I think it was a blockbuster fun. Alright, just one of those like blind grabs. Yeah, it's not the weirdest thing like when your relationship not becomes but there is a point where you've both seen everything at the movies and like at the movie rental store. And if you don't find something new that neither of you have seen the night's ruined. Do you remember that feeling I remember being sad a couple times at the movie theater later the why don't you say that because we don't say the video rental store anymore when we couldn't find a thing. Lucky for us. We had a really good section of like foreign and Festival finds. Do you remember that section? It was just one tiny wall in but nobody ever rented. It was like in between the men's bathroom and the women's bathroom and there was one wall. It was just like one bookshelf. It was kind of just like an odd duck section because it also had documentaries foreign films and just some like odd Festival movies and there was only ever like one copy of each film and we bought always there we bought them when that store whatever second that Blockbuster went down. We're looking to the section. Yeah. It's how we discovered like Enter the Void Taxidermy accent are Mia. This is Joan Rivers, like all of the glory of the weird one off movies. We own that nobody seems to remember huh funny and wreck was one of them. Good God. Is this a good movie? Yeah, you know, I hadn't seen this movie in a really long time watching it for the podcast and I had forgotten how genuinely scary this movie is. Yeah, and it's it's a different kind of scary because it's like First person video game Scary it's scary in the way that like the resident. The Resident Evil games are scared residential evil residential evil a shit 12 seniors. You left the curling iron on again and I burnt my hand. It's first-person. Scary. Yeah so scary it's not and not like a jump-scare scary or a parent or I don't know how to describe how scary this movie is in that it's very raw. They really nailed. Well the found footage Freights in this movie. It's because you are really on that ride as much as I think every found footage movies probably also trying to do that. You kind of feel like the person holding the camera maybe because I feet it feels personal like when they the entire movie they are trapped in a building and you are trapped with them and I mean like yeah, you can use that language whenever you're talking about a movie period but really feel that in this movie. I think that's what gives it that video game. Because in a video game you're in control, it's you you're seeing the things that you're experiencing and I think we're probably going to be comparing this movie to a video game a lot because how the information is doled out is more like a video game then a typical found footage. It's all there but you have to walk up to it to read it. Well, you gotta press that a button got flip that paper. You got to read the notes from each room. But as my least favorite thing about video games where you find a journal and you got all I know is I collect all the journal pages or cool. Double the tape like screw the story. I'm here to shoot the zombies that pop-up. Yeah, but normally with a found footage film. It's about a bunch of people investigating something so like we're going to see this haunted house or there's this Legend here, whereas this film wasn't ever intended to be a horror film or whatever. There's just like a phenomena that happened. It's closer to Cloverfield. Okay in that we were filming a party or we're filming a late night. Broadcast regarding firefighters and their daily their nightly lives and then this thing happens so it is really vague for most of the film is vague. They the ending is vague and the information is only doled out to you slowly. It's a character dropping a line. And so some of these major plot points seem so insignificant when they're said but you pick things up and you're like Wait. No, that's a big deal. It's like real life. We finally find out that the dog was at the vet it. It's like an hour after we've been with a girl who's sick. And for some reason she wasn't really on our radar as much as she should have been well also, how do the like the EPA people know to come quarantine this building? Yeah, the firefighters got called because like a woman was in distress there were responding to a nine one one call. Yeah, and if they if the EPA I just I'm just going to say that I don't have any other phrase. Yeah had as much information as the people of the as the firefighters do the firefighters never would have gotten there so surely. You know something else and that's exactly where that dog comes and I remember writing that down like I'd forgotten about the dog, but in my notebook, I was like the dog is the key the dog is everything I underline this live cracked the code. Yeah. It's just really great because of how in the dark you are and you're right when the EPA guys lock them in and they start putting down that ominous like that are plastic tarp. Yeah, like a barrier. There's bugs. There's something so surreal about it because there with law enforcement. Yeah. And that's what that's what immediately and some credibility that's right because it means it's serious because they would in terms of people to get out. They would prioritize mother. I wouldn't think they prioritized the firefighter for the firefighters and the police who are First Responders who are supposed to be taking charge of this erratic situation or this erratic woman or whatever. The call was are no longer in control and do not understand what's happening. No, not privy to any they're not into that like yeah, they're civilians in this situation exactly, which is really creepy. I mean that police officer. I think he's just kind of on a little bit of a power trip and he he's the one that's got the radio and he's talking to them, but he doesn't know anything. No and I think that's part of the reason why he's pretending he's more in control and he keeps telling them to turn the camera off. Yeah, because he doesn't know anything exactly scared you'll yeah, that's the other thing this movie is greater than he has to wear a hat. It shows what people do when they're scared. And I mean like you don't see that in necessarily everybody a lot of them are just like what do we do what's going on? But it is it is always interesting to see how different people react differently when they are scary. Yeah, I think Angela the camera of the host of the the the television show. What do you call the anchor? Right? She looks at him. She's I'm sure it's I think it's like a late-night news thing that they just don't are live. Yeah, she's great because you don't really like her and she doesn't necessarily. Do anything totally endearing until near the end? She does some really cool self-defense stuff. But when things start to escalate she keeps saying like we need to have the camera on and she's kind of just really antagonistic about the camera like just shouting like we're keeping this on we need to keep documented footage and she keeps trying to update you on like how many people are dead and who's injured and stuff like a reporter would like she's doing a good job, but there's something really almost like she gets very offensive about it. Yeah, and I don't really like her in that situation, but I can See that character being real. Yeah, somebody who who is obviously used to Limelight and has Charisma and what they would want to do in that situation and they would want to keep filming and they would be almost the way she's protecting. Her camera is almost the same way that the people in Maine police officer is trying to protect the scene when they're both out of their depth. Yeah, and I like that we don't necessarily love her through these scenes be and it's it goes so fast that it doesn't matter if you like her or not. Movies would really try to make you like the lead like in a lot of found footage films. We spend so much time with these characters before they go on their big project or their big event or their big filming thing. We see them packing their bags. Yeah, because I'm looking at all their gear and being all excited and maybe we have a night with them the first night where they all have dinner and they meet the locals and you know what? I mean? Yeah, there's normally a really big extended setup which I do have to admit I like and I know you hate it I do I'm that. I'm a big fan of found footage. I love getting to meet and mingle and and stuff with characters. But this film doesn't need it and it's great that way. Yeah, I wonder I wonder if she keeps saying like we have to keep filming because in any fan footage movie you at some point wonder why are they still filming because it's self-preservation comes to mind. They don't need to say that in this though because but then why do they but they are news? Yeah, so that's what I that's why I think they really Need to say it at all because it makes sense that they would continue filming its third job. Yeah, and that's why I'm chalking up her saying like we need to keep filming its revealing her character more than it's trying to tell the audience. Why they why why we have to keep filming even though there's like a zombie maybe outbreak. Yeah. I think that's more revealing of her character. Okay, because I do cut I do have to say I hate when they're like we have to film this we have to keep a record and you're like what? But the news would do that. Yeah. No, they would that is always like a shitty part in all these movies. It's but I mean, it's a Trope just like running up stairs or any other Trope that you'd see in any movie like it plays by its own rules and a zombie movie Udo. The humans are more dangerous than the zombie like we've all got the same beats. It's just which beats you like. Unfortunately. Well, there's a reason why they've become tropes is because they're effective. Yeah. Well, it also helps establish the sub-genre without it. You're just Like a free-form movie, which is also good, but it's also fun. Yeah, this is great, but we came to found footage because we're looking for something some people like Kim really like those boring moments shut up. So why get rid of them or not, but it's a treat for people who like boring things. So I love this TV show that they're filming by the way while you're asleep. I think that's a great TV show I would watch that especially if I was up late at night in the middle of the night. I would totally watch that places. These are the Jobs that people are doing or this is what's happening on the street. I don't know if she's always following professionals. It could just be as it could be as easily as just walking around Central Park at night which sounds like a horrible idea or like I would love to see an episode where she's at a diner with just like I don't like guys that serve drunk people Pizza. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, like these would be like coming in order food and fall asleep just because they need somewhere to sober up. Great. Yeah. That is my television show. I want to see that and they're bored. They're so bored because they they knew coming to a fire hall. Could potentially be very interesting if they go out on a call if there's a fire if there's a cat that needs to be rescued from a tree but they also have to get enough be role in case that doesn't happen and all they have is footage of her trying on the fire suit. That's it tries to talk to like the receptionist and there's like and it sets up to who were going to be with the two the two main firefighter so that when we actually go out on the call, we have these almost two familiar faces who provide Comfort I would Throughout most of the film like either like there's there to protect her almost I find myself being like find Manny. Where's Mandy? Yeah, because they're the guys that are standing up for them. When the police say, why is there a camera crew here? Why are you feeling like no other with us? They have permission yada yada, like that's we need those guys to basically run defense for us as the main character. Well, most of their their big guys were trained fireman like interest in an outbreak of any sort. I would like to be with them. Yeah, like doesn't he pick up a sledgehammer on yes, you imagine just walking around swinging the sledgehammer it but they're going upstairs like to check out a monster situation. The one police officer has a gun one gun between like 12 people scary already, but he just grabs a sledgehammer and goes upstairs and you're just like good on you sir. Well, if it's all you got it's all you got. Okay, so let's talk about the first incident. Let's let's get into the plot a little bit. Yes. So that's that's why they were called on this emergency on this is nine one one call is because Residents heard screaming in this four-story apartment building. Yeah and a woman who is normally kind of reclusive and is odd to begin with big scream, maybe a loud sound possibly murder. They think that she fell down or something. So they're going upstairs to check it out. Yeah, so they come into her apartment and at the end of a really long. Oh man, like these are the largest departments than anybody's ever. I'm sure they're beautiful. It's insane apart from the zombies thousand square foot apartment. It's we're moving to Spain. Like that's what it comes down to I didn't see anybody in that group that looked like they were well to roll in and out. Yeah, it's a we're getting in a parking lot. It's like rent-controlled everybody. There is gotten it from their great-grandparents. But yes, this old lady is just standing and you can see just with the camera light a little bit in the Moonlight coming in through the window that she's got blood all over. Yeah. She's in a nightgown or like a slip or something and it is like blood-soaked. It isn't pink red with blood. They're all at 10 seconds before she eats one of the cops the main cop the main cop bite his neck and as they're so so we've got why are we trying to do beat for beat this movie? Like it's been forever since you've seen it but like when they try and take the cop outside, that's when like this movie is just like it so raises that makes oh well we get there. Oh, we finally got a good call. It's breaking up the monotony of hanging out in the fire hall. Oh, there's a lady. Hey, it might be a little scarier than we thought I was gonna be. She's a monster. She's eating people we Gotta get out of here doors locked and meanwhile, they're good. They're all carrying that police officer who's been bitten and blood just everywhere birding out of his neck like he is in critical condition and the door has been locked and they're not allowed outside. Oh and then some guy catapults from from the stairwell three stories up, isn't it Manny? Isn't it? Like our buddy? It's the other one. It is Alex poor the other first firefighter kaput. Yeah in the most shocking drop of all time. So it's insane. The first thing we said is I think the first time anybody watches us it destroys them because it's like it's like a jump-scare that breaks all the rules because people like yeah, it's tense. It's scary. What are they gonna do? Oh my God. Somebody just died in front of me cuz we're still high on this weird on the story of like this guy is dying. Why won't they let us out? They presented so many other things to ponder at the doorway and then oh, yeah that guy that's upstairs with the zombie defeated. Yeah. It's around this time in the movie The like I start to think like there's an odd thing to say, but it's like there's a movie happening on its own and these cameras are just here to witness it. I don't know if that makes sense. Like that's kind of what found footage film making is supposed to be. Yeah, it's that's what it's supposed to be. But it a lot of the times it feels very staged. I'm trying I use that term lightly. This happened in front of the camera could more conveniently than they should. Yeah, and it's the camera is like maybe just like a Half a second behind the action and the scares like they do a really good job. It's like the cinematographer wasn't told exactly where to look and what was going to happen. Like all of the actors know exactly what they're doing. They're all moving. It looks like there are no cuts and we are just watching a stage play where people are almost improvising a horror movie and this camera just happens to be catching it at the right time, but it is staged. So so well a point on that there's also a Ali there has to be a really great awareness of what an audience would expect from a film like this to and this kind of goes with how it's staged a little bit later in the film they end up back in that hallway where the larger woman was zombify second floor, whatever. Yeah, and they have to take her down. So they shoot her but at some point she's gotten another one of the tenants who also dies in the hallway. So there are two dead corpses in that Hall and we're having a In the foreground where Angela is talking to her cameraman and they're just talking about what had transpired like they just saw that woman get shot for running at the officer and it was very tense and it was a really adrenaline charging scene. So they're just going on trying to recover from that and figure out what's going on, but that whole scene we have a clear view of these two corpses in the background and we all know zombies at this point. We understand how they work and we do not know. No one first of all, the girl in the front was just killed by a zombie has not been shot at all and the second one has already reanimated at some point. So we're watching so hard to make sure nothing moves but also because we're terrified something might move and in that time entire scene nothing happens because the real plot of that scene is what's happening in the foreground in our two main characters trying to make sense of what's happened. Yeah. We're just expecting zombies to start moving. This is why 3D will be great. It just isn't yet. That's what I'm saying. Like that's gonna give us that foreground and background storytelling where we're going to be watching two things at once. The scene is so tense. Yeah, were you watching like were you watching the characters in the front and that scene I wasn't one is I was watching those zombies and make sure their fingers wouldn't move was like you guys stay down stay down. You're grounded mister. I always forget that they send a health inspector and yeah my memory it's just a it's a it's a long way down full a full lockdown note. Eddie and nobody out and we just watch how these characters deal with that and to be honest. I mean one. Yeah budgetary. It's smart idea because it's basically like a hallway one apartment that's used for several apartments and like another little service area. So like budget-wise for this movie. It's great smart idea, but that's also sort of a Trope for a standard zombie movie. Anyway, you have some action outside where we see how you know destructive the world is and like the zombies are everywhere and then we hole up and One safe space and we watch how the group cannibalizes itself right? So not unlike what we would see in a normal zombie movie. It got a non found footage movie but bringing the health inspector in his cool because it also eventually gives us a little more backstory on what the guys outside know, even though they know only marginally more than the people inside so it doesn't really feel like a lot of exposition. There's still more for us to figure out ourselves later on and And that is that is the craziest part about the end of this movie. Will you get any of the answers but good God you got a piece them together yourself the health inspector confirms the fact that the dog was sick and that the vet had basically sent up a red flag that this dog infected all of the other dogs and they're all wild and crazy and they want to bite everybody and this is how we know that the virus gets transferred through saliva and depending on your blood type the this this is the scariest thing and this is such a Smart take on the zombie move. It's not that the first wave of zombies take longer to become zombies or that there is a specific set time like ooh 45 seconds after your bit. You're a zombie or two and a half hours. Whatever is convenient for the movie. It's based on blood type so you could get bitten and become a zombie three hours later or you can get bitten and become a zombie in an hour in 10 minutes and five minutes. It's all based on your own. Genetic makeup, which would be true about any virus it all depends on the recipient, right? You're more susceptible to the common cold or the flu than I am yada yada. So why would a virus be any different? Yeah, and so the health inspector he's coming at I'm assuming this is a bit of a ruse. I don't know if they have any intention of letting anybody out, but they're basically saying that if they all give a vial of blood they all just do a little blood test to confirm that they do not have the virus. They'll be let out. Don't necessarily think is true. They might be let out into a different quarantined area think they might be trying to get more information about this virus because this is I would say that this is Ground Zero for this virus. Yeah, and they don't know anything about it. So, of course they're going to try to get as many samples as possible which is why the health inspector is there but I don't know if they get any opportunity to take any blood because as the health inspector comes in the two wounded which is the firefighter and the main police officer they Turn yeah, and then they're like free and this is where all hell breaks loose the this movie ramps up real fast because the zombies are they weren't chained to the bed. They were trying to handcuff them down. That's what the health inspector was telling them to do, but they were arguing and they were worried and then they boom zombified and now they're on the loose. It's not gonna take very long for them to get to that single glass pane door, but they do have like that weird shuttered or the textile shop that they're hoping is gonna hold. Garage door style, let's do this. And so I can't even remember why but oh damn this movie is so good. Sorry. I'm just remembering it live like we're watching it. So they come back they're running away from those zombies and the little girl who was sick is now fucking evil and she's like attacking people and she's running off like she's like gauge from pet says she's time though fat first to spit blood into her mom's mouth. Yeah, right like you don't The worry is that oh, don't let them bite you it's like don't worry got this covers your Survivor. Yeah, right runs upstairs like a little demon baby. Yeah. She's a scared little sprite that one. Yeah, but they're smart enough to at least handcuffed mom to the banister because they know immediately she's danger. Yeah, and that doesn't become the friggin biggest scare of the movie minute. Yeah now because they get this point people are turning the zombies Left Right. Everybody's the zombie. There's always upstairs. There's zombies in the textile shop. Course slowly opening that garage door mom's a zombie who's handcuffed to the stairwell and is very hell-bent on getting anybody that goes past at up or down the stairwell and despite helping everybody get to safety that Health Inspectors been bitten and he knows what his fate is so he locks himself in the bathroom. He's basically just like get the fuck out of here. Stay the fuck away from me. I don't know how long I've got but I'm I'm dead like I am dead right now and unfortunately that nice old man whose it's so very vain. He he stays a little too close to that bathroom gets bitten. His interview is great like his losing testimonial moment. Like what's my good side? What's my boo? How are you today? I also we're filming. Oh we're filming now. I also just like that even though there's this like emergency situation in this apartment building these residents have no problem being like low-level Petty and let slightly racist we get more about some of their characters. They're like the old people are He's definitely got do you think he's got dementia? I think I think it's just a mansion as he can't remember what floor they're on. Yeah. I do love that. They bicker back and forth like an old married couple but she's probably just she's got a great memory and he's losing his and she's fed up of having to correct him, but that plays good too because there's a few moments where they have that back and forth where you're a little bit worried. He might be sick. But yeah, I think it's just a venture that's good point because we don't see them later in the movie if they've if they've become zombies or whatever this alien, this is yeah. I don't think they're fast enough to be a huge threat. I love the way you say that because you're like, oh I got the goods. I got the theory I have nothing I have very like I am so ready to get to this ending. Okay. I'm so ready to get to this ending. Okay, so some people turn into zombies and then we go into the penthouse well because there's nowhere else to go. Yeah, so they were trying to get keys to go through the floor of the textile warehouse, but there are too many zombies everywhere and in some point our beloved firefighter holding the sledgehammer has also become a zombie so sad so all that Is left is our cameraman and Angela reporter Pablo Angela and we head to the penthouse which is supposed to be an occupied occupied. Yeah, oh when she's trying to unlock the the penthouse with the keys and all the zombies are running up. The stairs is so God is too much stress for me. Yeah. It's like a ticking clock scenario and you can hear them getting closer and closer than the honestly just given how the rest of this movie is gone. You're not a hundred percent certain. They're going to make it through that door. Like would not be an uncommon found-footage move to have them diet that door and the camera hits the floor that were in the movie. I don't even I don't even know what I'm expecting to happen because all the characters are pretty much dead and it is looking hopeless for our two leads. And so I don't know what I'm expecting when they finally open the door that Penthouse but it's not what they actually opened the door to it's also it's not really spoken about the rest of the movie as this ominous like oh, we don't know who lives there. It's Empty for years 20 years today. In fact like it's not we don't think that we're going to find out Eddie. Although we just think it's an empty space but you don't think you're going to find out anything about the the origins of this outbreak. It's a small budget found footage film and they've been doing a great job at scaring the shit out of us up to this point. So if it just ended and gave us no answers, I think we would have still been fine with the film. I think for having the answers we get it's even scarier. This is like, holy shit. It's all here. Oh girls they do. Do that same thing where they just front load you with like spooky information and then they drop another bombshell on you and then it's just over and nothing is overtly explained. So you kind of just have to take what you see what you pick out of that movie but through it. They're also fighting some two main zombies and the light breaks so you don't get a lot of chance to see what's actually on the walls. Yeah. They think they found safety. Unfortunately. They've locked themselves in with an even more dangerous threat. Patient zero or call her so all around this entire apartment. We have 0 and 0.5. There's two things up there. Okay, but one of them is the little boy. Yeah Chinese family is it? Yeah. No, I think it's a little channel that was possessed. I thought was a little Chinese boy because there's a little boy anyway doesn't matter. There's a little kid and and somebody else who we see so third that throughout the entire Penthouse apartment there. It's like there's lab Going on and there's newspaper clippings and there's recordings from the Vatican about like what's going on and this fucking apartment looks real nice. By the way. There's a ceiling mural in this place and they're so the newspaper clippings on the wall. You don't get to read a lot of them, but there is one main thing that keeps popping up and it's a possession is one girl who was possessed and there's other possessions, but then there's also a lot of photos of brides of Bride It's yes, okay. There are a lot of veiled women. Okay, and and we hear from this male scientist. /dr. / I'm assuming he's a scientist. Yeah, maybe he's more leading religious than scientist, but he's trying to extract The Possession from this girl. Yeah, and it is excuse extractors the right word because of what it becomes. Well, I think what yeah, what they're trying to say is that possession is either a supernatural It's a tangible thing. Yeah, that's what they're trying to say. Like stick The Possession itself the demon whatever it is like the let's treat it like a virus which means we could cure it to the way medicine cures other things, but it means you could also weaponize it and maybe not weaponize it but I don't know if they're there yet. No, I don't think that's necessarily the plan either. They're just trying they've got this hypothesis that evil is tangible and can be extracted or treated and that's why they have this possessed girl because they're trying to use her. Her as the experiment to get that demon virus will call it. Mmm talk to me about the bride's. I just think that there's now I'd love to see the scene more but I'm I would bet that somewhere in this room. There's got to be evidence to like the doctors personal connection to this situation. Okay, maybe his wife is possessed and if he could just one specific pride, I don't know. I think it So I don't know but there's you know, there is a lot of bride stuff interesting and then the possessed girl story. So I'm thinking that they are trying to they're using this girl's a case study, but I'm sure it's because he has a personal personal connection to eradicating this disease interesting now these Brides because I don't remember so I feel like I'm interviewing you old-timey photos modern photos old-timey for fuck. Okay, he's here. I'm going with us. Yeah wreck 3 takes place. At a wedding hmm means nothing. Obviously. I yeah, I don't remember anything about the bride's interesting. Could you be creepy imagery? Probably not though. I don't know. I don't know that she's crazy. So what I assume happened is because egg at this place looks like it's been empty for a very long time and it's dilapidated and gross. She escapes like she was his test subject. She overpowered him or whatever and you locked her heel. Turn it up. Okay, he's just dipped. Yeah, or yeah. Yeah, he's gone. And how did she get the dog's sick? I don't know. That's that's the one thing. I have a question leaving this movie is how she got the dog sick the dog could have been sniffing at the door or something or maybe the landlord checked on the route like who knows? Okay, either way dog got into something. It shouldn't I got into got sick. That's how it spread everywhere. Hmm because this thing has been locked in there for a while its emaciated. It's like gaunt and gross. Is it hasn't eaten in a very long time but it's Dairy creepy so creepy and at this point the lamp has burned out because the kid has attacked the cameraman so they're on night vision. So the entire thing is green. I'm sure you've seen the images if you haven't seen the film lately, you'll remember that green green light and that is so nuts what she's eating people scary scary and a great final shot. Why did they ruin it when they make quarantine? Why did they do that? What do they do in quarantine quarantine the scene where she's talking to the camera and screams and gets pulled away is in the trailer. It's a cool moment, but it's a nice surprise. Yeah, don't put that in your trailer. Yeah hurts, but what's so great, I think about this ending is up until this point. We've just assumed the zombies and we've been saying that this whole podcast zombies. Yeah. It's not a zombie movie. No, not really. It's a possession movie. Yeah, but it's like possession playing by the Rules of zombie. It's like they've taken this The Possession and they've mutated it and given it more power the way a virus does like they it's great so weird because the that means that all of these people are in control of like by the devil will say yeah and like if it's a if it's a demon does that mean the demon is simultaneously possessing all of these people or if it's just pure evil concentrate that they're just spreading around like a zombie virus. Yeah, or I mean you can take it. A way where it's like, oh well demons don't exist in this is just a virus and because we never had any name for it. We we said demons for years, but the fact of the vatican's into it and the vatican's doing the testing and whatnot. I'm gonna stick with demons. I it's a very interesting angle by something that hasn't been explored before with with the zombie genre like sub-genre. Oh, yeah. It's a great refresh for that that whole take especially when you see this main monster the very end. It is something entirely different. Aunt than like why would you have this weird creature mmm, it's the stuff of nightmares. It is the stuff at home and it looks so good. I love this movie. It's shit hits you and you don't understand what's happening and then it's terrifying and it's over. Yeah, and you're left with like what was that? Yeah. It's like the whole first half of the movie the first two-thirds of the movie. It's an assault of fear. And it's just like it's nonstop. You get a few moments here and there where like, okay, you can catch your breath, but for the most part it's just Like hit after hit after hit scare after scare and at the end of the movie It's you're still being scared that whole time and you are running away, but it's like an info dump that you can't handle. It's just an overload, which is I think it's a great description. Yeah it is. Oh, yeah. It's a great description for the whole movie. It's nuts. This is an information overload. It's a scare overload its full sensory overload. I like this movie a lot. Yeah, and it does so feel like a video game, especially when You're with the cop and the firefighter and you know, there's zombies upstairs and they're like we gotta go find that little girl Mike. We don't know. We don't we don't we don't and when they're trying to get get away from the mom when she's been zombified and she's attached to the stairwell. I cannot handle that scene. That is so fucking scary. It's pretty crazy. Oh so many good scares on this movie. Are we ready to get the ratings? I think we are. Yeah. Oh feeling we got here fast. But whatever this movie is fast. It's a hundred and eighteen minutes long hundred eighteen. It's an hour. 18 minutes just about 78 minutes not bad at all. It's a nice short film. Yeah, it's good pacing II, you know, I like short film. Yeah everybody sits on it, but like occasionally you get one. You're like, yeah, I wouldn't have made this any longer get in get out scare him a bunch. That's why I'm giving this a four out of four. I'm also giving it a four out of four felt like you were strolling you're waiting for me to give mine. I was yeah, it's so good. I it seems weird to I was like, no not afford for surely it 3.5. It's like what do I have to complain? In about in this movie absolutely nothing. I love everything about this movie and it holds up like I've seen this movie so many times and it was a joy to revisit the yes, but there's are so on point. I was like screaming last night watching this and you know all the beats and I know like all of the scares it's so good. So well done such a awesome found footage movie a really interesting take on the zombie genre and like they threw a little bit of demon possession in there and you know, it's It's just fucking great moving on. Let's talk about another fan favorite. We're going to talk 2011's Grave Encounters good evening and welcome to another episode of Grave Encounters psychiatric hospitals. Like this were seen as sort of a Dumping Ground for embarrassing family members rather than a place that they could go to actually get help many of them were severely Disturbed truly frightening. I swear to God that I saw someone at the end of all their that he swears that that's something pushed him off the ladder tonight my crew and I using the most sophisticated in ghost-hunting equipment. We're in search of definitive proof of spirits that were unsettled in life and possibly unsettled in the afterlife. Is there someone here with us? TC Roma, yeah, I'm going to document everything because when we get people are gonna want to see this as you send our God. So Grave Encounters from 2011 currently sitting at a six point one out of 10 on IMDb 64 percent on Rotten Tomatoes a 33% Metacritic rating and a 2.9 out of five on letterboxed still pretty high. I would say for found footage found footage. She's normally rate of not not so great. Now, what is your first introduction to this movie? Do you remember like when you first found out about Grave Encounters? No, and I'm not gonna lie every Time we watch it. I think I haven't seen it. Like that's that titles really familiar. I think I've only seen the second one and then we put it on Mike. Oh, right. I remember everything about this. I have that that too and I think part of it is my brain remembers the hands in the hand scene and the bathtub stuff. Nothing else does my brain remember? I'm all about Lance Preston. Like that's what I remember. I'm Lance Preston and this is Grave Encounters, but when I was Reading up on Wikipedia when I was trying to get the ratings for this film. Apparently the trailer went viral. Oh, really? Yeah. And so this film had a really great head start because that's fantastic like 32 million views on that's great on YouTube for the trailer for a found footage film. So you seen this rally. Do you know if it makes it look as though it's it's like an ad for the TV show Grave Encounters. I don't know. Okay, because that that would seal the deal for me. So I think that's really interesting because I don't remember I'm sure we didn't see this movie when it was first coming out but I don't know because I've always been kind of big on found-footage huge unfound fast, but I don't remember when I'm when we first saw this movie because I'm sure it was together this movie came out in 2011. So we were together ya know every once a year we both take vacations for a week and watch whatever movies we want go to the aoi's we we rent different hotel rooms and all we do is watch movies. So that way we can still sound like normal people me like, oh, yeah. Live separate of each other. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. I don't remember when we first saw this movie. So I know this is probably the third time we've watched it like the podcast viewing. We've definitely seen it a couple times before this. Yeah, and I think that comes down to I kind of hate Ghosts shows. I kind of hate them. Yeah. I'm not a big fan but if it's 2:00 in the morning and they're all that's on like I don't watch it ghost show maybe mainly just to hate at it. But I think that we have an outlet for my my ghost show. It's funny your mind me having your hands around his throat right now. But yeah, I think it's that disinterest in those shows and maybe just like the the the raised eyebrow you have while watching them that makes movies like this better because you have to think that the shows are bullshit in order to really love this movie or maybe or maybe not even a I think it goes both ways. I I'm sure people who like ghost shows and really believe in like EMF and all of that. That fun ghost technology that stuck in 1998 can really get behind the the parody of it, especially when they're proven to be right. I mean the building is definitely proven to be haunted in some kind of fashion, but they're paying people to say that at one point right like they're like, oh this this groundskeeper who just started who doesn't want to talk to the film crew give them 20 bucks to say that he worked here for 10 years and I was so great. I was over there and over there. He was very scary very scary. We're like the the bullshit scenes are where we're going through that text. That's just to show. I mean, I'm sure the other shows are real legit. Oh, yeah, and I mean, it's just he's a composite character like other people have said it's haunted. We just don't have them here with us. So he's a stand-in for real people and their real experiences that will never get you into hot water. No, but like the bullshit parody moments, I think are great when we were going through the technique. Yeah, this is our EMF reader. This is our EVP reader and this is a geiger counter like isn't it? So as well Little sweet. Yeah, man looks awesome at no point do they explain what it does and they just they have it because it looks great and it's the machine that goes ping right that jokes been running strong for 35 years. So basically the setup for this found footage film is that it is a ghost television show now, we don't start with the TV show we start with the producer of the TV show, you know, sitting in his office in front of his computer screen and he's telling As we are about to watch the compiled footage of the unaired sixth episode of Grave Encounters. Now five episodes have already gone and aired and whatever and sometimes at some point on during the 6th episode something happened and then everybody went missing. Yeah, what you're seeing now is real and it's only edited for time. I love that set up because what there's what they're essentially saying is you've seen Faces of Death, right? That's fake this actual people dying in Joy. Like I that is always that that always makes me feel like I'm watching a movie and not like I'm watching something real like it's always doing the opposite of its intention, but I think everybody goes into this knowing that it's a movie. It's I still think it's a good framework. I still I still like that. It just reminds me of the Blair Witch, you know, like these tapes were found under the foundation of the house and it was impossible and all that was left of them wear their shoes. Yeah, that's from Doug, but I you know, I Is set up kind of it. It's just say it's funny because it's it's another thing that they're using to try to suspend your disbelief. But he says like oh, it's just been edited for time. Well, what are they editing this footage will because otherwise it would have been like a tower where we and who are they hearing it too or they compiling this professionally for the police the police would just want the evidence? Yeah. I'm pretty sure he started with your honor. I'm sorry. I couldn't be in court today, but we've edited this footage for you for time. No, would you have liked it more if it just just went with that next screen where we have sort of like the yeah, we just started with them. Yeah, like the countdown like in five seconds. It's coming to this like I like that and Blair Witch because it's just like a title card in Cloverfield starts with like property of US government and then it's got like a Time code and then we flip into yeah, like recovered at the scene formerly known as Central Park like whoa. Whoa, whoa. Whoa. Yeah the Fermi the Roar the better the more raw that better Yeah, the more rawr. For the better. All right, let's get it. Rawrrr. Yeah, I'm a big Roar fan you guys like robber movies. I'm not trying to make fun of you but it does sound like it. Um, so Grave Encounters, we follow Lance Preston, who is the Head Hunter of the head honcho give you that of this goal. I know Preston. He's never not said his name with eight eyebrows ate I ate I ate eyebrows person and him play. It's Peru rested. He is joined by Sacha. Who is the occult girl. Yeah, she's there specialist on Matt. Who's there techy guy TC who is cameraman and Houston who is their greatest medium ever their media? I love that. They shoot additional footage for his arrival like they shoot him coming in. We see the car park. We are back up like inside the building and he looks up and takes his glasses off and he's a little worried so good there. Those are the scenes that seem the most like reality television show where they're walking around with Houston and I got or know there's some there's some really dark energy in here and I'm just concentrating on this time. Like well, we did just learn from the landlord that a girl committed suicide in this very tub the speech pattern there. You've got that down the TV show and it's the worst and then just the constant Recaps. Like that's the only thing that could have made this movie better is if we they also Did in the recap is where we're coming back from commercial and we see the same thing on when we first left off again this door opened on its own. We're going to see if we can recreate that right now. No, like quick cut to the door opening door opening door opening link Zoom inside Circle bird footage. So it's like black light sort of slow down just a little bit Yeah, Sacha. You said that you got a Vibe earlier when you watch the footage of the door opening tell us what you feel. That's right. Door opening when I was over there and the door opened I got this sense that something was wrong door opens, man. I hate reality TV. Oh man. Yeah. It is funny though. If you watch it all reality TV, and I mean all reality TV. If you watch it thinking that the editor hates his job. Oh, it's so fun television show. It is a different experience altogether. Oh my God, so I've watched a few episodes of that Lindsay Lohan reality show that they aired on MTV. A few weeks ago maybe haven't we all they do not make her look good at all it is it is so I don't know who on her team thought, you know what Lindsey I think you're ready for the spotlight again. Let's just do some like real raw uncut stuff see you in your regular life, you know, like in Mykonos and greets. The editors are not kind to her and it is hilarious. They make her look terrible and she's always just off in her own world when they're trying to create drama and they are not afraid to Cut to it, you know the only unfortunate part there is that maybe she's not like that at all but they've edited it to make it look like okay. Can you give us a specific example? Well, there's just a few weird instances where she's like, okay, I'll give you one really weird one. So it's about these she's pretending that they need to hire like hosts for her Beach Club. And so it's these hosts. We were doing these like not really Jamison to show ya and halfway through the show they decide that they can only keep for a smells. Competition. Yeah, but at some point they're they're off doing their Challenge and they have like their their VIP guests that they're trying to take care of and they cut to Lindsey who's just like digging off on her own and she rescue. She's trying to rescue a lobster from her Seafood Bar, but it's on ice and she runs down the beach and then she runs down the pier and she drops it in the ocean. Okay with a lobster is definitely dead and the cameraman just follows it as it sinks to the bottom of the ocean. Wow, and she's like, I'm like Ariel and he's my surpassed. Did she say they take Lobster off the menu? No. No, but there's another scene with a lobster later in the season like she keeps trying to rescue mom and they're already dead. And on Ice. Wow. Okay. Well you saw that that Meme where she's pretending she can cook. Oh my God. I have seen that and she's literally just putting like tomato sauce on bread and cheese. Uses it Ketchup. It's like a um, like a plate decorator. Yeah, like she's garnished like the way you would maybe take a sauce and sort of just like Spiral it on the plate. She's doing it with ketchup and it's just like torn up pieces of bread and lettuce and it's like she thinks of that's what croutons are made. I don't know. I think the real question is when she bites into that does she thinks it tastes the same as when she goes to like a five-star restaurant? I have no idea. Yeah so weird, but so that's what I need. I want to say that I watch those shows ironically because I don't know why I watched I think I just watched them to like I think you watch his way. So he's that dark part of my soul that just wants to see people be fucked. No. Okay. Well I was going to say maybe you watch them away. Some people watch sports like sports you can get invested you could just watch it blindly, but it's just no I think I watch it for dark and twisted reason. Okay, so it's not just like let's turn my brain off for an hour and watch this show. All right. I'm a bad person maybe but it's what's made you an expert on things. It's what's made you an expert on all things reality TV, which it's LED you to here like a without without all of that bringing us back John. Yeah without all of those years of ranan wouldn't have understood or fully appreciated the depth of the vicious Brothers Grave Encounters. Okay, so we all kind of know what happens in this movie. They're touring around locked it. They're faking their ghost stuff and then all of a sudden some spooky stuff actually starts to happen. My favorite moment is soon as spooky stuff starts to happen. They say fuck it. We're out of here. Let's go they go to open the door. It's locked. It's like you actually lock the fucking door think it's good for TV. It's like yeah, but you didn't need to actually lock the door. And that's true. You don't you do not need to actually lock the door. That sounds like a not a health code violation, but just not a smart safe move. You've no idea and I'm sure they needed a permit. They need an emergency exit. Yeah, it's a TV crew there should have been a paramedic on site and you know, some of the spooky stuff is pretty pretty standard for these movies. It starts really slow and the other window open very spooky and it's slowly ramps up sashes hair gets grabbed that looks really great job in her hair floats. Like that's a very spooky see we see that in everything now. It looks great. Yeah, and then there's a few other things. It's just really mild at But when it starts to really get cool and this was the best idea for this film. Unfortunately, I think there's a lot of scares happening and this kind of gets dampened. But what I love the absolute most is that time and space are fucked. Yeah, so it around 6 a.m. They are all waiting at home base, which is right by the exit door or the entrance door the main door to the building and the landlord is supposed to come at 6 a.m. And unlock the door and let them out because they're Done recording nights over. Yeah, six comes and goes seven comes and goes he hasn't come he hasn't unlocked the door and the sun doesn't come up and that is so cool. They are there in this building which doesn't exist in regular time such base because once they start to really get panicked and they they start getting lost they start getting confused. The sun's not coming up their watches are saying it's 1:00 in the afternoon when they finally break down the entrance door that they've been waiting for the lamb. To come let them in it just leads down to another hallway. It's such a good move. And so fucking smart. There is something that's even like that just is the exclamation point on that whole moment to when they first arrived to the facility the psychiatric Place spray painted on the front door is death awaits. They're like, oh so cheese. This is great. Right. There's like we can't use this it looks to staged. It's stupid and cheesy. Yeah, but when they break that door down, Pectin to go aside and finding a hallway. They're like what the fuck is going on when they look back at the door spray-painted. It says death awaits. So it maybe at one point was the outside but they are still locked in this like impossible Labyrinth of a psychiatric hospital. It's like House of leaves that was just gonna say that it is very heavy. Oh my God, if you guys have not read that book and you are looking for something to read. It's maybe not like the perfect summer book, but it is one of the greatest horror novels ever and it's honestly probably The closest thing to a found footage movie that you'll get in a book. It is the weirdest formatted book of all time. Yeah. It's got multiple perspectives. You're going to be rotating that book you're going to be reading different pages. It's almost like a Choose Your Own Adventure, but the adventure is people's eyebrows when they see you reading it on the bus also full descriptions of found footage in that whole book like there is there are entire sections of that book that are just writing the videotape that they found of a person who tried to explore the The Impossible depths of Of this this house of leaves. Oh man. Love it another great element to this plays into the impossible hallways and and such is when they their next strategy is okay. We don't know where the exit door is. So we're going to go to the roof the roof access and we'll take the fire escape down. Yeah, and they find the tower which somebody got pushed down the cameraman got pushed down at some point. Yeah, and then he's up in find that the cameraman gets a lot. He gets attacked a bunch. Yeah, and then he's just okay. Maybe it's just like an editor and he is he has had enough immediately. She is like ready to go. But when they get to the top of the the Tower or the stairwell, it's just bricked off. It's just a wall stairs to a wall like very Winchester House super spook. I love stuff like that. Well, they've split off though Houston the add the medium has sort of hung back. He's like forget it. Like when they first do like they do multiple explorations of this this building and they're terrified and he does not go with them for the next one. And if there's one rule it like in any haunted place tell him don't leave yourself alone. It doesn't matter if they do a lot of splitting out. I mean at first they're they're off recording and they're doing work and stuff. But once things once we've confirmed like shit's fucked don't be alone. Yeah, there's my cameraman. Matt is already gone Matt. The camera guy is already gone. Yeah, and they don't seem too concerned about him at first they do find him a little later. They remember how much they love Matt but for a while magic doesn't exist. They don't ask questions about the three of them Lance Preston the was C TC TC. And so Lance TC and Sacha are looking around for an escape. And at one point he goes. All right, you go down there me and sash are going to go this way. Like I don't think we should split up like just do it. Okay, like okay, then they go like that's that's it. That's the only explanation you get for splitting up and unfortunately because you need your jurors to split up and cover more ground. It seems like smarter thing. We need shit to go down. Yeah, unless you're Houston because he's just going to hang out and do nothing but then he gets like blown up. Yeah. It's a weird movie Ricky though. So he's stuck in the dark. Yeah, because he doesn't have any lighting and so he's bumbling around the hallway. And so we're in a almost like a bird's eye sort of camera. It's in the top corner like a like a security camera. Yeah, it's just wherever they've set up the camera for that hallway, and he gets like hung. Yeah, like they lifted and he's choking and his feet are dangling which looks cool. And then it's like he explodes. Yeah, there's an explosion electric launched across the the hall launched across the room. Yeah. These ghosts are angry. I think it's just all that kinetic energy colliding to throw them. I'll show you EMF. Yeah geiger counter this you son of a bitch but it seems like the ghosts are ready to like are really just fucking with these guys because at some point Sacha gets hello written on her back in. Scratches, that's a weird one and maybe it is just a ghost. Like you've come you want to talk to us like okay, we're here to talk to you and I think there's something about the ghost being like you called us and we've came okay, I see and it's they have nefarious intentions, but I think they are playing with them a little bit particularly with the bathtub scene with the blood. That's a really great little magic trick those ghosts too. But also like they they're slow. Losing their minds because the shit's just going crazier exhausted in there out of food. Yeah food has gone rotten. Yeah, but but the camera is evidence that this stuff is actually happening to them. Right? Like if I keep going back and watching the footage like you can see they've recorded this stuff. Well, even if it were a regular movie and we were just watching this stuff happen. You could say like his this is this just in their perspective, right? Are we just seeing things through their eyes, but found footage as a medium is an easy way to say this happened. Yeah, and I think that's that's what's really good about this. Genre, is that everything you see on camera is captured and is happening its physical. It's not metaphorical. It's not filmmaking. It's evidence and the fact that they wake up and they've all got mental that they've got all the nation bracelets on because like now they're admitted into the mental hospital. That is great. That's so and that's where they meet up with Madigan to right and he's just like, oh nuts and crazy like he's been locked in for years. That's got a bit of a Blair Witch Eerie make about it. Yeah. Been there longer than they have. Yeah, coz X elusive times weird. We don't know what's going on at some point that's see see that CCTV camera the the time code on. It just starts like flipping like nonsense. Like it's just random numbers all over the place. We are in the Bermuda Triangle of buildings. Yeah. We're in the heart of the Bermuda building. So the bathtub scene they go back in that room. They're running away from some other monsters who have some spooky mouth I situation. Yeah, I'll tell a little much for me on the scare front but you know, I'll take it looks good. Yeah, I you know whenever I see like a real physical monster. I'm always just like okay. All right, we're doing it. We're doing it we went there when they run into that bathtub room. The bathtub is filled with blood and Matt who is like almost catatonic at this point starts, like walking over to it and TC tries to grab him and is pulled into the bathtub. Blood and so 1 2 3 they hurl the tub over and the blood spills out and it's empty gone. That's a nice little trick. Yeah. I like that. It's super simple like you just do a cut somewhere and then the tubs doesn't have a person and it but it looks great cutting the commotion. Really. Yeah, I prefer stuff like that to the oh, there's something in the corner and he turns around and looks at us in his face stretches into a brother. What was the first time we saw that scare you were saying The Grudge right? I'm thinking that that's that originated with The Grudge. The little boy in the garage has a shrieky face. Yeah, I'm Gates. And then I said Edward what Edward Munch's scream? Yeah, that's exactly there's the original. Yeah, but yeah, the stretchy face scream is a is a common Trope. We don't see it too much anymore because it's a little overdone but it still shows up in like super any movies. Mmm. We do origin of evil had a big stretchy face scream. So I'm talking specifically like blacked-out eyes blacked out of my mouth. Mmm. I'm not talking just like like brain scan open the mouth. Yeah, but I eat. They're all relatives of each other because her eyes go white in her face stretches and possible that sure no no distant cousins. They're in the same family. They're in the same. Genome. What do you think of the hands? For a trailer super fucking cool. Oh, yeah reminds me of Day of the Dead. Yep, the the calendar seen that yeah. Yeah repulsion Roman polanski's repulsion the islands. Maybe got a little more in tone with the rest of the movie The hands are very big your huge like impossibly big which looks cool. I'm when they're running like it's it's very spooky. The cameras are really erratic. They're trying to run and there's just hands coming from the walls and the ceiling. I don't know if it makes sense for the ghost being mental. Or like crazed doctors but it almost seems kind of random like they had a they had a ton of really great ideas for doing a haunted house and they squeeze them all into this movie. Sure I think is my so what I loved I love time being weird. I love the impossible building. Yeah. I loved the food going rotten. Oh, yeah. That was cool. Yeah, but that that also plays into the time. Yes, they opened the cooler. It's only bags a few hours. Yeah rotted like the yeah. The blood tub and the exit entry door, but then everything after that felt like it was just like an extra spook agreed and it was just too many Spooks for me. Yeah, not that I don't want these moves. I want these movies to be slower and more drawn out but some of them felt a little random. Yeah. I mean like they were there all good ideas, but they maybe don't necessarily need to be there. He's just tell it's just a lot and you know, like we were talking about Rook of it. Keep what is the record we're talking about wreck being like a 78 minutes. This is like an hour and 30 hour and 38 could have been cut down. Maybe. Yeah, like if it was supposed to be an hour long TV show make it an hour-long TV show. I'm down with that. I mean I that would make sense though. Maybe it's just like why are we cutting the TV show after these people have died. Yeah. It's a little much that's disrespectful. But yeah, it's some point they end up in the basement tunnels. Yeah. They're in the basement tunnels. They're basically back in time at this point and eventually just becomes like Lance like Lance has left alone. And it seems really long though because Sacha gets really sick. She's barfing blood and he's like says she's not gonna make it. Yes. What and all for one bad man, like vampire Dracula fog comes and takes magic takes her away like the whole place covered in fog airs out. She's gone. Yeah like that spooky cool, but sort of random. Yeah, really weird. What if it's all in Lance's head? What if he it's like he's the kid. From The Twilight Zone and everything. He thinks can come can become possible and just because things like stash is gone and there. Yeah, and now boom - good you got it kid. I liked the food is wrong. He's like guess I gotta eat this rap. Oh fun fact, I was looking at quotes for this movie for the game that I was putting together which didn't work unfortunately, but I found one really cool thing at the end of this movie. It says no rats were eaten in the filming also like that typical that typical disclaimer at the end like all characters spare no resemblance to any living or and in this movie Undead people. Yes, good good clever. It's like when you do a PowerPoint presentation in grade 8 and you do your own credits and you put your name as everything. I producer director writer Sam. So sippy end of grade A of A+ grade me. So at some point in the tunnels he discovers this like see Grit medical room and that's where this film really starts to mirror wreck because we have an underbelly, we have a secret room with like papers and medical stuff and this is where a tannic rituals. Yeah, and this is where we find out that the the original doctor was pretty pretty Sinister. Oh, yeah. Yeah because we know that there was a record amount of lobotomies taking place at this building, but we don't necessarily know why I mean at the time Devil Wants brains Devil Wants brains. I mean like back then like We thought that oh, this is just what doctors did it back when bloodletting was a thing which no one does now really like they used to do lobotomies all the time. We don't really do we do lobotomies at all anymore. Is that is that like a worst-case scenario that I don't know if they called him lobotomies. They do do like they do some sort you have tumors and stuff. They'll take some of your brain and I guess it's technically a lobotomy. Isn't it kind you have to take it out of the frontal lobe for it to be a lobotomy. Well because I think that's what I would like a lobotomies to didn't they put a hook up your nose and like scramble your brains. Oh, they just like all willy-nilly did it. Sometimes they cut it open. I think it depended. Yeah, I guess they didn't really know much about brain stuff like kindest. Well Canada back in the 60s can't tell us vertel talk to her. I smell burnt toast. We've solved it this part of your brain is for your toast. This is your toast brain. Everyone's favorite brain. Wouldn't it be great though, really? Just press a button and be able to smell like poo breakfast like wouldn't that be nice? That's a seizure John. That's a small seizure. That's good. That's a real good point. That was the problem. She was having she was epileptic but we fixed it save the day. Hey Canada another trying to worship the devil. Another thing that the end of this movie reminded me of in the beginning when they were talking about the like origins of the hospital they do they do some footage into like these or this was the conditions of the hospital originally didn't look right the old timey footage just I looked a little kids. Actually from a documentary there is like a real one. Am I wrong did it look new to you? It look modern. I don't know there is well, they did the dog. They had the doctor on his operating table or whatever that looked a little hokey and they felt they definitely film that one because they reuse it again or not reuse it. But like we wind up in that scene we wind up at that operating table. We're just just out. So all the nurses are obviously in on this two writers are definitely evil as well because only a few steps away. Can you imagine the doctor trying? Convince them just like oh no we need the skull and the the skin Baobab book. Disregard the pentagram. It's not a are you a doctor? Did you spend 20 years and I didn't think so. This is required. And this must be sterilized every day. I will need you to clean this do not hurt the eye on my book. It Is Alive. It does look around talk to it. Put it to sleep then give it a quick rinse. What are they trying to do there? I guess all they were really no idea. Yeah, the dark arts something since whatever they did it made that play Super Duper Hannah. Maybe they wanted to make a permuted triangle. Maybe they just wanted to make that was it. They just didn't want to be they just didn't want to die. And so now they're continuing on as these like Spirits. You know, what they needed to sacrifice a number of brains to get there. The doctor seems like he's doing okay. I mean in terms of like if your goal is I don't want to die know what I would like more open mouth screaming, please. Yeah, I would like black eyes and open mouth screaming. What if okay. That was the caviar like hey. We can get with you can live forever you can this devil you can live forever. You gotta live forever. Yeah, you could perform as many surgeries as you want in my name, of course, but I will need to give you an open face cream like an open-faced sandwich. No, no it open face cream black eyes like mouth. It's great. Yeah, you've seen the movies right now. I will need 800 mentally ill brains. No boy forever and ever. Okay. So are there any scenes that we didn't talk about that you want to talk about? Yeah. I want to talk about a whole the false endings. It's it does end a bunch. It ends a lot. And I think the problem is that it you need to cut in order to cut back and go progress the story. Otherwise, you're just watching him walk. Mmm and watching him discover things. So, you know, unfortunately and maybe it's because so many found footage movies that came after this and even around the same time have really ambiguous endings, they all seem to end at weird points because it's supposed to be real So this is the moment where they stopped filming or where they drop the camera and it never really ends like a movie would it doesn't sort of Tidy things up into a nice little bow. Well, I think two part of the Allure with these is that a lot of found footage films have alternate endings and multiple endings so that when you get the DVD release, it's like with three unseen endings. Yeah. Well, unfortunately we saw three of those endings in this movie camera Cuts me like, oh, wow. Okay cool. And then we're back on like, okay. So I didn't digest there but I'm back just me things are looking a little grim and then we come back. Oh now we've got the doctor and the doctors performing surgeries in the doctors closing in on us and then open mouth face cream and and we cut cut away in a black but we're still not done. We still have time to like Zip back on one more time to be like lisp. Let's press this president had a lobotomy to we're not going to show it but my eye is dripping juices. So that's the thing we my field There's a hole in the head. Yeah. I wanted some Hannibal, you know eating the brain scene man. What's your rating of this movie? Uh hard to say because there's there's some stuff, you know, some disbelief stuff. The ghosts are a little too showy for me to bump though. Got a found footage pump and the impossible stuff is so sweet so lovely so up my alley. I'm gonna go to it for ya two or four. Yes movies got a lot of great ideas and unfortunately just like maybe a little too much. I'm also giving us a two out of four these kind of movies are really fun to watch though. I love watching fountains movies. I think thumb footage for me is disposable in the way that I think slasher films are you know, how you love slashers regardless of whether they're good or not exactly. What found footage is to me? Yeah. So wash watch electable washable. I can't I can't watch. To watch film footage back to back to back to back to back like I used to be able to like I can't watch a dozen of them in a row anymore, but I could probably still do that with slashers. I don't know like those are both so those shut those genres are both very formulaic. So I think no matter what you kind of get burned out a little bit regardless of which one you're watching because it's just like template template template template, but I think you guys should watch more found-footage movies. If you're not watching cam footage movies like, oh man, they are so good you rate this Yeah, I gave it to her. Okay, I couldn't remember. They're all such as very social. I I like watching found footage with people. Yeah, especially because they got the Spooks same as slasher. But that's just our opinion. Obviously. We think wreck is the better of these two movies. They're both great and found footage is still probably the best sub genre and horror I'm saying it next to the 90s slasher. Everyone's who doesn't love a whodunit. Let us know. Thoughts on both of these movies Grave Encounters and Rec over on Twitter at n ofs podcast on Instagram. No, fuck that in the Facebook fan club. That's at slash group / horror films event ofs. And of course on Reddit in the Nightmare and film Street subreddit. Do you know what the URL is John? Yeah, but I mean I shouldn't have introduced it like that that a slash are slash Nightmare On Film street. Thank you. We say it like Google or search bars. Don't exist ever. You know, we could do go to Facebook Google. They round film Street go to read it Google. It's Google it on Reddit. Yeah put on Facebook. Yeah and but Bing it on Instagram. Nobody beings it. No. No, I think that's the joke. We're going to continue this conversation over on patreon. We have a little bonus game planned in which John is going to quiz me on some found-footage box office numbers damn, right? This one's called found footage for the win. We're going to see how found-footage movies are some of the best found-footage movies of a given year performed the box office compared to some of the other bigger films. But if you want to get that bonus episode and a ton of other bonus content like merch and swag full-length episodes and reviews of current movies in the theater. You can support us on slash Nightmare On Film Street. We are a listener-supported show and everything. We do here on Nightmare on Elm Street from our bandwidth to our hosting to our Audio hosting the website that's all supported by you guys and we couldn't do it without you. So if you want to support the show had to slash Nightmare On Film Street, if you aren't able to make a recurring donation, we also have a merch store with super cool stuff. You can get them A Nightmare on film Street teacher. We have enamel pins buttons all kinds of stuff there. That is at store dot NFS And of course the best way to support the show on any given day for free is to just tell Friend about it somebody that you think would like Nightmare On Film Street and just enjoys a good scary movie. But that's it for us this week. We'll be back at you again into Thursdays from now with another full-length episode. But until then I'm Kim. I'm John stay creepy. It appears. You made it out alive just long enough to tell the tale of The Nightmare on film Street. Wow. Help us grow The Horde leave a review on iTunes or wherever you subscribe continue. This week's conversation on Twitter by following @n o FS podcast. And as always more terror can be found lurking on our website film Street. until next week stay creepy fiends until next week stay creepy fiends
Alright horror fiends, it's found footage time. Set your cameras to shaky and brace yourselves for a bumpy ride. On this week's episode of Nightmare on Film Street we're celebrating two classics that perfectly capture everything wonderful about this polarizing subgenre. Join Kim and Jon as they press play on the frenzied madness of Jaume Balagueró & Paco Plaza's [REC] (2007) and the utterly eerie annals of The Vicious Brothers GRAVE ENCOUNTERS (2011). This week, Patreon supporters ( can enjoy an exclusive companion episode where we continue the conversation on [REC] and GRAVE ENCOUNTERS with a little game we're calling "Found Footage FTW”, available at
Evergreen Exchange We're here at the saic 2019 in Dallas put on by John Malden and I'm happy to be here with one of the Rockstar speakers and friend of mine Grant Williams Grant. Thanks for being on the Evergreen exchange podcast. Always a pleasure. I've been waiting for you invite me. Well, you're number three on the list behind a Lillian Dave. So that's pretty good company. It's hot noted expected tell listeners about your newsletter that you write and then also about real Vision your your interview well against Into the plug straight into yeah, most people leave that till the end now, it's just want to give you your platform before please these these people stop listening quick. So if you don't get it now, all right. Well that newsletter is called things that make you go home. It's a it's just a kind of way for me to write about anything in the financial markets that I that I find interesting or any given wake up obviously twice a month and it's really not much more to it than that. It's just stuff that I find interesting. I had a dream or sign up. They TCI. Terrell is plugging stuff you'll watch for a little bit. Well, if you go to TT n YG and take a look at everything you need to have it and if you go to more questions, you can email me at Grant at TT M YG and the other the other project you mentioned they're real vision is again real Vision will come as easy as when you take a look at it. But it's it's a an online subscription based Financial TV station that we interview some of the smartest minds and find us some of them household names and many of them not and you know the fascinating thing for me over the last five years we've been In this is how many of the ones who are not are just supremely supremely bright minds and have a really interesting perspective on stuff. So I've learned more in the last five years that I'm in the previous 30 in this business. I was I would say from from Talking these folks has been it's been fantastic. So since we're down at saic and there's a lot of really really interesting speakers here to you've heard a bunch of the sessions what's kind of stuck out to you who stuck out in what ideas are kind of ones that are capturing your attention, you know, this conference is always fantastic. Fantastic, I mean top to bottom the speaker line-up is always just top-notch. And so, you know, I sit in as many the sessions as I can and and honestly, none of them. None of them have disappointed in David Rosenberg was fantastic as always, you know, he's he remains bearish and always has that data back him back himself up which I love and I'm a big fan of roses. You know, he was he was bullish when a lot of people weren't and he turned bearish he's copped a lot of flack for it. But you know when you make an argument as cogent as he does with with that much data to back it out. It's really hard to kind. Poke holes in it. You know, we've had feelings. Ooh laughs on. I was lucky enough to interview Felix on stage this morning. I mean he is he's a legend in the industry and when you hear him talk and hear him think out loud you can see why I mean the man has a trigger to his process and a level of intelligence that is just so rare these days and it's just a thrill to get a chance to speak to him again. I mean, I've done it before for real vision and we didn't live this time. But you know all the speakers Louis was fantastic as he always is he's the most annoyingly smooth French whenever I mean I can't I am the god of I love it. But the one thing that's kind of stood out is the fact that the vast majority of people here are bearish and you know, we've had that thrown at some real Vision, which is interesting because I know you've got so many bears when you get some balls on it, but the interesting thing is that we don't go out to find bulls or bits we go out to find smart people with experience and someone to say and John's the same with this conference, you know, they find top-drawer speakers and then tell them okay come and tell us what you're thinking about so For me the value is in the fact that so many smart. People are bearish there's Great Value in that now they could all be wrong. Someone asked a question on the panelists. Once that, you know crowds tend to be wrong all together. Is that does that concern you feeling of Felix? They asked question of Felix who left this morning, but the sheer weight of intellect behind the Bears here and the amount of experience they have and the fact that they're across asset classes across disciplines is something that I think everybody here. It needs everyone listening to podcast needs to needs to think about you might not agree them as fine. But at least take on board the fact that so many smart. People are bearish and think. Okay. Does that challenge my bullish narrative? It's actually kind of stole a little bit of my thunder because I was going to go with you know, I would you know, if there was a genre to type of movie to describe just this conference to me. I would pick horror show. Yeah because you know, whether it's talking about Kyle bass talking about China has no rule of law. Why would you ever invest there? There's you know, the left word socialist populist movement that everyone's talking about your on a panel yesterday saying is there Euro going to be around in 20 30 not a lot of optimism and it's sort of interesting what you were saying about the speaker's out. They have a lot of experience and I wonder if some of it is a generational thing because we're we're we're from up in Seattle. I think there's a small company of heard of up there called Amazon and another one called familiar with yeah, I thought so and there's there's but it is a becoming a not just a big Tech scene. There's a there's a movement. Up there. There's a lot of tech. There's a lot of younger people coming their work and frankly when I talk to people that are whether they're, you know working at a tech company or they're running companies that are in their you know in their in their 40s. I don't hear the same type of tone that I hear hear what well it's an interesting point and I think if you talk to people who have spent their life in financial markets then depending on how long they've been doing this for how many cycles they've seen their kind of know what to expect. There's not to say it. And the way you expect it to but this is a movie of sorts that the people who've been around for 25 30 years have seen before only this time it's not playing out exactly as they thought and that's that's confusing. A lot of people on the flip side. If you're an entrepreneur then what a marvelous time to be alive, right zero cost of capital is people throwing money your left right and you don't have to make money, right? You don't have to build a profitable business people will finance you because of that zero cost to Capital people lend money and invest in the stuff, so Both sides have a massively skewed perspective, you know, the entrepreneurs are growing up in an age that at any other time in history that have been out of business twenty or twenty minutes after they opened the business today. They're thriving on paper and the market practitioners are looking at things that ordinarily would have meant markets would have created by now and it just hasn't happened. So everyone's kind of out of kilter. Do you think that when you work in this industry long enough you get a you know, you kind of get gun-shy after just being through enough, you know. Know whether it's Market crashes or economic recessions that eventually it just gets harder to pull the trigger and then you have the other the other and the Spectrum where you've never seen one, right? So you're like, oh markets are stock market goes up on average nine percent a year and that just bet on that in the long run, right? There's a little bit of the perspective of the people that we here talking here. They don't have as long of a Time Horizon know you agree with that. Another is like the time you finish made a great point this morning and he looks at really long-term demographic Trends to build his overall framework and then In those demographic Trends he tries to Overlay the business cycle. But if you want to invest along demographic trend lies, you're Investing For 4050 years and people don't do that right now. Some people do a Tony deed and the guy that I interviewed for real vision and for anyone listening, we actually put this video up on YouTube and this I will plug with abandon if you search for Tony dden, you'll find his interview with me and now is two and a half hours long, but I defy anybody to put it on who's serious about investing and not wish that it was. Longer once they finished it. It's an extraordinary conversation. And he he talks about this exact same thing talks about people being through and building real businesses or real cash flow and you don't see that anymore. And so, you know for me the time you come into this industry dictates how you view it. Like I start in the business right before the 87 crash So within two years of being in the business, I saw the market full 22% in a day, so I know that can happen. So I'm cognizant that that I have Seen that and I've and I've lived through it. So I'm very aware that if you came into the industry 10 years ago, you've just seen a market because I know you can't you can't contemplate a market of felt 22% of the day. So I think I think you're right. I think the people are under 30 have a very skewed have a very skewed perspective and look that might serve them very well. I remember I think I'll Stand rocket melatonin the story of how he came into the business at the low. Oh of the bear Market in the 80s and that I forget the shop. He was working all but they fired all the Traders and put this young kid in charge of it, which is a seem like a ballsy thing to do and then asked him and said what the hell put me in charge for the guy said well, you're not battle-scarred. You haven't been through this grinding Beer Market, you're full of Hope full of optimism. You won't be gun-shy. So I think it is important the time you come into these markets and if you get a long trending bull market like we've had this great, but if you come in at a period of Maximum Mobsters from now and you're in for two years on the market, Cut in half it will color your judgment. And the way you act forever. Certainly the Vintage of the investor does play a role and you just mentioned Stan druckenmiller. And that was it's a great segue to a question that I've been wanting to ask you about people. You've interviewed. You've been on the road for real Vision going out interviewing big names and unknown names and you said that you find them, you know equally fascinating and who are some people that have stuck out in your mind where you're just like wow. This guy's a unique thinker As so many of them, I mean is that that into eternity Dayton was was profound and everywhere I go in the world. You're people ask me about it. I had a conversation with a guy who without any word of exaggeration. I had tears rolling down his cheeks as he was telling me this story of what that interview meant to him and how it changed his life. But you know Felix who love was another one that people always want to talk about and I'll say in front of your dad the piece I did with him was exceptional and I came to Bellevue to talk to David and there were there. There are certain things. I really want to talk to Matt that he and I talked about privately in the past and I was hoping that I'd be able to share the way he sees the one away thinks about the sort of client manager relationship and he did he was sick as a dog blessing when he and he soldiered on but he did such a great job of explaining that Dynamic which is a really complicated but important Dynamic and that's another one that people people really found that to be fast only because no one takes the time to talk about this stuff anymore, right? But they I wanted they want to know what stocks go up on the order know where they should invest but understanding how the relationship between a client and a manager has changed. This sounds like a plug for every time I just realized I wasn't listening to myself. I think people are going to think I'm some sort of stage but it's not in this is this I'm just saying this is as it comes to me, but that that relationship is so important and and to understand how it's changed over the last 10 20 years is important for people to understand because if you can't find someone that you can trust to do the right Seeing a reflection points. It's a big problem. And so you know other people there was a guy I met in Australia called Daniel want that's wa NT and people should Google him. He runs a company called prerequisite Asset Management down in Brisbane has tiny little firm and he's a young guy and I sat down to talk to him. We hadn't met with corresponding A friend of mine has sent me some of his writing and you know, it was like sitting there with a 16 year old kid talking like an eight-year-old. It was it was Extraordinary I mean I didn't expect this and so I've been I've been so lucky. I found so many so many people to talk to us as someone who are household names and they've all been incredibly generous with their time and Incredibly free with sharing their thoughts and experience. And yeah, I think there's something you've learned from everybody. If you take the time to listen and you let them talk about the things that they think are important instead of instead of trying to direct the conversation to where you think is important because They launched their own see if you also questionnaire. I think this is important. What do you think about they'll give you their opinion? But if you say what do you think's important? That's where that's where you'll get the really good stuff. So it's a privilege for me to do these interviews and I've loved every single one of them speaking of really important. You have a really important event coming up in your life after this trip. You're headed to Ireland. Tell the listeners about yeah. We got to play golf. You're gonna go like I'm no I'm gonna to honor for the christening of my first grandchild Grant Williams. Is a God your grandfather can't believe you're saying that out loud or that I'm saying it. Hey, if Bryce it I have a grandfather. I am a I wouldn't call myself a glamorous grandfather, but I'm a grandfather this so you don't know yet and now she's adorable. She's absolutely adorable and I was unprepared for what it would feel like I have to survive it has struck, you know know the quality. It's not even that it doesn't it doesn't feel like a burden. It doesn't feel like I'm getting old. It's just it's just, you know, she's just a little bundle of joy, which is it's fantastic that you look and you I see you brought your golf clubs are Play in Ireland. Is that right? Yes, and have you played golf recently that you're gonna hate me for this. I've played twice recently once at Augusta National and once at something like well, where's that Sunningdale? And what I say goes? Yeah, once all gasp National Grant Williams Golf and Ireland a gust World traveler got a little bit grandfather lucky lucky grandfather when you talk about traveling a lot. Where's your A place to travel when you're like I'm going to this country because you know, this month favorite place in the entire world is Charleston South Carolina, which always catches a lot of people off guard but is there something about that place? It's there's something magical about it. And every time I go there I just I just love it. It's changed in the 25 years. I've been going there but it's been getting better and better and the food culture there is amazing and the the weather's great. The people are fabulous. So I love going there. But yeah, I I love to travel it's exhausting at times but I just came back from Hong Kong and Singapore both places I've lived in so I've Got Friends there. It was great to see them. But you know, it's been lower happy. He's in Australia, which is a fantastic country and the u.s. Obviously so I don't mind where I go. I'll even go to Scotland if the weather is nice because this is great golf up there too. Well, you mentioned Australia as a place that you like to visit but it's definitely not a place that you would invest after the presentation that you gave this morning tell listeners about the outlook for the Australian economy. Well, yeah, I Yeah, I sat at the opening remarks of the conference and just chop Holden got a later point of mentioning earlier 39 Australians. He was the biggest overseas contingent who never come and I was sitting at the back and I said the person next to me said, you know, this is going to go one of two ways a couple of days because I'm going to tell him their country's about to fall into the ocean, but God bless of Aziz the they're good value and they took in the spirit. It was intended as I just spent some time talking about the housing. Getting the economy which it which are intrinsically linked together. And you know, we've got this negative feedback loop where the housing market is coming under pressure and we could talk about why if you like if you want to go into the whole thing, but also the economy on the back of China slowing down is also starting to struggle and the way I look at it either the economy could slow down and trigger a meltdown and housing market is unemployment Rises and people can't pay their mortgages or the housing market could slow down as it's doing now. For various fascinating reasons and that could tip the country into a session. So it's how could this happen mean? It sounds stupid but how could this happen when you just watch the exact same thing happen in the United States as a preview. How could you find yourself as a country having the same types of problems lacks lending standards? Well, you know, I honestly for my money I'd be surprised if you didn't find that in a country because this is human nature right Charlie. Go on said show me the incentive and I'll show you the outcome and and the incentives are clear. Right? I mean, it's the same incentives that we saw in the u.s. You know sell sell sell stuff anything you can in to anybody and take your commission and everybody wins because of because the price of houses keeps going up so nobody gets hurt and that's great until it stops working. And so, you know as bad as things were in the u.s. When you look at your overlay that sort of house price charts of Australia to the US. I mean, it's well, I put that chart up. What I'll show the US and I put Australia and I heard two gas to the row who hadn't seen dr. Charles before I mean, it's extraordinary and so the overvaluation Australia dwarfs that with shuttles are in the US and the big difference here is that in the US Mortgage Debt is non-recourse. Whereas in Australia, these are all recourse loans, and so people have to pay their mortgage and consequently when the house price stops going up and starts going down and people start losing jobs. An immediate effect on consumer spending. We approach our type of discretionary spending versus essential spending and they're both going opposite directions the wrong way and have been for a decade now is a consumerist that wages have stagnated gone sideways, you know savings have plummeted from 11 percent of income to three percent of income in a decade. So everything's been kind of slowly lining up but the house prices have kept going up. So so that's that's been enough for people to say. Well, it doesn't matter mmm, but you know what happened we we finally had a catalyst for this thing, which is really interesting the opposition party in Parliament through a whole set of circumstances, which a comically Australian but we won't need to go into here just at Google Barnaby Joyce if you don't if you want to find out what happened, but the the opposition had an unexpected majority in Parliament for a few months and they used it to force this Royal commission through because they realize that housing affordability was big but Master Nel a flag to in the election campaign, and they Use this this sudden majority to push the Royal commission a royal commission is essentially like a public inquiry the Senate inquiry Congressional inquiry with unlimited powers of subpoena. And so they put this thing together they put in a very Senior High Court Judge to run it and he could subpoena every document every banking executive and what he found was extraordinary it was he and it's exactly the same as we saw in the u.s. It's no doc loans as liar loans. It's it's misleading absolute sales practices. It's everything. Thing we saw in u.s. Everything including masses of interest only loans which are the same as arms in the US which are now starting to convert the principle of interest. And so it's exactly the same only as I said, this is recourse debt and the valuations are so much higher than they were in the US and the economy which has been wholly dependent on China is is struggling and your good friend of mine is a fantastic analyst and Australia Gerald Minnick gave us an interview real Vision recently as you while I was putting this together and I Watch this interview. I didn't have the Good Fortune to interview Gerard, but I watched this and he was talking a lot about the stuff that you know, I called him and said look, I need some of your charts for this presentation because I really hope we tell this story but he said in there, you know, he said look, he doesn't make invest a recession his base case right now. Mmm, he said but we're a couple of months a bad date away from from investors being forced to make the recession their base case. Now if that is your base case is Australia Gerald Gerald ones were this will be bit world's best practice by that image. This will be the mother of what recessions they've gone almost 30 years without one. That's how you talk about people's time in the industry. These are people who've never had to pay a mortgage when they lost their job. Right? So the ramifications are potentially enormous in Australia, and I had to me, it's just being short the Australian dollar being long Australian government bonds being short summer consumer stocks. These are about the bank's right the bank's what the banks will ultimately be where the rubber meets the road, but you're probably going to see I think nationalization of them. Ultimately. They're too big to fail this this for Ozzy banks that have 80 percent of the loans in Australian 70% of their books a Residential Mortgages. I mean, it's every way you slice this thing. It's a there's there's a horror show. It is a horror show. But but a really good friend of mine Michael Schneider has set up a fund. It's called the fire Bell Australia macro fun to try and capture this trade Michael's one of the smartest guys. I know when He walks you through this. I mean there are some complicated trade structures to put in place, but it's it's an incredibly asymmetric payoff if this thing happens and to look at the economy to look at the market to look at housing market and expect that if you if you put this trade on to the short side the things that would have to happen for you to be wrong to any major extent would be I think Lewis called it the the Alice in Wonderland scenario it he wanted it to be guy looks very confined. So it's just it's a fascinating story. It's a fascinating country and it's a fascinating trait. You mentioned in part of your your concerns over the housing bubble Australia a Slowdown coming in China and China's been talked about a lot here because of obviously the recent tariff and trade Wars that are going on talk a little bit about not maybe China's impact on Australia, but just how you see China and its role in the the investors. The impact they could plan investors portfolios who are invested, you know, not just domestically in the US what's been interesting about Charlie. We had a great panel and Sade I Louis was on it along with Kyle bass. Both of whom have very well stated opinions contrary opinions on China. We had a good friend of mine Simon hunt on there as well who spends a lot of time on the ground in China and he is very very bullish and that's the interesting thing about China. These are three guys who are respect tremendously. They all have wildly differing opinions, and that's the Probably Chinese really tough to get a good sense. You kind of unless you're prepared to go to China really do the work yourself. You've got to trust somebody else's figures and I think just the government's figures we can write those off. So you have to find independent researchers to who give you figures that you feel a true and you can find really smart Innovative researchers have completely diametrically opposed views. So for me, you know, I I look at it from a much bigger picture. I look at what even the government figures a bit dirty and to my mind they definitely incentivised to massage the figures to make them as look as good as possible within the Realms of belief. And so if they're telling you that GDP growth is 5.6 percent. I mean, I'm being skepta think that's the best they can get away with hmm, but it's still markedly lower than what they were. No, absolutely. That's my point. So does that mean that some of the guys Right. It's really three. Hmm because if it is three Australia's toast as are a lot of exposure Brazil's going to face major problems if it really is 3 but we have this kind of don't ask don't tell situation with China where people are invested and you know, as long as you tell me it's six and I don't have some a waiver piece of paper my face that proves it's three I can investors if it is 6 and got everyone else is going to investors if it's six it's fine, you know, once you pull the rug out of these things and And people have to confront the fact not necessarily that it is three, but, you know been hunt writes about this a lot less common knowledge game. But once you think everybody else knows it's three then you have to do something about it. So I don't think we're ever going to know the real truth about whether China's doing well or poorly but I think any country that's done when it's done and financed it with this massive credit expansion is going to face problems somewhere down the road. So let's say that real Vision cells and Grant Williams gets handed a check for 50 million dollars. I'm jealous. That's gonna happen. Okay getting away from sort of theoretical practically. What would you do with that money? How would you invest it? Would you would you look around the world and say there's nothing I would invest in so I'm going to buy gold. I've heard from time to time that you like gold a little bit. I'm not did I do I think everyone should own some gold. I mean, I don't get caught up in the price moves. It's not it's not a trading vehicle for me. I'm never gonna try and buy the 1200 sell it 30 times. I just think it's it's a location you should have but you talking to Felix. It's this morning. It's interesting. You know, he was saying this morning. I think he's absolutely right. He said that the the trend to passive is coming to an end. He thinks it's he thinks it's done and it's time to be a market timer once again, and that's a very difficult skill to have and if you're going to be a market timer, you need to be watching the markets the whole time, you know, you need to be able to sit there and pay attention because at these turning points they turn fast and if you you you're trying to trade the market yourself and you put positions on and then you Get drunk one no golf at yesterday. If you could be you could be stopped out in a heartbeat. So for me at this point, you know, I think we've seen a lot of a lot of active managers have had terrible results and they've seen massive outflows and generally speaking whenever you see that it means the bottoms either there or thereabouts our I think you're going to see people lose money and passive structures and you're going to see them looking for active managers again, and for me unless you are going to manage your own money yourself. Self as a full-time job. It's about finding a manager who can look after it for you who you understand their philosophy and it's and it's aligned with yours yet. I look for me. The dream is to find the manager who I can give them some money too and know that I never have to call them because the end of the day, I know that if they underperform it's not because they've made a dumb mistake. I understand their philosophy. And this was this was a look frankly. Your dad will be one of those guys and that's why I wanted to have that conversation with him for real Vision because you know, I know that with your dad Well, I wouldn't need to call him and the returns would come in and if he helpful great as he underperformed, I know it's not good. He's done anything dumb. It's because sometimes you underperform that's just the way of the world but I think what this last decade has done has made everybody expect to outperform has made everybody expect Superior performance and more importantly either complain or switch - when they don't get it to chase that you know, the last guy who had the big out performance last year which is, you know, a catastrophically A foolish thing to do in the long run, you know my my great friend and former boss Steve diggle who runs full Perez Investment Management Singapore. Yeah. He told me a story once when he had a big volatility fund and they had allocators coming in and he had said this young guy come in and you know, you had the fancy suit on and a handkerchief or the other blue suit the brown shoes and the slicked-back hair and everything at any kind of puffed his chest out and said to Steve, you know, what we do every year we take money away from our worst fire performing funds and we give it to our Far before he finds and Steve blessing surely God expression is just like Tim said, you know, that could be the most stupid thing I've ever heard and this guy for having having no doubt had hundreds of meetings or people are desperate to get money allocated to them just it just completely took advantage. Why would you do that? This is the dumbest thing you could do so funny reminder to destroy it a wholesaler come in one day to Evergreen and as you know, we build portfolios internally, so we don't buy mutual funds but a friend of mine asked me to take the meeting so I sat down with the wholesaler. Sure tell me your pets. Just we don't really buy. I funds but I'll listen and sits down and he pulls out his stack of paper and he says, you know, we've been around for 30 years, you know, we're really good. Here's our you know, we do that we have this new growth fund its doing wonderfully. We have this value fun. We have this probably fond and I'm like, do you have any funds that haven't done? Well, he does. Yeah I do and I'm like, can you find that? Can you find that fact sheet in your briefcase? And he's like you're kidding. I didn't know I'm dead serious reach down into his briefcase and I kid you not he pulled it out and it Wrinkled up and he had to straighten it and flatten it on the desk. He's apologizing. You know, I just never thought anyone would want to see this one. So to your point, I mean you show me the incentives and no one's pitching the the but look we all the thing that's remarkable about this is we all know that failure is part of life and we all know Christ. We all know that failure is a big part of investing, you know, the guys who make 6 out of 10 bets right I'm going to do fantastically over the long run. So it's interesting that people's mindset is always this way. It's like if you if I don't help perform all the time. There's something wrong. I mean, it's its I guess that's that's how people have been conditioned and it's even more interesting to me because I can't tell you how many times we sit down with clients and we say, what's your return Target? And they say I'd like to make eight or nine percent you sit down and start going through. When do you want to retire? How much money would you like to have? What would you like to leave to your kids? It turns out that the return needed to me. All their investment goals is five five percent and you're like, why are you trying to earn and they're just like, I don't know nine kind of sounded good and it's like but you that's like double the risk, right? But it is very interesting the way that people think talk. I'll go to a couple of your favorite topics. How about Tesla as my wife doesn't listen to this so you can feel free to her on the leash because it's her favorite car that she's ever owned but I just hate lately. A lot of people say the same thing a lot of people they're all over 2. Hitter you can find them on there. They are in love with this kind of a lot of them will post to say Iran greatest car I've ever driven but I can't get hold of the service center and the roofs leaking and the wheel fell off and the edge of back to Great car and thanks for saving the world. Yeah, it is. This is the most remarkable thing I've ever seen in 35 years in this business. It's an absolute coming together of an ERA. This is it's this is malinvestment is zero cost of capital. It's celebrity culture its corporate fraud. Lord, it's the it's the Green Revolution. I mean, this is extraordinary to me and you know, I'll State quite equivalent. I think this thing is a busted flush. I think it's more like they're not fraud and I think it goes if not to 0 then someone's going to buy it for pennies on the dollar and executives are going to go to jail. I could be proven wrong and I'm willing to be proven wrong. But you know, they're more important to me than the company is actually the community on Twitter that has come. Celeste around this and I think this has ramifications for the entire financial industry going forward and I'll explain why I think as you think it is really important. There's a community on Twitter called Tesla q and and it's a dollar sign or hash tag TSLA q and the reason that's there is because when a stock gets delisted it gets a cute similar fits if it goes bang colic and they stick a cue simple yet. So it kind of started off as a tongue-in-cheek thing, but it's now it's now grown into an online community. And it's been characterized as a group of evil short Service as always happens, right? I mean, I've known a lot of short sellers in my career. I've done a lot of Short Selling in my career and and short sellers for the most part. I'm not saying they're all the same are some of the finest investors. I've met some of the most principled individuals I've met but they get painted with this evil short seller brush that they're just trying to make money and make companies fail. The simple truth is if you're a good company doing a good job and executing and a short. So even if they put you in those short stocks and try to get the stock down it ain't going to work. Right but this community is different and and what's happened here is you've got people who are accountants and Auditors and Rocket scientists and hedge fund managers and people who've run big car production lines. I mean, it's extraordinary the brainpower in this community and and what's coalesced in what's all brought them all together. Is that at some point in this story? Elon Musk has stepped into their world that they have built a career around the built a life around whether it's Academia or whether it's you know how in the world of business and he's made some bold pronouncement that they weren't even paying attention to Tesla and they just gone waiting on it's just a lie that you can't do that. You know, I've I've spoken a lot of people we made a documentary about this for real Vision just a 30-minute documentary and trying to wrap all the threads listing was impossible but through that I've spoken at all kinds of people whose resumes as are ridiculous. I mean the credentials are frightening and you when you talk to tunneling Engineers about what he's saying the boring company's going to and say well he'll never do that. That just is not physically how does this guy think? He is better than all the engineers who spent a hundred years as they dug the first tunnel perfecting this, you know, I've seen cfa's pick the balance sheet apart. I've I mean, it's extraordinary in every way you look at this thing up and down the narrative that's being sold to The public is demonstrable e questionable. Let's let's be generous and says questionable, but why I think this is important. Is that what I think you're going to find when this story plays out fully expect that to end with was Tesla up going bankrupt people will look back on this Tesla Q community and what they were saying all the way through the story once it emerges what happened and they're going to say, you know, these guys had this all along this is exactly what they said was going on and the company was saying, Something different but as it turned out they were dead. Right and I think what we're seeing here is in effect. Something like Enron being live blogged and picked apart. Now, we know one saw anyone coming apart from you know, David ties you to a friend of ours is here at the conference. I saw it coming Jim China saw it coming a few people did but this is happening in lifetime and because of the the Advent of Twitter there is now medium by which people can crowdsource research share that information and and build Like frankly the single best body of research I've ever seen on a stock in my life. I mean, it's extraordinary the lengths people are going to and I'll tell you this because I've spoken to a lot of them. This is not about the money. These guys are angry that someone is torturing billions of dollars. They're angry that the guys who are criticizing them are essentially cultists Fanboys that just believe along can do no wrong and they started off being feeling bad for the people. Who are going to lose money being longer shares? Because a lot of them were just young idealist guys who you know wanted to support someone trying to change the world, which is great. Right? And these guys are not anti electric vehicles at all. A lot of them have bought Chevy volts, right and a lot of them are waiting to buy the new Porsche Tycoon, right? These are not anti EV guys, but they see what they believe to be the biggest corporate fraud of all time taking place not only in our times but with a guy who splashed all over the front page of every newspaper every Mommy says something and people are going to lose a lot of money. And these are people who don't understand Finance, right? The Bulls are not Financial background people for the most part. They are young. They are Robin Hood. There's thousands of holes of Tesla's self on each other because I was going to say that you know, you could say that this is the first you know major company that's going to blow up that has a crowdsourced liveblog all the way charting it. Yeah and yet at the same time what I think is fascinating about it is he's using every tool in the modern Playbook to build the company whether that's Target Millennials who are who like the idea of green Vehicles whether that's used social media whether that's be cool. Go on Joe Rogan and smoke pot. I mean, he's using every every trick in the Playbook that I think it's a fascinating, you know, showdown between it really is but we're now getting to the point where the Catalyst again like Australia that they're starting to occur, you know, they raised some money recently. It's not had a bounce but it's given most of it back. And you know a year ago, the Bears were talking about you know, when the when the Jaguar I Pace comes on the Audi e-tron comes when the Porsche Tycoon comes they're going to eat Tesla's lunch. And that was a year ago, but people saying you're at your minds, they'll be crappy tells us the greatest car ever. Well guess what the sales are here, and these are real cars built by real automobile manufacturers with Decades of experience that know how to build a car and didn't rush to take on Tesla took the time. Build these cars properly and sure enough. The sales numbers are coming through and they're eating Tesla's lunch. And you know, I think if he landed stuck to make it a hundred twenty thousand dollar luxury plaything for wealthy people who want an electric car, but one of the cool one he did I'm fine. It was this it's idea that I'm going to borrow billions of dollars investors money and build a mass market car which plenty of people would have told you who have experienced such things. You can't do that for 35 Grand is just not doable. It's a great. It's a great aim, To have but it's not doable, but he's doubled down every time he doubled down on these lies and and they're starting to unravel as is heat by the look of things. It is absolutely fascinating another topic that that I think that you like to I've followed and you've mentioned the past is the Miss measure of inflation you think that it's under measured and so to somebody like me I look at the world and I see a different but I'm certainly I'm certainly interested to hear your Persuasive argument on the flipside because I think about it. Like I look at the phone that's sitting next to us on the table and I see a camera that was better than ever before a family scrapbook that expands. I see internet that comes faster than ever before. It's an email tool. It's a work tool you can watch movies on it. It's your music device. I mean, there's so much and by the way, every time a new one comes out it's faster and it's cheaper and I look at some like that and I'm like well that is cheaper is it was I saw the iPhone got cheaper. Okay, the same not not more expensive. I don't know. I think I lost three or four iPhone models have been more expensive. I'm not a hundred percent sure on that. You can challenge me on about it, but you would certainly agree that what you can do from a phone now versus 10 years ago is truly light and day I would but what I would say to you is I bought a phone and I needed a phone and it happened to have a camera in it and it happened to have all these other things it great. Okay. Fantastic. Would I have gone out and bought an email machine or another camera and Carlos things around? Probably not my ball camera, but it is anybody listening to this who's who thinks it's cheaper to live now than it was last year never mind six years ago or five years ago. It's like if anyone out there thinks that they're true cost of living is going up one and a half percent then email us, please because I want to go and live there and and I'll retire they're really really happy. It's just not happening, right but it but it doesn't always matter if prices are going up right. It's there's also the effect of what are you getting out of the good right now? Is a floor liner at this hedonic adjustment, you don't agree with that. I agree milk because more money tomorrow than today than yesterday. I get that that seems like inflation. But when I'm getting something more for the same cost that seems like there should be an adjustment for that. I disagree disagree this idea this idea that you know, you know that computer you're buying well, yeah, it was a thousand dollars last year. It's 1,200 this year. It's a 20% increase but the same stuff that it now would have cost you 2 Grand last year. Well, you know what you would the board to recover your lost it we want to know you went out and bought a thousand dollar camera because that's what you were going to afford. So I think telling people hey, you've got great deal here. Therefore we're going to lower the numbers. I just think that's nonsense. Yeah, I like get what they're doing there. But if you look at every single adjustment has ever been made to the CPI bench, but if you can find one that resulted in the number going up, yeah, they'd come show me where it was because the these numbers are these adjustments are made to bring the number down and whoever cut. I think the hedonic suggest was came. During Bill Clinton's term and it's remarkable that that whole idea that hey you got five grams worth of value here for someone that would have cost you you know, whatever seven last year old has been seven on it. So I don't know for people who are trying to live day to day. It's not about the value that it's about what they have to spend to live that life and what you get for it is great. But if you're having to spend more on food and the packaging is getting bigger and there's less food in there and and the fact that companies are using what my friend pepper Melbourne was cause shrink flashin, you know, the the same size packet 20% less infant is the reason that the fact they're trying to hide this from people by not making the package in smaller and making it obvious that you're getting less should tell you all you need to know people people wouldn't buy the stuff if they thought they were getting less. So what did Brock said said something today that I'd be curious to get your opinion. He said, okay, let's take let's take the average forget middle-class American but the average American and you say would they rather go back 20 years in time or would you rather live today? And he said he doesn't think you could find anybody that would say I'd rather go back 20 years, but you're asking the wrong age group. I guess I didn't see what he's what he's presentation. Unfortunately. I was I was out back but he was making the point that the living standards are so much better. Yeah, I think well, yes, but I mean depending on how you define living says if having a phone like that is living standards. Well, there are now six hundred and sixty three thousand homeless people United States. They were nowhere near that many 10 years ago. If you gave them a phone would that make the love it and I wouldn't but I can't afford to have a home. So I look you can there's always there's always an argument with inflation. You could always come at it from a different way and I understand the reasoning for both sides I do but for me when I think of inflation he try and boil it down to something real world that you can you can understand it a personal level it. How much money do I have left over when I've brought my salary home and paid my bills Mmm Yeah, and if you want to include discretionary spending, it's not the splurges. It's the you know, I want to take my wife out for a meal once a week or whatever it is. Right, that's not a necessity but it's a luxury that you should be able to afford to do and and I think the vast majority of people will find that that number is going down. And so I think when you look around the world at populism and you know Louis made this point beautifully yesterday when you went he gave a speech and I agree with him a hundred percent this this his populist Uprising around the world has more to do with inflation and has more to do with people just feeling stressed because they find that they don't have much money left over all there are struggling to pay a mortgage or you know, they can't buy the groceries. They want to buy because everywhere you look, you know inflation that keeps going up and even if we're generous and we use that the official figures wages are not keeping Pace if you If you are not generous when you take Shadow stats, for example, you want to take some some alternative figures that still use the same method of calculating inflation as it did before these adjustments, you know, facials going up six seven percent and wages aren't keeping keeping Pace. It doesn't take many years of that happening before people do feel the stress. So, you know, I think the inflation numbers it is back to Charlie Munger show its Center to show you how companies the government is incentivised because of all the color payments and everything linked to inflation to make sure that number is as low as possible. Possible and that's their incentive. So there's the outcome. I think the question that I want to I want to kind of wrap it up with but it's a big one in like you said, I'll sort of let you go ever you want with it. But I think you know when you look at probably the most disturbing topic that we've heard here is a return or a departure from from capitalism. Yeah, and right now it seems from a lot of the things that have been said here that capitalism is taking the blame for things the wealth Gap. Capitalism's fault everything is sort of being blamed on it's a broken system. And and I guess I'd like to hear you weigh in on. Yes. I mean the economy is changing and the world is changing and I always have argue with my dad that it's a pendulum it swings. You know when Trump won. I was like guess what's going to happen? Laughs that's going to swing back to the left and he says no it can become the pendulum swings too far and then it breaks and so I'd be curious to hear how you view, you know, you spend a lot of time in Europe you see It's going on there. Do you think that we're going to become more socialistic permanently or is this just something how do you see the wealth Gap and all those things? It's a big question. But now I know it is and and I think a lot of the accusations being thrown at capitalism have Merit I really do but you know somewhat so of someone said recently a moment Jim Grant someone said, you know, what do you think about capitalism and he said well, maybe we should try it and I think that's exactly right because We have is not capitalism capitalism involved a bust part of the cycle involves bankruptcies involves letting companies that aren't efficient and don't produce profits. They go bust it's simple we haven't had that for ten years, you know, we have crony capitalism we have we've had a decade of easy money. And if you if you look at what's happened when people talk about capitalism failing that they're largely talking about that the wealth divide between the rich and poor and of course if you if you make Money cheap in a response to a crisis well guess where it goes, right it goes to people who don't need it, but they have assets and they and they have access to it. And what do they do? They use it to buy assets and asset prices go up here. We've seen massive inflation in asset prices whether you want to call the assets to stock market or real estate or a hundred and ten million dollar Mane that sold this week. What we have is inflation in things. You think you need and this idea that capitalism is under threat. I think the u.s. Is hopefully is not ready for socialism yet. I mean I think in principle this is a it's a center-right country and I think it would take something more than this to change that having said that my fear is that having watched ioc and having watched Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders started this in the last election, right? And what we've seen is the way his message resonated with people surprised a lot of funds and none more so than him I'm sure but it was Clear that he probably would have won against Trump if they hadn't run Hillary I suspect he would have won. Although that would have been more an anti-trump vote that a pro Bernie Vote or certainly at the anti-trump component of that would have been what tipped him over the edge but what's worrying to me is because that message resonated so strongly with people this time around there are people have seen that and said, well, he didn't quite make it so I'm going to do what he said only more something. So you've seen Arc and the really a deal you state you've had this Be a universal basic income is now being talked about everywhere and now upping the ante even more is Liz Warren with the wealth tax and so it becomes a go too far to the point possible. Can they go to possible? It's possible they could but unfortunately if you look back through history socialism is something that doesn't really get disproven to this tried. It seems like a great idea right until they do it and it's never worked. It just hasn't worked and it doesn't work. It won't work. It might seem like a great alternative initially. But over time it isn't the answer that the answer is to fix capitalism in the answer to fix capitalism is is to allow companies to go bankrupt just to withdraw the the state as an artificial prop to asset pricing about the FED right now. Absolutely and and I guess that the part of the government right with tax cuts and all this stuff. They're doing to extend the longest expansion in history is unnecessary because you're just building the problems up for a live down the road, but Meanwhile, the FED is saying in the next Crisis were prepared to go further their knowledge. Of course they are and if you're having if you're forgetting being where who you are as an American what you see in a politically if you're an investor you have to be thinking this is great. They tell you that every time something goes wrong. They're going to step in. I mean to me the easiest trade for the next five years is by every 20% Market dip in the u.s. Because they're going to come charging in. Yep. It might that might be right that might be right but there's one problem with that scenario and that is the Accession scenario, right if the u.s. Goes into recession all bets are off because I think no matter what the FED do they will come out and they will be forced to do something and it'll be drastic. But you know, we've seen negative interest rates in Europe, you know, I think US government bonds are yields on those are going to go lower than people dare dream about at the moment because that's where they're going to have to try and send them but I think the imbalance is built up in this mean that if we do get a recession like a real recession then I think the FED are going to be really really in a tight situation and they'll throw everything at it. They'll buy equities buy more bonds that bike over there by everything that's for sale frankly, but I don't think against the backdrop of a recession. It's going to work because right now you can still say that companies are making profit at some peas. We've got the buyback scenario. It's going to be really difficult to get by back posture shareholders in a recession. So there's gonna be a lot of props to this Market that if the the economy is is demonstrable e weakening then just buying equities because you think they're going up is I think we'll jive with What feelings are at the end of passive and that will be the moment where it does become important to active managers who can Market time Grant we could do this for a long time, but you have a poor date waiting, so I will wrap it up and I want to thank you for spending the time and hope to see you in Seattle soon. I can't wait. Thanks. Thanks.
Evergreen Gavekal CEO, Tyler Hay, interviews Grant Williams, author of Things That Make You Go Hmmm, co-founder of Real Vision TV, and long-time friend of the firm, from the 2019 John Mauldin Strategic Investor Conference in Dallas Texas. Listen to hear his perspective on a broad range of topics about the global economy, as he and Tyler debrief on the most thought-provoking speeches and interviews given at the conference. DISCLOSURE: This material has been prepared or is distributed solely for informational purposes only and is not a solicitation or an offer to buy any security or instrument or to participate in any trading strategy. Any opinions, recommendations, and assumptions included in this presentation are based upon current market conditions, reflect our judgment as of the date of this presentation, and are subject to change. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. All investments involve risk including the loss of principal. All material presented is compiled from sources believed to be reliable, but accuracy cannot be guaranteed and Evergreen makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness. Securities highlighted or discussed in this communication are mentioned for illustrative purposes only and are not a recommendation for these securities. Evergreen actively manages client portfolios and securities discussed in this communication may or may not be held in such portfolios at any given time. Louis Gave’s has an equity ownership in Evergreen. Louis’ views and opinions are his own, and are not necessarily the views of Evergreen.
Hello and welcome. Thanks for listening to the embodied astrology horoscopes for Sagittarius season in 2019. My name is Renee. I'm a Consulting astrologer and somatic intuitive. These horoscopes are meant to Aid you in your healing and help connect you with your highest self as you listen, please listen with an open mind and appreciate the symbols and suggestions take what works for you and leave the rest. Remember that these horoscopes are describing General energy for each sign and it's up to you to get specific. Feel free to associate what I say to what is relevant for you.At their best horoscopes work as pieces of mystical advice and sacred symbolism. Let them spark your imagination and stimulate your intuition. I suggest that you listen to the horoscopes for your son and your rising signs. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask what's your sign it has to do with the time of year. You were born your rising sign has to do with the time of day. You were born in the place. You were born. If you know your birth information, you can find out what your rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website embodied in the horoscopes. Section along with your horoscope. Make sure it'll take a listen to Heart of Sky a dark rift the embodied astrology episode for Sagittarius season where you can learn much more about the amazing sign Sagittarius as an energy in your chart and how to understand and work with it. You can find this episode links in the show notes from my website or as a separate track on your favorite listening Platforms in these horoscopes. You'll learn about how Sagittarius works for your son or your rising sign and I'll offer some suggestions for working with the new and full moons this month as well as a Other important planetary transits there is so much more going on with astrology and the next month o to learn about all of the planetary aspects and lunar phases this month. Please become a subscriber you can subscribe by donation at any amount per month and will receive access to my expanded month ahead interpretations as well as a principal calendar and Astro journal to help you work with astrology in your day-to-day life subscribers also receive big discounts on my year ahead birthday reports and online classes. All of my audio horoscopes guided meditations and podcasts are offered for Free if this work benefits you and your life, please consider making a one-time or recurring donation to help keep it going. Please share it with your family and friends and leave five star reviews on iTunes, SoundCloud and Spotify. Thank you so much for tuning in. Please wait for a brief message and I'll be right back with your horoscope. Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. 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You can follow your favorite podcasts like embodied astrology and never miss an episode. You can download all the episodes and listen offline, wherever you are. You can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends on social media if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app. For embodied astrology save it and browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me on social media on Instagram add embodied astrology. So you'll never miss an episode because you want to catch them all don't you? Hello Aries. Thanks for listening. This is your horoscope month ahead forecast for Sagittarius season. This season looks like an exciting one for you and one that has a lot of energy around building and manifesting as we get into the season just a couple of days before the sun enters Sagittarius Mercury will station direct. This is an important moment in the Mercury retrograde cycle. The cycle is not quite over yet mercury still. Couple of weeks between November 20th and December 7th where it's completing the retrograde cycle and this is the part of it that's called The Shadow phase. So this is the third time that mercury will be traversing territory that it returned to during its retrograde and that it already passed over once in its Forward Motion before the planet actually stationed retrograde. So some of the meanings for this period of time have to do with Insight reflection on what you have been kind of turning over mulling over with Mercury's retrograde mercury has been retrograde in the sign Scorpio, which is deep emotional very psychological sign and it's been retrograde in the part of your chart that is a very deep emotional psychological place. If over the course of the last month, you've been working through insecurities doubts things that feel like Men start inhibitions, that would be pretty spot-on for Mercury retrograde if you've been working with Partners or significant others in some way to kind of untangle places of shared resource shared energy. That would also be kind of significant for this Mercury retrograde for you and finally this retrograde and particularly for you and this part of your chart may have been bringing up more awareness of of death and transition maybe in very literal ways maybe in more opaque or metaphoric ways, but now as mercury moves into this completion part of its cycle, there's a lot of support for you to start to understand and and become cognizant of some of the meanings that you're going to want to take away from this cycle. And by the time Mercury gets into Sagittarius on the 20, excuse me on 9th of December, it'll be in sajan till the 29th of December. Then your mind is up to full speed you're going to start to be able to make some meaning around this Mercury retrograde and really work with it in a way that I think looks like it has the potential to be expansive and quite a learning and growth opportunity for you. Now learning and growth are the themes of Sagittarius season and for you as an Aries person when I'm reading your solar chart you have what's called a natural art, which means that the signs aligned with the houses that they correspond to so Sagittarius season for you definitely wants to invite you into the realm of possibility opening your mind how you work with information how you glean what's important to you is a really big takeaway. There's so much information out there. You definitely don't need to be taking it all into your sweet little brain. You need to be honing in on what is Most relevant for you, and that's a big theme for for Sagittarius in general and definitely a big theme for you anyone who is currently involved in projects or Pursuits around mind expansion. This is a big month for you so that can include people who are engaged in a spiritual practice or a philosophy practice of some kind if you're listening to astrology and you're checking in with astrology astrology is very much Associated to this part of your chart into this sign where we're looking for deeper. Meaning we're asking bigger questions anyone who's involved in Academia or higher institutions of learning is a big season for you and anyone who's involved with high teachings whether or not those come through an institution or kind of formal teacher or something like that. This is also an important season for you. So takeaways for Sagittarius season have to do with how you Oriented towards your meaning-making. Where do you see opportunity again? How do you process information and what relevant information can you expand and expound upon on the new moon November 26th. We'll have a new moon at three degrees of Sagittarius. I'd love to encourage you to carve out a little bit of time to call in the the new moon energy as we enter into the new moon phase. As this is a growing moon phase. This is a wonderful time to start new projects to think about New Beginnings to plant seeds of intention for what you want in this area of your life. I often think of my intentions as having a year-long growth cycle at a new moon. We get a new moon in each sign pretty much once per year. You can definitely think of it in terms of of the lunar cycle from one month to another month, but I find that working with with a year gives me some more time. So what do you want to build in this next year when it comes to your enthusiasm when it comes to your ability to see opportunity when it comes to how you're making meaning how you're using your mind and the way that you are accessing wisdom. How do you want to be a person who gives and shares and receives wisdom and knowledge and what do those ideas mean to you? Anyway, how are they? He'd how are they transmitted do they come through books do they come through dance? Do they come through energetic transmission. This is a great time for you to open up to your inner teacher your inner Authority and find ways to be in good connection and I'll in alignment with that place of inner wisdom for you the full moon on December 11th is in Sagittarius is opposite sign Gemini this full moon illuminates the axis of learning and teaching or in Formation and wisdom with the full moon. I really want to encourage you to take care of your mind. This full moon has some aspects around it that could potentially kind of stimulate your brain or over stimulate your brain a little bit. So as we get into the full moon that whole week leading up to it and probably a couple of days after it. Please make sure you're getting enough sleep. You might want to be taking adaptogen Zorn Irvine tonics definitely drink enough water. If you find yourself focusing or over focusing in a way that is feeling like it's shutting you down and shutting your energy down get up to have a dance party. Go take a walk lie down put your legs up the wall and focus on your breath for a while take a bath. Let water kind of cleanse you of clogged or excess information around the full moon. That's a really good time for you to kind of notice what you do with. Nation, and then as we move into the disseminating lunar cycle from Full Moon to New Moon, that's a really good time for you to intentionally may be ceremonially start to offer habits of processing information that aren't useful to you away. So things to let go of have to do with your relationship to your own mind or to learning that are not useful to you ways that you are working. With your mind or with your intention that you know aren't serving you and these might have to do with circular thought patterns, which we all have obsessions Narada neuroses distraction would be a big one procrastination would be another big one but definitely overwhelming overload of information that keeps you from actually missing the point. This is what I want you to kind of clear out you want to focus on the priority and let the details, you know, they can be interesting but Sometimes you can get mired in them. So this is kind of a gleaning process for the new moon a couple of other things happening this month. Both Venus and Jupiter will make their ingresses into Capricorn Venus moves into Capricorn on December 2nd, not on December 2nd, excuse me on November 25th and stays in Capricorn until December 20th. Jupiter moves into Capricorn on December 2nd and will stay in the sign-in. Until December 20th of 2020. So Jupiter is there for a year and Venus is therefore not quite a month. Now both of these planets Venus and Jupiter are considered to be benefics and that means that they bring loving positive connection-oriented energy with them Jupiter brings expansion of opportunity and it really works with you when you expand your mind and when you expand your heart So if you're resonating with generosity and with Goodwill Jupiter will reward you with generosity and Goodwill and open doors for you Venus helps you to connect with other people. It helps you to connect with your love nature and with your sweetness. Both of these planets are moving into your solar 10th house, which is the place in your chart that corresponds to your career your vocation your Public Image what you're building and cultivating in your life. Life and both of these planets are going to start to influence this part of your chart really positively, so please use this energy with intention. It's a great time for you to call in support for what it is that you want to build to set your eye on the prize. So to speaker on your goal your ambition and to start to work towards it and remember you have Jupiter's supportive influence for all of 2020. So, please Use that influence Mercury will move into Sagittarius on December 9th. Just a couple of days after it finishes its shadow period it will be as I said up at full speed at that point in this is a great time for you to be using your mind. I think I talked about that before in the beginning of the horoscope. So I'll leave it there. I one last thing I want to say is that November 28th is the national day of mourning. Otherwise known as Thanksgiving in the United. It's I'm encouraging everyone this year to please donate some money or donate some time to indigenous lead organizations one that I'm donating to this year is the indigenous environmental Network, which is an amazing organization fully indigenous lead and run doing really awesome and important work around the environment and education. You can learn more about them at ien Earth dot-org if you'd like to know more about the upcoming astrology for this month. Please become a subscriber. Cyber, there's so much going on in terms of planetary aspects and lunar cycles, and as a subscriber you get access to all that info from me through a recorded form and with a calendar learn more about Sagittarius learn how to work with its energy. Think about it in an embodied Way by listening to the full podcast for Sagittarius season, please share these horoscopes and podcast with your friends and Community if you enjoy them. Thank you so much for listening. Happy Sagittarius. Susan bye for now.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Sagittarius Season in 2019. Sagittarius Season extends between November 22 - December 21. Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to “Heart of Sky, a Dark Rift - Embodied Astrology for Sagittarius Season.” In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of the zodiacal energy of Sagittarius and explore how it manifests in our bodies, minds, emotions, relationships and in the world. Everyone has every sign in their chart, and Sagittarius represents amazing and important energy for each of us. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Sagittarius season and is also a very healing and powerful energy to check in with at any point. Listen here: Get the Sagittarius Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Follow Embodied Astrology: Instagram - @embodiedastrology Facebook - Embodied Astrology (@embodiedastrology) Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Welcome to the zero to educate podcast. Everybody gets zeroed. I had a throat infection. So I'm hosting this my name is prateek Singh and I'm the founder of learn app dot go a video education platform where you can learn investing and trading from the leaders of the industry do check out Lana today. We'll be talking about passive investing, you know, the first retail Index Fund was launched in the year 1976 byJack Bogle he's the founder of Vanguard it took a while but index funds at least in the developed markets have become really popular but in spite of all this growth and contrary to the popular narrative passive investing is just a tiny part of the overall Market passive investing just makes about 10% of global industrial Securities and only 15% in the u.s. In India passive forms make about five percent and that's like a rounding error for the Total mutual fund industry to put that into perspective the a un of index mutual funds is just about 6,500 crores in 2019. That's not even a billion dollars in this conversation will be talking all things passive investing and index funds with pretty course. You are the head of passive funds with Mozilla rosewall. Isn't this interesting pratik talking to pretty hair but think hi hi pratik. It's always it's always good to have. Conversation with another protect so I'm excited to serve do this and I look forward to a conversation. Yeah, absolutely. Thanks for doing this man. Yeah, so let's before we start talking about passive investing right? So tell me about yourself. How did you get involved in the markets? Yes, so I've actually I've actually been in the market for quite some time. So I've been in finance for I think almost 10 years. So I think I've started my career in sort of more the tradition Finance so working Investment Banking private Equity but then also actually spent the last five years in actually technology which is more of more of financial technology. So my last gig I was actually working in a company in Silicon Valley where we were Building Solutions on passive products and then selling it to investment advisers and you know, so while I was doing this, you know, I think what I learned was passive investing is obviously great because the products themselves are extremely simple very easy to understand and very effective for investing the long run. But what I also learned is that you know, there's a lot of opportunity to innovate on top of Passage products, you know. So for example in my case, what I did was I took passive products and overlaid it with a strategy and sold it to advisors. So that's how I've sort of been introduced to passive investing and I've been a huge fan, you know, I think the company that I was working at we scale up platform from around 40 million dollars in a um in assets to almost 450 million dollars in a year and a half. So I think that was a lot of fun and I hope up to we don't make a similar impact at Mozilla as well. So that makes sense. Right that makes sense. Why are the head of passive index products at both elevators? Yeah. Yeah. I think I think it's more of the passion. I think I'm extremely I think you know in terms of my personality also, you know, I believe a lot in a lot of Simplicity. I'm going to serve Zen Buddhism sort of a guy. So I think passive products also compliment my personality, which is what I what I like about them. They're very simple easy to And and I think most investors I feel today or I mean, I think all sophisticated investors in the US have adopted this very well and that's why I think I see a lot of opportunity in space. I think what was interesting to think so you've seen both sides now, actually you've seen the u.s. Pretty well. Yeah and you're looking at India now, so what's the difference between the US markets and the Indian market? Yeah, you know, I think us markets are slightly ahead of India in terms of efficiency in the sense that I think in your markets are sort of so I think Historically, you know, if you looked at it the US markets were around between 15 20 years ahead of of the new markets, but I think that is closing down us markets. Obviously a lot bigger and more much more than the number of large cap companies out there. The number of just a mega sized companies lot more. So for example, you know, I think India the top hundred companies are large gaps, whereas in the u.s. To top 500 companies are all large cap stocks, you know, so I think the the market is a lot deeper is a lot more efficient. There's a lot more bigger. Business space and there's also a lot of lot more trading activity happening in the US market. So and I think which which which makes sense because you know, it's a much bigger country as an economy. It's acting five or six times India's GDP. So I think it's always good to know and where we're headed as a market. So I think that experience out there was super valuable and and and I think from the way, you know, I think just the US markets are performed despite being very efficient economy is I think it I think the its precedent that we need markets will Out of go the same way, correct? And I think I understand why you came back to India to run the business because India you probably see what potential India has over the next decade, right? Oh, absolutely. I mean I think opportunity is sort of immense, you know, I have seen it. So I think I've been investing for a very very long time, you know, my family's been investing for 30 or 40 odd years. And you know, what we've seen is just I mean the growth opportunity that has happened India versus where we're headed is is huge and I think anyone was looking to participate in the equity markets today is Going to be super happy. If obviously I think the only challenges is behavioral that markets are obviously a little bit risky in the short term. So what I say is that your risk is short term return is long term, you know, so if you're if you're able to, you know, sort of write the cycles of short-termism then I think you can be you'll be very happy with what's of returns you get in the future cool. Yeah. So for the onions uninitiated who's listening to this, let's just do a quick quick one one line. So what are passive forms? What do they track? So one sentence? Passive funds are funds that track the returns of an index or a benchmark. So by index or a benchmark, I think Nifty or Ascend sex with the example of an index and ideally the Nifty if you invest in a fund that is replicating the Nifty that Nifty goes up by 10% you go by 10% So just purely replicating the returns of Benchmark, right? Perfect. So I think that makes sense and you also probably want to explain what the expense ratio. Is it cheaper than an We managed fund and NY here. So, you know, there's a lot of cost associated with active funds, you know, you have to have I think you have to fund managers and you have to philosophy and I think the reason why active-passive funds are preferred by some subset of customers is because of the cost aspect, you know, I think passive funds are today. I would say in the US and also in India, you know, I think 1 V 2 once 10th the price of an active fund. So if you're looking at maybe one or two percent in expense ratio, and this is obviously the A plan you looking at 1/5 of that in the past - so I think costs are extremely important. And the reason why cause I important is that I think you mentioned Jack Bogle, you know, I'm a big fan of Jack Jack Bogle and what he said is that you know, I think the guys who ended up, you know, creating wealth over very long periods have guys who are focused on cost and on discipline and passive funds make sure that you're focusing on cost. Yeah, and also you took something very simple and just scale the heck out of it and it worked right? I mean Vanguard that was done amazingly. Well. Yeah, exactly. So, you know, I think And God started in 1976 on this is almost 45 years ago and they launched the S&P 500 which is basically the top 500 stocks in the US and just just imagine you this you learn something and 45 years old you survived and today the sap 500 is actually the largest and the most traded index in the world. You know, you're looking at 800 trillions of trillions of dollars that have been traded on the S&P 500. So, you know, I think what we see in is that you know, the number one Simplicity works. So simple product works better than a complex product and number two a know. I think these products have stood the test of time. So in those 45 years, for example, I would say two-thirds or maybe 3/4 of all active funds have either closed down or merged and maybe one or two have outperformed the Benchmark by Say by one or more percent. So I think I think over really long time periods, you know, you really sort of creating or oh well through passengers. Yeah. And to think about it to put this in perspective like I just did a Google Search right August 31st. 2019. Vanguard is managing Five Point Six Trillion. I mean, that's I think what batik was talking about. So if it's simple think about WhatsApp right how simple the product is they were able to scale it so well and it works. So now that we've talked about the passive world with the let's talk about both y'all's. Alright. So this isn't the first time moti. Lal is actually launching an index fund. You guys actually had a passive one in 2000. 10 so what changed till since then and what do you why do you think you will actually succeed now in 2019 so so great question. So actually, you know, most people don't know this but we've actually been in the passive investing space for almost a decade now, so we actually launched India's first ETF. So India's first smart beta ETF, it was called the most 50 remixed by remixed. I mean you take the Nifty Fifty and you change the wages and I think This mod beta product and we launched in 2010 and actually did recently. Well, we got good sort of coverage in a um spur. I think we know what we realize is that back then the knowledge of what people had about passes was quite low. I think you know, even though this is a passive product, you know, we kept getting phone calls from people asking us who's your manager? Why is he buying this stock? You know, I mean and it's very hard for us to say that was you know, there is no fund manager. And there's we have we have this algorithm. That's driving all decision-making. So I think knowledge is less. I would be honest and that's why I sort of V sort of pivoted to an active strategy which is obviously done pretty well. It's more CO2 beliefs and I think this so this is a this is our second attempt was passives. Yeah. Yeah, perfect. So, you know, I mean, I know you've probably people probably ask you this question like a thousand times. Yeah, but every time I take the flight and land in Mumbai or any other airport, I see like this Motel address. And you don't look at it and smile as yeah, it says it says by right sleep tight. So like active is like the part of your DNA, right? So that's how I know you've been in passive for a long time, but it feels like you're more aggressive now in passive I can say that so why is that? Yeah, so I think so our DNA obviously as you said is is active investing is research its stock picking and I think that is our probably mean still obviously biggest strength and it will continue to be a big strength going forward to I mean I am obviously I mean a very committed and to the MC in but but I think you know, I think the how we see this as you know, every portfolio needs some element of Simplicity, you know, so I'll give you my own example, you know, so I when I was managing money for really wealthy people in the US, you know, what and these guys are like, you know, I mean 25 30 million dollars plus in assets super-rich, you know, these guys are like look relatively older folks and you know, what i is what I saw and these guys have obviously adoptive. Update passive funds for say like 10 20 30 years and what I saw was at, you know, like if passive one or effective one, you would have hundred percent portfolio inactive a hundred percent from passive. But you know, the reality is that you know, almost everyone had a combination of both their combination of some active some passive. So I think what we've seen is that you know, I think every portfolio needs an element of Simplicity and that's why passive comes in and I think for extremely long time periods, as I said, you know, I think the the beautiful pass Civ is not about the returns about it's about the risk and it's about it's it's about longevity. So if you're looking to invest or say 10 years plus you're like 25 30 35 roles. You have a long career looking to invest for retirement. So it makes sense to have some food for you where you know, you're sort of hedged from a lot of these short-term things that happen with active fund managers. So I think yeah and also, you know, I think most people don't realize this but you know, I mean just to be like super sort of direct is that you know, a lot of the music Industry today, you know a lot of funds that I've seen today and this is from my obviously very sort of small-time in the space that I like. A lot of them are like the funds that we have are sort of typically Benchmark our goes by betcha mchuggers. I mean, you know, I think most funds do that 1% 1% down sort of performance, right? Oh, wow. I can't believe you're saying this. I really appreciate your honesty. Yeah, you know, it's just it's just that there's I mean and I think that is something that so in the u.s. They call this decor and these funds have actually have been sort of because when you think about it, you know, a lot of these funds are you looking at, you know, two and a half percent expense ratio, they keep a cash cow lows 5 to 10% and then you have the returning as well. So I think fund manager in those funds has to not now but henna from even now in the future has to outperform and by three to four percent just to match the Benchmark which I think will get harder over time. So and and if you see all of these are those was funds or in all our strategies were actually very Focused, you know all our strategies like very like Focus 4535 very concentrated portfolios where you know, I think I mean investors have seen this when we do outperform we outperform like crazy and we are underperforming so we call ourselves Benchmark agnostic. So we have a bearish caller ID, you know, we're more than happy to take a 0% exposure 90, which I think a lot of people won't be able to I think sand as I think that's where sort of we Fittin we we see ourselves as pure Alpha Seekers and we see ourselves obviously now, we're building a business. That's ston just pure beta. Yeah, you talked about John that active has some bit of churn and some of them have a lot of churn. Yeah, but even the constituents of The Benchmark itself also change, right? So is that something to worry about something to think about? Why does that happen? How does the investor see that? So the constituents The Benchmark the a changing is actually know the most beautiful thing and it's a best part about passive investing is literally why bass investing lakhs, you know, you think about it, you know it today 2005 just take back 2005 even looking at The Nifty Fifty which is the top 15 x know most people most people don't know this but 50/50 was not Financial Services heavy. It used to be industrial infrastructure utilities oil and gas whereas today its Financial Services 35 percent plus and tomorrow. It might be something else correct. So actually what's protecting investors is the fact that the Benchmark changes every say 5 to 10 years time, you know, you make sure that you always have the best quality or the best liquor top stocks in India will always be in your portfolio. So regardless of what happens, you know, so lot of stocks who haven't gone back which haven't gone back to the house in 2008. A lot of them actually haven't gone back to the highs today also, but the Benchmark is that is I would say gone up two and a half times since then. So I think passive most aggrieved because you know, it's I would say it's very it follows Darwinism, you know, which is survival of the fittest and it sort of adapts to changing conditions so you can make sure that if you hold a passive one today, you will hold a best 50 whatever it is. In the future. Yeah, I was actually going to ask you this question. But you sort of already quasi answered. What I was going to really ask is an index fund is not created with any fundamentals in mind, right? That's the point. So there's no bias. Absolutely right? There's no budget on liquidity or market cap or something like that. Right and that may cause some bad companies to just pop in right like the yes tank. May pop in at the fuckin Guinea popping. So isn't that a bad thing? Because you know, there's no fundamental involved. It doesn't Defeat the whole purpose of indexing that these guys me just pop up or is that just part of the game? Yeah. So, you know, I think so most I would say that it is a simple passive funds are weighted between by size. So by sighs, I mean the bigger stocks get motivated. The small stocks can less wastage. Yeah market cap weighted and that's how I would say most of the simple passive on the structured and I completely agree, you know, I mean, I think we're looking at a passive fund you will have like we sample the next 50 the Nifty next 50, which is Stop number 51 200 had guys like the hfl. India was which sort of pull down the returns. So I think that is going to happen. But the beauty about it is that you know, it will get kicked out of the index eventually, you know, so I think the index is very brutal. The index does not have I mean, it doesn't have any sympathy for you. So a company that does not deliver will be kicked out of the index very soon and a company that does deliver we get upgraded very soon. So basically you can expect that. So I think what happens in the active spaces You know a lot of people to do Chase returns chasing returns is like big phenomena, I think and Byron passive, you know, you're picking sure that you know, whenever something does well, it's automatically going on the order and you're sort of waited in that keeps them going up over and I've also seen like the companies that get discarded. There are moved away from the index. Suddenly the liquidity also drops and if some companies just joins the event the liquidity just goes up. So clearly people are following the index like much more than this. You know look in the past mirror key. Oh, this was a bad company, but they will be weeded out eventually. So I think that makes total sense. It's even more reason to do index vest. I guess. Yeah, exactly. So I think and and and just to add to the point, you know, the index 0 is actually quite Diversified in looking at 50 100 200 500 stocks. So one or two bad apples will not really make a big difference your portfolio. And and by the time the Bad Apple makes a difference it gets smaller and smaller and more insignificant over time. So wrinkle that is something that investors shouldn't worry. If obviously they're looking for long-term investing if someone's looking to eventually people go suck them suck them who I don't know that yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah what yeah, so no cool. Yeah, exactly and I mean, you know, I think we've seen so we've been running passive funds and we've had get Anjali gems, you know that has come like that was numbered cap index and it got thrown out. So yeah, I think we've sort of seen that and honestly the index has really suffered over all because of how small or how If it becomes as it sort of loses value, so yeah, so I think the stocks are go up are actually good for the investor and I see they increase in value. So I think that is I think there's entire sort of methodology of you know, how the other stocks move inside make you a lot of credibility. Yeah, you know one thing I really wanted to understand from you. Right? So basically what the managers doing not the managers purple who's looking after the index fund he's taking the money. He's Distributing it according to the weight adjustment. Of the index he's tracking and basically from that he takes a very small expense ratio and that's what he keeps. Now. This expense ratio is much lesser than the active funds like you told me earlier but a few basis points. Does that really matter with you? Can you explain to our listeners how much of a difference this can actually make you mean expense ratio? Yeah, so it's yeah so, you know expense ratio is you know, I think I think it's very important thing to understand that expense ratio does Matter if you're doing it's a for one or two or three years time, but if someone is really investing for a really long time. So suppose a relatively young investor who's a 25 30 35 is entering the market today and wants to invest for a very long time. Then he needs to think about expense ratio because that 1% adds up into something that I've become quite significant over time. This is this imagine, you know, you're paying 1% every year for 30 years, you know, that that becomes half your portfolio over time, you know, so I think expenses important and you know having said that I the compounding effect also is a exactly exactly as a 30% plus compounding will be like a know 40 45 - 50 % So I think yeah, I think Spencer's important and I think you should have some part of your portfolio that is in sort of low cost funds. Yeah, you know this I'll jump to a different topic completely now, so there's one misconception with the that index finds don't offer downside like what retailers here. All the time is O dat will give you downside. Cushioning if the market goes down right and active funds also say that a lot. So how do you respond to that? I mean index doesn't have debt. Obviously, it's pure Equity. So what does that really mean? No, so I think index funds are exactly like active. I mean, they're exactly the same. You know that I saw, you know, I think there's so the way I see it the mutual fund ads come and you have this guy in the in the end saying index funds are subject to Market risk, you know that is literally the definition of an index fund, you know that it's a because because An active fund is subject to Market risk as well as a fund manager risk. So a combination of two whereas index funds are pure Market risk. And the reason why that is absolutely great is because you know who to point fingers to which the market and the market as you know is volatile, you know, so I think the beauty about you know, as you said, obviously I mean in index funds are just like active on so they get could be more volatile. It could be less volatile than active funds. It depends on what the strategy or comparing it to but you know just to just to Let you know that you know most investors today. I am good proportion of them. You know, I think Johnny of portfolio is is is a bit of an issue and the number one reason to why people join their portfolio is under performance and the second one is capital loss with index funds, you know, you don't really have that under performance happening your portfolio. So there's no Julian need to join the portfolio. So I think it's much more stress-free and which is why I think you know, sort of keeping on to the Cycles or Adding onto Investments for second 15 years is much easier than it is say for an active fund where you met underperform you may not know so I think that is why I think nine in the psychology of investor, which I think is key for long-term. Investing is is relatively less difficulty index and I think I think we should also talk about risk of we should you know, so as you know, so yeah, so I'm a big fan of Warren Buffett. You know, I've gone to Omaha, I've seen him speak. They're really got it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think I think every A human who's sort of passionate about investing should really like think about, you know, making a pilgrimage to Omaha because it's such an incredible experience. Yeah. It's a pilgrimage. It's the environment is absolutely crazy. It's not very hard to sort of get a ticket to go there and I think I mean if you think and and I think if you think about it, you know, it sounds like the most boring thing in the world. It's like two old guys talking for 10 hours, but they really really do Captivate your attention. So I think he was learning opportunity. Obviously, you know you Can live see it live stream on Google but I think seeing them in person right from anyway, so the coming back to the point that you know, so Warren Buffett learnt, so he studied under this guy called Benjamin Graham, which we who wrote this really nice book called The intelligent investor, which very hard read by the way, actually, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, but I feel like you know, every time you read you is you learn something new so, you know people who have read it should ideally, you know, I look at such as it is just lean Because I think it's a very it's packed with lot of Simplicity in lot of good insights. And I am one of the insights in the book is is sort of target with your advisor saying that you know, the advisors job is not to manage it on its to manage risk, you know because returns as you've seen, you know mutual fund space. It's very volatile back in like five years ago advisor sold you on 15 to 20% today is 10 to 12% future who knows what'll happen enough but no risk is actually quite consistent, you know as investors we need to think about what A risk we're taking because if you just to sort by return you will end up buying small cap stocks small cap funds which are extremely risky know. So I think the risk is something that's extremely important and index funds are great because because what I have for what we've seen by data is risk is actually quite consistent. So Index Fund raise today was there is ten years ago as being exactly the same whereas an active fund the ranges are massive you can have an active on that as having a standard deviation of 6% You can have a profound as Aviation of 20% and that so you might hold an active fund but you actually or like a large Cap Fund but you might hold the risk of a small Cap Fund, you know, so I think obviously this will go down over time with so now Savvy is come up with certain policies, but I think still I think so risk is is quite consistent which I think know your is much better and secondly, you know, I think investors, you know, so people you know, what I've seen is that I would say 80 90 percent of the people today our focus a lot of a lot of the energy is is towards fun selection you my font selection. I mean they have to decide which one to buy which one to sell which one to John. Yeah, basically strategy they fear strategy rather than a look exactly absolutely most RGS know which this person will is fun. Give me more returns and had fun. And you know, how will I be the Benchmark by all that? But the reality is that you know, I think what what I think studies of numerous Studies have shown that actually long-term returns does not come from which fondue bio. It's actually come from the combination of those funds and that is called asset allocation, you know, so I think investors need to understand the need to a to have the nice the right combination which will so for example, a risk averse investor might have a higher data location. I will ask application. Whereas risk-loving investor, you know who wants to throw make more returns should ideally have more say made a small cap or whatever. So, I mean that is something what kind of allegation would you do predict so depends on the investor, you know the allocation no for your money like if you had to Do it for your money. What would your allocation is? So so in terms of my allocation, you know what I mean? I would definitely have so I have a long way to go. So I have maybe 30 40 year career in front of me. So I will definitely have I would say maybe 40 maybe 50 percent of money and and passive ones and the rest I would probably know during active funds or dead all of that. Yeah. So I think I mean currently, you know, I'll be honest. I mean most of our money is motor has active funds and the reason that is because you know, I think I am biased you know, and and and I know And I understand the group's philosophy and I am fully on board with it. And you know, I know for a fact that you know, I think active funds do well only problem is that most nurses don't have the mental capacity to hold onto and performs too long. So I think I definitely feel in terms of allocations. You know, the younger you are more passive the more risk-averse you are I would say more passive. So you have the Nifty 500 Index Fund you have the mid cap 150 and I see the small cap 250 Index right now. As far as my understanding goes the liquidity dries up maybe in the top 80 top hundred stocks right beyond that the liquidity starts starts to widen. So the bid-ask will widen and liquidity is a challenge. So how do you deal with that as a fun house? Like when money Flows In? How do you how do you actually replicate the index then here? So so I mean you're absolutely right the credit he does rap in India, and I think especially post say the 200 or 250 stock, you know. Is less liquidity than everything the top hundred stocks, but you know, I knew I mean if you look a little Nifty 500, you know, that is literally the One Fund that is that offers you Equity as an asset class, you know buying India's Equity is it's like buying gold buying a quitting would mean Nifty family because your by 96 97 percent of India's market cap. So I think and if you just look at the Nifty 500, you're actually buying 500 stocks, you know, 85 percent or eighty two and a half percent is actually the top hundred. Socks 15% is the mid cap and just like maybe less than 4% is a small-cap index. So the reason the so I think liquid is not challenged at all because you're basically buying because they're not equal exactly. And I mean I equal very index would be would be a huge challenge. That would be impossible not impossible that would be hard to scale up. But I think this is more of a market caps, I think because of the way the index is structured the top guys the guys with the most liquidity the most sizes get maximum sort of wages. So I think that so and we we don't want to be honest we've done we've done back-testing, you know, we've studied the liquidity before doing this and we also are experts and I think what we've seen is that you know, I think barring the small-cap index in all other indexes are actually, you know scalable with the small cap index, you know, obviously the liquidity the the top 50 stocks is is is guess if you had say or 5,000 or 6,000 crowdfund, but I think at our size today, I think we we do Don't have any problems number one and number two, you know, I think if you think about it, you know people have the same issues with the mid cap index 10 years ago. So I think hopefully the India India as as we go will become more liquid the demo trading activity really more investors Remo buying and selling. So I think if you account for all that certainly get back exactly learning it better. So I think we are like babysitting this from a bit of a medium to long-term sort of opportunity one more question about the mechanism of the fund house. Okay. So this is a question of how you actually manage the money. So let's Suppose there was this 2008 situation where suddenly you know, like there's a run on the bank. There's a run on particular find it. I hope it doesn't happen. But let's suppose it does and there are lots of redemptions, right? So how do you actually exit those stock especially towards the tail end, you know, the is that very difficult to do ya know? So so basically, you know, that's the beauty so I you know when you may think of passive funds yeah, there's to sort of formats one is the ETF in one is the index fund. Okay, and ETFs are something that you have to exit right away, you know, so if you get a sell order you have to execute next 15 minutes. Okay, whereas index funds, you know, you have a DNR half to sell all those all your security so, you know, so so so it's basically t plus 3 which is transaction day plus three days is when I have to return my money back to investors. Yeah. So in most I was in 99% of the cases, I will do it in the last half an hour of trading on which to get the end of the sort of price but in certain cases Like we also do the next day and you in terms of liquidity. I can give an example. So we have a ETF called The mid-cap Hundred ETF, which we've been running for the last eight years and we've had investors who had bought and sold, you know, a hundred and fifty a hundred hundred hundred 50 crore worth of stock like just like on one day and then buying organ under so I think we have seen the individuals or institutions design institutions crazy. Okay? Yeah, so we have seen that and we managed to and also we've learned from experience that so we have had good success in your experience. And so right now it's completely automated but but yeah, I think liquidity at the current sort of market cap that size the funds we have is only issue and I mean, we don't see an issue in terms of it because we have time for us to sort of call the inside this if it's completely automated this is really good business as well because not only are you saving money for the customer? I mean it almost costs nothing to actually run it right? That's that's pretty good. It's a win-win for yeah, so the Also automated almost automated I would say there is some small human intervention, but you are index funds are not yet because we sort of sell donning and and hopefully, you know this time next year we'll have sort of automated that but but also I think automation has its challenges because the idea is to lower the cost of trading as much as you can. So I think I my my plan is to not accept the current cost of automation is to lower it down. So hopefully we can make a models better and more efficient. Yeah. I think I experienced in Tech Will. Really help you. Yes. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So I think we're running use has more technology as we can to lower the cost of trading because I think if you lower the cost of trading, you know, the all the benefits so are all the benefits actually goes to the investor not to us because all we'd stand to make is the expense ratio. Whereas everything else goes back to the investor. Yeah, cool. Okay. So let's do a little bit more active versus passive. So one of the heated debates are seen a lot s at least lately people are talking a lot about Ever since passive. So give me the lowdown what are people really fighting about? Is it the investment returns or is it just the difference in cost? I mean, what are they what's the debate really about? I think I think cost is not as big a big an issue as it is about returns, you know, I think investors. I mean if you think about it, no, there are higher cost funds or higher cost structures that are being sold today. And I think you know, the financial services industry is ideally a seller. Of Hope in the hope that you make a lot of money and which is why I think these are these make sense. Right? I mean you do most investors do end up making more money in like in stuff like private Equity or whatever. So I think it makes sense to charge more but I think people are today are more about the returned aspect and I think index is on something that most people sort of compare the Investments to and still I still think it's sort of our nation states today, but I think especially loss To four years, you know, you've seen that lot of active fund managers have not managed to sort of or actually in managed to outperform or The Benchmark which which is which is which is why you know, it's so the theory is that you know, if you cannot become The Benchmark then just by The Benchmark for free, right? So I think people are starting to ask question that you know, should I even give money or should I when you allocate some money to serve actor funds because number one I'm paying more number two. I'm not even getting the returns that I can do it for free or for very low cost so that Is a conversation and and that's the conversation that you know, people have been having globally for I don't know 20 30 years now and it still happens man named if they like the mutual fund industry today in the u.s. Is like 55% passive. You still have like, oh, I mean everyone still debating, you know, people are calling passive investing as a bubble people saying activeness doesn't work. So I think you know from what I know, you know, honestly, I don't don't want to even get into this active versus passive debate because I think that the I see it, you know passive as good as passive is there for Simplicity more than anything else? So the way the and don't know so much low and then choose choose what you like and Vixen. Yeah, exactly. That's exactly right. Yeah, so I don't know I'll be honest why to be supported polarize. Yeah. Yeah. So I think it sort of intellectuals and and and I do agree like, you know philosophically if it makes sense because the market tends to be so I mean the the underlying Theory too Why passive ones make sense is that you know Collective wisdom is better than individual wisdom, you know, so the market is a place where you have hundreds of thousands of people trying to look for Miss pricings trying to create Alpha and if you combine all of them, you know, and then it becomes very hard because all of them are undercutting each other they're fine mispricing the for all of that. So you as an individual, you know, trying to create that becomes very hard in a market where everything is priced in I think that's the philosophy. But you know, I think I'm which which makes perfect sense especially in a market like us where things are a lot more efficient, but I feel like in India. I think that efficiency is still not there yet. No, in my opinion, you know, so especially in like the small cap space or even mid cap or may be the last gasp as you know, there are opportunities where you could sort of, you know pick the right stocks all of that. So I think and and it also depends on size, you know, so managing a 10 grow portfolio was a hundred thousand or ten. Thousand crew portfolio is very different, you know, so your ability to be flexible is actually much easier in a tank reverses. And so I think I think and as we see mutual funds growing from say today 10 lakh crore in a um to 30 40 lakh crore, you know, it will get incrementally harder and harder of the few to deliver out performance or Alpha. I mean, whatever you call it. So the S&P indices versus active is a report called spear as you already know and it basically measures Performance of actively managed funds versus their S&P index benchmarks in India obviously has this partnership. So all the indices we have it says SNP diff teams, right? So it basically will compare Nifty. That's the Benchmark against the active fun. Now if you look at the scorecard and this is for our listeners, but you've obviously already knows and talks about this. If you go back as 2010 over 60 percent of funds, especially in the large cap category didn't beat the benchmark. That's the index. So the question to you predict is is picking a good active fund pretty much a coin toss or is there some skill involved? No, I think what we realize is that it is it is a bit of a coin toss and I think in addition to the coin toss, you know, I think people need to understand that, you know, even the guys who end up beating the Benchmark, you know will underperform because I think getting consistent outperformance in a fund is virtually impossible, you know, so funds will so suppose an active fund is doing Value strategy or a broad strategy and that strategy will work in a different different sort of a market, you know so value might work today, you know growth might do badly today, you know, so I think what we've learned is that you know, I think consistent Alpha is something that you know, you should never expect in a mutual fund. That is number one. Number two, I think you and there is there is credibility in a philosophy, you know, so I think if you look at active funds even though they might not be consistently underperforming and there will be like they go through Cycles where they will underperform. Today or from tomorrow will underperform again. So I think investors are looking to active funds should ideally expect them to know I think be really really sure about the philosophy of the fund manager about the fund house about what they're trying to do and they should ideally not look for returns, but look at their conviction of the fundamental philosophy, you know, so like like this people report, for example, you know, I I mean, obviously that's a great report. It talks about it tells you that know and honestly as PR report is also not completely right? There's no survive. Tobias so I'll give an example this Beaver report in the US says that you know, 90% of passive funds or active funds have underperformed the Benchmark. It's actually much more than that because a lot of funds have shut down or merged over the last 10 years. So the actual number is more like 1995-96 maybe who knows? Yeah, so so yeah, I think the u.s. Is is a is is I think that market is very efficient and even India, I think the efficiency is getting there, but but you know in my opinion I think investors Jurors should spend a little bit more time than just looking at three to five-year returns to be able to you know, like pick the right fund. All right the pain my joy, I think there is more to do more than that because you know, what we've seen is that three to five returns is not a very good metric to figure out the next three to five years. In fact, you know, it might be the opposite, you know, it might be that there's something that there's a term called mean reversion. Basically what it means is that the funds are end up doing really well. The last five years will most probably exactly we come back the mean we'll come back to the market rate. So I think investors need to sort of just be a little bit wary of that and make decisions accordingly. Wow, so good performing funds could just be a blip Eid use. I mean, there's cycle right the cycle for growth is like like the cycle for Value today cycle for Quality, right? If you'd hold if you had any of the top 10 stocks in your portfolio, or if you have a lot of cash, you know, if you take another call holding cash now your phone would have done well, so I think people do You understand go beyond this the returns to understand. What's happening. Yeah. Yeah. I'll a little bit more. I'm going to move away from this and talk about again as an AMC as a business because I really want to understand how the AMC also functions and I think the listeners also want to know so a lot of how Financial Services works is a lot of these products are sold by distributors or advisors, right? And they do a fantastic job. I mean they would go to each person. They would advise. It's just amazing, but one question I had is that Since index funds can't afford to pay high commissions. I mean, how will you actually grow this Market? How does that what's the strategy? Yeah. I mean that's yeah, so that's that's I think one of the sort of obstacles, you know for you to grow this business is that you know, you have to go direct to the customer and then yeah, absolutely. No, no, honestly, honestly, you know, I spent like I would say like 70 maybe 60 70 percent of my time just in education just going on. They're doing seminars trying to present about passive constant make you understand pass the funds are and how they can understand portfolio. So I think the education awareness is what I'm spending. I would say most of my time and the rest on like business see sort of a sort of stuff and I think I think the first barrier is number one education. The second barrier is ecosystem, which you pointed out know, which is I think how do you sell this stuff now because you can't go through intermediaries, you know, no one. I mean we we had so we've done an NFL For funds last month and we've had very little traction with Distributors because obviously the commission which is embedded like it makes sense. I mean, they should be paid for their work hard exactly. Exactly. Exactly. So, you know, I think the battle is number one, you know, so I am not. So anyway, as I said before Financial Services about, you know, like a lot about selling hope so in my case, you know in my case I am not giving commission and I'm not selling hope whereas an active fire there's commission and there's open. Make no money. So so I think there is there there are sort of two sides to this and but you know, I'll be honest I think as customers are getting smarter and smarter as customers are better at cooking stuff out and they are I would say, you know, I mean, I think I think there are so for example in our case, you know, I think the maximum optic happened in the retail investor sort of segments, which I think is very very encouraging. It's it mean it shows that you know, people are getting smarter people are getting more aware of the stuff of these products. Whereas I think hopefully over time, you know, we will get more participation from institutional or hir traditional that category. Yeah, you know, what'd be cool like in 2030 people listening to the podcast podcast. It's a damn man one. Lakh crore is is already a um under passive funds. It was just under a billion ten years ago. Yeah, that would be pretty interesting if that act. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know. I know honestly it's going to happen here. I mean, I mean, I think there is like already we saying missing I think so. I think one big kicker or it is one big opportunity that we see at least with intermediaries is no upcoming. I think so what's happening India Today is a lot of Distributors who were traditional Distributors who's to know, basically get commission. So AMC is a now becoming investment advisors so fuel investment advisors. So basically what that means is that, you know, you're getting you're basically making or you're making your income by a charging a fee to your customer. So basically give you a customer directions and everything, but you're charging me. Money to the customer which I think which is you have to dominate like an advisory exactly advice video. So they know they're paying for this versus the absolute in so I think that's where I think you know, that's why I think I would say I see a lot of opportunity at least the intermediate space because someone who's paying fee understands the value of passive of what it can sort of the very can bring to your portfolio of a customer, you know, I don't have to worry about under performance and have to worry about imagine psychology of investor all of that. So I think that Trend will hopefully emerge, you know, I I mean, hopefully and that I think you're right. I think people will pay for 44 advice because when someone's investing like half their life savings they want good advice so I don't see why they wouldn't pay. But yeah something that's upcoming. You told you guys yes. Yes. Yeah, so that's that's a big driver earlier, but they give you mentioned something on smart meter earlier. Yes, you actually one of the first come first AMC's to actually launch a smart. Yeah fun. Yeah, which I don't think anyone did at that time. Yeah. So yeah. Sorry. He's sorry the question was so What type of a fund was it? And why did you close and also very quickly explain what smart meter means for our listeners? Yes. Yes. So small beta is is becoming or I think it has become a bit of a buzz word especially on India, but I think globally the so how smart meters different from shape so smart, but are still passive, you know, it comes under passive funds but the only difference is that you know, in in sort of low cost or simple passive funds your objective is to match the Benchmark or how the Benchmark as As closely as possible. So give you Benchmark returns. Whereas smart beta actually the Mandate is to have low cost but also the ability to be the Benchmark over time. So you get the best of both worlds, you know, you get so smart. We waited. Yeah, so smartly waited exactly a so basically would change the weight edges of the fund or you would choose a 20 or the 50 or 50 or of the hundred through some sort of algorithm or some automated trading strategy, but the idea is very simple is to be the benchmark. That's busy basement. Beetle came in you know, and and globally it hasn't worked. You know, I'll be honest smart meters a very interesting concept. I think it's a huge opportunity, but from our experience, you know, I mean, I remember telling you that, you know, we had customers calling us asking us how the fund manager is and I'll give you one other example, that knows why I know I knew actually a fund in the US or one of my friends who's working on a fund where Where you know they wanted to create this marketing strategy and the problem is that no the top two stocks that the smart meter strategy through up was like something equivalent to an indiabulls or DHL sort of a thing. So, you know, that is something that and and you can't really do something about it right when it happened. I mean, you can't change the strategy based on what it throws up. So I think that's why I think you know, I think small beta is definitely opportunity, but I think the education towards just pure passive funds is very less and once you know you A lot of people sort of adopting passive, then you can see people adopting smart beta but even then, you know, I think the AUM is mod beta are still quite low Global. Yeah. I mean also I was just thinking for the listener who's been listening for this for almost an hour now, I mean well done you got through this real use a little surprise. I know that's a Theatre that I have here. Like, I'm sure you want to know about ETFs. Yeah, I mean and at this that's why you've Got this for ya. If please explain if someone was yeah, I mean if you can if you can hang out from for maybe some more time, you know, I'm more than happy to talk to you in person. And now that's a huge it you got it. Yeah, I'll put my if someone wants to do this, can you explain how the core satellite portfolio works if I want to construct a portfolio with with with an index fund? How do I yes, I would refrain from telling someone to put all their money and pass the funds. Hundred percent, you know because I think India still early days and even though you have seen some bad performance Factor funds I would say, you know, I guess for the sake of this audience that's listening on the relatively younger folks looking to invest for a relatively long time. So have at least between 20 and 40 percent allocation two passes and they should be across categories. So if I think should be able to large-cap mid-cap I would say and then also again then obviously you can combine that with some active funds and some debt it but I think I think as the younger you are the less debt you should have in your portfolio. So don't have like 60 percent dead body person Equity that's have have basically like at least maybe 60 or 80 percent. I would recommend inequity. This is obviously I mean, this is obviously if you have if you do have short-term goals and please have more dead, but if you have if investing for a very long time and if you have the risk abilities and and and and if you know for a fact and you should know that you know, you will. The markets do correct on and off, you know every 7 to 10 years. So be prepared to lose maybe between 30 and 40 percent of your money, but obviously the pullback is very very short. So I'll give an example, you know, Mark is correct in 92 the markets pulled back very quickly. Then 99 the Y2K Marcus corrected in two years time 2000-2008 markets corrected in a year and a half thousand thirteen people just if we can just like manage their psychology, which I think is the most most difficult part of being an equity investor then I mean you will just absolutely do a great job. Number one. Number two. I think this is I think extremely important, you know, I keep telling a lot of younger younger folks is that the question that they asked me constantly is no when do I invest and you know, I think my response is very simple as early as possible, you know, if you can, you know, invest on the day you're born, you know, you know because because a I invest as always possible, you know, I think The beauty about compounding of power of compounding and that is something a brain human brain is not really doesn't have the job because of exponential's back exactly explain it that we don't have the brain capacity to understand the value of compounding and it is beautiful. I mean, I've seen it and all you do invest. So the money you invest today is going to double triple every single year in 15 to 20 years time every single year. So and the oh you invest the better it is you want so don't people ask me should I invest now? Should I force buy a car buy a house get married? Now I know don't know that invested a you know, I mess up I think even Buffett has this story, right? So they asked him when you started wrestling. Is it 12? He said what's your regret? I wish I started earlier so exactly so and and also, you know, if you've seen buffets income grow, you know as 60, you know, he was not very wealthy like but the compounding effect of his I mean 60 to 90, you know his wealth must have grown some hundred. I don't know how many X but that's what rights the more time you spend investing the more. The more that money is multiplying for you over time. So trick is actually this is maybe this is a bad example, right but I'm a huge fan of Bill Gates. Okay. I know he doesn't invest in equities, but this guy is not even running Microsoft and he's again on the rich list and he doesn't give a shit right now. He's just doing he just doesn't care and he just keeps getting really really because the machine that is Microsoft like it's exponential move has happened in the last 10 years, right and It's just it's beautiful. Yeah, exactly. So Microsoft corrected a lot, but then it's back now and I mean just look at his I mean he was wealthy in 20 years ago, and now in Juice because of pure compounding is again the wealthiest person so I think and what he's done he's done and and guess what? No, Bill Gates is actually sold a lot of us take one last 20 years. So Bill Gates would have been worth I think double of what these work today, but he's actually giving his money money away to philanthrophy. So I think despite giving out say I don't 20-30 percent was The way the last 20 years you still like the richest person. So I think that just shows you that you know doing nothing is the best strategy, you know my job as as as someone who knows something about mutual funds is very difficult because you know, I have to convince people to do nothing and and that's where most of my phone goes so which is why I think you know, if you really like stick to Investments and and don't like worried about the performance and you know, whether it be active or passive, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you hold onto whatever you have and yeah, it's just Is that correct? I think all disciplines. I think that's one thing we're taught I think in school is that if you work hard you'll get better marks but it's maybe just being really consistent for a really long time which in this case is not doing anything. Absolutely. Absolutely I am which is why I know I think people think that you know, investing is Magic and you know, you have to like a invest in these like only like wealthy people make money all that but know that all that is not true. What's a good stock to invest pratik? Please tell me yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I wish I had known but I mean I would have not been on the spot cause if I know and I know so yeah, so there is there is no good stock. You know, I'll be honest people get lucky the and and I have rarely seen people create great wealth using stock stock tips, you know, well making creating wealth is an extremely boring process very boring. It takes forever. It was delayed gratification. And if you doing are you having fun? You're probably doing it wrong. So there is no stock tip according to me. I mean the guys selling you this talk. Tips exactly. What is so interesting the house always been pretty but yeah, so I agree I think stock tips are obviously so, you know, I mean most people do it because they have they like trading which is fine. But what I would tell investors at least like, you know have some Corpus that you trade with but have like maybe 80 90 percent of it that you invest for the long-term. That is that is a good I would say compromise so don't give up rating if you guys if people like to think that's fine, but don't let's like don't don't like But 90% in a vehicle where you can invest for a very long time and obviously then take about 10-15 percent and then that you can create with and see if you can make money there. Thanks for saying 90% cause I know inside you want to say hundred percent invest. Yeah, but thanks for say I mean, it's very hard to be idealistic I think but I think even even to a lot of I would say, well the origin are Triton eyes and I tell them that, you know, put most their portfolio in something as law something that is extremely long term and the rest, you know, you can invest in startups you can invest in structures, whatever. You want correct? But I would say don't like discipline for 90 and then obviously then you can you can maybe experiment with the rest. No, thank you so much for your time. That's a wrap or you can find with econ Twitter pretty koshwal. You can find us learn up on Twitter as well. You can find zero down line. Give us a shout out if you found this interesting. Thank you so much, but they could doing this. Yeah. Thanks a lot. This has been super fun. Thanks a lot. Mutual fund Investments are subject to Market risks read all scheme related documents carefully.
Index investing (passive investing) has become increasingly popular in the last decade across the world. Trillions of dollars have flown out of active mutual funds into low-cost index funds. But in India, these are still early days for indexing, we just have about Rs 7700 crores in index funds. Although Rs 1.6 lakh crores is invested in index exchange traded funds (ETFs), most of it from the Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) and retail investors predominantly invest in index mutual funds. In the past few years, there has been small by steadily increasing chatter about the merits of low-cost index funds in India. Given the growing underperformance of actively managed large-cap funds, there also seems to be a growing realization that low-cost index funds may be the best way to get large-cap exposure. In the last few months, Motilal Mutual Fund has launched a suite of index funds tracking the Nifty 50, Nifty Next 50, Nifty Midcap 150, and Nifty Smallcap 250, and Nifty 500 indices. In this sweeping conversation with Pratik Oswal, Head - Passive Funds at Motilal Oswal Asset Management Company talks to Prateek Singh (Founder of LearnApp) about:  How he got started in finance  What are index funds and how do they work? The basics terminology of index funds Impact and importance of costs when investing in mutual funds His take on the active vs passive debate Are index funds the best way to get large-cap exposure? Liquidity concerns in midcap and smallcap stocks Growth of index funds in India Scope of smart beta funds in India Portfolio construction with index funds Motilal's previous experiment with index funds Note: The latest AUM in index funds is Rs 7717.16 crores. When the podcast was recorded it was just a little over Rs 6500 crores.
On today's episode. I want to talk about DJ kipske and sent ableism denim DJ releasing their Prime for Standalone player finding a balance between paying your bills and working on your craft and a lot more. This is the Sheridan College podcast for DJ's for the last 26 years. I've been rocking stages playing clubs and having a lot of fun as a DJ and turntablist. And in that time I've seen and learned a lot now it's time for me to share that knowledge by answering the questions that can help you become a better. DJ. I'm DJ t11 and this is the share the knowledge podcast DJs. What's going on? Welcome to the Sheridan College podcast for DJ's. I'm your host DJ tlm and this is episode 4 for 2019. If you're not familiar with my podcast, this is my Q&A show for DJ's where I try to answer as many DJ related questions as possible using my 25 plus years of experience and hopefully I can add some value to the DJ Community by doing this now every week. I'm going to gather questions. I take questions from the comments section of my YouTube Channel DJ TL MTV and I The weekly topic or my Instagram as DJ tlm on Instagram and that's why I asked for questions. Now, I got some great questions. We have some great topics for the day. Like I said, I want to talk about kipske as sent ableism. So if you haven't heard of same table as before, make sure you stick around for that. I'm going to talk about denim DJ releasing their new 4-channel Standalone player and controller the prime for and I want to start with a question a great question about being able to pay your bills. While you're building your DJ career, I want to send a shout out to the sponsor of today's episode bands oogle and for more info about bands you go. Make sure you check out the links in the description box down below and I'll add some info later on during this episode. So let's get into that first question. And like I said, this is all about building a DJ career, but at the same time being able to pay your bills. So let's get into that question. And the question is I've been playing at this club for free for almost a year now just like you did. I've had a couple of paid gigs throughout An 18mm made good connections. I left my part-time job and decided to go full time with DJ. I don't want to take paid gigs where I have to play music. I don't like and don't enjoy. I'm at a point in my career where I want to build my brand and my skills, but now money is an issue. Can you please talk about how to maintain paying bills while doing what you love even if it's not making enough money. How did you do it back then when you played for free, so that's a great question agree topics are really really want to spend my time on this one and go through everything that was mentioned in this question. So let me just start with that beginning first. He's been playing out of club for almost a year now for free just like I did I need mention that this is something that I've told many times on YouTube and also during the podcast episodes at the beginning of my career. I was given the opportunity to play on a weekly basis at a jam session for free. I would DJ in between the band sets and I would play like the last part of the night. And this was not like a long long night, but every week I would have a couple of hours not to me. This is still one of the best decisions I ever made because during that time I did not have a lot of gigs and look you can practice all day at home, but you're not going to learn two things that you can learn when you're playing in front of people and during my time there I learned so much in that experience is priceless. So let me just sketch the scenario real quick. This was a weekly jam session. That would have live musicians. They would have vocalists. This was really like an R&B soul Funk type of vibe. They would sing like some of their own songs. They would freestyle. They would jam and I would play in between now mind you at that time. My crates were 85 to 90% hip-hop and the other 10 to 15% was R&B, maybe a little bit of Soul Funk and to dance all records. I did not have a hip-hop crowd. So they liked R&B soul Funk and they didn't mind a bit of hip-hop, but it Not a hip-hop crowd. That means that I really had to learn right then and there on the spot how to entertain a crowd like that. So I had to know my music and I would find every hip-hop track that would have liked the RMB is hooking their I would look for every song that had like a lot of like Soul Funk samples a lot of the more melodic stuff anything that I could use to entertain and rock that crowd and I don't have to learn how to read that crowd and test track so I would play a track. Yes. It's Working let me find something else in that Vibe or no. It's not working. Okay, let me try something else. So that was a great learning opportunity and I learned a lot so that's all good. And it's a good thing you did that because I can bet that you learned a lot doing that. Now you also had a couple paid gigs in the last year. That's pretty cool. But here's the part. I want to get into you left your part-time job because you decided you want to become a full-time DJ those Two things don't necessarily go together. You can become a full-time DJ as still have a part time job. Let me explain. I know plenty of DJ's especially back in the days that I would see on the weekends. They would have gigs every weekend but they had a nine to five and I mean, I knew a lot of DJ's who would do that. They would have the safety security of a 9 to 5, and basically they had a paid. Be in the weekend now. They were professional DJs. I mean, they really knew how to play their we're getting paid for their gigs, but DJ was not their main thing like that because they still had their job so you don't have to quit a part-time not even a full-time or part-time job because you want to become a full-time DJ and more importantly. How are you deciding to become a full-time DJ when you hardly have gigs right now see the more logical approach would be to But job so that could be a part-time job or a full-time job. And at the same time you still have enough time to build your brand practice your skills and all that. Once you start to get enough gigs. That's when you can even consider to stop working and to DJ full-time because yes you have bills to pay so it doesn't really make sense to cut off the thing that is earning you your money right now. To start doing something that's not bringing you the money right now. So I hope you understand what I mean by that. So if you following this and if you did the same thing, let me know in the comments section down below how you approach that situation. But to me, that is the more logical approach now, I'm going to skip to the end of the question because your question was also how I did that back then I was in a different situation because at the time that I had that gig for a year, I was still living at home. That means that I did not have a lot of the responsibilities and bills that come with living on your own and having to pay for a lot more. So for you young ones out there that are in hurry to leave the house and get away from your parents if your relationship with your parents is good. I would not be in a rush to get out of the house as soon as you turn 18 if you can stick around for a couple of years longer and that means that your bill stay lower that will Give you time to in the meantime. Hopefully build your brand and build your DJ career and maybe then you can move on that's just my opinion. I know some people totally don't agree with that. Now. Look if your relationship with your parents is not good you want to get out of there as fast as you can understand, but if that's not the case, it could be a very good situation to stick around for a little bit longer. So I hope you understand. My situation was a little bit different now when it comes to choosing to go full time deciding to become a full-time DJ it. My case that decision was never consciously made this is something that really naturally happened. So I had paid gigs before I did that freed gig. I just didn't have many paid gigs during the time that year that I had that free weekly jam session gig. I also had a couple of other paid gigs as well. So the paid gigs did start to come I was promoting myself heavily through mixtapes that I was like selling on the street. They were being sold at a couple of stores. I I was making a name at the same time. I was also starting to do shows with brain power. I mean, we're in gear 21 right now. So I started to also get a little bit of notoriety as being like a tour DJ and we would practice for our performances. So that started to take up time doing gigs with him getting paid for those gigs. I started to do my own events with other DJs and that started to take up a lot of time because we were organizing the events at that time. We did not have the Internet so we will spend a lot of time on promotion meaning I would spend three to four days a week standing outside of clubs at closing time to hand out flyers. We would design our own Flyers bring them up and then we would go to all the venues where people would go that like the same type of music we were playing and we would be handing out fliers. So we would stand outside the club at 4:00 a.m. We would be handing out flyers. So doing all of those things that Together really didn't leave a lot of time to do anything else and the money slowly but surely started to come in. So my actual career and becoming a full-time DJ it basically just happened to me this started out of passion. This was something I just love doing and if I didn't make a cent with it, I would probably still be doing it but I would have to find something else to take care of the financial situation. So if my career did not go the way that it did go I Have to find a job and I would be DJing at home in my spare time. That's just what it is. So look, there's another thing in there. You just said that you're at the point of your career where you want to build your brand and skills. I don't truly understand that statement either because if you're just at home having fun, you're still practicing your skills. And if it's something you love doing, you're still constantly trying to become better. That shouldn't be a point in your career where you're designing that you need to work on your skills building your brand. That is the decision that needs to come to you in the beginning. You just having fun if you want to take it more. Seriously. Yes, you have to understand that you have to treat yourself as a brand. So I understand that part and that is something you can truly do while you have a job. We have the internet nowadays and that allows us to do a lot of things that we can do at any given time. So it's not something you need to be doing in the daytime. You could do that after your job after school, whatever it is. But the most important thing here is if you have financial responsibilities, you have to make sure those are taken care of while you're also building your DJ career. So if that means that you have to take a part-time or full-time job, depending on how much money you need to earn you need to make sure you do that, but you will still have plenty. Plenty of time to work on your DJ career. And if you ever get to the point that you can tell like okay, I have so many gigs rolling in right now. I have more than enough gigs to pay all my bills and then some then you can decide if it's a good idea to quit that job and just do DJ. That's the safest way to go about it. And this is not about playing it safe and not taking risks. You can't take risks. But if you have responsibilities you have responsibilities, you have to take Of those as well. So I hope that helps you out and if this is something that applies to you, so if you came to a certain point where you could tell that it was now time to quit your job and just go all out into DJing. Let me know in the comments section how that went. Really share your stories because those stories can help people out as well. Not everyone started from the same situation. So it would be cool to hear how you did it. You just checked out a video clip for my share the knowledge podcast. I If this video brought you some value if you like this video make sure you like it and share it share the knowledge. Now. If you want to check out the full audio episodes of the podcast you can do that by following the links in the description box down below to check it out on anchor SoundCloud iTunes Spotify Google podcast. You name it? If you're new to my YouTube channel, I do a lot of DJ related content, like tutorials tips and tricks interactive scratch sessions product reviews. You name it. So consider subscribing and activating notifications so you don't miss out on any of my future videos on the For tuning in and I'll see you next time right now. I want to talk about a DJ from the Netherlands like myself called DJ kipske and I've known DJ kipske for close to twenty two years now. We used to compete in DJ battles back in 97 and 98. So that's way back and DJ kipske was and is one of the illest turntable is that we have here in the Netherlands now during that time a lot of DJ's that I still know to this day used to compete in those. Competition shout out to DNS DNS and I used to be like battling it out. One time. We came in second. So we had to share the second place kipske came in first kipske came in first the next year and I think one more year and then he wasn't allowed to compete again because he was just on a higher level compared to us. So especially when it came to the cuts and his rhythm. He was just ill with it. He also has a drumming background like myself and that truly helps out of you could You would when you heard his routines now tip ski competed for a couple more years. I think he did a couple more battles won DMC a couple of times, but after that he went more the musical route and he started to actually perform with musicians. So he would have his DJ set and he would actually perform with musicians. He performed with orchestras and did all sorts of projects. He did a project with these Styles a lot of different things. Was always experimental and at a certain point he decided that just manipulating samples and and scratching wasn't enough for him anymore. And he got into something that not a lot of DJ's are into and that is called synth ableism. Now, you might have never heard of sent ableism before we know turntablism. You might have heard the term controller is MM. Of course with the portable turntables. You got portable ISM now you can already tell by the name since Ableism yes that is using a synth a modular synthesizer and a turntable setup and you're combining all of that to create and perform music. Now, I'm not going to attempt to get into the technical aspect of it because even though I've seen him do showcases he's explained it to me. I understand the concept but explaining it is still a little bit tricky for me, but I did an interview with It keeps key for DJ City and I'm going to link that interview. So you can check that out on the DJ City blog where we talked about sent ableism how he got into it and some of the upcoming projects He has going on look. It is experimental. I'm sure it's not for everyone, but if you're currently kind of stuck so you've been practicing for a lot of years. Maybe you've mastered the skills that you wanted to master and now you're For new challenges or you want to like find new ways to express yourself musically using your turntable sent ableism is something that could be worth taking a look at because it's taking it to a totally different route and it really allows you to be very Musical and at the same time you can still incorporate some of your DJ skills as well. So DJ kipske, I'm going to link the interview and I'm also going to link his latest single and the Single is also on Spotify you name it but he made a video where he's performing that single instant ableism Style live. So you want to make sure you check that out as well all of the info in the description box down below check it out. So what I want to talk about right now is a question. I received out of Sri Lanka and it is about the need for vijay's lighting Engineers sound engineers and all of that. So, let me just go through the question first Hey DJ tlm were Duo from Sri Lanka and we've seen Many of the leading DJ's have their own vijay's lighting engineers and even sound Engineers are question for you is should upcoming DJ's have their own crew like we mentioned above or should they focus on only the music because we see that people like Martin Garrix have about 30 people to do things while he's on stage. So I asked them on Instagram. Are you using vijay's or at least are You using visuals and lighting and stuff like that? Because if you don't use that, then you definitely don't need that crew. So their answer was well, here's the thing. We currently don't have those people but we believe that if our music visuals and lights are in sync. We deliver a better experience for our audience. Let's just take it from that perspective. If you're a DJ and you want to take it Beyond just playing your music and you want your performance to also incorporate. Jules let's just start with visuals. There are ways that you can do that by yourself. There are ways that you can use your equipment to just add a couple extra things and control visuals. So let's just say you're using Cerrado you could have sarado video and that way you could have some visuals but if you want to have like a visual show and lights and everything there it would probably be better to have someone to do that. Now that most likely will come at a price. Ice or you need to find someone who's willing to see it as like an internship. So if you have someone who's studying lighting and stuff like that and you offer them an internship where they have the opportunity to gain experience by going with your with you to your shows and helping you out and setting up your light show or visuals. So maybe you can find some people who meet the experience and they can learn during Shows that means that you're not getting an experience Vijay or lighting engineer. But if you want to get someone with experience, it's probably going to cost you. So if you're a beginning DJ, are you in a situation where you can afford to hire Personnel when you're probably not even going to get paid a lot for your own performance. I doubt it. I highly doubt it if you're an upcoming DJ that money is not coming in yet. So if you're in a situation that you actually have some finances And you can invest you could do that. I don't know if it's going to help you out in that beginning stage. I'm not sure but if you really want to incorporate all of that stuff. Yes, you probably need someone now. I've done a lot of tours with brain power where we were touring with like a full band and for certain tours, we would have the light engineer. We would always have the sound engineer and we would have a monitor engineer. So you would have someone at the front of the house they would take care of the sound that the audience is Ring and at the side stage, we would have our monitor engineer taking care of the sound on the stage, especially if you're with a whole band, so we have like seven eight nine people on stage. I would have a migraine prior had a mic. Sometimes there will be like an extra MC. So three mics musicians you name it in that case you want to make sure that you have people that take care of the audio, but all of that costs money now what I'm talking about those shows were brain power. And that's not a beginner stage. We were we were definitely in an advanced stage. So we were doing like Big Show's 10,000 people 20,000 people large stages. That's a different situation. We were not doing that when we were doing our first shows 21 years ago. We would maybe have one person there to take care of the audio and that was also the person driving us and you name it and sometimes we would do it ourselves and we would not do Lights and just be like, okay, whoever you have who controls the lights that's the person doing the lights because that's just what it is and you're beginning stages. You're not really working on that yet. So it's a personal choice. If you have the option if you have the finances to do it you could do it. I don't know how important it is in your area. But if you believe that it can really deliver a better experience and meaning that it's going to improve the chances of Of you getting more gigs than that could be an option. But for most beginner DJ's I would not start thinking about hiring extra Personnel yet. All right, I want to talk about connecting with people and social media. And yes social media is a reoccurring Topic in my videos and the podcast you name it, but of course it is a fact social media is something that you cannot ignore if you want to network connect build your brand you name it. This question here is all about that. Though we live in a time that social media allows people to be connected all over the world. What are some tips to build connections with other DJ's that aren't in your area or even country through relationships matter more than any platform love God love people. The answer to your question is basically in your own question because you're asking how you can connect with DJ's that don't live in your area or country. But right before that you say social media allows people to be connected all over the World, there's your answer you can use social media to connect with DJs from all over the world. And if that connection can lead to a true relationship that is up to you because you say that true relationships matter more than any platform. So I guess you're talking about that true friendship is more important than being friends on Facebook and like being connected on LinkedIn is not the same thing as actually connecting with people I guess. That's what you're saying something like that. But you can use social media to make the connection once you make the connection. So once you find the people you would want to connect with and you reach out you can build from there. Now. Look social media has been probably the biggest reason why I have a global audience will not probably it is the biggest reason why I have a global audience my YouTube channel. It's I don't even know. The current number but it's like over a hundred and forty thousand subscribers the largest percentage of all of the subscribers and viewers are not from my country. Like if you look at the percentage that is from the Netherlands where I am is that small and the rest is really from all over the globe. So social media has allowed me to present myself to the rest of the world and in the last year's allowed me to Value to a lot of people's careers being in the first stage or later stages of their career all of that happens through social media. So to me it is a great way to connect and to share now most of the subscribers and viewers. I do not have a close connection with them. I mean certain people I definitely recognize the name. They leave more comments you name it, but there's also people that I met through the Videos, so they're video for instance was an introduction. That's how I first found out about them. And then later on we connected through social media. So let me give you an example DJ Angelo now if you've been watching DJ tutorials on YouTube, you've probably heard of or seen DJ Angelo I found out about DJ Angelo through YouTube. I saw one of his videos and that was one of the main Inspirations that made me want to make quality tutorials for YouTube salute the DJ. Little I did not know him. I just saw the videos really like the videos vice versa. He found out about me through one of my videos so we knew each other without actually connecting yet at that time at a certain point through social media. We connected because through Instagram through the DMS we connected we were both doing showcases at - fair in the Netherlands like couple of years ago. So we connected again through social media He was living in the UK. I was living in the Netherlands and then we met each other there. We chopped it up for a while talked definitely a cool brother. Then we didn't speak for quite some time that dude was busy and touring all over I was doing my thing here and we already had the connection at that time. So later on we just connect it again through the DMS and since then I've seen him a couple of times and we've actually like built that into a relationship like that's one cool, dude. Dude, we're going to be meeting up and doing stuff in the future. So that will happen. I can I can't really say more about it because there's not more to say but that is something that will happen. But I consider that like one of those relationships that started through social media with someone who lives in a different country. So that's the thing and look you can't choose to start like a true relationship with someone before you meet them. Em so you can connect with people and I've connected with plenty of DJ's that were like in Amsterdam for a day and then we just hooked up for for a minute or I took him to a club and with certain people. It's like yeah, they're cool. But there's like no connection to different type of people which is fine, but that won't turn into somebody who you like stay in contact with other people. It might be the case that you like. Yo, we're definitely on that same level. Alessi, we can do something together, you know that can happen but you can use social media to make that happen with people that don't live in your country or area. So that is your answer. That's who makes it easy to build a stunning website for your music and minutes. You can choose from hundreds of mobile friendly themes and then customize your design and content in a few clicks with bands. You was easy visual editor know all the features you need for professional website are already built in including tools to sell your music and merge Commission. 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All right, I want to get Into this I've talked about song request before so you hopefully already know my stance, but just to sum it up real quick song request can serve a purpose at certain points if I'm playing at an event and I have no idea what this crowd is feeling because they're not reacting to anything at that point a song request might send you in the right direction, but in most cases, I would rather just play my set because a large percentage of the people are just going to request songs that I'll play anyway order actually. Requesting songs that just don't make any sense because it's a genre that does not fit the genre that I'm playing or it's just totally the wrong Vibe or tempo for that moment. Those people are only thinking about themselves. They're not even watching the rest of the crowd. They're only there for them and they feel that they should hear what they want to hear at that time. I try to spend as little time with those people as possible. So song requests, sometimes I like him most of the times I rather not hear them. I have one simple way how I handle song request 9 this case. The questions are about people requesting the songs that totally don't fit and how I deal with that. I've talked about that before I'll explain that in a minute. The other question here is how to deal with wax on request from Moody guests. And this question here also has how do you personally feel about people that stick their phone in your face with a request? So how I generally deal with song requests that I don't want to play is I'll just politely tell you know, I'm not playing that I tend not to add an explanation because most of the times it's going to fall on deaf ears. So if I would explain that the song doesn't fit the vibe that I'm in right now. They probably don't understand and then it's going to turn into a master class where I have to explain to him how how things work with Tempo on Vibes and energy. I don't have time for that. That's not what I'm there for if it's a song that I just don't play because I totally don't like it. I might just add know. I don't play that song. I don't like that song even then it leaves room for debate. I'm not waiting for that because a lot of people still feel that you're a human jukebox and you're supposed to play what they want to hear when that's totally not the case for me. Yes. I'm there to rock the crowd, but I'll rock that crowd with a my selection. That's why I'm here. If they want a different type of selection. They need to book a different DJ every DJ can do what they want to do. That's my philosophy. I do not play tracks. I do not like simple as that in the past. I would add more excuses or I would say. Oh, I can't find it. I don't even go through that trouble anymore. I'll just tell you like no, I don't play that and I'll try to do it in a polite way. But if it's like a request that makes absolutely no sense. If I can't help it. I might give you a look that that just tells you that it's a stupid request, but I'll try to be polite and chill and continue to do what I'm doing now in the case of Moody drunk aggressive type of people. How do you deal with that? I always try to stay professional and calm. So if someone is already giving me an attitude, I'll try to keep it short again. If I see that it's not working and they're not leaving the first thing you should think about at that point is to find security or let someone call security now. I understand not every venue will have security. But I hope most of the places you play do have some sort of security. Preity even if it's just a small bar and it's the owner of the bar. There should be someone who's responsible for that club venue or bar around and you need to just let those people know like look I'm having a real hard time doing what you book me to do. I'm trying to rock this crowd and these people are interfering with my performance, please. Can you do something about that now the club's where I normally play they have security so that Be taken care of look if security is not there yet and someone gets too aggressive. You might be in a situation where you have to defend yourself now. Luckily. I've never been in a situation where I had to wear a song request turned into an altercation that hasn't happened happened yet. I did put one or two people in their spot one time. I remember one woman came in to a smaller bar was playing at and she just came in took a fur coat and she just threw the code over the DJ booth and it landed right on top of my turntable. Needle went off the record. I was like in shock for a second like wait a minute what just happened and the people standing next to the booth. We're looking at me like what so I just took that jacket off threw that away and my first response was I went into my library real quick. I was using Cerrado at the time already selected attract. Everyone was looking because the music stopped so I basically had everyone's attention. Tension a lot of people saw what had happened. So I grabbed that track took it to the beginning and I cut it in and that was a bitch is a Bitch by NWA and that crowd new to track understood the joke. So they started laughing at her and people started calling her to be word as well. So that was my way of getting back at her but in most cases I probably wouldn't even do that. If it's a drunk person he put him on the spot like that chances are they're going to More aggressive now. I'm not scared of anyone but it would not make sense for me to try to instigate something that's going to take away from me being able to do my performance because if I make someone extra angry and it turns into an altercation, I probably won't even get to finish my set. So I don't want that I came there to have fun that people have fun. So I want to stay as far away from negativity as possible. And if there is negativity, I want that to be resolved as quickly as possible. Well, but not by me security should do that. That's basically what I do now people sticking the phone in your face. I haven't had that happen. I do have people that come up to the booth and they extend their arm so that you can read it if it's like not all over my equipment or in my face. I might even take a peek and see what song it is and if I can see I might give him a look like nah, or like dope. I'll play that later something like that. If it's a request that I feel is going to Nope, because sometimes you do get inspiration from a request. You see a song totally like oh and that would be a dope song to play. But at all times I try to maintain professional not less someone else's attitude change my attitude because if I change my vibe, so if someone is able to make me aggressive, I'm probably not going to be in the party mood anymore and it's going to be harder for me to focus on what I came to do if you're mine. Is somewhere else and if you're not feeling the vibe anymore if you mad or whatever that's not going to help you to perform, so would not be in your best interest to get angry. But then again if someone would be drunk or agitated and threw a drink on my laptop, I can't guarantee that people are losing teeth that night. Yes. All right, so let's talk about it didn't DJ has finally announced their brand-new 4-channel Standalone player 2 Prime for I received a bunch of questions. Is about this people want to know how I feel about it. And one of the questions also is should I buy now or wait for any bugs to be cleared up? So first of all, I have to say finally because I'm privileged to be in a situation where Brands will share information with me ahead of time, but they keep a tight lid on it. So I signed nda's all the time that prevent me from sharing this information before it becomes public. So now the press release is out and we can finally talk about this. I was in a position to see touch and yeah, just get a first look at this unit quite some time ago and I really liked what I saw then so I can't wait to do like the full test. I kind of fell in love with the Standalone players with the XD J RX 1 + r x 2 I that are X2 here like four or five months ago. I did a review. I know I still have to edit it. I shot the entire thing. Hopefully, I'll have it out soon, but Absolutely love it. I took it to a couple of gigs gigs were brain power full band Big stages. You name it and being able to take that stand alone player out put it on the booth the table that they had for me connect the power XLR Booth flash drive done good to go. The jog Wheels were pretty cool on that not as good as the DJ 1000 but they felt definitely felt good I could perform with that easily. So I really liked it. Even though I'm a Cerrado guy. I like that. My laptop screen like a lot of real estate a lot of visibility screen on the are X1 or X2 was definitely definitely good now with this Prime for I don't know if you've seen the pictures or videos you probably have that screen is something else. I really like that screen. I'm not normally a 4 Channel DJ but having a standalone player that has the 4 channel option is just it's a plus. It's always a good thing. You got a couple more channels. I really liked. I saw then it has a lot of features a lot of functionality certain features that are probably great for the mobile DJ's wedding DJs situations that I probably won't run into but the fact that it has like a separate output that you can send to a different room and you could choose channels on that player to send audio from those channels to another room while you use your main channels to go through go to the rumors you're playing in so I'm not a wedding DJ, but just imagine that you have everything set up in the main. Main party room where the party is going to be and at the same time there is a second area. Where in the daytime maybe the reception is there but after doing the party there's something else in that room. You could sell like a mixtape to that room from the player while you're using the other channels to play at the party. I'm just imagining this just from the top of the head. I normally don't play in situations where I have to provide audio to different rooms, but you could do that with that player. It's going to be a controller as well. They already announced that it's going To be fully compatible with Serato DJ. I don't think that's working now, but I guess pretty soon. We're going to have a Cerrado update and then they'll be compatible and then you have a 4-channel sarado controller and with that screen. You can probably just connect your laptop leave it on the side and still use that screen to get all your survival information browse through the tracks. You name it. You can record your sets with a flash drive or an SD card that you put in there. It has space for like a large large. Hard drive so you can have really like a big part of your collection in the unit. I saw a lot of things there that are pretty dope and they haven't even announced everything. That's all I can say about that. I yeah, I think they're going to be more announcements but I really liked what I saw and I can't wait to test it. Now. This question here is should I buy now or wait for any bugs to be cleared up now look when it comes to modern day Tech especially from Brands like Denon, they have like their latest that the whole Prime series is like quality. I have Desi 5,000 as he 5000m here. I have the VL 12 here. Those things are like build well and that Prime fool was built well as well, so I wouldn't worry too much about that. Now when it comes to bugs a lot of new equipment might have small bugs same with like new software. It might have bugs but a lot of times you see now that with one software update or one firmware update they can like eliminate bugs. And you see that same thing with like Cerrado you get updates all the time. And every time you get update you see the their small bug fixes. So a lot of these Brands will constantly continue to improve what you already have. Now. Let me give you one example and this it's not a DJ example, but just to show you how it works with tech now a couple of months ago DJI, they make drones and gimbals they came out with a new small gimbal camera called the osmo pocket super small. But it has a 5 axis stabilization in there doesn't matter. It came out. It was pretty dope. But I think the autofocus wasn't that well and the audio from the onboard mic was pretty terrible not even a week or two later. They come came out with a software update after that the mic sound of like three four times better through a software update. So if that Prime for has any bugs, I can't see how they wouldn't be able to fix that with like a simple. 8 so I'm personally not really that worried about it. If this was like a totally new brand that I've never heard of before with like new technology that we've never seen before maybe I want to make sure that I see it first like I don't want to get into that discussion. But if you look at Phase phase was denounced like over a year ago people pre-ordered I think close to a year ago and they had to delay the delivery because certain things were not ready yet. So that's like a totally new thing in that case. I'll probably wait until that first batch comes out and then you can see if you start to hear the feedback and everything's great. Then it's great. If it's not great. You want to take a look to see if what is causing the problem is being fixed fast enough with the problem for I don't think there's anything to worry about but I can't wait to get mine and test it. So hopefully that'll happen soon. Alright, so I'm going to talk about something that a lot of DJ's that are currently playing at home. Home have to deal with that at a certain point and that is going from their home set up to the club set up now for a lot of you if you're using controllers at home with certain gigs, you might get the opportunity to bring your own controller and use that but you're going to end up in situations where you're going to play in clubs that either don't allow controllers. I hear that happens, but in most occasions date might not have room for your controller because their Booth is like fixed they have a DJ set. There maybe they have like cdjs and turntables Cerrado you name it but it's there and you can use your controller. So you're going to have to use the club set. I have a question that relates to that and the question is I'm about to play at a gig where they have cdjs and that's going to be my first time I've been playing with the ddg-1000 for a while now. Is it going to be familiar to play with the cdjs after the DJ 1,000 now in that case it's going to be pretty easy because you're dealing With a controller and that controllers from the same brand as the stuff that you're going to play Within the club DJ 1000 is Pioneers cdjs our Pioneer and a DDJ 1000 actually really resembles what those cdjs are. So that's going to feel super familiar because it's going to look the same but you're going to have to make sure that you just do a little bit of research to make sure that you know where the functions on that player are and that's the thing. I want to talk about you can have an entry level. Fowler at home that's going to be limited when it comes to its features but all of the basics that you need to mix 2 DJ are going to be the same on all of these players and controllers. You're going to have your start stop. You're going to have your pitch slider you're going to have probably a jog wheel you're going to have like some cue points or hot cues on your controller and you're going to find those same things on the players in the club. If you see the CDJ, it's going to have a start-stop. It's going to have pitch and it's going to have like hot cues. Now. There are a couple of more features, of course, but the main things you need to play our knowing how to select songs. So you need to make sure that you know, how you can select songs on a player. So you have the CDJ you need to know how to browse if you're using the SC 5000 you need to know how to browse and if you know that how to find your songs and select them then you know, I need to know how to press play and how to change the pitch and that will allow you to mix then. Of course, you have the mixer section. If you have a controller, it's all in one if you're using a mixer in the club that mixer might look a little bit different but it's going to have channel faders. It's going to have EQ above the channel faders and probably above that. You're going to have your trim gain, whatever you call it the volume for the channel and hopefully it has a crossfader. Are the crossfader always is that's going to be the same on controllers and mixers. It might look a little bit different because the mixers bigger than your controller, but if you make sure that you know, what is at the venue so you might have a sb3 at home. But if you know that you're going to be playing on se5 thousands and the x 1800 by Denim and you never play on that before all you need to do is go online look at one. Introduction video where they tell you what the player is and maybe look at one tutorial video that will show you. Okay, that's play. Okay, it has like seven thousand extra buttons. Do I need to use those for what I'm going to do? No, not really. Okay. Let me skip those for now. Let me find all the basic features first. All right play is there how can I listen to my track on that mixture? Okay to Q is there how can I change that volume cool, how do I browse the songs? How do I Change the pitch. Where are the cue points and if you like Loops, how can I set a loop? Look it up so that you know where it is. If you need to you memorize that you have a photo on your phone and take a look at it if you now and then but if you already know how to mix all you need to know is where you're familiar features are on that other device. Now, of course, it's going to take you a second to get used to it. Every jog Wheels going to feel different every pitch slider is going to feel different every channel fader crossfader might feel a little bit different. But at the end of the day it are all they're all the same features. You need the same things to make your transition happen. So at the end of the day you should be able to play on anything if you make sure you do that little bit of research. So I hope that helps you out and if you've ever been in that situation where you had like the controller at home, and then you went to the club and you play with different equipment. How did that work out for you? Let me know in the comment section down below. All right. So this is an interesting question. I like this. This takes me back in time and the question is how to fix Warp vinyl I want a new copy of super seal 3D and it was delivered a bit warped making it impossible to scratch on one side. Yes. I've been in that situation. Of course. I used to buy vinyl all the time. I was at the record stores all the time and every now and then you would have a copy that will be warped. So we'll be kind of bent and if you put it on the turntable, it will be like lopsided and if you turn it around it will be kind of hollow. And if you had your hand on one side, the other side will go up the needle. Fly it didn't work. You need that vinyl to be straight. Now the big hole in the middle. That's a different story. Your whole could be like too big. We used to just put stickers in there to make it smaller. So you get a nice fit that's going to eliminate a lot of the side traction. You might get otherwise. Well when it comes to warp vinyl, there's a simple solution that I use to apply and that is you want to make sure that you put your vinyl and its cover on a flat surface. So the floor is perfect. And then you want to put something on top of that that covers the entire vinyl whatever that is on top of that you want to put a lot of heavy things or a heavy thing something heavy. I would like to put a pile of books on top of that vinyl on the floor. So it's being it's in it's flat position. There's no chance for it to be up on any side because you have something flat on top of it and a lot of heavy stop stuff on top of that and then I would leave it for a couple of days. So not a couple of It's not a couple of hours. I would leave it there for a couple days after that. A lot of times. The problem would be fixed. Now if it's only like warped a little bit or bent a little bit if it's like thin vinyl, I would always like bend it a little bit but I'm not advising that you do that. But with the thin vinyl I will bend it a little bit to the other side to straighten it out. That could work. Well if your vinyl is too thick if it's like 280 grams of the thick 160, I don't remember but the thick one you don't. Want to bend it's probably going to break but with like the normal 12 inches, you could bend them a little bit. But if it was like really warped, I would grab the books put it on the floor put a stack on top of it. And that would solve the problem a lot of times now, that's a trick I used to use. Maybe you have totally different techniques still to all my vinyl heads out there. How do you deal with your warped vinyl? Let me know in the comment section down below. You might give me some new inspiration new ideas and help people out who are suffering. In from this because what vinyl really is bad if you want to start scratching, let's talk about that. So that's where I'm going to end episode 4 of the Sheridan College podcast for DJ's. I'm your host DJ tlm. I'll be back next Monday with a new episode. Now. You can also check out my video content the educational DJ content that I provide on DJ tlm TV on YouTube. Now, if you're not following me on YouTube. I also post content to LinkedIn Facebook so you can connect with me basically. Anywhere, make sure you check out Instagram for the weekly post where you can ask your questions and if you're not feeling comfortable asking your questions in public, you can always send me e-mail e-mail me at share the knowledge at the JTL Now that is also the website djt You can find all my info there. You can also check out the shop where I got my fresh merch. Yes. I have my share the knowledge merch up on the website. So that is available. I have been receiving questions about making larger sizes, and I'm looking into the 3M 4X. So hopefully I can make that happen soon. That's it for this week. I'll be back next week until then. Have a good one. If you're practicing make sure you practice practice practice and don't forget to have fun. Later.
Welcome to season 2, episode 4, brought to you by Bandzoogle. Try Bandzoogle free for 30 days: Use the code SHARE for 15% off your first year. * Kypski’s syntablism project * Do you need lights and visuals? * How to fix warped vinyl. Feel free to jump in the comment section and join the conversation when you see a question that you can answer.
Before I continue one of the ways, we keep all of our content for you. The listener free of charge is our amazing sponsors, and today anchor is one of those sponsors. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchors going to distributor podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and everywhere podcasts are listened to and you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor Dot f m-- to get started. Hey guys, what's going on? Welcome back to another episode of the Cobra Kai after-show on AfterBuzz TV has evil return to the valley is history doomed to repeat itself. One more time. All those questions answered and More in just one second. You are tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of tv top now look Oh, I thought we were going to start on the best around I forgot I was about ready to jump. Which are very sad very sad that can happen. I how can you be sad when Cobra Kai is back really are a sad. This is bad get him bad. So guys, we are back in studio and season to there's so much to talk about it's a binge show. Obviously the whole thing is out. So there's so much like we literally could talk about 10 episode straight right now, but this is the first episode of season 2 Cobra Kai, this is Mercy part 2. We got a stacked panel. Yeah. Look at this. This is Goods. A good-looking family. We are ready to go. The energy in here is fantastic to I mean if this if like getting these out of you guys like when you put it on your like, oh, it's go time. Yeah, you like getting in the zone far before we even stepped in here. It got real. Yeah, I drove over I drove over here. So yes, this is exciting it there's a lot to talk about and I think because we have limited time per episode just Yeah, 10 hours back to back would be hard. We want to jump straight into things. So, you know, we'll get the introductions in a second. I think talking about the new cast members the place that I really want to start and that's Martin Cove Marty Cove as a buddy of mine actually grew up calling him Uncle Marty and so because he told me that I have been calling him Marty Cove ever since he came back to show his name is not Marty go. It's Martin Cove, but he is back and he's evil. Maybe I'm not sure how he is. Clear he I don't think I have no hope for the guy you have no hope for Kris. Well, obviously your melee know. I have a lot of negative emotions, you know, I think just to just so everybody knows kind of who they're dealing with here and Miyagi dough. This is Rock Valencia everyone. She's returning. How you doing? I'm good. I'm good. How are you? I'm very well. I'm very well Miyagi no rounding out me all you know, we have Tammy gouveia who just actually Did the we just did the paleyfest part of the cast just yeah. Yeah, and the only reason that I have any faith in Marty is because he's such a great guy his the story such a great is so sweet. He's so nice to be want something. So yeah, we should go walk you up the interview. I did it with some point during maybe not tonight because it's the first episode. It's like he tells a Sly Stallone. Sorry. It's amazing. It's one of the funniest things that ever happened in our carpet. Michael clouse have never done a show with you, but we're never done a show. Together and now we're on the same team to yeah. I mean, I feel like it would have been appropriate if we were together and not on the same team. We wrap our team here. I hadn't come back and you had just taken my spot. I really honestly feel like he would have Kevin would have like a new star pupil running the dojo. So I feel like I had to come back. Yeah. So now the intros are out of the way, let's get back to Kris first and foremost. It's a pretty obvious bad guy like it. Whereas whereas Johnny Lawrence season 1 he's an Hero Kris, you just like he is a straight 80s bad guy movie guy. Yeah and like do we think that it's going to go that way the whole time is it that obvious? I hope so. Oh sweet. I want him. I want him to do his thing. Yeah. I want him to do his thing and he's the opening of the show what ended, you know season finale and then it opened with him in the shadows. I mean that's one of the all-time best openings of any shows seriously because you knew who was the Shadow the Music it was phenomenal. Did you guys ever watch the movie macgruber with Will Forte did not watch from here. I mean, I obviously watching MacGyver macgruber, you know, have you heard Mr. Gruber one of my favorite? Says it here. It's like straight out of an 80s action movie that's been said like 17 times and famous movie. So I was like, okay, they're really leaning into this, you know, and it's like he should look at him and be like not everything and then flip them over but he hasn't quite got that far. I just kind of want to say I agree with you Tommy. I hope that he stays a complete villain because as we had kind of scene in the first Karate Kid movie and in last season Johnny was more of our anti-hero or antagonist. So we kind of already got that like you might love to hate him kind of character and I feel like Chris should just stay the you love you hate to hate him kind of character. I think the difference to is like a obviously last season when they brought back Johnny and Daniel like they look different than they did as kids. Do you like? Oh, maybe this is a new person Marty looks Martino you guys he looks the same and so you're like that almost mentally tricks you into thinking. Okay. He is not a good guy still that kind of takes remarkable care of himself if you had to guess right now, what age is Martin Cove? Early 60s, I would say 59. I would have said like 60 early 60s Martin Cove is 73 years old that guys like Denzel Washington. We need to start smoking cigars. Yeah, right. Yeah. Wow crushing it. They cry. I feel like he could kick my ass good for him. Oh, yeah. Yeah. He definitely could so yeah good for him. So he is crushing it. He comes back he claims that he regrets his actions, whatever. I think it's all nonsense. I think it really does. Does I actually do think that he is a true a he's been on I don't think that there's like I think they're going to give us like a red herring and I there's a lot of those right like the trash the trash catching on fire in the opening scene. Yeah, it's like a classic red herring like oh knows it's gonna burn down. No, they're just trying to raise the tension. They just want you to think like maybe something's going on here, right? So they fight then we cut from that scene. The next piece of the show is we kind of get the birth of Miyagi dough. So we get to see a sweet Montage with some like good 80s throwback. Yeah, Robbie and he's painting I was pretty hyped on that. Are you guys Robbie fans? I mean you like him as a character? Ah, here's the thing. I don't dislike Robbie. I do like Robbie, but I think I think are too kind of male leads on the opposite side of the mat. I prefer Miguel. I really enjoyed Miguel's character development last season and I do like how Robbie has developed kind of went from a delinquent to kind of like the stand-up guy and I really appreciate that, but I don't know. I think I just I didn't join the go. Yeah, I don't just like Robbie. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I like the total compare and contrast that they're putting out there of Miguel almost seems like a bad guy who will turn good Robbie seems like a good guy who could turn bad right? And I don't know what I'm what I'm hoping for because you don't want anyone to turn bad. I mean as I'm wearing this Cobra Kai, but I think that that is a hard thing because I can well that would they have one switch and not the other because they are on such opposite sides, right? Yeah, I think I think that there's a lot of ambiguity like morality these characters in a way that in Karate Kid 1 really they if you read into it now as an adult you probably see more of it but in the 80s like that does feel a lot more like a black and white movie. You have the good guys versus the bad guys, you know, obviously Marty is a bad bad guy and Johnny's you see some sympathy right but like he's still kind of a bad dude. He's like, he's totally bought in this show doesn't really want to do that. They want you to they really want you to be behind it just about every single character and that's what I love about it. I love like you said the ambiguity because the characters are so fleshed-out. You can empathize with just about everyone whether they make extreme choices or not. You can still sit back and go but I get it I get it. Yeah, and I think one of the nicest things about it is that they don't ever stray away from the idea that like Ralph Macchio and Billy zabka are just there. They are forever going to be kids. Yep who kind of hate each other on the inside? Yeah, and they saw act like it. Thank you want to show On guys you're acting like kids. Yeah, and it's like a begrudging respect but they still just kind of despise each other and that's what that's like when you know the conversations that you know, Rob he's having and like he's like great, you know, we'll take them down and then in the next sequence, you know Ralph talking his daughter and he's like we're going to destroy them, right? You know, she's like, I don't want you there my friends, you know, yeah, that's a nice scene. So actually, you know, speaking of which I think you get you get some stuff with Sam and one thing that I thought was really interesting is we all have like lived now for 10 years. Like a social media generation. It's like anything we're very used to it. We all literally didn't Instagram Story the minute before this point life like the in the writing. She's on Instagram blocking Miguel like it's portable writing like it's an understandable piece of writing enough now not just for the target audience, but like it's part of the Lexicon blocking someone on Instagram the idea that everybody has an Instagram enough that they would understand what that means in the show and I cringed when she did that I went and they show it from the perspective of Miguel to are like the feeling of looking it up. It's not just the action of like, okay. Yeah, you're blocked. Yeah the other side of like that when you really feel it looks rough and he can't find the user what yeah. Yeah. I just thought it was so interesting. I was watching that. I was like man things really have come a long way. This is like this is just writing its modern writing. Hmm. I can't remember who I think there's a very famous screenwriter who said it but hated Ting technology, I think it's Christopher McQuarrie said he hates writing technology in his movies because nothing dates a script more than technology, right? So if you watch a movie from 50 years ago, I guess that's a little far bird watching for 30 years ago. It's like stuff from from the early 90s the late 80s like the computers and the phone's it kind of changes the way plotting even works now, right? It's interesting that you bring that up then because I feel like we're in response to that. We're seeing more meaning out of days where it's like they kind of blend the two things like they have modern technology but their fashion attire and there. Running areas and everything that they do around them. Their day-to-day lives is more of like in the past. Yeah, so it's kind of like you can never tell in what era they're living. They're just living for sure for sure. So continuing to talk about Sam a little bit. You know, she's she's kind of conflicted in a she obviously mrs. Miguel her heart's broken. I think they feels like they're going to get back together. Eventually, doesn't it? I right you can I feel like that's a good hope to have because we realize that that Miguel went down a wrong path, but he still has a heart of gold. He still can be self-aware enough to realize that he has done something wrong to the point where I feel like he's just not complete evil like Kris. So I feel like there's obviously a chance that I wouldn't put it off the table and the and they're they're including characters in his story that allow him to stay good his family. Obviously, you taught him what his heart of gold in his family is still there as they were, you know, the last season with that fight like you Root against his family. So you can't fully root against him. And with Johnny we see that he want he wants to be good Ryan. So I think that he their surrounding Miguel with pieces that are allowing us to have hope for him and what I do love about Sam and Miguel is I feel like they both need to go down their own paths right now, but at some point they have to come back together because we saw them in the beginning and they were so good. Do you see them then together at the end of the season not right? End of the season no, I'm making you jump in with a prediction early here. He's in three. Well, this is there will be a season 3 because on the other hand you could have you could have like more of a catastrophic movie. You could have one of them go down a really dark path and be like, I'm a Villain Like Miguel could just become a bad guy. I think so, I don't think so because the Johnny it breaks your heart. Yes, and that's it. You know unless in this crease sucks them in but I think I don't think that's going to happen with Miguel. I think kriesel suck Hawken, but I don't think Miguel gets 10 but I don't know guys turning into a villain only so good. Oh, he's so good to weak-willed understand the lessons properly. I love I do. I do absolutely adore the like the idea that there's a lesson in every single and like you did so much so that there's a lot of music you can get a metaphor out of that because it's like poking fun at the whole idea of it. So but that now talk about Miguel and Johnny a little bit and their relationship, you know, the so John, Annie has John has been fighting this demon since season one the the hardcore demon of like I'm do not want to repeat the mistakes of the past. I don't want to be Kris. I want to do this a different way. But of course now Chris is back in the picture and he's having to kind of he's kind of having to contend with this idea. Like I became who I am and I learned all the things I learned from this tough love. Can I do this in a way that supports these kids is there is there still a silver lining in the way you're doing things and I think that's where it's talking with Kevin watching this and I know Kevin's watching it. And he's like I just I'm Jonny and I think I'm right here. Every time I hear John Kriss a some. I'm like whole part of that scab him talking about the world is weak in these trophies. And what is it? I'm like, oh that's actually not a bad idea. It was like watching an episode of The Tomorrow Show. Yeah. It was like literally I was listening to Kevin and he's like kids get participation trophy. What's that? What's the line that he says, it's like we got a stoppie. You gotta we gotta stop the ass kissing. Saying start the ass-kicking. I think that's aligned, right? Yeah. Yeah. I like that is a Keven undergaro quote. I mean like a in like a joking way but also in like a believing like you should work hard for what you have and I didn't and that I think is what keeps you on edge too because you're like, is this really bad? Right? Is it is there hope yeah, I mean he so he disciplined his students to be the best fighters in the valley and they they were conditioned to win the tournament which like winning is great. I mean we all love to win it then. If it's not like losing is better than winning, but obviously his students, you know Hawk and Miguel to some degree were they interpreted their lessons in correctly? And so they targeted weakness which is where that line comes, you know, do you want to destroy, you know kill the the strongest animal the weakest animal right? Can you have one without the other they can think it I think that is the yeah. Really? Yeah. I think I think that's going to be the story line throughout as we're torn and being like are you able to do this way with this is good, but no it comes. It's 90% good. Bad, but can you have the 90% without the 10% right? It's you know, it broke my heart when Kris apologizes to Johnny. I was like really I did invite him by it. But to see Johnny come out and go, you know, don't go and Kris just smiled. And now that's a disability. This is the 80s villain but there was just that moment of I know Johnny has a path and he wants to do right by these kids, but he's so he's so wounded. He's still so wounded by its past two things. I have to say to that. Yeah. I feel like he can never fully get rid of crease in his heart because that was his father figure. Growing up in a sense and to I feel that Johnny he's on his path and he wants to do things differently. He wants to make a better life for himself. I think part of that Journey for him is forgiveness is giving Second Chances because he's kind of getting a second chance at doing things over and he probably thinks I should lend the same favor to someone else. Yep. Yeah. I thought the best line the whole episode is when Kris says to him. Just remember kid. I'm the guy that always rooted for you. Yeah, and I was like, yes, I'm in I'm on board with Kris because I love that Liar Liar Kevin if you're watching just because I thought of you so much we have to watch this movie called Over the Top it says you have to be ready to discuss as like that is like against you guys. Track be ready to discuss. Yeah and like this so good and so good. So okay getting to the final scene to show we're at the hardware store and Johnny sees Robbie with with Danny with Daniel and the line then after this conversation that comes is he looks at him and says, he's a better man than you'll ever be which is the heart is the line that cuts time to the core tough that relationship Wendy. When does that relationship gonna get mended? I hope I hope it gets mended soon. And this is a particular story line. That I struggle with because I mean I am not a parent but I feel like that's kind of crossing a line when you know, you don't if you're like spending time with someone else's child, but not kind of involving that parent if it's something as we'll see in the next few episodes something happens with Robbie, but he's not getting Johnny involved. I think that's a little disrespectful and I think that goes back to that Johnny doesn't know what to do. He's still so wounded and he wants to be there for her son, but he doesn't know how to do it and he didn't have a father figure in his own. So he's learning as he goes. Yeah, so I can't fault him for it. I agree with you. But at the same time I can't fault him because he doesn't he's not acquit doesn't get it. So on the side of the other father-son father-daughter relationship, you have salmon her resistance to wanting to be a part of this this training experiment. Yeah, gido and he gives the line about you know, the turn around backwards kick, you leave yourself vulnerable or whatever, you know, there's definitely some TV writing in this in the show. That is a little too like It's a little too on the nose. I guess like that's a moment or like when Kris has his line in the diner. And he's like if you ever heard of brumation, I like that you guys are trying really hard. I'm not sure but there was those moments where I was like, okay, this is TV writing the other thing that I thought was really interesting just before wrapping it up with Sam and Danny is like they definitely a writing this for you to get in to get into it without having seen season 1 there's Exposition there that I think I was wondering if Going to do like you know in the kitchen when whose wife is like, you know, are you happy they broke up? He's like well, of course, I'm happy that she broke up with Cobra Kai star student, you know, it's like he wouldn't say that necessarily he might suspect. Yeah, you know Miguel sucks like but it's like Exposition. It's TV writing so you need it. And I thought that was interesting the way they're structuring it so that if somebody does want to get into season 2, they don't want to have to watch season one. Do you feel too much or let it is it slightly distracting if you have seen season 1 it feels like every fifth Beat like four out of five I get it, right and then every 58, there's like that moment where I'm like stretching a little bit but on the whole I'm loving it and I'm a big fan of it and I'm like, I'm all in like I'm totally hooked a TV doesn't get me as much as it used to like it takes a special show to really hook me the show. I'm like really really yeah, you know, I did have a question Carmen Miguel's mom and Johnny. What do you think? I should yeah, the tres leches cake is delicious. I went to Costa Rica like two months ago and it is huge down there and I had it every single day. You're sweet. It is amazing. You can go to Vallarta here in Los Angeles and they have it. That's something you think I take it that something better something I have done delicious. So I think because this is a streaming show. I don't necessarily want to do predictions just because we're all going to watch so many episodes back to back to back to back. It's gonna be very hard to like, honestly. Dict when we actually just know what happens, but what I will say is based on at the end of episode 1 where do you want it to go but rather than where you know, it's gonna go like what storyline you want to see? Who are you the most invested in right now? Like why don't we start there? Who is the character? You're the most invest in the story right now? I would honestly probably say Johnny just because especially with the introduction or the reintroduction of Kris. You can tell Johnny is going to be fighting this battle because Kris is going to want things his way and Johnny's gonna have to do a lot of push. Back to make sure that he stays on track of his overall goal and not let Kris kind of, you know manipulate his students the way he manipulated Johnny. So I'm rooting for him and I'm really hoping that you know, he finds the ability to better communicate so that way, you know, people don't want to go the other direction. Yeah. Yeah. I think Johnny and Chris together that relationship. Yeah learning learning more of the backstories what they've done such a good job of doing that like, okay. Why does he decide Feel this way and I think that is something that is really intriguing that you could never tackle in the Karate Kid and it's like, oh we're understanding the characters more and maybe their feelings of why so I think with Kris of just knowing that of like, why are you like this? Yeah. Did you not have a thought was there something early on that impacted you to be like this? I'm very intrigued. You know, I really want to see Larusso just back off Johnny. Yeah so judgmental and just when he's about to give him just an inch. You know, he sees Johnny increase walk out of the store and oh he's back to judging them again. So I really want Larusso to just learn some lessons take some meditation. I want them to work together because they're going to need to work together to fight Kris. I think for me, it's definitely it's Billy zabka. It's Stephanie Johnny is the character that I'm the most invested in but I'm really curious about Miguel. That's the that's the other character who I'm like, well, what is this gonna guy gonna go and if you really if you really develops economically Continues to have that edge but like I that's a character that I'm very fascinated and I can't wait to see what happens. So yeah, the episode ends and basically, you know, the the two students now in Miyagi dough and they feels like they teased the possibility of some romance maybe with with Robbie and Sam. So we'll see what happens there. There's a lot of things for us to catch up on Entry to Sam's going to fight because they're obviously they're trained her to fight someone. Yeah. And is that Johnny is that Miguel is like is Aisha? I'm not sure. Said she didn't want to fight them so friend. I mean, yeah, it's role of Miyagi dough karate is only defense what you want. So we're going to wrap up episode one here guys at the folks want to find you and follow along with what you're doing Michael. Where can they find? You can find me on Instagram and on Twitter at the only NC Ronica Iraq a bunch of you find me on Twitter and Instagram at its me Veronica underscore V, and you can find me on Twitter at Tammy gouveia and install Facebook Tim McVeigh official you guys can find me at been baby. Media Twitter and Instagram be sure to check out the Paley Center interviews that they mean I did with the cast of Cobra Kai. We may actually play some of them during the show, but there's we got everybody in the show The Creator's everybody so really really exciting and thank you guys for tuning in and watching will be back in just a little bit with episode 2. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first where the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz. See you later. You've expressed herein are those of the host only you do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners are principles.
COBRA KAI IS BACK! On this episode of Season 2, Episode 1, hosts Ben Bateman, Veronica Valencia, Tami Goveia, and Michael Clouse talk about: John Kreese, Johnny Lawrence’s sensei growing up, is officially back teaching at Cobra Kai -- The birth of Miyagi Do -- Sam’s relationship with both Miguel and Robbie -- Should Johnny try and patch things up with Robbie? About the After Show: Loved THE KARATE KID film? Then you surely must be watching Cobra Kai on YouTube Premium. It’s a series set thirty four years after events of the 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament where a down-and-out Johnny Lawrence seeks redemption by reopening the infamous Cobra Kai dojo. On this COBRA KAI AFTER SHOW, our hosts review, recap and analyze the latest episodes and bring you inside scoops from cast and crew. ABOUT COBRA KAI: Thirty four years after events of the 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament, a down-and-out Johnny Lawrence seeks redemption by reopening the infamous Cobra Kai dojo, reigniting his rivalry with a now successful Daniel LaRusso.
Tennessee in the house. Yo Welcome to the Ultimate Fantasy podcast your One Stop Shop for all things fantasy. I am Alfie your host football Enthusiast draft fancy Champion commissioner and a man who is still struggling with a hangover from Friday in the studio with me is beer expert the man with a beard and the stats a man who will not let on how secretly panicked he is about both his fantasy teams. It's Nathan Taylor. Hey, Nathan I have a and look it in the prominent background again like a one-man Peruvian panpipe band in Leeds City Centre is the totally arriba Sukkot journalist. I feel very sound all exotic. I'm not for shopping in Leeds is exotic. Sometimes there is these days yeah, you should see all of the variety of I mean which we've got pound shops. There's a test cut. We've got a test score now, we gotta test gonna be Tesco Metro I'll do I couldn't I couldn't put like confirm whether it's a Metro or not. It might be probably a little bit loose in the city centre, which is that mean that is really exotic. I mean keep on dreaming mate you'll get there. Yeah, they've got a sushi in there so as much as I love to talk about sushi, yes talk about the what's coming up in today's show. So part one with the full game week 3 review of the look at FPL draft of band tracks part two is the secret journalists here be answering your questions on the treatment table and Paris Baron from The will be calling in to offer some excellent statistical insight into how fixtures may turn out that's a world exclusive and definitely worth a listen part 3. We look ahead to game week for some insight from FPL content creator of be an infra which leads nicely onto the short segment in which we reveal the changes we made to our podcast fbl team this game. We can wire and part 4, we'll have the answer to the quiz question. I'm about to ask and the clichy forecasts and also the why we're all here Nathan will be recommending A beer, press better. The the program best bit. Is that step? So this do the quick quiz question before we do The Round Up Lads this weekend was the first time to English players age 21 or under have scored in a Premier League match for Chelsea since the 22nd of August 9, I to and that was against Sheffield Wednesday who were those two goals scores. So the first time to English players aged 21 around Drive scores and Premier League match for Chelsea since August 22nd night. Who were those two goal scorers tough one? Huh? Hmm. Yeah that pre Premier League. No, that's that's where the first first premiered its first season. Yeah. Yeah exciting times. Right? Let's do the game weeks three-round up lip or play Monson football. Is that are quick to reaffirm to Gunners fans. Just wear their places on the football ladder the Eagles pick apart their prayer all travel with PVA in his teammates proven to be quite the sticky opponents for socials lost lamb. And meanwhile the other half of Manchester have good fun on the south coast wasting no time in Lacing. The change was silver Watford a stung again. But this time at home to West Ham brightens version of Barcelona and no match for a Redmond inspired Southampton as the Villa pick up their first win of the Season wolves and Burnley draw Steve Bruce is the greatest Newcastle manager ever as he inspires his magpies to pick the pockets of Spurs at Spurs Lester quietly do their bidding put in the blades to the sword and Tammy scores to give and Frank Lampard Frank Lampard its first win for Frank lampard's Chelsea. Re clean sheets, but yes, three. Only three Aston Villa Southampton New Castle assist Kings was David silver with two assistant Defenders George bull doc. Surran to a spell equator and TAA. God kings were two weeks Alle Alle Tammy and agüero course growing Defenders PVA and Matt it penalty mrs. R Ashford. There was no own goals. There was a red car that was and done' This week's top performing players across fpo and drop desala. Tell me about ham Halla an Aguero, but for found tracks bit different Halla agüero and salla some stats for you. Now. There were five away wins in the Premier League this Saturday pretty decent not stat nickers. Pepe has become the first player to successfully dribble pass Virgil Van Dyke in 50 Premier League appearance. His last practice those McHale Marino and then he tripped over the ball at the end of going past Van Dyke though. Yeah, but it doesn't make a good snack. And another step for you Trent Alexander. Arnold has assisted nine goals in his last 10 appearances at anfield Liverpool. That's an all competitions that includes assisting in each of his last five competitive home game and yet there are still people out there. Good trading about their team. Absolute Madness notable players. This week's top performing players in full if pound draft goalkeepers with gun heating to practica Defenders PVA vestergaard matter began girls Midfield sala de silver Redmond and forward Tammy Halliday. Guerro. Nathan fan tracks reads bit differently doesn't he? Yeah fan tracks top goalkeepers are Ben Foster and Angus gun both on 14 Foster replaces heating the Africa 13 .25 Defenders at Emerson matter type and my favorite sea onto mmm, but hey midfielders silver of the David variety Nathan Redmond and Ross Barkley and then the four words are Sebastian LA agüero and Saleh. So Allah outscoring Center interesting that not sure quite how that works. But it does apparently in other notable players born with players. I I noticed there's still scouring The Source called. Well, despite getting done by Citi Field. Did you notice any players this week? Tammy had a good week. It didn't eat. Yeah. I'm here. They're good. But yeah, I think he's up until now he's not been a hundred percent sure about who Chelsea with definitely going to pick up front, but I think he's definitely pushed himself. So the front of the queue now, yeah, it was only Norwich and they're not that great at the back but nice. Like contact controversial thing not to get the knights bandwagon. Yeah, I and obviously a written F and Redmond as well as you've already mentioned is he's come to the party. Yeah, he's have arrived. He's finally arrived. Yeah that's words have finally tingled and are four seasons left. I also notice that all the big news Striker signing school, didn't they? Hella Shillington Wesley who got there first calls for the club. Now if he did you recognize the couple that I've picked out a two players that was they didn't have their biggest game weeks in total this week. They're still picking up a lot of points consistently every week first ones actually bonds that stands out set another seven points. This week is now got 25 overall 6.6 million and looks like he's in really good form at the moment quite unfashionable player, but someone that I'd get involved with only nine percent team still have him hmm. The other ones John begin in Midfield for Aston Villa. Six points are not his biggest haul this season, but he's now on 15 points. He's adding 6.4% teams, and he's 5.6 million. So good bargain option in Midfield. Yeah, and he he's busy player. Yeah busy player. Okay, good. Let's look at the Dream Team for the FPL the 11 top perform players rash Ashley gun was going to say Angus gun and just go and go on the defensive PVA and goes investor guard with filled Sullivan DeSilva Noble, huh? Upfront Tammy Allah and agüero our team FPL results. We did a right Lads the right 70 points we correctly captain. Salla. That was the right decision. Well done Phil. Yeah. Yeah that was bold of me. Just so you know so last week we traded out. This is our ha input ceballos. So be all Sony was back to points but Saha. At one point, so we hundred percent up did he looked quite threatening against man United's don't bring any point point. Yeah. Hmm, which means now Lads are ranking. Are you getting excited because we've gone from three million night 7901 to 1 million ten thousand three and 58. It's a massively. Yeah, we feel contain yourself. Yeah. Yeah. I'm in your face all those people in the to Millions. Yeah. We're in the top tier now living the dream. We were of course be discussing our changes for game week for part three. So stay tuned for that the highest-scoring FBO manager for game week 3 congratulations. Luke story whose team name is changed name taking it. Seriously, you take it too seriously hundred seven points. So he triple Captain. Salla is Midfield free of solid Sterling now mirror on up to That human is and Aguero listen to his defense. His defense was Less sales. Sure PVA and Kelly and I met you but that is a rubbish defense. Yeah, that's look at that. I've got it right up in front of me now and looking at it clearly from all of the evidence of the his kit that is chosen and the family that is in is a Newcastle fan now, he don't want no one but a die-hard Newcastle fan was picking that defense. Oh, it's not me. No, no one and I think anyone in the whole world did so just yet another example, I love either a Madman or a genius, but he also doesn't have noticed doesn't have any capital letters in his name. So maybe it's just the former. Anyway. Congratulations Luke Story the top FPL manager overall a big shout-out to medhat Shorkie who believe it not from Egypt again is talk with 275 points. Egypt, what is it? What they put in the water over there man. I mean that's crazy his team name by the way is in Arabic, but I hope it's a good one that hat so well done. Yeah, and there's now move on to draft fantasy during the first draft fantasy head-to-head League. Hey guys, I won didn't I won? Yeah, and that was despite leaving Redmond and Wesley on the bench eked out result by utilizing basically Conte points and assists that's fact only got one goal. And that was from VAR d. I feel rather poor turnout for your team 28 points to be fair. You would have won if it wasn't for a certain. Mosallah. Yeah. Yeah, but you know, it's better to have a one-man team that are non Mountain team, which I appear to have at the moment. Go away nathe. You also lost and you lost exact same scoreline Phil did 28 to 36, but I think it was more of a mattock header and the fact that the wrong player setup that Arsenal. That one did you? Yeah, and I think I'm very reliant on kind of future proof in my team with fhtagn who I still believe is going to get back in the Spurs team and Johnstone's sat there collecting zero points at the moment careful mate. Careful. I did that the hardstyle last season with their Mindy. Yeah fiber for employers. Yeah, it's Dominic been and Mehndi couldn't walk from us. He said he could tweet though. Yeah, okay week for Head-to-head fixtures, did you know you guys are up against each other? Yes, I did know that pod Darby Mark to this is the less glamorous tie. I'm not gonna lie. We're still both above you in the league though. Yeah for now. So what do we call this the this diet the side kicked out of it. So I think what when would this be on TV? Probably be on a Monday night. This have been on Monday Night Football winning this one? Yeah L sidekick. Oh, okay. So that was gained week 3, what do we learn from? Game week 3 I learned that Harvey Burns listen to the podcast and scored that amazing goal to spite me feel. What did you learn? I need to think a little bit harder about my clean sheet predictions. Yeah would happen. Did you pick that? Was it nine nine? Yeah, something like that. I'm pretty sure the ones I didn't pick with the ones who did get clean sheet. Yeah. It was unusual to be fair with Newcastle Villa Southampton Nathan. What did you learn? I learned this been quite weird season so far already its first time in over a hundred years that 19 teams in the top League of already got three points after three games. So points have been dished out willy-nilly at the moment classic example that at the moment is wolves have yet to win a game but they're also yet to lose one's to the set their own free points. The thing that I notice about them is despite the fact they have won this season. They've got a couple of good performing players in their route, Patricia. And go five million 18 points obviously helped by that Pogba apparently safe. And then Willie Bali as well on 15 points at the moment. I 5 million in defense. The other one is at the Dharma traoré. Come on and play that right wing back in the last couple of games looks very impressive. But just be careful with that Adama traoré. This is already more. I didn't for large parts are last season. Hmm, very frustrated. Yeah. Imagine being is actual real. If manager just thinking look at this absolute Beast here. I just how do you unlock it? I was thinking like you any opposition fullback when they see in warming up on the touchline will be breaking themselves. And then when he comes on and he makes his first run and slices, he's Crossing at the Stan you're at our door with all right, the other all the other thing that's bad news for me particularly because I've got him and as in my team is that he obviously took and scored his penalty this week means he's not on penalties next time because he rotates with Ruben never. Has a really yeah, then why she's my time to shine. Yeah. Okay, right. That's the end of game week 3 review and also the end of game week not gain Week 1 part 1 as we call it in the industry, but don't go anywhere because we got part 2 coming up and in part two, we'll have the treatment table. Yes and Paris Baron from save the will be joining me. I spoke to him earlier on the phone who has some excellent statistical insight into how fixtures may turn out so don't go anywhere. Hello, welcome to part two. Yes earlier on I spoke to Paris Baron from save the who has some real good stuff to say have a listen. Paris Baron from save the Welcome to the Ultimate Fantasy podcast. How are you? Very good out. How are you? I'm good. I've had a good game week last week. So everything's all hunky-dory as it were now Paris just for the benefit of our listeners can tell us what you do at. So the sure your listeners could follow us at save the punt on Twitter where we try and give educational advice to people that Like to have a pump that weekend on football whether it be Premier League or a little bit lower down in the football structure. We just try and give advice to help listeners understand where the might be value on a bet and I guess do the research. So that busy people who work full-time don't need to do it themselves. Yeah fair enough sounds decent to me Paris. I know you play FPL. How's your season going so far? I'm still reeling a bit game week 3 to be honest mate had a little bit of a stinker. I bought two. No you in and then the last minute decided that I thought Connor Wickham was going to start ahead of him. So yeah, Connor Wickham sack with zero points. I also had better neck from Southampton on my bench to score points and also gun, I'm quite notorious for having strong scoring benches. So I'm towards the bottom of all my leeks. And to be honest, I'm probably going to listen to your podcast to get a steer on who to bring in this week because I'm not very good at making fancy transfers good. Well, that's what we're here for man. Although this should be some disclaimers anyway game week for what's it? How is it looking from a betting perspective? Sure. So last week was a real week of shocks. Obviously you had Newcastle being Spurs but Palace turned over United and west and south Hampton both got wins against the odds. I'm not so sure there's going to be as many shocks this week. But I did have a long look through the fixtures and one team who I think could get a result that not many people would predict them to would be Spurs away to Arsenal actually think the market has overreacted to their loss to Newcastle. If you look at the expected goals, which if your listeners aren't aware a measure of the quality of chances created by the team Spurs actually should have Matt came and again the Villa they were pretty dominant as well. If you look Arsenal, I think the 3-1 score line against Liverpool was probably about right against Burnley Burnley actually create the better chances and and even against Newcastle wasn't too much in it. So I think if you look at Arsenal's defense the likes of David Luiz is got a mistake in him so Socrates, I don't think that many Arsenal starters really know what a moth London Darby's about part from Jacques her and Mom real no one then in the astral starting lineups played more than two seasons for them. Whereas Spurs are a lot more settled. If you look at their whole team pretty much every single player in that start 11 has got Elite at least a hundred appearances for Spurs in the Premier League or come through the Youth System. Probably Bard Davison Sanchez. Mmm. So we going all out Spurs Week then. Yeah, I don't think your Your Arsenal support in listeners are going to be too pleased with me and you know, it's not it's not the strongest strongest best. I'm ever going to make so I'd advise keeping his steak small, but I do like Spurs two to one so Spurs to win a two to one I think would be my bet this week. Perfect Paris. Thank you so much for joining us have a lovely game week. I hope everything goes well and will speak to you again after the international break hot man. Thanks Al. Thanks and Paris. Goodbye. Yeah, that was Powers Burnside upon If you do want to hear more from him to check out the links in our episode blurb as it were you can go to the website and the Twitter and definitely worth taking a look at Nathan. Did you do an accumulator this weekend? I didn't go very well though. Once I saw the team used for Chelsea in the and garlic on tay was out of the team. I decided to back Norwich as the first leg of the Ico. So it Over by the time the fry cook games kicked off could have gone either way though, but obviously this is why I don't have any see that's why I don't do it. How much did you put on only a fiver? Hmm fiver, please bet responsibly guys. Okay. Today we're going to do now. We are going to do the treatment table and with it the treatment table jingle table. This week's question comes from Tony head shoulders and they want to know what's happened to Sir jewelry a with Kyle Walker Peters out with a hamstring injury injury. Is it worth drafting him in I don't think pot it's you know, like sin does he is it wasn't cheap when they bought amen, but I suspect and he's got he's got lots of ability as are in there, but I suspect that he's a bit of a mentalist and I think that I think Cultured see know just maybe you know thinking she's got something about him, but maybe just doesn't trust him enough to actually put him in. I've been really care even with Waka Peters injured. I'd be really careful about putting or EA in granted it like that. He is in theory are only fit right back at the club with we triple our in left in the summer, but I've got a feeling that you might well put either a pea or sister Circle there against Arsenal simply cut. He doesn't trust Aria and then when he's fit fourth will potentially compete for that spot. So that's what's happened to Surge. Don't go all surge. But let's talk about him leaving as well Aria. I think that he was linked with Milan PSG. I think couple of clubs and their Windows obviously still open until the end of this month. So I it wouldn't surprise me massively if he ends up leaving. There you go. That's the end of treatment table and that's the end of part 2. Don't forget you can contact us on Omer F pod if you want to ask for the question don't go anywhere though because in part 3 yes, that's right. We've got the upcoming game week fixtures will be listening to the FPL content creator of pee on them for and we'll be picking out FPL team very briefly. I promise. Welcome to part 3 that's do the upcoming game week pictures with game week for on Saturday the 31st of August. We will show them to vs. Man United Chelsea against Sheffield United Crystal Palace against Villa. Let's do against Bournemouth Man City against Brighton Newcastle against Watford West Ham against Norwich Burnley again slip on that leg kick off and on Sunday the 1st of September evidence against wolves and then Arsenal. Can't Spurs and what some call? the north London Derby guys fill any pictures that catch your eye. What about Watford versus New Castle? I mean, is this the Clash to determine who will be the whipping boys for this season? No don't think that's not necessarily. I mean you Castle as we've discussed already like they got a surprising result. You can stop them and they were with the decent, you know, they certainly look defensively strong against granted a pretty lackluster Spurs, but I would say like You castles defense is better than what foods but what offered attack is better than New Castle so it could be an interesting sort of clash between two potentially. Well Matt sites, I think what the defense is. I mean if you've got what four Defenders then you probably want to be bending them off pretty quickly because they just look they look slow and pedestrian and easy to easy to take apart now. I don't think necessarily going to be the whipping boys, but but it'll be very interesting to see what kind of result comes out that Again, whoever loses it will be very worried. It'd be really depressed. You might say yeah, I'd be really down. I mean particularly what from in Watford had a bite, you know by any accounts a decent season last year that Granite they got whipped in the in the cup final but but the other they had a decent season and looked to have finally got a manager who was going to stick around for a little while, but something's gone. Something's gone. Very wrong. There. They got taken apart by brightening that first game and have looked completely off the Since it yeah, and that cup run the end of last season kind of masked. What was the pre poor end of the season the last few games last season, they didn't really pick up many points gracias. I think is now lost someone with seven in a row in all competitions as well. Mmm Yeah, the new lad got a girl then he in the care about Cup last night's are scored his first goal whether he makes a difference for him on up. I don't know. I haven't seen enough of him and Nathan Everton Wolves. Yeah. I don't think going to be the most exciting game of the season so far from what I've seen of kind of both teams. They're lacking a little going forward this season Everton's midfield for a team that spent so much money on number Ten's a couple of years back doesn't look hugely creative and don't look like a score like always but very tight and the back this weekend aside obviously and then wolves again look pretty solid. I've brought and Cody it my draft side. So I'm kind of going for a no never both sides keeping clean sheets. Interesting what we all can do the clean sheet forces later on in the show before we finish up these fixtures Arsenal Spurs Lads. So this fiction last season's was for to to Arsenal. Where do we see this one going feel? I think it might be a draw back to looking at 1 1 really Nathan 1 1 L 2 Arsenal I think dear that's not good. Is it to losses in a row for the Spurs? Yeah, they need to sort out the Erickson situation and with players like Oreos. Well, they seem to have a few players that don't want to be there anymore. Although bunch of teenagers and wannabes be there anymore. I think that's more the case isn't it? True fear was very critical. Don't you see any of that kind of stuff that's floating around. He was very critical of Pops Tina and the atmosphere at the club. He was suggesting is or something's you know, like terms of morale and how close-knit they all have. Something's very wrong. Mmm what this space. Hey, okay. Now let's go and listen to some content from FPL content creator FBI and infra who has always has some good insight for us all. First let's take a look at the goalkeepers with such a bad game week over 50,000 F PR managers are shifting on the hey are ahead of Southampton. But Ryan out is also becoming a bandwagon with 35,000 players at the time of recording this moving among already. This is like you do to him facing City at necks as well as his poor form managers are flocking to the likes of Adrian Patricio and Pope to replace them with despite being one of the biggest Trend in spurs in defense last week for f PR managers Lumber sack is now one of the most transferred out ahead of game week for with over a hundred and one thousand managers already shifting him on a bit premature. I feel most of those managers will only have had one week with him. Let's see what happens going forward, but what hasn't changed is the appetite to get rid of Robertson 87,000 of you have already moved Robbo on to the likes of Trent Kelly and lundstrom presumably the latter two being free app cache in my field is where there are two new bandwagons in pound in the shape of Cantwell and mount cantwell's price and form has three hundred and five thousand plus of you jumping aboard at the time of recording this whilst Mount despite picking up a not has managed to entice 254,000 plus of you not surprisingly players making way our Paris and then doctor with similar price tags Perry's and mounting point to away from each other and then dunker and Cantwell also Oh being point two of each other. They seem to be the trendiest pairing for straight swaps this game week up front. There's still only one name on everyone's lips this game week and it's Teemu Pookie over a hundred and seventy-five thousand plus of you have got him in after his goal and an assist against Chelsea players most making way for the Norwich forward our King and move I've done myself and also Wilson and yatta are the trendy transfers out. That was FBI and infra. Of course, if you want to hear more from her, you can check out her YouTube page and her Twitter page. You can get direct links. If you go to our episode blurb, you'll see it there. Just click and go it's easy to check it out talking about FPL teams. We have our podcasts appeal team the Ultimate Fantasy podcast team. We've made our decisions for this week. So just to let you know where we're at. Our long-term strategy is to get Sterling because somebody I didn't get mean so we realistically have to trade down every week until we have enough cash to snag Rahim the road to Sterling were calling. Of course, we're becoming in very impatient. Now we want to get him pretty soon. We had about 1.8 million in the bank we decided we'd need to lose value in attack or defense. We thought about Pookie training him out or a Liverpool for backs. They will discuss again, but I'm not having that so Nathan who did we choose to trade out in the end controversially given they scored this weekend. We've decided to trade out Jamie Vo. Adi Who is that? What 8.9 million? Yes, he's lost a little bit of value so far this season despite his goal. And and that means we're training in who feel no one's happy about this on the John. Are you Jordan? Are you who is 5 million? But that gives us a premium of My Demise 3.9 million top of that plus the 1.8 was gives us what nearly over 5 million to spend next week which we can spend on Rahim. Yeah, so trading below the silver. So Captain this week we decided to go for Saladin me yeah because why we need so that was our team good luck with your team. Hope it's not as painful as decision making and that's the end of part three. We don't go anywhere. We got part for and in part for we've got the answer to our quiz question that I said earlier on in the show. We have the clean sheet forecasts. We can look at some players. And of course more importantly Nathan's going to tell us what beer to drink this week. Welcome to part 4. Yes the answer to the question guys. This weekend first time that two English players age 21 or under have scored in a Premier League match for Chelsea since the 22nd Walker's snarling to in that was against Sheffield Wednesday, who are those two goals? Cause there's two English players age 21 to school for Chelsea. Who were they the only when you first wasn't the only English person I could think of that was playing at that time was Kevin Hitchcock, but he's definitely not good. Needle ship Ali no Nathan Mark Steyn along. No, Eddie new. Yes. Yeah. That's what I'm still on the stuff there, isn't it? Yeah, it's still there. No teenage years Graham Stewart. Yes Graeme Stewart. Yeah. Well done guys. You got there pretty quick. I think if I just pressure you you get a get the answers out of you. I was trying to think of like football glory is I don't think they existed for Chelsea back then in the last. Yeah. Well done. Okay, let's move on now to the clean sheet forecast. So just to get just before we do these just in case anyone was opting to back what food for a clean sheet against Newcastle since being able to win in February what for they conceded in each of the last 14 Premier League games, and that's like 29 goes goals in total. So because of that my clean sheet forecast Watford I'm going for because it's going to happen Lester Chelsea West Ham Nathan. I'm going for wolves Everton Arsenal Man City. Okay, Liverpool's not on the menu anymore Phil. I love Chelsea Lester Man City Liverpool. Okay, okay this engine Nathan you've gone for an Illinois draw with Everton and wolves but actually statistically there's always goals between Everton was there's eight in the last two games have been scored. Okay. So confident with the Anil records are there to be broken and in terms in terms of Liverpool Burnley do have a knack of scoring against Lupo. Actually, they've they've actually scored three goals in the last two meetings that included two goals and field. Hey guy, just sighs just sign bit. Like you said nice records there to be broken and - Ashley Barnes is on the case good players who will perform this week. Hal has XG if you understand XT is actually 2 .8 so he's actually hitting his Target correctly as it were. We'll see Nathan Redmond coming to strong man united this game week Colin Wilson and Che atoms are actually do a goal. They're getting lat. Chances players for you feel I don't think any of these well not all of these are going to be a massive surprise to him. But you know Emerson Chelsea's he's looking good as a defensive option if you back it up keep keep a clean sheet could do something going forward as well as Pearl equator might be worth having a look at for Lester Madison and two lemons are always worth looking at for City fancy this week. I think I suspect that. Bernardo silver might do something this week think he might be the man to to unlock the to a lot that a lot that defense that they're up against against bright because Brian like to play around a bit. I think they'll be compact but I thinks it you'll need to show a little bit of guile zinchenko might be worth a girl and then for West animals looking at basic lands. Eenie. He's the one to look at West Ham. He's looking good at the moment. Isn't he? I actually think Western will turn who they got Norwich. Yeah, I think they're turn them over quite easily actually Nathan Phil mentioned to humans, but there's another lesser player that you've got your eye on ya go see Paris as well. I think he's do a goal. Yeah, it's called a lot of players last season both for fbl terms and and goals as well. Lots of shiny players was it 12 goals? He scored 12 goals last season good run at the end seems to have been playing well in just off of the body but no goals yet. And I think he's do one and Bournemouth don't look particularly warm water tight. No. You never know what you can get with Bournemouth to but everyone needs a bone with player in their team. Mmm. Well, that's it. Thanks lad. So before we go though, we all know the reason we're all here. We need to know what beer did you drinking that Belgian beer Phil last week? No. No. No. Why is he not only did I actually don't stuck in Tesco Metro? No, they don't I was and I was a sushi, although it would have gone down very well watching England when that test much so Yeah, that's not talk about the test match as I just didn't bother watching it because there was no point watching cricket was there was one of us so bad. But it is that a general stands? No, no. No. It's like I was like, well, what's the point we're not going to do any well just call me brother watch this got the stuff to do and then I just missed out on the greatest test running. Yeah. Well, you've only got yourself to blame. Okay, so Nathan beer for this game week at Sophie beds 91 says need is session logger boy. Well a lightweight in it. I What she means is that when she goes out drinking with her boyfriend. He's he's not as good as her drinking so lightweight lager or something. The first one that comes to mind is braybrook session lager. There are new ish Brewery from leicestershire. They've got a German brewmaster from Mars brow. Really really good session loggers. Alright, cool. What's called braybrook? All right Barry, but if you're listening you do want to send us money for sponsoring your product. How did you do that? Okay good. That's it then for us. Don't forget if you want to get in touch with us. It's at F. No, it's not. It's at ultimate F pods, but we'll be back. Well, we've got the international break haven't we after game week for so we'll be back the a 11/12 that September to review game with foreign leaders again week five many thanks to Nathan. Thank you. I'll to fill here's Matt Paris Baron, of course of so the punter FP and infra and the fantasy football chaps if you need to you can contact us at any Anytime you like enjoy game week for enjoy the international break, but sue the other side. Goodbye.
Welcome to the Ultimate Fantasy Podcast - your one-stop shop for all things Fantasy Football. Alfie is very pleased to be joined by the Secret Journalist, Nathan Taylor, FPL Nymfria, and Parris Barron from as they discuss the gameweek that has been, and the gameweek to come. PT1: (00m28s) Intro/Greetings (02m30s) Quiz Question (03m05s) GW1 Roundup (05m18s) Notable Players (08m07s) FPL Results (10m55s) Draft Results (12m48s) What we Learned PT2: (15m35s) Parris Barron from (20m36s) Treatment Table PT3: (22m53s) GW2 Fixtures (26m58s) FPL Nymfria (29m28s) FPL Selection PT4: (31m37s) Quiz Answer (32m49s) Clean Sheet Forecast (36m16s) Beer Choice A MonkeyBuns Production Original stings and material by Alfie Evers Get in touch: @UltimateFPod Check out more from Parris Barron at Save The Punter for market insight and clever betting. Twitter: @savethepunter Like and subscribe to the YouTube page of FPL Nymfria for your FPL tips Twitter: @FPLNym Extra music by: Ross Power The Insider Theme by The Insider An Example For by Captive Portal Soma by Teeho x VYVCH Looking for a platform to host your Draft Fantasy Football needs? Visit the guys at DraftFantasy and sign up now! Listen to ‘Pressure’ by Alfatron6000 - the unofficial official song of Fantasy Football This episode is sponsored by Subject Six -  the new novel by William J Robson Buy yours on Amazon now
Hello and welcome. Thanks for listening to the embodied astrology horoscopes for Scorpio season in 2019. My name is Renee. I'm a Consulting astrologer and somatic intuitive. These horoscopes are meant to Aid you in your healing and help connect you with your highest self as you listen, please listen with an open mind and appreciate the symbols and suggestions take what works for you. Leave the rest remember that these? Horoscopes are describing General energy for each sign and it's up to you to get specific. Feel free to associate what I say to what is relevant for you at their best horoscopes work as pieces of mystical advice and sacred symbolism. Let them spark your imagination and stimulate your intuition. I suggest that you listen to the horoscopes for your son and your rising signs. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask you what's your sign it has to do with the time of year. You were born your rising sign has to do with the time of day. You were born in the place. You were born. If you know your birth information, you can find out what your rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website embodied and the horoscope section along with your horoscope. Please make sure to take a listen to depth perception the embodied astrology episode for Scorpio season where you can learn much more about Scorpio as an energy in your chart and how to understand and work with it. You can find this episode Linked In the show notes from my website or as a separate track on your Listening platforms all of my audio horoscopes guided meditations and podcasts are offered for free. If this work benefits you and your life, please consider making a one-time or recurring donation to help keep it going. Please share it with your family and friends and leave five star reviews on iTunes, SoundCloud and Spotify finally. If you're in the Minneapolis area, please join me on November 11th for a very special event at the future where I'll be hosting an astrology dinner party to celebrate the Taurus full moon and explore some of the deeper themes. Of Mercury's retrograde. This is a super fun and creative way to learn more about astrology and I'd love to meet you there. There's limited attendance. So if you're interested, please make sure to register soon because spaces will fill up you can find more information on my website embodied in the Play and Learn section under Live Events or from the link in my Instagram bio at embodied astrology. Thanks so much for tuning in everyone. Please wait for a brief sponsorship message and I'll be right back with you with your horse. scope Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. 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You can follow your favorite podcasts like embodied astrology and never miss an episode. You can download all the episodes and listen offline, wherever you are. You can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends on social media if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app. For embodied astrology save it and browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me on social media on Instagram add embodied astrology. So you'll never miss an episode because you want to catch them all don't you? Hello, Sagittarius sun and Rising this horoscope is for you. This is your month ahead horoscope for Scorpio season. Scorpio season is the light that we experience here on planet Earth between October 23rd and November 22nd and 2019. So as I mentioned in the introduction, please listen to the embodied astrology episode for Scorpio season in that episode I go through Embodiment of Scorpio and many different ways to access its energy which is a very powerful energy and it's an energy present in everyone's chart. You'll learn a lot more about this season and yourself listening to that episode. So for you Scorpio resides in the part of your chart that's called the solar 12th house Scorpio is the sign before yours. And so you might think of the Scorpio anak energy as what comes before you or What you arise from this place in the chart can be considered in relationship to pre-birth and after death experiences pre cognizance or post self. This place is often called the place of self undoing. It's where we lose sense of our separate selves we're egos dissolve and where we re integrate or re-emerge with Oneness with this kind of idea of You know, we're all swimming in the same Cosmic soup. We're all influenced by the same atmosphere the idea of a collective unconscious or Collective sentiment is one that a lot of people have theorized about and certainly one which we definitely experience in our lives. So when I'm talking about Scorpio, I'm talking about a kind of pervasive energy that's around you at all times that exists within your unconscious Realms you might access Scorpio threw your dreams or Or through other practices or experiences that put you in touch with the liminal this kind of place of non-existence yet palpable energy. We might call that intuition. We might call that Vibes. We might call that the unknown or the mystery the 12th house also pertains to the spirit realm and to your guides to your Guardians Angelic presences other. It's as you might imagine or perceive them. And finally the 12th house is associated to culture or two things that are really too big to be understood in their totality. And this is also the idea of the atmosphere or something like that. It's kind of the space where everything mixes together. We don't have any control as individual autonomous beings, but we're very much immersed in a part in it. And so as I talked about at length in the Scorpio season episode this energy is an energy that is and I'm saying Scorpios energy is an energy that is deeply deeply powerful Scorpio resides in the parts of our body that are reproductive and eliminative these parts of our bodies carry a huge amount of Desire. Carry, a huge amount of potency the seeds for what we regenerate or what we want to create in the world as well as a lot of negativity potentially a lot of Shame a lot of insecurities secrecy privacy Etc. And so for you being in the 12th house Scorpio has kind of an extra undertone of an unknown and Sagittarius is a sign that's often thought of as very buoyant optimistic and enthusiastic. And so we might really think of Scorpio as a shadow or as something that is kind of behind you that might be informing some of the optimism and I just want to put out there that I don't know what kind of Sagittarian you are. But if you are a person who typically Trends towards the light-hearted the optimistic the buoyant I just wanted to drop a little question for you, which is what What is your experience of Shadow and that question is for anybody but particularly for those who find themselves perhaps avoiding the shadow realm or Shadow subject and this month particularly. There's a lot of Scorpio energy. So some of the more notable experiences that will be having throughout the month begin on October 27th. This is when we have a new moon in Scorpio. EO when the Sun and the Moon come together in any sign it brings a lot of additional influence into that sign the sun and the moon are considered in relationship to our right and left eyes and medical astrology. They are primary luminaries and they represent both the conscious and unconscious very personal elements of our being so what we are conscious of but also what is present in our more subjective internal Variants. So this meeting of the Sun and the Moon at a new moon in Scorpio is asking you to bring attention into this this place that we might call intuition. We might call Shadow we might call mystery or unknown and there's an invitation for you here to really open up to your own you no sense of unknown and whatever that is and you might do that through prayer. You might do that through meditation through ART making of some Kind or just pondering. What is it? That's out there and how are you in relationship with it on October 31st, Mercury will begin its retrograde. So it'll station retrograde on Halloween day, very close to the end of Scorpio right before it comes into Sagittarius and then it will spend the next couple of weeks in a parent motion moving backwards through Scorpios. Terrain, its retrograde through November 20th Mercury retrograde. A period of time when our mental and cognitive capacities are turned inwards we come into more of a reflective state. So this period of time may be a time for you when you really are reflecting on these ideas of spirituality of the unknown of the mystery the void or the Shadow and during Mercury's retrograde you are advised to work with the astrological energy for its best benefit. So Point your thoughts in these directions, you know do Darling do stream-of-consciousness work intuition give yourself lots of time for sleep. And if you don't already maybe consider recording your dreams and some way on November 1st Venus will move into your sign from Scorpio. And this is going to bring kind of a boost to your energy Venus is a benefic energy. It's beautiful its magnetic it brings joy and happiness and definitely an kind of instinct towards connection and relationship. And as Venus moves from Scorpio into Sagittarius, you might start to get some Clues as to what this unearthing a reflection process of skorpios terrain as wanting to bring to you on November 11th. There's a significant aspect between the Sun and Mercury. It's significant within the cycle of Mercury retrograde and this period of time around November 11th, maybe the day or two before and After is described as a as a moment when we have a kind of recollection or insight into something that we are recovering remembering in some way. So definitely keep your Journal around and around the 11th of November. Make sure to check in with what you're noticing any kinds of questions you're having and what's coming up in your Consciousness. Now the next day there's a full moon and the full moon is in Scorpio zop That sign and the sign is Taurus and that full moon can bring a lot of reflection to these themes of what's happening in Scorpio with the full moon. We have literally the reflected light of the sun upon the moon and where the Moon is during Scorpio 6 Seasons full moon is in the part of your chart that describes kind of the opposite of what I've been talking about. It's very mundane practical day-to-day and at the This full moon. I want to invite you to notice Divinity in the details Spirit pervades everywhere. And this might be a full moon when you pick up on a lot of symbolism on kind of you know, your intuition about how you want to be acting or interacting with the again kind of practical tangible materials of your life. And this part of your chart speaks directly to both your health and your occupation. Not quite the same as your career, but really how you occupy yourself day-to-day what you spend your time doing this full moon might bring a sense of overwhelm if you especially if you've been very busy and again because the season is asking you to come into a space of deep reflection. If you do find that you're very busy around this this week or this time of year. Please see if you can carve out a couple of hours for your yourself around the full moon of just silence and internal space. There's actually quite a lot of really profound energy that's coming in with the full moon that is referencing some of the longer term changes that are happening in our lives for you specifically around self-esteem potentially around money or your earned income and around your family on November 18th. The planet Mars will move into Scorpio where it will Transit until January. Bird wherever Mars is it brings an extra boost of energy it brings Vitality. It can also bring a heating or aggravating influence and sometimes a sense of conflict during this time. You may notice an increase in dream activity or you may notice an increase in dreams that have kind of an agitated or potentially violent nature to them. There may also be agitation and friction just kind of in your general unconscious you might experience. That through an easiness through a sense of restlessness ways to work with Mars are exercise. So between November 18th and January 3rd, please make sure that you are getting enough movement and cardiovascular activity for your body getting your breath to work for you. And then also giving yourself Outlet to express what is in this shadowy kind of unconscious space. So again things like journaling Or doing collage or stream of Consciousness writing or other methods that you might have liked Arrow or other divinatory practices. These might be really helpful at that time. Finally on November 20th. Mercury will turn direct the days that mercury stations retrograde and direct tend to be some of them more wobbly or wonky in the Mercury retrograde season. So I forgot to mention this earlier, but definitely around Halloween day. And then around November 20th, please just give yourself space and time to be late to have plans fall through don't get fussed if things are not going as planned and as always with a Mercury retrograde you just want to make sure that you build in leniency and reflective time on any important contracts or deals that you're making be extra aware of your Communications. Things can have a tendency to get a little bit lost or distorted during Mercury's retrograde. On November 22nd Sagittarius season begins your solar year starts then and I'll be back with you then to give you more information on what's up coming in your season. You can find more information on this month's astrology by becoming a subscriber you can subscribe at any amount per month and in exchange for your subscription. You'll get an extended forecast for this month where I go through in detail all of the major planetary aspects and the lunar cycles and these are Enroll, not per sign, but I give you a lot of tools for understanding how to think about this astrology in relationship to your chart. Thank you so much for listening. I'm wishing you all the best in this season and Beyond bye for now.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Scorpio Season in 2019. Scorpio Season extends between October 23 and November 22. Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to “Depth Perception - Embodied Astrology for Scorpio Season.” In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of Scorpio’s zodiacal energy and explore how it manifests in the world and in each of us. Everyone has every sign in their chart, and Scorpio represents amazing and important energy for each of us. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Scorpio season and is also a very healing and powerful energy to check in with at any point. Listen here. Get the Scorpio Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Find information and register for the ASTROLOGY DINNER PARTY here Follow Embodied Astrology: Instagram - @embodiedastrology Facebook - Embodied Astrology (@embodiedastrology) Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Boys and girls absolutely epic episode today. I'm buzzing for it before I get stuck into who we have on today. Please. Do me a favor head over to your podcast provider and give this show a five star review because of the rating and reviews. That I've had so far. It means I can get people on this show like the yes that I have on today. Okay. It's really important the more people listen to it and we'll notoriety this show gets and it means you guys can carry on listening to some epic stories. I was absolutely ecstatic to do this episode today. I've listened to been Coomer radio for a very very very long time. I've stepped in and out of several podcasts over the years, but Ben's is the one and only that I've stopped with I've taken so much from what he has said over the years and I still do to this day Ben has interviewed some seriously high profile people over the years CT Fletcher for Learning and for Grand being just a few but in all honesty. It's his personal 10-15 minute episodes. I always tune in for us his mental Clarity and his knowledge is extremely infectious on everything to do with mental and physical health a couple of weeks ago after listening to an episode of his I was like fuck it. I'll reach out to him and see if he wants to come on the show on the off chance. He might The amount of times I've done this now is hilarious. But what I do notice is that it's the people who really do have the ability to provide value that say, yes, when I ask them this was one of those made me super super pumped when he did say yes that honestly I was so excited and the fact that he came down despite being seriously busy, you know with his BTN Academy his new supplementation range awesome supplements sort of called and a few other amazing project. He's working on was Really amazing in all honesty. I could have sat down with been four hours and ask him questions, you know question after question after question on Health Fitness business, whatever it may be this episode, you know kind of jumps around on several topics has to be honest. I kind of used it as an excuse to ask them some questions. I wanted the answers to but all of those questions will be relevant to you guys. Honestly, this is an episode that you should all listen to he's answers are incredible and I've listened to it three four five. X over already I enjoyed every single second. It's an absolute screamer. So get involved. First of all, I want to say a massive. Thank you for coming down. This is this is big for me because I started listening to you as I was sort of starting my journey out of uni. Sure. Yeah. I mean you and JJ Frazier. I don't know if you know Jeffrey I listened to him for years. I listen to you for a bit and I kind of stopped listening to podcasts work appeared as I was sort of moving start to move. We've been on two books a little and then I sort of sort of mix between the two now when I can but yeah, I've really started over the last six months really changing back into U. So this is massive for me. I really appreciate you coming down which side of it. Yeah. Absolutely. So obviously you're busy busy man. So you admit you're doing you owner of BTN color. We recording already. Yes. All right. Oh you didn't give me an inch. I'll make this natural combo bro. Don't incriminate yourself, mate. So you'll be 10 Academy. Yes. You are Ben Cooper radio. Obviously you have just a massive component of what you doing. You do just a ton of stuff your now your own of awesome or supplements. Yeah. Awesome has I get how is going very well? Yeah nearly three years from me epic look before we get really cracking on. I I was actually unaware of your until I did my research last week or so about your background. Where you came from? So I think that would be amazing because I think it we touch we're going to touch on a lot of bits like change and motivational that kind of stuff. I think it'd be really awesome to hear a bit about your background where you've come from and is kind of your journey. It's to into the fitness industry and obviously where you are now sure. Yeah. So when I was younger I was going to be an actor. That was my thing ever since the age of eight got to 18 looked at myself in the mirror and I was like, I don't feel like I'm a success of my life. Looking this way. So I went on a big personal journey of Just self-improvement body-mind Fitness everything and I hit a lot of roadblocks. Like I was really struggling. I remember I'd been at it for about 5 months and I've lost like five pounds of body fat and for anyone on a diet, that's pretty depressing and remember having an argument in the kitchen one day of my brother and I was teasing him and he was like make you're not so perfect. Look at the state of you you doing this diet. It's not even working. I just had to stare at myself in the mirror and it forced me to rethink what I was Like turn the system on its head so joined a gym happen to fall in the hands of a great trainer really compassionate newest stuff or back then and he said right let's lift some weights a bit. Let's cut down on this kind of stuff and your diet. Let's pay attention to your body bit more and I lost four stone in four months and I lost another stone and a half over like three or four months and it was just that rapid transformation of myself. I was like shit this time. It's really cool. Wow, and I just as I was going through kind of the acting stuff if like auditioning for drama school and that kind of stuff my interest just naturally went towards Fitness. Like I'm just super passionate about it ended up doing loads of travelling all through Asia went away for a long period of time came home. And I was like, that's it. I want to go into the fitness industry to track trained as a personal trainer. It's very fortunate that my mum gave me a chunk of money. That was for my uni fund my acting school fund. So I went and trained would like pull checking California. I did Sykes really cool education early days, so I'm very grateful. Fool for that so became a trainer then went to Unique is our got itchy feet then worked in Pro Sports Elite level rugby then was working with kids them and started my first online Fitness business that kind of failed miserably then kind of thought to myself. What do I really want to do? Well, I want to be on a bigger stage. I want to speak and then I started this kind of the social media journey of podcasting and video and in all the rest of it and then yes or six seven eight. I don't know how many years later here. I am with the few few fingers in a A few Fitness pies amazing. I mean like your thirst for knowledge. Where did that I mean as soon as you start to see results that when it's kind of start to settle in when you just kind of just wanting to learn as much as you can. Yeah, when I was a kid, I always focused on the Arts and the Arts is a very you've always got to think critically you got to express yourself to be better. You have to constantly self-reflect and I think in more like the science Realms, you don't develop that as a personality trait you just like learn this and you take a test and you know stuff. Words, I think the Arts taught me how to constantly re-evaluate where you are how to be better how to put on a better performance for yourself and other people and that probably gave me a young thirst for knowledge and then when I did so much so wrong then found a better Fitness path. I was like well, hang on I've got better knowledge here. I've created a better solution. I've got really dramatic results and I don't think that thirst is just ever gone away and I almost think why wouldn't you develop yourself as much as possible? Why I can't you why shouldn't you be the best human being that you can possibly be on here is 100 said I mean you didn't just suffer with being bigger you had other issues like IBS and all this kind of thing and changing and learning and then changing obviously improved you and all these the compartments. And is that what drove your passion for helping others? Yeah, definitely, you know just on a weight level. It's obviously life-changing you get more confident, you know, you feel good about everything that you do your fit. You don't get out of breath and then solving the IBS meant that Wasn't tired anymore wasn't lethargic solving miasma gave me a new lease of life and my fitness and I just thought I can't keep this information to myself the whole world needs to know about it. I need to get Spire people. Yeah, it's a gift to give so yeah, that was why I just wanted to teach and spread the love. I think well, I think change is a massive thing. I mean, I mean I come across people every day. They come down. The first step for me is then coming down the steps of that this gym and saying that they want to change. What I have discovered, I'm sure you obviously have been in history 10 years. I'm sure you've been through it time and time again is is the difference between that first step and then people actually having the motivation to stick with it or fall off. Mmm. What are the biggest blocks in your experience that stop people from really going from? Okay. I want to do that and then actually doing it. So firstly goes people probably don't have an honest enough gold. Like what really is it? Like the amount of people that walk down your gym steps and go I just want to lose fat and get fit and then when it actually you peel open the the onion and get to the core it's that they want to be happier more confident feel like they did when they were 22 like all that kind of stuff. They just want to have that new lease of life. And actually it's very important to focus on all of that because that's what's really freaking important. So goal setting is important being able to maintain daily. Momentum, I think it's an important thing. So I always tell people I have a little task I do with clients and it's called a person personal time sheet and you write a timesheet of your day and it's like I got up at six o'clock. What did I do from half six to seven seven five seven two seven and you you go through your day and Trunks and it's important to me to identify where momentum slips off where habits are may be negative. And actually the reason why we have to do that thing that personal time sheet is if you don't have data, Te you have nothing to react obvious all very subjective and as a nutrition coach you sit down and you're like, okay, so tell me about it. But because it's now eight hours in the past. You don't really know what happened. And because it's a habit you're not really fully aware of it because a lot of our habits our self conscious self conscious subconscious and a product of our environment. So I break down all this stuff and it's like, right. Okay, you always seem to go off track at lunchtime like taught me through what happens at lunch and it might be that they work with some crappy. People and the people that they work with annoy them and then they get hungry and then they go and eat some crap at lunch and then actually they feel tired at their desk and then that means they don't feel motivated in the afternoon to go to the gym session whether it's whatever they're doing and actually you as the trainer might go a why didn't you turn up to training today and they said, oh I felt tired, but that wasn't the actual reason of the back it was way further back. So if I can fix where momentum was lost I can now create momentum through The rest of the day and I think that's powerful so it's the power is power of self-awareness essentially a hundred. I mean that is something that I was I mean I listen to me recently says his self awareness is the first part of self-mastery. Mmm, aren't I when I heard that I was like fuck that is so fucking true. Hmm. It really is because if you can cess where you're going wrong and your weaknesses and your strengths then surely a lot of gate start to open a lot of gay start to open up for you. Yeah. The problem is people are scared to look at that. Slayer and it's you know, people might look at you or anyone that they perceive to have got their shit together and I are but I'm not like him like I don't have this like he thinks like this and I've got this negative habit and it's like every single one of us has negative habits negative character traits things that we were going to say, we don't like about ourselves but it's about optimizing that and just focusing on your strengths like there's many behaviors that if I talk people through it you'd be like, oh actually I wouldn't have known that. About you and it's like yeah because I manage it. Yeah, you know, I managed it every day. I've had it some routines. So it's not about being perfect or you know, being this idea that people look up to us about just look at yourself and going okay I can deal with this. Let's just make it better one step at a time. I'm sad and then you actually talk about it. I think you've written a book like I've written a few Loosely and yeah, I mean that you talk a bit about the tart the day you actually realized you weren't a great a good personal trainer. I think you said yeah. That was my book how to be an awesome person. I think that that was that the sort of beginning of your Fitness self-awareness will most often realize where you had to get better. Yeah, I think I had an a maturity Epiphany. Well, I had to get out of my own ego and stand back and go why not being successful. I'm doing all this stuff. I've done all these courses and I just saw someone else who I saw as an inferior trainer do way better than me and I was like, hang on but I was vulnerable enough to stand back. And ask myself as hard questions and then I started to go through the process of like, okay. Well, how do you become an effective coach what is an effective process of change and actually it's not just about knowledge. Everyone's got knowledge. It's about empowering someone understanding them working with their environment. So yeah, so self-awareness having the vulnerability to go in side yourself and really critique that and optimize it and if you're scared of doing that if anyone listening is like, you know, I'm still a bit scared of looking at that person. Pretty clean the mirror. It would be really valuable to hire a coach, you know, the amount of people that I say look don't come and buy my fat loss program or don't come and do this go and sit down with a psychotherapist or a mindset coach and just pay that 50 pounds and just get them to help you a little bit because as we always come back to In the Journey of success, it was comes back to the mind and if you're not going to win to master your mind, you're not going to master yourself 100% I mean, like even though people do come downstairs this gym and they taking the first step wanting to change. JH that I mean, I read a book ages ago thats for a change my way of thinking about human beings is the mindset by Carol dweck brilliant book or any boat. So you go growth mindset. You got fixed mindset the amount of people that come down these stairs, you know, the wanting to change they still have that fixed mindset with are just and I think actually the biggest thing with a fixed mindset is people just accept how they are. They don't look into themselves and see where they can improve and they almost don't want to that's the hardest part. So seeing that that's why I kind of like Take coat the coach. This is my equivalent of a coach no down here. I actually think it's the community in there and the the atmosphere down here that changes people not in that regard. So I see people every single day that I know in a couple of weeks time their body language will change their way to towards other people change. It's simply because they're starting to let down those barriers and they're realizing actually what they're capable of they probably never thought. They were eight. They they never they never thought they were able to that. So in that regard, it's just like completely agree. I'm and that's what I think that Fitness is just the best thing in the world because they know they can start to control elements of their life and you know, obviously that natural endorphin rush and the atmos the feelings that you generate from from being fit and healthy just it's the biggest game changer. Definitely. This is where group fitness is more powerful than personal training because it's an interesting. I know. Yeah. Got let's say you've got 30 people in a class. Let's say all 30 people are on a positive fitness journey that new person that 31st person is now getting little bits of input from everyone else's transformation. And now they've got an opportunity to resonate with three four five people in that class. It's like are there similar to me? They're in a similar environment and they're doing it and they're making changes and they're cooking this and they're going to bed on time. I can do it and that's very hard to do. Sometimes when you're a personal trainer one-on-one with the coaches. Like you're just you've just got this stay or one-way relationship of like do this try that but sometimes people change the best from kind of just transient exposure to a positive motivating environment. Yeah 100. I mean I fell out of love of Pete. I've been to a lie about little bit about my background, but I was a one-on-one PT for two years. I just fell out of love with it because I threw so much into it and because you only see that person once twice a week, I didn't feel like a have the impact that I wanted to their on. That's why I love being down it like a lobbying the gym. I know pretty much everybody's name. They come into the same time. So every day and they walk out of that building from like a million dollars and that is why it's just the best feeling in the world. And I'm really that was amazing to hear that you actually think the group group training can be as if it can be even more effective than one-on-one busy. I'd probably say for the general population. It is hands-down more effective hands down because it's scalable. Most people want it. Not many people want person. I'm training. So if you want to take the next level in your Fitness, yeah, go get a specific program written all the rest of it. But you know Group Training can provide for the masses is also a cost component there. A lot of people can't afford personal training that is the reality. So I think trainers definitely need to embrace it and it's nice that trainers have started to say, you know, employees semi-private training models and all that kind of stuff is way more positive. I would rather train with a group of four guys all looking to build muscle for example than just one trainer be more fun bit of I'll be a bit competitive to the guy next to me. You will always push yourself harder as well 100 ways. So when did your career take the next level? So you went through uni, then you went into that's when to professional sports are correct? Yeah that were so 2009 was my last year of uni, right? That was the year that I was in Pro Sport while I was at Uni decided I didn't want to do Pro Sport because it was just very self limiting. It was very limiting on what you could do how you could impact change. Was this an A nutrition standpoint always this since I was actually assisting strength and conditioning coach and I worked as I could do with nutrition, but they were quite closed off to change in nutrition. It was all protein shakes and going down for a Nando's afterwards. So that was the approach to Pro rugby nutrition, which is fine the real big goals and thereby big guys and they need to eat a lot. So then 2010. I launched my second online business and it was from there that 2011. I started the podcast. Cost and doing videos and all the rest of it and it is about 2013 or essentially three years of hard work pays off. I started writing for every Fitness Magazine podcast hit number one, you know is doing loads of cool stuff. And what's the recipe there? I can just hard work. Yeah. It was it's funny like, you know this podcast I adore adore. It's you know, it's I'm not monetizing it. But what it does is it's given me a platform to speak to people such as yourselves and learn and that's what actually used it for from day one. I never really claimed to kind of be like or you know, I'm an expert on this. I've got x y z because I don't you know, I have good understanding of straight conditioning. I'm good at understanding of nutrition. I'm not saying I'm up here, but you know, I'm not understanding but I used it as a platform to get to to learn and it's come from more empathetic standpoint, and that's why people Machine in because they're kind of on a journey and I mean you started yours went six six six years ago and you've had what CT Fletcher you've had some huge huge resource. Who's the person you've kind of was like, have you ever sat down and being like This guy's really big deal and you like move it kind of taken back or do you have the mentality just going to go a couple I do I do have the Met like people ask me if I've ever been like do I ever get Starstruck and that kind of thing but I always see other people is just humans. Sure. Like you're a guy I'm a guy like we've both got value. I'm not above you below you or anything like that. We just do different things in different worlds and have you know different jobs for people and for ourselves, so, The I always come back to the number one interview I've ever done is actually Martin Rooney training for warriors guy has like a group fitness kind of concept in America. Okay, but he listened to him. This is a very motivation motivating guy. He's just brilliant the way that he presents himself. So that's one of the best interviews of ever done, you know, some recent amazing guest deliciously. Ella was really good. It was really nice compassionate conversation around talk plant-based nutrition. That was really nice, but it's really hard when you've done. And two shows to pick out a favorite I tell you I don't upset anyone now. I tell you what I've listened to I'm just about 50-60 of yours. And the one that had the biggest impact on me. Okay was I don't know why I keep looking at my watch is broken she habit it was your your reflection on this year the last year starting in 2017. Sorry mate time flies 2018 mm. Well, let me What you've got to say and then we'll maybe start a fight. Yeah, you learn a couple of things but the one that was massive for me and this is somebody who obviously you've got a ton of knowledge. I mean you've done you need you've been learning for for a long long time on things that you're most passionate about and you said something which had been stuck in my own mind ever since I've opened this gym and you said One thing I learned about myself was I stopped learning you stopped and obtaining knowledge. Now was it you became too much of an action Taker and then you go on to talk about the balance between obtaining knowledge and action yet and how if you're an entrepreneur, sometimes you can steer weight or way way more towards the action side of things and you stop obtaining on it and I was like Jesus that is fucking so true because of the thing I used to love doing more than anything was Being a podcast re of reading a book and and obtaining knowledge and writing about in my journal and then talking to people about it. That's yeah, I used to go there and I was like, that's because this gym I love it to Pieces my happy place, but we're here, you know in the early days of the first four months. We were here from R5 until 10:00 at night, you know, and you're doing something all the time, you know, cleaning toilets, whatever you're selling a membership, whatever it may be but I knew there was something missing like it was Who's niggling at me? And then I heard that was like that's it. I'm not I don't feel actually feel like I'm going the other direction. I actually feel like I'm forgetting stuff and that's a frightening place to be. So yeah that I just thought was fascinated me in regard to you is it similar was it's it was a pretty much a similar thing you would you're so busy and what you would do in that you kind of weren't making time to obtain the knowledge. So I'm unsure the podcast that you're referencing just because I do a lot I ate all about Mama and my head and I think that's why people like my podcast because it's like I haven't got all this figured out of my head. I'm going to tell you where my head's at. He'll give some clarity to you. I got to a point where I was learning a lot and I just didn't have the time to implement it. So I put a learning ban on myself thick because the problem is the ideas that I had kept getting manipulated a little bit as a new idea came in and it's not to say that that idea can't be better but an idea executed is better than an idea not execute because you still just go And over it. So I had a learning band and I had a big argument with a friend. He's like how arrogant to say that you're you know, you can't learn and you know, you're not not engaging in learning as I'm not I'm not saying that I'm saying I've just done so much as any time to let it settle affect me like how many of us now read a book and then we're straight on to the next book. So true, right you should probably scan through the pages and just pick up the real key stuff that you took away that you may be highlighted or wrote notes on because if you don't, you know I would say five to ten books could radically transform someone's life the right five to ten books, but do people really engage with those right five to ten bucks or are we just moving through more and more information on some so these days I'll probably learn about three hours a week and that's it. That's all anything more and I just ain't got the time to implement and yeah, do yes true, but you to structure that into your routine. I take a very compassionate approach to it and I do it when I travel and so I switch off. My phone when I travel and I listen to an audio main core I read I don't try and multi-task with learning and doing other stuff because I'm hoping that the stuff that I'm learning is very important. I want to take it in. I don't want to be engaged in a transient process of trying to learn. All right, here's a question two books. Yeah have had a huge impact first one job already straightened choco willing extreme ownership, like life book. You've got to read it. And probably is it the Ben Habits of Highly Successful People by Stephen Covey. Yeah, just an incredible Life Book interesting. Like people think it's a business book. It's not it's a life book. It's like how to be a better parent how to be a better human like just everything loved it in those two books interesting interesting. Okay while we're on this. Yep, two individuals that have you don't have to have known them. Yeah that have had a huge impact on you and why Jamie Oliver Jamie Oliver. Yeah, I am going why love the guy he's always challenge the status quo has been willing to put his neck out when it comes to health like that Matchstick that guy gets in the media and everything and it's like he's genuinely trying to the night the right thing and he's honest. He hasn't worked out all the answers. He's like, but we need to have a stab you know, those turkey Twizzlers you served in schools. We should probably think of something different to kid. I could feed our kids. Yeah, you know, he's not saying he's got the solution, but let's talk about it. Also, you know, he's been very passionate. You know, he's always trying to reinvent just food food simple, right the guys bought out like 10 cookbooks. They won't teach - yeah find that inspiring second one maybe like the rock or Arnold Schwarzenegger. It's like that just that tenacity to challenge yourself always be humble even like I love the rock is like the most humble guy but literally the most sex sex for guy in so many different disciplines and I'm like, that's cool. Yeah, that's cool. That's great. Listen to without an old Schwarzenegger. That's the only one I've actually it's in fact if you time with Tim Ferriss the red AV listeners that one I have here twice goddess a good one. Yeah, he's a cool dude. He succeeded in so many areas. Yep, like always he property he was properly was bodybuilder property lightning-like laborer labor labor of fed into the property. Yeah, and then yeah and then and then acting came the high most highly paid actor on the planet. I think it was I which is a rock now probably about these Legend. Yeah and He obviously went on to been governor governor of a state American. So the thing is like it's really hard to go back into real and stuff. But he's like I didn't know how to act but I'm the world's best something he was the world's best bodybuilding and he could have stayed there and it's like I'm just going to forget it all and retrain as an actor and I literally can't act but I'm going to learn. Oh look now. I'm the most paid. Yeah actor in the world. This is see love that humbleness to be able to just go back to the most basic form of a skill and be willing to relearn it all. Brilliant, it is some of you touched on just now when we talk a little bit about like knowledge and I think actually warms Loma phrases is there's a lot of information out there and I feel like somebody from the outside especially I would say Fitness and Nutrition is a very difficult thing because there is so much out there and we're in a day where social media is so present and everyone's got an opinion. What's your advice to somebody who may be listening who's in that struggle? They're not kind of sure what to listen to what what kind of pickup coming into like trying to get into fitness. What would you like on a primary sort of advice be in regard to making that first step not overloading yourself with too much. Just trying to started to introduce a few little I know it's Unique to everyone. Yeah, just overall speaking the kind of starting point. Uh, yeah. Yeah how Common, is it now but I try and exercise as much common sense as possible. So let's just look at the human bodies and basic tool. It should probably eat real food. It should probably sleep. Well, it should probably drink a lot of water. It should probably move with purpose. It should probably lift some heavy things because that's a functional thing for the human body to do. So, if you start following and listening to too many people that are opposed to those Concepts, you've got to say that just doesn't even make sense. I mean come on we're essentially an animal and a very Advanced world. Start to have a bullshit radar well and truly turned on so when you hopefully listen to me or you when we're doing stuff like podcasting, we never really ever talk in absolutes. You should do this. You shouldn't do that because that's just not true. You know, there's many different tools for many different jobs. So I think if you find the right kind of people talking the right kind of way in a very compassionate way and just sort of saying to people, you know, this is what the research says and we've applied this with our clients and this kind of works go and have a play with it. Have a try of it. If in that process, you know, you're keeping to the basics, you're always building on the basics. You won't go too far wrong with your health and fitness so true. It's so true. And I think I mean I had James Smith on this show. I think James is a real character or a lot time from I'm he's quite out there in the way he does stuff but he's he's cut a lot of the BS out of this game, and I just I just I love the way you kind of He's not like you have to lock yourself away in eat chicken and broccoli. I like and I kind of like the way he's kind of he's gone. The other way is kind of ramen that down your throat. Now that you know, you need to be able to live your life to have long-term sustainable improvements in terms of how you feel. But big thing I know with you is, you know, the introduction of sort of habits and I mean I've listened to Jay through here for years and that's kind of where I started to accumulate mine and then obviously I've heard a lot of you wasn't in the past as well. Help me. I building habits. I mean how important is that to specially like you and introduction into your clients. I mean, I'm interested. Well, we're a result of our habits. So I'm fortunate. Well, I suppose I'm not fortunate because I designed it. My home environment is built so that my habits can be really positive how long's that take a few to accumulate? Well, you know, I always had a plan that when I bought my first house and it would look this way and that's it wasn't going to compromise. So I just saved up and waited till You know the right house can it came along? So like even you know, my bedroom, it's it's in a really cool spot with with where the sun rises or doesn't like get too hot and stuff. I've got a beautiful amazing big bed of Super King. So I don't have to touch my wife during sleep so I can sleep nicely. You know, when I go down. I've got a massive double American fridge that means I can store lots of beautiful food in it. You know, I've got a water filter. I don't have a coffee. I've just have a mocker pot. Yeah. Thanks. Yeah, that's way. Yeah, and I Only 20 quid. Yeah, absolutely. You know, I've got a utility room so I can put all the pots and powders and all sorts of random stuff out there. I've got a gym in my garage. So it's like I've set up my home. So if I don't leave I can be as healthy as humanly possible and I think that's really important. So my habits in that environment can be always positive that's not as easy for other people where you've got to travel a lot this work colleagues friends and family all that kind of stuff. So don't get me wrong. I've built my life to allow that but again you need to Systems and habits and routines and probably mindset narratives to help you deal with all that stuff. But ultimately all of this comes down to planning and preparation. If you want an outcome, you got a plan for it. So however much a client sits in front of me and gives me excuses and weaves different stories and shit. I'm like if we're to planned we would have got a better outcome and the reality is people could have planned better for the outcomes. That isn't saying about you you avoiding, but I think that's so cool man. Yeah, that's that's That's that's epic. I mean literally is a nice out. Yeah, that is. Okay. Well, we know I've got a question here say, you know to daily habits that you can live without I mean that must be hard for you because if everything is literally is like a puzzle being put together could you dissect to that you just simply yet couldn't first one is getting outside for a real nice walk in the countryside got a dog every day. Yeah, and that force it twice a day every day get outside gives me Clarity even Okay, 15 minutes sometimes ago for an hour. Sometimes I switch my phone off and be quiet and then sometimes I'll take like a cool, you know and do a bit of business on the Move kind of thing. The second thing is probably either eating. Well, just making sure you are fuels my body and mind that all switching my phone off for periods of the day and just you know, I'm someone that wants Clarity in my life. I need time to do my job. And the mobile phone is an epic way to procrastinate and just gets in the way of stuff sometimes and run. Yeah, I think we could all be better off with putting Aeroplane mode on a little bit more. I'll salute Lee. I mean your jaw. I mean I say your job you've got so many things going on. I mean, what would you say you've got about how many different separate sort of entities if your business is there's three core entities in quizzes. Yeah. I mean you did a podcast on time auditing. Yeah, and I thought that was fascinating. I start something I really want to implement. I mean, how do you go about sort of yourself to your sort of time management? I mean obviously depends day-to-day, but do you have a kind of structure that you have in place of kind of? Allocating your time and I don't know. I mean, yeah, it's a show is a lot going on with you three to four days a week or work from home. So I get up in the morning put the coffee on. I have a car with a dog go outside for a couple of breaths of nice cold fresh air, and then I'll keep my phone off and I work for like a good three hours or so, you know on like a project or an article. I'm writing or something like that then I'll turn my phone on and I work with my team for a good hour and a half. Like what are we doing who need support like all that kind of stuff then it's like emails podcast interviewed like all that kind of stuff. Off then I'll usually turn my phone off again and then I'll go back into like a project to finish the day with so roughly. I work anywhere from 6 to 10 hours a day, and it kind of jostles between those two things. But I've got a good team good systems, you know building a business in a way that hopefully it still works and it's sustainable. So there's a lot going on, but I'm hoping it works. I mean, it's think it's working. Yeah. Well, yeah, obviously, I mean it's something that means method try hard to do every day, you know, we're trying to obviously we want to expand in In this franchise game you want to have as many as we can almost who are trying to find systems that work like you just said and I think leadership is a massive Point. I've actually thought I would dotting around on so many different points here and I it's just because I've told you there's so many different things. I want to talk to you about but that's quite an interesting one. I mean in terms of, you know, entrepreneurs a lot of intrapreneurs listen to this podcast, I mean as a sort of leader of your business, I mean, is there any sort of one piece of advice you have and sort of In regards to sort of keeping your team productive and happy and you know moving forward constantly. Yeah, it's probably two things and I've probably pieced this together a lot over the last six months is it takes way more time to lead people than you think it does, you know, you can't just get great people to be like, you know, I'll give you an hour a week of my time. It does take a lot more. So the I suppose the reality of building a team is you know, They are there to perform a role and function in your business through but they're still not you your chances are you probably would have done that job better. Especially if your business is small because you built it from the ground up and as soon as a business gets bigger, then your hands off like, you know, there's loads of people that could do the jobs within the business. So understand that that person really does need clear guidance from you, especially if it's a small business because quite often still about you. Mine is kind of my brand. I've built all these businesses. Rely on lot of my personal profile. So I think leadership takes more time than people realize. Otherwise the problems come further down the line. If you don't spend enough time of your staff now, they'll be pissed off in three months time when they don't feel valued and all that kind of stuff. Secondly, I think leadership still needs to be strong. I tried to implement too much autonomy in some of the roles and actually people are here quite often because of the leader, so I want to know what we're doing today. Like why are we doing it? It rather than like oh, you know you're happy to go off and create it when they come back and create your like or would have done it that way and this could be better and all that kind of stuff. So I try and get this fine balance of like autonomy in a role but really saying right this is what we're doing today. This is why we're doing it. This is how it needs to look don't forget to do that. Make sure you talk with that contact and I really like quickly lay out the foundation. So I just think is a leader you have to be very good at time management very clear with your instructions, but also very supportive and don't get me wrong. It's Very very fine balance that I will always try and get better at but I think if you do that, you'll have a great business and ultimately highly productive staff lead to a highly profitable business concern. So we're what's going to what's really major happening the in the next 12-18 months of your businesses. Is there anything you can talk to us about any projects major projects you're working on that. You're really excited about. Yeah, the key things for us in the next year are the supplement business awesome supplements. We wanna we've got some protein bars come in there are Absolutely, mind-blowing compared to the rest of the markets and working on them for the next two years. As you know, the snack Market in Fitness is thriving so we want to take a chunk chunk of that. We want to be in it. We want to be well known for it. So that's the key thing for me. I want to be talking a lot more I kind of it is very hard as a leader to tend to your business and your team or less of it and always be on social media and all that kind of stuff. So I feel that I've built a good team now and I want to be on social media a bit more again on video a bit more. Because there's a lot that I'm passionate about love talking about all sorts of stuff. So they're probably like the two key things. Hopefully two books will come out this year as well. So yeah, that's probably enough for now. Maybe it's super assign. It honestly has been an absolute pleasure to have you and I probably could ask you about a thousand different things where you've got a bit of a time limit today the thing I kind of want to finish on. Yeah, I don't I don't know if you listen to any of these podcast before but essentially this Cast originated off the back of me going through a really difficult time early 20s. So I just I was really lost for a direction kind of stepped into fitness, which I thought was what I want to do, but I was unsure as or went back and forth and I just kind of lost that sort of mental sort of Direction. I wanted to be going in so I'm you know suffer with depression and so I was always kind of thing that's kind of why I started this to kind of speak to people I use for people who are in a similar situation to me can become inspired sure. So I asked everybody on the show I go, you know, what is one lesson? Life lesson, you've learned that if you could speak to somebody in that situation you would pass on. And for I'll show you have a hundred but I'm just actually it's a tricky one to dissect one. But if there was one that really kind of so probably I probably give my mum credit for this She always told me from a young age. She says there's a matter what you do doesn't matter how you do it. Just do what you're passionate about that point in time and from an early age despite what my school said of like you should be doing maths. You should be doing science or these academic subjects. I just always focused on the Arts as well. I was passionate. Bow and I didn't know what making a pot in clay class was going to lead to or doing a silly photo for an art project was going to lead to but now actually my creative habits and ability is my most powerful business and life asset. I'm a very creative person if you sat down and said Ben we want to do some film with social media you got any ideas and I could just probably real your 50 ideas because I've developed a very creative brain, but that was a result of following my passion. Passion and you know school and parents and environments are great at trying to force us into a mold. The reality is now in the modern world. You can be successful at absolutely anything and be you know, and learn lots of money doing absolutely anything. So whether you're into making pots and clay or you're into fitness or you're into doing stocks and shares and doesn't matter just follow your passion and at least your wake up every day going I want to do that today. I want to do that today and then I think when there's problems that are coming D there like depression and feeling low and all the rest of it. They just slowly start to dissipate because you have so much energy for a thing, and I think humans need purpose and if we're not doing something that gives us purpose makes us get up every day makes us passionate about it and wanting to get other people involved in it, then you are going to find life pretty tough epic epic met. It's been an absolute pleasure. I really honestly really loved having you down. Thank you. Please come down for a session. If you like and quickly, I'm sure everyone does but where can people follow you where can people get your content because it's unbelievable. Thank you Vancouver all over the Internet Co mber Ben Cooper radio and iTunes Instagram. However, people like to follow people then go there and type Vancouver and you'll find me brilliant. We also it's nice, isn't it? That's right. It was it's now fueled vehicles and fuel fueled by oils, and they really appreciate it. Thanks very much. Thank you, dude.
I was absolutely ecstatic to do this episode today! I have listened to Ben Coomber for a very very long time. I have stepped in and out of several podcasts over the years but Ben is the only one that I have always stuck with. I have taken so so so much from what he has said over the years and still do to this day. Ben has interviewed some very very high profile people over the years, CT Fletcher, Phil Learney and Phil Graham being just a few, but in all honesty it’s his personal 10-15 minute episodes I always tune in for as his mental clarity and knowledge is extremely infectious on everything to do with mental and physical health A couple of weeks ago after listening to an episode of his I was like fuck it I’ll reach out to him and see if he wanted to come on the show. The amount of times I have done this is now hilarious. What I do notice is that it’s the people who really do have the ability to provide value that say yes! This was one of the ones that made me super super pumped though. There are a handful of people that have helped shape my knowledge and view on nutrition and Ben is certainly one. The fact he came down despite being super busy with his BTN academy, his new supplement range Awesome Supplements and few other amazing projects he is working on was amazing. In all honesty I could have sat down with Ben for hours and asked him question after question. This episode jumps through several topics - I used it as an excuse to ask him some questions I wanted the answers on in all honesty. However all these questions will be relevant to all listening. What we spoke about: * A little bit of background on Ben! He talks through his journey through obesity!! * Ben talks us though some very clear and concise changes that he made to his lifestyle to help him get to where he wanted!! * Ben talks about the topic of ‘Change’ Lots of people love the idea of change but very few actually manage it. * The power of group training! * Self awareness is the first part to ‘Self-Mastery’. * I ask Ben whether he has always had that entrepreneurial drive. Where has it come from? * Two pieces of leadership advice. * The balance between knowledge consumption and action. * Two daily habits you couldn’t live without. * Two people who have had a significant impact on your life!! * I ask Ben to share with us a life lesson he has learnt to an individual in their 20’s / 30’s who is a little bit lost for a direction. * What is on the agenda for Ben over the next 12 months! This is an absolute screeeeamer! Get involved!
Thank you for listening to the stairs Diaries podcast today. God is saying the veil has been removed whom God has blessed. No man can curse for so long. They tried to make you see what was not to cause you to fear. But as you learned to surrender to my voice day-to-day, my son's presence inside of you grew in Leaps and Bounds, and now the time has come for him to be glorified. So now let your light shine so that men will see his face and know his name the name of Jesus Christ. I charge you to go forth and live as a vessel in Testament of God's power From This Moment On Every Mountain before you has been laid flat and every Valley has been raised up. The snare is broken and you I've escaped because you have complete faith in me because now you understand that it has little to do with you and everything to do with me. I honor your mind and raise you to Heights that no man on Earth could ever describe now that you are rightly positioned our work can properly begin. The Harvest is plenty, but the workers are few. Keep your eyes open as my spirit leads you remember I came to save the sick soap a little mind to those who claim to see but are indeed blind to how I am moving. I have given you the blueprint for the plans and gifts I have in store. However, remember that only I know the end and full strategy there. You are safer to abide continually in me and in doing so you cannot go wrong believe that no weapon fashioned against you will prosper your enemies. Think they did you wrong. But fail to realize I used them as my Divine Sheepdogs to lead you to this open door that leads to many more. He that is in you ensures that this door remains open as long as you abide. And there we have it. This is the word of the Lord praise. God, praise God. I claim it and plug into it in Jesus name and I hope that's so Bill. You have a fruitful day. God bless you.
Psalm 98:1-2 Revelation 3:18 James 4:8 John 15:15-17 Daniel 12:3 Romans 8:38 Psalm 1 Matthew 9:35-38 Isaiah 22:22 Revelation 3:8 Lamentations 3:36-37 Isaiah 54:17 Matthew 5:16 Luke 5:32 Psalms 124:7 Numbers 23:8 Isaiah 40:4 Zachariah 4:6-7 Thank you for listening to The Seer's Diaries podcast. Today, God is saying: "The veil has been removed. Whom God has blessed, no man can curse. For so long they tried to make you see what was not, to cause you to fear. But, as you learned to surrender to my voice day to day, my son's presence inside of you grew to leaps and bounds and now, the time has come for Him to be glorified. So now, let your light shine so that men will see His face and know His name- The name of Jesus Christ. I charge you to go forth and live as a vessel and testament of God's power from this moment on. Every mountain before you has been laid flat and every valley has been raised up; the snare is broken and you are escaped because you have complete faith in me. Because now you understand that it has little to do with you and everything to do with me, I honor your might and raise you to heights that no man on earth could ever describe. Now that you are rightly positioned, our work can properly begin; The harvest is plenty but the workers are few. Keep your eyes open as my Spirit leads you; remember, I came to save the sick so pay little mind to those who claim to see but are blind to how I am moving. I have given you all the blueprint for the plans and gifts I have in store however, remember that only I know the end and full strategy. Therefore, you are safer to continually abide in me and in doing so you cannot go wrong. Believe that no weapon formed against you will prosper. Your enemies think they did you wrong but fail to realise I used them as my divine sheep dogs to lead you to this open door that leads to many more. He that is in you ensures that this door remains open as long as you abide. " And there we have it. This is the word of the Lord. I claim it and plug into it in Jesus name. And I hope that so will you. Have a fruitful day. God bless you.
It's not about women or potential women need to take a page from then and own their own success. Mr. Enabled the others very powerful. Hello, you're listening to the first podcast to go for women and take and all those who want to build a smart gender equity for take 10 minutes. It's really actionable advice at 50 in Tech. We give you the keys to unlock the tech industry and move it. For real today. We are welcoming Venice am a co-founder and CEO of leading with humor. Hello. My name is dr. Vanessa Mercy. I'm the CEO and founder of leading with you more a change management consultancy company. I have an MBA from Cambridge judge business school where I lead workshop and I did a research on the impact of humor. Leadership that research has been picked up by the financial term and publish in 2018 with the success of This research people as 32 asked me to lead Workshop in their company. So I've left my job for the city of London in order to dedicate it's my time to help leaders all over the world to use humor to their advantage and to change companies DNA with you more. I work a lot with financial Industries and in tag why because it's male-dominated. I have entrepreneurs in my workshop who share stories about how it is difficult for women to be in a male-dominated environment and to support every day male humor. For example, a web developer in one of my workshop shared that in his company. It's mainly mail and only woman is the HR and HR actually left the company because She was she was a tirade to hear everyday joke about the fact that she was a woman. For example, one day she was in the kitchen and one of the guy told her. Oh you find your you find your spot a woman should always be in the kitchen. So example like that. That's why people are sharing with me during the during the workshop and what I tell them I give them 5 tips to use you more. Of all you have to know your audience. That's something that nobody really do when they are talking to people especially when they are using you more. We all have been in a presentation where the bus or the klieg is using like a funny image and it's falling completely flat because nobody is laughing because it's not targeted to the right public. If you do public speaking, you know that but you have to be mindful of who you are in front of you you have to take information about the people before using you more in order to not hurt. But you who is in your audience, you have to laugh at yourself. So I know I said that self-defeating you more is an aggressive type of you more but the the higher you are in the hierarchy the best you can use laughing at yourself because it's making you human it's making you approachable. That's something that women often use, but they offer they use it in the wrong situation. They often trying to cover up a tiny mistake using self-defeating you more. For example, I've done A presentation or I'm sorry, I'm blond or whatever, you know, you're trying to cover up something that met with never spot. Anyway, so you're making a big fuss of something and you're putting yourself down in front of your peers and your hierarchy when you shouldn't do that. You should just move on be mindful of others. As I said, you know should be can you move should be positive human should be about Gathering poop people around the subject. You can all laugh about together not laughing at people appear in control. And there is a crisis. The first thing that goes away usually is your sense of humor. So think about it, if you use you more in a difficult situation that actually show that you are in control of the situation and be ready which is the most important thing when you are a woman you have to be ready you have to have already come back in your pocket that you can use in a difficult situation. We all have been victim or we all have examples of difficult situation. And usually it's the same job the same thing that is Coming back over and over again. So you can be prepared. You can actually look online for comedian that I've covered the subject and comedian all over the Run. They've covered every possible subject and you can use one of your joke. You can adapt it to can learn it by heart and you can use it in a situation which is coming back to you or you can build your own material and what I say when I tumor in my workshop is that you have for example to discuss the Always friends in a safe environment and you will come back with something creative and you have to refine it in different environment until it's perfect people often have something which is called a signature story a story that you know is working in every kind of circumstances. It can be something personal it can be something that you that you personal story. Usually that your master and you know, everybody's going to laugh about it. You have to do that with the ready come back for the difficult situation. And you have to build something that you know will work and you can do that only in a safe environment and after taking a risk like a little Innovation and trying this new material in different environments until it's you are fully owning it until you are fully confident and you can fire it to the person who is putting yourself down. So I give you example of how to use your more in order to Contour attack difficult job. But there is a more positive use of you more and that's also what I teach in my workshop. It's how to lead with you more. You can need with you more as a woman using it in order to build cohesive teams and to strengthen relationship. I have a concrete example, but that it's an engineer. She's an engineer. She's leading a team of engineer for Airbus and she told me that how she use you more is very funny because she is he's purposefully watching Big Bang Theory in order to have something to say to her engineer in the morning to spark a conversation. She's also looking on internet to find engineer jokes something that is speaking to the gym and she send it to them and that sparkling conversation and that's making them love and she she successfully created a bond within our team of engineer. So that's how you can use you more in a Positive way to improve your leadership and to improve the atmosphere within your team and the culture of your company. Why did I accept the 15 in pack invitation as a woman who built a career in male-dominated Industries. I developed a masculine sense of humor and use my sense of humor to be part of the boys club and Advance my career in an industry where women are still a minority support of a strong network is essential and that is why I accepted the invitation. It is a bold and necessary in it. Adjective and I believe women should help each other. So in the future, they will be no male or female leader just leader without gender everyday. I share my knowledge and experience to contribute to achieve this goal with a mission to create a million smile in the workplace at Bill gender Equity with your more. If you like this podcast subscribe, comment and share and give us a five stars note on your preferred platform should be iTunes Google or some clothes. out and if you want to empower women at scale Sharon advice on 15
Hello ! I have an MBA from Cambridge Judge Business School where I lead workshops and I  did a research on the impact of humour in leadership. That research has been picked up by the Financial Times and published in 2018. With the success of this research, people started to ask me to lead workshops in their company. So I've left my job for the City of London in order to dedicate my time to help leaders all over the world to use humour to their advantage and to change companies' DNA with humour. I work a lot with financial industries and in tech. Why? Because it's male-dominated. I have entrepreneurs in my workshop who share stories about how difficult it is for women to be in a male-dominated environment and to support everyday male humour. For example, a web developer in one of my workshops shared that in his company it's mainly male and the only woman is the HR. And the HR actually left the company because she was tired to hear everyday jokes about the fact that she was a woman. For example, one day she was in the kitchen and one of the guys told her: " Oh, you found your spot ! A woman should always be in the kitchen". So examples like that, that's what people are sharing with me during the workshop. And what I tell them, I give them 5 tips to use humour. First of all, you have to know your audience. That's something that nobody really does, when they are talking to people, especially when they are using humour. We all have been in a presentation where the boss or the colleague is using like a funny image and it's falling completely flat because nobody is laughing because it's not targeted to the right public. If you do public speaking, you know that. But you have to be mindful of who you have in front of you. You have to take information about the people before using humour in order to not hurt anybody who is in your audience. You have to laugh at yourself. So, I know I said that self defeating humour is an aggressive type of humour. But the higher you are in the hierarchy, the best you can use laughing at yourself because it's making you human, it's making you approachable. That's something that women often use but they use it in the wrong situation. They often try to cover up a tiny mistake using self-defeating humour. For example, I've done a presentation or I'm sorry I'm blond or whatever, you know, you are trying to cover up something that men would never spot anyway. So you are making a big fuss of something and you are putting yourself down in front of your peers and your hierarchy when you shouldn't do that you should just move on. Be mindful of others. As I said, humour should be kind, humour should be positive, humour should be about gathering people around a subject you can all laugh about together, not laughing at people. Appear in control. When there is a crisis, the first thing that goes away usually is your sense of humour. So think about it, if you use humour in a difficult situation, that actually shows that you are in control of the situation. And be ready, which is the most important thing when you are a woman. You have to be ready, you have to have a ready comeback in your pocket that you can use in a difficult situation. We all have been victims or we all have examples of a difficult situation and usually it's the same joke, the same thing that is coming back over and over again. So you can be prepared, you can actually look online for comedians that have covered the subject and comedians all over the world have covered every possible subject. And you can use one of their jokes, you can adapt it, you can learn it by heart. And you can use it in a situation which is coming back to you. (...)
Fellow fiends, welcome to another terrifying and delectable episode of nightmare on film Street the horror podcast with zero credibility, but all of the blood ghouls. And Gore your puny heart can handle let's give a grave Welcome to our hosts John and Kim. Hello again fiends and welcome to nightmare on film street. I'm Kim John this week. We are talking ah real big monsters. It was a title that we should not have made and we stuck with it. Yeah. I mean, oh I'm really proud of it. I really like it this week. We are taking a break from Stephen King month as this is a triple episode month. So we slid in the middle there a little bit of some Creature Feature action. We are Celebrating the release of 47 meters down on caged by watching a couple creature features. That's right. You got a shark movie hitting the theaters this weekend at home right now. You can revisit at least I hope for the last week. I hope you Revisited anaconda snake movie and the snake if you didn't know if the title it's a it's a snake and also another snake named Jon Voight and Ricky Ottoman and Lake Placid some crocodiles alligators. They Crocs right Crocs. Oh, we'll get into it. Are you excited? What's keeping you creepy this week him. Obviously, it's 47 meters down. Are you excited? I'm pumped last time we saw it was at the drive-in as we do and I remember it was pouring rain, which was a cool effect for a shark movie. Yeah, but also you can't have your car on because so we have this really cheap little hatchback where you can't turn. Off the running lights if you have the car for ya. So you figure that. Yeah, you cannot run the wiper blades without having the running lights on so we're basically just fucked if the weather's bad and we're at the drive-in it's also because we got the most standard package pause there we want no add-ons, except we want to be able to plug our phone in and our radio doesn't work. It hasn't worked for three years. So we don't tell him I'm telling them because it builds into the store, but you can't afford a radio, but you bought an RV we made smart. Business decisions. Yeah, we haven't had a radio in the car for three years. So we bring a portable little radio with us so that we can still have the full Driving Experience. Yep, and I remember it was pouring so bad that the three of us you mean the dog went for a walk suspects that the driver went for a walk around the drive-in in the pouring rain with our tiny little radio with us to try to capture some of the film so we can at least see some of it and we were soaking wet and that's what I remember. Had a fun time it was great. I think the CGI was okay, but who knows? Yeah, I think that is the perfect filter to watch a movie that maybe had a really low budget. It's just like through several layers of glass and Rain. Yeah. It's like, I don't know if you guys had this where you're listening but there was an ad when we were growing up. I think they still run it where they're trying to demonstrate. Oh that Energizer Bunny Christmas add your time. Nope talking about that talking about that drinking and driving ad where there's like. Hey, oh, this is Yeah, this is what the road looks like just on a regular night. And here's what it looks like after one big and then after two beers and they just put empty cups in front of each other. So until it's this is more and more fuzzy and then you crash and die and kill your family everybody screaming in the back Wyatt. Yeah, that's what we grew up on and that's kind of what the drive-in looks like it really it really fuzzed out all them edges, but I'm very excited. I cannot wait. I like a good shark movie specially in the summer. I'm trying to get John to hold out to see it at the driving this weekend, but I had to wait so long to see crawl. Yes so long does it was worth it though. It was so I think we shouldn't risk. I think we should I think we should see it twice what's wrong with going to see a shark movie at the movie theater with the recliners that's fine. And then later on, you know in case it rains and you would just want to know what it looks like whatever Jones seeing it at the drive-in on a double bill. With another movie you probably already seen whatever if you could double Bill 47 meters down right now with another movie that's currently in the theater crawl and crawl is not an option because it's probably the Lion King. Okay. What if For What If instead we watch 47 meters down on caged and then I just put on like a childish Gambino album with front on the drive home. What dog lovers in it. Is he in 47 meters down? No, I think he's Simba. Oh Ian King. I'm so I'm very very out of touch with Disney World so I can't be so wrong if it's not a horror movie. I don't know what's in this. Yeah. Somebody recently asked me like what non horror movie we're looking forward to and it's I don't know what They're Zombieland isn't really a holder it is though, I guess and also not looking forward to it. I don't want to talk about it. What else is keeping you creepy this week Kim. Um, it's been kind of a quiet Newsweek. So I'm just going to talk about some anniversaries that I made post for the okay. Yeah. I'm pretty proud of ya Alfred Hitchcock had his 120 birthday anniversary. So elated happy belated to the late Alfred Hitchcock. What's your favorite Alfred Hitchcock movie? I actually put a post on Twitter to rank your top three. Okay, we're sure rear window. Of course then psycho. Yeah, then if I had to guess yep, did you put vertigo? No, okay. Alright. So say your list set. Yeah, it's vertigo rear window vertigo. Okay, so you got vertigo psycho. It's not the birds. No be the birds. No, it's not rope not vertigo know there's a very obvious one. Really missing it's at South by Southwest. What North and Northwest dial M for Murder. Fuck. Damn. That's a good. Oh shit guys, if you like. Hey, I will say this if you like Creep Show You should watch dial M for Murder first off like most Creepshow stuff. It's about getting away with murder trying to get away with murder. And if you love all those moments where people look shocked and then there's like a bunch of red and blue behind them. There is a great moment with grayscale. Ali where we sort of like Montage through an entire trial and a sentencing and you don't see any of it, but it's just her staring into the camera reacting to stuff around her gorgeous. It's a wonderful movie. Yeah. Okay. So what's your top the my top fuck I was vamping. I was hoping you'd forget to look at my tongue about great dial M for Murder is Shields clearly glance over me. It's very tough. I have not seen every Alfred Hitchcock movie obviously and top three I can only pick three mmm. Don't you just feel like a basic bitch though. And you're just like rear window psycho and vertigo know so, you know, a lot of people didn't have psycho on it. I was like, that's cause you say that but I was less than you don't mean it psychos incredible. It's not even one of those movies that's its present those overrated or underrated movies. Yeah, the movies that have become overrated. So now they're underrated because people don't appreciate them as much as because everybody else does like oh everybody looks psycho and that's because it's good. It's because it's amazing. It's incredible. Yep every single time I watch Find something new. Yeah, it's insane. I would also say if this is the one opportunity we have check out shadow of a doubt great movie one of his earlier films black and white pretend it's a vampire movie and I'm serious. It's my tip the bad guy never shows up during the day. He sucks. People dry. Like he's just like a he's a creep and yeah just like lives in darkness consider that Universal Monsters movie also some anniversaries this week Dead Alive brain-dead had anniversary came. I'm out August 13th 1992 in New Zealand for everyone forever. Yep. A bunch of friends 13th movies came out on the 13th of August. Surprise fried 13th Part 3 Jason Goes to Hell. Hmm. Somebody was saying Freddy vs. Jason, but that's a 15th. So we're we're gonna Also on top of that, I mean small big news big news. I heard big small big news. We got Edge Justin Benson are in Moorhead their new film synchronic is having its World premiere at if they just released their first image via Entertainment Weekly with Anthony Mackie it standing in front of like a dilapidated. He's got a gun but only in a cop position. He's a paramedic. It's probably a syringe. It's an EpiPen that he's got a gun holster. It just looks like two cops and we were like shooting from below and they're like, yo, I don't know if we can deal with this case. He's grotesque body just like movie mutilated from this weird designer drug. I don't know but said New Orleans, it's gonna be great. Yay guns akimbo to was also announced for the Tif premieres this week Daniel Radcliffe movie where he's like, you know a video game or a real-life game actually know nothing about he's it's what was that game that came out of that game that movie that came out where it was like one big internet game where it was like Truth or Dare. Oh shit. Emma Roberts was in it was really good with the alleged viral, right and it was like increasingly more risky dares. I think it's similar in the in the sense that it's the whole world is playing this game with Daniel Radcliffe and he's got a not die. I'm excited. I assume that makes good choices. He's in some of the weirdo Radcliffe has made the best decisions. Yeah, since he stopped being Harry Potter. I mean, he's always going to be Harry Potter for good on him for remaining in that balance of doing like Blockbuster films and Read of stuff and interesting roles, like he played a fart corpse and like his career you so doing great came out like the same or like the year after Swiss army, man. Damn. If we are at it honestly, very strange very weird silly movie also very touching if we are like the thousands people to tell you to watch was army, man, please let us also be the last go see that movie but do it on like a date night those. Oh, yeah, they always about love that movie is generally about love, but it has a lot of farting Corpses. Very good movie also James Wan. I'm sure you've heard Atomic monster his production company will be producing email cats new film. It's called the troops based. It's an adaptation of Nick Cutters novels about a bunch of Boy Scouts to go into the woods and then like, oh some weird guys in our group now and then like wow whore, you know that that that sub-genre. I love the black horror genre. It's where I found most of my favorite, you know dead. Life was there the are real monsters episode is in the black whore. That's right. Yeah, you'll catch though real quick. If you don't recognize the name was the director behind all the episodes four channels hero dreamed or as well as cheap thrills got bugs in it. Yeah, it's got plugs in and or lots of bugs and their sweaters just a little FYI important to know and she throws of course as Pat Healy. No plugs no plugs from what I remember. Yeah, we should have a pug segment. Is this past the Pug Dale test? Like, you know, I'm sure there's a bunch of podcast doing bechdel test. But are there is there a podcast doing of pug test? There are two things I want to know about in a new movie that I have not seen one. How many pugs and how many pumps how many do I maybe the record number of oh, you're right. You think they're you think they're all different bugs or they better be or it's just one pug that they let loose with several different sweater letters though. And also, let's say it CLK It's pug but you see in the movie. So that directors got taste in pugs. Yeah, looking forward to it now. Okay, fine. This has been pug watch them real quick before we get into our blood horror episode that work like yeah that we're calling a real big monsters. This is become a very strange episode love it. I just want to give a big shout-out to some little baby crocodiles would have a feeding by the pond Tyler. A Kyle's Scott. I think Ray sense. Really Marchi Angela. Of course, you are all my babies and I've been feeding you bits of bread. I don't understand how you grew to be thousands of feet. I guess. It's thousands of inches you ve become very big on bread alone. What else? When does she jump from bread to will get into it will get into it. Those are of course our new patrons. Thank you so much for your support. Once again. That is Tyler Kyle Scott Grace, Marquis and Angela. Sorry if I've offended you. Color you little baby crocodile, but thank you so so very much for your support of indie horror podcasts like ours if you want to be a patron of Nightmare on Elm Street, we will be glad to have you you can get bonus episodes shoutouts like John's wonderful Betty White. Oh, yeah, whatever that was every single one of them that you've ever heard super plan. We rehearsed thought out blocked. I broke story this morning on that and I'm happy with that turned down merchandise swag. Egg even like Reddit handle stuff. We got a whole bunch of rewards over at slash Nightmare On Film Street. You can get this month bonus episode the scary stories to tell in the dark drive home from the drive-in will also be doing it chapter 2 next month. Oh, yeah, but you can head over check it out. Take a look and see if you want to support us. Let's get into a Kim Let's talk about some real big monsters and let's start with Lake Placid. It has existed since prehistoric. Rick times it was worshipped by primitive culture. It can kill a man with one crushing bite. We heard a man Was Bitten half any recent bear attacks. There's only pack people underwater probably a fever then whatever's out there who shot the piss he's dead. Help you find it. We can't let them kill it experienced a few pots mystery. Do you have any theories why he's here Earthly. I don't know and a few parts missing the human toe. Is this the man who was killed he seemed taller. Oh my God, so Lake Placid from 1999 directed by Steve Miner. We're going to go back to that. There is currently sitting at a five point seven out of ten on IMDb 41 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. Wow, you want to guess what the Roger Ebert's chorus 1 out of 4, it's one out of four from Ebert himself and a 2.6 out of 5 on letterboxed guys. I'm really surprised. How are you though? I liked this movie. I got I think everybody that voted that gave it a rotten. I don't know. I think I think most of the people that comprise. That 41 percent on Rotten Tomatoes also liked it and I liked this movie when it came out. I was a 10 year old but I still liked it. Sure. I still I liked it this watch I enjoyed myself. It was a fun movie. It's great fun. Yeah, but it's not like it's fun. Okay, you know what, you know, the the older I get the more the more I've realized there are only two genres of movies Jaws and The Exorcist. Yeah. Yeah exactly. This is Jaws. Yeah. No, I was gonna say fun is definitely one of them just fun and chill. Those are the those are the two genres of movies and music fun. And chill. That's yeah. Try me out. Throw a movie at me throw a band at me The Conjuring fun. Chill. What are you talking about? Jump-scare wars chill horror because it doesn't show. Okay, so that means that the conjuring During and Midsummer sure. I don't see The Conjuring as a chill movie. It's not John. What is fucking Jaws is fun. Jaws is fun backing up that argument. Okay, Lake Placid definitely fun. Super fun. Oh like it. It is firmly planted in that fun camp and an odd movie because now I'm sure we're all revisiting the movie having not seen it for several years it probably several months. Get said several everybody's watched in this year already. But what surprised me the most was just how quickly we glazed over who these characters are and why they're they're officially and there's there's very little effort in justifying why anybody is here. You know what I'm gonna stop you right there and say everybody deserves to be there and should be there except for Bridget Fonda has character. I really don't Don't think Kelly needs to be there whatsoever. And that random rich guy. No, I can I can get behind. Yeah, but it's all pretty random and the movie knows that and rather than trying to justify it to you with some big movie drama explanation. Whatever. We just have a lot of back and forth banter because everybody's rude to everybody else and it's great super rude, even though they're all there by choice technically like everybody is there by choice Nobody's reporting back to anybody really until the end of the movie. So yeah, but Hector Hector though like this crocodile and this crocodile is his Coachella like you tell him that they've erected a stage and he's coming over. He literally just shows up in his head like everybody who goes to the cello and Kelly's just like, oh, here's a really rich guy. Oh, I know I'm is really annoying and then all of a sudden he's part of the gang like they have a tent for mm. Yeah. He brought that we ought to be brought. Two tents one sleeping and mating and the other party tent he does have a party. He does have one dance move though where he's just like doing an X like over this this girl. I don't even know how to explain it but it's better than throwing dice will get that. I will agree with you though. Kelly definitely is the one person who a thousand percent doesn't need to be there. She is sent by her boss quote unquote and never reports back to him because you're right like none of these people are necessarily sentence tough. The up the chain of command and they are making some bold decisions without any supervision. Well and also, To die. There are some fatalities 0 funerals in this movie. You usually get one Kelly's a paleontologist, right? This is study of dinosaurs. Yeah, so dumb, I'm such a dumb works for museum museum in New York where dinosaurs live. So what so why why are they sending her anyway, so they find this tooth. Hey Brendan Gleeson and his one of his employees are have fish are out in a bull. What are they doing? Okay. Don't know. It's a sheriff boat. Yeah, so obviously there on official business and he is in a scuba suit, he goes down. There's like a pocket of air down there. He's trying to check out for some reason. I don't know what it is, maybe like a beaver dam and he's trying to like figure it out. It's and the share of to do that. We got a victim the beard very small town, but that he gets eaten by an alligator. It is wonderful crocodile. Fuck you. So guess Eden Park crocodile and it's wonderful. It's a super surprise. It's really fast guy gets eaten in half and then when Brendan Gleeson he - yeah. Yeah. I'm out of the water. There is only half of them there. Yeah, he doesn't realize until he pulls him into the boat that is super jarring love it and it's weird because this movie does not match the tone of some of the love that there's two main deaths in this movie. Yeah, the film does not match that tone at all. Like they they went full a hundred percent. With the alligator Chomps and kudos to them people should be giving them a point bump for just how gory they went here. Well, I think it's worth mentioning who directed this goddamn movie. Mr. Steve Miner. Mr. Friday the 13th part two and three mr. Warlock, mr. House I keep going. Oh, you want more? Mr. Halloween H2O. Oh, yeah. That's right. Yeah the best installments of all of those franchises. Sizes and also like Lassa. So the funding to hear is that from that first encounter the waters really dark it's really murky. We can't tell what it was. Yeah, but they were anything could be an alligator could be a crocodile don't know they recover a tooth from the half a corpse and then the museum gets involved the Museum from New York to identify the tooth like do they just don't animal? Yeah, there's no there's no closer Museum. Don't have a museum and Main I would think there's a museum in Maine maybe even just send it to a university. Like I'm sure there's a university in Maine are universities attached to museums. No, but universities have people with education in those people who don't know what paying paleontologists that's for damn sure. She does say though that her ex-boyfriend is her boss who sent her away because he's sleeping with her friggin cold best friend or something. Yeah, so there's some weird Dumb Love. Triangle and she gets sent off rather than just filing us lawsuit with human resources. Yeah, and she's stuck in the middle of nowhere. There's a lot of not great dialogue explaining how much of a fish out of water she is in this little pond. Ugh, it's so hamd. And so cheese balls only I would say maybe 60% if we're being generous lands with humor, but that makes a hundred percent of it funny because there's no reason for all this antagonism. They just wrote it in so a doesn't like be beat up and like CC isn't like D or a with no justification. Oh and they're just they bicker and every scene and it's so wonderful. Awful and unnecessary and excessive until they all fall in love with each other through struggle romance. Everybody falls in love with everybody everybody Brendan Gleeson falls in love with the with Hector Hector falls in love with the crocodile. He needed a four-way BFF necklace at the end. That would have been good five-way one for the crocodile. Of course to be perfectly honest. I thought the crocodiles included them for way. I don't know who I'm excluding in this but yeah, yeah because there's them. As in game or whatever he is. So you said that earlier than and what I'm trying to gather here is whether you mean that he is like a representative a representative or like the fish bass fish like that shop for like the wildlife game mister Bait and Tackle whatever fish and how what is it fish and game? I think you're right. I think it's fishing game. So that's where he works and he is also the dead from Casper let's all remember that and then there's the sheriff. There's the random rich guy and there's a paleontologist that is off the clock. Yeah for fun, even though everyone's rude to her. I love keeps falling off the boat. I love that. They're all trying to talk down to her about how much she doesn't like camping. But if you sent me on a work trip, and I had to sleep in a tent that whole time I'd be super pissed. I don't care where we are, especially with. Right next to a crocodile crocodiles are not exclusive to water may come on the land. Yeah, and maybe at night who knows it's a big-ass crocodile. Do you sleep in a tent with a big giant man-eating crocodile hanging about? Yeah. I mean the water is like I can see the water from my tent. Sure. Yes, no and moose horns pop up every once in a while. I'm sorry because he eats moose horns. And the rest of the most I do not remember. How crass Betty White was in this movie? It's wonderful. She goes people cocksuckers in this movie. She's great. And so part of her story to is is another one of my favorite things because it makes no sense. She admits when they meet her. She's the only person her and her husband that are living near this Lake. Otherwise, it's pretty pretty a bit not abandoned is pretty rural. Yeah, so they go to visit her to see if she's a seeing anything strange whatever turns out her husband is no longer alive. This is not anything on record because none of the Town officials know that this husband is dead and she followed admits that she murdered. Oh, I killed it and it was like pity murder in her first story because he was dying or whatever and he asked her and she sympathy suicided him. Nobody there's a bunch of cops in that room. Oh, yeah. Nobody writes anything like know everybody in that room is a cop. I get it that we're in a small town, but there is no police officer in the world that ignores a murder conviction. Oh, yeah, I mean the statute of limitations on that's pretty strict. Like they could they could charge her ghost for that murder if they wanted to and also they do end up spotting her feeding the alligator the crocodile. She thinks it a whole fucking cow surely. That is a crime I sure need here is a crime. No, I'm with Betty White on this one. There's no crime. I don't know. No, okay, if there's a crime in feeding now as much danger in human life. It's it though so hey, hey. Hey, stop. Stop. Look at me Reckless. Look at me right here. Look at me Mom. Okay, you've been attacked or at least threatened by a Canadian goose before? Yeah, but feeding them breads, not a crime. That's true. Thank you. See where I'm going. But geek Canadian geese are indigenous to our region. They do leave that's no but they tell you not to do certain things like not to bring be careful bringing bugs from different areas. I'm and don't feed the frogs and and the koala bears and LOL when those other indigenous creatures like the ones you know, how they yeah, you don't want to screw around with the habitat exactly and that this alligator is this crocodile is definitely not from around here. Now this movie really glazes over that as well. Because it's obviously an impossibility that this crocodile isn't this like they say that it's connected to the ocean. Okay, fine sure. We believe you but there's no real we don't doubt. There's no prequel here. We don't delve into how this crocodile got here and a positive Theory Betty White. Yeah you well. Yeah, I guess my favorite. No. No, it's not that it's not. Okay. It's not necessarily a theory but like yeah, she's definitely responsible for it. Like somehow she got little baby alligators and she decided to raise him in her little like but was this a long-term plan to kill her husband like she got some little baby alligators a nude like 12 years from now that fucker is gone. I'm gonna everyday start with bread. Yeah chicken and then a lamb and then a go. Oh, yes. Yeah and then a husband. Yeah. That's right. I gotta say though. I do love when she goes to feed him that can the alligator dammit god dammit. This is your fault when she brings that cow out in the crocodiles there and he's just like mmm lunch like Just he looks like he's leaning back in his sofa like hey Mom. What's for dinner? That's waiting. Yeah, so patient. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah because mom's bringing him lunch. It's cute. How many alligators do you think during that leg? Do you think it was just too I've been thinking zero alligators. But to crocodile my god, I didn't even get it for a full second and a half. I was like, what are you saying? We're talking about an alligator. Mom. So sorry. No, we're talking about a crocodile movie What's the difference? Right and we okay I asked as I possibly could about it the other day and I got a lot of infographics. Okay, they have different Mouse. That's a there one's got like a shorter snout and their teeth are different. Okay, they don't go like once freshwater one saltwater. I don't think so. Is rich ones poor kind of deal. All right, the alligators are bujji. Yeah, I got the I get the impression of the crocodiles are like stouter like there and I got shorter legs and I got like fatter belly. Yeah, the alligators look like I don't know. They look Sleek. I can't take it. I always thought it was like a seal sea lion or like a turtle tortoise thing. Yeah. We're as want like seals are more cold weather. They're furry. Sea lions are more sleek and rubbery entire dolls fast wet tortoise fast dry throat. You were saying it to me the other day turn you didn't believe it. Yeah tortoise in the desert and stuff. They live in the dirt. I still I can't bring myself to believe. What is this live? Tell her like 300 years old you've seen. Yeah because they're so moisturizing that salt water. That's a turtle them Turtles get that big huh, because Whatever we can't we can't just tangent on this bitch, but it's feels related aren't Turtles sorta. Also close to being some of our oldest most prehistoric in our Turtles. Also dinosaurs much a crocodile is like crocodiles Turtles kangaroos at some point this movie. Everybody starts being friends. Yeah, and they also for the first half are like, we don't know what it is. Is it a crocodile so much of the movie is spent with them on boats being knocked off their boats and then a little bit was it did you see that? No, I didn't see the 80-foot crocodile. Somebody's head gets bitten off and they still don't see it pretty wild though like it that is crocodile just like sneaks in from the Shadows. Like he's lucky that the water's so murky and gross that they can't see under like a foot underneath that water is huge. I guess I have to say Stan Winston effects did the crocodile whenever they're not using CGI and obviously they have to use it for some moments. And it's 1999 CGI. I'm sure it was wonderful when it came out you watch this movie on VHS by the way, and so on and we saw an ad for like a oh, like you've never seen it before dinosaurs. But Disney just like they were bringing you back in time. You'll think you're standing on the precipice of a volcano with a pterodactyl holding hands as you Glide across the landscape of Pangaea it like what I'm getting at is they So close to real life these dinosaurs. It was horrible. It was all it was like watching an old episode of reboot like it was you could see the pixelated surfaces. It's just it makes you look at movies like Lita or tillow whatever the movie was looking at this you're just like heavy CGI movies like yeah who fucking cares how good this looks now in 20 years is going to look like garbage. Oh what you didn't? feel life and digitized It but yeah, so the crocodile looked amazing the face and the I'm sure it was like an animatronic head looks wonderful whenever they did the just coming out of the water shots and stuff. Yeah, always looked dope and the eyes and everything were great. I have to say alligators crocodiles coming out of the water when they're when the they do that stalking thing where it's ours. It's just they're like their eyes and their nose. Yeah, they are so good at being like sneaky. His little eye periscopes and you made it really makes sense with their coloring and how their scale Enos they really disappear under the water. Oh, yeah. They just look like a bit of wood. That's just floating around bit of evil tooth the woods. Oh man coming right at ya, like all of our characters sort of band together at one point because they figured out that there's there is a direction that they can all Point their hate and that's at this crocodile because they don't become better people for this. They don't like change. Change their ways or anything. There's no Arc with these characters. They just Channel their hate from each other to the crocodile in order to save the day. And the most random thing about that is that they are a bunch of odd people to be together. So it makes sense. You're making a checklist like who's coming on this Expedition, but most movies when you write them you have an extreme event and you plan out that extreme event giant unheard of size 30 foot crocodile living in a lake should Not be and then your protagonist come after so you you pick as a writer or a director producer you go who is the most unlikely person to be put in that scenario who would make for the most conflict who shouldn't be here? And let's put them there. Yeah, that's every film ever. Yeah is who doesn't belong here the most let's put them in that situation. This movie doesn't really do that. These people are all kind of just odd random people that you know, it's not on not necessarily for them to be there. There's no way hero's journey. There's no nobody grows as a person. We have a little bit of a romance which is which is nice here. I appreciated it. Yeah, it was they went for a beer at the end. It was kind of cute. Yeah, the only inherent conflict they have here is that this same get along or they just like the city girl doesn't like the woods and she's totally fine with it. She camps she does everything. It's no big deal. But he's like this place is dirty. Like that's your conflict that she doesn't like being there. And as soon as they get over that little hump the next big conflict, is that oh no Wildlife is Gonna Come and they're not going to take the effort to put him to sleep. They're just gonna shoot him. And so the then the police officer the scientist the game guy and the rich guy are all like let us save this crocodiles laugh. Let's shoot it with different bullets. Let's shoot it with darts and they're trying to trap him so that they can save them and transport him, which is something that the Movie did not get correctly know a bunch of scientists were like big huge Discovery. Let's murder blow that motherfucker up. Yeah. That was that was goal. Number one guys. This is why aliens don't visit us basically. Yeah. Hector's got like a weird Death Wish with the crocodiles though, right? Like do you think Hector wants to be eaten by a crocodile over Platts character? I don't know because so every time he puts himself in one of these weird situations. He's really trying to get out of it. That's that's what I don't understand is I want to swim in the crocodiles biggest baddest fuck out of here shit out of the water. He's like, you know BEC back in ancient days. When you were accused of a crime, they would throw you into crocodiles in the crocodiles would decide they were the judge and jury. It's like so you want the crocodile to figure out whether you deserve to live and he's like, I don't know just shrugs it off. He's got no justification. Acacia Nighy just an eccentric rich guy who doesn't know where to throw his money. I feel like he's just a rich guy without a house and he just has his helicopter. So he's living living on the road like Millennials, but instead he's just like, oh here there's a crocodile in Maine Brendan Gleeson. We should also point out how great Brendan Gleeson is in everything that he's in He is wonderful fantastic, but he he doesn't really have a lot to do in this movie like he's got some good one-liners him and they pit him and all of her That together and they're the they're butting heads a lot and it's really funny especially because Brendan Gleeson keeps getting trapped by Oliver Platt and it's fucking great every single time. It is pretty good. It would make more sense. If those guys kissed at the end of the movie instead of Bill Pullman and Bridget Fonda. They don't kiss at the end of the movie. Okay? Okay. No one kisses monastic. I felt like all four of them kissed of friendship. Okay, so they cheers to the bar. Sure. All right, they are BFFs. Oops, they're going to write each other every Christmas and they're going to write the alligator. You don't they sound like great friends because I don't send my friends Christmas cards. Hello. You owe me one helicopter. Yeah. I mean like doesn't the would be like FBI of wildlife reimburse them for the helicopter. I don't know probably not. No you don't think so. No because he there was no reason for him to be there. Can he call dibs on that? Crocodile? Like if they bring it to like a research facility and they get a bunch of money from studying it. Can he be like But that's my crock. No, I'm pretty sure it would go to a Wildlife Foundation. All right, right. Once you catch no, it makes perfect sense that they send somebody from a museum then like at the end of the day. Why was she there I don't know. It could be somebody from the zoo might even be that would have made more sense. I don't understand so they sent it tooth to the museum and the museum was like we gotta get somebody out there like why you're not gonna bring that live animal back to the museum. This isn't King Kong like you're not gonna put it on display like fools and King Kong the like get the theater director. But yeah, so I mean there's up. There's a tussle at the end. They try to catch the croc in a net. We already said they catch him in the helicopter instead. Yeah, and then slowly but surely the tranquilizers work and the alligator the crocodile is caught just in time for the Wildlife Foundation to show up and everything's happy. It's such a nice hat. Ending and we end on Betty White feeding baby crocodiles, although grazing over the fact that there was a second I was gonna I was gonna say this this goes to show how ineffective that that twister that like surprise little jaunt at the ending was because no one cares like oh my gosh second crock blam. Hey Lola. Yeah. It wasn't 30 feet big. They did. Let Brendan Gleeson say that like now we're back down to one was a good line, but I don't know why they they spend so much effort saving one crocodile and then a second one comes they're like, oh what a trailer and it exploded but that was definitely mom and dad because there were a baby crocodile. Yeah, I think maybe I definitely wasn't a reshoot. I was gonna say do you think it might have been a reshoot? So that way they like the other crocodiles made sense like I mean, hey by this time Jurassic Park would come out you show me one crocodile and baby crocodiles. I'll just assume life finds a way but finds way. Yeah, that's what we've all learned everything. Scales fans away definitely. Yeah, it's definitely not like everything with t-shirts and jeans finds a way you view if I was left alone on an island to be like, well, I guess I'm dying here hipsters. Don't find a way. No. Oh man. We just find like Cast Away with a hipster instead of Tom Hanks completely different movie. Like, oh man I'ma set up a little Etsy shop with all this reclaim Beechwood. Fuck I'm gonna make a ton of money with this stuff man. I wish that second crocodile came earlier in the movie. Or you know, I was never sure that it was only one crocodile anyways, because you're like, oh my God, it's so huge and it's just like whatever the different crocodile every time. I would have this lake is just teeming with Crocs. That'd be sweet would have been sweet how so how often is Betty White feeding this thing because she can't she can't afford to be giving it like two cows a day. Also. She seems very pissed off when they show up to to take one of her Cows as eminent domain, which is Genius but why is she so mad? She's clearly raising this livestock to feed to the Crocs. Yeah, but so one it's eating moose has or moose so good point. It's helping itself when it gets hungry. But also I think cold-blooded animals don't have to eat as often as warm-blooded animals because when you have like a pet snake, you only feed it a mouse like once every few days. Hmm. Good point right like you don't feed them as often as you would like a hamster. I gave him a bearded dragon like fruits every day. Yeah, and you would put flies in there and crickets and whatever and they would be in his cage forever. Yeah. I was annoying. I only did that like once a week. It's a good point. Yeah, but I like I had like this pellet food. That was weird. I mean if you look outside Either of you guys could hear that other recording but the house almost exploded. I think I'm not sure the power flickered for a minute. It was like a hum. Yeah. I heard it in my headphones you that means it must have been loud, huh? All right, then I was just gonna glaze over that like nothing happened at edited out for this fucking strange. It does look pretty wild outside right now. Like we're in the eye of a hurricane. All right, Kim bring your microphone over to the window. Let us know what you see. Do you see for horse? Women in the sky goes. Alright, no ghost riders. Okay, not yet. Okay. So what is your rating on Lake Placid Lake Placid, huh? Lake Placid, and it's Whoo doggy? It's a fun movie. I'll give you that so much fun. It is a lot of fun. It's nuts. Not an amazing movie. It is it is a 2.5 out of four for me. That's fair. Yes fair. I'm going to go three out of four. Of course. I had such a great time watching. It is a perfect Summer movie if you haven't seen in awhile, definitely fucking go find it. I don't know idea where it is. We watch it on VHS. I'm sure you own it though, like Go to your parents house go in the basement root around in the old entertainment cabinet blow some dust off things. Check the third level because you're like oh this goes three deep. It does go 3B is back there. That's not full power. No. Okay guys. Well, we're going to go before the computer gets fried and before light bulbs in the ceiling explode. I'm going to unplug my laptop to Okay. This may be the last the soda memory. All right. Yeah, let's let's get let's get into it. Let's pretend like nothing's happening. Let's talk about Anaconda. All right, everybody double check your gear make sure it's all on board. Pray, you didn't forget your bug spray. They have come to the world's most isolated jungle to explore the unknown Amazon ready. I think so and conduct scientific research to prove the existence of a long lost tribe. Shama worship giant snakes anacondas is God's protective. It was this kind of skin. It snakes out. There is Big the skin is three or four years old, whatever shattered has grown since then snakes don't eat people. They don't I said man. I'm getting held back their life. Don't let's go to be prepared. They are the ones being watched the ones being followed. Nobody more the ones being hunted. There's something down there. That's right. I really mean it. I really mean it but not like anything human. We help him. Then he will help us get out of here alive Anaconda from 1997. It's currently sitting at a 4.7 out of 10 on IMDb 40 percent on Rotten Tomatoes 3.5 out of four from Roger Ebert. Well, yeah in two point two out of five on letterboxed. Low scores except from for mr. Ebert who fucking love this movie. I gave him a free glass of champagne before he sat down to watch this one, maybe two We just enjoyed snake. He just likes Jon Voight. Oh, yeah, I love seeing Jon Voight on the water before we get into this. Let's discuss the boat because it's gonna come up. I think quite a bit throughout this podcast. Is it is it a steamboat? Is it a pontoon boat? What gave you the impression? I was a steamboat. There was a lot of smoke coming from it. Maybe steam also it look like the Steamboat Willie boat. Like it was like a raft and then I don't think we yeah. No, I'm yeah. Was no whistling. There was a lot of murder. But yeah, and don't you take steamboats down do you I don't I was gonna say I don't think we you lies steam as an energy source Much Anymore, maybe that's a lie because wait how does nuclear reaction like fission work what? Nobody know isn't the idea that they did not I derailed we're isn't is a nuclear. Is it it still kind of technically? Also Steve like do they take like superhot radioactive pellets and drop it in water and then the water it's so hot that the water evaporates to steam. They trap that Steam and they use that electricity. Yeah, isn't that how it works in a steamboat? Yeah, that's how all steamboats used to work. And that's why you don't see him on the on the Riverboat anymore because they were all dying a radioactive course, they'll give a trail of fish. Is with four heads. Yeah 12 Tails. Its how other boats behind the giant anaconda it makes true. This all checks are sense. This all checks out. Yep. So I don't to answer your question. No, I don't think it's a steamboat and to answer your question. I don't know how nuclear power. Well clearly I did is I think we're on the same page. Oh, holy moly this movie. Do you remember the last time you'd seen it the last time I saw it probably? Bleah whenever it was on TV last it's kind of a movie. I always watch and we did not have cable for a good almost 10 years been a minute. It has been a minute. I could not remember this movie at all. So I may not have seen it since around the time it came out. Maybe they play this around Halloween a lot. They can get away with playing it during the day. Yeah. There's a lot of people in this movie which is about as much as I could say for it in terms of compliments. Wow. Okay polar opposite view. I still love this movie. I think this movie is great. I think this movie is great. Whoa clearly I am in Lake Placid camp. And so if you want to handle an economy, so no I can do it. I can a thousand percent do it this movie kicks ass everything but the human characters well, oh so, you know, oh my bad. You don't want to see a bunch of people get eaten. I don't give a fuck about these people. I want to see them get eating every time they get killed. It's so great. So great. I have no Faults with the Anaconda. I think he's doing his best job being a Rollie Pollie people snatcher. So one question. So now if you didn't know as many anacondas there is a big crawl at the beginning gig skating the Wikipedia. Most people used to worship them as God's you're not going to hear about that at all throughout the rest of the movies. So we got to tell you right now, Secondly unlike other snakes. They ain't poisonous. They are constrictors and they wrap around like you're not going to see any of this in the movie. So we gotta tell you now. But yeah, if you were unfamiliar also anacondas do because they're just assholes they like to regurgitate their food. Yeah. I loved it again guaranteed that whole crawl the beginning that just download of information came from a lot of notes from Executives. Only do snakes do that. Is that a thing snakes do why we should let people Anaconda constrictor. We should let people know that this is what snakes do have you ever ever ever come across a movie that has a brother estate anaconda and I'm like real life. No. Oh so fun story. I haven't me personally, but I did see a photo on a fridge once Now saying that out loud jump out at you at 3:00 a.m. When you were gonna get some snacks, no, no traumatizing experience. No, this is like a friend of the family head of a gigantic had a photo. That was the day my diet stop. It was a photo of this guy friend of the family standing on a ladder a very large ladder holding up this gigantic snake and it he didn't catch it. He just was walking. His dog and like the back half of his property because he had a large plot of land and he came across a dead anaconda in Ontario. What? Yeah. No. Yeah, I think just Canada where somebody free it's somebody owned it. Illegally. I'm sure they're like go your peg gotta eat all the mises. Yeah. Yeah. We know it was Moose's but yeah, he came across this thing and it was gigantic. He saw it just like in like a little ditch. And just like almost died of a heart attack. What do you think you would assume it's alive and he's just like slowly got the fuck out of there. Like went to go call somebody and Rob. Yeah. Yeah. No. No, he got got like the wildlife people and they came and they were like, oh shit. Oh, it's dead. Oh you want to take a photo like this basically how it went that news a couple of years ago how somebody had snake illegally in one of those like crummy apartment blocks and a town. I'm not gonna name. Okay, let's see here though. Yeah, and the snake got loose and it was in a bunch of all these like apartments with young families and stuff. Oh man, didn't he have if I remember correctly. It was one of those yellow snakes. What are they called? What it was like a very illegal snake. I think it was poisonous but he'd had like the Venom removed. Yeah, he'd been milking it misses the turn. I don't know gross. Either way. There was a snake that he wasn't legally allowed to have not legally in his custody boy. Yeah, that's the one. One thing if you're gonna have a legal snakes, you better make sure you're keeping them in a briefcase Miss and don't let him know that he can wiggle the other direction again snakes are all neck their pet a snake before I've touched a snake before. Yeah, like was it like when like that they feel like kind of school or whatever and they yeah, they feel like those finger traps that you got for like 10 cents at the party store. But if those Traps were made out of hot dog. Okay, cool. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you know the finger traps I'm talking about, you know. Yeah, the Chinese finger trap. Yeah is that that's not what they're actually called. Obviously they are I think they are. Yeah, this is what like woven bamboo or yeah, and then as you stretch it you gets tighter. You're like fuck. Yeah, they told me not to do this exact thing that I'm doing right now. It's constricting on my fingers like a snake would like a snake would what do you think of that that snake POV in this movie? I didn't know a snake POV until you told me upset that I didn't get that. It was snake POV. I'm like, why is the camera tilted like that? Like it's the snake and the snakes POV. It's great. Well, they establish it in the cold open remember to I was like king snakes with and you're like, oh can they swim? Okay, buddy. They are fantastic swimmer. Have you not been watching the movie? Damn ya know? I think so. Maybe what I like about that snake POV so much is that it's a movie set on in the Amazon. Right? So you've got all of these these establishing shots where we're floating on the river in our Steamboat back in our Steamboat checking out the riverbed and like you would expect to see that in any movie. Even if this was a dramatic comedy you would have those establishing shots. So you're in that moment, you're not expecting anything and then the camera just tilts a little and shifts and then continues to move and now all of a sudden it's sort of like in a Sinister way. I think that's genius because when you don't expect it and it comes it's super surprising. You totally understand it right away and you're onboard. Am I right? Um, I will say that the POV near the end of the movie was my preferred POV. I'm sure we'll get to it. I don't think I know it P over your tongue. It's quite the POV. I'm a really big fan of that stuff and I like to In this movie and I think the cold opens great. Do you really think that snakes this gotta just be somebody like oh if I was a snake, this is how I'd kill people they don't you don't really think that it like bites a person's head and snaps their neck right like that that snake has a large understanding of anatomy. I'm pretty sure the snake only did that because the camera was on them. Okay? Yes. It's like reality TV waiting for the camera. Yeah, like it wasn't scripted. But like he knew what they wanted to see. Yeah, of course. Yeah, it's not there. You're not planning on it. They didn't do it in during rehearsal. But you know, you hit the ol you called roll you call Action and all of a sudden it just comes out. Yeah, and you only have like four stunt guys to do the take with yeah. It's like you got to snap at least one of their next get it real good crack out of it on the day decision. Yeah, and it worked. I think it was it was great. Take a history. Yeah. Why are we in the jungle? Can you answer me that question? Duh? What's the plot of this movie Jennifer Lopez? It's her big break. Is it she's gonna film this documentary for Eric Stoltz. Is she though because I'm pretty sure Ice Cube is the camera man. Yeah, but what's her actual role is the director is tasty the money is he just the producer? I think yeah, I think he's maybe he's like screen Talent. Yeah, I don't know what they're filming a fool or it's about tribes. Yeah, the Amazon the right trying to find one specific sort of hidden / loss. Maybe they're going to sell it to the History Channel. I guess. She's the director and Eric Stoltz. Is the leader of this Expedition dick of the Expedition? Is he a dick? He's always a dick. Is he supposed to be Marty McFly? I got major dick vibes from him in this movie. Yeah. Okay. I don't know why it's probably because he kind of looks like he might be drunk when he first shows up and he's got a some sort of back history with Jennifer Lopez. Yeah, and I hate God they are in on the boat. Oh, yeah, it's his expedition. They just picked up some stray. Maybe he's trying to call the shots turned off my like alpha dog fights like oh they all of us are fighting. Come on guys. Let's go make grilled cheese and play cards on this card to I don't even think I'm Alpha don't fight the bent the beta group. I'm with Owen Wilson and that girl and Ice Cube sometimes. Yeah. He just wants to listen to his music. Why is this guy? Okay. So here's the here's the thing the host of that documentary is just like oh, could you please turn down that terrible racket, but then later on he's blasting Opera like everybody wants to hear that. I liked him. Damn you like them in the mummy. Yeah, you don't like him in this you know what he kind of becomes a bit of a badass. Okay. So I like him in this. I also like Owen Wilson, but I don't like Owen Wilson in this because like us this movie forgot that Owen Wilson was in this movie halfway through I will just disappears until they need to kill him. Yeah, they're like, oh and wasn't still alive. Let's constrict him. That's because he kind of becomes like one of the bad. He's not really He's gotta be the like that guy. That's like come on. You know what the Amazon makes me really horny. Come on, drink camera girl or whatever you I don't know which make up. What does she do? What is her job the red has she not part of the sound team. Come on sit down girl. Amazon makes me super horny. And then so then they're like dating I guess. Yeah, man, and then he dies and she's real sad and then she dies and nobody's real sad because already they never had. Address her death, they different kind of we just the steamboat keep steaming. Aw. Yeah, I guess they don't have time to we're barreling through this but I don't know that they have time to address your dad. I'm sorry. We missing any major plot points about a snake. We are missing a ton. Thank you very much. I forgot. So we've set up on the Expedition things are going Grand. We've got a map. No one's got bugs in their throat. And then oh some some scary stranger is is on the water. And we gotta rescue him I guess and they do and it's a big mistake. You never rescue guys. Like here's the here's the one thing movies will tell you especially when you can't pinpoint where their accent is from. Yeah. Never be a Good Samaritan is what I'm getting at. That's the one thing movies have taught me. Don't be a Good Samaritan. You're always at your most vulnerable don't pick up hitchhikers especially ones that are like Neck Deep in water river hitchhiker. Yeah River hitchhikers. Where was his boat? Drowned. Okay, so he's in dire need. I mean you pick em up snake ate it. So yeah, where do you think Jon Voight is from because he says Paraguay I often Parkway. No, like that's how he talks in this movie. I don't know. Let's just go with Paraguay. Let's just go go with but he's doing his best pair of Paraguay accent. He does not look like you gave Rivera go out to that much. He looks like he came from the craft Services table. I know a thing or two about hundreds. Nice. There's a thousand ways. You could die happy. Maybe I shouldn't go maybe I should go that's thousand ways. You can die in that River, you know, and then fucking Eric Stoltz chooses a lot. If you had to choose wage to go and you've just been Alpha Dog and for the last two days is that not the words. Oh man. He doesn't drown or anything. He gets a wasp in his mouth. How does that even happen? I love it underwater cutting up a propeller. This is how you assume he's gonna die, right that propeller is Gonna Come on orgy or to see Jon Voight go. Hey, maybe I owe I slip and then make the propeller goes Eric Stoltz loses an arm bleeds out Anaconda each the arm. And then now John-Boy, it's got control the boat. No, it's a wasp and underwater wasp hate. Those wasps. Are they real? No, I don't know what that was. Just making a joke. You have your history with these wasps? Yeah, I pretend you're totally glazing over the best part about the wasp bite. What am I the tracheotomy? I'm getting to that. I was just I was gonna say I feel like I am a tracheotomy XO I for the last 20 years. Years of my life I've felt as though in if the situation arose I bet you though. I could do a paper pen. I could do a pen tracheotomies. So I am saying this though, that's so many people felt confident that tracheotomy was the right move in so many cases. I bet in restaurants. Like there was a rise of choking tracheotomies like yeah, I know what to do and it's just like no he's just choking heimlich maneuver is always the best first. Guess that's As you can die on restaurant there were probably a lot especially in the late 90s a huge surge of unwarranted trachea. Thank you, right because every movie had a tracheotomy. Yeah for a while right? I think it's because of this movie and then they did it on an episode of ER and then now everybody's gotta do it. They all use a pen to write. Oh man. They're totally fine with him doing it. They're not even scared. No it is this strange random and is like click that tracheotomy. Like oh, yeah, so their service life. Yeah. Yes, if this life he's gonna sleep for days. Now, I don't understand what the tracheotomy did because they pull the WASP out of his mouth and goes wasp very poisonous. And yeah, so the tracheotomy doesn't stop the poison from going through his system. Well, I have that if that wasp was not poisonous and it stung him his neck would swell up. So I'm tracheotomy work. I'm assuming that They're bypassing anaphylactic shock in that his throat has closed up. But if you don't have access to medicine that can counter the anaphylactic shop. Does that not go spread to your like lungs and heart and stuff? I would think that's how you I don't think he's specifically allergic but I think anyway getting stung by a wasp inside their throw especially like a poisonous Amazon was yeah. Yeah and also to so let's just talk about so once the tracheotomy is done they punctured his In pipe in his esophagus, right? They taped it up there so he but he cannot regain his speech and nor will he be eating out of his yeah mouth hole. That's okay we cuz we're just not going to show him the rest of the movie problem solved sometimes when the boat gets red. Oh man, why do they cut to him for reaction shots? Because it's the best. It's just an asleep Eric Stoltz like frowning my sister proposal in in this bed. Oh, man, he's gotta recover. Oh boy. Occasionally Jennifer Lopez will like sit by his bed. Like, oh, you know everything's gonna be okay. We're a little scared right now. We don't know what's going on, but it's gonna be great. We shop sometime but footage nice stuff post been commandeered by an evil guy hell-bent on catching a giant snake no idea for any lost of fuel. Yeah. Oh, yeah immediately four cans of fuel gone. Yeah, and then they also keep like during these giant warning eat Odom's and also a barrier that was created out of like sticks and twigs and there's just a big wall kind of like a dam blocking out a certain path in the river and they're like, we're going to blow it up with dynamite surely. This is not keeping anything out. But then when they blow up this giant wall, it's filled with snakes. Yes snakes. It's a snake everywhere wall was built by snakes. It was a wall. Of snakes. It was not logs. It was snakes and you blow them up with dynamite. So now they're mad snakes. Yeah. This guy's like a reverse Indiana Jones. He's got no problem with snakes and he just laughs at them like, oh ha ha ha no snake or whatever and they just like brushes it off the boat. Everybody else is dying inside because they're covered in snakes. It's around this time that he's decided. He's commandeering the ship. It's his now. It's basically his Captain's been wasp. Yep. That's that's how you do it and and he definitely has some sort of history with Mateo the driver of the boat. I'm say captain. No because he doesn't like a boss orders. Yeah. It's like the hired he's wheel firsthand. He's a mate we're going mate first. I think he's the captain. He is the sherpa of the water. Okay Navigator. He's the Navigator. Why do they need to have The back story between them they even them know and Danny Trejo from the cold open at the beginning especially to because they go to investigate this other boat that's been Shipwrecked. I can you be strict Shipwrecked in a river. We're going to say strip tricked. It's been Shipwrecked they're going to see if maybe there's fuel there and Matteo gets left behind obviously gets eaten by the Anaconda. It's wonderful, but so good. Jon Voight doesn't care. No, like he just give zero fucks and then he hides there's a newspaper there of him with Mateo and Danny Trejo. Yeah, I love how we're using half character names happen. Unfortunately, we don't have a Tails name and he's like, oh he hides it too because he doesn't want them to know that they're all in cahoots, but it doesn't matter then everybody's dead immediately after that so - yeah, it really doesn't matter what she's doing a one-man show this whole time basically. Yeah, the only way that that would be an issue is if Then later found out that they were targeted by these guys. Maybe they were like, I assume I assume Jon Voight Knew What boat he was getting on or at least knew that they were headed maybe in that direction the point is he got on their boat because he didn't want to use his own boat. I guess he didn't have his own boat and I'd ring and he's like, yeah panna cotta could fit on this Anaconda could fit on this and lots of food on that boat for the Anaconda. I think that's what he's really concerned about is having enough to eat and then up Bay. Wait for that Anaconda. Pushy American filmmakers. Good bait. Oh, yeah, you need that. Good high fat content. What's your favorite Anaconda? Kill him this movie. Um, I like the the waterfall snatch is pretty good. Oh, yeah, that's the British guy writes the British guy. Yeah ends up like climbing up into a waterfall trying to get away and he jumps out of that waterfall because he's got no choice and Anaconda has found him inside that waterfall and it snatches him out. Are which is pretty wonderful, I love it. Yeah the see the CGI is what year is this movie? 1997. The CGI is a little 1997. Yeah, but I think it just makes for a fun to watch now watching because CGI early CGI just fucking went for it. Like really just went for it. Like do we do we have enough Clarity and definition to be able to put these with live-action people we sure do. - yeah, we do. We're gonna make them the main title monster and are we gonna are we going to Jaws it are we gonna hide it? No, we're gonna have it snatching people out of the air. I thought the Anaconda looked fine. They even now I think it looks fine. All right, it looks like a computer but that's fine period and the vark looks fine. Yeah. I think my favorite kill maybe like a two-parter. I'm going to cheat. My favorite kill is Mateo. I think the snake looks great in that scene. It's kind of what it comes down to like it lunges at Mateo and he's able to dodge it a little bit. It's like whoa, good movement a oh, I wouldn't have gotten that done judge. And but then it's still just like coils them up and just breaks his goddamn neck. It's also very fast to like for how huge and because that's our first big snake sequence with the people were following here. And for Mateo to be an bonded so quickly and so abruptly was was nice because you expect them to really relish it for how much they show the snake. Yeah. They're very quick with the kills which I guess must be must be factual like maybe anacondas Duke ilk really quickly. Yeah, because I may want to just they just squeeze you until your your ribs punctured your lungs till you stop breathing and then they're like yo, yeah. Yeah. Yeah tenderize that meat and I always I always assumed I Is confuse the Owen Wilson and Mateo death because my favorite bit added to that is is when you see the snake swimming away and just an imprint of Owen Wilson on the snake. Is it swimming in the water? I love it. The person shape in there was pretty funny. Oh, I love it. I love it so much. It's so good though. We've gotten down to like our Core Group. There's barely anybody left. For some reason. Jon Voight has not decided to use Eric Stoltz as bait guys come. Lately unconscious just a newborn baby Lamb bedroom the whole time. Oh, you can cut them out while he's down. You know, like I guess he's got some sorta honor coat that the sound girl off the boat. Whoa. Okay. Can we back up for a second? Because he's tied he's got his hands tied behind his back on like a poster something. He's sitting on the ground and because she is distraught over Owen Wilson's death. She's like, I gotta kill this motherfucker. She's the only one that gets it by the way, they do not they do not need to This guy up and keep them right? I know they just they just need to wait till the snakes there and push them in the water or get rid of them then by other means but which is movie 101 if you're getting tied up in this happens again in the movie because Jon Voight ties up Jennifer Lopez and Ice Cube. Yeah, you do not tie people up anybody you type in film will get out unless you're the strangers then you won't that's the is can you think of another film where people are tied up in they do not get out? Out no, exactly. That's basically it maybe maybe zodiac true crime documentaries. Do not counter True Crime films do not count. Okay. Bye. Well, then obviously Anaconda doesn't count. This is a documentary. But Jon Voight defies all physics and just somehow leaps in the air with it's like okay so from but to yeah with hand he'll tied behind. Find the poh. This doesn't even make sense if he wasn't tied up if he was just standing on the ground. There's no way Jon Voight able to do that. He snatches that woman's neck in his thighs and just like anacondas her and kicks her off the boat. I don't know man. It's it looks great though. Oh fuck it looks fun. That's all I'm saying. Jon Voight is a snake in this movie. I was just thinking that oh my God. Yeah. That's why he needs to kill the Anaconda because it know he knows it's gonna Has evolved so Army laughing an alpha with Eric Stoltz and his real Alpha is with the Ana cut. Like only one of us can be like I would love to hear John voice process in his character. Like I If if he created a backstory for his character, I want I want that book A lot of my want him to write that book. I want to know everything about his characters backstory because he sounds like Have some Adventures. I don't know. I feel like this was a I'm gonna say like a paycheck but I don't think a whole lot went into the development of the character. You don't think so. Oh, no, you don't think he thinks about every character not this one. Not this one. All right. This is a popcorn movie. Sorry John. Hmm. The tables have turned. Once again though. Jon Voight is out and he is ready to capture that snake. He's gonna like Kim said he's got Jennifer. Perez an ice cube chained up in an empty Warehouse because it's a good idea. It's like the snakes house, right? It is like the snakes house the snake has decided to lay some eggs in a old research facility. I've no idea what with a silo it kind of looks like the set of Deep Blue Sea. It is super cool set though. It's got a whole bunch of Amazon e things happening, you know, there's some leaves and Vines and gigantic smokestack. I thought it was a silo. Oh no Saddles of those things. Barnes yeah does big wide huge fat things not those toppings super tall but like 30 feet wide you can have different size silos John. They're not all grain silos. Some of them are corns who's got like a smokestack Silo a by the way corn would also be in the same silence. They're like the same size. Silo smoke side the jury's still out. But yeah, he's covered them in Blood and Guts and stuff from monkeys. Is that what he said? Yeah, okay because the snake hasn't been attracted to just their their Ross wet. Anyway, it was probably going to come for them regardless. I guess he was just trying to speed up the process. Yeah, he does come in the water. He does manage to catch that snake. He catches that snake with so the the snake constricts Ice Cube and Jennifer Lopez and then gets constructed in a net. Yeah. Yeah, there's a lot of construction happening here. Yeah, so he seems very concerned about because they want to kill a snake and he's like us no God don't make that is he just gonna sell it as a living thing. He isn't take me as the kind of guy who sells Taxidermy and it's gonna be like some Christmas decoration around is chiz use drop. Oh, man. Man, that would go around the whole house. Yeah, purely a pride thing. I think so. Then it really he just wants to be the person to kill it. Yeah, that's probably all it is but he says it's worth nothing to me dead. Hmm because he needs to do it snake poachers. This is mm. I'm sure a snake Fang fetches a good amount of money, but probably the only have I guess it's concern is he doesn't want them to shoot it in the face somehow. I don't really remember how Jennifer Lopez and Ice Cube get out though. And and Jon Voight. Guess what? Up by that Anaconda because it's a jerk. He's a huge jerk and the snake knows it now quickly as it would give them is just the other POV shot. You wanted to talk. Yeah, the inside the Anaconda catch the snake eat Jon Voight from the inside. So it's great. It's like a conveyor belt to the afterlife Michael Rosen Oscar. Colonoscopy looking at that's pretty gross. Oh man snakes on the inside a really just giant intestines intestines with teeth at the end. I honestly have no idea how they work. I gotta assume. That's what it is. Right? Like it's basically just one with giant long into it like those people that have like all of their stomach removed and they have to eat constantly all day. Yeah, but in a snake though, if you're all stomach intestine, where is your heart and lungs and stuff the top and are snakes the same as worms. I know that if you cut a worm in half, I don't think snakes are the same as worms. It was a still no, I just mean the same like you mean you get to some eggs good. I have to sneak to do that. I think it's because worms don't have eyes. Also. I'm kind of sad that snakes come from eggs, right because I'd really like to see a pregnant snake. I think that would be wonderful. Could you imagine us neatly? The belly I just make your day. I think it would just look like a snake that was full on food. I got it would look like Owen Wilson but featured it was Oh man, how many babies do you think are in each of those eggs? You think it's just one you think it's like 30, you can't happen. It's about spider eggs. I don't know how this shit works. You can only have one egg per baby or one baby per egg. You sure. Yeah. I don't know the rules here unless I guess you have those weird like we know nothing about snakes where it makes twins like a human egg. We're like, oh God, there's two yolks. And yeah. It's all about that snake POV cam though. Like it doesn't get any better than that. I'm so glad that they waited to the end for it. And of course like you knew it was gonna happen. It's coming after Jennifer Lopez, but it's going to slow down by that Jon Voight weight. So it regurgitates them and he's all gross. He's all like slimy how many wings Exeter? Yeah now as I favor Our the movie so from the swallow scene I had so what's your opinion on that wink? You think that wink is just a like a muscle contraction like you think he's dead. I think that's a meta movie not I think it's like okay because he tries to not he doesn't try to rape her, but he definitely he definitely is creepy about her and she tries to use that to his advantage to like Whack Him over the head with a frying pan. Yeah, which doesn't work out. He's he knows her game. He's like, it's been a long time. I'm since, I've had a woman and he's rise again. Yeah, I think yeah, I think it's just a not like I'm a dank. I kept wanting to just hear him like an outtake or something say like I would love it though. If this man survived that snake attack and then retired to Washington DC where his son stole the Declaration of Independence, this is bad guy in this. We changed his evil way of course. Yeah. Yeah, of course do those babies hatch the end. No because they burned the thing down because member Jennifer Lopez has to get out of the top of the Silo and she's clan of The Silo good and she's o Great Snake is like Barrel it up that smokestack Silo. Yeah, they blow it up in the snake gets out and when I gets out but like the snake barely makes it out dies in there she gets Doubt she jumps. She should die. Like there's no way she's surviving that Trump whatsoever. But up fine with it and everything's cool. Eric Stoltz is awake. They you know, the alarm clock went off and he got up he's able to smile box and then these people who worship snakes that they've been looking for the people of the Mist show up. They should want nothing to do with these people if they worship these snakes like Gods, maybe they feared them like Gods Maybe There's a fine line between the two jaw. You have set us free from the tyranny of this evil. God who kept us in the Mist ha ha we want the ability to enjoy happy hour and NBC Primetime television. I don't understand that fucking that nigga. It's I like this movie a lot though. It's movies. Great. They really this movie went hard though because they really gave up that document. Every pretense pretty early on like they stopped filming from the first shipwreck visit as soon as Mateo was down and missing there was no more. Oh, we're going to try to get some footage because you should have shot everything. Yeah. Well, I guess Eric Stoltz is like I'm done in the back room. They're like, haha. We don't have to work. I'm ready to get to ratings. Are you ready to get your home? Ready? It's ready. Okay, so I'm gonna go first sure this movie wasn't as fun as it could have been Despite the fact that it has a gigantic snake constricting a bunch of people. It was way too serious. It was so serious. Yeah. Yeah. It was a big movie. It was huge. The buyer know how much it made but I remember this movie being it did make a lot of money Talk of the Town when it came out. Yeah. Um, I don't know. I wanted to be way funner. The premise isn't crazy though. It's just some of their performances are a little while. Whatever, what's your rating one and a half out for one and a half out of four? Yeah. Wow. Yeah, really didn't like it. Oh man. I love this movie. Like I really like this movie like this is my like Placid and I think that's it. Can I give it a two point seven five? Sure. Okay, because threes really high for it. But I gave like plasma 2.5. I think we put a little bit of time and then regarding the front half in the back half of this episode so I don't really remember but I do like this movie a lot more than Lake Placid and maybe the problem. I like Pleasant isn't Lake Placid is none. It's too much fun so much fun. Now it's shouldn't be so much fun. It has no seriousness to it. You don't take it gets cut in half. And you laugh there's no it's a nervous response John. Okay. Well where I think that Lake Placid is maybe a little too goofy. I find Anaconda to be just like oh so historically accurate. Oh good. No the battle of the alpha. I want to be the only person laughing at the screen is what it comes down to you know what I mean? Like when you're watching Anaconda, you're not supposed to laugh, but you do you're just like that's what makes this so great. Whereas with Lake Placid the jokes are there and there may be there may be Landon but it's I don't even know what you're arguing. I don't know what I'm arguing either. You got me off of the weird tangent. I just like an anaconda. I like that. I like to look at the snake. I love the kills. I think it's great. Cool. Well, that's that then yeah tweeted us and let us know what you thought of anaconda and Lake Placid and what you are watching this summer Creature Feature wise. We have a bunch of monster movies in the theater now and coming out crawl is out now. 47 47 years down is coming out uncaged chain and plus everybody's watching Jaws. Everybody always watches Jaws. Let us know which jaws has you watch this summer. Let us know how many times you watched your jaws has. Yeah. Did you watch number one three times? Number two, two times number three one time skip number of or you can tweet at us at NFS podcast. You can find us on Facebook in the Facebook group at slash group / horror fiends. And ofs we also have a subreddit that we don't plug too often. It's slash are slash Nightmare On Film Street. We're gonna stick around for a few more minutes and play a game Kim's put together called monsters or madman. We're both or both. I found out you can get that game over on patreon at slash Nightmare On Film Street. You can also unlock a ton of other bonus stuff including full-length reviews of some of the big movies that came out this summer. Like Midsummer and about comes home Child's Play we did reviews of all of those and stories to tell in the dark and will have its chapter 2 coming up early September. So if you want to support this show, we are a listener and fiend supported podcast. You can pledge a donation over at slash Nightmare On Film Street. And of course telling a friend is the easiest way to support the show and it's free and it's a hundred percent free. It really helps us get the show in front of morphine. Beans and grow The Horde until next time I'm John Kim stay creepy. It appears. You made it out alive just long enough to tell the tale of The Nightmare on film Street. Wow, help us grow The Horde leave a review on iTunes or wherever you subscribe continue this. Week's conversation on Twitter by following and in ofs podcast and as always more terror can be found lurking on our website street until next week. Stay creepy fiends.
Join Kim and Jon on this week's episode of Nightmare on Film Street for the perfect summertime horror subgenre: Animal Attacks! We're taking a quick break from our month-long salute to Stephen King to discuss the killer crocodiles of LAKE PLACID (1999) and the suspiciously-hungry snakes of ANACONDA (1997). Come for the water monsters, stay to hear two dummies that don't know the difference between a crocodile and an alligator. Oh, and there's a strange power surge halfway through the episode that maybe almost killed us dead. Enjoy! This week, Patreon supporters ( can enjoy an exclusive companion episode where we continue the conversation on LAKE PLACID and ANACONDA with a little game we're calling "Monster OR Madman?”, available at
Hey and welcome to BTS podcast. This is your host when I cook on BTS podcast, I talk to people about the behind the scenes of what they do, which is what BTS stands for is behind the scenes. So if you thought this was going to be about the Kpop band. I am so sorry to misrepresent the podcast to you, but hopefully you like it. Anyhow, this episode is with a ten winterkorn. She is based out of Amsterdam. She's at Future Factor where she is theActions director prior to Future factors. She was at management events where she was the head of the AI and Robotics segment, which means that she organized conversations from Visionary leaders around the world surrounding artificial intelligence and Robotics. So she created programs for AI and Robotics events in Sweden Denmark, Finland Germany and the Netherlands and helped connect a lot of these thought Leaders with companies who could use their thinking this episode was recorded shortly after 8 EE Which is the Amsterdam dance event where she was the moderator on a panel about article 17 which we get into a little bit. But mostly we talk about her experience organizing conversations and managing events. And we talked about what it's like being a woman in the technology space. I really appreciate an end thinking and her time and I just had such a good time getting to know her and learning more about what she's gained from her experience in the tech sector in Amsterdam, please do subscribe rate review. 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I had a great time getting to know a tan and learned a lot from her and I hope you do too. Hey, welcome to BTS podcast. This is your host Lynn a cook and I am in am Program shortly after 8 ee with Aaron winterkorn did I do your first name? Right? Yes, very good. Thank you. So and then is the connections director at Future factor and prior to that you were at a company called what's it called management events, I think management events and you were the head of AI and Robotics statement. So I guess to start off before we talk about like the behind the scenes of what you do. Can you explain what you do? Yes, definitely. So if I have to describe my career in one word, it's basically networking. Mmm. So I've been working on building relationships throughout both my previous role and my role now in my previous role. I was curating events building them from scratch basically calling up people within a certain Target. In my last job. That was Ai and Robotics and doing research on what is their strategy within the company? What are they working on? What are their challenges to build an event from that with an event program finding speakers to fit that program and then connecting them with solution providers that match with their needs basically with their business needs so I've been building. A ships within Fortune 500 companies there and from that experience curating event programs. I started at the reputation management agency future factor and what we do we basically build Visionary leadership or help can help companies find their Visionary leadership and bring that to the earned media space. So either in media on podcast, but specifically also on stage Is so I'm practically a contact person or strategic middle person between event organizers and our clients and our team to find the right content for the right stages. That's so fun. Yeah. What a dream. Yeah. I know. Yeah, I really like it. So previously you were connecting companies with software they would need right and then currently you're more of getting companies heard in the right spaces. Is that accurate? Yeah. Definitely Okay and like within that I took some notes from her LinkedIn just because I think you were did it really beautifully which by the way she has one of the nicest linkedin's I've ever seen. Oh, I definitely recommend if you feel like you need some inspiration for your own pop over to hers. There will be a link of to it in the description of this but it's really beautifully worded to describe what she does in a way that I have definitely struggled with my own LinkedIn. Well, thank you. Yeah, so congratulations. So what you were doing previously and I bring this up because Because also you were there for many years you were creating event those events, but across Europe, it sounds like like we ask that you so you'd list in Sweden Denmark Finland Germany and the Netherlands and then I loved also that you called out that you were looking for solutions for challenges surrounding new business models and implementation of AI R is what you're doing now still very focused in like the AI and Robotics space or is a little bit broader know we focus on Innovation. Hmm. We work for you for example with a digital agency in Amsterdam that does AI projects but we're focused broader also in companies that really believe in creativity as a tool for business growth and companies that are very focused on brand purpose like improving sustainability and finding diversity and inclusion within their business. So that's awesome. How rewarding I don't like the efforts you're putting it on a daily basis are laddering up to supporting solutions to Everyday problems and problems of like the past and future. Yeah, but that's what we want these days, right? Yeah one companies that believe in something and that reach something that's higher than just like commercial goals. Yeah, certainly. Yeah. It's definitely I am very thrilled to see it in the public discourse because for years it was not something I heard. Anyone talking about and perhaps that's because there wasn't as many platforms for people to talk about that the prior to social media where would people have been heard outside of like trade Publications or like op-ed pieces in different like the New Yorker or whatever. So I think now as having social media and YouTube and everything that really helps and also listeners. Hopefully, you can't hear it. But if you hear some clicking around it's a it's a friend's dog. We're not sitting here tapping our nails on the table greatly. So here we keep corrugate. It's a very cute corgi. So you see a variety of dynamic set of events and a wide amount of topics covered and that that got me thinking about a few different things. And so the first of which is have you encountered challenges when speakers on a on the same panel or same amount have opposing ideologies, or do you vet that ahead of time so I haven't experienced. Just any myself, but actually add the past Amsterdam dance event. I heard that a panel needed needed to get cancelled because there was there were people from a Latin American country on it and basically in a electronic music in Latin America is for the elites and the really yeah like because it's more of the like the club bottle service seen. Is that why yeah, basically, I don't know too much about it. I have to say, but they had to cancel it. As they just got into a raging fight about yeah, we can't focus on the scene the clubbing scene in this country focused on electronic music because the music of the people is more like salsa and like because it was like a classicist issue. That's interesting. Yes, that's super interesting. Well, I'm very glad that that was not your panel because that sounds very dramatic. Yeah, definitely. Lee but I wish I mean I wish it would have been because I it would have been a nice challenge to get them on stage. Anyways, yeah because that's when the interesting the magic happens really if people don't agree a lot of panels are so boring because everybody agrees with each other I hate to say this but I agree with you because it'd be great if we couldn't disagree and have a conversation about that, but I completely agree with you and I think you know a lot of that has to do. With Ike I mean, I really can't think of a single culture where confrontation can be like a constructive thing. I think because it's not really human nature. Like we we see a lot of things as a dichotomy which you know can be like well my opinion is right and yours is wrong versus going like, oh obviously your lived experience is real and you arrived at this place somehow and I respect your intelligence at as an individual. So let's Like figure out what it is that makes you think the way that you think and maybe I can learn from it and vice versa. Yeah, but so often times it is not that yeah, so that's a real challenge super interesting rights. Try to achieve that. Yeah, that would have been fun. Well, maybe next time. Yeah. So what do you makes a successful event? Why do people go to events right people go to events for the networking usually and to meet Bowl and I've been to really really big events that don't do anything specific to kind of catalyze that so I do feel that events that have certain structured networking setups those can be really successful and that can help a lot especially if you're kind of shy person and you don't naturally just go up to somebody you don't know which is a really hard thing to do. Yeah, so So if they have structured kind of interactive sessions or round tables or setup one-to-one meetings or any other type of networking instrument. I think that's really good. That's a good point. So you mentioned round tables what sort of round tables set up do you think is like have you seen be really successful in getting people to connect and really get conversation started? So I think that a really good table host is crucial and a good table host consists of somebody that doesn't necessarily I want to give his own opinion, right but it's really kind of engaging people into joining in the conversation and to have a good a good discussion topic that you know, people disagree on yeah because you had could have something like okay is brand purpose important for a company and then everybody's going to say yes, probably. Yeah, so you need to think about a little bit More controversial questions or topics, maybe? Yeah and probably open-ended is oh, yeah, definitely for sure. What are what are some of your go-to is like what are some of your favorite? Sorry to put you on the spot? That's a really hard one. That was an open-ended question. I'm taking my own advice. I need to think about that a little bit. That's okay. We can also come back to it if you think of some later. Yeah. Okay, let's do that. Oh, I just forgot my question. So So you've obviously seen a lot of people speak what have been some some things that you've learned about public speaking or things that you've kind of picked up in terms of practice along the way about a good speaker. So a good speaker uses body language as an instrument to kind of amplify your point. So and people can see me doing this, but it's going to happen. So if you like making a list or something, then you can move a bit which by the way to like play a game of like charades what she's doing is she staying list is she's like mimicking out bullet points with her hands and you know, as soon as she said to use body language, I don't know if it was conscious or subconscious, but even those was just recorded she immediately started using her hands are like she forgot she should be doing it in this moment. So that's it. That's a good point. The body language is good. And what else? Yeah, it's really important that if you make a point that you stand still mmm and that you take up space and I was just talking about this with one of my speakers that is really experienced. And a lot of women are kind of a little bit scared to take up space. Yeah, they usually sit cross-legged and like maybe hold their arms as we both are right. Yes, exactly, but you need to take up space to be able to make it. A strong point so which can be hard as a woman though because I think we all know that when we stand a certain way that then you look like a football player instead of a lady, you know, because we also I mean I imagine I speak for a maybe not a majority but I would venture to say that a lot of women we still want to feel like we look good and a lot of times looking good is closely associated with like smaller. Artists like features and being smaller. So that is really hard to take up more space - as a woman when you have that as a value and maybe you don't want to stand with like your legs hip width apart, especially in a dress. It's just not comfortable. If you're in a pencil skirt. We can't we physically will break our skirt. That's true. But you can practice and I would really recommend to practice with this because you can stand with your feet like in front of each other, but you can also stand and that's still Ladylike like for example, if you just stand with your feet straight. Yeah and have one knee a bit bent then you can still and you're standing for example with your arms and your side. Yeah with your arms out wide, then you're still taking up more space than when you have your legs crossed and your arms crossed. Yeah and doing all your emotions, like what as she's saying that she's also mimicking some of it and one thing I noticed that in the list of things to do a lot of your arm motions were out to the sides versus a right in front of you. So, you know, if you're going to clasp your hands, maybe consider putting your elbows out further or instead of gesturing toward the audience are toward the camera in front of your body to do it sort of on the outside of your body. And like I don't know if I like you're starting a cartwheel instead of instead of going just straightforward. Okay? And so and I like the point that you said that that speaker, I don't know if they mentioned all of this to you, but I know that you mentioned the thing about like when you make a point to stay and still that's an awesome point. I had not thought of that when I watched TED talks, but now that you say that I do recall that there's a lot of when they make a point, they stopped and that acts as a nice sort of nonverbal punctuation. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah definitely. So what else so I think talking slowly is also a very important because when you're nervous then people start the speed up. Yeah hook faster and faster and faster. Esther until you can barely hear anymore what they're saying totally and the way to do that is really practice out loud before hand. So if you do your talk out loud beforehand, maybe once twice or even three times then your know which words are kind of coming out wrong or which parts are a little harder to pronounce things like that. So that's really helpful. I think. Think that's good to know and are there anything else any other sort of things that you've noticed? What about presentations? So when we go to see a talk with want to learn something, right? We want to get inspired. So the most inspiring talks are always that have really practical takeaways and then if you have a talk with really concrete takeaways for really concrete. Just that the audience has then that's the best match that you can have. Yeah, so well, I mean with like PowerPoints specific, you know on somebody has like their visual presentation. Oh God as little text as possible. I'm so happy. You said that definitely just images basically maybe one or two words is fine. Yeah, but the worst thing you can do is have a presentation full with text because then and that's also what I was discussing. Messing with my speaker before she's actually a speaker coach. So she tells that or she says that people should be the director of the audience and you should be the director of kind of what you want to say and your point and you don't want the PowerPoint to be the director of the story. I absolutely yeah, so if you depend on the power point that has all the text on there and to tell the story for you then nobody's going to listen to you. Yeah, that's there was a festival I went to recently called thrival and I went to two back-to-back the festival. So when was called thrive on that was in Pittsburgh and the other was seen by your beta which was focused on synthetic biology and it was fascinating because there were three presentations. I saw at thrival that were all incredible and mostly with mostly they like you said leaned on visuals there was Amy blackmun's presentation and what I liked about it was that the visuals were great. But then also on each sort of section she had the pull quote that you would want to say from her if you were tweeting it on the slide so that you didn't have to like try to be typing furiously or writing it down if you're tweeting from the event and then my friend Gary Gonzalez who his background is in esport strategy whenever he said his point, that's when he had the queue for it to go on the presentation. So you couldn't read ahead right, which I thought was nice that like it had the numbers out, you know, like 93 percent of whatever and the statistics out there, but it was mostly Visual and as he said every point it came across but then I think what I saw that I loved that it was somebody from a robotics company name Bossa Nova a if you're listening to this, you should definitely watch their ad because it's probably one of the best ads for a robotics company I've ever seen just in terms of the awareness. That like if there's a robot in your grocery store people will notice like it wasn't like the robots. We're interacting seamlessly with people without people turning and I think it was a very good but at the end he had just his last closing slide had literally like verbatim the things that you would want to tweet from the talk, which if you're at a presentation hoping that people will tweet about it. That's what you would want is just what you want people to say to make it easy and then in comparisons and bio beta I learned a ton but a lot of the presentations because they're scientists were like science poster boards. It was insane like everything was like huge charts and stuff on it where I was like, I guess I could dig into this if necessary, but it was impossible to focus on what the person was saying, right? Because I was like staring at these charts trying to figure out like how they were genetically modifying vitamins to know what your body was doing and stuff like that. So I like that as a I'm glad we agree on that because I don't know what I would have done if you said As much text as possible. I would like can you elaborate on that? Please pulling together speakers? Is a lot of work, I don't even have to do it 9 to 5 because this is just my podcast and I will say that it is a lot of work even just for this podcast what sort of tools have you used that help you plan effectively that help me plan where that helped me reach out the speakers. Well the reaching out part. Because I imagine it's multiple phases. Right like you're going to have sort of a research part where you're looking for people and then your wedding those people. So let's talk about that part first and then we'll talk about the rest. Yeah. Yeah. So research. Yeah, I used to do a lot of research over the phone these days. I do more research online by just reading articles about the topic. Yeah and kind of snowballing from that. I read a name here and then search for a different terms and but before yeah, you get a lot of names from research as it is you I always ask people like do you know any good speakers about this topic or what kind of topic should should be on stage what kind of Industries and then you start kind of making a dream list would be your top top top people and going From there basically approaching those first. Yeah. And are you making that list into Excel or using bookmarks to keep a list? I did used to make those in Excel. Yeah, definitely and then you can ride down like market and colors if you've approached them and yeah, yeah other like practical tools I use our Google keep I love Google keep it's just like a very straightforward kind of follow-up list or to do. List notes and I use one notes. I love OneNote is very structured. I love the tabs. Yes. I have an obscene amount. Yeah, same and amount of note notebooks, right? Yeah, definitely four different notebooks with million different tabs. My real-life notebooks are no different. I like sitting here with a eight and a half by eleven. How do you pronounce? Is it lectern? Is that how you say that like notebook brand damn talking about it's like a want to say it. The Scandinavian brand I only know merly skin Oh, which we just same old Skinner - Kim Yes, sounds disgusting the way that this name of it is much nicer. When I first heard someone say that I was like, oh, it's literally from like a mole that's gross, but I want one of those. But anyways, I have one of my aunts and uncles they got me like a packet of notebooks and I have like one that's for Creative thought someone that's for work thoughts and then I have Small like red ones and so but then I travel with all four of them because so I just there was a there's been a few times where I'd like misplaced one and been like I can't do anything in that category because I don't have my notebook. So yeah, so one note is much nicer because you can't lose that if you back it up and then once you've done sort of that coal and cultivation and then like you said you keep track of who you're in contact with through the spreadsheet and Link tracking. Yeah, which you can also add into OneNote. Okay. Yeah true. There is that and then from there like what is the planning process like for you or was there an advance team that would put that together? Like how do you sort of like prep people for the conversation? What's that process like so we had a very structured process with a research phase where you already would sign in some speakers with a P1 deadline program first program ready deadline and the end of the research phase then you would start. Are have an Advisory board meeting so a couple high-level people within the industry that you bring together to discuss the program and then you will get new ideas based on what are the gaps within the program but challenges aren't answered yet. And what kind of Industries are we missing or what type of companies and then from that you can build further and kind of Finish it, but I would start with an event nine months in advance. Wow, so you would they be yeah, it is like a baby. Yeah, honestly when when it's done, you're exhausted and happy right and unlike a baby. You don't have to take care of it anymore. Yes exactly. I love it. So then how have you vetted new speakers that don't already have. Any online or recorded speaking engagements, so you never know really how they're going to turn out but the best practice is just talking to them on the phone going by and sitting in a meeting with them. Just get an idea about who they are how they speak. Yeah, how their kind of body language is are their kind of are they kind of shy or are they? Going yeah, so that would be really helpful just to speak with them and to talk with them about the topic which you want them to speak on kind of challenge them by asking them a bit harder questions or bit controversial questions if they can respond to that Weld and yeah and is it an awkward conversation if you've had to say hey, I don't think you're a good fit or because I just imagined I dread the day that will come someday when I asked. Someone to be on the podcast then we get on the phone like you and I got on the phone before this having to get on the phone and go like oh actually don't want this person on my podcast. Hmm. So what some wording that you found that that was good to say like, hey, maybe you're not the right fit for this. Without feeling offensive. So if I'm not sure about somebody I would never invite them straight out. Yeah, I would just say like, hey, let's talk on the phone to see like if you might be the right person. Yeah to join us. Mmm, if you have the right story to contribute and then you get the opportunity to first kind of check them out and kind of talk with them and yeah and figure out what their story He is and who they are as a person. Hmm. But then still you can make the wrong decision. Yeah, sometimes it happens. We all have off days. Like I imagined there have been people across a variety of speaking engagements who may be on a different day would have been perfect but then their nerves or family situation or they're tired or whatever. It may be can really make for a bad output. I think it's very cool that of all the topics that you have been around a lot that the topics You've been around our Ai and Robotics because that means that you've gotten to be at the sort of the Forefront of where a lot of our technology is headed. And as we know like technology impacts everything about our lives. Yeah what and I know this isn't necessarily related to your job. But what are you the most excited about after hearing the conversations that you've heard? Well, so I come from a doctor's family like medical. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah my Both my parents are GPS. My grandfather's GP. His father was GP. My brother is in like Health policy and economics. So, yeah, so yeah, so I really come from a medical family and I think like the tools that a I are going to give us for example, you can with image recognition you could just scan a mold or something like that and it can give you with Such a high probability the outcome of what that mold might be and like can you give me an example even mold like a like a mole? Oh, I'm all mo. Yeah like Moleskine. Yeah. Yes, like potential skin cancer most. Yes, exactly. Yeah. Yeah, so it can provide tools to increase the probability of right diagnosis. Yeah and proper self die. Gnosis, like imagine the appointments saved if there was an app that you could just scan your own mole. Although I do think that self-diagnosis is really tricky because it really stimulates kind of what's it called hypothermia at the other thing hypochondriasis that well, but that's I sort of mean it in with that same concern is that then instead of people freaking out and going like, oh I have moles. I need to go to the doctor. But they could then calm their own nerves and scan it and be told like by an app or whatever. Hmm. Actually, this is a very normal mole if it you know, yeah, it's weirdly shaped or whatever XYZ and rather than because you know, you'll see people who Google like what a bad mole looks like and then they sort of like insist that there's this bad even though doesn't meet the criteria yet. If there was a two-way conversation versus that one way conversation where they Could scan it that the word really is like spare just a sort of a lot of money spent. Yeah and doctors time use that like those appointments could be better used for somebody who it does have a chronic condition because I don't know our doctors appointments hard to get here. Um, not a GP appointment but a specialist. Yes. Yeah or for example Mental Health Care. There's big waiting list for those really which is probably the worst thing to have a waitlist for yeah, I guess so like if you think about the state that you're in if you really need to see a mental health care professional. Yeah waiting a month is probably not the thing. You want to hear. Yeah, there are lots of like And so if you're really suicidal or anything like that, then you don't have a waiting list. Well, you don't have to end up on a waiting list. Yeah, interesting. Yeah, just I know it's really difficult a lot of times to get a doctor's appointment in the US and then they take forever. So I just think that yeah, that's that's a good. Yeah, I could see why you're excited about that and what else? So driving cars. Yes. Can't wait for those agreed. I mean have you been a nanny? No, I haven't not yet my chairman for the AI conference like the European business AI robotics conference he had one but I was too scared to ask him if I could take it for a spin. I mean the thing is he wasn't his car would take you first. Yeah, I guess so. Yeah. Yeah, but just like That's just sounds amazing that we don't have to own cars. We don't have traffic jams anymore. We just we don't have to pay for parking spots. Yeah, and all those kinds of things that are clutter up our city. Yeah, those can be kind of and the reduction like the safety Factor. Hmm. I mean, I know everybody has their concerns about it and things they may not see however, I would venture to say that people cause more accidents. It's definitely and we said we would all like to think like the point of an accident is that you don't know what's going to happen. So we would all like to think that we would have bad like better reaction timing or we would have known better or whatever, but there is sort of like perhaps some cognitive dissonance there where people just don't I don't know. It's an it's not that dissimilar actually to the way that people just assume that they would make better choices than other people and decisions with like when you know, they're in crisis or whatever and so like it's all we had just assumed we would make a better choice than a robot. But you know, most people aren't good stock investors for a reason. Yeah, and you're not that good of decision make no and computers Don't Panic so exactly they would keep the same. Same calculations the same exact calculations as when you're in a or entering in a kind of car crash then when you're not so and humans would just it's it's a real reaction. It's a natural reaction to Yannick which we need. Yeah, very useful in some situations. Just not when it comes to cars better for being chased by a lion necessarily driving an Hitting a car. Yeah, definitely. So with your role at Future Factor, what have what have you learned so far in your six months there? So I'm learning a lot about the kind of creative industry about. About the way that that kind of industry is at the Forefront of what's happening in in the world and it seems like in terms of talking about Innovations talking about diversity talking about brand purpose. I feel like the creative industry is very much in touch with culture and modern culture is very much connected to it. They have sort of like a symbiotic relationship like they're both driving each other things that make sense. Yeah, and I do believe at the core of innovation is creativity. Hmm. So you can't innovate if you can be creative and you can't think of different kind of ways to to do something differently or to figure out a need and what kind of possible answers would be to that need. Yeah, what specific projects or creatives come to mind when you You say that so I think for example Nike is very Innovative in the way that they communicate. Hmm. They're very kind of diverse in their communication. They had like platforms digital platforms before any other kind of retailer had that to customize or build your own product. Yeah. They are also, They have a very clear sense of purpose to inspire every athletes. Yeah, actually, I don't know if that first part. I think that Vans might have done that before Nike. Really. Yeah. I think that Vans let you customize your own bands before Nike had Nike ID. Oh that could be I could be wrong and maybe that's me being like Southern California Centric, but I was pretty into shoes in high school and I remember very vividly that you could Customized vans and like Vans of this shoe brand but then also Sion let you customize Saiyans for whatever reason. Okay, let's look it up and all ended up and I'll get to the bottom of this but I agree with you because in addition to the Nike ID. They also like their sneaker app and then Nike run club, which is free Nike Training Club, like those are all sort of to me they're communicating with you in a way. But then with Nike Nike running club, you can like see what Friends are doing and stuff like that and you can message your friends. And I think that one of the most beautiful sort of moments I ever had with a brand was I was at the gym and I was doing a Nike Training Club video and these two girls came in, you know, and just like the free room and the gym where it's sort of like a yoga studio, but when it's not in use you can do whatever in it and these girls came in I saw what they were doing and they were also doing Nike Training Club and then we all just did it together was like very very cute. So yeah, I I definitely hear you on that. And who else do you think is doing a good job or like is there a specific campaign you've seen that was really impressive? Well, so since I started working at Beauty factor and I went to can this year and I saw like a bunch of can rewarded campaign. Yeah all the tearjerkers. Yeah. I didn't know that like advertising could make me cry, but the dream Crazy Cow. Pain from Nike is so emotionally touching God. I know it's beautiful. Yeah, it is really beautiful. They there's a lot of tear-jerking ads out there. Definitely. Yeah. So on actually another were talking about ads that I started thinking about the panel that you were moderating it 8ee. There is a teehee Yeah, Eddie and Jim dance events. That's what it is. I'd like messed up the letters earlier today, and I had to correct myself. So thank you. I looked at the panel that you're on actually today and I have been withholding this during our conversation before this. I'll entrust me. This was like hard for me to hold back when we got coffee, but I know That one of my friends was on the panel that you were moderated a really yes Kyle. Oh, yeah. Yeah head of Music supervision at at Microsoft Microsoft. Yeah, which we've been friends for a while. We have similar friend groups and I knew he was in music and he hosts like a at least one very like popular like Radio Show in Seattle. I thought that that was his main job. I had no idea that he was the head of music. Yeah permission at Microsoft like I didn't know. No, he even worked at Microsoft. I just knew he was here also 480 and then we were both too busy and didn't meet up. And so then I looked I text him today. I was like, oh you're on this panel and also like you work at Microsoft no idea that we did it for probably like four or five years, which is hysterical. So that was about Article 13, which is around IP. Yeah. How did that go? Yeah, so it's actually called article 17 now. Oh, really? Yeah, so that's really weird that kind of weird sneaky move by the government trying to detract attention from it or something by renumbering it. So it's now called article 17 but yeah legals not really my area of expertise, but I was just super excited to get involved with ad so so how did you prepare for that? Because I imagine that you I mean, I was very impressed. You're probably the most. I guess like a diligent about making sure you're really prepared for this. I mean everybody else has definitely taken interest in like prepared, but I think you were you you may be the only person I've talked to on the phone prior to recording. Oh really? Yeah. Typically it's been very much like via email. Then we like talked for the first time. Yeah, that sounds and I was actually glad and mostly it's because I'm too shy to ask for a phone call A lot of times. Was good practice for me. So I imagine if you were that diligent about this, which is like not necessarily work-related for you at it's not in front of people write like this is hidden behind like speakers that you were probably very diligent and researching for for the panel which you you know, isn't your expertise. How did you how did you research for that? Like, did you talk to any thought leaders in the space first? I did online research mostly just reading a bunch of wired articles. Watching videos on it. Yeah, and then mind mapping. That's like my thing if I'm do you use the do you use the mindmeister told? No, I do it like on paper Okay felt pens and be colored pens. Yeah. I know. I really like like your notebook my notebook. I could show you later. It's full of Doodles and that's awesome color. It's kind of section tabs and all that. So awesome. I love it. I take like these big Ace. A piece of paper and a box of colored pens and then I well I did research on what it was try to explain be able to explain it simply to other people and then once I know that if I can explain something simply to another person. Yeah, then I understand it. Well enough. Yeah and then kind of research what are the pros and what are the cons so you can Yeah, like Devils out for could basically yeah, like before we were discussing people shouldn't agree with each other and then the moderator if they don't agree. Yeah with the people on the panel if they all agree, then you can get a bit both sides of the discussion. It becomes tricky when things are sort of like hey, this is an attack on creative and any other opinion isn't allowed. So what were some compelling sort of each side of the argument that you found for this. Well the Repelling side of the pro argument is that it's better for the artist because the artist is going to be more equally compensated, right and that's what I found find the most compelling arguments. Yeah. What about the other side the other side? So they're afraid that it's gonna put a break or put a stop to do user-generated content. So a lot of content is going to be wrongfully blocked them Tick Tock and things like that. I don't know what that is. Oh, it's do remember that musically. They probably don't comply with like EU standards because Tick Tock is owned by a company. I think called bite dance. I could be wrong on that that's beijing-based. But it's like all the videos of teenagers that you see that are like lip-synching to their favorite song, right? Yeah like that sort of thing then because of article 17 the artist should get compensated for the use of that song. That video as you're leaving this conversation, you're obviously speaking to because I know it was Kyle and there were I think two it was a music publisher. Uh-huh from a French music publishing company, right? And then there were two lawyers to lawyers. Okay interesting. And so with that then was there room for audience questions at the end. Yeah. Definitely. Yeah. How did you because I've seen audience questions go very Haywire as I'm sure all of us have yeah. In your experience what have been some of the best ways to preemptively get people to like really get to their question or be like brief and to the point. So to be honest, I wouldn't give them a microphone. Okay step one. Yeah step one don't give them a microphone to hold in their hand. Tiny index cards. The holiest one sentence can fit up. Yeah, or just if you hold the microphone keep holding the The phone then you can like have the risk of pulling away. She's gesturing like taking a microphone away from somebody or I really like slide. Oh, what's that? So slide? Oh is a conference tool where people on their phone can log into a certain room and then they can send questions and digitally and then also other people can vote on that question. So then the question that's most voted. At the top. So then are you saying those questions as the moderator or do you have sort of like a background moderator who's looking at that and bringing them to you? Because I imagine you also want to be engaged in the conversation as it's happening rather than checking a device. Yeah. Usually the the questions would be handed handed to the moderator. For example, I've had conferences where like seminar hall manager for example checks the questions and then gives them to the moderator when the time. QA audience Q&A is there. Okay interesting. So did you get I don't know that you have a good experience overall like yeah, I mean, it's super fun to do. I really like doing their first time already. Yeah. Oh, okay. Well moderating a panel discussion. I've done like hosting a day or a stage like bring the chairperson for that day for internal events and like opening an event. And with just saying welcome word and things like that, but not really moderating the way I did with any and so then did you go to any other panels or like talks at 80? Yeah. I saw it a really interesting talk in the morning about kind of well being as an artist. So if you're touring if you're DJ and you're touring and you're playing late night shows all over the world and how do you kind of stay healthy? Did you know that that's an ongoing topic on this podcast for artists? Really? Yeah. Oh cool. It's something I talk to are like artists about who wrote to her. Yeah, that's so who was speaking so I can't remember exactly but it was moderated by a woman called Claire, right? Okay, who is working on a really cool new app? That's also focused on well-being in the dance and the music industry and then there was I think a psychologist. Oh cool and a Dutch really well-known Dutch DJ 30 course te okay and one other person but I thought oh, yeah, I think she was running. She was running a kind of artist Collective. Agency that manages maybe manage the artist or something like they focus on keeping the healthy. So interesting. Okay, that's really yeah. It's it's been cool to watch that rise just across Industries because it used to be you know, unless you were super famous. It wasn't on your mind and then athletes would have people like that but I was in China for League of Legends World Championships, which is like a computer game and they actually had a Like Riot has a fitness trainer and house to work with like the pros and their team like somebody that would like take them all on runs and like make sure they're eating healthy and like do workouts with them and stuff. So it was crazy to see that like in a sports specifically and then definitely I've noticed it become. Well, I think also it's our age that like if you have friends in music and you're all encroaching on your 30s, people are starting to see their bodies fall apart and you know, peers die. Or be hospitalized because of the way that they're living their lives. I Tommie Sunshine was supposed to be on I think that's his name. Does that sound right? He's like a DJ. Yeah, and he's I want to say in his 40s because we have some mutual friends in their own their 40s and he's sober and so we will record when I'm back in LA, but we were going to try and record when he was here for iate, right? It doesn't work out to talk about kind of like the journey Being Sober on the road and stuff because that's something that's not common. Yeah, and I think it doesn't only apply to artists, you know, right like businessmen all the time. Yeah, it was a businessman but like if you travel a lot for work period Desmond really easy for people to like develop addictions and hide them. Yeah, and I feel like work-life balance is something that we're all struggling a lot with yeah and mental well-being pushing yourself. To be successful at your job, but not only at your job also have a big social network and then have a lot of new experiences and this is just our generation. It's fueled by social media. Like everybody's lives is just amazing. That's what you're constantly getting through social media, which creates kind of a pressure to have the same thing and also be successful at your job. And yeah and and have a lot of friends and Experiences because when we are like if you think about it our parents and generations before us didn't really ever have to like Define themselves, they could just exist but when you have to fill out a bio, right like when you think about the first time you ever met an online profile, there's an About Me section and then you're like, oh I have to write about myself and my a funny person do I just write my age like is my age a character trait right? Like yeah. How do you so I don't Think it's that when you know, you hear people say like well our generation like our work was in our life and it's like yeah, but I need to put something about my life in this box whether it's on my Instagram profile or LinkedIn or Tinder or whatever it is. And so when you have to Define yourself that way then also you find yourself living in a way that lives up to that because you're like oh, but I said, I like hiking I bet when was the last time I actually went hiking or I said that I do this and like that's who I am now. So then as you change you literally art sort of force in a way to then like reconcile that in a tangible way with your online profiles. Yeah, and like then the whole world knows your job title and that's when people can compare like, oh she's a director. I'm only a manager. Like people start thinking of things that way like why am I not as far as my career as she is but that's not like we wouldn't be doing that if we were just not creating those about me sections and like what's your job and things like that online you would be having more human conversations like, oh you're a director. What's your role like da-da-da- How is that like and then we may realize like, oh, you've actually worked a lot harder than I have. No wonder why you got that role and I'm over here is like an associate or a manager. Whatever. Or you may go like, oh actually that means a different thing in the different organizations that were in yeah that happens a lot. Totally I was at an event recently and they had this practice like it go up to a person and introduce yourself, but you can't say your name or your job. Yeah or like the real relationship the way that you came in here why you came in here? That's good. Yeah. There's a good guy but some famous dinner parties that that's his rule. Also cool too but so he curates these dinner parties with like, you know, really smart intelligent people, but he hasn't the same rule. Oh, yeah, and I think that it's a good way to sort of like strip out a lot of the What is sometimes sort of like a pissing contest? Hmm But is also sometimes I realized people just literally don't know what else to say. Yeah, like they're not trying to say like I'm important. There's just it's more like a I don't know what else to say. Like when you talk to little kids and people ask them. What do you want to be when you grow up like we just don't know what else to talk to little kids about when a little kid would be totally fine being left alone. And you not asking too many questions, right? Yeah. What do you think is the most difficult part about your job? Who? I think building lasting connections. Mmm is always tricky because with some people you have a natural Rapport, right and then it's super easy to build a relationship from that but then when you have other people that you don't have that natural connection, yeah, then you still have to try to build it. Hmm. So that is really hard. Yeah, and also, I mean in any job time management Prioritization is really super complicated always especially if you're communicating with people across time zones. Oh, yeah. Oh my God working so much with LA now and just between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. Is always so full right because that's five is when they wake up. Yeah, so they have maybe one or two hours. Yeah to communicate with them. Yeah. It's a very and I've worked with like when I was living in Seattle for a while. One of my main clients was in Taiwan and that time difference is very similar. And so it ends up when you're in a time crunch you end up being either pulling really wild hours or everything's been getting done too slow because you send something over, you know, you don't get their response until the next day maybe the day after and it can really just elongate communication processes. Yeah, definitely. Have you found also if you don't answer is it's fine and I could just cut Part out. But have you found being a woman mostly dealing in Tech the world's with this? Have you found that people make assumptions about you that are not true or like don't treat you with as much respect for not being on the technical side. Like have you found that to be sort of a an odd space to navigate? And that what I guess challenging space to navigate. I haven't experienced it as challenging but people do assume that I'm not on the nickel side. Hmm and people do assume that I don't know that much about Technology. Hmm. So I guess in that sense. It's kind of it can be tough to be taken seriously, but it could also be an Aegis thing right? It's not necessarily sexist per se right, but could also be ageist. I've known a combination of age and gender. Yeah being a younger woman specifically. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, definitely in my old job when I was communicating with super sea level people that are in their 50s and yeah, they have a tendency to think like oh, who's this Twinkie? You know? Yeah. Definitely. I've never heard that word before really. Yeah. What do you find in the most rewarding part of your work? I really like that. I work on a project basis. So you work towards a certain events or certain panel discussion or a certain kind of launch or whatever. Hmm and when you're at the event and you see everything that you've been working on come to life hmm, that is just can feel so euphoric. Definitely. Yeah what to you I guess like, how are your events? Like what defines success now in the event that you do? Oh, that's a tough one. I guess if a lot of people come and if connections are made that you didn't have prior. Yeah, if you get a lot of good feedback, although Word of Mouth feed bags, not really trustworthy because people will tell you to your face like, oh it's so good and oh that kind of feedback. I see what you're saying. Yeah. So yeah, I Tend to lean more towards the numbers. Do do Anonymous surveys ever in my previous job. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, and then actually this is something I was thinking about and I don't know if I messaged you about it or if I was just thinking about it, but for events here, is it mostly like do do it on a vent bright. Like is that more popular our Facebook events more popular like digital promotions and RSVPs, like what is sort of the go-to for spreading the word about About events here. So we do use Eventbrite but is not as big as in the US. Mmm. I did think about this and I have to say I'm not a hundred percent. Sure. Mmm in my previous job was invitation only so we didn't do really marketing. Okay, so we just call people up to invite them to come right or send email specifically to them because we want to qualify that only decision-makers only. Like sea level people come right and now the events that we go to and that are kind of high on the on the Wisp. Wish list of clients are events that have a reputation within industry. So people know about those anyways, they would be subscribed to we like a newsletter of that event so that you know, when a speaker line-up is out. Yeah things like that that makes a lot of sense. I guess we LinkedIn a lot to promote righteousness events. Yeah. Let me just browse here real quick. Did the did it done? I think that you've covered everything so well and I can cut this part out. Also. Is there anything that you want to talk about that you feel like we didn't cover. So we were talking a little bit about mental health and about pushing yourself. Yeah, and I just See a lot of people around me that are pushing themselves really hard and that they want to achieve everything at the same time, right? Yeah, when you start your first job you want to be successful immediately. Basically you immediately want to have your dream job. Yeah, and then once you get your first job people are very ambitious, and then that's only work. Then people are also I know from from my own. Areas, and from a lot of friends that I see around me that they also try to achieve in sports like be very fit and and have big network of friends and have a lot of experiences and I really learned last year the hard way that you can't achieve everything at the same time. Yeah, and that you can't kind of focus on everything at the same time. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's really important to try to focus on one thing at a time. Yeah, and and not be so hard on yourself to make everything happen at the same time. Yeah, well sometimes because I definitely am guilty of the same and it took me a while to really digest the advice that my friend Trevor gave me well in fact I heard it before but when he said it to me, it really stuck because I've seen him grow in a variety of ways of the years and challenge himself and go from just different. He's just learned a lot over the years like from learning learning Chinese and Spanish to learning more about coding and like he's just done and absorb so much information and that he was like, you just have to break everything down into baby steps. Hmm. Definitely and so you could hear that every day. And then someday it might just stick like it didn't stick for me until my late 20s. And then when he said that to me granted, I'd heard it many times. I was like, oh, yeah, you're right. Mmm. I can't I mean I play drums like we were talking about earlier and if I don't practice for six months, I can't sit down and be as good as I was a year ago. So even if I just practice 10 or 15 minutes a day that's you know progress, but I used to be so hard on myself and be like, well you need to sit down and practice for an hour. Like you haven't Flex that muscle in a long time like I ran a marathon too. And I certainly could not go out tomorrow and comfortably run a marathon like I would chip away at it if it were a fitness goal. So, why would I not chipping away at it in terms of learning something or whatever that may be so I think just your and also the other sort of thing I spin up in my head like, you know, you can't do everything all at once. It's like oh if I did everything that I wanted to accomplish next year then what would I do? Yeah, right. Like what do I have to do? 30 probably everyone in my family all the women live for forever. Like my great-grandmother lived to be a hundred. Well, my grandmother's 89 my other grandma is in her 70s like What am I going to do for the next 50 years? Yeah, baby steps right exactly. Like it's okay to take baby steps and give yourself time and when you feel you know, like the moon cycles and we also have cycles of productivity and the meeting rest and so yes, have you read the artists way that you do that book at all? No, I got you have to do it. I should you you're definitely should like I will send you a copy of it. It's that It's that impactful well because it really helps you just give yourself the space to experiment and like realize that doing things wrong is also part of growth. Right like we didn't learn how to walk or read or talk properly overnight. Hmm. So why would we suddenly become brilliant at any one thing over time like it takes time and that's okay. Yeah. Definitely. It's literally fine. Yeah. To do that. So no, I think that you're right. What is there are their apps or anything that you did to kind of help reset your mindset around that subject. No apps. So no phone good. I'm happy to hear that definitely just like shut off your phone for day don't look at your phone because your phone is such a source of so many impulses. It's very pavlovian. Yeah, and it's very kind of messes up your brain a bit. So sometimes you need a break and then let people get pissed at you for not responding for two hours because if you had a house phone they wouldn't be complaining. No exactly. Like yeah, it's really I think those boundaries and setting giving yourself the boundary of like, oh, I don't need to get back to them. I don't know what the emergency number here is but I always tell when people say like, how could you my phone is on airplane mode from 4:00 p.m. Every day until noon the next day. Oh well and so forth on do not disturb. But I keep on airplane mode basically all the time also, and so when people get upset and go like well, what if there's an emergency I'm like well then you should definitely call 9-1-1. Yeah. Yeah. It's 1 1 2 here. Yeah, that's a good call one. One two, there's I wish I knew it off the top of my head, but I read recently a really great out of office message from an account manager at an agency where they set the standard with account manager. Is that like when they're gone they say I'm out of office if there's an Emergency, like it's probably not an emergency or something today. Like basically just you have no reason to be contacting me while on vacation and so is there anything like did you start? I don't know other than turning off your phone. Was there anything else like kind of big lessons or sort of like mottos that you came to give yourself? So a super important one is listen to your body because we can ignore that were tired. Yes. So well, yeah, I was so far over my boundaries that I didn't even know where my boundaries were like in terms of physical because I'm super tired. Okay. I'm going to go for a run and then I'm and then I was saying why yeah, I was gonna grab some energy, but you're just like depleting your adrenaline. Yeah gland totally adrenal is that yeah. I think that's the one it was and renal. Yeah, because I did this did you have adrenal fatigue? Yeah, me too. Yeah, and it totally messed up hmm everything. Yeah, like disher do go to like a natural medicine person like a Chinese medicine or anything. No, I went to a therapist psychologist and started taking magnesium is really good too and just sleep and do relax and restore yoga. Yes agreed and that does not mean hot yoga for those of you listening that yeah in Power Yoga, no relax and restore. Or yoga GS just get a massage. Yes. Definitely. I love that. That's great. So before before we wrap up the last question I asked everybody is what is something you would want to hear a future behind the scenes episode about so I got a little time to think about it because you were so kind to let me know beforehand and I would really like to hear from a modern-day grew. Okay. So any one particular no, no, not in particular just one with a lot of followers and that one that is still alive. Okay. So like who do you think of when you say modern-day go over like so I'm just starting to watch this series Wild Wild Country. Oh, yeah, but that one's not alive. And I know my aunt's is following their whole leader. Not necessarily. Okay. It doesn't necessarily need to To be a cult because then it's well, it can be it would be interesting is what no fun. Yeah, I would love that but also like just a Buddhist kind of you know, or some somebody like, how do you get into that? How do you become like a spiritual leader? That's very interesting and I have a lot of opinions on how but you should I don't know if they have HBO here do they you can but it's not on the cable network or anything. Okay. Well if You can find access to it on the world wide web somewhere. Yeah, I'd definitely recommend watching the righteous gemstones. Okay, it's amazing and it's hysterical as based on a mega church in Texas. I want to say well, I mean that's like what the story is centered on like it's not based on a true story to my knowledge, but I don't know. I don't know if you're familiar with what a mega churches but not really there's sort of these like enormous like I would venture to say multimillion-dollar Church establishments where like the pastor's are like broadcast across like popular like TV stations on the u.s. Like they have best-selling books. They go around like tell you know, they go around and have like Tony Robbins like they're Christian. Yeah Christianity is still so big in the u.s. It is still very big of you. I'm sorry just like so far. From my bed. I was born Christian, but I feel like that's just that ship has sailed. It has disappeared into the abyss may be the best like International difference shocking like conversation I've had with anybody maybe and I've had a lot of like wow your country does what conversations with people over the course of my life and that maybe my like favorite response ever. Yeah. It is still quite quite a big in the US. Wow megachurches. Well, I guess I mean you have the Vatican here, so I guess I shouldn't be so surprised that is at least rooted in. Assemblance of tradition. Yeah, like but still it's like it's that's multi-million dollars because some of these like there's some they're not quite megachurches, but they're like really huge churches, especially like an Orange County that are in these enormous warehouses like Yeah. Wow. Yeah, it's amazing. It's amazing like a a certain type of way. Okay. Well a leader from a megachurch. I would also be very much interested in I would dig in I have some well and I have some friends who I know go to sort of like celebrity like spiritual advisors. I'll dig around and maybe I'll have a few different ones on because you have spurred a new category because like on this podcast I have like sort of like an entertainment track where like you can listen to people across the entertainment industry where I handling musicians in a stand-up comedian. Like that and then I have strategists and CEOs and Founders. So like you may have spurred in that new track. So thank you for that. Well, thank you so much for being on. I really appreciate it. Where can people find you online. Should they follow your LinkedIn? Are you a big Twitter user? I'm not a big Twitter user. But I do use Twitter. It's eaten winterkorn. Okay, and you can find me on LinkedIn. It's Ila winterkorn is That the handle perfect. Yeah. Awesome. Thank you so much for your time today. Yeah. Thank you for having me. I'm super honored please. Thank you so much for listening to another episode of BTS podcast. Please be sure to find BTS podcast across social media join the Facebook group where you can submit questions for upcoming guests. Ask questions about previous episodes or submit topics that you would like to hear covered and a quick Pro tip. I am a huge fan of breaker breaker is absolutely amazing for listening to podcasts. They allow you to skip silences create playlists. So if you find me when I cook on Breaker, you can follow me which whatever do it don't either way is very much up to you. But definitely I would recommend looking at my playlists. I've compiled playlist around what it's like being a woman in male dominated areas and it's just called being another woman Emoji. I have a playlist called mental health that is a compilation of episodes that I've found very helpful in terms of my own mental health as well as a playlist around futurism a playlist. Customer experience. It's a really good way to see what people are listening to and get put on two different podcast. I love their skip silences feature. I have saved probably days of my life using their skip silences feature. And again, please be sure to subscribe rate review use my promo codes for hotel tonight and sued again. That is out-cook 6-1 to save on your hotel booking with hotel tonight. You can just sign up and submit the promo code right away and then it will still apply some day when you go to book a hotel. And then use code LD L RZ to save on your suit booking. Thank you for listening music on this podcast is by Benjamin the therom thank you Ben. You can find him at The theorem there is a link to that in the description of this podcast, and I hope you have a wonderful day.
Irène Winterkorn is the Connectiors Director at futurefactor, a reputation management agency. We recorded this episode shortly after ADE, where she moderated a panel on Article 17. Prior to her role at futurefactor, she was Head of the AI and Robotics Segment at Management Events. She shares detailed observations from her experience in booking speakers, connect people, and relationship building. We discuss successful roundtables, building and curating events, and being a woman in tech.
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I don't think I've ever heard anything like it before we're checking the internet Forum. He doesn't do a lot of interviews. We got chance to chat with him about the Mike and Mike split about the life at ESPN about the NBA about his future about meeting his Heroes. I mean, it was a great conversation and Alexander Rossi The second-place Finisher at the Indy 500 joins us where he opens up about not particularly loving every other driver that wasn't it was awesome, and I'm very thankful you chose to listen today. I'm also very thankful to see Keith who is our presenting sponsor sikhi gives us the most money. So we read there at it front seat, which we appreciate little behind the curtain here this podcast business seek is the first ad because you know, why their first class? Yeah their first rate. Oh, yeah in their first on planet Earth and the moon when it comes to being a ticket buying app because they scan all the other ticket buying platforms. All the other ones. 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You can shout out to a legend joining us today. Ladies and gentlemen joining us now. is a guy who has Honestly been the voice of sports for decades now joined ESPN in 1996. Then he had a 17-year run with Mike and Mike now you can see him on every single Morning on ESPN with the show get up. He's a New York Times bestseller, and he's a legend in the sportscasting world. Ladies and gentlemen, Mike Greenberg. Hello, that was a very nice introduction. I appreciated. How are you? I'm fantastic. I can't thank you enough for joining us. This is just a little tiny podcast and you are a legend amongst all of us. So I'm very thankful for that. First things first when you graduated from Northwestern University and you got a job at ESPN, did you ever think that you were going to be basically the face and voice of ESPN? Well, I mean, I don't know that I'm the face or the voice of ESPN, but I can tell you that when I when I graduated it took me a long time to get To ESPN. So my goal was when I got out of school. I wanted to be a SportsCenter anchor because at that time that was the Pinnacle there were no shows like Mike and Mike there was no PTI there were no not those shows didn't exist yet and all of the what we now know as Sports talk with local and it was mostly just starting and it was almost all exclusively radio. And so I worked in sports radio in Chicago for years six years before I got to ESPN and my absolute goal. What I considered to be the Pinnacle was to be a SportsCenter anchor and that was what I wanted and I still believe SportsCenter is the Rolls-Royce of the sports news and information business. So that was my goal. There was no such thing as the career path that I have sort of fallen into so if you had told me I think the answer to your question is if you were told me when I was 21 22 years old that my life was going to turn out this way. I would never have Do what is it has been infinitely more than I could ever have realistically expect it. Well, I think what you're saying though is such a humble opinion because although I did grow up during the SportsCenter era in highlights kind of took over the world. You are a guy who is held in high regards by everybody. And when I've met you I honestly expected a guy to be a bit snobby to be honest. I thought you're gonna be either you're going to be a bit snobby but instead you're consummate gentleman and treat everybody around you with so much respect and I don't That's a normal thing. I think you should be very proud of being one of the voices of ESPN. That's nice of you to say thank you very much. Love we very much enjoyed having you on the show. Now. I've told everybody when they ask me about you. I say he's crazy and he got you. He knows exactly here's what I think is the thing. I was most impressed with you. My show is there are every place you go. There was a different line, you know, there were lines you can you can cross here that you couldn't cross there and and On and so forth and I think you immediately understood where you could reasonably go on a show like mine and where you should not go past and I think that the fact that you pick that up so quickly, you know sort of eased whatever nervousness any of you there. And so now you have an open invitation. It is always been a lot of fun and I know that I told you this, but I thought that you just were magnificent at the NFL draft. I thought that was extraordinarily well done. I know that we exchanged notes briefly after that, but I thought that was absolutely Sensational. Well, that means a lot coming from you. I appreciate any time I get a chance of being a pre-show meeting with you. I very much understand that I am among some of the greatest humans never get on TV. Do you feel an obligation every single morning to deliver magic and I say that because I was in a situation on your show that kind of wrapped it up that involved race debate. It involved a lot of things. Do you ever feel like an obligation to make sure that everybody gets their Crossing it's fair and balanced coverage on your show. Yes, for sure. I mean, well those were a couple of different things. So starting with this if you're nice enough to come and appear on my show. The only person who was on my show every single day as me Jalen Rose is a full-time member of the show and he was an original host on the show, but obviously with the NBA Playoffs his responsibilities have him in LA and on the road so much and then the rest of the cast is just constantly revolving. We have some people who are more regular than others but by and large everyone who appears with me as a guest and so I think it is imperative that everyone gets a chance to say what they want to say. I think it would be totally unreasonable for me to ask you to fly in from from wherever you're coming from to spend. You know, however much time you are in New York and not get the opportunity to to do your thing on my show. So I feel very much obliged to make sure that you and everybody get a chance to really be themselves and express whatever it is. They may want to on the show now as far as Balanced and all the rest of that. Yes. I think that I'd like to think that I'm an open-minded person which is to say I think a truly open minded person is open to hearing everyone's perspective on everything and always willing to have my mind changed on almost anything and you know, I remember Max Kellerman once said we were in like a disagreement about something and he said I love debating because either I prove how smart I am or I learned something and that's sort of the way I approach it. So I remember the day your talk. Talking about Isaiah Thomas was there we were talking about a variety of topics. And those are those are serious and they're important and they are things that make people that people react to very strongly, you know, it is very difficult to maintain reason when you feel a lot of emotion and those are subjects that people are very emotional about I try and be as reasonable as I can and when it comes to stuff like that, but I hope that anyone feels like with almost no exception anyone's point of view is welcome on my show. I mean Are obviously certain places that we're not going to go but by and large anyone anyone who wants to bring some honest emotion to my show is more than welcome to do so, it's getting good. Isn't it? Oh, yeah little Greenie what up guy man straight off the golf course spending his Memorial Day with us. Nice guy. Now that we had JJ Watt last week in Greenie today plus Alexander Rossi later today, you know, I'm doing tonight. 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Area where we gave away a hundred beds to the Coburn Place, which is a sanctuary for domestic and interpersonal violence victims. Lisa was there on the call on the spot excited to do it. And that's what you're doing whenever you buy a mattress from Lisa. You're sleeping better than you're making the world a better place Ellie forward slash McAfee shout out Lisa and Shout you for listening this it's about to get good with Greenie. You kind of have to do this fine Balancing Act where you have this open mind, but it's On eyes chaos happening around you at all times on that get up show it is there's notes being sent in we're going to this we're doing this and an on-the-fly new things are being said, it's incredible watching you work. I want to let you know that's the one thing I very much have noticed since doing that show is just watching you balance and kind of handle the chaos that's happening all around you during that show is the most impressive thing that I've got a chance to watch and it's like whenever you watch a maestro conduct an orchestra or a pain Paint it's like something next level honestly watch because you got notes flying into you. You got this happening. You got this happening. This person wants to say this you kind of got to balance it all and it's so impressive with that being said get up is your show Mike and Mike for 17 years was dominant on the radio and on TV, then you make this transition into a new chapter with get up. Did you feel a lot of pressure like your legacy was going to be judged on how get up did because you are taking this big leap to do a no-show. I felt a lot of pressure. I say it was because of my legacy. I don't think sports announcers have legacies and maybe a very very small handful of them. Do maybe someone like Howard Cosell has a legacy. Maybe someone like Jim Nantz will have a legacy for the most part and I appreciate all the nice things you said about me and I do think I'm pretty good at this job. But I'm also I think that I will be forgotten very very quickly after I'm done. I don't think that there is a really lat. I think the last hope the lasting contributions That I'm able to make will come in the area of cancer research or a couple of other things that I work in or something else. Maybe someday. I'll write a book that people will read long after I'm gone. Otherwise, I'm a sports talk show host and I think I'm a good one. But those are generally not quite as difficult to come by and and not someone who is destined to be remembered long after their time. So I felt a lot of pressure, but hey, hold on you can't be this. I am sick of you being this humble. I am sick of it. I want to let you know I'm just about all kidding aside. No one is less humble than me. I have an effort narrowly healthy self opinion. Do you think Ten Years After I'm Gone. Do you honestly think people are going to whenever it is I retire and I hope that's not for another 20 years or so. I honestly, I mean people might remember the show, but I don't think people will be talking about me the way they remember, you know, look this but this way, let me give you a better example. Well, I'm gonna This argument if indeed this is an argument is today. I did a what we call a down Barrel one of these essays on camera. Essays about Bart Starr. Yep Bart Starr with died yesterday at the age of 85. He's one of the greatest quarterbacks that ever lived. He still has the highest postseason passer rating of any quarterback in history, which is ludicrous when you consider that every passer rating is turned over ten times since then, but he still has the best passer rating in the playoffs. He still has the best winning percentage in the playoffs. He remains the only quarterback Avec ever to have won three consecutive championships and the only one to win five Championship with in any decade and do you know that most people have no idea who he was none most of the fans that I was talking to today legitimate sports fans. Don't remember Bart Starr. So if they don't remember Bart Starr 30 years after his career, I think it's pretty unlikely. They're going to remember Greenie of 30 days after let me tell you why people woke up with you for 17 years you were on TVs and in radios with While they want to work, they shared their life with the mic and my crew then you you guys separate to do your own things and then get up happens. You didn't feel any sense of pressure. Like hey, this is going to be this is going to be a massive ordeal for me and how I'm going to be remembered right? No not not for how I'm going to be remembered absolutely not but that doesn't mean I didn't feel a lot of pressure. I felt a lot of pressure because I understood that this was a really big undertaking for the network. This was a big thing. We were trying to do here and that it wasn't easy. You and I learned so much from it like the beginning of it was so interesting to me. Like they give you we were three hours then we're to now but they gave us three hours and they said here go do something in the morning on TV. That's at least a little bit different from anything anyone else is doing and go and all you can do is make a bunch of educated guesses as to what that may be and no matter how hard you try no matter how good the people you have around you are and no matter how smart you are. You're going to get a bunch of that, bro. And so we guessed we got some of it right some of it wrong. We started adjusting and adapting immediately, but unlike something like Mike and Mike where we started out with no one paying any attention to us. In this case. We went through all of our growing pains under a really, you know, really bright light. It was a it was a microscope on us. And so that was a challenge. There's no question. That was a challenge. So that was the part of that trying to get the show right was where I felt the pressure had nothing to do with how am I going to remember? Bird what I'm done, there was really more about I need to figure this out. Like I need to figure out what it is that American sports fans want to get up in the morning and watch some television that at that is at least a little bit different from anything that has been there in the past and I think that we are we are working our way towards that and we certainly haven't gotten it exactly right yet, but I think we're getting closer and closer. And so that would say that the answer to your question is yes. I did feel a lot of pressure to succeed. We they gave me this really big. The inside here Greenie go do this and I felt an enormous obligation to come through for them. But it was much less about about how I might be remember 20 years from now because who knows what's going to happen between now and I've got a lot of career left. I would say that I felt a lot of pressure because this was a big undertaking for for a lot of people whom I like who put a lot of faith in me and I didn't want to let them down. Well, I think you've done a great job the show is very entertaining. I think it gives great takes. I think there's a lot of knowledge to be dropped on their and Every time I get to come on I very much appreciate it. Let's swing now to the Sports World. The NBA now is faced with an incredible opportunity here with the entire country of Canada potentially rallying around one team in Toronto. Do you think there's any chance that the Raptors can beat the Golden State Warriors and how will ESPN cover the entire country of Canada being excited about one team role? I don't know the answer to the second part of that. I mean it is it is an interesting phenomenon that you really do have. This National fan base behind this team. Unfortunately, it's a different Nation but it's a good Nation. Yeah, of course. It's a proximate Nation. So in all that and part of it is good. So I think that's good the Raptors being in there were good. I for one am kind of excited to see some new blood and some new faces in there the Warriors and the Cavs four straight years. Obviously, it was great and I do think the postseason Miss LeBron to a significant degree, but I as a fan of the sport all my life and happy to see a new team in there and something different from what we've been seeing in the past in the absence of Kevin Durant and I do not think Durant is going to play at all and the absence of Kevin Durant. I give the Raptors a puncher's chance. I do not expect them to win. I picked on the air today Warriors and six if KD was playing I would take the Warriors and five but I do see a way that Toronto wins this I think if Kauai is awesome. I think they have great defense. A long conversation with Tom Thibodeau today who is like a basketball Savant and he was talking to me about great life because I was complaining about Milwaukee's offensive execution. I was just looking for a game seven. I really didn't care who won that series but I really wanted a seventh game and so I got very frustrated watching Milwaukee play offense or if you could eat someone's in install to offense any word to describe what they did and that's what his office and he was telling me greedy or selling short what Toronto was doing defensively and they have all these all defensive players Kawhi Leonard Defensive Player of the Year, Marc Gasol Defensive Player of the Year kind of smell siakam outstanding Defender. They have a bunch of really good Defenders. So if they can make life a little bit more difficult for the Splash Brothers guard on the perimeter a little bit just take completely away. Anyone whose names are not Steph clay or Draymond in that series. And yeah, they have home court advantage. I think they'll win one of the first two at home. So so I if I had to predict I would predict I'll go back to Golden State one one and then the question is can Toronto find a way to win one of those two games in Oakland if they do then I think they have a real chance to win the series and otherwise, I think Golden State will either win it in 5 or a relatively easy six you do you talked about just talking to Thibodeaux there who somebody you talk to her? You got a little star-struck anybody because you I mean when I was there just got stars coming. I think after I left Magic Johnson came in the next week. It was just like everybody comes through there. Who's somebody you've been Starstruck the you got it. Chance to talk to him. Well, I mean over the course of my career. I've had the opportunity to meet just about every hero I ever had growing up as a kid and they're the still the ones that get the most excited about like the more current. I'm a lot older than you are so as great as it is to see someone like I'm just trying to think of an example of a great modern day play Someone Like LeBron James or anyone else like I remember him when he was in high school. Well, you know, and I mean I admire him greatly please don't get me wrong. That's not what I mean, but Even a guy like like like you played with Peyton Manning who's you know, one of the five greatest quarterbacks that ever lived, you know, I don't feel in all of him in part because I'm just older than him and it would just it's just kind of weird but like I did an event this past week with Joe Namath. Now when I was a kid, Joe Namath was we were I lived in a household where we did not have any religion our deity was Joe Namath. That was that was who we believed in that was so we worshipped. I've said many times. My mother would have left my father for Joe Namath and my father would have applauded her for this. So the first time I met name it and I've done a few things with him. The first time I met Namath I couldn't believe that we were in the same room the first time I met Walt Frazier, I grew up in New York in the 70s. So the that my two Heroes my Idols because not only were they great athletes and I was a sports crazed kid, but not only were they great players, but they just had a coolness about them that I just love. We're Joe Namath to Walt Frazier. And the first time I ever met either of them both of eat, you know, each of them. I think was the most excited I've ever been to meet any one of them. I've also met a lot of people from outside the sports world that I went crazy the time Jerry Seinfeld came on Mike & Mike. I almost couldn't talk. I loved I loved that show. I love Jay. I used to say he put my life. I was a thin single neat guy living on my own at the time that show was on the air. I basically said he took my life put it on TV and made a billion dollars. I loved him. And so when I met Jerry for the first time, I was really I was I would say I was very Starstruck like at most it's mostly some of the older players the people that I grew up watching and admiring even ones who might not have been as famous to everyone else but guys who are very big to very big deal to me. Like what I meant to me again growing up in the 70s like Bob Griese was a very big deal. Terry Bradshaw was a very big deal Ken Stabler. Or Roger Staubach that's the era of football I grew up watching. And so any time I ever was in a over the first Super Bowl I ever covered for ESPN. I got invited someone got sick. Robin Roberts had someone and how honestly I can't remember who it was. I'm embarrassed. I might have been Ron Jaworski. We're supposed to host this Super Bowl party and Jaws. I believe got sick and so they asked me to fill in to pinch-hit. I was this was the first year of Mike and Mike I couldn't have been less famous. But I was I happen to be standing there. So they said can you just come? Hoppin and introduce a few people with Robin. So I did and at this party was basically every NFL star from the seventies and I remember calling my dad. This is before there was texting and my father never would have texted anybody but I remember calling my dad and saying that you were not going to believe where I am, but I'm in a room and Too Tall Jones is here and like Lynn Swann is here. I'm remember the guys who all these great players from that era all these players of the 70s. Those are the guys I grew up. Up watching Julia and then from basketball Julius Erving and Elvin Hayes and people like that. So it's a very long-winded answer to what was a pretty direct question. Now, it's gonna answer. My life has really got those are the guys. I've been the most in off with the guys I grew up watching. Okay. So you mentioned Broadway Joe there early as being the guy that was back when the Jets were good at football. Now, they're firing their GM after spending hundreds of millions of dollars doing an entire draft round and now they're in a situation where a guy looked very lost it is Press conference is now in the same position as Bill Belichick brothers GM and head coach. The state of the Jets is a hilarious one. You're one of the most famous Jets fans. Is there any hope for the New York Jets in the next decade to see any success? Well, actually I think the answer is yes. And if there's one thing that bothers me the most about what I would describe as the utter ineptitude of the ownership and the way that situation was handled it is that things were Were going so well, I did not like I do not think McKagan did a good job. I thought he deserved to get fired when they fired bowls. If it were up to me. I would have fired the general manager at McKagan as well and started over again from there because this was the most important offseason the Jets have ever had in their entire franchise. They had to hire a new coach. They had a high draft pick and they had all this is every team has that one year that they've been building up to financially and this is the year. They're going to spend all their money. One in the world knew this was that year. So this was the year to totally remake the franchise. So I was not in favor of letting McKagan and do that but the owner decided to and I said, okay, he's backing his guy. Okay, and so they went out they hired a coach and I thought it was the right coach everyone in New York was very down on the hiring of case. I was not you need someone to work with the quarterback. The one thing case has always done well as work with the quarterback Peyton Manning loved him. Jay Cutler loved him. Ryan Tannehill loved him the max love them. So the Jets need to develop the Young quarterback and Donald. I'm on board with that. I was good with that hiring. They spent a bunch of money. Do I think the Le'Veon Bell contract is going to look real good through years from now. No, I don't but I do think giving the Young quarterback that guy at this stage of his career is a good move and it's worth whatever money they had to spend on it and then the draft I think it fell to them. But I mean they got all the guy that almost everyone was telling me was the best player in the whole draft at number 3 and Quinton Williams. You let the guy do the whole draft. I Very optimistic. I felt like things are sort of going in a positive direction. So to then 18 days later to do a deep dive and realize you have to fire your general manager this second most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of in my entire life and that it is an example of just utter mismanagement and ineptitude and in all honesty that the New York Jets were a publicly traded company and Christopher Johnson was the CEO the board of directors would fire him with cause immediate. Having said that that's not the way it works. I still think once you sort of get past how awful that looked that they're in a reasonably decent place. They have a guy who I think and I'd be interested to hear if you agree. I saw a lot of signs from Sam dardo last year that suggests to me. He might be a really good player and they got a good slot receiver for him and Jamison Crowder and they got Le'Veon Bell who should be a terrific addition and they have a bunch of really good young players on defense including obviously. Jamal Adams who's one of the best young defensive players in the whole Sport and they draft with this guy Quinn and Williams of they have Leonard Williams. They have some players and they have a coach who I think is a good offensive mind and they have a defensive coach and Greg Williams who you know, whatever happened in New Orleans happened, but I think he's always been an effective defensive coordinator. So I actually think the pieces are in place for what could be a decent team which is why I was so frustrated that this happened last week or two weeks ago now I guess It was because it just made the Jets look terrible when it felt like they were going in the right direction, but I still think there is a chance they could be decent this year and on their way to being better than that. I'll tell you what you sound so much like every New York Jets fan. I never heard my entire life. So I think so. So pessimistically optimistic. It's it's an incredible. I think Les Belles helps out a Young quarterback more than anybody could ever imagine that mean they're going to have to load the Box because Les Belles they're also left Bells a weapon out of the backfield as a wide receiver. Sam Donald showed glimpses of something spectacular, but it's all in coaching and surrounding it. I'm excited to see it but it just feels like and this is just an outsider looking in and I think you probably feel the same way. Somehow some way the Jets are going to Jets. I mean, that's just what's going to happen. But I love the team. I like the way and Brandt Boyer your special teams coordinator. Good guy just for future reference. He'll roll the dice a little bit. So I like the team a lot. I just think the Jets always find a way to fuck themselves. I mean it just it always it always seems to happen. I don't think you Jets fans deserve it last. Question is this yeah. What is the end game for Mike Greenberg? You said you want to write another book that people remember in 30 years from now. Do you want to Executive produce a show? That's a whenever you're retired. Do you want to be on a call? Do you want to own the Jets? You want to G Emma team? What is the end game? You want to be a professional golfer? You just got off the course today? Well, so you're just you're just listed a bunch of options many of which I would choose were they realistic. So if I could be a professional golfer, I would do that Ami. How is your dim? My game is is by the state. I mean, it's I'm a my index is 8.2. So, I mean it's depending on how good you are. That's either reasonably good or terrible. Like I I know a bunch of people are way better than me and they're never making a living playing god. Let's put it happen. So then I would like to broadcast golf. I had the opportunity to dip my toe in that water at the Masters ESPN gets the rights of the PGA Championship next year and I would love to be involved in that and I would love to slowly work my way into a little bit of the coverage of golf because that is my Favorite sport. I'd like to keep doing the show that I'm doing now. I told the people I work for that in my head. I have it in my head that I'm gonna do the show for 10 years. I love it. I love the lifestyle. I want I love being in New York. I like I like everything about it. My goal is to do that for roughly 10 years and then sort of assess where I am by that time. I will have been doing a Daily Show basically five days a week every day for 30 years and it might be time to sort of get at that point. It'll be 30 or so. I'll sort of work my way see where I To go at that point. And the meantime, I have my hands in a bunch of different things and we'll see what happens. I have a few shows that we're developing in the both that are scripted and some that are unscripted. I am writing another book so we'll see what winds up coming, you know coming through but in the interim, you know, I really we still I still feel at the very beginning of this show and I still feel like I want to make sure it gets to a place where it is. It is solid and repeatable and we can continue to do it for as long as I want to do it and I think Heading in that direction. Are you write a sitcom? I have written multiple sitcoms. I didn't know screen right now. But you know about that that you say that as though you've done it. You know, it's a tough. It's a tough gig but if you write a sitcom you basically the way I would describe it as there were like ten hurdles. You have to jump over for it to get on the air. I've gotten on some of them like as far as like seven hurdles, but none of them have ever been on the air. But yes, I have two of them in the pipeline now and we'll see if it if anything ever ones. Up happen, like whoa. I had no idea that you were just a screenwriter behind iron. When do you find a time? It makes no sense. You got to you got to executive producer show in the morning. Then he got to do all these other obligations and then just at night before you go to bed with your beautiful bride Stacy by the way, a lot of fun to follow on the internet. You just go ahead and write a screenplay. Like what how does that even happen? Well, so here's the beauty of this I love and I would love you to keep this between us. I love I love how busy everyone perceives me to be. All right. I have I have a job that ends at 10 o'clock in the morning. I have a lot of time to do stuff when we started Mike and Mike. I I wasn't over the course of time that I did Mike and Mike. I got off, you know, the are ten o'clock in the morning. I wrote over the course of that that stretch I wrote five books. I shaved 14 shots off my handicap and I picked my kids up at school literally every day. That's what life is like when your job ends at 10 o'clock in the morning. The flip side of that is that for 18 years. I got up at 3 o'clock. That's that was that was a trade-off and it was one that I would make again a hundred times out of a hundred for all of the opportunities that I've had primarily with my kids, you know, my daughter is graduating from high school next week, and I'm going through a really really wistful time with that to be completely honest with you. She's going to college in the fall and it's just impossible for me to believe in myself. Steve and I were just out playing golf today and he's 16 so, you know that stage in our lives and sort of coming to an end. But when my kids were little I was at school with them literally every day. I picked them up from school every single day and that was the best time I've ever had and so I would I would not give that part of it up for anything. Look I wouldn't give up any of it who is luckier at the end of the day than I am. I'm just a kid a grew up in New York City Who Loved Sports and and to the point that you made up the beginning of the conversation and look what's happened to me. So, you know, I'm probably the most fortunate person I know and and I just am going to continue to try and do things the way I have been doing them, you know for the next little while but to go back to the reason that we started this I have more than enough time to write books and write written scripts and any number of other things that I've been doing because you know, as you know, we roll out of there at latest like 11 o'clock in the morning and I have my whole day ahead of me. Well, I want to let you know it was Given its earned. Mr. Greenberg. You deserve every single part of it and if there's any extra spots, you know, if like bartender bouncer anything you got going on sitcom. I love be cast. I'm just looking for it. You know what I mean? Let that you know what I could easily see there being a place where you and almost anything I get involved. Let's stay in touch on that. Hey, you're the best. Good luck with that. Thank you so much for your hospitality on your show and for coming on here today. I know you don't do a lot of interviews because you're so busy all the time. I am so thankful and you're the man. Man, dude, good luck with everything another 10 years of greatness. I can't wait to watch. Thank you. Is it pleasure as do it again? And I'll see you in New York sometime soon. You got it. Ladies and gentlemen, Northwestern University grad voice of get up and Mike and Mike New York Times bestseller and maybe fucking Scorsese by the end of this authentic my dream. Thank you, man. Thank you very much. It was a pleasure. That was fun. So so nice of you to do this, you're the best. I'm pretty good girl from by the way. What's that? I'm pretty good. Golfer you I'm guessing you. Are you all you football players are good golfers. What is your index? It depends it can go anywhere from like a 13-2 a to it depends on how I'm playing in the day. Well the next time you're in town, let's go my my fly play at Bayonne. It's a fun place to go and it's easy to get to from our studio. So the next time you come to the show will go to write from the set. All right. I'll bring my club. Appreciate you man. All right, I got to talk to you to congrats dear daughter graduating high school Jesus. She graduates a week from Thursday. I'm never gonna live through this experience college College can be some wild times are to be a dad. I know I'm just gonna you know, she'll be fine. She she's more than mature enough for this. It's me, who's not empty nest is real kick in the ass man. I'll be I'll be excited to see you handle it. That's another thing you gotta organized chaos that you deal with on a daily basis. You know what I mean watching those papers. Come into you and then like we're live in 3 seconds you go when there are right now, then we're live and then you're reading and then you're throwing it is a talent man. It's fun to watch. Thank you. Thank you very much. I'm doing it a long time. So I guess I've somewhere along the line I figured it out. Hey, by the way, my last name McAfee and I get it wrong every goddamn time. For some reason. I always want to say McCaffrey. I don't know why and and I obviously I know your name and and yet every single time. I look at you my king. The nation is to say McCaffrey and and yet somehow I almost think that's gotten it's almost good. It's almost better that's not know why but for some reason I feel like it works in every way. Well, it works for me. It makes it helps me tell the story better and also my people on the internet respected a lot more and I might just change my name to McCaffrey to be honest with him. All right fellas. Thank you. Granny will too humble for my liking little bit. To Humble is a little bit too humble. I mean, he's kind of jocking you're like most humble guy on Earth. It's really hard to talk for 30 minutes about yourself and then still spin how humble you are now so he should be no. He's great. Honestly. He is so good in like the pre-show meetings there tspn like he's Point guy for it. I mean, he's a part of all I didn't even ask about his Louboutins. The only word is nice but he is so cool. You know how he's like King of the form, I guess of everybody right now. Like he's just a master of running the show. Be cool to see if he ever because he writes books. He's obviously a great Storyteller and he likes that it'd be cool to see as he progresses. Does he end up doing more like long-form biographical one-on-one stuff like Costas good, you know, I mean, I think he would be great at that him and some legendary athlete that's like the What's that show it was originally with Joe Buck announce with Dan Patrick. It's called done something. I've seen it yet uninterrupted or something. Maybe I think he would be the next good host of that is a sit-down hour-long conversation in front of a crowd. I haven't seen Dan Patrick's version. I'm sure it's incredible, but I watch a lot of Joe Buck's he had Jerry Jones on there. That was what Jerry Jones gave the quote of all quotes where he's like you sometimes you see it in the Fairway and your 225 yards out on a par 5 and there's always an option to lay up or you just hit that motherfucker right in the grape I go for the green every single time. And that was just a quote that really stuck with I think I was watching it late night one night like 2 a.m. And I'm like Jerry Jones. Is that motherfucker that show would yank with Greenie and would because I mean those are the best shows because these are legends and you want to know more about them and a guy like that because he would bring a different energy than anybody it's done in the past hear him just rattle off all Bart Starr stats, by the way. He still has the highest postseason Bubba Bubba. He is this that the he is that the done I'm like what where are your notes that he was awesome man. We found a little issue there at the beginning but we're all good definition of a consummate professional. Yeah true. I thought he's gonna be an asshole when I walked in the first picture of meeting. I thought he's gonna be a complete asshole. Thought I honestly I was like, all right, cuz you sit down he showed up like 10 minutes before the meeting sir meeting starts like 6 a.m. Or something 6:30 got to be there. I don't have it 6:00 a.m. Or 6:30, but you get there and there's this one little glass room. It's on that Pier right there in New York that they build up and Seaport and they're like be here at this time. This one a meeting starts and I think I was the first person there. It's like I couldn't sleep the night before I'm like, It's gonna be my first time really on ESPN. This is a big deal and I Bebop they offered me a ride, but I was like nah, I'm a walk. So I put in my ear pods, you know, I'm just walking through like New York City. There's nobody there. I'm like, this is a fucking movie right now. You know Seaboard is this area that has like Cobblestone bricks on the ground. It's like a really cool area. Then you walk down this pier and then you get up there and her like ESPN. I'm like, yep the go you all the way up and I'm listening music Still and I get in there and there's nobody there yet. I'm the literally the first person there and then producer. Walks in he's like, oh the meeting will be in there in like 10 15 minutes. I was like cool. I'll just go sit by myself in this corner. So I sit in the corner and I sit down in this room and then people start to funnel and you know, and I'm like hi. My name's Pat. Nice to meet you. I'm in Japan. Nice to meet you and I'm like, okay, this is cool. And then there's a big TV, that's up in Connecticut. Where's that Bristol Stanford Bristol Bristol, Connecticut. There's like eight people on a TV there then there's like seven people and then all of a sudden fucking green he comes walking in right and he sits down and before he Say anything. He said Patrick. Thank you so much for coming. It's an honor to have you here sir. And I was like well Goddamn nice to meet you too, man. That was like my axles and everybody in a room laughed and then we started the meeting and they start pitching out ideas. Like what we should talk about what's hot topics, you know, and I was like kind of scared interrupted. I didn't want to interrupt anybody in green like stop the meeting like three times music pad. How do you feel about this? And I was like, I think Bubba Bubba, but he's a perfect that's beautiful. Don't make fun of his baby, but that's awesome. Brees thing it was like he really was like looking out for me and I was like man you don't have to do this is so nice of you he is a consummate gentleman and professional. I'm so thankful. He came on so thankfully came on anything. You didn't get to ask things. I oh no, he would he would you ever bring it up? What like his he had said many many times on Mike & Mike that his dream job would be commissioner of the MLB and when you were right when you were rattling off those things, that's what I thought like I was going to sharpen, but then I could see him being an advanced alternative. Yeah. Yeah. Also went I was talking about classes. He's also talked about many times how Costas is his Idol like he I guess so can see that to and because they're similar in just how they are who they are as people. Yeah that came up as sports fans not really playing sports or whatever, but right so when you compare them to classes or maybe like that, it's perfect as he said that's his has been his Idol growing up very very thankful for him coming on sweet him at ESPN Greenie, please tell him we said thank you for stopping by. I mean, what a legend there. I'm I'm just Knocking down sitcoms on a regular basis write books. What a guy thank him so much at ESPN Greenie for coming on he spent his Memorial Day of the why make sure people know that yeah, not a he. Hey you you're so humble man. You should have seen the looks like was given whenever he wanted that little hump. He's one of the most successful Sports Casters in the history of sports. Yeah, we know. You said he's a voice Eminem and ask me Pierre the voices of esps what they are starting morning and then the morning and evening Spencer's got 10 million. I agreed Steven Naismith hell of a voice from ESPN. Yeah, but Greenie is that guy for some reason? I don't associate because Greenie and spp have been at ESPN forever like in Steven Naismith has I feel like he's more like a hired assassin. Well, that was a real thing too because I learned this with Bob and Tom people like wake up with you like they literally feel like they're starting their day with you. So for 17 years people just started their day with Mike Greenberg and Mike Golic like You become a part of their routine a ritual. That's why I whenever he decided to leave. It's like there's a lot of people that are probably like. Hey, man, you're kind of fucking up my morning routine case. Yes Ali. Hey, you know what? I mean and him saying that he felt the pressure of like living up to what ESPN was putting behind it. Like that's a cool way to think about it. Yeah. I mean they're taking a big chance with that with think they launched an entire new studio down the road. Yeah. They were built that thing for them beautiful. It is a beautiful setup and I think that shows only getting better by the way. It's not the first time I went there to watching it too now. It's like that. You see the big brains happening behind the scenes kind of cook him good for Greening men. Also this past weekend a pretty large race happened. I don't know if you've heard of it. It's called the Indianapolis 500. I didn't talk about it. One time. We have a little bit of a beef with the speedway. That's that's a personal beef with any of the boys. It's just me in the speedway have a personal beef, but good reason. A good reason yeah her he's rightfully so we won't get into it. There was one particular driver this past weekend that earned a lot of fans both on social media and across the world probably because he was an aggressive some bitch in this conversation. We got to have with them was electric. I'm going to be honest before we get to the race car driver. The Lunatic that straps himself to a rocket ship the man Who changed the game on Sunday? Let me tell you about a company that's changing your math this summer boy. Are you looking for an easy affordable way to stock up for summer grilling as well as a great gift. Yes. You need to think Omaha Steaks. Omaha Steaks is America's original butcher making special occasions easier since 1917. Oh, wow hundred and two years of doing this thing. They know good meat for your mouth. Whenever they see it love it right now. Omaha Steaks is giving a limited time Father's Day gift offer to listeners of this show you go to Omaha and enter code America and the search bar for 74 percent off. 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The whole summer grilling 74 percent off Omaha Steaks delivers a hundred percent guaranteed world-class steaks Burgers Frank some more order with confidence from America's original butcher shatterdome hundred and two years doing this. I guess they know what they're doing. This sounds like a bad business move, but it's great for Us Omaha Steaks not commenter code America now, let's get to a man who did some damage in America's race. Ladies and gentlemen joining us now FaceTiming in from what looks to be a terrorist cave. A guy who is thin but Mighty behind the wheel yesterday the Indy 500 to 100 and third running. There was a yellow and blue Napa Know How machine just weaving and dealing all the way to the very end. He's a pirate Ric Flair introduction, bro. You deserve a man after what you did the other day. He's won the Indy 500 before he was once going to be a form of the One racer came to America won the Indy 500 and like his first race instead. Fuck it. I'll stay here in America. He's a host of one of the greatest podcast. I've listened to off track with inch and Rossi ladies and gentlemen, Alexander, Rossi. Thanks man. Appreciate you. Hey, thank you for joining us. I want are you upset here a day after coming in second in the Indy 500 by half a second that has to be tough to swallow. I'm not happy about it. It was a range of emotions yesterday, right because obviously The race started out. We had a good car. You know, we got to the front when we needed to and then you know shit kind of hit the fan and we were dealing with a lot of different levels of adversity. I was probably the most angry I've ever been up. I've been in a race car kind of got to lead with 15 laps to go and ultimately we just didn't have the the speed to get it done. So I was dejected at the end of the race But ultimately, you know, I think it was an awesome hundred thirty running of the Indy 500. It was great. Joe great to have NBC as a partner for this one and it's a really bringing the car back to where it should be. So ultimately it was a success for the series which is good for all of us. But ya know today still sucks. You stole the show man. I know salmon did the sweep of May here winning the Grand Prix the pole and the 8,500 he had an incredible car. There was a lot of chatter about that. But the way you were driving reminded me of like back in the day when racing was like number one when people like wanted to pull for their guy to go and get it kind of Balls to the wall and I feel like is that your style normally your bit aggressive on a normal basis? But yesterday it seemed like a little bit of a different animal. No, I think that is my style is just much it's I don't let it out in verbally and is expressively as I did yesterday. So the thing that really set me off if if we're going to be honest was so we came into the pits from the lead and for the third Indy 500 and for years like we couldn't get you on the car and This was through no fault of of any person. It was a mechanical failure happens to the best of them, but it was just like here we go. Again. We're coming in a really good position. And the thing that's plagued me granted it. It's what set me up for the victory in 2016, but irregardless, it's been a just a hurdle that we haven't been able to overcome for one reason or another and you know, usually the piss tops are 7 to 8 seconds. This one was 23 seconds, and I just lost it on your beating. The hell out of your little steering wheel there they were talking about how each of the steering wheels. Is it worth a million dollars. It's beating the living hell out of that during the red flag. They asked me they were like do we need to bring you the spare? Because like we're concerned it like I broke the screen or something and I actually have a left wrist injury that I've had kind of since the winner and I was beating it so hard with my right hand that now I have like a right rest just doubly screwed for Detroit. You drove by a guy who was a lap down and it seemed as if he was kind of blocking you ain't okay. I think his name is Oriole Serbia or something like that and you drove by him at 220 miles an hour with your injured wrist. Now that we're knowing and you lifted it up in a fist. Are you guys told that you can't flip middle fingers during the race and I was just kind of like you get it. This is a fuck you I mean, we're not told but I mean, you know my my main Partners NAPA Auto Parts and then you know, I drive for Honda and I mean those are two fairly conservative brand so I don't I don't want to be that guy but I think the point came across without actually having to do it. I agree 1,000% I like those a win-win what I was impressed by is what I'm riding shotgun in somebody's driving on a highway. Okay. Yes. I like to do the are dolphin out the window, you know what I mean dolphin dolphin dolphin dolphin cobra. You know what? I mean and whenever your hands locked up in that Cobra and if it's going like 70 80 miles an hour, it's hard to get your hand back into a standard window. You're going 220 miles an hour. Just rocking your fist like an old fucking man. And then you had to get that thing back down in the cockpit where you a little bit worried that that thing was going to come back in and he put you see I wanted to do the code or the dolphin, but I couldn't I didn't have the range of motion, but no I wasn't at that point. I was so beyond kind of you know, thinking about a lot of things logically. I mean it honestly and I know this kind of sounds bad to say but it was that moment. It was just a Red Mist fueled like 20 laps like it was I had had a Leo Castroneves who was who is four laps down and the teammate to Simon passage. No on Team Penske who is Purposely like getting in the way when Simon and I were on different Pit Stop strategy. That was thing. Number one that kind of got me riled up. Then we had the pissed off issue and then servio was a lab down and blocking as I was trying to get my positions back. So it's these three things in the span of like 20 minutes and I just at that point. I was gone like it was I am going to win this race. I don't care period end of discussion and we got close, but ultimately it wasn't enough. Hey that competitiveness is nice to hear though. It's like in golf and in racing it always feels like when people lose their like how we gave it a good go today. The car just didn't have it. It's like a it's I don't want to say it's two gentlemen knee for me, but it is it's almost 2:00 gentlemen, he for me like like golf if a guy misses you just ball wasn't Falling Away what well fuck it could have you chose for it not to in most sports and Physical Sports. There's a lot of competitive juices going and I think you showing that is good for Indy cars where I don't know what everybody else is telling you but I think it's good for Indie cool. Well, dude, so I like I was disappointed obviously last night going out to dinner with kind of my close group of friends and family and like we just started looking at the social media and people were like such a fan of that. Oh my God, I never realized that because for me, you know, I came from racing in Europe and you know, you're very much supposed to kind of be in this corporate box and kind of follow the script and do what they say and be who they as the team want you to be and so coming to IndyCar. I knew that, you know, the fans really He had an attachment to drivers in their personalities and who they actually were but like I never really showed a huge amount because still like, you know, I go to the racetrack to do a job and the job is to win and you know, if we do that then great. If not, it's a disappointment. But yesterday like people I guess had an attachment to the the a frustration and anger a little bit. Yeah, that's cool. Well, thank you really wanted to go when it as opposed to just let something his like you really wanted to go win that thing and when you're talking about the Indy 500 you're talking about. The grandest spectacle in racing or whatever. I mean it was just cool to see that side Danica. I watch the stream for the 1st time. I stole it. So you guys don't get any credit for that. I apologize. Probably going to fuck up the contract later for you, but I sweet thang. Yeah. Well, I think they should show in Indianapolis. That's neither here nor there. I don't want to get in the business of it. But I stole the stream through Reddit shout out Nick smarter than me some extreme to watch it at my house while I was watching my dogs. So I'm only nine of them too many dude. Yeah, Rossi. There's too many. Animals there. Did you watch my G story after the race? I didn't know I thought it may be brought you some Solace. I really I was part of it, but I'm watching it and Danica and Dale Earnhardt jr. They're talking before the race, right and it's right before the race goes off and I've been a part of this crew. There's just humans on the racetrack literally seven minutes before the fucking race is about to kick off. Yeah, and they asked danik about it and Danica gave this apology basically if she was ever rude to anybody. Because Danica does have a reputation around Indiana and Indianapolis for being rude to humans. And I assume it all revolves around this time here. She said you're so tunnel vision and so locked in you're just trying to get your car but you got fans everywhere asking you for autographs and stuff. Like that could be a bit distracting. How do you handle the pre-race Jitters knowing that you're about to go to war here for 200 laps and really get after it. Honestly, I see I disagree with Danica. I think the 500s the most controlled race that there is so, you know, we look at like Long Beach for example, and that is just an absolute kind of shitshow of just humans all around your car and you're putting your helmet on and everything and they're asking for a selfie and autographs and like you you have to say yes, even though in your mind, you're like stay away like this is ridiculous. I'm trying to to get in. Car but the 500 I think they do a pretty good job of keeping it pretty much under control of who's out there. But I think the more important side of it is you try and approach the morning as if it's just another race, right you have your strategy means you meet with your engineer all of the normal things you would do any weekend, but then you have an hour of kind of the pageantry and the build-up and and all of the the salute to service and the national anthem and everything that goes along with the Indy 500. Hunter Memorial Day weekend and you can't help but be caught up in that moment. Like there's just the emotions you have because you realize at that point that you're one of the 33 people that are so lucky to be able to do that. So for me, that's the hardest part is kind of coming down from that high and getting back to like that Killer Instinct focused of yes, this is really cool. But also like I have to go do something that's fairly extreme now and yeah a lot cooler if you went to yeah, of course. I can kind of irrelevant I did thanks for the reminder. No, I would love I wanna let you know I thought you won the race yesterday from a public standpoint. Now the end Simon's gonna get a much larger check and he's he's going to have an in an Indy 500 Championship, which he hasn't had before which you already have. So that's all good. But I think from a public standpoint you won the fucking race, honestly, it was awesome to watch Dude. Well, that's cool. That's good to hear man. Because like there were so many people in 2016 like they didn't know who I was was my fourth IndyCar race. Ace I truly I didn't have the appreciation for the 500 I never been to one before so I show up as this kid who? Yes, I was American and grew up in California, but spent the majority of my adult life in Europe and was there for seven years so I come back to this race and I want on strategy hundred percent. We did not have the best car that day. We didn't have the car to the to win the race, but nonetheless we won and people were pissed and and Away, like now that I'm three years removed from that and a full-time guy. Like I can I can almost see that because for me the last thing I want is to go to the 500 this year and have one of like the the part-time guys win. I mean Connor would have been awesome. That would have been amazing but like some of the other people because it just like you haven't you haven't been through the whole process of the year and the build-up and all of that so I get I get why people kind of had that against me whether it was right or wrong. Wrong, so the fact that you know, we've been able to kind of straighten that shit in terms of public perception. I think is really cool. And I'm glad to hear that. It's going in the right direction or just getting good with Alexander things are heating up heating up. Because there's levels to this shit. You know what I mean? There's good. Then there's great. I'll generosity conversation goes from there to great and just a matter of moments. Let me tell you something. That'll be great from jump. Joshua verse Ruiz Anthony Joshua is coming to the United States to take on the destroyer and you Ruiz Junior at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Joshua is arguably the best heavyweight fighter in the world world world holding three of the four major heavyweight titles. He's 22 and oh and has won all but one of those fights by knockout. Let's go 21 knockouts. That's for Anthony Joshua out of 22 fights must-see TV. Ruiz 32 wins with 21 Knockouts as well is looking to take advantage of his first ever World title fight. Will Joshua defend his ibf WBO and IBO World titles or will Ruiz capitalize on the biggest fight of his life. There's only one way to find out and that's on designs own Anthony Joshua verse Ruiz Junior at Madison Square Garden in New York City city 42 Knockouts combined by the two of them. This is going Electric good fight. A lot of Jaws getting popped off hanging right there on his own. Shout out to the zone for not only becoming a sponsor of the show, but putting on what is going to be an electric fight between two heavyweights throwing it all on the line for the ibf. WBO and IBO World titles three titles on the line one fight 42 Knockouts between the two of them. I'll be excited to see if it gets past the first round. Have you wait have you hands? heavy shit from disease own Now back to Alexander Rossi. Well, I think you did an incredible job yesterday when you're driving in real life. Yes, no road rage guy, aren't you? Yeah, it's it feel like not only feels like you're probably ready to go. I'm not my girlfriend is she is like one of the meanest human beings on the planet when she's behind the wheel of a car, but I'm not do you sit shotgun and that's completely okay? No. No she is road rage for me. She's like in the glass. That guy. Yes. Yes people like way worse things than that digs has a question for you. Hey, have you had words or will you have word since the race has ended with? Mr. Serbia? I haven't seen him but we all get to go to the banquet tonight. So I'll be seeing him there. Okay, so you all get put on this awkward Podium to talk you do have to thank all of your sponsors you have to it's it only people in Indianapolis. I think get to watch this. It's the most awkward thing in the history of anything. And what's awkward is they start so it's kind of it's awkward but it's also entertaining because they start at 33rd. So the like the last finish the guy that finished last and so then like he is kind of like 33rd to 25th. They're like giving their SOB stories and then 25th to 15th is oh, I'm the man or woman I should have won but these are the things that screwed me and then 15 to first 15 to Just the guys that are pissed off because they probably had a realistic shot but then get it done and then guy that one's happy. So it's actually really funny. So for those that don't know and Indianapolis, there's an awards banquet every Monday following the Indy 500 and they give everybody a chance to speak. Like he just said everybody goes up on a Podium there asked like hey, you're getting $27,000 check. How do you feel about that? And then they just go into this full speech about their day and it's just like this and that and sometimes there's some Shots taken I'll be excited to hear who took shots of who or if it will remain a professional operation up and there's some drama right because RAM and Sebastian had oil whose fault was that. I think Sebastian's so there were split on the TV it always feels like anytime. There's a situation like it's almost like wrestling like half of them take the one side half from take the other side because they don't want to bury anybody else but it was very much like a well. I mean he did come down real put it on. I think that one is I truly think it was a racing incident like it's I would say it's 60% Sebastian's blame. So like still weighted towards him, but it's not like it was completely as fault. So that's a tough one gram real, so that's how people die. That's dramatic. Hey, no one died yesterday. It seemed like everybody was happy for Simon passion of though Frenchie's man. And again, it's kind of what I alluded to earlier. He's been in the series for what 13 years. He's obviously incredibly talented. He's a past IndyCar Champion. He drives for one of the best teams in the sport. It's really frustrating that Team Penske now has 18 Indy 500s. I mean, that's just that's a lot. That's a lot. Yeah, that's not great. But hey, I mean, it's just a lot of bricks job guys kissed a lot of bricks over there kiss a lot of bricks. Yeah, and the fact that it's only as 50th anniversaries also wild to think about Rossi with like five laps ago. It was It was kind of clear that whoever was in second had the advantage as far as speed in the be was there ever like a strategy in your mind. Maybe wait to make a move with like three to three laps left and then try to hold off with a Lap left. You just trying to get the front no matter when you could Tony C'Mon Tony kanaan said that he thinks Simon kind of set you up for that move a hundred percent. That was the strategy. Here's the problem from when that green flag flew on the final restart and I just got driven by but he was like, okay cool. Bye. I was flat for the 13 laps that it took me to catch black means pedal down all the way throughout a hundred percent deadlift thought it right to the point and I had every setting in the car from a mechanic. I'll Stand point at its most aggressive like qualifying spec that you know, the cars the most on the knife edge the most free and you're trying to get tense of miles an hour and it was to the point where after I was flat for 10 laps not really going anywhere. I radioed to like my engineer. I was like, do you have any suggestions because I'm like out of ideas. I don't I don't have a solution to catch this guy, right they do they were just that much quicker. So like when I got the run it was like I don't want This but screw it. I don't have a choice. This is the only time I've actually been able to close the gap whether he gave it to me or not is irrelevant agreed, but it was the only chance I had and I all I could do at that point was hope that I was able to like kind of take enough air off of his car that maybe like takuma or Joseph would jump him and I could build a buffer with other cars, but I knew that if I pass them I was screwed but I didn't have a choice. Well, there's so much science into this. Fuck. Yeah, but Cuz it down the down the final Whatchamacallit. Oh Simon was weaving back and forth. So you couldn't catch any any slingshot that fucking Derby did it? What used to hey Taco Boy, I sure don't want to challenge. Hey there was talk about potentially him blocking you. Is that a real conversation? Yeah, it was and I mean it's a legitimate thing, but it's also the last lap of the Indy 500 and I don't fault him for it. Like I would have done the same thing. So was it a great? Against the rule probably but like shitty be penalized for it. No, okay, so I'm happy that I'm hiding out in happen by the way, cuz on NBC if the Derby had that type of thing and maybe 500 had that type of thing. He would have been tough. It would be one bad know he deserved to win the race like he was on pole. He led a hundred and twenty laps like that's ridiculous. So I mean, yeah, he was he was gay. Do you talk about social media earlier and you were surprised the response you got do you see this happening more and more because it seems like any car like past said is the last sport to embrace the fact that it's such a personality driven fandom. It's a great call Todd. Um, I think so. Yeah. I mean, I think that there's we're putting more stock in it and more relevance in it. And I think you're starting to see guys kind of personalities come out and a stronger light its kind of Y as you mentioned thank you Pat at the top of the show James and I have this podcast is to try and get engagement because people you know, yeah, it's cool and all that we have the world. Drivers and you know, we have this, you know biggest single-day sporting event in the world once a year, but there's no relatability to that. Like people can't understand what we're really doing. We can watch the NBA playoffs and realize how hard it is to do with those guys do people can't go get in a racecar and understand what it is. So so we have to connect with them in a different way. And the way to do that is we're real human beings with real lives and real funny English it that goes down and we want to share it with you and real lunatics. Two-man strapping yourself to a 220 miles an hour rocket driving 500 miles an hour amongst 300,000 people that are drunk in probably won't remember most of it remember any no not a single minute. Do you know do you realize the fans? Do you even notice the fence they do? So so there's like we have a week of practice leading up to the 500 and for the most part the stands are empty and you kind of get visually used to your reference point. Then and things that you're using is kind of visual cues around the racetrack, but the first time you go into turn one in the grand stands are full. It's almost like turn one becomes 50% narrower because like there's no light coming in anymore. You can't really see through the grandstands and it's kind of a head trip to a certain extent until you get used to it. And in the first three or four laps. Oh, yeah you under percent those fans you just froze. I mean, that was a great answer but your face just froze here. So we're just staring at us. We're staring at a frozen Alexander. I it doesn't look bad to like when my face freezes on FaceTime. Normally it's stuck in like a weird. You look like a model right now. That's good, man. I do I'll let you know. There was quite a cheer on you can hear it on the TV broadcast when you did take the lead. Hell, yeah, that's cool man. I'm thank you. I mean, I'm happy to hear that like that's again such a departure from where we were four years ago and 16. So it's a yeah, but sometimes you in specially in the IndyCar world. What I'm learning all the fans have been fans for 40 50 years. So they got their favorite. So whenever a new guy comes in and shakes it up a little bit. They're not going to love it. You know what I mean? That's the other problem. We need more 20 year old fans. Oh, yeah, that'd be crazy. That'd be neat for me like a 20 to 25 year old fan base of females. Oh, oh now we're talking a lot of dudes out. There is what you're saying a lot of dudes and race Rossi. We appreciate you so much man. Good luck in Detroit. Hurt. I hope you saw some people down at that fucking Gala thing tonight. I can't wait to get interesting. Hey, I'm excited to bring it up. Remember to remember this you won the race from a PR standpoint. I'd say yeah, I appreciate it. Thanks guys. Has there ever been a fight the gulf? Oh, yeah Graham Rahal got out of his car and like screaming in the guy's face and slap the back of his helmet, but at the award ceremony, I mean, there might be this year releasing this tomorrow. So there's like that sees it's no good. Ross I appreciate you so much man off track with Hinton Rossi is a very cool podcast kind of get in the minds of these lunatics that do incredible things any 500 is only one day a year, but I know you guys are professionals the other 364 I can't thank you enough for joining us man. Really really good shit on the in a race to my pleasure. Thanks for having me on appreciate it. I can't believe you you just fisted it though. I don't know how you hold back your anger there and just kick that fist out the thing. Well that there was so much air flow of my finger actually. Don't come what if he was just a good idea. It's not fuck black flag ladies and gentlemen runner-up of the hundred and third running of the Indy 500 but champion of the hundredth running of the Indy 500 from California by way of Europe representing the Napa Know How and ready team the Studly boot up by the way. Congratulations on having sex Alexander, Rossi Awesome. Hey, thanks man. Good luck tonight. Yeah, no worries. Appreciate it. You did you absolutely cry was so it was fun to watch normally I watch at the track right this year. I think I watch from home. It's so much better on TV. Yeah, as yeah, that makes sense. I mean racing is hard to follow. It's not like it's not like a football game right? I gets hard to understand really what's going on. So TV does a much better job well and then whenever people are laughed and then they're in the middle of it. It's like I think this guy is up front and they're like, well the numbers are on the side of their car and it's like it's very difficult to see you know what I mean speaking of like you'll appreciate this. So I was racing I was liking for that the time behind Joseph and they were like, okay you've got bored. Behind and then dailies and six I was like, what did you say that serious? Hey good for Connor, man. Hey, how did you feel when he did such a good job? How do you feel when you saw after the after the bad Pit Stop you like he was one of the victims that you had to pass on your way back up. Did he let you go by easier than the other people so I don't think you realize I was coming as quickly as I did and then when he did he kind of little made a little move to try and stop me, but I thought like I said at that point was he mad Did you get your little fucking shark costume move? Hey see you dude. Thank you so much later. I don't think there's any chance for one hit wonders anymore Let Me Tell You Why low nozick's right. Now. He has so many fans that are so like personal with them that they loved him that no matter what he puts out is going to be a heater. We're in the era of being a fan of the person not the music no matter what Lunas X puts out an X. I'm not saying it's not going to be here. I'm assuming it will be because if you get in the studio one time and you make that fucking old Town Road, I'm assuming you can be able to do it again, but I think the era of one-hit wonders will never happen again, unless somebody quits making music after making one. Yeah, I actually really like the steak and I think it's really I don't unless someone like dies or just gives it up completely and I think you're correct. Yeah, I never thought of it because you're going to get so much Fame. You're going to get an army instantly with that first hit and he's on Twitter very not gonna just disappear. No, he's very active on Twitter too. So he's got a loyal group of following. There's no whatever he puts out next and Their eyes is going to be a heater regardless. Yeah, do you think it could face the issue though of like that was like the quintessential heater. So people are always comparing everything he does and maybe like the people who are kind of in the the bubble fans potentially or be like well, this is nowhere near Old Town Road, but like his diehards in there, whatever he puts out. Next is going to be a better support and no matter what I mean. Look at look at Foxy whenever Kanye released that next one that we have not listened to one single song: Nobody Has listened to any of those songs, though since Always listen to one single song from that. Kanye's album that came out to seven. So nobody is listening to him. But that first week turbos all you guys let's do a numerous times. That's what I was being told. That was me. Yeah. It was you you loved it Nick. I think also liked it. I think there's numerous people that were like you likes was good on it. You got to listen to a new mom was the one song it was less than all mine. I like that one. No snakes in the gym. Sometimes it's a bold-faced lie, maybe not from you, but that's not a yeah, but that's what I'm saying. Connie has this fat just like Drake has those fans everybody it whenever and we By the way have this fence we put on some shitty episodes people. Listen, we're not we're not above it. But I'm just saying of them. We're in the world. This is not what but but we are in this world now where it's like it's a family just like I was telling Frank Caliendo and Clayton Anderson. It's like a family more so in friendship more so than just a fan of the actual talent. That's why people go further for you and I respect it. I love it. But I do fear one of my dreams was to be a one-hit wonder not sure it's possible. No, I don't think it's I don't think it can happen ran today's. By the way, it's a moment silent. Yes. for one hit wonders I get knocked down Chumbawamba. All right, that's the most recent one hit wonder. I'm sure there's no no, I like the fucking Friday song and fun wasn't me? That wasn't a real hit though. We don't think I was getting ready Shaggy. I think shag is a couple other hits. Yeah. That's a good one basket. No talking all this time here Zito talking in this microphone cat's tongue whenever Ross who was then? What wasn't he? Oh soon as raw Sienna T20 a thousand IndyCar cautions. Yeah for the guys in the room who don't know the answers to them. I want everybody that is listening to understand the Zito did a 9 hour stream the other night on Twitch nine hours. He studies show that a boy. Hey could plug right there your talks for nine hours on there, you know, he has an incredible brain it honestly makes zero sense. How scrambled it is in there. But sometimes there's moments of greatness as soon as Rossi got off the phone. I don't think it was less than 10 seconds after a while. She got off the phone Seto goes. I wonder why bad 15 different questions 15 different questions about Indy car and I was like literally we just had the guy on that won the Indy 500 and was second in so you could ask these questions at any given time because the I didn't know there's dimer 1 0 basically solve the mystery of the shame Morris a fake story with the question. He asked after the After and Geoffrey, I would like to make a statement hit it. Do we have a breaking news thing or whatever? I would like to make a statement about what happened on last week's episode following the JJ Watt interview after the Clayton Anderson run wild song debut. Something happened on this show that I do feel bad about. I've told numerous stories about Manti Te'o being catfished. I've talked about professional athletes getting catfished all across the country due to modern technology of dating and fornicating. I've talked about it on more than one occasion. I've talked about it, and I've said that I'm an eternal optimist. I walk into a casino. I want to leave said casino with every single chip in said Casino. Yep. when I walk into a situation, I automatically assume the greatest thing is going to happen people tell you to expect little so that you're never Disappointed I live by the complete different model. I expect the world and if it doesn't come am I disappointed. Nope. Just go on to the next thing. See you later. Let me go ahead and erase it. So when I read a thread a Twitter thread on this particular program, that was 72 tweets long took up two hours of ton. And then we followed up with a Q&A with said guy afterwards was I skeptical of it being true? Yep, of course, you are no digs was very I believe the rest of the room was it may be in the back of my mind. I was like you don't want possibly not true. But the fact that this guy wants so far out of his way to lead everybody astray, you know, they say fiction. Is not as crazy sometimes as nonfiction people say that whatever. Yeah, I've heard real life can be crazier than Fiction sometimes. Yeah. Also quote. Yeah, probably the most accurate one. Hmm. Probably a real quick. The first one I said probably not a real quote is now but I thought potentially Shane Morris and I we're gonna have a great relationship. Okay, whether the MS-13 people killed him or not. I thought you know what this guy I want to give him a platform. Answer some questions because there was a lot of people skeptical of said story it ended up with 60 some thousand retweets this Twitter thread. I was retweet number 98. I almost felt like I had an obligation to get this guy story out there because I could have hit the little Sonic Speed burst thing on that Twitter thread to other people. Do I feel betrayed by Shane Morris know because I never really liked the guy didn't really like that guy. I love this story. Yeah didn't really like the guy right and we actually added it out him reading through the north racquetball man of 50 minutes of it because I wanted him to look better actually and if you come on this show, I'm very thankful. I'm very grateful. So I want to treat you with as much respect and Hospitality just like old green. He does with ESPN. I wanted to give him a chance to kind of answer some questions that people had did Zito ask all those questions immediately after the guy hung up. Yes, but I do feel Diggs hit him with a couple good ones. I do believe the room ask them a couple good questions and he lied. Did I get got I got God mama get my more like a dog. Yeah. Yeah. Amen. So fuck Shane Morris. In fact that Twitter thread But I'm still following them on Twitter and I would like to see where this catastrophe ends. He said he's going into hiding sounds like a bunch of bullshit. Yeah started a GoFundMe to raise money for himself bunch of bullshit. Yeah. I want to let everybody know though. I'm still walking and casino think I'm taking her to fuck another story like that pops up. I'm going for it and you guys are going to have to judge for yourself. Yeah, but the official statement from PMI about the shame Wars Twitter Thread about the MS-13. About coming on this thing is fuck up hashtag and gang hashtag end game. I would like to be just cheer me up after shame or situation. I got got yeah. I like to think I can filter through bullshit on a regular basis. It didn't happen. Hold on. Hold on my luck. Actually looks pretty good fortune cookie this weekend. It said I'm about to be unusually successful in business. Oh, yeah, and I sent it to Foxy lucky numbers were one 12:22 and something else and I just took a picture of innocence of oxy and he goes Pat you eat that thing Number One You're Number number 12 my number and it says you're going to be successful in business. Don't throw our business away eat that thing. So I want to put a rate of up. Let's go. Yeah, I didn't eat it or ships. You are Shameless. You would just waxed your car. You went to the carwash. He waxed it had a looking good. He got on the road a fucking bug hit your windshield and splattered you like God damn it. I just want to wax my car and they're like, oh, hey man have window washer fluid and then it was gone see which is that's what he was because Ty just edited out the whole thing from the podcast from before never happened never happened. Go. Maybe we check out this old part didn't happen exactly can never happen, but for us gone, happy Memorial Day. Fuck them. Welcome Fe. Well for Shane Morris, it's FH. Goddamn it. I can't figure it out. I think again about FZ ha ha. I got no time.
On today’s show, Pat sits down for a chat with one of the most respected men in sports media. Former host of the Mike & Mike Show, current host of Get Up!, and one of the most prominent voices at ESPN, Mike Greenberg. They discuss his career transition from Mike & Mike in the Morning to Get Up! and whether he felt pressure to succeed, he gives his background on how he got to where he’s at right now, discusses the NBA Finals, talks about who some of the people he’s been most star struck around, and rants about the current state of the New York Jets in an incredible interview (2:27-36:13). Later, winner of the 100th Indianapolis 500, runner-up at this year’s Indianapolis 500, and one of the biggest stars in all of IndyCar, Alexander Rossi, joins the show. They discuss all the drama from this year’s 500, and he talks about what prevented him from taking the checkered flag, talks about the emotion he showed that gained him fans around the world, and chatted about how he thinks IndyCar is handling drivers becoming well known personalities in a hilarious and insightful interview (46:42-1:13:01). Pat and the guys also discuss why they think the concept of one-hit wonders are now dead, and Pat makes a statement about the whole Shane Morris situation. Today’s a good one. Come and laugh with us, cheers.
This is Tom Vargo lettuce with a full time real estate photographer podcast episode 28 today. I got the chance to have a podcast listener on the show. His name is Logan and Logan actually reached out to me one day on Instagram. And at the end of the episode. I'll tell you how you could reach out and ask similar questions. If you've got any Logan and I we got to jump on a call the audio quality is actually much better than your average phone call. He was able to record the audio on his end and send it over to me so I could mix them together. It might sound like we're both in the same Studio like previous episodes, but Logan actually was calling in from his home over in Nebraska. We get to talk about how he got started in real estate photography how he found the full-time real estate photographer podcast and book and he even used these ideas to kick off his photography career and now he's got Photo shoots out in Nebraska. So let's hear it from Logan. My name is Logan Elliot. I am the owner/operator of yellowness Photography LLC in North Platte, Nebraska. Nobody ever knows where that is. So as a point of reference North Platte is about 4 hours West of Omaha and about four hours East of Denver. So that puts us basically smack-dab in the middle of a cornfield. Awesome. Solo gig. When did you get your start in real estate photography so out of been about eight ish months ago, so Pretty new to the game. Just now how I kind of started is actually my wife is a real estate agent here in town and kind of getting familiar with the business of real estate and I was looking at a bunch of pictures and things like that because we were actually at one point. I'm looking to buy a home here and I was looking on the MLS and I was like man these photographs just aren't the best. I'm thinking, you know, and it's not like we don't have decent inventory here in terms of like high-end properties. We kind of do there's some nice homes and things like that, but just the the A graphs were just not very good. So I thought to myself, you know, I think I could do this. Okay, he's at least to this level if not a little better. So that's kind of why I got into it. Excellent. You know, it's so funny that you mentioned that I have a kind of a similar story when I got my start in real estate photography. Do you have a photography background? No, I don't. I've always been interested in like cameras and photography and stuff. I had a couple buddies in college that had, you know decent DSLR cameras, and I kind of had fun fiddling with them and Pushing all the buttons and stuff, but I had I had no idea about any of that, you know? Okay. So this is your first shot. I'd like actually not just learning photography, but you're starting off trying to learn photography as a business too. Absolutely. Yeah. I'm okay. I've always kind of had a entrepreneurial part I think and this is my first run with my own business. So really then that's been a lot of fun. So that's exciting as it stands right now we can get into this a little bit later, but for me, it's part-time right now, okay. The amount of work I've been able to capture at this point. Yeah, so you still get your day job going? Yeah. Well another part-time job. So I split it, you know kind of hours a week and then 20 hours a week to get 40. So okay good that keep up with expenses. So, okay. So you've been officially a real estate photographer for about 8 months you said right? Yes. How did you find actually, how did you find me when you first because you reached out to me right on? That's all we've got talking. So how did that happen? How did you find out about the podcast and everything? Sure. Well, I was kind of just on the information hunt that's was eight months ago when I first jumped in I was just getting as much information as possible on books and in YouTube, I think I just searched real estate Photography in like, you know, the way you do a podcast search engine came up and yeah, I listen to a couple episodes and I was like man this guy is Wheeling and dealing I want to reach out to and so I followed you on Instagram and I hit you up bought your book and then, you know read that and I thought I think in a couple days and that was super super helpful. So that's how I found you and and it kind of talk about a little bit how this business came to be in a smaller town. Is that so North Platte again, I'm going to go back to just a bit North Platte is about 27,000 people. So pretty darn small community compared to a lot of the podcast. I listen to I know you're in a big Market the other podcast I listened to their all on big markets and I just want to let people know that hey if you're in a smaller community and you want to give this a shot go for it. You don't have to be in a big metropolitan area to make some income doing real estate photography. Yeah, and your case, do you travel outside of your town for business as well? Yeah, we have a lot of smaller communities around and I've had a few shoots outside of town but usually the communities that I go to outside of town or like maybe a 5-10 minute drive and I can get anywhere in my crown and about 7 minutes. So that's convenient. It is kind of nice. That's awesome. So so I mean, how is the business going for you right now? You're getting pretty consistent work. Do you know how many shoots you're getting per week or per month? Yeah, so it's heating up. Thankfully it was kind of slow going at first just because I kind of offered my products and I did a lot of work for my wife and showed kind of other real estate agents in her office via like Instagram and Facebook. Hey, this is what I kind of do but it didn't really sink in until I actually went to the real estate offices and made those presentations. And that's one thing that you talked about pretty heavily in. Yes chapter 4 of your book you kind of outline building your portfolio how to do that. You have some Scripts Your book about how to communicate over the phone and in person when you're making those presentations, yeah, that was super effective. Yeah, I think honestly that is the best way to get clientele. If you can just get in front of them show them your offerings show them that you're personable your easy to work with you show up on time and just make an appearance make a good appearance, you know, that's the beauty of your clientele and that's when my business started picking up was after I made a couple of those offers presentations and people realize that I wasn't just I don't know I was I don't wasn't something for some blast email. So a lot of photographers will work almost exclusively on referrals and that's a great way to Build Your Business Without Really having to lift a finger. I'm getting new clients every month. No matter what I have clients now because I have some photographers out working for me. I have clients that I've had for like a year. I've never met them or talk to them in person, but there were a referral from a referral and then they just booked online and and the business can grow slowly like that. But if you want to actually make a move like a big move and you want to get a lot of clients that face-to-face interaction is so huge and very few. You Real Estate photographers are doing that. I got an email because I'm also a licensed real estate agent in Massachusetts. I got an email the other day and it was just one of those standard Hayworth photography company. Come check us out. We do this great awesome job, and there was no to field it was just a my emails in the BCC field. Mmm. So they did they probably bought a list of like 10,000 emails and then just put them all in the BCC and blasted and you know, maybe they get a couple people out of that but imagine like you were in front of how many I saw it. So you did a couple office presentation so far you said how many did you do just to right now is to and did you get clients out of either of those both of them? Absolutely. I signed up pink to shoots after each presentation on the spot. So that was kind of fun. What do you know? Yeah. That was pretty cool to like Let It Go, I mean that's a good Tesla to of just like, you know your processes go get a client after you present and I know that's scary, but I'm telling you if you do it just be like, hey at the end of the presentation I have openings whatever likely account or down and Of the agents and then let him pick a day and I booked it and maybe in bukit. Yeah, another kind of scary but it totally word that you know to get that that first client going that first appointment and then repeat business from there. So yeah and out of those two offers presentations. I've I've had ac45 consistent real estate agents that produce enough to keep me busy week to week. I've had work every week since I've made this presentation so freely, which has been really nice. That's awesome. That's great. It was it was pretty fun just to kind of You know follow a process and then have it produced for you. Yeah. Yeah, it's so simple and and just off of that you immediately and I talked about it in the book I talk about in the podcast. I'm like you do your presentation. Do you talk to people and you ask them for an appointment? And a lot of people like I have the exact same experience a lot of times I'll walk into a new office and a couple people will say. Oh, yeah, I got something coming up or someone will say. Oh can I can I book it or I booked online and when I get to that point in my presentation, I'm like and you can book online. Does anybody have a photo shoot? Want to get in the calendar right now and sometimes I can actually go through and book someone they're alive to show everybody how easy it is to just great. You don't have to know anybody. You don't have to be like this big player and have a million dollars worth of gear and a thousand years worth of experience. You can do a good job and you can get clients just like that. Yeah. Are you alright shown up. Are you following up with people after those presentations? Yeah, so I will kind of send a contact or an email to some of The clients that I got information from just following up if they didn't book and sometimes that pans out sometimes they just don't have a listing in the tank. Yeah, that's one of the assumptions that wrong assumptions that I made going into this. I was like in my small town I grew up here went off to college and came back. But you know, I you see a lot of real estate signs just because the town's kind of small and yeah just driving around everything. I thought, you know houses move quickly here which they do but there's only so many so right We my assumption was that a lot of agents are many agents do a lot of deals or do a lot of transactions and that's just not a No-No. Yeah, fortunately. Yeah, there's only a handful of agents in our entire town that do, you know multiple isms a month and that was one of my wrong assumptions. But yeah. Yeah to capture those that's high producing real. That's right. Yeah, the hype reducing agents. Those are the ones you really want to keep happy. because so if you've got one or two high-end agents that are just hustling and and and you know, their business is blowing up even in a small town you find that, you know, certain personality types tend to dominate The Marketplace and and you know, each kind of area is going to have a different person like you don't have to be like like some some Wolf of Wall Street crazy salesperson to get a really good business, but you know, if you can find those really high Individuals and then you can you know get build a relationship with them. You're going to notice that a lot of like like let's say you got a real estate office and there's two agents that have you know, a very good income off of their real estate business and then there's maybe ten other people in the a in the office maybe more that you know, they're just doing it casually or kind of struggling if you can get that high producing agent as a client. Everybody else is going to call you to because what They see someone who's really successful. Everybody wants to copy them. So yeah, that's that's that's something that you really want to focus on those agents that are going to keep bringing you, you know weekly monthly business and then and then the other people will definitely follow. Do you have a number like how many shoots are you getting per week off? Just those two presentations? Yeah. So right now it's probably about 2 to 3. It just depends you in our Market. It's yeah sometimes Or but like I said, it's just kind of the more work. I do the more the phone rings, which has been really nice. Yes. So like I said, I've been doing this for like since about eight months, but like honestly, I didn't start my presentations until like the beginning of summer because I just been working with my wife and things like that and just trying to learn the process but really because I have so well like April May something like that. Yeah. Yeah, so it's been it's been a decent take off. But like I think I'm just starting to get into more appointments which has been really really helpful. Can I talk about a little bit the challenges that I've kind of face, please do I'll tan he's dead. I found it just really interesting. So one of the challenges that I experienced was just obviously The Limited supply of high producing agents we talked about but that I was I was the first mover into the market. I was the first person to bring real estate photography into our Market. I'm the only one that does it right the only one l sound only one in the whole town. I'm the only one in the whole region that does it. Honestly the only person I could find other than other than me was I had to go all the way to Lincoln which is like three hours East of our town really I couldn't find anybody with an online presence. So I guess that brings me to one of my challenges was was pricing then. Cuz I had no idea how to price it because everybody that I talked to a read about was like how do you base your pricing way? You look at your competitors or the other people that are doing these the same thing in your Market, but I had no one so I went over to this guy's website online and Lincoln which is a about it. It's a city of about two hundred and seventy-five thousand people in case the state capital and I looked at that guy's pricing and I was like man, I don't think agents in our are you going to pay for that? So I got a ref rough Estimate on what I should charge and then kind of reduced it back a little bit based on the economy of our town. So that was one challenge but kind of figured that out. It's kind of ever touch and go there for a little while had to make some some price changes, but it is charged enough to where it's definitely worth my time now, which okay thing that's good. That's good. And I charge fairly High out the gate but I just didn't get a huge response didn't get a very good response with that. So I had to kind of wind it back just a little Lil Bit but that's okay. Okay, did you so so you started high and then you got like no bookings at all or did you get some feedback? Yeah a little bit of both, but I think honestly that impart maybe was just because it was new and people didn't understand it and I didn't have enough materials to maybe justify that pricing right now, but I feel I had more than enough have enough, you know images that I can show. Hey, this is how Works is why it's this much and they're like, oh, yeah, I get it. Yeah, but initially, I think I didn't have that stuff kind of lined up and that's maybe why I got a little kick back got ya you really want to have an airtight presentation, you know, like like just the look The feel the pricing it all has to kind of mesh. Well in order for people to say, yeah. Definitely we're working with you, but you know that that's great. So I did do a podcast on on pricing your work and I It talked about competition, but I also talked about you know, it's a different method was to figure out what you wanted to make an hour or a year and then figuring out how many photos should it. Did you kind of try and go through a process like that? Or was it really just feeling out? Yeah, I should honestly because that would make everything a little more organized. Yeah like but I haven't done that. Yeah, because I didn't know if this is going to be a pull a full-time gig Full-time job right now, depending on how much de man I had so I didn't really I didn't organize that and it turned out to be a part-time position right now. And yeah, which is fine. But yeah, I haven't done that. Yeah, but one other challenge that I did face and I think this is probably a more pertinent piece of information for anybody that wants to do this in a small town is the being that first mover you have that first mover Advantage, right? That's what they taught me in business and business courses. Yes. Yeah being the first to arrive to A market with the product means you enjoy the you know additives of no competition. But what I found is that is wasn't the case here. I had to really explain the benefits of real estate photography because I was competing with No the cell phone and to me a lot of the agents. They just didn't really understand the benefit of real estate photography with lighting and and you know doing the proper post processing and things like that to capture the home and that was I think the biggest challenge and still the biggest challenge that I face today because are in my town a lot of agents are kind of older which is completely fine. I have two of my hype reducing agents are older. You know, yeah the binational the national average is 52 year old female. Okay. Yeah, that's so probably about where some are a lot of them fall. That's I mean older in my town. So yeah. Yes. Yeah them out here. We're in a huge Marketplace. It's the same. It's the same thing in Massachusetts in Boston. Yeah, so crafting your presentation. I feel like if you're going to do this in a smaller Community, which I again, I think you totally should if you have an interest in it. Really explaining, you know the benefits of what your equipment can do versus what a cell phone can do and I feel like that really opened up. A lot of people's eyes to the benefit that this provides for them and their business. Yes. Yeah, if you want a really good exercise for the for this exact issue. Was it last some at some point last year? I forget when but I bought a it was a cold shoe mount. Mount for my camera and and it had a I put a little cell phone holder on it. And so every time I set up a shot. I had my phone right exactly where the camera was. I took a photo with the phone and then I took the photo with my at my camera the way that I do it and then I for a few presentations I use them as a side by side comparison some like this is your iPhone photo and then this is the actual Like real estate photography professional photo and you get a lot of oohs and aahs because you know you have basically the same exact composition, but just because you control the lighting so much better, you know, the room almost looks totally different. It just looks fabulous that might be worth. I think the cold shoe thing was like was like seven dollars something like that. Nice. Yeah. I think I heard you say that somehow either podcaster in your book, but I did that for my future. The presentation. Yeah, and it was it was funny to watch like the the faces in the room. They're like, okay cell phone pictures. Like I know I got I see those I take those or whatever and then they see what I do in the same exact position and location in the home and they're like, whoa, that's crazy. Right? It's yeah, it's such a big dip. It's like it's almost not fair to do that because it makes it look so exaggerated as to the Quality sitting at next to just a regular eye. On photo but yeah it really that that is how you solve the answer the question of like wow, I can take photos on my phone or my my aunt nephews best friend from school has a camera and they do my photos for 50 bucks and it's like well and you do that a few times to yeah, yeah or once actually but yeah, so I guess a couple other things too. That's good for challenges. But I think a couple things that I've done that I can think it really kind of get your business going in a smaller Community are a couple things that you can actually give the real estate agents that book appointments with you. And one of those things is I call it the yellowness photography photo book, but basically all it is is a very trimmed-down version of your maybe online portfolio. Or if you have a bigger printed one that you don't hand out to people to keep anyway, so it's just I have it here in my hands right now. And it's only I think six or seven pages and all it is is a little flip book printed on some glossy paper that I had done at a local print shop for I think like two bucks a piece pretty cheap. Awesomely awesome and I give these to the agents and has all my marketing materials and then they they take this to listing appointments to show. Yes potential assisting clients. Hey, This is the photographer that we use here some of his work. This is how we can showcase your home and professional light yada yada and that kind of secures your position a little bit as well because it has your brain does and it's like, well I presented this product. I better deliver this product to the home, you know, so exactly yes. Yeah that's been a super cool thing and people love them like you show and it's interesting about this digital age. I feel like we're almost getting to the point where we're immune to like cool digital products. It's and just go with me here because like I showed them the same pictures that were in this book online like in my presentation or on my phone or on iPad and they I get okay, that looks pretty neat. I hand them this this is a tangible thing and they they they they look at it with more more time and more intention. They the reactions I get are much more of excited sort. So I think there's just some power and like having a physical good that you can offer your And that they can show to their clients that adds value to everybody's business. So maybe maybe that is a good thing to take away is absolutely is what gave you that idea to do the printed portfolio. Well, I think initially it was that part of the book chapter like four or five talking about the the presentations and how you actually have, you know your copies there too as well. Just I mean, I think that was more so out of a back-up plan if technology was not working well or whatever you had your fullest hopefully there but yeah, I kind of took that idea and I was like, I don't have the really the money or the portfolio to fill up a big book. So I just made this little eight sheet, you know. A page but yeah, sickly. Yeah, you know what mine isn't that big? I have a lot of photos I could use but mine is only mines probably ten pages and I usually have like one or two photos per page. Ok, so I don't even eat. Yeah. I just picked like like, you know the most popular images that I have and then a couple examples of like so Logan are you doing are you doing floor plan? So you doing video are you doing virtual tours or what? You're just offering photos? Sure, not just photos right now. And that was one of my questions. I guess. I'm trying to expand and just offering some other products. So I do just normal Stills daytime and Twilight shoots. I offer pole aerial photography. Yes. So I just I have a painters pole. I got at Menards for 20 bucks. I have an adapter that I put on there. I got it on Amazon for like $30 and I can raise my camera up to about Seen the 18 feet, I believe and and and get those kind of aerial photographs of buildings that are you know to story whatever this one story doesn't really make sense. But with two story buildings, it gives a much more like level shot. So I offer that as well position. Yeah, absolutely. So I offer that as well and then I do I do video. Yeah, so I just got into that. I took your advice out of your book again and got a basically a mechanical Steadicam. It's a fly King red or a flycam red King. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I like it I do and I've been doing video walkthroughs and exterior videos and things like that and that's been a fun learning curve as well. I actually found that after kind of learning the process for photo. The video is easier. Yeah, almost it almost is yeah. I mean if you wanted to get to like a super high and video production, it gets kind of complicated when you're were sheriff with hot lights and An audio and stuff but Jeb for just your basic real estate video. It's it's a no-brainer. What do you what do you what do you using right now using the same camera for video and stills or do you have two cameras? Yeah, I ball on a budget here Tom honestly. So yeah, I squeeze a lot of utility out of this little it's a cannon 800 D. I'll but what is that? Basically it's the same model as a t7 i except for its the European model. And the only reason why I purchased that one because it was like literally 200 bucks cheaper on eBay just because it was an awesome European model but it says t7, I same thing. So it's a little crop sensor camera. And yeah, I have a Canon 10 to 22 wide angle lens and it's like the EFS one, which I bought secondhand on eBay. And then I have a big it's a 500 watt. UND mono light it's a vision and it's a vision five. Okay for wireless flash that I just carry around and then you know you ever do everything from there. I don't job and it does the job. Yeah, and it's you know for what I paid for. I've you know more than made all of that investment back a couple times. So it's been it's been good equipment. I don't have Yeah, I don't really have anything right now that I don't use which is great. I hate you know buying equipment that you don't use. Oh my God, tell me about it. Yeah, it's worse. Yeah, I do offer photos and videos one thing that I am interested in about but haven't I guess got the stuff yet is drone work and I was going to ask you and I can ask you right now. What do you think is is more valuable to the market the market being real estate photography. And imagery and video stuff. What do you think is more valuable. Is it drone work or is it like interior video from the ground? Yeah, you know what that's going to depend on client on a client to client basis. So okay. I mean if you've got if you're pretty confident in your sales skills, you can make it matter. So so you can if you get yourself a drone and you know, you get all the proper licensing and than you Just stir it and everything and you go out on your presentations. You could really you know, say spend an extra five minutes on just drone how amazing it is and look at these incredible drone shots. I don't know if you knew or thought about this, but you can also take Twilight photos with a drone as well, you know, because the cameras on a gimbal it's super stable. You can do like half second exposures, maybe even a little bit longer. Yeah, usually when if I'm if I'm Getting a drone Twilight done. I'm usually having them take like 50 different exposures. So just so I know that I'm safe. But yeah, you can you can do that. You're not able to use a flash. I tend to use Flash more and more as I'm doing Twilight's but that's also something you can do. So so yeah, you know if you're in a market place and it seems like you are where people aren't really even using it. I mean you can make it important like you can say hey for an extra x dot There's you can get this incredible result and if you sell it, right, you know, people will buy it interior video interview videos same thing and you're going to find over time that some clients will say no matter what I want you to do video for every single listing that I call you out on and then someone will say, you know, I don't care about video. I want you to do drone and every single listing that I call you out on some will say, you know, I maybe I'll do it for this one, maybe not and then some will say no to both of those. Never doing that. So it's going to depend on the personality of the person you're working with the price point of the listing. I mean, if you find that you've got a lot of higher-end listings for your Market, whatever that means if it's a half million million 10 million dollar whatever if you've got plenty of high-end real estate to shoot adding a drone would be really helpful. I find that when the marketing budget is what you when there's a lot more Commission on the line agents are willing to spend Little bit more and and they want to produce a little bit more especially and I talked about this a lot agents are desperate to differentiate themselves against their competition which are other real estate agents and you know, a lot of people are they really feel like if they could just get an edge that their business would do so much better. So if you can offer more those agents that want to be hyper competitive or who are willing to spend more money. Yeah, they're going to they're going to buy the whole suite at they're going to do video. They're going to do drone and everything. Nice when it comes to when it comes to pulling the trigger when it comes to you saying, okay. I am I'm taking out my credit card. I'm buying the Drone or whatever. I would first take a look at your business right now and say, you know, is there anything that I can do to improve what I'm doing right now without having to buy more stuff, you know, because the because like the more stuff That you buy that's a bigger investment. You said you already made your money back two or three times a lot of entrepreneurs not just photographers. Well, you know a lot of people they'll start they'll get started. They'll make some money and then they'll just be like, holy shit. Look I just made all this money. I'm gonna get this I'm gonna get that and it's going to be so much better and they start spending it, you know, if you hit us a slope point and you know the summer we're just getting into it right now, but say like Late fall getting to the winter. So your business dies right off. Do you want to have money in the bank or do you want to have credit card debt than money, you know if your business stops if your business stop next week like, you know, so I would say, you know, maybe if you can all but guarantee a certain volume of business or you know, if you're really confident on your skills and selling it I would say yeah go for it right now, you know because if you can You can get out there redo your you know, you can call his people back his and and get another presentation at the same office be like, hey next time you guys get a sales meeting. I get this brand new offering, you know, hot off the presses of really want to show you guys. Let me buy you some pizza or something. Yeah, or however you want to do it and then get in there again. And then as you go through future presentations, you can you can continue to push it and then you get people that will book The yeah, I think that definitely Thanks. That was really helpful. Yeah, kind of weigh my options there one other thing too. I wanted to kind of touch on and I don't know if you do some stuff like this or not, but I was scratching my head trying to get more people to like like my Facebook page and follow me on Instagram and and just get a bigger audience for social media because I feel like social media is the marketing way of the world nowadays. So why not leverage it right? So the first challenge I arrived to as just getting people to see my stuff and growing my pages. So I tried something out and I think the benefits are definitely to fold and what it is is I call it the small business Spotlight and I do the small small business Spotlight once a month and all it is is I go to a small business here in town and I say hey, I'm a real estate photographer. This is some of the work that I do want me to can I do a photo shoot? For you for free. And with the only catch I guess is that you know, you you share it on your social media pages and give a shout out to my page. That's it and all the business owners that I've talked to you that I've asked about this to like absolutely. Let's go like this is fantastic. I'll send us ya created some serious social media buzz like once they receive the photos and they put it up and then they mention me like my page grew overnight. It was wild to watch some of these posts just take off. If you're someone that you know wants to grow your pages get a hold of some some small businesses in your in your town or community that maybe you know have a decent presence or decent following already just for doing whatever they do and you can make it super personable to which is the next thing that I'd like to do is do like short interviews video interviews about you know, why they got into business how they got into business and and kind of just, you know offer that as well. So yeah, I'm providing it to them. Yeah, you know I would even look I won't even charge to the video honestly, so but but actually so what's funny is you get a I don't think I wrote about this or talked about this in a podcast yet. But when I was full time in real estate, I would do that exactly that I would offer interviews and I would write a blog article and I would take a video and then I would share I don't know if you can even find it now it's from forever ago, but I got so many sales out of that and I you know, like some of these people are front like because the key is not just doing interviews the key is that you're talking to people that know a whole lot of people you're talking to people that have a big presence you're offering something you're offering them something that they like and that they're interested in and you know, you get to know people they're going to like you they're going to see your work and they're going to be able to stand behind it. When they say oh, yeah, you know, you gotta call Logan he does a great job. Yeah to I would make that a weekly habit. If you if you could I would try every week to meet someone to do the spotlight. I mean do your Spotlight offer an interview and then you know, maybe yeah, maybe you'll have to do a few for free and then start charging later on when people start seeing like, oh, wow. I'm getting all this traction on this exposure at once once you become that page the one You become that presence that that people are like liking a falling everybody in town sees your page and and they like to see your spotlights and and you know, then you could probably start charging for it. But yeah, you're definitely doing the right thing there, you know, the it's all about relationships making really it's really fun to do, you know because it's fun to see Zero smaller businesses in town, you know receive these photos and they're just like floored and they loved it, you know, and it's it helps them out there Google listings look a lot better and you know, they share it on there. A personal Facebook page and it's it's fun to just give back a little more value to the community and that's kind of why I like to doing that but it has gotten me now in communication with some bigger commercial jobs, which I will charge for sure. So yeah, that's kind of a neat thing. But I just was wondering, you know kind of what your take was and that's good stuff. I love that so Yeah, yeah to it's a great idea. It's a great idea. Yeah, I don't do it I do and I'd haven't done that for my photography business specifically like interviewing people, but I actually I am that you're doing and I probably should huh a little cheese a cake Islamic a get left behind no more flash. Now are you know what really you could I mean that's the beauty of the internet like you can have a huge influence and You know you work on your product you make some more money. You're going to get better equipment you're going to get better at you know, producing some just fabulous images and videos and I mean, who knows you might find that people are going to pay you not just for the job. They're going to pay you for your mileage to go out to the to the big city or maybe your airfare I charge mileage outside City Limits, but you know like a nerd IRS mileage. But yeah, I do sweet Tom. I had another question for sorry. Go ahead. Yeah. He's Sure. No. No, what is interesting kind of snare happened, especially early on a few months ago and I first kind of dip my toes in the water here, but it was on a I think is my third may be paid shoot and when I say paid, I mean I was wondering for my wife for free, of course, you know Wellness AI she was getting paid and I work for her anyway their commission, right? So yeah. Yeah. Yeah, right. Yeah. So I have an agent approached me and we were talking kind of during the shoot and she was asking me a bunch of questions, which is fine. Like I don't mind that and one of the questions was, you know, where did you go to school for this and I told her you know, I didn't I didn't go to school. I learned via books and YouTube and just kind of trial and error and didn't really say anything after that, but I thought Like a price reduction because I wasn't I mean she's like, how are you a professional? Oh my god. Well, I just just took me back there. That's it was like well, you know when you were this is my quandary here though. It's like when you are the only person offering a service the and I'm not trying to be like cocky or anything. But I you know, I'm the best I offer the best product right now, right at what point do I become professional? I don't know. You know professionalism is such an intangible thing. You could call it. Whatever you want. You could say I'm a professional because I wear a suit you could say I'm a professional because I'm the industry expert or because I just show up every day for work. Like it's professionalism is more of an idea and and the, you know, a collection of behaviors that people kind of expect of you. So what you need to so this is an interesting problem and and it's in there's an easy solution because when someone is asking you those questions those qualification questions, they're not asking you, you know, did you go to school for this? Because they really care that you went to school like, oh you have to go it's not like you're an attorney and what did you go? Did you go to some some Cheapo law school? You didn't even have to pass the LSAT test or did you go to Harvard or or something like that? It's a question of do you know what you're doing? And the answer is obviously always going to be yes, but the answer doesn't have to be well, no, I didn't go to school. But you know, I learned this thing you can confidently just answer the question of oh, yeah, I know what I'm doing, but but not the way that they framed it because as long as you are dressed they're concerned. They're like, okay good. So I had this problem when I first started the lot of people would say like, oh, where'd you learn this? Did you go for school for this? You know, and I still got those Those questions now and occasionally and my answer is always the same I say well, you know, I actually get started in real estate photography as a real estate agent or I might say, you know what I actually get started in real estate photography because you know, I've always been a hobbyist. I've been studying it for years and I'm just so passionate about doing this I decided you know, I was going to get into the real estate space, you know, you might even say in your specific case. Actually, you know, my wife is a real estate agent. All time real estate agent and she does a lot of business. I've been doing a photo shoot. So I've been studying photography, you know, and I've just doing such a great job lately that you know, I've been getting more and more referral business and that's how I get started. So so you're answering the question by almost your mr. Rest misdirecting specifically the question about education, but there are asking about education because they don't know what else they don't know how to say, do you know what you're doing? You know and a lot of people even if that's what they're thinking they're not going to say. Do you know what you're doing? Because it's going to come off as rude. So they think well, you know, it's photography. I've heard about photography school. Maybe maybe I'll ask about that and then and then you know how you handle that question is going to you know, put them at ease or is going to kind of alert them to say. Oh, maybe this guy doesn't know what he's doing. So yeah, if someone liked it when I get asked that That's how I answer. I'm like, oh, you know I and that's how you should answer to it. You know, what did you go to school for this? Well, you know what? My wife is a real estate agent. I've been doing photo shoots for her for a while. I'm super passionate about photography of been doing just this great job with with agents and and you know, that's how I got my start into it and if they really want to push and they want to say well, what's your school? What did you learn? You can just you can name drop because because it's going to make you sound kind of official and and they're not going to know either way. So you can say oh, you know, I studied under under Rich bomb, but you watch Rich bombs YouTube videos. Probably you listen to his podcast. You've got my book you've read that so you can say oh, you know what I studied under a rich bomb. He's a he's a photographer out in California. Does these high-end high-end jobs, you know studied under Tom Barr Gillette has he's got this great training on you know, And you can tutor mention the book and and that I that's probably going to put them out. Okay. Well, I have your permission to yeah Acclaim you as my mentor then right? Sure. Yeah. You're welcome. I mean, hey, you're read the book. It says no, no reason not to mention it. If I mean, you don't have to go around like, you know, like some crazy person. Like I read this book that means I'm an expert out of the blue, but if someone really presses I would save that. That as like as you know your fallback answer if they're if the whole you know, my wife's an agent. I've been doing photo shoots for her. I've been working professionally for a while if that whole thing doesn't really answer the question if they really specifically want to know about schooling which in my case, you know, I've been able to misdirect those questions for you know years. I never directly answer that because I never went to photography school and it's you know, no one's ever. All that up with another question. They just go. Oh, yeah. He's and like he knows what he's talking about adults speak because that's all I care about. You know, that question will be long forgotten after that. You deliver the photos they do. Yeah, I think yeah for sure. They do think they do one of the one of the biggest contributions to my professionalism that you told me about via one of your podcasts. I think it was in one of your first episodes actually that you're talking about what you carry in your car I think for photo shoots, but anyway it was Those booties that you put over your shoes those yeah a lot. Yeah, I'm telling you like I walk into a house. I stopped at the porch and not those booties on I walk in and people are like, oh like that especially if the homeowners are they like freak out like my house isn't Part of Me part of my professionalism. So it's right. It's right. I love that like and it they're so cheap and it's right works and keep everybody's carpets clean. So Oh my God, they're Dirt Cheap other dirt and for those houses that they're like that's actually dirtier inside then you know and your head you can say yeah, that's why I got these ones. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, man, they're Lifesavers. I've when I do my Twilight's I will put the camera I'll use a tripod and sometimes if it's like wet or muddy outside, I'll even I keep a handful of rubber bands in my Pelican case I'll even rubber band some booties onto the tripod legs. They don't get them all muddy. Good one, yeah. Yeah, man, those things are you can use of all even if it's raining and if I'm using like on the pole, how are you tricking your trigger? Your camera apples the Canon Connect app and I just view it either on the iPad or cell phone. So yeah. Okay. So if you if you have a camera or end or a lens that is not weather sealed. I don't know if that camera is but you could also drape you could also drape a booty over the camera as long as it's not, you know in front of the lens, that'll that'll protect it from a little bit of precipitation. I'll do that for some of our lenses or not weather sealed. So I like tape a booty right over I would definitely help for sure. I've been shot and Rain yet thankfully. Yeah a little I guess. Some kind of some dense fog but nothing nothing too crazy. But yeah, it's yeah, it's definitely doable don't say no to a photo shoot ever. I've shot in the rain and in the snow like an active rain this a you have to do a little bit longer exposures and then the snow and the rain kind of disappear and then you just have to do a sky replacement. Sometimes you can get a really cool. Look when you do a sky replacement everything's It kind of has this weird glossy glossy like I'd practice a practice first if you get a rainy day run outside and do some photo shoots or opal sure it snows in the Braska you could do some snowy photo shoots. But yeah, you might be stuck on a to a tripod depending on the length of the exposure unless you got some well I didn't know that. Yeah, I didn't know that the rain if you have a longer exposure it just kind of disappears. So that's really helpful there. It totally does. Yeah, because the Raindrop passes in and out of the frame, you know it in such a short amount of time if you're doing like, you know quarter second half second exposure is it's basically invisible unless it's like so thick that the water is just a water between the lens and the house is like causing these weird like streaky distortions that sometimes sometimes if it's really crazy thick you can't do anything. But yeah lighter to medium rainbow. Ever slowing. I'm yeah another question I guess for you Tom is Zu kind of offer your real estate agents any type of like home prep guide or checklist. We're getting the house ready to be shot. You know, it's that's a good question. I go k I kind of do so it when someone books with me, they booked online and I talked about like how we do that in the app, I use and everything and other episodes. But one of the one of the things that that that is a part of that you get an automated email and 24 hours before the shoot you get a text message that says hey your upcoming shoot is scheduled for this this time and you get an email in that email. Yeah, there's a checklist and and basically my instructions are get the house ready. Okay, like showing ready. Right because you know you want to shoot the house and ideally the condition that is going to be shown in if I show up and they're like, oh, yeah, we're going to fix this. We're going to change the carpets. We're gonna read renovate the kitchen. I'm like, well, why am I here shouldn't we be doing this photo? Shoot after the work is done. Some people say, you know, I don't well we got to get it on the market. We have we can't wait some some will say. Oh, yeah, you're right most most real estate agents that are pretty disciplined. And understand like how the business works are going to tell their clients what needs to happen and and and then, you know schedule accordingly. Ideally that should all be done on their end. But you know a little reminder I wouldn't lean on it. I wouldn't count on that being like the be-all-end-all, you know, well I sent you this reminder. So the house of better be ready you're still going to have you know, because it because in any business you dealing with so many personality types, you're still going to have those people that are just scattered. Brains that are disorganized that you know, the everything's last minute and you show up and like nothing's ready. Everybody's very going to happen is clean, right? It's different. Yeah, I found that to be true is yes, it's very subjective. I tell you kind of what I came up with and maybe this is right wrong or otherwise, I don't know. Yeah, but what I'm talking with my wife You know just in normal conversations, she's kind of expressed to me that you know some sellers it's hard to tell them that their house is dirty, right? You don't want to come out and say hey your house is doing as an agent to your your client. They work with it's not good. Yeah, but I think in all their being genuine about they just they just don't know that's just the way that like I said everybody standard of what is clean I think is different. So I was like, how can I can weee circumvent that Is showing up to a dirty house or not just a house that's not ready to be photographed takes takes the most time away from me. Right because I got to get some stuff moved around and and and do all that stuff as the photographer. So I'm like, how can I make a product or something that kind of helps circumvent this this issue? So I online I searched for okay, like a is actually created by real estate agent, but I'm sorry I hum photo / video. Ation checklist and I have my logo information like I changed quite a bit of it actually, but anyway, it gives you know general cleaning instructions and it's a checkoff list. I mean turn off all TV's check off turn off all ceiling fans check blah blah blah and it goes from General to front exterior Backyard Kitchen dining room living room bedroom bathroom pets Etc. So my thinking in this is is right here is that, you know, if I can hand this to an agent who then can turn that Turn in hand that to the you know, the seller that takes the burden off of the real estate agent of them having to say hey your house is not ready. You need to clean up you need to clean up. This checklist is kind of objective. I guess in a sense that it shifts the burden from the agent to kind of kind of me, but I'm okay with that if it saves me 30 minutes in a house, you know what I mean? And whether or not the yeah, the seller the seller of the home is going to follow that list is completely Up to them, but I just I just found like because everybody standard of what is clean and so different maybe provide them a objective standard that they can follow that's easy to follow check by check by check to get this house ready to go. What do you think Hmm? I like the idea. Are you doing that right now for your art? You're offering that haven't had time to really a bunch of feedback yet. I have one family that they said we followed the checklist is super handy. I'd be happy to provide that to you so you can put it in the show notes or whatever if you want. But yeah, anyway, they said they loved it. Yeah, that's a great idea. Yeah. It's a good idea. I think that yes, um, some people that like checklists. Are going to love it and then you'll probably find some people that don't really care either way, but it's a it's a it's a very low-cost offering that yeah that I mean, I wouldn't say no to that I'd say that's a that's a good little add-on to do if you wanted to do it and then people will definitely like it. And so actually it's a good thing to refer to if you automatically or as a habit always send that out because inevitably you're going to get that listing that was not ready for the photo shoot. Oh shoot. If you ever have a listing agent that is not present for the shoot. I mean in your Marketplace, maybe everybody wants to be present all the time. I know it's like that sometimes in some places in Massachusetts. Sometimes the listing agent just has to be there and and then settled in some cases. They don't care. They're like, yeah talks coach go do it. Yeah great great. So so when that ends in that instance for the yeah, here's the code just go do it, you know, it would be Good to have that to refer back to because if they ever call and complain this a while this wasn't this was messy and I wish that this thing was in there you could say well look at you know, I move what I can but it's my room. It's not my responsibility to keep the house clean. I did send you a checklist that you could have shared with your client and put it on them because yeah, it's in one case. I've had to have like an actual argument with a client over the cleanliness of a listing it. Isn't me one of my photographers was at this house? It was a is a 3 family in Boston and like in Boston Boston and it was being sold as three condos in Boston. If you've ever looked at condos in Boston that prices are outrageous. What was it was being rented as a 3 family by attendant and the Tenant was using each of the condos as an Airbnb and he was making an absolute. Fortune and the landlord was like, oh you're doing this while I'm going to jack up your rent. It's now six grand a month per condo or I'm selling it. So I put this 10 and out of business put them out of business overnight and and then so my photographer is going through the tenant was there and and the Tenant was making the house messy on purpose. I didn't I didn't find out about this afterwards of my photographer. He didn't know what to do. Like the guy would so hits up the camera and the guy would walk in front of him into the room and then like tip things over mess up the bed turned things upside down. So we deliver the photos like that and and the agent was arguing with me and I'm like, I'm like dude like, you know, what the deal is the house needs to be in that condition. We you know, we'll move stuff that we want but It's on you that make the machine ready. And the yeah, yeah, that's probably a one in a once-in-a-lifetime thing. But you know, it really is their responsibility to prep the listing as a photographer. You know, I'll do them a favor of cleaning the house up but you know the busier you get if you don't if you don't really have much else going on. It's not a big deal to take a couple hours, you know to do the the shoot and move stuff around and that's okay and I did use Do that with with clients that you know, we're really good to me and brought me a lot of business. But yeah, I wouldn't make it a habit of here cleaning up after somebody else because it's just gonna you know, it's going to increase your cost of like, you know, it adds more time so that it means you're making less. On that shoot you no more time to make the same amount of money. It should be going the other way. You should be finding ways of spending less time to make more money. So so yeah, check this idea. It's great. It's good idea. All right. Well, I don't I think I've exhausted my list Tom idea proved excellent. Excellent. Yeah, we pretty much covered everything that there is to cover so so Logan are you when you trying to go? Oh man if I can get some more High producing real estate agents and other problems. Our town is actually shrinking Tom, so I don't it's yeah, we have negative shrinking growth. So and basically again, our town is controlled by two big Industries, which is Union Pacific Railroad and our giant hospital that we have two Regional hospital, but the railroad has making some serious changes. So it doesn't it doesn't look good right now for full time. But yeah, really this is going to be is going to be Also, there goes my mic. I don't know what's going to happen there. But yeah, maybe if we get go to a bigger Market or something crazy happens in the real estate market here in town. Yeah full time. It'd be it'd be great. I'd love to work full time right now as a real estate photography. Yeah, but yeah, just don't see it right yet. Yeah, you know, I I imagine it's going to be doable. It might be a little bit more work and you might have to commute a lot more because it seems like there's no big city nearby. Right? What's the biggest population town? That that's close? Yeah. So yeah, we're the greatest but the surrounding communities are like, okay 400 350 like it's tiny itty-bitty places, so G's are Jeez. Yep. So yeah, even I mean even out here in Massachusetts, I will routinely and and just the other day. I've driven out a couple hours one way to do a photo shoot knowing that it's not worth my time, but that eventually I'm going to have so many clients in that area that I can just hire a new photographer local to that that place or in your case. Maybe if you can get your business really booming and And you know, your is your wife. Is she full time real estate agent? Yeah, so, you know if the real estate market takes a big hit she's gonna have a problem to so the both of you might say. Hey, let's move to an area that you know, I mean unless you've got some really strong roots in that town. You just don't want to move if it's a if it's an option for you. Sometimes you just got to go to where your money is unless you don't mind driving sure, you know for hours and hours. I think if I can capture more of those High producing real estate agents here in town with the market. Way it is right now. Yeah, there is a time for potential there. But yeah that by be the next step I guess. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Keep I'd keep plugging away at that work on your portfolio try and get higher and listings, you know do more office presentations. Do you know how many real estate agents found not number of Agents, but I think we have four companies here in town. So yeah for different companies, okay. Yeah, try and I try and do a presentation each of them and then maybe even to some some offices outside of town if this you know more than one or two agents in which case just meet them for lunch or something. But yeah, if you do that, if you if you kind of stay top of mind with these agents, I mean, some of them are just they're never there just never going to call you because they, you know, they just don't want to and then you know, that's fine. They can go do whatever they want. But, you know if you can work on building strong. Long relationships with the clients that you do have in the clients that you will have they're going to be really loyal to you and they're going to call you for every single shoot, you know, so yeah, you might be closer to full time and then you'd think it's just going to take a little bit of that, you know leg work of actually going out and building those relationships. So awesome. So Logan. Do you have any more questions for me - we wrap up. We got it all hammered out. Let me double check my notes real quick. No, I think yeah, we got it all got it all down and Tom. I just wanted to say an extra thankful. I thank you thankful for you for just the content that you produce and just your willingness to help people and you know answer people on your social media. That's super cool. You know, this wouldn't have happened if you did message me back. So that's yeah, that's that's really neat. Oh, man, we that's that's a whole other thing to what do you remember what your first question was? We doing talk about that. It was yeah. Yeah. No, no way. He's gonna lose your question find it real quick. Yeah thousands of pages later said. Hey Tom quit. I have a quick question for you. Do you ask homeowners if you can put up a picture to of their home on social media accounts, or do you have some sort of contract that? Dates you're able to do so love your podcast and great book by the way good stuff. Thank you. So that was the question. Yeah to which I replied very length at a great length. I don't know why I just for some reason. I don't know. I was just really excited about copyrights and and something like that. So so my my answer to Logan's question was in a nutshell. No, I basically just share whatever I want whenever I want unless I'm specifically asked not to but there are some interesting copyright issues. Kind of baked into that question as well as photographers. You are the author of the work of the photo and then you have full copyrights to it unless you sign those copyrights away. So when I really talked about like the legal technicalities of you know, the photo shoot in the invoicing I tell people if they really want to get into it that you know, you're what you're paying for is your licensing these images for you to sell this house and I'm not signing away on my right like I'm holding all of my copyrights outside of that license so I can share this and promote my business as well. Not a lot of photographers really dig deep into the copyright kind of legal space and it it's definitely not for the faint of heart. It's not very user-friendly to like just kind of quickly do some searches. Everybody has an opinion but but Logan I did share to you links to like three blog. About that from some really really good sources. I think I'm going to put those in the notes on the show notes as well. So anybody listening to this episode in the future just just scroll down to the notes and you'll see those links. It's a really interesting question because some people are charging licensing fees and they're getting paid every year on licensing fees for commercial images. Some people are not some people are giving their photos away for free. And you know, I mean we should never really do that. You know, the biggest the biggest scam is people saying well, I'll give you a better exposure but people aren't calling you because someone else shared your images and said look at my listing they're calling you because you contacted them or they were referred to you, you know a photo credit unless you're pumping it and your Really sharing it and connecting it to you directly a photo credit by itself is not going to block your business. Maybe you'll get a couple things out of it. But but yeah, you want to maintain that copyright so you can use your photos and share them if if someone asks me not to share them. So I've shot some higher-end properties, you know, some really big expensive beautiful homes that if I could my entire portfolio would just be one of those but but You know, sometimes people are like no we don't want you to share these publicly. You know, it's a pocket listing. It's going to be kind of under the radar. Can we please keep this under wraps and and you know out of respect to them. I'll do it. I think it's more important to maintain a trusting, you know relationship with the client than it is to just kind of try and pick up my numbers because because in the end in the end, it's more important to me to have more clients instead of a And they yeah, you know people there yeah, very cool. Yeah, you're answering your links were phenomenal know anybody that has that question wants to read at more those the links that he that Tom sent to me were spot-on. So I mean and more. Yeah. Yeah those articles covered it those articles covered it. I think what we're is the I sent you and those links will be in the show about our good one. Yeah. Oh, yeah blog from just steal law on the on the copyright issues blog from an attorney who is also a photographer and a Blog from F Stoppers F, which is also a great that's not a paid plug by the way. I just like their stuff if Stoppers is it's a great blog and they have good video photography videography bit videos, too. So yeah, that was that question and I did have as I was talking something popped. Up in my mind again. So so you've been buying used gear? Is that something that was at night idea you had on your own or did you pick that up from web so it's key for a while but reading it in your book as helped. I'm always kind of sketched out when I buy Electronics on eBay used electronics, you know, so cameras and stuff like that. I'm like, huh? I don't know about that. But after reading the sections of your book saying that it's okay to buy certain types of gear second hand. I felt pretty comfortable with it. So I went ahead and did it and everything is A-OK, so Did you did you ever do the math to figure out exactly how much you saved? Oh said you bought a new bra stop my head, but I think on the camera body it was at least a few hundred dollars. And then on that one lens, I think I paid a hundred ninety bucks and that thing still goes for think five or 600 bucks brand-new. So yeah, that's a great deal. It's a great deal. Yeah, I used to I was so proud of myself. When I started doing that. I used to take notes. I think my first photography kid. I saved like five thousand dollars or something like that between all the video gear and just picking it up used and it's really like I can't talk about it enough like some people they don't know what they're doing or they just they just get this random passive interest and like I am maybe I'll do some photography. Rafi they buy a bunch of shit. They don't know what to do with it. They don't use it. And then they're like, I don't want this anymore. Then they'll sell it for for peanuts for peanuts. I've got the we're on a VoIP call right now. I'm calling you with my iMac. I got this iMac. It's it was a couple years old got to 4,000 bucks. These things will usually go for three or four thousand but this guy he bought a brand-new the newest model. He didn't want it anymore. Yeah, I just want I picked it up. So you do it for peanuts, you know? Yeah. Yeah when you save so much you just have more power in your business. You have holding power like you can last if I had bought everything brand-new dude, I'd be scrambling right now. I've be like man, you know, I have a how am I going to pay my bills? But when you have cash in the bank because you're you know, making these shrewd business decisions. It just gives you such. Peace of mind you know that you can just focus on doing your best. You don't have to worry about the money so might I mean, you know, you can worry about money if you want to but but you don't really have to if you're smart with how you spend it and you just have such a you just have a great time. So yeah, it's good. I'm glad you're already an eBay. Junkie, you know, some people the problem is that a lot of people kind of look down on that. They're like, I don't want used someone else's shit. I don't want that and and you know what, that's fine for them. They want to spend An extra 10 grand fine. I mean if money doesn't mean it if money doesn't mean anything to them then they can just go ahead and spend it. It's their money. But but I recommend yeah, if you're in a business, that's the way to go this way to go unless you're making so much. That's me matter. Not yet. Anyway, so yeah, that's very few people. It's almost no one. So I mean they're out there. There's people that you know, they don't care they'll spend those spend $1000 on a dinner. I don't care. But yeah, it's great. All right, I'm glad that we get to talk about that a little bit Logan anything else come to mind. Any last minute. Oh, yes now, I think we I think we got it. Yeah, I forgot about this all my questions were answered. And yeah that's expanded on so that's always great loved it. Awesome. Well Logan that I'm Gonna Let You Go. Thanks so much for taking time out of your morning and it's early morning for me. But I know you're you're on Central Time, right? So it's probably it's probably really early for you right now. I am this morning's that's all right, that's good. That's good. All right Logan. It was a pleasure glad that we got to spend some time this morning and The any other questions anything pops up go ahead and you know, feel free to reach out to me again. Yeah, we'll talk again some other time so much so I can actually have me on all right. All right look and have a good one. All right folks that is the episode. I hope everyone found it informational educational. It's definitely a lot of interesting ideas there and I'm so happy and grateful that I was able to share some information that Logan could actually use in his business and see some pretty incredible results. Anybody can reach out to me the same way Logan. Did you can contact me at Instagram at Tom Vargo lettuce t om V Our GTL ET is I know it's tough on a spell. I apologize. You can also email me. My email address is Tom at FT re little bit easier to spell if you want to scroll to the bottom of the show notes. You can find my Instagram and email in addition to any questions you might have. I'm also offering personalized coaching, too. Anybody that wants to really build up their business the same way that Logan has done out in Nebraska. Anybody can do it. Anybody can build a successful business. You just need to know how and that's what this podcast that's what the book is all about the full time real estate photographer book. If you're interested in that the links are in the description, but you know, if you're interested in personalized coaching you could call what Logan and I just went through a little bit of a coaching call. It was more of an interview. Style more of you know question and answers if you're wondering about what personalized coaching is, like it's a lot of that and a lot of sharing of ideas helping walk you through all of the steps that you need to take helping you through all of your obstacles taking a good hard. Look at your business trying to see where we can make you some more money and you can always reach out and ask some questions about that if you are interested and so without further Ado I'm going to leave it there. There and if you're a regular listener of the podcast, I apologize for the inconsistent at best upload schedule up until a couple months ago. I've been really consistent about uploading every seven to eight days, but we are in the busy season. I'm actually hiring a couple more employees so I can deal with the extra workload. Like I mentioned we're constantly getting new clients and I've been finding myself getting booked up pretty much sunrise to sunset. With my photographers out on locations not a ton of time to record podcast episodes, but we are not off the air we're still recording and we still will be and I will be trying to stick to the consistent seven or eight day upload schedule. But if we are consistently behind, please don't worry once I have a little bit more help I should be able to free up more time to record episodes. So in the meantime, I look forward to hearing from you hearing your questions. Answering them and I really enjoyed this episode. I'm sure Logan did and I really hope that you enjoyed it as well. We'll leave you that and we'll catch you on the next one.
 On this episode we got Logan Eliot on the phone. Logan called in from Nebraska to discuss how he got started in real estate photography, and how some of the ideas he learned from listening to this very podcast, reading the Full Time Real Estate Photographer book (, and more. Logan started 8 months ago, and is already seeing regular weekly photoshoots after only 2 office presentations! Here are the links mentioned in the podcast for further reading on copyrights over our images: Here is a link to see Logan's checklist and his printed portfolio he mentions: You can find the Fulltime Real Estate Photographer book here In the interest of keeping my gear recommendation section a bit shorter, and sharing even more information than before, I have created a link with I recommend that you first see if you can get much of this gear used for a better deal, in which case I welcome you to use the Kit I have set up as more of a shopping list to reference. For the items that you plan on buying new online, using the affiliate links would be a great help toward supporting this podcast.
Are you always expecting something mentally projecting into the future instead of actually being present and doing your best. Are you always trying to manipulate the outcome of certain situations so that you can be happy because the only way that you can feel happy is to get validation and approval from other people or things have to go your way all the time. That's the only way you can feel good. Well in that case there are something deep inside that you need to address and there's probably this whole that you're trying to patch up through your expectations and your mental projections. And what ends up happening is that you actually smoke the whole even bigger because every time you expect something in the future every time you expect somebody to do something a certain way so that you liked it so that you feel good about yourself every time you expect things to go your way so that you can feel good about yourself. And they don't or it doesn't how do you feel how do those expectations those mental projections that you have actually leave you once you end up realizing that you were expecting way to much or your mental projection was totally off or that you really had. No realistic view of the situation. I struggle with this for a long time because I used to always have an idea of Was going to happen. I will always project into the future always try to manipulate the outcome and hope for things to go a certain way and that would be let down every single time. If you resonate with this then you know that it's not a nice experience. It's not fun. It doesn't feel good at all. And you need to get rid of it because quite honestly it's a nightmare to keep living in the state where you're always waiting for salvation at some future point and there is no salvation and you know that by now if you've been projecting into the future Future maybe you didn't get the result that you wanted whether that's on an exam or on the date or in your business or a meeting with a client, or maybe you wanted to get a raise at work and they turned you down. The only way to really get rid of this is to let go of the need for something to fulfill you and that can be really tough because what I'm going to need you to tell yourself what I told myself what ended up shifting this making the paradigm shift for me. Was really taking on the philosophy and idea and really believing that hey, you know what? I'm good enough as I I approve of me. I validate me and I actually feel good about me and anything that might happen in the future any success or even failure. It doesn't determine who I am. It doesn't make me a better or worse person. You see I'm still a good person. No matter how I perform whether I perform amazing or rather. My performance is terrible. I'm still the same Raphael if this video sucks for you that doesn't change anything for me because I'm making it because I want to make it and I'm not expecting you to respond to certain way. But if I was trying to talk a certain way or try to make you feel a certain We're trying to manipulate so that you leave a nice comment and tell me about how great I am. It would be a nightmare. I wouldn't want to record and definitely not every day. Like what I'm doing, you know, it just wouldn't happen because you're always in a strain you always feel tired because you're trying to micromanage and manipulate those results. I need you to find peace with that. You're okay as you are and whether or not things go your way. She's still good. You're still a good person doesn't change anything. NG let's say it goes well well great. Great. You got what you wanted awesome congrats feels good right for a moment or two at least and then it's on to the next thing and now you you're waiting for that to give you pleasure. Let's say it goes bad. Oh my expectations were met. I'm unhappy. I'm frustrated. I'm angry maybe even start pushing those emotions and getting frustrated with people around you. Maybe you shove it down and create some deep trauma for yourself that lost for the rest of your life. Do you really want that? Or the alternative is you know what? I'm good enough as I am. I'm happy with myself. I love myself. And whether or not this goes my way. It's okay. Just try that whether or not it goes my way. It's okay whether or not it goes your way. It's okay. It's okay. No matter what because you'll still be fine. And that's what most of us don't get because we think if it doesn't go away then our life is ruined our reputation our future everything. It's just over, you know, if this one date doesn't go right then. We're going to meet that perfect Parker. I'm never going to find love never ever ever ever ever. This one date went wrong. Never find Love Of course, that's not true. I went through a lot of bad dates before I got into an amazing relationship. That's now lasted for over five years. So consider that you might have to go through a lot of failure to reach success and when you're constantly putting those expectations up to win every time you go into a situation you're blocking yourself because the road to success is paved with Oh Yer over and over and over again tripping over how many times have I recorded a bad video? I did it every day for six months in a row before I made my first good one. I promise you scroll down to the bottom of my channel check out my first video and you'll see the difference between that and now is a lot of failure a lot of idiots that didn't hit off a lot of work that I didn't really pay. And if I was sitting there saying to myself I didn't get 3 million views, you know, what never mind never mind. That was my I want to 10,000 views are nothing. I'm just gonna leave I'm gonna give up right now. I forgot about the numbers. I forgot about the results and I just did it because I knew it was the right thing to do. And if you know, it's the right thing to do it anyway, and if it's not just let it go because those expectations. The only thing they will do in your life. It's harm you make you feel bad make you feel frustrated make you feel unhappy make you feel unsatisfied you ungrateful little right because you start to see everything is bad. You start judging everything you have in your life as well s instead of saying hey, I'm grateful for what I have. I love what I have. I'm happy where I am if I get that success great. If I don't keep working keep trying keep Goin not to project into the Future Hope for some result. If I don't get it then you know what? There's no point to any of this anymore. Just never mind this whole thing give up on life suicide right now. What's that? What's going on? What are you expecting Let It Go stop projecting. Thing whether or not it goes your way. It's okay. You're still a good person still the same person. Even if you succeed even if you fail you're still the same person. It's just the situation doesn't make or break you it doesn't make or break your life. You are so much bigger than that. Remember that one day you're going to die. That's an expectation. You're going to die. And at that point everything will be stripped away from you. And the only thing you will care about this what kind of impact you made another people what difference you made how much you cared how much they cared about you love compassion. Sharing contribution not do they get the promotion not did she or he say yes to me. That's not what you're going to be left with all that money in your bank account. Don't get to take it with you. Sorry. I'm sorry. You don't get to take it with you. That's it. It's done gets to stay here. While you disappear so live with that in mind and perhaps you will understand that these situations aren't such a big of a deal. And that you are so much bigger and better than all of this and that whether or not it goes your way. It's okay.
I share with you how you can let go of all expectations in life! S U B S C R I B E : Coaching with Rafael: #LearningToLetGo #LearnToLetGo #LettingGo #LettingGoExpectations #LetGoOfExpectations #StopExpectations #StoppingExpectations #PersonalDevelopment #SelfHelp #SelfImprovement #SelfHelp #Motivation #Motivational #MotivationalSpeech #MotivationalSpeaker What is the height of confidence? The death of all expectations. True confidence and fulfilment come when you don’t need anything to heal you. Those timeless un-healed wounds, that bleed at the slightest of touch. The suturing of these wounds is what will bring true confidence and happiness. A point where no failure or success can make or break you. Expectations are like bubbles waiting to burst. We think and fantasise our success and hope that will make those deep-rooted issues go away. But you know if you have ever projected something in the future, If you fail you feel bad; it bleeds. If you succeed, you set a new goal; blinded by your unmet fulfilment. So, both failure and success won’t help you escape this nightmare. What you have to do is patch your wounds yourself. Love yourself as you are, regardless of any outcome. Loving yourself unconditionally is what will get you out of this incessant loop of misery. You are good enough as you are. You don’t need to achieve something or do something.
All right, returning to best our of their day. The one the only since being on the show last time also proud papa. Connor Murphy. Hello everyone. I'm honored to be on that how many people have been here for the second time as this am I like the first or second person who's going here twice now? I don't think it's the first or second but you wouldn't you are within some very prestigious company your your buddy Austin malleolus being one of them.Our friend of the show Sean pass to church is another one from active life. I'm trying to think that that's really the big ones other than some other like Todd acuto's kind of been a regular recurring guest. But but man, it's prestigious. It's kind of like, I don't know when I was growing up. I was very into Saturday Night Live. Are you familiar? I've seen it I've heard of it. Yeah, you're you know, the younger generation you don't have respect as much as ours did but but there was a very prestigious club called the five timers club and when he had hosted the show five times you got a special robe and they always made a big deal out of it. You're in that type of category and that type of company here at best our of their day, which is no small task. I'd like to say in the last year. You've had two big Milestones a baby and this and this is slightly above having daughter Now as you put it that way I feel so honored right now. And you know, what I'm going to do. I'm going to say that I'm the first person to be on here twice because it just sounds way cooler than what you just said. So I'm really proud to be the first person to be on this project. You know, what and maybe this is someone's you know first time listening and they don't know any better. So yeah. Yeah, if you believe it's true like George Costanza says, it's true, but you know you were on and you know if you love Connor Murphy which a lot of people do easy to love go back and listen to that episode and again you reached out to me because talking to you did inspire a chapter of my book best our of their day. That's right. What was the chapter called? I don't want to give it away. I don't want to give it away because I want you to read it because I'm going to get you a copy on what on the waves. I'm gonna go. I'll sign it for you and everything because I know you're going to ask me to so sign the book for you and I want you to figure out which one. Okay, that's fair speaking of and that will probably be the next time I see you but I'm getting really amped up for this. I'm getting amped up for water on the waves to is actually a recording and it's exactly three months away. It is what is it? I think like 83 days out. Yeah, I mean, it's April 16th. So we'll be on the boat three months from today. I should say. Well, you know at this point on the boat, you'll be passed out from drinking too much, but I'll still be the only thing I do. Well, I'm pretty sure I stay up later than you and get up earlier than you so I don't really know where we're going to be but I do know that it would be Monday and so the crews get back into port on Monday. So I will actually be very relieved of all the duties and just working on Logistics on potentially while in the waves three by then but that's neither here nor there. Well, let's talk about it for those that aren't aware want on the waves started last year. I was lucky enough to not only be on it. But put a part of it presenting for own your reading and coaching numerous classes with people like Pat vulner Ryan Fischer Rachel Martinez, you know Connor's wife and it's it was an amazing time as soon as it ended. I was like, when are we doing this again? It's it's not often you get to go on vacation. Have fun but stay fit. If not get fitter while being on a cruise ship surrounded by I mean really attractive people. I mean that boat was about the if you were anywhere on the planet that was the most attractive place on the planet for those three days. That's definitely one way to look at it. I would have to agree. There's no we don't square footage base. I mean think about it where else could you have found a Thousand more attractive people all on a you know, how big is the boat, you know, it's huge right but I mean the land per capita. There we go. It was going to be up there. There's potential there was some support of like Sports Illustrated Swimsuit. Shoot that was going on in Australia along the same time, but who knows but it was a step. There is like my return for the second time of God cast like maybe it wasn't number one, but it was it was notably up there. It was. Yeah, let's just Like you did it was the best-looking, you know per capita place to be during that time. And this year's going to be even bigger. It's going to blow last year out of the water. I've already seen on the site some of the amazing guests. I'm going to be there, you know best our their day Thunder bro own you're eating all these companies. Who else what are some of the big names throughout some big names that are going to be on bottom the waves to Yeah, so the biggest thing about that was actually kind of on one of my talking points because we talked about like big names as far as athletes being on board. But what we realize from last year's cruise is that like the athletes are fantastic and having access to them and having them lead classes is really really powerful but where we found kind of the most feedback that people wanted more of were the seminars where the whether it was gymnastics or or weightlifting seminars that now we're bringing on board with Our monkey camp with Dave Durante and Chad Fonville USA Olympians to more stuff to where it is nutrition. There's there's going to be stuff on fasting. There's going to be the owner eating. There's going to be just a ton of different seminars in this well as athlete coaches that bring a lot to the table just from like the knowledge perspective of because the workouts are fantastic. We're going to have more workouts. We're going to have more area. So be a little bit more intimate classes but more of them so a lot of the feedback from last year. What we implemented this year, but I think the big things is what you said beforehand with like thunder bro is is introducing, you know, it's not just this. Hey, it's functionality or these CrossFit athletes. Now you start to get into the hypertrophy world and then we start talking about the with the endurance and aerobic capacity with him shot as well as the capacity wad that they've been collaborating with power monkey. So there's just a ton of different stuff that it really just expands instead of just kind of that like CrossFit. Entering Focus where it is all you know, the CrossFit athletes which are fantastic you're going to get better at that stuff. But you're also going to Branch out to where there are. I mean even like the tone house Fitness from New York a little bit different style in there. So it we've got a little bit of something for anyone and everyone on board and it all comes back to like what you said people are working out people are partying people are hanging out but it's not that ham going on this boat to eat a bunch and be be dormant and not move around. We're just stoked to eat to expand that not just with the athletes like you're Rich Froning pat down there Dan Bailey Etc. But with with more opportunities to learn. Yeah, and I think I mean if you just look at it from a dollar perspective, you can't beat it. Any one of these seminars alone would cost more than the cruise. That's what I think the craziest part of it. Is that for typical events, right? You look at for instance Take Me Maybe course, right? And that's what I would say. It's a little bit different than perhaps the course because you're not going to get the CEUs and it's not going to be kind of as extensive you you are going to get the similar amount of knowledge behind it. But what I look at from this price point is that it's not just tickets to an event. You're not just going Then you wander through but vendor Village hoping to get some sample, but it is all inclusive. You spend that money. And if you don't want to drink anything granted, there are alcohol packages that you don't have to spend another dime. All of this stuff is included you get access to all of these classes coaches athletes the food the room and board the stops that we go to it's insane when you really look at it as well as any of the seminars so it's really unique and I think I think people are really starting to understand that stack. Hey, this is a vacation for this also. There's there's so much more that goes into it. Although it is that you know kind of a higher price point in buying tickets for a weekend event. There's just so much that goes into it where you know, we're just really trying to get that out there because most people who came on board last year have already purchased tickets for this year because they're like, yeah, absolutely. We understand the value in that so so getting that information out there is kind of one of the main things we're working on. Yeah. I mean the number of people that have reached out to me. Asking of all Beyond it again is through the roof. I love it because they're like, oh we met you last year and I still get emails from people saying we met you last year and you know, we love the seminar. We love talking to you and I think it's important to note. If this is your first cruise like hundred just said you don't you could show up and have no money and still love it. I mean like you said with the exception of some drinks and maybe an Excursion if you want to do something on the island the food the workouts the Nars the you know, nightlife and entertainment. It's all included. Once you get on that boat. You don't have to spend any money. And if you decide to to have a few drinks, that's cool. But you know the price you're paying we will devote is all you need. Right, we won't stop you. If you want to spend more money. Absolutely. You've got you've got excursions. You can have like one-on-one training sessions. You can get all-access passes to go on a hot air balloon ride on coke. Okay, like whatever you want to do. Absolutely, but for the dollar amount in the amount of days that you're there I've when you break it down, especially if you want to talk about with the seminars and the access to knowledge that you get it. It's insane. Do you have an idea of how many classes will be offered every day? I mean last year I'd say it was close to 20 or more. Is it is it on par with that again this year? We will be more than doubled that on the classes with with shorter class times smaller actual classes, but way more areas like the the new ship that we that we got this year. So last year if you went on board we went with Royal Caribbean, which was fantastic. Document was the ship that had a bunch of bells and whistles and slides and all sorts of stuff on here. But this year we actually upgraded to a nicer Cruise Line. It is luxury ship with higher service from staterooms to restaurants and food options, but also it is that we have way more surface area to do what we are doing on them on the ship as far as different areas to work out and the actual foot phase that we have in those areas even though the ship over all fits. Bless people. We're planning on having just as many people on board, but way more areas for them to train. So again over twice as many classes also a lot more offerings as far as with the kids classes that I'm so stoked to see you the deal with some of the kids but as well as yoga as well tone houses as well. As you know with our bootcamp classes sandbag me there's anything and everything. That's what I think we're most excited about is the expansion class offerings. Well and like you said, Have kids classes the benefit of coaching the kids classes. Hey, you just throw them right overboard. If they're being a pain in the ass. Just throw those kids right up work on the that's why it's on the fourth deck because it's like it'll hurt but you know, I'll be fine. Yeah, just swim to catch up. I told you to be quiet no no catch up, but you know it is a it is a family-friendly cruise for that reason. I mean if you have kids, I mean you have an infant but at the point with their a toddler or they're not a lesson, there's non-stop stuff. For kids to do you can say goodbye to your kid at 8 in the morning and not see him again till late at night and know they were saved know they were exercising and then good hands but there are going to be some classes specifically for kids this year. What are some of the other new types of classes that you've touched upon? But what are they specifically? so when we talk about what will post a lot more about this on social media, but with partnering with with strong New York and tone house that's more of almost like the the boot camp style can Boutique Studio of the New York, but think more along the lines of like a Barry's Bootcamp with some battle ropes and that stuff the people who, you know aren't necessarily heavily into CrossFit and with those movement and with the yoga offerings, As well as that people who do cross if people who don't do CrossFit people who only want to do like everyone should be doing yoga. I know you're a massive Yogi yourself, but only of the stretching and flexibility classes have been kind of upgraded to legit yoga classes with some of the top instructors around there and then as well as a lot more lighter weight option. So as we know all of this training is universally scalable if there's a kettlebell swing in a workout you can It all the way to where you're just putting your hands on your knees and then standing back up again, but we have a lot more access to lighter way a lot more equipment coming on board to for scaling to be utilized on that. So it's just a lower barrier to entry to really for anyone there people who have never done even a boot camp workout and they hopped into classes and with some of these world-class coaches. Like you're going to be taken care of some of the questions we get is like, hey, I'm not like a stud athlete. Can I still come on this thing? That's like oh my gosh that yet. Every Fitness level is welcome on the boat. You don't even have to be at the fittest point in your life. It's really just a matter of like like-minded people and going on something to wear. Sometimes people didn't even work out at all. They just wanted to hang out with people who are in that category and they wanted a party at night. Also some people who want to just offset the party at night. There are some kids class but there's also some adult only things to do so we want to try to touch base on everything but it's more so that just like Fitness mentality and it's more of that when it's people who like to take care of Our own bodies. There's even like somebody recharge and mindfulness classes that are happening. There's a spa with different massages and our recovery area. Just I mean, there's something for everyone on board and we're still trying to expand to make sure that it is all inclusive in the matter of whatever you want to do. You're going to have access to do it on board. Well, yeah, you know and obviously best hour of the day we reach mostly the CrossFit world that I would tell you guys if you're listening. Get out of your comfort zone. There's a 6:00 a.m. Morning yoga class that I was a part of last time and you know, there's nothing cooler than doing some yoga and watching the sunrise and look dudes. If you're listening to this. Let me stress one thing. There's a lot of attractive women on this boat. Yeah like Connor said you don't have to work out just enjoy the scenery, but if you're you know a single and you want to meet a crossfitter or another Fitness enthusiast This is the place to go and if you're a family it's also I mean, I remember watching Elijah Muhammad have like 18 kids on board with him last time. How many kids does that do to have he has at least 18 kids and they were just like always walking around him his wife and family. It's very friendly and very kid-friendly and it's just a I will say like in addition to being the best looking place to be it's also just A fun it's like being on Woodstock like at Woodstock on a boat with fit people just like peace and love everywhere. Everyone's happy. Yeah, that was that was something that was really unique last year is with the different disciplines on even just how people train from the bodybuilding to powerlifting to people who do CrossFit the people who do the Barry's Bootcamp. So flywheel or so site full cycle. It's like all of these people are on board, but when it comes down to it, it's like people are so interested in meeting these other people and hearing their stories and learning more about what they do. It's like just kind of like this shared this shared. Passion and I mean we were we were so stoked with how well it was last year in the feedback that we got to where I was like a any of the things that we can do to make it better we're going to do but we're also we have to keep that same Vibe of like hey, this is for everyone like it like cool. You have a two-minute fan Fantastic you aren't you are no there's not like, oh you get to stay on the 8th deck if you have a to human a friend in the seven-second, you don't like everyone. Is there anything else I could typical gym your fittest athletes? Like they're not at fault. They're genuinely good. Good people and you find that you know that Bounder one the CrossFit open this year one of the fittest dudes on Earth also a chiropractor like he's just sitting there hanging out with you. You'll find these beasts just incredible people who are just going to go sit down with you at dinner and shoot the shit and they want to hear about your life as well. It's just very very unique and we're so stoked to be able to do it again and and bring people like yourself on board to share their passion. Well, let me tell you something about When you talk about just sitting there, you're absolutely right because I coach the class with him on the last boat and that's exactly what he did. He just sat there and let me go to the entire class. So in fashion, well, there's there. He's a great athlete but we're going to work on his coaching skills, but you're right I saw him about you know, I thought Pat I thought that was a great job coaching. I think maybe in that instance after he had one lot of Blues and maybe he had one too many mud slides before your class, but I had a knife on him. With with him shot and it was like Hobart was there handle. Is there Craig? Can you weren't there? And everyone was just I mean like he was on the mic. We're having fun. You know, it's all unique like I I'd probably rather kind of sit and catch up and grab beers from these guys and watch him work out or having leader class. It's just just say an awesome time to get better at Fitness and also learn from some of the best coaches, you know, you are also a member of cross the seminar staff so you should be able to take lead Class and maybe give a give a pro athlete a couple pointers. Well, I think it I mean no doubt intimidated him that I'm a level 4 cross 4 coach and he probably you know didn't want to look foolish in front of me as like Pat just to demo for me and that's it. Just demo just them up worried look pretty but no he was he was great demo. You can Hew demo movement better than Patrick felner. No, I think that's a hard. No, I definitely can. But you can also even really miss Cruz you thinking like if you really want to like you can go there like dessert there's always this is there's a there's always food available. Literally 24 hours a day. Even if you want to give room service, which is part of your, you know fee for being on the boat, but the cool thing my favorite thing is like I love eating fruits and vegetables. But unless my wife Roz prepares them. It's unlikely. I'm going to so showing up on the boat and there's Just platters of chopped up pineapple. Like that's my favorite if I find chopped up a pineapple. I can just eat so much of it but you know, you can't really good quality and you can even really, you know, real foods Whole Foods and then you're at the buffet and like you said, I remember numerous times like Dan Bailey was just always at the buffet every time I was there he was just there eating and but he's always just inviting different people sit down with them and chat. I don't think people understand how nice and genuine of a person Dan Bailey is like when you really like like break it down to see like his care concern for someone who's having a conversation. It's one of those people who's like, hey, he's not just listening to me so he can tell his story next like he's like genuinely gives a shit and that's a like that's a $2.00 horn on the boat was like that's the kind of people like that's why awesome that were brought on this thing to be like, hey who like cares like who really wants to be on the who really wants to like build this brand and do that stuff, but man I just I don't have enough good things that I could say about Dave. He's just he's just an awesome person when you bring that up. It just reminded me of it. Yeah, and and and really that goes for everyone not just a naming there are plenty of times you see Rich Froning and his family walking around I brought up Elijah or vulner all the female athletes were great as well Brooke Wells and you know so many other top-level athletes and they're all super friendly, you know takes probably a day for the people on the boat to realize Hey, I'm not bothering them. And in fact, like you've said Connor they want to mean at the end of the day. They're just athletes. They just work out they are normal people that want to talk to their fans. Like without us. It just happens. Yeah, they just happen to be really just happen to be a little bit better at working out than the rest of us. Yeah a lot better in some scenarios, but wonder what are some of the other cool things that are happening this year that that weren't like that you learned from last year that you want to implement. Well, I think initially it was like we needed to put these athletes on all sorts of different classes so that people had access to see them but I think even after I'm talking like the opening party once people realize like hey, I'm not just going to have one shots like snap a photo while this person walks by like they're going to be here for a little bit so more so like allowing a pleats like more time to actually hop into workouts and more time to kind of be around obviously a lot more athletes are coming. On board this year and then and as well as what we talked about with the seminars in the learning. I mean, it's not just in the CrossFit world like we want to expand the knowledge not just for what we already know in the same people who are their last year. But like, how can we how can we incorporate more people involved in that? We had talked about the different equipment that's coming on board as well to where it's just like if everyone has access like you like you can do a plank you can do it, bro. If you can do scaled versions of it a lot more teaming partner workout that are happening that the same thing when we go to NASA, but with even more classes going on because there are people that are like, hey, you know, I'm not much like a clean and jerk or a snap sky, but I do want to lift some heavy weights and do that. It's like awesome. We're going to have access for you to do that. So it's not just how you're going to do a double Grace with double Isabel. Like hey, you can go through it out with your friends and do this stuff like have more access for people to just do what they want. Obviously learn more from the step. Have going on but then just to hang out like I want to go in at some point in time and get some on broken, you know, like bullets are great, but every once in a while, just want to get little bicep pump on so having all that would be fantastic. So with those times Well you hate you thunder Bros going to be on there with a huge presence and I can tell you're going to get your curls in Davis super excited and you know, speaking of people that will listen to you and talk to you Dave's going to be on board and I have no doubt. He's just going to be walking around. And excited for people to be talking to him and yeah, they'll be plenty of Thunder bro sessions going down with plenty of coming. Look we're going to be on the bow out in the sun sun's out guns out. We're going to have to do some curls. A hundred percent and then as well as his counterpart with Camille be an onboard. I mean that's that's training in nutrition coming down from the top but not just as a professional athlete when you get mean that you have the eating support in the female side for performance and daily health and a 10 aesthetic. It's not just like hey, I want to compete at the top level like Hey, how do you just how can you live a more sustained? I better more sustainable life, and we're just really excited. Cited for for Camille and Dave especially with that bike just how much of a range they have their even scrolling through the website looking through. I was very impressed with you know with the own you're eating with you guys doin' Roz on board last year. I mean the amount of people that reached out being like hey getting access to this has helped me and it you know, it's the same thing as coaching and affiliate right? I get people that came on the cruise last year. We're sending me update pick or posting on the Instagram, not me directly Maybe. But you know people will post this stuff and be like, hey, I've lost this amount of weight. I've done this from that. It was so inspiring being on this thing. But yeah, you don't have to be the rich froning's of the world to come on board. He's like, but with the amount of stuff that happens with your seminar, you know hand plan coming on board with Paul and James talking about Affiliates and the RF method with with different jump ropes and power monkey. And I mean, it's like you have to is too much actually happening to me to sit here and talk about like go check out the website go is into a lot of different stuff. The Adaptive training is another one that's going to be on board where it's like, you know, there are people who have you know, Logan Aldridge who lost his arm in a wakeboarding accident and it's not just like hey, I want to hear this guy's story. But if you have someone who comes in the gym who has an injury, whether it be temporary or permanent, like here's some ways you can scale and scale effectively. We're just I mean again just Just stoked for everything Jordan side coming on board as you guys you're talking about these things. I can tell you. I'm getting excited because I was there presenting and coaching but I also have the luxury of taking some of these and the Hinshaw seminar last year. He did three parts three two one each day. It was some of the best seminars I've ever attended and you know, if you look at at my credentials, I've taken every CrossFit seminar. There is and I learned so much from that. So they hear you say the Adaptive Communities going to be there like Logan or staudte. It's I'm excited because I know right away. I'm like, okay, I need to find out when those seminars are because I learned so much from those guys and scaling and adapting for my community. So I'm excited for that. And and also just to learn and be open-minded for some of these other people now is Paul Tremblay going to have a seminar on how to have seven kids within two years. Is he gonna have a seminar on that will be probably more on a one-on-one basis to call on that one. Every time I see the dudes Instagram. He has a new kid. Is that how is he doing it? His wife looks great, too. It's just like she's popping kids out. She's not gaining weight just kids are coming out. The trembley's are some potent people. They are meant to reproduce those two. If you're going to be a bear be a Grizzly family, you know. You know how Paul go do you guys there and he's got 100 and he's going 100 right now and you know something you mentioned earlier I still get emails and it's one of the most exciting things about being a coach when you when you don't even realize the impact you've had on someone like I have tons of one-on-one clients and we get to experience that every weekend at CrossFit seminars, but the emails that I get that are like, hey, I took your seminar on water on the waves and it changed my nutrition habits. It's that's really awesome because I just you know me talking for an hour and answering some questions to know that that had an impact on people for years to come is is really rewarding. So and you'll get that be in your nutrition. Like you said Camille is going to be promoting, you know her journey and what her new programming is, like all these people are putting out so much cool stuff. How many Podium finishers do you think are going to be on the boat Oh, gosh, I don't even honestly, we've been focusing so much on more of like who from a personality perspective rather than what I mean. I know I mean probably at least a half-dozen and I can just think of off the top of my head, but it's it's really awesome and I'm super excited to be back and let you know. We appreciate you and Austin and The Crew putting all this together, so people can check it out. Obviously in sign up if they use the code best our they can have some private coaching with Fern of myself. I'm I'm excited. I was telling Roz like last year was the two of us and then we knew a lot of people but this year it's like ferns going to be on from best our Dave and Camilla are going to be on you guys are going to be on it's like it's like walking around and just knowing everyone and getting to just talk to so many people I made so many amazing connections to them. I'm looking forward to striking up some new ones. What what are some other, you know things that you can think of to tell people if they're kind of not sure they're not ready to make the decision what something that would push him over the edge. II feel like when you and I just sit here and talk about one what you get for the price. How many days it is what you get room and board food all of that. Like I said like that in itself just with like the ability to work out and then like go to the website click on Go Wild on the or Crews that wall down the and when you click on the cruise, there's a bunch of drop downs from the like workout seminar destination family friends like theme parties that go look at that stuff like actually read scrolling down. Through this, you know, I look at it and I pull up someone new that you're like I completely forgot like dr. Cameron from from tone house will be there with like a three-part recovery recovery formula. It's like anything you want is going to be on here, like look at what put into it and then talk to someone who went on board last year drop a line on someone instagrammed iku went on the cruise last year. How was it get some honest feedback? That's not from someone who's who's trying to push this from a company perspective? I acted like asked him how it went. Ask him that about how much access they had to be asked to keep in and how what kind of conversations they have in the class in the seminars what they learned what they did how much fun they had those people who never did a single workout. I have two friends one Grady 2D. We never did a single workout the entire time on board. They wake up at noon. They come around they'd hang out and watch some of the workouts and then just party and do their thing but that was their vacation there in that Fitness Roman world one of them to firefighter another one works for Homeland Security and it's like that was their time to get away like you can make it whatever you want. If you've been on a cruise before fantastic, you know what I'm talking about and then we've added all this other stuff. You've never been on a cruise, like look at what it comes with. It's just I'm just stoked to be to be a part of it. And and and if you're on the field email me directly, but my email on your like always respond to that and if you have any questions, I'll I'll answer them to the best of my ability. So come join us. Come join Jason Jason Atkins going to be sure. Shirtless teaching yoga classes, if that doesn't push you over the edge folded dang it. I don't know what will and that's it. If that's all you needed to hear that should be enough to get you on there. I will be shirtless. Most of the time I will be dragging down the best-looking perk square footage in the world on this Cruise because there will be people a lot better looking than me on there, but I'm just excited to be part of it again. And thank you Connor you're talking all about it and if you have any questions You know II don't have anything really to gain from you guys going on there. We're excited to be there. So if you really if you need to ask some questions hit us up. You can DM us on the best our Instagram. You can email us best our of their day at But like Connor said get on their sign up you're not going to regret it. Oh, yeah, but can you say it any better? All right, Connor. Well, thank you so much. I'm looking forward to seeing you in 83 days and I'm looking forward to meeting with all the people that sign up using the code best our so head on over to the waves sign up use the code and we'll see you on the boat. Are you this should be off on to be on my are you going down to water palooza? I will be a lot of Blues. I'll be there with uh with Dave. We booked our travel. We got some cool stuff going on. You're going to be there. I'm thinking I'm thinking I should go down there. I mean, I love those guys. I love that event. It's always really fun throw on a wall in the wave shirt. If you guys can find me, or see me a lot of glue to ask me some questions about it, but but I'm stoked. Well, I believe we have a big Airbnb. So if you need a place to stay you got one, so hopefully I'll see you there. Hell yeah, I meant again. Thanks for having me on it is an honor and we'll talk soon. That's kind of Murphy our first-ever to time guests on best our their day. So thanks Connor. We will see you on the boat. I will talk to me. Thanks. Thanks for listening to best our of their day. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain. First of all, it's free. How cool is that? There's a creation tool that allows you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. So it becomes super simple some of these episodes with Fern or Todd or myself chatting with one another we've done right within the app itself. Anchor will make it easy to distribute your podcasts to all platforms Spotify apple and many more and you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make an awesome podcast in one place. All you have to do is download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started today. Come on, who doesn't have Spotify at this point and if you were unaware Spotify Now is offering podcast. That's right on Spotify. 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Just a reminder Fern and I have an amazing new show called dropping in premiering on our YouTube channel in early 2020. Be sure to head over to the best hour of their day YouTube channel now subscribe so you don't miss any of the episodes you've probably Heard us talking about it summarizing some of our trip. You can see some highlights up on our Instagram as well at best our of their day, but I promise you you're not going to want to miss out. So subscribe now. Thanks for everything you do. Thanks for letting us be a part of your lives. Hope you have a great rest of your day tune in tomorrow for another episode of best our of their day.
Today Ackerman has the one and only Conor Murphy on to discuss WOD On Waves Two. It's going to amazing; they've listened to what people wanted more of from the last one. There will be lots of Athletes, informative seminars and different workout classes available. It's going to top the previous year easily. It's a Family-friendly holiday that allows you to meet and hang out with like-minded people. We can promise that there is something for everyone on this cruise! Don't forget to use the code "Best Hour" at checkout to get some exclusive Best Hour seminars and development with Ackerman and Fern.⁣ If you have any questions about our new programming with is due out in the next few weeks or what to be first on the list - hit us on DM's or at [email protected] Our new Box Tour Series Out now! Make sure you go check it out! Hey, team don ‘t forget! Jason new book Best Hour of Their Day is out now! Check out the extra content about this episode on Rate/subscribe in Apple Podcasts! Find us on Instagram: @besthouroftheirday + @thejasonackerman Check out our website - - to learn more about our private coaches development group.
And we are back with another episode of the conscious locker room podcast. If this is the first time listening then welcome and if it's not then welcome back, my name is Talia Connor. I'm the host and creator of the show and before I dive in and share a little bit about this week's guest. I just want to remind you guys that I've got aShow coming up this Sunday the 3rd of November in Perth. So if you're in wa and you can get the Perth and do that, so it's a three-hour workshop for men and it's all around the the topic of developing fulfilling relationships. So we're going to dive into a lot of stuff around conscious communication a lot of stuff around masculine and feminine Dynamics. Yeah, and it's going to be sort of part experiential part workshops. Dial so. Yeah beach has to meet a lot of Great Men. It's going to be really powerful where fresh off the back of speaking at the reverence Retreat on this topic, and it was yeah awesome. It was awesome to be in the room and it got me really fired up and excited for this weekend. So if you're in Perth, yeah, I highly recommend coming along. There's still a few tickets available. So just hit me up at Tully O'Connor on Instagram, and you'll be able to find find the info there. If you have any issues just send me a message. Beautiful. Okay. So this week we've got a good friend of mine on the podcast who's really inspiring guy. He's been he's just up to big things having a big impact and he really walks his talk. His name is Jamin hepple and he's the co-founder of mountains and marathons and mountains and marathons is a company and he runs with his partner Jen and they run transformational leadership programs. So six-month leadership programs that culminate in a physical challenge. Lunch either as the name suggests running amount running a mountain running a marathon or climbing a mountain. So yeah, he's got he really Dives in and shares his story and how he sort of got to where he is doing such fulfilling aligned work and he shares about some personal challenges that he's overcome along the way one of those was severe burn out which then led to a lot of yeah mental and emotional disharmony. So he shares sort of the impact that had how that all came to be and importantly how we sort of personally got through it and tools that he tools he used and and more the mindset he used to to move through are really challenging time in his life. Yeah, he speaks into what his programs provide and why they do what they do and really also touched on Rites of Passage. We spoken to Rites of Passage, which is yeah. I topic I love talking about because I feel it's such an important thing. And it's really lacking in society. They stay so he shares his take on. Yeah, he's done a lot of training in creating Rites of Passage experiences and he shares about that and about what that can provide for people and and in its entirety because experienced can have facets of Rites of Passage but not actually be complete in nature. So he really delves into that which I find really yeah really inspiring. So it's an inspiring conversation in an exciting conversation and one that I'm sure you will get a lot out of so without further Ado enjoy the podcast cool. Alright, Jamin welcome to the conscious locker room podcast pretty excited to be here man. Yeah. Me too. I mean, I'm excited to hear. I'm looking forward to looking forward to this one. So obviously, yeah, you're just back in Australia recently after a pretty Epic. Shh, which we're definitely going to dive into in a second. But what I'd love to kick things off with is I just love for you to share a significant challenge that you've overcome at some point in your life can be a recent one or can be a one from your earlier days. So yeah, just speak into a challenge you've overcome and what you learnt from working through and overcoming that challenge. You know what immediately Springs to mind is the point in time when I confronted my dad about the way that he was showing up in his marriage with mum when I was 21 and the reason why that one really jumps out was because my relationship with Dad growing up if we look at like first first like third of life like 0 to 10. Absolutely. Absolutely inaudible, you know, he was he was the be all and unless you want to be just like that, you know transitioning into the teenage years. I was always someone who's quite sensitive and expressive and I suppose emotionally a bit more emotionally astute and I was looking for that kind of depth of connection with Dad and just never got over him. And so we kind of you know, we kind of clashed a little bit and so do the teenagers there's a bit of distance created between dad not and and not like beef but just like just didn't have the same level of adoration as what I did in my life early early is and so there's a point in time in Yemen early 20s when I was 21 when yeah, just some stuff is going down between Mom and Dad and I recognize that it needed to be called out and dad needed to be I felt that need to be confronted with that and Out in a way of like like that coming of age or becoming a man or like owning my own power in that relationship that was quite a significant moment when we stepped into that conversation. So I think that like, yeah that that that like shifted the power dynamics quite a lot in the father-son relationship and actually created even though things are a bit like unstable after it. Sort of teed it out where we then had more of a neutral playing Ground to then create a new relationship from there after yeah amazing and what led to you having I guess the confidence the ability like that's a fairly significant conversation to have especially at 21 like have you been doing any sort of self development work had did you have any mentors or was it something you would just like just inspired to do and just how to crack? Yeah, he talked to me about the sort of lead up to that. Yeah in what you described in sort of a combination of those things. So as I said, like naturally I've always been more sensitive and an emotionally empathetic and the tune and so that's sort of like just there as a foundation and then, you know always as a kid growing up always inspired to to develop myself and my leadership potential and the way That looked was like putting my hand up for every captaincy role with 40 and basketball and netball or you know, being the SRC representative or eventually School Captain. Like I was always a gravitating towards those leadership roles. And then yeah, I was really fortunate when I was 17 and I was school Captain. I was invited onto a leadership development program ran by YMCA Victoria which brought to you by 60 young leaders from all around Victoria to come together. Spend six days completely disconnect from the outside world. No mobile phone and newspapers. Don't Facebook like complete separation and be immersed in a community of people that will all about cultivating greater self-awareness developing resilience looking at what's in the way of us fulfilling on our potential and creating inspiring vision for our future and for me my experience there was like what I found I found my tribe I figured out that literally it was so that we can was so impactful for me that I was like what those facilitators have created for me. I want to dedicate my life to creating similar spaces for other people. Well be that the key thing off the back of that was I was like a lot of you guys are really you You're great and you're really dorky and I'm not as kind of like the the, you know, you know range of different social groups at school and I They'll have a dog team mates and yet I was also, you know aware of my social cred and like yeah sure that I was the footballer and had the kind of taken the boxes in the boxes man. I was you know doing doing that just surviving basically. Yeah, and so I was like, you know who need to know that I was like, this is great for those who are here. I'm like those that people really need to be here are the sporty guys. Hmm. I makes the jocks. And so that then sparked a passion for marrying two of my two of my passions which is leadership and personal growth and development. And then that then the the foundation for the first organization. I created called Game Changers Australia which looked at the role that Spork or play in facilitating social change and Grassroots communities. And so they're naturally being inspired by this vision for the game changes that then just continue to fuel my journey to step in. Two more personal development and leadership development opportunities. So that that was kind of the the formal introduction to personal growth and leadership development on that program here. Then I just kind of began to seek it out more and more in those sort of in a prior years in those years between 17 and 21 and then I mean, I've always been kind of haven't shied away from conflict. Yeah, and and yet I would never like to be an argument with my dad. Dad because I always felt quite threat. I felt threatened and I felt fearful Hmm this when that when that moment came up where I was like my dad needs to be confronted about this. That was a very intuitive thing. Yeah and yet demanded an enormous amount of Courage. Yeah that I guess called for Within Myself to then to then pull into the side said Dad. Let's go for a walk. We need to chat and then yeah and then sort of step into it. Yeah. And how did it how was it received? Um, and you don't have to go into that the nitty-gritty but it just and you said things were a bit shaky afterwards. I'm just curious because I I'm guessing that there's a few men listening to this that might be able to relate might be able to have some father conflict. That's maybe been avoided and so often it's that fear of what's going to happen. So yeah, I'd love to hear how you navigated how it was received and the aftermath of that if you will, yeah. Yeah. Well, it was kind of it Camembert that Quite an emotionally turbulent time particularly between Mom and Dad and so when we stepped into the conversation, the first question I said, I just looked in the I said dad what the fuck is going on and then handed over to him and then he shared whatever he shared like it was probably a combination of I don't know or part of part passing some blame onto mum, and then I said listen, I'm just going to say this to you straight. This is what I'm observing and this is what I've heard through and so I think it's important, you know this and then Just sort of straight down the line boom. Boom. Yeah, so, you know, I don't know what's there for you, but it's up to you to respond to this Dad and then and then you know, and then he's like, yeah, I'll do what I hear he received it because it was quite he was quite thrown by what was unfolding at the time. Yeah, which is you know, if I was going to get name it it's like yeah concerns of marriage breakdown effective the source of it. And so yeah, and so he was kind of like confronted by yet received it and then naturally when you're 21 year old son where there's been a massive power and power imbalance for his confronts you with that it sort of questions the new status of the relationship. And so there's where the that was where the swell needed to settle for a little bit there after but yeah in following years we've been able to Foster. Something a lot more. Yeah profoundly respectful. Yeah. Yeah, you know in a father-son relationship. Yeah amazing amazing. Thanks for sharing that man. And and so within around all that same time. So obviously you've had this experience at 17 and and what a incredible opportunity to get such Clarity on your purpose and what you want to do in the world at at such a young age like phenomenal. Where when did game changes when did you step into that creative role and having that business and because I know you've had multiple or been involved in multiple businesses since then, but did that kickoff straight after high school, or was that something that came a little bit later on for you? Yeah mandates It came it came a little bit later on what ended up happening was I had this vision and I was I know I'm going to be a facilitator. I'm not going to speak and yet I've got no idea how I'm going to pull this together and So from there, I kind of followed the followed the traditional path that was encouraged by mum and dad of like you will go to university and you will study and because it had five knee surgeries and you spend a lot of time with physios. You should probably go and become a physio of course mum Dad. Yeah. That's that's right. That's what I'll go and do and so sign up for Science University of Melbourne could not go for a more General Degree unless it was Arts. I was never going to set me up for a job after three years. And so I when did the the unique thing I went to college but all the whilst. I just heard this crystal-clear vision of like what what I wanted to create the game changers, and I remember I had this little 48-page like dotted line and notebook that I just keep on my bedside table every night and and as ideas would come to mind around what this leadership program in organization would entail and what it would include I Just make little dot points and I have an idea of a workshop and I just make a little dot points and it wasn't actually until I was 20 when I finally mustered the confidence to share with the one person who I knew could actually make a difference and help bring this thing to life. And her name is Alicia and she'd been a mentor of mine as a program coordinator and as a facilitator for probably Years by that stage and I knew that if she got on board we could actually start getting some traction happening and honestly man, that was kind of how it all began. It was a shared with her. She was heavily enrolled. I invited her to come on part of the team. She said yes, and then naturally as people who I respected admired started to provide their support and say yes, I'll get involved naturally my confidence to continue to pursue this like with greater rigor picked up and then that they're naturally sort of had me dive headfirst into the world of business. And what does it look like to set up an organization and was look like to build a leadership curriculum and what it look like to Market a youth leadership program to Young sporting kids and how do you build a brand that's attractive to the right demographic all of all of those things started to start to rear their head in my sort of early 20s. And so I think I was 2022 when game changes was first founded so it was about a Four-and-a-half year gap between the initial vision and actually stepping into the bricks and mortar of running an organization and and getting a first sort of product or service off the ground and having having paying customers. Mmm. I love it and I love hearing that time frame because it does take time like and I know when I was at the early stages of sort of seeing what I wanted to create it was like the Chatter can come in that things aren't happening fast enough. And so like I just yeah, I love hearing that story of yeah the time it takes but also from what you shared you knew very little about what it was actually going to require you had the vision you started sharing the vision and then things just started coming into place one by one absolutely and it was this comment was really a kind of and it's always kind of played out this way, which is combination of the aligned action. and then and then like the universe kind of providing so it's like building the forward momentum through intentional considered action and then also going whoa didn't like didn't know that was going to come or that Mentor just popped up at the right time like all these kind of super entities that that play out and obviously it would have been it was near impossible to sort of distinguish the principles that were playing out at the time that but really that whole living living in alignment and living with that which which feels right and is exciting and feels expansive just naturally has kind of continued to create more of that and and bring bring Visions to reality even though the roadmap of how you thought how I thought I was going to yeah certainly wasn't the journey that unfolded but nonetheless The the result con of it came about in a way in which ever way that it did that combination of the universe bringing things in and also taking that aligned action. Mmm, and it's really it speaks to that co-creation. Like there's a lot of you create your own reality and it's like yeah to some extent you do creative but it's also there's a lot of other factors involved and I think that like you speaking to that co-creation. It's like clear on your vision excited about it. Actually in motion and then seeing what pops up good and challenging, you know, supportive and challenging both both surprises often. Yeah often often come into it. And so you kicked off game changes and then when we first connected you were you had a lot going on you were kind of and I'll let you use your words, but you kind of I think you were sharing that you were sort of starting to burn. A little bit and having some challenges sort of just mentally and those sorts of things. So I'd love to hear about how you went from that first initial organization to sort of just pre mountains and marathons because I want to really spend some time diving into that Journey, but just to close the gap for everybody listening if you started this first organization at 22, and then how did you go from there to sort of reaching that point where you really decided to Drop everything and start mountains and marathons. Yeah cool. So just for context I'm 29 now. So yeah, and then Mouse of the marathon started when I was 27, so so closing a fight The Five-Year Gap. Yeah, if they've really what emerged was stepping being getting connected up after launching game changers. I was really privileged to get connected and invited into to a number of programs that connected young social change makers from around Australia and I'm through an organization called the foundation for young Australians and that then for the first time in my life really got me connected to a tribe of people where I was like, ah, man you get me like like no one else and finally someone else who's like committing so much of their time energy and resources to doing something that they're passionate about and believe. Will change either the local community the national Community or change the world that was like that was quite pair of pivotal for me to just recognize that what there are other people like me out there and so through that journey and getting involved and connected to the work of the foundation Beyond Australians. I began to connect with these extraordinary young people and what then emerged as game changers was growing with its Flagship program Captain's camp and working with young. Sporting leaders from around Victoria a guy starts to get invited to work in schools more and work with with whether its leadership groups in schools or just working with with all the with all students predominantly around that sort of year eight year 10 age bracket. One of the one of the workshops that I got invited to do. It was I was invited to do that alongside one of my one of my friends one of my it was we were just starting out. Starting on our friendship a guy named Hunter Johnson and the two of us got invited to run these workshops down at Frankston high school. Now, if you don't know Frankston, its kind of adds about an hour and 10 minutes south east of Melbourne and it's kind of known as a pretty rough suburb. Like, it's The Byrds. It's that side of you know, yeah. Well, we knew that we were driving down the Franks in my life working with a hundred and fifty you nine boys over two days. Have our work cut out for us. Hmm. Yeah, we were both 20. I was 24 and he was 23 at the time and we had we've been we sort of spent three weeks of building these these workshops are going to facilitate these boys and we went in there and we just did we did a stellar job. Mmm and we held we held the space and we facilitated some really engaging in Curious conversation to have these boys start to Respect for the first time and really question like what it is to be a man and what its shape them into how they're showing up as a boy or man down. What kind of man do they want to be and things like open up this kind of dialogue and when we finished after two days, we had the principal come in principal the school come in and just say boys, like we've heard some feedback about the work you've been doing and from all reports been a massive success and in fact, One of the one of the specific bits of feedback we got was from a guy named Caleb and Caleb said guys. I've enjoyed this so much. Thank you so much for helping me understand what it is to be a real man. And the principal said what you guys don't know is that he actually got suspended last week because he's the renowned u9 bully that kind of like really open something for the two of us going wor like we did good today. It was our first Go there's definitely other schools out there that could probably use with this kind of work. Could you live from this compound from this kind of work? Mmm. I think we want to continue to pursue their and so what then unfolded over the coming couple of years was another organization called the man cave now right now right now five years later. The man cave is now one of the fastest-growing nonprofits in Australia Hunter. He now he's now the the CEO of that organization and last week. He actually was at government house in Victoria being congratulated as finalists for the young Australian of the Year. Wow, phenomenal. Yeah. Yes, so and that that organization has grown to yet to be over a million dollar nonprofit company revenue and impacting thousands of boys each year. Which kind of had very humble Origins. Yeah. Langston, yeah vocalizes and said the man cave become kind of a core Focus alongside game changes. And then the other piece of the story is I was a personal I was I was Huskers all of this wasn't bringing in a hell of a lot of cash. So my my side hustle amongst building these organizations was being a group fitness trainer and personal trainer. So I work as a personal trainer training large groups from anywhere between two people up to 70 people between 5 a.m. And 9 a.m. And then I kind of 9 a.m. To 5 p.m. On game changers in the man cave. So that was kind of what life look like for a couple of years until I got inspired to run another startup another company called back to school Fitness and effectively the prep the premise of that was I believe that if we're going to change the nutritional habits and exercise habits of Next Generation it needed to start with the parents and so a friend of mine who was a 40 year old mother of three invited me to come and run a boot camp for her mates at a local primary school and we had 10 people show up and it was like 6 a.m. And everyone was there and I was like good energy in the room and I was like man, this is like Good Vibes like parents having fun being social 6 a.m. Like up and about and I ran this group fitness training program for 10 weeks at 6 a.m. Each morning at the local primary school and you know, I made a reasonable amount of cash in hand just over that 10-week period I was like, this is really good. I could totally do this again. So I said re I said Priam and I said, hey could we we do this again next term and sure enough. We sort of grew from 10 to 15 to 20 members. And then I said rusted Hey, listen, I reckon we actually onto something here. I reckon parents could really from other schools could really benefit from like getting active getting social modeling healthy for their kids like in a safe environment. Um, this is potentially got legs so naturally and with the entrepreneurial Spirit started up another company called back school Fitness. So at 26, I was running the man cave. I was running game changers and I was running basketball Fitness and that was a period of time where I was really like on like just really time every minute of every day was accounted for and I was just like hustling from one meeting to the next one project the next and like in a way in my element yet subtly like like not stopping and non William not checking in and really listening to what was going on in the undercurrent on the surface exciting lots of social validation. Lots of you know endlessly presents a new possibilities and growth and expansion and but underneath I was slowly burning out and so to kind of bring yeah move forward to the to the birth of mountains and mouth. Which is the company that I'm that I'm leading now with my partner Jen. It was the 19th of July 2016 and I remember that day so clearly because it was such a such like it was one of those like inflection points in my life, which is where you know, I was running I was running boot camps at 6 a.m. Every morning and having to You Know cover for some of my personal trainers who weren't showing up for work and whatnot and fun. Living on all these other things with with game changed the man cave and I just got to the end of the school that school term and the had like a night by myself and I just sat down and I just started to weep. Like I just started to I did like emotion was just floating through me and like this deep sadness and resentment and frustration and confusion and all of this was just like moving through me and I was just like in that models like just in a complete state of despair and helplessness. And so I just like cried it out. I cried it out over long. I didn't in that inside there at that emotional release. I just had this Epiphany where I was just like dude you created all of this like every bit of your suffering right now. Is you your businesses. Your choices you don't you're not married. You don't have kids don't have a mortgage - like you're a free man and choosing this suffering and then I was like, well, okay. If I'm the creator of all of this then I can create my way out of this then okay, if that's the case then I was like well if I could do anything in the world right now, what would I what would I be doing? And then I was like literally Katie came with it to me within 5 minutes. I was like, I'd be climbing mountains and running marathons all over the world and that will transform my life. And if other people want to come and join me on the journey, then they can come a transform their life too. And so that once once I got like there was literally just like boom and so I know that might have been around 10 p.m. And I remember I stayed up till like 3:00 p.m. Just like cam3 sorry 3 a.m. And I wasn't a full all night. Yeah. It's 3 a.m. Too slow. Smashing out this vision of like what mountains marathons one one essence of it. It was all about and the next day I woke up. I phoned my family and 12 of my best mates and I just said listen guys in two years. I'm going to go on an 18-month travel adventure and I'm going to climb a mountain and run marathon every countenance and I may be leaving in two years and I'm telling you now just so you've got a heads-up and you can prepare yourself. Declared it. Exactly and so yeah, man, that was I won't say that was like that was it? Yeah. Next bit was I was a business owner director and had a lot of responsibility in three separate and so the whole what then in shoot over the following two years was the quite painful Journey actually of continuing to navigate my own burn out my own intense anxiety is like literally like that Clarity. I got it. Mountains and marathons it was so powerful. It was like that it yet. It was also so fleeting in the sense that once I got we present to everything else going on just anxiety with swelling and Italy it was the kind of anxiety where I'd be so cloudy in my head that I literally couldn't see more than two days ahead of my weekly schedule. And yeah, it was it was scary man, like hmm, like then step into business meetings and team meetings where you know, I'm there. As the person who's meant to be leading people in the direction of a created future not knowing what move to make not knowing what to say. Just feeling like this intense kind of choking feeling around my neck and just being like, well, I'm not okay. Yeah, like my whole nervous system needs complete reset. Yeah and yet The Narrative of like These guys need me and my community needs me and if I'm not home, I'm not here. Everything's going to fold down like this whole kind of like my significantly either this the significant threat of my ego was like running rampant and some yeah going through the whole like literally a two year process of surrendering to the possibility that everything I'd created may not may not exist and may flop after I leave here. And getting to peace with that mmm. It's quite a process and then also being in the state of burnout and yet also needing to train Future Leaders of these organizations really was really really challenging not because I wasn't I didn't have the skill for it. I just didn't have the right and mental and emotional state to be fully present and you know and do it in the way that I would have liked to have done it. Yeah. So yeah. I wish I could say it was like cool got Claire. Eddie on mountains of mouth on Boom. So two weeks later booked a plane and nicked off. Yeah. It was a two-year grind and really like navigating the just the intensity of what burnout and like a fried nervous system. Mmm. I'm literally from from overworking and not taking care of myself not eating. Well not sleeping enough not doing enough exercise just all of those foundational self-care things putting business and other people first. Hmm. We really took a toll and so fortunately to really bring things up to speed. I then met the extraordinary Jen's ignor in Melbourne at an event that she was hosting for the organization. She used to work for I was Hunters plus 1 she was doing the network rounds. We got introduced there was that sort of like intuitive connection and then I just remember a moment when she touched me on the arm. I'll just like I was like, wow that felt nice. And then I said I said Hunter said Django you're going on. Like I really want to take Jenna and date and he goes yeah, I mean, I'll connect you by Facebook and I'm like, I'm like cool. I'm gonna do it my way. And so I spent over to Jen I said, hey Jen, I really enjoyed connecting connecting cannot go be number. I'd love to take you on a date and she goes I'd love that too. It's amazing power move. Yeah. Yeah Power move bombs. Got the number line up a date. I would say I wish I could say it was smooth sailing thereafter. It wasn't yeah. Long story short Dan was an absolute champion in meeting me inside of my burn out and then we will stand for me taking the actions to a take care of myself and be let go of everything that I had created here in Australia to create the space and possibility for mountains of marathons to really become what we wanted to be. Mmm. Amazing amazing. Thanks so much for sharing the details of that the ups and downs because when you like from the outside looking in I'm sure a lot of people are just looking at this goal kicking young man doing big things multiple businesses traveling the world now and all this stuff and it's very easy to not see or not be preview to I got like the ups and downs that are involved with that and I'd love to speak to a little bit more before we move on to mountains and marathons just that once you had that sort of release that at that emotional release and then that Clarity around what you actually wanted to create in mountains and marathons and then navigating that mental and emotional ups and downs with that had you had any my guests experience or battle with anxiety or anything like that before that point or did it kind of once you sort of acknowledged that you wanted to be somewhere that you weren't kind of things like you there's quite significant change that needed to be made is that When things really amped up in terms of the mental emotional well-being for you. Yes, I think I definitely I definitely dealt with mild levels of anxiety and mild to moderate levels of depression in my late teens particularly when I transition from linga the secondary college town of 7,000 people School Captain football captain. Yeah, there's a little Pond and then made the transition down to Melbourne University. T 40,000 students everyone's everyone's intelligent all of a sudden a little baby gold. I'm not as significant in. Yeah. I was like Little Nemo and my yet see the significant some thread was like massively confronted. Yeah that took a real hit like that adjustment period my that was when I was really confronted with definitely like about luck prop about two things. The depression that would get in the way of my study and desire to socialize and all of those things. So that was actually what then spark the first time going to a psychologist. Mmm alongside going to different personal development seminars and a couple of Retreats. It also despite the whole inquiry into like how is the brain made up? What is actually going on here? Yeah, that's what is meditation. So no retrospect looking back and with mental health with challenges being so pervasive both in young people and adults alike that that Journey enabled me to have an enormous amount of empathy for people who are dealing with mental health challenges and then let's begin to have a tool kit and a way of empowering others to step into taking care of their own mental and emotional health. Hmm that yeah, so that was sort of in my early twenties and then thereafter it was kind of like just like moderate. Now little bit of social anxiety here and there but always I would kinda fund, you know find that inner peace Within Myself. Yeah, nothing. I couldn't compare any of that to the intensity of what it was like after really hitting that point of like, I'm actually like it's not okay that my nervous system is reacting so intensely to this seemingly neutral and very minor. Yeah incident that occurred at work or hmm. I'm getting so defensive and reacting so intensely to someone who just made a light-hearted joke about my hair or something like that. You know, I'm like the fly. I'm like the the the the the fly-on-the-wall observing myself reacting like densely than was necessary to certain things and I'm like, yeah, there's something not quite balanced here and here you've got to go you got to go on whatever here. Jenny you need to to get that Equanimity. Yeah. And what was what was some significant things that helped with that like even like the top two or three things because I say it is so common amongst young people but and adults alike. Like what did you find that really helped you find some sort of balance or Harmony or I'll come back to that point while you were navigating at all. Yeah you in my response to this. I'll speak directly to my Personal experience which there early be what I'd be if others can like relate to this idea of feeling burnt out or like overwhelmed. There are there are there like levels of burnout, you know, and what I hear, you know, when I speak to a bunch of people are working pretty hard and in the hustle and I'll go here you go on the icon so burnt out. I'm like cool tell me about that and like, you know just it's just constantly stress. There The To Do List is endless and I'm struggling to keep With everything I gotcha gotcha and then there's luck the kind of burnout that I had which is like my might like thinking two days into the future was like anxiety like anxiety volcano. Yeah well and luckily not wanting to get out of bed to go to work just like dreading dreading the day because my nervous system was just you know, overdrive all the time. I think there is it's like important to distinguish. Yeah, there's like pervasive burnout and then there's like actual nervous systems fried kind of burnout. So yeah, because that was where I was what I honestly am and what I needed was like proper separation and hence why mountains and marathons Jen and I turned it into a company and we can share more about that but really the at the guts of mountains of marathons was about a journey of My own healing and part of that really was the separation. It was about getting out of the environment that I had fostered in the kind of community that I created not because they were bad or wrong. But just because I needed to discover a part of myself or discover myself newly as not my identity inside the environment of Melbourne and Australia that was certainly one thing. I think that made one of the biggest Mrs. The next part was honestly man, focusing on one project 1 Project. Yes. I'm just writing some notes Here for myself. Not not not mean Cave Game Changers back to school Fitness and all the other initiatives that forward under those companies. It was like no no your mountains and marathons. That's it and The Liberation that came from letting go of everything and just focusing on one thing. Which is and Malcolm's and and then personally my health that was like that was that were my only properties and so then my brain was able to start to go. All right. Well if there's not as much to be concerned with right now, okay, just like one thing after the next one thing so that made a huge difference and then when the next piece which is exactly why mountains marathons is designed the way that it is is get fit like get fit. Track and your pom-poms is we run marathons prior to when mountains marathons was creators that Vision back in 2016. Never run a marathon before yeah. Yeah since May since May of last year. So what are we at? Just almost 18 months like Jen and I ran six marathons. No. No, we didn't hit we have we certainly haven't climbed a mountain every consonant but climb to mountains and there was a like the physical transformation and the kind of mindset. Of like what I'm physically capable of and which then transpires into other areas of life has played a significant role in in that healing journey. And then the other one man was just like nailing down those morning and evening rituals like yeah being up at a consistent time having the hot cold shower doing meditation stretching journaling having a check in with Jen and then stepping into again another ritual a business. Mm-hmm inbox zero check the calendar being communication with anyone this be communicated with what's the last one? Oh, yeah, and then checking with our clients like cool and now it's like we're now that those are done probably step into the day. And so no matter how I was feeling when I'd wake up. I just knew that there was this this pattern of behavior just follow these things because they are contributing to your growth and your healing and if you and I just knew it if I do these consistently for long I will get better and the same thing would apply for an evening ritual 1000 that's before bed, you know wind down read a book journal easy breathing like hmm. Just just the basics of self-care man and just doing them consistently and then naturally with those things at the space the space and separation the focusing on one project and then morning and evening rituals aligned with like Fitness and good nutrition do another one. Going vegan going plant-based one of the best on the best suggest minutes. I've made to my lifestyle and just like how my skin here at I lost that little just that little bit of extra weight that I was carrying and then become a plant powered unit to take on these well if we physical challenges so, you know, I know it's all textbooks tough man, but literally it's like clothes just closing that knowing doing Gap is what I just like doing the things that I know. Equal well-being. Mmm, and it sounds like you created systems or rituals. Whatever word you want to use for that because that's something I can relate to as well and I'm give God a system. It's funny the more structure and systemize things are the more freedom that exists like which is kind of counterintuitive when you first think about it, but that it sounds like just knowing that it's not like waking up and with the question of well, what am I doing? It's like you've got your first you know, what you're doing this first few things that and you know, that's going to get you in a certain State and then you can start to build momentum from that. Yeah, exactly. Right and it is and it's like and once once kind of like tapped into that system. It's like There is there is freedom. There is freedom inside of that and there's Freedom discipline. Yeah discipline of like showing up even when you don't want to and that applies to like preparing to run a marathon like it's 210. It's 10 p.m. You like I really don't feel like going out running right now. It's raining and it's cold and it's dark yet. You know, if you're committed to running a marathon you got to get out there and do it. Yeah the same time it's like business. So I really don't want to get on that sales. All right now, yeah, we shop and do it, right? Yeah again, those are just that that discipline and and showing up even when you don't want to all of that contributes to being well. Hmm, and can you talk to on that point the distinguishing between your intuition and maybe some brain chatter or the inner critic or the inner Saboteur because you Showing up no matter what to your million different projects kind of led to burn out as well. Do you know what I mean? So can yeah, can you speak to what you've learned around around around that around? Anyways, you've gone on navigating should I listen to this voice or not? That's telling me not to do you know what I mean? Like what have you learnt in that because that has been a big big learning point for me over the last five years. I'd love to hear your Insight. Yeah, too good for me your question a question. And I ask myself when the luck when it is like, you know, am I going too far with just like showing up when my body probably needs a rest is is that question of does this feel expansive? Hmm. It's a fear. So when I like just check-in, I'll just check into the emotional body and just go does this feel expansive, right? And so far for instance even like last night was it was ten o'clock and I hadn't been literally but it's 10 o'clock. I mean from a rung was just like and I checked I just checked in. Why my brain is saying don't do it, man. You don't have to do that. You don't have to do that run and then I checked in. I was just like no. I know how much better. I'm going to feel mmm back of this run go and do the run. Hmm and yet I've also had moments where I've just been completely exhausted like just maybe come off the back of a really big week hmm o'clock and I've got to run them. I'll check in. I'll just go no, no, no that feels like control like it feels like it's Contracting and feels like it feels like there's a lot of resistance. Once there. Yeah, Beyond brain chatter. It's like my body's like my body saying and so it's like cool. That's all good. Like no run tonight. Yeah check in tomorrow. And so that I found that question to be really really valuable for me knowing that I'm someone who has the propensity to show up even when it might be at my disservice. Yeah be a different question. Ask yourself if you're someone who kind of let's yourself off the hook a lot. Yeah. Yeah, it's almost like where are you on the scale? There's like a spectrum and it's like if you're someone who shows up too much too often, then it's like okay, maybe sometimes I don't if you're somebody that needs to build discipline then maybe you probably do but I love that idea of checking in with your body couldn't agree more with that. And also what you kind of alluded to as well as it's almost like asking the question of how you would feel after it what you're checking in with like when you're burnt out and cooked. It's like, how am I going to feel after this run? Probably more burnt out and worse. Okay. Maybe it's not the right call. But how am I going to feel after this run and the other example you like I'm going to feel way better after this. So rather than how I feel about the activity. It's almost how am I going to feel on the other side of this and feeling into that as a question can be quite powerful as well. Exactly. Right? Exactly. Right? It's just like getting in the ice bath. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it never feels good going in ever. This is not a good idea either. Why would I yeah, yeah. Yeah, beautiful beautiful. Awesome. So yeah, I'd love to dive into obviously you've shared. Yeah mountains marathons came to be but yeah, I'd love you to speak into the ethos the mission. Yeah what you guys are about and then maybe yes start to share a bit about what you sort of do with you. With your members and what opportunities and experiences you provide for them. Yeah, awesome man, so that it's at its Essence mountains marathon is all about empowering people to lead their most values align life and how we do that is by running a six-month leadership program that culminates in our members running a marathon or climbing a mountain in extraordinary locations around the world and so the six months Is Led all online through video calls? We do it in teams. So to make it real for instance will go down Mount Kilimanjaro leadership program happening right now. We've got six members who are from the US Australia and Dubai who are currently going through their six-month leadership curriculum and tailored individual leadership coaching and as they move through this program together with a combination of individual calls and team calls. They're going to meet us and each other face-to-face for the first time in Tanzania in January where we will then graduate their program by summoning that Kilimanjaro together and going through a series of processes and conversations to help reflect and consolidate their entire six-month leadership Journey now Jen and I lead the we lead the the personal coaching. We also have an elite Marathon Mountaineer coach from the US. His name is Michael and we have a Channel dietitian and Pamela from Canada. And so Michael and Pamela take care of the physical and health transformation of each of our members now in the so that's kind of like it. I guess at a higher level. Would you like me to go a little bit further as to what sort of involved and and ya know so that's good like and just to give that overview because what I love about it, is it combines like one-on-one coaching but connecting people within a group online. The in-person experience and it's like quite a unique Journey. Like I've been in the self-development and this kind of space for like years and I haven't seen anything quite quite like it. I'd love to hear a what's the biggest thing you've learnt about the transformation process since doing it because like you say you run one and then you like well that worked really well that could work better. Like what's the kind of biggest thing you've learned around? Transformation which I know you will already well-versed in before starting this but what's the biggest thing you've learned since you started and I guess the why behind the set up, you know what? I mean? What's the what's the while the reason for doing this as opposed to just running a retreat and just doing the marathon? I just doing coaching or like speak to that a little bit as well. Yeah nice. So at the high level as you can already gauge from the nature of like Ford's Jen myself, Michael and Pamela. For coaches for each individual very holistic in its approach and we really like we really believe in people getting their own bodies minds and emotion and spirit in alignment before empowering them to lead others, which naturally happens at the same time. They start showing up in their own life and then that flows on impacting the people who they engage with on a daily basis and so we knew That there was if you're not well if your health if your health is not in check like you can forget about you can forget about everything else because without the physical body the emotional body in the mental body like in check. Then you're not going to be able to show up in your greatest potential in your workplace in your marriage for your kids. And whoever else is important to show up. So we knew that had to have a health aspect to it. And this is also where we would had to have some kind of test of that physical transformation which is where the notion of mountains and marathons comes about. Yes. It started as a personal Vision, but really that's because I was like if I ran a marathon and climb the mountain every concert, I would fundamentally be a different. Even being on the other side of that equation physically, I will be different human being and then to be the kind of person that takes that on. I've also got to have a massive mindset shift. Hmm my sense of what's possible has to level up be the kind of person that's going to bring that into fruition. And so yeah, that was my kind of vision of every, you know, Marathon a mountain every continent, but just even scaling that back down to being like one Marathon. I've never run a marathon. Jean like a lot of people look at that and just go that's a bloody long way that will be Out Of Reach For Me reflected by 80% of our members stepping into our programs with never having run a marathon or climbed a mountain before but it's this sense of who do I need to be to the kind of person that does that and it really plays into that aspirational sense of human potential and human possibility. So we knew that having an exciting and adventurous face-to-face rite of passage. Retreat is an incredibly powerful way to attract people to look at the program because there's em like people are missing Adventure in their life reefer adventure and the idea of traveling to Cape Town South Africa to run a marathon when you're flying from the other side of the world to go and do that again, Italy, it lends itself to that rite of passage in Ocean and people get excited by that their new siding future when you sign up for this six-month leadership. Program finishes with something so epic so we knew that that was like a really we have this where we had the hypothesis that taking people through a journey of stepping into an epic physical challenge and Adventure would be a great framework to facilitating some form of transformation at the very least a physical transformation. Mmm, that was kind of foundation the next bit then is obviously there's the physical train but then there's the nutrition and as I shared like for us going Jen was As well before I was she inspired me to step into that lifestyle and it's made such a profound difference to us and obviously is the research continues to pile up about the benefits of plant-based diet. It just naturally become something that we look to integrate nutritionally into our program. Now, we don't prescribe a plant-based diet when members will we do encourage them to look at it and give it a go and then make their own call on what their Optimum Nutritional Lifestyle looks like and he's brought. The different ways of engaging with that across the course of the program. Sorry if the dogs are barking. Yeah, that's okay mental right now and then I just heard me talking about plants and they lot. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, no, and so and so then we brought, you know, we brought a nutritionist can for some people, you know, they've done some of their members have done an Ironman Triathlon before Hayden and not like the Fitness and Nutrition side of it isn't the bit. Looking for but others really step in a program like having completely let go of their physical and Nutritional Health and so that naturally becomes a really cool part of their program. So so we knew that there was going to be the naturally a physical component to it. And then the real question for Jen and I was coming back to your question of like what have I noticed about transformation and you know what it is that me. Yeah biggest difference is really looking at the approach of meeting people exactly. Where A rat and then going through a process of a helping them distinguish them morning and evening rituals. Mmm those just doing those one percenters consistently on a daily basis now getting up and doing that which will set them up for the for a successful day and close off the evening for a great sleep. Well, let's get these basics down. So then we'll introduce the basic principles of habit of letting go of bad habits and creating healthy new habits and a little bit of that conversation. But really rigorously support them and accountability of honoring the things that they say they're going to do hmm conversation about integrity. So now the next conversational introduces what we call the dead wait list, which is the list of all the things that they've said they were going to do in the promises of made either to themselves or to others that they just haven't done haven't been to the doctor in five years, um got an outstanding debt to Mom and Dad that I've been resisting having the to them about hmm the insurance like all of those little things Israelite get the dead ways that would get dick at the dead white list down right by halfway through the program. You've got to have a complete or you've got at least have an agreement in place that everything on that list and then and then relationship clearing to same it's the effectively the same thing but it's not pragmatic. It's about people hmm question is like, who do you hold a charge against who do what is unsupported which people in your life? Is there something else? Organs is something you resist where there's withheld truths or lies or whatever it is. Give us the list. Who are they? I'm just get quite pragmatic about it. Who are they what's there for you about them? And then Jen and I got our own clearing processes that we take each individual through which generally lend itself to a conversation with certain individuals and support people have that literally to have the have nothing in the space. Between them and others now, this is something that Jen and I like rigorously practice in our own lives as having nothing space between us and others or having anything on our dead waitlist again, you talked about like having good mental health and peace of mind what we discovered man as we stepped into this and said that it introduced these kinds of conversations was they really these things those two things really free people up. Oh personal freedom. Yeah completely. Yeah, and so whether you know, we've had members who have you know, they've been victims of domestic violence. We've had you know, we've had members who try to be killed by their own parents when they were younger and we've had members who you know who've gone through like really nasty divorces and then like the partner took everything and so all that like you can just imagine the kind of the baggage. Mmm, like holding onto around some of these circumstances some of the charges they have all the fears. They hold engaging with other people or just you know fears and doubts about just being in life. A lot of this stuff builds up and Jen and I I've always just had the philosophy that anything can get complete anything anything can be resolved with that as a with that as our as our presuppositions that then enables us to step. Awfully into creating that as a possibility for other people where they've never present them that's ever been and idea for them that they could get over what took place five years ago. And so I think that's what we've discovered to be true. Like we knew it was powerful but that that as you described like personal freedom mmm and and the lightness that people experience off the back of those kinds of processes at the same time or they'll concurrently losing weight. Yeah. Yeah the physical body - signing in getting the nutrition quite like that holistically creates so much space for the creation and possibility to show up for people. Yeah. I love it. I love it man. It's so important because you really physically carry it with us in our body these charges these emotions these and it's like yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah as I can and it's kind of speak to the power of forgiveness as well forgiving so forgiving others. It's it's a super power and it can be the most liberating thing ever. So yeah, I'm um and then and it's just funny that you like in your it was powerful from your own experience, but it's interesting feedback now at taking quite a number of groups through and you get to see that feedback and so it's okay. This is this is the This is the money and and it's the up probably without the accountability. The thing that gets avoided the most to let really yeah. Yeah, because it's like Walt nope, you know future future Jamin. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'll do it. I'll do it next year the old myth of Tomorrow next week and look in the in the reality is like our program. It's a high ticket program. Hmm like it's not fair. Everyone, but for those who it's for like everyone can benefit from this but there are those that like go this is really what I'm looking for. Right? Mmm, then when they make that investment both financially and with their time and energy, they pull the program to them. Yeah, and it's like and the moment we see them really start to like own their program. They're literally like cool set me up for the next clearing conversation. Yeah, and then you know with that's when we know we're on here we get momentum and then people really start being Responsible for every part of their life and stepping into the context of Creator. Yeah them to that our circumstances. That's a beautiful like that's a beautiful inflection point inside each of our programs. Yeah. I love it. I love it man. I'd really love to hear you speak into this concept of Rites of Passage and especially, you know, if got to go Is a unique insight into working with quite young people working with adults from different countries. And so yeah, I just love for you to share your thoughts and what I know you've done some training with the Rites of Passage Institute and created a lot of Rites of Passage experience has been through a lot of your own. Yeah and maybe starting off about a like speaking into the importance of it for young people. But then just anybody the importance of these Rites of passages. Variances for awesome what they actually provide on like a psychological level and like a practical level as well. Yeah. Sure. Yeah the the pet the power of black intentional ritual. Hmm is something that's been with within the human experience and Human Society forum for millenniums, like since the beginning of like small tribal civilizations, and so like whether it's the coming of age Edge of the the Papa New Guinea boys 14 years old and climbs the bamboo rope climbs of bamboo Tower tires the vine and around his legs and jumps off his heavy hits the ground. Like that's a good one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah the mailman all the way through to you know in East Africa One Tribe where they have young women coming into girls coming into women who had where they go inside a hollowed-out tree and fast for three days while the women of the community come around. And share stories about what it is to be a woman in that Community these indigenous Rites of passages that player and have played out all over the world. There's something there has been something that's been lost in western civilization about this about this kind of coming of age and I'm not just talking about boy to man or go to woman. I'm talking about different transitions in life. It's like, I mean, I think great contemporary couple of great contemporary examples of Rites of Passage in a western context. It's is like marriage where yeah, you bring yet, you have this event and you're bringing whole bunch of your closest friends and family together where the guy wears black and girl wears white. I like I'm talking very generally so here that yeah, there's like a ring and there's a lot of significance that goes into that ring. Mmm. It was specific finger and then the celebrant says a few words you say I do you kiss and then all of a sudden this whole new context of marriage and It's off the back of this event taking place. That's a rite of passage. Hmm or schoolies. It's just like the initiation into out like the leaving of school that's healthy or not. Like humans are creating rituals and I'm taking part in rituals all the time. The question is are we deliberately setting these up to empower us to continue to grow and evolve and transform in our own lives and the principles are very, Very very simple and they remain consistent across all the different Rites of passages around the world, which is that of Separation so separation from immediate community in space. It involves story. So some aspect of discovering oneself or sharing more about oneself or learning more about the story of one's community and then there's Challenge and so this challenge historically that's about facing your mortality, but that because some of our youth leadership programs are used to run that'll be public. Because unfortunately those Clauses that can actually have probably not going to be climbing bamboo towers and getting your nine kids to jump off here. Yeah. Look, how long can you hold your breath and one degree? Yeah. Yeah, no not going to doing those kind of things but there are ways in which we can facilitate challenges for people that really has them confront whether to confront their immortality or confront their ego or confront their the confront their Shadow confront lots of themselves that they do. Choose to repress our not look at other ways in which we can facilitate challenge beyond that we then step into Vision which is off the back of challenge becoming more present to like future possibilities and then starting to create an inspiring vision for yourself or for your community. And then there's Spirit which is acknowledgement, you know, where others others acknowledge you and validate you for the unique gifts and strengths that they seen you and then there's the reintegration which is return than being received by your community. And they're like separation story challenge Vision Spirit reintegration a beautiful beautiful process as man that can play out in so many creative ways. Mmm. And so if we look at it if we look at it from the from the example of mountains and marathons like we begin with a we begin with like separation or in our case the creation of a new community. Okay immersed in a hole a new culture that we then hold a container for across the course of the six months left their identity is I am a part of mountains and marathons like that's a new that's an identity or something or context that did not exist before they step into this program. Yeah, and then story is a journey of sharing and of self-discovery and starting to look at Dead way and clearing composite core values, right? So starting to unpack story. And then she will actually challenge is generally the clearing component. Yeah, you know stepping into those uncomfortable conversations stepping into the kind of vulnerability that's going to give you personal freedom. And then we as we've already discussed off the backside of that we then have space we've got emotional cognitive spiritual space because we're cleared of our baggage were cleared of the Dead weight from the past. So then it enables space for the conversation of a vision to emerge and amounts of marathons. We call that next level you which is a beautifully beautiful creative process that we have everyone consider what their ideal life would be like across 12 different life areas and then bring a lot of ritual and intentionality into how they have engaged with that and how that serves as a constant anchor of why they show up each day. And what did you used to do each day to become to be and become that person they're inspired to be in the world. And so then naturally we then graduate. The with a mountain of marathon Retreat into the we literally take them through a whole nother micro right of Passenger context of a six-month rite of passage that has like a physical challenge this time at the center point we do they actually then leaves them even more empowered to consider what's possible beyond beyond the graduation of the program of everything. They've accomplished both across across the six months and also in the six days that they spend on the retreat and then finally then I mean as part of that there's a beautiful acknowledgement beautiful acknowledgement ceremony that we facilitate but one key thing that we've integrated into our program that what I've observed a lot of programs overlooked or don't do don't do so. Well is the reintegration piece I can concur with that point which is where you know, I'm not I'm sure a number people listening to this will have those experiences where you go away and get deeply immersed in connected to a in a container where Is a depth of safety and vulnerability that's present that just seems to be present nowhere else in the world. Hmm. And then you your hog and say see you later brother see your sister and then back to work on Monday and no one around you has a context for what it is you like the kind of transformation. You've just been through hmm. I can leave people feeling pretty lonely and isolated hmm separate and different and actually less connected of the back of that. So yeah, what were they? Very intentional about in our program is introducing a conversation towards the end of called Inner Circle, which is having each of our members identify who are who are those people in their life who are their enablers and support people? So when she's getting down here to go to and when things are up who's getting behind you and who's getting around you and we identify those individuals and give them the task of exhilarating the depth of quality and connection of those relationships as much as possible between then and the end of the program. And then inviting and then inviting each of those individuals to a dinner that takes place place two weeks after they come back from their retreat with the intention of having each of those people acknowledged for who they are in their life. And then also to share some stories about what it was like climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, you know and sharing that or sharing about what it was like taking on their first marathon and some things I've learnt in that whole process where it's kind of of like taking responsibility for your own reintegration instead of instead of expecting everyone else to understand or like, you know, you don't get me or you should go and do that understand me. It's like you need to get up to speed with my level of Spiritual Development. So you should probably go and do this program. It's like no like you create an event that invites people in your community come together attention of British. People up to speed hmm and being seen inside your transformation. Yeah and of creating new possibilities for the relationships with the p equal in the room in that in that moment in that space. Yeah, we found that to be quite a quite a powerful way of really completing their program because it becomes once they leave the mountains of marathons container. They have read the deepen their own. A container in their own local community, which is super important. It's like even if you looking at not so much the right of passage, but the but a different model like Joseph Campbell's like the hero's journey. Do you know what I mean? Part of it is returning to society with the gold genuine returning back crossing the threshold again and bringing the gold back like that's part of it that can often get missed in a big way and you can end up just cycling and then you sort of get stuck in the challenge or the he come back you don't really integrate, but then you go off. New Journey before you've actually really completed the one you're in. So yeah, I would invite anybody listening to this who has been on maybe experimental passage experience. It might have been a retreat might have been a travel Adventure if you if this is resonating I strongly suggest doing what Jamin just indicated and picking six to ten people that are close to you intentionally creating an experience where you can connect and share about your experience what you've done were who you are now way. We your and and create an intentional space for that container because often it can be just as if not more powerful than the experience itself because it helps everything stick. The whole point of over here. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and I guess on that note on the flip side like what what are you seeing in society and individuals? I guess what are the results of this lack of rite of passage? Like it's a it's something that's being with us and being part of the development of our psyche in the development of us as individuals for so so long and yet we just deeply lack intentional Rites of Passage. Now, what are you seeing the impacts play out of that like what are the symptoms of that that you're seeing? I guess generally collectively or individually as well. Yeah. I mean it's hard to it's hard to say for certain. Yeah, because there's like, you know societies on its own different trajectories and you know people kind of become part of their own culture escape and in this sort of tend to follow the follow the narrative that's played out before them and kind of play into a lot of Pop Culture, but you know, I think I think what is what's really being missed out on is this sense of Deep knowing of who I am and the owing of the role that I play in my community. Mmm Yeah Yeah Yeah couldn't agree more that because when people like so many people are just trying to like hustle and grind and you know and win-win the rat race and it's like fucking what the fuck for. Yeah. Yeah. What even is that? Look that like truly man. Like we are we as a we are a global we are a global civilization our Global community and each of us each of us. Have a role to play. In empowering the evolution of consciousness of humans and each of us have a role to do our own work and clear our own shit in order to be create to be a space and a living example of of how possibility can manifest itself and when each of his take on take on that Journey like courageously step into that we start to get clear on the difference that we can truly make and and and where our talents are best with the energy of our talents. Can best be channeled to be a contribution to people and I think sweet spot is when you can discover that and then learn how to monetize that and really live live from a place of alignment where and Creator and service because I feel like what that I don't really know who I am. I don't really know it can lead to a sense of hopelessness and if there's a Surefire way to for a wrap Decline in mental and emotional well-being. It's a sense of hopelessness totally man. So I feel like sorry Hugo and I mean if we look at if we look at what is the biggest cause of sickness and in our world right now, it's loneliness. Hmm. And here we are in a world that seemingly becoming more connected than ever with the development of technology and all these different social media platforms. Hmm and yet it's that it's that being seen in our Vulnerability and being seen in you know, the struggle of academic experience that's truly. It's truly missing and being able to like vulnerably celebrate the joyous parts of the human experience. That's really missing and the world is suffering. Hmm. Anyone who does spend time in Retreats and on these Rites of Passage hero Heroes Journey processes, you know what it's like to be deeply seen and to be connect what's possible for our community? And so I think it truly man. I think it's people's suffering in silence suffering and suffering. So low, that is the ultimate. I think the ultimate ramification of a lack of rite of passage in our Western world. Hmm. Yeah, well said well said well man, I appreciate you. Thanks for yeah, thanks for taking the time to jam out. It's been an epic conversation and cool to just hear parts of your story that I actually didn't know the details on that those early parts of your journey and how that's really shaped your passion for what you're doing. And yeah, I just honored the difference that you're making both both personally and professionally. Yeah. I just want to what? Knowledge that you're saved man. Thanks Towelie your dear friend, and I love you with knife. Yeah, no worries, man. And now I'm to wrap up like where can people find you working. They yeah, learn more about what you do with mountains and marathons. Yeah, drop drop any any dates that you've got hole. So to find a bit more about mountains and marathons websites. Probably a pretty good resource. So that's Dad marathons Dot World. I got the old dog. Dog world nice look like that. Is that the place find out more about our programs as far as like what's kind of going on on the on the weekly front just Facebook is always good place to be able to check in on that. We don't run we don't run in stuff. Which yeah, it was a bit lazy on that front Facebook to be a pretty pretty easy channel to engage with people. So from certain connect their and otherwise very often receiving emails that Jamin and Jen at mountains of me. On start world if you want to reach out and say g'day and always happen to jump on a call and connect with people inspired to really step into alignment. Hmm, beautiful. Love it, man, and I'll put all those details in the show notes as well. Awesome man. Awesome man will alarm. Yeah looking forward to catching up again soon. And yeah, really appreciate your time. Thanks Towelie CMA. Thanks guys, and that is a wrap. Thanks so much for listening guys. I Hope you got a lot out of it. I really enjoyed that conversation with Jamin definitely go and check out mountains and marathons if you feel inspired for an adventure. Yeah for if you're at a transitionary time in life. Yeah, those guy couldn't recommend chairman and Jen more highly so definitely go and check out their work and make sure you subscribe to the podcast on whatever app you're listening to it on and head on over and give us a review as well. Take take the 30 seconds. Every review goes a long way and obviously if you're really enjoying the content give us that five star review and that's just going to help get this podcast into the ears of all people and spread the love. So I think that's about it. I'm going to leave it at that and until next time this is Talia Connor. Check it out.
This was a really inspiring conversation with Jamin Heppell who is the Co-Founder and Director of Mountains and Marathons - a company that runs 6 month long leadership programs that culminate in the physical challenge of either running a marathon or climbing a mountain. Before co-founding Mountains and Marathons, Jamin was the director and founder of three leadership organisations centred around the development of health and resilience. He has had the privilege of working with over 15,000 people from diverse communities across Australia and North America. Having bounced back from burnout, depression and seven major surgeries, Jamin knows what it's like to struggle and what it takes to transform. He is committed to peak health and performance and supporting others to do the same. Key Points: Jamin’s biggest challenge Creating a new relationship with his father How he challenged his father Jamin’s natural instinct for leadership How Jamin combined his two greatest passions How Jamin navigated confronting his father How Jamin created ‘Game Changers’ The time it takes to create your vision Combining aligned action with manifesting Jamin’s restart in career His first experience in working with young men The beginning of The Man Cave The creation of Back to school fitness Jamin’s burn out moment and epiphany The beginning of Jamin’s relationship Jamins experience with anxiety and depression What helped Jamin find balance How our systems support us Difference between intuition and mind What is Mountains and Marathons The Why The importance of rights of passage What is a true ritual space What are the symptoms of a lack of rights of passage Relevant Links and Website: Jamin Heppell website: Tully O’Connor Website: Instagram: @tullyoconnor Men, join us in The Conscious Locker Room Facebook Group
Hey guys, it's Dave. Oh in this is vision is greater than anything in this episode. I'm going to be talking with Darion Powell choose an individual that has pursued soccer her whole life and got to play in college and at the professional level her and I actually met through soccer. I was one of her personal coaches this past year the kind of helped him her get ready and prepare for her upcoming professional season that she had this this past. Spring and summer in this episode. We'll be talking a little bit about darian's story her background all things related to soccer and kind of where she is now in her life as well in this episode. We talk a little bit about each other's experiences. I also pursued soccer for a very long time and play it as well. So we have a lot in common. They're they're going to be kind of talking about we're also going to talk about the difficult sides of understanding. You know what we want. Don't want in life in soccer. I think that being honest with ourselves is something that's difficult, but it is something we're going to talk about quite a bit about in this episode. I also feel that everybody is going to find some value in this one here not just soccer players or athletes. I think that when we can get honest with ourselves regardless of who we are where we come from and where we are in life at the moment once we can be honest. And own that I do think that good things can follow. I know that it's very hard and uncomfortable. But that's also why it's worthwhile. If you listen to this guy's I encourage you to think about your own life and your own experiences in and see if you can write anything that we talk about here. I hope you enjoy All right, Darren. First of all, thanks for coming. Will you drove like was a half hour to come and do this? Yeah, so can a little bit of context on what we're going to do is obviously a soccer story, you know, and most people don't know that but I actually got to meet you through soccer through culture a little bit. So that was actually pretty cool for me. So to start this one off which is kind of jump into your soccer story where you kind of started how it all kind of get together and kind of where you are now, I guess and just briefly as you can. I'll try it. So I started when I was probably six or seven like really I'm great when you can first play wreck soccer and here, you know started just for fun. I put the every sport my parents just have a blade and then I fell in love with soccer and like that's all I wanted to do but my parents and me play basketball to whatever so after I was playing wreck stalker and like me and a couple of my friends were really good and we were like we want like do this all year round and Cedar Valley had just started their Club. So we went and joined that that was good fine. Like I was always kind of ahead of the curve with soccer. And so I wanted to go in Barton that you know, go to a bigger Club. Well, the closest one was see Rapids Heartland, so we went there me and see three or four my friends because we were all just like Love Soccer. We're good wanted. More competitive and just what Cedar Valley and all over so I went to Heartland that was good. Whatever played there. Those clubs kind of evolved together like Parliament Sierra Sierra say that shown point so we did like that and fast forward a little bit. I get into high school. I'm starting High School soccer still playing club for G plays at school. I went to Union for ya. So my freshman and sophomore year went to Union. We went undefeated until State like just dominated. As plan Club, I wasn't really getting recruited. I wanted to really like I wanted to go d one that was my goal obviously and it wasn't getting that like I had an offer from you and I but I wanted like, you know to go bigger than that and I will really wasn't giving me the time of day. So I had to make some decisions. I was doing ODP and I was in who are in China for a trip and I had gone on a few visits to Shattuck st. Mary's which is in, Minnesota. And it's a boarding school for soccer and my parents and I talked and we were like, you know shout I could really be the place that can get me to where I want to go ultimately which is D1. And so when I was in China, my mom called me I was like, you got to make a decision right now, like chatot called they need to know do you want to go and I was like, yeah, I'll go I was in Shattuck division school. So there it's a boarding school like a prep school, but they specialize in sports. So like hockey soccer and figure skating ever made Sports and the coach there. She was like a big name. She went to her name's Michelle Corners. She went to UNC Asheville. She had so many connections like with schools anyway, so I picked up and left. I was 16 years old left home went to boarding school for soccer when they're literally the best decision I've ever made in my life was the first time you were kind of on your own and by yourself. It's really scary. But like I don't know it was so much fun. I learn so much about like being on my own in about soccer. So I don't have to know the specifics but went there my coach went to she'll pieces really grew as a soccer player. I think that's probably where you the most and those two years and then she the coaches at Marquette which is how I got recruited by them and eventually committed their went to Marquette. Was hurt my first two years at my pad which is really hard later. But and so I actually got to Redshirt year. So I was like for six years but in six years got my Master's graduated and then I came home for like six months trying to go play for oh wasn't happening wasn't happening. Then finally. It happened and I got an offer to go plan Iceland. So I went to Iceland or six months came. Back in September and been here ever since trying to figure out what's next. Sorry. That's kind of long winded but that's good. That's perfect. That's actually perfectly. Okay. Bob went to the school in Minnesota. You were 16. Obviously you said it was difficult to be on your own but then also on really good do you think that's because when you first went there, you still had your 16 obviously still young. Yeah when you still had something to fall back on so it's okay. If it doesn't go great. It's I feel like it's like one of those Things when you're young for you now, if I don't I'm 16 years ago. There were strange is going on here play soccer for all the other applications. Only matter. You think it was one of those things? I think it kind of was but I also So if I did it go I I wouldn't have any other opportunities. Like if I didn't go and do that and take that risk, then I was going to be here and how you know not have to be you know, you guys a great school like that wasn't the level where I wanted to be at. And so if I didn't do that take that risk, like I wouldn't have liked reach those goals, right? You're not going to like yeah, it was a comfort thing. But I also knew that if I didn't do well that I was just gonna have to settle for something, you know, so if it's a good Pressure to put on yourself and say yeah. Yeah. Yeah after that one when you're doing like recruiting and all that sort of stuff. I was that process could you yourself reach out all over the place or when I was in eighth grade. We went to speaker that one of the club's camera think of serious. I had put on and she talks all about recruiting and my parents and I why I was probably the youngest person there like but we are like we knew that I wanted to go play D1 whatever she gave us so many Good tips. She said you need to be going reaching out tonight your parents like you need to do the research. You need to message the coach directly. So like I pretty much like my parents helped me sure, but I was the one writing the emails. I was the one sending them and doing that word. You know, they of course we're helping me, you know, checking the emails and stuff. But like I pretty much did it it's for you at the end of the day. So make sense that you did, you know. Yeah, and I did that I did that to actually because for me I actually my dad didn't speak English, so it's not a casual thing about anyways. Sorry do it on my own but I do think like you're saying to do that by yourself for yourself is it's important because for you again, so that's what we always thought that was really important is to make sure it's coming for me and I'm sure you were saying yeah, what was that? I guess look the most difficult thing especially during high school and especially towards the end of high school when I start to become more real and you realize that I do want to keep doing this because obviously I think you were 16 when you really thought hey, I'm gonna kind of go like this. You know what? It came close to high school ending it became a real the college is coming. How was that? That was scary. I remember so I was between going to Creighton and Marquette. Those were my two big big offers and I remember I would just be so stressed out like oh my dad crying just like don't know what to do. Like, he's both great offers, but like I want to go to Marquette, but it's a little more expensive. It's so stressful and like I'm not even just talking to his school's now like they feel the same way and I just remember being so stressed out. But then I remember when I finally called and I verbally committed in Marquette. It was like a weight lifted and I call my dad like crying happy tears this time. I just like I feel so good like this is like this is right where I'm supposed to go, you know, so like yeah, it's very stressful but once you commit and actually like I don't have a path to where you're going it's Like a weightless off your shoulder. So great. I think it's one of those things and I think we talked about it before we're trusting like your intuition from now when obviously you said Marquette is the one that you really wanted to do. You knew that but it's kind of the mental side of things where it's doing all these options is it makes sense. Is it the right movie just don't know and then once you made it felt so relieving, I think that's again trust in yourself. And that's something that I think especially especially in high school. It's tough to know. Yeah with the go with you have so many voices. Are you friends pee? Here's people come in and you left and right coaches, you know to really make a decision for yourself is hard. So I suppose a right now for those kids are obviously don't know what that process is like or what it all entails especially as it becomes more real to do all those extra things. What'd you tell him in those early years in high school where I think some of them even that young they have such a passion for that. They do think they want to keep going. Yeah, but what's going to come up in the next few years in high school? Yeah. Well, I know I mean, I'm sure the recruiting process has changed. I was going through it but I would ultimately say don't stress out too much like focus on your skills and really focus on Sakura building, you know, building up your strength and being a good player and then like make goals right about like what do you want to do you want to go do on what kind of school are you looking for? And really just like focus on those things and write letters and coaches to just the specific, you know, the things that you want don't settle for like a school that you know will be be okay, but like make those goals and really follow through on them and contact those schools because I think I don't know as young cater just like I just want to go play soccer in college and you don't really know what that means but do some research to figure out where you want to go. What do you want? I'm just got out of college, you know that happens kind of throughout the whole soccer Journey when you're young. It's I can't wait till I played club or high school and only High School working with I played college and on your car's. I can't wait to talk about it. Pro the thing is as a level kind of Rises, it becomes more real but then also becomes a whole lot more difficult because you're not just playing for fun anymore. Obviously, you still play because you have passion and brings you Joy, but it becomes more real it becomes more of a John something that makes take sacrifices all that sort of stuff. There's not just messing around and I still get to play as it becomes more real. I think that's something that kids aren't always prepared for so when your own kind of Journey wanted to become more real and what did you start to understand or like I have to start taking this more seriously. There's no more just I'm just going to play forever. I don't know. I think I would say in college was when it really hit me that like it's more it's more of a business than it is like a game. You know what I mean? Like there's so much more that goes into it with the coaches and like having to perform and balancing school or two. It's more than just a fun game that you play it is like if you don't perform you're not going to get to play and especially I will not grow weary. It is a business if you don't perform you're going to get cut or If I don't know, it's just it eventually you it loses its fun. But you still have that passion and love for the game where like it doesn't matter. If it's fun. It's more of just like a competitive thing for it. That's what it was for me, especially in college because I don't know if I was having a ton of fun in college playing but I loved my teammates and I love the game and competitive nature of it. And so like I know I always wanted to be the best and so like even after being hurt I did whatever it took. To get back on the field even though like I wasn't really having a ton of fun still. You know what I mean? I don't know if that's the middle. I think experience of most people but I think it is as it gets kind of that level gets higher you start to understand that there's just so much more at stake. So like to have fun with it all the time becomes really really hard. So that's when you have to really have to find other reasons for why you doing it, you know, and that will also be pretty uncomfortable to think about so for you as you just said so yourself, you kept going for some reason it wasn't always I want to know like when you're a kid, you played just pretty much to have fun. What was it for you? Why did you keep going? I think because ever since I was little I had these goals where I wanted to play D1 and I wanted to play professionally like I literally like I had a booster Mia Hamm my bedroom. I was little I was like, I want to be her own professional soccer player. And so that never really died for me. I always carried that with me wanting to put a crow but I think I kind of lost the the word I'm looking for but I lost the lost the fun in the game, especially when I went to Iceland like I was like, yes, I finally made my goal. I'm a professional soccer player. This is what I've always wanted, but then I got there and I didn't love it. I nobody spoke English, you know my team like I couldn't communicate with people talk about soccer as much and and I gotta learn said why are you still playing? That's kind of how I felt at the end of it, which is sad and I was really obviously very hard for me. Did you ever feel that in college to attend college? Obviously, you're also you move out there on Your own as well. Obviously a people that are getting you can communicate with and probably teach you to develop friends when you can. Have you can you can talk. Did you also feel that all and college or was that just strictly when you go overseas? I didn't feel as much in college because for me I was battling injury literally my whole career. And so that like took up all my mental space was like, oh gosh my foot starting to hurt like is that injury coming back? I was learning just so focused on my body how I was feeling that I didn't really I don't know I didn't about the game as much as I was just focus on myself and my body knows feeling and trying to perform the same time, so I didn't really get to think about like I don't know look at losing the love for the game. You know, what I'm saying makes sense when you did play like when you were healthy and collagen playing. How was that? What was that that bring you Joy? Awesome? Yeah. That was the happiest I've ever been. I'm not really thought about it in those words more like it's hard to because I when you're going through it, you're feeling those things like as they're happening. So it's hard to really yes. I understand them. You know, I think it is until until afterwards that you can look back and in college. I had this experience as I felt this and that, you know, because I'm curious now that obviously when you want to receive in and went to Iceland and it was a little bit different you still performed the wall over there though, didn't you? Yeah. Well first I struggled I don't know. So I've always liked score goals. That's like my thing was Riker and when I first got over there it was preseason. And I don't know what happened. I could not score a goal like I would play awesome. I'm setting people up I'd be shooting but I could not score and that Never happened in my life like never when I got her to Market my first two games back. I scored two goals. Like I was the leading scorer that year. So I never experienced that and to do that at such a high level was so hard for me eventually. I transferred teams and got to score goals and I was it was fine, but dealing with that right away, like I don't know it was so hard but like yeah at the end it was performing. I was scoring goals, but I wasn't it. I didn't feel like I used to feel when I was scoring goals. Do you think it was more of when you got there that the level was significantly different and that took a while getting used to or was it in your head? Obviously, like I said as it becomes more real and you're playing professionally now that that he you and you're like, well I'm playing professionally. Am I really supposed to be here was that was going on your mind. It was just strictly just just a level was different. You gotta make the adjustment. It wasn't the Louisville. That was definitely not the problem. I think it was a little bit of self-sabotage. Sure. Look I got in my head so much because I was like, I'm a professional like I'm getting paid to score but it's not a scoring so like next game I have to score and then I wouldn't you know, I would just like Spiral, you know what I mean? So I think it was definitely a mental thing of thinking of I'm professional supposed to be doing this or not, which would make it worse. Yes a poem. I don't know. Yeah, it was it was very Weird only 16 just that things started to go. Well, I think that's like a great thing because now you already obviously all right, the professional level changing teams. I think that's kind of like a fresh start but when you get into that first one is all new things aren't going away again. Like you thought they would when you transfer over it's a fresh start, but I think you built a little bit of confidence by hey, I've been playing professional for a little while already. This is just a new team. So it's almost like a fresh start. Would you say the coach on the new team have confidence in me than my other coach did I discovered that? I'm apparently a compass play where I need other people to put their confidence in me. Sure instead of you know me just because I always been confident player, but I think in Iceland I realized that like it is important to me to have other people rely on me and put their confidence in me sense. Go to more detail and I kind of like that. So do you mean like as a player? Has been the main forward obviously a lot of stuff will go through you especially up top. When you say that have enough confidence in you does that mean haven't you do everything as often as they can? Yes, but also so okay. So when I first got to Iceland that first coach was like I don't know just like always was like you don't have confidence like that's working out scoring and then my other coaches like you're the best you're going to score this game this game and dinner. We're going to give you crosses and just like I think is the language maybe I think sometimes but I think it's also because was in the same region also, yeah. Okay, so I do think obviously there's all sorts of different coaching Styles. I do think there's a certain cultures that will speak to a player's far as kind of building them up, but then other ones almost criticizing them to see hey, what are you made of how you going to respond? You know what? I mean, and I was like every pluralist approach differently. So do you like what a coach again as that trust in you kind of helped build you up a little bit or do you like it when they're hard on you or you got the mix? I think the bass is obviously great. You know what we should do you think you function better was I've had both and before Iceland. I didn't have a problem with either because I know my capabilities and know what I'm able to do. I know I can score goals anywhere but This coach in particular had a way of just completely making me feel like I couldn't do it and I know the other girls in the team felt the same way, so I don't know if that's just him like this one coach in particular because I've had coaches who are heart. I mean like I need sometimes I like, you know, that would be like taking in here. Give me a little you know, but I do think I cried more with coaches who are positive in more uplifting rather than tough love, right? And you think especially with the coach that is really hard on you almost trying to break you in a way. I think especially at that level because there's jobs on the line is job is awful in the morning. So if you don't perform it's this whole lot more weight on it, you know, so I think by intentionally trying to get to the players to really see what they're made of It kind of break them and it's a good tactic that a lot of coaches will use more so I thought the higher levels there's so much on the line, but it also think it can be super healthy for a players. Play really just like bigs down deep. You know what I mean? Because I think if you can have that experience to its extreme with being hard on you. It's going to be more beneficial down the line because often times you'll probably go to coaches that maybe weren't as Extreme as that. You can handle yourself better, which is always having coaches to build you up all the time and you get that one coach that really crushes you and then you can kind of completely ruin. Yeah. Thanks for you. Well, and I don't really like to admit this. Give him any credit, but I do think the reason that I was successful in my second Team part of it was because I was like well screw that guy. I know I'm the best right Ryan gonna do well yes a little bit of like, I don't know wanting to show him the right probably played into it too, which was good for me but stopped when I was happy. Oh, yeah for sure for like I said, it's always always in hindsight. You can like make sense of a little bit, you know, and it see what it means to you as far as like that language barrier over there. Did you to learn? Any of it there or did people generally speak a little bit of English enough to kind of get by on the field not everyone smoking like some English is not their first language be the only American on the team almost every team. I was okay. There was a few girls from Ghana. So that was interesting it gets so lonely when you can't speak to somebody, you know, because like I was like speaking of conversations, but you're not talking in depth about anything. Great pass. They just want to understand you know, so that was so what did like I said because they look like because like now I'm just like when you're in college you have friends you have school keeps you out the part of someone you wouldn't be working on the side part time. There's like so many things to keep you occupied when you're over there early country by yourself. Just playing. That's all that's all you do because I think I like a lot of players especially the young ones fall in love with this idea of how great soccer looks on TV and not just such a small percent. Very very, Small percent in most leagues across the world. It isn't actually nothing like that. You know, there's not money like you kind of see on TV at that's very rare, but in the life every single day every day that there's a regimen training when you eat all that sort of stuff and if you're a country where you don't know anybody it can be like I said that you said very long. You know, what did look at typical day look like yeah. It was so much different than College because like you said, I'll do schoolwork to work on but when I was over there nothing to do besides talk. So I'll go there I'd wake up and I'd have nothing to do until practice at 6 p.m. So I don't like fill my day with anything and I was living with a host family which was also uncomfortable for me because I always felt like I was intruding and like I don't know. I just always wanted to stay out of their way. So like when I would have loved to do was like cook and be able to like prep meals and like I don't know do something like that, but I felt like I was just like intruding on the kitchen and you know, so I didn't want to be in All the time, so I would literally like go outside go on walks and go do an extra training session by myself. Just come home waste time and like all of this was literally all by myself all day and the time difference from home was five or six hours. So like everyone else was like working when I wake up, you know, so I don't know it was just me trying to fill time. I started to like do a little bit of writing like I have an idea for a website that I was working on. But like other than that, I was just wasting time until practice every single day for 6 months. How many practices was there today one practice today? That's it. So I would either lift or train every day. Like I would just do another session on myself every day. Hmm. Well, they're pretty intensively as far as training comparable to college though. I personally wish they would have been Once I think the coaches were a little too lenient all my girls. We hardly ever do Fitness. So I have to keep up with my own business on my own. So that was hard because like you want to keep training, but then you know, you have practice later you don't want and you have to perform practice. Well, otherwise, you lose your job if you don't print so like having a balanced life and I want to run too much before practice because I know like we have a game and I have to live performance earned my spot. So trying to balance my workouts with practice was hard but Yep, practices weren't as hard as college campuses outside, which was yeah, we're different. Yeah, go back to this is min ago. He said enough was interesting to me that you started writing stuff. Yeah. Well, you're right. It was more like a personal Journal. I'm just writing like stories that I have for my life because I got weird. Church Jeff trajectory, I guess like just going to shouting they can then being hurt two years at Marquette and just I don't feel like I've been through a lot of like ups and downs and so I just writing stories of like how I got to play professional and just everything up until the end and I really was just so like liberating be able to write some stuff down that I've been holding in and like never really expressed before you know, so that I don't know that was really a cool thing that I started to do it I think Jody more of it still. Yeah, it's powerful. This is something I do for myself to you know, is it's very weird. Like you have all this stuff in your head and in your heart that you do you think and stuff you want to make sense of what it is until you get it down and it's like solid form the things can come to become more structured for you and you can start to make sense of what that stuff means to you know, but it does lift such a weight off for you. It's absolutely unbelievable learned thing. I learned things about how I was feeling that it didn't even know until I started writing it down. Down it was almost feels like you don't want to know. Yeah, that's why you don't write it down or 40 or talk about it that you don't want to know where this stuff comes from. Sometimes that can get really uncomfortable. Nothing. Like we talked a little before we started, you know, all along those lines of being able to talk about this stuff and like writing it down is sometimes just as powerful lobbies even like saying it out loud, you know, especially for the individual doing it by yourself and I think especially someone like you who obviously has had all these experiences all over the place that are probably drastic. Drastically different than what most people will have the writing that stuff done now down now is like a must-go foundation for something like bigger down the line, you know what I mean getting those ideas down because like I said before this is all stuff that people are going to relate to not just soccer players not just girls soccer players guy so I could players athletes in general of any sport. But then also everyday people that maybe are scared to try stuff to take risks because what if what if it doesn't work out, you know what I mean? What if they say this? What if they laugh at this? There's just such a message dear. I think by writing it down is just like stuff the foundation for for something bigger in the future. You think I think you're right because most people don't really have an outlet to speak about these type of things. You know, like it'd be great. If everyone could go see a therapist and we talk about the feelings all the time, but most people don't and so like just writing it down is kind of like your own little therapy is just liberating to be able to write those words down and do know that you had any thoughts about that you have to share with people. This is just what strictly like for the self, you know what I mean, we can do wonders of fact, you know, he said you want to do you stop doing it a little bit. Yeah. I just lost kind of so like I don't know. I just haven't been writing or I don't know. I'm just trying to figure it out all my head it it's I think it's almost like an L limbo stage. I have the exact same thing, you know because I was there I played for a long time too. And I got to that point to the few points in my life where like I just didn't know when you feel like really lost you Sheila soccer team of those things are or Sports in general. There's always something to look forward to next there's a next season then there's comments coming up and then there's the club coming up and then maybe pros come up in this Camp is always It keeps your mind occupied in your you know, your enjoy doing it, but then I said at this stage where you're in a place where you've done it all and that you don't know what's next. That's when like it's can be such an uncomfortable place, you know, and not what I was I tell people is try and really think about why you're not doing it anymore because like we've talked before I think right now you may be in a place where it's either the desire is there it's just the ugly signs of it. You don't want to do again. Oars for another reason is not you know going back or maybe holding on to something. Do you know what do you think it is for you? I do you feel like that you're done. And I know I asked you this before or janaka desires so there to play at all. I think I think after Iceland I lost all my desire. I I still have a love for the game. I like messing with something. We'll never lose right. I think I think you're I don't think it's something that you can well you can but I haven't and I obviously love to play but I don't think it's giving me what I need and life like it's not enough anymore. We're like in college it was because I could study and like I'd still be able to play do both but like now soccer alone really isn't enough and just stuff like it my personal life like with my relationships and my family like being over there all along was was such like an eye-opener for me of how much like I do love my family. I love being able to be with them and like I don't know. I think yeah, just like trying to figure out what's next though is the scary part because now without soccer like what else is there like do I really want to go be a school counselor, which is where my degree in is. Yes, I do. I think maybe I'm not sure like I want to help people and I think that's kind of why another reason I feel like I'm done is because pick up until this point in my life like it's literally been About me it's been I've been selfish like which is what people think you have to be right? You have to be in order. Yes, but like I just like I feel like I want more and I want to like be with the people I love and like give more to others. We're like with soccer. It's all about me. It's you know, and so but now it's like what what do I want to get? What our how do I want to help people? How can I hmm? Where do I want to do it? Yeah, and so like I'm just struggling with all these decisions that I have to make you know, and so so yes to answer your question. I do feel like I'm done. I think I've made that decision and honestly one day it just kind of clicked like I was like what I want to do drama keep playing and I was like, I don't like thinking about going to do something else and I'm going to play soccer like soccer didn't excite me, right? So I think yeah just clicked one day that I was like and I was like, that's You know and I think it really is a lot of people that won't relate to that just because like to sit here and say that you know sake did you play at a professional level and then soccer just doesn't do it for you anymore. Most people do it will be like are you crazy especially for those that are still in that Pursuit mode or younger like in high school where Sakura is the be-all end-all, you know to hear somebody say that it's just not doing it for me anymore. Almost done maybe crazy to them but few people ever get to that point where they can say, they've done that. In realize for themselves that this is not what's going to make them happy anymore, you know, and so to me like there's a there's nothing more powerful than that, you know, and I think they like and like I said, well, why don't go with soccer like that game mode doesn't owe you anything and you also don't know anything to the game. Once you understand like you're done. It's kind of like that the mutual understanding where or when you know, you know, and I'm going to go use like you said, I think I made the decision that I'm done, you know, you're done, you know, there's no thinking At it what you're thinking about is all the other stuff, you know what I mean, but I do think like it's almost liberating to understand that you've done all that. You just don't want to do that anymore except that and own that and once you do that, that's one that you mind can actually really start thinking about other stuff you want to do because right now I think you look in that in that limbo stage with it. What else do I do now? Because your mind is finally like free. I think when your mind is free to from soccer right now is like a Telltale that yes, I am done now I can really Maybe more in another Direction and let that part go what does like again like one of the hardest things to do, you know, I mean, you know, it's been your life for 20 years and it's kind of like a death like I'm like mourning the loss. I know you know what I mean? Like it's hard to accept that like that's not gonna be my life anymore when it's been my life for as long as I can remember well and so trying to figure out okay what can fulfill what soccer used to is the hardest thing ever it is. Is it is and for me? I think it was like with soccer obviously the playing and competing and playing the game of you're passionate about it is that it's amazing. But with excited I mean most in that is I always thought maybe if things go well for me I can maybe Inspire somebody else that was always a super intrigued to me when I got done playing. I was also like very lost. No, no absolutely no idea but that's hard to realize. Well what still excites me a lot is to maybe be able to like you said help somebody Inspire someone and so then I thought well that Feeling of being inspired and inspiring someone else is something that's amazing. That's what I want more of it so that it was Finding Avenues to do that, you know, so things like thinking about like, what is it about the game that really like makes you feel good, you know, is it just a competitive? So I think those are the people that you met was it their lives you were able to impact as of that stuff because you can still get all that and it's so many forms and so many ways it just trying some stuff out. You know what I mean? I think you have like a good background in was a counseling or Oh, you did School counseling? Okay, because something like that obviously requires working with young people and you have this amazing story to share now that can help a heck of a lot of people, you know something for you is it may be just a matter of messing around with something in counseling like for me I just jumped into coaching. I have no idea if I'd be good or not at it. You know, it's a different an image from playing to coaching but I get to talk to kids and I get to inspire them and that's what feels amazing that I like more than the coaching portion of it. You know the soccer ball. It's inspiring to helping them out. So that's like one of those was difficult ones right now to understand but I think you Slick still so young and it's like the most beautiful part about it is you about all this experience that a lot of people won't have it their entire lives and you're only 25 years old, you know, that's something to feel very very good about you know, and it can be like tough because you still lost right now, but I promise you as time goes on it's going to be something like that kind of like you couldn't have pictured like being any other way, you know. no his like I've always liked I've always felt like I wanted to do something huge like amazing and like soccer gave me that feeling of being able to you know, go play D1 and go overseas to play soccer and experience a different country and culture and I'm just like honestly, it's kind of scary to think like maybe I'll have to like settle down now and just start a 95 job, and it doesn't You know, do you get what I'm trying to say like a hundred percent? It's not like exciting me. And so now I'm like trying to figure out what's what what will excite me what really makes me feel like I'm doing something big and amazing sure what I'm supposed to do. Hmm. So that usually works for me obviously like when you get back from my playing soccer, but I still does go on you still have to eat. It's like to make money right so that barely when I get away from that, I think the like getting a Man Too. Five and maybe it just sounds so different than what you're you know right now, you know what I mean, but I do think of especially about somebody like you in for myself. I also do have a 95 job right now for me though. I don't put like my value as an individual on this this job that I have. I that's the title that I don't pull my values and individual. So for me, I too want to do like something something big stuff like that, you know, and and we can do that stuff. There's no excuses for that. It's just a long process. It's a big long game. And people want that immediate and it's something that gets me going. Now, you know what I need and that's just not going to happen. Think about what will you do with soccer when you first started completely different place to where you are now, right. She wasn't that big Journey thing in the middle that I mean the meat that makes that up same with this now, so getting a job and working 9:00 to 5:00. That's one of those things were like, you have to get over yourself a little bit because I think we get to the in our own heads were like, hey, I won't play the fashionable. I'm somebody we're still nobody's you know what? I mean? Even in other people's eyes, you might be somebody in the email. We look up to you but I think you'd understand. I am nobody nobody owes me nothing. And so if I want to go out and still do something big still do something great. I still care and it's about how am I going to do this? How can I do this? A lot of people come up with the excuses of well, it's because where I live at I don't have these opportunities. It's because it was around me and that to me is just excuses, but for me, I have a 9:00 to 5:00 and I find ways to enjoy it but there's something bigger that I'm working on on the side it takes up. All my time and I love it. I still feel like I'm pursuing something big and great. I got to put all my effort and energy into it. And again, it's kind of gives gives me that feeling like soccer. Did those are just as big as thing that I'm pursuing and I feel that way now to but that's something I created for myself, you know, and it's like a long process. It's a big game and it can't be done. It's just again it's fresh right now. It's not clear or not because it's just got back, you know, so it's hard to see that it took me about six. To a year of just kind of you know in my head. What can I do next? What can I do next? What can I do next? How am I going to do this writing and writing and writing and it finally stink things started coming together, you know something with one of the most, you know, powerful things you can do now is keep writing about that stuff you like of of ways you can still do something like video with your life because like as a woman 25 have all this experience. You know what I mean? What can I do with this? I think you're right. Yeah, I think You kinda nailed it on the head where like I do need to get over myself and not like well and also don't let like a job to find you like you can do so much more than just, you know, Facebook accounts or whatever it is, which is a good thing in itself. But I think I just need to like dive deeper and of what I think I can do what I want to do and how I want to help people because right now I just I don't really have a Direction but which is probably how most people start. Yeah. That's exactly right. That's exactly it. Like when I got back I was I've never been so lost. You know what I mean? Yeah, you just no sense whatsoever. Like you just you don't know what to do, you know, like for me. I just I pack my stuff up and I just moved to another town, you know by myself with a friend out there and like that was like super uncomfortable. But like I think that being away from family, but still kind of still closed and not doing soccer. Yeah, it just kind of made my mind work. What was out there by myself because sometimes when you come home from something like that that big like soccer and overseas when you come home and then it's just with your family with your friends every day. I will still that's like detrimental for a little while because it look it makes them start to make you comfortable but then start to make you crazy too, but you don't know what's next. It's just nice right now, you know something for me like it I didn't plan it that way, but I just got back from Thailand after a month. I moved to Iowa City and like it's been like the best decision ever just In that year my mind working and working and working. They got really really good, you know, so so doing my something just just different. You know what I mean? I do something different. Yeah because right now it's like I mean it's uncomfortable, but I'm also a uncomfortable like I'm ready to not it's almost like you're uncomfortable that you're comfortable. You know, I'm almost got look uncomfortable that I was enjoying my time with my family when I got back, you know, it's all wrong. For some reason that I wasn't pursuing something big. Yeah, you know, Exactly. Yeah, that's what we've been to think, isn't it? Yeah, it's really weird because like what I filled it burns time with my family and my friends know that you were like I've been in this Pursuit mode for so long and to not do that anymore. Like I'm a piece of crap now, I'm lazy that was tough, you know, so just for me, like I said, I just I just moved and just kind of force the deal with it. Then you're going to be such thing like you like something different to occupy your mind whether it's something really E fun or not, you know if it makes you uncomfortable even better but something drastic different to keep your mind off things is a big one because when you can do that, I think that the mind is going to keep working and working and working and and then, you know all along with writing stuff down. I do think something will come you better and that that is my plans is to move Start something but right now it's just like what's right. There's only been back for enough for myself. I got back end of September. So two months two months now. Okay. So stove Arizona is very real. Yeah. Yeah and literally my decision This is like three weeks ago. So did the actual official one, right? Yeah. Did you talk to like your family and friends about that? So that's like a conversation with was a difficult at first just like look through for me at least anyway, like I did this for so long and you know people know that I had played in pursuing all this sort of stuff and have to come home and say I don't want to do this anymore like Texts explain that it's a really hard. So then you say well, I don't really old my family finds an explanation and also probably not looking for one, right? You know what I mean? That's a goodness in our own heads. I'm sure it was that like for you like talking to them about it. Um, well the first person I told was my boyfriend because we're like trying to make plans and what to do. I decided I'm done, you know, what's next one and then I told my sisters because like they're my best friends in there. It's I can talk to them about And I told my friends still didn't tell my parents because I don't really know why but it was just hard for me. Like I couldn't even bring it up. You know, they would ask me like, what do you think about soccer and I feel like I'm leaning towards not playing like kind of feeling like how are they gonna react like or they can be okay with it and like they knew I was thinking about not playing my parents said and they always said like you do what you want. You want to be happy like you don't have to play don't think you have to play. Obviously, I would still want to put it that way like all yeah, and like not that I apologize. I owed them but like they believe in me so hard and like with everything they have and so for me to feel like I'm giving it up like not that I felt like I was letting them down but I felt like I was a little bit just because I'm getting enough. I'm not going for it anymore, you know, and like they believed that I could go all the way and So I think obviously time my dad was a hard-ass but he was I mean supportive and like he's helping me like figure out what to do next and like because the best but um, I don't know what even why I was scared. It was just that feeling of like they're not looking at me as like being a soccer player and right was like so weird for me. That's who I've always been like I Define myself as a soccer player and now that's not going to be who I am anymore three, and so telling them that Like terrifying it's hard. It's really hard. Yeah, and I think like because it is specially like to have that like difficult conversation again, you feel like you're letting them down and all that sort of stuff. But if you just kind of like poke a little bit kind of want to play just seeing their reactions like this you're going to make it or something for you, you know, I mean because it's more comfortable than for them. Like is she gonna play as you gonna plan it but certainly kind of on edge so since you like no you're done. That's how you say to your parents, too. You know, there's someone who just like let them down a million to go to do terrible things and try new crime. That's not the case. You must be you pursued your dream. He took it all the way they have nothing other than to be proud of you, you know, yeah and to be able to make a decision for yourself now about not wanting to do that anymore. There's nothing for them to be obsessed. About you know, maybe be nice if she kept playing of course, you know what I mean? But again, it's also one of those things where you also don't know your parents anything and that's like one of those, you know being young it's hard to understand that well this because they themselves put so much money and energy right? I went to it just like, you know almost as much as I did sure. It's like they're losing something to and I also think another like another reason it's so hard for me to tell them was because I knew once As I told them it was real. I'm not playing more like that's it. And so for me to like accept it was also very hard, you know, because even though I knew I was done like saying it out loud was so hard. Yeah, it's strange, isn't it? Yeah it is but I do think now going forward. Now you said it's out there it starts looks a little bit more for you also because now you're not like, how am I going to tell him how I'm going to tell you've told Yeah, so now it's maybe I can actually move forward sitting like it's good to know that like an illness like struggle with me in my dad to like it was hard to tell him at first, but I also know myself like I always try to like have a good head on my shoulders. Try to make good decisions. And oh no, I'm going to keep that up too. Yeah, there's nothing for them or him to be upset about you know the same for you for whatever you do next. You're not going to just take a turn for the worse now just didn't want to play anymore. You know what I mean? It's time to again do something different with your life make a Change and you're probably like the desire and the drive that you have like for soccer the with the work ethic. That's the something that never goes away. And that's something that makes me feel really good because no matter what you decide to do next. That's the follows you you know, it's when you find some you really like doing you commit fully to it. You're gonna be on this other new amazing journey, what's going to happen your parents going to be right there with you again? That's true, you know. Yes. Also exciting it is, you know, it's something to look forward to. Ooh that I can like have this driving something else something put all that energy into something else and make that three, right? Right. Yeah, that's crazy. That's like happen for like me right now. But yeah, but the podcast, you know, you know this and it was like the logo and then the shirt all the stuff. I'm like making like to dedicate myself fully to this just feels so amazing right now and I like makes me feel good every single day because I enjoy so much, you know that that drive that work ethic all that stuff is not gone. It's there. I had to put it into something else. You know, it's amazing. Yeah, it's just finding that and it's yeah, it's that it is that feeling that soccer gave you about like You know all this hard work that I put into is actually paying off now. They don't feeling that something else is super cool, but is because it's never for nothing, you know, you can look back and what the things weren't great or didn't you can choose to be better if you want to because they hadn't turned out a certain way or like for me like there's obviously a lot of ups and downs honestly mostly damn it was mostly difficult, you know, but now it's looking back out and change none of that stuff for a minute, you know, just like the way my mind works now and what I'm able to do now that I couldn't Imagine doing something else right because because of everything that I did so like I see my soccer Journey as nothing but positive and I wanted to use it and all the stuff. I'm going forward with you know what I mean? Yeah, it's gonna be like the case for you to like, I as you when you do figure something out do you do want to do all that stuff is going to it's going to help I guarantee it. Yeah, you know, how am I going to still processing my whole soccer career? You know, like how am I going to look? I'm just like looking forward to being able to like look at that as a positive thing that made me into who I am, you know, I mean like I don't know please said you could have a boyfriend. It looks kind of statement. Okay? Yeah. Well, so do like think that's me. That's just me but like I wish like a drastic change right now, I think would be great. So maybe just moving out there for you or something like that. It's completely different people in New environments somebody, you know, Which is great and it's a little fresh start and I might be like super healthy. Yeah, I'm not a mean that's that's like the plans but also like for me like I need to have something to do out there breath, you know, I can just go out there. Like that's just not me. Yeah, right. So that's not true. Don't plan too much. You know, it's you think obviously especially you have somebody out there you can stay with for a little while, you know, maybe even like save a little bit here get out there because we can always get by on a heck of a lot less than we think we can you know, it just we say that to ourselves maybe too hard so we don't have to act you know, but you know it was going to get by but when I moved to Iowa City that was uncomfortable sleep on couch or no idea. What I'm doing is that I'm me but little by little I can't trust myself enough where do all these soccer experience is being by yourself you want to Kill yourself at this point, you know, so you'll be able to do that if you can eat and have a place to stay you can figure things out as you go. Yeah, you know hmm. Yeah, it's all messed up to ourselves. You know what I mean? What do you think is because obviously the name of the podcast and everything is obviously vision is greater than anything. So again, it's thinking like bigger picture of you know, and I think right now because of luck you start our journey. I didn't going to make more sense than ever just Because you're probably in this place for again you pursuing soccer or this particular specific goal. It takes all over the place like stuff. You can't really expect you know, and it's like an emotional roller coaster. And so now how do you say I think it's gonna be a little bit easier for you think like bigger picture, you know, because now you know, whatever it is that you choose to do next. It isn't always going to go your way. It isn't gonna be perfect all the time. It isn't gonna you know change your life drastically that that minute never works that way, you know, but I think like understanding that stuff Alex I could give me the understanding where things are going to go my way all the time. I know that and I still want to do it, you know, so if once you find something that's worthwhile, even if it doesn't go well for a long time, like that's that's when you really going to be set, you know what I mean? Because of mindset now is when some doesn't go well, I'll make my adjustments. It's not the end of the world. Yeah, I learned you know what? I mean? I think you didn't talk to you know, I think so. Yeah. What do you think's next? Um, I don't know I'll figure it out. Like I'm this podcast has really helped me actually to not like stress so much on the specifics. It's more of just like I'm going to give myself time to like process everything but also take my time figuring out. What's nice, you know, like I wanted to DC I want to be with my work and whatever but like I don't think I want to figure out what I'm going to be doing forever right now. Like I'm okay with just going out there doing something for a little bit and then figuring out what You know I'm saying like absolutely because of it for me like there is no age like by which everything has to be figured out. Yeah, absolutely. Not you know what I mean? Yeah. I think that's like a pressure to that Society kind of puts on us. Yes, when you're nice cool think about these things so that it goes this way and when you get the car just focus on these couple things and then things will go this way, you know, and when you have the real world that just do this at all go this way, you know, and that just like that that's real. You know, I think it's really up to the individual to make a fort. Souls, you know what they want things to mean what they want to do there is no like timetable, you know, which is a great everybody's like on their own Journey their own path, you know, it's like don't sister myself. I never feel pressured about that sort of stuff. You know what I mean? Because I've done things that a lot of people haven't so if you you know, can I trust myself enough now to keep going out and doing the things that I like and maybe like building a life for myself. It's kind of meaningful. I thought it's up to all of us to do that and we get to choose what it means for us. You know, yeah, but there is no by this data have to do this. I have to know this. It's just not real it's and it's hard trying to live up to others other people's expectations for you or like we're in high school. We are pretty much told like you need to go to college and get a job, you know, and after college if you get a good job or like it didn't work like that for me tomorrow, you know right away for you and so like right now I need to stop thinking what other people think about what other people are going to think if I don't Job, like a career job. You know what? I mean? It's like I do worry about that too much. Sometimes kinda gets it. It's not even your fault that I mean that just kind of how things are set up. You know, I think we're Delta believe that there is just blueprint and if you follow it, these are the results here and I just think like whether you're younger and you buy into that or you're older and you have bought into that at some point, you know, that that's just not reality. You know, there is no blueprint that just will be kind of Camille as a group decided to maybe that's just how it's going to be but it isn't you know, so for me like I get to choose what all this stuff means for me, you know what I mean? And that's a really liberating feeling even though sometimes it does feel long. Were you must feel like you're breaking this this more that you're not supposed to be almost. You know what I mean? Yeah, but I think like to get anywhere into really like do stuff that you want to do and live life your way that is not the stuff it takes you know, and that's not the case that there's anything wrong with doing it that way or doing a traditional. Nothing wrong with either of those, you know, but if you can be happy if you're happy at the end of the day, you win regardless of which way you go, you know, do you know that by now, you know what I mean? I got nothing else to do, you know, that was perfect again. I appreciate you coming on and sharing that stuff. Obviously. It's it's hard, you know, like it was an issue hard for me to start talking about that stuff. But the more you do it the better you feel and I know less weight it has on you, you know, and I do think just by Having this conversation. A lot of people again, not just soccer players not just athletes people in general have difficult have a difficult time talking about this sort of stuff, you know, and really that opening up about it, you know. Yeah, so I think a lot of people will find Value from this has a really appreciate you doing that, you know, absolutely. I hope you'll keep keep keep doing it, you know, keep writing and then keep talking, you know, and I think sure enough some Something's Gonna Come Avenue down. All right. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much for listening to that episode. I do hope that the discussion between me and Darian guidelines were looking a little bit if it did that's great. I hope that you got something valuable from it. I know it's difficult to kind of share these these types of stories. This is the first episode that I actually did with another individual. It's my first guest. So the way this one started will be a little bit different than the rest of them will start going forward this one I did. Ask the question. What is your vision right off the bat? That is something that I thought about after I did this episode some kind of also learning as I go as I do this one, but going forward from here on out. It represented will kind of start with the big question of what is your vision whenever I have a guest on there. So this will be the one that isn't again something. I'm learning something. I am deciding to kind of add as I go. I do hope that you enjoyed this one. I will leave in the description on The website here where you can reach me whether it is email or through any of the social media platforms that I'm using. I'll leave the link in description to all that sort of stuff. I do hope that you share some stories with me. I do like listening to them again as I mentioned before I do think everybody has a story to share. I love hearing about them or if there's something you know, you're struggling what I'd like to have a conversation about that stuff, too. So again, thank you so much. And again, my name is Steve. Oh, this is vision is better than anything until next time.
My first episode with a guest but the first of many! Darian Powell is a former professional soccer player out of La Porte City, Iowa that I got to meet through the beautiful game. I was one of her personal coaches after she finished playing in college and was preparing for an opportunity at the professional level. I felt that she was the perfect guest to start off this podcast because 1) she loves soccer just like me, and 2) she pursued her dream and came to a point where she knew that she didn't want it anymore, just like me. Explaining that to yourself is one of the most difficult things in the world, let alone to other people, but when you know, you know. It takes a lot of courage to open up about our life experiences, our ups and downs, our dreams and aspirations but it's even more difficult to be honest and transparent about them with ourselves. Fortunately for me, Darian has no shortage of courage, that's why this episode was possible. She talks about her story and how her journey unfolded and brought her to where she is now. Whether your story involves soccer or not, there's still something for you in this episode. Chances are that wherever you are in your journey, you've either felt, experienced, or thought about some of the stuff that Darian and I talk about. I hope that you enjoy this episode and you find something that you can relate too. Thank you for your time.
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So you never miss an episode premium users can download episodes to listen to offline. Wherever you are. You can easily share what you're listening. Meaning to with your friends on Instagram. It's all good. It's all simple and if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for web sluice Radio podcast on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me. So you never miss an episode of web sus Radio podcast. Okay, Thomas Hargrove murder accountability project. The Chicago Police Department and the FBI are now investigating 51 unsolved murders over the past two decades to determine whether they are the work of one or more serial killers the murder share a number of characteristics. They're all strangulations. They took place on Chicago's South and West sides over the last two decades. All of the victims were women and more than three-quarters or African-American women a Called the murder accountability project founded by journalist Thomas Hargrove used a computer algorithm to identify this particular pattern of murders in Chicago. We wanted to learn more about the case since the investigation is picking up momentum and making headlines finally making headlines across the country. Murder murder accountability that sounds like a good phrase doesn't how about the murder accountability project when you hear what our next guest has done with the murder accountability project you're going to be so impressed Thomas Hargrove has done some amazing work that is finally being recognized as far as helping us solve murders in our communities showing patterns, perhaps serial killers that we didn't know existed. Existed and it's all done through a non-profit Thomas Hargrove started compiling homicide statistics with the hope that serial murder could be seen in data and that could help solve crimes. And so with that basic information the the murder accountability project we've gathered all of the records that the FBI has collected and We Gather records that were not given to the FBI The Uniform Crime Report and the supplemental homicide report our voluntary reporting system. Eames police are not required to report anything they do this because it's professional policing to report such data we go to entire states that don't report to the FBI and compel them under Freedom of Information. Act laws to report to us. And so we now have nearly 29,000 Case Files of homicides that were that should have been reported to the FBI, but weren't we now have gotten Records On Seven hundred and seventy one thousand murders in the United States going back to 1976. It would be reasonable to assume that there is a federal agency like the FBI coordinating crime data statistics for the country, but it turns out there isn't what we do have is a database that the FBI has been building for many years called the supplemental homicide report. It is a supplement to the Uniform Crime. Report to the other big database that the FBI produces about major crimes in the United States police Chiefs when they created this the Uniform Crime Report in the 1930s decided later on that we need more information about our worst crime murder. And so they instructed the creation of the supplemental homicide report which doesn't gather a lot of information but a gathers this the victims age Sex not to the victim's name not the precise location where they were the murder occurred. It does tell us the name of the law enforcement agency. That was the lead investigative agency in the case. It tells us the weapon that was used to kill the victim. It tells us the circumstances of the killing which is the Least Theory as to why this murder occurred. Was it a robbery? Was it a rape was it not an argument over gambling debt? The circumstances are a theory as to why the murder happened and if somebody was arrested we get the age race and sex of the offender not a lot of information. It turns out it's enough. It's a challenge and you know, I think people have a misconception as to how well Eyes law enforcement is there is not a master list. We would be happy if Congress would someday come and put us out of business by creating an official murder accountability project, but that's not going to happen anytime soon. Tom recognized the need for murder accountability through his work as a journalist. Yeah for thirty seven wonderful years. I was a newspaper reporter and the last 25 of those years. I worked in Washington DC and it really was one of the best jobs you could ever have. I guess the worst part of that job was the two and a half years that I was a White House correspondent. I really did not enjoy that but most of the time I was able to be an investigative reporter and that is just the best job in the world and I had a wonderful wonderful time. My first job was as a cub crime reporter, I worked. In Birmingham Alabama as the weekend police reporter for the newspaper down there and I was there in the late 70s and early 80's at the time of the Atlanta child murders and the Atlanta Police Department was widely criticized for not not recognizing that they had a pattern going on that there were too many African American youth being killed and the case is not solved and so I started attending. Symposium by criminologists looking into the Atlanta case and learned that this is a phenomenon. That's well known in criminology called linkage blindness that it's very difficult for police to recognize that cases are connected and so years later. I talked my editors and Washington DC to do a year-long project looking into unsolved murder with the idea that we'd see if we could develop an algorithm. That might be able to detect serial murders within the FBI computer files of murderers. And that was the project. It was a wonderful project that won a bunch of awards and we were successful. We did develop an algorithm that can do just that so now algorithm is simply a series of mathematical steps to produce a solution and computer algorithms are useful because computers are very good at slavish. Only following instructions no matter how complicated and so we're starting to see algorithms all over the world doing very intelligent things online because they can be such a powerful tool in the case of murder. We're looking for clusters of similar murders and similar locations that had a very low clearance rate and history tells us that quite often that that effect can be the result. Of a serial killer who has been successful in a evading arrest, but the algorithm only works if you have all the data, you can go to our our website at murder data dot org and you can download our data. You also have an interactive interface with the data. You can also have an interactive experience with our algorithm. I can also download the algorithm everything we do is open source. We won't be happy until our data are on every computer in the world that will never happen. But we are as open as we possibly can be about this information because we think it's so so important for people to understand murder you can certainly is and the more the public can use this the better. So I'm going to ask you a few questions about what you just talked about. You're telling me that the police are not required to report to any federal agency anything about their murders. Correct? Correct? It is a voluntary reporting system. Do they have to report to anybody because we always see in the newspaper Salt Lake City crime rate murder rate down 10% this year. Well, how would they know unless they got it do they just accept what the police tell them and then write it or is there any any sort of Checking plan to check if what they're saying is the truth. Well by and large police are very professional and they they don't lie. They they tell the truth and the records in a fairly complicated Reporting System. I mean mistakes get made but by and large we do know the sweep of Murder in the United States how many there are whether or not they're being solved and as to police being truthful if they weren't being truthful then why do they report data? That increasingly make them look bad that over time in the last 50 years the rate at which we solve murder has been declining for a lot of reasons primarily because insufficient resources are being provided to police but the rate at which we solve a murder now is only about 60% of the time. It used to be 90% of the time 50 years ago. There are there are challenges to police That You Don't See Beyond on your favorite crime show on Primetime television growing number of cities in America experienced a very unfortunate Trend, which is most murders go unsolved. It's that way in Chicago. It's that way in a growing number of places that most Killers get away with it. And that's a very alarming Trend. We're pretty sure that the police are telling us the truth because if they were to lie the picture would look Rosie. or it doesn't Okay, that makes sense. But now you have to get this information from them and also from the FBI. You mentioned a lawsuit. I found this absolutely fascinating that you actually had to sue to get this information. Tell us what happened with that. How did that come about? Okay. Well most of the agencies that we negotiate with we don't have to sue we voluntarily get from the states of Alabama and And Florida Case Files, so we didn't have to go to court. We were able to convince the District of Columbia to resume voluntary reporting of homicide information. We did have to go to court in Illinois and we were partially successful. We were able to obtain hundreds of murder cases that they did not report to the FBI and they have resumed reporting case information to the FBI. Why we just discovered that among the non reporting agencies is every law enforcement agency with the federal government. They do not report to the supplemental homicide report or to the Uniform Crime Report who doesn't who doesn't who doesn't report you broke up just a little bit. Yeah, we discovered that every federal law enforcement agency does not report to the Uniform Crime Report or the supplemental homicide report. Nationally. That's the FBI. That's the ATF. That's NCIS and all of the the military police organizations. None of them report murders to themselves essentially to the to the Eyes official accounting of Major Crimes including murder. We just found this out and we're in the process of trying to fix this. We don't understand why that happened because Congress actually passed a law in 1988 called the federal Uniform Crime Reporting Act of 1988, which mandated that all federal agencies including law enforcement agencies with the Department of Defense that everybody who has as the capacity to investigate a major crime shall report to the Uniform Crime Report that seems to be an incredibly disrespected law that nobody complied with it. And so we may have to go to court on that one asking a federal judge to order federal police to report to the Uniform Crime Report in the supplemental homicide report. We're hoping that doesn't happen. We're in negotiations with members of Congress and With we hope the the bureaucracy we haven't heard any response yet. We sent a letter to FBI director Ray Christopher Ray and to other law enforcement officials are advising them of this law and we're hoping to start to obtain data from the federal government, but are the police on board. Most of the agencies that we negotiate with we don't have to sue we voluntarily get from the states of Alabama and Virginia and Florida Case Files. So we didn't have to go to court. We were able to convince the District of Columbia to resume voluntary reporting of homicide information. We did have to go to court in Illinois and we were partially successful we were able to You obtained hundreds of murder cases that they did not report to the FBI and they have resumed reporting case information to the FBI. We just discovered that among. The non reporting agencies is every law enforcement agency with the federal government. They do not report to the supplemental homicide report or to the Uniform Crime Report. That's the FBI. That's the eighth. TF that's NCIS and all of the the military police organizations. None of them report murders to themselves essentially to the to the FBI's official accounting of Major Crimes including murder. We just found this out and we're in the process of trying to fix this with the expanded database. We've worked with the criminal justice information. Services division of the FBI they're based in West Virginia and they are just wonderful to work with they have a hard job and there is not enough of them. It's the process of counting things is hard. I can I can vouch for that and they seek to get voluntary data from police departments that are willing to participate voluntarily. They can't get any tougher than just to ask please but they do do they do a good job and the data they give us is wonderful and they give it to us first they are very very good to work with. They recognize that our website is being used by law enforcement and they give us first access when new files become available. Well by and large police are very professional and they they don't lie. They they tell the truth and the records in a fairly complicated. Reporting systems I mean mistakes get made but by and large we do know the sweep of Murder in the United States how many there are whether or not they're being solved with the expanded database Tom created an algorithm to mine the data looking for patterns in Murder clusters across the country. Yeah. The first time the algorithm was ever run was in 2010 in the summer and We didn't know whether the algorithm was producing useful information. We programmed it to to be able to identify. What at the time was the worst known serial killer in American history. That was Gary Ridgway the Green River Killer in the Seattle area. He was convicted in a court of law for murdering 48 girls and women. In the Seattle area many of the bodies were deposited near or along the the Green River. That's how he got his name. So we programmed a computer that would eventually tell us that something awful happened in Seattle in the 18 in the 1980s and 1990s. And so when that worked in the algorithm was telling us about Green River it Telling us about dozens actually hundreds of other highly suspicious clusters. Some of them were even larger than the Green River cluster. And the question was well, what are these and so we picked 10 of the largest clusters and we called local police and in many cases. These were already known serial killers in in Los Angeles. Alice there were actually five separate serial killers who were killing women mostly African-American women with handguns. They were quite independent of each other and yet they were doing the same thing killing over and over again and getting away with it at least for a while that caused a huge blip in the data and the algorithm caught that we had other clusters around the country. One of them was in Gary, Indiana. cluster of 15 strangulations of of women mostly mostly young women none of them solved and we called the Gary police department and they assured us that there was no unsolved serial murder in Gary and would not entertain the possibility that they were wrong when we developed the names of Elves of these 15 women we came back to them and said are you sure these are unsolved cases? They look quite quite similar and they stopped talking. They would not entertain any questions. They would not consider the possibility that there was an active serial killer we published our results. Although we sweated about it. I actually sent registered letters to the mayor of Gary into the police chief saying look if there's You should tell us you better tell us quickly. We're about to publish a story saying there's an active serial killer in Gary, Indiana. We heard nothing and so we published and in 2014 Hammond Police next door to Gary Indiana were summoned to a Motel 6, and they found in the bathtub in one of the rooms nineteen-year-old Africa Hardy. They were able to make an arrest quickly Darren deal. Diane von fan and as sometimes happens with these guys, he confessed. You got me. I've been at this for a while. I've been killing back into the mid 1990s and he took police into Gary where he showed them where he had hidden six other quite recent victims homicide victims the Gary Police Department knew nothing about whom he had all strangled. Those were those Six plus Africa Hardy makes sevens at least seven women that he killed after I had tried to warn Gary that there was an active serial killer. When three women disappear in Santa Ana California without a trace it takes one bold unwavering detective to seek Justice detective. Julissa. Trap has always wanted to be a cop but she's the only woman on an otherwise all male homicide Squad, but she does her job in ways that you and I would probably say is unconventional perhaps there's a brand new podcast from One Tree and the Los Angeles Times in this podcast detective trap takes you right into the life of a cop. Who conducts herself relentlessly hosted by award-winning journalist? Chris offered detective trap is the story of a detective who fights through her many personal battles. And of course she has to deal with society's indifference to murder, especially three missing women. She goes through all of this and is still able to bring a killer to Justice trap strongest resource for catching a dangerous criminal personal experience while listening make sure to subscribe to Detective. Trap on Apple podcast Spotify or wherever you happen to be listening right now. You can also find the link in the episode notes. Can the unsolved murders in Chicago be seen in data? And what is being done about it our algorithm? If you go to murder data dot org and click on a tab called Murder clusters and click on the county clusters. You'll see dozens of circles all over the country, but two of the largest our Circle over Cleveland and a circle. The Chicago the Cleveland case was what you and I both worked on. The Chicago cluster is is a large number of unsolved murders of women who are either strangled or a tick ciated in the city of Chicago and very few of those cases were solved there actually have been three rounds of press stories about that cluster it started when I was out of Journalism conference in Phoenix four years ago three years ago and I told a large room of journalists that there are too many unsolved strangulations in Chicago when we were talking about the algorithm and the one of the first was what was a package in the Chicago Tribune, they started investigating and then there was a call from HBO Vice news at about the same time. And they were aware of the pattern and the device news report actually beat the Chicago Tribune reported. Although the Chicago Tribune has been working the case first but it was obvious to to both groups that something God awful had happened the Chicago Tribune published the HBO Vice did a package about these overwhelmingly unsolved. Triangulation and it's an asphyxiation murders and we had a conversation with the Chicago Police. I and Eric with Sig my vice chairman who used to unscrew killers were living with the FBI. We had our conversation with Chicago Police and then and it was a pleasant conversation. We explain that. We're pretty certain. There are at least one active and maybe more than one active serial killer in Chicago and we gave them. List of victims and our are we even have a theories to where the guy lives because there's a a desert where there aren't very many body recovery sites, but located between Chicago's west and south side. He might live there work there but nothing seemed to happen and then CBS came along the channel to CBS affiliate in Chicago Pam zekman, very, Very feisty decades-long reporter in Chicago. She's an institution and she did a series of stories and that finally ignited things there was political interests and there was a response from Chicago Police. They decided to assemble a task or detectives were being assigned to review these 51 murders of women. The FBI was consulted and The FBI is participating in this task force. The superintendent of police Eddie Johnson has instructed that they attempt to review what evidence still exists to see if they can provide additional testing and ultimately it's a resource problem on all of the elements of unsolved murder that increasingly murders are unlikely to be solved and that's because Because of lack of funding although the murder accountability project was created to compel police departments to report their crime data and clearance rates what has been the response to the outside help the Chicago Police Department are really quite Pleasant to deal with in fact, they always happen. No cop wants to hear that. He has a serial killer in his community. Nobody wants that there's a politics to serial killing and it's not good and so you That's perfectly understandable. But Police Department is now quite quite sincere and their attempts to review these cases again, though. It was necessary to be able to put together a list of who the victims were. You don't have the names of the victims in the FBI Files, but when you do put names and narratives to these crimes in the words of one Chicago detectives any reasonable person upon reviewing these cases would agree that these are probably serial murders her and your listeners can review the what I'm about to tell them to if you go to our website at murder data dot org and look at the second news item, you'll see it's about the Chicago cluster and at the bottom of that item click here and you can download the report that we did for the Chicago city council. So it's a it's a seven page report. It's kind of interesting when names and narratives are put to these 51 deaths you you really really have no doubt that there was a common killer in many probably most nearly all of these women the women were overwhelming in all over their body recovery sites were overwhelmingly found out. Out of Doors 94% of the time the the body recovery site was out of doors or in an abandoned building that's pretty unusual they were they were a majority of them were found either nude or partially disrobed or their clothing was tampered with so that they're the Hewitt the female form was was exposed these were Clearly sexual crimes in addition great many of these women had recent sexual contact and sexual activity and not always voluntary sexual activity on these were in many of these cases. These were clearly rapes. There is there is a an interesting pattern to The Killing Fields. There are three in Chicago on the west side. On the south side, which is the largest and the extreme South Side, which is the smallest in the case of the Southside cluster. There is a real interesting linearity to it a 9 of the murders seem to form a nearly perfect line as if a killer were driving a route looking for victims and finding them along. And so in fact, we did a map and you can you can see the geographic pattern for yourself that these were clearly sexual crimes mostly involving prostitutes or women would habitual drug use or both and women, you know sex sex workers and Drug. Are the primary targets of many serial killers, you know, and so that these are overwhelmingly prostitutes or drug addicts is also an extreme Telltale, but the biggest Telltale is that this is a large cluster of murders that were not solved most of the time in Chicago when our when a woman is murdered somebody's arrested because female murderers are easily solved. Compared to male murders because usually women are murdered by an intimate to boyfriend a husband someone who lives in the house. It's a sharing list of suspects. But these women these 51 women who were strangled in a 60 ated they were almost certainly killed by strangers or by persons that you did not know very well. That's why the body recovery sites were all out of doors. I mean these were not these were not Intimates who knew each other these were these were Sex workers plying their trade and they were paying a horrible price for it and in America, we kill within our race. If you tell me the race of a murder victim I'll guess that the killer was the same race and I'll be right seven percent of the time. So 3/4 of the women were were African-American and 1/4 were white or Hispanic and I really really think that there's a white killer and a black killer that's just my opinion, but I think I think the wisdom with the Chicago detectives one detective told me we're probably dealing with two or three multiples. He said multiples make multiple victim Killers two or three multiples and I think that's a pretty good guess. It's not impossible that it's one guy. It's just unlikely right now. There is no proof of a serial killer. Walk there is General agreement that these cases need to be taken a hard. Look at that the odds that these are 51 separate Killers is just hard to imagine there is there are serial killers active in Chicago and this pattern is probably going to continue until this guy or these guys are caught. Well the murder algorithm demonstrates homicide clusters by geography. Why not all serial killers stay in one place Sam little Sam little is a serial killer who has been in the news recently after he was convicted of killing three women little admitted to strangling dozens more women across the country starting in the 1970s. His estimate is that he killed 90 women and nobody nobody argues with him. Nobody's calling a liar. They've been able to through hard forensic evidence tying him to 34 and They're still working the forensics on 24 if those work out and they pretty sure it will that makes him the most dangerous serial killer in American history and nobody's calling him a liar. I was claim of 90. He he checks a lot of boxes for our algorithm. Our algorithm says that the the largest suspicions cluster is in Atlanta series of a hundred Asians and Atlanta, well little says so yeah. I killed three women in Atlanta and for women outside of Atlanta in Georgia, his largest killing field seems to be California, which also is the largest number of suspicious strangulation. Well all strangulation there were suspicions but clusters. There are a great many clusters of of strangled women were hardly any of the murders were cleared and Little checks those boxes for us. These are marginalized women and they had been disowned by their families long ago. That's how you get to become a streetwalker that you don't have you never pick prostitution as a career picks. You you feel you have no options. So had these women had a supportive family available to them. They would not have ended up dead. I'm sure because they wouldn't have become a prostitute. Shoot what else is the reason behind low clearance rates? I think it really is that simple that were primarily looking at a problem of resources. If you if you download our data and you look at the rate at which murderers get solved and you look at the broad sweep of economic Wellness in America, there has been a decline in the in the rate at which murders get solved in, New Jersey. Z and I believe that is economically driven resources are a problem. But there are there are many other elements to it. There has been a change in the nature of who gets murdered in America back in the 70s. The the typical murder victim was white now in the late two thousand teens the typical victim is black. There is a sense of Of calculation as to what the amount of resources should be given to law enforcement and I'm afraid that since there has been a decline in the murder rate. That's true. Therefore you can have a have a benefit by cutting back on law enforcement which unfortunately is not a good idea. The courts have been effective at responding to Crimes of Passion. So the first time a man beats up his wife he's going to be spending quality time with Tourists and in court explaining himself that the the system has gotten far more proactive than it used to be about domestic violence. And so domestic murder is declining what that leaves are stranger crimes crimes between people who don't know each other. Well one of them being a criminal the other being a victim but those are by definition harder to solve. There are a lot of indicators are a lot of factors that make murder hard. Order to solve certainly that we're pulling back on resources at a time when many governments city and county and state are fiscally challenged is a major contributing factor, but there are there are there are there are political factors do how much money do we want to give if the typical murder victim is African-American? That's a factor how much how much resources should we give when? The most of the people doing the dying are involved in street gang violence. There's a sense that will why should we be paying for that? Let them kill themselves off ultimately. It does come down to Dollars and I'm afraid that's what we're seeing that kind of political calculation as to how much resources shall be given to law enforcement and the consequence of underfunding police department's is more murder because there is a decline great of which we solve murders in America. There's a consequence to allowing murders to go to unsolved. They're growing number of cities are in a situation where most killers are still walking in the street and when that happens not surprisingly the killing the murder rate goes up the killing goes on unsolved murder begets more murder that happens because the Killer Away with it and he's available to kill again. But also it happens because he's a walking talking Testament that there are no sanctions to murder. So he inspires others to murder and thirdly he got away with a murder if there's someone who cares about that victim since the police aren't going to arrest him. It's up to them to take the law into their own hands. And so a Revenge killing is the only Justice available all of those things factor into a spiral of iron of violence that we've seen in places like Detroit in Chicago where only a fraction of murders get solved and the murder rate gets worse without a doubt web sluice can play a role in helping bring Justice for these marginalized victims the wonderful community that you've built and they can be extremely helpful. They it was your people who were able to put names and narratives to what we still believe is. A series of two or three serial killers in Cleveland. It was not an easy job just because we have basic information from the from the FBI or from police departments directly doesn't mean that we have a blueprint as to what happened. It's necessary to find out exactly who the victim was. We know that there was a 32 year old woman who was strangled in Cleveland in June of Thousand fifteen but who was that? And what were the circumstances of that crime? And that's what the Web Solutions were able to do. They were able to figure out using public sources like online newspaper records. They were able to put names and narratives to those cases and that was very very valuable. I guess what we could use or some people that would be willing to do what web sleuths have done in the past, which is look at some of the suspicious clusters. Try to put names and narratives to those victims quite often when I'm exercises done. You come away with an understanding. Yes or no is are these probably serial murders? Sometimes you realize they probably aren't but most of the time the algorithm is pointing to a cluster that truly is suspicious, but you really don't know that until you until you develop the narratives and and the identities of the victims and so people who are willing to do that to literally be arms yard detectives using nothing more fancy than Google but I think ours that it might be able to to do something important. So we're always looking for volunteers willing to do that. You can go to our our website at murder data dot org and you can download our data. You also have an Interactive. Is interface with the data you can also have an interactive experience with our algorithm. You can also download the algorithm. Everything we do is open source. We won't be happy until our data are on every computer in the world that will never happen. But we are as open as we possibly can be about this information because we think it's so so important for people to understand murder. You don't certainly is and the more the public Public can use this the better you guys are wonderful and thank you so much. Would you like to learn more about low clearance rates and unsolved murders in your community? Simple. Go to murder data dot org, see how you can help. Now's your chance murder data dot org? My thanks to Thomas Hargrove for taking the time to talk with our website loose community. And I want to thank all of you citizens loose out there for giving your valuable time and energy to help bring Justice for victims and closures. Families. I love you all. Thank you. The web sluice True Crime form has truly been a passion for me and for so many of our members. I hope it holds a place in your heart to the web sluice Community has tracked evidence chase down leads identified bodies and helped with some of the country's most difficult cases web sluice members donate their time and expertise not for the recognition, but for the satisfaction of investigating True Crimes, And making a difference for the families of the victims through patreon you're able to contribute to web and the web sluice Radio podcast to help us produce more and more episodes like this one. Your contributions will unlock exclusive content and bonus episodes made especially for our true crime junkies. My name is Tricia Griffith. I'm the owner of web sluice True Crime forum and host of Webster's Radio podcast, and I am sincerely grateful for the opportunity. To spend time with you and get to know you. Thank you for being a part of web sleuth.
Tricia Griffith speaks with Websleuths member Thomas Hargrove of the Murder Accountability Project about a series of 51 unsolved murders of women in Chicago. The Murder Accountability Project, a nonprofit group, used Thomas Hargrove's algorithm to map 51 unsolved strangulation cases that took place on the west and south sides of Chicago between 2001 and 2018. The 51 murders have striking similarities: all the victims were women, most of the victims were discovered outside in a public place, 76 percent were African American, and 75 percent of the crimes had a “clear sexual component." Can an algorithm catch a serial killer? Detective Trapp podcast Anaheim investigator Julissa Trapp is not like other detectives. She’s the only woman on the homicide squad, and a skilled chameleon: undercover cop in vice stings, crime-scene commander, patient confidante of killers. A master interrogator, she invokes her personal experience – and deepest griefs -- as a tool to elicit confessions. When a young woman’s body is found at a trash-sorting plant, Trapp learns the murder may be linked to the disappearance of three other women in nearby Santa Ana. Trapp embarks on a dark journey that brings her face to face with a man who takes “a little piece of her soul.” Listen now at URL Link: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hey there, I'm Veronica. I'm so excited about anchor it is the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first. It's absolutely free. There are creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. It is so simple now anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcast. And so many more the cool thing about anchor is you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership whatsoever even start monetizing right away. It's everything you need to make a podcast all in one place. So what are you waiting for download the free anchor app today or go to Anchor Dot? M to get started now. Hey, I'm Veronica. I'm excited to be with you today. Today. We're going to be doing a little guided visualization as to how to get closer to that specific person how to get them to love you how to get them to be in love with you before we do that. Please subscribe to this channel if you enjoy this content do also hit that Bell icon so you can be first notified as to when I release videos and also when I Go online answering your questions live. Also. I am available for one-on-one coaching Veronica So let's get back to this technique that is going to be so amazing. It's going to make you feel so good inside. It's going to get you closer to that specific person. Okay, so I want you to get in a relaxed State maybe take a few deep breaths. What we're going to do is we're going to send some good energy to your specific person now you can imagine this. RG in any shape or form you like to sort of have to feel it radiating from your heart. So you're going to sort of feel that love grow and just sort of release it. Just take a few moments to do this send that good energy to him or her you could close your eyes. You could get relaxed. It's not necessary though. You can do this in a daydream State as well. Now. I want you to imagine your specific person as smiling when they receive this energy. So you're sending out this wonderful beautiful loving energy and boom they smile and they feel it right here right now. It doesn't matter if they're half a world away doesn't matter. We haven't talked in three years doesn't matter. If you're blocked doesn't matter what the situation is, they smile and they know it's from you now try to feel like the love inside of you is absolutely reaching them and it's just being guided to this person in the very perfect way. And while you do this exercise try not to be resentful of any past hurts or any bad feelings, especially with the fact that you're not together right now instead just feel this love reached. Them let yourself imagine it being warmly accepted. They know it's from you. They can just feel it making their day and their moment that much better now after you've sent this love imagine that the universe is going to work for you right now. So they're putting clever things in this person's path. Maybe they're putting signs that make them a member. You may be suddenly your specific person hears a song that reminds them of you. Maybe it's your favorite song. Maybe they hear your name. Do they see a movie? That's your favorite movie and they see it on television. Maybe someone in their life mentions your name, maybe they dream about you and imagined that all of these signs that are being put in their path. So mining them of the good times that you had together. That is a great way to look at it. If it's an X if it's a specific person imagine that they are saying wow. I miss this person. I didn't know this person more. Wow, I feel really drawn to this person. So imagine that the signs are so specific that there is no mistaking that these signs are absolutely about you and that it means absolute love excitement excitement for the future. You're like, wow, I want to get to know this person more. I want this person again in my life. Like your specific person is feeling all of these things like a rush of energy when all of these things being put in their path is making them want to come closer to you being are you see you? Have you been in their daily life contact you and I want you to give thanks for the power of the universe power of your thoughts the power of your intentions to make this happen and see this is real synthesis. See this as alignment. Now after you have completed this visualization you can do this visualization as often as you like, but try not to go overboard you want have a good balance, but after you finish it give thanks for this current moment. Try to feel yourself as absolutely complete and perfect right here and right now so you're not waiting to feel perfect. You're not waiting to Feel Complete. You're not waiting to feel happy. You feel all of these things right now, so you don't need to wait around to feel satisfied or hole. Whole or perfect you're already all of those things right now. Yes, you would prefer your specific person, but you are okay right here right now. There's plenty to be grateful for take a moment to make a list of three things that you are absolutely grateful for in your life. Those things are proof that you can manifest amazing things in your world. Take a moment to say I am always in the right and perfect place at the right and perfect time. There is an answer to being with my specific person believe. Love can find you after doing this visualization. You really don't even need to lift. Another finger love can be so effortless when you just allow it to come to you. Now, you absolutely have the ability to attract that specific person. There is nothing standing in your way. So after you do an exercise like this, I want you to go out live your life as if everything is falling into place. It's guaranteed you hit the send button on your Or order and it's just going to come to you. I mean imagine it like this you place an online order you hit send you've paid for your order. You don't suddenly start bombarding them with calls saying where is it? Are you sure you're going to send it? Are you sure you got my order right now? You just let it arrived in the mail. And that is exactly what you're going to do after you do an exercise like this. So keep believing that you are in a state of creation where all things are possible all possibilities. First all new experiences exist take a moment to focus on other goals in your life that is living in the end result because imagine it you have your specific person or what do you want next really take a moment to consider this maybe write down three goals as proof that you're living in the end result. Now remember the belief that you have within you is the only thing that you need to turn the situation around it may seem hopeless. Maybe you've had disappointments with this person in the past, but that Is not have to carry with you into the future situation may seem hopeless but it's not you have this desire for a reason and feel like there's a lovely way for it to be fulfilled think in terms of allowing it to come to you instead of pushing forcing or rushing anything things come to you fastest when you need them the least so take a moment to go out and have some fun do something else and just be silly. I hope this helped and I'm wishing all the success in the world. Please subscribe to this channel. If you did enjoy this content hit that Bell icon if you'd like to be notified as to when I release new videos and when I go online live answering your questions, I hope you have a lovely day. You can get one on one coaching for me at Veronica Email me at Veronica aisles at Check out my five ebooks available on Amazon and Mike. Two amazing manifesting planners that are available on my website have an amazing day and may all your dreams come true.
Veronica walks you through a technique where you can attract your specific person to receive signs of you, and an impulse to contact you and have you in their life. This can attract them to become obsessed and crazy in love with you! Please SUBSCRIBE for more videos like this one :-) Coaching available at- This technique works for any type of specific person situation like an ex, a crush, friends with benefits, short term relationship, open relationship, long distance relationship, online relationship, etc. Get ready for the results! Contact me at- [email protected] eBooks Instagram- VeronicaIsles Coaching Packages for the 25 Day Challenge The 25 Day Challenge Videos- Forum Enter the Veronica Raffle! Check out details here #veronicaisles #lawofattraction #specificperson --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:
What's up, everyone, you're listening to at the bridge part episode 8 today. We're gonna be talking Callen Hudson adores contracts. We're going to be reviewing the Barcelona game and Chris and I are gonna give you a predictions for the new League season. I'm your host Mikey and joining me as always is my co-host Chris. So let's get this episode on the road. Welcome back everyone to a another episode of at the bridge part with me my key in my co-host Chris. Hello, Michael sup, that's weird hear my real name. And then what we are one week away from the start of the new Football League season, and that is why we are doing predictions today because just for getting fresh but we're going to go straight into some news because we had amazing news. We've got the contract knows that we're all going to be excited for Willie add new two-year deal. So brilliant, so brilliant player. Of course, I am that is most likely happening the to you. We're going to be serious kind of looks ndoye BBC sport reported early in the way. He signed a new five-year deal not official yet. Hmm, most likely official. He did tease with a little photo. He tweeted I believe it was yes, it was a tweet of him in a Chelsea kit. So it looks like he's finally now down a new contract. Yeah. I think he's going to put pen to paper pretty much anytime soon, which is good. It's gonna do everything we can for him. Yeah, definitely specially with the likes of Mount and Loftus cheek also, Sigh new deal's it's exactly what all the fans wanted and you know what? I think a major part in this is Frank. Laughs. Yeah hundred percent if sorry was still manager. There's no way you'd have. No II found thought that as much as we're sorry had a good season successful season. Would there be a five-year deal being signed? No way. I just don't believe it. You know, it's just these weird people on Twitter these sorry called fans that just yeah worship everything. He does. Don't get me wrong. It's a good break Style. But if he can't be a good man manager, which he isn't then you've got problems you have to sign up for especially with our transfer ban. Yeah, that's the sort out our Academy. Okay, maybe as fans were overhyping our academies slight bit you're going to naturally because you want to see those young Lads do success do well in all fairness. You never really seen any of them have a chance exactly that so, you know, it's good news is good news. Yeah exactly, you know Bayern Look, they clearly saw something in him. I think a lot of things too. I think a lot of people do, you know, of course you million pound be there to see You know pull out his Achilles injury looks like you'll be fully hopefully back to full fitness come September. I think yeah, hopefully you'll just feel just go on to bigger and better things at the club and that five-year deal. It will bring some amazing times to Stamford Bridge. That's all we want because he's obviously a local guy he did so well last season and with how Frank lampard's playing his style of play. There's Preston. It's quite exciting times. Yeah, very excited to see we start the season to be honest pretty eager. I saw Paddy Power done a popular ish bet of Chelsea to lose their first three games. That's my night. Is that could go either way, I believe it's a tough game. It's Lester and then Sheffield United. That's the one I reach one of those too. So I can't I think we'll do quite well in those opening up as we discussed on previous episodes, you know we go away, too. The super cup with Liverpool straight after the man unite again. Yeah, and then obviously it's Lester at home and then obviously she said Norwich away. I don't see why we couldn't pick up 667 maybe nine points it mean I think the best outcome of the man you got I think we'll get a draw or think personally. Yes, so it's always gonna be a kg affair on the first game and I think oh we can be absolutely anyone. So let's say we beat Lester and then it can be not rich or Sheffield United whoever it is. Yeah, so that's what seven-point yeah, exactly. Good starting seven points is a good good start exactly. But Willie an new two-year deal. Like a number tension, but end of that Century seems to have gone down like as you can imagine oil and water. People are yeah, I can't I I Still Believe get handing Callum Hudson adore the 10 shirt. Yes, he could easily grow into that shirt, but it's kind of the kind of shirt that such an iconic number, you know? Okay Willie an he's played well for us as much as people don't believe that he's done quite well, especially during our diocese and With Mourinho the longevity of that Williams spent at Chelsea. He kind of feels appropriate to be given that shirt. Yes. I mean when I said on Twitter I said about learning the shirt I can see how people went. What's he ever done? Yeah, but hopes ndoye will most likely earn that shirt number but it's it's taken stride for how I see it. Yeah and say, okay. There's everything on a plate stay. Yeah brilliant. Think of You want we always do better when we've got goals to aim for yeah, and yeah, I totally agree with you. I mean people come on William, but he's been such a good servant for shelves exactly that he's won everything pretty much but bar in the Champions League cross and he you know, he's got a lot of important goals is paid well and some really important games and he he has learnt it really just kind of puts the dog, but for people like you or not as it really done anything for us yet not saying he's not going to of course he's going to It's gonna be a great player for Chelsea for many years to come but he hasn't done much yet for us. I think as well with William. That's why I was one myself was tempted when Barcelona were dropping those bids then you think wow. Okay, maybe we should cash in but yeah, the club were also I believe looking towards they knew that transfer band was coming in. Yeah, I believe the board knew and thought is 40 60 million worth not having a another squad player and it's just logic. No, I mean you take Willie now that that's all road that leads to is peerless. Each scenario is injured till sets. Yeah and Pedra it's not to bit thin. It is exactly you need we have whether they like it or not. He was had one year left on his current deal this two-year deal. It's not extending it to its two years from now. So 2021 it will run to and then I feel that Pedro and William will then be phased out the team while we bring you. Bringing that in there is talk today that even though we are under a ban that there are brief talks going on with Wilfred Sahar. Yes. I've heard that because of batch why potentially going the whole way and it would benefit Palace as well as yeah. Chelsea is the Harvest Lee would like to remain in London wanted to play for Arsenal players change their minds, of course just play as a striker does play on the wing? And we have got Pure Stitch and Hudson ndoye Sahar on the wings. I can't see that being a thing even as a squad play not going to pay the money that's required for that are and have mascara and you're certainly not going to bench her Dory or pierce it I feel it could be a striking anything. Can he do it possible? Yeah it certainly all for the money as well. To be honest. I mean if I'm not I don't think we'll get Zohar personally. I think he's going to go to Arsenal eventually. I don't see us getting in with this is mental. Next summer. Well, yeah, that's how we do get him next summer. Maybe there could be a scenario where we could almost adapts to the Liverpool philosophy of three players upfront sensitive man, eight Amino and summer all interchanging. Maybe we could adopt that style of play with hallucinatory policy, which is aha. Yes. I'm not in my head at that because I'm thinking of how they work with for me know he's he's not a he scores goals, but he's not someone you feel as one of the which is a shame in a way. She's not seen as one of the World's best strikers know he's almost a false number nine. Exactly. And I think I mean you look a little for now they play they're Untouchable at times as much as it pains me to say and you know gets the high and who is absolutely rapid as well as precision as an adult. I will be artists defend against exactly but obviously that's that's just me sort of armchair quarterbacking as I say and just so dreaming well, we'll go on to talking about Center forwards we've got New number nine. Yeah, followed the likes of Higuain murata. Falcao Torres de Santo Sidwell Aruban Crespo casman, and then you get into the good ones with Floyd hasselbaink viale now Tammy Abraham. He's taken that shirt on so you clearly not going out on loan back or back Sevilla, no good for him. He's done. Yes, and I came free citizen. He does need to be more clinical up front. I'm sure that will hopefully come does this number 9 Shirt mean that he will be our first choice Striker after that's up in the air. I still feel that will probably go as your real first. Yeah, I agree. But Margaret a me Abraham number nine. Do you feel he'll break the curse? What he can't be any worse than leaving them. Nine's. I don't think the I know I mean, it's Torres gets a hard hard stick because he cost that much but what he brought and you know, obviously when you brought up off pod about a goal Torres scored against United, I forgot about that goal. Yeah, so that goes like that isn't that is insane but skill, you know champions league as well. I think what do you know Torres is that is unbelievable at Liverpool. He was the world's best strikers and the pressures of that belly as well. And he actually said to Chelsea he wasn't the same player and the last two number 9's Falcao been third most recent number nine. He came he was he was still not right his knees were still shut it. Did he work out at United. Why the hell did we thought it'd work out a Chelsea Beyond me murata and higuaín sort of suffered from attitude. I feel yeah, I would agree, you know if we put Hi doll, because obviously maratha had his own sort of personal stuff going on which is fair enough. He started so well and then he just fell away and then he just wanted to go back to Spain fair enough. Yeah higuaín. I remember when Higuain was mentioned. I'm thinking of his Napoli days and I'm excited. I'm already ready to order my ego and sure enough thought no, let's wait it out. I'm glad I didn't bother it just it just had such a poor. It just was one of those. I'm just lazy. He's that's all it is never like fully fit. No and it no way over that. Was on his behalf, whether it was an injury or something. He just didn't look fully fit or even ask to be fair. He just sort of turned up. The ball would come in if it didn't come to him weather Hazard run his own run scored a goal assist or whatever. It is sort of out of silk. Why are you passing it to me? Okay. Oh Throw your arms up in the air and then he looks around its teammates. They're already turned their back on him and you could sort of tell towards the end of the season has that I didn't even bother looking for him. Well, this is the thing with Tommy. Eyebrow. This is why you'll be different to those those two, especially maratha and egg Wayne. Hey, Brad will want to to get better. He will want to get that he won't throws, you know, rather the prime will work so hard, you know what he Wills he will score more goals. And then if he gets the chance, hopefully this things he's got to improve on I think it's hold up has got to be better. He's got to be more clinical like you said, but ages only solid he's a very what he wants to be their dad. Exactly. Yeah, I mean it you look at he's kind of the poacher. He scores goals from inside the Box, you know, you've got history of so many iconic foods that done that obviously I'm not saying he's going to live up to these players know but you know, when you look at the Players like in soggy van, nistelrooy, Javier Hernandez, Michael Owen, you know, I'll be going to Seoul show as well. They were known for scoring happens. Yeah, they didn't score outside the box that the heavy iron and has to hasn't. Yes. Don't know about I think vanished Roy school that won the most World War Two but that does not go up there. No, no. Yeah, they're known in the Box. There's nothing wrong with that at all. And I feel that based on I feel that it could work out quite well it cause you said it can't be much worse than what we've had. He's got the perfect manager Frank Lampard to put his arm round him and it will help him. It helps. It does help. It really does and you get the feeling that it would just it would I don't think Tammy Iran would be at the club at the moment. I'm just sorry. Look at him it look at someone else. He probably he might have been kept Higuain but then since he's been gone back to you Ventus. It looks like he's going to open his plans and he's off to Roma. So, you know, I think he's just past his prime feel that it's just gone off a cliff. He's one of those players who got to his Peak at Napoli when she venters still performed and then it's just gone which is a shame because he was it it's almost like we get the strikers too late in their careers. Yeah. Anchor higway now you also, I think a shevchenko and I real cow. Yeah, well arguably Torres if we would have gotten instead of Liverpool. We'd have had the world's first Radtke if we definitely would have it would have been better without he's dangerous. They just sort of unfortunately him so hard and you know what? I think I think I'm back to Abraham. I think giving him the number 9 shirt gives them confidence exactly. The fake is incontinence and it gives him faith that he's going to play this season exactly that which is what you want. Really exactly. I mean, I think I think I actually I use now so popular list Strikers. I don't think he lost yet another possible. It's possible. I think you'll be jeru Abraham and then back away. Yeah, it's possible, but we'll have to wait and see a surprise but I think it's a good guitar and drums gotten a massage. It's very much transfer ban. It's kind of almost a good time. It's a blessing in disguise as we've always mentioned. Yeah, if they've got talent Tommy I run. There's no doubt about it. Well in this week, we want lifted our first place. So who are in the Frank Lampard the Rakuten cut, which I just remember Rakuten for being played out cam don't even know what it is to be honest were recruited. Yeah, there are their company and I remember that they almost took over which was like Amazon's rival at one point. There are okay, but we beat Barcelona to one in a game which didn't feature messy, but it did feature Griezmann and Ross Barkley and rust bucket who's been aggressively and pretty much the same player. Yeah in roundabout way, they both play football. So So messy might be a bit better slightly. That's her we had first half was quite superb. I mean we looked yeah and much sharper than against Kawasaki so big shout out to cover stitch in Georgina. I think they did really really well. Yes. They that Preston from the was super super double purpose comes it comes it was a different animal compared to what I was last season. Yeah, the double pivot again was just it just works the best in Play It's Slightly different to obviously sorry style but incorporates bits of Sarah style. We make sense. We won we won we won last season. But yeah, it's going to that pressing style that obviously Liverpool place so well, yeah you could see this working so well as well, you know the past I think we had were brilliant. They were quick. It's what you wanted to see was it's again. It's what so-called salary Ball but redefined in lampard's almost image a strong worker. Yeah. Yeah, I think going back to conversation in Georgia area. I think Georgina is fantastic to be fair. He's passing on see brilliant but covers its impression. That's his strength. I feel is so energetic is really really good at that and I feel sorry just didn't utilizing last season at so I thought we paid him notes with the wrong sort of position may be okay when we're going to this cloud cover Stitch is more sort of like if setback any didn't really press it. So it will try to detect the Patriots to be in the dojo Genia. I fail anyway cries. Yeah, that's not his game. All right think this game is up and down, press get your tackles in then you can play your passes. There's about thinking we did that last season. I mean which was you know, obviously everyone thought he might have gone over to Italy with Sarah's events as but obviously this week you came out and said that say was he's managing not his friend, you know, he's worked for four years of him to another time another chapter and to be fair. He looks like another good professional who's yeah kick on and Lampard and almost redevelop an extra level to his game. Yeah. Well, I'm Parts came out and said that he's worked really hard and really impressed him. So but that's what you want to hit. It's all about. We've been criticized and very very reasonably. So the attitude our dressing room. Yeah and it's good. We are now at a stage with a manager where if it goes goes to shit. It's well, actually you've down tools before we several managers. Fans and almost the board are actually going to think we're going to back our manager because it's clear. You know, it's Frank Lampard. It's not another manager that goal will just get a new one. So, you know, they've got a sort of look at themselves and get that new fresh mindset. Yeah, there's no way the fans are gonna turn off at exactly that simple, you know, but maybe it's good to see pay is just wanting to play for chokes in and once it get better was you looking for a Tony going for instance. I mean they had a lot of edges. I want to be there exactly that's what you don't want. You don't know the club and that's what the fans didn't warm to him. They're just their attitude was awful in the exact lab. But yeah, sorry my own you got George in you only got zombie Abraham, you got conversation got all these players wanting to learn when to adapt to a different style exactly gets the fans on side immediately, but apart from obviously there was a good performances from you say coach Geno Mount poulis. Eh, you know, we've shown we can sit back and contain much. Better as well as well as attack and the team press which have bring back to it's working quite well now like in previous games and it resulted in the goal in the first half Tammy Abraham after that awful Miss. I don't know how you missed it. It's literally open goal and it went over the bar. Yeah, but you know that happened but he thought he saw sword is holding a was excellent. Yeah, what went in one little halftime, you know overall top performance that first half second half substitution. As did disrupt the tempo, but we have to remember its preseason game. Yeah, of course, you know, we ended that second half. Well, we won we deserve the win. Yeah, when we play in the Premier League would play competitive fixtures. We're not going to be making 3 4 5 Subs, obviously. No, so you'd like to hope that will continue we won't do what we did last season where we sort of the first 10 minutes the second half we disappeared. Yeah, and then we're back on it. Yeah. Yeah, Kappa multiple great slaves that second half, you know Barcelona. They usually have three but he kept us in that game. I think Kevin will only get better this season exactly a hundred percent me. He had a solid season a season of seems a bit shaky at times but it's bound to happen. He still adapting to English exactly. But I think this is he's going to be real real cute pair to us. Obviously Alison came in to Liverpool and he did he just got he went straight on perform brilliantly sometimes Keepers work into it like the likes of David to hire exactly. They work into that. Well Capital. Hey, Of the same size not the biggest not the Big Sur presence, but you know, they're really good at stuff in so the house is probably the best shot stopped in the world. Oh, yeah. Yeah the Bad season the season if you think back to that Spurs game. Yeah ridiculous. I think kept of can if it keeps going you can be at that the high-level a couple of years even next year or even better. So, you know, I think it'd be a real key player 2 is next isn't exactly Berkeley mentioned earlier. He had another good pre-season outing. Yeah, hopefully trying to to come If physical as a good parent Ross Barkley, I just feel sometimes his footballing brain just lets him down if that makes sense. Mmm so like that goal do it conceded. Well, one of the many gods received at the Etihad last season, you know what he just headed it back to Camp were just lucky and yeah, it's just it's got that in him. Sometimes Ross barking to just not be one step ahead of the game. You just you'll accept composure and concentration sometimes but he's a great player. I mean he played really well in this bar for what he turns 26. Fish are you start to think that wow, okay. He's not so much to potentially sort of got a live up to it. Now exactly if you like there is a lot of potential just you know, running out a years. Yeah. Exactly. Unfortunately our press was again impressive, you know, we went to knit up Berkeley with the goal. I did see in the second half to Maury he needs to improve and I feel that he will be fifth choice to enter back. It is a he needs that loan to a Premier League club. Yeah, he is not ready for it. It could be will be Come lll beat you I have Hope and Faith that he'll be coming a good sense of back. But he needs that he needs that extra line move. I said open mind. I'm going back to the championship to be fair. I mean the championship still a very very good-looking football very competitive. I don't need to go to a Premier League club from not to play set. There's a filly plenty of Championship club team. It takes me much every week or Bundesliga. Everyone gets the Bundesliga. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. You know overall though. It's a much improved performance from the Kawasaki game. With the he attempted to one against Barcelona, we all joked and previous part that wow, we're going to get smashed and I still feel going into it. We're gonna get smacked but we were the better team. Okay, Barcelona have just started their preseason. But yeah still it's Barcelona instead a good performance and it's what you want to see from us the racket. It's Garden any of you seen it I didn't see it absolutely bullet. It's one of the best preseason goals I've ever seen. Well it was it better than hurricanes. Well, no, it's that was all I brought me. Me too. I found some videos of best preseason goals ever. There was one from Drogba a few years ago. Yeah, that was insane and you're sleeping. Are you as well? We saw back heels back heels and then back Hills over the keeper of seeing that. Yeah. What the hell is he saying? Brilliant? Yeah, you know, but overall good performance. Yeah to our next games reading we have already played at time recording. We haven't played them. But yeah, totally you can be read in particular is preseason. Yeah, it doesn't really preseason. It's coming to an end. So that means it's 2019 2020 season predictions which will do and really probably I've worked hard on these because I've changed him several times. You know, I've been changing a couple of times. It's really great happiest. I think the Premier League winners we're going to go straight into that. We know who's going to be that I've gone with Man City. I can't see anyone. I can't see Liverpool. I don't trust him Villa. Oh, that's that's a bold show. You know, there's something I've been surprisingly gone with that. I've gone through with Man City. Yeah, I feel that they've improved with rodri come in at CDM for nandini. I'll probably step back into that Center back roll now. Yeah, I mean, I don't see anyone beat Liverpool usually do drop off after a Champions League with its proven. They might not also not Champions League when when they finished second the Premier League, they might prove us all wrong this season, but I feel that I also remember remind myself of how clops teams mainly Dortmund only Dortmund eventually, they've kind of run out of steam after so many seasons. Yeah a bit like the else who leads and be able to do these other teams Lille Marseille, they run out of steam and The end hmm only will be interesting elbow through four months they do but I do feel that man see it just too strong again. This is well Liverpool, you know, when you finish second only one point and Champions League winners now is the time if you don't strengthen, yes, you're going backwards. That's kind of how it is and I see the attitude man city of just hit number one and they've strengthened their team. Yeah. So yeah, there's one important when you have that they've got the young Dutch guy spend been something. Let's be honest isn't Gonna Fly then Van Beek? I believe that's the one I prefer spend been to be honest. But he the end of the day isn't going to play isn't going to affect the full starting eleven. I don't think anyway, so that needs to improve need to get plays in they can't just stick the same team. Wow, that's true. If they want to be better than City. They need to improve its they are like with some heat of the backup keeper, but that's about it. It's not Vandenberg not Vandenberg. No, it's a family that's been been met then been, you know. This well, I've got them a second. Yeah, I've my top four top for No Rest the top six. Yeah, I got Liverpool second. I've got Spurs third. Sorry Spurs are third. I've got us forth. Hmm and no shocks. Nothing special magnetite first Arsenal 600 wolves unless it everyone's taught us not are the most at risk because of you know at the moment they've signed a Defender sent it back on loan. Danny said well upset. It's about it's about I love it. It's brilliant play was greatly under 21 Euros. It is a good player, but they've defensively they're a shambles. I mean, they've got that William Salah bro celeb. Oh, yeah, he's come back to st. Etienne alone. Yeah, so, you know, I need to improve that area with cash only potentially out there defensively. They could fall out Manchester United Daniel James. I like the look of him. I've seen a fair bit of it. I think he could be quite a good Talon 1 / stacker. Yeah what he could still shy Fine, take it up next step. I feel you know, you've got enough in them to probably finish top six Arsenal at most risk of falling out two wolves lest excetra, but, you know the difference in points that I just don't see them making that difference up and now I can see that Chelsea. Yeah because that's ambitious a top four, but we could easily finish fifth. However, you know, we've lost Hazard but I still feel that they'll be enough about us. We weren't be just passing the ball to Hazard and go nope. Can you do some magic pop it in their team perform. Hope so like a one-man team sort of thing. I feel that's that's kind of how it's going to be going. What about your top six then? So I've gone pretty much time as you to be honest Liverpool second. Yeah Spurs third as much as a parent exactly what it is Chelsea forth right? Nice top four previous query here and I've got Arsenal fifth in Manchester United's it. Okay, not much different then now I think I think Manu I don't think I've got the right manager. Okay, I think with the players I've I don't think I've got the right manager. The players would turn on Ali and you can already sort of see it. I just don't I think they're going to really struggle should not because they're not good enough because they're just going to self implode. It depends on if they can move Look our coo and Pogba out because it seems that as much they want to build around Prague but it seems that the like they can't they want to go. Hmm and the eye I can see Pogba stain into the calculator and it depends on that fee. They want their money and more so they got there. Trevisan and I don't feel that anyone will offer that I don't feel intimate and are going to offer that they will go they're already looking to Jericho and I feel that's what that little Peach is so much cheaper and there were these are older isn't exactly to not very true. So base a proven serial Striker as well. Yeah, potentially. I just I just I feel man you just their dressing rooms toxic. I yeah, I did say, you know, I feel so so shots gonna spook. See I said that I could see him being sacked before the end of this year. I said that couple of months ago. Yes. I just feel that they should have it goes back to last season. I still feel that they should have not appointed Ali like they did but uh the bounce were doing well. There's your contract. They should have kept it going and then I feel that they should have gone for posterity know because how do they develop youth? He develops the the core players there. He proved to he had a self-imposed transfer band and they got to the Champions League final. So I agree with y'all. I think I should have waited till the end of the season see how highly finished and then The of the point all a or like you said, maybe get Pacino and or someone like that. Oh, yeah, actually no would have been perfect for exactly. It's the top six this this talk of wolves wolves Everton Lester. I don't feel they make the point that they've done signed. They've done some good signs. Yeah. I just wolves have got those extra games with the Europa League. Yeah that always affects things you saw how it won't be as dramatic but Burnley Yeah, thank you fell off because of it it all and it's a Thursday game. It's to its but we know it been in the Europa League the times we have it's going to countries like as the boys you're going far at the treasure room sits. It hit does it impacts the team? Yeah, it does that we showed how about being out of your totally got us? We won the title with content because we have no European games. We don't have to worry about it. Did L. You know, we can we can pretend are no but it that extremely helpful. Out no, it's very great. Totally groovy relegation. Who are your three? Right? I've gone Sheffield United. Great. No, Rich. Oh, okay. Oh and brighter. Yes. They're in my right there. The two teams that I've got there. I mean, he's over there who just being the king. Mmm. I don't know Southampton not quite it's actually Newcastle. I still have I still feel that I don't think so. There's Bruce. I don't see them playing on. Yeah. Okay, they just spent they've just smash their transfer record. I don't feel it's going to be enough. I don't know. They've got a championship Squad still and referred was doing insane insane job with what he had. I think Perez is going to be a big mess for you. Try to always and Rondon. I mean Joe linton's good place Rhonda, but the point being rundowns a big miscues really good for nothing to credibly good for them. But I always seem to feel with Newcastle. They're just too good. To go down but yet they always type it down. They've gone down twice but I do feel the tea strong. I thought I've got a better team and Brian Shepard unite and nourish personally. Yeah, that's probably a fair. I mean I've got right in there. I feel that I feared it might be a bit too much for Grand Potter. I don't know why they got really Chris you and I don't know what there was expecting from him. I thought they were you know, the style of play. I think that's what they were looking at. So don't get that. I mean, it's like it's difficult, isn't it when you've got the at what? Don't do you accept your level in a league what exactly I mean or do you want some of those, you know step on step forward people get some of those in was hard. It's football isn't pretty let's be honest country keeps teams up every single year every single year now, right and what was that expect expect them to be? What in the Europa League champions league? Yeah. I mean, where did I finish the season? I think 16th broaden think it was around that I mean, it's not bad really that's but they did start to sink at the end of the season that did but I feel if they're different style of play. Would that change much Brighton finished 17th? Just two points above the drop zone so you can sit. I mean they had the third least amount of wind. Yeah. Third least amount of wins in the league Cardiff had one more win because they beat may not in the final day. But yeah the form table When you look at Fulham, they won their last three fixtures. Hmm But Brighton, they lost twice Drew three times in the final five that is relegation for but then said of Southampton. Yeah. I know. I just feel it's a bit harsh to get rid, of course you and I think they'll struggle this season at Sheffield United. They didn't concede that many got I can see why you've gone. We know it's because now it's conceded a lot of those know if you're very open very own but and they could get exposed in the Premier League. They didn't they lost the least amount of thick. Of games last season Championship just six look defeats, but it's again. It's a different step up. Yeah to faster Chef which is not in there, which I feel really it always is for the promoter teams and you arguably usually it's the playoffs team that always struggles because of planning but neither of us got my villa. I mean bitter needs to be careful though because I do feel like they will say yeah, they're spending a lot of money and look at full of last season spent way too much money. Filter teamed in jail and they went down Villa. Did they have to spend because obviously a lot of this God was and they sign players as much you got all they've signed 10. Well Tyrone beings and our guards they were already on their books. Yeah, they've sort of been signed backup impermanence, you know, so it's not like they've got a completely fresh word like full and Fulham a lot of their signs were towards the back end of the window him him him him. Is there a plan here? Oh, it's gone to shit. They got rid of basically the whole chord in there for them. They pretty much. Yeah, it just didn't work out for him. But I do feel video will be too strong for to go down and I think I've style. Yeah, I mean you look at who Villa have signed, you know, they'll ever worked bunder. Dean Smith or they already played with them. Obviously they've signed to Championship players in the championship. So to Brentford players. Yeah, you know form of you've got obviously shot at from Blues For Me used to play Under Dean Smith for Redford. And obviously, it's Recons are again so good. Yeah Brentford date, that's not too little, you know, depth there. It's not like too many new players, but that's okay. Yeah, right promotion. This is where I chopped and changed and I've got my final three one of them. The book is aren't even got them in the top. I think top six choices, but then Norwich one in the top six choices like these mm. It's so hard to put it. Yeah. Yeah the championship. So I've got none of the teams that got relegated in my top three ivany brush today. You know, I don't feel that Huddersfield Cardiff or Fulham have enough. I feel the full of might be that team out of the three, but I can see how this field going back down again either. I can see him again relegated double drop. It's difficult the championship it will always make you look foolish. You can say these are the best is right and ruthless and then so rude someone flies out of nowhere and wins the league you think what did that come from? You know I've got now this is to be promoted. So we get away of this one gets for the playoffs. But yeah, I've got West Brom. Yeah, because I feel that they've got a good squad. I feel Billy. She's a top top manager. I've got big ears. I've got back out so that I could squat I've gone leads. That's probably quite obvious. isil that Daddy one of the strongest teams in that Division and hopefully be else's he staying on I feel that they've learnt enough to sort of agreed agreed and this is quite a fired a shot in the dark. I've gone Bristol system. Oh good shell could shout they all seem to be there or thereabouts. Exactly. That's the that's what's coming in my head and how they played towards the back end of the season. They weren't bad. They will not reduce a good my you know, obviously think they finish dates but you know, yeah, I'll go outside my third saying is is Middlesbrough. Yeah, I considered them. I'm considered them. I feel they're always always got a relatively strong championship team. I feel they'll be there or there about I know that season and it's turning Furious. They didn't really score as many goals as unlike but I feel they have will be up there from their decision. The reason I didn't pick them was because they've got Woodgate and we don't know what he's gonna get a manager, but he could set up at Lampard true a sperm that is quite accurate should afterwards day. But like I said, it's so odd a championship so hard true. Surprise team of the season now we've gone with to allow this is Premier League. I've gone with Southampton or Villa. Okay purely because Southampton I feel that Hassan who will get his brand of football. I feel that they'll be much better this see ya and Zillah. I feel that they are one of the strongest teams since they've got greedy who is a premier league player. They've got some good good sign ins. Yeah, you know, whether you feel that they're worth the money or not a relevant. They've got some good Douglas Louise is a player that I don't understand why they bought him from sissy, but Proven wrong that I love so I'm sick and that got Wesley from Bruges. He scores goals again. How will it transition into a new league? We'll have to see but I felt they had the two teams most likely to be up and surprises in the top sort of top half. Maybe I've gotten I've played it a bit safe of these choices, but after that a birth of a good season I've gone for Westham. Okay, I think we've been getting Sebastian holla. I think that will solve their struggle problem of ad. I think you'll get a lot true. Yeah, I'll push them up the table a sonde. Is it that for nails from bit of real publisher now? Yeah, that's a good player as well, which I think will help them and either team is is less stuff. Okay, I think getting your Tillman's back is a super business. I think 40 million. They'll make the money back on that and more I could never say I didn't pick Lester purely because I feel that their Striker is it's Jamie vardy. And is this the year that is Pace lets him down here good hand. I feel get goals. However old he is. I just he's one of them Strikers you could be right but I just feel yourself a good season this season, but I think that's the end of this. Yeah. Will really push for top six to season fair enough disappointing teams the season again to allowed. I've gone Everton or Palace Palace because if they lose the ha I can't see them doing anything illegal are they could even fall into that relegation trap and Everton address. The guy is not to pasture massive me when he wasn't in the team. Hmm, they conceded a lot of goals and okay, they've signed good players there was going I thought it they've got so So much hype on them to finish breaking that top six. I think I think be too much could be ridiculously long they could break in the toxic. I don't think they're going to be as great as everyone makes out there gonna be some still not convinced by Marco silver personally if Everton just some I just don't know if he's the manager to take them to the next level personally. Yeah, it's going to be it's going to be an interesting show you like you said so go back to gay. I think he'll be a big Miss massive holds a huge mess. Yes and dragged a huge mess up ladder. So I think that's a good bit of business. But gay going is yeah huge. Watch. What are your two? I've gone for man denied. Okay. Okay, like I said before I feel they're just for can it get any more disappointed only thing like that. Is it possible? I think I can like it depends out. Well, if pulper turns off and if lingard, you know, stop stabbing and stuff like this so, you know, it's just I don't yeah, I can see you put I don't know if there's any expectation. You know, it's a team to get a you they can finish seventh. But yeah, but if they finish I mean look at us under Marino in is Lassie. Yeah, we found a way this tent I can either not careful true. I don't recall him. Okay - definitely top six but I feel that there's there's a lot of problems at Manchester United. There is a yeah any second time Newcastle? Yeah fair enough. I mean doubt I said, there's two phones to stay up but I feel they're gonna be scraping relegation. Yeah, pretty much. This one's going to be a quick one top scorer. I've got Harry Kane - Kane. Yeah last season I went with about me Aang this season. I feel that cane if he stays injury-free. He'll do it. Yeah, I was proving it. Yeah. Sorry sword. Yeah best new signing. You've mentioned him already Pablo for hours Oh, I thought you could say the one that I'd picked because him and Halle. I feel they could work they could work. So if you watch for now from last season, I watched a couple of games not a huge amount. Watch the movies highlight reel as well which kind of blurs reality but he was good. I feel he could do. Well West and specially in that t we are malenko and everyone I felt could be good of pick Sebastian. Holla surprisingly fair play I can't argue with that. Like I said, I think if these scores which I think you will because you got some really good player. Westown will go up to the table massive nothing to finish eighth seventh round about there. They really could prove to be that they could if they were actually tempting. Like I said to be in my surprise team, obviously ISM but impeller is going to score a lot of goals. Yeah, I feel that. He probably based off how he was at Frankfurt last season year. It was between him and rodri but I went highlight aluminum. Yeah or important to weigh. Exactly exactly worst signing. I've gone with your Linton. He's a strong player. I was going to say Joe Linton. He is skillful that he wasn't a great finisher the season as much as you know - I'm fans will agree, you know, and he's so excited. Expensive hence while he's going to be he's kind of propelled himself to the worst sign in my view and it's a new cast aside managed by Steve Bruce and I just don't see it working. Is he Brazilian people in Tunisia? Yes. Yes. He is. You never know what you're gonna get with positions in the Premier League. Yeah. It's there that can either be really good. All I can be Alfonso Albers true. Yeah exactly, you know, so ever know. Yeah, I'll construct as he always picked him honorable mention as well. Just to throw that in was Patrick Roberts now, he's on loan from set it nari. Yeah. He's not done anything. Thing prior. I don't think he's going to do anything but not rich, but last season I did a little own my own personal predictions and I picture le he didn't do much. But again, it's a loan sign and so in a way, it doesn't really matter if they go back to their parent Club. So yeah your worst player who's the worst sign and I've gone for a lease Musa you're the one who went from Bournemouth Chef organized. Its he hasn't done anything. He hasn't Justified here at price that all 10 million for someone who hasn't scored and doesn't play what Maxwell And that makes no sense this and I just realized it's not going to get gold. No, I don't feel do it. I don't feel of do anything. Of course, it would bang in 20 goals. Exactly and everyone will be laughing at 10 million. You're an idiot. Yeah. Well beyond brilliant if he does, but I just don't see did you pick a lone star or not? I didn't I just went berenices move. So I did cross out though, Daniel James. Oh, oh, okay. Okay, contradicting months later player the yeah, I've gone Bernardo silver. Could shout out last year that no one's gonna pick a Defender know you never know. Yeah, I've gone for Harry Caine fair enough and you could do well we've specially to get the Golden Boot, you know, it's going to be up there. It's so he's English as well, which always seems to be so good in the a Facebook group and PFA book. So yeah Harry, can I think Young Talent Bob Port? Oh, come on. That for us I've gone for can take the Chelsea hospitals have talent. I've come with great word good one good one. I like the look of any sort .5 and SPL. I can't exactly brilliant. He could be this year's wamba soccer. He could he really could potentially yeah, he's based on wedding dresses about is a good show Once a while. Yeah to allowed again. I've gone with Daniel James and Mesa mouth. I'll fair enough. I've actually pick one, but I'll quickly think of A name but also the first one anyway, I'll come forward. Yeah, it does. I mean he's certainly going to be one to watch you can argue there. Mme, he could be right. I mean my basic necessities and Daniel James has shown that he could step up from Swansea. It's pretty Caesar makes them out again. He's been our best performing on preseason. I'm looking forward to a great first premier league managers ago. How do you feel I know I changed it and I went grandpa because I don't think it's going to work and then I was like well that Roy Hodgson because if Palace think they've proven that if they sit they get rid of the manager to ball was gone. You know hmm But to be fair de bourgh losses first permit for that is true. It was evident. I think it's always a last season with Rafa Benitez people thought that he would walk because it's it's to go it's not to be sad. So go and I genuinely thought he'd walked. Yeah I did but it's a Champions League winner of picked who here because I couldn't splitter. I've gone you Ventus. That is the yeah. I think that's an obvious choice for Oh Barcelona, I've gone with bastard because of how they've improved. Yes. So we've Griezmann and they still unproven now, you know DeYoung they've got players coming in that will step in the roles of bush gets down here attack not replace Juarez, but for the now I feel they've got enough Firepower to take it and you've got messy and messy as much Lee gets older. He's still messy. Yeah, it's messy isn't it? But I think yeah, they're going to be stronger and forward. I just feel this question mark so that back always question marks or Barcelona. Occasion if you've entered literally got Ronaldo now, I got to lie. So very true. So let's really strong a little hard to predict because it's always I've gone up we went with our their Europa League winners now in brackets. I put author this non third place side because you likely if you drop down from the Champions League, you're likely going with you Kelsey last season you had Atletico Madrid. So the moat whoever's in there now who's most likely to get the first I Luxio island of Roma mrs. Yeah, it's funny throw the ROM Jeweler. It's going to be one of them to it might be a total shock and might be somewhere else but I feel that the camera bag. Yeah, I mean those two are the most strongest teams in that so far do I think they're going to win it? No way. No, it's gonna be a third place to yeah, you know could say arsenal one of the strongest teams in it, but I did consider them and that is there are no yeah, you know, I mean, we'll come back to this bit when the Europa League Third place teams, they jump in and we'll be like well who just thinks the strongest out of this? You know? Yeah, these are two fun things. You've got Carlo contact or sorry who's gonna have the most impressive season. See for me you have gotten brackets unless sorry wins the champions league, but I've gone with contact because I feared his into team look incredible. Electronica cut out. Then you cut out something like that. I went we can't say yeah because I feel he's entertaining look incredible. Yeah for yourself and if I get if I get the car co it's going to be even more. I feel that they could fly they could absolutely they could challenge you then to special events us to do in a new style of play. It's difficult. I feel Conte could he's a born winner. This is the thing I feel with sorry, how much better. Can you get Juventus? But whereas contact I think he will massively improve into my land yesterday. I love Conte. I didn't love waited because stuff that was so stupid. No, I agree but I love concerts but I loved his patient used to be it's just it's just what you want to say. Yeah. You knew he was he was there he was he would fight and yeah, you know this you don't hear often bad word said about him even by chance. There's always a small group but a lot of them are very positive with it. I think most people have got to Stanford, but you said the live concert? Yeah. I think he's And you know, we're not giving much credit to Carlo is done. Well, I mean, they've got coulibaly and cost us man alas. That is an insane sense about pairing but I don't feel going forward attacking my eyes. They've got enough to again it you never know Yuri. I mean if they get those are no one of my favorite Mexican players, even he could they could all change 360. I mean these predictions obviously there's a months before Europe's window shirts two weeks before our window shirts, it could change dramatically. Lee hmm, I just feel I feel like we've sorry how much better. Can you get Napoli? I don't think and get nothing that much better to go as well as contacting obviously can get interval and improving a lot exactly exactly Hunter random prediction my it's not so much ran it is it's not random. It's just utterly it's going to happen. He's already been it's already happened, but he hasn't made the appearance makes them out to get his first England cap, simply as Good shot. Yeah, it just scream as if he's already received a call-up, but he didn't play. Hmm. But I feel that this is going to be Susan that he'll get ya a paragraph that yes, you could show I'll be surprised if that doesn't happen to be honest your random prediction. I've gotten Man City and Liverpool to only lose one game all season. Possible possible. I've been dead way stronger than any other team in the bream limit though. So, yeah, it's our disagree with that. I think that pretty much wraps up predictions up unless you have you've picked that second place you'll want to watch. Only born in look at my sin mom. Yeah, I can't argue makes it nice. Um, well, I think he's gonna get a lot of opportunities in the first indices and I think you'll take it and you'll run with it'll be really good. Yeah, hopefully so that looks like our predictions rounded up. They're going to change. I'm sure that probably will be like, you know, Messi gets signed by Newcastle in their massive spends for it. It'll be the best new signing end of times for all these predictions will be nowhere near to what happens if these yeah exactly, you know, we'll go into extra time with a brief yet bit. We're running with running. We're quite long on this episode, which is nice. That's right. I spit thing or you so why not who will be the three high-scoring Defenders this season in the Premier League. That's my question. Well, that is a very good question. It's I'm I haven't even picked three so it's kind of off the whim as you like to do it. I think Fabian share could get one could be yeah that three because he scored 16 goals. Hmm. Yeah if McGuire goes to United He could be there. Yeah, and I can say that I think I think I'll be banned or like choir. And you don't want to go Marcus Alonzo. Oh, I don't think you'll play. I think you will I think it'll get you know, I'm gonna go over Lambda 2 seems to get gold. I think Emma still probably play more but potentially but yeah anyone else only goal under but it does make you think who's gonna Who's gonna get it? I mean when you think I lost about it the less that he was the highest goal scorer last season. So kind of like yeah five goals. He scored from defense and then it was Nathan a key with four and soul bamboo is for Willie Cauley with for Lucas didn't a with for that. So there's a lot of girls here. I didn't realize Lucas Dino's my third. He'll be my third didn't they McGuire and nine players got four girls are cities and I did realize I'm talking here. Wow, well, Your Center back you're more likely to go ahead is from Corners. Hmm. Well, so got that extender Arnold and Robertson pingdom into yeah players are actually incredibly credible is Madison's so far. So you're going to example bucks. Yeah, I feel that. Yeah, I'll stick I'm gonna go with really Bali Fabian share and I'm gonna I'm gonna go with Jerry Maguire. Okay. So the three defenders in a van Dyck McGuire fair enough wash your extra time question. Okay, so I've got you've got to pace to pick. Okay, I've got the underrated one's got the overrated but you're not telling me which ones are which ah shit, man. You're gonna have to go yours. I'm struggling. Okay, I'm gonna go. I don't actually know yourself before itself on the phone. Okay, so I've gone through most Allah and and studying manner. mayonnaise underrated Mmm Yeah the habit of a yeah, I think he's I think it's better for me. No and sign up personally, I'd probably go with maybe Pedro and Ryan Ceci on the ridiculous drives testing on underrated. Now, I feel Pedro gets not enough credit for yeah, you know, I'm so glad that someone else has said the Ryan says here on is overrated because I didn't do a lot in the Premier League even though I've got in the championship he's so young, but at the moment I don't feel he's being towed for 20 odd million. I don't think he's worse at the moment. I totally agree with you that one and I totally agree of your petrol jokes. The fit is really underrated. He gets so much hat stick. He's such a good player. Yeah, you worked so hard for the team. You know, what is quality as well. He really is, you know, totally Groove them to I'm not saying he's a world beater by saying he's underrated but he's just not appreciate it as much as you should be now, certainly great 30. Yeah 30 agree. I feel that brings our longest episode. Well close very history has been made. Yeah, we've got this we've got predict with our predictions. We've had Hudson adore news with beat Barcelona and a new logo. It's been a great week for Chelsea fans and a throughout the bridge. Brilliant brilliant stuff our forecast so happy. Yeah, it's good next week. I have no idea what's going on. We will probably work that out and do it on the Fly. It's probably going to be season review stuff of preseason and then preparing for the Premier League game against man united where will unless we preview that the couple of days before the Sunday because it's going to be yeah, I'm sure Works in that will work it out. Yeah. So yeah, we will we'll catch you next week. See you later. We will return next week where we will talk all things. Things Chelsea. So until then you can find us on Twitter and Instagram at the bridge pod. Thanks for listening everyone until next time.
In this episode Mikey and Chris talk all about Chelsea's win the Rakuten Cup against Barcelona, New deals for Callum Hudson-Odoi and Willian as well as their "so going to be an annual segment each season" Predictions for the 2019/20 Season. RUNNING ORDER    (0:50) Callum Hudson-Odoi signs 5 year deal (According to BBC Sport) (4:09) Willian set to sign 2 year deal and will be our new number 10 (6:40) Wilfried Zaha to join in 2020? (8:40) Tammy Abraham is our new number 9 (14:16) Rakuten Cup Final: Barcelona vs Chelsea Game Review MAIN TOPIC - 2019/20 Season Predictions! (22:52) The Start (23:10) Premier League Winners (25:05) Rest of the Top Six (29:32) Bottom Three (34:15) Promoted from The Championship (36:21) Surprise Team of the Season (38:10) Disappointing Team of the Season (40:07) Top Scorer (40:20) Best New Signing (41:19) Worst Signing of the Season (43:05) Player of the Year (43:41) Young Talent (44:02) One To Watch (44:35) First Manager to Go (45:14) Champions League Winner (46:03) Europa League Winner [Or Furthest non 3rd Place side] (47:00) Carlo, Conte or Sarri, Who Will Have The Most Impressive Season? (49:00) Random Prediction EXTRA TIME  (50:19) Who will be the 3 highest scoring defenders in the Premier League this season? (52:16) Two Players, Who is Underrated and Who is Overrated?
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Don't know if you're just going to chill. I don't know if you're going to go out. I don't know what you're going to do. But this weekend is going to be a weekend that in like a year from now you go a at January 10th 11th and 12th weekend was fuckin awesome or it's one that you just like relax and don't remember talk about ever again, you know, it's all up to you, but we're going to try our best to send you into that weekend in a good mood. Our presenting sponsor is seeking they've been a presenting sponsor since the every podcast they've been our supporter for longer than they should have not all these shows are bangers and at the beginning it was even worse, but the reason why they stuck beside us is because they're an amazing company and their company is the greatest ticket-buying platform on planet Earth and the moon that's right if you're going to buy a ticket to them comedy. Show stand-up comedy show concert a theater show a sporting event. 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But also the Tennessee Titans who just knocked the Patriots off of their Dynasty Mountain ladies and gentlemen, Eddie George Edith that what's up man, Eddie. First of all incredible book collection behind you. Is that how you become a wealth management guy reading all there's no way you read all those books. I have I have over about a a 10-year period I read every single one. Are you wow now for those that are joking that's in it. It's one of the most impressive collections I've ever seen by one of the most impressive humans. I've now I have a question. We had a little bet on Titans Colts game the Titans one I was Where Eddie George Jersey? I'm curious. Yeah, I was doing I was going to say where is my jersey? Why aren't you wearing it? Well, what's going on? Well, I don't know if you remember I was coming on you have 24 hours to prepare for this. So what is the excuse? I think what had happened was you see well actually happened. Yeah. I think you were busy reading those books. You're supposed to send me a real one. I was going to buy a fake one. Okay. So what I was gonna do was send you one with the iron on I was gonna wait until the Titans won the Super Bowl which looks like oh, no we wouldn't have to wear. If you go to listen, if you go down to Miami, you have to wear the Jersey the entire week now because you click on the bed. Nothing else underneath so it's going to be cut off have Jersey. I'm not wearing a bear underneath already had to do that. We tired weak at Miami on radio row. I cannot wear a alright, I'll do that one. I wear the I got to lose a lot of weight. I need to get a lot of little bits as you are right now all the holidays belly out bro. Hey, let's talk about the tights. Can we will make that happen? All right. Let's talk about the Titans. Also. First of all, hold on. Let's talk about what dr. Peppers doing with the college football national championship you are. Representative Dr. Pepper, Dr. Pepper is all obviously awesome as are you what's dr. Pepper got going on with the national championship for college football. They have a new flavor coming out there who's presenting at the game is a cream-based soda. Dr. Peppers doing which I want from you ice cold and I think the debt and everyone attending the game will get one but don't fret they will have other opportunities for the public to get this new flavor that's coming out. It's quite delicious. It's refreshing its When you come off of the back of nine of a golf course after being five under so that's what's going to happen at the national championship game Eddie. Have you ever shot? 500 in golf? I'm again. I'm lying on that dream of mine. That's the goal of my I visualize it on my vision board is five under the school wide vision board as we speak. I can I can respect that. I can't wait to try. Dr. Peppers new flavor. Dr. Pepper has been steadfast in the college football not only play off button touch football in general. Well big thanks to them for all their support also signing you was a brilliant move. Now. Let's talk about the Titans that game against the Patriots Mike Vrabel goes into what seems to be an impossible place to win in the playoffs gets a win now. He got very close towards the end obviously pick six to seal it now. They have to go into a place that looks like a buzz saw right now with this Baltimore Ravens team with Lamar Jackson. Why do the Titans have a chance to knock off Lamar Jackson and stop his team that looks like they've been Unstoppable. Well a couple of reasons I think Times are playing the best football right now clearly, you know defensively they deepest travels like Grable understands how to prepare in the playoff game in this magnitude going into Gillette Stadium last week was a perfect example of that Derrick Henry is playing out of his mind. He's peaking at the right time. You didn't know of accumulate a ton of carries in the first half of the Season. He's peeking in the back half going into January. He's only getting better each and every week. And the fact that the Titans have played their first playoff game already, you know Baltimore said A week off and typically in this matchup historically the visiting team has won and with that that we call. You know, you you tend to yeah, you get rest you guys rest it, but the timing isn't there that edges and that isn't there and the tigers are coming in with a ton of momentum. And for me the big key is the fact that Mark Ingram is dinged up. Yeah, so they said that all fence runs through March. Ingram as great as Lamar Jackson this as dynamic as he is, he's fantastic. That's when a force is he's not able to carry the ball 25 to 30 times in this ball game against the Titans and Lamar Jackson has to throw it a little bit more. That's the problem for Baltimore. That's where it comes and if there is a slight Edge, that's what I'm leaning on right. There's the injury to Mark to to Mark Ingram. I got a chance to call one of the Navy's games this year and sat down with his offense their offense coordinator. They said that Entire option offense runs off the full-back being a legitimate threat every single time right every time because if the full-back isn't a threat then there's no worrying about him keeping it or giving it because they can read it easier. It breaks down the smoke and mirrors and smoke and mirrors is the fact that the more I Jackson is making all these fantastic plays which he is, but the only way he's able to do that is if the running game is going it Mark Jackson is going they don't have a back-up plan for Mark Jackson's Able to get five six yards of clip then everything opens up everything over everything else opens up. If it doesn't hit want to hear they're going to probably going to have problems struggling against this Titan defense chapter said that they didn't have them practice yesterday because there was snow on the ground and they didn't want to tweak the calf. They said they feel as if he's going to be back though. I but there's there's that right. He's such a smart idea that any George was this awesome of a smartass. Had two and a half weeks off though. So I mean it was a non-contact injury though, but the fact that he's still not practicing two and a half weeks later is kind of scary to think about is scary. And if you're right exactly it was a non-contact injury. So that tells me that there's something more serious going on in that cat and even if it's well rested cool. Guess what first quarter if it's between the game your back at Ground Zero, so it's thin ice when it comes to an injury like that especially for an explosive back like Ingram and again everything runs off of the running back that running game and if he's not healthy these not a hundred percent and the Titans realize that I'm telling you right now that offense will struggle against the Titans the Saturday Okay. So the Titans obviously just knocked off the Patriots. There's a lot of conversation right now about what Tom Brady's going to do. There's people thinking he's going to the Saints there's people thinking he's going with McDaniels to the Browns the Colts. Yeah, the Raiders the Chargers. I think the Titans might be the only team that they said he isn't going You too, and that might even be a mean rumor right now in your eyes. He's 42 years old. He just posted on Instagram yesterday that he still has a lot to prove. What do you think happens? You think this is a leverage play with the Patriots. So he gets maybe roster control or more money or do you think there's a chance? It's on Brady puts another Jersey on I think there's a serious chance to Tom Brady puts in Jersey on otherwise, I think they would have figured out a way to extend him during the course of the season. I think at some point the end is near you know for this dynasty. For Bill Belichick for Tom Brady. They have to have some type of transition plan moving forward. I do think there are still some more football left and Tom maybe, you know, two or three more productive years and I'm curious to see how he does outside of a New England uniform. I mean you think about it all day. They try to keep comparing him with belt if you what this Bella Checker is Brady now, he has an opportunity to say. Hey, I am the goat, but I'm really the goat that I go to a team like the News or the Raiders of the Cleveland Browns and make them cappella tal. They only that he can go to Cleveland and just when one playoff game he's a go get to the playoffs have a winning season and he has nothing else to prove but you know, I think he still productive based off of his workouts the TB 12 work out the yoga the avocado smoothies. I think he has a great chance to play five or six more years if he chooses to apply the six more years any because it because of Healthy fats like avocado that that extends you what when did you retire? What age I retired at the age of 31. I went down to Dallas for a cup of coffee and you know, my heart wasn't really in it. I could have gone to a different team and played a different role, but it just wasn't going to be the same for me after that. I just wanted to end the inevitable and start on another career and it was A difficult time but you know what? I think I made the best decision in the end. Yeah, I think so too you're doing obviously well you got 500 bucks behind when you were in Dallas when you're in Dallas. I assume you got to learn about Jerry Jones. They just made a new hire with Mike McCarthy who had a lot of success at Green Bay it obviously ended a little bit ugly there with his relationship with Aaron Rodgers, but it was over a decade. I mean that's going to happen. Sometimes people fall out of love with each other. You think Jerry Jones got to write down there and you think Jerry Jones will be able to get out of his own way and kind of let his team do his thing and that's the key. You know, Jerry Jones has built a roster that's competitive. I mean you look at that roster there. There's Talent all over the board. He has the running back check defensive players check the quarterback. All all is all of its. They're the only thing they lack is a winning culture and the alpha male a true alpha male a leader in a locker room in terms of the head coach and I was there when Bill Parcells was there and that's that's as good as you're going to get in terms of a true alpha male and it was an absolute disaster. It was dysfunctional. The one year that I was there for that small sample size. So in being there there is a power struggle between the owner and the head coach because the head coach really can't do his job and get the groceries if you will and make key decisions on different players and that's going to fit this system. If Jerry Jones you say well I want to get this guy for marketing or whatever whatever so I think Jerry has to say hey, you know what have to delegate all these opportunities. All the opportunities and decision-making to my head coaches. Let them do their job and take hands off and control his ego and let them do their thing. And I think they can have a winning product. Okay. I'm excited to hear that the Mike McCarthy press conference yesterday was he seems confident that he was going to be able to do his own job like you see ya. Yeah and Mike has a strong the pedigree. I mean, it's just wrong pedal. He's won a Super Bowl. He's been in in playoffs. He knows what a winning product looks like he knows how to coach he knows. Knows how to go out and get free agents. He knows how to draft players. He understands all of that. So I think that if he can bring in a system and he can he's a quarterback Guru. I think he can take Dak Prescott to another level of being consistent week in and week out and played a superstar level consistently. So if Jerry Jones gets out of the way and let Mike McCarthy do his thing. I think the Cowboys can be extremely successful next year Dallas Cowboys have one like one playoff game in the last 45 years or something like that. As terrible the NFC playoffs know right now are intriguing very interesting, you know, Russell Wilson and Seattle Seahawks headed to Green Bay. I guess you're just supposed to dump snow in Green Bay before right before that game gets started. How do you see that thing carrying out now? I was told this by Josh sitting who was an offensive lineman for the Green Bay Packers for a long time just a couple weeks ago. He said everybody thinks that in the snow that if you could run the ball while you're good, but if you have a quarterback that guy has big hands and can throw the ball well in snow and bad weather. That's a real weapon. How do you see this Green Bay Packers Seattle Seahawks game going in Lambo with now the understanding that there's supposed to be a grumpy load of snow all over the place for Russell Wilson's return. Hey, man, that's that's the you know, playing in the snow is like a fun time. I love playing this. Okay, the Cleveland for the 170 against them and three touchdowns, but no big deal as far as this game goes. I think the edge definitely goes to The team that runs the ball extremely. Well, you've got if you create the new line of scrimmage and gray able to dominate up front in the snow. There's only so much you can do passing wise and the type of the type of those type of conditions. So if you're able to control the clock and the situation and I think that Seattle can probably do that with Russell Wilson, you know getting on the edge running a little bit more the the platoon of running backs that they have they've kind of found the chemistry with that at this point in time our silence Coming Back II think they can definitely get it done. I think it's going to be closer than what most people think of their four and a half Point Underdog Seattle is but I like Seattle to cover and possibly get the out right right. Wow, do you think Marshall those guys in Vegas? Yeah. Oh, yeah. And that touchdown he had last week was awesome. It was a six yard run look like the old beast mode again. Do you think three weeks is enough to get the guy into good enough game shape to get him the ball a little bit more because they're going to need him this weekend. Obviously clearly. Yes. I think it's a great. I mean great formula and hell I can come out of retirement right now. I think it gets you five or six yards, right? Let us go and it's all it's all a part of the will and desire to get it done. I mean you listen, you know, we saw it last year. Here with the Rams. There was a guy that came off the street, you know two weeks into it and he got them to the Super Bowl with when Todd Gurley got hurt. So I think is I think it's totally possible that we can see more of a workload for Marshawn Lynch and the back half of the season if they can continue to win the playoffs for sure. Alright last question. We know that the college football national championship is on Monday night. We know that dr. Pepper is introducing a brand new flavor. That's been a Captivate taste buds all across the Entry, how do you see that game going? And what's your prediction? Man after watching LSU against Oklahoma my God that was just ridiculous. I thought I was watching, you know a video game it was crazy. But I think that Brent venables the defensive coordinator for Clemson will come to find a game plan that will kind of unravel and rattle Heisman Trophy winner. I think we've seen them peek a little bit and there's a lot of time between the this game. So I think there's going to be a close game. Mmm, and honestly, I like Clemson to win it. I think it's going to be a shootout. I think they'll win 3531 the shop. Do you think Trevor Lawrence is gonna play next year? I think he is I think so sophomore, right? Yeah, but there's a lot of talk potential now. This is just media people talking. Yeah about him potentially holding out because he doesn't want to get injured because he's going to be the number one pick whether he likes it or not. Don't don't I wouldn't buy into that crap me. Well this this this play the game, you know, we've seen that you don't you don't want to take a year off getting rusty and all of that you want to go into the year with some momentum, you know, the kid is a tough kid, you know after he got that hit against Wade Get so high. Oh State, we've kicked out. He was kind of struggling. Well that hit woke him up and he was like, okay, let's play ball. So he's a tough-minded kid. He can take the hits. He can get it done. I like his game. I think he's a winner. I love them. I think hopefully the Titans can get them in the next couple of years. Well, I don't know if they're gonna need it at the Titans go on and continue to win. Ryan Tannehill might be the picture of the future down there in Tennessee. I can't thank you enough any George can't wait to wear your belly Christ. Can you please send me your address? I will send you one. I need that cut off right at the base of the numbers Pat right at the base. I'm so belly out Eddie. We interrupt this to ask you one question one question alone. Do you consider yourself a black sheep mess? It or even a screwball if so, we've got just the perfect drink for you screwball peanut butter whiskey peanut butter whiskey peanut butter whiskey no matter how many times you say it. It sounds like an oddball combination, but don't let a little thing like preconceived notions fool you an unlikely Duo has been born with a warm and welcoming Aroma and a deliciously smooth ballot screwball peanut butter whisky isn't your average flavored liqueur made by a local. Local husband-and-wife duo with American whiskey and peanut butter flavor. The end result. Is this Savory and creamy with a touch of sweetness and without the lingering heavy finish. 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Brittany was an attorney with a master's in chemistry when they saw his peanut butter whiskey cocktail out selling any other Spirit they decided to bottle their own peanut butter whiskey and they ended up creating something even I'm better than the original cocktail and dedicated it to their Hometown a small San Diego Community known for its colorful mix of Misfits Black Sheep and screwballs. Screwball was designed to be a bartender's best friend. You don't need to chill it. You could drink it straight or in a shot screwball appeals to everyone young and old towards screwball refers to someone who is eccentric and nutty we say the party hasn't started until the screwball shows up. It's about being yourself and you have way more fun when you were just yourself. We are the black sheep slogan means that we can all relate to feeling ostracized or like you don't fit in it's about accepting others in accepting yourself. Screw Galt. Football can be looked down on by some whiskey connoisseurs, but we are proud of our roots in California and we are going to try to hide it scruple the original and most awarded peanut butter whiskey is now available in nearly every we're at 70 proof screwball peanut butter whiskey is the perfect shot or the perfect addition to your favorite cocktail pick it up at your local store. Ask for it at your favorite bar or restaurant. Are you ready to hashtag get screwed go to screwball for more info. Whoa, enjoy responsibly advertisement by screwball Spirits LLC, San Marcos, California, whiskey with natural flavors and caramel color 35 percent alcohol by volume. These are all mandatory talking points, but you need to know that this shit is good joining us now is a guy that's won a Super Bowl is living legend. He's handsome from the Ohio State. You can hear him talk on I think seriously talks on serious. I think he's on Fox. He's everywhere ladies and gentlemen agent Hawk. There. He is. It's going on man. Come to us from a barn. Yeah, it's a fake fake background Pat. I respect that you're professional this weekend massive weekend for our best friend Aaron Rodgers. Have you talked to him? What has he been saying he seems to be getting a little chirpy with media people that have been talking down about how he's been winning and how they've been playing it feels like this is a nice game for Aaron Rodgers to come punch people in the mouth. Has he been getting chirpy this week with them like during Media stuff that they showed him on things? Yeah, like last week. He said like you guys keep saying we're winning ugly. I the only thing that matters is we're winning and then there's people that are saying things and we all listen. I think it's very well. Known Aaron Rodgers does here that stuff and I think that kind of fuels him a little bit. Have you talked to him this week? How's he feeling? There's supposed to be a snowstorm. He's got that house in Malibu. What's going on? Yeah. I talked to him a little bit this week. I mean, I think he's excited. Why not? I think every Back in the league that plays in adding the elite elite level Pat has some kind of chip on their shoulder where they, you know, they don't want to they're not trying to prove the haters wrong or whatever. But yeah, they just they Thrive and when people tell them they can't do something. I think he feels like hey, you say doesn't look pretty we're not that good. We're not clicking on offense. Sorry. We got 13 wins in a first round. Bye like sorry. It's not good enough. Yeah. I was sitting on a get up desk and it was a couple days after they said that Ryan Tannehill was a better quarterback than Aaron Rodgers and all this stuff and I like I almost I don't I tried to flip the table at one point. I was like, this is absolute lunacy right now, but I will say this Aaron Rodgers a few weeks ago said that he can see whole 18 right now and I think that was a motivational message. He was trying to send in the locker room. Like hey, there's not a lot of these types of opportunities left where we have a good team. We have a good setup for a playoff run. Is that how you took that and have you talked to him about what his potential futures? No, I mean over the years. I've asked him how long he wants to play and everything and I feel like he's like thinking well, why even worry about that right now? I think you can easily play five six seven more years and you know, like his arms not going anywhere. The arm strength is still there. As long as he can find a way to stay healthy, which he did this year. I think he still fights through things that other quarterbacks may even sit out for like I think he's played through a lot of stuff always that he may I don't know what he does in the offseason to get ready goes out there to Malibu works out. Out up with the top of the hill looking at the ocean and feels pretty good about himself. So I think he could easily play five six more years last year whenever I called the Lions Packers game. It was revealed to the broadcast crew, which I was part of obviously commentator NFL commentator. I guess there's a job opening up wouldn't mind being Third Man in the booth, but it was all about all the injuries that he was playing through that was not being talked about by anybody else like the in he had like a groin. I think he had a knee at one point. Never talked about with Aaron Rodgers. Nothing is ever talked about whenever it comes to that man in a way that is like a positive spin for Aaron. It's always a negative spin and I enjoy watching them go just kind of Stick it to people. Yeah, I think he thrives in that role. I don't don't doesn't everybody like don't you after you got arrested for allegedly swimming don't you pump to get back out there in the field and bomb a punt and then you instantly start doing a little celebrations and sticking it to the haters. There's no reason to bring it up. There's no reason to bring that up. Ajay like right now I am thriving okay. I am at an all-time high and you just had to bring up a moment where my mug shot was compared to Gary Busey and that other guy The Carrot Top and you just had to bring that up. I didn't know Carrot Top was arrested. What do you mean you're doing great. You're thriving right now or Urban Meyer hates you I think it's not, you know, he and I buried her beef by the way, I'm past it. I'm past it. I think he's gonna be the next coach of the Browns by the way. You live in Ohio. Who do you think the people of you played for Cincinnati? Which I mean you guys are great football. But the other the Cleveland Browns, let's talk about them. Who do you think is left for a good hire for the Cleveland Browns AJ. I mean it isn't it all hands on deck to try to get Josh McDaniels there. That's what it seems like right now. They may surprise us though. It may go grab somebody maybe what solids at D coordinator for the Niners. He seems like a guy that would thrive in Cleveland. I'm sure they've enquired about Urban. I just don't know if he is willing to go and take that step right now. Now, how do you feel about college coaches going to the NFL you and I are big rah-rah guys. We need to be motivated every single day to go out and do our jobs Matt rule who started in the NFL with Tom Coughlin. Then he went to college at success at Temple Baylor. Now, he's with the Carolina Panthers. There's always this thought about college coaches if they succeed in college, I'll be able to succeed in the NFL and I'm just on a hundred percent sure. That's true. It's definitely not a hundred percent. Sure. I mean look at Nick Saban one of the greatest coaches of all time. He tried it for a little bit in Miami didn't exactly work. I mean the circumstances have to be there the ownership the GM everything has to be in place. But Matt rule, I know he's a friend of the program here for you. We sat there in a production meeting with him. He remember he said he said to me in the production and he said I'm like the least fun head coach to ever play for and I said, what do you mean by that? He's like, well, I don't have like music blaring and warm-ups. We don't do this like we're just all about ball all the time, but he is players still by in so he's got something going on mean Matt rule got interviewed for a head coaching gig in the NFL. Well after his first year at Baylor when they went one and eleven, so obviously there's something that these Executives in the NFL know about Matt rule. There's something special about him. So I think he should be alright and Carolina. Do you like Mike McCarthy does Dallas Cowboys you get a chance to obviously play for the guy the Mike McCarthy project was his video that captivated me and a lot of people to remember how good of a coach Mike McCarthy was do you think he and Jerry Jones going to be able to get along? You think he's going to be back on top? I think that's a big reason you got that job. I think from the second he landed in Dallas. And Jerry hit it off right away. And it's a unique situation to play or to coach in Dallas when the owner is doing a media scrum in the open locker room next to all your naked players doing media scrum to like you got your owner standing there holding court that doesn't happen anywhere else in the NFL from what I have seen Jerry does a couple radio shows throughout the week. So it's a different kind of thing. You have to handle their and Mike McCarthy knew that coming in but I mean why not who wouldn't want to be the head coach the Dallas Cowboys you're if you're looking at Your resume. You said Okay. I want a Super Bowl coaching. The Green Bay Packers one of the most historic franchises ever. Now. I'm taking over a global brand. That is the Dallas Cowboys with Jerry Jones. Like you're always going to be in the headlines. You're going to have talent on the team. I think it's a great situation. What happened with Mike McCarthy in the package. You think it was it was just too long in one place kind of went stale. I guess I mean maybe change of scenery people always think that I mean, I think I've said to you before like when you have Aaron Rodgers on the team you're expected to be competing for the Super Bowl every single year and when you're not who they're going to point to First they're going to look at the head coach and unfortunately that was McCarthy and and now hopefully it's a good Redemption story for him. And the floor is come in and Green Bay and done a great job already. So yeah, I don't know, you know, whenever things aren't going. Well you always think ago The Grass Is Always Greener, you know, you got to move on from him, so I think he just got stale. I guess I don't know. I mean who knows why people make these decisions the perception of complacency has changed the NFL in all things completely. I mean if you appear that your complacent with whatever your team is without for making a drastic fire a drastic higher. It's almost like now with social media everybody can turn against you like very quickly, even your fans. It feels like that happens on a very regular occasion. There's no more patience. There's no more like hey, we got to build this team. We got to do this. We have to take our lumps now. Days, it's like you win right now or you get the hell on out of here. Yeah, and maybe it's partly because of all these young offensive-minded play colors coming in to the NFL and I mean Sean McVeigh having success early on not as much this year. Maybe that's it. We're always thinking like, oh man, we got to catch up. We got to stay ahead of the curve we got to do with these other teams are doing to do well. We're just we can't just keep this guy in here and hope to be mediocre or be an average team that gets beaten the first or second round of the playoffs every single year. So, yeah. Not have much time. You look at Freddie kitchens. I live in Ohio. People were Juiced. I went to Camp to a practice in Cleveland this past summer and everyone's a guy. Yes. We're going to the Super Bowl Freddy's the man. Here we go, and then halfway through the season. They're saying Freddy's Freddie's lost control the team. He has nothing he can't take control these guys Baker Mayfield's speaking his mind to the media, which I think he should always do. I respect that. I hope he continues to do that and we'll see who they bring in there. It's going to be interesting to see what happened in Cleveland. Your Mayfield the best actor in the NFL right now. There's two Marshals every single one of them. Okay? Okay, Pat, you know so people get so pissed all the Browns will lose it bigger Mayfield's in all these commercials. Guess what guys he probably shot those in June and July he shot all those commercials. He's getting paid millions of dollars and so he wouldn't yes. So if he would have turned him down he would have been stupid. How dumb would you be to turn those down when he probably getting a couple mil to shoot a commercial when you're talking about a toilet being clogged or whatever at the stadium that he's filmed. Months and months ago. It's not like he's sitting there taking his shoulder pads off. Hey Freddy, I'll be late to the meeting. I gotta shoot this commercial real quick cast 1.5 mil. Like that's not how it works. Hey, you know Dak Prescott didn't film any commercials and he came out and led the entire NFL and offense. So maybe Bankers should do that. Yeah you are you are officially a corpo media. That was a real statement that was made by people on television. I just wanted you to know that was a real what I just said was a statement that was said by a lot of people That Prescott shot zero commercials even though he had the Salvation Army one and yogurt 1 and the other Sleep Number. Yes, Sleep Number Campbell Soup and bullshit. Anyways, okay. So Meathead linebacker ur0 reported concussions. No chance of CTE. Congratulations. Yeah. It's not easy AJ in the position in the way. You played it with just throwing your massive handsome head into people on a regular occasion. But therefore I don't know I'd probably say six seven years the NFL became a fantasy football driven leak offense offense offense offense offense. How do we score more points? And everybody else? Let's go. Let's go. Let's go now this year. If you look at the the teams that are remaining it's all going to rely on the defense playing well, and I think that's across the board. The Titans defense has to be able to contain Lamar Jackson. The Chiefs defense has been a number one defense since week 11 if they're going to do what they do to DeShaun Watson. Let's assume patch mom's going to put up a bazillion points the Is in the Vikings if the Vikings defense can show up will be a defensive struggle and then Packers if the Packers defense can get the Russell Wilson so he can't hit those deep shots. It feels like that's a woman defense is going to decide these games is that standard and we just got lost in the numbers on the offensive side of the ball or is this kind of how it's always been or what's going to be going forward? I mean, it kind of always goes back and forth. I think it's still slanted towards the offense, which I agree. It should probably be that way. I want to see points being scored two. I don't want to watch a bunch of puns and feel those no one cares about that except for you. You you're doing one there. So I think he's just get back to the defense first off. Also, I don't know who I am to you anymore. Why do you you had a Booker? Why are you going through agents to get me on the show? No. No, I facetimed you yesterday ones you on the show because I got an email saying you were on the show and I was almost like why is AJ not just telling me he's coming on the show. Why are you going through Booker's why are you going through agents? What is your are? You too big? Time you got a fake mean wall behind you. You gotta go through a book or through an agent to get on the the hottest Rising showing in all of the land. I just text me. Hey Jay, if you got something to say and you want to say something on my show, just text me first off your people reached out to me. I didn't ask to come on moaning. I'm not wearing a Duracell sure of it trying to pump something up. I'm not hear anything. So I got a text. Hey Pat maccabe show. I would like to have you on they can do 1120 1130 1140. I'm like sure as I can't do 11:40. Okay, cool, and they try to he starts to send me like instructions kind of was like yeah. I know Pat I know those guys, it's cool. I don't know that had I don't need instruction. I don't even know who booked you if it means anything. I just get an email that says he was on the show, you know, I got a lot going on AJ, but when your name popped up on there, I was very excited. I went to FaceTime you immediately you didn't answer obviously because this is what AJ. No, you idiots booked by agents and you don't answer face times. I want to face time with you. I'm busy I missed you. I was excited for this conversation. And it would you FaceTime me why you're on the air? No, no directly afterwards. I'm professional. Yeah. Okay good. I know you are professional. But yeah, I mean we're getting back to your defensive thing. I think you're right, man. I think it's it's interesting to see I'm curious about that Packers Seahawks game and me Russell Wilson's going to have to have a hell of a day to beat the Packers at Lambeau Field, and and I think that Packers defense is going to find a way to get a bunch of pressure will see how much Russell can allude to the Past Russian and then maybe they can get Marshawn going a little bit. They're going to have to get some kind of Run game going just to keep the ball out of Aaron's hands. I think if they want a chance to win. All right, we got about a minute left. Who do you think wins this weekend? Who's in a Super Bowl? Do you want to go through each game right now know what do you mean the Chiefs will be in the Super Bowl? Yeah. I think there's a good chance. They play Green Bay. Well, mr. Hawk. I won't let you know it was an honor getting to speak with you. I'm happy my people reaching out to you. Yes. Thank you very much. I can hear the music playing us out. So thank you for having me on the show Pat. I cannot wait to go through Booker's. This again in six months. Do you we have 35 seconds left in the show. Do you want to give like a little motivational speech to everybody to have the best Thursday of their entire life or no? I'm not I'm against that but you know what Pat? I appreciate you fighting the good fight for us to wear. Like you said. Someone said, oh Jack Prescott didn't shoot any commercials what the led the NFL and and passing yards or whatever he did. That's a great thing. We need someone like you a sane rational voice too. I guess straighten people out keep people on on the path and not I worry about all the garbage out there. Well, I appreciate you will be back tomorrow without a Jayhawk. Let's talk about Mike McCarthy being introduced to the Dallas Cowboys just yesterday via a press conference. Now, this is obligatory Dallas Cowboy talk. Right and it's in the first six minutes here. So the powers that be will be very happy - but Mike McCarthy is a user through and through a in sir. And when he speaks he still has that Ian's or draw everything he Sighs he I guess what I was told was by Matt Hasselbeck yesterday is whenever you walked into Mike McCarthy's living room. There was a picture of Three Rivers there which is the original stadium in Pittsburgh, but it was set up for the Pirates because he was coaching the Packers Three Rivers Stadium used to be both the Pirates stadium and the Steelers State and they are switching over like the Oakland Raiders had been doing for a long time in other places. But Mike McCarthy loves Pittsburgh, right DieHard cleanser refused to get rid of his accent and I think that is why Jerry Jones He's probably loved him so much to be honest. I think that is why he and Aaron Rodgers could have potentially fallen out of love with each other because users are a different breed of humans. We are a different breed of people. I think Mike McCarthy had a lot of success at Green Bay lot of success won a Super Bowl. I think he's widely regarded as probably the hottest coach on the market by law all accounts now granted I forgot even existed until the Mike McCarthy project was released by Tom peloso on the NFL Network, but after watching that I remembered I was like, oh damn Mike McCarthy was a very good coach A long time. I think they got a good one and after listening to the press conference. Mike McCarthy gives zero dams about anything. We have a couple of the highlights from yesterday's press conference introducing Mike McCarthy is a new Dallas Cowboys head coach. I mean, I told Jerry I watched every play the 2019 season, but I wanted the job I have I have watched every play that of the season, but it was just what you got. Do right also he said that now I love that mostly because when I was coming out of the West Virginia University, I was asked by a lot of coaches on whether or not I thought I was a kicker or a punter. I thought I was a kicker. I played in the Senior Bowl as a kicker all this stuff whatever. So Bill polian ended up asking me after a workout with the Colts and the workout with the Colts. It went. Well. I'm in a kick. I punted the ball. Well I kicked you. As well for them, but the coach and I am he walked in literally the special teams coach walked in and said, I don't want to be here. There's two other guys. I'd rather work out bill polian forstman first thing. He said to me this guy and I was like, oh, this is great. Can't wait for this. He wore a Maryland Terrapin belt and at that time West Virginia, Maryland was a real rivalry. We worked out at West Virginia. So this guy he comes in he tells me he doesn't want to be there Bill Boeing sourcing and be there. He's wearing like one of our Rivals belt and then he just walks into our facility and this guy I mean, God bless them now that I know he's a Pennsylvania guy loud, whatever he was a good coach, but after the workout I get on the phone with Bill polian, right? He's like, hey, how'd the workout go all this stuff? I'm like how nice to talk to you. When well, he's like have a question. Have you ever held before and I said with a hundred percent certainty? Yes. I hold every single day. I knew there was a chance that I could punt. I'm mr. Pullian. I've obviously have held before I view myself as a good athlete and he goes, okay sounds good hangs up. I completely forget the neckline. Asian happens I actually say after the workout. I hope I end up anywhere, but the Colts size of the special teams coach is he I don't care if I end up in a CFL as anywhere, but the Indianapolis Colts for how my in that guy's first interaction went right? So then you fast forward to draft day. I get drafted to the Colts Mel. Kiper berries me then I get to talk to Bill polian. Hey, you're going to be our punter as excuse me. I forgot that we even talked about planning everybody else to talk to me about kicking the next a finitary calls me. Me if I ever held before because a lot of West Virginia people in the training room so he could watch me kick before I had to come clean say no. I just wanted a job just like Mike McCarthy said I just wanted to job I like the fact though that Jerry Jones and Stephen Jones just learned about him lying to the fence in front of everybody in Steve. I don't know if it was Stephen or Jerry, but whoever was doing the honor in the Mike probably my favorite moment. There was a couple more Clips also from that press conference that we enjoyed, but I do need to tell a story about sir. Tonight when I was here on the interview and here I am sitting across the table Steve and Jerry Jones Jerry jr. Will McClay Tod Williams and honor Jerry's telling a story about the purchase of the Dallas Cowboys and and at the end of the story he leans over to me and he grabs him by the by the forearm and reaches out to shake my hand. He says and you need to be the coach of the Dallas Cowboys, so A jumped up and hugged them but I'll stop right there. We had a hell of a time from what I've heard. Now. I'm not going to be somebody that judges somebody but I do believe Jerry Jones is a billionaire that has a good time. Now, there's been photos that have surfaced. There's been the Dallas Cowboys party bus that drives around Indianapolis and every single combine the Dallas Cowboys party bus drives around from Club to club and it's only about a half a block drive and they leave the club get in the bus. Drive the Bus half a block get out of the bus to go into the club Dean blandino. By the way was once spotted coming out of the Dallas Cowboys bus, which was a big ordeal. I mean Indianapolis during the combine is what the younger generation calls lit. There are a lot of all the important people in the NFL are in town and they are tearing this place down. I mean, you got billionaires going into restaurants and clubs. You got every coaching staff meeting up in back rooms of play. This is just getting absolutely hammered. All the head coaches are places. All the Special Teams coaches are places assistant coaches Indianapolis is the perfect place for this by the way, because everything is walkable, everything's closed and I feel like aside from my arrest where I was walking down a street shirtless at 28 degree weather slightly intoxicated. It almost feels like the city of Indianapolis gets it there. Like hey the NFL is going to show up on their spring break here during this combine and thing. Going to happen in that Dallas Cowboys party bus is basically the epicenter of all that Jerry likes to have a good time. And I think that's why everybody said you don't stay Jerry Jones house for a night and not take the job Mike McCarthy. I think stated Jerry Jones house and if he's a youngster, like I think he is they pounded beer with Jerry Jones. They shared stories. I'm assuming that Dez Bryant catch no catch came up in conversation. And I think they're going to be a beautiful relationship to be honest with you at what age do you think you start grabbing the forearm when you talk to people I think it's just like you Italians like I whenever I was young I was taught by one of my Italian friends father that when you shake somebody's hand right and if they try to power you like Alpha You by turning the hand over the answer is you pat your hand on top because what they're saying to you is like hey go fornicate yourself and you're like no no go fornicate you right. That's why they kept at on top of the hand. I think the forearm is like that next step where it's like Hey, listen bang. Give me your damn hands were shaking. Hands, right now. We're making a deal. I think you have to have at least nine figures in your bank account. He has ten obviously at least ten I don't know billions. He has how many other businesses he runs. But I think you need nine figures to do the Forum thing. I absolutely love that and I think we have one more right now. That was it. Sorry. Okay. I thought there was one more the he not forget it the Dez Bryant catch thing though. It said which I should have told foxy. He said yeah, obviously that was an incredible catch and then everybody in Dallas. Is laughs and then he said but at the time it was I looked at Mike McCarthy has not lost anything like Mike McCarthy did not sell out Mike McCarthy did not change himself for that. And I think for that reason, I think the Cowboys are going to be in a good spot. Mike McCarthy doesn't have to handle the interviews anymore. Mike McCarthy is only worried about ball. And now if Jerry Jones starts complimenting other coaches and start throwing him under the bus. I don't know how Mike McCarthy is going to take it like Jason Garrett was able to handle it, but I think we're off and running. At this point he said he understands what he has in Dak Prescott. He's excited to work with Dak Prescott. Now granted Jerry Jones is Not negotiated a deal with that Prescott. So he's complimenting Dak Prescott his opening press conference. But he also said I very much understand we're going to get the ball to Zeke to because a good thing that helped the only thing that can really help a good quarterback is a good running game the fact that he is Ezekiel Elliott and Dak Prescott. I think Mike McCarthy is excited for the job and I think he got broken off at his room. I don't have details have been released of his contract, but I'm assuming he got paid bank for that. It's good to see it kind of come full circle because that's why he got fired in Green Bay's because he wouldn't sell out and kind of change his approach. So it's nice to see they didn't have to like reinvent himself to get a new job. I'm happy for Mike McCarthy. I am too and I think most Green Bay Packers fans are probably happy for him Rogers texted him right after he got the job and said congrats. So it seems like they kind of put that to bed. By the way. Yes anytime you have a long relationship with somebody and it turns cold Time Heals all wounds with that because instead of remembering the terrible time at the end. You normally only reflect on the good times. Like your mind is normally taught to look back on something and be like Oh remember this good time. Remember this the time member this good time as opposed all the reasons why that's why you see a lot of people get back with their exes. Right? Because you don't remember why the milk was spoiled you just remember when the milk tasted good and that's why everybody dies back into that fridge opens up that thing and then once you get to the bottom of the gallery like, oh, I remember this but I think that's kind of what has happened with a lot of people and I'm happy to see that it happened with Aaron and Mike. Because they accomplished a lot together. He accomplished a lot with Green Bay and go for Jerry Joe. I also love that Mike pulled this move that I do all the time when you lied in the interview, but then you want to actually tell the truth you do it in front of as many people as you possibly can because you can't get you all that right there. Yeah that laughs underneath the microphone over Jerry or son. We're all joking. He's also Matt rule just yet. Today was introduced to the Carolina Panthers fans as the new head coach Tepper flew down to Waco to meet with Matt Rule and talk to him about why he should be the Carolina Panthers head coach Matt rule obviously signed a seven-year 62 million dollar deal that's potentially worth 70 million dollars, but Matt rule said he was not convinced that he should go to the Carolina Panthers. Everybody assumed that he was going to end up at the Giants. But turns out they hired Joe judge before Matt rule could even get there. So that affected his deal. I guess whenever Tapper left billionaire flew in his private plane down to Waco great airport down there great private plane airport. Yeah. I think they had nacho cheese. Did it was all that was the other one? Okay. That was the best one. We were before we went to this video has one airport on a plane. Yeah, we wrote it was like somebody's house. We walk their dogs hot dogs nachos. Way to gives a random person's car. Yeah, they are and it was awesome. Go ahead and he flies in there he meets with mat roll, I guess in his family in Metro says, I'm not sure and then temper leaves right? I guess Matt rules wife said, what are you doing? And he said well, I'm not sure if I want to go to the Carolina Panthers, I guess Matt Rose wife said you're going to work for that guy because I guess Tepper who's a Pittsburgh guy one in there Pennsylvania guy one in there and laid out the type of franchise. He wants to have that same organization. We want to have he said he's from the Steelers. He wants to have a very consistent head coach and a very consistent message in your the guy. We want to start that with and I guess his kid also came down the stairs after that meeting and said are we goin to Carolina in cultural said no, and he turned around and stomped off. So at that moment Metro had his kid and his wife telling them like you have to do it. I would assume the 7-year 62 million dollar deal came about an hour after that in that role was like well damn. All right, I'll get on a bank right now and I'll go over there was a rumor going around that they called the I said will you match his offer the giant said no, and there's like a hard Carolina It is Well, I have no idea if that's true. I've no idea is true because the one headline that I read and you know, I think you can fall into a trap when you only read headlines and that is a problem in our society not only in sports but everywhere when you just read the headline in any don't actually read the context of the whole thing. It's almost like whenever and I mean it did very well on the internet. So I appreciate it. But he has been posted. I said just like in beer pong and should get a rebuttal, but they didn't post my entire. So some people just saw that and not get people, you know, when beer pong don't you sing two balls in the top listen to the entire shut up. But whenever you only read a headline, you can kind of fall for the Trap. The the headline said that the Joe judge deal is what led Matt rule to Carolina mat roll did an incredible press conference yesterday rallied the troops basically told the fans what they can look forward to he was everything that I saw whenever I got a chance to meet with him whenever we had the Baylor game and then see him again down a college game day in the big question that we've Had now is who's the quarterback going forward when he signed a seven-year deal as a head coach, they're basically saying hey, you can rebuild this thing. If you want now, they're not gonna like Christian McCaffrey get out the door because if you have a good running back, you're good. Cam Newton didn't play this year. Will Allen or will Grier do not play great Cow Island did played well and then didn't play great, but they're basically telling Matt rule that you can do. Whatever the hell you want. We talked to Steve Smith scenery yesterday, and he said dealing with an organizational change a lot of it revolves around the interview that you have with somebody whether or not you To keep that Matt rule toxic Cam Newton for the first time yesterday on the phone. And this one he had to say about it. You said you talked with Cam Newton yesterday. What did you take away from that conversation that he's a passionate guy that you know at the end of the day. I love coaching players that will tell me the truth and there was there was no debate after talking in the he's a guy that's going to tell me the truth. Tell me what he feels he's going to listen to me and hear what I have to say. And so it was just a introductory phone call. Look forward to sitting down and get to know him better, but I loved having a chance to talk to her. Okay, so now listen feels like when you have this position of speaking into a microphone about sports, if you don't get it, you know a hundred percent right and go off of hearsay or your gut intuition. You're setting yourself up for a lot of Jabs if you're wrong. I don't think that sounded like a guy that's going to stick with Cam Newton that that now Matt role could be legit because after that Conversation laughter that inner in that interview after that particular topic Matt rule says like a lot of guys get a chance to learn about the team that they're going into he's and I literally just got done with this Baylor season. I don't know enough about Carolina Panthers to tell you all my answer. So Matt rule legitimately, I think doesn't know what he wants to do yet. I think he even said to have to talk to the owner and general manager about what we're going to do with everything going forward. Just need to remember this if they let go Cam Newton and let Kim go somewhere else like Chicago for instance if Cam Newton is gone. They saved 19 million dollars the biggest thing you could possibly have whenever you're trying to build a franchise is money and draft picks. So let's assume they can't get any draft picks because they'll just let him go they'll release him. I don't know if anybody will trade for Cam Newton right now, maybe like a third or fourth round or I'm not sure if anybody's going to give him good, you know, because nobody knows what Cam Newton's at right now. I think it seems as if Cam Newton's probably gonna be playing elsewhere but that could change but in that conversation nothing was said there that makes me think like, oh, he loved Cam Newton. Rolling with Cam Newton. I think there's a lot of decisions to be made but 19 million dollars is going to sound very nice to a guy that's thinking about rebuilding a franchise. You think that his style will translate to the NFL because for all intents and purposes. He's a hard-ass. He's a master motivator and as Carolina kind of go through this regime change and they get younger is that the kind of guy you need to have for this like new type of NFL like will players in the locker room, like actually respond to that. I think they're going to need his guys right? I think there are any like not everybody fits in with the Patriots right? Not everybody fits in with the Patriot Way. A lot of people have gone up there and not had success and had to leave and go elsewhere and they do succeed other. I think the guy that ended up Bennett right Margo Bennett Bennett went up there and he's a great player great football player by all accounts said all the right things going in there. Hey, I'm just playing my role want to win but he ended up leaving because I don't think he got in with the paperweight. I think they're going to have to find guys that want to do things the mat rule way, right seven years 62 million dollars is a hell of an investment. They're saying hey, this is your team. You find your guys that you want to have. And I think that's going to be the case Matt Patricia want everyone to the Detroit Lions he cut and got rid of everybody. Basically they said oh we lost locker room. He's still trying to find the right people in there hasn't had much success could that same thing happened when that rule? I'm not sure but they're going to have to find the guys that fit in with the way. He's a hard-ass. He works hard. He goes hard his players that have Baylor respected him a lot. Obviously than one like 12 games or whatever. I think he's going to have to find his people though. But the college coach to NFL coach has not had great. Results right some people have done it. But most of those people have started in the NFL Matt rule started in the NFL but he started with Tom Coughlin who very recently has had a quite a falling out with the NFL. So I don't know how it's going to go. They're going to have to get his people in there, but they've given him a lot of time to build that and I think of Carolina Panthers fans are patient that'll happen any of Christian McCaffrey who's a stud a stallion back there that you can build around if if I'm Matt rule unless I love somebody at seven unless I love a quarterback in the drafted. Evan I think you keep Camp because came at 19 million is is 50 as 15th ranked in the NFL which is probably where he should be paid and I see what he is after this injury and after he's been arrested for an entire year and see what his motivation like is for a year. So then you know because cams 30 these gonna be 31 or something like that 32 next year. I mean he's so if you have a seven-year contract cam could be your quarterback for those seven years if he is re motivated and if he's healthy just to see what he has for a year. They there's no timetable on when they can release. Lisam, by the way to save 19 million dollars, they can release on whenever before the season starts in saved 19 million prejudge, June 1st, post Universe, whatever it is, they can release them whenever I'll be excited to see how it all plays out. If they aren't going to use Cam Newton know the nice the gentleman thing to do which I think tempers trying to do. It's what you did with Ron Rivera would be let him go earlier so he can go find a new home like Chicago for it's not the Bears have been down for come on time. Question, when was the last time you were driving through a storm and thought wow, I love not being able to see shit. When I drive you probably haven't now driving in bad weather doesn't have to be a headache. Thanks to the new Michelin endurance XT silicon wiper blades these blades last through everything to prove it Michelin just put their new endurance XT silicon wiper blades to the ultimate test on a world record breaking. Ting sixteen Thousand Mile Drive from Alaska to Argentina to show just how durable these blades are Rainier zeit low was the man behind the wheel and he put the Michelin endurance XT silicone wiper blades through ice snow rain thunda feel the Thunder. Lightning and the Thunder and when and the blades took all of it, these blades are crafted for extreme weather performance with an advanced quad tech for layer coated silicon that repels water snow and ice and last two time longer than other blades. The Michelin endurance XT silicone wiper blades are real world proven for extreme weather performance upgrade to the Michelin endurance. XT silicone wiper blades today only at Walmart back to the show back to the show back to the show we go back to the show back to we go you get it. Let's get to the phones real quick. We got Brandon in Lexington, Kentucky Brandon. What's going on Palace? All your call was first and I can't wait to hear what you're about to say. Oh man, it's Lexington Park Maryland. I don't know if you heard that. Sorry. I'm not a not too much of a southern boy, but I bad a situation where it's all good. I thought it was situation where it's making more sense where the Saints don't have anyone over the quarterback and you bring in Tom Brady and you bring taysom Hill back and you basically have taysom Hill learn how to be a true quarterback. And then taysom Hill takes over in two years and that's pretty much it Brandon. I respect what you just said. In that option by the way is not off the board. I think Saints fans will take big exception you saying the taysom hill can only learn how to be a true quarterback behind Tom Brady and not Drew Brees. I mean the fact that Drew Brees was not on the NFL all-time team was something that the Saints fans the Saints organization the Saints Ranch was not happy about and for good reason Drew Brees. I think he owns every single record that you could possibly own aside from having the most Super Bowls as a quarterback which Tom Brady does happen. So maybe Taste of milk could learn that they have Teddy Bridgewater in there. I mean, he's up obviously, but they could keep him in the building what they decided to do years ago making him the highest-paid backup quarterback, Drew Brees. Nobody knows what Drew Brees going to three heartbreaking defeat. So now this one knots as much as the last two but still walk off touchdowns walk off scores. See you later your season's over Drew Brees. Thanks for all the records that you broke. Thanks for the incredible run that you did home. The old playoff game. Bye see you later that Minnesota miracle I think is still glooming over their head. Then you go to the phantom No pass interference call then this one. I mean if your Saints man you're saying hey, they didn't even take a second to look at Kyle Rudolph. Tell Rudolph to said I'm good morning football this morning and I didn't push off they reviewed it. They said I didn't push off so I didn't push off big respect to Big Country for saying that because that's a hundred percent the right answer but the fact that they didn't just stop for a second and look at it again, I think optically Great specifically because they made the review rule of pass interference because of the Saints and the Saints van. So I think the Saints fans have a lot to bitch about to be honest with you. I think they do for good reason, but for me if Drew Brees is done you have Teddy Bridgewater already there. You've already committed to Teddy Bridgewater has the highest paid back up quarterback. He went for a know I think Sean Payton loves them and you have taysom Hill still in the building. I'm not sure they're going to be in the running for Tom Brady, but I love the fact that we're thinking about Tom Brady potentially being a saint because that's where we are right now in Tom Brady NFL conversation. So next year. Who would you rather have Tom Brady or Drew Brees Tom Brady Tom Barrett. I want Tom Brady. That's that's now is Tom Brady's going to stink next year probably know know how do you just say that with like obstruct this year? You think he stumped as you yes, I guess he did. But now I understand that not a lot. Lot of people have weapons and I understand there's a lot of quarterbacks that deal with an issue of not having weapons. But whenever you're Tom Brady and you've been in a system that has had weapons and has had the ability and then all of a sudden you have to just completely change that and not really have anybody in your pleading with your people to be faster quicker more explosive get separation. You can see how he seemed mentally defeated this year which isn't good, but he is ready for a comeback in any guy that has six Super Bowls. I would like on my team if he can still throw the ball and he still eating that A lot of ice cream. I think Tom Brady probably comes back better than ever. There was some guy that was a teammate of his that said what he learned most about Tom Brady the first time he stepped into the Patriots organization before we get to a break here. He said that whenever he got there the thing he was most impressed about is that Tom Brady was in the same offensive system for over a decade and he was sitting front row and every single offense of meeting taking notes feverishly as if it was algebra class. I think what Tom Brady has is this competitive drive that not only fuels them on. The field but off the field as well in the meeting rooms in his diet in his workouts in all of these things and we saw in Tom verse time his life revolves around being a good football player. That's why you want Tom Brady in your facility because you get a little piece of the greatest Dynasty in the history of not a pretty big piece of the greatest Dynasty in the history of football in your building to teach everybody else how you do it how it's done the Patriot Way might be the Tom Brady way, by the way, we haven't find out whether or not the Patriot Way Works without Tom Brady in the building. Guess we'll find that out. But boy all options are on the table for Tom Brady's got to feel damn good. I like Drew Brees. I liked your briefs, but there's no definite. He's coming back. Is there no, I don't think so either. Thank you so much for listening to Today's Show big shout out to handsome a Jayhawk and handsome Eddie George for joining us great conversations with them. They are hilarious and I am grateful for their time. I am also eternally grateful for you for choosing. You know listen to the show, you can listen to a lot of shit these days. There's so much listen to the fact that you choose listen to this show. I am very very thankful. I would like to give away a thousand dollars. Actually. That's how thankful. I am to somebody that listens to this show right now tweet at Pat magazine show utilize the hashtag Hey, I'm here. Put a number one through a hundred. And then say something nice about somebody while acting them. We have a panel of Judges that will go through figure out the winner and we will give $1,000 them whether it's via cash app or a mail check or whatever it is. That is how you enter your Tweet me at Pat magazine show with the hashtag Hey, I'm here the number number between one and a hundred and say something nice about somebody and at them panel of Judges will figure out who the hell the winner is not me included but somebody else and I'm going to give that a Knows the way you're the absolute best have the greatest weekend of your life. Cheers tie Schmidt. Please play some independent music.
Today’s show is highlighted by two incredible interviews. First, Pat welcomes 4x Pro Bowler, 2x All-Pro, former Heisman Trophy winner, NFL Offensive ROY, and Titans/Oilers Ring of Honor member, Eddie George. Pat and Eddie chat about this weekend’s Titans/Ravens game and why he thinks that Mark Ingram is the key to getting the Ravens going, and why he has hope for the Titans with Ingram being hobbled by a calf injury. Eddie also explains why he loved running the football in snow and cold weather, and if he thinks the terrible weather in Baltimore this weekend is going to play a factor. Eddie also talks a little bit about his time in Dallas and whether he thinks the Cowboys will ever be able to be successful again with Jerry being more important than the Head Coach, and Eddie gives his College Football Playoff championship game pick (2:40-19:55). Also joining the program is Super Bowl Champion, 5th pick of the 2006 NFL Draft for the Green Bay Packers, friend of the show, and one of the most hilarious humans on the face of the earth, AJ Hawk. Pat gets the pulse of the Packers from AJ who has had contact with Aaron Rodgers very recently and see’s where his head is at going into this weekend against the Seahawks at Lambeau. AJ breaks down what we should be looking for in that game, and why exactly Rodgers ramps it up during these types of games when everyone in the media is taking shots at him. Pat and AJ also catch up and take a few shots at one another in the process (24:39-39:38). Pat and the boys also react to Mike McCarthy’s first press conference as Head Coach of the Dallas Cowboys and also chat about Matt Rhule being introduced as the newest Head Coach of the Carolina Panthers and whether his coaching style will translate to the NFL. Pat also takes a phone call from someone who has a very interesting take on where Tom Brady may end up. Stick around to learn how you can potentially win $1,000 in another massive giveaway. Today’s show is a fun one. Come and laugh with us, cheers.
Welcome to the get naked podcast a show where we explore one beautiful question. What would life really be? Like if we just got naked? I'm your host Taylor Lane, and I'm here to discover the answers right along with you. We are about to strip off anything and everything that keeps you from being you it's time to shine. It's time to rise and it's time to shed because who we truly are inside is yearning to come out. We just have to give ourselves the permission. Well consider this permission slip signed ready. Let's get naked. Today's message is permission to be a paradox a paradox, of course referring to something that is contradicting. It can be a person a situation a statement. A paradox is something that doesn't quite match up all the way it contradicts itself. Now why in the hell would I be giving you permission to be a paradox? Well, I was listening to a sermon by Bishop TD. Jakes shout out. I've been on his content lately and it is very very enlivening. I'll say that and I was listening to this sermon and I got out my oracle cards because I was moved to a place of wanting my own inner guidance. While I was listening to this powerful sermon and as I was reading out the Oracle deck. The irony hit me. And I thought wow this must seem really contradictory to some people if they were watching me right now. And this is too spiritual worlds colliding. This is an oracle deck of cards and a sermon being preached in a church that I'm watching on YouTube and these two spiritual worlds are colliding right here on my couch just because I desire to experience Both just because I desire it. We're going to go over that today. My life is a huge Paradox. And today I want to give you permission. I want to lead you to give yourself permission to be a paradox. Are you ready? Let's do it. It is your Birthright to lead a Life by nothing else, but your desires. Did you hear that? It is your Birthright to lead a Life by nothing else, but your desires so why do we do this thing where we want to belong to a certain style of Life? Why do we need our lifestyle to fit into a certain tag or category or hashtag? Is it for validation? Is it for a sense of belonging is it so that we can follow a path that has already been traveled by already carved out and those people have gotten to success. So we need to take the same path instead of carving out our own path because it's less risky. is it because of the fear of rejection and the fear of judgment and the fear of not doing everything perfectly according to somebody and usually that somebody is someone we don't even need an opinion from I'm here to give you all of that validation that you seek. I'm here to tell you you belong. I'm here to give you the absolute confidence that you need to carve your own path in life because honestly, I believe it is my personal belief that if we all did that if we truly were who we wanted to be we would not be wasting so much time tearing each other down. So I Want To Praise Your Paradox right now. I want you to remember that you can praise yourself for your paradoxal lifestyle any day in fact all day and every day if you need to but right now I want to praise you so that you can hear from somebody who believes in you that it is all right to live a paradoxical lifestyle. So raise your hand if you eat at the least amount of meat possible, but still enjoy meet once in a while raise your hand it is. Okay, raise your hand if you Instagram, this is me, if you Instagram almost every single meal on your stories, but you keep the meaningful details of your life completely private raise your hand if you budge it like a badass boss. And you still have the most abundant Financial Minds that possible raise your hand. If you rely only on yourself to make your dreams come true and you still pray to God at night. Raise your hand if you follow the lunar cycle. But you do not let these General horoscopes tell you how your month is going to go. I praise you for your paradoxal lifestyle. I celebrate it. It is your life. Nobody else has. And I want you to start praising yourself. I want you to start celebrating every aspect of your life as well because that's the permission to be who you truly want to be. That's what you're seeking that prays that validation that confidence you can give it to yourself. Let me go one step further. I really want this message to hit home and land in some hearts today because it is so freaking important. If you're hiding any part of you that is not living up to the image that you put out there. If you're secretive about the things you truly enjoy when you are around certain people. If you hold back the juiciest parts of yourself for fear of being judged by air quotes your community, then it is time to adjust the standards of what you consider to be community. and you might not want to hear that right now, but you need to Your community is not Instagram. I'm sorry. It's not. Your community is not who likes your photos and who gives you reactions on your story. That is not your community. Your community is not your naysayers. It's not your judgers. It's not the friends who do not let you be you. And in fact, it is not the people that you respect and admire but make you feel bad for the fact that you dance to the beat of your own drum. So even your coaches and even your mentors if they do not give you the confidence. To be yourself. They are not your community if they want you to fall in line follow a program do what they say will take you from where you are right now to the goal. You want to achieve and there is no room for being yourself. They are not your community. It's time to adjust your standards for what you consider to be your community and I don't care what community it is. Whether it's the fitness Community the spiritual Community the coaching Community the religious community that you belong to. The fashion blogger Community. It doesn't matter the digital Nomad Community. It's time to start walking your own path. And your real Community will show up. Just popping in here to quickly let you in on a big secret. I've teamed up with two dear friends of mine Hannah and Madison to create an incredible Community for women like you it's called the inner Bloom Sisterhood, and I'm so excited to announce that it's finally open to join the inner Bloom Sisterhood is a safe space for women to discover their truth come together for support of conversation. No judgments and learn from the wisdom. Gifts of other talented sisters, I know so fun by attending our virtual women circles engaging in our private online form of exciting topics and my personal favorite experimenting with empowering lifestyle choices. We can bloom into who we are truly meant to be keep living sister now back to the episode. The world of Instagram would have us believe that once you start doing meditation you all the sudden have to sign up for a yoga teacher training. You gotta do it mandatory. If you haven't done a yoga teacher training you haven't lived you can't just dabble in meditation. You have to pay thousands of dollars and go to a tropical location to do a yoga teacher training or else you're really not on the meditation path. The social media world has us all thinking that if we do something healthy, like if we have celery juice for breakfast, we can't also eat Chinese takeout. Nope, not allowed just because we are body-positive doesn't mean we also can't care about our figures for those of you who are body positive confident in your own skin. Never let anyone tell you. That you should not be focusing on your nutrition. You can focus on both you can want Improvement of your shape. And still love your body. Just because I am a life coach does not mean that I have to run my business on Facebook. My peers would have me believe otherwise my quote unquote community. Made me feel otherwise. But guess what? I started walking my own path and my real Community showed up. Just because I no longer ascribe to the Catholic Church's Traditions that I grew up in doesn't mean I can't enjoy a Sunday sermon on YouTube. I'm loving TD Jakes. His messages are Universal their modern. They hit me in the heart. They inspire me to be me and not give up. and I don't have to hide that from people who don't believe in their Catholic Traditions that they grew up in because I no longer do either and just because they're going to look at me and say Oh, I thought that you were announced those Traditions that you came from. I thought you didn't go to church anymore. I thought you found your own path of spirituality. Yeah. I did. It's called doing what makes me feel Connected To Source. Okay, I'm not following any rule book from the ex-catholic. You know rules of of Life of being a millennial who chose not to follow. the religion that they grew up in I won't do it. And I want you to carve your own path no matter where you came from just because you've been doing something doesn't mean you can't do something else and still have value. Okay. now Let's assume you don't have to answer to your community because you've raised your standards for who you consider to be in your circle and assume that you actually don't have to answer to anyone but yourself. Because ain't that the truth you do not have to answer to anyone else but yourself and when you start giving yourself permission to be a paradox, your true path will unfold in front of you. That's what this whole podcast is about. It's about signing your own permission. Slip When you do watch everything around you start to shift. That's why I'm so passionate about this topic. It is the key to almost every single thing that you desire. The key that opens that door to all that you desire is your commitment to getting naked and not following anything that you used to believe as true. What Instagram would have you believe is true what they told you the rules are what you may be told yourself. The rules are for your life at one point. What Society has told you what your parents have told you what your new friends have told you. Your yoga studio has told you none of it matters your commitment. And your courage to be able to carve your own path? No matter what type of person you consider yourself to be is the key that unlocks the door to all that you desire. so I want you to give yourself permission. I want you to give yourself so much permission that you could go spend a gigantic amount of money on whatever material thing. You really want to have because it does not make you any less spiritual to have possessions that you enjoy. I want you to go ahead and dress yourself to the nines full face of makeup because it does not make you any less confident in your natural skin. You don't have to choose between a life of Purity and sobriety. And being a steady drinker. Because you get to be you. Do dry months when it calls to you when you want to purify your system and your spirit and you've been drinking too much sure do it. But if you really love wine be a freaking wine connoisseur. Love it. Don't let anyone tell you including me who is on my own path of sobriety. I'm doing one year of sobriety from from no drinking so that I can redefine my relationship with alcohol. Okay, that doesn't mean that that is the one way to make sure that you have a healthy relationship with alcohol. That's just my way. So I want you to give yourself permission even though every spiritual person that you follow is coming out of the woodwork saying I don't drink drinking's bad for you. I won't compromise my spiritual life so I can have drinks with my friends. I won't go to events anymore that include alcohol. Whoa, ask yourself. Okay, ask yourself what feels good and what makes sense? This is a big one. You can be feminist AF and really really feminine just because you are a strong believer and even a thought leader. If you want to be in the feminist movement does not mean that you cannot have a feminine lifestyle and do feminine activities. and put your feminine energy first if you want to Do it if you want to shave your body head to toe and get waxed because that's what makes you feel amazing. It doesn't mean that you have to hide that from the feminist Community, like only people with with hair all over their body get to be feminists. That's not true. For the cacao drinking Community fine drink your cacao, but if you are the person who wants to have cacao when you want to have it, but daily, you're going to Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks because that is your jam and you just want a coffee with milk and sugar or whatever flavor you want do it. Have we really gotten to a point where we're afraid to love a certain source of caffeine. Because it might be judged by others in our again quote-unquote Community because people might call you a poser something. The only real posing that is going on is when you try to be one category one type of person belong to a certain script of of somebody who's not you when you try to follow the rules of being spiritual of being a female entrepreneur of being a coach of being a fit person. Anybody trying to be somebody they're not I'm talking to you. Don't dilute who you are to fit the script. Write your own script. Put some sugar in your coffee put some rap music in your ears if you want. Put on some high heels and go dance at the salsa club. If that's who you are, don't hold back people are missing out on all of you because you're trying to decide which parts of you fit. With the expectations of other people in your community in your group in your type of people. Especially when you start walking a path, that's kind of new if you start walking a spiritual path all of a sudden you're like, I got to get a crystal why. If you really want to but is it because we are so inundated with images and styles and morals that come from other people. Social media is a place where you can be creative and be yourself and put yourself on blast. unfortunately the way that we usually consume it not all of us and not all the time. But unfortunately the way that we have been consuming it has diluted. the uniqueness of everyone But listen, you are incredible. You are the whole package don't serve people. Just what's in the outer box of packaging that you would like to show to the world. Give people your layers. Here's what I believe. God did not put us here so that we could try to fit into a category. That makes us feel like we belong on this Earth. God put us here so that we could remember that. We belong only to Infinite Source. That humanity is only a playground. That we are blessed beyond belief no matter what kind of situation we are in that we will always belong to the Divine as long as we are breathing as a human we belong because we chose to be here. We don't need to belong to any one category here on Earth. No, we do not. You get to decide who you are in this life. Following the rules set up by others will never lead you to feeling like yourself and finding out who you truly are and that's when life really starts. I heard that in a another sermon by TD Jakes. He said life does not start when you come out of the womb of your mother Life starts when you find yourself. The path must be carved by you by your desires by your life lessons by your unique perspective by your choices. So I want to give you permission right now to be a paradox if you are celebrate your uniqueness. That's what colors this big beautiful world. Be grateful for your ability to choose. Don't waste that ability on trying to be 100% a certain person a certain title a certain type of being walking this Earth be a paradox if you are pick and choose what lights you up. That's the message today, and I hope it home. It is your Birthright to lead a Life by nothing else, but your desires. the question is will you? If you love this podcast and you're so into the content that I am pumping out on every episode. I have such good news for you. You can ask me a question and I will answer it in our naked advice section of this podcast, you might even inspire a whole episode dedicated to answering your question. So I'll tell you what to do. You can do it right on your phone right now hit subscribe to this podcast and then go leave a five-star. To take a screenshot of that review and email it to Taylor at remote like That's Taylor act remote like We will get back to you with a chance to ask your question on this podcast and you're damn right? I will give you some naked advice.
It's time for the first new episode of the week! Check back in every single Thursday for naked wisdom from Taylor. Today I'm excited to give you PERMISSION to be a PARADOX. This short, powerful episode is for everyone who has diluted themselves in order to fit into a certain identity. In this episode I discuss: - It is your birth right to lead a life by nothing else but your desires. - Do you seek belonging and validation from certain groups of people? - If you feel the need to hold back the juicy parts of yourself for fear of being judged by your “community”… - Are you trying to fit the role of a spiritual person? Fit person? Influencer? Feminist? Or are you being YOU? - Don’t dilute who you are to fit somebody else’s script! Write your own. - How to be who you truly are to fulfill your purpose on Earth. Want Naked Advice from me on the next episode? Submit your question by emailing a screenshot of your 5 star review to [email protected] or DM me on Instagram @taylor.elizabethlane and I'll answer you with my best naked advice on an episode in the near future. You could inspire an entire episode from your question! **This episode is sponsored by my passion project: Innerbloom Sisterhood. Start your 7 day free trial TODAY!
Crown rest podcast. Wow. I'm super excited to share with you. This next piece of content might be my most original and different thing I've done this is a post that I put up back in March of 2018. So what you're about to hear is me reading the post out loud on top of a beat. This is a beat that I produced in GarageBand on the iPhone just to give you a background story real quick. I have a degree in studio production. So that's definitely contributing to me pumping out all this content and havingYou know Savvy and Technical Edge, so I don't know what you would call this if it's a song If it's spoken word if it's rough poetry. I don't know how you would categorize it. But I think you're going to really enjoy it. Hopefully you rewind it and play it back a couple times. It would be perfect to listen to right before game or really any time if you love this craft, so I hope you guys are enjoying everything so far. Let's keep getting better together. serving the game observe the game its rules its mechanics its fundamentals its history its beauty its ugliness its purpose it can one day lead you to observe know yourself in order to know the game discover the importance of Humility experience as a fishes. We are the stewards of Integrity. It's all about the game our partners and then ourselves. The game is choreographed by the basketball Gods show Know Your Role and play your position allowing the players and coaches and fans to experience otherworldly competition be a disciple of the Gosh and practice discipline. You must adopt a businesslike approach to helping the game mean something let's be impeccable communicators not only with players coaches and peers, but with ourselves be your toughest most punished critics during our deep assessment of self operate under the five-piece proper preparation prevents poor. Performance, but we give the game will exponentially get back in return. This game was here long before us and will live on forever as long as we do our part to nurture in this present moment. No play is more important than the play that's happening now and no game is more important than the one we are now serving when we serve the game the game becomes self service. Crown Crown Crown Crown Crown Crown crown Crown Crown Crown crown Hope you like that. I just want to give you a different perspective. If you feel like listening more. I'm going to post just the vocal tract. So I'm going to strip off the music just so you can hear the words. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it could be heard on Spotify Apple podcast and many more you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. Serving the game observe the game its rules its mechanics its fundamentals its history its beauty its ugliness its purpose it can one day lead you to observe all of the above within ourself know yourself in order to know the game. Discover the importance of empathy humility experience as officials. We are the stewards of Integrity. It's all about the game our partners and then ourselves. The game is choreographed by the basketball Gods. So Know Your Role and play your position allowing the players and coaches and fans to experience otherworldly. Fission fission fission be a disciple of the basketball gods and practice discipline. We must adopt a businesslike approach to helping the game mean something. Let's be impeccable communicators. Not only with players coaches and peers, but with ourselves be your toughest most honest critic during our deep assessment of self. Operate under the 5-piece proper preparation prevents poor performance what we give the game exponentially get back in return. This game was here long before us and will live on forever as long as we do our part to nurture it in this present moment. No play is more important than the play that's happening now and no game is more important than the one we are now serving when we serve the game the game. It comes self service. So the game Crown Crown Crown Crown Crown Crown Crown Crown Crown Crown Crown Crown Crown Crown Crown Crown Crown crown. Crown Crown Crown Crown Crown Crown Crown crown
SERVING the Game. OBSERVE the game, its rules, it’s mechanics, it’s fundamentals, it’s history, it’s beauty, it’s ugliness, it’s purpose. It can one day lead you to observe all of the above within ourself. Know yourself in order to know the game. Discover the importance of empathy, humility, experience. As officials we are the stewards of integrity. It’s about the game, our partners, then ourselves. This game is choreographed by the basketball gods; know your role and play your position; allowing the players and coaches and fans to experience otherworldly competition. Be a disciple of the basketball gods and practice discipline. We must adopt a businesslike approach to helping the game mean something. Let’s be impeccable communicators, not only with players, coaches and peers, but with ourselves. Be your toughest, most honest critique during our deep assessment of self. Operate under the 5P’s: Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance What we give to the game we will exponentially get back in return. This game was here long before us and will live on forever as long as we do our part to nurture it in this present moment. No play is more important than the play that’s happening now and no game is more important than the one we are now serving. When we serve the game the game becomes self-serving.
What's up, welcome to sweat head with my pull out of have Zoe scam and founder of Bodacious over in London, so he's been in the strategy world for a long time in many different places, and we're going to talk about moving around and trying to find where you fit in today. Welcome Zoe. Thank you very much. So you just set up this consulting firm. You were born in America you grew up in West Sussex. You've worked in London and New York and Sydney. Are you about to find your place? I sincerely hope so I I think that I probably have found my place geographically from a home perspective now. I think I'm sort of firmly based in the UK and I have yet to Define as my place when it comes to work. I still have no idea what I'm doing, but that's part of the fun. I think a lot of the people I know who have found is they're really trying to find what they're about. That's what that's how I psychoanalyze it very cheekily. Does that resonate at all? Yeah, I think so and I think when you identify yourself as a CEO for me that feels quite limiting in terms of what you actually do. They say basis when you have your own thing, I think founder for me encompasses all of the different hats that you've got to wear on a regular basis. So, you know, you have to be a project manager. You've got to be a financial director. You've got to make your own coffee, you know, you've got to organize meeting rooms. You can go to India with the invoicing so you wear so many different hats that CEO feels to me like all you're doing is just a sort of Direction and the overarching decision making a business but there's so much more to it than that and I think founder is Be the easiest way for me to say that I am running around like a headless chicken the majority of the time. Hmm. What pushed you and Drew you into setting up your own consulting firm. I think it's probably that. I have never really felt like I fit in anywhere in particular. I think the only place and we could talk about that later that I felt like I was at home was when I was at naked and Sydney and that's probably the last time and also the first time and I think since then I've kind of bounced around and I've tried a number of different roles. From management consultancy to bog standard strategy roles to Media to International Development even in Ethiopia and nothing really felt like it could take every single books that I had and so it felt quite obvious to me at that stage that I just needed to start my own thing, which would then allow me to pick and choose the projects that I wanted to do and it felt a bit more solid than being a freelancer and it also meant that I could start pitching for bigger projects and bringing a network of different people. So I think it was an inevitability. T to a certain extent but it really took me a while to get on with it. So I think I had the idea for it probably about a year ago and then I just sat on it because I was so scared of putting something out into the world that was mine as opposed to just being a freelancer and I was terrified of failing. I'm still terrified of failing but at least I've tried now or I'm still trying and it took one of my friends to actually say, you know, what's happening with Bodacious and I sort of said all you know, I've got the design stuff done and I know what I want to do and she goes great in why haven't you started yet? Well, you know, I don't have a website yet and she goes well, how hard can it be? I'll do it for you. Now. I said no. No, it's fine. It's fine. Please don't know I'll do it for you now and so she went on to Squarespace to for 30 minutes. She built me a standard website. She goes right put it on your LinkedIn now so always what kind of forced into it by a friend who just wanted to give me a kick up the ass really and I've got probably a lot to thank her for getting me started. Did you feel that you fit in with your family growing up God? No, we were a family of individuals as opposed to your family collectives that we all kind of do our own thing all very very Three different characters and it kind of remains that way today. I think it was the same, you know in school as well. I basically got expelled twice once when I was 12, and once when I was 15, and I never really fit into the academic piece either. I was always asking questions kind of going you know, what am I going to do with Pythagoras Theorem when I'm in my 30s and they just couldn't answer any sort of said, you know what it's the curriculum and I said I want to learn this and then I get put outside the classroom for the rest of the term having to do something else entirely. So I think I was always thinking that I Really want to follow a particular part and so I felt uncomfortable with going on to do a levels, which is your UK kind of sick form from 16 to 18. And in the end. I don't even sit my a-levels. I don't have any couldn't go to university, you know, even if I'd wanted to do so I didn't have the qualifications and I just felt like that linear path of these are the steps you're supposed to go through. This is the end result. This is what your end goal should be didn't really work for me what you do at the age of 12 to get kicked out of school. I started a kind of mini business, so So I ended up basically selling cigarettes one pound per cigarette to the girls that were there has in a posh girls school and it made me a decent amount of money. And then when I got caught they sort of said don't do it again. And I said, okay and then I went back to doing it again and that was the end of my time at that school. So I lasted just under a year. How do you feel about that decision now while the school's decision now, I think it was probably right given that I was selling cigarettes. Do you think they could have done something with my entrepreneurial spirits but they hadn't recognized at the time. I was a bit of a troublemaker. Mmm. Did you feel that you fit in in West Sussex? I think not at the time. I think now I feel like I do so at the time. I just wanted to be anywhere other than West Sussex is quite sleepy place, you know big green Rolling Hills Countryside pubs that kind of stuff and I wanted to be in the city and I wanted to be going to nightclubs and I used to regularly take myself apart totally and go to a drum. A Bass Club at the age of 16 and said of danced till three o'clock in the morning when I didn't even know my own name. And so I think I was always wanting something a bit more lively and it's taken me probably until the age that I am now, so coming up to 35 to realize that actually this week the countryside is quite a nice Blissful bomb for the work that I do and the place that I Live Now do you fit in with yourself? I think I'm still learning to do that. I've been on quite a long trajectory on that just in terms of making peace with who I am and what I want and I think probably being in my mid-thirties now is the most comfortable in my own skin that I've ever gotten to and I'm hoping that's going to continue. So I'm looking forward to the 40s and 50s. I think it's that that sense of self and that sells sense of comfort is probably just going to get stronger. It's funny because I read things and talk to people about how the idea of self is not even a thing. Thing is not real and yet also there's the union Carl Jung idea of individuation individuation which just takes time and that tends to from what I can see often happen around the 30s and 40s. So what can you point to that goes back to your earliest beginnings of this not fitting in a variety of rebelling of trying to work out where you fit in or did you just exist to not fit in was that your modus operandi? No, I actually think it was to do with family Dynamics. So My mother is quite severely bipolar and so it first arrived in our family or raise my family when I was eight and immediately that marked me as different in my communities in my school. So I went to private all-girls school for junior school, you know, it was a very sort of affluent community and at that time, you know, which was 20 or 30 years ago more than 20 years ago. The idea of mental illness was scary to people and they still had this image in their head and Phoenix. It's and white padded cells and so for me to go back into that school environment and also there with my school friends finding out about their parents as well immediately marked me as other and so I was kind of excluded a lot. I guess when I was younger sort of 9 10 11 and people just thought I was a bit weird and it Untouchable and that came from basically having that black mark against me because of, you know, family Dynamic issues, and I think that kind of made me angry and so I separated myself and then went down that sort of rebellious root of a cable if you Accept me, but I'll deliberately be unacceptable. How did that decision work out for you and got a lot of fun. So I think I put myself in situations which a lot of people wouldn't and I think I was a little bit lonely at times because I felt sometimes that I wanted to be normal. I wanted to have that normal track of, you know going to a good University and then getting a good job and all that kind of stuff as well. And I think I bounced around a lot when I was younger because I just didn't have that stability and I deliberately I'm kicking myself off that linear train. You think it made me much more sort of multicolored internally and I think that that has been really helpful for me later in life. But it took me a while to realize what I was doing or what I was creating just to follow through on that thought that if you weren't to be accepted that you wouldn't make yourself acceptable did you ever apply that at yourself that you wanted to make yourself an acceptable to you? Oh God. Yeah, so I think when I was quite young probably sort of 1415. I got quite heavily into drugs. And I was in self-destruct mode. So I went through a period of just doing a lot of things which were a little bit, you know, fuck you. But also, you know, I was damaging myself. So yeah, I just took a lot of drugs. I got my first tattoo when I was 14, which probably wasn't the best idea looking back on it. I got it right in the middle of my stomach and I just kind of pushed myself constantly just sort of saying you know, how far can I go before I'm arrested or end up in a heap in the street or something like that. It was just constant. Ian in terms of against my parents against my school girls against myself, I guess as well and with was your family around when all this was happening. Yeah, they were but I think that they got to a point where they just kind of gave up and sort of hung their heads in Despair and said what the hell are we going to do? My mom likes to refer to them as the Lost Years. So she said from the age of 12 probably up until 22. I was just a bit of a nightmare and she just kind of wrung her hands in despair most of the time. You know, what did you learn about the bipolar? Through your mom a lot. My sister was actually also diagnosed with severe bipolar when I was 20 and I think it's it's an interesting one because they think it really shifts the dynamic from a parent child's perspective. So when you have a parent who's severely mentally ill so she's not if they're all the time bipolar comes in waves it comes and she could totally fine for a year or two years. Even if she's actually been fine for a number of years now and then you would go into an episode and episode could be deep too. Oppression or it could be Mania and it has work majority mainly ER and so I think it's interesting because it flips the dynamic and you become the parents and you've got to sort it all out. So you've got to get them sections and I used to have a laminated piece of paper which I've written down all of the details on how to go about it. So, you know who I needed to call the three people headed to have in the room. So social worker a GP and a psychologist and then sometimes I have to call the police and then I'd have to make sure she went to the right hospital. So you have to go through that process each time and again, Become the parent and you've got to take them close because obviously it will happen quite suddenly and it's you know that they've got to have stuff to stay away overnight and then you've got to try and pick up the pieces when they're back again. So going through that on a regular basis. I think it was pretty much once a year from the age of 8 to 17 18 actually longer than that probably 21 until my sister got diagnosed and that will change things a lot. So yeah, it's definitely an interesting one. I think it helps you to see your parents as fallible which often a lot of people don't get. And also to see them as unstable and that's not to say it was a bad thing and I wouldn't change any of it for the world. I think it's taught me a lot and I wouldn't have her any other way nor my sister, but I think it makes you feel like you haven't got as much stability or foundation in the world when your parent isn't as reliable as you would wish them to be and are your parents married they were and then they got divorced when I was quite young and then they got remarried funnily enough when I was in my early 20s, and now they live together and then as far as bipolar Have you ever suspected that you had it? Is it something that plays on your mind that it might be coming for you at some time? Yes. I know. So the more time I spent with the doctors obviously looking at my mom my sister the most time they've sort of said it probably won't manifest in me. But at the same time I wouldn't be that bother if it did part of me really wants to experience Mania just once I think to be honest, that's probably why I went to clean the drugs because I thought maybe I could recreate it and some plastic. It doesn't like it's a lot of fun and the other part of Of me just feels like it would be absolutely fine. And I could cope with it. So I feel like I'm almost a professional from that perspective at this stage. I'm not scared of it if it does come but it is it is interesting hearing you talk through your history because when you are bouncing around a lot like you were from a moral or rebellious point of view is going to be difficult to fit in because you don't like structure to fit in with so you don't like the idea of fitting in at all either. Yeah exactly that yes. And yeah, I was gonna say that when I was sitting naked actually they used to refer to me as the problem child. So they said, you know, you're great at what you do but your bloody nightmare because every single time we try and pain you into anything you try and escape and yet hopefully through the company that you've set up recently you're creating some kind of structure that you will adhere to is that part of what's going on. I don't know if I describe it as structure so much as a way of doing what it is that I do whatever that may be on my own terms, but I think the idea of actually Stirring it in any capacity scares me. So I spoke to someone last year. He's actually in the ad industry in Australia and he's had his own company for years and years and he said don't do it. And I said why not and he goes because you'll be awful. You know, it almost destroyed my marriage and I kind of went. Oh, that's interesting. He said, but if you are going to do it, you need to come up with some sort of proprietary thing that you sell proprietary framework or a process or something that you can trade mark and then you Trot out to different people and immediately that thought of creating a framework or a proprietary thing. Maybe nauseous because I just thought I don't want a thing. I want to be able to evolve and shift and change and make things bespoke from scratch every single time and pick different bits. And I think are relevant for that particular project. I don't want to be tied to a framework that then becomes a representation of me and what I do and how I do think yeah, I've always regarded against those kind of trademarked Frameworks. I have ways of working and framework works that are used but I've always been very suspicious of people who like here's the way exactly and then it's what Mackenzie do. We two years and then they roll it out to all of their massive Blue Chip companies and then obviously it's going to break within two years. Otherwise, they wouldn't have a business. They do that deliberately and more come out with you know, the new four C's or the new 3DS or something like that and I just think it's it's a very kind of broken way of doing things when actually every business is different but it for someone who's maybe a bit new to the industry who is nervous that they don't fit in either to the company or to the industry and then they may be they move jobs in 6 months 12 months Whatever It Is What kind of In sight. Do you have what kind of wisdom can you give to them based on your own experience about that time? Because sometimes you jump around so much and we feel that we don't fit in and that can lead to some really really dark places. Yeah, I think you can feel like you're failing at life and everyone else's, you know, situated comfortably and whatever job or relationship or something like that that they saw that they sit comfortably into and I think a lot of the time I was called unreliable. I remember going to an interview of you once it's not actually that long ago. I think it was about four years ago and it was quite a well-known business consultancy in the UK and a managing director had my CD printed out in front of her and she didn't even look at me when I walked in and she was looking at my CV and she was tapping it with a Biro and she said six months 18 months 12 months 10 months and she went through the whole thing. And then she looked up to me and she said you're not very reliable. Are you and that really struck me and I think it was because she had equated my CV with being unreliable. Balam me with being fly see but I've never seen myself that way. I'd always seen myself as chasing something that I was deeply passionate and interested about or just of trying something new and throwing myself into that and all the risks that that entails but I felt like what I was doing was kind of gathering a ream of different experiences as opposed to following a particular path and I never really was interested in specialization in any particular area always wanted to sort of gather as I said that range of different pieces and then pull it all together. Together to create this kind of portfolio of what I was capable of and that's probably the advice that I would give to people. I think it's shifting from a cultural and societal level as well. I don't think that people expect you now to go into a job and stay there at least two to three years to prove that you are reliable, but you'll see, you know, you're ambitious and you're following a particular trajectory. I think it's becoming more and more commonplace for people to jump in and jump out of different things depending on what they're interested in at that particular point in time, but also not have an end goal and just kind of go Not over there interest me. So I'm going to go and learn about it for a bit. And now that I've learned that and I've absorbed it. I'm going to go over to this other area completely different from what I've done previously and absorb a bit of that as well. So I think when I was doing it, it was seen as flighty and I think now it's becoming much more acceptable and I would just see it as following your interests and just running with that for the time being and knowing that you'll get clarity at some stage. Yeah, and it's also just an extension of your own personality traits, so if you look at the Big Five personality traits of Ocea and openness conscientiousness extraversion agreeableness and neuroticism what we are describing, which I relate to in quite a few ways is people who are high in openness with pretty active and maybe strong brains where they're interested in novelty and variety and that's right now with your story coinciding with neuroticism, which is instability and bouncing around and if you had a few kind of relate to what we're talking about, here's the thing there's nothing wrong with It's just that the world's not currently built for you. And the world is built built on the poems on structure and religions done that societies have done that Village cultures have done that. So I think that that's for that was for me. One of the things that it just took a little bit of time to appreciate and pretty recent actually that it's not necessarily that something's wrong with me. It's just that I'm not built for the way the world currently exist and due to the internet in some respects being able to create a life. That's true to those. As of traits that you have has never been more possible. It's kind of it's quite exciting to get a thrill out of that. I think so. Yeah, I definitely get a thrill out of variety and throwing myself into do projects that even now I don't know entirely what I'm doing. I don't enjoy safety or repetition and I think to be honest that's one of the biggest reasons that the agency well didn't work for me in many ways because it felt repetitive after a period of time and it felt like I was kind of bashing my head against the wall. I wasn't necessarily learning anything new You and so I threw myself into completely different areas and that variety and having something completely different that I can learn and I can absorb and I can delve into and get really excited about for a period of time. That's what turns me on and I think that's why I kind of had to do my own thing because there is no jobs that I can understand from anyone tell me what's available now that I could do that would allow me to Encompass all of those things. But if you're interested in novelty new things and interested in learning, why do you think you're got to the point where you didn't feel you were learning something new and some of these roles where every project could be a way to learn something new. I think I did. I think that's why I went to the places that I went to because I didn't know what I was doing to a certain extent. So, you know when I was when I first moved to Sydney, so I think I was 22 when I first moved to Sydney and I went to your Mediacom and I was a group digital manager, which basically meant that I ran a digital team. I was way too young to do. I had no emotional maturity and I was just a managing people but I learned a lot in that process and I learned all about, you know digital media, which was still relatively new back then it was a 13 years ago and I just didn't really enjoy the people management side of things and then luckily there was a new CEO at the time from Mediacom guy called Toby Jenna who's now the global CEO of group em, and he kind of approached me after we worked together on a pitch and he said I think you're a strategist and I still have absolutely no idea what that is. But as long as I get to keep my Visa you can do whatever you want. So I became a kind of strategist and I said of shadowed a guy called Steph Burford who's now the CSO of ipg media Brands and he was wonderful and I kind of went God. This is a new well, this is really interesting. So I started getting into it. I was learning a lot then and then I got offered a role at Australia's very first social media agency, which was the population which you're probably familiar with because Julian Cole was there Nikki stammers Jessica Brooks Etc Tony Thomas, and I was so interested with what that was potentially going to be and what that potential could be. That I left the world of media common moves and everybody told me I was mad because they said, you know, you're still learning. You're very Junior, you know, you're still on this trajectory and I'm going to throw it all the way to go and work in a social media agency that has no particular business plan and is probably too early for the market. I said, yeah, that's exactly what I'm going to go and do and I didn't feel like I'd finished learning strategy, but I felt like there was a bigger opportunity for me within that social media agency to pick up new skills that I had not done before and then obviously from there that went bankrupt. After eight or nine months and I bash down the door of naked. I think I had about six interviews and I wouldn't stop calling them until they let me in and I didn't feel like I'd finish learning about social media. But now I was wanting to learn about communication planning and strategy because I haven't done a Godly previously and I felt that that was probably the best place to be to pick up at that craft. So I think I've always seen every move that I've made and every jump as a massive learning opportunity, but there comes a time when something more shiny more interesting takes my attention. Does that or I feel like I've absorbed enough and now I can move on try something else or I can go with my skill set in a different direction. Yeah, it's funny because when you hear psychologist talking about the newness and the novelty the shadow side of that is addiction and Drug sits and what not that you were addicted but you know, you've told this story it's a it's really interesting to hear it. I mean I grew up right that's an underground rap scene and Raves will be in Sydney and you know, there was a lot of stuff going on in our lives as well. So I do relate to this a lot and divorced families bouncing between homes on. Buses for an hour or two each way like a different family groups. If it's a different friend groups are totally relate you mentioned. There's two things that I want to ask you about what you just said, then there are people listening to this who would love to have a strategy role and they would really really love someone just to lean over to them tap them on the shoulder and go you're a strategist. What does that phrase mean to you now? What do you think? What were the traits that that person was identifying a new? I think that Probably three things that they noticed in me, which I think are Universal for really good strategist. I think the first one is that you are a problem solver. So when you look at something you want to figure out how to get from point A to point B, and you focus on what is the best way for me to solve that particular issue and I think problem solving is probably the number one thing that we need to think about as strategists and it's also problem-solving way outside of and advertising is problem solving from a business perspective or an organizational design perspective or a cultural perspective. It's is looking at something and thinking how do I make this better or how do I make it even more awesome than it already is so I think that's the probably the first thing the second thing I think is pattern recognition. So I think sort of seeing a number of different plates that are spinning either from a cultural Trend perspective or a new product development perspective or a competitive perspective and seeing the kind of pattern. As if of where things might be going next or what's actually happening in the market this particular point in time. And then I think the third is just the ability to connect the dots and actually turn it into a narrative and turn it into a story which simplifies everything and then gives you that map from how to get four two point from point A to point B. So, I think those are probably the three things so yes, I think the problem solving pattern recognition and connecting the dots. Okay. Yeah. There's something is two things that I would say to someone who's actually trying to Get into a strategy role be careful about telling somebody that those are your three traits often find people who tell people that that's what they are repeatedly. Like. I just want to see that you've done it and there's definitely this is definitely this kind of rebellious intellectual look of some people who do strategy work where it looks like they're looking through everybody in the room and part of that is just trying to get to the deeper root cause of something and part of it is trying to connect things that don't seem very relevant to what's happening in the room at the time. So there's this There was this kind of look I wouldn't I wouldn't want to think it too much or trademark what that look is but you can kind of feel it in people a little bit. I mean, I hadn't recently with Laura book bound back from mr. President with her son in India where I was we just had a few conversations. We went on a long walk around in the area. He was in these sessions and then he asked questions in front of a few hundred people on these questions were immediately ruled it. I was like, okay, okay, and now I might be making it up, but I kind of had that Vibe now you also mentioned And the phrase finished learning. I don't know if that's an English tick, but did you think when you were younger that you would be finished learning? Oh God. Yeah. I was a cocky little shit. When I was younger, even when I was working, you know in the industry. I think that I had a it was a weird one. I had a huge amount of self-belief coupled with a massive amount of self-doubt and I think that turned me into a wannabe know-it-all and I almost tried Cover my own insecurities by being extra arrogant. So I think that I had assumed many times that I just knew what I was talking about and I had finished learning and it's probably taken me up until I think sort of late 20s to realize that you never finish learning and there's always something more that you can do and even if you're really good at what you do, you can always refine it and you can always learn new practices and new ways of developing your skills, whether that be sort of people based or whether that be Different Frameworks, for example, you've never seen before or just different ways of thinking from different cultures that kind of stuff and I think I hadn't realized that I thought that I was just shit-hot to be honest, but I also had this crippling self-doubt in the background and I think that made me a worse person as a result of it. I was almost as a overcompensating just by being a bit of a dickhead. How did you reach that Epiphany? I don't know if I had an epiphany so much as its maturity. So I think it's realizing that you are. always the smartest person in the room nor should you be I think it's learning to not have to fill every silence and I think it's also knowing that you have one voice in a number of worry in a room full of a number of different voices and they're all equally as valid and should be listened to and you're not always there to always give the solution and that you can sort of put your hand up and say, I'm sorry, I don't know but I'll go and check but I don't know right now and I think that just came with with a kind of softening that Comes with getting a bit older and getting a bit more seasoned interesting. I get a little panic attacks when I go to museums libraries art galleries or even if I look at what movies to watch online. I'm like, oh my God, there's so much to learn. I'm never going to be finished. I love it. It's exhilarating. I'm glad you should see my pocket collections, you know pocket the app where you can check save articles. I think I've got about six thousand articles in there and I've calculated that it would take me probably about 20 odd years to read everything and that scares me cause I'm just thinking what Prioritize what should I be listening to and I think it's also that you know, I've had this guilt for example, and I'm walking down the street listening to music thinking God. I should be listening to a podcast. I'm absorbing more information. But I also think there comes a point where you just need to not be absorbing all that information. I remember and I still get actually what I'm teaching younger strategists who are reading about strategy and listings to strategy and practicing strategy in their free time and they become such one-dimensional thinkers. Has as a result of that. I think there's dangerous. I think you need to go out there and not always be conscious of the fact that you need to be learning more for your job. I think you just need to be absorbing staff but also having quiet time and not feeling guilty about that and not feeling like you have to be productive every second of every day sort of learning just to sit. I think that's incredibly difficult to do and I'm still learning about doing that as well. But I think it's really really important. I don't know if you've heard the phrase get in where you fit in but where do you think that you fit in right now? I think That I have found a kind of mini tribe that works for me which is from a work perspective anyway, which is a bunch of people who are mostly doing their own thing and who like to be challenged in different ways. So for example, one of my partners at the moment is a guy called Toto Alice who used to be the head of strategy for drogar Europe and we work together on and off for about five or six years and he left Drogo last year to set up his own thing. And he will say works part-time as a CSO for a PR agency and we've been partnering on a bunch of different stuff and it's just been really good fun because we can pick and choose the projects that we desperately want to get involved in and we're also finding ourselves in conversations on projects that we never thought. We would even imagine being a part of if we were in a traditional Ad Agency and I think that that tribe has been really interesting because what we've also learned all of us together and there's a couple of different people in that is that it's also okay, you need to go and have Lunch on a Friday and not work and just chat about life and still see that as you know productive time because we're spending time on our mental health and just kind of being happy to be friends as well as colleagues. So I think it has been an interesting one because we've got into positions where we've kind of worked ourselves into the ground and then the following week would just so naturally we can't think straight and it's a it's an interesting one in terms of being in your thirties or sort of mid to late thirties and still figuring out that you don't know how to parent yourself. So yeah, it's of mixture of really interesting senior thinkers who have struck out on their own and also realizing that we don't really know what we're doing when you say pick and choose that's that's something that a lot of people who are setting up their own things or thinking about setting up their own things. They wish they could have that problem. Yeah. How do you have that problem? Like what has put you in this situation where there are multiple things to choose from over some period of time I think I've been really lucky just in terms of networking, but I also think I've worked really hard and the That I've worked on the clients to been really happy because I'm I'm definitely a perfectionist. I never do a project. That's good enough. I will always be tweaking and making sure that it's the best it can possibly be and our partner with that client to try to take them through the process. I never just kind of do projects go right down that wash my hands of it and off onto the next day. So I think I kind of build those relationships and those relationships then turn into repeat business or they turn into referrals or that client ups and goes to another client. Business instead and goes up a position and then they get invited back in again. So I think it's it's a combination of all of those different things and I also think when you do start your own thing, you've gotten the nervousness of scarcity. So you don't know where your next projects coming from. You don't know if you're gonna be able to pay your bills in three or four months time numbers, you need to have savings really to be able to do it. But you also have to do what you think is really right for you and drives you so there's been a couple of times where I've had projects that have been offered. Should not really what I want to be doing and I just think God should I just take it for the money and on occasion? I have done that and I've been miserable for you know, six to eight weeks. And now what I'm trying to do is to say no thank you are afraid somebody else. You would be much better suited to that project. It's not really my thing and to trust that another project which will be more suitable will come along. So I think eventually you have to be able to trust that you can cherry pick the right things but also say no to the stuff that isn't going to really get you excited or add to your skill set. Anyway, and as far as that criteria go have you written that down or is it something that you apply intuitively in the moment? It's intuitively in the moment. I haven't necessarily been anything down, but I think it's stuff that stuff that interests me of things that I think I'm not a tea complex problems. And I also think it's stuff that I haven't necessarily done previously. So if I haven't done something previously and it's a bit complicated I'll jump at the chance, but it's also people releases. So do I want to work with these people, you know, do I want to go and sit in their office? To be with this entire time do I think they've got the right culture in order that they're actually going to embrace change or am I going to be for want of a better phrase trying to push us up a hill? And is it going to be really painful to do so and if I get that intuitively in a meeting with them, I probably would walk away from it. And then other ways that you work now that you're really focusing in on in a way that maybe you didn't realize that you loved until you had to be responsible. For every single scope that you were signing off on and for me, for example, the way that I love to work is through phone interviews one or one I prefer that I type them all up at don't record them and I record type up everything verbatim. Then I write this little strategy stories and I might do a workshop but what I don't usually like doing is a workshop where the thinking has to come out of that half day or one day. I find that a very artificial way of working and I over the years I've had to do that and I often Frustrated with the output because you're still your brain still needs a day or two to kind of kick things around are there certain kind of Keystone ways of working that you focus on that. I think I'm still learning in times of what really ticks the box for me and I think one of the things is for example when I'm writing I never write in keynote or PowerPoint or anything like that will Google Slides because I think you can get confuse quite quickly and lost in the stories of I tend to always use Word documents. So when I'm writing strategy and alright, As of headlines of the story in the narrative and then I'll worry about how I'm actually going to prove that and validate that a little bit later but I always have some sort of instinct in terms of where things are going to go. So I'll write the first draft of what I think instinctually the answer is and how I would go about building that narrative and then I guess I kind of use it as a way of proving or disproving a hypothesis that I have but at least I have a starting point and workshop wise completely agree. I think having the thinking coming out the workshop is a disaster. Back when I was working on Kellogg's years and years ago. I was running their digital business globally and they had a planning process, which I think they might still have actually called the K way, which they paid millions of pounds to a consultancy to come up with and it's bloody awful and essentially their annual planning was all done in a workshop over the course of one day. So for example with crunching up corn flakes which are a bit of a sort of you know, basically the crack of cereal in the UK their entire annual planning calendar. ER and all of the ideas came out of one Workshop one day that the client ran not us and they would invite a bunch of agencies to you know, and as you know in a workshop, it's a sort of creative mass and you cannot have proper wealth or sound strategic thinking in a day like that and that's how they used to run it and it used to drive me insane there. Now from a workshop perspective. Are you I tend to use it as a way just to move the conversation forward or I look at it and go right in this Workshop. I need to get consensus or by in. These three things and so I'll go to the workshop with things that would feed into it. But then I'll also make sure that I'll take a lot of the stuff out of it and then continuing and planning process afterwards. I think it's always looking at a workshop to think you know, what are the decisions that need to be made in the room? Not necessarily. How can we come up with a big creative idea or a business strategy or something like that in a room together because trying to do that with a bunch of different people is a disaster. Yeah it is it is and even consensus in a room as a challenge. I think you need most like majority consensus outside of a room and then if it's about coming up with ideas, I've liked the past decade. I'm like, you know what I've if this doesn't go. Well, first of all, I'll get blamed even though I've got no responsibility for some reason the 20 people or the 30 people that are in the room. Like I don't know who like their life their life experience how capable their own everything and it's not to judge any of that. And then also if it doesn't go well, I'll be there late at night. I'll be working all weekend. So in recent years I make if it's about coming up with ideas. Here's the deal. It's my room. You serve my brain. And they'll be a small group of us whose brains you're also serving but I don't like getting caught up in all the consensus in the politics of stuff and most senior people talking talking over everyone. I'm like if we spent half a day together and we get 10 ideas. That's what this is about and then we're going to go away and do more thinking and more writing and I've become a bit not militaristic but a bit more forceful about it because otherwise you there all weekend for months. Sometimes just like I could now get to work with these words like that don't think we're going to empower confidence. That's what this cereal is going to do. Like know who ooh, and I completely agree and I actually think it's been an interesting Journey For Me understanding individual deep work time versus collaboration. I think everybody's been touting, you know, this kind of golden chalice of collaboration in recent years kind of going away. That's how the best ideas happen having multidisciplinary thinkers in a room or working things out together, you know, one from creative one from strategy wonderful product. Once in retail, you know, that's how we're going to Hash things out but in reality that's incredible. To go to do and I think that we need to get to a space where we kind of reclaim the process and sort of say do you know what from an idea perspective we need somebody to at least come up with the basis of an idea and then everyone else can add some of the bells and whistles and then we'll refine it further but I think looking at collaboration as a way to solve every problem is categorically wrong. I just don't think it works. So is the idea of if I won't be accepted I won't make myself acceptable. Is it still in you? How do you wrestle with that now, especially as you you literally need to be accepted to sell in a scope or a project. How do you wrestle with I still struggle with it? Honestly, I think I think it's definitely I'm still maturing on that front. I've still got a bit of a, you know, fuck the system Vibe about me and that can get me into a bit of trouble with certain clients having said that there are also clients that love it, you know, and they're almost threw me into a room. Like a bomb and kind of go right you're quite forceful and you know opinionated you go and sort this out and they I think they sometimes just kind of sit back and get the popcorn out and just sort of watch it, but I don't feel the need so much to do that as much anymore, although interestingly. So I was in Hong Kong two weeks ago for a client over there and I have never worked in Hong Kong before and I was fascinated / horrified by some of the sort of hierarchical working. Practices in terms of you know, who's able to make certain decisions and who speaks before someone else and does this person have a special seat, you know in the conference room that nobody else is allowed to sit on and I was flabbergasted by it and I was kind of angry to be honest. I was a bit pissed off because I just thought actually this should be around, you know the work and what's best for the business and what's best for the brand. It shouldn't be about individual egos in the room and I kind of walked out there day one just a bit riled by the whole thing and then I kind of As you know what I'm just not quite big enough to take on an entire culture at this stage and I'm just going to have to roll with it and understand that this is the way that it's done and I'm gonna have to chart my own course through this in a way that it doesn't massively frustrate me and I've just got to sort of say I'll find a way to sort of politically tiptoe around the more sensitive areas in order to get the job done. And in order to get the right kind of outcome that I think is the best thing for the business or the brand but I definitely still think that I walk into organizations and also, So, you know cultures such as Wei Hong Kong can do business and I get really really frustrated and I've got to give myself a bit of a pep talk and say, you know, you're not here to solve the entire cultural issue of your organization. You're here to do, you know this particular job which involves XYZ age and that's what you've got to concentrate your energy, but it does sometimes take effort for me to bite my tongue on a lot of that stuff. And also I've got terrible resting bitch face, so when I'm in a room and I don't agree with something you can see it immediately on my face. I've had a couple of people look at me. Say your face is showing as a shit. Okay, I need to practice my poker expression. How did you find out? Did you find those Dynamics working in New York? I only had a couple of different interactions in New York. So I don't think I would necessarily be able to judge the entire place, but I think I found it quite competitive and obviously people think London is capacitive. I thought New York was more so and I also thought that it was very defined by what you do as a way to talk about who You are as a person and I found that I think you can be a little bit more multi-dimensional in the UK. Then I found I could be in New York and I might be totally wrong. This is just my individual experience of it, but I found it a bit more as they competitive a bit more Cutthroat and also a bit more kind of I don't know how to describe it. But I think a bit more sort of people would front up and sort of put on a Big Show and not necessarily say, I don't know the answer and put their hand up and say I'm not really sure what I'm doing. I'd like some help so I found that a bit frustrating and then a word like competitive having worked in different places. And also obviously, you know, a lot of people who've worked in different places. How would you describe the type of competitiveness that exist in London? How do people compete what's implicit? What's explicit? I don't know if I knew the answer to that. I think people I think different people are competitive in different ways different agencies are competitive in different ways. I think there is a Fair at the moment in the London industry, which I think is probably replicated around the world just at the pie is getting smaller. And therefore there's more competition for the same piece and people are killing themselves. I think from especially from a pitch perspective to try and get a clients in and they're working all these weekends and the working for 6 weeks straight on a pitch they get the client in the client goes right I'll have one TV ad and then there's no retainer and they bugger off and I think that new way of being from a client perspective is forcing agencies to kind of scrap where they wouldn't necessarily of scrap so much before so I think the competition is shifted when I used to be a lot of mutual respect amongst the big agencies and I think that's changed in recent years and it's just become a lot more. He said she said a lot more we're going to get that client. They're not going to get it and I just I find that quite draining to be honest. Okay last question. Why did you call your company bodacious? It popped into my head randomly one day when I was out walking and I just thought that's quite a cool word. And then I thought God does it sound a bit sort of surfer? Because I'm not a surfer her kind of going to pick up a surfboard and then sort of start will was me and it wouldn't go away and I kept thinking note that's not going to work. It's not going to work and I just kept pushing it away and thinking I need he's something more sensible and actually the more I started repeating it to myself in my head the more I just felt really comfortable with it. And then I I started pulling it apart and thought you know, what does it mean and I immediately thought you know, it's kind of bold and audacious and I think that those are things that I would ascribe to myself. So I think I've always been bold in terms of I've never taken the easy route. I've always gone right? I was going to jump into the next fire and just see what happens and I think audacious because I've always just sort of pushed. Father and father and just sort of seeing how far I can push people how far I can push myself how far I can push any ideas and then it just suddenly felt like it was sort of natural reflection of me. So that's sort of the story of is optically interesting I guess, but I think it's just a good fit. Well, I'm glad we use that word because I was about to type back into the topic we were talking about which is fitting in because it's it is interesting. When you when you do have to choose some structure as in a name and a company structure and you have to register that company so that it is structured for other people. Yeah, and you have to think about hmm. Do I fit into that name? And it sounds like you do so you maybe you found a short-term home in this name. Is that as I was saying? So yes, I think so. I really hope that's the case. Yeah. I don't know. I might speak to you again in six months time go all It's about up and clearly. I'm not as big data such as I originally thought I was but I think for the time being it's kind of giving me something to live up to but also something to grow into as well because I don't really know what it's going to be or where it's going to take me. I think that's half the fun of it. They love it. Where can people find you on the internet where you most active. I am most active on LinkedIn and also Twitter as well and I will be launching my new Bodacious website in the next three weeks. So I will definitely be sharing that as well. Awesome. Excellent. Well, thank you so much for joining me on sweet head today best wishes with Bodacious. Thank you for sharing your growing up story. I hope I wasn't too weird with my questions about it. I just I could talk about this stuff hours and not everyone else can but I have a feeling you can appreciate you sharing that with me today. Thank you. Alright. Thanks so much these.
Zoe Scaman runs Bodacious, a strategy consultancy in London. After a good run through Droga5, Undercurrent, Naked, and Adidas (yeah yeah, this is your dream list), Zoe isn't exactly settling down because maybe that's not how she's made. In fact, after growing up bouncing around, getting expelled twice, living in America, West Sussex, and Sydney, and constantly seeking new experiences and new ideas, maybe she came to the realization she didn't fit in anywhere and then she had to work out how to create the thing in which she fitted. But now that this is written here, she'll probably defy it. So, whatever. We discuss: - How Zoe grew up - What makes a good strategist - The consulting life We touch on mental health, self-perception, self-worth, and a bunch of other ideas that I think a lot of people will relate to, and I appreciate Zoe's openness. You can find Zoe here and Bodacious here For more strategy talk: 1. Strategy drawings: 3. Strategy Twitter: 4.
You're listening to the Cannabis investing Network before we begin a short disclaimer the full disclaimer follows at the end of this episode. This podcast is a general communication and is being provided for entertainment and information purposes only. It is educational in nature and is not designed to be a recommendation for any specific investment strategy plan feature or other purpose. Please enjoy responsibly.Hello and welcome back to the Cannabis investing Network podcast. My name is Manish and I'm joined today by the Magnificent host a BT. Thank you, buddy. How's it going, man? Um, I'm doing okay doing okay, it's been an interesting week in the Cannabis Market you're on your extremely energetic for such a bear Market or Market crunch, you know racing, you know what I think us, you know, just having done the market update and us about to get into an episode which is about the new reality of where we are right now. Yeah, chiz the episodes called no more easy money. Welcome to the correction, you know, like Welcome to the Jungle. All right, and honestly, it has me. I think one of these things sometimes I walk away from this podcast after doing an episode. Yeah, and it really gets my brain kind of turning. Yeah. Yeah, right and I'm actually feeling I'm actually feeling quite A positive I would say about the opportunity that's available to us right now in cannabis. Okay, because when we started this podcast we asked is it too late to invest in weed stocks and that way? Yes. Yeah. Well that was a feeling that I had that the valuations were getting away from me. Right like I was trying to spend time to learn about these companies and they would be jumping five or ten percent and I would be feeling like I'm the fomo right? I'm missing out. It's going to run away. I'm missing the opportunity. Right right and six eight months later. Look at where we are. I mean these Some of these are some absolutely historic lows for some of these companies and sometimes it's warranted. Sometimes it's not now you're like no mo. Please get away from me. Okay, never mind. We're changing the title from fomo to know Bo no more of those bear Market. I'm glad we can laugh. I'm glad we can laugh in times of Despair but we're going to talk about today is what is the state of the market? Where in what do I mean when I say, you know, Welcome to the correction. How did we get here? Right? What are what is happening? When I say I said no more easy money. Well, what is easy money? Right? What is it? What does it look like? What are the effects of easy money? And I'm not talking just about cannabis. I'm going to bring a lot of real estate examples into this. Okay? Okay, and then easy money in real estate there can be there can be depending right? So and then lastly what does it all mean? What's the ShakeOut? What's the net effect of all of this? How are companies going to be? Negatively impacted by this what are some of the positives of this? What are some of the Civil Silver Linings that have me a little bit upbeat today? And how do we strategize? How do we as investors take advantage and ultimately make money and environment like this because at the end of the day, you know, what when everything is half-priced. Yeah, right. That's an opportunity to make money if we can find the right strategies and I think there's opportunities there today. I think I think there are actually even better than they they were six. Ago because evaluations of come back because the valuations have come back and well, okay, let's get into it. How did we get here? Well, I just want to start off by saying, you know for over six months you and I have been meeting here recording these podcasts and you know that some of them didn't come out till later, but we were talking forever you and I since we met about the fact that Canadian LPS are overvalued. Yes, and we said that in just general terms, you know, just broad Strokes. Croaks and but I feel like we had a good rationale for why they were overvalued at the time and we weren't we don't have a crystal ball. We weren't looking forward. We just said Hey, listen, this doesn't make sense in any other industry. Why is it making sense in cannabis cannabis is not immune to the laws of business and we're finally seeing that story play out. Right? So we've talked about the last few weeks. Also how things have shifted from a Tell me story to a show me story. So if I was going to give you an a Analogy. Okay, when you build a condominium, okay, like a tower right in condos. There's a phrase that goes you sell the sizzle not the steak. So what that's a common thing in sales. Yeah, but I'm saying in condos. It's very applicable in okay for Real Estate. So what that means is that a condo developer succeeds by going out and essentially pitching, you know, the condo opportunity to condo buyers and buyers and they buy a Our plan so essentially they sign an agreement that yes, I will buy a unit. I'm going to pay let's say half a million dollars for the unit and it will be delivered some time in the future. Maybe you say it's maybe two years could be three years and I fell victim to this is called pre-construction. There you go. There you go. We found a ruby. I had literally it was called a groundbreaking opportunity and the ground had not been broken yet. So this was you but by your money or so. You put your money in and they will actually break ground and have the whole ceremony and everything. Right? The room was filled with Sizzle. Yeah, exactly. But that's what it is and look it's partly out of necessity like condo Builders have to pre-sell their units to get financing from the bank. And one of the risks is that things can happen to that project, right? They can run into zoning issues. They can run into construction issues whether issues all kinds of things market market conditions can change all kinds of things that can happen. Right? So you're taking risk. There's uncertainty, right? Taking that risk you get a discount exactly. That's the theory right the idea is if you were to buy this unit if it was already built today, you'd be paying a premium. Right? So there's give and take and that's and ultimately what I'm getting at is that if you lined up a bunch of first time developers, I'd never done it before and You know, everybody just sold the sizzle. Some people would be really good at selling Sizzle. Right, but they would and they would get a lot of buyers to sign up but then we don't actually know if they can build the building right and that is the reality check moment. When it's three years later and you still haven't built anything right? It's like hey, there's not even a crane up what's going on here? Right ground is still not broken exactly exactly and then investors are or condo buyers. Let's say are understandably people like hey what's going on here? And Even if it's a good project real Builder and they're just delayed there's a fear right people don't know is this. Oh it did I just throw my money away. Am I stuck now what's going to happen? Right? So that is part of what we are seeing right now Abby and I talk forever about Canadian elpida overvalued what we what I failed to realize was that once the number start coming out and people start paying attention and seeing that these big companies are overvalued what I didn't think was that the rest of the market would go down with it. I didn't think that there was Just with broad Strokes. Everybody would get hammered with it. The baby would be thrown out with the bath water. Exactly. Very morbid. Exactly analogy. It's used all the time. For some reason. That's it's okay to use yet. She's totally fine throwing out babies and bathwater. Yeah. Yeah, but it's that's what surprised me. Okay, but to be clear some of what is happening right now is legitimate. Some of it should be happening and why I say it's a correction is because you have some companies trading for a billion. Dollars that are probably not even worth a fraction of that and this is what I mean. When I say correction, we have to come back to reality and take more realistic more realistic look at this business. And so that's how we got here and So before you go to the next topic, so I'm just getting into how we got here from the specifics. So what I wrote here is it's just as a natural progression of shifting from tell me to show me right where the biggest guys the show me story doesn't look very good. Right like the biggest mountain canopies. You got you got you can't be in the business plan. Yeah, like and the numbers you're like, oh, these are terrible numbers. Yeah, and also a lot of it has to do with people. There's a lot of the money has been raised. In the last two years. Well, if you I was looking at something on YouTube that was a sort of intro to cannabis investing and it was in 2018 and the guy starts by looking at some, you know, statistics from investment Banks and analysts excetera. And my jaw dropped when I saw this, all right, he was there was a projection for what the Cannabis Market would be in 2019. Okay, and this is a year ago. They projected in 2019. It was going to be a 4.6 billion dollar market. Okay. Wow, this one analyst Investment Bank, whatever. Do you know what it's going to be in 2019. It's going to be about a billion dollars. So a quarter of Yet not even like one out of four and a half billion is probably like 20 percent right? It's like two out of nine. It's insanely low insanely low. So if you think about the fact that people were working off those really aggressive numbers and they use they probably used those to justify or estimate the valuations of the company's. Hmm, when you go from four and a half billion to 1 billion, you lost eighty percent, right? So when your companies lose a bunch of their value from what they were valued at a year ago, yeah that Kind of makes sense. That's not like an unreasonable thing to happen. Right? A lot of the projections were just too aggressive and I blame a lot of the companies to who came out and gave guidance and said, oh yeah, we're going to do you know this much in sales next year right when they when there was too much uncertainty to be able to say that. Yeah, right. So this is what happens you give really aggressive guidance and it allows you to raise a lot of money. Well then later on when that doesn't play out your stock pays for it. Yeah, right. So a lot of that is happening. Then the other thing is too, you know with the heat of what happened how fast everything was going up. You started getting easy money. Okay. And what is easy money? This is a second Point. Like what is Easy Money? Basically what it looks like is you get people who are not doing their due diligence right who are aggressively underwriting who are getting fomo and exactly into the stock exactly. So they're like no mo Exactly exactly. And it's hype driven. That's why I wrote here. So it has to do a lot with the sizzle, right the pretty pictures in the story and the you know, the superlatives right? This is going to be a biggest thing like it's going to disrupt all these industries which is true but doesn't mean your company's gonna be worth 500 million, right? So it's it's that kind of grandiose thinking which basically overrides sort of solid business. Its principles. Okay. It's heavily emotion driven, right? So Euphoria playing on people's Euphoria and their ability to make a quick Buck Right and it attracts some unseen. Sorry that that's a little bit later. Also. It has two people Overlook their corporate governance people don't look as closely as what could go wrong, right? They're focused on the upside. They're focused on the gain. They're not focused on the downside. Greed it's greed. But more specifically it's sort of greed fueling like fueling money to flow into a flow into a area. It's sort of like if I'm taking of an analogy, it's like if greed is like water the capital is like water. It's like there's an area where for whatever reason it all. It's all flowing downhill, right like everything in that area suddenly gets away. Wash with that Capital. Yeah the good and the bad. Well, this is kind of like in capital markets. We call it like the formation of bubbles, right you get a lot of people throwing in money to something. They don't fully understand. They don't know why they're buying a highly speculative highly speculative and the asset class tends to grow somewhere to a bubble. Yes, and eventually it has to pop. Well, this is a b that is a seamless transition to the next point of what are the effects of easy money. Like, what is it actually? Like right so like you said asset value start Rising very quickly because money is chasing after it. Yeah. And what happens to is when this first starts happening, there's typically a limited number of opportunities. Also, sorry. Sorry. Sorry, it was an asset values that start to write quickly valuation start to rise quickly, but the assets don't catch up to it. Well, so when I say when I say asset values I'm talking about market caps. Okay, like what about a company being an asset, right? So got your company valuation start Rising very quickly, right and the fundamentals. No match up to us with the so a disconnect begins to form. Well, the thing is there also are no fundamentals yet right like it for in 2018. Nothing was legalized yet. So you couldn't like you could there's only projections? Okay, so you couldn't point to you couldn't look at at anybody's margins yet, right like so that's one of the problems that is it almost has to be hyped driven and story-driven because there is no quantitative analysis right now what you probably could have done which again we will do in the next episode is you could have looked at some The sales numbers for the more mature markets like Colorado, right and you could have seen that while Colorado at full maturity is selling at you know, this number per head, right? But is the Colorado Market at full maturity like a like how would you know if the markets up maturity? Well Colorado has been around a couple of years they get a lot of pot tourism because they were one of the first ones to do it. So they also like the strategy they use was to go low cost. Ya and combat the black market. So I would look at that as a very sick like a Yeah, I think they have very close to full penetrate. I fully agree with you that Colorado and California. I would I'm using the air quotes here is a mature markets. They're more mature. But in 2018, California had just gone legal so it wasn't a good comp yet. Okay, Colorado was a good cop could have been legal a couple of years. Okay, that's what I'm saying. But my whole thing with my whole thing with using the u.s. Back then as a comp was that, you know, it was still federally illegal in the US still is Sorry by the way caught me. It's comparable. Yeah, so just as something you can you know You look at that set of data and you try to then, you know use it and apply it to Canada in some way. Gotcha. Gotcha. I ignore the people at home. I don't you I'll give you that so you know, what what what I was trying to get at was that I don't think the US was a was a fair comp and the reason I say that is because it's still to this day federally illegal. Eagle in the state's whereas in Canada, you had you had full-on legalization or national level because it was on a national level the sentiment in Canada was very different. Right? So just try to jump in your what I think what you're misunderstanding is I'm not using Colorado companies. I'm only using the raw sales data and Colorado just to see just to have some data points on how big will sail can sales be in a more mature Market. That's Okay, Colorado there was you actually had a law you couldn't have public companies owning the the Cannabis market. So there was no door was very there was really was no data on market caps and stuff like that, but you could get aggregate data how much money how much money was spent on cannabis and Colorado right? Because you have a couple years of data. I mean, it's not perfect but it's nothing God's way better than nothing. Right? It's like it shows you this is an example of a market of five million people that went from zero. You almost full penetration of cannabis in reality in that an analyst report that you read. Did it allude to how they came up with that 4.6 billion dollar sale Revenue. Like did they use the black market? No, not at all. So I don't know but I'm just saying I just happen to be watching this video and scrolling through it and I was like the Cannabis Market Bubba Bubba block for and I was like what 4.6 and 2019 and it's going to be one. One now, I think that'll go up. I think that'll probably double next year, but it's going to be a while before we get to 4.6. I don't know see I'm not I don't consider myself an aggressive investor. I know I consider myself quite conservative when it comes to valuations and look and using numbers, but I think we'll hit for probably next year or mid 20 21 Abby. I will make you a BET right here right now that we don't touch for next year easily whole we would be I we're not going to hit three next year. Why do you hit three next year? Can I can I Can I take three we'll talk about it on the odds. I'll give you some under over odds on the overtime your elbow just go 50/50. I'll say 3 because 4 is a 400% increase basically this before is nuts. But so here's the thing each Court here is three impossible. No, but it's unlikely and I'll tell you why but hold on also keep in mind. Maybe I shouldn't be giving this information from taking from giving this bed, but also keep in mind right now and can't actually drive flower sales next year you're going to addicts exactly so there's two things going for what you're talking about. First of all, the rollouts been very slow BC just approved like I think fifty or a hundred new licenses for dispensaries and dispensers are really the bottleneck right now to big big problem. You get more dispensaries out there. Those numbers are going to shoot up. That's just no question. So Ontario and BC which are two big provinces really need to step it up. And if they if that rollout speeds up which unfortunately is going to be very slow. But that's the X Factor that can really ramp things up and then about you. X Factor also is cannabis 2.0 Vapes Edibles Etc. That's where we're standing today more likely to get delayed the not get delayed, right or at least have a very slow and controlled roll out. So my guess is next year. Yeah, I'll take your bed at 3 billion 3 billion. It's you're probably going to be at the end of the year maybe closer to a run rate of 3 billion, right? But the actual sales. Yeah overall 2020 sales. You're not going to have that because your first few months are going to be light as my opinion. Gotcha, so Yeah, it's you're going to you're going to probably hit around to I think two and a half is like three would be a high water Mark, it's not impossible it would everything would have to really click for that to happen I think okay and I think just the role that will be too slow like the they're going to be careful with these Vapes and Edibles and stuff and yeah the restrictions are going to be heavy they're not going to sell that well at the beginning you can be hard to get on shelves you don't mean so so all this stuff is going to pull it down still okay and again you'll see our next episode If we look at the numbers that will dictate a lot of what's happening in Canada. And that says that you know what there's still more pain to come gotcha. So the effects of easy money IT inflates deflates company prices and I wrote here like the Oprah like you get money you get money you get money, like people just walk in and just start giving companies money and it just pushes prices up and also at these times often, there's limited amounts of opportunity. There's not a lot of companies. Ready to go yet, right. And so what happens is you have a lot of capital chasing few deals, and that's always a recipe for increasing asset values. By the way, I'm going to tell you about real estate. This is actually happened worldwide to real estate since 2008 because since 2008 two things happened interest rates went down a lot. Yeah and risk appetite went down a lot. Look. Well. Yeah, right like people saw in the stock risk appetite went up people were taking on more risk. No, I disagree at the beginning like after oh wait. Yeah people really had no risk appetite no no exactly. So what ended up happening when you lower interest rates then you Borrowing cheap. Yeah, that's why you lower interest rates that allows it to stimulate the economy. When Warren is cheap. Yep. It's not your money. It's called OPM other people's money that you're basically investing. Yeah and the lips and then when interest rates continue to remain low or start going lower asset like bubbles in asset classes form. Yeah, so pretty and one of the reasons is because you have let's say let's say you're a pension fund you have hundreds of millions of dollars in the bank right in cash. Okay. Well when the stock market looks it more. Volatile and you're more scared of that. You want to keep your you want to look at the other asset classes which are fixed income bonds lending money, right or alternative assets. So fixed income the problem is when rates go down now putting your money in the bank you get very little right bonds bonds basically pay nothing. So now the problem is you still need safety, but you need some yield right? So real estate that looks extremely attractive because you know, maybe you can get like let's say you can get 1% from the bank in a GIC right perfectly safe. Yeah you can get Percent if you do a mortgage you lend money to people right, but you can get five six percent if you buy real estate asset, right and then you can actually borrow money at 3% So now you're buying it five or six and borrowing it through you're making it all in return or seven or eight right? So you compare that to your 1% of leaving in the bank or your 3% lending the money that's what drives a lot of that's what's Driven a lot of appetite for commercial real estate right at you and even if people get lower yields, I think There's a real premium on hard assets and safety, right, you know, there's intrinsic value to owning a building. That's brick and mortar, right, you know, there's intrinsic value to a property right? So that's what's Driven a lot of real estate and it creates, you know, it drives up asset values. No question. Like there is significant yield compression in real estate where you could have bought a property with a seven percent yield on it and that might be you know, like five now or four and a half now because the appetite is so strong, right so It's not just cannabis at this happens and it happens in a lot of asset classes. It's just way more pronounced in cannabis like you just see it a lot more in cannabis. So just something to be aware of. What the net effect of this it often attracts a lot of unscrupulous characters. So people see this mad rush people going to take advantage of it and there's some people who just want to throw something together take a quick buck and move on right and they don't necessarily care. If it does well or doesn't do well because they made their money and they'll move on to the next thing right and those kind of people are everywhere in the world. They will always be there. It's a by product of capitalism. Unfortunately and cannabis was a ripe and Is still a right playing field for a lot of these people. Okay, right like it if you're in a hype driven world, right and you can sell some Sizzle and raise a bunch of money, right and you can cash out a bunch Tom people some people in the world is going to do that, right? Okay, and some of that happened in cannabis the ended the so the industry term of that is called a promote a promote. Yeah. Is that a negative term though? It is it I mean I could view it as a negative term. I think a lot of people do as well. But basically It's exactly what you what you say, right? They you're raising Capital off of a story and they promote the stock and bright stars to do really well and then when it comes to the actual execution there out. Yeah, maybe it happened. Maybe it doesn't exactly now. Should I be concerned that I saw your driver's license and your middle name is promote. David I guess I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Okay. So last thing is this is actually something I touched on a long time ago in one of our I think by we're talking about valuations and Etc. And one of the things I always hated was when people said look this were raising money for this company. It's worth 25 million dollars, but look at this, you know, look at what canopy growth is worth is worth this much so comparatively there were 20 times us. Us right so we have a ton of upside. But what I always said was that kind of comparable like just comparing market caps. It's like yeah, they're way overvalued right like you're assuming you're going to catch up to them. They might catch up to you. You know what I mean? So like it's not just like hey, they're worth 2 billion were worth 20 million. Look at how much room we have to go up. It's like yeah, they might come down who says that to billions the right number mean reversion, right? I guess that's what it is. I'd say it's more. I don't know if I would call it mean reversion. I would say it's just that people use these comps as data points, right? It's like same thing. If you get into real estate speculation in the markets really speculative. Well, if you're buying a house, it's based on comps, right? What's what are the proper down the street sell for? Well that person is throwing money at it and suddenly they're being bit up by ten percent all the time. Then your comps are suddenly going to be way higher right? So then if people just use That is their decision making comps that can be very dangerous in a speculative market right? Because like you said ask the value just keep rising and Rising you see you have all these Rising comps. Right, but if it's propped up by cheap money if the fundamentals aren't there that can reverse really quickly. Yeah, right. So that's some of what you're getting today. So to close it off. So what what's the shake out of all of this? What like what does this mean for companies? So let's so I think it's that the party stops the Easy Money party stops now, it's it's not silly done. But I think it's very hard to go out and promote a story. I think people are going to like criticize it a lot more they're going to really look at it. There has to be the right story there. You have to have the right team. You've got to have the ability to raise capital and have some good cash in the bank the bank, excuse me, and I think you also just have to you have to be giving investors good value understanding that they are taking risk. They need to be getting a good potential upside for sure. And here's a positive to all those I mean, I guess technically those are positive. Here's a positive to all this when it comes from a company perspective. Typically what happens when you have these trough. I don't know if we're trough valuation or not or not, but typically what happens when you have these these crew got a beginner pretty clutch. Who knows we're not.we there. There's no crystal ball exactly, but A some indicators of these valuations. Are you have a lot of mas and I don't mean many issues in Abby's and you go literally mergers and Acquisitions more Acquisitions more than mergers, but you'll start seeing the larger well-capitalized companies and what I mean by a well-capitalized company is a company with a lot of cash on their balance sheet go out and they go shopping right because a lot of because there are companies that maybe their competition is cheaper now they can just buy them out as opposed to compete with them. So you see a road here is happening. I wrote here on the ShakeOut part. I mean you jump to the positive part already but I wrote here the strong Will Survive and Thrive and what that means is there if you're strong lot of song reference. Yeah, I was that is not what the songs that I Will Survive. Okay. Wow. Oh, yeah, we have we have very different Spotify playlist. We can have a hot spot if I okay. So the what that means is if you're cashed-up you will survive the downturn But ultimately this will be good because when Other companies are bleeding. Your competitors are bleeding like a bee says you can go shopping. You can buy some ancillary businesses at pretty attractive valuations, right? You can choose, you know, just to sit on your cash. And then if other people get wiped out which will happen. I'm telling you guys right now. There are some companies that have convertible debt that can't pay there are some companies that are burning cash at such a high rate it just you look at it. You're like the party's going to be over for these guys. Like if you're burning tens of millions of dollars in cash or even just a moderate amount of cash and you don't have it on your balance sheet to burn. So, how can people figure out burn right? Okay, great question. It's actually very simple look at the financial statements when they come out. Okay, open them up go through them first thing you so what we look at is we look at the income statement. So what the income statement shows us is what kind of Revenue are they making? What kind of gross margin do they have? What kind of expenses do they have? And then what's their profit now the tricky part about this there's a bunch of weird adjustments in cannabis, especially for biological asset value, which basically means when a when a plant goes from being a but, you know, just a little seedling to a full plant you account for all the money, you know, the value of that thing just went up and you have this Bud now that you you recorded as income essentially, right? That's really weird. You should strip that out. I don't think you should look at that in your decision-making. But you want to see what the company is doing. What are their gross margins? What are their net margins? Okay. On top of that that tells you one piece of the puzzle right A lot of people just look at the net income number that's reported. Well, if that includes fair value adjustments, that's BS. Basically it could be completely skewed. The other than you're going to want to do is you're going to want to look at the cash flow statement. So the cash flow statement shows you so that the profitability statement income statement shows you this is by accounting practices if we made or lost money and how we did. Right, but this is this is definitely surprising for a lot of people you can make a bunch of profit and actually be a negative cash flow. And why is that because Abby if I sell you a bunch of products, I record that as Revenue, yeah, okay, and I record that as gross profit and that profit but we might have payment terms actually most people have payment terms so you don't pay me right away. You might pay me in 30 days. 60 days 90 days whatever your payment terms are. So the problem is Abby. I've spent all this money on all this product I ship it to you. Yeah, I recorded this Prophet. Yeah, but you have not actually paid me, right? So now from a cash flow situation, I've actually got cash. I'm out of pocket and you're just an account receivable, right? So when you look at the cash flow statement, you're going to look at what is the cash flow from operations in the quarter, right? And typically it's negative if they're burning right? Okay, so you can look at that. Look at what is the cash flow in investment? So how much of the invested in themselves? Okay, and if you look at how much they burned right and typically the cash flow from operations is something your you want to spend take a closer look at because the investment part maybe it's discretionary right? Maybe they can slow that down if they need to but the operations part is a lot harder to slow down. Okay, so if they lost for example, you know 5 million dollars from operations. Okay, and let's say they spend another 5 million on investing right? So they burn 10 billion. Ten million dollars cash. Yeah, what's your cash position now, right. Let's say their cash positions now 20 million. Okay, that means if they did the they have the exact same quarter they can last two quarters, right? They burnt n they've got 20 left. They can that 20 will ask them to quarters right? That means the next by the next quarter. They got to start doing another race unless they can slow it down or make it last year something right. Yeah, so probably something for us to dig into deeper in another episode, but Just a quick overview on what people should be looking for and if they don't have the cash guys, they have to raise it they and if they can raise it or they're you know, they're going to have issues is going to be really real issues and some companies will go under absolutely and also if they have to raise share price is very important because that's what they'll tell you what they like. That's what they pegged the did the raised to if they're going to neckli race. Yeah what you're going to see two for some of these companies is People are just going to say no mas. Like they're just going to say no like we don't believe you can do it anymore and either they're going to get really bad terms like convertible debt that really choke holds the company or the company going to take a bath on the price yet, right? But at some point like they just might get to a point where people just say no, they just can't raise the capital like that is a realistic possibility and some of these companies. It's it's definitely possible if some of these companies you might see that happen and I would be surprised actually if you didn't see it happen for some of these companies and that's going to cause more pain probably sector-wide but the caveat is and the positive all this is that you're going to see like when things happen when a company goes under it's going to reverse beware it across the sector sector wide and everyone's going to get hit people aren't going to differentiate about the winners. I don't think they're going to get dragged down with them. Yeah, that's a buying opportunity. Right? If you can get if you can buy the winners at the right price and I think today there's a lot of right prices out there. If you can get in on that when this blows over when those companies start to post their earnings people, I think Will the Market will return to rationality when these companies can show that they can pump out real profits. Okay, right and that they don't need cash anymore. They're It in cash now, right? We will get there for some companies. We just can't say when okay, but it's starting like we're starting to get a clear path like the next one to two years. We're going to start seeing that some Canadian companies. A lot of us companies are actually it's um us companies not a lot makes sense. What do you think? I don't know if to wrap this up sit up or not, but what do you think? Who do you think the first company to go under would be well boy, that's a tough one because an easy one you think so. So it's can trust. Oh, yeah, that's probably true. That's actually that's a good one cause they can't raise their they're basically done. I mean, they're like somebody might come by the assets but it's almost like it's you're buying a massive class action lawsuit. Oh, no, you know, I think you just do an asset sale, right you leave all that behind. Yeah, you just ripped the assets out. But I mean they seem to be moving at such a leisurely pace and no but they seem to be radioactive. Nobody really wants to come in and touch them. Yeah and there. Lost their license now like it just seems to be such a mess. Yeah, and unfortunately Canaan LPS are getting hammered like there's no there's not really positive. It's not really a good story for ya. I guess we've said the commoditization is already began people aren't hot to trot on can help ease any more a year ago. Yeah. There's even a lineup of people to buy these assets and it would have been fixed probably in a second. Unfortunately. The buyers aren't there. They're like, no, we've got more than we can handle right now. There's not a lot of cash floating around. Round right not a lot of help got a lot of people right now of money to spend on that right so ugly and you know, maybe that's what should happen right like can trust. It's just such a ridiculous brutal story. Yeah, those kind of Black Swan events drag down the whole industry. Yeah, and it's a stark reminder that there's real real risk and sometimes comes out of nowhere. Yeah, right which is why you need to diversify. Okay? No, more easy money. Welcome to the correction people. I think that was a good fact-filled or opinion filled episode, but gay people ought to chew on and think about guys. We like to hear what your opinions are cin podcast at and until next time welcome to the correction. We've got bulls and bears. There you go. Not bad. I like that. Thanks guys. This podcast is a general communication and entertainment being provided for informational purposes only. It is educational in nature and not designed to be a recommendation for any specific investment product strategy plan feature or other purposes and examples used in this broadcaster generic hypothetical and for entertainment purposes only none of cannabis investing Network or its Affiliates or suggesting that the listener or any other. Listen take a specific course of action or any action at all communication such as this are not impartial and are provided in connection with advertising and marketing of products and services prior to making any investment or financial decisions and investors should seek individualize advice from from a personal financial legal tax and other professional adviser that take into account all of the particular facts and circumstances for investors own situation by listening this communication you agree with the intended purpose described earlier opinions and statement. Of financial market trends that are based on current market conditions constitute our judgment and are subject to change without notice. We believe the information provided here is reliable, but should not be assumed to be accurate or complete the views and strategies described may not be suitable for all investors.
In this episode we discuss the new reality of the Cannabis Market - corrected values and the end of easy money 1) The Correction -- How did we get here? - Natural transition from a hype-driven to a results-driven environment - Using real estate developments as an example (selling the sizzle vs the steak) - How the overall sales numbers are WAY off the projections ($4.6B vs $1B) 2) What is Easy Money? - Lack of due diligence; "sizzle" driven investing - Emotion driven investing style - Focus on upside instead of risk mitigation (Greed > Fear) 3) The Effects of Easy Money - Asset prices / Company Valuations start to rise rapidly - How this has happened in Real Estate since 2008 - Attracting shady players ("promotes") - Speculative behaviour of investors chasing comparable gains 4) What Next? What does this mean for investors? - Resetting values can be attractive for investors - "Cashed up" players can take advantage of this downturn through M&A - Investors need to pay closer attention to margins: gross and net - Cash and Cashflow are extremely important - Focus on companies who have a proven ability to execute and make money - How a failing company can create an investing opportunity in a winning company Bonus: Manish and Abi make a $3 Billion Dollar Bet for 2020
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I'm Maria Menounos and you're too. in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN app TV top Yes. All right, welcome one and all. Yeah see I hope you're watching tonight. I'm going to show up for you here. My name is Daniel Lindgren and welcome one and all to another episode after show of the challenge. We're all excited to be here to my left. We've got Benny the jet Rodriguez one. Yes and lot and I don't like that. I just heard that nineties reference is a while. Yeah, what's up guys many atoms here. Thanks again for Tuning in with us. Can't wait to talk about the challenge me to Camelot. Oh straight up from Camelot A Knight's Tale making it short and sweet. Hi guys. We're so excited. This was a on Fire episode. There's so much to get into so I'll make my intro short and sweet. It's me Pam. Hey, you know who wouldn't hurt you D Disney dance, I would not have a treated like a princess get it. I'm dizzy dip and last but not least you got David punk rock crystal up David. What's going on guys? How we doing? How we doing? Hello to you on the other side of the country or world are so lately. Thank you. All right, guys, we got a lot to talk about. I want to make sure you guys I'll stick around because we've got another game about it. I prepared. Yes can't wait. We're all going to be keeping score. I'm super excited cause I think it's better than the game. I came up with last week. So stick around for that. Let's start with overall thoughts and will run through that real quick and then we'll get to our first topic mind blown. This episode was just we were all on the edge of our sake like we were Really like yelling at the TV like this was this was a good good episode. So yeah, I loved it. I don't know if there's been an episode that we've all unanimously been is like on the edge of our seats literally shaking nervous for the people not knowing what was going to happen. This episode was jam-packed curveballs drama competition. It was crazy. Like there's so much to say that yeah. Yeah, I will say this was not my favorite episode. Really? No not even crazy. Wow. The last episode was my favorite absolutely. But um, this one was I was just so confused. I feel like most of the episode was like what the hell is going on like it was so there's so much like manipulation and just mind turns it just I kind of agree with I'm just so much going on, you know, my mind was like whoa, like just trying to process everything and I was just like why and no and the way they've set it up this year. They've jammed they're trying to jam packed so much into an hour and a half and in the fact that it's an hour and a half an hour anymore, and there's still too much for us to like comprehend half the time. It's like how are they going to go forward without gonna go back to our episodes next season? They can keep it clean and push push the two hours. I don't know but two hours. I want 60 minutes now and I mean 60 Minutes is enough. It was good to get me wrong, but it just wasn't my fit for me. It got better towards the end. Yeah whole beginning part, you know at first to I really like that challenge. I was like that looks freaking fun. I want to do that and then when CT through and I was like, oh that yeah. Alright. Well, we'll get we'll get it exactly thoughts on that. I don't think Benny like it that much either because I don't know. But I need to start off with my favorite thing in the world, which is a good conspiracy my girl it's called a dance Pearcy. Not up chorus piracies. I was very computer that and also Cara it's not a conspiracy, but we'll get into that in a second and let's start with that car says that they staged that proposal and I will start it off by just saying this one thing Tory's not that good of an actress. Let's be honest and when we I watch that proposal all week, I seriously My DVR, I went online. I just kept watching over. I love it. I teared up every time the natural reaction that Tori has is not staged. It's just not there's no way she's faking that so 100% So that's why cars conspiracy is not a conspiracy. Yeah. Also, even if there was obviously Jordan brought a ring to the challenge, so even if there was some forethought on someone's part that is not a conspiracy I'm with you and B does not. I mean that every ounce of that wasn't a million percent sincere and again, we could feel it through the TV. So I'm going to say acara the salt is she needs a little more sweet a little less. So stitches be honest though. Cara knows this isn't a conspiracy. She's just jealous that Tory is getting all this attention. I'm sorry. Well, it's one of those things where and you know, you know how I feel about Cara but this is it's like You know when you suspect someone of something it's usually coming the calls coming from within like if I'm like, oh, he said he liked my shirt, but maybe he'd really doesn't mean it. You're sort of projecting. It's like Cara. Did you stage something? Because it didn't seem staged at all. It seemed a million percent sincere again. Most proposals. He got her mother's engagement ring. She knew it was that yes, if you're going to spend your life with someone there's probably a little bit of forethought. It doesn't mean it's right staged and it's like that's that's Then you would say any proposal is Sting. I mean, he's probably wants to get the right rim size. So I assume he either ask the mom or maybe took one of her rings better looking and just like kind of got it measured properly like but I mean car went so far as to say that she bets they were big were married before they came down. It's like do you really think because why would they even have to do that? Anyways, why does it matter if they got married before or just got married after what does it matter when they get married? It doesn't and again the point the entire point was that However, we feel about Jordan Torre who we all I think happened to love that was a real moment. That was touching sincere sweet moment. And it's low-key just kind of just disrespectful to just say all that stuff. If you really do think that that's just something to keep to yourself because you see everyone is coming together, you know celebrating the to and you're gonna be the Debbie Downer. Yeah say all this stuff. Yeah, it's Petty and cars got her own. Stuff going on that's almost a she's got her own issues going on inside whatever that may be and they have this jacking super super cute little party and Zach says some words. You got Polly sitting there like a little kid with his he can't stop smiling is like the best day ever even Molly's in autism like Pauly her own significant others even there. So and what's so crazy is what we've been saying all season where it's like, you know, Polly actually likes Jordan Jordan and they literally set it on the episode. We know what we're talking about. Sometimes at least come on. We just call that five weeks ago. And now the talked about on the show the exact words we've been saying so, you know when God again Cara, you know, I'll always have feelings for her. But this is sitting in the bathroom. I feel like she's just full on decided to be a jerk at this point. I don't I can't imagine she sincerely is that nasty? I really hope not I think she's just committing at this point. Like I'm going to be a jerk to them. I have three ever. Thoughts on this one. Is this part bleep reduced like is it? You're the villain Cara. We're used to sit back and play that role is that part of it? Possibly. The other thing is if she is true to how she's feeling and what she's saying then I give her credit for sticking by what she is because otherwise it would be fake if she was to go out and celebrate when she really dislikes them. So then that I can understand as well. Thirdly you suck. You know, like like that's so like why you know Molly look like a sweet little angel. Yeah, you're doing something Rock Polly looks because you're such a cool moment everyone put the game aside. And again, like I said, if that's true how you feel then props to you for sticking to you staying true to yourself follow. God does suck whether that was true or she decided to see that when she saw how she was being depicted on TV. That's Benny. You nailed it. That's what she did. - like oh my God, they're gonna think I'm awful. I should just tell them that that Siberia purpose to be the villain what? No, that's just her natural reaction to stuff and she doesn't know how to coexist with the fact that she's like, but I honestly can't say I can't separates but I wouldn't I wouldn't put it past MTV to have that nudge on her playing that video when you get to see everyone have fun, even when even the most hated Rivals like bananas and Amanda would sometimes sarcastically like not tonight Satan and They're torturing each other or not. When everyone in the house bonds. Those are the like those are fun challenge moments. Yeah, and You know an engagement party time to set your game and your feelings aside and hang out with your housemates and we are it's just a bummer and and I whatever she's doing she's doing for so, you know, there's that but I would have liked to have seen everyone have a good old-fashioned hang out. I just feel it's easier to be happy than to be mad. I've yeah is less energy dude, exactly exactly and Tori and her again I get car has legit beef with Jordan. He's not very nice to her but I said I know people who I might not like their boyfriend or something. I can still have fun with them on and yeah, I mean, it's just it's like I get it. I understand. I'm not saying she's entirely wrong, but that you're just ostracizing herself. You're putting a Target on your back and your costume yourself of pain shelter. We had one last thing on car. We had mentioned this you and I were talking about this Pam Logan nitrites even on the after-show car was being bitter instead of putting the game aside and just being happy for a jury and turning so when they show that like three minute clip, oh David you had our talk As well the whole that time there. Everyone's six even Polly was there they're awesome happy I think cam was hosting it. Yeah, and the only one sitting there awkward the whole time was Cara together. Why can't you just push through this you're you know, you're being filmed right now push through and say hey guys, look, really I really like let me say congratulations. Yeah, she's committed or she just she just I know she's like, it doesn't hire know. I think I'm a jerk now and and okay. I guess I think she's always been socially awkward and I think it's like coming out in a villainous way now versus just a like a nerdy I'm being bullied way. It's just the opposite now. She's a physically powerful socially, I don't care where you go from. The first season we were introduced to her to now because it's the complete 180 I gotta bring this up. I looked at so this is not quite news and gossip but a shout out to a clip that was posted and going it's a no. No you twit aunt and it was really funny. It was from a many seasons ago. I don't remember which each where Emily was running like a what's that called that the people do CrossFit CrossFit? Yeah, like clinic and they were and it was Jamie was back in the day before we had Olympic after the mountain climbers training and Cara was not fit enough to train with them. So you seek are going up to Emily and being like, you know, I dream with you guys and it's a cutaway of Jamie saying I told you car that they were going to like Eat You Alive and not that they wouldn't let you train with them. They only let like intends trainers. She was a she. You've seen her grow both as an adult and gate ownership of her competitiveness as well as her social game, which again like I guess she's going for like all villains. They have a nice origin story where they start out as here. I was until then I'm gonna compare here. Have you guys ever you guys in Breaking Bad right? Of course? Yes. She's Walter White to Heisenberg. Wow. I know it's not but that's what that that's but that's literally what I was thinking about like her change from being picked on because because Walter White's pick the he has to work he's working at a car wash getting picked on by his boss there. He's a school teacher of the kids are walking all over him. That's like yeah and right now she's hiding something. She's got her origin story. She started as a sweet girl that was bullied and now she's the villain. All right. Let's Vaughn to the Rogan betrayal the Rogan Trader that he is he brings it up. No, no one else. That's how they show it to us. He's not prompted by anybody else. He just sits the guys down and says, I want D gone I dirty dirty. Did I heard it make any sense time? It's such a weird thing because I'm betting you and I were talking about this how we love certain characters to start the season and now we hate them to end the season and Rogen's one for me. I thought it was so I was like, okay, he's getting a sandwich. This is redemption season because he was awful and that first round that he did two seasons ago. I hate him now can't stand them. I hate him and can't stand him to and also so dirty dirty dirty as the day is long why General constantly lighter over and over again. It's insane. Yeah, May begin with her being like it's you and I baby like it's so sad. I could tell him that were in that conversation. He was not fully in the conversation. He was like, he's trying he's trying to redirect and get out. He's like, yeah, babe. Sure. Yeah. I'm with you. Yeah, but she's so into him that she's believing. All of his bowl. She's right. He's not into man. He's like no to he just made himself looks so silly on TV. Like he could has revealed himself, right so so dumb, which we'll get into later on. I can't believe any of the others were like, okay, that's a cool move will go along with this. We were like, it's so dumb on so many I know but you know what? I did like get I did like how all the girls on each side were like, this is stupid. Why are you guys doing this? Why are you guys making us be the bad guy to make us about her in which is cool. Yeah, it was we thought it's like if that's what they want then why didn't they let why wouldn't they that team put her in and make it look like other numbers and let us put torian. That's why we're here. Here's here's my thing. I know that Kaylee's on Rogan side, so I get that aspect of it but he is like look we got a trim the fat. I think D is the weakest, but rocking you don't know if he's not so much. Thank you. Yeah, so that's that's my point Pam is he's looking for a way. I know you guys keep it up. It's fine. He's looking for a way out Haley is clearly the one that should be going in there. I think and I'm telling you right now. I think he's a lot stronger than you think. I think she's gonna go very far last season. She was really good. She was really good last season proved it and she's the only way we can get she's that it's the dumbest thing on so many levels it's dumb because it's tearing apart their own Alliance of girls. And we she is on it's dumb because he is acting like a fifth grade boy. That's like, oh my mom won't let me date like it's like if you want to break up with her man f up even pull. Ah, hey for I want to focus on the game Let's separate this and reason rock. Yeah something but to have everyone do your dirty dirty dirty work that is totally self-made three. There's like three degrees in there that just kept like, you know, losing my respect obviously one that was the beginning but then to the fact that he was like having CT dude, yeah, I was like come on bro. You already going to sneak her out but then you can even man up and talk collar and Leroy really tightly. Yeah. So let's let's let's get to this song The obstacle course. Um, all right, so I think I think this is we're finally going to disagree for the first time tonight guys. So we have the first two challenges I see option course is a hundred and twenty foot obstacle course, which they have to get across they have someone in the middle of a cock blocker. I'm opponent Blocker in the middle and if you get that opponent blocker off the defender then if You get that person off. Then you have a free basically just a free walk across it great. The only thing cool about it was that there was a blocker there, but then it wasn't cool because my career is on right but there's also no room no to get around the block or you kind of had to stand there and those tiles up there on those are use I grew up on a lake. Those are used to like you run up jet skis on it to park the yeah, there's supposed to be slippery. They're slippery as hell. You can't get any grip on the damn things. You can't do anything cool as far as the wrestling match on a literally to foot thing. Yeah. It was it was it was just a one thing. Once that cock blockers gone. You just you just walk up. See that's her loss of from at that each time. Someone was going to have a blocker. So agree fact that they could just go that was a car that's stupid. Like I mean personally that looks fun to do like I want to do that. I was like, that's cool. Yeah, dude, but as far as a challenge when they lost like the competitive aspect of having to like go through something I was like well then that kind of sucks. Like what's the point before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. And today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify. You can listen to all of your favorite. Dust and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify as a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you don't miss an episode premium users can even download episodes to listen to offline wherever they are and you can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends and following on Instagram. If you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app and search for AfterBuzz TV on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure you follow us you never miss an episode. Of AfterBuzz TV so for me, that's where I lost it as far as a challenge itself goes I mean, I want to try that look fun. But again like it was just kind of like lame. Once like I said, once the guys threw the challenge I was like, okay. Well, yeah, you know, I don't even think the boat was going that fast was it because I was like whipping around right? Exactly. That's what I mean. So I grew up on a lake and when you're behind a boat and I keep saying it and when you're behind a boat it's going in a straight line. Like it's the easiest thing to stay on any type of thing that's floating back there. It's not a problem. Um, we used to have a million tubes behind the boats and stuff and you can if you're but if the boat is curving and stuff, then you start going over wakes up, but I don't think that that type of material would be able to go over wakes. But if they just had a bunch of tubes behind the damn thing, yeah, and then they start curving now you're going over the wakes and it's a lot harder but make sense. I don't like the block the block or thing was lame. They just sat there is a strike and they're done but the whole Defender thing was stupid. I liked I thought it was a good Shadow of a seeing that Jenny as strong and as much of a beast as she is is is not an aggressive person. Yeah, that's so interesting right? She's strong, but she definitely get physical definitely heard her tonight. Well Pam was able to knock her up. Not not not the cams nothing but I thought oh Jenny's gonna take you know, we all think surely Jenny if she had that. Yeah bulldozer mentality has the physicality to do it, but she doesn't match him Cam and Jenny. Yeah. It was pretty good. Yeah. Was that was good, but you would think there's no way that Defender is going to get pushed their both either going to fall off or the person trying to get across that there's no way that the person is going to get by the defender. I there's no way it was it was dumb. I didn't like it because I like real gameplay and I'm thinking social strategy. I enjoyed watching this a I did think it looked fun. It's one thing I would not hate to do. It looks fun. Yeah, that's cool songs Defender. I don't wanna fight anybody I would just Right, right, but second I like it was very telling CT's Behavior making Big D moves for the first time. He's coming out. So winging which I thought was stupid again never even though we all know and the alliance's are drawn in the sand. I don't think it's ever cool to blatantly insult. So many people like you're telling your team you do not give it s about the girl like it's yeah. Yeah. Oh crap, you know, like I said, I ride with CT and that man like what I like I lost respect from in this episode and I was like, come on CT is that here's my whole thing unless you're trying to get Kaylee out, which I understand cuz I really do think she's going to be so screw you over in a Flash is every level everyone knows other girls. I think it's gonna do fine to final it's not going to be an issue where it's like they're so far behind right? So why not just do it CT why not just complete it who cares? It has some follow you right? You could have got to wrestle Zach you guys are boys have been kind of fun. If you guys go against each other on the little 2x4 platform, right and I mean and you know, Very least at least pretend like you're trying exactly I'm always home. It's funny watching the whole rock paper scissors, but then at the same time, it's like yeah and Josh said it best. He was like your looked at as looked at as a legend on here and you're screwing up your screwing all that by doing that I'm gonna now add to my shut up Josh some shut up Logan to okay great. He also had like go like oh shit, did you? Josh and Rogan don't get to speak on chow. That's how I feel. That's why I'm saying I roll shut up Josh. He's like those are competitor. It's like Taj you what? Where did he come from Paris? Yeah, he's a bed. He will use the p-word for kitty cat. Oh at least Rogan stupid bullheaded very dumb not smart move is making some moves yet. So they're wrong, you know, right you can tell Thomas has more of a conscience more. Well, yeah, I would say, you know, I mean Paulie did Jos again, I wouldn't have been able to forget Polly who is now ride or die for I am not blaming Polly for this but Paulie cost him him and Sylvia would have won Paulie call. Austin by saying if you throw this all never use my Grenade on you a million dollars, so to sort of be cool with that just shows I think Joss is very trusting and you know, do we want to see him go through the ringer and become a villain not necessarily or do we but I don't think he could become a villain really thank you many people would have to do it for him. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. So let's let's wrap this part up. I just love Jordan going after CT after that. Yeah. But what I say to you guys last week I said Jordan does not want to run a final we see because he doesn't want 270 pounds of carry around. Yeah. I said that last week and now Jordan saying it yeah, but refuse not that that moment rightfully so to call know. Yeah. Hell yeah because he's talking about a weak Link in theory. That could be a weak link right is that's fair. Also, though CT was like stop crying Jordan. Jordan does cry Jordan does crime surprise, but he can back it up to you know, man, he had a valid he had a valid point. I'm surprised like they didn't like start like fighting. Or anything because he was taken low blows talking about his weight. Yeah pop up at the same time. No see Team knows that he even even said he didn't want to do it. He's like I didn't love my decision. So I don't think even though Jordans jumping on CTI thinks. He's like, well, he has good reason to those. I'm about fighting over this one. My thing is I know I'm in the wrong if I was CT and I have done all these challenges, you know, all these about challenges more than these other people. I would just be like, I'm not doing this because he has why does he have to go first? Why didn't the Duction or someone put CT first for a reason, right? I mean, I don't want to throw more conspiracies out there. But yeah, I mean production. Let's be honest probably put CT first to make it more that Rogan didn't have to do the dirty work again, but in theory, why did Interruption put Rogan first and really show is because I mean, maybe they wanted the storyline to show his true colors later on in the story. Right? I mean, you don't want to build to the front and then want to the end to see the more shock factor of CT doing it too. So it's just more at it in ya drop. Yeah the also idiotic thing about smart there there were smart for this. Episode that's some good moves, but he got in the boat and flopped around like a dead fish. Like he was not trying on any level to be subtle. So I don't know if that was produced or his Line in the Sand but the CT was making a statement so we should have made a statement by just playing the game and saying look I've been sitting on the fence All Season might as well sit on the fence for one more episode, even if you felt or he's a great competitor. She fell off second. Number one. I mean he could have slipped off over they gonna do if CT actually did it like if he did it and the next person had a blowout like what did you do CT do it again? I'm mad at you guys. He was a girl's elimination anyway, sweetie. What are you doing? Just finish the damn just daughters wasn't smart. I just want to see him wrestle Zach. Yeah, two big dudes going at it. Yeah. All right. So so Austin Kim wrote seat, he's not cancelled but he's on thin ice. Yeah. Yeah, speaking of credit. We got to give some credit to all the wonderful people out there Benny. Yeah, we do. We are AfterBuzz TV. Just want to thank you guys for making us the ESP and ITV talk and in order for us to grow we need your help. So if you're on YouTube right now, go ahead and give us a thumbs up if you're an iTunes, go ahead and give us a 5. Start working on AfterBuzz means so much to us and we just want to continue to give you guys amazing content and yeah speaking of content. We've got a tribunal of Leroy Nani and cam. What do we think of this tribe? Use this threesome going at it all night. This is a this is a very there's so many scenarios in this whole thing there. So I again, this is Scotty so produced because there's just too many perfect situation was yeah, and they said it up to in that in the opening vignettes. Like I call them they set that whole little thing. Up, you can come back to the Leroy 90km drama later. You've got 90 the best friend. You've got cam the the former lover / right New Lover / currently right Torn Between the text Stuck in the Middle, right? Yeah go. Do you choose that nautical and then what and then goddamn it when cam goes to his bed and gives her those puppy dog eyes and those lips are out puffed. I'm like Leroy. I'm going with Cam 2 a b so, I don't know what's going on. That's tough Leroy it so many times in this like and it's funny that everyone thinks Leroy is playing a dishonest game or something. I think he's the most transparent honest players trying to say here's the thing. I just want Leroy to join Jordans team so bad 1st won't even the numbers second while I honestly think after Tory's performance tonight. You don't think that Tori and Jordan are like even more of a power couple now because I'd be on their team all the way in Jordan. Yeah are on the Brits team right now. First of all, yeah, but I've got we don't know. I don't know. Yeah, but I mean it doesn't matter what side you're on we work. What side is Kim on? I mean what side is a ceilidh on she's on the UK side, but she's literally working with the u.s. Thank you. That's my point here. Is that Leroy works with Jordan happen? I don't know. What if it never Tonight Tonight. Jordan did say they told he says Jordan says I think you can see it. I think he said he's a day told us we're staying as teams and were not going individually sit exactly. Right the bar. He said what he said because Levi was there told us. This is T. I don't think you today. He made me came in. They told us this is a team. I don't think they're gonna break him out. It's too far into the game. I think it's win or the u.s. Wins. It's gonna be like the top three finishers get well then maybe they break it up and it's like in time wise for the individuals. They can't give what are they gonna do? How do they split up the money? I don't know. Maybe that's what the money like eight ways on each side and I like that. I'm playing this game right now. And I know I'm in here and you know, we're supposed to play as a team. I'm playing with the team mentality until I tell me you guys are separated and your tenants will be rice making the right choice to go with Ali and them because he's technically on us, but I think he should he should run with with Jordan and Tory. Yeah. If they be a nice player for them to have a nice addition, okay, they really are all a little dumb for doing this to one another without knowing how it's going to break down because they're gonna be so hard on each other dick ulis Jordan Rogan D. Like if the good people on each team started working together. If they knew if they don't know what they're doing and I have a TJ is going to pull out a fast one and maybe are going to be team. I hope so. I hope so. This is really going to have been happening. I wrote this down Rogan grow some balls and vote D in or don't or because you want to break up that small. No, I don't even know if it's like, I mean I get he's probably not that into her anymore. He got what he wanted and maybe he liked her at first but then it kind of wore off whatever, you know happened but just like up after the show, but well that little We'll just break up right now and say and just break up just cares like yeah, man up, right? Yeah, that's right. Yeah, but like but I watched the tribunal voting and he voted in Tory. He got Rogan raised his hand for Tory wouldn't that be the moment if you really want to make a big bang about it instead it had to be all done behind the back after and you want to make a big bang about it. He said yeah. He like literally went to everybody else behind us buddy that decision for me. Can you go talk to her? Why couldn't you just pull her aside at the beginning of the episode and just tell her what was up? Because he knew it was stupid what he was doing and he knew it was she's gonna get a lot of backlash from her. Okay. And what did you get by not telling Billy lot about there we go. They're saying this is what we want seat. He's fighting hard for it to which I don't get I don't understand why Paulie or someone or Leroy didn't go that's not a good idea Rogen. That's not good for our alliance. Did do that he did do that at first. She was just like wow, that's yeah, he was at least let me tell the girls right here. Everybody only ones to do that. Also probably was like, I actually really like that idea. Like I can go with that. Yeah, I think Paulie was just giving that he wasn't going to say whatever was the only one that was like, you know, that's that's messed up. Yeah, it's messed up. So in this yeah, so in this bar scene Leroy gets pulled away from the conversation with nany by cam because cam thinks that non he's going to swing his vote. Okay later on in the episode Leroy's having the conversation with Cam and nany comes in to try to pull them away and cam gets very upset by this and she's like, you know, I don't want you in our conversation, but You just did the exact same thing. I did in the bar probably an hour prior. So we're so cam was pissing me off is what Michael endpoint coincidence by the way coincidence that Kim's making me upset if they did the same thing. I mean, but that's my point. Like you did it first cam as with 90 does it to you? But then you say I can't believe you would do this Kim. You do started. It kind of you. They were just having a conversation at the table. That's following me. I don't know. What are your thoughts on the cam what I mean like again, like I've always bad cam to I like can't This episode I was on with nany on this, you know, I felt for nany on this to be honest, you know, and I think the French of that her and Leroy I have and everything they've done together. And I mean it's one of those things that like, I know he's trying that's a hard spot to be in. You know, it sucks. You're kind of torn between the two that stuff but I mean I'm running with nany on this one and I think she held her ground and I like how she did get up, you know in the face of Cam. It was like no like you're gonna tell me what the way she walked into that room. Yes, I do. That was a I don't think it should be a hard decision. But when it comes to choosing between Cam and Nani Nani is has been there since day one. Yeah cam he loves her but they're not even boyfriend Girls - you know, that's not his Alliance. His Alliance is with Cam and not he's his best friend, but she's on the other line. Well, I'm gonna say Leroy can broke your heart and now he's been by your side, right, you know, but but but Kill a can I'm like - you know, this is true. That's it. She looks very pretty cat issues pretty play 19. I think Kim's pretty can I say that absolutely. Oh, yeah, you know that but cam is treating we were I like he doesn't have his own mind. He's right. Yeah. He said he's a grown man. He can make his own decisions and his damn using lie right for the game Pam. I think partly. How about you say yes or no? No. No, I don't think so. I think both of them a poor Leroy is being pulled and they're both see me using him. I think they're using them as much as each other because I because he's a number I don't think anyone's using him more than that. They actually loved him but they both want him on their side agree, but she already has not he's already has a nice side though. So, I don't know if she's using as much as maybe cam is I love Nani. He's already claimed to be on he's already made his choice. So let's see how reason why it wasn't like am just read it up and said, why are you talking to Donnie? He was sitting at a table with the alternate Alliance who was saying him a Leroy If you joined us we'd of the numbers that's exactly what cam was fearing. He wasn't just talking to his friend. Nany. Yeah, and that's what but cam should trust him that he knows what he's doing because again, he's a grown man. He should be able to do what he wants to agreed with all these things and I think Leroy said it great and the room he's like, I think you guys are both doing this for Leroy and Leroy is fine, but he was great. He shot it down. That's my and had them sort of break it off. I get both their points. I'm sorry. I don't mind. I didn't go and bother them he let she let them have a nice conversation at the bar. And then Nonny then there are a couple mmm. That's fine. Like please - oh like chapter a couple or not. I think they still are so it's like so Leroy can't have a conversation with his best friend. Another of that. He's no longer in Cam's right him. Of course he can but if it was what scam trying to do swam back exactly. Yeah. So I mean it's a fine again, but that's what I'm saying cam is saying Yes, I am trying to sway him and not he's going no separate game. He's my friend. It's like you're not separating game. You also want him on your alliance. You're guilting him. Come on. Let's call everything what it is everyone that's playing victim in this game. They're not fighting for the team is all just because you're on the losing side right now. Yeah, everybody I love nany but she's sitting here going bad games different friends. Would your broom making this a lot about game with Leroy all your angst with him is not because you're upset about your Friendship you're upset. He's not on your lines ready for the live chat in a row. They ain't no damn couple next line Kaylee and km and Leroy said that we were together not an official couple. I would say it's complicated best friends now, I believe it's gray. I mean at no one knows what they everyone wrote something different in a live show. They were even here in the video. They're like, this is bad. This is you know, we should probably shouldn't be doing this but they're like, okay, you know, I mean like if I'm Leroy Not together. All right, let's get this because I want to leave time for the news and gossip in the game Lea. We gotta get to the poly CT Josh rogin Leroy while talking on the dock they decide they all get, you know, we're throwing D in and D finds out. Oh my God, I felt so bad for her. But at the same time I'm like, I believe she's going to be single now. I always go on. What are your thoughts? Why did I feel like ninjas should have been like the first person Person to say so I agree ninja sitting at a table shooter milk sugar. Yeah, exactly. How about this Kaylee at the table? She shocked kids like oh my God, I'm Michaela. You should be happy they're throwing D. And because you were next in line, ICT slumber party. How about that cute? That was the one thing I felt like I was watching like The Godfather or something, you know, like with they're setting up to make a hit like you're like, oh we're Taken out like someone tell like they're conspiring with in the team to like set him up like taking my arms like this just feels so dirty and like they know what's going on there like literally at the table like facing her like, oh everything's cool, but they know like dude, we're going to take you. All right now. It's like I just felt so dirty dirty to try and take out again all along. It's been members on our team numbers and our alliance numbers. Why is it D is technically in their Alliance and so is Kaylee who's the stronger competitor ad? So why wouldn't you put Kaylee in if they're both in your life clearly Kaylee's more in your alliance, then Diaz, at least that's what they're thinking because I want what are we doing? It is obviously wants to go in screw you Rogan. You need anything Davidson say, thank you. Thank you. I've been played and I believed like she was crazy. It was so upsetting that the Ashley was talking to her at some point in crying and I believe it was genuine tears of empathy. Like that's how awful and heartbreaking that was like that was hard to watch almost how upset she was. Yeah because a you're being it sucks to be blindsided and have a million dollars taken away from you potentially, but be to have someone that you really think I think she believed they had a future together and he's saying she's not Just not ready to run a final babe, like who started the conversation well, but a couple people were talking about it. No Rogan, he would literally just lies and lies and I can't stand my crust and and the fact he knows on national TV. Why not? Just come clean with all this. What are you doing? Right? You think we're not gonna find out you think I mean production obviously is swinging it that way if he maybe said something different. No, this is blatantly he said it this way and he lied to her. There's no getting out of this really weird. It looks so much better if you just want to just broke up with her. Hey, I don't think this is working out. We should just it's just be Fred weird. And now let's loc much better. She's there for another week and we get to watch the stimuli next week and a half from now. It's a guy's elimination. Yeah, and this is going to destroy I don't like what if the girls blow the UK girl should blow it and throw Rogen in against Joss. That would be awesome. Like I wish the girls would now go Team America, forget it. Why wouldn't why if the you why wouldn't you get girls blow it next week and say stand up for your girl D with in empowerment 2019 baby and Frolic. I'm so excited about this and throw in Rogan. I would love that Rogan varsity team. I don't care who we get together and the girls will now want Rogan. Yeah because why we go to the girls the girls go to Jordan to handles. Let's make this happen. Yeah, we'll save you driving will save you don't worry because he's trying to be nervous. Well, well, maybe yes be careful because it is a guy's elimination. So you don't want to Tory everyone will because everyone is terrified who's going to be fighting over that who's fighting for that tribunal though? Who be fight? So hard to get that tribunal tribunal any lost Jenny who's in their Reliance on that team. There's all it is is Jordan Tori. Oh, that's him and everyone else against him, right? They don't have anybody else. They just lost Jenny. Yeah anybody else? That sucks. Alright, let's let's get to this Hall brawl. We didn't I don't think we saw it coming but it is Jenny that gets put in we obviously knew that Tori was going to get put in. I really I was rooting for Tori trust me I'll have ever sent. I thought Jenny was going to Troy her yeah first I mean, I know that Tory's got the heart and stuff but just body-wise. Jenni's like built really sturdy and strong and scary. I wouldn't want to go against any I'll tell somebody this. I don't want to go get Jimmy. Here's the thing and there's so many things to this too. Because like I always say, you know, we call this glamour muscles. There's a million dudes. Are they look huge and ripped and bulky but when it comes to performing thank gosh what else? Oh it's which we call Glamour muscles at like it looks cool girls girls Yeah, but you can't buy some guys. Yeah, whatever you were into it. So like so like there's like this joke, right? So I mean on the bigger muscles you have the more oxygen you intake did I mean your condition has to be be there's so many factors do right, but the thing is a lot of people get intimidated by people that look like that. That's why you see guys like Jordan they don't just stop on it as it, you know, because it becomes it's more about your conditioning your endurance your heart all that, right? We call it popcorn muscles when we can write here you and Derek so we're making fun of Derek and Zack has excellent Derek a couple seasons ago. We can't pop core muscles. Cause he's so fit but then when it comes something physical they are kind of just falling. So my two favorite girls that are left in the house are now going against each other. So I was super bummed. I didn't want to see any of them go home. So it's yeah. Yeah, we all had we were all rooting for Tory and you were like about that because I was like dude either one. I'm bummed. These are the only two girls that I truly care for still in the house. And now they're going against each other. I was really hoping as much as it sucks for D. I was really hoping she would have thrown in You know no offense but I wouldn't care if she had gone home over Jenny or or Tori. I really wanted to see the UK team do something. You always liked. Those are two strong girls. They can kick some butt. Look I look I always you know me. I look at storylines and I'm looking just right over there. I want her to come back to be with Jordan and still they are the team because I mean Jenni and Jordyn are good, but they're not obviously and engaged to be married and have a closer relationship. Like Jay doesn't know Jordan from a hole in the wall. Nice girl, and she's not even have I didn't have a story like she was she was run over. Just because he's not that good. It's just the inexperience Factor. You can see I mean from the moment that she first took off. She was almost standing directly up when you're going head-to-head like that. You want to get low Drop that shoulder right Drive each have a strong base. Use those quashes huge quod. She could have dominated if she knew what she was doing, but she ran like almost straight up and dude, you're gonna get knocked over. If you do that, then the second time she tried to change it up and she was almost touching the ground. That's a tortoise one doctor right over she got way too low. So I think it's more of just an inexperienced especially in that kind of setting. I don't know if she's even played football. Anything, you know, it's a totally different thing lifting weights and working out and physical contact, you know two different things. So absolutely any other thoughts on the elimination is a good elimination. Yeah. So let's get to the news and gossip Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam to Quick news things that I have Ashley Marie Kelsey who's like best friends with Tori. I think they were on are you the one together or they were on opposite seasons? Whatever they're both on. Are you the one she's Wrote. Nah, I'm with those two pretty much every day. And she did not know haha in talking about Jordan and Tori and saying that Tori really did not know in Cars full of it. All right, that's one news for you. I decided to reach out to my good friend from Cara Maria and I reached out to her on Twitter and on Instagram and I wrote to her I wrote at Cara Maria whatever Twitter thing is just wanted to let you know as discussed a via our aftershow on AfterBuzz TV that Pamela grows Jill has agreed to treat you to a spa day and not next time you're in La we notice you're having a rough season on the challenge. We wanted to help DM me. So Cara, you've been reached. Let's make let's make it happen. This is Disney Dan. I told him I have a good meal and after your spa, you know Color Me Mine. I'm not going to spoil all my plans him splitsies on some stuff to make this money thing work. We're gonna treat car. Okay, let's get to my eyes. All right, and now for my official game Music let's see. What the producer does with that. Nice. All right, there it is. Right. There. It is. I put it I put him on his toes. There's good. Alright, so I wrote down some comments that have been written about there. It is good job. I wrote down some comments that real fans have written about Challengers. Oh, this is fun. And they all are about Challenger from this season. I'm going to read you what they wrote and you're going to tell me who they're talking about. I've got our names written down on this paper. Were you guys are only through it you only get one guess okay you reach you tell me your guess. I'm going to say the real answer. Whoever got it. Right. I put a check mark next your name. There's a ten or eleven here. Okay arrest the most the end wins. Here's the first get when you win a kiss for me. Okay, honestly, I loved blank in Vendetta's through final Reckoning before those Seasons blank was too sensitive now blank is to Who is this person talking about go down? Just give me one name. There's this is someone that's on the challenge this season. I got there's nothing like crazy you want to do you say it out loud? I'll go last you say one name Nani car Maria David David Karim. All right, Benny and David are getting a point is caramel. Yeah blank is overrated as F blanks done. Absolutely. Nothing to prove blank prove me wrong Cara anyone comes. I'm not gonna see the real answer till the end obviously because then that would give her Turbo. Come on this season anybody Jenny you can say Jenny. I don't know. Who do you want to set your mind to Jenny? Okay, maybe CT and the answer is Cam. Someone seven cam why Cam said there's no someone wrote all these things are written by a fan about them. I love blank as a person but I feel Jenny and fee or right blank wouldn't make it through a final. Jenny and yeah, Jenny and Theo think this person would not make it through a funny. Oh Daddy I don't know some of these get easier I promise guys I wrote about Kaylee actually I almost said that all right blank is probably one of the worst competitors the challenge has ever seen blank may have completed the final last season but blanks performance this season has been terrible ninja ninja Pam Yeah, I'm in Jamaica. We got to do one. Yeah 2 1 2 2 1 2 year already. I used to love blank one of my favorites but now blanks just a floater blank floats his way to the finals blanks not a good competitor like blank used to be CCT. Y'all are on it. Nice job. See I told you it easier the hype around Lake. I don't get blank cheated on her blank with blank but gets a pass Tori. Tory yeah, we gave it toy damn it. Yeah, that's a lot of gender out because it's I did I did I felt so bad for blank this season blank deserve a place in the final but blank gorgeous blanks musty teammates kept throwing him in here. Damn it. Vo vo. Yes. Yeah. Damn it baby. Got you guys. I don't have a confession. Just a question. Why does blank keep saying that blank? Has proved blank like self for the love of God someone please answer this Brogan. Wait, do you say it again? I don't have any pets. Just question. Why does blank keep saying blanks proved blank self the love of God someone please answer me this Josh. You got real good job, Jordan. Whoa, David we got all right, David David Zelli's 6:5 and Pam's got for man. I liked blank during other Seasons, but blanks intensity and poor sportsmanship. This season made me dislike blank. I can I can usually find a reason to root for everyone on the show, but I couldn't root for blank. Yeah, Laurel. I forgot. I'm cool. I'm convinced I'm convinced blank would totally be cool and wouldn't want a would want to work it out with blank If he if it wasn't for blank. He's never said a bad thing about blank and confessionals Polly. We we know some poly and Jordan and whatever talk about coffee. That's Paulie. You guys are great. Last one and Benny you need this is Ty and Pam you're out. Sorry if they have no idea if you have to get this wrong, this is that this is your time. I can't stand blank blank is like the high school kid who desperately wants to be cool calling ninety-nines declaring Blake self besties with the popular kids Josh. Yeah and David is our way. Yeah. Well, I got sick. You would have got Josh you would have that. Last one Josh here is not in the tragic life. I save Joshua last for you because I was hoping that would be the winner for you counting love Josh so much. I love that person. Whoever said that who said that there are a non in all Anonymous. Oh gosh, those were some great quote. Yeah pretty good job, Dad. Good game. All right. I want to thank you guys so much for joining us here at the challenge after show it AfterBuzz TV. My name is Daniel lingered. You can find me at Tick-Tock at idiot box boys Benny. What's up guys? Thanks again. Again for joining us. You can find me on all social media at Benny Jay Adams. You can find me at Pamela grow still. Thank you guys so much for joining us. We love your feedback. We love continuing the conversation. So please hit us up. Give us some using gossip. You guys are on it. Thank you. And you guys can find me on Tick Tock as well Christopher official or Instagram David Christopher official something like that. But thank you guys so much again for hanging out joining us. We love hearing your comments your feedback. It's a good time. Hope you guys aren't you tired tomorrow for work. I'll see you next time guys. Thank you. See you guys later. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first where the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz. See you later use express here in Are those are the hosts only do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners are principles.
On this weeks episode Rogan lies to Dee x 3, Tori is the Real Deal, and Dee is newly Single. Check out Disney Dan, Benny the Jet, Pamelot, and David Punk Rock chatting all things Challenge related. About The Challenge After Show: The Challenge, a mix between Real World and Road Rules Challenge, featuring alumni from the past shows as the contestants compete for a cash prize, is such an insane show, we HAVE to talk about it! That's why we have THE CHALLENGE AFTER SHOW! Tune in here for reviews, recaps and in-depth discussions of the latest episodes, as well as the insider scoop from cast and crew members on the show as we go crazy. It's going to get bananas because there's basically a different guest each week! About The Challenge: It's every player for himself in this edition of the long-running reality competition "The Challenge," which for the first time shuns team play and awards a final prize that could exceed $500,000 to one person. The fun begins with 28 cast members -- fan favorites from "The Challenge" joined by contestants from "Big Brother" and stars from MTV UK's "Ex on the Beach" and "Geordie Shore" -- in Spain looking to settle personal vendettas. In a new twist, players who survive grueling elimination rounds are awarded "Grenades," allowing them a chance to get even with anyone in the house with whom they may have a beef. It adds up to a competition spiced with heightened drama, doubt and deception. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
This episode is sponsored by my go to stop for all things makeup Revlon. Hey everybody. I'm Ashley Graham. And this is pretty big deal where confidence is key every episode. I get to pick the brains of brilliant and inspiring honest new and old friends who are a pretty big deal. Today we are talking to the hilarious Whitney Cummings Whitney is a comedian actress writer director producer showrunner author and most recently podcaster in this episode. We talk about comedy codependency and so much more. Thanks for coming on my show so great. I can't believe you're so beautiful. You're so pretty. I think you do people always screw up when they Talk about how pretty you are. Well, I almost said you're almost prettier in person. But then I was like, I don't know. Oh, no, you want to hear what she says beautiful in person know about that. First of all, thank you. Welcome. I always get oh, you're not as big as I thought you were right? What do you get? I get don't listen to them. They're just jealous and I'm like who's them? Whoo, because people are talking about you. Yeah, you don't listen to the haters. What haters? Oh, okay. This is it cost me all the things I People with that's the worst thing ever. They'll just come up to me and start talking shit about my own friends. They'll like they'll name a female comedian. I don't even think something's funny and I'm like, she's my friend like we don't all hate each other or they'll just start insulting my friends or you know, stuff like that. Oh, I think you're hilarious. Don't you listen to them? Oh my God, like about your character and your job and I do have a theory though that whenever someone comes up to you in public the first two things they say are complement. The third thing is always an insult get out after the I'll give you an example. I love you. You're so gorgeous. You're not as big in person or whatever. Right? Right thing is yeah always the third thing know that you're so so correct. I do think though that with Instagram now with podcast now people feel very close to you and they feel like you're friends, you know, they've heard you and they've listened to you for. What do you like 20 hours you like it? Does it give you stress? Sometimes it is stressful because you're like throws you when someone just comes up to the airport. Okay. How's your knee? You're like how did you know about my oh, right. I talked about you know, like it's definitely a little bit jarring sometimes like I think it's a comedian having sort of an authentic connection with people is helpful. You are the epitome of a multi - it you know, you're an epitome of multi-personality not just so you are you're you are I mean, I was just I was just saying all your accolades just here right now because I do a little pre-record and I got to say all of them and I got a little bit out of breath when somebody comes up to Ask you what do you do? What's the first thing that you say don't you know someone comes up to me? I'm like, don't you what do you think? I know you didn't you tell me? Why did you recognize me? I guess I'm a comedian. Okay, I'm a stand-up comedian. That's my bread and butter. That's the thing that I care the most about that. I feel the most qualified to do and the other stuff kind of just felt like I don't want to say digressions from being a set. But just sort of like natural progressions from doing stand-up and I think one of the hardest things these days, you know with a lot of the women I see in Comedy is not about what to do. It's about what not to do or to figure out when in your timeline, you should do it, you know based on your self-care or the kind of life. You want to have you know, it's like okay here all the things I want to do. I'll do this. I'll tour for the next five years then I'll do a talk show then I'll do it to settle have a child and I want to work different out, you know, like interests. I'm really trying to be careful about how multi hyphenated I am. And when are you doing the right thing for yourself right now lawyer? Oh, no. I love heroes are succeeding know I see people say that and I'm like, oh God because I'm like, I feel like I'm giving 30% to everything and I would like to meet you know, I think I was doing so many things in my late twenties early thirties because I was afraid I'd never get the opportunity again. I was always told you don't say no you just keep saying. Yes. Yeah, and I'm and it's kind of the same response and then you get to have the opportunity to later. Yes to say no, right? All right, you're in that position now, I think and I think for me. Me the thing that's been working as yes, but not right. Now, you know that yes, that is something I want to do, but I want to be able to do it really well and with eight hours of sleep and with joy and he's you know what your thresholds are. That's right. I do you wish that you had that advice when you were younger. Yes is that we should say I wish someone had said, you know what this might be too much for you or in this iteration. You might not have things like balance or things like life experience, which is going to make your art. You know, so I remember sitting in a writers room. I was doing three TV shows that the time and writer was pitching on a story idea for my character to go to a baby shower and I was like people don't go to baby showers like what that's ridiculous and they're like, no you don't because you don't have a life. So when you want to be creative, but you don't have a life. It's really hard to pitch on stuff. It's really hard to write authentic stories that resonate to the people that do have lives The Great Escape. You know so workaholism. I think sometimes tends to compromise our creativity, you know, and I Now understand I wish someone would explain this to me sooner that art imitates life. But in order for our to imitate life, you have to have a life you have to have a life. You have to have something to comment on you have to have something to criticize, you know, so I Now understand that it gives you a writers room on a TV show you let your writers go home at five o'clock. You don't stay till midnight because you want them to go home and fight with their girlfriends and fight with their husbands inspired to get inspired to come back the next day with stories. That's such a good advice. I think I just thought work work work work work at all costs but then you're sitting there and you're like no one wants to hear stories about work and you go out and have a life and I didn't understand that until relatively recently. That's amazing. So but it all first started back in the day here you are you're at your head. Oh, you're also modeling at the local mall King of Prussia. Hello King of Prussia. I have been there. Yeah. You've been king of Bela where I took the bus to King of Prussia Mall. All and I would walk around in bridal gowns up and down the escalators always got caught and I would do fit modeling which is when people come and they don't want to try it on so they can you try this stuff on and then I would model pantyhose which means I would stand on a block with pantyhose on and white shirt that went like down to here and I would let Dan like a button-down. Yeah. Oh you didn't do this to know but that just sounds so degrading, correct? Oh my goodness. Yeah, are you getting paid a hundred fifteen dollars an hour, which was a big deal for me and you had to come up with your own hair and makeup done. Oh, of course they gave you like the Bobbi Brown instructions. So yeah, I had to go spend $300 on makeup to make untrimmed building cost me money to do this. Oh my gosh, but you were doing this while you're going to pain. Yes, and you got through pain in three years. I did people are like you're so smart. I was poor. Or I think I missed a lot of the social experience of being in college. What did you think you miss because I didn't go to college, you know, look, I don't know. I'm gonna get in trouble for saying this but I do think Ivy League schools are kind of like a Eugenics program. I mean, I guess it is the idea is to meet a bunch of people. Sorry legal to meet not that sorry to meet a bunch of people who you're going to marry or develop start businesses with and sororities and fraternities. I never did any of that, but I was like, I got to work I got to get out of here. And I knew that I was going to be a performer and I had a fear in me, which I actually don't have anymore. Now that I've actually been in this business believe it or not. But I had this fear that was like you can't be on camera if you're old so you got to go I had that fear in my brain very early, but a lot of performers I think are told that this was before hi-def television. I was already worried about it like you need to make it while you're young while you'll still be hirable interesting. Yeah, which is what that in your mind. I don't know the movie Sunset Boulevard. Where would I? I've gotten that as a child. I mean I I grew up in DC and I just knew I was like you're there's a day where you'll be old. My mom was very very beautiful and her looks were very important to her and at a very young age. I saw wrinkle creams. I saw masks. I saw a nervousness about I saw this and yeah, isn't that interesting what our parents put on us and I don't think she was even thinking about it. Just I was just watching her. Yeah, and I didn't I lived with her single mom and we didn't have a lot of like TV and I was bored and I would go into her bathroom and put makeup on and it was like anti-wrinkle anti-wrinkle anti-wrinkle, you know, and I just got in my head and I don't blame her for it and that time your looks as a woman was kind of kind of all you did have so good for her for you know, she spending whatever currency she had and hustling as she worked at Neiman Marcus and Bloomingdale's and we'll get a Count so she'd come home with these very fancy creams and I would you know, I but I just started thinking about that at a very young age which breaks my heart on some level but I remember having that at a very young age that thoughts it is interesting. It's interesting that you even like bring that up. Do you want to are you planning on being a mother someday? I am I froze my eggs that shit is on ice and Redondo Beach. It's a big process. Can you walk us through the process I can you hatch. Kidding you I can't so a brilliant writer named Dana Fox. We were on the set of a movie and she was like you need a freeze your eggs. And I was like slaves crazy. How old were you and I was I want to say 2827 maybe as you can maybe younger 27 or 28. I didn't do it for five more years. Okay, but she put this thing in my head. That was like, okay, you're going to freeze your eggs when you get a chance, and she said something that really is someone that grew up without health insurance and car insurance. There's always He's like any time something went wrong. It was like, you know a saga financially and I remember she was like it's like getting Insurance even if you don't use them, you know, you have them in your going to make better decisions because you have them on ice and I remember going okay, I like that. I like that and when I was 33, I did it and the way that my fertility doctor explained it. He really helped me. He just was like look this might not be for your first kid or your second kid. This might be for when you're 42 or 43 and you're like, you know what let's do one more. I'll go. Could it I hadn't heard that yet. That is what made me go. Ah, okay. You're not telling me I can't conceive it 36 or 37. You're not telling me that I'm you know, my uterus is molding like this is okay. I can hear that. This is about just good planning and I'm a very like I like to plan because I think planning is freedom. I also found myself around 30 31 years old lowering my standards for guys because I felt the ticking clock and I was like, yeah, that's fine. What's three ex-wives? It's fine. You're thick-skinned. You don't want totally doesn't have a job what some guy with three DUIs. I'm so judgmental. I found myself, you know lowering my standard because that fear started creeping in us, you know, you start doing that math. Okay, if we go on a date tomorrow in a year, we'll move in together and then we have to get married, but I just that you know, and I was doing that I was okay, then I'll be 35 and then what if I and I was also hearing a lot about women who were trying so hard to conceive but the second Stop trying. Yeah, I don't know the science illness correct me in the comments, but there is something about our bodies when we stopped releasing cortisol and adrenaline. We can conceive better because our body is not in fight or flight time so hard to conceive. Right? Right. So a lot of women that I heard froze their eggs, they had an easier time conceiving solely because they had an insurance policy. You can always use x, so here you are you got your insurance policy the pressure off. The last thing we all need is more pressure, right? So, So once I found out how much money it was I felt a different kind of pressure but I also felt like this is an investment in myself. This is a business decision. It is such a miracle. What happens to your psyche when you freeze your eggs it I started booking tours. I started, you know being in relationships not out of fear. I see my standards for a guy went up. It was miraculous. Wow took away this timeline and this you have a couple of years to find the person see you are smart. Oh my God. Why you got into yes, it's it was a very fear-based decision that ended up leaving my fears. You know, the only thing that bum me out, I got a little bit of fight of a fight with one of the fertility doctors because he was like, oh, you know, so if you have you know, a kid at 37, you know as a geriatric pregnancy and I was like, let me stop you right there. Apparently anything after 35. They called geriatric. Yes. I've heard this I've heard all of it. Like I know way more about pregnancy now then I would hope so I ever yeah six months into this. I'm right. Well should learn Something about that but this is this is awesome. And I do think more people need to be talking about anybody to be talking about it. I think there's there's maternity leave there can also be egg freezing leave the yeah it you get more money as a company's if you let your employees freeze their eggs, yes and arrange for that time off because that's this is the thing. Nobody told me about egg freezing. It is relatively time-consuming, you know, you gotta go in and get those sonograms every other day to see if they're you know, everything properly I The terms you got to bring your shot around with you. It's kind of fun. Yeah, you know, it's just it feels kind of badass to be like just stabbing yourself in the stomach all the time. And then you have to go get them extracted. So it was for me like a three to four month process and I remember being in the car like crying just being like Sheryl Sandberg told me to lean in and here I am, you know, because biology is sexist it is and you but you're also a huge fan of the brain. I think it is a disgrace. That we are not taught the way our brains work the chemicals and neurochemicals that we emit because when women omit certain neurochemicals were called crazy and psycho and insane and women take that shame on and they take that to mean that they failed in some way or they're crazy and they internalize that narrative and I just I made a movie about neurology because I really wanted to show women and men to be able to go. I'm not crazy. I'm just emitting adrenaline and cortisol. And I'll brain. Yep. And this is a fighter Fizzies the name of her movies. Yes, the female brain brain and I wrote it with Neal Brennan co-creators Chappelle Show brilliant comedian. So great. So it's very balanced. It's not like a lady movie. I have men coming up to me on the street going this movie saved my marriage because I Now understand that when my wife freaks out. She's adrenalized and she's producing cortisol and I say, you know, let's talk in three days when the cortisol is worn off. Wow, and developing of vocabulary for neurochemicals. I just think it's such a shame. We don't learn that you're saving marriages and relationships broken up a couple to its joke. It's a joke. I love it. But yeah, I just I get very defensive when women are called crazy or insane or psycho or any of micromanage e sensitive. I think it's really important to learn the evolution of the brain epigenetics. Epi genetic imprinting, you know, can you tell me about yes, Epi genetic imprinting is so important because it Epigenetic, it sounds nice. I like it. I like it. Tell me boy. It's about how the chemicals that the mother releases while the fetus is in utero. The fetus becomes addicted to those chemicals. Okay, so give me an example. So I found myself as a teenager constantly being attracted to you know, dramatic situations dramatic relationship All the gossip on the playground and then in my twenties, I'm dating, you know, really unavailable people people that call cosme Adrenaline cheat on me, whatever and then I started learning about Epi genetic imprinting which is when the neurochemicals of the mother are emitted in utero. The child is born addicted to those chemicals. So I was born addicted to cortisol and adrenaline. My mother was in a really bad marriage when I was conceived. So chances are I came out of the womb like that whatever the mother is addicted to is passed into the neurochemicals of the brain and that liberated me. From wrong. Okay, what's nature and what's nurture some of these things I can that are my part. I need to go to therapy. I need to fix that thing. But also I got this honestly this adrenaline addiction because adrenaline turns into dopamine. It's like a drug drama is like a drug and I became addicted to it in my mom's belly and it's not my fault and I can now hack my brain to change my tolerance to Adrenaline. So okay, two questions. Yes, ma'am. Do you blame your mother? And how do you deal with? It I don't blame my mother. I have nothing but compassion for my mother because that's beautiful. Not only compassion such that makes me feel a little bit better go Reckless forgiveness because that generation didn't know they didn't have the tools and the science wasn't even available back then, you know and the fact that she was staying in a chaotic relationship to try to keep things Serene with her kids and to try to protect her kids breaks my heart every day, you know, because it's just a reminder that when we take care of ourselves, we actually take care of Buddy else, you know her Instinct was got to take care of the kids got to stay in this chaotic relationship. And then the tragic irony is that that actually is you know, sometimes harder and how do you deal with all of these issues now today? I mean I did after I learn about neurology because also both my parents had strokes and so I had to talk to a neurologist all day everyday to understand what happened. I have a lot of addiction in my family as well and when you're struggling with, you know people that you love that are suffering addiction learning about neurology and how Addiction works is the only thing that will stop your heart from getting broken every day. So I had this kind of Crash Course and how to hack your brain. So for me, I worked so hard to stay away from dramatic situations to lower my adrenaline and cortisol levels. I try to stay off Instagram. I try to stay off gossip sites. I try I was going to say like Instagram kind of I mean it'll constant a dry roll you. Yep to self-doubt self-worth. You know, who is this person dating now? Yep, I have someone that Those are social you do good for you someone I Outsource it to somebody else as a form of self care. I put my phone in grayscale, which makes it black and white because a lot of wood so addictive about it is the color. Oh, that's I know. I didn't even know you were this tan. Ha ha ha. Oh no, Jimmy Coco spray tan Halal. I know right? I need to me Coco my mob. I know when I just have to accept it. You just look so healthy and like you sleep. Well, no, I'm not sleeping. And is it hard to sleep with that? Yeah, you have like a Body pillow. Yeah. Oh God. My husband. He's like you have no use for me anymore. I'm like, I'm you can rub my feet. It's so cute. I'm terrified of being pregnant. I know that's learned epigenetics. Okay, so terrified because I'm like, no one can trust me out when I'm pregnant, but that's it is important to not be stressed out because it does like you said go to the baby and like people have told me like don't be in stressful situations, but I work out I try to eat. Well like I am going with my Cravings my Cravings have been really healthy. Which is a blessing and I'm just trying to work and stay focused and also like gain information about my baby, but the I try to step away from Fear because this is just this has been going on like this is how we got here thousands of years right before on it. And it's going to continue to women used to do this without doctors exactly how and now I want what the documentary that Ricki Lake did The Business of Being Born you have to watch it. Gosh. It is so good. I read the Naomi Wolf book about the forces. Aryan sections and stuff and I almost had a heart attack. It is really ridiculous. How cesareans are a business. Yes, unless I mean there are the moments where like you have to have them but it's a business right? And so you have no fear around this I so after seeing the documentary now, I just want to have an at-home birth. Like I want to be able to stand and squat and push my baby out and like pull it out of me and put it right on my chest. But out is that how it works. Yeah, you push the head out and then as the shoulders Kind of coming out there like okay go down and pull your baby out. And then you like you're squatting you pull it out and you're like a miracle and then you're just like glad you're vocalizing it off first. No people kiss their babies in their lips get stuck to their faces like the Christmas story like the tongue and you have a phone pole will not that stuck, but we could probably go on forever, but I this is so wonderful to see and I think that like visibility for women that are pregnant while they're working is so important because I just might I still have in my head. You have to stop down for a year. No, that's an old story that I have in my head. I had that too. I had it too and I had like you have to have a baby in a hospital. You have to have it all those things. Now. I'm working up until this due date and then after that I'm going to take like eight weeks off something like this. We're going to go from there. Yeah, I'm going to have the kid on my tit. We're just gonna go. Yep. Yep. This is very exciting inspiring. I mean, I just think the pregnant I can like hardly carry a purse. You'll be fine. Okay. I want to talk about your book. I'm fine. And Other Stories or other lies. Yeah, otherwise, somebody lies a lot Litany of life, but I like how you're so open about codependency. Thank you. And I feel like my readers my readers. Are you guys reading them for you guys? Are you guys I feel like my viewers and listeners AudioBox. I mean most people get the audio but I feel like they can really learn something from your experiences codependency. You know, I have been so public about it because I think it is it is this epidemic that's sort of everywhere but hard to identify and you know, it's part of The Narrative of I'm just crazy. I'm a psycho, you know, and a lot of people who are codependent are the type of people who it wouldn't occur to them to think about themselves because we are the type of people Pleasers who are only thinking about others rescuing martyring and can you explain like what some examples are sure so we're like what exactly it is the like charcoal definition so codependency the definition that I work off of which Didn't make up but it is the inability to tolerate the discomfort of others. Yes it a lot of people think of codependency is like couples who can't stop hanging out that could be that but that's also a Litany of other things. But if you find yourself obsessed with someone else's perception of you, if you find yourself thinking that, you know, you need to take care of other people's feelings. If you have a hard time saying no, if you find yourself being addicted to control always need to control a situation if you find yourself embarrassed about other people's behavior you think you need to Take care of everybody and deal with their consequences. Got it on the consequences of others. If you find yourself in relationships or friendships that don't really make you feel good. But you feel like you have to stay in them codependents use words. Like we have to go to this thing. I have to get him a gift. I have to go to this party. We do a lot of things out of obligation because we're worried that we're going to lose the approval of others are not be liked if we don't go we put everybody else's needs ahead of our own. So when did you find out that you had codependency? I really put it together. When I was became a boss for the first time and I found that I was hiring all my friends, even though none of them were qualified and I was trying to help you. I know yes. I want to give everybody a job, which there's something to be said for that, you know, and I still am able to do that the Heart of Gold but we're loyal but now but that doesn't ultimately end up being the kind thing to do because it blows up and becomes a big mess and that person doesn't learn about, you know, earning it and consequences and what have you so I've earned that we take care of everybody when we take care of ourselves and that you know, we don't bring our personal feelings into work and we don't do things out of guilt or obligation and we don't confuse love with pity. Sometimes we do things out of pity instead of out of you know mutual respect or we could inflate love and pity and kindness is not always kind right and being nice is not always being nice. So here you are your boss. So when we do a nice thing and hire someone that you know, shouldn't necessarily have the job and then we resent them the whole time because Not doing it, right and then everybody else on staff has to clean up the mess. That's not really kind as it is making a big mess because you want to be liked or you want to do the nice thing. So that was tricky. I found myself not being able to fire people. I found myself not being able to give honest feedback because I was too worried about making someone feel bad or them feeling rejected and I went to a rehab for a family therapy group and I brought a giant thing of protein bars and close and cash. Like to help the person in my life that was in rehab in there like you're no but he doing you're trying to fix addiction with with protein bars. Get out of here. You can you know, I found myself so desperate to fix somebody else and rescue somebody else that I wasn't actually doing the right thing for the person. So, you know, we run around trying to help people all day as a way to get out of our own feelings something that I heard early and a 12-step program was people-pleasing as a form of asshole or E. It's kind of sometimes it's selfish. Because it's not really what the person needs the person might but you need the person might need to if you find yourself in the middle of someone's relationship drama all the time and listening to them every night talked about over and over but there were maybe they do stop talking about it and they need you to actually draw a boundary, you know, and or say no so I found myself enabling a lot of people with addictions and personality disorders and went to my first 12 sub. Al-Anon meeting was a game changer total Game Changer. Wow, because I found that you know, where as alcoholics can be addicted to alcohol codependents are addicted to pee. People who are a mess. So what are these programs look like these programs are basically free therapy and I see so many solvent Rich famous people now talking about therapy and that's so cool. The one thing relieving out is that it's $300 an hour. Yeah, and not everybody has access to that. Right? So like I'm gonna freeze my eggs. So I think as someone who did not grow up with money, I really appreciate the fact that it's free. And open and available to anyone and it's not elitist and there's also people from all walks of life who are in there keeping you humble. And what's so great to me about 12 step programs is that you know, when we share our shortcomings when we shared vulnerabilities in see someone like what you're doing right now nod you're able to go. Okay. I'm not crazy and you're tearing me you're able to have Grace and someone's not judging me and I'm not a disgusting piece of shit. You know, you're not going when you say like, I really want to text this x who Is awful to me and cheated on me, but I kind of want to reach out to him anyway, and people go in there and you're like, okay, I'm not crazy. So these this inner critic that we have of I'm a failure. I'm a mess. All of these things goes away because you have a group of people that look at you saying been there and you talk about codependency Landing you is some pretty terrible relationships. Yeah, nasty. What if you learn from that codependence we tend to shape-shift in order to make a relationship work we tend to Make sure you know, the temperature is always 70 degrees audition for approval every day. Whatever you want to eat. I'm going to eat your vegan. I'm vegan you eat meat I eat me, you know, we've you know, you like Mexican. I like Mexican anything to sort of get approval of the person we want to be in the relationship with we end up compromising our values morals boundaries and bottom lines in order to make a relationship work. So I found myself in the relationship. I'm in now is the first time experimented with hey, I need you to call me every day. If you can't that's totally fine. If you think I'm crazy, that's totally fine. But I finally know what I need and that's something I need and how empowering that you can say that to the person you're dating and he was so wild because I thought he'd go yuck your crazy bitch psycho. And he was just like oh, thank you for being so clear. I like I don't want to be guessing what you want. He was trying to play it cool by texting and didn't want to call too much and I was like, I would like to hear from you every day. Uh-huh is a phone call. So in recovery, What we do is we find out what we actually want and then how to ask for it and how to walk away if we're not getting it. I love that which is maybe something I should have gotten as a child in a lot of people do but if you grew up in an environment where you weren't parented in a certain way or we're in an environment where nobody really said what they felt and everyone was like no I'm fine. Everything's good. That's how my family was when there were problems. Nobody addressed it and everybody pretended they were fine when they weren't and so that's what I learned. I learned a kind of dishonest communication. That doesn't benefit. Ready? So you talk about a lot of problems you do. I mean by Brad, it's kind of a lot of them's it's awesome though because you're so open because everybody needs to talk about these things and you just so happen to have a few. So when I just I you're open I see the most exciting thing in my lifetime is happening right now, which is that women are becoming bosses. Yep, and they have shows with 500 cameras and they are making money and they Employees and they're getting in the workforce and we weren't really parented to be able to manage conflict. We were parented to establish Harmony and make sure everything was okay and make sure men's feelings were okay and that women weren't mad at us. Right? That's how we've been conditioned, right? You know, and that was a big part of my co-dependents. And so I sound the horn on this so much because it helps us once we get these opportunities were fighting so hard for we're not going to screw them up. I try to be friends with everyone. No, I'm making Sherman likes us. Exactly and I think that that's very important because a lot of women Do you have that kind of it's like a ticking Time Bomb them? Yeah, and I have to remind myself to like what would a man do I do? I ask myself that. Yeah, you ask yourself that I ask myself that some sometimes I think that way or I go what would a man do I let me how do I not do that or or I do I am what I worry about being friends with everybody or yeah. You know, yes, not all men always have to say that hashtag Not all men. I know but I do think that that we do want to make sure nobody's feelings are hurt and the key is managing being sensitive and being emotionally intelligent without being codependent exact. There's a line intelligent. That's the key. I like that if an employee is underperforming because they don't feel seen or heard or the workflow. Yeah isn't something that works with the way their brain is wired. It's always helped to go. Hey, how can we make this so You know, we're able to have more Harmony without going and what's going on with your family. And your how can I fix your marriage and all that other? Let's go get drinks and hang out on the weekend. I don't do that. So for five hike day. So in your latest special that's called Whitney Cummings. Can I touch it? Yeah, every time I say it in my head, I'm like gonna touch it. I know it's such a it's such a weirdly like triple entendre title. And the reason I call it that is because I had this robot made for the show Ridiculous. And I talked a lot about sexual harassment in the show how men were grabbing asses and you know being inappropriate but when men sell my robot there were like and I was like, where is this at all this when it comes to a human woman? Like why don't you don't ask that when you you know, so I just thought that was interesting that is so it's so when I saw the robot come out, yeah watching your you're special. I mean, first of all, I was like a really look like you and really it was not that it was the Up. It was the hair. It was it was creepy, you know what's wild about this because I feel like your fans are you know in this world? I don't think she looks like me really here's why we have a little cross-eyed. We don't you're not cross-eyed. She was a little cross-eyed Charlie probably side. Yes. Yes. She did that her eye one of her eyes were fixing so it's an optical surgery because home is she cost. Oh honey. Can I touch it? She's my 50 grand 50 to 70. Yes. Yeah, she's getting her eyes are going to be camera soon and we're working on more facial muscles so that her smile isn't all like creepy and just prepare crowing why you spent 25 minutes of your special with her with her. And by the way, I have to no joke. I've already lapped her in terms of age in the year. I've had her so we're adding little wrinkles roads are so my God. We looked the same a year ago, and I haven't slept so now I you know, I look like the old age app version of her. So we're aging her up. All that but something fascinating that I found out is we only see ourselves through mirrors. So we don't really know what we look like, you know, in addition to whatever other dysmorphia we're struggling with. She doesn't creep me out because I don't see myself that way. That's how other people see me God it's so that's why you don't think you look like that's right. Is that why I feel like she looks a lot like you I understand what you're saying. Well optical illusions. Everyone thinks she looks exactly like me, except me and it there was a weird because you think you look better or worse. I think I look just just different. Okay. This experience has been pretty therapeutic for the body dysmorphia that I deal with because you have talked about this. I had Eating Disorders my whole life. I now it's a have disordered eating. I think it's dangerous to say like I cured my eating disorder. I think I so it means you're constantly thinking about it still but it's not plaguing your life exact. I have thoughts come up. Sometimes that are like you should have a Diet Coke for dinner and then I'm like, no you shouldn't whereas I used to think that was a good idea. I now think it's a bad idea. So I think for anyone to say, you know, just in terms of how Eating Disorders work because so much of it for me was about control and so when things get a little out of control and I get a little busy and I don't have time to go to the gym. Sometimes my brain will go. Oh, yeah, you should just have like Life Savers and nothing else and then I go no, we're going to go home and we're going to make a meal and we're going to cancel that thing and make sure we create because you've actually gone and you've gotten help now, you know how to handle all these situations. Yeah. I did pretty amazing. Sort of boot camp on inner child work, which I first thought was ridiculous because it was like I had an imaginary child. This is creepy. I don't like this like the I would always think of the the kids from The Shining those two girls at the end of the hallway. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yes, but it really is you having a relationship with your own inner child and the cheat for me was you feed yourself the way you would feed a five-year-old child, you know as soon as if your own five-year-old you would make sure have Three meals and you know eat healthy and you wouldn't want to give him a complex your go. Yeah sure. You can have that piece of cake or whatever but then as adults were like you shouldn't eat that. That's what you should skip dinner you use just you know, drink black coffee all day. You would never let a child be like that. So it's just a little bit of if I was feeding a five-year-old. How would I feed her because of the eating disorder your boobs were they grew in different sizes? Okay. However, as I've talked what I have minor different sizes this one hangs more than that one. You know, what? Are you right-handed or left-handed? I'm right-handed but I sleep with my hand up. So it's pulling might it over really get it out on my own. I didn't have to go to a doctor after I talked on stage about how my boobs were different sizes women come up to me. Like I thought I was the only one. I mean, I think this is a I don't think any woman's boobs are symmetrical know they're not how unsymmetrical Warriors. I mean they were they were they were like it really like a Salvador Dali painting like the clocks dripping off the So three surgery it was three surgeries because the first surgery I was so embarrassed to tell anyone. I was so embarrassed to get it done. I had so much shame around it that I like Googled it and just went to some guy by the airport and he like didn't have an office. I know this is before the boner ability within everywhere when that when this happened this was before like, let me share my flaws and let's all talk about how like frozen we are these girls are getting Like 16 year old like birthday presents or like oh, here's some fruit it. Yeah, I think maybe because I'm in comedy or I'm okay just like shame around my body in general and I guess my emotional perfectionism was I don't want to tell anyone that I'm doing this thing. I didn't involve any of my girlfriend's I didn't tell anyone and I finally let a girlfriend in on what happened when there was like a muscle was cut through and she was like, oh just go to my guy. What are you doing? All my girlfriend's like will go to my person go to my person and two friends had reductions would go to my and there was no Same route. It was all in my head. Wow. Anyone that has judgment around that shouldn't be your friend. Anyway, yeah, but none of them did I know I show them my friends might it's great. I mean I've yet to see them, but maybe it's because of all the cameras. But so I just I had so much shame around that because I think I'd worked so hard to like accept my body that I thought this was like a setback, you know, but for me, it was really about sort of a racing in a big way like the sort of the things that reminded me of the disordered eating and what my body was like back then and I really just wanted to get past that stage because every do you look at them now and you're happy love them. Love them. I mean, I have scars and all sorts of stuff, but I'm if if I'm if I don't then who will back to the robots really quick just because I watched a special on them and I heard that a lot of people just buy them to have sex with is that the research that you had gotten as well. There's so the actual robots. There's not a I mean I would have met they're so expensive. But I think you know a lot of guys like us act like he's totally so there are the real doll sex dolls that are specifically for sex. Okay, so there is the sex doll - robot head which not a lot of these have been made yet. Right, but the sex dolls I would imagine that's the purpose they serve when I went down to the sex robot Factory actually learned some very interesting research because I thought it was going to be a bunch of perverted gross Madness. Just just Fest Don't take a black light to it, but they were explaining a lot of people that buy these are handicapped or it's a lot of people who are trying to explore their sexuality and they're not ready to do it with a human woman. Yeah, I'm sure a lot of it are skeezy gross. I also heard it's like men who don't want to deal with women anymore. Well, there's that or men with erectile dysfunction or whatever have lost whatever I would imagine. There's a little bit of that and for those men good. Yeah stick with it. All right. I don't want the men that are done with women to be out of bar. It's beyond gender. I'm a big fan of what about the thing that works for them? It's like Scientology keep them in a building keep them in a building. And you know, I think comedians sort of our job is to play Devil's Advocate sometimes and to go. Okay. Everyone is against this one thing. I'm going to challenge myself to find all the positives in it. You did a good job with that. Thank you, and I don't totally think sex robots are going to fix everything. I did think it was an interesting sort of joke solution. Until we figure out the sexual harassment thing like an interim the way we would use like Crash Test Dummies or something to stop real women from getting harmed was the Joker I was in but I did find that the fear of robots did feel largely male in terms of whether it's movies. We've seen or ever but I have you know, a lot of my guy friends will robots are going to kill us and the robots are going to be stronger than us, but well women are always dealing with that like like something stronger than us that might eventually kill us. Like that's every guy we've ever It in like this is the first time you guys have ever had something that might kill you. So true, you know think about so I was like the robots might protect us from you. I would like to just Dawn on you. I'd like to have a big scary robot and every parking structure at two in the morning when I walked to my car and you know, people are saying well the robots are going to replace human women. I'm like, well I every woman I know would love to have a double. I know I love that part in your special. You're like, yeah because you're expected to be everything and anything and of course, I want somebody at home cooking and cleaning robots. Cook and clean. Yes, please sign me up. I don't do it. Anyway. Yeah, but I don't I'm almost the perfect woman. I just don't cook the perfect woman knows her limitations. Hey, okay, I want to talk about because you like talking about and you're very open yours. Just so open it leaves like an open box, which looks like yeah. I do love how your boobs just gentle around. Oh, I know that's unbelievably Wishy milk so much you talk about failure in a really great way that I think that this Next Generation really needs to understand because you have had five specials. You have Whitney you had Two Broke Girls and you got to this place. I was like amazing, but I want to know what what how did you get there? Because it couldn't have been easy and I want to hear about it. You know what I think for me? It's taken me a long time to realize that like failure is so rare. I mean having a show on the air for six years like I don't think that's a lie. Like I never thought I was going to get any of this. Yeah. I just want to big deal want to pay my bills. Right and be able to tell jokes for drunk people and that's all I wanted, you know, and so anything else is extra credit bonus points. And you know, I think that it did it was hard for me when I did a show on NBC which had my name on it, you know, this was before there were a million shows on television that got you know, picked up cancel picked up cancelled. It was like having a Shogun publicly canceled was did feel humiliated. But I did a talk show to sitcom. How long have you done have you done after calls Insurance? How could this be a failure? What are you talking about? But you talk about failure. Yes. And what sent in our Echo chamber I felt like a failure because I think in my head I was like this should go for eight years and be Seinfeld or something, you know and shooting for the Moon is great. But if you don't get there, you don't have to go I'm of you know failure. So at the time I was definitely embarrassed in dated because I thought everyone all anyone was talking about was how big of a failure I was and when reality people like Chad show on the air great what happened to that? Yeah, because I was I mean in like figuring out all the shows that you had done and in talking to my writers variants, I was like, yeah, but she's had so many shows. I just don't understand but you have been so open about failure. So that's why I really wanted to get to the bottom of and I think I've also had a lot of shows that never got on the air so I had a you know deal with HBO. I had before I had a Shogun on the air. I had three Pilots didn't go and I've been very public about not just talking about my highlight reel because I think a lot of people might look at someone like you and go she's had this since she has her own podcast and she's on the cover these magazines and she's got all these followers of like we don't broadcast the things we didn't get we don't broadcast the auditions that we you know, didn't book or the TV shows. That didn't go right because nobody wants to cover that and you're not going to get a magazine cover for a pilot. That didn't go too serious. So I try to go like you know failure is a part of the learning process and failure is a integral part of success. I think God I had three shows that didn't go by the time I had a show that did go because then I knew how to freaking right that was all practice. So I don't like calling it failure. I like to call practice, you know, because you don't go to the like if you're a bodybuilder when you go to the gym, you're not calling those failure days, you're calling those like workout days, right? And so I just I like to I did you call them that I'm practice its Practice, so I had two pilots that didn't go but those were practice they weren't meant to go. Thank God they didn't go I like that and I do think for you know, younger people that are embarking on this journey. Just I promise you the thing right now that you want so bad that you didn't get you're going to look back and go thank God. I didn't get that. I always say if I didn't get a job. It wasn't mine and it took a couple of jobs to not get love it going through the anxiety the worried the like, oh my God, my life is over moments. Yep, but because I didn't get those jobs. Thank God. I didn't get those. As Jobs they weren't my no bigger opportunities come never were and that is I think it took me so long to understand that and I see a lot of people who are blowing up their careers if they got something too soon and they didn't have the Gratitude yet and they had eaten enough shit yet. So when they did get it, they blew it. Boom. What's next for Whitney Cummings? I'm starting a podcast. It's called good for you. And it's all just people coming on talking about things that have been good for them in a funny way the you know that sort of deal a lot of comedians coming on. That's great. I'm just I'm just Very excited when women get into a space that men use their confidence to get into and we're like, I don't know I'd if I'm good enough and I have to be perfect and I don't want to take up any space and I was like, look, I'm going to go take up space Oh take up as much space as you want Whitney Cummings. The last thing we do on pretty big deal is a little lightning round. Okay. I just need you to answer the question. Okay, I feel like this is going to so what's the last pretty penny you spent a podcast Studio guests in yourself. I built a podcast studio in my home so that I can wake up and Walk right to it. I love that. I can be rested and I'm not driving. What's the biggest deal breaker selfies for men? Ha ha ha that is until I know with my friends or with men anything. You just said it. That's that's a deal breaker being a DJ. Oh, yeah. Okay. Got it. Okay, so you're obviously a pretty big deal because I only have pretty big deals on my show. I like that. What's a pretty big deal to you? It's a pretty big deal to me when someone does the right thing when no one. Oh my God, my guest right before you just said that that's plagiarism. Hey, how are you guys read? You should befriend. Hello Whitney cause his stinky stealing my brain. I'm becoming this on my podcast. Okay everybody at home. We want to hear from you. Please comment on Instagram and Twitter be nice be nice because the person who runs her social media will come for you or I will cook for you. So make sure sure to watch share. We love you guys, too. Pretty big deal is produced by pretty big deal Productions and obb sound.
Ashley Graham sits down with the hilarious Whitney Cummings! Whitney is a comedian, actress, writer, director, producer, show-runner, author, and most recently — host of the Good For You podcast. Her latest comedy special Can I Touch It? debuted on Netflix this summer featuring a life-sized robot clone of Cummings. In this episode, we talk about comedy, codependency and so much more. HOST: Ashley Graham GUEST: Whitney Cummings EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Ashley Graham, Penni Thow, Scooter Braun EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Michael D. Ratner, Scott Ratner, Miranda Sherman CO-EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Kelsey McWilliams, Ava Coleman, Kfir Goldberg, Elias Tanner DIRECTED BY: Michael D. Ratner WRITER: Ava Coleman LINE PRODUCER: Ben Shafer ASSOCIATE PRODUCER: Ilyssa Walker RESEARCHER: Shahnaz Mahmud SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER: Natasha Janardan DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY: Lars Lindstrom PRODUCTION DESIGNER: Francesca Maldonado 1ST ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: Coleen Chan EDITORS: Shandor Garrison, Sarah-Rose Meredith MAIN TITLE THEME BY: Johannes Raassina, Lefteris Ioannou POST PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR: Ben Shafer SOUND MIXER: Icemen Audio TITLE THEME PRODUCER: Johannes Raassina PRODUCTION SOUND: Blake Christian DATA MANAGEMENT: Rachel Slott PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS: Susie Bijan, Naomi Montes, Dalton Short ADDITIONAL PRODUCTION SUPPORT: Jennifer Spottz PRODUCED BY: Pretty Big Deal Productions, OBB Picture & OBB Sound SPECIAL THANKS: Mina White, IMG Models
Hey afterbuzzers, before we move on we would like to say thanks to our sponsor. Anchor. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. Plus there's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Also anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many more plus you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership, and it's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor a Or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started to invite not to invite blondes versus brunette Tyler Perry quotes. What is going on the after-show for Real Housewives of New York starts right. Now, you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of tv top. Now look, well. What well-meaning welcome. Oh my gosh. We are back at it real housewives of New York episode number 2 of the new season. My name is Ronnie jr. Hello, some of you remember me from last season. I did the after show with Chelsea and lien and most of the world remembers this darling very very kind of you variant. Truth. Sure. Ashley is back in the house. How you feeling? I'm feeling grip so happy to be here. I was working on Maria's show for a while last year. And so I took a Hiatus from AfterBuzz, but I'm really excited to be back and especially for New York. Yes, my favorite and almonds favorite, I think. Even outside. Yeah, I'm I would say like virally like on social media. I feel like Real Housewife of New York gets the most attention. Like I feel like because there's not all the the franchises I watch I'm just being honest. This is the one that if you don't watch your going to find out what went on with Sonja you're going to see what Orinda was talking about. So it's kind of like in our best interest to follow and I'm so happy that this season has everybody that we love like I was really getting a little bit afraid that like somebody there. I mean you can't pulled Orinda but like, I don't know Tinsley or I Actually, there's a good Dynamic going on. I like the addition of barnaul talk about Barbara and everything like yeah edition of her, but for the most part, I'm just really happy that the group is still intact it is it is I you can sometimes I think some of the franchises this is my opinion. Sometimes they have to shake things up because just stuff isn't adding up but the the nucleus of the way that these women have known each other for a long time like it right off the bat you here Barbara is in the show, but it's not like she's casted for say she may have been but they all know her like they all have history with You know as soon as I was saying she's Barber has done her rounds with with everybody and I think that's what makes this this franchise special. I will say though today. It's us last week. It was it was a different crew next week. The entire crew will be here. So we're shaking it up, but the housewives are not we should get up. Yeah you so we'll mix and mingle and we'll have a panel for next week and I'm excited about DieHard fans of Housewives of New York since day one. I have re watched every season 5 billion times. Okay, it's not normal. Yeah if I put that Time into something else. I don't even know where I'd be right now. No, you're on the right path. Come on immediately. I got to ask where you citing just in the whole situation. It is very divided right off the top blondes versus brunette. I feel like I feel like 90% of the people are on one side. I want to know what side you're on though. It's tough because I love them both and I feel like it's I'm picking sides by saying this but I think Dorinda I've handled it a little better in the situation just because the land is in such a vulnerable place and I think when someone is in a place like that where I mean, she has a lot of issues going on with her family and she just got out of rehab and you just see the female support around her. I think that you Chic during to could have absolutely made that phone call and I think it could have cleared the air but it doesn't make for good TV. So well, I also you know, it's funny cause we're not really jumping to too far into that just yet but going off to rent. I think a lot of it had to do with just more Pride. I day but then also she's not okay. It's weird because duranta doesn't have recovery because the rinda is not checking herself in Orinda is essentially is just stopping her drinking but it's a different thing with with Luann. So to me the fact that like the both of them are going through a similar thing, but yet I'm going to speak for dreading this moment what it must feel like if I also have a drinking problem. I also was humiliated on the show last season and yet so was my counterpart Luann who I do love as a friend but yet she is shy In Cabaret, like I feel I'm not going to say that I think to rent his actions are through jealous because I don't necessarily feel that buddy - there has to be a part of you that does feel that way and maybe that's where she speaking from. It could be. I mean, I think the ego always can can get the best of us if we allow it and I think in that sense like the pride took over and she felt like why am I getting made fun of and although, you know clip and all the things she does she knows she milks it when she wants to so those moments are also the reason why I hate to say it that we loved her in yes funny moments that she has but yeah in a serious note. I think she she isn't fully aware or willing to look within herself with that. I think there's a little bit of a problem with that. I think it's a but I think that's her business and her prerogative. I do think that it's really difficult when everybody is included to something that you're not and I understand her being hurt. But I think that she could have taken a different Road. She's very classy and a lot of ways and I think so that in that sense. I think she could have done a little more and I will say that watching her on Watch What Happens Live last week? I will say it's probably the first not the first the very the most fun. I had watching her interview was this last time on it was last Monday just because there's something different like there's a change and it's funny because we were talking about duranta and her drinking patterns and like you made a great Point like it's funny. You're going to be on one level saying clip clip clip which you were also drunk, but because it favored you no one said anything or thought the Zur so now it's a moment for her to like look back in her own life with all that though. I just loved on Watch What Happens Live I in you ask me why I don't know. I just feel like there's a it's a duranta 2.0 and it feels it feels good. It does. Yeah. Yeah. I think she knows at this point. She's so loved. I mean she all of those women we can't lose one of them. I don't know Housewives franchise right now that that I feel the same about where every single person on the show cannot that we have to keep all of them. Yeah, they just together. Such an amazing amazing team some franchises were willing to get rid of people. I mean, you know mynique Samuels Real Housewives of Potomac but that's another story. No, but they're trying know and I wanted to ask you who your favorite character is. I and I guess it's such a tough question and I just always ride with Sonja and I bring that up because Sonja is the Battle of blondes versus brunettes because she's the only one who has to go to the dinner and kind of be you know, mix between both of them. Do you love Sonja like, I love Sonja I do. I do. I love them all. I think my favorites always been Bethany just very loyal to Bethany since day one and that's not to say I agree with everything she's done, but overall I love her the most but that's a really hard question is like asking me like that's a mom like when kids do you love the most? I don't know. I mean, I definitely think Tinsley's the last not because I don't like Tinsley, but she's the least out of all of them because I've been all these girls we've been watching them for years and to render would be the second newest gotcha. And so I just I thought it was interesting because while I saw two different dinners the blondes versus brunettes with the exception of Sonia. I don't know how you took to it. But it took really a special place in my heart seeing Barbara and Bethany and Sonia was at the same dinner. I'm really just supporting and propping up Luann and I think there were so many interesting comments there but I think something along the lines where Luann's like, oh my God and I owe you for that. But then he's like work for like four friends. Like that's not really a knowing situation on The Housewives. I don't feel like we get that very much. Much and so I was very excited to see that dinner full circle. Come on people but you Circle we're talking about people who called each other's snake. Sure. I think they said some I mean, I don't even want to quote it but there are some really dirty nasty words exchanged between Luann and Bethenny over the years. I mean it even goes down to when Luann would kind of talk down to Bethany and she would say call me Countess in front of people when they get in the when they got in the car. I think season 2 or whatever let it was to yeah as a countess, you know, it's just so proper and Bethany used to make light of it and One of it and the two of them were always clashing and so to see how supportive they are of each other especially being that I think it was two seasons ago where you saw Bethenny and Luann clashing again when Bethenny wanted to let to indicate what was going on here, which is a tough situation for anybody. Yeah around the block the tedium and to see how supportive about the knee is of Luann right now. I love it. I love that friendship and I'm all-in do you think do you think there's a difference between Luann and like even There's totally different situation. So I shouldn't bring them up together. But like Luann and arenda I feel like with Luann one thing. I like about her her ability to let people in and sort of help her like sometimes you being too defensive could be a problem. And do you agree that you think about Luann a couple years ago? She wasn't willing to say anything. She was always in denial. That was so annoying about Luann everything even with her marriage. She was like my marriage is great. It took years for Luann to get to where she is today where she's now comfortable with being Vulnerable and that is a new Luann relatively new Luann. Deronda. We'll get there. Yeah, and that's why I said as I saw in the Watch What Happens live maybe maybe because you asked why maybe that's what I'm seeing different medium. Maybe I'm starting to see that change because I love how you bring back those old Luann. Well, you know what you weren't even bring back Luann you were bringing back countess Countess LuAnn battling that line and it's a tough thing to uphold. It really isn't even the women Tom. She was in denial. She knew she knew things. She saw him kissing at the Regency and This and that she always had her way of kind of beating around the bush and only accepting what she chose to accept as her reality which we all know is not reality and it was frustrating to watch so and I think Dorinda is noticing that okay, here's a woman who is being vulnerable and honest despite the situation and she's getting recognized for it. She's getting a show for it. Yeah, so I think it's actually great and even Sonya we saw Sonya at a point in time where she wasn't willing to really accept a lot of things or be vulnerable. All to all of them go through that and you know those cameras on you. I think Bethany is the only one since day one who was willing to accept and be honest about her situation when she was broke and when she had issues with with her husband and and and such so and look how far she got. She's the very general one on there in my opinion. You know what it's it's you're right. It's an assemblage of really great cast members. Let's talk about the funny aspects of this episode which by the way we have any men And Tinsley like you forget that she's on the show and I will say this last season when I was here. I tried I accidentally said some like all right ends let you know because you get mad like this. This Silver Spoon is Golden Spoon that she hasn't she doesn't know but like I will say like in who knows how the future will go, but I'm going to try Ashley to just like let her live like let her do her it was nice to see that she had like a skill set and that is not a shady comment. But you know, she was into tennis. It was a passion of hers. We got to like here parts of her younger childhood. Okay with Tinsley it was minimum and it was great. But beyond that I love seeing Ramona get into her little crazy mentality of saying. Oh, yeah last week I had to swim instructor and he's hot this week. I've got the golf instructor tennis instructor and he's hot I can do crazy. Goofy Ramona all day long. Like that's that's a TV show in itself told I like it. I'm for it. Yeah for it to a hundred percent. Yeah. It's like, you know, and it was good during didn't play at all though. Did she know she was out of issues? Of it. She was preoccupied with what was going to happen. Yes. Let's bring it back to the aspect of like Sonia sort of becomes the person in the middle. She becomes a go-between because she has to let everybody know that oh my gosh, you know, I just got word that Luann and it was so what Barbara said was a little to me. It was hard to understand what they actually wanted. It was almost more like, you know, you always hear about like relationships and it's like you have to ask the person to know what you want. There was no like true communication. So I I'm Sonia for taking it back the way she did. What are your thoughts on how everyone reacted? Well, I think it made for good TV, but I think Barbara if this were not on TV would have probably gone to the source and would have spoken to LuAnn. I've spoken to render, excuse me, rather than going through Sonia, but that's a great segue to you know, miscommunication and then things get confused and you know change the game of telephone so I think You say you don't think Barbara is doing too much protecting of her friend. I understand but you know, there is an article today that came out on bustle and it was basically saying that in the current situation as of today Luann and Dorinda are working on their friendship and to rinda actually blames Barbara for some of their friendship Issues new girl's gonna get it. She said she told us weekly during to told US Weekly in a recent interview that they're in a good place meeting her in the land but blamed their mutual friend. Brought from making their healing process longer than it could have been saying you're going to see throughout the season. I'm just trying so hard to communicate with her and Barbara unfortunately is constantly blocking it during the said, I think I have made it go on longer than it should have we needed to just clear the air? I mean listen, you know when you have a break like that it changes the relationship. So we're working on it, but we're in a good place. So that's good news. Come on Barbara. I'm don't agree with but I understand that it's easier to place blame on the person who started initiated the conversation because that makes it more hopeful for you and Luanne because now it's like all the way I don't blame you at all. I blame Barbara but let's make up, you know, yeah, I'm just curious and maybe I just missed it watching and I'll re-watch the episode because when we do this after show, it's right after we view it. So when I watch so my third viewing it's like I forgot that but what was interesting I'm wondering was there more of a conversation that maybe we didn't see where Luann was like, you know, really pressing Barbara to sort of take care of this because it just felt like Barbara really stepped out for her and I To I feel like if I was you know in charge of the Clambake that I would just kind of let everyone know the situation and kind of like let you be on your corner you'd be on your way. Yes, that would be that would be the smart way to do some like Barbara really did do extra. Well, yeah, but you said good TV. We just want we and also I'm not surprised because you saw how involved Barbara made herself in Luann's life when Luann needed to go back to rehab like she and Beth that they were talking at dinner and that was like the woman amazing power of woman quote unquote Barbara and all the women Talking about how they supported the land and they blocked her phone and phone calls and emails and such from her reaching out to people asking for six million dollars. So I think that Barbara takes the initiative I think she's very maternal and I think they're both out there and Long Island. So it's like yeah, we don't get to see that history of how long they beat each other which I wish we could because that would explain a lot to a big. Oh, that's Barbara we get it like and I think it's bad. It just seems like if Barbara could just kind of like let everyone know what's what it's easier than like the idea. And again, this is a you Engine, it's a great Bravo moment the idea of having Sonia being the person like to manage it all. I mean, the only worse thing is like to give like Ramona so but it was cute and I will say I guess it bothered me a little bit when Sonia is letting them know what happened and boy Ramona and Orinda they were so judgey. Judgey. We talked about this a second ago about like is she even sober that many days is she she can't be that messed up if She's out there doing Cabaret and let me tell you actually she could because if you are going through some and I don't Proclaim to know how dorinda's sobriety is or Luann's but if you were going through something having an outlet like performing if that is something that really speaks to LuAnn and it definitely speaks to us audience because we love it. Um, there's not I that part I didn't agree with that Ramona and Orinda rip. Batian as Wendy Williams would say I couldn't take it. Yeah. I didn't like it that much. I see what you're saying. Yeah. It was it was a little much it was like it was letter B, then the phone call happens. Good Ashley. Take it away. How did you feel as we were watching the show off stage here you that was the scene that you really got into is watching the phone call and Barbara kind of going between how did you react to everything? No, I just think again. It was a situation where it was just a lot of miscommunication. I think there could have been an easier and easier way of going about it. I think even inviting Duran Duran in the land together. Like even the way I think it was five seasons back when it was Jill Zarin and who was trying to was it who was trying to coddle her. Remember when I'm Bethany was trying to talk to Jill and Luann cock blocked it and I was fun. Yeah, it was it was four years. Yeah, so maybe that maybe mid three but they it didn't work out but that could have been something that I feel Ramona Ramona. Sometimes it's good when she's when everybody else is arguing Ramona. Sometimes is a good Peacemaker there are moments where she goes in and she I've seen her. It Bethany one-on-one there's moments where they've had those kind of I don't know Ramona becomes a little bit maternal herself I think they could have been a moment prior to this Clambake that instead of doing it on a phone call, they could have just sat down before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors and today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify you can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free you don't even need a premium account Spotify is a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to Right now on Spotify you can follow your favorite podcast. So you don't miss an episode premium users can even download episodes to listen to offline wherever they are and you can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends and following on Instagram. If you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app and search for AfterBuzz TV on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure you follow us you never miss an episode of AfterBuzz TV. Yeah, and I think it's dinner to be Luann and durandal alone. It could have been Barbara there too and Ramona comfortable. Now that's the one the one part I will say that I do because it sounds like I was kind of against a random. That's not the case per se but I will say if I get a phone call or correspondence and Barbara, you know double doubles down on it and says ring I just heard from Sonia that I might not be coming unless I do XYZ I office I probably would say go f yourself to like that part of duranta, I could understand that part. I really was like, you know what? I don't want nothing to do with it. I want I don't want Be a place. I'm not wanted and why should I do and that might be my ego to oh I should I do like cartwheels for Luann like I that part was the one part that I did side with Dorinda because you're not going to have anybody correspond and tell me how many you know, I just don't like it. No, I don't think it was the best way of doing it. But I think that I think that dorinda's could have it's hard. It's not like it would have been easy. But if she did say imagine if she actually did say, okay, I'm happy to call away on Can you imagine we would all be like wow, that's that's tough. We all would do that. You know. Yeah, you just look at her different sects the Tyler Perry quartz dad that and that was and that is just fascinating. Yeah, I can't even well because last season you have de rinda sort of talking, you know doing her not only does she do massive quotes like her quotes are always so good. We do know that I made it. Nice all these things the clip everything like you said, but that for her to have like, I think she had Really really great text message last season was that her that's up to you know, say it regret it dada. Dada. I don't know what it was. I forget, you know in the comments on iTunes and YouTube you guys will certainly right that for us. So I think by the the full ation of it all the fooling of it. I was like, oh my God, look at this great quote. Like I was like really I was into it. So I'm like you go durendal like getting into your emotional side and then we found out it was Tyler Perry and then I cackle like when me in a suit watching the show funny I cast you looked at me because I did cackle like it would have caught me off guard. Finally. She gave him credit. Yes. Take it yourself, right? I mean that would have been worse. Yeah there there's a second there's this been up. I want to see some of these Housewives going to sit with Tyler Perry and getting their lives together. That's what I want to see. Yes back for a second session for you. So we saw Barbara go to Bethenny's house. Bethany's investment property a beautiful heat 18/10. Is that what she said 1810 I believe in she loved that 400. $10,000 she rented out for so it's paying for itself. Absolutely gorgeous. And I'm not surprised if you guys watched our other show, you'll know like she's got amazing amazing taste your in her architectural digest. I think was architectural digest the video. This is amazing mother. I love that show by the way, so I'd love to see the home. Yes that the show with its escaping me that it was Shelby don't talk. I know it's not even the video. She posted it for her other home. She just got incredible taste and it was interesting because she was like Barbara. I want Barbara's taste on this because Barbara builds homes. Yes, and I get it Barbara builds homes doesn't Design Homes but we go to Barbara's house later on the episode. Oh and Betty, you know kindly saying, you know that the bones of the home were beautiful but or they're stacked well or whatever but the interior designs a little off. So I was curious what you guys thought in the comments. If you want to let us know. He's had a Barbara's Home Ashley set up right there. It's got a little add. I mean, I thought it was eccentric and like interesting and maybe just I mean, she's like I want to put a horse over the bed. I'm like really but why but I I appreciate her being herself and not just like, you know Ramona with her home in Ramona. Got a lot of flack last season for her home because it was a little just Bland and not much going on. I think she got the flat because she also judge somebody else on their hands. That's that's really weird. You know, so yeah, who's home in the Hamptons? Do you like best? That's my question. I'd like to know I mean, I really was taken to Bethenny's 1810 that porch like I don't know what time of the day that shot was filmed that scene was filmed but like a gave me like that Vibe of like sitting outside in the porch and like just being amongst that like, you know being away from the city. Oh, I really enjoyed it. What I will say about Barbara's do you think it's one of those things where you know, you could go to like a like a summer share something of that nature and the decor is just like a little what whatever like not all of them are going to be top-notch. I feel like maybe that's just where Barbara's style was. Mentioned Moroccan a bunch of times. I just came back from Morocco a couple months ago and there was a lot of moroccan-style going on but it was like mixed with like with Target. Yeah. Yeah. I was just like a little spicy dadd thing. But yeah, it was interesting when you go there because I think Bethany was a little surprised herself just like I just had I just talked about how I had her come to my house this other reason. Yeah, like it had like a Moroccan Flair on some level and then like the the Home Goods like matching item like you're like Cher like whoa. Okay. Yeah, so so but I like can we just One more thing about Barbara. I didn't know how I was gonna feel about her. I just really like I like her energy in the confessionals. I don't think she's insincere as of yet. I feel like if she does go up against Ramona you and I were talking and I think I mentioned something like oh, well Ramona doesn't like her and I think that was just referring to that clip that had went around where Ramona really was not really feeling her. So, I think we'll see that further in the episode, but I think we're only going to see Barbara come out of pocket like that when something happens Yeah, it's like a Faye Resnick. Hopefully, I mean certainly see Faith we've seen faith for years on Beverly Hills, but I hope Barber becomes like a Faye Resnick because I think she's hilarious. Yeah oil and I think she causes a little bit of drama here and there just enough that like she just plants the seed and yeah walks away and she doesn't but she doesn't do it purposely but it's a great way to get a story going good. Gosh her first episode with that branding. I called her like Barbara The Branding brunette. Yes. She was so amazing. I mean, come on. She said oh, Excuse me. I forgot to go get some a gift. Oh just kidding in my truck is amazing amazing and you can't knock it because you know, you know Home Depot is calling people was calling. Okay, will you surprised at all that everybody left during de know because again, I think that if it was if it was me or if it was you let's say was you because you know, Ashley is a great I've known asking for about maybe a year or two years or three years now longer but wait long, whatever the group. Right. We were working in event in Fort Lauderdale. Yes, and my thoughts are this if I communicate with you and I know your heart and I know that you're like Ronnie, I'm not gonna go based on principle because I'm a big principal person. I'm like, okay then is it okay if I go or do you want me to stay? Yes, I'm not gonna feel real I'm gonna feel sad that you're not coming, but I'm not going to feel awkward because I nobody better tell me Ronnie you have to go when especially Ramona's terrible plan when it's speaking to my principal like I don't want it. I'm not going to beg. To be there. So that was that was kind of how I took it. Yeah. I haven't to render handled it. Well, once she decided that she wasn't going to go she was like, I just want to have some peace of mind but but I thought it was interesting that the that everybody did decide to go anyway, although and I'll let you take the ring and this but I know we've got the tap the 30-minute Tab and the our tap brought to you by Ramona Singer. Okay, so it's horrible and it's classic Ramona. And while I say, I love watching her like get a swim lesson and a tennis lesson. A lot while I don't enjoy it. I'm still like okay with like the Ramona thought process like my perfect spin-off reality show is like Ramona doing a certain not Survivor, which she would die Ramona doing like a member one Amazing Race used to just be locally. Yes. So if you did Ramona in like the Bronx Long Island, she doesn't get what she said. She doesn't go downtown with her my TV show. She will Jersey City. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah Ridgewood Queens. Yeah, we're going to cross over to yeah. So any time Ramona gets hopped up about something. I either tennis look the golf whatever, you know, I'm into it. It's a cool plan. It's a cool plan. I don't think it's going to work but it's a cool. You haven't done that before we have you ever had. I mean, I'm sure you guys listening have had that moment where maybe you're on a date. Oh, yes. Yes that when you're like you tell your friend like hey text me at 30 minutes in and that's true. Call me or even if you're at a party. I mean, I think we've all done something like that, but she was so open. The Edge the 30-minute tap is a reminder from Kingsley to Ramona for her to talk to Barbara about Luann and Dorinda, then the one-hour tap equals reminder to leave the party support Inslee just cannot have a drink Tinsley is going to be just standing there like okay 10 minutes left. Okay. I mean she's the newest one so she's got to be the one to do it arm. Also remember I told you like I don't know how you took the Tinsley the other couple Seasons, but I'm trying my best to just be like so okay with her and I was okay with that too. Like it's a small task. She doesn't show. Sign, she's just kind of plays her role. I'm for tensley trying to solve like a questionnaire with Ramona because those two mines really struggle and so like that. That's the cutesy to me. Yeah, I mean to be mean about it. No, I can live without Tinsley, but I think she's I mean there's parts of heard that I think are interesting there sir. I love her Dynamic with her boyfriend and there are times I loved when she and Sony used to bigger but I mean overall. Yeah, it's I mean, she's Going to certainly ask Sonia to tap her because I think so needs to be like partying somewhere having fun. Like yeah, hopefully she can rely on Sonya mentioned that earlier on she's like, I'm in a room or a minute. I'm in a house where none of them are really drinking. So it's a challenge for her, right? Yeah. I see more of Tinsley throughout the season two. I think that there's been there hasn't been a lot of moments for Tinsley to really I don't know Shimon what she's with her mother. Also. Those are pretty funny moment. It feels great. Yeah larious. Yeah, so there are moments where we get her at her at her funniest. But but I would like to see what's going to With the tapping ikey. I do not think it's going to work. Yeah, I do not think it's going to happen. What do you what do you think? Can I go back to the phone call? Just one second. What are your thoughts on like, where'd Orinda and even Bethany stay just from all the stuff from last season as well just because like Bethenny while they're one-liners. I wonder if her one-liners are really, you know, keeping her away from durando a lot this season, you know, because when Barbara's on the phone with the Renda, you know, it seems like Bethenny is rooting her on but I also wonder like is there a part of Bethenny that's just over? Orinda as well. Um That's tough. I think there are moments between the two of them where Bethany is just fed up but Bethenny is just so honest brutally honest which I love but that authenticity can really it can it can piss people off. So I think there's been so many ups and downs between Durand Durand Bethenny. I think in that phone call again. Bethany's not going to she's not going to sugarcoat anything. Yeah, so she thought that was ridiculous. She said was like a farm what she said was like, what did she say? She's like, what is it like a farm of I don't even know. You guys help me out something for like this sounds like a bunch of animals or I don't know which was saying something like that. Yeah like that, but she was she wanted it to be heard. She wanted to be known that she was saying that she was hoping someone heard it. She wasn't trying to whisper it. So she's going to be her and Orinda is you know, I don't think and that case Dorinda really cared because during day was just looking at the bigger picture which was like Barbara. You're really calling me and telling me this but I'm not gonna be able to come unless I call Luann like really yeah. Yeah. Okay. So it's just more on that support of side. Yeah. Yeah. I think Bethenny it was my preview. We do see that. Anthony sort of talking with Dorinda, but I don't know how like how good they are and it's and I'm curious I will say it's so funny. You mentioned during does sorry Bethany's one of your favorites. Do you want to know a fun fact like so I went back and watched all the seasons other franchises. I like there's a couple franchises. I just don't touch but for this one it was Bethany getting her spin-off that ushered me into this program. So I agree that Bethany is watching Bethenny Ever After and made you get into bethan to I like Fair Weather Watch the first couple seasons of what Our house was okay and what it was Bethany getting her own show and having a full Ever After. Yeah and the married one. Yeah. Okay. So what was that one called? Married Bethenny getting married Bethenny Ever After? Okay. Yeah what with the old the old X but now she is really that good and I wanted to ask you what you thought about this her having such a challenging season last season. It was great for vulnerability and to see like her really grow but I like I like her back as this dish this one liner and she still struggling by the way. It's not like she's gonna say yeah, maybe even even the newest situation with Jason and I think as of just I was waiting a couple weeks ago or even a week ago. Now some tapes have come out about her. I don't know if you took. Oh, yeah, there's some she had recorded some phone calls between Bryn and Jason and Jason Hoppy, right? Yeah. Okay. That was her looking at me. I wasn't sure if you heard Jason and it was he was looking at your beauty. Thank you. I'll get his name wrong when I say what do I say? Oh, thank you Brynn was talking to Jason and she had recorded some of those things because he would kind of manipulate her and say like Daddy loves you like mommy won't let me talk to I don't know the exact words but things that were kind of manipulative to a child. So there's a lot going down right now between Jason and Bethenny and the court and between that and done and so crazy. Yeah and Beth but Bethenny will never lose Bethany's been through so much in life that that's what gives our her character that's what gives her the strength that she has to to do. Do what she does. I mean look at her look good. We watched her grow. We literally watched her go for this like white like little apartment like by herself like candy or cookies at a store to and even just having that to you having that feeling of not being wanted when she was in that apartment and what doesn't and I always say like they were thinking maybe not pick her up because she had just done Martha Stewart's, you know, they weren't sure about her. She wasn't a housewife any and and if you don't have to show was going to call it be called Manhattan moms, and then she's like, it's just like fish out of water. Water or being the Oddball yet. She dominated that space does. Yeah, I just want and what I'm saying, you're make such great point because it's like this season. She's gonna have a lot too and I love the way she's dealing with Dennis. Like I like like she made a comment something about like, I just don't want to be in the space of crying with everybody and it just it just it just really spoke. So simply on dealing with, you know, grievance, you know, you know, it just is a lot it's just a lot. I will say I'm also Also really excited watching her and Carol go at it for that many episodes last season that wore me out it did and it was sad to see the way that friendship ended. But at the same time, I think that the show can really it can either take you down a route where your you are more authentic to who you are or you lose who you are and I felt like Carol came into the show knowing who she was and I feel like she lost a little bit of that and maybe people feel the opposite but I just feel like When she came in she was she there was no reality show attached to her. So she was just herself. But by the end it was like she lost a little bit of herself within the Friendship of her and Bethany and then when she lost that friendship, she kind of had to like figure self out to get it was a lot and I don't think that that was going to go any further. Anyway, I mean at that point it could have made for more more interesting situations between all the girls, but I think I just yeah because and we all have our favorites in a lien loves the one who I of Luann as well. I'm a big Sonia guy you like Bethenny and there we like them all but we're just we have our favorites. Of course. I was just a little too tired last season of seeing Bethany be on vacation and just go through that much like even if it was her fault because I know she made like a lot of errors in her life. I just I'm done with that. So I'm really excited for Bethany story lines this season always in it for Sonja because Sony will just give me all the goofy that I need. You know, that is how else are you supposed to decorate your apartment blinds like that? The only way pink and like Pepto-Bismol like that is how I'm going to go pay my apartment today. Totally. That's totally why not. I'll I actually loved her bed. I loved all that her comforter. I don't know was it I noticed all those little things and changes good changes good any last thoughts on this episode? I would just say that I'm curious to see how the tapping is going to play out of curiousity. I am curious to see how this is the concentration. Yeah, totally and I think Luann and Dorinda, I mean just watching them go from Durham. Enda having introduced Tom and Luann and then being best friends and Bethenny Luann barely speaking to this point in time where it's the complete opposite. It just goes to show that this show can literally change within seconds. The friendships can change within seconds and it always keeps you on your toes. And so for that I'm very appreciative. I'm very appreciative to because it's like I think of things and I'll say like durando messed up here Bubba and then five seconds later. I'll say something that almost even as a commentator here, I sound contradictory because I see such another side like this is One of the franchises that gives you that, you know, and you're like no she doing it from hate or she took it from jealousy, but wait, I wouldn't go for that either. Absolutely. Yeah, like I said from seeing and I know Luann is on Watch What Happens Live post this episode to dorinda's was on last week. I just feel like we're in for a ride. I feel like the season is not going to the franchise is not going anywhere and no backup buckle up. If you got a good group of commentators, you know, come on. Come on AfterBuzz. Yes, I love it. And I love reading the comments, which I'm so excited about. Because I feel like this show I done a lot of after shows in the New York commenters are the best. Yes. They are DieHard you guys know everything. Yeah, every detail ya know. They I so love that gives me goosebumps because I just get so excited when someone else is just like in on it and yeah, like notice all these things and so what we are glad listen, we all have hard weeks, you know, and sometimes we just want to have a little our little group session to just chill and hang out. Let's toss to predictions. We kind of already did do have a little predictions noise. There it is your AfterBuzz TV. You see me and Ashley been away from AfterBuzz for a while. So I wasn't sure if they still had that but they do my predictions are oh my gosh that well. I mean, the only thing is we see it is alluded that durendal will go after the event when they're back in the city to render will in fact be positioned to go say hi to Luanne and I just I want to hear what the man has to say. You know, I feel like she she does have to speak. She have to she has to say what it is that she wants so that's kind of the most Interested in yeah, I am too actually that is that is going to be very interesting to see who drops their guard because that's really what it's going to be about is the two of them. They need to be vulnerable. They need to open up to each other and be honest because they have such a friendship. They have a they have such a history together and it's just too bad that this has turned into a position where both of them are speaking through other people through other people who don't even remember half the conversation or care they you know, they're not even It's because it only gets room for telephone to mess things up and tighten and through quotes the climb and derivative even through with the news that you just gave us like dirt Orinda cared so much about Luann. So once we get through the stuff, I think we're going to be a good we're going to have our what I would usually call our Oprah moment, but these days we're going to have our Gayle King moment. There. He is. Can we leave one question just on the table. You could put in the comments on iTunes or YouTube. We did it last season with Leann and Chelsea, and I'm not sure if they did it yet, but Again, we're going to do it all of us. Let's what can we give Ashley for a housewife's tagline? Oh, okay. Okay. So you think of that and you could come back and tell us next week unless you tosser hair back. Yeah, I've been staying I've been I've been in a relationship my whole life since I was 13, I've now single for the first time 17 years. I've been relationship. So I have to say I have to come up with something that's like about single and taking over. In the city, I don't know something silly and new I don't have to figure it out. Let's do it. Yeah, so I don't know put it in the comments for sure like I'm single and I'm fine and I'm sipping wine something of that nature. Okay, and then we're gonna think of mine too. Yes. I don't know we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna find something and then lien and Chelsea were going to develop this show together. So we're back at it. I don't want to hear what you guys would have your taglines be too. Yeah sure that to shout out to our Engineers Steve in the booth. And Phoenix also who is training in the boot as well. And of course to Keven undergaro and Maria Menounos for creating AfterBuzz, Steve and Bree and the rest of the crew to my name is Ronnie jr. You can find me at randomly RJ. I'm not as great on social media. I'm getting there because I used to be really strong in my space. Yeah, so I'm like one of them old dudes. So I'm trying to get my like Ashley is mm. So by the end of this season. I think I'll get my Ashley like, you know with the camera and the you know the selfie Gee, you know, I've never put the little dog ears or anything like that on me ever to break your Snapchat Cherry. I've never even done a boomerang Ashley. Oh God guys. This guy by the by the end of the season. We will have you full bandwidth filters and such. Yes, come on. Yes, good. Yes good. Love it. Love it. Love it. Well, you can find me on Instagram at Miss Ashley Daniels and Twitter at Ashley Daniels. Okay, let's let's try it one more time. So she would say I'm newly single and I'm fine and I'm sipping wine. I'll take this has been AfterBuzz Real Housewives of New York. Thank you for watching. We'll be back with me and Chelsea next week. Thank you. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz ya later, but you've expressed herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners are principle.
On this week’s episode of #RHONY Ronnie Jr. and Ashley Daniels breakdown the drama over Barbara’s clam bake party and the feud between Luann and Dorinda. Who’s side are you on!? ABOUT THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NYC AFTER SHOW: To a certain group of people in New York, status is everything...and with status comes plenty of drama to unpack on THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NEW YORK CITY AFTER SHOW. We’ll recap all the buzz-worthy moments from the show, from the fabulous to the fights from our favorite Big Apple ladies. Tune in here for ALL the tea as we review, recap and provide in-depth discussions of the latest episodes! Who knows! You might just see some familiar cast member faces. ABOUT REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NYC: The Real Housewives of New York City (abbreviated RHONY) is an American reality television series that premiered on March 4, 2008 on Bravo. Developed as the second installment of The Real Housewives franchise, following The Real Housewives of Orange County, it has aired seven seasons and focuses on the personal and professional lives of several women residing in New York City. The series originally focused on LuAnn de Lesseps, Bethenny Frankel, Alex McCord, Ramona Singer, and Jill Zarin. The eighth season lineup of housewives will consist of de Lesseps, Frankel, Singer, Sonja Morgan, Carole Radziwill, Dorinda Medley, and newcomer Jules Wainstein. Of the original housewives, Frankel initially left after the third season before returning for the seventh; McCord and Zarin left after the fourth season; and de Lesseps was a friend of the housewives in the sixth. The remaining housewives joined in later seasons: Morgan in the third, Radziwill in the fifth, Medley in the seventh, and Wainstein in the eighth. Other housewives include Kelly Killoren Bensimon (seasons 2–4), Cindy Barshop (season 4), Aviva Drescher (seasons 5–6), Heather Thomson (seasons 5–7), and Kristen Taekman (seasons 6–7).
Venice buddy were born back. Then. We would have saw Eva now know if he was alive. Then you've got a dancing. Not much of a dancer Evan. You want to try some of this wine? There's a lot of people saying that they real yeah, you guys tried to kill him. MJ will never die. Those people are crazy. MJ's dead yet. You're too young. You don't have a fuck and Rose. Dad the generations going forward and anyone born from here on out and Michael Jackson is a terrible person. How many people you think watch that 500,000 maybe I mean we're talking about HBO. I think more than 500,000 people watch each other, you know, come on praise will be a little naive a the documentary help me table because it just when you hear about the news and like a trial yeah. Yeah, whatever. Yeah, I don't really know. Yeah, that's help when you hear it firsthand. I've said not enough people watch the from the peel MJ. I don't know. It's got Oprah on they got open now. I don't think I don't think As well as use I was asking a question just to just ask the question Oprah. I know she does not to you she does not. All right. Yeah, I would agree. She's I didn't watch the after shot money juice. She filled the entire audience with Mel victims of child sexual abuse. Okay and put it on for an hour on HP. I can watch it Michaels dead. He's not dead back guarantee guarantee. I go back to the fucking King could next year Miguel. He's still performing. The I think you're right, though. I think Oprah has lost a couple miles an hour on her Facebook wall. I didn't see also be trending last night immediate. Right? Right, I would assume back in the day is soon as Oprah. Come on TV. She would be number one training media. Does she even have a show anymore? She's a channel. Does she have a show on that channel every every show on the channel is technically hers, but it isn't like her talk show back though. She doesn't have anything she got comfy. She got that McGregor money. She's just being a billionaire lot more than a great. See like you say things like that makes me question. Okay, II know that she's a billionaire as far as terms go McGregor money. I think we understand me. She's comfortable Kylie. By the way, Kylie Jenner save South Maple has been Tom's clocks and say are you all right Kylie jar, not Chris Jenner controlling the messaging on her daughter being announced as a beginner. Yeah. She's the South self-made billionaire. Did it herself came from the streets member? When you talk about this self-made I didn't tell you that she did on Kris Jenner by the way created a billionaire. She's got the juice. She's got his she wants to bury. Yes. Sorry to be late to the party. But what did this Jenner maker billion in last medic lip gloss lip gloss reality television photo shoots. Her lip gloss is cool. She also said she never had plastic surgery why thank you self-made billionaire. Why? She looks quite a bit different you said in the Kardashian Clan is why lies? Everybody's got a lips done thats insane. He would say that they're like globo gym. Yeah. Oh ha ha ha not average house such a good reference right there were write that one down what it shows the other they're not twins. They're not Kendall. She's actually just like good-looking in a mom. She's a supermodel a real man. You ain't no no thrill far apart are they don't look anything like each. Other Todd I'm in here even I thought so Tada not maybe right now but when they were kids going up on the shell and Dustin Holland and Danny Danny Holland hurt once complete out ones blond ones brown hair one is a literal cue ball and the other ones is a stick figures true twin is my dad is at when he looks nothing like his twin. We're talking about identical twins. Well, they're still delivering twins, but we can what are what are Irish that all reference? Yeah, I get that. There's an Irish twins are like nine months apart. Do my best friends are twins. It don't look like each other. Yeah to your best friend. But yes, I know that's possible but these two girls not twins because they didn't come out of the womb at the same time. I thought maybe four years apart Todd. I was on your side there. I thought they were just assume it's on me white cast. They grew up that way. I got shot by the way, Chris General. Let me believe that for this long. So yeah. Yeah, I don't know how that happened. Its residents showed up in my social media. Like we heard you they're not twins self-made post anything you think Michael survives. I think he Legacy survives doesn't even fucking take a it's like it's yeah, I mean we know we've known about this for fucking years. That's what I'm saying. People have known he's been he's still fuck it. I'm Still rocking. Hi there. I didn't know that that was the same kid who said he didn't do it on the trial when all this was going on and now we hear from him that he did so it's kind of a gillette's draft over here thing. No, I couldn't I couldn't stand it after that was awesome - so what happens is he a long a lot of the I guess victims of this think that it's a loving thing so they didn't think of it as abusive. Like this is just a relationship. I had with Michael Jackson and it was only me and him and it was special and he had them brainwashed like your family's gonna go away. You're going to go away your life away in my life away in your who you heard everybody futile. So they were scared to tell them literally exactly the same as the guy in abducted in plain sight. Yes, he tries to separate you from your family Watts. It's the world against us and that are high school. Yes. Yeah and her high school. I there was a horse know there was a lot of victims. All right school and none of them would say anything because they viewed it as a relationship with the teacher said teacher and then they were like, well, you know that this also happened with insert name here or other people and then that's when they got pissed off is like oh this isn't just us. Yeah. No. No. Yeah. It was like 15 16 Is that said teacher jail good? Here's all the terrible guy. Yeah sounds like ya terrible buying tickets can be complicated and confusing. We all know that there's a better way to do it quicker. It's more simple. It's eek eek, if you're not if you're not buying tickets online through seek Unison complete fucking dumbass, you said? No. Yeah. That's right girl wandering the internet aimlessly with no Direction throwing your money around. Willy-nilly just trusting any ye who says they got tickets can't be listening online. Get your shit together go with the people that we use see geek it's fast it's simple you can trust them and they guarantee every purchase you can shop with complete confidence. Oh, yeah, go to seek right now download the app in the promo code Harley and today that's promo code Heartland and you get $10 off your first See geek purchase. Don't be a dumbass. Nope. You see GE. Here's also ymj terror is not going to affect him because he's dead if he was alive and had to answer for it different story. But he's fucking dead. So nobody gives a fuck press conference was no press conference that correct. Our Kelly's going to have to sit upright alive. And therefore it goes to jail. Yeah, MJ. I don't think he survives but I think this is a very valid point where you're like, do you think they'll pull like you'll come to a point? Or they'll just make start a movement and I'll just make you make his music. This is Michael's gonna happen. Probably took today. No, I hope I'm saying separate you gotta you gotta wait till to most of his fans fade away. You can only keep the Jackson 5. That's all you can keep you can't keep any Michael Jackson. So I'm convinced that he wasn't this big of a scumbag when he was making Thrillers just not I think it was actually exactly doing that was right started. For that beat it was on the was in thrilled still looked at. My hands are always in heaven eating now still fuck beat it. The one kid was in the be the video. Yeah, he dances very well and Russian native a star but lets you know the kicks Locker separate. There's a gigs a gig for a reply or something to think about how many people saw that last night. You know what I mean last two nights. There's a ton of people that more will see it later this week the next week or two. That's what I was saying. There's a difference between grown on demand and hearing about the information coming out from the trial through The news and stuff you can't really understand a process it when you're a little kid and now I grew up and I see the documentary. It's like I knew I knew I knew he did what he did, but you hear it firsthand. Yeah, man come like on physically and Legacies but there are stations out there playing his music today. I don't know I would almost put money on that. There's a separation more than one station. For sure today. I don't lovely doesn't lose a thing in Europe stays huge in Europe all that me what happened? Everyone I even if you don't think there's one kid in Europe that had to see Michael Jackson. I thought I think he's dead. Yeah, he's dead. I don't know if any radio stations in America are playing him today. There's definitely a halt on I bet you want to 80 serious right now. He'll be he'll pop up in the next hour. You said you were following on Twitter trending and stuff like that. You saw the comments and stuff which I did last night. A lot of people in his corner lot of lot of good taste. He's not getting new fans. Right? No, no, no. Coming up. Anyway, you gotta wait for the older fans are going to die out his family's gonna die off and then it's going to come in and they're going to be like no, let's just get rid of it. He's like he's in because he's dead on the criminal trial that he won. He was acquitted in and Every one of his employees came forward and testified that they different moments caught him with different kids doing I mean sexual Lord type ax and he got out of it got out of it. There's a turn he's got almost more than half of them thrown out because those people also had sold the story to tabloids which is an argument but you got to think back then if you're a security guard to work cities house and you make 20 grand a year and the tabloids come up and they're like why that stories hot offer you half a Million dollars, you're gonna fucking take it. Yeah, probably five shots. Yeah Macaulay Culkin the made caught him with a gully cocking with he was finally Macaulay Culkin and then Macaulay Culkin just showed up and said it didn't happen. So they just basically erase your test. So you have been digging digging. Okay, there's a lot of stuff I agree here is not whether he did or not. Yeah, obviously, he wasn't going to lose that I didn't realize Johnnie Cochran was his lawyer. Yeah. It was a job that I saw that I was like, oh, there's no fucking way. Scientists, is that what Johnnie Cochran was? He's worked attorneys attorney. But I think he's more like team strategy guy. He's a big doctor ballgame time. Trial scientists find the theme that the jury's going to go with the most if the glove don't fit. Yeah. I must have cleaned. They had a lot of resources as well. Yeah gone Johnny Johnny Cochran. Imagine here. We gotta fill got together as far as Cochran Automotive back here. I want to talk to filler did any work for Rob? Yeah to Cochrane. So I told us I didn't necessarily agree with Holly. Mr. Cock ring. Did you look in Duck filled all to get that? No, no, but a little bit less. No. No. Yeah. It's fucking firing off on a soundboard is not great. We're getting there. I think it's great. I'm gonna throw out a color. I'll sprinkle a little pepper on you guys now and again, I think it's great like that this Ash Wednesday, all right. Yeah, you're supposed to get the sum up for Lent right signify. I think it's a firecracker. It's where you come from and it's where you return so you were made from a Shia Mary came. I'm dead serious. I have I went to a Jesuit school and I have actually given ashes before. Okay. Listen, I didn't the a shiv in the ashes before. Yeah people at church. I understand that. You've got them, but you don't come from your forehead. No, he don't know the The ashes resemble the dirt come from the dirt you return to the dirt, not your forehead you come on, mr. Now that I know that's where he's got it but I that's not where it comes from. Yeah. Well, you know, I don't comes down that's what it's about. It's about look it up. Hold on I come from I come from Joanna's. Yeah loins if anything who comes from the dirt, they should wrap it umbilical cord around your neck. Is that the song derp is that the son of dirt? Florida Georgia Line based off of that no idea. I don't know that song. Is this Adam and Eve shit? I don't think I'm kind of thirsty. Look look I as far as I know I didn't write the Bible so I can explain everything hooked on your way who did because it's all just quoting Joseph right heater, like 12 people. I think that the site way the disciples wrote it in this song. He says something but he came from the book of Peter The Book of John Book of Eli. He's got suck. This is just dirt afterlife a fucking hate this shit at the end. It says you came from and some day you'll return to it. That's out. There is your there you go. Yeah, that's basically that is what ya know that is anyone here about getting ashes today if I can sneak over. Find some time. I will ya really? Hey YouTubers charger time found go ahead and get it. We usually get well, you know, I got to see what time Services well good. I think it's like voting you can just walk in and punch your car. He's gotta go to your start by pressing through whatever there's a 4 o'clock at st. Mary's we looked into think about it. No. No. Yeah. It's an all-day thing because I know people at work who uses go like on their lunch break. Is it crazy that some priests go crazy with it where they take up your whole for Hutto thicker. Oh, yeah. This guy's an asshole. It's like a when you first dip it in its honestly thicker than the winds dries out at the end. They got the wrong block. Somehow bigger thumbs and others. You got to beat the devil out of it whenever you get it off and refresh the ashtray literature. It's really good for your skin. Charcoal self. It start out something. That was good acne breakout. I do a charcoal face mask every Sunday. It's been great - is like to be father can't Yep, father Campbell isn't the RT ashes that they slap on your forehead like Palms that have been burned down - with an S Psalms are heavy knees weak arms are heavy just like that. Not slip out what it is or is it literally just charcoal from Stevie? No, it is it's the Palms. Yeah. Was it s no Psalms are the songs The Palms. Are they got Palm Sunday? Yeah, the only put the only religious poems. I know got an S. So it's all those due to they have two s's. I didn't realize that there were his palms not handsome is like fucking Bangarang from OC season, six when men and women upgrade from their tattered outdated multipack underwear to Tommy John the most comfortable underwear on the planet. They have a lot to say about it. Like Scott who's happy is double engines are no longer going rogue. They fucking go Rogue or Melissa. Who's Tommy John's are so light and comfortable she wears she'll forget to pull him down when she goes to the bathroom. No more scab marks. I happens a lot like you forget to pull your Tommy John's down. If you don't know there he just got up. 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All right at Tommy Heartland now and get 20% off your first order. That's Tommy John dot-coms Heartland for 20% off Tommy John doc cam / Heartland. Every time I go no traction recipe with Marissa singing like that. I think of that Garfield episode where they're like the orange convertible product Garfield a lot recently. No, I think I'm all in on the cat that you did you watch Garfield not a single time, but I seen that clip though every like, I think they're like praising like a has on a car and lasagna. Yeah, and then I go into a church and they're all singing the same things doing the same things. I'm like this feels like this is straight out of a fucking movie. That's every single Sunday. That's every single week sometimes every day for people and yeah, you can turn back in the day not every day though. My group my grandmother. Let me tell you she goes to church. That's my grandma. What are you giving up for Lent? I don't know man. Let's yeah. Hey, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What are you giving up tie? Usually every year I'll say either Chaw and or pop I'll do it for about six hours. This was a better man than me exactly succumb to it figure out. So one of those two, maybe maybe I'll try to get a little more sleep. Sleep, you know something there you go like that and we'll see. How about you? I'm going to try giving up drinking actually do a little 40 days 40 nights. Yeah, Joe and kill see how it goes. Yeah, you're gonna go 40 days without drinking. Well, it's actually lends itself. So you're allowed to cheat most Sundays because they messed it up. But that's just the calendar. You know, what are you gonna do? No chance no drinking. No way that happens. No, no fucking way. It's gonna be cool. That's right. I said it on here. So now it's I have to do. All right. Let's on how things here we go. We'll send over under and we'll put some money to charity. Okay? Yeah and we go. All right. I got the over-under set and I'll act as it's over at the actual over/under is literally two days, but depending on what day of the week this whole thing start Wednesday tomorrow. Well, so then what is it? So when we give you four days because by some day of the week any won't be able to take you but but for an actual challenge you want you have zero discipline. So for an actual challenge when I'm gonna go with I'm gonna go with over under 30 days and I think everybody in here would grab a Thor hammer and hit the under if I was you do realize that grab it in 10 days is st. Patrick's Day. Thank you, March Madness relax. I know I know no believe me. I thought about this. It's not as though went changes here boys. I mean it's not different but We'll see how it's realize. You can't not drink on 30 days. You think you can go 30 days. I think I could do a whole thing. I've done is another Pub grade to the pub if you go you got 30 out of me. We're not gonna get it. So I don't know why I'm sorry. Yes this week. I'm not doing any foundation fucking word. No, he just took the fucking night off, I guess. Yeah, no, that's not what happened. The mouse has been running around but we killed one. We tell one last year. Maybe there's more than one isolated. Oh, yeah, there's a there's at least 50 in the walls a lot and I would kind of Ratatouille situation times. Do you think drinking is negatively affecting your life? No, I just think Indianapolis, you know, it's as big of a city as it is. There's only so many places you can go for it. When was the last time you used used the alcohol that the Saturday that was a question. I was asked by my abuse counselor whenever I was forced into the substance abuse program was the last time you used use what bro alcohol. Well you drink alcohol use hard sir. You know what I meant? No, I didn't I you did real drugs. I just got truck caught drunk which everybody is. Well, yeah. I'll sit down and talk to you every single week for fucking 27 months. It's great. We're gonna have a great time. There's alcohol it was a good guy. He really was but boy, he and I had some tussles there early about the his verbage the way he was talking about things alcoholics have a tendency a yo, we ain't doing that - I don't know how long we are not doing it. Let's talk about it. What was it the title? Yeah the title of the way you deliver their time in a whole thing facts and then he would be like what time's up. See you next week. I'm like, wow, I feel like we're just getting started. We got 27 months of this. He said you alcoholic as we know I'm gonna get the fuck out of your house and Every single leg laughs but I think you need to have piss in a cup situation. Oh piss in it. You got a panther has to be. All right. Yeah, we can actually bounces. Yeah, we don't piss in a cup for sure. You have no no we can get that thing. He gonna be drinking alone Foxhill. Noisy don't know I'm with him 24 stress those fucking snakes. Not this weekend though only be gone for it's truly up for a week at receipt. Oh, no, you know that well to tell the truth cause you're chugging away in a pub upgrade. You don't lie. No I had to build a very honest guy wasn't dishonesty. I've ever met that's not what you said fairies there to do. I'm a very very trustworthy guy. Yeah. Yeah, very very to varies. Maybe won't the a one of the knee. Well, I think your trustworthiness varies and especially if the pub Grace on the line if we're gonna go with the a in the vario and give up for Lent carps card is - be as big as lies. Don't worry about all the tables are would last longer if you want to do a little competition. Here is a side bet ya. Under a silent that Johnny was Lulu's I could tell you what's going to last longer. It's gonna be you not drinking because okay Friday or Saturday. I'm fucked you can do it man. Now I'm gonna traveling can't do it. You can do it. Just get a burger. Take away the bun. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah t-sonic wings. I can't be zero carbs. You just keep like 25 car grams of carbs or less a day deal here in ketosis and you're actually on yourself better. I know I just don't care because you know me and religion not really a thing. Yeah. Yeah, never been to church once in my life you guys ever have a any like little chemistry at all you and religion and no never never know ccda ready to go. See seen everyone's taste. Well, everybody had to go to fuck. Yeah. Really I even went to sea sea stallions gonna find help Italian. I did flirt with it as a child. I was baptized. Oh, yeah, so you okay. No. No, you've been penetrated by the water. Yeah, so and that was the last time I was at church. So what hey did it? Oh what a thing. What else is what's his fucking church now, there's little you never attend our church ceremony. That's how you have their weddings. Yeah. I have been to those but I'm saying like I've never been like to Sunday service really? I volunteer leak out. It's gets here. Just searching. Well, no, but I sent like if you go to someone wedding who isn't Catholic, they're not going to have mass to their do get married in a church. I also have souls were have you in our wedding. You know what I think we're going to have the mass at samurais wedding is so we are bringing in a guy who has religion. I haven't asked him yet. So he hasn't agreed to it, but I have a guy of mind. And I think he's going to be a funny little preacher man. Yeah, I do really enjoy singing the songs and New Age guy the cool. Yeah. Thank the to sing along songs. I don't think so. I don't think we're going to have any pulse hums silent. There's not going to be a reading from the book of somebody Corinthians. Always remember what we read about no of I'm fucking all in if we can get Noah story told during the wedding. I'll be excited. Noah said to his followers, that's all I went to Catholic school for five years. That's right Father Ryan would rather. Sorry Spokeo Father Ryan. Do you want to do a reading from the book the highest selling book of all time at your wedding? Yeah, Abby electric. I've got an invite. No. No, I'll do it. As someone II don't want to do it as myself the doctor felt from the book of these Corinthian. It's not as good as my book pretty good available on Amazon and dr. which a decision for this to read. Yeah you have is that a yes or no? I'm pretty sure it's a hard. Yes. Thank you know the Corinthians were great people before we start. Let me tell you about story not the greatest people around. Had problems in their family's problems in their church or get back to it. Okay, so we're on and Sam that's not in the book. Read the fucking book if I take reading classes. Can I do it? Yes. Yes. Absolutely. You take reading classes and document them and I would like to meet your reading teacher. That is something that can absolutely wait. No, we're gonna make you do a our test in here. You gotta bring in your little thing from Top cereal boxes Box Tops. We're gonna goddamn box top. You can talk at the wedding. I went to Six Flags three times because those things that's a lie. What do you say? It's a blatant lies. I believe me cereal boxes. You would have had to happen to get to Six Flags every time. If you go during Lent without like 40 days, you just make shit. We would put together the fact that you would need four billion of the rest of the kids. A little collection agency going. All right guys in the middle of the month. I need you guys to deliver all them to me Hayes took it all this fucking pop star box top mobster is fucking the whole blackmailing people into their cereal box. That would be something you would do Jose. Yeah, you know, maybe I'll do it. I don't know. It's unbelievable fucking modern-day Al Capone lasted like that last night. I had chocolate cinnamon toast crunch. What is that? It's fucking amazing horrible. So fucking chocolate don't oh, yeah difference guys Lego box fact-check from digs of feels like each box top clip is worth 10 cents three trips three trips did a hundred hundred to two hundred was the number I had three of the locks box top chocolate. If you like cinnamon toast crunch, you should try the chocolate good. I was very head on its ear because usually chocolate when they do a chocolate version of a cereal and did they fuck it up and I was like, I'll try it because some until scrunches the best and they fuck sir sediment in the chocolate there is cinnamon and cocoa powder on cocoa powder Cinnamon Toast Crunch did it though. I figured it out the proper crunch Factor, even if it sits in the milk for a little bit Bill stays very good and I've said this I'm a crunchy cereal eater. There's some people that are soggy. So imma soggy cereal. I'm a crunchy guy gotta get it done quick never would have guessed Fox. It's good last very good. I was less milk refill don't know stok still eat it when it's hard but when it gets soggy, I don't mind and let me drink the milk after you didn't deserve that. That's all right. So do you wait a little bit or do you just eat a no? No, you just eat it. But once it gets soggy I said what kind of cereal do you like the most because it gets sucked Cinnamon Toast Crunch soggies Very good. We had himself for our health. That's awesome. A Cinnamon Toast Crunch milk might be the only milk that I truly enjoy combusted flakes milk, very good as well. Don't forget salty people eat it for us. Eat Frosted Flakes. Does anyone eat that that cereal looks like a like a pile of hay dude? You're a bell. You're fucking coming at many. You really don't you ever go anywhere. You're thinking of I did Connor don't you tell me what you just said you hate Ceaser. I do. I hate it. I hate all of its Cheerios disgusting. But yeah, I might have a couple. Yes, I'll have a cup of Cocoa Puffs. I was coming to me. Yeah, I'm with you many we fucking terrible. No, it's like eating one of those things that blow through the desert. Yeah. It was a king of summer. We do we have don't really like the king. Is there a Cheerios? I'm just gonna throw it. It out. There's a Captain Crunch and he looks down fuckin Cinnamon Toast Crunch little square guy with the eyes. He's riding a he's always riding. You've been paper clue. Yeah. No, that's work. That's the word document. But with a sermon, I don't know why he was so helpful the proximately it's by the way is My top three is an adult. Now. I've even stopped to write them. They just never looked appeal. I don't know. There's less. They're so good. I don't let myself have them but like twice a year. Well, I feel it's healthy to filter some reason every time I eat them like, I mean, they're healthier. Yeah, then like fucking Lucky Charms, you know bunch of marshmallows and shit which are delicious but I mean Frosted Flakes anyone. Yeah. Yeah. We got a couple banana though Frosted Flakes Lucky Charms actually did a combo Pretty good. It's not really a combo. So like they don't own the the tag on Frosted Flakes. Yeah, so flights, right? Yeah, so they basically just good the name and put on there good. I'm a big count chocula guy always have been really owe you some milk chocolate. I'm going Fruity Pebbles are signed by Fruity Pebbles me Cocoa Pebbles. I do love Fruity Pebbles though pretty publicist an all-time great for sure cookie crisps like a dummy. I never got into the cookie crisps not good. Me neither. I like cookies. I like chocolate chip cookie. Wanted to like it in melt and like it's so bad, but I just was yeah, I think that's a soggy thing though. Those ones you Sergeant Saugus. Yeah, here's know. It sucks. Yeah overpaying for car insurance. I just did it. 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Just an honest way to compare car insurance quotes from all the top providers all at once go today and start saving at the Heartland. That's the Heartland spelled th e Zeb are slash, Heartland. I'm think I'm gonna give up for Lent. I'm going to give up Campbell's Chunky Chicken Noodle Soup. Mmm. Nice. It's realistic that I'll quit it. I couldn't tell you. How could you for what so I'm Hannah. I'm not soup guy here. No, no, dude is the biggest fraud on the fucking planet. Number one. Yeah, I think it's people wedding soup. I can get down with whatever chili. Oh, yeah. ER I'm digging for the meatballs meatballs permit you're getting out of a big pot you hold it on the side. So the way Turns out to make sure you get a lot of noodles and falls and then you then you get the the drips afterwards. He always you if you will on top. Yeah. Oh so it's like draft that you want to be like number one on the yeah. Yeah. Yeah juice juice early, but soup is delicious. But as a cure-all, it's a fucking biggest scam of all time. Yeah, like if you have a cold or something you bust out some suit. It's not gonna do it for you. It's not going to cure your fuck. I don't know about that. I'm sweet and sour Baby when you're sick. I had a bad week sour soup. I had a bad cold as yesterday. Okay. I Go Home Sam as soup chicken and noodles nice soup right there and chicken. She knows that I've back. We'll tell her I'm coming home. You feel sick. That's all I feel sick. Look you can even hear my voice right now. Yeah all of us. Wow. Yeah, I get home and I'm like, oh I would have never guessed the word of me soup thinks that she's like you hate soup. That's mine. So I had the chicken the entire time but it's a I thought she was potentially getting that for me to feel better and I have always been in the camp that it's all bullshit. Sounds like I'm excited to find out if this is real or not turns out Sam is also in the camp that I sick people don't need soup. I mean, yeah, it does I hate soup and she doesn't it doesn't make sense. I guess if you have a sore throat, it's easier to eat. What's not going to fucking cure it agree. That's my last letter. I will say though when you have a cold. Like to go to Luciano's I Mexican place and get their chicken tortilla soup. I actually yeah I chop up a bunch of raw jalapenos put in there and a bunch of hot sauce. Just a freaking like, yeah, I like to think about what for you I know it's not credible run. That's what does it one episode. Yeah. Well, he had a recurring bouts of a game a - yeah. That's the one thing but the one episode Yeah, I took off he - not now on social media. It would have been quite a run with the memes. Hmm. Let's go ahead Minesweeper that gamer frankly. That's what bro you just click one in like 15 with disappearance. Like well, obviously, there's a fucking mind right there. Like you are not finished yet do the math to figure it out is the original sodoku. Yeah. Well, there's math involved. You never won. I never wanted never ever play cuz I don't understood die. Just click here. First click that was harder to do by the way, then then people get every time firmly first. Click to hit him - yeah pretty tough to do. Yeah except for tight on that. Also, not at all. Why did you just lie still but then once coming up I'll show you have anything happening. Yeah, I'm going to give up mom jokes specifically Norms. You also said you could do that for New Year's is this real this time or it's real is some I've been running pretty hard lately. I'm just gonna I'm just gonna stop bloody son. That was that must be hard to do. It's incredibly hard. So one car did someone say you went deep deep in your you really weight body the hot and you're really being good tomato to this. I'll just dive in headfirst in there. Let's have some respect that's incredible that you're doing that and you know, I have a new respect for this man after standing with them. We stand together here together Nicholas We Stand Together you to do seem to have a connection. Yeah. Yeah. There's a connector that's one. So let's say we both been in the same areas for sure. Yes. Touching each other now plan on the shoulders. It's a nice soft touch their final touches some props to these guys who had McComas Bailey McComas. Oh, oh as well as mr. Campbell rifling through those tables that were delivered the other night together. Could I still have remnants on my desk here of and you guys just did that like I got see though. Oh, yeah, you know I bet I apologize. For the listeners who don't know we had desk delivered. Yeah, it was great and I never cool little roller desks. Yeah, you can roll them around their mobile. I had an icky. Mm. Oh, yeah. Yeah that right there gorm's remember my name is that those that stars, you know production which means one thing and one thing alone. They look good. They're gonna do great. Oh, yeah, but at some point there's going to be a gigantic fucking disaster. It's month warranty. I always tell you We'll see Bob. What are you know, I see how production your tables about a fall apart. Yes. Yeah. I single-handedly did that one myself as well. Yeah six months. So it lasted more than six months. Actually. I think Zito is incredible at putting things together never read the book. I can't read it. You just have one of those brains. Yeah. Oh, I just remember Lee good. Look at pictures Asperger's. Oh, yeah. It'll put together. This table that I have in the studio. It is a crank adjuster. It'll go higher and lower with a fucking great. This is some real like you got to really connect some dots for this award. It wasn't like the Amish. I mean, when's the last time you saw a crank on it thing? I'll tell me about how to build a crate myself. I would pay so much money for him to like go through a battery of tests like on his brain and do not pass every one of them. I just I don't I don't know if that's we wipe out. It's not a saint like I want to see what you have with the brain. No what you have he just said why batteries so when he said a battery of tests. Oh, yeah. Well, I thought was just one little topic. Are you giving up anything going? I am I'm giving up drinking and drugging for the next 40 days. I mean, I started it actually started at March 17th. 1999 and it's been a good run. Yeah. What fuck what fuck it up. I wish I was. I was there that day that you decided no more March 16th. Yeah 1999's at st. Patty's Day card you wake up the next day gorgeous. The you had to stop jail Behind Bars. Yeah, that'll do it. That'll do it. Quite a run there though, huh? Gudrun. Yeah good run. I think that's a very well-liked or welcomed but something's different. Yeah, you're coming up on 20 years Milestone. So they say what is that? That's a coin. That's a big chip. Oh, yeah. No, it's just it's a backslap. That's all it is. No, no, maybe Kate maybe cake in there for maybe we'll get you cake. But mainly on the road that's not anytime soon. I will get you around today first, you know, you never know. Oh jeez Veer off to the sides. He asked me one. Last time I used was you sound exactly do you ever you ever get it? Like a really bad like crazy like goddamn. I want a drink no. No, never never really that's awesome. No, no, I see you've got it licked. No. No, I do today. I just make a pact with myself everyday. Don't get fucked up today. I'm drinking and drugging. All right, that's all you got to do get through the day for me. Yeah, that's just for me. I don't know about tomorrow. I could be have a conversation with yourself in the mirror before he could be at Margaritaville Man in the Mirror one day at a time. Not good. Here's a game. You can't win credit card debt until today's include a little break down and show you how you're only paying the minimum payment and that means you'll be paying on it for like decades. That's right decades Nick. Oh, yeah. I know. Don't tell me about it. Okay with Lending Club, you can consolidate your debt. Does somebody can pay off credit cards with one fixed monthly payment. I don't make a bunch of different payments to different people and they take 10 payments attend every company's Michael just Make one to one that's not good. I'm looking solid a since 2007 Lending Club has helped millions of people regain control of their finances with affordable fixed rates personal loans fixed rates Gorman. It means we're not going anywhere none of that variable shit. No variables here. No trips to a bank either no high interest credit cards. Just go to Lending Tell him about yourself and how much you want to borrow pick the terms that are right for you. And if you're approved your loan is automatically deposited, right? Into your little bank account. Oh, he's in his little as a few day. Easy. Ooh. Yeah. Give me like four days later. That's a few Lending Club is the number one peer-to-peer lending platform with over thirty five billion dollars in loans issued helping people go to let me Heartland, check your eight minutes and borrow up to 40 Grand 40 Lodge $40,000. That's when the / Heartland shit Lindy Club. Dot-com Heartland all loans made by what bank member FDIC and Michael are that's going to happen. Oh, yeah. That's that's a movement. I can already see the hashtag probably already happened. It took like Michael for years and a hundred people two hundred victims to mute are Kelly and that's just our question one documentary. Yeah, but what a different era, it's just our Kelly MJ's 13,000 times R Kelly as far as skills large number. Once once the docks drop, you know, the people listened at this gotta be some kind of movement. Somebody's going to start it pat dry. It's going to be it's going to be a waiting to happen. Hmm. It would have already happened. Probably it would have happened today. Mmm. No good look on the internet. See there's a mute Michael anywhere else. I am I'm looking at your search to find it. Maybe I'll start it right now. Let's say we're pretty good at movements. Yeah, I'll start a petition started online petition now yummy Michael Jackson. Yeah. There's a few there's 260. That's not gonna do much. Yeah, moving needle. Sorry. The first one says you'll never beat Michael Jackson still alive. People do facts. Don't lie, huh? It seems there's a lot of misinformation being spread around. It's like zeros in charge of something over there conflicting stories left and right. Hey take it easy. That's not true. I don't know zi, even if you had to give something up for landlady and give ya next 40 days. I'll probably just give up being a fuck-boy. Just like my New Year's resolution. Yeah, there you go far be so hard on yourself. Yep. Nothing. You've given up in here. Come on such a fucking thing to say. I don't know. What the fuck that means give up being a fuck boy. Yeah fuck does that mean Evan whenever you guys called me new foxy. That's when I was like Wow fuckboys back and then this is on you guys four days do away with new find they won't Jerk it for the next 40 days. Yes, that's a bold strategy would hate me. It'll be coming out of your ears. Yeah, you can have that specially hungover. Yeah. Yeah. I see you have a lady and you still Jerk it a lot. So he's saying - uh, I mean, yeah, if I'm if I want a jerk my meat, I'm gonna Jerk It's about as simple as that if I feel like doing it, I will yeah, I mean tell him what? Yeah exactly. He just oh, yeah, he has the disease. He's sick. I mean seriously, he's sick guy. He just Louis CK same thing. It's a disease. That's that's the way to get out of any responsibility. But it's sad it's a disgusting think I just need to beat his dick in front of people. I was in front of people. So 77 year old lady not 7 that is quite odd quite odd. What about what are you just sitting in the parking lot just gonna toss the market. It is just fucking piece of shit. That's delicious chicken delicious. That was the chicken. That was that I got last night the rotisserie. Those are still alive. Oh, yeah, right. Yeah and they're on. Oh, yeah, they're on a food delivery system. Nice who would have fucking known third all-time high right the KFC put those things out of business years ago. KFC can't touch Boston Market. What other to complete I would drink at the KFC? Not the Boston Market though. I am sure I agree same gravy big. Yeah. Oh, that's good. Baby. Boss Marcus be a buffet Thanksgiving there when you walked in on it was it was so good very hey those I wanted Monroeville. Yeah, right next to KFC always want the Boston were out of business. It went our businesses. Did you assume they all went out of business? Yeah. Okay A Long John Silver's left town the shutter restore. Who's gonna Long John Silver's though, not me. It's never been that's why I thought one would see ya. It's delicious. I've never had Long John Silver's you think they do you think they make enough money and in these next 40 days. Oh my God. Yeah because they every Long John Silver's has a fucking A&W right next to it. Oh, yeah, you're getting all that hot dog money and rip your tell you what I do love about Len fish fries fucking delish. They Crush Friday. Very good. That's what one thing. The church does right is a good fish fry. That's a good hustle that the fishermen did with. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I know the level of salt in Long John Silver's fish batter. It's impressive. It's like crack the walk out this leftover bread of the bottom at the end. Well, Miami Subs that play store. Oh my God, I miss up. So you guys miss that what you missed out on an absolute gem. It had to be a drug front for somebody and then whenever they got busted all went down it was the best song. It was a drive-through the brass food place, but it was it was like you could get different you could get things. That weren't fast food. Like I you get a gyro you get chicken wing hero. Okay Italian. Sub, they're the best fries 31 of them left mostly in Florida while we search for our weights their location in Hawaii, Indiana, Oh and South Carolina, Indiana. I must say I'm gonna guess right now Fort Wayne us a bell Praises for sure. John Carter drop don't know what either you're going to name a sub shop and have a cover-up. Drugs. What do you name? It it Miami Subs. I can't even think anything goes in the front. I've never even heard of this place. It's okay that she's four. Fries too and the fries were like the origin ones that had specific original queso almost they shut up animate are they shut down and make no sense to chicken tenders, you know, when he's replaced allowed never I will never forgive that Wendy's ever met. Neither. I mean I ate there but I think I ordered 491 Fort Wayne for way, I guess I but I have weird shit if that Diner we found in Fort Wayne. Oh delicious God it was classic. So Miami Subs in Fort Wayne, that's good. I'm gonna go they're just like that. So, you know what? I haven't had since becoming an adult. I don't know if there's any other restaurant trade instead of disappeared Heaven 20 years that we love big boys big boys low-rank boy was does were still around I so want to go to work and still I always wanted to steal that motherfucker outside. Yeah, big old boy. Yeah that I think we need a field trip speaking of delhi's I mean speaking of diners. Yeah to a deli, huh? Yeah sure them all. No. No, I'm talking about Shapiro's. Yeah. It's in the mall. All that is animal and it's at the airport, but I'm saying there's one like a mile from the studio. Another my little right here. Incredible. What are you doing you go there you have to nap. I got a permission slip. I mean, it's incredible. What you do you just you order a sandwich. Yeah, you get in line. They got you'd grab this. It's like balloons on you tell yourself, but it's all fresh and got soup. What the hell deliver the best soap. That is all what exhume your matzo ball soup. They got wait wait may have wedding wedding soup May. I'm thinking a couple I'm telling you field trip. She literally, it's incredible. I'm Rudy some Oops needs to be ready. Something's being a field trip list if we're taking a field where is Ted's our beer is our employer. Yeah. It's the best thing which is on Earth Subs best on Earth. I'll stand by it. I will stand by it is the best Subs on Earth. Is that what's the bread like, it's all right, Sesame, you know what I will say this. The current route is is in second place for the best sub on Earth to the old roof. He's have a chance the rest supplier, but it's still good. It's like it's gonna get anywhere near carried away that it isn't delicious. It's just I don't know what happened to the old bread. I wish you would find it again. I'm assuming there was some numbers that had to have. Yeah, but boy, it's the best on Earth. It's in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I've been trying to open a franchise out here for years. I don't know how to do it Red's the most important part of us. And I said, yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay good every only conscious the game. It's not only constantly comes the only constant everything. We buy Herbal everybody has spread in it. If every time fuck it up ever sandwich also. Yeah to slice. No no sub 1 slice connected in the back. That's why a hot dog isn't a sandwich. It's a sub I had a baguette this for brunch. I don't know what it is. So it's like so it's a little loaf of bread. Oh, yeah, that's awesome. Because I got this what the fuck you got. We're ready to shoot. No, I have it. You're not alone in that one either but my brother worked there for like 10 years. The only thing you ever talked about was how peanut butter and jelly was like 10 bucks. I was like that place ain't for me and I really haven't been in there since you should go. Red is unbelievable. We're talking bread weird. Yeah, it's about the the bread bowls. I think also Panera bought out Todd's Comedy Club. So those sons of hey, I don't care who's holding the building a good but I didn't I've been in three times and never eaten either but you didn't know what a baguette was. I for example, I think until Claire and grab the coffee. It might have been the right. There we go to one in New York to Great interview meet spot to yeah. It looks like a good Wi-Fi everywhere. People that do that but that's a lot of pedophiles of them because the Wi-Fi is very strong. Hey can really shoot Starbucks porn being traded libraries just are dropping in the cheese. They were the first to have really strong Wi-Fi hotspots, I guess so they were high on the point. The child point was we meet up at Panera. Hey, what's the shuker you're talking about? I don't know what that was either, but I read it's like there's just like shredded pork sausage and it's in almost like a mirror. They're type song give it a good grades. But also triple she's last week. Yeah, and then they you they put little while what they call the eggs that don't drop in the hot water and drive know the house was so wide boiler now definitely not that one coached Poached Eggs. So they put like three posts takes over the top of it. She's you can just mix it all together and you take that baguette. You just fell apart your bread. He dipping up and down Shuka. It's incredible that I mean you definitely because it's like a big table bread baguettes are big table. Yep. Yeah, once he brought it out. I'm like, all right, see that a lot. Yeah basic ass breath. Can you imagine that customer passing child pornography to the person behind the counter though, imagine that airdrop conversation while they're buying buying a little want you to go back there. Yeah. We're already past the child put on man. I wonder I thought you just ruined my bag at oh, I have a fire actually do have a little French bread trivia here for you, you know and Remember the Titans what is pain what right on? Remember your what is pain French bread the way you spell bread in French is p AI n that's why it's what is pain French bread. I can't be right. I don't even I don't know about that. It's lapan. I swear to God, you know, it's all Bon Pain. Yes. Yes. I will Paul. Yeah. Well, huh. I'm home. You definitely pulled a scene out of a movie. I do remember it all when I was in France. They put hot dogs in the back gets and they served him on the streets. It was my favorite meal. I eat it every single day. Because all the other French food was just gonna have a problem. Yo, yo, we had to say by French toast to huh? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah all that stuff. I'm sure that everyone's friends. I think with the hot dogs in the bag gets here big bad guy. We're talking like, oh, yeah fresh tell you serious. No preservatives poked in the side of it. Do you know you're a hole cut in the middle? You've been to Europe. He's a billionaire. Talking about how to travel - I feel about you. They fucking love me. He goes you though. They're all these that it has to them. They're nice to you he go. Where'd you go? Now? You're up. I've Been to Spain. I've been to Portugal and Italy on a ship. Yeah. Okay that makes there. It is. Really nice. So let's radian and honor you shot a movie in Europe, right? Just one more shot multiple three. Gorm's is looking in the direction of Zito Zito. Can't see that because Bulgaria Bulgaria. Did you have much time to hang out of business two times six weeks there so month and a half and then the third time was two weeks. So yeah, it was good. You got to hang out. Imperial and stuff no because I had given it up past 2003. I begin by giving his focused on his career. That's why he was in Bulgaria. I'll see you still acted post you getting a bottle drugs and alcohol. Did you have to change the way you acted? Ya self know I actually was on time and knew my life. I want to be around people invited me back could never do it. Really? You're that scared of needles. You did win a kid. I pass out every time I give blood and I tell them hey, look, I'm in a Zonk out. I need you put a towel up a towel up so I can see it so I can't see it so cover my arm. I'm going to look the other way and don't tell me when you're poking it and by the way wake me up gently you get the cold sweats and white and I love looking at people that are Get ready to give blood and right before they pass out. Don't just watch one after another all yeah, well total after I think they take too much blood. It's never bother me. I don't break eye contact until they put it in whatever night. I had an IV in there once and when they were taking the tape off the IV got stuck to the tape it turn sideways. And so it hurt real bad ever since then I've had what kid off the track. She left tracks. I don't love it either. We always had to give it give like four different blue and then they would unplug it and plug in another bottle and then unplug another one and every time they went back in. You just feel your body dumping its oil. It's not are you donating or like for testing this is for physical places donate at work all the time because they give upto together all but they also also like if you can't donate if you've Tatooine like the last year so I'd always just try to space up my tattoos like once a year so I couldn't donate blood. Yeah. Nice. Yeah, pretty pretty genius course about to pass out. How about that weather outside? We should bring in the blood van and just have to stop by the office. We're gonna yeah, raise your sleeve router. Just leave Save a Life, please. Can we film you doing it? No, it's a word. Well, I know I mean, yeah, I mean I don't care but I you talk about juice and cookies. I'm like, I'm not walking over across the room to get them bring him to me because you could be slap. In my face. So shove the orange juice in my going. That's the worst. And once you people pasta is the funniest thing of all because you have no control really really you can't help it look stupid because you can't control your price sleep tonight, but I'm just like, oh my God, I'm going under the knife. You know, it's like a tiny little know I know but it's still a knife a knife. Misdirected a needle one time no good. Tell me about what made me feel like I'm like it couldn't do what like it was going towards me and then it just bent and I was like, yeah, you're fucking right they were like, they threw it away before I was a kind of take that home like kind of fucking needle in my arm. Like that's a big deal. It was it was a friend of ours wife who was a friend of ours wife. He has a meat market. His wife was a nurse. Who came in for the Colts for physicals? It was a flu shot and I didn't know her at the time but I was like go ahead I think my mom's house is all bullshit by the way, but I'll do it walking backward flu shot thing. Yeah, and the needle just she goes to do it and the needle just turns like it just hits my skin and it doesn't go in yet more is why does that bother you it seems so in this case? I'm a fucking manner. All I see is ironware needle going into this by cell. It's got to sharpen it you gotta scratch at all. Yes Rogers know it was a red mark though cross. Aside and then she was like, oh my god. I've never seen him before called the doctor over told the doctor. I was again your goddamn. That's what you want to hear when this one stick on the needle. Where am I going? Resina before wait, were you pleased and then she threw it away she threw away from us compute, which you take it home. Yeah. I want to take it home by Buddy Donny the Marine Corps. He's like gorgeous and he's got the sweats going and he's lip starts quivering and he's like to try. To cough up and looking away whether doing it in the thing camping disconnect it when they hit and his shot but the room bloody lights out. He was dying laughing spider is done. The IV's The Hangover. I've he's like, no, I've always wanted to know I heard there Mickey Mouse really not interested right now because it doesn't make you any less. Fucking tired rehydrates reaction to yeah, I'll fucking make a sad thing is drinking like three bottles of water. Yeah, let's fucking do that save the money so fucking scared. My buddies are firemen and they fucking you all used to do it. They say it works. Oh, yeah, baby. What's a real? I knew that had to work the next day and they would just fucking okay the firemen are getting the real ones, right? Yeah. I don't know if these are real ones these hangover people selling them online. I found out once you hit 30 don't get hangovers anymore what that's Happened to me. Did you just don't drink those don't get hangovers. You'll get hangovers anymore. It's not that bad good for you. It's good gig for 30s. I also don't drink past 10 p.m. Anymore. But either way, I think it was always you go to bed before midnight. You don't get a hangover sound. Yeah fucking genius. Yeah, absolutely urging the IV talks at me out of the room. I apologize. You almost fell out you're forgiven because I at 18 years old was in a car wreck, and I was in bad shape. I had a catheter in my Johnson like there's no here we go. I pulled the catheter out of my trunk. I'm sorry. That's what it reads me blood work leads to IV leads to me ripping a catheter out. So I apologize. Yeah, I don't want that rip it out because I was insane in the membrane. I don't know. I just think is awful. You're gross. Can we just talk Jack's Game of Thrones Game of Thrones. I'm gonna cheer. Until being dropped today. I'm decided. I'm not going to watch the trailer just because it seemed like it Regional blocks. The trailer still haven't wanted for Hill. Anyways, let me reveal something for you today. Okay me me winning director Miguel. Oh, yeah. It's a Bosch Nick. Oh, okay. This will be the longest battle sequence in film history exceeding even the 40-minute fight in The Lord of the Rings The Two Towers aside from Maria and John the Hound will be there along with Denarius. Here in our area Sansa brand and Sam. Tarly spoiler alert about John's diarrhea. Like what the hell are they doing? Goddamn it. This is why I didn't want to listen. They're all gonna be there in three fucking awesome. Well, no actually is that tomorrow? You won't know they will be there's a too long of a battle scene. No way 40 minutes that's seen in Lord Lord of the Rings Two Towers was fucking awesome. It's not too long. They've made us wait too damn years for six of these episodes. It better be an hour long. Ang actually I would just like when I watch Braveheart I'm like I just wish the whole movie with uh, yeah, that's but like how long was about all the bastard? Yeah fry like 17 17 April 24 minutes ago. How long was the single Connor? Hey 20, which was that like one take yeah as like five minutes five six minutes, which one that's good from the first season of True Detective the continue. Yeah. Well they're going through. Dude, racing edge of the scenes dude have destroyed him from Hood house that 45 minutes battle scene is I think it's what we're looking for how long it take out and like took like seven months to film it. Yeah. Wow, just that one single, huh? Thanks. Very excited. I mean that's going to be the culminating thing in the entire Series. So that's why it's you know, I'm so fucking how many they can never take our freedom are gonna come from that one scene over under Four or five I'd say right? What does it East? Is it for different games coming together forever forever Games of Thrones movie? Yeah Thrones for four or five different Thrones coming together on one phasic. Yeah, is that what it is? It's pretty much getting fucking they're Geniuses. How much money are they the marketing off of Game of Thrones? Oh my God, how much if they made? Oh, yeah. I'm really saying they're rebuilding the best 33 thousand retweets and what five minutes four minutes or something. Yeah way I see what Haley spent. Does dollars and swords I know from people like you alone rode off on your taxes is frying pan. Yeah, I did what see that? Whoa. I'd like to talk about that right now. It's like Mike. All right, so it came out. It came out five hours ago the trailer, okay 250 thousand retweets views 13.5 million juice. It's not bad pretty happy. We didn't come out with a maxi pad. Ajax the team has beaten Real Madrid Champions League is one sweater picked and choose would win Kylie Jenner's up there. Kylie fucking self made. Why don't you take your little bit, you know, you're so anti the twins. I just can't handle it. Yeah, whatever bro bro, bro bets. Yeah. What about we crushing it? I mean, can we talk a little bit about LeBron here too. Well, yeah that's going on in La he's definitely drunk. He's drunk while playing Years, I've all that watching that ball go down the court and pick it up and then shot honking. Oh fuck and I for one do for one. That was a good play. That was good play smart basketball player 2 for 1 30 seconds on the clock. Okay. Well, maybe the other night on him throwing a ball into that interview. Yeah, right over the wrong slot. All the fucking landowners Karen media the bronze got everyone right where he wants him guys. He sounds a classic bad for the game. He's lying for the game. He's a baton back. Everything is going to be about him at the end of the season right when the playoffs come they're going to sneak in that. Eight spot LeBron's in the end. I never get absolutely destroyed by Golden State. What would you like that? What would you like to bet that they don't make the pie already put $40 on it at my book They should ban them from their gonna be fun. Next year though. Are you think they're getting that probably needs possibly get off the line the oh, yeah. He's definitely watched it forever Hallelujah all those Rich Housewives, right? They all drink wine and they're like, oh this is no big deal and they're drunk literally all day everyday life. Nothing accomplished walking around that Castleton Molitor Keystone ball out there. I've seen every day. They all got a little water bottles are not water in there. I know what it is. It's your heart. So what's going on with Michael at the end? Seriously? Yeah, he got into wine drinking white wine of a red Solo cup filled to the brim Hedgehog in it than shown up again chugging that lets classy. You're drinking wine your high society. Alcoholic. I'm going to say this to go out and put this out there in it. LeBron stinks it dancing too. He needs a fucking stop dancing. He's not good at it. Not all people have dance. Wow, it's not his new Love and that's producing albums. It's true what she was terrible shits. He ruined Two Chains. I didn't hear any bangers on the thing that I like bangers. You know, I'm Different used to be my song back around a though. So the $2 bill song is basically just a ripoff of his own song which is okay with me because bronze idea LeBron's idea, but there's a lot of love making it like what a soft stuff in there man. Everyone soft. Everybody's becoming softer than me that wood has Some people going in fucking murder it you don't mean you're rough go hard and who me? Yeah tell me something go work doesn't happen. Dude. LeBron ruined the LA Lakers. He literally ruined the Pelicans. Probably he ruined wine Cavaliers fleecing Cleveland TV Pizza TV. I am eating each other a lot of hate for America. I tried like for you might be an alcoholic. I didn't hate it and what he was in Cleveland had bands loved. When he destroyed Cleveland the first time and he came back hated him against gotta run nicely. Wanted to give him a chance this time. She I respect LeBron for the fact that what he does on the court. Nobody else can do but it's like man, if you're just going to stand there and have people push you to go play defense then maybe just sit down and have someone else play like young guys lead a little bit. They all had a to deflect leadership Captain expose themself on national television shows penis. He did you want what's your Helen talking about that one? My golden years ago. Yeah, there's a picture of his dick on he basically flesh. Take it off. LeBron's got you guys. Hey, Chicago Bull fan right there talking about LeBron. That's what that is. I'll just say he did it foxy if he misses the playoff. Is that what right where he wants us? Yeah. I mean if he misses the playoffs you can tell me I'm wrong, but how so you're saying he you're saying he's going to go 14 and 4 over the next 18 games. He's gonna do something miraculous like LeBron does every year the LeBron slump happens. Everyone says, Ron's done and then look what he does. This is different Fox. He's never been this far into a season under 500 about New England of everyone says, yeah, but they were wait. We also got are still in first place Braun still here. They're looking bad. We have to admit they look they look terrible. Yeah, they look terrible. They got a tough schedule becoming losing bad and he's looking bad and he's dancing still like doesn't even seem to care. He just looks like a horse's ass like half the time now, I'm just kind of done with it. You know, I am it looks like I own the man's Jersey Shore. Yeah, so no one's more pissed off wouldn't see it when I have to tell ya dead. I did he play like shit that night too. I've had it. He's I like to think you're right. But LeBron is a dance drums. Danced. And that's machine watch guitar. Damn it. Michael Jackson again. These are drinking. Hey Celtics to I mean, yeah, you're talking about the Lakers, but from my perspective to Celtics are terrible Kyrie Irving Cherry Cola. Awesome, like because no one wanted mean Lakers and it's like hers in the Celtics diet. When what year years next year, I think next year. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah next year. Like, let's hop back into the 90s and Magic the rivalries coming back was an 80s. Yeah sure was early 90s layout quite a Boston. I'm happy our last championship was against La whose Boston. Oh 2008 and then they beat us in 2009. Well the cancer itself. By the way, Patriots last Red Sox sure the Red Sox to this year. So maybe it is kind of a little baby dump everything Ty yeah, tell me something. I'm excited you brought to this room. He literally just said I have a screenshot of LeBron James death. Yeah. I was looking for that can't find any more of a bronze. No, it's it's it's been done away with Google search. If you just search on self in your head around how you just Tigers Don was it? No, I'm like fixing his junk or yeah, he was trunks down little too low and you saw like Hayden Primetime show. He was doing on the Bronx no respect for television. You don't do that it plus if you snot impressive you down there you don't do that. Correct? He's just lonely. Look at this. Look what I got. It's like another arm. I'd be remiss if I didn't Just give a little farewell to Papa John Schneider who officially you know agree to leave the board of Papa John's tonight for everyone, you know involved with Papa John's terrible. I love their Pizza. You know, it's just it's tough to see him go away like this. I mean exactly said it earlier they still have better Pizza better great exactly. So I mean II but honestly I haven't I haven't had Papa John's like sense. He did all this stuff. I don't know I had this is anyone give a fuck. No, not really. I guarantee I guarantee the pizzas dog shit now with a I mean, I don't know I would argue that it was dogshit to begin with right. I'm also on the train but it can't be better without popping their I don't mind it. He also put your names on the Midwest taste buds, 40% off all the time. We got a code. Fuck it. That's good enough since I've been I've said this numerous Time Pizza Hut is the best chain Pete. I agree. I agree. Without a doubt if you had the chilies a small pepperonis. Yeah, but I think the challenge I've never held one heard of a chilly as a junior available. Yeah, they're not as big a Domino's seizure Papa John's Pizza Hut your Donna's Hungry Howie's counter that no. No I get that Domino's as much when I would go dominoes to Dom's Domino's really I mean, I'll be honest. They're all shit. They're all fucking terrible shit fuck with people. I love Pizza Hut he taught swings to a very underrated Wing House deserves a little bit more credit. Thanks Ray. Wings yeah, Buffalo Wild Wings Best Wings on planet Earth obviously our swing house with who they got rid of the people and they brought it back as they did something to it. I don't know what it was. You're a fucking liar. Fuck yourself to know. This has been a fun episode. Thanks for listening. If you go to the store if there's new shit coming. All right, so we have something coming soon. Absolutely. Uh-huh. Keep an eye on it. Other than that. Hey good for us man on some song or something. I'm still trying to push them on an eyeful. Yeah keep the hashtag alive, David. David Johnson the running back in about us. It's real it out guys put the forr tell you McAfee for fo are probably on the phone and I'm pretty sure Favre tweeted it out with stuff or also because I missed it earlier bro. That's everyday noon giving out our best pics. Oh, yeah. Try my best. I know I did. I don't know. What the fuck am I had a brain fart. Everyone here is fucking sick. Yeah evidently and we all deserve the same cuz he little and I'm in Louisville see me, not Metallica the show. It'll be a good show. You should go. Whenever you want a ride. I know what your boy like skinny tie in a cuff type. He gonna make breakfast you walk around naked. I might just text you turn your phone over when it's all over no settling down my text go to your screen, you know better than that I come around with you. Coming home to me. I need to be alone like the way you let me start calling the girl that I want. cause I know that you hurt me, but you don't want the same thing. Well Two Can Play That Game so I'm chilling with my girlfriend, but she's not my real girlfriend. She got a key to my place, but she's not my real girlfriend stupid. So dummy say the wrong thing and wrong girl. Too late morning first day because he went dry it out a new condom with off in a threesome good problems, right? She gonna play a game with the Super Smash Brothers my heartbeat. Whenever you are around can't speak I can't speak. About to make is that you say you hate your face it Genki show related races. I give you money that you weren't even you may know. She ain't a killer but your fucking head up. I know he wonder when was the fuck you hiding and we dated like rats about Bin Laden. I don't fuck this but not really you say the nastiest shit Ben. It's fucking awesome.
On today's show, the guys do a deep dive into the HBO Michael Jackson documentary, Leaving Neverland, and the aftershow with Oprah and try to decide whether or not Michael Jackson's legacy will officially be deleted or if his whole catalog of music will be deleted. They also discuss whether or not Oprah being brought into the equation will be enough to completely swing the public perception of Michael Jackson. On Ash Wednesday, the guys talk about what they're planning on giving up for Lent which leads into a discussion about some of their favorite different sandwich spots, they try to pin down what the undisputed king of all cereals is and argue what the best national pizza chain is. They also dive into how much Game of Thrones moves the needle as they give their reactions to some plot news that was released yesterday as well as the first complete trailer for the final season. They also chat about Kylie Jenner becoming a "self-made" billionaire, how Kris Jenner still has a lot of juice on her fastball, and wonder whether or not LeBron might be playing drunk on the court as they try to figure what the hell is wrong with the Lakers. It's a fun one, come and have a good time with us. This episode features @toddmccomas, @PatMcAfeeShow, @Digz, @nickmaraldo, @tyschmit, @BostonConnr, @HeyGorman, @VivalaZito, and @evanfoxy and closes with a banger from Childish Gambino.
If you want us to Roger Waters, he would tell you that this particular album. Well, it marked the end of the band Pink Floyd incredibly contemporary. It sounds just as good now as what it did back then wish you were here the 9th album from Pink Floyd according to Roger Waters Mark the end of the band. However, another one was to come of course namely the wall a beautiful Masterpiece as well. But on this occasion, it's wish you were here and there's a good reason for it. This particular album was when Roger Waters set himself up to be solely the bandleader dismissing a lot of Dave Gilmore's incursions Nick Mason's as well as Richard Wright. It was at the time a real Roger Waters trademark, and that's what Pink Floyd was fast becoming Dave Gilmore's vocals on wish you were here. I think arguably sizes up the salty sweet. Nation of what was the relationship between waters and Gilmour the way that he sung it there's a debate whether or not wish you were here is actually one of the highest performing songs by buskers and artists alike a favorite performed on acoustic guitar. If you go to any Pub on a Sunday afternoon, it's likely that you hear the song performed some better than others. How could a slow song such as wish you were here? How could Contemporary ballad if you like become such a pillar of the face of rock and roll well meaning the whole meaning not just the way it's written what was written but how it was performed how it was sung. There's a distinctive note a pairing and it certainly comes across on this album. And on the track when Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd was released. It went straight to the top of the It's on both sides of the Atlantic. It's sold over 14 million copies just within 12 months. I mean this was going to be a smash no matter what the album itself has. The cover has a man in flames and the other one shaking his hand as you know back then it was actually done. He actually lit himself on fire and shook the guy's hand and then they had to extinguish him. But get this they couldn't do it. Just once they had to do it a few times to get the the right shot. It's just something that was needed at the time. And this was Artistry going in a New Direction actual photographs of people doing this kind of thing. It was a Telltale sign of the stories to follow especially with the wall. That was forthcoming Richard Wright of Pink Floyd later said that this was without a doubt his favorite album. Actually. It's a lot of people's favorite album for many reasons the songs on it are immeasurable just beautiful tracks back to back so So enjoy it if you haven't heard it and if you do have it just pick up that volume turned up to ten on a Saturday night, you know do what you need to do to feel the way that you do and enjoy one of the finest albums and one of the world's best rock albums ever met. Well, that's it for today's show was almost perfect. Wasn't it? You know bearing the 30 or 40 remarkably obvious mistakes. I thought was pretty good until next.
The Worlds Best Rock Albums We regularly feature every album that you might consider for your collection. From Black Sabbath to Metallica, and from Jethro Tull to Meatloaf, it's all here. The elusive rock album, the popular rock album, and the ones that make it because they just should.
This episode is dedicated to my dear friend Tunisia. Tiny. You are extremely important to me and you are a really big inspiration in my life. Thank you for starting your amazing company protect your mental. It is an amazing company which brings a witness to the mental health state of our country. And thank you to nature for putting your story out there and putting yourself out there to bring more awareness to the subject urge you to continue to get the help that you need and thank you for being on the front line. We will also like to thank our friend at the soap has don't podcast ever cut Perez Erica. Thank you so much for really bringing joy to me this week. Thank you for your encouragement. Thank you so much for the love and thank you for Ring in mental health awareness to the for for me and it may be you know, your story made me think about my story and I really felt compelled to start this series. So I like to thank both of you ladies for your hard work and for your amazing testimonies. I also would like to thank site to go because a lot of the information is podcast came from Psych to go and the clip that you were here later on as from site to go lastly. I would like to say a special. Thank to Roy I mean Rich Wilkerson jr. He's the pastor that's really given the impassion intro that you're about to hear. Dr. Tracy marks. Thank you and Katie Moore and thank you. You can find. Dr. Tracey marks like to go Rich Wilkerson jr. And Katie Moore and all on YouTube and they give a lot of information that can help us on our mental health Journeys you listening to the sopa is though podcast. Let's go. Have some fun you life is short. It's too short to live depressed. It's too short to live anxious and it's too short to struggle every day with thinking about taking your life. I want to challenge you tonight to get up that you're not quitting tonight that one day. It is appointed unto all men to die. But that is God's responsibility not mine. And so I don't know who I'm preaching to the night, but I want to say to you get up future is brighter than your past. I say to you with a balcony get up. Your ladder is greater than your phone or I want to say to every person in this room get because the best is still yet to come miracles. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified Health provider with any questions. You may have regarding a medical condition never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on this podcast. Welcome to soba is dough soap is dope is not affiliated with a Or any 12 step program. We support people's right to drink and have fun. We believe in a Live and Let Live approach to sobriety. This show is intended to highlight the benefits of a sober life. We want to encourage healing and transformation. This show is for anyone that is struggling with alcohol drugs or addiction of any kind. I am pop you Cannon. I am a recovering alcoholic. I am proud to share my story welcome to soba is dope. Hello, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the sobers doe podcast with your host pop. You can in today's episode is about depression and what we consider persistent depressive disorder or high-functioning depression also known as the sty Mia and I just wanted to cover on this topic because you know mice I myself believe that a lot of my substance abuse issues stem from depression and not dealing with certain things in my life like the death of my father separation from people that I love maybe relationship separation or a combination of factors that led to Maybe a long-term form of depression and the outcome of that may have led to my substance abuse issues and having a developing a chronic issue there. So I wanted to touch on this and I also wanted to note that, you know, we're dealing with the just we're in mental health awareness month and we're dealing with the issues of Mental Health. On a national level is really a topic that's been coming up in my life a lot in the life of my friends family people that are part of the substance abuse Community when you're online. This is a major thing. So there's many forms of mental health disorders according to the DSM-5 which is the diagnostic statistical model and the DSM is Categorises all the different forms of mental health issues from depression to anxiety and so forth. So ladies and gentlemen, I really wanted to touch base today and just I have some information for you. I have a cool clip we can listen to but I definitely want to say to anyone out there. If you're suffering from any form of depression any form of anxiety any form of abnormal stress, please seek medical advice priests looking to counseling and Therapy, it helped me and before I get into anything. I just want to state that I'm an advocate for seeking professional medical advice. I'm an advocate for seeking some form of therapy checking don't not don't do not be afraid to see a psychiatrist or psychologist. I mean I saw both I had to deal with I had a counselor. I had a psychiatrist and my psychiatrist referred me to a site psychologist who is able to prescribe me to specific medications on. Did at the moment to bring my emotional levels back up to normal. I didn't have to stay on any meds for a long period but it did help it was a combination of things that helped me in my recovery. So I'm a real proponent for doing whatever it takes to get to the next level and to protect yourself. I'm also extremely I think it's extremely important to talk about lifestyle factors such as diet nutrition. I think too many people are not they don't make the connection between the foods that they eat and the lifestyle choices that they're making their mental health. If you're eating, you know, Doritos and Pepsi all day and eating candy and not eating a proper diet. Then your body's not going to have the necessary building blocks to keep you. Fee and your brain is not going to have the necessary building Brock blocks to operate at optimal in an optimal way. So I'm definitely big on health and nutrition for everyone that knows me for my monk healing page on Instagram. We you know, I reverse my pre-diabetes and part of my recovery. Was it with my mental health issues and my substance abuse issues with changing my diet my mindset my attitude towards nutrition making Sure, I was educated in that area. I was also making sure that my sleep patterns were I respected my sleep because I think that in many ways if we're not getting the right amount of sleep eating the right foods and without exercise and maintain care of ourselves. It can increase the likelihood that we can suffer more from a mental disorder. I'm not saying these things also always lead to mental health disorders, but they Exasperated and they can make it more chronic. If you're not Elise addressing the basic life style Behavior patterns that can be considered very important to our overall health. So today I want to talk about high-functioning depression and they you know, they categorize this as the sty Mia and the DSM re-categorized this As persistent depressive disorder and I think for many of us, we if you know we are able to go to work we're able to still go to school where able to still function in society and and sometimes in a really impressive way, you know, a lot of CEOs. You could still run a Fortune 500 company you could be the president United States and still suffer from this this form of depression and I think that there's too many of us that's going around and we don't we suffer in secrecy. We don't know how to really express ourselves. We don't really know how to really identify the fact that we may be suffering from long-term depression and according to the DSM-5. This low-grade depression has to be for a period of two years or more. So for many of us we suffer for long periods of time. I swear we made like be feeling down we may we may not get excited the same way we used to about things that used to excite us, you know, we may not really have a positive outlook or the time sometime we could be more negative than positive and very lethargic and very unmotivated even though we've actually made on the surface we may seem to be very positive and proactive but it's inside I'd we're really suffering from these forms of depression. So I was one of those people who was able to really smile jump around then speed of light for the party. Even if I was depressed. You know, I will put my feelings aside to make someone else feel happy because I wanted them. I didn't want my depression to make someone else uncomfortable so I could be sad but I'll still jump around and I'll still try to make someone else happy and I used to say, I'm finally Lat, it's all good. I'm straight. I'm straight. You know, I'm from Brooklyn will say like I'm straight son. I'm straight. But most people may say I'm fine or I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm good. I'm good, but you're really suffering and my advice to you is don't ever put on a front for another human being if you're suffering. I mean really be vocal and honest about your emotions because that could be the difference between use getting the help that you need faster, you know, and there's many days. I look back and I just I don't regret too much but I have compassion on my younger self because I remember I could go back in my mind and say, you know, I was really struggling. I was really sad at that moment and I was probably entertaining A bunch of people at the time, you know, being a musician being, you know to being younger and always being this kind of party guy. I would have people around me all the time and I will always try to make everyone happy and feel comfortable and it eventually it just was Too much and I should have just loved myself more to just get the help that I needed then and maybe I could have saved myself a lot of trauma and issues back then but the good news is at some point. I did put myself first. I did forgive myself and I chose myself and I got all of the work that I needed to get done and I took a very long time. I took the amount of time needed. So to December 15 2000 19 makes I'm seven years. It's my seven year anniversary for my sobriety, but it's also a seven year anniversary for my mental health and my physical health and my emotional health because six and a half years ago. I made a decision to choose myself and I made a decision to put my mental health first and I just made that priority. Number one. I didn't care about anything else in my life that my career I put my career on hold I put my family my girlfriend. Girlfriend everything on hold and I went to skip the treatment that I needed and I made it my life's my life's Mission. So I said for the next year or two, I'ma go to the doctor every day. I'm a see my psychiatrist. I'm a see my therapist. I'm going to take the medication. I'm going to take my vitamins. I'm gonna change my diet. I'm gonna exercise I'm gonna go I'm going to go to AA I'm going to go back to my groups. I'm gonna stay in group. I'm staying rehab him stay in counseling and I did these things all day every day. About a year until I started to see a lot of Hope in addition to that. I use prayer as a form of healing I use meditation as a form of healing. I did a lot of this with help of God because I believe in God as I know him and that helped me everyone's story is a little bit different and I did everything in my power to heal and get myself to a safe place today and recently just to be totally honest with you guys. I went through I think of mild depression because I took on a lot of new Ventures, you know, I got new, you know, I develop new business partners. I did. You know II just was my hands were was into too many things and I had to shut down a lot of things out this at the pull back right before my birthday, which was September 29th. I was dealing with this lower back injury. That's cool. It made me a little I'm about to turn 40 years old. Now. My back is bothering me. I have this lower back injury. I was work-related. Now. I got to go to physical therapy. You know, I gained a little bit of weight. I kind of lost my way on my diet. I started to get a little bit nervous and sad because I'm turning 40 and I wasn't sure if you know my light, you know, I just wasn't sure you know, you get that little the little stat little period of time where you're uncertain about your entire life, right and I was a little afraid Because I'm human and I just have to go all the way back to the basics. And then I started to pay attention to the things in my life that gave me anxiety, like if a certain if I got a certain call from a specific business partner and that phone ringing I saw their name and my anxiety levels went up. I I said to myself I'm no longer doing business with this person. I rather you know, I'm no longer doing business in this way with these group with this group of people. People because for some reason when that phone rings my anxiety levels go up and that was an indicator to me that that particular Venture wasn't part of my alignment and it wasn't meant for me. So now I judge my relationships the decisions I make based on my stress levels and I think that's an internal indicator of if we're making the right decision for our lives, you know, sometimes we may reach a fork in the road, right and we Have to make a decision whether we're going to go left or we're gonna go right are we gonna go with this business partner of this business partner, we going to choose this job or this other job or we're going to make this lifestyle change or this lifestyle change and some time your anxiety or that fair or that that initial onset of caution may be the indicator that we need to make the decision. So now I'm like look, I'm not going to do anything in my life that Was me undue stress because that's going to eventually affect my mental health and then that's going to affect my overall health and then the my chances of dying from heart attacks or anything like that or you know, any help for later risk is going to increase due to these this increased stress level. So I just I just don't do it no more. I take my time, you know, I don't commit to things as fast. I really sit with myself and I really I really do really take a Fearless moral inventory not just on my recovery or my addiction but also on a decisions that I'm making and I'm saying all of this to say ladies and gentlemen, you know take the time that you need, you know, really sit down with yourself. And if you're feeling really down and you really feeling sad on the inside and you're not sure why and you getting up every day and you're going through the motions and you have this repetitive. Every day you get up you may do this you go to work you do this you come home you do that. Then you go to Spade then you wake up and if you're utterly unhappy and deep that you just feel like bursting out in tears and you feel totally alone. And you don't have anyone you feel like you can speak to about it. Then you may want to look at yourself in the accountability mirror exercise a little radical honesty for yourself because you have to love yourself and if then like develop a plan reach out to someone safe that you can talk to a third party go, you know, you know, most of our insurance will pay for us to go see a therapist or psychiatrist psychologist. Maybe your work will pay for it. Take some time off take a medical leave figure out what what things in your life. You may have to change to feel better but long-term depression or persistent depressive disorder or how its As high-functioning depression and labeled the sty Mia. I think a lot of us made a deal with this. So ladies and gentlemen, I just wanted to touch base with you. Today. We're gonna we have this wonderful clip that gives us some more perspective on the called the seven signs of high functioning depression depression, and I just want to say to everyone out there. I love you all. You all everyone that's been part of the soap is dope Journey. I'm very thankful for you. A lot of us in the sopa is dope Universe. We all suffer from many different things and we're all fighting the good fight together and where one gigantic Community that's healing together. So all about healing and life. We are in a constant state of healing and repair and that's the purpose of this podcast, you know to promote the highlights of sobriety but to also, Really continuously research dig and educate ourselves on how we could be better. We can live more optimal lives and it's all about our overall happiness because I wasn't I was not happy when I was drinking every day and I was doing that to deal with depression and that and that just led to just order sadness and destruction and just like complete disaster because I was running from the problem instead of being honest about the problem and the problem was I was not happy. I wasn't happy in my relationship at the time when I was younger. I wasn't happy mainly with myself. It wasn't even my relationship. I was just disappointed with myself because I was young. I was ambitious. I graduated from college. I had a great job. I had all of these things going for me and drinking just kept messing. And in a way and it kept making my my lifestyle quality was just totally diminish and I kept hurting people that I love and I was just sad because I had this thing that kept setting me back and I ain't know how to get help. I didn't know how to express myself and I was really a good guy that just was kind of sad for whatever reason it was but until I was courageous enough to take those first steps. Nothing change. So like they say in group if nothing. Age has nothing changes. I think that goes with everything from your diet if you're unhealthy and you want to get in shape, you're not unless you change something if it's your addiction if it's substance abuse if you're going to if if nothing changes nothing is going to change you have to stop you have to stop the drugs. We have to stop the alcohol and you have to get the help and as far as our mental health don't spend another day in your depression or sadness or anxiety without Can some step towards getting your self help and you need to love yourself. I love you. I love myself and I'm doing this podcast because I love you guys and I don't think any one of us was born to suffer. We wasn't put him meant to suffer and especially suffering secrecy as suffer by ourselves. So I'm putting my business out there. So, you know now I shared it with you. So if you're suffering and secrecy take this message say, you know, Papi Ian is shit his depression and his issues with the world so that maybe I can have the courage to go and share it with someone else so I can start to heal and sometimes it's just about talking to someone, you know, you don't telling someone else of a second person or a third-party exactly how you feel exactly what you're going through and that's the beginning steps to Healing. So I'm a ladies and gentlemen, I'm a cut to a message. Ma sponsor and then we're going to come back with some more technical information on the on dysthymia and the characteristics and then we're going to go into our clip and we're going to continue to bring mental health awareness. I love you all. I'll catch you soon. Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to thank everyone in the Showbiz dope Community for helping us reach 26 thousand downloads. We're very excited. I encourage all of you guys to start a podcast yourself and spread the message of recovery. I use an app called anchor and anchors free anchor has creation tools that allow you to record and edit your own podcast right from your phone to computer and anchor will also distribute your podcast to Apple and Spotify and Major platforms you can make money from your podcast and it's everything you need in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anka dot f m-- the get started. Thank you. Hello, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the so bestow podcast. Today's episode is part of a series. We're doing on Mental Health. I really think that there's a really big connection between mental health and substance abuse addiction. And mental health and overall health and mental health and the quality of life. And I just if it's the worst thing to suffer with depression sadness anxiety and mental health disorders are really tough and painful for the person that's experiencing these issues. So you have my compassion my heart's open. I suffered from mental health issues and I was really skilled that masking my sadness and depression my depression. Was more of a form of sadness. Like I was sad that I lost my girlfriend when I lost my girlfriend's I was sad when I may be lost a big a lot of money from a real estate deal. I was pissed off as a young man and a growth and an older gentleman when I because I lost my dad when I was young I was perpetually pissed at that because he was my best friend and I never talked about that to anyone my family and I we will always celebrate my dad dance light candles. We all missed him. We all love him. We still deal with it today and I was just particularly just pissed off and that was part of my sadness. It was just many different things that led me on my road to of addiction and literally if I didn't start to just make changes and love myself. I would have never been here today and I would not have been alive today. So, you know, I just am very thankful to God. I'm very thankful to my family and friends. I'm very thankful to the state of New York because the human resource Administration in New York really did a great job at helping us helping me and a lot of my friends that I knew in recovery really put the pieces of our lives back together from the ground up. So my addiction took me for you know out of college. I was making a lot of money. I had a really good job. And I was really doing well and I you know, my addiction took me from just a high place to a low Place really fast and at the end of that tunnel the only promise that alcohol gave me was poor health poor mental health a bad liver and bankruptcy and no money and no options. So I literally can say from a first-hand experience that there's no promise that alcohol or drugs to ever give Stats real and my spiritual world. We look at that as a thing from the devil. We look at it as something that's evil. We don't look at it as something that's promising. And anyway, I don't want I don't Advocate any positive benefits of doing drugs and alcohol and my personal experience. I just would say this if you're a person that could drink without any issues and you don't have any addiction issues than that. That's fine. This is this message is not particularly for you. Because it's not fair we deserve as don't podcast. We do promote a Live and Let Live wife. So I'm not trying to not anyone's lifestyle choices, but for the ones for us that's really have struggled with addiction issues and we need to drink every day to feel better and we self-medicate and we do drugs and alcohol to self-medicate because we're sad depressed and we're dealing with some form of mental health issue in the background. I think that that's just a recipe for disaster. I'm definitely sharing my story and I just definitely want to encourage anyone out there to definitely you know, don't go It Alone don't suffer alone. So today we're talking ladies and gentlemen about the sty Mia which is classified as a mood disorder and DSM-5 re-categorized this re-categorized the name from the sty Mia to persistent depressive. Order and it's part of a mood disorder. Also consider a depressive disorder it until it constitutes a depressed mood for most of the day four more days than not as indicated by subjective account or observation by others for at least two years. So if you're someone that has been really in the dumps and really depressed and down for a minimum of two years or more and this me. Things like you literally could go to work you literally, you know seem normal, but you really, you know, met someone may have witnessed this, you know, you may be extremely irritable or seem a lot different than you used to be. You know, you know, sometimes people may you know ask you how are you or are you sure you're okay just seemed a little bit down and we tend to say I'm fine. I'm good. Just a little stressed out life is you know a lot. I'm very busy a lot going on. We're all very good at kind of deflecting but the truth is if you're really if you're really suffering for a long period of time this particular disorder can be something you're dealing with and for me, I literally know for a fact it was a it was a year after year thing where I really wasn't happy and I wasn't living the life that I wanted to live the life that I really wanted to live was a life of spiritual alignment optimal. Health monetary abundance and and and happiness and being in alignment with my spiritual spirituality feeling like I was in a good place with God and feeling like I was contributed contributing properly to society my family and my friends and I feel like I was living up to beat a man that I my father expected me to be my Earthly father heavenly father and just living up to who I was supposed to be And when I was depressed and sad and constantly drinking I was totally not living up to that and that led to chronic depression for me because I was upset with myself and I had to stop the pity party and really start to do the work and address the issues that needed to be addressed in order to get to the next level. So that's for me but for you and maybe something different. So let's really on this episode while you're listening today. If you know someone that may be struggling with long-term sadness or depression. No, this episode could be for them. If you are someone that struggling with sadness and depression and you don't know how it where to put this these feelings and you know, this episode is for you and maybe you know, the intention of this episode is to really start the dialogue and maybe to have some form of a breakthrough even if that means that today is the first day that you call someone up that you love and say Hey, you know, I'm not sure but lately I've been a little Bit sad and I just want to talk to someone about it, you know because depression and mental health is a real issue and we should not suffer alone presence while depressed of two or more of the following if you're suffering from a poor appetite or overeating this could this may be a symptom of the sty Mia insomnia meaning that you cannot sleep at all you tend to stay up all night or hypersomnia. Meaning that Um you tend to lay in bed all day or you want to do is sleep past eight hours. You can sleep for 8 hours get up and you just want to go back to bed for me. My depression was was crazy because I used to drink at when it really got bad. I would I knew I was so depressing disappointed with myself that I used to drink a lot of hard liquor in the fastest amount of time as possible to knock me out again, so I would get up Up and within another within two hours. I will be knocked out again and I will be sleeping for another five or six hours and I would get up drink two hour and a half two hours knocked out again. I did that consistently because I was hypersomnia. I was hypersomnia. Like I didn't really want to I just need I just literally needed to sleep. I didn't want to be awake. I just wanted to drink until I couldn't do anything and that was it and then I was all I would always. Cup and I will always feel bad and but I was always in the back of my mind trying to figure out a way out and I figured if I was sleeping I wasn't hurting anyone and it was just a sad cycle man. I don't think anyone need none of us need to go through that and that's why it's very important that we talk about this we deal with mental health. I mean, there's people out there who suffer from insomnia or hypersomnia and they deal with that differently a lot of us self-medicate a lot. And it's all unhealthy and it leads to a really bad place and for me it almost led to Suicidal Tendencies. And that was kind of when I got to the point where I said, no, you know, this is way too far removed from my comfort zone. This is not me and I started to try to get the help. I don't want anyone to go too far off the deep end where you're hurting yourself. So let's keep that in mind. Another symptom may be low self-esteem like you really feel down about yourself. You really feel bad, you know, no matter how Pretty you get dressed or how nice you look if you're a guy you tend to just feel down. You know, you don't feel like a hundred percent. You don't feel hot anymore. This could this could you know, low self-esteem is really a powerful issue Paul concentration or difficulty making decisions. All right, if you struggle from concentrating or your very indecisive this can be a symptom of the sty Mia which is low. Address long-term depressive disorder feelings of hopelessness. Like there's no way out. There's no there's no way I can really get through this. There's no way I could turn my life around. There's no hope why if you're suffering with that and you're on that level, you know, this can be an issue that you may be dealing with during the two-year period of the disturbance. The person has never been without symptoms from the above two. Areas, for more than two months at a time. So within the last two years action self, you know have I've been dealing with you know have I had issues with overeating a poor eating where insomnia or hypersomnia was have I experienced lower energy of fatigue, you know that my dealing with low self-esteem and poor concentration difficulty making decisions or feelings of hopelessness. During the two-year period of that of dealing with your depression, you know, you want to make sure you never been without these symptoms for more than two months at a time. So it's possible that you know, you may have a period of two months with things may feel normal, but then you know you make you can't get back to a place where oh you start experiencing these issues again. So sometimes we need feel like it's not long-term. Sighs it may be short periods where you feel better, but if you find yourself gravitating back into these moods than you may be suffering from this time Mia. Okay. They also say that in this case there has never been a manic episode of mixed episode or hypomanic episode in a criteria is cyclothymia has never been met. Well address cyclothymia later. The disturbance is not due to the direct. Rex physiological effects of a substance example giving a drug or a drug or abuse or medication or general medical condition. So meaning that if you're in most cases this issue wouldn't be caused by an addiction, you know, it can lead to an addiction that's different. But you know, generally you being in, you know, this would be like something that you just naturally dealing with, you know, because you're naturally sad and depressed for some So keep that in mind the symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment and important areas of functioning. All right, so ladies and gentlemen, this disorder is extremely serious and I just want to I just want to really, you know, I have to urge again to I have to say this to you guys. I really want to make sure Sure, you guys are really safe. I don't want anyone, you know self diagnosing them as their selves and not seek medical advice. This is just to give us kind of a blueprint in the shed light on the many different forms of mental illness out there. Like, you know, you have many forms of mental illness. So also I want to say this people report that nothing will get you excited with this type of disorder like you you like if you Things they like for example, if you used to get excited about watching a specific sport, like you're a football person and you love football and out of nowhere you just lose interest and you don't care no more. You just like I don't want to do it. I don't care. I don't care about anything screw my team. I don't want to watch football or if you're a person that used to love ballet and you just fall out of it. This can be another indication because people report that that you know, they would just fall out of love for things and they won't get excited about things that they really used to love and really used to like and for me that was the case when I was struggling, you know, I love martial arts. I love health. I love God, I love spirituality. I love food, you know, I love health and none of those things used to get me excited. The only thing that got me excited was Brandy hard liquor and beer and the problem with that was that wasn't me. So people who knew me was like it has to be something off with pop because you know, he was always a jubilant good guy, but he was always his into health and all of the stuff and this stuff excites him. And as you as I recovered ladies and gentlemen, and as you all know part of the monkey Alan Community to serve as though Community, I'm really excited about how if I love it. You know, I'm reading the book by Dave asprey now superhuman the bulletproof diet. I got I have my book from dr. Michael Greger how not to die, you know from my plant based Community. I'm just like really like studying health and nutrition. I'm into meditation. I'm into a you know, I'm losing weight. I'm finding all this energy. So I'm back to my original Self and now could be, you know, really honest to myself and I can really get back to a safe place, but it's important to state that most high functioning people. That's dealing with this form of high-functioning depression. You know, you really feel down for long periods of time. So just ask yourself. Am I someone who hasn't been myself for the last two years, you know for the last two years and my really down because the only person I can really answer. These questions properly is you and you have to be honest. Alright, another thing about most psychologists and most people in the medical community to get frustrated. They say that the sty Mia or persistent depressive disorder goes undiagnosed for years. And I think that's because most people who suffer from long term depression, especially long-term low-grade depression. Meaning that it's not categorized as a major form of depression depression. It kind of you know, you're you're able to hide function, you know, most people was really depressed. In other categories can't go to work. They can't go to school. They can't function. Function, you know, but a high-functioning depressive person, you know you go Regal you could be the president United States and you know be suffering and secrecy and really not really know that you need to get a diagnosis. So kind of like be honest with yourselves and go get Percy professional help and it's also hard to recognize the let when was the last time you felt good. So it was hard to recognize the last period of time you felt good. So most people who suffer from this time Iya you ask them. When was the last time you felt good, and honestly, they could say I don't remember someone else who's dealing with another form of depression could say well. I remember feeling good at a period of time, maybe two years ago three years ago, maybe two years ago when I was at that other job. I remember that was a happy moment for someone who may be dealing with this low-grade long-term persistent depressive disorder. They may say I can't remember when the last time I was really happy. See, I can't remember the last time I wasn't sad or depressed. So keep that in mind. You may contact they may be some issues with recollection with this type of disorder. Ladies and gentlemen, so I'm going to leave you there. That's all my notes. All right, if you're out there and you're someone that feels like you have a low-hanging Cloud over your head and lately. You've been very negative. You feel like, you know, you can't function. You just upset with life and you kind of angry and frustrated. This disorder could definitely be something that you're suffering with. If you notice these symptoms are present in someone like that. You love definitely try to get them the help that they need or maybe make a kind suggestion at they see a mental health professional some real quick real quick. I want to go over a few more notes another I won again if you have a loss. Loss of Interest which they call anhedonia that's a term anhedonia loss of interest for things you used to like this could be something that you're suffering with like we spoke about loss of appetite loss of sleep or want to sleep all day. And now this is important for kids the stymie or persistent depressive disorder or high-functioning depression. It may manifest a little bit differently. So for adults and made manifest as loss of Interest Is loss of appetite lack of sleep and stuff but in children it manifests as chronic irritability and symptoms that may mimic or look like ADHD and the child which anyone under 18 is considered a child. They may say things like I'm just frustrated. I'm just frustrated and they may be having really symptoms of irritability anger at school. They may be getting into fights. They may be a lot more disruptive and aggressive and they may use the term. I'm frustrated. I'm angry and I don't know why you're just leave me alone, or I'm fine and they met your sofa parents out there and family who has young teenagers and kids and maybe younger, you know to a kid people in the Adolescent age for 18 years and under you know, the you made you can't also suffer from persistent depressive disorder you made you can also be a high-functioning. Then depress it that the you may be suffering from high function and depression and you can be suffering from dysthymia. So ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to cut to a few motivational clips and then we're going to go to seven signs of high functioning depression and we're going to wrap this episode. I love you guys. I'm your host pop. You can and you listening to the soap is dope podcast. Remember we do not have to go It Alone. In dealing with recovery or addiction we don't have to go it alone when dealing with mental health and depression and sadness and we can ladies and gentlemen kill we can't get the help that we need. All right, if you're suffering from depression start it starts with you being honest with yourself communicating it to someone you love seeking medical attention looking into medication as an In looking into other forms of therapy. All right, I'm gonna die. We all here at the so bestow Community. We have many members who suffer with mental health issues including myself and this is mental health awareness month. I want to I want to wreak at a garage that as mental health awareness year. Let's close out 2019. We're doing everything we can to bring as much like to mental health awareness as possible because too many people I love are suffering from this and it makes me sad. To see other people sad and I think it's a stigma there and I think it's not enough realistic people talking about this and I think a lot of people are trying now and this book is getting into the popular audience and it's good, you know, people are starting to really talk about this but I really want to be I want to join the fight. I'm on the front lines with you guys and I just literally like if you're out there and you're sad man, do not suffer by yourself because you're not alone and that's the one thing I didn't. Yet you're not alone as millions of us your human being we're on the planet Earth. We're in the middle of the Milky Way floating at the speed of light things happen. We lose friends friends died loved ones die people may break up with you. You know, you may not understand how you you know, what's going on with you chemically, you know where biological creatures we change we have hormones, you know, environmental factors can lead to depression, you know, the things that we use the it's that we inhale the products that we put on our skin of foods that we eat. You know GMOs, there's links between GMOs glice of Faith or to pesticide that's on our vegetables leading to some form of depression. There's this this information out there the the your environment can dictate your epigenetic expression. So your thoughts the thoughts that you use how you think about yourself how you perceive the world, you know, you're Relationships to people around you, you know are you know what you're smoking what you're drinking what you're thinking the inputs and outputs. It all goes in cohesively together. It comes together and it leads us to either be happy and not healthy or not and we can't adjust the make radical changes in the now to get to the next level. So you're not alone. Right? So if you're suffering from depression, this is a good start now another thing I want to say before I go you can find me on Instagram. At popu Cannon at sobers dope and at monk healing that's the same thing for Twitter, right? You could go to pop you can't find out more information about me personally. All right, and you could go you can find me on iTunes Spotify any place that Park I just Google soap is dope. I'm everywhere reach out to me if you're suffering from mental illness depression or sadness because I listened to you and we can start They're right. So if you don't know anyone else that you can really express your emotions to try Pop, you know, just say hey Pop. I heard your podcast and I think I'm suffering and I just want to tell you what I'm going through. I'll listen. I read I read whatever you send me and then maybe we could work on a plan together. Maybe we could, you know, figure out a course of action, but don't suffer alone. All right, ladies and gentlemen again. I love you all. I'll catch you soon. Many psychologists associate high-functioning depression with persistent depressive disorder, which is a prolonged state of depression those with high functioning depression may not feel as helpless as those with clinical depression. But their depression does affect tremendously their quality of life. It minimizes their interest in everything including social events with friends and family high functioning depressives will go to school or work and socialize when necessary but once they're done with their responsibilities, they'll withdraw themselves. Here are seven signs. You may have high functioning. depression number one you're concerned with time. Although you're achieving your goals and completing all your tasks. You feel like you're wasting your time. Even if you find a new hobby or job. It still feels like a Fool's errand and you wonder if all the time you're investing into such activities are worth it. Number two, you constantly criticize yourself because you feel like you're not achieving much you criticize yourself. Your expectations are too high. So you push yourself to the Limit affecting your state of mind. Number three you overthink. It doesn't matter if a situation is big or small will find yourself overthinking it and eventually breaking down. Number four you feel misunderstood since most high functioning depressives can maintain a job a house and the responsibilities people underestimate how much anguish they're going through minimizing their feelings simply because they don't act like the typical depressed person. Number five you feel saddened. It's normal to feel sad from time to time. But if you're sad or numb most of the time even while participating in fun activities, you may be suffering from high functioning depression. Number six you have unhealthy coping strategies since you overwork yourself, you may lean towards drugs or alcohol to deal with stressful situations many high-functioning depressives turn to self-destructive habits to clear their minds. Number 7 you have excessive pastimes along with any unhealthy coping habits. You have you may also find yourself constantly gaming or binge watching TV series among other things. Although these activities seem normal. The problem is you're actually using them to escape reality. Hi functioning. Depression is difficult to notice because those who suffer from it are still able to continue with their responsibilities, since they don't act like the typical depressive person. They believe that they're truly okay, but in reality, it's not okay to live life feeling numb sad and constantly criticizing yourself. If you do have high functioning depression try to find the root of it only by doing. So can you truly live happily? Hello ladies? Gentlemen, welcome back. I want to thank site to go for that. Excellent summary of seven signs that you may be dealing with high-functioning depression. So before I let you guys go, I just want to thank you all for your patience. I want to thank everyone in the soap is dope Universe. I want to send a special shout-out to my friend taneja and her company protect your mental and once I get a link from harm upon Put a Time added to the show notes. This is a young lady who has been very vocal about her mental health and she's put herself out there and she put herself on the front line as she's bringing a witness to mental health in a very creative way and she's using herself as an example. So, you know, she's like family to us. We call her tiny, but to the world a noise to Nation to Nation. Thank you for your work. In the mental health field and we wish you luck or your mental health journey, and I love your company protect. Your mental I think is very clever and ladies and gentlemen, I urge you to protect your men to and I will add her company so you can pick up some of her shirts to the show notes. I would like to also thank my friend Erica Erica. We recently met on Instagram you reached out to me. So if you're listening to this, I know you overcame a lot of mental health issues and your story is very very very very important to me and it gave me inspiration. So I just wanted to thank you. Like I tell you online you a goddess keep it to go work up and I can't wait to share your story on this mental health series and we're good. We got a lot of work to do. Shout out to everyone in the soap is dope Universe. Thank you for everyone who recently left the really beautiful. Reviews on iTunes. I love every one of you guys so if you have an iPhone out there ladies and Gentlemen, please leave a review for the soap as though podcast. It helps us get in front of more people. It helps our visibility so we can help more people. So moving along his some creative ways ladies and gentlemen, you could cope with hot being having high function no depression. So if you are suffering, And any of these things in this podcast remind you of yourself, please, you know, here we go. First thing I want to say is don't sleep on getting medical help and I want you all if you are struggling to seek proper medical advice don't use anything that I'm saying here as a replacement for actual expert advice. So try to find go to your look. Position your local physician whoever your doctor is and try to have them prescribed prescribed and recommend actual hit and psychotherapist or someone that can actually help you. All right, so that that being said that's very very important. Secondly, I would like to say that medication is extremely important. Okay pharmacotherapy is extremely important because sometimes we can use for Michael therapy and medication and conjunction with behavioral-based Psychotherapy at cognitive behavioral therapy. So, you know therapists are very important, you know in my case being able to go to group having a therapist having a psychiatrist being able to take medication for that little six months really got me back on track. So I recommend that you look into those Avenues. Also another thing that can help me. Ladies and gentlemen is get organized. Okay. So for people like us who are high functional who get depressed we tend to be very forgetful and we tend to not to be able to remember dates and sometime appointments and you know that can be an issue for us. So getting organized kind of helped us structure our lives. So I urge you guys to write everything down write everything down making a gender for yourself write down important days. When's your appointment? When's your next? Oil change when you have to go back to the dentist, when's your next doctor's appointment weekly agendas, you know monthly agendas agendas, you know when specific bills need to be paid, you know get organized. So write and write everything down make yourself an agenda that can really help you get ahead of, you know, the forgetfulness and stuff like that. Also home organization is very important extra clutter interfere. Fears with you know, our general organization goals. So put things in this prospective place, you know, really organize your bedrooms, you know, make sure your shoes are in the proper place put your t-shirts in the t-shirts drawers, you know your underwear with a supposed to be hang up all your jackets your colds. Make sure it's no extra clutter give away things that you don't need declutter your space because there's a correlation between the clutter in your mind and the Clutter Our environment so by clearing out a lot of junk you will feel more free and more exposure more energized to be able to express yourself. So get rid of a lot of a clutter cleanup give away your jump start over, you know and get organized. All right, another way that another thing that can help is socialization and hobbies. Okay being high functionally depressed we tend to isolate ourselves. So it is a real issue one way to get over. This is find something that you're passionate about and take a class in it. So let's say you're interested in boxing take a box and class. You're gonna be learning something new while you're meeting new people and that's for anything. I mean if it's martial arts take a martial arts class if it's painting drawing singing dancing anything that may Peak your interest and may bring curiosity and creativity back in your life. Try to take a class. Socialize more, you know call up your friends and my case. I'm naturally isolated. I'm naturally reclusive that's my nature, but I have to really force myself to be so sure. I really do and I have to work on it. So I'm gonna take my own advice and call up some of my best friends have so many best friends. I've so many people that love me and I love them, but I have to stop being a little hermit and start going out and seeing people more and I urge you to self-care. All right. Dealing with high functional depression. We tend to have zero energy at times or be very drained. All right. So I would say self-care is really Paramount for me. Okay, believe it or not getting sleep. I say it again. And again, I'm a high proponent for optimal sleep habits. Get sleep. All right, ladies and gentlemen, drink a lot of water studies show that high proper hydration can help with brain health. Okay one advice I would have is you know, Hi looking into a high-fat diet. All right, look into the book bulletproof diet by Dave asprey that book will give you a lot of real bang for your buck as far as mental health and diet and nutrition because there are a lot of reports that a high-fat diet can help with brain help because our brain is mostly fat and it and you know, so a lot of hydration a lot of healthy fats can help. With our brain power in our brain health array reducing sugar also and glucose can also help with reduce symptoms of depression. This is also something you guys could go online and research. All right, so by minimizing your sugar and getting healthier and drinking more water and increasing healthy fats, you kind of reverse some of the negative effects of poor eating habits and you can kind of bring back, you know, can you give some energy to your mitochondria and your cellular environment or right? So we are in mitochondria gives ATP power and ATP is what powers our mitochondria or in fat helps the energy and blah blah blah. So ladies and gentlemen, you know, I'm not going to turn this into a nutrition course, but this help me, you know, I have my Bulletproof Coffee. I have a lot of avocado. I'll eat a lot of coconut oil. I exercise I drink a lot of water. I'm mainly plant-based. I eat a lot of beans and green vegetables and my move Overnight changes. Okay then so that's my thing. Also using a lawn clock so you could get into a regular sleep pattern. So you want to aim the go to sleep at the same time every night and the and the wake up at the same time every morning and you want to kind of stick to a consistent schedule of sleep and that will help your overall move. Okay, watch out for distractions because we tend to you know, No, I don't mean watch forgive me. I'm sorry I'm saying watch out for over thinking. Okay. So how we counter overthinking is by finding creative ways to create distractions. So what does that mean? Sometimes we have to get out of our heads ladies and gentlemen, so I urge you to take long walks, you know find a bunch of different Hobbies, you know, find a bunch of things. You could do start a podcast about anything. It could be a subject that you love start a blog, you know. Something start a side business if there's a term that we used to be that we use in our sobriety that busy tames the Beast busy tames the Beast busy tames the Beast so idle mind is the Devil's Playground, right? So busy tames to be so, you know, if you stay busy and you stay distracted from your own mind and overthinking it can help it can help create another dimension in your health and your mental health and make your life a little bit more easy. Okay. My lastly exercise ladies and gentlemen, we all know this. Okay. So I will you know lift a little bit of weight walk every day after you eat, you know, do a little light Jog and a little crunches if you if you if you want to do something less less intense, but still beneficial study some Thai Chief study some chi gong study some yoga get into meditation get into breathing practices. Just create Different things I would say use all of these tools as one big form of therapy in conjunction with seeing your doctor and getting the proper medication that you may need also smart supplementation. Ladies and gentlemen, this is very important. We all should be taken our daily requirement of vitamins and supplements that help with our overall mental health. So everyone should be taken a good healthy a good high quality multivitamin. Okay the company pure PU. Ure pure encapsulations they have a very good one day multivitamin. Okay. So look into that me I find that if I take a certain level of vitamin D and Omega 3 fish oil with EPA and DHA that tends to help me out a lot to also take a zinc tends to help it helps with my nervous system and rebuilding our nervous system and making me stronger on the inside and just being mindful of your base vitamins the B vitamins because Plagues making sure you have enough iron. So look get a blood test. Ask the doctor to give you a full battery and see where you may be deficient some time where deficient in some vital minerals and nutrients that may be the X Factor in our mental health or right but also always consult with a physician before making any drastic help changes to your life and diet you also we urge you to have a good rapport with your doctor. Okay, because Has your doctor if he understands your diet, he understands your health needs. He understands your blood. He your blood work, you know, he could recommend you with the right psychotherapist. So you want a good rapport with your doctor yet that doctors have a good rapport with your psychotherapist. So they could communicate effectively back and forth so you can have a real good chance of having a better diagnosis, right? Lastly and I always say lastly. So forgive me. I'm long-winded greater self awareness self understanding and flexibility of thinking is very important. All right statistics show that grabbing greater self awareness of yourself your likes your dislikes. What makes you tick what doesn't it helps goes along and help go a long way, right? And so definitely keep that in mind and ladies and gentlemen, because this is very important. And some other things proactively manage your stress we talked about that practice yoga meditation counseling and therapy. We know that's Paramount. That's at the top of our list stay socially engaged eat to support your mental health a correct diet can make all the difference on your mental health find what works for you and live a balanced lifestyle, um using aromatherapy. So what I've been using lately because there is a study for high-end. Brain activity if you use the essential oil Cyprus, it smells like Pine-Sol. If you not around a lot of pine trees and you can't spend more time in nature this kind of tricks your brain and makes you and put you in nature. So when I'm in my car spray the essential oil Cypress and it reminds me of walking in a Pine Forest and we know walking in the pine forests or walking outside and nature and being a lot around a lot of trees helps our mental health and our oxygenation and stuff like that. So that's a little bio. Peppermint lavender Cypress, these essential oils are has been known to decrease depression in a lot of ways. Okay neutral nutrients and herbs, you know, check your local physician. Check your home local Homeopathy. You don't get Nate. Yeah medicine doctor and try to get herbs and stuff that helps support your overall health ladies and gentlemen, and last but not least make sure you get a good. Behavioral-based psychotherapist a cognitive behavior psychotherapist don't sleep on talk the talk therapy groups farmer pharmacotherapy. If you put use all of these in conjunction, they can help they can help Target symptoms of depression and high-functioning depression. So ladies and gentlemen, that's my take and these are the tools that I think we could use to cope. These are the tools that I use and I hope they can work. You I love you. All right. This is mental health awareness month mental health awareness years or the soba is don't podcast is making meth mental health awareness of thing for the rest of the year going all the way to the end of 2020. This is what we're gonna do. We're gonna work on this subject together. Anyone that comes across as podcast. We are gonna work on this together. I don't care what it takes. I put some links in the show notes to her. Hot lines that you could call check out our episode about suicide prevention and suicide prevention awareness. We have a bunch of hum resources in there. If you're suffering from depression and possible suicide. We want everyone to live. We want everyone to make it. I'm your host pop. You can and you're listening to the soap as though podcast. I love you all less Hill together and let's put our Mental Health First. I love you so much. I catch you on the other side. Will you hold the line and every one of them is giving up and giving in town in this house of mine. Nothing ever comes out a consequence of cost helmet. Well the stars align whatever step B. Will it save us from us? It has a mind since wrong. That's the price you pay. The edge face up cos you right now? Will somebody let me see the light of day in the dark trees shadowing what's happening look through the glass found the wrong with in the past knowing we are without the piece facing a bitter truth the truth. Deep sigh me I'm faded. Like I'm fading to connote by the blood of my head won't break E. I can taste it e in his bonus ass, we're gonna make it.
Welcome to the “Sober is Dope” Podcast with your host, POP Buchanan. This episode is part of our Mental Health series. In this episode we cover Persistent Depressive Disorder, commonly known as “Dysthymia”. Dysthymia is described as “High Functioning Depression.” According to the DSM-5 (Diagnostic Statistical Manual), Dysthymia is known as chronic depression, because the primary feature of persistent depressive disorder is a depressed mood that doesn’t go away over a long period of time. The essential feature of persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia) is a depressed mood that occurs for most of the day, for more days than not, for at least 2 years (at least 1 year for children and adolescents). Symptoms of Chronic Depression This disorder represents a consolidation of DSM-IV-defined chronic major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder. Major depression may precede persistent depressive disorder, and major depressive episodes may occur during persistent depressive disorder. Individuals whose symptoms meet major depressive disorder criteria for 2 years should be given a diagnosis of persistent depressive disorder as well as major depressive disorder. Individuals with persistent depressive disorder describe their mood as sad or “down in the dumps.” During periods of depressed mood, at least two of the following six symptoms from are present: * Poor appetite or overeating * Insomnia or hypersomnia * Low energy or fatigue * Low self-esteem * Poor concentration or difficulty making decisions * Feelings of hopelessness Because these symptoms have become a part of the individual’s day-to-day experience, particularly in the case of early onset (e.g., “I’ve always been this way”), they may not be reported unless the individual is directly prompted. During the 2-year period (1 year for children or adolescents), any symptom-free intervals last no longer than two months. In children and adolescents, their mood may also be marked by increased and significant irritability for a year or longer. Free National Helpline SAMHSA’s National Helpline – 1-800-662-HELP (4357) SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders. 7 signs you may have high functioning depression by Psych2GO Video- 6 ways to cope with high functioning depression by Psych2Go Video- Intro by Rich Wilkerson Jr - Are you Ok? Video - --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Before I continue one of the ways, we keep all of our content for you. The listener free of charge is our amazing sponsors, and today anchor is one of those sponsors. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchors going to distributor podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and everywhere podcasts are listened to and you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor Dot f m-- to get started AfterBuzz TV drag race fans. It's 2019 and we're about to recap three episodes. Yeah, you heard it three so stay tuned. It's going to be epic. You are tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of tv top now let them go. I mean in hot with some Tina Turner it is the AfterBuzz TV drag race panel. It is 2019. We are back. We are ready to recap three episodes of All Stars season 4 we have two special guests here and they are marked a Freeman's dogs. Yeah. They're watching us and judging us are from a chair across from us. Yeah, I am your host. I am one two, three, Jackie B. I have Mark J Freeman near Jayla who is our new host? Yes a permanent host. Yeah and get kicked off. No, no and Ali. Hi. You have nothing. So this will be our panel for the rest of the season. We'll see you here next Sunday 5:00 p.m. And yes, we are expecting spot again our dogs other than the dogs, but we will tell you about them later. So I just want to give a quick shout-out to Ken Ken 29. Yes is in the chat room. Shout out to everyone in our chat room. Thank you for joining us here live. The first episode we have to recap is not Jersey justice as I flipped through my nose. I'm like going back five years. It's girl groups head. Episode 2 think back think back to like three weeks ago General something Matthews. What did you think of actually, you know, what scrap that sorry. I forgot to ask y'all which one was your favorite episode out of the 300 mine was George wise or like entertainmentwise just in general like if you had three episodes in front of you and you had to put your stamp on one of them saying this is my favorite. Which one would you pick remember? What was so for the first one is Hanny? Ah, yes a seal and then was what snatch game smash it and then and then the Jersey Girl wonder which was my favorite. Go ahead everything. Okay? Yeah. Though I do love that song. Now. It's kind of like in my head. I a kind of have to go with snatch game just because it's Malibu baby you guys and your get to it but was mine was the Jersey one. I am such a fan of snatch game and thus achieving was so disappointing to me. So we'll get into that but I was not a fan of this this season snatch game. So what did you guys think of the main challenge like who were your favorites? Who did you think the ones are too right? Uh, yeah, this is episode 2. And again, we have this thing where we don't know if they're going to judge on the group or not. It looks like they judged individually and they didn't seem to care who was the group leader or not. Whereas some Seasons there. Like I really care who the group leader is and you failed the group is leader. And so I'm like, I don't know why the storylines change like that. I guess just you know when they wanted to and they wanted to and Stacy Layne Matthews from season 3. The original Henny was the Star eye. I was really excited to see her. I think though that there was the don't Funk It Up group as much as I learned that yeah as much as I love that song and I love the group. They weren't really highlighting Stacy Layne Matthews, which I thought was like the whole stick of the thing. It's like she was the Beyonce of the group and then they were supposed to like, yeah, and I really felt like the don't fuck it up group didn't really do that. And I know they had an odd number, so they Had her like entering with Latrice and I was like, oh I just wish you would have highlighted her more. Yeah, I've got like both didn't do that though. Yeah, I literally just the one I literally forgot Stacy Layne Matthews was there both challenges and I think the other team that wanted to have five members they had a five members that they have like if you have more people than you're going to already had a disadvantage in the challenge was for this too many too many directions. I just wish they would have wore color coordinate things. Yeah. I really didn't because I don't know it's just like It was just too busy. I thought both of them. I thought because I felt like Manila and Gia seem to have a similar color scheme. Yeah, but then everybody else didn't and I felt the other group was just so out there. I'm not saying individual people. Did it look good because I thought a lot of them looked good in what they were wearing, but I wanted that's what I wanted. I wanted to be. I mean just wear all black girls. We know you have all black going back to All-Stars to read you wrote you rewrote you and they were the black sequin. Yeah, we're that and then Roxy stood out with the new bodies. Yeah, that's that's like eye-catching to me. And I was just like I just yeah, I wanted more of that. I wanted more of a cohesive cohesive. They use the word. I was looking for baby girl and I wanted more highlight of Stacy Layne. Yeah. That's what I want. I thought like I thought both well, I you know one team more than the other but it seemed like yeah, if you're thinking about like Destiny's Child or something you're like, okay. Well one person has to be Beyonce and that's not happening out here but I did like Trinity's choreography. I felt like everything had it was moved to a spot. It was more moved to a spot kind of choreography where I think Monique's was kind of like, okay. Now you're just gonna free-for-all here and if we probably drag queen and you know, yeah perform when all fails give a little bit Yeah scoot over and she knew like, you know, the easiest thing to do was I have said this a hundred times when I've done things with other queens and they To get it all choreographed and all this stuff sometimes simple is best. I said if the three of us are just standing there and we all just go like that at the same time. They're probably gonna go crazy and we didn't do anything but go like this. So I always think simple is better and I don't know it just seemed very I love that. I have that shimmy that they did it looks good, but the good old boots. I just it looked at it's all I can think about is that so that was I'm surprised you thought that Trinity did that choreography because No, I'm not saying she did it. I was saying her group. Yeah, that was the one thing that was another thing. I noticed because you didn't really have her taking charge even though her team did well you didn't have her really taking charge of the team. It's like there were a bunch of cooks in the kitchen as Stacy Lanes. Yeah. Yeah yet it ended up fine on the runway around the stage, which is also the runway. Yeah, so I want to move on because we only have an hour and a half so Gia versus Farah so we had Gia throughout the whole episode is kind of like airing her grievance with Farrah and we are trying to get Gia here on this show and I think if I had G on the show, the one thing I would ask her is like why now like why this time because Farrah had said, oh like we were in this fight six months ago. So it's like if you're trying to patch things up, like I do understand this. A television show but why didn't you guys reach out to each other earlier? You got my number girls hex. Yeah, if I want to fall out with you got my number, we're not going to do this here because that's going to throw me off my game. Yeah, and like like going off of that. I know she liked briefed Trinity to create drama, but I feel like she purposely didn't brief Farah because it's fair if she's very, you know meek and very docile and you know, but that being said I was kudos to Pharaoh because I was I was very proud of how she Hold it. Yeah, I was proud of that. She called her out on everything and was just like look I know exactly what you're doing, you know to mean go over there go get ready. I've already aware that I may be the weak link of this group, but I'm doing what I need to be doing in my head and you're just creating drama. So I was like, I actually it raised my opinion of Farrah at that moment because I was like you go girl. She wasn't Meek she did stand up for herself. And that made me very proud and that's all I have to say any other thoughts on that for you. Her in her defense. She said that she wanted to talk things out quote unquote G there right? Do you think that was well by other issue was because I feel like there were two different points in the episode where at one point. She said, she didn't want to take care of it in front of the cameras and the Tenant does it in front the camera. So I felt like she conjured because I feel like maybe it was in the confessional that she says something like she does. I'll have to watch it again. I got it at a power wash it again, but I feel like there was something like I said and then she kind of did and then she goes over to her again. Mmm to apologize when she's in the bottom and it's just like she's just stirring the pot Cameron who used to be on this panel used to have this phrase called dick in the soup, which meant that you have a producer backstage kind of like trying to tell people what to do and when you when you just brought this up about her saying like she didn't want to do it on there and then she said he does want to do it on are you feel like maybe there's a producer and again like you Get annoyed by me saying this but this is reality TV. And this is how it works. Yeah, you know, but so maybe there was a producer who said you know, what now is good time but you know what reality TV that people can use that is so I was edited the wrong way or I was I've done reality TV and the best decisions that I've made during that is the ones I said no to like that goes a long way and when she when she does get here if and when I do want to ask her did she feel as if she left the show representing the trans community in a great light, right? There is one thing I will say about and I guess like it's a mirror moment to but we will we can stack a bunch of those the end. But when she said she was struggling with now that she's come back to the show. She sees herself as a woman and she is struggling with the fact that the last time she was on the show. It was like a man dressed up as a woman, but now she's like a woman doing drag identity has nothing to do with you being a Can I say bitch? Okay. Yeah, I highly recommend it but I get like I I can understand that struggle because it's like the last time a huge audience like that saw her like it was before she I said publicly that she identified as a woman. And so now she's kind of like having the struggle in public which I understand can be a really hard thing and I thought that particular point was a good one to bring up because when we had peppermint on the show It didn't really like touch on whether government being a bit know if you wasn't. Yeah, I just feel like when you do stuff like that, you have to be mindful of the people who don't have a voice who don't have a platform. I wouldn't go on the show and act a fool and say this is the track. This is the trans Community. This is what I represent right representation matters, you know, and like I said, the best decisions are the ones who say no to it. The producers say we'll go push her buttons and you know, that's not right. You know, that's something that we don't do like, like I said, you have my number talk to me. Me. Yeah. Yeah, so I wouldn't go in there and say okay. Well, here we go, because guess what the people in the midwest who know nothing about trans people or anything like that going to say, oh they all act like that. Yeah, and I honestly I honestly feel like Gia kind of did listen to the producer if that's what she did in order to like. Hey, if I do what they say. Maybe I'll stay longer on the show, you know, so you can't cry boohoo. I'm hands because people feel bad for you, right? Yeah, but she already it's not like she's not successful in her own right? Like it's like she already has her own podcast. So it I understand like this is a big platform, but I think that like just being on the show in general is enough to kind of like boost your ratings and I don't see why I like you would do something detrimental to how you would be perceived just to stay on the show. Like that doesn't make sense to me. Yeah. Yeah. So runways I asked everyone for the three different runways just to pick their top favorite and then their bottom favorite. So for this episode, what was the The Runway was Ella? Once after dark, that's right. So drag, oh my God. Okay, so drag so for this one Latrice was my favorite. I think Latrice since her season, which was for which is a long time ago. And yes, she was on the season one all stars with tonight. Forget that one. I know right box when she's really stepped up her out. It game so I've been so impressed by her outfits. And this one. I really like I love that was black and the theme was Elegance after dark and she was wearing a dark dress and I thought she just looked gorgeous Valentina. That was my bottom outfit and I did note that that's Jackie saying that not right? Yes. Thank you. Yes, and I mean there were things you'll see in other episodes. There were things that Valentina did that I like but this outfit I just didn't like it it was there was The floral in the floral much had drain. Yeah too much we're going on and it seemed like when you looked at I was watching this in HD hunting and when you look to close the bustle looks like it was kind of meld all ya got to be watching. Yeah. I don't like that. It's an HD. I know drag was never met Frank steam it my turn. Yes on my top three. We're Latrice Manila and Monet, but Monet. On a side note without the gloves. I just thought the gloves were too much. I wish you would just didn't have the red gloves on it was just the red dress. I thought she looks so beautiful and just the gloves threw me off but I love them in Allah. I wish and Michelle said it I want her to look like that every time she's on the runway and Latrice was just gorgeous just perfection my worst. I just I just don't even know how to put into words. No next our Monique art. I just don't even know what that was. Can you remind? Me what she was the blue which that big oversized hands and she ripped it off and then it was new to me. Okay, like just made no sense. It was like but I like a good boob reveal, but that just as you look like 12 in the shame is all smushed together. What were the big hands? I don't got ever that was a waste of my time. You don't think it was like kind of Club. No, no, no one's no purple. You know, I know okay next. Okay, Jayla. Well, okay I can. So you to I agree with my top 3 has to be like manila manila manila. Yeah, like oh my God When I saw this, yeah, and I was like a little too. Okay, maybe six Tequila's yeah. Yeah. Yeah that looked like a finale look totally totally. That she did not wait till the end to wear it. So whoever designed that. Yeah, call me. Who was your favorite? Mmm. Don't just kidding. I always it was just Jacqueline a Monet it have you been I mean it was just horrific. I just can't believe that it's not getting it. Well that bad I got it was okay that it was just like maybe the color scheme. I don't know. It was just yeah the gloves I'll blame. It on the gloves. It was just the big hands and then the reveal was and then go keep Ali your turn. All right. Well, I would say Manila but that'd be boring because we talked about mellow enough. So I would say Naomi I love Naomi's look, I think it's kind of it was like the other reflector. Yeah. I loved it like simple very clean elegant, but I would say in my least favorite was fair. Actually. I thought it was kind of boring. She look good. It was just boring in comparison to the rest of the girls. She fell middle. And I love their probably know for me. I love I love that. She in her branding she has this very like pinup model Marisa Aguilera Christina Aguilera kind of look and I like that. She's saying true to that wasn't a bad look at all at least favorite for sure and comparison because everyone else was just like memorable but hers fell flat. I just saw give a little shout out to my hometown peeps of Columbus Ohio access nightclub. I just saw they went live and Farrah was there. On stage performing and she was in the things she wore with the combo now, that's a look at that was all the winners were Monet and Valentina and then the bottom two were Monique and Farrah. What did you guys think of the lip sync? I thought it was amazing again. They'll know it was Valentina and Monet. Oh Valentin. As down II know but I love that lip sing just in general because Valentina left on the worst one of the worst lips things ever ever just her alone. You know, it had nothing to do it had nothing to do with anything else except for her just sucking and so this time sucking in that lip sync guys. Yeah, like because you can actually go all today because you can see her face. You know, this is Jackie talking again, not bad. But I slayed that lip sync. Oh, yeah, it was amazing. It was a it was a great comeback. I loved that. So I agree. She knocked it out of the ballpark. She truly was like I was like, holy you go girl. It was a little bit of a setup. Let's be real like cause like she she went home obviously for an Ariana Grande song. She comes back and the lip syncing and Ariana Grande song. It was she did great but like it wasn't like as amazing as I thought and that was Oliver right? Say that Ha ha ha. That's the guy I could agree with you guys. But well for me Valentina was a whole mood like she did the whole lip sing and she was just blur blur blur like yeah, I was here for it. I was screaming the whole time meet soon. But it was I like you said was it called Dick soup chicken tikka. Nothing like in the yeah, that's what that was. Yeah, give her arms around here sighs a curl and also no one gave credit for Mo'Nique when she lips saying and she didn't know the words for her season and then Like everyone's like oh my God Valentina just so great. But then Monique knows her words when she lip-synchs. So I'm just like what about my name is going to be in the bottom. You better learn that yeah, so, I don't know. Anyways, I was absolutely any last thoughts. I was I was I'm sad to see farrago. Belie job Sarah. We have we can't forget how good Kacey Musgraves looked like a not that would be Like she was oh my gosh, the one my gosh. I kept thinking I kept looking everything. Oh my God. What if somebody make sure that she does in the pride parade? She recorded her video in the gate Demi Lovato Demi Lovato. I kept thinking was Demi Lovato. Every time I lived I was like, is that like no don't do this. Yeah. Oh my God. I'm glad you brought that up because I completely forgot about how good she looks. Yeah. That's what happens when a person three was snatch game. Early to me the worst sex Game of Love Yes, a shame of love the worst snatch game in Drag Race history and it did not have to me. It's not have anything to do with the format. I actually was really excited about the old kind of like dating game format with with because I always watch those old dating shows. So I loved the format. I just thought there weren't enough strong performances to have a really fun snatch game and there were so many painful moments and I was watching so much of it through like my hands-free. Out because it was so painful. Yeah, and I was picturing the whole time even when there weren't those like those little like, you know those noises that they have when someone bombs I was like that's just all the time the shade button. Yeah, it was worse than for you think for was bad. I would like time or for was this is 400 season. Yeah, we put the tree forehead will am leaving remember that will move the a pretending to be I mean episode just sucked in general or there's the snap snap. I thought this snatch game was not strong. Okay. I don't know there have been some other snatch games that have been really really bad. What was the one when Alexis won that one because it was like reaching for straws to give a winner for that one when Alexis Alexis came out when she questioned. Well, no, she did Liza but lies. Yeah, sorry, but she didn't call first three was kind of weak to they're usually snatch game though. I don't think All is a great. You know, I mean, it's not like the whole panels for your fantastic. There's always going to be one or two fortunately. They had one honey. Yes that and I think I think that was the purpose of it because they wanted to kind of like comb through the actual entertainers because I went to do with the original snatch game. There's like everybody up there. So everybody's running get there 5 seconds. And so I'm trying to say give you an answer and then you have some yeah trying to be too much down here, right? So, I guess like I said all sorts for you got to bring your A game so they kind of put You in groups of four, so where we can sift through see who's really an Entertainer who's just blowing through. I just kind of wish they would do snatch game earlier for all stars because then we can see like what Jasmine Masters would have done what Fair would have done, you know, like and who was the other one welfare? Yeah those two world. Yeah so far. Yeah. Well, this was early. Well, I guess it's not really early because there just weren't as many like The Comeback episode. That should be a snatch game. I think personally. Yeah, but I don't know I enjoyed it. I have a new crush on. Keenan Lonsdale when I didn't know he had an accent so when I heard the accent, yeah, everyone knows almost like he's in love Simon and he's the door. Oh God. It's so good. Oh, I don't like that. But I like him. I mean, I didn't hate it. I actually liked the Twist on it. I was like because I when I heard they were gonna be at Whistling. What are they? Mark doesn't hate so much. To do a good Eartha Kitt. Yeah, because now I just feel bad for the kid. I also feel bad for Jenni bully. Yeah, I instagrammed her and I don't get the carrot. The character was not there like I guess because Jenny boo is not a funny person and maybe they had something to do right. She doesn't do comedy. She has more of like flyers and still, you know, I think the thing isn't in really says this that person doesn't necessarily be funny. You just have to be funny doing the character and there's things you can do to be funny and And it's a lot of it. Is she just I well what I was at this what I was going to say that I forgot. I just it's still frustrating to me that you're coming to All-Stars in particular not having a backup not having a not having practiced at home and not having put something to multiple thing. I mean, I think Manila even says it did you just come to All-Stars for it without a back-up plan. Hmm, you know, it's like come on guys like you really think she was going to pull off a Caitlyn Jenner that way. I don't know what that would have been awesome. A staged like she wasn't to never going to do Caitlyn Jenner. What a podcast the Willem and Alaska's I think podcast she just said that she might didn't know they both knew that it was staged. So they just kind of played with it for good TV. Just letting you know that I think it was never going to do Caitlyn Jenner. You're Kris J. Honestly was just honestly G. Okay. Wait, hold up. What are you telling me that this is not reality God. You're you're horrible. Thank you. I'm done taking the dogs and going out there and get back early. We have like an hour left. Come on that actually makes more sense. No, it makes me totally it's because it's like I couldn't see Gia doing Caitlyn Jenner. I knew the first place I would like it was so weird to me because she was standing her ground about that and I was like, I don't see this as like something Gia being passionate about other than the fact that they're just both trans women and I was like I have nothing to do but like couldn't you just pick another trans woman if that was the same was gonna do Jenny Bowie probably more than like, I don't think so that was something to do with production because a lot of the girls have been Of bringing a character to snatch game in the production says no we can't do that. Yeah, or we can do this because of Rights or licensing or is not a it can't be a fictional character. So, you know certain things like that affect who you play on Snatch games got it happened to Ginger minj I believe to to who Ginger man's truck here fixing want to do like Anne Frank or something and they tell her she's okay. That wasn't funny. I did see it but and Frank isn't funny, but she made the catch. Character funny right? Exactly. Yeah, okay. Okay, but can we talk about Naomi? She did amazing. She did two amazing and I think Naomi's constantly getting like looked over in this season. I'm really just but I feel like that's happened when she was on her original season two. I think then she doesn't like because it was Bob. It's hard to can't compete with Bob the drag queen like literally like steals the show and that was so I'm hoping Naomi get some Spotlight soon because I don't want her to go. I love her. She's amazing. Now. The pair is gone. I'm real my top 3. Yeah. She's in my fantasy league. Just a reminder of who everyone did Naomi did Wendy Williams motivated Whitney Houston Latrice to Della Reese Manila did Barbara Streisand Valentina did Eartha Kitt Gia? Did Jenny Bowie Trinity? Did Caitlyn Jenner Monique? Did Tiffany haddish? I think I have everyone. Yeah. He had his was Monique playing Monique. Yeah, yeah, white dress. Yes. Thank you. Same with Whitney Houston. Whitney Houston was Monet and a white girl in a white dress Monique and her white dress money. Anyway, and this is Jay Lessing, right? That would have been great. I don't think anyone's had they don't think that would have been crazy thing is like if I you know, if I were not them doing the show. Anyway, I'm regretting saying the words are coming out of my mouth. But if I were to pick somebody and get there and have practiced it and say that you can't do it. That's just yeah, just like oh my God, that would be so you need to tell them in advance. Like that's just not fair, but they I mean you such a big OCD prepared ya gotta be prepared. I mean with anything it's just like practice at home do Three different characters, you know practice a couple so that shoe I need to find the third. It's just like we said with the sewing challenge we had for so many years ala rocks we have for you can still be made to drag race saying they couldn't so and they couldn't close the other knowing there was a sewing challenge. It's like, you know snatch game is going to happen practice like three characters, you know, and Just and now that you know, the rules are just be funny. It's like, you know make them funny. Yeah, I don't know for me. It was hard. It's hard to Whitney. Houston is another one where I'm like, it's kind of hard to make her funny without doing just like copious drug Jokes, which just seems like the thing is like adding to be funny but do your research? Yeah. I know it's funny because when Rue gives you a reference point such as such and such and you don't get that point and he said that's not funny. You don't get that quick. Yeah, b-bomb. Yeah, you know do your research. Yeah, well in didn't somebody last season want to do Whitney. Andrew told them not to that. I don't remember I'm vaguely remembering the best for them was like what is this a good choice? Well, that's why I think that's what he was saying in that was in the workroom. I feel like there's nothing like season 10 you mean? Yeah. I feel like somebody was gonna was it maybe Monique heart or was it Beyonce? You're talking about Asia doing man. Remember you saying is this going to be a powder on the nose joke, it better not be like a powder in the nose. I feel like I remember having that hearing that anyway, so I was actually surprised that they let her do they said it was Asia O'Hara doing Beyonce fans on there in the chat, but I knew that I knew somebody was gonna do it. Yeah because she did she say she tells her in the in the workroom. If it's just going to be a powder in the nose type joke. I don't think you should do it. That's disrespecting Whitney. Me. Yeah, and I was surprised that they let me do it but she didn't do any drugs. She was just no she didn't and it wasn't funny but and she wasn't funny and yeah, I did think the Caitlin was funny and it didn't even sound particularly like kids again. It doesn't have to end. It doesn't just have to be the better isms. And yeah, right so Runway I'm looking and the theme was category is drag. Booth's right? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah guys 3 episode thing. That's roughly what we have we have memory like elephants. I don't know. We remember the good things. My favorite was Trinity because I loved it was like Madonna Omaha. I've got Madonna to I didn't know I immediately got the reference real CIA was the reference. It was there for Sachi Sachi Cindy Crawford. All right. I don't know. I didn't know it. I guess that's all right. Linda Evangelista doesn't matter because I liked in wasn't what huh. I'm not sure immediately got the reference and I was like, yeah you look you never looked at me was like Holly I would like some water just to make room for Trinity. It was Trinity and I mean, I didn't even get Madonna and it's so beautiful. I think my favorite because it was Boo. The house down emphasis on the boots. I think I have to give it to Monet with the wolf. Oh no. No, no. Sorry. Y'all get him. Hey Mom. Yeah. I thought that might have been the most beautiful. She looks I just thought that one was I just because it was the The Challenge like I always feel like you got to really emphasize what it is and I thought Out like hers. I'm looking down. My list was the only one that I was just like yes, boom. Like I wanted those boots. I watched I want to watch The Runway and want those boots. I watched in HD and the boots with the best for you didn't bark never watching me. These are the boots were like curling down at the top so I could see what the inside was made of and that was bothering Listen to me. What was it made of like a garbage garbage bag? Hashtag garbage, it looks good. I'm sitting on my TV and the little things like that will bother me because like once now that you've got it in HD. It's like to Me Trinity had prepped for the HD. She had she had like an outfit that was Flawless and and it was boots, you know, and the detail the detail and then Monet, it's that little those little things that and that seems to trip up Monet a lot. Hot whereas like you'll have this little thing that it's like I agree like Monique. I mean sorry, not Monique. She always misses the mark by this. Yeah. Yeah. She had what I want her to win. Yeah, like not win the show, but I mean like I want her to win as yeah. Hey, yeah because she's a great honor takes is the mark. Yeah just like this much. Yeah my Smith. I still think I'm in she you know, I'm still I'm sticking with it. I don't care. I want the boot. And that's American Standard I was and if I guess if I had to pick a repeating a low, yes, Milo was Naomi because they were not boots. Oh, yeah, they're not bad. I want to say to me but sandals glad they were gladiator sandals Manila was that when she was the bunny? Yes. Yes by I don't like me just didn't I didn't I love you Manila. I really truly do but I was just like, I wish I said, oh, this is what I said. And I wish what she wore for the lip sync is what she wore for the boots challenge because I thought her what she wore for the lip sync with the boots. She looked amazing. I wish you would have came down the runway and I'm going back to Naomi what she wore for the runway. I would have seen her wear that interests. Yeah that body suit thing right way toward that matadora. Yes, not even like okay. She's come here to write this life. And I know she's got a pair of boots. So I'm now we can't talk at we can't forget about Valentina. I'm sorry. I'm forced to Eating her right now. That's okay. But that Latinas booths the whole like body somebody sit here for it. Okay. I want one in every color. Here's the thing. Here's what I was saying. I hope you're all sitting. I really did. Truly love her. Look. Wait, where is it done done done done done. I just I just wanted the boots to stand out more. You know what? I mean? I love to be read like I just wanted to be a different way. Yeah, I wanted the boots to be the highlight because it's Boots the house down with but I thought you read already though. The Maze Before and yes, Celine. Yeah, so I don't want to see her in rent. The problem was what Leisha darling brought this up. The crotch was too low. So sagging a little bit so that like ruining it ruined everything. I did that look on HD Jackie you tell us we're gonna go to our HD correspondent and perhaps. The only thing that bothered me about the outfit was that it was nude and I don't like A nude alphabet I don't like a new dolphin unless you're doing like a nude illusion where where you're purposely trying to look naked. Okay. So in this one that outfit in almost any other color would have been a winner to me because I thought it was very beautiful. It's just that I just wanted the nude. I feel like I can't you're debating royal blue. Yeah, I'm like a gold with a guy. Yeah, that's what I just wanted the boots tested because I honestly I didn't I didn't watch an age. HD sorry, so I didn't even I honestly couldn't even tell you how big that boot I did. It looked like one unit to me so I could see where the boot and it didn't wear the red ones one unit. Yeah, because that's what I like that. Yeah, it's boots, but it's your outfit is a big hug and being 7-Eleven. I'm going to wear my boots. See I wear a Batman costume when I'm shot. That's my problem. And I talked to everyone like this Miss Stella. Yes. What did you think who are your favorite the house down? I think my top was I agree. I thought Monet looks so sexy and like I'll I never liked Monet's looks to be honest. I love money as an Entertainer. But when I see her like she slate. I thought she was the best one. Yeah, I don't I didn't notice that. I didn't notice what you notice. We watching II just have to give her credit when she deserves credit because like she some of her look so adorable. Hey, but I think that for for the bottom I would say gee I wasn't impressed with Gia's look. Yes, very lackluster. But you know what it reminded me of remember. I think it was it was either season Niners. The last season where there was a denim challenge was that oh, yeah. It just reminded me of like, oh she had come for the denim challenge just to season too late or something. Yeah, but you know what? She I feel like she has made excuses on why she can't 9g throughout the whole competition the first episode. Oh, I didn't have this because the designer wasn't finished the second episode. I'll I didn't do this because they're in the third episode. Oh the designer didn't finish the costume. That's why it looks like that. Yeah choices choice as far as the tattoo. Yeah choices choices sometimes own up to your shit. Like yeah, just just be a boss and own up to it and just say, you know what? I mean? Yeah, but you know what? I want to know Jackie Borowski. Hmm. How did Gia guns look? Look and the 4K and before you got to put that in there and then the 4K and the Ford I got my still on the 3G. I gotta turn the dial a little bit. I'm in black and white fun fact about 4K though. I just threw it in there. But you don't you have to have liked the episode has to be like shot in 4k, so it was just HD just think I get a lot of color. I only bring this thinking it was water. That's not what so the lip sync the tops were Trinity and Manila and then the bottoms were Valentina and G. You know, what I'm loving is that they always they're always changing now for the lip sync. Whereas in the past All-Stars. It seemed like they just made a choice to change just to kind of like step it up, you know, and I like that they're all just like no, this is the next level. We are changing our costume. That Manila had Valentina shook. Yeah, if I win you're going home. Yeah the wake-up call. Yeah. She knew she wasn't gonna send her own but balancing I get get us a call we can talk about how she changed her mind like 360 and The Ballad Of The Mastermind. She's so dramatic that around she's like Alan do you see be there at the top two with me? Right right that was sickening. Now that g is gone not to bring drama. I think Valentina will kind of fill that place and I kind of like it though. Don't you think like she's so dramatic even the editing is like showing how dramatic and telenovela she is. It's ridiculous. That's what appears to realize. Yeah. Yeah, but I think she I mean, I think she's doing she's also doing those little like outfit things. I think she's just trying to like highlight herself and she is where she has a new show coming out called All About Valentina, so One woman appropriate name and her Instagram so it's sold out already. I'm sure I'm sure so good for her ego Ballentine ensure go see if she's a liar. I'm sure but they live thankfully all about it on the Twitter higher. They lip-sync to How Will I Know Whitney song and I love about science. Actually, I love I've been really loving the songs this season sometimes because I'm an old fart like I listen to the song and I'm like, I don't know what this is God if your own fart, I want to know what I am. Moving right? So what if I'm there I colored just for you. Jack what she has HD girl. Yeah. I know. That's why I colored I'm blind so I know gray. It's just like a wider version of blond. You can't I work on drag race show in the Queen's bring three huge suitcases. That's great. Just three you week wasn't that huge? Maximiliano weird? Maximiliano? Come on down to the playhouse. Let's talk about the royalty or invited. Come on down here. Okay, so we're on to the episode from Friday night, which was Jersey Justice. Finally finally got them to of Three episodes in. Yeah, how much time we got left where we at? Oh, we saw 15 minutes - all right, he's on it. So I it's like we're in HD. I love this you guys I love that. This was kind of like I know they've done courtroom challenges before but I love that this On was like a jersey spin on it and they had Michelle host. I thought it was a fret to me. It was like a fresh take on an older challenge. I actually thought how did they not think of this before? Yeah about that. Yeah. And what would I actually really loved was that everyone's Jersey accent was garbage and horrible and that made it that much more fun for me because you had you had these scenes with everybody trying to do the Jersey accent. Yeah. And I was like, I know you did this on purpose drag race and I love it. Yeah, let's talk about Michelle Visage has Beats at the courtroom. Yeah, like whoever does her makeup always on point. Yeah. Oh is it raining? Is it Matthew? I don't know. No, no wait. Well her makeup looks great. Doesn't it? Always kind of the same though. I love Michelle. I love this. I love Michelle. I Gotta Give a shout-out to my family. I love her. So we this was another one of those situations where they didn't judge based on the team. They bathed in the day based on the individuals. So, I don't know. It's like I didn't have a favorite team. I definitely had people in this Vision team who I thought were stronger than the others. I this was one where in the end I completely Lee didn't agree with who they picked so I don't even remember what they put they know so Monique and Manila they picked as the top two, I would have picked even though I thought Manila was funny. I would have picked Monique and Valentina because I thought Valentina really nailed that kind of like Messi Jersey thing. To me, I loved it because it's like I know girls like that who it's like you're pretending to be somebody else. Your bag is full of like you're a stripper with your bag full of yeah, you know, but she was prepared. Yeah, so I'll give her that. She was prepared. Was she the best She was better than Trinity. She was about it. I thought she was hilarious. I thought and I go good for a good sight gag too, because that the whole thing was like a very long sight gag, which is smart because she knew she was struggling with the accent. So to make up for it and yeah, my top was actually Manila and Naomi I thought they did amazing to yeah. I thought they did great and they the judges were like Naomi didn't that do that great, but at the team and individual, I hope they were awesome. I thought they were going to bomb because it started out really Really really slow and cringy and it was just like when she took the thing off that's when she kind of warmed up in the Naomi kind of got that energy from her. I was just like, okay, let's kill this together, but Manila slated for me. I really when she barked I know that was funny moments of art. That was the funny. I wish she would have done it earlier at the only thing I wish is that it happened earlier the thing I don't know why for some reason I was like, oh, I wish you would have done it and didn't wait till you were walking out of the courtroom later because because it was So unexpected. It's like we already yeah, we already have that sight gag with the hair looking like the poodle and so we thought that's where it was going to end. And then she barked later and we were like, oh, I just I just loved and I agree. I thought that was I didn't think I was actually surprised that they were putting Naomi like in the bottom. Yeah because I was like, I didn't think she was that bad. I mean she definitely was at a different level than Manila, but I also think when you get too big if everybody's big it gets sloppy and I think the Mone Mone and Monique prove that yeah, but that's what happens when it gets too loud and everybody's trying to talk over each other. I think you I think that you need like the build-up of what Manila and Naomi did like, I really felt like I was emotionally invested in that scene. It was funny. I love their characters. They did awesome. And then for someone like Monique like I love Monique, but I thought Monique didn't share the boards with her co-stars like she was all about Monique and I think yeah that really cause Latrice to suffer and I thought my name was all right, but the trees just Totally got eaten up by Monique. I don't agree with that because Latrice and the snatch game. She kind of had that moment of like pre-warning not to let somebody else like take you out of the moment and Romper Room every yeah, so it's like it's like as much as I really adore Latrice. It's like she should have learned from that moment in Snatch game where she got thrown off to be like, okay. I got to put blinders on and I got to be like in my zone doing my thing and she didn't seem to like learn that or take that. This episode that's how I felt like taking away from it. All like all together. I felt bad. Yeah. I felt bad. I was like and you know, we are because I go watch it. I watching in West Hollywood. So I'm like, I just had my unpopular opinion. Like I was like Latrice was robbed. Yeah, like she was putting these like really bad situations each week and they're and they're in people's defenses say well, she should know that, you know to kind of be over that be over she's bigger and she supposed to be louder and I'm just like I just feel like that didn't happen for her. But she's won an acting challenge before it like she's been like she had the get out of my face. We know that was the other thing is like we know that she can rise to the occasion. So when she's letting all the external things distract her I'm like, you know better than this you are better than this but it's kind of hard, you know, we're saying on the outside looking in the right, we have the pressure of you know, three and four ticks of doing it and then you getting annoyed with someone and you know, I do think though. I think the thing that really kind of stuck out to me was when she was when Latrice was talking to Manila and Manila kind of brings up the thing and I generally think Latrice in her head. I don't think she thought she was holding back. I think she thought this is the character. I need to play who's more quiet than these other two. So I don't I really think she generally thought they were going to win. I think she really thought it was going to be judged overall and I think in her head she was playing the role. Roll that she was supposed to play up tight cake owner who's not going to be maybe as in your face as these actual are you know what I mean? So do they know that they're going to be judged individually, I forget because Trinity says some so-and-so better. Hope that they're not judging you because you're right. You're right Latrice didn't think she was in the bottom at all. She thought the scene was because she thought it was you was judging it as the group's know. We were really funny. We were really funny now Latrice and Monet were in the bottom and I I agree with that because I thought instead of Monet because Monet did have that kind of like moment where she was monologuing a bit too much but I thought the character was there. So Trinity like had such a big fumble couldn't even remember her own character's name. Yeah, and then was just like dead boring for the entire time that I thought that she should have been in the bottom and that actually Daniel Green in the chat just said the same thing. Yes, Nakia Emanuel just wrote Trinity girl. I was rooting for you. You were all rooting for you. How dare you this is another this is another instance where I felt like dick in the soup because I was like, I want some of this dick subgraph This is another instance where I was like Trinity should have been in the bottom. Trinity is a fail. I love Trinity. We all eternity but since Trinity is a favorite to win they couldn't put her in the bottom knowing that like she might very well go home because she did not do well in the episode one balancing. I think one of my all-time favorite moments of that episode. I literally rewound it and watch it like fuck you was when Trinity says the Valentina if it was between Mean me and Latrice who go home and then it cuts the trinity in the commercial what she said it and the look on her face. I almost peed myself. I just thought it was the funniest thing in the planet and I had to share that with everybody that was hysterical. Well, they're setting up the Sophie's choice and I honestly thought we were going to get like a double save in this episode because between Latrice and Monet, you have two people who have both won Miss Congeniality for their season. They're both very beloved by fans. And so you're cringing because you don't want either of them to go home yet. So I was like you did this but wouldn't that be a gag though? If you can pull like a safety? Yeah, like Survivor you get like one out of the whole season like a golden lipstick say I saved both of them. Yeah, don't you think it was like important to have this episode those firstly because like this was an episode when I was watching out in the bars, like people were invested. They're like, oh we love Monet. We love Latrice you need to have that episode where the stakes are really razor. All right. Now we knew Joe. Jasmine was going home. We knew Farrah was going home when you Gia was going home like not talking about spoilers. But like it was so predictable like with the way that somebody has to go home first. Yeah poor Jasmine. Well, I just I don't know maybe come back. There's got to be a comeback. There's a combat zone. I think it's latrese. I'm not it's got to be latrese, you know, like it's like you said, it's all I'm not worried anymore. Yeah, but wait till we get to like the like final spy vital say yes when this like all of our favorites they're pinned against each other. That's when it gets really Right, so but yeah, it was it did feel like it's too early for either of them to go home. Like I don't want either of them to go home. And then you had this moment where Manila was like no real trees as my friend. I want to win for her and I wanted to which was just weird to me because I was like like two episodes ago. You were sure to send Valentina home because she's your biggest Challenger and now because Latrice is your best friend. You've like totally change your strategy. Yeah, I would say latrese though. She's I was okay with Monique going home. I just knew she was going home. I was like, oh, yeah, it's a Monet. Yeah, that would have been I would have had a very hard decision because it's like I personally am such a huge fan of Latrice that I would have thought. How can I say this person though? When Monet has won a challenge and Latrice hasn't so like if you're basing it on like who has performed well so far as far as like the challenges are concerned Monet should stay but it's like Latrice is a freaking Legend how You send latrese home. Well, I was gonna say that we're getting now to the question that was asked that was kind of brought up in the episode is does it have does her being a legend in her having been around for so long have any weights in the decision-making process? And I guess it will depend on how the girls want to play the game if there's if they're going to be the ones getting to judge personally and this is because I'm an old Queen. Here we go. I think that it should match. A ter I think it I think it makes a difference that Latrice is like she said I am one of the most beloved people I think she should have been given another chance. I definitely think she and I get that she was kind of skated through as and see that's the thing is you you say skated through because they were in the middle of the padding. Yeah, but that doesn't mean that they were bad you didn't mean they just means that they did what they the challenge required some people go above and beyond and they get in the top and other people are below that so it's we're saying skated. I but she did well and then does that count against you or should it count against you and should it matter? You're lucky, you know how long you've been doing it and your time and commitment? I will stand that and let's get to sorry. I know it's fine. Let's get this thing about the things that you did before. You didn't do good in the main challenge. You didn't do good in the wrong way. He wore a gown. Where's the curves and swerves girl? You can't you don't tune, but she was using well when she sensed compared to everybody else and that's another thing we discussed a lot on this podcast is you're like, well does the runway count or does it not count? That's what I'm trying to figure out here. Yeah, like and this season they're not really saying like based off with like the runway should have some type of like averaging your score to keep you there. But obviously not know Manila was safe in that dress. I was pissed the the Eleganza look hmm. She was safe say it again and and her spoof season two of them know in her head. And this is what was she wore the Quilted which know when she weren't when she wore the song armpits look the dress. Yeah. She was safe in that gal. Right? She should have won based off of the gallon alone, right? Yeah. I do feel like there should we should be privy to some sort of because like all of the scoring is just going on Andrews head. Of whatever room feel that's what thing is. You says matter and listen camera is real. The thing is like Brew doesn't say much like one of my friends brought that Josh brought that up to me. Rude doesn't really say anything on panel ruse literally just kind of like the moderator right? Michelle speaks Carson reich's probably give her opinion of it. She's not under while you're there every once in a while. She does make a comment about what they're doing, but surely they don't they don't usually show her comments as much as which is very interesting. Yeah, so she's like neutral all the time. Yeah. So yeah, so you're right you don't Know what they're they're thinking and I feel like it's maybe maybe like Trinity's look for instance. Where was my top for the week? Maybe that was an instance where her look saved her from being in the bottom? I don't know Trinity's curves and swerves was yeah of although that. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That was let's talk about the bring it to the runway Runway. So anyway, who was your favorite Jackie brosky in HD in ages Giudice? Monique was my favorite Monique was my favorite. I I love that. She took work curves and swerves to like the end 11 cows. Did you see the me my text you earlier? Yeah. I love that. She just took it to the next level. It was it was like Michelle said there were Curves in places. I didn't know curves could happen. It was beautiful, but I wish it wasn't brown cow. I wish it was something else. This is the final brown cow for her. I hate you. Monique heart may not do Brown Palace funny no more. I got the music video out. You did it for the first three episodes. We're good. I lactose intolerant. We don't need no more brown cows stunning. This is the final boss of the Pokemon the elite four billion for I don't see this very often, but I agree a hundred percent would Jackie Borowski. I honestly that's all I kept because that's again. I want it. You the the challenges curves and swerves I and she took it to the end. I was going to use the exact same term to disagree. I loved it. I again was a little annoyed with the brown cow, but I thought she looked great. I like the orange hair with it. I thought it was, you know, really stood out I loved I just it was just over the top. I didn't think anybody else really nailed it like she nailed it plain and simple. Okay. I love it. I love it when people really adhere to whatever the challenges. Instead of just doing their own thing because I'm like, this is why we have a Runway theme. Yeah. Yeah, and my least favorite was Valentina because I was like that wasn't curvy at all. You remind me that was just a deconstructed exact structure. Oh the mannequin. Yeah, and I get that she was trying to go for a conceptual something or other but I wish it was better executed because you can do like a conceptual like this is my life. Cal can only imagine what that look like an angel T. Now. Let me say with Terrell. I don't have HD so it took me a minute to get it. Yeah, I had to cover just a little aluminum foil and what she was doing. I'm old enough to understand that joke, right, you know antenna balls. So when I saw her and I was like and when she finally got closer I was like, ah was bouncing like it was powder on the arm. So it was very like the size question marks over the head appreciated the thought I thought it was the wrong challenge to do it. I think if it was a different type of of it was avant-garde I give ya some very like yeah, I'm uglier again it I didn't show it didn't add any curves and swerves to her. I liked everything. I mean, I'll give you guys a chance to say but I really am talking about Trinity. I like Trinity's I just didn't see why everybody loved it so much. So, please You guys because I know you both love Trinity's tell me why you love it so much. Wait, okay, so let's go back. So the curves and swerves supposed to be pad at the house down. Yeah, where was the past? Where are the pads? We're from Valentina how right know what a great didn't I'm not going to disagree with it and not only that but it's like they're I'm really I get really upset when boobs are like misshapen. I don't like a sad boob. And so they when you thank you, dr. Rosenberg when she said that Wow, but I mean like Valentina in this dress had these like misshapen boobs that were like unnie and I was like, I don't know why you didn't just dress up like a mannequin, you know, you could have done like a really cinched waist and kind of tried to look like you were like a dress being made on a mannequin or something like that instead. It just looked like everything was falling apart and it didn't really work and then the boobs were sad and like a heart. This is a hard challenge for Valentino too because that's like not her. She doesn't pad. I don't think And she's very like Yeah Boy, you know figure whatever like very simple dress and beautiful face with that. Yeah, but I agree. I didn't like her look at all this because it was not a bad idea. It was there was no shape. There was no pair. There's no hourglass. Someone mentioned that Nina Bonita Brown would have killed this Runway and I'm like, yes. Yes. I saw I saw like five of those kiosks in the chat. Yeah, but I love Trinity's it was larger than life. The hair was giant I love how it was. The iridescent kind of is very reminiscent of like her. Promo, look, I just didn't think it was curves and swerves. Like I did is she had this were like, I mean eyes yet, but it was just this word. I wanted her to anyone. I wanted like Monet I wanted it to just be over the T. Okay, but I like Monet's but at the same time I want to see like I don't want to see like character of like something that we've seen before is like countless times, you know. Well, like I said that was Judge has said that really fun exactly. So like I didn't think it was very Monet if Trinity would have War This for boots house down boots. Yes. Yes. Yes the ruffle boots. I got them. Yeah, I think I think she worked on the wrong challenge. Yeah, but I can't like I kind of get that there were curves and swerves in the sense that there were literally like these kind of like undulating curves like on the outfit that's and in the hair, but it wasn't to me when I don't know. I wanted it to be like more padding. Yeah. Yeah. I mean I would have just done like Dolly Parton boobs. I mean you just have to go over I mean even Naomi's I thought she looked great and she was definitely padded more than she normally is but I just wanted it more. I just wanted more more more more more. You know, what I want to see do this challenge Pearl. Oh, yeah Pearl with the with the prosthetic face. Yeah. Big Ang face. She does on using. Oh my gosh. She would have slayed. Yeah, I agree. So the lip sync was To Tina Turner, the bitch is back. I to me Monique Slade this it was the outfit was Tina Turner. The hair was Tina Turner. She was giving me Tina Turner. I was I was just loving every single minute of it and I did see where Manila was like kind of trying to give in her outfit a bit of an Amish the Tina Turner, but Monique was just like she was like, no. I'm just going to give you Tina Turner and you're gonna love you. Yeah, and I agree with them and know what she got us and Whitney. You can only do one. Yeah, you know, but the thing is like I feel like if Manila really wanted to save the trees which she seemed like she did it backstage like she didn't really I don't think she gave it her all and I almost feel like is another thing that I was talking about with my friends, like maybe she like threw it so she didn't have to make the decision of like eliminating Monet or the trees in order to get so not to get the backlash from the fans, but she wasn't happy with that's what happened with Bebe Zahara. Last season because she knew that Ben wanted to go home. So she threw it by taking her wig off and was like, here you go. You can have it. So there she is. There's your swan song kind of like, yeah, I I will say this in this is going to be very very shady. So I okay. Here we go. Let me get under the table and Lorraine Shady. What are you talking about? I never heard of such a kind heart. I somebody I was having a conversation with somebody else about this before the show. About whether she threw it or not, I 120 percent believe that in Manila is mine. She slayed it. I agree. Yeah, I think I think that I think that was Manila a hundred and twenty-five percent. Yeah. Call me Shady. Call me. Whatever name I love Manila do not get me wrong. I will go I will tip her. I will support her 100% I she's in my top three for this actually here right now two hours. I think that was Manila giving it her. Okay, speaking of slade. Let's just take a five second. Yay for Monique's wig staying on. Yeah. Well, I don't think they should be able to win the challenge if they take their hair off. I just I agree. I agree unless you did like a bald head look. Yeah, I've seen a lot of Flash. No, I left it was like what Naomi did on the runway where she lifted it off and I was like fuck that was like part of it, but no no there. Has to be some kind of a gag that was you ripping your wig off. Yeah. She's like well, it's you say I need to see your bald head girl. I never do anything like whipping my head as I'm old, I would fall over but I have to figure out how to do that. Why keep your wing on? Well, just the duct tape. I don't do all that. I don't know you just like pop it on top of a very high depends what I'm doing right now. No, I thought many excited right wait any last thoughts on the episodes before we go into our special segment? Mmmm. Latrice was robbed. Yeah, I think I would have a son. I mean Latrice is probably going to come back for the come back. We want the treat addictions are green and I miss is she's been giving such like witty confessional this whole time that I am just going to miss that because she's been the most entertaining optional percent and Tony actually went to the Christmas show at the ace not this past Christmas the Christmas apartment. We were downstairs with the girls afterwards. I now I could have sat with Latrice and just listen to it was more entertaining than the show like I love you too so much fun. I love is like one of my good like her and Chris are like so amazing. So when I'm a little biased because when I saw her go home, I was like no no, And then the police came and took me out. Yeah, she better be back because she's not entertaining to watch. So oh just I don't know if you want did you watch the episode when we were when you weren't here? Yes, you know, we have a watched you guys and the episode you have a bit for our mirror moment. Just so you know. Yes. Okay. I wasn't sure if you knew I heard it. I just wanted you to know I didn't want to freak you out when it started because I can see it. cute up Who is she that's Michelle Visage it kind of do what my corrosion has not been to the crib now full disclosure y'all this is very long gonna get the theatrics of it. But here's the thing is when you listen to it on iTunes, which I did so I was listening to it in the car. I couldn't figure out what this was. I want y'all iTunes listeners to know that it's the wicked wicked Queen from Snow White who's looking in the mirror and I want you to picture that when you're driving in your car your treadmill or if you're an iTunes listener because I was like, what is this? Yeah, I don't understand make sense you watch. Yeah, it makes sense when you watch doesn't make sense of my do and it was the audio was low on it and Mark was like talking so much that I was like I know I don't know what you're talking about Jackie where I was gay. I never talked too much. So mirror moments. We had I did talk about already about Gia, you know saying that she was struggling with coming back now as a trans Queen and like how she's dealing with like doing drag as a woman in drag, you know, so I don't think we need to talk much more about that and then Latrice had Latrice had a mirror moment. About about how she was finally getting married and I thought that I thought that was a really sweet moment. Yeah. That was a real vanilla just got married too, babe. I know like they're like best friends married. That's like friendship gold. Yeah. You want to marry me? Yeah. Well you're already married. So I mean, hey, maybe the flower girl meatballs. Zoop yeah, yes. Thank you for that. I'm on a roll today. It's a sham. It's the shampoo. Yeah, but aside from those two moments. I like a lot of the mirror things have been Shady the season. Yeah, so I was like, we're not getting a lot like I hope in future episodes because I do I do love when we learn something vulnerable about the Queen's because we see so much of them performing we Don't learn a lot about something personal about them. And so there was so much like shadiness happening at the mirror that I was like I hope in the future we get like a this is like a silver medal moment right before everybody. You don't get together get their minds, right? But Shadows are the person that's behind that mirror like shouting out the question, right? I know that no, I didn't know there's that's what okay now tell me about your childhood go. And it's like well bitch I got to get ready. I got five minutes and it's just like somebody life. That is the realest. What about the mirror moment with Monet talking about extraterrestrial life. That was that was amazing. Do you think extraterrestrials do drag that was a problem. That was really funny. That was the best mayor moment. Yeah. I feel like they've been really short to other than the Gia and and that wasn't really a mirror moment. It was GA yelling it Pharaoh, but now that she is gone. We can have more good actual like mental mere moments. If I may bring up, I thought other than the black and white look that RuPaul did for the promo for one of the season was it last season that she were the black and white jumper? Yes. I think what she came down in the runway this past week might be my all-time favorite. Look the 1980's the yellow don't have the blue leg and boots. Oh my God. I know. Oh yeah that was amazing networks funny is I liked her other two looks and I lied. What is that? She's I feel like she's changing up the silhouette. Yes, appreciate it. Because the one time she were the real a miniskirt. Yeah, it was all like yes, I love that and I was like, oh and I was gonna say like that but then this week when she came out and this the way it flowed in the colors that we have. It was just like oh my God. Yeah. Who's that Delta working Raven? Thank you guys. Yeah. I found a look for her. That was the the costumes are made for the people make them for her and she picks out which when she wants to wear Raven and Delta do her hair and makeup. Couple yeah, how do you guys remember all this? I can't even remember the log cannot remember I wrote it down because I remembered that I wanted to bring up because I just think the thing that bugs me about about that the look that you loved was it was so 1980s to me and I felt like there are times where I went ruse outfit to be the match the runway I agree. And so that was an Indian they want to challenge her to do that. Yeah, I agree. Spencer I was like this 1980s thing doesn't really fit like I do their workers in stores happening, but it was so 80s. I was like, I don't know. I want to say this though because I don't know if y'all clocks it or not. But this is the third time that Roo has looked like Sharon Needles Google it tell me I'm not wrong, but follow me on Instagram first, but know they're they're side by side comparisons of her wearing the same exact outfit from our needle, but she doesn't Design her own outfit so it's like how would she know this is Sarah little girl the real fans know but she they put side by sides of her wearing the same exact outfit. Yeah, Sharon Needles including this one that including episode for fun facts fun back now Ruth going to come in here and be like nothing used as matter cameras rolling. Oh my God Shady, so I want to get to fan of the Week did still you guys. I was right. And Hannah Vegas Ed Sheeran reposted it today. Oh see I was right. What do you say Guys fan of the Week? That's right every week. We're going to do a fan of the week. So if you comment on iTunes and or or if you comment on YouTube, we're going to pick out a fan of the Week with a comment and just so y'all know. I'm not going to pick a nasty comment. So if you make a comment, that's like you guys smell like poo. I'm not going to say that here. Actually going to agree I might pick you as having holding my breath this whole two hours. We all can't breathe. I just really need to pee to be honest. I just go Jackie you got this so my cup. So if you guys write something funny or something poignant or something, that's just plain interesting. You could become fan of the Week. So fan of the week this week is I sorry if I butchered this hoochie Itachi. What? Call me. I'm so sorry, but it says they said you can't spell legendary without leg and dairy. Yes, which I do to be with. I will ya without legs and their yes my favorite Ryu. Yes. So I like I like that call back to yeah to that was a great fan of the Week. Yeah. So yeah, what about fantasy league? With me and then we're also going to have a quote of the week this quote of I didn't do a quote for every episode. But in the three, I think it was yeah when Monet lip-syncs she says someone's dreams aren't Stick underneath my sweaty sock boob. I loved my shit. I was like that is like the reality of the situation it is the bear reality and there is what you want to do that necessarily what you're gonna give it to her this year. Yeah. So if you guys you can also tweet at us. Us and let us know if you have any thoughts of the quote of the week, maybe look at right on here. Yeah news and gossip. Oh shoot. I'm trying to keep it going trying to keep it going with you. So we neglected to mention that there is a UK drag race coming this year to be the thief three very exciting. It has RuPaul hosting Michelle Visage as a judge. Just don't know if you've heard of them. On there, that's amazing. Like who do we want to see as guest judges though? I don't know Cheryl Cole Sharon Osbourne. Yeah, like I mean, obviously I want to share in an Asia that Del that would be fun. Yeah, establish Elton John. I'm aiming high in the last episode Sherlock Holmes. Yeah. I want I want Jasmine. Oh wait, he's also my what he was doing the choreography of Spider-Man. Do they have a cast yet or no? No, but they do have a cats because they casted it like a year ago. Yes. I just don't know it yet and then girls sorry. I'm done good. They've had some of them has rules and has this has our drag race done any kind of Spice Girls chance? Yes. There's three Kitty girls. Yeah RIT Valentina. That's what I was just concerned. Oh, yeah. 27th rent live Valentina is going to be playing angel. I'm a little bit curious about this because I could see Valentina as that character, but when Valentina did heard challenge she didn't sing live so I'm like, I don't know if she can sing live or not and growing you gotta sing live. Well, she I guess she auditioned pretty much through the show like she did the first talent show was her song and then the funk It Up song that she what she wasn't singing live. She recorded it. No, but when you do like rent live it's live. Oh grow their backtracking. It also played at box on play that live stuff. They got their going to they've recorded the songs. I'm sure and then play them to lip sync. But still I've heard of some like the last when you watch Rocky Horror show a 90% of those people sound awful even with the backtrack so name name rhymes with Vanessa man imagines. I'm just kidding. Looks like Adam Adam Lambert was one of the few people who and because these things live all the time and that's like his thing. He was one of the few people who have like you sound great because I expected you to sound great. But yeah, I'm uh, I'm always worried about those because even with the backtrack some of those will see I'll be strong when you soon in yes. Yes, January 27th is coming up. I'll bring wine. Yes. Yeah. I need it. I'll bring cocaine. Vanessa Hudgens and rent to yeah, she's really into voguing. I hear ya when you did that shablam, I was like was that one but I'll just keep calling it a sibling them. Ha ha ha. I need a piece of all right, you guys any any last thoughts about the episode before about the episodes before we go? All I have to say is I can't wait to see what happens next week. Eek, we are like how almost I know the compass. It's crazy. It's Granger. He's always like their weight behind the mirror to get brought back everybody. Give you just give your tops another I did. Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Yes. That's right. Yes termination episode there. They finished. Well, they've actually been showing that clip of RuPaul saying that since its beginning teasers as I thought it was going to happen in the first episode. And then yeah, she says all All-Star rules no longer apply. Probably y'all are boring me because some of these people out my show, I mean, I really and I had said this before with All-Stars, I I wish she was in charge of the elimination. I just would like her to be the one that's doing it. I think it puts unnecessary strain on the girl. Yeah to have to have each other. So I'm kind of hoping that is where it goes but it's is back some relax. I know that money for me. Yeah. Yeah. So I mean maybe next week we will get like a original episode of drivers like yeah, let me pick the bottom to y'all lip-sync and let me pick something. Yeah, or maybe Stacy Layne Matthews comes back right? Don't burn. I mean she was a singer. That's what we should have. Been our song to open. She was like she had that cameos the stenographer. Yeah. She was like, I loved it. Yeah. She's a new meme again. Yeah, I love and Stacy Layne as if what you just said as the stenographer and she's back next week again funeral. She's wearing her money, honey. Yes, honey. Hey, I love that. She's so funny and speaking of people who are in the courtroom. Jason Carter's your car. Last time he came in he was not but we can request that. We have pit crew next week. Yes. Why don't you look at me do I he's going to be short list. Yes. I'm totally like canola oil next week. We're going to have Jason Carter in the house. I can't wait. Do you guys just before? Go though. Let me know who your favorite is to win because my favorite was which recent she's gone. I know I agree. Okay. Oh me. Yeah, what you going to do? Okay. Well, I agree with Daniel Green namely the own who hasn't won a challenge and she needs to win next week or I'm nervous for her and I agree with that. Naomi is the one for me to win. I don't think she's going to win but I really want to see her at least one a freaking challenge because she's been robbed. Yeah in this season. I think we using robbed a little too Loosely here. I would have to say. Okay. Sue me. I want your need to win. Sorry. Yeah, Trinity K Bonet Trinity to talk for the way the time on Monique to win because I feel like she has because so if you were to come into all stars in episode 1 I would say trinity would be the front-runner but now having watched all the episodes. I'm like Monique is really putting in that kind of effort. Well, that's what I said day one when we started I was like Monique is getting Redemption yeah, like she came in like, you know, she's like no she's extra and Monique is extra. So she wants to come out extra and I agree with you. So she has been on my Radar Radar but when it comes to like challenges Trinity Mike, I think she's at the top. I think I think I think she's proven herself as a good Queen. Do I think she deserves the title of All-Star champion? No should be booked. Yeah, so get books. So make good money. She'll be fine. I think I have to say I think Trinity as well. I think of everybody who's there who's kind of just standing out and Shining I would say, well Trinity and Manila I was gonna say that's Tom. Those are probably my top two and Naomi I think is my clothes third since Latrice has taken should be ashamed of we're losing in and then they'll tolly2holly has to arrest room exploded. You can find him at all a dreamer. Yeah, you can find me at To see Jackie be on all platforms Mark. You can find me on Instagram and Twitter at Lorain love Lor a why any l-o-v-e and see more pictures of Baxter Alexander and went to Montgomery who are staring at me. Now. They know the shows that you guys can follow me. Watch me Flex it on the gram and who is De larroque with two x's three if you nasty bye guys, I got our founder Keven undergaro feels fee check and me Maria Menounos would like To thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. 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Jacque Borowski, Mark J Freeman, Jayla Roxx, and Oliver Drennan break down season 4 Episodes 2-4 of RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars in which The All Stars audition for a new supergroup, Henny!, and must write lyrics and perform epic choreographed numbers, featuring "RuPaul's Drag Race" legend Stacy Layne Matthews; featuring special guest judges Kacey Musgraves and Ciara; The group take on celebrity impressions to try and impress some eligible bachelors; the game of snatch is revamped to include a twist, as the queens fight to remain in the competition, and In a salute to all things Jersey, the All Stars plead their cases before "Judge" Michelle Visage in an unscripted courtroom parody; extra special guest judges Zoe Kravitz and comic Erica Ash join. ABOUT RUPAUL'S DRAG RACE: RuPaul's Drag Race is an American reality competition television series produced by World of Wonder for Logo. RuPaul plays the roles of host, mentor, and source of inspiration for this series, which details RuPaul's search for "America's next drag superstar." The title of the show is a play on drag queen and drag racing, and the title sequence and song, "Drag Race," both have a drag-racing theme. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
There is one thicker method to getting online clients who are excited to pay a high price and it doesn't involve the ever of creating ebooks membership site and Huber's believe you are not going to worry about your website or social media following instead this new business model allows you to focus on changing people's lives and therefore making a lot of money as a byproduct of that without all the stress. So in this video, I am going to introduce you to the new business model in this video. I want to introduce you to a new business model that allows you to confidently charge your clients more money and leverage IE save yourself a lot of time and get your clients incredible results. Even if your brand new and starting from scratch or if you feel like everything that you're already changed and is not working. So, my name is Lauren Tecna, and I'm the founder of Empire. Every single month my clients are generating hundreds of thousands of dollars influencing the methods that I am about to teach you here and this doesn't come from just plucking things out of thin air. This comes from years of experience in both a big to see industry where I was in the fitness industry and also the B2B industry with everything that I do now here I am post school. So this is a specific concept that I'm going to share with you today has been proven and tested by myself and my clients all around the world who range from all different Industries and all different niches and this concept is called the impact of a now before I break down exactly what the impact of it is how you can use it no matter where you're at your stage when your journey right now and also why it works so effectively I want you to make a commitment to yourself and that commitment needs to be that you're going to watch this entire video all the way through with an Because what I'm about to share with you is going to allow you to finally stand out in a sea of competition and have clients coming to you who are excited to work with you and get the result that you know, you can help them achieve. So once you way back home to yourself hit the thumbs up and let's dive straight into it. So what is an impact of that? Well, the invite of it is your Secret model to consistently getting high-paying clients. On the mark now here's exactly how it works. There are really three key components. The first is the A to Z of the Zed for my fellow Brits. Okay. So the A to Z is you taking your clients from here to that and in order to do that essentially you are going to create an online course, but don't click away because there's much more to it. Okay, there's three components remember so a tizzy you're going to take them from here to that and take them to their desired outcome that first Put it on the impact of that is the online course is the thing. You can give people online courses, but at some stages they're going to be coaching at some stages are going to be Consulting at some stages. They're going to need different levels of support which is why the impacts of is so powerful. So you have the A to Z, but in order to take them along that path, they need a guide and that guide is you and that guide is the coaching that you will provide to them every single week or day depending on how you set things up. And depending on which industry and who your clientele is and with that I want to make sure that all of my clients are providing personalized help and support to that clients because guess what in order to build the most successful business possible you want to actually be getting people results you want to actually be getting people to that Z2 that said to that Finish Line the outcome that you're taking them do. So in order to get people from here to there. Yes, you can coach them along the path. However, He's gonna happen people are gonna get sick things are gonna go wrong. There's gonna be problems and some people may even come in already at g on the alphabet. So they need to be told what to do based upon where that and some people. Well they may be on Bluetooth. They may not even know the alphabet. So you need to actually bring them on to the a to actually get going and that's where personalized Consulting comes into play. So you can see that when it comes to the impact sulfur it's not just coaching. It's not just a moment cause it's not just Just Consulting. It is a combination of the three things and that is why it allows you to make a real impact and a true income because people can clearly see which outcome you're taking them to and they're happy to pay the price because guess what they know that when they put their money and they invest in you they can clearly see which outcome you're going to take them to imagine if you never had to chase clients again, imagine if someone was just talk. Into that friends or scrolling social media and they find out about you because all of your branding your messaging your content your marketing is end at one specific outcome. Imagine how much easier that would make your life be well with an impact over each and every client comes to you one thing that same outcome that same end result. And so that means that your entire brand is clearly defined. It means that your really appealing to the type of people that you can help best and it also means that when somewhat someone's friend knows that their friend wants a specific outcome and they know of you they're going to immediately think of you you become top of mind and you become the person who people actually begin to think of and people know you for your program, which means that this whole simplified model is super scalable for you and it's really comforting for your plans because they know that if they value You the outcome that you provide more than they value that money. They'll actually trust in you they'll believe in you because they'll see time and time again that every client that comes to you is just like them and they have the same problems the same fears the same worries, which means that when they value that outcome, they're gonna put their money to you because they know that you're the one that can take them there rather than seeing one day you help this type of man. And what are you help us have a woman wonder you have this type of business and confusion is he's everywhere. Well as with an impact of fur you're taking the same type of people the same type of businesses to the same type of outcome. It's so powerful and it simplifies absolutely everything for anyone which means that you become the person that people go to no matter what when they know that they want the outcome that you provide and look I know you're watching this and you want to get on my clients because you want that freedom for yourself. And here's the cool thing and in fact offer is extremely Screaming a scalable because of the fact that you have the A to Z online course now, that means that there's a clearly defined step-by-step pop now look I'll get into a specific example in a minute using my own business. However, when it comes to this business model this impacts offer you're able to charge a high price point because just think about it this way. Let's just say you're in the fitness industry, right and I was to ask you if I were to go back three years ago when you got into fitness If you would to pay to know everything that you know, now taking into account that amount of money you would have saved on buying stupid detox teeth and taking into account all the time effort energy and stress. You would have said how much would you pay to know everything? You know? No, seriously just thinking back. Okay. Now the cool thing is about your impact over you're literally giving everything your client everything that you know right now and I know you may be wondering. Yeah, but Lauren with an impact offer that's going to damage my business because I'm not going to have any That's because they'll get the result and then they'll run away that is a scarcity way of thinking but the cool thing is with an impact sulfur you take people from A to Z. And then on the back end of that you have a continuity program where you work with them for six more months. So the impact of a we tell our clients it can be either 8 12 or 16 weeks depending on your Niche Idol plans and all that. Okay, then on the back end a continuity program and we see with our business and our clients re-sign race at anywhere between 70 to 90% because of the fact fact that the impacts offer is super duper supportive is step by step and it is so incredibly scalable and the fact that it's so supported means that people don't want to not have it in their lives people get excited about working with you about speaking to you about continuing to have your support because you said she was my friend to them and you become someone who they know is there for them. So back to what I was saying before about this being extremely extremely scalable. Look you essentially become a And its clients because they want the outcome and when you can provide them with the outcome that they want. Well, they're pretty much sold. All right. Now, of course, you need to learn things like how to message people and how to actually get people on the phone and enroll them on a phone because when you're really going to be changing someone's lives do you really think you can just send a few emails or messages and then then trust in you know, you have to get on the phone and do a consultation just like a normal business would right. However, that's another story the impacts offer. Is your secret method. Your business model to actually get these people interested in working with you anyway, so yeah, it's super scalable a great example is impact school and impact schools. Okay, but essentially here's how it works. We have the A to Z program and then we have the coaching alongside and I have coaches who I've hired to do the coaching because it's a step by step program. I need to coach my coaches on how to get the client from A to Z. But because every client is coming us wanting that same outcome of having a super profitable and rewarding Business that sells a high ticket program and changes clients lives because all our clients are coming to us for that. Then we know that in order to get them there. They just need to follow the recipe. Okay. I'm obviously every kind is personal and everyone needs their own personal coaching and consulting which is why I hire coaches and Consultants who are really good at what they do and so it just simplifies everything. And in order to scale. All I need to do is I need to hire more people and just been more money on ads and the cool thing. Thing about spending money on as with high ticket because I'm high price point and the impacts of a specifically because basically Facebook works just like how any billboard would work the more money you're willing to spend to get your billboard on Facebook. The more the you went right? Whoever spends the most money wins that spot. And so with that said if you can spend 500 bucks and your person selling an e-book can only send 10 spent an because they're evil cost $11. Who's gonna win you because you're charging like 3 Grand and yes that works even in the b2c industries. Okay, so the high-ticket Alama to the Empire's offer. The high price point is amazing because it means that you can keep spending a lot of money on ads and keep winning the sport and you can also pay your team because you're making more money on each sale. So let's just say for Simplicity say you spend a hundred dollars on ads and then you make a sale for 2 Grand. That means that you've made one point nine. Okay. Now that 1.9 K. If you were to get 10 clients, that means you've made nine ten Grand how all that maintain Grand in a month as an example. You can then easily pay a coach or even to 9 Grand of that and you've made a good chunk of money. They're still so that's why having a high ticket off a wins and allows you to hire people and keep your business super super scalable. Now with that said the big problem is that many people here at this point thing. Is this going to work for me? And so do you draw ask me that she's one of my clients and here's what happened with this method. I've been able to get 15 people on the phone with me in just 10 days turning 10 of those people into high ticket clients because this method isn't salesy. It allows you to outline perfectly and precisely their goals and struggles along with how committed and ready these people are to achieving their goals. Before I implemented this mythology into my business as a fitness trainer. My approach to potential clients was pretty unclear. I wasn't taking my time to speak with them about their specific goals or finding out anything that they've tried to do to reach them. Which is so valuable to show these people the transformation that they can achieve rather than give them a price for the cost to provide them with a program prior to the money-making messaging method. My income was very mediocre. I was doing all right, but I knew for the amount of work that I was putting into my business I deserve more. I deserve more committed clients, but I had no idea how to show them my value from the very start this method allows you to do that. Hence why it works so well. Mine come before using this method varied between 1800 and 42 u.s. I was still struggling to find more clients or ways to increase that income. I have now made 14 thousand US dollars in 10 days with this method. And the DraStic increase in income has now allowed more time something. I never believed to be possible along with significant reduction in my stress and anxiety because the clients that I am working with now are committed and they are ready to make this lifestyle change because they were the ones to make that decision from the very beginning. It's simple yet, very effective method is life-changing for your business and your success as becoming an online coach same thing with ever he owns an agency. And here's what he said. If you told me a couple months ago that I would be making an extra $40,000 a month or my business by just making one simple little change. I would say that's a fucking lie. What's working on want to be left in the river? I'm going to see your photos with an agency that helps coaches take your business to the next level using paid advertising right by working with many coaches. I know what wonderful coaches and I know what they've got on for coaches, but a couple months ago. I came across Lawrence ignorant and I was talking about she was talking to me about impact school in about an impact offer blah blah blah. I'm like, I don't know what you're talking about. This is super random. This is super weird. What the heck is an impact over she took her time to explain to what was the impact offer are implemented that into my business within the next week and in just a couple months. I've been able to add an extra forty thousand dollars in income into my business - maybe like making one simple little change they often have is actually impacting people. It is actually causing people to buy a lot more from me because I'm providing them right now with a lifetime value, which is insane. That's something I've never thought about. I was supposed to be advertising. I was supposed to know. About the psychology of myself, but for something that I've never came to my mind, I love the impact offer because of the different that has been able to make inside of my business. And if you haven't tried it you're missing out. You see these methods work. The impact over is your secret to getting high-paying clients things that you used to think what they just aren't going to be working into this decade. Unfortunately, the industry has changed people want an outcome. That's what your clients are after now the thing that I am saying from my Giants and all potential clients who are interested in working with us is that mindset is the thing that slowing them down. They don't know if they can do it. And here's the thing confidence comes with success so you can jack My Success hop on board and then get the confidence and certainty in knowing that what you're doing is Right which means you'll feel good and happy about charging that high price point. So at this stage your next dirt if you're interested in implementing an impact of the with our That's what we need to do is go to new online will drop on a phone call with you. And this phone call is absolutely no strings attached if we can help you and only if you're really able to actually get someone to an outcome because you're good enough for what you do. It's that's the case then we may invite you to pop into one of our programs and get our coaching and Consulting from us. And if not, we'll give you an action plan and steps to do in order to get things rolling and to get some momentum. Mmm, so just head to new on You can also click the link below and we'll look forward to seeing you on the phone.
In this episode, you will discover what The Impact Offer is, and how you can use it to attract and sign HIGH PAYING clients in 2020 and beyond. @laurentickner Want to implement The Impact Offer? Book a call with us here: Watch a FREE training on how to Implement The Impact Offer & get HIGH PAYING clients (this training shows the exact model which we will implement with you); Transcript: There is one secret method to getting online clients who are excited to pay a high price… And it doesn’t involve all the effort ebooks, online courses, membership sites… Or worrying about your website and social media following. Instead, it allows you to really help people and change their lives… All while making a lot of money, without a lot of stress. In this episode, I want to introduce you to a NEW business model which allows you to confidently charge more money AND leverage, ie save yourself time. And get your clients incredible results… Even if you’re brand new and starting from scratch, or feel like you’ve already tried everything. The concept has been proven and tested by my clients all around the world in all industries and niches, and this concept is called... THE IMPACT OFFER. Before I break down what The Impact Offer is, how you can use it, and why it works so effectively... Please make a commitment to yourself right now that you are going to watch this entire episode through, with an open mind… Because what I am about to share with you will allow you to stand out in a sea of competition and finally make this happen. So, what is an impact offer? The Impact Offer is your secret business model to consistently generate high paying clients on demand. C - A → Z C - Along C - Personalised Step-by-step Supportive Scalable (Listen to the episode for a full breakdown) The reason why it works so well for getting clients results = A → Z And the reason why it sells so well, is because people can clearly see the outcome they will get through working with you. Each client comes to you, wanting the same outcome. Which means your entire brand is clearly defined and appealing. Which is super scalable for you and super comforting for your clients. You essentially become a machine: they put their money in and they get the outcome as an exchange. And the Consulting element to an Impact Offer ensures each client has a personalised program, because all the cookie cutter BS doesn’t work anymore. Plus, I know you’re watching this because you want to change people’s lives for the better. So, as long as your clients value the outcome you provide more than they value their money, you will have no problem consistently signing new people. “But what do I do after the client is done and has the outcome” = continuity program. We help our clients implement that. Confidence comes with success, so you can jack my success and use it as your own, and feel confident in knowing that this business model gets your clients results. Which means you’ll feel good and happy about chaRging them a high price point.
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A over to Anchor and I upload it here separately and it allows me to then distribute the podcasts and more apps as well as get sponsors for the podcast. So if you've ever wanted to start a podcast and make money doing it go to Anchor dot f m / start to join me and the diverse community of podcasters already using anchor that's anchored on FM / start. Can't wait to hear your podcast. Send me a link. Oh, yeah season 6 project freelancer is happening guys. We are well under way and by well underway. I mean, this is the second episode of season 6 of project Freeman. Welcome back. If you're new to the podcast, my name is Kay and go Neo and I am your host here on Project freelance. If you are a veteran listener, hey, what's up? How you doing? How's the family? How's your kids? How's your wife? Good? Good. I'm glad happy to hear it. Thank you guys for listening to project freelance this week on the podcast. I'm joined by Andy Civic. He is a vocalist and he does vocals full-time. That's his job. He's a freakin vocalist man. He's in several music projects He also does YouTube he also does vocal lessons. He also does session work and features. He does a lot of things and it's amazing. I don't know how the guy juggles it but we're going to unpack it in this episode of project freelance, but first things first, I'm the realest. Okay. Sorry, that song is stuck in my head now, but no, okay first things first. Are a bunch of affiliate links down in the description that I think might help you out. If you are a freelancer of any sort, if you drive your own car, you know the mileage that you drive you can write that shit off on taxes guys. You can get some money back. It's an expense your cars and expense y'all. So if you want to start tracking your mileage, there's an app called my like you there's a link down in the description for you to download that use it on your smartphone and automatically runs in the background. And when you drive your car somewhere you can log if it was for And all I was going to say pleasure, but for personal or for business purposes, so yeah, check out my like you there's also mint mint will help you keep track of your monthly expenses. You can set goals. You can do all kinds of stuff with the Mint app. So check those out there's also a bunch of gear down in the description a bunch of Amazon affiliate links try and do the Amazon affiliate thing. So, yeah, if you guys like some of those links let me know and and we'll keep doing the Amazon thing cool. Let's get into this episode with Andy Andy, please introduce yourself and what it is that you do to the audience. My name is Andy Civic and I am a vocalist in a few bands. Let's talk about how you got into music in the first place. Take me back to the beginning when you were a kid. What kind of music did you listen to a growing up? Um, I think I started out with a lot of like classic rock because my dad was really into that stuff. So he was always playing like rush and led. Zeppelin and shit like that and it was cool for a while, but then I got I started getting into my own stuff like green day. And you all the basics My Chemical Romance and those types of bands Breaking Benjamin was one that I was really into just all the like Punk and hard rock typical radio bands that you'd probably expect and then yeah, I don't know. I just I wanted to do it, but I was never Were brave enough until I guess my I think my like my mid-teens years probably when I was like 15, I finally started experimenting with singing and everything. And once I played my first show I was like, this is what I want to do with my life. So yeah, that's pretty much, you know, not not a very unique story, but that's how I got into it when you got into your first band tell me about that. What was the project and what did you guys do? Don't like how many shows did you play? Did you tour? What was the story man? It was terrible. Like my first band was just it was just me and some friends from high school and we didn't really know what we were doing. We just wanted to like play our school talent show. So we we learned a bunch of covers. I think it was like like Incubus and Thirty Seconds to Mars and stuff like that. And then yeah, we played are like high school talent show and we were both like well, this is the shit, you know where we've made it and from there. I was like, let's play some real shows. I think, you know, we started to write some actual songs and they're all shitty. We were very new at it. But you know, we thought we were cool at the time. We were having fun. I think we played some shows at like a local VFW Hall. We did a bunch of Stuff like that nothing major and then I don't know I guess I that band fizzled out and I joined another band and kind of just kept doing that through the years until until I made something that was actually proud of which took quite a long time. And what was that project that you were proud of I think wander is the first band that that I've been in that I can actually say this is you know, I'm still Proud of it today. I think it's good music everything else before it was like okay, I guess but they were just stepping stones. Yeah. So tell me about your first time ever in a in a vocal booth like recording something. I love hearing about vocalist different experiences. So tell me about yours. Try to remember the very first time I think okay. I know what it is. It was so it was that one of the first bands that I was in high school band. We knew this dude who lived, you know in the same town and he was into recording and just kind of an amateur audio engineer and we all thought he was the shit, you know, we thought he was amazing and like a An elaborate mean he was good for age, but we went over to his house and we did a like a Blink 182 cover. I think it was Anthem Part 2 I want to say but yeah, he just like stuck in mic in front of me and I didn't really know what I was doing and I absolutely sucked the that cover was so bad. It's I swear. It's like still Somewhere Out There. Are in the depths of the internet, but yeah, it was terrible and I was like really embarrassed just to hear my own voice back. It was super nerve-wracking but I don't know eventually we did it again and again more times and I became more comfortable and it wasn't so cringe-worthy. But yeah, definitely that first time it was just awful. Yeah as a fellow vocalist I somebody on Twitter asked me if I could do like a A cover of one of my first band songs. Oh, it's so I would never want to do that. I like I like hit up the guitar player. I was like, you don't have not that I want to do it because cringe but like I was like you don't have these and he was like, oh my God, I would like I don't even know what to say to that. Yeah, that would have been really Brave of you to do. I tried to pretend like it never happened. But yeah. Yeah. No, I think just hearing your own voice for the first time recorded is awful for anyone and I was just fearful of hearing my own voice for the longest time after that. So definitely took some getting used to so tell me about your first time going on tour. I want to hear that experience because everyone's first time on tour is a quite the experience. Yeah, I was 18 and I was in this like easy core band, which is basically we're just trying to sound like for your strong and a day to remember and yeah, they had had some touring experience. I joined that band after they had already done some stuff and we did this like two-week terribly booked tour like the promoter was just not on the ball. I mean typical story, but dude, we played like We played out like a picnic table one time. It was horrible in like somewhere in Tennessee and no one was there. It was just two weeks of really shot shows and we weren't getting along at all. Another band took us out of band called handguns actually. Okay, I know handguns. I know Jake. Yeah. Yeah, so that was that was like my first tour and I don't know. I mean it was rough and dirty and we slept in Like some really gross places, but it was still cool to experience and I think it toughened me up for the future because that was still the hardest tour I've ever done probably and it was just not good. But if I hadn't done that if I hadn't taken that step and I probably wouldn't be doing it now, so You know, I'm still grateful for the experience even though it was terrible. So tell me about some of your next projects that you were in after after you got into wander. And yeah, I want to know what the other projects are that you're in currently and like what how you can how your brain can mentally split into three different music projects. Sure. So wander was just doing our thing. We went on a tour with his band comic. Sorry, and I guess we just got along with those guys really. Well, it was a good experience and then they lost their singer and hit me up after that and I was like, I'm not really sure I've got wander and I'm pretty busy but I really like their style and so I just went for it we did a single and I was like, this is a really good fit. I gotta learn to juggle these two responsibilities and I don't know like music's pretty much all I do I've dedicated like my whole life ever since I started doing it and nowadays I get to do music for a living. I don't have to have like a 9 to 5, so that helps me petition the time that I need. So I've been with macari for a while and wander doesn't really tore. We're more of a studio project. So that's not super. Sing on my wife. It doesn't take up, you know too much time or I don't have time for my other stuff. But I don't know. I just have a lot that I want to do artistically and I think my voice allows for it since I have the you know, these different skills like singing and screaming and all these different interests genre wise. You know you only live once so you might as well go for as much as you can and create as much as possible. That's the way I see it. So yeah monuments hit me up a few like several months back because they needed to fill in vocalist for a tour macari wasn't doing anything at the time and I always wanted to do the whole metal thing. So I was like, yeah sure whatever. Let's do it not expecting that much of it, but it just went so well and the chemistry was so good that I couldn't say. No to joining. It was a really great opportunity and like the mcard guys understand I have to do what's best for me and and you know join joining the band was part of it, but my dedication for macari is still the same as ever and I'm still stoked on all them. We're making we just have to schedule stuff in advance a lot. It's kind of tricky. But yeah, those guys have 9 to 5s and stuff. They have other lives besides the band. So everyone has other obligations that we need to account for so it's not the worst thing ever that I have this other job. Basically that I need to do because everyone has another job mine just happens to be music and doing other bands and you know, the session were Work that I do with artists. Sometimes it's a challenge to juggle it all but I don't know I would regret it. If I didn't go for this stuff if I didn't take these opportunities. I'm really lucky to have them in the first place. So yeah, I just do the best I can so you touched on it a little bit. So some of your project store and some of them are just Studio Projects. So we're like, how did you how do you decide like You don't want to tour with this band. You just want to do Studio work. How did that idea come into play in your world. Um wander was not a heavily touring band, but we always we did some tours but usually I would have to get fill-ins for the tour's because a couple members just weren't into touring and that was their choice and it's totally like, you know, that's fine. Not everybody wants to do that. So I didn't really have to make that decision for wander at A certain point it was just like let's keep making music. But let's keep the the shows at a minimum and turing's not really a goal or responsibility for the project and I was like, you know, that's fine. I have macari now and those guys want to tour all the time. So I'm always down at or if I can make the time for it and it makes sense. Whatever project that I'm in. I'm totally down to tour. This new thing that I have with Nick nocturnal called termina isn't a touring project simply because we only it's only two members and we're just writing all this stuff ourselves. So that's also you know, I don't have to make that decision. It's just kind of like well, we're we're a two-man Studio project. We're not really going to be doing any touring at least not anytime soon. So yeah Monument stores and macari tours, and that's just because everybody involved is down for it. And it works out that way. And then how long did it take for doing vocals to become your career? Like how long did it take for it to start making making money for you and paying your bills like 10 years pretty much exactly 10 years. I guess I've dumped so much money into it growing up as every musician does just as a teen not really caring about making money. Just trying to build something and I think YouTube really helped a lot once I started putting myself out there it started some you know, I started to gain gain some fans, which is great. And and that was helping with the subscriber count. And in the monetization like I was making a little bit of money. You know, how YouTube is like you don't make a lot. Yes. I know it's a little bit and it was like extra income. Yeah. So from there, it's just been a slow build. Putting music out on Spotify and stuff and all that is cumulative. So the more the more content that I put out, you know how it goes eventually it starts to build on it on itself. And yeah, and then also just having a name for myself from doing these different projects in the YouTube stuff has given me opportunities to do session work. I get hired for stuff like that and teaching voice lessons. That's a good source of income for me. But yeah, it all style all of it had to start somewhere. I was not making anything. I was losing money and then eventually it turned around now. I don't make a shitload of money or anything like that, but I can pay the bills and feed myself and that's cool, you know rent is covered and I'm grateful that I can do music to support myself. So yeah took a long ass time, but it's still building slowly. So back to YouTube talk about, you know, social media and how it has impacted your life as a vocalist and as somebody who you know is now making making a living off of this. Oh, yeah, social media and the internet has been huge for me. Of course. It's how macari found out about us and me and how monuments found me the Sumerian audition. I did on YouTube was was really helpful for me getting myself out there. If I didn't have these platforms than I just be singing by myself in my room and no one would be listening. I mean The whole climate of the music industry has changed where it's it's absolutely necessary to have a presence online, you know, you can't just go out there and tour anymore, but it worked for me and I was able to adapt to that and I owe I owe my whole career to to the internet basically because I was able to put myself out there and use those too. Also Market myself. And you know, I just got I think a lot of it was just I got lucky and someone saw my video and shared it to a friend and they showed it to a friend. Yeah internet is powerful. It's done so much for me. It is a crazy place man. And it's awesome what it's done for you. Definitely so talking about session work. How did you start doing session work? How did it feel when you were first approached to do like a future spot on a song? I don't actually remember what my first one was but I do know I was super flattered and I was like you really want me to feature on your song and I think I probably did it for free. It was just like a good experience and a cool opportunity and I just wanted to be a part of it. So yeah, it was it started out as like a fun thing and then slowly I would get more offers for it. And I was like, yeah hell yeah, let's do it. I would charge next to nothing. You know how it goes like you slowly build up your value and your able to ask for more. But yeah, I mean the first time I just did it for fun and it was it was I was just honored to be asked basically and then how did you come up with your rate? You can discuss it or you don't have to discuss it on here what it is specifically but how do you how did you find your worth your value? Um, I don't really know it was like a trial and error thing. It was kind of an experiment like I started out super low. Like I think I was asking for like 50 bucks to do a whole song and that was just because I didn't think I had a lot of worth yet. You know, I hadn't really made a name for myself and built up a following in those days. So I was happy to get whatever I could but after a while it started, you know, I started getting enough offers to the point where I could Use which ones to do and which ones not to do and that's when I was like, okay, I can I can set my price and sort of figure this out in a way that makes sense. And a lot of it was advice from Friends. Nick has helped me out a lot Nick nocturnal because he does the same sort of shit. And yeah just asking for advice from other people and a trial and error thing of how much people are willing to pay and how much I think is okay for me to ask for, you know, not to drop specific numbers. But now I think a good rule is that I charge a specific amount per like minute of the track. So if you want me on like a 3-minute song, it's like x amount times 3 or it's just based on the level of involvement or maybe how much they want me to write versus how much writing they want to do themselves. And then there's the whole editing. Things you want me to edit? So yeah, it was just a process of trial and error and I think your value will go up over time the more work you do and the more you get hit up for jobs. So I'm just kind of playing it by ear. And then what real real Jobs quote unquote real jobs, by the way, there's quotes around that. Um, did you have to supplement your income while you were trying to get this to take off full-time? Oh man. I was working at a movie theater for a while as like a concessions guy for several years when I first started playing in bands, and then I was a video game tester for for a bit. I worked for zenimax. I worked on Skyrim. Shout out to Bethesda. It was a cool job and I was a traveling sound engineer for a while actually want to trade school for live sound and studio recording, you know, just being an audio engineer. I did that at one of those old-school Studios to learn the fundamentals of sound so that gave me a background that I was able to use to I was like an audio tech for a bit to working for a multimedia company. So eventually it was all in the vein of audio but I found myself getting so burnt out from work that I didn't have a lot of energy or time to work on my music so yeah, I've I just made a choice to go at it really really hard and I set goals for myself and I was like this time next year I'm going to be here, you know or this time next year. I'm going to be able to like fully pay my rent with with the music Etc. But yeah, I mean I have lots of jobs before then and they were interesting experiences to say the least always are yeah, I can remember some of my first my first jobs before I was full-time freelancing and you know, it's a it's just you gotta do what you gotta do to make it happen. And then once it happens, it doesn't stop, you know, it's like a snowball rolling down a hill like you just continue to get work if you keep keep going out there and finding it. Yeah. Yeah, you have to stay on. It of course, but but yeah, I totally agree tell me have you ever dealt with being screwed over on any jobs or on any tours? Do you have any experience in that? Oh sure. Yeah, of course. I mean, I think every every musician does especially today like I would never name any names but but there's plenty of like not so trustworthy promoters out there who will stiff you on your guarantees that shows horn, you know, just try to pull a fast one it's happened a lot, especially in you know in the earlier days where you're just a naive impressionable artist looking for a chance labels tend to do the same thing again not to name any names, but I've definitely had my share of Being fed feeling like I've been taken advantage of by by industry people. I mean, it sucks, of course, but it you got to really love it as I'm sure you know and just get back up and keep going and learn from it. When you do get screwed over its at least it's a lesson you can look out for these red flags and try not to let yourself get screwed over in the future, but it still happens. I mean, it's it's tough out there and if there's anything to exploit someone's going to exploit it, so you just have to develop a I guess a shield for that kind of thing. Absolutely and for Fort or stories. Do you have a favorite tour story like a favorite thing that happened on tour that you can share? Um, I always have trouble with this question because there's been a lot of cool and crazy stuff that has happened. I think just being able to tour with some of my musical Idols is like to me that's the most amazing thing when McCarthy had our first tour with Kurt Travis. I was Starstruck by that because Kurtz always been a major influence for me. That's just crazy to me. I think a general cool tours tour Story one. I first wandered tours. We didn't have any places to stay every single night. It was just like I was posting online. Does anybody have a place for like for well-behaved boys to stay like retweet and tag your friends blah blah, like like having no idea who these strangers were in just we were so poor we couldn't do hotels and this one this family got back to us or this person who lived at this house with like two kittens and I was so happy. I love cats. So when we got there saw these kittens just like playing with us and cuddling and it was super like more Al boosting and just a lot of fun. I don't know. I'll always remember that the house of kittens and conditions were rough on that torso. It really cheered us all up. And yeah, I don't know. I really enjoyed it. Have you ever done a Vans Warped Tour show? Yeah, I did one the very last Warped Tour macari did our our hometown Orlando Warped Tour and it was cool. We on our set got rained out but then the rain stopped and everyone came back out and watched us and it was a really great time. Did you like go up grow up going to Warp Tour as well? Yeah, I think my first worked or was 2008 something like that. I was totally Lee totally into like The Devil Wears Prada and in a day to remember and all the classic for me the classic worked or bands of the time and go into the signings and just being in that environment that atmosphere where everyone is into this cool alternative style of music, I mean I loved it I was so sad to see work toward go. I always had that typical dream of wanting to do the whole thing ever since I was a teen but The music industry is changing and you just have to roll with the punches. So I'm lucky to have done one. And that's cool with me. Hey, maybe in a year or two Franz will help bring it back. I mean guy is the guy won't shut up about it. I saw that. Yeah, that would be awesome. It would be it would be amazing, you know, and I think if anybody can do it, he's probably the guy uh-huh. I just hope that the kids are still down, you know, we're in a different world these days and more people. In the hip-hop and stuff growing up, which is cool. I think the alternative scene is typically a little older nowadays. So to entice people to come back to Warped or you'd have to cater to both of those factors of young people being more into hip-hop and you know, the old you got you got to work harder to get the old crowd to come out because we're all fucking tired and we don't want to be in the Sun for 14 hours. Standing. Yeah, my back hurts. Yeah, so but I think it's possible. I think it can be done. Yeah, I have faith that if it's not warped or it'll be something else, you know, but I think the community the family aspect of warped or is something that will never be duplicated. I had the fortune of being on one of the last tours the full thing and I got to see, you know behind the scenes of how it runs and I got to I know that family and it was like a very very special community that they built. Yeah, it's really amazing a special time that we were lucky enough to be a part of. Yeah, definitely. So what are your goals for 2020? What do you have on the horizon? Hmm. I don't know what my definite goals are other than just to keep going and keep the momentum and tour as much as I can. I'm really excited for all the stuff that monuments has coming up. We got a lot of overseas stuff and since joining the band I've gotten to travel a lot. I've never been able to do any sort of traveling outside the US besides like Canada couple times. But with this man, I've had that opportunity and they're happening. We looking forward to going to India and stuff and all these other countries in Europe next year. So I just want to do a good job. And so those people a fun time and you have play as much as I can create as much as I can and hopefully keep working with super super talented people. It's been a privilege so far and I think if I just keep grinding Then it all it'll keep going so I don't have like a set go like I want to be making this much money or be playing to this many people. I just want to keep pushing and moving up the ladder. Oh, yeah and talk about your voice lessons. When did you start offering those? How do you how do you go about doing that setting it up all that stuff? I started a couple years back. I think people just started asking do you teach voice lessons and I was like hmmm? Well, I don't but I could I've taken voice lessons from you know, several different talented people and then I've picked up a lot along the way and just my own personal unique experiences on tour and playing shows and how I've dealt with keeping my voice and shape. I was like, I guess I could I have I have stuff to offer basically. So yeah, I would just basically post like hit me up and he says look at and let's do it. I don't know it was it was a learning process for me for sure. And the fact that I tore so much I can't do it all the time. But when I am home and when I feel like I've got a good chunk of time in between sessions and stuff. I'll post about it and just say hey I'm open for lessons and I think that has like what maybe word of mouth and just the internet has helped helped me like attract. Clients and stuff like that. And yeah, I mean it was the same sort of thing as the features. I would charge next to nothing at first and after getting enough business, I was like, okay I can sort of re negotiate this and yeah, it's really cool. I like to see a lot of ambitious people want to learn these alternative vocal approaches and I'm happy to pass on whatever. I know it's a cool thing being able to teach people and whenever I can I'm always happy happy to do so and do you have any dream features? Like do you have anybody that you would want to bring in on a song in the industry? Do you have anybody? You want a tour with specifically just out of curiosity. Sure. I mean, I feel like that list is endless of bands. I would be happy to tour with any any of those those metal bands that I've listened to in the past anywhere from Prada to Veil of Maya Between the Buried and Me periphery all those bands. It would be just such a Dream It's a tour with them and then and then with macari, you know, we would love to do something with dance Gavin Dance someday. Um, they've always been a big favorite of mine and probably always will feature wise. I don't know man. There's just so many talented amazing artists out there. I couldn't possibly sit here and name them all off. I think if I was like shooting for the Stars, it would be like like chino from Deftones or something. Wow Cedric from The Mars Volta or Like tilian or whatever. I think I think I could probably hit up Kurt Travis and we could negotiate something and he'd be stoked because he's a friend that would be sick. So that's kind of on the more realistic side of doing a vocal feature. Hell, yeah. Well, I hope you can make that happen. It would be really cool to hear something like that. What is something you know now that you wish you knew when you started? Oh boy, there's a lot. I think Sorry, I'm trying to think about it record labels be very very careful and weary about what you're signing and have a reliable entertainment lawyer. Look over that shit. It is worth your money and your time because it's easy to just sign a deal and not really think about it because you just want a chance but then years down the line it's going To be affecting you pretty hard. So those choices are not to be taken lightly. I wish I could tell my young self that and I don't know there's a lot of lessons. I've learned along the way but it would be hard to describe. It's something that I kind of just had to live with touring and stuff and playing and yeah the whole professionalism side to it. It's just been a a slow learning experience. So there's not one thing that I can just say. I wish I had known it's a lot of little things for sure and if people want to find you on social media if they want to reach out to you for a feature for vocal lessons for any any questions, they may have working they find you you can just email me at Andy sza kndy CI Z. EK @ That's the best way for me because Messaging me on like Instagram and Facebook. I just can't keep track. So please email me if you're interested in doing some worker or whatever. Thank you guys for listening to this episode of project freelancer. If you enjoyed listening to Andy Story, please give this podcast a rating leave some feedback if you liked it so that other people that are looking for podcasts might come across your feedback and give this podcast a chance. Thank you guys for listening to another week. We are into season six of project freelance. Thank you guys for keeping the show going. It's because of listeners like you that this is happening and it's because I am fortunate enough to have this network. Of people and friends of friends who I can reach out to who are down to be a part of this podcast. It is super cool to have something like this where I can connect with artists and creators and share their stories on this platform. So thank you guys for listening and if you guys are looking for a coffee table book if you're looking for a gift for somebody if you got a gift card for Christmas and you want to get a little salt and some and support your girl. I have a book out called No tracers an urban explorers diary it is Full of photographs and diary entries from the urban exploration trips that I have been on into a bunch of abandoned places all over America and a couple International places. Thank you guys for picking one of those up. If you want one you can go to just the letter No tracers all the links will be down in the description. All of Andy's links will be down in the description and I will talk to you guys next week on Project freelance hit that subscribe button if you're new so that you don't miss an episode. They come out every Monday morning at A.m. Pacific Standard time just in time for your Monday morning commute to work. Thank you guys. Stay strong keep enduring go out and go create something.
This week on Project Freelance I am joined by vocalist Andy Cizek. He's been making YouTube videos for awhile now and I wanted to pick his brain about his creative process for that, as well as his session work and live touring work.
Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on.Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place learn more about it and download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. Hello and welcome. Thank you so much for joining me. My name is Renee. And this is a somatic meditation somatic meditation is an embodiment practice the word somatic refers to the body. And of course meditation is a practice of focusing and in this particular practice, we will focus on the body through felt sense through guided visualization. An imagination but there's also an open invitation to really make this practice yours. So there's no right way to be in a somatic meditation. From the outside no way that you need to look or hold yourself in your body hold yourself in your attention My Hope for this meditation is that it's a space for curiosity and playfulness and maybe some piece of healing. So in today's meditation as you might have read in the title. Hello down there. We're just going to have a really simple. Practice of exploring the pelvic Basin and the pelvic Basin includes the shape of the pelvic container the skin the bones the musculature as well as the soft tissues and the organs that are held in the pelvic Basin and so this includes the organs of elimination and our reproductive organs as well as their genitals. There are a lot of pelvic floor kinds of practices that you might have heard. Heard of or even tried yourself and I want to be clear from the outset that this is not a practice to firm or tone your pelvic floor. This is not really a practice of engaging so much with the muscular strength of this part of our bodies, but more of an energetic practice and this is more of an inquiry into the energy and the power and the memory. And the awareness of this part of our bodies. Our bodies are incredibly intelligent organisms. They are amazing systems that have so much to offer us and have so much to teach us if we can listen to them and our bodies are much more than machines that our brains control. They have a really different kind of wisdom and if if you've been studying cymatics for a long time or embodiment work, then this is no news to you. But a lot of us are are just finding this work. And so this is kind of an incredible moment of Awakening as embodiment practices become more widespread and accessible and I would love to encourage you no matter where you are on your journey of embodiment to come into this practice again with a sense of play and with a sense of curiosity and the We're going to be exploring these parts of our bodies today. And in this meditation has everything to do with the stories in the narratives that go on with these parts of our bodies. So no matter where you are if you have access to the internet and you've been able to find this meditation, you've probably come across some pretty damaging ideas about your body at some point. And there are a lot of ideas about our bodies in general and particularly a lot of ideas about the pelvic basins in our bodies and the various parts there that are wrapped up with a lot of Shame with memories of violence or violation with a lot of ignorance. These are parts of our bodies that many of us don't even have names for we might not even have language to describe what we're feeling or where we're feeling. And therefore embodiment practice might be seen as a radical political act to really acquaint ourselves with our own bodies to feel again their energy and their power and their memories when we can really feel our bodies. We are much less likely to be manipulated. We are much less likely to be convinced of Our Own disempowerment. And we are much less likely to make choices that bring harm to ourselves and to others. So as you come into this meditation, please come in with the idea that perhaps this journey of getting to know your body a little bit better is also a gesture for the community that you're a part of for the culture that you live in that each one of us as we awaken to our own bodies as we Refuse and resist the narratives that have been put on our bodies and we start to fill our intelligence and our awareness with our own narratives and our Reclamation each one of us becomes a cell or a point of healing for all of our relationships. And certainly that's my intention as I practice my meditation and these Explorations and I definitely hope that for you before we begin though. I do want to say that we are working in a part of the body that does have a lot of emotions and experiences and memories wrapped up in it for many many of us and this will be a very simple exploration that I'm going to guide but the potential in terms of how someone might respond is quite vast and I It really love if anybody who's listening to this makes a commitment first to take care of themselves throughout this process. And so that might mean that you want to pause the recording at any point. You can decide your own pacing. You can decide what you want to listen to you can decide if you want to skip over certain parts. If you want to pause take your time and come back. That's totally up to you. You are always welcome. Come to do any kinds of techniques or practices within this practice that help you stay grounded and present and a lot of people have their own techniques or ways of staying grounded and present a few that I can recommend are also quite simple the first one being simply breath breathing when we bring attention to our breath and particularly if we bring attention to our breath in a way that's quite focused. And an example of that is as you breathe in really trying to hear the sound of your breath may be counting the pace of your breath or telling yourself. Now, I'm inhaling now. I'm exhaling that kind of practice can really help bring the Mind back into the present moment if it started to spiral out somewhere else and it can help regulate the body with the mind if the body has been stimulated in such a way. That old memories or traumas are starting to emerge. I also would really love to encourage anyone who's listening that already knows that this part of your body your public Basin has a lot of stories or energy that I feel complex. And that maybe you already know there are some things that are going to be brought up that before you even begin the meditation you think of one or two or a few. People who are in your immediate support system and that when you're done with the meditation, you might be able to call them and just talk it through or you might decide to wait to do this meditation on a day when you're going to see a therapist or see a good friend or family member that you know that you can talk about it with them. Alright, so the last thing I'll say before we start is often. When I do these kinds of Explorations. I have insight into my own body into my own mind into my various strategies for coping and for survival and even though sometimes these thoughts feel very clear and present in the moment. They can easily slip away so I often just have A piece of paper or a notebook close by and sometimes will take notes if I have things come up that feel important to remember so I want to invite you to be prepared to take some notes if that feels like something that you would want to do. All right, so we'll begin now. And as I said a few moments ago, there is no right way to do this meditation. You can sit up you can lie down you can move around because we will be bringing our focused attention deeply into our bodies and Opening space for information to come from the body. It's probably a good idea to give yourself special time and space for this meditation, so it's not Saying that you're doing when you're trying to attend to other tasks or details. Please prepare yourself by getting comfortable. And get as comfortable as you honestly can. So if you've prepared yourself in such a way that is Habitual as I often do when I think I'm meditating. I'll sit in a particular way and sometimes that way of sitting is actually a little bit constricted feeling for my back. I'm going to invite all of us to just check in with our bodies. And see if there's any way that we could be a little bit more comfortable. And again, there is no right way to be. So let yourself be in such a way that you can breathe easily. That you can feel some kind of support underneath you. your contact with gravity If you need props or pillows or supports of some kind arrange them. And then when you're ready let your eyes soften. And if it's comfortable to close your eyes, you can close them. It's fine to let your eyes stay open and either way let the corners of the eyes start to relax. And imagine that the eyes can rest back into your skull. Try and let go of any holding or Readiness in your face. Feel that the skin of the forehead can relax. The mouth and the jaw and the tongue can also relax. I can feel the skin of your cheeks. Go Slack. And then just start to become aware of your breath. And as we bring awareness to any part of the body, there is often a response from the body or from something that we're doing like breathing. And as you become aware of your breath your breath might change and that's just fine. So watch your breath as it moves. And notice the shape and the flow of your inhale. and The Sensation of your exhale And then bring your hands to a place on your body that feels somewhat neutral and so this could be your arms or your shoulders or chest somewhere on your belly or your legs anywhere that you can just kind of rest your hands and focus on the feeling between the skin that's being touched and the Palms in the fingers of your hands. And let's invite a sweet. Hello. It's we greet our bodies. And we're greeting our bodies through touch and through awareness and often when I'm beginning a somatic meditational speak out loud will say hi body your my body. Thank you. Thanks for holding me. Those words may or may not feel like a thing that you want to say. If there are other words that have some kind of similar salutation just experiment with speaking them out loud. Speaking them internally is great. But make an acknowledgement to your body from your mind. And then let's start to bring the awareness of our breath a little bit further down into the belly. And if it's helpful, you might even want to place your palms over your belly. A lot of us very habitually tighten the front wall of the abdomen. And so as you breathe, can you relax the muscles of your belly and feel that all the way from the top of your belly and underneath your ribs to the base of your belly your breath can rise and swell up. And as you exhale, you can fully release those muscles. And then I'll invite you to bring your hands over your pelvis and depending on the shape that you're in. If you're seated if you're lying down if you're dancing around you might explore different places to put your hands. So I'm sitting and it's easy for me to bring my hands over my pubic bones. You might really want to explore kind of. Is your hands and sweeping motions or petting motions and let your hands can move over the Contours of your pelvis all the way around its shape? And in this first Contact, let's bring our attention just to the sensation of skin. And again, just like we did a moment ago with hands on some other part of the body weight just go hi body. Hi pelvis, and if you have certain parts that you're touching and you know their names then you might say hello to them as well. And I find that it's a very powerful practice to claim my own body and you might try that as well. So if you bring your hands to your pelvis you could say this is my pelvis. If you bring your hands to your genitals, you can call them by your names. These are mine. There are a lot of occupations of our bodies by different kinds of ideas by media by stories and it can be so easy to objectify and judge our bodies from the outsides and we can often forget that we are our bodies and our bodies belong to us. So in naming and in saying hello, we're making these Kind of first very simple gestures towards just claiming the space that we're in and claiming the space. That's ours. As you greet your skin and as you greet your parts continue to let your breath deep end and I'll invite you to explore the movement of your breath that can travel all the way down into the base of your tummy. And of course your actual inhale is contained within your lungs, but the movement of your breath can travel anywhere in your body. So you might imagine that you can breathe all the way down into your pelvis and into your pelvic organs. And as you greet your body as you touch your body as you breathe, then notice what happens and what does that feel like to greet yourself to bring very simple touch to bring very simple breath. Is this something that you do all the time? Is this a first? Notice any kinds of feelings that are arising including awkwardness or numbness or difficulty in maintaining attention including pleasure. Including Salinas. Everything is welcome. Just kind of notice how you're responding. Let's let the touch of our hands be a little bit more focused now and I'm going to invite you to first try and sense your skin and I'm being vague by saying somewhere on your pelvis because it can really be anywhere and I guess I should clarify what I mean by pelvis before I say it can be anywhere when I'm talking about the pelvis. I'm talking about the part of your body. That's Held in your hip structure. So if you feel down to the height of your body below your belly button, and if you find your hip bones, you can feel their shape. And of course your your butt or your buns are on the back and on the front you have your genitals and whatever you like to call them there. They are and then down at the base between your genitals and your anal opening you have your perineum. And anywhere around this area you could say that's part of your pelvis. So feel free to have your hands at any point. and then what I'm going to invite you to do is even if you're touching through your clothes to feel or imagine that you can feel this layer of skin and the skin slides a little bit over the soft tissues underneath it and you might kind of slide your skin a little bit side to side and see if you can feel through the skin into What's underneath? And so depending on where your hands are you might find fat? You might find muscle you might find bone. And I'd just like you to visualize what it is that you're making contact with. Are you might imagine? Oh there there are the muscles of my pelvic floor or there's all the good stuff all the the Jiggles and the swish of my buttons. These are my hip bones. As you use your hands to explore your pelvis and explore the layers underneath the skin let your hands start to travel around and a lot of us experience this part of our body through touch that is mostly either sensual or sexual or medical and this is neither of those things. It's none of those things and if you have a sensual, Sexual feelings come up when you're touching your body in your Anatomy. They're definitely allowed but it's kind of a rare occurrence that we get to just explore our bodies and be in them without again a goal or a name. So that would be another thing to notice is as you're touching your body if there is a way that you kind of Click into an expectation or a habit in this exploration. So again, I'm going to invite you to start to explore around with your hands and imagine what it is that you're feeling and if you've seen pictures and anatomy books, they can be very helpful. Sometimes anatomy books are not helpful though, because our bodies come in a wide variety of possibilities and anatomy books tend to be fairly formulaic. And if you've never looked at an AT-AT an anatomy book and have no idea what your various shapes and tissues might look like feel free to fill in what you're feeling with any kind of imagination any kinds of colors or shapes, but try and make a link between what you're feeling with your hands what your body is feeling in response to your hands and how you're imagining in your mind's eye what you're coming into contact with And again, all we're doing is bringing presence and attention. And noticing what happens? And we're noticing any stories that come up. We're noticing any memories. We're noticing any emotions. Or physical Sensations like heart racing or eyes having trouble settling and there's nothing you need to do about any of that except for notice. And remember you can always come back to your breath as a support. If things ever feel too intense or too much, you can always open your eyes and look around. So now let's bring some special attention into the back part of the pelvis. and you can find your butt can find your buns and give them a squeeze such wonderful parts of our bodies definitely worthwhile saying hello to and claiming them as yours. Just claim your buns. These are your buns. And if it's comfortable and if you're in a place where it Feels Alright, see if you can use your fingertips to find your butthole. Have you ever done a guided meditation like this before? What do you think would happen if the entire world all at the same time? If everybody on the planet just suddenly became very okay with their buttholes. This is a part of our bodies that gathers so much shame for a lot of people from the very earliest days of their life. This is a part of the body that is objectified a ton. It's a part of the body that's feared. It's a part of the body that we often feel grossed out by it's a part of the body that a lot of stories can get made up about. So again without going into a story without going into a habit what happens when you just bring your attention and your awareness to your anus? Now your anus your asshole your butthole. It's yours say hello. There you are. This is an opening, of course that travels up and in to your body and inside no need to go there with your hands right now. But inside is your rectum and your rectum is the last part of your large intestine or : and this this tube tube, like structure rests just in front of your sacrum and your sacrum is a bone that's shaped like a triangle with the longest point of the triangle moving down towards your feet right at the base of your spine. And if you bring your hands kind of a little bit between your butt cheeks and definitely between your hip bones in the back, you can probably feel your sacrum and it has kind of a flatter quality than the vertebra of your spine which poke out a little bit more there a little more bumpy. And so can you bring your attention from the the surface the skin around your butthole? Can you bring your attention in a felt sense in your inner body awareness? Not through touch now into your pelvic Basin and into the posterior part into the back part. now human beings similar to a lot of other animals have reflexes in response to fear and stress and that reflex is to tuck the tail and to clinch the asshole and it's something that dogs do it's something that many mammals do and it's something that humans do and if you happen to sit down a lot then this tendency is Probably exacerbated. So what I'd love to invite you to do is really try and relax in the back portion of your pelvis and that includes your inner body and it also includes the muscles around your anal opening and just notice if that feels easy if that feels like a new sensation for many people. It feels a little challenging. I noticed immediately that I have more comfort in my stomach and that gives me information about some of my stress patterns with digestion. So notice again what you notice. What are the stories? What are the ways you might avoid awareness? Where's nervousness? Where is pleasure? Where is ease? And just like you might bring attention to your breath in a seated meditation. Can you bring attention to your butthole? And can your attention reside there? Can it just still can you dwell? Can you let your awareness come into the front of your sacrum? And notice what you notice? Feel free to take more time. If you need more time with any of your parts just pause and come back when you're ready. And when you're ready to move on you might just give a little thanks for the time and we'll let our attention start to shift and I'd like to ask you to bring your hands just above your pubic bones and your pubic bones are fairly low. And so if you've never explored the Bony structure of your pelvis before one way that you can find them is first by locating. Your belly button and then just bringing your fingertips down from your belly button until you feel bone. And just before you feel bone just above the pubic bones. You might notice that your bladder is there if you push hard enough, you might feel your bladder and that's actually where we're going to bring attention now, so your pubic bone. Those are just in front of your bladder. And again, you might want to kind of start at the skin, you'll the structure of your pubic bones. And then let your attention drop back and into your body and your bladder is an amazing organ. It does a really important job in your body. And you know what it is. So as you bring attention to your bladder, can you bring attention with breath? Can you bring attention with your inner awareness? And bringing felt sense awareness or inner body awareness to our organs and especially to organs that we might kind of habitually ignore because of some kind of training we have around ignorance. This kind of attention can be really hard and sometimes it can feel like yelling into an abyss. And waiting for an Echo. So if I'm asking you to bring a felt sense awareness to a part of your body and you're like I have no idea what this person is talking about or how to do that trust that just the effort is valuable just the question of how do I bring my atention somewhere that is the practice and there's again no goal more than that. And as you bring your attention to your bladder, you're also bringing attention to stories that you might have about your bladder stories. You might have about your pelvis. And any story that comes up as welcome and it's welcome to be here as part of your awareness in this moment, but also notice if your mind wants to go off into that story and leave the present moment and let's invite our attention to just keep coming back to the here and the now keep coming back to an imagination and a visualization of the body. You coming back to the breath and the felt sense? And feel free to linger if you'd like and when you're ready give a little thanks. Thanks for your time. You're my bladder and we'll move on and we'll move on now to the genitals and to some kind of imagination or embodiment of the reproductive organs and just to reiterate there are so many stories that we Very in our bodies, especially about our genitals and a reproductive organs so many stories and so many of those stories have absolutely nothing to do with what we might say is the truth of our sensation in this part of our body as we bring attention to these places. We're bringing attention with curiosity. We're bringing our presence and really we're bringing our care. And so I'd love to invite you in especially in this next section to just bring as much care as you possibly can and within your care. There's friendliness. This is your body. This is your vessel. This is your home. So with your hands feel the shape of your genitals. And if it's useful for you to name them and to say hello and to claim them then do if you haven't ever given your genitals names. Consider if you'd like to or if there is some way that you want to call these parts of your body and I'm a big fan of moving beyond the anatomical names personal names are great. But I definitely want to acknowledge that again. There is a huge variety. There's a big Spectrum in anatomy and in the ways that we About our anatomy and the ways that we claim it and sometimes the names that were given by science by Anatomy are actually limits for us there their barriers to really getting to know ourselves. If a name doesn't occur to you right away just hold it as a question and try and feel the shape of this part of your body and again notice if there's an immediacy or a habit or a way that you approach this part of your body because that's just how you do it and see if you can disrupt that habit a little bit and invite again just presence and curiosity. and care explore whether there's tension or resistance that you experience to your own touch. And if or when you find that tension or resistance? Hold it in your attention. Invite your breath all the way down into your pelvis. And just ask the question what if I relaxed? Now in the tensions that we carry in our bodies, we often are carrying survival strategies. We're often carrying really important protections and by no means is relaxation or release or openness a priority. The priority is our own healing our own wholeness and our self knowing and so any tension that feels like it. Is part of a necessary protection? Is welcome to stay there is no need to change your body. There is no need to ask it to do anything else. We're just inviting curiosity. That's all. How much you want to use your touch has totally up to you? Let's start to bring our attention and our awareness further in to the reproductive organs the soft tissues on the inside of the pelvic Bowl. Reproductive organs look a lot of different ways and they're not reproductive for everyone. I'm using that term for lack of a better one. There are a lot of memories in these parts of our bodies and potentially many memories that need a lot of time. So again, please take your time pace yourself as you need to. Try and imagine the shapes that are there. If you have a uterus and ovaries if you've had a uterus and ovaries at some point. Many people have had surgeries to remove these organs just try and imagine them. If you live in a body with a penis and testicles there are these kind of tubes and loop like structures that come into the body between the bladder and the rectum. And of course the prostate which sits below the bladder and in front of the rectum. You might live in an intersex body that has a really unique and different kind of anatomy and you might know what it looks like and you might not. And again, please feel free to imagine the colors and the shapes. Imagine. Whatever. Is there in any way that's relevant to you. And invite your breath in. Invite your presence. And your curiosity and your care? And some of us will have experiences in these meditations that feel very basic. Okay, that's my intention and I'm breathing maybe even what's the point many of us will have experiences where this kind of inquiry opens a huge energetic space and a lot of story a lot of memory a lot of other Sensations or emotions come out. That could change day to day if you did this meditation everyday, it could change every single time. So regardless of what's a rising right now just know that your experience can and will change over time and be really curious about right now. What's calling for your attention right now? And again, there's no goal. We're not asking our bodies to do anything. We're not placing anything on them in terms of intent. We're just trying to be here. Trying to hold space with our awareness with our touch with our breath. And then I'm going to ask you a question that might not have an answer and you might need to take a lot of time with this question may be weeks or years. When you sense into this part of your body, what do you know? And when I say what do you know? I don't mean what do you know in your mind? But what do you know in you're a very very deep knowing? When you bring your attention all the way into the deepest part of your body into the base and of your pelvis. What do you know? It might be an energetic quality. It might be a message. It might be a very clear guidance. And this answer again. It will evolve it will change and it might take a very long time to answer. Take as much time as you need. And when you're ready give an acknowledgement to your reproductive organs to the space inside of your pelvic Basin to the outer flesh and tissues of your genitals. To the skin and the container around your pelvis. to the Bony pelvic structures your hip bones and your sacrum the muscles and the fat and the skin And then let's just be for a few moments. And come back into awareness of our bodies and their totality. So let your attention and your presence move from your pelvis into your belly into your legs. Down into your feet up into your chest. Out into your arms into your head. Feel the movement of your breath as it spreads out into your whole body. And together, let's just consider and let's hold some of the stories that we know are very present in the world about our pelvic basins. There have been a lot of stories in this world about shame and sin and wrongness in these parts of our bodies. And these stories have many different routes. And if you've ever been affected by one of these stories and just take a breath for everyone else who's also been affected. There are lots of stories about performance what these parts of our bodies should be able to do I used air quotes around that should a lot of stories about what these parts of our bodies should look like. And of course those stories about what our bodies should look like and how they should perform are inaccurate and false. those models or representations are one possibility of Mini of an infinitude of possibilities and if you've ever been affected by a story about what your pelvic areas should look like or how they should function and take a breath of compassion for yourself and for anyone else who's ever been affected by that kind of story. There are a lot of stories of violence and Trauma in these parts of our bodies some of them very extreme and very brutal. And if you've ever been affected by one of these stories, then please take a deep breath of care for yourself. And for anyone else that has helped us kind of story, too. regardless of your sex or your gender or your genitals your body is the result of bodies and their pelvises their pelvic basins and those organs on some level and so as you breathe into your body and as you breathe into the stories, Breathe into the stories of life and birth and death. That are so much a part of these parts. And to finish let's just take a few moments and imagine. How all of the stories of Shame and objectification and violence that have lived in these parts of our bodies for generations and generations how those stories have in turn created mindsets and decisions that are quite harmful. These stories have been perpetuated for thousands of years in thousands of ways. What would happen if everybody all together all at once all over the entire world? Suddenly just became very good friends with their bodies. Very good friends with their parts. What would happen if all together all at once we knew these parts of our bodies to be sacred? An absolutely normal. Regardless of their variants regardless of their functions that they were deeply deeply sacred and absolutely normal. And those were the stories we had everybody has these parts and these parts are sacred. You wonder what would happen. When you're ready start to deepen your breath. And let the movement of your breath spread out into your arms and into your face and if you've been still for a while then start to move around. Let your eyes open if they've been closed take in the space. That's around. You notice it notice Where You Are. Locate yourself in time and space. And as you go on with your day or with your night, wherever you are, you might want to take a moment write down some notes write down some observations. You might not whatever it is that you do next and for as long as you can remember into the next hours or the next days or the next weeks or maybe even longer. I'd love to invite you to continue checking in with your pelvic basin. In any way that feels accessible. I was taking a walk earlier and really marveling at how when I could maintain awareness of my anus I actually had less back pain when I was walking that there's a way that I was kind of clenching some muscles a little bit more on one side than the other and that when I brought awareness to that part of my body I could release that pattern. And it helped very familiar pain in my back to dissipate. I've noticed that other times that bringing attention into my womb and into my ovaries can be really supportive if I'm sitting for a long time. I've noticed at other times that bringing attention to these parts of my body can help me release emotional residue. I know if I've been feeling really edgy or angry or like there's a Hold up of emotional charge that when I bring attention to these parts of my body and relax a lot of times the tears can flow. So explore for yourself what lives in these parts of your body and bring your presence and your curiosity and your care bring your affirmation and bring your recognition. This is your body. You can claim it you can get to know it and there's so much that you can get to know from your body so much wisdom, that's there. I hope you've enjoyed this meditation in this exploration. I trust that for most people it will be fairly different or somewhat new to do this kind of meditative somatic practice at all and particularly with the genitals and and eliminative and reproductive organs in this way because it's new it can definitely feel strange and Weird and weird and if you've had those kinds of responses, but you're still listening. Congratulations. I always appreciate hearing feedback. So if you have anything that you want to share about your experience with this meditation, please feel free to get in touch. And as you continue to get to know your own body, I feel quite certain that you will really get to know even better Your Own Strength your own. Beauty your own capacity and your own healing that is my hope for you my deepest intent. Thank you so much for practicing with me. If you enjoy this meditation, please share it with anyone you think might benefit until the next time I'm wishing you all the best and bye for now.
This is a guided meditation for exploring the pelvic basin, pelvic organs and genitals. This meditation is simple and playful with invitations for gentle exploration of your parts and the memories, stories and energy they hold. I truly believe that embodiment is one of the most radical political actions we can take. The more we actually know our bodies and can feel them, the less susceptible we are to marketing, fear tactics, manipulation and occupation by life-negating narratives and beliefs. As we move into Scorpio Season and honor the new moon and upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle, let’s dive deep into the spaces of our bodies that have been held in mystery and shrouded in shame. Let’s change these narratives and change the world :) This meditation was inspired by SCORPIO, learn more about Scorpio here To learn more about working with your pelvic basin and for more inspiration to explore it, please listen to my guest conversation with Jeevan Singh from Flower Hand Wellness If you enjoy this work, please consider leaving me a tip! --- Send in a voice message:
Mama back to another episode of the pig wrestling podcast the pig wrestling podcast is powered by our wonderful sponsors. St. Cloud and it's available in the cloud was available pull the cloud. I'm learning at your and Spotify and kid's name but a few and an old Pig wrestling podcast Blog the pig wrestling podcast is based on a book by repeat Lindsay and Mark Bowden. It's a simple way to solve any problem and create change you need.Go back out with today again again early morning early morning start and what we thinking we've got to their pain. And today we've got are the one and only low can blur and motivational speaker on to Pinette founder and chairman of Andy's man Club be you journal what else and he's got all sorts cough is complaining. Oh, yeah. He's new coffee comes opening very soon. It's called The Beehive.Other people have posted about yeah the position position and was also I am, you know in Solo. Yeah, but I'm going to just chill. Let me just let's let's get him in Guatemala. Look morning guys good Beaver call today. So I've got a really sexy deep voice. We've got a new are guests on the show this week. The pig easy right so you can I top or when you got the pig. So just just to kick off and told you this bit because we've gone he said just get on the air and yeah, yep. I didn't know what was gonna happen. What's coming rather than reiji Sir. Paul does a little bit of background that we let him go go pop. I've got the pig right and just to introduce a little bit more and look played professional rugby league and me, please for Salford. Adriano's harlequins York and Ireland and finished his career with his beloved Halifax. This is the stat that I'll this is the stat that I love this one. I can't believe it. But at least 30 children are as it is 30 children as little canyon worked at Londoner. Yeah a new is where to land for a prop. I thought that was bullied adjusted stuff here that no one on the there were a season whenever best season when I want right away from beating Terry Funk it is Record, so the minimum the top-scoring forward I live acts of all time one try away. And on this is got told that started. It was kind of a try. Yeah. I didn't know when I saw it was a proper legend about one day. We didn't you recently but I saw that try as so that's how that is God. He was from about 70 yards out on it depends on where and how many you have to drink it make me an answer you're good yours was usually from Two yards out Lee and went like you to try as anyway and educational was and Luke went to st. Catherine's Catholic a school and later went to Leeds met and Luke is a fellow of breath air. Is that the correct pronunciation, but all you click rapid which is a charitable organization and the mission is to improve the life and chances of children young people and families inspiring them to engage positivity in the communities. Where do you get that from Pole? Tell you website that silly. Look he's also chief executive of ambulatory inning and founded chairman of and is man Club. So and it's - it have coffee at the money. I've got no not come on Lucas. Engaged and he's got three young children, which is not all yes, you know more than I do after all about it. All right, so that's like thanks for coming over just just just just tell our listeners what he milked over there this morning when you wake up. Yeah, so I recently I bought a VW crafter big big van and I decided that I'd convert it into a live birth camper van and when the owners make when this podcast I was struggling for time, so I said, let's get it in nice and Early, so I said, yeah, we'll do it at 7:00 a.m. So rather than that long commute over we're to the beautiful holes here. I decided that sleep last night in the camper van actually only on the drive. He'll beg him it comes to open a spare room, but I said to him listen come to Texas better. I got up on the bed and he understood straight away Danny. Laughs. Well, he's a it was causing the on it. We have a game within a game of Uno. Oh, no, you had a new video. I'll give her a summit some across Sweden. Yeah sums over it sums of atoms in the room with us. I'm interested it looks it looks absolutely top-notch some some other great night's sleep. It was going to be up early some was and get a little bit cont'd some rooms are bu Productions that we're doing all we will we help businesses with videography real enjoying the story behind the brands and some ended up in that good night. I was sleeping van that he slept through his alarm. It is alarm go off and he heard it actually turn it off and roll over and start snoring and I thought yeah must be Comfort. What happened was you I want happy but then I realized this to comfort he's that comfy in there that maybe that's what it was and maybe not even that nice of a comfort sleep at home. So I'll let him off. I know he's gonna be going right and he's I can tell because he's not eating yet. Wait, we need to get through this podcast and I'm looking forward to this one because the questions you don't know what we've got but prep log questions, none of the line even so I mean, it's real and raw in it. I want to quit hitting me. I want to know I'm was one two, three books that have greatly change or influence your life and why straight away the magic of thinking big always turns out the top Always by David Schwartz. It's just one book that it's always a top of chain. I think a lot of books derived from that book just his way that he talks is all for the always stands out to me and this is for anyone listening. I think all excuses itís talks about a disease that a lot of people have if you've heard of this disease, excuse us out. Is it societies disease or making excuses why they can't do some it with the tool to do it till young the too busy and there's all these excuses and I love it the fact that real if you break it down when most people don't do some it is excuses itís and I've had that disease before but I think that this year especially which will probably go into I made sure that excuse itís right window and there were no excuses to think it's easier to make an excuse and I don't find a solution which is I guess what this whole podcast is about the progress than podcast. Yeah our I like that. I believe I've probably suffered with that for quite a few years. It was calling out today or yesterday and he's wanted it gone to he's getting liver toolbox. And I'm going to go away. Excuse is because it has become this you today. I'm joining up this gym. I'm doing something so I said well just need to transfer over that way. We need to break this cycle of tea. Saying that we can't get in shape. So I know you're a big fan of exercise and Fitness and Wellness, but we share the same problem. How do we fix eggs? You'll still come on. It's simply just going to it and it sounds up that Daft but with anything like with coffee shop with camper van with any businesses I've ever started. I anything I do underneath man Club. It was just about actually getting out and doing it and stay consistent and I think once you just take that break, it's hard to get back into it and it went off that wagon chasing that wagons add. So I'm with his on it. I've I've got a lot of work to do this year. I decided to go to lose weight and get fit and I went to extreme and he said it is starting to run like a 10 kids had to run under killed Tomorrow - did that then after that devote to trim for and we do professional athlete you always had to sum up to try and find a fit. My biggest thing transition is this time of year. Now, I've been preseason last 15 years of my life and now to not have the gall to you've got to be fit by this debt for a game. It's like well just start next week or I'll start lending. I think actually just been really self-cutting the Bullshit and saying let's get into this. Let's get stuck in with anything business whatever you're into and I think what we're doing together and is a can get up early in the morning. I get up middle of the night so I don't sleep very much. But so I'm packing outside Leon's house in the morning. Now what happens for have this is similar thing going on? Yeah. So AB is out. So we start training at 6.30. I said this looks terrible in conversation yesterday. I said look this sounds this gym and this boat company sort of thing. As I said, let's cut the shit. So now we need to just get on it and get it done that way how you do anything is how you doing things? Exactly. So according to you the typical one that just come up mind that probably never would have thought it would have at least it was real and raw sit with God and tell us his autobiography. He probably first book ever written a youngster and just his mindset. I really liked it. I would just watch it was an absolute Warrior whatever player. He would bit before my generation even leaving a chance to watch him real it. But just like reading his book what a beast and what our mindset he had whether he supports a breakdown opponent and also itself and the third one would be probably the one I'm reading at minute and I'm just glad I've left the last two chapters till I'm ready. It sounds Daft that it's David Goggins because if you read David goggin, you've got better and it'll work for some fears there some the accountability Miracles it which is unbelievable concept that You call look at yourself not even just in a mirror mirror actual mirror. I prefer to go on and it's a pick yourself apart. This is too many people are afraid to do that which is why two people pussyfooting through life and not getting shit done and these big things about just getting out there and getting after it and it tells a story which is a stomachs meant it still tickles committed to this day. He still running are out running and some guy dropped past him and looked him shot. They were whatever they measure their things. They were like 40 degrees. They do it for another 40 degrees. He's running. This ignored should have been out running that time, right it was that hot is it ridiculous? These really tall guy looks him shocked. So the guy drives around and comes back and guy says amen what you have doing running at this time. You crazy. Is it on my running? Cause you're not motherfucker? That's right. He's right. We think the father what he said I'm out getting it because you are not and that's why I'm doing what I'm doing. I'm thinking in whatever you want to do in life. You know, you've got to do what others doors you can have what was kind? I think the big point on I went smoothly the RICO was over in Copenhagen work on the business and the caught this concept of at different stages entrepreneurs and business owners go through and even even managers and staff as well. You know, it just transcends I think so. I'm quite interesting sound. I'll read like yourself and learn different things. It's this word grind and then Concepts I got told and it makes perfect sense if there's a stage you go from his muscle and field so you're out there you're muscle. And feel them what's what's working. What's not working? You can't keep the grand going to mean you have a big crush on this about going off food. Don't we? Yep, so anyone listening because I think that context and you see it a lot with these lot of personal bullshit were grinding and they so what's your what's your thoughts on that? You know in terms of work-life balance because I honor well the question of bringing about will be why you doing it and it's time. Own talks about why I'll break something down these which if you've got a lot business listeners some of them this work before them. Is it what what the condition at listen to but I'll ask you two a question, right? I like to use both the same question, which I asked every audience. I got a now I fear I am testing actually question to of its older people in attendance or a thousand put your hand up. If you want to be successful only be able to defeat programmed up. Probably most of them everyone. Yeah, there are sir soon as I put on my daughter. Well you handle with you know, what success is now many things put under 2:00 to 4:00 5:00 map to then I'll pick on those two five two five people into what is success then and some will say money Tulsa. OK tell everyone know what amount of money of may happen or just secure it as a will go on the door the miserable this Society minute, you will guarantee to get that income being the door. They will more than that of almost anyone. There's never a definitive number. What would make you happy? Because once you reach that number, even though wanting more anyway, so they say okay, so we'll say well goal setting and achieving at okay, perfect as a put your user goal ever puts Rondo. We have you set a goal achieved it every box around. Oh, we haven't even set a goal achieved the unachievable which is proposed round of a lot. So maybe goals at in a true measure of success. Then someone will always say happiness and if we are not yet we have a penis is the one no sir who is ever found it. Tanner an old pair of jeans with no skin and it was not in yet another as a scale of 1 to 10 how happy with you but 15, right and everyone's buzzing right? I said energy doing your money don't you still be loyal? So now our P minus 15, so therefore happiness comes on girls just like happiness sadness stood depression anxiety. He can't measure success based on happens because the two most missile conceptions. I believe that everyone has been bought into his everyone could be successful or this idea of success and everyone can be happy. You constantly strive to be up there will eventually be miserable. So where do I think success lies two things one being one? Eleven year old girl told me in Burnley on a Gotham to write the favorite courts down at school. And her quote was when you appreciate everything that you have you have everything that you need and that hit me like a ton of bricks. I like that's the one and then the second one is and ask you two questions now is everyone in life and Littles listen to your podcast going to be rich? No, no financially welfare is every one of them. I love that it eventually he found Rich has less violence. The welfare is an overabundance of money. Nope. Yes honors. No wonder some water. Everyone would have a good relationship now is everyone of amazing kids are going to do great things. No, no. No, he's ever going to go through sheer. Yeah. Yes, Dave. Everyone will go through shit everyone to sure the measure success should be for everyone a quick you can bounce back from his hair back. That's what everyone's measure success of beef because we're all going to a very strong a little of what we're all going to experience Financial. Bikal is we're all going to approach it with mrs. Orso's bundles. Bajada. Only organ have some asshole his kids and learning his parents are surely the ability to bounce back to be on everyone's radar and that's how you still find out how successful your arms back ability. I get Bumfuck ability and I think he's quite interesting you mention that word success as wrong that because although it's all kinds of the talk was like inspiring businesses. It's dark out different things. We've been up till man-cub all and businesses and all different stuff and I am real problem. I remember writing the talk. Like I've never asked myself what successes are what it looks like and I'm glad talk to these people success that up. I was at what do I deem success to be and for me? What I said was just being comfortable in my own skin. I couldn't I couldn't find anything else because for me you always think the challenges with the world a living. We have some deep conversations about people processed in order to know what you think the world will living with with take Very easy to be sucked into our social medias and see what other people are doing and not understand the grand so I can understand. You know, what you do what you put out in terms of social media user with me, but we understand each other what we're doing be an scenes and a lot of activity but there's also a lot of family time as well and they so it just depends what that isn't it and I think it's a never moving feast and he just got in just enjoy enjoy Gary Vee enjoying the process. I like that, you know and I probably never spoke about this public Cloud which will be good where the realization come for me. Was it I kept having an idea of what success was meeting me in my speaking business so far like when I get to x amount per tart with a dart and then last year, I got to the point where my measure of success was if you could get to five figures a month, it's five figures a month that me. Yeah, but I did that and then is whether lesson came it were December or sorry when November 26, so not yes. Before a year then your two days ago when my God text that my missus about to give birth to my beautiful daughter Ada. Basically what happened is had preeclampsia needed to get baby out. So I already prison to drive on women being distraught because four years previously my daughter Barbara. These have been declared critically over an asthma attack as I'm driving on all these faults with from it my back in a way your Loop model pulling a carriage that comfy with your mind. I remember I remember speaking to on the phone. Part-time and we've been good. Yeah, we're in bits. I remember getting to hospital. They end up selling it baby out, which was great. So they get baby out earlier and then as the deliverer bear bam and blocking it believable. I'm actually so it's order up another graphic stuff. Let's go get a shower. It's going to get shower. It was like someone knocked a bucket of blood over my legs and I look down I couldn't see will get anywhere a nurse had pressed the panic button now, so I just opened eyes dead shouted the Midwife will be with us and she got consultant in the common. They all look the Macau followed more people next me that looked at least one to bed and she's hemorrhaged. So basically I she's got blood clot in her womb. Oh, she's passed out at that point and then doctors like I'm a billion bits come speak and I'm a mother forget like the doctor told me he's and his pet sit there till I'm going to go to remove these by and Toes moving the man and he just looked at me casually and it says you are you. Alright. I said, he says don't worry. We've got this and after that moment that up and I looked at my I could have that Final Cut. Like this everyday life I could have cause it has the highest risk of a woman died after birth is would call it will ultimate little bearbette and summer in here - not that Alpha and our beta didn't happen with them are in different stages of pairing them with arbres a rugby player. I need to grind to put money on the table or in a very different position than time now, but with Ada it will like it all made sense it were like finally now it's about work-life balance. So from that day, I literally changed the whole where I'm a business are you're nowhere near as much as I do. Then bottom most content of have been about a cup of on that could take them away and I go we're going all days and all that types of but we spend time with over the fact that most Mondays and Thursdays I can set my daughter nursery. And today I'm picking her up at 2 o'clock. I love that. I can go pick the kids up from school. I used to live on a Sunday afternoon and get on Thursday night Friday. I had started off at my Uncle because I've not been away all week or a little bit stressed out. So I'm a bit of a knob route kids, you know or a little bit stressed because my team is shooting again Sunday. But yeah that moment had and it only came at me yesterday when it were a first birthday and I like shit. You know what she did. She was a game changer. She brought everything back to life for me work like work life balance put everything in perspective that amount of money earned and this is where it came and this is this is raw for me is when Lisa went on a training course my missus recently. The kids are crying at dark and remember I'm coming upstairs and I said to her if I said what so I'm about like he said, what is it? Why don't why do you cry for your mom? She's Let's go away for one night and I go with for we to graduate you always go away. I will I while I was - just they won't not too bothered anymore though gonna wear no matter how many all these are going on what they were getting what they were doing. There are more over that I want they're all missing parents evenings are missing their shit where now they love that a moment I can play around and we know about space with them and I think that's where it's powerful kids are having kids are a balancer. I'm a dumb mistake for a long time not seeing that and I think think he's always just when I was looking back at doing that talking and talk about my dad but without gold so we and success and we've spoken we don't worry and when I look back my dad has always done business is at your around us and it always made choices around us and I think that's one of the most powerful things. We does CE at the Town dear. No. No, I was up. I was in a similar position to probably Alfie and my dad was a fisherman. Used to go with a 15 weeks at a time. Sometimes when we used to say to me when your dad comes on he's going to chat with you because you've done this that and the other then my dad would come and go like the new discipline I missed mr. A lot with me Dad and I used with the man of the house while he was awake because I use I took that on board literally and I just wish when he retired when he retired from fish and he got ill elf so I never really got to spend quality time with my dad through his life and I try and give that back to my Lads now because you don't get them you don't get that time back. So what you're doing with wet life balance is good. I need to practice what I preach sometimes because I never used to but no one will know. Lloyd I've got plenty time because what so we need to get on with his cattle. He wants it. He's looking for I want someone to see I can make sure let's go. What's your feel-good song on music that gets you focused on makes you happy I'll give you a few because there's a few different element sets of feel good straight away is the troll song. So the Justin Timberlake feeling in my bones and goes electric wavy win at certainly that why is that some one of my favorite songs because when it used to come on or bread, my daughter would have been around two or three and the look on her face when that song came on site and back. We'll just lie or my life once you put that smile just started dancing. So that would be one another one that relates to me a little bit minutes bit more of a thought-provoking one is storms it Crown running an organization like and is man Club people ever see Pros on social media that they don't see the cons the shit that you get behind the scenes, you know running a volunteer organization naturally comes with its challenges and and that Crown really came at a time when when I probably needed to show you that and basically what I'm just saying is is that wears a crown of that whatever, you know, he's industry book as much as it the shit comes you've also got to see the goods are not be one another one. That's always been there for me. Michael Jackson Man in the Mirror. Yeah, because I think it's about looking itself and that's the way I view things. Yeah Buckle Man in the Mirror. Yeah, that's a big one. That's about making the world a better place. And I think that's the simple shit. You could go on quick these Lord. I like rap music. A lot of rap music gets me pumped interesting, you know before you split up breaking to use this in any particular song that help secure our yeah 50 Cent all my proper song the one that really there when I'm When I need to go kick a pass, there's a Lincoln Park some cold faint and it will when I got to World Cup got dropped for the first game. I had a terrible year off-field real Badger and I got to walk up and I've been dropped for the first time ever. I love it really hard and I found this Lincoln Park album in a shop while we're out and I put on an everyday. I do actual free extra sessions anyone else a day and then even our Carol got injured in first game and I got a chance against England Gotham stadium, and it will like a sellout And I managed to get one at much for Island. We got absolutely knobbed but I got one that much in it that song just like whenever I needed like a boost it was some of the in it the words in it basically says he's owed this that's all how about I try fact lyrics as well as we got that on but basically it's all about our like people doubt you all the time and then proving them wrong that that type of stuff and it's just real powerful than the how much power is in that song is just I believe it's just got me thinking about it until I'm well, but you look very nice. Nice. I like this one. This is it. This is a good one as well. I like this one. I'll do it. I'll do it going and what patches of 50 pound or less as made the most positive impact in your life in the last six months will question about her ever spend over 50 pounds of this is ADD. What what what would it be or easy? All know that would definitely want to owners are big game for kids. He played an honorable man. I haven't we're on it. I'm telling you. Well the breakfast for the game over. So let's add our complaint now as well. So we just played that overnight that were unbelievable. But actually this is a bit of a random one. We bought the other day a toilet for campervan. There were 29 quid and basically it's a bucket. That's especially it looks like a toilet with toilet seat and everything was a bucket and is for emergency. Use only I just made me laugh because I knew my Lisa need it when she came over there and you should need it and she snuck out Betty of morning and doing the sound chair under my whatever else was still let him beds. I said you are actually yeah, and then when I look back up again, she's gone. It's a bit weird and she'd been in took a piss on this chair, but obviously first person ever to tickets look away and I knew she'd lead itself my some random that a bucket for pissing and shitting emergencies is a good buy, but you try having kids then he going middle at night and it comes a valuable. It's priceless priceless. Concerns with it when they go up in the camp of the last night that the only house and then he's like that we get to bed when you get in the van. It's all hooked up to electrical at what time is it? I've got the toilet. Yeah, and I said no you can come we got a key. I said this this image and load of looking at least Molly all the neighbors getting up and he's now sadly. I was only little part of body parts and you fruit Garden, let's go. Let's go. Let's talk about next and this is this should be a good one for him like it is one. Do you have a lesson from a feel of the old bust lesson from a failure?Lots lots of lessons. I think every true lesson goes from values in it, but I don't think that they ever really is failure is a big everything is truly a lesson. It could say about being a parent being a partner. I've been my biggest one comes from when I got like God from leads that were really our time for me weirdly because even when I were to the longest story goes, so we're now when I went back to leads our world is about 120. 81 so whatever reason the first in fit with the court child that time what plays was around you that in the Jimmy be got Kyle why there's a lot of people I know man, but for whatever reason the coach to want to give me a go even when I got offered to God all these feel Giants on Lord, they've been some pulled politics with when Darryl Griffin came and charging me with feet again. So when I just feel what I mean, it's still be Google Campbellsville Giants. It still says NF and brown. We want Lucas and exciting prospect. Anyway, they won't let me go up and be like, we got all the facts but while Really fucked up this year. Oh still look unbeliever items player. Hello. It's nice to show those you what they should give you a bit more detail. So when I walk here another fucking still I started trading on time will later start leads by John. Who is this big? There's two world champions at that time and it was this big thing for me into that year. When I finally, you know, it went wrong. I went to Dubai I trained out there with New Zealand Warriors because our agrees with wedding, so everything will go right after got like go you'd think that it's a that kick on would have come, you know, get a god. With our chief execs paid me to go. Let me stop his daughter Lena lunders him to buy while I'm not for desktop over forgot New Zealand. So you'd think that my mindset were better never been in trouble just slowly start to just midseason to start to go downhill I start to put on a lot of where I mean by one at Lads I got that big and it's funny now looking back but then it will add when it loads took a picture where the sideshow of our big have really got the put that rubber rubber owes. I didn't it. That's what Lads are like, they don't realize it tight and What'd you talk about we talk about again. We work with your Hispanic culture is like to culture and that's arms yet. He coming for me, but I'm doing also be absolutely torturous going to be further. Then when I say this I fell over and cut my arm on his you'll get first aid kit out with my buddy. Yeah, but you can't do that with your mind because you don't know that I'm struggling can't see it. So that point I was struggling a little bit and then me mrs. Brock up which made it even harder because it was felt that everything will just crumble down around me and and then I'd start drinking started sleeping around and then One night. He exploded gotten a big altercation and I fax by myself starting this police are asking myself. Why me? Why me, you know a lot more my dad's family been in a lot of shit and then I wasn't always such a embarrassed to remove had to tell him that there I was in these police cells it we just horrid and then I remember in Croydon won't will be called managed to tie all out pay a few people got squashed. Anyway - to make some phone calls, but after that day I said, right if things have got to change and I came up with what I talked about. Every day and I would just watch next which meant what can you do next about it? So, I believe we all have two buckets. I can book an account book it and I believe most people who are struggling in life, whether it be of anxiety depression or just in low mood are just not getting shit done. It's because they live in this bucket where they just Fox what they can control everything that they don't have when you focus on that. Nothing will ever happen fear not Mary a depressant you take how much structure to amateur sleeping around and watch because you're thinking or whatever else you're into you constantly folks what you can't control you never move forward to what Next week. What can you do about it? And then as a kick on from that that was next Theory worked so much that I got a gym called facts fit basically like this shit all that. We just transformed above a truck yard guy what next two knocks it were a literally is garage. They put his truck tires in and I put truck tires chains and other weird chicken then I got a lot of other bits of gear donated and I went in there three times a day and it will solve it best condition. I'd ever been in then that year. I went on to best you're dividing will be Korea literally like I remember has been Untouchable. I karatbar just break stuff that shouldn't But wreckage drive-through scoring nods dries when I'm gonna play it will cook everything. Although this raft it woke up and my life just went on and then because I just had a baby. I needed to have a big year which were the Catalyst everything just went. Well thymocyte best deal. I never signed beyond belief even like playing Championship. I was making more and more Super League plays it work it were it would call a there's a there's a funny story of in all that that I've talked all even some other this one and it's what I used to tell this to get more detail in me talk. Before the and is man called stuff. So when I'd finally got myself in this good spirit, so I've been in Tamil because I better I brought my heel which no one knows. So I am embarrassment to training because it's go tell them all that one. I've been in a lot of trouble after night of the game and when I went to a bit ill I've been sinking Lords. I got in trouble side to side until All Odds. I want to ask because most of my life anyway, but I train that night, but I brought my heel and they didn't know no one new song in acupuncture in a broken heel anywhere. I ended up playing a lot of games got this like special or finger point in my life, but never detected it. Anyway after about eight weeks of playing and I had crutches most of time with a broken nail. Well, this point is five just it was just you know, they're faster and the bomb. Yeah for that would just bruised. That's okay putting acupuncture needles in anywhere crowd cheering we want to other figures that I think need crutches. You need to get off. This old could dream round and our plane on a weekend it will Madness right? Anyhow, it's see I'm giad the console and the Got me in for a not an x-ray one of those CT scans. Yeah, but it turned out I had this massive crack Emil. What about it were a bigger crowd they were thick as well. And he said in a normal case had you been about now for eight weeks is we've been playing so you've been playing bad. So you were keep playing the police here and then then as my missus other problem with a cobra and she really died. I talked about a time of Ruby Fuller. I'll never forget you just come on and this How embarrassing life to be she got out of hospital and I thought right what's next at that mentality. What's next? Let's crack on. Let's move forward for a radio male fitting in that led. Now my life we're going. All right, you know I had this great mindset right? She's out of hospital. It's gone. Now, let's kind of go. What can you do? I made her a shepherd's pie right sounds random is and as I as I was very mad at to week of training and I'll coach it's a mcalary soon. And I you know calories, you know proper masculine man, right? He'll put cupboard at a ball Falls our covens London before God's boy. All rights marches look that's got a little bit of a kook no not for him say should listen don't feel right. This is like to cut Luke has been in hospital. I nearly died. Come on go on with it. No, I suppose not right here. I know I went to doctors it turned out fully ruptured me ten millimeter six weeks out. You're my diamond ring Yoruba court and tell him that you're out a rugby. Now this very moment. I'm in my last year and we contract it were beginning that your when needed to get a good pre-season in and kick on because I had a baby coming and ordered that terrible you Before and six weeks out by dropping a shepherd's pie ball on the floor imagine that phone call to Carl and I embarrassing that was not well then and this is this is the thing in out what we've got some of the athletes yet some so literally, you know like that. As such I'm not going to affect this with his perfect now looking back. But the the moral that thing for me was like no matter how good your mind says stuff's going to keep coming. And yeah, you know it was because my mindset was probably a baby with bought an ounce life of going good. I got myself in good condition cow or apple May first preseason game, then I'll be born are sorry and then at least as that critical illness and then I do meter and then it's just like Vernon ba ma ba ba on an airplane. And then after that just kicked on their sure eventually just showed that you keep in To be mindset like a diet in it, right you go to last night. My daughter's first birthday. Lot of time which is a lot of pizza. That's finally either but what most of us do is we started out on a Monday morning. Wednesday comes night last night. You eat a bit of shit. So then you accept that. Okay, that's fine. I'm a little bit. Well if it were that shit now, I must eat shit rest that we can start again Monday and that becomes a cycle Christian life and I think that if you just okay, I've had a little setback. Let's go again. Whatever that areas whether it be a business unique white get sale. Right? Go again, just one no don't mean that everyone's gonna say no does it Well, I've that's what a struggle with consistency especially obviously diet front am I'll do not struggle consistent. So you struggle with discipline. Yeah, this is real. Yeah. He said his father passed on pot. Yeah, of course. I've lost four stone this year, but the effort of putting in the gym because I do enjoy training and absolute Beast. I put it out, but if you enjoy this get that you enjoy this. It's illegal all I know is that right some snakes, but the next questions is what is your favorite core saying if you could share with the world or is it a mic and you know having you know having one that you will use over. No, no. No I'm saying you could share with everyone the well, what is it and why understand gonna be when you appreciate what you have you everything that you need too many people constantly think about right you buy a car and the next door neighbor buys that same cabbage slightly better model. Suddenly. You're not happy. We are that whatever size that root beer. I remember you rub is a kid. So you contract with like 15 grand is a kid. He's not much of a Billy Wright you 15 grand and then you posing with that right? Cause you might meet on 10 and you're buzzing you 15. Your two-year deal is still on. Let me play with you got crack on the found out that one of a kind of you, please just sign for 18 Grand is ruined ruined. Are you pissed off? Yeah, I saw it. I used to see it. It was a body style would be believer follow Buddhism for a long long time, which is up. Keep me on path straight up off of a lot of time. It talks about that exact thing to give you an example of when someone gets about some other than you. No you no longer happily be asked and actually made me think that actually when you do appreciate what you have you will have everything that you need because then when you do get a better car or you do have a nicer Allah They are wearing maybe you just appreciate a little bit more but you don't attach yourself to that concept of needing more and that's why I've lived a very simple life black T-shirt black jeans not have any other Clause because I want to know everything about fashion. But to is it's just not really bothered about how nice you know, my vote friend meal. Manny likes a nice designer top now and again just don't get it never have so for me. It's like to live a simple life. That's why stupid stuff like rather spend my money on a cup of on that unboxing time traveler Alps or whatever kids Legend over Christmas. Six days what better thing to do next time I'm taking full someone up just to go and live on beaches are typified van life. But at same time the grandal come to firm it allowed me to do that Moustakas. I think is it Netflix move on it minimalism. And I that was a book that other movie that I watched it. I still try and do this. I think is it the three three three thing. So I went through my wardrobe and just like knocked everything out. Anyway, I got one set inside t-shirt. At and similar but I've got multiple versions of the same thing because I don't like children. I can't be bothered in the morning to choose something different. I like to have just signed to be owning the if you look at over it, yes or like Mark Zuckerberg Simon Cowell. There's a list of people always say of stuff and the reason why is is because we only get so many good choices are there to make hundreds of thousands a day or the amount of brain power used to make Decisions if you already know a lot this morning my my van, if you don't know I said fall black t-shirts pair of black jeans and my bike trail of they're ready to go. Right but boxes black socks. It's easy for me to mourn a doctor fix shit. Where's that white to our god? It looked at going to go a little black tee shirt black jeans. They don't get Catalan. We're ready to go ready to go with that's a system decisions like to drive space in Miners and dryer online the a drying slicked back to what he is a solid on its own just the ballpark I get that guy. I had a when you talk about appreciation and what you've got. I did the Doncaster TennCare on some day. I come off two weeks all inclusive so want real good preparation, but I did try and keep a little bit of training going while I was away. I was about 10 yards from the Finishing Line. Yeah, I was about 10 yards from me Finishing Line. And all I could see was this Khalid on the floor t-shirt or and the paramedics are working on him trying to save his life. He'd gone it totally gone and the stewards are telling me to run around him his family's they're screaming and crying and I got through on the give him a medal and everybody was like cheering. I just went to the side and I'd lost it. I was I was just crying I thought That guy does his for all I could picture was him and his family. Look Ali was on social media at five o'clock in the afternoon. The paramedics had brought him around he's absolutely doing fine now sound it's odd and he said I'm a bit sore, but the paramedics had brought around but that just for one instance and the kid was a triathlete he would triathlete From Doncaster and it just shows you how it can your life can go like that and I just I just thought Appreciation of what we've got because it couldn't be in a second gone and just his vision of the paramedics working on him is family being distraught. It just made me really think about what I've got and we should appreciate the now because in a second it could could go. Right, then little kick in the last five years what new habit or belief has had the most profound effect on your life. Nice. What are some other thing too that I believe has had the most profound effect on your life to live a questionable happen by accident. So I'll give you a in a way that usual relate to but also the people might so when I do a talk, I have this belief that if I can help one person in that room we're going to do one of my top or whatever business is involved. You just hope that one person if that would kill one person a good service. That's all that matters. So I obviously went to a talk to some bin men, right? This is a talk about all that belief help me. I went to his taught something mental - 1 .5 degrees are in to start work a they got told they had to be there at seven o'clock in morning. I'm driving. They're aware that I'm thinking how will be playing now. In fact, we're playing someone told me you have to be there at 7:00 a.m. And now besides freezing to listen to a motivational speaker or a mental well-being speaker, right whatever feeling and I thought I would not want to be there right? So now I get to do this talk and they all didn't want to be there now. You're probably thinking I was listening this how did you know, they didn't want to be there because as I walked in here, but I'm set the mayor I don't want a fucking beer and his mentor in setting his mates around and said to him I don't have a fucking beer either and then it made me think quite easily in the past. I don't let the opinion of others Define my by session but instead of stood up and I just straightway addressed that I said I can guarantee that majorities don't have a fucking beer. You probably forget. How do I know that because I was too obvious a it and I don't like he's more a nodding when I say that let's cut the shit. I ate a tic a box today. I mean one person in one who used to come away from there. I don't care what the others think because that one person Butterfly Effect once more localized Jade's why defects elsewhere which is the same principle. Of a hunted man called were building all those years ago one month, right which y now we get to 750 minute week or over because it folks on one person's I believe if everyone in the world woke up each dear of the belief that one person would have a better life. The other one is I asked myself a question more stairs a workup is what do you want your life to represent? So we're all going to die. Are you said a minute ago? We're all going over there, but for organ over there deaf World / - on his gravestone whether you whatever religion you however Sherry, however, Y'all go any ground ball game shop in a rocket with dust were all going to die. We'll all of our of the other take one. I'm going for the rocket. Now. We're going to for rocket with a cloud y'all go at their birthday. Definitely - the question I ask myself is what do you ducked represent? In other words your life to when my kids are stood up my grave. What did that does Life represent, you know and I can guarantee, you know instead of my name is Graham. Uh, no, no never had any money. My mother never had any issues. You want some big executive or fancy job or mine Irish nun abroad energy to room at no one else who stood on a gravel. Over there minimum will talk about what my nana were like and it made me realize actually when you do that people talk about whatever person you was not what you had each day. If you can wake up and be that type of person to be say going to do some do it. I don't like having to put 5 to 6 and you can do the next one. So knowing knowing what you know, now what advice would you give to yourself or others at 18 and what advice should the ignore? But the ice advice' add give herself is that you can get through anything don't make permit decisions based on temporal problems think it's quite easy to think that where you are right now in life. He's always always going to be I even at 18 I was at this mentality of like artwork and everyone I used to do weird shit like government in New Year's Day or Christmas Day because I knew no one else would be doing it and I just tell myself that what you're doing now, you're not even building yourself to be a real player you building that. Life stay with us don't ever let that go because now that same mentality is a do of that now to like keep talking about some kind of track training because and I'm saying it as a joke. There's a lesson behind it. There's lesson for him and I've got some times in order to get someone to listen to somebody got reinforced it top when I told him this morning I'm using is an example for Everlasting be up at 5:00 to 6:00. Another of the video ready and he says, why do you need me? You need me away you opposite know I'll already be up already but already at waiting for example go off, right the lesson is Is in life whether it's a business you run into is a family you tell someone you to do something you've got to do that because the only thing we've already got is our word and our that was what we as promises, right? If I told you guys I'm going to come a day which you know, it looks like I'm going to struggle I to make that happen. You never wear try to make a little sacrifice to come last night to be this morning. So I could still back that up and whatever that may be for anyone would be family ever back up what you say and that's 18 of the give myself advice the thing on that what they want. Going to go now as well. And there was a there was a great Point not like example is like to pick on him that shit to show him. No, no and you versus an 18 year old lady. I've got 19 year old working women. So he needs to know that advice today are now because was not that big not we are we have a value in our wall, but we've got lots of their agent and we're all the Lots wacky and I but I'm a massive boy every now we do anything, you know, we don't figure so I get that but one bit I want to discuss. Can you I thought that's his man's I know we know it's like that way. I'm a big believer. What this we can for example add said I was going to leave the room and I'm I just had a bit of a lot of this week was we submit that a little bit being away from the family all week in Copenhagen and it was one of the moments again. We're even though I was working on the business and I was away. There's only four or five days. I think a couple of things that it'd be a bit of a tough call but Monday night and you know that sparked a lot of its trustees in way and a bit to do with that. but then a lot of kids on FaceTime, I'm not happy that I'm not, you know more where we're working on the business which question about where we was last year and its back to girls going for a bit of cramping to I've got way we want to be and you are analyzing everything and as you go in and then as I come back I thought one of the weekend where I don't do anything and a Day always do loads of stuff. I'm just going to want to lay in bed on Saturday and I was like in one of them States about I don't want to be around people apart from the kids, but I build out and one of the new things that the minute eats vardhan. It doesn't let loads of people that was so that everyone went into that room and there was lots of them there and think that was a positive thing. But also I don't want to talk to you about you know, the work with one corporate box. Gather importance of self-care and some people take that to it to an extreme where they'll do so much for others and I want you to clarify that point you're making that right he's as I'm reading stage you'd say what you're going to do because it aligns with your goals and your values and as long as the person with me using it you was back and forth me saying you don't want me down. We could have moved it. We're going to go and it's all far right or what. She what she thought. Swear it some people do tech try and please people as what's your thoughts on that, but first we had there's no you always is was you are you truly happy to do that tanker. I genuinely go to kind of a general happy to do it. Yeah, because my this is one of my little goals in terms of Doom. I've got one of my goals where I'm working it is I did everything I did with think gold to spend time with someone. Yep, right as my goal. My my why is my family? I've got my kids saying they want to spend time with me. I also need some of it keeping it myself backing back instead. Right? So my decision was then guys are love spending time with Paul and All Odds. I'm going to be seeing on Monday. Anyway. Yeah, so I'm I've got I haven't even I'm giving my Sunday up. I've definitely given my Monday could not see you when I'm a dyke his mangled, right? So my decision was real simple. I'm not seeing them on Monday night and I'm having that time with him. So it was just it was just it real simple. But in time, I don't think there's a right or wrong answer is a i today we do that Ultra and a probably a time. In fact some were with me and I think I forgot I had it so I'll fly around on the Ryder Truck find Sox try and find this thing or I don't know just because I said I was going to do it. I felt like I had turned by enjoyed it when I did it and I think we've all got different ways of doing things and it's like where you might take that option this week. You might have said that this week on your business. You're going to do X Y Zed and that might get done. So if it we all have different folks, Don't worry. I think I'm just a big believer in about your word that you know, it's a big thing for me and your world map ended up being more powerful T kids and it was to go which is which is great you've got to do whatever is right at that moment and you and Spence change a lot. Self-care. Yeah, it's important. It's important. So I said that without Automotive of meal probably best self care of ever had. All right with two great Love's in some income and they're just went running for two full days solid. Did you know how many miles 64 miles the time of run before that first marathon? What did he do after dinner? Yeah. Well if I'm not and I'm not to like make it sound to make it sound good, but genuinely because my missus it took on a business these days company the clinic had Trend not even up and my legs past a walking pace for five weeks before I run to like Madness to turn up and do it and I remember saying times good on video and iron it said I said to myself I'm not even questioning myself, but even stopping like did ever came in and made about stopping and I think this year especially when you want to self-care Dependable self-care is to you because you know me sitting around and doing nothing. I've tried all that, you know, I live in those spiders wanted to go work away. I think it's nice now and again, but for me, yeah, I like being busy. I genuinely not just rappers. I'm not distracted myself. I like being busy like my joking with mrs. Yesterday coffee shops going to open so as he stays Clinic where up in already thinking about the coffee shop side that one eye on the next thing and even now I'm like thinking about Is it a little Edge coming for the next thing because that's me. That's why I'm so I think what's hard is when you do this type of stuff is podcasters in little different speakers and you listen a different books. I read different books has is a you think that where that David goggies does it Ivan's got to do it and no like we're not all built the same now this with a guy recently sacked you see we get so much done and figures and that's just me though. Don't compare yourself because you might not be able to fly from here and God spend a morning now try to get coffee shop Bill up and down. It's an idea after idea and getting that done then go ahead and start new journals or whatever that may be focus on your shit and you'll get your shit done in whatever way you always but self-care is different in it for everyone and on your nut ball. I think I was guilty that one because I'm leading on that. He's a resume your work with a pair of us to yeah, you've been around this for me unfortunately being wrong for me for years and you've you see what Luke gets up to or you'll see what was to get observing right? So let's talk about that. Someday, I might have enough it's not happening right now. What what what what would you do in that situation? I'll talk about self-care. I would I would build a 10K added added on the 10K and I would do other things as well because that's what I've done in the past and to my it's how many in the past because I'll put myself forward to do probably most things that even the lads now, even the lads at the man club now Paul's got to start saying no and I don't like saying no, I probably put me hands up for too many things and I've suffered sometimes and it's taking yourself to say Paul if you don't start saying no, I'm going to start taking things off. You won it one point at one point and for me he was going it's all It was all going am I was working up this conversation? Yeah, I'm really mad. And he was and you know, this was the clubs and I've made this mistake and we've we've talked about this is we forget about that Wonder or and then it turned into let's talk football team and this team and Atlanta that's all have different ideas. We always and it's all about adding more value and do more stuff together. Right? But the most things we add we go away from that one, man and we go away from That beautiful butterfly effect that we have at the mangled, right and that's why it works and it's from that guy walks in the door some guys love it and keep coming. But some of the guys will keep coming forget about that one month and it goes off and he was doing a lot of bits and he's going on and going on and he's getting all stressed out and you want using the club like we always talked about right and at such a Exile stopping it would retail stopping I said, you know, no facilitator and take off the Facebook to call that you're doing. All right. And what does that do to you? It was a bit of a reality check and and I like bit like look. I like to be busy and but I was being busy not doing anything not doing anything constructive as such. Yeah. Yeah, and so now I focus on doing and is Man clubs a Monday night and we make sure the experience for the next man coming through that door. Oh is the best it can and we manage the social media in this but we do it I do it I do it structured now. I said no I don't do as much as I used to do and I'm bits and pieces that didn't really matter the point back and it's why it's illegal to answer that question. I know he did on the run. I know you would've done the room, but I've set to the whole each other reason why that why that run came about it. So, you know, I know you said Yeah, we sounds too the whole Marathon upset right definitely understand my point back the right to my point was the lads also said that started the farm the running group a large scale with this and there was all do it evolving out training and you been up to it. Yeah, I'm gonna be able up a building and drops a stone even though yeah, it's not good at the minute because I'm looking at probably heavier than the asshole by but we're back on it about training and the group of been out running. I'll go. Owen my goal of them is to run with them. What's the matter of right there were seven a mold going my goal is to add value to that Global ads and thereby your back. They're fantastic Bunch aren't they? Yeah, they are in there and a couple of times I've had to make tough choices like that. I like where it walk and I have every intention of doing it, right but the way the business when and the businessweek went my business partner on older Copenhagen been aware lot of decisions Monday. I knew that Need to be on point with a business early morning start 600. Ohm energy and I want to have a bit of recap quick decision in right business family and then I've got to make sure I'm all right first but it's Healthcare it took about self-care. Yeah, but self-care for me is unjustly on check-in doing what I want to do everything I do in business and life is so I've got choices and that was one spend some time with the family can't see them. I'm just chill. And the interesting bit is quite interesting to see this in my mind, right? I had to fight and wrestle and girl said I'm a little comfy chair upstairs and meditate and get rid of the thought was so much to do and a marketing plan to write. I'd love to the business to the right and to actually sit on the sofa and watch some Disney movies with the kids and goes against everything I've ever bought. I don't watch movies, right but to sit there and chill and do nothing. I'd read over that weekend. I read a book as well as about And make sure that you've got enough in you your own cup before you fill all the could be Vehicles. All right, and that was quite interesting speaking to pole watching a Lads watching. The social media is a lot of stuff going on your old connecting so that the end goal is the lads are all collecting these value of there because that that group a large ruling came from me saying that I'm doing the whole Marathon right? So there's value there. So it all depends question for you. That's a big question one wise man once told me me so much. They had read somewhere. There's two ways to solve any problem. What was it two ways to solve any problem. This wise man was you you go on there that will Swift even those who said there's no I understand this at all. Give it back. Give it back. What did Will Smith's is towards one of the greatest one of the greatest things in the world and this is why I've got into running but I've got my brother two things and reading and reading really read around on also we talked about self-care though, right? Let me let me let me finish that on this side we get called out and I love you calling out as well as we're good buddies and the other part the other point on that. Lina reading and this is a great Point. That's always been our weekend reading is there because that Division and this is where I don't find you a free connector at Sam's right is Will Smith socks hot running reading says why he said well when you start running that little voice that says stop and he said life is about taking a little that voice and learning that that's not you and every time You stop but listen to it a new winch and when you do that Ultra 64 K, there was you know, even that way I did in Quincy. I did it over. There you go. Always how it got difficult was when I thought I broke my foot one and when my father locked up it locked up and it was like literally gone from being ruined a kilometer an hour to 15, you know, it would gone with my password drops or bring box where I'm getting it uses. I think sometimes like now I love spending time with kids. You're gonna go spend time with your kids later. But sometimes what people don't understand is the idea of doing something like it again the voice starts before you even know it, right. So even on a flight of a cop and Megan your subconscious decide to you know, it's 10-karat weekend. I wanna spend some time with family and it was a seed planted already excuse your site's it gets in right but time, you know, actually, let's be honest now who gets to it thing you needed that weekend what he said, it's our family get that if you're a room that TennCare I'll go too. I felt honestly where you may I tell you what you when you get your first running middle pile good is it I was going to show me on Monday, but I hit it good and he could you get that middle. You want to see my medals you should have got more mental thing is this is weird about being a twin is right. We had last year on the show that way. Yeah, also write an interesting. Like the way he looked at his career and and what he's done and we want happy right winners think differently and I'm out of this thing, you know, but my board there that we didn't wet place, right? I'm giving up on this old. Well worldwide winning and I like the whole idea of just simply being that's when you manure new manager, right? Because when you're winning the being part of it, yeah it if it defines right, where is it? Depends what your goal isn't it? Yeah, and and the next bit where I'm leading with this is because it's so this, you know, this cushy safe. So leaving to give him again. So we all that sounds fill been our unfocused own energy as overwhelmed. What do you do and a landslide in the bit? Right, but that honest I want to ask that question. I felt like I genuinely felt like this year, but I won't call it bird out. I got to a point where I felt a little bit. I'm loser word lost. I got to a point where I was like questioning everything because it was like, okay you want to speak to that client? Okay, so I'd like to be driven done a talk and support site for loads Bankers all these big things and everything been a kid from a single parent background. I'm like a counselor. It's only been out to be a very well sought after speaker and even something overboard at our like I couldn't to be with her. I'm 30 next month and I like shit. Wait a minute like not going to be anywhere. I like you've got a lot before you were like, you know even are halfway through your life. So, where's it all going to go necks? I really like is there another level to this game and it were all that types of questioning and then as I started reflecting on all of thinking are you going to do I think I've done the the ultra a done that as well and I like wild. Little tomorrow for know what really is enough to do. You just keep doing the same things again, but and then someone just came I don't know how it came. That's like what you're offering is look is you do love I don't to say the grimy. I love the process genuinely love the process of starting a business. I've been in the ground would be to of AMC we to do business. I love that. So actually it was where my self-care came when I got back in the game. I went from being like, okay, let's just take it back and work out. I just want in life. Kalista's clinic at that going stress the life out of me and then that smells good and I'd always tough juggling fucking hell. She's brilliant. I've got my me back from being 8 years old, you know walking on my country build our skin kind of cut the weeds up holding. The weeds are 50 B. That's when my business Joe's dad people get so wrapped up in my like mint a little story. They don't realize that for me. My real passion is business always has been from day one like be the service then going on at selling my old boots at you know from get them in. From China and the boats your boat or both are from fracture. May I come in? Yeah. Yeah, like literally I did, you know probably want to be surprised it culture of boo-boos at one point and all sorts of stuff from CDs. It's cooled over stuff that will is past five years. I could never get in trouble now just DVDs at school all sorts of stuff and I were at school like and just kept going and then windy cleaning business and there's always someone remove you chose, Georgia May say you just tell by our yeah, you just tell by and I thought that's why I love I love that color. Idea driving going shit. What can I do with her? What can I can make that into a reality where we like the journal post came with an idea of six questions is to give people whose to work with the right. Let's make it to an actual but it's not like six and a half thousand worldwide and not that that's a big number or without much effort a product that were in my head for me that that's where that shit comes but we go back to the question. We all that sounds feel bad. Now one Focus then jazzed right overwhelm. What is it that you do? Because where I'm leading with this is so really the framework a give you up with a different animals. Yep, right and the leadership framework when I was over in Copenhagen. I got to work with him for two days one to one in our group and in a bigger audience as well. And if you dare, it's called dr. Larry little and nominals psychologist just phenomenal movie to me. It's just crazy the way just dissected stuff and did some real life in the mentioned and for me that's arms out. Take notes because I'm dyslexic I and I can't remember this cat under that and he stopped me and said we're doing taking notes. Hold a cat. Remember if you just tell me somebody said oh no, he said you will remember this and he said I want you to close your eyes and do it. What's wrong? I always think of the white picket fence right up here is that white picket fence describe it to me, you know, what's with it in terms of you, you know that you be typic typical type of algae can see the corners America. Americans all right. So any came back a little bit later on inside talking about a Picket Fences, right? And you just took back that moment what he said because he said something else around it. Yep, right and he started saying the power of his yard visualization or restaurant he goes around and he starts talking about psychology and a tack talking about our business owners because these are the goals of the muscle and feel but it needs at different stages of business cultural not what manages in people in and tending to a process and actual process, right? And that's what we're going for the bank about was well, he's changing things are changing. It's a challenge. He's had a lot of business owners. He called quite a few hours out called me out Scott out what he said then were dictated to Adrenaline Adrenaline Junkies. So we like to win like to move from thing to thing and win win win win when it when he's breaking old back down the animals. Remember you got the truck hotel at the top. Yeah. It was like an introvert. Although people focused. You've got the much-loved monkey and that can get, you know likes people can get quite offended, you know other people Oh, please was a much-loved monkey. But again, that's a very people focused and its products are an excellent extra that other that extrovert and beloved. So they said that's above the lab a lot of the lad. You've obviously got the left on side. You've got the introvert but task-focused competent camel, right Osaka that one way and then we've got where Luke just sits there off the charts. Are we share this ourselves Porter? He's task-focused leading lion and but people as well as yeah, you know extrovert. But he's a big picture don't know the detail. She said a lot of business owners are leaving lines. It's just a natural fact as well. A lot of them got are some of them are a lot of them have be the competent camel and very good at what they do. And what's quite interesting between with me is I don't always believe I was very task focused or not. I was always test for because but I wasn't bothered at the detail really involved in construction health and safety. You could become task-focused quick. We what was interesting Scott was mentioning that it's got some monkey while you're right so great loves of people and they and what's been interesting non Scott with date 13 14 years and in business, I was like is West customer we start arguing with guys who look at the lion bit could go but we could just let it go. I mean you sometimes have that music all of that. It's not easy. We just Clash them out on an opinion personal and and we can see it big picture off we go. But what I watch do we have Scott in the business at times he gets frustrated because he's really good naturally technology, right? So they said dr. Larry little it was Collins all out. And he said what it is people are below the land have to get above our but don't like being above Lambic. It's not about the task and he said you've got a lot of again back to that empathy and be real and and focus on be grateful for the people. Who I've got on the more people focused and then talked about grip and he said people need grid was like right. I think he's gonna get onto the ground evening and he said right first one is Scott you're getting frustrated and you know snap at you people because you want it to be done better or frustrated that I can't go on the way it could have done but he wants to help his people but I got the town's obviously, you know that the guys he said you need grits got so I'm thinking he's going to give us some good here. He's going to go. Because G stands for get over yourself. Get over yourself. Alright, so any problem you've got get over yourself and they said you gotta get above the lab. Right and frustration is a choice and I was like and then you get sometimes anxiety depression. He said like happiness is a choice and the me, you mentioned that to me or did it just and what was he thought back on that have been addicted to Adrenaline and Jumping from thing to thing over the adrenaline thing probably jumping from that Nick's idea to they said he getting that Rush probably is that you know start that next new thing and I've always been like let's get the next new thing going but sometimes we we took my eye off the ball with everything but I figure I've built doubt about starting next thing we'll keep it under I know I'm trying to start businesses and always like with the coffee shop. Guess who knows what they do it going with him to get the camel. Yep. Be the lame way. You can see going in and let them push our mother but then give him that stay when they need it. So and the coffee shop ones is that one I think where it's going to be mighty space myself care where I can go another space upstairs. We're having that we can board games and no kids no phones going there chillout and unwinding that I think that's part of that. So yeah, I think that's where it's at. So the next one is on. Part of his grit and we're going to love this one is next one. What did the acid form and I love this one run towards and the hard thing and what you meant by that was you saying if you understand what you are. So I'm naturally lion camel really hard for me to communicate above the Lancers over itself. Don't see from that things and he said absolute bullshit said, we're not that and get good at anything. He said he can't do you want them love that one? I love this one. I He's fought been inspiring leader and he talked about that. We know a lot of people lead by tail and you actually want to get to the point where you inspire that where you sit and teach and motivate your staff and give them skills and keep on going. I was like, that's why you'll be a transfer more transformational leader your build teams, right? Yep. I love that one. And the last one the T in the grit right? He's time for yourself. He said he's got a lot of time for yourself right there when I come back off the plate. Lane and I'll that right and I'm thinking about great and Grand I'm like actually know what grade is actually no actually know what brand is that was the decision so I thought I'd leave them that but let's jump on jump on Paul. Carter said Gee like a to go myself and get to the next question who in the world. Would you like to interview past or present and why? My Missus and I would be good because she don't ever do this ever and I'd really like mommy's very close. But which is you know, which is madness when you think about everything other that it's okay. It's all but she's she's a very close very shy character. I'd love to but I like a no-holds-barred just proper interview. You don't really get to on Pickering a little one of time. That sound mad that it that it be my mrs. Could you think about some celebrity are some During leader, but I think she's had it tough, but she's quite closed book. And so it just gets on my life and kicks on and even after losing and their brother just sorta like help plan a funeral and then just went on smashed a degree and got first and quite inspiring to me, you know, and yeah, I think she'd be a great great one to sit and if she'd ever do it and listen to her nice and we manful because we want some almost over but I do like this one. Is anything else which in the last year, but we didn't. The only one at fault that you would have asked is this also can go to his about them Uncle because we lost our connection in it. So crazy that we didn't go into that which is which is great for me because that's where it always ends up becoming a lot about for me and I think the main part is I want to know about the person behind it. And this is a key point you mentioned. This is a business podcast the idea of this is you know, that might I go as I like to unleash people's potential technology, but beyond that, I think it's why we all share a collection. The man Club he's I like people to be the best version of the souls. I've achieved a lot of things in life a lot of it through technology, but by reading books a man's that you're very similar, so I just wanted to make sure that these podcasts are about sharing tools and tactics that Beaverton take away and actually do something cool the question. I thought you should have asked his we going to go and you come for lunch. No way. Are you going to go next two trips coming down to tell everyone this publicly first one? I'm going to drive down boxing there to Dover. We'll come over for the night bearing in mind just to let everyone know. I've got mrs. Toole kids ten five and a beer barrels. Just come on. We're going to stay over in the camper van 6:00 a.m. The next morning over France and we'll drive eight hours. We're breaking up a find out what I love about is will strive for four hours to pull over in a random French town where the fire was gets to we're going to sit and I'm a big yet another French food and for our doubts, please call Leisure has a big ski resort and we're going to look really sludge four five six days. Whenever we want to come home because we've got freedom got a vamp sleep in it and drive back the next one which I'm most excited about. You know, I listen we've got Disney World next year with kids. It's already planned in it's already booked but weirdly I'm not as excited about Disney World as I am about picking kids up on the last day of term from school setting straight off down south literally stole uniforms aren't getting uniforms ripped off and we get that David driving down spending the full summer. Literally when I got my map. I'm going to tell them apart on every major. Girl, I'm a little boy came of a good idea the back doors when you open doors is a big piece of two big doors wood doors into bed. I'm going to put on a big map Europe map and every place we've got is going to collect a magnet and I want to get one in. This is my dream from when I got a nice Monica crossed away allow intimacy Rome on what go to Eiffel Tower on a deal with the Coliseum on a do every major landmark around Europe as many as we can in that whatever it is. Is it four five six weeks of in to get for ya. My kid is five week and it literally two days following about the school. I want to drive back and never misses his got a business that she's going to fly down and fly back, you know always been to three weeks, but I just like the idea literally of waking up in the morning and been another Beach and took kids are sort of opened. All right breakfast is on over that women are not Beach wherever that may be where it being nice would be Monaco and it's like the idea that freedom and summer just to Air Force when I'm working out all year this year Summit just her freedom and of just watch them. Wake up in mind and your part of on or might it have been a random field somewhere and there might be a muddy as shit, and I'm going to show them all down and then you know, I just think that that means any children or remember that for the rest of the life exactly and it's all about creating memories. We talk sometimes we can all laugh we can all create massive bank accounts, but I also think life's about creating memories, correct not about creating a big bank account sir. I got that a few years ago Mark, you have to connect to an extremely important. Yeah, but at the end of day My wife got diagnosed with a disease about four or five years ago and emphysema. It's incurable. So now while she's fit enough we go away adult create a big bank account what we sit we wait for our next holiday and while we could create memories we're going to do that because Nick she she might not be able to fly. She might not be able to go anywhere. So we live for the now and that's basically what we do and yeah dog on all of these but apologizing without They all look really pale because you really don't know David. That's all I got the mantle of on Monday. So look at anything else anyone. You know what you got good Christmas by and this is our Christmas special. So just by God, where can we get them be your So we have with of the journals which are good for finding out more about your kids and it sounds mad that but a lot of us, you know, yes you kids other day has been all right don't know actually. All of this free question. Just remember did it change every day, you know like oh did you play with today? And why feel my goal? That's a bit of a boring question. Actually, you'll find way more out when your kid says, I'll play with Daisy today because Janet don't want to play with me anymore. And then you might ask him again later on and you start to see Trends, you know, it might be all the playing with what they're doing what their interests are what it might be like who was kind T at their wanted to do and he started to see all who was they kind to it really builds up really good conversations, and I know so my five-year-old and a little Why does it itself feels it in which I can win that put my little girl. We're asking the questions it really nice to hear some of your answers. I bought a journal for my grandson and he was suffering a little bit last year and the year before and now so much confidence and is lost. Lots of weight goes to the gym plays rugby and he's doing real well at school, but from well Wills 14 in and out but He's totally changed over the last year and a get him to fully General in and yeah, it's real good. Okay doing so nothing else you got on Paul. No, I'm busy. As always. I'm busy. I'm the busiest unemployed person in all are but we'll keep banging on door. We've got some you got some things in the pipeline. I've got some big things in the pipeline. He's coming. Oh look that's priorities. So that's a little check it out while checking out a little chicken out.
This week's Festive Special We have the very inspirational Luke Ambler Motivational Speaker / Entrepreneur / Founder & Chairman of Andysmanclub to name a few things he does these days. Luke is a big family man, engaged to Lisa and has three lovely Children Alfie Aubrey and Ada. Luke, a former professional Rugby league player, playing for the likes of Salford, Leeds Rhinos, Harlequins on loan, York on loan and Ireland. He finished his career at his beloved Halifax making 141 appearances scoring 32 tries. Luke is a fellow of Brathay, which is a charitable organisation.Their mission is to improve the life chances of children, young people and families by inspiring them to engage positively in their communities. Luke is Chief Executive of Ambler Training LTD, Has his own Journal out for adults and Children -  The Bee you Journal and The Bee You kids Journal He is opening his first Coffee Shop in the centre of Halifax The Hive. Luke is also Founder and Chairman of Andysmanclub 2016. Luke set up AMC when his Brother-in-law Andy took his own life in 2016, This has become one of the biggest mental health movements and now has over 21 clubs throughout the UK, Winning the award at the ITV National Diversity awards 2019. #productivity #business  #PersonalDevelopment #mentalhealth #technology
Before I continue one of the ways, we keep all of our content for you. The listener free of charge is our amazing sponsors, and today anchor is one of those sponsors. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchors going to distributor podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and everywhere podcasts are listened to and you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor Dot f m-- to get started Lucifer's hand has the worst case of psoriasis. Ella has ever seen Linda has a baby and where is My Shrunken less motive more location. Now stop Hammer time. We must save Lucifer we're talking Netflix is Lucifer season 4 episode 9 save Lucifer the AfterBuzz after show starts right now, you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of tv top now look, Right. Hey, Roxy. What up? Can't touch this? Oh can't okay. I need real really stop Stephen. I need you to stop with the those aren't even wings of this point got better though. I mean what he's doing the Macarena Macarena Just give me the chip. Can you please not do that? It's actually way more evil than anything on Lucifer this season. I learned it at Harvard as we are doing the Lucifer panel all the way to my left the worst wing. Some Everest even Lemieux. Literally. Yeah, thank you Tehran. And of course the queen of angel wings Roxy's dryers in the building so much more graceful so much more grace flap. Yeah pictures of feathers now, that's how I'm picturing feather. Although I kind of did like this horny or look. Okay. I heard it when we might take that back once or twice. I am Toronto. I will be your Hostess. We are talking all things. Oh who are near? Okay that needs to stop Netflix is Lucifer season 4 episode 9 save Lucifer. Our today's break down the case what it really means of course of the show Lucifer hates himself, we get that Revelation at the end of last episode, but it comes to life and this one Dad hates himself to Chloe once Lucifer to forgive himself Eve. Once Lucifer to take her back maze once Eve to take her anywhere. Linda's water breaks a minute. He'll wants to take the baby home and it's not where you think Father Kelly escapes hell fuck news and gossip special segment circles of hell. Since I'm much more so stay tuned. Let's get into overall thoughts Stephen. I loved it. I thought it was really great having the personification him actualize himself as he starts to hate himself and then learning once he forgives himself that he can be what he wants to be. If only he learns to accept himself for who he is Doug it for me. It was the first time I was afraid for the devil not of the devil and I really loved that amazing episode. I thought that this was a great precursor to what is going to lead to the season finale because I was wondering how we're going to get there and there's I can't wait to find out what happened. So this is a perfect episode 9 right before today's break down. Let's talk about that case the victim Megan Murphy half of the twins that sell houses the Murphy twins the Murphy Twins and I was a material fact now somebody's died in the house. They gotta let everyone who has to buy the house know they have to let them know the co D cause of death Hammer to the head and it looked like the twin sister did it as Held the hammer above the body that was dead with blood still dripping out of it. But no the murder was the other sister Beth the Forgotten one the non twin the one who didn't go to Harvard. Um, and the first person they spoke to by the way. Just want to throw that out there. Yeah, I guess she was the first was the first person but is this the first time somebody who's discovered the body is the person who did the murder? Well, it wasn't the person who discovered the body. It was the person who saw the dog science discover the body Myra discovered the body happen to stand over it for however long I'm to the garage door opens and the dark by the way, and then of course Beth points out and my rope runs away when she says it's instinct to pick up the hammer. Is that true? I think it is. Actually I think a lot of people it's the same concept with guns and things like that. You see like your mind is so shocked by what happened. You're trying to just piece things together. It's like wait my computer and there's a there's a pen here. Like, oh my God, there's a pain in my computer. If you know I covered in blood. I think that's a race racial thing and I'll tell you why as a black person we would all know not to touch it. Well who would leave Weed B gon leave your like, I don't know nothing. So I think that's a yeah, I don't know. I don't I would like to think that I'm still white, but my instinct is not let me pick up this bloody Hammer. Like I just know also as important Megan Murphy is the name. Of one of my sorority sisters and she looks identical to this person that made me giggle sheesh. That's super she looked identical to the dead body or the twin other twin sister. We got to see Davina all look the same or similar looking so sisters the sister, of course Beth does so because she is feeling as if she's not up to par or is good and we get a lot of that self-loathing in this episode what it really meant Lucifer hates himself. We got that Revelation at the end of last episode we go into this episode. And it actually we not only get a revel has a relevation revelation. We get the actualization of it. Yeah, it was interesting. When you look at it from the perspective of like Beth was never viewed as somebody who's good. She tries something and fails and now thinks that now ends up murdering somebody to go through it and Lucifer's kind of the same way in this moment. He's been trying to be good so hard for three seasons and now in this fourth season, he's relapsed and now views himself. A as somebody who is has screwed up and now he's trying to kind of hide the fact as he is trying to literally hide himself from the world in these moments. I thought it was a little bit of a scratch though to for us to jump from you want to murder somebody who looks like you I need to talk to this person to know what it's like to the matter. Yeah that concept for me. I was like I get it I'm gonna give them that creative Liberty, but at the same time it wasn't the most poignant one for me. It didn't Fill my cup as much as I think it could have especially for our penultimate episode. I really liked it. I really liked it because it did give me that sense on the flip side of what Roxy what you just said. It did make me understand and say, oh I can see that she killed herself without killing herself and I'll tell you why because Lucifer So Vain that he would do that which is why he specifically says, so what do I have to do dress one up like me and then kill them and then I'll get rid of that self. Hey, they made it work totally but of all the premises. As we've had of the case and what that actual metaphor is this one for me was like oh, come on. Hmm. Oh go on. I mean he wishes he could just take the bad part of himself and kill it because he says last episode there's something rotten inside of me, but it's still a part of him that broke my heart. Yeah that broke my heart and again, I don't know whether it's just me but super duper relatable. I think when we all look inside our core and you figure out it's not everybody else it to you. That's the problem that and you're concerned. It's not your circumstances. What if it's Me wolf but it is the first step towards growth for a lot of people tell me is the first step is admitting you have a problem. It is the first step towards growth and we see that that Linda agrees with that. However, in this case situation, it wasn't just growth it was self-actualization Lucifer becomes visibly the devil and he has to keep covering it up and hiding it to the point where he cannot at the end at all. What did you guys think about which parts of his body were showing were becoming devil first do you think there is any Rhyme or Reason? So the hand yeah, we saw into the eye it was the hand and then it was the neck area that she scarfed him than it was his eyes. That was his equal honest going the arms full-blown face. Did you think anything of that? We little known to the episode Lucifer's penis became full devil first. I read that article. That was actually yeah. I had like three horns. It was in Playboy right next to your article actually rocks. Wow. I didn't see it there. I shedding to go back people replay. It's officially cool to like Joke about OJ on Netflix now, I guess like that's because activities a club. That's the first I was a jerk joke. I've heard on Netflix. Hmm. Yeah, what's with the glove and the glove and he actually voluntarily uses the glove to the point where everyone surprised even L is like it's because you never you wait, you are wearing the cream didn't work. Yeah ugly and that's like a shout-out to saw me like, oh did the herpes cream I give you work? Yeah. Yeah, but this is why I really think that he is going to present himself to Ella. She's just been so helpful in there for him the whole time. I'm and non-judgmental of anything. He's thrown at her. I don't want it to be him to present himself to L. I want it to be amenadiel. I don't want Satan to be the thing that makes her realize that religion exists and is real I want everybody should go towards God. Yeah, I think it should be amenadiel with something subtle and we can deal with next season her being suspicious of amenadiel being an angel or something like that but like something subtle and not like Chloe status. Hey, I seen Satan's face Roxy do you agree? Shocker no shocked. No, I don't agree because I think that he is her friend and I think that we might be saying she should go towards God but I don't think necessarily going towards Lucifer is going away from God. I know that that seems confusing but I think that going towards him is one step closer to going towards the Divine and that will bring her to find her truth interesting. I disagree with both of you and I'll tell you why I don't think anyone should present themselves to L at all. I am Them as celestials doing so in the first place, but secondly, I went Ella to find her own way and not be presented with proof but with faith and that's what makes it true. Dan hates himself to just be better than us - Lucifer Lucifer ask Dan for his advice because he's like, well you hate me. Why do you hate me? Dan says you don't take anything. Seriously you get away with everything and you make everything about yourself and then blue servers like know something deeper. You know Charlie you are the reason Charlotte Richards is dead. And then the unaware Lucifer is the one who says don't be ridiculous blame me for something that's actually my fault and it makes damn think this was two different parts for me. Number one I had to decide do I think that Dan actually thinks that Lucifer is why Charlotte is dead or do I think that Dan thinks of Dan is why Charlotte is dead and he's not able to deal with this because was this trying to show us this is his first Towards forgiving Lucifer or this is his first step to admitting to himself that he has to deal with what happened. I mean, I feel like it's similar to what Ella is going through in some respect and you put yourself in a position where you are you develop a savior complex like Dan is a cop. He his job is to save lives and the people that he cares about are the lives that he would put at the top of this list and he still fails to do that. I feel like it is a lot of self-blame especially at the end of the episode when we get him saying, Kind of just like Lucifer saying he blames himself and saying that he doesn't forgive himself. I think it was a really big moment where Lucifer blows it off because Lucifer obviously is not blame himself for Charlotte's death anymore. Like if it was if it had just like when Dan accuses so Dan last episode accuses Maze of being in love with Eve and she gets upset and provoked and everything. He accuses Lucifer of being the cause of Charlotte's death and he blows it off. He's like that's not even a thing which I think forces him to think. Well, he's not even upset that I said that he's looking for truth. I give it to him. He completely blows it and it makes damn question if if he's projecting which is a theme that's in this episode. Chloe wants Lucifer to forgive himself. I think that this I think that Eve is one extreme, but Chloe is the other and sometimes you can't forgive yourself until you really have done the work and I'm not talking about one day of hating yourself and I'm not saying that he should spend years hating himself, but he needs to get down to the root of all of this and I don't think he's fully there yet. I think I think you're right actually rocks. I don't think he's I don't think he's there yet. And I don't think it's gonna happen overnight. But I think what what puts people in the place of Despair which is where he was slowly going towards with his entire body turning into Satan is the the 0% possibility like you have to have your mind and possibility and his head no chance of forgiving himself ever. But once he accepted that there is a possibility that he could it's the Hope they denied to bring himself back from the edge before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. And today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify. You can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify is a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you don't miss an episode premium users can even download episodes to listen to offline wherever they are and you can easily share what you're listening to with all your Friends and following on Instagram if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app and search for AfterBuzz TV on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure you follow us you never miss an episode of AfterBuzz TV just to clarify something. You said Stephen about the Ray of Hope and possibility. Did you say that you agreed with Roxy stryer? I just want to clarify that that is something no. I didn't hear it either. I agreed with the queen of brains. I thought that that was something so we have Chloe saying you have to stop taking responsibility for things. You can't control Lucifer you need to forgive yourself. That is the mic drop moment for Chloe as as given to and was she is such a talented actress everything every word out of her mouth. I believe. Oh so good. You know, it's also kind of cool that I realized this episode. I know we're comparing this with Dan a lot. But when just to skip forward when Ella confronts Dan and says, I already cleared everything like you are obviously not. Okay, and I did this for you because you're not okay and you know, No, Dan, when you think about it has had a point everyone forgives Lucifer for everything. They do Chloe's always on his side. Chloe kind of has Rose Colored Glasses for everything that Lucifer does and whenever something's wrong with Lucifer. She's right there for him. And you know, this is the father of her child somebody she's known for a while and he hasn't been okay this entire season and nobody's really even like tried to force that out of him tried to be there to help him in any way shape or form May's took him on a beating up spree, but that's not really the healthiest way of supporting some He hasn't had that but to be fair, it's also who Damn presents himself. I'm the one who's put together. I'm the person always in charge. I'm the person that knows what I'm doing even in the past when I made a mistake, I did it exactly and specifically for a reason I got away with doing it because I did it so well and I'm the guy that doesn't share. I don't need anyone to share. I don't have walls. I'm so transparent that I'm always fine. That's how damn presents himself so you can't fault the other characters for believing him Lucifer on the other hand says the exact opposite. I always needs help. He needs help doing the most mundane of tasks because he doesn't know how to do anything. He goes to Linda openly easily goes to Linda. In fact, it was so he's so easily seeks out that when he canceled three appointments it comes off as oh three-point attempt something's wrong because he canceled appointments if it was up to that I cancel physical therapy appointments like twice a week and I only go to to so and no one asked me anything because they're used to it. It just depends on how you present yourself to the world. I think this episode really did a great job of I think Dan and making you connect with them and think less douchey of him. I don't know Roxy. I think I've always loved this character, especially because I hate him sometimes and that's why I think he's so well-rounded, but I don't I felt more for Ella here. I felt more I fell more in love with Ella than I did Dan because of what she did. It's so out of Ella's character to cover up for Dan to scrub the plates that it just that It's so out of character actually disagree with that as well. It actually shows that L is now thinking of Dan as a closer person because if you remember when we met Ella she was covering up for her family who was a family of Thieves and she's used to it. Right but for Dan we've never seen when it comes to the the crime when it comes to this. Which this is It's a crime what he did is he went and he abused his power and his information and she covered for him I'm saying it's not out of character for her to stick up for the one she loved. We haven't seen her have any love for her. I think she brings in downtown. Cuz because Dan has now become president himself as a flawed character. She relates to him more. This is now just like every other male, we have seen Ella have in her family. And so now she also feels a protective sense over him the same way that she did over the brother, which is also why I don't think they'll get bone Town anymore. You know, what's you know, it's really tough for this character right now though is because even though it humanizes Danny wants to punish himself for how the position he put Trixie in and he feels terrible. Well, I still don't think you necessarily feel that bad about setting up Lucifer. I think it's because of the consequences of his actions that he feels terrible. But this is very similar to like the back end of when you hear about something terrible happening like a police shooting or something like that and then hearing that oh, but the body cam footage is mysteriously gone. She's the person who deleted the body cam footage in this situation and because we know the characters we kind of side with it a little bit but from an outside perspective, Really messed up when it comes to the Lucifer thing. I will say the Dan does feel a little bad and I'll tell you why because if you remember he brought up when he found out that tearing was the one who hired a hit man who hired Ponyboy he was like, I didn't think that he was like that. He just thought because she's always on his reputation or whatever how far exactly how far he was willing to go and do you didn't like it. Do you think this follows Allah. Do you think we bring this back up because Dan's now getting kind of on his path to growth, but obviously tea V writing is conflict. This isn't TV. That's Netflix. She could get fired for this. She could get fired for this Dan could still like Greg the pony boy still knows that Dan was the one so does turn in anything can happen anything can happen which is why it's so imperative that you keep watching our after shows. We talked all the good talk about all the good shows all the ones you watch and you all at home are not it's not as much more. So a part of this panel than all of us. So we appreciate each and every one of you We ask of you is to share comment and subscribe below tell your friends spread the word share the love and if you're listening to us on iTunes, give us that five-star rating we so greatly deserve and as always we thank you for making us the ESPN of TV talk. Yeah, baby. Hell yeah. Hmm hit that thumbs up right now. There you go right now. Also we cover shows like Game of Thrones which got a shout-out last episode when you said what is this a prophecy of wind to coming? That's how it goes. That was good. Let's get into the concept of of Eve because that was of great back story in this episode Eve wanting Lucifer back and willing to do almost anything to get there. This is the first time I've like sincerely felt bad for me me too. Me too Steve. I think first of all lesley-ann Brandt great voice love the mix of Wonderwall. I thought it was hilarious that it was Wonderwall because it was like the most 90s straight thing but I skipped my lecture good such a good The Twist at the end of that she performs this entire soul is Her entire soul is crying at the end of it and Eve's reaction being like I know what I have to do now to win Lucifer back. God y'all I would say I would say not only did I really like the storyline the concept of the friend zone which which was something that was attacked. If you remember it was attacked a year ago because we're people only thought of friend zone as a guy who likes a girl in the guy not getting the girl staying in the friend zone and secretly wanting something from the girl people didn't look at it from sexual fluidity and showing his just whenever person a likes person B and has no other option but to be in their life as a And and when people look at it like that they often then threw away the shackles of what was known as the Miss nomer of friend zone friend zones do actually exist as we saw in this situation maze falls into the friend zone. Do you think that Eve is aware that maze is in love with her? No. No. Wow. Do you think she does? I think that she doesn't want to know and therefore she's burying her head in the sand lalalalalalala because I do not think that she is in love back. I don't think she even understands. She's only been in the company of two people and person a is gone. And now she's person B and person B, even though she can be intimate with people as we saw. She even kissed Mazen was seem like a passionate kiss at through maze for a loop. However, she only knows of the love of one or two. No three. I and that kiss that they say that they saw I thought it was so well filmed because maze has no idea that Lucifer and Gloria walking up and Just a little bit in the background that you see before Eve gets into it. You hear the voice you hear loose avoids. That's what prompted Eve to kiss and that kiss and taking it the wrong way and the whole storyline of Eve basically even becoming Chloe Eve basically doing all these things getting mazes advice on how to get Lucifer back that whole storyline was done phenomenally coming in is he looking is he looking still all those things? We know this girl. I completely agree that was done phenomenally, and I think my favorite part. Part of it is the fact that Eve is not as cool when she's trying to be Chloe. I liked her less when she was trying to be Chloe and I love Chloe but when Eve where's that bun and that beige cardigan Blazer or cardigan? Whatever it was. I was sitting there thinking this is not you and she was the one telling Lucifer this is not you but this is not the whole down. The Chloe pulled higher hand gestures copying. It doesn't even feel like her vibe. It was hurtful. And what's more hurtful as it? So much about me that I made me like Eve more and I wish I was dating someone that liked me this much that would go out of their way to impress me and do things just to get my cheek cosplay or side chick its mouth. It was just a brilliant way to bring this to light and let us all know and honestly Steve you're absolutely correct that cover was so touching the cover of Wonderwall. I was not expecting what Eve was going to do at the end though because she's like, okay Grand gesture what Steve's idea of grand gesture. Maybe she'll sing take me on or something like that. That nope. Not at all. Oh, the grand gesture was the the crown Roxy's write about what I know what he's planning. I know what she's doing and we see her talk to Kim Lee about it, but she's going to try to get Lucifer back to hell with her and I've known this whole time that there's this other thing she wants him no matter what? Yes red flag red flag stage five Clinger. Yeah, then we also said the fight. Can we also say Stevens right? Because I did say that I don't think it's Lucifer releasing evil. I think it's Evil coming from hell and being released upon the world, which is what we saw with Father Ken Lee father Ken Lee of course escapes through the with the help of Maize and Eve and then father Ken Lee or whatever demonic possession escapes hell and enter his father Kim Lee. I love that. She used one of the knives that maze had hidden away in Linda's apartment just to kill him. Hmm. I thought I was good. Yeah, Mike, you know, I did what do you guys think when when Eve tells father Kinley? Tell them the plan do you think he gets the chance? And do you think he goes to hell? Yes, because the demon yes, and yes, and yes, I agree. Yes, and yes, it's so and the touch of what makes you think I'm going to hell. I was like just a hunch just like trust me you're going to help but it's so crazy when people like that fight their whole life to be able to go to heaven and they're just misinterpreting and you're going to hell because you've done that's the case with a lot of Actually, that's the concept of Father Kelly. He's the take on a fanatic you're an extremist and you're actually the antithesis of what you think you are in every single way. I thought that was so brilliant the show did that every single terrorist would fall into that category and Father Kelly is simply another Terror. Yeah. Also, what you're doing is Right Ivan. So no points out that yeah loose if we find out that Lucifer was the one who originally banned possession saying that people were forbade from doing it again a hundred percent which makes me question what demon would go against and placed on Hell by Lucifer himself and do it anyway, but I think even if he's not there and I'm thinking someone maybe possibly Lilith father kenley's Escape. Did you think that that plan to do either one of you see that coming? Mmm-hmm? Because and I know Stephen did because last week you said you didn't think he's gonna get to Rome. Yeah. I definitely knew that they were but you thought cared that he was gonna die. I didn't think it no. I didn't think Eve and Maze would be the ones to break him out, but I knew that he was going to Player for the rest of the season these too good of an actor to not utilize in that way and I'm not saying that the guests are actors aren't but like the way they played his character up. He needs his ark to finish in some way. And this is a really satisfying finish by demonizing the person who literally lived his entire life to be the opposite. I thought it made sense. Well, the only thing that sir that saves father Kenley but kills him anyway is maze walking out of course maze walks out because she gets a text that Linda's having a A baby shout out to the Tupac's not my friend has not Michael not Michael, which was a great time on of course the Archangel Michael one of the seven days represents Sunday. So I love that. She gets the text. I love how much mazes into this now. I'm devastated about a manatee else. He'll turn. Yeah and that he is planning on taking this baby to the Silver City and he's not told Linda that and Linda even comes up with you can On vacations. Do you guys even have vacations? You know, I just think she's being so accommodating and for him to think that he's gonna he's gonna kidnap his baby. This is where Amber Alerts come from Laura wolf again with the same thing as kindley you think you're doing the right thing, but this is an angel. So is he really doing the work of God if this is what God wants it also doesn't have wings. But as of this point a lot of things are happening at the same time, which makes me think that the prophecy has to deal with both of them. It's a simultaneous problem. That's occurring. Everybody's on board with them in a deal is wrong totally in the wrong and this correct. Yes. I definitely not quite I don't know like, you know, like you have the Son of God and then you have 2500 years of history from that moment with an entire Catholic. Church that then sends priests out to kill Lucifer and obviously not good people a Nephilim is probably not good business for Earth. It's probably not good for Linda sake it's bad for the Earth. Shake. It might be the best thing to get the baby out of there. Well, we get to find out let's get into that news and gossip. Do we learn anything about this? No, we don't but we do learn something about another Mommy if you guys remember Charlotte Richards on the show, her name is Tricia Helfer, and she was cast if you I've been wondering where she is. I know a lot of people miss her here. You can catch her on Van Helsing. She's actually cast as Dracula. They say that she will be a Fierce and Unstoppable dark one as the battle between good and evil reaches New Heights that's coming from executive producer Chad Oaks. So if you're missing her like I am go check her out as Dracula and Van Helsing love me some Charlotte can't wait to see more of her. Let's play our very favorite game our special segment circles of hell away compare circles of hell to the episode guys. It's It's circle of hell today where it's resided by the fraudulent. Now, this one has a lot of different steps, right? It has tons of different places within it there's panderers and seducers in one then there's flatterers and another and then there's even guilty of simony. I don't actually know what so many is but then there's also Sorcerers and false prophets in another one corrupt politicians have their own obviously and then Hypocrites and the remaining four dip ditches are just straight up thieves evil counselors advisors and divisive. Visuals so it is a sin to not be able to make up your mind just to confirm what cemani is that the buying or selling of a cliff say she'll privileges for example pardons are beneficials beneficiaries, which the church Dental. Yeah. What's the charge State? And that's that's actually an interesting way to look at it. Simony. Can't buy your way out of hell that I think real thing. Unless you're a demon and then you just kind of possess a body. Yeah. I think you're allowed to I think the eighth Circle really applies to Father Kenley in this in this situation because he's Agilent in the way that he thinks everything he's doing serves a greater purpose, but it doesn't because he's a hypocrite. He's also an evil counselor and advisor because he's giving advice to people to Gaslight them just like he advised Chloe. He's also you know guilty of literally being a dick fraudulent is also amenadiel here. He's being fraudulent with the baby and what he's actually planning on doing and same thing with Eve Who's now realize that she's Got to get him to Hell a lot of our good characters quote unquote. Good are guilty of these things seducers fraudulent people. I think it works. Yeah. I think we've made it work does the demon attack? Everyone does a minute deal with take the baby to Heaven? Let's find out in predictions. All right, your AfterBuzz TV prediction. I think the demons Lilith because I think we need closure with Maison this family thing. I think the demon cues Lucifer Then a minute deals going to go to the Silver City and I think it's probably going to try to do anything. It can to set Lucifer off and set a war in place. I think it's not just like hey evil. I think it's straight up. Like we saw these pictures of Lucifer from the old prophecies with Hitler and things like this. I think the demon starts influencing things under the rug and what happens if the demon at the end of next episode goes back to Rome. But as a demon and father kinley's place with proof of Lucifer, then it becomes the papal Church against Lucifer with all of the resources actually behind Kinley and not him on his own personal Crusade. I also just want to shout it really quick the Prosthetics in this episode. We're really great. They meshed in with the CGI really? Well, I love it when they do real Prosthetics and not just CGI. I think that even though Lucifer now has a grip on his body and he's able to show himself as opposed to the devil. He still going to have to go too. Well, he's dealing with all this inner turmoil and he has to go head-on approach it. Even if it's for bad reason. He doesn't want to go but Eve somehow gets him there. I think he needs to go to hell to deal with who he is interesting. I'm going to have to say both of your predictions were so good. The only prediction I have is that all of us will know one day what bolo means be on the lookout. We heard it so much in this episode and we were like what the heck is bolo bolo police terminology. Where can people find you if you want to be found Steven Lim. You guys can find me on Twitter. That's easily oh and here tomorrow at 12:00 noon Pacific Standard Time to cover the finale of Lucifer strong. You guys buy me everywhere at Rockfish dryer. That's right mind hearing her here on this panel and you can buy me. I am Tehran all across the board. I am Terron because literally I am to run I am thr aan find me on a slew of other AfterBuzz after shows us. I hosted panel. All your favorite programs are mine too. So check this out. And of course right now Netflix is Lucifer season 4 is my Of our favorite shows and we will be talking Netflix's Lucifer season for the episode season finale episode 10 next time 12 o'clock tomorrow be a specific standard. Yeah Harvard. From executive producers Maria Menounos Keven undergaro fils VTEC in the entire AfterBuzz TV staff. We would like to thank you for listening to the AfterBuzz TV Network to watch or listen to other after shows and post comments or questions. Be sure to visit AfterBuzz I'm Sir Richard Wentworth and this has been a presentation of AfterBuzz TV.
 Lucifer is turning into the Devil, and he doesn't know why. We're talking about the comparisons between Lucifer and Dan, Maze and Eve, and Linda and... well Linda. Is Maze really in love with Eve?! Is Lucifer ever going to be able to forgive himself? and better yet, will Dan ever learn to forgive himself! I'm worried for Ella because she covered for him, but there's a lot of loose ends on that front! Plus, we get more Father Kinley! He's back... then dies! Then he's back again it seems! We can't wait for the finale! Join us to talk Lucifer Season 4 Episode 9 "Save Lucifer" on the After Show! Hosting tonight is Tehran Von Ghasri, Roxy Striar, and Stephen Lemieux! Lucifer is BACK! Cancelled but not for long! Thank god for netflix, and thank god for AfterBuzz TV, because WE'RE BACK TOO! Covering the latest episodes of Lucifer! Join us every episode for in depth discussion and breakdowns! There may even be some special guests so be sure to subscribe rate and comment! ABOUT LUCIFER: Lucifer is an American television series created by Tom Kapinos that is scheduled to premiere on Fox on January 25, 2016. It is a very loose adaptation of the comic book character created by Neil Gaiman for the comic book series The Sandman and its spin-off comic book series Lucifer written by Mike Carey, both published by DC Comics' Vertigo imprint.
Welcome to my life's it has applied episode 278. We're literally in the last week before the new year Russia Shawna tough shinpei. Tell shinpei 5780. And as we wind down this last week, which is of course the preparation for the New Year. We're all hoping and praying and confident that we will each and every one of us be blessed with a healthy here with abundance materially and spiritually in Bonnie and children in life and health in livelihood and all an abundant and expansive way so we do the last preparations as it is with any important event or important day in our lives. You don't just enter the better you prepare the better you enter and we know according to Kabbalah has cities as the sun will set next Sunday evening. Yes next Sunday night exactly around this time. The entire Universe goes into a slumber into a sleep at comatose state. Eagerly anticipating and waiting the renewal of its contract which is what happens in Rosh Hashanah. So it isn't just a new year on the calendar. It's actually a new cycle. Essentially the contract of last year expires and a completely new and unprecedented G as the alter rebbe says in Tanana Garza kadish in the 14th section a completely unprecedented G that never existed and never will exist enters into the scene. Now, you'll say how come I don't always feel it. Well it all depends on where you stand. Because for us to be conscious of it and experiences, we have to be have a ceilidh a container some way be ready to receive it like it is with any gift. Someone gives you a gift and you don't have your hands out if you don't have a basket, we don't have a packets. You'll obviously not be able to may not be able to draw down and sustain it but the energy will come and that's what's so unique about every Rosh Hashanah. And especially when it concludes a decade the second option pay the year pay 80. So every conclusion of a ten-year period also has this particular power as we know in Jewish thought the number 10 is very significant. We find that in so many different places that 10 utterances that God used to create the The Ten Commandments which is the basis of the entire Torah the 10 spheres and many other forms of 10 that are considered to be special on the complete number in the case of Citizen applied that has special significance to us because it's also 70 years the beginning of 70 years of the rebels leadership after the passing of the Frida collab Interruption you'd which was all said and of a decade indeed 30 years before that, uh fresh pay would be a hundred years. Ears from this coming year is when the Frida could have assumed leadership after the passing of his father that I brush up the fifth, Chabad it up. So you have many significant dates that become Centennial or 70 years. It's also as we shall soon describe discuss 230 years from the birthday of the someone said the cultural stuff Kaufman test 1790 1789. So here 2019 going into the next year 230. The birthday and many other significant dates that happen at the end of this 10-year cycle. So there's much much to be spoken about we will speak about it. Obviously, please God throughout the year, but here we'll be focusing special Russian addition on Rosh Hashanah of this year tough shinpei specifically this program is dedicated by irelia Xander to my beloved husband Alexander for honoring the holy Torah the way he does. So let's go right into Russia Shonda. We have spoken about this in previous years, but always is in base. Measurably. There's no Academy without something new to be said but I say no it's not new entirely. Obviously, it's based on the teachings of Toyota of cities of the Rebellion, which is the focus of this particular program as the name directly States the mission my life because of the supplied applying sittest or personal emotional psychological. And so what is Rosh Hashanah have to tell us number one has to tell us that there's always a chance for Renewal many people get trapped in the feeling of resignation of fatalism hopelessness despair. Sirisha. Sometimes it is a new year coming A new year is not just a new date. As I said on the calendar. It's new Energy new opportunities new possibilities and ones that are unprecedented. So that's the first message. It's not even going further than that. The New Year corresponds always with a new month of tishrei. So as the moon wanes and ultimately disappears just like the new year the old year disappears and the new in the curtain comes down on it and the new year emerges like the new moon Tycho brahe dschafer by Castle a MK game. No, so the verse says until him it says think about how to save your souls to sound the trumpet the Shaffer. Typical ship behaviors by dish but Casa when it's concealed why cuz the Moon is concealed as in contrast to Circus 15 days later when the moon is full. So it's a lesson to all of us that no matter where we are in our lives. Even if it's concealed, even if we don't feel the light, even if we feel as I said resigned or other negative feelings, Rosh Hashanah tells us there's a completely new year now ahead of us and that's why it's called Rosh Hashanah rage is a set is the head The beginning of a year. What is the head of a body? It's not just the top of the body. It's also the central nervous system is the control center of everything. So Russia has shown is also the control center in the central nervous system of all the days of the year. So whatever will happen the next year of tough should pay five seven. NATO is determined and can be controlled from Russia Hashanah. So it's not just another day. With a new energy. It's a new energy that will be unpacked and unfolded throughout the year all telling us that the more we prepare in the more we enter into this awesome day the more we'll be able to benefit and green this energy into whatever it is that we need in our lives whether it's material success, whether it's spiritual success, whether it's in family related with this personal related, whatever area you apply yourself to that's what rashanna does. Obviously in the amount of investment will be the return. So the day has its power that will give us energy no matter what but the more you prepare the more you are conducive with the more you are aligned with that energy the more you draw it into your life the more you can benefit from it. So on a practical level you have to we have to erase the negative feelings because if you come into a new year you come into a new home, but you still have the feelings of your old home with all its negative baggage. What do you think is going to happen? You bring that negative attitude into the new year as well. So the first thing is we have to clean our mind clear our minds and our hearts and our souls and our Spirits as much as possible and say I'm ready for this newness. That's the media scotches of Rosh Hashanah the newness and the new energy of Rosh Hashanah. And we do so through of course chuva chuva means returning to whom to who you really are who you really are is not a resigned human being is not someone that's been soiled or damaged or hurt or wounded. It's a soul a pure soul and you renewing that connection with the Divine King God as a sovereign Authority your submitted that to something greater than yourself greater than your ego greater than anyone else and that's what we do understand and we blow chauffeur because the Schaefer is the call of the Soul The Cry of the Soul with all those different variations we've spoken about that in previous years The Cry of the soul to the purest sound instrument. Just a few shapeshifter when I made Sakura zika from the narrowness. I cried to you from my narrow dire straight As the narrowness of the beginning of the mouthpiece of the chauffeur button. Only bomber Kafka and you respond to me barbaric of with your brightness with your great kite and expansiveness, like the the place where the sound comes out of the show for narrow at the tip the goes into the mouth and white at the end that signifies also in life that when you cry out from a narrow place where you feel pressured with you feel Strained you actually reach pierce the heavens and you're able to draw down expensive blessings. And that's what happens those of us that remember the rubber blowing Schaefer was not just another blowing sure for your day Su Ashley. Um, yeah, they serve our beloved is the nation that knows the sound it should say that sounds the sound that blast us out that blows the sound because knowing the sound is the sound has a secret and there's that know it they have the capacity to draw down which leads me into the story with it some exotic since it's his birthday the two hundred and thirtieth birthday Ed of Rosh Hashanah interestingly corresponding to the birth. Of the world. I'll terrible saying said the beginning of time here as a minor in that in honor of his birthday. Tough Kaufman tests. And what is it? And what is the time you begin with much being a say that the child as bad as it comes as in the mother's womb and it's ready to come into this world are ready to be born. It's given an oath or given empowered to be at sadek and not to be the opposite. So there's a story with the bus with a some exotic was Russian and the Mario who was the boss jumped is the sorry the summer said that Uncle He was the brother of the Alta Rebel great-uncle. You could say and he Was not well that your assertion. He was a really elderly man. And so they offered to bring a minion to blows over from Russia son. And he said no he wants to be taken to the Shirley wants to hear it from the summer Sadiq. They said why why do you have why do we need? Why do you have to schlep? It's difficult for you? Because it says Ashley Home ye sorrow not take his through. Nation of the Beloved that is not blowers of a trumpet. They're not trumpet blowers. They're not sound emitters, but they are gay they know the secret and that's why we need someone who knows the secret of the Schaefer. So of course, it's some exotic was on that level. That's why the biggest Jewish. Mm. I'm deciding the rubber blows the shape of someone knows we heard the rumble Schaefer. You could see the struggle same Schaefer that afterwards those that sounded that afterwards when easily for the river was a struggle Heavens piercing blocks and impediments and anything any Xavier and he decrees that don't allow those blessings to come forth. So that's what Russell Saunders about and that's how we prepare to introduce that new energy into our lives. Okay in previous years. I've spoken about Russian. Also, I'll just give you some cross-referencing the in episodes 3583 133 180 228 basically every 50 weeks because every year and the Mistresses Supply we spoke about this all these Archives of previous episodes can be found at meaningful life. I'm sorry X it has applied that calm when we've created an entire website dedicated to this program and related Hasidic resources applying it all top personal lives. Okay. We're also going in this week is that it has to have a El Jefe elbe Navarre, Lon. The coffin of the 25th devil the world was created but and we say Russia son has are you into this mess out of this is the beginning of your career Asian, so they're on and the commentaries explain accident sites it that the actual creation was the day one of creation was the 25th of L. Russia shun is celebrated because the crown jewel of creation. The purpose of creation was realized and the sixth day. So the 25th of L 6 days later is Russian 25th, L is actual creation of the world and Also passionate sub him so it says out them at Southern High game Cool come that. I am refers to Russia sooner you stand before you stand you stand before all of you all the 10 categories from the leaders to the water carriers and the woodchoppers all standing together when on Rosh Hashanah and it's seven minutes of melek you stand with our pride upright United which is the key to the whole process of Rosh Hashanah. So it's all connected to this whole week leads right into Rosh Hashanah starting from the creation of how fail we're going to speak more about the creation of the world the city's question later in the program about the two opinions of you showing up a loser regarding when the world was created in the 25th of Allah or the 25th of Nissen speak about that a little later. So the of course therefore it all leads into the same message that has the world is created a new world is created with a purpose of leading to the sixth day when other mob of Adam and Eve were placed in the garden. which is Rush under because that's the day when Adam and Eve are the Mojave took the whole tire creation gathered everything together and said let us now acknowledge and accept our Sovereign the god that created us all which is Rosh Hashanah the quintessence of Rosh Hashanah recognizing the force of the divine within us the kayak Appel Beneful the other called Paul catapult on every creation Every Act every product would know The that you produced it every creation every shape every every defined entity knows who had shaped it, which is saying the prayers in the Phyllis of Russia, Hashanah. So we talked about of tests hello, which is over shoshana. Next Sunday is the birthday of the somatic and I think we covered I just to give some more cross-referencing because I talked about these topics that have failed 25th of elements of him and yesterday was also shot as Slickers, which also of course the Shabbos before Rosh Hashanah every year is a little different when we begin saying Slickers but might say Shabbos my turn middle of the night. We begin the Slickers preparation into Rosh Hashanah. So we spoke about that and Swords 179 and to 28 and about that some of the settings birthday I discussed in episode 180 where spoke more about this summer so they can more detail as I said, oh that's accessible in the archives and a good opportunity. Now before we continue that there you'll also find the Forum where you can submit any question. Nothing is off limits. Everything will be addressed. Just some need to be wait their turn because other questions are of come earlier or a more timely. But please don't hesitate to use that opportunity and I frankly this this whole program feeds off your questions and your comments and your feedback and your critique as well. So since we're speaking about Rosh Hashanah is a few questions. I want to address that are connected. And here's the first question since a person's amount of income is determined on Rosh Hashanah. And that's a good motto and beta that says it clearly that everything that that is a nice of which is the food the sustenance of a person is determined on Rosh Hashanah from national team Kipper. So the question is does it make any difference how many hours we invest in work for that matter how much energy we invest in work? And more detailed. The question of Rights is it it is often said that a shame the size of Russian how much a personal make a year? So because of this people say that it doesn't make a difference how many hours you work? I believe I once heard you mention this and you possibly mentioned another Outlook something that gave me an aha moment, but I can't find it. I would be happy to know so yes indeed an episode 85 I discussed it at length from all the first up in Ziggler. What I really didn't go over the the niggler dick reasons Nicholas the talmudic reasons, but I went straight to the premier cetera from cities time from the alte but going through all that. I've been with speak about it, especially in countries the Mayan of the LeBaron shops. I'm not going to repeat it all because they're I discussed it in detail, but I will give the snapshot so it's an episode 85 and I should mention all these episodes how timestamp so if you go into the YouTube version you can actually go and on desktop or laptop. You can actually go straight to the section of the program where I discuss the topic briefly. There's a there's a seemingly a contradiction and some places. It says that Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur that determines the livelihood of a person but then we find That every day that's determined and that's why we pray every day for par NASA and for other blessings. So which one is it is a designated once a year or so Shauna going those days or an each day. So as I said, there are many different explanations see this explanation. Is that both are true based on that Amendment panel in our ceremonies are sort of my mother. She writes had my mother had had my armor. Each one says their opinion and they plagued it. They're not arguing and briefly it's understood as follows. Russia's everyone agrees. Rashanna with a Vanessa sun and no one disagrees. Rush's son is not a judgement day that designates these things and everyone agrees that every day we'd have so that you have to say that all opinions hold both. The question is what aspect is being drawn down Russia solid designates. Firstly Burundi is in language of Citizen that sillas. I'm Shackled what you going to be getting its allocated to you for the year. However, it may not yet be tangible and concrete and also may not come down. We don't know what shape and form is going to take. Is it going to be a blessing in children? Is it the best thing in livelihood is in the blessing and other matters? So each day determines number one concrete ties has it and number two the finds it into a sealed into real shape and form that it shouldn't just be spiritual should be concrete but it should also have a specific element to it, which of course includes that we could actually through that. Prayer each day actually increase even more than what our society designated because we have that ability to do so more at length. I discussed it back then but that's the brief answer that there's two parts to it was your son is like think of it like Russia Sun sends you the package. Like the central nervous system in the head you get everything you need for the entire year, but then you can have a very healthy had a very central nervous system. But God forbidden a limb may be weak so may not go to that limit may go to a different limb. The limbs are like the days of the year. So we need both in Rush is when the hum shock law is the general transmission designated for you is Manifest that new energy unprecedented energy and then each day it slim based on the prayers and based on what we Merit them based on. From factors how that will be concrete ties. And in other words that the flow from the central nervous system will actually reach each limb and a concrete way and not just remain morphus or main on defined and also take on shape and form at Sudan and Sudan as explained in these my modem as I said I discussed back then episode 85 next question. Which literally came in just today after we set slippers? When we say in slitters McNeese a document issued a command you whom are we addressing when we say this and what are we asking to be done in more specific? Rabbi Jacobsen in this little service. There is a paragraph beginning with Matheny said acronym have new recomme. No meaning calling to those that draw in compassion's have nice recommend to draw in our compassion to us. Whom are we addressing when we say this and what are we asking to be done? How is this different from idolatry in which case someone asks some intermediary such as the Sun or the Stars to help with something? for any clarification you could provide before Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur, so Quick Hardman. There are people already asked this question and I'll quote some of the sources and they discuss this the morale himself talks about it at length in in the Civil Salem the sieve have Vada chapter 12. And therefore as he says there he asks the questions the same thing why we why are we praying to Angels? Because that's what pastors much and he said that Ram is referring to Angels. That we are prayer should be going only Tasha. The Gomorrah actually says in the xiaomi broke has paid a test alif - now Olive if troubles come upon a person do not intrigued the angel on the call or the angel Gabriel rather intrigued me alone, and I will help you immediately. So that just compounds the question. Why are we speaking to Micronesia document which sounds like we're addressing an intermediary. So the morale says morale answers. That you're not addressing them. You're not beseeching them to ask your commanding them you're saying you're ordering them. You're telling them that since you are at the gate not asking you to ask I'm asking God, but since you're there, I'm asking you to intervene to make sure that their argument come to me. So it's not about cause she says it's achieve. We it's like a command an order to them. But then he says because of this issue. He says it's roof is Aurora Ikea - eh - mm. Yeah, mr. Data menu. Not acne severe acne Su Camino because her niece, ooh, sounds like that. They're drawing the compassion's he wants to suggest that the changing the new Smash me. It's really a schmeared Philistine. Oh Magnus edema. Yakhni pseudomonas a no same thing with prayer those that listen to our prayers. Yes Schmidt Philistine and make sure that the Philistines should be played at that they do it, but they make sure that it happens. I God does it and same thing with tears? Establish reliable cleaner that they should be Mossad make an effort and pray and requested that filter God should actually be fulfilled. So that's like requesting you can request anybody to help you in any given area. You're not asking them as some type of intermediary that some safer actually takes out the section from the slickest some safe, isn't it a crime in the Truvia? 166 kusum involve mean there's more than this topic. There's also a question about sholem aleichem some also questions from a lesson, but who needs the Sullen same question, but honey sound like the angels are blessing us and there are those that say that it's not really an issue because the fact that matter we do find that we've asked angels to to Advocate on our behalf. You find this is should I shoot him Rabe to seven She boldly Alexa talks about it in 282. And then of course you have yeah Covino who addressed the angels in prayer with his famous homologous ilac Amala how girl is she? He asked his Angel to watch over his children and Shabbos you'd base base 12 B and shook an article said hi. I'm co-founder of Dal 101 for so that addresses this issue and it's important to know that when we Davin shares. Mrs. I feel that some of the subject makes a whole explanation that we don't dive into speed us. We don't dive into attributes. We dive into God who works through these attributes. And that's why there was talk of one who said to them a Coble. He said the from the Charles Schwab has divorced some exotic sights and he misspelled the desert Enoch. I spray like the way that inner child phrase straight to God. I don't know all these stations and end of the day. We're not praying to any stations. God forbid. We praying to God but God transmits it through the channels in a way. It's connected a little to what we spoke before about the machine has whether it's Russia shot his mom should could or each day because they're too there's the concept of seared but it gives The shape and form of the Spheres have seared or they don't have to whether they have shape is all part of the discussion, but that I leave to those episodes that I've already discussed this matter. Okay, we have talked in general about intermediaries diving going to the oil or asking the debited Davin and all connected to this suji, but here the focus was reset acronym. So when we say in Phyllis when we talk about college College college, and we mentioned what the mallow him say, we're invoking since they are messengers we Want them to do their job to help the flow happen, but not that were asking them to do it. We're asking God to do it and they should either Advocate upon by a store and we asked them to do their job and make sure that the message is delivered properly. Okay? next Can we go call God a she in other words in the feminine so we might as well ask the same question. Can we go a call got a heat? Remember God is neither male or female? He's neither defined by any gender for that matter or gender in general or any definition? Lovey omeka limited zo Clow live in human company. The CEO Cloud God is not have any medals doesn't have any attributes. So this makes a whole thing about how old definitions all happen in the hood on the lower levels of it. You can't create any definition. You can't talk about any definition. No tell you I've no shape no form or undefined even the word undefined as I said some as as the rebel rishabh uses the expression still this activist little such Lila this lilz lilz Ashley. Those you can use any for term not he not she so then why do we use terms that are male a masculine because the Divine shows to manifest in different forms, just like we chose to manifest the Hesed. There's name which refers to the name kale or Indian gouda is shamed elokim or interfering shame hevea compassion. Same thing with the seven names the 7. Holy unerasable unerasable names So the same thing I shall manifest in different forms, just like we took a citizen are the goddess Laxmi and energy that's reveals himself and energy it reveals is appropriated and allocated for existence. So we say that the human beings created a Divine image male and female he created them. So that's when God shows and manifests Divine energy in Carter's bar who kuchibiru which is usually refers to the masculine Dimension and then there's the skin of his Into is refers to mouths. Oh and Marcus is he and she and in David in a Shabbos me to see for you know, who bought by your local Boy by you know, how bomb in each of the three prayers Friday night Shabbos day and shot and mintaka these three different Expressions one is, you know, kuba Kerry says referring to Shabbos but you see the feminine part of shop as you see the masculine than you see them both together. And that's when you have the union of the selam aleykum complete male and female so in truth, he and she are both not appropriate to use but in certain scenarios we use with the fur to God and the female the feminine sense and sometimes the masculine sometimes even when it comes to the cost and kala usually refer to God as the cost and the Jewish people the tail is the color, but sometimes the Shem is referred to as the collar. and other such references now as far as the discussion on the matter of of what exactly is the difference between the energy I would refer you to episode 247 where I spoke about the question was why so many prayers refer to God as he not as a she but but basically malkos is the she part the feminine that mentioned feminine energy. And as I said, could you predict who's the masculine? Okay, next question, which is not related. These are questions in order. I felt I have a little time so I can address and keep covering questions that have been asked over the years over the last So here's a question, which goes like this. I'm just saying because it's such a contrast to what I've read till now ear piercings if the reason the Tater forbids tattooing is because once body belongs to God why then is ear piercing or other body piercing allowed risk of for example, had a nose ring. Thanks. Okay. So topic I don't believe I just spoke about but I did speak about tattooing. I believe or in general mutilating oneself in the language of the red bars on the rambam because it's Nixon shock oldest brother. Who is God's Property. You can't touch you can't Pierce. You can't tattoo. You can't make marks or in any way deface God God's Property. Which includes of course also causing pain to God's Property self-inflicting pain is not acceptable as a Prohibition that ETA. Why you could say, I don't mind. I'm not affecting pain on others. I understand but why do I can't inflict on myself because it's not your property. So here the question is what about we see? You? See my said I have you just remind families women piercing their ears and we find the Taylor. That was the Envy of piercing. So actually there's a letter from the lab on this. I didn't like that which avoids having to go search and research it. So in the midst of it says 7th option members, that would be civil in the month of civil 1982. So the rebel says about recording making a piercing the ears for earrings. Which is mentioned in Tana, he says in the shade as slow as a regular thing. So is a common Mexicana common activity that women beautified themselves with jewelry. One of them was the appear earrings kids over I'll be shocked. Another crime is also abroad and see machine game. Oh 3 or 3 So the lab is words are better any common muscle tissue tunnel. Certainly the pleasure. That is Mimosa that is resulting from that beautification from that jewelry. God will surely better hugglebots. Bodega and Akiva is infinitely greater compared to the momentary pain. During the moment that you peers the air, which is just a regular key with the moment you pierce. The rebel continues of The Caine Mutiny who that's why it's permissible in with these two conditions big day law. It's someone that's older. Assume the reason because there they enjoy they know why they're doing it because they're enjoying that a child may not yet know it so this of course puts question. What about person is of young children some do that. So based on this letter it says big Gala again. It's not upset. You should talk to her over my spear, but I'm reading this letter and to the rabbit says there are those that beautify those that that put jewelry that put on earrings without making a without piercing. It's called clip-ons. Besides the parentheses since it's not that common but a DV cam primarily there's it sucks as there's a little pain every time from collection agent from squeezing the air. And then the rebel concludes because the tissues are made a hero in all of this ask a table that gives directives now just a row of but someone who's involved in actually giving directives and guidance in these type of matters. now look matters it seems the two of you may ask. What is the rubber mean? It seems like he's saying yes, it's acceptable even though there is it's not that common and it's the causes a little pain seems like they're in other words. That's another possibility but it seems piercing is even less painful because it's a one-time thing and it's smaller pain compared to the pleasure that comes out of it. So now the question of course is there's a question is answered. You're not causing yourself pain the pain the joy of it is your beautifying God's body. So even Those Gods body and you're never right to do anything to it. But here there's a there's actually causing joy and God wants you to experience Joy. The question is what about changing the way God gave you the body that's not really answered here. In other words. We're not talking about pain now causing pain mutilation any form of Mutilation piercing a whole but you could say because piercing the whole brings the joy, then it's not necessarily consider mutilation, or as a tattoo or other things maybe more. Halation now, you could say tattoo what happens if a person has a pleasure for my tattoo, so we don't find the Taylor people make that dues as a matter of fact the Tater answers it and but you do find the earrings. So that's why the rep explains it the way explains. Okay. Let's move on to the next question. As always if anybody has any additional material or ideas about this, please pass it on the table. So tell us a table and I'll share it on the form here on this program the future programs. Okay, how can I find An interesting question, how can I find kosher Jewish poetry to replace poetry coming from other sources? So here's the question as I said all kinds of questions. Some may be relevant to some of you some may not be but listen everybody ain't day is saying service people have different issues that they're dealing with so I try to cover the entire Spectrum. And here's what the writer writes a woman friend who is a composer of music and songs that are on the side that are on the side of kedusha is working on producing a set of music and song set to words of Rumi a sofa Sufi poet. I am close with her although she lives in eretz Israel and Israel and wrote to her the Methodist about how of Rome sent away his sons of Keturah to the east because they use their talents and their fathers teaching not for purposes of discussion. She answered that where is the Poetry from Taylor sources that will inspire her to compose. I was just trying to negate that she shouldn't use that type of poetry. So she's asking where can I find poetry from holy sources. I remember that there are great poets during the Golden Age of Spain, but I can't remember who they are and I'm hesitant to Google because of not knowing how to find kosher poetry. Could you help me find the translations that maybe some of the work to send to her. She's a leader of thousands of from women online and a very dear person to me. She has developed an aversion to rabbis and authority of Torah through being in an abusive marriage and Divorced I was encouraged that she might be open to listen to me about producing this music and singing it. I need a bibliography to Center. Okay, so I'll begin the bibliography here in this program and I hope some people can weigh in. I know many people who listen have have information and knowledge and are even involved in poetry music and art and so on. So please weigh in I'll just begin there's no lack of Jewish. Holy poetry. First of all going to Russia Hashanah Yom Kippur most of the prayers were written by the python python. Mmm. These were literally literally literally literally gists and writers of poetry written with a low base in all kinds of different ways of rhyme and so on. And this is so much part of the prayers, but will begin from the beginning double Tamela himself name is mrs. Sarah. The book of the hilum is a book of poetry it just in Hebrew and we don't always understand it. That's why we have good English translations, and there's so much poetry written later. That is based on Book of Psalms including the we have oh so she Reshiram We have Miss Lee. Proverbs we have Kellis and even acre which is a sad book Lamentations is also a form of poetically written and so many others who came the clown General Tater that have that element of poetry. We have of course as your shoe the shooter in person who caused this year that they sung and many other places you find shit is songs and hymns and poetry written that can be used then we of course have going later into the Middle Ages. The great literature says you mentioned and I'll just mention That come to terms and the Sun that come to mind that are that are some of the great ones that have become. They're there. They compose some of the greatest potm that we say in the divining including a solicitous and Rosh Hashanah Yom, Kippur and throughout the year and you have so we begin with just a few illogical ear is one of the famous ones. He was the sixth seventh century shmuel hanavi the 10th 11th century. Schlemmer been Gabriel 11th century Yehuda halevi, of course, 1112 Century Evan esident of Rome the heaven Ezra was an 11th 12th century and then you have from the rambam and from the ramban and obtainable High then you have that he's all who composed and different cabal him. It's not lacking you Friday night service called Ada and other places are Our have elements of that and really not lacking at all. This is just a short list is a lot more and I see no reason why you can't go there and look there and you find tremendous tremendous messages tremendous ways that we turns of phrase and all that is necessary in this context the language of poetry and music and song that is so much part of our prayers and our history and our culture and tradition. Okay. Next question, I guess this is going into the save him especially some cos Theta so is the question. Should women be drinking l'chaim do women have a Mitzvah to drink? Laughs? Hi - I'm Kristina and put him at the yada and other times through the year when we celebrate simcha as men do how about another occasion such as a bliss Shabbos Kiddush of Albanian men seem to find it appropriate to say like I'm a many occasions is a likewise appropriate for women to do the same what criteria would establish a difference between appropriate location for men and for women. I tried to search archive. I did not find any results. Maybe I don't know how to properly search on this website. Thank you. Okay. So hopefully this is a really dressed in halacha because it says I'm putting Hive in this Loop summer. Driving slips in their persons, which is Hive is mikheev has a responsibility. It's a Mitzvah to get drunk at the layout the kind of initial episode, but let's begin background in general men and women. We know that all these drinking just to drink is not a Jewish way, you know, not even via were punished for that. We know that drinking is to being regulated. There's a certain way and then of course when the Devil comes into picture and Alexander that I've been made for men As well that the drinking has to do with moderation. So let's not just give a license here that men find a woman but as far as women is even more restriction because of many reasons and I'll just quote from a few our lockers are is made him is mine him and rights. That even though women are responsible to this program and all the mitzvot support him. They're not responsible to to drink to get drunk under the Ada because ain't dead of notion, but she crus not the way of women is intoxication. Father Abba it's a nasal consonant is so common that can breathe bring to all kinds of tequila site all kinds of negative things. A woman is more refined than a man and many other ways her modesty specially recurring drinking is far more far more sensitive area. So this doesn't mean as I just said earlier that men can do whatever they want. That also has to be done with the with the moderation. But as far as this is this is what is passing by by pasukan. That I'm just read from medium is my name's Simon cathodic Simba also share with a levy they be my partner Haley cute steaming your test. He writes again regarding your question about women being responsible for the mistress says Lee did the Ancients aldolase child's Ibiza. My opinion is not even a question. This is not shared a woman the drinking part. And that's even he says even if you say the missile in general for men to is sharpest in our times, even if you'd say that and he brings from a bigger superstar Summer home and olives should be 65 a talks about the drinking women drinking wine as abundance and what came out of it and so can our Kevin as a seaman iron. Okay, and says even when her husband's with her this also this prohibition so this is bring from the me. Idiot Ainsley bring your Felicia abundance of wine is not nice for women elegant for a woman at very important and it's probably more on this topic. So I just wanted to bring that out and there's many many ways and I would add based on citizen Plymouth cetera. If something is says that a woman shouldn't do means that doesn't mean she doesn't have the qualities that come Out of it means she could have it without the drinking just like when we don't say Takin on Shabbos that help explain casabas campuses that was talking with accomplished just like Shabbos. We don't put on film because Shabbos itself is an office is a sign. So a woman is all week along. She's Malthus shaba. So she doesn't put on finish doesn't need it. She has it in eight innately. So the same thing here what is of the end of the day? It's not the wine. It's not the kind that does it. It's the spiritedness free spirit is the looseness the some expressing itself in a healthy and Kosher Way and a woman is able to achieve that without drinking. That's what you have to say. Then that the day when the river made exactly of the same men can also achieve it without extra drinking only small for small cups. And so on something we talked about other times. Okay. Let's now go to some follow-up. One follow-up I'm going to do. And that is that publishing pictures of women, which was two weeks ago the episode 276 and I think I followed up also in 277. Yeah, there are be Jacobson. Thank you for reading my questions, which I submitted several months ago regarding publishing pictures of women. Yes standards are important, but you did not address the second part of the question, which is how do we educate our children regarding this issue? Especially young girls. How do I tell my seven-year-old daughter that your friend's mother came be featured in From magazine. Also there's a real concern that of gross cannot view pictures of from female role models. They will only encounter pictures of females and secular media media and we don't want our girls to emulate them. I like what you said that if the pictures are to evoke Yiddish. Mm. I'm then they should be encouraged. I think we should publicize this standard as it is completely unfair that women who work so hard to dress with snis remembered sneezes the noun so new it's a new era is the adjectives should be banished from view from a from a form from from view for a from family audience. I think we also need to remember that is the men's prohibition to gaze at a woman in an inappropriate manner if we ban all women from photos and media, it gives the impression that either all from women are this tasteful or all from men will by default gays inappropriately at its renewal woman modest woman. Neither of those is true. So what is the point lowering the standards of our expectations? It seems taking that approach makes dressing with sneakers completely pointless. Thanks again. So I Have much to add I will just comment on what you said number one is there are many communities and there are many different Publications that are talking about is not going to change their mind even though they should baby review it and how to do it properly. Secondly, the issue is not just magazines and pictures. There's a focus on sneeze in general with a very harsh approach also is a turn-off for many young girls and women, so it's not just whether there is a picture in a magazine or not. And there's a solution approach to its knees which we've talked about a number of times. Times in this program you can look it up. I don't have here the episodes but it's easy to find by searching Alex ich approach of what it means to be a dignified person. So I think the issue you're describing is goes far beyond the Magazine's it's a general attitude to women and how we look at women and how we how we talk about sneers and we talked about provocation instead of talking about dignity. So I think the way to talk to a seven-year-old is all inclusive about all of it that God created you in the Divine image. You have a The beauty as a divine creature women have initially a few have a particular level of beauty as we've talked about in the past. So this talks about Malcolm's having a particularly a fee. That's why we have qualities like you fast tailor your fast mother the beauty of our employees are matriarchs. It's a positive. I've talked about the rebel dollar speaking to the former beauty queen of Israel. And secular heavily. If it doesn't mean that I bet says that kind of a fee are not valuable because we see if I stay if I smile it means if there's nothing else it's only external superficial Beauty, then it's heavily and shake her shackle and Havel. However, if it's filled with the pewter with the pure solna soulfulness and the neshamah of it then yes, then then it goes along with it. So that has to be taught to everyone from the youngest of age not to see beauty or to see in general the sexuality intimacy as an ugly dirty thing. There are things to be done in private because of their Holiness like the holy of holies, but it's because of all they have all these now because it's ugly or distasteful or because we can't look at it or it's going to provoke there is elements of provoke provocative. But if it's only focused on that, you're always going to have problems sighs. I can't as I said going to create a policy now for all magazines and newspapers and so on. Number one everyone has their own authorities, whether they're saying the right thing or not, but that's where they listen to number two. As I said before it's nice and these matters should be determined each Community according to the standards regardless of what standards there are and how they address this and view this everybody should lift sneeze into a positive area not being something of fear and provocation and how ugly we are or how promiscuous and how low people can fall but like anything that there was the citizen must instead of talking about how low human Beings are talk about how great we can become how great God is. God bless our kale. That doesn't mean we ignore the more darker side, but it's never the main focus because then what you do is you create the neurosis and you create the guilt and you create more problems always the focus on the positive. Look how beautiful you are. That beauty should be reserved and preserved for the right place for the right time and so on. Look how powerful certain energies are and we do it that way it will you uplift a person and secondly, you give them a much more healthy approach to all these matters as far as Role Models. Look if you have control over magazines and newspapers that are publishing if it's done the proper way. We spoke about this then yes, it could be a good role, especially if it's magazines or newspapers for women women for women, then absolutely and just like we find in schools or in plays. and different place presentations girls camps and girls schools you have them there's music and there's song and there's art and there's images and so on because they're obviously there's no men around and and there's no question there should be healthy role modeling feminine and female role models okay access to this question we have to ask students questions both related to this period in time one is creation is it in tissue date or innocent so we have a moccasin gemara let me show another loser the tissue a new behalf a telenovela El Amor behalf a northern Israel but this rainy real more business in Israel which technically means that the 25th of L was the World created and then Richard the sixth day of Adam and Eve as I mentioned before or is it half a other and then the sixth day would be risqué - Neeson would be the equivalent of the creation So that's a mclucas. So spot him go and talk about this and they say that there is actually no Mark Lakers. They both are talking about two different dimensions of creation. So the so there's a cold from the lab which the river brings. from the case for a diesel You know, let's start the other way around the taste was tasteless in Russia sound of cough. I think says that Marsh over the world was created by Max Weber was created in. To say that in other words God's thought big of creation began in tissue. And the actual pale was in this that's what it says in tasteless. Just checking for the 4th actual Daffy. Yeah, I believe it's what I said. Okay. Now here's the thing there's in karbala and he's fat. He's all in the shadow cavernous. We exact place in you know Shoshanna the first Deluge he also talks about and ask the question. That seems unlikely consummate. Serious. Is it here or that which one was it? How could they argue about it? And there are private. Alright, it was quoting from he says Here's a couple de cancer and then he says the difference is pretty me Salem is a container sailings, but then he asked something strange Lawson. He says like he ball team and made his how I did not receive. I didn't hear from my teacher meaning from that result, which is her chains. And which is polygamists. But then the commentaries on the shark Ivana Chemin sawsan and nonchalant. all talk about this and they say from other places from the way the gemara brings proof that below the numbers and I'm you sure it's a it becomes obvious that that's a near Salem is the outer dimension of existence was created on Shoshanna and the inner Dimension was created on in this Which of course seems to contradict what it says and tasteless because tasteful says my shovel was created which seems like pretty Mia's on tissue day and could say knees and Imperial manage. My super bill was missing which seems like it's saying this. So this is a whole issue. That the rebel first addressed in the quota seek is hailing valid for the volume page 1293 and he brought the deities are and then he said that according to the commentary is that it is a it's Allah. He says these were a little bit kind of error code means it's the same vein as the tasteless and that's how it was printed for years. Interruption llama drove partial responses meaning which was my first name of organization or institution isn't the rebel spoke about this topic and addressed it and the preparing the are not of the money from the ones that wrote the has the ask them a question that what you mean inaudible kanakas there before some of that is our seem to contradict what it says and tastes and the rebel roll on the know that I've been waiting. I think it said they have 13 14 years for someone to ask this question. And the lab explained yes is true that the taste was technically has is different but there's a elements in taste was that are similar to that is on that is at the first of all these two Creations. The question is which one comes first. Do you start by speaking from tissue day and then like the taste was says tissue a would be Microsoft Word and then this one would be An action or if you start counting from this sense, and this one would be pretty me is and teach today is Chris anus. So this is printed in the anarchist. You can look it up how the rubber reconciles to some extent in other words. There's a similarity to taste was that there's two Creations. The question is only one order and the never rode the soul up in a note to explain at all. Okay. And brings also from other places that sometimes we count we start counting from Nissen and then premiums would come first because you always say that that yeah, okay. So bottom line is we have to them two elements in creation and it seems like a most places the way to approach it is that that Nissen is the previous of the world is created and the tissue is that it's a nice of the world which of course they're that ever spoke about the quality of polygamy has companies brings in the deeper Cavern of the simcha and so on but regarding element issue where we are now is that actual existence. When do we say the year begins this and we say was like the like the mission of the Metro says we shall Could be a piece of raw potato and Bistro. That's when you have the shaders Gula which is K this innocent is Gola, but it's a become neighbors to chose the world each. That's when he created tishrei, which is the creation of the world like with says in other places from that kada than tissue day is the rashanna of say that Ava of nature the changes of the world and this is the Russian of seder of decent bike nice in the month of Nisan Miracles, which is the premise of the world. So we have a Reconciliation between these to and I spoken about it briefly in episodes 205 and 255 a second question exclude. This is from the from he tossed from the just a few days ago two days ago. So the fetus was sensible was the end was the end of Get a cicada stead Zion. So there he says they only got is there is dedicated to those that even though they may not have that much money. But he hears that out that be here. They're not giving stoker. He speaks about the great quality of giving sadaqa, even when you yourself may not be completely living in luxury. But at least you have more than what the other only that deserves this Dock and one of the things that have altered that brings among the different virtues of his luck at the end there he brings the poster commission Ali you tests design 19:17. What does it say? Malviya champagne and all? Ugh Malayalam is fully solemnly. What does that mean a person whose Canaan doll who's kind and gives to a proper. It becomes millat Mal Mal vashem. He becomes like a man who is becomes like a someone who's lent money to Hashem Hashem becomes now indebted to you as a lever Zone isn't dead is also a debt but more and then it says and he will repay you with with will repay you your reward and Alter their bags because flying multifold reward and that's whiz this from the de modern Bob acid a feud. So former Olive talks about this topic that actually goes even stronger and says that if it wasn't for this plastic cover Yahoo! Could say such a thing angered. The gods are Laver that regard becomes indebted to us and we know that a lot of the other parts of commission Ali is in debt yzma Schubert. He's bound to the mouth. He's like in a sense. He's indebted to me. He's bound to him. He's like there is dependent on him. And then this desired a freshman he on the alpha, I believe Sarah to Baku day. Yeah, 255 a we brings the word that can fly. So that's what Ultra but takes that idea from and that's what he's talking about. The my love's sake that we leave by minimum name. I mean we believe completely that God is our becomes are alive at us. Imagine. What kind of statement that is. There's an urban feel like test of the quickest safest in this office talks about passion. That's mother sometimes. As Delk is like apricot that God entrusts a wealthy person. He gives him money in a way God is giving him a loan there doesn't say the word lump according. He gives it to him that he should be wise enough to share it with others. So that ever says is different levels of stuff. Sometimes also the dock is referred to as a gift but here the question. So the question is asking okay since charity is considered a long to God and and isn't God's manifold repayment of form of libous interest if God is the one that's indebted. So I'll Ava Is not a lot of pay interest and and not the mall. There's not a lot of take interest and the liver is not allowed to give interest. It's forbidden. So that's the question that is asked. so the obvious answer when you think about it is that The money then go to Russia. The money went to the porpora Hashem is saying I'm taking upon myself that if you give it to him, I will be indebted to you. It doesn't say it was on condition that I'll give it to you on condition. God the man the person giving the doctors. I'll give it on condition that God will give me the Rebus. Or God is saying I'm going to pay you Rebus. I'm going to pay you interest I want to do it psycho. They can thank you. You do talk. I'll give you a gift. I'll give you more than you gave so technically you could argue that's not really exhibits and especially if you know the how long for that Locker says that if a Thomas Holcomb wants to repay somebody he's allowed to. Can we not talk about and condition why cuz he knows the boundaries of what rebuses what is not that's not luck that I'm brings it necklace Moldova leave. So taking all that into account it wouldn't apply over here. But in addition to that I actually looked it up and I found inspiring talk about this obviously silent on you. It's on the possible. So there is a safer Knuckles Benjamin from our GitHub in Jama Zev from Landsberg and it's cited in the data cell Yahoo, and the possibility of a Ka-Bar Evian of the vanish. Hi. He cites it and he talks exactly about this and he talks a different ways. First of all, he says that maybe it's not keep should they deposit come alive and mouthy Hashem is not talking about God's action. God is saying just as a malva. I saw a waiver songs and that is going to is has to repay you I'm guarantee you that you'll be repaid. So it's also long a like a muscle not actually saying that is that they burst as the din of our locker of a saint who owes a debt. But then he says that's not a perfect interpretation because that means it's not you're not transferring the posted. Literally you could also say that she and other commentaries interpreted differently, maybe because of this problem. So he goes on to bring halacha about it. And he says that that's why it says in the parsec he about avian. The person can be a Spartan. It says that there was a Evian you should give him charity and you should not take libous and this explains. That's why because they burst is saying I will be the one that gives you and that's Ashley. Ah and Ashley it is not cry. Even the problem especially at wants to give you the best he can that's really brings their from Allah. He also brings the din of the Thomas hauk. It needs a little more even but I'm just citing this is from Knuckles Benjamin. and He also has another point he could not say the answer that me adamandeva cholon. God gives us everything when I talk about God is able to go out. He owns everything. So it's not like you are in any way. What if he decides he wants to give he's giving up his own plane and everything even instructor we give is God giving us the ability to give that ducky says now some are and some layer. I'm quoting straight from Knuckles Benjamin. So since they were stones at all, there's no question altogether about this subject matter because the whole thing of Rebus is you don't want to suck out money from someone that is needs it. So personally needed a loan the Mitzvah is you're not forced to take Rebus give them the loan. They don't repay the loan and that's it. But they be should doesn't have that issue and especially that he's doing it at his own ruxin is not doing it as a condition part of it. So I think when you include all this together, you have a pretty solid answer one more place. I found that discussed. Is a safer called barely it's called from the beautiful commit arson. So he takes a similar approach it brings you to a mesh. I'm not sure what it says there. It's like the busy says. She says this is like a bezel engineer dunas chrisandem that if you make a condition that you have to pay it. In a certain way it's not considered abuse. That's what he brings there. She says clear that Ashley my Buscemi's birthday Masada here at Masada Hazard. It's not due to responsibility. Like I mentioned earlier is because that's what he wants to do. So from the point of view of The Giver of Charity, he's giving he's has a certain confidence. He can trust because God is going to repay him. But from the point of view are some it's from God. It's not an element of Rebus. It's an element of knesset. This is a posthumous spot him from the area talk. Okay, interesting topic. Let us now move on to the final three at the three essays of this week. This is all from the essay contest 2019. Three essays one in English to and Hebrew. The first one is plagued by indecision how to make the right choices later Goldman age 21, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma good so Oklahoma City contributing see this for many decisions are hard to make people shy away from making decisions asking others to pitch in and close Charles choose for them. They leave it to fate. They don't make changes because it's too difficult to decide which way to go. They overthink the options repetitively is this right or wrong good or bad anxiety and stress result and the options are Over so many times that people wind up getting stuck in a cycle of missed opportunities and I'm productivity and stagnation. This essay is based on the premise that the Torah is a blueprint for life and I believe by fulfilling his directives one lives their best life. The question is how to know. What is right or wrong when it comes to Everyday choices and goes on to say City's defines the very core of a person's makeup and a step by step way three steps differentiate between The Godly and the animal voices inside oneself determined number to determine wants Lengths and immediate opportunities number three seek the guidance of a mentor and using these three steps with nice anecdotes and stories really develops a whole tree of tools of how to deal with indecision how to make decisions in life. Very well done. Thank you for that. And this essay is posted as we speak at City You look at the essays. You'll see the latest essays posted subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter, which is interesting material every week refreshing stimulating provocative and we'll also send you notifications of all these essays as they're posted SSA one next essay a little marker the three moderators how not to procrastinate and push off to tomorrow. Steps Danny five-ish age 19 diarrhea is rayul a student seminar based on its fat. Okay. Why do it now when you can push it off to tomorrow says that inner voice inside of us the minutes move on the days and months pass and we feel like we have time all the time in the world. What's the big thing if you push it off? And then you end up being someone that procrastinates or something that just lazy. And then talks about but time is valuable everything you push off is a tremendous loss. So this goes on to talk about how can you do that three steps of how you to avoid procrastination and delaying and pushing things off to good analysis psychological analysis. First of all in secular psychology, and then the Taylor psychology of what we can do to fight that tendency. Appreciating the gift of life and the gift of time the quality of life understanding the value of each second. Kaiser's in the passion and desire to commit the things. And much more zombies are fundamental self confidence and security knowing the importance of what you need to accomplish in this world. Again, another excellent essay, which goes into detail very well done and the topic we all can use Direction and guidance on advice and finally essay. Number three ancient novakovich medium of a - you know, there's nothing as as consistent as change broker rothenburg age 19 hadera Israel students in seminar based can extract some seminar. Okay. Think they print actually published the s In the book and gave an honored that in there being that Seminary. Okay. So Begins by talking exactly on this topic about different changes in our lives the things we are lacking and we feel we're lacking. And goes on to explain the importance of change and when you embrace it and you navigate it. You actually can reach tremendous Heights. So it's not about finding it. It's about really navigating and understanding the importance of change and how change can bring two growth and the same time finding those consistent foundations that keep you balanced. So you have to have both those solid things and the things that are over growing and ever flexible and change another excellent essay. Thank you for that. These again are top essays and all the essays were really good essays. But these were still dealing with the top six sixty seventy essays and I thank you for writing them and for me publicizing them availability to everybody us publicizing them for all of you and benefit in every possible way and it's a great honor to be able to publish them on our site and they get exposure and again, Anyone has comments on this or other topics. We speak about of questions that have not been addressed. Feel free to go to our completely Anonymous format meaning at this. It has Let me wish you now they will not be a program next Sunday night because it will Shona the next one will be at Yom Kippur, especially in Cooper addition into Sunday's from now. So let me wish you all a sieve of Seema Teva the Shana Tova masuka be blessed in every possible way the general categories of Health life children those I need to find Shadow him financial documents the least amount of aggravation and all with abundance. A livelihood successful Panacea and we should be finally some Sage noise produced soon. As PDF option has produced the year of redemption of gokula even before Rosh Hashanah comes and I will see you in the next new year. It's been an honor through this year and through previous years doing this program and feel refreshed and we will also bring a rare hunters and new energy unprecedented energy into my life because it has supplied and together as partners. Let us spread the see this teaches. It has learned to this teacher this practice it is And finally fulfill mashiach's words to the Baal Shem Tov. I will come when your Wellsprings will spread outward everyone have a very good convention to your thank you.
Addressing the Personal and Emotional Needs of Our Community and Answering the Most Pressing Questions of Our Lives -- from the Perspective of Chassidic Thought. TOPICS: • Chassidus Applied to Rosh Hashana 5780 0:08 • Lessons from 25 Elul and Netzavim 11:58 • Since a person’s amount of income is determined on Rosh Hashana, does it make any difference how many hours we invest in work? 15:34 • Can we call G-d a "She"? 25:29 • If the Torah forbids tattooing because one's body belongs to G-d, why then is ear piercing or other body piercing allowed? 28:55 • How can I find kosher Jewish poetry to replace poetry coming from other sources? 34:02 • Should women be drinking l’chaim? 38:46 • Follow up (episode 276): Images of women 43:21 • Chassidus question: 1) Was the creation in Tishrei or in Nissan? 2) Tanya Iggeres Hakodesh 16: Since charity is considered as a loan to G-d, isn’t G-d's manifold repayment ribis (interest), which is forbidden? 48:48 • My Life 2019 essays:     o Plagued by Indecision: How to Make the Right Choices, Leah Goldman, 21, Oklahoma City, OK 01:02:53     o איך לא לדחות למחר- ב3 מדרגות, Dani Faivish, 19, Naharia, Israel; 01:04:31     o ין שום דבר קבוע ותמידי מלבד השינוי, Bracha Roitenburd, 19, Chadera, Israel 01:06:12 Submit your question now at or email: [email protected]. EMAIL US: [email protected] MyLife: Chassidus Applied is a series of video webcasts answering questions from the public, with the objective of demonstrating how Chassidus provides us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offers us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. MyLife is brought to you by the Meaningful Life Center as a public service, free of charge.
Welcome to the Berkeley Innovation podcast. This series is brought to you by the sitar just Center for entrepreneurship and Technology s c-- y-- t-- on the thriving Campus of the University of California Berkeley Hello friends. This is Stephen Torres your host on this journey of entrepreneurial Innovation and Technology leadership on this episode were joined by a very special guest it Glock sidhu Chief scientist and founding director of the sitar just Center forBen technology also the ieo are emerging area Professor. He's a world-class expert in real life Technology Innovation and Leadership. He invented the technology used in Skype and other internet communications with over 75 patents. He's academically trained yet highly focused on application. Dr. Sid who developed the data X lab course and framework for Rapid implementation of digital transformation. Nation he serves on many advisory boards and created the entrepreneurship and Technology Focus areas at the number one University in the world Berkeley. He was recently awarded the 2018 major education Innovation award by the IEEE educational activities board for his contributions in entrepreneurship pedagogy and Innovative teaching methods. It really is a pleasure to have him on this episode. So we clocked thank you for joining us really a pleasure having you on the show. Let's start off. Give us a little history of SCE T the sitar just Center how it all got started. All right, great. Thanks. Great to be here on your podcast and the center how it started. So 2005 is when the center got started and it started really from pretty humble beginnings. It was just one room and one person and and actually that would be me and you know, what happened when we started was that the College of Engineering and The Advisory Board of the College of Engineering up till that point had been requesting the dean and the college and kind of guiding the whole institution that engineering should be broader that it shouldn't be only solving a Problem, you know the question is should engineer's not be involved in understanding why that is the problem going earlier in the in the process of what is the Innovation to to be created and overall. It should it not go into even leading and managing whatever the Innovation is, that would be created. So it's basically a request for interdisciplinary for multidisciplinary for Innovation for entrepreneurship for all those things to Broaden, what would be the engineering education interesting? And so with that kind of input it was Richard Newton the dean at that time in 2005 who thought that an entrepreneurship Center would make a lot of sense and it would be kind of a starting point for all of these activities that would happen within the College of Engineering towards that broadening kind of mission. Do you know what it was like on campus? Entrepreneurship at that time. Yeah, it entrepreneurship was really a different thing at that time people used to start companies and by people I mean a faculty used to start companies, but it was something that they did secretly and in private. So Berkeley always had a lot of innovation output. But so many of the ventures that faculty were involved with were not as publicized. It was kind of a things that people are doing on their own and And kind of separate from what they're supposed to be doing as part of being the University was that intentional or was that just something that happened by default as a legacy at the University here? I don't know intentional not I think there was a culture maybe across the campus that was, you know, very socially oriented culture and possibly a government University perspective that If a person is working on a company than they're not working on whatever is their job it's later on that this whole thing changed. It really turned upside down. If you look at the University today, you've got the president of the entire ten campus system saying entrepreneurship is one of the key drivers of the whole university system. And in fact many Studies have come out one of which that I know particularly says that those faculty Who start companies and are involved with new Ventures are actually more productive even as researchers. They have more Publications and they have more impact in all kinds of other ways. So definitely the whole there's a huge shift that's happened during this course of time, but at that time when we first started there were a much smaller group of people that understood the value of Entrepreneurship and maybe this entrepreneurial Innovation and how It should be part of research and how it should be part of academics one person who really did understand that was Richard Newton and we were fortunate to have him as Dean at that time because he had not only been a world-class academic as in he was in electrical engineering department. He was the head of the department at one time. He had become the dean. So like he had a great track record, but in parallel to all of that he has started two companies one of which is synopsis, which is a major corporation exists today, and then he was an investor and he was a limited partner in in Mayfield The Venture fund and in then later in another venture fund and he was very well integrated into the Silicon Valley entrepreneurial community and he understood both sides the academic side and he understood the venture. And Entrepreneurship side that tends to be rare in Academia. You don't necessarily see that a lot. It's true. I think he was exemplary in you know, very few people can reach that level in both categories. I will say that, you know, most universities are similar in this category, which is 95 97 percent depending on where you go a faculty thinking about new Ventures is not their primary objective. Objective their researchers, right and they're they're measured on and they're focused on different things and there's a few, you know this two to five percent and it doesn't matter if you're a Stanford or Berkeley or MIT or you know, any university around the world. There is this percentage that are interested in both and and in fact those few that are are very prolific. Don't just start one company, they start another one and then their research leads to another one and another one and surprisingly all of their students. Maybe not all but you know, many of their students then become entrepreneurs as well. I mean, they really go out and grow up in a research environment that is oriented towards starting Ventures and they learn the behaviors and the techniques they get it directly from the faculty. So these few faculty who Who are entrepreneurial in this way they pass along entrepreneurial behaviors in mindsets even while they're teaching their students on Research topics. So and that's obviously something you brought to the table as well. I'm curious. What what brought you then to Berkeley. Did you see this? Was it talking to Richard knew? What was it that attracted you here in the first place? Yeah. I was definitely recruited by Richard Newton. He had a vision that we had to have a program like this my own background is that I had I had done my PhD in electrical engineering and I had gone back into industry for you know, close to 10 years or approximately 10 years and I had a very successful career prolific career in Industry. I was three comes inventor of the year I had I think by now. I have some 75 patents and various areas from networking and Communications and so forth and and I had also been part of the executive team of a new Venture and you know grew that Venture and went through the entire process of you know, building it. And at that point I made a switch and I actually went back into academics and I went to University of Illinois as a visiting Professor first and there coincidentally half of my job became to grow and manage something called a technology entrepreneurship Center something very similar to what was going to be developed. At Berkeley and the logic my logic was that after all the experiences that I had had an industry, very real experiences of building businesses. I was aware of at least some gaps that I didn't learn in school and I learned them in practice in what you'll some softly consider the real world and I thought well, okay if I go back into academics I could make this. Full circle I could fill those gaps. I could bring back what I thought wasn't being taught so that the education the completeness of the education could start earlier and that people could be more prolific or more capable as they got out with this broader version of education and and that program in Illinois. I grew it and ran it for three years at which time Richard Newton found me there. And he said well if you can grow a program successfully like this in Illinois, just imagine what you could do. If you were in the Bay Area and at UC Berkeley and that logic made a certain amount of sense to me as well as him and that was basically how I ended up here and and part of you know that the full story is just basically I wanted to bring what I had learned and the gaps that were filled those things. That I learned in Industry back into academics and that was really my primary motivator. Was there any specifics why Berkeley why Berkeley? I think at the time this idea of adding at the time this idea of adding entrepreneurship Innovation broader skills into engineering it was starting to emerge or starting to happen across the Engineering universities in us and then also a little bit later around the rest of the world and and I could see it at one or two institutions and and it was just the right timing with Berkeley because their Advisory Board had been asking for this and they didn't have such a program yet and so could call it Serendipity or you know, was it fate? Was it just going to happen? I don't know but the timing was right. And 2005 that's how I ended up here. Gotcha. And now when you first came in, what was it like building the center because the curriculum didn't exist the whole BMO e that we know now wasn't there and that was kind of putting it all together. So tell us a little bit about that. Yes. So when we first started the center there were two components and starting the center. One of them was that I advise. Report was created and it had great people in it and that included John Burke stone. For example who really pulled that Advisory Board together and was teaching in the very original courses of the center. I remember him. Well, yes, the really the first of the entrepreneurship classes that was offered and but it but it had you know So others on that board and it was a very well-connected board. So, you know Michael marks who was the CEO Flextronics and Jim Davidson who is co-founder of Silverlake the private Equity Firm and other people both from the college as well as an industry. And this was necessary like we needed The Advisory Board to be able to connect to all the rest of Silicon Valley and to have Flow of people and information the second component was where we started with the curriculum and we just mentioned John John had been a product of Harvard Harvard Business School and he brought with him the philosophy of Harvard's entrepreneurship program. And so originally when we offered the classes we did them as Harvard case type of material so we built At the curriculum out of not our own materials, but out of the materials that were available to us, but we could do one thing mostly because of the Advisory Board and that was and also because of our location and that was that we could bring the people who were in those cases live into the classroom. So if it was for example the case on Flextronics Michael marks, who was the CEO Flextronics who happened to be on our Advisory Board? Actually come and be live in the class and he could speak against the case. He could say this part is true. This Parts not exactly right and let me tell you what's really going on and all of that type of discussion. It was just fantastic actually and I'm really cutting edge in engineering because engineering courses didn't typically have this right you'd have those may be in business but for engineers to actually be exposed to this. Pedagogy was really unique. It was an amazing experience. It's what drove our curriculum numbers to go from 50 to 700 in the matter of a couple of years bringing these very real people in you know, they're all such unique people because they are entrepreneurs right and and it's not just the logical part of what they can tell you because that's in the case, but the way they see the world their behaviors how they Act two things what patterns they notice those things are coming from them and they're not coming from the case. And there was a whole nother level of information that we realized was going on when we were inviting these people not to mention students who would sit in the class and say, oh I just watched the CEO Flextronics in class today if they happen to go interview at Flextronics, they could literally say, oh I was talking to the CEO right and you know it say You know complete new reality, you know for them. So but getting back to the speakers and what they were adding so so after a while what we realized was that that but the Harvard case was good, but what the speakers were bringing was even better and that maybe we didn't even need the Harvard case. And we started think what is it? That's so interesting about these speakers and we finally ended up writing a paper called Berkeley method of Entrepreneurship, which listed what we believed were characteristics of entrepreneurs and innovators. And and what we then started to do was we still and and even today we use cases in our classes. And we invite speakers still in our classes. But what we realize is that these behaviors and the mindset that they were bringing we could first identify what it is and then we could find ways to transfer those things into students and that became the Hallmark or the core of what is Berkeley method of Entrepreneurship today. It's a way that a student can or a team of students. Goes through a journey during a semester while they work on their project that's you know called in situation while they're in that situation. They are self reflecting on what is going right and wrong on multiple levels including their own personal nature to the strategy of the company to the way that communication is being done and this and in this self-reflective or inductive process of learning. They are growing and their company is growing and they are picking up absorbing the entrepreneurial or Innovative behaviors in that Journey or in that process. So this was a change that we started probably, you know. Three or four years into the original curriculum and over time. We employ that across more and more, you know wide number of our course types, but most strongly in what is called a challenge Labs a particular segment of courses where students pursue a entrepreneurial opportunity and in that process they pick up these mindsets and Years, and certainly Berkeley method of Entrepreneurship is taught there is of course also taught in our Berkeley method of Entrepreneurship bootcamp, which is a one-week experience at the beginning of each semester and it's taught A variation of it is even taught to Executives from Google Yahoo network appliances Samsung Cisco Apple so forth that attend our executive programs. We actually call it something slightly different. We call it Berkeley method of in Aviation leadership. That is it's not exactly the same there's some differences when you're in an organization and not in a group of just three or four people and Unbound by the rest of the rules of the company, but this method of developing people as part of the education. This is carried through with us widely across all of our programs. It really makes our programs unique. And defines how we teach entrepreneurship and Innovation today. When you start looking at the landscape, you know, obviously a lot of universities teach entrepreneurship. Could you speak to the you know, and you mentioned this when you talk about the difference between a start-up and maybe working an innovation could you share with us? What are those? You know that we don't want to get into the whole. Whole, you know teaching methodology, but what are the key differentiators that those Executives that these companies when they send someone to us? What are they looking for them to learn because you would think that a company say Google or Facebook. They know everything right? There's this perception that well Google they're the best out there or Cisco or Intel, you know, they've had this history they know what to do. So what are they gleaning through this method? They wouldn't have otherwise just an industry. Okay, so there's a couple layers to what happens in one of our executive programs for example in the ELP P or entering leadership professional program and it's exactly the type of program that you're talking about where Google and Facebook and apple have all sent people in there and do send people so the first is this is a version of broadening MBA like materials that an engineering leader is not likely to take and not likely to have had in another place. So so if they're not going to invest in a full MBA and they've grown up in a technical organization, these are just things that are very helpful to them for them to know as they rise up in their positions and there's not another kind of more effective and Tuned way that is targeted for the context of engineering for them to get these things. So that includes things like technology strategy marketing and product management topics operations leadership personal development topics relating to communication. Those are the types of things that had a logical level at content level are covered in a course like this and another level. There is what that what the job requires from the person and basically what the company needs the person to do, but there's also the idea of career development or personal development for the person who's in it. So for them to understand that the things that made them successful up till today are not necessarily the things. Going to make them successful next right and you can first go through the thought process of what is it that you actually want and if you want to do exactly what you've been doing. You could even regress and go back to when you were an engineer working on a project just by yourself and without other teams and people coordinating with you and perhaps those skills that got you successful there would be Fine, but as you rise up and as you aspire to do new things there's other capabilities. And in fact, there's behaviors and ways of seeing the world and mindset that now are necessary to not just the logical part, but it's even a how you will behave and act and and see the world in order to pursue those opportunities and to be successful in those those other opportunities. So to Seeing what those are and how to develop them as people. It's a career development process of a sort. Well, I think that's really fascinating because I think those are all things, you know, if you just look at the headlines, sometimes there are skills somehow that are not being imparted in our leadership whether it be in Tech or you know, all types of other industry and to have a program that actually does that right that can impart those skills that it has that kind of entrepreneurial Journey if you will as well as that leadership Journey intertwined, I think For you get a lot of magic happening. At least from what I've observed. Yeah. So I've seen this we've been doing this program for a number of years and I've seen a number of paths and versions of how this all works. One thing that I'll say is that we have to do it first from a logical and content view point and then later from a behavioral point of view in other words, if we start with soft skills people say, oh, this is a Very soft class this this material is not related to what I'm doing every day. So we usually start with things that are in Harvard cases which start with Frameworks we under start with strategy topics and and they start to realize okay, there's things that I've never thought about there's ways to analyze these things and it feeds the logical part of what they want from the program and then there's a point where they say. Oh, I think I understand which direction I should go on a project or I think I understand what would be good for the company and then they realize the rest of this is not about what they know. The rest of this is whether other people who work with them will go along in that same direction and then all of a sudden these softer skills become incredibly important, right? And so you basically transition from what we'll call the more harder skills to the soft. Your skills and you do it at the right timing and then you can really put these things together. Right? Let me tell you a little story and I've seen this from all kinds of very high-profile companies like Facebook and Google and so forth. So usually when companies are very successful and they're in their early stage of being successful. They have this belief that they know everything right that there's nothing that they could possibly learn from anyone else because They are at the Leading Edge of whatever they're doing with the technology and and so, you know, sometimes students come in and I can see this this attitude right on their face. They want to express how great the things they are doing are and after a little while what I notice after about three or four weeks into the class after we bring in experienced Executives, and we connected into the cases. they start to realize that the same problems they're having right now are there problems that these Executives have faced 10 years ago and 20 years ago and even 30 years ago and that oh my goodness, you know, the world was not invented today and that their suffering and about to go into all the problems at every other company ever went into and that wow, this is really important to understand right if you Learn to do well and navigate through these things another variation of this. I had one student and he was from Facebook. He was at Facebook at the time and he said I've listened to the suggestions that you've made in terms of innovation and starting new projects and things like that. And he says I'll tell you that it's really against my natural way of working and like I would normally never do this, but I I've had about five projects and they get to a certain stage and then they don't go any further. So I thought one time against my own judgment. I'm going to try your approach. Hmm and my Approach was basically to share the information a little bit earlier than he was normally used to sharing it. And so what he said was he wrote some code that was going to be the beginning of a certain project. And following this advice which he thought would not work at all. But he did it. Anyway, just because somebody in the class me told him that you know, this would be a good approach he put a version of that code on a bulletin board where other people could get access to it and see what he was doing relatively early and he got messages back like yeah. This is not very helpful. It doesn't work in all of these ways. It's not solving the problem that we need solved. However, there was one comment that says, you know, I do know somebody that could actually use this and it's a different group of people and for a different purpose and you should see what they say. So then he moved his code to a different location where those that new Target segment would be and those people started to give him all kinds of constructive feedback. Oh, this is really good, but it needs this and it needs that and he's just started making these changes. judges, he comes back and he tells me this is the first time that I've had my project get so much farther off the ground and I'm getting off this visibility and attention and basically I'm having a success like I've never had before and so even at the Facebook's and Google's one and and all the other companies and apples and everywhere where you think of them as the Leading Edge of innovation and they are not taking anything away from from them that done some great things. But even there they're full of people that can learn from past history and can learn from the behaviors of really good entrepreneurs and it makes their it makes their projects more successful. So that's why they send people right and that ties directly into kind of the teaching methodology of our Labs as well. You know, there's a lot of exciting things happening with the SCT Labs on Serious, what are some of the exciting things in your view right? Now that are happening in those labs? What are they? What's kind of going on there? Could you okay. Yeah, there's a couple things that have been coming together. So one thing is that that about three years ago. I thought it was time to refactor a data science class particularly a technical class where the where what you could build or develop from it has a lot of impact, you know, it's an emerging. Technology area that is data artificial intelligence and machine learning machine learning. So forth all of those things are wrapped up in this idea. And so I thought well what would be an ideal class that you know, I would like to take if I could start over and you know, go to a data science / machine learning type of class. What would I want to take? And so I would want it to be very real? Very Hands-On and practical that you could build whatever in the field you wanted it would have all the current tools whether you know, it's the ones that are used at Google are the ones that are used at any startup company definitely open-ended in terms of the project and what I could make but it wouldn't be missing the theory and you know, you would be able to learn the relevant math and the foundations that would go with that. So I put these things together. And in fact, I refactored the order of the the theory to make it all relative to whether you needed to know it to do the project or to use the tools. And so sometimes there's a foundational Theory but you don't directly need to know it I could wait on that. We're maybe I won't have it at all and the ones that are more connected and more likely to be used in getting your project done. I put those earlier. So this became became something like a hacker's guide to data science and Ai and ML and so forth. And the enrollment on this class popularity overall has been tremendous. We're seeing about 80 percent increase in enrollment every semester of now for four semesters, right? It was 55 the 90 than a hundred thirty-five now, we're around 200 and cumulatively we've had 550 students through the semester that have taken it. So there's a lot of momentum because all of these students are learning a a very valuable skill. It's a hard skill. They're coming up a steep learning curve, but we found a way that they can learn it from an implementation point of view. All of that is feeding what we're doing with our Laboratories. So now we have well technically we have three Laboratories and more are emerging. So we have a data lab and you can see how the students that we're teaching in the data X course the best of them are. Contributing to what happens in the data lab, we're also running a lab in the blockchain area and we have one on meat Alternatives because that's a global sustainability Challenge and we are looking into and I'm sure you'll hear more about all the activity around Sports Tech and there's other areas as well. That are kind of on the horizon for future but the the the course that you're talking about is data X, right? That's that's right. Yeah, the the big course is called a 2X the the technical name of the University of the official name and the university is is applied data science with Venture applications. It's a really long name and when I originally created it. I wanted it to be called Data X. Well, it wasn't suitable in an academic sense to write on the books for the official name of the class. Informally that is what it's known as and people tend to still refer to it that way and are these all graduate students are is this open to undergrads who are technically Savvy who typically takes this it is about 60% undergraduate and forty percent graduate. Students of The Graduate students, we have a lot of Masters students and some PhD students. So really all kinds of people all kinds of students take this class. There's there's a reason why so if you think about the logic we went from the class to a lab. And in fact, we have multiple Labs the labs and the classes they really interact in an important way. We picked lab areas, which are Going to go away in one year or two year data science and and artificial intelligence and machine learning. That's not about to go away blockchain while there's a lot of hype. There's also a lot of actual progress going on and while it needs to be filtered where where we are in reality that is not going to go away the global sustainability challenges relating to food are not going away. All of these things create Industries. They don't just create one company. It's not not just one customer that had one question, but they all enable Industries to grow and with the challenge Labs. We wanted to be able to have questions that our objectives in the challenges that were related to Industry growth or or societal impact and and so when we have a lab we we are able to seed Talent and topics into the challenge labs and those challenge Labs educate students in the best of the students and the best of those projects can end up back in the labs as well. So there's symbiotic with each other. It makes the strategy and it makes our choice of challenges that lead to companies and emerging new Industries systematic. I see so that leaves me then to a question. Where does this all go? What's kind of the long-term? Objective of SCE tea and everything that you're doing with these pedagogical ways and the classes and so forth. What what's that long-term objective? Yeah. Okay. So our fundamental Mission here is Empower is to empower people to change the world students and all the people that we work with and we've we've had a very good track record and there's a lot of companies that have come from here. We tend to say it all starts here. There's a lot that has started here. Right? Whether that's the master of engineering program, whether that's the early incubation that led to Skydeck whether that's really all kinds of programs and then all of the companies whether it's GoGo van or companies that have recently been acquired into Facebook or whoever all of these companies have also started here. So we have this track record of Empowering students and giving them the skills that they need to make impact in the world. And where will we go from here? I think one thing that I've been trying to figure out is is there a space that is not pure engineering and a space that is not pure business but something that is Uniquely in the middle of those two and this is a it's an perhaps an academic area of its own and it is a and it's a skill and a capability that virtually every company organization around the world needs. They have people who are pure Engineers. They have people who are pure Executives and Business Leaders, but at the edge of innovation there's other combinations and how those fit into all these different jobs in companies that are not only high tech companies. But you know, whether you're in construction or you make carpets or whatever there's a part of every company now it is at the edge of technology and at the edge of the of their actual business. So that is one thing that we're pursuing. What is this middle space like in Japan ear. Worship or something like that right the part to name it hard to name it at this stage, but there's something between management and Technology / engineering and we seem to somewhat naturally have fallen into that area. And I think we're going to continue to empower people, you know in this way. I think the other thing that you know in terms of growth threads for the center. I'll say besides doing kind of more of good work that we've been doing is I think I think the nature of our faculty the people who teach these classes having this unique mix of academic experience and background with industry orientation and Channel orientation it leads to a segment of people that bring a different perspective into into education overall. And I think we'll see more of that more of this crossover segment of people who are part of our teaching capability, but can I answer actually there's one other big thing where I should we're going and that is The way that we can engage industry projects for the purpose of both Education and Research Now that we are doing what we're doing with both labs and education that capability is really growing and and I think we're going to do a lot more there and let me just clarify that to get the understanding of it. So for a long time, we've been teaching people. How to change their mindset and behavior to be ready for entrepreneurship and Innovation and we have 1500 students a year that come through our classes and we do this so they take their original skills, but now they have this new mindset and behavior and a lot of Entrepreneurship is that kind of mindset and behavior plus really good team formation. Really? Good mixing up the right people you You take that and you intersect it with our interest in these technical emerging areas, whether that's data aai blockchain so forth or whether it's what's happening in terms of Industry changes in the world and that can be Sports Tech or whatever segment is is being affected and why it's being affected, you know industry orientation, but you take this ability to do really high. Quality team formation with experts that have you know, knowledge and the end this you know, right mindset this team formation with the right mindset and you intersect it with the ability to work with companies in these very specific emerging technology areas. And I think we're going to see we're already starting to see applied research projects and Industry. A connection that really the whole university all of academics has never seen before and there's a lot of Promise in our ability to educate students in a way that they've never been educated before and to be a conduit to the rest of the world in a way that academics has not really been connected before so I think there's really something powerful there. Wow, that's awesome. If someone wants to engage with the center, what's the best way for them to You reach out to the center be engaged. I would say come to our website take a look at our how to connect to our mailing list because there's a lot that goes on and you'll at least get updated who's coming what new projects are we doing? And then from the center depending on who you are in if you're interested in our engineering leadership program or executive types of programs. There's a part of the site that lets you, see what It's going on there. If you're a student definitely take a look at our curriculum from an industry perspective contact us. If there's things in these areas data a AI digital transformation. If you're interested in being being part of the solution within your own company and connecting with resources at Berkeley. You can contact contact us for that as well. Right? We even have researchers from all over the world coming in doing things. Absolutely, great part of our job of connecting to the whole rest of the world. And that website is SCE T dot, right? Exactly. Okay. So, how about what is a song that you've been listening to lately that relates do I really have to answer this? Yes. Oh my God a song that I've been listening to later a tryout think it's the last song that I listened to the promise. I'll listen to NPR on the way over here. So that's not helping me with songs. And you know, this is not the answer that you're thinking of but frankly I am hearing more Bollywood songs. Okay, then English songs these days because my kids all listen to and like to hear Bollywood and Indian music songs. Connected with the movies and just otherwise indents things. So I'm going to leave it as a category. Is there some Curious so I don't listen to Bollywood songs. So, is there a Bollywood song out there that I should listen to what's a good one? I don't I'm not yeah, I don't hear you. It has to be a good one. Is there a good one? I don't know. I can tell you that my kids like things by a Grue runs Ava who I'm David. Yeah, and and then you know, there's a whole sequence of songs that come from movies if you if you are aware of Bollywood you could go Back to math hoonah, or you can go to well you could go to Namaste London or you could go to there's a lot of kind of very popular and very watchable even from a western point of view Bollywood movies and everyone has you know, every one of those has like six songs in it each one of them will have at least one like hit so there's a lot of awesome for I'll have to check them out a Glock. Thank you so much for Joining us on the podcast that look at you. Thank you. Begin Again
Episode #1  Faculty Insight Interview with Professor Ikhlaq Sidhu, PhD, Chief Scientist & Faculty Director of Berkeley Engineering's Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology (SCET). In this episode, Dr. Sidhu discusses the history of SCET on campus at U.C. Berkeley. System today 06:03 - About Former Engineering Dean Richard Newton 07:19 - The 95-97% of Faculty vs the 3-5% of Faculty regarding New Ventures and their impact on students 08:40 - What brought Dr. Sidhu to Berkeley 12:01 - Why Berkeley 12:59 - Building SCET 16:20 - The way entrepreneurs see the world 17:25 - Characteristics of entrepreneurs and innovators - Berkeley Method and transfer to students 19:35 - Challenge labs 20:50 - The key differentiators for innovators to learn 25:38 - Logic & content first, then soft skills 27:01 - Stories of executive learning 31:30 - What's next for SCET labs - Real, Practical ML AI Data Science classes; the hackers guide class 36:40 - Challenge lab objectives - Talent & Topics 37:50 - Long-term objective of SCET 41:45 - Engaging Industry projects 44:15 - How to engage with SCET 45:30 - Fun! Be sure to check out Professor Sidhu's new book, Innovation Engineering: A Practical Guide to Creating Anything New.
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We're going to be talking about the process of how to become a day trader. So for those of you that do not know me, my name is Carter far I have been day trading for roughly two and a half years and I've grown multiple accounts from you know 1500. Hitting a high of roughly fourteen to fifteen thousand and right now we're building that up to bypass the PDT Rule and now we're going to put that into our main account. So really you guys can check me out on YouTube. You guys can check me out on pretty much any platform here and you guys can see all my trades and everything like that just so you guys know I'm not some scammer out there trying to trying to lure you in and get your money, but Bernie talking about the process of how I became a stock Trader some mistakes. I have made and really what I would recommend doing. So the very first thing you guys got to do if you guys have any interest in you know, the stock market or anything like that is you need to open up a TD Ameritrade account. I think TD Ameritrade is the best by far the best stock broker that you can get now the reason why I say this Is because they have retirement accounts. They have paper trading. They have real-time trading they have everything you could ever ask for and now they just released their commission-free so you don't have to spend money. You can do like the one share challenge you can do a ton of things for it. So once you open an account, the very next thing you're going to want to do is get education, you know, the reason why we opened that account is for the paper trading simulation. They have a Real-time paper trading simulator on it. So you can once you start understanding, you know trading you can Implement implement the strategies and the everything you've learned you can Implement in the paper trading simulator. So that's that's why we're using TD Ameritrade because there's a lot of Brokers and a lot of paper trading brokers out there that charge you maybe two or three hundred dollars a month and you know your kind of beginner Traders so you don't have a lot of you know Capital to put up for it and just want to see if you like it. So I think TD Ameritrade is the best because if you don't like it, you can still put money away towards retirement and it's just an overall awesome thing. So the very next thing, you know, we kind of veered off topic and topic for a minute, but the very next thing is education education is key. It's by far the most important thing you can you can you know do as a beginner Trader is to learn Learn is to learn as much as you can is to learn, you know, pretty much as not as fast as you can but almost you know, you want to retain all the information and rather than just reading a book and all right. Let's go trade. You know you the way I think of it is you got to look at trading as a career. You can't look at it as a hobby. You can't look at it as something just to do, you know on your free time. The reason why is do you think a heart doctor reads a book and then goes and does a heart surgery know they it takes practice takes education. It takes all of that all of that stuff in the same thing when it comes with trading the absolutely the same thing. So once you once you begin to, you know, get some education under your belt and you know, that could be anything guys anything from watching YouTube videos listening to this podcast listening to this podcast already shows that you have. Interest in it. So the next step is to open up paper trading simulation account in and to get as much education as possible and you can get it by taking courses. I'll put my course down below. It's like five dollars. It's super cheap training courses reading books. You can do anything. There's a ton of information out there my course you can find probably all of it. If you search all of those things up, you can probably find I probably talked about in my YouTube video, but what's going to make it a lot? It easier is it's all it's all going to be in one spot. And if you have any questions, then you can ask somebody who's done it before and it, you know students who's done it before so that's what courses do that's what my course does is that it puts everything on one spot and makes it easier for new traders to learn. So, you know, once you start getting education, that's one thing that's never going to die even myself. I try to learn as much as possible about the markets before I trade I try to learn as much as possible. Possible about everything when it comes to trading because I want to be one step ahead of my enemy. My enemy is going to be you you're going to be the person who I'm fighting for shares with who I'm going to try to out, you know out trade and you're just going to you're going to be my enemy that's just part of it and so once you get that you start learning the next thing is to find a strategy so really once you start reading and trading and paper tray, Adding really just paper trading. You shouldn't be using real money for like a year. That's my recommendation. But once you once you start learning, okay, so you're going to start paper trading during this paper trading time. You're going to develop a strategy. This strategy is probably going to be a whole bunch of garbage and it won't work and that's fine. That's completely fine. And you just got to keep working at It Go on YouTube look up day trading strategies gone my YouTube channel. Look up Carter far day trading strategies. Just look that up right on YouTube and I'm sure I've had I have a video because I have like 500 videos that talk about my Straight trading strategy and you know, once you get that don't just use someone else's what I recommend is grab bits and pieces from everybody's you know, that's what I did. I learned a lot from you know, Ross Cameron. I learned a lot from Ricky Gutierrez. I learned a lot from pretty much everybody out there and because I wanted to be different I don't want to be just like everybody else. I wanted to have my own my own niche in my own, you know advantage in the market. So that's what I started doing. But so once you start doing that you're going to want to look at your trading strategy as like writing a writing an essay and you the first that your first strategy is going to be a rough draft. Okay, you're going to try it you're going to do it. And yeah, maybe sometimes you might make some money and sometimes you might lose some money and that's completely fine. So after you know two or three Let's go back and revise your draft now during this time. Same thing. Go look at your daily Recaps. Look at what's working. What's not tweak your strategy. Once you tweak it do that again trade for one two to three months. Whatever you guys choose once you do that go back and look at your strategy. And what's going to happen is you're going to you're going to push out things that aren't working. You know, you're going to learn patterns like the bull flag pattern both flag. Pattern is the pattern I nail almost every day, you know, and I know okay. This chart doesn't have a bull flag. I'm not going to trade it. And the thing is I'm completely completely fine with just sitting back and watching a trade play out. You know II used to have this feeling that you know, I wanted to be in the trade. I wanted to be in the trade, but I didn't know what was going on and that's what caused a lot of my money to be down, you know a lot of losses and Soon realized after a couple months of paper trading that I I was losing a ton of money just from a simple mistake of not, you know, not being patient or not letting a trade play out and that was very interesting for me. So it's that's why I took a step back and looked at all this stuff. I looked at all of my trades everything. I would just look up the the stock and one thing that I love about TD Ameritrade is they have this on Demand program so it's like it's like it's like Comcast with their on demand. You can go back and look at previous TV, you know, T previous shows. It records all the stocks what happened that day so you can go back and see how a trade played out and where you entered where you exit and pretty much what you did wrong. It's called On Demand if you're if you're just sitting down write that down just so you guys know and then okay, so once you kind of You know figure out a strategy one thing that you guys have to realize is your your strategy always changes. It changes every single day. The reason why is because the market changes every day if the market was the same every single day everybody would be making money in it. But since it changes a lot of people think they leave their strategy the same and that's completely wrong. That's why I ton of Traders fail is because one day they make $200 they make Make three or four hundred dollars, whatever it is, you know and then the next day they do the same strategy, but one thing they don't realize is today. It's a little slower of a market market died down, you know after previous hot day, which is very common market died down and they went in balls blazing with 3000 shares and the stock failed. You know, it's very common rather than looking at the pre-market cappers. Okay, the highest Gaffers 20% yesterday was a 60% Okay, so it must be a little slow. Or a day, you know, we just have to keep the on mind. One thing. I recommend is getting some sort of Journal Journal write down your trades right down the stocks you're watching. That's what literally I have a journal. It's my YouTube and trading journal in podcast Journal. Don't forget you. Don't worry. I got a podcast journal to but and I talked about all and I really write down all of the all of the you know stocks that I'm looking at because then you know or the stocks that I trade as well I do both and then the Next day I go back. Okay, leaving gapper was 35% today. We have a 70% gapper. Maybe the markets picking back up. So people are more interested in buying and we can really look at we can be a little more aggressive today than yesterday. That's why I'm telling you that can be an edge for you guys to make more money. So, alright. So now once you guys kind of you get your trading strategy, what's the next thing you do is you pick you pretty much just start trading and you might be saying oh, oh, you know, that's so simple. Well, here's the deal. You gotta treat trading like a business. Okay. So I recommend getting the premium day trading scanner of trade ideas. I'll put a link down below for you guys to check it out. But the reason why I talk about trade idea so much and so many of my videos. Is because of one thing is because it makes you money and that's the bottom line. That's the bottom line with trading. That's the bottom line with pretty much everything. Okay, when it comes to the stock market everybody's greedy and everybody, you know just wants to make money. So trade ideas really what they do is they scan the entire Stock Market within milliseconds. This isn't it? This is not an ad or anything like that. They scan the market. Okay, and they see what stocks is. And moving they see what the stocks that are moving and the stocks that hit your criteria. So if that's a you have a hive day scanner, it's going to be showing you the stocks that are hitting their high of day. Okay, and you obviously can win it down with float and everything like that. So you're looking at stocks with low flow at high volume in that are that's moving up. Boom. You pull that up put that in you know on your charts. You're ready to go you ready to go. So and yeah, it's kind of expensive. It's a hundred and eighteen dollars a month. Okay, and You know, I think if I think everybody should get it. I don't care if you make $5 a day and that just barely covers the Trinity as cost because I'm telling you once you get it if that's a you're making $5 a day without it. You could easily be making maybe 30 or 50 dollars a day with it. It's very it's in a crucial tool with training, you know, it's called trade ideas. Okay, so really, you know, one thing that I made a mistake on to and I think you guys should realize it. It is I had a difficult time not learning from my previous mistakes with trading. So if that's a I made a trade and I lost money that next day. I would make this same trade, you know with a different, you know the different company and I'll lose money and I kept doing it and I was like, oh my gosh, you know what is going on in so I how I I soon realized I need to start doing trade Recaps. Okay, so, you know, maybe I'm done with the market at you know, maybe Traded for an hour, you know, 10:30 11 o'clock rolls around and I say okay, you know, I was down $100 today. What did I do? And I went back and looked at it on and I why did I trade this? You know, there was a clear resistance there. Why did I do that? And then the next day the what I did the next day is I did the same thing. So I had a difficult time learning from my from my previous mistakes, but once I start started doing trade Recaps, I soon realized okay. I need to change. This up and I you know, that was one of the bigger steps for me in my training, but I really think it's super important for everybody to think of trading as a business not a not a hobby, but I think we're going to hop off the podcast here. If you guys want to join us you guys can check out a link down below and you guys can come on we can chat you guys don't even have to come we can do it all over the whatever you guys want to use we can use, you know Skype we can use anything you want. So link will be down below for that if you guys want to check it out, so that is it though if you guys are driving to work, or if you guys are just chilling. Have a great day. We'll see you guys tomorrow or what day is today. We'll see you guys probably Monday with another episode. Remember to always stay happy stay positive, and I hope you guys have a great rest of your day. Take care.
The Process of How to Become a Day Trader In this episode I explain the process of how to become a day trader (stock trader). I tell you my experiences and how to become the best stock trader ! 🏴SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL 🏴 To get daily video updates and to follow along on carter farrs DayTrading Journey!    💻 DAY TRADING SCANNER 💻 Find out more about the Scanner I use Trade Ideas here-  🕴️Free Chat Room 🕴️ Join the community over 150 members  📱FACEBOOK GROUP 📱 Come join FREE DayTrading Facebook Group!  🎤Join the podcast 🎤  💰$5 Day Trading Course💰 Come join the MVP-Trading Academy's team of members!   ☢️ TOP VIDEOS TO WATCH ABOUT DAY TRADING ☢️   Trade Ideas Scanner Review 2019:  Robinhood vs Moomoo | Best Day Trading App:  Thinkorswim Tutorial for Beginner 2019:   The Process of How to Become a Day Trader,Process of How to Become a Day Trader,How to Become a Day Trader,Become a Day Trader,Day Trader,stock market,stock trading,day trading --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hello and welcome. Thanks for listening to the embodied astrology horoscopes for Sagittarius season in 2019. My name is Renee. I'm a Consulting astrologer and somatic intuitive. These horoscopes are meant to Aid you in your healing and help connect you with your highest self as you listen, please listen with an open mind and appreciate the symbols and suggestions take what works for you and leave the rest. Remember that these horoscopes are describing General energy for each sign and it's up to you to get specific. Feel free to associate what I say to what is relevant for you.At their best horoscopes work as pieces of mystical advice and sacred symbolism. Let them spark your imagination and stimulate your intuition. I suggest that you listen to the horoscopes for your son and your rising signs. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask what's your sign it has to do with the time of year. You were born your rising sign has to do with the time of day. You were born in the place. You were born. If you know your birth information, you can find out what your rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website embodied in the horoscopes. Section along with your horoscope. Make sure it'll take a listen to Heart of Sky a dark rift the embodied astrology episode for Sagittarius season where you can learn much more about the amazing sign Sagittarius as an energy in your chart and how to understand and work with it. You can find this episode links in the show notes from my website or as a separate track on your favorite listening Platforms in these horoscopes. You'll learn about how Sagittarius works for your son or your rising sign and I'll offer some suggestions for working with the new and full moons this month as well as a Other important planetary transits there is so much more going on with astrology and the next month though to learn about all of the planetary aspects and lunar phases this month. Please become a subscriber you can subscribe by donation at any amount per month and will receive access to my expanded month ahead interpretations as well as a principal calendar and Astro journal to help you work with astrology and your day-to-day life subscribers also receive big discounts on my year ahead birthday reports and online classes. All of my audio horoscopes guided meditations and podcasts are offered for Free if this work benefits you and your life, please consider making a one-time or recurring donation to help keep it going. Please share it with your family and friends and leave five star reviews on iTunes, SoundCloud and Spotify. Thank you so much for tuning in. Please wait for a brief message and I'll be right back with your horoscope. Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on. Modify Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place learn more about it and download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started. Hey everyone. Did you know that embodied astrology is on Spotify on Spotify? You can listen to all of your favorite artists and and podcasts in one place for free and you don't even need a premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcasts like embodied astrology and never miss an episode. You can download all the episodes and listen offline, wherever you are. You can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends on social media if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app. For embodied astrology save it and browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me on social media on Instagram add embodied astrology. So you'll never miss an episode because you want to catch them all don't you? Hello Libra. Thank you so much for listening. This is your audio horoscope and month ahead forecast for Sagittarius. Season, Sagittarius season begins on November 22nd, when the sun moves into the sign Sagittarius, but a couple of days before on November 20th Mercury will turn direct now mercury has been retrograde since October 31st, but Mercury retrograde cycle started all the way back on October 11th when Mercury passed the place in the sky It would return to and its retrograde. So on the 20th and we'll be back at that same place turn indirect and then it will spend the next couple of weeks making up all of that space and time that it took in the retrograde. Now this period of time is called the shadow phase and when Mercury is in its shadow phase it is an important time to be aware of what is coming up in terms of Revelation or Lucien from the retrograde cycle Mercury was retrograde in the sign Scorpio in your solar second house and both Scorpio and the second house are closely associated to issues of money and resources as well as values and insecurities so over the course of the last couple weeks. Just consider what have you been working with when it comes to your relationship to self esteem your relationship to your own values your value structure is your value. Systems also your exchanges with others the ways that you share resources or share money and the deeper feelings that have our or so often do a company issues of money and resources and these deeper feelings around self worth around again, your value systems may have been stirred up over Mercury retrograde cycle and from November 20th. And until December 7th. Mercury will be interpreted. In that last part of its cycle in what's called The Shadow phase. So please make sure to use that time to notice how things are starting to play out in terms of any important or relevant issues that Mercury retrograde seems to bring up for you now on December 9th Mercury will move into Sagittarius. And as I said the sun moves into this part of your chart on November 22nd, Sagittarius rules your solar third house and for you this place in Our chart has everything to do with your mind how your mind tells you stories about your experiences your inner narrator what you're conditioned to observe through your senses of perception. What you pick up on with your site with your vision with your interpretations of what's going on in the world around you how you explain to yourself what's going on how you learn about your environments and especially how you communicate and And share your experiences with others this place in their chart has so much to do with sharing information how you receive information how you process it and how you share it now Sagittarius is a sign that likes to go far fast. It's interested in the big picture. It doesn't necessarily really love all the details. So over the course of this month. I'd love to encourage you to find a balance between the details and the big Sure to notice how your mind likes to move. Does it like to jump into some new idea really fast kind of go 1 to 10 or you kind of more of a methodical step-by-step person as you notice the movement of your mind notice how open minded you are to New Opportunities and to new ideas Sagittarius loves opportunities and it loves ideas, but it can also get very opinionated. Donated and stuck in its ways. So as the sun and Mercury both Grace is part of your chart. This is a wonderful time to practice open-mindedness to practice curiosity to put yourself in circumstances or situations where you're exposed to new and different information that will encourage you to open your mind and expand your perspective on November 26. There's a new moon at three degrees of Sagittarius the new moon and the new moon. Faye is from New Moon to Full. Moon is a growing time. So this is a time when energetically it's a wonderful period to plant seeds literally and also metaphorically. This is a great time to call in what you're trying to cultivate especially in this area of your life. I like to think of the new moon X as X to set intentions for the next 12 months of my life from one new moon in Sagittarius to the next there's typically Lee one new moon and every sign per year so consider what are you working on when it comes to communication when it comes to your relationship with your mind your mental habits your mental patterns when it comes to how you perceive and perception of course has to go through the filter of our own bias. And so what are you working on in terms of your bias your projections how you are kind of expecting? Others to communicate with you how you're expecting the world to exhibit itself to you. Typically we get what we expect we expect to see something and so we'll look for it during Sagittarius season. It's an awesome time for you to notice if your strategies are working for you or if like so many of us you experience anxiety or negativity or doubt and those are kind of influencing. Your perceptions and the ways that you're perceiving your interactions or the world around you it might be worth just having an experiment to see what happens if you really try and work with your mind and your perceptions is also a really great time for you to be very intentional with your Communications Sagittarius in general is a good-natured sign. So the more that you can communicate from a place of good nature Dennis the better there is Caution with Sagittarius though is that it moves really fast and it kind of jumps into the answer often times without giving enough time for the question. So as you're communicating with others, of course being that good-natured enthusiastic space if you can but also try and give yourself time now, this is especially important as we get to the full moon on December 11th. There's a full moon at 19 degrees of Gemini and this full Moon occurs in Or solar ninth house. And this is the the part of your chart that relates to the 9th sign the night sign is Sagittarius. So we've got an access of learning that's lit up in your chart with this full moon the axis of perception wisdom the search for truth the search for higher meaning now this full moon looks to me like it's bringing in a lot of energy and the energy may not be super clear so we could get a lot of kind of impetus. As an influence our minds might be going in a million different directions that might be really hard to kind of focus and or harness on one concise thought at a time. So especially rounds this full moon. I'd love to encourage you to give yourself space and time for communication give yourself space and time for judgment. That's especially important. If you think that something is happening and you're making up a story to yourself make sure that you verify If I ask people what they mean get second or third opinions before you jump off into a judgment, this is also a full moon that can kind of bring about some energy that could potentially be taxing for you. So I'd love to also encourage you to make sure that you're getting enough rest around your full moon. Finally. The full moon is a time that we can work with releasing energy that no longer serves us. So from the full moon until the new moon consider. and ritualize or create space to meditate on what you are ready to move on from especially when it comes to habits of your mind ways of learning relationships that you have to the ideas of knowledge or truth relationships that you have two teachers or to high teachings or to yourself as a teacher and as as an authority, this is a good time for you to call in energy to help you come into balance and right relationship with your own inner wisdom and also reciprocity and harmony with the wisdom of the world around you a couple of other things happening this month Venus and Jupiter will both move into Capricorn. They are both leaving the sign Sagittarius Venus will Ingress Capricorn on November 25th, and it will stay in that sign until December 20th. Jupiter will enter Capricorn on December 2nd of this year and it will stay Capricorn until December 20th of 2020 so Jupiter's Transit is a long one Venus is fairly short, but both of these planets are what are considered to be benefics. That means that they bring really good vibes good energy to whatever sign and house there in over the course of the next month or so with Venus in this part of your chart. You are supported to have loving supportive harmonious and beautiful relationships with your home and your family and it's a great time for you to be connecting with the source of your energy. To be spending time at home to be beautifying your surroundings and again connecting with your family for the next year. As Jupiter is in this part of your chart. This is a wonderful time for you to get in touch with your ancestry to really learn more about where you come from. And I mean that in a really broad way not just literally where you come from your ancestors or places of origin but more energetically Is coming through in your DNA what kinds of patterns are there there Jupiter will be meeting up with some other longer-term influences in this part of your chart and these influences are wanting to help you move past and move Beyond more destructive patterning and habits of self negation that have come through in your family line. So, please use this influence of Jupiter to learn more about where you've come from to do healing work and resolution work with your family line and a lot of that. Healing work and resolution work comes first with setting appropriate boundaries with self-forgiveness with self-love and then with forgiveness and release for others finally on November 28. It is the national day of mourning otherwise known as Thanksgiving Day in the United States. I'm encouraging everybody who's listening to this podcast to please support indigenous lead organizations right now, give some time and give some money this year. I'm making a special intent to Support the indigenous environmental Network. I've recently signed up to be a monthly donor. I'm doing what I can to support their efforts their an amazing organization. That's entirely indigenous led to do awesome work supporting the environment and working with education around environmental issues. Please check them out ien Earth dot-org if you'd like to know more about astrology this month become a subscriber you can subscribe at any amount per month and there is so much to know so much going on in terms of planetary aspects and lunar cycles and you can learn all about them in my month ahead extended forecast as well as with the principal calendars that I offer for you to work more closely with astrology in your day-to-day. Definitely listen to the Sagittarius season episode from embodied astrology. I go in depth into Sagittarius as an energy that's in all of our charts how to access and embody that energy and how to work with this month's astrology and the important aspects many of which I mentioned if you enjoy this work, please share these horoscopes and podcast with your friends and Community. Thank you so much for listening and wishing you all the best of the Sagittarius season and Beyond bye for now.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Sagittarius Season in 2019. Sagittarius Season extends between November 22 - December 21. Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to “Heart of Sky, a Dark Rift - Embodied Astrology for Sagittarius Season.” In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of the zodiacal energy of Sagittarius and explore how it manifests in our bodies, minds, emotions, relationships and in the world. Everyone has every sign in their chart, and Sagittarius represents amazing and important energy for each of us. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Sagittarius season and is also a very healing and powerful energy to check in with at any point. Listen here: Get the Sagittarius Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Follow Embodied Astrology: Instagram - @embodiedastrology Facebook - Embodied Astrology (@embodiedastrology) Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on.Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place learn more about it and download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. Hello and welcome. This is Renee Sills your astrologer and host of the embodied astrology podcast. You're listening to the audio horoscopes for Gemini season, 2019. These horoscopes focus on what I see as being the most important themes of the season and I'll offer some perspective on how to work with these themes through your embodied awareness Gemini season extends between Tuesday, May 21st and Friday, June 21st, please listen to the horoscopes for both your sun sign and your rising sign. Your sun sign is the time of year. You were born and it's the answer you give. When asks you what your sign is Sun Sign horoscopes will generally give you more information about what's important in your larger life journey and soul development. Your rising sign is the time of day. You were born and the rising sign horoscopes generally give you greater insight into the current events of your day-to-day life many people also find valuable information in the horoscopes for their Moon signs, which often speak to more emotional experiences or those occurring within the home and family. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart in the horse in the the horoscope section on my website embodied check on the site any way to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs for Gemini season to learn more about Gemini and Gemini season, make sure to listen to the guided meditation called meet your mind. Gemini is a sign in everyone's chart. And in this meditation, you'll gain understanding for how to work with Geminis strengths and challenges and will experience how Gemini functions in your body and lived experience. If you're a monthly subscriber, you'll also receive my Ended month ahead astrology report this report includes an expanded forecast audio recording and downloadable PDF with information on planetary aspects in lunar cycles this month and suggestions for how to work with the astrology for your best benefit. You can subscribe today by becoming a monthly donor at any amount per month when you subscribe. You'll also receive discounts for my online classes other events and month late birthday reports. If you enjoy this work, please support it by sharing it with your friends on social media tag, and Follow embodied astrology on Instagram Facebook and Twitter. Please consider also supporting the work by leaving positive ratings on iTunes or likes and comments on the links. Finally your financial support allows me to continue offering this work for free to donate or to find any of the information that I mentioned above. Go to embodied or check the show notes. Thank you so much for listening. Happy Gemini season now onto your horoscope. Hello Doris. Thank you so much for listening. This is your audio horoscope for the month ahead of Gemini. Season Gemini season is May 21st through June 21st, 2019. And for you Gemini ghouls the part of your chart that has a lot to do with value and value is a big. Theme there's a spectrum of meaning that we can make from this. So first I think of value systems and what is it that you truly value what's important to you? What do you need to sustain yourself? And what kind of self values do you have? What's your sense of self-worth or your self-esteem? And of course these two things go together a lot of the time how we get what we need to sustain ourselves what we believe is valuable and Then how we believe we ourselves are valuable. So this place in your chart, which is called the second house is a place that has a lot of themes of worthiness or worth and enoughness as well as resources and wealth and your finances and your personal assets your liquid assets. So the sun moves into Gemini on May 21st, and that same day Mercury also moves into Gemini and the sudden Mercury for me. Conjunction and this is an important Transit. It's an important moment in the Mercury retrograde cycle and this suggests that there's some kind of new idea that you have for yourself and this part of your life and you're moving into a different space of awareness with these themes and there's a potential for you right now to build your value and to build your self-worth. And so your sign is one that's been going through. A lot of changes in the last number of months in the last year or two especially and as you change and as you develop and as you let go of old ideas and welcome and new ideas, you might have a shifting sense of self-worth and there could be a lot of mental attention in this place of your life over the course of the next month or so and you can give attention to this place in your life. It's a really good month to do like visioning for yourself to kind of think forwards into your financial future to reflect on your self-worth and really consider your values and your value systems where they come from what's influencing them Etc and the first couple of days in Gemini season, May 21st through the 26th. There are a number of aspects that happen between this part of your chart that has do with values and between the part of your tribe that has to do with your deep unconscious and may be very old or inherited patterns or deep belief systems that you might not even know are there and one of the things that I think could happen for you in this period of time is some kind of growing awareness of how you keep yourself small or limited or beliefs that you may have about your Worthiness or your enoughness or what you need in life or how you're going to get what you need and the human species has a long history of trauma and traumas and if you have ever like studied kind of human development the development of culture. One thing that I think is pretty interesting to note is just how quickly Homo sapiens kind of quote-unquote evolved into like Civilized beings that we are where we form culture, but there wasn't really a lot of time to transition from our kind of instinctual animal selves into this more civilized not quite the right word, but into being centrally like use their thoughts and Concepts and intellect to create structures rather than you know, their strength or their reflexes and reactivity. And I think that for most people there are pretty deep patterns in our bodies that have to do with survival and with scarcity and if you come from any kind of lineage that has ever had to deal with, you know famine with scarcity with fear with oppression or violence or slavery or anything that is taking away from the inherent value or worth of your ancestors bodies. Um, and you relate with that then I'm just going to say that during this time. You actually have a pretty big opening to examine those feelings and kind of look underneath them and do some pretty big clearing work in yourself and you can open yourself to receive more. This is a really good month to be thinking about how you are receptive and what you're calling into your life. Gemini has a tendency to overthink and to get kind of anxious and so that is something that A come up as well. So I'm not saying it's either or it could be both but if you are going through a period of anxiety when you're thinking a lot about your resources your enough miss your worthiness, etcetera. What you value please check out the the Gemini guided meditation that I offer it's for this kind of overthinking and comparing Minds that we get into and that part of our minds can get so easily stimulated with these kinds of issues. So definitely check that out from 30th through June 2nd Venus makes a number of aspects in your sign and these aspects are really calling in a deeper sense of abundance again and self value and self-worth particularly as yourself value and self-worth or your identity are relating to your larger perspective and what you might feel is your purpose in the world or any ways that you are seeking to expand and grow and formalize your wisdom. If you're on any kind of spiritual path, if you're seeking higher academics, if you are a teacher if you're involved in teachings, or if you simply are working to expand your perspective and grow as a human being all of those efforts are really serving your sense of self at this time, and there's an opportunity for for quite a bit of like a deepening self-love. There may be some discomfort that comes up with this and I think that if Is that discomfort has to do again with kind of deeper unconscious belief systems that may be surfacing and fears about what it could be to actually love yourself or actually believe in yourself. So I just want to say I'm rooting for you and the more that you really love and include yourself the more you're going to be able to bring love and inclusion into the world. There's a new moon on Monday June 3rd in the sign of Gemini. Once again, Gemini is the ruler of your And solar House of values worth and wealth so during this new moon. It's a really good time to set your intentions for this next cycle of Gemini season to Gemini season from May of this year until May of next year in the following 12 months. What do you want to call in to your life around your finances around your worth around your value systems Etc. This could also be a really good time to think about new ways of Making money of sustaining yourself or working with resources and to set your intentions and best wishes around the new moon generally like the day of the new moon and for about 48 hours after is a really good time to take time out for that kind of ritual or Reflection from June 4th through the 28th Mercury will Transit the sign Cancer Mercury is joining the planet Mars, which is already in cancer and both of them will be moving in. To a conjunction with each other and also conjunctions with the north node cancer rules your third solar House of communications intellect listening hearing speaking writing your receptivity to ideas and kind of a little bit of the idea of how you are socialized like how you learn and how you process information with other people your communication style. That is definitely in Internal as well as external during this time Mercury and Mars are bringing a lot of energy to your changing communication habits and to anyways that you're shifting your mental state. It is good practice at this time to be very aware of your sensitivities and to try not to shut down around sensitivities, but seek transparency and tenderness really try and reveal what's going on for yourself if things are happening for you emotionally and you notice a tendency to A shutdown or to get defensive take some deep breaths. Try and soften really speak from your feelings speak from your heart June 14th through 18th Mercury and Mars are making a number of aspects to a couple different places in your chart and that leads up to their conjunction on June 18th. So those couple of days maybe pretty intense. There may be a number of opportunities for you again in Communications with Friends with people in your extended networks or folks that are not necessarily close by all the time but out there and there may be a chance for you to gain some kind of notoriety or to put a communication out that receives some kind of attention. There's also significance here in what I was talking about before in terms of your Pursuits for academic expansion or Religion or any way that you're kind of working with your personal philosophies or your personal belief systems and June 14th to 18th is going to have you in a place where you're really trying to communicate authentically about whatever it is that you are thinking about and theorizing about or your beliefs in the meanings that you're trying to make again. The message is softened. Do not try and be anything that you're not don't try and uphold any ideas of like Professionalism or authority if they don't feel authentic for you again, the more you can lead with your heart and speak from your heart the better it all is Venus enters your second solar House of Gemini from June 8th through July 4th Venus is a benefic energy and this continues the theme of asking for what you want and being open and receptive to abundance in your life calling it in definitely listen to the meditation for Gemini. So Get a sense of how this energy works if restriction comes up for you and this part of your life June and July are wonderful times for you to really be working on receptivity and abundance and softening softening softening. Finally on June 17th. There is a full moon in Sagittarius. This is the opposite sign from Gemini for you such a terius rules the part of your chart that has to do with other people's values other people's resources and how you interact. With those values and resources. The solar Eighth House is the house that's considered to be the area of life that rules inheritance has debts death and deep emotional entanglements Shadow and taboo. I think of this place as feelings that are really hard to talk about stuff that is so deeply complex and entrenched in our beings and wound up with other people's feelings that it can be Lee confusing to talk about it. We can have a hard time Discerning what our feelings are what our needs are and what someone else's feelings our needs are when they're shared resources or inheritance has a passing of any kind of possession or energy between people there's a kind of karmic bond that develops and this can lead to intimacy's and vulnerabilities. So during this full moon reflect on how you're sharing with people the full moon is Is going to be very close to the planet Jupiter Jupiter has been transiting Sagittarius since last November and Jupiter is bringing a lot of expansion to you in this part of your life. You're much more open to sharing with people right now. You're learning a lot through your intimacy is through your vulnerabilities. You're learning to talk about deeper feelings. You are learning from your deeper feelings. And so this full moon can can bring quite a lot to you if you're curious about it. And so that's the message. To just get real curious about any feelings that are arising particularly feelings pertaining to the themes that I was just talking about with sharing and intimacy and kind of these deeper layer feelings. This is also a time when you may need to out a secret and if there are things that you've been keeping close to your chest that feel like it would be healthy for you to let them go now is a really good time to expose something you are supported in opening. and expanding So that is the glimpse into Gemini season in your month ahead. If you'd like to learn more about astrology, please check out my monthly offering for Gemini season in that offering you'll find more in-depth month ahead forecast and that includes planetary aspects throughout the month and the lunar cycles. That's a recording. You'll also find a written variation of that report that includes a planner and Under details, so you can work with astrology in your life. You can use it to plan for your best benefit to use periods of opportunity and also periods of challenge the monthly package also includes. A guided meditation and introduction to Gemini, which is also free so you can access that along with this horoscope if you'd like and the monthly offerings are available for a one-time purchase at a sliding scale and they are also given as gifts to monthly subscribers and you can subscribe at any amount per month your subscription helps sustain this work. It also gets you discounts on classes and other exciting opportunities to work with me. To take classes or to get any kinds of products that I'm offering in my store. Thank you so much for listening. I'm wishing you all the best in Gemini season. Bye for now.
 These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Gemini Season in 2019. Gemini Season extends between May 21- June 21 Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs and to find out more about donating to sustain this work or becoming a monthly subscriber Check out the Embodied Astrology introduction and guided meditation for Gemini Season, Meet Your Mind. In this 40-minute episode I’ll introduce the sign Gemini as an embodied quality and state of being. Everyone has Gemini in their chart and Gemini is a very important sign! This is the sign that governs mental processes, thinking and language. I’ll talk to you about how to recognize Gemini’s influence in your body and behaviors, and offer some somatic resourcing for working with Gemini’s tendency to overthink, compare and get distracted. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Gemini season (May 21-June 21), and also a great energy to check in with at any point. Get the Gemini Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today!
What's up fam dead and buried here to let you know that if you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer and anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcast and many many more you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. Have we made any money? Keep we make money hand over fist through anchor. Hello did oh, no, did I just bought a boat? It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place. So download the anchor app are going to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. Hey everybody and welcome to the dad and buried podcast 40 first episode, which is probably one of the 41 is a pretty big milestone, right it is we should have done the 40. Once it is for you sir for this is also the only the 40 second time we've hung out together. It's actually we met on a blind date and then we immediately launched a podcast we immediately I the second I met you I was like, I want to apologize. Just want to have this guy's podcast. I see. Okay. I just got cast with you. So tonight we're going to be talking about young parents versus old parents the the rivalries the differences which is better, which is an old old parents or a young pain. I tell you there's a pretty ditch and it is based on the comments. We got there's a pretty definitive answer we all know which one cater we're gonna we have we're gonna get into so this is a topic that has Pete has been wanting to fucking do this one for months and I have been Because I didn't get it. I just didn't see it see and I still I still I still think your premise is faulty. We're going to get into that in a moment. Okay, but if it is the first time joining us, my name is Mike. His name is Pete. I am known as dead and buried online. No one knows him online Heap. I'm known as peed on me email. He pretends he pretends he doesn't like like social media, but in reality, he's scared. No one will like him social media so he hasn't joined it. I just I think it's a toxic cancerous place to be in. Anyway, I have a hundred and fourteen thousand followers. So who's fucking toxic in cancer is now yeah part of the problem I think is when you called me, I actually you're damn right she is doing great. So you can find me on Instagram on my blog at dead and on Twitter on Facebook. Really. Are you still on face? I am I'm gonna you know what? This is not even a joke you we've made a joke. I'm thinking about joining Tick-Tock. Are you gonna do? You thinking about it you got to do I have some veeam switch our video memes that I've you. Are you gonna like floss like a boss. You mean like the dance move or actually floss. There are some people have and what is because there are some people who have a fetish for like flossing and brushing their teeth fucking weirdos. Okay. I'm now one of us how deep have you gone my so deep right like like into my gums or like down the floss fetish Rabbit Hole obviously down the fuss fetish rabbit rabbit hole not Deep at all. Okay, it's not I am not a literally just Googled flossing your teeth who wonder I Googled turn turned on by flossing got it and then that's it. Yep. And then I was like, I don't I made a mistake. I wish I had it for wish. I had not hit enter it's over but you can find me in all those places. You can also find the data buried podcast on Apple and Spotify and anywhere you listen to podcast you can also find the data better podcasts on the dark web little-known Silk Road Silk Road if you need Contraband that's a little old timey term. Oh silk rotas. It's just regular dark web now, so that's where I buy all my you know Body parts and stuff. Oh, really? You need a few of those for Halloween props? Sure. Yeah. Yeah. That's what was that so you can find this anywhere you listen to podcast please rate US on Apple podcast when you get a chance when we get to 200 ratings, we're going to do something out fucking rageous and when we say outrageously mean it's not like we're going to talk about something different. We're talking unbelievably outrageous. I think what we're going to do is we're going to I'm going to get a mallet and some watermelons and I don't think He's ever done that before. We're going to break them in front of a crowd with the smash watermelons. And I don't think anyone's ever done now. No instead of watermelons could be regular cantaloupe melons regular honey. Dude. Don't touch my honeydew's. I love honey. They were to underrated and on rarely maligns unfairly maligned. No, no melon has been at more accurately noted than the honey false false. Anyway, you can also find us on patreon if you want to throw us some money. There's a whole bunch of people somehow that We do give us some money. Oh my God, there's different tiers. You can join depending on how much you want to contribute the single. Dad tears. Just 2 bucks a month Chris Coleman Miriam mspb, and throw us some cash that way take your kids at the door. Check out his Instagram account funny memes em cedeño and Mallory Mackenzie brand-new from down on De gud im an another shrimp on the patreon might get I could die Mallory. That's last time I did a was is everything. Okay Mallory, I did better. Did Michael J fox better? This is heavy Mallory blacksmith. Anyway, so the dad bod tears three bucks a month Barbara Geiger. She's in Germany. You know what because we're fucking International as shit. We are so International morning glow and Jacques Gove are also Berlin in the house subjects. That's two countries. We've named besides the u.s. You know, what's Australia and Germany already and and there's three people that are living in all three of those we got another one coming up another country coming up Father Figure to here's five bucks a month. Aunt juley McCarthy sarge is in New Jersey not a country, but I wish it would secede. I think a lot of us think that tried to make it happen Jennifer Winn and Paula Paul ski up in Canada world's biggest CFL fan. He does not like that title. But guess what you made your bed. Now lie in it. What are you going to say? I was just going to say that well, I was gonna we're way past it now, but Jack over some Jacques is a very French name living bird. Maybe he's a maybe he's French. He's know maybe that counts as two. Entries that's that was your point. That was my point. I'm sorry. I stepped on you know what Paul polsky. He could be friends Living Well, maybe he's in there not real not Toronto people aren't piling. Of course, unless you're saying when you say aboot and about no, no, he's trust me everyone speaks friendship there. That's not sure. It's not true. They don't anyway not required. You're fucking wrong. Definitely you are wrong. Everyone have you been friends from Canada? Yeah, I have been Toronto. Absolutely. I have friend from Calgary who don't speak French. Yeah, because Calgary, of course you said in that speech. They're just different provinces. Goddamn. I hate you world's greatest dad tears 10 bucks a month Mary Williams, and the my new Dad's here $20 a month Sarah / ABC, Mommy and Instagram Desiree kissling. You got to be good. We haven't sung in a while. You gotta be free. We'll be stronger because Nate loves when we think and Monica. No last name. Just Monica. I think it's you know, what she's and Brandi duetted on that The Boy Is Mine song from the 90's you really you got there in the end. I did and now that I finally cracked the Monica joke you did it. I went through Monica Geller. I went through Monica Lewinsky. And then I landed on Monica from The Boy Is Mine. Do you know what just for one second model. Quit Monica Lewinsky's Like super fucking awesome. Yes, she's super. Yes. She's a good writer. Yeah. Can we just give her one? No, no, I think not 20 years old when that shit happened man, but like fucking amazing. No, I'm saying that she overcame a lot of bullshit. Oh my God fucking anyway. You know what give it up for her? Yeah good for Monica Lewinsky. That is Monica. We love child when that shit went down. I know really and now she's a fucking goddamn Legend. She really your being I am not I really respect her. I think that your everything you said is true. I've written some of her things they're very young. I know your fuck. I am yes. I'm sorry. I said I agree with you. All right, look you can support us on patreon. You can support us with ratings. You can support us by subscribing you can support us, you know, just by listening or you can just send me a note and just say hey Mike, you know what sport you can't do that to pee but because he hates people and social media. I have an email address. What is it? Don't worry about it exact something something and I met so tonight. We're going to be talking about young dads versus old dads and the beginning we're going to get into to exactly why the entire premise for this episode makes no sense. It makes all the sense in the goddamn world get into it in a minute. Hey, Mike, have you heard of Spotify before? I have heard of Spotify? Really? Yeah, because on Spotify you can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify is a huge catalogue of podcast on every topic including the one you're listening to right now here. We were having a normal conversation and I thought I knew more about Spotify. We're on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download episodes and listen offline. Wherever you are and easily share what you're listening to with your friends on Instagram. I'm on Instagram. Are you on Instagram? Get out of here? If you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for Dad and buried on Spotify or browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me and Pete so you never miss an episode of the dead and buried show. All right. So tonight we're talking about old parents versus young parents. Now. This is a topic that icky classic. Obviously. There is a difference between battle older parents and younger parents. Now, my issue is that I have said to you neither of us are old parents or young parents. Okay, and then you came back and you said to me first of all, you're what 42? Yeah, and you have a twelve-year-old. Yes, you had your kid at 30. That's right. To normal, that is the absolute like sweet spot for having kids because you did not have kids when you were young. You were never a young parent and you do not have kids when you were old what determines your classification as being a young or old parent is the age at with the age you are at when you had your kid, right? So everybody you can have a kid when you were 20 and you're a young parent, but just because you have a kid when you're 40 and like if you've had a kid for 10 years. When you're 40, just because you're 40 and 40 is a little bit is older than 20 doesn't mean you're an old parent when I mean first of all, I know you don't see race or color. I do CH and I mean ages H. Yes a look. Like first of all someone who has a kid at 20 and it like if you had had your first kid at 40, I would be like, okay. Well, you're a parent. I was yeah, it was a just gotten engaged likely fuck out of here. What's the word? It doesn't make any sense, you know, it makes all the sense. There's a lot of people who have responded and we talked about how they had kids when they were very young and then there are a bunch of people who are like wait am I old or young by this rationale? Because I had a kid when I was 28 or 30 or whatever that well. It's fucking you're not neither. You're neither. No, you're the fucking normal age to have kids this day and age is like the 28 to 35 34 Sweet Spot. First of all, it is biologically once you're at 35 what like my wife was that's for women. Just correct you but not for but all your kids were yeah exactly two of my kids were born at a quote-unquote risk because my wife was like in like in the 35 Zone and the point is is what more and more what's happening now is we're having kids later which is okay, but then every once in a while you see a 55-year old or so. You're old hold on four year old and you're like who pointed a lie you son of a bitch first you're ruining it for everyone. I'm a bit. So 2.22 thanks for that. Yes, I think because of Science and Health and Longevity. All that stuff is getting easier to have kids when you're older. Hold on. Okay, but we live in the city and it's a lot more likely for us to know people who are older parents. If you live in the suburbs, you ain't got fucking shit else to do you live in the country so many people who Bonded all had young kids there hardly any that had older kids that listen to this because there's not as many people that live in Brooklyn. Okay, we know people who have had older kids because it's more of an urban thing to do. Okay, because you live in your fucking life. He got so many options. So let's get into it, which is what's it what's better to be young and vibrant and play with your kids or to be an old crotchety. I whole thing was money. I hope my reluctance was we don't necessarily have a perspective on it because we are Our old nor young parents. We are just the average age for having kids. That's what I'm saying. Okay, but I would also say that I think that I feel happy to have a 12 year old at 40 sure but you also have a five-year-old. So but I know many many people who have who are 40 and have a two-year-old. Yes answer first fine that counts but you are not one of those people they are an old ostensibly an old parent you are not An old parent because it's when you had your kid, I that determines whether you're an older young parent. Okay. Alright, I wish you can see page and I like how you're explaining the rules. So angrily to me when I clearly understand. So I named the first section, huh with a question mark a soak a walker 90 said I guess I'm considered a young parent had our first one I was 24 and second when I was 26, maybe that's average. I don't have any of the extra energy you referred to though what is energy that's not average. Young that's young if you have kids, I think before 28. Yes. I think it is Young. I would even say the 28 I would hate might be young. Look. I didn't even get married till I was 31. So this is the thing, right? So I would say if you had your kids at third in your 30s you were that's more average. Yes, if there if you're having kids in your Twenties, no matter what it is in your late 20s. Doesn't matter. You're young sure fine. But 28 is 3:30 but most is with Mom. She has a great podcast. You guys should check it out. She says she's a young mom or was a young mom not saying you're old mimosas. She says and I agree. It's it's the age at which you have your kid that makes you a young parent or that's right. That's correct. And then build the mica D. Om E. Ik A says, I mean, it's 32 Young. No, it's not as neither young objectively nor young as a parent. You're right in the fucking sweet spot, but he is glad I would say 30 to She's not young 32 having kids in The Sweet Spot. So why parents so I would say 30 to 35 is probably that's real sweet exactly, which is when you all had your you had every one of your kids was between the age of so, that's fine. 3037. Okay close enough. Yeah, which means you're really not a young or old parent which is my entire point, but that's not true because what happens is the medical science classifies. You're bought at 35. You become a sad. When do we use fucking scientist Arbiter for our discussion? We use good old fashioned liquor and fire. So life is a dad which is life dot as dot dot dad says, how old is Young? I was 25 when my oldest was born. That's young. That is Young, especially if you've had more than one was by then was married and good career all properity a a whole. First of all TAA art. Let's go back to my life. The dead okay, dude, you had a great life and a great career yet career. Everything was great graduations. Yeah, why you listen to our podcast? This is a different podcast. Like everything is awesome. Everything sucks on our podcast shitty shitty podcast. So Tara ta ARR AAA says by New York City standards. I'd be a young parent at 26 but in this military life, I'm old as fuck which again you like if you're like a military wife and you got nothing else going on. At all in your life your life is a fucking successful. I'm just giving just saying like that's just what happens like your husband or your spouse is off fighting Wars and spreading democracy and you're at home. And you know, you got an anchor baby all over everything you ever heard the term anchor baby. Somebody insulted me and one of my memes and said like implied that that my wife gave me anchor babies to try to keep me there like weigh me down there. You have a baby to Anchor your spouse down to force them to stay with you. That's not what the term. That's what they used it as what does the term mean that it is an immigration term, which means that if you come over to the United States and you have a great listen a chain thing the chain Immigration and Naturalization and that's not how this person meant this person meant it as if I my wife didn't have give me kids. I'd be long gone. Yeah. It was I deleted their comment, which I don't normally do or ever Restricted it so restricted. It is just mute. I didn't know just mutes them so they don't realize they've been blocked. Okay, right. Where's the best way to do it passive aggressively they can keep commenting you and they will realize no one else sees it I love it. It's great. It's actually really great. So the other thing I wanted to say is generationally it's different right? So I have a brother who's 10 years older than me and when he's three years older than me, like my parents started having kids that like 23, which back in the day Dustin used to be Used to be the thing. I was born. My mom was like 36 which in the 70s was like exacting I see right, but now it's what do you mean in the 70s is that I see the 70s a lot done this year to have a kid at 36 than it is now. No dude. It's still they still consider. Are you saying in the 70s versus in 2019? It was it was more danger. It was just as dangerous know plenty of people have kids between 36 and 45 now. It's a lot more viable than then I know but the point is is because you know you have Have the amniotic test now that you had to determine what's going on, but it's also you have according to Medical Science. No, dude. It's not like you can like make sure there's no career. No, there's no difference. You just know much easier to carry a baby to term and to make those things into no one shits know all those anything. No problem Annie. The only difference is, you know false, you know, not the only difference nutrition medicine everything. It's in IVF all sorts of stuff. It's easier to have a kid IVF and nutrition of nothing to do with Right, they don't open they're just different from they're just different things that have improved in the field of medical. Yes. I am can make it easier to have a baby when you're older woman can have a baby now congratulations. Amazing doesn't mean that that baby is it doesn't have a massive likelihood of being like having like there are more babies born now two women between the ages of 35 and up and then there were then no fucking shit. That's why we're doing this podcast topics you son of a bitch. I wrote we're gonna fucking invite you for that we get The ratings were having a fucking we're getting a boxing ring. What if we just hug a little bit? I don't want to hug. You you son of a bitch. So LBJ ho also confused. I had J. I had kids at 28 and 32. Is that older young? Is it older young Pete? It's it's young and normal. It's neither. LBJ Holt LBJ Jose. Well, you wanted to know Steve Holt. No, I know I get it. It's Nest least favorite show just watch a rested developed. All right can understand. So we got a lot of people chiming in with the fact that they were young parent. All right, let's get into some of them mrs. Louder. We were 20/21 when my oldest was born than 22 23 when our second was born will be empty nesters. We are 42 43 in theory God fucking we don't get we didn't get to live in our 20s. We were parents. So nobody for wild party. This is it. That's the trade-off. We right now that's 42 and 43 radish activate their when they're our age. They're home free. You know what because I didn't I didn't actually get that when she said it and I when you just said that now now I get it and now I fucking understand the topic of this podcast because it's fucking right. The point is you have people who are older who basically had their kids older or excuse me, younger younger and and and now empty nesters have 42 43 life begins at 40. Yes. It's like having two lives except for us, but hold on his lies are told exactly I'm nowhere near double family. I have a younger kid than you. I know and I'm older than you. It makes me sick K KK W. 27 says, I feel like I'm a younger parent. I had my son at 24. You are a younger parent. He turned seven in November. I wouldn't say I have more energy financially kids are freaking money suckers. So that woman is To the ways I put the premise out there was what are the pros and cons you have more energy. You have more money or less money, but about she says I will say I'm happier. I had my son at 24. I want to be able to enjoy our 50s go on vacations without the fuck trophy in town hoping all of the money we spend on him will go into our vacation fund to live our best lives. Right? So like basically your life starts again when your kid hits 18 or 20 and goes to college provided colleges and universities still exist. Well, first of all, Kkw 27 is obviously going to take all of that college fund and just pour it in just snort it up or nose. Probably. Yeah, no, mommy and daddy - don't worry about it. But Mom I'm hungry and I'm cold will need a Franco says what we were just talking about the two big issues for people are one and a half fun before kids and waiting to be more financially secure which is why you might have kids when you're older me personally. I feel it'll be better for me to travel when I'm 38 with an 18 year old in college and have better income than when I'm in an Tri-level job in my 20s backpacking in my 20s or first class in my 40s The Experience won't change much in kids are a pain no matter what age but look, you know what first of all Juanita Franco is some sort of new philosopher and we did she subscribe to her. Yeah. Listen to this. She's young. She's a young he's or first class in my forties. Same difference won't change much and kids are a pain no matter what age so the point is is why not have older kids who can appreciate it. It and but here's the thing though. Like a lot of this doesn't know one. I guess there are a handful of people in the same people that are like, I've always known what I wanted to do. Like for my career when I was like eight years old. I've always known like I've always envied those people who like had a path and were right about it or whatever right? But like in most situations no one is like I'm having kids at fucking 22 getting it out of the way because life doesn't necessarily work like that. Unless you were like, I'm fucking getting married to the first guy I date and then I'm like Hey, we're having Kids immediately and then in 20 years. We're going to be home free. That's not that's that works. Like you meet who you are when you meet him shut up thirty-year-old without kids. You meet who you meet when you meet him life takes its time. Right? Some people it happens early some people it doesn't whatever like these aren't necessarily decisions that you can make in advance. Unless you're kind of fucking nuts. What a lot of people have kids really young like if you have kids in high school, which is the camp full of people here a lot of times that's an accident, right? That's not something that's planned and then your life I think but I've Works around but I but then they wake up and they're 40 and they're like, okay that worked out okay for me, but when you have a kid in high school, you're probably like yeah, this is not the best situation. It's not that cool. You're right, but that's the I think what we're touching on is life and society and things is Chaya T have changed to the point where you're right people used to be married a lot younger. They used to be happy. I mean they used to get married in college. They used to have kids in college. They used to then Oregon forest and well kind of yeah, obviously generators by force they're obligated to divorce rate is not these milestones at a certain time and now it's more free and easy and you don't actually have to do that exactly sure. But at the same time what we've done like a butterfly flapping its wings is you have a lot of fucking old motherfucking dads out there. running around with the three-year-old and you're like Do that sucks my brother my brother that fucking sucks. My brother is 45. He has one and a half year old already and the second on the way. It's too much. He never wanted to get married. He was always like and I said this in the best man speech that I made for him. Like he never wanted to get married. It was a funny. I'll put the best man speech sounded like leather jackets and stuff. No, but he was very much like a bachelor like having a good time. You know, I would even say like career-wise and stuff like it took him, too. Him to find that and now he's got a really good career and he's also down now he's got no, he's married. He's having kids but like for a long time he was like, this is not what I want right now. I don't think you necessarily regrets any of that because if it's what you want at the time it's not really something easy to regret and he had fun and it all that shit and then but sometimes you get to like 45 and if you haven't done that shit yet, you're like, oh no like that's not his situation. But I know some people where you hit a point of your life where you're like, oh shit, like I wish I had done that. That but with having kids that's tricky because we can't like try to have kids and like have them and then be like oh shit. I wish I hadn't done that. So it's either when we have them early and you're saddled with them and they're hardcore burden no matter what any way you put it there a fucking bird whether you like it or not. Look or you don't have them in your fucking not having them and there are your Mick Jagger you can have them at 60 if you want, but here you can you can sit next to someone on the bus and get them pregnant. Like we know that he's amazing. Yeah, you can peacock anywhere. You see the fucking cock but here's the thing. So I guess I guess what we're saying is if you if you have kids young you don't have a choice, but if you have kids older that was your choice, right? Sure. Yes fine if that's the one that Yahweh to not always like that everybody who has kids young isn't it's right a lot of they make the choice young you have your you you're in a particular situation, but older youyou that's much more by Design so that right saying this sweet spot of 32 your last chance you like. I gotta do it if I want once you're in your 40s, you know, what the fuck you're doing and you need them be I'm in my 40s and I don't know what I'm doing eat them babies in you. I do need some babies in me big fucking knife so bug Sisk bug sys. K says she's 42 or husband is 45 kids are 26 and 22. Oh shit. She had the kid when she was 16. Is that right? Math? No 26. No.16. Yeah. She had a kid when she was 16 who knows where? Was planned or not but she said we raised our kids in our 20s and now we're in our 40s and we're free like they're still together. They had their kids like it's easy to cast judgment on like, oh you had you had fucking sex and get pregnant and then he had to have like a shotgun wedding when you were in high school, but if you're still married like 20 years later guess what? You're unhappy guess you were right? Yeah, right. No, but I think but this is what's interesting is and we've heard it before from other people, which is there go your 20s, right? Yes in trade-off, right? Yeah. Well, I didn't have so what happens when you're fourteen a unique situation to I'm in a unique situation because I had my kids in my early 30s and now I'm going to and I had another kid with my first kid when I was 32 34. My second kid when I was 39. Yeah, which is fairly authorize our old 30s, like really really old 30 now the second one's old 30s, right because the circumstances The second kid later than we maybe we wanted to and now like my 40s through 60s are fucking shredded and destroyed but also I didn't have fun in my 20s. So like my entire life is actually not that great. You got it on both sides. Yes, I gotta crush a so the 20s but a lot of people do say they had the kids young so Bell Paula 6 3 1 2 6 3 1 2 1 1 9. I had my children young. I was glad to have them young and Get it out of the way get those kids out of the way. Well, that's what a lot of these people say like, they want to be able to travel and they want to have that longer second act of their lives or they want more financial security. So Chrissy Hildebrand Chrissy underscore Hildebrand seven seven seven had her first kid at 23 and was glad she did because her friends had their kids at the same time. So she had the support system which a lot of times when you're an older parent you don't get that. Well, I was going to say that's not true one of the things that we experience. Is be one of the first in our friend group to have kids was none of our friends were like people are like, oh, yeah, just bring the baby you like, you know, you don't you know how this works. Yeah, baby to a fucking rally, you know anymore Ray. Yeah like a rave. I said rally a rally for like Elizabeth Warren. Yeah, Bernie Sanders, that's exactly exactly Ava Duke. I mean, you know, I don't know some of your friends. I don't know man. I know novel we you know, I have really really shitty group of friends. So we don't know that's true Ally and family says she had her first at 23 in her second at 26. The cons are it was hard not being financially ready for a kid, but it pushed them harder to get the things they wanted. So by the time the second came around they were ready. So three years later. They fucking they knew it got everything. They wanted it. Forget it out. What an American success why they bought the DVD of the secret the pros the pros are yet, they did and they made a fucking vision board and they nailed it. The pros are I won't be My mid 30s early 40s still dealing with baby stuff. That is a pro God. Damn it. That's a I'm 43 and still dealing with diapers Anna Liam Martin. My step daughter was born when I was seven. Does that make you an old dad? Well, no, my second kid who I had when I was 39 side man said old question would make me an answer but God first kid was at 34 stores already dad. So all that matters is the first That's the precedent. You're a son of a bitch. So Anna Lee Martin said she feels like young they feel like they're young parents will be in her thirties when her first to graduate high school unreal. Well, one of them is a stepdaughter. So it's a little bit it's all. She's obviously going for hot mom syndrome. Well, yeah. Well, I haven't seen a photo. That's Anna Liam are not feel free to send the photo. We get it we can confirm the hot mom part so Mommy owl says she had her first when she was 26. He's ten now in the biggest issue was the Super judgment assessed by parents that were older most parents had their youngest that was the same age as her oldest. So she felt super judged all the time. So she had a couple of kids but her oldest was yeah, I'm confused by that to oldest. Let's do the math on this shit most of the time and most parents. Well youngest was my oldest so of so, we felt super judge. Look honestly, here's the deal very the reason that you felt super judges because you're wearing Confederate t-shirts all time. Well, the you know what? You deserved it. Mommy Mel why you need a beer hit me you so test their teenage just says young parent and love it Rara re ve says I was 23 so I missed out on my twenties, but will be empty nesters by her early. He's Mister in your twenties. Guess what? You didn't miss that much. Wow, Nate 30 is a late 20s late 20s is good, though. Mrs. Bossy pants young and I'm so happy. I did young enough to enjoy my grandbaby for a long time. Well, that's another thing. So this is it I think about this a little bit but not if your kids are old parents. So if you have so if you're 40 when your kids are 25 or 20, right and then you're 50 and your kid like your thinking your kids going to have a kid so that you're going to have 30 years of being a grandparent or whatever. But if your kid doesn't if your kid decides hey, I'm not having my kids till I'm fucking 60. Guess what guess what 20 fucking 40 I can have kids whenever I want and the Earth is a big red-hot be exact called one big volcano. So you fucking played yourself. You stupid kid. So 0 At Cirque says I'm a young parent in a small town felt judged for years because of my age does I don't know how young I don't know how young right? It's weird. What is this? Like an old town having will take the exactly the town in Footloose. So a lot of judgment in the town of Footloose singing so it's saline which is is a lii. Any underscore says they have their first order at 25 second at 28 the cons. We're broke. Our friends don't have babies the pros. I will laugh. Like a maniac at my friends with babies in their 40s and my girls will be teenagers. Oh wait. She's like shit I have to say this is the most wonderful part about having kids. There's not that many people though. Hold it over your kit over your friend. How many people how many people how many people are young parents who had kids in there like early 20s who are friends with people who are having kids in their 40s. So here's what happens. So this is happening with us. So my oldest daughter is I think this is the point that Mama Mal my mouth was trying to bound bound to come out. My oldest daughter is the youngest kid our friends with the youngest kid of couples that are in their 50s. I think what she meant was her youngest kid. I'm just I don't know. I'm just saying that there's nothing that is a real Confederate flags. She was saying other people's oldest kids were her youngest. Kid, so she has like a 12 year old and a 5 year old and other people there their oldest kid was a five-year-old. Okay. Yeah, right. All right, and she also has a 12 year old so she said no one has one kid who's in fifth grade and one kid who's in like second grade and by their real says one kid isn't a greater one is and by the way, can I just say if you have like multiple kids or you know 3 at this point condolences and your friend and you start getting a friend group around your youngest you like dude, I don't have time to be your friend. Yeah, it was like I got all So as someone said, hey, we should arrange playdates like yo, we don't have any fucking so that happen to us. Right? So my wife when we have in our first kid in and in Brooklyn in Park Slope, they're a bunch of like Mommy groups. You could join basically based on the month or season that your kid is going to be born. Right? So she met a whole bunch of moms and became friends with a few of them and then I had to meet their husbands and then it all got whittled down to find out if we're actually going to be finally become a friend Steve Wareham and we're friends with one of those couples remaining whatever. Have they moved away but right so she had that big support system and Community around these people were having their kids was all their first kids. And then we took a little bit longer to have our second kid, then other people right and all of a sudden it's a little bit harder to like those mommy groups. If you're having another kid, most of those mommy groups are like the people who had their second kids have already had it, right? So all these mommy groups that were having kids again. We're all first-time mom. He's the much younger and it just the community wasn't quite there. It was harder you have another kid you got to take care of and you can't make these connections. All these moms as much you don't have as much free time and you're older than all of them. Yeah, all that shit. So this the community wasn't as built out. So yeah, and so that's that's what that's an interesting kind of Paradigm when it will call them like link kids, you know, where your youngest or your oldest kind of connects you to a different generation and you're kind of you but you're really stuck in one of them right like one of them is your primary like The group that you met with the first kid, or maybe you have stronger friends with the younger kid so knows exactly you can't live in both worlds of what I'm saying. They won't let you they won't let you and as much as you try the job just won't let you and the job is the thing. That's so funny. We can segue right into this or bunch of people responded and said they felt they were both a young parent and an old parent. So 33 kef 33 says I had kids six years apart. Yes. Same dad Whoa We would end up with nobody made any assumptions. Recap 33 Okay, but my kids are five and a half years apart are almost six five and nine months, but three different. Yes three different - she said she felt like a young mom on the first go-round an older mom with a second which is exactly the situation mom and buried and I were in Casey her L says she's in the middle meaning that she had kids that kind of the normal 30s age, but her parents had her late and they'll be near 90 when her kids are 18. That's my exact situation. That's literally my exact situation where like I grew up and my my grandfather died in his late 80s when I was just graduated college, right? So I had a you know, good 20 years getting to know my grandfather. My parents are just hitting 80 and my kid is my youngest kid is three right? So like Who knows how much longer my parents are gonna be around but the odds are they're like couple of days or something. Yeah, I'm just saying like my three-year-old is not gonna have as much time because we had our kids we had him when we were 40, right and my and I was the youngest I was the last kid my parents had which made them a little bit older already which is weird because your parents constantly pleaded with you to have kids. They did constantly there was set me up with hold on a sec. What's funny? Wait. Are you the first one to have kids in your hole? I am why I have a Brothers 10 years. There who doesn't have kids, you know, I know but and my other brother who is older than me. He just had a year and a half ago had his first kid. Yeah, and I had my kid nine years ago. I'm the baby of the family and I was the first kiss Yeah. Well, yeah, it's not for everybody. Yes. Wow, Anita Franco says I got pregnant when I was 20, then she's and she's 24 now and kids drain you no matter what age you are. This is the one you thought should be the new philosophy. You know, what the fuck he's right. Another good point is another nugget just and it doesn't matter. So somebody else said, it doesn't really matter as long as you are kind of mentally emotionally prepared. For having a kid but there are some you can never be that was a see more Leo's. Mama said I don't think it matters. If you're just mentally physically prepared either way, which you can never be maybe what she's saying is If you're kind of at peace with where you are in your with where you are in your life and you're not like oh, I wish I had done this 10 years ago or whatever. I'm never really liked that. I have a couple of friends who have kids of a couple of friends. You got married like right after college and quickly had kids and their kids are again going to be going into college and they're going to be home free like a lot of these young moms are and when you see them, you're like, oh I'm like, oh, that would be nice, but I'm not like regretting my own choices or my own life, right? Again, it's just circumstances the road leads where it led. I my secret machines. Yeah, my wife knows someone she went to college with who had a kid in college. And now that kid today is in college and that's fucking insane. It is insane. I mean to think about what it's all although I will say that between my 12 year old my five-year-old the passage of time. You can really see it. It's amazing. Just how quickly it goes from 5 to 12. Yeah, because like that it goes really quick and I'm sure I'm people are like dude. You don't even know. Yeah. Well l've to behave at the way to do teenagers. Should I know yeah. Yeah sure. So Lynn underscore is me. I had one at 24 and 1 at 39 pros and cons for both ahead the energy at 39 for a baby and toddler but hard to deal with teens against in my 50s. Yeah. I'm going to guess more. At 24 but didn't appreciate the baby as much because none of my friends had kids yet. So the baby was just like a drag. There we go. I think that's what's that's another thing right? Well, I feel I appreciated my son or I appreciate it. Well, my son when he was a baby more than I even appreciated my first or second. Well as your last one, you're like, I better soak it up. I and you know what, I fucking soaked and you did you soak it all up. That's what's keeping you so young with sucking up his life force. No, I just his placenta. Oh my God, underscore yellow umbrellas says I was 18 with my first and 24 with second big gap. But still young parent with both. She says she doesn't recommend being pregnant at 17, but she likes being young with her kids. Yes, which is the premise of the show Gilmore Girls. Yeah. It is with my mom and the daughter are like best friends because they're both they're closer culturally than you would be if you Your kids when you were 40 and my daughter my oldest daughter and I would watch or watched Gilmore Girls religiously. Yeah, it was really cool. It was like the our first like Logan did you think Barry should have ended up with Logan because I thought that guy was you son of a bitch. No, not the end. He son of a bitch. I didn't say I don't even know if he did. I just remember he was a prick which one's Luke Milo Ventimiglia from This Is Us now. No. No, that's what Jarrod pattern. Lucky from all Rory from Supernatural Rory's really like Alexis Bledel on the handmaid's tale now, that's where she is if she still is that's worry. That's the daughter Lorelai. I'm not yeah Laura was on Parenthood. Not as Lauren Graham a huge. She's in Bad Santa. I just fucking crush it. I get fucking the whole cast. I barely even walk the little we just demonstrated to everyone listening why there's three people that will tolerate you and who were the three name three prove it. As far as I know there's one and a half. Anyway, so Hilary Rachel says I had mine on my early twenties and now she's in her mid 30s in her biological clock is tickin like this. What movie is that from? My biological clock is tickin like this. You don't know Cousin Vinny dude, every buckets high five. I don't know. I Love My Cousin Vinny. I love it. What a fucking nightmare who doesn't love Marissa Tomei. All right a we all do she makes thank you get it. For win one of our patrons says she did both. I had my first daughter when I was 19 and my second and third kids when I was 36 and 37 respectively. It was easier when I was young because life had an already sucked out all my energy and joie de vivre. Excuse me, plus my first kid was really easy other two are clearly possessed. So maybe it's not even that I'm old. Maybe we just need an exorcist but really young or old it is hard and mostly sucks and he just and you might want to just skip the whole thing. She's my favorite. Surfer she's the new philosophy for me. She's good. They all need Exorcist and you might want to skip the whole thing. Does it matter what age you are kids are nightmare gonna be tough? Yeah. Yeah. Well, that's the point. The point is is there is no right answer young old. It's they're both it suppose the only person that wins. I think we've covered this in this the only person who wins here is George Clooney who has a three year old and doesn't give a shit because he could do whatever he wants. Well, he's so rich who cares. He probably never met his kids. So good-looking and personable and affable he is affable. I mean honestly seems like a nice guy. He loves pranks and practical jokes. Like she's so like Riley. So there are a bunch of you have had them in the middle and I include myself, right? So M Vasco 326. We said we had our kids in mid 30s commented we wouldn't make a trade to have had them younger but we are tired dad and Bloated says I was 32 and I had my first what I'm dad and Bloated I told you knock off that a knockoff really like I'm not gonna catch with this version of again. What is your brand as you you're a dad and buried but Dad and dead there's an easy fucking pun dad and Bloated. This is named Annabelle. He's got a very funny Instagram account. I suggest you check it out. I will before fucking mocking the dude. Oh, all this content is original. I love it. All right. Can you do loving but I mean dude who copied who did you copy him? No, I've been around for fucking a decade somehow. He's probably got as many followers as me and it took him two years. I've had been around for 10. Goddamn it you making me sad is that I was 32 and I had my first I'm glad I waited past my 20s, right because he has a fucking good time getting getting dead. Then blow it in there. Believe me in your 20s. You just all about that girl. I'm angsty and I don't know what's happening. I'm angsty. I'm angsty reader underscore. Envy underscore says she's in her late 30s with a toddler and she's glad she waited. Mrs. Thompson says I was 31 hubby was 42 the financial security is the best parts and she gets to be a stay-at-home mom. She gets the best of both world. She has the kid when she's fairly young but her husband her sugar daddy. Has the financial security at 42 so she can stay home. Alicia Murdock says she was 28 and 30 they had energy and will be done sooner. But if we waited we'd have money right? Here we go. The more money more more better. Jimmy quick says, he's glad he waited had some fun living for himself in his 20s. Now, I'm content being a plug. I don't know what that means being a plug. I don't know what that means either anyone. I didn't know if one of you guys might have known so I kept it in there to find out tiful Thorne says, I had one at 30 and one at Six I felt young and then old wish I had had number two earlier glad to have more money now. Yeah, I think that's the idea. The point is is it is a so, what are we talking about? You have to have it 31:33. That's the sweet spot. I never had money in my 20s. I don't have money now like none of this applies to me because my I'm a failure and my life is always been trashed except for my kids you bring me just the joy and happiness. That's true. Don't forget your beautiful wife. Baman. Three said he had one kid born when he was 32. Perfect age. Wish I had my husband when she was younger though. She wishes she gave birth to her own husband. Yeah, that is using I wish I did. Who is this Caligula? My God, not even Caligula. It's like Marty McFly's mom. She was hot Lea Thompson. She was buggin. Ya ya ya bum. Ya hands off her man. Sorry, that's my best impression. I think of all time you never done a better impression, except when I do what's his name Sean Connery doing Dave Matthews. Tell me who's the king of girl shatter light Castle. No one even knows that song. I hate Dave Matthews, but Sean Connery is the best Bond. Can we all agree with what you know, we all agree. We've now recruit. It's you wanna hear my Louis Armstrong. I see Skies of Blue. The blue guy you meet Cookie Monster. He calls Cookie Monster. The blue guy Grover. Is that how he sounds absolutely Armstrong do Grover dude. This is horrible. Let's get back on track. Okay fine. I did bring either bring it back back from that. I'm available for parties. You know what? I really I this is my zone. I feel like a Malzone. Yeah, obviously you're in the middle, which was my whole point is we're in the middle. You're not a young dad are old then my whole thing was we don't really have a point of view on this why I was reluctant to do the topic. Hey, and we have a whole section. Glad you have the common they have an idea because we have a dedicated fan base, and the whole podcast is to give them a voice the whole point is to give them a voice, but I want to be able to be passionate about a topic and if I don't have a fucking through-line, thank you. Many pastors - you know what? Yeah, you know what you get my blood up Pete that fucking we get 200 ratings were going to do a fucking boxing match. We're going to get in those Sumo suits fucking American Gladiator style, dude. Why don't we just get in like just tie some T-shirts you what? Why don't we just look at why don't we just get a fucking mud-wrestling pit right here and take our clothes off. Whatever is fucking. I mean, I don't mean I don't want to do it. But will they won't they shit is going on long enough? Okay, God damn it. So Lego 1311 says something interesting to he she says I had just turned 30 when I had our kid. My mom was so worried. I would wait too long, right? That's the generational thing where like, oh my God, like you haven't had a kid when you're in your 20s. You fucking spinster go. This is it we got we now have generational. You know, what's a fucking word? I'm thinking of have no idea what you're coming to we have generational. Like perspective on how we are living our lives. So our parents are getting divorced all over the place your parents getting divorced. I mean, huh? No, not yet. But the point is is our parent Our Generations parents were being divorced all over the place right 80's 90's. Everyone's getting divorced. Why because they're getting married. They're getting married much younger societal pressure. What's now happening is it's trending much older or not much older, but older into the 30s and early 40s. And guess what people stand together longer things are happening, you know, and people just aren't getting married period that people are getting fewer people are getting married. If you're a real environmentalist, you're not going to bring a kid into this world. Oh, yeah, like when it's Paltrow and seven. What is she really she really was she had a meeting at a diner with Morgan Freeman and she was like I'm pregnant and I really am scared and Morgan Freeman talked about how when he was younger. He had his girlfriend got pregnant and he told her to get an abortion and he thinks he did the right thing with his not a day goes by that. He doesn't fucking regret that he had that fucking kid, but the world is a cesspool. This is the fictional dystopia of seven. The world is a cesspool. That's not actually how the song goes nay. Loves when I sang and he loves my pop culture references no look at him. He's literally--he's like hyperventilating. So little charmer 80 who is a very prolific commenter like literally cool it like like you don't need six boxes of comments. Just give me one or two. I had one kid at 33 kid to it 36 their kind of older parents know you're not so they're tired. We're all tired, but the kids weren't on her radar in her 20s, right? Right. This is what I'm saying. She's like I kind of like the idea of getting it out of the way earlier. But like if you're not in the mindset of you're not married or you're not with somebody and you're not like your end game isn't have kids. You're not like, oh I want to get this over with it's just not how you think then she's like, I'll be 52 when they're going to college and I think that's okay. Yeah, I feel pressure to stay healthy to be around for when they're older. We worry we won't be around when the kids are 40, like what if we never get to see like what if we never get to be grandparents to them, which is I guess a Aaron like I'm 43 now on my kid is three right? So like if he doesn't have kids until he's 40 not going to meet him by Bobby fucking so dead. Well Six Feet Under And I listened and unless you take the advice of our previous podcast, which is Dad bods and get your exercise on but well, I would if I didn't keep accidentally wearing women's gym clothes. That's true complete didn't mention that during the dad bod. Episode was weird. Weird. What about Sarge? What about sorry? Ouch, sorry, but I miss him so yeah, yeah read them up. So sorry says he had his first at 28 second 30 and I think I did a good at the time allowed me to enjoy my younger years and first five years of marriage. Then the kids ruined it all. Yeah. There you go. That's what happens to the children. Terrible. I'm also not 50. So there we go. Not yet. Not yet. But knock on wood knock on wood. That's what you do. You just stop it when you knock on wood. Stop you halt the process of aging and know you just knocking I would is like reverse jinxing. I know the idea. Okay, so what the fuck man just like it was so stupid. Anyway MK steps as I envy my friends who had kids right out of high school. Their kids are grown in their traveling the world and reveling in their emptiness and they're still young enough to enjoy Dino. But again, like unless you're like unless you marry your high school sweetheart or you you get married that Quick or whatever is the most people don't find their person that early they don't find their lobster that early friends reference kind of so stupid the show so stupid but it's what I'm saying. Like this isn't necessarily something that's always under your control. Right? So it's easy to have regret for something you didn't do but not being able to plan it. Is that something you should regret think that people well first of all, It's a come it starts with the whole marriage up. Well, maybe we should reframe it. If you're with someone and you get them pregnant is that an invitation to get married and start a family or just fucking leave town and get the fuck out but the point is is our parents came from a generation. We're getting married in college or before College was like a thing. Yeah, and they didn't play the field anywhere near as much right you like you meet like a couple of people and they make it a choice anywhere near as much as needed. You had a clarinet you had no, we're not talking about the football fan hat. I had a saxophone pot of Adam might pick up women and vigor about you and the ladies just Yama Yama Yama extras. Friends. Yeah, well never not appreciate that one. So Caleb Colby mama says, they were old 35 and 38 but they traveled bought a house in are more mature, but they're exhausted by their kids now, but you're always going to be right. So well, you may be hired. Maybe you have like a really nice house and maybe a little bit of extra help and sometimes maybe you have an extra house which also helps and because you're older the Ute and your rova, I have no idea if I got that name right says they started at 34 and the pro is they did all the bucket list stuff before they had kids traveling Etc. No fomo for me. Right? Right. And that's the thing. Like if you feel like you didn't live a full life before you have your kids then maybe that's when you have a big regret because once you have kids, yeah, you know, they call them anchor babies for a reason and I don't know the reason but I don't know but it sounds like it should apply so incorrect. Yeah ewot 78 says the big kind of being old parents is you can't get up and down off the floor and your back hurts. That's true. You need to be able to get your kid into a figure for face lock and lock them up because guess what that's the best part camel clutch when they are laughing and also saying Dad, I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die in the second you let go they go again. Yeah, right. Oh, that's the best you're gonna like this open teeny 80 popular prolific. Commodore says, I'm 39. My Hub is 42. We have a three-year-old and one on the way one on the way. We waited seven years to have. Have kids focused on our careers traveled in partied and it was glorious. I don't regret it. But now we are freakin exhausted and do sometimes wish we did it sooner overall most of our friends and neighborhood neighborhoods in the neighborhoods had kids late 30s, just like us it's the new Norm age is just a number. Well, I agree with that and that's what I said you were going to do. I said you're going to agree with this. Yeah, and then you said I agree with that. Yeah, I think I mean that's that's that's good. However, I think You know what's going to happen is is the grandkids thing that comes into my mind which hey could tell he says here. You know what I think about it, you know, I my oldest daughter is going to have kids maybe if I'm in my late 50s. Well, this is the reverse so hey could tell it says First Kid at 42nd at 42. I was / am exhausted but there's more money and wisdom less patience though. It's hard that the grandparents are older her parents are older so she Up with her grandparents and her girls likely won't have that what you're saying is from the potential grandparent perspective. There's less odds that you're going to have the your grandkid. How fucking crazy is it that I would just think that I would possibly you put yourself in a grandparent shoes. And you know what there's something I have to say about think about that that you what you're in being a grandparent. Yeah, but that's not for this podcast. That's pretty much more sentimental and Yeah, save it for the sentimental podcast. We don't do that. Well that's called love and laughter love live laughter die crying. Hey live live. It's live love laughs. So should I cry? I hate right answer. That's right. You know that. Well, no no live love laugh Live Laugh Love Die cry. Hey, you know what? I want to I need to make those signs, but I hate is too hot guy and hate are too harsh to actually sell that is the problem is it If you sell it, and you say it's German like the the BART, 'they vbar Indiana this guy like Simpsons references. Okay. Alright. Alright, so that was it. Well, thank you, sweetheart. But you know, what's a fun fact what did we are now older parents now than we were before. We started recording this podcast and everyone listening is much much older from this Nate Nate. Did you take do you regret not having kids already? Well, it's possible. Yeah. Well, it's possible and Mick Jagger had a when it like 70. So as you can do the you think you think make Jagger Mick Jagger is this is the role model pictures of his kid texted to him. Yes. He's never met a child raising that you doing Mick Jagger know you want me to do Louis Armstrong Mallory. You have one. Massive look I promise. I'm a humorous time out of mimic. You're just not an impressionist. You just gagging. All right, everybody. We'll catch you next time. I don't know what we're gonna do next. We'll keep you posted.
Ever think that you had kids at the wrong time in your life? If only you had them earlier you wouldn't be so damned tired all the time. Then again, if you had them any younger youd've lost your formative party years when you were on the scene crushing it [Read: eating cereal in your underwear watching Judge Judy re-runs till 3am]. Don't worry, friend you're not alone (well I guess we're all alone ultimately) there are others who feel the same way. Thier names are Mike and Pete and they explore all the angles in this episode.
Hello everyone. Welcome to the Daily Grind. My name is Kelly Johnson and we are an episode 17 already. Isn't that crazy? Well, the best is yet to come in another week. We have a really special guests on today. I will introduce them. I don't know Chaudhary. He is a software engineer at Microsoft for over three years. And in the Seattle area. He he's truly live in The Daily Grind flying into Chicago every weekend to pursue his MBA at Chicago Booth.School of Business has served as CTO at nonprofit called the irrelevant project fighting gender stereotypes formation adolescence and is a passionate instrumentalist and songwriter. So welcome. Anurag's woohoo. Thanks for inviting me. It's truly a pleasure. Capable of listening to podcasts as much as I enjoy but being one. Yes, definitely. I'm so glad to have you on our show your you have such a great personality and background and truly live in The Daily Grind and so much to talk about today or as much as we can basically anurag's so I guess first off. So what's up? It's been a while since the last time I saw you in Seattle. Yeah life and crazy and like I said, I just tried to keep school. So traveling and new lifestyle is definitely something I'm still getting used to but yeah, it's been great. And I'm so glad you talking again same here. Yeah, like last time listeners anuraga. I had a trip out to Seattle and Portland so got to take some time with on Iraq to tour the Microsoft campus. And then basically it was like the weeks before you started your whole master's program. You were telling me like the gist of it of How it's coming they're like, yeah, I'm gonna fly in every weekend and so you're definitely racking up the mileage points. I'm guessing travel wise. Lunch, but it only ends up security. So I got that so I really make sure that I can manage being late and to make a flight and also have lunch access when I'm hungry. Oh that's just perfect fits in with your busy schedule. You tell us a little bit back about your background and then what got you into software engineering sure. Yeah, so in India, To be called Sakura and then I went to Illinois University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign for a few days you would know. Drawn towards anything that ran on batteries or electricity. It could be a calculator or computer keyboard or in a microwave. I would make sure I exhaust all my story issues with that like knew what we were capable of and it really just translating to be into me being interested coding and being able to make computers to what I wanted to do. What is that way try because I feel like yours are the only ethical slave. We're used to and you can tell the computer to play a song over a hundred times and would do it without showing any signs of tiredness or any complaints. So that was very fascinated me and I approve I think Middle School the first time I was exposed to a programming language and I remember making the furiously quiz that I made all my family members go through which just you on how you perform, but those that I knew I wanted to And I took it up a few agency and here I am at converting other companies always change of working at working in and I can be happy. That's that's great. Just certainly knew what you wanted to do when you're super young which is that's pretty unique. So then you continue through college and then through work and now you're in your master, so I guess maybe next steps to what got you interested in pursuing your Masters. Yeah. Yeah, so what happened was suicide Microsoft. I realized that outside of my professional and work life. I had little bit to do something. I feel like a lot of you guys have that flexibility and the overwhelming freedom to do anything with their lives. So I end up joining this nonprofit as a developer. He has a project and I like the concept of gender intervention. Much that I asked them if I could step up and video which they happily agreed to and as soon as I did that I realized that a lot because decisions I was making involve these brainstorming sessions. I was doing was lacking the business justification or evidence and I really wanted to fill that gap which is why I realized that the monsters and then being in business would really help also because entrepreneurship runs in my family my dad my sister. After my my sister's husband, they're all entrepreneurs and they're all doing great. So I was very drawn to where's that aspect of business as well and they do want to eventually start my own company. So I feel like all this data education and the network and the opportunities will be great for pursuing those things. I was just going to ask you to your family background or anyone else has like motivated you or inspired you to do what you do today or now you signed up for a master's but yeah entrepreneurship. Things like that. Did you I guess when you're younger to get exposure to doing entrepreneurship or pure science things of that like where you in clubs through like high school or college or other nonprofits to Choice question first. If not, explicitly. I was never owner or even part of the founding Club farming group of startups in high school or in college, but I did See my dad because you go through the whole process and that was definitely inspiring and that's me. Look at the perspective of how do you struggle is and and how good do you work in people in terms of success and satisfaction and that guy that did play a big role in me deciding to be introduced but haven't gotten there yet, but definitely the experience as a PTO got it got me really close to the hole. Crying and password that is required to sign on top. Yeah, what about computer science is about coding definitely like it said all middle school high school. I was involved in different aspects of coding. It could be different languages or different applications. I was building and I think few European colonies his first time I actually feel something that I was able to sell to another company. I saw that this company was doing so Smells labor that could be automated easily and I ended up for typing in the stool for them that they really like so I spent another two months sort of ties and good and then it actually felt it to them and they still sent emails about how much the benefit out of it. So it's crazy how much how little effort or house just a little organization can improve someone's life so much. So that was nice for your computer science, and I was a lot of clubs at school. Are you see and also post your eyes yet? Microsoft most part of small Initiative for coding or for teaching how to code to just last year. I will all cheering at high school to teach freshman High School how to curl and they were all the course because they were kind of forced to take it but I did see a lot of these lines that were kind of on the fence. They were like given that and meeting that position to tell them what would you like offers was great. Excited for example that yeah, you're such a self starter in regards to it evens. You sell your own products basically and now you're inspiring other kids or other adolescents are looking to go have a similar career path to yours. Yeah being in the industry. Do you think this is a do you think there's a trend of more careers more jobs doing like what you're doing or since you're probably one of the first ones on my podcast that is has this background. Can you like explain to our listeners? Like what? You think are your perspective on this industry growing and different paths that might take? Absolutely. Yeah, I didn't notice that I was going to be a podcast night. I noticed that there were clearly more sports cars a lot of people on it and I feel like I'm the first key Hideki first a big uptick in the number of jobs in stem, especially in computer science. And the good thing right now is that there are more jobs than people. For capable or skills to do it. So definitely if that's something that letters are interested in or know of someone in school still who want to pursue computer science. It is be that's causing the most in-demand career up there right now. Also the initiate is about Bridging the gender gap through go to code or all these different initiatives group really want more female implementation computer science. This is also very satisfying to see knowing how the industry all how all Industries are converging or teens being fluent by computer science also speaks volumes of how relevant specific mysterious right now. Hmm, lots lots of innovation lots of Technology changes and yeah electric cars or telephones or even fridges with these screens and Alexa and Google This policy like that is not one industry that has been spared grams with the coding. So she's someone who was killed I interested in computers can definitely find their interest or been industrious decided to get into and to find relevant new technology collaborations on like phones or Electronics or even like consumer goods. Do you have any give me hints or anything that you anticipate? speight getting more liability and research and do you have been one of the hottest topics out there right now is artificial intelligence and how the world is trying to leverage the power and the flexibility computers to predict how people behave how natural elements behave so if you are patient comes in for definitely something that people take over the world by traumas knowledge And if you think that when we talk about Solutions between you could think of is the token word computer technology, which is not really so much about good things over to be much more about computers augmenting human life applies to a greater extent than what they are dead. And it's very common to see just how different aspects able to hit on with machine learning and being able to train these computers to understand how things Who come up and say things that I feel is how we wrecked be able to embed technology into the smallest of things which is usually referred to as the things which we need that we connecting everything that we see in our daily lives to the cloud to the internet and making sense part. So it could be microwaves. It could be industry appliances activity your notebook. It could be anything that you would otherwise think of being disconnected, but good. Left Edge connectivity to do smarter things obviously, that's what I feel like are definitely finding our future would look like and if I hadn't sufficiently think that is more specific. I would probably not be able to do that quite a few definitely. Definitely. Yeah. I thought I'd ask this in the most knowledgeable person that's been on my podcast so far and I had obviously I'm not in I'm not in this industry but more and consuming. Summer goods and Sporting Goods it talking about like the daily interactions what you do on a daily basis just to make our jobs easier or lives easier in general. So you talked about yeah your nonprofit experience what you currently do your studies that whole Daily Grind that you do on a daily basis. How do you how do you like balance your schedule? Like how you manage your time? I'll give you this though. You think that striving for to the process is to her new lifestyle and trying to optimize Kathy said won't be tempted by food. I got from another of my classmates who's going through the same thing was to not read anything that would otherwise be considered crazy. So when I got my friend Pepe, I travel to Chicago every weekend tested for a half hour flight and two hours time difference and they Just all white I me and think of me are the creative Pursuits and vigor. It is crazy things that you would want to unless you have been tempted to do it. But she like the first two weeks when I said something like this, I will definitely stressing myself out. I was rushing to the airport. I was juggling food packing and unpacking and doing mature scientist just paint overwhelming but after seeing this trend, I realize that if we Always dread experience no matter how convenient exist with myself out on that. So that changes mindset and just approaching it with some level of positivity would definitely definitely changed to where I was able to manage it. I was now able to More Often by a thread I was able to read more wealth mewling or just catch up on email on the slide even the launcher. That I could make sure that I would do my dinners at the airport. So all those really helps me systemize the crazy schedule. So the question of how we do it at this is more about this is what about what my mind is doing when i'm doing these things. Yeah. Definitely. Yeah, just like a positive outlook and then just planning ahead. So setting up a schedule and well, I wouldn't say multitasking but being efficient with your time and your in different places. Or while you're commuting to and from places. I think that's really important. Mmm. I think it's really important. Just even I don't I don't fly out or I'm not currently studying anything. But when I try to maximize my time, like if I drive up to Wisconsin, or if I am traveling to visit someone or going places I try to think of other things to do or read or things that have going on to help maximize my time or just and they give it on the positive side. Don't think of as negative just saying Love it. Oh a new way of getting things done being efficient. That's that's really interesting. It's just goes beyond flying. You think it could be something as simple as working out get here. If you're thinking always thinking about churches can always trim. You would probably not be able to stay working out on a regular basis. You have to look forward in something you doing despite it being hard or incompletely and maybe down the line you're enjoying it. That's the idea that we hope that I have been essentially. Within the next two years I start enjoying this process about meeting new people on the airplanes or just being able to have more friends on both sides to treat me like and just be idea of doing something drastically different on weekends supposed to weekdays. I think those aspects of tiny lifetime will definitely be more enjoyable and interesting interesting moving on definitely a things to look forward to and then also have like the end result or what It's you'll get out of your travels or your studies or whatever short term or long goalie have I think that applies to for anything that just life or career or sports? But whatever you're passionate about and looking towards know and I know you travel so much. Yes, definitely for instance this weekend. I'm actually going up to Wisconsin my current must turning 80 years old, so Stranding finding time and I'm training for this Marathon. So trying to find time to run my long run but then have time for family and then also have time for friends and also have time for planning for like my mom the the Turkey Trot. I'm hosting coming up logistically other things like a lot of stuff you have in the air but like you mentioned before have a positive outlook to it and then don't think is is a burden Thicket of it more as time to actually utilize use your strengths and time management and prioritizing and things of that making the most of it. So yeah, we're both we're both on our daily grinds other my intro I touchdown and passionate instrumentalist and songwriter. So maybe let's transition and music so honor act he tell us a little bit more about what's going on in that area. Okay, not a whole lot. I started with the keyboard when I was about 10 years old and it was funny because my to was the one getting lessons and I would just watch her getting the best friends and feel each other's of me not can say that I started playing the keyboard and had a small screen with instructions on it and very soon. I was able to compose without really having informal letters. My parents finally saw that in me and they got Computer to school and through college I will multiple bands and had not collaboration. So that really helps me understand what kind of music I want to donate or enjoy listening or playing and this point in my life Matt rush. So I haven't been able to produce as much as I do right more than I cover Citrus experience where I completely shut my brain off. Art work stuff and just engage all my creative juices into writing and improvising is like and how actually it's you take it all the way back. That's how Kelly and I met ya friend is when I was in the back and Kelly was fingers friend and I was in Chicago for internship and used to Kelly. So yeah basic might not be Especially with fully opened up doors for meeting interesting people Through Torture to music or not. But he also has to be relax and unwind again. I was just going to touch on that. So basically yeah music brings people together like you and I I admire what you do because I'm not an artist or musician by any means by love watching music or live or listening to people's how talented our and them expressing their path. Passion for music through songs or however, however channels I guess you'd say it I definitely admire what you do and I can tell it's look it's a lot. It's like any other like a sport or even anything else or a hobby. It's it's what you put work the work they put in you get you produce things. So more things come out song the writing. That's so cool. Did you consider it as it's like a stress reliever something that you can relax? You said you like relax. It's something I can do outside. work for sure. Yeah, so I don't know if there's science behind this. She should dive learning into a completely different activity definitely keeps both your engagements to talk and when I play music it definitely brings me back to let me rephrase that it definitely relieves stress and help me take my mind off work, which is important. Otherwise, I just burnt out and to be something Passive listening to that. I want to cover or just getting on an instrument to be guitar and keyboard and displaying what comes to buying. It really suits me and helps me relax. Yeah be producing music or even in general to do you listen to music via like Spotify like iTunes SoundCloud you have like a go to and like playlist. I'm guessing. Yeah Spotify has been up for me. I have all the trailers that I listened to on there and I really like their creative as well. So if I'm feeling in the Orson feeling sad, there's a place called devastating beautiful. You should always do it for every mood and every genre so he helps me get all these preparations or ideas or displaying the listen to music I want to do so It has by all these different requirements I have for musica. It kind of crazy right just about 10 years ago. The only way he would get music is through CDs books. I thought you downloading YouTube videos and how we have access to this one app that has just almost every music we've ever listen to you or one listened and they keep coming. So yeah, I agree. That's all. Yeah. That's all. Because that's just how fast computers has been transitioning and the space has been growing and these apps and these new paint analyzer Testament to just how powerful this is. Definitely. Yeah just ties into our overall theme for today and your background in software engineering and computer science just like how music has been affected through that realm Innovation through music. I remember getting like my first see see I were having a CD player and then my first iPod Nano and now I just use my phone. You back. Yeah, I wouldn't have imagined when I had my first I thought not as felt that one day I everything would be on the phone. I would not have to rip CDs. I will not have to download it. Illegally. It's like barely a few dollars. Yeah, things are things have changed things have changed for the better though. Definitely helps me out. I use I use musical I listen to music at work. And then I also like you I have like moods or I And stuff I'm when I'm outside the office or when I'm working out or run it. I have a couple of like running playlist I go to Second Run Kelly fast. Yeah. So music is selling like the grounding think that Lisa. Yeah. It makes me it makes me run faster. It motivates me to run fast because if I don't run fast, I can't hold that hashtag, you know anymore. Just having that it makes is my own personal branded identity. There's no one else on the I've looked I've searched I recently searched like a few weeks ago. Like, oh, I wonder if there's anyone else using this hashtag, but there actually isn't it's that separates me too because my last name is really common. So there's not a lot of Kelly Johnson. Sorry Kelly fast. So yes that yourself apart. Do you have any like screen names or nicknames for your music background or even your engineering background nicknames? I don't I do have. Have crossed all platforms and how it is under your accepted you at the site and there is a story why I'm five drop everywhere, which is ten other really common name in India, and they wanted a shorter handles across all platforms. So very, you know, it's very young freshman high school was when I adopted on five drug, and I'm sure she's up front about anything. You could be YouTube Instagram Facebook. LinkedIn it all and text box so that you'll be definitely more be handled by have out. That's good. Yeah. Hey, no, it's not yourself apart to and you can remember it's good. Yeah, I like remember it easy to remember. I like. Yeah like the stories. Do you have any do you like going to on the music side to do you like going to like live shows? Yes playing with other people other musicians do collaborate with other people that have background music. Eric Yeah, so to the first question, I luckily live shows. I feel like that just shows different type of the artist. You've always listened to in on Spotify or on speakers and Google play or I know Taylor Swift. They just have these extraordinary concerts that you would be all she should all go. I think said I haven't been able to attend a lot of conferences together effectively schedule and because every time I want to go to concert it's happening the next week. And the debates are ridiculously high we tried or just found a little planning while also all the big artists. Have you want to get those tickets much earlier? And I'm not one of those people who always looks better. So I usually fail but that question about collaboration. Absolutely. I think that's one of the best parts of being in addition is that you can easily find more people interested and also want to collaborate it's the bring so much more for inspiration and Just like on board. For example, if they have their background and Chaz or blues and you come in with something that is more in the or or alternative music you can be combination is always such incredibly satisfying thing to see some upcoming and it had that put a lot of artists locally and even overseas through site. So now That are on YouTube or any streaming channels, but just be just playing with them. Just jamming with them. It's great. Hmm. Do you have groups both in Seattle and Chicago that you collaborate with? not The Unwanted eventually to be tracked but are usually unable to do so, so I am in the same boat I have so many different partners that I have recorded that I want to eventually make a song out of your son work. Those are the core temp would never get a few hours the middle of my schedule. I mean, yeah, you have them saved on your on your on your computer so or your phone so you're good to go down the road. It's just yeah just finding time for it. Basically. How about on the Live music side. Do you see any there's I've only been CL once I was my first time out there. Do you see any like similarities or differences between the music scene in Chicago and Seattle? Jack so just street musician price. I feel like Rahul was at me more blues and more very different from the Shadows music scene, which is more crunch more think even more crop and feel than jazz or Blues which is more of a Chicago thing. So definitely a remarkable difference and the live music see because Seattle is the birthplace of Jimi Hendrix and Nirvana so that up into ends what people would do here and what people what kind of conditions come out to sea so it's a little bit big place in the foreman. You can still all big leaders and all big artists definitely head up Seattle during the network. So I haven't had any time when I felt like not to tell you want to listen to and they were in touring in Seattle. It's a hard place to travel to I'll tell you that I'd love to go back and visit again a good time. I was only there for a couple days but there's tons of stuff to do and see it's kind of funny how to like Chicago is like inheriting some things from the West Coast as well. And since we just opened up our our Starbucks Roastery reserve a last weekend. Have you had a chance to visit our one in Chicago yet on Iraq or it just opened up. I mean last Friday, so I've had so much Chicago. It should I go do my homework and the Hey, where's the type of cuts coming and be great. You should hit that place. I'm like, okay, I didn't probably need to learn to let go Starbucks. So I know the people of Chicago were definitely excited about these doors coming up and it is actually a great thing that with the wine in Seattle and they have the rosetree and they had these flights and I think you went with the same method as well. Right. Yeah, I got to check out the thing. Yeah, I got check out the one Seattle the Roasterie. I did a flight of the coffee. That was really good. I didn't get to check out and having the bakery. I guess their late-night more like alcoholic beverages. I didn't get a chance to do that overall. I thought it was a really cool experience. Lots of like interactive stations and things you got to see the employees making these creations and person or parts of the the Brewing process Chicago on I Not got a chance yet to visit. I walk past the Roasterie like every day to work and every day when I walked home and there's just been crazy lines to get in. I've heard that over the weekend not so much on Friday, but I'd say Saturday and Sunday. It was like over an hour wait to just get in and that's through the whole entire day both in the later morning afternoon and evening this morning when I did walk to work. I there actually was not aligned surprisingly, but I'd say the mornings are I'm more free, but once your afternoon to evening, it gets packed up because obviously that's that's our Rush Hour seen basically so lots of foot traffic and it's still not even a week old. So I expect them to the tourists are people people will have heard saying it's like the coffee capital of the world. I don't know that's that's that's pretty bold statement there Chicago's putting herself on the map. Again, we're different products. So I'm glad to be part of the the coffee. in here So we predict that happening be among excitement. I saw just by the common people on the weekends about Starbucks and I would kind of I got paid that this would happen where people just wind up all parts and day just to go into the same store that they have been to all realize. It's a different setting and bigger store and with more options, I guess but the vibe on this is what people would line up for. Guess this one is compared to the ones yell. This one is five stories tall. So there's a couple different floors. It looks like they just made things a little bit bigger and they have I think with the other floors that have space to hold weddings or corporate events. So that's probably something that's a little bit different to reserve. I haven't seen obviously. I haven't seen any like private parties go through yet. I know they had like the day before I think last Thursday. They had like a VIP just exclusive. It was just like a soft opening. Lee to just a VIP list of different celebrities or people that follow the brand very heavily coffee connoisseurs and I heard that they had a chance The Chance the Rapper as a guest DJ there and they also had CEO Kevin Johnson he would he made an appearance. That's why I heard. Unfortunately. I was not on the list to make the cut but I saw that online. Wow. Yeah, meet me either so I'm curious to see world's is coming to you listeners are outside Chicago books grocery that's on Michigan Ave. Which is a super busy shopping street and there's laughs Flagship stores on there. For instance. I'm Under Armour has a flagship store. Nike is a store there. So a lot of like big Uniqlo has a store there. So a lot of like big bigger businesses should go to the Starbucks Roastery. They actually went into it used to be in Barrel store. I used to be a crater. Barrel location there. So they took over that big space. So it's cool that they at least they fill that vacant spot on the street, but Starbucks has definitely done a really good job, at least on the exterior. I've got to go in the inside to to give you a review. Yeah, and I can't wait to check that place out and I'm hoping that within a few weeks the novelty will die off and people will allow other casual pedestrians to enter and not have line up or sign up on that. Yes. Definitely. I think too. It's just like any other big business that has or a franchise that has a new location just turned a ton of Buzz going through right now and so in with it being the Holidays coming up heart of Chicago gets so into so into the holidays Thanksgiving Christmas other celebrations New Year's how they look how they light celebration coming up soon. So that just adds to the traffic I think as well. Imagine them going all in all these activities and yeah actually on the flip side. Do you see people in Seattle? Like is there a buzz saying that like, oh Chicago has this new Starbucks or things that because Starbucks did originated by you. But its shadow I can say the that it tells something that people don't don't necessarily want more of that is coffee he or she has so many locations so many different players in the Dutch really happy about that coffee. We have Starbucks and just every corner has location and we already have Starbucks reserve and others big station locations that we definitely don't envy Chicago at this point. Okay with her she has I think that I mean I'm just intrigued and interested in checking out Chicago one thinking it seems like they must have done things a little differently based on the people of Chicago and the location it's in so that would be interesting. But yeah, it's definitely very laid back in terms of Lifestyle in terms of the Kinder's. Celebrations and the decorations that we have here for homely more. Yeah that we more laid-back. So I think that's why I like I like not how being surprised by Too Many Lives or two heavy things going on by this notion of Seattle's grease from our second quarter. I just feel like it's a very welcoming City. Interesting. Yeah, you made her alive good valid points there in regards to the different. I mean, yeah sales on the west coast mourn our Chicago is like in the midwest so it's two different areas, but it's interesting to see how things how things are similar and different and by enjoy to about like traveling as well or finding time when I can to personally travel just to see different parts of the country and what the different Vibes are or how people live on What's the culture like an What do people what do people frequent a lot or that the hotspot? I know we talked about your daily schedule, but what's On Your Daily Grind on Iraq in the upcoming weeks or later this year? So I really want to right now I wake up about 7:45 or 8 a.m. I rush to work I come back from work. I do homework and then I pretty much just play something or cast my phone and waste time and end up sleeping. And probably one so I'm not really getting more than six two six and a half hours of sleep. So that means and usually more tired and one tea I don't get much time to work out. So that's something I'm definitely working on just being more Vigilant and more cognizant of my energy and physical health. So fix that moving on and the the other big part about being in two different cities in a week is the time sounds and our country its first time zones, so she has to sit out and we are helping to our part. I want the entire schedule where I wake up early enough in Seattle such that when I am in Chicago, I don't have to pay that that being two hours in the future. Hmm. You're probably go on the first people I've ever interviewed that deals with that time zone change like every week or on a regular basis. Yeah. Daylight Saving in the same week every week. Yeah, that's possible. Do you have a word of the day for our listeners out there that help motivate them through their own daily grinds. Yeah, it's three words if I that's okay. We all kind of agree with but we don't necessarily think about it, which is don't be lazy. I feel like laziness is such a productivity and angular and they're such so small ways easy fixes and you can make stop being lazy that could be a concrete porch or maybe something that incorporates. Now that remind you not basic but you like yeah, that's something that can be interpreted differently based on where you are in life that to me is definitely the word is be month. But yeah, I would apply that to every day of my life or something more bet you if you're able to move around or do things like don't be lazy get yourself off the couch and go do something go achieve your goal. Like it. Don't be lazy. Okay. Look, it's okay. Yeah, awesome. How about I don't know if our listeners have any questions comments. How can they get in touch with you after after the podcast? Oh, yeah by all means. very vulnerable and available on the internet quick search Mind Of The Nation also need to talk but I would argue that your Niche or type tell you that if you are comfortable with Facebook, you can find me at slash and Five Frogs, which is a and v RH V and this handle both all platforms that you're more of a LinkedIn or more than Instagram person should to / + 5 hours or Into that not calm fashion Python, and I'm very open to conversations about cheering about business school about this exciting that my interest listeners in talking about and very open to back. So we talked wherever you see most Optical and I do have all the apps on my phone. I do delete that sometimes when I feel like I'm doing too much of it, but I will respond to some of the fear great. Thank you on Iraq and I will for sure listeners put all of his contact info in our Notes for today. Thanks again for tuning in today's episode when it comes to sharing Our Daily Grind story with you and ways to file The Daily Grind our website is Daily Grind hyphenated. Listen to us on various methods YouTube Spotify iTunes, check out all the latest episodes and leave us a review questions and comments comments as always hit me up on Twitter. I'm at Kelly J. Lefty or Instagram DME at the same handle as well. So So that's it for today. Thanks again for tuning in and have a great day.
Don't be lazy (all the time) and optimize your schedule on the Daily Grind, your new weekly motivational podcast. This episode features Kelly Johnson and special guest Anurag Choudhary! Choudhary has been a software engineer at Microsoft for over 3 years and flies into Chicago every weekend pursuing his MBA at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He has served as CTO at the Irrelevant Project, a nonprofit fighting gender stereotypes formation in adolescents, and is a passionate instrumentalist and songwriter. Choudhary is originally from India and currently lives and works in the Seattle area. In today's episode, we talk about Choudhary's 'daily grind' from traveling to and from his masters program while finding time for his community involvement and passion for music, how to have a positive mindset in overcoming busy schedules, engineering industry trends, and differences between laid-back Seattle and happy-holidays Chicago. Audio Credit Intro: Draw The Line Mastered by Connor Christian Follow our Host: Twitter: @kellyjlefty Instagram: @kellyjlefty Website: Follow our Special Guest: LinkedIn: Instagram: @an5rag --- Support this podcast:
We all wish we had the time to sit down and read all about Bitcoin, but we can listen almost anywhere. So let me read it for you. This is a crypto Kana me quick read. What is up everybody? Welcome back to the crypto. Cana me. We are continuing from yesterday's reading. Read this will be the second half and a little bit of change of the Bitcoin Reformation by Turtle. Mr. From adamant capital and this will be starting into the section all about the financial economy on the ends kind of what role we could see Bitcoin playing as an analogy to the Protestant Reformation of the 16th and 17th century. So if you didn't listen to yesterday's episode that is First half of this so definitely go back and check that one out. But without further Ado we are going to go ahead and jump into part 3 Financial economy during a Reformation. part 3 Financial economy during the Reformation In the Reformation we saw the emergence of a new cultural and economic class trying to defend itself in a dynamic volatile and hostile environment. It was a network of idiosyncratic economic actors highly invested in their calls cut off from traditional ways of doing business with highly potent defenses at their disposal. Driven by a ferocious demand for increased Financial Security this resulted in a number of Innovations in secular Trends below. We discuss several characteristics of the 16th century Dutch Financial economy and extrapolate from them some likely parallel trends that could sustainably emerge in the Bitcoin space. deposit banking full Reserve strict protocols In 1609 in the Netherlands merchants in City officials collaborated to found the Amsterdam vessel Bank AWB. It served two main purposes. First to guard the gold and silver wealth carried by the many hundreds of merchants refugees from the southern Netherlands and other territories second. It would issue internationally trusted Florin denominated bank money and bills of Exchange. The level of security of the AWB at the time was unparalleled in the world. It was located in Amsterdam a city protected by the Dutch water line, which formed a moat over 50 miles long the bank's Vault and operations were located at the town's most Central and visible location City Hall and the bank's organizational structure reflected a strong desire to be uncompromising in its fiduciary duties. The AWB counted four Commissioners and it was prohibited by the physical office you ever be staffed alone the Commissioners supervised for bookkeepers for counter bookkeepers three receivers and a precious metal assayer to prevent fraud. Each of the bookkeepers was only responsible for a designated tasks the V OC Trading Company arguably the most powerful economic entity of its day was a name WB account holder and it only made payments through the visal bank. despite a somewhat blemished track record as a full Reserve Bank, the reputation of the AWB was unparalleled in the 17th century and its stability and reliability played a key role in the prosperity of the Dutch Republic as late as 1820 Adam Smith In The Wealth of Nations praised the money of the visal bank for quote its intrinsic superiority to currency The AWB was not cheap. It charged a 1% annual storage fee for gold coin as well as opening fees transaction fees and a 1.5 percent withdrawal fee over all the advantages of the a WBS bank money were such that it's banknotes carried and a Geo they traded at a premium versus the actual gold and physical coins. They were backed by in the Bitcoin community in response to a cultural aversion of trusted third parties high risk of theft and loss and long-term regulatory uncertainty. We expect increased adoption of Highly secure trust minimized Bitcoin deposit banking Solutions the most trust minimize Solutions are those where by theft or fraud is by Design rendered extremely difficult with the use of delay mechanism. Thumbs in programmable nesting of signing Authority. We're seeing the beginning of a compelling and robust custody suite for Bitcoin which can generate a hitherto unparalleled level of security. We believe there is a lot of Promise in the smart contract Solutions recently explored by people such as Bob McElroy with Brian Bishop and Peter Wella in that sense, the growing adoption of multisig addresses for Bitcoin storage is likely a promising start of a much bigger Trend as of October 2019 32% of all Bitcoins in circulation are stored in the more privacy friendly P2, sh address format in 12% are visibly stored in multisig addresses up from zero percent in 2014. Quote it is no wonder that these Dutchmen should Thrive before us their Statesmen are all Merchants. They have traveled in foreign countries. They understand the course of trade and they do everything to further its interests in quote 17th century petition presented to Oliver Cromwell. Quote a transaction set up scheme that binds both the user and the attacker to always using a public observation and delay period before a weekly secured hotkey is allowed to arbitrarily spend coins during the delay period there is an opportunity to initiate recovery or clawback which can either trigger deeper Cold Storage parameters or reset the delay period end quote Brian Bishop describing. Sig pre-signed Vault proposal 2019 Enterprise Insurance cautious web of trust with the 16th century seeing an explosion in Maritime trade. It also meant that Financial technology was needed to deal with the accompanying risk. The earliest forms of Maritime Insurance were in the form of C loans, which commanded a high interest rate as they were only repaid Upon A boats safe arrival at destination. This type of contract was especially useful if the investor did not have access to full information about the profitability. Of the sailors Venture an alternative was the commenda contract which gave the investor the right to share in the profits of a voyage in the case of a successful completion. Both were imperfect substitutes of Maritime Insurance early insurance contracts have been found in Italy where Merchants themselves acted as Underwriters which later gave rise to the mutual form of insurance. By the 16th Century Insurance had spread to Britain France Holland and Spain one recurring challenge for the merchants was with claim collection. Some Financial Centers proved less reliable than others and if a merchant went with the wrong underwriter, he might never see his money given how hard is Central information was to come by in the immature shipping Market. The agency risk for Underwriters was substantial. Sometimes Merchants would deliberately over ensure in sink their ship or they would buy insurance on a ship. They knew was already lost because of the high risks involved Merchants paid a premium for Quality Underwriters and Underwriters would often confine themselves to working with Merchants. They could trust other factors that determined insurance rates were the financial stability of the underwriters and the city's rule of law culture. Insurance broker licensing and guiding was repeatedly Tried by authorities in Amsterdam and Venice but remained largely unpopular. Insurance in the Bitcoin industry is still in a very early stage since the Advent of the Bitcoin mining industry in 2013. We have seen many examples of Proto insurance contracts investors will pre-order mining rigs from mining startups who use the proceeds to produce the chips and manufacture the machines and similar to 16th century Maritime trade upon successful completion of the mission are then able to share and Adventures profits. Also several Bitcoin custodians have some form of insurance. But the fine print often shows that it's only the hot wallets that are insured which usually represents less than 10% of the Bitcoin under management similar to 16th century Commerce. There are a plethora of unknowns when it comes to underwriting risk in the space price volatility risk regulatory risk infosec risk service provider risk and so on. Given how globally salable Bitcoin is even nation state level attacks cannot be ruled out insurance providers that are successful in this space will have to be extremely knowledgeable about both operations and technology and will need to work within a framework that guarantees accountability and long-term relationships. It is no coincidence that self-insurance in the form of a reserve fund has become a staple of the Bitcoin. City industry Quote while there is in excess of 500 million of quote traditional crime and two billion in specie capacity in the market. There is only around a hundred and fifty million of crime and 500 million of specie cover available for crypto risks and quote a on director, Jeff Hanson, July 2019. liquid collateral as bases for Lending and derivatives In 1602 Merchants from the Netherlands merged together six small companies in pooled 64 tons of gold to form the Dutch East India Company V OC the vocs mission was to own and operate a fleet of merchant ships to trade with Asia for which it received Monopoly privileges by the Dutch government. The Monopoly allowed the fleet to play a military. And economic role in the ongoing war with Spain in 1604. The company did a public offering the first modern IPO allowing any buyer to own its shares. It was a success in Amsterdam over 2% of the population subscribed the deliberate absence of Bearer shares in the clear ownership in transfer rules fulfilled key requirements for a transparent Market in 1610. The first dividends were paid to investors. The vo C shares proved highly liquid and desirable as collateral within months after the company's Foundation shares valued at twenty seven thousand six hundred guilders were used as Surety in a prisoner exchange deal and in 1607 a nobleman borrowed two thousand guilders at eight percent against three thousand guilders worth of vocs shares as collateral in LTV ratio of 66 percent. The collateral market for vo C shares was very active but because it was a private Market not many records survived by 1623 the government specifically regulated to procedure for vocs share Liquidations in the case of loan defaults by their owner and by the 1640s the Amsterdam stock exchange had a regular repo trade operation for vo C shares. Interest rates on the Amsterdam market for secured loans dropped from 8% in 1596 to under 6% in 1620 the Deep liquidity of the V OC Market also made them the perfect underlying asset or a flourishing derivatives Market in 17th century Amsterdam with four words, including shorting options and repo contracts. In his video see focused dissertation historian ello petram concludes that quote after the period 16 32 16 50 investors were primarily interested in the financial services the secondary Market provided rather than in the East India trade itself end quote. Shifting over to today. We see similarities between Bitcoin Savers in the historical vocs shareholders. They are often long term committed. They have a relatively High concentration of their wealth tied up in the asset. They don't like to sell it as that triggers capital gains taxes and as Millennials, they have Ambitions to make further Investments. Going forward we expect the use of Bitcoin as collateral for borrowing to become increasingly widespread. We are also bullish on bitcoin derivatives markets as it allows businesses to precisely tailor their risk management strategy as they pursue sustainable growth in the Bitcoin industry. Our hypothesis. Is that the sectors in which price volatility impacts in economy, the most will grow the largest derivatives markets. Vo C shares in 16th century Amsterdam Agriculture and precious metals in the 1980s interest rates today and tomorrow perhaps Bitcoin. access to Capital in a deflationary world life Annuities are contracts that are sold for a fixed price giving the issuer the right to receiving regular payments or as long as he lives they were frequently used from The 14th Century onwards as loan substitutes because they didn't violate the Catholic Church's ban on Usery for the 16th century. The law usually guaranteed that Perpetual annuities could be cancelled by paying back the capital sum. Life annuity contracts were often used to fund Capital intensive Enterprises that had a relatively low risk profile businesses farms and local governments in the 14th century lowlands to economic profiles emerged in the coastal area with Sandy soils in regularly pestered by a floods many landowners borrowed themselves into eventual expropriation. In the more stable interior of Flanders annuity based credit was used for accelerating Business Development most often to unlock a real estate investment while older inhabitants would buy the contracts as a form of retirement income annuities could be transferred to third parties and thus became a popular Financial instrument among the urban population. As the Dutch Revolt came in to swing and as income from Maritime trade increased the protection of cities and their citizens became more important in cities would raise Capital by means of issuing annuities. An important reason why annuities were popular so much earlier than Mutual Life Insurance, which only emerged in 18th century England was that it requires a lot more trust in the entity providing the policy the insured needs to literally trust them from beyond the grave and there is no collateral that can be clawed back. There was potentially a cultural component as well. We're customers felt more comfortable bedding on a long life. annuity then betting on a shorter One Life Insurance having only recently passed its 10th anniversary Bitcoin denominated lending is Alive and Well Genesis Capital reportedly generated over two billion dollars worth of bitcoin denominated loans and borrows since launching in March 2018. We're seeing demand coming from hedge funds businesses with Bitcoin inventory and individual Traders. We see a parallel between historical annuities issued by Dutch. Cities in today's ieo tokens, which stands for initial exchange offering for example, bitfenix created an ILO token called Leah in order to tap the market for liquidity during a legally challenging time as well as 2D risk its tether related liquidity problem. By making an open-ended offer to repurchase Leo tokens at market value. This token has annuity like characteristics other offshore exchanges have done the same Finance created an offering with by Nance coin whole be launched whole betoken and FTX has FTX token Bitcoin exchanges often have loyal customer bases which depend on their services to some extent and these tokens allow them to tap into That trust by in effect borrowing from the public in analogy with the embattled Dutch towns in the income hungry Merchants. We expect a continued popularity of these annuity like offerings among offshore Bitcoin exchanges in crypto trading Millennials. In fact, they are the first examples of Proto life insurance products in the Bitcoin market place over time. We expect the emergence of life insurance Mutual companies, which Might very well Breathe new life into the severely weakened traditional life insurance industry Studies have repeatedly shown that inflation dampens demand for life insurance over time. And so conversely if Bitcoin as hard money sees widespread adoption. It is logical for life insurance products to become highly popular once more. Quote and I yo is like Goldman Sachs crashing into NASDAQ. It's a new breed of fundraising that could potentially change what's happening in finance, but regulations have to be figured out in quote Steven nari off CEO of Alchemists, June 2019. Graphic of US National Data in 1914 Bank deposits were five billion dollars life insurance assets were five billion dollars 2018 Bank deposits were 14 trillion dollars in life insurance assets were only four trillion dollars. Quote a one percentage Point rise in inflation is expected to be accompanied by a 1.2 percent decline in net real life insurance in force per capita in quote UC Berkeley Professor, David Babel 1981. part 4 conclusion Venture capitalists Eric Weinstein recently opined that the adage good ideas beat bad ideas is false and that the correct formulation is rather quote. It ideas beat unfit ideas is making the darwinian point that similar to survival chances of animal species and ideal will only flourish when the circumstances are exactly ripe for it. And indeed history shows the quality of an idea in itself is not enough for it to Blossom socially a working steam engine was described by hero of Alexandria in the first century BC and yet it was only commercialized 1,600 years later the movable type printing press already existed before gutenberg's machine in 14th century Korea yet didn't lead. Lead to a revolution there and centuries before Columbus and Hudson. The Vikings had already landed in America. In other words often circumstances are such that a highly potent idea just doesn't make into popular adoption. But once in a while the puzzle of circumstance fits together in a peculiar way creating fertile ground for many ideas to be adopted at once and allowing for a spectacle of chain reactions that profoundly reshaped Society. The Protestant Reformation was such a Time ideas germinated Rebellion erupted wounds healed in a generation of radical entrepreneurs. Oost in unprecedented series of foundational economic and financial Innovations. This happened 500 years ago, and it may be happening once more. Today we see broad parts of society Millennials, especially acting increasingly critical of Central Bank interventionism at the same time technologists at an accelerating Pace are developing an array of tools that allow for disruption of the economic status quo in a decade the millennial generation is projected to have the highest earning power of all generations in this tech savvy post 9/11 generation. Has encryption at its disposal as a defensive technology. Meanwhile the Bitcoin ecosystem is maturing in all aspects of its economy in particular in deposit banking Insurance lending and derivatives and early forms of life insurance. If this process persists Bitcoins layered protocol Suite could become a global Powerhouse and potential alternative to the IMF. S. Are you ready for the Bitcoin Reformation? Quote it's the potential of a start-up is proportionate to the size times. The incompetence of its competitors the most promising start up of all would be one that competed with national governments. It's not impossible. This is what cryptocurrencies do end quote all Graham founder of Y combinator August 2019. I were going to take a break right here and hit our sponsor and then we're going to I still want to go through the appendix. There's a number of pages here that just kind of walk us through the chronology of the Protestant Reformation and we're going to go ahead and hit that section as well and then finish out this episode. So let's set our sponsor and we'll jump back into the chronology of the Protestant Reformation. For anyone who has a podcast anchor cannot be beaten particularly for trying to get off the ground their entire platform is free. This includes unlimited hosting both in audio that you upload and how much your listeners download. 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So if you were thinking of starting a show or already have a podcast, there's no better platform out there check out anchor by downloading the app or go to Anchor dot f FM today over that century appendix brief chronology of the Protestant Reformation with focus on the low countries one early descent in 1511 Aerosmith's of Rotterdam publishes the wildly popular quote Praise of folly a bold satire of the Catholic Church six years later in 1517, Martin Luther goes public with his quote 95 Theses a scathing criticism of the rent-seeking practices of the Catholic Church within months thousands of copies circulate throughout Europe. In response to this perceived heresy against Catholicism the first book burnings take place in 1521 in 1522 King Charles V institute's the Inquisition in the low countries for the suppression of Heretics in 1523. We see the first heretic executions by fire in 1535 Charles V condemns all Heretics to death And in 1539 he cracks down on the tax revolt against him in Ghent. During this time. No social stratum is free from the politics of suppression even devout Flemish Catholic Gerard is Mercator the Cartographer famous for his 1569 world map is prosecuted by the Inquisition in 1543 in spends seven months in prison until he is released based on lack of proof in that same year Copernicus publishes his book on heliocentric theory and Flemish. Anatomist Vesalius fundamentally changes galen's anatomical model for the first time in fifteen hundred years in 1548 humanist Christopher Hall Plantation moves to Antwerp. His book publishing house will quickly become the most prestigious in Western Europe in 1555. We see the founding of the first underground Protestant municipality in Antwerp. to open Rebellion in 1559 the hapsburg king departs Brussels and leaves for Spain after which his half sister Margaretta becomes governor of the Netherlands. 1566 becomes known as the miracle year it begins with Flemish nobility sharing a no prosecution petition with the governor of the Netherlands which yields a mild reaction emboldened Protestant factions start preaching inside Catholic churches with accompanying vandalism later known as the iconoclasm a local truce is reached without the governor's consent and Protestants are allowed to preach in six churches within an twerps City wall. Later that year the defeat of an army of Protestants giessen starts tilting the power back in the favor of the royalists. Three Crackdown in 1567 the Spanish Duke of Alba arrives in the Netherlands with an army of 10,000 Spanish veterans. He institute's a quote quart of blood and in his six year reign as governor of the Netherlands is considered by some to be responsible for the death of over 18,000 people upon arrival in the Netherlands Alba raises taxes and begins with the construction of the huge Fortress. The edge of the city which is completed in 1572 this pentagonal Citadel becomes quote one of the most studied Urban installations of the 16th century end quote three years later. The Spanish Crown is in financial trouble and stops paying its mercenaries in the lowlands who at the command of Antwerp citadel's Commander Sancho de Avila pillage the city of Antwerp in 1576. This Spanish Fury becomes one of the Century's worst atrocities. We're in seven to ten percent of the population is murdered in three days and a thousand houses are destroyed despite Fierce resistance in the following years, including a partial destruction of the Spanish Citadel in 1585. The city of Antwerp surrenders to Spain and all Resident Protestants are given four years to settle their Affairs in leave the city. The same happens in Ghent and Brussels in the 20 years following the sack of Antwerp the city loses nearly 50% of its inhabitants to immigration Europe's strongest economy has just suffered a heart attack for the next Century Antwerp wages. Remain 35 percent lower than for example, Laden a city merely 85 miles away yet in Protestant friendly northern Netherlands. for Netherlands, New Amsterdam, New York the fall of Antwerp and the rest of the Southern Netherlands helps kick start the Dutch republics Golden Age by virtue of the influx of some 50 to 100 thousand Fleming's simultaneously England a relative religious Safe Haven sees its human capital boosted by waves of inbound migration after Decades of war and Conquest the Spanish Empire has weakened internally in part due to the health consequences of inbreeding and its strong hierarchy based rule proves no match for the Nimble Dynamic and commercially oriented organization of Dutch and British economies. The combination of religious in commercial Tolerance on the one hand and a defensible territory surrounded by water on the other proved to be a recipe for success and for the next 200 years the Netherlands and England are at the Forefront of economic Innovation and growth. In 1579 The North Dutch provinces gather to sign the union of Utrecht in which they assert their independence from Spain the document declares complete religious freedom in the Dutch territories of Freedom, which will also come to be respected in New Amsterdam in 1588 after the destruction of its Mighty Armada in the British Channel Spain gives up on its Quest To Conquer, England. In 1602 the Dutch East India Company is founded among others by Dirk Van has and Antwerp immigrant van has also helps fund Henry Hudson's 1607 expedition to North America signs his name on one of the world's oldest stock certificates and co-founders the Amsterdam Exchange Bank 1609 in that same year 1609 a peace treaty is signed between Spain and the Dutch Republic. Public in 1620 the pilgrim fathers who would later sale on the Mayflower and found the Plymouth Colony settle in the Dutch city of Laden where they find Refuge from religious intolerance in their native England in 1621 Flemish Dutch. Merchants will amass links obtains permission from the Staten General to found the Dutch West India Company WIC with a monopoly only. Nation of North America in 1624 the first Dutch settlers arrived on Governors Island outside of Manhattan in 1626. Well Owen pewter Min Hui purchases Manhattan Island from the Lenape Native Americans in chooses it as the capital of New Netherland, which at the time still was a purely commercial Enterprise. In 1638 after the manuscript is smuggled out of Italy Galileo galilei's heliocentric two new Sciences is published in Holland in 1643 Isaac Joga zestimates Manhattan's population at 500 and the number of languages spoken there at 18 in 1644 English poet. John Milton publishes areopagitica a philosophical. Winds of freedom of speech and expression in 1654 a small group of Portuguese Jews arrives in Manhattan. And after the Jewish Community petitions the WIC back in Europe the New Amsterdam Governor Peter stores Avant eventually agrees to let them stay setting a welcoming precedent for future non Dutch settlers. In 1664 New Amsterdam is conquered by the British Army and is renamed as New York. The population is 9,000 at the time in 1665 Spinoza's teacher and Flemish Refugee Franciscus Vanden indan publishes free political Theses in which he defends freedom of speech freedom of religion egalitarianism abolitionism and direct democracy. In 1683 British Earl Thomas Duncan is appointed as governor of New York in task to promote the Anglican Church there. He never succeeds in 1689 John Locke publishes a letter concerning Toleration in which the philosopher makes a highly influential case for religious tolerance. In 1777 New York adopts the first state constitution without any religious establishment and becomes the only revolutionary state that does not have a religious test for holding office. quote give me the Liberty to know to utter in to argue freely according to the conscience above all Liberties in quote. John Milton 1644. Quote this convention doth further ordained determine and declare that the free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship without discrimination or preference shall forever Hereafter be allowed within this state to all mankind in quote New York state constitution 1777. At the heart of bruegel's the battle between Carnival and lint a married couple is shown the man carries a sack symbolizing egotism and imperfection in the woman in unlit Lantern signifying absence of wisdom. Accompanied by a fool and kindly supporting each other. They wander off interpreting his photography. We see a supportive message about the future of the Reformation all the common man and woman aren't as enlightened as the intellectual class is want them to be they generally do not participate in tribalist Warfare in this disengagement isn't informed by General apathy, but rather by a pragmatic interest in peaceful family life and individual economic. Like progress with bruegel. We are compassionately optimistic about long-term Improvement of The Human Condition even in the case of a Reformation 2.0. Sure Society teams with prejudice and poor judgment on both sides of any argument, but given a long enough time Horizon burdens of bigotry and fanaticism can be offloaded in lanterns of Reason can be lit. the Journey of History meanders ever allowing for forks with Better World potential And we are definitely at a fork in our society. I think it's it's clear. It's amazing. How many parallels there are and it's funny when we go back to like compare letter to mr. His head conversations and like Twitter threads and all kinds of stuff about all sorts of historical parallels to kind of show like massive societal transformation, but it's funny. Of the number of things that do parallel. This is an incredibly good analogy or you know of reference essentially to look at like kind of the historical responses in how these things build over time. I think no matter what when you're looking at a change that's happening in our society today. You're looking at something that's going to happen much faster. It's just kind of the nature of the networks and how unbelievably well connected we are and how quickly information spreads. I mean in the age of the internet like there's nothing that can really compare. I mean the the comparison between the printing press and the internet is almost non-existent. Like the internet is such a powerful tool and obviously a clear Catalyst for change and then what were able to accomplish with these self-defense tools of cryptography and and Bitcoin as a weapon of self-defense back to you know, man Willebrand's comment, which I just thought was such a it's such a succinct way to put it just flat-out. It is a tool for that self-defense of your economic position in the world that like when you hold economic value you hold it in the most defensible form and that will be Bitcoin and I don't see I'm increasingly more and more confident. About the I guess you could say timing of all of this that he talks about in this section. Actually. There's a really good part. I'm probably going to find it quick enough to actually read it, but about how sometimes like there plenty of times in which an idea doesn't, you know pan out or something is quote unquote invented, but just not at the right moment in history, and we see this a lot. That's one of those things that just Bitcoin is so perfectly suited for the job. That is so desperately needed in our society with even like are the cultural tensions that have built up the unbelievable wealth disparities that have grown due to bad money and other fact that we have for the first time ever one of the most severely imbalanced. Global Financial problems like like never to this scale have we had this sort of problem? And even the Roman Empire? I mean, obviously what you end up with is something that's to that scale because of the unbelievable size of society and civilization today, but because we've become so globally intertwined like we've never the problem is more interconnected because our economies are more increment interconnected than they ever have been. So there is nothing that this one has things about Bitcoin. That is so coincidental. I don't know. It seems almost prophetic that it landed on in the world at the exact time that it landed and it could not have a more fascinating narrative to start it off with this just so intriguing that we don't even know who made it. It and it's this free. It's open source. It is literally owned by The Commons and has this unbelievable resistance to change and a system a cryptographic system to organize humans and create Integrity in trade and ownership like never before and at a time when that Integrity is the exact same exact thing that is being horrific. He corrupted in on so many levels of this thing being the Global Financial the IMF s the whole financial system that we are stuck paying the waste of and it's just it's a fascinating time. I may not Jesus. I hope we don't end up in a situation where tens of thousands hundreds of thousands of people died because of the inability for them. To accept the fact that things things are going to change and that their jobs will probably not be desired at all neither needed nor desired. But I think it's something that must be considered at least that there is there's going to be resistance like that's kind of the nature of change and when you're looking at change old at this scale and with this many people on a global something that is Is big and fast moving as the internet there's going to be just going to be stress. There's going to be tensions and unfortunately, like it's one of those things like The Big Short it always reminded me at that's a really great movie. If you haven't seen it. I highly recommend it and there's this great scene where all these guys are shorting, you know, the huge Market collapse and they get really really excited because they may look a bit. Billion dollars or something ridiculous. And and then I think it's Brad Pitt's character basically chastises them and yells at them that like people are losing their homes their jobs their retirements their livelihoods like have a fucking heart and realize what we're living through right now kind of perspective and I think it's easy for us to get our excitement about Bitcoin. I know it's easy for me for my excitement of Bitcoin. You kind of forget it. Most people have no idea what's going on and they are going to be hurt by this train that is coming and I'm over like comfy in my little bit coin Corner because I feel like I have an escape valve. I have an unbelievable weapon of self-defense here where I don't have to worry nearly. I mean it is literally like a security blanket for me when I go to sleep knowing that. You know, I've got my keys and I've got it all my stuff well protected and I have access and I'm connected to this crazy community and new like just kind of global alternative economy and that I am hedged in something that is totally external to all of that risk all of that in. Islands on and it you know, it makes it easy to avoid politics to like, it's just I just don't care who the candidate is in the same way that I wouldn't care who the next priest was going to be during the Reformation that II it allows me to look further allows me to look past all of that transition. It's going to happen and kind of direct with a very long-term Focus again that that time preference having low time preference. It's it really it's changed my perspective in so many different ways and I really really love this piece and another of the amazing historical parallels that turned him Easter goes into and adamant Capital. Those guys are always putting out fascinating stuff. I love reading all this ground and thank you for listening and thank you tutor again for letting me read this piece and for producing so much. Some stuff I'm going to have some of you may have seen the Tweet but I'm actually going to do probably over the weekend maybe Sunday if I can get it done drop, excuse me, a full unabridged. No intro outro commentary anything like that version of this piece so that you guys can download it and listen to it and have it whenever you want it. All right. Thank you guys so much for listening. I hope you guys enjoyed that piece. I will obviously have the links to download it and check it out. There were a lot of images and quotes and charts all in the the sidebar. They're all the way down this piece lots of stuff to really explore and of course, don't forget to check out adamant capital and term Easter followed her to me sir. I'll have his link and all that good stuff in the show notes, so don't forget to check that out and lastly. Don't forget to subscribe to the crypto Konami with guys swan. We have got so many great things being rolled out constantly practically a Daily Show here reading all the best stuff in the Bitcoin and crypto Khanna me space interviewing some of the most fascinating authors and people in the space. And of course my own take on all the crazy stuff the technology the development and everything that's going on in the Bitcoin and crypto Kana me. That is the crypto countermove guys Swan. I am guys Swan and thank you guys so much. Much for listening. I love you all and I will catch you back here after the weekend with some more episodes. But until then take it easy guys.
Today we conclude the report from Adamant Capital written by Tuur Demeester on a fascinating parallel between Bitcoin and the Protestant Reformation of the 16th and 17th centuries. A plethora of new financial tools and the flight to find security in uncertain times, and the many parallels with the role Bitcoin could play in finding a haven from the over-leveraged, over-regulated, and corrupt IMFS. Don't miss a great piece. Links to the original works below. Other great episodes for more details and expanding on these themes: • Bitcoin, An Accounting Revolution • What's Driving the Cryptocurrency Phenomenon? An Iterative Capital Thesis • A Most Peaceful Revolution [Nic Carter] • Guy's Take - Revolution in the Protocol • Bitcoin in Heavy Accumulation Part 1 & 2 If you want to support the show and join the Cryptoconomy Telegram crew, become a patron below! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
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So yeah, we we got my God Wall Street rap, but here today he going to tell him Are we going to educate us on the stock market all kinds of stuff what once again I want to give a shout out to New Orleans because I always say like New Orleans they got every every place in America has different accents right depending on what you at but some places just you can't miss it. It's like this thing right Baltimore and New Orleans. They got they own especially new all North might have the strongest accident. What does that mean? This is mean my God. God my young friend my God is like saying like how you use that? Oh, yeah. So yeah. So yeah. So this is this is an exciting episode because we covered stocks before but we more on a surface level. Like it's like one-on-one education. So I think this would be a little bit more of an advanced conversation and they guessed they have expect different backgrounds. Everybody's path is everybody's past is different and that's one of the things that we really like to highlight with only your podcast to is that it's so crazy because we have people that graduated from Harvard. Hmm. We got people that come off the street corner right school. All right now about to say it beauty of it. Is that education can't be Be measured and just one particular way, right? It's Limitless are you know walls to it exactly I'm saying exactly someone man. Wall Street rap is a perfect example of this so she'll give the people a background. So you you learned about the stock market while he was incarcerated. Yeah, right and then you came out and he was telling me that she was actually working as not a foreman into the iron or iron iron our client worker, but at the time you was like saving like seventy percent of your income, and he was invested in the stock market and from there you just Developed a system that you put in place and you were able to quit your job and now you're a full-time investor as well as you have an educational platform as well to teach people to invest so it's inspirational story. So I'll so yeah, can we talk about that? So, how did you all right, how did you get involved in a stock market? And how did you learn about stocks? So I was in prison for like 10 years, right? I did ten years for ten. Myrrdin robber. All right, that's 60. I mean, yeah, I was 16. Yeah without 16 charged as an adult. So I got in a fight with these three dudes in a cell with me and they did was called they ran a train on me. So that's when you fight three. That's when you fight people back to back without a break and I didn't win it's three against one but I felt I had enough in me to the sarge come right so I was bust up but it would bust up right so I go down a hole. Was it a solitary confinement and I'm in the hole? It is white guy. Right and I guess it just was like on his brain because he just saw so many black people in like real talking about the was just bothering him. You'll he like when I come to sell them like Furious like my mom, you know, like I'm just I mean, I'm still in that moment. Yeah, and he lied. Hey bruh, uh, he was like y'all are playing the wrong game. I like you think it's a game bro Shadow game. See we got going on. Well, yeah, he was like, I don't mean no disrespect by but I'm like, well, you've really been disrespectful right now found like I ain't trying to hear that man like, you know, but I calm down, you know, and he was like I indulge in that conversation with him was like, so what do you mean? And so he just told me he was like you ain't here for, you know shooting somebody. The average person who's in here is on some drugs shooting somebody something like that. Y'all playing the wrong game. So I'm like, well you were here with me. So what game you're playing so you can tell what kind of charge somebody on body wristband? So if it's if you want if you want to capital offense of violent crime, like I was on you'll have a red band that's murder attempt murder carjacking kidnapping. If you have a drug charge, it'll be an orange band if you have a misdemeanor charge, it's a yellow band. If you are a federal offense, it'll be a white and red band was so he had a white and red band so I knew it so I'm like what you in here for that. So he was enough for embezzling some money from his business 2.8 million dollars. Those are those little white collar crime you did. So he kept 800,000 know he paid restitution 800,000 and kept two million. So I'm thinking he lying so I'm like, well one thing about prison is if I see your paperwork, it'll tell me what you're here for. He showed me paperwork and I was like, oh like that got my attention. And so he just told me three things that wealthy people do is they stop trading time for money. It gives value to people and he let the money work phone and the best ways for you to make money is through the stock market through real estate and through a business and that's me paraphrase in it. And because he told me to stock market first that's what I went with and so through a remainder of my prison sentence. I just educating myself about it. Because I don't know how this is gonna sound but I just saw a whole bunch of white people on TV talking about millions of dollars all the time foreign language. Yeah, like I was like yo, what is this family and so in prison is crazy because a bunch of grown men. Love to watch Like The Young and the Restless bro. All right, it's crazy like Guiding Light and stuff like this but like they love to watch that. So instead of making that a fight I would get up before them and watch the stock market early like 8 o'clock in the morning. CNBC yeah, I will watch CNBC in like early in the morning and I will be like I just used to watch it was painful because I didn't understand a lot of numbers running them. Yeah. I was like, what is this lot of colors had another dude was from Connecticut and he used to get the USA Today. And so he used to let me look at his USA Today and I would use that and look at the stock market back and forth. That's how I got the language started making sense to me because we're than reading an interview. I got to read the actual business section of the USA Today. I got to actually see you know, what I was trying to recall it in my brain. I would see it in the newspaper and so once it became like regular I started reading Rich Dad Poor Dad, which I got introduced to buy my home. He was doing a twenty years for manslaughter. So once I got into Rich Dad Poor Dad, it was a mindset shift more than it investment book. And so the to aligned because I understood at that point. This is how we plan our own game. Everybody know I know how to sell dope everybody everybody that I don't know. That's what they do even with my mom's. You know, I saw my mom's get shot. You know when I was young when I was about nine. I saw my mom's get shot and then like right the next year. I saw my cousin gets shot in the chest. So everybody I knew was in the same. Here these people talking about stocks on the ship millions billions and that's just blew my brain. So I just stayed with it and I got understood it. So that was me just getting into the stock market right now. So and then I guess you from there you just consumed as much information as you could well in prison, you know, you can you got nothing but time you got time you got time to don't got time because you got time because I ain't going to no club or nothing, but I still got to work every day, you know, so I were in Collins is not the cut you off but in New Orleans you actually work right like like I want a chain gang but like you work outside. Yeah, so I got transferred to prison you Angola. I went there for a little while okay to help them with some sandbags. That's the penitentiary, you know, that's the penitential C-Murder. Yeah, that's the penitentiary but I was in I was in two spots one call DCI, not DCI Phelps Correctional Center, and then they transferred me for smoking weed. So they made me a high security risk. And so when I went to a Maximum Security Prison, that's when I got on chain game when they got a working cell block so they got a real Chain Gang still. Yeah. Yeah, we probably have no more but what you want to work in cell block, that's what you've done you I cut trees down for about a hundred and ninety days how much you got paid? ASAP a day, yeah. No, he's a now or you can stand out so that he was yeah, but when you in this work and cellblock, you don't get no pay you don't get no pay that's punishment. That's like that's the jail within the jail and that's something that this is a little off topic but it's really not because it all comes down to finances but that's something a lot of times people don't fully understand like when they make these documentaries 1313. Yeah, when they talk about like free labor and stuff like that. There's it's a billion-dollar industry is or as prisoners working. Yeah, but they're not getting its Free Labor. Yeah, but So that's what happened. That's the mostly that's the yo check this out. Just imagine this imagine driving on a highway and you see acres of land. Now you see machines knowing that so just imagine I'm the machine. So every day three of us is take four of us to cut a tree down because three of two of us going to chop it down and two of us going to be rooted. You know I'm saying like it may take us a week to do that. But just imagine they got a hundred of us out the 200 of us like in a year's time. We going to run through that bitch, you know I'm saying and then they just gonna okay. Well since we got 18 million acres of land, let's just go to the next passion. Okay, we don't got no more trees right now. Okay. Well y'all gonna plant mustard greens you going to pick daisies it's whatever we got y'all. You know, I'm saying we can find out by whatever. Y'all gonna do it, you know I'm saying so that that in itself you got to do that. One of the things about learning is that becomes very exciting and you could feel it in yourself when you grab something. So I'm just Envision as you're learning about stocks, right? Yeah the end up environment with like this dude's really trying to learn and are you trying to teach at that point right? Like how do you share like all this wealth of knowledge are people who like ain't trying to hit it right now, right? So the thing about about prison some of the smallest people you'll ever meet is there. Mmm like I'm talking is a smart like I got all my a lot of my tattoos and done in prison, but they're done with an actual like done like a real tattoo gun that he made. Yeah. So your mind the mindset of people in prison, are they with it? You just got to present it to him. So for me, I wasn't into teaching faiza. I was I was a sponge for it. But because everybody everybody is reading something like you got do is reading on metaphysics. You got to do a reading on Islam you got to do a reading on Christianity. You got dudes reading on five percent Nation like everybody trying to tap into something. You know I'm saying so for me, I was tapping. It not real estate is some a lot of dudes in prison tap into a lot of booze into prison tap into real estate because it's what you see in Rich Dad Poor Dad is like It runs through prison his run through prison. So for me when I was reading stocks, it was like we different I was like by myself. Anyway, I know what you're reading for you like man Arena stock market share, but this is serious. Right and I work but I would actually get the paper and read it so I didn't really get into the teacher aspect of it. So I came home like once I came home they were receptive to it because again not saying like I was just giant got er something in the streets. I was just a regular dude. Hood just getting it out. Hi, everybody else get it out of the hood. You know I'm saying so but my perspective was different. So we learn from who we can relate to and who can break the message down the best. So for me, it was simple. Bro, we like to wear designer clothes. I love Louis Vuitton. I love Gucci. I love Radha. Don't forget Fendi. I love finger-like. Love Fendi and all my homies drink, hen. There are old own. Well, most of them are owned by a business called lvmh over you make sure which the guy is like in the top three richest people in the world. Yeah. So if Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy on YSL and neon Louis Vuitton and need on Hennessy and their own mouette and this is we bind in a club it feel different when you own it. So I like to tell my partner's if we going to go to the club why not just own it and now we flexing different we stunting different because now we own Hennessy. So everybody you pop is your own business that was intriguing to you know, like cause I like real you got my God. I'm now you got me and then it was with Tim's likes this company vfc. Like they own Dickies the own Timberland they own. Veins so I would sell my home is like bro. We were at Tim's every day. We were at Dickey's every day. Well, that's own it and they were like you got my own I'm like yo, like if you buy a stock in the business, you are literally a shareholder. You got a piece of the pie. You got a piece of pie bro, so they bought into it and so once they bought into that the next thing was Yo, check this out. If you go to prison. And you come home. You don't have no money. So now you're scrambling again. You taking a chances again, but what if everything we hustled for we put a portion of it in the stock market because that was the initial purpose, right? It was her girls. Let me help. Let me help you down the money clean the money no money because we always looking forward to cleaning money and they looking for us to have a laundromat. Are they looking for us to have a co-wash a barber shop right in our plan is to be smart enough and I probably be exposed in the game right now. You feel me? Like Sally says don't worry. Yeah, but for me it was if they don't think we that smart we have the advantage right because they not expecting it. Even when it's great for a situation when he when he kicked my doing a 2010 model got kicked in the ram shake my house. They even took my Escalade, but they couldn't take it because I still was paying a note on it. They looked at all my bank accounts, but they never looked at what I had invested that was never even an option going. It wasn't even the people. He not that smart. Yeah - I'm saying so the initial goals me bro this how we clean money just how we can you know get advantage in the game that part resonated and also it was like, okay, let's say we got because we run it nobody runs through more money than the dough boy and a strip of yo. Nobody fact that's a fact. No, but all facts well, but maybe a rapper probably a rapper and exactly know but he got a check. We talked every day and a half. He got to get a check every week. We talk an everyday hand a hand. That's why you not touching it like that. But you know, he's he blows it. He blows same principle, but it was because we touching money every day because we touching it every day all day like yo, Life for me. It was not I can eat this. I was making about $2,000 a day easy. It's none of me to take. Okay, I'm gonna take some time now to put that in a stock motor. I quit I guess nothing. It's just it's just that quick. Yeah now he's even easier so it's like, okay. Let's say you go do a 10-year bid. And you got you don't accumulated twelve thirteen fifteen thousand dollars before you got pop if you go do a 10-year bed and your money in the stock market when you come home depending on how to start performing on the market going averages nine to ten percent. So you'll 10 bands. Are you 20 bands can easily be an extra $10,000 over 10 year times man and you and cause you ain't do nothing with it and you reinvested everything now, you ain't got to come home. Bramble You know I'm saying you don't have to come on with Grandma no more. You you up you you literally beat the game or if you gotta lay down for a long time or you get killed you left your people some Yeah at the peak of it. How many how many people did you have everybody my hug everybody the whole where you from? What part of Mamma Mia City says right across the tracks from 17. Well Lil Wayne, you know, everybody said well, that's up to you. I'm right across the track from that. Okay right across your tie from that so like my hood kind of like we like we from the 17th to you know that from that part like Went to school together. They came all the track they dealt with our people it was it was a good thing. But then right across the on this side is like the third world. You know I'm saying. Yeah, so it was like it's complex. But if we understand it, you know I'm saying but I was right across the tracks from right across track from Holly rule. So like like everybody in but I came home everybody who I dealt with and that Circle we was with it, but it was with it and they still with it. Yeah. I know that he's still with it. So Change the narrative for real. That's what's for me. That's what it's about. It was about me like one of my partner's told me to. He say bro. Y'all probably believe this out. He say bro. You ask what nigga in the street nigga body? And I was like what she was like because you think different. Like we would have never thought of that and I am I weak like, okay, how can we take this money and go get a business and you thinking about buying the whole damn business like that's some next-level shit. Yeah. I mean, you stole you talk about that a lot that the feeling of ownership the power of ownership. What was it? Like when you got to see your partner's actually have that feeling for themselves that was better than anything. That was a euphoric because I knew at that point we touch something and nobody never told us. Mmm. Nobody never told us about investing nobody everybody. How to blow money work for it blow it work for it. That's the way the system design is designed for us to make money and spend money. That's why I did that's why companies spend billions of dollars on marketing ads because I think that's why people spend two million dollars to have the Super Bowl commercial for 60 seconds. I need to be in your face. It's the same reason why we listen to us on one time like it but you listen to it three full-time on a radio you love it. Now, you know the words to it same thing I'ma put in your face enough. You're going to buy it. And even with this I learned that colors. Like every fast-food place if you think about it, what color is their logo right red leader red signal red makes you hungry. Red makes you hungry That's the whole psychological again. And we all know about like red. I study that like red is a color that makes you say I'm hungry. Think about it like majority of them are red. Yeah, so I was like, yo, we just plan a you just not playing this game the wind like it's not in our favor. Oh, I'm not mad at the system though. He's got to find a way to Chicago to play the game. You can't even beat it. You got finally play it playing the wrong game. You playing the wrong game. So for me when I went once my partner's tapped into it. I was like, oh, yeah, we went we doing something like, you know, we doing something. Alright, so the next step we're going to talk about how to play the game. It's gonna bring up to date. on the stock market Ernest you currently paying off student loan debt interested in improving your financial literacy or looking for new ways to earn income and today's ever-changing digital landscape. Well on the talk money with the mesh lakhani podcast mesh will follow Paper Trails chat with experts break down complex ideas and bring Clarity to the mystical Financial phenomenon. Each episode will be filled with compelling stories covering a broad range of subjects from buying Bitcoin dealing with student loan debt and everything in between. So listen to talk money with mesh lakhani on Spotify or Be looking to your favorite podcast and learn how to spend invest in earn in today's economy. Alright, so now we're going to talk about all right, so you made the transition from the street. Well prison to help in educating Brothers on a street corner and then you were working and then but gradually working you still saving investing then you made that journey to being a full-time and that's the entrepreneur educator. So, all right, we're going to talk about some Concepts as far as in so stocks if anybody's not familiar, that's something that is very near and dear to my heart because That was like one of my first passions in life. Okay, I'm big I was in love with the stock market. I was like 11 years old. He's like every it was very I look back on it now and it's very strange, but it was like my favorite movies was like Wall Street and like, you know, raise Barbarians at the gate, you know, I wanted to be a corporate takeover right out of the first career I wanted to do when I was 12 years old people like what do you want to do an Irish kid is like, you know basketball player. Fire. Fire fire won't be a corporate takeover. Mmm, Gordon Gekko himself. Intriguing to me. It was just really intriguing to me. I want to Wall Street. My dad took me to Wall Street when I was a kid and I just I was always just intrigued by how fast it was moving and it's closer to them and he'd been around Finance. Yeah I'm saying so it was just shaking. So so I say that to say yeah, this this is something I definitely was looking forward to having this conversation. I just because like I said Real Estate, we everybody's in real estate and real estate is important. It's extremely important to own the land and to own buildings and to own stores, but I think stocks Rocks don't really get enough light. They don't especially in our community because it feel like it's something that's too complicated over their heads or it moves at a slower Pace then something even though real estate can move at a slow pace to but people are like we said off camera, they they're fascinated with the quick flips like that mean so it's like people if they do get involved in investing trading they want to go like crypto for EXO. So like I was saying with even eight ball not that word again. So so also because it's not tangible, right? That's all they don't see the tangible assets. They don't they don't fully understand it. Yeah, it will still don't fully understand it. So alright stock market investing right talk about what is your theory but with from buying and holding and day trading because that's kind of like the to two trains of thought and investing is like day trading anybody not familiar with a tree. That's when you actually buying a stock and you're trading it in today. Sometimes like within a couple of minutes and you're getting your profits where By hold is more of your buying and you're holding long-term that long-term could be six months a year 10 years 25 years, but you're not looking to make a quick decision. So what's your what's your theory between buying long-term and day trading so with buying long-term? That's what a wealth is that because when you buy long-term, you're not affected by the short-term plan strategies that go on in the market and you can't control that. So because I can't control that. I want to say I'm willing to wait that out. Right, whereas with d treating is a hi. Is like yo, it's just went up somebody get this bread and I'm going to get out but what people don't tell you about a tree and I have nothing against because the money in it but those capital gains taxes that come with it. Come on eat away at your profit, right? You're right with stock market with the way I invest. My goal is to just hold it at least for a year and a day. So let's talk about that. So capital gains for most people. It's like 15% for the average person. Nah, twenty twenty-nine twenty-eight short-term capital. Oh, yeah you go. You don't go at 18. Yeah because long-term capital gains 15% Yeah. So yeah, so short term capital gains. Yeah. It's a higher. Yeah. So capital gains is when you sell a stock you gotta pay taxes on that. And as you said upon the prophet and the short term capital gains is More the long term can be which is an incentive to hold it in a long-term capital gain started a year, right? Yeah. So if I got I bought a stock $100. I made a hundred fifty. I'm paying a tax on the fifth. You going to pay a tax on the 50 right now if you hold it for a year and a day you only going to be about 12 percent. Mmm. If you hold it for six months, you'll be about 22 verse. Yeah, so there always is and so the goal in Building Wealth in is simply it is it's not about how much money you make it's about how much you keep. And that's a fact if I'm so for me, I want to keep as much as I can. And so if I got a hold for a year in a day, I'm cool with that. I'm cool with it because I've gained equity in it. And if they paying dividends on I got some I don't got full quarters were the dividends. I demand my bread. I'm good and see that's the part of like trading that people don't talk about. Yeah, right. It's like you said it's not sexy. It ain't sexy and they want they want short-term gratification without you know being in it for the long haul. All right and the thing about it is that It nothing happens overnight nothing and you don't you don't build wealth overnight as well. And it's important. I always tell my clients Financial Violet tell my clients all the time you have today, you have to diversify like you can't put all your eggs in any one basket right and diversify so you might have real estate, but it doesn't it's not healthy to just put every dollar that you haven't I'm gonna write it does. It's Common Sense. Yeah for a lot different reasons. Yeah, but stocks is is a key wealth building tool and should definitely be part of So some of my most people are investing in stock market without them even knowing it because of the 401K plan, right? So dividends, right? This is something that we haven't covered and a lot of people have heard of dividends, but they don't fully understand. What a dividend is. So what is a dividend you said? That's one of the strategies you use it a lot in stocks with. Yeah with it. So happens is Dividends are a portion of the profit that companies pay to people who are invested in a business not the revenue but the profit so if I have a business that brings in $10,000 a month and I Prophet five thousand dollars a month then out of that $5,000. I'll take a percentage of that which is called the dividend yield and I'll pay it to my investors as a part of saying hey, thank you for investing in my business. Is it paid equally or is it obviously depending on how many shares you have? You get more not? Yeah. Well it the dividend is the same. So if I pay $0.50 a shipwright every bullshit $2. A Year, everybody gets that depending on how much you have if you got five I have ten he had 15 and we'll all get a different amount. But the underlying asset value is the same. So what are what are some of the top companies as far as dividends these days? What are they? Okay, AT&T pays seven six percent six percent that's major now. They so this is the Dual part. So we talk about real estate, right? The real estate aspect of the stock market which is called Real Estate Investment Trust, which is a Reit a wreath, which is saying I can own Walmart as a business and I can own the people who Walmart pay rent, too. Because they don't own the building. They just own the name. Hmm, like Amazon has a warehouse I can on Amazon and I am also owned the warehouse who paid who Amazon pays the rent too. REITs pay higher dividends. We talked and 12 percent 9 percent seven percent. So individual stocks AT&T Macy's CenturyLink That's a bad business, but they pay a high dividend. That's what's called a dividend trap. We not get into that again. Are they disperse quarterly how to disperse so every business is different. So with a lot of wood the REITs they come out some of them pay monthly. Yes, ma'am. I was telling you that I have businesses. One of my businesses is a poor reality. They own a hundred and twenty-eight Sheratons and Hilton's and 200 and something Marriott. They're not going out of business in his home soon, but they pay me a thing at a 9% rate on their reefs and they pay that monthly so every month they were paying me sir. That's not pursuing the money that you have invested. No, that's not percent of the stock price. Okay, right. So that's all the dividend yield is. So a dividend yield is this if the stock price is $100 and a dividend yield is 5% Then your dividend is 5% of that $100. That's what you're getting paid. Okay, that makes sense. As passive super passive, but you do have to have large amount for it to this is true. But you were saying that you have to start looking at it like okay. There's a pay my cell phone bill. What's your freedom part can't complain that you talk about AT&T, but you got pregnant. He's so happened to me was I started asking myself? How do I buy back my freedom? Alright guys, so a lot of people access how do they make a podcast? So I'm gonna let you in on a secret on the easiest most productive way to start a podcast and get it up and running and that is the app called anchor is free. They have all kinds of cool creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. They will distribute your podcast for you to all of the major Outlets including Spotify Apple Google and many more and you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. Everything you need to make a podcast in one simple easy place. So if you're interested in starting a podcast Go download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. Let's do it. All right, like how do I buy a bag that's problem. Right because it's not given to you just like, you know, Shadow slavery. I'm not gonna give it to you out by back you gotta fight for it. So I was like, how do I buy back my freedom? With the stock market because you can't save to investigate it back. Right? We know that you can't work a bunch of hours to get it back. So the next best thing for me was dividends. So I was like, okay, what do I use everyday? My phone bill AT&T and I have a product. So because AT&T pays a 5 percent 6 percent dividend yield. I was like, okay. I need this many this many shares of this business. To pay off my phone bill every 4 months because AT&T pays quarterly, which is every three months Disney pays semi-annually, which is twice a year and then you have some businesses that pay every month, right? So I was like, okay if I can get AT&T to pay my phone bill through their dividends Full times a year then I have essentially bought back my freedom because I no longer have to work to pay for that phone bill AT&T paying for me. And so you can do that with your if you're in Georgia, you can use Southern Company, which is another great dividend business. How much is your phone bill your light bill Eadie a hundred dollars? They pay like a 3/4 percent dividend figure out how much the dividend is per quarter. How many shares your need of that business and then let that pay your light bill? So if you can give your dividends from a business to pay your light bill in your phone bill, you've bought back some of your freedom because now you can take that money and invest it and do something else with it. So that's optimizing your money. The money is just a tool we know that much. So if we can use the tool to do this supposed to do then we getting maximum value for and that's so once you fully understand investing you start to understand that it's like Spanish, right? So I'm not gonna spend people in New Orleans, but got a few half like 70% of New York is expanding maybe not. Okay 50% of the city. Yeah, 50% of New York man speaking there's a lot so I have to say when you are I'm Spanish enough you start to understand it a little bit better. Maybe might not be able to speak it but you can kind of have a general understanding. All right the same thing with investing hmm, when you around the language of investing it starts to make sense and you realize that they're all kind of similar. It's just like actually do when you learn foreign languages like Spanish is similar to French they all come from like finish Portuguese. Yeah, they all kind of similar. I forget where they actually route came from but long story short of it. Is that what you just said? Plane was the same theory that DJ Envy explain to us. He says that he doesn't buy any liability until he has a set to pay for his thing is real estate. So he buys a home and now he has a home to actually pay rental for his Lamborghini, but I wasn't like that like saying Stella you just bring it down a small level, right? But because I mean that sceeto right if you bring it out small level like well, yeah well and then I can also have to understand too. Is that some people might say, okay. Well, I gotta put I was into a start to get $100 dividend. It's not worth it. But the thing about it is that it's not like you're paying for something you're investing so that mm is going to grow over the course of time while you're getting your dividend. So it's not like you just putting your money into Never Ever Land. It's actually going to an investment that will probably gain value over the course of time. But in the meantime, you're actually gaining income that you can use via the dividend and now you can actually use that to support your lifestyle because like you said, there's don't you gotta find a way to actually make money while you're sleeping. That's what Warren Buffett says right there. If you if you don't make money while you sleep your work together. Yeah, so by doing that now you're actually okay now I can like you said you can focus on K now. I think that now I got to do something to pay. All right, I got to pay my mortgage and I got to do something to pay my car bill and then before, you know it you're not actually paying anything yourself. It's all being paid for you which leaves you more money because that 200 that now you can actually Invest and do other things and just kind of a domino effect like Lord of the sunset was like yo, I treat money like little soldiers. They have to go work Jason but also also he's forgetting something as major the ownership you feel me? So while your money is working for you through the dividends your ownership your Equity is also increasing so that's how you like you leverage the game with that and that's something that people don't and either it's like he was like Well, everybody's got an entrepreneur. I don't want to own a business. There's a lot that comes with owning a business but there's more than one way to own it. But if you buy stock you're an owner and a company that's one that's probably the easiest way to own a business that you're not going to be a majority owner, but doesn't matter if it doesn't you're still owner 1% of something is better than zero it owns. Six percent of Coca-Cola, right? So he's still not a majority owner, but he still has say so and this is the one thing about stock market that I love. I still can vote on every business that I own and they have the acknowledge me. Like I literally bought three shares of Berkshire Hathaway be let's make sure I say that be what's the a lot of different go up to three hundred and some thousand, please there's a difference. There's a big difference. So let me say cuz I won't nobody be like, hey, man, you gotta you ain't got that I heard so I literally bought three shares of Berkshire B, which is which is Warren Buffett's company thing, but yes, I bought my daughter. That's another thing. At three years old. My daughter has five thousand dollars invested in the stock. No. Yeah. I want to talk about that Yakiniku Lomax about that, but I bought three shares of Berkshire be so I could go to the Warren Buffett annual meeting and I had a right to vote on anything in Omaha. Yeah. Did you go I went to nips. That's when everything happened. I'm going next year. Okay, for sure for sure and only you can go is if you own at least one chair. Right, so I was like, okay cool and you actually get to talk to this man. So I'm glad you said about your daughter cuz speaking it actually you when we put I posted about nip you commented on that post for sure about and you were talking about a custodial account for your daughter. So I put a post up that like if you celebrate Christmas or for kids birthdays our suggestion is that you know, if you're going to spend $200 on gifts maybe spend $100 on a gift and a hundred dollars on an investment, right? He was like, well, how do I do that? So I walk you through exactly so it's basically I don't buy my daughter toys. At all, I told her mom and I'm not listening. I'll buy clothes. I'll buy food. I'll buy the Necessities but everything else I'm buying stocks. So just walking. Um, it's called a you gme account. It's a custodial come. I use TD Ameritrade and all you're doing is just like opening up a bank account and you just add your kid to it. And what happens is you have actual control of the account until the kid is 18. Is the kid makes 18 then they have controlled my thing is simple and so this how we shift the Dynamics like that's its ownership stuff is real powerful to me. My thought is 3 and I invest money for her monthly weekly right right. Now my daughter had three can tell you what assets and liabilities are these is a conversation that we have right? She knows I said what dividends come from she'll say dividends come from she'll she'll say that I time she's 18. She will already be six figures her own network. That's powerful. That's a whole nother Dynamic we've put her in a position to have privileged opportunities. Right? Also, we've now established to her the importance of ownership. Right. So what happened with us when we was kids. I don't know about y'all when I was kid money was always scares right wing on the money for that. We got bills, right? All right, that means you know, but now at three she can talk to me about Disney stuff. You know I'm saying so for me, that's what I do everything we do right now her account. She had like 50 500 because I've been buying these weeds stocks because they've been on sale and I bought some for her can it be group? What was the name of your account at the bank the type of account though? It's called a custodial account. Okay, but when you look it up on a TD Ameritrade is called me call you. Gme. Can I go through? I know you said TD Ameritrade, but I do is it over to other Banks as well? Well, I went through you can go through Fidelity. Okay. Charles Schwab, most of them have ye any way any songs government accounts? They have 529 which is a college savings plan a couple different ways, you know, like the file 29 why not because it's boxed in that's true. It's boxed in just you have to use it for college. Well, they actually changed it with the new tax law and now you can locate any form of Education. Okay? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So with the custodial account she used for whatever she want. 18 so that's why it's good for you too. Now you can build that conversation. That's why it's good for us to learn how to invest. Yeah because our kids are going to do they see us doing that's just a natural fact, if we all are creatures of our environment it is this it is it with it is so we start having these conversations with them at a young age. Like her favorite book right now is a book called The Evolution of money, right? She would like that and let's read Evolution the money right and it was you three. You know how to read. Yeah. Yeah. John I think about the must know how we walk through this and I might have failed as a parent. I'm in education. My son. Is these five and he's wrestling out of me. She rishi's I'll say this she identifies words. All right. Okay, so I'm not going to say like she uh, she likes that's good. That's good. Yeah, I'm not gonna see like she helped me on some do gyals. She identifies words. Now that's extremely powerful like you said because the parents have to lead by example, you have to if you don't set an example for your kids, then they're going to get The example just from pop culture world. You see the world like know me. So it's extremely important. Like I said, it's just seeing different people and in conversations and it's like that's one of the cool things about this podcast is like we have these conversations and if it's like we could be like people on the basketball court or judge. I mean like but we actually talking about things that are really important. Yeah, I can have a say so it's like a cool field because it's not Stuck-up it's not fake. It's not phony is natural and a lot of time until yeah people feel like they have to like dumb themselves down. Yeah to be accepted or you can't you gotta watch how you speak because you don't want to sound too intelligent. Right right these things real like I'm glad that that I think that the tide is starting to turn on that. It is actually like I love the temperature that's going on right now just with even with you. You all you know, I'm like bro, like y'all shifting a culture with this appreciate, you know, I'm saying because there are a lot of podcasts out there, right everybody. Everybody has something to say it's a fact it's a fact right? Everybody has something to say any want to see it in their own unique way what I love about y'all have it. However, you going to come speak speak it. Yeah. In fact what I'm saying like there is no he we can't like whatever you want speak about but Is all about the Improvement of the culture as far as you know financial literacy, and I know you was in the finance bro. That's a whole nother life. And actually write that go back to the ownership ownership. Right? Nobody's telling them. All right, make sure y'all cover this is fast. Yo, we gonna put the cameras. Are we gonna put my so hard gonna stop speaking right? It's problem man. I remember you posted something. You said something about ownership something you posted like recently and I love when you pull certain stuff because I can come in and just go hard right? I'll be waiting like come on man. I really like so and somebody complained about you thought it was about taxes. Okay? Okay, and I said the problem is that because somebody said why don't they tell you the wealthiest people think yeah, and so I was like yo, Why would they teach us this in school? It's not that they should teach us. Why would they write so this is a dope analogy that I always use so we know that the lion is at the top of the food chain. All right, so he's not the king of the jungle like we feel like that's some bullshit right here isn't Safari so I'm not gonna say that shit, but he's at the top of the food chain the lion cannot tell The zebra the Impala or the water buffalo how to get a week. He can if I tell you how to get away. What do I eat? Hmm? What do I eat if I become a vegetarian or I eat my own kind? Right, so he can't and if he did they would tell one another how to get away same thing with this. The upper echelon or the financial Predators. We are the financial pray. I can't teach you how to get away. But if you learn I can't stop you. I can't stop you wealthy people don't me wealthy people Rich poor people do because we have no relationship with money. So I can teach you how to get away and what I'm gonna do but I'm gonna teach my kids how to be predators and I'm teaching my daughter how to be a predator not on people but just how to have ownership. It can't teach you that in school. Why would they yeah, that's like yeah, that's what that's what the 5% is say like 85% grew by 10% which is like the bloodsuckers of the poor. Hmm. 5% of the fourth is the Poor Righteous Teachers for eye disease, but we not poor but really I just We got to take the poor part out every day because we won't be going to be paid in full. Yeah. All right there, you know like that because yeah, we gon we gon Liberate the people from the bloodsuckers of the poor. That's what we're here for. What's up, y'all? So if you're listening to this you obviously like podcast and you probably like music just as much on Spotify. You can listen to all your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't need to premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcast on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download episodes to listen to offline wherever you are and it's really easy to share what The listening to with your friends on Instagram if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for Ernie Leisure on Spotify or browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow us so you never miss an episode of Ernie Leisure again. We got you that can we just talk about investing in ETS? Let's talk about yeah. So explain can you explain what an ETF is and then out of the investment? So ETF is an exchange-traded fund. So it's basically this It's a all my people tell me like I just had a dual personality bro. Like I come up with him because I love to relieve the people, right? Yeah. So ETF is like saying this without even getting technical. That's a you going Walmart, right? You're going to Walmart and you don't know what you want to buy so you buy the whole store that's an index fund. Let's say you go to Walmart and you want to buy a specific kind of Pop-Tarts, right? So you go to Pop Tart aisle, and you see so many flavors of Pop-Tarts you like, you know, I just want this whole I'll a Pop Tarts. So you bought a whole out of Pop-Tarts. That's an ETF doesn't make sense. So what DTF is it's a group of businesses that operate the same ourselves similar products example, you want to invest in marijuana, but you don't know which marijuana stock to buy you buy. By either a marijuana ETF called YOLO or you by MJ. And now at this point you have all the marijuana stocks. They're all inside. That's an ETF. Gotcha a trick to that is this you can buy ETF and because they've already done the homework because they don't have the best performing stocks in the ETF at that point. You can see you can go to was called ETF DB which is ETF database. I'm giving out some game right click like you go to ETF database you put that ETF in and they'll tell you every ETF that's in that ETF. And then they'll tell you how much of a percentage of that ETF is holding that business. So it'll say this ETF has 15% of canopy growth. I mean for every dollar you put enough 15% of that is going to can it be grow. You may have 10% of or cannabis. It may have 5% of chromes so you can literally say okay, I don't do the homework. I want to be lazy. I'll go to the ETF see which ones they hold and just pick the top companies in DTF. Yeah that point you went now, you don't know that. Value of it. That's what I that's what I teach people about value how to Value it. But if you just want to be a lazy investor, you can all you can just do that because ETS can have the top-performing businesses in that sector inside the ETF and you just picked up hmm and index funds so index funds would be you buying a whole market now, they are broken down different ways. So you can buy the Dow Jones you can buy the sp500 diesel index and as well. Yeah, you can buy nasty. You can buy the Russell 2000 which are the full Majors. Then you can break it down and say okay. I just want to get a large cap ETF. So that's all businesses that have 1 billion two billion a better, right? So every business in here is going to be 2 billion dollars are better 10 billion. I'm sorry 10 billion are better at then. You can buy a mid-cap which isn't that stop at two billion and then you can buy a small cap, which is business under to Billy. You two billion dollars work under two billion dollar market cap. Yes to the market cap. So market capitalization. Mmm. That's kind of how they categorize stop. Yeah, and I always liked now with you I use like you have giant cat large cap. Those are like, you know giant companies a hundred billion a better. Yeah, then you have, you know made cab and you have small cap and you have micro-cap. Yeah. So the thing is that usually and correct me if I'm wrong the larger the cap the less. So like it's almost impossible for Apple to just fall apart overnight as true as they also not going to quadruple overnight either wear a smaller company good news can send their stock skyrocketing. Yes within bad news can bankrupt them. So it's kind of like a speedboat and a cruise ship like a we work situation. Terrible. We got talk about we were that's called beta which you're talking about the volatility. So if you're going to invest in a stock you can look at the beta of it a low beta Of means it's not volatile a high beta me like Tesla High beta high risk High reward. Right? Right, but McDonald's probably a bit of .9, right so it's not gone. It's not like you not by the way up to Dan mcdonnell's is at 2:30. And tomorrow tomorrow is that 150? That's not about that. But with Tesla you'll wake up today is at 250 tomorrow you can wake up. Is that 180 easy? Right so high beta and the market cap is just simply this. If I have ten shares of my business on the stock market and there were ten dollars a share at that point. I have a hundred dollar market cap. So it's how many outstanding shares on the market time to stock price. That's how much that's how you can tell with the market cap is if a business can we talk about that we work situation about it. So yeah, anyways not familiar. We work was the talk of Wall Street, right? IPO. They were the most valuable. What were the 45 billion coming in? At 45. Yeah something and they fell apart and that a they had to withdraw the IPO. Mmm. CEO guy fire step down step down. He lost his billionaire status. Yes. So today in a day. So that's how people see these stories. They don't fully understand like how it is possible. Like what's your take on that? Well, so shall my people house on a two-month 6. She had me one day because Anita she hit. Issues like travel show the neatest my heart right done. She hit me up when that she was like trap them and I was investing we were I said, oh no you not you not. She's like why I was like man these people don't make money. So one of the things I love about the stock market is it literally teaches you how to be a business man or woman because you look at businesses all day, right? So they're not profitable. Well, a lot of companies are quality finished. Oh, So they aren't profitable and they don't have the revenue to back it up. So like not only aren't they so you can actually not be profitable but still have a lot of Revenue Netflix. Yeah, you know I'm saying but over our Uber but they aren't profitable and they don't have the revenue coming in and it's So when I invest in the business, I look at this. I always look at the inverse meaning if something bad happens How likely is it for this stock of all so we know we were is based off of entrepreneurial space, right? So they rent space Township ignores. So I looked at it like this. They already are not profitable if something happens as far as a recession wise what entrepreneurs rather come sit in a room and their own house in the table and do work and not pay that rent, or would they steal? That right. He probably would cut that ran out. So that business model isn't to me. It wasn't something that has a lot of longevity in it now. Do was a bad seal with a great idea, too? But when he got the bread, he just was on some water. He was on our team. He was awesome Party City Wolf of Wall Street snorting who go the munchies. Okay. I envisioned the lambo seen. Yeah, he had a lot going on and he didn't want heating up it but once with this is the thing once somebody who's a major investor. See you. I'm pulling my bread. Solve bank, which is a yeah. Yeah, once they like you're pulling my bread you like do it on the wrong. They'll be living his life wrong. Now other major investors are like wait a minute. I'm a poor my bread here. We are leaving this shit. Yeah, and so now the people nobody wants to get stuck holding the bag. So the next biggest thing is do you gotta go we don't want you to go but you got to step down because we need another face, right and so he was stubborn for a while like not because he made the business. Yeah, you know, it's Harvey let your baby go because even if you step down, you know, what's coming next the ship be sinking you so I just thought it was a bad. Business as a whole out the get what you think about. Um, I think that it has potential because this is there's a lot of cold working regas is one. Yeah reaches reasons. I like to actually Nipsey speaking of never see ya back to nine factors like tonight. It's interesting what you said as far as economic downturn cause I was gonna ask you about the recession people saying it to come be a recession its interests. I never really thought about that remember standpoint why it makes a lot of sense as far as to say Okay, if worse comes to worse, I'll just stay in my living room right now. I don't have to you don't know if you go into as well. If you don't have to have an office Nah, if you're doing that, right because other than like holding meetings which rise pay soon. Yeah, always okay. That's just not sustainable. Right? Like I might not have meetings every day of every month of the year. I think people are working differently now to it's kind of a whole business model to actually go and like I have also probably go to like once a week then you don't need To physically go into an office like and you have there once a week. But yeah, you know I'm saying like what's the point? It's not the same equal to just like lay your mind seems I'm just going I gotta leave the suburbs. Yeah for a minute me. Go ahead. Well, yeah, you don't need it. No, you're right. So that's what that's what I thought about it. Now the bad part. Some of some of them are actually profitable. So at that point the whole dynamic of the business changes because if you're a profitable business in an economic downturn so now we're going to tap into something deeper car free cash flow, right? So this is the money that a business has that's not attached to anything. So it's a very pity bills and after they pay everything they still have this will Apple is like one of the has the biggest watch us here like Yoda a free cash flow is like crazy. Yeah, it's like a hundred and ninety billion. So what happens is in case of an economic downturn. They still have money to to keep the business going. If you are profitable business and you have a good free cash flow. You can still sustain for a given amount of time. If you are negative all around the board you're going to collapse. And so for me that's something I look for in a business. I need you to have a moat which is a competitive advantage and I need you to have a good like free cash flow. I need that to be positive. So when you look at a business, what are you looking at? You looking at the earnings report? You you do you like? What do you what do you actually look at? How do you evaluate with? All right, so I look for a few things like so Is like me looking at a woman known of to move out in like I'm on the bodice. Let me get pretty good to know pads out. Right so you you have what you look for and then you have what's there? Right and then you ask yourself? How does this fit to what I want right? So what I do is I look at the first thing I look at is this I never look at the stock price. Because the stock price is only based on how you and I feel about it. All right. So first thing I look at who's running the business and I put this on my page all the time how a person runs a business tells me a lot about the business because if you can't man if you can't run the business, I can't make no money. So I'm gonna look at when did you get into a position of the CEO? How did the business run before you and what have you done since you've got taken control of the business? That's first Or move so I want to look at managing. My first the next thing I'm going to look at is do you have a Competitive Edge? Right? So like what makes you better than everybody else? What makes you sustainable? So for instance if you bought Coca-Cola, so you have to ask yourself this if you are a retail business What is your shelf domination look like how do you dominate the shelves? So if you go into sodas Coca-Cola dominates, but if you look at the overall business Pepsi does Pepsi has more products, but if you look in that sure beverages. Coca-Cola nominees, even when you go to a fast food store, they're predominantly co-product whole process. Yeah, they're called core is one of those things where they coined the name like coke coke. Yeah and so one and soda now it means being over when your name become synonymous with something you have a Competitive Edge we had that conversation is like Bandy being goals like Paulo we can go home. That's taller shirt. Yes. That's a polo even if it's like cool shirt is a polo shirt. Exactly. So I'm looking for that doable. Is and now we're going to tap into earnings. So I want to see me. What have you done the last eight quarters. Have you beat earnings the last eight quarters meaning? Have you made profit the last eight quarters? And then I want to look at your free cash flow. I want to look at working capital, which is Current assets and current liabilities meanings what you have in the knees next 12 months. So it's something happen in the next 12 months. Is that money positive if it is negative we got an issue. It's not bad, but we got an issue if it's positive and I know you can hold it down. It's like having money in a savings account. So we're when you looking at all these things are we looking? What are we looking through Publications? Are we going to a site? Like it's like - yeah so - so Face value you can go to Yahoo! Finance just face value you go to Yahoo! Finance, and you can do the numbers. If you want to dig deep you go to that company's quarterly report annual report. So what happens is this another thing like why a lot of stock market if you're a public company You have to tell people what you're doing formation has to be public. It has to be so even your competitors get to see what you're doing. So that's what I do. Like if I like a business. I want to see what the competitors doing. And then I won't see how are you at matching up to what they're doing. Are you shifting that way, right? So I want to see are they how they moving toward the future because we know every two years the business cycle changes. That's why when you hear like on CNBC, it's like, oh their quarterly reports coming Engel and so every half Everybody has to do it. And so if it's a dividend paying company or you increase in those if you increase from know that mean you have some profitability because no business can consistently increase pay me more money if they don't have money. So we talk about the education. I'm going to deep fry. No, no man is perfect. So, all right. So the education right? You got to own your own platform. So what what made you what made you want to want to do that and educate? All the people with knowledge that you have. So what happened for me was? It got me all the Trap literally like I stop hustling start sending we start robbing. Stop selling Coke. I started putting all my money in stock market and at that point, I wasn't worried about nobody shooting me. I got shot shot twice my leg once in my ass. And almost got kidnapped when I was 15, like I was halfway inside a trunk. for me it was like I can make money doing this shit. Excuse my language. And I ain't gotta worry about nothing. It was it was synonymous with hustling for me. So that's another reason why I love it so much is because me actually breaking down a business is like me bringing on a pack. Yeah, that's great. Like one of the things I heard you say in one of your videos was like yo this comparable to the streets holler. I was people would have known. Yeah, it was all time. This is like comparable system is that they the biggest gangsters So once I learned that again my whole movement started and this ain't gonna get nobody shout out to all my trap has that is rocking with me, right but my moving wasn't for everybody. I'm not for everybody. I don't relate to everybody. Everybody won't relate to me and that's cool. I was straight for people from the streets because I felt like I could teach you something that nobody told you and I gave us the leverage and so a friend of mine was like yo you need to put that I don't like Instagram mind you like I'm not even much. I wasn't the Instagram person. Like, you know, I'm not about to be taking these pictures talking to these people like that, but Once I realized how powerful it was like the courage was like yeah, let's talk about it. And so once people started telling me yo, I'm investing in stocks because of you. It was bigger than me at that point. And the greatest way for us to grow real talk. I've learned this you'll get stagnant in your knowledge, even though you can learn you can read you learn more when you teach other people. Absolutely. Absolutely you learn more when you teach other people. And so people have unique questions in order to be a good teacher. You have to have these prolific answers, but they have to make sense. Yeah, so it makes you I don't want to say dumb it down, but it makes you like dig deeper into your your mental for text in like how can I make this sound like apples and oranges? Yeah, or even if they're not grasping it. Like how can I modify it to make sure that they get it like when I first went into education like they had me teacher health. Right. I never wanted to be in a classroom and it was a challenge every day. Like kids would come with questions and I'm like and do I really do I even know the exact appropriate and exactly I have to go learn now the exactly for the next day I come. All right. Yeah you go. So that's the best way so once that happened. So what are you what are you teaching people that you're working with? Are you teaching them like step by step like how to get into the game how to evaluate stock like all of the above? So I Right. I have different levels but I get into okay. So I meet people at their level there is no like one size fits all so I actually have I have three ebooks. So the Wall Street travel 101 while you're traveling or two while she tried one two, three shut up falling away before the way the name on the fourth track going number five motivations apply the street and they want to pull tug motivation for an actually have trap of flashcards. And this was a project that I used. I used them on my daughter's mother. I was like look teach her these spend about 20 minutes a day. Just teaching her these cards is digital in about three months. She was like a oh, I won't open up an account. So at that point, I knew it was suitable for kids and adults. So one of my courses is called jumping off the porch everything I do is related to the streets. I did as I was going to say like everything you do is synonymous with shriek old. Yeah, right like phone even Wall Street travel we even get into that obviously trapping we know it. Yeah, like you say is like synonymous with somebody doing illegal things in an area right Wall Street is synonymous with people who come from wealth, right? So when you think that like let's convert has come through the other and now Like that's it. We don't play on that and that was a name the name of the business is from the tribe of Wall Street did that's the name of my business. So my first is called jumping off the porch and what that does is we don't even talk about stocks. And now I literally because one of the things is people want to just jump into the stock market. You can't jump into a fight. If you don't have a strategy you don't have a game plan. So with the jumping off the porch course is we talked about finding your style of investing. So I map out three or four different styles of investing and you can you can figure out which one best fits you then we go into why Equity is better than cash and then we go into three different strategies that are real simple on how you can put your portfolio together. So once you take that cause now you have an understanding of okay now I know how to get in the game. You have a strategy The next thing I have is called Welcome to the Trap. That's the beginners course. We just go over the basics how to stock market Works how to set up your account index funds ETFs things like that we go into some other things and then there's Wall Street trapping Wall Street trap and we go through the basics and then we tap into like what to research how to research a CEO with activities. Are he doing that puts us on alert how to follow Big investors to see what they're doing. So every so often every month big investors like Warren Buffett, they have to report what they're buying. So I teach them how to look at that. That's a good gauge. I teach them what the research the fundamentals balance sheets as income statements cash flow statements where ratios to use to find an actual valuation of a business. Like I walk you through the process. So when you finish that you know, you felt like you met the plug so how's that was my next is like Wow Wow Wow Let's talk about the plot because the plug pack is just something that's very unique that no one's really doing now, so I looked at the game and It was like, okay, like what are people doing? Right and so with me I know that people have bought into me right it cool. I want to learn stocks, but I bought into trap up like so that's a connection right there. And because everybody learns different even if you buy the course, you still might need somebody to walk you through the course because even though it's listen, we all learn different some people are visual and some people just need like look how Oh my hand and just do it. If you hold my hand and walk me through it like you I'm gonna kill it. So I'm like, all right, I'm gonna go to people like I'm a literally fly out to you. So that's what they need to plug is is literally you get the Wall Street trap and course and then I come to your city and I walk you through the course and then I walk you through whatever questions you have about the course of about investing if you already have an account we going to audit the We got to make sure your shit set up. Right. So if I live in Detroit plug is coming to Detroit coming to Detroit not only thing about that is if you live in like the back was I'm not coming to the back where you don't go to where the airport is and we gonna meet up at a we were here give me some room, but that's what they need to plug is is actually me coming to you and then I give you four phone calls directly to me. After that, so we have this we do lunch my treat with the meet the plug we walked through the coast. It's a full day. We do like through hours and we eat lunch we go through it like you're going to because what happens is and I've learned this with a mastermind. I just did with my big Brotherhood of states is once you start talking to people in person, you know, you never know where that conversation goes. Mmm. And so now when I see you on a gram you what I always good try by gonna always good Tim because we've It a connection now, it's not as you bought the course. I mean you bought the clothes. I love the support and I'm you know, I'm rocking my travels but once we have that connection is like it's a relationship now because I've literally flew out of the Pokey we talked with a lunch and all kind of stuff that happened at that point. So it's powerful man. Thank you. Thank you for joining us. My pleasure. I'm glad that you crazy because like you said you didn't reach out to me. I just heard shots my man Matt. I don't know who told me. He's gonna be in New York right thing. Max said, he's going to be in New York write you up. Are you interested in coming in the podcast people? Like people ask like your what's the process to be in the park most of the time it's my intuition today. We're on the right choice have I failed yet? Yo, man, we hundred four hundred. They said we like bad boy in the 90s, you know, y'all know but Jesus y'all none, but Jesus hid member his think this is definitely going to be somewhat some episode is going to live forever. Yeah. Yeah and shout out to Q. He introduced stocks on our podcast. 15 takes it out. Yeah, and this is like now this is a full like circular of the stock market for sure. Y'all got Heavy Hitters. Come on y'all I kind of was like yo, I'm oh they got heavier and you made it to the green room right there. So like we we back in the way back in the crib. The information was extremely valuable, but just a story too. I think it's extremely inspirational. Motivational and I think that you know, it's bigger like they say, it's Bigger Than Rap. I know it's bigger than just business like real people fight me. Everybody's got their own personal journey and to see people overcome adversity. Yeah, and it's see people, you know, put their minds to something and you know, like I said, it doesn't matter where you come from. The game is the game. The game is the game is to get it ain't going nowhere. Yeah, so he's not going well, so we just got to play it. You got to make sure you playing the right one got a play. That's a fact learn the rules play the game man. That's a fact. So how can the people contact you what's your social media handles and all that. So I'm mostly on Instagram while under School Street undisclosed Trapper as on IG YouTube is just Wall Street wrap up. I got the University Comm check that out and I got a podcast while under School Street on school travel on Google Play I listened to a couple episodes and like I've been lagging bro, but I gotta get back on it kabhii locked in there. Yeah get back on because that was me and my role as form like I get to just talk my talk without no, you know, nothing going on like I would get up in the morning that would be in the morning for me because that's what I'm freshest. Like my my don't slip my mind. I marinated, you know, I don't eat no meat so I'll be feeling good. I feel like good your me. So I got to get back on my podcast is on but they definitely can check them out definitely and that's all anchor and Google Play and Spotify. So check me out on that Wall Street trap throat Roy housekeeping item. Yeah. Shout out to everybody on patreon. We got a long list man. I'm gonna go down a shout out to Morgan Melissa Mario Elise Tanika. Rahmel, Calvin Brandon J. And Brandon M. We actually had a convo with him the other day he's doing Agent things and hopefully we'll be able to do some stuff together. These are the new members well and shout out to my man. Brian Falls man before that's that's a HomeTown Duty. Actually we when we did the episode about Trucking what Alex? Okay. He had just bought a truck. Okay, sounds like bro, you gotta hit this episode and then we've been linked up since so shout out to him. He actually joined patreon just to show some support like we grew up together, but he just wanted to show some love. So shout out to everybody that's on all our patrons as you notice five kids. You can join any tell you Like and continue to support it allows us to do things like traveling and get people on that people have been asking for and so shout their bodies are doing that and everybody that's been purchasing the merch honoring your You know, I'm sure it's up there. It's getting a little chilly out in New York. So God hoodie. Hoodie season is back looking Seasons back if I wash each apple. Yeah, but he's in his back. So that will be up there in a few varieties and I'll torture to there too. So we got La we got Brooklyn we got Houston Atlanta Chicago in Philly Philly Phil. He's next Philly Philly. Yellow Marigold affiliate have a benefit all you gotta pop. You gotta pop up on Isabella. Oh, yeah, it's crazy. We coming back. A date yet, but soon. Yeah, definitely. Let me know. We we got some in DC. We got something coming for DC that we are excited to hopefully we're going to talk about that in the near future but DC is going to be special. Yeah, this is a beautiful city. Sure. So yeah, both sort of books upon a week is none other than our guess he has three ebooks Wall Street travel 101 102 and 103. You did a wonderful no way. So make sure - oh, you caught those we're gonna get those phone on my website Wall Street, but Link in my bio. Y'all know the cliche packaging also speaking of links in the bayou. So everybody well, if you didn't know I'm a financial advisor. So if you want a 30-minute free consultation, you can go to unleash My calendar is up there. It has three areas specifically retirement Investments and insurance if it's not related to that don't know I can't your brain got it. I can't help you with Offshore Banking fact, I can't help you flip a home that it has stuff. We have guessed that bring on the podcast that can help you with those different areas. I'll do some real right here. So anybody that you booked something with you? I'll do another 30 min and one for free myself it is there you have it. So you let me know what you tell them get in touch with me. I'll do a 30 minute with him myself. All right, how's that sound? I got it is Supply the streets man. It's a All right guys, we'll see you next week. Thank you for rocking with us. Peace.
Leon Howard aka Wall Street Trapper grew up in the turbulent streets of New Orleans. His mother was shot in front of him when he was 9 years old. He took to the street life early and was arrested and tried as an adult at the age of 16 for attempted murder and armed robbery. He was found guilty and sentenced to 10 years in Louisiana state penitentiary. He was introduced to the stock market while he was incarcerated and fell in love with it instantly. He read every book and newspaper he could get his hands on and watched CNBC every morning religiously. When he was released from jail he began working as an ironworker. While he was working he invested 70% of his income. After putting together a strategic plan he quit his job and became a full-time investor and entrepreneur. He now travels the country to teach other people with similar backgrounds about stocks and investing. He credits the stock market for changing his life and getting him out of the cycle of destruction that he was raised in. He now is on a mission to help educate as many people as possible about investing to provide a level of hope that he was not afforded as a youth. He’s 100% self-educated but his knowledge in stocks is on par with an investment banker. In episode 44 he covered and explained every area of stocks in detail. He covered REIT’s, ETF’s, Indexed funds, he explained his strategy in evaluating a company to know if it's a good stock to buy, he explained how to set up a stock account for a child and much more. He also explained how anyone can buy back their financial freedom by way of stock market investing for income. Guest IG: @wall_street_trapper Boot Tip: Wall Street Trappin 101, 102, & 103 --- This episode is sponsored by · Talk Money With Mesh Lakhani Podcast: On The Talk Money with Mesh Lakhani podcast, Mesh will follow paper trails, chat with experts, and break down complex ideas to bring clarity to the mystical financial phenomena behind your finances.
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This is such a special special moment for us. We got Jake and not smell. What The Hoot is cooking. It's right. Oh my gosh. We're so excited to have you here. I think so much. Yes. Thank you so much for being here with us. Gosh. What a Well when you've been through yeah, it's been it's been wild. I'm still trying to process everything right now. So first thing besides processing it tell us how do you feel I feel great. I mean, I'm still in shock. I've been telling everybody I thought anyone else but me would win so, you know, I'm just like when they called my name, I I'm still kind of like, oh my gosh, is this real? You know, what's going on sale feel great though. Yeah collapsed on stage there. They said, you know what happens if you win. Pass out when they said my name and I lost my breath. I was like, oh God don't pass out. Yeah. It was it was an incredible moment. That's amazing. Well, of course, most people think well you were born in Texas, but when you know that you spend a little bit time in Dominican Republic. He's also a little bit more about growing up in Dominica. Yeah, so my parents were missionaries and so I grew up over there for I think I live there by almost 11 years. They live there 14 before they moved back, but it was just A great way to grow up. I was I'm the second oldest of nine kids. So we had you know, we had our own baseball team, you know when we were down there but it was it was a great way to grow up. We didn't go to any kind of language school before so we learn Spanish just kind of playing with kids out in the street and then her acting and stuff and just a great way to grow up. That's so cool. So do you think you'd ever put Spanish into your music? I actually tried as hard as I can as hard as I couldn't sing La Bamba the the music Guy or whatever his name is Clyde great dude, and he would come and talk to us before the shows and be like, you know, okay what song you want to sing like because they have it's a whole process to get a song approved to sing it and I said, well this one's way out there. I said, you know, he goes no nothing's way out there like go into this I said, you know growing up in the Dominican this and I said, I like to sing a little bomb, but he goes that is way out there. And I told him The Story Goes man. I would have even come out there and saying the on that was like but it's not too late. You could still sing a song in Spanish is true or mix it up, you know a little bit in there. Absolutely. You said on the show that you also like Opera? Just so interesting because I didn't expect that. Honestly, would you mix that into your music? So I just found out I think it was last night. Maybe I think I've yeah it was last night. So the song that kid Kelly and I did a duet. It's called winter song. I loved that amazing. Oh my goodness. It was originally the Sarah Mclaughlin McLachlan song and she read it another version with at the time. They were the Canadian Tenors, but now they're The Tenors and that's the version. That we based it off of was the one with the tenors and we posted everything else and they recently as of last night sent a message to me and Kelly saying that they wanted us to come and record with them at any time. I think that could be where we bring in Opera. That would be so cool. Then I'll actually be a history maker. Yeah, so we can expect a cover of Ave Maria, right? I would like to know of course, you know, we we've seen your process on the voice, but how slice before you even got to the voice. How was life before I got to go? Well, I was I am working at a radio station. I was a sales rep so went out and you know visited local businesses on a daily basis and what not. Of course, I'm a dad so, you know going home and getting may see from school and then going home and cooking dinner. Whatever. But you had no idea this was about to happen and even like somebody asked me today, you know, what was your life a year ago like and at that point I hadn't even been invited to come audition for The Voice said I was just, you know, living life and playing shows on the weekend when I could so definitely a drastic change and I haven't even been home yet since all this happened so I have no idea what it looks like after this. Yeah. I have you been here. Sorry. I've been here since October. Well this round I've been here since October 31st. So wait you said this round? Was there another recent? Well, I'm We came out earlier on in the year and pre-taped guys with the blinds and then we did battles and Knockouts and then we went home for a couple minutes and then came back out and did live shows. Yeah, I love to take it back to when you were. So were you recruited for the show? Correct? Yes. They had found a video of mine on Instagram and reached out and asked me to come to the auditions in Nashville. So I went out there and somehow made it through what happened at the Nashville audition and then you came out here to LA and then from there it just started steamrolling for you. Absolutely. Yeah. I mean you go through different processes in different. Steps to get to even the blind auditions and even if you make it to the blind audition part, there's no guarantee that you'll even get an audition on the stage because they got forty eight slots to fill and you know, depending on how many people and how quick they fill up. So the entire process like start. I think the audition Nashville's back in February, so it's been a it's been like wow. Wow, it's been half a year here. Yeah. I think I was telling somebody I've been out here like collectively about four months this year because I ever see you possibly moving to Los Angeles. Proud, I will never say never right but I love living in Tennessee. I love my mountains and you know, I'm living where could bills at. There's all these hiking trails and waterfalls and just beautiful and it's like La absolute just like but no I love where I live and you know, if the opportunity ever arose, you know, I'd have to think about it pretty hard, but I've enjoyed my time out here regardless. Yeah. I'm an East Coast girl. I'm from South Carolina, so Yes, that's right and go Gamecocks, but they're not that good. I'm a Nashville girl so I can say that it has its own charm and beauty and very different than La so salute. Yes what went into your decision to actually auditioning for the boys because that must have been a big decision right? You have to come and spend happier year here. Yeah, honestly when I had finally decided to go do the the first audition I had no idea what it would look like after you know, I don't know. I had watched, you know parts of the show, but I never watched an entire season. So I didn't know what the process was. I didn't know how can you know the different steps were but you know, I when I first got it, I thought it was fake was the first thing when I got an email saying we watched your video on Instagram and we'd love for you to come, you know to Nashville an audition. I'm like, okay. Yeah. Talking to you know, we're supposed to keep it under wraps, but I had asked, you know advice of multiple friends of mine and family was just like what do y'all think and ultimately I just came to the station. I mean what is there to lose? All right, let's go out and try it and see what happens and you know never expected to be, you know, make the blinds much just get a chair turning then, you know when the thing so I had no idea. What was what was happening. Now, let's go to that chair turn because yes, come on one chair turn has won The Voice and that has never happened in the The history of the boy 3 and yeah, it's crazy Blake wanted to turn but he thought he was blocked by Kelly. Let's go back to that. Right? What do you think like was lying or do you really think it was blocked? I don't think he was lying. I think like that whole thing was legit because I was there in the argument went on a lot longer than what they showed they kept going back. After watching it, you know Blake had blocked Kelly before in John had bought Kelly before so Kelly was just you know, you know, she was waiting to see like yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but yeah definitely glad Kelly turned around people have asked me whether or not you know, I was kind of salty towards Blake but absolutely not like I mean, I've talked to him a couple times. He's a great dude and I was happy to get one chair, you know and know they had it been Kelly and Blake. I mean, I know that's lame. It was great that it was just because it ended up working out perfectly. Yeah and how okay. I really want to know how much time do you actually spend with Kelly did increase over time? How did that work? Yeah, definitely increased over time especially during battles and knock out. I think we only saw her like once or twice. Oh, wow. Okay, because there's 12 people per team and you've got so much stuff that goes into getting ready for those right and then as time progressed I saw her more and more but even with that, I mean she's busy doing her show. She still doing black music thing, you know, so and being a parent so I saw her more and more especially there towards the end. You know, I got multiple times to sit down with her and talk and kind of figure out what we were doing as far as our arrangements and whatnot. But yeah, she's just a great person. I know you had said I thought this was really beautiful when you said Kelly really did help you a lot. Especially she's a working mother juggling so many jobs and you contemplated whether you could even have a career in music because you didn't even know if you could give that time that you really wanted to do your family. And so what else besides that have you learned from Kelly. Do you think her drive is when you know one thing that's incredible because I mean she is working mom and you know her her advice to me was just be present and wherever I'm at. Whether I'm working whether I'm with family no matter what just be present be in the moment and I don't know how she does it because I mean, I think she's going on tour soon. Wow, so between the voice Kelly Clarkson show tour. She told somebody the other day. She had been christened the ship in the middle of what she came in and she was like, oh, I'm going to Christen the ship tonight. I'm like, what the heck? But she's just all over the place and somehow she still makes time for her family and kids and wow. She has her dress, you know contestant. Yeah, actually. That she wasn't happy with something or you know, she was worried about something that working out for me and she like step in was like no he's going to be taking care of this way this and that like she really does like care about not just me like she I mean she's given open invitations to people from all the other teams to come to her shows and you know be a part of it so she's just she's just a great person. So is that anything that she can share with us that happened on on the show behind the scenes that was memorable to you? Oh golly why I was saying earlier now all of a sudden in all the everybody's posting a bunch of videos behind the scenes of me that I didn't realize they were taken because I always act like an idiot, you know, there's just so many things like you become family with everybody and not just the contestants like, you know, the contestant Department the got the camera goes the sound guys everybody like you just become a big family and I was always cutting up like and always given, you know, making people work harder than they should have. You know, there's there's one story where I guess he's still he's nice. The stage manager he may be like the assistant or something, but he was in charge of like coming and getting me to take me on stage to rehearse and one time. He wasn't watching and I accidentally started walking up towards the stage and he freaked out. He's like no you can't go on stage whether moving pieces around, you know, so I realized how much that bothered him. So the next time I waited till he turned around and acted like I was going to walk on stage and I started walking slow and look back at it because Jake know I'm like, you know, almost had a heart attack. I'm looking forward to staying in touch with everybody and hopefully come back out and visiting soon. So do you think you will stay in touch with the contestants and the crew? Yeah, absolutely. I mean they're already planning all these different shows. I know Alex Guthrie who was originally on team Kelly. Yeah, right. Yeah great dude. He was actually my roommate for most of it, but he's already started and I think they've got a show on the 26th. Yeah. Got you know will going out there Cali Max. I can't remember who all this they got going out there, but we're all trying to plan stuff where we can all play shows together and collaborate. Are you going to be doing that show? I'm hoping so I told him but I mean when it comes to the contracts and stuff and what all comes with winning, I don't know anything yet. Everybody's kind of Taken like a vacation, you know for the holidays and I guess I'll figure out what's going on beginning of January. Yeah. What can we actually expect from you like music any collaboration? Asians well, I mean definitely hopefully you kept collaboration with The Tenors at some point, but I tell everybody, you know, like my main focus right now is just going home spending the holidays with the family and then I do have an EP that was completely done right before the show started. So I wasn't able to release it. And so that I'm going to bring that to the table when we come back and be like, all right, can we use this or can we at least take some songs from it? But definitely start writing that's going to be amazing what you come out with your EP is like look like you already. Fan base that is absolutely amazing. She's crazy because like, I mean, I feel like most artists and of course, you know this like it takes time to build a fan base, but I feel like you being on the voice and it gave me so much exposure like you can actually cut through some of those layers and just be able to present your music and just kind of go from here absolutely well and that's one great thing that you know, the voice provides is not only a fan base but also your social media numbers go through the roof and like I think I checked today and I'm at like 52 thousand followers on Instagram and I was at like less than a thousand I think when I started yeah, so now I can I used to get so excited like like when I do bad things and stuff and that's how they recognize me as I would sing and the bathroom, you know to my daughter while she was taking a bath so cute and you know those kind of blew up and whatnot, but I was excited like a hundred people just watched it and now I'm posting things and like there's over 20,000 likes on him like what? Yeah, you know, I can't handle that, you know, so knocking on changing the way I pose because I still like act like an idiot when I post things but it's just been a huge blessing but like you said, I mean you You jump, you know so far ahead of so many other people by having the platform and go ahead and build your fan base that I was like you basically would like gone viral pretty much. Yeah, I guess so, I mean, that's scary to think that I'm going by everywhere. I'm very grateful for it. It's been it's been an incredible thing. So there any opportunities that have presented itself to you just like maybe outside of the voice that you know, you would love to kind of take on well, um, I don't know. I mean, I honestly the last the last two days last day and a half since since the final finale. I've been so busy just running all over the place. I haven't really had a little check. I'm sure you know, there will be some things but obviously with the contracts and stuff that I'm under like I don't know how much I'll be able to do but, you know, hopefully like a Hooters thing or something like that right now. So we're some yeah, that's scary. All right here. Can you smell what The Who's Cooking? Oh, I'm telling you watch it. If the rock comes out, what would you say was the most challenging part of being on The Voice the whole journey, um being away from my family is probably the hardest thing like, I mean you go through a lot of Of stress it's a lot of anxiety. It's a lot of sleepless nights and a lot of you know, I think one day we were on set for like 16 17 hours doing different stuff. But despite all that just being gone and I just learned what fomo was a couple serious fomo when it comes to my girl's back home because I'm like man, I'm there for their learning so much stuff and I feel like I'm missing out and they were taking family pictures with with my family and you know and all these other things and I miss Thanksgiving and so I'm just like God Singing I'm missing out on so much. So that was that was probably the hardest thing that you have to deal with. But thank God for FaceTime. Oh my God. SpaceTime is a godsend. No, sir. Um, so I wanted to ask you, you know, other than the contestants. What will you miss most about the show? Mmm, well honest, I mean probably everybody behind the scenes. Well, I'm getting to put my own spin on and getting to work with the voice band is probably well. Okay, cool, you know the voice fan they are. I'm laying credible is an understatement. I mean, they literally play, you know 90s country song and come back and play hip-hop. And then I mean, it's just all back-to-back and they're on it all the time all the time. They don't make mistakes. Yeah, so, you know getting to work with them every week was really special that you know, you just go in there and you're like you're like, alright what you want to do? And you say Okay. I want to do this and I like okay, we're on it and change it and be like, oh no I want to do this and they change it on the fly like that. So working with them was definitely a highlight. That's so cool. Because now Now you kind of have to start collecting other people to create your own band, right, do you already have an idea who you're going to recruit for that? I've played some shows with some guys back home that could you know, definitely be a part of it. Okay, and a lot of that I guess depends on what comes with you know, either label signing or whatever else I don't know what all that looks like, but I've got a couple guys back home that I played shows her that I think the world of and I love playing with it. They know they know how I play already. We've been playing together for years and so Maybe maybe looking at using some of those guys to learn. Uh, maybe yeah, you know, I think I think I start off with just writing some more and getting some more singles under my belt before but you know, definitely hopefully open up for some people in the near future. Yeah. I want to get into also because you saying you are a beautiful song writer. I loved your song better off without you. Thank you and co-wrote. That was such such a great song and I love how Kelly said. It is such a relatable song. I mean you wrote that. I'm sure during a very hard time for you. So go back to that. When did you write that? How was that for you? And how did how was that the one you picked to sing on the boys? Yeah, so that was the first co-ed I ever did and I wrote it with a guy named Ava Hanish incredible songwriter out of Nashville, and I had just gone through a divorce and he had gone through divorce years prior is happily married now with a couple girls. And so I had I'd gone to write with him with all these different song ideas and he just wasn't he wasn't feeling any of he's very, you know, eccentric and just you know, he knows how to write. I mean, he's just brilliant and then I said, well I've had I've got this this line that I can't get out of my head and it's I can see the Thunder and here the dark because in my darkest moment you can cut through Darkness, you know, I mean, I just you can feel it and he goes, oh, I like that and at the time when I we're talking I was just like nonchalantly unconsciously playing this this Riff on my guitar and he goes keep that and keep the line. Okay, let's let's Something and then we just wrote the song in less than two hours. Wow with the Rhythm and use the line the first verse and you have the truth. I was crazy. Yeah, it just it just kind of flowed out, you know, and sometimes when you write, you know songs Just flow out of you got that right jobs, it takes like multiple days and you're coming back and right and so it just it was never any kind of smear campaign. It was never to bash. Anybody was just literally feelings that we were having that we just wanted to get out like, yeah, and the reason that I used it on the show was because I had already released the song prior. Okay, and it really wasn't doing much and so I pulled it back down and the people who had heard it loved it. And so I was just like well, you know, so I submitted a couple songs and I wrote another song called love at a time and I submitted both of those and Kelly love both of them. But she thought for the show, you know that better off without you maybe receive better and it's been it's been incredible. I mean, I've had so many people reach out and say that they relate to it which as a songwriter. That's your dream. Yeah, you know, so it's you know, it's done way more than I ever thought it would and so I'm very grateful. Have you had any father's reach To you know, I know you love your daughters so much and you know, you pretty much done so much for them. It has it been any fathers that actually reached out to you to say. Hey, you've been an inspiration to me. I see the love that you have for your daughters. Yeah, there's been a couple there's been a couple of single moms to that that reached out and said, you know, I've gone through a rough divorce and you know, it's really inspirational that you're doing this and then there's also the people that are saying, you know, as far as like getting on The Voice, you know, they're like man, I've you know, I've always wanted to sing and you know, I'm a single parent and you've kind of given me that Inspiration to go out and try this stuff now so you know, no matter what area, you know, no matter who it is, like even if one person reached out, you know, that's that's special to me. And so it's been really cool to think that somehow I helped somebody out somewhere. So it's been really special now. Is there anything in particular that you know looking at the voice from TV? Like we seen one thing with is there anything in particular that you say actually being on the voice that people out there? Just don't see Oh, I think you know honestly this goes back to you know, the Friendship aspect it is a it is a singing competition and you know, we're all very aware that but none of us approached it as a competition like even in battles on we're literally going against each other on stage everybody approach those as we're going to create something beautiful on that stage one of us is going to win and the other one's going to get stolen or say that's how we all approached it. And so there was no Like okay I'm singing with you. I'm about to beat you, you know and like trying to out, you know outshine and then even as it the competition went on, you know, we had sitting at the artist hint why somebody was performing and then they would come in and we'd all give them, you know, Applause and standing ovations because we were all just so encouraging of everybody and you know supportive so it wasn't ever a competition like feeling even though it is a competition but just the camaraderie and you know, you just build that you know your family essentially so that was that's probably one thing that you don't get to see a whole lot of that. Booted out of you like out of everybody when I would watch the show. I'd be like everyone loves each other and you can tell and that's what's it's so beautiful that you could be in a competition like the voice you're competing for what $100,000 that you want and mean there's so much on the line, but yet the end of the day, it's still just this great camaraderie between all of you which was very beautiful to watch especially you you're such a humble. I don't think just just very loving I do. The question though just curious icing to so I get in I can get extremely nervous. I don't know about you. I like might throw like tighten up and I just can't get any notes out. Sometimes I'm so nervous. So was there anything you did pre rituals or anything just to get the nerves out or did you ever go? I don't know if I can hit that note. I don't know if I can do this. Do you ever have those type of moments? Absolutely. Yeah. I didn't have a pre pre ritual until I did the Desperado cover. Oh, wow, getting ready for our you know, and we'd go in and out only rehearse Our Song and make sure we were hitting everything but also had a change that because it's the same competition. If you sing a song the exact way, it was recorded prior. People are gonna be like, okay, you know not changing it. So we had to figure out ways to create an we change it and so I would focus so much on like okay. I've got to hit this note and then I got to come down here and Bali back up here and I've got to do the growl right here, and I've got to do this. Yeah, and so when I go out on stage, I wasn't fully letting go because I have so many different things. I was thinking of yapping and then we got our in ear monitors and I hate in your monitors, but we couldn't have four monitors my so I had to get to had to get used to him and then after I try to remember what song it was, maybe it was Danny Danny song or or that ain't my truck, but I walked off stage. Agent in a hearse and I said, I'm cheating these things out so I can actually hear what's going on and screw whatever. Like I've been putting in my head, you know, sorry not almost also the Posse that forget whatever but when I go out there, I'm just gonna let it flow out rather than think of all these different things and so my ritual and it's stupid, but I just used to do this with my arms just to like throw out anything that was in you know, and just try to Tune out the world and when I did this for auto it was like everything around me stopped and that's when that was the first performance that I was not nervous at all. I was just like I'm doing what I know to do. You know, we're here. Yeah, and so everything past that I just had a good time. I just went out there thinking, you know what I practice practice the song enough and it should come natural and whatever happens out on stage just rock and roll with it. Well jumping off of that which was the hardest one that you sing on the show. Oh you lie. Oh, Irina I had never heard that some bleep. Yeah, and that was probably one of my worst performances Kelly had actually picked that one and she actually brought it up and she said no male country artists are trying to cover this song because it's I mean you're down here and then you jump way up here. Yeah, so I said, all right. I'll try it, you know and I got out there in my nerves got the best meet up that was when we didn't have our actual custom-made ear monitors, which sets out. Is really bujji. It was just like a stock, you know, like normal ear monitor and none of us could hear right? That's I was going to actually like because I've heard sometimes even when other guests have come on, they're like you really can't hear no and that's why it's so important like to get the mix, right? Yeah. I don't even use floor monitors at my shows at home. So now I'm going into these things that are just isolating sound and I just couldn't get my levels, right? Yeah. I've worn it in years before and that's a whole different Beast. Beast because you're really only just hearing your it's very strong self, you know by me you have the bands and mix in it, but it's way different than having monitors. Yeah, and if you don't know what to listen for get that many times to like, I mean, we got rehearsals every week, but we get like three rehearsals with our in years on stage. So you basically got to know like the Melt like you have to know what you're doing for the absolutely. So this is the first time you're using it like it's hard to get that mix just right. So that's why I started cheating it out so I could actually hear what was going on. I do that all the time. Yeah first time on National Television in Is oh God, that would not look good. Yeah, I think she's no time. It was very nerve-racking and that and that was another thing that I went out just in my head about like, okay can't messes up, you know, because I've got these in here so when it was the Desperado, like I said, all right, I'm just letting loose on this one. And you know, I wasn't nervous. I had a good time it showed and I love when said just from your whole journey how at the end. I re-watched your finale performances before I came here, so So before but coin had said that you just your journey from how just comfortable you are on stage and I was watching it. I was like, hey looks like a winner. Yeah. Yeah, you just on stage just owning your moment and it was great you seemed so relaxed and so at ease and just like I'm here whatever is going to happen is going to happen and I'm just doing what I love. Yeah that came through. Yeah, and I know that, you know do to Kelly, you know coaching me along the way. Her telling me no act like you belong out there, you know rather than going out there and being timid like just believe that you're supposed to be here and you're here for a reason. And so and you did that. Yeah, which a lot of times people thought, you know before this brought everybody was like man, you look so calm and confident. I'm like, I'm terrified of looking around at the crowd like maybe should be an actor. That we talked about before which is the hoot session the session questions from our fans of like to ask you specifically about all about you Jake. Yeah. So I posted on my Instagram I posted if anybody had any who questions and then you shared it and when you did that I got a lot of responses. Yeah. Okay, cool. Just have a couple so MMC to a 5-2 asks, who is your dream singer to duet with nice the Eagles the Eagles not just to so yeah, that's my all-time favorite band. So yeah, it's probably the Eagles. I mean you fun with big little town. So yeah little big town. I'll tell him you said that no. Yeah, they were they were one of my all-time. It means to and that was a dream come true. Not only getting a Singleton but getting to meet them. They're the nicest people you ever had. Everybody seems like the nicest person. I know I know I just want to let you do with everybody. Well, yeah, like William came, you know, because that Black Eye Peas. Yeah, they are so it's sort of a bow or something. Anyway, they bury and all them. Yeah. Well Fergie wasn't there yet, but I'll yeah and they came outside afterwards and they were the nicest people to I was like, this is so nice here, you know. The thing is is the imagine you're getting plucked from just your ordinary life does I'm in the bathroom singing them a daughter you can and then all of a sudden. Whoa. I'm eating all of these famous people and there's like hey, what's up Jake? Yeah, exactly and again and then they're like fans of you. Yeah, which is crazy because I like when I was rehearsing with little big town they were like I said, you know, I was trying to find their harmonies because they've got all the harmony Parts figure it out, you know, and I was trying to figure it out and I one point Jimmy was just like, hey, I'll just I'll just back off you go and take the part or somebody was Like you just take most of the song and we'll just feel I was like wow, they sent a tweet or something like a video afterwards in there and they're playing or whatever. Just going. Whoo. Thank congratulations. I love it. So the Eagles if you're watching I'm sure they're watching. So if you're watching Jake who all right? Yeah. It's got to happen. Put it out in the universe. Yeah. Next question is from I don't know if I'm gonna mispronounce this Called EMC 1 4 0 5 7 said what was the first thing your daughter said to you after you want that's good one. Both of the girls came up screaming Daddy. I instantly went to picking up confetti and trying to find any place that they could stuff it like they were like because they cut our pockets out on our pants. And so they were trying to put in my pocket or my daddy. We can't put in your pocket house. That's how I was I mean, I was stuff in my coat pocket full. Oh, oh, yeah, I think you know being four years old with the confetti falling from the sky and the lights and music going off. You know, they were just there caught up in the moment. So they didn't say father. Thank you one time. We're so happy for you. Do you actually get any say in your clothing or the way that the stage is set up? My as far as how the stage is set up we get we get some they already have that kind of planned out and sort of the clothing. We do have a say like we sent in like, you know ideas early on what we wanted to wear and I back home. I just wear flannels and jeans so I got to wear that for my blind but past that they're like really fancy enough. So I sent him some ideas and you send just like pictures of like different, you know outfits or whatever. Okay. I sent them one with a suit jacket just one. With a sports coat. That was my MOS arrested. Thanks Pat. It's fine. Yeah, so but I will say this leather jacket. I've been wearing the crap out of it the last couple days but this is what I wore on stage with little big town and they actually let me wear a flannel in jeans underneath it. And that was like I was like going back to keep the clothing. Yes. Well, that's one that's one positive to being a big guy I guess is like they tailor it to you and I like well nobody else is going to fit in this thing. So, you know, I mean, you're not that tall no no no. Yeah, and she says what was your last chance song you never saying a last chance song? I did you did wait, you can't for the finale? Oh, okay. So amazed was actually my last chance. I know there was a moment after one of the The review and review one of the results nights and they called my name, you know, I got voted through whatever and I walked off and Kayla came up and gave me a hug and we talked for a while and everybody was asking like, you know what she say and it was actually she said I think it was like top 10 or some she goes I heard she was we need to be thinking about a finale song for you. I heard your version of amazed is really good. So you need to be considering that and so when finale week rolled around and I needed a song they contact me and they're like, I think we're going to go with, you know, amazed if you're Good with that. I was like let's rock and roll is that all right, then practicing it for weeks. Yeah. Yeah, that's amazing. My favorite country song all time. That was like the song when I was in high school with my boyfriend of this is our song. Great song. I love Lonestar. Love Richie McDonald. But yeah, that was that was a song that I had been already practicing for weeks. I kind of looked at with that one. Wow, okay, but you love that you never have to do it until the time. Absolutely. Yeah. I mean, do you are already ready to go? I felt bad for the people who had to sing her last chance song and then made it through like Shane. I think Rose had to and then hello Sunday did because they had to turn around and not only learn the song for that week. But then also learn a new Last Chance song to perform so they were learning to songs while the rest of us. Just learning one and getting to practice what we had already had. So alright the next one. I'm going to ask you is you're just going to have to guess who said this. Oh will comfy and cozy reunite future for some tunes and wings. Yeah. Yeah. That was a that dude is an incredible guy. Yeah, Shana - he's really sweet. Oh, he's so sweet so funny and I'm so glad towards the any kind of like actually showed who? As on camera because there for the longest time any time a camera come on Isaac. Yeah, he finally decided to let loose and you know people fell in love with them because I mean, he's a hilarious guy. He's so talented he would do all these runs all the time, you know, like know, you know, yeah. Yeah, we were called comfy and cozy and a few people had the pleasure of sitting in between us in like a minivan. Oh my God, because you know that was Interesting, right your shoulders disappear behind us. But a good thing is they don't have to wear a seatbelt. They were going nowhere. That's awesome. Okay, just three more Nina Christina says, what are your goals for 2020, um, hopefully to open for some people on tour and out with an album and I don't know just hopefully go full time and music at some point. You know, you have to be for sure. Well, yeah. And then going right off of that red loves orange 13 said what's next at or who decides? This is an album. I think that's a conversation that I have with. You know, I guess Kelly when we get back and then and some other people I guess that are involved in like the label process and all that kind of stuff and honestly, I have no idea what any of that looks like. I'm just like has Kelly went last time. I saw her she said, you know, she said well, we'll talk about, you know more stuff when we get back and everything. We got some ideas and obviously When it comes to an album, you don't want to rush an album. So, you know I said it's a goal for 2020. But at the same time like you don't want to rush it actually created. Absolutely. Yeah, so but I really cool thing is the voiceband Paul who's the band leader whatever came up to me the night like right after the results or whatever and he had told me he said man, we'd love to work with you in the future if you ever decide to do something and so that's cool. Get those guys to come in and do the yeah Stefan listen, it sounds like The universe set you up it really did. You literally don't have to worry about anything at this point. Yeah, and I mean it, you know against my will I was stubborn, you know, and it still is just like nope. We're going to set you up. Do you well Kelly's be helping you then throughout the rest of the next step the next stage think she will I mean she said multiple times she wanted to and that, you know, she was very invested from the get-go with me. And so especially now, you know after winning and stuff. I think she and her Her husband are definitely going to be helping me out. Hopefully please Kelly. Yeah, come on Kelly. She seems like a nice enough person my God shout out from one instagram account homegrown underscore design. So homegrown underscore design. They build custom pieces of furniture and they sent me a message and said that they want to send you something. So, I don't know we're talking about things that they have and it was really cool and something your daughter we could get something for her build. So oh, yeah. Yeah, so I'll definitely have to yeah, maybe that content from yeah, exactly. Well we'll work. Do you have any advice for your creative fans? Also looking to pursue a career in music as cliche as it sounds just get out there and do it, you know. I was nervous for a long time being a dad wanted to do music full-time and leaving a consistent paycheck and I'm still kind of nervous about that. But I was also very skeptical and nervous to do a singing show. And so, you know with a good support system behind me that encouraged me and pushing me and basically kicked me in the rear end out the door. You know, it just go ahead and do it. Like why not? What do you have to lose? You know for it? Yeah go for it. Just have a good time. I mean if you are absolutely passionate about it and go out there and do it. I mean, you can't go wrong if you love what you do. What were you skeptical of about doing a reality show versus just doing music on your own? I don't know like I felt like there were a lot of stigmas we have really I mean, there's not I think I created a lot of those stigmas. Yep, and you know the whole idea of competing against other incredible singers and being on national television and doing interviews and stuff. Like I was just like no, I mean it's amazing. Absolutely. And so, you know, it was just something that I had to just go. Okay, no matter what happens. I'm going to go have a good time and you know and then coming out and meeting everybody I was like, oh man, this is really cool. And so, you know, if anything if I took anything away from it, you know, just the family that you create and get to meet cool people. Yeah. I mean it just it's all just a been a cool experience and definitely glad that I just kind of force myself to go do it. I think it's really easy for us to talk ourselves out of situations that seem a lot greater and a lot bigger. Than what we think we can accomplish absolutely a lot of the time so that's really cool that you were able to kind of break through that barrier get a little nudge from family and friends and being reached out. So, that's really awesome. You took that leap. I would like to know of course. I mean you've been on the voice and you've accomplished so much, you know, just by going through all the competitions and actually winning. What more do you feel that that you actually have to accomplish with overcoming Oh, I still need to work on my confidence a lot, you know, but as far as like other things that I want to accomplish in life, you know, I've already done way more than I ever thought I could do the Grand Ole Opry back in Nashville is my dream stage to play on so people can relate to and that help people and that I mean, that's basically why you do it. I feel like you know You love music. You want to create something that you know other people can fail and sing back to you know, and just honestly playing the song and listening to people sing it back at my shows back and back home that was already like I was on a high like main people in other words to one of my songs. That's cool. And so moving forward and I just want to be able to write and perform and just get out there and have a good time and definitely first and foremost be a dad and be you know present back home. But yeah just challenge myself to get out there and there's still a lot of things. I'm nervous. I talking on stage. Really. I mean, I feel like you're doing great. Yeah. So are you interested in taking any like Toast Master classes now? I'm definitely going to have to have help with public speaking or something is actually interesting because you know you two ready. All right, I sell it. I don't want to I do a lot of white creative commercials and slogans and jingles and stuff like that. I did interview some before I came back out here, but as far as like doing any kind of shows or something, I don't know if I could do it, but I think I also I feel like that's different, you know doing a radio show them it is like, you know talking because because clearly, you know, like nobody really sees you but but you're still touch don't pressure like yeah, I feel like so the way I Works in my brain is singing covers or even singing an original song. I've already got the map for where I'm going. Hey, I know every yeah, I know everything when it comes to talking it's all improv. So my God It gets in my head. I'm like, I don't know if I could improve in front of a bunch of people or what. I feel like you're going to be doing a lot of speaking. So I'm curious because during during this process. It's so awesome. It's so amazing, but you're also being judged on something that you love so deeply and you care about so deeply and I know you said something about with your confidence and stuff. How is it for somebody when you get people that are that are naysayers or say? No, I don't think so. No, he shouldn't have one. No, this isn't like what do you say to those people and does that affect you and how do you build from that to go? You know what I'm not going to let this affect me. I'm going to keep on going up to the top. Well, I mean, I'm sure there were a bunch of naysayers throughout the whole competition, but I just didn't care. I didn't look but I would say to a lot of those people, you know, if they were to say, you know, Well, Ricky or Katie or Rocha to one or Alex or Shane or whatever. I'd be like, I agree because everybody that was a part of that competition should have one. Everybody was incredibly Don't want it but moving forward. I mean, there's always music in a competition like that is so subjective. Yeah, you know, I could be, you know, the greatest R&B singer the best vocal and I could be Steve Perry on there that you know, it's one of the greatest vocalists of all time for Journey and somebody could like country music and Bash it Steve Perry who could out sing just about anybody or Freddie Mercury people who like, you know, I don't know rap could hate Freddie Mercury because he's not you know, so it's all subjective and I and there were many people that so many contestants that got so disheartened by it, but people are just I mean a lot of people can just be mean social media. Absolutely. Yeah, I would try to go by just be like don't listen to them like you got for one hater. You've got 50 people there love you, you know, and so it's so subjective, but I told myself earlier and I was like, I'm not going to read comments. I'm not going to read, you know, these people who just want to go out and you know bash and stuff because at the end of the day if I met them in person, they would never say that to my face they wouldn't Just so true sit behind a computer sometimes and that's all that they know to do because they have nothing else going for them and a lot of those people and and one thing to give those haters are naysayers or whatever some credit a lot of those people don't know the person that they're bashing. Okay, and I think if they were to meet all of us and get to know who we are as people like they wouldn't be saying a lot of those things sure people have off nights. I don't care who you are. You won't get on a live. I love it, you know live television on a stage in front of all these people and you've got one chance to improve impress everybody. You know, you're going to have an off night. Oh, yeah and people judge you so much on your off night go we are not good. That's not true. Like your ears could be off, you know something else and so yeah. I just I would just say, you know, don't pay attention to it. Well, I don't let them hate. You know, they're obviously, you know, I'm in a great place in life and even if I didn't win I'm still in a great place in life. I'm happy with it. So who cares what anybody else has to say about and I love that. So I was that and you 100% did so amazing and deserved it from so so so much that classic country voice like yeah Timeless Timeless. They literally just Timeless country voice. So pure I'm not to put you on the spot, but would you mind singing a little bit for us? Yeah halal. Thank you. Thank you so much Jake. Thank you and congratulations on everything beautiful and awesome. You're going to have such an amazing career and we cannot look forward to we're looking forward. We cannot look for we cannot look for when we are looking forward to your journey and your music and to see where all this goes. So much for having me. Congratulations. You're amazing some where can we find you on social media Facebook? It's Jake hoot and then on Instagram, it's Jake dot hoot dot music. And then I think on Twitter, it's Jacob music. So yeah, okay nice and you can find me on social media at Rachel swimmer on Instagram or a tray Chiefs win on Twitter. You can find me at Mema Sky Andy EMAs Kye on all social media platforms. You can find me on all social media. Dia platforms at I am Bali girl. Thank you so much everybody for tuning in. Thank you so much again to Jake hoot graduations. We love having you in here the voice panel after show. We'll see you next time. Thank you. Who knows would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember? We're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever your grave we've got it. So go to a AfterBuzz and check out our lineup buzz you later. 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Jake Hoot came to our studio and dished about his time on the voice! He talked about all the advice kelly gave him, behind the scene stories, and even sang for us in spanish!! Join Hosts Rachel Swindler (@rachelswindler), Neema Skye (@neemaskye) and Shiksha "Bollygirl" Mahtani (@iambollygirl) . as they interview Jake! ABOUT THE VOICE: The Voice is an American reality television singing competition broadcast on NBC. Based on the original The Voice of Holland, the concept of the series is to find new singing talent (solo or duets) contested by aspiring singers, age 15 or over, drawn from public auditions. The winner is determined by television viewers voting by telephone, Internet, SMS text, and iTunes Store purchases of the audio-recorded artists' vocal performances. They receive US$100,000 and a record deal with Universal Music Group for winning the competition. The winners of the nine seasons have been: Javier Colon, Jermaine Paul, Cassadee Pope, Danielle Bradbery, Tessanne Chin, Josh Kaufman, Craig Wayne Boyd, Sawyer Fredericks and Jordan Smith. The series employs a panel of four coaches who critique the artists' performances and guide their teams of selected artists through the remainder of the season. They also compete to ensure that their act wins the competition, thus making them the winning coach. Members of the coaching panel include Adam Levine (season 1–present), Blake Shelton (season 1–present), Christina Aguilera (season 1–3, 5, 8, 10), CeeLo Green (season 1–3, 5), Shakira (season 4, 6), Usher (season 4, 6), Gwen Stefani (season 7, 9), Pharrell Williams (season 7–10), Miley Cyrus (season 11) and Alicia Keys (season 11).
Welcome to not another Runner podcast a running and health-related podcast created by a run-of-the-mill pun intended every day Runner join me for all things running and health-related for the highs and lows of training and chasing girls designed to keep you motivated and enthusiastic on your journey to health and happiness. Have you guys already heard of the easy Thrills podcast? So this idea this Venture of podcasting? I am starting at much earlier than I thought we would and I have Tom Bell to thank for that from the easy Thrills, Tom got in touch with me a little while back to be interviewed for his podcast. Now if you haven't already you really need to check out easy Thrills, I'll include links to his podcast in the footnotes as well as the interview that we did not long ago Tom is a brilliant host. He has a great approach to life that I love he has positive and It's an attitude of gratitude as he calls it which I love to live by myself. Now Tom is working so hard with his podcast and it really shows he is updating and putting out so many great interviews with so many brilliant Ghasts his show is all about Adventure motivation and transformation with an element of endurance. He is a family man leader and has a love for Endurance Sports. I was absolutely honored to be asked to join Tom's podcast, especially alongside so many brilliant. Ian guests many of which I've honestly been following for years and I've been greatly influenced by some of which are the reason I started my own run an account on Instagram and it just blows my mind that I was asked to be interviewed and featured amongst so many fascinating and inspiring people. I seriously took so much away from that interview and I could never thank Tom enough. He has inspired and motivated me to no end. So again Tom a huge. Thank you and guys. Please check out easy Thrills podcast. I just want to quickly thank flip value k for the recent support. If you have not already heard a flip that day on alternative to wearing a running armband. If you're like me and you like to take your phone with you to listen to music or a podcast then flip belt can store your phone easily. You don't need to mess around with using an armband trying to slot your phone into the armband and fiddling around with feeding the strap through the slot finally get it stopped in place ready to run to then discover. You have to unstrap and take the arm band off your arm. Because you forgot to put your phone on silent or selected an old podcast or like in my case. I selected the wrong playlist. I've done this so many times and it is so annoying literally, especially when you are trying to rush out the door for a run and you are racing Against Time flip part is super convenient. It is a quick and easy way to store your Essentials including your phone. So if you need to bring someone will take a picture of the view spotted on your run or even a selfie to post to Instagram or your stories. You'll flip that will make things so much easier. You can use it to store other Essentials to such as your car key, right d your gels or snacks, which can be so crucial to getting your training done. It is comfortable and figure-hugging around the waist and does not rise up. If you want to check them out the link to this site will be in the footnotes and you can use the code easy Thrills. Turn. This code is only valid until the end of June. So check it up now and Order yours today whilst the code is still valid and that is easy thrills. Han Hi guys, and welcome to not another Runner podcast. I can't wait to introduce you guys to today's podcast. It is the lovely Laura Jones. Laura is honestly such an inspiring woman. She has a heart of gold. She's so kind and caring and it really shows she is passionate and this is evident today in this podcast. Laura has some great advice and words of encouragement. She started running around three years ago. She's already ran a marathon and completed an indoor event and she is working. Ward's sub 24:23 for the 5K correct me if I'm wrong and she's chipping away at those running girls. She really does work incredibly hard between your job being a mum blogging and chair of the school Governors. She's super busy, but she still gets it raining done who feed on Instagram is so uplifting. She just puts a smile on my face. I could go on and on but I'll skip right to it. So you can listen in on the podcast. I do apologize quickly. There is some signal issues on one end of this podcast for the Geo side but you can still understand everything that's being said so apologies for that guys, but honestly stay tuned it is a brilliant chat as I said, she's got some great words of wisdom and encouragement and it is well worth listening. Thanks again for joining and without further Ado. Let's welcome Laura.
Laura started running 3 years ago, and has already ran a marathon, and completed an Endure24 event..and is chipping away at her Running Goals, she works incredibly hard between her job, being a mum, blogging for herself and the Bad Ass Mother Runners, and she is also chair of the School Governors - she is super busy but she still gets her training done..and encourages others to get active - always! [see below for the Active Summer Challenge Link]. Laura is honestly such an inspiring woman - she has a heart of gold, she is so kind and caring and it really shows, she is passionate and this is evident in the Podcast. Laura has some great advice and words of encouragement. her feed on Instagram is so uplifting, she just puts a smile on my face… I could go on and on... but I’ll skip right to it so you can listen in on the Podcast. Laura's Instagram: Laura's Link Tree: Active Summer Challenge: Laura's Blog Post for Bad Ass Mother Runner's Blog: Laura's Blog Post: Far from love at first sight: Natalie Not Another Runner: Instagram: Blog: Easy Thrills Podcast: My interview with Tom Bell: FlipBelt: Use Code: ezthrills10 for a 10% discount until the end of June!
The People magazine it shrouded aldama hurdling grew stiff. I'm cold the heart's blood died. It's every fold then raise the Scarlet standard high within its shade we live and I don'tHours Flinch and traitors sneer. We'll keep the red flag flying here. Hello out there. It's a chilly Rainy Night in November 2019 in the swamps of South Carolina. We're a couple of generations into late capitalism fascism is on the rise and climate change Looms on the horizon like an Executioner's axe. The limits of the two-party system and the institutions that have governed American society have been exposed as useless at best and designed to really marginalize and limit descent at worst. So Americans are looking for answers answers as to Why things just never seem to get any better despite empty promises from really both sides of the aisle promises from Republicans and Democrats. Like so many Americans, I believe that socialism is the answer. So let's talk about socialist theory for a moment socialist theory is a supposition or system of ideas intended to explain something especially one based on general principles independent of the thing that is being explained Praxis on the other hand is the General application or use of that theory under real-world conditions. I'm so this podcast is going to take a little dive into some of the theory that informs our Praxis presented in an easy-to-understand and thoughtful way and hopefully get a good conversation going between myself and you The Listener we're going to be discussing texts from important historical figures and writers and thinkers Karl Marx Vladimir, Lenin and Mao Tse-tung Rosa Luxemburg Etc. So stick around and let's learn together. I'm CJ bones. This is the red banner. So the first bit of theory we are going to talk about is Vladimir Lenin's the state and Revolution. So this first episode is going to deal with the preface and first chapter. So basically I'm going to be reading along with selected passages from this chapter and providing a little bit of context. So let's get to it. I'm Making a Red Hook mothers of the sun raspberry Cezanne and getting comfortable. So, let's Dive Right In hmm. Here we go in the preface of the state and Revolution linen summarizes the political situation of late 1917 during that time. Russia was simultaneously in the middle of a socialist Revolution, but also, dealing with the Fallout of World War One So obviously most of the devastation of World War 1 fell upon the backs of the working class who had to not only topple the Russian monarchy but also fight off Invasion from Germany and her allies at the time and the world really had never seen such man-made destruction on such a large scale before indeed World War 1 introduced entirely new methods of warfighting such as the deployment of chemical weapons the introduction of trench warfare mechanized Infantry. And so on and linen describe such developments as quote the unprecedented Horrors and miseries of the protracted War. He goes on to say that whores are quote making the people's position unbearable and increasing their anger. So he establishes what I see as a direct connection between those internal and external stress forces and the development of a revolutionary proletariat. Yet however the path towards revolution in early 20th century. Russia was not always a smooth one. And I think that's a theme we will continue to come back to throughout this text and probably throughout this podcast Lynn discusses The Perils of what he calls social chauvinism fairly early in the preface women describes social chauvinism as quote socialism in words and chauvinism in Deeds. So what I interpreted Linens meaning behind the word chauvinism is essentially irrational patriotism particularly during wartime in support of One's Own nation state versus other nation states, although chauvinism is mostly associated with right-wing of most social movements at the time many socialists also moved away from their anti militaristic stance and their belief in an international proletariat. Chauvinism and warmongering saber-rattling and nationalism etcetera. So Lennon sites a few examples of this from the time period specifically organizations like the German Social Democratic party and French Socialist Party. He points out the that such chauvinism is the threat to the international struggle of the proletariat. So I think it's it's safe to say or safe to infer here that a socialist society cannot be achieved without a sense of shared Destiny and camaraderie amongst the global working class, which is critical to challenge the money power resources. And in many ways Unity of the ruling class part of promoting this sense of shared Destiny and purpose. Takes the form of pushing back against revisionism that is to say a struggle against the opportunist prejudices concerning the state linen identify as other writers and thinkers within the left Pantheon such as Karl kautsky as particularly in egregious at pushing this line of thought. So that's another name. We're going to see more than once here in this episode as the preface comes to a close. I'll let in sets up some of the key discussion points that appear throughout the book placed within this historical context that we discussed earlier the frames the question of the world right worldwide proletariat Revolution as quote the most urgent problem of the day unquote and the purpose of the book as quote explaining to the masses what they will have to do before long to free themselves from capitalist. Tyranny. I think this is a really good. I have kind of tying it all together and getting into the meat of the text. So that was the preface of Linens the state and Revolution will take a short break and then we're going to get back into the first chapter and the first section of that chapter, which is called a product of the irreconcilability of class antagonisms, or I'm sorry the state the product of the irreconcilability of class antagonisms I'm CJ bones. This is the red banner. Welcome back. So here we go into Section 1 of chapter one, which is called the state a product of the irreconcilability of class antagonisms. Take a little sip of my Red Hook here mothers of the sea raspberry Cezanne and let's get to it. Maybe it's weird that I'm talking about. What kind of beer that I'm drinking during a socialist Theory podcast, but I like beer so fight me. I don't know. All right, here we go. Linen Begins the first section of the chapter by making a comparison between Marxist theory and the life stories of revolutionaries throughout the world up until that point. I feel so makes a direct link in what he These as the weakening or diluting of Marxist theory to how emancipatory figures throughout human history are essentially canonized and made both larger and than life but also less than human. So there's a lot of subtlety a lot of nuance and a lot of real human death that is Stripped Away From A lot of these revolutionary figures and I'll quote here a little bit from the text. Quote attempts are made to convert them into harmless icons into hallo their names to a certain extent while at the same time robbing the Revolutionary theory of its substance blunting its revolutionary Edge. So quick sidebar here. I think a good example here in the United States might be Martin Luther King Jr. Who was transformed into a staunch anti-war activist and friend to the unions in the sort of a guess for lack of a better term a pacifist liberal sink. Martin Luther King jr. Is presented in far too many textbooks without any criticism of the systemic failures of capitalism when included at all so back to the text then focuses his criticism and on the labor movement of the time observing that opportunists and Bourgeois Z within the movement are essentially following a toothless version of Marxist theory without ebony any revolutionary soul and goes on to suggest that It's a distorted version of Marxist theory does not have the theoretical underpinnings to seriously confronted P realist Wars or avoid the slide into extreme nationalism. So given these circumstances LED and quickly moves to establish the main goal of the text, which is getting back to the basics of Marxist theory and to avoid the distortions of what he calls kautsky ISM at its core Marxist. Theory says that a nation that nation-states exist because of the irreconcilability of class antagonisms at the same time the Since of that state proves the class antagonisms are in fact irreconcilable. So we'll pull up a little bit from the text here. The state is an organ for the oppression of one class by another it is the creation of quote order unquote which legalizes and perpetuates this oppression by moderating the conflict between classes in the opinion of the petty Bourgeois politicians. However order means the reconciliation of classes and not Not the oppression of one class by another. Linen sites the menshevik position during the Russian Revolution of 1917 to back this point up which was still very much in full swing at the time. So another brief aside here men should exit along with Bolsheviks were two factions of the Socialist movement in Russia during the early 20th century an important difference here is that mensheviks were more inclined to work with liberal Bourgeois Democratic parties such as the Constitutional Democrats to Socialism and overthrow the czarist regime other faction Bolsheviks believe that constitutional Democrats were not radical enough and could not lead a socialist Revolution. They also believed that armed struggle would be the most effective way to go through the monarchy as opposed to say the strategies like empowering trade unions and other more legal methods, which were favored. and metrics when ends the first section by reiterating the following hypothesis If the state is the product the irreconcilability of class antagonisms, if it is a power standing above society and alienating itself more and more from it. It is clear that the liberation of the oppressed class is impossible not only without a violent revolution, but also without the destruction of the apparatus of state power which which created during which was created by the ruling class and which is the embodiment of this. Alienation so that pretty much wraps up the first section of chapter 1 next we will get into the section the second section of chapter one known as special bodies of armed men prisons Etc. Most of the section gets into criticisms of a very specific. Cific type of state power and that is the power that comes from the end of a gun Linens shares a quote from Frederick Engels here that will frame much of the observations later on in the section. There's a quote. As distinct from the old tribal or Clan order. So he's talking about like Prius 3. Basically the state first divides its subjects according to territory. The second distinguishing feature is the establishment of a public power which no longer directly coincides with the population organizing itself as an armed Force. The special Public Power is necessary because a self Acting armed organization of the population has become impossible since the split into classes this Public Power exists in every state. It consists. Not merely of armed men. But also of material adjuncts prisons and institutions of origin of all kinds of which tribal or Clan Society knew nothing when then goes on to summarize the quote by stating like already. Ellucian are thinkers Engels tries to draw the attention of the class conscious workers to what prevailing give us T nism regards as least worthy of attention a standing army and police of the chief instruments of state power. And I think this is really important to emphasize will say that again a standing army and police are the chief instruments of state power. Linen notes that indeed a self-acting armed organization of workers is a foreign concept for most people at the time and I think it's probably not unreasonable to say that it's still a foreign concept for folks here in the United States in 2019, but that doesn't cancel out the fact that Society is still split into these antagonistic classes and because of that split into antagonist two classes organizing into armed groups of workers. Would lead into an armed struggle between them. So essentially take all that off the table these so-called special parties of armed men act as an apparatus to oppress the proletariat in favor of the in favor of the Bourgeois. See it's a lot harder organized if there's a cop on every corner. It is critical when it says to instead create a new kind of armed organization made up of the proletariat capable of quote serving be exploited instead of the exploiters. Obviously in 1917 and again in 2019 this concept of organizing armed groups for at First Mutual defense and invention and eventually to advance Revolution activity is generally it's not something that a lot of folks on the left talk about but nothing's for certain right nothing lasts forever. And there's no reason to believe this trend will continue indefinitely Linden takes note of such potential development. By quoting Ingles sing something along the same lines. quote the Public Power grows stronger, however, in proportion as class antagonisms within the state become more acute and as adjacent States become larger and more populous, we have only to look at our present day Europe or class struggle and rivalry and Conquest have turned up the public power to such a pitch that it threatens to swallow the whole of society and even the state Lynn puts this quote in the context for the follow-up quote the turn towards imperialism meaning the complete domination of the truss the omnipotence of the big Banks a grand scale Colonial policy and so forth was only just beginning in France who is even weaker in North America and in Germany, and remember the work from angles that linen is referring to here was written in the late 1800s. So this is like late 19th early 20th century. This is all All kind of the groundwork for the Russian Revolution and I think of a lot of revolutionary activity of the time this section is wrapped up with what I think is a sober assessment of the state of early 20th century imperialism. sorry early 20th century imperialism with the following quote since then rivalry in Conquest has taken a gigantic stride all the more because by the beginning of the second decade of the 20th century the world had been completely divided up among the great predatory great Powers since then military and Naval armaments have grown fantastically the predatory war of 10:14 to 1917 for the domination of the World by Britain or Germany or the this division of the spoils has brought in the swallowing of all forces of society by the rapacious state power close to complete catastrophe the quote continues. Angles could as early as 1891 point to quote rivalry in Conquest unquote as one of the most important distinguishing features of the foreign policy of the great Powers while the social chauvinist Scoundrels have ever since 1914 when this rivalry many time intensified gave rise to an imperialist war and he's talking about World War one here. Obviously. I've been covering up the defense of predatory interest of Their Own. Who's YZ with phrases about defense of the Fatherland defense of the Republic and the revolution Etc. So that'll wrap up section 2 we're going to take a short break and move on to section 3 and 4 of the first chapter, so I'm going to grab another beverage and join you here in a little bit. Enjoy the music. This is CJ bones. This is the red banner. Welcome back. So we're going to get into Section 3 of my Tamir Linens the state and Revolution. So this third chapter is called the state an instrument for the exploitation of the oppressed class. So in this section, we start to see lemon talk about linking the previous two sections together the irreconcilability of class difference on Hand and the police military and other armed extensions of the ruling class on the other. So most obvious here is the observation that in order for this arrangement to work and not immediately erupt into armed Revolt the state must be seen as legitimate to clarify the quote that linen uses is above Society specifically, but I'd like to add the word legitimate for our discussion here shifting back to American politics for a moment. Obviously the 2016 election is the biggest recent example of how broken our system is, but it's definitely not the only example rampant gerrymandering the rolling back of voting rights by instituting strict ID policies the Strategic lack of resources and polling locations for predominantly POC neighborhoods, the passage of citizens united in the Supreme Court in 2010 and the Fallout from the highly contested election in 2000 all point to A system that is clearly designed. To limit Choice disenfranchised millions and keep the ruling class in power despite their continued to unpopularity. So we see over and over again these emotional and irrational appeals to patriotism to keep from to keep folks from looking beyond the Overton window. We're seeing a doubling down of chauvinistic language as a flight from the right and they're liberal enablers as they fight with each other to prove who loves Daddy America the most although the group's may have different talking points and certainly look different. They often use similar appeals to the military the police and to some amorphous sense of national identity to get their message out. And that message is this vote for our people. We love America more than they do we know what is best for America. They just want to destroy America. So such language and arguments begin from a flawed hypothesis. The United States has a moral is a moral good in the world. The United States is The Shining City on the hill that continues to bring freedom and democracy to an often scary and unjust world, but the foundation moral goodness can be only accepted if you know folks buy into the idea or at least if they're willing to defend that idea with violence that the United States has a legitimate right to dictate to the rest. The world what is good just and Democratic when it is failed to live up to those ideas over and over again since day one the truth is much more simple, the ruling class draws material political and social benefits from the fact that this country was built on the blood and labor of millions of indigenous and enslaved human beings. It continues to draw that wealth upward through methods, like union-busting mass incarceration discriminatory banking. practices environmental racism and other methods It's designed with the purposes of steadily funding funneling wealth upward away from the public area reproduce that both in the first place. It's a scam promoted by and protected by folks who want to keep that scam going regardless. They're Republican or Democrat back to the text here linen continues to discuss the theory of the state being above Society. He cites Frederick Engels once more. Because the state arose from the need to hold class antagonisms and check but because it arose same time in the midst of the conflict of these classes. It is as a rule the state of the most powerful economically dominant class which through the medium of the state becomes also the politically dominant class and thus acquires new means of holding down and exploiting the oppressed glass. Does that sound familiar angles continues? the modern representative state is an instrument of exploitation of wage labor by Capital by way of exception however periods occur in which the warring classes balance each other so nearly the state power as a sensible mediator acquires for the moment a certain degree of independence of both and linens sites European monarchies of the 17th and 18th centuries the first and second Bonaparte empires in France, and the Regime in Germany as examples, but I don't think it's much of a stretch to see how this kind of arrangement works out in the United States in 2019. One doesn't have to dig deep to find examples of Buchwald Representatives happily doing the bidding of private Equity firms and pharmaceutical companies rather than actually serving the folks that put them in office in the first place. You don't have to watch the news for a long time to see how militarized police will violently attack protesters with impunity all in the name of protecting privacy. Your property which was built with exploited labor on Stolen land. back to the text once born we take a sip linen uses a critical lens to examine the karinski government and Republican Russia when it began to turn against the revolutionaries blaming the leadership of what he calls petty petty Bourgeois Democrats and in Democratic Republic angles continues wealth exercises power indirectly, but all the more surely first by means of the direct Corruption of officials, and he uses the United States as an example here and then Only by means of an alliance of the government and the stock exchange in which he uses an example of France and the us here. One passage that I find particularly helpful. Here is the quote that the Democratic Republic is the best possible political shell for capitalism. And therefore once capitalism has gained possession of this very best. Shell it establishes its power so securely so firmly that no change of persons institutions are parties in the Bourgeois Democratic Republic can shake it. When in paints a damning picture of electoral ISM here and honestly, I think this is something that many folks on the left. Don't talk nearly enough about In 2019 organizations like the Democratic socialists of America are doing a good job at getting folks talking about socialism and myself included and Thinking Beyond the narrow political party Obsession. So common here in the United States. However, when a lot of folks in organizations like DSA and other leftist groups in the United States start to get into deeper Dives on Theory quote no attempt is made to gauge the breadth and depth of the Revolution that this relegating of the whole Machinery of the state. It to a museum of Antiquities implies in most cases. We do not even find an understanding of what angles calls the state machine. So I think this is something that we can and should improve upon. Otherwise this entire discussion becomes about hypotheticals and not about tangible measurable results. So that's the end of Section 3. We are going to move on to section for the withering away of the state and violent revolution. I'm going to share most of the quote from angles that linen sites here as it's pretty important to understanding the entire basis on what marxist-leninist theory is built on top of the proletariat ceases from State power and turns the means of production if the state property to begin with but there by it abolishes itself as the proletariat abolishes all class distinctions and class antagonisms and abolishes. Also the state as state Society thus far operating Mid class antagonisms needed the state that is an organization of the particular exploiting class for the maintenance of its external conditions of production and therefore especially for the purpose of forcibly keeping the exploited class in the conditions of Oppression determined by the given mode of production. That would be slavery serfdom or bondage or wage labor here. The state was the official representative of society as a whole its concentration in a visible Corporation. But this was only insofar as it was the state of that class which itself represented for its own time society as a whole in ancient times the state of slave-owning citizens in the middle ages of the feudal nobility in our own time of the Bush, Rossi. When at last it becomes the real representative of the whole of society, it renders itself unnecessary. As soon as there is no longer any social class to be held in subjection as soon as class rule in the individual struggle for existence based on the present Anarchy in production with the collisions and excesses arising from the struggle are removed. Nothing more remains to be held in subjection. Nothing necessitating a special course at force a state the First Act by which which the state really comes forward as the representative of the whole of society that taking possession of the means of production in the name of society is also its last independent act as the state state interference in Social relations becomes in one domain after another Superfluous then dies down on itself. The government of persons is replaced by the administration of things and by the conduct of processes of production. The state is not abolished it Withers away. So that was a pretty big quote. Let's get into it letting defines the withering away of the state as separate and distinct from his view of the intercoastal approach which is to abolish the state quickly and not seize the power that state. However, we must also note that there is a distinct separation between the idea of a velocity State a poet Aryan state was to be abolished and what Withers away we'll get into that shortly. When it provides what most would consider a somewhat Orthodox view of Marxism here Drawing the Line in the Sand against opportunism and against slow gradual reform is mmm this interpretation. He says quote only leaves a vague notion of a slow even gradual change of absence of bleep sandstorms an absence of Revolution the current widespread popular for one may say so conception of the withering away of the state undoubtedly means of securing if not, UDA Ting Revolution Lenin again site singles to clear things up here. Engel speaks here of the proletariat Revolution abolishing the Bourgeois State while the words about the state withering away refer to the remnants of the proletarian state after the Socialist Revolution according to angles. The bhujbal state does not wither away but is abolished by the proletariat in the course of the Revolution what Withers away after this revolution is the proletarian state for semistate. So when it doesn't mince words here, he doesn't speak in vague utopian missives. This book presents a sober-minded realistic assessment of what it will take to win this thing. Another quote here. The state is a special course of force and from it follows that the special horse of forest from the suppression of the proletariat by the bourgeoisie of millions of working people by handfuls of the rich must be replaced by a special course of force for the suppression of the bourgeoisie by the proletariat the dictatorship of the proletariat. This is precisely what is meant by the abolition of the state as State. This is precisely the act of taking possession of the means of production in the name of Towards the end of this final section of the first chapter linen digs into Engels argument for the significance of violent revolution and notes how these types of arguments and discussions aren't very common in socialist organizations from 1970 not to mention 2019 linen then emphasizes that the idea of violent revolution is forever linked with the withering away of the state violent revolution. According to the quote from Ingalls is the Midwife of every old society, which is pregnant with a new one. That is the instrument with Which social movement forces its way through and shatters the dead fossilized political forms being realistic about the Revolutionary process and not abandoning it to obsessions over Party politics or eclecticism is a central tenet of Marxist theory plan argues and the rise of Social chauvinists and followers of folks like cats key is in his view of betrayal of that theory. So through careful scientific study of existing Revolutions of the time and he cites the Paris commune of 1871 as an example when in concludes that the movement from a usual state into a proletarian state is impossible without violent revolution following that the abolition of the proletarian state is impossible except for the process of withering away as a state itself becomes ever more Superfluous and unnecessary. This ends chapter 1 of Linens the state and Revolution join me next time when we get into chapter 2 entitled the experience of 1848 through 1851. The text of this was taken from a Marxist dot-org archive and I'll make sure to post a link for y'all in the episode description a lot of material. I'll be covering with this podcast is available online for free. Don't pay for it if you don't have to Thanks for hanging out with me tonight. I look forward to reading more Theory with y'all. If you have any questions, please email me at the address posted in the episode description. If we hashes all this out together. It might make these big history books little easier to understand. I'm CJ bones and this is the red banner. Y'all be good.
The Red Banner is a podcast dedicated to socialist literature, reading and theory. In the debut episode, I analyze the preface and first chapter of Vladimir Lenin's The State And Revolution, paying attention to what it means for organizing today. Got any suggestions on what you'd like me to study next? Have any recommendations for good things to drink while reading?
I Chris this is I think it's my first International. Oh, I know I had someone on from Spain the other day, but you're my second International. Damn it second International episode. But Chris is a big part of my life. Right? So I met you do we meet at your revalidation for your loved one is that when we actually met that was in Miami? Yeah. That was correct. So it talk about it in the book coming out but Your whole crew. So Chris's head coach. I guess you're all kind of head coaches. Are you a head coach or you just consider coach? I'm the head coach here, but we have the day split up into basically our to morning full-time coaches where I to morning coaches were there and r2p many coaches lunch the rest of the day, so I definitely want to talk today about how at Seven Mile you guys have things run very well very efficiently you've Numerous coaches that are making a full-time living and not like scraping by like right good money running your own programs. We're going to talk about your new initiative and seven-mile corrective, which I see all over see walking on the beach talking. But so anyway you guys come through was you it was like seven of you I'm always leave somebody out, but I was like everybody from seven-mile revalidating. We were at CrossFit Kingdom, which I don't believe we've ever gone. Back to after that seventh after that. It was like the size of the closet. I've been right now and just hot what we joke about it, but we're doing handstand walks in our lunchtime workout. We were sliding remember that it's just so slippery, but you know, you guys are all so great then invited me down to came in and that's where I met Roz we met at her level one in between but we kind of continue to talk and You guys were big part of that. So thank you guys. You're welcome, man. Thanks for coming down and doing the nutrition seminars. Well, that was a really cool event. We had here and you met your wife through CrossFit. Yeah. She's actually one of the one of the owners down here. So, you know get my pen in the company ink and all that stuff and now I've got a wife and she's also we got a baby coming any week. No, I was gonna say she's very pregnant at this point, but you can't just brush over that. How does an employee go about dating the owner of the Box? Well, there's there's five of them and the other the other four are married, so they're in couples as well. It's of our men. Yeah, that's is anything wrong with that. But so she started training when I first got here we had up spending a lot of time together as I was coaching her kind of one-on-one and we ended up spending a ton of time together for her. Go to Regionals. We went to Regionals just the two of us at everything. So things just started to Blossom out of that. We actually didn't really like each other when we first met each other because all she wanted to do was that comment comment Khan and run and I was like, we need to lift weights. She was like who the hell are you? So that was a nice first few months, but we ended up getting past that and we've been together for five six years now and got married in November of 17 and now We got a little girl on the way. It's crazy. And and so you've been at CrossFit Seven Mile for nine years now, so you did it wasn't like you got down there and you're like which one of these women am I gonna you know, go after it took it took some time some getting to know each other and I'm sure there were some talks amongst the owners basilar is this okay? Absolutely, and we actually kept it quiet for a while because of that. We like to just needs to be something that's going to be for real before you ever want to do anything that could harm or Jeopardize my job or Jim or the situation with the owners. So it was definitely something that was spoken about often. Well the main reason I wanted to talk to other than really enjoying your presence here. And by the way, you fixed my plantar fasciitis. Yes, you legit did it? So as we're talking I got this thing from Rogue he gave it two years ago at a summit. Hell, yes, and if you're not watching In the video, it's basically like a 12 foot piece of Steel not 12 inch piece of Steel like a baton but Chris when I was down and came in for the holidays showed me this PVC drill that the I've since passed on to a couple members of our box and I swear that's what fixed my foot. I couldn't walk. I remember that remember that remember that we both did together the first time so I was like waiting for the face. I remember when you stepped on that point. It was like, holy shit. Oh, man. And as PVC now I'm using metal. And I you know as I'm in this closet a lot talking to people doing work and I kind of just do that drill that you told me I just kind of slowly walk. So if you see any moving around it's what you told me to do, you know your story. So amazing because you were a high level baseball player. We've actually a professional. Yeah. I played for the Boston Red Sox for a little bit and some other independent minor league team professional Miami teams, and he had some serious injuries. They have like You know part of your arm is missing basically, right everything still there, but had my career basically ended my shoulder. I'd had an elbow surgery in college and then I had a shoulder surgery when I got released my shoulder hurt basically every day that I threw at a certain point, but you can't let go of the dream. So you go out there you throw through it and you hope one day it's going to get better. Then I got released and back to South Carolina and had shoulder surgery. And for those of you that only know Chris from current times, you got really heavy. Oh, yeah, so when I got home, I basically just took that car ride home from Florida to South Carolina and I cried event slowly and then I got home and I was like, okay, that's the end of that. My whole life had been predicated on I was going to be a professional baseball player. It's kind of who I was who I was I who identified. I'd with and I went home and I said all right, that's it. I'm just gonna go get a job now and do what everybody else does that basically led me to not ever dealing with the fact I just thought that's kind of how you proceeded on so three years passed and I went from away probably 205 to 210 to 270. 275 pounds was the last time I got on the scale. I definitely think I was probably a little heavier than that. Drinking just about four to five nights a week smoking couple packs. If I was drinking it was a pretty I didn't realize it at the time. But after I'm kind of looking back when I was I was probably pretty depressed. I used to hide from my family. I used to hide from My Friends make up stories. Hey, we're all going to the lake today. Well, I've got to go do something else just because it was Too hard for me to deal with and sitting I'm sitting on my bed one morning hungover about to go to the job that paid me nothing to something. I didn't want to do. I remember sitting on the edge of my bed where there was a mirror in the bathroom and I looked at it. I said out loud to myself I said, this is the next 40 Years of your life, and I don't think I've ever been so sad about anything then that moment saying that out loud I will never forget that day. Well, and the reason it's so important is because we have a lot of people that listen and so many CrossFit coaches are like I can never make that transition. I can never leave my job. And of course you can extend that to so many aspects of one's life. Like I can never leave this relationship or whatever is going on, but you did it and I want to talk about that. What was was it overnight was like I quit and I'm doing you know you you started coaching in South Carolina for our mutual friend Bobby Millsaps, which will Ellie led to the connection down and came in but what was the Catalyst to get you off that edge of the bed and into the box? So I was a I was at a Outback Steakhouse. If you've been out back they have an appetizing cheese fries are 2200 calories by themselves and I was at a table with four other people and the table order an appetizer cheese fries and I ordered an appetizer cheese fries. So I just finished that you are embracing. Like that, I can see you as the fat guy in the group. Like youth are that guy? You're just the fitter version now, but you're the party. Yeah, that's it. I just I just I just want I work out now so I don't go back there pretty much but it went outside that was smoking a cigarette drinking a beer and my strength and conditioning coach Paul back with he happened to walk by and had seen me in for five years and he walked by and he almost walked. Right by me and I was like a Paul a kind of stopped and looked at me for a second. Like he had no idea who I was he never see me like that. It was like Chris said yeah, so we started chatting and he actually opened up the boxing Bobby was the manager at called Carolina CrossFit and he was we were sitting there talking and he looked at me and he goes. Hey, man, I just just started this CrossFit thing opened up a gym. I'll give you a month for free if you want to come in and check it out, you know. Buddy else who wants to come bring it with you? So at the time I look at it as cool. He knows I know some people around town. So he wants me to bring people in that's why he's giving me a month for free looking back on it. I can see that he was extending his hand out. Basically, here's your opportunity to come help yourself and isn't that like so much like you're depressed immediately you go to that negative spin on it. Yea though. He wants something from me now. Like he's actually trying that's exactly what I thought. I was like cool I go in there you'll bring some people with me, but you know, I get a free month at the gym and I went in the first day and we did the Baseline. I like your meat of roll. Yeah, except except ours was a we did a run for some reason did a 400-meter run which I couldn't do. I stopped five times on a 400-meter run I came in and I couldn't do a single push up I could do maybe one or two from my knees that fifteen minutes into the workout and Bobbies beside me going come on and Brandon her husband is also standing there and there's a picture of him. He's just got his arms crossed was just kind of looking down at me like I mean, this is like a 4-minute workout your fear and it's in its active so they stopped me and they talk to me afterwards I left and I was like tell with this man. Why would anybody do this? This is ridiculous. You're going to make me pay to come do that and feel like that be embarrassed like that and it Days went by and I started to realize like I was just playing professional sports and now I can't run 400 meters without stopping for five times twenty six twenty seven twenty five twenty six and I couldn't do that. So I about a week later after the freaking soreness and the pain went away, especially my ego. I went back in and just like, all right. I'm here and the great thing about that group of people is that if you were willing to To come in and work they were willing to help you with whatever they needed. Whatever you needed. You need to trician advise. You want to come work out at the house? Why aren't you here today? I mean they just they took me under their wing and I will forever be grateful for that and I'll be honest with you that those those people are probably why I still do it today because I feel like I owe them to help other people the way they helped me because I don't know if I would be here right now had That scenario not popped up changed my my entire life. How long was it from that Baseline till you becoming a coach for getting your level one two and a half years? Okay. So you stuck with it. You kept that job. You hate it. Yeah, I had to I had to pay for the gym and I and but I was I was working a nine-to-five job and then as soon as I would leave I would go coach or I would go learn at Carolina CrossFit and then on the weekends, I would go there. At Bobby's gym, and she opened up Sport and Fitness her and Brandon Oakland Oaks quarter Fitness. So I would go to different gyms. And I think Bobby's saw something in me. Like I was an athlete so I picked up things quickly. But what I started asking those I can I just follow you around. She was like why and I was like, I just see what these people do and how happy they are. They got to pull up into the first push up their knees don't hurt when they Squat and I was like, I think I'd like to do something like this. It's just something I'm interested in. She said yeah sure. You can follow me around. She's like don't coach but you could follow me around and kind of learn and then obviously I had to go get my level 1 and that's kind of where it went from there. Such a Bobby thing to say don't say anything don't you say a word? That's a Bobby. Mm 8 9 10 ish? Yeah, right. So it wasn't a whole lot of people that weren't the Box owners coaching full time, but you still wanted to improve despite that even if it's a couple hours a week and nowadays you can coach full-time for other people. A lot of people are doing it and then Bobby coaches the level one for Carl and Wanda and all them meets them and says, hey there's this opportunity for you to move to Cayman. Oh, yeah, because Carl's wife Wanda. They were she was going to do the majority of the coaching and and she got pregnant. So they needed to find a coach and my now wife Jen and Bobby just happened to have stayed in touch with each other since that level one. It's kind of like all the stars aligned. I mean obviously I'd worked for trying to learn for a long time. But for all of these things kind of happened engine reached out and asked Bobby if she knew anybody that could help. Open up this brand new gym as they were splitting off from another one and I'll never forget it. I was working at a another job because I didn't keep them very long and Bobby called me. She said I was like, hey Bobby she goes, you know, you love me, right and I was like, yeah, what's up? She goes? Well, I've got you a job, but I've got you a head coach. I got you a coaching job, but you have to move and the way she sounded I was found with some of like I was going to like Antarctica or something? Yeah, so I was like, okay. Where is it? She goes you got a boot to the Cayman Islands. It's like sweet where the hell was that right I know is in the Caribbean but I had no idea where it was. So I talked to them and then we got on the phone with the owners. We discuss kind of what our thoughts were how they wanted to run the gym how I wanted to run the gym and coach of What mattered to me and we had this discussion and From that phone call month later. I had moved my brother into my house. It's told my truck and came down here for a six-month contract for program like a probationary period and that was nine years ago pretty Forward Thinking of Bobby to knowing she's going to lose a friend and a coach like w no that is as crazy as she is. She's like that she'd rather see you be happy and successful knowing she's giving something up. She has she has she has jokingly said to me before, you know, maybe I should have taken that job, you know, maybe me and Brandon should have learned all there. I was like well, thank you for not and I'm always at your dead. Well, nine years is a long time mean most people don't last on the island unless they're native right for that long. Yeah at a certain point you have to start making decisions on like legally. You have to either get rolled over and kind of reset your your work permit or you have to start doing the things to kind of make yourself a permanent resident here. Or marry one, I guess exactly my wife has been here two more years than I have so she had to get her permanent residency first and legally because we're married. I just put in my application and actually just got it three weeks ago. So you're now comedian? No, not yet. So there's a couple different steps. There's a permanent residency there naturalization and in Something Else Like that's it like 15 years and then you are a paper communion capture and leave maintain your us. And chip is a dual citizenship country because it's also a you it's a British territory. So you get that as well. If you want to you can file for a British passport as well highest you can go anywhere in the world. So no seven-mile does some things incredibly well and of course gives you the opportunity. I know you guys work with mad Labs, right? So you have to really develop your coaches. What role does that play in your development? Element it was it was huge. We got to a point to where we were sitting down and Carl are owner satis down. He was like we brought in I want to say it was some number like we brought in a hundred and eighty people the year that we had this chat and he goes we have 12 new members still at the end of the year. He was like this churn rate is unbelievable, but the way we were kind of bringing people on It was almost just kind of too aggressive for people here. Hey, here's an IT. Here's an intro whoever else wants to sign up. Here's what we do CrossFit. Here's what it's done for me. Here's a workout. Do you like it come back and show up? What we were kind of starting to find is that people were just getting overwhelmed with not knowing what was going on. Sometimes there's just a lot of information even if we had a coach going with them. We didn't have the connection with our clientele. We do now if somebody was gone, it would take two or three weeks before somebody would notice. Somebody was not showing up just due to how everything was ruined and Carl sat down with these numbers one day and he goes if we get 2x, it doesn't matter if we get more people because of the churn rate that we have it'll never be higher than that. He's like Jim will never make any more money. You'll never make any place. We just kind of sat down and had this like really straightforward meeting about how we need to change what we were doing and Garland seen some stuff on the Matlab guys. And at first like some people like a lot of people see some of their stuff and what they're asking people to do and people like that doesn't work. It's crazy. You can't do that type of stuff and You realize what we were doing wasn't going to keep our doors open at a certain point. So we went ahead and started going with the Matlab system. And there's a lot more monitored coach development. There's a lot more they break the day up. You have a certain amount of people under you that are your core tribe and you have to stay in touch with them. So I know I know so much more about my tribe members than I ever did about all of the numbers in the The gym at one time and it's really made a much bigger connection to churn rate. It goes way down you get a bit more quality leads people who actually want to do it instead of all I want to try this for three months and you spent all this time with this person teaching them how to do the movements and then they bail right? So we get the people that are definitely in there's a screening process to come through and it's been a massive difference for us and our business. So obviously people can check out apps for good if you I was like to give actionable advice if someone's listening and being a box owner or coach what are two three things that you think they can do to retain members better first thing is do personal training it by Far and Away has changed the Outlook of the gym even had people would we decided to start adding the personal training as a prerequisite you have to do personal training before you're allowed to go into the classes and then once you are in the classes if we do hybrid memberships, so you can do it where it's a personal training session every week bi-weekly monthly every six weeks or quarter. And these are always great for sitting down and touching base. Sometimes they're coming in. Hey, I want to work on this. I'm not really Good at this in class. This is what I want to get to but a lot of those are sit down conversations. How are you feeling? What's going on? How's things at home? What are our goals for next time? It's the personal training has been huge for our retention getting our members where they want to go. It's setting a path for them. So it's not just your coming in here turning today because you're supposed to come to your our it's well, here are the three things you said you wanted to do you? Need to get your cholesterol down you wanted to do a pull-up and you wanted to sleep better. Okay. Well, let's see if we did that three months from now or next time we meet, how are we doing and you can start having these check-ins so that What stuff that starts to go off track? We can always go back to these. Hey, this is what you said you wanted to do. Is this still the same goal you were looking for earlier that my farm way is probably been the biggest takeaway and secondly having coaches having members underneath a single coach. All of one of our one of my clients comes to the class any of our coaches are allowed to coach that person, but I'm responsible for making sure they're showing up seeing how they're doing getting that personal connection. And those touch points have been. Business changing and especially not just for the business but the clients are so much happier. They have access to me. We have conversations about the kids. It's a whole it's a relationship as opposed to coming in here who I saw you work out today. It's a whole different relationship. yeah, I mean what we've talked about in other episodes with coaches is just the best coaches in the world create those relationships and that's not to say they'll never leave but when you have that type of relationship with your clients, they're more than likely going to stay longer. And by the way, I appreciate you guys playing I have the Tiger in the background little touch of black. So it's those things have been at those things have been amazing and the relationship portion of it. It's just made it much easier. What's your advice to box owners and coaches that say because I was guilty of this as well. It's hard to get CrossFit members to do personal training. So how we kind of once we kind of shifted over we had we called our Legacy members. So the people who were already here. We did not require them to start doing personal training because they had been our members have been our founding members cool. You guys stay with what you got but we did decide as a group. Is that okay? From here on out everybody who does want to come join the gym is going to have to do the personal training and they will have to have a hybrid membership. At first that was really scary. We were charging more it was more time and what we found out is that if you look at the back end the people that wanted to do it and we're willing to have buy-in into this and do those personal training sessions. They stayed afterwards when they went to class they stay there still. Part of the community today the cool thing about the personal training with the Legacy clients is the Legacy clients would see we were doing personal training with these newer people at somebody would walk up and be like, well, why can't I do that? But if you absolutely can write and then we still had people we still have people to this day. We started this program for years ago. We saw people this day that don't do personal training, but there's like In total, there's probably eight of them out of our entire job. Everybody else is on on a personal training and it's also created not just personal training for people with the gym, but other people who may not who don't want to do my intensity of movement. They just want to come in and do something just for them. That's it. There's a whole other Avenue of just one-on-one personal training and It just opens up over other avenues for you to do things right believe it or not. Not everybody wants to do CrossFit, but everybody wants to be healthy and fit so that's probably a good segue into your new program seven-mile corrective. Yes, or no. We have another Mutual then Sean past, uh who have interviewed recently for the show. I've known him a long time and he runs active life really really good stuff out there and you're one of his Which is correct, correct? So where did this program come from? And what's the intention of it? And how can other people Implement similar things at their box? So it all started from I did the first active life similar than they did in New York, which was just a flexibility assessment from the ground up and it was just that all we can be immediately learned how to do this and it was ingrained into us to do this is what you do blah, blah blah blah. So I could immediately take that back and bring it to my other coaches and just in the two day seminar. I was able to start seeing things in the gym and we have Marathon programs here as well where I could see things with these people that normally would never want to they don't want to do CrossFit. They just want to run but I had an Avenue of going I know why your back hurts while you're here. Uh, but I didn't know before so that immediately make it in where Okay, this is actionable. This is maker this is give this is making this is getting me more personal training. This is me helping more people. So then I did the immersion program that they do which also helps you learn. You know, this is what you see here are some ways to fix it in a group setting as well as on your own. But before I did that I saw I found something here that I started to notice was. Doctors chiropractors physiotherapists and coaches were rarely on the same page here. I'm not sure how it is everywhere else, but they're really on the same page you have clients coming in and they're like their yoga instructors told them. They need to stretch more. I'm telling them. They need to lift more chiropractors telling them. They don't need to do X. The physiotherapist is telling them they don't need to do X or the doctors telling them stop doing anything if it hurts, right. So now you've got five different opinions going back and forth. This person who has an injury or is coming back from an injury. And what do they do? Well to hell with it. I'm just going to stop doing anything where they keep going and they get even more her. So what I want to do is try to find a way that I can work with certain of these other health professionals. So we have to physiotherapist and to chiropractors I work with now and what we do is we work together saying the same thing for the client or to the client after we've both spoken to each other so So if somebody's having shoulder pain putting their hands over their head if I can't instantly know why or figure out why I will send them to one of these health professionals and they will talk to me. We will come up with a plan to help this person. So now you have two people working together saying the same things to help you get out of discomfort or pain or whatever it is. So that was one side of it and the second side was if you have somebody in your gym who's constantly hurt. It starts to get annoying it starts to become demotivating and then they stopped coming and you have to hook them down and then they just kind of slow down and Fade Away. What I want to do is have another Avenue of that where maybe like, hey, let's just take you out of the classes for a little bit. Let's look at what's going on. Let's take three six months. Let's fix these things and then you can go right back to doing whatever you want to do. See if anybody was interested in that still using those other health professionals to help me with this and so far. It's been extremely successful. We have got almost 30 F against 13 people in this program and one way or the other and being able to have these conversations with these other health professionals is helping these people get better and it's not a referral program. There's no money being exchanged between me or the other health professionals is just be want to help people get back to doing what they want to do. It's a terrible business model with the exception of referrals, but it's Bennett oh and surgeries people come from surgery you go to physiotherapy you get your range of motion back. And now you come back to the gym. Well, I might as well start doing some Kipping pull-ups, right? Like what do you want to have that foot? Because there's there's nobody to tell you what to do there. So we now have a space where we create that cool with me just come from the physiotherapist you have full range of motion of your shoulder. I talked to the physiotherapist. This is what you can and can't I don't want you to do cool. I work outside of that and then we work together to get you back to You don't need me. So I mean, this is great. And I think really this is the direction cross. It's going to go right where you know, everybody sees CrossFit Health. That's what it's all about. It's not how fit. Can you get in two years? It's help fit. Can you get and stay healthy? And if you do too much too soon, you're not going to do either but in other people, you know, a lot of coaches listening and I think with some of the people we've had on you included. It's like, oh that's Chris spider. He's been doing this forever. And he's here. No, you started this really within the last year year and a half and it's been incredibly successful. So if coaches are listening and they want to work more than two hours a week or leave their full-time job like you do what are some actionable things they can do now whether it's create their own corrective program, or you know, what can they do to make it this a full-time living like you have hmm first the first thing You got to do is put in time like and I know you don't think that there is any I work in eight hour day and then I've got to do this but if it's important to you make it happen, and I think that's I think that's a really important point of this yet things had to align for me to get where Bobby and all of that had to happen but for to two years I followed them around and I spent time that I quote didn't have following them around trying to learn how they were doing the things they were doing. Because it was interesting to me that wanted to somehow have it be a part of my life and then ended up starting coaching there. I think the hardest part for most people is just to take a step. It's like why can't do this. It's I don't have any time. I can't I'm not going to have to I don't want it. There's all these other things instead of going. I don't know how this is going to work out. But I'm going to do this. I'm going to take this step and then evaluate what happened right taking just a little bit of action. Way better that they think about all of the things that aren't going to work. Yeah, I think I was just having this conversation today and it's so many people are paralyzed by thinking about what they have to do instead of like you said just do a little bit, you know. Oh you think working out it's going to be so hard. Well, if you do 15 minutes four times this week, you've done an hour of exercise is better than zero. That's another monster thing is that you can't you can have this massive massive goal, but had been that's just like having somebody coming to your box. I'd go. I want to get in shape and you look at them and go. Okay. Stop eating crap sleep eight hours a night coming here five days a week. What would you give them? All these things to do? Nothing happens, but if you look at them and you go how much water do you drink? I don't drink much. Do you think you could have three glasses of water every day? No. Okay. Do you think you could have three glasses of water three days a week? Yes. Are you sure? Yes. Okay that leak did you do that? Yes, it feels do you think we could do a fourth day? I think everybody wants to make Stuff happened too fast. It took me three and a half years to get fat. It took me four years to get rid of it. I mean, yeah, it doesn't disappear and I think what gets overlooked is for a lot of us. We are goal-oriented were driven people. I mean you were a professional athlete right? But for a lot of people this is their first exposure to Fitness and you're giving them little winds along the way and they saluted, you know, allow I drank three glasses of water coach. Chris is going to be excited. Versus I'm letting him down now. I don't want to show back up and that was the person that took me a long time, you know for a lot of people with me with nutrition these days like they want all the time. Like hey, I need you to download My Fitness Pal and track for this week. That's it. He was ever you eat, but just track very cool. So what's the goal with your program? Do you want to Stan came into an extended out there you working with Sean and active life the goal with the program as of as of now is also to create so personally, there's just I don't I'm pretty busy and I don't want to create more hours on the floor. I went to find another way to help people without actually having to constantly be there. I've said I've gone into this boat Of these are the hours of going to work and that's it. Or I'm going to be at the gym and that's it. Because I think as a lot of us we want to help people who want to get into it. I'm going to be there for 10 hours a day. And then after three months of that you just like Jesus Christ. I can't imagine going in and it becomes a burnout thing and I tried that I wanted to see if I could do it and I couldn't so I found the schedule that works for me. And what I want to do is I would like to build this program up enough to where I can actually have Other coaches come underneath me that might be interested in doing something like that and then have that being run out of CrossFit Seven Mile and have that program there and it may be in ends up becoming its own separate thing. I mean that's down the road but being able to work with a select group of people that can fit within the hours being able to have a personal life being able to help people and being able to make money while I'm not at the gym as well because I feel like when you say that as a coach You would like to make a living. I think piece of people like I can't believe he said that like he wants to just make money by not being at the gym. I feel like that's something in our profession that needs to be Kind of kibosh to a little bit. Yeah, as our buddy would say turn pro. But you know and it's true like we talk about it all the time. Like when was the last time you went to a restaurant and ask for a discount on your burger? No one has a problem doing it for your coaching Services. Absolutely. So now that's really great to hear and I think a lot of people will take you up on it. And I don't think having a daughter as more hours to your day. Still has it. A good time to do something like that and they'll this very cool. And like I said, if you're listening then you gave me one drill to do and I was working for probably two months to try to figure out how to fix my foot and it did it. So that's just one example. I don't know that Chris can do that for every injury for everybody. Worst case is you have to take a trip to Cayman know so that's a that's not a bad place to be to get your plantar. See, I just hooked up. Well, I told you ahead of time. I was going to ask you for a book recommendation. Do you have one I do it's essentialism by Greg McKeown. It's unbelievable. It's had a massive impact on my life about trying to cut things down and doing the most important thing first figuring out what needs to get done and it allows you. Just to clear some space especially with what we as coaches are doing a lot of times you're at the gym. Then you're on your phone in between message in between classes with the clients and your members and then you go home and you do some more work and oh, I forgot to it just allows you to compartmentalize everything I start realizing. What are the things you want to say? Yes to how to say no to people. It's just a very very interesting book. I've given it to probably six or seven people down here. But it just creates space for you to get other things that are important to you done. Yeah, it's been recommended a couple times on the show. I've read it I think was earlier this year if not the end of last year, but it was one of my favorite books at that time and I highly highly believe it if you've not read that so so on that topic, let me ask you what are a few things. You've kind of alluded to them. And what are some things you've actually implemented in your life because like we said, you're busy you're having a Can your married which takes time you're developing this basically new company while doing all this having a daughter what are some things that you do regularly that people can take from that I break my day up into certain hours. So I know what I'm going to do pretty much each day. I wake up at the same time. I have the same morning routine. I work out at the same time so that If something happens to her, I'm not looking at emails during those times and that looking at messages during those times. I set up hours. We're okay for the next 30 minutes my phone face down. I'm doing emails. That's the this hours for nothing else gets in the way of those of those that 30 minutes in those emails. No other windows pop open if I'm working out from x amount of time to x amount of time cool. I know that that means I have to be prepared for that that night before so if I'm going to eat a certain fee, so it just starts to put things. Eyes and you start to realize that just because you don't answer that email in 30 minutes. Does that mean everything's going to fall to shambles? So there are certain times where I don't answer email. Once I go home emails are out clients are out. It's home time. It's my wife's time and my time and will soon be my daughter's time. That's how she got pregnant, isn't it? That's pretty much how it is something to do. It's very true that you know, I think too many of us are just Just the other day. I'm like, I need to get a whale I can go into the mountains and get away from this thing and it's like when you stop and realize know you're in control like someone text you that doesn't mean you have to get back to them immediately and they'll still be there and Life Will Go On and people respect that I think it's a probably the biggest challenge in this day and age is, you know, dealing with them dinging and notifications and sounds like every other people will start to learn other people start to learn your Your pattern. Oh, well, it's after it's after 8:00. Chris isn't going to respond. I know I'm going to hear from him tomorrow. And it also allows you to create your space. Like hey, why don't you message me back? Because I don't message people back at this point at this time. Sorry, and then people either figure it out or if it's super important, you know, we'll find a way to get in touch with you but you just start to realize everything isn't as important as you originally thought it was Yeah, and that's how you get a few more hours in your day to follow Bobby around and and now look at it. Well, if you want to reach out to Kris, they can do it on social media. I know you have your personal coach Chris three four five. Yep. What's that? What's three? Four five by the way, three four five is the area code in Cayman. Okay. Say coach Chris 3 4 5 and then 7-mile corrective 7 the number mild attractive and I'm going to Actually have a couple people that I want to send to you that have been that need some programming or some stuff you do that virtually now, right solutely. Absolutely cool. Anybody with plantar fasciitis got three tell you where that you should specialize like all you handle that says itís even have a whole time job doing that everybody. So many people have that these days everybody's got it and it's really a simple fix. That's it. Well, it's great to catch up with you. Hopefully, I'm sure we'll see you again in the next year or so. Roz drags me down there. It's terrible be a drug down here, huh? Well, if you knew her family, it would be with us next time. I find my own spot, but it's been great. He's not even touched upon it the box is amazing. Roz is always just the other day. She was bringing up something that you guys do. Well that she wanted to see, you know brought to our box and math is additional work people can do outside of class you guys, you know have people getting warmed up before class. You make sure everybody said, I mean, it's one of the most welcoming communities. I've heard the coaches every class. I've been to they're always saying. Hey make sure you go Shake. Hands with all the new people. So those things are happening clearly having a good coaching staff helps but you know Carl and Wanda the trickle-down effect everybody there. It's a great community. And you know, I'm proud too. I feel bad because every time I'm on came in at ceiling box I go to and I made a lot of boxes other level ones that come in, you know, there's CrossFit came in and a couple others. I'm like, no I got a seven mile. So it's great to have a relationship with you guys. I appreciate everything you guys have done. Appreciated to Jason. Thanks a lot, buddy. All right. Well, if I don't talk to you before the baby good luck with everything and it was great chatting with you. Tell Jen good luck with the birth. I don't know if you're supposed to say that but I don't know either. I think your job is just to stand there and be like you got this honey kill it. It is easier than the CrossFit Games appreciated Jason. Thanks, man. I have a good rest of the day. You too, buddy. 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Today Ackerman is chatting with Chris Spigner, they met Chris was up for re-validation of his level one. Chris’s name may sound familiar he use to play for the Boston Red Socks, sorry Yankee fans. Chris gets deep on what happened when he got released from the Red Sock due to injury and how he gained a lot of weight, stating it was the saddest time of this life. Examples The catalyst that creating that change in life and his Crossfit journey. Chris talk about how he learnt from Semair Staff and how he ended up in the Cayman Island coaching full time, met his wife and has a baby on the way. - The dream, but he talks about how it took time to get to this point. They get into the amazing work Chris and his team are doing with 7 miles. This great episode for coaching how are worried about taking that leap and don’t really know how to start with that move into full-time coaching. Check out the extra content about this episode on Rate/subscribe in Apple Podcasts! Find us on Instagram: @besthouroftheirday + @thejasonackerman Check out our website - - to learn more about our private coaches development group.
Hey everybody, this is BJ. We just wanted to talk to you for one second. Before we go into your favorite new podcast Dragon Quest FM about our host anchor dot f m-- we've been using anchor since we started doing Dragon Quest FM and we have really really enjoyed the service. That's right. It's the easiest way to make a podcast. It's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Anchor will distribute the podcast for you. You can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many others and thisAdd as part of their sponsorship program where you can make money from your podcast with even minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place. So if you want to do this, you can go to Anchor dot f m-- and get started. Welcome everyone to Dragon Quest FM. My name is Austin. I'm BJ and this week we're talking about Dragon Quest swords the Mast queen and the Tower of mirrors, which was released back. We in 2007. We spent a weekend. We'll really a 24-hour period play in this game. But before we get into all of that We recording this episode on Wednesday. It goes out on Friday recording on Wednesday. And so this morning we finally got the demo for Dragon Quest 11s. Yeah. I've already got it downloaded on the switch beside me. I haven't been able to boot it up yet. Yeah same here. I downloaded it this morning and my oldest daughter Naomi was like are we gonna play him she so and it wasn't a good time to play video games. So I was just like, you know, I've gotta trying to explain downloading to her and out think she got it. She's three. So yeah being is kind of like it and very abstract concept. It's hard to convince people. It's hard to actually get people to understand downloading who have been around it for a while. They get the term wrong between downloading and uploading and like copying from flash drive. So a three-year-old no not even gonna try but some of the we got some cool stuff. They showed a video this morning and that actually, you know told you about this morning because I got super excited. I just happen to be on Twitter at the right. And I know one thing that you and I've been really excited for was the youichi village stuff. Yeah, and I haven't been able to watch the video yet. So you're actually telling me about it. I've gotten five minutes into it and then work hit and I haven't been able to go back to keep it rolling got ya. So, I guess your Chi Village for the Western version It's called taking tonight. Okay, you'll notice some clock puns here, but there's taking tin is the name of the village and the instead of being yo cheese like they are. Why they're called tacos. Okay, tacos not tacos. Yes. I thought they were tacos. It sounded like in the video that they were saying tacos, which is hilarious in one way is it's really funny that that would be a pun to begin with but also I know how much you hate people making Taco puns. I learned that this weekend. I didn't know that until like you and I have known each other for 10 years and I had no idea that you hated taco. Until this past weekend, it's not even Taco puns. I just I just don't like the adventures of I still think naming a character Taco Bell is funny. But anyway, it's not tacos it's tacos, and I thought it was tacos because it sounded like that but it also you know, it's Dragon Quest so I thought they were making like a taco pun, right? You know, but but someone someone on Twitter was like actually they're called tacos and then later on this morning. I saw an article from like a Nintendo website and they said tacos. So I guess it is tacos instead of tacos is what they're called. A lot of the other stuff in the demo is just like gameplay stuff which you know, we've seen a bit of but we did actually they showed you in taking 10 where you can go through to the other two like the to the other worlds from previous Dragon Quest games, right and that was pretty cool. They showed us nine today, which is really awesome for me because I adore Or Dragon Quest 9. Yeah, you you go through the portal and you're like up there at the observatory by the extra sultry awesome. Yeah, so saw that was pretty cool. So that's just some kind of highlights and hopefully next week when we record. I'm sure you and I will both be through the demo pretty maybe even done with it. I'm not sure. I haven't read anything about where the demo ends. I have neither I've seen I want to say that I saw Alec Burton mention that it didn't matter where it ended that every single thing that he could do in the demo was going to be done. Like he was going to Max it out before 11s came out and I'm like, I have a feeling that you and I may do the exact same thing like whatever the limits are. We're going to hit the hard cap that demo. Yeah. I I kind of think I've nothing to base this on but I kind of just assumed that the demo And you know at the beginning of the game are it and the luminary jump off a cliff and then it's like Dragon Quest 11. Yep. That's where I feel like that's probably a good place for a demo to end because you get a couple of zones you get kind of a tutorial dungeon you get a Zone where you can level up and fight stuff and you get the kingdom Haley adore you do so it's kind of like you kind of get quite a bit right there. And then it was kind of makes sense that it would end right there for the I'm title gets displayed. I'm hoping that's the case. I'm really hoping like I was thinking it would either be there or at when he leaves the main village when he leaves that first Village and you no longer have the dog in your party which still makes me upset that you get to that's where I thought it might lead. Also leave just when you start the adventure but I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. I think that might be too short because that's all we like a 20-minute demo. So it's Oh, wow, that's that's a shorter than I remember it being maybe I just took my time going through it. Oh, yeah, it's really quit even exploring out breaking the parts. I mean you might spend an hour there, but okay you crazy. So anyway, so let's get straight in to Dragon Quest swords, and I will say that I want to thank our patreon Patron DJ Pimp Daddy for he subscribed to to the Dragon Quest FM patreon and his request for show. Obscure Dragon Quest titles like Rocket Slime and obviously Dragon Quest swords is one of the more obscure ones. So when we had the opportunity to really play it together Austin is also beat Rocket Slime. That's an episode coming up. I'm playing through Rocket Slime right now and with DQ swords here. We are going to cover some of the more obscure ones at a patron request. So if you have any ideas about that, you can go to slash Dragon Quest FM and you'll be able to tell us what to talk about. Out. Yeah, so so just a quick summary here BJ flew down to Florida. He was at a podcast convention which we kind of talked about last week. He got to my house. We recorded last week's episode and then the next day after my kids went down to nap. We decided to play Dragon Quest swords. I got my we out. He brought his game down with him. We plugged it in got all that stuff set up. Started playing it now just initially you hated the controls. I hated the controls, but for a 12 year old game. We thought it looked really pretty like the graphics. I think hold up pretty well. It was surprising how they held up compared to Modern Dragon Quest type games is a type games because it's not just Dragon Quest, but even on an HDTV the we graphics on this. This one didn't look terribly muddy or blurry that it was very I don't want say crisp either but it was not an ugly game by any means like a lot of that generation is when you look at them on an HDTV and then we got I want to say through the first chapter which is like kind of the tutorial dungeon boss all that kind of stuff. And then I guess you looked it up on like how long to Yep, and we realized that it Only about a nine-hour story most people were saying which said I did not have any idea. I would not expect a Dragon Quest game to be nine hours. I was expecting this to be like minimum 15 probably 15 to 20 our game and it wasn't it was everything was saying like completionist was 10 and a half to 15. So I was like, okay. Yeah, and so we decided perhaps foolishly that we would try to beat all of Dragon Quest swords before you had to leave to go to the airport. Airport the next day which gave us I did the math and from the time we started to the time you had to leave. It gave us about 26 hours. Yep to try to do all of this and so really well, we've been playing it for a little while. So it's really probably closer to 25 hours by the time we decided hey we're going to try to do it. So so for today's episode, we're just going to walk everybody through our journey to beat Dragon Quest swords in a single weekend. It's a dramatic story. It's full of struggle. It's full of love frustration and failure. Success and and Redemption possibly Redemption and injury, we energy it injury injury. So before we get into just our storytelling at all that just some thoughts overall thoughts from the game. I thought the story was kind of myth. I don't know about you. I thought the story was kind of vague most of the time it felt like a pretty just kind of generic thing. And I think maybe it's because the so much of the focus on Dragon Quest swords is about the gameplay. It's the fact that you can swing the Wii remote like a sword and play the game like that. So I think that's what the focus was on. So maybe maybe it doesn't even need a good story because that's not what the game is really about. Did you feel that way? Yeah, I did. I felt like this one was it's a Dungeon Crawler like you and I talked about like there's no exploration in this when you have a central Hub town. And you're going out into these different areas that are on Rails Dungeon Crawlers, and then you get to choose which direction you go at different Forks in the path. So when you're going in there, there's it's basically a hey this bad thing happened you're going to this area to get to the next step to fix it. And so it it's one of those where the story is there and it exists and there's a world and characters that they've built to move you along through the These dungeons but it's not a very good one. I didn't care about any single character. I didn't care about really what was going on. I like the character models for the most part for the most part, but generally it was like you said the story isn't the focus the focus on this one is from 2007 running around and controlling it like it's a sword I think for me the controls that I hated the most was and the reason that I The controls the most was that you couldn't use the Wii nunchuk that you had to use the directional pad the actual cross pad on a single Wii remote to move around instead of being able to hold it with two hands and move around just to keep that that sense of fidelity there with it and I didn't I didn't like that but I got used to it if it hadn't been for you. I never would have played that much of it to get used to because I like not for me and then turned it off. And together though. It was one of those that it was fun to power through and the controls were a hurdle and not a wall. Got un and I assume now that we've played it because at first I was the same way. I was like man, I wish you had the nunchuck for this but I think it's because you know, I'd be really hard to swing the Wii remote like a sword the way it you need to especially doing the master Strokes the special moves and stuff which you can see videos of on Twitter of us Little Fool of us doing Master Strokes on there. We live tweeted essentially most of our journey across this. So if you check out our Twitter feed you'll be able to find That in the media and stuff like that will eventually put it together in a moment to share this with all the stuff. But but yeah you the master Strokes require a lot of movement and dynamic movement at that, so it'd be hard with the nunchuck plugged in there. And also, I just think it's funny because that video so what happened was my wife Grace was sitting on the couch. We thought just playing on her phone and kind of sort of watching us play our game. It turns out she was recording Us in secret and texting BJ's wife Jennifer. Videos of us looking really stupid swinging the Wii remote around like a sword so our wives were just making fun of us in secret if we were teenagers at 12 years old. That's the kind of video that remember Star Wars kid. I don't remember if you remember Star Wars kid. Yeah, like these are Star Wars kid videos like if this had been at that point we would be like internet celebrities because I how silly we are on this like right now it's like oh, yeah, look at these middle-aged guy. Is swinging their swords on the Internet. It's a we're just another one but they but they were making fun of us really good. So another thing I kind of like you said about the characters the characters were kind of just there for me. I thought floor at made a pretty good companion because she gets good he'll stuff so she can really Aid the hero and you only get one companion. If you haven't played this game you get several companions to choose from but you can only take one at a time into the dungeons with you. Yep. And florets kind of like the Healer she can also make your Shield really big. Would you have to manually move across the screen and the reason that it makes it big would like Magnus Shield is what it's called is you have to point the Wii remote at the TV screen and the cursor becomes your Shield where you block projectiles and physical attacks is they're coming in. So the bigger the shield more area you have to actually block the attacks. It's not just pressing a block button or a Dodge button to do that. So that kind of Thing really really really helps. Yeah, and when we were playing I know I made this joke already but it needs to be said florette for those of you who have not seen her looks like Avril Lavigne like I'm pretty sure it's 2007 and I'm positive like almost a hundred percent positive Akira Toriyama salt like a music video of 2007 era Avril Lavigne and was like, I'm going to make her a support character in a video game and he did I mean sounds about right the skirt the stockings the whole look everything is totally just Avril Lavigne from that era. It's very hot topic. It's like it's like what every Hot Topic ad looks like we're back then it's like I just graduated college and it's like that's exactly what people dressed like at that particular time. Well, not everybody obviously, but that that that era of of like trendiness I was right there. It was crazy. But yeah, that's exactly what she looks like another character you get his prints on lace who's kind of like a whiny little prince. He says Mama really dumb mama mama mama, and so not much to say about print on this really neither you nor I really played as him very much because he didn't like him. He Zapped things really good. Like he would kill eight. He had an AOE, which you don't get as as the main. Character so that was really helpful occasionally, but he couldn't heal. So that was a hard pass. I thought he had healed. I thought he had scissors and he'll did he have a heel because I don't remember maybe he had a heel maybe he was his and Claymores that claim or was that yeah. Okay on Lisa's AOE was says Claymore heads app and buff were the two spells. He started off with and claim or is your dad in the game? Who look he looks like balthier from Final Fantasy 12. But with a with an Anakin Skywalker mechanical arm. Yep. Got a sword hand cut off. Yeah, he doesn't look like a DQ character to me like Claymore looks cool. But like his face and everything else. He doesn't look like a Dragon Quest character. He doesn't look like a Toriyama character to me at all. He looks like one to me because of a discussion that we're having on Discord like right now on the geek geek Discord where somebody posted a picture of the the fortune-teller from dq8 and heal. Looks like a emaciated. Mr. Satan from Dragon Ball Z and that's kind of how Claymore looks to me. Is that kind of DQ character? Like not one of the hero types that you see all the time, but one of those like really Side characters that looks unique that's not one of the repeated NPCs and that's kind of really what what Claymore looks like to me after seeing that picture of the fortune teller and thinking about mr. Satan. That's where claim or Falls in in. And with the art style for me, okay, gotcha another character. I just want to mention really quick that you and I both enjoyed was mini moggy. Mmm, and I liked having that I liked having the little monster collected many medals and said of just having like a king or a queen or a princess or something like in most of the games. I like the pirate captain from nine, but many moggy was kind of was a cute little juror to have to bring your mini middles to you and the best part about him being a monster. It's like the rest of these are kings and queens and they have a collection or a princess or you know, a pirate Captain who obviously wants his booty and then you have this monster this this mini moggy Cat who's just like I'm gonna eat all your medals and then he just eats them. It's like you bring him Metals for rewards and he's just eating these many metals and I love it. Like watching him go have made me very very happy like because it's And that's like you and I've said it doesn't times that's what we like about Dragon Quest and even in the side games like this may be especially in the side games like this. They experiment more with the silliness and that's just one of the things in this one that's super silly. Just let and really side silly but it works out really really well to give it personality. So Saturday, we got the game all set up. We started playing it, you know start with chapter 1 obviously it took me. Me a while to get used to the controls and moving around just because it's so different. It's first person. I don't know if we said that already or not, but it's first person which is really jarring for a Dragon Quest game for me first. It took a long time to get used to that but I eventually did get used to it because that's that's kind of the Dungeon Crawler thing, but it's absolutely hard to get used to its really jarring and at the beginning you and I didn't really know that this was a Dungeon Crawler game. Like no, we're at least I didn't I mean we were just kind of playing it. We're like this is weird. And then after we got to the first area you're walking out in a field and then you go to like a cave. I can't even remember what it's called, but it's called like the way of Worth or something like that because you're proving your Worth right and like the worthwhile walk of worth. Is that what it's called? It's called something absurd like that. It's absurd. Yeah. I don't really pay attention to a lot of the areas in this one partly. Because we were kind of trying to speed run through it and not really worry about it. But also because I didn't care about the story. So it was just like oh, yeah, we have to go through the the force. I know I called the forest and everything wrong the wrong name. Like I'm I think I still think of it as Ganymede Forest. I know it's not that's not it it was galantine Glade because you made a galentine's Day joke from Parks and Rec. You're absolutely right. It's galentine's day Glade and you're like no like I open my mouth and you told me no before I could even start. Which was I think chapter 2 is where you go to galantine Glade. Yeah, I think it is. But the first the first when you're like in a cave and you're like proving you're worth there's like the Restless armor at the end. His name is Dirk Worthington. And so and after beating Dirk Worthington and getting to the end that's kind of where you and I were like, oh, this is a Dungeon Crawler game because you there's like Forks in the path and we went the wrong way at first or maybe the right way at first and got the treasure at the end of the path and then like resets you back at the beginning of the fork and you have to go the other way, which is fantastic. I will say that for this game not making you go back along that trail that you started on like you went in on is wonderful. It's like, oh you finish this. It's a dead end. Let's put you back to where you make that choice. So you basically get to go through all of the pads. If you don't go down the main path initially and we were following a walk through this entire time. Let me That because we had limited time we found what might be the worst walk through that I've ever used on the internet on IGN's Wiki it hit the high points and then left out very important pieces of information that you needed and we followed that to know which path to go down and to get what treasure that we needed to be able to push forward but not yet. We did not start the walk through yet. That's where I work. We weren't worried about time at this point in our playthrough because yeah, that's true. We hadn't really fully. Get ourselves to this. Yeah that came later. I want to say it was like chapter five or six. I think I put it in the notes when we started using a walk through because we were like, holy crap. We're going to run out of time. We need to stop like just messing around and give the correct ways. Yeah, but but yeah there we did we did chapter 2, I want to say just right after that. That's when you start getting a party characters you get on lace who goes with you and it really doesn't do much like I was surprised at how Little the side characters really seem to do in this game, especially when it comes to like attacking the enemies like it felt like he uses like twice. I want to say in the whole like area that we were in the galantine Glade and never will we needed it. It was always like we got this handled and then it decided that's like I'm gonna blow these up for you. It's like thanks. How about that when I was about to die. My shield was broken, dude. Yeah, so then not long after that the end of chapter 2 is when you find on Lisa's mama, who is the Mast Queen in the title. It's kind of creepy at first you're like get this cabin in the woods and there's like a creepy like masks lady that just like leaves the cabin and there's like creepy music playing and then right after that floret comes out and you talk to her she joins you back in town that kind of stuff. I want to say around chapter 3 is when you and I first consulted a guide because we were just trying to figure out where to take are many metals. So right Googled it to see where the many medals were and even then it should have been a warning sign because it was like it's a cave by the castle and there's actually two caves and we went into the wrong cave at first that's that's true. We should have actually realized that I didn't even think about that. They're just like cave by the castle and we chose the wrong cave. There are three actually the mini metal. Dave there's the grave cave and then there's the one that leads to the dojo. That's true. Yeah, I forgot about the dojo one. There's also weapon Tamp tempering at the weapon Shop, but you and I kind of took advantage of we what was it the lightning sword is what we ended up getting because we have an underboss at the time and then chapter 3 is also where we started having difficulty because of the The Rock bombs because you and I are both really That's one of the so sometimes you can do you can do like a downward slash. You do like a cross slash or then you do like a diagonal, you know, kind of / or you can do a Thrust which you and I neither one. We could Master the thrust very well and I think I don't know if it's us I feel like it's the Wii remote just doesn't pick up on that movement the way it should I think it's the Wii remote because this is before the MotionPlus Wii remote came out that they were using with Skyward Sword that this didn't have the the more precise accelerometer and gyroscope in it. So this is using the regular we controls to try to get you to hold it solid hold it flat and then thrust it at the screen and so it didn't have really granular control over, you know, like this switch does now and like even like MotionPlus does so this is original stuff. So yeah thrusting It Forward like like jabbing and stabbing piercing. We were both just downright bad at it and You had any way so we eventually quit trying to thrust The Rock bombs backwards to blow up the rest of the rocket bombs and enemies. Yeah and just started hacking away at it. And then after that, I feel like after we went to that strategy we got through those Rock bumps pretty quickly and made it to the end of that area ya think. So I don't remember any more trouble with that one. Yeah, but that I think that was probably the first death for us was when I was because mostly on the first day. I was mostly the one playing and With and we were on chapter 3 still in that first day and I think that was the first time we'd actually died was because there was that area where the chimeras are throwing fire at you and you're trying to return the fire. Oh, yeah The Rock bombs are all rolling down the hill and there's like some bubble slimes. I want to say that attack you as well and you tend to have to focus on Bubble slimes and do downward slashes because they jump over your other side slashes. And so you also have to Target the screen. Like you do with the with the shield and you target the screen at where the projectiles are going. It tells you where they're going and then you have to bat it back at some of the enemies like chimeras and that is not the easiest thing to do with these kind of questionable controls and most of our deaths in the game came from missing the missing the batting it back like we were if you had to stab or bad it back we were Just not great at it and part of that too is that the controls are wonky. But also they give you like three seconds. It's like right you have to they give you three seconds to move the remote to the exact spot, press the a button to lock onto that spot. And then you have to time your swing correctly to send it back and then especially later in the game. There's even like times where the enemies will hurl like a whole bunch of them at you in a row, and it's just I think you and I eventually just started blocking. Instead of trying to return them back. Yeah, it's just easier at that point because it makes the fights last considerably longer I guess but it also means you don't have to restart that entire area. If and when you mess up what you are doing, so so we got through chapter three around that time. My kids were starting to wake up from nap. So we put the, you know, put it away for a little while took a little break at this point my My arm wasn't sore yet. I didn't play at played for about two and a half hours. The my arm wasn't too bad. My arm really started cramping up later that night because after my kids went to bed you and I booted up the game again, and we had we started off with chapter 4, which teams you up with claim or your dad and you have to choose him because we were already at this point. We're like, oh, yeah, we're going to use floor at for future dungeons, but the game makes you try Out your dad for the chapter 4 and the part that sticks out most to me about ride about chapter four is riding in that boat. Yeah at the beginning and it just feels like it takes forever to just ride around in the boat. We also I just remembered we did not have our Thunder sword yet because I say at this point we weren't all that familiar with webbing weapon tempering and I totally sold the monster bones and my inventory which were the materials that you needed to temper the sword because you don't buy new weapons in this you have to craft them with materials that you get so we sold the ones that we needed to get a more powerful sword. Yeah, you can buy like the base swords, but then but if you really want to He really want a good weapon. You have to temper it. Yeah, he came by. I think the iron sword is the first one right copper. I think you buy copper and then you temper it into steel. Then you temper the steel into either ice fire or lightning and then during the course of the game you get not the Aurora sword, but the render X or something like that color like the red boots Sagar something. I think I have it typed up in her notes somewhere. But you get that and it transforms in tempers into like the the sword of Heroes in the Aurora blade and then but all of the lightning Fire and Ice ones can then get more powerful than those with even more tempering like you can get like Mega lightning or whatever. They're called. It's not Mega lightning. Yeah. So we had I think we had a steel sword at this point, which you can once you temper it. I don't know if it's because we tempered it or because you reached a certain part of the game, but you can buy steel sword later. In the game, it shows up in the weapon shop at least. Oh, yeah so that you can have the fire ice and lightning swords. Yes. I'm not sure if it's because we got to a certain story point or if it's because we had already tempered a steel sword the it like unlocked it or how that works. But either way we didn't have a lightning sword yet and there's a lot of water enemies when you're on the boat with Claymore and so I felt like it just took us a little bit longer to get through that because we didn't have the best weapons and we were a little short on cash and we Taking the time to necessarily grind levels yet because we're trying to like speed run the whole thing. And then overall I thought chapter 4 it was that it had a cave. It was pretty boring and right around in here. I think towards the end of this cave. We just wanted to get it over with so that's when I asked you I was like, hey, can you just look up a walkthrough and tell me the correct paths to take on these Forks because yeah, I'm so sick of this and there's like that's when the chest start being like Canada boxes. Has and things and the walkthrough that we saw like the candy boxes are super annoying y'all it's not even that they're hard. They're just annoying because as you're going through you get a choice of one or two chests, like there are two chest in front of you and you don't usually have to pick but you're going to want to pick and the the walk through that we're using on IGN here tells you that these are random that you just have to pick one and it might be a can of box or it might not it changes every time you load in. Is a lie, which we don't think is true because we tested this out many a time and we got the item in the same box every time and it that whoever wrote that walk through and I know it's a week and I could go back and change it but I'm probably not going to you'd rather just dumped on it. I would feel that that tells me more about the state of the internet than anything else. It's like I could fix it, but I'm not gonna answer. And you know now that I say that out loud maybe I will but they are fixed and it means that you don't have to fight those Cannon boxes, but thanks to the IGM walkthrough. We just skip them completely and we we don't know like unequivocally that they're fixed. But in our experience it was always the same one like once we picked like the one on the right would be a mini metal. So we when we would Replay that level we'd always go for the one on the right and it would still be a mini metal because you can repeat many. Those in this game and so and same thing for like medicinal herbs and things like that. So with our experience, yeah, it was a 100% fix when we tried it like that. So like we may be, you know, statistical outliers, but in our experience every single chest like that. Yeah, and so so for me, I think this is the part of the game where I started kind of getting tired, you know at this point, I think we probably reach the like three and a half hour mark But we wanted to get through as much as possible. So we kept on playing and week at to chapter 5, which is where you have to climb the Tower of mirrors which which is the title of the game. I mean, it's talk about the Tower of mirrors. So you're finally hitting the main part of the story This is the real meat of the game. And so where you get into like more than cave dungeons, you're not fighting merman in the river on a raft kind of thing. You're finally getting it. Until like the the dungeon e dungeons to the for the Dungeon Crawl and we died a lot we got so much. So I think we died three times. I think the first time I think I was still playing at this point. We got to the the Golem and it's a black Golem. The there are there are obviously different kind of golems in Dragon Quest games. And this one is a black Golem and he punches you he does punches, but it doesn't give you the the symbol on the screen to show you where he's going to punch. So you kind of just have to look for his arms and and like hope for the best and so and we weren't sure how to attack him because any time we tried to swipe at him because like one damage or whatever if that like when he blocked it would do one damage and then if he blocked it did none and so thankfully I had a masterstroke built up. So I used a master stroke and killed him and you and I were both like her a we got through it and In before you even get out of the fight another Golem appears with two bubbles lines who throw slime at you and poison you and that's where I died. I died the first time there the second time I handed off to you because at this point my arm is like dying and I'm frustrated sigh finally handed it off to you and I think at that point we googled it when you got back to the Golem to see where like how we were supposed to do it we figured out if You can manage to block like all of his attacks in a row. He's got five in a row that then you can do like slashes and beat him up really quickly, which is really weird because it's one of the first times in the game where they don't give you any indicator of where to block and this golem Attacks every single corner of the screen and then the middle but it's not in the same pattern every time so he might just he feels like he attacks them at random and we tried this with all of the other golems that you As well and it never felt like we got a pattern down. You just have to watch and see and really react very quickly in the game. That doesn't have very good reaction controls. So we finally got through this though. We managed to get through it and then we got to the boss like we managed to climb this Tower. We died a few times like like we said got through it, but it helped us level up. At least there was that we followed what the strategy guides were saying like in terms of the the paths to take Take that. We didn't really take any extraneous ones that with items that we didn't need or wouldn't use and we got to the boss and I think I handed it over to you at that point because you were at especially at that time. You were the one with most of the fighting experience. Yeah. I think it was you actually handed over before that because you're playing it and it came to one of those where you had to block a bunch and floret died. Oh, yeah, and I let yeah and you were like, oh my God. I looked for it die. I'm going to hand this off to you because I'm gonna die or something like that. So I and I managed to block the next one and beat it. And then right after that is when you get to the boss and the boss is what's his name. It's the German thing. You said it means big knife gross Massa. Yeah, and he talks really funny. I really like that even though he like that boss. He has one of the best puns though. I love it. His name is gross Masa and it means big knife in German and he comes out with a pitchfork is like You may be wondering why I have a big a big Falk when it showed to be a big knife and it's just because and I loved it. Like he talked like a cartoon character. It was ridiculous. And it was one of the best puns in the entire game. I loved it so much and I don't know German so I didn't get that joke and you had to explain it to me, which I think is really funny that they put that in this game because it's like how many people really get that joke, you know like but anyway, so we get to this guy there's a lot of blocking. In this fight there's a lot of like, what are they called? The mini demons that show up amps? Yeah that are attacking you. And so anyway, I died I died here. It was the second death in the tower of mirrors that we had. It was getting kind of late and you know, we had been all been awake for a very long time. So so we decided to call it a night. With with that death and then Play It Again the next day. So so since we got to our night time, we got to the pause and are playthrough I think now is probably the perfect time for the segment. We like to call Shameless self-promotion. Maybe beep beep beep Shameless. I like that one. Actually Yay. There's one you like. Yeah. That's a pretty good. Why don't you tell everybody about our patreon? So I'd mentioned Earlier in the show. We have a patreon that we're using. So if you'd like to become a member of our patreon, you can go to slash Dragon Quest FM and you can pledge and become a patron where you can get a sticker. You can get a Discord role on our media networks Discord server and talk to Dragon Quest with us, and we're also looking at different tiers of rewards trying to really expand this for exclusive content that kind of Of thing. So if you have any ideas about that, let us know and we're working on rewards for people who are consecutive members for consecutive months. So keep an eye out on that and go to slash Dragon Quest FM. Yeah and one of our patrons because we asked them what they would like at like six months and 12 months and I don't know if you saw her Mike said he wanted an extra hug from you. So so maybe we should use Some of this patreon money to send you to New Hampshire so that you cannot down bike and give them to hugs. That's the way to do it. I will and it's not asking for his address its hunt him down. It is like a quest is a fetch quest for hugs. So so from now until it happens Mike just glance over your shoulder every once in a while. You're just gonna see BJ in the crowd. It's slowly sneaking up on you first sneak attack hug wearing wearing mirrored sunglasses and a baseball cap. And a fake mustache can't not you can't do without a fake mustache. So you're like the Unabomber I am that's that's apparently the the other thing was talk about really quickly. We don't like to do this every episode. We do like to mention it on occasion is if you like our show please review our podcast it lets other people know if they should listen to our podcast or not. So if you enjoy Dragon Quest FM, please just take a moment to just leave a review or even Leave, you know a star review if you don't feel like typing something up because it really helps us out and I learned that podcast movement this week this past week that there are a lot of myths misconceptions about how one ranks in apple podcast, which is the number one podcast place whether you use it or not. And the number one way to do it. I learned from libsyn it was Rob Walton libsyn said that the number one ranking factor to get you to show up. Is that the number ER of unique subscriptions new subscriptions within 7 Days on Apple podcast. So even if you don't use apple podcast if you listen on Stitcher or Spotify or Pandora or wherever it is that you listen to us, we would love to ask if you would also take the time to open up Apple podcasts on your on your phone and click subscribe because that is the number one metric to doing that and also just telling your friends. So if you got a friend who you think would enjoy our show tell them to that would be fantastic. A stick I want to be their friend and give them a hug. So let's jump right back in to our playthrough of Dragon Quest swords the next day. I woke up. Usually I don't wake up before my kids do usually one of my twins rowing. She usually wakes my wife and me up pretty early in the mornings. She's the other two girls are sleepers, but Rowan's not so but this morning I woke up super early went downstairs trying to be sneaky and play it on the couch because you were asleep on a match. Iris in our living room floor right and try to be sneaky to start playing it because I wanted to try to get through the Tower of mirrors again woke you up you got on up and we started playing it before anybody in the house was awake before it. Really. I mean, it was like Sunrise. I mean it was very early the next day we started playing again. We went through the Tower of mirrors again. It was a lot easier because we knew what to expect that time and we'd also gained like five levels from the night before whom Trying to attempt to get to the top of the tower and levels aren't terribly important in this like levels don't matter a great deal, but they matter enough they you know, five levels isn't like it is in most Dragon Quest games where you become like gain new abilities and Things become significantly easier. It's just a little bit better. It's like a quality-of-life thing more than anything else. So so anyway, so we were able to take down what's his name again? Gross Meza Us Meza, yeah. Yeah big knife. I'm just calling that knife Giant and he's an archdemon. Like we didn't mention this before like he's an archdemon. So y'all know what Pitchfork he's talking about why he has a big Fort I mentioned he was an archdemon. You're just a brick wall. I am a brick wall. Yes. See this is what happens. So then we got to chapter 6, we jump straight into chapter 6, my arm was super dead already at played Ford it basically four and a half hours straight the day before of this. Game, so my arm was very tired. Like maybe I'm just a baby. I don't know after the fact I saw lots of reviews on Amazon people complaining about how it makes your arms sore. And it really does like I felt like a pitcher who had pitched like all nine innings of a baseball game. Like I I just I made jokes about having the like ice my arm and all that kind of stuff. But really, I mean, I was like popping Tylenol and stuff like that. I put an icy hot patch on my shoulder. I mean, I was really I was really hurting after playing this for Like four and a half hours. So so after beating gross Meza, I handed it off to you and you started playing through the next three chapters. So you started off playing chapter 6 and during this time all of my kids started waking up which kind of turned it into Dragon Quest swords hard mode did and it was it was it was fun because they they were really interested in it, especially especially Like she wanted to play and that was I felt bad because it usually you know, we hand the game to her. It's like yeah, you can play for a little bit do this. And this one we were both honed in and it's like no the big boys are going to play this and we didn't have time. It was like it was like by this time. I was like 8:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. You were going to have to leave like in just like four hours four or five hours. And so we're really trying to rush through it and Naomi kept because she was wanting to play She also kept getting in the way. Way and she's three so she is just the height where her head would get in the way of the we censor. It stopped recognizing it like when we would swing or fight or anything. It just stopped in the middle of a fight and we would take like way extra damage and we're just like I know so we don't want to yell at a kid like it but it's like frustrating. It's like, oh no. Yeah, and there would be like really into it and then all of a sudden the sweet little face just appears and it's like, can I please A BJ and then you die exactly that's pretty much it and the twins were actually pulling at my pants like I'd put my phone in my pocket so they could recognize the shape of it in the exercise pants. I was wearing so they would come up and grab it and just start like trying to pants me while I'm swinging at some sort of slime and it's like, oh no this is gonna be terrible and Grace is over there taking videos and it's like oh this is not going on the internet. Yeah, and they're almost too so they're like just at the height where they can reach in and like grab like get into your pockets and I think at this point because Grace had worked like the like late the night before than early the next morning. So on Sunday, I was letting her sleep in I don't even know if she was awake yet and downstairs because I was trying to let her sleep in Oh, no, you're right. She wasn't awake at this point because like she slept way through the kids that day. Yeah. So so you were playing this. I was trying to play with the kids. But also like watch the game and it was just a chaotic mess at one point. I remember getting on my hands and knees and crawling in front of the TV, but it messed you up because I had to get the sippy cup from from out from under the TV to give to one of the girls because they like it rolled under the the TV stand or whatever and so but finally even With all the kids go and kind of crazy and all the craziness you made it through chapter 6 without too many problems and you got to the boss Drag was his name the giant Stone Statue Guy and you made it look easy the fact look easy for the most part except at the end. He starts hurling those like blue like balls of energy at you that you're having to return back and we almost died there. Yeah. Yeah. It was really close to the End where I was just missing them. I don't know if it was being distracted from the kids if I was just straight up bad at doing that but it almost meant that we had to go through the Tower of mirrors again, or at least what it was this or maybe this was the one where you like the portal that pushes you through. It was yeah, it's called the mirror world. Yeah, you were it's where you just float through it, which is a really nice place to level up and we'll get to that in a sec to where we spent a lot of time in the mirror world because it just Self it's self-propelling. So it just moves you forward the whole time and you basically just swipe across the screen. There's lots of metal slimes and liquid metal signs that show up in that area. So if you need if you play this and you need to level up wait until chapter 7 because there are set metal slimes in here that they show up at the same place every time and the way that metal signs usually work in this one is that they run very quickly across the screen where you just have to kind of catch them and this one Since you're being self propelled you can pretty much just swing and kill everything the hardest one to get is the liquid metal slime because of the way that it flies at you. I missed it a few times and so which we and we didn't go back there yet to start trying to grind up levels because we're trying to just see how far we could get with just you know running through it. So I think we ended up setting it down low because of the girls being awake and And for just a little while. No, this is what happened. We went to we played through chapter 7 because you get a new sword after chapter six after you beat drought you get the redness odder whatever. Yeah, I don't know how you say it. Looks like a real jerk sword. And then you get a you go to the dojo and you learn a new master stroke and then you have to go back through galantine Glade and then you unlock the Red Sea and so we died a few times. Times there because of there's the the hack of Soros that there's a hack of Soros that spawns with cure slimes and they just killed us I think like twice there and it's pretty late. It's pretty it's like almost at the very end of the Red Sea. And so finally we decided we would go back and to the mirror world to try grinding up some levels so you and I took turns so we didn't get too tired or too sore. We alternated trips through here to kill metalslime space. Basically, it would take about three to five minutes each. And so the other one we go get a drink, you know stretch like we're on Deck playing baseball. It's like oh yeah next time. It's like I'm gonna knock this out Park. We always left the level though right before the boss fight so that we didn't have to repeat the bosses. So you could return to town without penalty. So we'd go and save it and it was also a good way to save up money so that we could temper our sword and get a get the Aurora blade that BJ mention. Yeah, we were getting about 1,200 gold a time. And so I think we started with about 2,000 gold maybe 1500 ish. So we did this about nine or ten times to get through there and Save The gold because we needed 10,000. Yeah, and we went up probably about 10 levels. I know you stayed down and grind it up some levels because at this time I got to be nap time again. And so I was helping my wife put the girls all down at nap we pause for a minute so you could say goodbye to the girls because you were going to have to leave before they all woke up. Yeah, and so we set it down for a minute, but we did go up about ten levels and we got about 10,000 or so gold from grinding up everything and then so we tempered airblade we were able to afford some really good armor that that brought our fire damage 30 down to 30% and it added I think 30 physical defense as well. So like we're in like 40 something like 72, I think. Yeah. I thought I thought was like 30 something to 70 something. But yeah, well, maybe it was maybe it was even bigger. Like I just remember moving that far up like it was a massive like 50% like Not even 50 a hundred percent increase their yeah, and so we went back to chapter 7 back to the Red Sea and we just kick but we took names it. We like flew through that level so fast after your like grinding your own we went from like level 27 to like thirty eight ish. Right? I know that we were 39 when we got to the last chapter and I can't remember if we gained that in the sea of mirrors or whatever. It's called or the Red Sea place. But either way floret she also learns like multi heal and full heal during this time, which was majorly helpful so nice. Yeah, and so so chapter 7, we like sped through it after doing the mirror world. If you've never played this game before and you get to this part, I mean I highly recommend it. I mean, we got up all these levels and all said and done with us taking turns. I still don't think it took us a whole hour to do all of that. I mean it was it was really quick like, you know five-minute thing. I think we did it probably like five or six times total. Mmm. So, I mean it was a pretty quick paint and painless process. Yeah, it didn't it didn't have it wasn't that hard to do at all. And then so we enjoyed that easiness because then they became the final area the chapter 8 final dungeon all that good stuff you're going into it's called the death bringer Citadel. Is that what it's called? That's what it's scientist is because they Called the death bringer and so at this point we're running out of time. So we were at level 39. We were using the walkthrough to skip unnecessary paths you were playing you had to be at the airport or you had to leave to go to the airport. I think around like within an hour, right? Yeah that was around noonish. Like I want to say that we started that when it right around noon, and I had to leave your house really no later than P.m. To be able to make a 525 flight because it was a two and a half hour drive. I needed to leave a little bit of wiggle room there. And because the I was flying on Silver Airways a smaller Airline and they board 30 minutes ahead of time because you have to go out onto the tarmac and things like that. So you have to get there enough early enough to do it. So I had to leave no later than like one o'clock to be able to, you know, Say by give y'all hugs that kind of thing. And you know get out of town. Yeah, and because and you're in the conference, so you're flying out from Orlando instead of the West Palm airport. Yeah, which is near my house. So so we're really rushed at this point. We haven't didn't notice you having any trouble until there's that nightmare fight with the gigantis. Yeah, the hit the head statue man. That one was just I couldn't do it. Like I just couldn't it was it was I knew what to do. I was trying to do it and it just did not happen. You have to reflect Stuff back and the only way you can do damage to and with this gigantic statue is by reflecting his projectiles back into his eye and it did not work for me like it worked but I couldn't do it and it doesn't cause much damage like when you were doing it. It was like I think you reflected back four or five and it was like he wasn't even at half Health yet and it was just like and we were and you and I are both so bad at it. It's like we're missing a lot. But thankfully you had a masterstroke built up. Thank goodness, and I didn't want to use it yet because I knew that I was going to be going in and fighting the boss soon. Like the actual boss says I foes and I didn't want to use it. But I had to there was no way that I couldn't use it on this and so you used it killed it got through that part and we're like Yay then this is where we both got really mad with this guide is the guys. It's like after the fight there's a giganteus and then there's a couple more enemies and you make it Zappos has throne room. So we're like, okay nothing too bad. Well the giganteus shows up and which isn't a fun fight either really? No. No, it's not fun at all. I hated it. Did I give it to you during this point? No, you got through it and then we were like yay and we were like, well that's over and now we just have to kill a few side enemies and we get to the boss because that's what the guide says. Yep instead. There's like another giganteus that comes at you with. With other enemies as well, there's and then there's another giganteus with some enemies and then there's another fight there's like like I don't know what that person's definition of a couple fights is but there's definitely more than one giganteus as definitely more than a couple fights you and I were both like, oh my gosh, is this never going to end like we're not even going to get to zyphus before you have to leave by answer to is it ever going to end is? No, it just keeps going. But we eventually did make it to Zappos his throne room and you got through his first form pretty quickly because this first form is not too bad and zyphus sifo. This is just down Magus from Dragon Quest 8. It's down Vegas, but with like horns, like that's exactly what he looks like. He is a really cool boss. Like he looks really really neat. He's like dual Magus with with horns as he's really cool wings and he's like, I'm Eve. Oh man like he's a cool boss. Boss, I don't care if he's like Mega evil or not because I don't care about the story because like that's a cool model. I gotta fight that that's great. Yeah, and so so then we got to the second form and so consulted our little walk through even though you and I neither one really trusted it at this point. No, but we had no choice it was it was like Stockholm syndrome. It's like we know we hate it, but it's like it's all we got right now. And so that that's a good it's a good analogy. IGN gave us Stockholm, but we got there and it was a it's a pretty tough fight floret died, which was a major problem. She had died on one of the gigantic fights. Yeah, so we were doing all of this alone and we didn't have many healing items left anymore. So it's kind of like a tough thing, but amazingly we got really close. Those we got we pushed him into so he's in a second form and there's a couple of different phases he goes through and we got him almost to his Final Phase. It's when he uses the master stroke a second time and we thought and he loses them like, yeah, he make sure that we clarify here it he is not me like he is the boss. He gets nice super moves as well. Yeah, and so's I foes had used it once before you have to attack the screen really really fast, which is I'm pretty sure the video of you on Twitter. I think that's what you were doing think so and I think that I think that's what you're doing to it. You might be doing the view in the figure a figure eight. Yeah, but I think I'm attacking to to lower the damage. And so it causes if you about you can usually get if you try really hard you can get to about 50 to 60 right on that bar. Which means he only causes around. Jared 250 damage to your character so we did but the game gives you almost no warning that he's about to do the master stroke. So you you were at like 2:30 ish something like that. I was in 119 Health 219 Health you remember it? Oh, yes, I do. Yeah, and you were like, I think I'm going to use an herb, but you only had one left was a nigger Soul. Do I could have full healed and I was waiting to take one more hit to go down into the 100's and Not waste the only healing item that I still had. Yeah, and so I said something along the lines of no dude. Just wait wait till you're a little lower don't waste it yet. Only one we got and then of course as soon as I say that zyphus uses his master stroke and kills us and he kills us with what did you say as for HP for damn? Uh, he did ya 123 damage and he killed us by for damage and we didn't have an ignorance. He'll Leaf because I chose the wrong box on the way and I thought a can of box and the other one disappeared and so at this point you and I literally fought on our hands and knees and the girls are asleep upstairs. So we can't be loud. There's this mattress in front of us and then simultaneously we just collapse onto our knees like and just I just remember sighing heavily. I'm sighing like I don't know. I've just a sigh heavily and I remember Grace who's sitting on the couch is just I rolling and and shaking her head at us because we're being so stirred. We are we are being very dramatic that I live for hit points. And so then at that point though, we had no more time to really to really play again. This was they think 1253 1253 looking at my watch. I'm like I can do this again. So thankfully it lets you if you die. You can just go back to Zappos has throne room. So you don't have to repeat the whole like dungeon again, which is super nice. It's like the best thing this game does. Yeah and So but that day at least we ended the day I guess in defeat you and I were taking both took some tile at all. We're laughing about how sore arms were and then you left you got to the airport with three minutes to spare as I got three minutes until it was reported. Yes. So like looked at the clock at 12 at 12:53. I'm like I can do this again. And then we made the the adult decision here of know, you should probably get Get your things together and leave so that you don't miss your plane. So I go and I leave and it turns out that that's a very good thing because there was a couple of accidents on the Florida Turnpike going north. And so I was stuck in traffic for about half an hour overall and I hadn't eaten lunch. So I had to stop and get gas and so I had to get like a doughnut and and like some eggs from Duncan and some caffeine and after I found out that my wife and her And had left the donuts that they had bought me on the counter and aunts ate them instead of me. So I was like, I'm gonna get a doughnut regardless and so I did that and like I make it through there like I had to stretch anyway after sitting through all that and get gas. Like I said, so I go make it to the airport and it's Orlando Florida so and on a Sunday afternoon and it it is I have to check a bag and go through security. So I'm going here and it's like everyone leaving Disney at the same time as well. So they're all flying. Hang out there's a 17 to 21 minute. Wait is what it says at security. I have to find the small airline that I'm at to to check this bag, which is all the way at the other end of where I come in at from dropping off the rental car and I make it through everything find my gate three minutes before they start boarding and so I just get there I text you and I'm like man 3 minutes good good grief. It was like I made the I was so stressed out. Like I was so stressed out like I'd been I was stressed out and seeing in the Quarry make I got stopped and security. I didn't tell you because of sweat on my back from sitting in a hot car that that I had like the back of your the back of your shirt gets damp when you're just sitting in a car for a long time and they stopped me and security because the microwave thing Milla millimeter wave or whatever they call it's not microwave noticed that so I had to get patted down to so long story short. You almost missed your flight. You got patted down an airline security because we're playing a video game. So yes. Yes that is that is that is what happened? So I also saw I thought was funny because like you said earlier we were like basically live tweeting. All this stuff is Daniel Zilla on Twitter when we told him that we had gotten to like we're like for HP from beating it. He sent us a gift of from like Jim on You have the rock which is where he's like, don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry which is like the perfect gift because that's really how it felt. It was just like, you know, but anyway, so so I kind of 24 hour playthrough of Dragon Quest swords ended on a bit of a sad note because you know, if we died we didn't get to beat it together. BJ had to go back home. And so So but the story does not end there. There is a brief little epilogue that we want to get into now. So BJ left he left the game at my house. And he was like, you have to beat it. Now. I was like, no, I don't want to my arm hurts. I don't know if I have it in me that boss fight was terrible blah blah blah. And so Sunday night all of Monday really my arm was sore didn't feel like it. So then Tuesday finally I was like, you know what I'm going to try to beat this game before we record the podcast this week because I would like to end the podcast on a happy note. So now we're level 41 by the way. I don't know if I told you that I don't think you did know. Yeah, so so we were level 41 Arie stalked all the the like medicinal items. You know got floret back in my party. We started Magic Water left over in case you ran out of MP. So all of that was good. We still were One Mini metal away from being able to buy an egg Drusilla beef. So I went in still without a Nedra silly. And waited for the kids to go down to nap on Tuesday. And I was like, you know what I'm going to try this out. So thankfully with the throne room puts you right back with the first form of zyphus, which is super helpful. And I was like, you know, if we made it that far on Sunday surely I can get through here. Well what I didn't expect was that apparently my arm was not fully healed and doing that figure-eight move. Like I seriously thought I was going to throw my arm out of its socket. Like it really really really hurts. Like I know people listening or probably like suck it up Austin stop being a baby but seriously it hurt and so I checked out the weapon tempering stuff before I went into that fight and we didn't have anything. I did learn that you can upgrade the Aurora blade to get the sword of Kings, which is cool. You can get this in if Ian sword or you can get the Drago vien sword from eight. Wait, so you can get like the ultimate swords from the different Dragon Quest games, but they're really expensive and I'm pretty sure I didn't recognize any some of the tempering items and I think it's probably post game items that you need to be able to actually get that stuff. I think so because they're super bosses in the world of mirrors or something like that where you have to have a certain amount of renown that you earn for beating the different levels with higher ranks and doing better. And so I saw went in there the first fight between having floret and my party also at some point. I didn't even know what she's learned a new move where I don't even I didn't even pay attention to what it was. It may be like puff puff or something. I don't know but it it causes little hearts to appear rounds. I phos and it causes about 36 damage nice. I didn't realize that it did damage to I knew that it kind of Charmed the the other enemies when we had multiples on screen. I didn't notice that it had To them as well. Yeah, I didn't notice it at all until that fight. And so that was really helpful the first form, you know, he got taken down really quickly didn't have to use any healing items floor at didn't have to use much impy. I mean, it was like very easy. I was like, all right, Austin you got this but then the second fight happened and I did not I did not fight him yet because you were did all the fighting on Sunday. And so the first part of the fight went over pretty well. I had a master stroke ready used. that I was you know, I'm pretty good with blocking, but I'm not good at returning this stuff and then And then I did the second master stroke all of that kind of stuff. I got past the part that you and I got past right and I was like, okay cool. I've made it past two of zhai foces Master Strokes. I was like, I think I've got this now. I I used another one of my master Strokes which I was hoping with kill him. It didn't and yet there's actually like another phase that you and I did not get to that. I totally caught me off guard. We're his eyes start glowing Orange. Starts getting like electricity all around him. He does like the move with the laser eyes more often 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 damage. I don't think you have to trace it around the screen with your shield and make sure like you take a lot of damage from it, but you can also block a lot of damage from it. He like charges at you with these like back-to-back moves the part that got me was he's throwing he throws the like energy orbs at you and they're like massive and floret, you know would make my show bigger, but the Shield's kept breaking and I only had I had like three replenish Shields with me to use on it and I use them all up with in this fight. Like he was just completely like destroying my Shields and anyway, so he does that, you know, just kept hacking away at him used another masterstroke floret died. I started really eating through my medicinal items at that point. I even had to use the extra still do but it's like the fat the last fight right I didn't care about items. I was like if I died again, I'll just reboot the save so I don't lose all these items like I was determined here, right? Of course, you finally finally though I managed to take him down. It was a hundred percent not worth it. Um, but like I totally a hundred percent did it just for you and so we could talk about it on the show. If it was just me playing the game. I don't think I would have ever gone back like it my arm was already sore and it just like it it made it hurt so bad. It's not a fun fight the ending like, you know, the rest of the story is pretty just like generic and egg you so there's going to be some spoilers right here. So if if you don't want the ending spoiled for you, you know, you might want to skip ahead or end it right here, but I'm just going to spend like two minutes talking about spoilers for just a minute because I know a lot of people listening have played this game already the dumb hero drops the mask into lava when you're escaping from the Citadel. And like I assume that it's because I was trying to take video for you and I'm just skipping through stuff. So, you know, I yeah, I wasn't paying just complete attention to this. Also. My phone was dying. I was trying to take video for you. My phone was dying. So I was trying to get it on charger. So I take video to send you and all this stuff but I like I assume it doesn't matter now because you killed zyphus for realsies. And so the Mask doesn't have to keep him like contained anymore or whatever because that's the whole reasons I oppose comes into the world is because you / that mask into like chapter five or whatever chapter. It was yeah, whenever you like rescuing the queen or something or other it it's like oh no, you've released this ancient evil that was contained in this mask that was possessing the queen and then it's like a lava. Yeah, so I assume it didn't matter. But yeah, the hero is just like Whoopsie Daisy and like the mask Falls in lava and then you know, like a lot of Dragon Quest games. There's a little like, you know ending your at a banquet. You can talk to your party members florets brother gets turned back into a human which I don't even know if we mention that boss earlier for him. I don't think so. We didn't the Jonathan into Hey, if we hated there was a fish man boss and it turns out that he was a transformed brother of fleurette. Yeah his name. I can't even remember right now, but no idea anyway, so he's back into a human you talk to everybody you go outside you like raise your sword up your this big hero now blah-dee blah-blah credits roll. There's like a little seen it goes back to the title and all that and you can save it and do post game stuff and which I'm not going to do post game stuff. This game was super fun because you and I were playing it together. Yes. This is your knowledge game. I would have really enjoyed being alone that I would have gotten frustrated and just turned it off. Yeah, same same for me. It was fun because we're playing it together and we had like an objective like we're trying to beat it all within like a 24-hour period so so because we were together and because we had like a goal it made it more fun and I think Dragon Quest swords and I feel this way about a lot of Wii games really is it's one of those games that I don't think I would ever play by myself, but it's a really fun group game. Like I think handing it off like you and I did was a lot of fun and which you know, I mean a lot of Games, I think you're like that, you know, the emphasis is on like having fun with people. Who are you playing it? And so I thought it was good. I thought it was it's basically the sword fighting from the the Wii Sports the fencing. Yeah or whatever from the Wii sports game and and like you mentioned before, you know, it's not as refined as Skyward Sword which we looked it up and that came out like four years later, right? Yeah. I think it was 2011 that it came out and this was 2007. So so a As usual Dragon Quest was kind of inventive and you know is thinking ahead there. But and the weird thing about this one is like talking just about that alone. It's made me kind of want to play Skyward Sword that going through this one and dealing with these motion controls make me think that I might be able to deal with the Skyward Sword controls because they're still better than this. And so I played Skyward Sword and I've quit Skyward Sword because of the controls and I may have told you this already but the difference there is that Dragon Crossed Swords. Yeah, you know, I checked this a file by the way after I beat the final boss and you can save it again. Yeah, and it was nine and a half hours. So go so we were right around there with the with like how long to beat or whatever so it took us about nine and a half hours to do it, but The and that's the thing is that it's it's not in a half hours, which is relatively short Skyward Sword is a very long game and like I played I played Skyward Sword way longer and just had gotten to the Forest Temple the first Tim really simple in the game. Right? And the point made me quit is there spiders that drop down in that dungeon and you have to like you're swinging on like these buying things and Trying to get this correct / going right and it's just anyway, I wish they would remake Skyward Sword for switch or something and maybe have an option to just play it on like a real controller. I see because so much that's a good it's a good game. I love the art style and the story and world are cool. But the controllers are just so bad. So I would not recommend Skyward Sword to you just because Dragon Quest swords. I think I think they were smart and making it not like nine. To 10 hours to play through the main story. Yeah, instead of having a full like 40 our game and if it had been 40 hours, there's no way you and I would have even played the 10 that we did that it would have just been like yep that exists. Oh, yeah, we would have played it for a little while to see what it was like and maybe maybe we would have gotten 10 hours into it, but we wouldn't have liked beaten it. I mean maybe I don't think I would have beaten it. Maybe you have would happen. I would I don't think I would soak. I like you mentioned. I think we're going to do a rocket scientist owed next week, right? Yeah, I think so. If I haven't beaten it by then I will have gotten through enough of it to be able to really have have feelings about it more than I do right now. Just being an hour or two in so we're going to have a first-ever patreon selected episode djpick. Daddy want to Rockets Time episode. So we played Rockets line. We're going to talk about it next week. So that should be a lot of fun. Thank you guys for listening to us today and all the people who who joined us on Twitter for our Dragon Quest swords playthrough and failure. Yeah. It was a lot of fun though had a good time with it. And so remember you can always talk to us on Twitter at Dragon Quest FM. You can visit our site which is Dragon Quest dot f m you can talk to me personally at underscore Austin underscore Keen. You can also keep up with my weekly Dragon Quest blog. That is Dragon Quest You can find me on Twitter as a professor beads. You can listen to me even more on my other podcast the geek to geek podcast that you can find at at geek to get cast on Twitter or a geek We have a slack into Discord server that you guys can join if you just Hang out at Discord geek geek or slack not get Deke and we have tons of other shows in the network we have geek to to tea time with Katie and Chelsea a couple of really good live streamers with Troy total power and capsule J. Just an all-around wonderful group of people and we would love for you to join in on our community. Just let's be friends. Alright that does it for this week. Thanks everybody. Bye everybody.
Welcome to Episode 14 of Dragon Quest FM! This week we’re talking about Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors, which was released on the Nintendo Wii in 2007. For a game that’s 12 years old, it’s fun and looks pretty. When B.J. was in town with Austin, we decided to play it together. But we only had about 24 hours to speedrun the whole thing, which was tricky. Thus, the Journey to Beat Dragon Quest Swords in a Single Weekend Began! This is a very dramatic story full of struggle, love, frustration, and...success? Failure? You’ll find out. Early in the episode, we also discuss the new demo for Dragon Quest XI S, coming out for Switch on September 27th, and the new location Tickington and the creatures known officially now as Tockles. We talk about the characters, the story, and the graphics. We also talk about the odd gameplay (for a Dragon Quest game, anyway), since it’s all first person POV and a dungeon crawler, which neither of us knew until we played it. Then, we move straight into a play-by-play of our attempt to beat Dragon Quest Swords in a very short period of time. We discuss the obstacles of having Austin’s kids in the room at the same time, how B.J. almost missed his flight because of the game, and how our arms are super tired now.
By now there goes old school. Hip-hop Bangers & his hypnotic. Yeah, what's up? What's up? What's up? Welcome to the 17th episode of the early 20s podcast as it's me this time Saudi your host for the week. And as always always have with me Shanker from joining us from Singapore gani was running at from Abu Dhabi yo yo yo, what is up? What is up? What about memorable? And this time our guest for this episode is missing. We will consider these cookies. Is that a thing in beatboxing II would just like to say that it's my thing probably. I mean a lot of people save mine. - Layla who so yeah, maybe it's a thing. Whoo-hoo guiteau. This is like audio branding. Just what Gary Vanessa keep talking about. Nellie's currently an in-house director at shebang. I don't know if that's the designation but I'm gonna go with that and you can kill me afterwards apart from that. He's also the co-founder of stop-motion Zwolle which is stop mentioned value, which is like at the rest stop motions. Were they on Instagram? He's also worked. He's also a beatboxer with Alpha Tunes a flat in which is a cappella band up. They came to Palani. Yes. Yes. We did come to Palani and it's called a flood Tunes my bad. Yes, they came to Bologna in myopic opposite with on 15 14 15 15 2013 II 2016 16. He was also a drummer with the band called heritage. And yes, that's that's about Malay and how do I know if my can maybe talk a bit about how do I know? I know him through. I mean we live in the same Society still like my parents our parents still live there and we went to this English tution once in nine standard and I think over that and somewhat during football sessions is when we sort of spoke a bit and know each other. Yeah, and I think I've been following you in La so I honestly mother obviously through social media I have been doing that for some context. I believe you started Beatboxing with a platoon somewhere around late 2014 and you had things coming out in mid-2015. Yeah, right. So I think I think the thing that really caught me and the time post which I've been really following you and like even after two moons are named simply the things that you people are not with is is I believe the tedx talk that you gave in general. I think you did it with a flat against correct. Correct, correct, right, so that was And I think rather than x giant college in Mumbai right? Unless someone else wants to poke me on some point. I can yes. What's the story behind English? What's the story? What's the story doing the English tuition? Like, how did you how did the two of you decide that you wanted to go to an English tuition? How did they need for it? Rise, it will help it helped me a lot. I mean today I can speak some English by to be to be honest and more. This I don't really remember. I think the indecision actually rather Focus not on how do you say it is basically focus on like the grammar and the things like letter writing and all that stuff that we had in our 10th boards in India. So you started preparing for the 10th boots in nine standard. Maybe it was in 10th. I don't remember I okay. I'll disconnect that. I was in 10th and for me, especially I had to join because I wasn't a nice CSE school so, you know like I mean most of the guys around at least back in my school, which is an international rule like I mean, the international part was only limited to the name and most of us would speak out all over about Karai are high you want IQ. The Red Sea Hunt has more of a Mumbai thing rather than now we're at least back then it wasn't a scene. So I mean especially for me I needed help because I would Rise really horrible informal letters and to be honest. I don't think I mean Saudi it must have help you for sure, but it didn't help me at all till they I think it depends on where you start Saudi started at a much lower point. It used to be fun. The the English thing. It didn't used to be like boring or cumbersome or anything like that. He's a short man is like I am once a week one hour ones. Yeah, not much and I think I think probably the first time I ever noticed problems or properly was of course ghostly a because of his height and be he had like these really long hands and fingers which he would constantly be doing pain tricks bro. So like we'd be sitting in the class and this is one guy's hand is constantly moving like through not gonna get any jizz spinning his pet and I'm like what the hell dude so half of the time like both of us walking towards you know, what you should also would be about bicycle are Casey Korea. It is the way ordem teaching you how to do that pendrick. Yeah. I almost I think sometimes forget that stage of my life. I was I was crazy about these small Patrick's I think back in 9th 8th 9th and 10th paint Recs you balance your book on your fingertip and then you teach using it around like you spin it around. Yeah. Yeah, there used to be fun. Nila is right now thinking key. What did I sign up for? Maybe you can start talking about like how did you get into beatbox? Okay, I mean actually is it's a bit of a long story, but I'll try to like keep it as brief as possible but it all started off. So when I was in my seventh grade, so that's when I started picking up drums because you know as a student as a child. I saw Brahms to be the biggest instrument on a stage. So I felt that oh dude like having this is the biggest thing and the loudest thing in the My want to learn that so that was my thought processes and learning drums. So as I kept playing and you know, the typical teenage phase of listening to progressive rock and like metal and a lot of Linkin Park also, which was to is Nu metal and like the rap above and a fusion of both like metal and rock. So in that phase I had my second band called crumble Street, which was a new metal band, you know, and it was an amalgamation of sorts of Linkin Park and Limp Biscuit with a bid of indianness to it. So the band back then comprised of about five people and a front man. His name is Roy now Vern. So he happened to be in the top three big boxes of the country back then and you know, he would often break into like a beatbox Groove in the middle of the song or like whenever we would rehearse or you know, stuff like that and Beatboxing to me was quite fascinating and also since I wasn't really a drained or like educator little drama I learn most of the things on YouTube. So I never really had like a formal teaching or like, you know, I couldn't draw the staff notation so I couldn't read them or write them or understand them. So I developed my own alphabetical very nomadic way of remembering my drum patterns, so I would You know several alphabet that resonated with respect to the sounds like see the kick drum which give like a boom kind of a sound so that became the alphabet B for me. So if I was using like a snare that was obviously like a s for me so things like these I started writing these random alphabets in my notebook and I was very ashamed of it, you know, like especially as a teenager and a drama who is playing gigs constantly and judging events and imagine like, you know, you're judging events and like a Fellow behind finds out that always good to have any other kind of ring not like, you know that is where it's not like a foundation of music you can do it without it also, but I was quite ashamed of it personally and one fine day. We were jamming and my beatbox urges happen to snatch that notebook out of my hand and he just started reading it and he started beatboxing the grooves which were mine and that just blew my mind dude. I was like what the hell like, I mean, what is this and he just laughed at me and you know, casually through the notebook and He's like bro. You'll be dancing all this. And I was like, oh is it so he taught me like the basics of your like a kick snare and hi-hat and dude. I just got hooked on to it because in fact two years ago, I bought my first drum kit so you can imagine like I mean back in those days. I didn't have access to like drums to practice. So beatboxing became like, you know something that I held onto and I kept picking up things because a quick rehearsals be cool Factor because I'm learning something new. So I Mean that's how we boxing started for me as like a sidekick to my band's frontman Roy and eventually, you know in the Geeks we would break into like a segment where both of us would do like a small Jazz segment where he would break into a trumpet solo and I would give him the beach. So that's how like, you know, I started beatboxing or crumble Street, which eventually led me to a flower Tunes. So Roy was the same guy who founded our platoons, which is still active. He's not a part of our platoons anymore. He Went ahead to pursue his MBA and now he has a job e is settling in Bangalore now, so oh by the way, he is an engineer who did MBA and now he's into the finance world. So I mean he of course couldn't continue with us in Mumbai because you had to move ahead but the band still does a lot of things so my story is actually quite funny without flirting is also so while you know, like I mean growing up in school music was something that I was really attached to and passionate about filmmaking was also something that was Gunning for me because right in my tender the yeah. Yeah, you're going to you're going to finish it in 10 minutes, man. Let me let me let me stop you there. I'll probably want to go in some details in some aspects for the story that I've already told us, but up until this point so you mentioned that seven standard you started drumming and then you jump to your second hand. Could you tell us about when was your second man? Okay, so I technically had my first ever gigging by and when I was 16, so like 15 turning 16 kind of phase where all the band members were, you know, sweet 16 phase where everybody had suddenly sling or like focusing on their instrument and oh I'm going to practice or you know, I want to sound like rhcp or you know, I wanna clear if that, you know, this guitar is really like so Like a lot of Guns N Roses. So that was the phase where you know, like five of us musicians. We just came together from different very places and we just thought you know, let's just start a brand bank and since most of us were pursuing science and it was the 11th and 12th fees also coming up. We named our band as a defective. So if that Rings anywhere else calls a defective, so it's actually a term from a chemistry textbook where it was just about the force. Between the electrons and stuff dude, like I mean so having that was the first band we ever had and we started playing around, you know, little gigs like playing outside in-orbit mall or like these small gigs and like college competitions and stuff like that. So as we started playing, you know, things started hitting off really well because wherever we would go we would end up being the youngest band around this Lycoming being 16 and playing with a band in college competitions, which was Where you know kids will be like on an average be like 18 and above so that kind of gave us like a boost where we already started understanding the independent music scene at least in the college competition space. So as you grow up and mature and I mean at least for me as a musician, it happened like a crash course from 60 to 70. So I directly jumped on from the whole face of listen to like a lot of Pop to Hero like, I mean specifically focusing on artists which will a progressive or like Nu metal and That's when Campbell Street happened selects a defective since we were all growing up and you know tense 11 majority. So somebody decided to like leave signs all together or Like Somebody went to some other coaching classes. So we kind of got disconnected and we will a band just kind of faded away. So that's when the Cromwell Street Saturday. And how did you meet Roy in the first place? So in November this is beautiful thing that happens called the music Liberation Union. So that happens almost like once in two years or every year am quite disconnected with that now but back then some mlu music Liberation Union was about the fact that they would host a gig where they would select and pick 10 artists so they could be bands or like a single solo artist Sonic Duo to replace whatever. So I mean however these things were they would call these artists and they would perform facilitator in 15 minutes and the audience would be open to ask them questions or they could probably talk about why they do what they do and towards the end of the gig they used to be a random jam session. So since like they would probably book like a hall or like a venue. They would let any musician step up on stage and jam with whatever they want for the next one to to us. so in one of those sessions where my first band Z effective was playing raw is now ruined or the guy who eventually became my band member he had his beatbox crew which was playing there and for me, it just blew my mind because there was so much equipment on stage then suddenly these three guys walk in and they just take the mic and they rip the stage of our sole fo this is Not expected. I didn't know our vocal cords were capable of doing something that's called beatboxing. So of course that was like my first no Eureka moment kind of thing that I was drawn to it immediately and right after the gig got done in the random Jam Roy and I kind of had a Face-Off. So I was on the drum gated he was on the mic and it was knowledge of I so in that battle that we had you is which was supposed to be about defeating each other. We ended up jamming and making the theme song of mlu that year. So that's when we realized that you know, like I mean we have something going on and let's do something about it. So that's how I like it led to crumbs you and I went really meant was it like MC share versus open ugly boy. It's a feeling I have. Yeah. I mean now that I think about it now that I think about it because for me it was a very big, you know, like slap to my ego because there was a guy slaying my ass with his mouth where as I had two hands and two legs trying to compete with him. So we possibly that makes you understand the wife of the moment She-Ra She-Ra and I mean, of course and then draw a after that became like my godfather / elder brother / pseudo father / beatbox trainer and band member. So, yeah, so with that I think so when you may try you and then When you joined Campbell Street with him and how is when was this with respect to your studies in a sense that where were you then with respect to that and how is that decision in terms of how is it in terms of your parent support house it in terms of you how you think about life then or the English tuition still going on of the thing of the past? Okay. So I mean, this is honestly I'll have to give you guys a little context as to how music happen to me or like how I chose music in a way that back in the school. I was honestly, I don't know Saudi if you remember like I was quite passionate Runner and a football player. Whereas I generally would imagine, you know, like going to bed Keith hide in the World Cup Way national anthem by check or my Kurama feet. So those things used to happen and my parents, of course, you know, like any other Indian parent during the board's they were like in my $10 a week. Let you do. These things have been cable nickel here internet connection nickel guy Joe which would emote a football team will be Gravely and some pig there. Yeah. So like this was the entire, you know Mahal being set up at home and I could no longer hide my injuries from football or like running or if I'm tired. I couldn't I'd it because they would expect me to be sitting in my chair at a particular RN studying. So I eventually had to give up because a lot of things are happening like National selections like Like States elections and like running events all of those things so I couldn't make it because they would need my parents permission and it reached the point where my coach had alleged come to the house and my dad should've always Inky whatever take a career Club career. He computer engineer go or Krishna get new ally so I had to you know, eventually give up Sports and then music begins something that I was like, oh click Queens renew or e.t.c with initial Drama character or and I could do whatever I want. So that's all I come in. I pick the music. also and the series of these things started vocal cords to nikolayevna just acting Oh, so I think that's how I music became something quite serious to me because you know that sorrow or frustration of not getting to do. What I want to do in sports or is getting my energy was being translated into something else. So compulsory coming back to chromosphere. It happened in the worst phase of my life, which was 11 to 12 magina again, I'm Rob is boards may have here so Bobby say TV connection one Dorothy. Internet data up to Android all of phone be at has a moment that wanted that phone back also and I was like a d K7 o Allah and he had started getting a lot and I don't know how about, you know, wherever we would get the energy of our band was such that it was quite contagious for the people to a lot of people would come for our show is like, I remember like anywhere we would say that we're giving at least 30 people I knew were coming. So we eventually became like, you know, the City Club key people kind of a band like on if This band comes, you know, these many people are coming. So, you know that as a teenager for me was like dude, this is exactly what I've been seeing in movies. And this is what I want to do in life and up the boards are get of cracker. So and also like being a science student it takes time. I mean, of course all of you understand and especially somebody like me who wasn't that much into the whole thing of your argument to give pain knee pain along whatever like more magic attack. Is excluded Optimum and all of that? So I was never really that driven. I was just doing it because I had to like I mean moment, I'd never locker room to grow and to be very honest as stupid as it may sound. I just did things because they asked me because I never really sat down to think to myself, you know, like what do you want to do? So this was the phase where in my 11th and 12th crumble Street was kind of a thing that gave me the Consciousness that you know, there is something that you can do and you these are your Choices and I could you not my boards were going on in my 12th grade and I think exactly a week before that. It was raining and during the monsoons giveth a I would wake up every morning at like 4:30 and I would lie to my mom and dad keep my method jogging Pizarro and I would wear my windshield or hide my drumsticks inside and take this booty out to Washington. And that's where we would jam like a butt like a 15 20 minute scooty right to this shampoo. For my bad, so, you know things are going pretty well because I was giggling like imagine one week it to go to your boards analyzing his game is bad and I of course didn't want my mom and dad to know so I just use my sleep cycle completely. So I was waking up at like 4:30 jamming every day. And then this one fine day I wake up and somehow made I was awake already and it freaked me out, but then I was like rolling balls category HIPAA which hanging didn't you take it, but that's about it. So I went down and You know, I just thought maybe he's following me. So many Society guy Checker cada. I did like a jog and I thought now he must have gone back to sleep. Dude who stays up at this are too many scrutiny Callie and I will reach the jam room when I am reaching the jam room. I'm opening my hoodie and before I could open it my dad walks into the gym room and I was like, oh they re like gay Hey, so he slashes the shit out of me and he's like each other moussaka and he threatens all my band members and my to Mexico if we got to get past the garage fire girls and everybody freaked out because most of the band members they were Elder to me like Roy is about like five six years Elder to me and the other band members were like nearly my age. So like I mean looking at them my dad kind of freaked out that you know, these guys are trying To distract my child or whatever like I mean now I hear it but back then I didn't get it because I was trying to be that Rebel because I was finding my own voice as a musician and all of that so conversely Tavern at a very bad time and then of course I couldn't play with them till my boss got done. So yeah when I mean that was the cobbled street Journey for me, but I think maybe you feel the same every time you said that however super it might sound blahblahblah, but you sort of did what you wanted to do and That's what is interesting. Right? I mean you you woke up earlier, even though you were caught after a certain point but I think that's that's like that's commendable. If for someone who's doing that generally the case with me, yeah, I mean move for most of us Indian children. I think we've been through that science thingy. You sort of all told maybe a few people sort of know where they want to go. But I think that's that number is a like a really few really small number. Anyway, so and and once you got into University, I believe you're studying mass media. Yeah. So so what was that also a difficult decision to take in terms of not really going into science and then sort of jumping ship to yeah. How did how did that come about? I mean, I honestly I mean the closest of my friends like I don't to be coming speak about this in general, but then since this podcast is about talking You know about these things. I kind of took a drawback to my advice to you know, pursue the whole idea teasing because till that point I was so furious with respect to my mom and dad that you know, like if this is what you want, I'll do my best and try to do everything possible to get that and in and I knew like I mean everybody knows they're you know capacity in some way or the other right and I knew mine and I knew that I was a pathetic science student like I would strive really hard to do certain things, but it would take me time like if say for example the three of you would take like x amount of time I would probably need like three or four or five x so I would invest a lot of time and you know, like I mean when you don't get things right, it's really frustrating and I had to take a drop because somehow like, oh you're wasn't enough for me to crack ID and I did it only for the sole fact a being like I still couldn't find my voice as to what am I doing? Be was an entirely new Rage Against the parents that optimize the McCurry Luma the extent so I took a drop and honestly initially it was quite I think depression would be like a really strong word, but it was quite sad because you know, like when you see your friends is that typical three dates. Are you feeling as a friend zagat's lar the word virile so I will sing my closest buddies, you know, they were going into colleges and like that typical phase of Of mommy APA gifts Lara virtual a getting you back laptop when you like moving to a new college campus pictures here and there and like friends are raving about the fact that you know, I'm going to be independent now hostel room where all of that and I was just in the same damn bedroom where I'm sitting right now also, but it was quite horrifying dude. Like I was like a coward I look like is this the right decision that I you know, like I mean, I'm still being called out to play gigs. People want to hear my band people. Hear me and then why is it that this just feels wrong? So I mean I tried I tried to do my part. Hi for the whole entrance thing and while studying itself. I realize that was I hit my threshold and New Era like I needed healing you pirate. So even in fact the day I was supposed to give my J entrance. I by that time my SRM result and like Moneyball and all these private colleges entrances had come out already and somehow my Things were like in five thousands and I knew like I mean this is not great and but even after all of this for my mom and dad, they were really happy because only for the sole fact that here Avatar though engineering career because by my 11th and 12th, I was actually teaching computer programming to a coaching class. So my mom and dad used to think by you to Prodigy Ira to software developer you and I go away so we get a nice collection and I knew that maybe because I have I had a knack for it. And I didn't want to like, you know, dive deeper into it. Maybe tell my curriculum I was good enough but not beyond that. So maybe there was also a thing where my mom and dad had the expectation key codes karinakr name on it. And on the day of my means I called up my mom errors like the commemorating. Jagat. Jogiya or way. Meghanadha. So my mom lost her shit and the typical mom. She was she didn't want to yell at me because if she would yell at me Maribel Kodomo Tachi paper kneel here. So she give the phone to my dad and I told me that that was happening with I drop little nibble engineering college books of mine who's Gail and I don't want to do and my dad was like if I interminable me, okay. I said I will get you said okay fine screw it one day. So I traveled all the way to what Allah said. They're in band. I travel too bad. Then I sat on Carter Road didn't give my exam and all my friends are abusing either. Why the hell are you doing this? Because by then they were all in their first year of college and you know, everybody had so much to talk about and the only thing that I had waited for a year, I didn't even do it. So it is created like chaos around my friends like my closest friends and they were like getting tagged attacker and the hell is wrong with you can't do this, and I just told them I just don't know what to do and I come back home a week later. Later, dad is booking flights for money pile. And you know that whole thing is happening up to watch our computer science project. Our main campus mirror is collect em cowboy and all of that and here book the slides and I tell him that I remember my statement was a very it was a very filmy moment for me. So I went up to my dad and I was like power see I like computer program and maybe I just might be good at it, but I really love music information. Those are really good pause of like a minute or two where I felt that my dad got it, but the response so is kedarnath apart you movie cuz I'm okay. Just stop on your belly. Yeah. I mean that that's what happened. And so I mean I wasn't physically hurt or a saturation but I was emotionally quite hurt manners like, you know for the first time I want to do something and I feel like you know all this while I've been living like a donkey and I finally know what I want to do when this is how I get it back and I just couldn't say anything to my dad do and of course because only named Paula posa and whatever I didn't take pocket money like a My life 1112 because I was making money with music. So I mean I at least didn't have to ask for that five grand o6 granddaddy might want as your pocket money and I was just taken aback dude. Like I'm going. Okay, like if he's not approving it, what do I do? So I was in a complete panic situation because I had nobody else to talk to about these things are going to make them understand that this is what is happening in my family. We are like typical rajput also in a way that he Pride or ego. Her to Jacob to submit I would he give us our engineering cut me one less or of cowardice super my mom and dad. Also. They also didn't know like you know, what the hell is going on and I started running around Mumbai colleges looking for BM cut-offs and I realized that for a general category student. My percentage wasn't really good cut off. So what the hell do I do and I somehow use my brain and I was like why not? They must be something with respect to my music and the things that I've been doing. So I figured out that there is something called as the cultural code. So through that I figured out that okay be MMA entry tochigi gonna be gone. So now after that I of course had a benchmarking if I'm doing DM em after all this manner then digging a drop and if this is where everything comes together, I might as well would want to do it from the best con. So when I went to the best colleges which were back then and even today jnh are in KC, so they're cut off so like incredibly High man and I was like what is happening because I still remember like I was in the train and I was like now what do I do? Like I can't go there. I can't go home or do I tell my mom and dad see, you know key all of this fight that happen is for nothing. So I ended up, you know, like I'm getting my admission in a low grade College. This was in the hardcover called SK. So Maya you guys must have heard of cages somewhere. So SK. So my is like a sister brother whatever thing so I enrolled myself there for your and I try to score the best I could and eventually I move to Gen Con so that was the village the is that is that like a mu feature that yes. Yes. Yes. It's a moment University thing that you can you know switch colleges if your grades are good enough or you can present something that's worthy enough for college so that became my game plan. So even when I came back home and I was preaching it to my mom and dad that, you know, okay. So here's the thing. Maybe Sally qualified over the next year a shift in our film. Those are laws and Luma so my mama Everything God will get into it. Like you know, what is happening because everything to them in that moment was like either this guy has gone completely Loco in the head or he doesn't know what he's doing. So they some so my dad had already lost, you know, like I mean faith in whatever I was doing because a typical pride of a father was becoming him telling people the world that he took a break and now he says do this and I wind and this is happening. So the typical he of a Arts curry with a large scale out there so that kind of thing and eventually I mean whatever I told them happen, but I didn't get the support till I finished College like I mean if you ask me like if I have my parents are supporting I think you asked me with respect to other supportive today. So I would say that yeah, man, and I think this support has just come in it's just coming in. As being probably say two years since my mom and dad have actually started trusting in the things that I'm doing coffee intense. That is yes. It is definitely intense. I don't know if you realized pretty coffee achieve a movie plot a Bollywood movie write a book about this, especially that that you page them about the thing and you and you right now I'm like right now you did do that like you went to that cardboard college and but you graduated from Um the end which is this is what we wanted to praise from jamming a long list of YouTube of The pilani Columns of the both love Kuno tell him mr. We encourage each and calcium Mustang II can imagine the opening shot of the movies you sitting on the Carters Road. Well your exam People say yeah, I'd like to ask about your college time. Like how did you pursue music during chain? So see my first year of college. I mean, I'm just starting from the beginning like I mean where I was in the dark opal College called as K. So Maya so now the thing was I still remember my first day of college. I tell this to my friends and they still make like jokes about it. I mean Anybody who eventually happens to hear this from SK somewhere teachers professors actually guys don't hate me. I still love you. But this is the incident that happened to me on the first day of college. All right, so I was really pumped. Okay. I actually if you could see me from somewhere I so if you just see three idiots again, this is one scene from the film where you know, American is just sitting and smiling looking at Holy Ronnie. And like I mean, if you could just go back and pause on that facial expression is what I had when I was going to college because I knew that finally that there is something I really want to study and I have a such an order so I reach the college I enter the classroom and I'm like full set for the things that I've never done before. My notebook is on the table pen pencil write a binding them full Theory case of the vet our and these two guys enter the classroom. Okay, and these guys are heading bone fitting jeans. So there's something skin fitting these guys are wearing bone fitting jeans and they walk in with like, you know, the Justin Bieber long shirts and would like five buttons open and like emo hair style with oil. So I mean, of course I didn't want to judge anybody. I send him a female but I'm using the center support them, but I saw them and they certainly came in the side in front of me and you know, what a team of our current I was finally coming together and some casual and comfortable. Jumping it. And these two girls walk in right after that and these two girls are wearing salwar kameez enough bro. Like I mean, this is not what I pictured in like DMM College. I mean generally people talk about these colleges to be like a really hip place. I mean not that salwar kameez is not hip it is hip. Okay, so don't these two girls walk in and these two kinds of bibs a little bits on it. And I was like, oh my God, even a casa Mila by and I shit you not. I don't know what happened to me. I packed my bag and I just went back home. I didn't attend the first day of college. I was just so shattered it dude. I just came back home and sitting and I mean as weird as this may sound dude. I cry to myself where I live. I'm again to Kaboom a consequence. I got my garage and become it because those shattering feeling to me was the Heat I would love it like basically behaves how he behaves a little girl be like, what is this? And what's the matter hon? Sorry just got to cut hair and I felt like really reveal and I started Googling the quickest possible. If so, it allows as to what I can do and like how the hell do I get out? I started speaking to people from different colleges and I started figuring it out and attend the college and I realized that those guys were probably not from my class. And like I mean things got better slowly. I started speaking to Professor's I spend more time in the staff room than the classroom and I realized that you know somewhere there is potential and I can probably actually make it happen in switch my college and that's when I moved to Jehan. So while all of this drama was happening I of course had this rage against me because my mom and dad will let my district which lie on Allah and I kid you not guys like I mean, I would go for family events. People would treat me like I am some local artists as if I perform and I boss can I make money and people would ask me like questions like a charm like I mean, I could see the Stark difference like my sister and I would go my sister is like same five years younger to me. So they would ask a better school district, but I guess we are here and the moment it would come to me Roberta TJ, and that just slight awkwardness or not even asking you what I'm doing like, you know ate me up a little know that I gave a shit about it, but I was like Eric a geek as and treatment are key. Maybe the body around them. Like what is this? So that rage was like Lick in built to me now anything and everything I did was just optimizing my day and keeping it as productive as possible for the next three years of my college. I have slept only for say like five and a half hours to 6 hours. Not more than that and I would just do multiple projects. Anybody would call me for anything photographers course is correct. Geographers versus kurata any YouTuber wanted help. I was there any band that wanted a musician. I was playing any event that needed a host. I was M seeing a lot of gigs. So I kind of opened myself to everything man. If anybody wanted me to act like a howl that I was acting like a whole lot in one of the music videos. So I did everything possible to explore and figure out what I want to do for the next three years. So I mean college for me was just about making shirk email. Sir, because you have all of our Natalia so like I mean, since you asked me how my college was and how I balance music it was majorly around this dude. Like I mean, I would jam at ungodly hours give or a college the CST met when I moved to Jane. So I would take the train every day resource like one hour one side only so I would go to college or during college Bounce from there. Make sure my jam is happening somewhere down side or like towards the central line. So in a day, I would eventually traveling on all sides of Mumbai and like He told me just to sleep for like, you know, four to five hours and I bounced next morning. So that was kind of my schedule my neck in college and this is essentially 2014 2017. Yeah, that's true that I'm your 2014. Also when you're apart of after tune. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I was playing for five bands in college. Jay in the proximal at the name. So that's the thing. That's the thing. So the funny thing is, you know people look at. Jehane or like, you know, they might talk about the kids and how they dress up and the bad habits and all of that jazz Jay him is really straight college man, and it just threw me off completely because even when I was in SK, so Maya the teachers were kind of chill about the fact that if I tell them that okay guys, you know, I have a gig or like, you know, I have something to do they would push me they live, okay. You know that you'll go pop in your exams and all of that to curb. I think once you connect the green internship, but it went on sugar and the moment I entertain it was my first day and my HUD was sitting there and she's like she really let me just tell you that you have taken a seat of somebody who has probably scored way more than and you've got an Intercultural Coda like yeah. Thank you for announcing that in front of 10 other people in the room, but okay, so then she Like so here's the thing for you and everybody in the class. They 75% consistent attendance and you cannot enter one anyway, and if your lectures happening Grand bargain and even if you fall sick, if even if you happen to let me select your I need to know the medical report as to what's happening and I would like to speak to your doctor. And I was like, okay. All right, then and there I was just like dude like what legs answer. I thought you know, like things are going great. Boop Pete's babes. I also bitter leaves off and he leaves early. Because honestly the thing that I find very surprising and just let me record taunting like the feel like turkey from Luna khaki acknowledgement of the like our conversation used to be kitchen. He anxious tank used to be like a canteen. Okay? Okay, like selection of yourself. Are you anxious? They could bite here? I don't know that that's true for like most of at least at least for the three of us. Like we probably went to some classes in the first few days of a semester and then eventually grew up was at the end like fuck it. It doesn't really help to bust cut them company coffee used to wake up at 10 and then have some samosas and then back then have some lunch and and don't look down towards the end. We were having fun fully every day for two or three years that You go outside you get again PC gives you like half a kilo manfully and then you spend two three years having the moon for you. That was one of you you must have seen outside is a random gamma through Khan may vote or came home feeling hotter than look like yeah. Okay, chill Giggles newspaper. We should do that quite a few times. Stark difference, I think what struggle struggle ache but you mentioned that you were exploring so many different fields. He actin also singing also we've singing as well. I mean, how did you go about exploring that? How did you find these people? How did you have to do Network yourself? And what what did you come to any realization realization after that exploration phase? Is so see the one of the best things about bmm, especially in India Mumbai is that our cores allows us to have like this cultural Festival every year. I mean, of course it's not as big as you know, like having vegetables of your college or like a ID or anything, but the best thing about the bmm festivals is that people are really open like you will see the stupidest kind of shit happening at bmm Festival and everybody loves to talk about it. So I mean that became like a thing for me because I would eventually end up either participating or judging or just going for these festivals. So I mean like I mean since crumbles feed happen, I was already, you know, I was lucky enough to go to a lot of colleges a for either headlining gigs or judging. So, I mean that kind of opened me a lot to colleges as to meet people or like organizing committee and everybody and be mmm, especially so the moment And you would get offstage doing something you would have five people coming to you trying to make a call towel. So that was bmm for me. So it's like if you didn't know people people to would find you anyway, so that's how it happened. So like I was playing drums. So people musicians would connect with me if anybody saw me beatboxing like I mean hip hop in general of Mumbai like the community is really tight like everybody knows everybody. So the moment I started beatboxing. I only moved everyone and everybody. And everything how was your experience playing in planning? How was it honey? Because public you know the first look of Fulani itself and you know the places we went around and especially the moment we enter your campus do we will mind blown and will I go I am it's a fucking Palace if it feels like paradise these guys have money these guys have everything what else do they need? So it's a beautiful city where you can breathe and like a hot water in the windows. That's what we need. Palani Republic was too good. Like I'm going till date if you ask me how many ever gigs have happened to do in my life. Palani will always be in the top five always do because the best thing was I will never forget this back then a flower teams used to do this thing where we would pick out random words from people and make a song out of it. And I remember there was something that happened in the world or the On that we got over here Topo. I remember that fire there. Oh, you're there exactly. So the thing that happened we started singing pushto push and the kind of response you guys gave us we were just like by a car we Queen is this like a Bohemian Rhapsody happening for us to push was the was the election word in our ears and dopo was basically like we had DC plus official like inter intra campus file sharing. System is and your voice is one guy used to share a lot of stuff. I guess yes x-rated. So no, I know old stuff you're talking about. Can you can you do like a small tribute to pilani like 10 seconds of beat boxing for the pillow Nika public is that I don't know. Yeah freestyle because a lot of our power a lot of our audience might have been in the in the hall at that point of time. Absolutely. Yes. Okay. Okay. I mean I honestly don't remember how we made the song but I could just do a quick read box restyle for you guys if yeah, so nice nice. I think I'll be there are a ton of funny faces. Well report due to be honest. So in fact last two last week itself after teens, we did like a workshop for 700 people where we made people be box in the span of an hour. So nice, I think you can do is for sure and then are my friend. So do you spend three hours and you did not get any where's I also needed English tuitions. When where do you think actually you mentioned the thing that you did with reflectance last week? I also notice there's a lot of Buzz about Alpha flattens and you guys meeting Boman Irani. And what was that all about? Oh, so I mean Reflections as a band very commercial in a way. That we are you a band like we just know like I'm in here for everybody like right from like a kid or two like $1 G in your house. Everybody will love us because we kind of have like a very Playlist Live from pop songs to old songs to Mohammad Rafi like we do everything. So we've been doing like a lot of gigs and like I mean not just College events like how it happened at which Fulani we doing tedx. Like we did our second tedx talk. Also, we've done collaboration with brands. You've done brand launches corporate events weddings and Howard shoes. So what you are talking about specifically we did something for Midday call the media guide Awards so though that happens to be like a really prestigious award for like all these food joints restaurants and the food World kind of thing, especially in Mumbai. So you performing at the awards. We're like a lot of big people were there in the audience when and to be honest. We never thought it would end up. Being so big and they come in right the moment. We stepped on stage. There's Malaika Arora sitting in front of us this Rajkumar Rao and under get busy Boman Irani by time. But let me see locally. The guy was choked like I was choking on state. So the thing is I only beat box for a flattens, but there are these certain songs, especially Punjabi songs that directly sink. So I was supposed to be singing like London to Mach 9 one more song and I was like bro, this is our score also now like if I this up screwing it up for the best time of my life and they were a lot of music composers from Hollywood also in the audience when and we just never thought this gig would be so big this we just needed it like one of our other shows and we perform for like 10 minutes straight on stage and right after the event Boman Irani game, you know like to was and he started talking to us and we asked him so if you know, like how was it for you feel and what you feel about the band end dude, I think we had the most In response from him like we didn't expect him to be so down to Earth because the first five minutes it just my brain just could not process like easy from Munna Bhai, mbbs or easy virus from Three Idiots what's happening? But in general do like he was like a really nice parsee Uncle talking to us and the recommend he pinpointed things like, oh, I really liked your performance. Like even though there were so many people in the audience. You guys were performing any were happy because you're doing what you like to do. And I really expect a lot of good things from you. And the best thing was that you guys didn't try to step on each other's toes while performing so, you know, like seven people on stage and somebody like Boman Irani in the audience noticing such a intricate thing dude, it just made our day man. So he immediately was like, all right, let's get a picture together and then we put a picture on our Instagram and next thing you know, he puts it on his handle and we're like, oh ma buddies with Boehner running. Nice one your nice that's quite a story actually want to get a lot into a flower tunes and the way you manage your social accounts because that's something we also somewhat interested in with the early 20s podcast and also with like in general in life before this, but before I do that, I think I want to put some more closer on to you getting into filmmaking. Okay, and not really like closer but really just start. And and like when did that happen for you? And and and I guess I think before this you're talking about how you were dabbling into a lot of things during University and yeah, yeah. Yeah, maybe we can talk about that. Okay, so filmmaking honestly happen like seriously. It happened to me back in 10th Grade. And what happened was that there is this thing being circulated around the Ryan group of schools and our headmistress just announced it in one of the assembly meetings that okay guys, so there's a workshop happening at Whistling Woods International which happens to be Film School / selected Bulacan things as well like the teaching business and all of those things and primarily they are known for the filmmaking aspect of it. And this was a workshop that was going to be like a week-long workshop provided kids from different colleges make a small short film and send in their entries and God is paid and The giri likes it we get to go for a free Workshop. It's abijah and the faculty of his singles and this thing hit me like no joke man, because by then already like all my class assignments just to get away from making PBT is I would end up making like a small image show transition or like a small movie on Windows Movie Maker and I would submit that and the moment this thing came in. I was like dude I have to do something about this. I don't know. I still honestly don't know. Was it for Subhash ghai or was it? Like a filmmaking school, but we just did it and we made a film in school. You called dream on Alex which was a super cliche film about me. Of course. I was a beggar on the street who likes to play football. So the film's idea was I sat down and I was like a corset on my football freestyle at second on the chalkboard with the chairman and they or Rags to Riches kind of a thing contain like I mean, of course I didn't realize that I was doing this but at least that was the thing that struck me and my He's and we just made a film about me being a beggar on the street gets to go to a school and when a school competition as a football player. So this was the film and we submitted this we got to and so the three of us from school like there was me my cameraman and the editor. So the three of us we got through and he attended this workshop and whistling Birds and the entire week. I couldn't sleep because I was just so excited meeting, you know professors would talk films. I had a classroom filled with you know, say 10 more kids like me who are interested in film so that became like a, you know, like Cornerstone to me that this is the thing like this is also something that I cannot leave. So that's all filmmaking solder from email. And then after that I just go to the whole YouTube space making sketches parities and helping our budding musicians. I would shoot them. So anything that my DSLR could While I was just mentioning the the team patil for humans about me again, that's again something that I had seen when I was in university when it first came out and I think I also shared with with the folks today how that I'm sober. Maybe you can maybe you can tell us about the video about the film and and where was it in terms of your college timeline where you are that point of life, so, This actually kind of continues to a lot of more things. So since one of my primary reasons to join BML was because my curriculum in World photography and understanding Cinema and the thing about BM is that in the final year of you get to make a film which is your which is based on contemporary issues. So you supposed to pick up a topic and you supposed to make a documentary out of it. So just these two things were my major reason of doing your course called the And as uh, I don't know like I mean ever since cool advertising or something that really hit me a lot because also because I started filmmaking in an era where digital filmmaking was like booming so my inspiration and most of the ideas that I had were based out of YouTube. So I knew that there was one particular thing that is something of everything will be. Mmm. So I joined the course and as I told you like I was shooting music videos. I was shooting Live Events. I was like, I mean For money to be honest, I mean not that I needed any of my parents want funding me like because from 11th and 12th, I barely ask Mom and Dad for any money. I would end up doing like a lot of wedding photography things which my parents don't know of so that used to be like a good money thing for me as to if I didn't have a gig a month. So I would end up doing like a wedding photography gig which would be so like, I mean you do these very things things progress and in my second year College in bmm itself when photography was being taught to us. We were supposed to submit a photo series assignment and like I mean everybody in my classroom, they were trying to do like the most standard things around and everybody was trying to do the mainstream things that were done and back then my mom and dad had started a small Cafe which now is no more but because of that Cafe a lot of things I would take up like duties like giving up, Away Flyers. So the new newspaper Flyers that you see so VI. It was my job to take the flyers every morning which was around 3:30 4:00 a.m. Go to the newspaper while as and make sure that they are putting all these flyers into the newspaper button. So I would do this for Mom and Dad and this was the time where my photography assignment was supposed to be done and I was doing this so I thought you know, like I'm waking up at this hour and I Things that I never knew like, you know every morning we open our door we would see like a bundle of newspapers magazines and all of that and like, you know, the milk packets kept properly Adam symmetrical and then you have just no idea kid never Jaguar cover. So I just thought what if I did a photo series around this like I trace it back and find out these people who are working at that. So I came up with this thing as the Forum Heroes. So I did a photo series of you know professionals or what Okay Professionals in the sense people who are just looking at data so that whole process of making a photo series, you know, got me more involved into filmmaking and like, you know, the Aesthetics of what visually appeals to people because that photo series kind of set me up for good and it the day I started putting it out on my Instagram. It went viral. So BuzzFeed picked it up scoop big data, we will use papers wrote about it. So it just blew up out of nowhere and I was like dude like me. I want to do things more like this that work so that kind of push me more towards YouTube content. I was working with our YouTube channel called snotty p and around that time we had made something you guys remember the aib roast that had happened. So the kind of backlash aib had received we made a parody of a ib's parody in support to them. So that again was picked up by scuba speed and all these guys the I'm about to eat it about us and all of that because in the arrow, I mean the time of them being roasted we were trying to support them about the whole idea was the freedom of speech to be given to everybody so that you know like to call so in my head I was like too late. I mean, I'm just enjoying this not the fact that things are going viral, but the fact that my content is something that people can relate to So that's when you know, like I mean things became like even stronger that okay, I want to do ads at least for starters. Now feature films are about making it for now. I want to divide. So by the time I came to my third year of college. I had started assisting directors as an add so I was running around on say it's like we're just taking printouts of the script or you know, getting chai or like I mean just sitting with somebody like a star standing outside vanity escorting the celebrities and all of that. So I've done all kind of shit in my car. So by the third year, I was like bro. He met first year, maybe two percent of them. Go up you realize. All right, so I was like, okay, I want to do more of this. What do I do? What do I do? So shebang came to our college for recruitment. So by the moment they came and I knew like I mean, I want to be NAD I want to do more of more and more of what I can do. So I knew that as a freelancer I didn't have enough contacts because I don't come from a background where my parents are connected or my family is connected to the filmmaking World anyway, So I thought if I join an agency at least maybe 30 days mrs. Does intimate come kuramon 10 projects? So that was my ideology of like, you know Screw the money because by then I already had like two more job offers from different places, but I was like, I want to get brands on my crease and I move to shabbat. So I joined shebang in the first two months. I was in ad to my boss and by the end of the second month my boss just sat me down and he's like, bro. Body for quality and I was like dude, but this is what I wanted to do and he's like you tell me why are you giving me ideas? What is your job? I was like, okay fair enough like I mean, it's not my job to give you ideas. So it's like okay. How about this? I'm going to give you a small series to do. I'm going to give you a hair tutorial series if you directed as the most cinematic series that we have done I let you become the director of the production of and as like, I you shooting because in my head my timeline and my planning was given a life with the Salvage a gay the red curve. And it just came to me in my first two months of you know, like professionally working for an agency and I lost my shipment for the next two days. I just couldn't sleep again. And I was like, I have to make sure that this is the most cinematic here education series ever made. So with whatever budget we had with however knowledge like how much ever I knew about films. I just applied it all made the series and the client was blown and they will I grow this is the best, you know, like coming here education series Revival mate, I mean Nobody watches are education series but first so the client to see it and for my agency to pick something like that. They were blown with the kind of content that I gave them and my boss is like alright fine dude, like I'm going to aiding short you're really bad at it. I'm firing you but join us as a director and I was like dude, like I still can't believe that she would like I mean whatever I'm doing. I'm just glad so ever since then like my direction carrier a star so it's been two years since I've been directing so Just videos say I guess I'd say music videos stop motion. So that's how things are solid form and sort of sorry jumping a bit something quite a bit back. But how did you how did you find the the team patil family? So maybe if you could maybe you could tell us a line about what that invited video was about and and we'll obviously link it up in the show notes. But how is that Discovery process? I mean, that's what I find probably the most intriguing. Okay. So a team particle is one of the videos from the series of humans or Bombay and team body is essentially a film about these twin sisters who are currently Ranked in the top three or at least of five swimmers of our country and they represent India in many ways and they father happens to be a constable who also has a background in swimming. So this story called team bottle is about this family where this father was a constable. He does a night shift and he wakes up every morning to train his daughter and then he goes to bed. So team bottle is kind of just the Journey about how this entire family is. Trying to you know, fulfill the dream of these two sisters were trying to select the jungle for swimming. Yes. Exactly. That was my first thought when I got to know what so yeah, and I mean a team party essentially came to me because back then so shebang goes in the initial phase of collaborating with humans or Bombay and humans on Bombay by then hadn't really done any videos. So they found a Karishma method. She's our down with the founder of shebang. Actually career so these two guys are sitting and they were chatting about it and me because I had just stepped into direction and you know, because the budgets are like really Lou and I mean it was more about this story even going out of this. That's what him the bomb is about. So they I don't know why but they give the project to me and they said that okay, you know, these are these two girls they swim and they're twins go figure out what the seeds. So I just teach them like a mad dog, man. And because these two Girls are non-actors and you know, like I mean getting like to really shy introvert goes to speak on camera and especially me as a young director with no formal asset education from a film school. Like it took me a lot of time and to understand how to do it. Like I mean even today I have my own set of ways to go about things but I don't know what I did back then it opened the girls really. Well it open the family like even today if they ever spot me anywhere or you know I mean once a month I get a call from mr. Bartell and he just says your cancel that so is that kind of bond that I will do them because I would you know, like I mean go with them for their training I would see what's happening how the father teaches them because you know, like I mean, we especially as Indians, we have a very different perspective towards policeman agreed. So like, you know, seeing a father who's also similar and happens to be their coach. So it was actually quite a learning also. So for me to understand key bossy a second-year police walamir, if coach here or in Kebab be here to take how does one balance this? So for me because I was also trying to balance like a couple of things. I kind of connected with him on a different level. So we would end up chatting about you know, how things are happening within our life of a policeman is so that was something that I envisioned and I wrote this script and the like, I mean the team from Sheboygan and we made that film come too late. I just saw that video. Today or Miss soduku bold with the maratti my motivation for the challenge. The mother goes in - yeah, because that's the thing man because I mean even if you look at humans or Bombay no matter which language or the guys that they speak to the end of writing it in English. So I mean for me especially for the mother because I could see that even the family like these guys the moment they would talk in a language that is not their native or like mother tongue. You see the disconnect of their emotions So I was like, you know what there is is just do it the way they are is it just let them speak the hot out. So even my interviews and how I would speak to them I would just let them be free. Like I was just essentially The Joker on said I was just dance around through order on somebody dive into the pool and like having do all sorts of crazy thing to let me let them open up kiha you have either a particular kind of a thing. So like I mean that it was like a really good process man because as a filmmaker getting to work with people shooting films is all you can ask for nothing. Somewhat related in a sense that even when things are bunker if you remember as Sri Lanka trip every time we used to switch on the camera. So we went to Sri Lanka in July last year and so one can use to block then like once a week and the idea was and during this alligator. The idea was it's a eighth day long trip and the idea was that will block every day as in will have a separate episode every day. Okay, and it's time we used to switch on the camera. And we also have the discussion then K. There is such a difference in the way we are Acted simply even if we are just talking in English or Hindi simply by the camera. There was such a difference in which we said things we offer to be acted after we spoke in a certain manner through Hannah. That's an especially for someone who's like a kid the mean those those those those two those two girls are like, they're not they're very young. I mean they still very the the probably very naive. Yes difficult to The oven because I mean even as you know the coming they're just teenagers here and you know competing at like a Indian level and I mean when you have such a strict routine because I was first you blown by the discipline that these girls headband like I mean, they would go for like training every morning. They go for a run then swim kering a then they are starting also and just to tell you these girls are really good at like I mean their academics as well. So that was something that Drew me because like I mean, Millie that is so well concerned about what they're doing because most of the things that I mean, maybe I'm sorry, I'm going to sound too radical but we end up doing it for the society like a family we tend to do a lot of things that is just for the society because it's being set as a norm because somebody said it and it's just being followed like these guys, which is breaking it out there. So they had my heart in the first meeting itself because you know, my first question to the mother was on TV, what do you do? And like everything in her routine that she spoke about was just about then and I was like, okay then what do you guys do on the weekend? So they said all of us go for swimming together and it's like okay Antiquity party or like, you know, what's this? He liked having you guys meet up with family. There's like nine in in in any I'm look family. I'm listening with that because I'm Luca diet kurobuta. Then these guys Feed Us from outside and we don't want that children to get used to, you know, eating food from outside or watching movies. I'm getting distracted. So and you know any how it sounds to you or me right now? I felt like oh that is so cruel. Dude. They're not letting their kids do it. But then when the kids themselves are loving the whole process so much. This is the best environment one can ask for because you know me because I was I was still in the phase where you know, I fought for what I wanted and just look at this damn family when they're getting everything these kids. What are they doing? So I would end up, you know speed these kids also like that key. Hi. Your cats here to me. So there was the whole process when he was really heartwarming for me also to understand that what it is to be in something like this. I want to I want to ask about stop motion Valley. How did you get it to stop motion? And what is stop pushin value? So stop motion. So just the way how you guys went for a small trip. Yeah when I got done with college, so a couple of our friends we went to go. And then events pity. So basically I ended up blowing up all my savings that I have. So when he went to Google now, so I don't know. I think it was a very accidental thing that happened with me. I was trying to take a time-lapse of these waves hitting the seashore and when I tripod or kind like it was a small narrow pathway on those are still gonna go slow. So it's like a really narrow like just one person can you know, like having walk from that area so I had kept my a tripod there. And while I was taking the time lapse I had to move my tripod because somebody would come and push it or like, you know, they'll tell me to get a side and all of that so I ended up moving it like this. So when I saw the output on my camera, like I just took my camera on and I was just crawling through whatever I had so it gave my entire thing as a movement of it being sliding from left to right but another group like I mean, this is insane. So what if I mean these all became like a hyperlapse? Yeah, exactly and let me tell you I had no idea what it was called. So for me in that moment, I felt like bro. Well, you know waiter. I've just made something out on this planet and I was so excited about it. I spent the whole night doing that in all possible directions and he's possible. So my camera was filled with just random movements going ahead coming back sliding doing a zigzag and all that and next morning. I asked my friend, so I hadn't slept that whole night. So now just to tell you was around like I'm in 6:30 or something in the morning and my friends woke up and three of these guys I told them guys. Listen. I have a really stupid plan and I want you to like trust me with it and they said okay, what is it? So I told him so you just have to take a step and jump and I'm just going to keep you guys made it so said okay DJ Channel cut the so it started off with like five photos six photos and income patients started wearing off. And these guys are like what the hell is this? Dude? Like a hoop or a car are what the fuck are you making us do what is this? So I just don't know. Okay, just give me 10 more images and I won't ask you for anything. So I just clicked a series of them jumping and I clicked it so that became my first ever hyperlapse / pixelation. So a category of some motion is called pixelation, which is done with humans. So it's like a hyperlapse with you is kind of thing. So that happened and it just blew my mind. I was like wow. Ow, like now this is something that's going on so I started making personal videos like that and this is the video wherein like though, I think your three friends are gliding across towards the towards the sea shore. Yes, correct, correct, correct, correct. So this was like an experiment which turned out to be really nice and I just I was so excited. I just posted it on Instagram and I was like look they coax like it me gallium parity check this out. Don't tell me what to feel. So my friends who like oh dude. This looks nice man. This looks nice. So then Then I started thinking, uh, opt-ins pretty bizarre. So why don't I do something with sleepy? So me being me. So in general I am a very extreme boss either I won't do anything or I will try to do everything. So I thought our species honest. I'm going to document the whole damn thing. So then I was like a chore, but then I can't carry my you know camera and tripod because if I want to shoot on the road the cops are going to catch me and then stop me. So what do I do? So The first thing that came to me was a GoPro like why don't I try using a GoPro. So I borrowed a GoPro from my friend and I wrote like a really simple storyline about introducing my friends and the place where we went to so that became my first I will go pro stop motion film and when I posted it online GoPro picked it up and go pro officially released it so that was the start of stop-motion value to be honest because so rush me and I rush me happens to be my partner we run and the co-founder of stop-motion Valley so we run into Get this or she was somebody who was like, let's see how this works out kind of a thing but held onto the whole process of shooting it and the moment it got picked up we would like to relate to it. So that's how we started so emotionally so from humans remove two products, and now we make ads with stop motion. So that's like USP also that I'm trying to build up as to becoming like a stop motion director and like do more awesome ocean X now. You just do it at scale Matlab. Mohini like to you. What is the frequency of that? So again? Yeah, there's a frequency a search because most of these Use for stop-motion Valley especially like these we were quite active to last month. This month has been a little hectic with respect to the kind of projects. I'm doing the kind of concentration. He's into so Russia also used to work with shebang at a point in time. And so things were easier like we could time our things together because we're working in the same office so we would end up say like, you know shooting on weekends, but now ever since she's left shebang she's freelancing. So matching that thing becomes a little tough, but we try to do Do as much as possible when we shoot almost every weekend. So it's like office Delta and then the moment is we can stop motion one. That's how it works, man. So so no time for work-life balance. Yeah. It was the same thing. Stop motion only like work for you. How do you define work? So work for me would be actually I am and I think this is a tricky one. Let me try to phrase it properly. Hi, sweetie. I don't know man. I mean because I honestly believe that. The moment you use that our work it's not fun anymore. And if it's fun, it's rather a passion project. So I mean I would like to say that as you know dramatic as it may sound that everything that I'm doing is my passion project. So when I even if I say work that probably just reverse to like doing something fisherman and passion projects would be like, you know, my band or stop emotionally and stuff like that. But as a whole it's not working last two questions from my side. Okay, my first question, is that like, what's your what's your plan ahead where I where do you see yourself? Maybe in the shot? Like the medium term or which direction are you aiming for what you're working towards and yeah, I'll let you answer that first. Okay? So you're having this thing that I'm doing right now as a director to be honest, like I mean if I just look back now and you know, just look at all the things that I have been doing all this oil and 24 now. So whatever I've been doing since the past 24 years happens to you know, like I mean come together as me being a director because everything I can you say music or whatever Chota mode acting that I've done I recently got to act and be box for a commercial for Smule so That was also a TV. So I had never really done anything, you know on like a TV commercial space but doing that also it kind of everything till that moment. Even when I was acting I was quite nervous because you know, I'm generally more comfortable being on the other side of the camera. But now that I was in front of the camera there was only one thing ringing in my head that every time I would do something I would think to myself old like as a director I would want this, you know, as a director. I'm going to do this next time as a director. I I'm going to communicate with my actor like this next time so, you know that has kind of built up in a way that if you ask me like in the coming years, I think that's direction is something that definitely kind of sums up me as a person and I want to develop myself even more and more. I would really want to work on being a writer director who is capable of pulling off whatever my brain wants to do you see yourself going into independent? Movie production like your own production stop-motion value. Yeah kind of but yeah, I mean I get what you're saying I get yours. What do you think because right now I am in a lot of short form content to say like, I mean, I'm majorly doing ads which are like 30 seconds or 10 seconds or like a minute-long or select two and a half minutes three minutes, but I think where you coming from would probably be like a short film if you were to ask you or like a feature film so see firstly feature capacity. Nearly or Nike with a gouge in so whereas a short film comes it is definitely on my mind man either by the I mean, maybe this is too ambitious or me to say mostly by the unit or the coming starting of the Year 2020. I'll be shooting something man. And I will definitely get you guys are getting excited. I was just wondering what love to how do you break into like a feature-length like do Called you raise that money because intake like Shanker know a stronger nose and Schumacher three using money. He wouldn't complain about it. Now pisonia middle of Pacer is gonna take me seems easy. How do you how do you would you raise the money for liquor future from or like so slightly longer film? So I mean see to be honest. There is no particular formula is such that I'm aware of and majorly all these things work. God is see for instance. I have a killer script that I really believe and say I have a cast or I have seen like a dop who wants to shoot who is established enough and wants to work with me or in general if I have like anything that brings the X-Factor to my project be it like a a killer script or like a really brilliant cost that is already willing to be on board for like a dop was willing to be on board. I start approaching either Brands to collaborate. Or the first thing will be I will approach production ounces. So these production hours is generally tend to have like a good backing or at least have connections that will help you reach out to producers or you're like investors who want to invest in a project. So that is kind of a way. So the moment you have like a production house that is ready to do something with you. You start looking out for more avenues like brands or like radio Partners or make some jewelry thing or like I mean all these random things I made the best example will be just watched any the himal feel more like a Chris Shaw. Race or a gold mine. So you get what I'm saying? Is he does? Yeah, so that's how you get money for the future actually wanted to ask about how do you feel about vlogging as in do you think about blocking yourself or do you think about putting out? I mean because I think I think that that is what so both of us really at least. I think all three of us, we follow Casey neistat a lot do so Casey nice and is the Casey neistat is God yeah, obviously, yeah, I know what a hyperlapse is because I follow him. That's all I mean what other source of I mean they don't teach us I put up there in teachers anything engineering. But yeah anyway, but so I think his idea of vlogging was that he wanted to make more films and he was not able to do that with the even like I think he was already working on short films for Brands and everything, but then he I think on a birthday he decided that okay, I'll block because I want to create more films. So is that something that you ever think about you for yourself? You'll be very honest like little tiny itsy-bitsy part of me wants to do it. But then the only thing is that it still requires a lot of time and because I mean, I generally tend to the coming say for instance right now like I mean March and April tends to become like slightly relatively chill in terms of advertising world, but otherwise, it's like a hurricane dude like one day you just sitting and cribbing are commonly economy. And the next thing you know is the of know when you're like, oh my God, I want this to get done. So in that kind of a really erratic work schedule it is a little tough for me man, but eventually like I mean when I'm or sorted in a way that I can do it, I would love to do we do this. It's like I want the content to be out exactly. I somehow in some way related to word. Casey was be healing So again, I'd love to that's why my question for the independent production. That's where it came from and niceness I think so. My last question is also something that we typically ask most guests. It's about what would what would be some piece of advice that you would give your 19 or 20 year old self based on the experience that you've had you can you can take it as something that that you feel might be generally helpful, but I think the way we recommend it is What would be something that would work for you at that stage? And if you if someone would have told you might have benefited dude, it's actually not funny how I mean at least is the last I mean ever since 2009 Tina started. I've been cursing myself regarding this exact thing that you're asking me is that I feel like I started reading books already too late in life or like consistently reading books late in life. So say I started reading going by the third year of my college. So, I mean I started reading this is the pass a like. I know you're to be honest consistently when I'm striving hard to finish a book. So I feel that if I could go back and just slap my 19 year old self and say that bro books are important like I mean because I was repelling books in a way that just the way I told you like, I mean my entire perception of our part High books was my mom and dad will come to my Aid know that I hid I completely understand where they were coming from because I belong to a middle class family and you know, we don't Have that kind of money and I get it. They were scared that beta Cassie Craig W be financially stable. So it is repelled me from a lot of things which unfortunately was books. So I would really want to go back to myself and say that, you know read things Listen to More podcasts. Like there are these Legends like Tony Robbins. Gary Vee temper is like, I mean just this is the one podcast in a week. That's all I'm asking you so I would really want to go back to my cell phone. You that man because today I read books that will probably published in Lexi 2002. Like I just finished reading this book by Seth Godin call poppycock. So it's just about like I'm making your your own business remarkable. So the entire book is about a fact that you know, they're coming in the herd of cows. You better be a purple girl. So this is the whole thing and I read this book and this was published in 2008 dude kitten a silo game high and it just makes so much sense. Things and you know for somebody like me I am I would call myself an Avid Reader even today because of my work schedule. But like I swear to God I would want to go back and then myself please start reading. So I think there's this one advice. I would want to give it to myself or anybody who is as stupid and like I mean, I don't know like I mean workaholic like me or whatever just make more time for yourself. Yeah, but I think that's about it. Crazy crazy. Thanks, honey. I think the list of podcast personalities has a hundred percent intersection with us. Oh, well good. Listen to the same people and the early 2000s. Yo yo, yo Thanks. Thanks a lot delay. That was that was definitely awesome fun for me. Honestly. It was fun. It was fun. It was a lot of fun. It's essentially reminds me of why I do this podcast in a sense that it lets me talk to people in a way that I would never spoken to like I got home. Like if you would have met at a family function not a family function like us like a society function that we do in Harborview sector 19 in a room, but we would have never spoken like this man. We would have been like How's it going hard? He guess I shall drive and that's the end of it. Like nobody really talks about. What are they working on? What are they passionate about and well really made up. That's that's really I think a big plus for me to like do this podcast and and it really served me. Well at least for this in this episode. So yeah. Thanks again. Thanks again for your time. It's been a long conversation and ghastly and wide-ranging conversation. And I think I think I generally feel that we can still talk a lot more in it says specifically because we didn't really talk a lot about your experiences post post College. I think we did not I think I probably should have paced myself better there, but it's just all so do mine. Maybe we'll have you on have you far too hard, too. Yep. Definitely cool. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for coming on. An extended bolts old school hip-hop bangers. We you know get his hypnotic. Yeah.
I would go back and slap my 19 year old self and say that, Bro, Books are important! On this episode of the podcast, we are joined by Filmmaker, Beatboxer, Drummer, Nilay Singh! With multiple viral hits under his belt, Nilay, who is currently working as a Director at Schbang Motion Pictures, talks about his journey into music and film-making. He touches on his experiences of being from a middle class family and tackling social, peer and family pressures. Specifically, Nilay also spoke to us about choosing to drop to take another stab at the entrance exams jazz and how that went for him. We spend a lot of time discussing his progress through his Bachelors of Mass Media journey and how he was gigging for five bands during university. Towards the end we talk about his own venture @stopmotionwaale, how that came into being, what's his plan for the near future and more! With a lot of stories with drama and comedy packaged into this episode, this will be so worth your time! Oh and don't forget to check out Nilay mind blowing Instagram and other socials below! Instagram Facebook Team Patil: Short Film Seth Godin: Purple Cow Gliding friends video  This gave the intial idea about @stopmotionwaale
Talk about boys and goes to defend final social entrepreneur of the Red Bull and a picot Academy that I'd be putting out over the last couple of weeks the first two I had been slap. On the first episode. I released last week Sean Morrison. And today I have I will be releasing Mark White of your town. I'm not like like the other two in this introduction. I'm not going to spoil what these guys do. All these businesses are really really doing fantastic fantastic stuff for the world, I believe and yeah, they all in their own right really deserve to being part of this red bull and a picot Academy, which is the first one. Is taking place in the UK? I believe so Mark, I think the thing would be these thing with Mark I just want to touch on is that we both had a real passion for the power of community and exercise and the amazing combination of the two and how special things can result off of the back of it. He from from day one from from from many one of the of this I could really tell his passion and love for what he did and and how he's obviously put so so much time and effort and emotion into the work that he's done so far and I have no doubt that his business is going to go from strength to strength just like the other two really really interesting one. This guy's we touched a little bit also and you know the kind of highs and lows of running your own business, especially when you're creating the brand from the ground up and it was really really great to speak to marketing is a really top fella so get stuck in enjoy this one. I hope this three-part Series has been enjoyable. Give me Feedback go follow all these guys on their social medias and really follow the work that they're going to be doing over the next year or two. It's going to be a hell of a journey for all three enjoy being bantered start with your from Holliston. Yes, I used to sneak out from school to go to a pub in hottest and called the sun. Yeah, my roasting is it yeah. But I went to college. Yeah, thank you very much for taking time out to come on and chat to me. I think what you're working on. I've old people I'm interviewing today. I've probably most I resonate the most with The power of community, but before we get onto that thing the best place to start with just please just introduce yourself give the listeners a bit of context about you know, who you are and how your town basically started up. Okay place to start. Yeah. I mean this there's a lot going on and it's been going on for a while now, so there's a lot to say but the context of me is 36 just turned father of two 14 and 12 girls amazing married 13 years. Years to Michelle. So that's kind of the foundation. You know, I'm a family man. And you know, we're at stating the obvious, you know, they're being a dad and a husband. There's a natural maturity. There's gone on which is led me in various ways bit more responsible than maybe when I was 14 16 18 20, you know, so but I'm very proud of you are my Outlook now and obviously what I've gone through is shaped where I am and and the work that I'm doing now with your town. Your turn come about 2014. I wore a bit earlier than that actually in 2011 our gave up mobile lights. It was the last thing to go. I don't drink and things like that either that's another story for another day and be a mobile lights were going. I need to stay off the cigarettes good friend of mine good power easier. He's just as we started to run and it just Unearthed the whole lot of creativity and fast-forward two or three years and in the moon in the meantime, I'll Got quite ill which impacted my next step so I couldn't you know, this idea that I had was great and I believed in it but some fundamentals in life needed to be my sole Focus. I paying a mortgage and getting well and things like that. So so anyway a chance meeting as a lot of these things happen like that you hear and read and listen about there were talking about the local area. They were talking about the economic development strategy in the borrower and which I live which is the Postponed they were talking about turns out of vibrancy Community Development the inactivity obesity, especially in young people. And as I was hearing it, I knew I had an idea called give your town I run around which is essentially taking all them boxes know that I wanted to take boxes, but I knew it could bring value to the conversation fast forward two or three months all of a sudden a know where we had a bit of traction. I went and got a few sponsors or created the logo. I've got the website done never put on a anything like this before no experience or whatever, but just believed it could do. Something and and yes at Timber that year we had our first event in our hometown of hottest. Mm. And and here we are five years later to set off sick prevent close to a thousand Runners close down the roads. And in the meantime, your town was born which is obviously allowed us to be a bit more generic, you know, give you 10 of runaround relates to running not everybody loves running and just because I do, you know doesn't know can't be that selfish and but the more that I was in and around the chat the more She's always been invited to the more conversations. I was being being invited to as well just you know little macro Solutions were being filmed in my mind. And when I say Solutions not the ultimate solution, but okay. What can we do? How can we pay our part? How can we create spaces and opportunities in connections where you know, we could bring about a more positive conversation around where we live the part we play in it. Yes, you know, there's the vehicle for us in the first few years has been largely Fitness and well-being. You know, we're going to go on And in other areas, but that is definitely the root of what we're about in our Being Fit being well and connecting with people and then hopefully we can provoke faults. We're not hopefully we're doing it, you know, we can provoke thoughts in in human beings as to do we give them all and we take you know, how do we talk about you? It's that place and if we took it down why what part do we plan it? Can we take some kind of responsibility so collectively hopefully Is more of a supposed to save in the High Street or this place is and what it used to be and all that kind of dead chat in my opinion. Let's reinvent this reimagine and yeah, let's just focus on us and then hopefully that'll create something, you know, the next steps, you know, so I not get too bogged down with the noise of the world. You know that the bad news everyone's got their challenges, you know, if wears different circumstances everyone's is one of my little sounds but you know to get any human being on the same page on any days He's tough, you know, if not impossible. So with that in mind, we're never going to identify everybody. We're never going to get along with everybody. But this kind of take it back to the very beginning. We're all human beings and we all live somewhere. So that's me going off on tangents reform a podcast over the ha ha ha. Yeah. I mean it's a little bit different. So the gym I only is the community so I get to see the power of when you combine. Community and health and fitness. Yeah, I'm degree. Yeah, and it is it's a dynamite combination. It really is. I see it every day. I see it take people from terrible mental states to having a spring in their step. Yeah, so when you can do that, lets go back to your town when you can do that to a whole Community. It must be around believable thing to see I introducing a run for for a town POTUS and wherever softer it must be amazing to see so explain to me. The process of your town and how you you go into a how do you even how do you even go into a town and obtain them as a client? Almost? I mean, how do ya World you've that is been not the challenge. I don't see it's challenge so I knew from very early on and listen. This is a space that I wasn't familiar with, you know, my history isn't in sure these kind of conversations, you know, and what I mean by that is, you know, a lot of it has been intuitive a lot of it has been just for me the fundamental You know never to assume, you know, never to let ego run right into kind of your just because we do it in Holliston always know that doesn't necessarily mean we're going to be as do it was where I started it because it is my hometown. I love running. I like the the the idea of the idea what it's kind of turned into now is something that are kind of very contradictory to say this but I never really asked for but yet we are doing it. So it was more of the concept of always suggested that give you 10 of run around if we just kind of take it back to the beginning with more than a run is about what it represented. So it's local people local places, you know, it is sports clubs Charities schools colleges businesses large and small getting together and in one place once a year and to you know, share it see about where we live to some people. It's just a run. They love to run a loan to sign up very things. I love a middle and that is absolutely fine. You know, we encourage that behavior as well, but you know around what we're doing that the model I suppose around it is where we kind of bored you on. In a little bit unique, we're not an event management company, you know from the very very start even before I remember is about a week before we had our first event which is September 2014. I've got a phone call an email somebody who knew somebody heard about it with, you know, the usual scenario and there are brilliant that we love the idea. I love the concept. It really work. Well in our town can we chat and all and just in that moment? I cannot remember it like it is just the our kind of fault. Not really, you know, obviously at that point. I was unaware of the next steps. So I was open to discussing it. But I had a bit of a hunch to say no a lot I can't come to where you live and do what we do because one we haven't even done it yet and to I'm not from there and a lot of what happened in Hollister was my passion before my town, you know, so so answer to your question is over the last few years with that in particular and because of the interest and knowing that we're not in event management company, you know, we want to enable more towns to do what we do if they feel is going to bring So we've reversed engineered that large-scale mass participation. If you call it that event is for a town lot of thousand people to run in 10 is quite large and we've created a model which is your town get together, which is a social gathering in town with our suggestion and are only suggestions. You know, we're not telling anyone to do anything whatever works for you. We don't to kind of create challenges but it suggestion is because consistency is very important for me in your town. We don't to be a one-hit wonder we're gonna be a short termism. A short-term out outcome all this looks nice and I want to take a box. We've got a little Grant here or your whatever. So two or three times a year. You can have a run you can walk when you can ride the model. Is that a hundred percent of the money raised but like a crowdfund so 5 10 20 or 50 Quid is the entry fee hundred percent that goes back into the local project initiative or cause so really relates. It's really meaningful. They're running for a purpose for their Town some for a medal or not. You don't get medals, but it's not time. Says more social, you know, we don't care about timon's and then I get a page on our website. We've created this kind of franchisable model and we're now scaling of course Harper cheer. So we got six towns involved when outside of Hartford sure Rustin and then 10 shutout first ones took a bit of Blind Faith. That's the first kind of pilot to kind of see how they don't name. It works. And then this year with the help of a card own particular which again kind of words can't describe how grateful I am for their belief in me and it and in your town. We've now launched across Just five towns in Hertfordshire. It's crazy Wicked. I'm interested because you sound like when you were developing it in horse in the first place to started. Yeah, you're almost little bit hesitant of expanding right? I was hesitancy doing heart and Henderson. Listen, I'm at my mom outside my comfort zone. What was the what was that moment where you like? Oh, this has got some legs. It's just a it's just a process. I'll call it on. So all of a sudden you suggest after that conversation, you know, I decide Iya and and I'm interested in Spoon is in if I can happen and all of a sudden it starts. Oh, obviously you can't swear but you can't you can't. Okay, like let's see what it looks like. I was very curious and then all of a sudden, you know, when's if me Uncle Bob worked at a local big firm and I could go some circus a few grand I need to do this thing. I knew no one so it's an opportunity for me to go out and network and to meet people and then all of a sudden they were believing in it and I was like, okay, so now I'm going At a bit of dough. Let's see what I can do with it. And how much does it cost and I'd never done anything like this before my life. I didn't know how medals cost love it closed roads Etc. So so all of a sudden, you know to try and answer your questions precisely its I'll call it on you know, and and there was a headers and see because I was outside my comfort zone. I never was one of them guys or kids when they were young. I would never have my own birthday party in case no one turned up and I was quite self-conscious and my self-esteem and all that over the years has been And down and round and round so it to do something like this. But but then I suppose you're kind of in the universe of passion and purpose and kind of curiosity and okay, what was are born for? What am I going to do? You know what kind of am I going to try and Inspire my kids, you know and that subtle approach I think going to try and impress them with getting what they want when they want it. So it's not that kind of I mean, there's a balance with that because that's part of being a kid and being the dad and you know trying to do as much as you an with them at whatever cost but you know that subtle stuff, you know that compassion empathy that kind of identify in that relating and that kind of seeing behind the scenes that you've got to go out and be outside your comfort zone a lot of the time you hear this or not, you know, but at least try, you know, don't let the fear done it the anxiety, you know suffer with the anxiety and stuff over there an anxiety attack yesterday here. So it's something that I'm aware of but yeah, you know, so it's a balance an expert. Yeah belly is exciting though mate like slide. It was the ball a lot in the way, but unities like popping up your way when you're passionate for something, right? Yeah, these they come out they could these opportunities come out of the wall and it's about putting yourself out there. Like that's the fuel like the faces and the experiences that you're enabling others to have, you know, it's not because of me it's not because of it. We just it's an invitation for that kind of stuff and to see it, you know to see people there's one guy in particular shit out Steve Pilcher. That's a shout out but he's He was one of the first great. If not, the first guy is a local guy to hottest and never known before signed up with his first ever event is gone on to do marathon. Wow, you know, there's there's lots of others lovely stories, you know, they're not going to pay my mortgage what I want to ask you next. Yeah. That's what I want to ask you next. So first event happens second event happens during happens. What is the reaction? We've basically that you ask me they want example. I mean, what's the reaction off the back of these events? I mean, especially like off the first one were you just like, whoa. This is this is light. We have 300 dog turn up for the first one which to me was not of a million people here. As long as the kind of my mentor is although depending on the noise of the world and and all that kind of stuff is as long as more, you know, as long as one person turns up. You can have an impact. Yeah to the naked eye to some it's important that they see thousands of people or you know, the instant gratification. Like I said, there's a balance without kind of stuff. I'll get it don't get me wrong. You can't live, you know. So I don't be too romantic about it all but yeah, you know just to just to see it and feel it and and see the experiences in the feedback and people give attention. If you want to call it that people keep coming back and and the noise it was making considering and enough Gonzalez with quite a lot of certainty and I'm not belittling what's happened because it is absolutely incredible and far far far beyond what I always thought would happen. I would hope it would have happened. But obviously there's an element of Doubt there along the way but We haven't even touched the size yet. You know, we still haven't got our own gazebo and down not because anybody saw the Gantry thing because we kind of call it, you know, so from a brand point of view. I'd love to do so much more. I'd love to engage so much more a lot of be consistent with so much more. It does matter it and it's necessary but there's there's it mean, you know, do you need everything in place at the start? No, not literally a diamond at the start line, but I heard a saying very early on if you launch on time you've launched too late, you know just start anywhere and that's what we've done. So nothing's ever been perfect. There's lots of challenges, you know, certain things might not look a certain way or whatever but only the community tops up the engagement before and because of our imagery and our videos, you know, all the local people local places and obviously their distraction from other towns and wider. I've said no to a few things you kind of know that you know, I trust in the path, you know, I'm on the right path doing the right thing as a consequence. There's a whole lot of Emotion and uncertainty, you know running a business, you know will be as a kick. It's all coming up, maybe National Center India every month or so. Listen, I've had is really lovely experience with Stevie P. He's turned out he's done his first been acting on the Berlin Marathon a lot. Where's me money market? So it's getting that balance, you know, because community and a subtle approach knock on suggested is is you know, you we're building a brand, you know, and it's how people feel as opposed to you know, I don't want to in an Ideal World said a few times. And with this I would like them not to be a transaction, you know, it's different with the event because you know people pay and you know, we road closures, etc. Etc. But ultimately it's still the cheapest one in town people kind of say like why is it so cheap, but I'd just rather have ten Tenors then five scores, you know, and just the people and the energy and stuff like that. Sure. Absolutely. I mean in terms of the the you're going to run it next year. I'll run it by a hundred percent. Yeah. Well, I mean what I love about this concept Trees when I saw the running. I mean I don't I thought along the same guy the same route couple of years back. So I wanted to do something completely outside my comfort zone and raise money for charity same time and wasn't coming back into the community. But what I learned from it was the power and of of community and Collective Fitness when you're when you're doing a fitness event with others towards a goal. So yeah guys, it's one more man Mentor You're Charlie darker. Just a big blue ribbon movement, you know, just moving no matter how you do it. Like the power of collectively come together to move is and it really is quite a lot of money. I work very hard but like you did you do you don't know I didn't alter. Mathan. Oh well, which one's I'm doing here. Oh, maybe it's the best thing in the world it like I push myself Beyond limits. Like I didn't think I could I'm not run. I'm a rugby player. Yeah, it's a lie running on Sand is I did in Jordan. It was a play about being told you it's actually light is tough. It's tough. Yeah, but you know, you you improve and so many Dynamics in your mind will never return to the dimensions that it was. Yeah. So, I mean what I what I love about this is that it's a community doing it together the reaction of the back of it in terms of growing as a community and doing it together that the dump the dimensions of the mind of that Community will never return. Yeah hundred percent and I just think the beauty of that is it is extremely extremely powerful and you just fucking nailed it. He's knocked around the head. So I'm his I'm super excited to see how and where you think this is going to develop and you know, like you said highs and lows of business. You need to be some remain realistic on yeah. We just said that that's what I wanted to kind of touch on little bit now is in terms of as a social entrepreneur, whether entrepreneur social entrepreneur, there are highs and lows in business. Yeah. And with this the highs must be super high water. What's your biggest challenge? What are you finding like? The difficult the major difficulties of an r - and we could have a whole day on this the Heiser. Yeah. Yeah event day, you know is obviously phenomenal, you know, there's a sense of responsibility that I feel, you know, we get a lot of people attend, you know, like young old, you know, we're all ages all abilities. So there's a sense of responsibility. They were closed down roads, you know, there's a few motorist or car owners where everyone to describe them as out there that are not too happy that they can't walk their dog at the same place. You know, but that's another story. Yeah, it's unfortunate. But listen that there's always one but you know, I see that since responsibility but yet at the same time just buzzing, you know, it's incredible, you know, because a lot of the hard work for me and the team to put this day together and brothers and all the contributors tools at the sponsors the you know, that everybody's just this phenomenal as a collective effort and our feel that so that's great. And then yeah just you know, the buzz from other towns now getting traction and you know, people are Carlo jumping on board and believing it so there's It is a feel-good factor as to you know, we're going and we're doing some great things and we can do so much more but then yeah alongside that is my own personal Journey with it and trying to create this. What part do I play in it? How can I lead It Forward? How can I not get in the way? I've got two kids in the wife Locker said different life cycles. My wife's a bit older than me. She's kind of you know that yes, we took some vows to save through thick and thin and what you know, whatever the words are but the reality is It's tough, you know, and you know, I come from a previous job which is still a bit uncertain. I've always been self-employed. I've never had a wage. So there's kind of that behavior, which I've been used to but you know, am I being selfish am I being irresponsible? Does it really matter do I really care? Why do I care? Yes, it's great. Listen, all these lovely fancy romantic stuff that is critical needs to happen. But you know, there's no one's getting paid at the end of it. Unfortunately the demise of life, you know suggest it might you need to give up, you know, or stop in as a difference between stopping makeup and I'll be very honest with you having suicidal throughout some of the for out the journey because I've got that you know, that fire in me that knows that this is this is something you know, and it's not just something for me but it's something that's going to kind of live far beyond me and and I want to kind of see that happen, but then it's just like life using these navigate your way through to me a while to accept. I was an entrepreneur I didn't I wasn't comfortable with being labeled as that, you know, there's other situations that I've been in my life and I've actually accept and admit certain things to to move on and it's very similar. I'll bet to admit that I was and accepts. I was an entrepreneur. My name is Mark and I'm an entrepreneur has probably one of the first times I've said it but it's social or not. But as a consequence the other certain behaviors, they're attached entrepreneurs that some might deem it cool with you on Instagram. You're 21. You've got your backpack and your notepad and you want to crack on and you know, duck and dive and you know hustle as I say, but for me, there's a little bit of that. Which is maybe one two three five percent at most but the rest of it is what to do when to do it how to do it while we're doing it and we're going to do it, you know the wet kind of stuff. So it's a totally it's a big conversation and one of those who can't go too deep into now, but I love it. It's very it's really interesting. I mean the end of the day I run a franchise business. It's not my franchise. Hmm. But the end of the day still a business owner in the hi-yah. Why is she behind those people and that's I mean they don't tell you it's cool, you know. Listen, that's that's the other space in which I'm very passionate about is he's going high school based. Yeah, that's kind of our own versions of certain things. So the there's loads that are going to happen with. Yeah. I mean that clearly was me onto one of the last questions. I want to ask you mean. What's what is this going on the next 6 to 12 months and your kin pumped about like what's been anything stand out? Yeah. Well, yeah just everything. Yeah everything of course. Continue to do my best to look after myself, you know because as things grow and I want to manage expectation and all that kind of stuff is really important that I keep myself. Well spiritually physically mentally emotionally and all that as well as being the dead and the challenges and and the joy that that brings and her husband work kind of stuff that I mentioned that I'm is really on the Forefront of my mind most days most moments are most days but for your turn is to finish the Red Bull program that I've been on this week, which is why we're here which is Dean my really unbelievable. This is like it's a real but contradictory to that is reality. It's happening. You know, some amazing opportunities is some great workshops and people and it's a really good energy and you know, some really good kind of outcomes will come with us. I'm positive of that and I believe in a universe and all that. So I'm going to take that on into next few months. We just entered into a really great and I believe going to be really powerful relationship with Ricardo in particular. I said, there's other Still more likely to Hardison, you know, HP accountants vocal vessels and MSDS and but yeah, the the Qaeda one will allow us to grow across our home county of Hertfordshire just to get as a saint the next natural step for us our home county for obvious reasons. It is just sickly and to undo graphically. So we've we're going to do a campaign called we are next which is all centered around the Next Generation next innovators leaders creatives and all that kind of stuff. So I'm really excited about that over the next Here we're going to go into over a hundred primary schools about 6,000 kids. It's awesome. And so there's great Hemel Hempstead will from Cross Hartford stevenage Hatfield and Dixon to continue our work and Rushton and then yeah building to get together model see if we can grow that there's interest from other areas and I'm really interested in trying to get you know, an S more National Brands attached to us as a vehicle for us to do more. So we haven't got a rely on certain. Areas, local authorities phenomenal and they're part of our conversation obviously in a benefit and you know, they need to be involved in certain estimates of what we do but they've got a lot of challenges, you know, and as we all have but you know, they're so yeah, I'll just kind of want to do what we can with what we've got and as much as we can do with others as opposed to being held back by others and just get that balance usual next 12 is busy. It's get one always like arson. This one I think is especially relevant in terms of the social side of stuff if you had one piece of advice or life lesson, you've learned to pass on to a somebody who is Pat really passionate about potentially starting something like something that matters to them. What would that sort of advice be? Something you've learned from this whole process. Yeah, I suppose. I mean II just through various experiences that I had prior to your town. I've really focused on the importance of self-awareness. Like I'll put that top of anything and listen is there's levels to that depending on where you are in life and what responsibilities you may or may not have those like be like that human being thing that whenever all on one page but just Internally, you know, whether your father or husband or not or a wife or not were business owner or not or whatever just have a level of of who you are. And and you you get there just through doing things being honest as honest as you can be in certain circumstances or conversations because you always you know, unraveling and kind of revealing certain aspects, you know, and a good place to start is what you identify with, you know, the running thing was you know, Stands out as something that I was that was my trigger, you know, I love to run. You know, I didn't know I did I hated running when I first said it, you know, but my brother, you know, good friend Dean. You've got me into running, you know, he said just just carry on, you know, so I said to him mate listen, I love you and we're kind of stuff and I appreciate your kind of suggestions, but I don't know if this is for me and now look now look so if you had is that perseverance and that just kind of find the trigger find, you know, a hobby or to something you identify with them relate. To and just let that be your spark and just remain curious, you know, listen to a podcast or go on YouTube people that you are interested in listen to their conversations. They then speak about somebody else Google with him and all of a sudden I'm saying it lock it comes naturally to some but for me, it's just kind of in my mind just things happened, you know, and and just through grade. Yeah, the path was cleared and then you just kind of go with it and then you kind of just figure figure things out along the way and then but the self-awareness at the Forefront because it's kind of still a bit of intuition and a bit of you know, Liam kind of behaviors that you kind of find it you might need on some people have with nine-to-five some periodic be working and stacking shelves and know what they need to do down what I offer is that the amount of time and they go home and I look after the family of freeloaders is here and they are make they are over the moon and good luck to them. You know, I'm not that way inclined to some just going to explore that you for my love it. All right. Keep me one moment. Since you started this business where you've just sat back just taking the time actually to sit back and gone. Wow, like this is some mm pretty pretty damn special any specific moment stand out to you. Well, it has two or three times in this last half hour quite a contradictory answer. I live in that kind of hit at times. So I'm inclined to say that I haven't really because it was in between my years hasn't happened yet, but why? Teacher today is my everything that's happened was fought off before you know, so that kind of one moment is that self-awareness kicking in again is dear just having time to reflect and say okay. I appreciate this moment, you know that email with that comment that you get from somebody who's taking part of you've infected through some of what you do. That's the time when you think okay. Yeah like that. That's nice. Let's just appreciate this moment and not belittle it and not kind of just think okay. Yeah great wisdom next one light on. Not chasing that. So there's a massive difference. I'm not chasing anything, but just knowing that yeah, there's more moments that more moments to come, you know, and that's what you kind of that's what you you're working towards just region is full potential I suppose so every little micro moment kind of collectively working towards that kind of that macro which hopefully will be here far beyond when I'm gone, you know if it's fingers crossed love it. Yeah. Thanks. I just want to say thanks so much for coming on. But before we Rappers hopefully tell me where people can follow you social media website, whatever it may be just just hang on I'll put it in the show notes for it. So people can see what you're up to. Perfect. So from a brand point of view, you know, we're not on point with a lot of stuff at the moment. There's a frustration but that's okay. It is what it is. So we've got give you time to run around on Facebook there specifically for the the hottest an event I'd say, so if you're in and around area want to come run with us or travel down that's where you find this on there and it's at time ran around on Twitter. ER and then there's your town on Facebook and your town active on Instagram. I can't seem to get your tan on Instagram. They don't they don't want to give it away. Well, no one owns it apart from them. We've got to trademark. So I've kind of asked nicely to start. How do I go about it? But no one ever gets back. So until that day comes your town active is the best place and then yeah your town cic. I think it is on the on Facebook brilliant mate. Thanks so much for your time. Really enjoyed it. Thank you. All the best looking forward to seeing what's gonna happen perfect. She's make thank you.
Your Town was planted when the Founder, Mark White, sent himself an email in 2011 with an idea for a running event that started and finished in Hoddesdon town centre. Three years on, a chance meeting in April 2014 brought ‘Give Your Town The Run Around’ to life, and following a steep learning curve, our first event happened just 5 months later in September 2014. A year later in October 2015, after putting on two more successful events, the company decided to have a permanent presence in town and invested in our first Street Office. And so… Your Town was born! Fast forward a few years and Your Town pursued their passion for building and celebrating community in a diverse range of ways. In December 2015, they launched Your Town Clubs, with free weekly clubs for local runners and walkers. In October 2016 they piloted our first “Get-Togethers” simultaneously across three Hertfordshire towns with a run, walk and bike ride for up to 100 participants in each. During the summer 2017, they kicked off “Give Your School the Run Around” programme, which included 10 local primary schools in activities to raise awareness of health, wellbeing and community, culminating in a grand finale event hosted by a local secondary school. More than most people I get to see the power of what exercise can do to a community. Mark has a passion for it too and it was amazing to see. It was great to meet him and I am so glad he got the chance to be a part of the Redbull Ampahiko Academy. On that note going up and seeing what the Redbull Amaphiko Academy was all about was pretty sensational!! For those that don't know what it is the Red Bull Amaphiko is a programme to help Social Entrepreneurs create innovative and sustainable change in their communities. This episode is the last part of a 3 part series I recorded. I also interviewed two other great guys with two other great business.
Where we blow your minds in about it every time he's the one who activates that we go. He's the one who activate every role father friend and judge by defending judge. He don't hold a grudge. He's the one who activate. Hello, everyone. You are listening to everyone use their diaphragm. That sounds so lovely. I am shinee's and joining me today is dr. Robin guesses your I'm here Pastor Tony guesses and Pastor Nathan guesses. is Halo The blonde from our live audience kind of sort of anywho if you know just now joining us for the first time. Welcome, welcome to all our friends that we have prophetically spoken about. That's right last portals. I must say last portal Pastor Tony you won't believe this. You mentioned a man under a bridge and Belarus listening to portals, right? I my day job. I have to literally say I my day job now my spiritual life. My day job requires me to be a hairstylist and a salon almond mention no names. However, my last client that I had in the same week that you mentioned Belarus mind you I had no idea. This place was and she had this accent. So I just you know striking the conversation I said, okay, where are you from? She said Belarus I was like, huh come again. And she said Belarus and I was like, oh my God, this prophetic friend thing is getting real because what if and she was going home, so I should have told her about portals. You know, I dropped the ball on that one should have told her so she can give it to the man and the boy Bridge maybe should have you should have let you know visited him. This is true. I'm sure she would have if you'd have told that listen she's coming back. So there might be another opportunity. Yes. I will out forget with that being said Do we have any prophetic friendships that we would like to shout out before they start week we going to get pasta dough. Mom. You had it Tony a little bit of sharing and once he starts sharing he finds his prophetic. Yes. Oh, You have no prophetic friends. Okay, we'll let it to you as download to download and activate his friendships. Amazing Belarus a yes. I kid you not I was so shocked. I had to ask her at least twice and I know she's like I said it already so I was like, where is it? Because I wanted to be sure she was talking about but the same Belarus and she was low and behold. Wow. I like men under the bridge will get portals delivered. I'm trying to tell you. Well, you know what Shanaya yours was a real friend, but we had one of our friends send us a letter from the man under the bridge saying William leader. Just a quick funny story tonight at seven o'clock. I got an email from the Belarus Bridge group. That pasta Tony needs to be allowed to sing whatever he wants to sing on Portals and they were writing to the governor of Belarus. First of all don't have a governor. It has a president. Oh my God, but this man the creativity he registered a fake email account. He did and he put a fake government seal. He did that he found on Shutterstock. Oh my God, he even wrote in Russian. Yeah, and then he wrote the translation at the bottom. We implore the governor of Belarus and the board of portals to pleased that Pastor Tony sing whatever he wants signed some petitioners put that litter on Facebook. Yes, we do and the petitioners names are like has been yes something one of the one of the songs was. What are this? One of the signers was Hallelujah not. Oh my God, William. We love you. You're gonna get it. Okay, William, you've had enough time on tour. So last week on Portals. We talked about fear killing Faith, which was great because we talked about how the enemy wants to try to abort the Visions how we sometimes if we give any power over to fear, which is not coming from the Lord. Yeah, we also tend. And to abort the vision that God has given us and also he the enemy definitely wants to wait until the Visions about to be birth. Mmm too. Well, it's coach what I said was it's just wisdom. Yeah, let's let's look at that. It's just wisdom. Why would the enemy aboard a seat? Yeah. He's gotta wait till the thing is almost grown. I mean what's going on out? There now is full-time abortion. Devil's right behind that one. Yep, and and doctor Avenue also wrote A Blog adding to the actual gems of that portal because that portal was so like full of just jam-packed gems, you know, and in the blog you brought out the difference between, you know, the death of a vision, yeah death of the vision and ordering a vision and the death of the vision is all about God working on you to bring your vision. Asian to his vision so you tell you want to boil something that is not years and then resurrect something that is his yeah. You said in the in the blog if I could just deliver the punchline because I would encourage our readers to go and listen to it. I'm sorry. Read it on talking my I'm she said the death of a vision is when God has to kill something because it has too much of you and your winner. But aborting a vision is when you try to kill something because it Doesn't have enough of God in it. Yeah. Oh my God my goodness and past also mentioned about speaking too soon. Yeah. Yeah and how that is a type of supposin aborting of vision or which premature births immature. It's bringing the something that has a God all the provision ready for it. Mmm. So if God's calling and and speaking reamer as into To your heart and you're hearing this then it becomes a seed from him. And then of course it has to go into the next stage, which is the incubation stage. You incubated to cause it to grow you grow it because you have fellowship with the Holy Spirit you cultivate the ground with the Holy Spirit and then once that's grown just before You want to see the growth come forward what you've grown you decide to step out and do it on your own. God has the first seat to put the seed in there and he'll have the last say of when it's birthed. So you wait till he says it's fully grown. It's ready to go. Yeah, speak it out because there's power in in speaking out God's word that he put in your heart. I want to just ask a question before we go on break hit that portal. Let me give you a hug. My question is my random thought of the day already have one at like finally we can look at this. Can you impregnate someone else with your words? Don't wow, she saw that my dad. No, no. All right. Well, no, the answer is no guy. So stop trying to build seed and people you have to only have your own Vision. Mmm, and if you could do that, the world would be in one. Cover mess. Well. I'm coming from a place where it's like people say. Oh, I just see that you would be great at doing this see hmm interesting see but not seat. Wow, maybe we can unpack a little bit more of that when we come back from my break sounds good to me. Hey guys, welcome to the portals podcast with dr. Alban Casas and with anything. Are we and we passed the Nathan one. And with faster. Tony Cassius will see you soon. Well, we blow your mind. Hey ready for this one. He's the one who actually The vase so let him impregnate. He's the one who activates so that it in Prague name is on for the roof. Wait. Where did you get that portion from cuz that's a totally definitely was saying Belarus. Oh my God, speak English. Yeah, at least I didn't add in my second pot. Yes. Now, what's the second after that one? He's the one who activates. So let me impregnate and then you were gonna say Shania come on babe, all that the listeners hear it I was going to say don't don't don't blurry down. Let me give you a seed. Oh, yes Faith planted in me. And you said something. Between your rat ate my God meaning music. Yes. Yes now listeners get your heads out of the gutter who's to the pure all things are pure okay. So before the break we were talking about impregnating and pregnant's someone with your words and that it was not possible to do that. No, so if I say Pastor Robin listen, You will look great on stage as a preacher at church. That's your opinion. Well, I don't need your opinion. My God's Rhema word. Then I'll go on stage and look great. This is sure I can wow, but technically I'm late my opinions at the altar a couple weeks ago. So technically, I don't know what that actually is is just kidding. So in reality your opinion, You try to impregnate another people. Yes. Oh, well, I just hit. Yeah, and maybe that same opinion need to impregnate yourself what that's exactly why you're not the surrogate carrying around all the people see I carry your own machine and you're not carrying. Someone else's Vision Jesus. You're not very good for a vision. This is oh my Lord. That's a man's idea is immense idea. Mmm. God didn't need any surrogate with Abraham and Sarah and if we're gonna go there we are usually surrogacy is as a result besides the fact that he usually it comes maybe there's complications but these days surrogacy is a result of convenience. People don't want to go through the agony. Ernie and they don't want to go through the actual process of carrying a baby. So they want to have the result without the process and they want don't want to be enlarged and me put out your secrets that might take some time to get back through the progress of growth Jesus Jesus. Oh, well, maybe that thought Wasn't So Random now what wasn't no so so your vision comes for you one else can take your vision. I'm on God's got a vision for you. And there is no one else that's got that same vision. No one he doesn't go and copy something. Hmm. He goes and allows it to be imitated, but never photocopied Jesus us which brings us into our topic that passed the He was talking about if your vision is for you. Then you have to approach God different way. No one else can approach him for you surpass the donee tell us what you were telling us tonight telling people's tonight. We talked about three three ways of approaching God first one how to Luke chapter 8 concerning approaching him as father. Probably. This is one where most of us have difficulty because Earthly fathers misrepresented God in one way or another and you can have a really good good dad and there's nothing wrong with that. But even the best dad in the world still falling short quite a bit of representing God the way he really is so obviously that's a big subject that could be opened up, you know, a father provides a father protects our father in a trains, but You know, Jesus used the word Abba which is a very endearing term for father. So I'm daddy daddy in Hebrew. And so it's that intimacy and that confidence that we're supposed to have in our you know, father-son relationship that we come out of the prayer closet more than confident that he's going to supply our needs and so in Luke when when Jesus teaches Us the Our father he that whole scenario of prayer is about your personal needs. So wow, I would suggest that when it's something that you have as far as personal needs are concerned. We approach the Lord as father and he loves that he wants us to do that because he is provider and he is you know protector is he's deliver his healer. Whatever need you have, you know, give us this day our daily bread. Jesus said okay. So he's he's the supplier of any need that we have. That's the first step at approaching God and really if you can't get beyond that moving, you know, let the Holy Spirit lead you into that. How does he lead you into it? Well, the spirit in us the holy spirit is the one that cries Abba Father Paul says that you know, the Father the father has sent the spirit of his. Sun within us the spirit of adoption which cries Abba Father and so an especially if you're you know your experience with your Earthly Daddy's I don't know cold or you know non connective, you know, the Lord said to Abraham get away from your father's house because his father was not a representative it was an idol worship. Yeah. Abraham and so the Lord had to pull Abraham away and say right I'm going to teach you what a real father is going to be like Wow first thing you need to know about a real father is you got to do what he asks you to do. Well, that's trust. Yeah. Okay. I don't know, you know, there's but there were times when I was growing up when you know, my dad would say trust me. Yeah, so you do not tell you trust me. Yeah, but I think we need to come back to something that the the Holy Spirit can bring that know none of us can be and that's agape love for the father. We only have filial of he has to teach us agape love then we can love the father with The Godly love it's good that you're saying that pass Robin. Could you are also mentioning, you know going back to a recent photo that we've had about not work. In toward your faith, you know because that's where it's bubbling up in the original place and past Tony also was saying like how the Holy Spirit initiates the prayer time initiates all of these. Hey, dr. Approach. He initiates there because that's his role. Shanaya. That's his role. He's a different role tender to the father to Father God. He has a different role than Jesus. He has his role and this shows his Personality and this is why God gave him this time the end time to show his personality in the third person of the godhead. She so in when you say speaking and approaching God as the father you approached him with the love that the Holy Spirit teaches you to approach him with which is that agape love that one that will sacrifice. Feist that one which lays its life down hmm that one that it's not an unfilial of it's not a brotherly love it's something higher and greater and only the Holy Spirit can lead you that way to the father, you know, we're told also about the spirit of the Son of God is in us. That's why we do cry. Abba Father, we are all adopted sons all of us and because of that relationship Pastor was talking about agape love ya love and faith go together. And so I would suggest anyone any prayer time you have with the Lord should begin by asking the Holy Spirit. What should I be praying about? Today, yeah, and how should my Approach be? Yep, because we're going to talk about approaching God is friend next and then finally approaching God as judge. Okay. So all these scenarios are in the Book of Luke and we can unpack them because I believe Faith Right comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God, but that's all based on our relationship with God you can't He God until you're in relationship with God hallelujah. That's what the cross is all about. And the objective is to approach God to be able to hear what God's will is yeah, he what God's judgments are to hear what God's counsel is. Those are the three areas. We unpacked at church tonight, right? And that's another way that I need to add in that that's where the Holy Spirit. We'll work in this he causes you and activate you to approach God this way. Yeah, because he wants to bring you into the father's will and to his relationship will cause you to have a relationship with God. Do you know that God's will is to be treated like a father? Mmm. Oh and else. Is to be to let him be our father. Wow. Wow. Yeah, I love what you just said too. Fast Robin. I'm sure that gives hope to those who may have some interference with their biological fathers or their representation of fatherhood in their life to know that even if you never experienced that, you know growing up with your Earthly father or whoever was that representation the holy spirit gives you Grace to teach you what it's supposed to be like when it Stu living yeah, there's a plane something when you love the father. You loved him with the gup-a love. Yeah. Well, you don't love your Earthly dad with The Gap a lung. You learn to love him. If you're coming through to Christ you learn so why compare the two loves and then fall back into the excuse? Yeah. I don't want to love God because because of what my dad did yeah, and he only ever loved you with a filial of wow, and that was expectations on performance my God my God, we're gonna take a break. We need to take a break. Okay, let's give it give the listeners a chance to ask the Holy Spirit some things before we come right back. 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It I will after we clarify this scripture because Pastor Tony a little bit tired. That's Tony little bit tired of it tight and no all jokes aside. He meant to say Luke 11 that was the scripture that he preached out of or reference to a sermon but it's okay because most people get shocked especially true. That's right. Truthful. Most people don't most people don't know it Luke 11. It's true 18 This is why it is so important to know your word. Okay. This ain't no Works thing. This ain't a performance thing. But if you're being quoted the word of God, you better know that it's the right quote. You better check it baby so many preachers today on YouTube throwing in motivational quotes with the word of God and scripture and you don't know what scripture and what's not I have heard people think that come Dippy night today. I have heard people say yeah, I can't find that part in the Bible like, you know where it says that God helps those that help themselves. No, no, no kid don't exist. No, that's a vision for Nations 2020 outs. And yeah, and the other one now, this is really out there. But listen, this is why you have to have discernment of Spirits because I printed a preacher can get out there and be like and you know, and the Bible says if you don't know now, you know, what's that sound like a rap lyric that's from biggie. But if you don't know your word your little beneath that one of those Apostles quoted that no, no that's from the book of Bicky. Somebody's gotta laugh at them. To what we were talking about the approaching and approaching God and the father one thing that we have to understand too. Is that when we approach God he doesn't meet us with a reproach and what I mean by that is he will always meet us where we're at. So he's the judge. He's the judge. He's the friend and I know past attorneys going to come back in soon and talk about the friend in the judge, but Even as a father we have to understand that our father meets us where we're at doesn't cause an ungodly expectation that we put on ourselves to come upon us to try and approach him we would approach him when we're all clean, but he wants us to approach him in the mess and I want to give you a scripture. Remember we not gotten our word. I want to give you scripture because Pastor was talking about a phileo and agape. And I'll take you to the scripture in John 21 when Jesus restores Peter and Peter says, you know, he says to Peter. Simon son of Jonah do you love me more than these? Isn't it? Funny? How every other time he refers to him as Peter? Yeah, but here is referring to his former name Simon son of Jonah. So he's using that as an example to say I know where you've come from. Yeah, you know, I know where I called you from. Yeah, don't you forget don't you forget don't you forget what your name used to be and how I changed it and It's by the grace of God. You're not where they are. Exactly. So when you approach when you approach God you better approach him with the right name change because if you are approaching with a wrong name change again, I'm going to go back to the gym from last week your what you perceive will conceive and you will D be deceived. So he says Simon son of Jonah. Do you love me more than these and he said to him? Yes. Yes, Lord, you know that I love you. Now when he says do you love me more than these the word there that he uses for love is a guppy but Peter responds and says yes Lord, you know that I filho you so Peters not on the level of Agape then he responds again and he says feed my lambs and then he says to him again Simon son of Jonah do you love me? Again, he uses the word Agape Peter's not there yet. He responds again Lord, you know that I feel eou then he says tend my sheep. Yeah, then the third and final time he responds and then this time Jesus changes his response and says Simon do you filho me? Hmm so he comes Comes down to Peter's level and meets him where his love is at taking up to where God's love is exactly and Peter responds. Yes, Lord, you know that I feel I owe you. Wow, so he didn't expect Peter to be at Agape. Mmm. So I did that mean that he didn't expect him to have just be given a seed and then suddenly grow it immediately. Thank you. Thank you because and Idiot things don't birth things. There it is. So our approach is not met with reproach, but the enemy tells us that our approach is met with reproach and rejection that we can't match up to the standard that God is putting on us. Can I come in there and bring about our capacity? We think we're all caught up in this great. Well, I don't believe that because I haven't got the capacity to carry the child. My body's breaking down was Sarah was what 89 years old. She she will she didn't matter whether she had the capacity or if evil Abraham had the capacity. God has the capacity. You see it's supernatural. Yeah, so I want to tell you something tonight. I want to tell you God gives you a Measure of Faith. I want you to hear this place and what he can do with that Measure of Faith. You are to grow it. Coke cultivating the Holy Spirit. Yeah, but if you grow the presence of the holy spirit in cultivating his presence of the time and I'm ringing ring ring ring do it. It's you it's me and so they're there and if you also cultivate the godhead, yeah, then you can head the face of the godhead. So what's the difference between the The Measure of Faith he gives you and the faith of the godhead. Ed well once a measure and the others full faith. Wow one can cause you to believe that as you grow it wow, but the other get ready for that jam the other causes you to see The Impossible come to past because God's faith is all about bringing impossibility. Come on. That was one of my favorite gems that you said recently and you know what, God's capacity you want to know how much capacity God's got how much he didn't have to do the natural thing to get Jesus born. Oh tagline coming. No sister. No sperm marry with his seat. Oh my God. Incorruptible saying he SAS no Sperma needed a day to say that at work. No sperm Anita. Wow, I say that next time somebody throw their opinions at me. No spur me that I don't know if I can sing it. Can I see it? Yeah. All right. Give me a try. Here we go. No sperm in needed. no, no sperm and needed more space needed because he's going to conceive it needed because he's doing Is no spemann needed because he's doing the seeding. The look up acid on his face right now is quite worthy of a meme. However, you know, it is the truth. It's the truth. It's the truth. That's really come on. Come on. That's right here. Our minds can filter other things and say things in it come on, but he should like this capacity was to bring Supernatural things to make the impossible possible. That's God's faith. Yeah. Yes faith is to believe for possible. But that his faith is to make the impossible possible. So it's possible is God saying I'm possible. Yes. Hmm. I can impregnate what I want, right? Yes, it's I'm possible right so he impregnates hmm with his seat as Burma needed. No sperm and nicked it. He's doing a man's man's faith is like needing the sperm, right? Oh Shania you get a gem limited its limited has this capacity says I need the capacity of this. Why do we run away from things like this is in the Bible. This is right. Let's talk about dude. Become no problem saying no Sperma needed. Do you got you know what we do Holyfield come here. No, it wasn't. It was the best place only thing that's right. God doing that he did. Don't have to say I need you. Yeah, he just used his capacity to do what man can't do not even today's man can do what God did to bring Jesus forward. Wow, not even a scientist can do this in a laboratory. You got to have sperm to bring forth the A child I don't care if you have to do it in a tube It's gotta be there. No, we are going there with it. But God doesn't have to use man's capacity. Wow dance if you work with him go wrap your mind around this here conversation and my either talking. Yes. Let your mind do the talking and mines listening in a capacity, please in the capacity. Let's not go too far with these visuals. Jesus is clear in talking literal sense, but in a spiritual place we are and I'm not embarrassed now even Sammy I've heard far worse. I'm trying to tell you absent followers. Anyway, I'm gonna go ahead and I love Christmas but net and go on break, okay. Hi, everybody passed an 8 here and boy are we excited to invite you to a new event that we have happening on Sundays at 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. The new Bible study that starting at talk called connecting the dots. This is going to be a great way for you to come connect the dots of your faith reintroduce yourself to the Bible or introduce yourself to the Bible like never before Pastor. Tony will be leading this class. You don't have to come to every class you can drop in also it will be recorded. An available later on on talk TV. So we're excited to take this journey and for you to come on this journey with us. We'll see you there Sunday at 3 p.m. No screaming need he's the one thing we want to see no sperm are needed by he's the one to see he seated Mary. Walk a boy logical class. This is rated Horst is it's rated R. What is it real relevant emulation that outweigh isn't flowing tonight. Oh, right. So, of course we were saving sperm Wait, what's true and saving it sperm but we were we were just making a practical. I have some theology on the Immaculate Conception. Okay. Just want to tell the audience wanted and you can you guys can judge on on how God did it. All right, you either did create spun and fertilized egg and a sperm. Did he? Who's he? He's he created man from self-seed. All right, I'm sorry. No, no agree, or the other alternative is talents. He gave me reseed the ability to fertilize without the sperm, which is probably what that's what else the Robin is is favoring as a as a theory on the on the conception of Jesus in Mary's womb. Well, we have to come back to this. sperm brings life He didn't need to have something to bring life. He is life and he put his life into her and produce Jesus. I think I think the second alternative is probably yeah or true, but he's back in Genesis. He said the seed of the woman didn't mention anything about the scene of yeah. Yes. Yes, maybe maybe the Lord just fertilized. Or gave Mary's seed the ability to fertilize without sperm. Can I just say the reason why I brought this whole subject up was because we always rely on our capacity. Yeah, this is so good. And if we keep relying on our capacity, we miss out that God has the capacity to do whatever he chooses to do. And so we say straight out I can't carry this, baby. Hmm. The doctors have said I can't have a child. I'm Baron. Yeah, why don't you read your Bible? Come on, Darren. Yep, and as you read down the bigots, you will see they weren't very many more. They started giving birth to Children more children. You see the capacity for God to do it is in him. So any showed it by the birth of Jesus Christ. So what you're saying, is that when we limit Our capacity to perform it. Yeah till the limits his capacity to fulfill it. That's exactly right because we believe that our capacity is based on how we could perform it and we believe it's our capacity to Jesus and only because faith if it's supernatural and you know the impossible I'm possible. What is the sperm in those circumstances? And in that situation and I remember reading this book like by billhimer destined for the throne. Yeah, I read and I love that book because he talks that any brings the reality. We need to get this the circumstance is not therefore God the circumstance is there for us so that we get a trajectory of where we're at. Yes true. He don't need circumstance. We need circumstance as a barometer. Aah and he don't need to use sperm to put life in he could just put himself in there. As I said pastor. How would our world change if we start looking at circumstance as God and more at as a barometer of what God is doing and who he is in our lives. We've got so many barometers that God uses to level us out and show us the locators. We're just so busy. Being the answer for everything approach means what Pastor said we have to approach him, right? We have to approach him right because he the father has roles to play. Yes. Jesus has rolled to play and the Holy Spirit has roles to play. Yeah, but we don't have roles to play we work with the roles that they play. Important to understand that when when Jesus was resisted by the religious hierarchy of his day the thing that made them most angry was that he presented the father as approachable as what they couldn't handle them that Lord Jesus, you know, Jesus came along and he said, you know, you seen me you've seen the father. He's kind he's patient. Yeah, he waits for You he heals, you know, you make mistakes. He doesn't condemn you you fall short. He encourages you, you know, and the Pharisee couldn't handle that they had this concept of this legalistic hard Taskmaster and Jesus comes along and says no no God is not that way is a lot more Kinder than you're representing is a lot more, you know softer than what you're represented and I think a lot of Believers need to get that hard. God concept yeah that hard father concept out of the way because that hinders faith if you believe God is always asking for more of you and more of you and more of you and you got to do this right you got to do that right you go. No, come come here. All the bits have to be perfect before you approach him Pastor get very far. We have to learn he's not asking us to do anything. Yeah, he's asking us to let him do yes everything. Oh, wow. Wow, you know I'm coming from that angle that you know, Jesus turns on seen in his three and a half years of ministry and he's representing a person that he says, he's God Almighty. That is soft not hard. Yeah forgiving not judgmental, you know. Yeah, he's tolerant he's patient. He's kind he's all that 1 Corinthians 13 or wrapped up in this person named Jesus. Isis and and the Pharisees have presented God as this hard, you know strict you just get one dot out of line and that's religion 100% Yeah, that's religion. 100% And I keep telling you know, our prophetic school students here. The god of the Old Testament is the same God in you test. Yes. Yes. Yes. I mean he had to deal with Israel differently because Listen when you've got God living next door, I can't just do what you want. Right? There's consequences. You know, I'm saying like that's why there was so much detail to how they lived what they ate. What they wore everything they did had to be scrutinized because God's holiness would judge them, you know, and there were two occasions in in the wilderness where where people approach God the wrong way. Yep, right. The first one was when Aaron's own two sons. Yeah try to offer up a sacrifice that he didn't authorize and God's holiness demanded that they lose their lives. It tells us that our approach to God has to be right. Thank God for Jesus and thank God Holy Spirit teaches us. Yes. He convinces us he teaches us he activates it our approach to God by teaching us how to To approach God absolutely with agape love whether he's the the friend or whether he's the judge or whether he is the father. Yeah teaches us how to approach God. So on the Imposter touched on the number to approach and that is friend and it was Luke 11. Yeah, we clarified. Yeah, so verse 5 Lord starts talking about a man who has a friend that's visiting him. He hasn't got anything in the fridge. So he goes to another friend. He knocked on his door at midnight and he says friend. I have a friend that's come over. It's on a journey haven't got anything for him to eat. Can you give me some bread huh? And the and his friend says look, I'm asleep. My kids are asleep. I'm not going to get up and serve you now. Hey, it's after midnight. But his friend just keeps knocking on the door that friend might live where we live. Wow, Frankie. People always coming at 12 o'clock and the Lord says look what this man does even though he's friend doesn't want to get out of bed. He's going to get out of bed because he's persisting he knows he's not going to get any sleep until he gives him what's in the fridge. That's right. So we catch what his friends got so Jesus talks about approaching God number two approaching God as friend. Okay that takes Faith to and and this is an approach that we we activate when we Want God to move on someone else's behalf. We're standing in the gap for someone else the first one father we go for our own needs. Yeah, the second approach is for someone else. And so, you know, you're a true friend when you're going before the Lord for your friends. Wow, but again pasta you you said this tonight? Still requires Persistence of faith, everything requires the Persistence of Faith. He had to keep knocking on the door until this friend gave him what he wanted. Yeah, so we had to continually persist persist. Well, I talked a bit about obedience. It's all good about partial obedient is will never bring you to a total of beading. Yeah, that was really and I have to say that you will always be partially obedient just look, At Abraham. Yeah, literally had to go and detours all the time to learn. What's the key to obedience and my brothers and sisters the key to obedience is Progressive obedient that will bring you to total obedience. Wow, and when you do that and you mention tonight about roles, you know that God plays and the roles that the Holy Spirit place we Next you with what you were saying with God and we were saying well the this is how the holy spirit's role brings you to the presence of God as a father as a friend and as a judge, these are things that happen in our lives so we can't use them as an excuse. We can't use them. Well, I was treated so bad. Yeah, but my brother that I can never see my brother as Jesus I can never see float said then a brother sorry, you're singing with the wrong. Laughs that's why you don't have to seek him with the love that you have for your brother. You've got to learn to love him with the love of God to what I said because I really feel this Landing in me before we go into the break when you approach God it better be with the name that he gave you a Your name that you gave yourself not the name that got your capacity on it. Yeah, you better approach him as Peter and not as Simon because when you approach him as Peter you activate his capacity. Yes when you approach him as Simon you still limited by Your Capacity you because it's your past name. Oh Jesus. I'm gonna go and snap crackle pop for a second Shanaya as we go into a break. Lived something but take it in because there's someone's about to go approach God. Yep, and we gotta let them do it in the break. That's a prophetic utterance. Amen Let Them conviction fall. Hey guys. Want to hear God speak to you personally, then join us here at dipping night. It's every first Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. To find out more information or to RSVP. You can visit us at dipping night dot torque. And why Hope to see you there. Else terminated. May you Not Gon see that in the right way in the right way. Seated wow. I think I'm gonna change the school of Apostles and Prophets to the sperm School. That's what's needed. Oh, Jesus dad the Spanish. No, no sperminator when you got God you imagine honesty ticket. You went to sperm a school of Prophecy that graphic together. Anyway, anyway, so we're were blessed bring us back to course, please. We were learning. From today's sermon had to approach God. Yes without sperm ha ha but we already found out that we approached him as a father. So slogan will make you with teeth. Oh my Lord, that made me cry. So yeah. Wow throw someone under the bus my hundred of them. All right, that's my father friend. And and now we're learning that he can be a judge and it's not in an order. I'm still trying to recover. I know I'm I'm trying fast. Don't you stay with me you we are usually on the same. That said we need to change soap to sperm a school. Well, I'm just firing the bullets. But with what use that terminology the lost the Lost approach getting back on subject and love he is balancing voice is approaching the Lord is Judge and that's out of Luke 18 where the Lord describes a widow. Approaches an unjust judge their faces are all contouring here. Ladies and everybody should know this story The Widow, I guess that they don't exist until he concludes. Look this Widow is not going to leave me alone on this I give her what she wants and so the Lord was pointing out that this is another approach of God as judge, but he's not just he's very just he's very he's very kind and so forth. But again the theme of this Parable is persistence, but it tells us something about God that in this particular scenario the other two scenarios, there's no adversary involved when you're talking to God as father the devil can't come in only when you're in what we call the counsel of And I'm using that term cou ncil right? Well, you're when you're in the counsel of God, there's no adversary there either. So there were particular Saints in the Old Testament that work before the Council of God all the time Elijah Elijah Moses and Abraham. They were all friends of God and they could enter into God's counsel. So and so God would tell them things that he wouldn't tell anyone else. You know, Jesus said I called you my friends because I'm letting you know everything that the father is about to do. So, there's no adversary there when you come into court. Yeah, like in a natural Court among sandwich God as judge. There's he's the judge is sitting on the Judgment seat. Then you've got Elders. You've got witnesses. You've got an advocate and you've got a prosecutor. Yeah and accuser right? So this is one particular scenario in the spirit where Satan does have access and this is very important because because Satan can't move beyond the law. Okay, right is often pulling things that are either in US. You know at the present time that aren't under the blood or if you can't find any accusation that's current. He'll he'll look in your family file. Your bloodline will try and accuse or resist what you're petitioning the judge to Grant you favoring. He will petition. No because there might be a bloodline sin that hasn't been covered yet, but but to work along with That the holy spirit is the one that brings the convincing. Yes. I'll be your case. This is it the Lord God. So he works on our behalf to bring our case before the heavenly father and you see I got something to tell you how Holy Spirit the devil can't come in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Wow, he can't what a lie. We've been so he can't come. Come in and interrupt the Holy Spirit. Wow. So how does he deal with these things? He has to counterfeit the Holy Spirit, but the Kundalini couldn't Delaney Spirit a neck is bothering fault. Sorry. Laughs Holy Spirit and that's a role that he plays. That's a row. That he plays. Yes. So how does God help us to understand this role that the devil's plaything because where we talked about the role that God plays and we talked about the Roma Holy Spirit place that the Holy Spirit plays a role to expose the role the devil claims. You said that's not possible to the surface. So the devil layers, come on say this he layers on YouTube. The Holy Spirit doesn't layer things on you. Yes, he goes down deep bubbles up from within you and he goes to the Deep because the Deep Cries Out for deep and therefore he comes up and pushes the Demons of the Dan to the surface push me to the surface. So when you see manifestations happening even to the point where they say God told me I'm going to be the next pass. Did he say it? Yeah, but there's a demon of the deep coming up. Oh my God that needs to Healing various. Wow. Wow, and so I need to tell you the greatest gift other than giving you Jesus. Baptism of the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit himself prophecy. No Lola salvation prophecy guess gifts that the holy spirit gives you an expression talking about the gifts that God gets you. Okay the greatest gift that he gives you for these last days and uses the Holy Spirit to activate it in your life and work with you is the Discerning of spirits. There ain't much to say McGowen on today no discernment going on tonight. We have so many gods gods of this and God said that God's some people are actually swapping one stage for another stage from the world stage to the church stage. I did a portal not a port so was actually what was it seasoned cast a yes young people that it was an upload that I did and the Holy Spirit. Spoke to me and said the devil wants the pulpit. Yes. He doesn't want the world. He wants the poop already got the world. He'd already owns the world. Well, he thinks but he doesn't know but he's deceiving himself to say that he does wow, but I want to tell you he wants the pulpit because then your Bow Down and Worship Him and how's it going to do it? How's it going to do? It is not going to do it by Something that's not going to look good to you. So you must Church judge the fruit Jesus of anyone not the person but judge the fruit. Yep. Anybody can say Lord. Which Lord is he talking like? Oh my God, we were kind of so Portland about this and I just since just this fear of judging the fruit like like that's one of the biggest things the enemy wants to operate in is giving you the fear to even judge it because then you people make it seem like you're persecuting another brother, but that's not true for the fruit is separate from the actual person. Yes fruit from the root. Beer called to judge fruit. Yes, not the route, right? So there's no getting around that people Saints. It's in the Bible. You can judge the fruit and it's what the Lord says judge the fruit right, but he Jin saying. Okay. Look can I call it out these Christians saying, you know, I don't judge and don't judge other people. You just judged by what he said tonight. God is the judge. Yeah oxymoron. You can't say don't judge. It's a judgment. Right God is the judge only God judges. We are allowed to judge the fruit that the person's bearing. Right? And if someone famous comes into pastors D give him the first the front Seat or you get him to sit wherever he can. How do you prepare the Deliverance room? Oh, well, that's good. But listen, should I you know what, let's be real a lot of these people saying don't judge if I could bring in a holy spirit exposure and discernment of spirits to it is because they're too afraid to actually bring light to what is going on because then they have to confront that they have entertained the same thing and deep down there. No judging is led by fear. a feeling ashamed and guilty So we hit that hard Sizzle pop crack. You heard it. That was a whole boil just for that gym. So to go back to what you were saying about approaching God to with his capacity. You said something last night in Council by God that I think we need to let the listeners know. I'm a couple of gems here. You said when God changes your name, it's to amplify Your Capacity. That was so powerful. He doesn't want to change your capacity. He wants to end the fight. Can you explain what that is? Well, he has to make you big. Mmm like the syllables of my last name when when you went to buy something it goes from lalalalalalala. Yeah. Yep that simplification. Yeah, I'm awake. I'm awake everybody on portals in some way. I'm able to fight. Yeah Amplified you see. He Amplified. I am Sarah and Abraham's not their capacity not their capacity but his their capacity to hold God in his capacity them and let them have the impossible become possible. Wow. Wow that we mentioned is when he does do the name change the I am change is so that he can change your capacity to hold the promise to how God's capacity. Mmm. We always think we're the ones doing the miracle my God God set the room when he did what he did with Mary. Hmm. It's his capacity to do the impossible. You can never do what God did never not even. Since can do it. Wow, so what's the thing we need to do become big enough to hold the holy spirit's capacity and pass the robin to bring us back to what we were talking about. You know, very I want to be yeah. Should we go on break should be finished when we come back? Yes one more time. I think we should go on break. Go on break for a little bit and game some capacity at with hostility. You're mine. So tonight would be all right. Pastas pregnant I know we are going to simplify good capacity. All right Break by Blue that no, I was just doing. Wow, you blew it you had no encouragement didn't I was leaving space for the holy spirit. So we were just, you know, wrapping things up into sub portal and horse rapping. Yes. She was wrapping a lot MC Robin in the house. Come on getting saved. I've done. So yeah, we would just kind of debriefing. Yeah about just different things when it comes to Discerning. We just learned that it is a gift from the Holy Spirit the greatest gift of the Holy Spirit to discern the sparrow. Yeah Discerning spirits and we also is bringing out about the fruits of the spirit. And this is how we could differentiate the difference from where went to it's coming form. Well descending of spirits which seemed to three areas go for the first one is this 3, you know, we only have two sides of a coin but when your Discerning in the spiritual have three, yeah, you have you? Yeah God and the devil so they just she portal printed at the end that that man gave me a gem before I got to say my lunch like that was a that was a punch line. Okay punch line. So you discern what you hmm, then you'll know the fruit. Hmm, you will discern what's the devil and you'll locate where it's coming from and you discern God, huh? And what his Blessing wow and wouldn't you say you need that this very day because everybody is gonna build Church because God told them to wow. Hey, you know, they build a relationship with God instead of the church. And you know, what pastor we were saying in the sub portal that lead sorry you want to cut you off? Well saying the subtotal and this is so true. Shanaya. No one in the Christendom world. Wants to talk about fruit fruit fruit. What's that? Right? Everyone wants to can I be real with you? Everybody wants to talk about route. Everybody wants to talk about what's happened to them where they've come from my bad, bro, all the experiences. Yeah, and then everybody wants to skip fruit and everybody wants to go to result. Yeah, but the a quiz no one wants to talk about fruit because fruit As process requires requires time account of an ability growth feeling of things that are God in you and fruit requires progress. Yeah, and that's and it requires you going on a journey. It is grow into it. It's called the second work of Grace when you God saved you got the first work. The second work of Grace is when you grow. Your fruit so you don't have to eat the manor all the time. You get to grow your own fruit in the promised land. Yeah, because when you get to the father and he says like, you know, Well Done thou good and faithful servant. He's only going to say that based on the fruit that's been grown in you because the fruit involves relationship. Not the Results that you've given him because many will come to me in that day and say Lord I did this in your name cast out demons in your name. I healed the sick in your name I built this church in your name. I went to that country. And your name I sang that song in your name. Once again, I say to them Shanaya I never say I don't know you he said depart from me. I never knew you never do you know the word in you? Yep relationship it? It means to have relationship when a woman and a husband and a wife silly Old Testament those burb that that's perverse data. There's my room. Yes, when they came together. It was called knowing one that yes, right. God used that turn. Yep, the Holy Spirit bought activation to that turn when he brought forward the words that Jesus spoke. From me I never knew you I was never intimate with you and you whenever intimate with me you were too busy building your kingdom in. My name's Jesus out and challenge Alison is because I really feel this will be an overcoming tool for so many people. Everyone is telling you get results. But the holy spirit is looking for fruit. Maybe you should start looking for fruit instead of results. And then maybe maybe your approach would change and maybe your perception will receive a new conception. How do I approach God practically? I approached him with the name that he's given me because that name unlocks his capacity. Within me and can I just finish with the last statement place? Because the not last statement involves fruit. If you don't grow fruit, you will be in the condition of conception forever never incubating and never birthing the fruit helps you to incubate. And then bring forth the fruit of that promise and drops mic exit stage left. Guys what tactful Jim overload? I don't know what subscribe because I don't have the capacity to my capacity was limited in this description bar. So is mine no sperm needed. No, you know what on that note you guys. It's been another episode of portals. And we are out see you soon. Tell me if you need to order. No sadness. No, but we're exiting by Vice everyone. Say bye to dr. Robert, please. Bye.
"No sperma needed for what the Holy Spirit has seeded"... Wow, that statement is set to turn a few heads! In true portals fashion, the portals team dive deep into this mind blowing discussion on the Holy Spirit and birthing His faith within you. In this episode of portals, host Shenaya Annise draws out revelatory keys from each of our senior leadership -- Dr Robyn Kassas, Ps. Tony Kassas, and Ps. Nathan Kassas - on how to approach God and let the Holy Spirit activate His faith within you. Pastor Tony Kassas kicks us off with understanding how to approach God in each role and not have a utilitarian star wars theology of the Godhead. Then, continuing on the conversation of incubation by the Spirit, Dr Robyn reveals the revelation that is set to energize faith with the mind-blowing reality God doesn't need our seed to grow faith. Remember, the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary in the divine conception. Man had nothing to do with it! Therefore, man can't help conceive something that God is birthing. For the vision to be born of incorruptible seed, it has to have no DNA of man, but be seeded of the Spirit. As you listen to this episode you will be challenged to reflect where in your life you are trying to add natural seed to a supernatural process. Dr Robyn Kassas and Pastor Nathan reveal the keys in approaching God through His capacity so that you can hold fully what He wants to gift and grow within you. It's His seed; His Capacity; His ability to carry it through to full birth, all we have to do is be available. That is rhema...Let that land!
Don't have enough time to sit down and read all the best Bitcoin articles. Well, let us read them for you. This is a crypto Konami quick read. What's up crew? Welcome back to the crypto Kana me with guys Swan the guy who is read more about Bitcoin than anybody else, you know, and guess what we're going to do today. We're going to read about Bitcoin and I'm actually going to be getting into a couple of longer pieces soon. And I think they're going to be really really good and they're a little bit one of them in particular is About the open source environment and I'm kind of excited about really digging into that particularly from a historical standpoint. But just so you know that's coming and we've got Aaron van Aaron van Werdum on the show that will probably be dropping next Monday. I think is we're going to put that episode out. I had a really great conversation with him. Literally a lot of fun and went into a bunch of crazy. Stuff, so I'm excited to drop that one. Don't forget to subscribe at the crypto economy, or of course in whatever podcast app you've got and leave me a review to if you've been enjoying the show and have if you're a new listener, you know, and I love feedback of all kinds so it would I would really appreciate it if you would do that. So today, however, we are going to be jumping into Plan B. The guy who has Really just exploded with his stock to flow ratio analysis of the Bitcoin price. He's gone from in like nine months. He went from like a hundred fifty followers to what does he act like twenty-five thousand followers now, it's at 100 actual number trillion USD, and that's the tag that he's under And this is just a really fascinating like model for analyzing the Bitcoin price and it's a little bit. There's a lot of numbers in this and a number of charts that I'm going to sort of explain but really you just kind of need to see him and I'm sure most of you listeners probably have but the article itself is just really really good and I think it will be fun to talk about this model afterward. So I'm going to To I'm going to dig into it anyway, and hopefully a still is still really good piece. Even if you even if it's a little bit hard, I'm sure an audio to follow the numbers and charts. So I'll do my best but it's also not incredibly long. So without further Ado, let's go ahead and jump into. Oh one more one more Ado. I do not forget tomorrow tomorrow. That is Wednesday the 30 or excuse me the first The tickets for bit block boom go up in price. So do not forget if you're going to do that if you're going to join me out at bit block boom in Dallas on August 17th and 18th. Do not forget to go ahead and get your tickets. And don't forget about my discount code CC that will get you 30% off that happens tomorrow. So make the decision now, you don't have to pay a higher price. All right guys. Um with that now let's jump into our article by plan be titled modeling Bitcoins value with scarcity. introduction Satoshi Nakamoto published the Bitcoin white paper on October 31st 2008 created the Bitcoin Genesis block on January 3rd, 2009 and released the Bitcoin code on January 8 2009. So begins a journey that leads to a 70 billion dollar Bitcoin market today. Bitcoin is the first scarce digital object. The world has ever seen it is scarce like silver and gold and can be sent over the Internet radio satellite Etc. quote as a thought experiment imagine there was a base metal as scarce as gold but with the following properties boring gray in color not a good conductor of electricity not particularly strong not useful for any practical or ornamental purpose, but one special magical property can be transported over a Communications Channel and quote, Satoshi, Nakamoto. Surely this digital scarcity has value, but how much in this article I quantify scarcity using stock to flow and use stock to flow to model Bitcoins value. scarcity and stock to flow Dictionaries usually Define scarcity as quote a situation in which something is not easy to find or get and a lack of something Nick Szabo has a more useful definition of scarcity, unforgeable costliness quote. What do antiques time and gold have in common. They are costly do either to their original cost or the improbability of their history and it is Difficult to spoof this costliness. There are some problems involved with implementing unforgeable costliness on a computer if such problems can be overcome. We can achieve that gold end quote zabba. Quote precious metals and Collectibles have a nun for jables scarcity due to the costliness of their creation. This one's provided money the value of which was largely independent of any trusted third party, but you can't pay online with metal. Thus it would be very nice if there were a protocol where by unfortunately costly bits could be created online with minimal dependence on trusted third parties and then Yearly stored transferred and assayed with similar minimal trust bitgold end quote by neck Zaba. Bitcoin has unfortunately costliness because it costs a lot of electricity to produce new Bitcoins producing Bitcoins cannot be easily faked note that this is different for Fiat money and also for alt coins that have no Supply cap have no proof of work have low hash rate or have a small group of people or companies that can easily influence Supply Etc. Say fitting almost talks about scarcity in terms of stock to flow ratio explains. Why gold and Bitcoin are different from consumable Commodities like copper zinc nickel brass because they have high stocked flow quote. Bruni consumable commodity doubling of output will dwarf any existing stockpiles bringing the price crashing down and hurting the holders for gold a price spike that causes a doubling of annual production will be insignificant increasing stock piles by three percent rather than 1.5 percent it is this consistently low rate of supply of gold. That is the fundamental reason. It is maintained its monetary role throughout human history. The high stock to flow ratio of gold makes it the commodity with the lowest price elasticity of supply. The existing stockpiles of Bitcoin in 2017 were around 25 times larger than the new coins produced in 2017. This is still less than half of the ratio for gold but around the year 2022 Bitcoins stock to flow ratio will overtake that of goal end quote honest. So scarcity can be Quantified by stock to flow. Stop to float equals stock / the flow. Stock is the size of the existing stock piles or reserves flow is the yearly production instead of stop the flow people. Also use Supply growth rate or flow / stock note that stock to flow equals 1 divided by the supply growth rate. Let's look at some stock to flow numbers Gold stock is 185 thousand tons. Flow is 3,000 tons. So the stocked flow is 62 with a supply growth of 1.6% and price per ounce of $1,300 market value eight point four trillion silver stock is 550 thousand tons flow is 25,000 tons or a stock. The flow of 22 Supply growth is 4.5% price. Per ounce is $16 with 308 billion dollar market value. Palladium stock is 244 tons flow is 215 tons or as stock to flow of 1.1. The supply growth is eighty eight point one percent price per ounce is $1400 market value eleven point nine billion. And platinum has a stock of 86 tons a flow of 229 tons or a stock to flow of 0.4 with a supply growth of two hundred and sixty six point seven percent at eight hundred dollars per ounce is a 2.4 billion dollar market value. Gold has the highest stock to flow at 62. It takes sixty two years of production to get current gold stock silver is second with stock to flow of 22 this High stock to flow makes them monetary Goods Palladium platinum and all other Commodities have stock to flows barely higher than one existing stock is usually equal or lower than yearly production making production a A very important factor. It is almost impossible for Commodities to get a higher stock to flow because as soon as somebody Hoards them price Rises production Rises and price falls again. It is very hard to escape this trap. Bitcoin currently has a stock of Seventeen point five million coins and new supply of point seven million per year or a stock to flow of 25. This place has Bitcoin in the monetary Goods category, like silver and gold Bitcoins market value at current prices is 70 billion dollars supply of Bitcoin is fixed new Bitcoins are created in every new block blogs are created every 10 minutes on average when a minor finds the hash that satisfies the proof of work required for a valid block. The first transaction in each block called the coinbase contains the block reward for the minor that found the block the block reward consists of the fees that people pay for transactions in that blog and the newly created coins called subsidy. The subsidy started at 50 Bitcoins and is halved every 210,000 blocks about every four years. That's why having's are very important for Bitcoins money supply and stock the flow having's also calls the supply growth rate in Bitcoin context usually called monetary inflation to be stepped and not smooth. And here he just shows the chart of the block height against the amount of Bitcoins in circulation as it tapers toward 21 million and just shows that we are on the we are two steps in we started at 50 move down to 25 are down to 12.5 and then it will continue at 6.25 3.125. Etcetera Etc until you reach the end of Bitcoins actual monetary inflation. No. Stock to flow and value. The hypothesis in this study is that scarcity as measured by stock to flow directly drives value a look at the table above confirms that market values tend to be higher when stock to flow is higher. The next step is to collect data and make a statistical model. data I calculated Bitcoins monthly stock to flow and value from December 2009 to February 2019 111 data points in total number of blocks per month can be directly queried from the Bitcoin blockchain with python or PC or Bitcoin D actual number of blocks differs quite a bit from the theoretical number because blocks are not produced exactly every 10 minutes for example in the first year 2009. There were significantly less blocks with the number of blocks per month and known block subsidy. You can calculate flow and stock I corrected for lost coins by arbitrarily disregarding the first million coins or seven months in the stock to flow calculation more accurate adjusting for lost coins will be a subject for future research bitcoin price data is available from different sources, but starts at July of 2010. I added the known Bitcoin prices $1 for 1309 Bitcoin in October of 2009 first quote of point three cent on bitcoin market and March 2010 and two pizzas worth forty one dollars for 10,000 Bitcoin in May of 2010 and interpolated data archaeology will be a subject for future research. We already have the data points for Gold stock the value of six you to market value of eight point five trillion and silver stock to flow of 22 market value of 308 billion, which I use as a benchmark. Model A. First scatterplot of stock to Flow versus market value shows that it is better to use logarithmic values or axes for market value because it spans eight orders of magnitude from $10,000 to 100 billion dollars using logarithmic values or axes for stock to flow as well reveals a nice linear relationship between the natural log of the stock to flow and natural log of the market value. Note that I use natural logarithm Ln with base e and not common logarithm log with base 10, which would yield similar results? And here we have the now rather famous chart of the market value versus the stock the flow and the stock to flow starts at Point 1 and heads over 100 as things move forward. And then we also have the market value starting at 1,000 and moving up to 100 trillion on the y-axis and both of these are logarithmic and then it also shows the color coding. Of the number of months until the having until the next having takes place and it shows a rather remarkable Trend and rubber banding effect of how closely the price is pulled back towards the stock to flow model, whenever it either overshoots the price or undershoot sit when a new happening occurs, so it's a very very interesting. Sing and if you have not like really looked at this chart, this is one of the most fascinating charts and then it also has silver and gold on the chart showing where their values are in relation to the stock to flow model as well. fitting a linear regression to the data confirms which can be seen with the naked eye a statistically significant relationship between stock to flow and market value 95% r squared significance of f 2 point 3 e to the negative 17 P value of slope 2 point 3 e to the negative 17 the likelihood that relationship between SF and market value is Caused by chance is close to zero, of course other factors also impact price regulation hacks and other news that is why r squared is not 100% and not all dots are on the straight black line. However, the dominant driving Factor seems to be scarcity and the stock to flow. What is very interesting is that gold and silver which are totally different markets are in line with the Bitcoin model values for stop to flow. This gives extra confidence in the model note that at the peak of the bull market in December 2017 Bitcoin stop. The flow was 22 and Bitcoin market value was 230 billion dollars. Very close to Silver. Because having's have such a big impact on stock to flow. I put months until the next having as a color overlay in the chart dark blue is the having month and red is just after the having next having is May 20-22 current stock the flow of 25 will double 250 very close to Gold stock to flow of 62 the predicted market value for Bitcoin after May 20 20 having. Is 1 trillion dollars which translates into a bitcoin price of $55,000 that is quite spectacular. I guess time will tell and we will probably know one or two years after the having in 2020 or 2021 a great out of sample test of this hypothesis and model. people ask me where all the money needed for one trillion dollar Bitcoin market value would come from my answer silver gold countries with negative interest rates Europe Japan the u.s. Soon countries would predatory governments Venezuela China Iran, turkey Etc, billionaires and millionaires hedging against quantitative easing and institutional investors discovering the best performing asset of the last 10 years. We can also model bitcoin price directly with stock to flow the formula of course has different parameters, but the result is the same 95% r squared and a predicted bitcoin price of $55,000 Woodstock to flow of 50 after the May 20 20 having I plotted Bitcoin model price based on stock to flow the black and actual bitcoin price over time with the number of blocks as the color overlay. Again, we have another great chart. Don't forget that I will have the link to the original article in the show notes as well as the Twitter post so that you can go see this and these charts really lend themselves to actually seeing the correlation between these two between the model and the actual price because it's really astounding so it's definitely something to go check out. Note the goodness of fit, especially the almost immediate price adjustment after the November 2012 having adjustment after June 2016 having was much slower possibly due to etherium competition and the Dao hack. Also you see less blocks per month in the blue in the first year 2009 and during downward difficulty adjustments the end of 2011 mid-2015 and end of 2018. E18 introduction of GPU miners in the 2010 to 2011 and Asic miners in 2013 resulted in more blocks per month, which you can see in red. power laws and fractals Also, very interesting is that there is indication of a power law relationship the linear regression function or the natural log of its market value equals three point three times the natural log of the stock to flow plus fourteen point six, it can be written as a power law function market value equals the EXP function to fourteen point six times the stock to flow 23.3. Power laws are scarce. You don't find them very often the possibility of a power law with 95% r squared over 8 orders of magnitude adds confidence that the main driver of Bitcoin value is correctly captured with stock to flow a power law is a relationship in which a relative change in one quantity gives rise to a proportional relative change in the other quantity independent of the initial. Size of those quantities every having Bitcoin stopped the flow doubles and market value increases 10x. This is a constant Factor power laws are interesting because they reveal an underlying regularity in the properties of seemingly random complex systems see appendix for some famous power law examples complex systems usually have properties where changes between phenomena at different scales are Of the scales. We are looking at this self similar property underlies power-law relationships. We see this in Bitcoin to 2011 2014 and 2018 crashes. Look very similar all have around 80% dibs, but own totally different scales respectively $10 $1000 $10,000. If you don't use log scales, you will not see it scale invariance and self-similarity. Charity has a link with fractals. In fact parameter 3.3 in power law function above is the fractal dimension for more information on fractals. See the famous length of coastlines study. conclusion Bitcoin is the first scarce digital object. The world has ever seen it is scarce, like silver and gold and can be sent over the Internet radio satellite Etc. Surely this digital scarcity has value, but how much in this article I quantify scarcity using stock to flow and use stock to flow to model Bitcoins value a statistically significant relationship between stock to flow and Market. You exists the likelihood that the relationship between stop the flow and market value is caused by chance is close to zero adding confidence in the model gold and silver which are totally different markets are in line with the Bitcoin model values for stock to flow and there is indication of a power law relationship. The model predicts a Bitcoin market value of one trillion dollars after the next having in May 20 2016 and slates into a bitcoin price of $55,000. All right, and that will conclude modeling Bitcoins value with scarcity by plan b or 100 trillion USD and I am going to take a break real quick grab myself another coffee and we will jump back in and talk about this amazing piece and a really fantastic pricing model for estimating and predicting Bitcoins value. So let's go ahead and hit our sponsor. And we'll come right back. For anyone who has a podcast anchor cannot be beaten particularly for trying to get off the ground their entire platform is free. This includes unlimited hosting both in audio that you upload and how much your listeners download. I have uploaded an incredible library of audio now and I've never paid anchor a dime. In fact, they connect me with other sponsors and have run an ad consistently on my show. So they've paid For exposure to my audience that's really hard to beat even if we ignore that I can record directly in the app or my browser. I don't need any other software. If I don't want it I can edit at sound effects clips and they automatically publish to all of the top podcasting platforms. I never had to do a thing. So if you were thinking of starting a show or already have a podcast, there's no better platform out there check out anchor by downloading the app or go to Anchor dot f fem today All right. So let's talk about 100 trillion USD s again, that is the best the Twitter tag, but he goes by Plan B. Let's talk about this incredible model for valuing the Bitcoin Market against its scarcity. And it's this is you really have to look at the charge to kind of see how powerful this correlation is particularly with the Once I love the fact that he color codes the months until the next happening because after these huge swings what you see is it actually it's slingshots back to that that power regression that that straight like like perfectly sloped line on the log chart of the market value versus its scarcity. And it's so funny because like it as you see like the markets recover, whatever it starts to calm down and volatility decreases as it gets closer to that line. And then you have a having and you see just how like it just shoots away its shoots so far away from the line because our new flow in the stock to flow model the asset becomes in Intensely more scarce and then that's when you see subsequent growths in the market value trying to catch up when almost every time at the peak it overshoots and then has to come back down in order to find that equilibrium. And if you actually look at where we are right now, we're actually far more in line not very far off from that that power. In that that straight line this is kind of it would actually have technically predicted that we were going to come back up off the three thousand range back between 12,000 and twenty thousand roughly. I'm it's really hard to see on these log charts just because how how compact the how close together the like, you know, the 900,000 in the 800,000 Mark are when you're like looking at the the the ones that you Closer to the next order of magnitude it gets the differences in the prices get harder and harder to tell so again, you can have to look at the chart to see this now. I want to go over a couple of the statistical relationship things that he talks about like the r-squared. The r-squared is is really he doesn't really like straight-up Define it but it's something investment is just a way of measuring the difference between your proposed. Model and how well the actual investment aligns with that model? So if the model predicts a price change to the upside to what ratio in a sense it's not obviously it's not a clear ratio. But to what degree does the actual price respond to that and move with the predictor move with the model? And the fact that this is a 95 percent correlation is pretty astounding like and when he says he says the P value of slope 2.3 e to the negative 17th, the p-value slope is another way to measure essentially correlation. It's just another way to essentially decide how accurate this model is and kind of how it goes is the the our the P value the better the predictor actually is a meaningful the better your model is a meaningful relate has a meaningful relationship with what the actual excuse me what the actual value does. So if you're expecting again, if you are expecting the if the predictor or the model says that this is overpriced or underpriced and then the actual variable and the value you're measuring responds to that and moves with it. Like back to equilibrium or back to the model, then you should have a lower P value and anything less than .05 is significant is considered a significant correlation. This is significantly less than .05 and he'd recently just posted on Oh man, where is it? I didn't close it. Did I? Man, I think I did. Let me see if I can find it real quick. But But what he did in the chart that he posted was he took out a lot of the data points, he would instead of using the 111 monthly data points, which would just show more of the volatility. He actually showed more of he took it. I think they were like October. Let's see before. Okay? Okay, here we are. Here we are. Um, so it's the 2012 stock to flow model and what he's doing here is I'll read the quote real quick or the Tweet real quick the stock to flow model made with the 2009 to 2012 data only for data points before any having so there's a green line that just stops in. 12 and they've got four price data points that he's using fun and it correctly predicts the 2013 to 2019 7 out-of-sample data points and the blue line which it will like show going forward with a 99.5% r squared. So this is unbelievable correlation in what he's doing here. Is showing he's extrapolating this model from 2012 stopping the data up to 2012 and then drawing a seven out of sample data points. So he's ignoring exactly like pulling from like the blockchain or whatever. He's getting what 2012 would estimate the future would bring if we were using this model and then those seven out-of-sample data points versus the October. Monthly closing prices, which he pulls from every single year and there's a 99.5 percent r squared on the out-of-sample data and on the in-sample data the the data that we actually are pulling from 2009 to 2012. There's a 99.7 r squared that is incredible incredible correlation. And honestly when we talked about this in the in the terms of scarcity when he shows like charts that if you're not following Plan B, by the way, if you're not like looking at these charts and like thinking about this, you are crazy crazy missing out because a you should definitely be following at 100 trillion USD, but the data that he's pulling together is just fascinating to think about and he's got it compared to like how it's like Valuation in accordance to like Platinum Palladium silver diamonds gold and their stop to flows and he's got he's got these charts and it shows shows the diamonds are like right on this predictive line of the stock to flow and it's over. It's like 1.2 trillion dollars I believe is so it's not not not quite 1.1. God is log charts messed me up. So but it's basically putting Bitcoin undervalued. Dude, at its current state and is its predictive of like come like the beginning of 2021 that the stock to flow value the price of Bitcoin that it should be swinging back toward whether it's shot past it at this point which considering the fact that you're looking at six months out from a happening. It's very likely that we're going to have slingshotted above the stock to flow model and then coming back down. Is that historically what happens is there's too much momentum as it's trying to catch up with the the new scarcity flow and in the actual market, so I'd be inclined to bet that it would be coming back down but it 2021. It's indicating a price of a hundred thousand dollars per coin and it's not until 2023 and going into 2024 that there's significant change to it again. But 24 and 25 pushes into the million dollar per Bitcoin territory. So between 2025 and 2028. That's what this stock to flow model is predicting. Now, obviously, this model has to break down at some point for two reasons one. We're not going to be pricing things in dollars when this thing is significant enough to be pulling trillions of dollars from other markets like trillions and now dollars from other markets. Is that it won't and it won't be an S curve of like, oh, it starts increasing and then it levels off and it becomes a dollar price know it will continue to increase in this gradual fashion until it's large enough that it's soaking money out of the dollar. So what you're seeing is a an exponential effect, you're seeing a double effect where not only is Bitcoin growing and value from the dollars coming into it is an investment, but you're seeing a greater impact on the value of the dollar being cut down. So you'll see see an amplification of it. So when you're reaching like a million dollars per Bitcoin or or higher, you're looking at doubling the stock to flow model when we're talking about comparing it and doubling is just kind of a pulling it out of my ass. This is just an example of the fact that if we double the value of Bitcoin necessarily the value has to come from something else and that's when it starts being stupid to price things. In dollars, like Bitcoin will be the the ultimate measuring stick to price against at that point. And also when you get something like Market saturation in a monetary good like this, we've never seen one. That is this scarce. I mean, it literally stops the flow stops. Like there won't be no new Bitcoin issued. No such thing. No such thing in the natural world Bitcoin is the first money that is ever done. Done that so it will genuinely act as an unmovable metric to value and price things against so as we figure out how to produce more efficiently and as the economy becomes more productive as our labor becomes more valuable and our time it takes less time to do things. We will see Things Fall exist. Centrally what we see. In the computer Market where progress is incredibly fast, and we see prices fall constantly of all Goods like, you know in three years. My phone has no no value or like a twentieth of its value because the new phones are just so much more powerful and the ability to create something that is the equivalent of my current phone is so cheap like and then we have smart phones now that you know, you can get for 10 20 dollars that you can actually put little apps on like the cheap the ability to make cheap processing and memory now is unbelievable. But what will essentially do is will experience that same level of deflation in a lot of markets. It won't be the same throughout because some markets won't be able to some markets won't reiterate or innovate it obviously is quickly something like Moore's Law does in the computer markets, but because of the scarcity of Bitcoin any Patience egain at any stage in the production it will still compound. So if we get a little bit better at using our energy, well, then even something like shirts shirts use energy that it takes energy to make shirts. Those prices will start to come down in relation to bitcoin and then slight increase in the efficiency of creating shirts or in you know, new designs and new models taking less human labor to do it a machine that actually just kind of stamps these things out constantly. Etc and anywhere down the line like just the ability to feed the employees that keep the machines running being able to do that more efficiently lowering the cost of moving the chicken from from the farm to the actual sandwich that you're serving to your employee if that decreases in price and increases in efficient efficiency while then so does again the entire process that creates shirts or TVs or whatever it is, whatever production process that we're working in. So all of these things will fall in relation to bitcoin as Things become more efficient. And I think this leads very strongly into the discussion on deflation versus inflation which produces a sustainable and healthy economy. And I think I don't know maybe it's just maybe it's just me and like I've been reading this kind of stuff for every seems obvious to me that that's deflation, but I want to address this in full and hit it. Really hard argument on why deflation is vastly preferable and and is a more Justice and actually a something that with inflation you cannot have certain degrees of freedom. It is only with deflation and sound money that you can actually have certain levels of economic Liberties and also social Liberties isn't in an indirect way and I'll kind of hit the that argument I think in another episode soon. I'm hoping to hit it tomorrow, but it means I've got to really focus and get the last of my faults worked out here and kind of fine tune it for tonight. But this this model is really intuitive. And I love the data that he's putting together. He's he's dropping stuff constantly the he's got another great one that he dropped very recently about how Bitcoin markets bull markets start at the difficulty bottom. Like when the when the difficulty actually bottoms out in the in the bear Market you have essentially it's measuring minor capitulation. When do they finally start giving up and it bottoms out and then we start increasing again. Well, basically right now we are in that increasing stage and it would be essentially predicting that in, you know, another 10,000 20,000 block somewhere around like a hundred days like right in the middle of there somewhere. I think it's like like 72 like a hundred 40-ish days that will be hitting the will be hitting the green periods on this block difficulty on versus the price adjustment like the the price growth rate and we'll be back into green territory and essentially historically if you look all of the green area is heavy heavy growth is nothing but upward momentum at that point until we make The adjustment to the new having and basically overshoot the next scarcity level the next scarcity value prediction of our model and then come back down to try to find what the actual equilibrium is. And in his article. He says it's $55,000. But again, that's kind of like I think it would be in our previous previous marker. Yeah. We would be at like 2017. Was somewhere right around 7000 dish it looks like like between 2017 and 18. So and that's what we saw. We saw from the $20,000 Peak. We pulled back down into the six and seven thousand dollar range and we sat there for quite some time and then kind of we had our minor capitulation. We had our final swing down to where Bitcoin was deeply undervalued in relation to the stock to flow model and then As as it sat there for long enough. Well now we got back into the $10,000 range for the stock to float model and it just it again acted like a magnet and it just pulled it right back up and we're getting closer and closer to a having and I think it's going to start it makes sense that it would front run now like this is less of an anomaly less of a confusion in the market for investing in this good like people know having's are coming coming CNBC. Talks about the having. In fact, Joe squawk just mentioned think it was today or something about this actual model is very recently. So this has spread like wildfire. It is crazy to have been watching this because I because I saw this one Plan B was I don't know. I feel like maybe a thousand two thousand followers. It was right around something that was near my follower count because I was like, this is fascinating and I jumped on this. He's so fast because it's just such a there's so many good there have been a lot of models, but none of them have been great. They've been decent but they've all had faults like the nvt and like measuring via like transaction count and stuff in an attempt to actually measure the network like the the square of the number of users and then we've got like the market value to what is it the realized market value God forget that I forget the names. And ex exact acronyms of all these things but there's a lot of very interesting models, but they only seem to work for like a short period of time and in that way. It's cool to see one that doesn't try to measure the network of it because that data is so hard to guess like it's it's coming from so many data points that are easily manipulated or hard to verify in some way. Like how many coinbase users are there? And then obviously transactions you've had a hard cap on the amount of data we can put in the blockchain and then we're moving things off into new layers, you know, it's like it's like measuring the size. Eyes of the internet with the number of IP addresses and obviously that doesn't work as soon as you start getting into home networks and you have 1020 devices in a home that are all on their own their own one IP address on the network. Well, then it becomes pointless to like that metric breaks down really quick early on in the internet that would have worked and that's kind of what the nvt like kind of seems to fail at is that it worked really great early on and then it it started to break down. But this one makes a lot more sense from Bitcoin as the concept of Bitcoin as an asset and actual scarce asset that you can use for a huge number of purposes. The fact that people say, I mean, I love Connor Brown's article about Bitcoin doesn't have any utility and he means it in the sense of Alternate which by the way, I've read that one on the show. If you have not listened to it another great one to go into and obviously he links to excuse me hiiii. Quotes from a number of different great as ABO pieces in this one. I think one of the quotes is from money blockchains and social scalability and then obviously from the quintessential shelling out again both I've read on the show. I will try to remember to link to those and throw those in the show notes so you can check those out but Oh, man, it just I don't remember the hell. I was getting into O'Connor Brown It's so insane that Bitcoin had no extra utility and he's meaning it in the sense that you can't you can't use Bitcoin for other than like, what's within the Bitcoin Network like it is it is a self-contained thing. I can't take a Bitcoin and you know use it for a non-monetary or non Value Store purpose and doesn't it doesn't make any sense. Digital thing it's a proof of the power of Bitcoin in the fact that it's an unalterable accounting system. It's a nun manipulatable and manipulable manipulatable. I guess that's right, accounting system and uncorruptible accounting system one that if we built as a foundation to tether things to, you know, not a shout-out to not not a shout out to some shit tokens, but if we can Whether things are linked things to so that they fall back. So they resort to bitcoin is essentially the the accounting court for all of our monetary goods and all of our store values and contractual Arrangements. There's an unbelievable utility and Power in one that executes 100% the same no matter where you are in the world no matter what jurisdiction you are or who you are no, no social. Your political hierarchy or occupational hierarchy values one transaction over another it's completely a flat playing field throughout the network and it's decentralized and therefore, you know, it's run by its run by the people like like I don't know. It seems a little bit cliche but it is you know, and it's just a fashion fascinating fascinating a show fashion aging So basically it's predicting 2021 got a hundred thousand and twenty twenty-five and onward at a million and pushing higher and this would suggest that this is going to move insanely quick and the ability for governments and other Goods to actually respond to this is going to fall away very quickly. This is going to get out of hand. Only fast and I would be very inclined to think that there might be a time where people are mining just out of a form of securing their asset. So like if somebody is Mining and only getting back like 80% of their good like of their input, but if you're holding, you know trillion dollars worth of value in that chain, it might make sense to to burn an extra 20% in order to in order to know you're creating a buffer between your ownership and like any exchange that you're dealing with. Not sure if I explain that very well. An example an example like people large the extremely wealthy people spend enormous amounts of money securing their wealth, right? They they spend on vaults they buy like entire pieces of property. They they set up overseas accounts. They do tons of work. They hire lawyers. They hire accountants. They they create structures of things in order to secure the wealth and it makes sense that when you have That much wealth to protect that you would want to make sure you have a stake in creating that energy barrier like the last episode we talked about immutability in the blockchain and what it meant for a Bitcoin to be immutable and you know, writing things and digital Stone etcetera that you would want to be able to know that you were contributing to that energy barrier. Even if it meant at a loss, I mean because technically you know when you hire an Armored car to move gold or something. You were quote unquote doing you're securing gold at a loss. It's a enormous cost to secure it. So it might make sense that people might front run this as an actual cost for for the added benefit of knowing the degree of security that they're their transaction has and it could be a situation like it because when we're talking about Assurance is all we're I'm getting into a way different topic here. But in fact know what we'll come back to that because I want to do one on the security Assurance is by Nick Carter. I think I want to hit that one soon because that one's really good. So far actually haven't finished it again. I've gone through and I've started having to skim so many of these articles because there's just my list is massive right now, but that definitely seems like so far what I've read of it looks really really great and I love talking about the assurances of a transaction and how much How much time has to pass before the value of your transaction is defended by the the same amount of energy like value and energy as the transaction itself. So that reversing it would essentially cost the amount that was spent. But again, we'll again we'll get there that's a whole different conversation, but I don't know. I just this gets me so excited because obviously holy shit. Bullish orange coin go up. Those are all great things, but it's just fascinating to have An intuitive model that not only predicts even when you take early data points this one that he just dropped not too long ago about the 2009 212 data that correctly predicted everything in the next six to seven years is just fascinating and I think I think this is the only model that makes serious sense and we have no idea where this goes. We have no idea what it Like to have a perfect monetary instrument, there is no such thing as something that we have used as money that can't that does not have a flow that does not have new coins new new supply of that good being issued into the market. So I think after 2025 to 2030, I think everything is off the table. I don't think we have any idea how this is going to play out and all we can know is that Bitcoin is going to be immensely immensely valuable and we will proof we will see where it goes and I think it's going to be a crazy awesome future even without even without writing the the wave of Bitcoin. I think everyone is going to benefit massively from the literal trillions of dollars saved from corruption and ditional trillion dollars say Moved in inflation and the concern the confiscation of value from The Producers into the hands of the money makers and the bankers and the manipulators and then after all of that to realign incentives with the long-term preference with like to realign culture with savings the savings mentality to end this horrific debt crisis that we are drowning in. The the number of the amount of good that this will produce even if you don't buy any Bitcoin, I believe will be just incredible and I think the value produced as as we find a stable Global monetary good I think and I don't mean that it's stable and price. I mean that stable in its metrics in its core monetary propositions or its Monetary characteristics I guess but as we find that I think the value that will be Unleashed will will dwarf what the internet has done for the world. And I think it's crazy crazy exciting to think that this could truly happen on the order of 10 years, you know, like like we've seen we've seen what 10 to 20 years can do and it only makes sense that next 10 years plays out like the last T and these are exponential Trends. So I think I think we're going to grossly underestimate the impact that this has in the in the long term because we're trying to create that linear. We're trying to put that linear growth, you know, like people think in people do not think in exponents, you know, we think in linear progression, so when we lay out kind of the current state of things Things going forward on a linear growth path. It looks like Oh weird 50 years out. But if you do it, exponentially when you when you actually see the compounding effects of these Technologies and the corrections that some a technology like this could work through like or could start to facilitate. I think we're going to see some I think it's just going to be crazier than we can possibly imagine. It has been a wild wild ride already and I do not think it is going to calm down for quite some time. So anyway, that's just my rant about to stock the flow model and I absolutely love that plan b or a hundred trillion USD, whoever whatever I call them put this together. It's amazing work and he is producing charts. The time they're looking at it from New Perspectives and showing just how to Value these things and what to compare it to and the unbelievable accuracy of this prediction model still blows my mind. So do not forget to follow if you are not following him. What the hell I don't you're missing out on the most some of the most amazing charts and data points in the Bitcoin space. So you got to do that. I will make sure to link to all of his stuff in the Show notes to the article so that you can see the data points and the charts that I was pulling from and trying to describe and also so that you can follow him on medium. And of course dropped some massive Applause on this work and I will link to his Twitter and tag him in Twitter as well. So Yeah, follow him if you're not you just missing out. All right guys, thank you so much for listening peruse and yeah, I will catch you tomorrow. Not sure exactly what I'm diving into tomorrow. Like I said, I'm hoping to get some thoughts together and finalize some notes on a couple of episodes maybe tonight if I get a chance to I am getting my goody bag stuff ready for bit block boom, and don't forget if you were joining me. August tomorrow is the price increase so you got to get it now use my coupon code or discount codes CC and you get 30% off. Don't miss it. You're going to get your tickets get them now and you'll also get a nice goodie from the crypto economy in your goody bag. So with that I think that's everything. Don't forget to subscribe to the show. I am at the crypto Kana me on Twitter follow me up there as well. I'm getting so close to 4,000 it's happening and thank you guys so much for listening to the show. Thank you guys for joining me here on this insane ride through the crypto Konami its development the the ideology that's that it's born from and all the crazy stuff around Bitcoin that is empowering this Thing and making the crypto Konami a reality. Don't forget to share this out with everybody, you know in the Bitcoin and crypto Konami space and until next time I'm guys Swan signing off. Take it easy guys.
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Everyone welcome back to the 90th minute. We are your hosts got myself. Liam was Lucas or co-host Greg is not here, but that is more than okay. Welcome to a midweek special episode where we talked about the Champions League group stages. We're going to review all those the match Jays are just finishing up here in Canada. So we're going to talk about the score lines talk with the fixtures and look ahead to the next round and see who may face who is a drawable. Well, we'll talk draw is on.Right. So that's on Monday draws a Monday. Yeah, if you are new to the 90th minute make sure you are subscribed on YouTube Follow slung on Tick-Tock Instagram Spotify Facebook and Instagram. We're on all social media hit us up links are in the description. We greatly appreciate all the support. We have been getting recently. Yeah. Thank you to everyone listening on YouTube podcast apps everywhere. Thank you very much present. So I think it's fair to say that the first match day. Well Mash a six. It's pretty exciting much better than today's. I know I'm being a bit dramatic. It was bit more meaningful. Yeah more there's more up for grabs for games affect the some teams God. I'm lucky in a sense and some to use bottled it. Yes, I wouldn't say we start with one of the bottlers Barcelona Inter Milan. I wouldn't say enter necessarily bottled it and a sense. The guests know they got kind of my home against a rotated Barcelona Squad I wrote in Barcelona. Antoine Griezmann upfront and and I rotated Barcelona Squad is still better than half the teams in the world I get that. However At home, you should still be getting a victory. Yeah, I agree or at least much more challenging for a victory. I thought Inter Milan, we're off the paste yesterday enter. I don't think they look flat. Yeah, certainly. They were pretty good chance that I thought the Taro Martinez look pretty good. Yeah, I think Lukaku several. Yeah answers though. I think it was unlucky that one goal. I think is the third goal like a cold outside for them. Yeah. I didn't like I thought so I go away and I'm like, well, they should have been a goal. But well, it's because Lukaku Like approaching the ball or something. I think that's VA. I think things I don't know if we're talking about the same one. Yeah. Yeah. It was a as you can see you could tell Barcelona they did had nothing to play for just for Pride. I guess Inter Milan they needed a win to guarantee. A draw would have worked and Foreman didn't win but obviously doorman one at the same time. Yeah, so it was obviously lot for grabs in front of the San Siro even Dortmund made a little nervy in this group doorman were shaky at best I'd say yeah, I was kind of simple will get into Dortmund after Nam. A hundred percent our eyes then, you know they're already out because they were playing well in the Champions League is unlucky to unit opposite ER right now. No really good form domestic and on paper their team look really good. You should go Dean DeVries Junior from the back. It looks really good. It's been money this summer and it is they've brought in Antonio Conte with hopes of doing well in Syria. And and in Champion, I think their Midfield until a little bit more worried about because their Midfield so I have a few injuries borella and send see a complete puzzle yet. There's Also missing pieces here. Obviously Lukaku Martinez had been probably one of the best Partnerships in yes football this season now is now there's no Champions League come January could guarantee going to keep a hold of Martinez. You think of course think so. Yeah until you see the end of the Seas. Why would you sell your best Striker when you only have two but it's not like I can really understand the title race I completely agree. But so there's a lot of people saying oh what a Barcelona come in and whack a whole bunch of cash. No only can't play in the Champions League. No, I understand. I don't understand. So why not? Why not stay with why would if I Martinez why would I leave in turn I agree. I wouldn't leave I'm gonna leave him leaving the summer. Yes hundred percent. Okay, since we got that settled. Okay. I was anyway, we had we got Martinez is confirmed we get into this argument in the first exciting attackers and World football right now. Yeah, I think he is definitely you could I'm not going to compare them to a quarrel because there's differences but he's definitely gonna be that he's definitely gonna be a world-class striker in the future. Yeah. Yes, the bills games champions league and then if you go to a studio record is eight. Golden 15. That's very good numbers for a young boy. I wanna see 22 22 22 Argentinian. Yeah, he's got good Pace to him. He shoots the ball. Well, he's got strength. He can hit he's all around this trigger exactly. His blooming up front is it's probably his biggest strength and it's and what people don't always look is what he does off the ball like the work. He does defensively and also for what the running into spaces that is required for. Um him, however, if we're talking about young talents we cannot skip over the man that is and Sue fatty the man scores the game winner for Barcelona 86 minutes. I just feel so bad for intros how this unfolded because the game is won one you've had three goals called offside and all of a sudden the 17 year old gets of Dawn and he scores with an 80 Seconds to knock you out of the Champions League was what were you doing in 2002? I was I was I don't know. I was in kindergarten you just live in your life. Yeah. Now this now is born and in 2002 now, he's scoring Champions League when our goals the youngest ever Champions League goal scorer. He looks like a phenomenal town. I mean, yeah when he's on the pitch, he looks he's already played five years at senior levels done all that. Not not his face really looks very young. I know I'm saying Basics the way he plays and his movement off the ball and the space is he creates and like I'm sorry to say, this is a weird. Maybe I know nothing. All right, potentially. Is it weird? To say that this 17 year old has so far had a bigger impact on Barcelona than Antoine Griezmann. I that's hard to argue. Nothing against Antoine. I mean just some things. I don't like him. He's a great player. I think the difference that were looking at is Antoine Griezmann came with a hefty price tag. So I was okay. He has a hefty price tag and a standard he had to live up to so we're kind of going okay. Is he living up to that standard? Yeah, that's a fact he comes and goes this kids. I understand your answer fast different roles for Barcelona and it kind of So you're saying yeah to say no, but I'm not going yes. I'm going to say no. I don't think I don't think I can somebody has been doing more than Griezmann. I think that somebody's been a better player as an impact Off the Bench. Yeah, and he's won Barcelona some points due to his play and now he's what the youngest player to ever score in the Champions League. That's insane increasing still does a lot of work, huh? He's definetly for guy that talented like Griezmann. He's one of the hardest-working players out. There is a very good player. I watched a little leg. I meant when he was first came to Atletico Madrid from real sociedad now, he wasn't getting the Playtime understand me only because he didn't want to work off the ball as much but Stephanie only drove it into him time time against you're going to work off the ball. You're going to track back on his mission. Yeah. So then once he starts to do that, he saw his career flourished under under Simeon a so, can he then translate that to Barcelona and how they play because I mean Barcelona does not play the same playstyle as Atlético Madrid not at all. So they He has to transition you have to change. Yes to you know, change them in person. So it's about time that something came out a lot my see, you know, like it was last time. I like something crazy came out of there. It's a good question. You got to look back to their almost golden generation, like players of a decade ago. They do have some young guys like that are at play in this match as well like Carlos Alania and doctors here as he wasn't mad at you then. There's Ricky puke or key. I don't know how you say his name. Yeah week, but those guys haven't had as much. Of an impact like Aunt Sue fought he has in his short time there. But yeah, it's still really early. Like we've seen players have fantastic starts to their careers at a young age and then they just don't never live up to it. Like especially from Barcelona like boy on yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I know like I was expected to be the next mess. Huh? Remember identify you yep. I mean, he's got a done well in his career and he's now Watford, but that's a sink. There's been a lot of players have gone to Barcelona know the next one the next The notion of end of the Frontier League. Yeah somehow and if you like a location battle, so it'll be interesting how an Society develops over the next year and next. I don't even think inter mom played poorly in this game. I thought they played well, yeah, I thought like especially the first after creating several chances. I think Lukaku should have scored more than one goal. Honestly. I think he did miss a few chances. Like he does have this reputation of being a guy that mrs. Chances against the big teams. Like he gets the job done against the smaller teams, but when it's against bigger competition for some reason his goal record if isn't as good which if we look at his record in the Champions League Lukaku, he's got a 57% shot accuracy not great. What does that even mean? The amount of shots? He's not shots. He takes only 57% of them end up on target. I mean, it depends what the context is. Some of those could be just tough angle shots that he has no support. So he's forced to take a Which goes wide? Yeah, so first gonna be has had a good season in 10 goals in Syria and then to in champions, of course, not terrible. He's definitely having a good season. I know. Yeah, he was getting some stickle yesterday from people on Twitter saying he had a bad game though. I watched the game later and I'm like, he didn't have a bag you could have scored some chances, but I think for Inter Milan, I think Midfield deserves kind of let down for them. They lost control in the middle. Now that is due to injuries like you said or Or just not a final final puzzle missing piece Inter Milan funds you're gonna look at this and I'm like just going to say UEFA Lonna because of all these offsides but I think the you guys want to move on. Well, we talked that as group F. Let's finish off group. F with Borussia Dortmund brochure doorman win 2-1 at home over slavia praha. Like I said, they made it very interesting. It was one one for majority of the game until Julian Brandt made it 2-1 in the 61st me. Minute 20 minutes. I mean that's a good solid Pizza time again. Slavia, praha. No no offense to them for husband. Probably the best team to finish fourth place in champions league history or not. They're in a group of death and they're you know, they're giving it a good shots. We give them lots of credit hundred percent. But if your Dortmund on a knockout day at home, you don't want to be one one know you want to be comfortable through no up kind of thing. Yeah. They Norman's been interesting Club. I on the last podcast we mentioned they did win five hill against Dusseldorf, but usually against clubs that are severe underdogs to them. For some reason. They just struggle. I don't want to say it's a mentality thing or if they coaches just maybe it's your coaches and just getting them ready for this. We they did get a man sent off in the 77th minute. Julian Weigel. Yeah. And again Bruce your Dortmund met all three substitutions in the last 10 minutes of the game. Yes. I know you said is to time waste I get that, but don't you think? Make a substitution after you got a red card sometime. I think I would Sai was make a substitution. You're on the 70th minute after a yellow after a red card. I mean the record was in the 77th. Yeah, you change it all period you get some new fresh blood in there but not just hate 83rd 83rd 82nd games kind of this pointless substitutions a micro. I guess twice time I get that was mine. I'm trying I'm trying to I'm trying to keep the victory not just hold on to it. You know that makes sense. Or a little but one thing we got shot out in Rome on Berkey. He had an incredible match. I think he made seven saves for Dortmund. Yes, and he was given a standing ovation after the match by their fans had a good season actually. Yeah, he's definitely past few seasons stuff. He's been one of the best Keepers in the Bundesliga, you know, I know he started his career with doormen pretty poor little rocky, but he's kept on proved year after year. And right now he's You could argue. He's the best goalkeeper in the Bundesliga. I don't know actually Darwin plays the back three this game with a kanji homos and Zager. Do what do you think about that? Um, it depends on the options really are I don't it's not terrible. I don't mind all three of them. It's not it's not the most experienced excitement hormones. Well, that's why they buy in hormones. Yeah to Anchor their Midfield anchor their defense and bring up these young Defender like we weren't able to watch this match because we were watching other matches. So I'll we don't know how this backline exactly worked or how well one but Basing it off like on paper kind of thing. Yeah, it did put Kimia right man who I think has been playing they're mostly during the Champions League the what Akeem he's playing right man as more of like a right wing back kind of thing. Yeah. I mean, I'm in that about to be simple with great just interesting how doorman play their team. Was it back 3, so that means yeah defends it goes into a back five that on the attack. I keep me in Guerrero push-up forward. Yeah what I know no from dorm and I know I think they switched to this formation against hertha. Berlin after they lost a match previous I don't remember what the match was but I think Favre's farva's job was under pressure so he had to switch something up. So I think he's going with his back three and so far it's been working. They've been wanting they've won against hertha Berlin, even though they had a red card in that match and had to switch things up. I don't wanna get back. Why don't I think I think it's it's got potential. It's a three of them can get more chemistry and get more game time. I think it has potential to be very solid and you have some faster guys are And mats Hummels. Yeah, I like Zach you do he's made it. He's made some mistakes overs couple of Seasons again that but I think he's a good Defender Wilson its interests. Kanji. Kanji is not too bad, but congrats to doorman for advancing through the Champions League group group F just to give a quick recap. It ends Barcelona on fourteen brush a doorman second place on 10 enter on seven and slavia onto so I think David or preserve more than two points on a line integral along with 10 goals and not against you It's not pretty that's not Italian defending. No, not really. Let's move on to another upset in term liner out. And so our iac's unfortunately the dream the young dream that was last season is out of here. I'll Fair the fairytale stories last. Yes now heading to Europa League which will be a good competition for them. That's what they made to Europa League final two seasons ago and spent just, you know, a very very young age. I'm very ixt Squad. Three was wearing his first season. Yeah. Okay Maria first season, but they made it to the final Europa League. Could they potentially make it to the final again? I mean, I think they can depends what they have to play better than they have in this group so far. I don't know about that Wellness Group except for this match. It didn't play. Well. I think this match that I thought they were terrible everything that could go wrong for IX. One wrong IX were not great this game. They really were not they seem like a team that was very mentally not as compared to. Yeah not They played right into Valencia's hands Valencia scored an early goal throughout Regal Moreno 24th minute. And after that game went after that goal volunteer were more than happy to sit in time waste and just grind out that Vic like whenever I ask off forward and into these attacking positions, they just slowed it down and that just let Valencia bring back all these players back. I Acts were missing some big-name. Yes. Narrows was probably the biggest one problems and promise on this. Yeah. Those were two huge. Especially in their attack. However, they still have people there the actual influential than to be I'm gonna be cooked at it. She brought on the big old man classy on huntelaar. I'm surprised he still plays welcome to see a guy named the Yahoo. Yes, how many k hugs are there needs to be at Newcastle Cindy honking remember having also played for like Sydney or what? Yeah, he's been around he's old, but I mean creditable answer that didn't feel too bad team at Albright Rodrigo Camaro. So they've got some Options on it. They have. Oh, okay tear a hole Francisco: yes, I thought your copy was incredible listening. You had a great game and honestly, they brought on mangala later on he was brilliant for five minutes. He won two or three crucial Daniel vast playing with like left back right back. Oh, yeah. I mean, he's a very versatile. That's good to hear. That's good to see us all different. So for on Torres, he was really good as well. But job reality economy was yeah. It was just nothing was getting past him. You could you could try to play against them for 500 minutes. Nothing will get past him their Captain. Who was our captain. Is it / a ho probably I think it's dying up Danny Trejo brilliant time-waster every time he got coughed on he'd roll around the ground for 10 minutes and the referee bought it every time every time he got free kick. I like reference topped over your thoughts about the referee. He lost the game. Hmm. He lost the game. Probably within the last half an hour of it. He lost it. Like there was yellow cards flying there was tackles flying there was yeah there was unsportsmanlike diving and that stuff like that. And yeah, he lost and found for Valencia to keep a clean sheet after taking a red car. Yeah. Well, the record was late in the match at Donati Smith's that's fair. Yeah, I'm Gabrielle, but Gabrielle just got just lost interest very chaotic Mattox Arsenal Gabrielle police. Don't even I had bought some and I asked managers. He's losing his mind on the touchline. Like this is Harper. Wanted to talk about Eric 10 Hall. I can I mention something before we get into that. So like like we mentioned Valenti of played very well, especially a great defensive shape, but zhi read a stat. He lost the ball 40 times. That's not good. So she was so Talisman for one of your better players. That's really not not good some have a good game, but he's a very talented player. But yeah, he has games like these and But you you can't be at the top of you know, top of the search team just saying and being inconsistent. He's got inconsistencies, right? Yeah, like there's another game I read another stuff in the air divisa. He lost the ball 47 times in one match. I don't know if that was last season or this season, but I know he is a player that runs at Defenders challenges try to dribble past but that's not good enough. But obviously I asked missed guys like proms in there is like we mentioned because they offer something different that they didn't have in this match and they're forced to go more direct with people or later on the saddest part about that as attendance is why not Frankie dayeong found out that acts been kicked out. So when his team celebrating but like bars like Frankie, don't forget it out and he's on the pitch kind of like just like I don't know sad I did not see that what you he left I know but he still is hockey. You did this. You did this Frankie thoughts emotions for iac's it's like, you know, yeah, we're guys you grow up in the Youth Academy you like everybody else. Didn't play in their Youth Academy that much everybody in Barcelona is celebrating. They're happy they're going through and then there's Frankie D on you're just standing there. So I actually learn it. I access out and it's like no but Eric 10 hog iac's manager. Does this spell the end of his run? I know I wouldn't say so. No. I know he mentioned that he was gonna stay till the end of the season. Okay. I do wonder if this changes things or anything like it is I would hope he stays till the end the season and Tries to go as far as they can in their Europa League with this team because I think they do have a legit shot of winning it if they have their players healthy are right. Now one of the best teams going down the Europa League. No doubt. Yeah. And yeah there they are a very good team still. I mean, yes, they have lost some huge players, but they still have a very solid core. Yeah, they did pretty well without them the champ like who they beat again Chelsea. Well that Chelsea was it 3-3 wasn't it? Yeah, they pipes they put up some good fights. I mean, they tied Chelsea and lost to them they beat Lancia wants a bit little twice. I mean that match where they lost they got those two red cards up probably costly and retrospective. It was in the finest voting's but it's still perform. Well, I don't think this was a perfect Group by I acts in their sense, but it was a very tough group because ya know Valencia and Chelsea are not bad teams. You are actually Kosta dioxin this what was it Ross Barkley missing his penalty in the first match against Valencia. You're not wrong, but let's see defeated Chelsea on The first match Nate and Ross Barkley the on Sky it. He missed the net I yeah, I think I think you had over the bar. Yeah, I you're not wrong there Ross Barkley. You're the reason why I asked restaurant, but not really I Acts were just not good enough. That's Matt. That's right us and sometimes even the best teams in the competition. Don't do well in the group stage. And he totally this happens all the time. Could we see this IX team? Being little bit torn apart yet again. Well what you mean by that well people like Z, etch people leaving, you know, like these key players agree. If you go tagliafico xia Gino, you given even look further back than to be que. No, no even well, I think guys like Van Der Beek and maybe tagliafico. I think next summer literal be a time where they could leave the edge. He could have left several like last season the summer before but And he joins the playstyle are I mean fair enough, but you know could could players leave could Champions League not happen could you know could we see five seasons of a step down step down step down all of a sudden I acts are nowhere near what they were five years prior. I very well could happen. And if change of manager that can potentially make it worse and make the transition a lot more uglier you. Hope IX can continue the way they were and you'll find young players find a next dieng the next de let you know keep that. Going which they always seem to do. They always seem to produce brilliant young Talent. Like they've had some they played several two players in this match from their Academy a Maserati and Noah like whether I was okay Noah lying wasn't very happy with them. Mmm. I mean, he's like holidays 2020. Okay, but thing is he had he had oh, he had an OK game. He sucked him off. He was pissed off coming off the field and off the field man get off didn't have a great game. Yeah. So unfortunate for iac's but our Valencia, sir. They deserved it. They congratulations to you guys. And yeah Chuckles what a one-nil one meal Victory therefore Lancia other match in group age was Chelsea vs. Leo and ends to one for the blues time of Abraham and says are as Bill aquata they score goals. But yes, it ends Group H with Valencia on top actually 11 points Chelsea. They are second place with 11 points. I asked third one point off. Ten points and wheel Leo did not have a good champ kind of surprised to see the tops a group but good for them. Oh, yeah, they've defeated Chelsea. Yeah. So, you know, I'll be interesting who to see what I guess. I'll see you paired up or else you will get a 4 seed team. Yeah that the easiest thing they can get I think is RB Leipzig. Yeah. Did you see the stats about Frank Lampard? He is the first English manager to make it through a Champions League group stage since Harry. Uncle Harry redknapp Harry redknapp Jesus shocking. I don't know the user. Who's there? I knew I knew he was the last one. Yeah, that's anyways, that's why he was start at West Ham because his uncle was coach but let's go on to group E reigning Champions Liverpool. They got a huge win on the road at Salzburg to nil. Very I was looks you see what's a dominant performance. Also good gay. I love I thought in the second half you guys look phenomenal. Um, yeah, I think second half I agree with that wasn't yeah, but first half I think it was very back and forth. Lots of chances for both sides will lead to give Salzburg a hell of a lot of credit. Oh no, this is a great team. I mean Liam two years ago. They were in the Europa League semi-finals third. Good good team. They have great players front to back. Yeah. They're quick. They're passings good like my dad was saying this like a mini Liverpool the way they play like just hell bent attack go nuts kind of thing. Maybe Liverpool a couple seats. Yeah, Liverpool's hat live on definitely chain heavy metal. Yeah, but I think one player on is a minimum me now or something. I think he was fantastic for a Mini Mall's Mary good for them this but yeah, they definitely have a very young team. So obviously it's kind of hard. It's just give me the question of this is Hollins last season really? This is a lot. This is how long is couple months almost people saying he could go in January it could happen because they're going to your old place. We're still in the competition. So why get rid of some weed goals in six games in the Champions League and then you go to the Austrian Lee. He's got 16 goals in 14 games. This is quite a really good to see you soon. 19 year old Norwegian. I think I'd love to see him in the Europa League with Salisbury. You see how that would go. I think it could go very well for them. But I also wouldn't be surprised if he takes a small step up to supposedly Manchester United are leading the race for him right now. That's bullcrap you do you want him was like I wouldn't doubt it because apparently he played under Oleg who knows her soul shower. Yes. He did. He lose that connection. This is Dad is played in England. Yeah, I'm sorry for whatever play for Manchester City and look his why don't you want Holland to go to United? I think it's more likely he's going to go to Leipzig. I understand that but why not United do you not want to see it? Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. I'm gonna see a controversial thing here. Is Leipzig a big enough step up for him? He doesn't need to go to a super Club at 19 years of age. He can play a few more seasons that I'd like to think I can Leipzig offer him the 200,000 that I took thousand a week that you know, you can does he does he necessarily is he I think Holland wants to go to United to get revenge on the rebel cause he didn't look happy when you got conceited when you see what he told the water ball. He just threw it in salads or the wonder goal. I will talk about More about that, but he goes to the bench. Give me a water bottle because it throws on the ground. That's all you really love or that passion. I want that, you know you because he will score happens to me. He seems like a perfect United Center fact exactly. I know this guy has said some weird stuff in the past me no Holland. Let's see what he says. Well, no, like he says like he his his match balls or his girlfriend. Yeah. He says he goes to bed every night with my lover actual of it. He wakes up with the champions again dumb and he is very Charismatic, but I don't think he's a sight psychopath where he joined Manchester United just to get revenge at Liverpool. I love it though to me just seems like van nistelrooy exactly. He seems that kind of goal school. I know you little a little bit crazy but magic a spider kind of need some more depth up front. I don't think you know, it's the right club for him piss off. I think I'd club like Leipzig where they create lots of chances for the big enough. How did Picking up first in the Champions League, it's good. But not United. Well the doorman United are not United of ten years ago. I got you that but you guys are still United you want to be playing at a club where your you can continue to develop lives. They want Leipzig are united on a revolution right now, if young stopping prisoner of the moment, so he's Chong's gonna win the Ballon d'Or when you're a key relax. There's a legend mean he's like either season. I'm a Liverpool fan. So obviously I wouldn't want him to go to United but looking at this I think not a buys. I don't think from Red Bull Red Bull. I think that's ultimately ends up at Bayern Munich. No, I that's how Germany work. Ideally. I would prefer if United signed a more experienced trucker, but Holland wouldn't be nice. Like you have R Ashford and marchiali. I know you want you do not put those three up front of your the say do you think rash guard or Marshall are a hundred percent Center hole words. I don't think either of them are Strikers, but then you have reached James not res chance to actually say Christian James Mason Greenwood Off the Bench. Really certainly a depth of all I'm saying is if the challah and starts at United you can bring down Jim's Off the Bench which is what in my mind he should be but he's been he's Republican Challenger Senator proven. He can he hasn't had a great second half of the first half of the year. I say what the first half of the year. He hasn't had a good second half of the first half. That's a stupid dumb the first half of the first half of the year. He was brilliant scoring goals are crazy as a sporty. How do you playing pretty? Well, you think it was not like him to come off the bench. The Super Sub not necessary. I like him starting. I think he fits well with Richard Moore Show fair enough, but I need F Off the Bench not may seem green Hood how I see it. If you bring in Holland Greenwood won't have a future at the club. Well, we don't know that right now. Okay, you see green wooden better as a striker or Winger Striker, but then right now let's let's just let because you are also playing Richard as a striker. Sometimes you're playing Marshall this I just want us to sign some forwards. I just want to I went deaf. I just don't think how I'm going to unite is the right step is if you Is a good option 70 million put on the table? What do you guys think and who should you know you go after for Deaf signing order, you know, should I go for Holland or someone else? Let us know it's United they'll piss around piss around piss around and I'll talk to anyone or they'll sign this time Shane long for fuck sake like Danny eggs. He's in good form. But let's focus on Liverpool. Yes, there's a team that colorful and you talk about the game that happened is where star from Liverpool is that they made brilliant. They made life sigma look like school boys. No, they didn't and it's like second half. I'm talking first off Leipzig create a lot of chances like this. So people had to fire. I heard you said Leipzig. Sorry Salzburg were giving people some trouble. So there's no doubt about that. But I thought I thought I'd be Kata once again second match in a row great perform really? Well for you guys. Yes, it's great to see it. Hopefully this continues more matches consistently and he becomes a player that we expected it was you wanting to play more games in the club World Cup coming up. Sorry. You want to play in the club World Cup? The club rule is coming up going to be you're under 18 stock know that's against Aston Villa who cares because our under our youth teams are playing against Austin Villa while we're in Qatar. Yeah, why because we're playing that game the day before were in Qatar I'm saying, why would you not play them by your good team against Sevilla because he Club doesn't give a crap about the care about cup. He tried to get eliminated against Marcel and arsenal were so bad. They don't you try to lose he still feet. Parts of the state of ourselves, but I'm so sad about arsal actually cured here at ease out for three months. Let's talk about Liverpool, you know guarantee destroyed his shoulder. I thought your front three looked phenomenal towards, you know the game and most Olive with I see the goal of the group stages are the he could have problems at the corner flag gonna have probably five goals this game. Honestly, we had he missed some of the easiest chance of ever see a miss this year or In his career almost but then he goes and scores absolute World music last 10 minutes like your front three just were having fun with Salzburg salzburg's defense. He has they couldn't really had a little so yeah your Midfield was Kata Henderson wine Aldo. Now you agree that Kayla needs to play more. Yes. You also agree that oxlade-chamberlain is a play more. Yes. So could you say that your your Midfield three in your mind would be fabini? Okay de Chamberlain potentially. What happens to Captain hendo? I I mean got off the bench man James Milner roll, please Captain hendo turn into Captain Van Dyke the mat. I agree a lot of people wrong over the past year. I just think he's I think there's more talent because I thing is it's not like you can put four in the Midfield. No because you Drop one of the front three but also Henderson, there's some matches were playing Henderson makes sense. I've seen Henderson this season as such a fantastic ball playing Midfield Lucas. His passing has been outstanding over the over the top balls have been broadly say that I want I mean, yeah, he did get an assist on Saturday with of the Chamberlain's goal, but I wouldn't say that's his I don't think that's been his best thing. And also there's been many matches this season where he's been subbed off early because he wasn't able to provide enough of an impact for the team to score. Our goal I think Liverpool are more than blessed to have five six fantastic midfielders right now. It's a great problem to have your Jurgen klopp, especially in this busy period of the Year. Oh, yeah. Like I said Henderson, there's certain matches were him being played is crucial and you probably would play him instead of an oxide Chamberlain or Ikeda, but in my opinion I think Kate is starting Kayla when he's when he gets rolling. He's going to be on droppable like fabinho in my opinion. He's scoring goals He's working hard off the ball defensively. He's done very well reading lots of chance. Yeah, he's had a very good very good runner games recently vs. Liverpool went to nil on the road at Salzburg in this group. There's also a four-nil victory for Napoli me out with the hat trick beautiful first half Hatcher goes. Well. No Napoli this tire fire. It's a tire fire off and on the group the group ends with little Pool on top 13 points Napoli second 12 points what Salzburg third seven and gank on one now if we win for now, they go into the next round champions league, but I still sack ancelotti. He's called on gelati have been sacked three hours after the game. Now, there's no there's no getting around it. There are 7th and said, yeah, that's why he gets sacked. There's issues going on in the dressing room off the field and like if you saw in our last podcast when we were talking about Syria we To a club where ancelotti. Well Napoli Mario really was trying to go on a counter-attack and all the players were just jogging or walking up the pitch a quick break counter-attack and none of the team wants to break forward. They're all just whatever kind of given up on this club also sense. Now, we've been slated on Tick-Tock because we are clueless because we said if the players don't want to play their get to know the team we have well, that's what we said people were kind of sent. That's what I see people people said that I wasn't there. But you guys said oh, they don't want to play get them out. I will say over a clueless. Why would you want players playing if they want to play for you? If they don't have the Harvester curiously you Mario rui who's trying to create a counter-attack and present? No one's really like yes moving like they're just jogging like you have heart have passion if that happened here Club. What would you think like you want players? Who exactly you push it? If you want to win you need that drive. I'm not seeing that drive at Napoli. Just something going on upstairs. Like I'm probably the president is having so much. Strong team said that like to two weeks ago that the present was a whack job. I don't I think it's a mixture of he basically said the players if you talk to the media, you're out of the team. No, that's basically what we're all running around find you get fire out of the team. You're you're you're in trouble. It's like communism right there. Yes. Yes. Oh because they were on together on a retreat and on it at read. They technically weren't allowed to speak to the media. Why is it going Retreat? Because they're playing bad does the fourth grade? No, it's like there's an Italian tradition. Captain some pizza have a good time. There's a it's like a lot of Italian teams when they started going on poor form. They go on a retreat to just you know, character build get together and really try to find some Unity. So they start performing well on the pitch number. I hate to break it to you. That's just Italians in general. Somebody's not going well have some lunch. Okay, let's figure out some lunch have some coffee. Okay. Now we're better Hesh is Italian ago moved out like ya so it you could say it's the law. Cheese his fault owner and to be fair. It's kind of hard to smash King for Neil So the toughest again gank have been poor. This season in gangs keeper was some tea have either of you seen for Napoli appointed today as manager do so. Yes. I love it. Do you yeah, sometimes we'll shoot sometimes, you know, sometimes great select English is terrible appointment can be interesting. I don't know how to feel man who has not the greatest. Coaching record. Look, he doesn't he'll throw on a bit of a temper. I just don't think okay. Here's here's why I think he'll do. Well I think the tools that will do well in terms of lighting that fire again. Hey, wake up. Let's go play some fucking football, but I don't think he's gonna do well with is consistency a long run getting the team back into good form over the rest of the season. Look this is a don't think this is a low-risk contract. He's there 18 months, but that that it's initially six. Ends with an option to extend if he does. Well, yeah, I have no comment on this. I think you have no comment at all. I don't think the same I mean look at my opinion. Look at the names are out there available. You tell me good tools better than coverage you go coverage. Click on to Napoli. Look, I think Nikki Coco much know any Italian care Jack. There's the logistics that go into this I agree, but I'm just saying there's better coaches out there. They were talking with the Latino man in soggy. He's not going to leave La I I agree, but there are all he could go to nap please like why he's up to third right now how I like I said, I have no comments on how I see it right now Napoli need a short-term fix for this season. Yep gattuso is a type of manager that could be could have the impact that could light a fire up that these players asses and they could be motivated for the rest of the season and potentially get a chance League spot. Despite how unlikely that is right now I do. Hope Napoli do well. I hope cattuzzo does well because I don't Find them as a team. I like their players. I don't mind cattuzzo. He had a okay run at AC Milan. I liked it was a player. I just don't think this is the right man for this job this at this crucial moment right now for AC Milan missed the Champions League by one or two points last season with gattuso bottling it. He he left look at Milan now crap doing worse than Napoli. I hope I hope go to Zoe's able to do something. I just don't know if he will be look but I'll how I say it is. He's gonna be there for least this season then they're probably not going to make the chams. Like they're going to depart no mutually and then they'll find a new manager start a new project have some transition to some players leave some players join. Do you think he gets his team torn up in January because coulibaly is probably out. No I said coulibaly will stay for the rest of the season. At least. I think I got to be honest. I see coulibaly. So you know what? Give me my hundred million. The million pound transfer let's get out of here. Well, I say that you don't know coulibaly. I don't know coulibaly. You're correct. But there's a team called Chelsea who just got out of a transfer ban who needs a Centre back and say hello cool about well of call come to Stamford Bridge. She read the comments that Tick Tock video about care about Tick-Tock comments. They're all pissed. I got to be honest. They're not we support you tick talkers, but apparently we don't know what we're talking about about Chelsea because really we because Antonio ruediger is world class header back. Anyways, I would Come with Champions League here. We come on Apple little bit of this a bit of that. Okay now please in the Champions. I understand that. It's trying to warn comment you here to give a comment to the round of 16 salzburger heading to Europe League. They'll be tough competition team. They're definitely within a shout-out to hey, we could potentially win this and yes, I meant let's go on though to group G quickly. Very crook is this was a G-Man Leon Leipzig. I enjoyed this the Europa League group. Kind of so RB Leipzig has been playing very good for in the Bundesliga. Yes. So started off very well in this game with a 2-nil lead after half an hour Emil forsberg and T-Mobile Verner was wearing goals husam. Irori a wore a wire Aurora. I don't particularly know he scored a goal in the 50th minute and Memphis depay rescues a point for Leon 22nd minute, which is enough to put them through Big scenes in Lyon Senate in tears. So right now, it's Leipzig who topped the group Leon second Benfica. Third Zenit forth. Yes one don't think anyone really expecting the one point separated at Lyon on 8 and then feakins inaudible tight on 7 Benfica with a victory over Senate then figure with the three no victory at home a baby Europa League Contender who know we on. Oh, no. No, I don't think many people will know they're not terrible. I don't think they're a full team. I mean they have adult or at playing for them that you watched him play Live what was shocking but talented but not Every effort not much. Yeah brilliant player. I watch them play for PSG in the Champions competent play for PSG. Who was it? That was all hatem Ben arfa. Sorry. Another player was an excellent talent and terrible work ethic. He was an odd player. But yes, so let's move on to today's matches. Not a lot of matches today were really it was no real drama than matches have concluded the point of this podcast you can we talk about who got a Germany first. Yeah. Sure Bayern Munich 3-1 victory over. Tottenham Hotspur, it wasn't a 7 to Victory crushing still three-one three-one decent win for the German Champions Kinsley Coleman scores a goal in the 45 minutes to give get injured. Unfortunately, very bad in knee injury with plus it doesn't was so unfortunate because he kind of tripped over the grass. He turned he got his foot stuck in the ground and he kicked the back of his own leg and went flying head over Nails just landed poorly on his knee and you could tell from his reaction as soon as I went down. He's like, yeah, I'm done kind of thing. His knee was not good. Let's hope for the best for the peacefully he's had a lot of knee injuries over the year. So he's not a lot of ankle injuries to yeah, Ryan says senior long does scores first ever taught him Hotspur very well taken by the way. It's Greg is very happy. Yes, our college Greg huge Fallen fan, of course assessment on came from Fulham. He's a big fan of him. It was one of those goals where you know, it was a tight angle near Post Yeah body language is good when he's taking his underneath and your dad a great strike for Thomas Mueller was one that came on though for kids. They call me and he makes it 2-1 in the 45th. And right before was it was classic Thomas More is classic. Basically just rebounding ago on the post programmable the Box perfect folders just there. I think I think Thomas Muller is the king of positioning just seems to be in the right place at the right time. They I score gases space investigator. Yeah, honestly space investigator. And then yeah. Have a no rotation side, but you look at La Salle getting a start session getting a start. Luke is more with starting Striker for that which I was interesting to see. Is there anything you can take away from these two teams or is this just a match? I didn't matter much and they rotate their side. I think Tottenham I think Jose Mourinho is trying to find his perfect 11 at Tottenham. He's trying to find who deserves to be there. I mean Eric Dyers be in and out of the starting eleven Maura upfront interesting selection. I mean, I don't hate It I mean there's sometimes we don't have to I would have liked to have seen Troy parrot get the start up front. Yes Striker. Hey is yeah, I didn't I don't mind them. I don't mind Troy parent. But I mean he is 17 years old, but he's not from Dublin. Yeah, he's a he's a good ol Irish lad, but you know Spurs are trying to find their liven Bayern Munich. They're just doing their thing. I mean bought a me alone. Does Lewandowski was rested upon the daily starting left back with had a fantastic first half. I don't get to see the second half but first half he was brilliant. I thought Serge gnabry hit the post. I think two or three times guys. Take care of been one of the lames again. It could have been a barn dominance of Whispers like we've seen before, you know, you know Bayern Munich being the alpha. Did you really use on the bargain bench? It's a pretty safe. Sing the New Zealand Internationals Jesus. He's a he's a great talent Hunt is to hit about Farm unit can finish six in a row 24 goals four and five against that's not bad. And then on the other end Red Star Belgrade three goals for 20 against I had a little bit of Hope for them clearly clearly. They did not well the other game in the group and Olympiacos one-nil override start The Echoes head to Europa League who attends Bayern Munich on top spot 18 points to Come on, ten Olympiacos for Red Star 3. So the group wasn't as competitive though who clear favorite I expected a little bit more out of Olympiacos. I think they could have got a result out of Spurs. I mean, I would be Aquos is biggest problem. Is it kind of trial when you have a Rubens earlier dragons Spurs? You start Rubens tomato at centre-back you're not going to do any you're not a big fan of him. I really don't like him. Okay. What's next group a YouTube a okay because I would have gone to Lucas favorite team. But okay. Okay, let's just go through this one because not much really was up for grabs in this war somewhere very funny. But this group but also kind of sad what happened Gallop faster. I may finish bother group with two points. They've only scored one goal the whole Champions League campaign 14 against it's just I'm sorry. It's just sad, I mean, well PSG table group with 17 goals for 2 against I mean, if you look at God has raised Squad, they're definitely not the team they were went. Bo was playing for them and she died her. I mean Falcao comes off the bench the man is how old like mean they have a lot of premier league and Syria rejects on this team pretty much because that that's that John Michael. Sorry. The guy was at full not Michel solar cell. Sorry. Yeah. Yeah. I mean I don't let me know. I mean final victory for PSG Steve arms Aunty at centre-back. You love to see it. I mean we obviously didn't watch this match because Real Madrid they they finished second in the group. Hmm 3-1 victory over lava bruising out a so I just got shredded I think brooch head. Okay games. They had a good result are three drawers at Real Madrid three trust. So yeah that group ends seeing ya PSG first spot 16 points Real Madrid second 11 points bruise on three Gallop house around 2:00. If you are a top Place seed team to really want to go up against Real Madrid right now. A lot of things that I could go mean if I think I would take Madrid all this is you can end up going dormant Spurs or even you know, Atletico Madrid, but I mean it depends like is a lot can change until February. That's the thing. There is a decent Gap now until the next round of the Champions League new players in January or even just teams changing form some might start playing better in the second half of the Season some might start playing worse. So we'll see. Let's go to Luke's has favored Group which one Group C. Which ones that it's was out of line tonight. Oh and tell me your favorite team Atalanta gets a big 3-nil victory on the road of shakhtar Donetsk. Yep. It means they go through the Champions League debut taunts. They make it through the next round. They need a victory and hope that's not going Europe really happened be not very good. I gotta be honest. It's better than expect. They lost their first three matches was they're going through and i- for gold if I don't know a thing about telling football, there you go save but Manchester City they do talk. 4-1 Victory on the road at dinamo Zagreb. There was a point where Zagreb or warning there's 10 minutes and Daniel Mo the man the myth The Legend and that would have meant that in Zagreb would have won three but unfortunately capital J suits exists. He scored a hat-trick within like 20 minutes. Yeah. Fortunately Zagreb aren't as good as Manchester City and Atlanta. They got a goal for him castagna. They thought it was initially offside VAR ruled it on side. She gave them the one they'll leave. It's good to see zinchenko back from an City. He came on as a substitute in this game. He could help them and their defensive issues. That's sad. I don't think he's going to help that much in defense. I think he just could add a bit more stability is a hey this is a constant data. They have them waiting bacteria. Just don't throw it out. Don't start Angelino. Yeah, pretty much but Yeller hard word Bellis made his debut for the club seventeen-year-old. We're talking about octal on talking about Manchester City. We're on a different pages here Atlanta 1/3. Nobody will talk about all there's a red card that I was controversial don't know. Yeah. Okay. Well, I guess he had his hand on someone's face and then they gave him initially yelled and they talked to the assistant referee gave a red even though it looked kind of soft but a pregame is turning soft because it is very much. So, I mean I thought red was kind of harsh, but maybe there's another angle that I didn't see that makes it worse. So we went through this wasn't a great group. I gotta be honest man city go on through 14 points Atalanta 7 polenta. Atalanta was very good offensively, but when it comes to the defense Societal game it's very to not good. Honestly, they'll dinamo Zagreb score more goals in them. Oh in this area. They are more. Yeah. I just seems we've always stay always have high scoring headlines your games. If anything I look at the time was a crime. So if you guys could defend better. They had they had the best goal differential of any team excitement City in this group a negative 3, by the way, I mean, that's not that impressive. I thought it was negative for like instead of just getting smashed by searing by less schools. Yes. Matter of fact, I don't have to go through. So they're pretty happy that it's her first time ever in their history are sold under them. Yeah congrats least. That's an Italian keep going through it. Let's talk about another Italian team going through Juventus. You've a I mean this victory over Bayern Leverkusen paid, they You do what they do, and that's win games to nil on the road about Leverkusen Cristiano Ronaldo and Gonzalo Higuain. Now, let's match really didn't matter that much Tour event is Leverkusen. They needed to get a good result and hope that a felco Madrid won't get a good result. But I felt from Madrid came to hosted in lokomotiv Moscow. My thing is you need how you need to I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just saying you need a result here. You don't start Leon Bailey. Why not? I don't know. He's a good player. He's scored two in his barn, huh? He scored two goals against Barney's fault very effective player. Why do they not start him? Oh, I thought he said they did I would have started Leon Bailey. It started diaby instead. The Epi is pretty good. So I could not make our Mark. I cannot make him comma this as I'm not the manager of the team. Okay, I do not know the inner dealings with fire Leverkusen therefore I could not comment fair enough. I mean the maybe there was maybe he there's some Fitness issues or some tension. This guy's a prick. Yes you I just Talk about a proposal Madrid because I actually watch this match. I love to come and read let's do it. Yes. I thought they played very well who you would like to comment as the most boring so I can help. I'm listening to Luca. Sorry. I can't hear you. Excuse me. I'm listening. I thought they complete dominate this match. They had the ball in lokomotiv. Moscow is half pretty much for the entire first half. They want a penalty early on trip. He took a shot target missed got stopped by the goalkeeper, but they want another path. Only which I thought was kind of controversial because hit the guy's shoulder in the Premier League. They don't really give that by guess they give it in the Champions League. So he had two penalties in this game. Yes, and shall Felix scored the second one. I thought they were the players. Look they're creating a lot of chances. Well in the first 20 minutes, it could have been better, but they were I don't know I thought they were like, well, this is fantastic is so hard to play well against lokomotiv Moscow welcome. I'm not saying they're bad side, but you look at this lineup. It's victory. Against lokomotiv. Moscow is not good enough. What do you want to five? No performance. Yes. Did you vent is even beat them? Five mil? No, no hear what you had to say both boring sides committed for trial by jury just can't finish their chances. Neither Atlético or you available when this Champions like well, that's your opinion. I thought of putting the fact well, it's not my fault that I'll put 20 bucks on. My fault. Morocco is born was born offside. My job is I swear I swear if there's probably He probably has a record for most goals this loud because of on honestly think you're probably right. All right bad me I'll be at least one thing is at least he's finishing these chances finally like yeah, but unfortunately, he's off-site because he did score one boat was real puzzle or loud. Well, I think I'm very intrigued by trade but a falcon the jury, I think they've been playing better over the past few weeks. They just haven't been finishing their chances as well as their one more tap technically get size and That's for sure. Tactically Juventus and a lot of Madrid are amazing. What does that even mean? Tactical? They're smart. What? Yeah, what do you mean by tactically? What would what do you mean by they can pass the ball nicely. Congratulations. I've no could have a good good shape or I have no defensively. They're all just drop back behind the ball. Okay, you can score against us, huh? I don't I'm not I don't like either team and we're glad you're that's 68% possession as cute as it gets a little bit of Moscow Lucas Okay, what was your game against against Juventus? What is it was their position then if I had a hundred twenty five percent possession, but they or do anything because you were had six Math works man. Thank you. I didn't know that. I just don't like either tear I gotta beat this is that all the or like you're slow build-up teams? You don't have a snack and I don't football they clearly yes. Yes, but yes, but only one team is very good at that. That's all. As much heavy metal. No, but living for now the best team in Europe is because they've learned that's not always the way it's just hot tweet yesterday. I wanted to bring up is Liverpool the best team in the world in any sport right now because I haven't been gone such a long winning streak like that. You're talking NFL. We're talking NHL. We're talking MBA or knocking this was talking that. Well, there's many other sports. I I agree. I was more sports in America Liam is naming a few of them. Look good. I'm hoping this time. Disgrace the Test match is going on right now. Actually, what about darts? I love darts fill the power Taylor. Yeah, but you didn't know that one Lucas. Yeah, I actually watched Arts right where I'm going to mention Esports. That's a whole other question another topic, but I just couldn't bring it up. Are they the best team in sports right now? Such a win streak their winning everything. I mean, they've lost matches like they've lost in the Champions League group stages. They're good-looking. Yes, sir. They're pretty good despite. Sometimes I'm playing the best so you can find a way to win and you gotta give credit to that before we move too far along. I should probably give the results for Group D. We don't ever mention that you've and 116 a lot of content. Are they accusing six Moscow on three? So the groups? Yep, that has me and that's the Champions League. I am very excited for the round of 16 at you know, whenever I watch the Champions League It makes me miss it a lot. Let's unite support. I miss Champions League enslaved people United quickly you guys play tomorrow at 1 p.m. Mountain time against AZ good. You're through already low cry. No. Yes a simple one. Probably you guys like to make some comments about that. What about them how we're front a stick? How far do you see them going in Europe? Well, It's it I don't know. They're funny side that we are very odd time. We can play well fantastic leader complete crap. I think will lose tomorrow. Honestly, you have done very well in Europe for the first time in ages. Yeah. I think that you're the Europa League is a competition suited for your style percent. I think it was a common our last episode saying how you guys have not done. Well in the Continental stage. Well, how's it what's the furthest you've gotten that you said that you said that it sounds like I haven't done good. Yeah in Continental Europe. Shins and the comments said their top of their group right now, they're through and right now they're doing very much tougher group The United I completely agree that the Celtics group is one of the toughest in the Europa League Lots or third and Syria, you know red beet PSG this season. Yes, they did their first match yet season to be PSG and it was a while ago but includes knocked out of the Champions League. So yes, it's a tough group. We've been extremely I never saw this coming out of a honest Scottish teams in general have been doing this. I've been doing very good the main alfredo. Um Arliss is top scorer in the Europa League. I love affair. Umbrellas. What an absolute fucking ball bag Jesus. What's that supposed to mean testicles? So dick is 1 so you don't like him. Why the fuck would I like the mecca? Here's here's the way you started that sentence. Steven Gerrard said he's worth at least 50 million. Juventus will come calling for alfredo Morelos the game against Celtic just last week. He had a penalty he had multiple chances through on goal. He had a breakaway. Do you think he scored? No, no, he's never scored against Celtic because he cannot hit the net and big games. He's a prick and it's great to see full cheese every game he gets yellow card. And because he fights Scott Brown he took out our Center back to Fender two minutes after the Vols cleared out. He just studs up back of the leg. It's great to see and if Scholars football had VAR there probably will three or four red cards that came but despite Grinders to go through in their group their one point ahead of portal and young boys and they play a gun stick playing as young boys and they're at home. Do you see it happening? Um, honestly for the goodest car football sure I'll say no because it's good to see teams go through we get more money that way there's more money in the league improves the coefficient improves coefficient, you know, it's good to see if Scottish Football is doing well. Hope they get knocked out because I like to see young boys portal go through. But that's just with that being said your United will win Europa League. Oh my okay, but you guys going into because you're both going through the round of 32. Yes, which team are you most scared of to potentially face it whether it's in the next round or later down in the competition. I'm looking at teams of drop down from Champions League. I don't want to Salzburg. I think they'd tear us apart. inter They're not bad. But those three teams I would say IX enter and Napoli that please honestly didn't drop down. All right. Um, would you be scared of Salzburg? I'm more afraid of Salzburg than I am of IX. I think for you know, and they Salzburg wood plane to unite hands because as because you know, you could counter attack very potentially. That's what I think. I think Salzburg could score against him. Yeah. I don't know about that. And if Holland Zeeland scores against United, I don't know about that right now. Okay. So here's a question. We can't face each other in the next round cause we're both topping are gonna show you technically aren't popping your group. You could get second spot if you lose to a z I won't happen. So let's say you go through top spot and we go through top spot and we meet down the road to do you think we could beat you? No. No, I like this guy's like to see that one. I guess her after some after you guys last to perform some very good job very well the last few a few weeks on him say you've turned your season around it seems you guys. Not be afraid of Team like wolves. Mmm. I'm afraid of look shitty this I'd be more fair Bruce. Imagine glad back. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's a good sign. What about Roma? Chrismole in the Apparently easy small Deanie. Well the best defenders in your Playhouse talk about Juventus want to give it as a car you nuts like one one. Good. See that does not make up why I trust me, please. Well the time football would you put DP potentially scared of Arsenal? No Sevilla. Yes, so he has a good side Arsenal. Like I said Karen tease out for three months. You hate to see you tomorrow Leverkusen. They are accusing is a good size as well. Are they in it? Yeah, they're good. They got their third in their group. Oh, right. I'm sorry brain fart. Yes. I'm just looking at the Europa League teams. Like they were Arsenal Arsenal are not a bad side of that front three is deadly they can score. Thanks is Peppa has been where's this year defensively though? I think they are still shocking. I think we could make a goal. And stood on the counter-attack. Well, the Europa League is looking like it's going to be a fantastic competition and they're not honest. It's currently looking more competitive than the last time we were in it. So this can be concerned this entire competition ask but start with your contract with your question to me, how far do I think Celtic can go? It depends on the draw really it really does honestly. I mean if we get an okay draw this next round and we are able to advance their how you never know what this team get on good momentum if they can do well at home. No big injuries get like a good signing in January. You never know or we could get pumped out this next round. It's quite possible. I think that breaks down everything about the European football this week. So thank you for watching this podcast is Quicker episode. Well, it's still pretty long but regardless little higher. Yeah. Yeah, like he's like Lucid. We hope you enjoyed this podcast. Hope you enjoyed the episode whether you are watching or listening. Make sure you are subscribed on YouTube hit the Bell notification. So you are aware whenever we post if you're on tick tock tick tock Spotify Instagram Facebook follow along get involved in the conversation as well. Give us your thoughts on the champ cgroups the draws the the teams in the Europa League comment down below. Give us your thoughts. We want to hear from you guys. But yes for Self Liam from was Lucas and Greg. Thank you for tuning in. Thank you for watching and listening and this evening yet another week in the beautiful game. See you next time. Happy holidays.
On this episode of The 90th Minute, Liam, Lucas and Woz discuss the final result of the 2019 Champions League group stages! Ajax, Salzburg and Inter Milan are all out, while Liverpool, Dortmund, Napoli, Atletico Madrid, Atalanta, Lyon, Valencia and Chelsea all secure their spots in the UEFA Champions League round of 16. We also touch up on some Europa League, previewing Celtic and Manchester United's chances in the knockout stages. Timestamps: Inter vs Barcelona (Group F) - 1:30 Ajax vs Valencia (Group H) - 14:26 Salzburg vs Liverpool (kind of...) - 24:00 Napoli Sack Ancelotti - 33:50 Lyon/Leipzig (Group G) - 40:25 Bayern vs Spurs (Group B) - 41:51 Real Madrid/PSG (Gorup A) - 45:48 Atalanta/Man City (Group C) - 47:55 Atl. Madrid/Juventus (Group D) - 50:30 Europa League Preview - 56:10 Check out our previous podcast discussing Manchester United's derby success, Chelsea losing, Leicester winning, Bundesliga madness and more! - Also check out our podcast discussing the past decade of The FIFA World Cup - Check out the creator of the intro tune: Check us on social media TikTok: @the90thminute Instagram: @the90thminuteofficial Youtube: The 90th Minute Twitter: @The90thMinute1 Liam: @LiamPeace7 Woz: @itswoz96 Lucas: @ChromiakLucas LinkedIn: The 90th Minute
Welcome to not another Runner podcast a running and health-related podcast created by a run-of-the-mill. Yes pun intended every day Runner join me for all things running health and well-being related for the highs and lows of Life Training and chasing girls. This podcast is designed to keep you motivated and enthusiastic on your journey to health and happiness. Every time I run I discover something new about me and about life be a reason why I run or a discovery of myself. IOnly find gratitude through running. I am able to stay healthy and fit through the execution of my passion, but furthermore I'm able to achieve peace presents growth and Discovery and I love to hear all your stories on how running has changed your lives and what it's brought to you. I want to connect like-minded people through the power of podcast.Hi, welcome back to not another Runner podcast. I get to introduce to you all another Runner today. Today's guest is an Daka Chubbs to Ridgeway life and Ozzy ultra-marathoner based in the UK and it is a father he is newly engaged and who has completed his fair share of miles. It is fair to say including 30 marathons and eight ultramarathons. I believe that statistic is still true and up to date.I hope you can correct me if I'm wrong. So hello and welcome Andy. Thanks for joining. Hello. Thanks for having me. You're so welcome. Oh, I can't wait to ask you I say this on every episode but it's true. I could ask you all these questions like just ya got loads of questions to ask you about about you when you know your Ultra marathons and you're running story and so for those who do know you already those who don't or you know your little bit could you tell us just just a little bit about yourself and what you do for a living? Yes, Lily. So I'm in recruitment. I'm a recruitment consultant for a local agency in this fat, which yeah, absolutely love and how long have you done that for? I've always in recruitment when I first moved to the UK, so I did that initially and then I had another adventure with a virtual run company however recently moved back into recruitment. So yeah in total. about couple of years Did you just say you worked for a virtual run company? Yeah, I did called run around Europe. I was with them. Oh gosh, probably nearly three-and-a-half four use. Oh, wow. No, I remember seeing something about that before and what was it that brought you to the UK originally, so my son lives here with his mum and my signing people who follow me will know I'll call him my Little King so he's the boss. So when he moved to the UK, I had to follow And your son I'm sure is four-and-a-half. You said earlier, isn't he? Yes, four and a half. So obviously in the UK now, we're currently in our summer holidays. So, it's quite a busy time for most parents. How are you managing that pretty good to be honest. I'm very lucky. So we will start school next year or next month. Sorry, so we still Nursery at the Vents, but not for too much longer but on weekends, it's just non-stop. Everything's just go go go, so lots of time Outdoors, which is fabulous and good for me and him. Yeah. I was thinking earlier actually because the weather is really nice today now, I haven't got kids but I was thinking or you know on a day like today when it's nice, you know, I was thinking of all the parents and how they must juggle their commitments. And do you ever take your the little King out with you while still running I do Is is an avid Runner? He's he loves it, which is really strange. But I think it makes sense because he always sees me and my now fiancé Mel running and he always wanted to join in. So it just made sense that we just try a little one and it just started, you know, very small nothing major just run down the street and run around the backyard Etc. And then we got him into junior parkrun which you can do when you're 4 which is just a 2K Okay, Route Around The Local Park, which is absolutely adored and loved and it was just an amazing environment of everyone, you know was just getting involved and we told him that everyone wins and in his mind to win a running what race you have to try your best, which I just think is absolutely brilliantly. I'm just so proud of him to have already as if you try your best your win. So he wins every time he runs which is always good to you. That's such a great lesson to teach And if you try your best you wear and I love that and you know what I was thinking because you and your fiance run both run. It's you know, obviously he's going to follow in your footsteps because he's if he sees both of you head in at the door, so, you know frequently, you know, he's going to want to he's going to want to follow and join. Yeah, and we don't we don't shy away from it. He's come to lots of events that she you know myself and melon and a good friend of ours Sarah is happening. To a couple of her events into tears for her which is really cool to see and I saw a photo of you and Mel the other day and I did wonder like how does that wig? Like because of the you've recently got engaged and which you can tell us in a sec how it was that you did that, but I was thinking do you guys regularly run together? Yes or no not as much as I'd like potential. Will be too much for her. I'm terrible to run with because I always just run off and I struggle to write at someone else's pace which was very selfish of me. So never asked me to pay for you. I'm not very good at it. But on weekends, we usually go for a long run along the Ridge Way and just enjoy our time together main couples go out to the movies we go for a run which you know, quite nice and usually have a donut or two along the way. I love that. I keep I'm still trying to convince my other half to say that running is fun and you don't have to go all out for like 2 miles because I just promised food to say there's Donuts along the way and bang he will be there. I don't know about that. I'll give it a go, but I don't think he's gonna wake but no, that's lovely that you guys can spend some time together that you can run together because I love that and so yeah I saw The post recently of you and Mel in the Field of Dreams where you just recently got engaged now, I want to know when was it this idea came to head because I have a feeling like surely because of how much the Ridgeway means to you and that location. This one must have been an idea brewing for a while. Yes, I know who true so a my original plan was to propose at the end of race the stones and it was to the point where I spoke with Chris one of the marketing managers, they're saying this is my plan. I'm going to do it at the end of stones and then I did race the tower and it was so ruined by that I had the thought of my gosh. What if I don't complete it. Oh look a bit silly planning this Drive against proposal and not complete this race. So I was so concerned about that after I've got to change it and it was sort of a last minute decision to propose at Field of Dreams and I was just trying to think of where along the ridge way I could do it and it's just it's such an iconic part of the race and everyone stops and takes photos and I see that that's the place that's where it needs to happen. Yeah, there's my backup plan but was a really good backup plan. And really good backup and almost like meant to be because it's I think yeah, I think it just I don't know just cool. It's just like you said, you know so many people stopped during that field take photos is the iconic, you know location really, isn't it? Yeah, and that's he didn't what I loved is because she'd be day one of race this Stone so she would have had to have gone through that part and we always see photos of either selfies with people in the background or you know, the Run With people that you never say it empty. So this was you know midweek. It was on a Wednesday. We both the taken the day off and it was the first time I've ever seen it literally empty. No one was there. We didn't see anyone to whole run we did a quick 5K before we got engaged and it was just amazing just to spend time together on the Ridgeway which means you know so much to both of us. Yeah, okay. Lucky, I love that. Have you guys started planning the wedding? Yeah, I'm not sure we're starting talking about various ideas Etc. But she keeps telling everyone we're not going to plan for six months. We'll look at it next year. Yeah, we're going away this weekend. And she said we're allowed to talk about planning the wedding in the car. So I think she's going to sort of yeah, finally allow us to properly talk about various ideas what we're going to When I stream how to incorporate the Ridgeway, you know, which definitely will feature in it. Somehow a bit weird if it didn't so, yeah, I think yeah, very simple start talking about sort of yeah what we want for hmm. I'm excited to know like what the plans are going to be so much for those funny. Yeah. She might be my plan most of it in the head. I mean, you don't know maybe in that car Journeys, you'll start telling you Madam's just say it right. This is what we're going to do never. You never know could be planned already. It wouldn't surprise me if that but my trick is to make whether whatever ideas I have. I'm going to try and make her think that they're actually her ideas. So that will happen. So that's a very clever thing to do try and do that trick. It most likely it hasn't worked ever with her, but, you know may work this one time because you guys were friends before with you. Hello. Yeah, we were dating on and off and I was a bit silly and stupid to be honest. I wasn't a great boyfriend or friend or anyone to really be around it was going through a rough patch in life, and she met me at a you know, not a great time of my life and yeah went separate ways of few times and free Kindle when I'd learn its many lessons and yeah, it'll just ended up it was just meant to be I guess to be I wanted that sounds when I was literally just thinking That this meant to be yeah, and so could you tell us how it was that you initially got into run it and why do you start running? Yeah, I am. It's kind of really strange and it was really yeah, it's really weird. I never had one of those Epiphany moment of I'm going to become a runner. It was in Australia in 2014 and always very overweight. I was over 300 pounds and I was every time I drive home from work. I'd see people running and this is very much in corrects in regards to weight loss, but I thought the only way Way to lose weight was to run because at the time I never saw people who were my size running so I thought well, that's how you lose weight you go running which isn't isn't true. There's many other ways and just run to enjoy it. But that's how I got into running just some wanted to lose some lights and I went to the gym as well and ate healthy and all that fun stuff, but always running that I would turn back to and I live near the beach and I did a lot of my life. Along the beachfront sin just the views of typical Australia run along the beaches. That was me and I just fell in love with it. So when you first started you said you were I can't I didn't hear how much you said was it three you said over 300 pounds. Yeah. There's quite a big boy. I knew like I knew you'd had one heck of a transformation like i-news up from following you for a little while that I have but I wasn't sure like, you know, how much weight you've lost altogether. I mean when you first started running then how did you find it initially? Absolutely hated it it honestly my first run I'll never forget it was on the treadmill, which I now absolutely despise it too boring for me. I like to be outside, but I was on the treadmill and I was doing 30 seconds of running and a minute of walking and I did that five times and by the end of it. I felt like I was about to die. It was just absolutely brutal and I remember hopping off thinking you know, that only lasts. Dude, you know 10 minutes or so. I was like I'm done for the day and I left the gym, but I did that every day for about a month and I'd slowly decrease my walking, you know from a minute to 30 seconds and then I'd increase you know, my 30 second run into a minute and so forth and so forth and every Friday, I would do what I considered a long run which was two kilometers and it was one of the most scariest most Cool things ever to try and Run 2 kilometers non-stop, but eventually I built up and I was able to do it and it was yeah, but that, you know certainly helps and I entered my first race which was a 6K road race and finish in that was probably one of the best feelings I've ever had and it just got me hooked. I want it. I wanted that Feeling Again of you know accomplishment. Wow, what was it that literally after that race that you like began to like run and then or did you did you like it a little bit before then? Because obviously when you first started like you said it was brutal and it was hard you're doing a 30 second run minute walk and you know doing that every day slowly building up your ability to run. So when was it that you fell in love with it? I think it was literally the moment. So the race that I did get was called the city. By so you rent in Adelaide Australia. It's 12 kilometers from the city to the Bay which is the beige and I did half of that so they have two versions of it. And in the very last Corner, you'll you can see the beach and you turn right. I'll never forget. It's only about a hundred meter stretch as soon as you turn the Finish Line's there and the big of raw was at the finish line and I was just like, oh my gosh, this is for me. It was just the moat the greater feeling of running when you first get into it that first Finish Line and it was sort of that moment of this is actually worth it. You know, it's these cheers and this excitement and sense of achievement. This is worth it. And on the way home. I was just in awe that I completed, you know these Mammoth Challenge and it was I want this again. I love these you like give me more of this kind of, you know feeling that made it all worth it all the pain and all the struggles of building in their help was just you Got about it you finish these amazing raised that the pain doesn't exist anymore. So yeah, I think that race really set me up all of this is now what you need to do because nothing beats it. And if you don't mind me asking obviously when you started when it was back in 2014, which is five years ago. And you said that you were overweight how much weight have you lost since you found this love for running so initially I'm known to be in the worst guys are in the history of mankind. I'm so initially I lost nearly a hundred pounds. And then when I moved here I put weight back on then lost more and then gained more and lost more in gained more. Um so still yo a little bit with my way not to the extent that I was when I first, you know, it was over 300 pounds but yes, my weight tends to fluctuate depending on what time of year it is and and telemental health is so yeah, I yeah, not really sure to overall. But yeah, the maximum was scared just under a hundred pounds, but I go up and down which I'm fine with that's life these things happen. I think to be honest. I think a lot of people do I think It's very I don't know if I'm alone and thinking this but I find it unusual for someone to stay exactly the same. I think like you said it's life. It depends on the time of year depends on your mental health depends on so many factors and I'm I can vouch for wait going up and down. So I think I think they're so normal and I think in a way, you know what I love that you said to couldn't you you weren't sure how much in total because in a way for you. It's not all about that as that's not the You know your you are much healthier than you were you're obviously a more active a lot fitter than you were so that is the important thing and as long as you've got a check on that and you're still running and your Fitness is still okay, you know that that's the most important thing not how much exactly you've lost. Exactly and there's I mean running, you know, it's quite simply if you run it it is going to help your weight loss but more importantly for me, you know over the last You know six months or so I put on a little bit of weight, but my mental health is drastically improved and you know say look at you know, the last five years of running. I've lost a lot of weight. I've gained, you know, a lot of weight and lost it and so forth, but my mental health has slowly been on the increase of really dark place to just you know, a much better place and of knowing who I am and what I'm about and how to overcome certain challenges and obstacles. It's my mental. You can't put that on a scale and say this is how much mental health positiveness you've gained and that's for me. That's the most significant part of the weight loss fitness journey is where my mental health is gone that out. Pardon the pun but that outweighs any weight loss that I've had from running. Yeah. No, I couldn't I think I couldn't agree with you more on that one. I think it's you know mental health is such an important. fact and I think often we are not maybe more so recently but we're not we're taught so much on the younger and like in the press or physically like along the years to you know, look after our physical health go, you know be active and healthy, you know, go for a run go to the gym etcetera, but I don't think not until recently as being as proactive in promoting benefits to to improve our mental health, like go and running or going to the Isn't just for maintaining a healthy weight or lifestyle. It is also to promote, you know, a healthy mental health and well-being. Exactly and I think it's very rare these days now that you meet a runner who is on a higher the whole time. He was just mentally it's just doing amazing. I'm yet to find a runner who you know hasn't dipped and hasn't, you know suffered from some form of, you know, mentally anxiety. Depression or alcoholism or all gone through something challenging because it's tough life is tough and we encourage people to talk about it, you know, which is which is great because it builds community and it helps us support one another and it's not this people, you know say there's a stigma with mental health. I think we're doing the best job. We possibly can to get rid of that stigma. I mean 12, you know, 10 12 years ago. I was thinking back when I was in school. I think there's a lot more than 12 years ago. Ten years ago. There was no such thing as depression or anxiety. Like that was a horrible word. You would never talk about that. But now it's out in the open people are talking about it and seeking support and help from professionals had also other people through social media and their friendship circles and we've come such a long way, which is just an incredible Testament to society and what really we're capable of doing. Hmm. Yeah, absolutely. And it's you know, we've talked I think everyone's got a duty to be a little bit more open with regards to that element so that you know, if ever there are others who may be struggling or have suffered suffered or wood will suffer, you know, it makes it makes that difficulty a little bit less so to speak because they are aware that others have gone through it or you know the advice that they may offer at cetera. So I think you know got duty to talk about it. So after that. Okay race where you felt like you fell in love with running when you did to come towards the end and you've got that lovely view of the beach. What did you then go on to do next? What was next time you're on your agenda with the Brennan? Yes. I did a I did a couple of other 5K local 5K events, which is just really really cool and then my gym Anytime Fitness in a show they had sort of a Statewide challenge. I called the 12 week challenge. It was just of like a transformation thing and why Jim got behind it because I knew I was you know, really trying to lose weight and get a lot healthier and I had that unique story of you know back then it was this guy's overweight but he runs this is unheard of you know, this would father died years ago. So they really sort of push that and thought this is an amazing thing. So and part of that I put down one of my goals That because that the time I'd only ran a 5k I put I wanted to do a 10K because I thought that would be absolutely huge. But during the challenge ended up doing a half marathon and on the treadmill, which was just absolutely horrible. I don't recommend it. Um, but I did it it took about three hours and it was just yeah excruciating and I cried afterwards. So I did that and I went on to win the 12 week challenge, which is really cool and that sort of Projected of what's the next big thing? I wanted to do, you know more and more and sort of push myself even further and then I came across an ultra marathon in the UK called race to the stones, which a lot of people have done recently and all all Focus was on that when I when I came to the UK is training for race to the stones you did a half marathon on the treadmill, or I know I was so stupid back then. That is insane. I can't even imagine. I think the longest time I've ever sat spent on the treadmill. I think it was like 17 minutes. It was like just yeah, I was just over seven miles and I think that was enough. I thought I thought I was like a hero for do food commodities in to do such a long distance on the treadmill. It wasn't pretty at all and I remember having a cavity having a town next to me and just having to wipe her and the trainer's would come over and fill my water up there. Soon as I finish I made the biggest mistake of this another went 21.1 km/h jumped off the treadmill and just sat down for 10 minutes and that was the biggest mistake because when I tried what I tried to get up, but I couldn't move my legs are basically seized up. So go ahead not fun. And then he went on to say about race to the stone. So literally after that challenge while you were out in Australia you all done in the UK, is that right? And then you literally just think right? Okay. What's the next challenge? When Jack yeah, so did the half marathon did a couple of others half straight after it but it was all about this race of the stones event and and back then I was pretty cool. I like to think of a race of the stones OG with GMO this girl runs far we were you know, it was back when no one really knew what race of the stones was. It was pretty cool that sort of like my little claim to fame that I did it when it wasn't popular and yeah that was Was Proto again? Oh my gosh it like just when you decided what I'm going to do this, I like dedicate, you know, because you needed a challenge so to speak did you even like book or think of the marathon or did you just think no one will go full hog? And just just do the what was it like 60 miles? I'm sure it is 62 6 your admirers. I didn't book a man. I ended up doing a marathon before ideas one solo by myself. Along the coastal path of Devon and I ended up doing Paris but I was it's going to sound really bad. But all those really cocky. I thought well I can do anything. Like I've lost all this weight. I've got a bit of muscle because I'm working out I can do anything. So it was kind of like, yeah go for the half marathon to a hundred K. Oh, I'll do it easy. I didn't do it easier at all and I heard badly from it. But yeah along the way I did a Marathon or two marathons leading up to it. That's insane that you just threw yourself on top. Okay, it was it was insane, but it was sort of more methane really sort of cocky and not humble at all in what I was doing which is probably good that I did it because I learned a lot of lessons of humility, you know doing, you know Ultras so it was a big big crash that back down to earth which is certainly what I needed. So when you were training for race to the stones that first year and you did it in 2016. That's right, isn't it? Yeah 20. Yeah, so leading up to that event. You know, you did your Marathon distance along the coast of Devon and you know soon found out how tough the world of ultra was. You also. Did you just said Paris marathon in the lumineuse? Yeah. Okay, so That was after you've done the distance along the coastal path was it? Yes, that's correct. Yeah, and how was that Marathon experience? Because that would have been your first proper Marathon, you know race experience then. Yeah, so it was absolutely unreal. I've never seen so many runners in one place at any given time. I think Paris is bigger than London. Yeah, and it was absolutely crazy. I couldn't really understand what people were saying because I don't speak French, but everyone had their flag on their race bib, which is really cool. So whenever you saw an Australian you'd give a high five and then a few of us jump a few Australian flags. On course, which is really special to say that it's just absolutely insane to be a part of all these people going through the same emotions that you are on the same struggles and also the same hires that you're going through as well and there's a part. I think it's around the 21k Mark where it felt like the Tour de France cycle race where all their Spectators crash into the course and it's just this tight bend that you have to go around to because people are all the people are cheering. Have you know closed in on the road? And but it was just amazing the most amazing support and certainly a marathon. I strongly recommend people do and it was just the whole thing was just so surreal particularly finishing it was you know, it felt like my first official Marathon because it was in a race setting and it was just absolutely amazing and I kept just thinking like I did it. I can't believe what I just did it. So Yeah, what did you want to duel in most about that experience like because you know that the endurance life and you know, the running of longer events that was obviously still new to you at this point. So, what did you learn from that first proper Marathon from that? I realize I learned actually mainly in you can't just turn up and do it at that stage. I wasn't really serious about my training. And it was kind of it showed a lot of flaws in my running and sort of knocked me down a couple of pegs because I got to the half-marathon Point fine, but then my energy just I was just gone. I had absolutely no energy and at that stage, I didn't know about nutrition while running and refueling and anything like that or electrolytes in gels and stuff all of that. I had absolutely no idea. So I was just kind of like Winging it really even just drinking water and what it was on course, so sort of expose the whole new world of if you want to go far, there's lots of things that little things that you really need to test and learn about, you know to for safety reasons as well. But mainly to get you through that race. Yeah that must I can't imagine like running or training for a marathon and not knowing about the only because I think I dread to think how it would feel like not using the gel and all the fuel because I think I've read too much to know that it's tough to do a marathon without like fueling properly. So I think that kind of has always been a fear of mine to ensure that I've eaten properly in the week before an event like that. So I can't imagine how that was learning on the go, you know, all of that. I had no idea. I didn't know that's what you're supposed to tell me when I did my marathoning Devin I got to Third. 5K and I was desperate for so I ran out of water as I do a lot which is I still haven't learnt my lesson with that and there's a cafe and I went in there and I was like, oh there's an orange juice. I thought now be amazed and I'll get an orange juice a really thick orange shoes and it was just absolutely horrendous in my stomach thinking, you know, if after the posting on Instagram star, this is what I did I had it right? She's everyone's like of all the things to have mid marathon and orange juice like why in the world would you do that? That I'm single. I don't know. I don't know you're not supposed to do that. But yeah, it's just everything that sits. Well with your body and nutrition to keep you going I had no idea about I just thought if you're lucky you might snack on a banana, but you just drink water. Yeah, which no one does. I don't know about sports inside said, you know all those brains Etc. They weren't really around back then. Yeah and like So that's a Paris marathon is normally a prisoner's the start of it. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's the foot with the first weekend of April. Yeah. Yeah, there's about a hundred euros. So not the cheapest Marathon but absolutely worth it. Yeah, because you have some time between Paris then to race to the stones. So obviously after that like what in the lead-up to first race to the stones, what was the longest distance that you Has to cover. Yeah, it was just the Marathon distance that I did a Paris leading up to Stones. I didn't have the coach. So I didn't again I was sort of just winging at and going off the marathon training plan that was on their website after Paris. My legs were shattered. I was off running for a good couple of weeks. And then I just sort of built up a lot of regular fast 10ks and half marathons just to try He's back into work. And then before I knew it race to the sign said come around and with the with your first race of the stones, did you do the the event in the two days because you can't it. There's a lots of different ones you can do you can do, you know day one or day two or you can do the both and camp or you can do both straight through. So, what did you do one first year first year. I did it straight through. So my God every year. I've only ever done it straight through which is the only thing that I'm very proud of him like to tell people when they talk about it's like, I've only done it straight through my claim to fame. Yeah, that's sort of my yeah. I've done back-to-back marathons and I think that's just absolutely silly. They hurt way too much doing it that way. I'd rather just get it done and I always say like when people the next day when people who don't over two days there as they get To do it again. I'm at home. Hopefully thinking about pizza. So yeah, that's that's my reason I get the pizza first and the thing is when you do it two days, I'd like to think that you're going to have your soreness the muscles because because you've waited like almost, you know a good 12 hours select your muscles the fibers in the muscles of broken-down ready. They trying to restore and yet you're trying to get up and run again, so I can't I think that but you You will have done the hundred kilometres 62 miles on in your first experience at races Stones 2016 and you'll train and run including Paris Marathon. So you've literally got yourself up to 26 miles. Yeah, how on Earth did you then go on to do 60 miles in one go. I don't know terrible answer for a podcast. I it's when you say it like that. I kind of realized how silly and naive I lost I teamed up I think what really helped and this is surprisingly happened at every single race of the stones that I've done including this year and I met people along the way and early on I met this lady I can't think of her name for the life of me, but I never forget her and we met about 20 kilometers in and I said Ah, you know how he going but I got chatting and we just stuck with each other for about another 20 K and acid or do you want to join a stick together through this and we said, yeah, absolutely. Let's do it because we're running at solo together and then after base camp at 50k we went we met another group of guys and they were struggling and have whilst rattling was like, well what if we all just finish together and we ended up doing that and every race to the stones. I've met people the way and formed a group. We're all just finished, you know, if not cross the finish line together, but finished around the same time. It's really just get us through. Mmm. And that's what always has got me through the following year. I did it with some friends same with 2018. I did it with a friend of mine and then Mel had to pretty much drag me to the final 10 K and to that couple of weeks ago again. I did it with some friends and we met another wonderful lady on course, whoo-wee Fran ninety nine kilometers with so yeah people people is what will get you through those races that I love that you've said that you've run with other people and that's what got you through. I mean initially and it probably is a lot to do this as well. I was putting it down to like mental toughness and like getting into the a game of you know, your mental, you know, their problem mental headspace that you needed, but obviously that it was the people as well. I'd I dread to think how you must have felt after that. Best experience of racing stones and you know, I mean you must have taken a considerable amount of time off afterwards. Yeah, I needed a for every year. It's a pattern that seems to happen every year after Stones. I struggled to run for a good, you know, two to three weeks and mentally it's really draining because you build yourself up for this event. And once it's done, it's kind of like what now? I've gotta go from 100 K to a 5. Okay, I'm doing parkrun this weekend. It's kind of like this is weird. I've gone from one of the most difficult distances to a 5k so sort of mentally just organ strange just to get back into a normal routine and park runs brilliant and you know, if that's what you're aiming for. There's nothing wrong with that being an amazing achievement, but I was just trying to get back into normal life of you're not training for a marathon anymore and I was Your friend of mine last night Runner Steve, and he said what have you got coming up? And I said, I don't really have any races. I've got a 10K but nothing major and I sort of caught myself and I thought well that's that's still pretty big like a 10K is a it's a long way and it's my my next big race and it's just getting back into normal life of not running Ultras which is a bit difficult because your life is dedicated to these one event for such a long time. And then it's just it's done. Yeah, it's hard isn't it? And I think I think a lot of people can be guilty of thinking or feeling that way and even so much as you know going from Marathon distance training having a big cycle towards that running and racing that and then like, you know taking the time off afterwards to recover and then thinking all I haven't really got any races planned. I've only got a 10K or half-marathon because I've been guilty of saying exactly the same but actually when you race and train for Like five kilometer or a 10-kilometer, sometimes they I'd read those even more than the Half Marathon distance because essentially you're your training and your racing at a faster pace. So then you have to maintain that faster Pace during the race, we don't have to but if you want to and I find 10 kilometer race is quite daunting. Yeah with it with a difficult. It's I mean five k's I absolutely despise running fast five k's because they're horrible. And they make you feel sick at the end of it because it's just non-stop. You don't get a rest your own it. It's just go go go and then half an hour later. It's over and done with you feel like you're about to throw up. So they're just just as brutal every room, you know distance where you give your everything as he's going to be brutal. No matter if it's a 5k r 1 Miler or a hundred miles a day. He's going to be difficult If he if he if you give everything to it. Yeah. Yeah, definitely and I mean you've run 30 marathons now, which was worth it is a lot. It's a lot especially when you're connected. You've only run for five years like 30 is a lot. That's me. I feel like I kind of cheated with that number though. I did run them all but in 2017, I did 26 in one year, so I kind of feel like I've taken quite a long break from doing you know, many marathons back to back. So 2017 really shot that number up. So what do they do? What made you want to do 26 in one year? I wanted to do something that I thought I couldn't do which is really strange because I went to this conference and I had a guy at those are guy speaking. I can't remember his name, but he's known for doing micro adventures and he said I I wanted to challenge myself. I've always succeeded in various bits and pieces and wants to do something that he knew he couldn't do I thought well that's just really silly. Why would you do something that you know, you can't do and he said hey No idea that. I'd ride around. I ride my bike around the world. It's like I'm going to fail this. I know I'm going to fail it, which is what I'll do it and he bought a bike and three weeks later he set off and everyone just laughed at him. So sticky dough see you in a few days and I think it was about two or three years later. He did it and he's like for the first time it like he felt Lee such an amazing satisfaction of I did something that I really should not have been able to do so I thought You know what he's saying in that would be challenging but realistically I can't do it because it is so hard and that's what I thought twenty six marathons in one year. That's just impossible and I tested it out with a few friends. I said, well, what about this as a challenge and everyone just sort of laughed, you know, how silly and stupid that sounds in why would you do such a thing and that sort of gave you the yeah, this is definitely a goal. I need to you know, put it out there that I'm going to go do this. Because I thought I would file that. Yea, I somehow did it that's think that's incredible because you you will have only been running as well for like a couple of years. I probably two and a half years or something not long. Yeah long and like that's that's a huge challenge because 26 and one year works out at like every other Fortnight you would do in at least one. Is that right? Yeah, that's correct because I had my son every every other. The weekend so it sort of fit around him having him, you know, because I didn't want to do a marathon when I could be spending time with Will and by the time October came. I knew I was going to do it. I was on track I was you know ahead and I thought this is a bit too easy. The challenges supposed to be you can't do this and then I had the idea of doing seven marathons in seven days. And that was a really stupid idea that hurt so Yeah, I drove around the country and running with people from Instagram. And that was just absolutely incredible. We had a big fundraising page and I think Instagram made or we raised about two and a half thousand pounds in one week just because I was the chubby guy running marathons around the country, which is just amazing, you know about to raise for charity. So yeah, I was a good fun you did you did the last was it the last last seven Maori challenge in seven days. It was nearly the end. So after that really had three to do so I was towards the end and I knew I was going to finish the challenge was just kind of let's let's make it harder. This isn't this is a bit not say easy, but I don't mean oh, this is fine. I was on track of doing it and I knew I would do it and for me that was defeating the purpose of doing this challenge. Yeah. I want to tell me about would really push me and Marathons in seven days. Push me over the edge. I don't recommend it. But it was certainly yeah. I mean the 26 Martin's in a year itself. I was like, oh my God, like that's tough. Like how on Earth did you do it and you can just say seven marathons and 70 how on if you must have been aching and just so tired and what was what was the hardest part of those seven days the the gives lots of hard-packed it was strange and I think one of the most difficult Parts was going between each location. So my first one I did I soldered at three o'clock in the morning, you know random Pub car park near Ashton Court Park running Vista, no bristle sorry and we started there and we finished at the park run and then I had to drive back to London. It's took about three hours. The commute between all these places. I was driving at least three to four hours a day as well as running a marathon, which was just absolutely exhausting that that was probably one of the most difficult Parts is the drive-in and I was the one doing the driving and sitting down for so long after running a marathon just destroys your calves and your legs. So that was yeah apart from running that was you know up there with one of the hardest parts of it, which is really Really silly because you wouldn't you know think I'll just drive in from A to B as hon challenging but it was brutal. Did you know have anyone with you like traveling between the locations? No, I had had no one I put it on Instagram of you know, this is where I'm going to be who'd like to come and run with us. Please do so and every location. I had someone run with me which was amazing for you know support and also safety towards the end of it. But yeah. Arriving Train locations. That was that was just me on my own which was yeah a lot of time by yourself during that challenge is yeah very very difficult on the Mind. Gosh. I kind of remember I literally can't imagine doing that. So I just think you know, it's off to you what crazy but like wow that challenge is just yeah, that's I think that's just that's all I know. He's mad but I mean the positive out of I mean we raise so much money for mind. And that was just you know, such an awesome thing, you know for it and it was amazing on the last marathon. I think we've raised like 700 pounds in just one day which is just incredible and all that money, you know went to a mental health charity, which is why we wanted to do, you know this challenging, you know, really had to focus on raising awareness of mental health and that week Instagram was just flooded with people talking about To health and I was like, this is brilliant. Like if may be doing several marathons in seven days gets people talking about mental health. I'll go do it tomorrow. Yeah, that's it. That's what happened in that was the main goal and that was the real winner out of all of this is those conversations? Yeah, yeah makes it worthwhile and doesn't it that you feel has been a purpose to it? And it's not just been a wacky idea that's you know caused your body some grief during these it was that as well as a stupid idea. We had a good cause behind it. You know, when there's Mars and Jiu-Jitsu in that year with I mean how many of those were organized events were any of them official races? I think about three were yeah. Not because I didn't want to do events just event cost a lot of money events very defensive and I just moved to the UK. So yeah, that was just too expensive to sign up to to be honest, which is why it just be me usually by myself just you know, plodding along. Well Instagram stories keeping everyone updated. But yeah, there's a lot of lonely ones. But yeah when I was an event, I really enjoyed the events, but Yeah, I got to also do some runs with some good friends, which is really awesome as well. So we could say that you're quite experienced in the Marathon distance and what to who would you say the essentials are to run in a marathon or training for a marathon? I think when it comes to running a marathon you need to understand that with every step you take you're getting closer and while it is daunting to think I've got 42 Two kilometers to go that's a long way. It is a very long way but, you know within one step you're closer to the finish line and every step gets closer and closer and for me, that's all what I always think with every race is that it is going to end and it is going to be over and when it's difficult and when you think I can't go on you've just got to think we'll that is going to end like this isn't a race without a finished light. All Races have a Finish Line. Take one more step and you're you're closer. And just focus on that Finish Line in and getting home. That's a really great way to think of it. Actually it really strange advice but it's what sort of gets me through it to be honest. You know, I can see why because there is a lot of emphasis specially with Ryan Halls book run the mile you're in so it's like not focusing too much on what you've got left to do or if you are left but literally in the now in the present and like the mile urinal that like you say, you know the step you're in and with each step you getting closer. So it's not thinking too far ahead because that's when I think so. Times you can be led into the wrong head space and I think you know often with these endurance events, you know, we've got to have our mental am ready. Yeah, you need to be. Yeah, and mentally there's something you've got to be prepared for the distance. But you also need things in their mind bank. So to speak of when things go wrong and you and they will you will go through a rough patch. No matter if it's a 5k or an ultramarathon it will go through a rough. Patch of I don't want to do this anymore what you've got to think of something in your mind that you can grab onto what's going to be that quotes or what's going to be that memory that you can say. This is, you know, bring that to the Forefront of your mind and focus on that if that's what's going to also help get you through it. Yeah, definitely and it was saying about quotes again getting you through I do normally ask people what their favorite what their favorite quota so you can tell us if you do have one. but what what would you say is your motivation and what inspires you I guess so my favorite quote I've got to do so, I think I'm known for never give up never give in I've got that tattooed on my arm, but also find a way that was the theme for me of last year's race to the strange was just simply find a way no matter what you go to do just find a way to finish but with my main motivation It's I think it's mainly to do with my son and I know all parents probably say this, but for me my I live a very selfish life in regards to I live for myself and I look after myself and I was brought up with I'm number one in my world. And then when you have a child you realize actually this is your king or this is your quaint. This is the person you live for and I very much live. My life for my son and I want him to be proud of me and everything I do so, I figured this is the best way to for him to be proud of me. And when I finish a race that has a metal I give him my medal and I always have got your new medal and his face just lights up and I just think he's you know, this pure happiness of wow. You've done it that like just his seal of approval. It's just like the best thing to seen him happy. P of me doing this for him, it's the biggest motivation I have is doing all of this for him and hopefully when he's older he'll continue his love of running and we get to do races stones and then I'll retire from that race. Yay could do that together. Well, I've always said so, excuse me. I don't I don't think I've ever told anyone this but I want the record. I really do want the record of the most nonstick. Finishes formation the stones and I think I'm on my way to getting it but during this year's race at Old West Miley Runner and the running marathon mum that I'm going to do rate of the stones every year until my son does it and then I'll do it together with him and he can continue the torch and I'll probably have a breast after that. Yeah. That's my my life goal is to be raised to the stones with him, but just be amazing. Charlie maybe, that's one major girl. So you're going to have to you know, rest sleep, you know the in the lead up to that event every year to make sure you're looking after yourself in order to continue that yeah, cuz we're talking I think that's gonna be yeah about 18 rest of the songs in total that I'll have to do. So go about 14 left until his until he can sign up. So yeah, it's so silly challenge but one It's yeah, no I can see why you'd want to let's just hope that he still loves running what he's a little bit older and we are going to be screwed. If you doesn't it probably won't do it out of spite. We will turn 18 and be like no I don't want to do this and then you can probably do like race in the king of race at the towel or something. No, you got the stones. So we just talked about your motivation and your inspiration. Now you do have quite a significant following on your Instagram profile. And so I know like given that person that you are and I don't suppose you really imagine that you do have, you know an effect on other people and that you you do Inspire and motivate the people that follow you so I'm just interested to know what was your reason or why Did you initially start documenting this you know this incredible journey that you've had, you know, given your weight loss Journey whilst you were young. We started over in Australia your journey of finding running and then, you know go in full hog and doing the rest of the stones that the twenty six marathons in one year. Yeah, you know, what was your what was your reasons to why you did it initially if I'm being completely. I can't remember why I started I think it was it was sort of like like the new Facebook of people started to post photos of what they were doing. And if you scroll through my Instagram the very first photo I ever took was of my breakfast which was a bowl of fruit and yogurt, but the world's most exciting, you know post but it was just sort of yeah. I just wanted to sort of share what I was doing and yeah, I wish I had a more inspiring and exciting reason for it, but this was Back when Instagram was, you know back in the olden days. So I guess and he was just sort of wanted to share it and then I realized actually people post about their Fitness and weight loss and this is a thing like people share and they talk and communicate and like photos and give each other support. So I was kind of like wow, this is even more support like this is amazing. I found that really encouraging that there was a group of strangers cheering me on sort of like a running race. Are you winning? There's a big crowd of people and they cheering for you. You sort of get a little kick in your step. You run a little bit faster. So people are cheering you on and that's what you know helped initially with social media is there's all these random people just cheering me on and gave me, you know, that little boost which was really cool. And I bet you didn't think initially when you were home, you know posting those photos, you know, your cereal and yogurt your fruit in your gut that you know, five years later you'd have how many know how many Falls you got you got like 10,000 or something crazy. I got ya. I got a few. Yeah. I've never really thought about it. Then it kind of just sort of happened and then it was kind of weird. I went through a phase where it was all about that and I'd be tactful in my post of this is going to be get the most followers and likes and all that kind of stuff which is really silly of me. So now I post whatever I want to probably on this so many other better pages to follow Vines absolutely terrible. How much is this random stuff now, but it was just a really cool way to connect with other people. I think that's one of the best thing that's happened with social media is the people I've met through it. It's it's Ness. I'm of these Check out our Ford for lies, which is just truly amazing and I'm just really really lucky to have this platform and the friendships that I've got from. Yeah, I think I think that's true for running as well. But like I know any hobby could bring so many things to life, especially like friendships and acquaintances, but I think that's got to be said for running as well the amount of people that you can meet, especially if Ooh using you know this virtual platform as well, you know through Instagram or Facebook or whatever. It may be, you know, you've not only got friends locally that you may run with through a club, but you'll also have friends online as well. I think it's quite a magical thing really that's very typical of Runners. I mean you go to an event. I've never gone to an event and not met someone new, you know, whether they know me from social media or it's just someone I'm running past. We say hello and you know wish them well, and how's your race going? I am the ability to aspects. I'm usually at the back of the pack. So, you know, you always have a break, you know chat any someone struggling, you know, you just help them out and rub with them for a little bit and vice versa. So it's very much running event our community. I think there's isn't it that saying where they talk about if you want your faith in humanity restored go watch a marathon and That's that's because of us. That's because of Runners like we support each other on course, but it's in a race or out on the street. We always, you know way that each other and give each other a nod or a thumbs up. Yes just where Runners and that's what we do and I think I think it is a lot to do with the up like an active lifestyle. I think if you see others like definitely the triathlon world as well. Like if someone's on a bike or you're both cycling or like so for example, I'm out for a run and Is a group of cyclists will always say hi or wave wallet smile. Also, have a good day. All if if someone's out, you know, you know, they've chosen to go out for a walk. It's the same then but I think if you're walking along the street and heading to the shop, you would never just say hi to a stranger in that instance. But if you'll feel both passing and you've chosen to get up and go and be active it's very unlikely that you won't say hi. Yeah, which I love exactly what I've been to a client meeting. Team last I think I was last Friday and really amazing and my boss turned to H have any so iand runs its race that oh my gosh, I could run as well. Like I tell me all about like what Ray said you're done. Where do you run? Where's your favorite Roots? It was just like straight away. We had this connection and they both just sort of look at us of wearing a meeting. Like what are you doing? Yes, it's like she's the boss lady like she was talking about Ronnie, LOL talk about running, but it was just like that's What we do as soon as you say I'm a runner you can select know each other. Yeah, it's pretty cool. Yeah love it. I'm with with your run and then and racing and what would you say? Your favorite race has been I think a lot of people say race to the stone that I raised. The stone certainly is a very special race to me and one that I love and always treasure but But I got invited to the Swiss City Marathon last year when I was part of run around Europe. We did a campaign with them another. Yeah, it was called The Swiss city marathon, and we experience literally all four seasons. We had Sunshine rain hail gale force winds snow All in One race, and it was just amazing. You went through some of the oldest towns in Switzerland for the next year. You've got the Alps On your left and the town's on your right. Let's just so surreal. That was yeah, probably one of my most favorite marathons I'll ever do but within the UK definitely Liverpool Rock and Roll Marathon, it's just that that's just a really really fun course and lots of community support out there and plus the metals are some of the best metals you can get. I love medals medals. Let's make that clear. They are big and heavy and that gorgeous but it's just a real party atmosphere for the whole Marathon event, which is really really cool and really fun, which is you know, the main thing about running hmm. Yeah all about fun and I was actually thinking about that marathon before least going along to one of the events because I'm done a rock and roll event before and but I've seen that they can be quite good fun. So that might be one for the future maybe. Okay. So what would you say? Your proudest achievement is and why? I think probably this year of completing my fourth race to the signs. It's it's not very often, you know, sort of I don't do races over and over again, but obviously, you know, as I mentioned before this is a special raced but to complete it four times and to go through various challenges during the race of when things go wrong and to have overcome them each time with the people. I've been with us just being really special and It's it's a bit crazy going back again and again and again, but it's something I absolutely love. So yeah finishing up four times is truly a special moment. And at the end of this year's race I ask them. How can I get a quick photo at the end with all my medals the from the three previous years like yeah. Absolutely. I'm still there posing like a like a goofball and everyone sort of look at me and I could see them sort of counting like all we've got How many like you know how many's in God it's kind of like this is really special of time these four times and that's just ridiculous and a bit silly. But yeah don't like to learn that full-time certainly is one of ya my proudest achievements ever so and the next year will be Fist and then they open all ready to sign up. They are open already decide out everyone. I've been asked a lot have I signed up yet. I haven't signed up yet, but I will I think I'm going to be alone. Ambassador again next year which I'm very lucky to be a part of but yeah, I'll definitely be signing up and I think there's a group of us who are going to take out do a checkpoint take over next year. I'm going to get all the Ambassador group to volunteer at one of the checkpoints at either Race To The King will race to the Tower and spend the weekend cheering everyone on at looking at looking after everyone. So give something back. I mean where I'm very lucky I get the last two years I've had race to the Sea. Lane's given to me for free which is very kind. But I think it's definitely give back because it's just a community. I absolutely love. So yeah, it's going to be even even more fun next year. I'd love to do it one year and I have debated in the next year, but we will see because I haven't done anything 2020 is a good year to do it. That they've had have been magic. So it is very tempting but I was going to ask because a few people have asked me to ask you and what advice would you give for running the race to the stones any words of advice? Because obviously you are King when it comes to that because of yet few people have signed up and they've asked In one of which is a good friend. Who was it? I gotta remember who said listen to me now. I think it was a gutter. Does it gotta stop apologies if I've got the wrong person, but I met I had a few people ask me what what advice would be. Yeah, I think for me it would certainly be wearing York. It's sort of like getting to know what kit, you've got particular when it comes to like hydration vests and what's going to work for you? And just training in that and I know that sounds really silly and I'm sure people wanted much better advice but knowing where the points of your kit where it's going to chafe because that's going to be really irritating on race day. So you can sort that out sort of so basically getting rid of all the Nickels before you start your race, you know, where your kit where every piece of clothing that you are going to wear during that race to make sure it suits your body and is fine on race day particularly, you know socks as well. But I always suggest with shoes it even though it is a trail of fent. What I've always done is war comfortable cushioned shoes because the Ridgeway is a very it's basically chalk which is really tough on your feet. And it's very Rocky. So you want to go for comfort and I've always found that trail shoes don't have a huge amount of comfort and they're grateful wet weather and difficult trains Etc. Like that, but race to the stones, you can definitely get away with wearing a really comfortable Road shoe. And in my blog I mentioned that's the first thing that gives out is your feet screaming at you saying I'm in so much pain. So comfortable shoes is is an absolute must and that will get you through this year. What I've done which worked amazing is I've changed. I don't need to get too personal but I changed my pants halfway through and it just felt So refreshing putting a new pair of pants on so that certainly helped me to clear round like Chase areas with you know, chub rub between your legs that just helped, you know helped me forget about that. So that really, you know, I guess you change your kit and get you know, get used to wearing the kit that you are actually going to take on course. There's a lot to be said about changing kit because I've seen that before in Ultras I can America and the trail scene So much. So some some people even change their socks and shoes like they'll have their crew waiting for them at the aid stations. Now, they'll have to change shoes especially for some of the Ultras you're where you're running through water stream River, you know, like, you know, it's true. Yeah. So sometimes like the socks and shoes that that's need as well. But definitely changing if he's got the opportunity to change into some fresh Race Kit. That would that's actually a really good idea. Some people can take it. It's just really even if it's I don't know if it's just you know psychologically it's just so refreshing. It's like going to bed on Fresh sheets. Yeah, it was amazing, even though you know the next day you don't have that feeling same with you know, fresh, you know underwear obviously, I don't wear a bra, but I'm sure you'd have that same feeling and saying, you know changing shorts and a vest. It's not sweaty and it's not smelly and it's not gross. It's just fresh it gives you that little mental boost. An ultra makes a world of difference. It's like it's like you've literally just got got dressed and you've just starting just started your run. Just like the pain you're feeling all over exactly that I've stayed like that. Yeah couldn't have said it any better and great tips. So what tips would you give for if you had to like speak to anyone or advise them on the best tips on starting running? What would they be? So three three best tips for started running. If you are completely new to download the couch to 5K app is absolutely brilliant and the best app to get you running no matter how fast or slow you are. It's brilliant so that we've tip number one number two would be to smile as much as possible during it again, very silly tip, but you're you know, the more you smile the more You know, you'll pretend that you're beIN happy and eventually you will find happiness in running when it's very difficult. But you just sort of tricking yourself that forget the pain I'm smiling and your smile because you're happy and you're happy. You're going to laugh and you are going to enjoy it and I guess my third tip would just be I guess what's always tells me is have a always always have an event books. So do you you know, if you're first starting out pick a date that you want to go to Parker. Iran have that as your very first event because it's so supportive and amazing. But after that go home choose another event always have something plugged in because that gives that will always give you something to aim for and then when you do go through Marathon Blues, like what I'm going through right now, I know a few months time. I've got an event waiting for me that I need to get ready for so always have something, you know booked in your calendar to aim for Yeah, I love the I love those tips having because I don't think I had anything plant until very recently. I think I only booked it a week ago and it's literally the end of the month so but it's kind of getting me motivated and get me going because now I realize right. Okay, it's not I'm not just having recovery. I'm not on my down time after my Marathon. I need to actually be a little bit more dedicated and go go but yeah, that is a really good one. I'm Smile as much as possible because I've said and it sometimes can alleviate the pain and I mean during race to the signs this year. We just so one of the funniest things happened and I spoke with Robin math and Dad about this as well at around the 66 km/h Ark there were these two guys and I put a picture of them on Instagram. They last year. I only found this out this year. So last year I bumped into them. They had a little campfire. Set up with some wide and there were smoking something very funny and they were absolutely off their face, but they were the loveliest people and this year the whole race. I was saying to the cruise with us. I hope we see them they get they said they're going to be back. I hope they got me back and they were there and we were going through a really down period at that moment and when I saw them it was just this is the best thing I could have ever seen and it's just put a smile on my face and that's wild. Got us through and when it was tough, we think of them and we think of something funny and I was just laugh your way through it and just just get through it and you might as well enjoy it because yes, we all know running the stuff no matter what distance you do. So just you might as well just get over it and have a laugh and smile smile about yeah and enjoy and be, you know enjoying the experience because you can't well you can't because I mean you've done it four times, but you can't Relive a memory. So like trying to smile and smile the way through it and actually Joy it is the best way to do which brings me a little bit to my next question. I wanted to ask you what would you say is the biggest or best thing that run in has brought to your life? I think it's brought. My mental health in a really good place. I was thinking before about sort of why I love running and I mean, you know not to discredit. I've met so many amazing friends and lifelong friends, which I truly treasure on love, but I think they would even say the best thing that's ever happened to me with running these my mental health and I'm so grateful that I have that because there's take me from a really really dark place to you know place where if I am. Feeling low or if I'm feeling really anxious. I've had a really bad day and I just need to forget about everything. I can go to the Ridgeway and go for a run whether it be 5 minutes 10 minutes a mile or you know ten miles. It's just going to forget about everything and it just helps me recharge and sort of process everything that when I do finish my run I can face that challenge again. I've recharged my strength and I'm ready to go. To tackle what you know life is thrown at me and that's through running, you know, and that's you know, the best thing that list that this Sport and you know, physical activity has given to me is a really good place for my mental health and I can't but you can't buy that it goes for a lot of you only get it through a lot of running a lot of time out, you know on your feet and experiences and meeting other people. So yeah, very very Here just beyond grateful of what it's done for my mental health. You know and that I think I love that you've explained that and said that that is what it's brought you and given you because I relate to that so much because that's exactly what the best thing is brought me as well. So I love I love hearing other people say say the same because it's like I can just relate to it so much. I think it can change. It sounds really cause I think it's one of those things that could change the world really through running. I mean if we had No, this wouldn't work for everyone. You know if people are suffering through mental health and if we had supported them through running and said why is this there's this community and it really helped all of us a might help you and to get people, you know who are going through really crap stages with their mental health to go for a little jog with them. Even if it is just week one of couch to 5K just as they can get those endorphins going and I'm sure there's that you know, the science behind Find it that we are told but I don't really know much about but I do know that a little run makes you feel pretty good and we all can go for a little run. Even if it is that 30 seconds when I started out doing 30 seconds and look what it's done for my headspace. And I think if we if that was one of the options when you are seeking professional help if they said what if I gave you a friend and they went out for a little truck with you, even if it's just a walk or just got you, you know. Moving a little bit faster. Let's see what would happen and it's helped so many people so I think that really should be encouraged through, you know, Professionals in our friends. And I mean today I spoke with a friend of mine who's based in London and he's going through a really rough time at the moment. And my first thing was Will what I'm going through a rough time, why don't you come up and we'll go for a run and it's not let why don't you come up and let's talk about your feelings and you can tell me how you feel. It's just let's just go for a run because that that will it's not going to solve anything but it's going to help us, you know, get everything out there and it's what we do and it's a pretty good way to deal with your mental health as well. Yeah, and and in general physical activity is definitely a way to to help because it's the endorphins it's the time it's the headspace is time away from your issues. It's time to work things through Russian wise like there's just so many reasons. But I think like I mean obviously, you know, we're blessed and fortunate that we can run and that we are able to the some people they might not be able to currently make their maybe through going through an injury or might not be able to but I think what I like what I do try as much as I do promote running and love it so much for anyone that isn't able to or run and perhaps isn't quite the thing and perhaps cycling is you know, whatever it may be as long as you can find an outlet. We're hobby that can take you away from your normal day-to-day stresses or then. Yeah, that's brilliant. Go even even with cycling. I mean there's a community with every seems those Community with every sport. I mean, there's you know, a big cycling community and I think if you can if you do something physical with your sport, no matter what it is if it's tell us or cycling or you know, mixed martial arts or whatever it is. There's a group of people who do that as well. You're not alone. In that and I'm pretty confident if you said can I join you or hi my name so and say I've just taken up cycling. They probably let us wait. Let's talk because Runners with us. The first thing we love to talk about is running. So someone's that you know, I want to learn to run anyone would be happy to have a chat with them and take them under their wing and you know support them through it because all we do is talk about ourselves and running. You said this community? I think that's a huge we're done. It's a huge thing. Like it's, you know, having a community, you know friends companionship like that as well is a great healer and it is so important to have a sense of community in life like be that, you know be that through Family Friends Community, you know, like it could just be like the load, you know, the dog walkers that you see every morning your colleagues and work. The people that you bump into in that that strength and conditioning class that you do on a weekly basis. It's sense of community that you get so it's really healing write my final question to you and one that I love to ask nowadays. If you could hear anyone being interviewed on this podcast, who would it be probably a lady could wear Smiley so I ran Marathon oh Priceless stones with her she is one of the most so Instagram is with smiley Runner and aim to Lisa and she's just one of the best people I've ever met. She's good friends with my partner Mel or am I laughs a partner or fiancee she's will say fiance so I don't get in trouble. They're very good friends and I met her at London. Revolution one of the threshold events and she was going she was trying to race it as part of the race to the stones and I've got to about 20 or kilometers in and I was really struggling energy saw that and we're in a group and she said well, how about everyone else, you know continues on because they're a bit faster than me and I'll stick with you. My first thought was well, you're crazy like you can do, you know, A330 and A340 marathon and he going to stick with with me like the crazy, but okay. Um, and she was most bubbly and supportive person I've ever met and then after that I said, well, I need help with race to the stones. Do you care to finish up with me and she signed up to race of the stones to basically get me through it and she's the most supportive Runner I've ever met on course and I think the stories that she would be able to tell love the people. She's met and her life experience of why she's Port supports people the way she does and her attitude and always, you know smiling. And I think it would be a fascinating story to here and she's just a wonderful person and just a true gem, you know to our community. And that was was it with smiley Runner? Yep with everything out there Instagram so I can spell it out. So it's a w e ya e ya es Mi L. Ey Runner Brilliance. Well, there's a big shot for you. Then we have Westmoreland. So yeah, and she's you know, she's got a small page but I don't think you know, she's one of those people who couldn't care less about what that follower count number is she's just smiling and just Loves being around people. I love supporting people and a true amazing woman who I'm just so grateful to have it and I'm going to pass around with her this weekend. So she told me that yeah, I needed a kick up the butt to get back into running. So she's arranged to come to park run with us. That's correct. Love kind of person. She is very supportive. Thank you for that because I yeah, I'm now following her now and good. Thank you so much for your time taking you. Time out of your day to have a little chat with me. I'm full of water. Have you been wish you all the best with parkrun this Saturday? Hoping that it's kind to you and you have a good time and just remind everyone where they can go to follow you and your adventures over on Instagram. Yes, absolutely. So it's Chubbs to rid of what Ridgeway life and I've started a Blog which is a little bit scary and that's Fab. Thank you very much again and we'll speak. Soon. Take care. Thanks for having me. Bye. Thank you guys so much for joining today and listening to not another Runner podcast. Please tell your friends and family who you think would enjoy the content. I'll be sharing. Don't forget you can get in touch with me over on Instagram by another Runner. Let me know your thoughts on the Pod casting suggestions on guests or topics. This is greatly appreciated. Send me your questions through as well if you want and use the hashtag white I run to be featured and hey, if you can't hit subscribe to the podcast, this will really help me to be able to give you more. Thank you again and remember when you get up An exercise or go for a run? You never regret going, but you always regret not go in. Have a great week guys and speak soon.
Andy is a father, he is newly engaged to Mel who also runs, and his son is an avid runner too. Andy has taught his son that when you try your very best, you have already won the race. Andy found running around the same time he started on a weight-loss journey back in 2014. When Andy started running he weighed around 300lbs, his running journey began with 30 seconds of running 1 minute walking, on repeats and his longer run was a 2km. Andy has since been hooked with running and has now completed some serious mileage and challenges over the years including 30 marathons and 8 ultra marathons, including the Threshold Trail Series’ Race to the Stones 100km Race several times. Andy has also completed some crazy challenges such as 26 Marathons in just one year, 7 Marathons in 7 days oh and a half marathon, on a treadmill! Tune in to hear exactly how Andy found his love for running; what keeps him motivated; the importance of speaking up about mental health and how running and what it has brought to his life has had such a positive and life changing impact with his mental health. This was a great chat filled with the lessons learnt along the way, and some brilliant tips on getting started with running, and running the marathon and ultra marathon distances. Links:  Andy’s Instagram:  Threshold trail Series  Natalie - Not Another Runner Instagram: Blog:  Easy Thrills Podcast Interview with Easy Thrills Podcast
Episode 49 don't weaponize the self-improvement. Welcome to the first year married podcast where we get real about building the marriage of your dream. I'm marriage Coach K 11, and I take newly married and engaged women from anxious insecure too confident and connected through practical tips real-life inspiration and more than a little self-awareness along the way. Hi ladies, I am very excited and enthusiastic about sharing this podcast with you this week. This is one of those topics that I think we need to hear over and over it a little bit breaks my heart when I hear how many of you are using the material of self-improvement to come down on yourselves and to be so hard on yourselves. Not just for the fact that it's painful and it's sad and it makes you sad but also because it doesn't even work. Right like this huge waste of energy. So that's what we're going to be talking about today. But first I have to tell you the most unbelievable and exciting news and I've been holding out on you because I wanted to make sure it was really happening and it really happened and we really got the recording and I want you to know that those of you who have been listening and reaching out and cheering me on from the beginning. I so consider you a part of this like celebration that I'm having right now, which is okay. I have to tell it as a story so basically My husband and I were sitting around at one point and talking about the podcast and how the enthusiasm around the podcast was so much more than we had expected and we realized that what we had planned for this podcast was a lot smaller than it needed to be that we could maybe dream a little bit bigger. And so we kind of were just like playing with this idea and my husband said well if you could get anybody anybody on the podcast who would it be We made this, you know, like list of like dream podcast interview. He's yeah. Number one on that list was the amazing Allison Armstrong who if you've been listening for a little while you've heard me refer to her work is in my mind totally Exquisite. She breaks down the differences between men and women in our motivations and how we function and how we think differently and how we respond differently in a way that is so full of love and compassion and respect. T' and appreciation for both genders that I don't think any I've never seen it anywhere else on this level of her work was beyond life-changing for me and has been trickle-down effect. Very very life-changing for many of my clients. So she was like very top of the list. And for our 50th episode next week, you will be hearing my interview with the one and only Alison Armstrong. So I am so excited if you're not subscribe to the podcast yet. Absolutely. Make sure you are subscribed is also not going to be released just in one it's going to be released over two episodes. So it's really important you're subscribe so you can get both of them because I know some of you when you get into these longer episodes you start like beating yourself up that you're behind and I'm not okay with that. So I'm not releasing a full hour long episode. You guys so again, make sure you're subscribed. I am just so beyond thrilled to be sharing this episode with you guys and all of her wisdom and her sweetness and her compassion and her respect and she's just amazing amazing. So it's not fangirling now and you'll hear it next week. Okay, so let's get back into this episode. So as I said, I recorded an episode a while back. I was actually episode 8 called Shame won't make you a better wife and in that episode. I was trying to prove to you. I think I did a pretty good job, by the way. So that the emotion of Shame is not what compels us into becoming better versions of ourselves, but we seem to think that it does we all fall into this trap right where we think that if we just a really good wife would really beat herself up over it when really feel bad for all that bad behavior. I've done that episode came out a while ago and it's very clear to me. Y'all need to hear it again. So that's what we're going to be doing today. So the way I want to look at it this week because I do want to make it a little bit different. Is the way I titled this episode which is don't weaponize self-improvement on explain what I mean by that weaponizing self-improvement is that I'm taking the concept and the objective of self-improvement and I'm turning it into something that dictates my worth that dictates my ability to love myself or to respect myself. I'm using self improvement as a barometer for my own worth. I am weaponizing it against myself. I don't think this is what self-improvement Is for I don't think this does anyone any favors. So first I want to talk to you about how you know that you're doing it and then we're going to talk about what to do about it. Okay. So how you know, you're doing it number one. If you are more conscious of what you're doing wrong, then what you're doing, right? Then you are weaponizing self-improvement got it. So you've got an idea of what you're doing wrong. We all have an idea of what we're doing wrong. But are you paying as much attention to what you're getting right? Are you giving yourself any credit for what you're doing right at? All, right. You got to have some balance here. The problem with weaponizing self-improvement is you're not going to get anywhere cannot improve something that is being blown up right in front of you. Okay, number two, you know that you are weaponizing self-improvement when the perfect wife has shown up when you are no longer comparing yourself against a normal human being who has normal strengths and weaknesses who sometimes make mistakes and you were only ever comparing yourself to the perfect woman who doesn't exist. Who was basically a character development and physical Photoshop of all the good things that you ever saw in any person make-believe or real all conglomerate it into one fake perfect wife. And that is what you are comparing yourself to. Okay, then, you know you're doing it. All right number three. This is an interesting one. I think this is when your emotional reactions seem to be worse than what would really make sense. Okay, when we're really beating ourselves up when we're making this about our own worth then when we make a mistake what we loses the ability to shake it off and try again, right because the stakes get so high when this is about my worth. So your emotional reactions will be overblown. They won't be in proportion to what's actually going on because you've created such a high stakes scenario for your own behavior that it's almost impossible to succeed And the last one in the most important is how do you know that your weaponized self-improvement? It's you're not making any progress in self-improvement. You're spending all of your time and energy on what you're doing wrong and beating yourself up over it and thinking about how you should be better but you're not actually doing any better. Right? And this is basically the whole concept of shames not going to make you a better wife though. This beating yourself up. It's generally not. I mean, I don't even see generally not it doesn't work. It doesn't work with ourselves. It doesn't work with our husbands. It does for sure. Does not work with our children beating ourselves up criticizing. It doesn't Inspire growth. It doesn't Inspire motivation. It does not Inspire our best selves to show up more than that more than that when we're so down on ourselves and beating ourselves up and feeling so gross about ourselves because you can convince yourself of anything. Right? So if you want to convince herself that you're a terrible human being you could do it. And you don't actually have to be a terrible human being to do that. So when we're coming from this place where we feel so gross and we're so down on ourselves and then then we try and show up the way we think the perfect wife would shop right? So then we try and show up with connection and sweetness and understanding and compassion and patience. You know, what happens? You become really gross. You become this weird robot version of a human being right because you're faking it you're behaving in a way that is completely out of alignment with where you're at because As you're taking this gross Ness and you're just covering it up with this Behavior. Which look sometimes you have to do it. Sometimes you just need to show up and you need to do the right thing and you don't feel like you're there mentally fine. But if this is what's happening normally in your relationship that your brain and your emotions are in one place and then you're sort of putting on a show on the outside. That's not a relationship right? You're losing the connection. You're losing the authenticity. He's not married to you. He's married to the character that you're playing. Right. And so that this is a huge loss. This is a huge huge loss that happens when we really start beating ourselves up like this never fear. I'm going to give you some things you can do about it. Okay. So number one is named the shame and I don't just mean call it shame. I mean call it Polly or whatever name you want to call it? Okay, really big on naming things. You guys need my insulin pump for me. By the way. We went with Thumper the pumper that was an amazing suggestion, but there were some very good ones also. We're all about naming things here at first remarried. So I don't just want you to name your shame. That that is the emotion of shame. I want you to create an entire character that exist inside your psyche. That speaks the shame to you. Okay, so is it you know, the little second grade girl who's just so wants to do everything perfectly and she thinks she's not so she speaks the shame. Is it the sort of maternal or teacher type figure or principal type figure or drill instructor or coach or something? Is it coming from more of an adult perspective just create almost a cartoon character. Who is it? That keeps bringing up shame for you? Who is it? Who's accusing you? Who is it? Who's beating you up? And really create a visual for it if you want to go on to clipart and like literally this sounds crazy but it works going to clip art and find a little picture and give it a name and and talk and think for yourself. What is this one do this one comes to me and says, I'm not good at what I'm doing. This one comes to me and says Bubba Bubba. Okay when you named this shame when you've named this character that shows up for you. So then what we're doing is were saying when these thoughts are coming up for me. They're coming up through this care such as I'll just use poly because that's the thing that I randomly blurred it out a second ago. So that's really just Polly talking right? And yeah Polly's part of me and Polly has a perspective and I can even listen to Polly but it's not the Voice of Truth thundering through my psyche that you're a bad wife, right? It's just Polly who tends to talk about things she tends to accuse other people a lot she tends to talk about Things that she thinks people should be embarrassed about that's what Holly does and I'm happy to listen to her and I'll even thank her for her contribution because she's really out for my own good, you know, she wants to make sure that I'm taking care of myself and then I'm living up to my potential. She just doesn't really have a lot of tact. She wouldn't make a very good coach. She doesn't do a very good job of actually getting me there but you know, maybe she maybe it's good for me to hear sometimes sort of where my bar is, but she gets a little out of whack. She tends to compare me to people that don't really exist got where I'm going with this. Okay? Again, the main point of this is that instead of this sort of feeling like this. Great truth when I hear it. I I'm I'm lightening the whole thing. Okay, I'm playing with it. I'm making it a lot more flexible in my mind, right and you can take this out and do more with this. Right? Some people will take this and they will do this for everything right? They'll have the lover and the mother and the friend and the coach and the you know, like they'll have all the different, you know, the voices and the the different characters that come and they Their contributions and I think that's great if that works for you for sure. I want you to try this with shame for this week. Okay. Number two. I want you to consider the possibility of a life without shame and what I mean by this is just that when shame comes up, you're like, yeah, I don't do that right now, maybe just for a week or maybe for a month. First of all, what concerns you about that? Like are you worried that without shame you would just stop making dinner for your husband. Are you worried that you would just start? Saying horrible things to him all the time. What do you think you're holding onto the same for and then I would just wonder if you could sort of just excuse yourself from that for a little while and I would even suggest giving it a specific time period this is a little different but I think it will maybe help you understand what I'm saying with this is that when we made the decision to move to Israel, so I just decided like in a very casual way. This was not like any deep coaching or anything, but I just decided that, you know, actually my husband. The first one he said that for a year, we're not really going to worry about when we spend money by mistake. Okay. Now we're not making any really really major purchases by mistake, right? So what I mean by this is oh the meat is half the price at that grocery store than where I bought it or I bought this thinking that it was this kind of soap. But actually I didn't know that word in Hebrew. So I got that kind of soap. Okay or a good example is my kids have tutoring and sometimes we don't make it to school on time and they miss it, but I still I pay the tutor all that accidental spending. We just decided for the first year. This is just were not really worrying about it. We're just excusing ourselves from worrying about it for a year. So what will happen is that I will realize suddenly that I just paid for something I didn't need to pay for or I missed something that I was paying for in my immediate reaction is to tense up and stressed out about that because I tend to be somebody who really likes to be on budget and likes be responsible their money and I can very quickly go into a place with a lot of stress and a lot of frustration. Vision that then I remember we this year that's not something I'm worrying about and so it's just a very gentle but simple redirect for the brain like oh you thought you were going to go there but we decided actually not right now, right and it is so helpful. So I want to see if you can challenge yourself to try that with shame for the next week or month or year or you know your lifetime, that'd be good too side note because the Candy situation is pretty phenomenal over here in Israel. So I also did this for kids nutrition, okay. I just decided the only thing I'm worried about is helping the meat vegetables and any other roles that I had about what they do and don't eat and what we do and don't allow I'm just taking a sabbatical. Okay, I'll get back to it. I think they can handle a year and I'll get back to it right and same thing with the accidental spending but we just decided we're like we're just going to take a break from worrying about that. We're going to take a break from all the rules that we have about that very similar to what I talked about with bringing home baby. Right? Sometimes you're in a phase where It's just good to kind of opt out for a little while. So what I want you to try is to opt out of shame to see what happens as an experiment. I think you can do it. Okay number three, so I want you to consider that these actions that you're feeling so shameful of Might not be coming from being a horrible human being as your mind would Polly would like you to believe but there are often coming from a place of fear or insecurity maybe not always but a lot of times when we react very emotionally or in a way that feels out of control. It's coming from a place of fear or insecurity. So what I would encourage you to do would be to speak those out loud or alternatively write those down. What were you so scared of When you did that, okay, so sometimes it'll be I was scared that he didn't love me as much as I loved him. Sometimes it's I was scared that he would never help me as much as I need to function. I was insecure compared to other people at that moment. Okay. So again number three is just to consider that those actions that you are shaming yourself over might be coming from a place of fear insecurity speak them out or write them down. And then also look at the reverse of them. Okay. So what would the reverse be I was scared. He didn't love me as much as I love him could be. Wow. I love him so much. So I got really insecure there. That's much more empowering than going into a shame spiral, right? He might not love me as much as I love him and that's really scary. And so now I'm overreacting and I'm acting very badly and now I'm going to feel shameful about it versus. Well. I really love this guy. I might even love him more than he loves me. That's how much I love him. Okay, that's the reverse okay, or he might never help me as much as I need help. The reverse that could just be like, wow, I feel like I need a lot of help right now. Hey, so now I can take that and I can bring it to him and I can say I really need so much help right now and I'm really freaking out about that. What should I do? Can you homie you have any suggestions for me? That's a very very different animal than he might not help me as much as I need. And so then we're going to go into criticism and blame and then we're going to go into shame. The next one number four is to clarify your vision as you would if you were speaking to a beloved younger friend for those of you with daughters. I would even consider these daughter here. Okay, when you're creating your vision for yourself as a wife when we do this in a vacuum on our own again, we create this image that Simply isn't what we would suggest to anybody else right if you had a friend who let's say you've been married for five years and someone came to you and she's a newlywed and she said I'm just trying to understand how I'm supposed to show up. What should I make sure I'm doing what's important but you be like, well, you should always have a gourmet meal on the table at six o'clock, of course never be in your pajamas past 9:00 a.m. Ever if he's going to see it unless you're throwing up. No, but that's how Enoch to ourself Yeah, so if you were talking to a beloved younger friend, you would explain here some things that are good to do when you can do it, but sometimes you can't and that's fine. So when you're creating a vision for yourself do it with at least as much love and compassion as you would for someone else why because when we're doing it that way for someone else then we want it. We want to give them something they can work with we know that they would be paralyzed if we gave them something so outrageous. Right, but with ourselves we think only just beat myself over the head with this image of a perfect wife. And then finally I might behave no just like you would with a beloved younger friend create a vision with compassion. It can still be a vision. It's still what you're working towards right? But it's a vision for a human being the last one number five is consider what you would need to believe and I mean truly believe something you really could believe. That would let you just make a step towards your vision. Okay, so it might not be that you think that you are an organized person and your vision includes being a bit more organized, but you might be able to believe that you're a person who values who sees the value in organization. Yeah, so I would just consider that probably you're functioning right now from a model of like I'm crazy to organize and I totally don't have my act together. If this is an issue for you, right you can we can replace this with whatever issue you're working on and if you can replace it with something that is just a tiny step towards where you want to be going. You know, you don't have to say I'm super organized if you don't have the evidence to support that but you could say I value organization I see how or Is Asian really helps everything run better? Do you see how now you are in a totally different place than I'm a hot mess. We can't get her act together. Right. I mean even just when I think about this line, I'm a hot mess who can't get it back together. I immediately need a nap. I'm like, so tired by that. That's the degree that the most draining thought to me. It's going to be different for everyone. But for me, that's such a draining thought but if I'm just thinking like well, I really value organization. So then I'm like, okay, I could probably just like at least put you know those dishes away. I could do something something little not super organized, but I could do that. Right and then you're making a step in that direction and then you could even maybe try the next thought but you want to spend some time with each one first. I just want to give you a final thought of like how this can look for you. We all have this image of like the perfect wife and usually when we make a mistake where we're comparing ourselves, or we're despairing that we're not that we're not doing that great. We're not perfect. That can lead into an over reaction. It can retell like a very strong emotional response. It can lead to shame it can lead to you know, trying to blame other people because we can't take responsibility for all these feelings that were having basically just not really a fun place to be for anybody you or your husband. Okay. So what does it look like for me now? I've been working on this for a little while. I started with this experiment of like what if I just kind of don't do shame. Okay. I still do sometimes more with my parenting than with my wife Aang. Hey. But that doesn't mean that when I make a mistake, I'm like way to go you're doing great. Okay. So the last time that I felt like I just totally didn't show up as my best self in my marriage. What did it look like? So I did what I did. I spoke like really really to my husband, right and then afterwards I kind of just was like first of all I didn't deal with it right away because I was still to triggered and frustrated and upset about the whole event. I went I did something else. I got my mind off of it. And then I was like well, yeah, I was having a lot of really really negative thoughts right then and some of them I might think are true and some of them I might not think are true. But those thoughts are for sure going to put you in a bad place and Kayla you could have done a lot better. You know, you probably could have just pushed yourself to keep your mouth shut until you got out the door and save yourself the headache of now you're going to have to go apologize. Now, you need to go apologize. You're gonna apologize to him. You're going to move on. Take responsibility for what you did but that's normal because when you have a whole bunch of terrible thoughts you're going to feel terrible and next time maybe just try and keep your mouth. Shut if you can but then we're going to have to go look at those times. I'm gonna have to go look at them. And I'm going to have to sort of see how those facts made you really unhappy and really cranky and get some clarity about what's going on in your head. Okay? Because this is the thing, you know, if someone's like eating a bag of cheese, it's every day. We're not cheese. It's what I mean Cheetos, right if you're eating like a bag of Cheetos every day and they show the doctor and you're like shocked that you have bad cholesterol. Yeah, so that's a person who doesn't see any correlation between what's going into their body and how their body is reacting. Okay. Our thoughts are like the diet for your brain and if we're not paying any attention, we're just letting like whatever pops up to just be there unquestioned. So that's the opposite of mental health and without a basic sense of clarity and health and our minds and an awareness of what's going in and how it's affecting us. We can't make progress right? We can't move on to the next place other than self control which yes, you can develop more self-control you can work on your self-control but it is so much easier and it is so much more effective to start looking at your thoughts get them down on paper question them, see how they're affecting you. See how they're showing up in your life, right? And from there we can escape this blame trap. We can escape the shame Polly all this stuff. So I want to just really encourage all of you to take some time have some compassion for yourself get your thoughts down on paper. Look at them have some clarity about what's going on your head. If you need some coaching email me. Let's get you some coaching. All right, we'll figure out if you should be doing a program or if you would do one-on-one meeting monthly. We'll figure something out for you. But I want all of you to be able to feel like have clear steps. You can take to work on your mental health to work on your Clarity, and I hope you all have an amazing week and oh my gosh next week. See you there. Bye.
Announcement: Next week I will be having the amazing ALISON ARMSTRONG on the podcast!!! Make sure you are subscribed because it’s going to be split over two episodes and you are not going to want to miss this interview. I recorded an episode a while back called “Shame Won’t Make You a Better Wife.” Episode 8 You need to hear it again. Because I keep seeing you all using the idea of self-improvement as a way of attacking yourself and your self-worth. You are weaponizing self-control. Against yourself. How you know you’re doing it: You are more conscious of what you’re doing wrong than what you’re doing right. The Perfect Wife has shown up. Your emotional reactions seem to be worse than makes sense. You aren’t making progress. When we are so down on ourselves and then trying to show up as the perfect wife, it’s totally inauthentic. What to do about it. Name the shame. (Sidenote: accidental spending and kids nutrition sabbatical) Consider that your actions may be coming from a place of fear or insecurity. Speak those out loud. See the reverse of them. Clarify your vision as you would if you were speaking to a beloved younger friend. Consider what you would need to believe, truly believe, to make a step towards that vision.
Hi, I'm Tony riddle. And this is the natural life stylist podcast. So way back in December. I had this crazy idea to run from Land's End to John o'groats in just 30 days, but I wasn't just going to run it. I was going to run it Barefoot to raise funds for environmental Charities and collaborate with world-leading experts to raise awareness and money for six organizations fighting the top sustainability issues of our time. I knew running Barefoot would raise many are socially extreme eyebrow and with that eyebrow-raising behavior, I would be able to provide a perfect platform to highlight the importance of connecting with our environment and those key sustainability issues of time. I had the pleasure of getting behind the mic with the man with the sustainability plan Michael Thornton, Michael Thornton is an engineer entrepreneur and the founder of carbon analytics after close to a decade working on sustainable water power. Projects around the world as a civil engineer Michael accepted a scholarship for an MBA in social entrepreneurship at Oxford University with a question in mind. How do we transform our global economy to understand and value the natural world? It depends on and how do we do it without relying on government? Well carbon analytics is company that automate carbon footprinting for businesses and Supply chains is the result of that question Michael and I continue the conversation away from the mics as we go for a 10-mile run to finish my 34 the dirt and I trust me when I say that this is the man the sustainability plan ever since this conversation. I've been spreading his carbon and six message to my brothers and sisters. So I really hope you enjoy the conversation. So I'm here with Michael Michael Thornton. This is great because Michaels found me through the ritual podcast. It is things the rich old podcast inspire. Like that then found out about the run and then was here in the UK. So it's all kind of just come together. It's incredible power of social media. So Michael CEO CEO of carbon analytics. This is this is amazing system here. And I think we can all benefit from listening to Mike or me. Personally. It's something that I you know, I have to justify sometimes like the Rich Roll podcast for It was like, okay. I'm going to go over there and I'm going to talk about sustainability. Yeah, I'm going to fly to LA right, you know just simple things like that or we got to get a train or you got it car and you know certain things we can be doing a certain things we can think about at least offsetting these days. Yeah. So let's get a bit of background on Michael. Who is Michael. Yeah. Good one. Well, yeah started off as an engineer really Skillet went to school on my whole family's in Dear humans. My dad was an engineer. Yeah, we got ya see. I came from a family of Engineers had always had two hats the engineering hat. So it was a civil engineer undergrad and then also got Environmental Policy degree. So kind of had those two worlds and then a few years ago added in a business hat went to business school at Oxford for Skol scholarship social entrepreneurship. And that's the carbon analytics is the Collision of those six familiar with UK now, huh now familiar with the UK, although haven't been out to this region. Which is not so much worse to and this is definitely my first yeah. Yeah, beautiful. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and then the, you know, the really the idea of carbon analytics is that you know, there's there's one way of thinking about sustainability which is that we should all go back to living in caves and that's how you can avoid those flights and you can avoid any impact on the World As We McDonough said, you know striving for zero is not very exciting. It's not not a place that that most people would be excited to go. So, I think we have Look at what's the opposite of zero and that's a hundred percent sustainable world. Yeah, that's where we can travel and visit each other and have these great important interactions, you know and learn but do it in a way that's not going to threaten the entire planet and to do that. We have to change the change the system and how do we do that? So our idea is that the core kind of problem we have is that our economy economy. You can think of it as a machine you can think of it as a calculation engine that figures out. How do you allocate Resources if I want to go buy a sandwich what what needs to happen in the rest of the economy to make the bring that sandwich to me and someone will make some bread and someone will make some mayonnaise and whatever else and then someone will put it on a plate and bring it to you and all of that has all these impacts in the economy is very good at calculating what that should cost and it brings you a value and says, okay. Yeah four quid there's your sandwich. Oh Frack convenience, but for your convenience, yeah, but the problem is that that calculation engine, although it's very efficient. It doesn't understand the World that it's living in it has no knowledge of our environment no knowledge of our social system beyond what we push on it. So in economics you call that externalities. These are things that happen when you buy your sandwich that you don't intend to happen, but they're real consequences inconveniences of the convenience inconvenience and egg on Venus, really that and so because we don't have a system that can incorporate that it's just going to get trampled. It's kind of inevitable that we have This brilliant engine for Commerce and And convenience but no, but if it doesn't understand the world it's going to trample that world. And that's that's where we're at. And so our idea is that we need to build the next economy that understands the physical biological societal limits that the world has that are the realities and can change the calculations to incorporate those. Yeah. Also speaking less, you know kind of theoretically it's like if you buy a sandwich you're causing carbon emissions, there should be a price in that Watch for those carbon emissions. Yes. I someone said to me the other day. We were talking about sustainable fashion and you have a clothing brand and he quit think it was along the lines of belie Patagonia right just being here has an impact so it's like, how is it if I think they said, you know something along the lines of well, you know, we're trying to do this this and this and this for our business to be sustainable and they support the best thing you can do for a business to be sustainable is they're not have a business wrecked your I mean which is not because it can't survive that way though. Can it so yeah, I love this. Yeah, that's you know, that's like I say I run into a lot of environmentalists who are still they have the mindset that people are bad. You know that we've got too many people on the planet and that's bad and like what a what a system that we've set up where more people is bad somehow like, you know, something fundamentally wrong with that like should we all you know is the ultimate environmentalism for us all to go away? No, well, not right, you know. Start out my post it up, you know on social media because I put stuff about my family up there and people like that and you know, we were just I'll we're expecting a another baby and this woman jumped into my stories and was like, how dare you how selfish of you bringing another child into this world? There's already enough beings on the planet that about and I just thought oh my God, can you imagine if you know, so someone could have said that 16 years ago when Greta thumba was born right? Someone could have said that because what we're looking at that is the people within governments of today that of the certain maturity or level then they're not really in the process of understanding it. Yeah, and we almost need those younger generations to come through absolute. Which would of course increase the numbers on the planet. Yeah. We have to make it sustainable for the numbers that are there that are going to help shift the change of the future, right? Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, I think I think it also, you know, it's kind of like do you believe people are good for the universe and I think I think I do. Well the universal few things we all right. Thank the universe doesn't he's counting us out. Exactly. Yeah, hopefully that you know, we should we should do it we can and I think might be cribbing on Elon Musk who's probably cribbing in someone else little bit but to further the light of Consciousness, you know in the universe and do all we can to keep this this going and I think the way to do that is to have more people people are great. The problem is the way we the world we have right now the system we've set up to support all those people. Doesn't understand the world doesn't understand the climate doesn't understand soil doesn't understand toxicity. So well in simple terms doesn't understand how to support exact number of people has no idea and no and and it's a method, you know, if you think of it as a mathematical engine that those walls on the economy just don't exist. They're not there because when you you know, when you cause an externality that data is not even in your transaction. So when you're trying to optimize how much would this cost? There's no well, all we know is The template for us there's no there's no limits. So our idea is carbon analytics is to find a way to put those that data in every transaction so that when you make a financial transaction, you have some understanding of those limits of the world and then if enough people, you know, I think there's enough people that care about those limits that that starts to put a price on those transactions is the core idea. So in other words, you know if you can in every when you buy a sandwich If you can see how much carbon is in that sandwich, there's enough people that will say hey, we should have we should you know not kill our climate to get sandwiches that enough people will put a price on that. Yeah, that sends a signal down to the suppliers and says, hey we should get lower carbon plates and lower carbon mayonnaise versus higher carbon and that's how you create a system that can optimize around climate and all these limits that we have and that's that's possible. That's what you're saying. That's yes is what you're doing that spot. That's incredible, isn't it? Yeah, I so it took a while. Yeah, took us a couple of years of R&D in the UK started out of Oxford lucky enough to get a number of Grants from the EU and UK to develop the economic system. So that now we can we have an engine that plugs financial data in so hooks up to QuickBooks and 0 looks at each transaction of business makes and puts a carbon footprint on it. And then critically we also look at not only the initial good but the supply chain behind it. So so business don't have to be signed up for that. You can already analyzed it we or do they have to be so if they want to look at their own business they need to sign up. Okay, go ahead if we're but we if they're not signed up. We're still going to put a footprint on you. Yeah, so I just wanted to raise us love you. And we do the way we do that as we look at Have You released any data about your carbon? Probably not that's 99 percent of businesses. So if not, we look at what do we know about you as an industrial entity and where you likely to spend your money so really what we're doing is we're figuring out I'm going to spend a hundred pounds. Where does that hundred pounds ago? The economy who is now running to get your goods or services. And what is that going to do to the environment? And we're calculating all that back for every transaction. So if we know nothing about you we know you're a sandwich shop and here's how Shameless shops typically are going to impact the economy to infinity and that encourages the companies to then take responsibility, right? That's the idea is we can if we get the buyers the purchasers to start incorporating carbon into their decision-making then you have a pressure and a reason for lower carbon. He's to be preferred over higher carbon. So then you can you know, you can use the economic capitalist system, which is very efficient, but you can now optimized on not just price but Price Plus carbon apply that filter to and exactly yeah, and that's the core idea and then the you know, that that's that's the kind of the theory of change and then the next hard problem is how do we turn that into a business and what we realized is that carbon footprinting is kind of stuck in the stone age's it's very manual right now for companies. Typically a consultant will come in they'll measure. Usually whatever is easy to measure or whatever, you know, utility bill very precise. You've got you've got how much power company has used. You can you know, you can put a footprint on that quite easily. What's hard to put a footprint on is your IT services or your you know, your insurance company the full supply chain that actually supports what you do. So that's usually ignored is the way that they do it. So we've realized that we can upgrade that whole industry really with our system and automate it using the financial data. So because it's data you've already got we can process it with our technology automate it and make it a lot faster a lot cheaper for companies. So now we're starting to work with a lot of be corpse a lot of small and midsize fashion food type companies. Yeah. So this is like macro or write down to micro this stage, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's really what's your footprint as a business across the world, you know, we like for example, we just worked at the company Rebel kitchen. That's what I was going to go next. Who's who's with you? Yeah, so he's on board. And so they're great one there like an alternative milk company here in the UK. They're doing quite well, and they wanted to get their carbon footprint. So we worked with them used our system and they not only got their companies footprint, but they're full Global impact of their supply chain. Wow. So the whole thing's tries to pull right back. Yeah. Yeah ought suits quote-unquote to Infinity which is like basically until those until that hundred pounds disappears in terms of impact on the economy. They got their footprint and then they offset the entire thing. So if you now go I some alternative milk from Rebel kitchen. It's it's truly offset and you can you know, basically the carbon is now priced into that system. It's like I said wasn't a future world. So what's the what's in the how do we offset it? What is what's involved with setting? Yeah. So I've settings a whole, you know, we're not off Setters. There's a whole other industry there and effectively what offset is do is they have projects around the world that cause carbon to be up store it in some way. So usually it's a reforestation project could be something like cookstoves where you're basically reducing the amount of fossil fuels that are burned for cooking and those are good projects in and of themselves, but the almost the more important thing from our perspective is that they they mean that a company has put a price on carbon they put a price on this externality and they've decided to operate in this world where the climate matters and yeah the offset is there, you know, here's the money to prove that that's what they're doing. And then that that creates a forcing function within that Free so that when they're making a purchasing decision, they should be buying from a lower carbon supplier because that means they're offset is lower. So they've they're now taking that that you know initiative of around what they want to do for the climate and they're pushing it into the supply chain because they're the buyers. That's the biggest power every company has is they're going to spend millions of pounds around the world. They're now going to get to say we want lower carbon a options for what we're buying Well, ma'am, which you know, that's how I think we can take the two percent of companies that really unfortunately care about this and push that and make it an economy-wide think more in the bubble jet or sorry more inside the bubble blow the Bubble Up. Yeah. Exactly lovely the Bubble Up get it get more people involved. Yeah. It's very nice. Yeah, but maybe maybe the long way of saying all that but just good just a bit music coming in the background there. You got that. No, okay. It's worried about that party in the fire. I thought we might be picking up on that then. Yeah, so Within the 2% you've got involves who else you got involved here in the UK how many of your yeah, so we me biting. So we're still we're still pretty young. So we launched the version one of our platform and two years ago. We had around a thousand companies sign up in some ways the mistake we made was that was free. So we got people kind of, you know coming in testing it out but not really committed. So we've just launched the second version or a platform which is paid we've got about a dozen companies through so still quite new as a business. We work with companies all over the world with Ines power companies here in the UK Itachi Capital UK British gas number of be corpse that we work with. Yeah food fashion tends to be pretty pretty popular ones, but you are seeing interest everywhere. We yes just starting work. I think I can talk about with Ellis kitchen. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and that's more fun ones on the way. I'm sure man. What was the spark? What was it? What was it? What was it that triggered it for you this original the idea the concept this is what I need to do now. So assuming you like behind this run, it's been right. Okay for me, it's been Parenthood really has been a big driver for me. That's really interesting. You say that yeah CTO joined us with exactly that he said, you know, I'm I'm have worked on games flight simulators and all that on my life and just had kids and we've got to do something about this. Yeah, because you just look at it and you think you know, imagine what they're going to be thinking in I think Hugo mentioned something in one of the pods we did from surface against her Rouge and he was saying about whale oil or something that we Been using you know, and then we move on so many years and we think we thinking what we doing all these Generations. I have no concept of that. Yeah, you know and for my kids is saying, you know, ten years time to look back and say wow what a mess you made it's going to be that we have 2 Min we have to be doing something right? Absolutely. And that's going back in that greater Sundberg conversation. It's just yeah, you know, you guys aren't listening. Yeah and like sometimes it takes people from the outside to come in and say You ever actually looked at this whole system differently. Yeah, this is insane guys. Yeah, like I think I think about automobiles that way like imagine if you tried today, if cars and Roads didn't exist to try to propose automobiles as a system for transport like it just imagine those conversations. Okay. So we're going to do is we're going to have people get in these two ton metal boxes and drive at a hundred miles an hour a hundred kilometers an hour down the road and that's how they're going to get from point A to B, and you be like well what's going to prevent them from? Hitting pedestrians and other people. Well, we're going to paint a line on the road. Yeah, that's going to be great. Oh, yeah, and it's going to burn flammable gas. Yeah. He's it's gonna have a huge impact Shane. Yeah. He tried to oppose it. But you know here we are. Sometimes it takes someone from the outside to come in and say well that's dumb guys. What are you doing? Yeah, and then it then it just tight then it takes time. It takes a little bit of time for people to hear that you're done. What are you doing? You know? Yeah because that's that. Yeah. Just going by my run. Runs what I've been doing its yes, it's a flawed model man, you know, so going back to the spark. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I mean, you know, so I spent a long time as an engineer working around the world did a lot of sustainable infrastructure projects water Power Systems, which is really great at one thing I realized is that we we had a really hard time pushing the clients the cities and companies that were working with towards Green Solutions. And I was as a young engineer almost, you know jumping into Excel and trying to create a model for Why this was going to be better for the climate and better for their finances long-term. I was like this is you know, really we should be further along in this system. So kind of had that in the back of my head always wanted to start a company and then when I went to Oxford just you know brought this question of how do we how do we shift this system in a meaningful way and what can I do as an you know, an aspiring entrepreneur to do something about that? And you know, I think there's a couple really big challenges in the world and they're you know, they're sustainable transport system will power sustainable food. There's a lot of people working on those the one I saw that really not enough people were thinking about is how do we how do we shift our how do we shift the incentives in the economy and without relying on government to do that? And so that was the Nexus is really hard challenge. We did a kind of a brainstorm few days at the business school with some other other brilliant people came out with this idea. And I said and we were like, I actually maybe there's some some legs on this list. Try to Hash it out further and it's been almost six years, but we've now got a business model and a technology that we think and work. And is there any conversation in that? I was discussing with Hugo the other day, you know, they they were one of the big voices in getting the charge on plastic bags. Let's say and changing legislation. So is there that conversation that's happening between say carbon analytics and the government is there that kind of not too much. Each yet. So we're you feel as it grows that it's going to have a louder voice and it's yeah for sure be more is available. Yeah, the conversation we're having right now is more at the more at the carbon footprint and offset space. Yeah, and it's around what should we be measuring for companies and we're really pushing the idea that you shouldn't just measure what is possible to measure, you know, or based on whatever receipt, you know, easy to measure things. You should always be measuring a hundred percent. What's the Impact of a business because right now we have you know, some ideas around your carbon neutral if you've offset just your offset office downtown, but you're going to ignore your factory over in China. Yeah, that's like no you have and the trends pool from that to that the transport and the Firearms. No, you haven't really done that. So so we'll traceability. Exactly. Yes, we're pushing right now. Is that okay if we're going to be doing that let's let's measure a hundred percent. Let's get to something that's comparable company to company to company and if you know, I think if we can do that that's going to create. A lot bigger market and pressure and then we yeah, I would love to speak at the government level and we've had I guess some really early conversations here in over in the US but you know, I think we've got some growing to do before will well, I think they have some growing to do. Yeah. Yeah, that's true too. Yeah. I mean, it's it's in decent space. Was it Mike time? We tell me what makes I do it. Yeah, yeah be nice for them to open their ears wouldn't it? I feel I'm mad at multiple levels there. But again, I guess it's more voices come in the more they have to listen. It's becoming that that level isn't it? So what about because when we talk about sustainability that's a sustainable fashion and people that I've spoken to that have tried to make shifts within their companies and it's that it's the financial implications of that for them. Usually, you know, and then the other end of that scale was from the Zoomers perspective that oh my god. I've had to pay whatever for a t-shirt. Whereas a t-shirt from Fast fashion is this much and I like playing double for this somos what how what about the financial implications on for the company and then the for the consumer within the company, how does that yeah, it has that. Look it's a real thing and some things should be more expensive there. I'm totally with that. I'm really yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but yeah, I think that you know, the I guess I take a slightly different view on Some of this than a lot of people in the space in that I think if if you've priced it properly and everything is included in the price, you know, the negative environmental externalities. There's nothing inherently wrong with say fast fashion versus long-term fashion ver you know versus this versus that it's just as long as it's priced properly. That should be okay. So I think what you know, yeah, I mean, it may be a roundabout way of getting at it. But I think what you need to do is if you can get the environmental externalities priced in what you'll end up finding is some things probably can be more efficient than they are and that just because something has a low-cost doesn't mean it's necessarily bad and you can By Saving environmental impact you can save money. In fact in a lot of ways. Yeah. I don't know if I'm quite quite. Oh no, it's like he says now you're making sense that okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so, you know like flying as a really interesting example where you know, you might you might to do the environmentally preferable thing. You might take a drive from one place to another. Yeah, but actually if you if you work it out that the fuel cost you're going to spend more fuel than you would on the flight and actually it turns out that that Increase spending is an indication that you've actually probably emitted more carbon than a flight would have taken while driving. Yeah driving. Yeah, and that's certain routes in certain situations. And especially if you're alone in the car and all that, but the really the economic system is a very good calculation engine. It's a very good optimization engine and if we can put carbon and environmental impact, right alongside price, it should be able to optimize really well and probably we would find there's more abundance than we think in the world. Not less, so it doesn't need doesn't mean if we include environmental impact that we're going to need to all stop buying and enjoying the world. I think I think probably quite the opposite really enjoy it more. When can you see it? Can you see it is the it would lead to the individual having a handle on this as well I could so right now I'm going to fly then I have to drive then I can do this and I can look at what would be the carbon footprint of all of that and I could calculate it over time. Do you think that's possible? Yeah moving shifting in that. Yeah. I think it's definitely Possible. I mean we looked at it the only the only reason there's a couple of companies that do it in the space and they've done it even with credit cards, which is really interesting. I think the challenge has been the business model around it and our you know, our consumer is there enough spending willingness there amongst consumers to build a build the system and then build the offsets around it and so far that's hasn't panned out yet. But certainly could if we had enough interested people at something we could do with our technology especially interesting spice, isn't it? Because it all feels like it's so bizarre because it feels like it's all at this Acorn level fluh. No unicorn that. I like the a coin is weight of this amazing oak tree to grow from it. You know, it does feel that the whole Space feels like that. I think that suddenly people are listening and it's like there's been enough people speaking in the space, but suddenly it's opening up. I think I think that's right. And it's yeah, I mean, it's also challenging because you know as much as As much as we want to do as individuals to some degree, we don't hold the all the power directly. So what but the power that we do hold is the power to persuade these companies that were this is something we care about so we can't necessarily don't necessarily have enough products on the market where we can buy good flights or bad flights, but what we can do is say hey we want we need to change this system and that's what we really need to be Dan demanding a change in the system and being angry not at you know, Al Gore for taking a flight, but angry that flights emit. Carbon that damages the planet in the first place. It's yeah and it's I don't know. It's an interesting time. Yeah, and all of this is very new, you know, Carbon measurement rules are very haphazard and exist don't exist all over the place carbon legislations, very new and barely exists all over the place. So we have all these people trying to do something but we don't quite have the Direct Tools yet that are powerful enough. Okay. So how do businesses get involved? So if I mean really easy go to the CO2 Very very quick to link your finances, especially if you're on zero sign up link your finances. We charge a annual fee for companies meant to be 90% less than a consultant would charge and yeah, you know and if you can't afford that or just excited but we're doing like please do get in touch. We're always looking for Champions and people who can help push us to their suppliers or find other ways to push this this will help connect. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah in some way or another. Yeah exactly the only wonderful Yeah, and you know, I really appreciate what you're doing on this run raising awareness. I mean, it's kind of like it's one big long chain from people all the way down to the to our supply chains. So we need are people at every stage of the chain pushing and pulling and pulling and pulling towards a better cleaner economy. Yeah, and it's not just businesses individuals isn't it within that, you know, so as an individual, how do I get involved? So if I'm not a business and I'm individual and I'm thinking right Curtis I can is there a member because a very becoming Being a member or is there something we can do to assist or yeah me get we don't have anything like that interesting idea. I think the biggest thing that we'd love you to do is and maybe we could put together an email to do this. But just ask your company's ask your favorite companies, you know, what's their carbon footprint? Where do they do there and climate what's their plan to be to live in a world that you know create a world that's compatible with 1.5 degrees and if they don't have one, you know come to us and we can help them do that. That's a good place to finish man. It's like it's good. That's pretty good. Thank you. Thank you. Cheers. Great. Hope you enjoyed the conversation with Michael as much as I did. I personally came away from it with the internal conversation of wow. If you're in business and want to be the change be transparent and traceable in Michaels a great guy for you to connect with to find out more about Michaels carbon analytics then head to if you like the Possession and please show some love by spreading the message wide and far. If you're new to the podcast then please go back and listen to the previous episode and leave a comment and subscribe. If you haven't any way be inspired by my Barefoot sustainability running challenge, then please make a donation to one or more of the sustainability and environmental organizations that I am from fundraising for you'll find the just giving pages in the info box huge. Thanks to miss the James Joyce for all your work in. Helping get these conversations out. You are appreciated and remember pleats we can't all live in nature, but that doesn't mean we can't live naturally.
I had the pleasure of getting behind the mic with the man with the sustainability plan; Michael Thornton. Michael Thornton is an engineer, entreprenuer and the founder of Carbon Analytics. After close to a decade working on sustainable water, power and projects around the world as a civil engineer, Michael accepted a scholarship for an MBA in social entrepreneurship at Oxford University with a question in mind? How do we transform our global economy to understand and value the natural world it depends on? And how do we do it without relying on government? Carbon Analytics, his company that automates carbon footprinting for businesses and supply chains is the result of that question. Michael and I continue the conversation away from the mic’s as we go for a 10 mile run to finish my 30 for the day and ever since I have been spreading his carbon analytics message to my brothers and sisters.
Hello and welcome. You're listening to the embodied astrology horoscopes for Capricorn season in 2019. My name is Renee. I'm an artist an astrologer and a somatic intuitive in these audio horoscopes all outline. What I perceive as the main areas of focus for each sign in the month ahead and give you creative embodied and practical suggestions. As for working with this season's biggest opportunities and challenges remember that horoscopes describe general energies and it's up to you to get specific listen with your intuition turned on and your mind open take what works leave the rest. I suggest that you listen to the horoscopes for your son and your rising signs. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask what's your sign it has to do with the time of year. You were born. Your rising sign is determined by the time of day you are born and the place you were born if you Your birth information you can find out what your rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website embodied and the horoscope section to learn more about what's coming up in the next 30 days and the major themes of 2020 in general. Make sure to listen to break down to break through the embodied astrology episode for Capricorn season, you can find this episode Linked In the show notes from my website or as a separate track on your favorite listening platforms. If you're hungry to learn more about astrology check out my subscriber. Earrings, you can subscribe by donation at any amount per month and receive access to an extended monthly forecast and principal Astro Journal that gives you detailed day by day break downs of the planetary aspects and lunar cycles and suggestions for how to work effectively with their energy subscribers also get discounts on year ahead birthday Reports online classes Live Events and the embodied astrology Basics handbook speaking of Live Events. I would love to see you next month in, Portland, Oregon. Giving a talk on the astrology of 2020 on Saturday January 4th at 7 p.m. At psychic sister on Alberta the next day Sunday, January 5th. Come hang out with me from 11:00 to 4:00 at the people's yoga Northeast where we'll continue to explore the amazing astrology of 2020. I'll teach you how to work with your own chart and we'll play with fun creative and embodied approaches for working with Astro energy for manifestation by tality and joy details for both events are in the show notes are on my website. Right embodied in the Play and Learn section under Live Events. All of my audio horoscopes guided meditations and podcasts are offered for free. I know how helpful astrology can be for making sense out of the world and it's important to me to keep this work financially accessible especially during these crazy times in the world. If this work benefits you in your life, please support me to continue making it you can make a one-time or recurring donation to help keep it going and sidenote recurring. Lead owners get access to the awesome subscriber content the number one way. You can support this work is to share it. Please share it with your family and friends and leave five star reviews on iTunes, SoundCloud and Spotify and follow me on Instagram and Facebook at embodied astrology. Thank you so much for tuning in. Please wait for a brief sponsorship message and I'll be right back at you with your horoscope. Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on. Modify Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. 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So you'll never miss an episode because you want to catch them all don't you? Hello Sagittarius, welcome to your horoscope for Capricorn season. As I mentioned in the introduction. I'm going to be focusing on the energy of the season and leaving the astrological information the planets the aspects the signs Etc to the the subscriber content for now. I really want to let these horoscopes speak directly to your experience and what I'm picking up from your charts, so Capricorn season is wild astrologically there is so much energy that is coming to a head coming to a boiling point of some kind and transformation is the only option. So we are in a period of time when radical change is necessary for all of us here on Earth and it's not something that we can. Compartmentalize or isolate ourselves from these changes that are happening in the world around us are also changes that by necessity are happening within us within our bodies within our psyches within our relationships. And personally, I really believe that to move in congruence with the evolutionary energy. We need to understand how we are microcosms of the macro of this kind of larger experience. And so when we work, Ourselves were also working with Collective energy. I see you working with Collective energy in a very important way and the way that I see you working with this energy has to do with value wealth and worth with these Concepts and these concepts are definitely materially related. They have to do with sustenance they have to do with survival they have to do with the ways that you provide for. Self and how you feel taken care of in the world. And also how you what the parameters are. I suppose of of what you think you need to in order to be taken care of. So what's valuable to you? How much money do you need to make what resources do you need to have? What do you want to have Etc the issue of your own value? And your sustenance is Big issue. It has been an issue for the last decade you have been working to work it out to understand your relationship to money to understand your relationship to self-esteem to figure out how to provide for yourself to figure out what to do with, you know, potentially periods of time where you don't have what you need or where you're struggling to make ends meet or where you're struggling with your concept of self-worth in some way and what I see you coming to is a I'll shift in how you are relating to these Concepts into these experiences. And what I want to invite is a meditation on contentment actually and contentment is an important kind of aspect of any spiritual path. And so it's definitely something that I think all religions in some ways promote. How can we live in a space of contentment so that we don't get Populated by jealousy and envy and greed because those experiences are certainly destructive their destructive to ourselves and they're destructive to others and and definitely to our environment and contentment of course is is a whole conversation to unpack especially if it comes to privilege, especially if it comes to class and systemic inequities based on identities that have been marginalized who has had power privileges. Etc like there's a ton there. So you do that on packing if you want, but I just want to invite that we all have the capacity to experience contentment. Even if it's just for a moment, even if it's a meditation that we enter into for 10 minutes a day where you know, the point is I'm going to feel this breath and in this breath. I'm going to feel content that I am breathing. I'm going to take a sip of water and as I swallow the water I'm going to give thanks. the water and be grateful that I am swallowing this cup of water contentment can arise in any kind of relationship any kind of behavior activity as long as the intention is there and I want to ask you to bring your attention to contentment as a study as a kind of measurement point for Elf because what I'm seeing is that there's a space that you're getting to where you're recognizing discontent and you're needing to transform the ways that you work with discontent and contentment and abundance really want to come into your life. This is something that you are actively calling in your calling in the support that you need. And the truth of it is is that most of us, you know, it's like we get what we think that we Honor that we need and then as soon as we have it for a minute, then we want or we think we need something else and I'm sure that I've heard Ted talk about this somewhere and I heard someone talking about, you know, the experience of wealth how a person might say like, oh, I need this amount of money to be happy in my life and then they start to make that amount of money and then they want to make more and so there's there's a way that our minds are conditioned to always put off happiness to always put off contentment to kick it down the road. Road and to go. Okay, when I have that then I'll be happy and the way that these thoughts and these belief systems manifest in our bodies definitely have a lot to do with the ways that we value ourselves and that we feel worthy and our lives of receiving what is good and delaying our own happiness for a moment when we have X Y or Z or some kind of recognition or whatever money in the bank account. You know, that's also a resistance. To feeling good enough in what we are and what we have its objectification of our own sense of value. And so I really want to encourage you to as you practice contentment as you bring this in as an intention for yourself and as a way to orient yourself that part of what you're doing is you're telling yourself that you're enough as you are that there is absolutely no It'll kind of form that would make you better than you are now. Of course. There are resources that you could have that could make things easier that could help you, you know do the things that you want to do and that might lead to a different experience of self self worth or self-acceptance But ultimately who you are is is who you are and you don't want to put off happed happiness. You don't Put off a sense of value or a sense of worthiness until some kind of fictional future point. It's not it's really not helpful for you. It's not at all productive and the more that you can come into a space of recognition of your own value of really kind of being in a space of contentment regardless of all the things that aren't exactly the way that you want them to be then the more you can start to organize your life in a really A new and exciting and different way that actually does bring in what you want and I have a feeling that you have already feeling this. So I'm not saying anything that's new to you. These are probably already realizations that you've had for yourself on some level and so I'm just affirming them for now, but I do want to talk a little bit about what's coming up in Capricorn season and some kind of different moments that were were moving through so we can make the most of this. Amazing season of transformation the sun enters Capricorn on December 21st, and the first week of Capricorn season the 21st through the 27th or so is a really powerful week during this week. We'll have the first of two eclipses that will have in Capricorn season. The first is a solar eclipse and new moon on December 25th or 26th, depending on your time zone this solar eclipse in New Moon occurs at 2 degrees of cat. Excuse me, four degrees of Capricorn, so Check your natal chart. See if you have any planets or points up for Capricorn these planets and points will be magnified. Their energies will be really exaggerated by this Eclipse. Now. This eclipse is bringing in a lot of recognition and insight and aha moment kind of energy and for you particularly this again has to do with the ways that you Orient towards materiality and towards the structure of your life what you're trying to build. What you're trying to grow this definitely could have a lot to do with your occupation with your labor with your job, but it could also have something to do more with just a basic way of living that you're trying to get to and how you want to be providing for yourself. And also inhabiting yourself being in your body being in your space kind of having an experience here on the planet and at this solar eclipse what is ripe is recognition. Of the ways that you keep yourself from feeling content the ways that you keep yourself in cycles of endless labor the ways that you might be equating your goodness to a standard of Labor and productivity that is very patriarchal or Industrial in it's it's kind of construction. You don't want to put yourself in those kinds of boxes. Please do not allow yourself to move forward in your life from this. Went forward with any kinds of ideas that you have to suffer greatly in order to succeed or that you have to renounce pleasure in order to find success or that there is no pain. No gain. These are not ideas that are going to be helpful to you the more that you can rest in your embodied experience appreciate the world around you find ways to engage with pleasure find ways to be in the present moment content and not striving for something the more you get to make this shift into actually the life that you want to be living so around that solar eclipse things to pay attention to are you know, old patterns patterning belief systems that are telling you you need to be this this and that in order to be successful and sense of urgency or senses of not enough nests try and get to the root of those beliefs or those ideas and take deep breaths with them. And then as you exhale just Let them go those are such a destructive thought patterns and they're certainly inaccurate. They are not true. They are constructions of patriarchy and Industrial capitalism. They are not helpful for our bodies. They're certainly not helpful for the environment. So try and you know cleanse your system of those kinds of thoughts on January 10th will have the second eclipse. This is a lunar eclipse happens at the full moon. At 20 degrees of cancer check your natal chart for 20 degrees cancer or Capricorn placements. These placements are going to be highlighted again with this Clips. This eclipse is continuing with the same kind of energy of recognition were able to articulate things really clearly around this Eclipse. It's like our mind is right there with it. Now, there's definitely potential around this eclipse for like a I don't know. Powerful energy to come into the mind and that energy can feel destructive. It can feel really angry. There can be definitely, you know intensity that feels hard but the potential is this radical transformation. So if you find yourself doing, you know with really intense Broody kinds of thoughts or if you feel that you're angry or if there are things that are coming up that are frustrating. For you again, you want to try and get into the root of your experiences try and understand them in their essential nature so that you can work towards the transformation don't get caught up on judgment judgment is not going to be helpful get very very curious about what you're experiencing and around this lunar eclipse. There is a doorway that wants to open for you to shift the way that you are in your life right now. It's like you want to open up to a new possibility of how Living this might have really dramatic outcomes for you in terms of how you're scheduling your life how you're structuring your day-to-day how you're experiencing your body how you're experiencing your health again. You want to be more present you want to be available to receive what goodness there is in life. So at this full moon be really kind with yourself be really gentle with yourself try and attend to insecurities trying to tend to two fears trying to tend to these kinds of obsessive qualities that might come in with the Mind through compassion and through empathy and through deep curiosity. Don't turn away from the spaces in yourself that are negating turn towards them with a lens of curiosity and try and ask them questions, you know, like ask the part of yourself that's discontent. Who are you? How old are you? You know, what is it that you really need and see what kind of information that you get. I think there's quite a lot of potential for really big shifts during these two weeks or so from December 25th through January 11th, the the full moon and lunar eclipses January 10th, but then on the 12th and the 13th, we also have pretty heavy astrology and by the 13th, it seems like we get to a place where there's some kind of release there's an openness and a softness, but definitely those couple of weeks leading up to it have a lot of intensity so works Skillfully with yourself practice contentment in as many different ways as it makes sense to you again. It can be really simple and simple as probably better and invite the the spirit of contentment into your day-to-day you want to be as present as you possibly can for it. That's what I have for you. I hope that this horoscope is interesting and that it's helpful as I mentioned in the introduction if you want more astrology check out the subscription offerings, make sure that you listen. You the Capricorn season embodied astrology episode where I talk a lot about this transformational energy in a larger collective experience and give some practices for working with it wishing you all the best in Capricorn season in 2020 and Beyond bye for now just a reminder that I'll be offering to Live Events the weekend of January 4th in Portland, Oregon and I would love to see you there check the show notes for more info or go to embodied and find my live events in the play and learn. section Happy New Year
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Capricorn Season in 2019/2020. Capricorn Season extends between December 21, 2019 - January 20, 2020. Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to “Break Down to Breakthrough - Embodied Astrology for Capricorn Season.” In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of the zodiacal energy of Capricorn and explore how it manifests in our bodies, minds, emotions, relationships and in the world and I’ll discuss some of the potent transits happening in Capricorn season linking us to cycles that have deeply influenced our world for the past 500 years. Everyone has every sign in their chart, and Capricorn represents amazing and important energy for each of us. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Capricorn season and is also a very healing and powerful energy to check in with at any point. Listen here: Get the Capricorn Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Follow Embodied Astrology: Instagram - @embodiedastrology Facebook - Embodied Astrology (@embodiedastrology) Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Bello fiends welcome to another terrifying and delectable episode of nightmare on film Street the horror Pride cast with zero credibility, but all of the blood ghouls and Gore your puny heart can handle let's give a grave Welcome to our hosts John and Kim. Hello again fiends and welcome to this micro sewed of nightmare on film street. I'm Kim. I'm John and it is our distinct pleasure to wish you a happy Halloween. Happy Halloween, even though we've already put out our Halloween episode The Romero in episode, which hopefully listen to last week our minisode actually falls on Halloween. Sorry the dog is she's just being she's here as always. Yep. She's living up the road trip life as you can tell. Are still on the road we are still in Orlando Florida at this is probably the first time we've done a recording. We're in the same place that we all report last episode. We've done Disney. We did Mickey's not-so-scary Halloween Party. We've been at Universal a few days and hanging out of the monsters Cafe tonight. We have Halloween Horror Nights and I'm so scared. It's gonna be great. Everybody else is excited. Everybody wants it was excited everybody with you and I'm like, yeah, it's gonna be great. You're like you should get a fast pass like I don't want fast path. I don't want to give it all that you want to go. Has 4,000 corpses know you wanna go Universal monsters? Hey, you want to check out that us house? I'll look at them from outside do perfectly honest. I was so scared the ones I'm most looking forward to our depths of fear. I really want to see that one in your pictures. I want to go I want to go to some of the more original ones. Like it'll be cool to see like how much effort and Care gets put into the the property houses that are based on movies, but I want the original scares that I don't know. What's coming. I'm not. Oh, let's Captain's bald and going to look like, you know, I On something completely unknown. I want to go on the mummy and Escape from Gringotts. Well, from what I understand. The Line rides are super short. So you'll have no problem getting on both of those. I'll hold our bags. I'm really nervous. I'm still worried. I'm gonna chicken out and everybody's gonna hate me but you know, that's later today. We'll see how it goes. I'll totally tweet about it. But before we let you know what we are talking about next week on the podcast, which we're celebrating a new month. No, Remember, I know you guys are still in Halloween mode. That's totally fine. But John you want to tell them what the theme for November is going to be at an office November's theme is going to be home is where the horror is so home-based Horrors. I mean, I think we're all returning home. We were Canadians you're all returning home for Thanksgiving. We were gearing up for the holidays and sometimes going back home and seeing your family is the scariest part of the year. Yeah, so we're doing all kinds of Mastic Horrors. It's kind of a blend of house based. So like Gothic Horrors and some fun quirky literally house based Horrors and then also family-based. So we're going to be doing tons of editorials and lists and the like over an office We're also sneaking in a few fun home type Horrors on the podcast. Yes, we'll get to in a minute. But in the meantime, well, I guess we already talked about Orlando. What else is keeping you creepy this week. We've spent so much time in Orlando that that we have had time to watch three movies in the theater. We've seen three theater movies in the last week. I think three. Yeah to Last Friday. We saw the lighthouse and there we see that we saw that here do we we saw it in Disney Springs? Oh technically Orlando. Oh, yeah. We've seen three movies. Yeah. We saw we saw the light house. We saw Joker and last night. We saw countdown, which of those three you want to talk about first Kim. Let's try to keep it short how we The Lighthouse at all not at all close to do it in order then Lighthouse was weird as fuck. So weird black-and-white black-and-white full-frame mono stereo mix like yeah. It's like square picture Instagram retro. Yeah TV format. I guess it's probably the only movie that like really fully Embraces the style that is pulling from because it wants to be in some ways like a German 1930s expressionist film. And know that if anybody else did that it would not look the way it looks it would not be it would not have as much farting in it. There was so much farting. Yeah, I I'm still processing though. I don't think I'm gonna you know, I'm just gonna say I don't think I liked it but I enjoyed it. Sure. Does that make sense? Yeah. No, I had fun watching it. It was very visually cool. The acting was amazing Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe were phenomenal. I just don't I don't know there wasn't enough points. Do it for me. So I kind of left being like mmm, but still being mesmerized by how like stressful and cinematic the visuals were sure I I definitely would have loved for it to have tipped more into like that sort of Supernatural realm, but I don't think that's what the movie was trying to do. So I can't really fault it for it. I definitely really liked it. But I almost like it more thinking about it as a As a response to Airy Asters Midsummer, like I for both of those movies to come out it's got daily. This dog is too cute, but also super no annoying and Loud Everyone's a Critic. Yeah. Yeah Midsummer. So like I really do like thinking of these two movies as a double feature and I really hope somebody somewhere releases them both because they are Polar Opposites to each other we have a movie. Just like full of color. And another one that is feminine devoid of yeah, it's masculine. Yeah, and then like a movie that's all about mm being embraced and having a community and this one's about isolation and being alone and it's so great that both of these movies came in the same year and they could not be more different from each other. That's a really great Point. Yeah. I just wish there was a bit more story to the movie because the which had everything it had all those wonderful visuals and those cinematic moments, but it also had it. A really wonderful story that's still kind of did its own thing, but it did like kind of wrap up nicely at the end and and lighthouses. I guess we're going on too long. The stores are increasing. But yeah, and then we also saw Joker Joker which was a lot more fun funds out the right word. I enjoyed it a lot more than I was expecting. Yeah. So I really enjoyed it. I thought it was a really great movie. I described as like Christmas Eve will set in The Batman Universe it's very dark and gritty a lot of people were like, why are we even calling this Joker? I thought it was really fun because it's kind of like a conversation on like one-sided media and how communities kind of like the murmurings of communities can grow into these these huge powerful movements for both good and bad and it's pretty great that it's under this like superhero costume because it's like a direct reflection. Action of society right now are our film and Cinema. That's dominating are these like these Super Heroes coming in and cloaks and capes and saving these major cities. Yeah. Well like the general public is like divided and and everybody's like treating everybody else as the villain. So I thought I thought superheroes are a perfect fit to do that kind of story. So I really enjoyed it. Yeah. I hadn't really been paying too much attention to the controversy. This movie was getting by all accounts. It looked Though it was a movie about a person who was starting a violent movement at a time where people are really not interested in violent movements because they're obviously not good, but I I see the movie as being entirely in Joker's perspective. And I think that's what makes it interesting like all the music use and everything seems like a lot of music that makes him out to be the good guy and a lot of stuff that where you're supposed to be may be sympathetic to this crazy person and I don't mean crazy in a Comic book way I mean crazy in a mentally unstable way because he very much is and like he does the things that you see in the news that are like, oh that really brought my day down. But when you're in his mind, he doesn't see it as anything other than normal or absurd or just his life and I just thought I just thought it was a really cool gritty story and like up to a point. I thought it would almost play better if it was directed by Rob Zombie with no mention of the Batman Universe what? So ever but I think they big bring the Batman stuff in a good interesting way the end of the movie. Yeah. Just one thing on like the commenting is that I don't necessarily think that it's glorifying like a violent supervillain or character. The story is more about what happens when you ignore an uprising like it's only going to get more like these people are only going to find each other if you continue to ignore them or Not address them kind of thing. Like it's going to have a bubbling point and he's just The face of the bubbling Point like it it has nothing to do with him at the end. Like he's literally just the face on the Cracker Jack box box at the end like the popcorn is still popping inside. That's really good. Thanks. Also Christmas evil is the greatest in scripture 1000% Christmas evil, but in the Gotham uterus and then we saw a camp down yesterday, which was kind of like this fun. I don't want to say throw away because I feel like that's really derogatory. But this teen horror sort of thing digital teen horror. That was like really big in the Early 2000s where it was like, oh we have technology now and then Technologies haunted it's gonna be the end of it. But yeah, and you know, the movie was kind of run-of-the-mill it was okay. The comedians were really stand out though. There are two comedian actors who were hilarious and totally brought the movie up for me. Yeah, Tom Segura is hysterical in it. And I don't unfortunately, I remember the name of the actor who plays the priest in it, but he he is from Wolf on Wall Street at like go see it for him alone. Like just a priest who is just like so stoked to be fighting demons. It is too funny. But yeah, like there's not really a whole lot to the movie. It's just supposed to be a fun popcorn movie and that's totally fine. You know we talked about needing horror movies for kids. We need horror movies for teens to this is the kind of movie. I would have loved when I was 15. I was totally we're going to see this. Like I probably would have the same reaction that I'm having now. I was a teenager but I would have loved to see it. So exactly totally yeah, it's fine. It was fun. The question is whose day we got them for five bucks. Yeah. See you next Tuesday guys you want if we want to Rattle off a few bits of pieces of news Creepshow to has been renewed if you haven't heard it's coming back bigger and better than ever. Let's go. Just ease into not creeped up to the movie. Yeah Christmas season two is happening. Kim has a small bit of knows that she wants to share with everybody. I think I don't want to do it. Okay. So if you're unfamiliar with something called the blood list, it's a collection of scripts that gets compiled every year of unproduced screenplays whether for Pilots or features or shorts to highlight some really cool emerging Talent specifically in horror, and this year's bloodless blood. Just 11 2019 includes a fun feature script from our very own Kimberly Elizabeth. Yeah, so I made on the fresh blood selects, which is for like really new screenwriters from people who don't have any credits or representation and my screen plays on there. It's called second act Library. It's this really fun I'm saying, it's fun. I don't know. It's funny. I've read it metal horror comedy where it's purely for horror fans. So it's it's Six I say six. It's technically seven horror movies that all converge in the middle of their own movie. So it's it that's why it's called second act Library. So if it's hard to do this without explaining just like take a pause. It's because we've been using this term for like a year and a half now. Yeah. So second act library is what we use to describe that moment in every horror film ever where the protagonist goes to do research. They go on Wikipedia, they Go to a physical Library. They find this Guru or this some philosopher. Whose got all the answers and explains everything about their demon or their monster or whatever their the horror movie. They're in yeah, you've probably complained about it as like oh Exposition because somebody just unloads all the information you need but cam geniusly has coined it as the second act library and oh, thank you. And in in the second act Library the screenplay it starts when six different horror. The characters are at that moment, but they all happen to converge in the same spot and there's something kind of happening that made them all kind of escaped their own movies. And yeah, I'm I'm so excited that somebody's finally liked it because I finish this script the end of last year and I've submitted it to a bunch of contests and it hasn't really done anything because I don't think that they were necessarily horror people reading it and it's got a ton of like horror Easter eggs, like every single character in it is from a different type of horror movie. You really need to like be in the genre to appreciate some of the things. So I'm so happy that the bloodless read it and they liked it like that alone was like enough enough for me. Like I'm so excited but even better news is you can actually read the whole stream play. It is live on the website. There's no like pay wall or anything. You just like go click the PDF and you can read my whole screen play. The only thing I ask is that you let me know what you thought good or bad. You can direct message me on Twitter. You can tweet at me if it's nice, but you can read it. at blood Yeah, I'm so excited. Whoo. Congratulations Kim. This is such good news and it's such a great screenplay and I wouldn't say that if I didn't mean it. I know I'm like the one person who you should probably thank you. Yeah, I'm so pumped. I'm excited for people to finally read it. So yeah, check it out. Yeah. I'm sure you don't want to give away too much about it. But like if you are a big fan of you know Cabin in the Woods or scream Or even the mask the rise of Leslie Vernon, like all of those meta horror movies that like really analyze the genre and pick apart exactly what it is you love about it and give you an entirely new story. Like I highly recommend you check this out it is yeah perfect little holiday read and I like I'm sure there are some other great screenplays on the bloodless this year. I intend to read all of them. But if you had to pick one first, that's the one I would recommend also. Halloween we wanted to do something a little fun fun. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So we're having a little flash sale on our web store our new t-shirt the one with our faces on it the horror Marathon shirt. It is 31 percent off. But that is only until midnight tonight. You can get it at a store downtown office And the code is grave. We only have limited sizes and colors available. So whatever you see is what we've got add the shirt to the cart enter the code grave and you'll get 31 percent off and that goes until midnight. Store got an office How about we let them know what movies will be talking about next week on an episode the work hauling. Documented demons who is an episode you would want to do for a little while. Yeah both these movies. I've really enjoyed taking of Deborah Logan which is very fun. Spooky found footage movie. I don't want to talk too much about it because it's great. If you haven't seen it, please go watch it is now streaming on shutter. Oh, yeah shutter just added it so you can check it out there and then the last exorcism which is I think a really underrated. Thanks Miss Selden. A really underrated found footage movie and underrated even by myself. Oh, yeah, I never want I watch this movie you want so like I think we do talk about it in the full episode. But like we were supposed to be doing the taking a Deborah Logan with the visit and it was supposed to be about like crazy grandma's basically and then we realized we don't have already turned of this. Like it's still written on our whiteboard at home. Oh, yeah during the visit and so we're just dummies. It's been we've been doing this podcast for three years. We were bound to make a mistake. Oh, well, I'm glad we didn't record it though. Yeah wild but the last exorcism was not looking forward to watching it loved it. Yeah, I maybe not loved it. But like enjoyed it a lot more than I thought. Yeah, so it's definitely you're due for a re watch if you haven't watched this one since it came out because it is surprisingly fresh. So Those are the two movies for next week. It's going to be hitting your feeds on Thursday, you know where to find it Apple podcasts Google play Stitcher Spotify, whatever you got this episode wherever you got this episode. But until then Happy Halloween, happy Halloween if you happen to be one Orlando Johnson died. I know there's a few of you because we found you on Twitter. Yeah, and some of you at the theme park we're going to be at Pat O'Brien's on Halloween. Oh, you're gonna let him totally we're gonna be asking to be karaoke. We're going to be with a live band. Yeah. Yeah, we're gonna do karaoke in our Halloween costumes because our Halloween Horror Nights tickets expire tonight the night because we're going to we're going to Halloween Horror Nights night. But yeah if you are in I know we will be somewhere on CityWalk. Come find us. We're going to party. I think but until then I'm John I'm Kim. Happy Halloween was I was not sure how we were gonna my mouth went to simultaneously do both and nothing came out. What are we doing? Let's say stay creepy. Okay 1 2 3. Happy Halloween. We'll see you next Ricky it appears you made it out alive just long enough to tell the tale of The Nightmare on film Street how help us grow The Horde leave a review on iTunes or wherever you subscribe continue. This week's conversation on Twitter. Following @n o FS podcast and is always more terror can be found lurking on our website. film Street until next week. Stay creepy fiends.
Happy Halloween, Horror Fiends! Kicking off this week's mini-sode, Kim and Jon recount three recent trips to the theatre and share their takes on The Lighthouse, Joker, and Countdown. Then, it's a celebrating of Kim's Screenplay Second Act Library, which just landed on the 2019 Blood List - Fresh Blood Selects! Kim shares a brief synopsis of the film, and gives you the lowdown on where you can read the entire screenplay! They also share a little Halloween treat; 31% OFF T-shirts 'till midnight on Halloween! (Use code GRAVE at STORE.NOFSPODCAST.COM) And when the trick-or-treating wanes, the team gears up for a new month at NOFSPODCAST.COM, announcing  their November theme: "Home is Where the Horror Is!" Lastly, get the heads up on the two films being discussed next week on the full-length episode of Nightmare on Film Street - and beware of DOCUMENTED DEMONS! --- Website: www.NOFSPODCAST.COM ( Twitter: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Subreddit: Support the Show: Unlock access to exclusive bonus content and earn some other frightfully good rewards, including shoutouts, merch, and swag by supporting Nightmare on Film Street on Patreon ( .
Your astrology chart is like your fingerprint it is so unique to you and you are so much more than just your sun sign your made up of all the planets all the archetypes all the elements and they're all dominant in different ways, and they all have a different relationship inside of you than the person next to you. Hello and welcome to reconnection the podcast all about spirituality personal growth and lifestyle. I'm Elizabeth and I am here to help guide you to reconnect and realign so that you can become your most authentic and worthy self every week. You will get insight and inspiration so you can grow and glow. Hello. Hello and welcome back to reconnection. And you know, what as per usual we're just going to do I even need to say it anymore. I feel like I don't need to say it anymore, but we're going to start off with of the weekly wrap. So basically it what was happening the past week going down in Liz town. Do you guys remember that shows like my life as Liz? This is it. This is the 2019 rebooted version almost 220 and You know this really kind of annoys me when we talk about 2020 or we talk about the new year. There's always almost this deadline feel like you need to shove everything that is no longer serving you into this bucket and you're just going to push to the side and be like yo 2020 or not deal with that shit no more but like life doesn't work like that. It always comes in the Cycles. These things are with you to teach you and to learn. You and bring you opportunities for growth and when you just try to like, oh, I'm just nutrient everything and going into 2020 without anything bothering me anymore. That's just like really setting yourself up for failure because those things those triggers those traumas those believes those boundaries. Those are going to probably come up to see if you're going to be willing to stand in your worth and stand in your power and see if you're going to fall back to those patterns. So just be Go I'm just going to push it to the side. Now. What you're doing is totally like spiritual bypassing that shit. So just totally honor yourself and honor where you're at and it doesn't have to be this whole Grand thing of I'm ditching all my toxic friends I'm saying bye to all my beliefs and here I am smiles to the camera and waves and yeah, if you could see what it looked like in my brain, you'd probably be more impressed, but that's pretty much what it really annoys me. Me about this time of year because it always seems to be this Collective to just rush rush rush and do these things and it's good to set goals. It's good to do these things, but you can do them at any point in time and you can't really bypass all the feelings that are coming up but with it and those are just like really opportunities to create great change and degrade great moments for you to look into and that was definitely something that I was doing this past week, which was really looking at where am I still giving my Away, and it's really kind of shook me up because I do I talk a lot about comparison, especially the past month and that's something that I have fallen so deeply hard to like just it's so easy for me to do especially growing up. I always wanted to be like the popular kids because I wasn't I was very shy like I wasn't really accepted or like really fitting in was not the thing for me. So external validation was huge and said I was like, Pair myself to other people always want to be the top to be the best and I really came face-to-face with that this weekend because yeah, I was still comparing myself to other people. I was like, oh it's my gifts not as good as so and so's are they doing X Y & Z much better than me, but it was taking my power away and giving it to them and thinking that they were somehow were better than me. But the truth is that we all have different unique gifts that were here to share in to explore and so when you're just Comparing yourself to someone else you're completely negating everything that you have to offer and everything that you are good at. So I ended up just like muting those people on social media because I do I do enjoy their content. But right now for me, it's not healthy to be in it because I'll just be like, why am I not doing all those I should probably be doing doing that too instead of listening to my own intuition and to my own God. So yeah just really diving deep into person and I was really giving my power away to other people and thinking that I wasn't special enough for I wasn't talented enough in my own gifts and in my own way. So that is something that was huge that I uncovered during the solstice and it's something that you don't really want to look at. You know, it's something that you kind of want to be like, yeah, whatever put it under the bag put it right the rest of the 2019 things and call it a day. But yeah, it was a long time coming. To look at all that and so now I'm really stepping into whatever the heck that is Flowing with me and really listening to myself because at the end of the day you on a deep deep deep level. No it's exactly right for you and you get that intuition you get that whisp you get that ping of where you're supposed to be going and where you're supposed to be heading and it's all going to come in a perfect time even though it doesn't feel like it or maybe you feel stuck or what not, but you're in Just Gotta Move. Move with that energy instead of being stagnant and if that made sense, so yeah, that is pretty much all that has went down the past week and I do want to remind you that if you're like, yo, I want an akashic records reading with you. Well, luckily for you them. You can book one for the end of the month. I still have spots available or feel like I would like to do it in January. You can also do it then as well. I would love To read your records you allow me to and yeah, so that's pretty much all that was happening for the weekly wrap. And if you do want the reading it the link for that will be in the show notes. And so here we go. We're going to go into probably one of my favorite guests that have had on the podcast. She's literally so powerful in such an expander for me in so many ways, like even the things that we were talking about in the beginning like not fitting in as a kid and just really listening. To your intuition and and finding a balance between the masculine and feminine rule. It's just like well so powerful. So if you're like, wait, what are you talking about? Well, I'm talking about Daisy Clementine. She is a powerful astrologer and she really started when she was 18. You're going to hear about that whole story and she is sharing all the wisdom in this conversation as well as what you can expect from the eclipses which are happening. Well, they officially you'll feel the energy but they're officially happening the day this podcast is released. So if you are curious and interested this episode is going to be so jam-packed with so much wisdom and so much power and so much expansiveness. So without further Ado, let's get into this magical conversation. So today we are joined with Daisy who is an astrologer. But before we get into all of that good stuff. Can you tell us a little bit about what your Cosmic profile is? Yes, so I am a Virgo sun and Aquarius Moon. Sagittarius ascendant and my human design is I'm a generator. I'm a fellow Virgo over here. Yay. So can you tell us a little bit about your cultural background in your upbringing? Yes, sir. I was actually born in Australia and I have always grown up. I mean my family is very Australian. I'm by generation, but I have grown up surrounded by different cultural influences. My step brothers and sisters were French American on my mom's side American on my dad's side and then my family as well. Have been quite International. So I always felt like I didn't really belong in Australia when I was born here. And I remember as a little girl. I was like I have to get out of here, even though it's such a beautiful place. I do. I am really learning to appreciate the power of the land in Australia, but my heart is definitely in Europe or in California. So I'm a little bit of a gypsy that's my sub descendant. Where are you now? If you don't mind sharing we yeah, yeah, I'm currently visiting my mom back home in Australia. You might be able to hear the nature outside. I'm not sure but my mom lives in a beautiful town called Yelling up and it's down it's south of Perth and it's like on the ocean. It's on the coast, but it's also like in the countryside so it's really really beautiful here and I'm very grateful to be here. That sounds amazing. Yeah, I definitely want to go to Australia at some point. So were you always into like spirituality? Yes, you see I touching on my acquiring and moon. I definitely came in quite different to the society that I grew up in. I always felt like I struggled to fit in and I always felt like a bit of a black sheep and I think I definitely went through a period of trying to conform even though that didn't really support my happiness. Oh my Authenticity. My mom has always been interested in spirituality and she even came to my school when I was like 4 5 6 to teach meditation and I'm pretty sure the kids just stayed because should hand out chocolates at the end. But I've always had a little flavor of that in my life. And then when I when I finish school and I actually fell quite ill you could say I got really bad on her ex here on a boat. Which we can dive into more if you'd like that definitely spiraled me deeper into spirituality and onto a spiritual path. And yeah, it seems like a lifetime ago actually. Yeah, it's always been surrounded. I wasn't surrounded by it. But I think with this path you also have to make conscious decisions to not sacrifice certain things but to go deeper into To it, which can always be a bit of a scary but very rewarding experience. Yeah, totally. I definitely relate to feeling like the black sheep of everyone around you like feeling different growing up. And that was definitely the same for me and that's hilarious. But your mom was like teaching meditation. Like I can I can't even imagine that yeah, so sweet. Yeah, and so you talked a little bit about having an eating disorder. So how did that shape who you have become hmm, so powerfully so I when I was about 15, I got into the modeling industry a little bit and that really is well didn't serve me because I am quite sensitive and yeah, that's definitely what I rolled my eating disorder, but then the eating disorder sort of became bigger than the job itself and I think it was a way for me to in ways want to be seen because growing up I felt I always lacked that in my school by my peers. I felt like I was never being seen and appreciated and I think if I reflect now it came from this place of just wanting to be to know that I was worthy of being here by being validated externally, which is now become such such a huge mission on my path today to really rewire this desire to be validated externally, which I think we've all been conditioned to base all worth outside of ourselves and to really learn how to bring the worth and a back inside and and find are worth within with all the internal gifts and qualities that we have. So that's a huge part of my mission today and a huge part of what I want to help all my clients to do. But yeah with the Anorexia II, you know, it's such a it feels like a lifetime ago because it is such a huge process to go through and really does affect all of the people around you too, but it's definitely what forced me to have to make a huge decision. I remember I was lying in my room one day in Sydney because I was living on my own as soon as I finished school. I was you know, my sad just send him was like I'm getting out of here. I'm going you know going off and so before heading and living overseas. I started off in Sydney. I left path and I just remember it's lying in my room one day and in the dark and I was really depressed and I was just like okay either I have to choose to die or I have to choose to live and I was like, I want to live and I just started, you know, exploring all the self-help Avenues and books and really craving to find a community that I felt resonated with me. Especially because I was much younger and a lot of the people who are honest were on a spiritual path of that time seem to be more in like their 30s and their 40s. I was I was struggling to find people that I could resonate with around my age, but I think in today's Community like spiritual Community, there's a lot more people who are waking up at a much younger age, which is really really beautiful. So and that's what led me to Ubud which is one of the first places. I really started Living in in overseas, which is a major spiritual Hub. You probably heard about it or bird in Bali. Yeah. Yeah, and that was incredibly healing for me going there. I think a bird is a place where people go to heal. And if anyone is seeking deep healing cathartic healing that's a beautiful place to be yeah. So what type of leg self-help stuff did you first get into because I know a lot of people when they start dipping their toes into like spirituality. It's a lot of like doing yoga or meditation and where those like the first type of things that you got into to heal yourself. Yeah. I was definitely trying to Horn in on a beautiful meditation practice. I was going to I was doing yoga like everyday when I was still a bit sick with my eating disorder and the truth is that I really love yoga, but I'm more of a dancer and yes, they overlap very much. But yoga never really fulfilled me and maybe in the way like the vinyasas and stuff that they maybe do for other people but that was definitely one of my entry points. And also I remember the first one of the first books I ever read which really changed. My life is called You Can Heal Your Life by Louise elhae, which I'm sure many people have heard about or read that that was such a beautiful. beautiful transformative book for me and I think it was one of the first self-help help books that my mom ever read because she gave it to me and it was like really old and falling apart, but it was like our Bible and yeah from there I went on, you know to read about, you know, women who run with the Wolves and the Alchemists and the Power of Now so all of those beautiful entry point books that I recommend for anyone exploring this But I have to say coming not coming full circle because this is a never-ending Journey. But when I started off on a spiritual path and I had this major, you know sort of my first experience of Enlightenment. Could you say where it's just like? Whoa recognizing how there's so much Beyond this this material and Physical Realm. I was definitely going through a period of just Bliss and feeling so like whoa, you know, really? Feeling that one love and recognizing the Divine and every being but then I went through a major breakup and I felt like all of that was just ripped away from me. And the beauty of that is that now I've come to this point where I'm like, I just want to be a good human because you know, I think when we do enter into the realm of spirituality it is easy to start buying into spiritual bypass and you know almost toxic positivity, which I'm really trying to steer away from now a huge lesson for me. Was that our thoughts our conscious thoughts don't actually manifest our reality and I remember I went through such a long period of time where I was like, I have to think positive. I have to be happy, you know, and it's actually really unhealthy because if you look at the cycles of nature, we also as humans have to go through winter we have to go through experiences of death and and darkness and dying off and that is So Divine and are soul has come here to have a human experience in to experience the spectrum of human emotion. So I'm also now really trying to support my clients and just being the best humans that they've come here to be and finding their Divinity through that being human. Yeah. Yeah, I'm just like nodding my head over here because I definitely have that was like the first book I ever read to the Louise Hay one and yeah, that's like the first step into it. And yeah and just talking about think positive model. I definitely fell into that hard to and I first got into it as like no I can't be mad at this person but blah but yeah just really deeping it diving into that. We all have these different spectrums of emotions. It is so important to look like value all of them and not just on. Focus on the positive you're just missing out on a whole other spectrum of being a human totally. So yeah and then so what got you into studying astrology and becoming an astrologer. What was that process like so one of my beautiful best friends, her name is Maya. She she's one that she grew up in bali's and I knew her from Bali because I've been going to Bali ever since I was a very little girl. Because my cousin grew up there and we have a family home there. So my has probably my oldest friend. I've known her since birth and she's also always been very deep into the realm of spirituality and esoteric teachings and she introduced me to astrology probably when I was about 14 years 15 16 years old really young and I was like, what is this nonsense? This is silly, you know still quiet conditioned in many ways. From where I grew up and I was like, I don't believe in that especially because like the pop culture astrology the horoscopes in the magazines. I still don't support them. I think that they give astrology a really bad reputation because yes, I know it's beautiful to maybe read up about your horoscope, but you your astrology chart is like your fingerprint it is so unique to you and you are so much more than just your sun sign your made up of all the planets all the archetypes all the elements and they're all But in different ways and they all have a different relationship inside of you then the person next to you. So I I can see why a lot of people immediately think astrology is a little bit silly when they're just reading those horoscopes because it is there's so much more depth than that. But yeah. Anyways, she gave me this book and I started reading it and I was like, okay something here and then from that moment I just started initially being self-taught. Watching heaps of YouTube videos reading books reading articles podcasts. And then finally I enrolled myself in my first astrology school when I was about 18 and that was in Sydney. It's called Sydney astrology school. And he also does online courses now, which I highly recommend for anyone wanting to explore it. He's an amazing teacher. Whose name's Mark and yeah, and then I was studying there for For about three years in total to do all the levels. I even repeated one of the levels because there's so much information and I was just when I started studying at Sydney astrology school, I had this moment of holy holy shit, excuse my language, but I found something that is bigger than me. And this is the love of my life and it's not human and you know, I'm in love with this and I want to be in relationship to this for the rest of my life and devote myself to it and Yeah, I was doing a uni degree for two years and I didn't finish it. I quit it. I stopped it and I just completely started committing myself to the practice of astrology, but it was only actually lost year that I a hundred percent made it my soul like career profession purpose source of income and that was also a huge just a bit of an expansive story. For anyone listening I'd like to share because I was working in yachting for a while, which is in yachts in Europe as a stewardess and that was incredibly unfair filling for me again, and I it took a lot but finally when I made this decision to quit this job that gave me a very secure source of income and just commit to my astrology the universe opened up the floodgates of love and abundance and happiness for me. It was just like Girl, you've made this leap of faith. You've done something. That's scary, but you're being true to yourself. So I'm supporting you now and I'm going to help you be inflow because I believe that all the universe wants is for us to be in our most authentic expression of self. And when we're out of alignment with that the universe is just going to keep meeting us with roadblocks and friction because it's like, hey, you're not on purpose. You're not doing what your soul has come here to do. So I feel like as soon as I took that leap of faith the universe. I was like, yep. Okay, I'm supporting you you're in a you're in your on purpose now. So yeah those just like a little inspiring story for anyone that is considering taking that leap of faith. Oh, I love that so much. Yeah, that's definitely super expansive so did learning astrology did it help you better understand yourself and like a whole new way. Oh totally. Oh my gosh. I mean the key theme work. one of them I would say is just permission permission to be yourself permission to be exactly as your soul came here to be in this lifetime and Beyond what Society has told you we've all come here to be a unique flavor of human and astrology just help me to have this deeper understanding of not only the what but the why the lessons behind why I am a certain way or why I need to maybe experience things in a certain way the way I like to look at the birth chart. If we're looking at fate and versus free will is that the the placement of the planets that you come in within your birth chart in this lifetime? This is almost like the container of what your soul is needing to experience energetically in this lifetime, but within that container you have complete freedom of choice to work with those energies in anyway, You wish to yeah. That is very interesting. Like I'm gonna do you have like a website that you recommend to look up your birth chart on? Yeah. Yeah, I would say I will always use I use now clears throat like a professional astrology software, but I used to use a doctor or you can use Cafe Astrology that probably the two most popular. I know as well. There's like applications you can use on your phone these days. People use like co-star or Time Passages, but I'm not as familiar because I am just using my own like software now, but and also I don't know like how yes, they'll bring up your birth chart, but when you're reading the profiles that they write up they are insightful but they lack the Poetry of the human to pull it all together if you know what I mean, but it is a great great starting point. Yeah. Definitely sometimes I read Add them on the side. I'm like, I don't really know what this means. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's just like a bit of a generic I think right up for like each of the placements and the planets and stuff, but it's really cool. I think the coolest part about astrology. Is it just as reflecting we as astrologers a helping you to become aware of certain unconscious parts of your soul and when I say unconscious, I don't mean in the unhealthy way. I mean in like oh, there's these parts of me that have been living inside of me and needing to come out but I haven't been fully aware of them yet or there's like this knowing but not they haven't come into your conscious awareness yet. So it's Awakening all of those things. So how can the average person really use astrology as a tool? Like is there like certain planets that we should look at or houses or stuff like that? Yes. Yes. I mean, so do you mean like if they're not wanting to go and really study in depth? What are some basic things they can use in their everyday life? Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, you know a great starting point of course is going to be understanding. Moon cycles and how you can simply align yourself with the cycles of the Moon even though the Moon is very fleeting and its movement and aspects and transits because of course the moon cycle is approximately 28 days and it will only stay in a phase. Like it will only be in at the new moon phase or the full moon phase for about three and a half days. There is eight phases in total but I mean a very basic practical All you could take home with you is that when the moon is new? This is a time to be planting new seeds and intentions for the next 28 day lunar cycle. So it's like what over this next 28 days am I going to be wanting to build and work with and harvest and give birth to and really take through that whole cycle of death and rebirth and transformation. So on the new moon you're planting fresh energy and is the Moon is growing it is Boxing and this is a time where we're Gathering our resources and our tools and we're really importing and nourishing this intention and then when we get to the full moon a common misconception about the full moon is that it's like a period of more of like death and winter and and that that that surrender in that way actually the full moon is more related to Summer. It's a time of harvest. It's a time of giving birth. So, of course, it can be a very emotional time because we're Going to give birth and let go and let it go out into the world what we've been what was planted in the new moon, but it's also a really fruitful time as well where we're able to show some of these more hidden parts of ourselves to the people in the world around us. And then as the Moon is decreasing its waning and energy begins to come back to ourselves again. Yes now we're beginning this period of it's slowly starting to die off. So that space can be created for those seeds that you want to plan on the new moon and I always love to touch on one of my favorite lunar phases and that is called the dark moon phase which happens one day before the new moon phase begins. And this is when the moon is not visible in the night sky, it's a very auspicious time. This is the time for death and osmosis and a complete cutting cords letting go Go, you know you need to be careful about I mean, you don't need to be a but I like to say maybe be more aware about what your intentions are on this day. And where you're directing your energy and your thoughts because it is you know that time it's a little bit more auspicious the energy the veil is a bit more thin than yeah. It's a nice time to really maybe just be at home take a bath really come back into yourself and create space for the next cycle. Yeah, and apart from that. I mean there's so much I could dive into another beautiful thing would be really having an awareness of the elements which I love to teach about in my workshops. It's you know, the elements of the foundation of everything in our lives. We have the four elements in astrology, which is US water Fire and Air so earth and water they're both Yin elements are both considered to be feminine even though I like To use those labels lately, but the Yen elements are much more receptive introverted. They keep that energy to themselves that element of Earth is of course everything to do with what we can see touch and feel in this earth realm and astrologically that translates to discipline responsibility form structure organization discernment respect. I also like to relate the element of Earth to risk Back to respecting your body respecting planet Earth and the people around you and time and those those laws of gravity also because the Moon is the only planet that orbits the earth and how that translates astrologically is that to have a healthy relationship to our emotional body. We first need to be tending to our us body. Would you like me to continue with the rest of the elements? Yeah. I don't really I'm so Today honestly haven't like heard someone talk about this in the astrology way. So go ahead cool, beautiful. Yes. So and you know this the way you can start sort of playing with these things is first of all when you meet someone when I meet someone, you know, they'll be like, oh you're an astrologer tell me what my sign is and I'm like, I don't know you that you I'm not a sidekick, you know, like yes, sometimes it can feel people's what their archetypes might be but more so I can feel into what their Mints are and what their dominant in and when we can start feeling that we can actually start giving people permission and space to be themselves without judging them without trying to get them to be something they're not and if you meet someone who's an Earth element, you know, you need to respect that these people respect their space. They respect punctuality. They respect being a little bit more slow and Discerning and and hardworking and ambitious and Disciplined and we need to give them space to be that and to respect what they're giving to the people around them from being that and you know another way you can look at how you might have us in your life is you know, when you've slept too much and you wake up and you're feeling really heavy and lethargic. It's probably because you have too much of the element of Earth in you know, you've eaten too much and you look at it was so dense right now and heavy it's also probably because you've got too much Earth that if you're lacking Earth and Feeling really out of touch with reality. It's like how's your sleeping cycle go and have some food go and spend some time in nature. So it's starting to look at the interplay of all of the elements. So then we look to water. What is another Yen sign as I said, I'm sorry an element and water of course is the realm of emotion. It's the realm of I like to say, we've got like three levels of water kind of not that one is better than the other but as water is the archetypes of water is cancer cancer Scorpio and Pisces cancer is like our subjective emotional realm Scorpio is more to do with our soul memories and soul transformation. And then Pisces is The Ether its spirit. So these is like the interplay of water and water is a lot to do with with surrender and empathy and sensitivity spirituality creativity compassion. so watery people again, they're going to be probably a little bit more shine introverted because they're highly sensitive and they're probably not going to be the social party animal of those on the scene unless they have other elements dumb more like playing out in them too, but these people are highly creative and you know, they're really channels of downloading messages from Spirit and these people need a lot of grounding and a lot of self-care because they're usually so giving and caring to the People around them they forget to care for themselves and then we have the elements of air and this is related to our intellect. The elements of air is Yang. So it's said to be masculine and these people they like to speak a lot. They're very sociable. They have so many ideas in there trying to you know, put labels on things and understand this and understand that they're very curious people. So yeah, and then the element of fire again is Yang and again these people I like Say fire is like energy its passion its motivation its vibrant its vivacious. It's just you can feel when the fire people walk into a room because they just even without talking they have this big energy about them. They take up space. It's here to be seeing, you know fire is not a very disciplined element, but it's very good at initiating and starting things and and and having these creative impulses and insights come through and fires a look to do with courage and creativity. T so, yeah, hopefully that's a little bit more of an insight to of how you can start looking at the interplay of elements in your daily life. And I'm just feeling into yourself of what you feel dominant in what you maybe feel you need to cultivate a little bit more of your into your life as well. Yeah, and we have all of these like Signs in our chart, right? Yes, we do. So the three ways we can look at a chart that I mean, there's a lot more but we're beginning we have the planets and the planets is like the energy of the what and then we have the archetype and that is how the energy of that planet is played out and then we have the houses and the houses help us see in which realm of your life is this energy being really highlighted and an illuminated and where is it really playing out in your life? Got you. Okay, that makes a lot of sense. So I know there's like a bunch of eclipses coming up. I think like they start the 26th or something. So what can we really expect from that? Yes. Yes. I'm super happy you're asking about this because eclipse is our I would say some of the biggest astrological things we can go through in our lifetime, especially, you know, for some people you might not even feel Clips that might be like a breeze, but if it's hitting if it's aspecting an important point in your chart, meaning that the eclipse degree falls on a planet in your chart or is opposing or squaring a planet in your chart and by squaring, I mean, it's approximately 90 degrees away from another planet in the chart. Then this is going to be probably a pretty intense eclipse for you because it's going to be activating a lot of Of things inside of you. Of course. It's nothing to be. Yes for the ego. It's going to maybe be afraid but for our higher selves our higher selves is like hell. Yeah, this is the moment. I've been waiting for because I see an eclipse as fast track to Spiritual Development and evolution. So anything that you have been wanting to make changes within your life anything deep down, you know isn't serving you anything that you've been wanting to manifest sin call into your life. The eclipse comes through too. Clear out anything. That isn't an alignment. It comes out to obliterate it comes up. You know, it's just like okay. I'm going to help you out here because your ego is holding you back. So I'm going to come through and I'm going to make you get fired from this job, or I'm going to get you to quit this job, or I'm going to get this relationship to end or I'm going to you know, all these crazy an erratic things can happen around eclipses, but only for your highest good so if anything erotic does happen know that it is for your highest good because probably even if you're not aware of it on some level that saying has probably been out of alignment with your truth and your Highest Potential in this lifetime and as human beings our egos get so comfortable and attached to certain things in certain ways of being we don't even recognize that it might be holding us back from being in a greater state of being or in a greater state of happiness and joy and fulfillment because We're blocked off from seeing that so these eclipses actually come through to be like hey, there is so much more out there for you. And I'm going to help you see that but first you might have to go through a little bit of a rock bottom so that you can rebuild yourself up and be Like a Phoenix Rising From the Ashes. So before I dive into the the two eclipses coming up which are actually ending a major two-year cycle because these eclipses are happening on the Capricorn Cancer. Isis and the first there was an eclipse that happened in cancer and about 2018 in the middle of the year. And these are Clips is now coming to really finish off that cycle. So, you know, if someone was really impacted and you could say by that eclipse in 2018 and cancer like if you are a Cancer if you have any placements in cancer or in the squaring or opposing signs, this cycle is really ending up like It's a finishing up for you. Now. It's been a huge cycle. So that's exciting. But you know, let's see what's going to happen. I'm going to explain it more. But before I do I am trying to change my terminology astrologically because I don't believe that the cosmos is making us do anything. It's not affecting us in any way or necessarily influencing us because everything is interrelated, you know, everything is made of energy. Energy, and I see that the cosmos is the macrocosm and our bodies we down here where the microcosm so actually the movement and the cycles of the planets are purely reflecting. What is already happening inside of us. So we're just using them as a tool to come to a deeper understanding of what already is happening within so certain transits and by transits, I mean the movement of certain planets in relation to your birth chart. These are actually just helping us to see may be certain things that are already being activated inside of your psyche and it's helping us to see oh, you've been starting to think and feel in this way because of this because you're needing to learn this lesson because maybe this is coming for you. But again, I'm not a fortune teller. I'm just helping people to understand certain energies playing out and then they can they have freedom of choice to deal with them and whatever they want. Yeah, cool. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, so yes, we have a beautiful big total solar eclipse coming up on the 26th of December in Australia. I believe it will be the 25th in the u.s. So important points. This degree will occur at 4 degrees of Capricorn. And eclipses occur on either new or full moons, of course, it's not every new or full moon, but they happen when the Moon Earth and the the node of the Moon and when they're all in alignment with each other. So all of these planets are aligning the sun. I'm so this this is happening on the new moon in Capricorn and a new moon is when the Sun and the Moon is in conjunction, and it's involving this South node so eclipses are always involving the nodes of the moon and the nodes are not actually like physical bodies in the cosmos. They're more related to the orbit of the the moon and and it's points that you find along her orbit. So the South node is related to past karmic patterning deeply conditioned Soul memory emotional memories from usually I I'd say from previous lifetimes and these days I'm just saying from whatever lifetime your soul is currently tapped into because you know time is an illusion dimensions are overlapping. So if you think of your higher self playing a number of chess games, it's like whatever chess games your soul is currently playing, you know, so the South node helps us see any shadowy karmic outdated behavioral patterning that is holding you back from your growth. From your highest growth potential in this current Lifetime and so collectively with this new moon this solar eclipse happening in Capricorn. It's going to have a lot to do with us needing to peel away a lot of layers of a lot of I mean this has a lot to do with patriarchal conditioning because if I could say there's one archetype related to the patriarchy it would be Capricorn. So yeah. Yes, it has a lot to do with us becoming aware of prejudices, you know, all these things like even like racism things that are separating us how you know, the Rich has been really taking advantage of everyone who is in a who is poor and who doesn't have the ability to have a voice and we're going to see major things happen around these eclipses in the government and in the global Consciousness in the world. Then on a personal level it's might be a painful reality because we're going to be becoming aware of what has been holding us back in all of the lies in the deception and the outdated modes of behavior that we haven't even been aware of yet because you know when you're in it, you're not always aware of what is happening and maybe there are some people in the world that have been aware of it people who have been on a maybe more of a spiritual or conscious path. Both but those that have it and are probably going to maybe have a bit more of a shocker on this eclipse and it's in Capricorn as well. So it could have a lot to do with foundation and structure and all the foundations that you thought was safe and stable in your life, but aren't actually healthy for your authenticity might be crumbled or torn apart or ripped away from you because the universe is like no it's time for you to build a Foundation for yourself and then of course, we're bringing in the lair of the new moon. So it's even so it's like South node, which is related to like past. It's the new moon is of course setting new intentions and as so this this Eclipse is really going to be helping us to notice what needs to be cleared away so that we can create space and set new powerful intentions of what do I want the foundations in my life to look like, what do Do I want to take from the old and the traditional and how do I want to merge that with my current and present reality moving forward, you know, and it's not to say that we should be obliterating everything from the past because there are some really beautiful things about tradition that we should be holding on to Capricorn is such a grandfather grandmother Elder wise energy and space holder. But yeah, this eclipse is going to really be supporting all of us moving. Into that grandfather grandmother energy in ourselves that wisdom. Yeah. I'm eating the old and the new and I am really excited because we have been going through collectively this experience of the South node in Capricorn in the North Node in cancer. And one of the best ways I can interpret this is that collectively we are being asked to move back towards a more matriarchal Consciousness and way of being but we're wanting to find balance between the patriarch and The Matriarch were wanting to find balance between the masculine and feminine Rule and and and being you know Capricorn has been a lot more to do with like self-sufficiency ambition. I need to be my own rock. I need to succeed whereas cancers like family and home and lets you know, let's do this as a tribe. Let's do this as a family and sometimes Capricorn does need to come through and be like, okay cancer you fallen too much into the the emotional I'm like, we don't always need to be so sensitive. We can move forward and we can create a structured plan moving ahead and then cancer sometimes needs to come in and be like, hey, let's just take other people's emotions in for a second. Let's consider what where how we're going to affect the people around us. So we're finding this beautiful balance between that masculine and feminine than masculine guidance and The Feminine nurture. So also the eclipse on the 26th is To be conjunct Jupiter and Jupiter is a planet of expansion and magnetism. But whatever he touches he magnifies whether it's good or bad. So you can see this eclipse coming up is going to be really like blown up. It's like powerful and then it's also going to be in trying which is an easy flowing aspect to your honest and Uranus is this planet of Revolution and sudden and unexpected change. It is the planet of Ocean as well so we can expect definitely the unexpected with this Eclipse again. It might just feel like a breeze for some people if you change in their a few changes in their thought patterns, but for others it might be some really radical changes in their present reality again, only for the best though. Definitely. Yeah, and then following that Eclipse always after the eclipse as working about two weeks Cycles because as I said, we'll have one on the new moon and then we'll have one on the full moon. So this one's really coming through to finish up this cycle and that's happening in the full moon in cancer on the 11th of January. I believe it will be the 10th in America and reading from my astrology software. I found it to be happening at 19 degrees of cancer. That's when it will be in opposition to because when it's the full moon the sun and the moon are in opposition and the Sun is Illuminating. Aiding the wholeness of the moon so it's important to remember the eclipse degrees so that you can go and check where it's going to be falling in your birth chart. So you want to see where is 4 degrees Capricorn in my birth chart and where is 19 degrees of cancer in my birth chart because that will be the eclipse degree the eclipse point in your chart and then you can see what house it might be in and yeah if it is going to be hitting any of the planets in Your chart so yeah the eclipse coming up in the on the 11th of January randos cancer. Well visit again, it's going to be such an emotional one because cancer is probably the most emotionally sensitive archetype in the Zodiac and the computer for thing here is that the North Node is or to do with where we're wanting to move towards for our Liberation and growth and collectively as a community. It's sort of like what I was just saying, it's Moving back into the heart moving back into the womb moving back into more of a maternal nurturing nourishing energy and how can you be inviting more of that into your life? Where have you been lacking emotional support from your tribe and the people around you and how can you also be more caring to the people around you and also valuing vulnerability and no longer seeing it as a weakness but seeing Vulnerability as a strength and not being afraid to again step into that authentic emotional state of being so this North Node is helping us to invite all of this fresh energy and and because it's in a for Moon, we're probably going to be having giving birth to some big emotional releases during this time, but seeing it as a really just beautiful experience. I should say to really honor honor this eclipse in cancer. Um again, there might be some pain surfacing because the eclipse the full moon during this time is going to be quite close to conjunct being in conjunction to Saturn and Pluto and when I say conjunction, it just means that the planets are so close together. It's almost like their energies are being Blended in a smoothie. So you're getting a taste of all of them and this Saturday Pluto conjunction is really going to be a big one coming up at the beginning of next year. Here, I mean the last time I think when Saturn and Pluto were in opposition was when the Twin Towers went down or some major terrorist attack happened like major. Yeah, and now they're in conjunction and so collectively, you know, I don't know what could happen but major things that need to shift for us to finally step away. From satin car toxic patriarchal Illusions. Can I say and come into leading the world and moving forward in a more healthy and nurturing way and that also means coming back to nurturing the earth. I mean, I think globally wasting all of these crazy things happen in our environment at the moment. I mean in Australia, we've just been having the craziest fires bushfires. And globally the climate is just changing a lot as well. So so hopefully whatever happens it's going to be helping us to really realize oh shit. It's time to really start making some changes happen, but it's good. You know, sometimes we have to become aware of this acute pain within ourselves because people sometimes with their lives, you know Easier by being oblivious or neglecting the truth of certain circumstances, and for those of you who've maybe turned vegetarian or vegan you probably experience that deep pain. And you realized oh shit. I've been what I've been doing. Like my whole life has been really painful for me to notice that and that's why I during this Eclipse. Some people might be coming to these realizations of oh my God. I cannot believe I've been living like this and allowing this to happen to my life in my life to my family to the collective. But no, yeah. It's an exciting time. I'd say as well, but just welcoming any changes I'd say princes don't being you know welcoming them for the best of our planet Earth and for the collective. Yeah, I'm really excited about the eclipses because I know like even the past ones this Summer that they were like a huge shift for me and it really does like make you move forward and your growth even though it's really uncomfortable and maybe you don't want to do it. But yeah, I really love this what to expect. I don't know but I'm definitely gonna be searching up like where my Capricorn and Cancer are in my charge and being like okay stuff might go down. Yeah. Yeah, seeing right will be illuminated and a nice message. It just came through for me as well. But with the second eclipse in cancer, just thinking of a mirror like me revision and seeing how this this Moon that's going to be conjunct Saturn and Pluto and everything and then that North Node sorry the sun will be conjunct Saturn and Pluto. The moon will be conjunct the North Node that's like this beautiful mirror of what can be and then the the sun conjunct Saturn and Pluto is what was so it's like this eclipse is going to be showing us what was in the past and what what is now going to be and what can be in the future and it's like choosing to take that leap into the new rather than being sucked back into the old. Yeah, I definitely think it's going to be quite a powerful quite a powerful couple of weeks that we have ahead of us. Yeah, I just like to keep it real. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. I'm sure it was a bit of a mouthful. It's a lot to take in because that's just a there's just a lot of it. I don't know there's a lot to learn from astrology because it's not just like this one little tiny piece of Information it's like this very complex system. Yeah, there's so much very constantly adjusts new downloads coming through and for all the astrologers and humans on this Earth You know, there's new ways of understanding and astrology mutates and changes as Global Consciousness and our and our societies down here change, you know, so it's like it's in a constant co-creation and mutation and transformation. For sure, so I know besides a storm apology you do talk about like conscious movement and dancing and what exactly is that in? Like what is that consists of for you and your practice Yeah, that's really beautiful and happy we're touching on this. So I grew up dancing. I always grew up a little bit of a performer and it's just Thing I've always held really closely to my heart and I think when I went to a bud for the first time, we have a big dance Community their conscious dance community and something that first pops into my head is coming back to move from the inside out and not the outside in and it's about really being able to shut down your eyes and firstly for recognize our such a huge stigma around dancing. seeing and really trying to step away from that because dance can even be you moving still sometimes, you know, it's this is this healing ability to close your eyes and to begin to very subtly and gently feel into it's almost like a meditation feeling to what is needing to move through the body and I'm companying that with a piece of music forgetting what it looks like externally and just really becoming so aware of the delicacy of the fingers and Every single part of the body starting to move and just almost being taken by the music possessed by the music and allowing yourself to step out of the mind and into the body and it's such a healing experience. It's one of the ways that I find myself coming into presence and being able to just completely step out of this Earth realm for a moment. So I think we all can find different gateways, but from mine. Definitely through dance and movement and for me as well working with women. It's allowing ourselves to awaken pleasure and sensuality in the body again, and the subtle awareness of pleasure receptors in the sensations of pleasure and sensuality and sensuality. I don't mean like just being like sexual. I actually mean it in being able to touch taste feel here and coming back into that and really just enjoying I mean, you know, all the Taurus is out there know what I mean. Just enjoying those little subtle Simple Pleasures in life sort of movement and touch and beauty and yeah for me it's so healing in that way and it's very important for me to bridge that into my astrology so already in my workshops. I am offering embodiment practices, but I am wanting to dive deeper into actually beginning to dance with the planet. So Whirring the energy of the planets because astrology is so much more than just the intellectual wisdom. And when I'm teaching there is so much intellectual information. I'm wanting to people to also download the information into the body and to accompany the intellectual information with heartfelt practice. Yeah. Yeah. I really like that. That's very like so special to be reconnecting with your ADI and that way because even like dancing a lot of people especially if they're like sober they won't want to do it then we like oh heck. No, that's not for me. I have to be like, I don't know I don't drink so I don't know five beers in before they can like dance or have a good time. But I really like that just connecting with your body and really feeling it and what needs to be like moving out and just really getting in touch with that and that's just so powerful to be even doing just simply as a practice that everyone can do to really reconnect with themselves. Totally and I think it's so interesting because out of most of the art forms. I feel like dances the one that has the biggest stigma around it in the sense that people really respect and honor someone when they're sharing maybe they're painting or they're drawing or even I mean I guess singing as well can be a little bit tricky. But with dads I've found people to have the most judgment around moving their bodies. And even like I've been when I was first starting out on this journey, I've even been like bullied online for sharing videos of myself dancing because I guess yeah P there is a bit of a stigma around it in society and some people don't understand that it's so safe and okay to just be silly and just get into your body and just Over and if anyone feels resistance around that I say that you you go for it like you have to do it because anywhere we're feeling a lot of resistance is usually where we should be exploring to step into your worth. You know, that's the end goal to just keep choosing high self-worth. So if you're afraid to do something because you're low self-worth is holding you back then be like, hey Universe even though I'm afraid about this. I'm not going to let it hold me back. I'm still gonna go and do it anyways. Oh, yeah, like even if it's just like dancing in your robe go for it. Just put on your favorite song and Just Dance away. Yes, exactly. Get it out better out than in definitely. So how would you advise the listeners to reconnect with themselves? Oh, beautiful. so what do I want to say this so many things but I mean if you're looking to reconnect with yourself for me, it would be getting to know yourself. And of course Beyond astrology Beyond dance. I think that having the end goal of stepping into your authenticity, which doesn't just mean the cliche like oh just be yourself. It's actually going and doing Shadow work is probably what I would say going and looking at all of the aspects of self that you've been modeled as bad that were bad or told to reject during childhood because this is where you are not in your authenticity right now any part of yourself that you're afraid to step into Is actually keeping you from being in your authenticity. It doesn't mean that you have to actively be acting out some of these shadowy qualities, but it's about owning them and being like hey, I'm a human. I'm made up of all qualities in this in the spectrum of Being Human. So I'm going to own that I am not and that is a part of me and starting to really honor all of these aspects of self that you know it doing it for your inner child like when your inner child as younger and maybe got bullied for something going back and loving her in that moment rather than allowing that wounding to keep inhibiting you from being yourself in present time because then you're just still communicating to your inner child that she is not worthy of being herself in this moment and you're letting the external validation of people around you to have power over you and that's not what your soul has come here to do its come here to be itself. Yes, so also to connect them with one's self. I just always go I'll of self-care. I'm like spend a lot of my time on self-care. So just finding like a beautiful set of products that you because you know what I think it's important to be working with products that really that you are in so in love with that you wake up in your excited to like put on this beautiful body oil or facial oil and you're like, oh I just feel like a goddess, you know, I think that's another really beautiful. Edible way to connect back to yourself, but actually finding things that you like not just doing it because you know is good for you. Yeah, definitely definitely. So where can people find you? Yes, so they can find me on my Instagram. I usually try to post every day unless I'm not feeling it's an alignment and my Instagram is at flowers for days and that's da is underscore astrology. So I've got lots of Astro updates on there and then my website is flowers for, and you can book in for private sessions via my website. And yeah, I hold workshops around the world and you can check them out on my website as well. And I have a retreat coming up next year in Bali, which you can also find info about on my website. Well, thank you so much. Much for being on this podcast. You're definitely going to be so expanding and so informational for everyone to just here and listen to your wisdom. Thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate you so that is it for today's episode. If you listen and like the reconnection podcast, please leave a rating and review on iTunes. It helps me so much and helps people find the show. You can also find me on YouTube Instagram. Graham and Pinterest at a willow sulfur more content and until next time. Bye.
On this special episode of Reconnection, we are joined with Daisy Clementine! Daisy is such a powerful astrologer and she is sharing all the wisdom in this convo. In this episode, we discuss: Struggling to fit in growing up Healing an eating disorder What her eating disorder stemmed from Letting go the need to be validated externally Finding a community How she got into astrology & going to an astrology school Why she doesn’t believe in Horoscopes Astrology is giving Permission to be yourself Align yourself with the factors of the moon The four elements in astrology Eclipse Season & What to Expect Clear out anything that is not in alignment Finding a balance between the masculine & feminine rule Notes: - The exact minutes the full moon eclipse in Cancer will fall at 20 degrees not 19 degrees - We will have some more eclipses in Cancer occurring in 2020 LOVE THIS EPISODE? Leave a rating and review and share the show on your instastory + tag @awillowsoul Show Notes: Instagram: @awillowsoul Join the Facebook Group: Reconnection Podcast Insider Group Website: Connect with Daisy: Instagram: @flowersfordais_astrology Her Website BOOK AN AKASHIC RECORDS READING:
And Ingrid de la marck any I'm the CEO and founder of the method she's also my wife and she's the smartest woman I've ever met. First of all, she's my mom and she's really cool. She's all that and she's a Superhero. This is the part of my French podcast. - on this episode you'll hear about wellness fitness French autism and lifestyle a train fucking Sheikh gangster podcast hosted by Fitness and Wellness French Edwin ISM Guru and creator of the method to body Yours Truly Ingrid de la marck any live from Monte. Monaco on this show, you'll find a mix of audio entertainment including listener and audience questions answered about health Wellness Lifestyle Family and relationships and my friend holistic tips to be healthy have your best body and transform both your body and your mind set into the happiest ever as well as leaving labelled Z lifestyle like a Chic French gangster. Hello and welcome to Barden my friend episode 21. I am Ingrid de la marck any and I am your host as always live from Monaco. Today's going to be a quick one. I do not have a guest this week. And I apologize for that. However, I do know who my guest is going to be next week in my superhero segment. It is a house of Lauren House of Lauren is a blogger. She's an amazing woman who I got to really know. For Instagram. She's one of those babes supporting babes type of girl. She's a girl's girl. She's a mom. She wrote an amazing article about me. I think she's so scared. I remember when I read the article the first time I literally wrote to her and said, oh my gosh, you should have been a short a journalist. You are so gifted with words. She managed to make me look so good and I'm going to actually put the link to that article in the show notes. Does it really deserves a little bit of Spotlight, but she's coming on the blog next. Sorry. She's coming on the podcast next week to talk about her journey since she started following me and gave up on the diet mentality. She was something short of going into what we refer to as an eating disorder and made a quick U-turn to the Wild Side the gangster Chic side. She is Not my client. I've never worked with her. She studied in Ulan pretty recently. And so she of course, she'll talk about her journey with inulin, but what you have to realize about the fact that I bring those people on the podcast those amazing women who you know decides to go out on a whim. I I know I always use this expression, but I can't think of anything else to say about it and decided to give my mentality a shot is that it's a big commitment. It's a big commitment to To really give up on the comfort zone that died gives you this sort of control this restriction. This restrictive mind that gives you an impression of control to leave that comfort zone and come on the wild side and say I'm going to live Wild and Free like a motherfucker French Chic gangster that you know, that that really takes balls and that's why I bring those Women on because I feel like their micro influencers and their stories are so real today real stories are the pr of this new era. You don't need to do public relations. You don't need to brand yourself. You don't need to be watching, you know, all of these public relations. I mean, you don't need to be going back all these guidelines and have a PR agent. What you need is truth and honesty and I feel like in this case I can tell you Everything I want I can be as authentic as I want but as long as I bring you the real people behind the story and you guys are the real people behind the story. I'm not I always say I'm the map and you guys are the adventurers. Do you Heroes the Christopher Columbus, you know of your own body pretty much and one of my incredible followers turned For close friend in a very short amount of time. And I know that sounds that sounds almost like so innocent of me and naive maybe to say that especially because I've been burnt in friendship on Instagram before I get close and you know, even though I had this really tough Persona I get her done like human like everybody else, but I got very close to all my followers and she's become very fast a close friend and she's proven herself to be so true and real. Real and real a real source of inspiration for me support. She's even protective. She's incredible. I'm not going to mention her because I want to really keep her private for now and keep her comfortable. I want to stay but she called me her North Star and I am so humbled at that title. So if you're listening, yeah, I'm coming. Out with it. She called me her North Star and that is so flattering. But it's also when someone like her or like you guys give me all these credit for turning your life around feeling better with your body feeling happier. All of these amazing things. You create your credit me with I want to say all I am is pretty much giving you the direction to go in the fact that you follow it the fact that you decide to use your intuition your inner strength and your guts to go in that direction is all you so I may be your little North Star and I will Thrive to keep that amazing flattering humbling title. But all the credit is to to you all if you have come to the wild side and decided to listen to my Tips and turn things around for yourself. So all of this to say that today's going to be a short one, but it was important for me to put it in a podcast and that's a way for me to officialize it on, you know online. It's a great source of information for people people are going to be asking about it and I can always refer them to this episode everyone knows I'm a mom and I've been wanting Mom since I'm 20 years old somebody Wrote to me a few days ago. You should do a podcast about how you had feel individual when you're also a mom. This person did not have a child yet. So I found her question normal for someone who doesn't have a child and she said like how do you separate being your own woman and being a mom? I'm scared to have a child and lose my identity and I did not judge her. I actually, you know, I I understand that when you're not a mother you may feel that way. I'm going to say something super cliche and say the minute that you become a mother. You're not afraid to lose your individuality most of the time but in my case, I'm not the right person to actually answer your question. Whoever you are not to mention your name. I'm going to keep that private to because all I know is to be a mom. I've been a mom since I'm a woman. So I consider that I became a woman around the age of 17, but really like had my son at 20 and all I know since I'm 20 years old. It's been 21 years old. It's been 20 years old actually 20 years. Sorry that I'm a mom. All I know is to be a mother and that's all I want to be. I love to be successful. I love to be you know, Ingrid de la marck any Fitness expert. I love to Somebody's North Star. I love to be somebody's wife. I love to be someone's best friend. Someone's daughter. Someone's sister. I love to be someone's business partner or CEO. But what I am is a mom everything that I do is to thrive to be Dylan's then and Dakota's mom and to make them proud and to keep them safe. So I wouldn't be the right one to ask about keeping you into that individuality as you become a mom. But I'm definitely the one to ask about how to feed your children and this crazy world of supplements and worried about giving your kids powders and vitamins. I'm going to stop within your land with simply in your lane people ask me. Is it safe to give simply in your land to your children? And I always And syrup. Yes, it's fiber. However, I don't even put a period I put a comma. However, why would you why not teach your children that they needed to eat fiber and that they need to get so vegetable legume and food friendly in a way that you teach them what food can do for them rather than what food can do to them. And so yes, simply in your lane is safe for them and you can camouflage it in an omelet. So all of the sudden you have an amazing source of protein, which the kids need I'll get on to the you know, the medical recommendations as far as how much protein kids kids need so a kid that's like for example 13 years old needs 34 grams of protein a kid that Is like also that's children that are up to 14 and 34 grams of protein girls aged 14 to 18 it 46 grams of proteins and boys 14 to 18 it 52 grams of protein. Now, we know I hate math so that means absolutely fucking nothing to me. But I'm just giving it to you to show you I've done my research so, you know, I'm not full of shit, but my point is don't be afraid to give them eggs do not give them protein. Peter don't be afraid to give them fruit vegetables and legumes under any kind of circumstances. Like don't tell you kids. Stop having mangos and bananas. There is 60. There's 60 calories in a banana. I'm just saying this one top of my head or mango is very sweet. Don't scare your children from food don't turn them into the psychopath that you've become at the hands of the diet world. So when you asked me about in your lane, I always say Do not put it in their drinks do not put it in their milk. Do not put it in there, you know anything. Yes, they can have your brioche and that's fantastic. But if you're going to make them something that has a blue tint in it, which is absolutely fine. If your kid is not intolerant to gluten. Yeah, you can you can add a teaspoon or a teaspoon of inulin. I'll tell you when to add in your lane in their food when you feel like they're craving something that's really not healthy for them. Like they want a chocolate chip cookie a plain chocolate chip cookie, but you're going to make it for them and you're going to make it with real flower because their children why should you should you substitute anything for your kids at this point? They should go through the same path that we have. I ate every kind of cookies when I was younger. I'd Oreo cookies. I you know, what it what are they called the new cookies from France? I ate them all why shouldn't your kids but if you're gonna make a chocolate chip cookie for you. Child at home and you're going to use real flower for your child because he's a child after all you want to put a teaspoon or two teaspoons of inulin to say, you know what I'm going to add fiber to to this so that the food that the kid is eating actually actually can do something for him or her rather than just be pleasurable. However, I'm so not okay with giving the kids a shake let alone a coffee. Of course, you're not going to give your child in yelling coffee. I don't think we should be giving coffee to our children. Let children be children. They should have you know a hot chocolate and I'm not going to put I'm not going to put simply in your land in the code has hot chocolate because I just find I find it disturbing that at the age of 13. I already have to get her used to the concept of a powder the concept of a powder in your drink the concept of a powder in something to go. I don't think it's okay to give the kids a smoothie as breakfast. It's absolutely not fine. Even if you put simply in your land and flags or whatever you want to put in it that I may have endorsed before I don't think it's okay. I think your child should sit down and have delicious things and look at chocolate that we looked at it when we were kids don't stigmatize real food for your children, and that includes not getting them so used to seeing you pouring in your lane in their food if you're making yourself a brioche with steam. In your land and your child passes by in one some it's absolutely fine. Super healthy for him or her but do not go make it for him her or his friends. Let them have real real food. Even if you know of the dangers of this food as you grow up as you become an adult, I feel like they need to go through that process. and I think until they are at an age where they can consciously decide to subtract certain things out of their diets, then we should let them be Of course, you have to teach them about portions. Of course, you have to tell them that fast foods not good for them and not allow them to have em Burgers and Fries all the time and make that into a treat that you have once a month or you know every Thursday after practice or something like that. But as far as adding powders and supplements into your kids food, I'm not okay with it not so much because it's unsafe, but because it just fucks with their brain already. I want you to Kids to learn fiber protein. I don't want them to learn carbs of Cal or calories. I want them to know about fatty acids. I want them to know that good fats don't always talk to them about the you know, dangerous aspect of eating french fries french fries the life if I was fucking 14 years old, I'd be still eating french fries every other day and I did at the time. So, of course you have to watch them and if you're in America, you have to watch for so much when it comes to your kids. You have to watch it. Watch out for the milk. I noticed a difference with my son Dylan. We was crazy about milk and you know Dylan's 20 years old today is so if you go back to when you was like four years old 5 years old 6 years old and he was obsessed with milk. We didn't know as much about, you know, GMO genetically modified. Injections in milk, so I gave him regular milk. And then I found out that it may be the reason why you was gaining weight because still in started to gain weight unexpectedly and I cook for him like a French person in America and I'm still gaining weight and if you listen to the podcast that Dylan's on you'll actually hear all about it. We speak about the fact that he almost was borderline obese when we arrived in France that people were like judging me being such a thin mother with such a you know a child that is like literally borderline obese and part of it was the milk and so I stopped milk and he was crying about it because he loved it and I loved milk growing up. It's so it's so awful that you have to literally be so scared of milk for your children to the milk was such an amazing source of Health for children back in the days, but when we arrived in France, I started to give Dylan Oh milk here which comes in a car and it's fresh and it's like literally you have to throw it out after they or mm no longer fresh and he lost all the weight and I realized that it was that milk. So yes you guys in the states or in North America are up against it's an uphill battle. You have to check out the Cheese's you can't give them cheese sticks for example, but you don't have to tell them those things unless they go shopping for themselves for food. You have to warn them about the distributors in The school you have to teach them how to read labels and look for real food. So how do you teach your kids to be intuitive about what they eat? But at the same time you want to scare them about food. There's no way you should be giving pb2 powder peanut butter powder to your kids. Give them Skippy teach them instead that maybe skip is not a great because it has this and that maybe you should look for something. They adore like almond butter. Tahini kids love tahini my kids love it. So that instead of that don't stigmatize real food and give them. Give them substitutes. I want to say. I heard of some specialist. I want to say experts saying that kids need protein powder to build muscle because they go to baseball practice and some sort of training that they're passionate about but I don't think a child a certain age like 12 years old should be building a six-pack. I think that's very unhealthy. And I think that's not okay to give them a protein powder to fuel their work out that their work out and build their muscles. I find that so awful. I find that this tour childhood and I want to say fuck you to The Experts and the professionals that are recommending giving protein powders and supplements to your children. If somebody tells you it's safe, they're assholes if I start showing you a lot of children eating stuff with in your linen it who having an in Ulan chocolate milk. Please send me a message. Tell me. I'm an asshole and unfollow me It's absolutely fine to put a little bit of inulin in Chile. For example, you want to feel good about what you give your children. You want to feel like you know, what today? Let's see Savannah didn't have enough broccoli, or she really liked disliked the vegetables that were served to her and didn't eat them and I couldn't convince her to eat them. Let me sneak in a little bit of in your lane in her pasta sauce tonight, so She can have a little bit more fiber in her food, but I actually will do it where she's not even so conscious of it because I want to continue encouraging Savanna my 17 year old to look for nutrition nutrients in real food. If you start talking to your kids about substitution or supplement ation of nutrients from packaged stuff. What are you turning them into? Do you really want your child to be a product of this era of New Guinea Pig? All our products. I mean in New Orleans existed for years. It's existed for centuries. Actually. I mean maybe not centuries but for over a hundred years, maybe, you know people used it in Eastern Europe to put it in there loaves to saturate their families their loafs of bread, but at the end of the day, I don't think you should rely on any powder in your lane included too. To give your kids to right amount of nutrients and so yes, it's more work for you. You have to scratch your head and wonder what to give them for breakfast and maybe Captain Crunch is not it so it makes your life a little bit more complicated. But that's where you need to become a French parent rather than an American parent always looking to give them a mug on the go or Tumblr on the go or a sandwich on the go. Think about maybe waking up your child 20 minutes earlier. I know it's tough. But so you can sit for breakfast and teach them some manners put a nice table set on the table or on the kitchen counter, you know and fold a napkin nicely and teach them to eat an omelet maybe with their fork and knife. I know it's so much easier to give them a fucking smoothie with protein powder and maybe a little bit of inulin drizzled on that but fuck you. That's not how you how you give protein and About to a child no. Think of giving your children the experience of eating and that means not mixing up powders. That means teaching them fork and knife plate napkin on your lap sit up straight. Look at Mommy while you eat have a sip of water. Also, you need to realize that in France no children walk around with smoothies or milkshakes. You find a milk a milkshake in France. When you go to Shake Shack or to an ice cream shop. It's not something that you make at home. Nobody makes milkshakes at home or any type of shakes or smoothies. A smoothie is a trip. It's a treat it is absolutely not a snack. It's a treat. It's something that you could say to your kid if you got to have a smoothie. Not having dessert because that's fruit and that's a lot of shit in there that shit, but it's a lot of glucose and fructose. Putting in your linen. It is not going to make it any better. That's something you do for your fucking conscience, and I don't like it. Same goes with protein powders. Keep all of that stuff for you, you know your ship of being a child has sailed, but it doesn't mean that your child ship has sailed. Let them be don't show them powder as a source of nutrition. That's my message today. See it wasn't so much about it being dangerous for them. Even though I do have my own thought about protein powders, but I've shared before so I'm not going to you know, I'm not going to keep hammering that nail in the coffin you guys all know what I feel about any protein powder. I'm not talking about any brand in particular. I think as far as I'm concerned, they all created the same. We don't necessarily need them unless you Child that is truthfully to thin that is that that is clinically medically diagnosed with being underweight and that you cannot get that child to a to absorb protein from you know, animal protein or cheese or legumes or eggs then okay. I'm not talking about the situations. But other than that get your kids familiar with the shape texture. Picture look smell of Real Food legumes lentils your child should love lentils. What's crazy that some protein powders actually provide 80 grams of protein per serving. This is considerably more than a growing child needs in one day let alone in one serving so think about it if you're already putting your child in excess protein intake from childhood what the fuck is going to happen to that child when they come to puberty and hormones start working. You're fucking up there. Doctrine system before they even had a chance at being an adult that's not right. Imagine that a child is eating in one day an ideal breakfast. Let's say a cup of plain yogurt with fruits and granola. So granola with yogurt and some fruits is about 10 grams of protein lunch. Let's say they have beans chili with avocado. And dinner they have chicken rice and some green beans. So that's about 30 grams of protein. So that child already consumed 58 grams of Whole Food protein. So it surely doesn't need the supplement in his diet. But some people will say well I gave it to him in a smoothie so he wouldn't have to have breakfast and I would say to them Jenny Craig. You are a fucking asshole. Why are you not letting your child sit down and have a real food and giving them a smoothie to go? What are you what are you raising? The juice the juice generation didn't we learn about this don't we have enough people already that have suffered from eating disorders in the generation previous to our children. Don't be an asshole give your kids real food. And please don't use the fact that you're in America as an excuse to say I'm worried about giving you meet and I'm worried about the eggs and the pasture and I'm worried about the cheese do some work go shop in places where you can feel safe about what you're giving your child, but serve them real food don't rely on powders and that includes in. Lynn there would be nothing wrong if your kid wants to take a sip out of your smoothie. Although I think you're an idiot for having a protein powder smoothie. But if you're listening to me, you already know that I think the danger is when someone is specially a growing child is using this powders instead of eating enough Whole Foods and that is what they see you do because all we do right now with this diet mentality is substitute. And we're scared of avocado and sweet potatoes. So we make our kids as scared of vegetables as we used to make them as scared of bugs back in the days actually back in the days. You used to stamina take my child camping so I can get them a costume to Nature and they could be less scared of spiders and stuff like that yet. You bring them back in your kitchen and you scare them. I will fucking potato. So today your kids are not petrified to bugs. They scared of veggies and bananas. Do you hear how ridiculous that is while I think that showing them too much powder or do you use of powder as a way of feeding themselves? Fuck stop their relationship with food from a very very young age. You have to realize on top of it that the lot of the supplements in the powders that you can be giving your kids have artificial flavoring so that the kids will like them artificial sweeteners untested herbs. You know, some of them even have metals. Can you imagine many are not even regulated by the FDA even though we know as he is bullshit and it's often, you know completely corrupted but still a lot of the stuff you want to give your children are not even Buy anything that is so scary. And don't let me down. Don't get me started on stuff that's manufactured in the US. If you've listened to my previous podcast if you listen to my ramblings on Instagram, you know that all the food supplements that in the US has a very very high margin of stuff that is not disclosed to you and doesn't have to be in the ingredients and they can call something pure when in fact it has some added ingredient I did ingredients like that. You could never even think about so instead of freaking scaring your kids from real food. Maybe start teaching them how to read labels as cuz so that when something is a handed to them they can use that intuition that hasn't been corrupted yet by the diet mentality that we have all been exposed to as adults. They are much better ways to give a source of protein or Fiber to your kids but most importantly this much better ways of giving you a kids all the vitamins minerals minerals healthful fats that they need without possibly adding chemically powdered, you know shit into their life. You can give them now. Or seed Butters raw seeds or nuts ground flax seeds. Chia seeds hemp seeds. You could put them in their cookies in their muffins whole yogurt. Don't be scared to give them how yogurt coconut milk coconut milk has 5 grams of protein per cup. And that's all natural if you get are simply kefir coconut milk coconut yogurt if you make it because this implicit theories grains, You can give that to your child because that's natural does their greens does a greens and you make the yogurt at home. It is nothing artificial so you can give that to your child. Raw oats soaked overnight in water then trained that six gram of protein per cup raw coconut. Cocoa nibs. Can you imagine that is so healthy cocoa nibs are so healthy. You can give them a protein they will benefit sorry. They will benefit from the protein in it. There's antioxidants in it vitamins and minerals any dark leafy greens like spinach. You know have protein vitamins minerals chlorophyll fiber avocado 4 grams of protein plus health healthy fats like so and if you can have a hard time eating leafy greens, for example, this is what I do. I made these tortillas and I put like cheese in it, like ricotta cheese and spinach leaves in it and I add a little bit of cheddar and then I put another tortilla on top. I press them together and put them in the oven. And for like a few minutes, my daughter's love that and they eating the leafy green. Whereas usually let's say they wouldn't be so inclined to just love the fact that I'm giving them spinach. There's so many things you can do to hide protein fiber minerals nutrients in your kids food without possibly. Giving them processed shit. And that goes for anything now we know simply in your lane is not process shit and it's natural but still it remains a powder. I don't like the mindset behind it for children. So like I said, if you feel like giving them pasta one night is not nutritious than off your wish you meet string beans, but you didn't then put a little bit of inulin fiber in there sauce, but don't even say it to them so they don't get so used to saying. Oh, it's okay. Going to have a burger tomorrow, but then I'll have something within you Linda next day. You don't want your kids to have that mentality. Try not to fall for sales gimmicks that advertise extra vitamin super fruit and probiotic in a powder also and that goes for you as well. The ideal protein powder if anything would be pea protein Peña which would least only piece as the only ingredient but we know that that's literally inexistent today. You have to look for stuff that's free of sugar and artificial sweetener stuff. That is low in heavy metals. There's a lot of metals and toxins now in some of these powders and Super Foods so you have to Check for all that stuff for me. It's becoming so laborious to look out for those things that I just prefer giving my kids real food. Beware also of the lure of energy as powders advertised energy fuel, they might include caffeine stuff like War Anna or coffee and made that they stimulate but they don't actually provide long-lasting energy and I do believe that they really fuck with the kids hormones. We don't want that. We don't want their health to be a Ready corrupted by those things. I mean as we grow our whole environment corrupt so much of our health. So let's try to keep them safe and sometimes keeping them safe is not making an extra effort to make them healthy with add-ons. Deducting from their diet as far as processed stuff stuff that come in packages stuff that promise something. And rely on real food is probably the safest bet when it comes to children. It's more work. It's not fast to prepare but in the long run. If like me, all you are deep inside is a mom then that's what you have to do in good conscience. So, like I said, I am not trashing any type of product. I'm not saying that whatever manufacturers or experts are telling you it's safe for your kids is unsafe. I'm not going up against yuge grooves and professionals. I'm not telling you when you lean is unsafe, it's safe and all of those other products may be safe. But why even why even? Bring powders into your kid's life as a source of nutrients. I feel like it is really not needed. The healthier alternative always is to try and make sure. That you give them the best version of the food or cookie or whatever it is. That is IQ reach and that means with ingredients that you recognize on the labels. And US ingredients that your child as soon as he or she can read can recognize on labels. You want to give your children healthful healthful fats? You want to give them a whole food proteins that offers vitamins and minerals. so why even rely on anything that's chemically powdered. or Shake think of a shake as an Indulgence for the child. I don't even like the word Indulgence but dessert. You know or ice cream that's that's what a shake or a smoothie should be in France. No one walks around with a green smoothie in their hands. As a matter of fact do use of tumblers, which is ironic because I have tumblers. I stayed very American in that way, but I'm ashamed to walk around with them. So what I do is I take my Tumblr drink my coffee in my car. Sometimes I'll put it in my bag to get to the studio and take it out and drink at the studio, but no one in France walks. Round with smoothies and shakes let alone children people look at them. Like they're absolutely crazy. You see children walking around with, you know, ice cream cones or you know snacks or whatever but never with smoothie straws and whatever. It's like Starbucks has made it here, but not let people sit at Starbucks here. They don't they don't take it with them. And I love that. I love the fact that the French are completely resisting this fast walking away with portable lunch in liquid the I love it. And I think that if we can teach our kids to be gangster chic. From a young age they can really sleigh at this why not? I hope you enjoyed this episode. I know was briefer than usual. I didn't think I needed to go into deep talks about all this. I just wanted to make it very clear that each time. Someone asks me if you knew land is safe for kids. I will say yes, it's safe medically safe. It's been even recommended by some doctors that work with kids who have ADD ADHD autism Them as we know that the gut and brain access is a real thing. So they recommend in Ulan for those children and they have proven through research and trials that is very effective. But I actually never mentioned that to anyone. I think I've posted the article once because I don't want people going crazy giving in your lane two dead kids. I want people to think of giving their kids real prebiotics from Foods taken worried about supplementing leader. So I wanted that to be very clear and I think that's all there is to say about that. If you have any questions or any thoughts about this, feel free to send me a message and to share with me the retreat is coming April 8. So if you are not aware, we have a transformation Retreat here in the The friends at the Contour tell you cap and it's in a nutshell everything. I'm telling you to teach your kids that's going to be applied at that retreat in this beautiful iconic south of France Hotel overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. We're going to have to master sessions of the method work out a day with me. You can find some pictures on my Instagram. You can also go on the website Retreat that the method m we're going to put this on the show notes, so you can just click but you can still sign up. We have two spots left actually one may open as one of the person that was supposed to come got pregnant very happy about it. She actually credits in Ulan for getting pregnant in balancing hormones out, but she cannot make the trip now, so I think her spot might be opening she was checking with her doctor if she could Take up some of the sessions but she's about four months and a half and I'm not sure I can modify the sessions for her at the retreat. So her spot might open up to so we might have three spots still open. If you are interested, it's a six night seven days Retreat we get to spend a lot of time around the pool. You will have one-on-ones with me every day. They will be nothing that will be like taking lectures or notes or anything like that. It's a lot of hanging out I like To Chic phone says so feel free to go check it out. If you want to work out with me, the virtual platform is becoming very popular even with my existing clients and you can check that out on Virtual dot to Method M We're going to put this on the show notes as well. If you are looking for my new simply inulin chocolate chip cookie at a fleur de SEL which is so Just it's made with potato starch which is so healthy for your gut. And I think dr. Hyman spoke about that recently. I will post that on my story. So you guys can read but potato starch is not potato and it's not potato flour its starch and it's very healthy for your gut. I added also instant yeast which is amazing also forgot health. And of course simply in your land regular chocolate chips, make sure that they don't have Stevia in them or anything added that should not be in chocolate. But if you're looking for those recipes it is a posted at Simply Recipes dot the method M if you haven't been able to write that down or type as fast as I spoke. It is in the show notes. You want to work out with me for free you can also do so with the flash workouts that are always there for you. You could do them with a towel. You don't need the equipment look it out look it up. So Having a hard time speaking today on the show notes as well. What else? Can I tell you about simply give fear you can look on my Ig TV there is a video and I will post the link to it. There is a video on my Ig TV that shows you exactly how to make simply get fear from Simply give fear what really exists implicit fear champagne. Like they know it's not alcohol. It's been named champagne like T centuries ago. It is a sort of fizzy delicious lactose free vegan yogurt that tastes and feels like it's been mixed with champagne but instead it is simply a pure probiotic that brings into your gut 18 258 billion life probiotic strains. And that is something that you make at home with the grades. It takes a few minutes to make and then you have to be able to And ferment for 24 to 48 hours being a culturist has become something obsessive for me. I'm not someone who has patience but weirdly enough for this I have tons of patients and I love to unveil the texture of my coconut. Kefir yogurt or my champagne liked it once they're ready so you can find that in the shop as well as simply in Ulan. We have a limited edition that we made for the Beverly Hills Hotel will be Isolde in about four weeks at the signature shop, but we also kept part of this talk to offer to those of you that cannot travel to Beverly Hills. I'm one of them at this time so you can have access to the super Chic jar which is a limited edition and sports are palm tree print which we also have on the special thank-you card that you received a gangster well, To the gangster Chic tribe card that you receive when you order simply in your lane. I think I've bored you enough with the details of for more on all of this going to the show notes and you will find the links to everything if you wonder how you can cook for your family. I have any cookbook which is inspired by my kids. Those are the meals that I cook for them. They are not diet meals do delicious meals that allow convivial amazing time with your family partaking in the meal and not Not just feeding for the fuck of feeding helps you be more gangster Chic and French by the minute. It's in the show notes on this note. I cannot wait for the next episode with my special guest one of you guys one of the superheroes. I wish you a beautiful weekend wherever you are, and I hope you enjoyed this podcast. bisou bisou from Monaco
This episode is all about YOUR KIDS ! Don’t be their drug dealers, don’t teach them the powder in shakes mentality including INULIN or protein powder. REAL MOMS give their kids real food ! Show Notes: Follow Ingrid on Instagram at Follow THE METHOD® Follow our product line SIMPLY GANGSTER CHIC Find our Simply INULIN by THE METHOD®|THE BODY - INGRID’s SIMPLY THE BEST E-COOKBOOK & SPICE, and THE NEW PURE PROBIOTIC Simply Kefir Champagne Lacté at For our amazing FREE GUT HEALTHY FLAT TUMMY Simply Inulin chocolate chip cookies á la fleur de sel and GANGSTER CHIC BRIÔCHES For more info about our transformation retreat go to Do THE METHOD Free FLASH WORK-OUTS — no equipment needed Flash-Workout # 1 Flash-Workout #2 https://vimeo.com254216501/8983e725b8 You can workout with THE METHOD ORIGINAL MASTER SESSIONS from the comfort of your home ANYWHERE ANYTIME by subscribing to the monthly membership at You can leave us a voice message with questions or comments we may future on the next episode here: You can find information about Ingrid’s one on one Mind-Body power mentor sessions here For all recipes mentionned in this podcast FREE at
Hello and welcome to the next episode of the compete waffle. My name is Alicia. I'm an advanced Sports dietitian and founder of Complete Nutrition and within our waffle podcast. If you haven't come across as before, we love to put the spotlight on a whole range of athletes of all different levels or different shapes sizes abilities for the main reason that we believe that everyone who works with us and we come across has one brilliant story to share and weLove to share it with you guys. We also share Snippets of information. That is all things about performance nutrition. So if you'd like to go through our previous episodes, you will find a lot to do with that. And we also hold Facebook and Instagram live Q&A is every Thursday night. So if you haven't caught one of those then please jump on because we cover a different topic all the time and we love to get your questions and feedback and ideas on different topics to cover each week. So the next guest that we've got coming on for today's episode is one that we have been so excited to interview. It's taken us a few goes to get this interview sorted with me having a newborn and Lavinia having quite the schedule. I guess you could call it between training and work but we have got there in the end and I am so glad we persisted because her messaging and her journey and just her beautiful words that she uses in where she's come in. The last three years is just something to share. And it really goes to show why she's inspiring so many within her Instagram Community her community winning strongman, which is the sport. She's ended up in but also the her ethnic Community as well and how she has achieved her progress and continual progress in the last three years is something that we try and encourage all of our athletes or clients to actually achieve in the way that it's been that gradual change that doesn't necessarily have one angle but instead is a whole lot of habits and achievements all rolled into one that adapt and change as you do. So without further Ado is my absolute pleasure to introduce like Lavinia to you or as you may know her as lightly strong. Hi, Olivia. Thank you so much for joining us. It's brilliant. I was just saying to Lavinia. I always have this habit Rod of having this massive conversation on a podcast before I actually press record and I was just saying to linear how awesome it is that she agreed to come on SO Lavinia we've started working with if a few months ago now living here, isn't it? Yeah, really three. Every year yeah delivering it. Did you want to tell the audience a little bit about yourself for those who aren't aware of who you are on Instagram basic. I'll start from the start. I've started my Instagram account like too strong about three years ago. Now I had moved to Country Town didn't have many friends or support and had put on a bit of weight and I wanted to lose it and needed. The motivation and I found Instagram is a great way to do it. So I decided doing home workouts and walking around the block and trying to get my penis up and lose a bit of weight while documenting it on my Instagram and grain to a lot of followers from Kayla's BPG workouts is what I was doing. Yes. Yeah. I did them by myself seven minutes in the backyard. Like my fitness level is really really bad and then just as slowly as I got more confidence started going to the gym and then just amped it up from there and then started everybody. Training and which to record my videos but as I was progressing I was showing my audience as well like I started from here and now I'm here and it's sort of just go on from there and I like people have been following me since day diet and now it's yeah, it's pretty cool. I feel like I've got my own little Community. Ah, I totally agree with that. So I came across I don't actually know how I came across your account to start with a video. Um, I think you may have commented on one of our posts or something. What's the uh, Equity 5-gallon probably was probably was about the nutrition for their 45 it look it is gradually changing which is excellent. But yeah, so I came across your account through that and then I think we both just started following each other and I was like, oh my gosh, this chick is incredible and I was just a bit fangirled and then you contacted me and I was like, ah, I would love to work with her. I think that's such a cool little feet and yeah, it's been happy day since then and so so fun to get to know you in terms of like that starting point for You what instigated that want to change and improve your fitness and health or and change your wait. What was that real little point of going I need to do something. I think I was just in a bit of a right. So my boyfriend with Billy active. He was playing football. We had moved to the town because he was playing football. So he be going to the gym every day and I was the complete opposite and I'd always been active growing up. I went to a sports high school played competitive basketball like after the state level. Well, since I was 12, and I just got into that bad eating habits and like it's true what they say. I could eat that you feel bad and then you don't want to do anything and I was just in that cycle. Hmm. I just decided one day. I thought you know what like I've just got to do something and I remember seeing girls on Instagram. Actually. It's like I've done the full circle they yeah because I remember seeing one of them and I was like if she can do it surely I can like if she's out there, you know sweating in the backyard I can do it too. So I just started walking and just it just progressed from there so inspired yeah people that now I'm inspiring. Oh my gosh, I love that and I think it's so nice because so often we talk about the negatives of social media and obviously there are lots of pressures that come with Fitz Po and the whole Instagram Perfection, but there is this beautiful side where people are sharing real stories real images real Journeys that actually really Capture what it's all about and I love that about it what you just said really resonated with me because I've just had our third baby and I went from being an Iron Man previous to our first baby. So full 12-hour events, like really big Fitness endurance capacity to then becoming a mom and losing my identity and they're not really like I did a few little triathlons between kids, but now I'm like, okay what's now like my fitness is so poor compared to whats I would say where I could be like today. My activity was like I'll just do some stairs. Well, my kettle's boiling, you know, like it's just these little simple things of like just starting and I listen to this podcast today and the most beautiful quote he finished on which is just so perfect with what you were saying. The video was the perfect time, you know, the best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago, but the second best time is today. Yeah. It's like oh my gosh, yeah. Yeah, so even if you didn't do it 20 years ago, you didn't do it yesterday. The second best time to start is today and I was like, oh my God, it's so true like just because you can't do everything doesn't mean you can't do anything. Yeah, and that's that's exactly how I felt as well because I used to think and look at you know people before and afters and their weight loss Journeys and I feel like there's no way I can ever do that. It was always you always think of the end M along with my weight loss journey is my mindset has completely changed like I'm a completely different person now to where I was three years ago, Because not only that has helped me along the way because I've come to realize that it wasn't just going to be you know me getting fit in six weeks or doing a challenge you told weeks and dropping the ton of weight. It was making that complete lifestyle change and commit into the small changes that you can sustain forever. Mmm, but that I was like, well, there is no end golf movie, like people always say to me. Well, you know, how long does it take you to lose that or they always want to know the answer and I used to be like that and I laugh now. And they asked me the answer because I can't give them the answer like the answer is it's a forever thing like I'm constantly still changing as I'm going out like three years on yes. I've had a massive transformation. I've lost heaps of weight. I've accomplished a lot of gold but I'm still going like it's not ending is its light like yeah, and this is the the continual progress. Right? Like it's just always changing and you know, if you're happy to chat about it, I would love to bring up like obviously when you start Of this journey, you may have had a goal weight in mind and I'd love to know how that has now changed with your change of exercise and things to I was really cautious when I first mentioned my weight because you know, when you're growing up or like just the stigma around a certain number on a scale and what people perceive numbers to look like. I never wanted anyone to share my weight. So I was very very cautious or always on Instagram or social media pick girls would always say to me how much did you weigh now? Now, why would I when I was at like, you know, my fish are still looked a certain way they asked me for a number because that was what they were trying to achieve. Yeah, and I got to a point I had lost. You know, I initially when I first started I think I was a hundred 80 kilos at my heaviest. Mmm and I started doing Weight Watchers and you didn't because you know, it was reducing calories. So, of course I was going to lose weight, but with Weight Watchers to reap that reach the ultimate goal of weight work, which is they go off. Am I right now? I'm just a fix quick tall extremely lot of muscle mass and I was never going to reach the Bay of I could but it wouldn't be healthy for me. Hmm and I got to the point where I had lost like 25 kilos and I still wasn't at the the white watch goal. So I sort of felt like I was going around in a circle myself because I wanted to achieve the ultimate Weight Watches, but could it without doing something unhealthy like eating less? Yeah that breaks the go on. It wouldn't be any wolf. So that was when I sort of got to the stage where the and at that stage. I was like 18 percent body fat and 98 clothes. Yeah, there's not much room to move until you really looking at a number. That's way too lean for female. Yeah, and and sustainable design. Oh absolutely the chain and be able to be able to live like, you know healthy. Yeah, and now I and then that's when I decided that I was going to because wait with his asked me to do the cover story for them. But see they release your weight and I didn't want the world to know and it for it to be published, but I was not hit kilos because I still had that that stigma around. The way and I just didn't want everyone to know how much I weigh. I don't wasn't until they had asked me maybe the fourth or fifth time because they kept the hot senior. I sort of started I thought about it and thought to know what like me sharing my weight and how I look at it girls are at me thinking that they want to look like this. I think it's important for me to share it with them because it'll take a bit of the stigma around how much you should look at a certain way. So yes, so yeah, well of my pride and I went Did that article and had it published for like Australia New Zealand to read wow that you know, they at 98 kilos? Yeah, and this is what I look and I remember when I first posted it on my social media. I felt sick a pit in my stomach because I was so nervous mmm, but then feedback that I got back from everyone was nothing but positive like we are always our biggest critics. Yeah, like I just I don't know. I just I'm so grateful that I took that punch out of my comfort zone to share that because now I feel like I even even just local girls at my team would talk to me Michael. No, thank you so much for sharing that you know, you really opened our eyes to see like a certain weight doesn't look a certain way. No and oh, yeah, absolutely and I think the big thing there is also that you know when people get Feedback like all you don't look like a runner or you don't look like an athlete or you don't look like you know, what does that even look like that day that is not a response. You know, you'll get people saying that to me. Yeah, like you you read not like I get people message me on Instagram and I said, what are you weighing our like 72 kilos? Oh my God. Should look like yeah that and it's not me. No, that's right a hundred kilos. Neither. You can't have a body composition like better than hundred kilos. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I am I come from a rugby background with a lot of my work. And so yeah weights and different body compositions and stuff are really interesting to me particularly with the different like places that people come from and come into sports and that's why I really wanted to know where you're from and what genetic profile you had Liberty ago. It's such a beautiful mixing. Yeah say and I was like, oh she's definitely talking. Yeah. No, it's absolutely not. Yeah that plays a part in it as well because you know, someone can be looking at me with completely two different genetic. Yeah. I'm like quite tall and then they're going I've 90 kilos and I don't look like her it's like you're never gonna look like me because like I'm a yeah, yeah. Yeah, we're all the same. It would be extremely boring. I'm afraid and this is the part of like Instagram that I find really negative is that you know, everyone does strive for a certain image and that's what I love about. Your account is that it is so open to you striving for an image that's right for you and you share that message with all of your community, which is amazing to speaking of community. You have quite a lot of support for you on Instagram, but also obviously external to that do you feel like you're inspiring not only you know your Instagram for coming your butt? So the Pacific Island community, I didn't realize that I'd had such a big following for them and do people start messaging me. Like I know it's like mites out. I know I remember people are watching but I have the time I forget. Yeah, and I still use my account today as I did three years ago like a glittery to motivate myself. Like I've talked to people that message me and I I watch them I love when they send me videos and say I went to the gym because I saw you or I started this because because you did it like when I get those messages they are they literally helped me keep going with my girls because I'm like, I forget that I'm inspiring people because I was looking the person looking for that inspiration. Yes. Yeah now it's like we've done the 360 but when I get like Pacific Islanders or girls like that who look at me and think that they are sort of related. I'm relatable to them. I still don't believe it because I never thought I would be yeah. Yeah, absolutely like why Watching me. It doesn't make sense. We see you and we want to do what you're doing and I still don't believe it because I'm just a normal person. Yeah. Yeah, but how amazing is that? The social media gives us that ability to see into the lives of just normal people doing incredible things. And I think that is just so so cool. And when you're looking at, you know, making those few changes that you talked about at the start Lavinia, what were those few changes that? That you felt worked for you. So what were the little habits that you started to do? Like you mentioned like the little BBG seven-minute things food-wise was there things that you would just gradually changing or did you find that you kind of did everything at once with the Weight Watchers stuff? I know I was it was gradual. I think I learned to cook I didn't really want the hall. I know I can't believe that Lydia because you are ridiculous in the kitchen. Wow. I was the type of person who would do. You get like, you know the bottom sources and yeah, they're real like if I suppose it's cooking in a sense. Yeah, not really knowing what's going into your spirit. Hmm. So okay more I guess through to where I've learned how to read what was in my food. I started to cut out refined sugars. Yes. I think I was like a be predicted to sugar and refined sugars. Like I could really I couldn't taste the difference of the laden Foods. Whereas meow my palate to completely change. Oh, yeah, so I and to caulk I use just I think I'd followed the jerk concept a bit. So just eating real food. Yeah, and I noticed that after a while I decided to feel so much more better like cutting out the refined foods and the sugars and I was drinking a lot of soft drinks and stuff. So I don't really drink them at all. Now, I don't drink coffee March my body's just change and adjusted to what it needs and I've think I've become more in tune with this how it feels. Yes. So like I'm 80 Something that you know heavily refined or high in fats, which I still do because I don't cut anything out. I can just feel the difference and I don't really like that feeling anymore. Whereas before it was the norm. Yeah, so period-wise that was how that change and exercise wise. I think I started to set some goals whereas before I wasn't really a big goal set. I know it's hard to believe so I've got it. I'm sitting in a whole room now covered in yeah, like literally covered even posted notes of gold. But like three years ago, I didn't really have any goals. I was sort of just going by my day by day and nothing was really driving me. Yeah, and once I started setting goals and putting that into plan everything just sort of aligned and you start to get into that routine and just setting myself small goals. Like I think some of my very first one was just to walk around the block three times a week. Yeah not be wasn't difficult. But I made that promise and commitment to myself to get it done. Yeah, and once I've got that done On moved on to the next thing and then as I started to just keep gradually getting into the Habit it just became more and more of my routine and then it was just the normal. Yeah. I don't know if you realize you said it but you said, you know, it wasn't hard but it was something I wanted to like. I knew I could do and it was a promise to myself and I think that's probably something that I wanted to repeat because if you set yourself up to change everything all at once at the end of the day often, you don't end up changing anything at all because it becomes way too overwhelming. And you're trying to fit something into a hole that just doesn't fit into and you haven't changed your lifestyle in a sense of changing all those different habits that you're wanting to change. So choosing things where you will rate, you know, eight or nine out of ten confidence that you can achieve. It is a way better approach than trying to change everything where you feel like it's going to be completely overwhelming within two weeks. So, you know, if you go, oh I'd like to you know do and now I run. Get cozy just not going to be able to do that. But if you can set a goal, we like I can walk three times around a block I am going to do that and I'm going to do it three times a week and I am absolutely confident. I can do that too as a promise to myself then you can build upon that and get to that point of maybe doing that with our run but to start there is just you know, seeing it as like, you know your weights in the gym Lavinia. You wouldn't go out and lift double what you are now all of a sudden you would be like, okay. I need to build up of that unless you're doing a strong man comp and you just Happen to try that. Productivity killer. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I've usually only do 35, but I'm just going to do the 50 this time. That's sort of bad segue. Can you talk a little bit about how you got into strongman? And what strongman is that might be actually something to cover as well. Well, so strong man is basically a test of strength. It's movie obscure objects and lift in really heavy things. And yeah, so I how I got into strong man was on Instagram. So I girl contact me. Yes. I was doing 45 and heavily doing a 45 stars for me training like six times a week sometimes twice a day. I was really into my he training I loved it and and but I'd also worked up a really good strength space just remember 45 because I as like we're talking about morning with those bubbles when I was in there 45 I was also Setting myself some go so like you know, I think I started my first class before killer dumbbells and come you use on your I was pressing 30s. Wow. Wow. So yeah. I had a girl who does strongman Scout actually. She was following me on Instagram and she saw me doing all this stuff and I'm 45, and she messaged me and said you need to start doing something constraints like you are just super strong. Do you want to come to a strong band in with me? And I thought like I know I don't know. Thank you, but no that like know that yeah, I'm good. And she missed she was constantly messing and I've got I have anything like I I'd say no initially but then if people are persistent, yeah, I let out and she asked me like four times and then we actually passed each other in the street and I thought you know what like I've met I've met her in real life. Yeah, she's met me I'm going to I'm going to say yes, so she asked me again. I said, yeah look you can you can Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm not going out of my comfort zone too much here. Like new make sure I'm okay this whole time. Yeah, she took me down and we play with if you implement and at the time I didn't have any any thought that I'd ever compete. It was just really out of my comfort zone time used to team sports and it's like individual and I have yeah went to this drunken with her maybe three or four times just looked around with some implements and thought it was pretty fun. Hmm. And that was where I met my coach At the gift and he was like sort of said, oh, you know, if you ever want to do anything, just let me know when we didn't push me or anything and I'm emailed him and thought to myself I needed something different. Like I wanted another challenge. I'd sort of Pop mastered are 45, but I had a really good Fitness base there and I thought you know, I want to try something else. So I just said to him would it be able to do a strength program for me? Like nothing to do with strong man? I just thought I'll start doing some weights. Just see how strong I can get. We started a program but then I think that had another commitment doing more hit stuff. So I ended up stopping it and we got back on track and the Arnold's were on. So it was March this year and my coat was actually competing in it. And I remember what's unit and it just looks so cool. Like they were lifting like this deadly frame and like he had three hundred and sixty or eighty cute 80 kilos. I just rip it off the floor and everyone was as Jared and I just sucked it in my life. I want to I want to do that. But I remember them emailing him. I think that week and I said I want to do a call when we started friend. So I go and he was like, yeah. Yeah he knew exactly what he was doing is like I'm gonna do strong man. And you are gonna come watch me. Did you want to do a shout-out for the cook your name the name of your coach because yeah, he's I don't we have baby. We don't we just like, yeah, we just keep him Secret. And run juice and he's very accomplished within strong man. I'm quite lucky that I've been paired with him. And I know he's amazing. You guys have a pretty cool working relationship. It's pretty funny people actually. Yeah now that you're following living here. If you weren't before you will see there's a lot of banter. It's really really good. He's really knowledgeable and he's taking me under his wing and I'm really really grateful that we've had together. So P so good. So when we're looking I guess, you know at everything that's come about I really want to bring up your organization level because oh my goodness this girl. She has like just post it notes as big as a body like a prediction but each week. She like Maps out a whole week we ought it didn't sound like you're always like that instead of like this came with the change. Yeah and your journey, I wasn't I Used to roll out of bed like at eight o'clock to start work at 8:30. Yeah, three years ago. Yeah. Yeah. I was thinking if you told me I would be getting up at four o'clock to do it go to the gym. I would have laughed at you and said no way we as I've just started. I really think it works with the goal setting. Yeah, like once you've got that goal and you know what you've got to put in place to make it happen, and I'm I really love having the visual. So I think it's because it's been successful for me in the past. Like I just No, it works. Yes. So if it works I've continued to do it. So like I don't know that having my goal board that having, you know, all the things I need to take like I don't know if you can see Alicia good forecasting. So I run all my gosh. Yeah. Yeah, not even kidding. Oh my gosh, you could have like a full blog like obviously now, I've got everything mapped out like all the things that I need to hit all the weights that I'm going to To here until I get that. Yeah. I've got the timeline when I need to do it. Wow, they're all the things that are getting make me accountable and that's what I'm going to be successful on my day. So like when I'm going to go into pump are you okay? Yeah, because I'm like do not like to not be prepared. Like I'd like over-prepared than underprepared. Absolutely. That's amazing. And I think I think I can now call you the queen of Prague process like, you know, everything we everything we talked about with our athletes and our It's is all about process. It's not about it's like that habit. So instead of having that goal. It's about having Pros habits that lead you to a progress. And as I said the goal changes and if you only have one end goal and then you reach that angle or the angle doesn't work out what next and that's where we often feel like we're failing and so we're in nutrition if you have a bad day or you have a bad week and then that goal is just unattainable all of a It's just another failure and you reflect that on yourself of like oh, well haven't done it again. That's great. So pay effort. I'm just going to you know, just give it in for a bit and I'll just restart another time and having progress like that and having habits that you can fall back on. Do you have bad days bad weeks where you feel a little bit out of control and how do you then get yourself back on track and back into that process? Of course, like I always have have bad days. I'm constantly second-guessing what I'm doing, I think for me it's more that more my mindset. So I hate I really hate when people say like they have fallen off the wagon or whatever because for me, I'm just like this is not a wagon like this is life. Like if I don't stick to my meal plan and I have a really bad training session. I see the repercussion that that's happened and I don't want it to happen again. So for me, it's just like I get over it and we just keep moving because we've got that angle. Like yeah, I'm gonna be bumps in the road and I'm not going to it's not going to be perfect. Like I could map everything out and something might happen that's going to detour me but I've always know that I'm striving to that end goal and I've just got to build a new Pathway to it. So like if I don't follow my nutrition today, that's fine. I'll start tomorrow like the next meal or just exactly why I don't get caught up on those things anymore because I know that there's really no point like you can't do anything about it if it's happened. It's happened. Did you? Use do did you used to really panic over those bumps yet? Yeah, and I think that's why I was so unsuccessful in the plastic losing weight and hitting goals because I would just give up and I didn't have the mindset of what I was doing was continuous and it's a lifestyle. It was more just I had to hit a certain weight or I had to get to this and it was always things that were like you said once they were achievable you didn't achieve them sort of get lost because you don't hit it and then what Is refer back to where you started. Yeah. Yeah, and it really becomes that self-blame that just keeps eating away at you know, you being useless or you being not being able to achieve something that should be so easy or you know, just stop eating Alicia or you know, like you have this terrible self stalk that does oversimplify something that is quite complicated. But yeah, that's awesome that you've had that time. Did you feel like that came with just more knowledge and confidence in seeing the everything yet? Knowledge and confidence and not just that I think finding what works for me. Yeah, because I always was like people ask me now, right? Right. Like they might see my goal boards and my onion Cayenne Eden that and try and duplicate it but it might not work for you. And I think that's really important is what I always try to say to people is what works for me. It was not might not work for you because you've got to find what works for you. Like, I'm not a mom or like I don't have other things that can. What do you grow load make may not be able to hit these things. This is what works for me and my lifestyle now like my dog with my life and I just want people to try and find what works for them. And once you do it becomes easy because you'll be at you can slot it into your life. And that's where you find your groove and like your your lifestyle really like it. Yeah find what works for you that you can't I think and that's why we diets and like all those sorts of things. It's a one fits or mold and that's not light. Like we're all different so you really got to find what works for you and that's I think how I've been successful is I found small things that work for me and I've just been able to put them into my daily routine and that's become successful for me. So I know that's my formula. Yeah. Absolutely. And yeah and that's the thing right? Everyone's got different priorities and what works with for one person won't work for another person and you know what I was you know, for example, what I was doing five years ago before kids is completely Achievable right now and if I was to really, you know, my body looks different in my strength is different in my fitness is different and if I only ever compared myself to what I was able to achieve and judge myself on that it just it's totally different priorities now like yeah, I just you know, what constitutes Fitness for me now is movement and just being active rather than training as such but I'm really excited for when training will come back in but at the moment I've had I've had to learn to be very forgiving of myself. Elf to not be able to prioritize everything. Yeah, and I think that's where when we were just talking before we started importing say how with myself now my fitness goals have changed and I'm trying to wrap my mindset arrived. I actually feel like I've thought about this the other day in I feel like I'm a beginner again because I'm doing something completely different my body composition is changing. I'm learning lag about nutrition on a different level. Yeah, because I'm now competing. And you know, my train is amped up my body covered like everything that I had done in those last three years are not insignificant, but they've led me to where I am now and now I'm taking that next step. Yeah. So I feel like for me it's even a bigger learning curve now because I'm having to change my mindset again from everything that I had taught and all my successful tools. They got me where I am. And now I'm trying to do this biggest step that it's completely out of my comfort zone, but I feel like that's how you grow. Yeah, and so, I'm trying to push and do it as well. But everyone should know that like I'm not I'm not just nailing it all the time. Yeah. Yeah as a background, I guess that's kind of like yeah, so you've learnt like all these Basics around food. You have your General Nutrition pretty good you you know striving towards weight loss and things like that, but then you change Sports and you change focuses and your focus focus you to focus and your Just becomes performance and strength and recovery. And so all the things that we're teaching Lavinia now are actually really performance Focus. So we're adapting her intake depending on what training day it is and showing her how to get more apt ations to her training and previously that was irrelevant, you know, so if you whole intake is, you know, not great as a baseline, then you're going to get so much more out of just changing that and getting the basics right? But now she's got the basics right? She just steps it up a level and I think that's a really the cool thing about food is that there's never perfect. It's just always changing and your goals are always changing and that's why I'm finding now and like I'm really enjoying it at but as I was saying to you mmm, I'm always second-guessing myself because I had my formula that was working for me and everything that I had towards weight loss and now it's all performance. And so I've literally got a not forget everything that I've learned but come up more open-minded and realize that my angle is changed. So process is going to change so I've got it Trust the process and just go with it. And yeah, and this might be really, you know a nice thing for you to he live in New York. So I don't think I've actually explain it to you can almost see it as a Triad so you can have Performance Health and body composition in the different corners of the triangle and you can have the dot in the middle you can kind of aim for all of them, but it means you're not hitting all of them a hundred and ten percent. But as you move the Dot from the middle towards performance or body composition or health the other to kind of get lost a little bit and That's okay, but it just means that that little dots changing depending on where your goal is and your goal was kind of around that body composition piece for the start of it and then it moved toward health and now it's moved towards performance. And so it has actually changed. Yeah and like the whole you just put it. Yeah right on how I was feeling because like I was saying to you I'm not looking how I was looking like I was a lot leaner before when I was doing all my heat ray. Yeah. I remember I could have for breakfast. Party, Jack it up Kobe up until ten o'clock now shopping bag to work everyone how much strength training I'm doing and how heavy it is. I have two fuel. Otherwise, I literally could have got to get through it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah and and because of you know, all the triggers that you're giving your muscles from the strength training you're doing your muscles are getting the response of like well, we are gonna grow then and so if you're feeling that ride and You're recovering. Well, the muscle mass will come and you know, sometimes that comes with a little bit of body fat, but if we're doing the right training and the right combo then a lot of the weight changes that we see are actually really positive to you attaining that performance goal, but it also means is someone who's always focused on a number going down is that you're now seeing that number either stay the same or increase and that's a really tricky thing to get your head around. Yeah, and I think that's where I'm at now and it hasn't Disgust is by because I hadn't weighed myself alone and scales. And now that I have seen, you know, the number he's creeping up and my body composition is changing but you know, what's funny is all my clothes still fit me. Yeah. Yeah. It's like it's not like I paint my games but I'm just like I can see the different. Yeah on the scales. I can see the difference in the mirror and then I'm still wearing the same being. Yeah, I think I'm just going to add it as we said like it's going to be a growth now the great for me. And just try and find that balance and just realize that you know, we have my end goal and one working toward and we're on track. So I just need to eat he's into it. Yeah, and it's sitting yourself different progress markers down. And so your progress markers are more around, you know strength and you know performance within the gym and if that's going up and if you're fitting that then you know, that's a really good indicator. If you're you know, there's a reason why we're always kind of looking at Your energy levels Your Sleep Quality things like mood or is a really good indicator as well and then also overall health so, you know, there's definitely the performance Focus but there's still you needing to indicate that you're coping with that and so there's so much more to just look in a number to look at success in performance. And so that's objective measure. It sounds a bit Fluffy at times to be looking at that. But if we can pick up if your energy is really low or your moods flat or you're not sleeping. Well, then we can pick up really big indicators of like, you know, maybe you are not meeting energy needs. Maybe we're not feeling correctly. Maybe we need to look a recovery or hydration and all those types of things. So yeah, we kind of have to look at the whole individual and not just numbers which can be frustrating for the perfectionist taipei's. Yeah. Yeah. Don't talk subject even me. So I guess like from he living here. What's next? What's the next goal that you've got on your wall? And what your what are you looking to achieve? So my next poem is Victoria strongest and obviously I were growing into that. I want to go prepared and Podium because that will be my ticket to Anna's 2020. Yeah, awesome. Now Adams 2020 is that national International filler everyone in that don't doesn't know what I means. Is that basically like The strength Olympics. Yeah, it's it's held in Melbourne and it's for a straight Australian. Why did they do have international competitors calm? The one that I will hopefully be qualifying for will be it's an amateur Strongman Competition but a lot of the girls that are going into it and women that are going into it. They are all very season strong be an athlete so I am a real newbie. But um, I'm gonna go for it. Yeah, I can see that sport is being very long term because it takes so Much time to get that strength yet load up. Yeah, and what's the community like in strong man? Oh because I'm used to teams. Yeah, when you go into a court of basketball court or Netbook court. It's like, you know six other girls with you and you've got that camaraderie in strong man. I did when my first combat didn't know what to expect because it's just you against everyone else but that they're amazing. It's like you've got a team like the I had no self-esteem I can't but They were cheering me on while like I'm trying to get reps to beat them. Hmm and like I was just like a mental game where they are. Yeah. Yeah. What are you doing to me? That is amazing. Everyone's really really really they just whatever Branch to the best because I guess you are against other people, but they also want you to hit those peavey's and Nia it's good really really encourage has been really nice. Yeah. Now what? The background he to Smiling during ridiculous size lips smiling like a video when I think back to that everything is just a blur. Like I had to feed you have to you know, block out everything and I actually lucky that growing up playing basketball. I work with a sports psychologist and we learned, you know, when we're shooting free throws and things like that how to mentally block it out of focus on but yes, it's sort of came back to me and strong mad when I had to compete because I was like not focusing on anyone around me and just trying to get those lips amazing and oh, yeah, the mental side really came into it and I think I just smile because it's just but that's right. Yeah. Well if you don't having fun doing It why are you doing it? I guess he's probably that comes down to it. It's funny though because people used to settle so I'm to me and trifling little heck. Why you smiling all the time like you just like you just 11 hours into an event. Like what are you doing when you don't need to smile? Like look mate. I'm not doing this for a living if I'm not enjoying this then there is something wrong. So yeah, and he's really funny. Yeah, I was one of those people who would carry like a camera with me to some events. Like I did like the nice to Monaco half marathon and I'm gonna take a camera with me and it was pretty phone like is pretty like smartphone. So I carried like an actual camera with me to take photos along the way from nice to Monaco because I'm like no this is going to be a really Scenic run. I need to make the most of these useless. Seriously. I don't I drove my husband crazy. He's like you could actually be Pretty talented if you concentrated. Yeah, what was that? Sorry for him for fun for a camera back then how things have changed? Oh man. It has been such a pleasure Lavinia as a background everyone. We're doing this which I have to think living here for so much quite late at night because I have a newborn that Does not have a rhythm in her sleep as yet and so we had to kind of hedge our bets we've already had to cancel and Boost phone and read a book because of that said baby. So I do have to think the videos so much of that and I hope it hasn't put you out of your routine too much the video 45 men. Yeah, exactly. Although you do get up very early, so that is important. So I do thank you so much for your time II feel like I could probably like get Snippets and quotes of this whole conversation. You were just this amazing parcel of knowledge and experience and the everything you share with your audience is reflected in how you chatted today and it's just been so so called a chat to you and talk about your journey and see how far you've come and get really quite a short period of time. So I'm very very excited to see what's next any parting words. Or messages that you would like to share my one quote that I've been saying since they don't just said. Oh, yeah, I always say if it's not sustainable. It's not successful. Yeah, that would gosh. It's so simple and so true, but how often do we over complicate things for ourselves? Seriously? Yeah, and I always a now when anyone asked me like no a diet related question anything that they want advice from that's like one of the first things that I would straddle on because I'm just like you can add to that pretty easily they could Can sustain that for the rest of your life or for a long period of time? Yeah, it's probably a quick fix and it's not going to work for you. Like if you can see yourself doing it long term then go for it. Yeah. Absolutely. It's so small changes that can have add up to just such a big outcome, which I think you're just the like the child for like, you know, like you've just shown how like little habits can just lead to this epic event that this year has been for you and you know so much so many more things to come I should finish because I'm obviously Ali having trouble with this whole talking thing ha ha ha so I should put everyone out of their misery. But thank you so much living here. It's been off. I actually have one more question that I just sort of when did the name light you come from? Okay. I started the Instagram account. Yeah. I was completely Anonymous. Yeah would not kill any of my face not my real name. Nothing. Wow, and lights you is actually a nickname that my older sister calls me. See, I love that. Oh my goodness. Was it always lot too strong or was it something else was baby? Je Lai Chi then you get the followers. Yeah fantastic know that is so so cool. Like yeah. I love that. It's kind of just stuck and people have probably just started calling you that people don't even know my real name. No, no, no. No, I'm gonna reveal all in this podcast. Sorry everyone. I should have called you a lot to the whole my throat. Now that's amazing. I really like that and I think it shows so much. About your humility and honesty in this whole process. So absolutely epic. You've been a pleasure to work with and I could not wait for more things to come. So thank you so much for being here. We hope you've enjoyed today's podcast with a beautiful Lavinia. If you're not following her in her journey already, you can find her act like she's strong on your Instagram account. If you would like to follow compete and you're not already then we are at compete nutrition. So compy underscore nutrition on Instagram. And at Complete Nutrition odds on Facebook, we share lots of content a very non BS approach. If you are interested in any of our recipes that Lavinia is always whipping up in the kitchen and making look way better than we ever did you can absolutely access those on our website. If you head to our memberships page and login to the knowledge Hub account, you can access all of our recipes along with lots of different learning module videos so that you're learning about nutrition you're feeling empowered about your nutrition and food. Goals along with accessing all of our recipes and things along with it. So if you have enjoyed today's podcast, we would love for you to leave a review and also make sure that you actually subscribe to our account every little bit of feedback that you give every rating that you give helps us for business grow. So we thank you so much for joining us today and looking forward to the next episode of the combat waffle.
FREE NUTRITION ASSESSMENT FROM SPORT NUTRITION PROFESSIONALS!! Lavinia Kava (@lychee.strong) is a Strong(woman) and all round legend! Her messaging, her Journey and the beautiful words she uses to explain how far she's come in the last three years just needed to be shared with the world. She has achieved these goals through small gradual changes that adapted and changed over time. She didn't necessarily have a major end goal in mind all the time, but rather a collection of smaller habits and achievements all rolled into one. How she has achieved her progress is something that we try to encourage in all our athletes at Compeat Nutrition. It just goes to show why she's inspiring so many within her instagram, strongman and cultural community. Within our waffle podcast, we love to put the spotlight on a range of athletes of all different levels, shapes, sizes and abilities. The main reason is that we truly believe that everyone who comes to work with us has one brilliant story to share... and we would love to share it with you!! We also share snippets  of information that is all things performance nutrition. If you'd like to go through our previous episodes, you'll find a lot lot more on that! And we also run Facebook and Instagram live Q&As every Thursday night. If you haven't caught one of those yet, please jump on! We cover a different topic every time and we love to get your questions, feedback and ideas on topics each week. If you have any further questions or simply want to keep up to date with all the cool stuff we have going on, make sure to check out our socials: Instagram:   Facebook:
Welcome to the Harvey Weinstein podcast on filtered a daily podcast for we bring you the day's evidence and the witness testimony verbatim just as its spoken in court using transcripts and voice actors re-enacting The testimony you will hear what happened that day in court. I'm an mcelhenney and I'm feeling like earlier and we're going to get straight into the opening days evidence. It was a day of shocking evidence, but not for reasons. You might think first of all, let's just remind you of what this case is all about. Yes. In a case that basically launched the me to movement movie producer Harvey Weinstein faces two charges of rape and one of a criminal sex act. He also faces two charges of predatory sexual assault which carries the most severe punishment of a possible life sentence prosecutors will also argue why in staying displayed a pattern of predatory behavior and they'll be calling for other Witnesses who they say will help prove a pattern of behavior, but Weinstein is not facing charges connected to those that Of your that's right. Well today's so we were in court all day to day and it was I have to say a lot more dramatic than I even anticipated and we heard so what we heard today right film was we heard opening statements from the prosecution and then that was followed on quite quickly by opening statements from the defense. The defense was shocking thing. I think today one of the most shocking things today was the cold weather. Oh, yeah. So yeah, so we were there from about 10 To 5 we lined up outside the court and Lower Manhattan and it was Sub-Zero temperatures and were 20 people ahead of us. And there were 20 people ahead of us at that stage of my by the time that we actually you know, so we actually lined up for about four hours before we got into the court and I'll tell you it got very very cold out there. So that was yeah that was the first shocking thing that happened but then we got it, but then we got into the got into the court. And as I said we started with the prosecution laying out, I mean obviously extremely disturbing narrative very very Ordinary stories Dreadful Dreadful stories repeated stories, which had this pattern that she kept talking about this pattern of predatory and she used the word predatory predatory sexual and she called salts Harvey Weinstein a predator. She called him a monster she calls him and but then the then the defense followed her so the the prosecutor was assistant District Attorney Megan Hast and the Weinstein one of Weinstein defense attorneys and spoken word is called Damon. Sarunas, but you know, there could not be a clear gap between the two sides. So it was interesting we had you know, Miss has to basically talked a lot about her truth, you know in terms of talking about the victims you talk about her truth, and it was very interesting because very quickly didn't share Narrows sure illness came on and said basically no, this is not about her truth. This is only about that truth the truth. Yeah. Sorry. I'm Irish. We have a problem with the old THS. So and so the And what we didn't really have summed up the kiss better. This is between this. This is a story of her Truth versus the truth. And this has to also was very I mean she was she used a lot of Highly colorful language. She used to Kenzie in terms. She had of seen that she described as one of the victims who looked down at her shoes that were worn and old this and she constantly contrasted this woman with her warn't orangeade and old shoes contrasted to the rich entitled the Titan she talked about officer this Predator. He also talked about women entering a gingerbread Cottage but not seen the oven. Yeah. Yeah. She did. Yeah she did but what I think what I think you might be hearing kind of a certain tone here in the way we're talking but I think what we noticed what was really quite extraordinary walking into the court and hearing all of this from his Hast and then, you know to be followed up by mr. Sharon arose who told who started to quote real facts completely onion. Oh really impossible. Simple to deny fax fax and email emails from these alleged victims asking after these alleged attacks that they would like to see Harvey Weinstein again that they loved that they loved him one of them describing in a diary to herself that he was a casual boyfriend. She didn't like to be a booty call, but you know, she just she could she called him a casual boyfriend and in fact, actually at one stage. I don't know remember that moment filmed the mr. Sharon Harris said, you know to the jury look, excuse me, if it sounds like of an answer. Everything because at one point it certainly it certainly felt like that. We're going to begin by listening to one of the very first moments from the case. And again just to remind you here. What we've done is we have actors re-enacting verbatim from the court testimony. So they are reading the actual words that were spoken today. And these are these are the words that were said in court today by prosecutor Megan Hast and she's describing Harvey Weinstein's public Persona and lifestyle before moving on to describe the crimes charged with and word of warning, you know much of what A lot of opposite in court today contains some graphic details. So please be advised. I'm worried aborning to that. So let's hear the actual words spoken by mass has today. Thank you during this trial you are going to learn that the defendant was a Savvy New York City businessman that he was a famous powerful Hollywood producer living a lavish lifestyle that most of us will never know and you'll come to learn most of us will not want to know but the evidence both from the witness stand and from exhibits admitted during the trial while also show that that man was a sexual predator and a rapist that in the winter in 1993 1994 when the defendant was starting to gain power in Hollywood, he violently and forcibly raped and orally sexually assaulted Annabella Shira a young actress from Brooklyn who up until that point her star appeared to be on the rise. Over 10 years later in the summer of 2006 the defendant now a powerful man in Hollywood forcibly, orally sexually assaulted Miriam haleh a former produces assistant from Europe struggling to make it in the production side of the industry. And seven years after Miriam in the early spring of 2013 the defendant now 61 years old and a Titan Hollywood violently raped Jessica man, a 27 year old aspiring actress from a dairy farm in Washington state different women from different places decades apart yet the same crime. At the end of this trial the evidence will be clear that the man seated right? There was not just a Titan in Hollywood. He was a rapist sexually assaulting these women when they refused to comply with his desires and his orders and then using his power and prestige in the entertainment industry to ensure their silence. You will learn that during the course of this trial these women internalized their trauma for years. And in anabella's case even decades and in fact, although strangers to one another they will each describe to you Their Fear their shame their humiliation that each wrestled with following their violent encounters with the defendant. The prosecution Miss Hast then describe the alleged sexual assault by Harvey Weinstein on actress Andreas Cura Weinstein is not charged with assaulting ski Aura, but the prosecution are using her claims to show an alleged pattern of predatory behavior. As you may need you may know ski or from starring in The Sopranos and the movie Copland and again, I would say that some of the allegations in this description from Hast contain graphic details. Annabelle oshiro was raised in Brooklyn and she's an actress still living and working in Brooklyn. She's been part of the actors Union since the late 80s and starred in numerous movies including The Hand That Rocks the Cradle jungle fever and Copland in the early 90s. Annabella was introduced to Harvey Weinstein in Los Angeles at an industry event at the time. Annabella was not even aware of who Harvey Weinstein was But when Annabella was ready to leave Harvey was there and he offered her a ride home with his driver or to the hotel Annabelle accepted and the two drove to the hotel and discussed a little bit about the industry at the end Harvey Weinstein gave Annabella his card told her to reach out if she came across any scripts. He might be interested in. Sometime later. Annabella sent a script written by a friend to Harvey Weinstein. Harvey Weinstein like the script and he agreed to produce it on the one condition that Annabella play a role in it. Now Annabella, you'll learn was not drawn to the character or the script and quite frankly was worn out after back-to-back projects. She attempted to decline but Harvey Weinstein insisted, and she reluctantly agreed not wanting to disappoint her friend. The evidence will show that Annabella had passed a first test. She could be bullied into accepting a part after agreeing the defendant informed her that he wanted her to start filming immediately after her prior project was wrapped. Annabella was exhausted was emotionally drained and physically after having done two different projects. She asked Harvey Weinstein to push the project a few months. Harvey Weinstein refused and threatened to sue her if she backed out Annabella feeling trapped and overmatched did the movie. You will hear that at that point the defendant made his next move knowing Annabella was struggling and vulnerable. He sent her a care package the package contained a few old movies some popcorn and a bottle of Valium. Exhausted and overworked Annabella started using the Valium to help her sleep so she could manage the demanding schedule of the filming yet another moving exhausted and overworked Annabella started using the Valium to help her sleep so she could manage the demanding schedule of filming yet another movie. The evidence will show Annabella unwittingly passed another test after the movie wrapped unbeknownst to Harvey Weinstein Annabella managed to win herself off the Valium using homeopathic pills. Meanwhile following the movie Annabella came became part of miramax's circle. She attended several events dinners and such throughout the city. It was one such dinner in the winter season spanning 1993-94 at an Irish restaurant and bar in lower Manhattan that Annabelle is world came crashing down that night when Annabelle I got up to leave the defendant claimed he was headed out as well and offered to drop her off at her apartment in Gramercy Park Annabelle accepted not thinking much of it. She had been driven home by Harvey's drivers before. The ride again was uneventful and Annabella went to her apartment located in this beautiful building on Gramercy Park in New York City. She went to her apartment and got ready for bed. Annabella wearing a nightgown very special to her gifted by a relative from Italy had time to get into bed. There was a knock at the door not expecting anyone. Annabella opened the door cracked see who it was. Before she had time to ask him why he was there the defendant this man at the time back in 1993-94 pushed past the hundred and ten pound Annabella this man close to six feet tall and close to 300 pounds. He appeared to Annabella to be casing her apartment trying to make sure nobody else was there and once he was satisfied. He began unbuttoning her shirt. Annabella who had never never Fain any romantic or sexual interest in that man before began to panic. She told him to get out. She told him no, but Harvey Weinstein was undeterred the defendant started backing her into her bedroom for a second Annabella thought she might be able to flee to the bathroom, but the defendant grabbed her and pushed her onto the bed. He pinned her arms above her head and despite her verbal and physical attempt to stop him. He continued to hold her down inserted his penis into her vagina and raped her. Annabella remembers at some point giving up the fight and just hoping it would end Harvey Weinstein pulled his penis out of her vagina and ejaculated on her leg and nightgown that nightgown gifted by a relative from Italy. the nightmare for Annabella did not end there the defendant proceeded to perform oral sex on her putting his mouth on her vagina Annabella remembers not having any fight in her as he continued to forcibly sexually assault her, but her body was not able to endure anymore and she began violently shaking the defendant had finally had enough and he left her emotionally and physically Roid passed out on the floor in her bedroom. The next thing she remembers is waking up on the floor with a nightgown around her waist Annabella will tell you she was shocked and traumatized the sanctity of her home had just been violated. The she didn't know what to do. She was frightened this terrible event happened so suddenly so unexpectedly, her body had reacted by shutting down but her mind was reeling what should she do call the police. She was not even sure when somebody, you know comes into your home and assault you that it is still rape, but she knew this man he was already by the 90s and imposing figure in the entertainment industry what to do. two Annabella barricaded herself in her apartment. She called her brother, but she didn't have the courage to tell him what happened. She was scared. She was alone. Ultimately Annabella did not call the police nor did she remember telling anybody for years? She simply tried to move on she thought if she ignored it if she tried to push it down. She could convince herself. Never happened and maybe just maybe her life could go back to how it was before before that man violently and sexually assaulted her. Miss Hast said Andreas giora internalized the trauma began to drink heavily and indulged in self-harming behavior. However, she did later accept a role in a movie produced by the Weinstein Company and she did Claim by the way that when she did accept that role. She didn't realize that it was a Miramax film and I think as we know later that becomes an issue for the for the for the defense because it seems very unlikely that somebody who was as experienced an actress as she was didn't look at who was Using a film it's like how could you end up in a movie and not know actually who is making the movie? The former confident on top of the world actress got very thin very sad losing her Carefree personality and at some point started drinking and even more sadly cutting herself her power as a person had been Stripped Away the day the defendant violently raped her the evidence will show that despite her protests despite her fight despite her body revolting Harvey. You felt he was entitled to take what he wanted from Annabella forcing her to live in Terror of him for decades. In fact, Annabella will tell you less than a year after he violently raped her the defendant sought her out in London where she was filming a movie called The Innocent sleep Annabella was so terrified that she had the producer move her to a different Hotel Annabella hoped that was the end. And she continued to do what she was doing acting with the exception of trying to avoid Miramax films. That was until 1997 when she did the movie Copland a film Annabella committed to do before she realized it was a Miramax movie. Thankfully Annabella didn't have any run-ins with Harvey Weinstein on the set. But then she went to the Cannes Film Festival to promote the movie in France and found she had been placed in a hotel room next door to the defendant early one morning Annabelle opens the door expecting her makeup. But to her horror, she found Harvey Weinstein standing there in his underwear a bottle of baby oil in one hand and a movie tape in the other Annabella petrified quickly reacted. She ran to the back of the room and began hitting the call buttons by the bed to Annabelle is relief defendant left her success in stopping that encounter did not mitigate the terror she felt for the defendant nor did it heal the damage the defendant caused when he violently Raped her some years ago. In fact, it took close to 25 years before she was able to confront her Nightmare and tell her story the evidence will show that Harvey Weinstein. Meanwhile became an even bigger figure in Hollywood and began making connections with powerful people in politics his power and connections serving as a powerful tool to silence Annabella And while Annabella continued her life in Terror the defendant simply moved on but then they turn to to Miriam Haley. Yes. So Miriam Haley is the is an actual alleged victim of Harvey Weinstein's in that he is charged with the all right. She's one of the ones that he's charged with rather than skewer which is something which goes to character or past products a pattern. So turning to Maryam Haley Miss has described how she met Weinstein at the Cannes Film Festival. Where she was looking for work Weinstein invited her to the Weinstein Suite where he talked about her working on Project Runway the fashion reality show you producers and members in Manhattan. So however, according to Miss Celie the conversation started to turn from professional to something much darker. So let's hear prosecutors description of how the conversation turned Harvey Weinstein began. Focusing on her appearance making comments about her legs the defendant then misdirected and manipulated things even more asking Miriam to give him a massage Miriam thinking quickly and not wanting to offend suggested. Maybe he should call the front desk and ask for a masseuse the defendant explained. Oh, no, that's not what I had in mind and then offered to give Miriam a massage. Miriam left feeling humiliated and dejected. She refused the massage and thought that her opportunity was over this man. She thought was interested in maybe helping her out giving her an internship was really only interested in her pretty face and body. Take a second to imagine that. You aren't rich or well-connected and the happiness you just felt to imagine that you are taking a meeting with someone who has for a mentor taken an interest in your talent only to be Smackdown with the reality that you are a nobody to him. Assistant district attorney Mast explain that despite rejecting Weinstein's advances. Haley was offered and accepted a job on Project Runway. And after the project ended she had a meeting with Weinstein where he praised her work ethic and told her she was well-liked on set. He also bought her a book about filmmaking invited her to fly with him to Paris, but she declined wanting to quote keep the relationship professional, but she did later. Kept an invitation to accompany him to the premiere of the clerk's to movie in Los Angeles. So the assistant district attorney again master who is obviously the prosecuting here said this was just an example of and I'm air quotes here the wealthy powerful Harvey Weinstein was manipulating the relationship and then she went on at the Ada went on that's the assistant district attorney again went on to describe how Harvey Weinstein allegedly raped Miriam. We should warn you again that this account contains very graphic details. On July 10th 2006 in the late evening, the defendant having just returned from Paris sent a car to pick Miriam up and take her to his apartment the driver brought her up to the apartment, which the elevator opened directly into a large Loft like apartment and Miriam found herself alone with the defendant in this huge loft apartment. The two sat on the couch opposite ends and chatted while the TV was on the conversation again was friendly and comfortable that was until the defendant dramatically changed without warning the tenor of that conversation the defendant who again at this point was close to 300 pounds lunged towards the 115-pound Miriam and began trying to grope and kiss her. Miriam pushed him away and jumped up trying to distance herself. She told him again. She wasn't interested in anything sexually, but you will but the evidence will show that the defendant was undeterred. He had already made his determination after analyzing Miriam's behavior and reactions over the past several months that Miriam was someone he could sexually assault without recourse. He kept pulling her towards him and she kept trying to pull away repeatedly telling him it wasn't going to happen. I'm not interested. No. Nothing worked Miriam found herself heading back into the bedroom again, a 115-pound. Miriam was no match for the 300-pound Harvey Weinstein. She was forced to go where he was directing her once pushed back into the bedroom. He pushed her onto the bed put his weight on top of her and held her down. Miriam went into panic mode. She kept saying no she kept trying to get up even. The defendant that she was on her period nothing worked Harvey Weinstein continued to ignore her desperate pleas and he easily resisted her attempts to get away. Miriam started to realize that he wasn't going to take no for an answer. She started to realize that she was going to get raped or even worse with no way out and fearful that he might get even more violent for a moment. She thought about whether or not she could hurt him enough to make a run for it to the elevator and get out. Then she thought about that driver that physically escorted her up to that apartment. What if he was still there? What if he was in on it? Miriam ultimately decided to just check out. She tried to endure the violent sexual assault Harvey Weinstein was perpetrating on her Harvey Weinstein put his mouth on her vagina Miriam again begged him to stop telling him. She had a tampon in Harvey Weinstein. Simply yanked it out and continued forcibly orally. Sexually assaulting Miriam. Haleh Miriam can't remember how she got out of the Mint the next thing she remembers after the defendant yanking out her tampon and forcibly, orally sexually assaulting her is being on the street looking to see if that driver was in fact still there. She didn't see the driver and she frantically hailed a cab to take her home. When Miriam went home, she nervously told her roommate and her roommate encouraged her to call the police, but Miriam got even more scared. She didn't feel she was any match for Harvey Weinstein. She was a nobody on a visitor's visa who had no right to even work in the United States who had gone to his apartment. She had nothing. No family. No home. No money. He was a Titan. In the entertainment industry with powerful political connections. Despite this incident the prosecutor also detailed her Maryam litter agreed to meet Weinstein at at Rebecca hotel where she was again ripped and you should be warned. There will be graphic details in this description walking to that Tribeca hotel to meet him looking down at her shoes old and worn Miriam felt the weight of her situation. She didn't know what to do about what happened to her at the hands of someone who had everything. There she was complying going to meet a man who had just weeks earlier violently sexually assaulted her leaving her feeling vulnerable and helpless Miriam haleh saw no way out as she walked in those old shoes back to the man who assaulted her when she arrived at the hotel and assistant not Harvey Weinstein was waiting in the bar feeling. But relieved because the assistant was there she went with the assistant up to the hotel room where the assistant told her Harvey Weinstein had asked her to meet. But once in that hotel room Miriam was instantly and again trapped with the monster in her nightmare. Miriam will tell you that she doesn't remember much about that incident except for Harvey Weinstein's voice demanding her to get undressed and get onto the bed. She knows Harvey Weinstein had intercourse with her that he put his penis in her vagina and that he ejaculated he knew she didn't want to but she Fight like the first time she just laid there motionless like a dead fish and let him violate her let him degrade her. The Pinnacle being when he told her she was a whore and a bitch ladies and gentlemen, you will hear Miriam. You will hear her sad Prada stations. That's not what I am Harvey. That's not what I am. She thought when she went that she could somehow take some power back, but she was dealing with a sexual predator. She left feeling ashamed stupid and worthless. Miriam will tell you that just as Harvey Weinstein had predicted just as he planned even after that second encounter. She didn't manage to completely cut Harvey Weinstein out of her life. However defense attorney Damon Sharon has had a very different description of the relationship between Maryam and Harvey Weinstein. And yeah, I mean, you know, you had a situation where they alleged attack and rape happened on July the 10th 2006 and then you had basically churn Rose bringing everyone, you know, bringing the jury through, you know, a very very detailed timeline of what happened after that, you know, including trips together from here. From place to place an account of a consensual sexual encounter on July the 26th. So see what's that 16 days later a time when and then August the second sheet flew to London with a ticket that by Weinstein had bought for her. She what she went. She pitched a TV show. Yeah, she talked trash TV. Yeah, and in fact and then wrote an email to him and thanked him for his support she then got in touch with him in May and asked him for tickets for a show. She Met him again then and actually approached him when he was in can in May of 2007 and and you know, so there's this long, you know, we're going to hear we're going to hear all of this but there's a very long detailed description of you know event after event after event after this alleged rape where there seems to be this huge amount of friendly contact and very friendly contact including by the way. There's an email that I just wanted to just you know mention from actually from 2009. So a few years later, you know, a very very loving email which they put up. screen today, we got to see it, you know, which had a you know that as a sign off was peace and love, you know, when you know, she was hoping that she would going to get more work off him and she said you don't by the way my cat needs feeding and they won't be a yoga teacher won't support you want to support from that and then as again as the you know, you're going to hear this in a moment, but again as the defense, you know said, you know 3,000 days after that after this all these loving emails on October October 2017 in her efforts to remain An anonymous apparently she gets in touch with Gloria Allred to tell her truth. So, you know there it doesn't incredible. As I said, I think I said I said that earlier the journals said said to the jury, you know a Paula apologizing really if it seems like I have an answer for everything. I'm sorry, but I you know, this is just stuff that we have here. So let's hear let's hear from from Damon Turner has now describing this series of interactions between Harvey and Miriam. So this is an actor reading the actual words of Damon sure owners as Stated today in the court. What you will see is that in 2004 Miriam meets Harvey at The Aviator Premier when she meets Harvey Weinstein, it is nothing big not a huge deal somebody she meets and she knows who he is. But what the state told you was that Miriam, it's Harvey and asks him for a job. Then what happens he invites her to The Majestic hotel and according to Miriam. Miriam goes there. They have a conversation and Harvey asks for a massage or says things that are are inappropriate and Miriam runs out crying then they tell you lo and behold somebody from Harvey's office reaches out to Miriam to offer her a job in New York. I'm going to tell you now when you see the cross examination of Miriam, you will know that did not happen that is not how it went down. But in any event Miriam then goes to New York to work on Project Runway. This was not manipulation. She actually got a job when the production was already running. She started working there then on June. End of 2006 the state talk to you about a meeting that occurred at the Mercer Hotel according to the people. This was just part of the trap part of the trick. All of this is manipulation. What you will hear is that they had a conversation there. She will tell you it was a wonderful conversation. He was Charming to her. They were talking about the industry then towards the end of that month. Miriam will tell you Harvey came over to her apartment where she was staying and barged in and begged her to go to Paris, but you will see as the cross-examination. Nation unfolds that is not likely but remember what the state told you that Miriam says, you have a horrible reputation with women and Harvey gets offended and he leaves that is what Miriam will say, then she did not want to go to Paris because she did not want to be alone with Harvey Weinstein. That is what the state told you on July 10th 2006. According to Miriam Harvey calls her up and says you can come to my apartment by yourself. Miriam goes now you will see that as Inconsistent with her rebuking this Paris invitation. I'll leave it to you to decide the relevance of it. What you'll hear is that in between the Paris invitation and the allegation of sexual assault at the Soho apartment Harvey Weinstein offers to fly her out to California and it is not to go to the clerk's Premier members of the jury. You'll see why he flies her out there. You'll see her friend was pregnant and she asked to be flown out there and he flew her out there and you'll know that because she was there for two weeks. She was not there for the the one day the clerk's Premier was running she goes there. On July 10th. Miriam will testify Harvey attacked her he lunged at her the same Harvey she's going to tell you at the Majestic. He didn't do anything when she wanted to shut him down at the apartment all she had to say was you have a horrible reputation with women. Miriam will tell you there was a violent incident at the Soho apartment. But what is extremely important members of the jury is that you look at all the events? You will hear the next day Miriam flies to LA with the Weinstein ticket and she comes back two weeks later and when she's in La he will see she had contact with the Weinstein Company contact with Harvey Weinstein's assistant when she comes back she goes to the Tribeca Grand hotel. Now, this is going to be an extremely important part of this case because what mr. Cast just told you is Miriam didn't think she had any options. Apparently nobody in this case had any she thinks Miriam didn't have options even though she will tell you that she was sexually assaulted days before she goes to the Tribeca Grand what will be very important about that date is Miss Hast just told you Miriam remembers Harvey grabbing her and calls her name's that never happened. You will see when Miriam was first question about that. She didn't remember much of anything that happened at the Tribeca Grand. And when she talked about it a second time, she said we had sex it was not forced but I don't remember any of the details. Then you will hear about a year later. As this case was getting closer to trial Miriam changed her story. She said I remember it. He grabbed me. He called me these names pay very close attention to how the story changes and it always changes to hurt Harvey you'll see that always changes to hurt Harvey but that is not real. That is not what And you'll see what the state did not tell you in their opening statement. This is interesting. You heard that at this point Miriam was trying to avoid Harvey what we are going to show you is that on July 31st a few days after the consensual sexual encounter at the Tribeca Grand Miriam calls Harvey's office to see if I can go what you will see is Harvey Weinstein paid for a ticket for her to fly to London. She did not mention that to anybody but that is what happened the person she did not want much to do with She was trying to navigate flights Miriam to London a few days after the sexual encounter at the Tribeca Grand. Then you are going to see over the course of about a year in September of 2006 Miriam reaches out to Harvey and his assistant about seeing him in London. You'll hear Miriam said Dan. I heard you and Harvey or London. I tried to change my flight to get there to see you. That is what she tries to do. Then in February of 2007. Miriam pitches Harvey a TV show. She pitches him a show called trash TV. He sends an email to Harvey's assistant and it says Tell Harvey I wrote this myself. I really want him to read it. I really want him to look at it and you'll hear not only did Harvey look at it Harvey met with her had a conversation with her Harvey tried to help her and she sends him a very nice email talking about how he's always supported her. That is what really happened. That is what you are going to see in this case. It is not going to be this predator-prey Dynamic the states. So badly wants you to believe you will see that may of 2007. Miriam reaches out to Harvey at this point. She's not even in New York. There is no control over missile a at this point. There is no control over what she will do. She reaches out to Harvey and request Premier ticket for movies and can and Harvey tries to accommodate her. You will see in May of 2007. They connect again at the Cannes Film Festival and you'll see in May of 2008 Miriam and Harvey have phone calls and she sees Harvey at the Cannes Film Festival. Remember this is the Harvey that the people want you to believe violently. Sexually assaulted her on July 10th of o6, but what you will see is Miriam sees Harvey and walks up to him and says, how are you doing? I've not seen you in a while. What's going on Harvey has no control over her Harvey has no power over her on June 27th of 2008. You will see Miriam contacts Harvey send him an email she reminisces with him. I have not seen you in a while. Remember that summer in 2006 at the Mercer hotel. We had a great conversation and I told you the Adams Family would make a great broadway play. Why aren't they a total genius Harvey says? Yeah, you're a genius good to hear from you. That is not a predator and prey that is the truth about what their relationship was. You will see that Miriam would brag about her friendship with Harvey. She would give him scripts over the years from her friend. She would drop his name as somebody she was close with that will be the evidence in this case. The last time Miriam reaches out to Harvey was in 2009. She says Dear Harvey not seen you in so long. How are you? Listen? I'm saving up to become a Kundalini yoga teacher. I wanted to announce myself available for work if you happen to by any chance have anything shooting in London, I'll be your Runner whatever. I really appreciate any leads. My cat needs feeding. Either way. I hope you are super well, peace and love Miriam. These are the type of conversations. You will hear. Between Harvey and Miriam Harvey, then does not hear from Miriam for over 3,000 days. You will hear Miriam reads the paper and people reach out to her. Who knows she has a relationship with Harvey Weinstein and Miriam will tell you when she reads the paper. She wanted to remain anonymous. She didn't want to tell anybody what happened. You will see that in her bid to remain anonymous. She hires Gloria Allred one of the most well-known outspoken attorneys who is a plaintiff's attorney somebody who sues people for money. That is what it is. The next victim we hear about is Jessica man, who we are told was brought up in an Evangelical Church on a dairy farm in Washington state. She was naive and moved to LA at 25 was the proverbial struggling actress when she met Harvey Weinstein at a party. So let's hear prosecutor has described the meeting and how Jessica man had a friendly relationship mr. Weinstein. And also let's hear prosecutor has to make some rather unflattering remarks. Talks about mr. Weinstein, 's appearance in the beginning of 2013 when Jessica met the defendant. She had been living in La for a few years. She had made a few friends was sharing an apartment with another aspiring young actress named talita. She had gone on tons of auditions and even had small parts in commercials and independent films in some she was a starving actress in LA. In early February of that year Oscar season, Jessica and Toledo went to an industry party something Jessica tried to do when she had the opportunity in order to network at the time Jessica. Although having lived in La for a few years had not lost her naivete. In fact, even though she was working hard to get small acting jobs. She didn't yet know who Harvey Weinstein was or even his stature in the History while at the party she approached the defendant who was talking to her friend to Lita. She introduced herself and the to exchange some banter about the fact she didn't even know who he was ladies and gentlemen, you will be able to evaluate Jessica man. You will be able to determine whether the defendant at that point sensed the newness of his next victim. Later that night. She was getting ready to leave the party Harvey Weinstein sought her out and got her number. He claimed he was interested in her interested in learning more about her as an actress Jessica gave him her number thinking this was a good networking opportunity. Certainly not thinking anything remotely sexual or romantic after all the defendant at this point was old enough to be her father significantly overweight and sloppy looking but for Harvey Weinstein, We'll learn that Jessica had passed an initial test. So then they had a meeting. Yeah, she was brought in for a meeting with Harvey Weinstein assistant. He took her to buy some books. She Jessica said she felt not only lucky but she felt truly blessed according to the prosecutor. But again according to the prosecutor. This was a secret Edition not as an actress, but as a victim so they continue to meet and during One hotel meeting Weinstein said he was annoyed and wanted to go to his room where he asked to give her a massage. She declined but agreed to give him one and rub some oil on his back despite feeling bullied and manipulated. This is according again, according to the prosecution today man said she continued to meet Weinstein and could hardly believe Harvey was interested in her as an actress. However, Jessica man says he eventually raped her in a hotel room. Let's hear prosecutor has described the attack. And again, we'd like to warn you that the details are very graphic here indeed. At one of those parties she and talita saw the defendant and he asked them to meet him at the hotel bar after the party for a drink in the lobby Harvey Weinstein pretended to be interested in the two girls as acting career telling talita. She needed to lose a little weight and telling Jessica she needed to fix her skin, then he claimed he claimed he had a movie that would be perfect for these girls and not just small parts. He claimed the leads. And you will hear during this trial. This was in reality a ruse to get these young women into his web. In fact, you will hear evidence of just how disingenuous that comment was when the actual facts during this trial are revealed. It will clearly illustrate for you just how manipulative and conniving the defendant was with these two young women and particularly Jessica. These were not mutual adult relationships these young women were pawns being pushed around by the defendant. They thought they had gotten the attention of a big Hollywood producer. They thought they got their big break that he respected their abilities and talents. He was the old lady in the gingerbread house luring the kids in missing the oven behind Harvey Weinstein told Jessica and talita to come up to his hotel room that night. He claimed he had the script up there to give them for these leads Jessica hesitated. She remembered what happened. The last time she had gone to Harvey Weinstein's hotel room. She even mustered up the courage. To tell the defendant. Oh, no, I know what that means to which he instantly manipulated her feelings making her feel stupid and silly. Oh me. I'm just a harmless old man. Ladies and gentlemen over the course of the testimony presented on that witness stand you will come to see that the man Seated on that side of the courtroom despite what your eyes are looking at is not a harmless old man, Jessica relented and the defendant acted rather than handing them the script that he had promised. He told Selita to wait in the living room area, and he and Jessica would just a minute he then grabbed Jessica by the arms and pulled her into the bedroom and shut the door once alone in the bedroom the defendant still holding her arms began kissing her and backing her further into the bedroom. She tried to get away both physically and verbally, but like Miriam the 105-pound Jessica was no match for the close to 300 pound defendant she to switched. To negotiating but Harvey Weinstein had already made his calculation. She had already passed his test. He forced her onto the bed held her down put his mouth on her vagina and orally sexually assaulted her. Jessica like Miriam realizing there was nothing she could do fake an orgasm hoping that would end it when he did finally stop Harvey Weinstein acted like she wanted it asking her how it was while simultaneously reminding her of the power. He wielded in the industry. She claimed. It was great and said she really had to go. He let her out. She grabbed talita and got out of the hotel room according to Ada has to this is when Jessica man made the decision that quote ultimately led her to feeling suicidal and that decision was that she would have some kind of relationship with the defendant and had continued to see him and had additional sexual contact with them she tried The prosecutor at she tried to put on a brave face but was dying and say the jury heard shortly afterwards this led her to being raped by Harvey Weinstein before a breakfast meeting at the DoubleTree Hotel on 51st Street and Lexington Avenue in Manhattan. Let's let's hear prosecutor has to describe to the jury. And again, we warn you that this contains very graphic details. Jessica will tell you that at that point. She had very little Real World Experience. She also had no family. She could rely on and no friends. She felt comfortable telling telling Talita, you will learn was happy to use her friend to her for her own advancement and encouraged Jessica to have a relationship with Harvey Weinstein and Jessica was up against a season Predator who dominated the industry's she was working moreover. Jessica was so embarrassed. So humiliated after being so happy about getting this opportunity not just for herself, but for her friend to Lita, she was instantly reduced to Harvey Weinstein's rag doll. Now she was in a whole trapped and very much alone Jessica made a decision a decision that had disastrous consequences for a decision that ultimately led her to feeling suicidal years. Later. She decided to try to have some sort of relationship with the defendant and over the next few months and in the end sporadically for a few years. She continued to see him and had additional sexual encounters with him. You will learn that Jessica man felt trapped. She felt like there was no way to get out without suffering her friends her career or Worse physical harm. She could do this. She thought maybe he really does think I'm talented and special. I don't know how to get out of it, and I don't know who can spare me. Maybe I could just grin and bear it. And grin and Barrett is what she did, but he became more demanding more demanding and violent more violent and disgusting. So disgusting Jessica tried to put on a brave face pretending to the world. Like nothing was wrong all the while. You will learn she was dying inside. On the morning of March 18th, 2013 an hour or so before the meeting was scheduled to take place Jessica received a call from Harvey Weinstein informing her that he was downstairs Jessica feeling anxious about the early arrival tried to stall. Thomas who is still passed out after a late st. Patrick's Day night in New York City and talita had not yet arrived at the hotel. But eventually she went downstairs to face him to her. Horror Harvey Weinstein was down at the reception desk at that hotel checking into a hotel room in New York City the place he lives Jessica confronted him demanding to know why he was getting hotel room. She was panicked like seeing her parents. I'm drunk because she knew what was coming next the defendant became angry grabbing her by the arm and pulling her aside warning her not to embarrass him in the lobby of that hotel telling her they would finish their conversation in private. Now once in the hotel room Jessica picked up where she had left off in the lobby anxiously asking the defended why he had a room reminding him that Toledo was on her way. And that they had a breakfast meeting Jessica repeatedly attempted to open the door and the defendant who was standing above her with his hand on the door repeatedly slammed it shut Harvey Weinstein became angry. He demanded she take off her clothes. She refused he became louder more aggressive. He grabbed her and began to physically undress her again. Sizing the futility and the danger of the situation and the danger of resisting Jessica man relented and got undressed. He ordered her onto the bed and then he disappeared for a moment into the bathroom. He came back out he got on top of her and he raped her forcing his penis into her vagina. Jessica just laid there. When he finished he got off of her and told her to get dressed. Jessica distraught disgusted and horrified ran into the bathroom to collect herself there. She saw a needle in the garbage can and panicked even more Harvey Weinstein had not even bothered to use protection and there was a needle and with it what she assumed to be an exchange of bodily fluid. She looked at the label of the wrapper that was also in the garbage can and later. Googled it. To her horror, she realized that he injected his penis with a medication in order to get an erection. Jessica got dressed. She put on she did her best to put on a happy face and she went downstairs with the defendant to meet her friends. According to a Du Hast Jessica man started working as a hair stylist and in November 2013. She could Weinstein his hair and told him about her boyfriend. This seemed to enrage Weinstein again has to give the jury a graphic description of the rape that allegedly followed you will learn from Jessica that even after she was forcibly raped by the defendant. She continued some semblance of a relationship with him for years. The Dynamics changed Jessica got smarter more Adept at avoiding sexual situations, but keeping him from thinking she was outright rejecting him. She would say nice things pretend to really want to see him and then claim something came up and avoid the actual encounter largely. She navigated the situation successfully with the significant exception that occurred some months after the rape in New York. Jessica at the time was working as a hair stylist at the peninsula and she was cutting his hair in his room at the peninsula and she told him about her boyfriend the defendant. Once again became the predatory monster he is he grabbed Jessica by the arms ripped her from the chair and dragged her into the bedroom all while screaming at her that she owed him one more time Jessica pleaded But the interaction turned violent he demanded she take off her clothes and she resisted curling up to the top of the bed and curling up in a fetal position. But the defendant would not relent he ripped her jeans off so forcibly, it left scratch marks in some areas breaking the skin along her thighs. Jessica will tell you the moment. She curled up into that ball at the top of the bed. She lost her voice. She lost her ability to fight to resist. Harvey Weinstein so effectively manipulated and secured this young Christian from the dairy farm in his mental grip that even after that violent encounter, Jessica man will tell you how she continued to navigate continue to say nice things continue to pretend she wanted to see him and make excuses not to So fill me, you know one of those extraordinary with with the Jessica Man story was we obviously heard these awful really awful descriptions will detail very very detailed very disturbing. Then we heard the defense news. He sort of sit there thinking with what Kelly what could they possibly do? But then they come up with all this stuff. So after these violent extremely violent very disturbing descriptions that we'd heard turns out Jessica man is emailing Weinstein repeatedly after these wanting him to meet her mother for example on one occasion writing to them and saying to her No Matt, it's my birthday next month. Which are you going to come back to LA and be here for my birthday. I love you. I love you in an email describing him also as a casual boyfriend in an email. Yeah, and in fact, it's actually it's worse than an email actually failing because what she did was, you know the way on your phone, you know, some people don't have a diary, you know on your phone you might have a place where you can put notes so we denote so when note to herself basically so actually some form of a diary. She wrote that Harvey Weinstein was a casual boyfriend to her like, you know, and another email to my instances. I don't want to be your booty call anymore and she had regrets because she had a new boyfriend but you'll see in Harvey Weinstein on the side. I mean it was that there was an enormous amount of extremely damning evidence against Jessica man in terms of her allegations. Yes, including by the way that a police officer here at detective here and what in New York City told her when this all went all blew up and everything. He said to her look delete any messages that you have that you think might you know might be that might make you look bad or whatever any photographs as well. Was she the one also who had the the paper calendar? And scored out the dates. I'm not sure about that. I don't have that in front of me right now film but I do have a thing that Jessica doing it did as well. And again again just to Remember by the way that the prosecution spent a lot of time mentioning that she was like from a dairy farm. There's a lot of this dairy farm stuff. We talked about Evangelical Christian. However, let's put this into a little bit of context because we also heard that Jessica man had texted her friend of hers and said, okay I'm sad for those of you, you know, like I'm obviously this is going to this podcast is gonna be full of certain languages that's offensive people. Apple but here's what she texted to her friend. I blew a Hollywood producer who could ruin your career. This is not doesn't sound very much like the kind of language that you hear from. Yeah. Well, I mean, I think it's clear the prosecution realize those difficulties in their go to produce academics who will say that this is a standard behavior for rape victims. The the defense said appeal to the jury's common sense and you know, and the truth the truth. Let's see how it goes. One of the things that you just mentioning their film about the prosecution are going to be heavily reliant on this doctor ziv who is a forensic psychiatrist and who is sort of made a career really of this defense idea of you know, that is that sending letters that I love you. I love you after you've been raped is actually totally normal. And in fact actually is in fact almost proof of the fact that you were raped. However again with the defense here, I thought was really interesting when they came up with the fact today that this forensic psychiatrist who they're going to be lying on very very heavily has never spoken to any of the victims and has not has not examined any of the evidence so that actually she's talking in a kind of an academic way, you know divorced really from the reality of these particular class to see where we have to go on like this is this podcast has gone up just so much interesting stuff today. We're looking forward to tomorrow s see how this forensic psychiatrist matches up against what the defense said that dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens. It had four times of emails and Communications. Oceans that they have that challenge that narrative and we look forward to talking to you guys tomorrow and tomorrow by the way is an explosive day huge day in the trial because animals and Annabella Annabella sit ski, or who you most of you guys know from from The Sopranos will be in the witness stand tomorrow. So we look forward to talking to you tomorrow, bye-bye.
Is Harvey Weinstein a rapist? Many have already made up their minds, but compelling evidence from the defense could prove otherwise. In the opening day of the trial, we hear statements from the prosecution and the defense. The prosecution argues that Harvey Weinstein is a sexual predator and a rapist. They paint a picture of a man who used his star power to abuse young women and in one case, the prosecution alleges he raped a 27-year old aspiring actress. The defense paints a much different picture. In their opening remarks, they revealed emails between Weinstein and the some of the complainants that showed friendly romantic relationships. The evidence includes texts and emails -- one of which even reads, "I love you, I always do. But I hate feeling like a booty call.” In the first episode of The Weinstein Trial: Unfiltered, our team of veteran voice actors will bring the trial to life and give you an inside look at the courtroom using the court transcripts to show you the truth behind the headlines. With commentary from journalists Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer, we hope you enjoy the first episode of this daily series. New episodes will be posted daily at
Welcome to the steroids podcast with your voice Dan the bodybuilder sometime. The steroids podcast is brought to you by Ultimate Guide to roids 109 page ebook by Dan the bodybuilder from Thailand now for the first time in bodybuilding history, you have someone with no corporate interests and no obligation to please anyone not walking on eggshells to not offend. Ultimate God towards gives you the information the whole information the whole truth not a full truth and a half Truth full truth. Ultimate Guide to roids gives you the keys to the Lamborghini gives you the information and lets you decide what to do with it. It's a crime this information has been suppressed this long now, let's get on with the Podcast Wham Bam Pow. Thank you ma'am question 1 from today is Craig if I had a vasectomy and have no plans of ever having any more children, and I'm 30 why would I ever cycle wouldn't blast and crews make the most sense and why would I ever need any PCT or HCG? If I don't care about my balls being smaller Aromas in every four days is what he uses. I think that's what he means. I think that means he uses aromasin. Once per four days. Okay. Yeah, I agree that it makes more sense to blast and Cruz I think that if you're going to use steroids and do more than like one cycle just figure out what steroids all about because you know, if you're really curious and you want to just figure out what it's all about then yeah do it and do a PCT afterwards so you can if you're curious know what know what that is what that experience is like If you're planning on doing multiple Cycles, you're like, okay. Well, this is something I want to do long-term and you know, I want to be way bigger and you know, I want to be freaky or something like that then yeah, you probably shouldn't cycle like I mean the way that I do it personally is I do blast and cruising kind of mixed with just going off a bit sometimes so I mean, that's pretty much always the way that I've done it is is you know, I usually take trt or do Cycles, but I mean for the most part I usually do a cycle for like three or four months and then I'll just stop taking everything for like maybe five weeks maybe 10 weeks. And then after that then I'll start up trt and start doing trt 250 milligrams per week for maybe another four weeks or another eight weeks and then I'll start a new steroid cycle. That's the way that I've been doing it. For years and then other guys just always stay on some some Cruise some people do the cruise with testosterone and deca some people do it. Just with the testosterone some people even do it with Trend. Like usually that's a thing among ifbb Pros. We're just Pro bodybuilders in general is cruising on a little bit of trend cruising on a little bit of tremble on some it's going to be I don't see why it would make sense at all to be doing PCT. If you are planning on doing it long term because here's the thing about PCT. Is that when you go off you go backwards? Okay, when you go off steroids you'll backwards. So if you are using steroids trying to build something trying to work up to something over many cycles and do it long term. It makes no sense to be going off and putting your body through some freaking recovery. Just so that you can turn it off again after the next cycle that like literally makes zero sense. So, you know, since you're going to be going backwards that's going to be hurting your progress anyways, so why not just spare your body having to go through the PCT drugs and the hermit hormonal roller coaster and just, you know, take a bit of time. Just stop taking everything all together or just take like a trt dose is what I think I mean, I don't do those PCT things and yeah, that's the reality of steroid use to and that's the reason why A lot of guys do do cruising is because when you go off steroids you go backwards. That's just the way it is the same way that if you stop going to the gym you go backwards if you stop taking steroids you go backwards. If you stop doing your diet you go backwards. It's you know, that's just the way it is. So you stopped taking them and immediately you start having like a body recomposition where You know you slowly over a period of one month two months three months four months, but on a bit of fat and you lose muscle at the same time, and so the way to make that not happen and you know not happen much at all and still be able to take Cycles is to do what they call cruising which is where you take a maintenance dose of steroids between you know heavy. Steroid use so or just taking a cycle, you know moderate steroid use but yeah, some guys cruise at a true trt dose around between 125 to 250 milligrams per week. But then like I said some guys that are really big where they're really serious competitors there, you know cruising on tests and deca or even test and Trend and deca like all of the same time, which it's not much of a cruise, but it is compared to what their blast. It's are there blast would be there cycle their big muscle building or contest prep cycle that they were doing. All right, and we have another question and that is Will human growth hormone help to repair torn groin muscle, okay. So human growth hormone helps speed up any kind of a proper repair process that your body is already doing and it does it really really well. So, I mean, I took human growth hormone at 6. I use per day nor D tropen after my hernia surgery, and I was looking Like basically the very close to my best ever about five weeks after that surgery. So that helped me speed up. I would say at least like three times my my recovery from that hernia surgery was like roughly three times as quick as a normal recovery would be because that 6 I use per day and already troponin. And I also took Ana draw 50 milligrams and 200 milligrams of Prima Boleyn and 400 milligrams of testosterone per week with that six. I use an auditor open to during those first couple weeks or the first few weeks three weeks or something after I had that hernia surgery. And yeah, those performance-enhancing drugs really did help me recover from that surgery way faster. Way faster than normal some performance-enhancing drugs used to be prescribed for that purpose back in the 60s and then the 50s when they were experimenting when the the doctors were experimenting with all their different uses. It's definitely not popular for that today. But yeah, they make you recover from serious injuries or like bone breakage or You know getting surgery or whatever they help you recover from that stuff faster for sure just in general being on them. But as far as helping repair your torn groin muscle what I'd say is that like is this a long-term injury or is this something that happened recently? Because the way it works is yeah, it's possible that over time like over a period of Months or years it could help you repair, you know old injuries that have just been lingering around for years, but generally it doesn't really seek out those kinds of things. You don't notice that like any kind of like seeking out old injuries affect from it. It's more like if you've got something that your body is already working on then it makes it he'll way way faster. So that's why like NFL players are so dependent on this stuff because they get hurt every single week when they play the game. They get hurt badly and then they have to do it again the next week and sometimes they don't even have that much time. They'll have like a Thursday night game or something, you know, so they'll have another game four or five days later and that's like crazy stressful like there is no way that you could take that kind of abuse that these guys take without having Something to help you recover. And so what most of them do is use the growth hormone about about 4 to 6. I use before bed every night and that helps them get better. It helps them recover between games if they have it speeds up the main thing that growth hormone does like better than building muscle. I mean it does it changes your metabolism really really well. And helps you to utilize carbs proteins and fat much more effectively for repair growth and development. But the real thing that it really shines at is strengthening the connective tissue of the body and the structural system of the body. It's really good at repairing bones quickly repairing leg. It's Quickly tendons quickly those kind of structural support of the body it targets those areas. So if you have an injury that your body is currently working on just like the NFL players, you know, they get hurt and immediately there on this stuff, you know, they would have a some kind of injury that was an acute injury and need to use it then it helps you recover way faster, but as far as it seeking out Injuries that your body doesn't seem to be working on they're just old injuries that just sits have stayed around for years. That would be a stretch that would be a stretch it could help and it probably should help over time, but I don't see it seeking out and beginning a repair process that has failed to happen naturally. Okay. Next question is from Baja Bug bought your book Ultimate Guide to roids 109 page ebook by Dan the body builder from Thailand and shit is gold been reading your blog for a while question. If I am determined to run 500 milligrams of testosterone per week as a first cycle. Would 70 milligrams of propionate be roughly the equivalent of the typical 250 milligrams test an ante every third day. I have taken your advice on propionate packing more of a punch to heart. Thanks. This guy's name was Daniel. I said the wrong name. This guy's name was Daniel same as me. Baja bomb is the next question. So we'll be hearing from Baja bum soon. Yeah, so I think you will be able The feel the I think you'll be able to feel that difference with the propionate at 70 milligrams every day the same as about 500 milligrams of testosterone per week. So that's going to be kind of hard to measure on your syringe. You'd have to measure the .7 Mark and it's usually kind of microscopic on a point seven millimeter. So It's up to you though. And as far as you wondering if propionate is going to make a bigger difference to the way that you're going to feel mentally and also the way you're going to feel physically on your steroid cycle. Yeah, it's a different experience to take propionate. Then it is to take an ant bait or sip unit. Propionate is different experience. All right, might as well, you know, it feels like testosterone but it might as well be called like turbo testosterone or something right because per milligram if you take the same milligrams of propionate or an ante a the propionate is just better everyone who's used it knows it's true. So that's what I would that's what I would go with. That's what I go with good job on deciding to go with the propionate everyday injections though is what you've got to do to get the really good effects from propionate. So if you don't do everyday injections, then it it doesn't work quite the same and it won't be I have to take away my guarantee on it being better than an end date. Alright, next question is from Baja bum. Now we've got we're hearing from him Dan. I'm 60 years old a hundred ninety pounds. Probably 13 to 15% body fat been on T or t for 10 years 125 to 250 milligrams test an ante for week per week for trt lifting since 16 intense at times but he's also taken breaks two years ago. He started doing a few many blasts. Goals, in addition to his trt by upping the testosterone to 400 milligrams and adding pre mobile and and or Master on at 400 milligrams per week. He keeps cabergoline and AI aromatase inhibitor inhibitor anti-estrogen on hand, but never seems to need them so far. He wants to try an eight week cycle of testosterone and fate Trent acetate 300 milligrams per week and And growth hormone for IU per day for four weeks then go to testosterone 400 and pre mobile and 400 another four weeks. Just looking to recomposition to get that freaky look without putting on more weight 190 at five foot seven as heavy as he wants to be is this makes sense. What's your take? Thanks. Well guy fighting the clock. Yeah. I think that your plan sounds good. So Baja bomb here. He's a he's 60 years old and So one of the things that you got to be remembering is usually guys at that edge have a little bit higher risk of cardiovascular issues. So the thing that you would want to be keeping aware of while you do this cycle is the blood pressure. So there's a few things like not eating junk food eating clean food that lower blood pressure and then reducing carbs. Also lowers blood pressure but reducing carbs make steroids not work is good. Because steroids work really really good with carbs. Like they specially use that stuff as fuel. But yeah, that's ways to help if you have any blood pressure issues since at 60 years old, it's probably it's more important than ever. It's more important than ever because it's important for us guys. Who are young? To but at 60 years old, it's even more important. So watching that because tremble and has a tendency to raise blood pressure in general Trend ballon. Usually guys taking Trend below and have high blood pressure in general. So as far as the human growth hormone to I think that that is going to I think you're going to notice a huge difference on that because they've done studies showing the the skin thickness before and after human growth hormone therapy in people 60 years and older actually and it always reduce it. Always it reduces the years that their skin appears to have with the thickness reduction because as you get older your skin becomes thinner, And thinner and so you guys know people that are like 80 years old. Usually they have really thin skin and seems like easy to for them to get cut or for the skin to break because they have this thin skin. So when they're given growth hormone their skin thickens up usually to 20 years the same thickness that would correspond with 20 years younger than their age. So if you're 60 years old right now and you're starting to use growth hormone for the first time you're going to be you're going to To be really pleased I think because it makes a big change to the the texture of the skin and it has measurable in a lab results where they can say. Yes, the skin changed thicknesses back to what would be the average thickness for someone 20 years younger than that age from taking growth hormone one of the things too. Is that as you get older the the body The body tends to store more fat right on the abdomen. That's a common thing and also around the organs and inside the muscles, you know around the organs as called visceral fat and so growth hormone directly targets the abdominal area and the visceral fat okay out of all the bodies because when you start taking growth hormone, you just automatically start losing fat without any change in diet starts recom positioning you that's another Thing that growth hormone has been shown to do in laboratory studies multiple times over and over again. Is that the only thing you need to do? You don't need to start exercising. You don't need to start dieting. You just have to inject yourself with growth hormone and you start recom positioning. Okay. It's very powerful stuff. So since it directly targets that area where your stomach is and also you'll notice that you know a lot Guys as they get older that that midsection area tends to get bigger and and that's that's the reason like you see Mass kind of leaving other areas of the body and moving more towards the abdomen and the reason for that is because of this tendency to accumulate visceral fat around the organs. So then it pushes out the muscle like girdle. That is your abdominals your side's your obliques and your back muscles your lower back muscles. Is that girdle that holds Is in that area that is your organs all your organs your digestive system inside and that starts getting pushed out that whole that whole apparatus that whole muscle of muscular area starts getting pushed out from visceral fat accumulation that is normal with increasing age. But as I said growth hormone directly targets burning that fat and burning abdominal fat more and before it starts burning the other fat in the body growth hormone. Also does spot reduction fat so when you fat loss, so when you inject the growth hormone, if you like always do it on the right side of your stomach then like the right side, you'll start being like what the hell the right side is getting like way leaner feel like it'll be like the left side would be like twice the skinfold thicknesses the right side. So it's interesting some guys. I've known some funny stuff that guys have done where they've given themselves like 15 micro injections with human growth hormone all around their love handles or like the bottoms of their glutes before competitions. They'll get like a like a, you know, like tenths of an IU and they'll be like dotting it all around where they want to burn the specific part of that or get some more definition in that spot. It's pretty funny pretty funny thing to watch. So yeah, it does have that spot reduction that spot reduction effect. So if if you want to burn fat in a certain area inject the growth hormone into that area and it'll be more effective there and then switch sides to if you want it to be even, you know, alternate sides with your growth hormone injections. Other thing with growth hormone is that if you inject it subcutaneously it tends to give less water retention then if you inject it intramuscularly, so you'll look better if you inject it. In your fat tissue, and also when you inject it into the fat tissue, it stays in the body longer because it takes there's less blood supply there and it takes longer for the growth hormone to get distributed. And so it's last for about 12 hours after the injection. It's in your body. So it makes sense to split your growth hormone dosage into two doses per day. So then you're covering all 24 hours. Some people take it all at once but a lot of people split it and due to dosages some people even do more dosages like dosing it every two or three hours. There was a video on a that Rich Piana bigger by the day Series where he was talking about how he would take growth hormone every two hours on the dot around-the-clock. He'd be waking up during the night and stuff to do it when he was competing, which I thought that was pretty funny. But yeah, I think that especially, you know, as an older guy that you'll really notice a difference from growth hormone. It really does make you respond more to weight training and food the way that a young guy who is like 18 years old 16 years old responds to it. Not that those young guys are usually huge or anything, but they do usually have this look where it's it. Just looks like if any food is getting through it's going straight to there. Muscles and they're able to recover really really quickly and do another workout again in like use that food that they give their bodies. It seems like whenever they eat their body uses that food to grow or something and you know, the reason for that is because those guys though when you're young when you're when you're growing and you're like 17 years old you are producing like about about six I use approximately approximately six. I use per day of human growth hormone. And then by the time you're done with puberty, that's way off that that's like way way down, you know not even near that anymore. But yeah, I mean growth hormone makes that's what makes your bones grow. That's the signal that makes it grow. So that's why when you're in puberty and you're growing your skeleton is growing you have these crazy growth hormone levels. And I mean you see guys like transforming like, well, you know, what is puberty, you know puberty is when your With hormone levels turn on and your testosterone turns on for the first time and you always see these guys that hit puberty have these drastic changes and recomposition will like that's what happens when you start using steroids and growth hormone in their injectable versions. So I think you're going to have a great cycle think you're going to have a great cycle. I like the the Prima Bolin. I like the Preamble and in there because any cycle with Prima. Belen is a good size. Michael okay. Next question Niall asks man been listening to your podcast on YouTube every morning when I wake up first thing best our amide a nice man took your testosterone dosage into account. I've been underwhelmed by 500 milligrams of testosterone for a long time. So I upped it to 800 milligrams a week. Inhale of exploded in gains, and I'm only eating at maintenance. It's nuts. Anyway, my supplier ran out of testosterone and ante this week. So I picked up some sustenance and I'm going to be using this testosterone for the first time. I'm going to run it at 900 milligrams per week 300 milligram injection Monday, Wednesday Friday. Should I see a noticeable difference going from testosterone and Anthony? 800 to 900 sustenance Yeah, you probably will notice a difference session on has for Esters in it. It's a for excerpt Esther mix of testosterone. So it has its per milliliter. It's usually 250 milligrams and then it has in the vial mixed all together testosterone propionate testosterone fennel propionate testosterone. I soak a paperweight and testosterone deck annoyed. Okay, so these are all esters. And Esters have different release times of removing the Esther from the testosterone molecule and then releasing the testosterone in the blood. So when you take a shot of sustenance, you have four separate peaks in your bloodstream of testosterone levels. Okay, because there's four separate Esters and they all peek at a different individual time. Okay, and the testosterone fennel propionate and the testosterone propionate both of those Peak within a couple of hours and then the iso copper wait. It and the Deccan wait, they peek a little bit later, you know the next couple days, but you'll generally feel it because of the propionate and the fennel propionate. You'll generally feel that on the same day that you take it. So that's a difference because usually with testosterone and Aunt 8, you'll sort of feel that boost or feel something's different the day after you take the injection, but with the Justin on you feel something different the same day as you take the injection some most people most people just prefer the steady the steady the more steady feeling of using a single Esther testosterone some but some people do like to assess it on and I've used it. You know, one thing that was cool was in Vietnam. I was in Saigon City Vietnam and I was going around walking around to some of the pharmacies they're seeing what they had and they had origin on they had origin on Decca 100 ampules. So origin on A German company that they've been known because they have been making Deca durable and brand Deca since they were making it back when Arnold was using it and they're still making it today and it was in there the the authentic ones being sold over the counter in those pharmacies. It took a while. I had to walk around the quite a few different pharmacies in that downtown Saigon City. They call it Ho Chi Minh City now because ever since the Communists took over and in Vietnam Ho Chi Minh there. Are the communist leader they he renamed their Capital The Saigon. It's a historic City there. He renamed Ho Chi Minh City. So, you know one of the other weird things about Saigon and and just Vietnam and general and also this is the way it is in Laos too is that these are all Southeast Asian countries and they have since their Communist governments the ruled by Communists. They have the the red You know with the gold hammer and sickle and he's so you see that communist flag waving everywhere and it's a little bit even though a lot of us kind of were just first coming around right at the end of Communism in Russia. It's still because it has kind of an ominous feeling to it and people just don't know, you know, it's not familiar. So when you're a Westerner and you see those Communists Flags, Flying around in Laos and Vietnam. It's a little bit like who gives me the creeps a little bit. But yeah, so they had origin on sustenance 250 in there too. And the origin on Decca 100 amps and so the the sustained on 250 the original sustenance is was made by origin onto you know, that's their brand name for that mix of four different Esters of testosterone in the same vial their brand name is sustenance. So, you know, it's like trademarked and so I got I picked some of that up and I went back to my hotel and I took it I took it I took like three CC's and I worked out the next day and I had a crazy high blood pressure headache ha ha ha ha ha ha it made me take on a bunch of water and it was very very strong. You know, it only took one day like that and I had this I was super bloated up. And I had this really painful throbbing high blood pressure headache. So I don't know if that really felt too great that are just take one cc at a time. Alright, next question is from SAR keys, and he asks, hey, brother. Just wanted to ask you a few questions regarding dosage for lgd. 4033 just snatched a bottle with your discount code. I'm thinking of running five milligrams first. For weeks and ten four weeks five to eight. Would you advise anything different also been following you for years and trust your judgment didn't know where to buy lgd until I saw you review on your website bodybuilder in added that last part in there. Ha ha ha so Sark, he's I think five milligrams is a little bit low. I know it shows in studies that that does build muscle and that's like the minimum dose step. Builds anything that they can really see dependably in studies, but they it's it's a lot of that that they do show in the studies is going to be the intramuscular water retention and glycogen carbohydrate fuel storage and it won't stick so much after cycle. So if you up that up to 10 milligrams per day at a minimum, I think it's going to work a lot better to put on some hard muscle tissue and also Liver some good strength gains in the gym that you're going to keep those gains after you finish and not kind of have them go away like a week after you stop taking it even if that means that you have to shorten the duration of your cycle the length that you take it. I still think it would be better to take 10 milligrams per day than five milligrams per day up at 20 milligrams per day. I experimented with it and at 20 milligrams per day. I would compare it to taking one cc of testosterone per week. It's you know, I've had other guys tell me that like friends that I know in person, right? They didn't tell me all this over the Internet. This is actual guys that have used it and talk to me like one guy. I know he used 15 milligrams of lgd 4033 per day and then when he was on his cycle of 500 milligrams of testosterone and ante per week. Which was his first steroid cycle. He said to me this is not as strong as the lgd 4033 15 milligrams per day that I ran because he was feeling frustrated at the results that he was getting from 500 milligrams of testosterone and ante per week. So he felt that for on in his experience the lgd 4033 at 15 milligrams per day was stronger than his 500 milligram. Alms of testosterone per week. Okay, but for me and in my experience I can't say this like it's exactly the same muscle building power as 250 milligrams per week. Okay, but I thought it was in that range to me. The lgd 4033 was at 20 milligrams per day felt pretty similar to me to taking one cc of testosterone per week. Alright, so that was some of the information with lgd and you know that stuff isn't toxic either. It's not like liver toxic and stuff. So You can run that stuff and men like like I'm saying like lgd is pretty strong stuff. I can't really tell the difference between that and oral steroids except for the fact that there's no toxicity from it. So it I feel healthier and not as sick when I'm taken lgd 4033. I think it's really good stuff. I think s23 is a Little Bit Stronger. And has more of a like Wham-O effect but lgd seems to be I'm not sure if it's better at muscle building or not. But it seems like it might actually be a little bit better at building actual muscle tissue more. It has a testosterone effect. It has a testosterone like affect the way it fills your body out to the way it does like glycogen fuel storage in your muscle and the way that it quickly within a few days of starting it makes you bigger. So it takes like between like three to five days of taking it and you get a cosmetic effect from taking lgd 4033 where your muscles swell up and they're just bigger all the time. So pretty interesting stuff next question Ryan asks, are there any antibiotics you recommend keeping on hand for an intramuscular or subcutaneous infection from injections? Yeah doxies asselin is I remember I remember in a Columbia I kept on going to their pharmacies and asking dachsies a Celina dachsies. Selena and that one that one is like the the over the pill form antibiotic of choice to deal with soft tissue infections. So that one's a good one to have if you're worried about that to have that he also asks also is fourteen hundred milligrams to twenty eight hundred milligrams of tremble own and 2500 m. Grams of testosterone per week and average dosage for an ifbb men's physique competitor or you talking about only ifbb bodybuilders. Now, I'm only talking about when I'm talking about dosages that hi. I'm only talking that that's the dosages that super heavyweight bodybuilders use, okay, like total freaks, you know, because it takes freaky drug abuse to look like a total freak. It's not rocket science. It's The way it is all this stuff that you do with the body building and how far you take it and when people say they say things like well, you know, maybe he just wasn't willing to do what it State what it takes to be that big and stuff like that. Like what they mean when they say that and what people who are in the know or who have been there and done that know that what they mean when they say that is you have to be you know, he didn't have what it was huge. Wasn't willing to take the drugs the amount of insane drugs. It takes to look like that. So that's an unfortunate truth about bodybuilding and it's very embarrassing for you know, those guys, you know to have to admit to something, you know doing something like that. So that's why it's not talked about it's dangerous. It's a liability someone could get hurt if they copied it and you know, it's not flattering. It's not flattering because it's like wow. Wow, you know the the drugs are really a huge part of what you're doing and it's like damn right damn, right the the drugs aren't you know, look at this freak. Look at this freak. Okay. Look at this freak. That's not natural. Okay, obviously, the drugs are a huge part of what they're doing. Okay, look with your own eyes and just be natural, like look use your freaking brain and look with your eyes and you know, Trust what your gut feeling and your brain tells you the freaking moment. You set eyes on those guys. Okay, so and know that it's just for super heavyweight bodybuilders with those extreme mega-doses men's physique competitors are not taking those extreme Mega doses of steroids men's physique competitors. Remember when I talked to you guys about like, what is the average total dosage of milligrams that of steroids, you know, all the steroids someone is taking the different steroids that someone's taking at the same time, you know totaled up. All together. What is the average dosage of guys in the gym that go to the gym when you see guys they're like jacked as fuck. Okay, the dosage for that is 1000 milligrams to 2,000 milligrams per week. Okay, most every guy that you see who fits that description is using something between 1,000 milligrams and 2,000 milligrams total of testosterone of steroids per week. Not not testosterone, but just total steroids all all the all the steroids that they're using put together equaling somewhere between one to two thousand milligrams per week. This is like a rule that you will see it the more that you meet people in real life and talk to them. You will start seeing this pattern and you know, when you see these guys who are jacked, you know, and you wanted no, you know, what does it take to do that? Well, you know generally a good starting place is between 1000 milligrams to 2000. Grams per week of steroids. Okay. It's a pretty it's a pretty easy question you do that and you do the training and you do the diarrhea and you know, you fiddle around a bit fiddle around swapping some stuff out and swapping some stuff in and you're going to get like those guys to eventually that's that's what it takes to be like that and then you talk about well, what does it take to be like these Mega freaks that are you know, like super heavyweight bodybuilders, you know that takes quite a different quite a different thing. Okay. So if you think one to two thousand milligrams of total steroids, but week sounds like a lot. Well you got another thing coming if you think that you know, the super heavyweight bodybuilders are using the same thing that the guys who are you know, super jacked in your gym look like okay. So it's a it's a much different ball game and there's diminishing returns. There's a lot of diminishing returns after you get to about a thousand milligrams of steroids per week. That's where they Work the best where they work the best and they're like a Full Throttle when the minimal effect on your health and then as you keep on like pushing the dosage up, it's like they exponentially do less and less as you keep increasing the dosage is from there and they also exponentially start giving you more and more side effects and making it like really stressful and like intolerable not enjoyable to use them. Okay? Next question Jack says I will be 220 pounds at six percent once cut real 6% 1.5 grams testosterone and ante per week sustenance. Okay, 1.5. He will be using 1.5 grams of testosterone or Susteren on per week 6 IU of human growth hormone every day 50 IU of Lantus every day that's insulin plus three weeks of 100 milligrams and a draw plus 50 milligrams Winstrol rotated with three weeks 350 milligrams tremble on acetate to Five Hundred twenty-five milligrams. And below and acetate per week for 12 weeks. Will it be enough to reach 240 pounds at 10% body fat? So a 20-pound muscle increase or like 15 pounds and there's a time limit on that too for 12 weeks. Yeah for 12 weeks. Yeah. So you're talking about building a little bit more than a pound per week. And you guys I'm sure that a lot of you guys just now heard me. You say that cycle and it was really big and really long but you know what? This guy has Ambitions to look like a total freak. Okay. He's already 220 pounds 6% body fat. Okay, and he's looking to move up to 240 pounds ten percent body fat, which is a total freak. Okay guys on the mr. Olympia, you know, they're not that much bigger than that. So He's looking to be a total freak and you have this long ass list of steroids and performance-enhancing drugs that he puts together. Okay? Well, you know when I've looked my freakiest go look at the cycle the cycle descriptions that I've written that I've written on that like go look at my Instagram posts on / bodybuilder in Thailand at bodybuilder and Thailand on Instagram and I've written down some of my Cycles underneath the pictures and so the it'll show the picture and then it will show the cycle what I use underneath that and it'll be a long-ass list of drugs, you know with like dosages like this guy, you know, he said, you know, 1.5 grams of test or something. Yeah, mine will be like a thousand milligrams of testosterone and a thousand milligrams of pre mobile under something and it's like yo when when you want to be a freak, you know this guy right now he sends this question saying, you know, is this going to be enough to The 220 get from 220 to 240. The answer is yes that was you know a great cycle to use in order to accomplish that but you guys have to understand that guys who are there or they're knocking on the door or guys who have been there and done that. It's like they know what it takes. Okay, and and this is what it takes this stuff that we're talking about right here, 1.5 grams testosterone per week 6 IU human growth hormone everyday 50 why you Lantus insulin every day three weeks 100 milligrams and a draw plus 50 milligrams wind straw everyday rotated with three weeks 350 to 500 25 milligrams Tran acetate per week. Okay for 12 weeks. Okay. This is the kind of strong acid cycle that people are doing when you guys see these guys who are Freaks and you say, you know, they're saying to you, you know, I use these little dosages of gear. I use these little dosages of gear that you see on steroid hormone. Hormones like 500 milligrams of testosterone per week and 50 milligrams of an eyedropper day and 200 milligrams of trying to acetate per week. And and it's like no. No, you don't know you don't that is a lie. Okay. And the reason why they do this again is because it's embarrassing to say, you know, this is an activity that has well the work that you're putting in. Yeah, you're putting in shit ton of work, right? You're putting in a lot of work and you can be proud of that. But at the same The same time the the drugs are also a huge huge part of developing that physique or developing that body and it's such a necessary huge part of it. Okay, and when you see freaks, You know, they're freaky like that for a reason it's not natural. So, you know, that's that's my Spiel Jack's that sounds like an excellent cycle bro for your goals. That sounds like an excellent cycle for your goals. All right next question. Next question is vintage black and he asks what hypersensitivity to recreational drugs have any correlation to Performance enhancers. For example, I can take a few hits from a joint and get super big dwell friends need a whole joint or I can take very small doses of pain meds or Adderall and feel the recreational effects. Okay. So like steroids really aren't like recreational drugs at all. Like they really have no similarity to recreational drugs. Way that you take them and and the way that it affects you like. It just doesn't it doesn't get you high at all. Okay, like it can make you you don't have a better time in the gym and have more fun in the gym and get more pumped up and be able to do more work load and stuff like that. But you don't take them in like feel good or something like that. Like if anything you feel, you know, like a bit more stressed or a bit more paranoid or you know, maybe a bit more emotional even like even or something like it's a stress actually it adds a stress to your life. And and you learn how to deal with the stress over time. It takes like a few months or of adaptation or just some experience of adaptation to make that just like background noise that you don't really hear too often. But yeah, like I don't really see like a correlation there because you know one, you know, you're saying, you know, if you can take adderall and stuff like that you're asking and if we're get super begged from a joint if that's going to be the same. Well, those are working right on your brain. You know. Those are those kind of things are working right on your brain to make you feel a different way really soon and and steroids take time to work. They don't work right away and the effects in your brain are pretty minimal the mostly affects our on your body. So they're not even hitting the same tissue the same area of your body as a recreational drug. And they take like a while to work when you when you take them the first day like it's not it's not anywhere near as strong as it is once it's build up in your system and like allowed time for having those DNA expression changes to happen when the steroid finds your Androgen receptor, you know, it's floating around in your blood finds an androgen receptor on your muscle tissue transmits a message to that Androgen receptor, which then carries the message to the nucleus of the cell and makes the DNA get it. Expressed differently in there which makes you look like an unnatural freaky bodybuilder. So totally different process. I wouldn't count on being sensitive to steroids. If you're still sensitive to recreational drugs, I would actually think you might have more side effects or something from steroids if you're sensitive recreational drugs because if you're like sensitive like that, it means small doses small doses of things that aren't supposed to be in your body. Change your body's chemistry that like causes quite a huge disturbance within your body or huge changes just little bits. So if you're you know pump and juice into you pumping gear into you your body's going to see that and probably be like freaking out. I wouldn't be too worried though. I wouldn't be too worried. Don't let me scare you. Okay. Next question. Domion says I took a couple weeks of probe. Ayran. So my sex hormone-binding globulin is low. This is the same guy in the last podcast. He said that he had low shbg and was it bad and I explained to him. This was in podcast episode episode 5 and I explained to him is either five or six. It was the one before this one and Explain to him that no that'll make his testosterone work better having low sex hormone-binding globulin. So he asks does metformin make you sluggish. So there's a lot of misinformation about metformin out there people saying like it makes you like weaker or it makes you sluggish or something or that is not a performance enhancer. Like all I have to say about that is take it if you just take this stuff for a few weeks. Okay, like if you take it for like three or four weeks, you know a minimum of a thousand milligrams per day, but 2,000 milligrams per day is where it really shines and has no bad health effects at all zero, it improves your health to take this stuff and it makes you live longer to take it to there's actual data that people who take this stuff live longer than people that don't I'm serious. So, you know when you take this stuff, you know, You will see changes. Okay, it's not even it's not a question of like, oh, I can't believe that people say that it's not a performance enhancer. How can you say that when it makes changes right in front of your eyes that's like saying like, oh, you know 50 milligrams of Anna draw per day is not a performance enhancer and I'm like what the heck take the tablet and see the effects and it's like right there in front of our eyes for all of us to see you're denying reality or something. That's the way that I think of. This when people say, you know metformin is not a performance enhancer. I'm like, what are you talking about? It doesn't make any sense to me. It's actually blows my mind. I'm I'm like because it seems like they believe what they're saying and I can't tell if they're just you know, lying through their teeth or what it's it's really a odd phenomenon but mind you. People are using this stuff. Okay. Most most Pro bodybuilders are on Metformin. Okay, just to let you know that even though you have all these people saying this in Lego decree through the igf-1. Okay. Well just to let you know whether you like it or not. Most Pro bodybuilders are on Metformin and that is a fact. All right. Next question. Jordan says what's arms do you like best? I'm thinking about running Rod 140 with a trt dose of tests and maybe GW I've never used rad 140, but I hear a lot of people are interested in it. I've used Austrian s23 and LG LG D 4033 and all of them build muscle and all of them work exactly like pro hormones or like designer steroids or something, you know, like the stuff that they used to sell in. C or whatever before it got banned and and like they're strong. It's like I said, they're strong like milligram per milligram like s23 and I mean even Austrian but I think s23 is definitely the strongest for me. That seems to be the one where I really power on the first day. I feel it. But you know for me 20 milligrams of lgd was like a day it was like, you know a cc a testosterone per week. Like they work like mild or moderate steroids. It's just the way it is. So if you are disappointed that pro hormones are banned than Psalms is the way to go read my reviews of Psalms on bodybuilder and But yeah, if I had to pick once arm and this arm that I was going to pick was for building muscle then I would pick lgd 4033. Okay, and that's what I would take or if I didn't take steroids. That's what I'd take but if I picked once arm and For feeling like a wild crazy man, a wild crazy man and running around in the jungles of Thailand or like some kind of sick freaky Beast than it would be s23. Okay, because that stuff affects my mind. It goes straight goes straight to my brain and I start having little emotional not little big emotional outbursts starting on the first day that I take it sweating like an animal and the gym and it's good stuff. It seems to give me Yeah, it's good stuff. All right, next question Pietro asks your thoughts on peptide such as combining hexer Ellen and Ma G RF being comparable to HGH. Thanks Dan. No, I don't think that anything can compare to HGH. I don't think that anything can compare to pharmaceutical grade HGH because everything tries to copy that you know, everybody's trying to find a way to get around. King that, you know, you got things like MK 6 7 7 you got things like injectable peptides and you know, actually out of all of the peptides that are around, you know, or all of the growth hormone secreted God's things that make you soup create more natural growth hormone because that's what peptides do for. The most part is MK 6 7 7 the oral one. That's the best one that one at 20 milligrams per day doubles your human growth hormone and igf-1 levels naturally, so it's just Staff act to I've seen multiple studies showing this happen in every one that takes it at that dosage 20. I think it's 25 milligrams per day in this study is it was either 20 or 25 milligrams per day and I think it was 25. Okay, and it doubles when you do that, it doubles your human growth hormone and igf-1 levels. And I mean, that's pretty good. I think that works better than any of the injectable. Any of the injectable peptides but yeah the thing with all that stuff is that none of it not even the MK 6 7 7 can even you know, the only thing that that cause any of that stuff peptides MK 6 7 7 Etc can do is just kiss injectable human pharmaceutical grade growth hormones ass. Okay. That's all it can do is you just give us a little kiss because it is so inferior. Okay injectable pharmaceutical grade human growth. Hormone is the shit Other than testosterone it's the best drug in bodybuilding and there's no replacement for it. Just like there's no replacement for testosterone. This is the fact that life is to bioidentical hormone these hormones that they can make into drugs and they you can inject you can inject them. Okay, but their natural hormones like natural testosterone, but you can inject it or natural human growth hormone, but you can inject it. They're natural to your body and your body knows exactly what to do with them when they go in there. The effects are insane. New dose them at high dosages high dosage testosterone high dosage human growth hormone. That's basically everything you need. That's basically everything you need to get to do anything you want with your body. All right, and I mean, can you say that for for peptides? I mean absolutely not absolutely not next question is jassu asks, love the book Ultimate Guide to roids 109 page ebook by Dan the body builder from Thailand. I always revert back to it. If I ever get forget something I need answered. So let's say doing a cycle of 400 tremble on per week 600 milligrams to stas drone. 12 weeks and a draw 50 milligrams per day. First four weeks. Should I introduce Anna draw to 100 milligrams at week eight to 12 because I noticed a stop making gains on motorcycles at week eight says when you refresh your startup and doses toward the end to keep making steady gains. I probably would I mean I'm like you like if I'm going to be on steroids, I'm on steroids for a reason and that is to make Make changes, you know meaningful changes to my muscle mass and my appearance. So if you know, they're not working. So if they're not working then I would change something and so you said that you know after eight weeks and the last four weeks usually stop making gains, you know, I definitely think that You know putting energy all at a hundred milligrams per day would make you have more games. Rather than 50 milligrams per day. I actually think that the full character of an Angel comes out at a hundred milligrams per day like 50 milligrams is good. A hundred milligrams is great A hundred fifty milligrams is too much starts making you feel sick. So 100 milligrams per day of Anna draw. It's freaking sweets freaking awesome. Get super strong look bigger. Look harder muscles bulging against the skin more and Not bloated unless you're weird. Unless you're weird and you have some kind of problems with Anna drawl stimulating your progesterone or or estrogen receptors. But for most people it does not do that and you don't need to take any more a I know extra anti-estrogen with Anna draw because it doesn't convert into estrogen stays Anna draw in your body. And it's great. It's one of the most awesome drugs in bodybuilding it puts on even so a hundred milligrams of energy all per day. That's only like as toxic to your body, you know anecdotally. Okay. This is anecdotal as 50 milligrams of d-ball per day like milligram per milligram. By the way. The ball is way stronger than Anna draw. It's roughly twice as strong 25 milligrams of debolt per day. Yeah. It's about as strong as The milligrams of an adult per day and it's muscle building power. But D ball is more of a mess. There's more side effects is more estrogen issue rather with Anna draw. There's usually no estrogen issue and it can just be kind of a more of a mess like more high blood pressure and things like that. So Anna draw is more user-friendly and easy to use without troubleshooting without having to do troubleshooting during your cycle. And it's also one of the favorite drugs I mean diebold is to okay. Okay, the two favorite drugs of most power lifters are d-ball Deca testosterone and Anna draw those for drugs right there. That's those are the power lifter drugs that the power lifters make use of the most the guys who are power lifters and strong men, you know people, you know, everybody knows that those guys are using steroids and performance-enhancing drugs. Okay. Well the ones that they rely on for their sport is the ball and a draw testosterone and deca. All right. All right. If you would like your questions to be answered on the steroids podcast go to steroids and leave a comment with your questions or email or private message steroids podcast at or steroids podcast on Instagram until next time.
00:00 Steroid Cycle vs. Blasting and Cruising on Steroids Why come off steroids and go through PCT just to go back on another cycle and shut off your fertility/natural testosterone production again 03:30 Some people take small dosages of deca and tren year round as "cruise" this is not healthy 04:07 When you go off of a steroid cycle your physique goes backwards. Reasons for Blast and Cruise or TRT testosterone replacement therapy 06:00 What is blasting and cruising on steroids 06:50 HGH growth hormone and it's abilities to speed healing of injuries and surgeries 09:49 Professional Football and it's Heavy Reliance on Growth Hormone Therapy to be able to play full season and recover quickly enough to perform at high level with only 1 week recovery 12:15 Testosterone Propionate vs Testosterone Enanthate for First Steroid Cycle 15:06 60 Years Old on TRT testosterone replacement, been adding primobolan and masteron at 400mg per week. Now going to run Trenbolone and HGH for the first time, trying to get freaky in middle age 16:25 High Blood Pressure from Steroids 17:47 HGH Growth Hormone changes the measurable thickness of an aging person's skin. 19:15 Human Growth Hormone Effects on Visceral Organ and Abdominal Fat 21:16 HGH Spot Reduction Fat Loss is Real 23:00 How Long does HGH last in the body. Split Growth Hormone Dosage into 2 injections per day 25:48 Listener changed testosterone dosage after listening to the steroids podcast and is now experiencing explosive gains 26:47 What is Sustanon 250? Sustanon 250 Effects. Sustanon vs Testosterone Enanthate 28:35 Organon Deca Durabolin and Organon Sustanon 250 in Pharmacies in Vietnam 31:42 LGD-4033 SARM Dosage cosmetic effect and muscle gains seen in days not weeks 33:40 LGD-4033 vs 500mg Testosterone Enanthate per Week 36:15 Antibiotics for Steroid Infection 37:10 Steroid Cycle Dosages of Super Heavyweight Bodybuilders vs Men's Physique competitors 39:25 Megadoses of Steroids. 1000mg-2000mg per week total steroids dosages common among jacked guys at the gym 42:13 220lbs 6% bodyfat Steroid Cycle to Achieve 240lbs 10% bodyfat - trenbolone - insulin - anadrol + winstrol - primobolan - masteron - You have to take a ton of steroids to look like a freak 47:05 Hypersensitivity to Recreational Drugs Correlated with Sensitivity to Performance Enhancing Drugs? 50:45 Metformin as a Performance Enhancing Drug 53:36 LGD-4033 vs S23 vs Ostarine MK-2866 Legal Anabolics 55:56 Peptides like Hexarelin and Mod-GRF compared to Pharmaceutical Grade HGH like Norditropin 57:40 Superiority of Bio Identical Hormones such as Testosterone and Human Growth Hormone for Performance Enhancement 58:29 Anadrol and Trenbolone Cycle Dosages for Long Term Muscle Gains 59:53 100mg Anadrol per day is best dosage. Anadrol vs Dbol 1:01:35 Steroids for Powerlifting submit your questions for the next episode at: User-59382539 – The-official-steroids-podcast-episode-1 This Podcast is for entertainment and conversational purposes only. If any substances mentioned in this video are illegal in your country do not use them. Consult a doctor before beginning any exercise or supplement routine. Do not take anything mentioned in this video as advice. It is simply conversation, not advice.
Fellow fiends, welcome to another terrifying and delectable episode of nightmare on film Street the horror podcast with zero credibility, but all of the blood ghouls. And Gore your puny heart can handle let's give a grave Welcome to our hosts John and Kim. Hello again fiends and welcome to nightmare on film street. I'm Kim. I'm John and this week. We are talking triple it threat that triplet threat. I wanted to say it like triple threat and I did. Yeah, and I think you also get it with triplet threat. Yeah, but triple it threat. That's right this week. We are talking about some Sinister siblings some killer. Kin. Oh, well that one out. That's good. Let's see if we got another one McCobb family members specifically concerning 2005's House of Wax and 2003's Wrong Turn. Yeah, we've been wanting to do both of these films for won't we? I've been wanting to do both of these films for a while. We've again I had a really hard time pairing them together fact on the board where we have all of our episodes listed for Next four months. It just says House of Wax versus question mark I actually put a poll up on Twitter last month and you guys really helped us out in picking a partner for this weeks episode that pole ended up having over 800 votes and I think 600 or more were for wrong turn a lot of people thrown in the Hat for black Xmas though. Yeah, the 2005-2006. We actually recently tried to re-watch it. We were doing a bunch of other stuff. Well, it happened though. So we Has anybody ever actually paid attention to that movie while watching it? I don't know but I would get to one sharpened candy cane in your out. Okay, calm down. I do want to watch it for reals though because I was walking in and out of the room where the TV was on and all of a sudden somebody's eyes were being pulled out of their head and I was like, okay we're going there. So it's a pretty gory movie. I would recommend we all revisit it. That's what I recommend. Hmm. You don't have to love it. It's gonna be gross though. I suppose that's true. Know that I necessarily loved either of these movies we're gonna talk about them know before we get into that though Kim. What is keeping you creepy this week. Well, we have a whole bunch of stuff happening over at our patreon page. We just announced that we're going to be doing our first ever live stream at the time of release. We had initially scheduled it for the 21st, but I have just learned that the Joe Bob's Christmas special is going to be that the exact same time. We're in Canada. So we don't get the pleasure of experiencing that live but I know a lot of you will be so we're will probably put a poll up on patreon and see when you guys are going to be around during the Christmas break and we'll reschedule that at some point during Christmas in between Christmas and New Year's Before Christmas. We'll figure out what works best for you guys and then we'll do it then but that'll be at slash Nightmare On Film Street. If there's not a post-op now, we'll put one up this weekend. We also like probably a lot of you went to go see the possession of Hannah Grace last week. Yeah. Yeah, I forgot we Eddie you forgot? Well, I had to write we had to write a review on it. We recorded an episode on it. I'm done talking about it. Yeah, it's already moved on I you know, I really wanted to look up this. It's Monday morning when we were recording this. I really wanted to look up with the box office totals were because regardless of how we feel about it. If it did. Alright this weekend's I wanted to retweet that. I did remember seeing an article something along the lines of Dead on Arrival, so I'm going to say Didn't do they wrote that headline eight months ago. It's true. Yeah, what would you say? What did well like slaughtered that you can't say that for a more good thing. I'm not gonna lie like solve is on Ice. I don't know is low-hanging fruit. Does he Dead on Arrival? I also included it as a episode-description in our for our drive home from the driving review on patreon if you want to hear our full thoughts, but I mean like in the car handful of words or less. Yeah. Yeah. I don't really have much else other than that. Yeah. I mean if you have a movie theater gift cards burning a hole in the in your back pocket, you don't feel like seeing Fantastic Beasts 8 or 10 to and you really want some popcorn sure. There's some really scary moments, but overall it's just not a it's not the most cohesive film and it doesn't have the greatest awareness of have its own horror elements. So I mean most films that aren't good at least you're like, well it was a horror movie and it got there's kills or their scares or this kind of doesn't nail those either so Some of the effects are good. Yeah Sam. Yeah, it's all right. I mean if you're a completist like we are you're probably going to see every movie that came out this year and we are still burning the candle at both ends trying to finish off literally every movie that came out this year regardless of whether or not it's going to be in our top ten. Yeah. So we're really narrowing down our picks. We're going to have our top ten each of us have mayor going to be making a list of our top 10 movies of 2018. We did it all so last year. We should be putting out a bonus episode for you guys. The holidays providing we can get the rest of these films fucking watch. Yeah. Yeah. There's just a lot of last-minute cramming. It's fine though. Yeah, if you have not heard us mention your favorite movie of the year so far on the podcast give the day this drops tweet at us. Yeah, let us know we big big surprise for me was you were never really here that Joaquin Phoenix movie directed by Lynn Ramsey Wheels it directed we need to talk about Kevin fucking loved. Did it so I'd highly recommend that if you haven't seen that yet. But yeah, so keep your eyes peeled throughout December. We're going to be having some more of our top 10 picks of who knows of that'll make John's list. I have no idea what your your picks are waiting to waiting to reveal them till we record the episode so there can be like real life look gasps. I think we both have a pretty good idea. What each of our lists are gonna be. Yeah. I think we're both going to be surprised. We you know, we should do we should write down what we think the other persons list. What if I wrote? Yeah, but for you, I kind of just want to write the same movie five times cheating. You'll be right once other than that before we get into the show. I just want to give a big shout-out to our most recent patrons Emily Maxwell and will their own terrible triplet e twin triplets. Yeah, they're roaming the countryside right now to take it over cabins murdering people and supporting pain. Podcast they like I'm in like there's a lot there's a lot of Pocket Change left over in the glove box or the cigarette ash tray throughout the car of the people. You've killed and I'm really, you know, blood money is not great, but I take it. Yeah. Thank you guys so much for your support. If you want to pledge Nightmare On Film Street for as low as $2 a month. You can unlock some really cool rewards bonus episodes and a whole bunch of stuff. That's at patreon. Home / Nightmare On Film street, but I think it's time to talk about terrible. Wait. What is this episode called triple it threats beginning with dark castles know I'm a rephrase that beginning with Paris Hilton's House of Wax. I don't think anyone's here. Was that huh? His wax literally this is weird. Looks like a hell of a party. Tell me this doesn't look real. You're saying that's a real person underneath. So House of Wax 2005 currently sitting at a 5.3 out of 10 on IMDb 25 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, two point four out of five on letterbox and Roger Ebert gave it a two out of four. No surprisingly. John had not seen this film prior to us watching it for the podcast. Nope, which is crazy because this came out during the weird. There was this like slasher Resurgence, but they were these weird sort of hyper fast super stylized gory airbrushed goal that they do. They just weed optimized the horror formula at that point and they were just delivering them fast and furious and then you got a whole bunch of these Dark Castle films, which Each House of Wax is right there in the middle. Yeah of the Platinum Dunes Dark Castle stuff. I think this is the only one I haven't seen I don't know why but if I think back to cynical High School me just the curmudgeon that I was back then it's probably because Paris Hilton was in it. I think this was my Rebellion against the whole Paris Hilton craze was not seeing this movie, but I also don't have a memory of even thinking that I did for whatever reason I just never saw this one. I don't I know that I missed a lot I disagree maybe okay, maybe I would have more of an appreciation for this movie If I saw it back in 2005, but I didn't so here I am. Yeah, but all of these movies just feel so early 2000s don't you have that kind of feeling when you watch it? Like don't you see what you see and House on Haunted Hill and in 13 Ghosts in this film. Absolutely. And I mean it is it's all the Beats of like every guilty pleasure movie that I love. Of so, maybe I'd have some small nostalgic feeling for it, but I don't love this movie John you did. Okay just cram a dim eyeballs. But you know what, you do make an interesting point because this I would say is the loosest of the Dark Castle William Castle remakes. This one is kind of a remake of House of Wax, which we did Cover previously in the podcast. The 1963 Cal. I think I might even earlier than that 1950 something. How's the wax which we yeah, we did Cover previously. This is a really loose remake. It's kind of only a remake in name. They're both based off Source material. I think there was a 1933 film and then also a short story but this film does take quite a few Liberties. I was thinking the same thing actually and it's one of the notes that I wrote down because House on Haunted Hill very lived, you know, very different from the original but pretty follows pretty closely. I guess 13 Ghosts is also kind of like a weird step Sideways from what that is. Original Source material was like but in this you're right. It's just yes, there is a house racks figures in there. And that's that's it. That's all that's anything close to the original even though what that House of Wax is is completely different. Yeah and like the setting and everything everything surrounding the film is completely new to this version. Yeah best. I can remember and in the 1958. I'm just going to be confident about it. I'm just gonna throw that fucking number right there. The 1958 classic I do not. Amber a group of college kids driving across state to go to a football game. That was a huge Liberty. They took on this one and you know, I appreciated it but still they're driving for days to get to this football game. I there isn't a concert I would go to that. I would take me days to drive to I don't think there was ever supposed to be a camp situation. They are driving and for whatever reason it's taking them too long. There's that detour and they decide to camp for the night. They have Camp gear and then they get up the next day to go to the game. Okay. Well if there was never a plan to stop halfway through this trip, why do they even have the camp gear? Are they going to attend tailgating job? Okay. Yeah now that you mention it no matter what it was still two days out. Yeah, so they Park in the like basically they find an empty lot sort of to park in like a grassy knoll. I've had it's perfect for camping and killing your president. Oh, and I'm just You did stinking all of a sudden everybody's got their hands to their nose because that's how you reiterate to an audience who can't smell what you smell. Yeah that something smells bad and then Paris Hilton's like smell but I was a labyrinth reference was it? Yeah, that was Pluto. I think that might have been the first Labyrinth reference. I haven't gotten that is the Ludo is the big werewolf monster guy. What is this? His name's Ludo, but what's his species do we know into the leave me alone? Jim Henson puppet is a species. He looks like a bear with a saber tooth tiger as a mother kind of yeah, that seems really weird because yeah, you can't convey that something smells bad in a movie if it's something you can't see like, oh the stinky winds are here and they're all just like who and then they just stay. Yeah. It smells like something died and it's like well, maybe go Somewhere else you pick this place like arbitrarily. Yeah arbitrary. Is that a word? Yeah. Yeah. It's a word. So just move it looked like it was pretty easy to set up camp. Yeah. They were playing football in no time. Oh my God. That was my favorite. They're like, oh so tired. Let's just pull over. So after Paris Hilton and her boyfriend are done with their Road six. They had been a certain opportunity there though. They had that they're both driving beside each other on that like one lane road and normally when When cars do that in a movie somebody comes head on but I guess they wanted the road to be empty. Yeah, but they made a lot of like maybe they just wanted us tense. There were a lot of shots on the cars driving. Maybe it's just my anxiety, you know when I see things like that happen in movies on my know like whenever you see somebody in a car and we look at them through the driver's side window or through. Oh, you know, they're dead from the passenger side through to the driver's side. Oh, you know that they're getting T-Bone. You know, what's crazy is that this is the T-bone angle. That's a tradition. That's come from commercial. Jules I think yeah, we see it in the movies a lot. But I see that more of Kinetics. I love those scenes in movies where dudes just start playing football because it's always exactly the same. He pulls out the football like oh, hey look what I just found and then he tosses it and it's almost like it's infectious like oh my God. I just got a football. This is incredible and he does it to somebody else like we're having a great time. It doesn't make any sense, but they pulled over because it was so late. So I figure when 20-somethings cannot possibly Drive anymore. More they drink and they pull over. It's at least two in the morning or after midnight. Like they should have enough time to set up camp and collapse in their tents. Well to be fair to be fair. They wake up the next day and and I'm Blake announces to everyone still asleep guys. Wake up. It's 2:30. What so I think it was two in the morning when they pulled over. That's insane. That is insane. I don't think a single person in the history of camping has slept past noon. It's impossible. Fresh morning air the hot Goro stands. Yeah, it's the worst I hate camping and you know, no matter what he's oh no, this is the right spot to put a tent. This is the the flat spot. It's up high. We're not going to get water. Everything's wet. Everything's gross everything hurts. Your air mattress is deflated. And worst of all somebody's cut your fan belt and there's dirt. Oh, yeah. This is me trying to progress the podcast. Yes. Just complaining about camping. Why did the okay? So in the middle of the night a guy in a truck comes that's really Sinister 3 Carol's Deeks gots helpful head like he might have headphones on we couldn't see but he's just staring at them and we could tell he's got he's got scars on his wrists just like the the baby did in the cold open in the movie. What is that cold open? How did we forget that is a weird cold open? Yeah. So to terrible parents are trying to feed their kids and also make wax figures. Yeah, they're doing like death masks for breakfast. And one kids not having any of it. So we got a strap them down and then duct tape the Strand there's like blood coming out. You just like no he's terrible house away, but then it's like well can't you be like your brother and then there's one or another baby in another high chair. She's just like eating his Cheerios all like cool. No problem. No beans so clearly this is the guy that is watching them from the pickup truck. Definitely the same guy that cut that fan belt leaving half of them stranded. So while the boys are all standing around the car and trying to Figure out what's going wrong. The girls are like let's go and find out what stinks so bad. So the girls go off into the woods and all we forgot to talk about Paris Hilton's pregnancy moment. There's too much happening. It's so good though. As soon as they Park literally the second they are out of the truck. The girls are rounding the truck just like having a little whisper talk and Paris Hilton's like I don't know if I can tell him yet and then I'll Lisha a cuff Birds character is like no, you should tell him you should just like lat. No, and she's like, well, I've been late before and then it was just the most ham-fisted character development moment. I have I've ever seen. Well it all up seen it also comes after that gag where they think that she is giving her boyfriend a blow job while they're driving which is where she found her lip balm and she's like you can't do that. You haven't told him you're pregnant yet. You're like what those two things are completely unrelated first off second. This was a weird way to bring this up. Yeah. It was so weird because they just so So they're camping. It's not the greatest situation, but we have to have this little side pregnancy talk for no reason and then they just go back to the rest of the movie and we never bring it up again. No, it doesn't until we'll talk about when it comes up again later, I guess so the girls are walking in the woods and sir. I'm going to say the actual character names. That's fine. So Jesse, you know that's wrong is wrong movie. So Carly is Elisha cuthbert's character. So Carly and Paige Paige is Paris. Them they are walking through the woods Carly slips on something. She falls down a sort of Cliff hilly thing that you know that exists in the woods and lands face first, you know, how Woods do face-first in a pile of animal carcasses? Yeah and can't kiss is like a lake of roadkill, but she's literally like I've fallen and I can't get up because the Paris Hilton look is who her character is. She just like stands there. No, no, I can't I am with child. So the guys come and rescue her basically. Yeah, and then Chad Michael Murray who is Carly's brother. Yeah, twin brother. We fight are they twins? They are twins. They say twins. He takes off his tank top and gives it to her because hers is covered in like animal whose, you know, when the smelly wins first show. The winds came from across the bay. I'm really proud that you knew right away though, because I literally had to stop. Oh, I don't mess around my Frank Sinatra references or my Simpsons reference. Exactly. Anything goes here. Yeah, when I first when those smelly ones first rolled in from across the bay. I really thought it was going to be the House of Wax. I thought it was that they were taking human people. Oh, that would make using human fat to make the Tallow for the weights. That's Fight Club. That's soap. I can't wait. See you in 2005. I was his host but I was busy watching another movie Forks in our lives and you need to tell our soap night took a human candle. I mean, unfortunately the me like a lot of boys in high school chose Fight Club over anything else and it was a mistake. We all made and we're all okay with it. Now, we're better people but we did watch it every single night for five years. Yeah. I thought it was gonna be Like human fat that they had rendered. That's a great that's a wonderful idea. Right and also couldn't have just done that with the animals to why I have this like soupy mix of deer and raccoons couldn't they have just you know, what really bugs me about this movie is that it's it is just wax. It's just regular wax but dead people like why aren't they melting people down? My don't get him my biggest question. So we learned that there's this like lamb locked ghost town, which we'll get to where we're going to get there. But my My biggest concern when the movie ended I was like, how are they importing all this way some? Yeah that had to tip somebody off. Right obviously a truck driver that they have spared at the end because it's not like you can just dig for wax. It doesn't just occur in nature. See that's what I was expecting a scene maybe of them like harvesting bees or something. I cannot imagine how many bees you would need a lot of bees a lot of bees that woman so clears a whole museum Made literally wax the walls are wax. The stairs are wax. The bed is Wags. Yeah, that's a lot of whack this a lot of wax. What is it? What do they do in the summer months? Because may I remind you but despite the fact that they are wearing tank tops this whole movie it's winter time it is and they're in New York state it starts to get dark. She's like man. I hate that it's winter and she's like sweating in a tank top. I mean she's missing part of her finger, but I still hate her everybody's everybody's walking around and not of clothing for even the fall but it's apparently winter. Well, they're probably they're probably in somewhere warm. No, it's New York State. Oh, yeah, they're like driving a buffalo for the game or something. What I'm yeah there they are in our climate. Yeah, how did it and I think the I think it's a throwaway line they have in it because at some point after weeks of filming and sitting in the editing Bay, somebody said, hey, wait a minute wouldn't this fucking house melt in direct sunlight, so he just built everything is Dusty in there. I am a hundred percent sure. He's been working on this for at least a decade. This is it his life's work. Yeah that house of but he's got a tear it down and rebuild every year because it would melt. Can you imagine if it was all butter and Steph me so much less McCobb. It was butter. So where are we so Carl? He's just been turned right side up out of the carcasses. Yeah, and while they're still all just standing there staring at this maybe hand protruding from the pile of di R sick. You know, one of the colorful yokels shows up with another piece of deer sick when he dumps it in the dear sick. Who are we today? I don't know. This is episode is going to be 10 minutes longer than normal and it's just going to be because of laughter. You most likely so instead of like a Avenger we just have like a weird Town Yokel not uncommon in horror movies, of course, and you know, he's very strange really weird covered and roadkill his entire truck all of his clothes, but he offers he offers Wade and Carly a ride over to the gas station in town to pick up a new fan belt just around the bend not very far wouldn't be any trouble. So 1/2 leave just seems like a weird mistake. It's such a weird pacing thing because we Actually go to them in their car stuck in traffic attempting to leave the movie. They're trying to drive right out of a movie. You know what I think we can race right out of this plot if we just drive faster to drive off the page and then they go and then they get hung up in development and they're like no Paris Hilton's the draw. She has to stay in the movie. So yeah against all witches. They Circle back they take a few notes. They head back to the grass. Yeah, and they drive. That Cadillac Escalade right back to the producers. So they're back at the grass. Well, Carly and Wade are in the stink mobile driving to the alleged Town up the road. There's an issue in this movie with time because he says gas station just up the road. He drives them just up the road and it takes takes a roughly a just up the road amount of time to get there. But later in the movie brother, Nick and his dumb friend Dalton are driving back in. To town to pick them up. It takes them hours to get there. It does take forever. I don't so they end up at this like sort of like Rocky Creek e area and the creepy hillbilly guy is like let me put some chains on tires or whatever you do and they're all sufficiently creeped out because he's got like Hooves hanging from his rearview check is a knife that he's just like look at this knife, even though he's cut through anything like carcasses his job and they're like, no we need to leave. So they Ace sufficiently insult him and then they cross the rocky path and they walk up and turn the bend and oh, there's actually a town there. He wasn't lying. He was completely honest the whole time. Yeah. Nice guy. Yeah shouldn't have fucking been such snobby. You can't even call him City kids. That's the weirdest part because they're small town kids are they? Yeah, that's that halfway there. So the B plot of this movie that nobody ever talks about is that if you ever even seen this movie before John you are just joining the conversation. I'm sorry, but I mean nobody in the The movie talks about this it's mentioned very briefly up top. And that's it. We just completely ditch it. So Carly and Page definitely Carly are planning on moving into the City and going to see this football game is also a way for them to go look at apartments and see if they can maybe find a place at the city at the very least Carly's going and she hopes her boyfriend might come in school. I think they're just finishing school. I think she's probably planning on applying to NYU. Oh would be my best. Guess. I'm their High School. It's I guess so I feel like they're older. Maybe it's this. Who knows maybe she's switching. Maybe she's changing Majors. It doesn't matter. It doesn't they have driver's license. So they're at least 17 congratulate. It's a very least there are 17 their small town people and they're making fun of this other small town. Like they've never been to a tiny town before it is kind of adorable though. It's just say Main Street. There's a teeny tiny little gas station. There's a little pet Store, there's a weird military store and then there's a House of Wax which every small town has. Yeah, you need your tourist attraction for those towns. That aren't on the map. Yeah. If you ain't gonna have yourself biggest ball, I hey, you're going to need yourself a has a wax made of wax. And as all small towns do right in the center nice old church, and when they can't find anybody at the gas station, they walk into the church. Hoping to ask for directions to another fan belt store when they interrupt a funeral currently in progress. Oh shit, so they run outside and then some guy comes out to be like you guys are assholes how dare you interrupt the funeral of the gas station owner. Yeah, he's storms back in he's gone for maybe 30 seconds and he comes back out to apologize and you know, like will be finishing up soon. You'll want to just wait over there at the gas station. I'll I'll come pick you up get your fan belt get you back on road. So they do what any Meandering 17 to 24 year olds do when they have Nothing, but time they go visit the attractions, even when the attractions say that their clothes. Yeah. So what's interesting that that guy who that they bump into the church owns the gas station. He's left the gas station completely unlock it's open. Yeah, and they're uncomfortable about going in. It's a business the door should be unlocked. Maybe he's in the bathroom, right? Whatever don't feel weird about walking into a business of the door's unlocked during business hours. But when you go to a House of Wax, that's Says been closed for 10 years don't come in regardless of whether that doors unlocked or not. Stay the fuck away. Yeah, I think the Kinder smarter decision in this scenario would have been to just go in the gas station grab whatever you needed and put the money on the counter. Yeah small town. He left the door open. That's what I would assume was operating policy there like it's an honor System store. If you would lock the door, if you didn't want people doing that that's really true. It's boyfriend's dick, right? I think we can agree boyfriends. Asshole really what? Oh, ok. So he Breeze like let's just break into this House of Wax. No big deal. He's kind of a jerk to everybody he meets but secondly, he starts trying to light all of the wax figurines on fire. He's like, oh, let's melt them a little bit. You're really putting so much weight on that single action. I think he's just like I think everything is wax. I think he's I think he's just an idiot because the the asshole is her brother. I wish I had it. Well, yeah though, he's a classic ass. He's the character were writing is the asshole. He's the real surprise protagonist because the boyfriend dies right away. Yeah, he's the first to go. Yeah, and he gets waxed like so this this whack House of Wax has the fastest turnaround of the sculptor of all time later on that day. The boyfriend is not only is he whacks but then he sculpted down. He's got hair laid everything is done and he's into the he's back into the museum. He's they've staged him up at the piano fully done. Done. I'm bleep. I'm not and hardened wax not even more. Well, I guess it is a little they did it so fast that he is still alive inside. Yeah. That was a really cool moment. I like that too. I really that thing is probably my favorite moment of the movie. Don't you guys move and then buddies like I'll get you out and then you start spilling his skin because it's Bert to the whack. Yeah, that's true. Like his whole fucking Chic just like breaks off and the Skins all gone and he can't even scream. It's pretty cool. Don't you think the waxing process would All of them probably but this is a film and they don't know what season's winner is like so I'm gonna say that they get a pass on the wax. So the director of this movie went on to direct the orphan a good handful of Liam Neeson movies and is doing the new Disney adaptation of the jungle ride. Oh like the O's that with the rock or whatever? Yeah with the rock. Yeah. You can just assume he's gonna be in all those what their CGI tigers in it. We need to call the Rock only one man. Can handle is the only human that could battle CGI Tigers. Now when we say fastest turnaround time on a wax figurine, you're right. They waxes like Wax like you're at the salon they wax his entire face of hair because I got to put fresh air back on but wouldn't you only really need to like Wax polish and sculpt the area's you're going to see because they put a whole suit on them. He's all dressed. Like realistically you just kind of need to do like a bust and some hands. Yeah, but when we open on the on the grown-up boys doing their wax thingy, they're definitely sculpting a boob aren't they? Yeah, I think so. It's like a perfect nipple and it's like this isn't Barbie rules. I wish I knew more about Barbies I can make a better joke right now. They don't have an answer me. Yeah. Well, I know that much or folding elbows folding bending wasn't that like one of the big things that they could do that they were opposed the pose. Double that the yeah, but like minimally she has her arm always cooked so she can hold a purse friends arm. Well, he saves the day as an astronaut. She could do the two things a woman's arm is supposed to do I would also like to point out that it takes an eternity for that boyfriend to get kidnapped. Yeah, and she doesn't get rolling on this movie very quick. Yeah because so guy comes out of the die comes out of the funeral there at the gas station. They don't have the right size. So he's like come over the house. I have them at the house and we're like, okay and they Up to the house never a good idea Wade, the boyfriend has to go pee so they both go inside Carly because she's the only person here with brain cells is like I'm gonna wait in the car and she waits in the car for like a good hour. Yeah, the sun has gone down and you got to assume if he was gone for more than two or three minutes. He'd start getting suspicious. Yeah, but so Wade gets his Achilles tendon cut, LOL awesome with scissors some guy with a weird wax mask and some long stringy black hair. Are basically turns into the wax figure. Meanwhile outside Carly realizes that the truck that she's sitting in the one that's going to drive her back down to her friends is the card they saw the night before because the headlight is smashed out which her brother threw a football or a rock or something on it. Yeah, Mato like a real Punk. So yeah, so she's like oh shit and then there's some weird car action. Yeah, I think at that point she gets away. She hides in the church where she discovers that all of these people are like everybody in the church. And therefore a real funeral they were all wax figures this whole time and when when she bumps into one of them in their arm falls off and it's definitely a real arm underneath there. She realizes that all these people are actually corpses bum bum, bum. Yeah, and you know, what's interesting is that the movie holds back on telling you that for a little while longer there are more moments in this movie where there are people in the town and I think they the movie he thinks that you're not a hundred percent up to speed. I was surprised at that old lady John. Where are you? Yes, she I thought she was like the Saving Grace like the one nosy neighbor that was left. Okay, because by the time after that scene where she's in the church, I just kind of the next time I saw her in the windigo. Oh she's rigged up to but like they didn't reveal that. It wasn't until like another half hour later, but that's cool. I'm glad it worked on you but I was like 14. Yeah. There's that, you know, eventually the brother finally gets there we have finally and you know, luckily he's a badass because he he realizes pretty quickly that this guy has his sister kidnapped and like under the underneath the gas station. He fisticuffs fisticuffs him a little bit and makes his way down there to rescue her. Yeah, but by this point like her fingers been cut off and he had superglued her mouth shut and she had to peel it open to call so that the brother could hear weird move. Yeah, it was an interesting idea. Yeah, I mean like it looked cool when she had to like peel her own mouth out and stuff. But that's going to damage the ultimate wax figure of her that they want to create. Do you think they'd be worried about the kills that they're doing? Because they they cut Dalton's head off. That's the one thing. I thought that there was a little strange. I mean not that they can't like prosthetic it prosthetic it back on but you would think maybe just like Mall wax? Yeah. Well, I was thinking like stab wounds and stuff easy to cover over No One's Gonna See a stab wound. Really? No big deal. You love That Kill, by the way, I did love that kill. I like that hallway. They had this cool heads of wax hallway in the House of Wax. Oh, I don't even know if it was just head there was like all kinds of stuff going on. There was candles. It was like ceremonial. I completely forgot. It was verrry spooky hallway, they didn't show it enough until it was like all melty and stuff, but there were a few scenes in that hallway, and I really liked it. It spooky. I don't know that I have much else to talk about other than Paris Hilton's deaf and the end of the movie. Yeah. So what are you want to do this? We haven't really talked about Paris Hilton at all. And I think we kind of have to pay some lip service to her big acting attempt. Yeah, because in this when this movie came out, I don't think anybody would have slapped your wrist. If you said Paris Hilton's House of Wax, isn't she on the cover? Like that's her or at least her likeness? This is on the cover. I don't know. It's a girl it stars Paris Hilton. I think everybody just assumes. Yeah, and it's also interesting to that. There's really only two girls in this movie Marion. I was surprised that there was like two to four, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah two girls the boyfriends and then two dummies. Yeah, essentially three couples. Yeah. It is kind of three couples. Yeah, because instead of having a third couple they have this brother angle because it's twins verse twins. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but yeah just a side note Paris Hilton is actually really really bad in this. I don't think that's a hot take or surprise or anything. But there's only seen like we've seen her be good and other stuff she's okay and repo the Genetic Opera, but she has very little to do in that in terms of acting. It's a perfect fit. Yep. But in this there's just she's got her lines and everything. She memorized them and I will give her kudos to that. She showed up she hit her Mark so she said her lines. Yeah, there's just Complete like awareness of where the camera is like in her body, you know what I mean? And you know, what if I had to act that would be me acting I would be completely aware that there was a camera on me and you would see it in my posture but I'm not trying to do it to make money. So although I guess she is neither. It's a really good point. Why did she even do this? I guess if you didn't activity. Yeah, that was like the equivalent for her of going to a new grocery store think that's what Rich famous. Famous people do their like I'm just gonna be a movie I think and we're like, let's go to Whole Foods the real test here that I had not seen this movie. Was that Paris Hilton death scene. Yeah, I wasn't even aware of what it was. They? Oh surely, you know the death scene like, nope. Haven't seen it don't know anything about it. I'm sure somebody told me about it at some point, but just note my uh, I'm a clean slate on this movie. Yeah, whenever that that this movie comes up, this is the scene that everybody talks about maybe Because everybody dislikes purse Hilton and this is like her come up and see even though she's not a bad her character isn't a bad person. She just doesn't have any other than being the character that's supposed to have sex but she's got too much notoriety to actually do that scene. Mmm. She just does like a sort of sexy striptease and then decides right as they're about to get down that she's gonna tell her boyfriend that she's may be almost pregnant worst time to do it literally after a striptease and they're lying down half. Naked and she's like I have to tell you something. Yeah, you know if that was something you wanted to say, it would have been before the striptease at the very they were alone. They were left alone at the camp and they're like cool or going to take advantage of this. We're going to have sex but we cut back to them several times and they haven't done anything not that like she hasn't told him. She's pregnant. He hasn't gotten her into the tent yet. They're just sitting there like by the fire that it I don't even think is lit and it's just like you guys are spent three hours. Just are you talking I don't think that these two have anything Common, no, not really and he definitely seems to love that car a lot more. He likes her. Oh, yeah, there was that scene in the beginning. Yeah. It's like he's not even doing anything in the car. He's just sitting and pressing buttons like oh, yeah. Mmm, love it. Yeah, so fucking cool. He's like that to the when she's doing her striptease. He's just like hmm. Yeah so fuckin cool. So there's really not a whole lot left in this movie. It's like the person dying. Okay. Yeah. She gets a pole in the face, but So I remember this scene this is probably one of the only things I remember about this movie before watching and I do not remember a garage type area where there's a bunch of cars in an interior space and we brought the town and we were watching all that stuff and I was like, they don't have a garage here something where the fuck does Paris Hilton die. They are right next to the car dies and they are within yards to this Warehouse E-Type facility that definitely has a bunch of cars in it, but I'm sure they could have harvested parts from or whatever. So How do these teenagers just walked around the area? They were camping in they would never have gotten needed to go to that town. From what I recall It's The Old Sugar Mill that shut down that wiped out all business and prosperity that whole town because if you're going to rip off the Texas Chainsaw Massacre You Gotta rip it. All right, exactly. We need a big industry. That's had a huge change that's decimated the local people. Yeah. Well people also say this is very tourist trap e and I will agree that it is also very a tourist trap e probably just because he's wearing a mask the whole goddamn but I argue is Paris Hilton in those that's what really sets them apart. Yeah, so she gets a pole in the face. She's actually really good enough seen. I can't complain. It's just her dialogue I think is what I hate. She's she's not bad in the Paris Hilton death. See you can't even say in her death scene. You just doesn't say the Paris Hilton to see and be like if you met Bill Murray, he's like, please call me Bill and you're like, yes Bill Murray. Never be able to just say Bill. I mean from they're all we really have left is a big final showdown where Carly knows way too much about the two characters just from like photos and to high chair. She found in the House of Wax in the like 30 seconds. She walked through it. Yeah, how did she learn all that shit? She insinuated a lot of information to their names. She knew everything about them like your mother was a great wax sculptor and you know, the two of you were born born and they were just figured it's not your fault. There's no that's also assuming that this guy who told you all that info is telling the truth. It could have just been a huge liar fabrication and he's one of those days but yeah, so they defeat the wax people we find out the whole house is actually works, which I don't know we knew but that but that point but we sure do when it's on fire. Well, when they when they first show up dumb boyfriend guy like scrapes the front entry with his key and he's like everything's wax. I guess I just assumed that there was a layer of wax. Yeah, I thought it was just like a nice wax coating because that's also yeah, that's also what they're doing to these people. They're just putting a thin wax coating on them. Yeah. So the peak the wax figures can be coded but the house is always always every step of the stairs as wax the floor, you know, the only thing that kept though the floorboards because you need some sort of structural Integrity when we see the floor finally give out we do still see beams going across the way there were a couple Oh, so you think the entire thing was waxy think those are just harder stiffer waxers. Those are Wicks. There is a lot of dumb stuff. Those are the fires really rage in the main floor is melting. So they do what you do is instead of trying to get to the wax exit you go to the up the wax stairs to the wax bedrooms on the second floor and it's like what and the whole time they're fighting. What's his name Victor? Yeah Vincent. Yeah. I don't know. Wax intellectual here, but I really do think we probably should have headed for the front. I'm sorry. I just wanted to say that I had nothing to say there's some great shots in it though, right because they barricade themselves in the room. They push that is fucking good. It is really good. They push the crib the wac. I can't I'm having a hard time not saying wax before everything like the clothes the waxed or they push the wax Crib in front of the when it's door slides because the ground is wax and melt exactly and we've got a wax sculpture of two twins who are joined at the face siamese twins. In fact, T' and when he cuts through the wax door with a Snorlax snart. Sorry, it's really smart when he cuts through the door. She like. Oh, yeah, it is just a wax to over its genius. Yeah, because he could pull it apart with his hands if he wanted to but when he cuts down he cuts through the Siamese figure splitting the two twins. Yeah, it's pretty great. It was really good so worth it. Yeah, I would watch that movie again for that moment. It was pretty good. Yeah, and I don't remember too much else about the fight. She couldn't fathom in the bed and stuff. Is that what they do? Yeah. Okay, and they okay. So right before that too, I'm sorry that we're all over the place guys, but the first brother gets killed and his body is laying dead on the floor and it starts to sink into the floor. Like he's just going down into the Earth because everything's melting underneath them surveys defeated. Yeah, twins are vanquished. Yeah, they fall on top of each other and smoosh in death as they were in birth their conjoined in whatever. Yeah, you know. Poems they crawled her way out of the house which at this point they're scraping through the melty walls because they waited way too long and there's no more exits left. So the two remaining twins who defeated and vanquished the evil twins are digging out and I thought they were on the main floor at this point, but they're definitely not because they come out like in the the House of Wax lettering and then it all kind of collapses in this terrible CGI, and then they're like, they conveniently like end up on the sidewalk man, and they just hang Around until the fire department sees smoke from Miles Away everybody shows up wax a few bandages on them and send them on their way. Yeah and the police officers. Does that whole like we wouldn't even know this town was here if you guys hadn't created all that smoke and fire it don't you love when the cops show up and just reiterate the entire movie like well if we hadn't a bit come here, we wouldn't realize it for the last 10 years. They've been killing people waxing on make them look like real people pretty fucking freaky of you ask me really creepy. Yeah. That's what I said to Philly the day. I said, it's pretty creepy. But I do have to say the whole pretense that you guys were living on this film. You know that there's two evil twins. Well, I have to say that they're all three brothers. Oh man. That's so great. Like they're driving away. Like oh, hey chief member how we thought there were twins turns out that the keynes's they had a they had a third baby just in enough time to see that hillbilly who was giving them a ride into town feeding a cart feeding some dog from the beginning of the movie. I carcass that he found on the side of the road Smiles a buck-toothed smile. Adam waves them off. And we realized that the terrorism Only Just Begun but my argument there is that we knew he was bad all along the second. We realized that this town that he took them to is not a real town and is instead a giant Wax Museum and he's aware of it. And he took these people there. He's clearly and on the shenanigans. I almost thought of the beginning when he first showed up that he knew there was something evil in the town. But if he like rolled in with them, not that not that you know, like big fan s offering please. Let me have your deer carcasses. Well, not even that just like I'll drive you to the gas station and we'll get a fan belt and I'll drive you back. It's kind of like having a chaperone mmm, but because they were mean to him. He's like not fun going your own then okay, hope you know how to fight and don't feel like keeping all your fingers. That's an interesting take that's definitely not exactly what it was. No. No, he was definitely just like giving his brothers some more art. There's no way that wasn't a decision that was made based on hype, right? Got to assume that the in there was no plan for that whatsoever because none of the other movies are left open for sequels. But because maybe star power with Paris Hilton or whatever even though she doesn't make it through the end and just general Buzz there was an idea that oh this movie might make Bank. Let's try and leave it open for a House of Wax to well. I think this one to was the closest to a slasher formula. Mmm. Thirteen Ghosts couldn't have had a sequel. Yeah. Let us House on Haunted Hill. You can't really sequel that. It's did and it wasn't. Yeah interesting. We tried to watch it. Remember. We're like, what is this? Yeah, there was one day it's like let's have a few drinks watch this dumb movie and then after a few drinks milk, there's movies jump start it off. We got belligerent. Okay. So what is your rating on House of Wax? It's a one out of four. Maybe you don't know, you know. No, that's not fair. That's not fair. And there were some good shots of This I Gotta Go 1.5. I don't for on this to out of nothing feels right. Nothing feels right. It's not a good movie. It exists in that bubble like it is Is it is not on the spectrum of regular horror? Yeah, but how remove you can't but I mean, it's not a parasail. It's not a parody. It's not meta it's almost both of those. I'm giving it to you or for it's not as good as I remember it being like it didn't it? Didn't it didn't hold a candle to my waxy expectations, but it was still pretty okay. Also, I like that little town. I was cute. I'm giving House of Wax a 1.5 out of four. I'm sorry. I have no Nostalgia for it. It's got some cool stuff in there, but I just did not enjoy it moving on. Let's talk about wrong. Turn from 2003. Hello, we're looking for a phone. So wrong turn currently sitting at a six point one out of 10 on IMDb 41 percent on Rotten Tomatoes a 2.7 out of 5 on letterboxed and the 32 percent rating on Metacritic. So I don't I can't remember this movie like at all. I rented it when it came out because I had analyzer Dushku thing and they still do although like what Alice said a one-syllable review of y'all? And then she was in that like haunted facility sorta movie and that was when she kicks but she kicks but she's a cool character. She's got this like badass story. I'm like ingrained in everything she does because I think that's just you know typecasting. Yeah, this is one of the first movies that like our rent a moth self and I was really proud because I walk from my house to the movie store by myself and I like my brother. Bike or something a lot for my back and then I rented this fucking cool. Yep, and then I rented a scary movie and lot of color in your little preschool. Jean jacket while you're doing it and then I drove it home. Oh my back. But yeah, it's interesting movie it. Did you see it when it came out. Nope, which is weird because it has spawned six sequels. Yeah and some also some fake trailers for a seventh movie on YouTube. Yes. Oh, sorry five sequels. There's two. This is the official count. Two sequels and V 2z equals and five prequel you've done the research. You've written it down. You're still surprised but it's oh man. No, honestly like House of Wax. I had not seen this movie before before yesterday. I don't know why I thought I thought I had seen this movie. I don't know what I'm confusing it with but at the very least I've seen parts of it. I had never seen it from beginning to end. These are actually pretty we were having a hard time pairing. These movies together we'd but we wanted to talk about both Vegas I had because you don't had seen them, but I'd wanted to talk about both of them for a while. Finally. We just paired them together which actually turned out to be a kind of a good idea because it was sort of weird Families versus College tourists. I mean, at least one of these movies is upfront about having triplets, that's true and they both have these like they're not great movies as a whole but they have some really interesting shots particularly and what I really want to talk about which is probably going to be my Only point of this whole segment of the podcast is there is no typical slasher opening in this we get a cold open, which is totally cool. Yeah, totally fine. We have these to mount. I was going to say hitchhikers hitch hike it up around hitch hiking up the mountain climbers climbing up a mountain. They get killed by these in bready mountain men. I don't think we see them there do we know but there's a bunch of some Gruff hands and stuff. Yeah. Yeah with like the longest opening credits ever, right? So goddamn long. He's opening credits. We're just thumbing through newspaper after newspaper. Like oh, um bread Hillbillies Legend these cannibals. I live in the mountain. Maybe they got super strength. Maybe they're super crazy. We don't know no one's ever survived to tell the tale, but it goes on for eight and a half minutes and instead of following this group of college kids who were going to bump into we instead follow businessman Chris who for some reason? In the Backwoods, there's traffic on the highway he's like fuck it. I'm getting off he goes to a sketchy gas station. I gotta be somewhere by 7 o'clock tonight. I can't be late and so he looks at a map on the outside the gas station. He decides to take Bear Mountain Road because it looks like it leads back to the highway. Yeah in a very unhelpful man was only two teeth told him that he could maybe so he's driving down Bear Mountain Road. He sees a carcass on the side of the road. Road and then boom he crashes into the car of a bunch of college kids. Yeah, so it's interesting because you're right. We don't have a moment where a group of kids getting to know everybody where they stopped at a gas station and are sort of warned about not going into the yeah. We have no kind of theirs that normally like a peaceful few minutes where everybody's having fun and everybody's we learn where everybody's going. We learn everybody's archetypes. Yeah, who's with who? We don't need anything who you don't remember that from Chris. All we know is that he needs to be somewhere. We don't know anything about his character. He's just kind of nice car and it's not as though later in the movie. There's some big gigantic reveal. We just find out that he's a doctor. Yeah, and the weirdest thing too is that none of the characters get any type of profession or anything. They don't have any Ambitions Beyond there's nothing no one of them was engaged. Well, he's so yeah two characters are engaged. We find out Eliza dushku's character was broken up with and that's why they were on this road trip. They were trying to cheer her up for the weekend as a great reveal halfway through the movie. Yeah, that was good at and you kind of need to know very little about her but I don't know anything about her at all. I don't know if she's resourceful in her job. I don't know where she lives. I don't know. What like what she does. I don't know who she is. No, but we don't know anybody is know and also the you know, the entire movie kind of treats itself like a sequel and I wonder if that was always the plan because the the Is are completely incidental to the kills. It's all about the kills in this there's very little plot and we get into kills almost immediately. Yeah, so they they decide that they're going to walk back to the gas station because the cars are totaled both cars and two of them stay behind. So Francine, I think and Evan stay behind Francine who maybe if you know from the film Cry Wolf, which is a another early 2004 film that I love that we will be talking about a one point on this podcast. Just because I really like it and nobody likes it. I don't remember much about that movie either, but I know that it's pretty good. I remember really liking it. That's a that's a review from 13 year old Kim right there. I haven't seen it since I just really want to watch it certified fresh from two people who don't remember it was really good. Okay, so they die like ASAP, but he goes missing in the woods we find his ear right? Oh man, like I love the this kill in the movie Francine. She gets it, right. But it it's so good. It's like a razor blade chain to the mouth. I think his barbed wire barbed wire with razor blades yesso to the mouth to the mouth. Yeah, and so like cuts through her cheeks and stuff and we're five minutes into the movie Yeah by 20 minutes. I think we were pressing pause just to see how I was like, is this an hour-long movie because we were running out of character. Yeah, 40% of the cast was gone. Yeah, cuz the next up is Boyfriend/Girlfriend. Friend Duo of Clueless has rollin with the homies. What's his name? His name is Jeremy sisters, ma'am. It's not weird that he knows that five seasons of Six Feet Under. Oh my God. He's the strangest character in that show. Help. What? Who is he in that show he is. Oh do I remember her? Nobody's husband, right? Yeah, brother. Oh, but he definitely wants to marry his sister. What was her name Deborah? I don't remember the show. Mmm. It's a good show. I remember something about like a fruitcake. Left out for several days. I don't after somebody was dead. Yeah sounds about right. Yeah. All right, who do you think had the obsession with bottom halfs of Jaws in this movie the writer the writer because it's if it's not the right and I saw the director, it's definitely the special effects guy because not only do we see Francine get that unfortunate like Joker kill or they just like break through her fucking cheeks were no I got these scars Mountain Men. Finally found it when we get to the house when they find the cavern where these three guys definitely live. There are body parts everywhere including a very nice little display of several mason jars of varying sizes filled with upper jaws. Bottom jaw is just lots of teeth, you know gums. It's interesting too because there's this there's definitely this Goldilocks segment where they go into the house of Doom and they don't know they're just looking for a phone and then they discovered The gross things. Yeah, these guns are too cold. My guts are too hot but what I love is that when they get in there, there's a record player playing so it's we're definitely making some assumptions about these inbred hillbilly characters because they have an affinity for the Arts. They listen to vinyl in the woods like that. They sound like most of your hipster friends that have gone off the grid. Yeah, like they eat food out of me. Messenger I mean technically isn't it an organic diet? It came to their grounds organically me. You're not wrong. If you get killed on a farm and eaten by a cannibal is that still farm-to-table? Oh, we're stopping. It's our bad. So they basically have to hide two of them are under the bed two of them are in like a closet with a keyhole. Wow, the mountain men cut up their friend and prepare her for soup. There's a really good shot where the camera goes through the keyhole and we see the reflection and panicked I of girlfriend of somebody like raising his arm to haqqa an arm or limb off. It's in like 2003 CGI, but it's still a I appreciate it. It looks just as good as the as the close-up shot in Wes Craven's scream. Well, I'm just as good. Well looks pretty good. Did we ever confirm what that fiance who the fiance is so familiar? Yeah. She is really familiar after the there's just segments in this movie The and this is a big problem for this movie. It is just segments. Yeah, like Goldilocks segment Ranger Tower segment. Hmm hiding in the tree top segment. Yeah and then credits basically. Oh, no, we missed stealing the truck segment. Okay. Well, that's what we're up on now. I was stealing the truck segment starts with them sneaking out from under the bed and in the bathroom after these guys have had like their Thanksgiving Day nap. They've they've eaten their friend enough that they are tired. Yeah, human beings are full of tryptophan. It's one thing we've learned and they almost make it out but a squeaky screen door ruins the day and what's his name is holding that door like a hero so hard that blood is coming at it. Like wow think screen doors work like that, but that's fine. Yeah, I think it's supposed to be like the more they open it. The tighter. The spring is getting on his hand, which is Kylie opposite I think of has Springs work. It would be stretching. Yeah, but I think it's supposed to just be that it's really rusty and old and he's squeezing it so hard that it catches and it's his fault. He's a doctor anyway, surely he's had a tetanus shot in the last 10 years. He'll be fine but he's such a hero there such a hero save the day but then the hillbillies Eyes Are Open. He's like fucking then they run. Yeah, and you know just to drive home that he's the hero of this story when they're hiding out. The junkyard of cars and wreckage of all the people they've killed clearly they own a lot of land these guys. Yeah, they probably don't own it. Like it's not like making a murderer. They don't they don't like rich with property but like poor with haircuts. He's a poor with reputation. But he's like Alright you guys Run for the truck. I'ma go ahead this way. I'm gonna distract if he gets ten steps before they shoot. Oh God made a mistake, please come back for me. Justin Bailey is over me hide me. So then the other guy he goes and runs the opposite way and because they Hillbillies I guess are actually really dumb. They're like, oh, come on guys. We're going left. Now. We're going to ignore the guy that's clearly down. Own on the other hand we could drag my foot He's Not Gonna Go Far. Yeah, but they know that there's a bunch of them. Did they I guess maybe they haven't seen how many there are of that point. They might not know how many there are because the girls in soon as the hillbillies are out of the field the girls go help him. They all climb in the truck. Yeah, like would the whole rest of the movie is essentially just them on the run from these Hillbillies and I mean like they do an okay job for a little bit as they're trying to pick Jeremy Sisto back up though. Unfortunately, he gets a few arrows through the chest and he's not going to make that wedding day Dad. Yeah, he's dead and after ditching the car at a dead end they make their way through the forest and you know find a watchtower that this is great. The cannibals are definitely going to find them here o % like if you're looking for somebody who's trudging through the woods in the middle of the night doesn't know where they are does not know how to live in the woods. You better believe they're going Climb up a watchtower. Well, especially since as soon as they're up there, they start cracking a bunch of those emergency glow sticks. Yeah, and I'm having a rave in there. Literally the highest point in the forest and they're just like come party with us eat our face, but they find a radio and they get a ready to work really really briefly enough to get a ranger en route, but it makes enough noise that the the hillbilly cannibals know where they are and they come climbing up and they set fire to to it because of course. Yeah good idea. Honestly cept. This is my biggest flaw with the movie The Fire Tower is on fire. Everybody's jumping out the window because you know, we're all wombats. We can just grab onto trees as we're falling through the sky flying squirrels is what I should have said. What is a wombat? I don't know. Okay, is it cute though? Yeah, but would that not start a forest fire. Maybe I think it looks pretty dry in that area look pretty parched. So maybe That would have been great and it should have like they would love jump out. There are like they've escaped and the hillbillies are still after them. But now they got to deal with this gigantic structure that's going to fall on that would've been cool. That's not that I was thinking even bigger scope but they definitely did have the didn't have the budget for this but if they were running away from who bullies and then also a forest fire. Oh like the entire Forest. Yeah, because that's that's one of those foes. That's like when you have two opposing parties and then there's like an evil and the middle but it evil doesn't choose. Mmm, you know you have zombies in a Nazi war movie or yeah ghost being harnessed by a bad human, but you know like like the Headless Horseman like he can't be owned the totally that would totally totally work because one maybe the fire department can't get in because it's just it's too dangerous and like now they're left in there on their own these candles are coming. Also, maybe they make it to where the good guys are but a common practice and forest fires is to burn a trench essentially like you burn off so that way when the fire comes toward that area to hits all these dead trees that have already burned. It doesn't have any more fuel and it stops so you're reaching the exit but the exits on fire and they're essentially in a dome. Yeah the Thunderdome. Yeah, there's another yeah, we don't learn anything about like the hillbilly cannibals really they just get to like one of them has a goofy laugh and then the other two are like thunder foots. Yeah one's got three. In fact, he's called three finger. Yeah there you don't know their names though in the movie. Now. They don't have any big grunt at each other basically. Yeah and a high-pitched squeal and they're kind of like Allure. Yeah, like if you reduced Deliverance down to just a few basic grunts guttural noises, that's exactly who these characters are the sequence in the trees is kind of cool. Yeah, it's fun. I kind of enjoy how long it is, but I don't feel like I don't like the film is in segments because one one we don't learn anything about the character. So there's no overall like story arc. Like nobody really grows as a character and kind of thing and we literally are in chapter 3. We're in the trees and the bridges are really big huge and like the thing is that they're super high up. So the branches should all be pretty small like for the thickness of the branches. There may be seven feet off the ground. Yeah see us up here be quiet everything is fine, but then they're definitely so through all this weird like whispering in the trees. Arrows are occasionally like hating right near where their shoes aren't it's like when an arrow hits near you it means they see where you are. They know exactly where the arrows into the trees and hoping for the best. Although maybe they are but they're definitely not no and then one of them is really good at shimming any shimmies right up there and he is like in the trees with them and further proof that somebody has an obsession with bottom halves of Jaws here because he sneaks up on Carly he sneaks up on Carly he's Puts an axe essentially just like into her mouth cutting her the top of her head from the rest of her body. I just I completely forgot about that shot and I'm just remembering it now so good so great shot the whole top half of her head is balanced on this acts which is stuck in the tree, but we see the rest of her body just fall away from her and Tumble down at the ground. Yeah. We're like bird's eye view and you watch the Body Hit like all the branches on the way down with no head. It's so good. He's pretty great pretty disgusting. Yeah and You know, it's great and then they sling shot him out of the tree with like another Woody Woodpecker style pulled back branch and then and then the hillbillies feel like they that's that's it. We're calling it a night tonight. They've hidden behind a water fountain. We're done. Yeah, they call off the search and go back home. I think I don't even know. I don't know what they do. Yeah, I guess they just set up camp for the night. These look like the kind of guys that do not need a fire to go to bed. No like it. Yeah, they're basically Al's to wear overalls I was gonna say that yeah, they're animals and plaid shirts and overall. Yeah who carry small axes, but they steal Eliza Dushku which is so out of character though. They haven't taken anybody back alive body else. Nobody like it doesn't for them. It doesn't matter if the meats fresh or not because they're fine to butcher as they find and that was that was kind of my argument while we were watching. It may be like, oh, we've just killed enough people were good for the rest of the month on they should have put her in a fridge. Had no Refrigeration John but again farm-to-table movement. You kind of want to you don't want to transport that meat too far because then you release a bunch of you know, you got greenhouse gases from just like the farming of these people and also just stick your emissions from the gas getting from the from the first year to that's been divorced at metaphors done drilled it and I think this is where the movies missing something. I think Unfortunately they needed to kill up in that tree. Like they had they had enough of a back and forth with the bad guys that somebody had to die. Die if they had somebody else in their group still they could have kidnapped two of them and it's so weird to say that this what this movie is really missing is 20 minutes where somebody's tortured like that's kind of what you need. Right? Yeah because basically this scene chalks up, it's the exact same scene in the end of Hocus Pocus when the three witches have the bullies in the cage because they're not actually going to kill any kids. You know what I mean? No, not at all. It's a Disney movie. This is not a Disney movie Eliza Dushku could have died and Should have based on everything else. These guys have done, you know, obviously we need this guy Chris to hook to get a car to get back to them because he's gotta have a moment where like he could get out alive and leave her behind but he's gonna go get her he's gonna save the day. It needs another set piece inside that cabin like we kind of like, I think we need two people in a cage and Eliza Dushku unfortunately has to watch one of her friends get tortured and killed in front of her. Hmm because something else needs to happen before Chris drives his truck through the side of the the building. Yeah, like are they boiling a pot and cutting carrots? Like why is she still alive? Well, what you really need to do with the good person stew is you need that mirror plot to make a roux. Yeah, you know just a little bit of flour lot of onion and celery and it's all about slowly adding that stock and the teeth and the teeth. You gotta boil them down, you know, this isn't the first time in the last few days that I've gone on a bender talking about soup. I think I'm ready for sleep. I think sleep Seasons coming. Honestly, I think I'm dying for just like a dumpling inside this to see but there's a really like there's a really tight window with dumplings one bad doughy sticky dumpling and you are off dumplings for at least 10 years. You cannot have a bad dumpling and if we made a dumpling the first one would be bad and then I would never eat dumplings again. So I'm fine with living on the memory of dumplings because my Grandma makes some really good. I only want my grandma on donkey. Is a trash the winner of this head-to-head is Grandma's dumpling? Yeah, make them better make them like my grandma does we used to call this is why am I doing this? We used to call it stealing glue. And in what exactly is to include the dumplings are glue and then they go into why are they glue because there are sticky. I'm sorry. I still don't follow. That's just Dude, and glue this is what we called it. Dude. You guys also say that it was sticky and would stick to your ribs when you swallowed it. No my gum. No, it's just no you Hungarian weirdos. Okay. So I think we've totally wrapped up on this movie. There's not a lot of metaphors and stuff. There's not much more than a bunch of hillbillies killing. I don't even know if they're college kids. We don't know anything about them. I I don't think they're college kids killing a bunch of people in the woods. Yeah. I thought I liked this movie way more than I did. It does have some really cool kills and Stuff though. So I mean as a like a throwaway slasher, it's pretty good. So what's your rating then I'm gonna go one and a half out of four. I'm also giving us a 1.5 out of four. I don't there's not much to it. But yeah, it's got some cool stuff in it. How does it have so many sequels? I don't know what I think it's just really easy to make a movie in the woods. Yeah, and it'll give especially like once you hit a wrong turn four. There's no way they're getting permits for these movies. Like I think one through four fully legit Union actors, everybody's aboveboard and Paid after that, I think it's a lot of friends doing a lot of people favors. Yeah. It's probably just a really cheap title to like throw on like, oh, we've got this Slasher in the woods and developing like throwing some inbreds in there and we'll make it the fourth Wrong Turn. That's what I think is happening. You're probably right I one day we're going to sit down. I'm gonna watch them all. It's going to be a really long day. If you guys have seen them though, please let us know. Let us know what your favorite Wrong Turn if there are any in the franchise that are actually good that you recommend we check out where to start with the wrong turns. We are controlling transmission. This week's episode of nightmare on film street is brought to you by Baphomet & Co small-batch handcrafted soap inspired by horror and the McCobb this week's pick is the number six Belmont bar the black Christmas Blend a suspiciously festive soap that evokes subtle notes of Pine and the delicate rightness of ready to burst berries identifiers are split red berries black and Pine and dead of winter you Code nightmare for 10% off at checkout at Baphomet and made by hands. Sometimes severed. We are going to stick around for a few minutes and play a quick game that I have put together. It is called House of Pop have some Power House of Pop. We are inspired by Paris Hilton who had a also had a brief stint as a pop star. So I'm going to be listing a bunch of pop stars who had acting stints in horror. Films you're gonna have to guess the horror film based on the name of the pop star. I mean, I'd like to I feel dumb confident on this. I feel overly confident on this for no reason. I'm sure I'm going to do terrible. I'm going to give you a little I'll give you an easy one right now. Yep here on the show. Illya illya. Oh, we asked me the day. I was Queen of the Damned. Yeah. So the Matrix she the matrix real briefly. No, no. Okay. That doesn't that's not a horror film, but I have a whole bunch more for you. I'm going to quiz you. You're going to do hopefully okay, maybe not probably will assume easy ones. It's not Death Proof of already fucked up. If it's not Planet Terror. I don't know it you have deducted your intro Point know you can get that game over on slash Nightmare On Film Street as well as all of our other bonus episodes like our drive home from the drive-in of the top know is that possession of Hannah Gray? We're gonna get it one day. It's not it's not the exorcism. The autopsy so it's it's that trilogy back to triplets here. Now. We've finally finished third one's always a weakness. If a session of Hannah Grace, you can get that over at slash Nightmare On Film Street. And well you got your phones in your hands, please if you could leave a five star review on iTunes on Stitcher Spotify, wherever you're getting this podcast share it with a friend that you think will love it recommend. Your favorite episode word of mouth is how we're going to continue to grow The Horde And get the show in front of morphine's that's it for us this week Kim. I'm John stay creepy. It appears. You made it out alive just long enough to tell the tale of The Nightmare on film Street how help us grow The Horde leave a review on iTunes or wherever you subscribe continue. You this week's conversation on Twitter by following @n o FS podcast. And as always more terror can be found lurking on our website. film Street until next week. Stay creepy fiends.
The holidays are a time for family. And while you can't exactly choose your family, you can choose whether or not to go into the family business...especially when that business is boiling folks in wax or grilling up passersby. Grab yourself a plate of people-back ribs and settle in for the longest staring contest of your entire life! On this week's episode of Nightmare on Film Street, Kim and Jon discuss a literal house of horror with Dark Castle's HOUSE OF WAX (2005) and the backwoods butchers of WRONG TURN (2003). --- Website: www.NOFSPODCAST.COM ( Twitter: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Subreddit:   Support the Show: Unlock access to exclusive bonus content and earn some other frightfully good rewards, including shoutouts, merch, and swag by supporting Nightmare on Film Street on Patreon ( . This week, Patreon supporters (  can enjoy an exclusive companion episode where we continue the conversation on HOUSE OF WAX (2005) and WRONG TURN (2003), and play a little game called “House of Pop” at
This is the worst interpretation of Revelation. I have ever heard in my life and I've been around you 62 years. I've been a Christian for over 40 you are insane. Well, so are you I'm glad you are you you put together Innovation and it's fun and I'm glad you're doing what you're doing. And yeah, I'm sure we will Michael. And update the freedom of speech is being taken away. If you don't read the newspaper you honey. You read in your mission. And welcome to a brand new life to a brand new day all the way from the wastelands of California. My name is Michael and I look forward to once again serve you who sounds of Salvation first time listeners turn on tune in and drop out. This is a very different kind of show a place where we don't feel so alone. Let us chase away the light no matter what you at home choose to believe I do admire you for your curiosity. Joining me tonight is yet again another veteran of the program? Mr. James Fetzer has drawn assignment tonight boys and girls on this very special edition of the Michael Deacon program at let's bring him in gym. I could hear you typing away. How are you Michael when you're busy as I am you can't let a minute go by and if I'm not multitasking, I'm falling behind. No problem. No problem. Glad you're here. It's is a pleat honor an absolute honor and privilege to speak to you, sir in this is the first time I'm actually watching you in real time. Well, it's my pleasure Michael. I really like you as a host and I have enjoyed every show we've done and there's so much going on. I'm glad to have the opportunity to discuss it with you and your audience very nice. Very nice. And I expect this to yet Abby yet again be one of these classic shows that we have on gym where it's just Improv, we don't know what's going to happen. I don't know what to expect. But Jim I'm very excited that you're here. There's so much to get into here tonight. We have audio to go into and we also have the latest scare going on the virus out there and in China. Yeah, the virus may or may not be contrived turns out their patents for this specific virus. There are multiple reports the most serious assessment of the situation appears to me. Me to be that they're trying to use this scare to promote Masa vaccinations where the vaccination will come in three varieties read your vaccinate your dead within 24 hours orange. I'll you going to linger awhile. But your life expectancy has been dramatically shortened and then green persons who are going to be allowed to go on about their lives because they pose no problems for the state. There are basically a sleep-like accept whatever. There are told and don't question it the radical Arts are for the troubles makers people like me. Even you Michael for featuring and for expressing your independent opinion that Wolfgang Helbig, you know, James Tracy and a host of others, but the oringer interesting those are going to be for the physically disabled mentally handicapped people who are viewed by the Deep state is drags on society. Is what useless eaters I think in the phrase of Henry Kissinger who may have been responsible for as many deaths as Joseph Stalin or Mao Zedong. I mean this guy is still exerting his malevolent influence on American society. Sad to say, yes, sir. And for those that aren't aware we are talking about the coronavirus out there in Wuhan and my God, is this something we should be scared of gem in your opinion. Well, I've just published a Blog about it from state of and Patient so I can go to James Fetzer dot organ check it out. It's apparently a very nasty virus, but the fact of the matter is that it's being used I think to Marshall a justification for this mess vaccine. So it's actually the Cure that from the point of view of the deep state is the real solution to the problem of weeding the herd so that those who the Deep state Rivers not be around for either political or economic reasons. I won't be around it. Maybe this is part of what's behind the projection that US population in the next five years is going to go from 330 million today to less less than a hundred million guess five years. Hence. In fact, it's very very troubling. The eagle is added a note to explain this phenomenal. Summation of 2/3 + of the American population saying is due to mass immigration which is going to overwhelm the carrying capacity of our societal structure where so many of these immigrants are being given tree everything. It's part of the democratic agenda. I think they just have not ever bothered to think things through my goal because Trump's been a hundred percent on the right about this tightening up immigration is indispensable. It really is a matter of National Security of deagle will go so far as to project losing two-thirds of the American population because our economy is going to collapse under the weight of supporting this massive influx of illegal immigrants and obviously Trump's on the right track. It's interesting incidentally and passing at a recent poll showed that 34% of black likely voters are going to support Trump and it has to do with two aspects one the economy doing so strongly in Black unemployment down. On the one hand, but on the other because he wants to tighten up immigration because he's new immigrants who take the lowest paying jobs that have been indispensable to the black community elevating itself on the basis of its own labor and hard work. Definitely and of course speaking of which Kobe Bryant now gone. Well, this is a kind of a peculiar. I'm trying to friends of mine and I trying to sort out what's going on here, you know from a political point of view. I mean, we have seen endless episodes of the past following the principle that if it bleed bleeds it leads we're information about some tragedy. It's in the past difficulty been fake shootings takes out some significant issue that is before the public and distracts. We are wondering whether this could be such a case. It's a tragedy because Kobe was a terrific guy. He his 13 year old daughter was with him. I see was a fantastic basketball player initial report had five deaths was Kobe his daughter her teammate and her teammates mother and the pilot had see is that Kobe his daughter her friend her mother and the pilot. That's fine. But there's a later report that there may have been as many as mine which I find rather troubling. I don't know, you know, the properties of this was Kobe's personal helicopter that he used to fly back and forth from his home to the Ooh, the Staples stadium in Los Angeles where the Lakers played in the past and so forth pretty surreal to be honest with you since I'm out here in California. I still remember when he was first on the team and yeah, it's pretty surreal waking up to that and finding out that he's gone and I'm not even a big big basketball found whatsoever to be honest with you, but I knew was sure directly from high school to the NBA as has been the case. With our latest says Superstar he would now playing for the Lakers to so that you know, it does happen rarely. He had a phenomenal ability to put that round ball in the basket and he was actually quite a considerable humanitarian as well. So I think it's had multiple impacts now the problem with whether this was an accident or by design of course has to do with a politics of the situation. I mean where the midst of the impeachment hearing the Democrats It they're very contrived. I'll say a lot about it, but they can't they completed their prosecution case on Friday that the defense counsel just a couple hours on Saturday to explain why the Democrats K is really didn't satisfy the conditions for impeachment. And I don't know. I mean was there enough there to want to distract the public from the latest being the the Republicans that GOP defense. It's going to get much. A serious on Monday including I'm quite confident showing a video of a few years back where Joe Biden was at the Council on Foreign Relations boasting about how while he was in Ukraine six hours before he had to catch his fly. He called the government and threatened to withhold a billion dollars in US foreign aid. If they did not fire the prosecutor was looking into barbarism aware. His son Hunter was on the board of directors. Ders from handsome salary minimally 50,000 months were when he had no confidence turns out John Kerry's son also on the board. I've heard a rumor Nancy Pelosi's also on the board and he's turns the camera and says son of a bitch they did it gave to six hours. They did it. Well, that's exactly the quid pro quo kind of behavior that trouble was accused of but which he was not guilty. It's fascinating that right now in Times Square, there's a giant bill. More that showing this Joe Biden. Basically, it's a it's a confession when you understand the elements of what's going on here 24/7. Well, most certainly they're going to play it on Monday and I think the whole world, you know, meaning all those have been in a state of Mass illusion about this are going to have a nasty jolt of reality because the guy who performed the inexcusable quid pro quo to benefit himself, really Even more venal that his party his own family and his son is Joe Biden. Not not Donald Trump. Now, let me hasten to say that while I believe Trump has done a lot of good right country and that is impeachment is a farce and I can go into that in great detail. I do believe he has committed impeachable acts the the assassination of awesome soleimani for example in Iraq. It was a violation of Iraqi. Oh Bertie, he was there on a peace Mission he'd been invited by the prime minister of Iraq the work out better relations between the Saudis and the Iranians at the suggestion of Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo our secretary of state. This is outrageous. It was an act of War and what Americans don't really seem to grasp is that under the United Nations Charter One Nation is allowed to launched a pre-emptive attack upon another or taking out a Rams leading the general we guy was complete genius. He'd been building up the goods for us for about 30 years. He was an expert in counterterrorism. He was managing all the operation of these disparate elements in Lebanon in Syria in Iraq, and so forth to defeat Isis which in case you missed the memo of the United States created in 2012, it was a brain child of John Brennan then director of the CIA Hillary Clinton and Secretary State and Barack Obama then president of the United States. Or Michael Flynn was at the time that the director of the defense intelligence agency protested that it was a bad idea to create a terrorist Army, but they wanted it to bring pressure on the Assad government and eventually the Persian nation of Iran Sullivan. He actually was defeating wiping out Isis. It was a cover story. We had we were there to wipe out ask Isis. We weren't doing that. We're taking out the infrastructure of sir. Area we were supporting the bad guys there. We're not the good guys in the Middle East and that Donald Trump should assassinate the leading general in violation of the UN Charter which specifies one nation may make a pre-emptive attack against another only under two circumstances first with the approval of the UN Security Council, which obviously did not obtain here or if there were an imminent threat that required an immediate response Paula soleimani didn't represent. Imminent threat we've even heard now reports that trumpet actually authorizes assassination six or seven months earlier. Well, it is authorizing an assassination and it hit nothing had happened for six or seven month. Obviously there wasn't anything in bit about it. So this is why however you're getting a cock-and-bull story about him representing this rat, but he did not represent such a threat and it's very unfortunate. I am personally. I convinced that what happened is the following that the Israelis who feared suleimani had targeted him that we may be called Trump and told him that there was an opportunity for him to position himself for a triumphal re-election by taking out the greatest terrorist of the Middle East which doesn't fit sulemani at all. But in the eyes of Israel is a convenient designation just as Barack Obama position himself for a triumphal re-election by taking out Osama. About Bin Laden to the rate of Pakistan where however many know that was completely fake because Osama had died a decade earlier on the 15th of December 2001 have as many medical maladies. He was married in an unmarked grave and Afghanistan in accordance with Muslim tradition. They were local obituaries while CNN and Fox News reported on the 26th of December 2001 that Osama Bin Laden was dead. That's True to tag on to that really quickly here Jim that that article you could still find on their website and has not been removed. Yeah, that's right. That's right. That's right. Not only that but Osama was our man in Afghanistan. He was instrumental in getting Stinger missiles into the hands of the mujahideen which use them to shoot down Soviet helicopters and planes and drove them out of Afghanistan. He actually was an officer in the CIA Colonel. Jim Osman was his name and he was visited Italy. Hospital in Dubai shortly before his death from is various medical maladies. It's tough getting a dialysis machine in and out of those caves and Afghanistan by an official for the CIA. So everything we heard about Osama was poppycock and rubbish, but I believe that Mimi use this to inspire Trump to come in a war crime a violation of international on the Geneva conventions, but over and beyond that act because it's solitary act involving the death of one man who was a war crime and in my judgment and impeachable offense for the following reason, we're bound to international law and the United Nations and the Geneva Convention by treaties which under the Constitution have the same status under law as a constitution itself. That means he was committing violations of the Constitution that are clearly criminal acts for which he could and in my opinion should be impeached in addition. He has these massive sanctions on Iran, which is a form of collective punishment also proscribed by international law by the Geneva conventions. And by the UN Charter where previous sanctions on Iraq led to the death of five hundred thousand Iraqi infants. I mean, it was a monstrous crime. So what Trump is doing here and be the biggest bully on the Block is also an impeachable offense and although I have supported him. It's true. To that point where he took out soleimani, I'm horrified by what he's done here. We have lost any vestiges of moral Authority not only in the Middle East but around the world not only that but he has set up he set up. I just got an email that threw me off. That's why it's just shocking he has done so many actions have been so beneficial to Israel. He's now Proposing a new peace plan. He says house in he's not going to like it but it's going to be great for them. Well, I have profound doubts about that. He designated Jerusalem as the capital of Israel by moving the American Embassy there when Jerusalem had to be the part of a settlement of the most complicated human rights issue of our time the israeli-palestinian issue. He has said that the Golan Heights is a part of Israel when the Golan Heights is Israeli occupied territory and where a recent discovery of a massive. He deposited natural gas beneath the Golan Heights make this a particularly unjust action on the part of trump. He has unfunded the UN rêve Refugee agency that has assisted Palestinians, which I regard as even sadistic. He has also made an executive order that expands the definition anti-Semitism so that even criticize it take to include criticism of the actions of the government of Israel. Well, That's a violation of the First Amendment. That's a clear violation. He took an oath to preserve protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies foreign and domestic but the Democrats are you know, just through this whole thing away by these contrived claims. They had a whistleblower who wasn't a real whistleblower they changed a whistleblower form. So instead of having to have direct personal knowledge, you could basic complaint on rumors speculation hearsay, which is what happened here this guy, I is a member of the National Security Council is working at the White House. He also was a fan a supporter a Joe Biden so all of a sudden lo and behold we see what's going on. There's a treaty between the United States and it and Ukraine for Mutual assistance in criminal investigations for asthma is a notoriously complex investigating and Marissa was a perfectly appropriate request for the president to make of the United States to make the president of you Rain, it turns out that although it may have web to information about Joe Biden that would be beneficial politically to Trump that was not the primary motive moreover. The federal elections commission has ruled that the qualify as something of values, but make it some kind of campaign violation in election violation. It has to be monetary. It has to be money information as not qualify as something of value. So the whole case a Rats have brought his completely contrived many critics are suggesting. This is Russia gate 2.0 with complete justification. I've even published a book and called exposing the Russia hoax which you can available find available at Lulu with it other sources. It's a short book, but it'll give you overview is a hundred and thirty two pages overview of what happened the whole Russia hopes Calamity which came to a head with a Mueller testimony. Whereas we didn't know the contents of his own book his own report and where the whole thing simply fell apart because there had been no Russian hacking the fact that that this guy Adam Chef is still talking about Russian interference in her election in 2016. When has been established. There was no Russian interference to me is that just one stress, you know, it's one hopes compounded by another and I find the Democrats repulsive they are discrediting themselves and we do have audio. But anyway on this another ground Michael they're going to go down hard in 2020 this year later. They're going to pay for this engine. We have audio of mr. Schiff. I thought we could play some of that / for the audience here. Terrific dude that excellent and that yeah, well, I'll stop in and I'll ask you some things here. Let's let's play the audio. Okay, he's guilty does he really need to be removed as you really need to be removed? We have an election coming up does he really need to be removed? He's guilty, you know is a really any doubt about this, but do we really have Any doubt about the facts here. Is anybody really question whether the president is capable of what he's charged with. No, it is really making the argument Donald Trump would never do such a thing because of course, we know that he would and of course we know that he did. It's a somewhat different question though to ask. Okay, it's pretty obvious whether we can say it publicly or we can't say it publicly. We all know what we're dealing here with this present, but does he really need to be removed? And this is why he needs to be removed Donald. Umph chose Rudy Giuliani over his own intelligence agencies. He chose Rudy Giuliani over his own FBI director. He chose Rudy Giuliani over his own National Security advice. All right, I have to stop the audio their gym and ask you what are your thoughts and opinions on one Rudy Giuliani the former mayor of America? Well, I'm not a big fan of Rudy Giuliani has not been found. Listen at night David which happened to fall on the They of the mayoral elections in New York City. He thought he could use it to catapult himself to a third term. It didn't play out that way, but the fact that we had a hundred and fifteen dump trucks lined up the day after 9/11 in order to remove the debris from Ground Zero when the fire experts were proclaiming it had to be investigated to determine exactly what it actually happened and he went ahead and had it all that material loaded away. Not to mention what they were bringing in 150 dump trucks were loaded with dirt because what we had going on at New York City was an event like Chernobyl. It was a nuclear event at Chernobyl the Soviets use tons thousands of tons of dirt to absorb radioactivity the same thing happened in New York City those hundred fifteen dump Trump's for bringing in tons of dirt. So that actually the debris pile group for the first couple of days to absorb the residual radioactivity. Active contamination so I thought it was a stupid thing for Donald Trump to put Rudy Giuliani who obviously has a big mouth a lot of people don't like Rudy's so why you know have as your representative someone half the country holds in contempt. I thought that was a political reduce take on his yeah. That was not a good move in my opinion bringing cities capitalizing on it. You see by talking so much about Rudy, but that doesn't have anything to do with drums very true actions. And in fact, since it was no Russian hacking and Trump had had no collusion with Russia the argument they make which is probably an audio you're about to play. Yes at you have to take him out now because he's going to do again in 2020. What he did in 2016 is just completely absurd totally indefensible. No basis whatsoever. Let's let the audio Rogen when all of them were telling him this Ukraine 2016. Stuff is kooky crazy Russian propaganda. He chose not to believe them. He chose to believe Rudy Giuliani that makes him dangerous to us to our country now was Donald Trump's choice. Now, why would Donald Trump believe a man like Rudy Giuliani over a man like Christopher Ray? Okay. Why would anyone in their right mind believe Rudy Giuliani over Christopher Ray? Because he wanted to and because what Rudy was offering him was something that would help him personally and what Christopher a was offering him was merely the truth. What Christopher Ray was offering him was merely the information he needed to protect his country and its elections, but that's not good enough. What's in it for him? What's in it for Donald Trump? This is why he needs to be removed. Now. You may be asking how much damage can he really do? In the next several months until the election a lot a lot of damage now, we just saw last week report that pausing the audio one more time. You know, Jim I got to be honest with you when I first found out that our boy here. Mr. Donald J. Trump was actually going to run for president. I didn't think he had a snowball's chance in hell to actually be elected, but he pulled off the unthinkable and now he pretty much has garnered my respect to be honest with you and Just some things are kind of small though. I dislike about him. But overall, I think he's a great president. Probably one of the greatest presidents we've ever seen just his just his true unforgiving Moxie that this president has we've never seen that before in any other president Jim and even before he ran they were trying to get rid of them. I thought that was kind of telling since the beginning Michael you're a hundred percent, correct? Yeah. He's been totally unorthodox and the Deep State can't control him and that's why they're trying to get rid of it now. Believe that his promises they drain the swamp or actually being fulfilled but there's a last-ditch effort to try to thwart him by putting them out of office, which really I think was been undertaken not with any serious expectation. He'll be removed from office which would require 67 votes in the Senate where the Republicans have a 53 247 majority. They have not even been able to win a single vote in relation to the Procedures for impeachment they've all been straight party line votes and I expect that's going to continue next week. I mean if they pick up one Republican maybe I mean Mitt Romney is I in my opinion and never Trump her who would be glad to vote against the president aware Utah is not a big truck state so that he could with vulnerable with invulnerability get away with it. But what Adam Schiff is saying there is a disgrace because it Just counting the fact that the FBI and the Department of Justice have been undertaking to delegitimize Trump since before his election. And in fact, it turns out you know, as we all know the whole thing was predicated with applies at court on the basis of the steel dossier. It turns out now the chief judge of the fisa court has reviewing the for warrants that were the basis for all of the investigations indictments prosecution's help all mankind. Can afford Roger Stone of you know, any of the other players here, it has already ruled that two of them the third and the fourth were invalid. They were substantiated by fabricated citations in others. They just made of evidence along the way where the Donald had excellent reasons not to believe the advice. He was being given by the CIA the FBI or the NS. NSA I mean those are the big three agency. They talked repeatedly about all 17 Intel agencies, you know concluding this are concluding that well, it's nonsense. There are 17 Intel agencies, but it's a big three that make a difference here and they have been feeding false information to the American people. But you know for a very long time, I mean look at the lies that got us into the war in Iraq, in fact everything in the Middle East 9/11. That was all fabricated brought To Us by the CIA man. Neo cons and the Department of Defense most of whom are dual us Israeli citizens and the most sought a whole point of 9/11 was create a pretext for getting the United States and send forces into the Middle East to take out the modern Arab states and served as a counterbalanced Israel's domination of the entire region and eventually to confront the Persian nation of a rant, by the way just this last name Israel wants to yes, he's worst of the last drop of American blood. I just set this last line by the way, Jim with all the In Conflict going on in the Middle East. It is very very reminiscent of what was going on 2003 as you alluded to early on in the program. It seems like we're back there again making the same mistakes going into these just worthless sort of task that America has to go through again. Yeah. Yeah, I I agree and you know Trump has a justifiable skepticism of the intelligence agencies who have been giving him false information. Manipulate him. This is a principal Reason. By the way, they had to remove Michael Flynn. Who also by the way is going to be exonerated. All of these proceedings based upon these invalid warrants is known under the law as the fruit of the poisonous tree and none of it is sustainable. All these cases are going to be vacated and they're going to be able to return to their normal life having suffered all that torment publicity that harassment and The Asian the expands the inconvenience. They've had to endure up until this point in time for Adam Schiff to allude to that monstrous abuse of position by the federal agencies is oh Trump should have succumbed to their advice when he could tell they were lying to him it just as he exemplifies that the extent of the corruption of Adam Chef who has to be one of the most that deceitful. I'm convinced he's CIA, you know individuals to hold our position where he could wreak this much damage on America. He's a terrible person Jerry Nadler close behind. They're both at course. They both happen to be Jewish whether they're also you know in effect Mossad is a whole other question, but they represent Israeli influence which appears to be conflicted about prom. He's done all those things, but I think they don't have sufficient confidence in Trump can't believe he's actually I got to go all the way fairly incredible given the enumeration of actions. He's taken favorable to Israel that I've already provided here. And and you know, I can't wait to see what's going to be in this peace plan. It's interesting. And by the way, we have a listener in the chatroom my quick I believe my quick 77. He said needs Epstein lawyers question mark and yeah, he brings up a good point. I forgot all about the Trump's defense team who is Ken Starr and And Alan dershowitz who you know very well who these two gentlemen are ya sure had tied in with Epstein lighter, which is insane. But here's the thing go out there. Very good attorneys. Very true. I'm not going to you know, the most miscreant client illegal defense, obviously he could afford them so you cannot judge an attorney by those who represent I mean good God look at the problem. I had here I Sandy Hook lawsuit I could get anyone to represent me at all. They were true or up. Yeah, anyone would challenge you official there to Sandy Hook as I have been told by the way Jim. Let me let me stop you there really quickly. If I were a child Jimmy's Jim I gotta I gotta ask you this though Jim before we move on here in terms of lawyers that you went through how many of them were were there that you sort of pitch this to and they just sort of turned you down. Oh somewhere between 35 and 50. Wow. Okay. Well, yeah, it's absurd we want. And mass mailings. The only one who called me back who is representing me now and it's very timely because he's an excellent appellate attorney and it was after the summary judgment had been ruled against me in violation of the protocols there for meeting the judge actually violated the law in rendering his ruling when the authenticity of the death certificate was in dispute and where I had the testimony to a document experts testifying that Not only was that Document that I had called into question of fabrication, but three other versions of the death certificate that it also emerged during the case. We're also Fabrications. I mean under those conditions you have to send the case to the jury for a trial, but in fact, he ruled in favor of the plaintiffs anyhow, so the primary aspect of my appeal is going to be the violation to the protocols for summary judgment moving. It's so blatant, but the fact is he was the only attorney who called me back and it was after the summary judgment and I continued I know is he was a First Amendment attorney, but he actually represents a freedom from religion Foundation, which is based here in Madison, Wisconsin as well and I called him and left a message that this was a classic slap suit, which is a strategic lawsuit against public participation, which is illegal in 27 states where you sue a party not on a bona fide basis, but because you Punish them for having spoken out in this instance calling into question the Sandy Hook narrative and drag him into court, you know punish them but by a long drawn-out lawsuit at Great expense mean or what could be more stunning than four hundred and fifty thousand dollar judgment against me. Do I have to set an example for others as I say, this is illegal in 27 States, but not in Wisconsin. Oh, you know what? I was grateful to say. Secure his Services. I'm real happy with him and I expect our appeal is going to be very strong. Nice. Okay, and that the summary judgment will be reversed and I'll have the opportunity to have my trial. I mean Michael I had explained in my answer to the complaint that I had two lines of Defense. I was going to advance first at there was massive evidence that Sandy Hook had not been a bona fide shooting incident that the school has been closed by 2008 that there were no students there that it was. My exercise involving children presented as mass murder to promote gun control and second of all that there were specific features of this particular death certificate that substantiated its status as a fabrication the judge wouldn't even allow me to present pursue the first so I wasn't allowed to give the defense. I sought to give he ruled it out terrible. I see hardly enough in his final statements and rejecting my attorneys for motion for reconsideration. Iteration any one of which would have led to high be granted the trial that I was denied by overruling the summary judgment. He actually wrote an answer that assumes and hook have been authentic. He just took for granted about every aspect of Sandy Hook. I was astonished when I read it because he had not allowed me to pursue it. He said specifically we're not going to decide whether Sandy Hook was real or not. He didn't care if it was real or not. He didn't even care where this young man had died or not you All he cared of the death certificate was authentic. So, you know, it's really extraordinary and we we have so much to get into here Jim. I did want to ask you about that. And we also have to get into the Ryan Lanza and Adam Lanza this article you posted here. But before we do, there's still a few more things I want to ask you about and of course we still got the audio to continue with Jim. Yeah. Go for my goodness. My goodness Jim. Let's play that audio so tried to hack or maybe did hack / is Emma okay. I don't know if they got in. I'm trying to find out my colleagues on the Intel committee House and Senate. We're trying to find out that the Russians get in one of the Russian plans and intentions. Well, let's say they got in and let's say they start dumping documents to interfere the next election. Let's stay they start dumping some real things. They hack from Perez Palma. Let's say they start dumping some fake things. They didn't hack from her asthma but they want you to believe they did. Let's say they start blatantly interfering in our election again. To help Donald Trump. Can you have the least bit of confidence that Donald Trump will stand up to them and protect our national interest over his own personal interest, you know, you can't which makes him dangerous to this country, you know, you can't, you know, you can't count on him. None of us can none of us can what happens if China got the message now you can say well he's just joking, of course, he didn't really mean Should investigate the binds, you know, that's no joke. Now maybe you could have argued three years ago. When he said hey rush if you're listening pack Hillary's emails. Maybe you could give them a freebie and say he was joking, but now we know better hours after he did that Russia did in fact try to hack Hillary's emails. There's no Mulligan here when it comes to our national security. So what if China does overtly or covertly start to help the Trump campaign? Do you think he's going to call him out on it or you think he's going to give them a better trade deal on it can any of us really have the confidence that Donald Trump will put his personal interests ahead of the national interest. Is there really any evidence in this presidency? That should give us the Ironclad confidence that he would do so, you know, you can't count on him to do that. That's the sad truth. You know, you can't count on him to do that the American people deserve a And they can count on to put their interest first to put their interest first Colonel Benjamin said here right matters here. Right matters. Well, let me tell you something if right doesn't matter if right doesn't matter. It doesn't matter how good the Constitution is. It doesn't matter how brilliant the framers were doesn't matter how good or bad our advocacy in this trial has doesn't Matter how well written the oath of impartiality is if right doesn't matter we're lost if the truth doesn't matter we're lost pretty much couldn't protect us from ourselves if right and Truth don't matter and you know that what he did was not right, you know, that's what they do in the old country. The colonel woman's father came from or the old country that my great-grandfather came from or the old countries that your ancestors came from, or maybe you came from But here right is supposed to matter. It's what's made us the greatest nation on Earth. No Constitution can protect us right doesn't matter anymore and you know can't trust this President do what's right for this country pausing in there Jim. He can't do anything then apparently look how ironic it is. He saying crop isn't putting America first, but that's why he was elected. He was putting America first. He was going to get us out of the Middle East and the Wars I mean, you know, this is just hypocritical in the extreme. He's also saying we can't count on him not using Russia or Ukraine to manipulate the election in 2020 because he did it in 2016 when he didn't do it in 2016. So the whole case is a fabrication of tissue of lies in its provable that this exco execrable individual was in the position to make this statement to the nation from the Senate is a School rights. He does not belong in Congress whatsoever. He's a phony a liar a fraud and a traitor because he's subverting the Constitution of the United States. I'm talking Adam Schiff. I'm not talking Donald Trump. I'm already playing that there are legitimate reasons. That could be raised the question whether Trump might not deserve it impeachment based upon the violations of international law. The Geneva conventions in the UN Charter to which we are bound by treaty making them as legal agreements as the Constitution itself, but here he's just going on with one fantasy after another, you know presented as though we're all authoritative. It's a disgrace. It's a disgrace. The public has been called here. It is very important that the public should not be taken in almost done you with the clip. Let's play the roast. You can trust he will do what's right for Donald Trump. He'll do it. Now. He's done it before he'll do it for the next several months. He'll do it in the election hippies allowed to this is why if you find him guilty, you must find that he should be removed because right matters is Right matters and the truth Maps. Otherwise we are lost and they were these guys are the world's greatest separate credit. So made a Trump's not going to lose but when you have as I may have already mentioned, you know, 34 percent of black likely voters say they're going to support Trump because he's shutting down immigration and the in their unemployment is way down there employment is way up. You got the surging economy. You got record home starts in December. You've got 83 percent of American farmers supporting Donald Trump 83 percent of American farmers. They just can't touch him. They have nobody. It was a viable candidate so they had to follow Al Green's observation. If we don't impeach this guy, he will get reelected to which I say even though they've had Peach this guy. He will still get reelected but it's not that he's without flaws are I say his policies in the Middle East are very unamerican. They are very much Bob and made by Zionist interest and are virtually in my opinion dictated. And by Bibi Netanyahu, that's would not Gigi said in the chat room, by the way, he said Israel first Israel first, right? Right, right. That's right. That's right. And we've had a problem with Israel forever because as Cynthia McKinney explain years ago would you know new candidates come to Congress or a sign a pledge to put the interests of Israel ahead of that of the United States and those who don't buy next time around they're confronted by a well-financed alternative candidate or If a census has occurred that their districts been redrawn and they no longer have a seat where Cynthia herself was able to overcome those obstacles and serve six or eight terms in the house. I admire her greatly. He tell you his notable figures Dennis can set it to my regarded as at the time as a smartest member of Congress and his district redrawn and lost his seat, but I'm friend with whom I do the new JFK show Jarius Gary King who couple years ago. Go ask me did I know how many members of the present Congress had not signed the Blanche and I said I admitted I did not know and he raised up one finger one hand. There was only one member of the van US Congress that had not signed the pledge that means we have a real problem a real problem because we're talking about the United States of Israel. So, you know, this is why I would even Ponder Bernie Sanders. He's got a he's got the foreign policy that overlap with Trump. I think at the Uncie, it allowed him to be the candidate instead of sabotaging his campaign for Debbie Wasserman Schultz transferred 13 primaries Bernie and one to Hillary's call him to guarantee. She'd be the nominee. He would be president today because his domestic his foreign policy is the same as Trump says domestic at far more appealing to most Americans Trump. I do think has done a lot of good for the country. I did vote for the man. I'm just crumbled down by the extent to which he's carrying out the desires and aspirations. Operations of Bibi Netanyahu rather than putting America hurts. That's the problem with Trump, right? And what do you make of the other headlines going on in regards to marry, Ivanovich about Trump demanding to get rid of her got the right to fire ambassadors. It don't matter what she does though. It's another Tempest in a teapot. This is time to claim that this other guy. I you know, I don't know if they photos they could Photoshop videos these days to they can fake of the All those morphine technology. So if drop setting you didn't know or didn't remember the guy, I believe he's being honest about it. The guy seems to be a mysterious figure sprung here at the last minute. It looks totally contrived to me, but he has a right to hire and fire ambassadors at will he doesn't give any explanation. This is part and parcel the key flaw or one of the key flaws and the Democrats arguments against it Constitution gives the president of the United States the sole power to conduct a marriage. Second foreign policy and those who are coming out and complaining about him during all the hearings. They were objecting to matters of policy not to violations of the law or the Constitution. These were differences in the conduct of foreign policy, which is not an impeachable offense. By the way. What do you make of trump spiritual advisor? That would be a Paula White if I believe I'm not sure if you are quite familiar with this lady. Have you seen her? I mean, holy Cow, I seen a photo I'm going to put it up right now in the chat room. There's a photograph. I have here of Miss Paula White and her husband and my goodness. Does he ever looked creepy and I don't mean to judge him. But my God, I'm call it up photos now. I mean look at him. All right, so she's a blond. She's blond barely fetching looking. Let me see her husband look at him. He looks like a like an out-of-work magician. We're going to see him at the strip in Las Vegas and no time the MGM. And I see him I know yeah, he has like a magician looks like he looks like he could be a mobster. He looks really creepy though. Yeah, I agree. I agree. No, I never even heard of hollow white till now you mentioned she's kind of crazy Jim and I'm just kind of wondering why he went all out with these spiritual advisors because he's trying to Pander to the that the Christian audience out there. Yeah. Well they these are the Christian zionists who, you know have been a very Important part of his Bays but look, mr. Trump trump has the support of like 90 percent of Republican. You're not going to find anyone else running as an alternative. I mean if they do it's going to be trivial and insignificant. He's got a lock he's not going to have to waste time and primaries. He's a genius at campaigns. He knows how to use the media. We probably never had a president with the exception of Ronald Reagan who is a master of the television. In medium and frankly, I think Trump makes Reagan look like an amateur. No one used the president was going to be using Twitter of all things. It's kind of insane, right we leave I do like it though. It's amusing Yeah. Well, yeah. How you use the American public has a very modest attention span the so Twitter fence. It's perfect here. Michael Bivins it short and sweet. That's true. Yeah, you know the Americans can understand and he has a gift of making his thoughts accessible to the public. I got to say in my opinion crop is absolute genius on the campaign Trail do you think The person she has a nasty history. She's corrupt as they come. She's involved in a mass number of scandals. She is deeply involved in pedophilia sex trafficking amazing up scamming the other nations of their National wealth the slaughter of Libya and the in the the brutal torture and assassination of moammar Qaddafi. I mean the Lizabeth goes on it goes on and on and on. Yeah, it's insane imagine. She was the president and this is something I've been harping on. Program here night after night is America actually ready for a female president. That's what I want to know Jim your thoughts and opinions if I took is ready and this is where I'll is about the war and made up this claim that Bernie and told her that a woman could be elected president Bernie the 20 years for 20 years has been saying that woman could be elected president. There's one woman Ronnie now that I think has the qualification to be president and that is Tulsi gabbard now because she's a Invention has a real non-interventionist. She has the right foreign policy. She's a very serious person. She has military experience that the Democrats shunned her because she is a threat to the conventional Democrats. Even the progressives though. If Bernie got the ticket if he were smart and Savvy enough and ran with Tulsi gabbard, I don't think they could be beat even I think they'd even give Trump and a run for his money my This end before I forget Jim, this is something that I always want to mention on. My program is the fact that you actually are a host in your own writing. You do a pretty goddamn. Good job of being a host in your own right my friend you do a great job and you were just doing show before you got on here and Jim I got to say I heard your interview with dr. Horton about the 5G Network at supposed to be intended as a sort of directed-energy weapon system is what she was relaying to you in that interview. Your thoughts and opinions on the 5G Network. Aw. I am a huge fan of dr. Horton. She seems very smart, but she's a particle physicist from Oxford. Yes. She has the highest qualifications for dealing with these issues. She's been suggested two years of Torment with electromagnetic attacks on her person in a rolling residents in Switzerland. Now, she has been marshalene illegal attack. That is very substantial. She's been acquiring a Today, but from persons who have been targeted from all over the world, but she's dealing with a corrupt judicial system, but they had a judge who appears to be, you know, in the UK version of the deep State Baird who you know rule against her it was inexcusable is a violation of protocols in the UK just as much as my judge violated the protocols for summary judgment right here in Madison, Wisconsin 5G is a killing. I feel I have done a lot of research on it. It is a major threat to humanity, but I recently discovered the D website which projects the loss of two-thirds of the American population between now and 2025 find presumption was this would be largely brought about by 5G they're claiming. In fact, it's because the mass immigration is going to cause our social structure to collapse and we're going to lose. It's of our population. I mean what a Calamity which is another reason why what Trump is doing the tighten up the borders and immigration is the right thing and why it is a Bonafide issue of National Security and why the Democrats once again are on the wrong side of the issue, they want open borders. They want to take our guns this whole thing in Virginia's absolutely lunatic. It turns out that Michael Bloomberg is spending some of his 55 Millions to by state. Legislators he tried 16 states. He actually succeeded in 14 in Virginia. He said to these anti-gun Zealot selected. Well, Virginia is mostly a rural State like 90% more of Virginia's rural counties and they have taken a page out of the liberal Playbook, but we bad to Declaration of cities in California to be immigration sanctuaries were ice can't enforce the law. Well, they have declared themselves to be Second Amendment. Three Counties who uphold the law and there's the difference in Virginia the Second Amendment Sanctuary counties or wind uphold the Constitution and the law in California the immigration the sanctuary cities are trying to violate the constitution and defeat the law. I mean, it's completely opposite but these gun grabbers in Virginia led by this Governor North and lose even advocated infanticide of he Advocates killing babies after they are Airborne well, which is yeah, I'm dumbfounded by this but there's no question about it. Anyone who understands row v Wade knows that the Supreme Court ruled distinction between three different trimesters that abortion during the first three months is permissible for any reason during the second try month to the state had the right to regulate how it was done during the third trimester only permissible to save the life or the health of the mother for any other purpose such as because His birthday in fact or because there's wrong sex for example, or what have you but abortion for those reasons under Roe v-- Wade his murder much less the killing of of a board line baby. That's a bona fide baby. This north of is such an extremist even Advocates infanticide. I mean, it's just incredible. I myself very strongly support choice because you give a woman the right to determine for herself. Elf in accordance with her circumstances her family her physician her morals and so forth the rightness or wrongness of the disposition of her own body. It seems to me that's a very fundamental right and it's Democratic because it lets say every woman decides for herself. No, it is dictating what she does or does not do the pro-life position on the contract requires women, even if they're carrying an unwanted fetus they carry it to term now. We know slavery is immoral if Action is immoral the role I position turns women into reproductive slaves even against their own will involuntarily they would be compelled by the state that carry determined and wanted feed us even if they have too many kids in their family. They don't have enough money. They can't maintain their job and continue to support the family if they have another time in the reasons are almost endless. There's a lot. Yeah. Yeah, but leave it up to each individual Senators Kirk of that doesn't Force anyone to violate their No beliefs, it just doesn't allow them to impose their beliefs on other women who don't share them. Angry. I am pro-choice. You're not gonna get an argument argument from me with that at all. And by the way a special shout out to mr. Scott Henderson, I believe is listening to this right now. I just interviewed him last night by the way about the Apollo Moon hoax as we like to call it here. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, he's terrific. He's terrific. He's done a wonderful piece on the space suits and how they can possibly a function in the vacuum. Atmosphere the Moon that no astronaut wearing a spacesuit that NASA claims. They were wearing could have survived on the moon very interesting stuff. Yeah, my favorite group, by the way is that Earth has 55 times the mass of the Moon so that we have photographs that are purportedly taken from the Moon of Earth except that earth looks the same size as the mood when viewed from Earth and that's because they took photographs of the Moon from Earth and photoshopped them to make the mood out to be Earth, but if we were actually We making a photograph of Earth from the Moon it would dominate the entire visual field because it's huge in relation to the Moon. I mean, that's a simplest group. We didn't go they say the original footage of the moonwalk is now gone. It's very much like the Jeffrey Epstein footage gone. Yeah. Yeah. You're right. It's ridiculous. You're right. Yeah. I've done it any number of videos about the moon landing elaborate hoax. I have a book about it and I suppose we didn't go to the Moon either which also discusses the Paul fall. It was the first at death as Saddam Hussein the second death of Osama bin Laden and a whole lot about World War 2 and the Holocaust if you wanted the best introduction the best essays by the best experts on the Holocaust get that book which of course had been banned by Amazon at the request of the Anti-Defamation League which led Amazon demand some 2,000 books because they discuss the Holocaust in a way that actually is critical it appraises. The evidence and chose the official narrative cannot be sustained my goodness. No Jim. I know we are sort of running out of time here. I don't want to take up too much of your time. But there was a few more names to go through and one of them was John McCain and Meghan McCain. I had a couple listeners wanting to know your opinion on both of these individuals and now I am actually curious what you think of them wide all fair amount about John McCain. He was even photographed with al-baghdadi who is a head of Isis it was Isis was often referred to With Washington's John McCain's Army McCain had a very checkered history. He was regarded as a rat have he turned on his fellow prisoners in Hanoi and he was taken captive. He did a pilot hotdog take off of a carrier and turned on his afterburners prematurely and led to the death of I don't know 20 or 30 Sailors. It was outrageous. He was an abomination in my opinion. I have only contempt For John McCain now Meghan, I don't know enough about but I get the impression that she's actually made some reasonable statements when she's been on The View for example, if my recollection serves and that she maybe not so bad. But you know, I'm not a fan of her father. I'm open-minded about me understood understood now. Once again Jim I do want to thank you tremendously for being a part of the program yet again, and I must ask you this one last question in it. And the personal how is the wife holding up with the lawsuit right now? She okay. She's proven very very durable and resistant. Look we've been married over 42 years Michael any woman who could ride right? The me for 42 years is pretty tough cookie. Okay, I like science showed herself quite resilient and she's been very good at managing finances because when you have a law suit hanging over your head, there are all kinds of ways in which you could suffer. Only if you don't handle it responsibly and she's been wonderful and I'm very appreciative. I'm so glad I'm so glad to hear that. And another one one last one in terms of Cynthia McKinney. Have you interviewed her yet? By the way Jim. Well, I interviewed Cynthia was very long time ago. I would actually like to see a third-party movement. Maybe Jesse Ventura combined with Cynthia McKinney because the Democrats have really destroyed themselves and if Trump goes For Zionist. I think that the American people might like to have a president. They believe actually would stand up for America who better than Captain America Jesse Ventura himself install. I just want to toss that out. I think that would be rather a sensational though. I say as a fallback at Bernie got the nomination and ran with Tulsi gabbard. I'm a huge fan of Tulsi and I have a lot of respect for Bernie. He may very well survive, but there's been a massive effort. Effort to defeat him since he's been showing a surge where you had such absurdities as a York Times giving a dual endorsement of Amy Klobuchar and in Elizabeth Warren ridiculous. Neither of them is equal to the task. Elizabeth Warren has proven herself to be a complete and total fraud. You know, there's a reason why Trump refers to her as Pocahontas ultimate Char has a checkered history which would emerge in Spades if she actually were taken seriously. I don't expect either of Them to survive. I think Bernie's going to do very well. I seems like it and it take Iowa and he's probably going to take New Hampshire in and maybe even the rod and the DNC see the party wants to micromanage these things. They don't believe in democracy, which is why they wrongfully denied him the nomination in 2016. I think the their Eternal detriment by supporting a making Hillary Clinton the artificial nominee let the people choose for God's sake we're the ones who are I'm going to endure the consequences of our choices. The DNC isn't quite as corrupt as it was when it was run by Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Let them not repeat the mistakes of the past. I'm with you on that one and the gym before I let you go. I'm going to try to get Cynthia on your show or bring her on here and have you with me Jim? Oh, I'm a huge fan of Cynthia. I'd love it, and we're trying to get that going and of course Jim any final parting words before I let you go. Please feel free to plug your Your own radio show and where people can hear your show. Some people aren't even aware that you even do a show all by Schultz called The Raw Deal. It's got an odd schedule. It's Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. You can listen to it by going to Freedom Studio A from 6 to 8 p.m. Eastern 5:00 to 7:00 Central 3 to 5 Pacific, but let me more importantly plug my blog just have a new development in relation to Sandy Hook where third. Generation Newtown parent a Woman by the name of Rebecca cards inside the Revelation that Sandy Hook was a fraud. She's a former journalist. She has a lot of courage and integrity if you go to my blog now, you'll see the first she has written about Sandy Hook talking about how the identity of Adam Lanza was fabricated. This is a new development and I believe it could prove to be a major one because she has had a Blog about new town that she has run for You know many many years so she's well known in the community that somebody should speak out. It's just like the shooter in the church when you have a single magnificent example, it can Inspire others. So I think Rebecca is example here may Inspire others as well. Check out my blog. You'll find my latest. I picked the best articles on various subjects that they're not all written by me to share with the public in there are many there on the impeachment on this new virus. - and now on Sandy Hook and assorted other issue so go to James faster dot or James fencer dot-org. I'm also on Twitter by the way. I'm at Jim Fetzer. Very nice. I do tweet my most important articles and stories at Jim Fetzer. The fellow inspired me to do it in Jeff heard from Cleveland has asked me to be sure to mention my Twitter account. So at Jim fats, are you find you know, you get a pretty good overview of what I'm doing there. Way of f June fencer to Fantastic Jim always a honor and pleasure to have you aboard here on the program my friend migrate wiser, Michael. I always enjoy do it again. Talk to you soon, sir. You got it. Good night. Hi and there he goes boys and girls that was the one and only Jim Fetzer my goodness. What a great guest and a great human beings love talking to Jim. And of course as we bring it home here tonight. I want to thank all of you in the chat room very nice to see all of you out there. Remember you can get ahold of me during the program via Twitter at Michael Deacon. And of course, don't forget if you're a fan of this program and want to help fund. This program can go to forward slash Michael Deacon and you will definitely find more content. Once again. I hope you enjoyed this program tonight International listeners out there. Thank you so much for your support as well. It's been a top talent show yet. Again. There's a lot more coming soon next week. I And I hope you return the course you can find this program on every popular podcast platform. Yes ranging from iTunes Stitcher. I don't even think we're on Stitcher anymore. But there's also cast box which I prefer iTunes and cast boxes pretty good option. If you want to listen to this program take the show on the road with you definitely do that. Once again, if you want extra content go to forward slash Mike. Uncle Deacon and again, I hope you enjoyed the program stay safe everyone no matter where you are on this pale blue dot that said the world is a mysterious place and life itself is a mystery until next time.
Episode 209: MAYOR OF AMERICA Jim Fetzer joined the program, buckle up. If there’s one last hit to the economy that China doesn’t need right now, it’s a global pandemic that ‘supposedly’ originated in Wuhan, the sprawling capital of Central China’s Hubei province (see map below with the red marker identifying Wuhan). See how Wuhan is located right in the center of China’s highly productive southeast region—the economic powerhouse of the nation. This strategic location was selected for the biological attack because of the easily engineered vectors of disease dissemination as depicted by the map above. Paralyzing China’s economic and financial sectors is, after all, a primary goal of this essentially Anglo-American black operation. In light of the US-staged Hong Kong protests, U.S. tariff regime against China, threat of economic sanctions against nations working with Huawei, CIA-inflamed Xinjiang conflict involving the Muslim Uyghurs, provocative sailing of US Navy warships through the Taiwan Strait, transparent political prosecution of Huawei’s CFO, ravaging of China’s pig farms by a bioengineered virus, etc., the Chinese government has been under withering attack since 2018. When so many debilitating assaults are suspiciously happening at once, what can China do except deal with them in a manner so as to expose the true culprits? However, China is not likely to do that in the case of this intensifying bio-war being waged by the West.
Hi and welcome to the church unlimited podcast Church unlimited is a vibrant bible-based Church in North Lakes Queensland that is passionate about helping people discover that genuine love of Jesus. If you're currently looking for a new home Church would love for you to join us for Sunday worship from 4 p.m. At North Lake State College on the corner of Discovery Drive and join a circuit. We hope you enjoy this great message from our Sunday service and come for a visit someday soon. All right. You could you could be seated. You take likes following an actual Bible Matthew chapter 4. We're going to get there in a second. Those you who don't know me. This is all I do for a living I travel around and speak. I've had incredible privilege of being mentored by a pastor who just happens to have his Rabbi training as well. So my stuff comes from that vent also have a master's degree in Clinical Psychology. So I'm actually qualified to sort your head outs of careful what you say to me afterwards. I see through all that stuff. I see through on your way out at the back. There is our resource. If after the service if you have trouble finding our resource table seek medical help. It's taking up half the room back there. And if you think I think why would you carry that around with you? The reason is is because we make a lot of money from it, right? The reason we do that is because we live with the conviction that we're not simply called to go to heaven when we die. We're called to bring Heaven to every place we see Hill here and so a hundred percent of what we make from that we give to the poor in The Afflicted three orphanages in China look after mentally handicapped kids. We have a rescue in Cape Town that gets girls out of sex trafficking get some off drugs High School educated and job training so we can break the cycle of poverty in the Cape Town Flats, right? So everything is available in cd/dvd/usb and direct download every package of stuff now back there has its own individual USB included in it. That way you can have it in all the format's I think since the last time I was here we've released three new ones and of course if you're new to me, it's all new. So going back there and check those things out as always. It's honored to be with my good friends James and Paula. This church and you guys I'll let you know something. Just don't tell anybody that you guys get me more than anybody right and there and the reason is is because of your time slot so we can we can we can work this out more than I can work out other things and so I'm but I don't count that as for granted. I count that as an honor to be here and be a part of what you're doing in the afternoon. All right, so I want to talk to you about Jesus because I think that would be a good topic. Right? And so so James says earlier, he says we take Jesus seriously, of course the his is what does that mean? And so I want to I want to recenter us around and reorient us around what it means to be a follower of Jesus because here's the problem of Jesus sometimes when people say Jesus they instantly divert to a god figure. So some sort of divine being right which gives Jesus this sort of rules right feel to him, right and and look amen. Look. I we fully affirm the Divinity of Christ. Amen. Absolutely, but we also affirmed that he was fully human. And the reason it's important to think of Jesus as a human being is so that we can work out the way he called us to live in our life because some of the things Jesus called us to do can easily be dismissed as oh, but he was God, right? Who am I I could never do that. He was God. Yes, but he was also fully humans. I want to talk to you about that this morning not at the expense of the god side of Jesus, but to to Enlighten us around The Human Side of Jesus, and I want to talk to you about what it means to be a follower of Jesus and what it meant. Mint in the first century to be a follower of Jesus because at this if I was to summarize what church unlimited exist to do in one sentence is this is to be a Jesus kind of people for the sake of the world right to be people of Jesus for the sake of the world and I want it. Once again. No one can disagree with that. No one could go. No, we need less Jesus. No one would do that. Right. The problem is is when we lack language around what that means. And so I want to put some language around this today by sharing with you. What would be the most important thing is Ever learned in my life about Jesus the thing that moved me the most and it took me three months of processing this when I first learned it before I could ever speak of it and now I've been asked to speak this all over the world. It's normally the first message I ever do when I come to a place because it just sets us on the right foot and and it orientates us around the most important thing. And so I want to talk to you about Jesus the rabbi the first century Rabbi who is teaching people how to live Jesus Christ was a first first century Rabbi who was teaching people how to live here. You might be thinking Shane. How do you know he was a rabbi ready? Because they called him Rabbi, right? Right and and they entrusted him with teaching the Torah and synagogues. He had a regular speaking spot in the temple. They just didn't let any redneck do that. Okay, so I want to talk to you about what that meant and what it meant to be a disciple of a rabbi because the word disciple was specific to what it meant to be a follower of a rabbi. So here are the calling of the first four disciples. This is Matthew Chapter 4 Verse 18 as Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee. He saw two brothers Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake for they were fishermen. If you're a note taker note that phrase they were fishermen and come back a second. Come follow me. Jesus said and I'll send you out to fish for people what an odd invitation follow me and fish for people that is not compelling. That isn't like what are you talking about bro, but it seems to work because at once they left their Nets and followed him odd next slide and going on from there. He saw two other brothers James the son of Zebedee and his brother John and they were in a boat with their father Zebedee preparing their net. So they're obviously fishermen as well. That's their family business and Jesus called them and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him. Weird that is weird for grown men leaving everything they know to follow a guy who sales pitches this compelling All of Me Okay, that is weird that is strange and he seems to have an unbelievable success rate with it with an unbelievably uncompelled in sales pitch. This is Mark chapter 2. This is the calling of the fifth disciple check this out. And once again, Jesus went out beside the lake and a large crowd came to him and he began to teach them. Them and as he was walking along he saw Levi the son of alphaeus sitting at a tax collectors Booth follow me. There's that weird phrase again Follow Me. Jesus told him and leave. I got up and followed him. This is odd grown people leaving everything. They know to follow a guy whose sales pitch is this compelling follow me? They're leaving everything. They're leaving their wives their children their families their job. Bob's their communities their land their homes and their boats off a guy saying follow me. How does that work? Look if you're here tonight and you're married. How does that conversation even go? Hey. Hey sweetie. How was your day? Good what happened? Quit my job. What why is hippie looking guy came by said following thought it was a good idea. Where you going? He didn't say. When are you coming back didn't say that either. I just thought I would follow him. See you when I see you. You what how does that work? And you know, these guys are quite serious. They're leaving everything wives children families jobs homes communities Landing boats. That's serious. Look, it's one thing to leave your wife. It's an entirely different thing to leave your boat. That is serious stuff. I mean leave your wife. Okay, there's women everywhere, but leave your boat sitting in the water my goodness me. What is happening here? Quite frankly strange when I learned this changed my life forever and I'd like to share it with you today see in first-century Israel. The highest honor was to be considered a rabbi every Hebrew boy wanted to be a rabbi because it meant they trusted you to teach Torah they would teach you to read and then teach you to to to teach Torah. They were entrusting you with the very scriptures from the Lord. This was the highest honor every Hebrew boy. Wanted to be a rabbi but End of the day only The Best of the Best of the Best of the Best of the Best of the Best of the Best of the Best of the best ever make it think about it this way in Brisbane, every boy in Brisbane wants to play rugby league every boy. But how many of them are ever actually going to play for the Brisbane Broncos? None of them all of them want to play for the Broncos very few are ever going to play for the Broncos. Why because most people aren't good enough to play for the Broncos no matter how good you are at some point. You're going to be told you're not good enough to play at the next level go back and earn a living at what you do with your trade. But the best of the best of the best of the best of the best of the best the best one-day get to play for the Broncos. This is why every 45 year old man in Australia has a back in the day story, you know, like man, I was awesome. I would have made it but then I hurt my knee, you know, and it's like it's like what come on man. You weren't that good. We all know you weren't that good. It wasn't your knee. You just weren't that good. It was it was so it's sort of like that was being a rabbi. Teacher be entrusted with the title Rabbi. This was not a title that ever just gave somebody there's three people that I know of called Rabbi in the Bible Jesus Paul Gamaliel. That is it. You never hear somebody go Rabbi Peter Rabbi. James are no no Rabbi John. No. No, Rabbi was like whoa, right Rabbi Jesus Rabbi Paul, Rabbi Gamaliel that was it to every Hebrew boy. Wanted to be a rabbi that at the end of the day only The Best of the Best of the Best of the Best of the Best of the Best of the Best Made It This Is How They cut Them. Let me just run you through this very quickly. You had to memorize in order to be a rabbi first. You had to memorize Leviticus by the age of 6. How interesting you had to memorize Leviticus by the age of six if you memorized Leviticus by the age of six, you graduated to the first school. Let me show you the names of the schools. Okay next slide. So the names of the schools were the BET Safar with some go north Lakes Broncos Gusto. Let's try saying that together. It sounds like this bet Safar. Let's say that together ready go bet Safar. That's very good. One more time a little bit more Gusto ready go. Bet Safar bet the farm means the school of the book The School of the book was the Vets afar. It lasted from 6 to 12 years old 6 years long and you had to memorize the entire Torah Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers and Deuteronomy the in entire thing if you memorize the entire Torah before the age of 12 and you proved it it qualified you to take an exam to qualify to take the exam you had to prove you'd memorize the whole book which leads to this. This question if the qualification to take the exam was that you memorize the whole book. What could they possibly be testing you on good question. The the qualifications to take the exam was to memorize the whole book the test though was on your ability to ask questions about the scripture in order to keep a conversation about God going great rabbis. We're not known for their ability to give answers. Great. Rabbis were known for their ability to ask the right questions in order to keep a conversation. Shit about God going think about your Bible when Jesus was twelve years old. He was wowing the teachers of the law with his questions, right? It wasn't about the answers. It was about the questions because just to take the exam you had to memorize the whole book now, if you remember if you wow, the teachers of the law with your questions you graduate to the next school. The next school was called the bet. Tell mid with the same amount of Guster. Let's try all that together ready go bet cell mid bet tell mid means the school of disciple the stool discipleship school. Now the vet tell mid lasted from 12 to 30 and it was five stages long 18 years of schooling five stages for the sake of time and relevance will call those stages stage 1 2 3 4 5, right and the idea was is that if you graduated from Stanford H1 you got to go to Stage yes. Yes. Yes, but if you didn't you were told I'm sorry, you're disqualified from Ministry go back and earn a living at your family tray. But the Best of the Best of the Best of the Best of the Best of the Best of the Best Kept graduating, they memorize the Torah the ones who couldn't I'm sorry, you're disqualified from being a rabbi go back and earn a living at your family trade the ones who weld the teachers of the law find the ones who didn't I'm sorry, you're disqualified from being a rabbi go back and learn. Living at your family trade, but the best of the best of the best of the best of the best. They graduate from stage 1 to Stage 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5. Now, we are 30 years old and we're sitting at Stage 5 anybody ever wonder why Jesus disappeared from 12 to 30 and then at 30 years old he reappears and everybody's going Rabbi Rabbi Rabbi. This is what's going on now at Stage 5 of the vet tell mid everybody graduates no more. Being disqualified everybody graduates. The only thing left to determine is is what kind of Rabbi will you be and there was two types of rabbis. There were rabbis with authority and rabbis without Authority not very complicated rabbis without Authority and rabbis with authority now rabbis were rabbis just the saying and 99% of all rabbis were rabbis without Authority. Let me explain a rabbi without Authority had to teach the scriptures the same way his Rabbi taught him for 18 years. Now a rabbis way of teaching scripture was called his yoke, it was called his yoke. It was a rabbi joke was his summary statement of how he interpreted scripture his summary statement of how he taught people to live a summary statement of what he allowed and what he forbidded binding and loosing. It was a summary statement of all of these things and you would learn the Yoke of your Rabbi for Eighteen years and then you would graduate and if you graduated without Authority, then you had to teach the Yoke of your Rabbi to the Next Generation. So every every every movement in Israel was somehow tied back to a rabbi with authority. Now a rabbi with authority was a rabbi just the same with one big difference a rabbi with authority was able to make up his own yolk. He was able to make up his own interpretation. He was able to start his own movement now 99 Point nine percent of all rabbis were rabbis without Authority but once every two or three generations a rabbi would come along so special that they would in do him with an ordination of a special title a rabbi with authority. Now, this is the most important word. I'm going to teach you today. So let me show it to you on the next slide. This is this is the word for Authority in Hebrew. That word is some Mika now, let's try that with a whole heap of Gusto ready everybody go some Meek. Now if you want to stay on Jewish, we got a new one more thing. We got to make this noise at the end ready. All right. All right, so, all right. So everybody try that ready 3 2 1 right, right. They that was awful. Right? Let's let's try that again. Let's try that again. Ready 3 2 1 right. So in in Jewish culture, there were rabbis without Authority but then every now and then a rabbi but once every two or three generations a rabbi would come along so special that he would be a rabbi. With authority, so there were rabbis without some mica. That's your cue there were rabbis without some Mica and then there were rabbis with some Mica now the only difference between a rabbi without some Mica and one with some Mika was that the one with authority could make up his own yolk. Now, here's how they determined who had Authority and who didn't when you graduated from Rabbi school. They baptized you they baptize you because they baptized you anytime. Change social status think about your Bible when Jesus was 30 years old. He went out to the desert to be baptized by John right? This is a this is his graduation now at your baptism, you had to have to verbal witnesses to your authority to be considered a rabbi with authority. Think about it when Jesus was 30 years old, he went out to the desert to be baptized by John and John says Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the whole Whole world who whose sandals? I am not worthy to untie witness 1 John baptizes. Jesus. Jesus comes up out of the water as a normal Rabbi without Authority until a second voice speaks. This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased and there was thunder and lightning and birds and rainbows. It's almost like the father was saying if no one else is going to speak up. I will and Jesus walks up out of that water. Not just as a rabbi, but as a rabbi with some Mica which means he can now make up his own yolk and Jesus spent the rest of his life wrecking. Everybody else's joke. Think about your Bible you do not Teach as the other rabbis teach, but you teach as one with yes. It doesn't mean he was yelling at me and he sang something new he's saying he's saying they that you're not teaching what they teach remember remember remember think about it right take my yoke upon you and learn of me for my yoke is easy and my burden is light the key to that phrase has the word mine for Jesus. Say my yoke, he had to have authority. He had to be able to teach his own yolk. I love the Yoke of our Rabbi. Oh, hey check this out. Right? This is really cool. You guys aren't bored yet. Are you everybody good? Okay, good. Alright, so here's what happened. Right? So after you graduated right you now a rabbi with authority. What's the first thing you must do you got to go get disciples like a rabbi who does he was at teaching somebody he's a monk. He's sitting around thinking about stuff. Right, so he he would go here we go. Get disciples and making sure you're paying attention right? Where would the new 30 year old Rabbi go find the most qualified students. He would go to the vet tell mid and he would find the pre-vetted twelve-year-old boys who had memorized the scriptures had weld the teachers of the law. He didn't have to ask where they smart where they discipline where they dedicated where they passionate. He didn't ask anything. They they were pre-vetted for him and he would walk through the BET tell me. Ordaining young boys into his Rabbi school to teach them his yoke and the only thing he had to ask was do I believe they could do greater things than me. And if the new Rabbi believed that they could do greater things than him. He wouldn't ordained them into his Rabbi school with two words. Follow me. Follow me. Follow me. Follow me. Follow me every Hebrew boy long to hear the words of a rabbi say follow me, but most of them only ever heard. I'm sorry, you're disqualified go back and earn a living at your family trade. But this new Rabbi, does he go to the vet tell mid to find us disciples know he goes to the banks of a lake and who does he find fisherman now think about it if they were fishermen. What does that mean? It means they've been disqualified and Jesus stands on the banks of the lake and says Simon Andrew follow me and you've got grown men jumping out of votes for the opportunity. Why because they had long their whole life to be called worthy by Rabbi but they were told they weren't and this new Rabbi with some Mica is given them a good fresh go. That is the Yoke of our rabbi. The Yoke of our Rabbi qualifies disqualified people will think about this whole thing about this first four disciples, right? What was their job fisherman good disciple. What was his job tax collector. Hang on. Where do you find him at the lake? Hang on if you're the tax collector at the lake who have you been taxing fisherman, right? In other words, we're going to find out right now. Do you for have what it takes to follow me? Can you forgive the guy that's been robbing from you for years and let's go change the world. That is the Yoke of our Rabbi now. What's the rabbi had his disciples he had to teach them how to walk Jewish historians say you could always tell which disciples belong to which Rabbi by how they walked they wanted to walk exactly like their Rabbi which makes me wonder if there wasn't like a first century Rabbi with some swag, you know. They wanted to walk like think about your Bible. How will the world know you're my disciple unless you're walking like I yes and so you could always tell you can always tell who the best student today was the best way here's how very simple let's do the day got to be the line leader just like now and you could always tell who that was because the rabbi's were these special shoes and they would throw up dirt and dust from in front of them. So you can always tell the best do the day was by the student who was covered in dust from his Down right but you this was not dust you wanted to wash off. This was dust you wanted to show off it because it was an honor to be covered in the dust of your Rabbi. So here's what you would do. You'd go back to synagogue or Temple you go back there and you be like hey, Check out my dust, right you love that you love that because it was it was an honor to be covered in the dust of your rabbit. Hey member think about your Bible right there where Jesus said he said if you go into a place and they do not accept you. What do you do Shake the Dust off your feet, right? How can he say that and still say love your enemies? Why and less shaking the dust off your feet was a blessing. It was a blessing in the first century. It was a blessing and honor to be covered in the dust of your rabbi. In other words, Jesus says if they won't accept you leave them with the greatest blessing you could give them even if it's the dust off your feet. That is the Yoke of our Rabbi which leads me to this observation. You'll either be covered in the dust of your Rabbi or you'll be covered in the dust of your own issues. You be covered in the dust of your denomination to be covered in the dust of your mom the dust of your dad or my personal favorite the dust of well, that's just what I was always taught as if that's going to stand the test of time, but those the You don't want to be covered in the dust of those things. You want to be covered in the dust of your Rabbi. Here's the reason why because if you're covered in the dust of your Rabbi, you'll cover others in the dust of your Rabbi. But if you're covered in the dust of something else, you'll cover them in the same dust and the hope for North Lakes. The hope for Brisbane is the Church of fully devoted followers of Jesus who are committed not to go to heaven when they die, but to be a part of living a Jesus type of life here on this Earth and Hover people in the dust of our Rabbi, right? Which leads me to this question? I wonder how we're doing with that. What are we going? Like it if Australian government made it illegal to tell people your follow Jesus if they say you're not allowed you are never allowed to say you're a follower of Jesus one more day. It's against the law if that was the law. The Church of Jesus Christ should suffer 0 here's why we should never have to tell people that were following Jesus. They should just be looking at our life and going. Oh, yeah. That's yeah, that's that's Jesus name. Right. Why because that's what changes our world. I love the Yoke of our Eva. I love Jesus like there's this one time. There's this lady and she was caught in the act of adultery. Let me say that slowly in the act now. It would be embarrassing to be caught in that act. If it was right. I mean, it's not a great spectator sport. Right right, but But to be caught in the act of adultery, that would be terrible now for those of you who know your Bible will what does the bible Clearly say you have to do to her Stone her so the religious leaders. This is the Feast of Tabernacles. They party / 7 days she ends up in the wrong tent they get her and they bring her to Jesus and they're trying to trap him now. Think about it. Why do they need Jesus they need someone with? Yes, so they throw her at Jesus. They say Jesus the Torah says Stoner. What's your yolks? Say Jesus is in a conundrum. Isn't he? Does Jesus want to Stone? The lady know is he's is he supposed to fulfill the wall? Yes. So Jesus is in a has a problem. They say hey, the scriptures say Stoner. We have our verses we have our pamphlets. We have our websites. We ever fundamental truths the scriptures the scriptures say Stoner. What does your yolk say? Jesus is a genius is he does he goes, you know what you're right. The scriptures say Stoner. So I say Stoner there. I've kept the law. Oh, but wait a minute. I have some Mica which means I can make up my own yolk. Okay, the Torah says Stoner as I say Stoner, but my yoke also says you can't throw stones unless you're perfect. In the original language there it says this. Right, right and it's they're flabbergasted. It says that everybody gets tired of holding their stones and they set him down Jesus write something in the dirt. You know, what's he writing? And then and then it says he waits for them all to leave and in one of the most moving moments from Jesus his whole life. He looks at this lady who would have been in the fetal position or waiting to be killed and he says hey, where are your accusers? What a masterful question not what did you do not tell me about it. No. No, where are your accusers? She looks around. She says, oh, they're not here. He says great the neither do I condemn you why the Torah said you had the stone Someone caught in the act of adultery, but the tour also says you have to have two witnesses to condemn. Somebody Jesus couldn't make her sin go away. So he simply made the witnesses go away, which automatically declares a mistrial. This is Jesus at his top genius stuff That is the Yoke of our Rabbi which is why there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are why it's not that we don't ever send. It's just they'll never be enough witnesses to condemn Us by the law of God. That is the Yoke of our Rabbi which leads me to this question the Yoke of our Rabbi could look at someone caught in the act of adultery and say I don't condemn you could arguably say that and if it can't how could the world possibly know that when is decided Let me throw a wrench in it. She wasn't repenting it caught her on her back there working caught her in the act and he still said I don't condemn you could we do that. See my yolk the Yoke of the church. I came up with said no. No, you catch someone in adultery. You can announce it from the stage. So that all might fear that is not the Yoke of our Rabbi. That's the Oka some jacked-up white dude from 1890 with severe daddy issues, right? That is not the Yoke of our Rabbi, right? Right. Jesus said Jesus said oh you've been caught in the act. Oh, then I don't condemn you now. What's the next line now go and send them right? So here's what we do. We say it backwards and call it Jesus we go. You better quit sending so God won't condemn you you better stop sinning. So God won't continue. No. No way. Jesus is like I'm not condemning you and based on that kindness. Let the kindness of God leads you to repentance. I'm not going to condemn you now take that as a mulligan a second chance a fresh start a clean. Late and change your life. That is the Yoke of our Rabbi. Jesus said it this way. He said they'll know you're my disciples. If you hea they were keep their means to protect. It's sort of like it's sort of like if someone handed me a baby and said would you keep her for two minutes for me and just got to run their I'll be right back. Would you keep her for a second? That doesn't mean obey the baby. That means protect the baby. It's an ancient castle where it was a castle. Keep it's where you put the children in the vulnerable. Oftentimes I Jesus says Hey above all things protect my command and here's my command love each other. In other words. If someone was never say Hey, where's Church unlimited stand on this or where's Church unlimited stand on that or what's your stance on this? And it's all boring doctrinal bullcrap, right and we're going hey, where do we stand on this stuff? Right? Well, I'll tell you where we stand. Here's where we stand. We stand to love Jesus Christ and to protect love at all costs. That's always say we stand to keep the command and the command to keep the command. We're going to protect his command to love each other at all. Now we'll discuss whatever Doctrine you want to discuss as long as it's a discussion, but at the end of the day we discussed Doctrine but we defend love with everything. We have we treat others as we would want to be treated. Why because the rules say that that lady should have been stoned but Jesus's message in a nutshell is God loves people more than the rules. God loves people more than the rules. God loves you and if you're here tonight and you're like, oh, I don't know about this Jesus thing. I don't know if people actually knew me they wouldn't accept me another day. Let me clearly say something to you the message of This in one nutshell is no matter what you are or where you've been or what you've done. God loves you more than the rules despite what the rules say, you might deserve the whole gospel is God loves you more than the rules and that is the Yoke of our Rabbi now. The Yoke of our Rabbi existed in the Old Testament to write it like it's almost like the writers had helped to check this out. This is this is Hebrews chapter 11, right which is like the heroes of the faith, you know by faith Abraham by faith Moses 5 Faith Sampson Wright. If you go read their stories, they all did crazy mistakes. They all did stuff that was jacked up beyond what you can imagine like Hey by faith Abraham gave his wife to Pharaoh's Harem if CNN The internet would have been around back then. What were you saying about Abraham right like well, okay. Let me ask you this with Abraham be available to preach your next Sunday. Would you let him? Or would you start a website on his mistakes? You know, right or by faith Isaac did something's by faith Moses Moses was a premeditated murderer. I look this way and that and seeing no one. I killed the man and hid him in the sand problem was the next day the sand shifted yet. This legs sticking up out of the sand. Yeah. God said you'll do I'll have you right the foundational scripture for everything and her daughter. By faith Samson Samson was sleeping with prostitutes on his wedding night because he got depressed because his best man stole his wife. What if he was available to preach next only by faith David like David had how many women like 700 or something? 700 women? 700. God said, you're a man after my own heart. And he still went and got the one he wasn't meant to have do you know there are Christian denominations to in our world today that according to their bylaws would never let David preach from a stage because of his mistake, but the open a book David wrote call it the word of God and be able to see the hypocrisy and that come on by faith Solomon Solomon out. Did it thousand women and that's what was written. What was he hiding? A thousand with us thousand women my Lord. God said I'll have you write the book on wisdom. Surely you learn something you imagine. Right right. You mentioned that conversation. Excuse me, sir. Are you the man that successfully navigated the affections of a thousand women? Yes. We are write a book together. If Solomon was available to preacher next Sunday, would you welcome or will we go all is he allowed to do hey, you know what? He did. No, they're an understory here. Wait a minute. It's not the okavango the Yoke of our Rabbi has always less qualified disqualified people and change the world. Okay, like there's this one time. Jesus has an encounter with a guy that denied him in court and Jesus is response is amazing. He cooks breakfast on the beach for him. He doesn't even bring it up. He just says hey you love me. Yeah, you love me. You know, what? Do you sure you love me after all this? Yep, then let's go change the world. That is the Yoke of our ever which leads me to this. I wonder who we need to cook breakfast on the beach boy. Wonder if there's anybody that has done us wrong. We just written him out of her life. Probably should just cook breakfast on the beach cleaning. Take two more stories one from my personal life. And and then and one from the Bible actually tell you the one can the Bible First there's this there's this odd scene in Matthew chapter 9 where it says it says in Jesus took his disciples to says area Philippi Jesus took his disciples that one line Jesus took his disciples to says refilled by okay couple things about this first that's an hour-and-a-half Drive in a motor car on a paved road today. That's not something you just sort of passed by. Okay. They had to intend to go there. That's first second cezary Philip. Why was not the place any Christian would go there's no way like the most debaucher stuff going on in Brisbane tonight Vegas doesn't matter. It is Nickelodeon compared to what was going on at cezary philipot Century of Philippi was the headquarters to the goat. God Pan actually today. It's not called caesarea Philippi. It's called panaya the city of pan. It's so there was things going on. You can't imagine because of the age range. I'm seeing in the room. I'm going to really dumb down my language, but you adults should be able to read through it, right? So pain, Was this goat? God? Let me let me show you a let me show you a picture of the center of caesarea Philippi, right? Let me just show you this this is the center of cezary Philip. I now the reason that photo is of such high quality is because I took it myself, right? Photographers everywhere trying to get somebody else's arm and their photo now. There's this it's amazing. I've done I've started a trend now. There's this huge rock cliff there. This was the temple over here was the temple to the goat God pan right here. And then this was called the court of pan in the nillas like nip. Okay, right and then that big cave was called the entrance and exit to hell and here's what would happen. Right? You had to worship pan 24/7 through public acts with goats. Okay. I'll just leave it there right so hub. Acts with goats of a certain fertility ritual. I thought it's pretty good now. So that would have been going on over here. It's the most debaucherous thing. You could ever imagine Jesus took his youth group there. That was their mission trip. Jesus walks into this situation with 12 men and here's what they here's what they taught. They said if you didn't worship and properly here that pan would open up the entrance to Hell there and swallow you into it. Jesus walks into this with 12 guys. Hey, can you imagine you met and he can hear their thoughts you can you see why he had to focus them. He's like Peter. Hey, hey right here, bro right here right here eyes this way eyes this way. Hey Focus, bro. Focus hey, who do you say that? I am Peter shakes it off. He says you are the Christ the son of the Living God. Jesus says, that's right and Upon This Rock we can build a church and not even the Gates of Hell will prevail against it. Jesus walked into that level of debauchery and doesn't condemn them because it's a I'm going to get you doesn't do any of that. He doesn't even he doesn't even mention it. He just says you're acting like that because you're scared of this and Jesus stood over the gates of hell and said bring it on. That is the okavango one last story my personal life. I used to kick box and I got really good at it. I did it competitively I placed in the US Open. I got invited because of a high enough place in the US. I got invited to the Nazca World Championships. Now. I have no interest in fighting today. I'm 43. It hurts too. Bad to get hit and fighting's different when I when I fought you stood up and if you clench terrific separate now, they pull you to the ground interior armor different this anyway, so but I was I was good at it. And so I came home from the US Open and there was a guy in my neighborhood is name was Kenneth Brown Kenneth was a freak of nature what you look at before you right now this physical specimen, right? Like if you sleep in and drink Coke you two can one day look like I am 6 foot 2. I am 85 kilos as I stand before you right Kenneth Brown was six foot two, ninety three kilos in the eighth grade. He was one of these freaks of nature that had like we were in fifth grade together. We'd go to recess he'd go to the bathroom to shave right? He's like shaving in the fifth grade, right amazing guy. Anyway, he shows up and he says, oh my Around look at my trophies. He's a shame. We'll look I think I can. Whup you I said, I think you're right. He said no, I'm serious. I want to fight and said no, I'm serious. I'm not fighting it. He said why I said cause you're twice my size. You don't fight people twice your size. It's a rule. He said I bought boxing gloves to prove I could beat you and I said a boxing you want a box. Oh, that's different. You said fight what you meant to say was box because Box means you can't grab me and take me to the ground. We have to stand up and fight. Amen. Let's go do that. Right? So we walked outside, you know, all my friends make a ring, you know, you could picture now fight Fight right and I got the ring with Kenneth Brown and I've beat him half to death. I was fast. He was slow. I was skilled. He was not I was just in and out in and out. I couldn't hurt him. He's huge. I was like pop pop pop pop, right couldn't hurt. Anyway, Kenneth gets frustrated by this and he chooses. He says, I'm he thought I'm going to end this with one punch and he threw a right cross. It was unlike any right cross I've ever seen in my life. Let me show it to you in real speed ready. I actually had time to think. I'll move now. When he finished his swing he ended in this position. And I thought oh, yeah never before nor since have I ever hit a human being this hard. He's a perfect shot. Perfect if you understand golf is that one shot you hit an 18 holes that makes you think you can hit him all that good, you know, it was big muscles leading. It wasn't like. Oh no big muscles leading small muscles everything from the ground up right? It's everything in tandem. Everything tight right on the base of his chin. His head snapped back his knees buckled in retrospect. I should have kept hitting it. But I never met anybody that hard in my life. So I just sort of stood over him like this and waited from the fall. He he caught his balance and he looked up at me and now he was mad. his face turned red and he said boy, is that all you got and it was I didn't mean everything I had he's still coming help how many of you know when you hit someone with your best shot and they're still coming. You lose a forfeited. I said, I can't hit him harder. I can't I can't I can't he went you know what the Bible says the Bible says the yoga of our Rabbi was put on a public display public display. Oh, hey, are you the guy that said bless your enemies. Are you the guy that said be merciful. Are you the guys said forgive everybody? Right? Are you the guy who said protect love at all costs? You're that guy. How about a crown of thorns? Huh? How about some beating with a stick? Huh? Some spitting how about some mocking? How about 39 lashes? How about some Nails in your hand? Can you still keep doing it? Come on, get us get us. Come on, call it down. Come On Come On Us - come on. Come on, come on, come on, and they beat him and they beat him and they beat him and they beat him and they beat him and they beat him and they beat him and he kept loving and forgiving and loving and forgiving and loving and forgiving and loving and forgiving all the way to the point of death. He still forgiving the last guy down there which is why any message of Jesus. It's like if you don't do something Jesus is going to like that is not the message of Jesus and on that ER visit. 25 foot cross over the top of the building Jesus kept loving and forgiving and loving and forgiving and loving and forgiving and and I and let me and let me say this under great stress under great. Duress. Jesus is having the worst day possible and he still forgiving the guy next to him. He still thinking about the next person he still doing that and he and he dies you can't do nothing more to a guy than killing and here's what I think happened. If you'll humor me. I Think Jesus descended into hell and he looked at the Devil right in the eye and he said boy, is that all you got that was your best shot? You serious you thought you could destroy my yoke by killing me. I'll now no no, I'm stuck here for three days. But three days from now. I'm going to breakfast on the beach for the very people who abandoned me in my time of need and I'm not even going to bring it up. And here's the thing. I'm going to preach the whole three days. I'm here. You know Peter said in First Peter that when Jesus died he descended into hell and preach to the dead. You know, what else it says. It says when Jesus rose from the dead tombs everywhere empty. I wonder how his altar call went. Anyway, he Right, right, right, right. Why why because the Yoke of our Rabbi is love Saves the Day. Which leads me to this? Couple questions one are we keeping the command? Are we protecting the command to love it all calls or have we escalated something else promoted something to I want us to just be quiet before the Lord at this moment and this bow our head and sort of cancel the white noise of the week and I want you to be brave enough to ask this question Lord Jesus. Is there anywhere I've changed your yogurt. Is there any place I've changed your yoga. Please forgive me. I don't have a right. Where have I acted as if I have some And I do not what would you give us the courage to see things different irresistible urge to respond? What was Lord forgive us for where we've changed your yogurt and then wondered why you're not compelling to our world. Once you right there where you're seated? Why don't you just say a simple prayer like this underneath your breath Lord Jesus. I re commit my life to you again to follow you to be your disciple if you're here today and you've never made a choice to follow Jesus you can make that choice right now. If you need words to say you can say something like this Lord Jesus. I'm going to choose to put my trust in your version. Of my life story instead of the one I've written on my own. I'd love to follow you. Would you teach me how to live thanks for listening. We hope you've enjoyed this message. We pray that you and your family are richly blessed in the love and Grace of Jesus if you're ever in the area, we'd love to have you join us for Sunday worship.
We take Jesus seriously – so what does that mean? It is important to think about Jesus as a human being in order to help us work out how Jesus wants us to live. What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? Jesus Christ was a first-century rabbi who taught people how to live on earth. He was entrusted with speaking in the synagogue and at the temple. Let’s look at the calling of the first 4 disciples: Matthew 4:18-22: As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him. Going on from there, he saw two other brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were in a boat with their father Zebedee, preparing their nets. Jesus called them, and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him. There are a couple of things to notice about this passage: They were fishermen. Jesus’ sales pitch was “Follow me” 4 grown men left everything they knew to follow a random stranger Then again in Mark 2:13-14: 13 Once again Jesus went out beside the lake. A large crowd came to him, and he began to teach them. 14 As he walked along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” Jesus told him, and Levi got up and followed him. Again – the sales pitch is “Follow me” and these grown men are leaving everything to do just that – businesses, family, wives, children - everything. What is happening here? In first century Israel, every boy wanted to be a Rabbi – it was the highest honour. But at the end of the day, only the best of the best went on to become a Rabbi. To be entrusted with the title Rabbi was not something that was done lightly – there are only 3 Rabbis mentioned in the Bible – Jesus, Paul and Gamaliel. In order to be a rabbi, you had to memorise Leviticus by the age of 6. If you did this, you graduated to the next school. The next school was the Bet Sefer – the school of the book – which lasted from age 6-12 and you had to memorise the entire Torah before the age of 12. If you memorised the entire Torah before the age of 12, this qualified you to take the exam in order to progress to the next school. The exam was on your ability to ask questions about the Scripture in order to keep a conversation about God going. Think about the Bible - when Jesus was 12 years old, he was wowing the teachers of the law with his questions. If you wow the teachers of the law with your questions, you then progressed to the next school – the Bet Talmid. Bet Talmid means the school of discipleship and this lasted from 12 years old to 30 years old. The Bet Talmid consisted of 5 stages and you had to graduate from each stage or you were told “I’m sorry, you’re disqualified from being a rabbi, go back and earn a living at your family business”.
Where we blow your mind we're going to do it. Here we go live audience. She can sing. Oh, wow. She believes Pastor in her at the next big thing. We are we are aren't we Pastor Tony? We've been practicing I can sing. Okay my Father in Heaven coming out my father. Me saying album coming out saying well, I can say come on. That's right starting off with the shape. But hello everyone. You are listening to I am today and nice and we have so many we We are Customs fast. Yes, it's a cast is fast. It's a lot of Cassis things happening today. Awesome. Foursome. There you go. The awesome foursome is in the hiz-ouse and plus we are recording from Down Under but we are not in hell. So first of all, we have Pastor Tony Casas Pastor Nathan kisses. Hello and faster, Chris. Hi, and of course, dr. Robin Cassidy. They love you. They love you. Hi. Hi. Hi, the animated version of audience loves you and the live audience Loves You Who. Wow, I think I mean good book. Today's a special day Shania. It is a special day. It's Australian days. It is Australian today. What's your thingy? I never a person of all every time I say, what was the thing? Yes, every time I say that Ozzy Ozzy Ozzy all the all strangers. Look at me like yeah, we don't do that, but I thought that's what you supposed to say that my Aussie Aussie Aussie oi, all right. Why don't you get them to do it? That's why I told you. Yes, let's see if they'll be loud enough. So we record this because I need to experience this for myself now that I'm down guys. All right, Ozzy Ozzy Ozzy So yes, I'm so happy to be here with you guys the awesome foursome. Thank you. I've been practicing on my accents up and flatting with one another, you know other people in the church. I know you've been living in the forest. Yes. I've been living in a forest. I saw a few lizards. Oh, I got it come close to you've been living in the forest. Uh-huh. Just avoiding the spiders. Yep. Don't want to see a spider. Yep, seeing the bushes, you know. Yep, just like Dylan did watching them come. Jesus is King right I heard about this falling bear that happened to drop their wow. A lot of things has happened thus far in the two days that I've been in Sydney. I think you're big called. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like I have any when are we have white point of shocks in Australia? That's Dylan's man. They have a rule fetish for red-headed people. Oh, wow. Wow. Oh, what was that? We have a gospel organ come. Yes. We do. We kind of had a lot of different things going on today. There's the tour this year coming. Hey, come do. All right. So already 5 minutes in the show. We talked about nothing anyway. Tony first of all, can I just say how last week's portal? Oh my God. First of all, let me go back back way back when you first got here Pastor Kenny Jarvis, you did an amazing job. They shout out and then we have Pastor Christian hosting amazing job faster Christy. You guys have been holding down the porter fought for the last few weeks weeks three weeks. Three-week continuing because I hope you know, I have a week off next week. Anyway must've received last week. Yes last week. It's been an honor honestly from a host perspective. But listening to it fresh has been like eye-opening. Like I was taking notes on the plane ride here just it was Jim - Jim I have to pause it. Stop. Wait, did I hear what she just said? She said it again all of that and I felt like I had to keep typing it twice just to receive it. But I'm just so thankful for you guys. Definitely stepping in Pass Christian faster Kenny for doing that because it's like it was very refreshing and I know it had to be pretty hot to sit in the whole sick because you feel like your flesh is burning. Why are you trying to direct everything? I'm practically a skeleton by the time this thing is because yeah, I just have to get quiet sometimes but last week it was very good about Whose Journey are yes whose Journey are you on and it really let me to ask the Lord that question especially when it comes to these offensives, you know. Mmm. I can tell you the color of my fence. I used to hold it all the time. It was a white picket fence. I'm telling you. I would always hold up these offenses and not let them go but that all those gems that you guys dropped last week kind of led us into a little bit what we talked about for our sermon this week. So that's why I wanted to bring it up. But Pastor Tony, of course, we're going to go into we're going to take a short break, you know, we've had a lot of humor in this but we want to bring it back. We had to refocus. Yes. I'm ready. I'm gonna reap okay, and then we'll be right back. When we bring your mind all the time every time the time I think we just need to go straight back to you because past attorneys ready and pass. The Robin is putting some Rhymes together. We're going to showcase at the end of this portal this Sunday's theme was recommissioned because of re location. using the example of Peter's denial of the Lord three times and the Lord literally use an occasion where Peter and his companions went fishing probably feeling quite discouraged with himself and denying the Lord three times and we believe that the Lord ended up recommissioning Peter at the very spot where he first And Peter mmm on the Sea of Galilee just to give the our listening audience and background here when the Lord first was baptized by John the Baptist. The scripture says he began to skirt the Sea of Galilee around the area of bethsaida where Peter and his brother and the sons of Zebedee were and he walked up to Peters boat, and he said let's go out for a catch. And they went out into the deep and the Lord said cast your net on this side of the boat and Peter and his Partners caught so many fish that they needed three or four other boats to come. Wow and gather the fish and because of that Supernatural encounter with the Lord, one of the gospels says Peter knelt down before the Lord and said Lord depart from me. I'm a sinner. Man, he was so overwhelmed by that and the Lord turned around and said Don't Be Afraid from now on you will catch men. Come on catch me. Wow, so they go back to Shore and it's about the same area three and a half years later after Peter has denied the Lord three times. Wow. He defaulted to The Familiar. He's discouragement. Right and his guilt made him default to what was familiar. Earlier in his life and his familiar customers fishing. Yeah, he's suggest to his friends. I'm going fishing and you know, like good friends. Do they just go along with you? You know, we want to come along with you. Anyway, they fish all night. They catch nothing. They're approaching the shore and the Lord whose on the Shore baking breakfast calls out to him and says children. Have you caught anything? Mmm, and they said no and then again the Lord trying to trigger their He says cast your net on the other side. And so, you know they cast their net on the other side of the boat and they catch a huge amount of fish John picks up. This is the Lord now the miracle should have reminded them. Yeah. Yeah. This is what Jesus did before. Anyway Peter dives into the water heads towards the shore and there's a Coal Fire as fish on the fire. And then from what we understand the Lord is recreating. I the same visual for Peter when he denied the Lord he was in front of a fire. He was asked three times you do, you know this man and he said no and so the Lord three times ask Peter and he re commission's him three times Peter. Do you love me? Yes, Lord, you know, I love you and he repeats this twice. And then finally, you know, the restoration is complete. I know. Tonight's going to share a little bit more about the language in that scenario. But that very spot where the Lord said to Peter. I will make you a fisher of men. We're back at the same spot. Peter is now empty of Pride. Mmm right about this, you know, it's from now on whatever happens in my life is because of the grace of God. Yeah, and Jesus has just restored his main Apostle mmm, because you know, it must have been so Permit for the Lord to say to him feed my sheep problems. I'm trusting you with the people. I've died for my gosh. See what I'm saying feed my sheep feed my lambs and then he finally says feed my sheep. Okay. So a lot of a lot of us myself included when we miss the mark with God into this gem set up we all we always default to what we're used to That's where I want to coming take him in the morning want to come in because woman he was so familiar with fishing a new the waters. And he said there's nothing there nothing there. But when God Bri commission's you and he shows you what is really there. Hmm. He will always show you what's really there and you won't be able Oh, wow to work by familiarity anymore. Mmm, because it's all about a recommissioning a recommissioning is taking something that God has called you for and you've let drop and him bringing it Forward. Wow. Wow, it doesn't come through being familiar with the territory. And one of the things we targeted on talk Sydney was a lot of our guys when they miss the mark they're familiar spot is isolation. Wow. Yeah, come on. I've missed the mark of failed in an area. So now I'm going to isolate myself from people because I'm ashamed or I'll feel guilty or I feel like I might get judged. Yeah, and so we were trying to encourage encourage our church in Sydney. Not to fall back into that familiar process because that's where the devil is when you're isolated the wolf can get you yeah, and you start to believe a lot of lies when you're isolating yourself because you've got nothing but that voice in your head damming and and then all these scenarios, you know, people are saying there's people are thinking this, you know, and it's not a good place to be Saints out there listening isolation is one of the first steps to getting you out of church. Permanently he class and you don't have to it's not just to do with church isolate from family members, right? You know, you can also select from friends family members. Yeah, you just cut yourself off and I've been there we've all been there we've done this before we feel discouraged or judged or disappointed and we want to get away from people. Yeah, and now that's okay for a little while, but if you're doing that, you know, that's why Paul says Don't Let the Sun Go Down on your Wrath anger or disappointment because if it goes longer than that Sundown an REO Satan's now just put a wedge between you and the people you love and he will hammer it that words until it becomes permanent. Believe me. And so we ask for the grace of God to not let us swallow in that isolationist mentality for too long because it's dangerous. Yeah, you know when people shut down turn off they go in That's a form of isolation to yeah, I love what you've gone. Sorry. I love what you said passionate when you gave the analogy of what it looks like in the spiritual realm where you have this demon if you will or the spirit that is trying to isolate you but isn't isolated. He has to bring friends in his own. So the very thing he's contradicting himself to do is tell you you have to be by yourself, but then he's this thing. NG is yeah. He's named by himself. He has so many other people and about that up friend with scripture. Yeah, like we were told, you know in the gospels, you know, if the house isn't clean and the strongman is abound and the spirit goes and grabs seven worse than itself. And so that teaches us about the Demonic presence that we're believing a lie that we can do it by ourselves and that's what they spin to us. But in reality they're not ready to live by themselves, right? And so that Spirit that's telling you Or that argument and it's you know, let's verbalize Spirit meaning. It's an imagination. It's a visual scene in the head of you playing out you being alone demons don't always come as the I've come to actually teach you today, you know, they come as little things little imaginations that are trying to take the mental real estate in our heads. And so what I was saying to our church tonight was why would you believe a spirit that's not even willing to do What it's asking you to do because isolation goes and it grabs rejection and then rejection goes and grabs, you know anger and anger goes and grabs rebellion, and then Rebellion grabs indifference. And then before we know it there's a whole cohabitation going on and this is the reality demons don't have a body. They have a soul to express themselves, but they we have a position that they crave which is relationship with God as sons and daughters. So they can't have relationships. So what do they do? They have relationship with one another he is that their relationship is not built on love. She just hijack your no I did it for you had my finger on impact their relationship see how relationship with God I'm learning this it's love that's the motivating force. But any relationship that the devil is fueling or instigating is always based on fear. Mmm and fear is the currency You know Pastor even a thought has to become a formation. Yes. Yes to build a fortress. Yeah, you see it's always you've got to use more than one thing to keep building. Yeah, and to keep building one thought cannot last on its own. Yeah. It's a formation of thoughts and the thing with isolation isolation that the Lord is showing me is that it doesn't All on the one level I've seen the progression of isolation and if I could just you know, like impart this to the people listening the enemy works on the three levels First Hill isolates you from God mmm. He'll get you to believe that God's against you then he'll isolates you from people. Yeah, and he'll get you to believe that people are against you and I don't need people and you can fight by yourself and then it turns into such a demonic thing. Where now he isolates you from yourself. And he starts and you start hearing the argument. Well, what is my contribution to life? Why am I here? What is my purpose? I don't really need to be here. And so it's this fake kind of pseudo identity of that demon coming forward and you start to express it. So like I said tonight to our people there's a power in Breaking agreement with it. Don't just bind it break agreement with it. If you've been isolating break agreement say no that's not me I am Not an isolationist. I do not gain, you know love out of being isolated. I need people I need people to invade my space if you verbalize that you'll begin to change the processing in the head and I know we're going to go to break but that is something to think on before we do go to break. Wow. All right guys, well, we're going to change some processing through this portal. So think on it think about those areas where you feel a bit isolated. And we'll be right back. Did I totals fan Pastor Kenny Jarvis from talk Sydney here? We have a very exciting announcement our senior leaders. Dr. Robin casters Pastor. Tony Casas are coming back down under to visit equip and launch our church in Sydney to its next spiritual season. They haven't been home in Australia in over five years and we are so excited to have them come and impart to us with hands laid on what God is doing. So if you're in the Sydney area grab a whole bunch of your mates and come on down to Paramount. I'm like and follow our Facebook page talks Sydney for the location and times let our pastors speak over your lives a prophetic word of Direction encouragement and life that will bring Clarity to 2020. Don't miss out on your chance to be impacted like never before and take up the opportunity to be blessed. See you there. We're gonna go back in. Cuz it's about to get ya. So I want to talk about Peter. Hmm, and I want to talk about his conversation with Jesus talked about it. Why do you think he asked three times? Because he had to get him to break agreement agreed three times. Now. We had to go through I literally glass that question you guys get that times he agreed. He didn't know him. I didn't know him. I didn't know him. I don't know. Mm-hmm, so we had to come back and break that. He had to come back. That's really important guys. I just wanted to ask you Pastor. It does that mean that sometimes I mean, we have to accept that it takes more than once some on say this Agreements are not these super humans that can just go. I broke a geek I broke agreement with it. So now I'm good. I'm set free. It's the beginning but the reality Pastor Chris is that he spoke it three times and we're talking about recommissioning revisiting the Lord. Him revisit it three times three times, but I'm applying to us as well. Yes myself exactly but I broke agreement with it. Yeah. Well, I definitely you bend it once yes, but I said it three times that I agree had the root. Yeah how deep so we had to break agreement with it. Yeah. That's why the Lord asked him three times many reasons why I asked him three touch, but if we're talking about agreement heated tube. Break those words three-time my God because each time it got deeper Jesus. We need to dispel this touch and go come on Brethren say, you know, I've said it I believe it. It's done. Well settles it name it claim it grab it slap it do whatever you want to do it, but it doesn't work. That's right. The reality is if you see Not once but the symptoms are still there, then nothing's happened. Um, yeah, you know, if you're if you're coming against fee and you can say I can come against fear in the name of Jesus Christ get away and then five minutes later the cheerful again. Well, hello, you can say well I've stood in faith, but you have to keep doing it until the enemy, you know gets the message and I'll say this to our listeners when Jesus was confronting the Gathering demoniac. Yes, the scripture makes it very Clear that Jesus had to repeatedly say come out of the mammalian right until Jesus said what is your name? This thing was entrenched and by asking the legion its name Jesus literally removed legal standing with this demonic strongholds. You put light on its name and its work and that's when it begged him not to torment them and to throw Into you know, the the swine. Yeah, but to from the context of that particular example, the scripture says because Jesus had said come out of the man. Yes. Yes queen spirit. We don't know how many times you had he had to say it, but we know he didn't say it just once because you know, he was this and come on you unclean Spirit come out of the man and it wasn't dislodging. Jesus had to actually say well, what is your name? Hmm, you know and so it's not to say that the Lord, you know. I was not walking in faith. But even the Lord was was walking in obedience to his father Yes, and he's learning his authority was contested many times. Yes by the Pharisees by Satan and by this this Legion in the gadarene and I think too when we when we say, oh I bound fear. Okay, you might have bound the overall but you got to bind the sub work. How many going to bind the reinforcements come on The Binding attachments? You got to bind the Decisions, you're gonna bomb the lap Sean's like this so many dimensions how many spirits appear exactly. Absolutely one thing? No, and that fee is for everyone. Will come on. Are you real or are you not real? Yeah, there may be many levels of fear and a lot of a lot of Christians and a lot of Christians. They bind it right there behind it or they'll come against it and then if it doesn't work, it's not for me. Me at doesn't work. Does it work and in a way they just it's it causes that start at that Spirit of unbelief and that's when the enemy gets back in and he doesn't just come with feel like a snake to say bring something else along now and but I can't doubt. Let's bring God's a liar. Let's bring all these different things and it just yet just feeds and cheese and points wowzers. Wow, right. I mean even to the point where you guys also addresses saying From not acknowledging that you are actually fearful on the flip side of that is also believing that you and saying well, I'm always this way. I'm always scared of ships. I'm always fearful of this confessing it right and there's where the agreement comes along when you talking about breaking the agreement people need to realize that the agreement with agreement actually is and I think that's where a lot of Christians have a stumbling block because they don't know they may not know what they're agreeing with, but Same time. The agreement is the confession. Yeah, and that it's not agreement. Like oh, I agree with you feel like it's not obvious the devil. I was explaining this to someone in counseling the devil can't read your mind believe it or not. He does he doesn't get to read your mind. So he throws constant barrage of thoughts for you to speak what you're thinking out then he learns you from what you speak. Yep, not from what you think man. And this is what we think he We think that he can read our mind. Right right. So there's a power in Deliverance, especially in a Deliverance session when we tell the person verbalize the lie because the moment you verbalize the LIE the LIE has gone from Darkness now being into exposing itself in the light and that's when the LIE exposes itself and the moment that it speaks. It loses power the moment that the demoniac spoke and that Spirit revealed itself and said I am Legion It lost its power because it took a lot of power to come to the surface. That's it. I'm not a power and we believe the lie that the enemy's goddess. Yeah, but to come to the surface, it has to give up a lot of power. So I think there's something to eat discuss he little bit. So on that jam behind you got a little bit of jet lag. Yep, and I think this I think there's I think there's a I think there's a a true T that we need to bring into our understanding of how the holy spirit is working. The holy spirit is bringing up layer by layer. You know, I always use the analogy of the onion and that peeling away and the onion has many layers and it's usually those outside layers of set it on Portals many times that are the most potent the other ones live when you're cutting an onion. It's the outside layers that make you cry the most. Yeah, and that's usually what happens with Deliverance. It's the first couple of outside layers that you shed the tears. When the Holy Spirit starts digging down deep that's when the young and gets a bit bitter the closer you get to the core and that's what the holy spirit is focusing on according to dr. Robin. It's not the what but the Y and that's so important. So let's go back to Peter. Yes. I want to go back there again shinae. I want to go back. Hmm because he said to Jesus. I've already fished on this side. Mmm. I've already Already done this so the Lord had to deal with his confession Jesus. Sometimes the Lord has to deal with our confession so that we can be what's that? Right? What I keep forgetting the recommissioned recommissioned so past eleven commission. So here Go to be recommissioned. He has to deal with your confession to be recommissioned. You better give up possession of your confession. Definitely because we possess our confession way too much. Yeah, I'm a I'm a mess because I still convention side. There's nothing there. Here we go again, so we're getting some good. Riverdance Hallelujah and it's where it's at. Yeah, Peter had to see what the Holy Spirit was doing in all of this and that was if it's going to be recommissioned. It had to be a breaking up his position. Wow. Wow. Wow about his re commission and we see that when he quotes him and he says, who do you say I am by his by getting Him to speak truth. He possessed his confession again cross possessed his confession because before he was saying no, I don't know too bad. They don't that was all that guilt and self selfishness and like, you know for me, it's that Judas confession but by saying no, no, who do you say I am now, let's not go to who you said. I was let's go to who do you say? I am now now the present moment confession will bring new possession. That's good. I'm give you a double jump friend. Wow, I'm rhyming and I'm liking it a lot to me. Jesus is King time with the Rhymes. So come on and see Robin and a hat that man in the house save God, I gotta get him saved. He comes and visits. It's time to come and stay is This MC Hammer we're talking about but we're going to come back and touch we're going to go back to that Peta and this confession. There was a lot of things that you guys brought out during the sermon even to do with guilt go there when we come right back. Torque New York presents the official launch of torque TV a brand new way to watch torque New York anytime anywhere get 24/7 access to unlimited shows classes seminars and more. View your content on your favorite device commercial free access exclusive shows seminars and more and with new content added monthly. You'll always have something fresh and inspiring and challenging to watch. Even tune into our live classes from the school of Apostles and prophets in NYC. Choose the subscription option that suits you sign up today by visiting torque and click the watch now button torque TV equipped Inspire mature. Are they ready for the process? First person to say are you ready for the process of your possession of your confession? It'll break obsession with your own suppression. Give up your possession. Own suppression for your flesh for your flesh from your flesh burning for either give you a gym for that one because once my buttons off I have to give you a gym because that was a great process. I believe that when I get to heaven that was good. I have heard from the holy spirit that when I get to heaven I get special crowns for my processes. Well, this is true for the hate it separate it and I got a crown for the no spoon. Hang on the channel be Jim testicles. Ha ha ha settle him down settle him down all the one that I need Chris Christie. Sorry the one that passed a Christie came up with which was not a standing Stone but a stepping stone. That was a very very good choice hurts worse than yours. I said, yes, you still want that on a t-shirt if I Really want that on a t-shirt hate it before you separate it. I think he needs to recheck his pockets for his own gems. He's been trying to empty out your gym shoes then puppy your pockets. Now. It's out here robbing James. Anywho giving up my confession. There we go, but he had something yes before we went to break. We were talking about this confessing and agreeing to these things and I know listeners a lot of this could be a New Concept Beeman's Could Be A New Concept to some of these listeners. As some of you guys but we have courses that talks about we have seminars here as well on our websites for the torque and my cyc told Yes. We have so many different Avenues to kind of catch you up on the things that we're talking about because we understand this is a new concept and even for the ones that have heard the concept of having agreements with these spirits and things like that still don't Quite understand it. Yeah, and we hope that listening to this podcast this far you can kind of understand just some of these these ways that the enemy has been coming in to try to speak to you and also prohibiting when you know, the Lord is trying to get your attention again, just like Peta and remind you of all those places. He's been there for you, you know, you trying to bring it back once to recommission recommission you yeah, she's not just get your attention. And actually come on toback. That's right. And if the commission you but where I say I said before with the recommissioning there's nothing familiar in it. Nothing. I got a question. I got a question and we were talking about the demoniac before and we're discussing the the part where Jesus said what was it exactly with the exactly exactly. Yeah, he told. The spirit to come out of the man but it wasn't budging for a while. Yeah, and then he asked how did the name come out? Can you ask the same you so what's your name? That's right. I got a question that at that moment when that demon confessed, do you was and yeah his name came to the surface. Yeah, that would be wouldn't that be a part of that that sort of man that was being possessed. Would that be the first point where he was it's almost like the first I have his confession because straight away by confessing that that was the demon it's separated him from that demon think it's a good point. I think it's a good point though. You're making Christy because the man would have heard back in mind that this personality was on his own. Yeah mine, you know, and you know when someone says I am Legion and they're saying it in the first person. Yeah, you know, we often experience this for those of our audience that Familiar with the Deliverance Ministry. We often see the person's personality go to the background. Yeah and demonic personality coming to the to the foreground and that's what happened with the Demonic demoniac the man had enough willpower to run to Jesus. So mine say that now demons don't run to Jesus. They run away from G. Come on lat he had enough willpower to you know, get the wherewithal to know that you know that guy over there. Come on. Off the boat. That's where I can get some help. Yeah, so he runs to him, but unfortunately as he's running to Jesus the Demonic personality starts kicking in. Yeah, and by the time he reaches Jesus, it's the demon that speaking we know you're the Son of God, you know, the son of the most high God We Adore You by God don't torment us before the time. Yeah. So American on me, I think your point about the legion. Speaking Yeah, and the man inside the body the real man hearing it was a wake-up call that would have been the beginning of his breaking his confession like breaking that agreement because at some point something, you know what I mean? There was something something snapped from that plan on. Yeah. So which brings just sets me free cos sometimes you're in a deliverance and there's parts that you will note your come out not remembering there's parts that God will have you let you hear hmm. So you can be set free from it. This is the key is to do as many shows you that you have lost control. Yeah, and this is the key to do with Peter. Not you before Peter. Denied Christ. Remember Satan possessed his mouth to say no. No, you don't need to go to the cross and the Lord said get behind me Satan. He addressed the root straight away. So sometimes when the Lord is bringing it up it's to give us that grace period to deal with it rather than to Because that's what pasta Christie just said. It was like the moment. He spoke it. He would have said well, that's not me speaking. I can hear it, you know and it's so I see with Peter he had room to deal with what you said tonight Pastor Tony that pride in him and that's why Jesus said no. No, I'm praying for you that Satan doesn't sift you like wheat because he's desired to sift you like wheat because there's something in you that you haven't addressed yet and this is important. It's a mellow very good point. If I may just add here, you know Peter often gets the short end of the stick when it comes to the apostles because in Paul wrote most of the New Testament reason being poor had a concept of the church that no other Apostle had yeah, it was a Pioneer. I mean even Buddha said his writings are pretty hard to understand because he wasn't there yet. But the point of the matter is Jesus chose Peter to be the lead Apostle Mmm Yeah, if you follow Peters life, okay, he got called at the Sea of Galilee. He and straight away. He's very humble, you know get away from me Lord. I'm a sinner and then he's the first one to confess Jesus as the Messiah. Yeah. Yeah, and so he gets a lot of pooling because he gets a big head and then he falls dramatically and then he does something really marvelous and then he falls even worse kind of like a live sometimes on their face after the great confession. You know, Jesus had to rebuke him straight up. Yeah and forces him as The cries the next sentence is Jesus rebuking him for letting Satan speak through his mouth. Wow. So Peter is one of those apostles who has what we call foot-in-mouth disease. He says great things and he says stupid things. Yeah, but I just want to read to you out of Luke chapter 22 says Jesus said truly the son of man goes as it has been written but woe to that man by whom he is betrayed. Mmm, then they the apostles began to question among themselves, which Of them it was who would do this thing. Now there was also a dispute among them as to which of them should be considered the greatest and he said to them the kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them and those who exercise authority over them are called benefactors, but not so among you on the contrary he who is greatest among you let him be the younger and he who governs as he who serves for Who is greater he who sits at the table or he who serves it is not he who sits at the table yet. I am among you as one who serves but you are those who have continued with me in my trials and on bestowing upon you a kingdom just as my father has bespoke bestowed one upon me. Anyway, you go on to say here verse 31 the Lord said to Simon. Hmm right now. Why did the Lord single out Simon? Yeah, tell her it just says a dispute arose among them might who was to be the greatest. And then the Lord says Simon. Yeah, Simon indeed Satan has asked for you that he may sift you as wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith should not fail. And when you have returned to me, Jesus knew he was going to lose it strengthen your brothers Brethren. So the question Is why did he single out Simon because Simon won the argument who was the greatest now why he confessed Jesus as the Christ? Yeah, he walked on water. So he pulled out his resume. He pulled it all out. He was there when all the Miracles the big ones like Peter James and John. Yeah. He saw Jesus transfigured. Yeah, see all that put Peter had this wrap this this, you know this what you call it like, CV yeah. Yeah. Well the CV yeah, I'm the greatest. Yeah, and this is why Jesus was perfect preparing him for the falling of pride comes before a fall Satan's Satan's wanting to claim a hold on Peta because of his pride, but you know when Peter was restored, he was totally reliant on the Holy Spirit now before I finish this this part of what I need to say, you know when someone who's ordained as I say A Healer Healing Ministry. Yeah, but they can't seem to walk in healing themselves. They straightaway disqualify them. No cheese or someone who's in a Healing Ministry and they pray for someone in the family. They don't get healed or maybe they even pass away. Now that person has just had every Reliance on self reviews when it comes to Healing. Come on say this the ideology is don't stay there. Yeah, you still Pray for healing. Yeah, but you know now that the healing that comes from anything that you pray is not you. Yeah, so often like Peter the Lord gets you to that point where you're totally not relying on yourself at all anymore. I thought I could fight for him. I denied him. I don't deserve to be an apostle anymore. Yeah, it's it's not your okay. My grace will cover it. But now you start from a very very very low Place. See I want to go back to Peter again in the end. I want to go back and see he was a professional fisherman. He knew how to fish. He really knew how to fish. Okay, it was a professional and you know, man, he had to be shown by the Holy Spirit. He didn't know nothing. Oh my God, he knew nothing everything. He knew meant nothing. So you're saying the Holy Spirit in order for recommission. You have to unlearn everything you thought you knew everything is every single thing you'd be crying in the corner. That means you have to refinish where Jesus tells you to show you that you know, nothing. Don't want that the room now because you need to re fish. Mmm good pasta. You thought you knew the word is you don't know. Wow, you have to go back in and be recommission to walk in unfamiliar territory. And by knowing nothing, you know by knowing nothing. You can't revert. Oh, you can't be another thing was Peter thought he was he's qualified to be an apostle by something good in him strength. Oh, Jesus said, oh no, I will not deny. I will die for you and he wasn't afraid don't get me wrong. Peter would have died for Jesus. He pulled out a sword and chopped off the guys in so he's ready to fight and die. Yeah, but that's off Reliance had to get killed somehow and then so the denial was the Lord's way of killing self-reliance and Peter. Whoa, I feel we need to go back to why the enemy targeted him because of the great resume he had mmm he had to get him to agree. And so Jesus had to get him to break agreement with what he said. Jesus is Lord, man. I don't even know what to say. I'm just taking it. I know it taking it all in it's not too much. It's a stunned mullet stunned mullets, right? I feel like a stunned mullet whatever that is and reference. Take it. It's a fish just before we head over there. Now, you know, the Lord was so gracious with Peter cut. The the first person to see Jesus alive was Mary Mary Magdalene. I think it's Luke's gospel as well where he says to Mary Magdalene go to my brethren and that all will go before them into Galilee, but he says go to my brethren and Peter as he knew Peter that's time spiraling down. Discouragement leads to despair which leads to despondency hugely to death. Yeah. I I go Safari not a process first part of the recommissioning I go say that the first part of the recommissioning took place, then when he said him his name go tell and tell Peter and tell Peter then I believe me personally. He visited Peter wow, and they're finally every commissioned him at that beach where he commissioned him. Wow. Wow, listen to just go take it in just go break all your fishing rods. It's not aware. It's not going to work anymore. So my little break those, you know, and just just delete all your history to just go ahead and just forget everything because at this point nothing we are nothing is familiar and that's the walk that God requires right but We're going to go to unfamiliar territory and talk about this guilt. When we come right back today portals fans. I want to officially invite you to a special transformation seminar to be held at the talk Sydney campus our talk Global Freedom director is coming all the way from New York City to work with dr. Robin Casas and our senior leadership team to shine a light on the enemy's work in. Life and how to walk in complete freedom and wholeness through the work of the holy spirit this one time only two day seminar will kick off at 7 p.m. On Friday February 7 and wrap up on Saturday night. This seminar is going to blow your mind. We will be covering topics like spiritual roots of disease deliverance and freedom recovering your soul healing and wholeness and so much more our team. Of Warriors will show you how to effectively claim your victory in every aspect of your life for all the details and to register now visit talk dot org dot a you we can't wait to host you and be a part of connecting you to your next step to Total wholeness and freedom in Christ Jesus. I didn't see anything because we're about to get a flesh Barbecue on this guilt. Wish your sound for the flesh. Oh, I know where it is way over here. So my least favorite button. We though we need two of these little beatpad situation so I can just put them in front of you guys and then you can go for that. We can make a whole Rhythm and song just off the beat. I would record my Deliverance that affect every second. All right, maybe trigger so we had a sub portal is in every true portal fashion. We support those so welcome to the sub portal one audience member is excited. The one just one. That's right. They're all is yes. It was starting to get deep because he's going We were splitting here in fluttering their look at is he I'm just gonna no I'm saying we were just saying like we were saying a little bit of this gym a little bit that gym and now we have to refocus and get back into the portal or include the supporter in the portal. Anywho so one of the things that we were talking about was somebody say something well before the break and in our support allows the shiny talked about Peter go. Ring off his resume. Yes, that's know. I was the one you know, I've imagined Peter that can write a resume in my you know, how we talked on the other portal that rude imagine pay to be in it like his little ghetto tone like walked on water done that in check, you know confessed him as Christ did on that too. So like Christ yet today it three times but one thing yeah. One thing I see with Peter is that there's a mentality that we have as Christians. Where we and I said to the guys here in the subtotal before we came back in we got to stop job interviewing for the Lord. I'm going in and trying to prove why we need to be loved because like Pastor Christie said that's when we use our her and our disappointments and everything as leeway and leverage to say well I've been through this so I need this how you know and pass the crisps. Said it brings this when we don't get what we think we need or he doesn't put us or places where we think we should be placed. That's where the true discipline is a can of worms. You don't want to go there just yet is that that that like snare of the enemy saying, you know, you'll never be enough even try. Why even try look at look at your resume. Look what every everything that you've got and you're still not enough. Yeah, and then he was throwing up the resume of all the things you haven't done. That's right. Yep. He does it both ways. Oh, I find it difficult when Believers come when I get Ministry, but they tell you the ministry they want to be delivered. This is the way I want to be here is the corner word out. I need to grow that's better just sound. Or it's no you can pray for me, but that person can't breathe. I need the past as to pray that it was getting hot. I had to RE shift. It felt when people staring at us I need the past is to pray for us. I say the whole church of pastors go for it. Please please every member is that he's everyone's tell them that tell men date Rising leaders. Which later do you want to take a pic? That's right. And so I don't want him. Jesus so we come back to this whole thing. What did Jesus want for Peter? Sure to recommission him. Yeah, and he brought about a relocation to fall for the recommissioning, but he really wanted him to live it of guilt. Yes, because while he had the guilt he couldn't recommission him wait wait, You got to say that again. That's while he had healing word while he had the guilt. He couldn't be recommission 10 that three times because he denied him three times as self-punishment. He felt like he had to punish himself. Because of the denial and he was Unworthy of recommissioning and it's it's true what you just said about self-punishment. It's this is the case self-punishment guilt is you are putting a punishment on yourself that God has not put on you and you know, I remember reading a testimony about a doctor in America and she had been an abortion doctor for years and she had committed over I think it was like 50 thousand in her span of career abortions. Not saved and she came to the Lord and she just couldn't stand to be in the house of God because she thought how can I stand in the house of God with all of these things that I've done and one day she was getting healing and wholeness prayer at her church and the Lord spoke to her and said, who do you think you are? I know this woman for me to forgive you and you to say that that is not enough that is not enough my forgiveness and he really located that unforgiveness that she had towards herself was really a spirit of Pride because she was saying no no, no, I'll determine when I'm capable of being forgiven. I'll determine when my resume lines up with being forgiven right when I compensate for all the things that I've done wrong. That means when I qualified, yes. Yeah, and that reminds me Peter. Yes, exactly. Yes, that's exactly what it was and Jesus had to show Peter, you know, nothing yet. You can't even fish without me. Wow, and like you said tonight because he was riddled with that paralyzing guilt. He didn't see Jesus cause she didn't and it says in the gospel that you know, the disciple that he loved said like, you know, that's the Lord. Add and so this is where the isolation gets broken. You're not going to see Jesus in a recommissioning state if you're paralyzed with your own self punishment, and sometimes it's takes the body of Christ to like whack you in a Godly way and say hey, hey, hey wake up. That's the Lord run to him. You don't know what's under that water Peter. Wow, you just know what's on top. You don't know what's up to do. You know when Peter when Jesus said go and should go and buy this today is just big but on every level and get you get the text money out of the mouth of the fish. You know you look at that and you say impossible totally impossible but there's a fish there goes to the Bottom of the Sea and picks up coins. That's right. And he commissioned that fish to come to the surface to give them what they needed to pay their taxes. Hmm But I think we all are God how do you might be that stunned? Mullet? Oh my God. Good one good Bakery. One thing that just it was good coming to me about the whole guilt thing was the fact that I feel like when we end that self-punishment where people couldn't see God. It's the fact that when we do something that is let's say out of the will of the Lord or we and then we start To go into that or entertain the guilt behind it. We expect the next time for us to encounter. God is the punishment and when we don't get that punishment from God, we automatically assume well he shut off talking to me so I might as well shut off talking to him because I can't even face him right now. I don't deserve to face him and it's just the lies of the enemy to keep saying that so one of the things that really were standing out to me about Peter story of him not recognizing God. It's like he's The next sound from God to be punishment. Mmm, and that's not true. And I think a lot of Believers start to believe that so it's like well God can speak to me about anything else because he still hadn't spoke to me about this thing and it has not been the negative response that I need to feel rebuked in order to move forward my Lord and that's the stack the stagnancy of wow get this on that part. And so I just say again, When you can't work through guilt to be reconditioned, you can't God has to show you. Yeah, God has to show you he will deal with the familiarity that you've allowed yourself to deny him with and bring you to a place of acceptance. So what is the opposite of guilt? Why you think about it my co-counsel by God and we have to give people somewhere to go what it what should they be asking for when the spirit of guilt because we know that guilt can be used by God to bring you to conviction, but it's when it's not used by God that it brings you to self-punishment. Well, it tells the devil it's not faith. I know what it is because I canceled by God we teach on already. Does anyone in the room know 3 to the justification? All righteousness? No. No. What is this? It begins with an H. Hope? From guilt to Hope because when you're guilty you've really really believe the lie that there's no hope that's right. There's no future no future. There's no plan. No hope and we are there is no hope there is no God that one requires scale, you know, and so that is a very important thing because we've been trying to exchange our guilt for Grace. We've been trying to exchange our guilt for Faith, you know, but the Lord say no no no where there's been guilt. I want to replace it refill it with hope hope again for the future for their I know the plans I have for you says the Lord so that's important because if we're going to take it away, we got to fill it back up. Yep, because Paul prayed this very the hope of glory Christ Jesus Within Me Christ within well is the hope of glory Bring your own bucket. Yes, I just show you can Chuck it. All right, we're gonna take a short break because yeah, we were gonna come back on the last part of this. Yeah till end, of course, there's more to come and more. This can be unpacked for days years hours have a Length of time you have to listen to it. So we'll be right back. Well, hello there to our portal spam and talk family alike listening in my name is pasta Nathan and I am so excited to announce our catch the vision Sunday. This is such an important event for both our churches in Sydney and New York as we come together to release what God has shown us for the coming year our senior ministers. Dr. Robin Cassis and Pastor. Tony Costas are ready to share their heart of what God has shown them that our church is ready to step into so we Invite you to join us. If you're in New York City, you can join us on Sunday, February 23rd. It's combined service starting at 4:30 p.m. If you're not available to join us in person, that doesn't matter because you can still view online either via our YouTube channel at talk NYC or through talk I would just encourage you to partner with us and let us show you the vision that God has imparted to us for 2020. It's going to be loved. Nothing, like we've ever seen before and we're ready to step into new initiatives and the new elements of Grace that God is about to pour out. We look forward to seeing you there. Where has been guilt? You got to find some hope where there's been the guilt. You got to find some hope. Yeah, we were saying this portal and I know that this is going back on it, but I believe the holy Through it still wants to discuss a as we've talked about where we've been at in the state of guilt. But we need to go somewhere but I think a key hope for so many Christians and oh my Lord as even if I say as I say this come on the light is just flipping on the pathways. The synapses are firing in my brain. We have been asking for forgiveness to relieve our guilt and nobody is there is forgiveness in such situation. It's like a piece. Of a puzzle. It's like where the Gap that guilt has cut out that shape. The only thing that has the same shape that can be put in place. It's not forgiveness. No because hope is an abiding reality faith. Hope and love I bow my head you can't replace guilt with something forgiveness is for everything. It's not just for One thing it's everything but hope. Can bring healing to guilt so for the listeners that have been feeling puzzled tied that and well I did that in like I will in a direct. Well Pastor. Tony said something he was questioning us and he said well, how do you get hope and I was like, well, I hope comes from then he goes no, no, no and what did you say Pastor Tony? You didn't hit the Clincher? Is the Clincher it comes from a recommissioning? That's right. God told you you still got the same call the same job to do and you know, it drops mic. It comes as a result of them for their you welcome. It comes as a result of the Lord taking away something to bring something now guilt comes from the Outside trying to always come in but hope comes from the inside coming out. Mmm. So what that means is that we can't use I remember you saying this to our church in New York Pastor over we got to stop looking for circumstance to be a barometer of whether there's hope in this situation or not. If things are lining up all your gum stance will never be whether or not you're healthy or not. The circumstances will always tell you the opposite. It's your spirit man. There goes the guilt that brings up the Hope ya like use about another layup and I think if you're listening listeners come to soap and you'll get some hope. But hope of his calling is in you and it comes from within and that's why Judas could only ever live in guilt because he never saw the hope of glory who is in his nips recognized the hope of glory betrayed an innocent man. He said, Who did he betray Jesus Christ? He wasn't just an innocent man. He was a son of Glory. Yeah, that's he couldn't see it. Couldn't see he could only hear the outside trying to get in. I feel like a Jew at the Wailing Wall of the moment that just hit my head yet. It it babies that don't him didn't recognize. No, he didn't he didn't. I'd betrayed an innocent man. So that guilt went from the outside inside. Well me me me me me. We just saw some. Excuse me. This is why Jesus said this All seen up mmmm to bring back. Hope to Peter and then he could recommission here yet that pasta and so he set a relocation up he put a lot of time into this it went through the whole fishing seem Peter. It dealt with all the all this familiarity that Peter had mmm and then he showed him something Jesus. It's got a recommission you where you were commissioned. Hmm, and this is something that God is doing to us spiritually He Is recommissioning Us by relocating where we stand spiritually. location location location This is what the Lord saying tonight portals is all about him recommissioning because he's relocating it. location location location I'll just pick my jaw up off the floor your jaw and the floor breathe out some more demons bring my own bucket and then I'll get a recommission. Well, just tear up your resume. Yes. Can everybody who's listening? If I'm a spirit now tear up your former resume, it don't impress God but it goes It goes both ways. I think with that resume thing and that's the thing that's hitting me because it sometimes I will try to you know convince God if you will and be like look what I've already been through so much already lower. Why won't you give me this look at the resume of what I've gone through not necessarily what I've done but what I've gone through in my life and why won't you give me this? Why won't you give me this and it's so interesting when he was saying that resume. I saw it. I saw it going both ways of all the things you've done but all things you feel entitled to do, you know Pete Peter didn't fully recognized that he was getting a healing of memories. Mmm. He had to God, well, Jesus had to set it up. Had to set it up. So that was another thing he was doing at that place healing his memory. I denied him at a fire. I'm recommission at the fire. This is our big God. We serve this is a very faithful God the god of the second chance many chances, but he wants to recommission us by relocating our spiritual condition. So as always, dr. Robin you always give the listeners a child a child. She is getting better and better every word charge spell it. Got it and put in my pocket. I charge a charge. I just want you all prophetic job. He what the Lord is saying the charge is The opposite to guilt is Hope. Hope without hope there is no God. Without God you can't have hope. It's abiding reality faith. Hope and love. I want you to know tonight Paul declared that so important it became his prayer. I think it was in Ephesians wasn't it or in Philippians? The hope of these Glory the hope of his calling in the Saints Galatians. Galatia. Well be go Visions galatian same difference Philippians because he was involved with so many. Go after hope do not go after for me Harrity. Don't let yourself be fooled to believe here we go. Again. There's no hoping that there's only ever hope in Lord. Where do we go from here? It brings. Hope back. I want you to see that tonight and then God will want you to fish where you fished before but it won't be familiar territory for you with that being said it's time to party. All right. Your flesh has burned away today. Here we go. Wow of your resume so you can throw the guilt away. What a process order process. What a time in a place post shows its face. Oh, here we go. We're gonna just rhyme all the time. Here we go with get way. We gonna go. I think it's time for some prophetic friends to show their faces. Well, I put on you're gonna put your professor Tony. Are you ready? Where we going tonight past honey? Let me encourage you before you say another prophetic friend. I haven't met yet another person at my workplace from Belarus. So there you go. I have never met anyone from my life from Belarus until you said it and I'm going to go to the guy under the bridge one more lured into portals. And yes and someone who's to connect we need to I need to send it to these people because this is right where we going. I'm going to Cancun Mexico as Believers down there that are tuning in to us and they're going to connect with us hails meal. I found out what do you got to say from the Lord that there's going to be an economic boost? Just in the Mexican economy, very soon. This United States deal with Mexico is going to benefit both Nations and the tourism industry is going to Skyrocket praise the Lord. Wow, Hallelujah. So this is this person place. Yeah, the Lord say I have my Saints in Mexico. They've been crying out for better work conditions better better outlook for the future. You don't have to go north. I can bring it to you. I would say it's just by my faith in my grace and I hear the heart cry of my people in Mexico and I will meet them says the Lord with great abundance and the Lord says I'm going to create a cohesion between United States and Mexico like never before wow. Wow, but before I give my prophetic friend actually give a testimony last week. There was a word given her about Hawaii. Yes, and then a day later. Are there was a massive shooting in Hawaii a man held people at gunpoint said a whole apartment complex on fire and I'm not saying that's a result of the word. But the Lord did say in the word that he was going to bring up the darkness and your into separate light from darkness and exposed political and government corruption. And as a result result of this shooting there's been an investigation started and things in the government are coming out. So the word of the Lord is faithful doesn't return void and I'm just to let our listeners know to if again just reminding you that dr. Robin and Pastor Tony gave a word that the drought would be broken at the height of the season. They gave a word to our Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison through our season casting and they told him God's plan and I am a witness. I'm here in this land. It has not stopped raining. It is incredible. I think we had like one. One really really hot day this week and today was a lovely day, but it's literally just been soaked boring. Yeah soaking rain, like you said, dr. Robert not harsh rain can't be Heavy Rain it just wash the soil away. Yeah. It's been rain that's soaking into the ground and I see that as a result. The spiritual rain to my word is for someone in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Wow, and the Lord says to this person. My son religion won't cut it anymore and you've I'm crying out for greater things, but you haven't gone to the necessary step to search it out. And so the Lord says I'm beginning to put a dryness in your mouth until you will taste the things of the spirit and the Lord says don't settle for formality and don't settle for rigmarole and methodology, but that come up to relationship because I died to give you a relationship not a program and not a system. And so I want to reveal my Myself as the face of Hope to you for your family situation, especially to your mother and her health. The Lord says I want to touch what seems impossible the Lord says impossible means I'm possible for you and your situation says the Lord. Okay. Where are we heading Chris Pastor Chris? I'm still digging keep digging this gold Shania. She's letting her mind do the talking. That was not what my mind was saying. Yes. It's just I got a word for I'm not sure of the location. I didn't hear locations yet, but I did feel like and I know I think I need to step out. I think it For someone here. Wow, I don't know if they're in the room now or not Lord you revealed that but I just felt like the Lord was saying my child. I forgive you for all the things that you thought have offended me. I forgive you do not allow the the the guilt to keep you from moving forward since are not just keep hearing that so strongly just the Lord want you to know. I forgive you just as I did for Peter. I forgive you for denying me even in your times of Darkness where you felt in capsule by the By the surrounding circumstances and you lost your hope I forgive you for denying me but move forward I recommission you today to move forward in my presence. You know me says the Lord, you know, who I am and you cannot Delight in deny me any longer. For the wrestling is the fact that you're trying to deny me again, and I won't allow you to because you know me and I know you my son to son. Wow Hallelujah. She just said some so that's cut it in half. So they that confirms for me because I had it for a guy in the room as well. Okay good and I just kept getting three words. It's not way too many words. I'm getting very tired for words. It's not too late. Mmm. Wow, when that person whoever they may be just keep saying it's just too late for that now. Mmm, it's too late. Never too late as it's not too late. Never know it. I believe that was on the back of what you were saying as well. But you know, you're saying that this is the recommission and Lord just wants to say it's not too late. Mmm. Wow. Now I have probably the most powerful word and I don't know how to deliver it. Come on pass the robin because it's about something so deep so strong. So, how do I set this in motion? Not by speaking it I'm going to say it say it impeachment is over Jesus. The word of the Lord says impeachment is a wiener. little clap Well, wow get us a word. Yeah, that's the word and that just feels so heavy upon me. Wow, that it lines up with recommission. Yes, the prophetic timeline your the land of America is being recommissioned now real commissioner to the will of God. I'll say it. I'll Stand and say it the land of America is being recommissioned the will of God the Lord declares from the heavens impeachment is over. Hey, amen. Well guys you have just listened to another episode of until next time maybe next time until next time.
Location, Location, Relocation. Anyone who is in real estate will tell you it's all about the location. Well, in this portal the team let us know that the Holy Spirit is in the business of location, location, location. Not only is about location, but He is all about relocation. Joining us from down under, our host Shenaya Annise sits down for in depth discussion with our senior leadership -- Dr Robyn Kassas, Ps. Tony Kassas, Ps. Nathan Kassas, and super special guest...Christie Kassas. The Kassas quad squad dive deep into realms of powerful revelation that will challenge your faith and break down your mindsets. Ps. Tony kicks us off with a timely word all about how God will take us back to where we thought we failed the mission to bring a recommission. Using the example of Peter and his denial,  the portals team reveal countless gems on how God rebuilds the scenes of our lives with snippets of familiar elements but doesn't ever traumatize us by making us go back. Dr Robyn blows our mind when she reveals that the Holy Spirit will get us to break agreement with the confession of yesterday like Peter when He denied Christ. How many times did Peter deny? Listen to the portal, to unlock a gem that will heal and bring wholeness to your heart. The team remind us we need to break the power of guilt to stop us picking up and moving forward again, and our give up our obsession with possession of our confession. The portal is full of gems and keys that will equip you. After so many gems are dropped by each one of the team, the clincher comes when Dr Robyn and Ps. Nathan ask the question, "If we are removing guilt, then what do we replace it with?". You will need to listen to the find out the answer, and trust's not what you think.
Welcome to Ghost of a podcast. I'm your host Jessica Lange yato. I'm an astrologer psychic medium and animal communicator and I'm going to give you your weekly horoscope and no bullshit mystical advice for living your very best life. Hey, are you supporting ghost of a podcast on patreon if you aren't yet, you may want to start in December because my love's I have released the first-ever bonus episode of ghost of a podcast in which I talk about December and in particular the solar eclipse happening on 1225 kind of a big deal, but don't worry. I've got you covered there's homework, there's insights their strategies. There's just more ghost of a podcast so become a member on patreon today and the way to do it as Out of Slash Jessica and yada or just follow the link in the show notes, you know by now that I have a book coming out astrology for real relationships understanding you me and how we all get along and it's going to be out December 31st. What you may not know is that if you pre-order the book you can get a free 2020 astrological calendar that is super cute with images from within the book and it has a bunch of dates that you really want for your year ahead like Mercury retrograde. And direct and eclipses and other good Astro data. All you have to do is pre-order the book and whenever you can shop small shop local pre-order the book get your receipt and then follow the link that is in the show notes here and also on my website to enter your receipt and then you will get to download your own free 2020 astrological calendar. You need it. You want it? What are you waiting for? Welcome back to Ghost of a podcast this week. I have a question called panicking my way to good times and it goes like this. Hello friend. I've been through a lot of Big Life Changes in the past few while and I'm doing the hard work of processing all the shit with the help of an amazing career Focus therapist you and your exceptional podcast and my dear family of friends. I have grown one metric fuckton this past year. I'm still struggling with panic attacks that I feel deeply in my body. My throat closes I have chest pain vomiting Terror and they take me hours to recover from frequently. There are not even connected to specific thoughts. I'm working on holding space for my feelings without attaching a specific thought to it. And sometimes it's amazing and most of the time it's exhausting I question for you to Jessica is what little nuggets do you see in my chart that will be my best tools for coping through this. Thank you so much for all the work you do and all the content you put out for us. You're an amazing friend and teacher and I cannot wait to have Your book in my hands on New Year's Eve love Heather Heather. That's very sweet. Thank you so much and also shit. I'm so sorry this this sounds really rough. So for all you astrology nerds following Along by looking at the birth chart as I read it Heather was born May 3rd, 1979 10:45 p.m. In Denver e, Connecticut. So I'm really glad you're working with a therapist because when you're having panic attacks, especially panic attacks that have such a physical presentation it is essential that you With you know Medical Professional, I mean it's not essential. I mean nothing is essential but it is absolutely advisable to work with a medical professional and I will remind you as I do in every episode where we talk about anything heavy like this. I am not a mental health practitioner and I am not your mental health practitioner, you know, it's an astrology podcast and it's a spiritual podcast. And so you want to use what works cross-reference it with other resources and you know, use your good old-fashioned common sense. I feel like you're going to do that Heather. I'm Not worried, but I've gotta say it because I mean it you have something in your birth chart called Venus Mercury Mars conjunction in Aries. And it's all opposite to Pluto for you control is really big deal. You often feel out of control and you desperately want control crave control and then when you have control it's really overwhelming so there can be this incredibly visceral issue that you experience around control issues. And because Mars is involved because the Three planets are the bottom of your chart. Unfortunately, it can have a very visceral impact. So the things you're dealing with now that you mention your question. I don't know if they're new or not. But I imagine that if they are worse or new it's on a Continuum of something you've experienced throughout your life. I also want to say that in 2019 Saturn has been hitting all four of these planets Venus Mercury Mars and Pluto and what that means is you've been feeling pressure. Sure around the part of you that tends to shut all the way down or like turn on every light in the house and just turn everything all the way up. So if you're trying to repress or hold something back these transits throughout 29 team have really felt like you were under a lot of heavy things. You're just kind of being pushed down by your thoughts your feelings your circumstances the world and so I want to Couple things the first thing is it's almost over these transits will be done by the start of the year the start of 2020. Okay, so that's that's good news that particular series of transits is just about over so some of this pressure is going to he's in the new year. Now. The other thing is that the reason why we go through Saturn transits is so that we are forced to practically deal with what is and isn't working in our coping mechanisms. That's kind of cool. I mean, it sounds cool when I say it it feels off. Awful when you're going through it. Nobody enjoys it I can promise you this nobody enjoys it so it sounds to me from your question. Like you've been doing what Saturn once of you you've been doing the work. You've been working with a therapist. You've been doing yourself help things. You've been doing the exhausting and slow work of taking care of yourself in a real way the downside of this is Saturn test intend to give us really quick results Saturn tends to drag things out of it and not because Saturn's a jerk. I mean Saturn is a jerk. But because you want to think about it as like it's related to pruning to cutting things back. It's not a time for things to come forward. It's time to cut back the habits the attitudes the beliefs the people the Dynamics in our lives that are not working for us in a real way. You have been going through a lot of Saturn stuff. However, Uranus has been forming a trying to your natal Saturn which means you have been developing tools and this just Art in the past couple months, but you have been developing tools that are actually working that will actually serve you in the long term. So for the next approximately year that will continue to be the case. You will continue to find people and resources that actually make sense for you. And so you might not see a meteoric shift. You might not see an instant correction, but you are developing the tools that you need in order to sustain a healthy life and for you a healthy life might look really Different than for someone else and that's okay and we'll get into it. But when I look at your chart, it does look like there's a couple of things to acknowledge one is I don't know if you had dealt with an abusive childhood or if you were raised with people who had mental illness untreated mental illness or if you are simply the recipient of a lot of inherited trauma, but certainly you got one if not all of those going on based on your birth chart. At the work of your birth chart like everything in your birth chart really point to you towards this particular thing. You have something called Saturn conjunction to North Node in Virgo. And that's out on conjunction to the North Node in Virgo indicates that on a soul level. You've come here to figure out what ways you need to live in Practical terms. What ways you need to live? What are the actions? What are the behaviors that you need? Follow through with in order to be healthy and right with yourself mentally physically all of it. The highest articulation of this Virgo energy is really to do with being here for the process being here for the steps. Again. It's an earth sign. So it's really about the steps. Whatever it is that you're doing at this time this incremental progress thing stick with it. Maybe you need to even further simplify it but Well is what wins with this Saturn North Node conjunction simple is what wins for you? It needs to be paired with spiritual conviction. And the reason why I say that is because you have a Neptune conjunction to the ascendant and Neptune conjunction to the ascendant makes you very sensitive incredibly sensitive people who have this often will experience various forms of dysmorphia or anxiety and it's because from a spiritual Selective. Your auric field is just really really permeable and that permeability impacts you it impacts you spiritually emotionally mentally physically the key here is honoring your vision honoring your spirituality honoring what you believe in and not doing that in isolation. In other words not doing it outside of your life, you know, just like at a retreat but doing it in or as a daily practice for you having healthy boundaries is essential. Oh my God, it is so essential for wellness and unfortunately Neptune is squaring your ascendant. This is a two-year Transit it began this year and it makes you more permeable. It makes you more sensitive. So I say unfortunately because you don't need to be more permeable. You don't need to be more sensitive the strands that can be associated with increased. Anxiety now because you have Neptune on the ascendant for you. It might be a little bit easier than it is for someone else because you're used to what Neptune feels like it's kind of like as per usual. Right? And so what I want to say the upshot is here the next two years of your life are all about boundaries. They are all about boundaries. It's about recognizing that you yourself are responsible for your choices. You are not a victim that doesn't mean that you don't feel awful and that you don't need support and help. Help and for people to be able to see that you're you're struggling and you need support but to align yourself with where you are making choices to align yourself with the resources. You do have and to align yourself with the progress you have made it will really make the work that you're doing easier to bear. So it won't necessarily Quicken the work, you know, but it'll make the work easier now a big part of having boundaries for you is about your body. It's really about your body. So again, I'm not totally surprised to hear that. You've had a really physical presentation of anxiety in your birth chart. You have a urine asst opposition to the sun in both of those two planets form a t-square to the moon and this does a lot of things but one big thing it does is it makes your central nervous system her really really sensitive and it makes you restless so this isn't terribly easy in concert with the Neptune stuff because both Uranus and Neptune govern anxiety and very different ways Uranus is nervous system e and Neptune is more auric field anxiety. And so the key here is for you to find your footing to stay grounded. And so what that means is being really conscientious about your diet your physical diet. Now again, don't take dietary advice from an astrologer and certainly don't take dietary advice from an astrologer on a podcast that said when I look at your birth chart, I I really think you need to be incredibly conscientious about your iron and mineral content in your diet. You really need Vitamin D you really need and I mean, I don't mean by the Mandi. I mean vitamin D actual vitamin D. You need to think about fortifying your system really that Neptune on the ascendant can often confer iron deficiencies and it often includes a person to want to be vegan. There's a way that we need to figure out how to Live in accordance with our values that isn't self-sacrificing that doesn't turn us into a martyr, right? This is really an important part of doing the work and I imagine that if there's vomiting is one of the symptoms of your anxiety in your panic attacks that eating is complicated for you. And so I do want to encourage you if you can to be incredibly conscientious about finding ways of consuming everything you need in order to have a healthy thriving body, you know. With Neptune on the ascendant can have weird autoimmune stuff and I say weird because like hard to diagnose weird not weird bad, but just hard to diagnose weird. The key is to choose yourself. That's really what it comes down to choose yourself when you're distracted Choose Yourself when you totally made mistakes today Choose Yourself when you feel like should choose yourself when you've had a great day Choose Yourself, when all of a sudden you've had three good days and you don't even know who you are anymore because you've had so many bad days that you don't even recognize yourself when you have Those good days keep on choosing yourself Show Yourself the same love and care and generosity that you show to others keep on choosing yourself and choose yourself, even when you fail and when you falter and when everything feels awful that I know it sounds so simple in a way but it is the key. It's the actual literal key for you now in regards to more tools because you're asking for tools and tools I shall give you Movement, that's a biggie for you because of Uranus is involvement. And because you have such a powerful Mars in Aries opposite Pluto literally dancing moving around boxing fighting capoeira anything that kind of increases your heart rate that engages your heart rate and allows you to off-gas anger rage frustration feeling blocked or stymied anything that you can do. That will be a Release for those feelings will be really really helpful for you. And the reason why I say do it through your body and not through talk therapy is because you can kind of get stuck in the talking can't you? You're really good at talking. My guess is therapists love working with you you're willing to talk through anything. You really insightful. You do homework. You'll do anything in the mind, but the body is a little bit trickier for you and so doing something not with other people. So when I say something like boxing I'm not About getting a ring. I'm talking about learning how to throw a punch on a heavy bag or a speed bag or something. You know, it's about finding ways of giving yourself permission to have a full range of emotion that are really controlled, you know that are controlled and safe for you. So they're not about having to deal with other people who are unpredictable and bizarre. It's just about you this I think would be very helpful for you. Another thing. I want to say if you haven't already done this and of course, I reiterate do not take medical advice. From Moi but if you haven't already I would encourage you to have your hormones checked. You have a Chiron son conjunction in Taurus in the fifth and that can be associated with not always but it can be associated with hormonal imbalance in particular related to the thyroid and so it's something certainly did take a peek at if you haven't had your hormones checked and had like a blood panel drawn. I would encourage you to I would encourage you to do all the optional medicine investigations that you can and then if you do find that, you know, they say, oh, yeah your thyroids normal. It's on the high end of normal or it's on the low end of normal, but it's normal take that to an acupuncturist you take that to an alternative Health practitioner and you say okay. I don't have a technical problem. But I'm on the verge of problem. Can you support my health in some way? I have one more piece of advice in terms of practical tools, which is a gratitude Journal. It can be naming three things that you feel grateful for every single. Day once a day, I mean if you could do more that's great. But three things is enough. I want to give your brain your big beautiful busy busy brain something to chew on that is positive because we humans are always scanning for problems. We're just scanning for problems your birth chart. Absolutely you are inclined to scan for problems and for danger more specifically and you know, I don't necessarily know that that needs to end. However, what I would recommend is adding more or positivity adding scanning for positive scanning for abundance scanning for potential scanning for yes, instead of scanning for an o or in addition to scanning for a know in doing this. Nothing's going to radically change overnight. However, what you can get is progress, I love progress and that progress will be easier and easier is also really lovely if you can get it. So I really hope this was helpful. I am sending you so much love and Unfortunately, I think you're going to need a little more patience, but you're actually well suited to it. You can do it. Once you decide to do it patience isn't passivity patients is an inactivity its continuing with the process and having faith that there is a right time when things will come together and whether or not you have faith in that I got to say I do I do have that faith for you and I want to encourage you to stay with your self care regime keep on editing it so that it's not too overwhelming. It's not too many things but it's just things that actually serve you you don't have to be monogamous a loyal to those things. It's okay with all that Uranus in your chart and all that areas in your chart to have a revolving kind of bag of tricks that you pull from but you want to keep some measure of consistency where let's say you're doing three things to take care of yourself every day. All right, my dear I'm sending you love and I'm sending you strength. You probably already know by now that I record ghost of a podcast on anchor and I do that because it's the easiest way to make a podcast it's free and there are creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or your computer anchored distributes your podcast for you, which is super convenient. It can be heard pretty much everywhere from Spotify to Apple podcasts and across all the platforms and you can make money from your podcast with no minimum. Listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one easy place download the free anchor up or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started today. On Spotify you can listen to all your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including astrology on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast so that you never miss an episode and premium users can download episodes to listen to offline from wherever you are. You can easily share what you're listening to with your friends on Instagram. Just go ahead and download the Spotify app search for Ghost of a podcast on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab also, make sure to follow me so that you never miss an episode. My loves my dear dear loves his horoscope time. Again. We are going to look this week at the astrology of December 8th through the 14th 2019. This week's horoscope starts on December 8th with a son Square to Neptune. Now that Transit I mentioned last week because you're feeling it on the 7th, but it is exact on the 8th and you will also feel it on the 9th now I touched on themes last week. Of boundaries the need to have boundaries with yourself and boundaries with others and this is a really deep topic and it's you know, it's a topic I get questions about a great deal when the sun forms a square to Neptune. It makes us feel off. The sun is your identity and Your vitality and Neptune is kind of like stepping into fog when we're dealing with Neptune energies. We don't tend to have validation and In the way we want we don't tend to feel a sense of confidence in the way things are going the resources. We have to get there or even just our own energies son squared enough to can make us feel really confused. And so here's the thing about boundaries. We can have boundaries in a situation. Let's say the situation is you and I are hanging out and I stepped on your toe. Maybe your boundary is hey Jessica get off my damn toe. Maybe your boundary is oh, she didn't notice it. I'll say something. The second time you're figuring out what boundary you're supposed to assert right the thing that's really complicated about. This is we can talk about why did I step on your toe? Why do you have friends who always stepped on your toe? Why is this a pattern that you keep on manifesting people who step on your toe? Why do you always have to say don't step on my toes shouldn't people know you get where I'm going the underlying patterns that we experience in our lives the themes that we find happen on repeat over and over again in situations with People that were dating people that were friends with whatever those are the things that we need to bring more self-awareness to because our patterns reflect places where we tend to have poor boundaries and when I say poor boundaries that might mean we have rigid roles in efforts to protect ourselves that actually need to be more flexible. It might mean that we need to bring more awareness so we can figure out what the boundary needed is. It might mean we simply need to verbalize what we We already know in our hearts to be true. It might mean we need to stop talking about it and start acting on it. Right. So if I keep on hanging out with you and I keep on stepping on your toe and you keep on saying hey Jessica, it sucks when you step on my toe. My toe hurts and I keep on doing it. Anyways, even if I hug you and say, I'm sorry at a certain point don't you want to maybe consider not hanging out with me because your damn toe hurts because obviously I don't care about you and your sweet toe. So I want to encourage you on the 8th, but in general This week and I would even say over the next few months to really try to bring awareness and Consciousness do it through your dear diary. Do it with your shrink. Do your friends. Do it in your women Circle do do it in whatever way works for you try to bring Consciousness to the patterns that are underlying in your life the things that you seem to be on a groundhog day around because those things are not inevitabilities they are not Universal either they're yours. They're your patterns and you don't need to go into guilt or punishment or shame or blame or anything like that just be interested be interested in what themes are playing themselves out and whether you need to bring more awareness whether you need to communicate or figure it out analytically or whether you need to embody your own wisdom your own. Knowing because if you're able to do any of those three things, then you are able to embody your boundaries you are able to identify what your needs are verbalize them. Give the people and situations in your life a chance to meet you where you're at and you know, if that doesn't work go ahead and do what you got to do because it's on you to embody your boundaries. Don't wait for anyone else to do it. It's on you. What's tricky within all of this? Is that knowing what your boundaries? Juries are doesn't mean you're comfortable embodying them asserting them understanding what your boundaries are doesn't mean that you feel ready. And it doesn't mean that if you verbalize them or embody them that the people around you are going to be respectful that they're going to understand it that that you're not going to any drama as a result. And so this is where people have a really hard time with boundaries first figuring out what the boundary needs to be then being brave enough. Loving yourself enough to put your authentic needs first and finally to be able to tolerate that doing the right thing doesn't mean that the good stuff happens for you as I've said before and I'll say again fate Karma whatever you want to call. It is not symmetrical life is not symmetrical. It's not like get the answer right and you get a cookie when that be fun. We'd all be filthy with cookies because we have this clear. Yes. No. No, so if we can get the cookie, we know we did it wrong. If we got the cookie we knew we did it right now be so wonderful, but that's not what life is there's this really brilliant woman named Nikki Sachi that I work with and she says taking steps to transform suffering is suffering in itself and that my love's is why so many of us don't take the steps to transform our suffering because we are hoping for that damn cookie. That's not what were greeted with or agreed with more suffering deeper suffering. The key is to have boundaries. Do you want to be right? Do you want to have the answer? Do you want to get along or do you want Integrity truth honesty embodiment wholeness. It doesn't have to be either/or. I'm making it an either-or in the statement and I really don't need to but what we want to be able to do is hold the drive towards integrity and embodiment and wholeness higher than we hold those other things higher higher. Guard hydrastine so that when we are not prioritizing those things in efforts to get answers progress piece that we're making a conscious choice because we know that progress and like not piece like World Peace, but peace like getting along, you know, making sure everything is diplomatic and okay when we prioritize those things over authenticity and wholeness what happens is we don't like what we get. We don't look what we get. Maybe two years from now, maybe 10 years from now, but it doesn't You what you want? Because when you act out of Integrity with your soul, you will not like what you get that is just is not a whole lot of things that I'm going to say are really strict rules in life. But my love's that is a big one put that in your vision board and smoke it. Don't smoke it put that on your vision board and remember it so all to say son squared Neptune. You're going to feel it exact on the 8th. And on the 9th, you may find yourself dealing with some sort of anxiety or kind of demoralized. Or exhaustive feelings. Don't worry. It won't last. I promise it shot last my love's now on the 9th Mercury moves into Sagittarius mercury in Sagittarius is fast pace of connection, which is super fun. I'm not going to give you too much on this but I will say mercury in Sagittarius is great for visualization. It's a fun Transit. It's not going to last too long. So on the 11th, December 11th, we have a full moon in Gemini at 9:00 12:00 p.m. If you're on the east coast of North America, if you're in Europe, then is actually on the 12th. So the sun is in Sagittarius. Some moon is in Gemini and they are at 20 degrees this particular full moon comes with a lot in it. First of all, it forms a wide T Square to the planet Neptune and this reiterates the theme I was talking about with boundaries with locating yourself and the sign of Gemini in the sign of Sagittarius are both concerned with data and Truth. 'The but in really different ways because opposite signs govern opposite poles of One Singular energy one strong line of energy. And so what we're looking at here is forest for the trees. What are you going to focus on and because of Neptune forming a square to about the Sun and Moon we may feel around this full moon a real sense of anxiety around not being sure should I focus on the big picture. Should I focus on the detail? Should I focus on the four should I focus on the trees and that Anxiety that Neptune brings up is generally because we don't know and we feel like we should know where we want to know. So my advice to you is to step into the not knowing to allow yourself to be present with uncertainty and to practice non-attachment non-attachment to what it needs to look like but get clearer if you can about what you want to feel like and that requires you to really prioritize treating yourself as you wish to be treated honoring yourself. Self as you wish to be honored and even loving yourself as you wish to be loved no big deal just everything, you know in this full moon chart. We also have Saturn and Pluto sandwiching sweet tender Venus in Capricorn. This is a really intense conjunction. Unfortunately, Saturn Venus Pluto conjunction is likely to bring up a sense of scarcity scarcity of love. Scarcity of resources the Saturn Pluto conjunction May trigger major issues around women's rights women's financial and physical Independence. This Saturn Venus Pluto conjunction is likely to kick up some pretty heavy and deep feelings about your relationship to relationships. This may be a time where you are struggling around your finances or again around your values and these are the major themes that I tend to see is Dated with Venus Saturn and Pluto are both pressure cookers really intense pressure cookers. And so I don't expect that. This full moon is going to feel terribly chill and I don't expect that this full moon will pass without something major happening and that is because when we mix both Saturn and Pluto would such a personal Planet like Venus and we have this full moon pointing towards Neptune which kicks up anxiety. And fear we have the risk that people will act out out of fear, or that people will have knee-jerk reactions people may band together and really stand up and stands out notice your own fear-based reactions and make sure that you're not leading with that in your responses as much as possible. This full moon is going to kick up a lot of intensity. This is a terrible time to process unless it's absolutely necessary. I wouldn't start anything major around this time unless it happens quite organically the feelings that you have around now, and also the feelings that everyone you're dealing with is having around now are likely to be really intense and heavy and concerned with things that feel really personal but also where we have Pluto we have shame we have places where we feel alone. Like we alone are dealing with something and we alone have to fix it. So what I want to encourage you to do is to know that you are Not alone reach out to people if you can now unfortunately, if you've been dealing with any kind of addiction stuff whether we're looking at substance abuse or too much TV too much online shopping obsessively stocking someone's insta stories. Whatever it is both Neptune and Pluto with the sun moon and Venus and Saturn can all trigger addictive Tendencies. So if you can do what I was saying a bit earlier pay attention Shinto the underlying mental and emotional patterns that compel you or inspire you to act in ways that essentially tried to soothe distract or punish emotions that you're having and if you can if you can make a different decision at the very least 72 minutes try to put off your negative behavior self-destructive behavior for 72 minutes if you can I mean if you can put it off for 72 hours you just going to clear these transits going to be Smooth Sailin very difficult sailing I shouldn't have said smooth sailing. But if you can wait 72 hours that's ideal. But if you can strive for 72 minutes tweak it so that it works for you. Now this full moon May bring things to a head and while it is unlikely to feel awesome if that happens. It is happening for a reason so that you can come to Greater balance. But that balance can only come after you've come to Greater awareness, right? Right. So do your best keep on showing up? That's the move. That's the move one more thing. I'll tell you about this is that the Venus Pluto conjunction is exact Alma 13. So it's a transit in orb on the 11th and its exact on the 13th. So this Transit it brings up obsessive-compulsive feelings. It just does it makes us obsess on our Crush. So remember this remember this my friends whether or not they like you what they do or don't think or feel about you. Is actually not yours to manage. What's your samanage is are you in Integrity in the way you are behaving when you're alone about them in their presence. Are you acting in ways that reflect the person you want to be? Are you being true to yourself? Are you making healthy choices? Is this person in your life actually helping you to be a healthier and more whole version of yourself, or are you walking into walls for a person? These are really important questions to be asking yourself in. Out of what do they think? What do they feel what's going to happen? The question what's going to happen is one that may plague us a little bit this week because we are dealing with a lot of Neptune which is like the unknown and Pluto which is really driving but it is actually kind of a Fool's errand to try to figure that out. Yeah. I know. I'm an astrologer I read tarot. And so you'd think I'd be obsessed with answering that question and in the early days of my practice I was but I've come to learn that it actually doesn't matter. What matters is if you are right with your soul and you are right with yourself step-by-step them regardless of what happens it's exactly what's meant to happen. It takes time and practice and when I say time, I mean years years of practicing this to really believe it but it's worth it girl. It's worth it. Let me tell you it is worth it. It helps you to age in Integrity with yourself, which just makes aging a lot easier. So my sweet and beloved people. That's it. That's all as a whole damn episode and I hope you enjoyed it for me. As I am looking at the astrology through December and early 2020. I want to say this is the time for getting right with yourself. This is the time for being willing to look at how you're acting and making sure those actions reflect what you actually interns. Are we doing? It's not a small task. It really isn't and it's not something that you can like set and forget it means being present. And it means being present through the discomfort of growing and learning and on learning and then learning some more. That's the damn move. If you haven't already please do subscribe to the podcast like it star it review it whatevs on whatever platform you're listening to it on as always send me questions for the podcast. I love answering your questions and you can send them to me at ghost of a keep on coming back. And keep on showing up for yourself and others with kindness and strength.
A listener suffering from panic attacks wrote in asking for some insight and help. Jessica unpacks her birth chart and offers advice. In this week's horoscope, Jessica dives deep into how to have boundaries—courtesy of Neptune. She then unpacks the Full Moon in Gemini and touches on some deep Saturn/Pluto themes. It's a powerful time to get at the underlying patterns that compel us. 📚To pre-order Jessica’s book, Astrology for Real Relationships, Understanding You, Me, & How We All Get Along, visit 📚and to get your free 2020 Astrological Calendar, upload your receipt details here: (offer good until 1/31/2020) On Jan. 1st, 2020, the Starstruck astrology summit will go live, showcasing some of the most important and compelling voices in astrology today. RSVP by 12/12 to get my talk for FREE: 📍For exclusive content become a Patron at ! 🎀To send your question to be answered by Jessica on the podcast, or to read your weekly & monthly horoscopes, visit ❤️For daily insights follow Jessica on Twitter at @jessicalanyadoo or on Instagram at @jessica_lanyadoo.
Hey everyone. Thank you so much for listening to another episode of Senator we run ads but before we jump into the podcast, I want to give a quick shout-out to my sponsor anchor they create distribute host monetize podcast hundred percent free. I use them honestly. If you have an idea you want to share go with anchor. They're the easiest way to make a podcast to give you everything you need in one place for free. You can use a right from your phone or computer. They have creation tools that will allow you to record and edit your podcast with sounds phenomenal. So distribute yourCast for you, so you can be heard everywhere from Spotify Apple podcasts Google podcasts and many more you can easily make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership download the anchor app or go to Anchored on FM to get started. Hello Instagram lovers, welcome to another episode of Instagram unveiled a podcast that is Poland back Instagrams curtain of success and uncovering how to build a loyal following. I'm your host Marc McKenna. Hammond and this is episode 5 titled what hashtag should I use and why every time I say this is episode I feel like I'm Ryan Seacrest about to say, this is American Idol but hashtags which is the theme of this podcast episode are simply not about getting likes comments or follows. If we are using them for this then we aren't using them correctly personally. I Been effectively use them all the time, but I'm learning unique ways to better utilize hashtags that I'm not wasting my time anymore. Here's a really important question that we all need to have answered before we can fully utilize and even though which hashtags to use and that is why are we even using Instagram? It's pretty simple. I've spoken to numerous people about this question and there are different reasons why they use it and for example some use it to showcase the daily life or Instagram acts as a journal and the appreciate the validation that is received. From friends family and other instagrammers. I've talked with others who use the app to establish a personal brand and our focus on increasing awareness or would like to make an influential impact by backing a creating or creating a cause to Rally behind and or sell products and services for their business. Whatever our y might be my intuition tells me that it is important for us to realize what it is to write it down and pretty much to focus all our efforts on that why this is going to be really beneficial when choosing the hashtags for opposed Instagram story. And I GTV personally, I'm on Instagram because I'm establishing a personal brand around social media specifically Instagram and at the moment. I'm focusing 80% Time on Instagram and my podcast Instagram unveiled while the other 20% is being spent working on my website my blog and soon-to-be YouTube channel. Keep an eye out for that one. I want other personal Brands influencers outdoor an event companies to know I love creating educational and entertaining content for Instagram stories videos for IG TV and YouTube testing and I have somebody just a zest for learning all themes social. That is my why I want to know what your why is you can definitely let me know on Instagram at Mark underscore McCammon. It's also in the description of this episode my Instagram handle, but now that we know why we are using the platform. I can actually unveil why we should be using hashtags and not just any hashtag. It's been reported and shared by HubSpot late. Are Sprout social and others that oppose that includes one hashtag? Averages 12.6 percent more engagement than if they didn't include any hashtags at all according to Instagrams Business website 80% of all Instagram accounts, which is over 1 billion are following a business. The opportunity is to reach and connect with a vast amount of people all over the world. It's incredible. It's crazy. And as you already may know Instagram allows its users to use up to 30 hashtags per post. Post now there is a lot of debate as to what the sweet spot is. Is it the full 30 is it 28? Is it 11 five or even six the guessing can be endless online? Like I've had so many different opinions on the matter. So personally I use only 28 hashtags in order to stay a little bit below the maximum. I've read enough articles to know that Instagram doesn't like spammy accounts, but it doesn't mean our 30 hashtags if we choose to use that many will be flagged. It's just a precaution that I tend to use. Is now if we're looking to grow our account and increase engagement we need to be using hashtags period also do not have a private account make sure your accounts actually public so people can actually see your content. As I said in the beginning of this episode hashtags are not about likes excuse me comments or follows. So what exactly are they about them? Because I've been talking and sharing. In stats about increasing engagement hashtags are about our target market. I've use hashtags over the years that were General and even somewhat specific but none of those hashtags were helpful in increasing traffic to my website to my podcast at all. I was bringing in the wrong people. I might have been getting a lot of likes which doesn't do much for my brand and my business in any way. I was getting the wrong traffic the wrong traffic on my HGTV the wrong traffic on my post stories podcasts website. I've learned that if I want to be discovered boost reach and Community engagement and analyze. What content is performing better over others. I can use popular and general hashtags, no worries. But if I want to have loyal followers and increase conversions getting people that want to visit my website listen to my podcast by my product or service you name it. Like I need to use Target specific hashtags that are relevant. To my content and audience and that are not too saturated. I use something called long tail keywords this like a fancy SEO term that's used to describe according to hit highly specific Niche Search terms that usually consists of three or more words and are much easier to rank or right because they have low competition. So this brings me to tip number one. One do not use saturated hashtags. I tend to use hashtags that don't have more than 1 million posts on them. If I do they are relevant and there's no more than 5 but even those will not be in the tens of Millions. But close to 1 million, I tend to use hashtags. I have a range of 2,000 to 5,000 to 500,000 posts. Now if you want, I want you to search a hashtag on the explore page to see this out and type love or insta good these hashtags are perfect examples of having too many people using them and our photos will be buried in a tsunami of photos. If we do choose to use them we might get more. Likes but is it targeting the right people tip number two use specific long tail hashtags for my most recent post 20 of the 20 hashtags were long-term phrases. For example building my Empire Marketing on Instagram Instagram marketing tips business by Design community over competition. Don't worry. I'm not going to be all 20 of them. But if you want to know more of the examples that I've used you can head over to my most Post on Instagram. Yeah, my handle is in the description these hashtag examples are not too saturated and they give me a higher chance of being featured in the explore page and the top post section for the hashtags rather than just the recent section because typically when you use a hash tag, your post goes to the recent section and it's only there for a certain period of time it's kind of like the pre algorithm days whenever you posted a post. post on your feed your followers can see at the time you posted it not based off of you know content they value or these things that our nature it's good though that they've see content they value but on the hashtags you're targeting people that have no idea probably fuyu even are and so it will only be the first set amount of time but eventually get buried so you want to go to the top post and my post from yesterday that Capital cherry blossom one that I took was featured in 18 of the Top post sections of the 28 hashtags that I used this lets my content stay front and center for viewers in my target market. It's not going to be buried in just a few minutes or even hours the long tail hashtags. Now I shared and use are also relevant to my social media brand message people that use these hashtags tend to be entrepreneurs personal Brands influencers and are either looking for or sharing tips on Ram or social media in general Tip number three. This is a question. Like where do I find such long tail? Keyword phrases, you know, I've gone this question before you know, how do I pick keywords or these hashtags if they're so long? Where do I find them? What I've realized is I don't need to reinvent the wheel. I don't need to create a hashtag or search through endless hashtags on the Instagram app or even use a hashtag generator to on the internet. All you have to do is search for instagrammers who are in your Niche and see what hashtags that are using. For example, I looked up accounts who are heavily invested in Sharing tips about Instagram. I went to the search and typed Instagram marketing and I simply just looked at the accounts. You don't have to copy all the hashtags they use but I use ones that are relevant to my message and I make sure to check out the hashtag as well. So I click on the hashtag and I see. Kind of content is in the top and recent sections you're going to want to create content that would fit in here but also has your own unique style as well to it. This will help you determine if you even want to use this hashtag to Showcase your content because honestly, I found plenty of hashtags that seem so perfect but simply the content I was being posted on those hashtags on a regular basis was not that kind of content. I I wanted to create nor the content. I want my target market to really focus on and see so my audience probably wasn't even going to these hashtags. It wouldn't make much of an impact with that particular hashtag content tip number four use hashtags in every post Instagram story IG TV and not in your bio instead of posting our hashtags after the our caption with the vast number of dashes or emojis. Which is what I've done in the past in order to separate the hashtags in the caption. All we have to do is place the hashtags in the first comment. It's out of sight out of mind when people will read our post caption. They won't be bombarded with this blue distraction. It's like this little blue monsters. There's so many and the same with Instagram stories. We can use up to 10 hashtags per story to be possibly featured in a hashtag story and we can hide all of them behind. A location sticker or a mention sticker. All you have to do is pinch them pretty small and place them right behind it that simple if you want to know three other ways to hide your Instagram stories. Feel free to check out my podcast episode for its titled for ways to hide Instagram story hashtags. IG TV is pretty much the same as a post when it comes to hashtags and I still only include 28 now. I do not include any hashtags in my bio. Which a lot of people are doing now is becoming a kind of a trend but I don't know. Why would I ever want to put a hashtag on my bio because that's just going to drive people off my account unless it is to promote a contest to some sort that I'm running. I don't see why anyone would want to include hashtags in their bio tip number five create a few hashtag lists and test and review and track post insights. I have found that it is valuable if we are constantly looking for new van hashtags to use and not just rely too much on one list of 28 or 30. So what I try to do is I travel a few list of hashtags to switch off from or I take out a few and add a few new hash tags and you know different ones but not aligned with my content that I'm about to share. It can't take a lot of time like I've spent I spent quite a few hours to be honest, looking throughout different hashtags over time for that will really fit my content, but it is so worth the investment because I'm seeing some fantastic results from it again. For example, my post yesterday 18 of the top post sections of the 20 hashtags. I used I was featured in those top post areas. I only have 535 followers. So something I'm hitting on right now with these hashtags. We can also check out some analytics for each of our posts. So if you have a business account go to your photo that you've just posted or post a while ago click on view insights and swipe up on the insights that pop up to get a more comprehensive View. You're able to see how many Impressions your hashtags got for the post and I track this data in Excel or Google sheet because that's extremely valuable, you know to know the spikes in the type of hashtags and content. We're using it's really going to be impactful for future content that we create. So I hope you found this episode valuable. I'm on a journey to discover how to make the most of the social platforms, especially Instagram and Judge others to join with me on this Learning Journey. Let's learn together. I would love to know any questions or feedback that you might have. So feel free to reach out and connect with me on Instagram at Mark underscore McCammon. My Instagram handle is in the description of the episode or feel free to shoot me an email Instagram unveiled at Thanks for listening.
Hello Instagram Lovers! In this episode, I unveil that hashtags are not for just increasing ones engagement with their posts or stories. Although I have used hashtags primarily for increasing my accounts likes, comments, and follower count in the past, I've realized that this was not  helping me drive the right people to my podcast, website, or content. In order to get the most out of hashtags, we need to know why we are using Instagram and then to focus on creating long-tail hashtags, a fancy SEO term I cover in the episode, that are specific to our target audience. If you don't want to waste any more time trying to figure why or which hashtags to use for Instagram, then you will love this comprehensive podcast episode. Sit back, grab a notepad, and enjoy. This one will be worth taking notes on.
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Your leisure is coming to take over DC and we're bringing some of our most prestigious alumni on the 7th. We are having our second seminar / workshop with none other than the Wall Street Trapper and mobile home Elise. That's right two of our most prestigious guests and they are bringing nothing. Gems on the stock market and mobile homes. You don't want to miss that but when I stopped in there on the 8th, that's right on the 8th. We are doing our first live podcast from Capital One Arena. That's right. That's what the Wizards plate we are going to take over Capital One Arena to do our first live podcast and we're bringing some earners with us. So earners you make sure that you'll show up and show out after the podcast. We're gonna have a little Network meet and greet and the weekend is not done until we finish it out like going to a Wizards game. That's All right, we're bringing our Learners to the Wizards Clippers game Kauai going to be there Paul George going to be there. Make sure you go over to earn your right now and find out more information how to make sure that you're there to piece. All right guys Hometown hero special hotel here. Special Hometown Heroes know we did a HomeTown hero addition in Houston shouts. Aah town, but we going to take it where we from. Greenburgh, New York. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah the town for real we show up for sure Greenburgh New York very special place. So we've actually already had two guests from from our hometown right now The Vow shouts of Val Valencia. That was a great episode and we had some old also smoked fish out some omega Partners in curl Fest, so Yeah, we were lucky enough to have two people that we already grew up and went to high school with so now we got the OG from my neighborhood. Yeah signal XT. Mr. Greg Barnett. So first and foremost, thank you for joining us man. Well, thanks for having me man. There are Pleasures all mine. You know, you guys are safe. I'm excited first podcast I did so I'm doing so, you know, it was getting done is the only good. Yeah, as you guys know, you know, we talk about sports. Containment a lot that's kind of the whole theme of the show and well not the whole theme of the show, but a major part of the show is the Back stories in sports entertainment. So this this interview right here is right up our alley Greg is an NFL agent. He does a lot of other things as well. He's an entrepreneur. He's a family man. He's involved in AAU basketball real estate investor does a lot you should actually be a schoolteachers. Well, yeah. Lagarde are that's the the agency that you were right, correct, and you got some some some some high profile clients. You got Kyle Fuller who was a pretty photo of last year pro bowler last year, Houston Jones. You have Percy Harvin Legend Percy Harvin. He was a client of yours. So retired now, yeah, for sure. So we got talk about lot of different things in this episode. We're going to talk about you know, the journey from being an NFL agent and how you got there. But before we start I wanted to kind of give a little back story and I think it's interesting. So you started as a school teacher, right? Correct, and but you always had a passion for sports. So how did you transition from being a school teacher to the NFL agent? Like most people wouldn't put that right? Well, it's interesting because when I started school teaching I was doing an internship at the same time with a guy by the name of Mike Harris out of Philadelphia and it was a sports marketing firm and I did I used to you know, follow him around drive up the Filly from Baltimore following him around he was dealing with clients back then and basically he introduced me to Joe Siegel who at that time, you know, it was a high-profile agent. And basically I started off with Josie go while I was still teaching I started off as a consultant with him and basically working my way all the way up to our senior vice president and partner in The Firm. Yeah, so you started out if it sat in a lot of times people get the misconception already. They say that those who can't teach you to teach them right here. We don't those who can't teach know those who can't do teach teach. You can't teach teach gym exactly what that plenty of times, but you said that you created your multi marketing. Like firm their gym right that you have from that position. Well, well, yeah, the gym was after Ike advantages which is down here in Atlanta. And while I started when I was a PE teacher, I always thought like I enjoyed it. Yeah, but of course I did enjoy working Fame by ain't there were things about the PE that I am like I am like, you know helping kids with lockers and just put it back problems so much like that. So I said, how can I still do this and enjoy so when I got the opportunity I created my own Sports Performance gym down here in Atlantic or a flag advantage and what that does is it trains athletes? It's you know, you could train like a pro app from The Young youngest age of 6 all the way up to pro athletes my open it up here in Atlanta because also what I know this was a lot of my land has to hop into athletes in the offseason. So when they came when they come here, they look for somewhere to train. So a lot of my guys was coming here and ask me a where I need to work out for two weeks. I'm here this that answer to that. I swear I came up with the idea. Let me just open up my own gym hire some trainers and my guys can just train at my gym. Yeah, so I mean like that's that's like super inspiring because a lot of times people think like, oh, that's just gym class. That's gym class many wild like you're actually plotting something in your head. That's bigger. I think one of the great advantages that we don't get to take homework home. Right? Right. I don't have to worry about any statement attached and we get to have fun like our job is just to make sure that the kids have fun and they learned but it's like you said there's a lot of things that you know, we don't like to do but Good because right most teachers thing like this is it yeah mindset was like I'm thinking bigger, you know, and then that and I was taught as I was telling Richard earlier. I have a little saying I go by find a job you love to do and you'll never work a day in your life. That's from me doing the being a sports agent at but it was also the same concept when I was a PE teacher loved what I was doing. I love going to work every day. So what was the process of actually opening up a gym? Because a lot of times people have aspirations to do things, but they don't only know the blueprint so you just you know, you had a background in sports obviously has a background white boy. How did you like the open it do basically look for a spot, you know, and basically I had to come up because I struggle with different concepts. I don't know if I wanted to do where everybody was paying for membership to get into the gym or kind of like the barber shops along syndrome where you know, you hire a couple of trainers and they pay you Jim rent and they just charge whatever they want to check charge. They have access to the gym. 24 hours, so I kind of did a mix a couple of when I first opened up at a couple of trainers who was paying rent. But then I also had guys who I just hired to teach your classes. So, you know, I had most of the younger athletes six elementary and middle school they were paying for packages so they paid for classes and I would have our I had trainers who basically train them also had trainers who Renting space that had their own clients to come in. So it's just going back and forth seeing which one was more profitable. So, you know different areas is going to work for different people. You had you had some some teams like high school teams. Yeah all a lot of local high school teams and land and when I first opened up for the first couple of years and still do football lacrosse baseball soccer had some tennis players all every sport some book like the whole team's work. In book sessions and some might just be individual. Yeah, how big is Sportsman and it's because we from New York so, you know growing up, you know, we in the sports but it's not like how it is. Especially football South. It's not like it's like in the South it's like Jesus Christ and football Friday nights. That's where you are. You are the high school football game Saturday you tailgating you Nevada University of Georgia game Joy. An attack on your from the TV watching SEC football. This is SEC land and Sundays everything shuts down you either at a bar watching NFL game or you had to stay in or people just just go to the are Mercedes-Benz stay in just tailgate and have a TV out there. So we huge it's huge. So I'm glad you said about the SEC because I just made me think about something. So it's a Hot Topic in a news lately that California just passed a bill. It's not official yet, but it's on its way to become an official in a couple of years where they going to allow. Athletes to get endorsements. So we talked about the NCAA before as far as you know, they don't allow you to get endorsements. They don't allow you to you know, they want to make all the money themselves. Yeah. So what's your wish it as an NFL agent right wish it what's your take on the NCAA? And like how do you think that's going to turn out in the future did can they can't keep that forever? Like it's a model that's not fixed. It's broken. I mean, it's been working this far. I hope they can break it. You know, I mean, that's what I'm hoping because they're getting rich the guys that They're Millionaires and they're making all the money off these athletes and they say okay, they're getting a free education, but that's not enough. You know, you go in. I remember I never forget watching the segment the Fab Five 138 days or thirty years now, Jaden Jerry. I was a solid wall. Yeah and Rose talking about your I'm sitting here trying to get food, but you know, my jerseys in a book store selling but yet I gotta borrow money to go get a sandwich. I mean that that hit hard, you know. Yeah, not for sure. I hope it changes. You know, I think it will so like for your clients that that you recruit how how how do you see it affect them as far as being NCAA what people don't fully understand especially for big-time college football is that it's a real job. Like it's not like you just going to school and just had a Recreational Sports a real job and it's hard for people to fully understand that if they haven't been through it themselves, right? Like how strenuous can you tell like how strenuous? Cuz I like I said, you're recruiting college kids. So, you know, how strenuous is it in hard. Is it for a big-time college football player to manage going to sports Family School all that so hard and you talk to these guys and it's interesting because sometimes you see a guy that's just for going his eligibility to enter the league and he might only be ranked, you know projected to go maybe fifth sixth seventh round something like that, but he's leaving because he can't handle George anymore. It's just strange. It's like, you know, you're up five o'clock in the morning. They own you. They basically only they do the schedule for you. They own you. If you don't love football, you're not going to last in college football. You got you have to love it and you talk to these players and I remember talking to her a college coach two years ago, and I was like, you know, why such a social evening. He's a man and he can't see these guys get they leave. I mean, it's just a lot on them, you know, I mean, so what ran that windows so small that you can earn that money. Money in the NFL so you want to go while you know, you still got you know, you'll have too much tread on the tires, you know, I mean, so what's the process like right? So in order to be to get it to get a client right? Are you meeting with coaches first or do you have to know the family? Like what's the process of getting every situation is different? I might have a college coach that might you know be able to recommend me, you know to somebody I know to somebody that you know, they know needs my services and might be somebody I have a Distant relationship with just you know for my own town or something like that, but most of the time you got to reach out to the kid or his family and as a after they've declared eligibility know you're allowed to talk to a player soon as he gets in college. Okay, each state in each school has individual laws. So, you know, every every situation is different, you know, you got some states and some schools. They say you cannot talk to them at all this but a certain time of the year, you know me some schools let you talk to them. The problem is you cannot you know. Provide provide any benefit for that also any while they're in school so, you know, you can't take them out to lunch dinner or anything like that. You know, it will be it's like the Reggie Bush do when they're considering the inducement for you trying to cry. You can't buy that you can see there you go. Alright. So yeah, so the next segment we gon go over some details that an NFL and a lot of things that I'm even actually curious to know about and the nitty-gritty of contracts and things of that nature. Ernest you currently paying off student loan debt interested in improving your financial literacy or looking for new ways to earn income and today's ever-changing digital landscape. Well on the talk money with the mesh lakhani podcast mesh will follow Paper Trails chat with experts break down complex ideas and bring Clarity to the mystical Financial phenomenon. Each episode will be filled with compelling stories covering a broad range of subjects from buying Bitcoins. Coin dealing with student loan debt and everything in between. So listen to talk money with mesh lakhani on Spotify or wherever you listen to your favorite podcast and learn how to spend invest in learn in today's economy. All right, so we got to talk about the beginning to because you know, like I said, this is Hometown Heroes addition and we all come from the same place. Well, a lot of times people we like to give hope to people that sometimes, you know, don't have hope right a lot of time. Especially where we come from is like you think that you get a union job and that's like that's it. That's like hitting the lottery right especially, you know coming from a public school system. A lot of times. It's not it's not the best right but me and you have similar situation. We actually went to public school then we went to private school as well. So we saw both sides of the coin. We was lucky enough, you know through Athletics and then, you know going to college stuff like that, but you actually have a very interesting story because when you were in public school that we came from you are in an alternative. Class right especially short but whoever these the call so like how did that happen? How did that affect you because you know a lot of times, you know, it's like I said four people might not understand it but you know, there's a lot of stigma that comes with that. Right, right. So for now it's like to be an entrepreneur and of the NFL agent and to come from special education. Yeah, like humble beginnings. Like, how did how did that did that motivate you or it motivate me? I mean I hated it. You know, I hated being in special ed, you know. You got picked on sometimes not really too much because you know as a pretty big but you know, it's funny and one lands, you know, everybody else was switching classes, but I wasn't one class switching death. The IEP was so interesting. It's funny. I still have those IEPs and my house is trying to find and I remember when they used to, you know, it used to have your goals and used to say things like junior college or self-employment things like that those teachers never projected. I was going to go to school, you know college rather yummy, but I left there and that time when a lot of athletes left with their hands and went to a couple of different private schools step in that Harvey Hackley me and a couple of other guys. We want the Harvey which is up in Katonah New York, you know, it was a you know the okay but prestigious private school. And from there. I went on to another prep school after that. I did a postgraduate year, which a lot of people don't know at Milford Academy under Milford Connecticut from there is where I got my offer to play a full scholarship to play football at Morgan State University, which is HBCU down these Baltimore Maryland, which I love this the bear. Yeah, I'm Morgan made as they say I mean another Morgan alone. We had Valencia Valencia. She's from Greenberg tools and we were going okay. So she had this old postal she had this wild love my HBCU campaign. Okay. Yeah, I seen it on your feet. Yeah. Shout out to shout out Baltimore me I got you know what we actually have a lot of similarities because you know, who else had an IP at will and who you're surely Right little known fact little known facts, right and you went to college in Baltimore, right? Is that went to prep school? I would like you went to prep school. Right? Right. So proud saying bro, we follow the same, right? So, you know it most I'm self motivator. I always knew where I belong and what I can do. I just needed a chance, you know, I mean, I wasn't going to let anything hold me down. Yeah, I mean and that's one thing I really passed on to my two sons right now, you know, you know don't you can do whatever you want to do? Yeah. I mean don't let them classify your anything that's special that I looked at. I remember Remember my Mom calling as a dumping hole for black students. They used disproportionately they're placed in there right now Israel because it's like a black hole and a lot of times once you get placed in that in that category is like you do like you own self, esteem. Yeah confidence, but me personally I never looked at it like that. I just I just always knew that I wasn't interested in learning the way that I was being taught right? So I think that that's probably why I got classified as IEP, but it's interesting now because it's like obviously people know I'm not I don't like they know they know I'm intelligent. It's just that you know at that point in time in my life. I just wasn't interested in being taught the way that they was teaching and you you both of you guys in as well working at UK Choice still educated, but you wouldn't realize them. I'm the only one that graduated from Woodlands man. Yeah. Yeah, but now but it but it's a real conversation know because it's like, you know, we don't we don't fully appreciate like blessings that we have and it's like me and you were fortunate enough to go to private school and perhaps school, but what if we didn't get that apple right I'm saying what if we would have stayed and who knows how life will be so many kids that are bright, like look at your NFL agent. I'm doing I'm in business on my podcast and it's like obviously we're both had IEPs exactly. Right? So we're looking for a couple of those teachers. I just can't live I just, you know, just want to talk with them, you know. Yeah, and I thank you. It's a real conversation. So I'm glad we actually even had that conversation because we got a highlight, you know, the what's Wrong with the system. But also we just got to give motivation. I just because I'm like classifies you if something doesn't change your life. That's just that's their opinion of you. I think what you guys are doing, right and I don't have done it's inspiring and aspiring right it gives kids hold like look, I know these do they form our community, right and kids everywhere like, oh I can do it. This classification doesn't limit me to who I have to be in the future. So that's good. Now, I don't care. So what was your experience HBCU? I know you're big on hbcus and it's actually a thing of a lot of people talk about athletes now. Just start going to hbcus. Like I don't know if that's relevant because of the funding. What's your what's your thoughts like you about my experience or about office? Well my experience it was different. I'm gonna it was different, but I loved it. I loved being around my I had enough it was the best time of my life to this day, you know going from from White Plains from Greenburgh New York down to Morgan State University and just growing into a man there, you know, I mean everything living off campus and just Around on my own. I just I enjoyed it and just being around your own people, you know, it was just so much fun. I mean and I don't think it's anything different from going to or anything less from going to the University of Maryland. I mean, I don't see what some schools offer more than HBCU to so what I know that Steven Naismith is doing a campaign now, he's trying to get people to come back to HSN hbcus. What are your thoughts right top-level athletes? It's going to be very agreeable. Yeah the top-level athletes. I always in for example actually choosing a school like a Morgan State or how it over I do. Okay is that's going to be hard to happen right away basketball. You can pick three guys three to five guys is high school seniors this maybe about three stars four stars as like, you know, how they rank you the total is five-star you got it's going to be hard to get five star athletes. This McDonald's all-americans to go to an HBCU. We already know that but there are schools that These guys are picking over hbcus. That's not any better athletically or academically, you know, I'm not gonna throw any schools under the bus here, but if you go to a colonial school or any of those type of schools, why not go to an HBCU, you know, a lot of those School lot of hbcus are beating those schools football is going to be harder because you know, you're going to it's more of a team sport where you need a lot of pieces to be successful. But you know, I have a lot of guys High School guys that work it work out in my gym and you know, they're uh, Pthere when I hear there are offers are from like Georgia Southern firming Wofford, Tennessee, Chattanooga. I'm like, you know, those high schools are equal to hbcus. Go. Look at HBCU. You have the time of your life. Yeah. I mean, there's everything from the everything from the female. Yeah, I mean, but you know, and like I tell my son, you know, if their last enough to go make Pro money doing something that's that's just a blessing. But other than that go to HBCU Get yourself some friends if he's talking about that the other day get you some some friends, you know, get yourself a group. He's majoring in accounting. He's majoring in engineering. He's majoring in whatever it may be for meself for grouping when y'all get out of there get yourself a business start a business. I mean anything puffy. There are probably put a lot of this guy's on from Howard, you know, you know, I'm hearing about the story of the former mayor here in Atlanta kasim Reed. He went to Howard, you know when he got it. An office here a lot of the same friends and you know he put on so, you know get to click together and go for it. That's what that's what I'm you know hoping for and that's what you did to in Baltimore use actually had a production company was yelling promotions on how promotion he was throwing parties, right? Yeah, we start as I actually I was a I was still a student and there are myself into a to other my classmates. We started a company called living life entertainment Wiest only home coming home coming parties. Shows we did shows we did that was that was what we did we use a promotion company and we did that from probably about 96 to about 99 about 2000 2001. So is that your first dive into the business world? Yeah, obviously, I'm gonna say you study education right and and health science. So yeah, that's where I learned how to hustle when I say hustle. You know, legally, I mean everybody when you're here hustling they think of a negative connotation, huh? This was somebody who could get money on any type of left and that's when we start how he's college students. But shoot sometimes I'll get my refund check, you know, I mean and going throwing that throwing a party with that, you know me, but that's where I learned my business. I got my business Foundation from and we learn it was a lot of losses with that. You know, I mean so we learn from that so that was interesting as though as though so, alright. So now with the NFL, right, so we're going to talk about the nitty-gritty, but I had a couple things that I always had questions about Had a franchise tag. Okay, what does that mean? Franchise tag? You're it each team can choose one player. That's going to make a franchise tag. That one player is usually going to be one of the top players on their team that's getting ready to be a free agent when they franchise them. They got our own his right, they own him and the contract is guaranteed for that whole year, but you have to pay him at average of the top five salaries of his position while agents don't like in the players don't like it because if he's a top player is about time for him to Hit that big contract where he can get that big signing bonus a multi-year contract. So it really holds a month. That is something that's in favor for the team the fridge. I think one of the most famous ones and I'm a shame to admit it. But I'm a I'm a Washington thin and this happen with Kirk Cousins. Okay round where they had to franchise them twice, right? Can you convince my friends house? I'll play it twice. Right and so like the last time it was like either we're going to sign this got you a long-term deal right and give them 30 million which never was worth it. But right well, we're gonna have to I'm going and now he's an Italian Vikings Vikings, correct? Yeah, so that so it's two years that you can do it. You could do two years in a row, correct? Okay. So it's the average of five the top five salaries of your quarterback. If you in that case with Kirk Cousins, okay, and it's the cat number. It's not the actual what they make is to cap them and that's what a lot of people know the Catholic. It's still high enough how I money but what the cap number is basically what your amount is that the team gets charged. As per year copy your contract birthday. Yeah, if they go over the cap, they get penalized for that. You can't go over there because I get basketball you can go over here, you know baseball. You got the luxury tax write-off for the next 30 years. They just said we going over our cap. So football, you can't go over there, right? Okay, so, all right. So at then all NFL ate our rookies have four year contract for your contracts the first if you're first The the team owns the option of the fifth for the fifth year. So basically if your first year you're if your first round first round here is a chance you could possibly be there. For seven years. Yeah, you got your four years. They option V then a franchise to tell you after that. So, all right. So one thing I was always curious about because a lot of time fans from the outside. They don't fully understand how this thing works. Right? So like Ezekiel Elliott, right who I think he was in his third year and then he sits out but they always do it the year before the fourth year, right and well this case I mean music is this is for for this is the Earth. Third right there yesterday sure. Okay, so but yeah, so how does that work as far as like a player sitting out an entire season? Like I think Le'Veon Bell did there I did that last year. Yeah, like what as an agent. Would you ever recommend your client do that or how would you feel if your client did that? It's each situation is different is situation to some you're not going to lose some you're not going to win. Yeah, I mean some you going to have to play that year, you know Levi on set out of here, but however, he lost money. You know, he lost money. So there's been some recent comments where we watch the NBA offseason where players are kind of dictating where they want to go and now there's talk of yeah, you know fellas doing it right or not, right because we got like Don't want to every time you get in an argument with a cold trade trade me, but you know right now the owners have too much power and hoping this new CBA. It's more player-friendly. Yeah, I mean, so I like the fact that you know, you'll be able to trade or demand a trade if you're good enough but you know to to go on to another situation. So one thing we somehow off camera also has lots of people don't fully understand like if you're a top player I think like top 10 draft pick you can have a lawyer to London insurance contract, right? Right and that kind of like now you talk about when you're in college College? Yeah. Well, actually you can get Lloyd's of London if your projected probably in the first two to three rounds you can get they'll carry you in college. Yes. Okay, and so that and that's like isn't working what that is is an insurance policy. Whereas if you get hurt during that senior year you're going to you're going to get that money now. I haven't known of anybody who has cashed out on any of those yet. They got a couple of different. What I because that's not my field. I don't sell insurance or anything like that. But from what I understand is two or three different policies. Like there's a loss of value. Whereas maybe you get hurt in the bowl game and you was projected first round, but you dropped it third, but nobody has been paid on any of those policies yet and it's hard to really say like the prove that they're doing values work and no one actually said you was going to get drafted in the first round or the top 10 so because milk, Piper some I pushed it on here on this page. That's not that I don't know how that's going to stand up in the insurance case. I don't know that's not my field. Yeah, I mean, but I know a lot of the schools are taking these policies out and paying for it for the kids, which is good. I think the quarterback of USC a few years ago. I forget his name, but he had I know he had a sizable Lloyd's of London contract cash out. He never got he never got hurt never got over. What was a lot of players get you right now. I haven't heard of any that has cashed out yet. Yeah. In terms of like guys like you said Mel Kiper Tom mcshea, how much weight do you put in what they're saying? And when you're looking at an athlete or potential clients are going to him before I go now usually talk to management in the NFL. Those guys are usually the male cop not that bad mouthing memory anything like that. But you know, they're there for entertainment the time, you know, I mean, so I'd like to actually talk to the decision makers and those are guys who really gives me my ins and outs on you know, who's worth in who? He's not to go after aware of certain guys are projected solo. That's who you know, and that's because I've been in the business for 18 years now, so I have good connections where I can call people and they can help me out with things like that. So like how all right how does Draft Day whereas another thing because you see sometimes people was like a top-10 draft pick in the knees drop to like 30. That's the most stressful day. So like how what makes somebody rise or it's doing already know. We're going to graph Toys just like to Spur just don't know. Leading up to the like last the neck last couple of days, you know, I mean, I was in The Green Room a couple of times, you know, and this dress will you know you rather just have your clients as watch it at home be honest with you, but you know, you're sitting there, you know teams teams lie. They lie. They tell you they're going to draft the guy next to you know, they don't, you know me. So it's stressful different things come up off the field incidents that might hurt a guy that have him drop things. They did they go dig in they might like your film but then they might find something else all about your drug test that you failed at College things like that, you know your brushes with the law things like that. They monitor your social media, you might see some things which is social media that they don't like and those are ways that can also always drop you in a limited time, but I haven't ended the do from a Ole Miss Ole Miss. They had a good show you some more So, all right. So I mean, so what you write as an adult as live life that has a family that has a wife and you experience different things but to get clients in 19 and 20 years old, right? So like how is it working with we you know young men that are celebrities overnight and have a bunch of money overnight and have people that like psychologically. What is your role? Is it more of like a big brother or father finger all of the above? I don't try to be anybody's father. As I'm not their father when I ask these guys to hire me. I asked them for their trust. You're hiring me for my expertise in my experience. So you are the boss. But also, I want you to respect me if you hire me for my knowledge respect me. All I could do is tell you what I recommend and the consequences of it. It's up to you. If you're going to listen to me on that you understand that so, yeah, I would love to be a big brother type God, but every situation is different some guys don't want that some guys just want you to do all business some guys. I'm closer to some guys. I'm not that close. To so it's different things other than the contract that you do you're helping manage these guys life. I'm helping him transition from a college athlete to a professional athlete you might have a case where this guy is living in Atlanta, Georgia his whole life and go to school and University of Georgia because drafted by the Seattle Seahawks yummy now, you're on a whole different part of the country and you got to know how to survive when I say survived like, okay and if I want you to play book all day long and all that so who's got to help you go and find somewhere to stay who's going to help you transport your vehicle your vehicles out there who's going to help you get set up and that's what I do. That's why I'm on the road a lot. I like to be a part of their life as much as they allow me to outside the doing their contracts and get near endorsements and things like that. So I help them transition from you know, a college student into a professional like you said their bank accounts in some cases go from $100 to three four point million overnight now, I'm not a financial advisor, but for The doing everything else. I want to help them adapt today. So how is it a negotiating? All right. So you do contract how is contract negotiation? Is it easy? Because it's pretty much straight forward right now. Well, well, I'll tell you what it is right now and the failure first contract the money is lousy, but also there's this default language that you got in you go with what does that mean? The fault language is ways that they can take away your guarantees from you. So that's something that you got to negotiate. That's something that you have to have in there and make sure that the teams aren't putting things in their easy ways for Them to come and take that money from you. You understand that so there you will have a contract and you know, okay, he's going to if he gets suspended for a head-on collision, whatever whatever it may be you can take x amount of dollars away from me. So that's something that can be negotiated. The amount of money you're going to get is already there. But the ways that you can lose that money. That's why you need to have a good agent that knows what he's doing. So how can it was a few ways that you can actually lose like, how can you give me exactly how I got? Okay. Let's say like I said, he said okay, maybe you're in jail for over 72 hours a big difference me. Okay, you get charged for something you did they keep you for over 70 want that means it's something different and in a regular contract. It might just say okay if he's arrested he can lose a guarantee, but why not put in there? Okay such as such as ours because He can he can you know, urinating the street and get input array of and get released on Zone Recon in two three hours. So is that fair for him to lose all that then, you know, we know something serious if you're there for over 72 or something like that. So there's different ways. You've got to look at that and try to give that's something important you said to a lot of times people see contracts. They seem play it gets a hundred million, but the signing bonus could be 69 million. That's the only thing that they're guaranteed and the contract. Well it Fanny not necessarily because it's all you know, you have contracts and it's called, you know contracts are guaranteed and something called that's I see skill injury cat. So just because you see these getting at that sign about there could be more to that that's guaranteed there might be okay. Perfect example, you know a br. Antonio Brown could they had 30 million people thought that was going to be but as you see he lost that because it's something he did. He just had to make the rocket first davers. Everything is not always guarantee and sometimes just things more guaranteed another you really have to read the whole contract for me to tell you, you know, a lot of times I get calls saying, you know is that all guaranteed that I just saw such as I like, you know, I can't I don't have to read the contract because I mean he's contractors anywhere from 17 pages to Bobby 40 50 pages. So there's so many things in there that might you know trigger your guarantee and some things that might not be guaranteed. So you just don't know a few years ago. You had one of the biggest signings The history. Yeah, the NFL for the for is the player right? Just a Houston Houston, right? We don't use correct said it was the most stressful day of your life and it was it was it was the most stressful negotiation that thus far because there was just, you know, going back and forth with the team getting the numbers right? We actually was negotiating from that past October all the way to July 15th, which was the last day because he was end up here and to be in franchise tag, and it was up into that July you had up until July 15th and negotiate the contract and well you would have to play that one year. So, you know, we got it done in the 12th hour how much how much was it? It was 101 total and 52 guaranteed and it's alright, it's alright. So let's go you could talk about that deal right because it's done pretty much right. So, all right. So how does that work? So you got a hundred and one total total if you play out the whole concept which would have been for eight years with the same team with that Team. All he had to do all he had to do was play he had reached Pro. As long as your second language on there at all. Okay, right, but what you got to realize that sometimes okay the first four years guarantee, which was that's what was considered the whole guarantee which was 252 million. So after that as you know, they can cut you would stay there with those bigger. Sally's is about to start the hit they cuddle and cuddle at least in this past year and I negotiate another extension form. Well another contract form, which is a two-year deal right now, and he's with their Indianapolis Colts. So you had all right contract is 17 to 20 something Pages. You said you have a legal department actually reached out you have a lawyer that you work. Well, I'm not a lawyer. I'm cbh. I'm a I'm a certified contractor advisor I have is about four of us on our team. I work with God by the name of Joel Siegel who is by far the most powerful man in NFL negotiation business, you know me. So he's the lawyer. We also have another lawyer on our team. You and we have two other agents. So we all look at our contracts together. But you know, we are a negotiation, you know, you might have all of us looking at one contract circling different things. And you know, when you do a contract it's not like some people think is you're just at the table talking numbers, you know contracts is usually done, you know via email. They send the offer over, you know, we send it back, you know is what we last for it, you know, it goes back and forth and then once the numbers get right, then you got a lot the language has to be Right. So there's a lot to it in a negotiation for contract and you spoke about having trust and one of the things on your resume you had a family. Yeah, you had a series of Brothers, right Dad. Yep, the Fuller family. I COI Fuller who are represented first out of Virginia Tech. He's a wide receiver. He got drafted in the sixth round to Detroit Lines after that. I Kyle Fuller who's the first round cornerback drafted to Chicago Bears and the Last one who's in his third year now for few third year. Kindle Fuller who's with the Kansas City Chiefs as adults and their older brothers who I did not represent. Vincent Fuller was a draft pick with the Tennessee Titans. He's retired now, he's actually working as a lawyer and said four brothers and for all four of them. They're all siblings. All their siblings made it to the NFL. Wow. So what do you feel about there was a quarterback that I think the Colts he just made news because he he he did his own contract and actually got some on the podcast Brandon. Brother go she ate it huh Brisbane. Yeah quarter at ya. And ya Brandon Copeland, you also negotiate his own contract to he was a guest on the podcast. So what would you what do you think about players not utilizing agents and doing it themselves? Well little things about anybody who represents yourself as a lawyer has a fool for a client give you know, if you have the background and you know it that's all fine. And dandy. I know he put comments out there and Media that he didn't want age group es and Bs long as behalf. Why does the agent have to be be essence? You know this language? I didn't look like this contract for say everybody just looks at the numbers and he used probably, you know, not talk about him, but he's probably just going out because they came in offer them something because Andrew Luck. Yeah, I think he's like, oh that my I'm taking that. Hey, I don't need to 4:30. I don't know whatever whatever it was it maybe he's looking at it. Like I want to go get this Ruckus here. I don't know. I haven't looked at the contract, but I just hope he's projected protected because there are ways They can lose. I don't know what is guarantees world or anything like that. And that's why we earn our keep that's where we are number but you know to each his own if you don't want to use an agent and I mean not for sure. Alright, so yeah, we got a lot of good at Jim's on it on the NFL. So when the next time we're going to talk about career bit preparing players for their career after Sports because of other stuff that you do as well so you can get into that. What's up, y'all? So if you're listening to this you obviously like podcast and you probably like music just as much on Spotify. You can listen to all your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't need to premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcast on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download Episode to listen to offline wherever you are and it's really easy to share what you've been listening to. With your friends on Instagram if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for earn your leisure on Spotify or browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow us so you never miss an episode of Ernie Leisure again. All right. So now in the last segment, we're going to talk about life after football for your client. That's something that you're really passionate about. It seems like, you know one thing to be an NFL agent and you know to work with guys when they actually in the league but as famous, Sheek Louch said you going to be all the lot longer than you going to be younger. Shouts is to to the locks. They from Westchester. I will soar for sure for sure. So what does that look like? Because I know you were talking about something that you're really passionate about as far as like, you know helping them out and like even with cherries things that nature so like what's that look like having like the career after football? Well right now because I've been in an about, you know, 16 to 18 years around that time. Some of my first guys some are already retired what you know, some of my bigger Eyes are now with you know starting to come upon retirement and like for example one guy Percy Harvin has hired me. I used to be his agent when he was in the league and now he's hired me to be his business manager. And what's that doing is basically finding businesses for them to start with their startup and to get involved with not managing their money or anything like that. But like for example, someone's to get into our cannabis some wants to get into real estate someone to invest in. Check so just working as a business manager when I recruit these guys are I asked them, you know, let them know like this is something I love to do. I love to work with athletes and even when you're done playing hopefully it'll be opportunity where I could continue to work for them. I've gain that trust where they allow me to help them with their businesses, you know as they're not playing anymore. It might be things simple as just keeping their football camp going in the offseason, you know or something like, you know, Having our golfing event to give back to a charity or something like that. So it's not just always doing things for profit. But also getting your name out there and I always try to tell my guys, you know do things for company while you're maximize your worth while you're playing once you're done playing nobody cares about you, you know, unless you're Tom Brady type guy. Yeah 37 Super Bowls or whatever. They're yummy, but these companies might not need you when you're done. So Do little things I encourage them to do things that to do speaking engagements and things like that for a company even though it might not be paying anything that's going to make a real difference for them do that because they're remember that after you're done playing and sometimes that could be the difference between you picking a job or job picking you or career. Once you're done, you know, I mean you want to be able to do what you want to do when you're done playing so that's what I try to set up for that. So so the average NFL career is short-lived, right? So these athletes could be done playing by B5 30 years old easy. It's what is the toughest thing as far as that transition period that you see with with your athletes finding out what they want to do. after football what they want to do for the you still got two thirds of your life, like what did they tell think they trying to give us a what about 75 85 right now, you know, so what you going to do when you if you done it 25 whether you're rich or not, you know what you're going to do because even if you're rich and money's going to run out if you're not doing anything, so hopefully they have a good financial advisor and they downsize and what they're you know, and they're living, you know, you don't you never need three cars, but all right, so One thing I was curious about what's the difference between negotiating contracts for players and negotiate endorsement deal because that's something that you do as well. As far as the Asian is concerns endorsement solar shading is negotiating So when you say negotiating a contract, well what you mean by that well, like well like as far as the right friends so like all right NFL player and gets drafted and you have to negotiate the contract. Right and the guarantee is stuff like that, but then they know Coca-Cola wants to know No endorse them. So that's a different. I would assume conversation. Right? Like how does that work more? You still selling your client to both? You know, you're selling your client to a team. You're selling your client to a brand a lot of times. You got to make sure it's the right fit but that goes to also with football also, you know, sometimes I guess the difference is very similar because I was going to say you got brand like Coca-Cola that might say he's the right fit for us, but just Third same thing with the Raiders. They might say he's the right fit for us. So I don't think it's too much different. Now, of course, the contracts are structured much different and doing an endorsement contract. You're not governed by so of course, it's difference really just whatever you're agreeing agreeing on in the language in the contract what that brand is offering another day endorsement deals are a lot shorter. What is like the average term for an endorsement? I would say is a lot of that year by year. Okay, you know in most cases year by year season-by-season, you know, you know your average apparent, you know shoe deal might be for about two two years. Maybe three years the most of them like that. Yeah. I remember Iverson had the legendary lifetime Reeboks a lifetime and now LeBron has no LeBron has a lifetime like you look those things. You got to be super level you go. Right right when they know they're going to sell your likeness for years and years after I think they just they just built a whole building filled in for the grand. Yeah. We're in at the Nike. Or something like that. Yeah, so, all right speaking about LeBron. So you're a football guy. He played football and football agent, but you have ties in basketball. Also AAU circuit areas. I'm not your son's play you and you've been around basketball love. That was actually yeah. Love it. Yeah long time right longer than you think the football right? Well same time or Tom eight nine years old seven eight years old. That's you know, but of course My made my living playing football when I say they even got scholarship. Yeah, so as far as a you is concerned for basketball. We took one off camera like how big it is and a lot of times people don't fully understand like can you just like briefly talk about that? Like, what's the influence of a a you on college basketball and just basketball, this is right now it's a big business and that's where you you know, you heard all the corrupt things. I was going on, you know, the charges or the facts came in and you know, The whole the whole thing with our Adidas and your college coaches, you know, I mean, it's such a big bottom line these Brands want kids in their brands their big picture is to make money off a player. Once they become Pro they need the next LeBron. They need the next Allen Iverson. Like you said, that's how they make their money. They need to Nest Under Armour wants the next step the next step of Courage. So what they do, they go out and sponsor a you teams and they give them a lot of Are they can pay for them to travel and hopefully that will funnel them to their brand college and it goes from there. Hopefully at the end of the day they get that player wearing their shoes. Were they going to sell those shoes for x amount of dollars and they make that choice like that influence. It will live with it. Right? So like I 11 when we gave you all those sneakers right now, you're 18, right and it get directed towards schools to right. So like they have the AA you can they not supposed to but that's what's going on. Yeah. I mean, you know, it's like an Adidas school and then you had a d-des high. School now you go to Adidas grassroot program directly because this college the day you signed with Adidas, right and don't sell it. Looks like it's like it's like another person from our town that you may not know be from our town. Uh, Jonathan mentioned, you know, without knowing his dad. I knew you know me we worked out a couple times the Mets. Yeah because he was with the Mets when I used to work out before yes. I don't know if it was a coincidence or not. But obviously he went to Louisville you were doing which is indeed a school and now he's a deed is one of the Premier athletes. Yeah. He has his own shoe, right? Yeah. Yeah for sure. So shout out to him. Send me something for my kids for sure for sure. So alright, so, okay. As far as you know picking an agent right wing, are we going to enter with this? What what should because a lot of guys in the league listen to us and a lot of aspiring guys, you know have dreams of going to the league and even parents and things of that nature. What should somebody look at when they evaluate and picking an agent like well and your opinion like how do you do that? You want to make sure he's experienced. You don't want to be a guinea pig, you know, I mean If you blow your knee out, you're going to go and get surgery by the guy who did. 3030 so you gotta go with the guy who just did one surgery you're mean. Now how does that guy with that one surgery get, you know knowing you got to work on your somebody who's doing a lot and eventually like you said get your break, but you don't want to be a guinea pig. That's number one. So you want to go with somebody with ex experience expertise and you want them to have power you want the magic juice to be able to talk for you in the league. You know, the owners aren't your friend? Yeah. I mean, so you want to go and do contracts for yourself. They know they love that. They would love that and look when you The mom is working as the agent or he's going to represent himself because they're going to take advantage and therefore the most important once you get past that somebody you can relate to and you can trust when you sign with them. You can't trust them at that point yet. If you just met them during the recruiting process, so that's going to come with time but somebody who's that guy you can you have the least trust issues with and that you have a relationship with everybody. Give us some guys. I meet we just don't click some guys. I hit it right off they you know, and you can feel it. Sometimes I mean so everything's different everybody's different. We're going you want to look for somebody you can relate to and you can trust that's for the most part last old man. So once again man, thank you for joining us today. Like I said, it's a special Hometown Hometown Heroes in my hometown for sure is good to have Role Models. It's good to have role models. And then hopefully we continue to do what you did, you know, give us an answer. Some people younger than us and young people older than us, you know, you can never be ashamed to learn from somebody no matter what age they are. So how can the people contact you and wish you have any initiatives or anything going on at you want to make people aware of not right now, you know right now, you know a couple couple of businesses Governors throughout the land on but you know, nothing where I need to promote the right now, my main focus is being the best NFL agent. I can you know, my family man, you know, I, you know married with two kids, you know, I didn't mention that. Before I got eight year old son and 12 year old son. They have in sports and I have a wife Katrina. She works in school system. She's a media specialist. She loves doing that. So, you know right now that's my focus being the best, you know husband I can do is Dad and you know focusing on being an NFL agent and see where it takes me ma / years, you know, I love working with athletes. You know me. Yeah for sure. Sure Choi. Yes of shout out to everybody on our patreon as backslash n your leisure. That's how proud to pay program. We said there are five tiers. You can join any till we have new members every week man. So we just want to give a huge shout out to them. They allow us to come to different cities. Come to Atlanta come to Chicago go to La and Houston and have networking events. So shouty I'll continue to support that continue to support the merch we have our tour Murrs up there now. So check out the new site the new design site shout to everybody that was behind that getting that getting that out. So when we can't went to Houston people asking how Get the UIL Houston torture is now available. So make sure you go cap that cop the Chicago on. Yeah, may I keep supporting that? Yeah, once again, shout out to the to the city of Atlanta It's always a good time when we out here and shout out to the town of Greenburgh. That's where we come from. Yeah, very special place very funny place and my just know you guys are safe here in Atlanta. My book tip of the week is so influencing that talks about Grassroots basketball. Just kind of Piggyback in our conversation that we had on AAU basketball. And once again, especially for parents a lot of times, you know, I'm a parent myself and my son plays basketball now and each time they talk might want to do an AAU teams and things of that nature. So it's a very competitive landscape, but unfortunately a lot of corruption like all thanks, so you just gotta navigate that and it's also important for athletes to not just play Game, but to understand that, you know, there's a there's a career after that in the flip side of that and that's why every player that's coming into the league and all the parents and coaches. I need to holler at my man Greg so you can set you up right? Yeah for sure for sure. So once again, thank you guys for rocking with us. We'll see you next week. Peace, please.
Greg Barnett has been an NFL agent for 15 years. Some of the current players that he represents are Justin Houston, Reshad Jones, and Pro-bowler Kyler Fuller. He also co-represents this year’s #4 draft pick Clelin Ferrell and former Heisman trophy winner Jameis Winston. His journey has taken him from being in special education in high school to becoming a school teacher, to making NFL history. In 2015 he helped negotiate the largest contract for a linebacker in NFL history at that time for Justin Houston. The contract was for $101,000,000 with $52,000,000 of it guaranteed. In addition to being an agent, he also is an entrepreneur, investor, and manager for retired players including the legendary Percy Harvin. In episode 47 he walked us through NFL contract negotiations, he explained what college athletes go through, and we talked about the NCAA not paying athletes. We also discussed special education in schools, the business of AAU basketball, and the advantages of HBCUs. Guest IG: @gbobarnett Book Tip: Sole Influence --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. · Talk Money With Mesh Lakhani Podcast: On The Talk Money with Mesh Lakhani podcast, Mesh will follow paper trails, chat with experts, and break down complex ideas to bring clarity to the mystical financial phenomena behind your finances.
Before we get started with today's episode. I just want to say that I really enjoyed recording these podcasts. And if you enjoy listening to them, we both have anchored a Thang. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. First of all, it's free second of all their creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer and anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many more the cool thing is you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It it's everything you need to make a podcast all in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world indeed. It's the only thing that ever has Margaret Mead. Hi. My name is Ethan and I suffer from bipolar disorder addiction anger issues body dysmorphia and morbid obesity. In fact at my heaviest. I was north of 650 pounds growing up. I never felt comfortable asking for help or being vulnerable. My goal is to create a space where you can feel safe enough to be vulnerable and shake the Negative stigmas that are attached to mental health. Let's be vulnerable and give others the strength to do the same. Let's talk about it. What is going on? Everybody? Welcome to the official first episode of let's talk about it. You know, if I'm being honest this whole idea is really strange sitting here talking about myself just doesn't really make sense to me. The thing is, you know, how on Instagram you have those 12 interesting facts about me where you get tagged because people want to know 12 interesting facts about you. I don't do those not because I don't want to be included but because if I were to have to sit down and figure out 12 Facts about me which I guess I'm going to have to it's incredibly hard for me to do. You see I'm boring like when it comes down to it. My day-to-day is so incredibly boring. Yes. If you look at the big picture dropping over 300 pounds fighting to gain control of my mental health through diet and exercise and everything else. I've done. Yeah, it's fascinating. I could probably write a book but But on the day today. I am boring. So I guess I will start this episode by talking about what my goals for the podcast are as you heard in the intro. My overwhelming goal is to create a space where we can all feel safe to be vulnerable and talk about what we don't like about ourselves talk about things that we've gone through because I genuinely believe from personal experience. If you can talk about those things, then you can truly start to heal. I also want to introduce you to some people that either one have been a huge part of my journey or to have some incredible stories themselves, but I don't want this to be super serious all the time. In fact, I cannot wait to have a couple of people on that come to mind that I know we are just going to have Goofy and silly conversations and just have fun. I really hope you guys enjoy that and can experience that in as much as you enjoy and can experience and relate to when Talk about weight loss or mental health or experiences or trauma from childhood or from adulthood. You see one of the things that I want to practice with this podcast is something that I'm also practicing in my day-to-day life and that's finding balance finding balance at work finding balance at the gym finding ballots at home finding balance in my diet. You see for the past seven years. My life has been nothing but chaos, I worked in the restaurant industry. And for those of you that know your schedule is kind of out all over the place there are days where I go in and I used to go in at 4 a.m. For inventory there are days where I would go in at 8:30 a.m. And there were days where I would go in at like 5 or 6 o'clock in the afternoon. So chaos was my life you see now and this goes back to me saying I'm boring. Now my Monday through Friday routine is almost exactly the same every single day 5 a.m. I'm awake 7:00 a.m. I'm at work. We're done by three four o'clock. Maybe six. Clock at the latest and that's only happened. Like once after I leave work, I usually go to the gym after the gym. I get home. I make sure I have food for the next day. I go to bed. I'm in bed by 9:30 and out like a light by 11 o'clock at the absolute latest. So Monday through Friday day to day. I am boring on the weekends. It's really not much different but going from seven years of chaos to having a routine is such. A breath of fresh air. It may be boring. It may be repetitive but it's mine and it works. I think the important thing is the fact that I can get a decent and healthy amount of sleep. I do take a sleep aid which helps me and take it. Like I said at 9:30, I'm in bed. I've got my sleep aid by 11 o'clock if I'm fighting it. I'm asleep. I'm usually asleep by 10:00 o'clock or 10:30. You see I found over the years that sleep can make or break me. Completely if I get enough sleep the hurdles of Life are nothing I jump right over them. I work right through them. But if I don't get enough sleep the smallest inconvenience can set me off can send me spiraling down into negative thoughts and negative emotions. So my goal with this podcast just like my goal in life is to find balance to have those episodes that are thought-provoking have those episodes that may make you cry, but then also have the those episodes that make you laugh and make you smile and just make you happy. I plan to do some pretty radical things with this podcast things that I don't know if anyone's ever done before I am both excited and terrified of that. So we'll see how that goes. I'm also after doing Instagram for as long as I have. I'm doing my best to avoid the burnout and the biggest way I'm avoiding the burnout is making sure that this does not feel like a job. I want to make sure that this is fun. Every time I sit down in front of this microphone. I want to make sure that I am completely enjoying the experience whether it's one of those conversations that makes me and you cry or whether it's one of those Stations that makes me and you laugh so hard we almost wet ourselves. I want to make sure that it doesn't feel like a job and it feels like we're having fun. One of the things that I've been told from the people that follow me on Instagram is that they are amazed and overwhelmed sometimes by how transparent and how truthful I can be. I truly genuinely believe that if you can speak your truth, You can heal. So I do my best to be absolutely transparent in hopes that one it helps me, but to it also helps you work through some things. I'm so incredibly excited to be able to start this podcast. For those of you that have been cheering me along the whole time. Seriously. Thank you so much. I cannot wait to have you on I cannot wait to talk to you. I cannot wait to get your story and your name out there and if you're new listening and you don't follow me on Instagram and you See more of what my day-to-day actually looks like you can find me at depressed. The number two determined one of the things that I used to say to end my stories for the day on Instagram is something that I'm going to end every single podcast with because I truly genuinely and deeply believe this to be true. You are beautiful you are worth it. And as long as you are willing to put the work in hope will always be there. Until the next one.
WHAT"S UP EVERYONE!!! Welcome to the first official episode of our podcast "Let's Talk About It"! First and foremost I would like to say thank you to all of you that supported me and pushed me to make this podcast. I have been thinking about doing it for a while but always second guessed myself. Without your support this never would have happened! In this one I give a brief intro into myself but for the most part just focus on what I want our podcast to look like. Just a quick disclaimer. Things I am not: A doctor A dietitian  An expert  A specialist Things that I am: Someone who has lost over 300lbs over the last nine years  Someone who proudly labels himself as a gym rat  Someone who is willing to be completely transparent in hopes of helping others realize they are not alone in the fight. Someone who is hoping to help others using the tools I have developed from my own experiences. I am so incredible grateful for you giving me time out of your day, if anything I have said touches you or brings up thoughts or topics you'd like to discuss or you'd like to be a guest on our podcast, the best place to reach me would be on Instagram @Depressed2Determined. I'm sure they would all appreciate it! You are beautiful, You are worth it, and as long as you are willing to put the work in hope will always be there! 24/7 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255 --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
All the best Bitcoin Works read aloud so that you can listen. This is a crypto Connie quick read. All right, guys, welcome back to the crypto gonna me with guys Swan. That is me. The guy who has read more about Bitcoin than anybody else. You know, we have a quick read today and I am skipping. I'm doing a bad. I am not going to do the gradually then suddenly series in order like I have so far. I'm actually skipping the last Sorry to hit the most recent one because it's just that good it is again, this is Parker Lewis has series gradually then suddenly and it is all on the Unchained Capital blog, which I have a collection of all of the works that I've read just from that blog. If you go to the Crypt, but let's go ahead and jump into this piece. It is titled Bitcoin obsoletes all other money. When it comes to bitcoin adoption, there are generally two rules that never seem to fail everyone always feels late and everyone always wishes. They had bought more Bitcoin. There are exceptions to every rule but Bitcoin has an uncanny ability to screw with the human psyche. It turns out that 21 million is a scarily small number and it actually becomes smaller as more individuals come to understand that the fixed supply of Bitcoin is credibly enforced and that monetary networks Converge on a single medium. Demand for Bitcoin is driven by The credibility of its monetary properties and the convergent nature of money, but increasing demand for Bitcoin reinforces, the scarcity of Bitcoins fixed Supply as it does Bitcoin becomes more valuable as a monetary medium while this becomes evident the further down the Bitcoin Rabbit Hole one travels. It is not uncommon for individuals on the periphery to be overwhelmed. The sheer number of cryptocurrencies. Sure Bitcoin is in the lead today, but there are thousands how do you know Bitcoin is not my space? How can you be sure it's something new doesn't overtake Bitcoin. It may sound crazy to believe that Bitcoin will be the dominant Global Currency and it likely would be if evaluating the possibilities from a top-down probability weighted perspective today Bitcoin is one of a thousand plus competing digital currencies that all look the same on the surface its purchasing power of a hundred and fifty billion dollars is a drop in the bucket compared to the Global Financial system, which supports 250. In dollars of debt gold alone has a purchasing power of 8 trillion dollars 50 times the size of Bitcoin. What are the chances that an eleven-year-old internet sensation Rises From the Ashes of the 2008 financial crisis and goes from nothing to becoming the dominant Global Currency. The idea sounds laughable or at the very least. It appears to be too low of a probability to Warrant consideration. However, when starting from the bottom up and developing conviction around a few foundational principles the noise of a thousand cryptocurrencies Fades to the background when added together just a few foundational principles create Simplicity and Clarity around what once may have seemed too complex to possibly discern If someone had to evaluate one thousand possibilities to come to the right conclusion, it may not be practical or possible. But if you could eliminate 999 of those possibilities based on one or a few starting first principles, then becomes more practical to arrive at a coherent answer. Is money a basic necessity? Yes is money a collective hallucination. No do economic systems Converge on a single form of money. Yes. Will the world Converge on bitcoin. Well is Bitcoin more scarce than any other form of money? Yes is Bitcoin more easily divisible than any other form of money? Yes is Bitcoin more easily transferable than any other? more money, yes world domination check This is the roadmap to cutting out the noise and focusing on what really matters individuals may come to different conclusions concerning any of these questions, but this is the past to consider when attempting to understand why Bitcoin consistently out competes all other currencies and whether it will continue to do so money is a basic necessity, but it is not a collective hallucination nor is it a shared belief system? Individuals adopt Bitcoin because it possesses unique properties that make it Superior as a form of money relative to all other currencies because money is a solution to an intersubjective problem monetary systems tend to converge on a single medium or rather economic systems naturally emerge from a single medium due to the function of money. The properties inherent in Bitcoin are causing the market to converge on it as a tool to communicate and measure value because it represents a step function change in provement over any other monetary medium if anyone comes away with the fundamental view that money is a necessity and that monetary systems naturally converge. The questions in centers on whether Bitcoin is optimized to fulfill the monetary function better than any of the competition. Money is a necessity. Civilization as we know it would not exist without money without money. There would be no airplanes no cars. No iPhones and the ability to fulfill very basic necessities would become materially impaired millions of people could not peacefully inhabit a single city state or country without the function of money money is the economic good that allows food to reliably show up on grocery shelves. Gasps to be at the gas station electricity to power homes clean water to be abundant Etc. It is money that makes the world turn and it would not turn into way that most have taken for granted. If not for the function of money. It is a massively underappreciated function one that is poorly understood because it is generally not consciously considered in the developed World reliable money is taken as a given. So too are the basic necessities delivered through the coordination function of money consider, for example, a local grocery store and the range of choice that converges in a single store the number of individual contributions in That are required to make that happen is mind-boggling from the coordination of the store itself to the individual packaging to the technology providers to the logistics Network to the transportation networks to the payment systems and right down to each individual item of food. Then as a derivative consider all the unique inputs that go into each item on the Shelf. The grocery store is just the Fulfillment side. The production of each input has its own diverse supply chain and it is just one Modern Marvel deconstructing the inputs of a modern Telecom Network energy Grid or water and waste management system is similarly complex each Network and the participants there in Lie on all the others producers of food rely on individuals that help fulfill energy demand Telecom Services Logistics clean water etcetera among others and vice versa practically all networks are connected and it is all made possible through the coordination function of money. Everyone is able to contribute their own skills based on their own personal interests and preferences receive money. In return for Value delivered today and then use that same money to acquire these specialized value created by others in the future. And it does not all happen by chance either some not. So rigorous thinkers suggest that money is either a collective hallucination or that it derives value from the government in reality money is a tool that was invented by man to satisfy a very specific Market need in facilitating trade money helps facilitate this activity by acting as an intermediary between a series of present and future exchanges. Without any conscious control or Direction Market participants evaluate various different goods and Converge on the tool with the properties best suited to facilitate the very Express purpose of converting present value for future value. Whereas individual consumption preferences vary from person to person and change constantly. The need for exchange is practically Universal and the function is distinctly uniform. ERM for every individual money allows for Value produced in the present to be converted into consumption in the future the value when places on a home a car food Leisure Etc naturally changes over time and logically varies from person to person but the need to consume in the need to communicate preferences does not change and applies to all individuals on an intersubjective basis. Money exists to communicate these preferences and ultimately value but recognizing that all value is subjective and not intrinsic money forms the base line to establish an expression of value and more importantly relative value. Money represents the collective recognition that everyone benefits from the existence of a common language to communicate individual preferences it Aggregates and measures the preferences of all individuals within an economy at any point in time and it would not be possible or at the very least extremely inefficient to communicate value. If not for a common constant upon which everyone could agree. Think of money as the constant against which to measure all other Goods. If it did not exist everyone would be at a practical stand still not able to agree on the value of anything by comparing against a single constant it then becomes more practical to discern the relative value of two other Goods. There are billions of goods and services produced by billions of individuals always unique preferences through the convergence on a single form of money to Aggregate and communicate all preferences a price system. Ultimately emerges by measuring and expressing the value of all Goods in a common intermediary money it then becomes possible to understand how much one good or resource is valued relative to any other. Without the use of a common currency there would be no concept of price and without the concept of price. It would not be possible to do any range of economic calculation. The ability to perform economic calculation allows individuals to take independent actions relying on the information communicated through a price system to best satisfy their own needs my understanding the needs of others. In fact, it is a price system that allows supply and demand structures to form and it is ultimately a necessity because it provides for the communication of information without which the Fulfillment of basic needs would not be. Possible. Imagine if nothing you consumed had a discernible price. How would you know what you needed to produce in order to obtain the goods you prefer then recognize that your own conception of the value you produce and the Very existence of goods and services produced by others would not be available. If not for some expression of price existing. It becomes circular but money is the good that allows the underlying structures of an economy to to form through the price system while it is often extolled as the root of all evil money may just be the greatest accidental invention ever created by man and one that could not have emerged by conscious control. quote I've deliberately used the word marvel to shock the reader out of the complacency with which we often take the working of the price mechanism for granted. I am convinced that if it were the result of deliberate human design and if the people Guided by the price changes understood that their decisions have significance far beyond their immediate aim, this mechanism would have been acclaimed as one of the greatest triumphs of the human mind. It's Misfortune is the double one that it is not the The any human design and that the people Guided by it usually do not know why they are made to do what they do. But those who clamor for conscious Direction and who cannot believe that anything which has evolved without design and even without our understanding of it should solve problems, which we should not be able to solve consciously should remember this. The problem is precisely how to extend the span of our utilization of resources beyond the span of the control on anyone mind and therefore how to dispense with the need of conscious control and how to provide inducements which will make the individuals do the desirable things without anyone having to tell them what to do end quote fa Hayek the use of knowledge in society. Society economic systems Converge on a single monetary medium late stage Silicon Valley thinking has many people believing that hundreds. If not thousands of currencies may exist in the future. The machines are going to do all the calculation Ai and Quantum will handle it an intellectually safe view to hold is that 95% of cryptocurrencies will probably fail but there are some interesting projects. It is inherently difficult to know which will succeed much like Venture Capital investing most will fail. But the ones that win we'll win big at least this is what most of Silicon Valley would have you believe because it is a defensible parallel to historical experiences investing in companies. In reality. It is a blanket hedge lacking in first principles. It is also applying a familiar formula to an entirely distinct class of problem. While it may seem logical to form a mental framework around Bitcoin in relation to the rhyming history of Technology startups. There can be no comparison whatsoever Bitcoin is a money not a company it would be illogical to assume competition between two monetary mediums or multiple would be in any way parallel or would follow a similar pattern to that of two companies companies compete in a capital formation arms race in order to You so they need money to coordinate economic activity. How do they get money by using money to coordinate the production of goods and services and by selling the output for more money profit in essence companies compete for the same pool of money in order to accumulate capital. Money is the tool that makes the wheel go round. It simply would not be possible to coordinate all the individual skills necessary in order to allow for the Fulfillment of goods and services derived from the complexity of most modern Supply chains without money. It also would not be possible. If it were not for the fact that a large group of people accepted a common form of money. Quote adding a single medium of exchange allows the size of the economy to grow as large as the number of people willing to use that Medium of exchange the larger the size of the economy the larger the opportunities for gains from exchange and specialization and perhaps more significantly the longer and more sophisticated the structure of production can become end quote say 15. Ominous the Bitcoin standard. In the supply chain of production money serves a distinct function of a different class than any individual good or service. It is the distinction between the Fulfillment of preferences production of goods and services and the coordination of preferences money. The Fulfillment of preferences is dependent on the coordination of preferences and the coordination of preferences is dependent on a price system which can only form as a derivative of mass convergence on a single monetary medium. Without a pricing system division of labor would not exist at least not to the extent necessary to allow for the functioning of complex Supply chains. This is the root level principle most miss when contemplating a world of many currencies. Any pricing system is derived from a single currency. The concept of price would not exist. If not for a critical mass of individuals producing a diverse set of goods and services and communicating the value of those goods and services through a common medium. In order to derive the benefit of money and price convergence is a precursor. As a result it may be more accurate to say that the economic systems emerge from a single monetary medium rather than Converge on one individuals Converge on a single monetary medium and the output is an economic system. Whereas the value of all other goods and services is consumption. The value of money is exchanged exchange is the good the any individual is purchasing when choosing to convert value the subjective output of time labor and physical capital into a monetary good individual consumption preferences are unique but money serves One Singular function for all Market participants to bridge the present. To the Future whether it be for a day a week year or longer in any exchange of present value some time continuum exists until a future exchange at the point of exchange. Each individual must make a decision as to which monetary Good Will best serve the function of preserving value created in the present into the future A or B while an individual can choose to hold one or multiple currencies one is definitionally going to perform that function more effectively one will preserve future purchasing power better than the other everyone intuitively understands this and makes a decision based on the inherent properties of one medium relative to another When deciding which monetary good to use the preference of one individual is impacted by the preference of others. But each individual is making an independent evaluation Discerning the relative strength of multiple monetary Goods. It is not coincidence that the market converges on a single medium because each individual is attempting to solve the same problem of future exchange, which is interdependent on the preference of others. The ultimate goal is to reach consensus such that each individual can communicate and exchange with the widest and most relevant set of trading partners collectively. It is an objective evaluation of tangible goods based on an intersubjective need the whole point is to find one good that everyone can agree is one a relative constant to measurable and three functional in exchange. The existence of a constant creates order where none existed previously, but that constant must also be functional as both a measurement tool and a means of exchange. It is the combination of these characteristics often described as aggregating the properties of scarcity durability fungibility divisibility and transferability which are unique to money very few goods possess all of these properties and every good is unique. With inherent properties that calls each to be better or worse in fulfilling certain functions within an economy. A is always different than b and the combination of properties that perfect a monetary. Good are so rare that the distinction from one to another is never marginal. More practically everyone agrees on a single monetary good through which to express value because it is in their individual and Collective interests to do. So, it is the problem itself how to communicate value with other Market participants. It would be counterproductive to the entire exercise. If a consensus were not formed But it is the properties of a monetary good itself that allow for convergence and consensus. The imagined world of thousands of currencies is blind to these fundamental first principles a critical mass of individuals converging on a common medium is the input required to ascertain the information that is actually desired and the value of a common medium only increases in value as more and more people converge on it. as a tool to facilitate exchanges The fundamental reason being that with more individuals converging on a single medium the medium actually accumulates more information and presents a greater utility. Think of each individual as a potential trading partner as individuals adopt the common Medium as a standard of value all existing participants in the monetary Network gained new trading partners as do the individuals that become part of the network. There is mutual benefit and ultimately the range of choice expands, but what also occurs as a monetary Network expands is that more goods come to be valued in the common medium of exchange more prices exist and as a result more Relative prices do as well. More information is aggregated into the common medium, which can then be relied upon by all individuals within the network and by the network as a whole to better coordinate resources and respond to changing preferences the constant becomes more valuable and inherently more reliable as it communicates more information about more Goods produced by more individuals. The constant actually becomes more constant. More variable information is communicated through it. chart of the network adoption and possible network connections So with 10 million users, there are 50 trillion number of possible connections. If you 10x those 10 million users to 100 million your network connections go from 50 trillion to five quadrillion, which is a 100x in the number of connections. Make a 10x Improvement to the adoption again from 100 million users to 1 billion users. And again, your number of network connections are 100x from five quadrillion to Five Hundred quadrillion. As adoption of a monetary Network increases by an order of magnitude 10x possible network connections increase by two orders of magnitude 100x while this helps demonstrate the mutual benefit of adoption. It also highlights the consequence of converting value into a smaller monetary Network. A network that is 1/10. The size has 1% of the number of potential connections. Not every Network distribution is equal but a larger monetary Network translates to a more reliable constant to communicate information greater density more relevant information and ultimately a broader range of choice. The size of a monetary Network and the expected growth of that Network become critical components of the intersubjective A/B test when each individual is determining which medium to utilize while the number of people with whom any individual can maintain social relationships is inherently limited the same limits do not apply to monetary Networks. It is money that allows humans to break from the constraints of dunbar's number in monetary Network allows for Millions. If not hundreds of millions of people unknown to each other to contribute value and in points in the network with relatively few direct connections needed. Monetary networks, ultimately accumulate the value of all other networks because all other network effects would not exist without a monetary Network complex networks cannot form without a common currency to coordinate the economic imputs necessary to kick-start the positively reinforcing feedback loops of price. A common currency is the very Foundation of any monetary Network which allows other value networks to form. It provides the common language to communicate value ultimately leading to trade and specialization and organically creating the ability to expand the use of resources beyond the reach of conscious control to steal Hayek. When contemplating the network effects of a social network a logistics Network a telecom Network energy grid etcetera add them all together and that is the value of a monetary Network a monetary network. Not only provides the foundation for all other value networks to form, but the currency of that network is what pays for access to all derivative networks within the monetary Network. The existence of the common currency is the engine and the oil. Yes, the dollar euro Yen pound Frank one rule Lyra peso etcetera all coexist today, but this is not a natural function of an open global economy instead each fiat currency that exist today emerged as a fractional representation of gold which the world had previously converged upon as a monetary standard none would subsist without the forces of government intervention. Vention nor would any fiat currency have ever emerged? If not for the prior existence and limitations of gold as a monetary medium. Modern monetary theorists and gold bugs alike will never admit it but the Calamity that is all Fiat systems is nothing more than a manifestation of Gold's failure as a monetary medium. It is a dead man walking the gold standard was formerly abandoned in 1971 and the subsistence of jurisdictional Fiat systems since then merely represents a transient departure from free-market. three forces Modern Fiat systems have only managed to survive as long as they have because the solution to the very problem created by Fiat did not yet exist Bitcoin. Is that solution and ever since his creation individuals have been converging upon it as a new monetary standard a trend that will only continue as knowledge naturally distributes. all roads Converge on bitcoin All right. I've got to take a break here. Whoo. This is really good. We're a little bit over half way, I think. Yeah, just just barely over halfway. So let's go ahead and get our sponsor and then we will jump back in on all roads Converge on bitcoin. For anyone who has a podcast anchor cannot be beaten particularly for trying to get off the ground their entire platform is free. This includes unlimited hosting both in audio that you upload and how much your listeners download. I have uploaded an incredible library of audio now and I've never paid anchor a dime. In fact, they connect me with other sponsors and have run an ad consistently on my show. So they've paid For exposure to my audience that's really hard to beat even if we ignore that I can record directly in the app or my browser. I don't need any other software. If I don't want it I can edit at sound effects clips and they automatically publish to all of the top podcasting platforms. I never had to do a thing. So if you were thinking of starting a show or already have a podcast, there's no better platform out there check out anchor by downloading the app or go to Anchor dot f fem today all roads Converge on bitcoin the greatest constant finite scarcity the market converges on bitcoin overtime and its value continues to increase because it provides a constant. It is superior to any other form of money Bitcoin has an optimal monetary policy and that policy is credibly enforced on a decentralized basis. Only 21 million Bitcoins will ever exist in the element of trust is removed from the equation entirely. Bitcoins fixed Supply is enforced by a network consensus mechanism on a decentralized basis. No one trusts anyone and everyone enforces the rules independently as an aggregate of these two functions Bitcoin is becoming the scarcest form of money that has ever existed. By Night scarcity is a property. No other form of money has ever or will ever achieve and demand for Bitcoin is fundamentally driven by that scarcity. However, scarcity is a two-sided equation a fixed Supply may be the primary drawl but demand is a critical and often overlooked aspect of scarcity demand is actually what makes scarcity a utility as a constant in exchange Bitcoin becomes more and more scarce as a two-way. Action of increasing demand and a completely inelastic terminal Supply the scarcity of its fixed Supply creates demand but increasing demand then creates greater scarcity. It sounds circular because it is if there were 21 million Bitcoins in only one person valued it there would be nothing scarce or useful about Bitcoin, but if 100 million people valued Bitcoin 21 million starts to become scarce and if the network grew to 1 billion people 21 million would become extremely scarce and Bitcoin would represent a greater utility as a constant. With a fixed Supply increased demand naturally results in Bitcoin becoming more distributed. There is only so much to go around and the pie ends up getting split up into smaller and smaller shares owned by more and more people as more individuals value Bitcoin the network not only becomes a greater utility. It also becomes more secure. It becomes greater utility because more people are communicating in the same language of value through a more reliable. Constant and as more individuals participate in the network consensus mechanism the entire system becomes more resistant to corruption and ultimately more secure. recognize that there is nothing about a blockchain that guarantees a fixed Supply and Bitcoins Supply schedule is not credible because software dictates it to be so instead 21 million is only credible because it is governed on a decentralized basis and by an ever-increasing number of network participants 21 million becomes a more credibly fixed number as more individuals participate in consensus and It ultimately Becomes a more reliable constant as each individual controls a smaller and smaller share of the network over time. As adoption increases security and utility work in lockstep consider the distribution and relative density of Bitcoin adoption throughout the world heat map below of the network nodes as reach and density within each market spread Bitcoins constant becomes harder and harder. As individuals increasingly opt-in 21 million becomes more and more credible. And in the mind of those who adopt it finite scarcity becomes what differentiates Bitcoin from all other forms of money both Legacy currencies and competing cryptocurrencies alike. All other currencies either centralized overtime, for example, the dollar euro Yen gold or were too centralized from the start example all other cryptocurrencies to credibly compete with a fixed supply of 21 million. Centralization inherently creates the need to rely on trust and Trust ultimately puts the supply of any currency at risk which in turn impairs demand and marginalizes its utility in the function of exchange. Whereas all other currencies depend on trust be constant Bitcoin provides is trustless 21 million is only credible because Bitcoin is decentralized and Bitcoin becomes increasingly decentralized overtime. The best any other form of money could possibly do is match Bitcoin, but practically it is not possible because individuals Converge on a single medium and Bitcoin beat every other currency to the punch, every other currency is ultimately competing against the ideal constant one that will not change and that does not rely on trust. all forms of money compete with each other for every exchange if the primary or sole utility of an asset is the exchange for other goods and services and if it does not have a claim on the income stream of a productive asset such as a stock or a bond, it must compete as a form of money as a consequence any such asset is directly competing with Bitcoin or the exact same use case and no other currency will ever provide a more reliable constant because Bitcoin, The exists and it is finite because individuals Converge on a single medium scarcity and Bitcoin will perpetually be reinforced on both the supply and demand side whereas the opposite force will be in effect for all other currencies due to the reflexive nature of monetary competition. The distinction between to monetary Goods is never marginal and neither is the consequence of individual decisions to exchange in one medium rather than another money is an intersubjective problem and a choice to opt into one monetary medium is an explicit opt out of the other which in turn causes one network to gain value and utility at the direct expense of another as Bitcoin becomes more scarce and more reliable as a constant other currencies become less scarce and more variable monetary competition is zero sum and It's scarcity a dynamic function of both supply and demand creates the fundamental differentiation between to monetary mediums the only increases and becomes more apparent over time. But remember that scarcity for the sake of scarcity is not the goal of any money instead the money that provides the greatest constant will facilitate exchange. Most effectively the monetary good with the greatest relative scarcity will best preserve value between present and future exchanges over time relative price and relative value of all other Goods is the information actually desired from the coordination function of money and in every Exchange. Each individual is incentivized to maximize present value into the future finite scarcity and Bitcoin provides the greatest assurance that value exchanged in the present will be preserved into the future and is more and more individuals collectively identified that Bitcoin is the monetary good with the greatest relative scarcity stability and its price will become an emergent property. See Bitcoin is not too volatile Link in the show notes. the greatest measurement tool divisibility while scarcity is the Bedrock not all scarce goods are functional as money in order to be functional as a tool to communicate value in monetary. Good must be a relative constant easy to measure and functional in exchange. a ruler may be an effective measurement tool but rulers are not scarce nor is it easy to carve out pieces of a ruler into larger and smaller units to facilitate Exchange in exchange a monetary good being scarce and measurable allows for the measurement of all other Goods the ability to easily subdivide and transfer a monetary unit provides for practical utility in exchange Bitcoin combines finite scarcity with the ability to subdivide each whole Down to eight decimal points 0 point 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 or 1 100 millionth of a Bitcoin and transfer any amount of value. However large or small. Just as scarcity for scarcity sake is not necessarily valuable in the context of money. Neither is the property of divisibility. It is the combination that becomes valuable in the context of money particularly when each subdivided unit is fungible when each individual unit is essentially interchangeable and each of its parts is indistinguishable from another part. It is these properties together that allow Bitcoin to not only be a perfect constant, but also an effective measure of value to facilitate Exchange in the code one Bitcoin is actually represented as 100 million subunits with the smallest unit referred to as a Satoshi or sad for short technically one Bitcoin is 100 million SATs while one big one equates to approximately 9,000 dollars today one Satoshi is equal to 1/12 of a penny in essence anyone can exchange any amount of value into Bitcoin Bitcoin as with any money is For one purpose to store value between a series of exchanges receive Bitcoin for Value produced today save spend Bitcoin in the future in return for Value produced by others. It will perform the same function regardless of amount. The Practical consequences of divisibility is that Bitcoin is capable of measuring any and all value which allows it to support any and all adoption. Individuals produce a wide range of value and divisibility allows all individuals to utilize Bitcoin as a savings mechanism regardless of whether it be to store fifty dollars or fifty thousand dollars in value for monetary good to be an effective communication tool. It must be able to measure the range of value produced by all individuals and Bitcoin. Does this flawlessly the ability to divide and transfer any amount of Bitcoin makes it accessible to all individuals and ultimately all Goods produced regardless of how much value is attributable to each in the A or B test of monetary competition if a is greater than b any amount of a will perform the function of money better in any amount of be over time a will increase in purchasing power relative to be whether it be for fifty dollars or fifty thousand dollars worth of value never be confused by a list of cryptocurrencies trading on coinbase that look like a better deal because the price Is cheap whereas Bitcoin appears expensive always remember that Bitcoin is capable of being divided into smaller or larger units to store more or less value one Bitcoin isn't inherently arbitrary unit as is one unit of any currency. The market test is whether a is more functional as money than b it is an intersubjective decision. And while the market is communicating which network it believes. It performs a monetary function more effectively through price and value Network value is the output not the input. The input is each individual evaluating the properties of the monetary good itself relative to others. If Bitcoin is a in your evaluation, then there is no too expensive Bitcoin may be over or under valued at any point in time. But each individual that adopts Bitcoin increases the value of the network recall the discussion on trading partners and network connections and the ability to be divided easily into very small units allows for a practically Limitless number of individuals to convert and communicate. value through the network if a is greater than b and if a can support unlimited adoption eventually obsoletes the need for Network be as individuals independently evaluate this A or B test more people ultimately adopt Bitcoin and Bitcoin becomes divided into smaller and smaller units on average. This is the result of increasing demand combined with a fixed Supply and the value of the network actually increases as a function of this process as a network Bitcoin becomes more valuable as it is valued by more people. A 0.1 Bitcoin equals a thousand dollars is more valuable than one Bitcoin equals the thousand dollars despite each being worth the same measured in dollar terms more exchange and ultimately more Commerce becomes possible the more valuable Bitcoin becomes in total but value is really an output of more and more people choosing to adopt Bitcoin as an exchange intermediary. Each individual owns a smaller and smaller nominal amount of the currency but the purchasing power of each equivalent unit increases over time with each exchange. Every individual is conveying his or her own value onto the network and is doing so at the direct expense of a competing monetary Network through this process a new price is determined specifics the value created in measured by each individual and as a result. Accumulates more information derived from a more diverse set of trading partners. While prices today may not yet be quoted in Bitcoin terms a pricing system is forming every time an individual converts value into Bitcoin. Even if dollars are an indirect intermediary value produced somewhere in the world distinct to a particular individual is expressed as a unit of Bitcoin as more and more people choose to do so and increasingly on a per individual basis that value converts to a smaller and smaller unit of Bitcoin on average. The consequence is that a smaller and smaller denomination of Bitcoin can be used by more people to transfer an equivalent amount of value. And as Bitcoin is measured by more people its ability to measure relative value only increases since Bitcoin can measure all value and can be adopted by a limitless number of individuals it practically obsoletes the need for any other value transfer network over the long term because the form of money with the lowest rate of change ultimately communicates more perfect information finite scarcity combined with divisibility creates an extremely powerful exchange intermediary Bitcoin has the lowest terminal rate of change possible due to its absolute scarcity and you can be divided to a fraction of a penny which will allow it to measure value far more precisely than any other currency. the greatest exchange tool transferability With this bass line the real knockout punch becomes the fact that Bitcoin can be irrevocably transferred over a Communications Channel without the need for any trusted third party as an intermediary. This is fundamentally different than digital payments in Fiat systems, which are dependent on trusted intermediaries in aggregate Bitcoin is a greater constant than any other form of money and is highly divisible and measurable while also capable of being transferred over the Internet try to identify a single other good that could possibly share of these properties finite scarcity greatest constant plus divisibility and fungibility measurement plus ability to send over a Communications Channel ease of transfer. This is what every other monetary good is up against as it competes for the convergent role of money practically. The only way to really appreciate the power of Such a rare Dynamic is through experiencing it firsthand any individual can access the network on a permissionless basis by running a Bitcoin node on a home computer the ability to power up a computer anywhere in the world and transfer a finitely scarce resource to any other individual without permission or Reliance on a trusted third party is empowering that hundreds of millions of people can do this in unison without anyone needing to trust other. The Serpent's in the network is near impossible to fully comprehend. Bitcoin is often described as digital gold. But really this does not do it justice Bitcoin combines the strengths of physical gold with the strengths of the digital dollar without the limitations of either gold is scarce, but difficult to divide and transfer while the dollar is easy to transfer but not scares Bitcoin is finitely scarce easy to divide an easy to transfer in their current forms both gold and all Fiat monetary systems are dependent on trust whereas Bitcoin is trustless Bitcoin optimized for the strengths and weaknesses of both which is fundamentally why the market is converging and will continue to converge on bitcoin to fulfill the function of money. Bitcoin obsoletes all other money if any individual comes to three principal conclusions one money is a basic necessity to money is not a collective hallucination and three economic systems Converge on a single medium that individual is going to more consciously seek out the best form of money. It is money that preserves value into the future and ultimately allows individuals to convert their own time and their own skills into a range of choice. So great that prior Generations would find it difficult to imagine freedom is ultimately what a reliable form of money provides the freedom to pursue individual interests specialization and the ability to convert the output of that value into the value created by others trade. Whether individuals consciously ask themselves. These questions are not they will naturally be forced to answer them through their actions. They will also arrive at the same answer as those that do the conscious and the subconscious arrive at the same place because the fundamental truths do not change and the function of money is singular to inter mediate a series of present and future exchanges and to provide the very Base Line to communicate Active value among a wide group of individuals it stand to benefit from trade and specialization money is a necessity. There are discernible properties that make certain Goods more or less functional in exchange and exchange is an inherently intersubjective problem. owning Bitcoin is becoming the cost of Entry to what will likely be the largest and most diverse economy that has ever existed between is global and it is accessible on a permissionless basis because Bitcoin becomes the common language of value for all participants anyone that is a part of the network will be able to communicate and ultimately trade with other network participants the more trading partners the greater the value each unit provides to the individuals holding the while there will likely always be jurisdictional friction that impedes trade access to the same common currency removes the root cause of friction in the communication of value and Bitcoins fixed Supply will allow its pricing mechanism to accumulate in communicate more perfect information with the least amount of distortion relative to any other form of money and as more individuals choose to store value in Bitcoin it it's fixed Supply becomes more credible and its pricing mechanism more reliable and relevant new adopters of a monetary Network both contribute value and realize value as a function of adoption, which is why it is not possible to be late to bitcoin nor will Bitcoin ever be too expensive. It does not matter how complex Bitcoin is at the end of the day Bitcoin becomes an A or B test the need for money is real and individuals will Converge on the form of money that best fulfills the function of exchange. No other currency in the world can ever be more scarce than Bitcoin in scarcity will act like a gravitational force driving adoption and communication of value. Today most billionaires do not understand Bitcoin Bitcoin is an equal opportunity Mindbender, but even those who do not understand Bitcoin will come to rely upon it. There are many fundamental questions Bitcoin is volatile seemingly slow challenges to scaling not commonly use for payments consumes. A lot of energy Etc stability is an emergent property that follows adoption and all other Perceived limitations will be solved as a function of the value that is derived from finite scarcity combined with the ability to measure divide and transfer value. That is the innovation of Bitcoin currency a has a fixed Supply currency B does not currency a keeps increasing in value relative to currency be currency a continues to increase in purchasing power relative to goods and services while currency be Does the opposite which one do I Want A or B make the right choice? Because the opportunity cost is your time and value all of the rest simply explains why individuals will increasingly opt for A over B, but in practice it all comes down to basic common sense and survival instincts Bitcoin obsoletes all other money because economic systems Converge on a single currency and Coin has the most credible monetary properties. Quote, I don't believe we shall ever have a good money again before we take the things out of the hands of government. That is we can't take it violently out of the hands of government. All we can do is buy some Sly roundabout way introduce something that they can't stop in quote F A Hayek. Views presented are expressly my own and not those of unchanged capital or my colleagues. Thanks to Wilco landfill Geiger for reviewing and for providing valuable feedback. Alright guys. I hope you enjoyed that one. That was again Bitcoin obsoletes all other money and there's a lot that I really would like to unpack this but I don't have a whole lot of time but they're just a couple of things. I wanted to bring up was a money blockchains and social scalability by Nick Szabo is one of there's a line in this that money is the tool that allows humans to break from the constraints of dunbar's number. It's about money as a as a social scaling mechanism as a way of obtaining social scalability and Parker Lewis really breaks down that concept without actually addressing the fact that that's the like the term itself social scalability. That's what he talks about it the idea that it is it is the tool which allows us to measure everything again so that we can trade and exchange and we can measure relative value despite the incredible intersubjectivity the lack of consensus about any other way to measure the value like my preferences and my skills, like what's valuable to me is not at all the same that's valuable to you or somebody else always remembered like I used to work in a photography studio and I would always think how could people spend this much money on pictures you just go take pictures, but then I think you know, they don't know how to use the Murmurs, they don't know how to use the equipment. They don't know where to get good prints. They don't know what it takes to get a good interesting shot and you know, all this stuff so like for someone something could be worth noting because you know, you know how to do it, but for someone else's time and skill set and speciality that they just don't have the time to learn that other skilled or do that other thing and because of that we need these, you know, add to that all of our other social problems are cultural. Visions are language divisions, etc. Etc. I mean this this list of number of things that prevent us from properly communicating is literally endless and money. Is that tool which allows us to cooperate in spite of it and he's I love his little nod to the you know, some people think money is the root of all evil and like this just not not the case is the greatest invention is the greatest emergent. Invention of humanity that adds I don't I don't I don't see how you would be able to Define it the the amount of value that it produces its it is why Society exists. Literally it is it is the foundation for civilization without it. There is no specialization without it. There is no division of labor without it. None of us could hope to have an ounce of freedom because our entire lives are just dedicated just to getting basic needs and without it. We can't this many people can't survive on earth like like without money all of its gone a stable a a stable reliable monetary good is critical to everything else we do. It is Step 1 and on top of that on top of that monetary system and economy is built and and he goes into that a lot. Who is that? I'm that was something that I didn't actually highlight this quote or copy and paste this quote. But there's something along the lines of it's not that economic systems Converge on one medium. They Converge on one money. It's that individuals converging on one money creates an economic system. I thought I thought that was a really interesting framing that it's a lost if you're not looking look at this from first principles, if you're not sitting in the right position and with the right perspective that that is absolutely the case and I think we're building an alternative economy. That is that is the crypto economy. That's where the whole concept come from comes from is it with this money? We're building something entirely new and building that thing is not a five-year process. This is not this is not a payment system with an app. This is this is an entire ecosystem. This is the internet 2.0 and for the same. reason that the internet wasn't done in 2010 Bitcoins not going to be done in 2030 and there's just so much to unfold and explore and learn what he's capable with this thing with this tool at our disposal to create new economic systems, and that's what we're doing and it truly is it In the greatest sense of the the core fundamentals the the fundamental properties of money. It obsoletes all other money it there is nothing that can compare to it today Fiat alternative cryptocurrencies. They are all deeply inherently centralized on ends. If you Parker Lewis has so many of the Great answers to all of these problems to in the previous gradually then suddenly series like Bitcoin is not too slow where he goes into how The difference between transfer and payments and how payments is the scarcity itself like the idea of achieving digital scarcity is a zero to one invention and payments is a 1/2 in invention and with a programmable platform. There's essentially no end to the Limit that we can extend the transactional in the payments capacity with layers and it brings back brings us back to the original concept of something that I bring up a lot about the difference between a broadcast and a unicast network in the necessity to have a unicast network. If there's ever in any sense going to be some degree of global scalability with a monetary Foundation like Bitcoin and then I think it's Bitcoin cannot be copied. It can be copy. That's the one it's not not Bitcoin blockchain. There's this whole series is wonderful by the way. And like I said, I've skipped three that we will actually go back to just because I really wanted to hit this one, but it's Bitcoin can't be copied that talks about how the decentralization is a trend. It's a maturation process and if you go back and you look at Bitcoin originally if you look at in the first two years the queen wasn't decentralized. Owen was highly centralized. There's a very small group of people. It was not battle-tested. It had multiple bugs that were not sorted out until later that were critical bugs on and make so the process of creating decentralisation of hardening. The currency was a very critical maturation process and therein lies one of the main elements as to why Bitcoin can't be copied is because it no longer has the environment And if you've got some sort of a specific like highly specific and highly centralized group that is in charge of it. You've inherently defeated a lot of the purpose of actually getting there and then no matter what what the project or network system thinks that it's specializing in whether it be smart contracts or dex's or defy. It all has to compete with the monetary properties of Bitcoin and that's what he gets to in this piece and also in the Bitcoin not blockchain part of this series. That if essentially if your monetary properties are not secure if your scarcity is not Paramount that the hope of competing with Bitcoin is impossible because you're you're competing on the wrong you're competing on layer 2. It's like it's like saying, you know, I have nicer have nicer looking rooms in my hotel that doesn't have a foundation that's going to stand up to a good gust of wind and and then in that same Measure is that not only do you have to compete with Bitcoin as money, but you also have to compete with Bitcoin with the monetary properties that make it more valuable because of its Network effect that I love the one of the really great pieces of this was that one Bitcoin if one Bitcoin equals a thousand dollars it that is less valuable than point one Bitcoin equaling a thousand dollars. So even No, both of those are $1000 the capability the amount that you can do the the the network of connections and the the breadth of goods and services and opportunities available to you in anima and economy or in a market in which Bitcoin is worth point one Bitcoin is worth $1,000 versus one Bitcoin being a thousand dollars. Is they are not equal they are the same amount of value, but they are part of two entirely different valued networks. And the second is is vastly more useful and that is its utility. So I just really love this piece and he goes into so many great elements of this but I just unfortunately don't have the time to unpack this anymore, but I wanted to go ahead and get this episode out because I was just a great piece another one in the continuation of the gradually than And we series I highly recommend all of the other ones that we have covered you can get them all in fact, if you just go to the Unchained - Capital blog Unchained - is the website but they've actually just got a link on the blog to my page with all the audio and then obviously all the written versions are right there on the blog so you can get to both of them straight from that page. And of course you can just go to the crypto and click on Collections and find it there as well. So thank you so much for listening. I am out today. I'm not sure. Let's see what I need to actually mention here. I got a couple new patrons in the last couple of days and thank you. Thank you. That was awesome, and you guys have not joined the Crypt economy telegram yet. So if you need the link shoot me a DM, but yeah join us if you want to and thank you. Thank you, so. To you guys and to everyone who is a patron to the show and supporting this and helping this actually bring in money for me. It's it's my love and I love doing this and it means a lot it you guys actually get value out of it. So thank you guys so much and if you want to become a patron that'll get you into the crypto economy crew telegram group and all it takes is as little as $1 a month on / the crypto economy. And you will support me in my turning all of the best Works in Bitcoin and the crypto economy space into the audio versions they deserve. All right, guys, I think that is everything I don't forget about your bit block boom tickets. Again. That discount code is CC if you want to come and hang out with me there in August and yeah grab your copy of the audio book for canute's Van homes. Sovereignty through mathematics is on. If you would like your own version or your hard copy get that on Amazon. Thank you guys so much. I'll catch you next time until then. Take it easy guys.
"Money is an intersubjective problem, and a choice to opt into one monetary medium is an explicit opt out of the other, which in turn causes one network to gain value (and utility) at the direct expense of another." - Parker Lewis Skipping around a little bit in the "Gradually, Then Suddenly" series, we read the most recent (#12) published on the Unchained Capital Blog. No, Bitcoin isn't a startup. No, there will not be many currencies. No, you can't create an alternative that doesn't compete with Bitcoin's monetary properties. The very problem of money is one of intersubjectivity, which can only be solved through convergence on a single monetary medium. Bitcoin. "Bitcoin Obsoletes All Other Money." To check out the rest of the audio collection for the Unchained Blog, check out the site: Also mentioned on the show was Nick Szabo's excellent piece, "Money, Blockchains, & Social Scalability." --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
It's just a club appearance is dripping best believe is going down. Tell me boy. Don't take nothing for granted. Praise the process episode 3. I'm your host Adam Dio and I am re-recording this intro because we did not do it justice. The first time we recorded it this week. We interview somebody special Colin Patterson. My co-host is back. I missed them and we had the opportunity the privilege to interview a power player this week guys. You guys are really going to appreciate the content before I get into that though. I want to get into our feet and our fee is this please refer us one like-minded friend. For every episode you receive value from so if you receive value from today's episode and our guest please refer us one like-minded friend. We're trying to build a community here guys, and please refer us one like-minded friend for every episode you receive value from in the future. And that's only if you receive value, which you will I'm very confident of that that being said, let's get into who we got the opportunity to interview this week. He's a Serial entrepreneur He's a commercial realtor. He's a fitness Enthusiast he grew up in the Saskatchewan prairies. It's a farm boy, he grew up doing everything and anything on his farm. He's the only boy and his family and he says that he can't eyes so much of what he is back to the lessons and work ethic that he learned getting to work that hard at an early age. Brett's mom and dad will be celebrating their 46th wedding anniversary this year. Congratulations. Mr. Mrs. Barker cultivated a drive and Brett spirit. He thought was unreasonable at the time that drive however is still paying dividends today. Brett owns for Anytime Fitness locations. He's been running these businesses for over nine years over thirteen hundred and thirty six kilometers in three provinces with no loss of momentum or enthusiasm. Brett also owns cosmetic culture and Spa cosmetic culture. Spawn sport is the full name and that's located in beautiful Lake Country British Columbia. He's lost 60 pounds and undergone a total body. Recap whilst Reinventing himself daily. Brett lives his life around his core values love health and freedom. So please join me in welcoming. One of cologne has truly great entrepreneurs. I Dynamic Diversified personality and inspiration a new personal friend of mine the Brett Parker. Wow, thank you for that. That's awesome. Really appreciate it and stoked to be here just on it was the first person on this cast and that that give me another gear you guys so that you get after it. It's perfect man. We're excited to have you here and guys we want to thank you got 300 place so far on this podcast, please keep real and you're going to want to pay that fee after this podcast. So no BS let's get right into it Brett. Let's talk about the beginning man. Have you always been an entrepreneur? Have you always been a Hard worker what really inspired you to get going doing what you're doing. Yeah. I've always believed that the true entrepreneur is is what my parents did man and if you know farming you You just got to get it every day. And you know, there's so much out of your control but there's so much in it. So, you know really from the age of zero on you know, I truly have been entrepreneur. I worked for somebody, you know throughout my life. Absolutely. No, I I've always I went to the rig's during University things like that. Make sure that I was cashed up to have some fun, but always pulled back into working for myself and so out of graduating from University. I worked for about two years one of Being while I owned my first fitness facility as soon as I could and probably a little earlier than I should have. Quit that job and I haven't looked back since so that was that was eight years ago, man. Alright, so growing up on a farm. What lessons did you learn? They still utilize today's and entrepreneur. Yeah, that's just persistence. And and I think you you guys said it's the hard work. I mean, my dad needed is 15 minute nap every day at at 12 o'clock for a reason, you know, he was up at for crushing it we I grew up on a mixed farm. So we raised purebred Charles a cattle. He's grown. He's growing his cropping up to about 3,200 Acres of oh right owned land in in the Saskatchewan prairies, which is amazing. I Right off the Manitoba border on the Saskatchewan side pencil not from getting a cow shit kicked in my face every day to you know to to in Hydra sing and and ceding our crops and watching them grow has been been a part of me and always will be that's that's what I like to tell people is home home home home. Okay, so you started in the Fitness business business, which is a little bit different than now what you started doing the hard work goes across all platforms, but what really inspired you to To own a couple of Fitness locations. What was what was going on there? I played competitive hockey all growing up for the most part always been, you know Sports always been a huge part of my life. And and I owe it a ton. I've always been a big part of team sports. I've recently poured myself more into individual sport, which is a whole nother ball game, especially mentally and and I'm really enjoying that now but back then I would encourage everybody to join. Some form of team sport humming between the camaraderie the mentorship the peer pressure's the coaches and and things like when you find a good coach and team sport, it can be life changing and I was I'm extremely grateful to have many of them from the time. I was young, you know all the way up through Junior Hockey and yeah, that's absolutely playing sports. There's a lot of routine as well as even, you know, growing up on a farm, you know, you undergo These these constant routines to ensure success. So as an entrepreneur currently how pivotal is routine in your life and what specific things do you need to do to ensure that they're tied into your daily progression and your goals for your businesses love it no routine and habit absolutely drives my day and anybody who follows my feet I think could probably although I just kind of started showing more. I guess what I do on that and growing my On the online world as I grow habits are what allow me to continue to push forward. So if you know I wake up I wake up and do the same damn thing every day, you know throughout the day you can't control I have what I call my AM and PM bookends and those babies are locked down, you know ninety-nine out of a hundred days that shit, you know does not get altered and And yeah, if you want me to share what it is, I sure could. Yeah, look we would love that. Yeah, it's so so I wake up I use a sleep timer that wakes me up naturally within a half an hour period and it's usually between 5:30 and 6:00 a.m. Or it's 5:30 to 6:00 a.m. Every day. Sleep cycle. That is the one that has I use that one too. Yeah, look at that great Heroes. Yeah. So yeah, so just naturally wakes you up into a pattern. So I wake up feeling great. Never hit the snooze button. I pop it a bed. My dog is a demanding little shit. So I have to always let her out first and feed her right away and then I get into my stuff. So I drink the same drink first thing when I wake up and this is a this is post bathroom everybody. I'll leave while leave that. Oh, it's because I think that one's that one's everybody's but I do floss and brush my teeth everyday, so I drink the same drink before when I wake up and before this law. Thing I drink before bed. So I've been working on it for a long time. I've actually had to collide of based ulcers when I was a you know, an over the last like five years and I've through diet nutrition and and Iowa big part of it too. I believe this drink of have cured it myself. So it's it's a precious money on Ginger tumeric activated charcoal apple cider vinegar glutamine greens. And what else is in there? And then I just fill that up with water. I mix that up and I drink a liter of water before I do anything as we all know and if anybody is a tractor sleep, we're dehydrated as heck when we wake up. So I drew hydrate as much as I can. I strapped on my running shoes color at my dog and we head out immediately. And and so I firmly believe in getting the body moving right away, so I don't give a chance to sit down and That nature I fast every day for a minimum 13 hours usually 13 because I like to eat and so when I get I I'm usually it's about three and a half K and and that's been varying because I've been extremely I've been moving a lot lately. So I love the hills and I would much prefer and so I just bought a house up Mountain again so I can get back to the trails which is which is nature and what I love so so I'm excited. Be getting back up there. But right now I've been running around what I call the Promenade and and and stuff downtown Kelowna which has its own Beauty, but it's flat. So we push it a little bit harder on flat ground get in and move into my meditation for my meditation. That's that's 20 minutes using I use a couple different apps, but for the most part of non guided meditation, I've worked up to during that meditation. I affirm eight. And I have a few specific mantras that I might even share with you guys later and then I hit my readings and so I fluctuate in my readings but but minimum 20 pages every day, which is which is one of the habits I picked up from James clear. And if you guys haven't checked out get James Clear he is the Habit master and a wicked cool dude all the same time, huh? So he has a book called Atomic a big switch, which was just recently came out actually. Really, but I've been following him for a long time and he's he's a dude so reading, you know get get through that and then then I pretty much move into eating my first meal which is the same every morning which is pretty funny. Now that I'm talking about my Amazon real has and I'm pretty damn habitual. So I 3 farm fresh eggs every morning over easy extra easy, baby. And from there. It's It so I follow a keto Terrian style diet and from its 10 grams of whole oats a cup of blueberries and 3 tablespoons of coconut oil with with like just under a quarter cup of hemp hearts. And and then and only then after I eat do I get into my work so that usually takes somewhere between it does vary a little bit depending on a few things. Things but usually run an hour and 45 minutes from wake up to finishing that and then I slowly go into what I consider is my important work. I'm always proactive off the start of my day. So I sure as shit don't open my emails that's a reactive process. So I jump into things and people that I want to reach out to crush that off immediately and then I started letting people get into my day. Wow. Wow. Okay. So this is amazing for a couple of reasons because a lot of people that are in our age bracket sort of start to look on Instagram and they start to think don't open your down Instagram. Yeah. Don't open your Instagram feed in the morning cool to just get up and you know, just check the phone. But yeah the vacations and then that's a bit of a turn-off the notification a sense but essentially most people our age look at entrepreneurs and they look at what people are posting on mainstream and they think wow, it's the somehow these guys have figured out how to Different days every single day and still kill it at life. And you know, I'm certain three analyzing your process here. I'm starting to learn that there's a lot of routine and there's a lot of not sexy routine behind everything that you are and everything that you're going to be right so sexy brother, but in terms of the routines right like has this been a recent thing or if it is this been a practice for the last 10 years 5 years 2 years. How recent is I learn everyday? So like I said that drink took me two and a half years to concoct and get right. I tweaked it all the time. So I have been sticking to that one, you know for for a while, you know, I'd say over a year. Trust me you guys travel things like that, you know, it gets hard, but I'm telling you if you let If you don't control the morning and and the night when you have control people like me will get you people like you will get us. All right, so you're talking to a young guy. He doesn't know anything that's going on in terms of Entrepreneurship. Let's pretend he's sitting right beside you. What is this simple thing that he can start doing every single morning to start to work towards this amazing routine that you have because these are all habits that you've built right maybe expecting somebody to get up, right? The morning tomorrow that hasn't done any of this shit and expect them to do it. All right off the cuff ain't going to happen. So what's the first floor? What's the what's your 5-10 minute routine? For somebody that's just starting out in this so it will start to sleep so I could talk on sleep for for this whole podcast for that matter. So I'll go post sleep, you know, just just get up if you're dicking around in bed. And if that means grabbing your phone or hitting the snooze button or anything again, you know your it's proven scientifically the that you're just not you're not gonna be able to get after it. But if I had to say one thing you guys like he mentioned I'm a health and fitness, you know about started. Jim's cosmetic culture is a proactive Health business. Move he on if that's a vinyasa flow or a you know, if you got to stay in house, whatever it is get up and get moving. But if I had to back up for sure hydrate, you know, everybody walks around dehydrated and I say everybody I'm even you know bad for it at the day during the day, but we can't think and act if we aren't hydrated so I'd say those two things then those are the first ones that I do and I'd start there and if early isn't you I Maybe don't fight that you know slowly work into that. I'm a firm believer One of the very first self-help books. I don't even know if you call it self help but the miracle morning by Hal Elrod was the very first book that I read that started me on this habit based process, and he just he has a need little acronym for for a lot of those things that I do and and maybe make that your first your first 20 Page read their guys. So guys it has LL rods Miracle morning book is amazing roses talk about it. Seven steps 7, right 7 micro things that you can do in the morning. What is the acronym subscribe? Yeah. I can't even remember anymore. But again, I've you know affirmation scribing meditation moving and he's got a nice little acronym for it. I'm I don't remember the acronym and I don't know if it's 7 or 5, but I just know it was an amazing start to to it all cool guy. So control your morning's get up early. And hydrate, let's start there and try to get into your own version of a morning routine, but let's start there. Alright, so let's get into your fitness journey here and tell us about your amazing transformation. I've lost so much weight and what are some steps people can take to achieve their fitness goals, whether it be gaining muscle or just even simply losing weight. Yeah. So it's all say this. I've kind of rolled a you know, I was a I was the Mariah Carey of guys. I'll say I you know in In high school and stuff. I fought with my weight I'll say but I was always so active that it kind of stayed semi under under control, you know for the most part are getting into AAA hockey and Junior Hockey and and more that that also you know was a That automatically kept things where it needed to be and so I I sure didn't have the muscle tone that I would have wanted there. But but from an endurance perspective and that is occupy are at the level that I did it, you know, it left at their High School. I got it Army in University. I got into lifting weights and I was in really good shape. It was those it was really the end of University and and the I'll see those first two years so that job that I talked about that I had for two years was a marketing representative role. So it was that one where you're in Saskatchewan and you know, there's there's no juice and smoothie bars and and freshy it was it was Chinese food and Broad View and there and and bears and you know, everything like that, right? And so that's where that's where I've seen things, you know, get out of control for me. So there was a time and I I almost can't even freaking believe it. There is an entire year that I never walked my dog. And and you know, I'm thinking back on that right now and it's absolutely mind-blowing because I you know II average near 20,000 steps and I don't count me like I my steps are tracked like I don't pay attention to them. That's just naturally I get, you know, roughly 17,000 on average now and all of that I mean shit She's with me 12,000 of them. Right? So so that's crazy me but yeah, you know, so that's really what happened bad habits the job, you know, I slid out of some of the habits that were, you know, I don't want to say forced upon me through hockey. But but that were just not a Neo naturally occurred and so it's really been the last You know I started and that's when the gyms kinda came up didn't ever think I'd ever be able to do it but kind of when we when I when I decided to do our first gym that give me the motivation to draw probably about 30 30 issue of those pounds. I stayed around so so just to back up a little bit. I'm sick 6, okay, so I was to 266 at one time and now I carry myself around 205 pounds and so I carry myself. 235 for a long time like, you know, probably probably five years, you know of which, you know still too heavy for my frame and it's really just been the last three years that things have. You know, these habits really kicked in and like I said, I've been working with a diet that works for me and I don't push any diet on any person, you know, we all come from different places and any different things and really got to find what's right for you. And and be consistent with it, you know, I never believed in being on a diet and so I used the word diet. It's a lifestyle and if it's not something that you can enjoy and and you know, I'll I was just out with a couple buddies right before this and I had a pint of beer and I don't drink very much at all, but I don't ever see, you know, like if I'm out with my buddies and I want to have a beer I bloody will have a beer right? And yeah, so it's absolutely you know, you got to have some of it and and as an You're always out of balance. But so, you know, it's about finding what works for you. And you know, if there isn't a gym clothes, like I said, I live five times a week various different styles. I kind of rotate through to make sure I'm fresh with it but backing up like if you're new to it get a coach, you know get a trainer. It'll be some of the best money that you've ever spent. I've hired them throughout my entire journey. I just went I just hired a physiotherapist the other day because I've got a few imbalances in my body and it was $85 and some of the best $85 I've spent in a long long time. So, you know, it's there's so many people out there. There's a lot of free content. I'll say just just pick a habit a week that you know isn't serving you and and supplement it, you know, there's and again shit if if you want to ask me. Reach out to me reach out to them. All right. So you said earlier. We said an interesting word there and that's balanced. So I personally don't believe in Balance. What's your take on balance? Like? What do you what is balance Brett? What would you tell these nice people about the word balance and do you strive to attain it? I absolutely don't struggle to obtain it. I think I backed that up with with I'm always out of balance, you know, and Yeah, it's interest actually just heard somebody talk it a woman's entrepreneur event and for you young guys out there. If if you're single go to a women's entrepreneur event. It was on board. But the one lady the very first Speaker she was a marathon runner and she was there to talk on balance and I could tell she was struggling with trying to explain it and and almost halfway through. I think she had an aha moment and it was like shit were always Of balance and you know, I mean if you read a lot you'll hear about Comfort zones and and all that and I mean bottom line if it's balanced if it's Comfort zones if it's whatever the you know, the magic happens outside of that stuff. So if you're if you're striving to be balanced you're comfortable and you know, I don't think you're probably being all that you can be to use a maybe an army term. So no, I never strive to be in it quite opposite probably that being said, you know, No, I obviously with my AMPM book and things like that things I can control, you know, I could look at that as balance. But I mean, I'm still pushing to get better in those times. And so I don't know if that so it hit home for you. Let me let me follow that up with so if there's no balance, you're always out of balance. That means you're going to have to keep reallocating your energy right to different parts of life because if there's no balance and that means like if we're going to make this a wheel analogy, like let's pretend we got like a little wagon wheel here. The wheel is never going to be Totally round. So are you could do you find yourself constantly reallocating energy to different parts of your life like, you know to put energy into this area will take a little bit out of this one. Naturally. That's just kind of what tends to happen. So is there a rhythm or a flow to your life or are you just kind of doing things as you do? Do you know what I mean? Absolutely do and so in the intro. I think you can go back to love Health freedom. I have a custom jewelry that I made. You know kind of a code of dangling necklace or whatever around my neck, and my core values are on there along with the with with just one of the things that I believe in and and I try and push things through that I've heard and read a lot of people make buckets and you know, absolutely, you know, they'll transfer them through them and everybody's buckets where they need and want to spend energy as a little different like I don't have a family right now. Well, that sounds an Only kids maybe I should say kids. Obviously if you're a father, I mean, you know, a lot of your energy is going to go there right? I don't have that right now. So so that's that's a big one for me. But but love health and freedom guide guide my decisions if they don't fall within there. you know, I find it pretty easy to say no, you know, and then I guess as far as the transferring within those I'd say absolutely I mean he you know, I think I recognize where and when I need to be out of balance and and sometimes you know, I have to push the like my freedom bucket right now, which is like work. That kind of thing is is probably pulling from from some of the other ones, you know a little bit. Yeah, that's it. That's an interesting question. There's absolutely fluctuation amongst amongst those things. Do you can you control it completely null and but I think you do kind of understand where it is and where it needs to go back to the big word of comfort zone. What's the biggest risk? You've taken where you realize. Wow. This is totally out of my comfort zone and you might have felt uncomfortable about but maybe you still did it. Was there a point in time where you that big leap Yeah, in business and I suppose the the you know, the biggest one for sure was probably you know the start because that's when everything felt really big, you know, but if I try and look to a recent one, it would probably be you know, the I've hired an amazing regional manager for Anytime Fitness and I've taken a huge step back from those facilities and and you know, my my purpose and goal right now as I purchased. Oh some share. There's out of cosmetic culture and and I'm leaning completely in there as the president and CEO and you know, I so that one would probably be the biggest one. It's you know, do I shit? I have my first PRP and facial tomorrow you guys so so if you don't think I'm learning about stuff and a little uncomfortable of with that. Yeah. What's a PRP facial Applause? Asthma, there you go. I still need to learn some stuff, right? Yeah. It's a palette rich plasma. So we harvest blood from the person it spins in a centrifuge and so you can really think about it. Like it's the next best thing to our stem cells as far as regeneration, and and I like to explain it as the gold in our bodies so it can be applied. By injecting it into joints and things of that nature and it will regrow and repair tissue like really nothing else that we have especially as easily harvested out of our blood and and it can be used for things like hair restoration to to facial treatments. You know, I believe most people would know it by the vampire facial and Kim Kardashian. So we do stuff like that there but and there's a whole Cosmetics out of the business, which I'm learning and you know, Far from comfortable with but like I said, I'm leaning into it. I'm going to get in the chair and I'm going to experience it and and feel what it is to me. We have a Whole Health side in that business which you know, I love and has changed my life and that's been a lot easier for me and I've understood and been able to do that. But yeah, you know, there's nothing like doing something, you know your first big deal in business or it's like the biggest one would be that but but recently here is as I shake things down and and take over a lot more of that company. It's it's been that but I will I will end it with its fired me up again. Like I haven't been fired up in quite a while. So guys what you heard there was Was not based on anything Around Talent this this man has got a lot of talent. I will tell you that much but he is constantly learning. He's constantly growing he's very confident but he's also very humble in his approach and that's sort of the thing that I think that we can drive home in this episode. Listen to what this man does in the morning. Let's listen to what he does before he checks his fucking email right listen so we can say fuck we can't say fuck. Yeah. So listen to the amount of effort that goes into his His routine listen to how he's Reinventing himself on The Daily and we asked him about his big transition and he didn't say anything along the lines of well young Brett didn't know what he was doing when he doesn't dwell on that. His biggest transition was literally like what two weeks ago. This caused me that you lean right into cosmetic culture, right? So he's in he's in his prime right now and his and his cool as he's managed to become. I mean, he's by no means done yet. He's constantly going to keep Reinventing himself. He's gonna keep getting better. And that's what all of you should strive to do. So I just kind of wanted to stop this train and sort of reflect on that and kind of give you guys something to think about. How can you how can you reinvent yourselves? How can you get better on the daily? How can you model what Brett is doing to improve your own life? Because it's your fucking life and you have to improve it. All right. I'm totally with you. I'm totally with me read what's next for Brett Weir. We find me on social media at barks biz on Instagram. Honestly, I haven't checked Facebook and probably 30 days and my staff doesn't like that. Yeah, I'm not so that's what that's for the best place to find medium. If you guys have any questions whatsoever. I just drop some gifts and stuff. So if you're local to a Kelowna, I always have giveaways in that on there. Yeah, definitely the best way to get me, you know, my my email is a Barker's Biz at sweet once again, Again, that's at barks biz on Instagram and you can also find cosmetic culture and Spa on Instagram and Facebook guys. You got to follow this guy the energy he puts out is unreal. He truly never stops. So if you kind of want to get some motivation if you're kind of feeling sorry for yourself, and you're sitting there one day he is updating you in real time as he's moving. So you have to follow him. It's not an option. You must do it. You'll get value out of it. I promise. All right episode 3 and done. Thank you Brett Barker. Thank you. pleasure
Confused? Ever wonder what the top performers in our society do to get to and STAY at THE TOP. Wonder no more, in this episode Brett Barker will show you how to level up in business and in life. He’s a serial entrepreneur, a commercial realtor and a fitness enthusiast. He grew up in the Saskatchewan prairies and is a farm kid at heart. He grew up doing everything and anything on the farm as the only boy in his familyand can tie so much of what he is back to the lessons and work ethic that he learnt getting out to work at an early age! Brett’sMomand Dad (Who will be celebrating their 46thyear anniversary this year)cultivated a drive in Brettsspirit that he thought to be unreasonable at the time....but that drive IS STILL paying dividends!!! Brett owns FOUR anytime fitness locations he has been running these businesses for 9 years over 1336kms and three provinceswith no loss of momentum and passion.Brett ALSO owns cosmetic culture spa and sport which is located in beautiful lake country BC. He’s lost 60 lbs and undergone a total body recomp whilst reinventing himself on the daily. Brett lives his life around his core values Love, Health and FREEDOM………… So PLEASE join me in welcoming one of Kelowna’s truly great entrepreneurs, a dynamic and diversified personality an inspiration and new personal friend of mine. THE BRETT BARKER.
This is Empire school and I'm your host Lauren Tecna. And if you've been looking for a book us what by you're going to get actionable steps and strategies that you can Implement immediately to see results in both your life your business and your relationships. Then you are in the right place. So if you've not done so already then be sure to hit that subscribe whether you're listening to this on an iPhone on the The podcast app that comes automatically downloaded whether you're listening to this on Spotify perhaps you're listening on Stitcher or anywhere else that what ghosts are available then just hit that subscribe because then you'll be sure to be the very first to know about new episodes are coming and I am telling you right now some of the guys that we have coming up are absolutely unbelievable. And I've also pre recorded dozens of solo costs that I upload every Single Thursday, so we're uploading every Monday and every Thursday and that's what you're going to be finding here. Now for anyone who specifically wants to take all of their knowledge all of that expertise and everything that they've learned in one particular area perhaps it's in how to lose that or perhaps it's in how to have a healthy relationship or whatever. It happens to be if that's you and you want to turn that into a profitable and rewarding online business. This then make sure that you watch this brand new workshop that I created and just go to new online forward slash workshop and sign up on watch it right now. Now I am going to be updating it again very very soon. So it's very it's going to be the very best thing for you to watch it right now and then watch it again in a couple of weeks because it's going to be brand new. So with that said it was new now, it's going to be new again always making improvements always learning always growing and that's what Going to be talking all about today with my guest Jordin Paris. So with that said, let's sit back. Let's get this interview kicking with myself Lauren Tecna and with Jordan Paris. And by the way, we're both big on LinkedIn. So be sure to follow us both that we're going to be talking all about how you can create a growth mindset for yourself because there are so many incredible things that happen to you when you're able to have a growth mindset. Now, this is something I'm very passionate about because I used to be one of these people who is set in their ways. I had an idea of how I wanted my life to be I wanted to go to school to then go to university to then go get a really good job and then climb my way up the corporate ladder and anyone who did anything different, you know, let's say someone who rented a house instead of buying a house used to be like why the heck are they doing that? I used to have the mindset whereby if someone was going against the grain. I thought that they were weird and I judge them for it. And it was really interesting because it was a time in my life when I was the most insecure and so ever since then I've been actively pursuing personal development. I've been actively just trying to better myself in so many different ways and that all comes down to having this growth mindset. So you can find Jordan on LinkedIn he is crushing the game on LinkedIn and you know that I'm obsessed with LinkedIn to I have a couple podcast episodes about LinkedIn. So make sure to go check them out after this one and then you can an also go listen to his podcast which is a growth mindset University. So Jordan welcome to in fact school. How are you doing Lauren? It's such a pleasure to be with you here in New York City. It's been a long time coming. Tell them the story. I know we don't tell them the story record an episode of growth mindset University, but we're going to pretend like we didn't so when it was a year ago, July 10th of 2018. Actually I live in Rewind it even more. Okay, I was on anchor has on anchor we both hosted our podcast there. I don't hosted there anymore. But I was trying to growth hack my podcast and I was looking up. I was just typing like letters like random letters and then favoriting everyone's podcast well and most of that by the way, they'd get a notification on their phone and they'd follow me back doesn't favorite me back and I've known about them as future be a little scrappy that way and but I just know I got the notification so Oh, like, you know not a really high percentage of them thought me back. But good amount did and I just I wonder how many of those early like listeners stuck with me better days, but one of those podcasts that I came across was Millennial are podcast, which is what it was called back then and that's when I was listening to it impossible used to have an old name. That's another story for another day. Yeah, so I you know, I heard this episode and reached out to you and I was real Fanboy, you know like big paragraphs and then you would reply couple lines or a line. Let me another big paragraph As just total family. I loved your podcast left a review thing and July July 10th of 2018 right now, July 10th of 2019. You had you'd friend request me on Facebook about a month before and you I think we'd come in and on each other's Lincoln stuff every now and yeah, but July 10th of 2019. You said ever happened to be in New York City and I'm like deaf. Time I'm come around I'm gonna go crazy like that is genuinely is the craziest thing. Yeah, you know the fact that it's a year. Exactly and the fact that back then one year ago. You were just getting started. I had nothing going. Okay. Can you just tell them like a couple of the people who you've interviewed? Like, you know, Mark Manson James culture. Okay, James outside sure was an in-person interview live in New York City in front of a live audience. We had about 20 people there. We had listeners who I got to shake their hands and it made it so real like the numbers no longer. Girl, like they don't they don't matter. It was like I'd rather you see the real spaces. Yes, and I've made relationships with them still and I'm going to be hanging out with some of them while I'm here and I'll take like you offer me Jordan you want a thousand extra listeners right now, or do you want to shake a couple, you know of their hands of your existing lessons I'm taking on I'll shake their hands and spend some quality time with them was so cool. It made it real for me made me feel like I was a actually making an impact and but yes James out switcher. That was like that was a great one. You mentioned Mark Manson those one of my favorites episode 99 and Naveen Jane. I just talked to Jordan Harbinger yesterday. Oh, I love it. He was he was great. I was so that'll be really you know, he's in I think he's in Washington. I think he's on the west coast I could be wrong. But who else I've interviewed the biggest porn star in the world. On Valentine's Day Rachel Starr. Yeah, this is called Valentine's Day with Rachel Starr and that was like that's a big inflection point for me. A lot of people knew me because of that and interest and I was like a big like oh crap like this is crazy. You know, she's like really well-known than yeah. She's she's number one and just yeah, it's crazy. Like I was you know, I was a high-school loser couple years. Ago and and now like these people are my friends and I text them and help them with stuff and and it's it's cool. I feel crazy how things can change like it's super relatable because yeah people people from school who back in the day when I was you know, what before I'd ever lost weight in the fitness industry you call me Mack Edie's they have in the past asked me if I have any jobs going and it's just like it's just funny. I don't know. It's just to me. It's Funny now but it just goes to show how much can happen in such a short period. Yeah, and what's crazy to what really there's a couple of ones that bring It full circle. Like I was I told you about an hour ago, like, you know, I was totally awkward person High School. I didn't talk to anybody. I think I just didn't I didn't I had one friend whose name was Peter and I'll see him. I'm around up north and literally my only friend that I had for four years. I never had a class at them never had a even a lunch with him through High school so I was left to fend so and so when I realized when I wanted to talk to people I started learning I realized I didn't know how and then I mean this is where growth mindset comes in, you know, if you don't know something you can't really learn it. You can improve anything with effort. That's what it is. If you have a growth mindset, that's what you believe and so instead of land as having these grossly on fulfilling social interactions. Like I'd walk away from social interaction to be like, I'm before Jordan reveals exactly that remember new online. forward slash Workshop you are going to learn exactly how to create a profitable and rewarding online coaching Consulting business. Now, even if you're already an online coach and have a few clients, if you don't already have an income of twenty to thirty plus per month, that's 20 to 30 thousand parts per month. Then you need to make sure that you check this Workshop out. It's that new online for a slash workshop and you're going to learn the old way of doing things versus the the new way of doing things because if you're still doing things the old way then you are going to be getting left behind. Now. Remember I have this washer right now. It's going to be updated again, but still check it out right now because the content is absolutely insane that is new online for / workshop and it's linked in the show notes as well. So make sure go ahead check that out. It's around an hour long set some time aside and you will thank yourself in the future. Oh God, you're my to do that. Why do you say that? Sucked and I got to a point where like, okay, I'm gonna we're gonna change this instead of just laying down and crying I and doing nothing and that's it. I laid down cried then got up and studied everything from people. I sought out the resources from people who ought to know like Vanessa van Edwards. I heard one interview she did and I went out and listen to every interview she did I listen to some of them twice three times and then it came full circle and she came on my podcast. Of course. I read her book to I I listen to all of her interviews again to prepare for that podcast and it happened about a year and a half after I initially embarked on the Journey of learning everything that she's that she teaches I mean her websites could science is Like that's that's screams me like this can help me. So I learned as much as I could and then I would I would read about it. I would hear about it and I would go out in the field because that's what life is. Is and I'd have to practice it and test these new things and so over time. I just got to a point where it's like. Oh, okay, and I'm good at this now and you know, of course you still have some social interactions that are awkward like it doesn't completely go away but they're so fewer and farther between inch and I feel like I'm really just I feel like I show up better for people now and then the same thing with Jordan Harbinger to discovered him same time period and learned everything. I listened to him a ton and it came full circle yesterday when I'm like sitting there listening to him reply. Like wait, this is the same Jordan Harbinger. I've been hearing all this time like this. I'm like thinking about his voice. I'm like, but he's talking to me right now. Yeah, I guess so very nice people that happens to me with Grant Cardone. I was like, I was there just like how is this happening? That was a big one for you in person as well. Yeah exactly. That's the thing. I mean. You know, I got to spend a full-on over an hour just us. How does that happen? It happens because you know what you want and you put in the work to make it happen, right? So this is the thing so many people know what they want, but they missed that one critical step because it's it's not the right time or because they their friends are going to judge them or because their partner isn't certain about it or because they don't have enough money or because I don't this this isn't this nice just excuses, you know for for there are some periods of time where there is a good excuse right? There are some periods of time where physically you cannot do it, you know, you have kids you're owning this amount of money. You have no other hours in the day, but the unfortunate reality is like no more hours in the day are going to come about it's just not going to happen. Mmm. There's at that point you have to really figure out what's going to be the best thing for you a perfect example is people come to me. Me telling me. I really want to start an online coaching business. Okay, they'll come to me out starts telling me up and then they'll say to me. Okay. Well, I really want to start this online coaching business, but I'm in this job where I'm getting paid. I'm No 3 Grand a month. And so I say to them. Okay, how much do you actually need to survive? How much do you need to survive and maybe they've got kids so perhaps their expenses they have rent to pay maybe it's like two and a half Grand so realistically they're making 500 more than they actually need. But because I've always made 3 Grand they can't possibly go down to a part-time job or they couldn't possibly go and work in a waitressing job while they're building up their online coaching business because that's what they've always known. But what do you feel about that? Because I personally believe that that is a very fixed mindset and it's the mindset of doing what you've always done because it's what you know, and you have to when you're in a situation like that look at other options other ways of doing things. Because it's like what they say. If you've done what you've always done you're going to get what you've always gone. What do you think? Well, I mean I had that had a serving job and in high school that I told you about and I was working in that restaurant and I just thought like in the early days of that before I said never again and I decided to like do something else in the early years of that or the first half of my tenure there. I was like, I'll just do this for a while. I want to become a manager. I want to like like I want to work in this restaurant and and and like and I was stuck in the get a job mindset and I was like and I was I was hoping to like I and I hope I'll get a job at a good well-paying job after college. I hope hope is not a strategy by the way. Oh my gosh, that is amazing. It's not like the best thing I've ever heard. Hope is not a strategy. That's the tweetable. That's amazing. So instead I live by and I catch myself even in language when I when I still say it every now and then and I say no I really usually you can replace it with plan. I hope this happens this happens. You can just say I plan to do this I love and it just changes the way you think about it in your head and the way you go about in your actions and making this a reality. Well one way in which I do a summer thing. I've never done that one before that's amazing or like when you say I I wish is like I plan instead of I wish but what I do is like I don't let say I don't have a I don't know. I don't I can't think right now because like I feel so abundant in my life. I feel like it's really hard to come up with one of these things. But when I was working in my job in the past, it's like I can't quit a job because I don't have a business but instead of saying I don't have a business. I have a business yet. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah because Is going to be happening. You just need to add that simple yet on to the end and then your whole world opens up and you can have so many more options. Absolutely. I agree Okay cool. So I am intrigued by why you actually started a podcast because here's the thing right to me. It sounds like you were very socially awkward is it that you started the podcast to actually force yourself to engage with people? Hmm. I don't you know people ask me this question all the time. Why did you start your podcast when how and idea I just know that April 17th of 2018 was the day the first episode came out because that's what the podcast directories like Spotify that that's what they say happened. Yeah. Otherwise, I'd have no idea. It was like I was sleepwalking through the process which is entirely plausible because you listen to those early episodes. And it's like what is this like you to listen to me here and in this interview and go listen to episode like five after this instead of starting with like episode 99 with Mark Manson or like 21:26 James if you heard episode 5, you be like wait a minute this guy sucks. So so I've no idea like I just did it and this is this is a theme throughout like a lot of the good things in my life that I've come in my life making decisions without hesitation because the more time I have to think about something the more likely I am to overthink it and probably blow it and that's everything from starting a book writing a book starting a podcast to approach in a beautiful woman across the room. I know that if I wait too long, I'm going to overthink it and blow it and make excuses and talk myself out of it. So I've made this habit of conditioned myself to make decisions without hesitation, like just go and grow. As you go however, that's just what it is for me. You look at like my friend hollett. Aha, but this amazing podcast young and profiting like just on she I don't know if you're on Soundcloud but like that is a powerful platform. Actually. I don't think I am, you know, yeah, so like on Soundcloud alone with like reshares and and like she's at yeah, she only has like 32 episodes but she's at just SoundCloud alone nearly twenty thousand dollars per episode. Watch his guests like us the same same type of guest other professors. Things are changing Gretchen Rubin. Yeah, Gretchen Rubin is coming on my show. Nice really amazing. Yeah, but you look at her and if you listen to episode 1 of young and profiting it is the most perfect valuable nugget of information about the sound quality was impeccable the production value like the editing I could and there were four guests. It was Unreal episode 1 so she's someone Where she doesn't necessarily have to make a decision without hesitation because she can she can strategize and still carrying out the plan and she strategized very well in anticipation for the launch of her podcast young and profiting and she she absolutely crushed it in a way that I didn't crush it for a really long time. Like I was still bad episode 64, you know, and then I started you know, really getting a lot better interesting. Yes. It's just funny because my first ever YouTube video. So bearing in mind YouTube is horizontal. Yeah, I never had functionalities for school. I literally recorded it. I'm in my bed and I'm like, hey guys, it's Lauren AKA Lauren Fitness yet is vertical. It's amazing. They want Instagram them was Lauren Fitness and like em, so I just made a YouTube to an it is so bad, but that just shows how much Ouch, I have developed. In fact, I used to my friends in school would always sort of like cut me off when I was talking in conversation because I was just so rambly and just so unto the point now, sometimes that does still come up for me but it just shows how much you can change when you actually commit to it and it's so it's so valuable. So you decided to start your podcast for this unknown reason and it's unknown reason, so I guess my my I backtracked question is why do you feel that creating a university about having a growth mindset is so critical. Well growth mindset University is all about learning the lessons. We should have learned in school but didn't so that we can succeed in the Progressive new age of business and life that we find ourselves in something that's not in school. Well, some is important one for you. Why is important lesson? Oh well if the Can look at it. Like we're learning. The other aspect of is is we're learning from the people. We should be learning from like when Mark Manson someone who's sold tens of millions of copies of books like 10 and with that as tens of millions of dollars of books at the lot of money. It's a lot of money in sales. Obviously, it would make sense to learn writing and the create and the creative process from him. Yeah and the sale rather then some English teacher in right? It makes makes a little bit more sense. It makes sense to learn about idea generation how to literally how to think from somebody like, yes. I know you love. I know you love how to think it makes sense to learn that from somebody like James out touchers a Serial entrepreneur who's had started 21 companies written 21 books it he's obviously really good idea generation not tell them his his little hug that he does. So That's down 10 ideas every day. And I know you just started doing that. See I don't do this because I feel like I've already have so many that it's actually pains me because I have so many that I just can't execute on them right now that know just how I didn't say I can't iconic Scott on them right now. I can't because I have one goal and I feel that when it comes to having a ton of ideas like you need to understand which ones to execute on them, which I'm so not however when I listen to him on your book us if I gave him my clarity because I realized like you don't just have to think about business ideas that you want to execute on. It's also just ideas in general. So I know he was talking about how he was, you know, thinking of some ideas about how the people in the film should have done it, right? Yeah, so like 10 idea and like ten ideas for Amazon 10 ideas for LinkedIn. Yeah, I to be 10 business like this. I just how I misinterpreted it. I meant to as I was You know, I've been up since 4 a.m. Today traveling to come here to beautiful New York City. I meant to on the on one of the plane rides over. I was going to write 10 ideas for Lauren and I like video wise like to do I didn't do it today. Yeah, it's but but that would be another example will film some after that. Yeah, exactly and But continuing with the university it makes sense to learn human behavior and communication from somebody like like Vanessa van Edwards who have already mentioned someone like Jordan Harbinger somebody like Chase use who wrote this amazing book called the Ellipsis manual analysis and Engineering of human behavior and in it is a little thing of the periodic table of elements, but the behavioral table of elements this man has created a behavioral table of elements with levels of deception and all sorts of care characteristics and what these what every gesture from head to toe might mean And whatever vocal vocal tonalities might mean every tonality right and and speech pattern it is so complex. It makes sense to learn from someone really mean he's he's been an investigator for the government like he it makes sense to learn from him, right? Okay. Well then Mark sorry Chase use chastening guys. I am absolutely reading that. Yeah. He's the one so good. Wow, it's a it's a big book. It's almost 400 pages. But yeah, so good even if even if you just read the first First 70 Pages, which is reading o analysis of every gesture and vocal tonality so good and that changed my life along with you Vanessa's work and Jordans work, but it also so and then marketing makes sense to learn from somebody like Phillip Stutz who has literally immersed himself. He so he does political marketing but also a business marketing as well. But he he's managed the campaign's it's companies manage the campaign's of so and one over 1,200 elections for senators. What? Over what have you say represent also three u.s. Presidents the he's literally won elections for with their campaigns that he constructed. Yeah kind of makes sense to learn marketing. Yeah from that guy. Yeah, absolutely. So that's what this is all about here growth mindset University and it's the joy of my life. I mean, I love talking to these people people that were my heroes that I'm now becoming friends with like I told the story in the beginning here. Like I never could have imagined this is like, this is a Thing for me I find myself talking with these people that I never could have imagined myself talking with yeah, and here we are. So what did you do to develop a growth mindset? Well, that's a that's a process over time. And I mean, I really it's shrimp just a mindset. I just adopted that like, okay. I'm not like I start, you know identify these pain points in my life. And like I said, I don't sit don't just sit back and cry and I like go put in the work. Yeah you are. Swishing waiting and wanting with work, right? I mean that's that's what it is. Okay, because did you use to be something with everything? Yeah, every problem in your life. That's how you approach it. That's what it is. Yeah, I love it because it forces that execution right and it forces you to actually do something about the problem get at least a little bit better a little bit. Exactly. Yeah, that's it doesn't have to be perfect. I actually always say that perfectionism is just procrastination packaged up or fantasy, right? It's so true. Because people wait and wait and wait and wait and wait, but they could have just done it and then adjust it as the market, you know told them what they wanted. For example, if it was launching a product or something now, do you still have a fixed mindset? Oh, yeah. Oh for sure. Yeah, I you know, I was accepting of the fact that you know my hands I heard in my father's social jeans. That's a good one. Yeah. I used to think not I used to think. I was just big boned. I used to be overweight. Yeah, I used to like I was you know, I was going to be I was always the skinniest kid and you could see my my ribs and I was like younger and as I was taught like I'd always be like that and because I wasn't willing to put in the work and the gym and so, you know little later in life. I talk like I'm so old people call anyone, you know, people called me out on that all the time. It's like why you talking all the time and then it was just like Wait, tell everyone how old you I'm like, I'm 22 Yeah. Well you were you born in a 97 same. Oh, so September 29th. 1997. Oh, I'm only a few months. Yes, like it's about nine months, right? Yeah. Yeah interesting year because finally another 97 baby shouts: so okay, right. Let's think about this. So you used to have this like fixed mindset and you were thinking in that sort of like you're just stuck. Mmm, so I feel like you sort of had a bit of a victim mentality. Yeah that to and victim mentality is rampant in 2019. It's really bad but so bad, but the also yeah, I was talking about my father's social jeans. Like I was you know, my my mother and father great. They've been married for like 25 years and but the one thing that my mom has said like that if she could change something about my father be that and I wish he was like better socially like you sometimes he hangs back for a lot of times he hangs back from social events. He wants to wants to leave because it's just he's a I don't want to say like enough to put words in his mouth, but he's not as sociable as like my mother and you know, he could never he could never hang at the bar, you know in college or go or college party without like crashing and burning and I felt that too and I was like well Is it and it wasn't until I put in that work with studying all things communication for a year and a half straight and it's still my favorite thing to learn I still is but also to with depression with when I was I was three and four years old. I was in therapy for what they call sensory issues. I would cry at the drop of a hat and literally a loud noise. It would bother me. One of my first phrases was that noise that noise and sometimes it still comes out ice like my brain got a kind of goes. Hey. Haywire but like I was really difficult kid to raise and I cried way more than normal way more than I should have and throughout High School being you know, what I would call The Press. I mean I was never like clinically diagnosed but like because I never went to anybody for help but I you know, I was depressed throughout those four years in high school and I was like, this is this is me and even when I was falling, you know, I was when I got to college and I was like popular for the First time in my life and I had like things going on student athlete I was president of my residence hall. Like I was because like instantly like the first week that guy had those things going on and which is whole thing will change. I just I went a thousand miles away where I knew nobody and I wanted a fresh start. Wow. Yeah, so I intentionally knew nobody. Wow. Yeah, so and and and it was making decisions without hesitation again, like I had the opportunity to become a male cheerleader of all things come across my desk and I Look, it was like bam done. I'll do it. And it was one of the coolest things I've ever done in my life. Like there's just that the dynamic of 20 gorgeous women the most popular women in the school and five six seven guys is very interesting. But that's true. I'm still synthesizing the lessons I've learned from that experience. So it's hard to talk about now. Yeah, but you know being present in my residence hall like we were in a red floor meeting and are a resident assistant mentions. You can run. This these positions of the residence hall which is like, you know 600 people and as I heard president was like, oh my God, there's no like there's no doubt in my mind I was going to do it. There was no deliberation and I was like, I'm going to do it and you figure out how to win later. I had a whole marketing strategy. I figured it out how to win later. I did over eight people. But yeah, where are we going with that was before it making decisions a cetacean. I was just I was just asking you, you know change yeah. Yeah, yeah, we'll watch I was looking like what changed between like you and high school then you're in college. Yeah. That was I just knew that was my chance. But hey, like what where I was going with that is even when I would slip even after that I would still slip into like depression, you know, like firm, you know for a couple weeks at a time with me with regards to like having panic attacks likes it like is pretty similar. Like I feel that it's easy to fall back into your old ways. Yeah, but I was I was This is for a while. Like this is the brain. This is the way my brain is I was this here's the most disempowering thing. I ever thought and I carried this with me from for a couple of years. It's like I was born depressed because you know, this one has three and four and yeah, and that was really disappointing. That is that was fixed mindset. Yeah to the max. Yeah. I was born this way and it is not changing. Well, that's really got me thinking because I sometimes even now like I will have a feeling where I feel like I'm gonna have a panic attack and it's just because I'm like I have anxiety, you know, you associate yourself with it. You have to this is what this is what I talked about with Josh Perry in my episode with him BMX athlete who has survived multiple brain tumors what he would he would never associate he survived living for them like he was a month away from dying at one point. As one of the best BMX athletes bikers in the world and he's you know, he was going through this when he was our age 21 22 23, and he's having like brain surgery. He would never say my anxiety or I have anxiety. He would say the anxiety the and I've never liked don't associate it with he would not associate it with his identity. Yeah, exactly like a mine there. No, but that's amazing because I feel that change your language change. My life exactly but when you identify with something, it becomes a part of you. It's like ingrained in your soul and it's so hard to step out of that. You live it. Yeah because it is you like there's no separation. It's like you couldn't live without it because it's part of you. Yeah and only through disassociation. Can you move forward with it? Like is that say you were you had an eating disorder, you know, if you continue to say I have an eating disorder. Yeah. I have an eating disorder. You are the person who has nothing says you act in the way of that and what if you flip it the other way like think about and this is from Kamal rather. Can he wrote this book? Love yourself? Like your life depends on it and flip that around I think about the things we normally think about ourselves like we tell ourselves. We're like the average person like I suck I suck at this. I know good as I hate myself. I'm no good. And over time the same way a river wears away at the at the Earth and creates like a literally the Grand Canyon over thousands millions of years, whatever what if you flip that and constantly said, I love myself. I love myself. I love myself like I am strong powerful. I'm full whole and complete and you kept saying that over and over again when those negative thoughts creep in like that's what you replace it with you like. Oh these are coming in. I'm going to say I am full whole and complete. To say over and over and over again and over time that River where's away at the Earth? And it creates a the Grand Canyon in your mind that is just the natural flow of things now is I love myself. I am full and complete it because it naturally flows that way. It's amazing. It's like I've heard just of some people were like an elastic band on their wrists, right? And so let's just say they're obese and they say they want to have a snack they like look the thing on the wrist, right? I don't know about this strategy how I feel about it. It's a questionable, but it's like you're doing it in your mind. Every time you have that negative thought come out. You're basically flicking your wrist to say no. Here's what we're going to think instead. Yeah, and you just started it exactly and it's like you're conditioning yourself to believe in another way. And so it's funny like I remember ages ago. I heard Chris and Laurie harder. I got a book us together. And they were talking about daily affirmations and I was like, yeah that is a load of BS. This is stupid. This is like that l a type of mindset. You know, I like just so like weird and this was probably I don't know three years ago than I when I had this and so for for a year or so, I was just you know, I just thought it was stupid. I literally thought it was stupid just like anything to do with any sort of spirituality or anything to do with you know anything. A thing like that. I just like shut it off and I say weirdos stupid LOL Vibes, you know just because it's just getting in England people always say o Allah. I really like, I don't know how what they send States anyway, so I then was like, you know what I've been hearing more people talk about daily affirmations. Like I'm just gonna I'm just gonna give it a go and just like it's neat little thing a diff myself not don't need to tell anyone about it. And so I decided like in the morning. I was going to start the moment. I About to get out of bed. I was going to start saying some daily affirmations. I remembered it was at the time but I still do it to this day and I've never not done it and I say out loud. I am fit. I am happy. I am healthy. I am wealthy. I am strong. I am successful. I am calm I am ambitious and today is going to be a good day and then I jump out of bed. Then I make my bed and then like that and like you see how I can just recite that just yes exactly because you've it's worn away at the you've created these new. Patterns in your brain over time exactly because like one of the things I never used to say in there was like I am calm. Mmm and I started to catch size and yeah, I used to because of my anxiety and the past the previous anxiety, which I had. Yes. No, I because of that like I knew like it is starting to come back a little bit quite badly Arch. And so I was like I need to do everything I can to remove this from my life. So I just added I am calm in there. And I say it like Stewie I'm calm I and sometimes if I'm going through an anxious period of time I'm like I say a few I'm like I'm I am calm I am calm and then yep like you just did our breathe over like I am calm and then I'm just feeling fine. You know, you say breathe has been thinking the last week. Nothing feels better than a big deep breath. Yeah, there's I'm serious. I it's so my go-to. Yeah, and you know those try trying moments and it's so funny that you say that just on this topic of you know, having a growth mindset and everything because When I was suffering with panic attacks often breathing would be something my breath would get really shallow. And so I would always just say like breathwork doesn't work for me. It makes me dizzy. Like that's why I said I was like, I can't meditate because I can't do the breathing and like at the time it's because it was so far from what I knew what I knew was like being out of breath and like like that. Mmm. It's a being able to like slow down it just it was Wasn't able to open my mind up to it because it was just so it was like have you ever seen that like chipping? There's like a on one side of the screen. There's like chipping for gold then he starts to walk back. Yeah, of course on the other side he changed and he finally gets there in his shot. He shot. The other guy should have just kept going for like we was three feet from gold exactly and it was like, I don't know just reminds me of that because if I'd have just tried it. Rather than just, you know if I just tried it properly rather than just trying it for like to literally 2 seconds. It could have sold so many of my problems. Yeah can't as really disempowering to really part of the fixed mindset. I yeah, you just triggered something in me that I that I am constantly reminded of by my parent's is when I was in around the same age four years old I was and this is on this is on video whatever. However they captured video back then I'm going to have to dig it up, but Me riding around on a bike on my bicycle and the driveway crying my eyes out saying I can't do it. I can't do it as I'm like doing it but it didn't matter because my mind was so set on not doing it that like I just it was so stupid and silly. Oh my gosh, I laugh myself crazy, isn't it? It's not as nice. Oh gosh, so when it comes to obviously mine says a massive thing for you, you know, you've obviously now got your own business surrounding your poor guys and everything, which is awesome. So for people who are listening right now, how can they Implement some of your key practices regarding mindset to help them Propel forward in business or even just start that business if they've not yet started because they're mine has been holding them back what I mean is simply as I can put it as a Said throughout here is identify that pain point and go seek out the resources from people who ought to know like there are experts in every field and even as I get into the world of event planning. I've been seeking out some new people because I've never done this before and people are coming to me with all these events. They want to put on with me and like, you know, some of my heroes even to the want to put on events with me and and ones that I'm putting on my own I get like a silly little one like Tim local but still I have no clue how to do it. I'm doing the my first one that Linked In local and about 10 days from when we're recording this but I've no clothes. So I've gone about reaching out to people who have who I believe have done LinkedIn local most successfully. Yeah namely like I've seen Patrick Ward running LinkedIn local LA and he's and it's so good so good and there's a lot of people and and so I I just asked him a question and he sent me not one not two not three not four not five, but six voice messages a minute-long like the maximum on LinkedIn in a row back and I was like, oh my God, this just changed the direction of the entire event. Like the you just made the event ones because I thought out the researchers from people who ought to know people that have been there and done that and anyone can do that in any area of their life. It's really exactly what I always say, that's amazing. Just find someone who's done easily what you want to do. And what would them to model their success? Yeah, it's crazy. Like we're about to go meet my friend Emily. She's been on the podcast as well. And she was a client of mine who saw what I had done and she you know goes by me and now she's like absolutely crushing it. She's able to come just pop down here for a couple days because she has that freedom and it's so incredibly true that you help people start podcasts and like crush it with that and build a business around there podcasting and kudos. To the work you're doing and empowering Emily like that and empowering a lot of people like that. Yeah new online like yeah, it's just important. I think people get stuck in the confidence competency Loop, you know, they don't have the confidence because they they aren't yet competent in it. And I believe that you know confidence comes to success. So what happens, you know, when people don't already have that confidence, how do they be? Well you increase your But since to increase your confidence, yeah, and again by seeking out those resources. We want to know and you and by doing that you increase your competence. Yeah, and with that and as you go out in the field and have successful results, or at least more so successful than before then when you were doing that specific activity, your confidence is naturally going to increase. Yeah as your conversion rates increase as anything. Uh, yeah, right more clients more downloads more whatever whatever ring you conference is going to increase. Yeah. Absolutely. It goes like get competent then with that you get more confident and with that. Yeah. Yeah success. Learn your way out of pain. That's it's it's so something that everyone can do have used to hell. What was that? How same thing same thing? Just about your name thing. Learning but for learning everything, how do you learn how to learn? Yeah. Well, I mean it's different for everyone. But I just my method is finding a mentor in that area reading a book same as before. Yeah, reading the books and that area listening to the podcast the right around that area. Like that's that's what my learning process consists of and of course doing and practicing and putting, you know, seeing the Built in the field. Yeah, it's a it consists of my learning process consists of nothing more. Nothing less. What do you believe about just-in-time learning have you heard of this conversation just in time but professional so funnily enough. One of the things that we learn in University was just in time manufacturing. Yeah, and so just in time manufacturing is what car manufacturers used So that obviously, you know, they don't have to have a massive Warehouse because that's expensive that able Just bring in the pot. They need get that pot dealt with move it on. You know, it just it happens rapidly and things get done just in time. They get done just as they need to get done so that the whole car can be produced in perfect timing. There's no time wasted right? And so I like to think about the manufacturing plant as our brain. So we learned things just as we need them so that we don't have to hold things in our brain that we're not using. What do you think about This concept well, what comes to mind for me is experience comes to seconds after you needed it most and you in that way. I mean you kind of are learning things just in time. But yeah, you made the mistake comes to seconds after you needed him most but you know, you kind of do need to make mistakes to learn as well as part of it and you know with with anything even something as simple as like so silly as yeah, I work out at At 45 Jim its functional 40. Why do we have any good? Oh, it's excellent. Great. Yeah, I love it is amazing. I love the code eons. Yeah, I love Mom. But yeah and on Saturday, they got the DJ coming in and so like I don't it's too loud for me because you know the loud noises that really make my brain go Haywire. So especially me. I'm more sensitive to that stuff. So bring these concert earplugs. Yeah, and so I was Like emptying, you know, it's in this metal container. That's a really hard to and they kind of stick because they're rubber right? So I was like, I was like trying to get it out try and get it out. And I got one and then the next one. I'm sitting in my car as I'm doing this the next one comes out fuzz somewhere and then down the and then it falls in between the seat and never to be seen again as like darn, you know, I actually shouldn't have done this in here with us. Just small object where there's so many places that it could fall now experience comes to seconds after you need it most but next time I'm dealing with a really small but important those those earplugs are more like a dollar earplugs. I mean they were like, yeah, there's a twenty dollar pair right like the cheapest thing in the world. Yeah. That's a lot of fabric. So so next time I something important I won't I won't be dealing with it in my car with there's so many crevices and it's it's gone. Yeah, maybe I'll find any Year, but amazing, right? Well, I think this has been a great podcast episode. I think everyone has to go follow you on LinkedIn Jordan Paris. I'll leave it obviously or LinkedIn the shown it's now if you want to just tell us, you know, what impact is it that you're really interested in making in people's lives. Yeah II love have gotten these messages where Jordan you you inspired me to quit my job and go do X Y and Z Jordan you Dropped out of school because of you and that I'm like, oh my God, it's like it's like holy crap that could go really wrong could go really right. I think they'll be okay, but I love I love disrupting in that way because I know for me my worst nightmare is to be a corporate drone. Yeah for 40 years retire at 65 died. Three years later save everything save all life's Pleasures for those three years before I I died after retirement when I'm too old to actually enjoy them. And the thing is I until I was woken up to it by stay woke what I'm totally not me. I'm not not claiming to be in the enlightened one. That's the thing to you have to always feel like you're just getting started that you know, nothing and constantly question yourself along the way as part of it part of you know, how I continually get better at things better with the podcast. I ask people like what about this sucks. What about this is not clear. But we're we're talking about making an impact in. Yeah, I I didn't know that until I was woken up to like there's something greater that you can do something more you there's more to life like you can actually enjoy it. Yeah, we have such a similar mindset. Like that's like the exact same as me and I've been you don't know. Yeah people people did that for me. I love when I wake people up to the fact that like, they don't have to be a corporate drone and work for people. Oil absolutely for 40 years retired died three years later and diet Porpoise to be quite Frank. Absolutely. You can't get rich renting out your time Lauren. You know that. Oh, I know exactly that's it. So that's amazing. Thank you so much for coming on the show is Ben gray. And I feel like like you said we are very similar. We have a similar sort of like stories. We didn't even touch upon your Fitness coaching days. Yeah. Maybe that means that we don't have to just do another one in the future. Exactly. So everyone go follow Jordan on Then I go listen to the growth mindset University and yeah, go get some sushi now. Oh, yes, let's do this. I'm thank you so much. I appreciate it.
Today host Lauren Tickner is joined by 21-year old Jordan Paris who is an author, host of his own #15 ranked podcast The Growth Mindset University and podcast marketing expert. This hugely insightful episode dives in to Jordan's journey and developing a growth mindset. In this episode, Lauren and Jordan discussed: 2.35 How Jordan and Lauren first connected 9.10 How making excuses stops you achieving your goals 10.10 Fixed mindset in your career 13.20 Why Jordan started his podcast 25.00 Victim mentality 38.00 How can you implement growth mindset practices in your business? Here’s a FREE training for anyone who wants to START an online coaching business, and avoid the 3 biggest mistakes that cost virtually every new online coach time and money: Join our FREE Facebook Group: FOLLOW LAUREN TICKNER: 📲 Instagram: 👔 LinkedIn: 📽 YouTube: 📧 Email: [email protected] Follow Jordan Paris: 📲 Instagram: 👔 LinkedIn: Podcast:
It's time for a new era of communication in the swine industry one that you can get the latest updates while commuting or driving Farms here. You have the brightest minds of the global swine industry in your pocket. Yeah, that's that's one thing that's different today than it was 30 or 40 years ago is that used to be we would send a paper copy of the formula to the feed mill. And there was a guy at the feedmill usually one of the more experienced guys that would enter that new formula and if he saw something different he would call you and ask about it it and and that was a good thing and I want to tell you that if someone calls you and questions a formula, even if there's nothing wrong with it, you should thank them profusely. Welcome to swine it podcast. My name is Marcia gonsalves your host for today's episode. Yeah. Thanks very much for your time. You bet. Yep. Yeah, so Wayne there is a you know, a lot of everyone knows you in the US and North America. I want you to give us a little bit of your history. Yeah, just like how did you end up in swine nutrition and tell us What you do? Well, I grew up on a pig farm. My father was a good hug man in my earliest recollection as a child is coming out waking up in the morning and coming out in the kitchen and father warming up a box full of baby pigs by the stove, you know, they board cold Nebraska night and you brought in to warm up so and Yeah, then so I attended the University of Nebraska back in those days, you know, you didn't I didn't I didn't know you were supposed to think about different colleges. I just went to the one that was close and And so then as a university student, I work part-time at the pig farm the genetics and reproductive physiology research Farm. What I do today is I work I have six customers. I formulate diets for and and and help them with their nutrition and they're really nice people. And one thing I like about them is that they are they are they are people that have done every job on the farm, you know, they and so they have some compassion and appreciation for the Pig and the people taking care of the pig. Oh, I work and I work part-time for pi C and that's been there's been some real. Positive parts to that weasely Orlando that I get to work with. He has experience from a whole nother continent, you know that and that I don't have and he has some really good computer skills that I don't have and modeling skills. So that's been good for me. Yeah to have access to those tools very nice. They used to have a young guy that worked there also from Brazil that I enjoyed work. Yeah, wait for those. There are not trying to Tricia nist. Can you explain watered? What are the neutral Holdings? Okay. So a pig has nutrient needs vitamins trace minerals amino acids energy calcium and phosphorus sodium and those needs are different for the different phases of its life whether it's gestation or lactation or Nursery or girl finish and so we try to meet those needs. Nutrient needs and so on one side of the formulas is the nutrients that this Pig needs and then we look at our ingredients to figure out what is the best way to meet those nutrient needs and we use a computer formulation to do that. And and the key to that is having the nutrients correct on those ingredients because that computer doesn't know what's right or wrong. It's trying to help. You figure out the best way to meet those nutrient needs. And so if you've got a incorrect loading on one of your ingredients, it doesn't know that and so it's going to formulate the diet, you know, and and the diet may not be correct. I guess I can tell you a couple stories about where I've helped other nutritionists figure out what what a nutrient loading. No problem. It in and what and what they had a problem. They didn't know it was nutrient loadings until I helped him figure it out. I can tell you a couple stories like that. Okay, so there's a guy doing some diets for company and in Pennsylvania, and he was having a lot of broken bones. And if you looked at his formula, you know, the calcium and phosphorus looked right, but I took his formula and I took the pounds of each ingredient. And and formulated the diet with the same pounds of ingredients and I wasn't finding near as much calcium as his as he was and so then we went through it ingredient by ingredient and looked out the calcium loadings on that ingredient and he had a bad number on his wheat meds, and he thought there was a lot of calcium in there. And so I said, we'll check your your quality control in your analysis and there wasn't that much calcium. In there so that that created the problem. So he had a newt yet a nutrient loading on an ingredient that cause the broken bones because there wasn't as much calcium as he thought the quality control side when I know there's different philosophies like okay, should I monitor the incoming ingredients but also the Finnish complete diet what what's your take on that? And then we can jump into the next few experiences next story? Yeah, okay. Okay, I think you need to watch both. Okay, so you need to watch your incoming ingredients because that's what your nutrient loading is come from. But you also got to watch your finish feed because the Finish feed will give you a clue how good a job you're doing on your ingredients, but it's also going to help you figure out if you've got a see how good the meal is at putting those ingredients in and then there's a third part of it. I think that most people underutilize and that's your feed mill accounting. For example, let's say I'm monitoring my ingredients for fat and then and and I'm also monitoring my complete feeds for a fat level. Well, let's say both of those are running low. Well, is that because I've got something wrong on my ingredient loadings or is that because the feed mill has a problem with their their metering device or and so I look at my ingredients. I have the guy at the feed mill check recalibrate he's meters but the third thing that I do is I talk to feed mill County. They look at how many tons of feed we made how many tons of fat we should be using and and if we're not using that many tons of fat it tells us that helps confirm. We need to look at are metering device. So I think feed mill accounting is that it doesn't get utilized as much as it should yeah makes sense. That makes sense. So what else has it seen as far as the neutral Holdings and problems in the field. There was no art large system in Illinois and their feet of fish girl finished feed efficiency had gone gotten worse. And if the guy felt that he really hadn't changed. Anything and so I said send me one of your diets and I recall I took his pounds of each ingredient and I put him in there and I said, what do you think your threonine ratio is and he said, you know, whatever. The right number is 62 or something and I said, well, I'm not finding near that much and so he had given he hit one change he had made he had gone through and given his thigh taste some nutrient releases and there's Wrong with doing that except he'd made a math error on his three inning. So he was feeding a lot lower three inning ratio than he thought he was and then I had a guy up in Iowa whose growth had gone down and and he couldn't figure out why and so I look I took his diets and reconstructed to him and and I wasn't finding near enough tryptophan. And so then we dug into each one of these. His ingredients and we found out he had a artificially high tryptophane value on Bakery meal, you know, so yeah it see it. It has it happens. You know, when sometimes we have a minimum when that energy level of the diet and we don't have a fat or oil available in the dialogue. Oh, oh, yeah, and then yeah and then it will fill with an ingredient like Matheny nor something. Yes. Yeah, that's That's one thing that's different today than it was 30 or 40 years ago is that used to be we would send a paper copy of the formula to the feed mill and there was a guy at the feedmill usually one of the more experienced guys that would enter that new formula and if he saw something different he would call you and ask about it. It and and that was a good thing and I want to tell you that if someone calls you and questions a formula, even if there's nothing wrong with it, you should thank them profusely because they are you know, you might be the only guy looking at that formula if that guy isn't and to end today that's kind of a problem because there isn't this old guy at the feed mill looking at the formula it all gets transferred. Chronically, and so maybe nobody looks at that and a lot of people to be looking at it. And so even if there's nothing wrong with the formula you thank him for looking at it because you want them to be looking at it because it'll it's your last line of defense. You know, it's your safety net. You got to be and he thanked them and that's the other reason you go to the feed mills is so those guys can put a face with the name and they're not intimidated. To call you, you know, they know you they know that you don't have horns and a tail and and that you want to do what's right. So now that's a great advice. I like that. Oh Wayne, what a great practice is to have good neutral oldies. Well, what do you do to ensure? You know, you minimize any chances of error y-yeah to minimize air. Well youyou got to be And and try to do it when you're not taught, you know, and you're updating ingredients you try to do it when you're not tired. I tried to do it when it first thing in the morning when your mind is about as good as it's going to be and I try to do it so early in the morning that you're not going to get any phone calls and interruptions. And then the other thing that I would encourage you to do Marcio is is Take get network. And so you go to a you have another neutral another nutritionist. That's your friend or an acquaintance and yet and you say I'm going to take this many pounds of corn this many bad diet soybean meal and and tell me what you get for a lysine level. What do you get for calcium phosphorus level and and another one to kind of check. Your ratios amino acid ratios, you can take a diet and say okay. How many were both going to pick a 1% lysine diet? For example, how many pounds of Crystal and lysine? Can you use before another amino acid becomes limiting? And then what is that amino acid? Right and then how many pounds of that next amino acid comes in before the third limiting amino acid is there and you can kind of check your ratios, you know? So like when you did your work at K-State, your loadings on ingredients were a little different than mine. And your 20% on tryptophane was more like my 19% on trip, you know and things like that, but I think you got to you got to have a friend you got to call a friend or acquaintance and and it's mutually beneficial it helps you and it can help them too because I do that a lot and sometimes we find something. That's Goofy on my And sometimes we find something Goofy on their hand and so it's mutually beneficial. Right? Well one thing that came to mind when is you know, young the fishing is like myself and others, you know getting today industry. What would be your recommendation for say did the first couple of steps? Okay, you know first day on the job. You know, how do we take over from the transloading standpoint guy? And I'd say this is true for not just a A young nutritionist but an old nutrition is to that goes into a new. A new situation. So like when I went to premium standard Farms, I didn't start changing diets the first damn thing. I started looking at the nutrient loadings for ingredients because that's what drives it that computer doesn't know anything. It just knows what you give it and an example of something that happened there. I had never been anywhere or corn gluten feed was a good buy for The Great by it's a great ingredient, but it's usually the cattle guys scoop it up and it's worth more to them and but corn gluten feed was coming into these diets. And so the supplier was ADM a good quality company and I visited with her nutritionist and we went through the nutrient loading zone that ingredient and he and the previous nutritionists had what a very Optimistic very very optimistic energy value on that ingredient. I don't know if it was an error or you know entry error or a I don't know what he was thinking about. But so let's I change that then porn gluten feed was not a goodbye anymore makes sense your ingredients. And first, I think the first thing you do in a new setting so Do you how do you do that? Well, you can look at NRC. You can call a friend you can yeah. You got options? Yeah, and then another thing I think a person should try to do on his nutrient loadings is to like on his V TM or is vitamins and trace minerals and on his drugs or any other additive. Probably he needs to spend some time understanding how much calcium is coming from those ingredients because their calcium lime stone is a common carrier and so you'll end up with more calcium than you probably need or Not if you don't pay attention, I and everybody says well the inclusion rate of those very big but you start adding them all together and it and it becomes the inclusion rate becomes high and then on some of these drugs like I remember I was reviewing some diets for a company and man. I was coming up with way more calcium in this last Nursery diet than they were and they were using Nia terramycin which is a fine. Drug, but your inclusion rate of that product was like 40 pounds per ton and they weren't accounting for the Limestone that was in there the carrier and the interesting part of that story. I think Marcio is that they called me or month or two later and said there there Pig their exit weights of their nurseries had gone up and they really engage ATL so that excess calcium was hurting them and I think some of my Han Stein's recent work out of unit, Illinois would confirm that Too much calcium can hurt performance right make sense whatwhat have you seen lately that that might concern you or or you're thinking about yeah. I saw some diets from Brazil and in their corn soy diets predominately and you're very familiar with him, but they were adding choline to those diets and there's and I don't think it's hurting the big performance at all, but I would I would Be surprised right if you have a need for choline a girl finish Pig would need to have a need for choline and a corn soy diet. And I think Marcy. Oh you did a study with that showed that they did. They didn't need it. Right? Yeah, we do. Maybe we could talk about consistent and Radiance versus variable ingredients we should reward consistent ingredients and one way to reward them or make them more attractive. Is that on your variable ingredients because you don't know that nutrients going to be in there all the time that you could use your average - of half a standard deviation or something to make sure you have the right amount of nutrient in there all the time. I think that's a pretty good practice. That makes sense. Well, one thing I was going to ask you was on the you know, monocalcium phosphate and die calcium phosphate some areas that I've experienced some areas of the West and also Canada, you know, you know some people just call like alright. So for us, I guess it's good to always ask for the label right something I learned with you with you as well. Yeah, ask for the label and I think feed mill today probably uses less feed phosphate. In a month, then they used to use in a week. And so you think about that feed mill and those augers that are that are putting that into our ton of feed their they are way too large and to put in these small amounts. And so those are there some things there's some advantage to going to a feed mill and sitting down next to the guy batch in the feed and just watching what the heck's going on because and then and then then what you need to do is either slow that auger down or you can put in a smaller auger which is more expensive or you can do some things like you can cut off some of the flighting on that auger at the end. So it's less efficient and doesn't add it as fast. So you'll see that, you know, we're adding less. Yeah feed phosphate. In a diet, you know used to be you'd put in ten pounds. Well now maybe not putting in any but worse yet. We're putting in one or two pounds and can it do it accurately some people I think some people are even on the microbe in sometimes that's right. That's right, and they have space available. Very good. Um good. Anything else winded comes to mind when neutral Oles you ask any of these young nutritionist at work with have worked with me. And they will tell you that my my my I tell them every day nutrient loadings are everything, you know, this computer formulation is wonderful that those those elves in there that are doing those thousands calculations. They don't know if you're giving them bad information and and I would encourage people to compare ingredients with other nutritionists and formulation with other new Christian nutritionist where you put in pound-for-pound a match a diet and see how different the answers are and there's going to be some frustrations with that process to in that by Gary Cromwell did a study on soybean meal and he took soybean meal from five or six different plants and he sent it to five or six. Brent labs for amino acid analysis and he found out there was more difference in between the labs and there was this voice as he planned. So so there's going to be some frustrations there and you're not going to agree a hundred percent, but you want to make sure you're not way wrong like the guy with the threonine loading on his fight a sore the guy with the tryptophane loading. On his bakery or the guy with the calcium loading on his wheat meds. Yeah. I did. I did it today with no wasn't today. It was yesterday. I did it yesterday with corn and soybean meal because I was wanting wanting to make sure my isoleucine and valine values were correct. You know, I looked at NRC and then I checked with another nutritionist because NRC is very very very good, but there can be glitches in NRC to sew Yeah, yeah, you just got to you got to be a little bit anal. As far as look through all these and why you know why I think you were one of the experts on that arena is that you're probably the most interesting with Kristen is that I've met as far as interesting ingredient as well, right? So if you can share with us one of the craziest ingredients you've dealt with Well, so I got you know, I fortune cookies. I figured it fortune cookies lately. I figured peanut butter. I figured oh, yeah, tato potato chips and corn chips lately. Yeah. So I've done those candy bars Lifesavers those kind of things. Yep. Amazing M&M's and all that kind of thing. Yeah M&M's M&M's happy now. Yeah peanuts. Yeah, very good Wing, I guess as we approach the and here one, we have three questions that we are going to ask every guest every episode. And the first one is what is your favorite wine related book? Well, I don't have just one but I want to give you several that I think are really worth worth while Wilson Pond wrote a book. Swine production in temperate and topical that's not right Wilson Pawn wrote a book swine production in temperate and tropical environments. And that's a really nice book to read. Yeah, another book by factor and Kirkwood is nontraditional feed sources for use in swine production. That's an excellent. That's an excellent book too. And then I like Austin Lewis's book is actually Austin Lewis and Lead Southern's book swine nutrition that big blue book and then and then for a year, I think there's another book that I would encourage the young nutritionist in particular. Anyway, I any nutrition history is the swine nutrition guide that John patients and Prairie swine Center put out and it buddy. It's a good book for a producer to it. It is John asked me one time if I thought it was too simple, and I said no it was written right at my level. It's a good book for a lay person as well as PhD swine nutritionist new book to read. So those would be for books that I would recommend highly and what about Books unrelated to swine. Well, there's a book that I think I want you to read because I don't think I got everything out of it that I that's in there but there's a book called The Accidental superpower by Peter zahaan, and it's a real interesting book and and it's about it's about America being blessed geographically and fertile soils and a good transportation system and no enemies to the North or the south of us and how we're blessed there. And then it also Fox quite a bit about population and how that's changing. This is why do you think sets apart? Successful swine Perfection. Yeah, that's a good question. Why? I think they I think they want to have the producers best interest at heart. Sometimes you the producer will ya got that they want to do the right thing for the producer so that that guy's kids can go to college. And so that guy is successful as you as you know, how you want to do the best you can you know, because people's livelihood depends on it. So, okay. so he this probably isn't going to go on the podcast, but I'll tell you co because you're my friend, but when I church on Sunday, I pray that my wife and my children are happy healthy and productive and I pray for myself that I do a good job for my producer because they, you know, 70% of their 60 or 70 percent of their cost goes through my fingers and I know I can't control the price of corn and that but I want To be a good Steward with my producers money want to spend his money as wisely as if it were my own. Well, I think I think that last Spar should go on the podcast plane. Oh that part. Well, well it is I think in some jobs You could say well it's not that important or you know, it's not but gosh these guys are depending on you and and I take that responsibility seriously. No, that makes sense. Wait. I appreciate you sharing that. Thanks, man. Appreciate our time. Oh glad to do it Marcio. You're a fine young man. Take care. Yeah, you too. No, that makes sense. Wait. I appreciate you sharing that. Thanks, man. Appreciate our time. Oh glad to do it Marcio. You're a fine young man. Take care. Yeah, you too.
Today’s episode will cover the backbone of Swine Nutrition: Nutrient loadings. “If someone calls you and asks about one of the diets you formulated… you should thank him/her profusely” – Wayne Cast. Our guest is the man, the myth, the legend… Wayne Cast. Swine nutritionist graduated from the University of Nebraska, Wayne is one of the most interesting characters in the Global Swine Industry. His knowledge, experience, charism, stories, and ability to ask questions enchant everyone. On this episode, you will learn: ·  For those who are not swine nutritionists, what are the nutrient loadings? ·  Why are the nutrient loadings so important? ·  How can things go wrong when having incorrect nutrient loadings? ·  What are great practices to have appropriate nutrient loadings? ·  Practical challenges in diet formulation ·  How many people actually see your formula before a pig is fed? You will also learn his thoughts on what makes a successful swine professional. Here are some of the books recommended by Wayne: Swine production in temperate and tropical environments (Wilson Pond), Non-traditional feeds for use in swine production (Thacker and Kirkwood), Swine Nutrition (Lewis and Southern), Swine Nutrition Guide (Patience, Thacker), Accidental superpower (Zeihan and Audio). Enjoy this episode in all major platforms, including Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
Are you a lifelong fan of General Hospital? Are you a new fan who wants to know more about the history of the show? Do you enjoy talking about fishing with others? Do you find yourself yelling at the TV is yourself here an hour ago in Port Charles. If so, we invite you to join posts Amanda Kimmel and Shannon coach at the place where all the hidden conversations take place and secrets are revealed need as the Pier 54 the podcast. Hey guys, this is Lisa and Rebecca and we are here on the secret life of weddings. If you like drama, you're in the right place where we tell you the world's craziest, but true wedding stories. So get ready for the drama on the secret life of weddings. It is episode 116 of the secret life of weddings podcast. This is Lisa and nothing. I got nothing. Good night everybody and we're coming up on two years. Are we not actually I want to say it's like today happy anniversary. I'm not kidding. I think it's like was it like number 27th I don't recall. It's been a wonderful two years shitty shitty podcast hosts, right? Jessica actually reminded me in our group chat for Edmonds for a Facebook group. And I was just like, oh man. Well shit, that's awesome. Cause I'm thinking three. We're just having so much fun. We are right. Yeah. We just the time is flying by we don't know what to do about it. So thank you for listening. Hey and Big Show. Out to anybody who's been with us for two full years. You are either the best podcast fan in the world or certifiably insane. Yeah. I'm not for both. You know, I'm not going to discriminate at this point. But thank you for your so exacting you for your support whether you've been listening for a day or whatever. 365 is x 2. We love you. I'm not doing math in my head. No. Do you came here expecting that you were wrong? There you go. Okay, so why don't we jump into in the news to celebrate two years with slow? All right in the news we got Pentatonix Kevin. I'm not going to say this and I try yeah Olu Sola that I think Mary's Lee Wiseman the group's beatboxer wedley Wiseman on September 16th at the hummingbird nest Ranch in Simi Valley cyme Valley City Valley, California, and people has all the exclusive details pentatonic stores and makes music rear around September was literally the only month where we could fit in the wedding. So basically PTX is to reschedule dictated our wedding weekend the bride who met the groom through a mutual friend in 2017. Those people with help from Orange Blossom Special Events. I can't say it. Say it again Lisa. Oh, oh so low, so low and wise men hosted two days of weddings with 225 guests at the American style wedding and a hundred sixty-five at the traditional Nigerian wedding Lisa. This wedding was fucking gorgeous. I loved it so much their rehearsal dinner doubled as a traditional Nigerian ceremony to pay respect to the groom's Heritage on his father's side. Our traditional Nigerian outfits and dresses were custom-made in Nigeria with Fabrics. We Elected here in Los Angeles the bride a College admission to admissions consultant shares Nigerian brides wear colorful wedding dresses and are known to travel far and wide to find the most unique and exquisite fabrics for their dress and their bridesmaid dresses. No pressure whatsoever. Also that actually sounds amazing. Doesn't it on the second day the American Wedding the bride wore a lace floor-length strapless dress her gown, which included layers of light pink. The ivory lace overlay also featured floral applique a sweetheart neckline and a sweeping train. The theme was a blending of two cultures with traditional Nigerian food clothing and music at the Nigerian ceremony. Then Italian food and Villa setting at the American Wedding. They also wrote their own vows. They are sentimental and sweet Kevin definitely cried. I think we both teared up the brighter calls people complimented us on our vows the whole night. It was the One thing people commented on the most I love it very very cool congratulations. And on the other side of weddings the shitty side according to Daily Mail UK the headline reads and I quote woman 26 falls in love with her wedding, DJ 49 just two years after getting married because her husband made her feel neglected. That's a really good DJ. Megan Willis 26 about her current partner DJ Mark Stone 49 in November 2015 Megan sister later booked Mark to DJ at Megan's wedding in July 2016 a year into her marriage Megan was unhappy and felt neglected by her husband bumped into Mark and found herself opening up to him about her marriage by August last year with both of their divorce is finalized. They moved in together. Wow. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. Wow, I'm not sure I should. Do you think okay so they were both married? No. No, I got it. I'm just thinking do you so Megan is the the woman and Mark is the DJ. Do you think on the you know Megan's in bed and and marks coming in and they're going to have some sexy time he puts on some music that's like and then you go and here and he gets on the mic here. I am for a night of love. It's me. Mark and then he runs in with his hands in the air does a little dance and then jumps on the bed and then you've got like a stone down here to Bone and then you then you've got maybe like a disco ball that turns on above the bed. There you go. It's the who what husband could you know live up to that? I yeah, I feel bad for the guy. You know what I feel like we need to let everybody in on a dirty little secret you do. This know this kind of shit happens more than you think a lot. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and it happened with someone, you know, it's it's happened II her story. I've heard wedding vendors getting involved with their clients. Yeah, you've seen letting a vendor's getting involved with their clients. Yeah, not Rebecca. We're not we're not saying names. I'm just saying have you not seen it firsthand? Yes, I have. Yes, so there. Yes, and I have nothing to say about it. Well, I has always have something to say but not about that. We are going to hit the fucking bucket now and this week in the fuck it bucket throwing in boutonnieres. Now, this is going to be a controversial one because man Brides love a boutonniere. There's something about picking a boutonniere that makes their hearts sore. Okay, is it But is it or is it just everyone's just so stuck on the tradition of it? I think it's both I think some I think some people and I say women because let's be honest traditional. It's a you know, or hey a dude picking out a boutonniere first partner. My point is one partner picking out the boutonniere for the other is typically where we see this kind of I really want this the groom groom is typically don't care about the boot new. They're wearing It's usually the partner so yeah what I'm saying is, you know, you've got the Pinterest board. You've got it all picked out you've got I get it, but I have really good reasons to throw it in the bucket bucket and we've talked about this before guys they get crushed because everybody's hugging right? They look like us bumping chest-bumping men. I'm talking to you you traditionally are doing this. They they Wilt and die pretty quick. If they're not done. Well, my most hated reason. The biggest reason it is in the fuck of bucket is because for some reason Sinbad florists think it's appropriate to use a rose with the size. It looks like the its massive on the lapel. Okay. Yeah, I hate when they do that. Looks like the groom is growing a second head out of his chest. Yeah. I hate the really big ones like those really bother me there in the way there. Oh my God, I'm re cutting everything. You just said to talk about dicks. I hate the really big ones. They're just oh is in the way everything you just said was slop around they hit you in the face Ashley. Oh, that was perfect. I'm going to use that against you one day. That's gonna be fun. Hey, Rebecca. What do you think about penises? I'm going to add that to the end and it's all going to be edited together guys. Stay. Listen, we got this is the Easter egg this week. You ready? Stay tuned till the end. I'm putting that in at the very end. You're welcome. So yeah, I fucking pocket for me. Nothing says class like a beautiful pocket square. Can you can you disagree? Yes, I would like I would like everyone to just officially dump out the boutonnieres and adopt the pocket square also and let's just leave it at that. So hey cost savings save money save money way nicer. Do you know what I say to the guys honestly half the time I'll get to the wedding and they don't want to fuck. Oh that they don't like it or it just is a half-assed boutonniere and I can tell nobody really cared about it. Yeah, and I kind of I always ask. Well, how does your partner feel about it? Do they really want you to wear it and they go they don't care or whatever. So I go what are your feelings on just doing a pocket square and then they go. Oh maybe and I said, I want you to think about GQ. When was the last time you saw a boutonniere in GQ? Right exactly. Think about a hot suit is a man wearing a boutonniere. Hell no. He's wearing those pocket square. That's it. And this is what I mean. I think everyone's just so stuck on the tradition of it a great I'd be okay with you know, the Father of the Bride father of the groom wearing one. Yeah, I'm good with that. I mean you want to make them feel special sure go nuts also the but the wedding party now know the wedding party and the groom. Oh my God, they are breaking it constantly. I have fixed Rebecca so many boutonnieres over the years. Yeah, and there's always one flipped. Down because they're so top-heavy. Yep in photos. It's they are so not worth it. Also people men in particular not nobody really can pin a boutonniere worth shit. Nobody knows they can't nobody knows where it's supposed to go. I have yet to shoot a wedding where I did not have to pin a boutonniere. Yeah me too or fix it because they are Put It Up near their face and let me tell you something. I've watched the videos on pocket squares. Ears and everything and I've done them I know how to do lots of pretty fancy shit with Blanca squares now and you know what get me to do that instead and I've done it for a lot of my weddings where all fold it for them because a lot of them don't usually you know, where one so I just do the floppy grab it in the middle style, but it still looks better here, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, that is our fucking book for this week. Listen, if you have a fuckup bucket idea something you are hating in the Planning process or are you went through a wedding? And you hated it anything really were open to suggestions? Even Bachelorette stag party stuff, whatever send it to us secret life of weddings at life can be unpredictable sometimes in life. You just don't know what's going to happen. So when life gets unpredictable, you don't want that to affect your bank account. 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Hi ladies, it's me again from episode 113 conversations with my Mom all I loved this story the one we're going back and forth fast. I have another mom update that was inspired by the segment on episode 115 putting mothers-in-law and the fucking bucket. I think I've personally put my mom in the fuck it back. Bucket, so she is always with me but I can't actually hear what it is. She has to say because my quote from last week. I love it lately. My mom has been asking about the real wedding. What is a real wedding? You might ask a church ceremony. My mom is in denial that I am getting married because I have yet to plan the church portion for those who don't remember me. I was raised very Catholic but have fallen out of And am the first of the youngest of four kids to get married my fiancé and I don't want a church portion of the wedding. So we are trying to just keep mom happy right now. We also have plans to move out together before the wedding so that everything isn't happening at once and we can hopefully be a little bit less stressed back when we got engaged almost a year ago. Now my mom and I had agreed that we would do a small immediate family only church ceremony before we I moved out so that we are legally married and can live together and then have our prearranged date as a renewal of vows / reception that all of our friends and family will be at I recently mentioned to my mom that we were going to get a second batch of engagement photos done with our wedding photographer as it's part of the package bad mistake. She says we don't need them as we had a friend do some already. So why bother mom thinks that we should ask the photographer to not do the engagement It wasn't come to the real wedding instead. Okay, just all does a lot. I have a problem with this. Actually, we should only have the real wedding so we could save our money and be able to plot by a place closer to home. We are currently looking for places that are you know, one one and a half hours away from my parents home. But our Dream location would be 3 to 4 hours away. Do it. Just saying my mom says Says that if I live one hot one and a half hours away, it would kill her and the highway I would be driving on would also kill me as quote. It has an accident every day not true. My fiancé currently lives. It sounds like your mother needs some kind of pill like some something to relax because she's just really tense. Mom needs boundaries. Yeah. Yeah. Mommy's boundaries my fiance currently lives one hour away from me. So really were not looking that far from home PS, we live outside of Vancouver Canada where the housing market is fucked R.I.P to us almost newlyweds in our 20s looking to buy that is tough. Yes, Vancouver is one of Vancouver's finest crazy expensive. Yeah, it's not you got your work cut out for me baby. You move where your than Milton and Milton's really fucking high. I'll have another update soon as we just finished buying bridesmaids dresses. That's a whole. Episode in itself. No, no. Okay, that'll be the special coming up in two weeks. Okay. I'm kidding whenever she writes it in just about six months until I'm married. So happy. I have a place to rant about my family. Love y'all. No. Thank you for the update. Yeah, good luck with all of that. Yeah. I'm glad we have some solid advice here. That's it. That's all you get this week from. Yeah, that's the fun with that know what and yeah, do your second round of engagement pictures do it do it? And yeah, let us know how all that works out. We want to thank our patreon and flick chat premium members this week. Sarah s are in a V Amaya G and our producer for the week and always for the rest of our lives in our heart. Charlotte Solomon We'll go to slash secret life of weddings or flick chat download the app and use the link in the show notes go over there get premium content chat your little faces off and support the show. Alright our wedding joke for the week. It may have been the most romantic statement ever uttered in our courthouse in between hearings. A wedding was performed as the newlyweds left the courtroom the bride nestled up to the groom and coud. Isn't it nice. Nice to be here when we're not being convicted of something guys even convicts get married. Let's just let's just be supportive of their life choices. Shall we congratulations? I'm glad your first words is newlyweds was that that's awesome. All right, so this was sent in by I'm going to get her name wrong, Dalene. Dalen, dalen. Dalen dalen. We're fucking it up. I'm sorry. We're trying we're trying she sent it in Via Reddit. I 28 year old female and marrying my fiance 32 year old male in March. I was in my parents home recently and I was telling them about our wedding party, which is going to include a male friend of mine as a groomsman for some background. This male friend will call him Stephen went to high school with Me and is a post-op trans man. My fiancé said he'd love to have Stephen as a groomsman and I asked Stephen and he was delighted then I told my parents and they were like, oh, we didn't realize she yep. They said she was going to be actually in the wedding. She'll be in all the photographs. We don't think that's appropriate. Oh, oh, yeah, so I was Obviously instantly mad, they then said that they weren't going to be comfortable attending and being in all the photographs with her. Yep her again and that I would need to remove Stephen from the wedding party. If I wanted them to come to the wedding you're joking add. So I basically told them that if they weren't comfortable they didn't have to come I left came home and immediately transferred them the money for the wedding dress. I then get a phone call from my mother telling me that they will pay for the whole wedding. If I remove Stephen basically bribing us. I just told her I needed space and I hung up that was three days ago and I haven't spoken to them. I'm shocked because they have never spoken ill of Steven before I'm upset that they would show so little respect to someone who is so important to me. I'm also upset that they have so little respect for me. They think I would turn my back on a lifelong friend for money. I don't know if I should speak to them in a few days when everything is calm down or if I should leave it to them a few people I've spoken to have said I'm being a bit of an asshole because they're my parents and they had all know and they have a right to an opinion. Even if it's something I don't agree with that. I'll regret them not being at my wedding and that realistically it will ruin our relationship. I've had aunts and uncles calling me saying that this will tear our family apart and I'm being selfish. He's a cousin texted me to say that I'm choosing friends over family and that she and her parents won't be attending if my parents aren't and the same for the members of the family. So it's basically blown up into this huge deal where a good portion of my family will likely not attend. Either my view is that I don't think it's selfish to want to celebrate my day with everyone. I love I feel like the ball is in their court and they have the choice to come or allow their bigotry. To stop them attending their only child's wedding also to be clear. I am a hundred percent not removing Stephen from my wedding or taking the money. I'm not considering either option. My fiancé is in full agreement, but I just want to know if I'm the asshole for so easily accepting that my parents and by default a lot of my family won't be coming to the wedding. No, you're my hero. You are my fucking hero for real. Wow. Seriously, I could not thank you for sending that to us. By the way, because I did not see it. I'm Blown Away speechless. I could I was so mad reading that though. I was so mad and heartbroken. You know it people suck, right. I get you know parents are from a different generation and all that but you know what? That's not cool. Now cool and so many levels I don't even know what to do with it. And yeah, you're clearly you're in the right. You know what I would say then don't come I would I would do the same thing. I would I would shit on this but I don't even know where to begin shit. Right? Do you know what everybody like I can I'm so blown away by how horrible those parents are acting and the whole family acting. Yeah that they're going in the fucking bucket suit. Yes, so great with the boutonnieres this week. Oh my God, gross good for you, though. I know it's not like, you know one of those shit show haha funny stories, but it's still you know, it's something I wanted us to touch like talk about because it just I'm sure if it's happened to one person. It's happening to other people. So, of course also, it's important that you do stand up for your friends and family or trans and different and just anybody who being who they are and I don't care what they are who they are. They're your friends at as long as they're there for you. You're there for them. The story and everybody else can go get fuck. Yeah. So saying we're just because they're your family doesn't mean you have to stand by them. It's true really seriously guys stand by the those who are supporting you. How about friends are the family you choose? Yes like that. That's a good one. That's a good one. Thanks for sending that in getting our attention on that because let us know how to say your name. I'm just going to call her Dee and I won't fail at that you go. Okay guys today. I need to talk to you about COs Theta by Lutron. It's smart lighting control brought to you by Lutron Pioneers in Smart Home Technology. A lot of people think you need smart bulbs to get smart lighting but there is a smarter way Casitas smart dimmers and switches replace the switch in your wall making all of the light switch controls act smart. Think about all the places in your home where a switch controls more than one bulb ceiling lights chandeliers bathroom vanities and more safe. By replacing the switches instead of replacing all of those bulbs smart bulbs give you the ability to control your lights with an app or voice assistant, but they sacrifice control from the wall switch. Casita gives you the best of both worlds smart lighting control from an app or your voice and control at the switch that anyone can use sometimes I just want to push the damn button the best part of my Lutron Casitas, which is the fact that I don't have to get my lazy ass off the couch to turn on the lamp in the corner. Oh my God, that's brilliant. So get smart lighting the That way with caseta by Lutron smart switches learn more about Casita at secret life. That's Lutron Secret Life highly Center Becca. I just started listening to your podcast listening to episode nine right now. I had a great friend once upon a time. She was the kind of friend you talk on the phone with often laugh and giggle together all the time. She and her live-in boyfriend got engaged in her personality changed almost overnight Brides. But to be sure I was asked to be a bridesmaid which I happily accepted because she was such a great friend. She asked someone that she used to work with that. She hadn't talked to in a few years to be her maid of honor. This maid of honor did nothing. So I scrambled to organize a bridal shower only the Bridesmaids showed up. I felt horrible that's a downer about a month before the wedding. She phoned in a panic she'd been unable to acquire a DJ for the wedding. She called Mark still. I was just thinking that oh, man. Stone is ready to Bone. That's all I'm ever going to think I've ever again every time I hear the word DJ Mark Stone, so my husband said he'd help. He went out and bought a mixing board because you know, that's a good idea and the two of us started downloading music almost non-stop because that's all that's involved. Really? Oh my gosh God that's a lot of work though to take that on stupid. She started to tanning. We went for a dress fitting the seamstress advised her to cut back on the tanning. You look like a carrot honey. Just stop this whole time. We never laughed or did anything together. Anywho a few days before the wedding. She phoned me totally de-stressed her future mother-in-law was supposed to be looking after she decided that she was going to buy a few Frozen boxes of chicken fingers for a hundred and fifty guests. Somehow I somehow I ended up taking care of the food a wedding is a special day and I just couldn't ruin it for them. I scrambled trying to find all kinds of finger sandwiches and appetizers Etc that I could make. Oh, wow, the rehearsal and dinner was the night before the wedding. The bride had made a new best friend oddly enough named Michelle as well. And the whole evening was totally about the two of them eyes. I spent the whole time looking at my watch because I still had shawls to finish for the bride and bridesmaids as well as prepare all of the food for the reception. Needless to say, I was up all night you oh my God, you're doing too much. Oh my gosh, that's crazy the day of the wedding the bride insisted that we meet at a salon. We had no idea what we were supposed to be doing there. I ended up getting told off by the hairdresser because I had washed my hair that morning and that I didn't know what I wanted done with my hair. Meanwhile the Also to do list is still beating on my mind a Mad Dash home get dressed load up the car with DJ equipment food and rush to the church. Wow, we get to the church. The bride is her old self again, like nothing had ever happened as if the way she had been acting for months never happened her new friend. Michelle was desperately trying to be part of it all but the bride totally brushed her off from this point on remember I mentioned tanning. Oh it does come back. Well, she wore White. And was so dark that her face didn't even show up and photos. Oh my God. Apparently she was so dark. She disappeared after the ceremony and photos. I rushed to the reception to set up the sound system and then jump into the kitchen, but the time I finally got out of there there wasn't even one little finger sandwich left. My husband needed a break. So I ended up playing DJ for about half of the evening. He needed a break half the eat. Maybe he was hungry. Somebody call Mark Stone immediately because this is not Okay, but you got to think he's been at the wedding all day with her. So DJ's they do the ceremony now see this is my point professionals. We got stamina. That's what we got. Yeah, there you go during the whole night. The bride was drinking champagne pretty much non-stop. She ended up hugging the toilet. I ended up holding her head and applying damp cloths to her forehead and back all of the guests including the other bridesmaids left. Even the groom didn't help out. That's bad finally the night so Over we pile the bride into the car and pack up our equipment did I mention that I had a work event that day. So we had from the reception to the end of my work event. I was up for at least 40 hours. Oh, yeah, no food either. How are you? Not dead right. Now this crazy Michelle, you're insane the bride and groom had registered at a fairly high end department store and had selected very expensive items about a month before the wedding. Absolutely. Nothing had been purchased from the registry. I purchased several items spending more money. I could really afford did I mention that I paid for all of the food a few weeks after the wedding. I received a standard. Thank you for your gift card. No mention of all the food music or anything else. I did. I never heard from them again. I'll never be a bridesmaid again Michelle. Yeah likes you did way too much. I know we've talked about how you know wedding parties have an obligation to do things. But that was way too much above and beyond I I think that's fair that you will never be a bridesmaid again because you had enough, you know, yeah, I wouldn't either but that shit no way. Oh my God. Okay ready for some double D's always. Oh guess what and it was sent in by a listener. Love those. What's the category dating dating? Let's do it. I promised you a few feel free to break them up or use them all in one. Thanks. Ladies Jackie. One first story I did it the sky my senior year of high school. Let's call him rich. I was his first person. I was the first person he had sex with and he was madly in love with me while we only dated for about 9 months. I broke it off because I just wasn't it just wasn't what I wanted. He faked cancer to try to get back together with me in hopes. I would feel sorry for him. That's so bad. Right fast forward a year or so I get dragged to a college party with some friends turns out Rich live there with some other people. I totally got drunk and told all his friends and roommates. What an asshole. He was I mean, come on who fakes cancer. That is some bad. Karma. How do you like but that's high school. How do you even have the oh man? Okay. That's a special kind of crazy. Hmm. You dodged a bullet there, darling. Story number two. I got so drunk one night. I stayed over at a guy's place. I was on a date with he had gone to a party and I wasn't going to be able to drive home. I have never in my life done this before but I was too drunk to wake up to pee turns out turns out I peed in his bed. I asked I asked him to get me a glass of water in the middle of the Night, and then I casually spilled it everywhere and hopes. He wouldn't notice of that that is so sweet. He changed the sheets in the dark. So I don't know if I got away with it or not. Huh? Needless to say I didn't see him again. That's great. You know what the best part is a girl goes out of her way to like, you know have some kind of sneaky plan to like cover it up a guide be Here pissed the bed. Sorry about that. Yeah. Yeah, right. Oh my God, I'd be mortified. Oh, yeah Story number three. Oh boy. You're on a roll but dating Ben had a crush on me in middle school, but I had no idea that Crush continued through high school and we became friends. He was a nice boy, so I wanted to keep hanging out with him, but I felt bad because it was definitely just as a friend we kept in touch. Touch every once in awhile when he went off to the military and I went off to college after my graduation. I moved seven hours to a new state little did. I know his whole family had moved South so when he got out of the military he moved to the same state just over an hour away. We hung out and caught up but his girlfriend was not happy fast forward another four years after our relationships with others had come and gone and we decided to hang out again. Note a few more times and then he went for it and kissed me three years later. We got married April 2019 and are happy as could be never thought moving to another state. I'd marry someone I knew from middle school. He always gives me shit about keeping him in the friend zone for 15 years. Great story. Wow. That reminds me of John Krasinski its name Krasinski. So how you say John Sampson ski cousins games and I don't know was her name Emily Blunt. He loved her from like the me. First time you met early. Yeah. Yeah, and then they like it took a while before they got together. It's crazy. Anyway, so sweet. Yeah. Thanks for sending those in so funny and congratulations. Yes, that's amazing. We're gonna end this week on a listener email about episode 103. So you guys may remember back in episode 103 were talking about a story about cream. It ashes and I don't I don't remember the details, but I do remember as talking about cremation and Ashes. It sounds like something we do. So she writes. Hey ladies. I was just listening to episode 1 of 3 Where You rabbit trailed about cremation versus burial and although it's not wanting related in the slightest. I have a story. I think you'd get a kick out of I used to work at a bank with a coin machine and people would regularly. Come into dumped in a ton of coins to deposit or turn into larger bills it often jammed. So I would fix it clean it or sometimes just help people use it. Oh no once I put the I see where this is going. One day. I had a middle-aged woman come in with several random containers of coins and by several, I mean like 15, they varied from Tupperware to or any boxes. I pointed her. Machine and told her to wave me down if she had any problems. I should have gone on break after one container. She called me over because the machine jammed turns out she was a housekeeper for an elderly woman who was a bit of a hoarder this old lady had a habit of collecting money and I wish I had a habit of collecting money, right? I want I want that problem good problems to have she just stashed it. Absolutely everywhere. She was Also, not fully there anymore. So her stash is were also full of buttons rocks trash and other random items. These own on coin items were jamming the machine who puts in an item. That's not a coin. She probably just dumped it, right? Oh, well you dump it into those machines and it sorts itself and it spits out a receipt. Yeah, and you yeah get bills. Let's not a sort. Are you freak? Anyway, these non coin items were jamming the machine, so I called over. Her co-worker to take over transactions while I helped clean out the junk from the machine after every box of coins after several containers. We had worked out a system where I dumped coins ran the credit on them and cleaned out the junk while the lady I was working with carried empty containers to her car and brought more containers in that's why it was me who dumped the Fateful box. I was getting dramatic I picked up. Up a colored tupperware box the kind with opaque size. So you can't see in Mystery Box. Yeah and went to dump it. I didn't look inside because every box had been coins and junk. So I was expecting more coins and junk the second the contents of the Box dumps on to the Spinning Disk that sorts coins. I was enveloped in a cloud of dust except it wasn't dust I was covered in and had inhaled human ash Oh my God, I would fucking freak. I would barf and blow my nose and do everything at the same time turns out old lady had a late husband whom she had cremated in kept around except in her declining State. She decided she wanted to use his urn for more important things like seven dollars and pennies. Oh my God. So all the ash was under the pennies. Oh my God. No, no. No, she took him out of the urn because she wanted to put seven dollars of pennies in his urn and she put him in a tough primary. Oh my God. Oh my God, so she transferred him to a tupperware container instead. I did my best to hold it together helps my customer finish processing three more boxes of coins. How did you stay how no IBO. I'm like, I'm done. I don't get paid enough for this shit. Like I quit this company I quit this day. I quit this life. I'm out. Oh, she she actually finished helping the woman process three more boxes of coins and then stumbled into my boss's office and said I am hail some dead guy. Can I go on a break? My boss made me clean the ash out of the coin machine first. I almost quit. I almost quit on the spot you're at oh who is your boss? They're a fucking douche walk douche. Canoe. I'm Be sure this is breaking some kind of Union rule. There's got to be a this can't be legal. There has to be something in the bylaws about inhaling dead dudes. When you have a dead body on you once a dead man enters you you may have a break. So that's the story of how I decided. I wanted to be buried and not cremated. That's also the story of why my lungs are haunted. The best love the show you guys are awesome. Wish you the best Ellie. Oh Ellie, that's the best friggin story ever. I'm so sorry that happened to you. No, I'm not it was hilarious. Yeah, I fucking love it because we got to read it. But I love how her lungs are haunted that must have been living apart. You are the shit. Oh my God. Thank you so much for hanging with us this week. By the way Rebecca. Now, this is me putting pressure on myself. Okay, you ready? Yeah, where we go this week. I'm going to tell I'm going to Everybody. Okay. I'm going to keep everybody updated. I just finished course one of my my real estate training. Okay. I picked the very first exam date. They had meeting. I'm one of the very I'm pretty much the first class taking it. I have no idea what I'm getting into except that it's going to be like 50 multiple choice questions and I'm studying my ass off and I only have oh my God, it's Friday and it's on Monday. So what Saturday Sunday two more days. Yes get Baby, I'm going to cram and the next time I'm at the next episode I'm going to have my my results and I'm going to share them no pressure. So you guys are going to be like and I'm not going to share them. No, I'm going to share them and you guys are going to know if I passed if I failed I will be honest about it. So I will tell you there's seven courses in total. The next one apparently is like 70 hours, which is crazy. The first one is only 15 guys. Wish me luck. I'm going in I'm going for it and I'll let You know how I score. Okay, but this is me putting a little ownership on it so that I'm going to kick its ass over the next few days and I will talk to you and update you next week. Nice. All right. Well, thanks for hanging out with us on this episode number 116 of the secret life of weddings podcast and Rebecca anything can happen at weddings and we will be here to tell you all about it. Hey, Rebecca. What do you think about penises? Yeah, I hate the really big ones like those really bother me there in the way there. Yeah. Well, that's it for us this week on The Secret Life of weddings podcast. If you need more drama in your life go over to slash secret life of weddings to sign up for additional weekly episodes. The first few episodes are free. So go check it out secret life of weddings, and we will see you here next week.
This week we say “screw it!” to boutonnieres, chat about a bride who ends up leaving her husband for her wedding DJ, a bride’s family tells her that she must kick out a trans member of her wedding party or else they won’t attend the wedding! A bridesmaid goes wayyy above and beyond and we hear from a listener who had a couple first dates you need to hear to believe! We finish up this week with a hilarious story about why a listener has haunted lungs and it is the BEST! Want more Secret Life of Weddings? Get some extra juicy stories exclusively available monthly on Patreon (the first few are free) plus early release ad-free main episodes every Monday over on Patreon! Become a Patron for as low as $3 a month & support the show at To share your story, please email [email protected] or visit *Join our private Facebook listener group at Chat with us on FlickChat: SPONSORS: Earnest - Our listeners get a $100 cash bonus when you refinance a student loan at Caséta by Lutron - Get smart lighting the smart way with Caséta by Lutron smart switches. Learn more about Caséta at
Hey afterbuzzers, before we move on to your next topic. We just want to say thanks to our sponsor. Anchor. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. Plus there are creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Also anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it could be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many more plus you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership, and it's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor. time to get started Presented by AfterBuzz TV and hosted by Hall of Fame Superstar Sean xpac Waltman, this is x hawk One Two Three Sixty and now you're her excited. You are going to be live star shine 3 2 1 Welcome To xpac One, Two Three Sixty finally back. Yeah, last Tuesday. It was a lot going on downtown Orlando performance center, and I could not connect cannot take the time to call in for the show. Sorry everyone so good. So I'll get how I missed you guys didn't get all the way here and then have me I kind of had a feeling that's why I texted you before hands. But either way, I mean major news coming out for NXT, especially the day that you were there as well. What was that? They're going to be on the USA Network. Do you think that people might still see NXT as the minor leagues now that they're on the USA? Maybe? Yeah. Yeah. I just think they're going to see him as different though more than anything. Right? And I honestly think that this is my prediction within six months are going to beat rock Smackdown in the ratings at least once interesting. Yeah, because I think yeah within my experience sooner maybe way sooner than six months. Yeah, seriously. Yeah, but it's tough to convince mainstream fans or casual fans that That these guys are on the same level when when it's easy for them to just say well, why aren't they on Raw where again Smackdown? So I'm hoping that yeah this kind of elevates them into and do like you said just being a third brand having two hours of live Primetime TV. And yeah, I'm hoping that that convinces people, you know, yeah. Yeah, I really do like I'm not just saying that to try to Hype up, you know, the, you know, positive attitude or whatever and just being you or not just being optimistic. I honestly think that that's going to happen. Yeah, really do yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely. All right. WWE is launching a podcast Network. So coming from a podcast app spec. That's really exciting. Yeah, they're going to be featuring several series that are focused on WWE Superstars wrestlers and content. The Bell is podcast is already named one of the podcast that will be part of this. Do you have any thoughts they mentioned it to me a couple months back and then like three or four months ago. Now this was gonna happen. I was just waiting for the announcement. That's why I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner, right? That's all now. Like I did see something work. I don't know some music Conrad said the days of the golden era of rustling podcasting is overs. And yeah, that's true right auntie. I don't I don't get that. Yeah, huh. I feel like no matter what if anything that's going to get hotter. I think especially now with you know, aw coming in and sort of adding that aspect of you know competition people are going to be wanting to tune into these podcasts and be like what are people saying I've anything I think that it's going to add to the hype and the conversation surrounding pro wrestling. Yeah, but I think I think one of the things that people might get weary of is like is is this going to be you know, like corporate approved? Testing, you know, that's probably gonna be a little bit of a little bit of that. Right? Right. Right, right and I'm in trouble. I think it'll still be good. I mean, I think there's still so much content on the network that takes us behind the scenes, you know with without completely reckon the the illusion but I think that that might be what people are kind of worried about but I think yeah, I think there would be plenty of others even outside of this network, you know, once again, it's it'll just it'll be good for everyone. I mean, I'm not like I didn't look further into it, you know in the comment, you know the supposed to comrades. For Beltran sure. I just I don't know if he means like okay, we're not going to have as many guests on the I see you know, they also for podcasts that aren't on the W podcast Network or I don't understand. I'm not sure but interests honest, I'm not sure how that affects like outside wrestling podcasts. Yeah, but maybe it does I just I'm not seeing it yet. No, huh? All right. So let's go ahead and Shift into him some aew near so all out is on August 31st this coming weekend and we had one of the matches change Kenny. Omega will no longer be facing Jon Moxley because Jon Moxley essentially has MRSA which rooster which is a staph infection in his elbow and he got that during the G1 and is obviously going to be out and cannot face Kenny Omega, but he now has a replaced opponent, which is Pock a so, you know, Marissa is way. Way more serious than just regular staff real bad. Yeah, you can die from Mersa and I've heard like I've seen some people at like, oh, it's not like he has cancer or something. Well, the only the differences like cancer is not contagious. I mean well for the most part the right some people think you know, like I don't know come about ready to get off into the Weeds on anyway point my fucking mind. All over the place tonight. So why it's so serious. Yeah. That's a big deal. And it's I've been there's been other cases of this lately and I'm concerned like, you know. when you're going around and and you're doing shows like outside shows that maybe are you know, you don't know when you go to a certain promotion like you are they cleaning the Rings like the canvas because a lot of times that doesn't happen. Right? And I mean I'm concerned about like this. Thank God, they took him out of this and didn't just try to cover it up. Yes. I can just pretend that, you know, maybe covers elbow. Whatever the fuck it was his elbow something. Yeah. It's crazy at the same thing happen with Ricochet when he was supposed to do the thing with us had their re-union. All right, Mmm Yeah, but I think he just had staff. It wasn't Marissa. Yeah, but yeah, I'm concerned like this is something I have seen a bit of lately and in the more guys are going around and traveling from you know here and there and, you know picking this up and maybe even spreading it before you even know you have it. And so yeah, it's good. They took him out of this at obviously. It's not ideal and I think they did the best thing they could have I mean as far as Replacements go like of all people out there like I think POC is you know, yeah considering the history with him and aw recent history like makes sense to me. Yeah. This is going to be a fun match glad to see him coming back in the in the in the atw picture. Hmm, like wrestling business wise, I think actually Like this match is it's a pro because not only does it scan POC wrestle, you know, the Kenny Omega style, you know a lot more similar so they can have a really strong match for the show. But now when Jon Moxley is healthy and can come back they can build the Jon Moxley Kenny Omega Feud even bigger now on TV and make it may be a lot more hotter than it would have been just put in on on all out. So I'm wondering if this is going to affect the by rate at all and you know some because I I did see, you know, some people complaining and bright and it wasn't complaining about the replacement just that there was no like it was just an announcement this replacement but there was no like extra build up to try to kind of build another little story Little I don't know right? Yeah, but you know, how do you do that? A couple weeks or a week? Was that week notice? It's something like that. Yeah. Government week because it's still this coming weekend. So, you know this weekend is a week. So maybe a few given change a few extra days. Yeah. I remember in time too long ago where Dude, it just gone out there with Marissa, right? Yeah. Yeah. No, absolutely. But luckily. I like you said they nipped it in the bud got them replaced. I think honestly both of these are dream matches. So it's kind of a you know, like you said my ideal scenario. So I do get it, you know, like it would be great if there was a buildup from like any button. I mean, it's who you deal with things exactly. I mean, those are the circumstance you have to deal with the not good for them for you actually, you know reaching out and getting And it's like we said that at least there is some sort of history there with potkin atw so it's not like there's absolutely nothing sound like they're going in cold, but it'll be good either way. All right, and then some more aw, aw news. They've recently sent out a press release that Tony Shivani has signed a multi-year agreement with aw. And the cool thing is he's also going to be serving as a senior producer for events and the other cool thing which I think is that he's still able to work his other jobs with the University of Georgia the baseball Network and mlw I'm good. Yeah, that'll be great. I like it. I like it's just it's a familiar face and a familiar voice, you know along with allow that Jr. And I think it matters. I mean it's but I think I think it's actually kind of The Best of Both Worlds because it is a familiar voice but it's one that wrestling fans haven't heard in so long. So there's that that kind of nostalgia element, you know, and I like, you know, like X the thought of Xcalibur being in there with that. The kind of just you know, keep things fresh. ER up put it right. But yeah, you know getting that new blood in there. Exactly. Yeah, you know. All right. Look for Tony. I'm glad to see Tony back in the in the picture and the wrestling industry. Thank you been busy with all of those jobs. Yeah, that's a lot. Yeah, that'll be good. That's awesome. All right, let's go ahead and move into raw. So maybe some of the key things that we want to talk about. Let's go ahead and start it off with Sasha Banks open. And promo on robber. She basically talks about her 4 month absent. She talks about throwing a fit crying on the floor taking her ball home not caring about her WrestleMania match and basically saying that the belts the tag-team women spouts meant less that last like I must have missed that part. Yeah. She said that they know that she wasn't a match for Wrestlemania and that she thought the women's tag team belts meant like well, she said she was defending belt if she didn't care about huh? Yeah. How that plays into like creatively like I don't get that part but like everything else I understand. Yeah, it's funny that she would mention that, you know, take your ball and go home thing and the crying on the ground because like there was reports of that. Well, I think yeah, I think that's what they wanted is just to like shut everyone up just go ahead and address it, you know and just use it as ammunition. Basically if I mean if it really happened, right? so I I'm not a fan of playing entrance music when you're running out to attack somebody right fuck come on because it gives the Alameda of though. This was we were just waiting for it to happen. This bitch's ass, but right but you know, what I will say this I really do like Sasha's new attitude of this like bad girl, and she even went on to say like I am the standard for Is Women's Division and I do kind of like that edginess that she brought to it that well, that's the thing, but when she was at when she was in in NXT and then her and Bailey were putting on Legit match of the Year candidates, you know, she was doing her best work as a heel. The boss character is is a natural heel character. And so I think it's long overdue. All right, and I know do one talk about the Drew McIntyre Ricochet match. Yeah any thoughts on that? I thought the right person went over. Mmm. Actually, you know, what would be my choice did but I think I would like to see either one of those guys as King of the Ring. I think they both them be good for different reasons, right? I thought that it really good match. I was going to win it the the whole tournament. Yeah, that's a good question Seabrook. Say when he's my he's my he's my choice. Mmm. You got think anybody else. I'm I think what what what I was thinking might have might have been Samoa Joe. Maybe I'll kind of get him some some Goodwill. I think that he's such a reliable player for them. They keep putting him in these high profile matches, but they put them in situations where he can't win and so I'm hoping This is something that can kind of generate them some of that good. Well now I feel like Samoa Joe hasn't had that key moment. You definitely were like, okay now this there are some serious focus on this not I feel like he's always you know, how they always say like always a bridesmaid never the bride. That's sort of deal. I feel like that's what we're getting exactly. That's what I'm yeah, so so it'll be interesting. I mean, I would also love to see Andre go go at least go to the finals. I mean a finals with undried a and Ricochet would be out of this world. Sure. Yeah. Shit, I just had a thought people are used to me having thoughts on the show some you guys talk about some other key moment. So Seth has officially accepted bronze challenge for WB Clash of Champions. So they're essentially having two matches now because they're both Tag Team Champions, and now they're having this match against one another. How do we like this chemistry? We're gonna like it. Yeah. And obviously the people do because did you see the reaction they got when they won? Yeah, title knows. Oh, yes, he had reaction, right, you know. Yeah, it's interesting. I'm just waiting to see where it goes because for me I was happy to see those Tag Team Championships on Anderson and Gallows and I would have liked to seen it, you know, stay with those guys for a minute. Right? Right. It seems like there. Kind of being hunted around a little bit. But if they have this long-term plan where this makes sense then I'm all like I don't want to get too judgmental on guy like you take it up those guys put it around. They don't need it. Well if it makes sense in the long term like sometimes we just step back and just see how things play out before we start just criticizing. Sure. Well, let's be honest. It's bullshit we can we can use that as a segue to talk about the tag team turmoil match and kind of the we've got new number-one contenders and Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler. Yeah. Not only that but they went over clean several other teams in that match, maybe three or four other teams. So it's interesting that this is a new team never team before kind of getting hot shot into this this tag title man feels like err. Yeah feels hot shot. It feels like they were just thrown together. They're both good really good. Yeah, you know anything about each other. Yeah. Wow, the stuff that they were doing in that match was was really good with heavy machinery and and with everyone else that they were there were working with So it'll be interesting to see how they work how they work against Braun and Seth for sure. Huh? All right, any other thoughts on Raw any other moments you guys want to talk about I would say that those were pretty much some of the biggest highlights in terms of the show. We did have a new Firefly fun. Fun house segment was fun. I like where he was where he was spelling out sociopath making it seem like very obviously very kid-like. But at the same time he's teaching them aware that maybe kids one of my favorites. And and that was really more just a compilation of everything that we'd seen before but I think to that point I think that's that's a positive. I think keeping the fiend off TV unless it's absolutely necessary is the right way to go. Yeah, no bird own overexpose the theme the red one right but I did see some people on Twitter, you know, there's always those people that are that you don't agree with on Twitter, but I did see people on Twitter that were upset that you know that they want to see him on every show. Well, here's here's what I what I enjoy someone on Ray. It had a really good and it really interesting point that braised found a way to be his own manager at this point. He's playing this monster that never speaks his own now, please yeah, he's his own man of Peace. That's so fascinating to me and he's so good at both in such different ways. Yeah, my girlfriend really and you know, and only reason I'm bringing this up is because she's a writer very successful one and and so she knows her shit when it comes to this type of stuff. She really enjoyed that segment. Yeah. Awesome. Yeah about it. She just said that just by watching that she gets exactly what his character is all about. So, yeah, definitely. Yes, that makes sense and especially like sometimes like you don't even really know like you're like, what is this guy heels if I'm okay, but why you know, we've had that argument in the past about other, you know other people and even if you have never seen it before and you just turn tune in to the one last night like yeah, you kind of figure out what's going on there and you know what it's about. So definitely. All right. Do you want to wrap up Ron jump into our second our next segment? Yeah. Yeah. Let's do it. Our last segment for today. We're going to be talking about your 1995 match at SummerSlam versus hot cushy cushy defeated you the 1-2-3 Kid tell us a little bit about this match in and it was August 27 1995. So we're talking about like 24 years now since it's been that match let's refresh a little bit and you know sort of talk about Feelings going into this. Well, I had worked with hakushi matter of fact as far as anyone in WWF at the time. I was the first one to ever work with with him when he was Gin Sation Zaki when we had this tour of Japan 1994. It was kind of like in conjunction with ten ruse group. I mean we use their ring and everything like that. I was actually part of the problem like If you go there the WWF tour and it just looks like WWF guys on a Japanese show. It's a Japanese rang and you know, they have a Japanese ring announcer. When you go to Japan and WWE. You have WWE show the Japanese people. They want to see what they see on TV. Hmm. They want to see Howard Finkel. They want to see the fucking ring with the red white and blue robes, which is what WWE's ring was at the time all of that, right? So anyways, the tour had a few issues, but I don't know where to go into all that, you know me, but I was getting at is I just I had a match with with Wishin Zaki and we kind of killed it actually finished get screwed up but like everything leading up to it. Let me a bitch was I awful but hmm, there was a little much but it was enough for people like in the company to go. Holy shit. We got something with this guy and before the tour was over. He was working with Undertaker while Yamaguchi was coming out with a hat like Undertaker's head like like like it was you know, yeah, is that chopped off and it was it was anyone's kind of crazy. So all that being said like I had other matches with With him before we had that summer saying match, but that was the idea like that put that they put us in that match and that spot and it wasn't the first match on the show, but it was one of the early matches that help set the pace for the rest of the show. I think I think the first match on the show was actually Hunters very first pay-per-view. Oh, wow. Yeah. I think you work what? You know, I know he worked with Bob Holly. Hmm, and I'm pretty sure That was the opening match, but I'm don't share no. No. But that was a good one too. It's just you know, we you know what? I Lost Rhino it was really hard for me to pull out, you know, you talked about the things you talked about like how I set the pace and one thing I noticed going back and re-watching. This is that it was so ahead of its time and so kind of fast paced for that that era it seemed like Actually, like there was we did some things that were fast and like we're at Lake and there was sudden, but if you actually watch the pacing that match it was actually slow. Okay, it just seemed like it because the things we would do were fast. Yeah. It's just the pacing was slow and that's like something that that I think was really good about that magic because everyone could digest everything we would do something give it time to breathe, right? Yeah something Give it time to break them going to the he, you know all that and so even though he was a heel and the people are with me. He didn't do a ton of he last stuff. He's by that's fine space tiger drops and 1990. Fuck. Sure. Yeah, he hit me with a Bronco Buster before I was going to ask about that. You know, I'm pretty sure people know now that's where I got it from because I've said it a billion times for people. In the back that haven't been listening. Was there any sort of a language barrier between you guys working together little bit Mmm Yeah, but you know, nothing major is I just the same that you know, I would have to deal with right, you know, like going on Japan tour and I mean he actually had a lot he spoke wrestling English right wrestling that's such a fascinating concept to me using that and using kind of body language putting together spots that with people that don't necessarily speak your language. And they know we did some cool things that you would never see at the time and things that you know, I got from you know, all my travels around the world right actually stolen some of it like great from like tiger mask matches things like that. Yeah. Do you think he came a few years, you know before because considering that he was wrestling like this different style that maybe we weren't really seeing that often and maybe weren't really introduced to it and in the u.s. Until you know, J'adore started coming to ECW. So do you think he was a few years before his time? Uh, yeah, I mean, yeah, I guess mmm. it's just I mean he was he was a huge name in Japan. But yeah, it makes wasn't huge name. But he was very like he was he was a huge. Yeah, because he wasn't like a new Japan or whatever but like in the rest of History over there, you know, he was yeah. Yeah. Yeah coming and you know, they know, you know the real wrestling fans in Japan new. Yeah, one of the things that that jumped out at me again going back and watching this is how how kind of out of nowhere the finish the Finish sort of came. Yeah, that's you go for this spinning. Okay, and just immediately he turns it into this part of a powerbomb. I got one arm pail. Exactly. And I love those days where that one two, three could come from from anything. Was that something you guys Ed had kind of meant meant to sort of? Yeah do yeah, that's kind of how I like to do finishes in matches like that. Mmm. He was using he was using the diving headbutt items using the Power Bomb. But but yeah that was such an interesting way to go into it. Yeah, but I mean if I went back and really like Dissect to the there might have been some things. I would have done different knowing what I know now, but like yeah and people I people appreciated the Magi have you watch her reaction, you know, I was high. Yeah, and they just appreciated the quality in the match and no and you know, how hard we worked and okay and there's a replay. Yeah, so okay. Yeah. Yeah. I got all my shit in the end of the day. Yeah, so Let me kiss other getting ready to like he had matches what Brad after this and write they you know, they use them for some for some other things after that. Yeah, definitely. How was it kind of integrating your guys a sort of did he have a martial arts background before he got into her wrestling? I have no idea. Yeah, sometimes I I mean I imagine right right imagine. He might have because I mean because his technique was pretty good. So yeah, yeah one of us, you know, a lot of us have like green belt in Taekwondo or took some karate classes or whatever sure but yeah, definitely am for anyone watching or listening go back to the network re-watch that SummerSlam 95 such good stuff. Well and you know, this is also the show where they had the second lat. Match between Razor Ramon and Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels. Yeah. Absolutely. This has been talked about but I'll mention it on here. You know, Sean's got you know, all of us. We got together and helped put that match together to write. Okay, we got together. We watched tapes of the first one. And then also there were some there were some restrictions placed on that match like you tell you weren't allowed to you. Use the ladder as a weapon. Oh, wow, even though they still managed to fit in there somehow right but things like that. So there was you know, a lot of people had no idea they went into that match with handcuffs on. Hmm. And it's the match. I mean, it's It got really good reviews. It was excellent match and there's some people even like that better than the first one. Yeah. I had always liked it more growing up maybe yeah, but do you think those restrictions were imposed because they thought maybe the Wrestlemania 10 matches too dangerous? No. No, there was just the climate at the time for us as far as on TV. I think everyone like all eyes on us like, you know to Violent this and that, you know, there was just a lot of He's under a lot of scrutiny at the time for a lot of reasons. So yeah, that was it God. I can't remember what the other things like that we weren't allowed to do at that point. Some of them made signs and some didn't right exactly. But also on that show, I think that was a brat versus Isaac yankem SummerSlam 95. Yeah. Yeah and in King Mabel Versus diesel I remember that one. Yeah and the big thing with that match was Mabel want to drop the like he did this thing where he dropped his ass on people and just complete that way. Yeah and Kevin specifically told him absolutely under no fucking circumstances right do that to me, right? And he fucking did it. Anyhow, he almost killed Gap was just fucking crippled him right and like they were going to fire him and calves a'ight. Don't I don't fire? Like honestly, I'd be honest with you like when you do something like that and I love me' by loved. I love this but that was fucking bullshit was selfish and you know, really it really hurt Kevin. He's fucked him up. And so that is something that you should get fired for sure, honestly. Yeah, when you're that big with that sort of sort of deadweight kind of sheer drop. Yeah. I fucked him up. I don't understand how he thought that Like that would be I mean, it's 500 fucking pounds, right? So yeah, so yeah a lot of anyway, yeah point being a lot of good stuff to go back and watch John on SummerSlam 95. I really loved that but the venue it's not there anymore the Civic Arena and Pittsburgh. Yeah. It was really cool. Like there's another building in its place will text me in the parking lot. But the cool thing about that venue was the roof opened up. Oh, yeah. So like you one time we were Show there and the big selling point was like summertime and after the show, they opened the well, actually they have the roof open the whole time. I think and after the show, they had fireworks. Oh cool. It was kind of cool. Yes. Yeah. How does it feel like going back and watching some of your old matches and like knowing like how much time has gone by wow, just think yeah because I think about that now like when I go back and watch old stuff because you know, I was Doing that 10 years ago watching on stuff, but it was on it was a you know, it's only a few years less time is old at the time announcing. Wow, and it's a lot, you know, like the The long the owner I get like the faster time seems to go. Yeah. I had I had read somewhere that kind of scientifically because as you get older a year represents less, absolutely. I was trying to figure out how to say that my brain is scrambled it. It makes sense for sure. He just keeps going faster. Yep. So I was there's other things I want to talk about. Yeah, but I just can't because I don't want to jinx them, but I have some really cool things going on and even if they don't end up happening, it's still like Cool shit exactly how to put that positive energy. Yeah. I'm even up for some of this stuff. Yeah. So there we go. Alright anything else when I guess anything else has has everything in your area with the Eagle Rock Fire Control like on the way here. I could see all the hillside burnt and everything. That was yeah that was literally right down the street are the flame still happening around that Ben could know your might still be some because I smell you know, I smelt On the way, I know people were something like fire like, you know like it. What was that now? I'm trying to figure out what I thought that smell was. Anyways, it was great. But yeah, that's still going on. Yeah boy, like who gives a fuck? No one had to be evacuated right super scary and then the side just stand outside and like from the like there's a deck at house and like you can look down and see like Figueroa Street and cholera Colorado Boulevard like doing they shut the oh my God this door. He's got like who gives a fuck about this story? Oh my God. I was just going to say I'm just sitting and watching traffic honking at each other and you know arguing getting in fights over right? Right, but luckily you guys are you guys got good fine? Yeah, but it's everyone's harp to an end today. I love all y'all shit. Yeah, that's it. I'm gonna wrap it up. Let's go ahead and give some handles and all of that. So guys do not forget / Xbox make sure to check out check out the Twitter Facebook Instagram Xbox One to 360 and Xbox One to 360 show for clips and so much more and you guys can find me on Twitter and on Instagram @ underscore Danny saucedo. Y'all can find me on Twitter and Instagram at time Matthews PMA. At the real Lex Puck on Twitter at relax Puck on Instagram. There's other did you already say the other ones? Yeah the show ones. Yeah. All right. We'll see you right here next week from AfterBuzz TV studios in North, Hollywood, California. Maria Menounos, Keven undergaro Sean Waltman and the entire Xbox One to 360 staff. Thank you for tuning into Xbox One to 360.
Today we discuss Sean's iconic match w/ Hakushi, RAW Highlights, and NXT's move to USA. Sean “X-Pac” Waltman and Co-founder of AfterBuzz TV Keven Undergaro have teamed up to bring a podcast with a full circle look at life from outside the squared circle. AfterBuzz TV presents Xpac12360. X-Pac has many stories to tell that may help listeners relate, inspire them in their own lives, or just be entertained. And of course, there will be guests. So plan on seeing his group of usual suspects along with a mix of wrestlers, celebrities, and comedians. X-Pac has known and shared many road trips, locker rooms, and life moments with these guests. Where these conversations will go? No one knows, but we do know they will be entertaining. About The Show: AfterBuzz Tv's Keven Undergaro alongside Sean “X-Pac” Waltman bring you a podcast with a full circle look at life from outside the squared circle. AfterBuzz TV presents X-Pac 12360. X-Pac has many stories to tell that may help listeners relate, inspire them in their own lives, or just be entertained. And of course, there will be guests. So plan on seeing his group of usual suspects along with a mix of wrestlers, celebrities, and comedians. X-Pac has known and shared many road trips, locker rooms, and life moments with these guests. Where these conversations will go? No one knows, but we do know they will be entertaining. With X-Pac, guests are just friends hanging out having a chat about old times and new frontiers. Listening to these conversations will make you feel like you are a fly on the locker room, green room, or bar wall. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
So I love creating these episodes for you guys on the warrior dad's podcast and one of the ways I'm able to do that is by using anchor and if you have an idea that you want to turn into a podcast anchor might be a really good way for you to get started a couple cool things about it is it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or your computer anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So you can get it on Apple podcast Spotify Stitcher Google and a lot of other ones you can even make money.Your podcast with no minimum listenership at you just create ads and get sponsors similar to this one and it's basically everything you need all in one place. So to get more information just to download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. As Warrior dad's we got to tackle a lot of things but tackling low testosterone levels should definitely not be one of them. We need to keep our testosterone at Peak levels. And that is absolutely crucial for all of us. So I'm sure you know all the horrible things associated with low T levels. If you don't it's definitely not pretty it's Google search away, but unfortunately testosterone levels in men have been consistently decreasing over the last two decades and it's actually one of the biggest conversations. I have to have when working with men which is why I Decided to create the warrior dad's testosterone booster guide and checklist. It's a free download and all you have to do is go to check list dot Warrior dad' just download it start start implementing it and start to feel the difference. So again, go to check list dot Warrior dad' and get your free copy now. Being a dad isn't always easy, but it's the best thing I ever did. I'm constantly improving myself to be the best that I can be through Fitness Nutrition mindset and lifestyle as father's we pass on many things to our children such as our mindset our habits our attitude and what we've learned along the way each of these will shape who our children are and who they will become the warrior dad's mission is to help you become the healthiest version of yourself to hone your Edge and to live with purpose. My name is Jim Berta me. This is the warrior dad's podcast. Hey guys. Thanks for tuning in for another episode of The Warrior dad's podcast today. I am truly truly honored to be with an American hero Dom raw. So I've been trying to get him on the show for quite a quite a long time. So this is been a long time coming really excited really pumped to have him on the show and the be able to have him share his experience his mindset with you guys. And I know you're going to take away a ton from this interview. So before I bring them on Dom is a 12-year veteran Navy SEAL. The owner of dynamis Alliance and adaptive X both our equipment and apparel companies bringing the best quality and function to the market and every day low visibility gear. They offer products such as jeans belts bags blades t-shirts holsters belt clips and that's just the beginning Dom believes is our duty and our duty to honor and respect the sacrifices made by the men and women who have sacrificed for us Dom's mission is to educate train and equipped fellow Warriors and citizens to Become assets to themselves their families and this country Dom. Thank you so much for coming on the show, man. I really appreciate it. Absolutely Jim. I'm pumped man becoming assets and I don't know if there's a better asset in the world than a warrior Dad. We need more of them. So I was pumped to come on here man. I love what you're doing. You know, it's the base Foundation of bringing our kids into the world in a better place making them better and setting them up for Success, which we know today. We're having a really hard time. Doing especially the masses and then it's important to keep that mentality of okay, so I'm looking at your logo, right? You've got a Spartan helmet and you've got Warrior dad's. Well, first of all, you always go back to the mentality of it took 300 guys to defeat an entire Army and really make a huge impact with a small amount of men and I believe that if we keep that mentality of it only is going to take a small amount of men to be Warriors, but to truly convict themselves of that to make an impact in the world to be better fathers. As and lead the Next Generation. Yeah, that's awesome man. That's actually the first time anyone's actually ever kind of put that together with the logo you like the tie this in the helmet there totally. Yeah, it's awesome. And it's kind of like the everyday guy, right? It doesn't it's not about you know, just being, you know a word as not just being about being a soldier or if you're in the military, you know active duty or for military something like that or first responder. It's just you know, it's Everyday People, right? Yeah. It's in our blood. It's in our blood to be Warriors. It's in our lineage. It's in our DNA. It's in our history and like the tie on there. The modern guy right is losing touch with their ability to become a warrior and it's always been an aspiration about culture to become the warrior. And we you know throughout history throughout every part of their culture. The warrior is almost being segregated as a bad thing now and it's because everybody finds a lot of ease and comfort and to not having to strive to be the warrior, but it's never been in our culture there like, oh the rock or whatever the heck of a celebrity you want to come up with like that's who people are filling their feed with looks like that, you know, go back a thousand years is like your feed would have been filled up with what's the the baddest warrior in town doing and how is he leading his life for his family? How's he providing and house he forging his mindset in order to make this town better. Like that's what it was all about. Everybody was interconnected and we still have that. It's in our blood. It's in our DNA but people are forgetting in there. They'd rather not make them that that choice because it's easier for them to justify shoving their face full of Ben and Jerry's and watching Netflix all night. Yeah, and you know, you mentioned something there. It was a couple things there, you know, you're talking about how this person is leading the town, you know, so I know we're going to get into leadership today because that's a huge aspect. Act of course of the father figure in the family and you know just being a dad in general but then you know, you also mentioned something about putting down that Warrior aspect and I feel like over the years now with people just getting enough to put this whole thing down because I get the whole point behind it, but it's like these participation trophies or you know in competitions and things like that, you know, we're kind of putting down that that male attitude that that Yang aspect too. You know the male the male way and I feel like it's just kind of like no. No you shouldn't do that. You shouldn't do that. You should be more gentle you should be more in touch with your soft side or your feminine side or things like that and it's not to say that a person can't have a soft side, but it doesn't mean that they have to be soft in nature. What do you think about that? And I want to write a book probably going to brighten a couple of books because I want people to understand this and I've known it since I was a kid when you see these things transpire in your life, but I'll never forget. My dad is you know, I'll say this again and I'm sure we'll come up a lot more a lot more. But my dad is one of the greatest leaders that I've had in my life for a lot of different reasons what to do what not to do, but at the end of the day there were times where I wanted to do something on my Other and he either gauged or he didn't engage it was either like that. Let's go run down the street and he was like, I'm good right now. I've got this going on in this this and this or was like Dad. Let's go. Let's go in the boat and go fishing. All right, let's go and it's a choice and you can let kids push you if you let them there's always going to be an excuse and there's always going to be a distraction for what the kids distract you kids will make it more difficult for you. Do you think that I want to go run down the street? Eat every second of the day or do something my kids. Like let's go jump in the freezing cold pool. It's like yeah. I have no problem doing I've been torturing myself my whole career, but at the end of the day, he's driving me to be better, but I have to let him do that. And the problem is the reason I say that first it's because people are getting so used to making the excuse of not letting their kids push them and that goes a long with exactly what you just said about participation trophies and everything else to make them feel better about Sitting in it's all about it's all about catering to their emotional and current state of well-being with no drive. No push no adversity. No Challenge and ultimately you are you are doing nothing but bad and negative things and impact for their future because there are trying to they want to push themselves, but they need you to validate that for them. And when it comes to the pan when it comes to the coach when it comes to the teacher and all Those people guess what path is easier to take these half where you don't let them challenge you you don't have to do anything to sit there and be like, oh, you know what guys everybody's the same everybody needs to get along. Everybody needs to be on the playing field. Like did I have been researching relativism like it's going out of style and I have been like really really really diving into what relativism means and if nobody's right everybody's right and everybody's just on the same playing field. Everybody's just going to kind of get along and play into what everybody else is going on. If I'm a coach it's easier for me to take that path and pull somebody aside and have a really freaking hard conversation. So, you know, what what you're doing is just not cutting it you're slacking. You're not putting the effort into it. You're not challenging yourself and your parents suck because they're not putting the extra time and effort into that what you need. You want to be a better baseball player. You want to be a better football player. I can see it but you're failing because your parents are letting you fail and I'm letting you fail because nobody wants to make you go. Oh cry on the bench to confront the hard truths that you need to face and it is a tough conversation bottom line. It's a tough conversation to have guess what I've talked like this before but I have four kids and now I have no problem saying it and I've experienced these things and I'm learning every day. I got a nine-year-old son every day. I'm starting to understand how he's developing how he's growing what investment have I made since he was born till right now has played out come to fruition what hasn't worked what has worked and I'm going to continue. To learn through that and through kids that I've developed over my lifetime. My nephew's my nieces and the end of the day. It's like we keep trying to put everything in a box when all they need and everything they need is to be pushed and challenged. They need to confront the hard truths except people. Just want to take that path of least resistance parents and teachers and coaches would just rather not confront the more difficult things because then it's a piece of paperwork. They need to fill out or somebody's going to slap on the hand or somebody's to say that you're being intolerant or you're being anything that we categorize people. It's insane. I mean we are literally Getting everybody to be weaker. Yeah, and as a whole and it's really starting to affect our future generations of what they're looking up to and if you look at the Modern household in the modern parenting style like I got to go work. So here's an iPad here. Here's some video games. I'll just go just go rot your brain on the couch. Well, I do what I want to do because I'm being effing selfish and I can't confront the fact that you know what my kids need me the most valuable place that I can be as in front of my kids and we Are not immune to it and you're going to be distracted is going to be things that come up but I just challenge everybody to continue to take the path that's harder to to confront. What's going to make them better. Even if it's going to make them cry, even if it's uncomfortable for you. You've got to be able to step up and do the right thing. Yeah, I mean that ties in with you know, I'm sure you're already teaching all four of your kids these two main key points that anybody that goes to the website. Right, which is dynamis and will mention that again later to but anybody that goes to that site and starts reading around or poking now, you know poking around the internet looking more into you they're going to come away with two things the will to fight mindset and the crush everything attitude. Right? And I'm sure you're already instilling that in your kids, right? Absolutely a hundred percent those those two things and we always need something in the human form in the physical form the connect with And Crush everything came out of one of my best friends that was killed overseas. I was with them Louis the font. I honor him every day. He was made such an impact on me and we would go to the gym. We would go free dive we would go on target. We would go trained to do IED detection. I mean the list goes on and we would always be like, let's go crush it. Let's go crush it. We're going to crush this. We're going to crush that it even got to the point. We're like we're going to go Crush some snacks and Crush launch and eventually it just you know, we were so we just used it all the time, you know after he was killed, you know, I started to look around and the effort that we put into things as like when we did it. We did it with everything that we possibly could, you know, we didn't want to waste any time we knew life was short and we knew how valuable it was to put the effort into what we wanted to accomplish and it could be running. It could be free diving was a big thing. We did a lot and anything we trained in we were like we got to go. Thousand percent. There's no if you hold back at all, we're missing an opportunity every day, there's an opportunity. So when we started to say Crush all those things, you know, the end I was like, you know, we always just crushed everything we did and it was an attitude that we both instilled in each other and we both cultivated in each other and we both validated in each other and you need to do that with people and we all have a choice to have an attitude whatever we are confronted with. It's the attitude that we're faced with every single moment and I try to be positive in Everything that I do but that Crush everything attitude is exactly what it is is like I can have a crappy attitude throughout the day and being negative and have negative self-talk the I'm going to kind of do this half-heartedly. It's like, hey man, once this time goes by you don't get it back and at the end of the day like without you need to apply that effort to everything that you do because when the day ends of the weekend's of the year ends, I really don't want you or anybody else or myself or my family looking back on the air and they're like man, you know, We didn't really try our hardest. We just kind of did it half we did it 50 percent. We did it 25% You know, what if we just tried a little bit harder, like maybe we would have accomplished XY and z and at the end of the day if I put a thousand percent of my heart and my attitude into B into crushing everything that's laid in front of me every day. I'm not going to look back at the end of today Jim and say man, I could have just done a little bit more like I'm doing this podcast. I'm crushing this podcast with you the second I get off this I am going to go do something with my team to make my team better and then I'm going to go Crush some content and I'm going to go with Crush something else that's going to ultimately put me in a state of momentum to not let anything get in my way and just have that attitude. So I think people are given a choice and at the end of the day you need to make am I going to go after this with a thousand percent of myself on my gonna half-ass it with a half heart and I just challenged people to put that thousand percent effort in and then the other mindset well first, let me just connect with my kids. Quick one of the things that we've got going on over the last week and we're always evolving always adapting but there is the you know, there is no try only do. All right. Yep, but when my kids are attempting something, you know, it's all about context. We talk about firearm safety we can talk about that, you know, maybe if we go through it in this but there's a real connection with how you're teaching your kids. It's very very important to have constant context. But if my kids are two or three They might not understand there is no try only do not wait. What the heck you're talking about like yeah. No, I'm trying right now like the way they understand and consume information for my kids in the very beginning. It was to always try and I told my son lately now that he's nine. I was like alright son was like there's still try and now eventually when you become more of an adult you're going to understand that you're going to graduate to there is no try there's only do and I think that this is an important transition there. Because it was important for me at a young age to tell my kids to try no matter what they did. No matter what they attempted weather was talking moving working out swimming. I always made them try when I talk about good raps. Like I always say always get good reps in and even if that's what my kid, even if it's me standing there for an hour suffering through the crying and the not understanding why they're sitting there doing it is like I always connect the why with what they're doing, but no matter what it was. So I always made them attempt it first, even if it was my daughter lifting her hand up to grab something that she didn't want to do. If I at least got that connection, I was happy with it was a win was like, alright, you moved in the direction of forward momentum. I didn't let you quit and I didn't let you walk away. No matter what it was and believe me all their challenges their absolutely your nets never going to be perfect. But I always strive to get good reps with my kids to move forward in the right direction. They both wear Crush everything shirts. They both know what it means. I mean, it's the cutest thing my daughter would like I crushed everything Daddy. I'm like, yes, like please somebody capture this moment. Like it's just warms my heart. But you know the kids know at this point that there is no such thing as letting go and quitting like they all look at me even when it's tough and my daughter wants to start crying. She looks at me and she's like, I know what you're going to do to me next you're going to stand here over me until I do something. So at least let me connect the real. He of it and do something forward momentum or try to talk and it's an amazing thing because my boy is 9 I don't even have to tell him anymore. They don't even have to speak to him. He knows. All right. I'm at least going to try to move this or pick this up or lift it or push it or talk through it. He knows that there's no other option but to try and now we've got an inside thing going on about be like, all right, buddy, you know, you're going to graduate to there's no try there's only do so now he knows it's just about action. So these my kids even understand the put a thousand percent effort in Everything they do without backing up a little bit and I think awesome the application of the will to fight is something where I want everybody listening to this right now to understand that the world of fight is your absolute Last Resort. It's the last ounce of strength that you have left and there's two modes for me. Like I'm even getting passionate and emotional right now to talk about how many times that I've had to rely on it and you need to be able to recognize which state of mind you're in. Because people wear the crush everything sure you might wake up, you know not getting great sleep and waking up in the day. And like now I'm not crushing. I'm not crushing the half of things right now, you know, but at least doing the best you can sometimes we're going to have to fall back on that ability to find our will to fight through those seconds and those moments that are so difficult to get through that were not crushing much of anything. And in order to get back to that state of mind we have to fight with every ounce of strength that we have. I don't care if it's going through cancer surgery a loss of a family member. I mean there are moments where we doubt everybody doubts themselves at some point in their life and we're stuck with our own thoughts and a lot of the times which is why faith is so important. I'm sure we're going to talk about that but it's between me and God and my ability to get to that next step in to put one foot in front of the other and say listen, I have got to summon the will to engage with what's going on in my life. No matter what dances around me and to be able to get all my strength just to move to the next step and say what is going to make me fall back and what am I fighting for? What is my ability to connect my purpose of what I honor and what my faith is to me and when it's just you because listen Jim if we became best friends tomorrow at the end of the day, we're not going to be able to be here for each other a hundred percent of the time neither. Am I going to be there for my wife neither? Am I going to be there for my kids and at the end of the day? We have to have something way bigger than the people around us to be able to fall back on because we are all going to be challenged with something that we have to fight through. And that's the ability to fall back on that will the fight engaging it with everything that you've got until you can lift your head up far enough to say now. I'm crushing a couple things now. I'm crushing everything and now I'm in the zone and it's that transition point and I tell my kids all the time. I'm like what? What are we fighting for? What's our purpose? You know, why do we exist all those things matter of why we decide to get up. Every day and when I'm at a low low, I'm like I got to fight and I gotta I gotta push through the will to fight and if I have a lack of motivation or have a lack of anything, it's my ability to dig deep down that purpose and have it so in the Forefront of my mind that I can fight for that purpose for one more second before one more minute until I get to the point where I'm moving fast enough to be able to say I've got enough momentum right now that that pulled me through that fight. Yeah, that's awesome. And you know, I've actually taken that Mindset of the will to fight and I've actually applied it from my clients when I'm doing you know nutrition coaching or Fitness coaching or something like that and I'm telling people like, you know, it's going to be a fight to find good food. It's going to be a fight to find, you know, good quality water, you know to get up and get the Reps and during the day and exercise or if you're traveling to, you know, go down to the hotel gym or just do the exercise in your room. It's going to be that fight and you just have to have that will to fight and like will to make yourself better and to get yourself healthier to get yourself stronger and make If better so I've actually taken that that idea in that mindset and I've applied that into into my coaching practice, of course in my own life too, you know, and it's just you know, when you when you look at it as okay. I have a problem and this is how I'm going to fix it. Like that's that forward momentum, right? You're not just standing still and waiting for someone else to do it your and that's what I teach my son. Like, all right, you have a problem just figure out a solution just figure out what your next step and how are you going to overcome that solution or overcome that problem? You know, what's the solution going to? And so he's six, you know, and he's he's doing it and he's learning it and then you know him and I enrolled in Jiu-Jitsu because you mentioned about you know, being uncomfortable earlier I think and so it's like getting him to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Right? So it's just getting him and they'll kind of him and I practice here at the house, you know, I'll just I won't put all my weight on them, of course, but I'll put a little pressure on him like, you know, just relax, you know, if you feel uncomfortable and we'll talk through it. You know, I said, yes, it's okay just relax and just to figure out what your next move is and how to do it. So I think all of that is just kind of you know, but again, you're over your over top of your kids. I'm on top of my son, you know teaching him but were there right we're connected with those people in our life in our families and we're taking the time to actually spend the time with them to do those things because something else you said before is like just putting the iPad and kids faces. Well, I mean, there's tons of research on television and and electronic devices on how it literally hypnotizes you And mesmerizes you and just keeps you fully engaged in that one media, but you think about how you were referencing earlier about how it's ingrained in our DNA in our Evolution, you know who were who were teaching the lessons to our ancestors years and years ago. Well, it was their parents and then it was the elders right? It was the grandparents because everybody was involved in the tribe and the the community and all that stuff. So, you know, it's just so important. To engage with your kids and spend that face-to-face time with them and that Hands-On time with them and I mean you hit you hit every single one of those points, but I just kind of wanted to tie that in get people thinking like, yeah, it wasn't just the teachers in school that were the teachers right? It was it was us it was the parents. It was the father's it was the mothers of the grandparents and then of course was learning through experience not just watching through a window, you know, like like it's like looking at a TV's not just looking through a window. It's Getting out there and doing it. So I thats awesome and you know and one of the things that you always say, we're some of the things that I've heard you reference before is that we are only as good as our lattice as the last move we made. Yes, right. So I wanted you I wanted you to talk a little bit about that because I really like that and I think I think there's a deeper meaning there without actually ever hearing you really go too deep into that. So that was actually something I was curious for myself that I that I think it would be really good to share with other people. So we are only as good as the last move we made just talked about that briefly. Absolutely. There's so many things that you just had on and I wanted to get into but I do you're only as good as your last move started to connect with me, you know throughout my career and definitely, you know, post military career, but every move we have the choice to make we are given an opportunity to do it well or to not do it well and even Just in the instance of a fight for example, you know, I teach self-defense my passion. I've hunted bad guys my whole career so I know how to reverse engineer that in an auto protect people and not on people. So the in between is a really good solution to be able to understand yourself. And with that being said is even in a fight. Traditional martial arts, you know, you screw something up or you don't get it, right and they're like, oh hold on and mess that combo of let me go back to the mat and figure it out. Like no you don't get that opportunity in real life. So I'm not going to give it to you here on the mat and at the end of the day each move that I make is deliberate and I have an opportunity for my next move. So if I screw my move up, I'm only as good as the last move that I made so I have to correct my behavior and I have Create correct my technique I have to correct my mindset. Whatever I did in that last move is an opportunity to learn and adapt to be better. So if I walk in and I and I get into a fight and I screw something up and I'm only as good as that movement that I made. I need to find a way to correct that really quick if I walk into the kitchen and I have an argument with my wife and we have that argument and I do things that I know I could have been better because I my ego get in the way and I'm like I walk out of the room like, you know, what right now, I'm only as good as the last move that I made with her and I need to correct that made the suck it up. I need to I need to put my pride aside and walk in there. Tell her I love her tell her that you know, we're focusing on this and then fix it and I have an opportunity corrected. So everything that we do every interaction that we have. We have an opportunity to make it better and I really carry the last move with me if my last move suck. Well, I better fix it with something else. If I walk by with somebody on the street and I'm like, hey, how's it going? I'm like, yeah, whatever dude. I'm having a bad day. Well, you know what? I'm going to carry that with me until I'm like, you know what I'm going to go above and beyond when I walk in a Dunkin Donuts, you know, like hey, how's your day going? Like, you know, what? Absolutely amazing. How's your day going? How you lie? How are you? Like, I want to fix and course correct everything that I do so I can find the best version of myself on the other side in the next move that I make. That's awesome. That's really awesome. I love that. That I actually was I didn't know what to expect from that answer or you know what your answer is going to be but that's awesome. I love those examples what you're talking about with the wife and the argument right? Because you know, we're using things, you know, we're using words like the will to fight Crush everything. So, you know, you mentioned like in an actual fight, right, but then you applied it to something that's more practical for someone, you know, who might be listening that isn't going to be in that situation. Right? But they are going to be in the situation of walking in having their ego High not being able to put their pride aside. And if they listen to this and they remember what you said and they remember those words and remembering that you're only as good as your last move then they go back in they put their pride aside they fix things with their wife. They fix things with their kids, you know, they're not jerks the people in the street or something like that that could have a huge impact, you know, those are the real things that matter, you know other people, you know, you see people chasing on Instagram is you know, the six pack abs if you're in the fitness world or you know money if you're in the business world and you know, the private planes on the Ferraris and like and stuff and those were people were you know chasing as like got to realize what is really important in life. He like you're not going to they're not going to bury you with your Ferrari and your Jet right? But it's your legacy that's going to stay behind who you are as a person and the impact that you made and even if it is just engaging with people on the street, like wow that guy Dom actually asked me like, you know how my day was and he was really interested and you never know and I tell my clients it's like you have to change it. Back to the you have to change the way you think about certain things like you could you could give somebody a compliment on their shoes or the the shirt that they're wearing or the tie that they're wearing and just that one little compliment could brighten up their whole day. Like you have no idea what people are going through they could be having the worst day of their life and their can actually be a story behind that tie or you know somewhat I'm gonna I'm going to interject real quick. Yes said, he said the one little thing that you say could change their day, but I even go like everything I do. Ooh to dissect how we're thinking communicating and processing information. I would even go as far as to say the one little thing that you do will impact their day because the momentum and the what you project and what you are able to accomplish you are having a positive impact on people. I mean, I've had so many people come into my life and say one little thing in one liners it stuck with me forever more than anybody lecturing me for three hours, you know, like just in that moment and we have an opportunity to give that to people all day. Long we could talk to 20 people today that will never see again in our entire life, but we can have the opportunity to change the outcome of their success or their well-being but just one and just buy one thing that we said and it's and it's so true because that's why every opportunity. I see I'm like, this is an opportunity to make the world a better place even in those small interaction. So that's really important. You said that I think that's awesome. Yeah, and I lecture like that correction because I do that with myself and with my son and you know instead of saying I need to or I have to instead of saying just I'm going to or I get to or I want to it just has that better feel too. So I need to go to the grocery store today or I need to drop my son off at school today. No, I get to do that. I'm blessed enough to actually go to the grocery store and and go by you know, good food for my family and cook that food and I get to drive my son to school instead of just having them get on the bus and I get to spend that time with them. So I like that instead of possibly or you know, leaving it up in the air. Because I don't like uncertainty. So I just I get so passionate about this stuff and honestly Jim like we every day like the value of life. I've been given the value of Life pretty extensively. It's I've watched it be taken away from a lot of people that I loved and I've seen it, you know come and go and at the end of the day, I have a very very very high value on life. So those little interactions when I get this hangout my daughter for five minutes with the kitchen table. I'm like, what are we talking about? How was your day? How are you doing? It's an opportunity to engage like going to the grocery store should be fun. Like every little thing that we do that were given an opportunity to people have fragmented and disconnected themselves so much from being present with just what's in their hand like, hold on. I'm checking my Instagram like you with your kids put your phone away. Stop looking at your phone and believe me I'm guilty of it, but I always talk about triggers and neuro linguistic programming and like if I pick up my phone, Like my kids keep me accountable and I love it. I'm a my son's like, you know, we're hanging out and I'm like dude you are absolutely right phone's going away not touching up the rest of those go like he knows that much like he knows that I don't have it out one together. So when it is out, he catches me and I'm like, I'm at that's why if you're not if you don't see me posting and I'm not out there on the internet, that's because I'm spending quality time with my family while my team and I'm in it. I'm very present. If I don't if you don't see me on there, that's exactly what I'm doing. So, you know people need to lift their head up. Up and look around them and live the life that they're being given that so valuable like those materialistic things social media all these distractions that we have like use your intelligence and the brain that God gave you and recognize what you what type of damage that you're doing to yourself and your well-being and your happiness and be present just it's so hard to do in this world. That's why the games in the electronics in front of the kids. Me so much. We have not even begun to see the impact that's going to have and I see kids all the time. My kids know better. If I if they're doing any school work on the iPad and we do it very very very very sparingly. We do it very strategically they have to have permission like we want them to understand technology, but it's very very very selective and they even know when they're going for one room to another not to stare at the iPad. We're going from one room to another guess what habits are building. Guess what Reptar you're giving them. You're giving them a rough to stare in their phone when they're walking down the treat when they're 25 years old. That's what's going to happen. They're going to run into the street. They're going to run over there going to get robbed. They going to get punched in the face. They're going to get there. You are not setting them up for Success. So if you think that letting them stay in the technology this hypnotizing device from going from room to room is a good thing you're wrong. Anyway, that's one Nuance, but it's really important to get people to understand to be present with what they're doing and just be all in well, especially if you're with your kids. I mean, it's also talking about posture to right. So you're talking about NLP and things like that, but you're also talking. Our posture right? So someone who's happy doesn't have usually poor posture. They try to stand up straight right there confident, but when someone slouches with the head down forward head posture rounding of the shoulders and the spine because they're constantly in flexion position, you know, and you're teaching them to walk with a device and look down to tell my son even when we would just walk, you know, he'd want to see like it's what's in front of them. Like look you can use your vision to see what's in front of you without actually having to look down at your feet. But pay attention when we're walking. Going to the parking lot. I want you to pay attention. You know, I tell him like, you know, where the where the safe spots to get to like if you're in a parking lot. Okay, where's a safe spot to get to you know, like God forbid if he was ever in a parking lot by himself or whatever and he needed to figure out how to get out of the way of danger. He's like the curb right there or Hills like where the grass over here so I could let's go get to that and we'll go do that and then one time I had him this was I don't know probably about six months ago. I had him pay attention from the truck. We were going to the Target I had to pay attention like you're going to get us back. The truck from Target. So pay attention ready. We're just walking this way. I said look for landmarks. Look for different things that are going to give you Clues to how you're going to get back here. He got us all the way back to the truck. That's awesome. And it's just like those little things like and it's fun to write. It's like fun to watch him look and figure it out and it's getting him thinking and yeah, man, I all the all those little things that you do, you know any parents listening to this or if you plan on having kids, there's no bigger investment that you can make. Besides your faith and in your kids the future of the world of what you have right in front of you that the very being that you were able to create or have a opportunity to be a part of you have the ability to mold that human being in the something. So special and no amount of money in the world. No material thing no house. No any experience that you're going to go do is worth over giving them the tools they need to be successful invest your time and your I mean as I fight and as I grow and as I continue to learn how to run a business everything that I do is geared towards making the world a better place and finding a way to control my time in order to spend it with my family and for me, that's when the investment you I mean my son's at work with me right now. I take him to work with me every week. I take my son and but now I'm starting to take my daughter so nice we homeschool and we oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. We are very we were very Deliberate about how we interact and we to me, it's a very very important thing because they're so moldable at this age that if you let them go to somebody that you know, you don't know what their views are values are and all of a sudden they get like they will get in your kids heads to the point where they start questioning what you're telling them. Right and it's a very scary place to be you know, you go to a coach. It's like you don't need to try that hard. You don't need to do that you like wait a minute. Will you tell my kids, you know, but at the end of the day like I bring them to work, Because that professional development they're getting in the building is irreplaceable. I was like I can take my kids to a meeting and I let him talk at the meeting. I'll let him even bring up designs and all the time sketch some stuff and say all right, buddy. What do you have to say? He'll get up. He'll brief people have talked to people answer questions. He'll go ship up ship packages out like he's involved. So they'll the life experience that he's getting at 9 years old is invaluable, you know, so he's getting like the real live interaction and I mean I could go into my whole mouth. Phonology of what I what I believe but you know anyway not to get too down the rabbit hole. Well, I do want you to bring up some you've mentioned this work a bunch of times. And anybody that follows you on Instagram were starts to follow you on Instagram. They'll see you're definitely a man of Faith, right and even one of your things I think on your Instagram, you know, like in that little Bio Section or whatever. It's a warrior for Christ, right if I remember if I remember right? So tell me a little bit about How you implement faith into your family into your kids? What are some of the things you know, you read from the Bible you've read passages. How do you bring that as a father to your family and Implement that into their lives? Yeah mean. First of all, what I want to say is because I always have to try to connect why I'm so passionate about this to other people that are having a hard time or struggling with their faith or don't believe in God. And what I want what I try to explain to people now as I evolve my communication is from a very early age. I've always looked to be the best version of myself as I possibly can. I went in to the military at 17 years old. I went through SEAL training going to Seal Team to and I seeked out how to go to be a part of SEAL Team Six. I did that my whole career. I was striving to always try to find to be the best at what I was doing and how to find the edge to be. Best version of myself the strongest mentally sharp effective human being that I could possibly be. I've always had Faith but not like I do now because I had an opportunity to strengthen and understand it and when I got out And I started to dive into what the teachings were what the gospel says what history has taught us. And so many other factors is like I am continuing to strive to be the best version of myself and I have understood and educated myself on other aspects of religion other parts of the world. I've been all over the world more times than I can count and ultimately everything that I do has led me back to Christ. Dr. Understanding what Christ came to the Earth to teach. Nobody in the world will deny that Christ existed. Okay, you have the most powerful and impactful story that's ever been written and humankind and everything from the Old Testament the New Testament validates itself, and it's crossed reference so many times that is undeniable and I without even knowing that first have kept that getting caught. Old back to the church in a way that I can't even explain. I don't believe in coincidences. I believe everything happens for a reason and I've been on pilgrimages overseas. I've been to Italy I've done work Christ has walked. I've been to all these places in research things to I mean, I'm on a mission right now to continue to be able to convey why this is so important and ultimately with the values and principles that God has given us through the Life of Christ walking this Earth. And what he's taught us through all his interactions throughout the Bible it is it is undeniably the most the greatest Human Experience and life system that we have and I don't know what else to say. Other than that than it being completely Divine and Christ calling us to a path. That's much greater than we can understand and when I look in a world that's so broken and so confused and so lost and so so just independent the state of depression and everything that Christ gives us allows us to correct those things and gives us a path and a journey that literally finds our true happiness gives us a path to understand how to love more gives us a path how to be honest with ourselves gives us an ability to be accountable. I mean all the things that we truly want Life that we know we need there right in front of us, but yet we just get distracted over and over and over again and that's why it's become so important for me to convey that to the world in any way that I can because I am a thousand present convicted a thousand percent convicted that Christ came here to Reese to hit the reset button and teach us how to live as human beings. And since I've started to do that really really really taken into my heart and live that In every way that I possibly can it has transformed my life to truly understand happiness the love my wife better to be a way better father like the church and being in church and understanding Christ has transformed my life. I mean, I I'm just telling you like I am so much happier than I ever understood what that meant by by understanding how to convey these things and the Z very even scripture that you know, we talked about Crush everything all the time and there's things that I can connect with And over and over again based off of what you're going through in life based off of what struggles you have in life, but there's a scripture in the Bible that says whatever your hand finds to do do it with all your might for in the realm of the Dead where you are going. There is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom. Okay, we entered this world, right and we're going to leave this world that we're all going to die right all going to go somewhere and like just that alone like whatever your hand finds to do do it with everything that you have, you know, because We don't we might not have an opportunity to understand that we can do that again. But yet we have this beautiful life after we leave here and it's it's purpose-driven in every sense of the word of understanding that you know, we're people are lost and confused. It's because they don't have any values or principles or morals to be able to walk on or walk with and again that that's just something that's important to me and I have been convicted of that this Making me the best human that I can possibly be and we're all going to question things. We're all going to say like is this really the best thing that I can be doing? Is this true? What is truth? And I've found more truth in what I'm doing now with putting my faith first and everything that it's allowing me to see things from a different perspective than never would have saw before. I'm 36 years old. I was in the teams for 12 years. I've done some amazing things that I would never change, but now that being on a path of finding my true happiness and purpose in life. Has not come from any greater place than reading scripture and understand what Christ has called us to do. So I say I'm a warrior for Christ and that is absolutely the truth because if you tell me that I need to pick the number one thing to do every day. It's to make that connection and to understand that you know Christ led a life that he is beside us and when he was crucified and he sacrificed himself and suffered out of love for us at the Very end of it all even in written in scripture. You can't make this stuff up like he was like why have you forsaken me God, right and it's something that we all feel at times in our life, right? And everybody at some point is going to reach a spot where they say. Why have you left? Where is God? Where is God In This Moment like I've seen I've seen people go some those really really hard times in life and it can be very difficult to be like where there is. No God. Why is God not here and with Christ some of his last words being like why have you forsaken me? It's because Christ. It's on that path with us right next to us saying hey, I know how you feel, but I'm here. So it's just something that is as made a full connection with why we exist why we're here and there's so much purpose behind it. And if I can get one person to understand the value that it can bring to their life and they true happiness without chasing their tail and being in the Spin Zone because bullying me with without it. I know that people are in the Spin Zone. I see it every day. I'm like, hey, man, like God loves you and there's a bigger purpose for you in life. And you can find it through connecting with what God is calling you to do and I've seen that switch flipping so many people that it's undeniable and for me, it's just it continues to become the most important thing that I can talk about. So, you know, you asked me Jim and honestly like my heart is there my family is supporting everything about where we're going as a family unit together. Fully try to strengthen that in each other because the more we do that the more we can convey what that love means to us and at the end of the day Jim our service to others out of love is the most selfish thing that we can do. Wow, I'm actually glad we waited to you know towards the end to talk about that because I could I could hear of course you sound the same but I could hear the shift and I could just the passion in your voice just comes across tremendously with that, you know, and I knew I knew that something that you were really passionate about and so I definitely wanted to talk about that today, you know and let people at home kind of, you know, catch a glimpse of that and I think you gave more than a glimpse because I know you've been some through some dark times two. And you just been connecting more and more with your faith and it's not. You know, I think one of the biggest things we all have to realize is human beings. Like you said like we're going to be gone one day is that we're never going to stop learning and bettering ourselves. Not like you get to that point when you're in your 60s or 70s, you're like, okay, I'm done. Like I bet you're going to continue to work on your faith when you're in your 60s and your 70s and you're going to continue to work on all these things right leadership and Fitness and Nutrition and all the things that you're involved in on a daily day-to-day basis, you know, it's just like We're never going to be fully evolved to the point where we can say. Okay, I'm done, you know and so you're still working on it. You're still pushing through and I think that's awesome man. Yeah. The last thing I'll say about that is the other thing too is to connect it back to our children. Is that Jim? If you and I died today what system what value systems we have in place that we know will guide our children to a life of happiness and Leadership and righteousness. To do the right thing in this world to make an impact on a lot of the school system is not going to do it for you. Right? Your football coach is not going to do it for you. These guys can have an amazing impact but there is no better human system that's been placed in front of us in order to make the world a better place. I mean the world is very confused right now you have people at each other's throats and they don't even know why and you look at history. You know, you look at how long it's been since Christ came to the earth and the things that have transpired. Tired. I mean if you look at Christianity, right the largest faith in the world right come Catholic by the way, and so way that's 1.4 billion Catholics in the world. And it's the largest. It's the largest Devotion to Christ that is in existence. I hate that there are fragments of Christianity. I drives me crazy, but what's so important to understand is that is there's a reason behind that is Reason, there's one point four billion of us because we understand the connection and the lineage of what Christ said. Listen guys. This is what I need you to do. This is what is going to bring your ultimate happiness is like this is a this is the church that I'm going to build for you to find that happiness in your life. And there's a reason that it's the biggest part of it. But when you look at the world and how fragment it is that the further people have fallen away from that the more confused I get and I want my kids to understand that there is something in place for them in up with a voice. Bigger purpose than they can even understand is like it says throughout the Bible over and over again God's peace is beyond our understanding. Okay eternity before us in eternity after we leave this earth is far beyond our understanding our past the universal looking out into the stars is far beyond our understanding. We're not meant in our short life to understand everything that happens to us. But I absolutely believe that God has a bigger plan for all of us and everything that happens in our lives and the closer we can get to understanding that path that God has put for us is that Closer will understand yourself the love that you have and that your own personal happiness is at stake. If you not understanding those things and it's there for a reason. I mean we can go into the people that don't believe in people that believe but that's a whole nother conversation. All right. I just all I can do is live by my actions. Like I'm never going to judge anybody else's soul for anything other than nothing. I mean, I'm that's not my job, but my job is to love people and in order to find their true happiness. I need to tell them like look. There's a better path for you. I know that you're not happy and I know that you can do it better and and here's something that's working for me. And all I can do is live by my actions and at the end of the day to me. That's the most important thing I can do. You know, I wake up every day. I fight I train I've make myself better and every way possible faith is the foundation of everything in our family or continuing to figure out how to strengthen that and everywhere we can and you know, I want to make an impact on the world to see people be better versions of themselves. And I truly want that. That's what that's what I care about. Yeah. Man, I have to I'm so pumped for this this interview man. I'm going to go back and listen to this thing probably like three or four times. It's just it was great to hear you talk about all this stuff and get deeper into this stuff. I had a great time doing this. I had a great time, but we're not done yet. So as with every episode I end with 10 questions for our guests these these questions are inspired by James Lipton and Bernard povo and I already kind of give you the quick rundown form. So you ready sir? Okay, so number one, who is your hero? Well, we just talked about it before, you know, 20 30 minutes, but you know, there is no greater hero my mind than Jesus Christ then setting the example that we can live to the life to the fullest right number two what excites you the passion that I have for life in the passion that I'm continuing to understand every day and the things that are being revealed to me in a way that I wouldn't necessarily have seen unless I put Faith first what turns you off. people wasting their lives people not seeing their full potential and people not reaching their capability that really like I see people every day just walk through life so numb and it pains me because I want the very best for people one of the quotes that I've read a long time ago was understanding having the ability to understand when you want something for somebody else more than they wanted themselves and men that hit me so hard because every day I everyday if you work with me, I want the best for you and you know what sometimes I'm going to make you uncomfortable to get the very best out of you and it hurts me to see people not recognize their full potential. Nice. What is your favorite sound favorite sound what the Senators interesting question, I think I love like you know musicals and I love you know, when when women sing, you know, like and yeah, and that's I love that listen to us and it's very relaxing to me. But also if I were to pick something else, I would say that ocean, you know, just listening to the ocean and the natural sounds of the ocean as probably my favorite thing. Nice. Yeah. I know you like to Surf. Yeah. What is your least favorite sound? My least favorite Serum is probably the noise that happens when I crunch on eggshells in my teeth. I it's like I feel like I'm chewing on other teeth. Like it's like one of my things I could if they say it's okay. So that sounds drives me crazy when you said she went on her teeth. That's what got me you might have already answered this but what is your favorite quote or saying? I have a lot of them but one of the ones that really got me through my career and something that really connect with me. All the time was by George Patton and that's a violent plan a good violent plan executed right now is better than a perfect plan executed a week from now and the thing that I want people to understand is that we're never going to have the perfect plan and I see people hesitate all the time a good example is like a Fitbit or freaking thing that measures your damn steps people like I'm gonna wear this thing. It's gonna be awesome and let me spend three hours on the computer on How to set it up let me figure out how to put the damn thing on when they figure out how to track the thing make sure you connect to my just walk. I'll just go just go stop trying to get the technology is not going to help you. You're already lazy enough right? Keep moving like you can do way more than just getting steps you today do squats and live and do push-ups do burpees do jumping jacks. Go jump rope go take your dog for a walk like stop trying to rely on technology to tell you how many damn steps you made and how many like ten thousands of the minimum. I got my 10,000 steps in good for you. You like you can do way more than that and it just drives me crazy on how people will not they'll hesitate and they'll use excuses think try to convince himself that they're going to a certain place and they run in circles trying to try to use something as an excuse in front of them. Anyway, that's another one of my pet peeves. So that's another conversation, right? Yeah in a couple of words. What should a dad be Honorable, I think if a father can put honor first in everything that he does he will strive very very very hard to do the best he can for his kids. I think a father should look to be honorable in every sense of the word. I think father should be honorable to their wives to set a good example for their children, you know your reflection with your relationship with your wife and your significant other is going to ingrained and imprint on them. On what they should be doing when they get older and I think that's important. I think the do's and the don'ts I think if you put on our first that you can have a very successful fatherhood or love it and a couple of words what should a dead not be Unreliable and untrustworthy trust is the foundation of any relationship especially with their children. If you say you're going to do something with your kids. I don't care what you have going on. You better do it. I don't like if you don't put that as a high priority if you make empty promises to your kids if you don't follow through with your kids you are. Are failing and you need to make sure that if you open your mouth to say I'm going to do something for you. You better follow through with it and build that trust with your kids because that is the foundation of the relationship that you'll have with them for the rest of your life. Yeah. I'm sitting here not in my head as you're talking. It's like absolutely a hundred percent agree. All right, if you could try any other profession, what would it be? Well, God is definitely call me tomorrow Ministry and you know getting people to understand how valuable that you know walking in faith is so you know with that being a growing part of my life. I think that if there was something that I could do to impact the world to understand Christianity. That's something that I would dive into I have obviously for kids, which I'm you know, raising my own disciples right now. It's important to know my impact needs to be there first. And then as that grows, I think if I if I wasn't in that situation for I was single and if I understood Faith like I do now, I'd probably start taking a journey to impact the world with faith more nice and finally, what would you like to be remembered for? just making the world a better place and getting people to understand who Christ really is and that we've been given many options in this world and we've been given many choices and the choice to follow Christ and understand what impact we can make on the world out of love and peace and service to others is something that's more powerful than I've ever been able to understand before and I have a very intimate relationship with violence and that and understanding the love Christ has made me understand that violence even more because of what evil represents the world and if we don't take a stand for evil then we will be remembered for nothing and I always say that stand for something or fall for anything. I like that. I like that a lot Tom. Thank you so much for being on here. Tell people a couple places that they could find you on social media your website. Anything where do you want people to find you? What's the next step? So you want people to take? Yeah, we just launched a new apparel brand adaptive ex. You know, it's all it's all related to Adaptive is giving people a functional clothing so they can go out be prepared change their mindset. We say changing the way you think about what you wear because we want you to engage and say, you know walking out of my house. I want people to be a better version of themselves just by engaging with the stuff that we're putting out Crush That is obviously one of our things and one of the things I say to myself Every day, we've got lifestyle apparel that gets people to understand and give them reminded give them reminders. I mean, I've got a guy right now Scott is just an amazing human being has gone through a serious tough time in his life and he's been using Crush everything in the world to fight to change the way things and applies his approach to everything he does and I love it. I love seeing that in people because it inspires me and you know, those are the two places, you know, I'm on Instagram Dom Rosso and you know everything that I do I just care about seeing people. To be better versions of themselves were constantly evolving. You know, I'm starting to do speaking engagements more. I'm starting to engage more with Ministry. I'm probably going to write books for people to understand how to be a better version of themselves. Just through what I've learned my experiences. That's all it is. Is that how did how did I get to where I am today? And how do I continue to evolve my mindset? I think that's something I'm going to continue to work on and eventually probably make our own podcast. I love these things. I think you'll learn a lot from them. And you know, we just did one with Team never quit. You know, we did one over there and I talked very passionately about you know, something that gave me the will to fight and why I say all these things and why why I started to really understand how God was important was you know, I had a Helo go down with 17 of my best friends on it. And you know that changed my life and I think that you want to learn more about me there too. You can go check that podcast out. Yeah. I was going to mention that you know accepts Extortion 17 if nobody knows about that definitely check that out educate yourselves a little bit more on that like Tom said it's Team never quit podcast. It's a really good one. I've heard that I've listened to it a couple of times. So it's definitely a great interview learn a lot more about Domin different light and kind of like more military side and speaking of that me and my son wanted to say thank you for your service. I told him that, you know any time that we see any kind of military personnel veteran, you know somewhere and, you know veteran hat or police officer fireman, something like that. He always stops and says, thank you for your service. So he knows I was going to talk to you. They talk to you today, and he wanted me to let you know that and I wanted to say that to of so, thank you again for your service for this country. Great man. Thank you so much. It's been an honor and I would do it again in a heartbeat and thanks to all the guys serve not there right now. Yeah, absolutely, dude. Um, thank you so much. It was such an honor and a pleasure to have you on the warrior dad's pocket. Yes. I really really appreciate your time. And you know, I wish you the best with everything brother. Thanks, brother. Keep leading and God bless. Thank you. You too. Bye. Hey guys. Thanks for tuning in to this episode of The Warrior dad's podcast. If you like this podcast and want to support it, please subscribe leave comments and share it with someone you think would benefit from listening as well. Thanks again and keep on being a Warrior dead.
Today I have the absolute pleasure of speaking with a true American hero, Dom Raso. In this episode Dom talks about his Crush Everything attitude, his Will To Fight mindset, being a Father and finally, why his Faith is so important to him. You’ll probably want to listen to this a few times. Dom is a 12-year veteran Navy SEAL and the owner of Dynamis Alliance and Adaptiv-X. Both are equipment and apparel companies bringing the best quality and function to the market in everyday, low visibility gear. They offer products such as jeans, belts, bags, blades, t-shirts, holsters, belt clips – and that’s just the beginning. Dom believes it's our duty to honor and respect the sacrifices made by the men and women who have sacrificed for us. Dom’s mission is to educate, train and equip fellow warriors and citizens to become assets to themselves, their families and this country. You can find out more about Dom on social media and his website… @domraso @dynamisalliance Please subscribe and keep on being a Warrior Dad!
A lot of the time when you're on your journey striving to achieve your goal. It can get very frustrating when you're not seeing results, you know, you're putting in the work the effort the hustle the grind. However, it doesn't seem to be paying off. Maybe you've been working out for a whole month yet. Your physique has largely stayed the same. Maybe you've been eating healthy and that's not helping either. Maybe you've been working really hard. Hard at your business and you've been putting in a lot of extra hours, maybe 20 extra hours every week more than you used to and the income hasn't gone up at all. In fact, if anything it's less that's frustrating that's aggravating and it's discouraging to a lot of people when you experience that a lot of the time the average person just takes it as a sign that it's not working and they quit they stopped. So, maybe they try Thing for a month or even two months. Some people may be only for a week or two weeks and when they don't instantly see results, they stop don't do that. It's not a good idea at all. You may as well not start if that's how you're going to approach difficulties or slow progress or not. Seeing an instant breakthrough. See the thing about life. Is that you so And then you reap but you don't get to complain or or be mad or say that it's not coming fast enough and then have that help you get a bigger and Greater Harvest in a shorter period of time. It just doesn't work. It takes the amount of time that it takes and there are different cycles and it depends on what you're planting in the ground and some plants take longer and if you're not okay with that don't plant or just You're probably not going to reap because if you are the type of person that has had this experience before you know, that it's the most frustrating thing when you put in work and you don't see the results, but the real problem lies in the character not in not getting the results. You see if you were in love with the process and you appreciated the journey and you loved every step you wouldn't be looking at the clock or the calendar and saying hey, why isn't This happening for me. You just keep doing what you love doing. You just keep adding value. You just keep contributing. You just keep working on yourself. And so it's so important to fall in love with the process because the most important part about it is that time passes by weight quicker. So you're not waiting. You're not like bored out of your mind just waiting for results to come you're not exhausted because you're loving the work and then when the results do come there more so like The cherry on top of the icing of the cake. It's not the real juice. It's not the core you already feel rewarded through the work itself. So long as you are just looking for results as you're planting the seed you will likely never see them you may but they won't fulfill you you'll get them and then you'll want new ones because you're a addicted to the loop of just getting results results results. And here's the thing. There's nothing wrong with getting results. But if you're obsessed about it, and you have the strong desire that's almost like a craving, you know, I need the money so that I could buy that car you'll actually always feel unfulfilled. This is a habitual emotional pattern. It's not this feeling that you can satiate by experiencing something you think that once you have that next level of wealth or Once you have that new phone or once you have this new sexual experience, then you'll be happy and fulfilled right then you'll be finally this great person and everything will be perfect and it's just not true. And if you've ever accomplished anything, you know this I know your soul knows this because whenever you have had a strong desire whenever you fulfill it, you're right back to who you were before you filled it. It's great. It's cool in the moment. You're like, wow, this is great. But later on. The feeling is kind of empty. So you gotta find that passion that love for the process. You got to really fall in love with the work itself with creating the result. Not the result. If you're just in love with the result you're in love with one percent of the whole experience. But if you're in love with the process you're in love with the 99% and the 1% is just like oh, yeah, great. You know we get that too. Nice. Awesome perfect. Why not you? Put in the work might as well, but see when you're doing something meaningful to you like working out or if you're trying to again build your business or if you're trying to polish a skill or build a great relationship. You can find meaning in that process and you can grow in that and that in and of itself is rewarding because your character is improving you are evolving expanding experiencing new things and that's the real beauty of it. So capture that. Live into that field at Embrace that you know Don't Close Your Eyes as you're climbing up the mountain because you only want to see the view once you're up there. Enjoy the journey. Enjoy each step Every Little Rock You know the sunshine through the trees take it all in that's when you really evolved. That's when you really have a great time. And you know what? That's when you get to the top the quickest at least seemingly. In your experience, it will be the easiest Journey that way because you're having fun and the more fun you're having the easier. It is to get results. Try it. Try it. Try having fun working out try playing team sports. For instance. I love that. You know, it's easy. This isn't feel like a workout. I'm having fun. I love playing sports. So why you know, why was it so hard to go to the gym and drag myself you can have fun you. Can have fun I'm repeating that again and again because I want this to really get into your head. So that you stop thinking. Oh, I need the end result to be happy and only then and only then and only then will I ever be fulfilled and then you won't be fulfilled anyway, so what's the point of tricking yourself when you really have this Epiphany in this realization and hopefully it's being sent for you in this video drop a comment down below and if it does then life becomes easy. It's almost effortless because you're just having fun. You're doing what you love. It's a process, you know that you're not waiting for something to happen. You're just having fun. People are drawn to you people like you more you like you more you like everything else more and you like everyone else more just your whole level of energy goes up a notch your whole experience becomes empowered. I hope that you enjoyed the video make sure that you subscribe and turn on your notification Bell so that you don't miss a single upload. If you'd like to experience a real breakthrough and some massive progress in your life sign up for coaching. It's in the bottom left of your screen right now. If you click on that, you'll go to my website and you can book a free consultation to get us started.
Why you are not getting the results that you want in your life and how you can get them. S U B S C R I B E : Coaching with Rafael: #LawOfReapingAndSowing #ReapAndSow #ReapingAndSowing #CreatingResults #CreateResults #GetResults #GettingResults #LawOfAttraction #TheLawOfAttraction #GettingResults #Results #AchieveResults #Achievement #PersonalDevelopment #SelfImprovement #SelfHelp #Motivation #Motivational #MotivationalSpeech #MotivationalSpeaker  If you can give me only one tip to improve my life, what would it be? When you work for something you want in life, it could be frustrating to not see results. It’s aggravating to exercise every day but not see any change. It’s disturbing to work on your business and not see the numbers grow. We all know patience is key. We all know we can’t get that physique in a week or be financially free in six months. Yet, this delay is defeating. And makes people give up. There is a way to make this delay easy to undergo. The thing about life is; you sow and then you reap. You don’t get to complain or be mad and have that help you get a bigger harvest. It just doesn’t happen. Things will take their time. The only way to deal with this is; have fun along the way. Fall in love with the process of getting what you want. Not what you want. It’s easy to do too. If you want to lose fat; It doesn’t have to be 2 hours of lifting weights. It could be playing team sports or swimming. And you will burn the same calories. If you want to be financially independent; you don’t have to get a promotion in your dreadful job. You could start a side-hustle about something you love. The journey doesn’t have to be dreadful. Find a process that’s fun to you. Otherwise, it’s very likely you will quit before even getting close to the results. Look at your life, how many times have you quit things? Just because you thought the process has to be dreadful. Learn to have fun along the way.
Real quick. I recommend listening to this show on Spotify where you can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free without a premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcasts on every imaginable topic plus you can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download episodes to listen to offline wherever and whenever and easily share what you're listening to with your friends on Instagram. So if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for optimal living daily on Spotify or browse podcasts in the Your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me. So you never miss an episode of optimal living daily. This is optimal living daily episode 1343 five steps to finding your passion and five reasons. Why traveling is the best education both by Leon logothetis of Leon and my very own personal narrator Justin moloch reading to you from some of the best blogs on the planet. I have to post today coming from Leon of the kindness Diaries series on Netflix definitely worth checking out if you want to be moved for now, let's get right to it and start optimizing maizing your life five steps to finding your passion by Leon logothetis of Leon The world rotates at over 1,600 kilometers an hour and your day-to-day life all sometimes. It feels like it moves just as fast if it seems as though you've gotten so wrapped up and making a living that you forgotten how to actually live. It might be time to step back and reassess your priorities, but don't stress. I've got five easy steps to guide you through it step 1 ditch the stressors see didn't I just tell you not to stress all things? Most of what you're worrying about on a daily basis isn't really worth worrying about sure. I understand that if you lose your job, you can't pay the mortgage but worrying about losing your job isn't doing anyone any favors, especially you so lemon 8 the things in your life that stress you the most by taking control of your situation. It may mean looking for a new job leaving your old one on your terms letting the dishes sit in the sink so you can catch the latest episode of Game of Thrones with your spouse or leave the yard unweeded so you can spend some time. In the hammock reading a good book newsflash. You're the only one who actually notices the weeds anyway step to reconnect with your inner child. Remember the things you enjoy it as a kid odds are you'll still enjoy most of them if you take the time to make them happen if you enjoyed painting pick up a brush into canvas, you might be surprised at the latent talent that emerges if you're like me you love to good road trip in your youth so plan 1 you're an adult now you get to decide your destiny. I don't know where to start Google images of getaways close your eyes point a finger at the computer screen and pick a place to go rekindle your joy in the world in your childlike Wonder at everything within it step 3 decide what's important to you? Almost everyone I know has at some point come to the realization that they're tired of pleasing others. That's not to say that there isn't pleasure derived from altruistic gestures. But when you spend your life constantly tending to the needs of those around you be at your boss your children or your community you begin to burn out if you're constantly saying yes to everyone else's needs but no to your own you need to reorganize your priorities make a list of the things that matter to you adjust your life accordingly step 4 announce your personal makeover to the world. No, you don't need to take out an ad in the local paper nor are you required to blog about it? Simply let your friends and family know that you've made some course adjustments. Your life and that you're headed in a New Direction. Why is this step important? The people close to you will be the ones to help you keep you on track. When you doubt yourself in step 5, pursue your passion to the fullest live it up that list of the things you want to do for you do them. It doesn't matter. If you do them this month this year or this decade so long as you made the plans to make it happen putting your passion first will change your outlook on life in ways. You can't possibly possibly imagine but you don't have to take my word for it. So you step one and get started. Another post from Lyon in just a sec. But first thank you to BarkBox for their support Bark Box and knows you love your dog like family and they send you a monthly delivery right to your door with Innovative toys all natural treats and more. I got to try it unboxing. The monthly gift was like a party for both me and my dog they've really fun themes and it changes each month like Jurassic Bark Shakespeare in the dog park and sniffs from the abyss. For example, they keep it fresh and always entertain The treats are made in the US and Canada without corn soy or wheat their grain free and they know that no two dogs are alike. So they'll even accommodate special needs like if you have a heavy chewer on your hands or if there are allergies involved. It's a $40 value starting at only 20 dollars a month plus if your dog doesn't love something they'll send you something your dog will love no questions asked my dog Valentine loves the treats celebrate your dog's bark box. It's like the joy of a million belly scratches. Is delivered directly to your door man for a free extra month of BarkBox? Visit bark old when you subscribe to a 6 or 12 month plan. That's be a RK Bo / o LD bark / old 5 reasons why traveling is the best education by Leon logothetis of Leon The Earth is filled with infinite experiences wonders and once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. Imagine hiking Through The Verdant kaleidoscopic Amazon rainforest camping out underneath the Aurora Borealis in the Canadian tundra or Meandering through an enchanting Kenyan Village much education is experience in a classroom or through a textbook those Avenues do get the job done, but they aren't nearly as fulfilling or effective as traveling. The world is see the world and broaden your coat. Rule intellectual and spiritual education like you can never have imagined here are five reasons. Why traveling is the best education possible learn new languages though? English is a reliably popular second language for most corners of the world prepared Travelers need to do their fair share of language studying before visiting a country where English is not the primary language. Learn the basics through a book or audio guide after building a foundation stretch your skills by talking with actual native speakers a textbook can't teach you slang intonation or vocal expression, but mother people sure can not only will conversing help expand your cultural Horizons, but will also hasten your listening and speaking capabilities explore cultural differences in communicating and interacting with other cultures. You'll find just how they vary from your own in. Italy many people go on passage Otto's or post-meal walks in Mexico is common for people to take us seriously. esta or nap after lunch different cultures prefer different types of Cuisine manners and social expectations be certain to read up on these aspects of culture shock before your travel and learn to embrace them when you're there learning is the ultimate point of traveling so take it in wholeheartedly and keep an open mind discover cultural similarities after observing what separates your culture from another's keep an eye out for common ground to do you and the people around you you have a shared love of art or both communicate with a heavy emphasis on body language. Where do your moral and social values aligned too often people classify those who are not like them or who speak a different language as other break down those barriers by finding shared interests habits and values on Earth history history taught at all levels of Education in the United States generally skews towards a western emphasis American history is the bulk of what stop. In the remainder world history is relatively eurocentric by exploring other parts of the world or even Hidden Gem locations in your own country. You'll play the part of an adventurer discovering all new artifacts of knowledge pour through indigenous texts and Brace fascinating styles of art stanvan. He's overlooked landmarks and study the events that shaped nation's understanding other cultures history is the Premier way to understand its politics motivations and social habits. Take your travel slowly. Ali so you can really marinate in the world around you may be the only way to learn about it authentically gain independence. The very Act of traveling is a test of one's will patience and fortitude the most well-planned traveler will see his or her plans fall or I ride show up late suitcases explode boarding passes get lost and it all usually happens at the same time traveling teaches everyone how to improvise don't adhere to strictly to a planner feel free to get Us down a windy sun-soaked Alleyway or find hidden treasure in a sprawling Marketplace Unleash Your Inner Pioneer and show yourself What You're Made Of you're guaranteed to be impressed. You just listen to The Post titled 5 Steps to finding your passion and five reasons. Why traveling is the best education both by Leon? Logothetis of Leon I'll keep this ending shorts. I'll do it for today. I'll be back tomorrow with a post from Courtney Carver of be more with less. So I'll see you there where your optimal life awaits.
2 posts from Leon Logothetis where he shares 5 steps to finding your passion and 5 reasons why traveling is the best education. Episode 1343: 5 Steps to Finding Your Passion AND 5 Reasons Why Traveling Is The Best Education by Leon Logothetis    Leon Logothetis is a global adventurer, motivational speaker & philanthropist. It wasn't always that way. He used to be a broker in the city of London where he felt uninspired and chronically depressed. He gave it all up for a life on the road. This radical life change was inspired by the inspirational movie The Motorcycle Diaries. His journey is chronicled in the Netflix documentary series The Kindness Diaries. In December 2016, he released his book: Live, Love, Explore. Facebook Group and Join the Ol' Family to get your Free Gifts! BarkBox is a monthly delivery of innovative toys, all natural treats, and more for your dog! Get a free extra month of BarkBox when you subscribe to a 6 or 12 month plan: --- Support this podcast:
What's up, student of the universe and welcome? through the first episode of my brand new podcast speak your truth, and I can't explain how excited I am and it took me a lot of courage to actually start to actually record this first episode and to believe in to my dream of sharing my experiences and leading you towards your true potential. So who am I I'm the host of this podcast. My name is Renee and I would love. to talk really quickly about what happened in to in my life that triggered something to actually help people. to grow Beyond himself, so I'm born in Germany in a very small town and I was living there for almost 24 years believing that my life would look like getting married buying a house getting kids and a dog and a cat and that's it. But then I decided to step out of my comfort zone and to move into another city more down in the south of Germany and I was living there for almost one and a half years till a big chance came up into my life. And at that time I think it was 2017. Yeah, I decided to move to Dubai. So from my small town into an even smaller town to buy so being in Dubai working as a personal. fitness trainer coach and Dubai was a rollercoaster ride. I was working so much. Oh my God. It was it was unbelievable. I was working 24/7 7 days per week. And yeah, you know like I'm still young but I was 26 26. Yeah, and I thought to become happy and to live a fulfilled life. If I have to make a lot of money and I have to drive a nice car what I actually didn't but yeah, it was yeah, it was my time off. How can I say it I completely drifted away buying a lot of clothes expensive clothes and spending all my money on. I would call it now bullshit, but it had to happen at that time. So. after half of a year living in Dubai I don't know like I made a lot of money. But I wasn't really happy. I wasn't happy at all and then I started questioning like everything my whole life like all the values I was standing for and that triggered something inside of me that pool that made a big change like in my life like something shifted and I really turned inward. So I started to I would say like after looking for happiness and fulfillment outside. The only thing or the only place I could look for it was now inside so I turned inside and during the summer time in Dubai I decided to to make like two months holiday, so I was in Bali for one month and a lot of things happened like so many signs so many people so many beautiful souls like that changed my life and coming back from Bali. To Germany to visit my family. Yeah, there was a game-changer. I would say that. Hello things change at that time and I decided mid-august to quit my job in Dubai and I don't know why but I felt this need to travel to India and that's what I did. I travel to India. I wanted to stay there for one year, so. I actually stayed only one month traveled through Sri Lanka and was visiting monasteries and Was staying at a Buddhist Monastery for almost one month and that made a big change in my life. So my troubles my travels kept going. I was traveling through Bali back to Sri Lanka back to Bali traveling with my dad and then I went back to Germany where I am right now and he yeah now the serious life, you know comes back so back in Germany know I've realized that I want to live. Or I want to do the things I love to do and with my personal training background. I always wanted to help people to at this time, too. Understand their body to tune back into this living organism, you know like and to learn how to use it efficiently. and after traveling and turning more inward I've realized now that this was just the first step personal training was just the first step the physical step and now it's time to work on my mindset to understand what's going on inside of here inside of my mind to not just help people with the physical issues, but also to help people with their mental issues. Because most of the time it's a deep mental issue that causes some problems on a physical level. So that's why I turn more Inward and I started reading a lot about how to reprogram your subconscious mind and what you do and I was even going through like and I'm still going through a lot of ups and downs in my life through a lot of realization. What's really going on and I'm peeling off layer by layer 2. become who I really am, you know or to reconnect with my true self because I think that's the place where you find peace and Harmony within you. and yeah, this podcast is just one tool sharing my experiences and my knowledge with you and maybe to help you or to guide you in moments where you completely feel lost where you completely lose your shit because every one of us is going through those times, right every one of us is struggling sometimes and the most important thing to realize is that you're not alone like we are all going through this and by by connecting by reconnecting with each other by sharing our true potential by sharing experiences with each other we create like Humanity, you know, like we create Harmony inside of us and in the connection with others because by allowing ourselves to be totally me. I allow someone else the person right in front of me also. To embrace the true potential their true self. And that's what I'm doing on this podcast on my Instagram account and my future YouTube channel. I'm sharing. like my ups and downs, I'm gonna do some guided meditation to turn inwards to seek a little bit more and to face what we actually don't like to face because we can only reach the light when we go through the dark places, right and that's what I've realized about myself is that growth comes through experiencing ups and downs and not just up. So sharing my downs and my UPS with you. I hope I will help you too. Realize that you're not alone. And yeah, so I don't know like where this journey like wet is Journey gonna be like or how this journey is gonna look like I guess I'm not the most structured guy, but I'm really looking forward to go this journey with you together and to reach our true potential and to grow Beyond ourselves because I can I believe that every one of us has so much potential to Actually do whatever. They would love to do you know to live the life you want to live and that's why I'm here. Yeah, inspiring you motivating. You helping you crying with you love with you smile with you going with you through hard times because we all equal we all want so we all students of the universe and by speaking Our Truth by Being us. By putting away all those masks. We are wearing in different environments. We allow ourself to yeah. Embrace our true Essence the essence of life and I'm really looking forward. So thank you for listening. If you have any questions, let me know. I'm really looking forward to future episodes. Let me know what you would love to hear and what kind of topics I should talk about. And yeah, thank you for listening. I'm really looking forward to go on this journey with you together and to create this beautiful platform. Few together he's so stay tuned and if you're not already following me on Instagram, you can find me there by students of the universe and instead of the eye in the universe you put in a 1 so it's students off Yoon one burst. So thanks for listening and see you. Got your here you guys soon. Thank you so much for listening guys. Love you all.
Hey I’m René a normal dude who’s thinking about life a little bit differently, but hey - they say it’s good to be different right! So I'm super excited to share my first Episode of my brand new podcast "Speak Your Truth". This episode is all about my journey. From living in Germany for almost 26 years, to my life in Dubai and from there to different life changing experiences throughout my travels in Sri Lanka, India & Bali. One year ago I made the biggest decision in my life & decided to go on a search. A search for Enlightenment what turned into a search for peace & harmony within myself. I had a lot of realization about life & myself, that I decided to share my journey with you. In this episode I'm talking about  * the life I wanted to live in my early years * my time in Dubai & my awakening * the most life changing decision I made last year * learnings throughout my travels * my purpose in life & the reason I created this podcast I hope that this Episode gave you a quick insight of my life. I'm really looking forward to share more with you! If you have any questions or if you've been through something similar feel free to share it with me on my Instagram Account @studentsoftheun1verse Thank you so much!
Audible for the best Bitcoin content out there. This is a crypto Connie quick read. What is up guys? Welcome back to the crypto economy with guys Swan. We have got a quick read for you to start off the week and we're just going to go ahead and jump right into this one because a I've got a whole lot of other work to do but be this one kind of speaks for itself. It's another one by Nick Bhatia and it is titled the lightning Network why I quit The bond market for Bitcoin and we'll chat a little bit about it at the end. But let's go ahead and jump in. I'm a markets Junkie A markets. Junkie is somebody who is physically dependent on watching asset prices tick up and down constantly trying to analyze the cause and effect of every movement across the globe. Naturally when I first understood the true nature of the Bitcoin protocol I became obsessed with its price as well rabbit holes. I began my dive down the Bitcoin Rabbit Hole in 2016. I was trading Us treasuries and other interest rate products for an Institutional asset manager my first big trading gig I had unprecedented access to some of the most Brilliant Minds on Wall Street for the first time in my life. So it's safe to say I began my dive down the banking Rabbit Hole in 2016 as well the craziest thing about going down the Bitcoin and and banking rabbit holes at the same time is the difference in scale. It's unimaginable at the time Bitcoin had less than 20 billion dollars in total value is a relatively small player in the bond market was turning over 20 billion dollars in treasuries in just a few months one seemed way too small and the other way too large. I knew I had to learn to start thinking in trillions if I was to understand the scale. all of the Global Financial system The numbers game I will never forget the moment. I conquered the concept of trillions my fellow Trader and close friend played a daily numbers game with us on the trading desk this time. The question was quote how much money settled by the federal reserve's wire system last year. I thought for a minute did some mental math and guest 3/4 of a quadrillion the answer sure enough was 767 Trillion dollars. I was off by a gargantuan 17 trillion, but somehow that amount was both less than 3% margin of error and a thousand times. The size of Bitcoin Bitcoin was simply too small at less than 20 billion dollars in the dollar system had enough zeros to make one's head spin the two would reconcile over the coming decade or two I had decided and should be spending my time on the Bitcoin side. I started thinking about life after the trading desk knowing it would probably involve Bitcoin Bitcoin is digital gold. I watched treasuries equities gold oil currencies and tried to understand how they all work together. I saw Bitcoin, assuming the role of gold as sound money roll in a digital future the supply schedule and difficulty adjustment Game Theory hooked me in I started digging and immediately found the conversation focusing on an update called segue it which would allow for something called the lightning Network. The first time I used Bitcoin, I tracked the transaction status on a block Explorer right away. I became intimately aware of the settlement process of Bitcoin. It was thrilling. Of course the first block took over half an hour and my heart was quite unnecessarily panicking basically the finality of settlement after a couple blocks felt incredibly secure, but the hour that it took was completely impractical for any sort of daily routine transaction. It was clear to me that Bitcoin was digital gold and instead of taking weeks on ships across oceans to settle it takes about an hour incredibly powerful empowering and in fact revolutionary, but not a global quote currency. Lightning Network makes Bitcoin a Global Currency. Lightning Network changed Bitcoin forever with instant settlement in the lightning Network settlement is free from the time burden of block confirmations Lightnings architecture consists of instantly settling Financial agreements secured by a call option or a Justice transaction lightning Network massively expands the velocity of Bitcoin increases Bitcoins capacity for transactions by orders of magnitude and most importantly the game. a new wave of Bitcoin innovation the very concept of streaming money has software developers buzzing with energy and I'm Blown Away by some of the use cases. They're coming up with Bitcoins Supply schedule initially hooked me but lightning was the force that was pulling me in I decided to dedicate my intellectual capacity to Bitcoins lightning Network because a store of value Asset exhibiting medium of exchange currency speed and scale is unprecedented in human history. three and worth Pursuit I took to jump now. I'm along for the ride. after years of trading bonds and leading a dual life of rate straighter and Bitcoin fanatic it was time to make the transition full-time to bitcoin the community graciously welcomed me and my idea of the lightning Network reference rate in 2018, but it wasn't until earlier this year that I met the team from open node in downtown Los Angeles only a few blocks away from where I traded treasuries, the chemistry was instant because the vision was precisely aligned Full conviction in lightning Network and its role in bringing Bitcoin to the world. My message to them was clear. I wanted to help on board the world to the proverbial LNP /b P or lightning Network protocol Bitcoin protocol stack Allah the ubiquitous TCP / IP transmission control protocol Internet Protocol stack upon which the world's internet infrastructure is built to my delight. They wanted me along for the ride. Lightning is just beginning. The pace of lightning Innovation since its debut early last year has been staggering. I laugh when I hear Skeptics say that lightning network capacity and growth has stalled because of arbitrary public Channel metrics lightning network is not a public Ledger like Bitcoin. It's actually quite the private Ledger making so-called chain analysis irrelevant within lightning any attempts to analyze the growth of lightning network from the outside are futile. Additionally the narrative I hear in the financial media about Bitcoin as merely digital gold is frankly a little tired these people either haven't technically understood the lightning Network or aren't aware of its existence Bitcoin now works at light speed something that a precious and very heavy metal could never do open node is carrying the torch at open note. We don't have to guess whether Bitcoin is a store of value or a medium of exchange. We know it's both and we know that both functions are essential to Bitcoins build the vast majority of transactions. We process is via the lightning network, but the vast majority of the value we process is on chain. We also don't have to guess whether people want to use a hosted solution. When I asked our CEO and co-founder afternoon from on his biggest surprise since starting open note. He said quote. I'm surprised by how quickly we've gained trust from the community even amongst some of the hardcore bitcoiners Who Shall Not Be Named in quote note that our blog is up and running we're excited about our next Endeavor open node. Research our first report. To be released in quarter one of 2020 will tackle the world of Bitcoin as a transactional currency Global e-commerce will surpass four trillion dollars by next year and our mission is to determine exactly how much of that week in power at open node. The task at hand is challenging to say the least but the challenge motivates us to debunk one of Bitcoins greatest misconceptions that it is only a store of value and Not a medium of exchange. It's both and we're excited to show you why. All right quick break. Let's hit our sponsor and we'll come back in and talk a little bit about this piece by Nick Bhatia. For anyone who has a podcast anchor cannot be beaten particularly for trying to get off the ground their entire platform is free. This includes unlimited hosting both in audio that you upload and how much your listeners download. I have uploaded an incredible library of audio now and I've never paid anchor a dime. In fact, they connect me with other sponsors and have run an ad consistently on my show. So they've paid For exposure to my audience that's really hard to beat even if we ignore that I can record directly in the app or my browser. I don't need any other software. If I don't want it I can edit at sound effects clips and they automatically published to all of the top podcasting platforms. I never had to do a thing. So if you were thinking of starting a show or already have a podcast, there's no better platform out there check out anchor by downloading the app or go to Anchor dot f FM today All right. So again, this is by Nick Bhatia. We have read a ton of great stuff by Nick on the show and I love his series that he mentions actually and there's a link to it in this episode. But I'll I'll drop all the links in the show notes obviously to a bunch of the other great pieces. We've covered by him about his about the lightning Network reference rate the time value of Bitcoin. I think Bitcoin second layer is the title of one of them. I found them all but he's we've got so many pieces by him that are just wonderful to read on the show and I highly highly recommend it. But one thing that this thing illustrates that and most people like really forget or I think maybe dismiss is just how small Bitcoin is in the scale of things and how unbelievable its potential remains in solving the problems of an industry of a Repeating industry essentially that is literally hundreds of trillions of dollars in size and that that system has fundamental had systemic issues that Bitcoin is a solution to and is one of the most fascinating and profound solutions to those sorts of problems as we've ever seen. It's the first time that we've been been able to take any sort of quantifiable measurement as to the degree of something Security in the Text of a financial or a trusted relationship trust is not is inherently non-quantifiable. So the fact that we have that in the form of irreversibility of a transaction in the Bitcoin Network and we have a dynamic to actually reach out and attempt to measure that via the proof of work that it would take to undo any of those transactions is unbelievably powerful and in a groundbreaking at the most understated in the most understated way and and lightning network is an entire new ecosystem on top of this and I think he gets to it in this piece, but I think it's I genuinely think of it as a will be as diverse and complex as a new web. We typically associate lightning network with just scaling payments and scaling Bitcoin over. All just in transactions and I don't really think that's the best way I think that's a bit of an elementary way to frame it because this is a and that's one thing that Nick body is so great at with the piece that we recently read the triumvirate of liquidity and then his original series and the lightning Network reference right talking about how it's actually a non-custodial a counterpart a non counterparty risk financial asset. Obviously it does have Risks, but it is your own management and holding risk of an asset that can actually pay a return to pay a set interest rate is essentially not a like I loaned it out interest rate, but a rate of return based on the the need and use of liquidity within the lightning network is that you can provide Capital up to a network with you know bridges in channels between major. Like let's say those say there's ever a situation where there are few channels between you know specific like, you know, there's a bit of a bifurcation. There's a split in the lightning Network where there's kind of a bottleneck for any reason whatsoever. Well suddenly, I have the capacity to insert myself and add new channels to bridge the gap and make the lightning Network infrastructure hold Again by offering up liquidity as a bridge between these two locations in the lightning Network And that's a very powerful idea that I am doing that without counterparty risk. I don't have to really be concerned about what anybody else is doing. Anybody else does as long as I keep proper backups, keep a hold of keep proper Security on my hardware and my keys. Well, then my ownership of those coins are under nobody else's control that it is it is wholly my responsibility as to whether or not I'm safe. And that and that I can actually make a return that I'm offering up that liquidity somebody else without actually giving it to them is such a fascinating idea. It is unique in human history as a financial asset. I mean imagine if you could even if it was only point one or point zero one percent it's a non counterparty risk percentage return to somewhat you you're not giving over custodial control. You're not losing the fact that you are still the sole owner of a the mount need specifically agreed and signed upon amount of coins and that's just it's just truly truly unique and that's one of those things that he gets into and he talks about it in this piece really is just that it is it is something entirely novel in and of itself and its it really is if when you like kind of wrap your head around it and really begin to see the possibilities of the lightning Network, even if this early stage where it may even only be like a 10x or 20x as far as like normal payments go but the possibilities are literally endless. I think we will see lightning Network settling vast sums of money as well as incredibly tiny amounts of money. It will settle, you know, a certain contractual agreements. I think we'll have tokens based on Lightning Network that are pegged to bitcoin like gift Bitcoin Bitcoin denominated gift cards and stocks and stuff like that. I think there's an entire infrastructure here to just build an entire array of new tools without a lot of using a a hardcore like a a hardened set of Bitcoin scripts. We're using social good way to put it to to establish a new network that does not have those restrictions where you're still you're still flocking it to secure Bitcoin, but you also have the kind of Freedom with the HT Elsie's to lock it to all sorts of exterior arrangements with just a private and public key combination. So you don't have to be internal to the lightning Network script does not have to be executable on the Bitcoin change. So you don't have any of those limitations with what kind of a contract you can write you can just like just like we talked about With jacquimo Zuko's setup is you can make quote-unquote colored coins. You can make tokens and external things on the lightning Network itself without having to need that functionality on bitcoin and because of that I think this is there are no limits with what we can do with lightning. It's just a matter of time and it's a matter of development and as a matter of incremental improvements both to the payments scaling situation as well as the being and reliability of the lightning Network infrastructure, which I think is a really key part right now at our current stage is specialization and management within the lightning Network where we see nodes establishing what their role is and we see the growing difference between how service level nodes and infrastructure level nodes behave. And then user nodes and same with you know, service level and network infrastructure level channels as well as user channels. And and I think we'll continue to see this specialized and diverge into a number of different roles on the network and growing use of network specific services that help to Route Around some of the early limitations and essentially keep the the infrastructure of the lightning Network this virtual infrastructure of channels and nodes available and consistent across time. So it's genuinely fascinating to watch all of this stuff play out. I'm particularly when you you want it when it does follow or seem to happen and develop in ways that you would expect it to and then even even more so when it contradicts you and kind of pulls a Black Swan Does something that you never quite saw coming or the it just kind of surprised you out of left field? Those are even more exciting and there is so much to come. There's so much happening the lightning Network right now. I'm in the process of trying to gather as many resources as I can on some of this stuff because it's just such a fascinating tool and protocol in and of itself that Bitcoin makes possible. So yeah that Was just a really cool piece by Nick Bhatia and congratulations on him joining the open note team. By the way, I love open node have used them on and off with with my website and a number of different things whenever I need to easy way to throw something up. I'm typically jumping on open node, and probably my favorite services to that or just BTC pay server open node, and then pay wall dot link that I've used and I go back and Worth between all three of those and I love them. So I highly recommend checking out open note as well. If you have not they they provide lightning if you like have like an online store or WordPress website anything like that and you want to accept payments with Bitcoin and lightning they will basically manage all the liquidity and everything for you and accept payments enlightening and Bitcoin of course, but uh, but yeah, it's definitely currently one to check out as well as Nick Bhatia have I lived links to all of this stuff in the show notes so you can check it out. So don't forget to go there and I'll also have it posted on the crypto Kana I've been a little bit lacks about getting these things posted on the website, but I think I have finally found a trick to make this much much easier for myself and I am excited to simplify that process because it has been really tedious up to now but with that That'll do it. We will close this episode out here. Don't forget to follow. Well both open node and Nick Bhatia Nick Bhatia. The altar of this piece on Twitter. I will have both of their tags in the in the post on Twitter. And of course follow me at the crypto Kana me and subscribe to the Crypt economy with guy Swan the guy who has read more about Bitcoin than anybody else, you know, so that you don't miss all the amazing. Tent coming out incessantly in the Bitcoin space. There is just a flood of awesome stuff articles just like this on everything that you could possibly imagine. We've got another couple of really cool research papers that I've got going on in the background and I'm working on finishing up a another full audio book. This would have been a little bit kind of rushing through some of these episodes recently and because I've got a big huge piece to drop very soon. And we are going to have knut Swan homes sovereignty through mathematics available on auto audible very very soon. So keep a track keep an ear out for all of that stuff the little bit coin book audio book read by yours truly is available on Audible right now. And of course, it's a wonderful wonderful book to give out as a gift as an introduction to bitcoin and its implications or its impact on society. That's the little bit coin book and Lastly if you are planning on coming to the Bitcoin maximalist conference that is bit block. Boom this coming year in August. I am going to be speaking there. I'm going to have my time on stage and I have got a lot of great ideas about what I'm going to talk about. So if you would like to join me, come hang out, let's drink. Let's hang out with a bunch of bitcoiners for a weekend and have an awesome time. You can do that or 30. Percent off with the discount code CC and that is bit block get your tickets and we'll hang out our guys. Thank you guys so much for joining me. I love you all. I hope you stick with me on this insane ride. We are taking into the future and I'll catch you next time on the crypto economy. All right guys, take it easy.
Another of the many great pieces from Nik Bhatia getting into the impact and scope of the system that the Lightning Network could become. Bitcoin is neither just a store of value, nor just a medium of exchange, it's both. The LNP/BP protocol stack is taking us into the future, hear all about it in today's read from Nik Bhatia, now part the OpenNode team, titled "The Lightning Network: Why I Quit the Bond Market for Bitcoin." Link to Nik's Twitter and the original article on his Medium page: The other great pieces by Nik we have covered on the show: The Triumvirate of Liquidity Bitcoin is a Human Right The Business of Bitcoin Cold Storage Our 3rd ever Interview with Nik Bhatia all about the future of Capital Markets The Bitcoin Second Layer The Time Value of Bitcoin The Bitcoin Risk Spectrum Grab your copy of the Little Bitcoin Book or listen to the audiobook read by me! Get tickets for BitBlockBoom2020 at the link below - offer code CC for 30% off! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Did you know that being a guest on other people's for cars is one of the easiest ways for you to build your brand to get yourself out there and to get new clients without having to do all of the work getting on someone else's poor class means that you get in front of an Engaged audience without you having to do all of the work. Now it really is that great. And with that said there is of course going to be a lot more to it.In today's episode. I have Jessica roads on the show. Jessica owns a company called interview connections where she gets six bigger plus entrepreneurs on to other peoples podcast now, even if you're not there yet business-wise notice how I said, yeah because when you were yet on the end of something it means that it is going to happen, even if it has not happened yet. So even if you've not yet hit that six figures then you better make sure that you Engage and listen to this podcast here because my oh my this works, even if you're starting out or even if you already have a massive business, but don't yet have the publicity to go alongside it. Here's the cool thing. You can start getting on other people's podcast today. We are giving you the exact strategies in this episode today. Everything that you need is in this episode. So make sure that you have your headphones on tight. On you is all that you have this blasting out loud and that you're not distracted as you're listening because this is one of the most the most actionable podcast episodes that I have ever put up here on impact school. And if you've not hit subscribe already whether you're listening to this on iTunes or whether you're listening to this on Android stitch up or whether you're listening on Spotify, whatever you're listening hit follow hit subscribe because Maya my we have some great Content coming so you can find Jessica on Instagram at interview connections. And this will cause episode is so incredibly good that all I'm asking you to do is tell one friend about this one friend who's interested in building their brand or their business or building Their audience on social media because Maya Maya and this is so good. So get your notebook and your pen out and be sure to listen and you can find me on Instagram at Lauren Tecna, but where I'm hanging out the most is on. LinkedIn is just my name Lauren. Ticknor big just type that in La you re n and then Tecna T IC KN ER through following me on that. You're gonna get the most actionable and valuable content other than the impact school podcast content, of course, the ya go be sure to check out on there. Like that's where I sort of do some more behind-the-scenes stuff, which is high high value. So speaking of high value I started off this interview today through asking Jessica. Jessica what is the number one most important thing when it comes to getting on other people's podcast. The very most important thing is to really provide value to that podcast host audience. That is the number one thing that podcast host really care about is providing valuable information to their listeners because if they are listeners are not getting value, they're not going to subscribe. They're not going to come back to the next episode. So that really has To be your number one goal when you're a guest on podcast is how can I serve this audience? How can I give them as much information as much inspiration motivation? Whatever the goal is for that show you want to give them that so those listeners number one, they're going to want to reach out to you but they're also going to want to come back to see who that host has on in the next episode. I love it. I love it how we would just talking about exactly business before we record. I was like, okay my people love the actionable. Dep, so let's go with that today. So that is what you are going to be hearing on this episode today with Jessica. So we want to know as online coaches as only consultant how we can build our brand we want to get in front of new people because getting in front of an existing engaged audience is of course going to be an amazing way for us to grow our own brand and hopefully off the back of that get some brand new clients. So I would love it Jessica. I really just want to leave this to you today to really Job with our listeners exactly how they can get themselves on other people's shows. So would you just want to take it away? I would be happy to learn that amazing. You're the type of guests. I love yeah, let's do this. So the number okay. So the first things first so for everyone listening but a little behind the scenes because this is a very meta episode and we're talking about being a guest on podcast and I'm being a guest on this podcast right now is so funny though because my whole business is An online coaching and consulting company and young people how to start and scale that own online coaching and Consulting. Yeah. Yeah. It's perfect. You've got a practice like you've got to be you know, you better Practice What You Preach so ugly? Yeah. The first thing that I asked Lauren was who is your target audience? Who are we talking to because if I don't know that as a guest I cannot provide you value. So now that I know who you are. I'm going to I really want to start with letting you know what some of the If it's hard because you might be listening to this already super enrolled and they you know that podcast interviews work. But if you're a little bit on the fence, you've heard it but you're not really sure how I think that's first and most important than we can jump into the really actionable steps of like literally how to get on a podcast. So there's a lot of different benefits to podcasting and to getting interviewed on podcast. And the reason I love these benefits is because they all come out of the power of human connection, which is perfect for your audience. And for this show because I know you talked a lot about mindset. Set and personal growth and development and just the power of connecting with another human. I know for me I can think of a few people that in the Journey of my business just one relationship has delivered so much into my life and into my business and that's really what you get from being a guest on podcast you get to now have a new relationship in business that starts with you providing value to them and then they provide value to you and then so much comes out of that. So if you believe in the power Of relationships and human connection and having conversations in a really authentic way. Then this is absolutely a marketing strategy that you want to really take. Seriously and then Jessica, would you mind just quickly telling us some of those opportunities that have come about View and then maybe I'll share a couple of which have happened for me which have just been insane absolutely so a couple opportunity so number one having a referral partnership. Actually. Let's even take it a step back the most direct up. Opportunity is the host the person that interviews you ends up wanting to be your client which happens all the time. A lot of my clients will tell me, you know, the host actually becomes a client. It doesn't even like even before the interview goes live the host became a client of mine. I got an Roi from that just because of that one conversation. So that is obviously number one number two referral Partnerships. So the host our listeners will say hey, I heard this person on this podcast. You have to go talk to them. I've gotten a lot of clients just from people hearing my interviews. And then from the three really building up your community people are hearing your interview. They're inviting you on to their show. They're coming on to your email list because these hosts really believe in what you do and they keep promoting your episodes. So those are a couple like I could literally talk all day about this. But yeah Lauren what were some of the things that have happened for you? Okay, so just a few things come to mind, but I do think one thing is that I feel that having your own book also going on other people's podcast makes you seem so much more legit. Right because you can just say oh I was on this book artists and I feel that podcasting is still something that typically the average person maybe finds it still at the Intriguing or maybe they only listen to podcasts which have been perhaps recordings of the radio shows or these big massive like NPR shows. So when you can say, oh I've been on all these hot guys, I feel that it just has so much credibility to your brand right? I've no it's just so incredibly highly valuable. I know for sure. I'm taken a lot more seriously in the world of Entrepreneurship. Thanks to Michael class. This book. I was here. In fact school and it's great because it's allowed me to build connections like you were saying that's my favorite part about it Bill connections with people like Grant called Zone and Ed my land and the fight that they invite me to then go to their events and hmm, all of this crazy stuff. And so yeah, I feel that for me. The coolest things are that it has definitely opened up a lot of opportunities. To me speaking gigs really the amount of paid speaking gigs that I have had thanks to this podcast and through being one of the people shows has been insane and that's just allowed me to really I feel yeah, I think it's the level of how your position in the market it really it positions you I don't like to say above or below but it kind of does position you're above everyone else. Mmm-hmm. Absolutely. It's gives you instant social proof what my client AJ Wilcox chair he A LinkedIn advertising agency and when people that are thinking about using his agency Google him to do a little bit of their research before hiring him. They not only see his website, but now they see all of these interviews that he's done interview with AJ on such-and-such podcast just interview after interview after interview, you know comes up and I love that. You know what my business partner Mario he says is that when you go on shows without like expecting one specific result in return when you leave space for possibility So much happens like the speaking opportunities going to events. I know so many people that you know, either they were interviewed on a podcast or they hosted a podcast and then learned about a conference or an event that they hadn't known about they go and then so much happens after that event like the connections they made so it's sort of like a domino effect that the results that come from podcast interviews aren't always from that exact conversation or that exact interview, but it but there's things that it leads you to so it's really being open to possibility and being open to new opportunities. Is that's really what this this medium with this medium pregnancy? Oh, yeah. I mean it puts you in front of a whole new audience that you wouldn't have otherwise and yeah, it's just a great great thing because you're building a connection here making a friend with someone in your industry. Let's be real right now, you know building your own online business can sometimes be kind of lonely and so the fact that you get to sit there and just while I'm standing so you guys to talk to someone for an entire sometimes up to an hour or even longer about ABC bit specific topic that you're both equally interested in and then the father that's actually content that then you can reuse and disperse a bond all your other platforms as well on the goodness me. There are so many benefits. But let's let's give them the juice as to how to make this happen. Yes. Okay. So the first thing that you have got to put together for yourself is a one sheet one sheet. So I started booking interviews in 2013. I started the first podcast booking agency and I coined this term because when I was pitching My clients I realized they the hose needs to see something outside of my email that says they're a great guess they need to get the information. They need to be prepared for an interview. So you're wanting is a very simple it's a one-page PDF. It's got a little graphic design to it's got to look good. Right? It's 2019 almost 20 20 people in need some aesthetically pleasing marketing materials. It's a book you yeah, no for sure. Definitely. So I have this and I made it on canvas. So I'm going to leave a link to canva I'll leave. A link in the show notes for you guys, but I'm as good as free Lincoln. Oh, yeah. Yeah, you don't have to overthink this this is really simple. So you wanted to be clean you wanted to match your branding, you know, the right colors and fonts and everything but here's the copy you want to have you want to have your your bio and the bio and your one sheet should really be like hundred and fifty words because you wanted to be something that is written in third person. So the host of the show can use that as an introduction and they might you know Tori that a little bit but you want to give them something. So they can introduce you then you want to have some interview topics interview topics are more like how to do this or tips for this like they're more General like an interview type of could be the conversation for a whole episode. Then you want to have some suggested interview questions literally like phrasing. So the hose could literally just read those questions verbatim and throughout the interview and the questions. This is really important because a mistake I see a lot of people making when they make their one sheet or they come up with interview topics and questions. It's all about them. How did you start your business? Why are you so passionate about this or stuff? That's all about them. And while your story may be interesting and amazing and impactful the host doesn't know that right away like they're not they don't know what that story is. I don't know how that's going to bring value. So you want to have interview topics and questions when that when a host reads it they can instantly see that. Oh, yeah, the answer would be very valuable to my listeners as opposed to being self-serving for the guests who wants to just talk about themself. So you want to make sure Your interview topics and questions set you up to provide value to the listeners. And then also on your one sheet you want that contact information your email your phone number your Skype name. I know most people do Zoom now, but you definitely want to have some contact information there. So when you're going to be interviewed by them the host can just look at your one sheet and get the information they need and then website links social media just to stuff that a host would need. So what I'm booked on a show I could just I have most of this also on my pressed page as well on my state which is a another tip. If you want to go the extra mile get all of this on your website. You can send a host a link and say literally everything you need is right here and they're like, oh perfect. So that's that's Step One is having that so you're ready to then get out there pitch yourself and get booked. Yeah. So let's just talk about the importance of this now. I personally believe that for all listeners the majority of them are the stage. We're having the one sheet. It's going to be way more valuable than having it on their website. Yeah the moment I sort of tell them, you know, you don't really The website until you are x amount per month because they're sort of maybe at the beginning stages of that business where they need more of a strategically designed sales funnel or right and then a actual website, but once you're once you're really building a personal brand and really putting yourself out there, then that's when you can simply just move all that stuff on the one sheet onto the website and it's pretty easily done when you get to that stage. But yeah having this is so important because it means that you don't have to keep you know copying and pasting this massive. Female because they say you're pitching podcast again, which I'm sure we're going to get onto in a minute. Right Jessica. Well, I'm gonna I'm gonna leave it there whether you like it or not anyways, so with that said though, it's so valuable because then if you send someone an email personally I get hitched every day multiple times and if someone sends me a really really long email guess what I know that it's copied and pasted it. So as a podcast host I Me provide see a really short email, you know, two or three sentences just telling me why they like my show and which specific podcast episode they listen to Because guess what if they tell me? Hey, I change the name of my book wasn't my post as a while back and I deleted all the episodes and I relaunch them all and I always get emails to the state telling me. Hey, Lauren I love and then they say the old name of the podcast and I'm just like have you seriously done your research so incredibly frustrating, right? So it is just like a really short email that I get and then they've attached as a PDF attachment that one she or a similar concept to that. Oh my goodness me. That is like yes. I am so much more likely to actually have you come on the show. So yeah, do you mean yeah hips but maybe first of all before we talk about the actual email picture in itself. Yeah should probably talk about you know, how to find good shows for that person to get on exactly. Yeah, there are over 700,000 Podcast and the question is how do I find the ones for me? How do I know? What's a good fit for me? So get really clear on your goals. What is your goal for being a guest on podcast? Who is your target audience? You've got to get really clear on your avatar. Who do you want to be serving? Who do you want to be working with who is going to find Value in the content that you have to share? So this is really clear on that because that's going to be the foundational elements for your search for you. Your research and be a I have a exactly no, I have a pogos episode on how to find your Niche. So definitely go and check that one out. If you're still not too too sure exactly. Who is your ideal listener is yeah, that's perfect. Yeah, that's that's amazing and it's good to get clear on not only the demographics of your target audience like male female age all that but like also the psychographic like yes, what do they really care about? What are their what's bothering them? What do what kind of pleasure do they want to gain? What kind of whatever fears do they have like get really clear on their mindset because a lot like one thing that a lot of people think is like oh if I'm a marketing coach, I just need to be on all marketing shows. But if your target audience has no interest in marketing which is why they would hire you. They're not going to be listening to marketing shows. So you've got to find the shows where your target audience is listening to and that's not to say there wouldn't be value for you and being on a marketing podcast because then we're talking about like credibility and building relationships in your Industry and stuff like that, but you want to really map all this out and really flush all these details out. So, you know, okay, I'm going to be on this kind of podcast because this gets me right in front of my ideal client. I'm going to be on this kind of podcast because I want to connect with these other speakers in my industry to build up referral relationships and stuff like that and get like speaking opportunities. So once you get clear on your target audience and your goals for podcast interviews, then you have a very clear idea of the types of shows that are going to be a good fit for you. So now we're ready to start researching Mmm Yeah. So let's talk about that for a second. I feel that people will often times do exactly what you said. They're like, okay, so I'm an online coach. So I'm an online fitness coach. So I need to get on all the fitness podcast, but it's probably not the best thing like maybe those people are actually listening to podcasts about like boy gossip, right? Because that into that type of thing that's what they're typically listening to so maybe you could go in and talk about how to get into the gym so that you can find your dream man. You know exactly I love that it would make so much more sense. Right? And so this is the type of thing I think is so incredibly important like you mentioned those psychographics because I feel that often times when people think about okay, what's my Niche that immediately think like demographics, but I personally think that understanding which problem your ideal client is actually facing is probably the most important thing to know about because then you know exactly what resources they're tuning into to try and overcome that problem or Try and have entertainment. So yeah, I love what you said that that was super helpful super super valuable. I know for sure. Our listeners are probably going to have to listen to everything that we've already been through so far over a few more times because if they're like me probably listening in 1.5 times be overwhelming. Sometimes I already talk fast. So people are going to need to slow this one down because I love it. Exactly. So once they've understood you know, who that ideal listener is what sort of thing that you're doing in, To how do we go about actually figure out which shows in itself or the best because let me tell you. I personally I do have someone on my team who sort of looks at the different podcast and tries to figure out which ones are best for me to get on. It's a little bit tough, right because here's the problem. I feel that many podcasts they sort of lost a show and within the first 24 hours they get in the top 10 and they use that as sort of Leverage for the rest of the book has life and Really? You don't really know how many listeners they actually have and so I struggle to know which shows are going to be a good use of my time because I get pushed all the time for people to have me on their podcast and I used to say yes to them all but I literally just uploaded a podcast episode on the day of we recording this is when it went up but on the importance of saying no and so I have to say no to the vast majority that I'm invited on right and obviously by the way, I'm I just realized As I'm saying that you don't start helping invited literally this time last year. I dreamed of being invited on tons of books. So now it's happened. And now I'm have another problem. It's a different problem because now I don't know which ones to say. Yes, and which ones say no do so, would you be able to help me personally with that but also this will help our listeners because it will help them know which ones they should pitch. Yeah, absolutely. So, okay, let's start with you for first. So you've got a ton of interview requests coming in and I totally get what Like where you're coming from? Because yeah, you don't start out with a ton of interview requests, but you start getting getting yourself out there and then the interviewer across started coming in and a commonly appears like a snowball is this? Yeah, because the more polkas you go on the more you get invited on which is another yeah going on them is so great. Exactly. Yeah. I mean I have one of my employees pitches me and gets me books. But meanwhile, I'm getting people asking me to be on their show, so I'm getting even more interviews. So the thing and I really get what you're saying because you know a couple of years ago. Ago, I was preaching like you got to say yes to everyone you got cuz like I was still building and I was talking to people who are still like building up their influence and like you have to go everywhere for me. I can't say yes everyone anymore. Like there's not enough time in the day. There's not enough time in the week just say yes to every single interview opportunity. And so I think that is the same for you. So when you get to that certain point where you're like can't say yes to everyone there's not enough time in the day. Then you really have to look at is this particular interview a good fit for me? And so I would just Back to what your goal is for being a guest and like how you work with people. What are your courses and programs the ideal clients and like look at the potential return on investment. So for a lot of coaches and Consultants looking at what is the lifetime value of a client for you if you taken a client that maybe they start with a group program, but you've got this Ascension model, you know, they're going to then join like one-on-one or with a mastermind or go to an event like whatever your different models are. And you say I know if I sign someone in at this level, they're eventually going to be investing up to five. Or whatever it may be and you look at that podcast and you say okay is the host of this show or at least one listener likely to become my client. And what is that worth for me? And I think that's what you look at as far as like metrics go. So this kind of takes us into when you're pitching yourself. And when you're a researching and finding podcast, we you know, we've got sure researchers here at interview connections. We give them like a checklist. Like these are the things that you've got to look for Baseline for everyone and then there's more specific criteria for each guest so number one if they've At least 20 episodes live that's sort of a baseline because a lot of people quit after 10 episodes a lot of people quit after 20. So for us if they published at least 20 episodes that does show us that okay, they've been going for probably four to six months and there they've got something you know, they've got some subscribers. They've got some listeners. We also look at ratings and reviews on you know iTunes and and I'm just going to give these criteria, but remember like take this all with a grain of salt. There's no black and white, you know deal-breaker cry. Tyria, so we look at ratings and reviews. So one interesting stuff that I've got from a friend of mine and a friend in the podcasting industry who does a lot of like data analysis of podcasting is that only point six percent of podcasts on iTunes have more than a hundred reviews. Wow. So yeah, and that might be in the u.s. ITunes Store. It's when you look at the iTunes Store in different countries, you only see the reviews for that country. So, okay. Yeah, I was about to say that actually because I learned about that because I was really confused as to why I had so few because then I realized like my audience is actually the majority in America. Yeah, you probably have a ton of reviews on the US iTunes Store exactly. But my UK one it was showing me like I had like 20 or something and I was like, okay, this is not true because I know that more than 20 people have sent me screenshots. Right? Right. Yeah, I think I don't understand why they do that. It's kind of strange. Yeah. Yeah. So, I mean that's just something to can take into consideration. So and I the reason I share that and I've shared this with clients because we'll have some clients that say like I only want to be on podcast with more than a hundred reviews and it's just helpful to get that like point six percent of podcasts have more than a hundred reviews. And then from there. It's an even smaller percentage that you know, you want a show that's currently publishing you want to show that actually takes guests. There are shows that are feel like the perfect fit for you. But if it's not an interview show, I'm sorry, you're not going to be interviewed on that podcast also rude. It's also so rude. It's someone who is a solo podcaster. Yeah, they're like, that's not what I do. Yeah, it's just so clear that you haven't actually listen to any of that hook is can I just say everyone when you're trying to get on peoples shows, please, please please just listen to some of the episodes before because I know for sure like you don't always have time to do that. But when you're getting your first three to five interviews doing that is going to make the most sense because it can actually come from the heart. Art, and then if it comes from the heart and if your first 3 to 5, let's just say on the biggest pool guys out there. Then the chances of you getting accepted a much higher. What do you think Jessica? Oh, absolutely. I think this is so important you have to do that research and by listening to their podcast before you pitch your pitch is going to be so much better. People are actually you're going to actually be able to personalize and customize your email pitch because you'll be able to say I just listened to your interview on such-and-such. So, you know I listen to your interview with so and so I really loved what you said about this. I remember I listen to a lot of podcasts before I pitch when I was first starting my business and it really helped me because I heard certain nuances like I would hear the Jose like yeah, I get pitched all the time blah blah blah. I only take us like you'll actually they will hand it to you on a silver platter like what they're looking for. If you actually take the time to research and get to know them by listening to their show is so true. Yeah it is so incredibly true. I mean I mean I find it kind of interesting as well. Just the way that people go about pitching because I get it open and I was talking to my friend Jordan who I know you mentioned boy. We had that record. So we were talking about this and I said to him I was like, you know what I find so funny. It's like I'll always get these messages are there in my Instagram or inside of my LinkedIn messages and it's from people saying hey Lauren I would love to come on your show. I'm like, of course, you'd love to come on my channel a massive audience. I don't plans for you. You do the exact same thing as me. Of course, you'd love to call my shirt like mmm. It is see. This is the thing. This is why I love this episode that we're recording here because I have a bit of anger towards to also evil pitch. And so that's why I think what we're teaching today is so valuable because we're going to help people not make themselves look like fools right when you start to when you said, Me a message saying Lauren. I'd love to come on your show because I'm really good at this. This isn't this it makes you look like a dick. So I want to comment on this because if people are pitching through DM the reaching out, you know, you're reaching out to to a host on Instagram or Facebook or whatever use the style of a direct message use that conversation as an opportunity to learn more. So I've got myself hooked on shows where I find a podcast. I I I'm on LinkedIn a lot because Work with like B2B businesses and that's where my clients are. So I'm on LinkedIn and I message someone who has a great host and I just said like hey tell me more about your podcast and they tell me more and I said who's your target audience and they tell me the target audience and then I say would your listeners find Value and I give my topic and they say yes, they would I'm like great and then it's like you don't even have to put yourself there. Like actually yeah, that would be a perfect topic. Do you want to come on my show so ask questions gather information first and then you can also ask like Are you open to a guest suggestion, you know, maybe you're pitching yourself. Like are you open to a guest suggestion? I have this topic. I think it'd be really valuable. What do you think and by approaching it and that Gentle Way the hose isn't going to be annoyed because you are seeking that information. You're almost asking permission to pitch which if they say yes, then, you know, you're kind of your foots in the door, you know, so you definitely want to just like you said social etiquette, you know, like use those conversational skills gather information, so If the door is open for you to pitch yourself, it's going to be much more effective. Right? Exactly. You just my way of that I've done in the past is I just complement them. I'll eat you will compliment them and say I love your podcast. I absolutely loved your episode with this person. It taught me this here's how I've implemented it and there's my result and I sort of do that before I ever even mention it, you know a couple weeks before I personally don't go straight in for the page. I don't know what you feel about that. But this is talking about the DMs. Like I have always done mainly through damn rather than email. That's something that we're going to be expanding soon. Just as I have some team members going to be doing this to me. Yeah, let's talk about emails. Let's talk about email pitching and do's and don'ts yeah so that you're not Pitch. I want to just go through like I think you know, you've mentioned that you prefer a very very short email pitch like two or three sentences with the one sheet. So the thing to remember is that every host is going to have a different preference. So I can give you and I will give you guys, you know, a basic template and a kind of a structure to follow but just know that every host is going to have a different style my friend Hillary prefers really long pitches. She wants to know a lot of information and that pitch to know if it's a good fit for her snow and other people are going to want something super short. Like they got a short attention span. They're going to know with one or two sentence is if it's a good fit for them. So you just will have to play around with it and know that there's not one pitch that's going to work for every host but in general I mean number one this subject line. So I've done some surveying of hose to see what subject lines work. I think the majority of hoes are saying just be direct be straightforward guess suggestion for XYZ. Like just tell me what you're doing. Don't be cute. Don't be fluffy. Don't try to trick me into opening the email at the same time. Hey play around with it. Maybe that actually works. So this is all marketing. So you got you know, you've got to test things. So in the email you want to introduce yourself be friendly and personalized that that Introduction to your email mention what episode you checked out? I really liked saying like I know your podcast is targeting describe their target audience. And I know that you teach people, you know XYZ on your show and then because you've now communicated very directly that you understand their target audience you understand what the shows about then you can pitch what you would like to teach their listeners. Would you consider having me on as a guest so friendly introduction make sure they know No, like do that active listening in the email. I know that this is what your show is about. I know this is a you interview another really cool tip that I love is if you have a really neat topic, you can search their podcast search their website see if they've ever done an episode on that topic before and you can say hey I checked out your show. I realized you have not yet done at up an episode about this topic and I think that it would be very valuable to your listeners. You know, what do you think? Because then that really shows that you've done some research and it makes them think. Oh, yeah. I haven't done that. That would be amazing. Yeah, I should definitely have that topic on my show. Yeah, so does that help? Yeah. No, that's great. So one thing that came up just as we were going through all of this and I think that is so useful so far by the way listeners if you're enjoying their so make sure to give some credit where credit is due. Let's get this shared on your story. So take that screenshot make sure to tag at interview connections and at Lauren Tecna and obviously Empire school as well tag us on the stories because we want to share that right Sheriff. What your best Golden Nugget of wisdom has been so focused Jessica has been dropping absolute bombs. And guess what? If you share it check if you share the fact that you're you know, listening to a podcast about how to get on other people's podcast. Guess what someone who has a podcast might see it and they might message you you just never know what can come through sharing. So with that said one thing that just came up for me just then was collaborating with people who have a similar size audience to you. So personally asked when I I am having someone pitch to me and they tell me that on Instagram. They have like 50,000 followers and that they're willing to share it on their social media that pretty much means that I'm almost definitely going to say. Yes, you know, as long as I look at their profile and it's the Right audience and that therefore it was a real but if they are telling me that they're willing to share it then goodness me. I am so much more likely to say yes. Yes. Can we talk about this? Absolutely. This is huge because people come to me all the time wanting to be booked on the biggest podcast out there and a lot of times I have to do some reality checks with them and say like listen you like your amazing. You've got a great story. You've got a great business, but you have not been interviewed before you have like a very small social media following like we need to work our way up here, right? But on the other hand like I've got clients like, you know, Ali Brown who's got like over a hundred thousand followers on Facebook like we go for the bigger shows because she's so well, And in her name recognition is so high that people see a lot of value and having on the show just for the name recognition alone. So based on how well known you are and how big your following is that will kind of determine like the size podcast it is going to be appropriate for you because it's like it's not always good positioning for a really well-known person to go on a show that has two episodes. Although you know, if that's a really good fit and the host is a good connection. Like there are some shows that are brand-new but the host is like on me like a superstar on trainer and I just happen to start a podcast. So again, all of this is the greatest all of his like you got to take into consideration a lot of different factors, but in general, yeah, you do want to be realistic about and I connect with host who are your peers, you know, I had a consult with somebody who you know wants to be interviewed on shows and she's like, you know, they were interviewed on a very well-known name podcast and I don't know how they got that opportunity somewhere pay to play now and they were like it was it was just awful like the host is like kind of patronizing to them. They were not well known at all. So it was very clear and balance of like power and authority and it just it didn't position that guest well because they were there clearly as like the inferior expert so you want to be careful of that like you want these interviews to position you well, that's why I don't go on shows where the host coaches me and that's like a great topic like because there are shows and I think that's really interesting where the host is a coach and they bring on Guess Who want to be coached. So if you're just Getting started. Those shows are great because you get some free coaching. But if you're an established entrepreneur and you want to position yourself as an expert don't go on and then like Charles your, you know, like shortcomings at the moment. So you want to make sure you're being positioned. Well for what your goals are. I love it. Yeah, that's great. I think open times as well those ones about that getting coach that often Anonymous. So I mean if you want to do I just want to be anonymous like just because like sometimes I listen to those like and more it's typically more sort of like me. Inside or like love all those type of things and yeah, they'll be like Anonymous. Yeah, when you're attaching your brand your business your personal whatever to the poor guys. You want to be seen in the best light. So with regards to that, you know, for example your hair Jessica and you're giving us all the wisdom bombs, but let's just say you came on you were tired. You were really I don't know like you just retired. You're just a bit offer. You know, sometimes you just have those days where you just not quite Right on it and you just feel that you did not perform so well. Hmm. What do you do in this situation? But also after you like you recorded an interview and I think as a guest and you just were like that was terrible. Yeah. That's what yeah, you know what it happens and I think you just have to learn from it. I will tell you I years ago. I was booking somebody on an awesome podcast pretty well-known person and kind he really occurred to me as Madiba and he said I like that interview performance was terrible, please ask that host not to air it and I'm like I'm not going to do that. Like you've got I mean I'm not going to ask that host not to air it because it's his show right and maybe it was fine. I've done this is like a little bit different but I've done sales calls and I'm like, oh my God, that was terrible and then I'll have my partner listen to the recording and she's like girl it was fine. Like I don't know what you're talking about. Like it was all in my head, you know how but so I think you have To learn from it. I listen to most of the interviews I do to really just embody my core value of excellence and always wanting to improve so I would and you know invite people if they feel like they really flunked an interview listen to the recording see what you can learn from it and work to be a better speaker on the next interview. Yeah, is this simple as that? I mean, it's just improving and I also think this is the power of actually perhaps having your own Focus or making your own either audio or video content in some way because it Forces you to become more eloquent. So just a little story. I was just in a Visa recently with my videographer and I was like, right I want to film a video for LinkedIn and just hold the camera and let's go and literally I sat down and it was around. I think it ended up being about one minute and 20 no one minute and forty seconds or something and it was just off the cuff great and it was so eloquent. It was so perfect. It's done really well on LinkedIn and I haven't put it on Instagram yet. But I will but the reason why I'm able to do that. It's because I do things like that. It's guess what if I haven't messed up just then and there that was under two minutes of my life and I could have just fine again, but the fact that I forced myself just to do it means that now I come out with these bite-size nuggets which sounds so good on podcast episodes, which if I was always focusing on Perfection and having to have a script in front of me, then I would not perform. Well when I'm taking out of my comfort zone and into Else's book guys, but they can ask me questions. I don't know what's coming. Right right and practice makes perfect. Right? So let's practice exactly. Yeah, so that's why when you're starting to get interviewed on podcast you don't try to get on the biggest show right away because you don't want to be a terrible guest on the biggest podcast ever. So you want to make sure that if you're just starting to get out there go on some smaller shows, maybe go on some newer podcasts like practice being a great guest. And then once you've really perfected your interview skills, you are great conversations, you know how to provide value your you know, you're witty, you're not saying I'm every other word then you go for those bigger shows those more established podcast where the host is really established and you guys can really have a great relationship. So work your way up to the more established podcast, but get some practice because I'm telling you even really established business owners. Maybe you're doing multiple six seven figures if you've never been interviewed before it is a different skill set than what you might be doing in. Your business so definitely get that practice. And if you haven't done it, maybe you're not getting interviews. I would invite you to do some videos and just like like Lawrence. I like pull out the camera just start talking start presenting start speaking in any way that you can so you can perfect your message. Yeah. It's a true. So what you just said that I've actually interviewed someone who has a nine-figure business so that you know, they're doing nine figures a year and it was just horrendous. I mean it was just I couldn't post it because this person had clearly not done anything like this before and it just you know, there was no depth to the answers. And so that's problematic for myself as a host because I want to as you mentioned give values my audience and so I would have been wasting their time and fight about that. So I just you know, I just said hey, I'm like, I'm sorry. It was a bit of an awkward situation for me actually. So you as the guests not doing your research not doing it. Preparation you're actually doing a disservice to the person who owns the podcast and the person who owns the podcast is audience through not preparing and it's just not good for anyone. So yeah, I think that's amazing. And so one final thing that I'd like to say about is just actually building relationships with these people on social. I know we touched on it recently really really mm brief, but great example is to connect with them on LinkedIn and when you're connecting with them add a note saying that you like the forecast saying yeah, you like it following them on Instagram commenting on their stuff on Insta or whatever platform you use and then they'll start sort of recognize your name. So when you actually go to pitch them then they're far more likely to say yes to you anymore sort of hacks on that. Yeah. I know. I think that's great. I think providing value sharing their show. Like if you're doing this at a mass scale and you're really going for quantity and like pitching a ton of people like not all of this is going to be realistic for you to do but if you're wanting to get like on a couple shows a month and you're really putting time into this, there are so many Things you can do to really improve your chances and to you know, like give that Goodwill so, you know connecting with them on LinkedIn adding that note building starting the conversation sharing their show leave a rating and review let them know that you did because they might not see it like hey look at you are just up to your rating a screenshot of it. Yes. Yes. Yes, but yeah like good exactly and just like having a question like hey, is there do you have any post that you want me to share? I love that. Somebody asked me that on LinkedIn they were like, hey, do you have any articles that you want me to share for you? And of course, they allows the same in return and I'm happy to do it. But yeah, so just looking for ways to nurture the relationship provide value and you know, listen to their show rate and review it all that stuff really really helps. I love it. Yeah, it's great because I actually had this happen to me. I had this girl she had a pretty small following on Instagram in comparison. I think she had around you know, she it's a big metal most people around 10,000 followers or something. She did not have her in focus. However, she was so actively sharing my shirt and she was eyes of you sharing it so much. This was for my old because I used to have a different purpose before this one. She was like sharing it. She was commenting on my staff. She was telling other people to listen and then I ended up interviewing her and now we're friends and it turns out she actually writes for Forbes now right now, is it not look she hasn't done an article on me or anything, but it's just because of the fact that she was so Keen. I ended up interviewing her and yeah, that was cool. I mean, I just think Think that all these crazy things can happen who knows where that relationship will go but it's just like yeah just be active. So if you're wanting an interview on impact school people, you know, what you need to do. You need to share this you need to go and write a review you need to have telling your friends about the show because the cool thing about doing that as well as like, let's say you do actually end up coming on the show and guess what's gonna happen more people are going to be listening to you one of my clients Emily. She was telling me how she used to listen to this podcast every Thing when she went on a run and then she ended up becoming a client of mine. She did Super well and now she has an interview here on impact school. So awesome. It's just a can come full circle. And so I love that you mentioned that and I feel that you have shared so much value now, we didn't even I totally forgot because I listened to you on couple poor guys before but I forgot to even ask you how you got into this. Oh my gosh, so I sort of bury their the long story short is that I started my business online when I had my first, baby. Maybe because I wanted to be home. I wanted a more, you know free lifestyle. And so I started a virtual assistant business and one of the first things that I was doing for my clients was cooking them for interviews on podcasts. And as I got I got bit by that entrepreneurial bug I Niche down and created interview connections back in 2013. That is so interesting how it came from you booking other people onto other people's book us. Well, that's really really cool. But so when you were first starting You doing before what job I worked for a nonprofit organization called clean water action. I did door-to-door fundraising and organizing. So basically door-to-door sales. I did that first six years work my way up in the organization and in school. I went to Temple University. I studied Communications and Leadership. So it's in hindsight. I'm like, oh I really did set myself up to you know have a business and podcasting but I was saying to my kids last night, you know, we were just kind of having that what you want to be when you grow up and I'm I'm like you're all going to do something that isn't even invented now because when I was a kid podcasting wasn't even a thing could have never guess that I grow up to do this. So it's just so interesting to see how things evolve that's crazy and it's crazy how one they saw they kids nowadays the top three things are influencer YouTuber and like gamer or something. It's crazy. I know it's not it's not amazing. Well, thank you so much for coming on the show. Of course, all of your links are in the show notes. I know that you mentioned you have a brand new Facebook group interview. As dot group will take you there. And yeah, it's a group for 6 Plus figure entrepreneurs to learn how to profit from their podcast interview. So if this interview is interesting to you, we would love to have you in the group amazing. I'm going to get myself in that right now. Thank you so much. That was great you delivered so incredibly much value. You are a great guess I can tell thank you so much is what you preach amazing. Thank you. Thank you Lauren. So that wraps up how to get on other people's podcast. So I don't know about you, but I have a lot of things that I'm going to be implementing based upon what Jessica shared with me and I think for me my favorite thing about getting on other people's shows isn't just the fact that I get a bunch of new clients clients who want to build their own online coaching or Consulting businesses. Who by the way if you want to do that then make sure to go to new online and schedule a free cool with a member of my team currently at the time that I upload this episode. We also on waitlist so you might have to be put on a list because we had such high demand and we wanted to improve impact schools Academy, which is where we literally help you get your first 3 to 10 high paying online coaching clients, even if you have no previous experience, so maybe right now you're a consultant and you're doing everything one-on-one and bespoke or you're a freelancer and you're doing everything totally customize all your an in-person therapist or doctor, whatever we help you package it up and turn it into what we call an impacts of Also, perhaps I'll do a podcast episode on what exactly that is, but just go to new online and then you can join the waitlist or book your call. Whichever it happens to be at that period of time with that said, you know, if you're someone who's trying to build your brand and build your business getting up our glass is so valuable and I threw getting on a three-hour shows as I mentioned. My favorite thing isn't the fact that I get new clients, which is obviously great because it means that I get to change their lives and I get money but the second thing is that I get to build connections with people. Who am I industry? And that is so cool. Just so incredibly cool. Even if they're not in my industry if they just have a ball glass, you know, it's cool to be friends and people that have all got us because they obviously go or you're doing so with that said make sure to get on it Implement what we said be sure to tell one friend about this podcast episode how valuable was this it was so valuable. So go tell someone about it. Come on just do it go ahead and do it. And with that said, I look forward to seeing if this has been you know, if you've had a golden nugget moment. That was really good. I would have to see it shared on your stories. Thank you so much for tuning in to impact school. Make sure to smash that subscribe and whatever poor guys provider you're listening on and I will see you in the next episode. We upload two times per week. I'll see you there.
Did you know that being a guest on someone else's podcast is one of the easiest ways of building your personal brand, getting yourself out there and getting new clients without having to do all of the work? There's more to it than that however and that's why in this episode, host Lauren Tickner is joined by Jessica Rhodes, owner of Interview Connections which is a company that helps 6-figure entrepreneurs get on to other people's podcasts. Whether you're at 6-figures yet or not, we are giving you the exact strategies that you need to get your first podcast interviews. In this episode, Lauren and Jessica discuss: (3.05) What is the most important thing when it comes to getting on other people's podcasts (5.25) What are the benefits of podcasting for your brand and business? (11.20) The first thing you need to do to prepare for your interview (16.30) How to choose the right podcasts for you to pitch (25.35) How to pitch the right way (30.00) How to pitch through emails (33.20) Collaborating with people who have a similar sized audience to you (36.50) What to do if you didn't feel like your interview performance was as good as you wanted (38.20) How to get better at speaking Here’s a FREE training for anyone who wants to START an online coaching business, and avoid the 3 biggest mistakes that cost virtually every new online coach time and money: Design your documents here: JOIN the Impact School facebook community: Follow me, Lauren Tickner, on social media: Instagram: YouTube: LinkedIn: Follow Impact School on Instagram: Instagram:  Find Jessica and Interview Connections online: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook Group:
The back man, we're back here and tried back for part two with a great guest Loretta Kennedy. Did you enjoy the break I did we're going to cover some great stuff here. I've been doing a little research on you Loretta and when I talk about a little research I've done my very little I looked you up on Facebook, and I noticed that you were part. Out of part of a lot of different little groups, like you're big you're fond of animals, right? You are not would you consider yourself an animal activist? Not an activist, but yes the Furry Friends Ranch. Yeah, Florida. Yeah, that's where I got my little rescue dog from. Okay. Yeah. I saw that you promoted them. That's that's wonderful and I'm trying to think of what else you had on the page there. She's a biker. I saw my Harley. Did you realize you had a motorcycle? You mean Holly? I thought you meant like a bicycle. She was a motorcycle Enthusiast. I was tell people my bike. I got a Schwinn 6-speed looking for a run. And so yeah Molly, huh? I did that must have been awesome when it's hot. Yeah if you give it up. You know, I was up I was home Upstate so infrequently basically just on the weekends for years and you know got to kind of holy was it Softail Deluxe nice. So this is a know about motorcycles. Is it bad? Like if to give a guy a right on it like me on the back of it would look funny. Yeah. I had a solo seat. I didn't well, what are the groups? Are you part of their because Reason why I'm starting off with this is because I know that you're also part of you were involved somehow with drug dependency those issues, right? You're part of a group, right? What group is that? It's a group called cycle for Recovery cycle for Recovery. Yeah. What is it that they do? So it's a group. It's a nonprofit that has a number of people on the board of directors and an Advisory Board and there. Selected based on you know, their skills and their experience and their relationships to you know, continue to contribute to the growth of the nonprofit it started. What are they? How do they help drug addicts? So what they do is they partnered with SoulCycle and they have cycling events. They had to in the fall one in La when a New York both sold out there looking to do a couple of more and so they're raising money for people who Look at the drugs. Yeah, drug addiction and mental health issues. How did you get involved in the what brought you to that? So well what really started my whole journey was my son was an addict and it was very very difficult time in my life and my whole family's life and you know, it was while I was working. I was working at JetBlue when I really found out obviously anybody you talk to your kind of in denial for a long Long time but you know one day after you know, what was his drug of choice. Well, he started out with actually prescription pills for a legitimate basketball injury and that he liked the way it starts out. It's sad but it's true. So it started out with that and it was Vicodin that was was the prescription that he was prescribed and from there. He went to oxycodone and as Path goes eventually went to heroin. So how far back we talking about. How old was you sometime? Probably around 23 24 at the time. So 10 years ago. Yeah, because the opioid epidemic it seems like you know, you talk about the epidemic. It sounds like it's something that's the relatively new but it took you a couple of years to develop. I mean, they had a flood the market with these opioids first before they got everybody dick you think part of it. Is that it? It wasn't spoken about as much I think it's been going on longer than all this messaging is coming out now because it's affected everybody, you know across you know, the gamut, you know, men women. It's younger National crisis. It's a crisis and so there's so many Dynamics to it. And you know, it was it's a very difficult to deal with as a parent. It's very said this is why what you were working with JetBlue. Yeah, you found out yes. And when you found out did you find out when it was already at a bad point or did you feel like you missed out on a lot of stuff? Always did you notice right away something was off? No, it's gradual and you know, it starts off with you know, you know tiredness laziness, you know, just not being the person that he living with you. Yeah, he was living at home and was your working. Yeah. He was working. He was college graduate. So I I was working. Like I said, I was traveling a lot wasn't home a real lat. Do you think that had something to do with it now? Will you still marry with the time? No, so what do you kids were growing up you were you were married those those years between like 14 15 16 where kids might start experimenting know I was a single parent then okay as well, but you're working a lot you're working as a captain in the police department before that Lieutenant your hours are you know one thing? The police department is the hours. You never know what it's always me. It's always what you're needed. When what do you say what needs of the service needs of service and you rotten Hong Kong Island commuting in you? Have you have a son and a daughter? Yeah. All right, and but during those years you feel like he wasn't doing drugs and doing nosy as well. Look, you know as a teenager, you know, no doubt. He was partying with his friends, but what wasn't happening was? You know what resulted and that was getting involved with the pills and the oxycodone and it started with this basketball injury that progressed to the point of him going to heaven. What was it that he injured his thumb? I remember being funny cuz she goes his thumb. Yeah this stuff. Yeah, because he said you're not on drugs because just your pink you're right. So listen, um, no he had sent me a picture. I was at work and it was completely dislocated and I actually told him to go to the hospital, you know what she did and and that's that's kind of how it all started. And so for a long time, you know, like, you know, I felt things weren't right. I would talk to him. I would say, you know, are you on drugs? And you know, he'd be very defensive and deny it. No. I'm not, you know stop saying I'm on drugs Ed because Bugs when you when you talk about street drugs and he talking about the opioid that's a big problem too. Because you know one is being prescribed by the doctor was originally and the other ones are buying in the street off a drug dealer. So when you ask you are you doing drugs and I'm not doing drugs that, you know, I'm doing the doctor gave me this but you know these days you have even if you look in your own medicine cabinet, you see what's there you like if I had kids I'd have to get rid of these but I don't have nothing like that in Manolo if you go Dentistry date plus 1 don't lose owner something. I don't last long enough. My kids are you know Kamal? Have you give me some Vicodin man going out and buying a bottle of Maker's Mark? And yeah, but what eventually happened is, you know, they find doctors who will just keep writing them. Yeah descriptions and description was a big problem for a long time. Yeah. It was a huge problem which also leads to the heroin epidemic. My son had a friend is that died of a drug overdose like three years ago. He's like 22 years old. Yeah, I know so many people who lost you know daughters or Sons or you know spouses, you know through this whole journey I met so many people who lost their loved ones because of and they must blame themselves, right? Well, you know, you just kind of look and you know, what could I have done wrong? And you know, like how does this person, you know take a prescribed drug and and they're fine and this person, you know gets addicted to it. You know, I just don't know. I'm not a doctor I can only speak really to you know, what it did to our family what it was like trying to get him help. What was that like Well the first obviously you said he said he was an addictive. Right? Right, but I doing drugs. That's what he said. I got a phone call and it was the end of June of 2005. I believe it was and He called me up and no wasn't 2005. I forget what year it was, but it was the end of June and he said I need help. He said if I don't get to a rehab he says I'm going to be dead in a day and that's really scary. It was very scary. So I immediately, you know started looking up rehabs locally Masa, you know, New York, Connecticut, New Jersey anywhere in the tri-state. Nobody had beds. He said no, but nobody had Jim you're cold calling and said yes, and my son is addicted to opioids. He needs treatment right away. Like we can't help you. Correct. Wow. Nobody had beds. I was able to find a place out in the Hamptons and they said they could take him the next day. So I said fine. He didn't have insurance. He was over the age of 26 at that point. He didn't have insurance. So I paid for it. I gave them my credit card number. I bet ya and they came and I actually went when they came to get him and they picked him up and like a van and they took him for a 30-day and in rehab so that was my first exploit. It means little bit of if you don't mind what did that cost that was $11,800 which you know in the big Spectrum as I've spoken to many people there are places you could spend 40 50 thousand. Three days for the initial 30 days. Well, the first few days are detox and then the rehab and I remember having a conversation with a counselor, you know saying is it better if I sent him to this place because it cost money to have more and he said no. He said it doesn't matter how much money you spend it's all up to them if they want to get clean or not. So whether you're spending 50 Grand a month or going no place an outpatient if That's what they want to do is get clean. Then they'll go clean. It was motivated though. It sounded like well at that point. Yeah, he was and so he went out there and I was able to visit him two weeks later and I went there and I just remember him walking the hall towards me and I just cried like I hadn't even just seen that smile on his face and in over 10 years. He looked great. He felt great. I went through the parent, you know introduction program with them. And so then he came out two weeks later and he felt great and he said, you know, I'm never going back. I'm never doing this and you know and I felt oh my God, I finally got my son back. So that lasted maybe two or three months and then began the cycle and I began to learn that relapse is part of recovery. And so over the next two years. He was in and out of seven different rehabs and I again came to find out how difficult it is, you know to get a bed as I met so many parents or spouses can call ahead and say listen, my son is probably going to be putting in this place because you make a reservation for three months from now. No, it just doesn't work that way and you know there and there were times where they would have beds but they're being held for people who have been arrested and are in jail safer drugs. So those beds are held for them. So this like a whole, you know, Asset goes on there. So he went in and out of a couple of different places, you know, does he initial hit of $11,000? This is you know, it's like in the whole world if you get them back and everything's fine and hunky-dory after that and you got your son back. That's nothing but you talk about seven times now it's adding up well, so what happened was once he got into the first place I had laid out the money. So now he's on eligible when he gets out for Medicaid. Medicaid Medicare Medicare, I'm sorry, so he's eligible for Medicare. So I'm looking up now to see like what he's entitled to being on Medicare now and it's like a huge document and I wind up on a page of reimbursements. So I just started reading about reimbursements. Well, I come to find out I come to find out that when you go into a rehab facility if you have no insurance and you eventually go on me Cade what happens is for the three months prior to going there they will reimburse you for anything that Medicaid would have paid for if you had insurance so they are I start the Journey of trying to get my money back and that took about 16 to 18 months of going into Brooklyn standing on line not playing the role, you know. Trying to get reimbursement being jerked around is an understatement being sent from that location to one in Queens to go to Nassau County this and that try to exhaust you. So, you know, well, you know, that's the bottom line. I don't know how people who so desperately need this help navigate the system. So I wind up going to court using the your money was being held back maybe because you're white lady and you had a job before your money back. I don't know why it was Particularly being held back. I almost tend to think that people just give up. It's just so difficult to navigate. So I wind up going to a hearing with a an attorney and a Advocate and I'm talking to them and and they're asked me well, why should you get your money back? And I had everything photocopied and highlighted on this page it states this and then the attorney would say, well that's not true. And I was like well and I pull out another page well on On this page. It says I'm entitled to it and she said let me see that and I've got thick you like your the attorney. How do you not even know this? So anyway, but we never got that far I go through the whole process and I get a letter back and they basically denied me because the what they call the CPT codes. Those are the medical cause every time you go to the doctor and you get the bill, it has like some four or five but they'll cover what encode what coded as right because the CPT codes weren't right but in Hearing they said that that attorney was supposed to find out although CPT codes. So I wrote them back and basically said, you know based on the letter. I got it wasn't my responsibility to find out the CPT codes. So long story short. I got back 11,000 of my original money you exhausted them, you know, but you want to know something and they exhausted you it was exhausting but needless to say so now he's eligible for Medicaid. So that's what picked it up Yale for these other visits so, you know fast Forward we go through a different number of places and he's in another place in the Hamptons now for a month. And by the way, I want to say this but somebody is a heroin addict a 30-day rehab is like pulling putting a Band-Aid on a bullet wound. It really really is. How long do you think it's not that you know about this? How long is an appropriate time for heroin addiction? I think it depends on the person. I think it depends on their motivation. I think it depends on the family and friends support. Well her and it depends it mostly depends on the addict and so is in the blood so I'm talking about like it actually a blood complete blood transfusion where this this drug is out of your system completely right obviously takes more than a month forget about your mental state and where you want to be. This is heroines different because it's calling it's pulling you it's in your system. It's like you're very psychological. Thank you. Like you're a vampire, you know blood they need heroin, right? So So to me a year would probably be great because you have to not only do you have to get them completely off of it, but now you have to get them back into a lifestyle where they feel like, they're actually contributing to something which is laying around kicking dirt waiting for the to start doing drugs again. So it's ours. Is he still living with you at this point? But what was he still living with you at this point A lot of times he was actually living with my mother my mother took him in a lot, you know. As I went through this process, I joined an Al-Anon Group, which is like for the friends and families and that was a big deal for me to even take that step because I was thinking I don't want to go any place close. I'm embarrassed. I don't want to run into anybody. I know so I found a place on Long Island, but was quite a distance from you know, where I had grown up and where my son had grown up and I went in there and I went there religiously for quite some time and that Kind of really put me in a place where and I say this let go let God where I had to let it go because my as my husband would say if Danny's okay Loretta's okay, if Danny's not okay. Loretta is not okay because it consumes your life, you know, and it's someone else's addiction correct, but it affects everybody. Yeah, and so I went there and I met some wonderful people there and you know, I Took a lot in and they are so divided like some people will not take their attics into their house other people will not put them on the street. It's a personal decision on what you want was your sleep was your son stealing was he at that point was he stealing the key? I'll tell you this. There are certain things that I don't know. There's certain things. I don't want to know he never stole from us. So he did have money though. He went through everything he ever had and he was working. Ying, you know through through the addiction yeah, except at the very end when it got really bad so he would go in and out of these what type of heroin is he doing is shooting up or is he snorting or is he doing the oxycodone the know he he wasn't doing pills anymore. He would have a gut it somebody would pull up in front of my mother's house. And you know, he would go outside and he be gone for a few minutes. He come back I Never found a needle in my house, but I know that he was doing heroin. He told me he was doing heroin so It's like I said, there's certain things that you know, it's hard to ask. I just don't even want to know. I mean, I know a real lot, but it was most important for me to really never give up hope and try and get him the help that he needed. And so what happened was he's in another place out in the Hamptons for a month and it was in December. He was scheduled to get out like January 1st or whatever and there was a three-month program at a place called st. Pete's which is up in Syracuse. A clique and I just happened to call up and they had a bed like right at the same day. He was getting released from the Hamptons. So anyway, we coordinated it. I drove from Long Island you okay with that? Yeah, he's getting out after month and he's going and he's okay with going right up because he knew we needed that extra help correct. So I picked them up. I drove them six hours up to Saranac Lake in February and January. So, you know, it's 20 degrees. Hello up there and it was a beautiful old. It reminded me of the mansion in The Shining really nice backdrop in the mountains. It was a fabulous looking place. I I walked them in the place and they said you have to go now. Like I immediately had to put it in what you there. No. And then I drove what is that? What what do you feel? They they just want to cut the ties they 117th do it like codependency. You know, like maybe having the mother there you rely on you. No, no. No, they just take them and they put him through that program. So he was there and he actually left the role. He left after about two and a half months and he got out. And is that okay that he said it was his choice. It wasn't my choice, but it was his and is it man? Yeah, so he left and he went and he lived in a homeless shelter out in Freeport Long Island. It's got to be something and That's right. He's at rock-bottom. You think that's that was his defined and that's what he told me was his defining moment when he lived in a homeless shelter and and I remember him saying mom, I wasn't raised this way and he turned his life around at that point. And the other thing that he said was one of the best things that happened for him was when I went to the Al-Anon meetings because I really understood. I really let go. And let God and and he said that was a big factor to he said he saw the change in me because I was no longer enabling him. I was that's important right enable, you know, as you say this, I can't I probably can't think of anyone. I know that doesn't have someone in their family that has this whether it's alcohol drugs, you know prescription drugs heroin everyone in their family has someone in their family that they do They do and sometimes people have more than one piece. Yeah, they're family. So that's that's really you know, how I started getting involved with this. My son has been drug-free now over five years. That's great. He's a happy healthy and helping others back working. Yeah. So what he did was he actually went out to California where my daughter lives and he had met at my daughter's wedding the rabbi that married my daughter and my son-in-law was a former heroin addict and owned or had to rehab places out there. So he went to work there and he finally was a director of a program in Santa Monica literally right on the beach like must be picked up a nice place to get sober. Yeah. Well, he was working. He was sober at the time. He was living out in California, and he was directing the director of Rehab program there and helped a lot of people and met a lot of people. So while he was there, he would give my phone number to parents like who sent there because it was not cheap and you okay with that? Yeah. Yeah, they would call and she'll talk to me and you know, I'd have moms who would say, you know, there's nobody in my town who has this problem. I'd be like they probably do you just probably nobody? Yeah, and I was a big advocate for Al-Anon, you know, I think it's so illiterates, Loretta. It's so interesting that you learned that you were an enabler, which we probably all are you know, because this is your son you love them and you can do whatever you can from, but you're not helping them right when you enable some right and not that I was giving him money and stuff. But you know, even when they, you know, given them places to live like they have to get out and get on there and get out. So yeah will still destroy you too and the family relationships my son and daughter didn't talk to each other. My daughter was upset at me because she felt that He was destroying my life and it's just a vicious cycle. My mom would always take him and she would never say no grandma. He was very good to my mother. My mother was very good. They still to this day have a great relationship. So, you know, so going through all the Peaks and valleys of it, you know to be in the place. I am today. I would have thought he'd been dead and buried a long time ago and I'm very grateful guy, you know things have worked out this way, but you know, you take one day at a time to and just you know, hope for the best all the time. Well, that's some Journey here. Yeah. Yeah, especially since you know, you were a cop sure captain on the police department. So we're you know, the average, you know parent is working then they you know, they're not seeing this kind of stuff tonight around it all the time and then when it happens to you and your a copy like I denied that see this, how can I not detect it at how did I not know this was going on underneath my roof? Well, the irony is we talked about this before is you know here I am, you know, like on the Lower East Side going in and out of these shooting galleries about you know, I'm like 23 24 25 years old. I'm young. You know, you see all these Junkies, you know laid out on some disgusting mattress, you know, you know with a needle sticking out of their own whatever is going on and you know, you just you know, it's just fun like you're not even thinking about that person right? There has a mother or father grandmother. We have to put those barriers those to say to you know, you could go to an apartment C to people's brains all over the floor and you just go about your business like it. So that's a little bit different though. I mean if you do know but then you see your own kit cut and you're like, oh my God. Yeah, but also to with the drug addiction when you're out there and you're a Narcotics officer, you do develop that defense mechanism, but also to the way you treat them after the fact, you know, there's a lot of bullshit crimes you want to be, you know, a turnstile think it's good, you know, or Or you know shoplifting or anything else like that. You know what I'm saying? You looking at them like they're not even human this subhuman. We have a bunch of different words that we use for them on the police department to scalp. Mope. Mope. You know, Stella is a big one. But you know, and now you're talking to somebody who realizes now. Wow, that person has a mother somewhere maybe that's still alive or dad or brother or sister or grandmother. Yeah, so it's interesting. You know, it's like I get choked up. Going about this is like well believe me. There's plenty of people that I work with in the police department and many other places that have struggled with this in a big big way because everybody has that in their family and everyone said everybody does my brother died of a drug overdose. Yeah prescription drugs too. And I don't know if whether it was accidental or accidentally on purpose, you know, but he was and then he had been sober for years from drinking because that was His number one problem and then he started taking prescription drugs. And as I said, I don't know if he did it on purpose or if he just know what is it about and allanon that helped you so much as a parent like well, what was it that they were telling you and that really like okay it helped a relationship because you had to back away a little bit. How do they prove that to you? Yeah, so so the program was narrow and like I said, it's for families and friends. You know, it's just a place to sit and and hear people's stories and you know how they dealt with certain situations and you know, just kind of have a dialogue and like I said, it's not the force anybody to have any one particular way to go about it. But you know just take what you know, you feel would work for you there were people who would be going to these meetings for like 25 30 years. There are people who have been going to these meetings. They are loved ones have been deceased for a long time. You know, they talk about the Serenity Prayer, you know, when they're that when you're at these meetings, there are certain. What is this what's issue in a crash? It's a prayer that they say, you know every day. It's a spiritual type of prayer, you know, just very motivational and inspirational. So like the AA thing the 12-step things for me. Well, it's kind of based on that. Yeah as well and they bring in guest speakers sometimes like people like there was one woman, for example Her daughter came in who has recovered and spoke about her journey and it's really good to see the people in the group who at this a success story where you can hear, you know, what will people get healed what advice could you give to parents that have an Intuition or maybe in an idea that their son or their daughter might be on drugs or their son or daughters friends might be on drugs. Like if there was one bit of advice that you can give not only with your you know, the Happy with law enforcement. But also the parent of a child that was addicted to drugs. Well, I would say the first thing to do is to speak to them very early on you know, before this could even potentially be a problem. You know, once you start suspecting something and you feel it in your gut, it's probably been happening for longer than you. Did. You ignore it for a long time. I was in denial, I would say so you ignore the obvious signs when I did speak to him. I was very defensive very argumentative. You know, I don't you know, I'm just tired or whatever. It's excuse wise and I'm not making that as an excuse for myself, but it's really hard to wrap your head around when it's your own kid. Yeah. Sure. It really really is sometimes we all choose the path of least resistance to yeah. Yeah, you know, like hopefully this will just go away the face but you know, I didn't even know that he was doing heroin, you know at that point. So like I said, you know the path I took lead led me to where I am today. And I'm glad I stayed the course like was angry as my son would get with me. I never backed off that's foremost by the way the grease book, I never have a producer. She's putting ideas or questions out there. And so sometimes the guests and they feel like they have to answer that's for us. You just you know, just tell us who you are. Telling us. Yeah about that. Yeah. I just I just refuse to give up hope you know the again. I mean it's a child for crying out loud or as much as like, I really do never know if he would if he would make it. You just can't give up and but it's tough to see no like Bill brought up earlier about the living Arrangement. And you said at some point your son would stay with your mother. Yeah his grandmother. So there must have been a point where you told them. Don't bring this in the House, don't come here. Y'all what? I think what I did was I sold my house, so we didn't have a place to live and I sold my house and I moved and was that a conscious decision because of that you didn't want to have his room and it was a large part of it. Wow, that's interesting. You know, really and what'd you do just get yourself a one-bedroom apartment? Yeah, and so You know when you have kids and they have little and you go in and see them in the cribs and you just watch and see if their chest Rises. Yeah, we think well, imagine doing that for like twenty five-year-old, you know your kid see him sprawled out on bed and just staring at them. Just wanting to see like their shirt or something, you know to see if they were breathing or not. That's scary. But the addiction destroys the parents almost as bad as it does. Yeah addicted person. Yeah. Well, you know, it certainly can destroy a relationship. That's for sure. That's why that Ana Allen on was so important that you did not already know smart. Yeah, you know we had no no, it's called Narco narcotics. And yes the we had dr. Watch school here who's an expert on police suicide and stuff. And we you know, some of the things we talk about is cops we and I just question I thought from me but saying it was the greatest question, but for me it was good. I said is it ever? Okay like to drink? Thank you know it's mentally and he goes, yeah, absolutely. He goes as long as it doesn't get crazy because you know because we as cops sometimes after a really horrendous situation, you want to go out and talk about it and just have a few cocktails and I'm saying do a four to four but just even when we make a big arrest of some we almost want to celebrate it, you know what I mean? And that's like a positive thing, you know, and you know what it does deal with alcohol so it could it could get out of control but he was you know as PhD was like, oh no, it's fine to drink as long as you don't go over. Well just as long as we got the okay from the West Cologne that doctor Wasco. I'm gonna go out and throw stuff. So don't so don't ever call me again. I got even less Angels often to visit your son. Well, he's he lives back in New York. Oh, okay. That's great. But yeah, well I go to Los Angeles. As my daughter lives out there. That was he still working as a counselor. No, no, you know he did that for two or three years and he just didn't like the whole L AC and is Fun Sun Shines most the time and we back so no he came back here and actually went into managing a restaurant ironically tough one as an addict to do that. Ironically the man who owned the restaurant. He owns a couple All of them in this one have to be in Times Square. His son was one of my son's clients out in LA and so he got to have a good relationship with my son and he offered him a job. And so he's kind of back in that restaurant because I mean being around alcohol is yeah, but you know what alcohol was never his real thing. He wasn't really a big drinker and I'm addicted Cabernet Cabernet we could cabernet from Napa Valley. I like that. Yeah. So yeah, so, you know he's doing that and that's great, you know doing living life travels a lot. You know, he wants to have some experiences. He travels all over the world pretty much great. Yeah, he takes off and goes on. He still goes to meetings. He's still young. I don't think that's something that ever ends. Right? No and and they're good. They're good for him and he talks to me about them. And you know, he tells me you know, what makes him feel good. You know, we have the best relationship that we've ever had. We have a really great relationship now very open very honest, you know, I know it's drugs but especially with heroin and what it does to you you mentioned earlier about how it goes through your veins and does it something to your brain and that's why it takes so long to get out of your system, but it's almost like an illness in a way like you wouldn't wish cancer on anybody right? But you also wouldn't wish a drug addiction like her. Either because it's going to take probably the chances of you surviving it or probably the same to and the amount of the time things to get better and what you have to go through. Well, you know, I learned more about addiction and heroin that I ever thought in my life I would know. They when they detox it takes them about three or four days to detox that that heroines out of their system. It's all in the psyche and it's the psyche part. That's so overwhelming and just has a grasp on them. And you know, I've seen shows and other parents talk and you'll have they lost their kids and how they would doing well, but something triggers them and you know, they talk about people places and things those are the things that will trigger to go back. How do you have like an addict and I forget whose some actor's name? He didn't do heroin for like 10 years. He bought some on the Lower East Side died Hoffman. Seymour Hoffman boobs look great. So so here's the guy, you know, what happened there? And the reality is most of them. No, you can't use the same amount that you used to last time and so easy to overdose. Yeah, but I think he was already, you know, he was clean for a while. Like you said ten years, but I don't think that was the first of all look great body laying already laying those been sober for like 10 months. I think yeah, I think cocaine was his drug of choice with both of them is a great guy and there's so many addicts out there who are one of the wonderful people and we wish him nothing but the best and if you're out there and you're involved in law enforcement think about that before he just, you know, ready to kick somebody to curb that you know that somebody to son daughter may be the captain of the police department man because nobody is Of it, nobody's above it. And especially when these drugs that some of the people are doing are prescribed initially by doctors, you know what I'm saying? And that's where you know, somebody who's never done drugs before next thing, you know, they're shooting heroin because something that the doctor gave him they were there basically pushing it on the market. Yeah, and the thing too is like I like we talked about earlier. Is getting the treatment and getting the help they are people like I met a lot of people whose whose kids were in different treatment centers and they were under the age of 26. It was still under their insurance parent's insurance and their insurance may only approve them for a week. Stay like that's like nothing but lights nothing that's it's like nothing. That's why when you go on the police department, they say always get the high option writer in case you have to go to the phone. Yeah. Yeah, but so you know what cycle for Recovery is doing like I said earlier, they're looking to provide grants and funds for those who really desperately want to get help who may not have the funds. So part of the board's responsibility is to get those applicants to review them to see what the needs are. You know, what specific location might be good for that person, you know and to monitor them. So I would encourage especially our law enforcement Community if you've got a family member or A friend a spouse who's struggling and you need the support the websites w-w-w dot cycle for So I guess cycl you right? Yeah for recovery and you got going is like bike rides and stuff like that you go on long trips. Well voted to raise money for the food with soul cycle right now. I used to take spend till I got my new hip. I haven't been back since salsa. Yeah. So what they do is to of class its price. Whom is 30 40 bucks one for one class? Yeah. Well, they'll donate all that money for the specific day. He got to get the Peloton at home. Don't buy it for your wife though her by yourself. So, you know as a parent some of the things obviously to look for is you know, changing Behavior change of friends, you know, you hear about this all the time, but yet when it happens to you, you know, you just really kind of not looking friends, you know. if they lose their jobs, if they have a bank account that they've gone through, you know, maybe you're noticing like if you see the any of if they have credit card bills, you know, their credit cards are running out but you know things that your daughter know about this before, you know, no and that's another thing is, you know, all my son's friends they all grew up together through pretty close-knit Community called place here and only One of them is name is Joe reached out to me and said we need to do an intervention with that. That's a good friend. Let me tell you something and all those friends. Nobody ever said anything to they knew it right course they did. It's like the cop that seizes Partners out of control and never goes to a boss and says look this guy needs help. Right and then he commits suicide and he says, oh I saw all these signs and why didn't you tell anybody you know, so how many of those kids are also maybe not As addicted to Son but on the way when it with your son doing it themselves, you know have their own problems, you know also the rat and thing out like, you know, people don't want to be rats at telling on somebody's mother, you know, how to talk with him long conversations how many of them who are he's still really tight with because you also alienate yourself the the more you get involved in these drugs the more you kind of sort of stay to yourself. Maybe a lot of those friends didn't see what reaching. Oh, how come you can come here coming. And I don't feel good, you know, so they don't see the real addiction. You know, I bet you a lot of them know though and the hard part is is when they do come out of rehab, you know, the friends are want to be supportive to but you know, they don't always respect their sobriety or whatever. They don't understand. You cannot do that kind of stuff true. Yeah everyone already. So speaking of body language. The first time I saw him come out of a rehab wasn't was it his First time in rehab the first time I have to be around them knowing that he came out of rehab not too long ago and I was over I knew his drink of choice was just my drink of choice and we were both at the comedy club. And I remember I recall having a drink in my hand and now I regret that so much because I'm thinking to myself because I've seen a picture since then since his last rehab and somebody took a picture of me holding a beer and it's like almost like you want to take all that stuff away. Take it away. Take it away guys doing good man. Don't don't give him any any thought don't make Look like it's fun because you know, when you see your out and you seeing other people having fun when they drinking all of a sudden I can have one drink but we all know what the okay. No, you can't do that. So yeah, so that's wow man. What a story man. It's really happy that you came in here. And the first half was great. But this have I think we learned we learned a lot about this addiction and how we could hit anybody no matter what you do for a living even if you're involved in law enforcement. Even if you're a captain on the NYPD, you know, the other thing too is there's so much and I don't think I'm alone in feeling this way. There's so much shame and embarrassment that you know, the only people who really know where my family like I was going to work and functioning fine, right and I remember one day or executive assistant Kathy wonderful lady. She walked into my office and I don't know what came over me, but she looked at me. She's like what's wrong and I just blurted it. Out I said my son's a heroin addict well, and it's the first time I was able to talk to somebody and just spill my guts about it and she was so helpful to me and support she wind up having someone in her family to that was no no. No, but you know, she's just she's just a great she was great friend, but there was so much embarrassment and you know, what you brought up, you know, it's about somebody who has cancer and I've had this conversation with people to you know, if your kid has cancer or or they get some other disease, you know, everybody's great and they raised money and I donate a lot of money and I'm sure everybody else does too certain causes, you know, when somebody's kid, you know is an addict. Yeah. It's not the kind of thing like different problem is a different problem and there's not a lot of you know funds and fundraising to get them help and this and that and you know, I'm not suggesting people should stop everything they're doing for this but it is a reality and that's why it's so I think Eric Clapton has that cool. Called Crossroads and he has a rehab on one of the Caribbean islands. Yeah, because he was a heroin addict. Yeah years ago. Yeah. It's not an isolated problem many many families go through it. I would like you said earlier most families have somebody with some sort of addiction in there. The way they snuck it into our that's a conspiracy theory that the crap crack epidemic was started by the government, you know for whatever reason to kill off black people kill every incentive destroy the culture whatever but then there's also another theory that the the prescription drugs were put into thick two theories. I've heard one of them is because the combat the marijuana that's coming. They wanted to beat beat out of marijuana. So, you know what I'm Things that we don't lose to get people hooked on these drugs instead of doing marijuana that's assumed to be legal and also that it was flooded to kill white people. You know, that's a theory that's out there some particular us, but they because the the opioid epidemic is mostly struck why people, you know and where you had so much help for right now. We we got to we got to counter this this opioid addiction because we're losing a lot of white people. There's a lot of people who are hooked on crack for years and years and years and it was no government assistance coming from they would just crack heads. Well when you went to prison they there was that's the only way they got rehab right? I had guys out on the street would say officer, please could you get me in a rehab it like dude, I can't help you and then they get locked up they get right in. Yeah, you know, yeah. Well, that's what you talking about before the beds when you when they saving beds for people who aren't even there yet. But just somebody who copped a plea instead of doing the amount of time that they were supposed to Initially if they become part of this program, then they'll cut their time and the cut their time and then go to rehab which actually helps in a way to it because they have a drug problem. They're not they probably wouldn't be criminals if they weren't addicted to this drug. Yeah. It's just a vicious cycle knowing what you know about now about this now, would you do you think big Pharma had something to do with this? Like what I mentioned earlier do you think are you a conspiracy theorist? Do you think the these drugs were flooded? By big Pharma to either you know, well this certainly news stories out there which would support that, you know, depending what you read. I mean when you read about things that went on in places like West Virginia and the incredible amounts of you know, oxycodone and pills that went through such small communities like yeah, why did that happen? And I read this book called hillbilly, elegy by JD Vance. It was actually really good book and he You grew up over in that area and talked about, you know, the addiction problems there and with all the drugs flooding in as he grew up and you know, you know, like why and how did that happen? Obviously, they were making a lot of money, you know, I've seen news reports or read things, you know where they are information where they knew how addicted these drugs were and they just didn't do anything about it. It so now, you know, it's had a why would they what would they want to dictate a whole like Community saying West Virginia? Well, the drugs are were coming through there like like into a form of see like just ridiculous amount. They had more way more pills in there were people that even if every if you take if you gave a thousand pills to every single person that lived in that town, you know still be 10 million more pills coming through the town it was Like a hub to distribute either Eagle Eagle Eagle throughout the country, but that's where they were going first. For some reason a lot of it has I watched the same thing that you watched it's disgusting. But since we have you now and you were a parent with a child with an addiction and you've been through the thing the whole thing we mentioned now and I keep saying it wrong no none and you also talked about what to look out for and how did you heal yourself? What did you have to go? Go through to while all this was going on. How did you stay mentally stable? Because that's important just to like yeah. Yeah, you have to take care of yourself for sure. I just had to learn to let it I had to learn that I could not control what his decisions were going to be I could not continue to clean up his messes. It's his life. He was the only one who could make himself clean. Is nothing in the world I could have done to make him stop using drugs no amount of begging and crying and you know, don't do it would have would have worked and it took a long time it took a long time to get there and I'm there now and he knows it. He knows if something ever happens, you know who to call, you know, where to go and you know what you have to do. I'm I'm It destroys destroys families. It destroys my mother's father's you know, and because you give anything to your kid is destroying you. I've met people who have gone through hundreds of thousands of dollars to their lifetime save 401 K's to get their kids help, you know, and it's unbelievable what people have done and naturally the other kids in the family, you know are talking to the parents and the pissed. Yeah right now. Why are you spending squeaky wheel gets the grease as they say right or you can see you can tell them is you know, what have your own kids and then come back and talk to me because that's what it's about. Once you have kids, you know, you'll do anything whatever you can do and you should understand the resentment when part of that sacrifice is being able to say no and doing all the other steps you everything that you said, it's just remarkable of how strong you are because you know, it made it through the captain and the NYPD then you had this wonderful job. Wouldn't tell us how much money you make but we know that you were very happy if you she didn't very happy with the job. She didn't touch the thing about the animals on the plane either. She didn't really want to talk about that too much. She won't say anything bad about JetBlue like it was like a knock it was like you had to bring two animals and on top of all that to have the strength to be there for your son and the fact that he know he came out of and he's doing okay now and we all know that word Addiction. It's every day counts every day is a brand new day. So we wish him all the best. And you know, if you're a parent out there, you know heed this advice. We're going to put up some stuff at the end of the at the end of the episodes the way we've been doing some some contact information and Bill and I are also building up the website. We got to talk about that what we're going to have a page or to their dedicated to all the people all the different services that you can go to reference. If you have a child who is Autistic or suffering from addiction and all these different things that Could go wrong in human life, you know, we're going to have stuff like that that you can Resource page that you can go to but Bill anything else. No, I mean I worked with Loretta. She was a great captain and expect anything less from her today. This was a great episode. She we appreciate your journey and that you still want to help people. That's great. Yeah. Yeah for sure anything I can do we're going to we're going to need that cycle for the thing there so we can we can add that to the tourist shot cycle for a dick. In the dog is a shot on the way out. We want to we want to add that web cycle for Recovery like psycho. Okay. Okay, and yeah, I'll try and get you the dates of the cities and where it's going on. If you like bike riding absolutely, I'm Reed exercise ice. I'll donate I'm not a big bike rider. I fall off a lot. Thank you so much for coming in the red. It was a pleasure and an honor and we should have best of luck and on behalf of a police off the cuff man. This was a great episode made a very very proud. I love it. Thank you so much. Keep tuning in.
Loretta Kennedy was hired at JetBlue Airways in 2005 as the Manager Investigations. She was subsequently promoted to Security Director where she served until her retirement in 2019. Her responsibilities included oversight of: Corporate internal and external Security Investigations, the 24x7 Command Center, Security Training, Security Compliance, Airport Security Operations and Threat Assessment and Mitigation. Most notably, Loretta was very involved with and led the development of the corporate Workplace Violence Prevention and Active Shooter policy and training as well as incorporating the Department of Homeland Security’s Blue Lightning program where training was conducted to ensure awareness to the crew members on how they can support the efforts to end human trafficking. Loretta was selected to be the airline representative for the Presidents Department of Transportation Advisory Committee on Human Trafficking where she worked with other members of the committee to make recommendations for increased awareness opportunities directed toward the transportation industry. Prior to joining JetBlue, Loretta worked for the New York City Police Department for 25 years where she had varied assignments and supervisory designations over the years to include: Detective in the Organized Crime Control Bureau, Manhattan South Training Sergeant, Lieutenant Personnel Officer, Internal Affairs Bureau, and as a Captain served as the Executive Officer, Public Information Division and subsequently finished her career overseeing investigations in Detective Borough Manhattan. Loretta has a Masters Degree in Public Administration from Marist College and is also a graduate of the FBI National Academy 190th Session. She currently serves as an Advisor for a non-profit, Cycle for Recovery, whose focus is to provide grants to those in need who are dealing with addiction or mental health issues.
Welcome back. You are listening to episode number 14 of the says Diaries podcast. God says to you and me today. Can you feel the tussle the push and pull happening for your promise as you stand at the gate waiting to walk into the land? I already gave you. Do not allow Pride to fool. You do not allow the enemy gloating about your dafair the Vindication to tempt you to turn back and look upon that land. I already marked for Destruction. You see what I do with them is not your problem anymore. All that should concern you now is the new blessings I gave you and that which you have become by my grace at working you behold. I raise you up. Behold I raised you up many more flock to you knocking on your door. Nations will be drawn to your light and Kings to the dawning of your new day. So also will be the words that I speak. It will not fail to do what I plan for it. It will do everything I send it to do. Do this word sound familiar? Satan makes you focus on the outcome. Allow my spirit do the work. The word was designed for from the moment. It was released. I making you focus on the process instead. In that day the weight will come off your shoulder. I will destroy the Yoke on your neck. That day has come that day is now remain in peace my child. This is the word of the Lord. Come back tomorrow for a fresh dose of something more of what God's spirit has for us. Have a fantastic day. God bless you.
Isaiah 60:3 Isaiah 55:11 Isaiah 10:27 Welcome back. You are listening to episode number 14 of "The Seer's Diaries " podcast. God says to you and me today: " Can you feel the tussle- the push and pull happening for your promise as you stand at the gate, waiting to walk into the land I already gave you? Do not allow the enemy gloating about your deferred vindication to tempt you to turn back and look upon the land I already marked for destruction. You see, what I do with them is not your problem anymore. All that should concern you now is the new blessings I give you and that which you have become by my grace at work in you. Behold! I raise you up! Behold! I raise you up! Many will flock to you knocking on your door. Nations will be drawn to your light, and kings to the dawning of your new day. So also will the word that I speak- it will not fail to do what I plan for it; it will do everything I send it to do. Do these words sound familiar? Satan makes you focus on the outcome. Allow my Spirit do the work the word was designed for from the moment it was released, by making you focus on the process instead. In that day, the weight will come off your shoulder. I will destroy the yoke on your neck. That day has come! That day is now! Remain in peace, my child." This is the word of The Lord. Come back tomorrow for a fresh dose of something more of what God's Spirit has for us. Have a fantastic day. God bless you.
Well, hello there. Thank you very much for joining me. My name is De courcey Williams and this is the uplifting words podcast and I want to thank each and every one of you listening to the sound of my voice right now. I hope everyone's having a wonderful day. I hope everyone's having a wonderful month so far and I know there's been a lots of news that we could draw on that could possibly change that sediment.but the amazing Spirit of this country and the people that really shine in times of adversity like this and if you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm talking about the incidence of violence that we have seen over the last week or so, man. I mean, I don't know what can be done about this. I don't know the steps that can be taken. I don't think somebody going to Starbucks to get their latte with an AK-47 or whatever machine gun strapped to their back is the answer. I don't know. Gun laws. I don't know if they're going to work because the people that break the laws they're obviously not concerned with gun laws. So there's that. I don't know man. We just need more compassion and our society and just less hate. I mean, that's it. I mean looking at someone because of what the color of their skin or the way that their eyes are shaped or the texture of their hair in like hating a person based on that is absolutely ridiculous to me. And I have no idea how to fix it. So what I want to do in this episode is talk about something that I heard from Tony Robbins a little while back. He called it the six human needs. I like to title it why we do what we do. now this list is in no way going to try to explain away what's going on what's been going on in our society with this gun violence, but maybe maybe it might give a little insight as to why certain people do what they do and maybe even what's driving them because I don't think it's pure hatred. I mean yeah hatred has a lot to do with it. But to me, it doesn't make sense. That one human being can hates another human being based on outward appearances. So and I'm this is probably my way of trying to make sense of all this in my mind, which is why I'm bringing this to this episode of the podcast because it doesn't make sense to me and I don't know how to fix it and it seems nobody in Washington knows how to fix it because nobody knows what the answer is. So with that being said, if you've been listening to the podcast for any amount of time, you know that I'm on this journey of self development and I seek out a lot of books. Send podcasts and videos from other people to help keep me motivated and also to try to give you a little insight into human psychology a little bit. So I remember this video that Tony Robbins did like a little while ago man. It was he was doing one of his events and he talked about the six human needs and when he talked about it man hit me like a ton of bricks it was so I mean, I can't even describe. It was like a light went off in my head and I started to look at people in a different way probably with a little bit more compassion to try to try and explain away why people do certain things that they do? Now I'm going to try to relay that here and I hope that you too will be able to use it to look at somebody else and maybe have a little more compassion or at least see where they might be coming from instead of just looking at somebody that's doing something and you just think that they're stupid try and take that time to actually put yourself in their shoes and maybe get a little inside of where they're coming from. Maybe we won't be so judgmental of each other and be so angry with each other all the time. So a couple of tidbits about these needs these are actual needs. These are not once people are going to go after these needs whether it's beneficial to them or not. Sometimes as we've seen people will abandon their morals and their values in order to get their needs met. Now, the needs themselves, they are either positive neutral or negative and the way that we pursue them and a lot of times people get their needs fulfilled in the here and now and are not normally concerned with long-term consequences and everybody values these needs on different levels. And this is where the Human Experience comes in because That values one certain need higher than somebody else. That's when they take the actions to get that need filled that might seem stupid or foolish to somebody else. So just keep in mind though while you're looking at somebody else thinking that they're foolish the things that your the needs that you were fulfilling yourself. There's somebody watching you too and thinking white. Wow, that person's crazy, too. So keep in mind. So here's the first one. The first one is the need for certainty. We feel we feel that we need to have this level of comfort and certainty brings us that a lot of times a certainty is not even real that could be like a false sense of certainty, but this could explain why people stay in certain relationships that are not beneficial to them or why people stay at jobs that they hate or when we see something that we've already done and we already know the outcome. Not going to be a favorable one, but we do it. Anyway, that's that need to be certain because we already know what the outcomes going to be. Now. The need for certainty is supposed to help us to avoid pain and be comfortable but often times it just leads us into more pain. Now, how do we get this need for certainty? Some people try to control others some people give up some people turn the smoking or drugs being human. Sometimes people realize that they get anything that they want to make them feel certain and then they get bored out of their minds. So that leads me to the next need which is the need for uncertainty. We need the surprise and that excitement, you know, the saying goes variety is the spice of life and it is a lot of times people really do like surprises even if they say they don't that feeling that surged at pitter-patter and the harder that that that dopamine hit or whatever it is that That comes from the surprise. We need that in our lives a small example. It might seem a little foolish but people watch the same movie or TV show that they've seen before now a lot of times this does this takes care of two needs. We're certain that it's good because we've already seen it in our minds. We hope it's been enough time has passed since we last saw it and maybe we'll see something that we forgot. So that takes care of the need for uncertainty 2 So here's the big one number three the need to be significant. People need to feel special they need to feel like they belong anyone can tell you when they don't feel appreciated and it drives some people nuts. You see people fulfill this need all the time, either they make a whole bunch of money, or maybe they get super spiritual or maybe they buy lots of material things. Maybe they go out and have toxic relationships with people that's not going to do them any good whether they be very romantic or not. now I can't say that this explains this uptick in violence that we've seen in the last couple of weeks or months, but one example, that is given People that kind of want to go to a place and shoot up innocent people. I think now this is just me I could be wrong, but I think that they kind of get Juiced up on that feeling because if they go pull out a gun and start shooting they're certain that they're going to get a response even if they don't know what their response is going to be. And that's the uncertain part of it because they're not sure what's going to happen. You might create that thrilling experience for them and all of this horror. And then the significance because they go from being that non-existent. Nobody to being the most important person to whoever is watching or witnessing this horror. So not trying to say that that's a valid explanation for why these shootings have happened or like the stabbing rampage that went on. It's just people need to feel important and they'll go to where they feel significant which is why even if the government shuts somehow shuts down the website where people were were kind of gathering and sharing all of their their their hate and their their their Heels, what was it eight Chan or two channel, whatever it was. They can shut that down. But another website will pop up the next day and those followers are just migrated over to that next one. So many people are going to find out how to feel important to me. That's a big one. That's for me why people do a lot of the things that they do because they want to feel important. So with that I'm going to take a quick break man, and I'll be right back. I'll give you the nest rest of the needs in my trying to make sense of this madness that's going on these days. So I'll be right back. 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And people go about getting what they believe in love or what they believe is love and very strange ways first off in most instances people settle for connections because love is too scary. They've been hurt before they don't want to put themselves out there again, and they'll protect themselves by just settling for connections that in itself creates tension for some people because your spirit knows that what's going on is not love. But in our minds will try to talk it down will try to justify it and will try to block out what we really need a couple of examples of being a generous Giver that can fill that need of significance and the need for connection. Some people no more Sports facts than other people for that significance. Or they learn to create big problems and always seem to need help that can feel the need of significance and connection. Also once you start to keep an eye on certain people though, you'll start to notice patterns that form and you'll begin to get that people are driven by the first four needs without even thinking that they're doing it. Now, the first four needs the need for certainty the need for uncertainty the need to be significant and the need for connection and love these are the basic needs of everyone. Don't lead to True fulfillment the true meaning and purpose and people's lives are normally found in these last two needs V need is the need for growth. What's that old saying if you're not growing you're dying progress equals happiness, every time that you achieve something if you don't have the nest asked lined up the law familiarity sets in and that ultimately leads to unhappiness. Sometimes you'll see people who just can't sit around and do nothing. I don't my father's one of them after working at the post office for as long as I've been born for like 30 plus years he retired but then he started to do a whole bunch of odd jobs around the house. And I'm not talking about like little small repainting a room job. I'm talking about he redid the kitchen. He painted the entire outside of the house painted the shutters. They took carpet off of the stairs leading to the upstairs and made that hardwood floor. I mean, he's just kind of just gone on this spree because he doesn't want to sit around and not do anything. He's bored. In other words some people they like to do different things every day. Now this can work in the in the wonderful way to I know if some parents that challenge their kids at a very young age to go out and do something that they've never done before. There's a story. I remember hearing about this man who was teaching who is raising his kids and he always told his kids to go out every day and do something that scares the hell out of you and I'm not talking about life-threatening scare. I'm talking about Being that forces you to stretch when you force yourself to stretch you will your psyche will accommodate and grow and that's what we need and that father recognized that so as little kids. We're not hindered by like the negative thoughts and the emotions that us as adults are plagued with But as time goes on we learn the things that we shouldn't do or things that people tell us or examples of things that we see on TV. The orange social media and as life continues to go on we lose our fearlessness a lot of adults have been mentally and emotionally beaten into submission and we tend to fall into the day-to-day pattern of living at that point. We give up on growing. I know this is particularly tough one for pint for some people. I've heard Jim Rohn say look at situations in life as with the eyes of a child for me. I think that means to look at things if you're seeing it for the first Time if you've done it over and over you might see something that you've never noticed before. So we need to grow. The six need is the need for contribution. Now leaving a legacy of something that we should all aspire to do leaving something Beyond ourselves letting the world know that we were here and we made a difference and that you stood for something no matter if you made millions and millions of dollars and had all the material possessions, you could ever want us as human beings. We can only feel so much by ourselves. There comes a point when we need to share that with somebody else. The best way to do that is to build up something that can be left behind after. Gone, and I mean a positive Legacy many people believe that having lots of money as a life-changing situation. I choose to believe that money is just a magnifier. It really only reveals who people really are now if you're not a generous person money will only intensify that I've never lived by The Credo that money is the root of all evil. I've always flipped it a little bit and thought that people's love of money is the root of all evil money is just a tool just like your laptop or your cell phone or anything else that you use around anywhere. It's just a tool people miss out on the true. Joy and happiness that comes from being a given per a giving person and there's no other feeling like it on the planet. So there you have it the six human needs or what? I like to try to call them is the why we do what we do. So, I hope that you'll go out in the world and start to see people in a different lights and try to understand that people are driven by something. Even if it doesn't make sense to you hopefully will also stop being so judgmental and start to have understanding of other people no matter where they come from no matter what they look like. their skin color or whatever So the question the question is not if people are going to meet their needs. It's really more of a question of how they're going to meet them and if it's going to be empowering or if it's going to be hurtful. Is it going to be obtainable and sustainable because you know willpower never last? So if your actions meet at least three of your needs then the ashes become effortless. And if your actions also meet just three of your needs you can become addicted to those actions very very quickly. So on top of using it to kind of look at other people and how they interacted with the world around us. Look at yourself because really that's the only thing that you can control you can control how you see things how you view things and you can control how you put it back out in the world. So I hope you got some value from these these six special needs or these. Excu man needs and yeah, man, like I don't know what to do about what's going on in the country. I really don't I really wish I had answers. The only answer that I have is compassion more compassion people. We need more compassion. I don't know man. Maybe when you all need to turn off our local news network, no matter which one it is and go out and just experienced people. And the real way experience different cultures cultures and the way that people live. I mean a lot of people a lot of us, we don't travel outside of our home Cities A lot of times. I mean this was a growing number of people that just stay in one place. They never go venture out. The only information that they have about other cultures is from whatever new source that they decide to subscribe to and that's how they base their opinions on everything and everybody. so I really pray for more compassion more love for this country. Please share this out. If you if you feel that there's somebody that needs this information this six human needs as described by Tony Robbins, and I hope you all continue to have a good week and a good month. And yeah, man, let's be more compassionate to one another y'all because I believe that's the answer. So thank you very much for joining me and I'll see you. In the next one. Don't forget subscribe. If you want to leave a comment, please do man I love to hear from you guys. And if you also want to become a donor you can do that through the anchor app. So if you're listening to this on one anchor, please consider doing that and I'll talk to you guys in the next one.
Something that I wondered for a long time. Why do people do what they do? Even if it is seems foolish? I hope this episode will give some insights as to why we as human beings do the things that we do. I also hope that this information will inspire more compassion from people. We all need to stop the hate! Stash  Your one stop shop for all of your banking, retirement, and investing needs. Get $5 FREE when you sign up and get started on your saving journey. Copy the link here... My side project where I discuss my journey of wine! Visit Courcy's Wine Corner! I talk about tasting tips, pairings and so much more! Speaking of wine, you can join this amazing wine club, Wine Ambassador, and get premium Napa wines delivered to your door...but not the premium price. You can also become an ambassador and earn some money while sharing wines and holding tasting events of your own! Copy the link here  You can start your own wine journey with Wine Ambassador.
Hello and welcome everyone to another episode of the conscious. Junkie bubka show today. I am joined by the beautiful bridge concert who is one of the Lana's amazing vyasa teachers. She's 33 and from Ohio in America where she used to practice law. However, brick wanted to change a lot.A couple of years ago and she traveled to India where she met the man of her dreams who will become her husband in just three weeks after they met everyone thought that it would end up as just another holiday Aromas, but they were wrong because we're four years later now and they are still together and raises even writing a book about it. Welcome to the show Bridge. Thank you Lonnie. I'm so happy to have you first and foremost because you've been one of my incredible teachers here in Salalah. And colleagues and also because like I think it was on the first day that we met that you taught me something about the book that you're writing. Yes. Yeah, so I'm gonna ask some more about that. Okay, and before we start with that, it's just funny guys because you probably hear it. I'm still in Sri Lanka that we record this podcast, but you hear this little Sri Lanka you guys sweeping just as we press play is started sweeping, but I guess that's just life. Okay. Great Are You full time? You're a teacher? In Sri Lanka. Yes in Sri Lanka. Yes in Australia where I live now no and Australia, I'm actually working again in love and immigration law. But so I'm doing this full time and then because I never wanted to make yoga well at one point in my life. I did have yoga as my source of income and I think it's really great when some people can do this and they have a really healthy relationship with yoga and money, but I just couldn't really figure out that perfect balance between I mean being a full-time yoga teacher and then worrying about this also supporting my lifestyle or supporting my life and being able to, you know not have to sit in class and count how many students I had in class and feeling really kind of funny when I would charge my private students a higher rate because you know, it just needed to charge a little bit higher for my time. Yeah, and I found myself often actually giving my private lessons for free because I would think maybe that wasn't good enough for them or something and that they all what does give it to them for free. They're one of my first so, you know, and I kind. I realize I was devaluing myself and this ended up manifesting as almost a devaluation of my only a question. Hmm. So I fortunately found this job in love which was really nice because I could go back to activating that side of my brain. Yes. I really like this. How different right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's a because in law school think we are trained how to think a certain way and so then when we kind of lose this opportunity to use that side of our brain, it does kind of feel a little bit like something's missing and so it ended up working out perfectly for the first two and a half years. I was living in Australia. I was teaching yoga full-time. Yeah. Now it's really fortunate that my husband was able to financially support me. Yeah, but yeah, it was really I was really also feeling a little bit devalued in myself where I was relying on somebody else for a source of income after having been a lawyer. Yeah able to support myself for so long and relying on somebody else's really as an independent woman. It was really uncomfortable. Yeah, I totally get that. Yeah, so when you were living back in the States until what year did you live in the state's? I lived in States up until the end of 2014 and back then you were lucky you weren't a yoga teacher yet. I was actually so I became a yoga teacher a little bit as a joke. I finished law school and half way through law school. I kind of thought I don't know if this is for me because I really wanted to help people. I wanted to work in immigration law and help refugees. Hmm But I started to think that maybe being a lawyer was just a bit to type a little bit too intense. It wasn't a much more kind of, you know, a little bit grounded and serious. It's just I just it was just so about money and so much about these things that I just never really cared about and a lot of the cultures to do, you know based around alcohol and drinking and partying at things like this and just didn't really seem like it was a good fit for me. And so I almost quit halfway through my mom was like no you should your study finish it. Yeah, but anyway, so I thought okay well I'll finish law school, but I doubt you can pass the bar exam because I didn't feel really passionate about it. And so I ended up I was practicing yoga twice a day every day because it was kind of the only place that I felt while you were studying while I was studying because yeah setting was just so intense and I just needed something to counterbalance that and so every morning at 6:00 a.m. I was going to yoga and then going to class and then working and then, you know going to yoga after before. Yeah asleep. So it's just a really it was actually really beautiful opportunity to kind of have yeah being able all to practice the law side of things and then also have yoga Incorporated. Yeah, but then so kind of as a joke as I was practicing so much and I kind of thought about doing the teacher training just to gauge for you when you thought about doing the teacher training in law school. So I was 25 26. I forget my age. Yeah, it was okay and Yeah, so kind of as a joke. I thought okay. Well if I don't pass the bar exam or just becoming yoga teacher. Haha. That was like, you know, my plan B was to be your teacher which not many people are like, oh if I don't pass the bar become a yoga teacher they think I'll take it again, but it's a 50% passage rate. And so she only yeah, so I really didn't think I was in the past. I just I'd because I didn't I wasn't that type of person of being so intensive. Yeah, I'm really disciplined and studying all the time. And yeah, so when I was studying other people were studying late into the night. I was kind of like You're already dreaming about your life. Is he enjoying my life? I just didn't want to be stressed out. And so many people were so stressed out and I just didn't want to feel that but if you want to live that way and but yeah, I passed the bar of course and I think I actually passed the exam because I was not stressed so we have so it's three days long and you have little breaks in between each section. And so during the breaks other people like somebody actually got up and had to leave and go vomit because they were so stressed out in the middle of the exam and other people are like they're barely able to eat. Was because they're just so stressed out. There was a tree out front and I just started doing like dangling from the tree and climbing the tree and hang upside down and just doing some yoga and meditation and pranayama and hear that and honestly, I think that's why I passed it on think it was anything to do with you were you know anymore. I just wasn't you do have to breathe and relax yourself. Yeah. I mean there were students that were my colleagues in law school that were way better, you know with everything in law school like they were much much higher in the ranking system. And yeah, Yeah, they something important something didn't pass on the first phone. I think it's because they put so much pressure on themselves. And yeah, a lot of them, you know, their parents were lawyers and grandparents is a big problem. I think of this Society so much pressure on people. It's very said, yeah, I was the first one in my family to go to postgraduate education. So wow, so I didn't have any pressure. I was just I mean some people might find that more stress inducing for me. I was just like well, I'm the first one. So if I don't make it no harm done, I don't have any kind of unrealistic. I know that's a lot to a family members or anything like that. I was just kind of accepting whatever happened. And so then you you passed and then was that the moment that you first teacher training right after or I had already started it when I had taken the bar exam it was about a weekend. And so I was like, oh, okay. Well, I'm going to become a lawyer now. I was immediately luckily. I was immediately hired on as an associate attorney who I had been a lot of work so which was also very fortunate a lot of people struggling to find a job and I was just really lucky because I specialize in Immigration not that many people back. Then now immigration in America So Glamorous but back then we didn't have a president who were trying to build a wall. So so immigration wasn't quite so interesting. So I was one of the few people that was willing to do immigration law and so it was easy for me to get a job, but I just I kept doing the training because I was loving it. So I would add a beautiful Arthur's but that, you know view over the state house in Columbus and probably super busy. I was just joking. Yeah, it wasn't too bad because it wasn't it. It was a movement every week Thursday, I think from like six to nine or something. It was yeah, it was actually perfect because I can integrate all of the information that I was learning like throughout the week and applying it to my high-stress job. And then we be talking about things like Cobra highlight and investing in. Oh, that's fantastic. Yeah. It was actually super great body that way. Yeah. Yeah, and so we're gonna close my office door and then be doing handstands opens my office door and my colleagues would be like, what is she doing in there and they were like, what's up? I'm just practicing my head statins and harder so funny. So they think they are probably assume that I wouldn't have stayed for very long because how long did you stay in for that? So I started across the bar in November 2013 and I quit my job as a lawyer in May 2014. So not even yeah. No, he's letting her pick it up all year, but and then I actually didn't even finish my yoga teacher training until July 2014. So But I had been offering classes to my colleagues at the law firm and two other friends just for free just because I loved it and I was just I was offering all these little free classes for the community and I really I felt like I was doing so much more for for the world. I felt like it was such a rewarding profession and I wasn't getting any money. I felt like it was more rewarding than anything that I was doing as a lawyer and so a series of events happen ended up kind of making me decide to quit my job at this law firm and I started Jason's telepractice just popping family with contracts and things like that oil and gas industry is quite big on my parents are coming. So just helping them kind of navigate through contracts and things like this. And yeah, and then I ended up opening up a small yoga studio. My parents basement actually my home town of 3,000 people in the middle is your home town called Barnesville is very small, I think maybe we now have four thousand people which is exciting. But and you know, I think a lot of people thought I was caught. Thing which baths? Yeah, so I'm half, you know the women would arrive at this usually women between like 50 and 60 and they were beautiful amazing amazing women, but never had the opportunity to really get in touch with themselves or their bodies. Like it's a from a small town. Yeah young they had kids young so their lives were devoted to their parents when their husbands and their children. So for the very first time, I remember the first class. I let him I just had them close their hand over their heart and just to connecting with with their body and Their breath and I think every single one of them first of the two years because I had never done that before and so I realized it was just one of these very desperately needed things and ended up being really beautiful. We just hadn't us really small group of women in that. Sometimes their husbands are kind of drive up in their pickup trucks and kind of wait to pick pick them up and I got a dog come in for some chili and I be like nah. Yeah. Yeah, they were kind of like, what are you doing to my wife because she's really happy these days. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah, exactly but then no not long after you went to India. Yeah tasted for more. Yeah, Marvin. Yeah. Well a lot of things happen. I had a really tumultuous few years in their twenties. Yeah, Tony's are roughing out to be minus KT. So many people are worried about aging like being your 30s is really nice. It's really settling. There's no so much. Yeah Shannon's dress and insecurity. But yeah, I had a lot of I was getting a lot of panic attacks days. I don't know if it was a residual thing from law school or what a lot of panic attacks and just a lot of things going on in. Yeah. I just needed to do something. I needed to be shaken up. I needed, you know, I needed the world to try to do exactly as part of me is kind of pretty rational person. I think of being a lawyer as well. So part of me is kind of I like the idea of casting my fate to the wind but still having an active participation in in my life. And so I I found this website called yoga trade where they have all these different. Yeah opportunity. It's really really useful for anybody that the young teacher looking I never reply because I think everyone replies and it's such a small chance if you get hired. Well, it was I never mean I think it was just cat. I mean this was a while ago. I think it was actually quite a bit smaller than it is now, I think now it's massive. You know it I know it them from when the yeah, but I applied to actually six different places and I'm you know, my Heritage is Greek is so there was like a beautiful Resort in Santorini and like stealing Retreats and coast and Croatia and like these beautiful Eco Villas and Portugal and this kind of Ratty looking hostel in India. And so I just apply to all of them. I just supplied you basically the first ones I saw and I was like, right. Okay. So this is me taking an active role in my life where I say, okay, I'm going to go somewhere and then I let fate decide where I was going to go out supposed to the first place to respond is where I'll go and of course I'm thinking it's going to be grease because Heritage and I'm like, yes, it's in the stars that I'll be in Greece and I'll connect with my with my family heritage and it'll all make sense. And of course the first place to respond was in the a little battery. No, I shouldn't say crappy but compared to these Resorts that I was applying to choose. Yes. Yeah, I was going to be living digital Zoom things like that. Yeah. So the hostel was like we need a yoga teacher in January. Can you come and I was like, yes, maybe then you went. Yeah. Yeah, so I but I booked my flight and you know and I fast forward to the moment that you met Mitch your loving husband. I'm so happy that I met him. He's a because that happened that Journey right? Yes. It did. What is funny because I had ended some relationships or some relationships that come to an end before I left and I gave myself a wedding ring and was I'm never getting married and I really I just wanted to vote this time this time of travel to myself and being independent woman. It's about self-love and so experience. I'm going to be a single mom and travel until like die. Like I just really had this big picture didn't plan my mother. Yeah with you know International to basically Angelina Jolie with two weeks after arriving in I went with my dad who wanted to make sure that how amazing is you want steak? And the Very day that I Is the day that also miss your act and he has a really started to protest way that he arrived which is basically he was in Delhi and had planned on staying somewhere else, but the internet wasn't working in the only place in all of go ha they had a working website was Wanderers hostel which is where I was and so it's kind of like we had random thing somewhere else and the fake kind of took him there. So but yeah, when we first met it was, you know, it wasn't one of these like Like Pam, I love this man. I love at first sight. I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with him. It was actually like Well, he seems nice. Yeah, and you know, it was just like he was very I could tell he was very keen and you know, I thought he was handsome and interesting and really fun and but I was really not looking for something like that and no because you were getting married with yourself exactly. I was already married. I had no idea you could be dating anybody else. I'd be cheating on myself. And so but we just every time we spent any time together. It was just Perfect. I mean I used to have all these conversations basically in my head about philosophy and who basically like my spirit friends the thing that nobody was ever able to you know, talk about in some people just like oh Britney like here she goes again Dreaming or whatever, but he was the first person to actually not only listen to what I was saying, but actually have something to reply with and he would change my perceptions and or offer an alternative point of view on something that was already. Kind of out there and so it was just so nice to have somebody to actually have these conversations with the yeah, and we just shared so much in common. I mean now I mean knowing I'm now in knowing him more deeply that I know that I knew him then I see that we are almost the exact same person which is funny because I'm from America and he's from New Zealand. They would meet in India and you know on some level you live in Australia. We live in Australia. Yeah. We were just in Sri Lanka and yeah, I mean so many things that are quite different, you know, he was a surfer and grew up by the ocean. Ian and some little things are different but at the core, you know, Jess, it feels like it is saying this is a bit of a cliche but it felt like a soul soul connection so connect yeah perfectly and then still okay this connection is there. Yeah, and then how do you end up getting married three weeks after how did it happen? I mean it is so funny. I like you India's like a mother like a very meddling mother who she just kept putting on so many. Romantic moments for us and we weren't even trying I mean, you know, I think we're both really enjoying each other's company and having fun and like kind of like on one curious kind of like hmm. Like he's probably leaving. She's you know, she's staying here. This probably won't go anywhere but like every time we hung out something really romantic what happened. So the first the first maybe the so the second time we hung out. We were just driving on a backward after yoga we went to yoga to that together and driving home. Um, we just had this really amazing experience together of just driving the other no cars on the road driving into the into the dark night under the stars and you know, it doesn't sound like you guys you just have to experience this kind of thing, but it would just was this Liberation. I don't even know both of us without even talking and we didn't know each other at this point really that well, so just as really intense experience that afterwards we just kind of looked at each other like did you feel that? He's like, yeah, I felt that, you know, like just this kind of like what just happened and then You know, this is the third time we hung out we went out to dinner and we're sitting on the beach and all of a sudden we see all these fireworks along the beach going off and people setting off these wish lanterns and just their shooting stars and it was just like it's going on. Yeah. And yeah, so every time I hung out there was just something we're gonna put a giant erection of we cannot ignore this. Yeah, like if you at one point we were like, okay are we being filmed for like The Bachelorette or some reality TV show because it really felt like somebody was Putting us into a service desk when I were walking on the beach and we were just kind of like it'd be nice to have dinner on the beach and then this little Indian man runs out with a blanket and some candles and puts the blanket out on the beach. I mean nobody else is having dinner on the beach. Nobody else has this setup and we're like, how did this happen? And he's like, would you like a menu and we're like, it's please and I mean just little things like that that just did you ever experience a connection I get before never I mean I've had you know, I have to honor the previous partners that I've had. Has deep connections with them on different levels, but nothing like looking like this. This is this was something this was something that felt like I almost didn't even have any control over. Wow. And would you like call him the one or don't you think there is something as the one, you know, I actually don't believe that there is something as the one I actually do believe that we're not naturally monogamous. I don't think that where the type of animal that is said necessarily does seem to be with one other person but Amazingly I feel like I have is despite my belief and this I actually feel like he is my one and I would never I don't know. I mean I have to we both have to keep ourselves open to the possibility that that's enough that we can change and we have to respect that. We both are constantly choosing to be together. But at this point in my life and I think I'll probably feel this way for the rest of my life. I'm happy to choose this man every single day by our wonderful. Yeah, like why shouldn't have yeah, Mary exactly. Yeah one in the Fast-forward to have moments that you love this. Did he ask you or did it again happen sort of it was another one of these funny spontaneous funny things. We he was actually said to leave to go home to Australia. Well, he was actually going to go on a surf trip to somehow I with his best mate and so we were kind of thinking. Okay. Well maybe at some point I'll come and visit you in Australian see if there's if this goes anywhere but before he left that we found some really cheap flights to the Maldives and so we thought him capable of these and And just to like say goodbye just kind of have like a nice little quote like Emerson end to our relationship. Not really any thought that at some point would connect. You also know like okay when you travel you meet someone like this romance sort of honor it and then yeah, we're kind of we're not ready to let it go but just be like, okay. Well, I'll see you in maybe six months. I can visit you in Australia or something. And anyway, so we get to the Maldives and we did a little bit of island hopping just on the Fly we didn't have any plans to go say in one of these beautiful Resorts or anything like this. We just kind of Hop Boat and ended up on this cute little island that happened to have a great surf spot and and it we just rocked out to this beautiful little spot. I mean this this I don't even know how we got that this truck picked us up from the book and even know how we got in this book is very this truck arrived put this up through all of our luggage onto the onto the back of it and picked us up and like okay, come on. We're like, we don't know where we're going. But okay and and then they dropped us off and this beautiful setting just unfolding right before I set this epic Beach just White white beautiful white sand beaches and beautiful palm trees and this water at this beautiful water that I've never seen the color like this before it and then immediately started raining and so I was so excited and we had already been traveling all day. So we just ran into the water and the middle of this rainstorm and I we're just having fun and all of a sudden he just kind of looked at me because we're hugging or something. He's kind of activity was like, you know, I always thought I would propose to my wife in the rain and we had literally just talked about how you know, we didn't really believe him. all right, and all this stuff probably about an hour before wow, so I kind of just laugh and I was like, okay and and then we kind of were like a little bit quiet for the rest of the day and then we end up talking about it again that I need that got up kind of funny how that happened earlier don't know what he was like kind of just gauging I think maybe my reaction he was like, do you wanna get married and I just shook my head and he was like, I need to say something and I was like, yeah, he was like You want to get married tomorrow? And I was like yeah, that was like you wanna get married to party was like yes. No so creepy. Yeah. Wow, so so we got married the next day and not legally married we but we the next day we exchanged we wrote battles in the exchange vows with each other in the beads. And then so we call that I mean we consider that our wedding day. We got married legally the following year on the exact same day. And then we had a big Wellington wedding celebration. There wasn't an Australian you don't understand. Yeah, wow, so that was dinner three weddings. We had three wedding services and now we're 48 years. Yes. How's that moment and really from that moment on that you step on that plane to India everything changed for you. You let America you left your logic for good you you married someone other than yourself? Yeah. You started a new life in Australia. Yeah. It's a lot of change. It's amazing. Just I've got a few more questions but like as an American Girl, what would you say is the very best thing about the USA in the very worst thing. Oh, you know, it's been nice to actually live overseas because when I was living in America, I'm sorry to say I really didn't like it. I didn't appreciate anything about it. No, I really didn't have a connection with your country. No, I really didn't feel connected to the culture in a lot of ways I think because I grew up basically on a farm and playing in the forest. I had a very peaceful and natural childhood. Basically, like every little girls dream I had horses and you know puppies and kittens and bunnies and beautiful floors, but the stream running through it. And yeah, I really just spent a lot of time in nature. And so when I left, you know, when I went to public school and saw all this stress and anxiety and all of this kind of striving in this want in this almost desperation even in young people. I just couldn't connect with that. So I traveled a lot from as early as I could. But yeah, but now being away from it. I actually see that there is a lot to Value about American culture lichens are really friendly. Yes, which I don't think I want people know because I think seeing the stuff that other people are seeing on TV about America like the reality TV shows of like sack always been looks like crazy. Yeah, we look like we're crazy people but actually Americans are really willing to help you. They're really Excitable. Yeah always ready to celebrate something. I think initially if they don't know you there a little bit like a little bit standoffish. But as soon as they get to know you as soon as you show them any sign of friendliness, they will embrace you immediately, which is really nice. And I also deeply miss my connection to the land. I felt really connected obviously at the tile going up playing in such a beautiful place. It's a really really beautiful diverse land. It's really special place and then roasted Yeah, I think I think what I was saying the things I didn't connect with when I was younger and seeing that it early on it. There's a lot of striving was a lot of you know, people are really trying to keep up with the Joneses. Everybody's really wanting the next thing it is sad because you know Americans up yet. We have so much in America and the idea that we feel like there's not enough as a little bit. It's a little bit disappointing because I think we have so much and yeah, I think I hope it's changing. I don't know maybe hmm. So would you still consider America sort of as your home or is it straight every to your home now? You know what's funny? I actually don't I feel at home only in myself. I am I love America. I love Australia are both wonderful places to live. But neither of them really feel like home. I love being in Sri Lanka. If you know, I haven't really felt this deep connection to a place as much as I felt a deep connection to myself. I Guinness is coming from a lot of travel. And so yeah, anytime sounds wonderful myself. I feel good. And if I would feel disconnected for myself, I feel like I have no home. And as soon as I, you know, do some yoga or something station or whatever it is. I need to do to connect with myself. I immediately feel then you're good wherever you are. Basically yeah. Yeah. So for people who are thinking about making such drastic change in their life, is there one thing that you like it moved you got married and then you move to Australia. Is there one thing which you didn't see coming which like sort of or two things got two things like that really surprised you or annoyed you are like if I would have known this. Yeah. Well, you know, it was actually because we did Mitch and I had such a really strong connection with the start and and when I first moved to Australia, you know we had almost to Balance these two aspects of having this deep connection of almost not even having a choice of being together. We we had to be together. There was really no other option. But the same time that puts so much pressure on us and me moving. Just I mean, I didn't know any of his friends weight as soon as I got to astray we moved in with his friends who just were like, oh, okay and his friends are all very rational people have doctors and physios and things like that. And so I think they were all kind of just like, okay so Mitch went to India and pretty intense. Crazy yoga teacher is Brittany whose name is not break because you change your name back knee at they're just like who is this girl? And they thought I was crazy with that Mitch was it got this was a big very last. Yeah. So I think we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be this perfect couple and show that no, we're actually serious about each other and this isn't just a holiday romance. And so because of this pressure, we didn't allow ourselves to really kind of bring up stuff that might have been going because you knew each other on the soul level but then there's the other these things around at the stories that we have and you know, he didn't know that I had suffered with panic attacks when you first met because of course, we don't show this to each other and so, you know, of course when I start having panic attacks, he's like, oh, okay like it he was so supportive of this and I think I just going to navigate through this and work through this and he's such a solid of mountain man sees you really able to kind of be that solid base of support which was so useful for me, but I think and he would never say anything. Okay, like it might It's a bit much but he was always there to support me. And so I think you know after a while he was just kind of like he needed to kind of step back and take care of himself and I didn't notice that because I was so stuck on trying to get myself sorted in situated in the new country and meeting all of his friends and trying to find a job and you know and just changing my whole life and changing my name. And so I you know, I think there was a little bit of resentment That Grew just because I was relying on him for so much and he couldn't really say anything cuz I think he felt like well she's got Why so much in a lot of ways of because of this so and so I would say I guess in the advice especially if you're moving to another country to be with other partners know you really want to make sure that you've done your research on the place. I mean in my situation, I have no idea. We're moving to Australia, so I didn't really do and I've never even thought about Australia and my whole life and never thought I was it was really it was kind of one of those low on the list and of places just because it's English-speaking. I think just like America Australia but um, but yeah, so I would just say really make sure you do your homework and do your research and make sure you have your own kind of thing the soon as you can create your own little busy because that's what safety serve like getting into Deadhorse is there right? Yeah, so it's something I just recently I got into a horseback riding. But even you know, it was a little bit of a kind of blow to the ego to go from being a lawyer to taking a job and as a retailer at Lululemon, but and I measure you depends I love her. Yeah. Yeah in my mind. Whatever just take any job just to meet people and make your own friends and adult ourselves flap or do whatever that makes you sort of create something for yourself. Yeah, that sounds very take away. Yeah. Okay. I've got many more things to us. But I just wanted to like this was the last story and I love it. And are you writing a book about it? Which is why I had to write a book because it's such a long Rich story as well. Yeah. Yeah. Wow, but the book is not about your story. It's about unconditional love right? I mean, I do tell it in. Into my own personal life and is it is a technically a memoir and there is some juicy relationship stuff in there. And so, you know some really vulnerable stuff in there about basically me and my life and what I was going through and basically the foundation that was set in order for me to be able to come into this position in my life a situation my life where I was making a knew I could trust myself that I was making the right decision, but the idea so what that's really what the book is about basically being able to connect connect in with this unconditional love or this aspect. That's It goes beyond the love that you can have with a partner those beyond that even the love that you can have with your friends or with your family members. There's I believe in aspect of love that exists in all things that kind of permeates all things is because on a Hut in the Dom this kind of basically this underlying essence of Love That weaves its way through all things. And as soon as we connecting with that deep within ourselves and deep within all things that exist so I mean you could be in love with a flower you could be in love with a dog you could be in love with the chair. That you're sitting on you could be in love with the food that you're eating. You can be in love with literally everything. So the first kind of step is really exciting that deep love this kind of this love that doesn't require any kind of any kind of cause there's not like I love myself because of this in this list. It's just there was just love just love and it's not I love this chair because it's supporting me. It's just like just love the chair. You know, it's great. So wait a minute. This is like a constant state or is it state or is it well, I mean I do. Coming and going it would be great to be a constant said I don't think most of us. I mean, I certainly haven't found that constant and love to be in that kind of state but no, it's just a remembering and it's just a good to know we made during go back to it. Yeah coming back to it again and again and again and again, so is this book explaining about it? Or is it? Yes sir as I talk about as I talk about my life. I told him I leave in a lot of yogic kind of philosophy and little bit of Buddhist philosophy. You as well and more it also just regular philosophy. That's you know, just quite interesting. I really just loved philosophy. And so I weave it through but it's really just kind of setting the tone of being able to find these different ways to connect them with this love throughout your life and recognizing that you know, sometimes when you're going through something that feels painful finding the love there and when you're going through something that feels wonderful final of their yeah just to find a love in all situations and not in this way of being like Oh, I paint doesn't exist suffering doesn't exist honoring that the Do you have pain and you have suffering things are hard sometimes life and just be a little bit shitty you guys sometimes it's a shrine. I'm going to need to accept that and accept that is and not be like no. I only Good Vibes only like I only have next like no love the pain. Yeah, like I appreciate this because we're Dynamic creatures that are capable of feeling capable of you know, we should not push it away because we can't literally impossible to push away. We can only push it inside of us DVR deeper and it manifests in all of these crazy ways for me it was panic. Attacks constantly because I never dealt with these things that were coming up and so but it's just the idea of being able to just love it all like you can still experience the pain and suffering whatever it needs to come up but still love it and appreciate it for being there just kind of like on the very ultimately all perfect with all wonderful and so it sounds like in this project of writing the book everything comes together because it's also rational because you tried to like connect all these things and then with yoga and then with love and then your own story. That's beautiful. Yeah. Really? It's really therapeutic actually for me to write you know, initially I said a running was a call when your people will like this and I was like, you know what I'm just going to write this for myself. She word ghostly, you know, hopefully other people resonate I think people will because I think we all kind of go through as a human as a species. I think we all kind of go through the same struggles and the same insecurities and fears and all with your happen, especially when you know, I was 29 when I'm at MIT and so, you know, that's not quite so old and I think other countries but in America a lot of my friends had already found their father person and we're Married and everybody. I was the girl at every wedding when like the Father of the Bride be like, oh, where's your fellow? Why don't you next and I'm wrong. That's why I just gave myself a ring so I could be like, yeah, then I get these kind of funny looks but yeah, so, you know at 29 when I was starting to think. Okay. Well, maybe is there something I'm missing something. Is there something wrong with me and then I kind of realized no like okay. I'm great actually, and I'm so worthy of marrying myself, and I would love one. I want to be married to somebody like me and I take such good care of myself. And I know what I need a good bath when I when I know I need a bath I'll draw myself a bath or if I need to take my stuff on a date. I'll take myself when I need some alone time our land you to call a friend. Yeah, so just being aware of not rely on somebody else to bring that love into my life to to bring that love into my life myself. Hmm. Hey when you were in studying law, you're doing a lot of yoga. So to his practice always like continue to grow and to be very be like a big part of your life. Was it on and off it was from the moment. I saw I cut this a little bit of yoga in undergrad and I was in university but then it wasn't until I did the other trick with a teacher who's on your side our teacher and they're just because she just really weaved in this philosophy that I had never considered before and that was the really aspects of deep for me was the the philosophy like I like the pushers. I felt I always I really involved in physical. So I liked that but that wasn't what drew me into yoga is to And just this idea. I think she was just describing like as you're breathing imagining that you know, the goddess of the Divine mother is dancing through your whole being and I was like, oh, wow that is just like that felt like being on drugs. I was like, oh my gosh, I can feel this and it felt so enlivening and just amazing and so from that moment on when I just practiced as specifically as possible. My practice style has changed. Sometimes you always just looks like doing a couple of in poses in bed and then doing some pranayama and maybe some Yoga Nidra or some meditation in the morning or something like this. I really like that. I'm gonna totally Pro like loving your yoga to live with you rather than just really focus on one particular practice every day. No matter how you feel you go on the map to Ashtanga or habitat. You do your Vinyasa. Yeah. I really like the idea that you feel how you feel and then do the yoga that you think you need exactly and it changes as well and it changes you change. Yeah. I'm physically, you know I'm not old by any means but you know at 33, I do start to feel like we're posture as I used to do so easily now, you know, I've got this pain or tension to my knees and I think okay. Well I could try to do what I was doing when I was 25 or yes, we would actually get 33. Yeah. Yeah. It's like this is fine. And yeah, I used to do a lot more than yes, I think because I had a lot of kind of built up energy that needed to move around. I'm sitting a lot and so it's got nice girl. Yeah, it is is really nice of love. I love you. Explain Vinyasa. This is This isn't mine. I can't claim this is no but that's okay, but for yeah, I use it now to yes. I like it. We should share it. And yeah, it's how do you explain yesterday? So my one of my teachers Michelle, there are fewer Michelle Cassidy on the Gold Coast. She was the one that describe this to me she calls it purposeful placement of body with breath and I just think that that's it just clearly and practically defines the elements of Vinyasa. So we have your purpose and your placing your bodies. Civically with the breath and so it's just perfect just this really simple idea. You have your purpose or your intentions? You always set your intention before you practice of why you're there and I was something small, right? Yeah easy. Yeah, I can be whatever, you know, it can be something that had to be really profound. It doesn't have to be like I'm enlightened. They can be I'm just gonna let myself have 90 minutes away from my phone and like it. Yeah, it's just like I'm not going to think about as much as I can I have The intention or the resolved to not obsess over my laundry list of things to do hmm and throughout the rest of the practice. Maybe you just devote that time to yourself, you know, and I can be super simple. But as long as you're synchronizing or let your breath be what inspires the movement in connecting in with your intentionally practice, I think that really beautiful. Yeah, and it's all really just about getting that energy moving in the body anyway, so you can have the place release that yeah, I think that pent-up stuff and it's Vanessa. Would you like to teach most What used to be but now I don't know. I've had a big change in the last year I would say so I used to be all about the Vinyasa and now I'm all about the Yen are wonderful about the again. Yeah, it's really nice. I think it's I think it's useful for you know for a lot of people just to stay grounded and it's nice opportunity to also I feel like I have a captive audience because I love philosophy so much. I have 90 minutes to talk about yoga Festival day. Oh, yeah. I'm like, you know what? I don't mind. If you're tuning me out for the whole 90 minutes some aspect on a cellular level. We're hearing what I'm saying, so you can sit there and think about whatever when a cellular level is is going in there. So I really I just really enjoy that's amazing. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah. Hey Brent before we going to catch him dinner to get it. Yeah. It's my last evening meal here. So it's specialist you my favorite part of the podcast will start now and it's got the human as fuck, please. Okay. I'm going to throw questions that you and ideas that you answer them quickly and shortly. Okay? Okay. So is it like the two things? I'm not good at as quick and short I am like you. Okay. I'll try you have a little practice here. This is me being human is bad. Yeah, exactly. Exactly deliberate but you just go what first thing in mind really epitomized. Can we go favorite yoga Brands? I don't know. I only know that because I work there. Okay sunset or Sunrise Sunrise swimming or sir? There's a kill or spinach. Oh, okay. Well or tiger that's a tough on Tiger. Have you ever been arrested? Yeah top or bottom hmm top or bottom position. Oh bottom and maybe history a broken arm twist Valentine hip opener wine or a duck one favorite place in the world yakety. guilty pleasure Something a guilty pleasure something you enjoy but you feel a bit guilty while you're enjoying it tonight. I have to give it a little bit of an explanation what I'm having a really really bad day once every month or once every two months. I might take a bath roll a cigarette from my own tobacco and have a little have a little pop of this. I like your honesty. Thank you then. Do you ever lie? Yes Truth or Dare? Yes, no Truth or Dare. Oh, would you choose? Yeah. Oh dare. Okay, awesome. Not our meditation to Tatian bolster our block bolster. What do you love most about Mitch? What do you need to work on saying? No. favorite quotes Okay, it is actually from Jack kornfield and it goes something I'm going to butcher it but it goes something like this the purpose of our sort of our spiritual practice is not to perfect ourselves is to perfect our love beautiful. And now then a question would maybe is in line with that. What does the world need more of I would say the world probably needs more of. This is a hard one. Actually. I'm thinking about saying quote. Well, I know but yeah, but that's what I feel like I've been talking so much about love with Karen or maybe it's like the directs the red thread in your in your life. Maybe it is the rest of my life. Okay. We'll say love I'm gonna add in I'm gonna add in contentment I think intended because we can't love it until work content is beautiful. All right brick. So when can we expect this book of yours with the tides was not going to be revealed guys? Well, my goal was to finish it by the 17th of March and that is not happening life happened. But Sri Lanka happened surfing happened. I hope that it will be published by the end of this year at the very latest. All right, so how can people stay up to date if they're curious about this book of love? I'm on Instagram and they find you. Yes, it's Britt underscore that underscore Hunters of grit the hunter amazing certain. Yes, because I want to thank you so much. That you shared Your Love Story with us. Thank you already your IDs on yoga and some well some beautiful history of your life. I'm so happy that we met here and that I hope we meet again next year Missy. Thank you so much and Namaste everyone will see you soon next week. Alright guys, so I want to thank you so much for listening. Honestly. I'm so happy to share all these beautiful stories on the platform like this and I'm really excited to have you're listening just a small note that from now on the uneven episodes will continue to be an English but the even episodes will be in touch and it's just because I'm back in my homeland Holland's or gonna dance and I Got some super exciting conversations blend with wonderful people, but they're all that time. We sort of prefer to speak in our own language, but do not worry the uneven episode. So it will remain or will continue to be in English. So once again, thank you so much for listening. And please please please take a little moment to like And subscribe Namaste and see you soon.
USA born Britt went to law school, traveled a lot, got married in 3 weeks, loves her 30's and yoga & meditation make her feel at home more than any country in the world. The two yoga girls meet in Talalla and talk about love, yoga and life. Britt shares about the importance of yoga throughout her life. What started as 'a joke' to keep her sane while studying law would change her life. In her mid twenties she decided to do a teacher training as back up in case she wouldn't pass her bar exam. Ironically many smarty pants didn't pass while Britt did (because of yoga ;))! She got hired as a associate attorney and practiced handstands to her office door. Not even one year in and Britt swapped her fancy office for a tiny yoga place in her parents basement! The community thought that she was practicing witchcraft but Britt taught woman to breath, feel, connect and love themself. She got drawn to teaching yoga because it made her feel like she could do so much more for the world. The second part is about Britt's incredible crazy love story. Yup, she got married just after having spend 3 weeks with her now husband Mitch Hunter. She never really believed in 'the one' but despites that she is happy to choose her man for the rest of her life. However it wasn't just rainbows and butterflies  - they  put pressure on their self to 'prove' that they were a perfect - newlywed -  couple. They knew each other on a soul level but still had to figure out many things around the relationship! Britt suggests that you better do some research on the new place where you are moving to so that you can create your own thing. This will take a lot of pressure from your partner,and it will make you feel more independent! Working for Lululemon gave Britt that space and community for herself. Britt also explains more about vinyasa yoga and both girls think that yoga should flow with you through life - use the tools you need in the moment. Vinyasa for energy and yin to ground and nurture you! Go straight to: 13.45m The soul to soul love story 27.20m The down side from changing your life for love 31.45m Anahata Nada - Finding love in each and every person and situation 35.52m Vinyasa explained 41.10m Human as Fuck Quiz - juicy & funny facts about Britt's life! ★ Find out more about Britt through @Britt_the_hunter on Instagram. Even episodes will be recorded in Dutch with incredible Dutch yogis and heroes. Lots of love and stay tuned, Lotte van Graas  --- Send in a voice message:
Alright guys, so a lot of people access how do they make a podcast? I'm let you in on a secret on the easiest most productive way to start a podcast and get it up and running and that is the app called anchor is free. They have all kind of cool creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. They will distribute your podcast for you to all of the major Outlets including spot.Why Apple Google many more and you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership is everything you need to make a podcast in one simple easy place. So if you're interested in starting a podcast Go download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. Let's do it. What's up, y'all? So we got a special treat this week. We are dropping two episodes. We had the youngest in charge the youngest in charge couple Dana Chanel and Prince Donnell, they drop so much knowledge so much content such a powerful message that we decided to put both the episodes out this week. That's right. So you're about to listen to episode 42 with Dana Chanel. She's going to share all of her experiences and then Friday at 5:00. We're going to put our Prince Darnell's episode. So make sure you tune in that's right two episodes this week right now Dana Chanel Friday Prince Darnell. TuneIn like subscribe comment and joy All right guys, welcome back. So this is this is an extremely extremely Miami to episode 4 of something that we've been looking forward to me and Troy no and All crew we have Dynamic door. Everybody's favorite couple online everybody favorite couple period I gotcha more behind the scenes. He was telling me for a long time like you got to get them up here. Yeah, and at first at first we only had prints and then I got the email like I'm over it. Life is well my guess so we have pressed on now and Dana Chanel. Thank you guys. Welcome you thank you. Thank you. We love you. Thank your yes. Thank you. I appreciate the opportunity. And I like I said, I've been listening to the podcast been watching a group from 0 to 90 K. And that that's something to be proud of somebody was like they were not DM they're like yo we get that like if y'all serious get them like we released like two weeks ago like y'all serious watch out your pens down nothing fairly first of all, Jim Morrison. We got here and we got them I didn't like well if you're really serious about it you Stephanie before we start we got some exciting news. So if you listen to me while you know that we've talked about UIL University a lot and that's going to be our monthly workshops are starting out with a monthly Workshop series and every single month. We're going to bring a guest former guests from eyl on to talk about the areas of expertise when I cover everything from credit. Real estate to stocks. So our first guest is none other than one of our most prestigious alumni mg. The mortgage guy Matt Granite. Yes. Yes shot a man wherever you are in the world right now episode 12. He will he will be talking about financing financing real estate investing and talk about everything from blinking mortgages to Conventional loans to a hard money loans to everything everything you need to know to finance the dentist. That's one of the main hurdles when people try to get in to real estate that you know, where do you get the money from so that is a mortgage broker. So there's nobody to better take to give these instructions that match so that's going to be in person in New York City. We're going yeah. Shout out to be K. Yeah my 10:17. So if you can make it, that'll be great. But if you can't make it in person, we gotta live streaming also and that's going to be available for anybody anywhere in the world and you can watch the live stream at your convenience. You do not have to actually physically be there as a live stream is going on. Once you have it you can watch whatever you want. So we go to events tab on our website on your Dom sign up if you're interested for sure. So alright, we got that out the way so now we have to get right into it. As I said Dynamic dual, press down now and Dana Chanel if you're on Instagram, you've seen them for sure. Okay. I lost track of how many businesses you have. Like it was so many when I was doing the research. I'm like, so they're entrepreneurs. They're very religious people. They're Christians and they are there. To be a black love I think you know, it's something that we should salute and be proud of because you know marriage is extremely important talk about finances is it's extremely important wealth building tool as well. Yes, it is people don't fully understand that when you can pull your resources together and two incomes better than one income for sure. So we are going to start with Dana. Hello. How are you? Great. I'm great. So you have an interesting story, right? So your entrepreneur depends on which story you read? Okay. Okay, so, all right. So your entrepreneur right? But you started you start in a nap, right and I was listening to the story and how you started the app was I guess Instagram took down one of your pictures, right and you realized because we actually talked about this before as far as Instagram has too much power the algorithms that determine who sees your post or not and You have too much. Like if they just shut your page down like you're screwed like right. So can you tell the story of how you gonna talk about the app that you have? But I want to just tell a back story of how you even came into that cuz I think it's interesting. I mean the bottom line is if your business doesn't have a home at homeless and at the end of the day, we're literally building these companies and these corporations up to be billion dollar Brands. But yet we are the equity itself. And so my thing is if we just took a little bit of that power and started actually using social media as a commercial real actually to our platforms then maybe one we wouldn't be limited to how much money we could actually make off of our own platform because Instagram ain't paying us. I'm saying and then to that once again to me it was about data data today is literally the new oil. It's the oil of this generation. And so even right now, you know, I'm sitting here in my brain. It's like overly calculated you guys saw that I was sitting over there just chilling and relaxing and just waiting and I'm just Automatically in my brain trying to rearrange your process and procedure of house that you can maximize more potential with your podcast. Okay, you know to me and I'm like, yeah, yeah, my brain is going crazy. But I think originally what ended up happening, of course, you know, I have a religious background. And so maybe I wore something a little too short that people were uncomfortable with that had nothing to do with the business right ready for this that had nothing to do with the way that I provide for my family. Like that had nothing to do with the way that I put food on the table. And yet someone else was able to control my content and that right there was so dangerous and so my dad Uncle Magic The Hip Hop addition some of you guys may know him child and he was like, yo, you have two days. So two days for what he's like two days to find week we need to do something. We need to get we need to get our own app and I'm like At first of course in the beginning of business when you don't yet understand or you're not yet seasoned what ends up happening is you fight everything that makes sense. And I was like, you know, like I'm not getting my own at everybody's on Instagram. Like why the heck would I like no one's going to come just to a Christian app. Everyone's on social media. I have to get my content on there and he was like yo, you have two days or I'm not helping you with your business. That's all right. There's nothing that I can't do literally Googled away. They what I had to do made it finished it in two days. Got it submitted to the App Store. How would you you built it yourself? Absolutely how It's like this the same way everyone has that thing called Google App Store. Yes. Yeah. I'll tell you what, the reason we're like astonishing like Amazed by his because we tried to make an app as well and it failed miserably because we had no idea what we were doing. We Outsource did we lost a lot of money and we actually did an episode on and it was just so sorry about it was like, I'm sorry to hear that and I would say The reason why you lost your money is because a lot of the time we're paying companies who say they can do something instead of asking what your success story true. What is your history? And what ends up happening is were constantly paying people off of their pitch and not okay. Give me give me give me examples and so I've owned a cab company for five years because my app was so profitable that I immediately said your whatever I have to do to make sure that I can actually Ali be the conduit to get the app money and be the first in the game and to actually put people in space to own their own content on their platform and most importantly own their data we need to do immediately. So I actually bought the app company for the people that I created with. Child:yeah, that's right. I want to go back to this. You know, you have no background attack, right? No. So, how do you mean just like everybody I think all of us have been on MySpace have been on Instagram not like we were coding on MySpace like legit coding Myspace crap. When you first got hired at your job, was it easy? I've never had a job before when you first learn how to ride a bike. Was it easy? When you are first learning how to love a woman. Was it easy? Still learning still? Yeah, I want to say I love you. I love you. It was more so about it's not what I don't know how to do is either who can I pay to do it for me or to okay, how am I going to learn it myself and one thing that I do personally? Because once again, my brain is so crazy. I have to know how to do everything before paying someone else to do it or asking someone else and so for me, but when I was looking at the industry, I think what's happening right now is we are so profitable our ideas our body our content but yet we're letting other people make money off of it more than we're doing. It ourselves only because we have not yet done the background work to understand what this thing called Data is you have to remember Bernie creating my own app it was a little bit more strategic than just creating a platforms for sprinkle of Jesus. I realized that when it came to data there was going to be one day where there was this young little girl who is cuter than me. Maybe can sing gospel music a little bit better. Maybe I mean, let's think about the hottest singer back in 2012. We can't think of her because she's disappeared because what because she was building her business and her brand because right now artist they should literally be And becoming a CEO of their of their name, but what ended up happening is the label was her platform and the second the label was snatched from underneath underneath her or she was put on a shelf. She no longer had access to people and so with the mobile application my people I have 100% access to when I want how I want and how often so like for example, if you're sitting here on social media paying advertisement ads like Facebook and Instagram and stuff like that. Guess what? You're just paying to utilize their data. You're not paying to acquire it. And so with our mobile application. I now have the same two people who liked my my brand in the beginning six years later still Die Hard fans for the coals. So alright sprinkle it Jesus. What exactly is frankly Jesus sprinkle. Jesus is a mobile app for Christians for young Christians. You're able to watch sermons blogs all that kind of stuff. From where we watching sermons from just threw out right on the mobile application from different churches or different pastors throughout the country. Absolutely. That's interesting is once again, I looked and I learned and I own not one piece not one percent of the content that's trained and distributed on the sprinkle of Jesus app. So it's all content that it's already been out there that is built my platform. So like when you get the content from the internet and people produce it for me, I think one of the most extraordinary things that we don't take key to it. Is allowing people to entertain themselves and that's why sprinkler Jesus went so viral and people can interact with each other absolutely friend each other. They couldn't actually they can comment on each other and stuff like that and I think once we got to a certain point, you know, me and my dad sat down and had a conversation we said hey, okay, we have data now, what are we going to do with it? And so we basically set up a five six year plan of every single year of businesses that we were going to drop that would need base. That didn't My face attached to it so that our livelihood in the way that we survived was never infiltrated by the lack of popularity. So as an entrepreneur Anna, yeah, so when you started use 21, I was about 20 years old 20 years old. So was your dad like very instrumental in it. As far as helping you guide you through the are typical it's hard for a 20 year old no matter how bright you are. Yeah, obviously extremely great. To have that kind of, you know brain like to start a business and start your own app. So how much of your did you down your family in general? How much did they play in who absolutely my family is everything there are the second half to my brain, but that's what happens when you have a strong family unit is that you don't have to start at the bottom, but we think that's an accomplishment when we say that but it shouldn't be that way. There should be enough data and information in them in the in the Brain before you Now gets to pour into so I'm not starting at the bottom. So I would say we are business partners in the beginning. I had the tech and I had the ability to had vibrancy and youth on my side when he had knowledge and information and when you put those together, they become a Powerhouse but II hate that like you said, I love how you asked that question because what ends up happening is we're constantly trying to hide the source JD said it Wichita tequila source for which is honestly you just ruined your own blessings because Was money one is supposed to going around in a circle knowledge is supposed to be going in a circle in the second that you stop it. It stops coming back to you. And so absolutely my father played such a huge in what my father it's why my husband is the best thing that ever happened to me and we and we didn't always get along. We actually just read reconnected at 19 years old. Like I tell everyone I'm time like my parents for can hate each other. Then they loved us and it was a situation where you know, baby mama drama all that kind of stuff. We didn't speak you almost ended up in jail all that kind of stuff. And so it was one of those things where we were so broken as a family but yet the one thing that brought us back together was his ability to build and we built business and it was something that had we couldn't deny the fruits of our labor or the or the fruitfulness of our Ship because business is the only thing that is a solid hardcore result if it's working or not. And so when we when we started working together and he was the advertisement brain and I was okay. How do I get people engaged with this? How do I make people fall in love with this? How am I the face of this? How can I real people in it was just one of those things. Where we incorporated mobile applications in Tech to make sure that we held onto what we were building from day one. So what you said, I mean one of the things that has made you soup is successful is that you're super relatable and a lot of times people, you know, look at people for trying to be perfect. And you said straight up I'm not trying to be and that's work to your benefit. You said in his story that there was a come to Jesus moment, right? I think you will host his and somebody I guess that was it the Bible the boat that was handed to you. Was um, this book called 30 days to becoming a woman of prayer, right and that changed everything for you because it's I mean you've found it in your faith, but not as strong as you were at that time write this book. Just come and change everything for you. Hell no. I mean how many times have we been given a piece of information but yet we do nothing with it and just because I knew who God was does it doesn't mean I had a relationship with him nor was working in the spirit. So I'm going to be 100% honest. Of course. I was given a certain type of information. But with no leadership in your life, man, you'll still run around in circles and it wasn't until I met my father and we had a conversation and we intentionally broke generational curses. I mean, oh my gosh, I was living in a home. I was living in a house with a man that I hated. I had so much frustration and anger for him just one the frustration and anger built up for things. I didn't even understand can we agree that we fill a lot of the ways that we feel about our parents due to the fact that your parents your mom or your dad don't even gotta It out loud, then we got to say it out loud that oh, I don't mess with your father or your father's a deadbeat. They do it subliminally as well by just not bringing them around it. So what happened was is that It wasn't until. I sacrificed my ego enough for apology and forgiveness to come into my heart that literally opened the door to a relationship with my father and financial success to be honest, but I was going to stay and be honest. I was going to say broken my entire life if it wasn't for that moment. That's powerful man speaking of Philly one of our favorite artists of all time for Philly, especially filled up your freeway. When he said we got to restock is why we live in that's a powerful line. Like we you know father's that's that's a message to others as well. But you know, It's important and you're living example of the role of fathers can play and in the life of a young woman. I hate when women go around thinking that they don't need a man. That's because the first man in your life who was supposed to pour into you. Love you tell you to keep your legs closed to make you a Confident Woman was not there and that's why she's the way that she is. I'm not saying I'm not saying that of course, you can't have a successful outcome. But oh my gosh the very man in your life that was supposed to be your first protector when you are literally outed. A woman shout out to single moms, but they cannot be a man. He cannot be a man. They cannot teach you and so it's like I even watch other people in my life the way that those little girl clings to her father. Oh my gosh, it's insane. I remember even it's just so off topic we talked about business, but I think this is important too because if you're not the CEO of your life and your family, you can't be the CEO of a business. So I just I would love to say this I remember I realize that I finally trusted my father. When I was in hiding my body from him now, what do I mean by that? I remember? In the beginning when I first moved him, of course, you know, I've locked the door when I got dressed all that kind of stuff lock the door, you know, oh my gosh, hold on. I'm not ready yet. Whatever and I come out. And one day he finally got custody of my little sister in a Kia. And she was walking around the house in a bra. She's like 12 years old and her little fake little bra like, you know what I mean, and I looked at her. And I said why she's so comfortable and I'm not her on this man who I'm supposed to trust 100% because he's the one who wiped my ass when I was a kid. And I asked myself a question. I said well. Why am I treating him like a man that I would be dating with the level of uncomfortability with my body? And so I realized that that was just an outward reflection of my emotions towards him. Is that if I was closed off in the physical emotionally? Yo, there's no way that he was even getting an outlet to my heart and I even look at for example, we're talking about the Storyteller. He's behind the scenes but I watched the way that his daughter clings to him and hugs him and calls him daddy. I would I never called my dad daddy ever and we know that there are fathers out there by logical but we are struggling for daddies and I didn't have that level of trust. like watch it so crazily and we had to build that and that was the foundation of every other family member now coming in line and following in one Accord with the family business that they were able to see two people who were so because I would say me and my dad are the most alike that were so at odds, but we're willing to sacrifice for the better of the legacy of what God's will because family Legacy was sorry. What I want to see in men, right? So what I have to make sure that when she sees the interaction between me and her mother between me and my grandmother everything's been specially because that's totally expectations going forward what she should happen. So what you're saying is true and J again like metal take care of his family came here. It's so I guess car this child to hold our guy. Okay. So sprinkler Jesus, right? Is it free app, right? Hey, would you I was listening you said, I think I forgot how Far is it isn't what you mean like 60,000 and obviously, you know, you started making out. Oh, that's old news Well, I'm sure earlier. Space how do you how do you start to make money and acting I faked it till I made it and I want to see fake but I kind of dig let's just be real. So what ended up happening, of course in the beginning you have to get a little strategic with the way that you make money due to the fact that people only want to spend money with people people spending money with so in the beginning I would put up fake ads when it came to like maybe Adidas and McDonald's and Pepsi and I would Put these ads up on of course the mobile application. Once again, you cannot sell advertisements face like that on a plaque or that is not yours. You get what I'm saying? So, of course, we had headers and Sliders and all that kind of stuff. And so I faked it baked it and faked it and I would put big adds up there and I went ahead and after I started getting downloaded stuff and once again, Social media with a conduit or like the commercial real for the mobile application, which was my product and service and so we want a head set all the people that was following me to this this mobile application which then gave me data and which gave me people which gave me my or which then I've got great big companies to go ahead and drain my business of its profitability when it came to people and so what ended up happening is then I started advertising. Hey small businesses come advertise your business like you have a nap. You know a hundred thousand people this and that look and I would use the fake ads as placeholders to say. Hey your business would be here because a lot of the time the reason why people aren't spending money with you. Honestly, it's just because they don't know what it looks like. And so I had to give people the blueprint in that allow them to see it and then I would say hey you're adding here. We sell it is that they clicked it goes straight to your platform. If you have eight. We have eight million people. Let's say 10% even just like the idea of what is it you're doing that's 3,000 people who at least essentially clicked your product or your service or your website. Let's say 1 percent of them by I'm gonna be honest with you. Most people can't even facilitate 80,000 at 1% can of can't even facilitate thousand customers. So our turnover rate for advertisement was so extraordinary because people were getting real results and I was able to reap the benefits because I didn't have to cut anybody out on the deal from Google ads or anything like that. So because we own our platform Able to sell advertisement but then most importantly to with mobile applications. You can sell digital products its second a wife gets cheated on what's the first thing she takes away from her husband 6, which means she's now in Constable. I remember talking to somebody and they said oh my gosh, I do my wife doesn't trust me because now she's closing the bathroom door when she goes to her back. So the second that a woman begins to hide her body. She does not trust the man that she's next. And so we have to understand that like So that's why were we I realize how much I still do not trust my father because it's my dad like if anybody has any way of girls here kids your child is 100% comfortable. They will literally running around naked asking you to wipe their ass like you know what I mean? Like I forget one time happy. I think it was Ben told me story. He's a he's a single parent. Dad to his daughter. She's gone. She's beautiful and she's growing up. He was he was like like Dad like vagina hurts or something. Like I like my boobs hurt and he she's 100% comfortable with him because that's her father. She doesn't have any anklet in her mind that she would defile mistreat or abuse her that is a different kind of trust is because Will you take my dog Duke out there? Because we didn't want to take the elevator all the way downstairs having go to bathroom, which is easygoing roof. What's funny is when we go on a roof, he will walk super close to the edge of the of the roof and I'm like yo these dudes trip and I have to keep putting bringing back my do ghosts because I'm nervous he don't care and I realized it was because he wasn't afraid of death because he doesn't even know what that means. Right, you know, and the only reason why why and I said this her the reason why for us is entrepreneurs or as individuals why we fall so far behind from our purposes because we're tainted by the what if you know, but imagine if in my mind I knew nothing about that and I just decided to Full Speed Ahead the what if only experience the lack of That is dangerous. They call you. The experience is not lack of and your ability to even dream or find yourself capable of being something. You have. Not yet seen it doesn't it doesn't exist. So, how can we obtain something? We don't exist. I understand since I was wishing things. I didn't know that's right. Because if you don't know what you don't know. Ali purposeful, but like still like it is because I literally like my dad didn't teach me how to make money he taught me how to think and the second that I knew that this thing up here and he poor confidence in to me telling me that this right here could literally change everything in this world bro. I was crazy enough to believe that he believed in me. I was crazy enough to believe in myself. And now you cannot tell me anything because there's nothing that I do not ask. God for that, I do not receive there's nothing that I do not touch that does not become anointed. There's nothing that I do that does not bow down to me because I'm of I live in this world for sure, but bro, like when they said not being oven this world belongs to me call me crazy. I just don't call me crazy, but to me. If more kids walked around like that, then they wouldn't have such low standards to what their life look like. Wow. Wow, but wait, let's let's do this though because I do want to break this down because at the end of the day, I came here to give information something that's very very important to me to understand is when you have the power of your audience. And your people I want to break down with the with the goal was for my family because I encourage every single black family out there every single minority family. Y'all need a freakin plan. What did I say that right now? Yeah, I know. Ernest you currently paying off student loan debt interested in improving your financial literacy or looking for new ways to earn income and today's ever-changing digital landscape. Well on the talk money with the mesh lakhani podcast mesh will follow Paper Trails chat with experts break down complex ideas and bring Clarity to the mystical Financial phenomenon. Each episode will be filled with compelling stories covering a broad range of subjects from buying Bitcoin dealing with student loan debt and everything in between. Listen to talk money with mesh lakhani on Spotify or wherever you listen to your favorite podcast and learn how to spend invest in earn in today's economy. If you don't have a plan for your family, it's okay to take other people's plan. It's not less authentic. It's not less anything. It's you were not given a plan by the family member before you so you're operating in chaos and confusion. So take this plan. The Indians do it everyone. Does it the Chinese do it? Everyone does it and so our plan was? All right. Look we have this huge platform. Right? We have this platform if 8 million people and of course, we're now at eight million people, but we were gradually getting an F on the sprinkle of Jesus app. Now when you when you are now the controller of your content and let's say you have a Blog you do music. Oh my gosh artist specifically y'all better hurry up before you sign that contract and just stream your own damn music, but whatever when I was going to go there but um weather You have a cleaning company you have anything you have to collect every single if you literally had the ear to every single person you've ever met how many more listeners would you have to this podcast? Exactly. So what ended up happening is once we built sprinkle Jesus me and my dad have a conversation. We said yo now what other need based businesses can we put in place where we now become the biggest advertisers on the sprinkle of Jesus app, so I'm thinking to myself I said that if we're sitting here and people are paying a us for the promotion and traffic. Why are we not leading them to our businesses and they wouldn't even know about it. So we put a few things in place and it may be like a five year plan one was jumping jack tax, but The right person was not yet in our lives to facilitate it so we'll get back to that. We actually created jumping jack taxi was literally sitting in the basement of our of the the house that I was living in my dad's house. He was sitting there for four years literally sitting there for four years before I even met Don and so then we said, okay, let's do credit repair. Let's make sure that we do Alakazam apps, of course now, we're actually we have a actual example of what we could do with marketing and advertisement to actually build a mobile application. So that was a no brainer that was eat as easy to sell when where the success story and then we did. What was it we did curl Bible which is the beauty supply stores and then that's it. Right? Yeah, well things either but yeah and then but what let's break this down ready. So those were conduits as think electricity right now. We have to power up this light bulb. Now, how do I get enough electricity power influence and the funds to power up this light bulb? So the goal was each year. We're going to drop a different business. We're going to go ahead and make sure it's in order. It's running it can function itself. We're going to put a family member in charge of that business and the end goal to power. That light bulb is the very thing that God is not making more of its real estate. Ain't nobody got a make it more land. It's not it's the only thing that is going to continue to increase in value as we continue to overpopulate and so for us we said there's no way that we can do what we want to do when it comes to real estate with no money. It's just impossible. And so what we did was every single year. We dropped a different business a different family member who we believed was ready for leadership at that point in time. We put them in charge of that business and they all gave to the pot and for sprinkle of Jesus we have for the family. We have a we've created like our own little bank. So each company has to pour into the big pot which then we use for bigger Investments to start new companies to buy new property and stuff like that. But essentially we To make sure that we were building an army not just a really good company how many family members members you got you - then my sister got her life together and came home. She got her life shouts. That's a whole different story. She runs the credit repair and then you know, I met my husband and he like totally changed my life and he was just like I just convinced my dad. I'm like Dad like no, he's like cool like and you know, he was like, oh this love it, you know, he was like, oh another nigga like, all right, go ahead like You know Dana's getting popular now. She got all these and I'm like no like let's let's I think we should bring him a part of the team. You know, I asked him to like I just asked him to trust me. And I asked him one day to like hey, you know, I talked to my dad and I think it's time. He'd be way more valuable at the office then working at Wells Fargo. Can you quit and five years did the bank quit my job the next day didn't even go back craziness. What's up, y'all? So if you're listening to this you obviously like podcast and you're probably like music just as much on Spotify. You can listen to all your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't need a premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcast on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download episodes to listen to offline wherever you are and it's really easy to share what you've been listening to with your friends on Instagram if you have That's already be sure to download the Spotify app search for earn your leisure on Spotify or browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow us. So you never miss an episode of Ernie Leisure again. So sprinkle. The Jesus is the mothership and then everything else operates off of that. Is that because I'm reading it think about it right the issue when we start a new business. The only thing that kind of makes it hard in the beginning is that we're Giggling for customers right customers are everything to a business. So my thing is if you have a platform of eight million people and then you become an Advertiser. We literally the first day of business on for credit exterminators. What we did was we sent out a notification on the sprinkle of Jesus app, and we said Christians need credit to get your credit repair with this Christian own company and guess what happened? She didn't eat advertisement for the next six months. Her phones were so jammed up. Think about it. Once again we Into a strategically what our need based businesses not another t-shirt not no damn music not another hat with the slogan on it. But what does this country need that we could continue to build upon that is working with or without us. So the reason why I like this is that you built one platform. Yeah, and you have a strong following based off of the first initial platform. It makes it a lot easier to build another brand once you building up on another brand exactly because it did the artwork was a long time ago. What are we looking at now? Yeah, that's him. This is numbers done. I would say I just bought two commercial properties in less than a month cash. And I do not spend what I can't buy many times over. I think one of the things about our brand and why we've been so successful with our family and being able to build so quickly is I have no reason to try to prove a point on social media. Of course, they like to see it. They like to see the cars. You can try to be these people on there with the fake Lamborghinis. But one thing that my dad has really taught all of us is live way below your means. There's no reason to try to prove a point to anybody and so for us. We were more concerned about the generational wealth that were building then putting on a performance because now I do not have to dance. I don't have to if I don't want to do videos on Instagram. I'd be set for the rest of my life. So all right social media, but the social media did play a major part in your growth, right? Use it no. I don't think you understand. Let's let's look at this. Look at Instagram real quick. Let's look at this real quick and look at it together. How many followers I have six hundred nineteen thousand. I've been doing this for four and a half years. How many people do I have on their mobile application a million? So we don't need it when you build something outside of yourself. Social media no longer matters I do this because I'm called to I do this because no one else is talking about how to actually not put yourself on but how to make sure your family is surviving and thriving. Some done just surviving. We have to be over that guys. We have to be done just just making ends meet and saying that successful. We have to be done with having the one rich family member. I'm doing this because this is what the Lord told me that if I don't do he's going to take everything from me. This was our family's Legacy to rise up other families in this community to show that you can't do this and you don't have to be populated you so this is why we sat here and created need based business not for ourselves, but you didn't keep the reason all those neat based businesses. We began licensing and franchising everything out so that now I understand that us as African-Americans because we're struggling to survive. We can't even think of a blue pink or a plan to extend the dream. So if me and my family have to put things in place to make sure that we can give you a well-oiled machine and suck. Boom. We give you a tax office. We show you how to do it. The agents have taken over the beauty supply industry in our communities. Boom. I got it. Now every single black woman who wants to open a beauty supply store. She can lease out the coal Bible named use me bro. But if we're not useful where useless forget Instagram, of course it helps but that's what I was called to do. But by any means necessary if I wasn't loyal and I wasn't obedient I still could survive and that's a place that every single black family in America needs to get to and so we made sure that we created that plan that In case you didn't have to and I don't want you to be ashamed because I think Shane will stop you from calling and help and let us help you with the opportunity. We have more than enough to give bro. I can't die. Like I'm gonna die one day. It's one thing. My dad has completely prepared me for one of the greatest blessings. He's even given me he tells me to my face every single time that there's going to be a day that I'm gonna die. You guys are have to do this on your own but what can I put in place to make sure that you are not doing the Each fight for my damn funeral. How do I make sure that your family doesn't literally go up and Chaos or a fighting at the funeral because more of y'all got more than enough money to go around. There's nothing to fight over anymore because we can survive we only fight because we feel like we have to And so for me forget social media for a second forget that Fame that doesn't make you money bro. We have people on Instagram who can't even cave itself what 16 shirts the girl on Instagram. She had a million followers couldn't even sell 32 shirts for the manufacturing companies. Send it out. Are you are you serious? We want to talk about following a social media. her health my personal brand But I would choose any day to be behind my computer at home with my family working doing the regular nine-to-five stuff any day. Social media helped Advance the ministry but in no shape or form. Did it did it. Is it is it contingent like my pockets are contingent on it. And that's where we need to get to that. We're not doing this for money. We doing this for fun. We doing this because we feel like God has called us to have something to say. Yeah that living in your purpose. Sorry, not sorry. I just said is that that ability to grab your demographic and keep them? It's like so for example Right now that local hair salon. They're probably doing slow right now due to the fact that it's the first of the month, right? Probably going really slow. Well, what if I told you with one push notification, you could send something out and say hey look your appointment need a late-night appointment. I'll give you 30% off off your service. If you book today flash sale going on that would literally incentivize and entice the customer to go ahead and come but the problem is we're fighting for communication with our own followers. We're begging social media to just send it out to everybody. Let it get a lot a lot of like let it like fall into the algorithm to make sure that it gets traction to people see it but you have to remember bro that woman that you needed to tell her that if she come tonight, that's you'll get 30% off because you need to make a little extra cash you to make sure you need to pay rent. That's what ends up happening. You never reach her because I work she can't even be on her phone. But with the push notification is those up just like a text message and doesn't move until you swipe away. So now I can literally talk. What kind of power is that guy? I can literally talk to 8 million people with a click of a button and we got 8 million people celebrities got 8 million people on a on a on Instagram or social media because they're popular but yet can't sell the stadium. I promise you if I told people where I was at right now and send out one notification and something that you guys don't even know. I'm not even on the sprinkle of Jesus app. You won't see my face anywhere. But right now if I sent out a push of a vacation said once again, New York City is one of our biggest areas. Hey the CEO sprinkle. Jesus will be here. I promise you. I have the block filled within hours. But once again, we're running small businesses. You have to remember we're fighting with attention. So we don't have the capability to get Billboards. We don't have the capability to do TV commercials. We don't have the key. So then do it in-house by actually advertising to the people who already spent money with you, which means if they're already prepared because they already trust your brand. It's so much easier to close a deal or sell something else of someone who's already spent money with you. Then then finding a new customer. It's difficult, you know McDonald's rule of thumb seven times before something. I've got seven times. I need to pay my rent. So having a mobile application gives you the accessibility that social media is not giving you and that way you're now creating a community which allows you to continue to speak or feed your customer more than just the surface. So from the blogs to your videos, it literally creates the home in which someone walks in and gets to sit down and stay. While and so we create mobile applications for small businesses for churches for kind of everyone. We've I remember in the beginning the first year I slaved. No one knew I literally pretended to be a bunch of different customer service people. I literally created like five different emails. I was the web designer. I was the customer service rep we call customer success reps. I was everything my dad would sell it. I would advertise they would never know that they were doing I Chanel is doing their app. I had maybe 200 thousand followers and I was literally the labor behind that app company but 200 apps in the app store by myself. My fingers were metaphorically bleeding and it wasn't until I met my husband that I then went on tour and he's helped me get to 3,000. Powerful powerful testimony segment. This has been an extremely legendary situation and we wasn't planning on breaking, isn't it? Episodes but I think that it would be a tremendous disservice to our listeners and to our guests to not give them we don't we don't want to edit this too much. You don't want to you know chop anything out. And so with that being said, we will be releasing part to a few days on Friday at 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. So part one was with the queen so we have myself princess. So we'll make it the princess and the prince so the prince will be out on on Friday at 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and he's going drop tremendous Jim's you but I'm pretty confident that he's going he's going to reach that same level of excellence and I'm looking forward to it. So everybody don't forget to tune in for that and I will be out in a few days for part 2.
Dana Chanel is a force of nature. She built her first app Sprinkle of Jesus at the age of 21 in two days with no previous technical experience. Sprinkle of Jesus is now the top Christian Moblie app in the world with over 8 million users. In addition to Sprinkle of Jesus she is also the founder of Curl Bible which is an online bueaty supply store that host products from over 200 small businesses, she is an owner of an app devolpmemt company called Alakazam Apps and she is an investor in a credit company named Credit Exterminators. On episode 42 Dana told us her story, she also explained why having an app for your business is mandatory, she spoke on the importance of not relying on social media for marketing, she explained why direct to consumer relationships are essential and she talked about how her relationship with her father made her into the woman that she is today. Guest IG: @danachanel --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. · Talk Money With Mesh Lakhani Podcast: On The Talk Money with Mesh Lakhani podcast, Mesh will follow paper trails, chat with experts, and break down complex ideas to bring clarity to the mystical financial phenomena behind your finances.
Hello and welcome all the new a flavoring from the conscious. Junkie show. It is Years of Living ever in the Netherlands because I click my halo come. Okay Kirk is your Fame and immortality pasta from that happy can be so many fast and even I've made enough and was that inHe Lanka and the husband - that is Leticia learning experience mental involved has ice and shaved off on a 14-year Hoops less and training in sports column in correct me if I'm wrong say that Society. Thank you and Fitness complex. Yeah and neat idea. Max is stopping Force itself and the Boot Camp Clik on her feet into the agar. But Bahamas workouts in Advils without total complete his own side sentiments and stays and who you are as a stamp from that some Android like a slopper blows super fit and work hard. I'm going to see how to open a festival show cooler and it's neat long meat bomb onboard Slaughter of a class, but I glad to see you Instagram Mercy made us by now. And since but here The Banger Sisters that to mrs. Pierce almost as old my fellow normal age delighted. Let us all welcome. Hello conduit. This is a very both girls don't have been that I liked was okay. Let's do it in touch and I think Super no can actually maybe but Hina is that they need to create my own unique by Sports Hall. What is it Health Works is that yeah close there - Sportacus - Alexis Body Pump and body bands and I will share the are still my Autumn Body Balance less calm and avoid balance panic. I can look at yo. How about a flag? Okay, is that so active? Yeah, it makes each member. Davidann The Ding A need member date and to kombucha culture for your concern is I hook developed for my Big Bang. Theory are okay. Yeah laughter. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah and again Much some cigarettes. I can't pay more for you. But in any been ill feelings toward a certain date and all that's ordina. Yeah, and unlike the Dwellers of the for my movie kiss on them before builds a freak accident and number two kind of this fact may come out of step and the ideals are opening all over Instagram. I took like two hours of trial sportiva and Kazuma buses and on their own handle. Yes, we will take it and I could find itself in balance is for you. Yeah, and I feel there. Yeah, and when my back's portfolios know yeah, that's right. Yeah. Change your Colour - recreational not this except though the moment a lot of needs Mark. Marrickville who audio recording American Invasion been filming from velocities. Yeah, and in moments the he dumb there a for Keystone that need to do now of them is of little short corner to this lifestyle. It's the only eight of thank you have a great news David practice of not video doll sings ' oh, yeah. Yeah. You should try to become corner for Hope and down like you bit valuable tool. Yeah, there's no belong bunch of photos of the moment of Lyon a yeah after off well after think oh my dad so it was a if you notice any equipment we are okay. Yeah, but she's as an atomic testing in the yourself insect a mood finds out this Yeah. Yeah, and it's it according to stay home after sport right now, but we open up my workout stuff then it's just going to bake. Yeah, this is a new field work. Yeah and who filtering Behavior productive it yet, especially or exactly where the personal training and yes, Mark. Thank of Maine winter and of eyes and sweet. Big yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Oh, yeah, it's on. Yeah and just didn't you see them Holman Affleck is to make it as on Clover and grammar mistakes more training of a super close quarters. You didn't feel of God sees and would confess additional States for myself and it worked for him. I feel like yeah, and I said an advocate ladies have a nice sleep wake up coupon on the mount Fitz and as I knew Flink and studio and as for valve For training and body and Mindless. Yeah this okay. This is a concept for a murder of this. I could be kinky backcombing. Yeah, there's a keypad. Yeah, it's boot camp flat platform or sell and sets putting a training or smoked salmon. Okay. Yeah, who do not safe? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah and my boot camp. Upload, the highest Abbas. I still get bass. Yeah. Yeah, and it worked new capture of Chloe are a Fool's errand for her. There's Michael money chahe. Yeah Snoop my name. Okay doesn't matter smooth if you sounded on its new started. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, and it may mean of the in the Kenai arise if the fan of attack we do make it investigation anymore to do pick up all the stuff you said to me? Yeah. So I'm Stone personal trainer best for for Mensa. It's been an easy to make a mistake or you back there. Yeah, that's real cool - yeah. Yeah, but uh who like Daenerys on the songs ghost laughing like he didn't yeah Nate. Yeah named Rita it King ignites. It'll Chase fucker presumably see them working with and the day 14. I'm reacting and to not care. It's me who's sort of Tacoma bottom surface view angle in the car and it'll cook more Sony done doing and all these. Dr. Phil. Yeah, I do my life. And honestly you could tell and yeah, this is Dan and event over traditional sport below my belly open hand on the yeah on escalate on the shelf. And yeah, I flirted if Max doesn't show on decision for yourself either confirm that okay. Keep it under the new nominee. My open hate on them in the year becomes Kenan Bey to yourself signs. Are you look so good music. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely I think of it and hey look at that house and I'm still gonna keep sue for false alert. Our Market is going to cook name or by pushing up on the scale factor or Sports column. Hey, c'mere the so far so good. Yeah. Yeah and usually new a project or some you have an exam. I'll talk. Yeah, they're full picture about doing so I see this is ice. And also how this works in approval play first. Yes / - bow for the vital to Bombay here. They're bonded to carbon if the Marshal qualitative and external fuel economy status topic I go to article 38 at the grammar. We never talked about it. It's got a until further order this tuner. Yeah to serve it. And handling and we have to take and yeah also able to spot over here. Yeah, my candle States can be safe for my child a cake whistling as possible. Stop. Yeah, do we have a clear of the mirror? It will be some fluid in evil Darkness the next remover it will either slow term. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Boulder Dam with would engine from an alibi. I'm gonna take me to your home just yet my Obama did it flock a funeral. Actually shoot for Joey's - he's a Catholic is called yoga to deploy. Yeah, those needs phone cover determine. Yeah, do the characters events over much need for not give up on you can over the door hook from develop needed. Yeah, it has come on birds big fat. Yes. Yeah. So yeah and designed Rome all this information. I have might have on your family for no man at any case that you look of mine the mutant. Yeah, I'll sit more staff who focuses of so at least Arnold was called Almost black earrings. Okay guys, yeah. Here we are. You sure? Yeah. Yeah even so you don't know extended for another the podcast started that yet. Thank you for watching formulated my frog super on the Naamans on this topic together and ugly be reckoned with his heel ankle area element for our sake in a lattice around without. Yeah. Enough money selling both ways and it is acceptable little bit more Sharma and been all date do we get matanda of to knit group of yours was member outers of misleading and to Commercial and high all the time from T on the names are Medina and yell accuses the like it now we per se doing mortgage Market Maryvale be influencing manage Behavior. This - yeah, this was good for my Persona personal conviction in the Arctic. To to my own advice for the kids are home to Unique visitors. I must have my marker to she's and who hike in the policy devices over two decades. And is she devices you need for her like in a long time and even a load applied to yeah. It's enough to make your mom needs some Hospital made me cry Connolly. Yeah, and I support them that option is yeah. Yeah. Yeah ice is stealing things evolve on yoga of deformation field of battle Hunt for Herobrine of Matthew do looks don't need to bring another perfect. Yeah, my other two people have our CEO who chipped a heated build and and I kept my things difficult for your showing them so that they figure was a good deal. This are like well, it's kind of fit that ugh. Like I are actually carry a whole day cream made with the carrier's Australia needs. So yeah, and it was my dad who faking it and forgot? Okay prepare clove the Koch brothers are Hotel. A nude with on hotter. Yeah, let's go. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah now a line in doctors physical challenges Hold on. Did you all killed me? Look a fly home in the past which is she. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah challenging. Yeah, absolutely right saqqaq full bottles of food for me and it helped static the tickets for Gonzaga, but come down the kids Ford said, yeah, but she's itself Oak do yeah, and I think there is need of are you mocking the out? Halt? Welcome back America, Merica, I'm gonna fish being a trainer whole bunch. Mini collymore, okay. Yeah, and they're opening their season on spawning medic finished value of sine were some Sisto Kaimuki actually the root then and at least that his needs. Payoff machine your feet. Nay about typing about they have as many sauna night. Oh you have those we get you back? Yeah, welcome to me then right now. It's an epidemic a folder here. Once you have that that's funny for my physical spawning. Yes is Metallo's by - yeah. See see a plus sign is mental. Okay, that makes sense. Yeah, and you had some really creepy of can see a flow via the yeah. We still have executed a book. Okay, I need this right now. Yeah. Yeah. This is like my only period and another Chef Mo but it's me who has gone. Yeah. Okay. Drink is on the telephone. Yeah, I can't even Baker Foster and line. The slope is named Artie - nuta let's connect the tone for the dark so shows that debate and muscles had sales of HIV about me again. Yeah, the who want to make a single a c and e or sighs? Yeah, it's fine tomorrow serial to do case overstressed. Yeah, my eyes look isn't super tough the helium DC Al Hey, absolutely. Yeah. eats - oh, yeah and bake it off something name because its main aim to Kayla journey. And is that borrow? Mrs. Obama because of make a move on horses that can make you happy. Milty to spec and the create and participate affected many others free and open 24 for baiting a Chomsky notice on my feet. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's your favorites from the family aspect the hardware company name of the movie capital or to molecularity opens. Thank you. He's affected of holy shit left of the this is shown eye-opener. Only stress the iron Holland spawning sugar in the my friends don't understand his plan didn't feel better from the upstart named its own field Personnel. Um, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, she's over the radio. Yeah, there's any way kind of thing. I was not segment in front of flip-flops on the all these guys. Yeah my them they had to buy my we really hope to Marvel to show each fiber paper out of my oh my ability to shop small amount of money, but like but like it's very funny. Ex-con. Hope it includes is that the zinc after Katie took a motivation comes from building Atlanta? Yeah. Yeah any compassion for your loss from the Health Service or it's taking orders by she might need you to who does a ionic danger was open with stress - yeah, they exhibit a job come out of the ignition on okay. There's no Panic film in there. Yeah film in there of actually click on editor. Yeah. It matters my husband used to cover smart of me to ask Lao and I've been here and I picnic somehow and yeah, it's not as Americans that makes sense. Yeah. Yeah sure all these pieces inside that cometh by Martin Short from lift in Slough Can you feel it myself in yo exit door vacuum pump Medicare energy from the some specimens. Holy shit. Mm-hmm. It's over into shells man. And my king. I help you - India and its vast comic new after the heart of a known con Ava but was he a medieval concept every to survive ankle-deep out of me Mouse. Yeah, how did many years of into something like a toxic over anima and it's over at nervous system about they have it in us and making a sympathetic nervous system a parasympathetic nervous system. Okay, long story short, is that a in a fight and flight response. Does it about advocated that it was a ready to fight at the rumble and to the spring I held in on the vehicle to today that yeah, but I've had I can all you do today Machinery heart and I spera And I said, I'll take my activation initially Cranfield when in English Motors and in the hush mode is had a blue Canary or Hannah and don't handy have an optimal function area. Yeah the function into somebody's face Clinton's automatic for yeah, you need to connect to tell me Ur loose moments in value. My health is still a gelato by coma. Yeah and augment my heart epic something. I got to take your call to make It moved it out of my with me interfere in ending this athlete very balanced in Cancun stunter canola, and on Earth contained up to you and asks, OK looks just muleteers your mind and I looked at you. All right. Yeah. Yeah gilded mirror essentially, you know camera. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. Yeah playing the moment is from anger of versed. It is best lobster and the probability Coke take himself to their profound and that's really complicated up Instagram Nazi invasion of the Villa animal. Sofia wilen is called deliver Village of hotels in am a villager who sang For All That Matters. Okay. I snuck in Eclipse. It's okay. Yeah. Jean America that I'm not meant to open. Yeah, like may need to just - how many delays I actually got something that's really good. It's most of Instagram of to behaved. Yeah, the big super renewed no Instagram BuzzFeed means like that which you can pull their efforts messy, but all doesn't know you're made of being a mess of all the norio as you will see about the meaning some other meaning of you and you can noise all Right, it's horrible name for you guys Nae Nae. It's also don't think you even knew. Are you bent the Horn of Judah? Yeah, and you get a captcha unique action expensive represent how the holy moly he returned. So soon as they figure of history people have different and unique from Colombo and you'll be merciful. We gotta help him with him a banana boy. I Hannah look like a maze of mood Rockets later than I'd like. Yeah dumb hammer toe laughter where the choking idiotic been? Okay, that's not even it out. It's false that is trying to make some messages. I don't like it. Huh? No course of Mensa evil trick that yeah. It's a bit of that here. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah only diving's you look nice tonight. The black feedback is your each week. You're a mosquito. You don't need a to my regular excellent about the state now nurse and now need for some news. You're into every corner. That's gross teeth. Yeah. It's almost there. Yeah. Yeah, and this is need other good. Therefore do this clean Fieldstone my do with another could look for them today and I'm not the collection. I'm not seeing other gonna do Man - it beneath garage with food after over on the Romantic Period remote that has a minus Delta exports. Yeah. That's one of the other thing it's a dead end it going to mince is off that kicks. I put social critique. Yeah Bullock phenomenon the today Laura multi kept the doctor in New York. She's in 1922. The dirty activists are cables except for your ignorance. It does for he are it was not to be a man of not trained of months over race hearts and treatment at the Caston vague been an amount of mu 2 nautical contacts in flashes of a benefit to this violence on certain days. I'm gonna be over. Another able to produce a to matter of information over cheery now implies an accusation is from Mark and so humans really are shooting Village Tonia for the V8 that illuminative. Moments of the heating people know how to do we key or I'll stink tosses fish my help because we minded it. Yeah. I'm a bitch to music that her dream and that is self-cleaning. And Alice is declining not to use your mother and baby daughter is some City in the mindset. It's not really tight and and don't Senators message a few you sides and I'm thinking or she doesn't look fine. Also, that's not pick my yeah, we could spare. Yeah you laugh just a few kids Marcel scene. Yeah, and I'm talking about you. Yeah, that does not look for him. About this bit Frozen and he had had enough to look into and out of my head like yeah my visit here. Augmenting positive banana economic Annika self that we are able to LEAP up there. Yeah. That's when I hate them out. Yeah, you got to burn for it. Yeah. Yeah, dude now of snow. Some have to conduct will get only on and take a humanist Pop Quiz. Okay, and at this I click on Kappa meals and Zuko to folks back up. How about Wednesday phone? He'll feel moist Pete have an available to Mac books and documents. And that is each of my Inspire those who could of who hold of whatever at ilex. I'm a mentor and discover who is Elfman superfood seconds later. Yeah and at this machine the yeah, that's her birth father and that's okay, but it's okay who don't enjoy kind of Mentor appear faculty are doing anything important. I should thank the court. Yeah. Yeah because he's dealt and I think okay. This is right here. Yeah, fuck it. This human is face of a second a freaking out of pocket limit of say say Sheila of thrivin, nola nola. Deduct from the break that we need to work out so good. Oh, yeah later at home - no - now yeah. Okay. So that's the physical Shaker Heights membership. Hashimoto police couldn't stop us. Are we do yeah. Yeah, do you make a month or so? Okay, but she's next to Anchor points. Oh, yeah need days. Even the hippie fence back as less. I go medical needs. Okay. Okay - manse. Exhaustion album Insignia of the nice me too. Yeah, it's basically I also do murals at Stateville. Yeah, you come on my betta check it out of the lesbian. Okay, slap of a hater hater nice. But Mikey Bows Oh man, she flies for the for the tuk-tuk metadata, okay. Yeah, Apple's first off laughter hair loss of start start rank of ducks eggs. Just don't suck up. All right, you're into. Yeah for builds when doubters and I have to be at least. His demons have lives to notice my super like to the cave and stay calm. Is it the emerald you got that super popular now? Yeah, we're live there too. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks and if your website happy commercial buildings Okay, Kotaku new website come over to Amazon video. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
NOTE: This episode is in Dutch. The Dutch Larissa van Meerten lives a active, fun and busy life! As entrepreneur (together with her partner) personal trainer, world traveler, social media influencer and Sporty Spice Larissa is only 24 but yet on her way to build a proper Health Imperium! She inspires her many followers with her toned body and workout + diet tips but more so with being very raw and real. Larissa shares more than just the pretty moments of her life and doesn't mind showing spots on her face or talking about shitty days or feelings of loneliness when she travels. She is beautiful and brave but admits that it's not always easy to be open. Sometimes people say mean things online or tell her to stop complaining when she's shares about her struggles or feelings. Luckily most of her crowed is very sweet and supportive. The two Dutch girls meet in south Sri Lanka and talk about ways to stay healthy, the adventure of starting a business with your boyfriend, (yin) yoga, solo traveling and her challenges to breath and relax properly. In the final part of the podcast | The Human as Fuck Quiz  | Some funny facts got revealed (Larissa likes kroketten more than frikandellen, hates people who whizzle and shares what body part she is most insecure about)  Tune in to learn and have a laugh! Find Larissa, her business and her adventures through: ★ ★ Instagram: @larissavanmeerten  If you enjoyed this episode please take a little moment to like & review!
For the Love of teaching is a podcast brought to you by teach stata we save teachers hours each week by bringing them quality downloadable teaching resources for their classrooms to make your classroom Buzz go to teach Our early experiences can weigh heavily upon us shaping our beliefs about ourselves and the world in which we live but it's never too late to correct a negative perception of oneself as primary teacher Ali Smith found when she overcame her childhood influences and created a life full of light love health and success for herself and her loved ones Ally's now an advocate for positive body image and health and well-being. She now writes on the chalkboard at teach stutter creating positive. Of resources for students and supporting teachers and she joins me now. Welcome Ali. Wow, what an introduction thank you. I feel so grateful to be here and what an introduction thank you very much. Yeah, well deserved you are an incredible woman and I'm so lucky to get to work with you every day. Thanks Ron. I'm sorry. I just wanted to say that. I hope that my experience can Inspire others and that's really why I'm here today just to talk about how positive how positively we can move forward. Situations definitely. No, that's great. Thank you. I really appreciate you coming into the studio today to have a chat about all of these things. So we might just start right back at the very beginning a very good place to start. What were you like as a child? Hmm as a child. I was really creative and a free thinker I lived in the countryside in England in a small village called North piddle and I love the outdoors. I know North bill is such a great name how it always makes Giggle, yeah, and then yeah, I was just incredibly free. I real free spirit very creative very loving and yeah, love life love life. Yep. I can see a lot of those traits still in you now, you are a very creative person. You have an amazing energy about you that you bring to the office at each star every day. So, what did you what did you want to be when you grow up? What did you want to do with your life? Oh, well actually wanted to be a lady farmer, but I'm also a particular about my choices. I didn't really want any cows or pigs because they were too dirty. But yes, I really wanted to be a lady farmer and work outside in The Great Outdoors. And I also wanted to be a teacher. I remember sitting in my bedroom. I think like a lot of us teachers have done with a little pretend chalkboard, you know teaching my imaginary friends in my classroom. So that started pretty early to oh, wow. That is a very young calling to them. That's really lovely and now your own School experience. It was probably a little bit different. Perhaps too many. Teachers listening from Australia or elsewhere around the world. But can you tell us what that was like how the school system kind of worked in North pedal? Well, I've got some more fear Braun actually, I went to a school called Upton snodsbury first school. I'm which I think may even beat North piddle and I completed a three-tier education which meant that I completed my prep years prep to 3 at first school and then from year for I went to a middle school and then Around year 7. I went to my high school and that's where I completed my sixth form as well and Upton snodsbury first call was so tiny. I think we probably had about 25 students in the whole school. And I remember seeing a whole school photograph and people would say to me is was that your your class? I don't know. No that was the whole school. So it was really tiny and really intimate and in a beautiful little village. No. Oh that sounds so gorgeous and such a lovely little Community. How did Growing Up in a small community shape? Or you know, it was it was great in that, you know, we were very sheltered from a lot of things but also it didn't really prepare me for the real world. And I think that's where I sort of fell into some difficult times because I don't feel that I was really equipped with the life skills and their resilience that I needed to actually survive when I went to my next school. So it was lovely. I had a few really close friends, but I lost those friendships when they moved to different schools and that did Have a negative impact on me. I guess I felt those feelings of loneliness quite early on in my primary is yeah, when people do move on after you've made such a close Bond or Connection in a small as small environment. I think that cat can I intensify the friendships because there's fewer people and you become so much closer because it's a small community. Yeah. Absolutely. I agree and I think especially every other kind of person that tends to put all your eggs in one basket, which is me. I'm not really a big group person I tend to Make really close friendships with a few people for me. That's more important because I'm all about being real and establishing real relationships and even early on I was like that I found big groups difficult. So I'd make very close friendships. And then when they would break I'd start to wonder why that was happening and as a small child, you knew you think it's your fault something that you're doing wrong, perhaps. Yeah Ali, you know yourself, so well like you are a person who really you've spent a lot of time putting consideration into Who You Are As a person and I know that when you talk about yourself and your choices and your preferences in life, you're very assured in who you are. So you come across as a very confident person at an early age though. You did encounter some troubles with body image self image may be self esteem as well. You know, I'm 40 years old now and when you talk about, you know me being a confident person. It's really has been a huge Journey. But even back then there was that pressure coming from social media to so I think I feel so strongly about it now because the students that we're teaching and ourselves as teachers are constantly being bombarded with these images of the way. We have to look or a perceived narrative coming in telling us that we should look a certain way. Yeah. Definitely. I think you've hit a really good point there, which is that body image self-esteem all of these things that are connected to it. Adolescent or a Young Person's well-being have always been a sensitive issue as people grow up and there was always kind of outside influences and outside pressures, but we're navigating. This world now is Teachers parents and women ourselves that it's at a new level of pressure with things like Instagram and you know things like hashtag thinspiration stuff like that. I wonder you and I both have Daughters and sons as well and I mean it's not confined to female kids that this could be an issue but watching our kids grow up in this generation and our students have these pressures. It is a concern as a solutely and I think it's really really important and this is why I wanted to come in and talk with you today is that we as teachers are role models. We need to model to our students our own positive self-image our own positive body image and we need to be aware that it's a really important issue right now and that it is part of our job to look out for students who perhaps are experiencing some negative emotion in this particular area, but you also need to be really strong in our own resolve to be the change. We need to actually be the change and be the teachers who talk positively about ourselves and discourage sort of appearance based conversations and really Encourage our students to have a healthy relationship with food and exercise and to steer away from the social pressures that they're under because they're bigger than ever that you know, they far exceed what I had to deal with when I was young but it got to me then, you know what I mean? So it's like if this is something that we really have to address and perhaps if you had had that support from a teacher that would have changed at the outcomes for you earlier than you having to do that work yourself. Yeah, absolutely. Solutely and it's taken me a long time on this journey to be really clear on what I feel like my purpose in life is and you know, it sounds a bit, you know heavy perhaps to talk about purpose but I am really passionate about that and I feel like I'm actually really grateful to have had the experience I did have because I feel now I can maybe Inspire others to to make a change and be different and to do understand that actually you're capable of anything like you can get through this stuff and you can come out the other side. I think that's really Important. Yeah, definitely and you have actually achieved some incredible things in your lifetime Ali and I love listening to you talk about your your life up to this point your things that you've achieved physically mentally just in your career, but I wanted to ask you so we got up to middle school and that kind of leads into heading into high school, which you said starts in grades. Seven years seven. Yep. That's right. Yeah, what happened when you got to high school then? Oh, well things really is. I saw spiraled for me. I felt very lonely growing up. I didn't have a lot of friendships. I think I probably isolated myself to a certain extent. I was teased and I felt very uncomfortable in myself and I didn't have the confidence to deal with the social dynamics of school when I was in grade would have been six or seven. I remember being asked if I wanted to attend like a slimming Club at my school and there were four or five girls. Who were asked to go and attend this club and not really knowing what was happening. I agreed to go and you know that what is a slimming it was just sort of makes my skin crawl now and it did so much damage to me. And again, this is why I'm so passionate about how we deal with these issues. So we went along at lunchtimes and we'd all get together and we'd be weighed and then we talked about what we'd eaten in the week and all of this stuff. It just made things spiral for me out of of control and the girls and I used to actually call it fat club ourselves, which is kind of really indicative of how we saw ourselves. And this was the kind of negative self-talk that we were joking about and talking about and and it did a lot of damage and it is so important that we help our students in the right way because that really wasn't the right way for me and you know, they may have meant well, but it really didn't do me any good whatsoever. So But thankfully I had a really amazing experience and it was a random act of kindness. Which again is why I'm so passionate about helping others a wonderful girl family around the back of the library and asked me if I wanted to join her and her friends and that really was quite life-changing to be honest. We're still friends now, we were friends all the way through high school and sixth form and yeah, I'm always so grateful for that moment and so indebted to Them just for seeing that I needed a friend and being there for me. Yeah, and just building me up gradually over time and it was really in repairing some of that damage. Yeah. It's an amazing that another child had the capacity to support you to empathize with you and that's something another thing that we focus on teaching kids now is practicing empathy solutely and some children have that kind of intuitively and it sounds like that girl was just the perfect person to come. Your life at that very time. Yeah, thank goodness. She did because it sounds like the school culture where you owe is not actually very favorable to kids well-being. No there really wasn't much awareness of that. And again, you know, I think that's why we focus so much on on creating resources that fall into that category because there is a real need for it. Definitely. Yeah. Definitely so You stayed strong with the help of that friend and the other girls in that group that she introduced you to you did start to kind of reach a turning point where you develop strength and you started to kind of realize that your perceptions of yourself when it came to Sport and fitness and health were really inaccurate and you had kind of I guess minimize what could what could be your potential? So how did that how did you come to that realization? I've been really Lucky because all the way through these difficult times and also want to emphasize that everybody has a story right? Everybody has something that's happened to them and a lot of people have gone through a lot worse than I have. So everyone's got a story but I was really lucky because throughout my story. I had these little glimpses of what I was capable of doing and I remember doing a swimming race and I really generally was never picked for sport and I was always the last one to be picked. And we went to a swimming competition assuming garlae type thing and and I didn't underwater race and the short story is that to everybody's surprise including my own. I actually won this underwater swimming right? I remember coming up from the Silence of being under the water and everybody was cheering at me and at that moment I realized that I could actually do stuff like my body was actually capable of doing it and sew along the way I've had these little glimpses of what I can do and I think that's really helped. Me too. To sort of have that belief in myself and not give up those little successes that we have and I know that you're really big now on celebrating success with your students absolutely and encouraging teachers to do that. But you know, those little things those little nuggets along the way of gold that just clean bearing you on and encouraging you. Yeah, and that wouldn't that is that's a very much one of one of the reasons why I'm so passionate about celebrating success. However small it is sort of celebrating success. You know with your kids with each other and because they can be huge boosts to self-esteem. Yes. Yeah, so originally thought sport wasn't your thing. Yep, and you felt that you weren't a sporty kid. And then all of a sudden this New World opened up to you and you felt you felt good about yourself and you started to sort of develop a new mindset when it came to health and well-being and then all of a sudden when you got to UNI, this was the new ally you were a sporty girl. Yeah I had I had the chance to start again. So there was a gym at their University. So I'd go to the gym early in the morning before anybody was there and just do my thing and gradually I realized I loved it and started going more and then I'd go when it was busy and I start to feel good. And then I actually joined I was approached to join a rowing eight on the river Dee in Chester. And so I started rowing in a boat of 8, which is really fantastic. That's the first time I'd ever been part of a team. It really gave me a sense of belonging. Yeah, that was amazing. And then I did a couple of half marathons and went on I think I've done four or five half marathons now amazing whereabouts were they in the world. So a couple in the UK and then since moving to Australia one in Brisbane Sydney and Melbourne incredible. Yeah, so you kind of have found your passion in running. Yeah. Yeah. I think I highlight was the London Marathon. That was fantastic and I did that in my first year of teaching and I got everybody doing a big fun run as well at school. So I raised money for the deaf and blind and I had my whole year three class and actually the whole school doing a fun run around the school field and we raise lots of money and then I went on to run the London Marathon which was so exhilarating and probably the best time of my life. That is actually incredible your you're running checklist kind of sounds like a bucket list me like, you know, you just Digging through all these challenges and smashing them and it's just amazing what you can do like, you know, when you set your mind to it a lot of it self talk and you just got it when you tell yourself you can do stuff. Yeah, and that's the same for the kids in our classrooms. If we can get them to talk positively to themselves and really instill that in them that a lot of it is self belief. It really is. Yeah and having that positive self-talk I can I can I can do this every time I catch a student saying I can't do something. I'm like, oh stop. Stop. It's I can I get a hand do this and if I can't do it now. I'll be able to do it soon. You know, it's changing that that self-talk. Yeah, and I've actually heard a lot of kind of endurance athletes marathon runners and the like saying that it's a hugely mental game. It's not so much a physical thing. Yeah. So what is going through your mind when you're running these extremely painful long challenging races? It's not really I'm not not that incredible. It's really loads of people do them. I Events are really uplifting. It's a really really amazing feeling doing with all those people and feeling just really together with everyone. That's there. I just feel happy to be honest. I just feel really alive and really happy and just really strong and how do you feel afterwards? When you finished tired? You don't get that like endorphin rush that everybody talks about I don't even get very emotional. I often find myself like getting bit teary when I'm running because I'm like, wow, this is this is great. This is amazing. And yeah, Yeah, yeah really empowering. What a great role model you are for your students and your own kids. So I hope so. It's a lot of pressure, isn't it? It's just especially with the daughter now and trying to encourage her to have a healthy relationship with food and exercise. It's a lot of pressure. But yeah, but you're doing to be a role model. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm just experimenting with that. But it's fun. Yeah, and you do beautiful healthy food for your family, you know. Lane nourish your mind body and soul in every sense of that. You take such good care of yourself. And I think that having that respect for your own body is inspirational. So if anyone who is a teacher listening needs a little bit of a kick up the bottom to get on the bandwagon, definitely I find you very inspiring and I know thanks for you. Yeah, I think it is very important and I think for a lot of teachers as well themselves that we talked about having to inspire students, but we also have to inspire ourselves to look after ourselves and to have our own body confidence. Yeah. Absolutely. Definitely Ellie. Can you tell us about some of your top resources that you've created for supporting teachers to teach their students how to maintain a positive and healthy body image? Okay. So I think one of the very first resources I created was a bullying and Unit which is targeted really around year three and four, but it can be adapted for upper or lower years. And that really does what it says on the label. Basically, it's just some great strategies there for helping your students develop resilience to cope with bullying. So all those things I wished I had had a school hopefully in this unit. So it's kind of a tool kit for teachers. And so there's anything yeah, so it's really worthwhile having a quick look at that. Yep. I've also just created a couple of sort of nice to have posters about inclusion which are worth displaying in your classroom. And the latest one I think probably is the celebrating Student Success badges. So they focus on social and personal capabilities, which is lined with the Australian curriculum. But those badges can be given to your students to celebrate success in the areas of their personal and social development. So yeah. Yeah, and you've also written Complimentary blog for that resource the badges of all the different ways you can actually use them. So there's more than one way that you can use that resource in your classroom. So change it up depending on what your class is up to what you need their year level that kind of thing. What are some top tips that teachers should remember to be mindful of when they're supporting their students in this area. Okay. Well, it's obviously a very sensitive area. There are some things that we can do every day. And the first thing really is to be a role model and to To model positive body image yourself. So be the change be that person who doesn't accept any appearance-based teasing or bullying in the classroom. So if you hear it happening, if you hear a student teasing another student for the way, they look then it's really important that you step in and have those conversations in your classroom. Don't let it go also challenging, you know, the appearance ideals that we see in the media and having some discussions with your class, especially PS students will benefit from having those open discussions about what they're seeing in magazines and talking about is this real or is this Photoshop? So are we expected to look like this? Yes, having those difficult conversations and bringing the subject up. Yep. It's really important as well that we sort of steer away from appearance-based talk. So instead of complementing somebody for the way they look we could perhaps say. Oh, wow, you know you're being brave or you know, you're being strong. Ngai rather than hey, you know you look beautiful today. You're looking it's it's really hard to do, isn't it? Because I know when we see each other we often say I love your top or I love your hair or wear kind of conditioned as a society to Value people's external appearance more than their internal qualities. And I know that I have a poster at home that I refer to a lot because often I find myself complimenting my daughter on physical attributes and I feel like I should probably be yeah. Leaning away from that and making I mean, I it's easier I think to do it in the classroom situation for teachers because it's not as personal but when it's a friend or a daughter or a mum. Yeah, it's kind of like you love that person. You want them to feel good about ourselves solutely. Yeah, the I love strong. Yeah of you're looking at your Healthy Look fetch. You look well solutely you're glowing like these are these are compliments that are physical but they're things that are ways that you can make someone feel good without saying you're beautiful. You're pretty you're a prince. SS I mean I think the key thing is is just to empower students and children and colleagues and friends. Yeah to to understand that there's so much more than their appearance. Yeah. We love fashion. We talk about it all the time, but it's having that deep understanding that when I look at you Braun, I like your clothes but I like you for what's what you are. Yeah, not how you look. Yes. Yeah, and when we have that Mutual understanding it takes a lot of stuff away. It does. Yeah. It's like I don't care whether you're in your pajamas. You know exactly still Braun and that's that's who I'm connecting with. Yeah clothes. Yep, and I think that's really important if we can help our students grow with that message that we're so much more than our appearance then over time we can start to chip away at all that stuff and start being the change for them so that when they grow up into their teens, yep, they can think a little bit deeper than don't know what they're wearing. Yeah, and we want we want kids to develop these meaningful relationships. So we have to teach them how to Value quality. These are people that are under the surface and I think that you're right when kids become teenagers or preteens, even they have to be quite analytical when it comes to the information that they receive because they get a bit of an overload. So even if I loved how you were saying when you're talking about advertising and media and social media just going through that and having those open discussions with adolescent kids or even actually even children like from any age group up. Just asking them to dig a bit deeper. I had to find out more information that girl looks amazing in that top. But if I bought that top it would look different on my body or you know, just pulling things apart and and even I know I think that it's quite dangerous the filters that we all love to use on these apps and programs because they give such an unrealistic expectation and that was never around when we were teenagers. There was there was never the expectation that everybody would look photoshopped in every picture. It doesn't look like You anymore and I think that that's something that kids need to know that that picture. That's not you. That's a bunny is with massive black eyes is not how you actually look in the mirror. And you know what? I always think it's so brave when somebody posts an unfiltered photograph of themself. I have the utmost respect for people who will actually just be brave enough to do that and say this is me and actually love myself enough to put this Photograph up of me. Yeah the way I am, but it's kind of like us The world but yeah, I'm I'm sort of going to keep going on this Mission because there's so much more to life than all of this stuff that we're bombarded with every day. And it's very exhausting. It's exhausting for us as adults. So it must be exhausting for students to absolutely well. I applaud you for your mission you're doing such an amazing job of doing it and you really have just created this really admirable Outlook and perception of life and You you live your life to the fullest and I see you doing this every day. You are living out my life. It's an ongoing Journey. I'm still working on it. You know, it's taken me 40 years to get this far and I'm still not quite where I want to be. I'd love to do a triathlon. I also just want to carry on getting stronger and stronger. I'm just going to defy age. That's my mission and it is a huge Journey. But I think if we can set our students up with a solid foundation, then they can perhaps have some more of the stuff that we I have and I think as teachers where you know, we have that power. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for your bravery honesty and all of your candor in talking to me today. I really appreciate that and I really think that people are going to find it incredibly helpful. I hope so and if I can help in any way, please just shout out to me because I love helping other people it inspires me and how can people contact you directly. Oh, well, you can contact me at teach data. So Allison doc Smith at teach and also, So on my Instagram page if you want to perfect, thank you so much. Ali lovely to have you in thank you. Thanks so much. Thanks for listening to this episode of For the Love of teaching. Don't forget to subscribe on your favorite podcast app so that you get the latest updates on all the newest episodes.
Teach Starter resource producer and Chalkboard blogger Ali Smith joins me this week. We talk about how teachers can influence our students and help them to develop a positive self image. In the uncharted territory of today's social media-driven world, the messages being sent to our kids aren't always positive. As teachers we are trusted, real adults present in our students' lives, and we possess powerful influence to change the way they see themselves and to build their resilience to survive and thrive in this landscape.Ali talks about her own experience as a school student growing up in the UK, her teaching experiences here in Australia, the amazing resources she's created to support teachers in the areas of health and wellbeing, and her own personal goals and achievements.Find Ali's fantastic resilience resources here.Join us in our new For the Love of Teaching Facebook group, where we chat about the podcast, feature live vids of guests, and talk teaching!Have you subscribed to For the Love of Teaching? Don't forget! It means you'll be the first to know whenever a new episode is released.For the Love of Teaching is a podcast by Teach Starter. We make quality, downloadable teaching resources that save teachers hours of time and make their classrooms buzz!
Before I continue one of the ways, we keep all of our content for you. The listener free of charge is our amazing sponsors, and today anchor is one of those sponsors. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchors going to distributor podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and everywhere podcasts are listened to and you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor Dot f m-- to get started. Hey guys, welcome back to another season of The Voice. We have a brand new judge a lovely Latin singer and a trio all this and more when we come back you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of tv top. Now look. Hey guys, welcome back. It's another season of The Voice. I'm your host princess Carole and I'm joined by two lovely ladies. Hi, I'm Lindsey. Hello, I am Sky awesome. And tonight we have like I said, we have a lovely Latin singer. We have a trio and then we also have the E got John John Legend So, I'm so excited to get into it. Ladies. What are your overall thoughts for the night? My overall thoughts of said this season is going to be extremely hard. There were so many talented contestants and they are giving John Legend So Much flak sobbing. I can't tell like is a competition between the judges or the contestants. I don't know. I think that's one of the cool things about the voice. This is to just watch The Chemistry Between the judges and the witty banter. It's super cute to me. It is about you. I think everyone's talented but I'm really excited for John Legend to be there. You can tell he's new like I really like that like everybody he was you know, he started off at the beginning of the nice didn't realize everyone's going to come after him. Then he started, you know coming into his own. Today's episode black and people he just jumps right? He's gonna come out of his shell but I mean, I think gonna watch I think the very very first person that started singing he was already blocked and that was so quick. I felt so bad for her speaking of that. So let's go ahead and get into the first episode who are some of your guys is favorites. What did you guys think? I have to say that Lizzy Myers was actually one of my favorites. She's a Memphis girl and she came with so much soul and so much like Charisma and her vocal range was Thing so I have to say that I really really love her. It's going to be exciting to see how she's going to make it throughout this entire season. I agree. She's one of my favorites as well. She reminds me of Kelly Clarkson. Oh, yeah, and that's probably why they bun it like immediately. And another person I think is to watch is Jimmy Mohawk? Oh yes tension. So oh, yeah, you could just hear he had that stage presence when he was on stage and I like that Adam was like rooting for him and I could really see him going for Very far and his story also is like so sad about his dad that get murdered. Oh my God. I was really touching when he got in there like your dad is like watching over you and you can tell that he's gonna grow through the season. I think the soul within his voice of everything. He's been through it's gonna come out and he's gonna be like a breakout person. Absolutely. Yeah, and then he had like when Adam was giving him like the free music lesson like seeing from your from your chest. It made a world of difference like install, okay? Adam was like trying to like put you under he's like, so you're looking for the vocal coach. Let me just do it right now the beginning props to Adam. But yeah, he was definitely one of my favorites once you got out of that falsetto moment. Absolutely. My favorite of the night was Lily Joy. She was the one with the oh, yeah. Oh, I love the one that sung Gwen Stefani song, right? Yes, Iraq and Blake has turned around. He had to say yes. He was in love because he was like, it's Wayne she did so well on this amazing Stefani fan since way back when anyway but I love the she had her own twist and she was what only 15 years old. So a lot of the contestants are actually pretty young and they're very very talented. I mean like horses are super mature. So I can't even imagine like how they're going to be five years from now so we can already see his so much talent. It was it was really hard for me to choose who I like best. Yeah, but right Well with that being said who did you guys like the least was there any like I'm always for you, you know, no no Shade. That's a damn shame. I have to say the couple. I think it was named Nathan. And is it Creasy? I think it's chezy. Thank you so much Nathan chezy. I think that they were great, but I don't know if it was really maybe for this particular competition. Yeah. I just think they weren't my favorites. Yeah, I kind of felt like they were a solid. Okay. Yeah, I mean, you know, they they are going to The Comeback stage so good for them. But I was like It's an okay performance. What were your thoughts? I felt the same. I mean, I thought everyone was good at so hard to chew. It was but the other girl who went home Clea. I thought she was really good. But at the same time she didn't have she didn't make the song her own like she sounded exactly like this. Yeah, exactly like the song. Yeah, and she also was really nervous. Like she if she makes it further. I think one of the comments they're going to make is like working on her body movements because it comes out there. Nerves so I thought she was great. I just don't feel like it like she could have sang it for anywhere and it sounded exactly like the radio edit. Yeah. I'm excited to see everybody mature and become you know their own artists and to your point. Yeah. I mean, she's just singing the way that she's heard it, but I'm excited to see where she goes. Yeah. I mean she had no training. So I mean listen, I mean, I think it is very both for you to get up and sing and you have no training that's like I really believe in myself and I'm just really I'm really gonna try this so I have to come into her. Yeah, perhaps her. Her and we were talking earlier. So my least favorite for last night was Kim. So my thing is this rapping is a challenge. Oh, I loved her you are not a good at it. Don't do it. Listen. I think she was good. I think the she was amazing. First of all, she's fucking no scrubs and I don't even know like she made up her own lyrics come on, like you have to commend somebody that gets on stage and makes her own lyrics I have to say Die Hard Left I see listen, but that's the reason why people like artists like Lauren Hill because she can rap and she can sing and just like that young lady like she did both. You know, what I thought was really funny was Blake was like, you know, I'm looking for a rapper. Yeah, and nobody is activate the Kelly's like what I think I would be a better rapper than Blake which was absolutely hilarious. So he kept saying dope. Yeah, so I think personally it's going to be interesting to see how black is going to teach her how to be a rapper. I think some really personal. He liked her do I think she's going to win it? I don't think but I do think she's going to stand out because not only does she like not match her song choice, but like Blake and wrapping your not match. So how he was saying everyone's going to be tweeting about it. It's gonna be today show like it's already everywhere. And so I think it's going to be something that people talk about and people like it and I like it because it's different. This is she's gonna go down in history. Watch what I tell you he will see but with that being said, do you have a special message for us? Yes, I do. I have a special message. So before we get into any other topics, I wanted to say to you guys. Thank you so much for making us the ESPN of TV talk in order for us to be able to continue to grow we would like to ask for your big support. If you guys can go onto YouTube right now hit that Thumbs Up Button And subscribe. And if you're on iTunes, please give us a five star rating. But no matter where you are. Please leave us a comment and let us know exactly how we're doing and please get involved in the conversation listen being. A part of Midwest TV has been an absolutely amazing experience and we all appreciate it and we would love your support to continue to allow us to keep doing exactly what we're doing. Thank you. You're welcome. So guys, let's go ahead and get into episode 2 who are some of your choices. Let me tell you I thought the episode 1 was like amazing, right but episode 2, I felt like from the beginning to end. Everybody was so amazing. It was so hard to really be able to pick any one. But I definitely have my pics. Okay. Well she's done with us. So I have to say my favorite was probably Julian King, you know, the guy from Philly. He was amazing like not only is he a singer but he's a dancer. I mean, he's a performer he came out there and he just killed it like from the beginning and the fact that everybody turned around all at the same time like he grabbed the audience and like that's the thing about artists like whenever they're performing you want to be able to have stage presence and he's already showing like right now. Now the very very first song that he can pull us in. So it's going to be interesting to see how where is he gonna go from here? Nothing but Excellence on my part. I think I think Julian is the best as well. I think even without the show he's going to make it I can't see him not but I think he's still going to make it he has that star power. Yes, John compared him to Usher. Oh and so I mean can they got you and John and I'm just sitting there being like wow this guy like he's Sounds like a star and he looks like one. Yeah, he has like we were just saying like he reminds me of Miguel and yes and I wrote James. Yeah, it's already like he has to be have the look-alikes everything in the confidence the the control I was like okay way to end the night well, but I have to say Savannah bester. She sung Jun Legend song Don't You Worry About a Thing. I have to say she blew me absolutely away, and she even blue John away he Was like he even said he's like I heard this song song so many times so, you know by so many different artists, but he loved the fact that she put her own spin to it. And I think that's what really sets you apart from. All the other contestants is how can you really be able to sing a song and make it your own? Yeah because anyone could sing a great song earlier like you can sound perfect but an artist is someone who can make it their own and make it stand out and have like that range and make a song that you know one way and then fall in love with it all over again in a totally different way, right? Yeah, and it's really It really speaks to her talent because we've all heard Stevie Wonder like so many times so many times but to hear how each person brings it like I even think about Tori Kelly. That's one of my God. Yes. It's a see her just bring it in to bring her own twist to it. I'm really excited to see where she goes as well as she tells John and it's so funny. Like when I was actually watching this show, I think everybody that song a song like I was able to figure out which judge that they were going to choose and I was right. I mean like why Why would she not choose Joshi song is long. So I think she was trying to get some attention there enough. Well Lindsay, do you have any news for us to oh, yes, I have some new so we got the news. So Adam Levine has a major controversy with the show from last year. I mean not just I mean, he's got controversies everywhere. Not just the Super Bowl so last year in the last season he rooted for one of His talent to stay and one of them to leave because one of the guests on the show was sick and he wasn't there they weren't there to perform and another one was there to perform so he told everyone to not vote for the person who was there in favor of the artist. That was sick. Oh, wow. So everyone is going crazy on social media right now rivaling against team Adam. So I want to ask you guys and our viewers, you know. Are we tea Madam do we forgive him this year? Because a lot of people don't hmm. I mean, I think that everybody is definitely everyone should be forgiving but I mean, I don't know like how can you give somebody someone else's platform? I mean again at the end of the day, you know, it's Show Business and at the I mean you just have to show up. Yeah, that's really challenging because it's like it's it's kind of like someone gets a pass because they're not they're sick, but it's like they weren't there to compete. So it's a tough situation like I'm For forgiving people and letting you know bygones be bygones, but it's really tough when everyone else competed and that person was sick, which is not their fault. But at the same time, yeah, and he his name his name is D'Andre DeAndre Nico and he said that Adam sold him out. So it's kind of like as a performer. Can you trust can you trust Adam are we going to forgive? You know, are we going to forgive him to see was ever going to forget Adam talked about it, but I mean hoof. That's that's some heat right there. He's just staying in the fire dude. It's a rough year for him this year, please Madam. If you're listening, please just be kinder this season. It would be a good fortune. So I think if you take the shirt off will have the focus. Hey, I am out for that. I mean the FCC is little mad about it people are complaining but I'm not complaining. So of course we can you said he's a distraction he take your shirt off Adam. Well with that being said, we also have our special segment, which is where are they now? Now and in this will talk about previous. Where are they now? So about where are they now is my favorite segments. I wanted to talk about. Mr. Mark Hood. He was on season five. The vocal coach was for his vocal coach was for real. And for rail said that he was Mark or the entertainment industry, which I actually absolutely have to say because Mark is actually right now on don't you those new TV show Black Monday. I mean plays a character of Herbie and after he left. Left the voice. He actually went on to do Chicago PD Chicago Fire. So this man is blazing you can actually catch him out in La he still singing still doing shows though. This man has left the voice and where is he now? He still successful. He's a double threat. That's a double thing. You always wonder where they go after the shell because you don't always hear where everybody is so to hear that somebody is successful still right and making it happen. Not just you know in the music. - a bit on the show is really cool to hear and it's so funny because you know people always say you have to choose one lane, but it's he has double talents and he's doing two things at the same time. It's just all coming together. So yeah, that's really interesting. We command Mark Hood. Yeah, that's really interesting. I feel like that's one of those things where it's like if you are equally talented or at least like you can work on another area then why not it gives you longevity it gives you like a multiple platforms as right as I had no idea that he you know, like was able to do both back when he was Is on the voice but now we see him on television shows and he's just out there doing his thing so Kudos. So where is he now? He is successful just like still here another form. That's right guys. So let's get into our predictions at this point. We've seen that twelve great Challengers. So let's yeah, let's talk about moving is going to happen next and how far we think she was going to go. So I have to say, you know, we actually didn't talk about Matthew which would Matthew Johnson which was on the first episode. I think that he did a great job. I'm actually interested to see how he's going to move forward. He started off with one of the gospel songs. I smile back I Franklin I absolutely love that song but I like the fact that how he grabbed the crowd in it's going to be interesting to see how he actually competes with some of the other people and even like a lot of the younger guests. They're already like so much. Were like their voices are amazing. So I think is going to be interesting to see Dominique which I don't think we really talked about him. He was one of the first ones that started out and his voice was so magical. So I think I don't know between him and Julia maybe a little bit of a competition there. Hmm. No, it's a good point. This is like the season of the young people. Yeah, I think the Millennials are present so season, I think someone to watch this season is gift. Is that how you say them gets I've never heard that name before he came Drift Away by Uncle Kracker first one off the gate and I'm like sounds like the radio Blake had a crush on him talking about his muscles. I just think he's going to go far and I specially loved his story. I love when they go into the stories of their life how He thought his girlfriend in the audience. I don't know if you guys remember that phrase saw this girl from the audience. So he played the song Single Ladies to see if she would put her hand. So he's smart. Okay, that's how you have to be, you know, very very particular creative and creative and that also shows what kind of artist he would be and performer that he can think on the spot and come up with something really cool over the audience and maximize that so I'm excited to see where he goes. Hmm got about him. He's really good. You know what? I forgot we didn't talk about the young lady who came back because she was on the last season. Oh, yeah came back a second time Lisa Ramsey. I have to say it's going to be interesting to see exactly what happens with her. I mean she John Legend blew her away and even her story she was saying how all the judges have seen her, but John Legend has not seen her and she says the only one turned around right? And so she said that when John Legend sees me he's gonna give me a chance. So I have to say I hundred percent commend her attraction and I you know, I really wouldn't be surprised if she Ins I honestly didn't think she was that good. Like I hate to be like the Negative Nancy in the room. I mean it was good to me and I hate to say this like if she sees this, I'm sorry, like I love your energy and I love that. She did not give up and something totally grow. But I feel like she was one of the people again who sounded like anyone on the radio like the same way. She sound like she's singing karaoke to me and Like Julian or something where you hear that and you stop what you're doing and you're like that in our lives. I just takes you away. That's fair. That's fair. Yeah, I wasn't like I wasn't impressed either to be honest with you. I'm glad that she got a chair because it's so I commend her for even going back right? She didn't have to do that. She could have been like, you know what this just it's just saying for me, but she came back and lo and behold John was the one that turned around. So I'm happy that somebody turned just to honor her decision, but I don't know how far she's going to go, especially Actually again with all the young people the young power houses. This is a challenging season and we didn't even talk about the young lady from Dallas Texas. Oh, yeah, I was there. So this is your favorite one of all of our favorites. Yeah, I mean because she got out there and she sung a song and in Spanish no translation just straight Spanish and she did such an amazing job. So it's going to be exciting to see how she grows and to do good singing in another. Go ahead to Captivate an audience who doesn't speak that language that is very telling and itself and I'm really excited because you know, she's gonna do an English song probably now. Yeah, or maybe she'll do one of those songs where there's like a fusion of both language. That's what I want to watch. Yes. I'm excited to actually watch her fuse the two together and like really show her skills, like it kind of it also kind of reminded me of the magenta song, you know with Beyonce how she sings like the Spanish version. And also the even stars and I was just like yeah, you know when you hear someone sing like both translations they got it. Yeah. Well, I'm excited to see where she goes if I had to like put her like in this specific place. I think she could be I think she could be very popular and maybe even make it to top three like I think she's gonna be very very popular, you know something funny to its I feel like even though it seems like every artifact every contestant has like their own genre. I kind of feel like they're all pop stars. That's kind of what you have to be to make it mainstream though. I mean, even if your country or anything else you kind of have a poppy feel to you to make it on the mainstream radio For Better or For Worse, if you want to be the choose a genre I think about like I mean, obviously this is a different show, but I think about Carrie Underwood or Cassadee Pope. Like I think you can have your genre exactly but it's just about being strategic the one of the I could I think I missed her name, but one of them was Very very country and like yeah, that was actually for like the second season. It was Hannah Hannah Hannah. Yeah. I think that she I mean her voice is amazing. Yeah. I mean it is very specific and I feel like at some point they're going to challenge her to sing something different are they are for sure, of course they are but I think it's possible if you you know have the right people behind you. Absolutely. I mean, yeah, I think that I thought that was so funny that like she made a true connection with Kelly. Like I literally thought that she was going to choose You know as her as our coach, but then she went with black shoes like black ever since I was six years old. I always had a crush on you. I was like, I think Blake was a smart choice for her because she is so country. Yeah. I know they have a thing manager and I love Callie, but if you really want to make it in the country world and it seems like she does Blake. He's your demands. He's our guy. Yeah, but I agree with you. I do love watching Kelly, especially the season she's so she's I feel like the nicest one out of all of them. She is she's a Texas girl maybe Thank you guys so much for joining us tonight. I'm your host princess Carole and ladies. Where can we find you guys? You can find me on Instagram and Nema Sky any EMAs Kye and you can find me at Lindsay be Hoffman and guys, you can find me on Instagram at princess Carole TV. Thanks guys. We'll see you next week by our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning into after. Stevie remember we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz see you later. Hmm views expressed herein are those of the host only you do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners are principled.
The Voice 2019 Blind Auditions Episode 1 & 2 Recap. Who made the teams so far? John Legend (#egot) , Kelly Clarkson, Adam Levine, and Blake Shelton are this season’s judges. Let’s watch as they choose their teams! Our hosts Princess, Lindsay, and Neema get into News & Gossip, our Special Segment, and Predictions for The Voice season 16. #voicepremiere #teamjohn #teamkelly #teamadam #teamblake Follow Our Hosts Here: Lindsay Hoffman YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Blog: Neema Skye  Youtube: Instagram Facebook: Website: Princess Carroll Instagram: RSS Feed: ABOUT THE VOICE: The Voice is an American reality television singing competition broadcast on NBC. The winner is determined by television viewers voting by telephone, Internet, SMS text, and iTunes Store purchases of the audio-recorded artists' vocal performances. They receive US$100,000 and a record deal with Universal Music Group for winning the competition. The winners of the nine seasons have been: Javier Colon, Jermaine Paul, Cassadee Pope, Danielle Bradbery, Tessanne Chin, Josh Kaufman, Craig Wayne Boyd, Sawyer Fredericks and Jordan Smith. The series employs a panel of four coaches who critique the artists' performances and guide their teams of selected artists through --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Welcome to the steroid your book Dan the body builder from time. The steroids podcast is brought to you by Ultimate Guide to roids 109 page ebook by Dan the bodybuilder from Thailand now for the first time in bodybuilding history, you have someone with no corporate interests and no obligation to please anyone not walking on eggshells to not offend. Ultimate God towards gives you the information the whole information the whole truth not a full truth and a half Truth full truth. Ultimate God toroids gives you the keys to the Lamborghini gives you the information and lets you decide what to do with it. It's a crime. This information has been suppressed this long now. Let's get on with the podcast. Welcome back to another episode of steroids podcast. I bet you guys are wondering since last episode. I told you that I was on an experiment of a cycle which was 900 milligrams of Prima Belen per week 750 milligrams of testosterone per week and ten units of growth hormone per day. Okay, so I did the experiment for a month and I stopped it but I did it for a month and let me tell you the effects that I had during that month. Okay, so I gained 35 Pounds during that month. Now. This was definitely not all muscle late. Okay, it was not even close to all muscle ate a lot of it was actually food in my stomach. So when you take the growth hormone at the higher dosage like that, it really slows down the process of the food going through your your gut So within days of starting my gut got really distended and it was full of food. Like I wasn't Pooping much and basically all the food that I would eat would just kind of sit in my digestive system and you know, so my gut was very distended because of being on the large dosage and then you know, once the month was finished and I you know went off for a little bit and then went back on but only taking three units a day now, you know 1/3 of the dose, you know, the gut is not distended like it was before it wasn't for Morgan growth or something. It was because literally Food was just loaded into my digestive system sitting there because the growth hormone slowed down the gastric Mobility the rate at which your digestive system processes the stuff that you put into it. So the main effect that I got right away taking the ten units of growth hormone per day was my appetite was went insane. My appetite went absolutely insane for the first few days. It would only be insane at certain at certain times. You know, sometimes I feel like well, I don't even need food. You know, like I don't even need to eat because you know, the growth hormone was raising my blood sugar, but then after about maybe five days or so it was like I just became just ravenously hungry like probably hungry in a way that I've never been hungry before so I was eating like five to six thousand calories per day and just like just just going nuts, you know. Like eating eating all kinds of food and you know getting a lot bigger and a lot stronger pretty quickly. So like I said, I gained 35 pounds during that month. So, you know, that's nearly nearly 10 pounds per week, which is totally insane. But I would say that I would say 15 of those pounds were food sitting in my stomach literally just extra food sitting in my stomach than what I had before like, The the distension that I got from using the growth hormone was like unbelievable like how how much it was pushing my stomach out because the food was in there. So definitely a good 15 pounds of food just sitting in my stomach accounting for you know part of that 35-pound weight gain and a month and then water probably again like around, you know, 15 pounds or so like 10 to 15 pounds of you know, Water added to my body so it blew my face up my face became an you know, like an egg, you know the shape of an egg completely swollen and really blown up and and then also all around my body, you know, like as far as water retention like imma skin and other areas of my body. Yeah. Absolutely if I'd ever have anything contacting my skin in any area it would leave some kind of a Look there and then I gained about five six pounds or so of solid muscle during that month and became a lot stronger. I'll just tell you like for one of those for one of those workouts for what for one of the workouts that I was doing, you know one week. I pressed a hundred twenty five pound dumbbells on the incline press. With perfect form, you know, like a, you know, a slow controlled negative and then an explosive positive for four and a half reps one workout. And then I came back to the gym 7 days later and did the tried to do the same thing again, you know a maximum reps with those 125 pound dumbbells using that form on the incline breasts and I doubled the amount of reps eight and a half reps, you know only with seven days in between so The up that was a that was the food the growth hormone steroids altogether fueling that kind of adaptation. So, you know a body was adapting to the stress. I was putting on in the gym hardcore experienced, you know, being able to eat a lot of food strength gains Mass gains Etc. And I think I gained like maybe like three four pounds of fat or something during during that. At week or during that month during that month. So gain like 15 pounds of food inside my stomach that then you know now it's gone and then, you know gained a lot of strength gained like five six pounds of solid muscle tissue, you know, my whole body is definitely considerably bigger now, you know my muscles like they're considerably bigger is very noticeable and then gained something like, you know, three or four or five pounds of fat as well, even though I was on it. Growth hormone and on a ton of steroids that that still wasn't blocking complete, you know for eating around 6,000 calories or so per day, you know, at least 5,000 per day that wasn't able to block any kind, you know all fat acquisition. So that was the effects of running that that cycle experiment the 900 milligrams Prima bowl and per week 750 milligrams. Estas drone per week and ten units of growth hormone per day did it for a month had some really strong effects from that and then at the end of the month I started to get up. I started to get a sexual dysfunction and also a foggy had and like a low motivation because of my prolactin rise. I'm pretty sensitive to prolactin like, you know, I definitely can't use you know, any At all without using pramipexole or cabergoline to reduce prolactin or else after the second week on Trend, you know, like I will be completely, you know not able to function. I've no sexual function and then the my head will feel really cloudy or like I'm kind of like spinning up in the clouds. Like I have a foggy head or something like that. That's from Trend so I did get a mile a more modest. mild form of that but a significant form of it from using the high growth hormone for a month and it the weird thing about it was that I didn't have any of those prolactin effects until until like after after like 25 days or something and then like from day 25 today 30, you know, I had those those, you know that sexual dysfunction and then I had the really foggy had to you know, it's so after a while of having those hot super high growth Levels seems reasonable that to assume that my body tried to make an adaptation to you know, get homeostasis again. And you know, for some reason that made my my prolactin go up but uh, Prolactin and growth hormone are both very similar molecules. So it's also possible that you know having just such an abundant abundance of growth hormone. There's barely any difference between prolactin and growth hormone it they both come from the pituitary gland to and it's possible that you know, some of that growth hormone or some of them tablets from it or something. We're attaching to my prolactin or suffers. I don't know that was just my experience on it. So I did have some sexual side effects from 10. Use per day that you know, I had zero sexual side effects until right at about a month and that was right when those kicked in but right before that I had zero so take that for what it's worth interesting experiment. I did now, I'm not doing that anymore. I'm going back to a more moderate thing now that I you know, figure that out and had that happen. So let's get into some questions. First one is from Eric. I'm 49. And have been lifting my entire life. I put in the work at the gym and in the kitchen, but I've reached my Plateau thinking about starting small 500 milligrams per week of testosterone sippy night for 12 weeks and 30 milligrams of Dianabol for eight weeks in the middle of the 12 week cycle. Also one milligram of Arimidex every other day thoughts. Yeah, that sounds good 30 milligrams of Deanna ball for eight weeks is a really Way to do it 30 milligrams of Vienna ball is definitely enough to feel it and and see like strength gains in performance gains and the gym right away, you know within a week of starting your cycle and then putting that on top of the 500 milligrams per week of testosterone for your first cycle. I think you'll be really satisfied. So having the D ball in the middle of the cycle to that makes sense to me. I mean the middle of your cycle you said that you're going to do it eight weeks. In the middle and you're doing a 12-week cycle, so that means you're going to start, you know, the the D ball after two weeks on testosterone and then you're going to put pull out the D ball and do two weeks more on testosterone, you know, after that eight weeks with the testosterone deep. Well combined in the middle and that sounds great to me. So you're going to have that d-ball in during the cycle when your testosterone is most potent sounds great one milligram of Arimidex every other day. Yeah, that'll probably cover you. But since it's your first cycle and you don't know how sensitive you are. Estrogen you never know. Like, you know, you might need one milligram of our Medics everyday or you might only need you know, one or two milligrams per week or some people even need no Arimidex on that kind of cycle or dosage. It really depends on the person. So you will know once you try that but you should expect you know, significant performance and size gains on that cycle, especially from the D animal because the 30 milligrams of Deanna ball Verde. That's definitely as Ang, you know just that just the 30 milligrams of Vienna ball per day is definitely as strong as 500 milligrams of testosterone per week. It's there's no DNA ball is way stronger at being a performance-enhancing drug than testosterone is the next question is from cam who says how do you know if your psychologically addicted or dependent on Peds? I am a 38 year old entrepreneur and I and hide us It makes me three times more productive than when I'm natural. I like this question. So how do you know if your psychologically addicted or dependent on Peds? Well, I'll tell you most guys that start experimenting with hormones don't want to stop or they you know, if they do stop it's for a reason and they want to start doing it again later because like these things if you're a man, it's pretty natural to want to be As powerful as you can be to want to build your body up to be as powerful as it can be, you know to have the greatest stature that you can have, you know to be big and fast and strong. These are really natural desires of almost, you know, a hundred percent of men. So if you find something that helps you do that you're going to want to use it. So that's you know, then and then when you stop using it, you will notice right away, you know, no matter what people say about like. Oh, yeah, you know, you can keep your gains. If you keep lifting heavy, you will notice that when you stop using it, you know, you those gains or benefits that you had from using it immediately begin to deteriorate so that's you know, the them helping you fulfill a natural desire the steroids and then When you stop taking them, you know those natural desires that were being fulfilled, you know immediately going away that obviously creates a situation where you're going to want to continue using them. So are you addicted to them? I mean, I guess you could say, yeah, but it's more of like a decision like like I want to use this and so I'm going to it's because you No guys who use T or T for example, testosterone replacement therapy? They're not addicted to you know, testosterone or something, but they're using it for a reason it makes them feel better, you know, and so that's where that's where I kind of like draw the line is if if your psychologically addicted or dependent on them, that's where you feel like for being the way that I think of that is that I feel like that's somebody who is Using High dosages regularly, like they're always on cycle and they feel like they cannot come off cycle. Like they do not Cruise. They do not ever come off. They do not really ever even lower their dosage as much, you know, they're just constantly on and it's having you know, a negative effect on their health and they know it and they're just keep on doing it because they feel like there is no alternative, you know going back to being natural. Would basically be like, you know, not worth living or something like that. That's what I consider to be a you know, that's when the Peds are in their life and they're being a negative thing. They're being a negative thing that the person is feeling like they're using you know, and it's not really like benefiting their life. It's actually causing them harm and it's causing them to do actions and take decisions that are not in their best interests, you know, they're not using it. Responsibly at all just completely abusing it. So that's different levels for different people. But generally, you know, something like 500 milligrams of testosterone per week or something. Like if somebody takes that year-round or 750 milligrams of testosterone per week or even one gram of testosterone per week. Okay, if someone he takes that year round you can look at their blood work if they're not taking anything else and it's it's not really going to be like, you know, like Akan, their blood work. Okay. So in those cases, you know if somebody is using you know moderate dosages and you know taking care of their health, you know, as best as they can and then this thing is helping them, you know fulfill those natural desires of being bigger stronger faster having a greater stature than normal, you know, I don't really consider that to be psychologically addictive especially if they can see themselves and be like Yeah, well, I wouldn't like to go back to Natural. You know, that's not what I would prefer because I mean me myself that this is how I think you know, like now I don't want to be natural. I like using testosterone but you know, if I had to be natural it definitely wouldn't be the end of my life like there's tons of other stuff. I like doing like yeah, I've got other things that I like doing, you know, my identity isn't solely invested in only bodybuilding and I'm a bodybuilder. And that's all I am and you know without bodybuilding. I don't know who I am. You know, that's not how I feel. So I do not feel like I'm addicted to Peds even though I have been using them consistently for six years or so now but you know, it's up to the it's up to the individual to decide, you know, whether they're psychologically addicted, you know, drinking coffee everyday definitely does give you some Some kind of physiological addiction and even psychological addiction to so like drugs, you know things that are substances like they can be addictive but do people really like is there stigma about like being addicted to coffee or something? No, not not usually especially not if it's just like, you know drinking it once a day or something but you know plenty of people drinking all throughout the day every day and nobody still really complained so much about like being like addicted and like there's some kind of a Kicked right. So I just want to read your question one more time. You say you say that how do you know if your psychologically addicted or dependent on Peds you're 38 year old entrepreneur and high-dose test makes you three times more productive than when your natural my opinion on that is that you're using a supplement to help you achieve the things that you want to do with your life you say it makes you three times more productive than when your natural you're an entrepreneur. Okay. Well, you know people a lot of people that you know work high-stress jobs like in the Silicon Valley, you know, they can computer industry or Executives of companies, you know, they also use supplements supplements to help them. Also salespeople. They also use supplements to help them work like like some take Adderall others take Ritalin others take Oh man, it's slipping my head right now. It's slipping my head modafinil others take modafinil to help them, you know be able to to do those jobs. And actually when I used to be a door-to-door security home security salesman, I took Kratom when I was doing that to you know, when I'd be knocking on the doors doing that because it made me be able to maintain a better mood while I was while I was being, you know rejected knocking. People's doors. It made me just be able to you know, just shrug it off like nothing had happened and you know have a better mood which made me be able to work better and you know, that that helped me that help me do my living. So if you're using some kind of substance to help you make your living that's not abnormal. That's you know, most people who are at the top or who are really excelling use some I'm kind of Aid to help them, you know, whether that's coffee, whether that's modafinil or you know ritalin or whether that's Kratom or whether it's testosterone. Whatever man if you want to use something just do it. It's up to you and if it's not, you know, like, you know directly causing negative things to happen in your life where you know, it's you know, if you were honest with your grandma and your mom and dad about what you're doing. And and he said, you know, this is what I'm doing and this is why and you know, your mom and dad and your grandma or something. We're like open-minded people, you know, they didn't have like they weren't rooted in only doing it one way, you know, but they're really open minded and wanted you to be successful and you explain to them, you know, really clearly, you know what you were doing and why you know, if they could if they could if you could feel comfortable doing that basically if you could feel comfortable doing that. Telling the people who love you about what you're doing and why if you can feel comfortable doing that then I would say that you're definitely not, you know psychologically addicted or depended and and you know destroying your life by using these things. It's that that's really a good a good Gage. Can you be honest and tell the people who love you about what you're doing and then Confident about telling them, you know, honestly about the substances that you're using to help you reach your goal and the dosages and stuff. If you can do that and feel good about and feel good about it or confident about it telling the people that love you about that people who care about you then you know and not feel ashamed then I don't think that what you're doing is a problem. I don't think it's something you need to worry about and I think it's it's a good thing for your life. Next question is From Nick who says bra I got a little bit of guy. No, nothing too crazy or it's just even puffy nipples can ulva solve this. If so, what would you do? Yeah, a lot of people are really sensitive about guy no issues and a lot of guys don't have guy. No, but they think they do on the internet several years ago. I'm not sure if it still is I think it probably still is but it's been a thing. It's been a trend where people Get other guys, you know, when they post pictures or on forums or something people look at people's nipples and if they're not cold and you know small and hard people will be like, oh you have guy now and that's not guy. No, man, like, you know, you get all these these, you know, because people already insecure about their bodies or whatever and then you got all these people on the internet that you know hate themselves, you know, they see like a nipple that isn't, you know, cold and hard and then they start saying oh, you're a guy no person. You have a breath Rest and this person gets all self-conscious, you know, if because this guy, you know, Nicky says, he's got a little bit of guy. No, nothing too crazy. He thinks it might even just be puffy nipples. And and yeah, that's exactly what I think. You know, it's just, you know, your nipple isn't a nipple that is hard all the time or something, you know, sometimes it can be slack and like obviously there's genetic genetic things going on there. You know, some some people's nipples will be more hard all the time than other people's nipple. Or if they got their nipples pierced that makes them always hard then if they've ever had them Pierce before so if you're if you're worried about if you had guy know you can you can do this right now. Okay, take your four finger your pointer finger and your thumb and position them on the bottom and on the top of your nipple and now like press in with the tips of your fingers so that you can like you're like pressing into your chest and now try to grip That area like where your nipple is and like kind of behind the nipple and see what that feels like and if you feel like serious like lumpy like frozen peas in there or like hard BB's and and not just like, you know one or two because there is a gland back there. Okay, it's not like you're going to touch your nipple and the area behind it and squeeze it and it's just going to be nothing back there. You know, there is going to be something in there. So you're going to touch it and if it's like, you know, if you touch if there's just Like a tiny bit of like harder tissue in there, you know, and it's not big at all, but you can just feel that there's something in there. That's not guy. No, that's that's your nipple breast gland and you're born with that everybody's born with that. So that's not guy. No, don't worry about that. Okay, but if you do if you do that same procedure and you feel like, you know, a significant amount of like frozen peas feeling or BB's or you know, it's like kind of rough and like something like that and there it's you know hard and you can feel like a significant lump not something that is the size of you know, one or two frozen peas or one Frozen Pea or something like that. But this is something that is like, whoa, there's like something in here man, like there's something in there. Okay, that's guy. No. Okay, that's guy. No, but the average guy that thinks he has Guy know when he feels in his nipple and he feels like there's a little something in there when you squeeze your nipple. That's not guy. No, that's just the gland you're born that way. Everyone has that to some degree. Some is bigger than others, but that the gyno is actually when that that gland that you can feel back there when you can feel back there. And you say oh yeah, there's a little something in there. I you know, I can barely kind of squeeze it kind of grip it but I can tell that there's something in there behind the nipple, you know, that's the gland okay. Now if that gland starts growing from using steroids and having high estrogen High prolactin High progesterone and it starts growing It's it turns into kind of like a golf ball or like a bottle cap sighs, you know, like the bottle cap on a soda bottle or something like that or and if you're feeling you know, that kind of feeling like whoa, there's a thing back here and it's hard and it's like the size of a bottle cap on a soda on a soda bottle or something. You know, that that's kind of formation. That's the breast tissue was growing more. It was starting to develop and that's what that is. But these guys, you know, if you go outside, And you know, it's a hot day and you got you know, a nipple that doesn't have a point on it or something. You know, it's kind of like a soft skin there. That's not going. No. That's just genetically what your nipples look like, you know if you want to take a photo. If you want to take a photo then do the way the pros do you know and you know, give your nipple a little flick or something if you're really worried about it. Okay, because you know believe it or not. They actually do that kind of shit, you know, you know, give it give it a little you know, somebody get their finger out and fuck that fucking nipple and then you know, take that fucking picture something like that. Okay, that's totally unnecessary to be worrying about this kind of stuff even-even myself. Like I definitely do not have guy know like and I've been using roids for a long time. But when I was a young teenager when I was like 15 years old, I remember like kind of being like like a little bit like insecure about my nipples or something. So I think that is something that a lot of guys go through and you know nowadays when this is I know this is kind of a weird thing to say, but you know nowadays other bodybuilders see my chest and you know, sometimes they you know, I've had a comment like oh like it looks like you know you have you have the kind of nipple that looks like it doesn't have guy. No, you know, you have like a small Dime dime sized nipple. You know, how did you how did you keep it like that while using steroids or something? So I really do not have guy no, but you know when I was like 15 years old, you know, I noticed that you know, my nipple wasn't, you know, always at all times. Either way that it would look like on a fitness model in a magazine and so like maybe like if I would go outside to like mow my lawn or something with my shirt off because you know, I was getting it, you know turning into an adolescent. So I kind of wanted to you know have my shirt off or something and mow the lawn, you know, I might feel a little bit insecure like about like, oh like what if my nipple is like, you know, not hard or something, you know, so it would look kind of flat, you know, I might be like flicking it or like give it a little pinch or something real quick. But I was like I was like a little bit insecure about that at the time. So, I think it's very normal for guys to feel, you know worried that they have gotten or feel a little bit insecure about their nipples. Another thing is that I've had so many people contact me echoing a similar question to what Nick said bro. I got a little bit of guy no, nothing too crazy or it's just even puffy nipples can Nova solve this. If so, what would you do? You know, I've got tons of guys that contact me. say it, you know with similar messages and you know, a lot of times, you know, they'll send me pictures and they don't have guy know a lot of times they have that, you know, they have some body fat to lose and you know, the nipple area is you know, an area that is sensitive to estrogen and so it's an area where fat accumulates on that area for the majority of people not all people, but for the majority of people fat accumulates on that nipple more so than the rest of the body, you know, estrogen influences where you know certain areas of the body just like they're more sensitive to estrogen than other areas of the body just like certain areas of the body are more sensitive to androgens and testosterone than others like the shoulders the traps the upper chest the back those can be areas that are more, you know more affected by steroids than other areas and then you know like the hips And the nipple area can be more affected by by estrogen as far as like fat deposition. So if you've been on steroids, you know, that means that you've probably had, you know, high estrogen levels from time to time, you know fat can be accumulated in that nipple area and you know, sometimes they'll have kind of a puffy area going on right there or something or it will look a little bit slack or loose right in that nipple area and that can almost always be solved by just losing losing losing weight losing fat. Yeah, my you know, if you've really got to you know screw with this or if you need to shrink something in your nipple, there's an article on my website bodybuilder and It's right on the front page. It says how to shrink and get rid of guy know and I give my advice on that. I really cover like all of it and like exactly how to do it and you know, like whether it's from Trend whether it's from Deca whether it's from testosterone or any other drug I know exactly what you need to do and the dosages and the compounds that you need in order to you know, shrink and get rid of guy now if you have it, so I know that the website for this podcast is steroids, but on my personal website bodybuilder and on the home page there is that article how to shrink and get rid of guy. I know that can really help you and just to say you know, one thing is that ya know that X does work. Nova Dex is really good for starving the nipple tissue. Shoe of estrogen because it fills up the estrogen receptor at the nipple directly and then makes it so that the estrogen can't bind to that tissue. So if you do have a bit of a lump back there or if you just you know, you can't get over your nipples. You don't like your nipples. You can experiment with Nova decks and see if that can help you. All right, next question 20 to 40 milligrams per day and all the next question fat muscle fuck asks, what about 2/3 on a bulk? I read that if you eat the metabolic burn, you'll grow faster due to faster muscle protein synthesis and experience with that. Yeah, I do have experience with that experimented with thyroid hormones. You know really quickly, you know the day I took my first ever testosterone shot. I also took thyroid hormone. So I don't like thyroid hormones. One of the main things that thyroid hormones do is they affect your heartbeat. So there's a direct effect of thyroid hormones on the way that your heart works on the on the Rhythm and on the the beat The hardness with which it pounds. 53 and thyroid hormones directly work on that. So most people when they start using thyroid hormones, they notice like weird little things like with their heart. Some people don't some people like, you know, it's probably like more more do than don't like maybe like 6040, you know, 60% do 40% don't notice that you know, some kind of side effects on their heart from from using thyroid hormones like T3. One is it gives you some shortness of breath because your every cell in your body requires more nutrients more oxygen and and then you'll get a you'll get hotter easier and like overheating easier and then like out of breath. It also makes you weaker and T3 is so powerful at you know, burning up calories and everything that you know, even if you're on like fucking Tren if you just let go and add in a bunch of T3 Like 50 micrograms or seventy five micrograms or hundred micrograms of G3 bye-bye to any anabolic response or muscle building response that you had it. It's so powerful at you know, catabolize in tissue breaking down tissue expending energy is so powerful it doing that that it will overpower any kind of steroids or performance-enhancing drugs that you're on if you take too much so I just don't really think it's the best bodybuilding drug. Yeah. It does help people lose fat. It does help people lose weight and get ribbed especially like after somebody has been dieting for a while after somebody's been dieting for like 2 months or something and you know their bodies really starting to get an Adaptive response to the dieting. I mean, we all know like, you know, if you've ever died in before like you're not as hot anymore and you know, it seems like you're more calm and your heart is beating slower. That's because your body makes adaptations and one of the big adaptations is reducing thyroid levels. To prevent you from having weight loss and to conserve energy. So then on that person if you add in, you know some thyroid hormones and some T3, then that can really make the dieting process easier, but it does have some potential for those side effects, even at low dosages like 25 micrograms of T3 per day can have those the side effects with the heart and all the other ones that I was saying or some people use T for and so they'll use like 200 micrograms of T4 per day and T4 is more mild it. Have quite as strong of effects because it's a prohormone and has to be converted by the body into T3 in order to be active. So your body can kind of regulate how much is being converted. So T 4 is more forgiving as far as you know, like the you know, it can increase muscle protein synthesis because it increases you know, the amount that the amount of energy that every cell is using in in Practical experience I can A theory that could work but in Practical experience, it doesn't make you gain more muscle to take T3. T3 is a catabolic hormone. It makes you weaker and not not building muscle as much so I definitely would not use T3 on a bulk. The only if you want to experiment experiment with it, you can or experiment with using T3 on a bulk so that you can eat more junk food or something. I mean that's kind of the reasons why people would you know actually benefit from it but not in a way of like, oh, I gained more muscle because I use T3 because yeah T3 is so powerful at Catawba lysing tissue that it can make your steroids even ineffective like just like that even strong steroids like Trend you had 33 in like boom. You're no longer anabolic. Okay. Next question is from Des Lee sustenance. Stop working. He says lab tested Susteren on 250 milligrams making me feel bottom doubt after seven or eight days. I wanted to take one shot a week for my cruise, but it just started to feel shitty without injecting twice a week. I would feel a somewhat piqued and then four to five days later erectile dysfunction. Yeah. So as to not do that, so what's going on is it's for Esters of testosterone combined into one oil. So you guys know Esther's of testosterone control how long it's released. There's like an ester is like an ante or sippy innate or propionate. Okay, those are Esters and they make it so that the the steroid that you inject gets released into the bloodstream at variable rates. You know, how long is it going to be active inside you so something like a propionate, you know, it Peaks a couple. Hours after you inject it and then it lasts in your body for about two days and then it's gone something like an ant eight Peaks 24 hours after you inject it and then it lasts in your body for about a week and then it starts, you know going down pretty quickly until about two or three weeks later, you know, it's completely gone out of your system. So it's much slower acting drug. And so with sustenance Justin on is is combination of different Esters of testosterone. Got to start strong propionate. You got just a strong Federal propionate. You got testosterone ISO Capra way and you got testosterone was the other one ISO Kapoor way and then back into it testosterone deck annoy. That's the that's the final fourth component of testosterone. So the each one of those Esters propionate fennel propionate as you Kappa / way and deck in a way, they all have different releasing times into the bloodstream. So the iso Capra It and the Deccan away Esters there like more long-acting oysters and then the propionate and fennel propionate are quick-acting Esters. And so they did this because they wanted to give people a testosterone that would be able to like you said be injected every seven to eight days. But really it doesn't it doesn't work good. This is common what you're talking about after four or five days needing another shot of sustenance. That's that's not uncommon in for people who are actually using these things and and and having experience with them. It's typical for three or four or five days after assistant on injection to need another one or two start feeling like you're going down. So if you want to only inject, you know once a week you should you should use an ante or sippy innate there longer Esters and they have a more a more smooth a more smoothness to them. The sustenance is going to have those four different drugs all peaking at different. Yes, and it's going to be a more like roller coaster and it just kind of like exits out of your system its seemingly quicker and that they or sipping it definitely you can just do one injection per week and be fine, but feeling shitty four to five days after doing system on that's pretty standard. If you don't, you know, take another injection. Another thing you could do if you you know are really wanting to limit injections is you could take testosterone undec annoyed which is Is brand name by Bayer? It's called Anna be dough and Nobita is really good because it doesn't start coming down until three weeks after your injection. So you get a relatively stable level where each day somewhere between 12 and if you take a thousand milligrams in one shot of of debido then for the next three weeks each day, you'll have something like 12 to 20 milligrams of testosterone each day. Released in your blood from that single shot of 1000 milligrams of testosterone on Deck annoyed. So that's great for doing a trt thing and being able to take a low amount of injections. So that would be if you did that 1,000 milligram shot every three weeks that would be you know, something like, you know, 300 300 milligrams or so of testosterone actually getting into you each week. So a little bit more than the assessment on to 50 but you'd have way smoother levels and have the low injections then with scipione and at they you know, if you aren't injecting those once per week, you're going to start feeling that same kind of Crash that you felt from the sustenance after 4 to 5 days steroids are meant to be injected pretty frequently, you know, I used to inject every day back when I was taking the most steroids that I've taken like if you look on my Instagram bodybuilder in Thailand, there's pictures of me like looking my best. And you know back in those days. Yeah, I was I was injecting every day. Usually I I'd I'd take like a 3 cc syringe every day and you hear a lot of body builders talking about that. You know, like oh, well, I wanted to like fill the syringe or something like that. It's like a common thing that guys, you know, I'm not saying it's a good thing and I definitely did not feel healthy when I was doing that. I did not feel healthy. Okay, like I could tell like dude. I'm like taking stuff and this is like too much. like it's not healthy, but I wanted to do it because I had a certain goal and I wanted to be able to like show people like, you know, you know, I know what I'm talking about, you know, look I've been able to build this and you know saw that could put my money where my mouth was a little bit, you know with talking about this stuff and you know being able to show the you know, my own personal physique somewhat to be able to Validate some of the things that I say or the experience that I've had. So that's why I was doing that, you know taking a 3cc shot every day. And yeah, I definitely felt like it was abusive and I don't like doing it but it definitely created stable blood levels. Next question is from Fred. Do you recommend only probe ayran for lowering? In for tests ustin on 250 every five days. My estrogen was a bit High. Thanks. Yeah. Yep. Like we were just talking about in the last in the last one. You might want to change your assistant on 252 like every three or four days rather than five days or split the shot and only take like a half CC, you know every other day or something like that just to make yourself feel good. I do not recommend only Pro virus. For lowering estrogen. So I've tried to use it for that purpose and I've tried to use Master on for that purpose to my first Trend balloon cycle, you know, I'd been reading a lot of GH 15 stuff. And so because I had been reading that you know, they say don't use anti estrogen, you know, just use Master on so that's what I was doing my first Trend cycle. And you know, I was I was just stopped using any Ai and just started using Master on I think I was taken like 600 milligrams. Was a master on an ant they per week or something and I thought you know, okay now I'm like immune to getting like guy no symptoms or something, but then you know, I started feeling like my shirt against my chest or I'd like run into a doorway or something. You know, we're just stuff, you know where my chest would brush against something it would be stuff that I would normally never notice. But you know, I all of a sudden be like ouch or something like that, you know, put the shirt on or just like walking and Like mine it my nipple is giving me the existence ation. I'm like kind of like ouch that kind of like hurts having my shirt resting against my nipple or something or I'd like walk through a doorway and you know, maybe I'd kind of like brush the edge of it or something like that stuff that I would normally not even notice and I'd be like, oh damn, I'm nipple freaking like there's a deep pain in there man that hurts shit and and you know, I realized you know, like dude this isn't doing shit that you know, I'm I'm starting to you know, get guy all right here. And so then I went, you know back the anti estrogens and and you know, I took a cuz I was on Trend I had to take a cab were going to think I was using pramipexole actually at the time instead of cabergoline. And so I took those and you know, everything went back to normal, you know within a few hours. So that's an experience of you know, using provided and Master on her basically the same thing once just injectable and ones oral for using those kind of steroids to prevent estrogen. They only do it for like The really really moderate or people who really do not produce much estrogen. If you're a person that you know, normally doesn't really need to use an AI on a cycle an anti estrogen then like, you know, if you use some probe ayran or some master on like that'll probably like make your cycle better or something. If you're the type of guy who doesn't need any a I ever because you don't get estrogen symptoms. Your body doesn't produce estrogen and testosterone then you could use provirus. Master on and like get more of a better look or something like that or you know have some extra low estrogen or something but it's so mild. It's so mild like if you have a high estrogen symptom and then you go and take like a hundred milligrams of provider in or something like that isn't gonna do shit, like for example, if you're getting gyno and you have like swollen sensitive puffy nipples that are itching. Okay and you go take a hundred milligrams of probe ayran and expect that to do anything is not going to do shit. It you know 24 hours later. It's probably it's going to be the exact same, you know, the exact same or maybe even worse because your estrogen keeps on Rising the way the provider and Master on attack. They way that they attack the estrogen is they block The receptors and because they're such strong androgens. They change the ratio of like Androgen to estrogen in your body and it just simply is so weak and not strong that it doesn't work and you know provider in was Of the first steroids invented. It was messed their loan is the chemical name of probe. Ayran, and it was invented in the 1930s just after testosterone got invented. Well testosterone was discovered right after testosterone was discovered provide one was made like almost immediately and you know bodybuilders couldn't use high dosages of testosterone and didn't use high dosages of testosterone for the most part powerlifters did because they didn't care about what they looked like, but been a lot of them had guy now, But most bodybuilders did not you know in the 60s in the 50s and the 70s even up into the 80s until the late 80s early 90s when Nova decks started being popularized in bodybuilding and then also aromatase Inhibitors like Arimidex lectures all existing in the early 90s late 80s were invented and then allowed people to be able to significantly. Estrogen levels, that's when testosterone as such a powerful bodybuilding drug, then became popular in bodybuilding because then it was able to be used, you know, while keeping estrogen low, whereas provider in something that had been around and Master on something I've been around forever was not able to do that for the majority of people. Next question is from D question for the podcast. I've been running Trend cycles for the past two years without any issues relating to side effects. Nothing too crazy 300 milligrams per week split into three injections along with three x 250 milligrams. Sustenance. So 750 milligrams tests assess on testosterone per week with 300 milligrams of trembling per week. That's a good cycle. That's a really good a really good cycle. That'll give really good game. So he's been doing these cycles for the last two years without side effects. However, all of a sudden he started to lactate and he is assuming that this is an elevated prolactin issue. My question is what are some of the dangers of high prolactin levels is rather than caber bowling. You the correct course of action to remedy the situation. Yeah, running cabergoline would be the correct course of action to remedy the situation. You know, you always want to err on the low side with capable and because it has some some dangers of using High dosages or using using it for a long time some dangers with heart complications. So but it's it's relatively safe in low dosages. So you want to start out just using something like point two five milligrams 0.25 milligrams two or three times per week. And then you know if that doesn't work maxing out at around 0.5 0.5 milligrams two or three times per week with cable going and if that's not going to solve your issues, then you kind of got to you know, reduce your steroid use or use other steroids or something with the lactation. Yeah, that's pretty normal with tremble own. Usually if usually pretty much everyone on Trend alone, you know, whether you using cabergoline or not or whether using anti estrogen or not pretty much everyone that uses trend. Alone can squeeze their nipple and have things have something come out have some kind of brown growth substance kind of come out like a liquid. The reason for this is that tremble own is a jack of all Spades hormone. It actually attaches to every hormone receptor. So it attaches to antigen receptors it attaches to Progesterone receptors. It's actually made from progesterone. Okay, so when you take Trend ballon like, Going to have some progesterone stimulation and progesterone is what makes women be able to start nursing and breastfeeding their babies. So that's why you like everyone that uses tremble own does get some of that lactation especially if they like squeeze their nipple some kind of like brown or yellow shit like water stuff comes out and yeah, it's usually kind of stinky to which is It's really gross. So you really can't just not have that happen at all, you know, usually running any steroids though at all. If you really squeeze that gland in your nipple and really kind of like milk it or something. You can kind of get something out of your nipple. You can get some kind of liquid substance out of your nipple. Most steroid users know this if they really squeeze that gland and their nipple and kind of milk, you know, like milk the teat of the cow something That would that gland behind their nipple and really squeeze that out. You know, something kind of comes out of their nipple some kind of liquid brown black yellowish liquid comes out, you know, just a little bit for mostly anybody who uses steroids, but then especially the people that are using Trend blown and deca because those raised prolactin and they directly stimulate progesterone receptors, which those are the project receptors that make women be able to breastfeed so It does that it does that if you are only having the lactation issues and you're not having like pain in your nipple and sensitivity there and you know, your sex drive is fine, then it's probably better been if you just you know, ignore it and do not use cabergoline because like I said cabergoline is not something you want to use unless you need to use it because of health concerns and this is pretty normal. You know, if you're not getting gyno, then it's not really an issue. And if your sex drive is fine, and it's like you got a little something, you know, look at this magic trick. Look this magic trick, you know, pull up your shirt and you like get a little spray or something and it goes in a few directions or something you can you can spray spray your friends while their bench pressing in the gym. All right. Next question Zane asks Winstrol deep. Ball effects common bodybuilding dosages Synergy with other AAS. Yeah, when straw works really good with testosterone Winstrol. It's like super good with testosterone. It reduces 8 shbg sex hormone-binding globulin a lot. So it's really potent at making testosterone more potent Winstrol is because it makes more of the testosterone active in the blood the sex hormone-binding globulin shbg. It causes that to be reduced significantly, which means that more Testosterone is not then bound up and inactivated by the shbg and it's more active and able to do things in your body. So that's Winstrol the tablets or when start the injections Winstrol depose more it's stronger per milligram. Then the then the tablets so the injection of oral steroids like Winstrol Deanna ball and of our and real etcetera when you inject them, they're like, they're like 30% or so. That's a rough number. Okay, but they're like 30% or so stronger per milligram. And that's that's the main difference and then the other difference is that some of those compounds and also depending on your own body's physiology. They can make when it goes through the liver some metabolites can be made so instead of just getting the full steroid directly into your bloodstream. Like it would be an integer in an injection sometimes depending on you know your own body you And have it go through the liver and then some of it can get destroyed and made into some other hormones instead of the steroid that you're actually taking called metabolites these little these hormones that are made after they've been like the jested or broken down by your body a bit. Those are called metabolites. And so you just get a more with the injection you get a more direct and more exact or potent. Influx of the hormone directly into your body. So that's one stroke Depot versus Winstrol tablets Winstrol deep low Depot's fairly dangerous though. A lot of infections that people get were abscesses come from Winstrol Depot because it's basically the way that they make Winstrol Depot the ejection is they put sterile water or bacteriostatic water in a vial and then they put the crystal the crystalline Winstrol standoff. Low powder into the water and they combine those two together. And it doesn't it doesn't mix so well, so when you get the bottle or the ampule or whatever, you gotta like really shake it hard before you, you know draw into the syringe and inject it because you got to get all those crystals into solution in the water because it all falls to the bottom. It's not an even spread throughout the water like it would be with a steroid in oil and then the water also it doesn't have the resistance to bacteria and stuff that that Oil has so it's more it's more likely to cause infections many many infections that people have and and abscesses things like that are caused from injectable when straw so for me, you know, I've used injectable in Australia, and I've never had an infection from it, but I'd have had you know, like pain from it, like post injection pain where you know, that shit hurts fuck with with pain and some swelling in the area. But you know now now I'm like, I don't like that. I don't like what still Depot I just like the tablets. Next question is from Kiev. I ran out of AI mid-cycle 750 test an aunt that weekly and 25 milligrams the animal daily because my shipment got delayed due to the holidays. Should I continue to pin and take the d ball or wait until the AI comes in? It's got to be it's going to be about five days till my AI comes in. It depends. It depends on you know, how much you aromatize personally. I would do it because for me I would run into problems and because I romanticized significantly, you know, I would wait but if you're a guy that knows that you don't really even need your AI and you can wait five days with no a I then go ahead and take it. But the main thing that I would that I would worry about would be like, you know, if you get into a situation where you're getting estrogen effects and like your nipples, : and it's like itching and you don't have anything that you could do about it. And you're just waiting on that mail. And you don't know exactly when that thing is going to come in. I don't want to be in that situation and that's why I wouldn't take it. The next question is from Rich. I'm on trt tests epyon 8 120 milligrams and decada Roblin 60 milligrams per week. And he says it's because he has a herniated disc. I feel way better since I started nine weeks ago. I had pretty low free test when I started and he's 40 years old now. He's starting to feel a little bit like itchy in his right nipple. Like it got irritated. Does that mean I need to lower the dose? Where do I need to take with the ti T forever in estrogen blocker? Yeah you so there's a couple things you can do. You could lower the dose and see if that helped but it's you know, I think that what you should do is use an estrogen blocker as needed when you get symptoms. So anybody that's taken trt usually is going to have some estrogen levels raising a little bit if they don't use anything to prevent estrogen that's usually just the way it works with injectable. On but you're also using decada rambling. So you might be having some kind of prolactin or progesterone response as well. And you you know, you don't need to be using the estrogen blocker forever because you said that you've been on it nine weeks and you just started to get some symptoms of high estrogen levels or you know female hormone levels in your nipple. Basically the way that I always recommend people to take the anti estrogen and things like cabergoline the stuff because you know, it's true the anti-estrogen and the cabergoline, you know, these is anti-hormone drugs, you know, they're not they're not good for your health. They're not they're not like, you know insanely bad for your health, but it's better not to be using them, you know, or you know using them sparingly if you can so my suggestion and the way that I use them is that I use them as needed when I get symptoms. And also the guys did I do training whether that's that's how I recommend that they do it and they like they like using it like that. So basically if you had a room at X where X Ms. De Noir letrozole, you know, if you had that on hand, you could take a tablet right now or even know the decks and you know, that's going to most likely make your symptoms go away. But since you're on Deck adorable in to you know, if it didn't then the next step would be taking a tablet. But of cabergoline and seeing if that made it go away in addition to taking the the anti-estrogen at this at the same time. So you said it took you nine weeks before you got those symptoms. I mean if you got a you know, let's say they come back quicker next time, you know, and it's like every five weeks or every six weeks or every four weeks if that's all you, you know, if you've got to take an anti estrogen or an anti prolactin, you know, once a month or something like that's nothing man. That's nothing so I wouldn't worry too much about that were thinking like oh, you know like I'm getting all stacked up on all these meds that I got to take forever. I just, you know, if you got a little bit of symptoms and your nipple like, you know, obviously you don't want that there and it kind of affects your mind to usually when you've got those High female hormone levels just you know as symptoms arise just up, you know, I got a little estrogen symptom here. So I'm going to go over here, you know, and I'm going to take an exam s Dan tablet, you know, and then hopefully that clears you up. Up, but if it doesn't you're like, oh, I'm still feeling some you know after 24 hours or so, you're like, I'm still feeling something. You know, I don't feel like it's going away the way that I wanted to then, you know, you can take point two five milligrams of cabergoline and you know, the two of those together pretty much that guarantees that it will fix your problem. Okay, the next question is from clued who asks will to I use Farm grade growth hormone ran 12 weeks prior to physique competition. Give a more 3d full look. Should you run growth hormone through a competition or cut out before, you know water retention. Yeah to I use Farm Greg growth hormone will give a more 3d full look and that look will be apparent in your body. Three two, or three or four days after starting. It's a pretty It's a very quick process and it's definitely a change that is noticeable in the look of your muscles, but growth hormone does cause water retention as well. But that's you know, the water retention that it causes that is significant and outside the muscle in the skin that's more like above for I use above three or four I use so like in that five sick like in that five to ten I Use and up range. That's when you're you lookin like at like, oh, I'm retaining a lot of water, you know all over my body and my skin not just in my muscles. So if you got form great growth hormone, it's only two I use you definitely might not experience any water retention in your skin and there are guys who do competitions and they run the growth hormone through the competition. They do not go off the comp the growth hormone for the competition and they do it for that specific. Look at 3D full look that you're talking about. But you know at the same time those guys usually are sacrificing some sharpness when they do that because there is some I mean there is some water retention to growth hormone. So other times they just will try to using a diuretic to get around that but it's a personal decision, you know people do do it. Like you said, you know, like running it for a competition for 12 weeks and and not cutting it out the too. Why use people do do that, but then it's more common not to do that, but there are people who do it so you can experiment. lamb guard flip yet lamb Garden what nutrition he asks what nutrition should I have when starting my first cycle? And how big of a surplus for a bulk thanks for killing it. Yeah, when you start your first cycle, you need to just eat instinctively because your body goes nuts. When you're a virgin to male hormones when you're asteroid virgin and you put like any male hormones in you for that first cycle Jesus like the first like two weeks or the first four weeks like your body responds to it, like no other and you don't you don't even really like know what your metabolism is going to do. So my advice for guys starting on their first cycle is Just like eat eat as you feel like you need to eat. So when you feel hungry and you feel like you need to eat just eat and for those first couple weeks, you know, like let the steroids do their thing and then, you know just eat instinctively, you know, give them the fuel that they need in order to do their thing. Your metabolism is changing the way that you processed food is changing and you know, you need to eat you need for That first cycle you need to not be, you know, restricting your food or something, you know, you need to be taking advantage of that steroid virgin status and you know, just letting them have the raw materials. They need to do some things because steroids do not build muscle on their own. Okay. They they alter the way that you processed food and because of that you can build more muscle. So what steroids do is they make it so that your body does different things with the food has different preferences for where the energy from that food goes and it makes it so that the food can be directed towards the right cells in your body the muscle cells the skeletal muscle cells more directed their than usual. So make sure to get that food in on your first cyclist important and you'll never get that that virgin steroid Feeling Again where it's like a oh my gosh, this stuff is just so freaking strong as long as you're running Real Performance enhancers. You can't just run 500 milligrams per week and expect to feel like that. But if you run some performance enhancers along with it like Tran or like d-ball or Anna draw or something or Winstrol then you know, Mega you're going to Mega feel the steroids on their first cycle when you're a virgin. Okay, the next question is from antara. Who asked what's the best method to control and maintain low water weight while on cycle using low testosterone dosages, you know, using low growth hormone dosages or not using growth hormone and then letting the the anabolic drugs do Their thing so 500 milligrams or 700 milligrams of testosterone per week in that area. That's the limit where if you take more testosterone than that, you're going to have some unavoidable water retention and it's just from your body taking up more total nutrients more total electrolytes more sodium your body just starts hoarding everything that you know goes in that can be somewhat remedied by reducing Carbohydrates, but generally if you're looking to maintain and control water weight while on cycle you're going to want to be, you know, not using testosterone above 700 milligrams per week not using big doses of growth hormone. That's a big one or not using growth hormone all together and then relying on things like wind straw and of our and a drawl pretty Mobile in equipoise. poise stuff like that to build to build your muscle to build your strength build your physique to get those really high levels of steroids that you need in your body because you know as we've talked about before if you want to be like Jack that's fuck and like one of the you know, biggest guys that are most muscular guys at pretty much any gym you go to you know, where people they see you and they're like that guy is you know, he's jacked this fuck you got to be taking, you know, almost everybody who has looked Can like that is using between 1.5 grams to 2.5 or 3 grams of total anabolic steroids per week. That's like a general rule for getting that look. That's what they're averaging in their Cycles. So Yep. Yep, you gotta you gotta since you're not going to use a lot of testosterone. You got to fill it in you got to fill it in with other stuff other other drugs that aren't as healthy since you don't want to use you don't want to have much water retention. Okay, the next question is from to the he says just are listening to your podcast. Love it. I had a question about a cutting cycle. I've only done the one I'm on now, which is 600 milligrams testy and 600 milligrams or Deca 50 milligrams a day of Anna draw. That's a good cycle, but it ends in four weeks and you notice this guy to you know, 600 600 and then the 50 and roll that's 350. So that actually adds up to one thousand five hundred fifty. grams of anabolics total per week which puts this guy in the range where he's you know, he's using the kind of cycles and don't suggest that are going to get em, Jack this fuck he's going to you know have the ability to be, you know, one of the biggest guys and every gym he goes to you know, people are going to be thinking like wow, there's dudes fucking jacked that's like the magic dosage, you know, you've got to be having your total anabolics add up, you know for almost everybody, you know to at least one point five grams per week on average for your Cycles especially if you're not using trend. So he says he's using that cycle but it ends in four weeks. So I want to start cutting. I was thinking about a thousand milligrams of test E500 milligrams of Master on 500 milligrams Echo poison at Glen towards n any thoughts. Yeah. Yeah, you know, I probably wouldn't use the master on like, you know Master on goes good with Trend because Trend hurts a lot of people sex drive and so, you know, they'll use the master on because Master on, you know hasn't really increased sex drive effect to it. It but it definitely does not fill your muscles up at all. I'm talking zero. It's totally a cosmetic drug. It does make you a little bit stronger because it makes it like like the same as probe. Ayran, it lowers shbg. So then like the testosterone and all the others all the other hormones are not going to be inactivated and unable to do their job because of shbg sex hormone-binding globulin binding. Those steroids and in activating them so that I mean that's the main reason for Master on so for that reason, you know, you could keep the master on in there. But if you're thinking the master on is going to like make you look like ripped or or like, you know, like burn fat. It doesn't it doesn't do that and it doesn't have the effect of like filling your muscles up either like something like I'm sure since your experience with an urge all you do see that effect and even with something like Winstrol, you know, you do see like oh my muscles are like way Fuller, you know while I'm using this, you know, I have a different look to my body Master on kind of makes it kind of reduces your water a little bit and makes everything look a little bit more like dense and smaller and compact more dense that that's what it looks like puts a ton of oil on your skin really thick oil on your skin that makes you look shiny and increases your sex drive a ton, but it doesn't it doesn't really have like a much of an anabolic or fat. Burning effect at all. So if you wanted to use something, you know, that would help you with the fat burning instead of the master on you know, if you took that out and instead ran like two or three I use of growth hormone per day, you know, that would really help with your fat loss and it would directly help with your fat loss or you could take the master on out and you know, you could put instead of 500 milligrams Master on you can put Prima Belen and then that And also help with your cutting, you know fills their muscles out makes you a bit stronger and helps with nutrient partitioning and helps maintain your muscle without losing any while you're cutting and then the clan that you're talking about adding in there and the equipoise. Those are both good the Clen it's a really effective fat burner, especially with cardio I've for me, I feel like the feel like the Glenn really shines when you're using it with cardio. So in my experience and in the experience that I've had with observing others in real life, it's the guys who combine the clenbuterol with the cardio that get the really good effects from the clinic especially fasted cardio in the morning with the Clen. It really burns fat. Well like that. Okay. Next question is from Jan who says question for the podcast how big of a Vince will 250 milligrams of testosterone per week year-round make for a natural in his 30s how much muscle mass built in a year and boost in energy. And what do you think of finasteride is a hairless agent on cycle? Yeah, so 250 milligrams per week will make a difference your natural dude in your 30s and you're thinking about you know, using a little bit of testosterone which this doses that you're talking about is testosterone replacement therapy. It's the same dosage that a doctor would prescribe you they they prescribe in America for testosterone replacement therapy the dosages that they prescribe based on your doctor and based on you your body. You know what it does to you and stuff. You will be anywhere between a hundred milligrams. Usually a hundred twenty-five milligrams half CC. Sometimes they have a they have a hundred milligram way to get it there to get to that level. So a hundred milligrams hundred twenty-five milligrams up to 400 milligrams per week of testosterone. That's the range that doctors prescribe testosterone replacement therapy for In America, which is year-round. They never you know, the person never goes off. So when you ask is it okay to do this year round. Yeah. It's okay to do it because it's the same dosage that doctors use, you know, it's the middle of the range for What doctors use for trt and a common dosage and it will make a difference in your body, but it's not going to be a big difference. Like you'll notice like an increase sex drive you'll notice and you know some slight changes in your personality more assertiveness make maybe a little bit more indifferent to those around you or the feelings of those people around you. Maybe a little bit more like suspicions about other people and their intentions stuff like that. And then you will also have some some more strength in the gym. You'll be able to gain some more muscle but we're talking like we're talking about like really like light moderate amounts. If you look if you go a year on this 250 testosterone and then you look back, you know to where you were one year prior before you're on. Then you're going to see the difference. But if you just you know, keep doing what you're doing and add in 250 milligrams of testosterone and then look back, you know, after three months or something. You're not going to notice like a big difference. Like you may know you're probably going to notice some difference but it's not going to be like wow like this really change shit for me. But after like a year, you'll be able to see like like that, you know getting on the testosterone, you know, that really made a difference for me. So You know taking 250 milligrams of test per week. I don't think that using finasteride is good idea. You're not using really high levels of test, you know, 250 milligrams puts most people at you know, the very top end of the normal range for testosterone levels or maybe a little bit higher than the top end, you know, just barely barely higher than the top natural testosterone normal range. And usually that's not a problem for hair loss for those who are really genetically predisposed to hair loss and they're really worried about it you know, they need to do not use testosterone like in general because like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone its metabolites are what cause hair loss and finasteride makes it so that your body doesn't produce dihydrotestosterone but dihydrotestosterone is the chemical that gives you sex drive is the brain chemical and it's also the chemical that you know, like makes your penis be able to work and makes you a man makes you grow your beard or whatever so If you don't have that you're going to feel like shit. That's the brain chemical, you know, testosterone works in your muscles, but it doesn't work in your brain dihydrotestosterone the metabolites of testosterone works in the muscles. So you got you got to have that in your body and if you take finasteride your directly inhibiting that preventing testosterone to dihydrotestosterone from being created from testosterone, so you're not going to have the brain chemical. Or you know the hormone that you need to make your penis work anymore. So I don't recommend using finasteride unless you've got like cancer of your prostate or something. I mean that's finasteride and eat a stride. That's pretty much what they should be used for is, you know, shrinking prostate cancer and stuff like that. I don't really believe in that for hair loss. If you want to use steroids and hair loss is a huge concern to you then just use decada Roblin and of our and growth hormone because if you can, you know deck order a balloon we've talked about this before it has a metabolite called dihydrogen and alone that can support your sex drive if it's used without testosterone and then and of our it does not produce hair loss either for the vast majority and growth hormone does not produce hair loss either. It actually increases speed at which your hair grows. So if you're on growth hormone, you'll notice that you need to get like haircuts more often and stuff like that, you know growth hormone. Makes it you know, if you get cut, you know the cut heals quicker and the hair grows quicker on your head the hair grows quicker on on your body on your arms on your legs. It's everything is quicker. Everything is growing on growth hormone. So it's that's probably a good a good thought a good thought for somebody who's really concerned about their hair loss like Jen. All right, the final question for today is from Nicholas who says thoughts on doing roids. Seriously, I've read a lot lately about people being prescribed testosterone replacement therapy subcutaneously, so maybe gear could work obviously 3C C sub q and one goal would be a bad idea, but could use split your weekly dose into seven or even 14 and pins subcutaneously daily or twice daily. Could this help stabilize hormone levels mimicking the body's natural production. Okay, the body's natural testosterone production is like up and down spikes all day all day. Totally not a stable level. So your test your testicles whenever they get whenever the level of the estrogen starts to go down your hypothalamus. It's it detects that lower estrogen level and then it starts redo. It starts producing GnRH gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which then stimulates your pituitary gland which then starts sending out luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, which then stimulates emulate your testicles sertoli and leydig cells to start producing sperm and testosterone. Okay, and then once the sperm in testosterone is sorry once the what's the testosterone is in your system, then the aromatase enzyme starts converting some of that testosterone into estrogen and so then the estrogen levels start to rise up and then your hypothalamus detects that and it says, okay shut off the gonadotropin-releasing hormone the shut off this whole process to the hypothalamus make Pituitary gland do stuff which makes the testicles do stuff shut off the process and then you stop making the testosterone and then later during the day when the to stop when the estrogen level starts to come down again, then your hypothalamus says Hey estrogen levels coming down. We're going to start releasing an atropine releasing hormone it again. And then that makes the pituitary gland do its thing and makes the testicles make more testosterone. It's not like the test out that like the testicles. It's on a feedback loop. The testicles aren't just producing like testosterone all day long at a you know, a normal rate. It's up and down up and down all day depending on the situation things like even like your posture and and like your mood can affect, you know, when your body starts releasing testosterone during the day so stable testosterone levels are totally unnatural just to let you know, but but what you want to have is you want to have testosterone levels that are never, you know, dipping low, you know, you never want to have them Diplo so for guys who are doing Trt, you know, they talk about subcutaneous injections. That's like kind of like a fad lately. And basically when you put that oil into your fat, you know, you pinch the pinch like your stomach near your belly button. And then in the flesh that you you have between your fingers your thumb and the rest of your fingers you you stick the needle in there into that flesh into the fat and you know, you put the oil in there and then in order for the the the body to get the hormone into the blood stream. It has to absorb it from the fat and the fat doesn't have a direct blood supply to it like the muscle does so it takes a long time. And so that that hormone that oil in the horn and the hormone that you put in your fat. It's like leaking out of there and being absorbed very slowly like over weeks. And so yes, it produces a super stable slow-release hormone doing it like that. But the thing is is that when you put it into your Fat it really takes like weeks for your body to digest it. And so if you filled area, you know a week later or something and you've done like a cc like 1 cc of oil steroids into your fat. It will be there. The lump will be there in your fat and you'll be able to feel it for like two or three weeks before it goes away. So I've tried it. I've tried injecting, you know, test Environ Bayer test of iron. In my fat and this this was how it worked one cc injected into the fat and I don't like it. I really did not like it that it was staying there in my fat for you know weeks. I was bothering me big time and I was like what the fuck this like hard mass in here where I injected that and it's not going away over weeks and then you know finally absorbed and I don't have any now, but I gave it a go. I gave it a go because this was a fad and I was curious about it. So that's the thing is that you're going to get lumps in your fat tissue and it's going to be there for for four weeks. Now, you can probably avoid this if you put in really small amounts, like, you know point to or Point 3 milliliters of testosterone, you know, a very small amount of fat you could probably avoid that, you know using less than a cc but you're saying you want to do this for gear. So you're talking about, you know, multiple CCS, you know three CC syringes or you know, One cc syringes minimum that you're wanting to do to take this and you know, it's fine if you do that, but just know that you're going to have the gear sitting in your fat for you know, long periods of time and it's not going to be like an intramuscular injection where the little bit of inflammation or you know hardness that you can feel in the area where you did the injection is gone after two or three days with the subcutaneous injection is it will be several weeks. Before that lump area or hardness area or inflammation area goes away from taking that injection. If you would like your questions to be answered on the steroids podcast go to steroids and leave a comment with your questions or email or private message steroids podcast at or steroids podcast on Instagram until next time.
Steroid Addiction - The Steroids Podcast Episode 23 Daily Text Msg Coaching $99/month and 1 Hour Phone Call Consult $59 Send Email to inquire about Coaching to "[email protected]" ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ROIDS #1 BOOK ON TRUTH IN THE HISTORY OF BODYBUILDING 0:00 Update on high dose Growtho Hormone cycle 900mg primobolan 750mg testosterone 10iu HGH 8:00 Prolactin Side Effect on High Dose Growth Hormone Cycle 10:27 Middle Age Guy starting first cycle 750mg testosterone per week 30mg dianabol per day for 8 weeks 12:48 How Do you know if you are psychologically Addicted to Steroids or performance enhancing drugs 18:30 Coffee vs. Steroids 21:30 Telling Parents about Steroid Use 23:00 How to Know if You have Gyno Bitch Tits 30:25 Nipple area is sensitive to estrogen and fat accumulation more so than the rest of the body 33:05 Using T3 Thyroid Hormone on a Bulk 37:53 Sustanon Injection Frequency - Sustanon 250 Explained 41:30 Nebido Testosterone Undecanoate Injeciton Frequency 42:42 Taking a Steroid Injection Everyday 44:23 Proviron for controlling estrogen levels on cycle 49:49 Guy is Lactating on Trenbolone produces liquid from his nipples 54:38 Winstrol Depot Injection vs. Winstrol Tablets 56:40 Abscess Infections from WInstrol Depot Injection 58:23 Ran out of Anti Estrogen wondering if ok to take Dbol while waiting for AI to arrive 59:30 Testosterone cyp and Deca Durabolin for TRT having Gyno and estrogen symptoms 1:03:28 Using Growth Hormone during Bodybuilding Contest Prep 1:05:40 Diet on First Steroid Cycle 1:08:17 Controlling Water Retention on Steroid Cycle 1:10:45 Cutting Cycle Advice and Masteron Discussion 1:15:09 How big of a difference will 250mg of testosterone per week run year round make for a natural 1:18:50 Finasteride Effects on Erectile Dysfunction 1:21:05 Taking Subcutaneous Testosterone Injections for Stable Blood Levels This Podcast is for entertainment and conversational purposes only. This author does not support the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs. If any substances mentioned in this video are illegal in your country do not use them. Consult a doctor before beginning any exercise or supplement routine. Do not take anything mentioned in this video as advice. It is simply conversation, not advice.
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These horoscopes are meant to Aid you in your healing assist you and your expansion and help connect you with your intuition and highest self as you listen, please listen with an open mind and appreciate the symbols and suggestions take what works for you leave the rest. Remember that these horoscopes are describing General energy for each sign. It's up. You to get specific. I suggest that you listen to the horoscope for your son and your rising sign. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask what's your sign it has to do with the time of year. You were born. Your rising sign has to do with the time of day. You were born in the place. You were born. If you know your birth information, you can find out what your rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website and bodied in the horoscope section. If you enjoy your horoscope, please also take a listen to embody distraught. EG for cancer season in this episode. I'll take you on a tour of cancers the diagonal energy through our bodies hearts Minds relationships and the World At Large. Everyone has every sign in their chart and cancer represents amazing and important energy for each of us. You can find the cancer season episode Linked In the show notes from my website or as a separate track on your favorite listening platform. All of my audio horoscopes guided meditations and podcasts are offered for free if this work benefits you in your life, please consider. Making a one-time or recurring donation to help keep it going recurring monthly donations can be made at any amount and will grant you access to my expanded monthly reports. These reports are 15 to 20 pages that outline the upcoming months most important planetary aspects of lunar cycles and offer suggestions for how to work most effectively with this astrological energy if Financial contributions aren't possible for you at this time. The number one way you can support this work is by sharing it with your family friends and networks, finally. I want to add a special announcement for any of you who are ready to dive deeper with embodied astrology and your life this Autumn from September 28th through October 2nd. I'm offering a very special retreat in southern Washington. We're going to be exploring the expansive potential and personal manifestation power of Jupiter and Capricorn. This is a year-long Transit which goes from December 2019 through December 2020 this three-day Retreat includes daily movement meditation art writing and astrology classes where you'll learn how To work with your own chart and you'll still have time for long walks on the beach hot saunas and good company get more information at embodied in the Play and Learn section under Live Events. Thanks so much for tuning in everyone now onto your horoscopes. Hello, Jim, and I thank you so much for listening. This is your audio horoscope and months ahead forecast for cancer season cancer season begins on June 21st, and ends on July 22nd. And for you cancer is the sign just following yours and it signifies the things that sustain you what it is that you value how it is that you accumulate and gather value in your life your self-esteem your self-worth. Your value systems and also your money your resources your finances. So as the sun enters this season and this part of your chart, it brings illumination and a lot of awareness into these themes. The sun is joining up with Mercury Mars and the North Node mercury has been in cancer for the last few weeks Mars for about a month and a half and the North Node since last summer. The North Node is one of the is one of the places part of the place. Where eclipses happen the nodal axis of the moon is where the moon's orbit intersects with the ecliptic and our relationship with the sun eclipses are occurring in January and July this year. This is cancer and Capricorn season. So these parts in the Zodiac and parts and the chart are extra activated right now Mercury brings mental energy and a lot of thinking communication and language to these themes to this part of Chart Mars brings assertiveness Drive will and power as the sun gets in your thinking quite a lot about your values your value systems and maybe also about your money over the course of the next month. There are going to be a number of aspects between Cancer and its opposite sign Capricorn. I'm going to be returning to these themes again. And again, you're going to hear me talk about them quite a lot because the eclipses are happening here. Again, this is Also really kind of the central theme of this month's astrology. So as we move into cancer season, there are a couple of aspects with Venus in the first week on the 23rd and the 24th Venus forms an opposition with Jupiter and in conjunction to Saturn and a square to Neptune Venus is currently in your sign and we're just leaving Gemini season happy birthday. If it was your birthday Venus transiting through your sign is bringing in Priests attractiveness and magnetism to you to your personality. It's gracing you with its presence and as it forms these aspects there is extra emphasis on your relationships and potentially on your personality or your attractiveness how you feel yourself being perceived by others, but also in the world out in the world and on some kind of public stage. There's definitely a dime. Animism to these aspects as well as potential challenge or feelings of discomfort. It seems like there's a lot of energy and attention on you right now or focus on you or self-focus that you have again in your relationships to others or your relationship to the public sphere and how you're taking up space or how other people may be perceiving you with Venus's influence rest assured that you are. Being perceived in a good light and when you come from good-natured - especially when you're communicating and connecting with others from a place of heartfulness and love we see you as a very lovely being so make sure to kind of check in with your heart check in with your sentiments try and be as real as you possibly can treat others with kindness and all that. But also again just to remind you that you are are being seen in a positive light over the course of these couple of weeks with Venus in your sign and you can definitely use that to your advantage on June 26th Mercury enters the sign Leo Leo rules your solar third house of communications. It is associated to Gemini to your sign as the third sign. So Mercury as your ruling planet coming into your third house kind of increases your natural gift of Action as a Gemini person. It may increase your mental activity. It may bring more Communications into your life more of a need to talk or share connect with others Mercury is moving into its retrograde and on the 28th that enters what's called it storm. This is the period of time just before it stationed retrograde where it appears to stop in the sky and really slow down and during this time we get some of the more Problematic and wonky energy of a retrograde cycle. So between the 28th and July 7th. I definitely want to encourage you to be mindful with your Communications, especially as this is in the communications sector of your chart Mercury retrograde is famous for putting the proverbial foot in the proverbial mouth for making some kind of mistake for acting without Consideration for hastiness and you definitely want to be mindful of all of that during the span of time and Mercury will be moving kind of back and forth between Leo and Cancer in its retrograde. So it turns retrograde on July 7th at 4 degrees of Leo and then it's going to retrograde all the way back to 23 degrees of cancer where it will turn Direct on August 2nd and this Particular area of the zodiac for you has to do with the kind of translation between your value systems your sense of security your worthiness your enoughness and how you are communicating with others. And I don't think I need to explain this didactically or anything. It's may be fairly self-evident. If you're feeling like you have a strong sense of self-esteem and you're going to be communicating. No more confident way. If you're not then you won't so the kind of theme of your values your value systems your self-worth and also your resources as they relate to your mental energy to what your mind is circling around and therefore how you're listening and perceiving other people's communication what you think that they're kind of projecting onto you and how you are then responding to them. M these are Big themes for Mercury retrograde cycle now, especially as Mars comes into Leo on July 1st where it will Transit through August 19th, and as a Venus moves into cancer on July 3rd what it were travel through July 29th. There's a lot of energy in these parts of your chart in the places that signify value worthiness enoughness and your mental energy. And your Communications? Again, just to be didactic. If you are not feeling secure in yourself. Your Communications will suffer. You are more prone to be communicating in authentically or to be communicating things that you don't really want to communicate whether explicitly or subtly so this is a really good time for you to practice self love and self worth and also just to kind of examine these feelings for you like any of these To take a good look at them to notice how you communicate. Where does it come from? What are some of the communication habits that you have? And how are they rooted in your value systems in your self-esteem potentially in your relationship to money and resources as well on July second. There is a new moon and solar eclipse at 10 degrees of cancer. Check your natal chart to see if you have any planets between 5 and 15 degrees of cancer or Warren or Libra or Aries. These are the cardinal signs and any planets any needle planets that you have around these degree points will be definitely extra stimulated by this eclipse and New Moon. The new moon is always a time for New Beginnings. It's a time when we set seeds of intention for a new cycle and generally at a new moon. We have a cycle that's going to last for a year or so. We've got the full moon. In the same sign six months later and then next year is new moon in the same sign. However, at an eclipse, we are setting up a cycle and kind of planting seeds for the next decade of time eclipses are kind of travel around the nine ten year Cycles. So so as you think forward in time, what do you want to be cultivating and calling into this area of life that has to do with values value? You worth worthiness enoughness. This is a really powerful place for all of us. Right? How do we sustain ourselves? How do we get the things that we need? What are our value systems? What do we think? We need? What kind of validation do we need cancer as a sign is a sign of inclusion tenderness softness, but also sensitivity sensitivity can go many different directions. Shannon's right it can serve to bring us into greater communion and connection with others and with the world around us. It can also shut us down. We can become emotionally overwhelmed we can get defensive we can get protective your sign is a sign that is quite mental and with cancer on the second house. There is a fair degree of protect protectiveness that I think that you carry through your life, especially as it comes to relationships and with Gemini the the way that you're presenting yourself is not always the true nature of what's happening in the interior the internal landscape and one of the symbols of this new moon and this eclipse is a symbol of Greater authenticity transparency and tenderness particularly for you in relationships and in important relationships where you are exchanging and sharing with others. You think about themes for this new moon? And this Eclipse cycle meditate on themes of internal security validation of self-worth and how your own inner security can lead you to Greater transparency and authenticity in your relationships in general and specifically in your important intimate relationships and in any relationships that pay you so if you're receiving value if you're being validated if you're being We sourced by these relationships transparency tenderness and you know being authentic with yourself being true with yourself asking for what you need not being scared to reveal what you need. Our big themes on July 8th Mercury and Mars form a conjunction in early Leo Venus and the sun in cancer form several aspects that day to Capricorn Pisces and Sagittarius. And Chiron turns retrograde in Aries. And then on July 9th. We have the second quarter Square. This is the half circle moon in Libra and an opposition between the sun in cancer and Saturn in Capricorn. There's a lot of stuff around the 8th and the 9th for the couple of days leading up to the 8th and the 9th and then the couple of days following there's bound to be quite a lot of energy some people will I'll be experiencing this very positively in an energizing fun kind of way other people will be totally overwhelmed by it. You may experience both these aspects are a time that I think a lot of people are going to be needing some significant rest and for you I would definitely recommend rest and rest may come in the form of play which is exciting for you. So Chiron is turning retrograde in the Of your chart called the 11th house. This has to do with your wider Social Circles and your networks. One of the suggestions that I have for this influences to really consider who your friends are and who your friends circles. Are. You definitely want to be in communion with people who are healing influences for you. And for whom you can be of healing influence being able to give and receive positive generative. I-i've and and healing support is going to be such an asset in your life over the course of the next nine years with Chiron transiting this part of your chart and with the second quarter Square in Libra, which is the opposite sign of Aries. There's a suggestion here that you may really kind of want to play you get fed by a social engagement but being involved with the right kinds of people is So you don't want to play with friends who are not there for your best interests. You definitely want to surround yourself with people who you can have the kinds of conversations that you want to be having with but also who you can trust to kind of be yourself with you can let yourself be seeing you can be transparent about your process. You can share things that feel quite personal and being able to connect with others in this way is very healing for you. At this time on July 16th. There is a full moon and lunar eclipse in Capricorn and Venus in cancer will oppose Saturn in Capricorn. Now two days before the sun in cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn and then a couple of days later on the 21st Venus in cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn to so a lot of stimulation again in the cancer Capricorn axis emphasized by the full moon and now Eclipse in Capricorn Saturn and Pluto are traveling together through Capricorn all of 2019 and 2020. If you've been listening to embodied astrology, you've heard me talk about this countless times now for you. This is happening in your solar Eighth House. This has to do with places of intimacy vulnerability and exchange. This is part of what I was just talking about a moment ago in terms of the importance that it is for you that you have relationships that you can be transparent in that you can really be yourself. Yourself in you are ready for a different kind of intimacy. You're ready for a different kind of experience in your social life. This definitely includes Partners. It includes important friends. It may include the world in general. It may include your family at this full moon. You're really supported to look at deeper emotional entanglements and how insecurities doubts resentments may have been building up. There may be a kind of surfacing of deeper emotional content. There may be quite a lot of passion with this full moon as well as issues surrounding debts inheritances and lineages. This is the place in the chart that also relates to death and death I think is just as much a metaphor as it is literally a lot of the time but especially at with with a lunar eclipse conjunct the South node, there is a theme of ending here and letting something go. So if you find yourself in experiences where you're needing to let go of deep emotional entanglements or you're letting go of really important emotional bonds. Please give yourself a lot of compassion give yourself a lot of care and Trust In The evolutionary process. This is a really important moment with these eclipses and a lot of people will be going through a lot of For you this is coming in a very deep and personal part of your chart and one that is going to probably resonate for a while. So, please do care for yourself at this time on July 21st to the Sun and Mercury form a conjunction at the last degree of cancer in the first degree of Leo again, this is the part of the chart where you transition between value systems self-worth and communication style the Sun and Mercury coming. Together is an important moment in the Mercury cycle. And this is the beginning of a new Mercury cycle that will last until the next retrograde period in November. So over the course of these next couple of months, you are in a mental process around a lot of these themes that I've been talking about value systems. What you think is important how you're communicating your sense of inner security and well-being and how this is influencing your communication death. Lee how this is coming out in for some of you your career or just a larger social sense is going to be a really big theme so pretty exciting astrology all through the month. There's a lot going on. These eclipses are powerful. Please make sure to check back in with me and embodied astrology on July 2nd and the 16th. I'll be offering podcasts and kind of rituals for these new. Full moons and the eclipses to work with their energy and to understand them a little bit more deeply that's what I have for you for now. I really hope that this horoscope is useful for you. Thank you so much for listening. Happy cancer season and bye for now.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Cancer Season in 2019. Cancer Season extends between June 21 - July 22 Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to the Embodied Astrology reading for Cancer Season. In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of Cancer’s zodiacal energy through our bodies, hearts, minds, relationships and the world at large. I’ll talk to you about how to recognize the Cancerian influence in yourself and others, and offer some somatic resourcing for working with this energy. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Cancer season (June 21-July 22), and also a very healing and supportive energy to check in with at any point. Learn more about Cancer's qualities and the upcoming month ahead with the Embodied Astrology Reading for Cancer Season: Get the Cancer Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
In part 1 we consult and the Carny show. So this show is all about marketing and Entrepreneurship insights of which will be delivered by Inspirations folks who have done amazing stuff in the life and their career including of course. So today we have someone special someone you might assume to be going to college and getting straight eggs on his report card, which he absolutely does but chose to take the road not taken and not to be a part of the herd who won't leave. If being there of G until their parents come and chop their phones off. So with Applause welcome Raonic magnani on the show Ronald Reagan and thank you so much. It's my pleasure to congratulate him about his YouTube video and that got converted into a meaningful followership on Instagram. So he and his team is behind my podcast logo and cover amazing work done by the agency thank you so much Lord for that you're welcome okay so on and before we go ahead there's a tradition which we will follow across all the episodes which is inspired by one of the podcast which I follow from any single and so you have to raise your right hand if you are there all right okay so right hand and speak of speak after me all right ironic magnani ironic Donnie do swear to tell the truth truth and nothing but the truth to swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth and reveal all my insights and knowledge to inspire more people and reveal all my insights and knowledge to inspire more people great on it so we go forward so Ronnie like what podcast has amazing stuff like this really blew my mind Stuff keep this bowling with every episode. Yeah. So I want you to go ahead on it and introduce yourself from A to Z, you know, how you started? You know, I know that you're very young so we don't expect you to start a life Journey, but you how you studying. What are you up to right now? What are you doing? And what are your future plans? I know that you have huge potential Market. I had of you so run with I want you to go ahead and start introducing yourself. Awesome. So hey guys, I started actually when I was is 15 so in 2017, you know, then I got done with the most dreaded 10th class board exams decided to you know, start something of my own because like I was done with the exams and all and I was you know aware of the fact that I will not have to study that much and I don't think it was because I was planning to take Commerce and also I thought let's just start something and there is an I, you know part of that was because I knew that you know once I pass out of school College if I want to start something big I would need money for that. And so I decided to you know, start something which can build the foundation and give me that cash flow which I can use to fund to my business like my future business goals or anything like that and you know at that time you post really like, you know exploding in India because of the entry of Geo like right now we will take you no internet for granted, but everyone knows how you know, awesome those days were then you don't you go introduce the internet and then you No internet at very cheap place like the whole game changed and the YouTubers were making tons and tons of money off of add AdSense and sponsorships and all and so I decided okay, let's go ahead and start something and you know, I didn't have any plan my mind like, okay, I will do this this to this I decided to just start something and let's see how it goes. So I had an interesting topic in my mind which was how Banks make money which was you know a topic which I came across in my dance class economics, and it was really This thing actually because like I just like that topic so I decided to you know, go ahead and make a video about it. I did that and I think B and the people who are in the big family group on my WhatsApp watch that video and no one else because of course it was the first video but then you know slowly and steadily I you know started explaining more topics. Like what I used to do was I used to, you know, learn topics. For example one day on the radio. I listen like that ad of mutual funds say hi. so I decided to you know, do some research on what a mutual funds and all and so I did that and once I learned something I instantly know made a video about it. So that's how it used to happen and slowly and steadily are you know move to books? So what I used to do was I used to read a lot of books like business books and self-help and all that. And so I decided to you know, like I thought that okay our business book is so thick and it has so many topics and if I understand it, well I can, you know, take one topic. It in Hindi that will be one video pick another topic explain it in Hindi that will be another video. And so that's how you know, I like I slightly change it from you know, just random topics to the core topics from books and then you know, like I was you know, not very fond of, you know shooting YouTube videos because it used to pour the hell out of me and I was aware that you know, I was like I will not be able to just sustain it for a long period of time and so, you know, I kept changing my content changing my God. Intent changing my content and in 2018 on the side of YouTube. I also started my podcast which was the wrong with my family. So I got the idea of podcasting from Gary's book crushing it and so I started the podcast I started interviewing people and I knew that it was the perfect time to start a podcast because it was you know, it's just the beginning of the podcasting industry in India. And so I decided okay, let's start it. I will interview people it will help you make connections and I can you know, just Go scale this podcast and this podcast can actually, you know, make me six figures after like five to six years because that's you know, like that's just the beginning of how much successful podcasters make and I can use that money to fund my business. And so I decided to start that and you would a lot of people a lot of successful people successful entrepreneur CEOs and things like that and and you know by the end of 2018. I got busy with my 12th class board exam studies, which is the second most deadly exam. So I study for that and finally in 2090 after I got done with my 12. Also, I you know completely changed my YouTube strategies from just topics and all to just documenting my journey, which is what Gary Vee says document don't create and I like that and that's why I stay with that. I don't like, you know shooting videos on a on particular topics because I don't like sharing something which I haven't done myself no matter if I learnt it, but unless I will apply it I will not share it and like that's what digital products sell. Don't apply in shape and so the middle one was missing and that's why I shifted my YouTube content strategy to just myself and then I started that the journey and the from May to July intern for digital fatigue as is content creator. Like I used to create micro content for Instagram like videos images and all and so I did that and now I am running a graphic design agency, which is known as one of designs and we are a team of you know, like five people I would say five or six but like, you know, that's the thing and the main you know objective is one of designs is to build a business which can like objective with everything is same which can you know, find my future business goals because I need something which can give me the cash flow which can which I can use to find my future business goals. Now, I started that process with YouTube, but I slowly became no self aware that know YouTube is not you know, the thing which I want to use for money. I just want to use You to build my personal brand to inspire others and things like that and I would actually start a business to get that objective done like, you know, getting the money to fund my other business goals and things like that. And so that's what I'm working on right now. Wow, does that even feel like 17 year olds talking? I think I think this is this dogs happens when you are 30 year old. I don't know how you know a seventeen-year-old is talking like this. I mean guys, can you think about it? Let me know, you know in you know in mindset. Graham as to what you felt about this amazing story on it. You are amazing, you know you and let it everything and your stories are inspiring. I think if I surely will promote this particular episode and variance will Target specific age group of 7 of 14 to 17 or like in a 17 year olds, and then let them know that what you guys are doing and what runs this joint. All right, so moving to our one thing on it. Is that what something people seem to misunderstood about you? Oh, yes. Oh my God. This is such a great question. Like no one has ever asked me this and let's finally open about to open up about this. You know what people don't understand is just because you are doing something doesn't mean that you know, your name should be attached to that. Like let me give you an example Gary runs a podcast right Gary Vee audio experience. So is Daddy be a podcaster like like Covino Gary Vee as a podcaster know right? He is an entrepreneur and is a lot of things. So this is what happened two weeks. Like, you know, I wanted to be an entrepreneur. I want to be a businessman. I just started YouTube just to you know, just till my personal brand make some money and things like that and till date I am telling you like till late. It's like 2019. It has been two and a half years since I started my YouTube Channel people still, you know, call me a YouTuber and I'm like, okay what like just because I do YouTube a my YouTuber like I also started a podcast and you know, the people who came to know about me after 18 no me as a podcast host and I'm like, okay, there are you know other ways to recognize me and like this is the thing which people misunderstand a lot just because you are doing something doesn't mean your name should be attached to that. Like if if you are doing this podcast right now should everyone, you know, recognize you as a podcast host know right? Like it's just one like it's just another thing which you are doing is just an extension of your it's one of the dominance is one of the components of What I have to achieve in the long term, so, you know this all you know comes together and becomes a brand and then you know why Gary Vee has its own one Collective thing and he has the specific routes of the you know channels which is building that's not a specific, you know title your profession you're going about but as a holistic exactly and people, you know, like people sometimes ask me that okay, what if you do is not, you know around in this world after five years or what is the future of YouTube and I'm like, dude. Are you serious like you to do is just a thing, which I do like how the hell like how in the world. Can you you know attached YouTube to my name like the literally as this that what if YouTube stops being you and I'm like, okay man, I have there are a lot of other things which I do it's just that, you know 0.01% about me and I just don't pay attention to them and this misunderstanding will continue to happen and I just know that correct. So if I sum it up people have a split personality Factor about you right Started on YouTube that I got all these things like it is not so black and white that okay start a YouTube channel and a great digital marketer will pick you as an intern or start a YouTube channel and Conference will call you and you will, you know, just go in flight and you will Flex in your Instagram stories and just that's just not how it works and as the thing like things are not so black and white there are just connections and a lot of things like, of course I got of goes behind the back. Back behind the stage. You know that people don't see right. That's the important thing where you know, they feel that it's all you know, it's all I'm rights, you know your celebrity so but that's not the case. We know what's the factor because we are the counting create ourselves and we know what is what are the consequences of what we do great on it great great insights on it. So run we move further and we have this question to on it, which will you know, Mark the successful lot of young guys, which is what makes you feel inspired see This thing is the age which you are in a lot of a lot less population in India and the world is in. So what made you feel inspired, you know every single day to do what you do every day and be successful at it. Yes. So then how I explain it, you know, once you start doing something and you know, you continue to do it you continue to do it the passion for it, you know just starts getting deeper. Like let's take the example of gaming let's say, you know someone by has a new PS4 And it is ABS. Okay. Let's give it a try. A lot of people say good things about it and let's just play it and he plays it or you know, one hour one artery and then it moves to two hours and then he moves to 3 hours and then it's you know, just a passion. And so I think you know that anomaly is perfect to you know, just explain how it went about like for me so for like in 2017, I decided to you know, just like my vacation was there and so I was like, okay, what will I do with all this free time? Let's just start something and I start Something and I was too not that Focus than like not that powerful at that time. I just started something. I thought okay. We'll make the side money like it will be fun. Let's do it and then slowly and slowly, you know, I got to know about more things and I got even more involved in other things like I met different people and I know just saw the different possibilities and of course, you know, I started following these people on social media like Cary Grant and Patrick and and if it's Ella and you No, these four guys like totally drugged me with success and mindset and all that and you know it slowly because like kept getting deeper deeper deeper and now it's like, you know, just oh, I don't even you know yet another odd like like if it said Sunday, I'm like, okay like I will wake up early in the morning and like like go to bed late at night because Sunday is the best day to you know, complete other things because on regular days either you have to go to college or to some other work. And so that's what comes to a mine. But like if if some newbies there his mind will be like, okay, let's go to this new movie or things like that and that happens in the beginning. It's completely normal, but it's just, you know, trial and error trial and error and it's just practice like I meant to these things since two and a half or three years. We have the practice of you know, just working alone and not giving a shit about people roaming here and there and like my college or like my Instagram is full of, you know stories of my college plans going here and there. Air and yesterday only like yesterday was Sunday, right? So they were at this movie like they was two movies consecutively and I was like, okay, it's like people are having fun outside and you know, I don't get envious of that because now I am just happy in my own place and that's how it goes, but it's not like like people misunderstand this like following your passion is not rainbows and unicorns and so like, you know, there is a lot of like confusion and things like that for example today, you know started Like this day was very rough with me like since the morning you like from the morning to like till I would say afternoon. I was just over thinking over thinking about the business model and how will I you know proceed with this new thing which have started one of designs and you know, like I was not in that, you know, motivating and inspiring mode and all that and then after afternoon, you know, it's totally picked up and now I'm back on track. So following your passion isn't just rainbows and unicorns and being inspired is Current from being energetic all the time like you will have lows and you will have everything but inspiration just you know deepens with time. That's what I will that's what I think correct. You know when your everyday is a Sunday. So you should see that you are in the right direction, right? I mean every day every day because of angle you'd be doing the same stuff every day. You know, we are we are because we have something to follow we have a purpose right? We know that we have to do this which will be beneficial for ourselves and our families in the future. So we are doing something Got a no and you told my story about PS4 which is absolutely correct that I am, you know, I like to play PS4 and I create around 2-3 hours a day because I feel passionate about it. I am being since say age of four. So, you know that stuff has been so amazing for me great great insights on it. I think inspiration is something everyone should have and you are doing great of not being envious about your friends going to you know to move is considered to be which is damned if we sing the time and I don't even do you know judge them like They might have different goals. But you know the thing which inspires me most is like his time will never come back. Like I have so much of free time. I can do so much of things like I you know, sometimes think that oh I should have started at actually 11 like what the hell I was going from 11 to 15 like yes, I literally think about it seemed like I literally think that okay from 10 to 15. What was I doing? Like I wasted five years ago after school. I would have done something or things but like that's how it goes. You know, you are never too early or never too late to start. It's just that you have to Get started absolutely don't and you're absolutely correct. Okay, so moving forward on it. We have a lot of people who ask, you know how to invest right? So for example, you have money you have earned some money. So now, you know, you have temptations that you have distractions. So you have some money in the account and you now want to invest but you you being I mean, for example people being a normal guy, you know, they think that that's spend the money to movies is buying phones and everything, but what your perspective is about investment, so if I ask you if you Have one lakh rupees in your bank account right now. Where would you invest in? When why would you nesting? Okay, so one lakh cookies in my back don't like if you know the business which I want to start and you know started in one like cookies. I would definitely put it into that because you know, like when you are this young you can risk, you know that money going to 0 you don't have any responsibilities and things like that, but for example, you know, someone wants to start a business which is, you know, not feasible and that amount like it requires for example, 5 lakh rupees. So what you have to do is you have to you know, keep my Most of that one lakh, you know save like that's what I do. Like most of my money is currently in my background. I only spend it on the most important things because I know how hard it is to make money online like it's not easy absolute accelerates with time it accelerates with you getting different skills. Like, you know, like one of designs is going great. And you know, I have made more money in the last two to three weeks then then as compared to a long time ago. So like that happens, you know, but you know what? Realize how hard it is to make money. You will not waste money. Just believe me and you will only spend money on essential things for example recently like three or four months ago. I bought this new phone which costed me like 36 or 37 thousand. The reason I bought that phone instead of you know, a 15 or 17 thousand budget phone is because I'm on my phone all the time, you know like this what I do like I use my laptop just 20% of time and the other time like 80% of my time is spent on my phone. Own and I had a bad experience of you know, using a budget phone like in just two years if you know started lagging and just all the different things that screen broke down. I don't know you had a motor and this 37 people are mad at me, you know, what a budget phone and save that money and invest it somewhere else and I was like, I know what I'm doing I had to experience and this is you know, a good investment because I want to solve all the time. People don't believe me. I don't even wear a watch like I don't even have a watch at least like if you have you know, a lot of money in your bank account. A lot of people what they will do is they will buy a watch of like what four or five thousand rupees or it can even go further if someone is really really fancy. So that's what I would say if the money which you have right now can you know get you started with your business just do that. But if it's not that case like focus on using that money to get to that money, for example If your business requires 5 lakh rupees, but you only have one lakh start something which can you know, like get you the money and which can get you to the level of 5 lakh rupees and then you can start your business. But my one advice is same to everyone which is build a stable income stream which can fund your business because a lot of people want to you know, bootstrap their businesses. They don't want investor or different Ambitions like so stable income stream helps you a lot and even if you know, you don't want to bootstrap your business you Want investors or anything that side income can use to grow your personal brand through advertising on social media? Like there are a lot of benefits. So I would definitely recommend everyone to start, you know, building a foundation of an income stream and being very thoughtful about their money because it's not easy to make money whether online or offline absolutely and you know, we realize that realize it when we grow up, you know, and when we when we were young we saw parents, you know that they have we asked them with Without any regrets or any case that you know, can you provide us thing and you know, but when we grow up, we realize the importance of how hard it is to earn money and it requires a lot of efforts which we take took for granted When We Were Young so, you know if someone was there to Educators about in the school system, it would have been a lot easier for us to manage it right? Yes. Yes. I think you know like I just had this idea while talking to you like, you know, everyone should be you know, like apart from work. Entropy given this task of okay, you need to make this much money in this month. If you don't make this much of money, you will like you will fail you like it will develop so much of skills instruction that how Ireland basically like most of the people don't know that you know, 2019 has been like I would say good on money but also bad on money because like I wanna good money as compared to other 17 year olds, but I know that a lot more is required if I want to, you know start A business or for example right now. My next goal is to buy a new laptop and I can buy it but I don't want to spend 100% of my money on one thing. And so, you know when I was forced to make money, that's when I learned sales skills. That's when I learned communication skills. That's why I'm you know communicating so easily on this podcast episode and that's what forced me to you know, just learn all these things. And so if you know like injected into the education system man like India will continue to Skyrocket in your mascara. Definitely and I think the the starting from will be from the rural areas because I'm people know importance right people have the importance of money in the rural areas more than the urban areas. That's what I have read guys. They they make the value it a lot. So you don't they won't be even hesitant to start. I'll start in go into the feed and make money. So I think that would be great if India adopted or Indian education system adopted from the starting. All right, great product great insights. I would write to a like to add one more Point like he's like don't you think it's it's insane that there are millionaires and billionaires on the internet teaching us how to succeed like that was not possible 10 or 20 years ago. Like if you know in the 1950s I said to someone that okay this billionaire person who owns multiple businesses is ready to teach you like everything from mindset to Tails and all like we would go out of his mind and today it happening and everyone is taking it for granted. Like there are people out there on the internet teaching you how to do a teaching you how to succeed telling you how Develop the mindset Like A to Z. Like there is nothing left and still people take it for granted and they would rather, you know, go to watch a movie instead of learning something and put their future like it's insane. Absolutely. I cannot even think about it, you know, so it gives me chills so moving it on it so it's dinner time. Right? And so I'm asking you if you could have dinner with any three people either dead or alive, who would it be and why? So first of all, everyone knows it would be Gary Vee first person and the second person would be like, I'm thinking about choosing all of them like were alive or should I choose one from the dead ones also with both either both of them? Yeah. I'm thinking about it. The first one will of course be Gary V. And so second one would be and is rossella and third one would be He drops great combination of the Andes beard is so cool, man. I mean I am so impressed by his beard and like, you know is the like he symbolizes a lion like literally like you look like a lion he is like a lie. He speaks like that and he abuses like a lie. Yeah, he won't hesitate enough to you know do that, but I think he has closed down the NFC. Oh, you know podcast. I don't know. Why did he do that? I think you're right. Calling continues keys. So do you know any reason why did the yes, yes, so he started when he started mfq a project is intention was you know actually do one day close it because you know, there are like his concept was there are only so many things which you need to know and then it's just execution and it doesn't want to you know people he doesn't want people to just know keep listening to him keep listening to him. He uploaded the story on Instagram that they saying that these three hundred and fifty episodes have everything you need to succeed. And no more episodes required because you have everything now. It's like just go do it just go do what like what else do you need? And he said that there is literally everything in those episodes. If you want to, you know go search you can go search and if something isn't there, it means it's not important for Success like it's just something like my new door what and that's what happened. That's that's great philosophy or I mean if every every podcaster could do it, you know, I'm done with you guys now just go and Execute. I mean that's the key right execution is the key. You can learn an Uninvited but in the end it all matters, you know, how you executed the thing right? Yes, correct. So donut I think I'm coming up with a question, which is important that what do you fear the most? Oh, actually I think right now because I don't know what the future holds for me but I literally fear legal issues and all those things because you know, like that's the dark side of the business which is with the Dark Side of business, which a lot of people don't know like, you know, I watched Steve Jobs, you know got thrown away from his own company and you know different things like the thing which happened with we work. The thing which happened with Catholic Coffee Day, like we just gotta and all these things like all these things, you know, make business very dark and sometimes you know, like it scares out of like it scares you that okay. What if this happens for me? Like, of course, there are a lot of good things like the challenge the growth and all those things but these dark things The Insider politics and the legal issues and all those things and I haven't, you know been through that. I like I just know it from surface level but yes, it scares me like it's dead trees. Of course, I mean it's connecting the most we face it almost every single day, you know at our agency. We have customers, you know, the fires going coming out of the customers and we have to you know think we have to think about it. We have to curve them. You know, if you are at a cinema Hall, you have to get the work done from Windows. So I was watching board recently. And you know, I have to get the work done for my customer through a window. So you can imagine we are not the on in the control of it a vendor is so you have to make sure they are calling him, you know movies going on. So there were changes you have to make that and it's It's a lot of pressurized moment that you have to make that that you know change and tomorrow is a customer's presentation to his investors and he has to show the website so, you know, imagine the pressure which you have and it's 8 p.m. So you have to make sure that that happens. So, you know that fear we all have is entrepreneurs and content creators and you know valuators to the world great insights running. This fear is the fear which every entrepreneur needs to fight and we need to also talk about mental health, which is an important topic so that we cover Some other day. So Ronnie, thank you so much for sharing your fear many people don't do it. They keep it within themselves that develops the depression and anxiety, right? Exactly. Great. So on it, okay, we move forward and we have this important question, which will you know the answer of which will inspire you a lot of guys so I will frame it like this, you know, okay, I would like to add something as just now, you know, I received a message from my designer wait. With we were talking about like fires, right? So like my Wi-Fi is on so WhatsApp messages the like the notifications are coming and so one of my clients like the project which I'm currently working on. I told him like I confirmed that you know, I will send you the design by tonight and he said okay great and the designer which was working on that just message me that adds that the menu by erotic kind of you'd have to wait for tomorrow and I'm like, oh man, I feel like giving the confidence Mason and and businesslike word is bond. If you said something you have to deliver it and now I would have to deal with it after this podcast episode. So that's what goes behind the scenes. So guys, I mean it's happening here. I've you know, it's not something dark or shitty like it's happening in front of you. You see it on in the received a message. So you don't think that you know entrepreneurship is is you know fancy you get you get the Lamborghinis and you get the Jets and everything, but see this happening. I mean what what situation you would be in? You know, you're not In you're not an employee would you know you through which you can take it to someone but you have to take the ownership and you are accountable for these happenings. So you have to make sure that you curve these fires, right? Yes. Yes, great. So run it so I was getting back to the question which is important for our young audience, you know, which is I think starting or they have the thing to start they had they have the fear of their parents, you know, not allowing them to start something creative and become doctors engineers and Forcing them to get into the iits was almost one of the most prestigious Institute of India, which is causing depression and anxiety among them. All. Right. So this is one of the topics which I think a lot of people will talk to you because you are in the phase where bearing start start, you know, thinking about children's future in terms of Engineers because India is famous for the so if we have to curb this if you have to give some tips to the Young Generation like 15 year olds, and I mean you are also Young Generation, but you are a different type of in generation for you have so we have a second category where their parents control their future their mindset. So what tips or thing takeaways? You can give to Young Generation for them to go and speak to the parents and not feel depressed because the Press is really serious and people are dying because of that, you know, when board results are out they get a fig and this suicide like the quota thing which is happening. So what insights would you share on it? I want your views on it. Yes, so it's really tough like it was tough for me also because you know, like I feel like I got what like ten cgpa intent standard which is like the maximum score and comfortable and I was like, that was the only thing which I was, you know fearful of because like my exams went well and I actually anticipated that but I was also careful of that because I knew what would come with it. And so I want my result and everyone was happy, but I knew that thing was on the way and if you want You can do this. All you can do this or you can go to dehradun and become an IAS officer and all that and I was like, oh man, this is hell now and so like I did two things and that's what I would recommend to everyone first. You try to make them understand like if you're like if whatever you are doing you if you can make them understand that then that's great in my case. That's what that's not that was not the case because like what how will I make them understand all these things because parents don't even know. Understand all this technology and content and business and startups and all these things and so still I you know just sat down with them and told them okay. This is not like is upset and all these things are not what I want to do. Like I have zero interest in them. And if I have zero interest in them I'm going to fail this is wrong, but for me, I know what I want to do and I want to do that and this state know straight away and you know that friction and fights when for like what 20 to 30 days But I kept fighting kept fighting kept fighting and ultimately I know like I chose now, but because you know if you persist like, you know, eventually they will give up they will be like, okay do whatever you want and like that's actually a sign of them not supporting you in what you are doing and that's cool because you have took that decision and you have to just be accountable for that. And so that's what I did. And so that's what I would recommend just try to make them understand kind of they don't understand you have to work. Completely against them and if you can know through key like prove them wrong with some results in like one or two years then that will be great. So and that's what I did is like I haven't completely against them and in two years I achieved a lot of things which is why I now they are not that much worried about bit like they're still delusional and they still have no idea like what the hell am I am doing but they are not you know as worried as they were in 2017. And so that's what I would tell them try to make them understand and if they don't then don't understand you have Just go completely against them because you just have like, you know one shot at this time. This time will not come back great. So guys what I would tell you is go and make some money. All right, it's simple, you know, you show them that you have earned some money and definitely that will be the best social proof. You can shoot your parents like so go and do some work go into some dworkin fiver for $10 or $5 and do some 510 projects and show to your parents that you have done this and you have made some money. Definitely that would boost Has the confidence right? Because that is yes. That was the mistake which I did like, oh, you know from the beginning. I was not focusing on, you know, like a building an income stream had I done that I would have to do at a much better place and I would tell you a tactic which you can use. So what you can do is you can you know, go ahead and build an income streams and of course, you know, like for example, let's take the best case scenario of you making 20 to 25 thousand rupees per month and still your parents will be like, okay. This is nothing like In India, if you want to know pain middle class. Also you have to know on at least one lakh rupees a month and also you don't have to go that route. But you have to say then this like this works really well for me and can also work well for you, you have to say that okay, let's take the example of doctors or Engineers. They have to study for like four five six seven eight years and then their career actually starts. I am also doing that and you know, I'm just learning new skills and preparing and in my case also it would take me fast. Six seven years because that's how it is with every career. But just think how I'm like how amazing it is that I'm making money on the way and they are making zero money on the way, but they are actually spending money like oh, you know lakhs and lakhs of rupees on their courses and all so I think this has worked really well for me and can also work well for you you have to you know, establish the fact that you know, it takes five six seven years to you know, learn something and then you can actually, you know get into the monetary aspect of it. But on the way you are making some side money, which is great too and this can Well, try this out great only great tips and I think everyone if you are in the age bracket of around 15 to 20 or 21, don't worry start making some money start making some cash guys. It's so easy today. I mean imagine your parents in the 1980s 70s. I mean, was it even possible to make money while you're 15 years old 14 years, of course, it will be possible offering but not online sitting at home, right and investing in your earnings and skills and then adding value to the market. That's what page. Her parents wanted to see so go and show them your bank account statement next time when you are meeting them so that would make them more confident in yourself. All right - thank you so much for in sighs. I'm man. I mean we're getting so much Bombs over here. I mean, I think it could explode right so moving forward on it. So you went to event recently where you are invited to have give a session on adding. I don't know what the topic was, but you went and met amazing. Tubers and content creators. So what did you learn from the event you went and what did you deliver a speech what divisor you know your talk? What was it all about? Yeah. So it was a YouTube event the name was half I with you because it was at Yale University in mathura. And so the event was around YouTube and there were six YouTubers actually, so there were I was there and rho is Raju is the business head of BBQ finds was They're Rickshaw Wallah goes there niharika Singh was there and goodness in you Channel. His name is Alec about she was there and then I love the trucks of love with rocks logs and the chance that channel the prank Channel. He was also there so six of us were there and it was a room of 450 people and we had talked about like ourselves like how we started YouTube how it helped us and there was a panel discussion around You'll do as a career and what to start and what topic to start and all and so every you know, each one of us had to give a talk around like our journey and how fast are you even old so my talk was about the same I talked about like I talked about my journey as a YouTuber not my journey as everything like a podcast and all of course, I highlighted the point of podcast but the main topic was YouTube. So that was the talk and the thing which I learnt was that there are like, you know, no so many possibilities if you use internet correctly, like row is Raj actually, you know failed in engineering and he was you know, managing a wasn't event manager actually and is business the name of his business was really tragic events or something like that and it was you know struggling with money actually, but you know, he partnered up with BBQ wines and now his goal is to make one the biggest star in India and things like that and he's doing great and goes The YouTubers were also create their stories were true, you know literally amazing. And so, you know, if you, you know use the internet correctly there is just no limit to what you can do because really the whole world is getting to you know, consumer content and all you just have to put it out the right people will see and you will get the right opportunities and if you know get one opportunity to opportunity three opportunities you you know, slowly start building yourself up and that's how you go about succeeding in your life. Great. Witness, so guys, I mean you must have seen the show which I'm going through, you know, first time to do Stronach. So you must have seen the journey how we talking about and how wrong it got invited for a YouTube event. So he did the work right then he got invited. So this was the view of which I was talking about and this worked out very perfect. See you now see where on with is right now and very start so and you see the work which has been done in the middle for you to reach we're on it is right now, so I hope you got the point so run it great insights and I You know success for everyone to go be you got in you get invited to a lot of events and you know doing 16 a lot. All right one is we are now moving ahead with the rapid fire round. So are you ready for it? We have quick 10 questions, which you have to answer within five seconds. I'm sorry. Yeah, it's all right. So we go ahead with first question guy on it Gary Vee your battery pack David. Yeah, he be. Alright YouTube or Instagram? Instagram, okay Martin Garrix or Tiësto Martin Garrix all the everyday grade one place for Motorola 1 plus great your dreams of society's dreams my dreams correct agency or an independent Marketing Consultant. agency great best advice you have gotten the worst advice I've got Best advice which I've got is stay in your own head and the worst advice which I have got is do what you love all the time your most favorite book ever. My most favorite book is that there are a lot of but I would say 10x rule by Grant Cardone great. So your to success CO2 failures till now which I order you to learn and move forward. To failure. So one of my failure was, you know, I started up merge around, you know, entrepreneurship and all and I learned from that that you know, you you have to you know, focus on essential things first, like, you know, I was focusing on the design and all but I had no sales process in you know mind and that's why it's real and the other thing was what was the other thing? Yes. The other thing was I started an Instagram page named entrepreneur land because I was seeing all these guys like millionaire mentor and all these people. We'll worry not putting coats and all and you know building their brand or Instagram and you know or generating great income and going to create places. I was like, okay, let's start this and the thing which it taught me was don't look at or you know, outside things and just start something because of that you have to have some you know, a strong reason to do it. Not just you know, like if you just saw someone and just started like it deadly like it was like it was a great figure great. So Ron if we move to the last question, which is your Two successes you are so happy about you wish to party. Okay. So first of all, like first success would be then either you don't bought when I first of all when I went to this event because you know, like it literally blew away the mind of my the minds of all my relatives like we also bought so we also got a coverage in a newspaper like a newspaper of our grammar through or something like that and that was great. That was the first success like I was like, yeah, you know, no one of you believed in me and now you are saying congratulations to me. So keep that song in my and next would be when I bought this phone 1 plus because it was the first, you know, like real, you know a costly thing which I bought off my own money. Like everyone was like, okay, so you have this kind of money. Yes. Amazing amazing chronic. Okay, I don't need so we are moving towards the end of the podcast and your last piece of insights on it before you go. We asked piece one specific insight to a young guy or girl or any age group watching or listening to set do this episode. Well, I would like to add upon the answer which I gave in the rapid-fire you asked about the best and worst piece of advice in the worst piece of advice. I told that you know, do what you love all the time. So you know that The worst bit of advice because no matter what you do there would be aspects to it, which you don't like to for example, if you like, you know gaming and if you want to build a brand around gaming so, you know, you think that okay. I like gaming it's my passion and I will love this process one hundred percent of the time that's not how it works. There will be things which will you know, just annoy you and let's say you, you know, start with channel on gaming you like gaming but you might not like growing your audience on Twitch and creating. In micro content and you know, like there are a lot of things I don't I'm not much educated on giving but let me let me give you my example. So, you know, I really like just you know inspiring people to YouTube and connecting with people to podcast in all but I really hate the editing part like, you know, it's pouring you have to just listen to the whole episode pause and you know cut some parts and that's what happens it. Could you also and shooting the video also, you know is a You know, it makes me cringe a bit because it's not you know, like you have to make sure there is no noise. You have to plug in the micro volts and so and for example, let's say one of the signs I'm doing it. So it's not my passion. I'm just going it so that it can give me the income stream to even follow my passion. Like as I said following your passion is not rainbows and unicorns like it takes a lot of work and it takes a lot of resources and and if rossella also says that in order to do what you love you would have to do something you hate for a Long long time like Andy was working at three jobs in order to you know, start his business and keep it going and so it's not like you have to do what you love all the times you have to do what you love in your life. But on your day-to-day you might have to do what you hate, you know, like a lot of things and so that's how it works. If doing something you hate leads you to do something you love then do that. It's a great thing great on it. Great. Thank you so much Ron it. All right guys with this we will wrap it up. Get on it for coming on the show and any lightning everyone out there including me man. We can learn a lot from the young guys. Don't be. All right, come on. Yes, so here was done it guys. Thank you so much for tuning in to this episode and investing your time energy for something productive. You can go ahead and take the show notes at current CH podcast two days after this podcast is released and start taking action now until next time keep bashing your goals and achieving your dreams. This is your host current pollen in signing off. Thank you. Take care.
Hey Fam. Hope Everyone is Bashing their Goals and achieving their dreams and aspirations. This is Karan Parwani, Founder of Wedoeconsult, and The Karan Parwani Show. This show is all about Marketing and Entrepreneurship, insights of which will be delivered by Inspirational folks who have done amazing stuff in their life and their career, including me. So, Today we have someone special. Someone you might assume to be going to College and getting Straight A’s on his report card, which he does, but chose to take the road not taken and not be a part of the herd who won’t leave playing PUBG until their parents come and chop their phones off. So, with Applause welcome Ronit Mangnani on the show. Ronit, is someone with whom my first touch point was YouTube. I saw his video and it was so insightful, I had to congratulate him on Linkedin about his YouTube video and that got converted into a meaningful followership on Instagram, He and his team is behind my amazing Podcast Logo and Cover Art. Amazing work done by his agency. Today we will see how to make money as a teenager. You can follow Ronit Mangnani on Instagram here : --- Send in a voice message: