Code Line
stringclasses 57
values | User Explanation
stringclasses 692
values | Line-Explanation in PCEX
stringclasses 131
values | Annotation Score
float64 1
⌀ |
int remainingSeconds = seconds % 60; | The modulus function gets the remainder. | Note that the % operator returns the remainder of the division. | 4 |
int remainingSeconds = seconds % 60; | The modulus function gets the remainder. | To obtain the remaining seconds after taking away the minutes, we have to take the remainder of the seconds divided by 60. | 3 |
String fullName = "John Smith" | Assigns the name-string to "fullName" | We define a string variable to hold the name. | 3 |
System.out.println(seconds + " seconds is " + minutes + " minutes and " + remainingSeconds + " seconds."); | Prints out the seconds int and prints out how many minutes and remaining seconds that the int seconds is equal to. | This statement prints to the default standard output stream the minutes and remaining seconds from the input amount of time in seconds. | 5 |
System.out.println(seconds + " seconds is " + minutes + " minutes and " + remainingSeconds + " seconds."); | Prints out the seconds int and prints out how many minutes and remaining seconds that the int seconds is equal to. | The printed text is followed by the end-of-line character at the end. | 2 |
String firstInitial = fullName.substring(0, 1); | finds the first character in the string fullname | We need to extract the first letter from the first name. | 4 |
String firstInitial = fullName.substring(0, 1); | finds the first character in the string fullname | We do this by calling the substring(0,1) method. | 3 |
int num = 15; | Initializes the int num to 15 | We define variable num to store the number that we want to find its smallest divisor. | 2 |
int num = 15; | Initializes the int num to 15 | We could initialize it to any positive integer greater than 1. | 2 |
int num = 15; | Initializes the int num to 15 | In this program, we initialize variable num to 15. | 5 |
int divisor = 2; | Initializes the integer divisor to 2 | We initialize variable divisor by 2 because we want to find the smallest divisor except 1. | 4 |
int divisor = 2; | Initializes the integer divisor to 2 | We define variable divisor to store the smallest divisor of the number. | 2 |
while (num % divisor != 0) { | Starts a while loop that performs as long as num modulus divisor isn't equal to 0 | Since we don't know ahead of time how many times the loop will be repeated, we need to use a while loop. | 3 |
while (num % divisor != 0) { | Starts a while loop that performs as long as num modulus divisor isn't equal to 0 | We need to increment the divisor repeatedly as long as the divisor is not a factor of the number. | 2 |
while (num % divisor != 0) { | Starts a while loop that performs as long as num modulus divisor isn't equal to 0 | Therefore, we need to use a loop structure. | 2 |
while (num % divisor != 0) { | Starts a while loop that performs as long as num modulus divisor isn't equal to 0 | The condition in the while loop tests whether the body of the loop should be repeated, so it should test whether the divisor is not a factor of the number. | 2 |
while (num % divisor != 0) { | Starts a while loop that performs as long as num modulus divisor isn't equal to 0 | We could check whether the divisor is not a factor of the number by computing the remainder of the division of the number by the divisor. | 3 |
String lastInitial = fullName.substring(5, 6); | finds the last character in a substring in String fullName | We need to extract the first letter from the last name. | 1 |
String lastInitial = fullName.substring(5, 6); | finds the last character in a substring in String fullName | We do this by calling the substring(5,6) method. | 3 |
divisor += 1; | Adds 1 to the int divisor | When the divisor is not a factor of the number, we increment the variable divisor by 1. | 4 |
String initials = firstInitial + lastInitial; | Sets string initials to the characters found in 6,7 | This statements concatenates the extracted initials and store the result in the string initials. | 3 |
System.out.println(initials); | outputs the string initials | This statement prints the initials to the default standard output stream. | 4 |
System.out.println(initials); | outputs the string initials | The printed value is followed by the end-of-line character at the end. | 1 |
System.out.println("The smallest divisor of " + num + " is " + divisor); | Prints the line that states what the smallest divisor of the original num integer is using num and divisor variables. | This statement prints to the default standard output stream the smallest divisor of the number. | 5 |
int[] values = {5, 8, 4, 78, 95, 12, 1, 0, 6, 35, 46}; | assigns integer values to "values" | We define array values to hold the specified numbers. | 4 |
int[] values = {5, 8, 4, 78, 95, 12, 1, 0, 6, 35, 46}; | assigns integer values to "values" | We initialize the array by separating elements with a comma and enclosing the collection in braces { }. | 2 |
System.out.println(num + " squared = " + (num * num)); | Prints a line that states what the square of num is. | The multiplication may also be performed directly in the println statement. | 2 |
System.out.println(num + " squared = " + (num * num)); | Prints a line that states what the square of num is. | Note that we do not necessarily have to store the squared number in a variable. | 2 |
System.out.println(num + " squared = " + (num * num)); | Prints a line that states what the square of num is. | To square each number in the sequence, we multiply it by itself using the multiplication (*) operator. | 2 |
System.out.println(num + " squared = " + (num * num)); | Prints a line that states what the square of num is. | In each iteration of the loop, this statement prints the square number to the default standard output stream. | 4 |
System.out.println(num + " squared = " + (num * num)); | It will loop through this line multiple times and print out squares of every even positive integer less than or equal to 10. | The multiplication may also be performed directly in the println statement. | 1 |
System.out.println(num + " squared = " + (num * num)); | It will loop through this line multiple times and print out squares of every even positive integer less than or equal to 10. | Note that we do not necessarily have to store the squared number in a variable. | 1 |
System.out.println(num + " squared = " + (num * num)); | It will loop through this line multiple times and print out squares of every even positive integer less than or equal to 10. | To square each number in the sequence, we multiply it by itself using the multiplication (*) operator. | 1 |
System.out.println(num + " squared = " + (num * num)); | It will loop through this line multiple times and print out squares of every even positive integer less than or equal to 10. | In each iteration of the loop, this statement prints the square number to the default standard output stream. | 4 |
for (int num = 2; num <= 10; num += 2) { | Starts a for loop that initializes an int num to 2. | To do this, we need to use a loop structure. | 4 |
for (int num = 2; num <= 10; num += 2) { | Starts a for loop that initializes an int num to 2. | We need to repeat the same process for each of the even positive integers that are less than or equal to 10. | 1 |
for (int num = 2; num <= 10; num += 2) { | Starts a for loop that initializes an int num to 2. | To do this, we initialize variable num to 2, loop until reaching 10 (inclusive), and increment num by 2 after each iteration of the loop. | 3 |
for (int num = 2; num <= 10; num += 2) { | Starts a for loop that initializes an int num to 2. | We use for loops instead of a while loop because we need to repeat the loop a certain number of times, and for loops are best-suited in cases like this when we know ahead of time the number of times that we need to repeat the loop. | 2 |
for (int num = 2; num <= 10; num += 2) { | Starts a for loop that initializes an int num to 2. | Here, we want the for loop to start counting from 2 (2 is the first positive even number) with every even integer number up to (including) 10. | 3 |
for (int num = 2; num <= 10; num += 2) { | This loop increases num by 2 at the end of every iteration and will continue to loop through as long as num is less than or equal to 10. | To do this, we need to use a loop structure. | 3 |
for (int num = 2; num <= 10; num += 2) { | This loop increases num by 2 at the end of every iteration and will continue to loop through as long as num is less than or equal to 10. | We need to repeat the same process for each of the even positive integers that are less than or equal to 10. | 4 |
for (int num = 2; num <= 10; num += 2) { | This loop increases num by 2 at the end of every iteration and will continue to loop through as long as num is less than or equal to 10. | To do this, we initialize variable num to 2, loop until reaching 10 (inclusive), and increment num by 2 after each iteration of the loop. | 5 |
for (int num = 2; num <= 10; num += 2) { | This loop increases num by 2 at the end of every iteration and will continue to loop through as long as num is less than or equal to 10. | We use for loops instead of a while loop because we need to repeat the loop a certain number of times, and for loops are best-suited in cases like this when we know ahead of time the number of times that we need to repeat the loop. | 2 |
for (int num = 2; num <= 10; num += 2) { | This loop increases num by 2 at the end of every iteration and will continue to loop through as long as num is less than or equal to 10. | Here, we want the for loop to start counting from 2 (2 is the first positive even number) with every even integer number up to (including) 10. | 4 |
int maxValue = values[0]; | sets integer 0 for "maxValue" | We need variable maxValue to store the maximum value of the array. | 2 |
int maxValue = values[0]; | sets integer 0 for "maxValue" | We initialize this variable by the first value in the array because we initially assume that the first value is the maximum. | 2 |
Point1 point = new Point1(); | Initializes point which is a member of the point 1 class. | This statement creates a Point1 object using the new keyword and empty parentheses. | 3 |
Point1 point = new Point1(); | Initializes point which is a member of the point 1 class. | The variable point holds a reference to a Point1 object. | 3 |
for (int i = 1; i < values.length; i++) { | runs through the length of the "values" set from 1 until the length is met | We use a for loop to iterate over the remaining array indexes and search for the maximum value. | 3 |
for (int i = 1; i < values.length; i++) { | runs through the length of the "values" set from 1 until the length is met | We need the array indexes to start at 1 with every integer number up to but not including the array length. | 3 |
point.setX(7); | Sets the x int in the point variable to 7. | This statement invokes the method setX of the point to set its x-coordinate to 7. | 3 |
point.translate(11, 6); | Sets the y int in the point variable to 2. | This statement invokes the method translate of the point. | 1 |
point.translate(11, 6); | Sets the y int in the point variable to 2. | The second parameter specifies how much we want to shift the y-coordinate of the point. | 1 |
point.translate(11, 6); | Sets the y int in the point variable to 2. | The translate method receives two parameters. | 1 |
point.translate(11, 6); | Sets the y int in the point variable to 2. | The first parameter specifies how much we want to shift the x-coordinate of the point. | 1 |
if (values[i] > maxValue) { | conditional set up, asking if "values" at i is greater than the maxValue, initially 0 | We need to compare the value at the index i of the array with the maximum value stored in variable maxValue. | 4 |
if (values[i] > maxValue) { | conditional set up, asking if "values" at i is greater than the maxValue, initially 0 | If the value at that index is larger than the maximum value, then we need to set the maximum value to the value of the element at index i. | 3 |
maxValue = values[i]; | if previous condition met, maxValue is set to value at i | This statement sets the maximum value to value of the element at index i of the array. | 4 |
System.out.println("Maximum value: " + maxValue); | print the max value after the recursion ends | This statement prints the maximum value of the array to the default standard output stream. | 2 |
point.translate(11, 6); | Increases the x and y integer, which are a part of the point variable, by 11 and 6 respectively. | This statement invokes the method translate of the point. | 2 |
point.translate(11, 6); | Increases the x and y integer, which are a part of the point variable, by 11 and 6 respectively. | The second parameter specifies how much we want to shift the y-coordinate of the point. | 2 |
point.translate(11, 6); | Increases the x and y integer, which are a part of the point variable, by 11 and 6 respectively. | The translate method receives two parameters. | 2 |
point.translate(11, 6); | Increases the x and y integer, which are a part of the point variable, by 11 and 6 respectively. | The first parameter specifies how much we want to shift the x-coordinate of the point. | 3 |
point.translate(11, 6); | Increases the x and y integer, which are a part of the point variable, by 11 and 6 respectively. | This statement invokes the method translate of the point. | 2 |
point.translate(11, 6); | Increases the x and y integer, which are a part of the point variable, by 11 and 6 respectively. | The second parameter specifies how much we want to shift the y-coordinate of the point. | 2 |
point.translate(11, 6); | Increases the x and y integer, which are a part of the point variable, by 11 and 6 respectively. | The translate method receives two parameters. | 2 |
point.translate(11, 6); | Increases the x and y integer, which are a part of the point variable, by 11 and 6 respectively. | The first parameter specifies how much we want to shift the x-coordinate of the point. | 2 |
System.out.println("Maximum value: " + maxValue); | print the max value after the recursion ends | This statement prints the maximum value of the array to the default standard output stream. | 2 |
point.translate(11, 6); | Increases the x and y integer, which are a part of the point variable, by 11 and 6 respectively. | This statement invokes the method translate of the point. | 2 |
point.translate(11, 6); | Increases the x and y integer, which are a part of the point variable, by 11 and 6 respectively. | The second parameter specifies how much we want to shift the y-coordinate of the point. | 2 |
point.translate(11, 6); | Increases the x and y integer, which are a part of the point variable, by 11 and 6 respectively. | The translate method receives two parameters. | 2 |
point.translate(11, 6); | Increases the x and y integer, which are a part of the point variable, by 11 and 6 respectively. | The first parameter specifies how much we want to shift the x-coordinate of the point. | 2 |
System.out.println("The point's coordinates: (" + point.getX() + ", " + point.getY() + ")") ; | Prints the coordinates (x and y ints) of the point variable. | Note that we do not necessarily have to store the returned value from each of these methods in a variable. | 1 |
System.out.println("The point's coordinates: (" + point.getX() + ", " + point.getY() + ")") ; | Prints the coordinates (x and y ints) of the point variable. | We could use the returned value of them directly in the println statement. | 2 |
System.out.println("The point's coordinates: (" + point.getX() + ", " + point.getY() + ")") ; | Prints the coordinates (x and y ints) of the point variable. | This statement prints the coordinates of the point to the default standard output stream. | 5 |
System.out.println("The point's coordinates: (" + point.getX() + ", " + point.getY() + ")") ; | Prints the coordinates (x and y ints) of the point variable. | The printed text is followed by the end-of-line character at the end. | 1 |
System.out.println("The point's coordinates: (" + point.getX() + ", " + point.getY() + ")") ; | Prints the coordinates (x and y ints) of the point variable. | To get the point's coordinates, we invoke the method getX and getY of the point. | 2 |
class Point1 { | Creates a class called Point1 | We define the class Point1 to represent a point in the Euclidean plane. | 3 |
private int y; | Creates an int y which is part of the Point1 class. | Therefore, we need to declare an instance variable for the class to store the y-coordinate of the point. | 2 |
private int y; | Creates an int y which is part of the Point1 class. | We declare it as integer because we want to have integer coordinates for the point. | 3 |
private int y; | Creates an int y which is part of the Point1 class. | Note that an instance variable is a variable defined in a class, for which each instantiated object of the class has a separate copy, or instance. | 1 |
private int y; | Creates an int y which is part of the Point1 class. | Every object of the Point1 class will have its own y-coordinate. | 2 |
public void translate(int dx, int dy) { | Creates a function called translate which takes 2 ints called dx and dy | This method shifts the coordinates by a specific delta-x and delta-y, which are passed as parameters. | 4 |
public void translate(int dx, int dy) { | Creates a function called translate which takes 2 ints called dx and dy | We define this method as public to provide access to this method from outside of the class. | 2 |
public void translate(int dx, int dy) { | Creates a function called translate which takes 2 ints called dx and dy | Also, we define its return type as void, as it does not return any value. | 1 |
public void translate(int dx, int dy) { | Creates a function called translate which takes 2 ints called dx and dy | Note that both of the parameters are declared as integers because the point has integer coordinates. | 2 |
x += dx; | Increases the x int in the Point1 class by dx | To shift the x-coordinate of the point, we need to add dx to the value of the x-coordinate of the point. | 4 |
public void setX(int newX) { | Creates a function that sets the x int in the Point1 class | Also, we define its return type as void, as it does not return any value. | 1 |
public void setX(int newX) { | Creates a function that sets the x int in the Point1 class | We define this method as public to provide access to this method from outside of the class. | 1 |
public void setX(int newX) { | Creates a function that sets the x int in the Point1 class | This method sets the current value of the x-coordinate of the point to the given value (newX) that is specified as the method's parameter. | 4 |
public void setX(int newX) { | Creates a function that sets the x int in the Point1 class | Note that the instance variable x is private; thus, it cannot be directly changed from outside the class. | 1 |
public void setX(int newX) { | Creates a function that sets the x int in the Point1 class | The parameter of the method is declared as integer because the x-coordinate of the point is an integer. | 1 |
public void setX(int newX) { | Creates a function that sets the x int in the Point1 class | It can be changed from outside the class only through this method. | 1 |
public void setX(int newX) { | Creates a function that sets the x int in the Point1 class. | Also, we define its return type as void, as it does not return any value. | 1 |
public void setX(int newX) { | Creates a function that sets the x int in the Point1 class. | We define this method as public to provide access to this method from outside of the class. | 1 |
public void setX(int newX) { | Creates a function that sets the x int in the Point1 class. | This method sets the current value of the x-coordinate of the point to the given value (newX) that is specified as the method's parameter. | 4 |
public void setX(int newX) { | Creates a function that sets the x int in the Point1 class. | Note that the instance variable x is private; thus, it cannot be directly changed from outside the class. | 1 |
public void setX(int newX) { | Creates a function that sets the x int in the Point1 class. | The parameter of the method is declared as integer because the x-coordinate of the point is an integer. | 2 |
public void setX(int newX) { | Creates a function that sets the x int in the Point1 class. | It can be changed from outside the class only through this method. | 1 |
public void setX(int newX) { | This function takes an int called newX. | Also, we define its return type as void, as it does not return any value. | 1 |
Subsets and Splits