Automatic Speech Recognition
audioduration (s) 1.13
| text_ga
stringlengths 3
| text_en
stringlengths 3
Nuair a dhúisigh mé, bhí brón orm. | When I woke up, I was sad. |
Caithfidh mé dul a chodladh. | I have to go to bed. |
Táim i ngrá leat. | I love you. |
Tá grá agam duit. | I love you. |
Comhghairdeas! | Congratulations! |
Is imeartas focal é seo. | This is a pun. |
Imeartas focal is ea é seo. | This is a pun. |
Is aingeal thú! | You're an angel! |
Tá aisling agam. | I have a dream. |
Tá tuirse orm. | I'm tired. |
Tá tinneas cinn orm. | I have a headache. |
Nollaig Shona! | Merry Christmas! |
Nollaig Shona duit! | Merry Christmas! |
Tá mé pósta agus tá beirt pháistí agam. | I am married and have two children. |
Tá sé fuar. | It's cold. |
Tá tart orm. | I'm thirsty. |
Níl uaim dul ar scoil. | I don't want to go to school. |
Níor mhaith liom dul ar scoil. | I don't want to go to school. |
Tá sé ag cur. | It is raining. |
Tá sé ag cur báisteach. | It is raining. |
Cá bhfuil tú? | Where are you? |
Cá bhfuil sibh? | Where are you? |
Is breá liom turais. | I love trips. |
Níl aithne agam air. | I don't know him. |
Is cuma liom. | I don't care. |
Bíonn cluasa ar an gcoill. | The walls have ears. |
Bíonn cluasa ar na claíocha. | The walls have ears. |
Ceapaim gur chóir duit leithscéal a dhéanamh di. | I think that you ought to apologize to her. |
An bhfuil tú ag bualadh le duine éigin anseo? | Are you meeting someone here? |
An féidir leat carr a thiomáint? | Can you drive a car? |
An féidir leat gluaisteán a thiomáint? | Can you drive a car? |
Cad tá uait? | What are you looking for? |
Cad atá tu ag déanamh? | What are you doing? |
Tá trí cupán caife ólta agat. | You've drunk three cups of coffee. |
Tá tú chomh gnóthach le beacha i gcónaí. | You are always as busy as a bee. |
An itheann tú rís i do thír féin? | Do you eat rice in your country? |
Is maith an t-anlann an t-ocras. | Hunger is the best sauce. |
D'fhéadfadh sé a bheith saibhir, ach tá sé ceachartha. | He may be rich, but he is stingy. |
Tá bonn óir ann. | There is a gold coin. |
Tá sláinte níos fearr ná saibhreas. | Health is better than wealth. |
Tosaíonn an t-oideachas sa bhaile. | Education starts at home. |
Gan aon agó! | Without a doubt! |
Tosaíonn scoil ag a hocht a chlog ar maidin. | School begins at 8:10 a.m. |
Cén slí abhfuil an trá? | Which way is the beach? |
Is é an Neiptiún t-ochtú pláinéad an ghrianchórais. | Neptune is the eighth planet of the solar system. |
Céard a ólfaidh tú? | What will you have to drink? |
Cén fáth? | For what? |
Cad chuige? | What for? |
Abair arís? | Come again? |
Is laoch mé. | I'm a hero. |
Tá rós buí ann. | There is a yellow rose. |
Tá Londan, príomhchathair Shasana, suite ar an Tamais. | London, the capital of England, is on the Thames. |
Tá an Béarla deacair a fhoghlaim. | English is difficult to learn. |
Is doiligh an Bearla a fhoghlaim. | English is difficult to learn. |
Is teanga an domhain é an Béarla. | English is the world's language. |
An labhraítear an Béarla i gCeanada? | Is English spoken in Canada? |
Cearr. | Wrong. |
Mícheart. | Wrong. |
Nár bhuaileamar riamh? | Haven't we met before? |
Nár chasamar ar a chéile roimhe seo? | Haven't we met before? |
Chas sí air an lampa, mar bhí sé dorcha. | She switched on the lamp because it was dark. |
Is as Kiótó dom. | I'm from Kyoto. |
Táim níos áille ná tusa. | I am more beautiful than you. |
Is é an leon rí na dufaire. | The lion is the king of the jungle. |
Éist go cúramach | Listen carefully. |
Fáilte! Conas atá tú? | Hi! How are you? |
Dia duit! Cé chaoi a bhfuil tú? | Hi! How are you? |
Is mian liom go raibh tú beagán níos airde. | I wish I were a little taller. |
Triail arís. | Try again. |
Tá Meg ag bualadh druma. | Meg is beating a drum. |
Rith Máire. | Mary ran. |
An bhfuil tú réidh a ithe? | Are you ready to eat? |
Níl a fhios agam fós. | I don't know yet. |
Feicfidh mé ar ball sibh. | I'll see you later. |
Ó, cad é seo? | Oh, what is this? |
Bhain mé taitneamh as an gceolchoirm ach amháin go raibh an halla fuar. | I enjoyed the concert except that the hall was cold. |
Ní raibh muid in ann déanamh amach ceard a bhí Paul ag iarraidh a dhéanamh. | We couldn't figure out what Paul wanted to do. |
Bhí Bille déanach don scoil mar is gnách. | Bill was late for school as usual. |
Thit Peter i ngrá leis an cailín. | Peter fell in love with the girl. |
Is é Páras príomhchathair na Fraince. | Paris is the capital of France. |
Cá bhfuil críochfort na mbus? | Where is the bus terminal? |
Tá, tá ort. | Yes, you must. |
Tá, tá oraibh. | Yes, you must. |
Tá cat ann. | There is a cat. |
Is cathair mhór í New York. | New York is a big city. |
Cad é? | What? |
Céard? | What? |
Chomh iontach! | How wonderful! |
Cén fáth? | Why? |
Cad chuige? | Why? |
Conas atá an aimsir? | How's the weather? |
Is féidir le aon leanbh sin a dhéanamh. | Any child can do that. |
Cé mhéid? | How big? |
Cé acu ceann mo cheannsa? | Which is mine? |
Seasaigí siar le bhur dtoil. | Stand back, please. |
Oscail an doras. | Open the door. |
An bhfuil tú go maith ag leadóige? | Are you good at tennis? |
Tá oráiste ar an tábla ann. | There is an orange on the table. |
Tar éis an dinnéir, siúlaim ar an dtrá. | After dinner, I walk on the beach. |
Táim tuirseach traochta. | I'm worn out. |
Synthetic audio dataset, created using Azure text-to-speech service. The bilingual text is a portion of the Tatoeba dataset, consisting of 1,983 text segments. The dataset consists of two sets of audio data, one with a female voice (OrlaNeural) and the other with a male voice (ColmNeural). The speech data comprises approximately 2 hours and 39 minutes (02:39:31) spread across 3,966 utterances.
features: ['audio', 'text_ga', 'text_en'],
num_rows: 3966
Please refer to the Terms of Use of Tatoeba project.
was created and introduced as part of the following paper:@inproceedings{moslem2024leveraging,
title={Leveraging Synthetic Audio Data for End-to-End Low-Resource Speech Translation},
author={Moslem, Yasmin},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2024)},
address={Bangkok, Thailand}
title = "{Parallel Data, Tools and Interfaces in {OPUS}}",
booktitle = "{Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language
Resources and Evaluation ({LREC}'12)}",
author = "Tiedemann, J{\"o}rg",
publisher = "European Language Resources Association (ELRA)",
pages = "2214--2218",
month = may,
year = 2012,
url = "http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2012/pdf/463_Paper.pdf",
address = "Istanbul, Turkey"