{ "author": "moochachos", "title": "Extended ldap attributes from Active Directory?", "body": "We are running Confluence version 3.5 and it integrates with Active Directory nicely to manae users and groups for us. However, it only collects and displays the baisc data, i.e. name and email. How can it be exended to also include the other schema information such as phone number and position to be displayed in the user profile?\n\nAny help appreciated.\n" }
[ { "author": "Christian Neureiter-Schneider", "body": "Isn't there any free plugin available for that?\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Matt", "body": "The User Profile Plugin enhances the functionality of Confluence user profiles by allowing you to extend user profiles with additional elements. It supports LDAP-synchronization for any attribute. See:\n\n<>\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Betsy Walker", "body": "If you're using Atlassian's Crowd product, there evidently is a way to [extend it to support additional LDAP attributes]( \"extend it to support additional LDAP attributes\").\n\nAlso, a [2007 post from Jamie Echlin's blog]( \"2007 post from Jamie Echlin's blog\") describes how to set up a custom field to retrieve values from an LDAP store. It may require updating for the version of JIRA you're using, but perhaps it's worth a look.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "David Soldan", "title": "CLI command for linking attachments", "body": "Hello everybody,\n\nDoes the Confluence Command line Interface provide a command for setting a link on a page to a attachment??\n\nI tried the \"addAttachment\" but it just move the attachment to the page.\n\nGreetings David\n" }
[ { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "Not sure what you are trying to do, but, if you need to change the page source in any way (like adding links etc...), you need to use **storePage** . You can retrieve the existing source using **getPageSource**.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "David Soldan", "body": "Would it be something like confluence.bat --action storePage --space \"space\" --title \"title\" --content \"\\[data.png\\|This is a picture\\] ??\\^\\^\n" }, { "author": "David Soldan", "body": "For example i load an attachement on a page with \"--loadFiles\". This Attachement can be downloaded if you click on the paperclip symbol but i want that the file is linked on that page. You know what i mean?\n\nSo how would i use the storePage command in this case? The parameters --space and --title are clear but what do i use for content/file ??\n" }, { "author": "David Soldan", "body": "Ok that would work, but if i use the command --storePage the new content replaces the old one!\n" }, { "author": "David Soldan", "body": "If I use \"--storepage\" with adding new content, the new content replaces the old one. Is it possible to just attach the new content after the old ??\n" }, { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "Use **getPageSource** to get the existing source, append whatever you want, then **storePage**\n" } ] }, { "author": "LM", "body": "You could try <> to script it, if you are ok to script groovy code around Confluence API.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "cli" ]
{ "author": "Dave Drexler", "title": "How to apply labels to a page tree", "body": "Hi folks - it seems to me that I've seen a plugin or macro that allows one to apply a label or labels to an entire tree of pages. But I've been searching in the Plugins site to no avail.\n\nDid I just dream this up?\n" }
[ { "author": "SarahA", "body": "Hallo Dave\n\nI haven't tried that plugin, nor seen one with the exact solution that you describe. But I do have an idea for a workaround. You could add a page that contains just the {pagetree} macro, limited to the relevant parent page and children. Then you could add the label(s) to that page.\n\nDoes that help at all?\n\nCheers, Sarah\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Dave Drexler", "body": "Thanks Sarah - that's a simple idea that will help to some extent.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Mert Karada?l? _ K?stebek Teknoloji _", "body": "Hi,\n\nYou could do it with Label Manager for Confluence plug in.[](<> \nYou could search for similar labels in a space and then merge them into one standard label. \nYou could also do bulk operations like appending , adding and removing labels. \nDocumentation is here:[](<> \nRegards,\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "David Dube", "body": "Another option would be to use the Checklist Plugin from Comalatech. Here's [an example]( of setting up a list of children under a parent and you can select/deselect labels (this could be done on a separate scratch wiki).\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "That's exactly the plugin I was about to point you at. I've tried installing it in Confluence 3.4.9 and it was not a happy bunny at all\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Dave Drexler", "body": "I think it was this <> that I was remembering. So now I have a somewhat different question:\n\nIs anyone out there successfully using this plugin with a recent version of Confluence? (3.2+)\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "label", "macro" ]
{ "author": "Nathan Hopkins", "title": "Is there a guide for Confluence data/space migrations?", "body": "Is their a guide for Confluence data/space migrations - also does it cover migrations between versions?\n" }
[ { "author": "NikE", "body": "For migrating:\n\n<>\n\nFor upgrading:\n\n<>\n\nBe sure to select the doc version at the top for the version you are working with.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Nathan Hopkins", "body": "Thanks, what about more granular exports? Say for example one space from an older version of Confluence?\n" } ] }, { "author": "Peter Milakovich", "body": "We're currently preparing to migrate spaces from one instance of Confluence to another (same version, basically merging the two).\n\nThe instance that is going away was built when we were first learning Confluence, and due to the nature of work, things change over time. Space Keys on the older instance could use some updating.\n\nSince we're basically exporting the spaces to a file that is then imported into the new instance, I'm wondering if anyone has attempted to change space keys on the export file before importing it into the new instance.\n\nIt 'sounds' easy enough, just wondering if anyone has tried it and ran into any problems/difficulties/gotchas.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "hsuhailah", "body": "Alternatively, you can [change the version of space backup]( in order to import a space backup from an earlier version to a later version of Confluence e.g. importing a space backup from 2.8 to 3.5.13. However this is not recommended for Confluence 4.0 and later as the content type has changed and saved in xhtml.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Nathan Hopkins", "body": "Exports; <> This helps with imports; <> However it seems an upgrade is required if you wish to export and import in higher version\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Nathan Hopkins", "body": "This helps with exports;<>This helps with imports;<>However it seems an upgrade is required if you wish to export and import in higher version\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "migration", "upgrade" ]
{ "author": "Leo B", "title": "Testing upgrade from Confluence 3.4.3 to 4.0beta", "body": "Hello, I'm testing this new version and i'm having some problems. The user macros are not working anymore after the upgrade, i have this message: \"There are user macros without any metadata configured in their template. They have been highlighted below.\"\n\nAlso, all the plugins that i have, it seems that i don't have them anymore.\n\nHelp, please... Thanks in advance.\n" }
[ { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "Plesse add an example user macro that doesn't work on C4\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Leo B", "body": "Hello, this is what i'm trying to use:\n\n## General variables needed for this user macro - do not change\n\n#set ($remoteUser = $action.remoteUser)\n\n#set ($staticResourcePrefix = $webResourceManager.getStaticResourcePrefix())\n\n#set ($categCounter = 0)\n\n##==============================================================================\n\n## MODIFY - CUSTOMIZE TO YOUR NEEDS (only 2 variables)\n\n## Enter category names, example: \\[\"Categ 1\", \"Categ 2\"\\]\n\n#set ( $categoryNames = \\[\"Public\", \"AESS Group\", \"Project\", \"Archive\"\\] )\n\n#\\*\n\nEnter spacekeys for each category\n\n-\\> the number of entries must be the same as the number of categories specified in the var $categoryNames\n\n-\\> the keys of the map must be named the same as the category names in the $categoryNames variable\n\n\\*#\n\n#set ( $spaceCategories = {} )\n\n$spaceCategories.put(\"Public\", \\[\"SPACE_KEY\"\\])\n\n$spaceCategories.put(\"AESS Group\", \\[\"SPACE_KEY\"\\])\n\n$spaceCategories.put(\"Project\", \\[\"SPACE_KEY\"\\])\n\n$spaceCategories.put(\"Archive\", \\[\"SPACE_KEY\"\\]) \nIt created different categories for the spaces on the dashboard. I don't understand why is this not working anymore on this version. Any clue? \nThanks.\n" } ] }, { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "The meta data for user macros is that stuff at the top of the macro in comments. Without the metadata, Confluence 4 does not know how to display the macro parameters in the macro browser\n\nThe example macro below has 2 parameters, one of which is optional.\n\n```\n## Macro title: My Macro\n## Macro has a body: N\n## Body processing: Selected body processing option\n## Output: Selected output option\n##\n## Developed by: My Name\n## Date created: dd/mm/yyyy\n## Installed by: My Name\n\n## This is an example macro\n## @param Name:title=Name|type=string|required=true|desc=Your name\n## @param Colour:title=Favourite Colour|type=enum|enumValues=red,green,blue|default=red|desc=Choose your favourite colour\n\nHello, <font color=\"$paramColour\">$paramName</font>!\n```\n", "comments": [ { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "BTW: Don't use the **font** tag :(\n" }, { "author": "Leo B", "body": "Hello, thanks for your help but it is not working. I've added those coments at the top of the macro and it's still showing the same message. What i'm doing wrong?\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Andreas Precht", "title": "Enable an Speakeasy extention for all users", "body": "Hi there,\n\nwe need a way to enable some speakeasy-extentions for all confluence-users as an confluence-administrator or Server-Administor till there is an option to configure this. Our user should have some features with their first login, without to have enable theses by themthelf.\n\nDoes anybody knows a workaround?\n\nCheers,\n\nAndreas\n" }
[ { "author": "Don Brown [Atlassian]", "body": "As I believe you found, there is an open issue for this feature: <>\n\nFocusing on the transition from user-enabled extension to proper extension/plugin is something I plan on focusing on probably around the October timeframe. In the meantime, you are always welcome to fork and submit a pull request.. :)\n\n**EDIT:** This feature has been implemented in trunk and will be part of the 1.3 release.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Andreas Precht", "body": "October would be a great timeframe. We're going to launch our portal in november, so October is great. Then we're sure that all users can use the pulled the extentions with their first login.\n\nThanks a lot.\n" }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "AFAIK the changes required to convert a speakeasy extension to a proper plugin are pretty small. So if you want it available to everyone, sounds like you should convert it to a full-fledged plugin.\n" } ] } ]
[ "speakeasy" ]
{ "author": "Jason Skrzypek", "title": "Report on most recent entry of table-data", "body": "I have a table that stores meeting data, and im trying to do a report that shows the most recent meeting date. The idea being that a dashboard will be created that shows the last visit dates of our strategic clients. The table data im using if found below:\n> h4. Meeting Plan:\n>\n> {table-data:meetingplan\\|initialRows=1}\n>\n> \\|\\| Date \\|\\| Meeting Type \\|\\| Attendees \\|\\| Details \\|\\| Opportunities \\|\\|\n>\n> \\| {date-data:Meetingdate\\|format=dd/MM/yyyy\\|minYear=2010}{date-data} \\| {list-data:Meetingtype\\|blank=true\\|type=select\\|multiple=false}\n>\n> {list-option}Business Meeting{list-option}\n>\n> {list-option}Dinner{list-option}\n>\n> {list-option}Event Attendance{list-option}\n>\n> {list-option}Monthly Review{list-option}\n>\n> {list-option}Quarterly Meeting{list-option}\n>\n> {list-option}Other{list-option}\n>\n> {list-data}{align}\\| {text-data:meetingattendees\\|type=line}{text-data} \\| {text-data:details\\|type=area\\|width=250px}{text-data} \\| {text-data:meetingopportunities\\|type=area\\|width=250px}{text-data} \\|\n>\n> {table-data}\n\nI know how to use expanding reporter to report on information held in tables, but im struggling to report on only one line (the bottom line, or the most recent meeting date). Any ideas??\n" }
[ { "author": "Jason Skrzypek", "body": "Sorted it using the collection suppliers. Example below where meetingplan is the table name, and Meetingdate is the data to return back :-)\n\n{report-column:title=Last Meeeting}{report-info:data:meetingplan \\> collection:last \\> data:Meetingdate\\|format=dd-MMM-yyyy}{report-column}\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "report", "table" ]
{ "author": "Jan Luehring", "title": "Cisco has acquired TaskDock", "body": "So, Taskdock was acquired by Cisco: <>\n\nIt seems like the business has been shut down completely.\n\nThe plugin was very useful to us. Is there any alternative? What do you use to manage tasks in confluence?\n\nThank you\n\nJan\n" }
[ { "author": "Matt", "body": "Hi Jan -- I would suggest checking out Comalatech's Ad-Hoc Workflows Plugin. I saw a demo of what they've got coming in Con fluence 4.0 and it looks great.\n\n<>\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "RIsk", "body": "We need brilliant minds to bring a [Trello]( \"Trello\") clone to Confluence!\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Alex Bobrovski", "title": "How to add myself (super admin) to a page which viewing/editing is restricted?", "body": "Hi,\n\nI'm a knowledge manager working with Confluence 3.5 with max permissions. So, I can see absolutely all the pages, but can't edited them if their viewing/editing is restricted. I often need it to make some fixes in someone's documentation.\n\nI go to**Space Administration****\\>** **Restricted Page**. But I can't add myself to a restriction list for a particular page.\n\nSo each time, I remove all the restrictions, than add them again + me. Finally, I can edit a page. It's too complicated. \n\nNeed your assistance. \n" }
[ { "author": "Alex Bobrovski", "body": "Users who are members of the 'confluence-administrators' group ('super-users') can view all pages regardless of the page restrictions. To be able to edit the page, you will need to remove the restriction from it first -- go to **Space Administration** \\> **Restricted Pages**.\n\ncrap.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "HopeJ", "body": "If you hover over the padlock do you get a message?\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Alex Bobrovski", "body": "yes, I can see the popup message.\n" }, { "author": "HopeJ", "body": "Are you a member of your confluence administrators group as you should be able to select the padlock and add yourself?\n" }, { "author": "Alex Bobrovski", "body": "no-one from our team can do that, it's quite strange.\n\nDo you where this can be locked?\n" } ] }, { "author": "HopeJ", "body": "I can add myself to a restricted page by going to Space Admin / restricted page. You then select the page by the name which takes you to it. Select the padlock key and add mysef.\n\nThis will be easier than removing all the restrictions.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Alex Bobrovski", "body": "no, if I click this padlock, it doesn't open the window.\n\nI can see all the pages, but if it's restricted, and I'm not in the list, the restriction window just doesn't appear.\n" }, { "author": "Alex Bobrovski", "body": "In **Global Permissions**I've got all the check-boxes checked next to my name.\n\\<th class=\"permissionHeading\" width=\"120\"\\> \\</th\\>\\<th class=\"permissionTab\" width=\"88\"\\>Attach Files to User Profile\\</th\\>\\<th class=\"permissionTab\" width=\"88\"\\>Update User Status\\</th\\>\\<th class=\"permissionTab\" width=\"88\"\\>Personal Space\\</th\\>\\<th class=\"permissionTab\" width=\"88\"\\>Create Space(s)\\</th\\>\\<th class=\"permissionTab\" width=\"88\"\\>Confluence Administrator\\</th\\>\\<th class=\"permissionTab\" width=\"88\"\\>System Administrator\\</th\\>\n\n|---|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n| | ![](https://docs.alpari-ru.dom/s/en/2148/410/_/images/icons/emoticons/check.gif) can use | ![](https://docs.alpari-ru.dom/s/en/2148/410/_/images/icons/emoticons/check.gif) | ![](https://docs.alpari-ru.dom/s/en/2148/410/_/images/icons/emoticons/check.gif) | ![](https://docs.alpari-ru.dom/s/en/2148/410/_/images/icons/emoticons/check.gif) | ![](https://docs.alpari-ru.dom/s/en/2148/410/_/images/icons/emoticons/check.gif) | ![](https://docs.alpari-ru.dom/s/en/2148/410/_/images/icons/emoticons/check.gif) | ![](https://docs.alpari-ru.dom/s/en/2148/410/_/images/icons/emoticons/check.gif) |\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Tarja Kaukonen", "title": "How do i edit file confluence.cfg.xml", "body": "Hi,\n\nI want to use custom backup. I have confluence version 3.5.x.\n\nSo, how do i get editing file **confluence.cfg.xml**? Maybe i have to use SSH but how?\n\n-Jani\n" }
[ { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "You're using hosted Confluence. I'd submit a support request with your host provider to ask for details to do this.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "David Dube", "body": "You'll need to SSH into the box hosting your confluence instance and then edit the file...\n\nTry looking in: ../your_confluence_distribution/data/confluence.cfg.xml\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Tarja Kaukonen", "body": "Sorry, I don't understand.\n\nCan I use putty with SSH? What is the address where i should connect?\n\nAnd what kind of password I should use, perhaps the same as I login confluence or confluence admin password?\n\nOur confluence address is <>\n\nSorry my bad english.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Rochelle McCullough", "title": "How do I indent text?", "body": "Text currently looks like this:\n\nSub Main 'Start Sub Routine \nCall Noise ' Call Beep \nMsgBox \"Returns a Beep\" ' Message box \nEnd Sub ' End subroutine \nSub Noise ' Start of routine \nDim lAnswer As Long ' Declare long Reply \nDim vMsg As Variant ' Declare variables. \nDo ' Control structure \nlAnswer = InputBox(\"Enter a value from 1 to 3.\") \nIf (lAnswer \\>= 1 And lAnswer \\<= 3) Then ' Check range. \nExit Do ' Exit Do...Loop. \nElse ' Error \nBeep ' Beep eror. \nEnd If ' End Construct \nLoop ' Loop \nMsgBox \"You entered a value in the proper range.\" \nEnd Sub ' End of Routine \n' End of XCM\n\nHow can I indent the text, so it looks like the below: \n\nSub Main 'Start Sub Routine\n\nCall Noise ' Call Beep\n\nMsgBox \"Returns a Beep\" ' Message box\n\nEnd Sub ' End subroutine\n\nSub Noise ' Start of routine\n\nDim lAnswer As Long ' Declare long Reply\n\nDim vMsg As Variant ' Declare variables.\n\nDo ' Control structure\n\nlAnswer = InputBox(\"Enter a value from 1 to 3.\")\n\nIf (lAnswer \\>= 1 And lAnswer \\<= 3) Then ' Check range.\n\nExit Do ' Exit Do...Loop.\n\nElse ' Error\n\nBeep ' Beep eror.\n\nEnd If ' End Construct\n\nLoop ' Loop\n\nMsgBox \"You entered a value in the proper range.\"\n\nEnd Sub ' End of Routine\n\n' End of XCM\n" }
[ { "author": "David Dube", "body": "To indent general text, you can use the [Indent User Macro]( Default is set to one level of indent, but you can specify however many levels that you want/need.\n\nDave\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Matt", "body": "You'll be able to indent text in the new editor coming in Confluence 4.0 later this month. See:\n\n<>\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "Wrap it in a {code} macro.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "timrmoore", "title": "Can not log in after upgrade to Confluence 3.5.7", "body": "Copied across OSUser and Atlassian User files from 2.7.4 before upgrading, started Confluence OK (after adding new licence) but can not log in as any user. Can view confluence pages etc, but just can't log in\n\nUsing Internal with LDAP Authentication\n\n<br />\n" }
[ { "author": "Jeremy Largman", "body": "I believe this is an instance of the OSUser upgrade problem:\n\n<>\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Joe Clark", "body": "Hey Tim,\n\nThe user management system changed dramatically in Confluence 3.5 - it may not be possible to copy over your osuser and atlassian-user files from a Confluence 2.7 install and have it work instantly.\n\nCheck out our upgrade notes on this subject: <>\n\nIf you are still stuck, I think the quickest path for you it to create a support ticket on <> - our support engineers are upgrade experts and will be able to guide you through each step of the process.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Alexander Alexander", "title": "LDAP synchronization does not load any group member", "body": "Hi, \nwe use confluence 3.5 together with LDAP user directory. User and groups are synchronized but the groups do not show any member. \nWe are able to login with our LDAP accounts but without any group membership. \nOur LDAP is a OpenLDAP system. \n\nAfter synchronization confluence has all groups and members from LDAP, but groups don't contain any member. \n\nWhy does confluence not load the members from the member-Attribute?\n\nThanks in advance.\n" }
[ { "author": "Brian Hill", "body": "The posixGroup (memberUid) and groupOfNames (member) are mutually exclusive object classes. memberUid is just a login name - not an entire DN the way member is.\n\nThe question for Atlassian support how they support the posixGroup config if they even do.\n\nHas anyone figured this out yet?\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "I think your user membership attribute is wrong, I don't see how it could be uid. It should be memberOf or something.\n\nTry unchecking that option.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Alexander Alexander", "body": "We use static group configuration, when group's members contains into group, not into user (dynamic group configuration).\n\nAlso I tried setup configuration with unchecked and cheched option. I tried both, but result is same (\n" }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "I would create a support ticket, I'd be interested to hear what Atlassian support say about this. Sorry not to be of more help.\n" }, { "author": "Alexander Alexander", "body": "Thank you.\n\nCan you post the link of support ticket. I also will check it state.\n" }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "Sorry, I meant that I advise you to create a support ticket, and then post back here if you get useful information.\n" } ] }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "How do you mean \"member-Attribute\"? AFAIK the member attribute for OpenLDAP is uniqueMember. If you have member, you need to change that in in Membership Schema Settings.\n\nCan you double-check the actual attribute in your schema, and the settings in jira.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Alexander Alexander", "body": "Jamie, thank you for answer.\n\nI set next parameters in LDAP User Directory in section \"Membership Schema Settings\":\n\n**Group Members Attribute:** memberUid\n\n**User Membership Attribute:** uid\n\n**Use the User Membership Attribute:** When finding the user's group membership\n\nAnd after this settings members didn't load in group.\n" }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "What does the ldif for a group look like. does it have attributes called memberUid?\n\nMy settings are:\n\n**Group Members Attribute:** uniqueMember\n\nand the checkbox unchecked. You may have your openldap set up different from mine of course, so only looking at the ldif for a group will tell us.\n" }, { "author": "Alexander Alexander", "body": "ldif of group:\n\ndn: cn=block_ip,ou=dev,ou=Group,dc=example,dc=com \nobjectClass: posixGroup \nobjectClass: top \ncn: block_ip \ndescription: users can use script block_ip \nmemberUid: daymon \nmemberUid: brian \nmemberUid: paul \nmemberUid: john \ngidNumber: 14485 \n\n<br />\n" }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "Hrm I have the full DN for the users - perhaps it needs that? And do you have the revese lookup working, such that if you look at the ldif for a user it shows the groups they're in? I guess that needs to be tree if you have that checkbox checked.\n\nI'm afraid I'm out of ideas, so you might need Atlassian support. But I wonder if it requires the full DN of the users rather than just the uid.\n" }, { "author": "Alexander Alexander", "body": "**ldif of user:**\n\ndn: uid=daymon,ou=staff,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com \nobjectClass: posixAccount \nobjectClass: top \nobjectClass: inetOrgPerson \ngidNumber: 65534 \ngivenName: Daymon \nsn: Caulfield \ndisplayName: daymon Caulfield \nuid: daymon \nhomeDirectory: /home/daymon \nloginShell: /bin/bash \nmail: [email protected] \ncn: Daymon Caulfield \nuidNumber: 56596 \nuserPassword: {SHA}hashofholdensecretpass= \n" } ] } ]
[ "ldap" ]
{ "author": "John Aitken", "title": "importing wiki markup text files", "body": "We want to create in Confluence an inventory of our company database tables and their associated fields.\n\nWe are able to generate by script the wiki markup code we need to represent all fields in each of the database tables. Is there a way to import this raw text as a single or multiple files and create one page per database table, which will pre-fill and/or include/assign the following information?\n\n* Confluence page title\n* Page description heading and content in main body of page\n* confluence page label\n\nAs we need to create \\>200 tables and therefore pages, a simple way of doing this would be a great help!\n\nthanks in advance\n\njohn\n" }
[ { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "[Confluence Command Line Interface]( has actions that will help with that.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "John Aitken", "body": "thx Bob, I'll share with the dbase guys and test it out.\n" }, { "author": "John Aitken", "body": "A couple of questions:\n\nDoes this mean that we need command line access to the JIRA hosted environment so that we can import the text files? If yes, how do we do that?\n\nDo we install the plugin ourselves or is this something Atlassian needs to install on the JIRA Studio hosted environment on our behalf?\n\nthx\n\njohn\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "ket.pjwstk", "title": "How to block personal spaces?", "body": "Hi,\n\nI would like to ask, how do I prevent users from creating (and viewing) personal spaces.\n\nI.e removing personal space link form browse menu\n" }
[ { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "Prevention - remove the right for them to do it. Admin -\\> Security -\\> Global permissions and restrict \"personal space\" to the users/groups you want to allow it for\n\nPreventing people seeing an existing personal space is up to the actual space permissions though.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Jay", "body": "Thanks [@Nic Brough -Adaptavist-](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/781454) for the reply, worked well, deleting them post invitation was getting tiresome.\n" } ] } ]
[ "java" ]
{ "author": "Alex Zaeper", "title": "How do I get the children of a specific page ?", "body": "Hi,\n\nwhen I use $page.children I got all children of the current page.\n\nI want to get the children of a specific page like $mypage.children .\n\nIs there a function or does anybody know how to get a list/array of the children of a specific page ?\n\nThanks\n" }
[ { "author": "Alex Zaeper", "body": "Ok,\n\nI made an if else construct to set the specified page. Then I use $page.children.\n\nIf anyone wanna know exactly, just ask.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "Also, look at the renderChildren macro in macros.vm for additional clues :)\n" } ] } ]
[ "child-page", "decorator", "page", "velocity" ]
{ "author": "Andrew Drury", "title": "Importing Word doc - arrows etc do not carry over", "body": "Hi: I've imported a Word doc into a Confluence page that contains images (screenshots) with arrows inserted in to the doc to point the reader to specific places in the image. The text and screenshot images carry over well, but I've lost the arrows.\n\nAny suggestions on how I can retain the arrows when importing?\n\nI'm using Confl 3.5.11.\n\nThx\n\nAndrew Drury\n" }
[ { "author": "Andrew Drury", "body": "Nice work-around. It's extra work, of course - having to re-do the screenshots ourselves - and it would be better if Confluence could copy the arrows as well as the screenshots, but it does provide a solution. So, thanks, Brian :-)\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "briburt", "body": "I was in the same situation the other day, so, before I imported the doc into Confluence, I took screen grabs of the areas in the Word doc with the screenshots w/ arrows, and then deleted the arrows and original screenshots and replaced them with the new screenshots (the ones that include the arrow and the original in a single image).\n\nMost decent screenshot apps will have the ability to save the image to the clipboard, so all you need to do is take the new screen grab and have it automatically saved to the clipboard, then delete the arrow and old screenshot, and paste in the new one. Then do the Import from Word into Confluence when you're done.\n\nYou lose the ability to move the arrows around but you now get a single image with both arrow and original screen imported into Confluence.\n\nSeems like a bit of a kludge, I know, but it was all I could think of to do, and the results look identical to what was in the Word doc. Would be happy to hear if anyone has a better solution.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "import" ]
{ "author": "Michael Roff", "title": "Default Theme for Personal Space", "body": "Is it possible to set the default theme for personal spaces?\n\nWe are looking to use refinedwiki and would like the refinedwiki theme to be the default theme for users when they create their own personal space.\n" }
[ { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "You'd need a custom plugin...Create an EventListener plugin that listens for space create events and checks on the isPersonalSpace() method (from memory), then updates the theme for the space. Here's the documentation for Event Listeners:<>\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Michael Roff", "body": "Sounds good David, but possibly out of my league. I'll have to study up before I tackle this one.\n\nThanks for contributing.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Ryan Ward", "title": "Is there a way to replicate Answers functionality in Confluence?", "body": "Answers looks like a real cool crowdsourcing tool, hopefully Atlassian will make this into a product we can purchase.\n\nIn the mean time is there a way to replicate this functionality in Confluence?\n" }
[ { "author": "Przemek Bruski", "body": "Did you have a look at <> , the system upon which []( is built?\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Ryan Ward", "body": "excellent, thanks!\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "jmz_live_se", "title": "Confluence 3.5.11-STD accessing HTTP configuration interface results in Timeout.", "body": "Hello all,\n\nI ve deployed Confluence 3.5.11-STD on my Gentoo Linux server but I cannot access the configuration setup via HTTP.\n\nI already have an apache2 running so I changed ports according to the installation guide and I also changed from localhost to the url I m using (e.g [](\n\nTo access the site I m using www.\"mysite\".net:8090 as stated in documentation but I m getting \"The connection has timed out\" when trying to access it.\n\nLooking at the logs and it seems Tomcat started successfully and a netstat -ntap \\| grep 8090 shows the java process is listening on the port.\n\n\\* I have no iptables blocking the traffic.\n\n\\* \\<Engine defaultHost=\"\" ..\n\n\\* Host name=\"\"\n\noutput of ./\n\nUsing CATALINA_BASE: /home/confluence/confluence-3.5.11-std \nUsing CATALINA_HOME: /home/confluence/confluence-3.5.11-std \nUsing CATALINA_TMPDIR: /home/confluence/confluence-3.5.11-std/temp \nUsing JRE_HOME: /opt/JDK17 \nUsing CLASSPATH: /home/confluence/confluence-3.5.11-std/bin/bootstrap.jar \nServer version: Apache Tomcat/6.0.32 \nServer built: February 2 2011 2003 \nServer number: \nOS Name: Linux \nOS Version: 2.6.31-gentoo-r6 \nArchitecture: amd64 \nJVM Version: 1.7.0-b147 \nJVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation \n" }
[ { "author": "jmz_live_se", "body": "So it seems its only accessible from localhost at startup, is this intentional or can it be modified?\n\nI used Lynx to access [http://localhost:port](http://localhostport) and I got to the configuration page.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Bill Schongar", "title": "Previously working Plugins no longer show real names in UPM, only JAR files", "body": "We just converted a (working) Confluence 3.4.1 instance from a Latin1 DB to a UTF-8 DB. All our local user macros are working fine, but almost all user-installed plugins are not.\n\nIn the UPM the plugin names no longer show up, just the JAR files. According to UPM they're enabled fine, but they don't work and the Audit Trail shows just the Jar name instead of the expected name:\n\n*Enabled plugin 1315023428234plugin.5174691748504952382.adaptavist-plugin-pageInfo-1.3.6.jar (1315023428234plugin.5174691748504952382.adaptavist-plugin-pageInfo-1.3.6.jar)*\n\nThis applies to all data about the plugins - they don't show publisher name, config options, etc. So I'm not sure what settings got munged in the DB conversion process that I need to double-check/fix/hit with a hammer.\n\nAny pointers?\n\nThanks,\n\n-Bill\n" }
[ { "author": "Bruna Griebeler", "body": "Please check if your database has the max allowed packet set with a proper size for the UPM plugins:\n\n<>\n\nCheers!\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "David Dube", "body": "Some more information...\n\nWhile the plugins that Bill mentions above appear enabled, there are no modules installed within those plugins.\n\nAlso, this is only applying to the user installed/managed plugins. The system (Atlassian) plugins appear fine.\n\nLastly, if you manually try to reinstall one of the plugins, the plug installs, however the entry with the jar filename remains in the list of user installed plugins.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "app" ]
{ "author": "David Dube", "title": "Where are User Defined Macros Stored?", "body": "In the process of converting our database over from Latin1 to UTF-8... the conversion for the most part went ok... except I've lost all of our user defined macros... probably didn't export those correctly.\n\nAre they stored in a specific table within the database or in the file system outside of the database?\n\nRegards,\n\nDave\n" }
[ { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "select \\* from bandana where bandanakey = 'atlassian.confluence.user.macros'\n", "comments": [ { "author": "David Dube", "body": "Thanks Bob!\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Adolfo Casari", "title": "Delete Comments in Confluence", "body": "Hi,\n\nI need to delete all comments from all pages in a Space.\n\nI have been exploring the CLI but can t find a way.\n\nDo you klnow a way to accomplish this automatically (there are 00s of pages and comments) ?\n\nThank you in advance.\n" }
[ { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "Not currently supported in the CLI, but would be easy to add. I created an issue for you - [CSOAP-105]( Fixed with a snapshot available.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Adolfo Casari", "body": "Thank you Bob.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Steffen Stamprath", "body": "Maybe this plugin helps you:\n\n<>\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Priyanka Lavania", "body": "Hi Adolfo,\n\nYou can use built in scripts from script runner plugin to bulk delete comments from one or more pages, you can also specify comment age or delete all. Hope this helps.\n\nSee this for more details: - <>\n\nRegards,\n\nPriyanka Lavania\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Sherif Mansour", "body": "You might also want to watch some related feature requests: <> and <>\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Joseph Eattimo", "title": "Duplicate (Refresh) Staging or Dev confluence.", "body": "Hi\n\nWhat is the best way to duplicate (refresh) the production environment to a staging server. I tried importing the production backup to a Staging instance , but it fails with Constraint violation. Is there a documented way to rebuild Dev/Staging instances periodially?\n\nJoseph\n" }
[ { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "Here is what I do on the test system\n\n1. Drop and create the confluence DB\n2. Restore confluence DB from last nightly backup of production\n3. Restore confluence home directory from last nightly backup (that saves only essential confluence stuff, excluding attachments)\n4. Restore attachments (saved separately in our backkup process) to confluence home directory\n5. Start\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Joseph Eattimo", "body": "Thanks Bob\n\nI pretty much followed the instructions here and edited the bandana table to reset the url.\n\n<>\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Leo B", "title": "Find and Replace", "body": "Is there a better way to find and replace a word on all the spaces of Confluence than doing it manually? The version i have is 3.4.2.\n\nThanks in advance...\n" }
[ { "author": "Sherif Mansour", "body": "You might also wante to watch this related feature request to stay updated: <>\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "OK, bigger problem. I would use the Command Line Interface or a scripting interface (SOAP, Python?) to get the job done. I haven't done that before.\n\nCheck out these pages:\n\n<>\n\n<>\n\n[](/questions/8295/how-do-i-use-an-external-table-csv-to-create-new-pages-automatically)\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Edwin Chan", "body": "You can find and replace language strings here:\n\n\\\\confluence\\\\WEB-INF\\\\lib\\\\confluence-3.4.6.jar\\\\com\\\\atlassian\\\\confluence\\\\core\\\\\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "I use emacs ( <> ). Certainly this can be done with a myriad of other text/programming editors. Share your environment (OS/Version) and I can recommend.\n\n**Procedure:**\n\n1. Open the Conf. page in the mark up editor,\n2. Ctrl-A and Ctrl-X to cut the page.\n3. Switch to emacs and paste into a fresh buffer.\n4. Then I can use the powerful search/replace commands there.\n5. Copy it and then switch back to Conf. and paste into editor.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Leo B", "body": "I need something to go through all the spaces and replace a word. I can't do it one by one.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Leo B", "title": "How can I import a space in Confluence?", "body": "Hello, does anybody know how can i import a space that was previously exported as .XML on Confluence? I can't find the way to do it.\n\nThanks is advance.\n" }
[ { "author": "Irene Yuen", "body": "Go to the Admin console, then to Administration \\> Backup \\& Restore. Or do you mean that you are doing this, but have an error?\n\nMore info here: <>\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Ron Cameron", "title": "Is it possible to have templates on one space and then use in another space?", "body": "We would like to have all templates stored in one space. We would like to be able to use the templates in another space.\n" }
[ { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "Then, best bet is store them in multiple spaces. Copy/paste.\n\nAnother potential answer is to create the pages that you want to use the templates for in the one space with the templates and then {include} those pages into other pages in the template-less space.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Ron Cameron", "body": "Thanks That is what we thought, but I had to ask.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Ron Cameron", "body": "If they are global, then all spaces would have access to them.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Matt", "body": "Is their a reason why these templates cannot be created Globally?\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "cigdem kufac?", "title": "confluence attachment error ?", "body": "[](/questions/9663/confluence-attachment-error) {#toc-hId-1899369701}\n=====================================================================\n\nWhen I added the attachment to confluence, I get the following error\n\nThe following error(s) occurred:\n\n* Processing of multipart/form-data request failed. /var/atlassian/confluence-home/temp/upload__71d0ec_131e2077667__7f85_00000046.tmp (Host is down)\n" }
[ { "author": "Azwandi Mohd Aris", "body": "Duplicate? [](/questions/9663/confluence-attachment-error)\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Azwandi Mohd Aris", "body": "Seems like there is something wrong with the storage. Try checking for more details in Confluence log, and also check the disk space availability.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Anni R", "title": "Confluence upgrade error", "body": "Hi!\n\nOur company use Confluence vers. 3.4.6, but we want to upgrade above than 3.4.9. If to run the program the error message appears:\n\n2011-09-02 14:27:39,603 ERROR \\[main\\] \\[atlassian.confluence.upgrade.UpgradeLauncherServletContextListener\\] contextInitialized Upgrade failed, application will not start: Upgrade task failed: class $Proxy33 \ncom.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.UpgradeException: Upgrade task failed: class $Proxy33 \nat com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeManager.validate( \nat com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.AbstractUpgradeManager.upgrade( \nat com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.impl.DefaultUpgradeManager.upgrade( \nat com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.UpgradeLauncherServletContextListener.contextInitialized( \nat org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.listenerStart( \nat org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start( \nat org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start( \nat org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start( \nat org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start( \nat org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start( \nat org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.start( \nat org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.start( \nat org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start( \nat sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) \nat sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( \nat sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( \nat java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( \nat org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start( \nat org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main( \n2011-09-02 14:27:39,617 ERROR \\[main\\] \\[atlassian.confluence.upgrade.UpgradeLauncherServletContextListener\\] contextInitialized 2 errors were encountered during upgrade: \n2011-09-02 14:27:39,618 ERROR \\[main\\] \\[atlassian.confluence.upgrade.UpgradeLauncherServletContextListener\\] contextInitialized 1: Property securityPrincipal is not a valid distinguished name \n2011-09-02 14:27:39,619 ERROR \\[main\\] \\[atlassian.confluence.upgrade.UpgradeLauncherServletContextListener\\] contextInitialized 2: Property securityPrincipal is not a valid distinguished name\n\nShould we change something in atlassian-user.xml? Or something is changed LDAP authentication? Any ideas why error message appears?\n\nThanks in advance!\n" }
[ { "author": "Matt", "body": "Please create a support request so we can identify the cause of your issue:\n\n<>\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "upgrade" ]
{ "author": "cigdem kufac?", "title": "confluence attachment error ?", "body": "When I added the attachment to confluence, I get the following error\n\nThe following error(s) occurred:\n\n* Processing of multipart/form-data request failed. /var/atlassian/confluence-home/temp/upload__71d0ec_131e2077667__7f85_00000046.tmp (Host is down)\n" }
[ { "author": "Azwandi Mohd Aris", "body": "Duplicate? [](/questions/9717/confluence-attachment-error)\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "Is your /var/atlassian.confluence-home a file share of some sort? Check that the remove file share is active...\n", "comments": [ { "author": "cigdem kufac?", "body": "file haven't got share. Pasive. File is normal\n" }, { "author": "cigdem kufac?", "body": "what can I do ?\n" }, { "author": "cigdem kufac?", "body": "I am working Pdf File. No shareing\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "michael michael", "title": "is there a way to share content from Confluence with external customers or partners (eg without them being subscribers under our license agreement)?", "body": "we want to make some content from our pages like case studies, links to videos, etc available to customers who wouldn't be subscribers to Confluence. any suggestions of how to do this?\n\nthanks\n\nMike Zimmerman\n" }
[ { "author": "Joe Clark", "body": "You can enable Anonymous access to Confluence on a per-space level (see <>).\n\n<br />\n\nAlternatively, you can export the content to PDF or HTML and then provide the content in an offline fashion.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "MICHAEL O'Neill", "title": "Can you create an RSS feed on a search in Confluence?", "body": "Is it possible to create an rss feed (or even a watch) on a search in Confluence?\n\nThe idea is to create an rss for a search query so that whenever a page or comment gets added that contains valid terms for the search, the rss will be updated (or an email will be sent).\n\nEx: create a search for the term \"foobar\". Add it as an RSS feed (or add a watch to the search). Whenever a page or comment is added with the text \"foobar\", the rss / watch is updated.\n\nAny ideas?\n" }
[ { "author": "vchoy", "body": "There is a \\[open search plugin for confluence\\|\\], that allows you to retreive search results as RSS or Atom feed.\n\nHope this helps :)\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "rss", "search", "watch" ]
{ "author": "Jose Salinas", "title": "Rewrite space URL", "body": "Hello folks!\n\nOur Confluence instance is installed under [](\n\nI did create a space with key MYSPACE, so the complete URL to my space is\n\nNow I have other domain called []( and I would like know if is possible rewrite the URL MYSPACE.\n\nI mean if can be a kind of mask to\n\nThanks in advance.\n\nRegards,\n\nJose\n" }
[ { "author": "Radu Dumitriu", "body": "Sounds like you need Apache HTTPD in front of your confluence, with some virtual hosts (and possible mod_rewrite). A starting point is this one: <>\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Gedalyah Geller", "title": "making documentation available online", "body": "How can i make the documentation availabe to users online? Can I set it up using a password?\n\nThanks\n" }
[ { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "That's a little vague, but I'm assuming you mean \"stuff you've written on Confluence that is documentation\". Two steps - first expose your Confluence installation to the internet, and then secondly make sure it's permissions are set to demand a login before people can view any spaces.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Thomas Wendel", "title": "Changing Confluence Keyboard Shortcuts", "body": "Hi there, \n\nHow can I change Confluence keyboard shortcuts that are not defined in the file *editor_plugins_src.js* as described [here (\"Changing Editor's Keyboard Shortcuts\")]( E.g. changing the shortcut for \"Headings 1 to 6\"? \n\nCheers, \n\nThomas\n" }
[ { "author": "Thomas Wendel", "body": "Ok, I found the solution, at least for the headings, [here]( :-) \n\nThe post only mentions the shortcut vor Ctrl+7. For Ctrl+1 - Ctrl+6 you have to look for the following lines:\n\n```\n\n\nfor (i=1; i<=6; i++) {\n // For safari compatibility we add these shortcuts both with and without the alt/option key\n t.addShortcut('ctrl+alt+' + i + ',ctrl+' + i, '', ['FormatBlock', false, 'h' + i]); // ATLASSIAN - our format block method expects html tag names\n}\n```\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Thomas Wendel", "body": "```\nOk, I found the solution, at least for the headings, here. :-)\n\nThe post only mentions the shortcut vor Ctrl+7. For Ctrl+1 - Ctrl+6 you have to look for the following lines:\n\nfor (i=1; i<=6; i++) {\n // For safari compatibility we add these shortcuts both with and without the alt/option key\n t.addShortcut('ctrl+alt+' + i + ',ctrl+' + i, '', ['FormatBlock', false, 'h' + i]); // ATLASSIAN - our format block method expects html tag names\n}\n```\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Paul Carver", "body": "Can you clarify where I should put this Javascript? Do I need to install Greasemonkey?\n\nConfluence is driving me crazy. I need to use multiple Confluence sites because I work on multiple projects and the keyboard shortcuts are different. I'll go to set a heading level and find myself on a different browser tab because in one Confluence Ctrl-1 sets a level one heading and in another Confluence it opens tab 1. In one Confluence Ctrl-Shift-b toggles list bullets in another it opens a window of bookmarks.\n" } ] } ]
[ "custom-field", "keyboard-shortcut" ]
{ "author": "Jason George", "title": "Problems installing Confluence - multiple errors", "body": "First time setting up Confluence on Windows 2003, using the downloaded Zip file. Was planning on using SQL Server 2005.\n\nVERY frustrated as the docs seem to be incomplete, or maybe I'm just stupid (or a combination).\n\nRun startup, open browser, get a 404 resource not found error.\n\nRun catalina, get this (below) - what are my problems (besides myself) and how do I fix them?\n\n---\n\nSep 1, 2011 2:04:56 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol pause\n\nINFO: Pausing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8085\n\nSep 1, 2011 2:04:57 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService stop\n\nINFO: Stopping service Tomcat-Standalone\n\nSep 1, 2011 2:04:57 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext stop\n\nINFO: Container org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.\\[Standalone\\].\\[localhost\\].\\[/\\] has not been started\n\nSep 1, 2011 2:04:57 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol destroy\n\nINFO: Stopping Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8085\n\nSep 1, 2011 2:11:08 PM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin\n\nWARNING: \\[SetPropertiesRule\\]{Server} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.\n\nSep 1, 2011 2:11:08 PM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin\n\nWARNING: \\[SetPropertiesRule\\]{Server/Service/Engine} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.\n\nSep 1, 2011 2:11:08 PM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin\n\nWARNING: \\[SetPropertiesRule\\]{Server/Service/Engine/Host} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.\n\nSep 1, 2011 2:11:08 PM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin\n\nWARNING: \\[SetPropertiesRule\\]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.\n\nSep 1, 2011 2:11:08 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol init\n\nINFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8085\n\nSep 1, 2011 2:11:08 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load\n\nINFO: Initialization processed in 852 ms\n\nSep 1, 2011 2:11:08 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start\n\nINFO: Starting service Tomcat-Standalone\n\nSep 1, 2011 2:11:08 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start\n\nINFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.32\n\nSep 1, 2011 2:13:38 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start\n\nSEVERE: Error listenerStart\n\nSep 1, 2011 2:13:39 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start\n\nSEVERE: Context \\[\\] startup failed due to previous errors\n\nSep 1, 2011 2:13:39 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearReferencesJdbc\n\nSEVERE: The web application \\[\\] registered the JDBC driver \\[org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver\\] but failed to unregister it when the web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC Driver has been forcibly unregistered.\n\nSep 1, 2011 2:13:39 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearReferencesJdbc\n\nSEVERE: The web application \\[\\] registered the JDBC driver \\[com.mysql.jdbc.Driver\\] but failed to unregister it when the web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC Driver has been forcibly unregistered.\n\nSep 1, 2011 2:13:39 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearReferencesJdbc\n\nSEVERE: The web application \\[\\] registered the JDBC driver \\[org.postgresql.Driver\\] but failed to unregister it when the web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC Driver has been forcibly unregistered.\n\nSep 1, 2011 2:13:39 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearReferencesThreads\n\nSEVERE: The web application \\[\\] appears to have started a thread named \\[com.mchange.v2.async.ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner$PoolThread-#0\\] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak.\n\nSep 1, 2011 2:13:39 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearThreadLocalMap\n\nSEVERE: The web application \\[\\] created a ThreadLocal with key of type \\[com.atlassian.core.logging.ThreadLocalErrorCollection$2\\] (value \\[com.atlassian.core.logging.ThreadLocalErrorCollection$2@c5dbb\\]) and a value of type \\[java.lang.Boolean\\] (value \\[false\\]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. This is very likely to create a memory leak.\n\nSep 1, 2011 2:13:39 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearThreadLocalMap\n\nSEVERE: The web application \\[\\] created a ThreadLocal with key of type \\[java.lang.ThreadLocal\\] (value \\[java.lang.ThreadLocal@1ddc3ea\\]) and a value of type \\[org.dom4j.DocumentFactory\\] (value \\[org.dom4j.DocumentFactory@6963b0\\]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. This is very likely to create a memory leak.\n\nSep 1, 2011 2:13:44 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start\n\nINFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8085\n\nSep 1, 2011 2:13:44 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start\n\nINFO: Server startup in 155583 ms\n" }
[ { "author": "Jason George", "body": "I believe I have PostgreSQL installed and running ok (not sure about the drivers for connecting to confluence yet, though).\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Jason George", "body": "It also still shows as running an evaluation version - and I can't find any of the files described for setup (like the WEB-INF) directory.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Jason George", "body": "Ok, back to work :) all of those instructions assume a fresh install. Now that I have it installed with the built-in database, what's the easiest way to move it to another DB? I don't care what I use, PostgreSQL, MySQL, or SQL Server 2005 - all are available installed. MySQL is with XAMPP if that's easier.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Jo-Anne MacLeod", "body": "I was all set to send you the link and it turns out that there is an error in the link and its not resolving (Atlassian, are you out there?)\n\nThe JIRA link is working at, <> But it is a bit different.\n\nThe Confluence should be at: <>\n\nPostgre is at this link and has the same error for the documentation as the confluence one:\n\n<>\n\n(I'll check through my documenation and see if I ever printed it out. If I did I could sent it to you. But right now...its lunchtime)\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Jason George", "body": "Thank you Jo-Anne, that works (I assume you mean installing the embedded database). Can you please point me to up to date, step by step instructions for getting this working with SQL Server and jtds or whatever the recommended setup is? I could also do PostgreSQL but it would be nice to have some accurate instructions :) not sure I trust what's on the site right now.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Jo-Anne MacLeod", "body": "But did it work initially before you tried to connect to your database? (There is a built in database that comes with it). the conneciton refused could be something as simple as the database username/password is incorrect. One of the other problems that I've had in the past is that TCPIP was not enabled on the sqlserver. Once that was enabled everything worked much better.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Jason George", "body": "Wow-much easier. Not sure why the ZIP archive is recommended.\n\nAt database setup:\n\n1. note, instructions for installing jtds drivers are broken, sends you to the general DB setup instructions.\n2. downloaded jtds and installed in tomcat directory, added CLASSPATH\n3. input database details: confdb, username, and password (this is a domain user), get:\n\nConfiguring the database failed. Couldn't create the database schema.\n\njava.sql.SQLException: Network error IOException: Connection refused: connect\n\nI assume its not connecting. Where do I find the correct info / setup for this? or is there another recommended method?\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Jo-Anne MacLeod", "body": "You will need to enter an evaluation license, but it will prompt you for that.\n\nThere will be more after this initial setup. But right now if we take it in small pieces, we can get you up and running in no time. (And connecting to sqlserver is very easy).\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Jason George", "body": "Thanks Jo-Anne, I'll try that. I'm assuming I can use the evaluation installer and enter my license later?\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Jo-Anne MacLeod", "body": "Can we start at the beginning again then?\n\nIs this the only thing running on the server? If so then chances are your ports are not in use. If you have other products running on the server then you should determine which ports are available (netstat)\n\nRemove the current install of Confluence.\n\nDownload the Confluence Windows installer. Run the installer. Note, if you are running a anti-virus on your server, especially if it is McAfee, you should disable it.\n\n<>\n\nI would recommend that to start with we don't worry about the service. Just start it inactively using the start-confluence.bat.\n\nLet me know how it goes to that point\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Jason George", "body": "Nope, did the initial install two days ago. Spent some time working through some other issues. I didn't even know from the documentation that it has a built in database - but no, have not been able to run it successfully and access it at local host at all.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Jo-Anne MacLeod", "body": "I understand your frustration. Lets take this one step at a time. When you do the initial install, are you able to run it using the built in database?\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "install", "ms-sql" ]
{ "author": "Robert Collier", "title": "Send registration welcome email to newly signed-up users?", "body": "Hi - is there any functionality or plugin which will allow Confluence to be able to send new users a welcome e-mail with custom text and information welcoming them to the system and giving them introduction information?\n" }
[ { "author": "Jim", "body": "+1 on this request. Currently we send all new sign-ups a 'Welcome to Confluence' email with links to 'Getting Started' pages, but it's a manual process. We have been hiring about ten people every week for two years now, so it's a bit tedious doing this manually.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Robert Collier", "body": "Yes -- the \"Getting started\" tips/tricks is what I am interested in. If you know some way to do this via a script or plugin development, would appreciate it. Users like to be welcomed to a system via an e-mail with some information on how to get started with the community and introductory information to read to get up to speed.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Sherif Mansour", "body": "Hi Robert,\n\nWe don't have this functionality right now. This is something, however that we are consideirng doing in the near-term. Just a question.. is the information you want to send them custom information? Or are you talking more about a \"Getting started\" tips/tricks equivilant?\n", "comments": [ { "author": "3rdjkadjk", "body": "[@Sherif Mansour](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/781579) Is this feature available ? I would like to know your insights about the same .\n" }, { "author": "Sherif Mansour", "body": "Sorry there is nothing built to do this yet.\n" }, { "author": "3rdjkadjk", "body": "[@Sherif Mansour](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/781579) How can one resolve this \" unable to resolve class com atlassian ConfluenceUserCreatedEvent\" i would appreciate your insight fyi i have the latest confluence\n" } ] } ]
[ "confluence-app", "email" ]
{ "author": "Jodie Miners", "title": "Is it possible to exclude pages from the Confluence Search?", "body": "Is there any way to exclude pages from the confluence search? I love the {cache} macro that allows me to include content in the confluence search, but I would like to be able to exclude pages.\n\nWe have a lot of inlcuded content, and I would like to direct the users to the most suitable pages.\n\nOr, if there is not a way to exclude content, is there a way to promote the pages we want the users go go to, to come higher in the search results?\n" }
[ { "author": "Jodie Miners", "body": "OK, here's what I have done, taking Sarah's suggestion from the comments here and the comments on Sarah's blog post. \n\non my source pages, I used the {show-to} macro to hide the content to anonymous users, but provide a link back to the main page that contains the linked content. The source page named _MySourcePage will still show up in searches, but there is no content visible on this page except the link to the page where the anonymous user should view the content. \n\nI also put a panel on top of the page to tell my editors that the content on this page is only visible to them. The Panel is also only visible to the editors, and not to anonymous users. \n\nThe content that is going to be linked, is linked via the {multi-excerpt} macro (a paid plugin - see [my blog post]( about how I'm using linked pages), so when the content within the multi excerpt is included in my LinkedPage, then it is visible to the Anonymous users. Here is my code: \n\nSee \\[LinkedPage\\] for the contents of this page. \n{show-to:user=editors} \n{panel:title=SourcePage} \nThis section or page is linked to \\[LinkedPage\\]. The Content of this page is visible in {link-to:page edit}Edit Mode Only{link-to}. \n{panel} \n{multi-excerpt:name=_SourcePage} \nBody of Page \n{multi-excerpt} \n{show-to} \n\n<br />\n\n<br />\n\nOf course, most of this additional content is in a macro, which makes it easy to include on the page. It seems to work well now. \n\nLet me know if you think there is a better way to achieve this result.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "SarahA", "body": "Hallo Jodie\n\nIn a recent blog post, Emily added a comment asking a similar question. She had some useful input about the \"secure-include\" macro, supplied by the Perimeter plugin from Customware. David Peterson also added some useful advice. In combination with the cache macro, this may satisfy your requirements. See the comment chain on this blog post:\n\n<>\n\nLet me know if it works for you. :)\n\nCheers, Sarah\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Jodie Miners", "body": "Hi Sarah, thanks for that. Yes, I had read that excellent post before. It does look like the only way. Unfortunately I had not created my source content in a separate space, and now it would be way to big a job to change it all, so I will have to leave it for now.\n\nI did think of one idea however. On the pages where I'm using the Builder-Show macro to include that content on other pages, I just hide all the content on that source page, so if the search points them to that page, they won't actually see anything. It sort of works, but can be annoying to the user.\n" }, { "author": "SarahA", "body": "Hallo Jodie\n\nSounds good! The {excerpt} macro also has a parameter that you can use to hide the content on the page where the excerpt is defined. \n`{excerpt:hidden=``true``}A ``short` `summary of ``this` `page{excerpt}` \nAs you pointed out, this can be annoying to readers, and even to community authors who want to update the page and wonder where the content is. What I've done sometimes is to write some words on the page, saying that the content is visible when you edit the page or view source. I also add a link to the principle page where the content is used. That helps both authors and the people who came in via Google looking for the actual information. \nCheers, Sarah\n" }, { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "Jodie,\n\nDon't fear the fact that you didn't create your content in a separate space. You probably have it organized hierarchically. Just move the parent page to the new space and the descends of the parent move with it. It is easy. Move is under the Tools menu on the upper right.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Deividi Luvison", "body": "We also have a feature request [CONF-33161]( raised to address that :).\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "You can limit searches to spaces.\n\nYou can include labels in searches. This may be what you want, for you can go to the relevant pages and add a label like JodieRecommends and then search for that label.\n\nSee the general help on searching in the Conf. documentation.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "search" ]
{ "author": "Jim Walters", "title": "Confluence Evaluation stops working and has to be restarted", "body": "I installed the Confluence Evaluation on windows a couple of days ago and it works well for a while and then the Confluence Evaluation - Now Running screen closes by itself and the Confluence site becomes unavailable until I restart the Evaluation again.\n\nHow do I make it start and not stop?\n" }
[ { "author": "Radu Dumitriu", "body": "An answer depends on the question. Not enough info. No idea.\n\nme-\\>exit(0);\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Jim Walters", "body": "If I click on the View Log button and watch the log, the system runs up until a point where the following message pops up in the log: WARN unclosed connection, forgot to call close() on your session?\n\nOnce this shows up, the system shuts down immediately. Everytime. This happens with no users logging in - there is no user activity at all as I'm the one evaluating the software and I'm sitting looking at this log.\n\nWhat is this? It's pretty hard to evaluate a piece of software that keeps shutting down.\n\nAn ideas?\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Stephan Waldschmidt", "title": "How to organize our software documentation within Confluence?", "body": "We would like to create, maintain and manage your software-documentation with Confluence (we already use Confluence 3.5 for our intranet).\n\nAt the moment, we don't know what would be the best way to manage different versions of our documents with Confluence.\n\nOur background is as follows:\n\nWe got around 30 applications. For each application we have more or less 3 different document types (Admin-Guide, User-Guide, Architecture-Description).\n\nIt's necessary, that we provide at least 3 different versions of each document according to the different stages / versions of each application (development, test and production).\n\nI already read the chapter ?managing the technical documentation life cycle\" in the confluence documentation, but I'm not sure if this is a good way for us. If we create a separate space for each application, we would end up with a lot of spaces. I'm not sure if this is easy to manage.\n\nCould somebody recommend a good way to organize our documentation within Confluence?\n" }
[ { "author": "Ellen Feaheny [AppFusions]", "body": "There's a new book by Sarah Maddox, Atlassian Technical Writer, coming out in Feb 2012:\n\n<>\n\n<>\n\nAlso if you do not already follow her blog, it has a lot of insights on the topic ongoing.\n\nAnyways, thought you might want to look out for this soon...\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "You will want to see this question: [](/questions/8969/how-to-handle-unique-page-names-in-confluence)\n\nThe number of spaces (30) is easy to manage. However, you could put it all in one space. I would be inclined to come up with specified prefixes and use those to name pages organized in a hierarchy. For example:\n\nTop level prefix: app1, app2, app3, app4\n\nNext level prefix dev, test, prod\n\nSo you will create pages \"app1\", \"app2\", etc. at the top of your SW documentation space.\n\nUnder those, create: \"app1dev\", \"app1test\", \"app2dev\", etc.\n\nThen under each of those, create pages with the suffix of AdminGuide, UserGuide ArchDesc, so they will be named app1devAdminGuide, app2testUserGuide, etc.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "content", "lifecycle" ]
{ "author": "Gedalyah Geller", "title": "page breaks in pdf's", "body": "How can I control page breaks when creating a pdf?\n\n<br />\n\nThanks\n" }
[ { "author": "info_", "body": "Found this in the KB\n\n<>\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Kim Tillett", "body": "Worked like a charm!\n" } ] }, { "author": "muschol", "body": "We had the same problem with Confluence, and we wrote a user macro to solve this.\n\nJust go to Confluence Admin-\\>User Macros and add a new Macro.\n\nGive it a name (e.g. pagebreak), make sure it's visible to all users and you have No Macro Body selected. Then put the following in the macro body:\n\n```\n## Macro name: pagebreak\n## Has body: NO\n## Generates: HTML markup\n<div id=\"pagebreak\" style=\"page-break-before:always;\"></div>\n```\n\nYou can then insert the page break macro on your pages, wherever you want a page break in PDF.\n\nHope this helps.\n\nMatt\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Martin Gregory", "body": "My Confluence Admin doesn't even _have_ a \"User Macros\" section! :(\n" } ] }, { "author": "Greg Turnbull", "body": "Does not work in V5.8.4\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Charles Ritchea", "body": "This might not be perfect, but it was the only way I could do it with limited permissions.\n\nInsert a page break: A line with Heading 1 style and a non-breaking space. Use the Insert / Symbol menu and pick the first empty area. You can't use normal space as it will get removed as well as the line when you save.\n\nConfigure Table of Contents: Exclude `\\u00A0 to filter out all headings containing non-breaking space.`\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Martin Gregory", "body": "I don't get page breaks before H1s, so I guess this isn't going to work?\n" } ] }, { "author": "Robert Imhoff", "body": "The new confluence requires that a param be defined for it to be visible. Below code did the trick for us.\n\n## Macro title: pagebreak\n\n## Macro has a body: N\n\n## Body processing: Selected body processing option\n\n## Generates: HTML markup\n\n## Output: Selected output option\n\n##\n\n## Developed by: YOUR NAME\n\n## Date created: 19/09/2014\n\n## Installed by: YOUR NAME\n\n## @paramBreak:title=break\\|type=string\\|desc=default value\\|required=false\\|multiple=false\\|default=always\n\n\\<div id=\"pagebreak\" style=\"page-break-before:$paramBreak;\"\\>\\</div\\>\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Neeraj Tiwari", "body": "Hi, I tried your suggestion but it still gives me the below error:There are user macros without any metadata configured in their template. They have been highlighted below. For these macros to be available for use in content they require parameter information. See the Guide to User Macro Templates. Can you verify if our code is good:## Macro title: pagebreak## Macro has a body: N## Body processing: Selected body processing option## Generates: HTML markup## Output: Selected output option#### Developed by: NEERAJ TIWARI## Date created: 09/30/2014## Installed by: NEERAJ TIWARI## @paramBreak:title=break\\|type=string\\|desc=default value\\|required=false\\|multiple=false\\|default=always\\<div id=\"pagebreak\" style=\"page-break-before:$paramBreak;\"\\>\\</div\\>\n" }, { "author": "Stephen Renouf", "body": "## Macro title: pagebreak## Macro has a body: N## Body processing: Selected body processing option## Generates: HTML markup## Output: Selected output option#### Developed by: YOUR NAME## Date created: 19/09/2014## Installed by: YOUR NAME## @param Break:title=break\\|type=string\\|desc=default value\\|required=false\\|multiple=false\\|default=always\\<div id=\"pagebreak\" style=\"page-break-before:$paramBreak;\"\\>\\</div\\>\n" }, { "author": "Parth Shah", "body": "I added this snippet. What do I insert at the place where I want the page break to happen? Meaning how do I get the desired page break at the desired location after adding this code in the PDF stylesheet.\n" } ] }, { "author": "JenniferC", "body": "Similar to the previous post - with the Content Formatting plugin installed, we simply use on the wiki page:\n\n```\n{div:class=pagebreak}{div}\n```\n\n```\n \n```\n\nIn the PDF stylesheet (although I guess this could go in the global/space stylesheet?) we'd have:\n\n```\n \n```\n\n```\ndiv.pagebreak {\n```\n\n```\npage-break-before: always;\n```\n\n```\n}\n```\n\n```\n \n```\n\nYou could also set the CSS to any element on the page... like h1 headings, which makes sense for reports.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Jean de Laulani?", "body": "have a look to this page <>\n\nworks fine with Confluence version 3.5.x too.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Martin Gregory", "body": "This link no longer exists in the Confluence documentation. Did they take this feature away?\n" } ] } ]
[ "page", "pdf" ]
{ "author": "Isabelle F.", "title": "Need a Confluence expert!", "body": "Hello,\n\nMy company wants to use Confluence for our intranet, in connection with Sharepoint 2010. We have a long list of specific needs and I am not finding all the answers of the website. Can someone help me ?\n\nHere is my (long) list of needs. Can they be meet by Confluence (just a yes/no answer is enough) :\n\n- Integrate the microsoft ecosystem (outlook, etc.), and Outlook calendar in particular\n\n- Integration with Microsoft project to allow real-time project timelines and collaboration\n\n- Easy to manage and understand user rights\n\n- Advanced version management (support parallel editing of documents, diffs between files)\n\n- Manage permissions to restrict access to sensitive content\n\n- Be able to bring non company employees in a session\n\n- Shared editing of document (any type)\n\n- Work together on one document at the same time\n\n- Ask a question, receive an answer from others, see who is available to answer a question, ability to connect via instant messaging\n\n- Support workflows for approval, status reporting, organization membership renewals, standards contribution reviews\n\n- Support creation of specific workflows\n\n- Maintain various groups of colleagues who have indicated to be stakeholder of a certain topic, activity, etc. Includes social groups.\n\n- Create a group, discover other groups\n\n- Owner of a group can decide if they want to limit membership to the group (social and/or professional criteria)\n\n- Search groups by topic, people, etc.\n\n- Search people per skills, location, project\n\n- Relevancy tuning\n\nThank you very very much !\n\nIsabelle\n" }
[ { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "Have you emailed Atlassian sales? [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])\n\nHere are some answers, to the best of my knowledge, for out-of-the box Confluence:\n\n- Integrate the microsoft ecosystem (outlook, etc.), and Outlook calendar in particular {#toc-hId-1845981620}\n=============================================================================================================\n\nNO\n\n- Integration with Microsoft project to allow real-time project timelines and collaboration\n\nNO\n\n- Easy to manage and understand user rights\n\nYES\n\n- Advanced version management (support parallel editing of documents, diffs between files)\n\nNot a true parallel editing capability, but interlocking editing is handled. Other features of version management are there - simple forms.\n\n- Manage permissions to restrict access to sensitive content\n\nYES\n\n- Be able to bring non company employees in a session\n\nYES\n\n- Shared editing of document (any type)\n\nYES\n\n- Work together on one document at the same time\n\nMAYBE - Well, not best tool for that.\n\n- Ask a question, receive an answer from others, see who is available to answer a question, ability to connect via instant messaging\n\nYES - but probably not as elaborate as you are thinking\n\n- Support workflows for approval, status reporting, organization membership renewals, standards contribution reviews\n\nNO - Need Atlassian JIRA for this.\n\n- Support creation of specific workflows\n\nJIRA\n\n- Maintain various groups of colleagues who have indicated to be stakeholder of a certain topic, activity, etc. Includes social groups.\n\nYou can subscribe to pages with email notification upon changes.\n\n- Create a group, discover other groups\n\nNot really.\n\n- Owner of a group can decide if they want to limit membership to the group (social and/or professional criteria)\n\nNot really.\n\n- Search groups by topic, people, etc.\n\nNo\n\n- Search people per skills, location, project\n\nNo\n\n- Relevancy tuning\n\nNo.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Isabelle F.", "body": "Thank you very much Kevin.\n\nIt appears that for the workflow related questions, it might work with the Ad Hoc Workflow plugin... ? As for the working groups, the Adaptavist plugin seems to do the trick.\n" }, { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "Yes, there are a lot of plug-ins that can do lots of things. If it isn't developed already, a plug-in to satisfy your needs can be developed with some Java (or other) programming. The effort does go up the further you extend Confluence. So, be aware that it could take some time to have Confluence in a position to satisfy all your needs.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Fabian Lopez", "body": "Isabelle,\n\nThere are a lot of requirements on your list, I agree with some of the coments below, I think a combination of Sharepoint + Confluence with some plugins will help to reach your goal. As you can see Confluence is really powerful for collaboration and content development. The other approach will require some changes on your organization, like creating content on wiki environment and then if Office Word is needed for delivery use Scroll Office ([]( products).\n\nAd hoc workflow is a great plugin too. As I said there is a ton of pro and cons, I think the analysis will help you balancing which application is a better fit and also which changes you will need to do in your organization (processess changes) to develop yoiur content.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Richard Yale", "body": "Hello Isabelle,\n\nWe have actually just recently set up a test environment for SharePoint 2010 and MS Project Server 2010 to work with our Confluence environment. This is the conclusions that we have come to at this time:\n\nThe best way to integrate SharePoint/MS Project Server and Confluence is actually to keep them separate. Use Confluence as a web interface and knowledge respository while using SharePoint as a document workflow and approval tool and MS Project as a project based task managing system.\n\nUtilize Confluence's ability to search SharePoint and to display/edit lists and their documents from SharePoint inside of Confluence.\n\nRight now I don't believe there is any type of connector for Confluence and MS Project. I am sure that will change in the future though as it becomes more popular, or you could program one yourself.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Adrian Reid", "body": "Hi Richard, I notice your setup is in 2011. Are you still using the same setup? We are currently looking at a Confluence/SharePoint/MS Project Server environment.\n" } ] }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "That's a fair point but honestly the answer to a lot of these is not yes or no, rather \"yes but no but it should do it but can't because of a bug but there is a plugin but it doesn't really work or it doesn't work for the latest 6 versions\". From the gist of your questions it sounds like Sharepoint might be more suitable.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Isabelle F.", "body": "Of course I googled all the questions (I spent all morning doing that) but the answers are never really clear when you don't know Confluence at all. You often get a \"yes but no but it bugs but maybe there is a plugin that is not supported...\". That's why I asked for help here, cause I figured the questions would be simple to answer for people using Confluence.\n\nThanks anyway !\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Colin Goudie", "body": "I suggest looking for an Atlassian Partner that is close to you\n\n<>\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "Hrm, it's not that hard, eg point 1 google for \"confluence outlook integration\". But if they want to pay for a partner to do the googling then fair enough.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "MatthewC", "body": "They maybe available via googling but I suspect that they don't know what they need to look for, hence the reason they are asking for an \"expert\".\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "Many of these bullets are subjective, and nearly all this information is available through googling.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "sharepoint" ]
{ "author": "Damjan Dimitrov", "title": "moin conversion - unexpected name", "body": "Hi,\n\nI'm trying to convert a moin wiki to confluence but i'm stuck.\n\nWhere I run the converter, in the Building Hierarchy part, I get a \"unexpected name\" error:\n\n2011-08-31 11:10:41,888 INFO \\[main\\] - Building Hierarchy. \n2011-08-31 11:10:41,889 ERROR \\[main\\] - .... unexpected name: testpage/null/1 - SKIPPING \n2011-08-31 11:10:41,889 ERROR \\[main\\] - .... unexpected name: testpage/1 - SKIPPING\n\nI tried with both a single page and with the entire wiki(1000 pages), but I got the same error(for each page when doing the full wiki).\n\nI tried with setting the both to true and false, same results.\n\nMany thanks for a hint,\n\nDamjan.\n" }
[ { "author": "Philip Colmer", "body": "I'm also have this problem.\n\nDoes anyone have a solution?\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "John Allison", "body": "Me too. After that error, it continues and claims success, but only the Home (root) page is created, nothing else.\n\nI've also tried` MoinMoin.0010.switch.hierarchy-builder=UsePagenames`\n\nand that produces a NullPointerException.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "John Allison", "body": "Me too. After that error, it continues and claims success, but only the Home (root) page is created, nothing else.\n\nI've also tried\n\n```\nMoinMoin.0010.switch.hierarchy-builder=UsePagenames\n```\n\nand that produces a NullPointerException.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "vivek kumar", "body": "Hi,\n\ni am also facing the same issue. can anyone provide any quick help on this.\n\nthanks\n\nvivek\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "universal-wiki-converter" ]
{ "author": "Tom Crapper", "title": "How do I re-edit a page created with a template", "body": "Hi\n\nI have created templates with individual variables for each field. When a template is used to create a page, it saves fine. However, if I want to change it after saving, any variable fields that were not filled in at the page's creation are not there for me to populate subsequently.\n\nExample:\n\nI have a whole load of widgets that I want to record. I create a template with 6 fields, \"Make\" \"Model\" \"Serial\" \"Colour\" \"Length\" \"Height\" (using the markup @\\<VARIABLE\\>@). I access the template and fill in the details for any given widget, but don't fill in all the fields to start with - this all works great. When I go back later and edit the page to add the variables, there is no space for me to add data to the fields.\n\nHelp??\n" }
[ { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "Ok, I see something I don't understand, but this must be something like a CSS form or HTML. A Confluence template will not be as feature rich but might look something like this basic example below. Scaffolding gives you a nice interface to the page, as suggested above.\n\n----\n\nh4. Event Name:\n\nenter name\n\nh4. Event Type:\n\nenter type: one of: Board_meeting, Meeting, Conference, Forum, ...\n\nh4. Event Venue:\n\nenter venue\n\n...\n\nh4. Event Country:\n\nenter country\n\nh4. Notes:\n\nenter notes here\n\n----\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Tom Crapper", "body": "Kevin,\n\nThanks for your input. I could not get it to work at all, but in the end the problem seems to have been the Scaffold plugin. I uninstalled and then put it back and it now works fine.\n\n<br />\n\nThanks!\n" } ] }, { "author": "Tom Crapper", "body": "Kevin,\n\nHere is an example of one of the templates that I have created so far:\n\n> ```\n> ||Event Name: |@eventname@| ||Event Type: |@eventtype|list(Board_meeting,Meeting,Conference,Forum,Reception,Ceremony,Seminar,Exhibition,Trade_Show,Regional_Activity,Banquet,Dinner,Team_Building,Screening,Reading,Gathering,Lecture,Performance,Festival,Party,Sporting_Event)@| ||Event Venue: |@eventvenue@|\n>\n> ||Event Building: |@eventbuildingname@\n> ||Event Street: |@eventstreet@\n> ||Event District: |@eventarea@\n> ||Event City: |@eventcity@\n> ||Event County: |@eventcounty@\n> ||Event Post Code: |@eventpostcode@\n> ||Event Country: |@personworkcountry|list(Unknown,UK,Guinea,Mozambique,USA,______________________,Afghanistan,Africa,Albania,Algeria,American_Samoa,Andorra,Angola,Anguilla,Antarctica,Antigua_And_Barbuda,Antilles_Netherlands,Arabia_Saudi,Argentina,Armenia,Aruba,Asia,Australia,Austria,Azerbaijan,Bahamas,Bahrain,Bangladesh,Barbados,Belarus,Belgium,Belize,Benin,Bermuda,Bhutan,Bolivia,Boznia_and_Herzegovina,Botswana,Bouvet_Island,Brazil,British_Indian_Ocean_Ter,British_Virgin_Islands,Brunei_Darussalam,Bulgaria,Burkina_Faso,Burundi,Cambodia,Cameroon,Canada,Cape_Verde,Caribbean_the,Cayman_Islands,Central_African_Republic,Central_America,Chad,Chile,China,Christmas_Island,Cocos_Keeling_Islands,Colombia,Comoros,Congo,Congo_Dem_Rep_of,Cook_Islands,Costa_Rica,Cote_DIvoire,Croatia,Cuba,Cyprus,Czech_Republic,Kazakhstan,Kenya,Kiribati,Korea_Dem_Peoples_Rep,Korea_South_Republic_of,Kosovo,Kuwait,Kyrgyzstan,Lao_Peoples_Democ_Rep,Latvia,Lebanon,Lesotho,Liberia,Libyan_Arab_Jamahiriya,Liechtenstein,Lithuania,Luxembourg,Macao_China,Macedonia_TFYR,Madagascar,Malawi,Malaysia,Maldives,Mali,Malta,Man_Isle_of,Marshall_Islands,Martinique_FR,Mauritania,Mauritius,Mayotte_FR,Mexico,Micronesia_Fed_States_of,Middle_East,Moldova_Republic_of,Monaco,Mongolia,Montenegro,Montserrat,Morocco,Mozambique,Myanmar_ex_Burma,Namibia,Nauru,Nepal,Netherlands,Netherlands_Antilles,New_Caledonia,New_Zealand,Nicaragua,Niger,Nigeria,Niue,Norfolk_Island,North_America,Northern_Mariana_Islands,Norway,Oceania,Oman,Pakistan,Palau,Palestinian_Territory,Panama,Papua_New_Guinea,Paraguay,Peru,Philippines,Pitcairn_Island,Poland,Portugal,Puerto_Rico,Qatar,Reunion_FR,Romania,Russia_Russian_Fed,Rwanda,Sahara_Western,Saint_Barthelemy_FR,Saint_Helena_UK,Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis,Saint_Lucia,Saint_Martin_FR,S_Pierre_and_Miquelon,S_Vincent_And_Grenadines,Samoa,San_Marino,Sao_Tome_and_Principe,Saudi_Arabia,Senegal,Serbia,Seychelles,Sierra_Leone,Singapore,Slovakia,Slovenia,Solomon_Islands,Somalia,South_Africa,South_America,SGeorge_And_SSandwich,Spain,Sri_Lanka_ex_Ceilan,Sudan,Suriname,Svalbard_And_Jan_Mayen_Is,Swaziland,Sweden,Switzerland,Syrian_Arab_Republic,Taiwan,Tajikistan,Tanzania_United_Rep_of,Thailand,Timor_Leste_East_Timor,Togo,Tokelau,Tonga,Trinidad_and_Tobago,Tunisia,Turkey,Turkmenistan,Turks_and_Caicos_Is,Tuvalu,Uganda,Ukraine,United_Arab_Emirates,United_Kingdom,United_States,US_Minor_Outlying_Isl,Uruguay,Uzbekistan,Vanuatu,Vatican_Holy_See,Venezuela,Viet_Nam,Virgin_Islands_British,Virgin_Islands_US,Wallis_and_Futuna,Western_Sahara,Yemen,Zambia,Zimbabwe,Not_Specified)@\n>\n> ||Event Contact: |@eventcontact@\n>\n> ||Notes: @notes|textarea(10,120)@\n> ```\n\n<br />\n\nI have also created a homepage for 'Events' which has an {add-page} macro: \n\n> {add-page:template=Events\\|live=false\\|title=This will take you to a page where you should enter the event name.\\|labels=events} \n>\n> ```\n> [Click here to add an event to the database]\n> ```\n>\n{add-page} \n(I even worked out how to add a 'cloaked' list of all the child pages - all of which makes me feel only slightly smug; the main issue still exists!!)\n\nThanks in advance!\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "I would suggest creating a template (as in Confluence template), either space or global, and then use the {add-page} macro to create a hyperlink on a given page to add a new data page. You can have it put a date/time stamp and fixed or editable name. And it can use the template you created.\n\nHowever, perhaps you already created a page template in confluence. Can you share that with us? We may be able to help you tune it.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Tom Crapper", "body": "```\nKevin,\n```\n\n```\nHere is an example of one of the templates that I have created so far:\n```\n" } ] }, { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "The Scaffolding Plugin is designed to deal with this issue, and will let you edit the page with text/dropdown/checkbox fields. It is quite flexible. See here for more info:\n\n<>\n\nRegards,\n\nDavid Peterson\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Tom Crapper", "body": "David,\n\nI'm working on the scaffolding plugin right now.\n\nThanks\n" } ] }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "You could try the scaffolding or zones plugins (google them) but I don't think either are uptodate with respect to confluence.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "Um, templates are templates, not entry forms. All they do is provide some starting text, and the variables try to help save having to edit that text in detail. A template can run you through the initial creation of a page, but once you've got it, the template is irrelevant and not called or referenced again. You could take a page created by a template, type it in manually, and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Tom Crapper", "body": "Nick, thanks for that; understood.\n\nWhat I am actuall trying to do is to create a data-entry form that will feed variables into an external SQL db. Once the data is input to the template it will populate the db, and then the data can be re-read and accessed from a different page in confluence.\n\nIt's the data-entry piece that I am trying to sort out (and understand), in that I need to capture information against a series of variables which will then populate an external table.\n\nI'm thinking that a template is the best way of doing this, with the page name being the key for the data set/record.\n" }, { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "As I said before, Templates are **not** forms, they simply allow you to pre-populate a page when you are creating it. If you need to edit your data as tough it's a for, then you'll need to find or write something that will intercept any edits (bearing in mind these will be simple page edits of wiki markup or dhtml) and parse those back into the database.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Matt Evered", "title": "What to use for forums?", "body": "I need to add forum type functionality to my wiki, which is mostly a bunch of projects, and I'd like to hear people's suggestions around what to use. I've been going down the track of Bubbles but now I'm seeing OSQA used here. What are the benefits and drawbacks of each? What do you suggest?\n" }
[ { "author": "AlysonA", "body": "Hi Matt,\n\nFrom my experience, the forum based plugin that is most used is indeed the [Community Bubbles]( one. I'm not very familiar with OSQA, but if you would like to know more about the benefits and drawbacks from the CB and you've already seen the [official documentation]( you can perhaps reach Adaptavist's support directly via their [Support Channel](\n\nHope it helps!\n\nCheers.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Richard Lando", "title": "How do I view a remote dynamic file in a Confluence Wiki page?", "body": "We just upgraded from Confluence version 2.5.6 to version 3.4.9 and I can no longer use\n\nexcel:url=\\[file://remoteDFSserver/myfilestore/files/myfile.xls\\]\\|sheet=1\\|formatCell=true\n\nI want to be able to display a dynamic file that is updated daily with a script. Any idea how to do this in the new version? I tried to use the view file macro viewxls but this seems to require the file to be attached. The file I want to display is an excel file that list server software versions on a group of servers and is updated daily.\n" }
[ { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "Excel macro should still work. The syntax above is wrong. If you still have problems, open an issue for the excel plugin.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Richard Lando", "body": "Well since it appears you distribute the plugin I will take your word for it. I am a Confluence newbie so bear with me - Is this an add-on? I get Unknown macro: {excel} when I use the same syntax that worked before our upgrade. I wasn't sure how to insert comments to show here so I had to remove the braces. BTW - Thanks for your quick reply.\n" }, { "author": "Richard Lando", "body": "FYI - Our sysadm removed the component saying\n\n\"The Excel Macro is not certified to work with Office 2010 and the new macro is supported directly by Atlassian and bundled with Confluence upgrades (not a third party developer who may or may not update their plugins), so it has been removed from our version of Confluence.\"\n\nToo bad I like the excel maco functionality. I ended up using an iframe however this causes unexpected behavior with Excel. You cannot open any Excel file while the page is open and if you already have an Excel document open certain functions are disabled in Office Pro 2003.\n\nThanks all\n\nRL\n" }, { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "I recommend the native office support (viewfile) should be used first. The excel macro can be installed and used for compatibility (previous use) or for unique capabilities not available with viewfile. Excel does not support Office 2010 and likely will not in the future. Your system admin's should be more careful with respect to upward compatibility of pages on the site.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Joe Clark", "body": "The Excel macro is a plugin (ie. \"Add on\") for Confluence that is not included by default. It's developed by the legendary Bob Swift, who single-handedly maintains a lot of really useful \"community\" plugins for Confluence. :-)\n\nIn the Confluence administration console, there should be a \"plugins\" section where you can check that the \"Confluence Excel Macro\" is both *installed* and *enabled*. If you have upgraded from an earlier version of Confluence, there's a possibility that the macro got disabled or uninstalled somehow.\n\nYou can download the latest version of the Excel macro from <>\n\nIf you have any specific problems with the macro, the JIRA issue tracker for the macro is here: <>\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "This question on the nature of the {excel} plug-in makes my point, again (<>), that it would be nice if Atlassian maintained a list on their public website of which add-ins are bundled with each release. If someone is not a Conf. Sys. Admin., they can get an idea of what is available without asking the C.S.A.\n" }, { "author": "Joe Clark", "body": "Would you believe I was actually just talking to our tech writers about this problem yesterday? :-)\n\nWe definitely agree that this would be useful for customers (and developers, and tech writers). Hopefully we'll have a chance to take a crack at this request in the future.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "jj jj", "title": "Does Confluence 3.4.3 support Safari?", "body": "Does Confluence 3.4.3 work with Safari?\n" }
[ { "author": "NikE", "body": "Yes - Safari 4.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Radu Dumitriu", "body": "A simple search in Atl docs would reveal the answer.\n\n<>\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "compatibility", "safari" ]
{ "author": "jim kennedy", "title": "Replacing 'space creator'", "body": "We have many spaces for which the creator is long since left the company. If we use something like the Confluence Archiving Plugin, the notification email to the creator goes nowhere. I want to reassign the 'creation' rights and ownership to another user so that the email will go to a real account.\n\nHow do I do that?\n\nJim.\n" }
[ { "author": "SarahA", "body": "Hallo Jim\n\nOne way would be to use the Copy Space plugin, to copy each of the affected space to a new space key. That way, the person who copies the space becomes the new creator of the space. This would, however, change the URL of all the pages in the affected space.\n\nAnother way would be to add a new space, then \\*move\\* all the pages from the affected space into the new space. This way, Confluence will automatically fix all internal links so that they point to the new space. It will also offer people a redirect if they send a request to the original URL.\n\nA third way would be to add the original space creators back into the userbase, as dummy accounts. Remove them from the \"confluence-users\" group, so that they do not have access to Confluence even if someone figured out the password. They will also then not count towards your licence count. And give them an email address that goes somewhere sensible.\n\nI hope one of these suggestions fits the bill.\n\nCheers, Sarah\n", "comments": [ { "author": "jim kennedy", "body": "Thanks Sarah, I figured the dummy account route would be the best way to go. That's what we'll do. It's the option that impacts other users the least.\n\nJim.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Corey Mosher", "title": "Confluence Won't Start After Reboot", "body": "I have confluence installed on CentOS 5 using PostgreSQL. It works great until I reboot the system and then I can't get it to start anymore. There are all kinds of connection errors in the logs. Anyone have any ideas?\n" }
[ { "author": "Robert McMahon", "body": "Try reading this first [\\~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html]( once you have done that stuff then someone would be able to provide a real answer or chances are you will find you answer by following the directions on that page.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Robert McMahon", "body": "{#9144} \n\n|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n| Try reading this first [\\~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html]( once you have done that stuff then someone would be able to provide a real answer or chances are you will find you answer by following the directions on that page. |\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "What are the connection errors and when do they happen? How are you starting Confluence? Which version have you got installed? Is PostGreSQL server running on the same box? Are you checking that comes up first if you've got all the services starting on boot?\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Radu Dumitriu", "body": "What kind of errors do you have? Do you start Postgres \\*before\\* Confluence in the rc.d ? I have a lot of ideas - most of them quite bad - but I cannot exercise my bright side unless you really describe your problem.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Ganymede", "title": "How to create user group with access to only one space?", "body": "At Global Permissions I'm not able to specify access rights to specific Space.\n\nWhen creating new space I'm not able to specify groups with rights to view Space.\n\nIs there any solution for this?\n" }
[ { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "Hi there,\n\nI'm not sure if it exactly matches what you're after, but the Custom Space User Management Plugin gives Space Admins the ability to create space-specific user groups. It doesn't help at the Space Creation stage, but could be useful after. More details here:\n\n<>\n\nRegards,\n\nDavid Peterson\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "ket.pjwstk", "body": "You can use ContentPermissionManager and SpaceManager to browse all Spaces and set specific permission (view and edit), however thats pretty cumbersome.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Radu Dumitriu", "title": "Proposal: Can we do something more positive with spam?", "body": "Instead of deleting it, I think we better replace it's content with something more meaningful, not necessarily related to Atlassian, but at least informative.\n\nOf course, retagging should be mandatory, let's say to \"former-spam\" or \"intellingent-spam\" or something (open to suggestions)\n\nLike for instance, I was reading today this article: <> and if I want to share it with you, I would edit the first spam and change from \"Cheap watches\" to \"Lettuce in space\", and retag the thing to \"former-spam\".\n\nInstead of fighting it all the time, maybe it's time to embrace it, our way.\n\nYou can get more social that that.\n\nWhat do you think ?\n" }
[ { "author": "NikE", "body": "Personally, I think that is an awesome idea... (and you might be interested in <> )\n\nHowever, I think we need to keep the site as on target as possible. We have been ramping up policies (and more importantly tools) to fight spam...the spam filter had to be turned off temporarly. If you want to have some good-spirited fun when you kill a spam post, I don't see any problem with it, but I think we should delete the post as soon as we can.\n\nI will definitely bring up your idea at the next meeting and thank you (all) for your help moderating.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "Would it be possible to do something like hide posts that have been flagged as spam until a moderator can confirm that the flag is correct?\n" }, { "author": "NikE", "body": "That is the ideal situation, but I believe the functionality is not there. That idea is already being explored. There are some spam mangement changes in the pipeline, just not sure which ones at this time.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Kinto Soft", "body": "I think this proposal unveils a lot of hypocrisy. \n\nBe more social? \n\nI got negative votes from you because I spoke about my plugin at the Atlassian's Answers. A lot of people said that Answers was not the right place to speak about plugins which are really part of Atlassian's ecosystem. Even a person called me spammer.\n\nEven today, plugin developers don't know whether they can use Answers to speak about their plugins because [this issue is still unresolved](\n\nAnd now.. do you want to welcome true spam and speak about anything while plugin developers are banned from here by you?\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Radu Dumitriu", "body": "I do not see where hypocrisy comes in, I can understand you're upset, but after all nothing prevents you to help the community, get karma points, moderate. Whatever ...\n" }, { "author": "Kinto Soft", "body": "In my opinion, plugins are a great help for the community. But I don't understand how Atlassian allows it: plugin developers seem cows, they get the milk and later they invite them to not disturb. As plugin developer, I dont' feel myself belonging to this community.\n" }, { "author": "NikE", "body": "Pablo - I understand your frustration. We love our community of plugin developers and we need to get the situation you reference sorted out. That, however, is a completly different issue from what this question was about. We are currently getting some good old fashon spam and our top users can only delete the content from them, leaving an ugly \"this post was spam and was removed\" issue floating around until one of the \\[Atlassian\\] admins gets on and deletes it. Radu and others are getting frustrated and/or bored with doing that each morning (as they get on the boards before I do) so he is propsing a little fun. This is likely not the path we are going to go with, but an interesting and fun idea nevertheless.\n" }, { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "Nik has already said that they're thinking about the support of plugin developers.\n\nAs a plugin developer myself, I **do** feel like a part of the community, because I can ask for help, look for guidance and sometimes help other developers get through problems I've run into. Answers is the right place for help. It does not feel like the right place to advertise or discuss them in detail, because that simply gets in the way of real answers. Looking through the forums, we had valid questions where people would try to \"sell\" their plugin as the right answer when it was completely irrelevant, or there were better options, and I really think that needs to be avoided. Although it is absolutely the right place to say \"Have a look at plugin X, it *could* answer your question\"\n" } ] } ]
[ "community" ]
{ "author": "Florian Gysin", "title": "Table of Contents - set it up globally?", "body": "Hi \n\nI would like to know if it is at all possible to somehow define the global layout of pages so that each pages contains a table of contents somewhere (at the top, or like in a box/panel on the right hand side, ...). \n\nUntil know I only know about the {toc} macro, which creates good customizable tables of contents, but has the drawback that we'd have to add this macro on each and every last wiki page. This is quite a pain to do in the first place, but beware if the preferred TOC-layout changes at some point in the future - we would have to change all pages all over again... \n\nSo what I'm looking for is some layout option or whatever, that lets me define 'globally' (either for all spaces or just on a per-space basis) that each wiki page displays a table of content. I saw that it is possible to have some sort of 'navi frames' but only with the page-tree and not with the in-page-table-of-contents. \n\nI'd much appreciate any input to this point. \n\nThanks! \n\n.f\n" }
[ { "author": "Richard Yale", "body": "Inside of your Administration page there is a\n\nEdit Global Space Layout {#toc-hId-1843215838}\n==============================================\n\nOption on the left side. This will allow you to globally insert stuff into your pages. Some themes however do override these changes so you will have to choose your themes wisely.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Florian Gysin", "body": "Thanks, in the meantime I figured out that I can use the space layout to insert macros ({toc} in my case) into some areas of the page...\n\nI went for the 'Page Top' area. Now my tables of contents are all located above the page title, but its still better than nothing.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "ket.pjwstk", "title": "Does ContentPropertyManager automatically removes properties when ... ?", "body": "Let say I have Page (or other ContentEntityObject) and few properties associated to this page. Does ContentPropertyManager automatically removes associated properties when I remove the ContentEntityObject from confluence DB?\n" }
[ { "author": "Chloe Sowers", "body": "Where are they even stored in the database? I can't find it anywhere.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "ket.pjwstk", "body": "Anyone? Any idea?\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "java" ]
{ "author": "Leo B", "title": "I'm having a warning during Confluence startup...", "body": "I'm getting the following warning with Confluence:\n\nsaveDocumentAtomically Unable to move E:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\Confluence\\\\homefolders\\\\3.4.3\\\\confluence.cfg.xml3292057406560942724tmp to E:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\Confluence\\\\homefolders\\\\3.4.3\\\\confluence.cfg.xml. Falling back to non-atomic overwrite\n\nAnyone know how to resolve this warning?\n" }
[ { "author": "Jim Birch", "body": "I get these too. This issue <> includes this note:\n\n*\"Atomic file updates seem to be reasonably close to impossible on Windows. We should suppress this warning message (as it's not something the admin can do anything about).\"*\n\n**Looks like you should forget it! :)**\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Andrew Townsend", "title": "Set default Pagetree depth in Documentation Theme", "body": "Hi,\n\nI'm wondering if there is an easy way to set the pagetree depth to 1 in the documentation theme? The pagetree that appears in the left-side navbar..\n\nI had a look at the theme options but couldnt see anything..\n" }
[ { "author": "David Dube", "body": "Are you wanting to limit the maximum depth or you just want to see the first level of children... allowing people to expand a particular entry?\n\nIf the latter, try unselecting \"pagetree\" in the theme configuration... then in the navigation add whatever code you want to customize the page tree (root, startdepth, etc) in the Navigation section.\n\nExample:\n\n{pagetree:startDepth=1}\n\nYou can also use the [Show Expand Links, Show Collapse Links, or expandCollapseAll]( to roll up a brand or unravel a tree all at once.\n\nDoes that help?\n", "comments": [ { "author": "[email protected]", "body": "Is there also a way to limit the maximum page depth?\n" } ] } ]
[ "documentation", "theme" ]
{ "author": "Fabian Lopez", "title": "How to handle Unique page names in confluence?", "body": "I have one space with the documentation of our products. We have in the same space (for specific version) the User Manual, Admin Manual, config manual, etc.\n\nEach of them have a page/section called \"Introduction\", \"Overview\" \"How to...\" etc.\n\nI understand that we can have \"unique\" pages names on confluence in the same space and that the \"tinyurl\" is unique. My question is why Confluence is using the \"pagename\" (that could be edited anytime\") as index instead of the tinyurl?\n\nWhat is the workaround recommended to handle pages with the same name on the same spaces as it was described below?\n" }
[ { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "Another work-around is to put all the content into one page. This probably becomes a pain to edit, but you could present an efficient interface to the user by using {toc} and/or {cloak}/{toggle-cloak}.\n\nYou might also {include} the contents of other pages for the subsections which have prefixed names but then the user will only see the headings on the main page, which don't need to include a prefix.\n\nOh, another thing, Confluence itself maintains many-many spaces on its documentation \\[wiki instance\\|<>\\]. You can use Space groups for organization (e.g. for each product).\n\nOh, and another thing, with regard to my original answer, you can generate a table of contents by hand, which can contain labels that lack the prefix while still linking to a page with the prefix, e.g. \\\\\\[Introduction\\|UM_Introduction\\]\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Fabian Lopez", "body": "I will review which method to use. I need to consider the potential need of exporting the content to word or pdf with Scroll Office.\n\nthanks for your input\n" } ] }, { "author": "Markus Majer", "body": "Just use an tag in front of your site, like \\[CLIENTNAME\\] Introduction - this makes the pagename unique and also helps you finding the page with the search ajax field - if your search results are ten times entries Introduction, it makes no sense.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "Confluence is using the tiny URL behind the scenes, but the page name association is used **so that** you can change the page name whenever you want.\n\nI suppose the solutions are obvious:\n\n1. Create a prefix or suffix which you use on all page names of a group, e.g. UM_, AM_, CM_.\n\n2. Create a separate space for each of your manuals.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Fabian Lopez", "body": "Thanks Kevin. I thought about that, but I am really questioning why if Confluence has the tinyurl as unique identifiers Atlassian is using the page name as index (which is not unique and it can be changed anytime per the user). Iwas hopping to have a better fix on this in the upcoming confluence 4.0 release.\n\nThe acronymn is a good workaround. The spaces in our case is not a good idea due that we have more than 30 products with multiple versions released every year. We will prefer to keep one space per product per release to contain all the documentation. I think acronym could be a better approach in this case.\n" }, { "author": "Fabian Lopez", "body": "Actually it is a workaround but not the best one, due that you will see on the table of content the UM_Overview instead of just the plain Overview.\n\nbut it will work for now\n" }, { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "Fabian: Confluence does reference the human-readable page name for that is easier to remember and reference. It sort of fits the Wiki ideal of hyperlinking as much as possible whenever you make a reference to it. If we had to look up the tinyurl every time we wanted to insert a link, it would get old quickly.\n" } ] } ]
[ "index", "page-title" ]
{ "author": "Ganymede", "title": "How to force users to use strong password?", "body": "How admin can set required policy for users to use only passwords with letters AND numbers etc?\n" }
[ { "author": "Matt", "body": "Try the User Security Management Plugin by Adaptavist:\n\n<>\n\nAmong other features, it offers:\n\n**Better Password Control**\n\n1. A raft of password strength/complexity options\n2. Password expiry (so you can make sure your users change their password every x days)\n3. Password history lists (so you can make sure your user's don't change to a password they've used in the last x)\n4. Password minimum change (so you can enforce a password change only once a day)\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Calogero Bonasia", "body": "the url saysAw, shoot. We can't find the page.\n" }, { "author": "Rajendra Dhawale", "body": "ya link is not working.\n" } ] } ]
[ "password" ]
{ "author": "Alan DeNiro", "title": "alphabetical sorting with accented characters?", "body": "Using 2.10--I'm setting up a Spanish-language table with the table-plus macro. I'm trying to do an alphabetical sort but the words that begin with an accented character end up getting sorted at the bottom of the list. For example, in a table of words beginning with \"a\", ?cido asc?rbico appears at the bottom of the a's. Is there a potential fix for this, in which the accented character can still appear but it will act like a regular \"a\"? Thanks,\n" }
[ { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "This is a known issue - [TBL-117](\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "table-plus" ]
{ "author": "Amey Nevrenkar", "title": "I have imported a space from Confluence 2.2.2 to Confluence 3.5.2, the import process has gone fine, but when I click on the space link it gives me page not found error!", "body": "I want to delete this space but unable to do so.\n" }
[ { "author": "Jeremy Largman", "body": "Try this:\n\n1. Go to another space and browse to space admin\n2. Click Remove Space. It'll bring you to a confirmation screen.\n3. Check the URL.\n4. Substitute your space key into that URL.\n\nIt should look like:\n\nhttps://\\<url\\>/spaces/removespace.action?key=\\<spaceKey\\>\n\nYou should be able to delete the space key that way...\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Amey Nevrenkar", "body": "hi Jeremy\n\nThanks for the reply.\n\nI tried that method, but it gives the same page not found error.\n" }, { "author": "Jeremy Largman", "body": "Try <> as well.\n\nIn times of desperation - and maybe you're there - you can go for the hack the database technique. We wrote this up as a knowledge base article as a last-ditch effort:\n\n<>\n\nBe careful with that one...\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Lori Brooks-Manas", "title": "what determines size of PDFs using ViewFile?", "body": "When we use ViewFile, Word documents are nice and large and easy to read. When using it for PDFs, the PDF is small and hard to read. Is there a way to control the size of the PDF? Thanks!\n" }
[ { "author": "JenniferC", "body": "The viewfile macro for PDF files has height and width parameters that you can use to enlarge your PDFs. But beware this could have performance issues due to the rendering of larger files.\n\nUsage would be:\n\n{viewfile:myfile.pdf\\|height=900\\|width=700}\n\nUndocumented features :)\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "simon roberts", "title": "Multiple people updating a page, different color for each user", "body": "Hi, is there away to simulate the Track Changes that word has? For example, if we have 3 people making updates to 1 document/page, can the individual peoples contributions automatically be created in a different color?\n\nOr any other thoughts on how to best track changes visualy on the page (not going to version control)?\n\nThanks!\n" }
[ { "author": "Edwin Dawson", "body": "Hi there Simon, sadly in Confluence there is no such feature, it has one form of file comparison only (Red = content deletions, Green = additions, Blue = changes).\n\nConsidering that, there's not many options available. Perhaps you could write a plugin to create this functionality, or open a request for the Confluence developers in the Confluence project at [](\n\nThere's this page, which gives a comparison of various diffing functionality available in wiki products: <>\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Elliott Ing", "title": "Macro inside macro?", "body": "I'm using Confluence with the Scaffolding plugin. I've got a frield called \\`postcode\\`, and I can get the value from it using report-info. However, when I try to embed this value inside another macro (in this case, the google maps one, to have an automatic map of the location), it fails. {report-info} returns the value correctly, but the outer macro is printed (so I see the {googlemaps-etc} text on the page), rather than being rendeder.\n\nCan anyone suggest how to do this?\n" }
[ { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "Hi there,\n\nI'm assuming you're trying something like this:\n\n```\n{my-macro:someParam={report-info:data:My Field}}\n```\n\nAs you noted, that won't work - it's simply not how Confluence parses macros. There is a workaround however. You can 'inject' values into other macros by using the {report-on:injected=true} macro that comes with the Reporting Plugin. You can also use the {replace-and-render} macro from Adaptavist, but I'll leave that example for others.\n\nTo to use {report-on} in this situation, it would be something like this:\n\n```\n*My Parameter Value:* {text-data:My Parameter Value}\n```\n\n```\n{report-on:injected=true}{some-other-macro:theParameter=%data:My Parameter Value%}{report-on}\n```\n\nThe '%...%' markup is pasted in before the {some-other-macro} is executed, which should achieve what you're after. Check out the documentation for more details:\n\n<>\n\n<>\n\nHope that helps!\n\nRegards,\n\nDavid Peterson\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "scaffolding" ]
{ "author": "Adil Fulara", "title": "Twiki MAKETEXT macro conversion", "body": "I am trying to convert a twiki wiki to confluence.\n\nThe importer completes successfully but on the page i do see that\n\n%MAKETEXT{\"Available Information\"}%\n\ninstead of\n\n**Available Information**\n\nwhich is what i see in twiki.\n\nAny help would be beneficial.\n\nThank you,\n" }
[ { "author": "Laura Kolker", "body": "Sounds like you have a type of twiki markup that there isn't currently a converter for.\n\nI'm hearing that maybe you want instances of\n\n```\n%MAKETEXT{\"foobar\"}\n```\n\nto be turned into\n\n```\n*foobar*\n```\n\nwhich is confluence bold syntax.\n\nIf that's the case, you could try adding (untested, but should work) the following converter to your file\n\n```\\\{\\\"(.*?)\\\"\\}{replace-with}*$1*\n```\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Ellen Feaheny [AppFusions]", "body": "Here's a checklist to help you think through all the different syntax challenges.\n\n<>\n\nEllen\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Adil Fulara", "body": "Thank you Laura and Ellen.\n\nDoes UWC remove Twiki related page data during conversion?\n\nAdil.\n" }, { "author": "Laura Kolker", "body": "@Adil\n\nWell, yes? The UWC transforms source wiki data to confluence style data with the general goal of maintaining the underlying meaning of syntax and metadata, if possible. As an example, twiki and confluence color macro syntax is very different, so the idea is that the twiki syntax that indicates color would be removed and replaced with something that Confluence can render.\n" } ] } ]
[ "twiki", "universal-wiki-converter" ]
{ "author": "Carlos Figueroa", "title": "Code that lists all users that have access to a space?", "body": "I have searched through various forums and such and cannot find how to do this. I would like to add code to a page that basically then will list every user that has access to that space. Preferably, it could also give other attributes of the user, but if all I get is a listing of names, that would be sufficient.\n" }
[ { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "We use <>\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Carlos Figueroa", "body": "Bob, the space-access macro is the same one that Matthew tried to show me how to add. I followed the instructions, but to no avail... <>\n" }, { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "No, it is not a user macro. Here is a better link: [Page Access Macro](\n" } ] }, { "author": "MatthewC", "body": "Hello,\n\nI presume that you want a list of users that anyone can see?\n\nyou could write a user macro with the reporting plugin:\n\n<>\n", "comments": [ { "author": "MatthewC", "body": "BTW be careful with this.... if you have lots of users \\& have open spaces it can be a bit of a resource hog\n" }, { "author": "Carlos Figueroa", "body": "Thanks Matthew. I followed the instructions on the link you gave me, but it did not work. But thanks, I know I am getting closer...\n" }, { "author": "MatthewC", "body": "Have you go the reporting plugin installed? <>\n" }, { "author": "Carlos Figueroa", "body": "Yes, I do. But it still gives some kind of error.\n" }, { "author": "Benny Varughese", "body": "I tried this as well and have a question. Does this macro returns all users over all spaces? I tried this out in different spaces and seems to me like the result is the same\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Craig Hannah", "title": "Problem upgrading from version 2.8 to 3.5", "body": "I'm attempting to upgrade our version 2.8 to version 3.5. I'm doing my initial testing in a QA environement and am encountering some problems. Some of the details of the install are: \n\nOld version: confluence-2.8.1-std.tar.gz \nNew version :confluence-3.5.7-std.tar.gz \nJava version: jdk1.6.0_24 \nUsing Oracle 10g via a datasource \nUsing Confluence's standalone user management. \nI've read through all the release and upgrade notes \n\nWhat I have done is: \n\nInstalled the application \nConfigured server.xml, web.xml,, \nLoaded our test Oracle schema with a dump of our prodution one \nCopied our prduction Confluence data directory to a QA counterpart (pointed to by the conf-init prop file) \n\nWhat happens is: \n\nAccessing the app I am prompted to enter the upgraded developer license (on a fixonly/fixlicense.action screen) \nI am told the update was successful and to restart Confluence \nI do and recieve about 75 ddl traces (eg alter table, create index) \nStartup completes in 5 minutes \nAccessing the app again, I recieve an error message saying - 'Upgrade failed. Please consult the system logs for details. You will need to fix these problems, restore your database and confluence home directory to the pre upgrade state.' \nLooking through all the logs that have been touched, there are no entries indicating an error situation \n\nWhat makes this even more odd is that on my first attempt to do this upgrade I had a Confluence data directory from, what I believe, was an old 3.2 upgrade attempt. Going through the same process as above, everything worked fine \n\nI appreciate any thoughts you might have about where the problem is. \n\nThanks, \n\nCraig Hannah\n" }
[ { "author": "Jeremy Largman", "body": "Hi Craig,\n> Looking through all the logs that have been touched, there are no entries indicating an error situation\n\nI'd double-check this. One guess I have is that you're looking in the wrong place. The atlassian-confluence.log is actually in the confluence-home directory (the data directory you copied from production). Make sure you're checking the logs folder in there. If you can find the snippet, post it here.\n\nThis seems like a good candidate for a [support ticket]( You might want to open one and our team will inspect the logs.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Craig Hannah", "body": "Hi Jeremy,\n\nThanks for you answer. You were correct, the atlassian-confluence.log in the data directory did in fact have the offending error. The upgrade was failing because the global logo couldn't be found in the attachment directory. I manually placed the file it was looking for in the spot it was looking and everything went smoothly.\n\nThanks again,\n\nCraig\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Richard Yale", "body": "Hi Craig,\n\nBe sure to accept Jeremy's answer if it helped you solve the issue :)\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "artem chuguntsev", "title": "Set style for TaskList`s line depends on priority, completed and so on", "body": "Hi! I use Confluence v 3.3.1.\n\nI use tasklist macro in my space, and i want to set its own style for completed task, task with high priority and so on. Here I\\`ve seen completed tasks and not completed tasks have different style so it is very suitable to recognize task with different status in this pic [\\&modificationDate=1206683502794]( (<>).\n\nI wanted to do the same, but I could not. Tell me, please, how I can control styles of TaskList in Confluence?\n\nP.S. I know css class described style of completed task is 'closed unlocked task with medium priority completed'. But i didn\\`t find any class like this to rewrite it in files located in \"css\" folder of Confluence.\n" }
[ { "author": "BenA", "body": "> I know css class described style of completed task is 'closed unlocked task with medium priority completed'. But i didn\\`t find any class like this to rewrite it in files located in \"css\" folder of Confluence.\n\nHave you tried defining your own, new style rules using those classes? eg:\n\n.task-list .closed.high.priority { /\\* styles for high priority \\*/ }\n\n.task-list .closed.medium.priority { /\\* styles for medium priority \\*/ }\n\n...etc? You can put this into your space or global CSS.\n\n(It's a good idea to use .task-list as a form of namespace/scope)\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "css", "tasklist" ]
{ "author": "RomanP", "title": "How can I use excerpt:hidden=true in a template with textarea", "body": "Example template:\n\n{excerpt:hidden=true} \n@EXCERPTData\\|textarea(5x10)@ \n{excerpt} \nWhen using this template, the textarea doesn't show up and after clicking 'Insert Variables' it creates an empty page\n\nUsing the same template without 'hidden=true', the textarea shows up, but the the 'excerpt' is not hidden\n" }
[ { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "I don't think there's any way of achieving it with standard templates, but you can certainly do it with the Scaffolding Plugin. Something like this:\n\n```\n{hidden-data}\n```\n\n```\n{excerpt-data:Excerpt|type=area|width=400px|height=5em}\n```\n\n```\n{hidden-data}\n```\n\nI guess an alternative would be using {hide-if} from the Visibility Plugin (or the similar {builder-hide} macro from Adaptavist's Theme Builder), something like so:\n\n```\n{hide-if:action=view}\n```\n\n{excerpt:hidden=true}\n\n@EXCERPTData\\|textarea(5x10)@ \n{excerpt}\n\n```\n{hide-if}\n```\n\nHope that helps!\n", "comments": [ { "author": "RomanP", "body": "Thanks a lot,\n\nI used {hide-if} and that worked.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "David Gersh", "title": "Link Page Name By Macro", "body": "Problem: I want to create a dynamic link to the current page based on the title of the current page.\n\nI had our confluence admin create the macro which I found at:\n\n<>\n\nThis seems to work once, however, when the link is rendered it shows up with at + but then does link to the page properly when clicked.\n\nThe problem is when the page is edited, the text \\[{pagename}\\] has been replaced with:\n\n\\[{pagename} \n\\&linkCreation=true\\&fromPageId=38176348\" class=\"createlink\"linktype=\"raw\" wikidestination=\"{pagename} \n\" originalalias=\"{pagename} \n\" \\>{pagename} \n\\|/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=ClientEngineering\\&title=%3Cdiv%20class=\\]\n\nAnyone have an idea?\n" }
[ { "author": "David Dube", "body": "You could use report-info... something like:\n\n\\[{report-info:page:title}\\]\n\nLet's say you wanted to use the title of the parent page as a prefix, you could do something like:\n\n\\[{report-info:page:parent \\> page:title} Your Wiki Suffix\\]\n\nI recently coded up a navigation bar that allowed somone to \"click\" to create sub sections within a project area using the reporting macro in conjunction with the add-page macro to attempt to push naming consistancy within a project. For each subsection within a project, I had the following code (edited for the specific section):\n\n{report-list}{local-reporter:page:parent \\> content:children} {content-filter:@self\\|labels=+fy12_actions} {local-reporter}{report-body}{report-link}Action Items{report-link}{report-body}{report-empty}{add-page:allowRename=true\\|template=FY12 Project Actions\\|live=true\\|name=%content:title% Action Items\\|parent=@parent}Action Items{add-page}\\\\\\\\{report-empty}{report-list}\n\nHopefully that gives you some ideas...\n\nDave\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "MICHAEL O'Neill", "title": "How to show more results with the {contentbylabel} macro?", "body": "The {contentbylabel} macro seems great, but if there are more results available than the specified display limit, it just displays a message that tells the user that they are seeing only a partial list (see capture below), and doesn't provide a means for them to see more.\n\n![](\n\nI notice that the {recently-updated} macro anticipates this and provides an ability to see more results... How do I get this behavior in {contentbylabel}?\n\n![](\n" }
[ { "author": "Edwin Dawson", "body": "Hi there Michael, that feature currently doesn't exist, new code would be required to extend the functionality of this macro.\n\nFor feature requests, you can raise issues for the Confluence development team directly, in the Confluence project at [](\n\nI hope this helps.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Jeremy Largman", "body": "If you're interested in developing this into a new macro, you can check out the source in the [Content Survey plugin]( There's a '[dynamiccontentbylabel](' macro that takes a parameter for number of results.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "content-by-label", "macro", "recently-updated" ]
{ "author": "Tom Crapper", "title": "How do I convert template-input data to external (SQL) DB entry?", "body": "OK,\n\nSo, now I (kinda) know how to take .csv or SQL data into a report format (<>), I now have another question:\n\nUSE CASE:\n\nA user accesses a pre-defined template in a space and fills the variable fields with his data. This will automatically create a page in that space. That page data, using the variables in the template as fields, populates an external SQL DB.\n\nQUESTION:\n\nIs there any way of automatically taking those templated variables and adding them to an external DB repository (say in SQL)?\n\nI am looking for a way of getting my users to enter data about 'People', 'Places' and 'Events' using conflucence as the entry portal, but want to allow all users to then cleverly manipulate, search and report on that information from a SQL DB back into Confluence.\n" }
[ { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "Have you thought about using the [Run Plugin]( to input the data into an sql update statement ([SQL Plugin]( and then regular queries? [](\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Tom Crapper", "body": "Bob, thanks for this - pure gold.\n\nLooks like what we'll do is:\n\na. work out how to importa/call foreign classes in Confluence\n\nb. figure out how to map the input fields into the SQL query\n\nc. setup the datasource\n\nd. work out how to differentiate between an insertion and an update.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Luke Thomas", "title": "grouping-stats and eval-data - do they mix well?", "body": "I'm having a problem with getting eval-data to work in my report, the report-table shown below shows the component and outage sum correctly but not the percentage. Seems there is an issue with getting a value back for %Site-AvailabilityOutageTotal% but I can't figure out what.\n\n{table-data:Component-Availability} \n\\|\\|Component\\|\\|Outage Summary\\|\\|Linked ID\\|\\|Linked OID\\|\\|Outage\\|\\| \n\\| {list-data:Site-Component} \n{list-option}API{list-option} \n{list-option}Admin Console{list-option} \n{list-option}FTP{list-option} \n{list-option}Search{list-option} \n{list-option}Website{list-option} \n{list-data} \\| {text-data:Site-AvailabilitySummary} \\| {text-data:Site-AvailabilityID} \\| {text-data:Site-AvailabilityOID} \\| {number-data:Site-AvailabilityOutage\\|decimal=true} minutes\\| \n{table-data} \n\n{report-table} \n{grouping-reporter:data:Site-Component\\|as=Component} \n{grouping-stats:data:Site-AvailabilityOutage\\|as=Count} \n{local-reporter:data:Component-Availability} \n{text-filter:data:Site-Component\\|value=Website} \n{text-sort:data:Site-Component\\|order=ascending} \n{local-reporter} \n{grouping-reporter} \n\n{report-column:title=Component}{report-info:grouped:Component}{report-column} \n{report-column:title=Outage}{report-info:grouped:Count \\> stats:sum} minutes{report-column} \n{replace-and-render}{replace-item:%NumberOfDays%}{get-data:name=reporting-days}{replace-item}{replace-item:%Site-AvailabilityOutageTotal%}{report-info:grouped:Count \\> stats:sum}{replace-item}{replace-body}{report-column:title=Percentage}{eval-data:Percentage\\|format=#0.00}round((((60\\*24\\*%NumberOfDays%)-%Site-AvailabilityOutageTotal%)/(60\\*24\\*%NumberOfDays%))\\*100, 2){eval-data}%{report-column}{replace-body}{replace-and-render} \n\n{report-empty}Nothing to see.{report-empty} \n\n{report-table} \n" }
[ { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "Hi Charlie,\n\nThey can work together, but you can't put {eval-data} macros into a report. Reports can pull values from {eval-data} that is in a Scaffolding {table-data} or {repeating-data} however.\n\nIf you want to do maths inside a report, use the {report-eval} macro instead. It works quite similarly to the {eval-data} macro, but has a slightly different syntax. Also, values are only stored for the life of that specific page view, whereas for {eval-data} they are stored more permanently with other Scaffolding data.\n\nIn any case, to get your report working there are two options:\n\n1. Move the {eval-data} into the {table-data} instead, then refer to it as you would any other Scaffolding data field (ie. '{report-info:data:Percentage}').\n\n2. Use {report-eval} instead, like so:\n\n```\n{report-column:title=Percentage}\n```\n\n```\n {report-eval:Percentage|format=#0.00}round((((60*24*%report:content root > data:reporting-days%-%grouped:Count > stats:sum%/(60*24*%report:content root > data:reporting-days%))*100, 2){report-eval}\n```\n\n```\n{report-column}\n```\n\nNote that you can completely remove the {replace-and-render} from this report. Also, I'm assuming that 'reporting-days' is a {number-data} field on the page somewhere that you haven't listed.\n\nIn general, it's best not to mix Scaffolding macros into reports. You can do the reverse quite safely - put Reporting macros into {table-data}/{repeating-data}, but it doesn't work so well in the other direction.\n\nHope that helps!\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Luke Thomas", "body": "Hi David,\n\nThanks for the detail, I tried that out but I got an error: \nreport-eval: Missing \")\" to match a previous \"(\".\n\nround((((60\\*24\\*%report:content root \\> data:reporting-days%-%grouped:Count \\> stats:sum%/(60\\*24\\*%report:content root \\> data:reporting-days%))\\*100, 2) \n\nUsing the information around report-eval I was able to resolve and complete my report.\n\nMany thanks\n" }, { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "Great! I was just attempting to copy your example, but I probably missed a closing bracket somewhere...\n\nGlad it's working.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Manupriya S", "body": "Hi I was wondering is it also possible to perform calculations using Jira Issues macro? \nFor eg: \ni took too Jira issues count : so it would display as \"23 Issues\" and another as \"40 Issues\"\n\nso Can i see the total as \"63 issues\"? \n\nor\n\nis there a way i can view the jira issues count as a numeric value so then i can use the \"Eval data\" macro and perform calculations?\n\nkindly, help out if possible.\n\nThank you.\n\nPriya\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Michael Regelin", "title": "code wiki doesnt show anymore ?", "body": "Hello,\n\nI have just installed the Confluence beta 4.02.\n\nI have no way to see the wiki markup of a page. I can see the storage format ?? and the view source show the exact page when editing a page...\n\nMy first test, was to use a global template from a 3.4 confluence version. I can see that it still works.\n\nSo what about the *old fashion* wiki markup ??\n\nThanks for help.\n\nMichael\n" }
[ { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "There is no wiki markup in version 4.x, it's been deliberately removed. See <>\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "FYI, there does exist a plugin that will add a menu item for viewing the storage format for a page. However I believe it is only installed by default when using the Plugin SDK and the 'atlas-run' (and related) command. That said, I'm sure it exists in the Atlassian Maven repostiory, so it should be possible to track down and install in 'standalone' installations.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Sherif Mansour", "body": "Michael,\n\nYou can [learn more about Confluence 4.0 here]( We have videos, demos, tutorials and FAQs about why we are making this big change. You can still write wiki markup in the new editor and it will convert for you on-the-fly. In additon, as David said, for plugin developers you can still see the storage format.\n\nSherif\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "title": "Search result page, showing a full path to result", "body": "When reading through the search results, such as ht[tp://\\&where=conf_all\\&type=\\&lastModified=\\&contributor=\\&contributorUsername=](\n\nthe results come back in the form\n\n1. Title of page (linked to page)\n2. handy links\n3. First few lines of text that match search\n4. Space page was found in (link) and date\n\nI've had several people ask for a display of the full path to the result. In other words, they'd like to see the tooltop that you get when hovering over \"title of page\" to be displayed directly on screen.\n\nIs this possible with any tweaking? If not, then which file do I need to look at amending?\n" }
[ { "author": "Daniel", "body": "You can do this with a search result renderer\n\n<>\n\nThe one used in Confluence is open source and available at\n\n<>\n\nso you can tweak that one, or of course write your own own from scratch.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "Oooh, that looks like it will solve this problem, thanks Daniel!\n\nIt might be able to help us with the fundamentally broken searching in Confluence too.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Ma Hao", "body": "Hi,\n\n<br />\n\nI tried to use the SearchResultRender to customize the render.\n\nBut it is not working for Confluence 5.3.\n\nThe documents seems like i do not have permission to view.\n\nWhy is that?\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "search" ]
{ "author": "Katherine Katherine", "title": "Blocking history of pages for anonymous users", "body": "I need to block the change history (from the tools menu) for anonymous users. Is there a way to do this?\n" }
[ { "author": "GuilhermeA", "body": "Hello Katherine,\n\nIntrigued by your request I have made a workaround using Velocity in order to avoid this to happen. We will need to modify the **viewpreviousversion.vm** from **\\<confluence-install\\>/confluence/pages/** you can save a copy and edit all the content to the code below. Please change the custom message on the last lines accordingly to your needs as well. :)\n\n```\n&lt;html&gt; &lt;head&gt; &lt;title&gt;$action.getText(\"title.view.previous.versions\") - $!page.title&lt;/title&gt; &lt;/head&gt; #applyDecorator(\"root\") #decoratorParam(\"helper\" $action.helper) #decoratorParam(\"mode\" \"view-information\") #decoratorParam(\"calendar-width\" \"200px\") #decoratorParam(\"context\" \"$\")\t\t## PERMISSION TO CHECK IF USER IS ANONYMOUS, IF ANONYMOUS THERE IS NO HISTORY FOR IT :)\t\t#if ($action.remoteUser != $null)\t\t #requireResource(\"confluence.web.resources:page-history\") &lt;form name=\"diff\" method=\"GET\" action=\"diffpagesbyversion.action\"&gt; &lt;input type=\"submit\" value=\"$action.getText('compare.selected')\"&gt; &lt;input type=\"hidden\" name=\"pageId\" value=\"$action.pageId\"&gt; &lt;style&gt; .tableview td {white-space:nowrap; vertical-align:top;} &lt;/style&gt; &lt;table id=\"page-history-container\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tableview\"&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;th&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/th&gt; &lt;th&gt;$action.getText(\"heading.version.number\")&lt;/th&gt; &lt;th&gt;$action.getText(\"\")&lt;/th&gt; &lt;th&gt;$action.getText(\"heading.comment\")&lt;/th&gt; #if( $action.isRevertPermitted()) &lt;th&gt;$action.getText(\"heading.operations\")&lt;/th&gt; #end &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr id=\"rowForVersion$page.version\"&gt; &lt;td width=\"%1\"&gt;&lt;input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"selectedPageVersions\" value=\"$page.version\" #if ($action.isSelectedVersion($page.version)) checked #end&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td align=\"left\"&gt; &lt;strong&gt; &lt;a href=\"viewpage.action?pageId=$\"&gt;$action.getText(\"current.version\")&lt;/a&gt; (v. $page.version) &lt;/strong&gt; &lt;/td&gt; &lt;td align=\"middle\"&gt; &lt;strong&gt; $dateFormatter.formatDateTime($page.lastModificationDate) &lt;/strong&gt; &lt;/td&gt; &lt;td style=\"white-space:normal;\"&gt; &lt;strong&gt;#usernameLink ($page.lastModifierName)&lt;/strong&gt;#if ($page.versionCommentAvailable): &lt;br&gt;&lt;span class=\"change-comment\"&gt;$page.renderedVersionComment&lt;/span&gt;#end ## Only put in a break if there's a comment &lt;/td&gt; #if( $action.isRevertPermitted()) &lt;td&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/td&gt; #end &lt;/tr&gt; #if( $previousVersions ) #foreach( $oldPage in $previousVersions ) &lt;tr id=\"rowForVersion$oldPage.version\"&gt; &lt;td width=\"%1\"&gt;&lt;input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"selectedPageVersions\" value=\"$oldPage.version\" #if ($action.isSelectedVersion($oldPage.version)) checked #end&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td align=\"left\"&gt; &lt;a href=\"viewpage.action?pageId=${}\"&gt;v. $oldPage.version&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/td&gt; &lt;td align=\"middle\"&gt; $dateFormatter.formatDateTime( $oldPage.lastModificationDate ) &lt;/td&gt; &lt;td style=\"white-space:normal;\"&gt; &lt;strong&gt;#usernameLink ($oldPage.lastModifierName)&lt;/strong&gt;#if ($oldPage.versionCommentAvailable): &lt;br&gt;&lt;span class=\"change-comment\"&gt;($oldPage.renderedVersionComment)&lt;/span&gt;#end ## Only put in a break if there's a comment &lt;/td&gt; #if( $action.isRevertPermitted()) &lt;td align=\"middle\"&gt; #if ($oldPage.version&gt;0) &lt;a href=\"revertpagebacktoversion.action?pageId=$;version=${oldPage.version}\"&gt;$action.getText(\"restore.this.version\")&lt;/a&gt; #end &lt;/td&gt; #end &lt;/tr&gt; #end #end &lt;/table&gt; &lt;/form&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=\"${req.contextPath}/pages/viewinfo.action?pageId=${}\"&gt;$action.getText('')&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;\t\t#else\t\t## CUSTOM MESSAGE TO ANONYMOUS USER\t\t&lt;ul&gt;Unfortunately as Anonymous you lack permission to use the page History, for further information please contact Confluence Administrators&lt;/ul&gt;\t\t#end #end&lt;/html&gt;\n```\n\nHope this helps you get on the right track. If you need any tweak let me know! \nCheers, \nGuilherme\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Sam", "body": "Hi Guilherme,\n\nDoes this solution still works for Confluence server 5.9.9 \n<> ?\n" } ] }, { "author": "Giuliano C.", "body": "Hi Katherine,\n\nUnfortunately, from my thoughts Confluence doesn't work with this Feature, since you block anonymous to view a page, you will block him to see all content, you are not able just to block the history of the page. However, if you wish, we can create a Feature Request for you and see how it will goes.\n\nThanks a lot for your comprehension.\n\nKind Regards,\n\nGiuliano Tenedini\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "jj jj", "title": "Search Index keeps breaking", "body": "Hi the Search is not working and nothing is appearing on the dashboard. When we try to rebuild the index, the loading screen gets stuck at 99%. How do you fix this?\n" }
[ { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "Wait. Ours often whizzes through to 99% and then takes about 1/3rd as long again to get the last 1% done. Very annoying, but there's not a lot else oyu can do.\n\nI would however, go throught the logs carefully, and consider increasing logging to see if you can work out what's going on!\n", "comments": [ { "author": "JamieA", "body": "The last 3% is the index of search request and dashboard names/owners etc... I think the 3% is hard-coded, so if you have a disproportionate number of filters, dashboards, then it will \"stick\".\n" } ] } ]
[ "index", "search" ]
{ "author": "Tom Crapper", "title": "How do I use an external table (.csv) to create new pages automatically?", "body": "I have a need to create a repository of information on international politicians for my company.\n\nWe have a whole stack of information on them (that are formatted as individual records in a .csv), including all their business cards scanned in (as fields in that .csv). Some of the fields contain structured data, some unstructured.\n\nWhat I want to do is add my table of data (the .csv) to our wiki, but use each individual record as an individual child page in one of our spaces. The result I am looking for is a whole load of pages created, one on each politician, each as a result of the data I have on the .csv.\n\nIs this possible?\n\nI have already added a template that can be used to enter an individual contact/record, which will add a page on a specific person (I can modify those fields as necessary!), and would really like to use it's format for any records added from my .csv.\n\nI'm running on Confluence 3.5.7\n" }
[ { "author": "Jeremy Largman", "body": "The [Confluence CLI]( is a good place to start. I'm not sure if it gets your entire use case - you might need to do a bit of extraction and parsing from the csv file.\n\nYou might need to write your own [Remote API connection]( (the CLI is just a nicely done implementation of the Remote API that meets lots of use-cases). If you do that, you'll have full control and programatic access to parsing your csv, then uploading the content.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Bob Swift (personal)", "body": "Specifically you can use the \\*runFromCsv\\* action provided you can make the content conform to the requirements of that action. Otherwise, a combination of scripting and that aciton or others provided by the CLI would work.\n" }, { "author": "Tom Crapper", "body": "Thanks for the comments on this. I'll get some cold towels wrapped round my head and give it a go tomorrow.\n\nBob, your're a Jedi!\n" } ] }, { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "Your best bet is to probably attack this with a programming API interface to Confluence. I don't know much about SOAP and other potential mechanisms for this. If you are willing to put in the programming effort, here are some pointers to get you started:\n\n<>\n\n<>\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Tom Crapper", "body": "Hi,\n\nThis will be a recurring need.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "Did you need to do this one time or will it be a recurring need?\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Denise Spahn", "title": "Can I set up Confluence to let anonymous users sign up for email notifications when a page changes?", "body": "I'd like to set up Confluence to let anonymous users sign up for email notifications when a page changes. I'd like to avoid using RSS. Any suggestions?\n" }
[ { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "Jamie has spot on - unless the user logs in, Confluence cannot possibly know who they are. You're asking it to know someone's email address without knowing who they are, which is quite simply not possible.\n\nMy guess is that you want to get them to watch a page and then provide an email address, without having to log in? That probably could be done with some coding, but you'll quickly find that just tagging a user's email address on is fraught with problems and you need a system that, well, um, handles user/passwords. (And under no circumstances could you put a system without authentication on the internet - the spam would kill it in a few hours)\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Denise Spahn", "body": "I see what you are saying. Using the anonymous access is less about the user staying anonymous and more about avoiding additional maintenance time for yet another set of user/passwords. Does that make sense?\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "I guess you're aware of the implicit contradiction in your question? I mean, if they provide their email address they're not anonymous, but how can they receive emails otherwise?\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "anonymous", "email" ]
{ "author": "HopeJ", "title": "Confluence 4.0 Beta Internet Explorer 7", "body": "When I run Beta on Internet Explorer the top navigation bar configures incorrectly.\n\nInstead of going across the screen horizontally they come down vertically and you can't see them.\n\nDoes anyone else have this problem.\n" }
[ { "author": "NikE", "body": "IE7 is not a supported browser for Confluence 4.0\n\n<>\n", "comments": [ { "author": "MatthewC", "body": "We \\*did\\* have plans to upgrade to confluence 4 asap (based on the supported platforms page) but we've only just moved to IE7 less than a year ago on the standard desktop.\n\nBack to drawing board\n" }, { "author": "Sherif Mansour", "body": "Hi Hope,\n\nNick is correct. Confluence 4.0 will not support IE7, the lowest IE version we will support is IE8.\n\nSherif\n" } ] }, { "author": "MatthewC", "body": "In which case the documentation is out of date!\n\n<>\n\n**This documentation relates to the **Confluence 4.0 Beta** *only*.**This page describes the supported platforms for Confluence. Please review them before installing Confluence. The information on this page applies to **Confluence 4.0 Beta**. \n\\<th class=\"confluenceTh\" style=\"font-size: 10pt; line-height: 13pt; color: #000000; background-color: #f0f0f0; text-align: left; vertical-align: top; min-width: 0.6em; border-width: 1px; border-color: #dddddd; border-style: solid; padding: 5px;\"\\>\n\n##### Web Browsers {#toc-hId-1060794362}\n\n\\</th\\>\\<th class=\"confluenceTh\" style=\"font-size: 10pt; line-height: 13pt; color: #000000; background-color: #f0f0f0; text-align: left; vertical-align: top; min-width: 0.6em; border-width: 1px; border-color: #dddddd; border-style: solid; padding: 5px;\"\\> \\</th\\>\n\n|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n| Microsoft Internet Explorer (Windows) | ![]( 7, 8 |\n| Mozilla Firefox (all platforms) | ![]( 3.5, 3.6 |\n| Safari (Windows and Mac) \\<sup\\>(\\</sup\\>\\<sup\\>[6](\\</sup\\>\\<sup\\>)\\</sup\\> | ![]( 4, 5 |\n\n<br />\n", "comments": [ { "author": "NikE", "body": "Good catch - Thank you. We have updated doc.\n" } ] } ]
[ "beta" ]
{ "author": "Jose Salinas", "title": "Running Confluence over https", "body": "Hello people\n\nI would like run Confluence over https. Im running a standalone version 3.5.5.\n\nI have a certificate provided by my Company but the extension of certificate is .cer.\n\nAccording to the [documentation]( \"documentation\")there is not a step that explain how to do with a certificate .cer.\n\nAny idea?\n\nThanks in advance.\n\nKind regards,\n\nJose\n" }
[ { "author": "Jeremy Largman", "body": "Hi Jose,\n\nIt's in the documentation you linked. You'll want to import your cert into the keystore (step 1, certificate option 2, number 5):\n> keytool -importcert -alias tomcat -keystore \\<MY_KEYSTORE_FILENAME\\> -file \\<MY_CERTIFICATE_FILENAME\\>\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Jose Salinas", "body": "Jeremy\n\nThank you for your fast reply.\n\nI was a little confused.\n\nNow, I have other question. I can not find my .kesystore to replace in \\<MY_KEYSTORE_FILENAME\\>\n\nMust .keystore be generated? Or where it should be?\n\nThanks.\n\nJose\n" }, { "author": "Jeremy Largman", "body": "I believe that's under step 3:\n> * On Windows: \\<tt\\>C:\\\\Documents and Settings\\\\\\\\#CURRENT_USER#\\\\.keystore\\</tt\\>\n> * On OS X and UNIX-based systems: \\<tt\\>\\~/.keystore\\</tt\\>\n" }, { "author": "Jose Salinas", "body": "Jeremy,\n\nThere is not a fille called .keystore.\n\nI generated one executing:\n\n|---------------------------------------------------------------------|\n| `\"%JAVA_HOME%\\bin\\keytool\"` `-genkeypair -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA` |\n\nBut I execute:\n\n|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n| `keytool -importcert -alias tomcat -keystore <MY_KEYSTORE_FILENAME> -file <MY_CERTIFICATE_FILENAME>` |\n\nAn exceptions is raised:\n\nkeytool error: java.lang.Exception: Public keys in reply and keystore don't match\n\nWhat is wrong?\n\nThanks,\n\nJose\n" }, { "author": "Jeremy Largman", "body": "I'm guessing that you might have imported a self-signed certificate for your domain already (ie - you've already got something with that alias?) If you google the error 'Public keys in reply and keystore don't match' you'll see a bunch of resources about it. You can consider this independently of Confluence. It's a Tomcat + SSL issue, and will have lots of solutions from other Tomcat users for the same SSL problem.\n\nHere's one good one:\n\n<>\n" }, { "author": "Jose Salinas", "body": "Jeremy,\n\nYes, the error was a replicated alias.\n\nAnyway I followed all steps but I cant see Confluence over https.\n\nThanks\n" }, { "author": "Jeremy Largman", "body": "If you can still get to Confluence over http but not https, make sure you've uncommented the ssl connector in server.xml.\n" }, { "author": "Jose Salinas", "body": "You are right, I can get to Confluence over http (port 8090) but no https (port 8443)\n\nYes, the ssl connector is enabled in server.xml\n\n\\<Connector port=\"8443\" maxHttpHeaderSize=\"8192\"\n\nmaxThreads=\"150\" minSpareThreads=\"25\" maxSpareThreads=\"75\"\n\nenableLookups=\"false\" disableUploadTimeout=\"true\"\n\nacceptCount=\"100\" scheme=\"https\" secure=\"true\"\n\nclientAuth=\"false\" sslProtocol=\"TLS\" SSLEnabled=\"true\"\n\nURIEncoding=\"UTF-8\" keystorePass=\"changeit\"/\\>\n" } ] }, { "author": "Jose Salinas", "body": "You are right, I can get to Confluence over http (port 8090) but no https (port 8443)\n\nYes, the ssl connector is enabled in server.xml\n\n\\<Connector port=\"8443\" maxHttpHeaderSize=\"8192\"\n\nmaxThreads=\"150\" minSpareThreads=\"25\" maxSpareThreads=\"75\"\n\nenableLookups=\"false\" disableUploadTimeout=\"true\"\n\nacceptCount=\"100\" scheme=\"https\" secure=\"true\"\n\nclientAuth=\"false\" sslProtocol=\"TLS\" SSLEnabled=\"true\"\n\nURIEncoding=\"UTF-8\" keystorePass=\"changeit\"/\\>\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "https" ]
{ "author": "Peter Meier", "title": "Confluence - WebDAV - IIS - Team Calendars - 405 Method not allowed", "body": "Hi all,\n\nWe've the setup as stated in the subject: Confluence is running on Windows Server, behind IIS configured as described in <> for use with WebDAV, I installed the WebDAV handler. When installing Team Calendars and try to access the calendar an error occurs, with Firebug I see the following:\n\n![](\n\nAccording to several documentation I found out that the webDAV module feels responsible for the DELETE request and this doesn't work. According to several forum posts, you should disable WebDAV for this application:\n\n<>\n\n<>\n\nYou'll find many more entries: <>\n\nOne question, I tried to remove WebDAV but it didn't help, do I loose WebDAV support within Confluence, then? Has anyone else an idea how to tackle this problem?\n" }
[ { "author": "Peter Meier", "body": "anyone? something?\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "iis", "team-calendars-for-confluence" ]
{ "author": "Fred Riley", "title": "HTML export with CSS", "body": "Hi. This is a problem which has been flagged before in the following two discussions (at least):\n\n<>\n\n<>\n\nIn brief, when you export one or more pages from a space to HTML, most of the styles don't go with them. The only styles that are exported are a bunch of colours, but the font reverts to the browser default and all margins and positioning go walkies (example CSS below). This is a real PITA for me, as I'm developing a templating system in our installation of Confluence (3.5) precisely so that I can export a bunch of formatted pages to HTML for import into other systems, such as Virtual Learning Environments.\n\nGoing by the blurb, the [Scroll Wiki Exporter]( plugin should enable styles in export, but I don't know if this plugin is installed and if it is I don't know how to use it.\n\nSo, my related questions are:\n\n1. Has this problem been solved yet by Atlassian?\n2. If the answer to that is 'no', as I suspect, then can I create custom styles in **Space Admin \\| Stylesheet** and get those exported with the HTML package?\n3. If the answer to that is 'no', as I suspect, I'll have to manually include Confluence stylesheets in the exported package, in which case can anyone tell me how I can get my mitts on them?\n4. Is there any other way in which I can apply a stylesheet to exported HTML docs, without manually editing each doc?\n\nPlease note that I'm only a space administrator, not the sysadmin, so I don't have access to sysadmin functions or the base Confluence installation.\n\nAnd yes, I *do* need to export to HTML as well as PDF, for local reasons that are too tedious to explain. If it were just PDF that we needed then I'd be fine because exported PDFs are styled perfectly.\n\nAny suggestions welcome.\n\nFred\n\n--------\n\nExample exported CSS file (styles/site.css):\n\n```\n/* Could not locate resource: /includes/css/master.css *//* Could not locate resource: /includes/css/wiki-content.css *//* Could not locate resource: /includes/css/tabs.css *//* Could not locate resource: /includes/css/menu.css *//* Could not locate resource: /includes/css/menu-ie.css *//* Could not locate resource: /includes/css/tables.css *//* Could not locate resource: /includes/css/panels.css *//* Could not locate resource: /includes/css/master-ie.css *//* Could not locate resource: /includes/css/renderer-macros.css *//* Could not locate resource: /includes/css/content-types.css *//* Could not locate resource: /includes/css/login.css *//* Could not locate resource: /includes/css/sprites/icons-sprite.css *//* Could not locate resource: /includes/css/information-macros.css *//* Could not locate resource: /includes/css/layout-macros.css *//* Colors for Confluence (included for all themes by default).*/h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6,.wiki-content h1,.wiki-content h2,.wiki-content h3,.wiki-content h4,.wiki-content h5,.wiki-content h6,.pagetitle,.steptitle,.substeptitle,.formtitle,th.confluenceTh,table.confluenceTable th.confluenceTh,table.admin th,.form-element-large,.form-element-small,#com-atlassian-confluence .mce_h1 span.mceText,#com-atlassian-confluence .mce_h2 span.mceText,#com-atlassian-confluence .mce_h3 span.mceText,#com-atlassian-confluence .mce_h4 span.mceText,#com-atlassian-confluence .mce_h5 span.mceText,#com-atlassian-confluence .mce_h6 span.mceText { color: #003366 ;}.wiki-content h1,.wiki-content h2 { \tborder-bottom-color: #3c78b5 ;}.wiki-content-preview { border-left-color: #3c78b5 ; border-right-color: #3c78b5 ;}.pageSectionHeader { border-bottom-color: #cccccc ;}.panel { border-color: #3c78b5 ;}.panelHeader,.menuheading,.pageheader,.sectionbottom { border-bottom-color: #3c78b5 ;}.topRow { border-top-color: #3c78b5 ;}.tabletitle, .pageSectionHeader {\tborder-bottom-color: #3c78b5 ;}a:link,a:visited,a:focus,a:hover,a:active,#default-labels-header a.add,a.blogHeading,.more-comments a {\tcolor: #006DAF ;}/* @aui-override: tab colour, review after is resolved */.aui-tabs ul.tabs-menu a {\tcolor: #006DAF ;}/* @end */h1 a:link,h1 a:visited,h1 a:focus,h1 a:hover,h1 a:active { color: #006DAF ; border-bottom-color: #003366 ;}.spacenametitle-printable,.spacenametitle-printable a,.spacenametitle-printable a:visited { color: #999999;}.tableview th { color: #003366 ; border-bottom-color: #3c78b5 ;}blockquote { border-left-color: #3c78b5 ;}.navBackgroundBox { background: #cccccc ;}.previewBoxTop,.previewContent,.previewBoxBottom,.functionbox { border-color: #3c78b5 ;}.smalltext-blue { color: #3c78b5 ;}.tabnav,.comment .tabnav,ul.tabnav { border-bottom-color: #cccccc ;}.tabnav .tabs a { border-color: #cccccc ; background: #cccccc ;}.tabnav .tabs a:link,.tabnav .tabs a:visited { color: #ffffff ;}.tabnav .tabs a:hover { color: #ffffff; background: #003366 ; border-color: #003366 ;}#squaretab a { border-color: #cccccc ;}#squaretab a:link,#squaretab a:visited { background-color: #cccccc ;}#squaretab a:hover { color: #ffffff; background-color: #003366 ; border-color: #003366 ;}table.blogcalendar { border-color: #3c78b5 ;}.blogcalendar th.calendarhead,a.calendarhead,a.calendarhead:link,a.calendarhead:visited,a.calendarhead:hover { background-color: #cccccc ; color: #ffffff ;}.searchGroupHeading { background-color: #cccccc ; color: #ffffff ;}.permissionTab { background: #cccccc ; color: #ffffff ;}.permissionSuperTab { background: #003366 ; color: #ffffff;}/* styles for links in the top bar */.topBar { background-color: #cccccc;}.basicPanelContainer { border-color: #cccccc ;}.greynavbar { border-top-color: #cccccc }div.license-personal { background-color: #cccccc; color: #ffffff ;}div.license-personal a { color: #ffffff ;}#header { background-color: #cccccc;}#header a,#breadcrumbs,#header .ajs-menu-bar li.ajs-menu-item a.trigger { color: #000000;}.breadcrumbs { \tborder-color: #3c78b5 ;}#navigation, #tab-navigation { border-bottom-color: #cccccc ;}#com-atlassian-confluence .aui-dd-parent .aui-dropdown .dropdown-item a,.ajs-menu-bar li.ajs-menu-item .ajs-drop-down a { color: #535353 ;}#header .ajs-menu-bar li.ajs-menu-item .ajs-drop-down a { color: #003366 ;}#com-atlassian-confluence .aui-dd-parent a.perms-dropdown-trigger:hover,#com-atlassian-confluence .aui-dd-parent a.perms-dropdown-trigger:focus,#com-atlassian-confluence .aui-dd-parent .aui-dropdown a,.menu-section-list a,.menu-section-list a:hover,#navigation .ajs-menu-bar .ajs-button a:hover,/* .ajs-menu-bar .ajs-menu-item.opened, */.ajs-menu-bar .ajs-menu-item a,.aui-dd-parent .aui-dropdown,.aui-dd-parent .aui-dropdown span,.aui-dd-parent .aui-dropdown a:focus span,.ajs-menu-bar .ajs-menu-item.opened .ajs-drop-down a,#navigation .ajs-menu-bar li.ajs-button,#header .ajs-menu-bar li.ajs-menu-item.opened .ajs-drop-down a,.ajs-content-hover .popup-follow a:hover { color: #ffffff ; background-color: #6699cc ;}#header .ajs-menu-bar li.ajs-menu-item.opened,#header .ajs-menu-bar li.ajs-menu-item.opened a.trigger { background-color: #336699 ; border-color: #336699 ;}.ajs-menu-bar .ajs-menu-item.opened a.trigger { background-color: #6699cc ;}#header .ajs-menu-bar .ajs-drop-down { border-color: #cccccc;}#header .ajs-menu-bar .ajs-drop-down li.separator { border-top-color: #cccccc;}.tab-navigation .tab a { background-color: #cccccc ; border: 1px solid #cccccc ; color: #ffffff ;}.tab-navigation .tab a:hover { color: #ffffff; background-color: #003366 ; border-bottom-color: #003366 ;}.tabletitle, .heading-text-color { color: #003366 ;}ol.autocompleter li.focused {\tbackground: #6699cc ;\tcolor: #ffffff ;}/* End colour styles for Confluence *//* Could not locate resource: /includes/css/default-theme.css */\n```\n" }
[ { "author": "Jim Birch", "body": "This is a know problem. Not sure if it is fixed in recent versions, we are a few dots old here.\n\nThe fix I use is to replace the css file in the export zip with the site.css that arrives with normal page you browse. This works well but is a bit messy.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Fred Riley", "body": "Thanks for the reply, Jim. Although \"messy\" that might be a temporary solution until Atlassian addresses this problem. Where can I find the site.css file in Confluence, do you know? If I look at an ordinary page in a workspace there are many stylesheets loaded, but I can't see site.css amongst them. It would certainly be useful to have a defined site.css file, as the site.css that appears in the exported zipfile includes error messages, eg:\n\n```\n/* Could not locate resource: /includes/css/master.css */\n```\n\nWhereas if I could use one site.css for all exports, I could put @import statements into it, eg:\n\n@import url(\"/includes/css/wiki-content.css\");\n\nOf course, I'd also have to manually copy all the CSS files to the export package. Klunky and time-consuming, but it should work.\n\nFred\n" }, { "author": "Jim Birch", "body": "Sorry to be slow, been busy...\n\nI use an existing copy. I just had a quick look and can't find where it comes from. I have a feeling that it might have been part of an earlier version. This means that it could be out of date so if something formats strangely you might have to edit the stylesheet manually, possibly after reviewing the current styles. However, I haven't found a problem.\n\nI have attached the site.css that I use to the Atlassian issue on this problem:\n\n[]( \"\")\n\nJust replace the site.css in the zip with the linked one.\n\nJim\n" }, { "author": "Jim Birch", "body": "Also, there's a php script in that issue that can be used to build site.css from current component stylesheets. You could do the same process manually if you're not a PHP ninja.\n" } ] } ]
[ "css", "export", "html" ]
{ "author": "Gabriel Sejournant", "title": "Scaffolding and TOC", "body": "Hello,\n\nI'm using Scaffolding with textareas for headers.\n\nThe Toc macro show the titles but in the area of scaffolding even in the view mode.\n\nIs their a way to have a table of anchor in the page using scaffolding ?\n\n(my question is close from : <>)\n" }
[ { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "Yeah, I see what you're saying now - the text box shows up in the TOC. My guess is that TOC has changed the way it is generating itself recently and we hadn't noticed. Either that, or Confluence itself has changed the way that it sends events.\n\nEssentially, the TOC caches the actual headings when you save it so that it doesn't have to recalculate it every time you view the page. However, for whatever reason, Scaffolding thinks it is still in 'edit' mode when getting rendered for this purpose, and as such, the edit box shows up.\n\nThis will require a bug fix, so my suggestion is to create a [bug report]( and I'll schedule it for investigation. In the meantime, there is a workaround. You need to force TOC to refresh itself after you save the Scaffolding page. The way to do this is to add '?refresh=true' to the URL for the page when in view mode. Eg:\n\n```\nhttp://yourserver/confluence/display/SPACEKEY/My+Page?refresh=true\n```\n\nIt only needs to be done once after saving. Not ideal, but it may work in the interim.\n\nRegards,\n\nDavid Peterson\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Gabriel Sejournant", "body": "Thank's a lot David, I created the issue :\n\n<>\n\nI didn't vote for it but I hope you will find time to investigate and maybe correct it.\n\nThank's for the tip but I'm not yhe only one user, I will keep it for me.\n" } ] }, { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "Hi Gabi,\n\nThis stems from a bug in Confluence itself, where it will not produce useful anchor tags automatically for headers that contain macro markup. You'll get a similar result if you try doing something like 'h1. {color:read}A red header!{color}'.\n\nThe workaround is to generate an anchor tag for each header, and the {toc} macro will use that anchor instead. Eg:\n\n```\nh1. {text-data:Heading} {anchor:my heading}\n```\n\nThis will give TOC something to work with. However, if you're in a {repeating-data} section or something like that which is dynamically generated, you obviously don't want a static anchor. The workaround here is to generate a dymamic one, most easily with the Reporting Plugin. Eg:\n\n```\nh1. {text-data:Heading} {report-on:injected=true}{anchor:%data:Heading%}{report-on}\n```\n\nThis will output the heading, then output an anchor tag based on that heading.\n\nHope that helps!\n\nRegards,\n\nDavid Peterson\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Gabriel Sejournant", "body": "Hello,\n\nThan's a lot for your answer but for the moment it doesn't seems to work, maybe I don't understand enough, so i'm wirtting you an example :\n\n**My wiki markup was :**\n\n{Toc}\n\n{repeating-data:blocone\\|initialRows=1}\n\n{panel:title=\\|borderStyle=solid\\|borderColor=red\\|borderWidth=1}\n\n```\nh2. {text-data:titlebloc|type=line|width=600px}Title{text-data}\n```\n\n```\n{text-data:resume|type=area|width=600px|height=300px}Resume{text-data}\n```\n\n{panel}\n\n{repeating-data}\n\n{repeating-data:paragraph\\|initialRows=1}\n\n```\nh2. {text-data:prgph|type=line|width=600px}Text{text-data\n```\n\n{repeating-data}\n\n**I tried this markup was :**\n\n{Toc}\n\n{repeating-data:blocone\\|initialRows=1}\n\n{panel:title=\\|borderStyle=solid\\|borderColor=red\\|borderWidth=1}\n\n```\nh2. {text-data:titlebloc|type=line|width=600px}Title{text-data}\n```\n\n```\n{text-data:resume|type=area|width=600px|height=300px}Resume{text-data}{report-on:injected=true}{anchor:%data:Heading%}{report-on}\n```\n\n{panel}\n\n{repeating-data}\n\n{repeating-data:paragraph\\|initialRows=1}\n\n```\nh2. {text-data:prgph|type=line|width=600px}Text{text-data}{report-on:injected=true}{anchor:%data:Heading%}{report-on}\n```\n\n{repeating-data}\n\n**But I still have the same problems : The \"Toc\" is still editable even un the view mode and the all title are twice.**\n\n**Is it a bug of confluence / a macro / my wikimarkup ?**\n" } ] } ]
[ "scaffolding", "table-of-contents" ]
{ "author": "Wikified", "title": "How to get the name of the template used to create a page?", "body": "I'm using the Customware reporting macros to create a list of pages in a space. I'd like to be able to use the page template name as one of the column values. Is there a way to get this value?\n" }
[ { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "There isn't really an automatic way of doing it, but there are a couple of options.\n\n1. Parse it from the page contents.\n\nTypically, a page has a single template, which is specified by the wiki markup of the page containing '{live-template:XXX}', where 'XXX' is the template name. You can use a regular expression to extract this name from the 'page:body' and display it. Eg:\n\n```\n{report-table}\n```\n\n```\n {local-reporter:page:space > space:all pages}\n```\n\n```\n {report-column:title=Page}{report-info:page:title|link=true}{report-column}\n```\n\n```\n {report-column:title=Find Template}{report-on:page:body > text:find \"live-template:([^\\}]+)\"|separator=comma}{report-info:match:group 1}{report-on}{report-column}\n```\n\n```\n{report-table}\n```\n\n2. Store the template name as a variable in the template itself. Eg. Add a 'Template Name' field to your template like so:\n\n```\n{set-data:Template Name|hidden=true|value=My Cool Template}\n```\n\nThen, just retrieve the 'data:Template Name' value for your column.\n\nHope that helps!\n\nRegards,\n\nDavid Peterson\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Wikified", "body": "Perfect! Thank You\n" } ] } ]
[ "report", "template" ]
{ "author": "jim kennedy", "title": "Is the use of deck and cards (tabs) incompatible with the search function?", "body": "We are trying out the tabs plugin (deck and cards macro) in our test Wiki. It seems to work great, but we are concerned about searching and linking:\n\n1. Search: If some term is on, say, the fourth tab, a Wiki search for that term will find the page, but the link brings you to the default tab (which will usually be the first one). Is it possible to force the search to point to the fourth tab? If not, the search term effectively dooesn't yield good results.\n\n2. Linking: Is it possible to link directly to a tab other than the default one? Otherwise we have to provide a link and tell the user to click on whichever tab we want to show them.\n\nWe are reluctant to roll this feature out to the full Wiki without resolving these issues.\n\nRunning Confluence 3.1.\n\nThanks,\n\nJim.\n" }
[ { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "Hi Jim,\n\nThere isn't any way for a page to know what word was originally searched for by the user, so displaying the approriate tab is basically impossible in this case - there simply isn't the information required to do it by Confluence itself.\n\nWith regards to linking to a specific tab from another page, in the current version it is not possible, but for the version that will ship for Confluence 4.0, it will be possible by adding a '#TabLabel' type value to the URL. Check out the documentation for the plugin when it is released.\n\nRegards,\n\nDavid Peterson\n", "comments": [ { "author": "jim kennedy", "body": "Oops: 'without those functions'\n" }, { "author": "jim kennedy", "body": "Thanks guys. I think with those functions, we won't be installing the plugin. It makes the search a mess.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "Some versions of Confluence broke the {deck} and {card} part of the composition plug-in. I know not which ones, but would guess it is pre-3.3. You might check the support link here: <>\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Martin Thorpe", "title": "Checklist output to child page", "body": "Hello\n\nI am attempting to use the checlists plugin. What I want, and according to the docs it should function, is to edit an input field on the check list and this will in turn update the chld page of the row that the input is related to. This is what the docs say:\n\n> *Determines where to store the value. Use rows to store the values for this column **into the pages representing each row** (metadata value name is \\<Column Heading\\>), or checklist to store the values into the page containing the checklist (metadata value name is \\<Column Heading\\>.\\<Row page title\\>)*\n\nAs far as I understand this means that I can modify the list, and the changes will be propagated back to the page.\n\nWhat do I need to do to set this up? Do I need another plugin? (metadata for instance although installing metadata 2 plugin results in an error everytime I save a page) Or can it be done just with Confluence and the checklist plugin?\n\nWe are using Confluence 3.5.7\n\n<br />\n\n<br />\n" }
[ { "author": "WolframS", "body": "I understand the question that Martin wants to **display the information of the \"input\"** within the \"checklist\"-table on a **childpage** . If so - I have the same problem. I consulted the documentation but this refers to the \"*AdHoc Canvas*\" plugin. We don't have it currently. Possibly I want to do the same thing as Martin. Unfortuantely I can't find this information on the web.... (We are using confluence 4.2.1)\n\nCheers\n\nWolf\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "The section you quoted notes that a metadata value will be used for the child pages. So, if you want to use that data in other ways, I think you will need the metadata plugin or scaffolding. All the checklist cares about is that it uses the metadata to give persistence to the input text.\n\nHere is a simple example that works for me.\n\n```\n{checklist:name=Example 2} {checklist-label:BinaryValue?|label=binaryvalue} {checklist-input:My Data Values|cols=20|store}{checklist}\n```\n\n```\n \n```\n\n```\nYou, of course, need to have pre-existing child pages for it to work.\n```\n\n```\nIf you are still stuck, please post the markup you are using.\n```\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "checklist", "macro" ]
{ "author": "Dang Nguyen", "title": "Confluence - Save rating/survey to excel", "body": "Hello everyone,\n\nThis is my first post and I like to create a 3-line-survey in the Footer of each new created page. Answers are single numbers. Those datas should be saved in a single Excel in a tab. I already used the plugin Dform which saved the data with those words: \"All data were saved into DB - 24.08.2011 11:21:16\". Extracting those datas could be hard because I guess that these are written in Oracle-SQL.\n\nCan you tell me a simpler way to collect those datas in a single excel tab?\n\nReally rely on your help! Thanks!!\n\nDang\n" }
[ { "author": "Jeremy Largman", "body": "It's not quite exactly what you're looking for, but the [content survey plugin]( is close. It'll allow you to put the questionnaire in the footer, and you can customize the questions, and you can get a report of it in a report page, which you could copy and paste into Excel.\n\nTo get exactly what you want, you'd need to build your own plugin or get in touch with a partner.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Dang Nguyen", "body": "Hey Jeremy. I tried that Plugin too. Unfortunately it doesn't work and react to my {kbsurvey} Macro.\n\nI startet a new way today and now created an Userform in Excel via Microsoft VBA. I hope I can integrate or view that Userform onto each new created page. Is there a possibility to integrate that VBA-Userform on the confluence page directly? Or do everybody needs to open that common Excel to use that Userform?\n" }, { "author": "Jeremy Largman", "body": "I don't know of a VBA form integration; I think you'll need a custom plugin for that. Most of the integration is Excel.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Dang Nguyen", "body": "1. Each page is about a technology. So it needs a 3-question-survey like \"Maturity?\" or \"Tech. Impact?\". These must be ratet by each author with single-digit-numbers (1-5).\n\n2. This survey can be found in a footer. If not possible then hyperlinked on an external place.\n\n3. All these data need to be saved (like in an Excel-Spreadsheet) for creating different charts.\n\nThanks for sharing your thoughts!\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "Well, this isn't really a function of Confluence. It focuses on keeping data in Confluence.\n\nLet me double check to see if this is what you want:\n\n1. Every page created (by default or page template) will have a survey at the bottom of the page (no real concept of a footer, but you can format it as such)\n2. When a user provides a response to the survey, you want an Excel document updated.\n3. There is just one Excel document for whatever number of these pages with the surveys.\n\nAre you saying you want to create this Excel document upon your demand or upon any user input? It sounds like you are willing to run an (external to Confluence) query upon the database that Confluence is using.\n\nCan you share with us the data that you want recorded. Is it binary yes/no or values. Are you intending it to be populated for each user or just anyone visiting the page?\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Dang Nguyen", "body": "Hello and thanks for reply :) I like to get these data in a list/chart in Excel.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "Excel tab? What does this mean?\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "ms-excel", "survey" ]
{ "author": "Simon Hardy-Francis", "title": "How can I use a user macro in a {code} block?", "body": "I have a user macro called {username} which works great in an {info} block but gets displayed verbatim as '{username}' in a {code:language=bash} block. How can get the {code:language=bash} to respect the macro?\n" }
[ { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "{code} and {noformat} are special-case macros in Confluence - they both ignore any wiki markup therin. You could get around it in two ways:\n\n1. Use a different type of block (eg. {quote}).\n\n2. Inject the value you want to put in using {replace-and-render} or Reporting. Eg:\n\n```\n{replace-and-render}\n```\n\n```\n {replace-item:%username%}{username}{replace-item}\n```\n\n```\n {replace-body}{code:language=bash}Blah blah %username% blah blah{code}{report-body}\n```\n\n```\n{replace-and-render}\n```\n\nHope that helps!\n\nRegards,\n\nDavid Peterson\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "P.S. You'll need the 'Replace and Render' plugin for that example to work. :)\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "J", "title": "Is there a way to create an internal tumblr-like blog with Confluence?", "body": "I want to create a couple of tumblr-like blogs within confluence to promote knowledge-sharing. One is a TipsAndTricks blog. Here's an example of how it would function:\n\nAny user could add a post to the TipsAndTricks blog. Most, if not all would be a link to an article, along with a title and a brief comment. Posts could also be tagged. Ideally the blog could be consumed as an RSS feed if necessary.\n\nI can sort of set something like this up, but it seems really clunky, so I imagine I'm setting something up wrong. Also, I'd like some areas to be setup so that posts \\*require\\* a link (so baically the blog is just a list of links recommneded by users, along with a brief comments). For these blogs, the RSS feed would actually be links to these external articles along with our user's comments.\n\nIs there an easy way to do what I'm trying to do within confluence, or should I be using another tool? Thanks,\n\n-John\n" }
[ { "author": "Sherif Mansour", "body": "Good question, John. You make a good point. Right now Confluence is great for creating and sharing large forms of content. We haven't spent much type tackling the ability to easily create and share short and quick posts of content. This is something we whope to work on in the near future...\n\nI'd be interested to hear from anyone else watching this thread on what their thoughts are on this topic, or if they've found ways to customise Confluence to help them do this...\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Kristin Bitler", "body": "This is down the list in a Google search so I'm just seeing this. We've recently looked at Pinboard by Brikit but it seems very limited. We're a county office of education and Confluence is great for our Intra/Extranet but we need to get some community oriented \"fun\" things implemented to bring more visibility to our communities.\n\nWish there was a more robust add-on for a feature like this.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "pedro rosas", "body": "Hola! yes i need a tumblr connection... any updates since 2011 ?\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Michael R. Uziel", "body": "I'm looking for something very similar. Our art team would like to have a Pinterest or Tumblr style image board on Confluence, but unfortunately adding images, organizing, and tagging them is very clunky (unless I'm doing something wrong, which is entirely possible). Any thoughts on this becoming a feature? It would greatly empower us in the creative industry.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "blog" ]
{ "author": "Michael", "title": "In Confluence, is there a way to automatically update the dashboard activity stream?", "body": "I would like to have the Confluence dashboard's activity stream automatically update (or notify me of updates) when there are new updates available. Something like the way Twitter does it would be neat, but even a simple refresh would suffice at this point.\n\nAny ideas on if this can be accomplished in the current version (3.5.9) or if there is a JIRA ticket tracking this request?\n\nThanks!\n" }
[ { "author": "Michael", "body": "Would you overide the recently-updated-dashboard in the global.vmd and replace it with the activity stream wiki macro in the general configuration?\n\nThanks!\n\n- Mike\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "MatthewC", "body": "You could easily put some javascript into the Confluence welcome message that just did a simple page refresh every 60s?\n\nIt's not as nice as a twitter refresh but it would work.\n\ne.g.\n> \\<script language=\"javascript\"\\> \n> window.onload = function(){ setTimeout (' document.location=document.location' , 60000);} \n> \\</script\\>\n\nIf you wanted something more you could write a piece of JS that periodically overwrote a section of the page with the contents of another page which contained a list of recently updates. The trouble with that is that it would probably need updating if the dashboard ever changed structure\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "David Dube", "body": "Have you tried setting the [refresh interval]( for the activity stream?\n\nYou can use the Macro Browser to insert the activity stream, and one of the options is for automatically updating refresh... check that and specify your time interval.\n\nRegards,\n\nDave\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Mark Vermeulen", "title": "Has anyone imported or updated JavaDoc or PHPDoc to Confluence?", "body": "We have several project that produce JavaDoc and/or PHPDoc. Would like to be able to display the updated documentation within specific spaces on Confluence that are connected with our projects. Has anyone done this?\n" }
[ { "author": "Stefan M", "body": "You can use the Docs Plugin: <>. This plugin enables you to upload and publish your JavaDocs and other HTML and JavaScript based content in Confluence. \n\nDocs provides also a REST Interface in order to automate the publishing process. So, publishing the JavaDocs can become part of the Continuous Integartion Process. A technical documentation as well as a sample code can you find here: <>\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "StaceyA", "body": "Have you tried using this plugin? <> It lets you import javadoc easily into confluence.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "documentation", "import" ]
{ "author": "Simon Hardy-Francis", "title": "How to more easily copy & paste from e.g. a {code} block?", "body": "Let's say I have a {code}echo my line of code{code} block. If the reader wants to copy and paste the 'mycode' text from the wiki page then they must do it with the mouse etc. Very fiddly if doing often. Is there a way to provide some sort of icon which when pressed simply copies the contents of the code block into the copy and paste buffer? Or maybe there is a non-{code} block alternative?\n" }
[ { "author": "Thomas Wendel", "body": "Hi Simon,\n\nAs far as I know, double-clicking into the code block will at least select all the code.\n\nCopy/Paste functionality is always a bit tricky to implement into web applications, although possible. Most browsers prohibit the copy/paste functionality as it is a security vulnerability if a web page can read a visitors clipboard. Therefore in Firefox, the user has to tweak the about:config to let JavaScript read and write the local clipboard. Other methods use Java applets to interact with the local clipboard, which is also not nice. So I think this is the reason, why such a click-to-copy button has not been implemented into the {code}-macro yet.\n\nSo double-clicking might be your best option so far.\n\nCheers,\n\nThomas\n", "comments": [ { "author": "JamieA", "body": "Most sites including bitbucket use Flash for copypaste which seems to work perfectly fine.\n" }, { "author": "Thomas Wendel", "body": "Copy/paste with Flash may work perfectly fine, true. But it is still a security risk and it uses, well...., Flash. ;-)\n" }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "Anyway I just mentioned Flash for completeness as you had talked about java applets and javascript...\n" }, { "author": "JamieA", "body": "I'm not really a Flash fan but looking on most web sites it's the de facto standard for clipboard manipulation... I have the flash blocker plugin but I don't mind enabling flash for those sites where I want to copy from the code blocks.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "Ken Ramey", "title": "Customizing Login Invalid Password message", "body": "We are running a standalone instance of Confluence 3.5.9 on linux. We need to customize the Login page and it seems that most tasks require more than just modifying the login.vm file. What file do we need to modify to change the Invalid Password message?ThanksKen\n" }
[ { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "Here's a method of changing specific language text that will also nicely survive a Confluence upgrade:<>You'll need to search for the specific text in the .properties file and only include that in your new partial language pack.\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "custom-field", "login" ]
{ "author": "Dan Mabee", "title": "Can you add plugins to hosted Confluence?", "body": "I've read the question about Jira Studio being installed with pre-bundled plugins available for use and that you cannot add additional plugins manually.\n\nIs this the same for hosted Confluence or is it more flexible in allowing me to install plugins on my own?\n" }
[ { "author": "NikE", "body": "You are correct about JIRA Studio.\n\nHosted Confluence (completely separate from JIRA Studio) is more flexible, allows for more customization, and allows almost all plugins to be installed (a few exceptions for plugins that depend on other programs).\n\nIf you want to confirm that a specific plugin can be installed, please post which one and I can confirm.\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Dan Mabee", "body": "Thanks for the quick response.\n\nSo that I'm clear, hosted Jira Studio comes with licensing for hosted Confluence, correct? Since Confluence and Jira are separate, the plugin issue only really affects Jira, not Confluence?\n\nSpecifically, the plugins I want to install are:\n\nScroll-wiki exporter (they indicate that they can be installed on a hosted instance)\n\nMulti-excerpt plugin\n\nCode macro plugin\n\nContent Plublishing plugin\n\nCopy Space plugin\n\nJira Macros plugin\n\n...\n\nThat's all I can think of at this time. Are these able to be installed in a hosted Confluence environment.\n" }, { "author": "NikE", "body": "A bit of clarification, there are three products we are talking about:\n\nJIRA Studio (which has both JIRA and Confluence included)\n\n<>\n\nHosted JIRA\n\n<>\n\nHosted Confluence\n\n<>\n\nWhile they are all hosted by us, they are all separate products. (The links hopefully clarify the issue, hosted JIRA and Confluence are 90% the same as if you were running them locally, JIRA Studio is a suite of our products). To answer you question directly, JIRA Studio does not come with a license for 'hosted Confluence'.\n\nBoth 'hosted JIRA' and 'hosted Confluence' (a different license for each one) can be customized and have plugins installed.\n\nAll the above plugins should work fine with hosted Confluence (presuming compatibility with the plugin versions).\n\nFor reference, the plugins that come with JIRA Studio (for both JIRA and Confluence) are at:\n\n<>\n" } ] } ]
[ "cloud", "confluence-app", "confluence-server" ]
{ "author": "Saurabh N. Deshpande", "title": "Notation Guide: content:title", "body": "Hello Guys,\n\nI just noticed that %content:title% is no longer available for using within Linking Plugin.\n\nHave anyone experienced similar issues.\n\nI was using it for creating new pages that would inherit the current Title of the page.\n\nIs anyone using any other method for achiving the same.\n\nThanks,\n\nSaurabh\n" }
[ { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "Hi there,\n\nThe 'content:title' key, along with the other standard keys you can inject with comes with the Reporting Plugin. Make sure that is installed along with Linking.\n\nRegards,\n\nDavid Peterson\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Saurabh N. Deshpande", "body": "Thanks !\n\nI have installed Reporting Plusgin. May be I am missing some setting. I will try again.\n" }, { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "Can you post your wiki markup? There may be an issue with the syntax.\n" } ] } ]
{ "author": "David Arlow", "title": "Why does blank pane appear when user edits wiki page in wiki markup?", "body": "A colleague is having issue whilst editing a wiki page using *Wiki Markup.*\n\nHis screen splits between displaying the source code on the left and a blank pane on the right.\n\nThis is making editorial within this prefered option of *Wiki Markup* difficult to say the least.\n\nIs there a config change I can make to his confluence instance to ensure he can see the full markup screen without issue?\n\nThanks.\n\nDavid\n" }
[ { "author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-", "body": "I've seen this before, but it's not Confluence doing it, it was the browser - some sort of plugin or tweak was forcing a dual-display horridness. Can you\n\n1. Check it's the same if he tries another browser or machine\n2. Check you get the same if you try wiki markup\n3. Post what you're using here - Confluence version, Browser and OS?\n", "comments": [ { "author": "David Arlow", "body": "Thanks Nic.\n\nHe was using IE! Asked him to try Firefox and issue resolved!\n\nI use Firefox and recommend all new starters to company to use this browser during training sessions. Historically far less issues using wiki with Firefox than IE.\n\nConfluence version: 3.5.2.\n" } ] }, { "author": "Kay Brown", "body": "If I recall correctly, turning off compatibility view in IE it will solve the problem. Tools, Compatibilty View Settings.\n\nRegards,\n\nKay\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Manuela Raschke", "body": "Thanks a lot, that helped!\n" } ] }, { "author": "Manuela Raschke", "body": "Is there a way to solve the problem in IE? Its the standard browser we are using and the splitted editor makes it more difficult with larger pages.\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Ole Kristensen", "title": "Live version of Confluence 4", "body": "When will there be a Live version of Confluence 4 available for us to try-out on the web before installing on our stage server?\n" }
[ { "author": "Sherif Mansour", "body": "Hi Ole,\n\nAs Richard said, the BETA is available to download right now.\n\nAs with all product releases, we wil first upgrade our external instances to the release candidates before we ship 4.0. That means []( will be upgraded in the next few weeks to 4.0. There is a \"Test\" space there where you can go in and have a play!\n\nSherif\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Richard Yale", "body": "There is already a beta version here:\n\n<>\n\nOh you mean a demo? No clue. I would suggest just beta testing it and giving the developers your feedback to help them make it more what you are looking for!\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Simon Hardy-Francis", "title": "How can display something verbatim on a bullet line?", "body": "For example, here's some markup:\n\n\\* {{\\<your name\\>/blah/}}\n\nThis gets displayed mono-spaced but it also gets converted into a URL instead of being displayed verbatim which is what I want. But how?\n" }
[ { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "This is probably going to seem heroic, but it works (so you gotta vote for it :-):\n\n\\* {{\\&#104;ttp://}}\n\nThis uses a literal html \"h\" as the first character of the URL, which blocks Confluence seeing it as a URL.\n\nIs there a reason you don't want it to be a hyperlink?\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Simon Hardy-Francis", "body": "Thanks for the workaround, Kevin. The reason is if I can't find a solution to this question :-)\n\n<>\n" }, { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "@Kevin Buchs: That's a neat trick :)\n" }, { "author": "SarahA", "body": "I like it too!\n" } ] }, { "author": "SarahA", "body": "Here's another solution: Use the \"no link\" macro:\n\n\\* {nolink:}\n\nOr this:\n\n\\* {nl:}\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Simon Hardy-Francis", "title": "How can I embed the lower case name of the logged in user into some text?", "body": "I want some kind of mechanism so that I can embed a URL into a confluence page wiki markup so that the user name is dynamic, e.g. if I'm logged in as 'Simon Hardy-Francis' then I want the URL to read <> and if I'm logged in as 'Joe Smith' I want the URL to read <> Is it possible to use some kind of macro in the wiki markup to achieve this? Thanks, Simon\n" }
[ { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "Create a user macro **{first-word-in-display-name}** containing this (with no spaces before or after):\n\n```\n$action.remoteUser.displayName.toLowerCase().replaceAll(\"\\s(.*)\",\"\")\n```\n\nThen you can use:\n\n```\n{user-first-name-to-lower-case}/foo</pre<>>\n```\n", "comments": [ { "author": "David at David Simpson Apps", "body": "This assumes you want the first name\n\ni.e.\n\n* Simon Hardy-Francis =\\> simon\n* Joe Bloggs =\\> joe\n\n<br />\n" } ] }, { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "With a reasonable number of users on a fixed list, I would suggest that {show-if} would work and could be used to create working hyperlinks. Some script or programming editor can be used to generate the list. This macro will cause the enclosed contents to only be shown to the listed user. You would need one of these for each user.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "David Peterson", "body": "Hi Simon,\n\nYou can use the Reporting Plugin or the Replace and Render plugin in combination with the User Info Plugin (I think). I'm not so familiar with the latter two, so here's the Reporting Plugin method:\n\n{report-on:injected=true} user \\> user:name%/blah{report-on}\n\nHope that helps!\n\nRegards,\n\nDavid Peterson\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Kevin Buchs", "body": "You want to create a valid hyper-linked URL or just some text? How many users? Is the list known and fixed?\n", "comments": null } ]
{ "author": "Erez Asif", "title": "With OpenAM how do I set up configuration to work with JIRA and Confluence?", "body": "I have configured OpenAM for use with some of our services and the last 2 I need to integrate are JIRA and Confluence. The documentation provided by the OpenAM site is not very clear on the file. Without the file I am unable to use the OpenAM login as I get an infinite redirect error after successfully signing in. If anyone here has experience setting up this environment it would help me out.\n" }
[ { "author": "Leon Breukelman", "body": "<>\n", "comments": null } ]
[ "jira" ]
{ "author": "Shivansh Singh", "title": "UWC crashes while importing large number of files", "body": "I have exported Mediawiki pages into text files using UWC. Those are approx 1000 files. When I try to add large number of files (say 500 or more) and import, it crashes in the middle of parsing or importing the files.\n" }
[ { "author": "Laura Kolker", "body": "> Yeah its out of memory error.\n\nI would recommend [allocating more memory]( to whichever process (UWC or Confluence) is having the out of memory error.\n\nAs an aside, I've noticed sometimes people hit unusual out of memory errors when they are accidentally attempting to upload binary files (images, zips, archives) as if they were pages. You may want to double check the files in question that are triggering the errors.\n", "comments": null }, { "author": "Laura Kolker", "body": "Are you getting [out of memory errors]( Or is there a particular file that's causing the failure?\n", "comments": [ { "author": "Shivansh Singh", "body": "Yeah its out of memory error.\n" } ] } ]
[ "crash", "import", "universal-wiki-converter" ]