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0911.1066 | Using profiles based on hydropathy properties to define essential
regions for splicing | We define new profiles based on hydropathy properties and point out specific
profiles for regions surrounding splice sites. We built a set T of flanking
regions of genes with 1-3 introns from 21st and 22nd chromosomes. These genes
contained 313 introns and 385 exons and were extracted from GenBank. They were
used in order to define hydropathy profiles. Most human introns, around 99.66%,
are likely to be U2- type introns. They have highly degenerate sequence motifs
and many different sequences can function as U2-type splice sites. Our new
profiles allow to identify regions which have conservative biochemical features
that are essential for recognition by spliceosome. We have also found
differences between hydropathy profiles for U2 or U12-types of introns on sets
of spice sites extracted from SpliceRack database in order to distinguish GT?AG
introns belonging to U2 and U12-types. Indeed, intron type cannot be simply
determined by the dinucleotide termini. We show that there is a similarity of
hydropathy profiles inside intron types. On the one hand, GT?AG and GC?AG
introns belonging to U2-type have resembling hydropathy profiles as well as
AT?AC and GT?AG introns belonging to U12-type. On the other hand, hydropathy
profiles of U2 and U12-types GT?AG introns are completely different. Finally,
we define and compute a pvalue; we compare our profiles with the profiles
provided by a classical method, Pictogram. |
0912.1277 | Linear model for fast background subtraction in oligonucleotide
microarrays | One important preprocessing step in the analysis of microarray data is
background subtraction. In high-density oligonucleotide arrays this is
recognized as a crucial step for the global performance of the data analysis
from raw intensities to expression values.
We propose here an algorithm for background estimation based on a model in
which the cost function is quadratic in a set of fitting parameters such that
minimization can be performed through linear algebra. The model incorporates
two effects: 1) Correlated intensities between neighboring features in the chip
and 2) sequence-dependent affinities for non-specific hybridization fitted by
an extended nearest-neighbor model.
The algorithm has been tested on 360 GeneChips from publicly available data
of recent expression experiments. The algorithm is fast and accurate. Strong
correlations between the fitted values for different experiments as well as
between the free-energy parameters and their counterparts in aqueous solution
indicate that the model captures a significant part of the underlying physical
chemistry. |
0912.1387 | Computing spatial information from Fourier coefficient distributions | We present an approach to computing spatial information based on Fourier
coefficient distributions. The Fourier transform (FT) of an image contains a
complete description of the image, and the values of the FT coefficients are
uniquely associated with that image. For an image where the distribution of
pixels is uncorrelated, the FT coefficients are normally distributed and
uncorrelated. Further, the probability distribution for the FT coefficients of
such an image can readily be obtained by Parseval's theorem. We take advantage
of these properties to compute the spatial information in an image by
determining the probability of each coefficient (both real and imaginary parts)
in the FT, then using the Shannon formalism to calculate information. By using
the probability distribution obtained from Parseval's theorem, an effective
distance from the completely uncorrelated or most uncertain case is obtained.
The resulting quantity is an information computed in k-space (kSI). This
approach provides a robust, facile and highly flexible framework for
quantifying spatial information in images and other types of data (of arbitrary
dimensions). The kSI metric is tested on a 2D Ising ferromagnet, and the
temperature-dependent phase transition is accurately determined from the
spatial information in configurations of the system. |
0912.2905 | Drop on demand in a microfluidic chip | In this work, we introduce the novel technique of in-chip drop on demand,
which consists in dispensing picoliter to nanoliter drops on demand directly in
the liquid-filled channels of a polymer microfluidic chip, at frequencies up to
2.5 kHz and with precise volume control. The technique involves a PDMS chip
with one or several microliter-size chambers driven by piezoelectric actuators.
Individual aqueous microdrops are dispensed from the chamber to a main
transport channel filled with an immiscible fluid, in a process analogous to
atmospheric drop on demand dispensing. In this article, the drop formation
process is characterized with respect to critical dispense parameters such as
the shape and duration of the driving pulse, and the size of both the fluid
chamber and the nozzle. Several features of the in-chip drop on demand
technique with direct relevance to lab on a chip applications are presented and
discussed, such as the precise control of the dispensed volume, the ability to
merge drops of different reagents and the ability to move a drop from the
shooting area of one nozzle to another for multi-step reactions. The
possibility to drive the microfluidic chip with inexpensive audio electronics
instead of research-grade equipment is also examined and verified. Finally, we
show that the same piezoelectric technique can be used to generate a single gas
bubble on demand in a microfluidic chip. |
0912.3208 | The Risk Distribution Curve and its Derivatives | Risk stratification is most directly and informatively summarized as a risk
distribution curve. From this curve the ROC curve, predictiveness curve, and
other curves depicting risk stratification can be derived, demonstrating that
they present similar information. A mathematical expression for the ROC curve
AUC is derived which clarifies how this measure of discrimination quantifies
the overlap between patients who have and don't have events. This expression is
used to define the positive correlation between the dispersion of the risk
distribution curve and the ROC curve AUC. As more disperse risk distributions
and greater separation between patients with and without events characterize
superior risk stratification, the ROC curve AUC provides useful information. |
1001.0685 | Noise and nonlinearities in high-throughput data | High-throughput data analyses are becoming common in biology, communications,
economics and sociology. The vast amounts of data are usually represented in
the form of matrices and can be considered as knowledge networks. Spectra-based
approaches have proved useful in extracting hidden information within such
networks and for estimating missing data, but these methods are based
essentially on linear assumptions. The physical models of matching, when
applicable, often suggest non-linear mechanisms, that may sometimes be
identified as noise. The use of non-linear models in data analysis, however,
may require the introduction of many parameters, which lowers the statistical
weight of the model. According to the quality of data, a simpler linear
analysis may be more convenient than more complex approaches.
In this paper, we show how a simple non-parametric Bayesian model may be used
to explore the role of non-linearities and noise in synthetic and experimental
data sets. |
1001.2499 | The Discordance of Individual Risk Estimates and the Reference Class
Problem | Multivariate methods that relate outcomes to risk factors have been adopted
clinically to individualize treatment. This has promoted the belief that
individuals have a true or unique risk.
The logic of assigning an individual a single risk value has been criticized
since 1866. The reason is that any individual can be simultaneously considered
a member of different groups, with each group having its own risk level (the
reference class problem).
Lemeshow et al. provided well-documented examples of remarkable discordance
between predictions for an individual by different valid predictive methods
utilizing different risk factors. The prevalence of such discordance is unknown
as it is rarely evaluated, but must be substantial due to the abundance of risk
Lemeshow et al. cautioned against using ICU mortality predictions for the
provision of care to individual patients. If individual risk estimates are used
clinically, users should be aware that valid methods may give very different
results. |
1001.4603 | Back-translation for discovering distant protein homologies | Frameshift mutations in protein-coding DNA sequences produce a drastic change
in the resulting protein sequence, which prevents classic protein alignment
methods from revealing the proteins' common origin. Moreover, when a large
number of substitutions are additionally involved in the divergence, the
homology detection becomes difficult even at the DNA level. To cope with this
situation, we propose a novel method to infer distant homology relations of two
proteins, that accounts for frameshift and point mutations that may have
affected the coding sequences. We design a dynamic programming alignment
algorithm over memory-efficient graph representations of the complete set of
putative DNA sequences of each protein, with the goal of determining the two
putative DNA sequences which have the best scoring alignment under a powerful
scoring system designed to reflect the most probable evolutionary process. This
allows us to uncover evolutionary information that is not captured by
traditional alignment methods, which is confirmed by biologically significant
examples. |
1003.2110 | Tracking of individual freely diffusing fluorescent protein molecules in
the bacterial cytoplasm | We combine stroboscopic laser excitation with stochastic photoactivation and
super-resolution fluorescence imaging. This makes it possible to record
hundreds of diffusion trajectories of small protein molecules in single
bacterial cells with millisecond time resolution and sub-diffraction limited
spatial precision. We conclude that the small protein mEos2 exhibits normal
diffusion in the bacterial cytoplasm with a diffusion coefficient of 13.1 -+
1.2 \mu m^2 s^(-1). This investigation lays the groundwork for studying
single-molecule binding and dissociation events for a wide range of
intracellular processes. |
1003.3551 | Prediction in the Hypothesis-Rich Regime | We describe the fundamental difference between the nature of problems in
traditional physics and that of many problems arising today in systems biology
and other complex settings. The difference hinges on the much larger number of
a priori plausible alternative laws for explaining the phenomena at hand in the
latter case. An approach and a mathematical framework for prediction in this
hypothesis-rich regime are introduced. |
1003.4475 | A mathematical model for breath gas analysis of volatile organic
compounds with special emphasis on acetone | Recommended standardized procedures for determining exhaled lower respiratory
nitric oxide and nasal nitric oxide have been developed by task forces of the
European Respiratory Society and the American Thoracic Society. These
recommendations have paved the way for the measurement of nitric oxide to
become a diagnostic tool for specific clinical applications. It would be
desirable to develop similar guidelines for the sampling of other trace gases
in exhaled breath, especially volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which reflect
ongoing metabolism. The concentrations of water-soluble, blood-borne substances
in exhaled breath are influenced by: (i) breathing patterns affecting gas
exchange in the conducting airways; (ii) the concentrations in the
tracheo-bronchial lining fluid; (iii) the alveolar and systemic concentrations
of the compound. The classical Farhi equation takes only the alveolar
concentrations into account. Real-time measurements of acetone in end-tidal
breath under an ergometer challenge show characteristics which cannot be
explained within the Farhi setting. Here we develop a compartment model that
reliably captures these profiles and is capable of relating breath to the
systemic concentrations of acetone. By comparison with experimental data it is
inferred that the major part of variability in breath acetone concentrations
(e.g., in response to moderate exercise or altered breathing patterns) can be
attributed to airway gas exchange, with minimal changes of the underlying blood
and tissue concentrations. Moreover, it is deduced that measured end-tidal
breath concentrations of acetone determined during resting conditions and free
breathing will be rather poor indicators for endogenous levels. Particularly,
the current formulation includes the classical Farhi and the Scheid series
inhomogeneity model as special limiting cases. |
1003.5572 | Quantifying the Bicoid morphogen gradient in living fly embryos | In multicellular organisms, patterns of gene expression are established in
response to gradients of signaling molecules. During fly development in early
Drosophila embryos, the Bicoid (Bcd) morphogen gradient is established within
the first hour after fertilization. Bcd acts as a transcription factor,
initiating the expression of a cascade of genes that determine the segmentation
pattern of the embryo, which serves as a blueprint for the future adult
organism. A robust understanding of the mechanisms that govern this
segmentation cascade is still lacking, and a new generation of quantitative
measurements of the spatio-temporal concentration dynamics of the individual
players of this cascade are necessary for further progress. Here we describe a
series of methods that are meant to represent a start of such a quantification
using Bcd as an example. We describe the generation of a transgenic fly line
expressing a Bcd-eGFP fusion protein, and we use this line to carefully analyze
the Bcd concentration dynamics and to measure absolute Bcd expression levels in
living fly embryos using two-photon microscopy. These experiments have proven
to be a fruitful tool generating new insights into the mechanisms that lead to
the establishment and the readout of the Bcd gradient. Generalization of these
methods to other genes in the Drosophila segmentation cascade is
straightforward and should further our understanding of the early patterning
processes and the architecture of the underlying genetic network structure. |
1004.5088 | Robust and accurate data enrichment statistics via distribution function
of sum of weights | Term enrichment analysis facilitates biological interpretation by assigning
to experimentally/computationally obtained data annotation associated with
terms from controlled vocabularies. This process usually involves obtaining
statistical significance for each vocabulary term and using the most
significant terms to describe a given set of biological entities, often
associated with weights. Many existing enrichment methods require selections of
(arbitrary number of) the most significant entities and/or do not account for
weights of entities. Others either mandate extensive simulations to obtain
statistics or assume normal weight distribution. In addition, most methods have
difficulty assigning correct statistical significance to terms with few
entities. Implementing the well-known Lugananni-Rice formula, we have developed
a novel approach, called SaddleSum, that is free from all the aforementioned
constraints and evaluated it against several existing methods. With entity
weights properly taken into account, SaddleSum is internally consistent and
stable with respect to the choice of number of most significant entities
selected. Making few assumptions on the input data, the proposed method is
universal and can thus be applied to areas beyond analysis of microarrays.
Employing asymptotic approximation, SaddleSum provides a term-size dependent
score distribution function that gives rise to accurate statistical
significance even for terms with few entities. As a consequence, SaddleSum
enables researchers to place confidence in its significance assignments to
small terms that are often biologically most specific. |
1005.2107 | Efficient parameter search for qualitative models of regulatory networks
using symbolic model checking | Investigating the relation between the structure and behavior of complex
biological networks often involves posing the following two questions: Is a
hypothesized structure of a regulatory network consistent with the observed
behavior? And can a proposed structure generate a desired behavior? Answering
these questions presupposes that we are able to test the compatibility of
network structure and behavior. We cast these questions into a parameter search
problem for qualitative models of regulatory networks, in particular
piecewise-affine differential equation models. We develop a method based on
symbolic model checking that avoids enumerating all possible parametrizations,
and show that this method performs well on real biological problems, using the
IRMA synthetic network and benchmark experimental data sets. We test the
consistency between the IRMA network structure and the time-series data, and
search for parameter modifications that would improve the robustness of the
external control of the system behavior. |
1005.2588 | C Library for Simulated Evolution of Biological Networks | Simulated evolution of biological networks can be used to generate functional
networks as well as investigate hypotheses regarding natural evolution. A
handful of studies have shown how simulated evolution can be used for studying
the functional space spanned by biochemical networks, studying natural
evolution, or designing new synthetic networks. If there was a method for
easily performing such studies, it can allow the community to further
experiment with simulated evolution and explore all of its uses. As a result,
we have developed a library written in the C language that performs all the
basic functions needed to carry out simulated evolution of biological networks.
The library comes with a generic genetic algorithm as well as genetic
algorithms for specifically evolving genetic networks, protein networks, or
mass-action networks. The library also comes with functions for simulating
these networks. A user needs to specify a desired function. A GUI is provided
for users to become oriented with all the options available in the library. The
library is free and open source under the BSD lisence and can be obtained at It can be built on all major platforms. The
code can be most conveniently compiled using cross-platform make (CMake). |
1006.1730 | NTRFINDER: A Software Tool to Find Nested Tandem Repeats | We introduce the software tool NTRFinder to find the complex repetitive
structure in DNA we call a nested tandem repeat (NTR). An NTR is a recurrence
of two or more distinct tandem motifs interspersed with each other. We propose
that nested tandem repeats can be used as phylogenetic and population markers.
We have tested our algorithm on both real and simulated data, and present some
real nested tandem repeats of interest. We discuss how the NTR found in the
ribosomal DNA of taro (Colocasia esculenta) may assist in determining the
cultivation prehistory of this ancient staple food crop. NTRFinder can be
downloaded from aamatroud/. |
1006.2420 | Pair HMM based gap statistics for re-evaluation of indels in alignments
with affine gap penalties: Extended Version | Although computationally aligning sequence is a crucial step in the vast
majority of comparative genomics studies our understanding of alignment biases
still needs to be improved. To infer true structural or homologous regions
computational alignments need further evaluation. It has been shown that the
accuracy of aligned positions can drop substantially in particular around gaps.
Here we focus on re-evaluation of score-based alignments with affine gap
penalty costs. We exploit their relationships with pair hidden Markov models
and develop efficient algorithms by which to identify gaps which are
significant in terms of length and multiplicity. We evaluate our statistics
with respect to the well-established structural alignments from SABmark and
find that indel reliability substantially increases with their significance in
particular in worst-case twilight zone alignments. This points out that our
statistics can reliably complement other methods which mostly focus on the
reliability of match positions. |
1007.0942 | Efficient chaining of seeds in ordered trees | We consider here the problem of chaining seeds in ordered trees. Seeds are
mappings between two trees Q and T and a chain is a subset of non overlapping
seeds that is consistent with respect to postfix order and ancestrality. This
problem is a natural extension of a similar problem for sequences, and has
applications in computational biology, such as mining a database of RNA
secondary structures. For the chaining problem with a set of m constant size
seeds, we describe an algorithm with complexity O(m2 log(m)) in time and O(m2)
in space. |
1007.4903 | Optimal pooling strategies for laboratory testing | We consider the optimal strategy for laboratory testing of biological samples
when we wish to know the results for each sample rather than the average
prevalence of positive samples. If the proportion of positive samples is low
considerable resources may be devoted to testing samples most of which are
negative. An attractive strategy is to pool samples. If the pooled samples test
positive one must then test the individual samples, otherwise they can all be
assumed to be negative. The pool should be big enough to reduce the number of
tests but not so big that the pooled samples are almost all positive. We show
that if the prevalence of positive samples is greater than 30% it is never
worth pooling. From 30% down to 1% pools of size 4 are close to optimal. Below
1% substantial gains can be made by pooling, especially if the samples are
pooled twice. However, with large pools the sensitivity of the test will fall
correspondingly and this must be taken into consideration. We derive simple
expressions for the optimal pool size and for the corresponding proportion of
samples tested. |
1008.1121 | Markov invariants for phylogenetic rate matrices derived from embedded
submodels | We consider novel phylogenetic models with rate matrices that arise via the
embedding of a progenitor model on a small number of character states, into a
target model on a larger number of character states. Adapting
representation-theoretic results from recent investigations of Markov
invariants for the general rate matrix model, we give a prescription for
identifying and counting Markov invariants for such `symmetric embedded'
models, and we provide enumerations of these for low-dimensional cases. The
simplest example is a target model on 3 states, constructed from a general 2
state model; the `2->3' embedding. We show that for 2 taxa, there exist two
invariants of quadratic degree, that can be used to directly infer pairwise
distances from observed sequences under this model. A simple simulation study
verifies their theoretical expected values, and suggests that, given the
appropriateness of the model class, they have greater statistical power than
the standard (log) Det invariant (which is of cubic degree for this case). |
1009.3627 | Quantitative Analysis of the Effective Functional Structure in Yeast
Glycolysis | Yeast glycolysis is considered the prototype of dissipative biochemical
oscillators. In cellular conditions, under sinusoidal source of glucose, the
activity of glycolytic enzymes can display either periodic, quasiperiodic or
chaotic behavior.
In order to quantify the functional connectivity for the glycolytic enzymes
in dissipative conditions we have analyzed different catalytic patterns using
the non-linear statistical tool of Transfer Entropy. The data were obtained by
means of a yeast glycolytic model formed by three delay differential equations
where the enzymatic speed functions of the irreversible stages have been
explicitly considered. These enzymatic activity functions were previously
modeled and tested experimentally by other different groups. In agreement with
experimental conditions, the studied time series corresponded to a
quasi-periodic route to chaos. The results of the analysis are three-fold:
first, in addition to the classical topological structure characterized by the
specific location of enzymes, substrates, products and feedback regulatory
metabolites, an effective functional structure emerges in the modeled
glycolytic system, which is dynamical and characterized by notable variations
of the functional interactions. Second, the dynamical structure exhibits a
metabolic invariant which constrains the functional attributes of the enzymes.
Finally, in accordance with the classical biochemical studies, our numerical
analysis reveals in a quantitative manner that the enzyme phosphofructokinase
is the key-core of the metabolic system, behaving for all conditions as the
main source of the effective causal flows in yeast glycolysis. |
1009.5962 | Phylogenetic tree calculations using the Grid with DAG job | The goal of the work is to implement molecular phylogenetic calculations
using the Grid paradigm by means of the MrBayes software using Directed Acyclic
Graphs (DAG) jobs. In this method, a set of jobs depends on the input or the
output of other jobs. Once the runs have been successfully done, all the
results can be collected by a specific Perl script inside the defined DAG job.
For testing this methodology, we calculate the evolution of papillomavirus with
121 sequences. |
1010.3303 | Quantitative Analysis by the Point-Centered Quarter Method | This document is an introduction to the use of the point-centered quarter
method. It briefly outlines its history, its methodology, and some of the
practical issues (and modifications) that inevitably arise with its use in the
field. Additionally this paper shows how data collected using point-centered
quarter method sampling may be used to determine importance values of different
species of trees and describes and derives several methods of estimating plant
density and corresponding confidence intervals. New to this revision is an
appendix of R functions to carry out these calculations. |
1011.2969 | Inferring hidden Markov models from noisy time sequences: a method to
alleviate degeneracy in molecular dynamics | We present a new method for inferring hidden Markov models from noisy time
sequences without the necessity of assuming a model architecture, thus allowing
for the detection of degenerate states. This is based on the statistical
prediction techniques developed by Crutchfield et al., and generates so called
causal state models, equivalent to hidden Markov models. This method is
applicable to any continuous data which clusters around discrete values and
exhibits multiple transitions between these values such as tethered particle
motion data or Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) spectra. The
algorithms developed have been shown to perform well on simulated data,
demonstrating the ability to recover the model used to generate the data under
high noise, sparse data conditions and the ability to infer the existence of
degenerate states. They have also been applied to new experimental FRET data of
Holliday Junction dynamics, extracting the expected two state model and
providing values for the transition rates in good agreement with previous
results and with results obtained using existing maximum likelihood based
methods. |
1011.4245 | When the optimal is not the best: parameter estimation in complex
biological models | Background: The vast computational resources that became available during the
past decade enabled the development and simulation of increasingly complex
mathematical models of cancer growth. These models typically involve many free
parameters whose determination is a substantial obstacle to model development.
Direct measurement of biochemical parameters in vivo is often difficult and
sometimes impracticable, while fitting them under data-poor conditions may
result in biologically implausible values.
Results: We discuss different methodological approaches to estimate
parameters in complex biological models. We make use of the high computational
power of the Blue Gene technology to perform an extensive study of the
parameter space in a model of avascular tumor growth. We explicitly show that
the landscape of the cost function used to optimize the model to the data has a
very rugged surface in parameter space. This cost function has many local
minima with unrealistic solutions, including the global minimum corresponding
to the best fit.
Conclusions: The case studied in this paper shows one example in which model
parameters that optimally fit the data are not necessarily the best ones from a
biological point of view. To avoid force-fitting a model to a dataset, we
propose that the best model parameters should be found by choosing, among
suboptimal parameters, those that match criteria other than the ones used to
fit the model. We also conclude that the model, data and optimization approach
form a new complex system, and point to the need of a theory that addresses
this problem more generally. |
1011.5466 | Information theory and adaptation | In this Chapter, we ask questions (1) What is the right way to measure the
quality of information processing in a biological system? and (2) What can
real-life organisms do in order to improve their performance in
information-processing tasks? We then review the body of work that investigates
these questions experimentally, computationally, and theoretically in
biological domains as diverse as cell biology, population biology, and
computational neuroscience |
1012.0091 | Conan: a platform for complex network analysis | Conan is a C++ library created for the accurate and efficient modelling,
inference and analysis of complex networks. It implements the generation and
modification of graphs according to several published models, as well as the
unexpensive computation of global and local network properties. Other features
include network inference and community detection. Furthermore, Conan provides
a Python interface to facilitate the use of the library and its integration in
currently existing applications.
Conan is available at |
1012.1894 | Detection of mixed-culture growth in the total biomass data by wavelet
transforms | We have shown elsewhere that the presence of mixed-culture growth of
microbial species in fermentation processes can be detected with high accuracy
by employing the wavelet transform. This is achieved because the crosses in the
different growth processes contributing to the total biomass signal appear as
singularities that are very well evidenced through their singularity cones in
the wavelet transform. However, we used very simple two-species cases. In this
work, we extend the wavelet method to a more complicated illustrative
fermentation case of three microbial species for which we employ several
wavelets of different number of vanishing moments in order to eliminate
possible numerical artifacts. Working in this way allows to filter in a more
precise way the numerical values of the H\"older exponents. Therefore, we were
able to determine the characteristic H\"older exponents for the corresponding
crossing singularities of the microbial growth processes and their stability
logarithmic scale ranges up to the first decimal in the value of the
characteristic exponents. Since calibrating the mixed microbial growth by means
of their H\"older exponents could have potential industrial applications, the
dependence of the H\"older exponents on the kinetic and physical parameters of
the growth models remains as a future experimental task |
1012.2090 | A robust two-gene oscillator at the core of Ostreococcus tauri circadian
clock | The microscopic green alga Ostreococcus tauri is rapidly emerging as a
promising model organism in the green lineage. In particular, recent results by
Corellou et al. [Plant Cell, 21, 3436 (2009)] and Thommen et al. [PLoS Comput.
Biol. 6, e1000990 (2010)] strongly suggest that its circadian clock is a
simplified version of Arabidopsis thaliana clock, and that it is architectured
so as to be robust to natural daylight fluctuations. In this work, we analyze
time series data from luminescent reporters for the two central clock genes
TOC1 and CCA1 and correlate them with microarray data previously analyzed. Our
mathematical analysis strongly supports both the existence of a simple two-gene
oscillator at the core of Ostreococcus tauri clock and the fact that its
dynamics is not affected by light in normal entrainment conditions, a signature
of its robustness. |
1012.3044 | Distributed computing applied applied to the identification of new drugs | This work emphasizes the assets of implementing the distributed computing for
the intensive use in computational science devoted to the search of new
medicines that could be applied in public healthy problems. |
1012.3555 | Genetic Classification of Populations using Supervised Learning | There are many instances in genetics in which we wish to determine whether
two candidate populations are distinguishable on the basis of their genetic
structure. Examples include populations which are geographically separated,
case--control studies and quality control (when participants in a study have
been genotyped at different laboratories). This latter application is of
particular importance in the era of large scale genome wide association
studies, when collections of individuals genotyped at different locations are
being merged to provide increased power. The traditional method for detecting
structure within a population is some form of exploratory technique such as
principal components analysis. Such methods, which do not utilise our prior
knowledge of the membership of the candidate populations. are termed
\emph{unsupervised}. Supervised methods, on the other hand are able to utilise
this prior knowledge when it is available.
In this paper we demonstrate that in such cases modern supervised approaches
are a more appropriate tool for detecting genetic differences between
populations. We apply two such methods, (neural networks and support vector
machines) to the classification of three populations (two from Scotland and one
from Bulgaria). The sensitivity exhibited by both these methods is considerably
higher than that attained by principal components analysis and in fact
comfortably exceeds a recently conjectured theoretical limit on the sensitivity
of unsupervised methods. In particular, our methods can distinguish between the
two Scottish populations, where principal components analysis cannot. We
suggest, on the basis of our results that a supervised learning approach should
be the method of choice when classifying individuals into pre-defined
populations, particularly in quality control for large scale genome wide
association studies. |
1101.0687 | Investigations of a compartmental model for leucine kinetics using
nonlinear mixed effects models with ordinary and stochastic differential
equations | Nonlinear mixed effects models represent a powerful tool to simultaneously
analyze data from several individuals. In this study a compartmental model of
leucine kinetics is examined and extended with a stochastic differential
equation to model non-steady state concentrations of free leucine in the
plasma. Data obtained from tracer/tracee experiments for a group of healthy
control individuals and a group of individuals suffering from diabetes mellitus
type 2 are analyzed. We find that the interindividual variation of the model
parameters is much smaller for the nonlinear mixed effects models, compared to
traditional estimates obtained from each individual separately. Using the mixed
effects approach, the population parameters are estimated well also when only
half of the data are used for each individual. For a typical individual the
amount of free leucine is predicted to vary with a standard deviation of 8.9%
around a mean value during the experiment. Moreover, leucine degradation and
protein uptake of leucine is smaller, proteolysis larger, and the amount of
free leucine in the body is much larger for the diabetic individuals than the
control individuals. In conclusion nonlinear mixed effects models offers
improved estimates for model parameters in complex models based on
tracer/tracee data and may be a suitable tool to reduce data sampling in
clinical studies. |
1101.2103 | Numerical Solution of a Complete Formulation of Flow in a Perfusion
Bone-Tissue Bioreactor Using Lattice Boltzmann Equation Method | We report the key findings from numerical solutions of a model of transport
within an established perfusion bioreactor design. The model includes a
complete formulation of transport with fully coupled convection-diffusion and
scaffold cell attachment. It also includes the experimentally determined
internal (Poly-L-Lactic Acid (PLLA)) scaffold boundary, together with the
external vessel and flow-port boundaries. Our findings, obtained using parallel
lattice Boltzmann equation method, relate to (i) whole-device, steady-state
flow and species distribution and (ii) the properties of the scaffold. In
particular the results identify which elements of the problem may be addressed
by coarse grained methods such as the Darcy approximation and those which
require a more complete description. The work demonstrates that appropriate
numerical modelling will make a key contribution to the design and development
of large scale bioreactors. |
1101.3983 | GSGS: A Computational Framework to Reconstruct Signaling Pathways from
Gene Sets | We propose a novel two-stage Gene Set Gibbs Sampling (GSGS) framework, to
reverse engineer signaling pathways from gene sets inferred from molecular
profiling data. We hypothesize that signaling pathways are structurally an
ensemble of overlapping linear signal transduction events which we encode as
Information Flow Gene Sets (IFGS's). We infer pathways from gene sets
corresponding to these events subjected to a random permutation of genes within
each set. In Stage I, we use a source separation algorithm to derive unordered
and overlapping IFGS's from molecular profiling data, allowing cross talk among
IFGS's. In Stage II, we develop a Gibbs sampling like algorithm, Gene Set Gibbs
Sampler, to reconstruct signaling pathways from the latent IFGS's derived in
Stage I. The novelty of this framework lies in the seamless integration of the
two stages and the hypothesis of IFGS's as the basic building blocks for signal
pathways. In the proof-of-concept studies, our approach is shown to outperform
the existing Bayesian network approaches using both continuous and discrete
data generated from benchmark networks in the DREAM initiative. We perform a
comprehensive sensitivity analysis to assess the robustness of the approach.
Finally, we implement the GSGS framework to reconstruct signaling pathways in
breast cancer cells. |
1101.4265 | Models of Membrane Electrostatics | I derive formulas for the electrostatic potential of a charge in or near a
membrane modeled as one or more dielectric slabs lying between two
semi-infinite dielectrics. One can use these formulas in Monte Carlo codes to
compute the distribution of ions near cell membranes more accurately than by
using Poisson-Boltzmann theory or its linearized version. Here I use them to
discuss the electric field of a uniformly charged membrane, the image charges
of an ion, the distribution of salt ions near a charged membrane, the energy of
a zwitterion near a lipid slab, and the effect of including the phosphate head
groups as thin layers of high electric permittivity. |
1103.1200 | The Quasi-Steady State Assumption in an Enzymatically Open System | The quasi-steady state assumption (QSSA) forms the basis for rigorous
mathematical justification of the Michaelis-Menten formalism commonly used in
modeling a broad range of intracellular phenomena. A critical supposition of
QSSA-based analyses is that the underlying biochemical reaction is
enzymatically "closed," so that free enzyme is neither added to nor removed
from the reaction over the relevant time period. Yet there are multiple
circumstances in living cells under which this assumption may not hold, e.g.
during translation of genetic elements or metabolic regulatory events. Here we
consider a modified version of the most basic enzyme-catalyzed reaction which
incorporates enzyme input and removal. We extend the QSSA to this enzymatically
"open" system, computing inner approximations to its dynamics, and we compare
the behavior of the full open system, our approximations, and the closed system
under broad range of kinetic parameters. We also derive conditions under which
our new approximations are provably valid; numerical simulations demonstrate
that our approximations remain quite accurate even when these conditions are
not satisfied. Finally, we investigate the possibility of damped oscillatory
behavior in the enzymatically open reaction. |
1103.5181 | Finding Complex Biological Relationships in Recent PubMed Articles Using
Bio-LDA | The overwhelming amount of available scholarly literature in the life
sciences poses significant challenges to scientists wishing to keep up with
important developments related to their research, but also provides a useful
resource for the discovery of recent information concerning genes, diseases,
compounds and the interactions between them. In this paper, we describe an
algorithm called Bio-LDA that uses extracted biological terminology to
automatically identify latent topics, and provides a variety of measures to
uncover putative relations among topics and bio-terms. Relationships identified
using those approaches are combined with existing data in life science datasets
to provide additional insight. Three case studies demonstrate the utility of
the Bio-LDA model, including association predication, association search and
connectivity map generation. This combined approach offers new opportunities
for knowledge discovery in many areas of biology including target
identification, lead hopping and drug repurposing. |
1103.5490 | High-Throughput Biologically Optimized Search Engineering Approach to
Synthetic Biology | Synthetic Biology is the new engineering-based approach to biology that
includes applications of designing complex biological devices. At present, it
is not yet clear what will emerge as the defining principles of Synthetic
Biology. One proposed approach is to build Synthetic Biology around the
classical engineering principles of standardization, modularity/decoupling and
abstraction/modeling to facilitate component-based design. In this article we
suggest and discuss an alternative paradigm, which we call High-throughput
Biologically Optimized Search Engineering (HT-BOSE). Stemming from directed
evolution, in HT-BOSE the focal point is a biological knowledge based rational
optimization of the search process in the space of device design possibilities.
The HT-BOSE approach may also be relevant in other contexts and we briefly
highlight how it could be applicable to the development of multi-drug cocktails
in a biomedical setting. |
1104.0541 | Spectral sum rules and search for periodicities in DNA sequences | Periodic patterns play the important regulatory and structural roles in
genomic DNA sequences. Commonly, the underlying periodicities should be
understood in a broad statistical sense, since the corresponding periodic
patterns have been strongly distorted by the random point mutations and
insertions/deletions during molecular evolution. The latent periodicities in
DNA sequences can be efficiently displayed by Fourier transform. The criteria
of significance for observed periodicities are obtained via the comparison
versus the counterpart characteristics of the reference random sequences. We
show that the restrictions imposed on the significance criteria by the rigorous
spectral sum rules can be rationally described with De Finetti distribution.
This distribution provides the convenient intermediate asymptotic form between
Rayleigh distribution and exact combinatoric theory. |
1104.0543 | Kinetics of binding and geometry of cells on molecular biochips | We examine how the shape of cells and the geometry of experiment affect the
reaction-diffusion kinetics at the binding between target and probe molecules
on molecular biochips. In particular, we compare the binding kinetics for the
probes immobilized on surface of the semispherical and flat circular cells, the
limit of thin slab of analyte solution over probe cell as well as hemispherical
gel pads and cells printed in gel slab over a substrate. It is shown that
hemispherical geometry provides significantly faster binding kinetics and
ensures more spatially homogeneous distribution of local (from a pixel) signals
over a cell in the transient regime. The advantage of using thin slabs with
small volume of analyte solution may be hampered by the much longer binding
kinetics needing the auxiliary mixing devices. Our analysis proves that the
shape of cells and the geometry of experiment should be included to the list of
essential factors at biochip designing. |
1104.2995 | Algorithm engineering for optimal alignment of protein structure
distance matrices | Protein structural alignment is an important problem in computational
biology. In this paper, we present first successes on provably optimal pairwise
alignment of protein inter-residue distance matrices, using the popular Dali
scoring function. We introduce the structural alignment problem formally, which
enables us to express a variety of scoring functions used in previous work as
special cases in a unified framework. Further, we propose the first
mathematical model for computing optimal structural alignments based on dense
inter-residue distance matrices. We therefore reformulate the problem as a
special graph problem and give a tight integer linear programming model. We
then present algorithm engineering techniques to handle the huge integer linear
programs of real-life distance matrix alignment problems. Applying these
techniques, we can compute provably optimal Dali alignments for the very first
time. |
1104.4304 | Towards a New Spatial Representation of Bone Remodeling | Irregular bone remodeling is associated with a number of bone diseases such
as osteoporosis and multiple myeloma.
Computational and mathematical modeling can aid in therapy and treatment as
well as understanding fundamental biology. Different approaches to modeling
give insight into different aspects of a phenomena so it is useful to have an
arsenal of various computational and mathematical models.
Here we develop a mathematical representation of bone remodeling that can
effectively describe many aspects of the complicated geometries and spatial
behavior observed.
There is a sharp interface between bone and marrow regions. Also the surface
of bone moves in and out, i.e. in the normal direction, due to remodeling.
Based on these observations we employ the use of a level-set function to
represent the spatial behavior of remodeling. We elaborate on a temporal model
for osteoclast and osteoblast population dynamics to determine the change in
bone mass which influences how the interface between bone and marrow changes.
We exhibit simulations based on our computational model that show the motion
of the interface between bone and marrow as a consequence of bone remodeling.
The simulations show that it is possible to capture spatial behavior of bone
remodeling in complicated geometries as they occur \emph{in vitro} and \emph{in
By employing the level set approach it is possible to develop computational
and mathematical representations of the spatial behavior of bone remodeling. By
including in this formalism further details, such as more complex cytokine
interactions and accurate parameter values, it is possible to obtain
simulations of phenomena related to bone remodeling with spatial behavior much
as \emph{in vitro} and \emph{in vivo}. This makes it possible to perform
\emph{in silica} experiments more closely resembling experimental observations. |
1104.4337 | HiTRACE: High-throughput robust analysis for capillary electrophoresis | Motivation: Capillary electrophoresis (CE) of nucleic acids is a workhorse
technology underlying high-throughput genome analysis and large-scale chemical
mapping for nucleic acid structural inference. Despite the wide availability of
CE-based instruments, there remain challenges in leveraging their full power
for quantitative analysis of RNA and DNA structure, thermodynamics, and
kinetics. In particular, the slow rate and poor automation of available
analysis tools have bottlenecked a new generation of studies involving hundreds
of CE profiles per experiment.
Results: We propose a computational method called high-throughput robust
analysis for capillary electrophoresis (HiTRACE) to automate the key tasks in
large-scale nucleic acid CE analysis, including the profile alignment that has
heretofore been a rate-limiting step in the highest throughput experiments. We
illustrate the application of HiTRACE on thirteen data sets representing 4
different RNAs, three chemical modification strategies, and up to 480 single
mutant variants; the largest data sets each include 87,360 bands. By applying a
series of robust dynamic programming algorithms, HiTRACE outperforms prior
tools in terms of alignment and fitting quality, as assessed by measures
including the correlation between quantified band intensities between replicate
data sets. Furthermore, while the smallest of these data sets required 7 to 10
hours of manual intervention using prior approaches, HiTRACE quantitation of
even the largest data sets herein was achieved in 3 to 12 minutes. The HiTRACE
method therefore resolves a critical barrier to the efficient and accurate
analysis of nucleic acid structure in experiments involving tens of thousands
of electrophoretic bands. |
1104.4524 | Stochastic Modeling in Systems Biology | Many cellular behaviors are regulated by gene regulation networks, kinetics
of which is one of the main subjects in the study of systems biology. Because
of the low number molecules in these reacting systems, stochastic effects are
significant. In recent years, stochasticity in modeling the kinetics of gene
regulation networks have been drawing the attention of many researchers. This
paper is a self contained review trying to provide an overview of stochastic
modeling. I will introduce the derivation of the main equations in modeling the
biochemical systems with intrinsic noise (chemical master equation, Fokker-Plan
equation, reaction rate equation, chemical Langevin equation), and will discuss
the relations between these formulations. The mathematical formulations for
systems with fluctuations in kinetic parameters are also discussed. Finally, I
will introduce the exact stochastic simulation algorithm and the approximate
explicit tau-leaping method for making numerical simulations. |
1104.4549 | A General Theory for Direct Quantitative Analysis of Antigen | A theory for direct quantitative analysis of an antigen is proposed. It is
based on a potential homogenous immunoreaction system. It establishes an
equation to describe the concentration change of the antigen and antibody
complex. A maximum point is found in the concentration profile of the complex
which can be used to calculate the concentration of the antigen. An
experimental scheme was designed for a commercial time-resolved
fluoroimmunoassay kit for HBsAg, which is based heterogeneous immunoreaction.
The results showed that the theory is practically applicable. |
1104.5216 | Errors in Length-weight Parameters at | To investigate possible errors, length-weight parameters from
were used to graph length-weight curves for six different species: channel
catfish, black crappie, largemouth bass, rainbow trout, flathead catfish, and
lake trout along with the standard weight curves (Anderson and Neumann 1996,
Bister et al. 2000). Parameters noted as doubtful by FishBase were excluded.
For each species, variations in curves were noted, and the minimum and maximum
predicted weights for a 30 cm long fish were compared with each other and with
the standard weight for that length. For lake trout, additional comparisons
were made between the parameters and study details reported in for
6 of 8 length-weight relationships and those reported in the reference
(Carlander 1969) for those 6 relationships. In all species studied, minimum and
maximum curves produced with the length-weight parameters at are
notably different from each other, and in many cases predict weights that are
clearly absurd. For example, one set of parameters predicts a 30 cm rainbow
trout weighing 44 g. For 30 cm length, the range of weights (relative to the
standard weight) for each species are: channel catfish (31.4% to 193.1%), black
crappie (54.0% to 149.0%), largemouth bass (28.8% to 130.4%), rainbow trout
(14.9% to 113.4%), flathead catfish (29.3% to 250.7%), and lake trout (44.0% to
152.7%). Length-weight tables at are not generally reliable and
the on-line database contains dubious parameters. Assurance of quality probably
will require a systematic review with more careful and comprehensive methods
than those currently employed. |
1105.0955 | In Silico Synchronization of Cellular Populations Through Expression
Data Deconvolution | Cellular populations are typically heterogenous collections of cells at
different points in their respective cell cycles, each with a cell cycle time
that varies from individual to individual. As a result, true single-cell
behavior, particularly that which is cell-cycle--dependent, is often obscured
in population-level (averaged) measurements. We have developed a simple
deconvolution method that can be used to remove the effects of asynchronous
variability from population-level time-series data. In this paper, we summarize
some recent progress in the development and application of our approach, and
provide technical updates that result in increased biological fidelity. We also
explore several preliminary validation results and discuss several ongoing
applications that highlight the method's usefulness for estimating parameters
in differential equation models of single-cell gene regulation. |
1105.2559 | Biological and Statistical Heterogeneity in Malaria Transmission | In a study of the heterogeneity in malaria infection rates among children
Smith et al.1 fitted several mathematical models to data from community studies
in Africa. They concluded that 20% of children receive 80% of infections, that
infections last about six months on average, that children who clear infections
are not immune to new infections, and that the sensitivity and specificity of
microscopy for the detection of malaria parasites are 95.8% and 88.4%,
respectively. These findings would have important implications for disease
control, but we show here that the statistical analysis is unsound and that the
data do not support their conclusions. |
1105.2767 | How important is the acute phase in HIV epidemiology? | At present, the best hope for eliminating HIV transmission and bringing the
epidemic of HIV to an end lies in the use of anti-retroviral therapy for
prevention, a strategy referred to variously as Test and Treat (T&T), Treatment
as Prevention (TasP) or Treatment centred Prevention (TcP). One of the key
objections to the use of T&T to stop transmission concerns the role of the
acute phase in HIV transmission. The acute phase of infection lasts for one to
three months after HIV-seroconversion during which time the risk of
transmission may be ten to twenty times higher, per sexual encounter, than it
is during the chronic phase which lasts for the next ten years. Regular testing
for HIV is more likely to miss people who are in the acute phase than in the
chronic phase and it is essential to determine the extent to which this might
compromise the impact of T&T on HIV-transmission.
Here we show that 1) provided the initial epidemic doubling time is about 1.0
to 1.5 years, as observed in South Africa, random testing with an average test
interval of one year will still bring the epidemic close to elimination even if
the acute phase lasts for 3 months during which time transmission is 26 times
higher than in the chronic phase; 2) testing people regularly at yearly
intervals is significantly more effective then testing them randomly; 3)
testing people regularly at six monthly intervals and starting them on ART
immediately, will almost certainly guarantee elimination.
In general it seems unlikely that elevated transmission during the acute
phase is likely to change predictions of the impact of treatment on
transmission significantly. Other factors, in particular age structure, the
structure of sexual networks and variation in set-point viral load are likely
to be more important and should be given priority in further analyses. |
1106.3771 | A Combinatorial Framework for Designing (Pseudoknotted) RNA Algorithms | We extend an hypergraph representation, introduced by Finkelstein and
Roytberg, to unify dynamic programming algorithms in the context of RNA folding
with pseudoknots. Classic applications of RNA dynamic programming energy
minimization, partition function, base-pair probabilities...) are reformulated
within this framework, giving rise to very simple algorithms. This
reformulation allows one to conceptually detach the conformation space/energy
model -- captured by the hypergraph model -- from the specific application,
assuming unambiguity of the decomposition. To ensure the latter property, we
propose a new combinatorial methodology based on generating functions. We
extend the set of generic applications by proposing an exact algorithm for
extracting generalized moments in weighted distribution, generalizing a prior
contribution by Miklos and al. Finally, we illustrate our full-fledged
programme on three exemplary conformation spaces (secondary structures,
Akutsu's simple type pseudoknots and kissing hairpins). This readily gives sets
of algorithms that are either novel or have complexity comparable to classic
implementations for minimization and Boltzmann ensemble applications of dynamic
programming. |
1106.4450 | Automated Quantification of the Impact of the Wood-decay fungus
Physisporinus vitreus on the Cell Wall Structure of Norway spruce by
Tomographic Microscopy | Wood-decay fungi decompose their substrate by extracellular, degradative
enzymes and play an important role in natural ecosystems by recycling carbon
and minerals fixed in plants. Thereby, they cause significant damage to the
wood structure and limit the use of wood as building material. Besides their
role as biodeteriorators wood-decay fungi can be used for biotechnological
purposes, e.g. the white-rot fungus Physisporinus vitreus for improving the
uptake of preservatives and wood-modification substances of refractory wood.
Therefore, the visualization and the quantification of microscopic decay
patterns are important for the study of the impact of wood-decay fungi in
general, as well as for wood-decay fungi and microorganisms with possible
applications in biotechnology. In the present work, we developed a method for
the automated localization and quantification of microscopic cell wall elements
(CWE) of Norway spruce wood such as bordered pits, intrinsic defects, hyphae or
alterations induced by P. vitreus using high resolution X-ray computed
tomographic microscopy. In addition to classical destructive wood anatomical
methods such as light or laser scanning microscopy, our method allows for the
first time to compute the properties (e.g. area, orientation and
size-distribution) of CWE of the tracheids in a sample. This is essential for
modeling the influence of microscopic CWE to macroscopic properties such as
wood strength and permeability. |
1106.5313 | Analysis of Hepatitis C Viral Dynamics Using Latin Hypercube Sampling | We consider a mathematical model comprising of four coupled ordinary
differential equations (ODEs) for studying the hepatitis C (HCV) viral
dynamics. The model embodies the efficacies of a combination therapy of
interferon and ribavirin. A condition for the stability of the uninfected and
the infected steady states is presented. A large number of sample points for
the model parameters (which were physiologically feasible) were generated using
Latin hypercube sampling. Analysis of our simulated values indicated
approximately 24% cases as having an uninfected steady state. Statistical tests
like the chi-square-test and the Spearman's test were also done on the sample
values. The results of these tests indicate a distinctly differently
distribution of certain parameter values and not in case of others, vis-a-vis,
the stability of the uninfected and the infected steady states. |
1107.0406 | Demonstrating an Improved Length-weight Model in Largemouth Bass, Chain
Pickerel, Yellow Perch, Black Crappie, and Brown Bullhead in Stilwell
Reservoir, West Point, New York | The traditional power law model, W(L) = aL^b, is widely applied to describe
weight (W) vs. length (L) in fish. The model, W(L) = (L/L1)^b, is proposed as
an improvement. The Levenberg-Marquardt non-linear least squares technique is
used to determine the best-fit parameters L1 and b. This model has the
advantages that L1 has the same units (length) independent of the value of the
exponent and has an easily interpreted physical meaning as the typical length
of a fish with one unit of weight. This proposed model is compared with the
traditional model on length-weight data sets for black crappie, largemouth
bass, chain pickerel, yellow perch, and brown bullhead obtained from Stilwell
Reservoir, West Point, New York. The resulting best-fit parameters, parameter
standard errors, and covariances are compared between the two models. The
average relative weight for these species is determined, along with typical
meat yields for four species. For the five species, using the logarithmic
approach and a linear least-squares, standard errors in the coefficient, a,
range from 60.2% to 136.5% for the traditional model. Using a non-linear least
squares technique to determine best fit parameters, the standard errors for the
coefficient, a, range from 68.5% to 164.0% in the traditional model. In the
improved model, standard errors in the parameter L1 range from 0.94% to 15.0%.
The covariance between a and b in the traditional model has a magnitude between
0.999 and 1.000 in both linear and non-linear parameter estimation methods. In
the improved model, the covariances between L1 and b are smaller. The improved
model, W(L) = (L/L1)^b, is preferable for weight vs. length in fish, because
the estimated parameter uncertainties and covariances are smaller in magnitude.
Furthermore, the parameters both have consistent units and an easily
interpreted physical meaning. |
1107.0900 | Structural requirements and discrimination of cell differentiation
networks | Mathematical models of stem cell differentiation are commonly based upon the
concept of subsequent cell fate decisions, each controlled by a gene regulatory
network. These networks exhibit a multistable behavior and cause the system to
switch between qualitatively distinct stable steady states. However, the
network structure of such a switching module is often uncertain, and there is
lack of knowledge about the exact reaction kinetics. In this paper, we
therefore perform an elementary study of small networks consisting of three
interacting transcriptional regulators responsible for cell differentiation: We
investigate which network structures can reproduce a certain multistable
behavior, and how robustly this behavior is realized by each network. In order
to approach these questions, we use a modeling framework which only uses
qualitative information about the network, yet allows model discrimination as
well as to evaluate the robustness of the desired multistability properties. We
reveal structural network properties which are necessary and sufficient to
realize distinct steady state patterns required for cell differentiation. Our
results also show that structural and robustness properties of the networks are
related to each other. |
1107.2903 | Model for competing pathways in protein-aggregation: role of membrane
bound proteins | Motivated by the biologically important and complex phenomena of A\beta\
peptide aggregation in Alzheimer's disease, we introduce a model and simulation
methodology for studying protein aggregation that includes extra-cellular
aggregation, aggregation on the cell-surface assisted by a membrane bound
protein, and in addition, supply, clearance, production and sequestration of
peptides and proteins. The model is used to produce equilibrium and
kinetic-aggregation phase diagrams for aggregation onset and of reduced stable
A\beta\ monomer concentrations due to aggregation. The methodology we
implemented permits modeling of a phenomenon involving orders of magnitude
differences in time scales and concentrations which can be retained in the
simulation. We demonstrate how to identify ranges of parameter values that give
monomer concentration depletion upon aggregation similar to that observed in
Alzheimer's disease. We show how very different behavior can be obtained as
reaction parameters and protein concentrations vary, and discuss the difficulty
reconciling results of experiments from two vastly different concentration
regimes. The latter is an important general issue in relating in-vitro and mice
based experiments to humans. |
1107.3112 | An Assessment of Weight-Length Relationships for Muskellunge,Northern
Pike, and Chain Pickerel In Carlander's Handbook of Freshwater Fishery
Biology | Carlander's Handbook of Freshwater Fishery Biology (1969) contains life
history data from many species of freshwater fish found in North America. It
has been cited over 1200 times and used to produce standard-weight curves for
some species. Recent work (Cole-Fletcher et al. 2011) suggests Carlander (1969)
contains numerous errors in listed weight-length equations. This paper assesses
the weight-length relationships listed in Carlander for muskellunge, northern
pike, and chain pickerel by comparing graphs of the weight vs. length equations
with other data listed and with standard weight curves published by independent
sources. A number of discrepancies are identified through this analysis and new
weight-length relationships are produced from listed data. |
1107.4220 | Coexistence of different base periodicities in prokaryotic genomes as
related to DNA curvature, supercoiling, and transcription | We analyzed the periodic patterns in E. coli promoters and compared the
distributions of the corresponding patterns in promoters and in the complete
genome to elucidate their function. Except the three-base periodicity,
coincident with that in the coding regions and growing stronger in the region
downstream from the transcriptions start (TS), all other salient periodicities
are peaked upstream of TS. We found that helical periodicities with the lengths
about B-helix pitch ~10.2-10.5 bp and A-helix pitch ~10.8-11.1 bp coexist in
the genomic sequences. We mapped the distributions of stretches with A-, B-,
and Z- like DNA periodicities onto E.coli genome. All three periodicities tend
to concentrate within non-coding regions when their intensity becomes stronger
and prevail in the promoter sequences. The comparison with available
experimental data indicates that promoters with the most pronounced
periodicities may be related to the supercoiling-sensitive genes. |
1108.3245 | Remarks on invariance of population distributions for systems with
equivariant internal dynamics | For velocity-jump Markov processes with equivariant internal dynamics, we
remark that population distributions are invariant. This provides a
formalization of the fact that FCD (scale) and other symmetry invariant systems
perform identical spatial searches under input transformations. |
1108.3495 | Trail formation based on directed pheromone deposition | We propose an Individual-Based Model of ant-trail formation. The ants are
modeled as self-propelled particles which deposit directed pheromones and
interact with them through alignment interaction. The directed pheromones
intend to model pieces of trails, while the alignment interaction translates
the tendency for an ant to follow a trail when it meets it. Thanks to adequate
quantitative descriptors of the trail patterns, the existence of a phase
transition as the ant-pheromone interaction frequency is increased can be
evidenced. Finally, we propose both kinetic and fluid descriptions of this
model and analyze the capabilities of the fluid model to develop trail
patterns. We observe that the development of patterns by fluid models require
extra trail amplification mechanisms that are not needed at the
Individual-Based Model level. |
1109.0615 | Optimal Therapy of Hepatitis C Dynamics and Sampling Based Analysis | We examine two models for hepatitis C viral (HCV) dynamics, one for
monotherapy with interferon (IFN) and the other for combination therapy with
IFN and ribavirin. Optimal therapy for both the models is determined using the
steepest gradient method, by defining an objective functional which minimizes
the infected hepatocyte levels, virion population and the side-effects of the
drug(s). The optimal therapy for both the models shows an initial period of
high efficacy, followed by a gradual decline. The period of high efficacy
coincides with a significant decrease in the infected hepatocyte levels as well
as viral load, whereas the efficacy drops after liver regeneration through
restored hepatocyte levels. The period of high efficacy is not altered
significantly when the cost coefficients are varied, as long as the side
effects are relatively small. This suggests a higher dependence of the optimal
therapy on the model parameters in case of drugs with minimal side effects.
We use the Latin hypercube sampling technique to randomly generate a large
number of patient scenarios (i.e, model parameter sets) and study the dynamics
of each set under the optimal therapy already determined. Results show an
increase in the percentage of responders (as indicated by drop in viral load
below detection levels) in case of combination therapy as compared to
monotherapy. Statistical tests performed to study the correlations between
sample parameters and the time required for the viral load to fall below
detection level, show a strong monotonic correlation with the death rate of
infected hepatocytes, identifying it to be an important factor in deciding
individual drug regimens. |
1109.1108 | Single-base mismatch profiles for NGS samples | Within the preprocessing pipeline of a Next Generation Sequencing sample, its
set of Single-Base Mismatches is one of the first outcomes, together with the
number of correctly aligned reads. The union of these two sets provides a 4x4
matrix (called Single Base Indicator, SBI in what follows) representing a
blueprint of the sample and its preprocessing ingredients such as the
sequencer, the alignment software, the pipeline parameters. In this note we
show that, under the same technological conditions, there is a strong relation
between the SBI and the biological nature of the sample. To reach this goal we
need to introduce a similarity measure between SBIs: we also show how two
measures commonly used in machine learning can be of help in this context. |
1109.1170 | HIV/AIDS in South Africa: the beginning of the end? | In several countries in southern Africa, including South Africa, the
prevalence of HIV remains stubbornly high in spite of considerable efforts to
reduce transmission and to provide anti-retroviral therapy (ART). It is
important to know the extent to which the high prevalence of HIV reflects the
increasing number of people on ART in which case the prevalence of those not on
ART may be falling. Unfortunately, direct measures of the proportion of
HIV-positive people who are on ART are lacking in most countries and we need to
use dynamical models to estimate the impact of ART on the prevalence of HIV. In
this paper we show that the current level of ART provision in South Africa has
probably reduced the prevalence of HIV among those not on ART by 1.9 million,
averted 259 thousand new infections and 428 thousand deaths. |
1109.1206 | Rigidity sensing explained by active matter theory | The magnitude of traction forces exerted by living animal cells on their
environment is a monotonically increasing and approximately sigmoidal function
of the stiffness of the external medium. This observation is rationalized using
active matter theory: adaptation to substrate rigidity results from an
interplay between passive elasticity and active contractility. |
1109.1462 | Inferring genotyping error rates from genotyped trios | Genotyping errors are known to influence the power of both family-based and
case-control studies in the genetics of complex disease. Estimating genotyping
error rate in a given dataset can be complex, but when family information is
available error rates can be inferred from the patterns of Mendelian
inheritance between parents and offspring. I introduce a novel likelihood-based
method for calculating error rates from family data, given known allele
frequencies. I apply this to an example dataset, demonstrating a low genotyping
error rate in genotyping data from a personal genomics company. |
1109.4465 | Exact Green's Function of the reversible diffusion-influenced reaction
for an isolated pair in 2D | We derive an exact Green's function of the diffusion equation for a pair of
spherical interacting particles in 2D subject to a back-reaction boundary
condition. |
1110.4696 | Monitoring and prediction of an epidemic outbreak using syndromic
observations | The paper presents an algorithm for syndromic surveillance of an epidemic
outbreak formulated in the context of stochastic nonlinear filtering. The
dynamics of the epidemic is modeled using a generalized compartmental
epidemiological model with inhomogeneous mixing. The syndromic (typically
non-medical) observations of the number of infected people (e.g. visits to
pharmacies, sale of certain products, absenteeism from work/study etc.) are
used for estimation. The state of the epidemic, including the number of
infected people and the unknown parameters of the model, are estimated via a
particle filter. The numerical results indicate that the proposed framework can
provide useful early prediction of the epidemic peak if the uncertainty in
prior knowledge of model parameters is not excessive. |
1110.5006 | CytoSaddleSum: a functional enrichment analysis plugin for Cytoscape
based on sum-of-weights scores | Summary: CytoSaddleSum provides Cytoscape users with access to the
functionality of SaddleSum, a functional enrichment tool based on sum-of-weight
scores. It operates by querying SaddleSum locally (using the standalone
version) or remotely (through an HTTP request to a web server). The functional
enrichment results are shown as a term relationship network, where nodes
represent terms and edges show term relationships. Furthermore, query results
are written as Cytoscape attributes allowing easy saving, retrieval and
integration into network-based data analysis workflows.
Availability: The source code
is placed in Public Domain. |
1111.0351 | A simple mathematical model for assessment of anti-toxin antibodies | The toxins associated with infectious diseases are potential targets for
inhibitors which have the potential for prophylactic or therapeutic use. Many
antibodies have been generated for this purpose, and the objective of this
study was to develop a simple mathematical model that may be used to evaluate
the potential protective effect of antibodies. This model was used to evaluate
the contributions of antibody affinity and concentration to reducing
antibody-receptor complex formation and internalization. The model also enables
prediction of the antibody kinetic constants and concentration required to
provide a specified degree of protection. We hope that this model, once
validated experimentally, will be a useful tool for in vitro selection of
potentially protective antibodies for progression to in vivo evaluation. |
1111.2019 | A null model for testing thermodynamic optimization in ecological
systems | Several authors have hypothesized that ecological systems are subject to
thermodynamic optimization, which, if proven correct, could represent a long
sought general principle of organization in ecology. Although there have been
recent advances, this still remains as an unresolved topic, and ecologists lack
a general method to test thermodynamic optimization hypotheses in specific
systems. Here we present a general, novel approach that allows generating a
null model for testing thermodynamic optimization on ecological systems. We
first describe the general methodology, which is based in the analysis of a
parametrized mathematical model of the system and the explicit consideration of
constraints. Next we present an application example to an animal population
using a general age-structured population model and physiological parameters
from the literature. We finalize discussing the relevance of this work in the
context of the current state of ecology, and implications for the further
development of a thermodynamic ecological theory. |
1111.3861 | Reconstructing fiber networks from confocal image stacks | We present a numerically efficient method to reconstruct a disordered network
of thin biopolymers, such as collagen gels, from three-dimensional (3D) image
stacks recorded with a confocal microscope. Our method is based on a template
matching algorithm that simultaneously performs a binarization and
skeletonization of the network. The size and intensity pattern of the template
is automatically adapted to the input data so that the method is scale
invariant and generic. Furthermore, the template matching threshold is
iteratively optimized to ensure that the final skeletonized network obeys a
universal property of voxelized random line networks, namely, solid-phase
voxels have most likely three solid-phase neighbors in a $3\times3$
neighborhood. This optimization criterion makes our method free of user-defined
parameters and the output exceptionally robust against imaging noise. |
1111.6200 | Statistical analysis of co-expression properties of sets of genes in the
mouse brain | We propose a quantitative method to estimate the statistical properties of
sets of genes for which expression data are available and co-registered to a
reference atlas of the brain. It is based on graph-theoretic properties of
co-expression coefficients between pairs of genes. We apply this method to
mouse genes from the Allen Gene Expression Atlas. Co-expression patterns of a
list of several hundreds of genes related to addiction are analyzed, using ISH
data produced for the mouse brain at the Allen Institute. It appears that large
subsets of this set of genes are much more highly co-expressed than expected by
chance. |
1112.0464 | Optimal conditions for slow passive release of heparin-binding growth
factors from an affinity-based delivery system | We consider a mathematical model that describes the release of
heparin-binding growth factors from an affinity-based delivery system. In the
delivery system, heparin binds to a peptide which has been covalently
cross-linked to a fibrin matrix. Growth factor in turn binds to the heparin,
and growth factor release is governed by both binding and diffusion mechanisms,
the purpose of the binding being to slow growth factor release. The governing
mathematical model, which in its original formulation consists of five partial
differential equations, is reduced to a system of just two equations. We
identify the governing non-dimensional parameters that can be varied to tune
the growth factor release rate. In particular, we identify a parameter regime
that ensures slow passive release (usually desirable) of at least a fraction of
the growth factor. It is found that slow release is assured if the matrix is
prepared with the concentration of cross-linked peptide greatly exceeding the
dissociation constant of heparin from the peptide, and with the concentration
of heparin greatly exceeding the dissociation constant of the growth factor
from heparin. Also, for the first time, in vitro experimental release data is
directly compared with theoretical release profiles generated by the model. We
propose that the two stage release behaviour frequently seen in experiments is
due to an initial rapid out-diffusion of free growth factor over a diffusion
time scale (typically days), followed by a much slower release of the bound
fraction over a time scale depending on both diffusion and binding parameters
(frequently months). |
1112.4677 | Unbiased degree-preserving randomisation of directed binary networks | Randomising networks using a naive `accept-all' edge-swap algorithm is
generally biased. Building on recent results for nondirected graphs, we
construct an ergodic detailed balance Markov chain with non-trivial acceptance
probabilities for directed graphs, which converges to a strictly uniform
measure and is based on edge swaps that conserve all in- and out-degrees. The
acceptance probabilities can also be generalized to define Markov chains that
target any alternative desired measure on the space of directed graphs, in
order to generate graphs with more sophisticated topological features. This is
demonstrated by defining a process tailored to the production of directed
graphs with specified degree-degree correlation functions. The theory is
implemented numerically and tested on synthetic and biological network
examples. |
1112.5678 | An Exactly Solvable Model of Random Site-Specific Recombinations | Cre-lox and other systems are used as genetic tools to control site-specific
recombination (SSR) events in genomic DNA. If multiple recombination sites are
organized in a compact cluster within the same genome, a series of random
recombination events may generate substantial cell specific genomic diversity.
This diversity is used, for example, to distinguish neurons in the brain of the
same multicellular mosaic organism, within the brainbow approach to neuronal
connectome. In this paper we study an exactly solvable statistical model for
SSR operating on a cluster of recombination sites. We consider two types of
recombination events: inversions and excisions. Both of these events are
available in the Cre-lox system. We derive three properties of the sequences
generated by multiple recombination events. First, we describe the set of
sequences that can in principle be generated by multiple inversions operating
on the given initial sequence. We call this description the ergodicity theorem.
On the basis of this description we calculate the number of sequences that can
be generated from an initial sequence. This number of sequences is
experimentally testable. Second, we demonstrate that after a large number of
random inversions every sequence that can be generated is generated with equal
probability. Lastly, we derive the equations for the probability to find a
sequence as a function of time in the limit when excisions are much less
frequent than inversions, such as in shufflon sequences. |
1202.2670 | CSA: Comprehensive comparison of pairwise protein structure alignments | CSA is a web server for the comprehensive comparison of pairwise protein
structure alignments. Its exact alignment engine computes either optimal,
top-scoring alignments or heuristic alignments with quality guarantee for the
inter-residue distance based scorings of contact map overlap, PAUL, DALI and
MATRAS. These and additional, uploaded alignments are compared using a number
of quality measures and intuitive visualizations. CSA brings new insight into
the structural relationship of the protein pairs under investigation and is a
valuable tool for studying structural similarities. It is available at |
1202.4742 | Searching for Synergism Among Combinations of Drugs of Abuse and the Use
of Isobolographic Analysis | It is well known that individuals who abuse drugs usually use more than one
substance. Toxic consequences of single and multiple drug use are well
documented in the Treatment Episodes Data Set that lists combinations that
result in hospital admissions. Using this list as a guide, we focused our
attention on combinations that result in the most hospital admissions and
searched the PubMed database to determine the number of publications dealing
with these toxic combinations. Of special interest were those publications that
looked for or used the term synergism in their titles or abstracts, a search
that produced an extensive list of published articles. However, a further
intersection of these with the term isobole revealed a surprisingly small
number of literature reports. Because the method of isoboles is the most common
quantitative method for distinguishing between drug synergism and simple
additivity, the small number of investigations that actually employed this
quantitation suggests that the term synergism is not properly documented in
describing the toxicity among these abused substances. The possible reasons for
this lack of quantitation may be related to a misunderstanding of the modeling
equations. The theory and modeling are discussed here. |
1205.0349 | Euclidean distance geometry and applications | Euclidean distance geometry is the study of Euclidean geometry based on the
concept of distance. This is useful in several applications where the input
data consists of an incomplete set of distances, and the output is a set of
points in Euclidean space that realizes the given distances. We survey some of
the theory of Euclidean distance geometry and some of the most important
applications: molecular conformation, localization of sensor networks and
statics. |
1205.1912 | Blank measurement based time-alignment in LC-MS | Here are presenting the blank based time-alignment (BBTA) as a strong
analytical approach for treatment of non-linear shift in time occurring in
HPLC-MS data. Need of such tool in recent large dataset produced by analytical
chemistry and so-called omics studies is evident. Proposed approach is based on
measurement and comparison of blank and analyzed sample evident features. In
the first step of BBTA procedure, the number of compounds is reduced by
max-to-mean ratio thresholding, which extensively reduce the computational
time. Simple thresholding is followed by selection of time markers defined from
blank inflex points which are then used for the transformation function,
polynomial of second degree, in the example. BBTA approach was compared on real
HPLC-MS measurement with Correlation Optimized Warping (COW) method. It was
proved to have distinctively shorter computational time as well as lower level
of mathematical presumptions. The BBTA is computationally much easier, quicker
(more then 1000x) and accurate in comparison with warping. Moreover, markers
selection works efficiently without any peak detection. It is sufficient to
analyze only baseline contribution in the analyte measurement with sparse
knowledge of blank behavior. Finally, BBTA does not required usage of extra
internal standards and due to its simplicity it has a potential to be
widespread tool in HPLC-MS data treatment. |
1205.2497 | A Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Removed (Seir) Model For The 2009-2010
A/H1N1 Epidemic In Istanbul | A/H1N1 epidemic data from Istanbul, Turkey during the period June
2009-February 2010 is analyzed with SEIR (Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Removed)
model. The data consist of the daily adult hospitalization numbers and
fatalities recorded in various state hospitals serving an adult population of
about 1.5-2 million. June 2009-August 2009 period corresponds to the initial
stage of the epidemic where the hospitalization rate is nearly %100 and it is
excluded from further consideration. The analysis covers the September
2009-February 2010 period, the total number of hospitalizations and fatalities
being respectively 869 and 46. It is shown that the maximum correlation between
the number of fatalities and hospitalizations occur with a time shift of 9 days
and the proportionality constant is {\delta}=0.0537. The SEIR epidemic model is
applied to the data by back-shifting the number of fatalities. The
determination of the best fitting model is based on the L2 norms of errors
between the model and the data and the errors are around %10 and %2.6 for the
number of hospitalizations and fatalities, respectively. The parameters in the
model are I0, {\eta}, {\epsilon} and {\beta}, where I0 is the percentage of
people infected initially, {\eta} and {\epsilon} are related to the inverses of
the infection and incubation periods and {\beta}/{\eta} is the representative
of the basic reproduction number. These parameters are determined as
{\eta}=0.09 (1/{\eta} =11.11days), I0=10^-7.4, {\epsilon}=0.32 (1/{\epsilon}
=3.125 days), {\beta}=0.585, {\beta}/{\eta}=6.5. |
1205.2721 | Computational neuroanatomy and gene expression: optimal sets of marker
genes for brain regions | The three-dimensional data-driven Allen Gene Expression Atlas of the adult
mouse brain consists of numerized in-situ hybridization data for thousands of
genes, co-registered to the Allen Reference Atlas. We propose quantitative
criteria to rank genes as markers of a brain region, based on the localization
of the gene expression and on its functional fitting to the shape of the
region. These criteria lead to natural generalizations to sets of genes. We
find sets of genes weighted with coefficients of both signs with almost perfect
localization in all major regions of the left hemisphere of the brain, except
the pallidum. Generalization of the fitting criterion with positivity
constraint provides a lesser improvement of the markers, but requires sparser
sets of genes. |
1205.4981 | High Sensitivity Mass Spectrometric Quantification of Serum Growth
Hormone by Amphiphilic Peptide Conjugation | Amphiphilic peptide conjugation affords a significant increase in sensitivity
with protein quantification by electrospray-ionization mass spectrometry. This
has been demonstrated here for human growth hormone in serum using
N-(3-iodopropyl)-N,N,N-dimethyloctylammonium iodide (IPDOA-iodide) as
derivatizing reagent. The signal enhancement achieved in comparison to the
method without derivatization enables extension of the applicable concentration
range down to the very low concentrations as encountered with clinical glucose
suppression tests for patients with acromegaly. The method has been validated
using a set of serum samples spiked with known amounts of recombinant 22 kDa
growth hormone in the range of 0.48 to 7.65 \mug/L. The coefficient of
variation (CV) calculated, based on the deviation of results from the expected
concentrations, was 3.5% and the limit of quantification (LoQ) was determined
as 0.4 \mug/L. The potential of the method as a tool in clinical practice has
been demonstrated with patient samples of about 1 \mug/L. |
1206.0312 | Quantitative Analysis of Narrative Reports of Psychedelic Drugs | Background: Psychedelic drugs facilitate profound changes in consciousness
and have potential to provide insights into the nature of human mental
processes and their relation to brain physiology. Yet published scientific
literature reflects a very limited understanding of the effects of these drugs,
especially for newer synthetic compounds. The number of clinical trials and
range of drugs formally studied is dwarfed by the number of written
descriptions of the many drugs taken by people. Analysis of these descriptions
using machine-learning techniques can provide a framework for learning about
these drug use experiences. Methods: We collected 1000 reports of 10 drugs from
the drug information website and formed a term-document frequency
matrix. Using variable selection and a random-forest classifier, we identified
a subset of words that differentiated between drugs. Results: A random forest
using a subset of 110 predictor variables classified with accuracy comparable
to a random forest using the full set of 3934 predictors. Our estimated
accuracy was 51.1%, which compares favorably to the 10% expected from chance.
Reports of MDMA had the highest accuracy at 86.9%; those describing DPT had the
lowest at 20.1%. Hierarchical clustering suggested similarities between certain
drugs, such as DMT and Salvia divinorum. Conclusion: Machine-learning
techniques can reveal consistencies in descriptions of drug use experiences
that vary by drug class. This may be useful for developing hypotheses about the
pharmacology and toxicity of new and poorly characterized drugs. |
1207.1228 | 1D analysis of 2D isotropic random walks | Many stochastic systems in physics and biology are investigated by recording
the two-dimensional (2D) positions of a moving test particle in regular time
intervals. The resulting sample trajectories are then used to induce the
properties of the underlying stochastic process. Often, it can be assumed a
priori that the underlying discrete-time random walk model is independent from
absolute position (homogeneity), direction (isotropy) and time (stationarity),
as well as ergodic. In this article we first review some common statistical
methods for analyzing 2D trajectories, based on quantities with built-in
rotational invariance. We then discuss an alternative approach in which the
two-dimensional trajectories are reduced to one dimension by projection onto an
arbitrary axis and rotational averaging. Each step of the resulting 1D
trajectory is further factorized into sign and magnitude. The statistical
properties of the signs and magnitudes are mathematically related to those of
the step lengths and turning angles of the original 2D trajectories,
demonstrating that no essential information is lost by this data reduction. The
resulting binary sequence of signs lends itself for a pattern counting
analysis, revealing temporal properties of the random process that are not
easily deduced from conventional measures such as the velocity autocorrelation
function. In order to highlight this simplified 1D description, we apply it to
a 2D random walk with restricted turning angles (RTA model), defined by a
finite-variance distribution $p(L)$ of step length and a narrow turning angle
distribution $p(\phi)$, assuming that the lengths and directions of the steps
are independent. |
1207.1240 | Scaling properties of correlated random walks | Many stochastic time series can be modelled by discrete random walks in which
a step of random sign but constant length $\delta x$ is performed after each
time interval $\delta t$. In correlated discrete time random walks (CDTRWs),
the probability $q$ for two successive steps having the same sign is unequal
1/2. The resulting probability distribution $P(\Delta x,\Delta t)$ that a
displacement $\Delta x$ is observed after a lagtime $\Delta t$ is known
analytically for arbitrary persistence parameters $q$. In this short note we
show how a CDTRW with parameters $[\delta t, \delta x, q]$ can be mapped onto
another CDTRW with rescaled parameters $[\delta t/s, \delta x\cdot g(q,s),
q^{\prime}(q,s)]$, for arbitrary scaling parameters $s$, so that both walks
have the same displacement distributions $P(\Delta x,\Delta t)$ on long time
scales. The nonlinear scaling functions $g(q,s)$ and $q^{\prime}(q,s)$ and
derived explicitely. This scaling method can be used to model time series
measured at discrete sample intervals $\delta t$ but actually corresponding to
continuum processes with variations occuring on a much shorter time scale
$\delta t/s$. |
1207.4048 | Hi-throughput gene expression analysis at the level of single proteins
using a microfluidic turbidostat and automated cell tracking | We have developed a method combining microfluidics, time-lapsed
single-molecule microscopy and automated image analysis allowing for the
observation of an excess of 3000 complete cell cycles of exponentially growing
Escherichia coli cells per experiment. The method makes it possible to analyze
the rate of gene expression at the level of single proteins over the bacterial
cell cycle. We also demonstrate that it is possible to count the number of
non-specifically DNA binding LacI-Venus molecules using short excitation light
pulses. The transcription factors are localized on the nucleoids in the cell
and appear to be uniformly distributed on chromosomal DNA. An increase of the
expression of LacI is observed at the beginning of the cell cycle, possibly
because some gene copies are de-repressed as a result of partitioning
inequalities at cell division. Finally, observe a size-growth rate uncertainty
relation where cells living in rich media vary more in the length at birth than
in generation time and the opposite is true for cells living in poorer media. |
1207.4436 | An exact reduction of the master equation to a strictly stable system
with an explicit expression for the stationary distribution | The evolution of a continuous time Markov process with a finite number of
states is usually calculated by the Master equation - a linear differential
equations with a singular generator matrix. We derive a general method for
reducing the dimensionality of the Master equation by one by using the
probability normalization constraint, thus obtaining a affine differential
equation with a (non-singular) stable generator matrix. Additionally, the
reduced form yields a simple explicit expression for the stationary probability
distribution, which is usually derived implicitly. Finally, we discuss the
application of this method to stochastic differential equations. |
1208.0747 | Iterative Approximate Solutions of Kinetic Equations for Reversible
Enzyme Reactions | We study kinetic models of reversible enzyme reactions and compare two
techniques for analytic approximate solutions of the model. Analytic
approximate solutions of non-linear reaction equations for reversible enzyme
reactions are calculated using the Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM) and the
Simple Iteration Method (SIM). The results of the approximations are similar.
The Matlab programs are included in appendices. |
1208.3925 | Statistical inference of the generation probability of T-cell receptors
from sequence repertoires | Stochastic rearrangement of germline DNA by VDJ recombination is at the
origin of immune system diversity. This process is implemented via a series of
stochastic molecular events involving gene choices and random nucleotide
insertions between, and deletions from, genes. We use large sequence
repertoires of the variable CDR3 region of human CD4+ T-cell receptor beta
chains to infer the statistical properties of these basic biochemical events.
Since any given CDR3 sequence can be produced in multiple ways, the probability
distribution of hidden recombination events cannot be inferred directly from
the observed sequences; we therefore develop a maximum likelihood inference
method to achieve this end. To separate the properties of the molecular
rearrangement mechanism from the effects of selection, we focus on
non-productive CDR3 sequences in T-cell DNA. We infer the joint distribution of
the various generative events that occur when a new T-cell receptor gene is
created. We find a rich picture of correlation (and absence thereof), providing
insight into the molecular mechanisms involved. The generative event statistics
are consistent between individuals, suggesting a universal biochemical process.
Our distribution predicts the generation probability of any specific CDR3
sequence by the primitive recombination process, allowing us to quantify the
potential diversity of the T-cell repertoire and to understand why some
sequences are shared between individuals. We argue that the use of formal
statistical inference methods, of the kind presented in this paper, will be
essential for quantitative understanding of the generation and evolution of
diversity in the adaptive immune system. |
1208.4660 | Identifying dynamical systems with bifurcations from noisy partial
observation | Dynamical systems are used to model a variety of phenomena in which the
bifurcation structure is a fundamental characteristic. Here we propose a
statistical machine-learning approach to derive lowdimensional models that
automatically integrate information in noisy time-series data from partial
observations. The method is tested using artificial data generated from two
cell-cycle control system models that exhibit different bifurcations, and the
learned systems are shown to robustly inherit the bifurcation structure. |
1209.0674 | Accounting for the Use of Different Length Scale Factors in x, y and z
Directions | This short article presents a mathematical formula required for metric
corrections in image extraction and processing when using different length
scale factors in three-dimensional space which is normally encountered in
cryomicrotome image construction techniques. |
1210.3561 | On separation of time scales in pharmacokinetics | A lot of criticism against the standard formulation of pharmacokinetics has
been raised by several authors. It seems that the natural reaction for that
criticism is to comment it from the point of view of the theory of conservation
laws. Simple example of balance equations for the intravenous administration of
drug has been given in 2011 and the corresponding equations for extravasal
administration are in the text. In principle, the equations of that kind allow
one to describe in the self consistent manner different processes of
administration, distribution, metabolism and elimination of drugs. Moreover, it
is possible to model different pharmacokinetic parameters of the
non-compartmental pharmacokinetics and therefore to comment criticism of
Rosigno. However, for practical purposes one needs approximate methods, in
particular, those based on separation of the time scales. In this text, such
method is described and its effectiveness is discussed. Basic equations are in
the next chapter. Final remarks are at the end of the text. |
1210.4322 | Stability of the genetic code and optimal parameters of amino acids | The standard genetic code is known to be much more efficient in minimizing
adverse effects of misreading errors and one-point mutations in comparison with
a random code having the same structure, i.e. the same number of codons coding
for each particular amino acid. We study the inverse problem, how the code
structure affects the optimal physico-chemical parameters of amino acids
ensuring the highest stability of the genetic code. It is shown that the choice
of two or more amino acids with given properties determines unambiguously all
the others. In this sense the code structure determines strictly the optimal
parameters of amino acids. In the code with the structure of the standard
genetic code the resulting values for hydrophobicity obtained in the scheme
leave one out and in the scheme with fixed maximum and minimum parameters
correlate significantly with the natural scale. This indicates the co-evolution
of the genetic code and physico-chemical properties of amino acids. |
1210.5779 | A quantitative system for discriminating induced pluripotent stem cells,
embryonic stem cells and somatic cells | Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)
derived from somatic cells (SCs) provide promising resources for regenerative
medicine and medical research, leading to a daily identification of new cell
lines. However, an efficient system to discriminate the cell lines is lacking.
Here, we developed a quantitative system to discriminate the three cell types,
iPSCs, ESCs and SCs. The system contains DNA-methylation biomarkers and
mathematical models, including an artificial neural network and support vector
machines. All biomarkers were unbiasedly selected by calculating an eigengene
score derived from analysis of genome-wide DNA methylations. With 30
biomarkers, or even with as few as 3 top biomarkers, this system can
discriminate SCs from ESCs and iPSCs with almost 100% accuracy, and with
approximately 100 biomarkers, the system can distinguish ESCs from iPSCs with
an accuracy of 95%. This robust system performs precisely with raw data without
normalization as well as with converted data in which the continuous
methylation levels are accounted. Strikingly, this system can even accurately
predict new samples generated from different microarray platforms and the
next-generation sequencing. The subtypes of cells, such as female and male
iPSCs and fetal and adult SCs, can also be discriminated with this system.
Thus, this quantitative system works as a novel general and accurate framework
for discriminating the three cell types, iPSCs, ESCs, and SCs and this strategy
supports the notion that DNA-methylation generally varies among the three cell
types. |
1210.6278 | Parameter space exploration of ecological models | In recent years, we are seeing the formulation and use of elaborate and
complex models in ecological studies. The questions related to the efficient,
systematic and error-proof exploration of parameter spaces are of great
importance to better understand, estimate confidences and make use of the
output from these models. In this work, we investigate some of the relevant
questions related to parameter space exploration, in particular using the
technique known as Latin Hypercube Sampling and focusing in quantitative output
analysis. We present the analysis of a structured population growth model and
contrast our findings with results from previously used techniques, known as
sensitivity and elasticity analyses. We also assess how are the questions
related to parameter space analysis being currently addressed in the ecological
literature. |
1211.2160 | Who Watches the Watchmen? An Appraisal of Benchmarks for Multiple
Sequence Alignment | Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is a fundamental and ubiquitous technique
in bioinformatics used to infer related residues among biological sequences.
Thus alignment accuracy is crucial to a vast range of analyses, often in ways
difficult to assess in those analyses. To compare the performance of different
aligners and help detect systematic errors in alignments, a number of
benchmarking strategies have been pursued. Here we present an overview of the
main strategies--based on simulation, consistency, protein structure, and
phylogeny--and discuss their different advantages and associated risks. We
outline a set of desirable characteristics for effective benchmarking, and
evaluate each strategy in light of them. We conclude that there is currently no
universally applicable means of benchmarking MSA, and that developers and users
of alignment tools should base their choice of benchmark depending on the
context of application--with a keen awareness of the assumptions underlying
each benchmarking strategy. |
1211.2798 | HIV, TB and ART: the CD4 enigma | The concentration of CD4 T-lymphocytes (CD4 count), in a person's plasma is
widely used to decide when to start HIV-positive people on anti-retroviral
therapy (ART) and to predict the impact of ART on the future course of HIV and
tuberculosis (TB). However, CD4 cell-counts vary widely within and among
populations and depend on many factors besides HIV-infection. The way in which
CD4 counts decline over the course of HIV infection is neither well understood
nor widely agreed. We review what is known about CD4 counts in relation to HIV
and TB and discuss areas in which more research is needed to build a consensus
on how to interpret and use CD4 counts in clinical practice and to develop a
better understanding of the dynamics and control of HIV and HIV-related TB. |
1211.7320 | Improving basic and translational science by accounting for
litter-to-litter variation in animal models | Background: Animals from the same litter are often more alike compared with
animals from different litters. This litter-to-litter variation, or "litter
effects", can influence the results in addition to the experimental factors of
interest. Furthermore, an experimental treatment can be applied to whole
litters rather than to individual offspring. For example, in the valproic acid
(VPA) model of autism, VPA is administered to pregnant females thereby inducing
the disease phenotype in the offspring. With this type of experiment the sample
size is the number of litters and not the total number of offspring. If such
experiments are not appropriately designed and analysed, the results can be
severely biased as well as extremely underpowered.
Results: A review of the VPA literature showed that only 9% (3/34) of studies
correctly determined that the experimental unit (n) was the litter and
therefore made valid statistical inferences. In addition, litter effects
accounted for up to 61% (p <0.001) of the variation in behavioural outcomes,
which was larger than the treatment effects. In addition, few studies reported
using randomisation (12%) or blinding (18%), and none indicated that a sample
size calculation or power analysis had been conducted.
Conclusions: Litter effects are common, large, and ignoring them can make
replication of findings difficult and can contribute to the low rate of
translating preclinical in vivo studies into successful therapies. Only a
minority of studies reported using rigorous experimental methods, which is
consistent with much of the preclinical in vivo literature. |
1212.0662 | A stochastic model of social interaction in wild house mice | We investigate to what extent the interaction dynamics of a population of
wild house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus) in their environment can be
explained by a simple stochastic model. We use a Markov chain model to describe
the transitions of mice in a discrete space of nestboxes, and implement a
multi-agent simulation of the model. We find that some important features of
our behavioural dataset can be reproduced using this simplified stochastic
representation, and discuss the improvements that could be made to our model in
order to increase the accuracy of its predictions. Our findings have
implications for the understanding of the complexity underlying social
behaviour in the animal kingdom and the cognitive requirements of such
behaviour. |
1212.5761 | Foliar area measurement by a new technique that utilizes the
conservative nature of fresh leaf surface density | Leaf area LA, is a plant biometric index important to agroforestry and crop
production. Previous works have demonstrated the conservativeness of the
inverse of the product of the fresh leaf density and thickness, the so-called
Hughes constant, K. We use this fact to develop LAMM, an absolute method of LA
measurement, i.e. no regression fits or prior calibrations with planimeters.
Nor does it require drying the leaves. The concept involves the in situ
determination of K using geometrical shapes and their weights obtained from a
subset of fresh leaves of the set whose areas are desired. Subsequently the
LAs, at any desired stratification level, are derived by utilizing K and the
previously measured masses of the fresh leaves. The concept was first tested in
the simulated ideal case of complete planarity and uniform thickness by using
plastic film covered card-paper sheets. Next the species-specific
conservativeness of K over individual leaf zones and different leaf types from
leaves of plants from two species, Mandevilla splendens and Spathiphyllum
wallisii, was quantitatively validated. Using the global average K values, the
LA of these and additional plants, were obtained. LAMM was found to be a rapid,
simple, economic technique with accuracies, as measured for the geometrical
shapes, that were comparable to those obtained by the planimetric method that
utilizes digital image analysis, DIA. For the leaves themselves, there were no
statistically significant differences between the LAs measured by LAMM and by
the DIA and the linear correlation between the two methods was excellent. |
1301.2520 | On modelling of bioavailability of drugs in terms of conservation laws | In the text S.Piekarski, M.Rewekant,(arXiv:1208.3847)it has been mentioned
that some information on bioavailability and bioequivalence of drugs can be
obtained from simulations based on the conservation laws. Here we shortly
discuss that possibility starting from the fundamental pharmacokinetic
parameter called AUC (Area Under the Curve). The curve is is the profile shape
of plasma drug concentration in time intervals after drug administration into
organism. Our aim here is to give some information on the subject for the
reader with no experience in pharmacokinetics. |
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