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1302.0503 | Could ART increase the population level incidence of TB? | HIV increases the likelihood that a person will develop TB. Starting them on
anti-retroviral therapy (ART) reduces their risk of TB but not to the level in
HIV negative people. Since HIV-positive people who are on ART can expect to
live a normal life for several decades this raises the possibility that their
elevated risk of infection, lasting for a long time, could lead to an increase
in the population level incidence of TB. Here we investigate the conditions
under which this could happen and show that provided HIV-positive people start
ART when their CD4+ cell count is greater than 350/microL and that there is
high coverage, ART will not lead to a long-term increase in HIV. Only if people
start ART very late and there is low coverage of ART might starting people on
ART increase the population level incidence of TB. |
1302.1904 | A Unified Approach to Integration and Optimization of Parametric
Ordinary Differential Equations | Parameter estimation in ordinary differential equations, although applied and
refined in various fields of the quantitative sciences, is still confronted
with a variety of difficulties. One major challenge is finding the global
optimum of a log-likelihood function that has several local optima, e.g. in
oscillatory systems. In this publication, we introduce a formulation based on
continuation of the log-likelihood function that allows to restate the
parameter estimation problem as a boundary value problem. By construction, the
ordinary differential equations are solved and the parameters are estimated
both in one step. The formulation as a boundary value problem enables an
optimal transfer of information given by the measurement time courses to the
solution of the estimation problem, thus favoring convergence to the global
optimum. This is demonstrated explicitly for the fully as well as the partially
observed Lotka-Volterra system. |
1302.1987 | OpenSPIM - an open access platform for light sheet microscopy | Light sheet microscopy promises to revolutionize developmental biology by
enabling live in toto imaging of entire embryos with minimal phototoxicity. We
present detailed instructions for building a compact and customizable Selective
Plane Illumination Microscopy (SPIM) system. The integrated OpenSPIM hardware
and software platform is shared with the scientific community through a public
website, thereby making light sheet microscopy accessible for widespread use
and optimization to various applications. |
1302.2605 | Remarks on a population-level model of chemotaxis: advection-diffusion
approximation and simulations | This note works out an advection-diffusion approximation to the density of a
population of E. coli bacteria undergoing chemotaxis in a one-dimensional
space. Simulations show the high quality of predictions under a
shallow-gradient regime. |
1302.3152 | Pooling single-cell recordings: Scalable inference through heterogeneous
kinetics | Mathematical methods together with measurements of single-cell dynamics
provide unprecedented means to reconstruct intracellular processes that are
only partly or indirectly accessible experimentally. To obtain reliable
reconstructions the pooling of measurements from several cells of a clonal
population is mandatory. The population's considerable cell-to-cell variability
originating from diverse sources poses novel computational challenges for
process reconstruction. We introduce an exact Bayesian inference framework that
properly accounts for the population heterogeneity but also retains scalability
with respect to the number of pooled cells. The key ingredient is a stochastic
process that captures the heterogeneous kinetics of a population. The method
allows to infer inaccessible molecular states, kinetic parameters, compute
Bayes factors and to dissect intrinsic, extrinsic and technical contributions
to the variability in the data. We also show how additional single-cell
readouts such as morphological features can be included into the analysis. We
then reconstruct the expression dynamics of a gene under an inducible GAL1
promoter in yeast from time-lapse microscopy data. Based on Bayesian model
selection the data yields no evidence of a refractory period for this promoter. |
1302.3855 | Cancer Diagnosis with QUIRE: QUadratic Interactions among infoRmative
fEatures | Responsible for many complex human diseases including cancers, disrupted or
abnormal gene interactions can be identified through their expression changes
correlating with the progression of a disease. However, the examination of all
possible combinatorial interactions between gene features in a genome-wide
case-control study is computationally infeasible as the search space is
exponential in nature.
In this paper, we propose a novel computational approach, QUIRE, to identify
discriminative complex interactions among informative gene features for cancer
diagnosis. QUIRE works in two stages, where it first identifies functionally
relevant feature groups for the disease and, then explores the search space
capturing the combinatorial relationships among the genes from the selected
informative groups. Using QUIRE, we explore the differential patterns and the
interactions among informative gene features in three different types of
cancers, Renal Cell Carcinoma(RCC), Ovarian Cancer(OVC) and Colorectal Cancer
(CRC). Our experimental results show that QUIRE identifies gene-gene
interactions that can better identify the different cancer stages of samples
and can predict CRC recurrence and death from CRC more successfully, as
compared to other state-of-the-art feature selection methods. A literature
survey shows that many of the interactions identified by QUIRE play important
roles in the development of cancer. |
1302.5484 | Input-output equivalence and identifiability: some simple
generalizations of the differential algebra approach | In this paper, we give an overview of the differential algebra approach to
identifiability, and then note a very simple observation about input-output
equivalence and identifiability, that describes the identifiability equivalence
between input-output equivalent models. We then give several simple
consequences of this observation that can be useful in showing identifiability,
including examining non-first order ODE models, nondimensionalization and
rescaling, model reducibility, and a modular approach to evaluating
identifiability. We also examine how input-output equivalence can allow us to
generate input output equations in the differential algebra approach through a
wider range of methods (e.g. substitution and differential or standard Groebner
basis approaches). |
1302.6988 | Gold particle quantification in immuno-gold labelled sections for
transmission electron microscopy | We briefly outline an algorithm for accurate quantification of specific
binding of gold particles to fixed biological tissue samples prepared for
immuno-transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The algorithm is based on
existing protocols for rational accounting of colloidal gold particles used in
secondary antibodies for immuno-gold labeling. |
1303.6380 | A New Procedure for Microarray Experiments to Account for Experimental
Noise and the Uncertainty of Probe Response | Although microarrays are routine analysis tools in biomedical research, they
still yield noisy output that often requires experimental confirmation. Many
studies have aimed at optimizing probe design and statistical analysis to
tackle this problem. However, less emphasis has been placed on controlling the
noise inherent to the experimental approach. To address this problem, we
investigate here a procedure that controls for such experimental variance and
combine it with an assessment of probe performance. Two custom arrays were used
to evaluate the procedure: one based on 25mer probes from an Affymetrix design
and the other based on 60mer probes from an Agilent design. To assess
experimental variance, all probes were replicated ten times. To assess probe
performance, the probes were calibrated using a dilution series of target
molecules and the signal response was fitted to an absorption model. We found
that significant variance of the signal could be controlled by averaging across
probes and removing probes that are nonresponsive. Thus, a more reliable signal
could be obtained using our procedure than conventional approaches. We suggest
that once an array is properly calibrated, absolute quantification of signals
becomes straight forward, alleviating the need for normalization and reference
hybridizations. |
1304.0122 | Color Perception: Opening up the Chromaticity Cone | In the XYZ color space, the subset of the tri-stimuli corresponding to
spike-type (monochromatic) impingement of energy is the chromaticity cone, CC.
Using a family of concentric spheres, we describe a nonlinear transformation
over the CC and construct a bijection from the CC onto the flat plane. In the
process, we open up the CC and view it as a chart on the plane. Because the map
is a bijection, the color perception information is preserved (invariant)
through the transformation. We discuss stereographic projection of the
chromaticity chart and some examples. |
1304.1455 | Designing Experiments to Understand the Variability in Biochemical
Reaction Networks | Exploiting the information provided by the molecular noise of a biological
process has proven to be valuable in extracting knowledge about the underlying
kinetic parameters and sources of variability from single cell measurements.
However, quantifying this additional information a priori, to decide whether a
single cell experiment might be beneficial, is currently only possibly in very
simple systems where either the chemical master equation is computationally
tractable or a Gaussian approximation is appropriate. Here we show how the
information provided by distribution measurements can be approximated from the
first four moments of the underlying process. The derived formulas are
generally valid for any stochastic kinetic model including models that comprise
both intrinsic and extrinsic noise. This allows us to propose an optimal
experimental design framework for heterogeneous cell populations which we
employ to compare the utility of dual reporter and perturbation experiments for
separating extrinsic and intrinsic noise in a simple model of gene expression.
Subsequently, we compare the information content of different experiments which
have been performed in an engineered light-switch gene expression system in
yeast and show that well chosen gene induction patterns may allow one to
identify features of the system which remain hidden in unplanned experiments. |
1304.5756 | Rapid quantitative pharmacodynamic imaging by a novel method: theory,
simulation testing and proof of principle | Pharmacological challenge imaging has mapped, but rarely quantified, the
sensitivity of a biological system to a given drug. We describe a novel method
called rapid quantitative pharmacodynamic imaging. This method combines
pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling, repeated small doses of a challenge
drug over a short time scale, and functional imaging to rapidly provide
quantitative estimates of drug sensitivity including EC50 (the concentration of
drug that produces half the maximum possible effect). We first test the method
with simulated data, assuming a typical sigmoidal dose-response curve and
assuming imperfect imaging that includes artifactual baseline signal drift and
random error. With these few assumptions, rapid quantitative pharmacodynamic
imaging reliably estimates EC50 from the simulated data, except when noise
overwhelms the drug effect or when the effect occurs only at high doses. In
preliminary fMRI studies of primate brain using a dopamine agonist, the
observed noise level is modest compared with observed drug effects, and a
quantitative EC50 can be obtained from some regional time-signal curves. Taken
together, these results suggest that research and clinical applications for
rapid quantitative pharmacodynamic imaging are realistic. |
1304.6034 | Automated Alignment of Imperfect EM Images for Neural Reconstruction | The most established method of reconstructing neural circuits from animals
involves slicing tissue very thin, then taking mosaics of electron microscope
(EM) images. To trace neurons across different images and through different
sections, these images must be accurately aligned, both with the others in the
same section and to the sections above and below. Unfortunately, sectioning and
imaging are not ideal processes - some of the problems that make alignment
difficult include lens distortion, tissue shrinkage during imaging, tears and
folds in the sectioned tissue, and dust and other artifacts. In addition the
data sets are large (hundreds of thousands of images) and each image must be
aligned with many neighbors, so the process must be automated and reliable.
This paper discusses methods of dealing with these problems, with numeric
results describing the accuracy of the resulting alignments. |
1305.2323 | The new science of metagenomics and the challenges of its use in both
developed and developing countries | Our view of the microbial world and its impact on human health is changing
radically with the ability to sequence uncultured or unculturable microbes
sampled directly from their habitats, ability made possible by fast and cheap
next generation sequencing technologies. Such recent developments represents a
paradigmatic shift in the analysis of habitat biodiversity, be it the human,
soil or ocean microbiome. We review here some research examples and results
that indicate the importance of the microbiome in our lives and then discus
some of the challenges faced by metagenomic experiments and the subsequent
analysis of the generated data. We then analyze the economic and social impact
on genomic-medicine and research in both developing and developed countries. We
support the idea that there are significant benefits in building capacities for
developing high-level scientific research in metagenomics in developing
countries. Indeed, the notion that developing countries should wait for
developed countries to make advances in science and technology that they later
import at great cost has recently been challenged. |
1305.3507 | HiTRACE-Web: an online tool for robust analysis of high-throughput
capillary electrophoresis | To facilitate the analysis of large-scale high-throughput capillary
electrophoresis data, we previously proposed a suite of efficient analysis
software named HiTRACE (High Throughput Robust Analysis of Capillary
Electrophoresis). HiTRACE has been used extensively for quantitating data from
RNA and DNA structure mapping experiments, including mutate-and-map contact
inference, chromatin footprinting, the EteRNA RNA design project and other
high-throughput applications. However, HiTRACE is based on a suite of
command-line MATLAB scripts that requires nontrivial efforts to learn, use, and
extend. Here we present HiTRACE-Web, an online version of HiTRACE that includes
standard features previously available in the command-line version as well as
additional features such as automated band annotation and flexible adjustment
of annotations, all via a user-friendly environment. By making use of
parallelization, the on-line workflow is also faster than software
implementations available to most users on their local computers. Free access: |
1305.3830 | Flexible RNA design under structure and sequence constraints using
formal languages | The problem of RNA secondary structure design (also called inverse folding)
is the following: given a target secondary structure, one aims to create a
sequence that folds into, or is compatible with, a given structure. In several
practical applications in biology, additional constraints must be taken into
account, such as the presence/absence of regulatory motifs, either at a
specific location or anywhere in the sequence. In this study, we investigate
the design of RNA sequences from their targeted secondary structure, given
these additional sequence constraints. To this purpose, we develop a general
framework based on concepts of language theory, namely context-free grammars
and finite automata. We efficiently combine a comprehensive set of constraints
into a unifying context-free grammar of moderate size. From there, we use
generic generic algorithms to perform a (weighted) random generation, or an
exhaustive enumeration, of candidate sequences. The resulting method, whose
complexity scales linearly with the length of the RNA, was implemented as a
standalone program. The resulting software was embedded into a publicly
available dedicated web server. The applicability demonstrated of the method on
a concrete case study dedicated to Exon Splicing Enhancers, in which our
approach was successfully used in the design of \emph{in vitro} experiments. |
1305.4333 | Variable-length haplotype construction for gene-gene interaction studies | This paper presents a non-parametric classification technique for identifying
a candidate bi-allelic genetic marker set that best describes disease
susceptibility in gene-gene interaction studies. The developed technique
functions by creating a mapping between inferred haplotypes and case/control
status. The technique cycles through all possible marker combination models
generated from the available marker set where the best interaction model is
determined from prediction accuracy and two auxiliary criteria including
low-to-high order haplotype propagation capability and model parsimony. Since
variable-length haplotypes are created during the best model identification,
the developed technique is referred to as a variable-length haplotype
construction for gene-gene interaction (VarHAP) technique. VarHAP has been
benchmarked against a multifactor dimensionality reduction (MDR) program and a
haplotype interaction technique embedded in a FAMHAP program in various
two-locus interaction problems. The results reveal that VarHAP is suitable for
all interaction situations with the presence of weak and strong linkage
disequilibrium among genetic markers. |
1305.7068 | Using structural and evolutionary information to detect and correct
pyrosequencing errors in non-coding RNAs | Analysis of the sequence-structure relationship in RNA molecules are
essential to evolutionary studies but also to concrete applications such as
error-correction methodologies in sequencing technologies. The prohibitive
sizes of the mutational and conformational landscapes combined with the volume
of data to proceed require efficient algorithms to compute sequence-structure
properties. More specifically, here we aim to calculate which mutations
increase the most the likelihood of a sequence to a given structure and RNA
family. In this paper, we introduce RNApyro, an efficient linear-time and space
inside-outside algorithm that computes exact mutational probabilities under
secondary structure and evolutionary constraints given as a multiple sequence
alignment with a consensus structure. We develop a scoring scheme combining
classical stacking base pair energies to novel isostericity scales, and apply
our techniques to correct point-wise errors in 5s and 16s rRNA sequences. Our
results suggest that RNApyro is a promising algorithm to complement existing
tools in the NGS error-correction pipeline. |
1306.2584 | Multi-cancer molecular signatures and their interrelationships | Although cancer is known to be characterized by several unifying biological
hallmarks, systems biology has had limited success in identifying molecular
signatures present in in all types of cancer. The current availability of rich
data sets from many different cancer types provides an opportunity for thorough
computational data mining in search of such common patterns. Here we report the
identification of 18 "pan-cancer" molecular signatures resulting from analysis
of data sets containing values from mRNA expression, microRNA expression, DNA
methylation, and protein activity, from twelve different cancer types. The
membership of many of these signatures points to particular biological
mechanisms related to cancer progression, suggesting that they represent
important attributes of cancer in need of being elucidated for potential
applications in diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic products applicable to
multiple cancer types. |
1306.3825 | Collective Correlations of Brodmann Areas fMRI Study with RMT-Denoising | We study collective behavior of Brodmann regions of human cerebral cortex
using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and Random Matrix Theory
(RMT). The raw fMRI data is mapped onto the cortex regions corresponding to the
Brodmann areas with the aid of the Talairach coordinates. Principal Component
Analysis (PCA) of the Pearson correlation matrix for 41 different Brodmann
regions is carried out to determine their collective activity in the idle state
and in the active state stimulated by tapping. The collective brain activity is
identified through the statistical analysis of the eigenvectors to the largest
eigenvalues of the Pearson correlation matrix. The leading eigenvectors have a
large participation ratio. This indicates that several Broadmann regions
collectively give rise to the brain activity associated with these
eigenvectors. We apply random matrix theory to interpret the underlying
multivariate data. |
1306.5148 | Arabidopsis plants perform arithmetic division to prevent starvation at
night | Photosynthetic starch reserves that accumulate in Arabidopsis leaves during
the day decrease approximately linearly with time at night to support
metabolism and growth. We find that the rate of decrease is adjusted to
accommodate variation in the time of onset of darkness and starch content, such
that reserves last almost precisely until dawn. Generation of these dynamics
therefore requires an arithmetic division computation between the starch
content and expected time to dawn. We introduce two novel chemical kinetic
models capable of implementing analog arithmetic division. Predictions from the
models are successfully tested in plants perturbed by a night-time light period
or by mutations in starch degradation pathways. Our experiments indicate which
components of the starch degradation apparatus may be important for appropriate
arithmetic division. Our results are potentially relevant for any biological
system dependent on a food reserve for survival over a predictable time period. |
1307.0757 | Dynamics of Boolean Networks | Boolean networks are special types of finite state time-discrete dynamical
systems. A Boolean network can be described by a function from an n-dimensional
vector space over the field of two elements to itself. A fundamental problem in
studying these dynamical systems is to link their long term behaviors to the
structures of the functions that define them. In this paper, a method for
deriving a Boolean network's dynamical information via its disjunctive normal
form is explained. For a given Boolean network, a matrix with entries 0 and 1
is associated with the polynomial function that represents the network, then
the information on the fixed points and the limit cycles is derived by
analyzing the matrix. The described method provides an algorithm for the
determination of the fixed points from the polynomial expression of a Boolean
network. The method can also be used to construct Boolean networks with
prescribed limit cycles and fixed points. Examples are provided to explain the
algorithm. |
1307.2298 | Determining Structurally Identifiable Parameter Combinations Using
Subset Profiling | Identifiability is a necessary condition for successful parameter estimation
of dynamic system models. A major component of identifiability analysis is
determining the identifiable parameter combinations, the functional forms for
the dependencies between unidentifiable parameters. Identifiable combinations
can help in model reparameterization and also in determining which parameters
may be experimentally measured to recover model identifiability. Several
numerical approaches to determining identifiability of differential equation
models have been developed, however the question of determining identifiable
combinations remains incompletely addressed. In this paper, we present a new
approach which uses parameter subset selection methods based on the Fisher
Information Matrix, together with the profile likelihood, to effectively
estimate identifiable combinations. We demonstrate this approach on several
example models in pharmacokinetics, cellular biology, and physiology. |
1307.6045 | Combination prevention for the elimination of HIV | The development of potent drugs for the control of viraemia in people living
with HIV means that infected people may live a normal, healthy life and offers
the prospect of eliminating HIV transmission in the short term and HIV
infection in the long term. Other interventions, including the use of condoms,
pre-exposure prophylaxis, treatment of sexually transmitted infections and
behaviour change programmes, may also be effective in reducing HIV transmission
to varying degrees.
Here we examine recommendations for when to start treatment with
anti-retroviral drugs, estimate the impact that treatment may have on HIV
transmission in the short and in the long term, and compare the impact and cost
of treatment with that of other methods of control. We focus on generalized HIV
epidemics in sub-Saharan Africa. We show that universal access to ART combined
with early treatment is the most effective and, in the long term, the most
cost-effective intervention. Elimination will require effective coverage of
about 80% or more but treatment is effective and cost effective even at low
levels of coverage.
Other interventions may provide important support to a programme of early
treatment in particular groups. Condoms provide protection for both men and
women and should be readily available whenever they are needed. Medical male
circumcision will provide a degree of immediate protection for men and
microbicides will do the same for women. Behaviour change programmes in
themselves are unlikely to have a significant impact on overall transmission
but may play a critical role in supporting early treatment through helping to
avoid stigma and discrimination, ensuring the acceptability of testing and
early treatment as well as compliance. |
1307.6870 | Measuring ligand-receptor binding kinetics and dynamics using k-space
image correlation spectroscopy | Accurate measurements of kinetic rate constants for interacting biomolecules
is crucial for understanding the mechanisms underlying intracellular signalling
pathways. The magnitude of binding rates plays a very important molecular
regulatory role which can lead to very different cellular physiological
responses under different conditions. Here, we extend the k-space image
correlation spectroscopy (kICS) technique to study the kinetic binding rates of
systems wherein: (a) fluorescently labelled, free ligands in solution interact
with unlabelled, diffusing receptors in the plasma membrane and (b) systems
where labelled, diffusing receptors are allowed to bind/unbind and interconvert
between two different diffusing states on the plasma membrane. We develop the
necessary mathematical framework for the kICS analysis and demonstrate how to
extract the elevant kinetic binding parameters of the underlying molecular
system from fluorescence video-microscopy image time-series. Finally, by
examining real data for two model experimental systems, we demonstrate how kICS
can be a powerful tool to measure molecular transport coefficients and binding
kinetics. |
1307.7798 | Towards Reliable Automatic Protein Structure Alignment | A variety of methods have been proposed for structure similarity calculation,
which are called structure alignment or superposition. One major shortcoming in
current structure alignment algorithms is in their inherent design, which is
based on local structure similarity. In this work, we propose a method to
incorporate global information in obtaining optimal alignments and
superpositions. Our method, when applied to optimizing the TM-score and the GDT
score, produces significantly better results than current state-of-the-art
protein structure alignment tools. Specifically, if the highest TM-score found
by TMalign is lower than (0.6) and the highest TM-score found by one of the
tested methods is higher than (0.5), there is a probability of (42%) that
TMalign failed to find TM-scores higher than (0.5), while the same probability
is reduced to (2%) if our method is used. This could significantly improve the
accuracy of fold detection if the cutoff TM-score of (0.5) is used.
In addition, existing structure alignment algorithms focus on structure
similarity alone and simply ignore other important similarities, such as
sequence similarity. Our approach has the capacity to incorporate multiple
similarities into the scoring function. Results show that sequence similarity
aids in finding high quality protein structure alignments that are more
consistent with eye-examined alignments in HOMSTRAD. Even when structure
similarity itself fails to find alignments with any consistency with
eye-examined alignments, our method remains capable of finding alignments
highly similar to, or even identical to, eye-examined alignments. |
1307.7805 | Faster mass decomposition | Metabolomics complements investigation of the genome, transcriptome, and
proteome of an organism. Today, the vast majority of metabolites remain
unknown, in particular for non-model organisms. Mass spectrometry is one of the
predominant techniques for analyzing small molecules such as metabolites. A
fundamental step for identifying a small molecule is to determine its molecular
Here, we present and evaluate three algorithm engineering techniques that
speed up the molecular formula determination. For that, we modify an existing
algorithm for decomposing the monoisotopic mass of a molecule. These techniques
lead to a four-fold reduction of running times, and reduce memory consumption
by up to 94%. In comparison to the classical search tree algorithm, our
algorithm reaches a 1000-fold speedup. |
1307.7844 | MSARC: Multiple Sequence Alignment by Residue Clustering | Progressive methods offer efficient and reasonably good solutions to the
multiple sequence alignment problem. However, resulting alignments are biased
by guide-trees, especially for relatively distant sequences.
We propose MSARC, a new graph-clustering based algorithm that aligns sequence
sets without guide-trees. Experiments on the BAliBASE dataset show that MSARC
achieves alignment quality similar to best progressive methods and
substantially higher than the quality of other non-progressive algorithms.
Furthermore, MSARC outperforms all other methods on sequence sets with the
similarity structure hardly represented by a phylogenetic tree. Furthermore,
MSARC outperforms all other methods on sequence sets whose evolutionary
distances are hardly representable by a phylogenetic tree. These datasets are
most exposed to the guide-tree bias of alignments.
MSARC is available at |
1307.7847 | Mutual Enrichment in Ranked Lists and the Statistical Assessment of
Position Weight Matrix Motifs | Statistics in ranked lists is important in analyzing molecular biology
measurement data, such as ChIP-seq, which yields ranked lists of genomic
sequences. State of the art methods study fixed motifs in ranked lists. More
flexible models such as position weight matrix (PWM) motifs are not addressed
in this context. To assess the enrichment of a PWM motif in a ranked list we
use a PWM induced second ranking on the same set of elements. Possible orders
of one ranked list relative to the other are modeled by permutations. Due to
sample space complexity, it is difficult to characterize tail distributions in
the group of permutations. In this paper we develop tight upper bounds on tail
distributions of the size of the intersection of the top of two uniformly and
independently drawn permutations and demonstrate advantages of this approach
using our software implementation, mmHG-Finder, to study PWMs in several
datasets. |
1307.7916 | Modeling Intratumor Gene Copy Number Heterogeneity using Fluorescence in
Situ Hybridization data | Tumorigenesis is an evolutionary process which involves a significant number
of genomic rearrangements typically coupled with changes in the gene copy
number profiles of numerous cells. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is
a cytogenetic technique which allows counting copy numbers of genes in single
cells. The study of cancer progression using FISH data has received
considerably less attention compared to other types of cancer datasets.
In this work we focus on inferring likely tumor progression pathways using
publicly available FISH data. We model the evolutionary process as a Markov
chain in the positive integer cone Z_+^g where g is the number of genes
examined with FISH. Compared to existing work which oversimplifies reality by
assuming independence of copy number changes, our model is able to capture
dependencies. We model the probability distribution of a dataset with
hierarchical log-linear models, a popular probabilistic model of count data.
Our choice provides an attractive trade-off between parsimony and good data
fit. We prove a theorem of independent interest which provides necessary and
sufficient conditions for reconstructing oncogenetic trees. Using this theorem
we are able to capitalize on the wealth of inter-tumor phylogenetic methods. We
show how to produce tumor phylogenetic trees which capture the dynamics of
cancer progression. We validate our proposed method on a breast tumor dataset. |
1307.7919 | Phylogenetic Analysis of Cell Types using Histone Modifications | In cell differentiation, a cell of a less specialized type becomes one of a
more specialized type, even though all cells have the same genome.
Transcription factors and epigenetic marks like histone modifications can play
a significant role in the differentiation process. In this paper, we present a
simple analysis of cell types and differentiation paths using phylogenetic
inference based on ChIP-Seq histone modification data. We propose new data
representation techniques and new distance measures for ChIP-Seq data and use
these together with standard phylogenetic inference methods to build
biologically meaningful trees that indicate how diverse types of cells are
related. We demonstrate our approach on H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 data for 37 and 13
types of cells respectively, using the dataset to explore various issues
surrounding replicate data, variability between cells of the same type, and
robustness. The promising results we obtain point the way to a new approach to
the study of cell differentiation. |
1308.0101 | From Cellular Characteristics to Disease Diagnosis: Uncovering
Phenotypes with Supercells | Cell heterogeneity and the inherent complexity due to the interplay of
multiple molecular processes within the cell pose difficult challenges for
current single-cell biology. We introduce an approach that identifies a disease
phenotype from multiparameter single-cell measurements, which is based on the
concept of "supercell statistics", a single-cell-based averaging procedure
followed by a machine learning classification scheme. We are able to assess the
optimal tradeoff between the number of single cells averaged and the number of
measurements needed to capture phenotypic differences between healthy and
diseased patients, as well as between different diseases that are difficult to
diagnose otherwise. We apply our approach to two kinds of single-cell datasets,
addressing the diagnosis of a premature aging disorder using images of cell
nuclei, as well as the phenotypes of two non-infectious uveitides (the ocular
manifestations of Beh\c{c}et's disease and sarcoidosis) based on multicolor
flow cytometry. In the former case, one nuclear shape measurement taken over a
group of 30 cells is sufficient to classify samples as healthy or diseased, in
agreement with usual laboratory practice. In the latter, our method is able to
identify a minimal set of 5 markers that accurately predict Beh\c{c}et's
disease and sarcoidosis. This is the first time that a quantitative phenotypic
distinction between these two diseases has been achieved. To obtain this clear
phenotypic signature, about one hundred CD8+ T cells need to be measured.
Beyond these specific cases, the approach proposed here is applicable to
datasets generated by other kinds of state-of-the-art and forthcoming
single-cell technologies, such as multidimensional mass cytometry, single-cell
gene expression, and single-cell full genome sequencing techniques. |
1308.0551 | Multi-study Integration of Brain Cancer Transcriptomes Reveals
Organ-Level Molecular Signatures | We utilized abundant transcriptomic data for the primary classes of brain
cancers to study the feasibility of separating all of these diseases
simultaneously based on molecular data alone. These signatures were based on a
new method reported herein that resulted in a brain cancer marker panel of 44
unique genes. Many of these genes have established relevance to the brain
cancers examined, with others having known roles in cancer biology. Analyses on
large-scale data from multiple sources must deal with significant challenges
associated with heterogeneity between different published studies, for it was
observed that the variation among individual studies often had a larger effect
on the transcriptome than did phenotype differences, as is typical. We found
that learning signatures across multiple datasets greatly enhanced
reproducibility and accuracy in predictive performance on truly independent
validation sets, even when keeping the size of the training set the same. This
was most likely due to the meta-signature encompassing more of the
heterogeneity across different sources and conditions, while amplifying signal
from the repeated global characteristics of the phenotype. When molecular
signatures of brain cancers were constructed from all currently available
microarray data, 90 percent phenotype prediction accuracy, or the accuracy of
identifying a particular brain cancer from the background of all phenotypes,
was found. Looking forward, we discuss our approach in the context of the
eventual development of organ-specific molecular signatures from peripheral
fluids such as the blood. |
1308.0730 | Efficient Bayesian-based Multi-View Deconvolution | Light sheet fluorescence microscopy is able to image large specimen with high
resolution by imaging the sam- ples from multiple angles. Multi-view
deconvolution can significantly improve the resolution and contrast of the
images, but its application has been limited due to the large size of the
datasets. Here we present a Bayesian- based derivation of multi-view
deconvolution that drastically improves the convergence time and provide a fast
implementation utilizing graphics hardware. |
1308.1157 | Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics
(WABI2013) | These are the proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Algorithms in
Bioinformatics, WABI2013, which was held September 2-4 2013 in Sophia
Antipolis, France. All manuscripts were peer reviewed by the WABI2013 program
committee and external reviewers. |
1308.2557 | Disease universe: Visualisation of population-wide disease-wide
associations | We apply a force-directed spring embedding graph layout approach to
electronic health records in order to visualise population-wide associations
between human disorders as presented in an individual biological organism. The
introduced visualisation is implemented on the basis of the Google maps
platform and can be found at . We argue that the
suggested method of visualisation can both validate already known specifics of
associations between disorders and identify novel never noticed association
patterns. |
1308.6018 | Dynamic Metrics of Heart Rate Variability | Numerous metrics of heart rate variability (HRV) have been described,
analyzed, and compared in the literature. However, they rarely cover the actual
metrics used in a class of HRV data acquisition devices - those designed
primarily to produce real-time metrics. This paper characterizes a class of
metrics that we term dynamic metrics. We also report the results of a pilot
study which compares one such dynamic metric, based on photoplethysmographic
data using a moving sampling window set to the length of an estimated breath
cycle (EBC), with established HRV metrics. The results show high correlation
coefficients between the dynamic EBC metrics and the established static SDNN
metric (standard deviation of Normal-to-Normal) based on electrocardiography.
These results demonstrate the usefulness of data acquisition devices designed
for real-time metrics. |
1308.6037 | Growth and form of melanoma cell colonies | We study the statistical properties of melanoma cell colonies grown in vitro
by analyzing the results of crystal violet assays at different concentrations
of initial plated cells and for different growth times. The distribution of
colony sizes is described well by a continuous time branching process. To
characterize the shape fluctuations of the colonies, we compute the
distribution of eccentricities. The experimental results are compared with
numerical results for models of random division of elastic cells, showing that
experimental results are best reproduced by restricting cell division to the
outer rim of the colony. Our results serve to illustrate the wealth of
information that can be extracted by a standard experimental method such as the
crystal violet assay. |
1309.0670 | Biological Averaging in RNA-Seq | RNA-seq has become a de facto standard for measuring gene expression.
Traditionally, RNA-seq experiments are mathematically averaged -- they sequence
the mRNA of individuals from different treatment groups, hoping to correlate
phenotype with differences in arithmetic read count averages at shared loci of
interest. Alternatively, the tissue from the same individuals may be pooled
prior to sequencing in what we refer to as a biologically averaged design. As
mathematical averaging sequences all individuals it controls for both
biological and technical variation; however, is the statistical resolution
gained always worth the additional cost? To compare biological and mathematical
averaging, we examined theoretical and empirical estimates of statistical
efficiency and relative cost efficiency. Though less efficient at a fixed
sample size, we found that biological averaging can be more cost efficient than
mathematical averaging. With this motivation, we developed a differential
expression classifier, ICRBC, that can detect alternatively expressed genes
between biologically averaged samples. In simulation studies, we found that
biological averaging and subsequent analysis with our classifier performed
comparably to existing methods, such as ASC, edgeR, and DESeq, especially when
individuals were pooled evenly and less than 20% of the regulome was expected
to be differentially regulated. In two technically distinct mouse datasets and
one plant dataset, we found that our method was over 87% concordant with edgeR
for the 100 most significant features. We therefore conclude biological
averaging may sufficiently control biological variation to a level that
differences in gene expression may be detectable. In such situations, ICRBC can
enable reliable exploratory analysis at a fraction of the cost, especially when
interest lies in the most differentially expressed loci. |
1309.0801 | Piggy-backing protein domains with Formal Concept Analysis | Identifying reliable domain-domain interactions (DDIs) will increase our
ability to predict novel protein-protein interactions (PPIs), to unravel
interactions in protein complexes, and thus gain more information about the
function and behavior of genes. One of the challenges of identifying reliable
DDIs is domain promiscuity. Promiscuous domains are domains that can occur in
many domain architectures and are therefore found in many proteins. This
becomes a problem for a method where the score of a domain-pair is the ratio
between observed and expected frequencies because the PPI network is sparse. As
such, many protein-pairs will be non-interacting and domain-pairs with
promiscuous domains will be penalized. This domain promiscuity challenge to the
problem of inferring reliable DDIs from PPIs has been recognized, and a number
of work-arounds have been proposed. In this paper, we report an application of
Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) to this problem. We find that the relationship
between formal concepts provide a natural way for rare domains to elevate the
rank of promiscuous domains, and enrich highly ranked domain-pairs with
reliable DDIs. This piggy-backing of promiscuous domains onto rare domains is
possible due to the domain architecture of proteins which mixes promiscuous
with rare domains. |
1309.2618 | Dual-target function validation of single-particle selection from
low-contrast cryo-electron micrographs | Weak-signal detection and single-particle selection from low-contrast
micrographs of frozen hydrated biomolecules by cryo-electron microscopy
(cryo-EM) presents a practical challenge. Cryo-EM image contrast degrades as
the size of biomolecules of structural interest decreases. When the image
contrast falls into a range where the location or presence of single particles
becomes ambiguous, a need arises for objective computational approaches to
detect weak signal and to select and verify particles from these low-contrast
micrographs. Here we propose an objective validation scheme for low-contrast
particle selection using a combination of two different target functions. In an
implementation of this dual-target function (DTF) validation, a first target
function of fast local correlation was used to select particles through
template matching, followed by signal validation through a second target
function of maximum likelihood. By a systematic study of simulated data, we
found that such an implementation of DTF validation is capable of selecting and
verifying particles from cryo-EM micrographs with a signal-to-noise ratio as
low as 0.002. Importantly, we demonstrated that DTF validation can robustly
evade over-fitting or reference bias from the particle-picking template,
allowing true signal to emerge from amidst heavy noise in an objective fashion.
The DTF approach allows efficient assembly of a large number of single-particle
cryo-EM images of smaller biomolecules or specimens containing
contrast-degrading agents like detergents in a semi-automatic manner. |
1310.2542 | A biomarker based on gene expression indicates plant water status in
controlled and natural environments | Plant or soil water status are required in many scientific fields to
understand plant responses to drought. Because the transcriptomic response to
abiotic conditions, such as water deficit, reflects plant water status, genomic
tools could be used to develop a new type of molecular biomarker. Using the
sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) as a model species to study the transcriptomic
response to water deficit both in greenhouse and field conditions, we
specifically identified three genes that showed an expression pattern highly
correlated to plant water status as estimated by the pre-dawn leaf water
potential, fraction of transpirable soil water, soil water content or fraction
of total soil water in controlled conditions. We developed a generalized linear
model to estimate these classical water status indicators from the expression
levels of the three selected genes under controlled conditions. This estimation
was independent of the four tested genotypes and the stage (pre- or
post-flowering) of the plant. We further validated this gene expression
biomarker under field conditions for four genotypes in three different trials,
over a large range of water status, and we were able to correct their
expression values for a large diurnal sampling period. |
1310.5110 | Understanding uncertainty in temperature effects on vector-borne
disease: A Bayesian approach | Extrinsic environmental factors influence the distribution and population
dynamics of many organisms, including insects that are of concern for human
health and agriculture. This is particularly true for vector-borne infectious
diseases, like malaria, which is a major source of morbidity and mortality in
humans. Understanding the mechanistic links between environment and population
processes for these diseases is key to predicting the consequences of climate
change on transmission and for developing effective interventions. An important
measure of the intensity of disease transmission is the reproductive number
$R_0$. However, understanding the mechanisms linking $R_0$ and temperature, an
environmental factor driving disease risk, can be challenging because the data
available for parameterization are often poor. To address this we show how a
Bayesian approach can help identify critical uncertainties in components of
$R_0$ and how this uncertainty is propagated into the estimate of $R_0$. Most
notably, we find that different parameters dominate the uncertainty at
different temperature regimes: bite rate from 15-25$^\circ$ C; fecundity across
all temperatures, but especially $\sim$25-32$^\circ$ C; mortality from
20-30$^\circ$ C; parasite development rate at $\sim$15-16$^\circ$C and again at
$\sim$33-35$^\circ$C. Focusing empirical studies on these parameters and
corresponding temperature ranges would be the most efficient way to improve
estimates of $R_0$. While we focus on malaria, our methods apply to improving
process-based models more generally, including epidemiological, physiological
niche, and species distribution models. |
1310.6980 | Protein signatures using electrostatic molecular surfaces in harmonic
space | We developed a novel method based on the Fourier analysis of protein
molecular surfaces to speed up the analysis of the vast structural data
generated in the post-genomic era. This method computes the power spectrum of
surfaces of the molecular electrostatic potential, whose three-dimensional
coordinates have been either experimentally or theoretically determined. Thus
we achieve a reduction of the initial three-dimensional information on the
molecular surface to the one-dimensional information on pairs of points at a
fixed scale apart. Consequently, the similarity search in our method is
computationally less demanding and significantly faster than shape comparison
methods. As proof of principle, we applied our method to a training set of
viral proteins that are involved in major diseases such as Hepatitis C, Dengue
fever, Yellow fever, Bovine viral diarrhea and West Nile fever. The training
set contains proteins of four different protein families, as well as a
mammalian representative enzyme. We found that the power spectrum successfully
assigns a unique signature to each protein included in our training set, thus
providing a direct probe of functional similarity among proteins. The results
agree with established biological data from conventional structural
biochemistry analyses. |
1310.8268 | Cellular decision-making bias: the missing ingredient in cell functional
diversity | Cell functional diversity is a significant determinant on how biological
processes unfold. Most accounts of diversity involve a search for sequence or
expression differences. Perhaps there are more subtle mechanisms at work. Using
the metaphor of information processing and decision-making might provide a
clearer view of these subtleties. Understanding adaptive and transformative
processes (such as cellular reprogramming) as a series of simple decisions
allows us to use a technique called cellular signal detection theory (cellular
SDT) to detect potential bias in mechanisms that favor one outcome over
another. We can apply method of detecting cellular reprogramming bias to
cellular reprogramming and other complex molecular processes. To demonstrate
scope of this method, we will critically examine differences between cell
phenotypes reprogrammed to muscle fiber and neuron phenotypes. In cases where
the signature of phenotypic bias is cryptic, signatures of genomic bias
(pre-existing and induced) may provide an alternative. The examination of these
alternates will be explored using data from a series of fibroblast cell lines
before cellular reprogramming (pre-existing) and differences between fractions
of cellular RNA for individual genes after drug treatment (induced). In
conclusion, the usefulness and limitations of this method and associated
analogies will be discussed. |
1311.1417 | Dynamical coupling during collective animal motion | The measurement of information flows within moving animal groups has recently
been a topic of considerable interest, and it has become clear that the
individual(s) that drive collective movement may change over time, and that
such individuals may not necessarily always lead from the front. However,
methods to quantify the influence of specific individuals on the behaviour of
other group members and the direction of information flow in moving group, are
lacking on the level of empirical studies and theoretical models. Using high
spatio-temporal resolution GPS trajectories of foraging meerkats, Suricata
suricatta, we provide an information-theoretic framework to identify dynamical
coupling between animals independent of their relative spatial positions. Based
on this identification, we then compare designations of individuals as either
drivers or responders against designations provided by the relative spatial
position. We find that not only does coupling occur both from the frontal to
the trailing individuals and vice versa, but also that the coupling direction
is a non-linear function of the relative position. This provides evidence for
(i) intermittent fluctuation of the coupling strength and (ii) alternation in
the coupling direction within foraging meerkat pairs. The framework we
introduce allows for a detailed description of the dynamical patterns of mutual
influence between all pairs of individuals within moving animal groups. We
argue that applying an information-theoretic perspective to the study of
coordinated phenomena in animal groups will eventually help to understand cause
and effect in collective behaviour. |
1311.1496 | Understanding Health and Disease with Multidimensional Single-Cell
Methods | Current efforts in the biomedical sciences and related interdisciplinary
fields are focused on gaining a molecular understanding of health and disease,
which is a problem of daunting complexity that spans many orders of magnitude
in characteristic length scales, from small molecules that regulate cell
function to cell ensembles that form tissues and organs working together as an
organism. In order to uncover the molecular nature of the emergent properties
of a cell, it is essential to measure multiple cell components simultaneously
in the same cell. In turn, cell heterogeneity requires multiple cells to be
measured in order to understand health and disease in the organism. This review
summarizes current efforts towards a data-driven framework that leverages
single-cell technologies to build robust signatures of healthy and diseased
phenotypes. While some approaches focus on multicolor flow cytometry data and
other methods are designed to analyze high-content image-based screens, we
emphasize the so-called Supercell/SVM paradigm (recently developed by the
authors of this review and collaborators) as a unified framework that captures
mesoscopic-scale emergence to build reliable phenotypes. Beyond their specific
contributions to basic and translational biomedical research, these efforts
illustrate, from a larger perspective, the powerful synergy that might be
achieved from bringing together methods and ideas from statistical physics,
data mining, and mathematics to solve the most pressing problems currently
facing the life sciences. |
1311.1815 | Ending AIDS in South Africa: How long will it take? How much will it
cost? | South Africa has more people infected with HIV but, by providing access to
anti-retroviral therapy (ART), has kept more people alive than any other
country. The effectiveness, availability and affordability of potent
anti-retroviral therapy (ART) make it possible to contemplate ending the
epidemic of HIV/AIDS. We consider what would have happened without ART, the
impact of the current roll-out of ART, what might be possible if early
treatment becomes available to all, and what could have happened if ART had
been provided much earlier in the epidemic. In 2013 the provision of ART has
reduced the prevalence of HIV from an estimated 15% to 9% among adults not on
ART, the annual incidence from 2% to 0.9%, and the AIDS related deaths from
0.9% to 0.3% p.a. saving 1.5 million lives and USD727M. Regular testing and
universal access to ART could reduce the prevalence among adults not on ART in
2023 to 0.06%, annual incidence to 0.05%, and eliminate AIDS deaths. Cumulative
costs between 2013 ands 2023 would increase by USD692M only 4% of the total
cost of USD17Bn. If a universal testing and early treatment had started in 1998
the prevalence of HIV among adults not on ART in 2013 would have fallen to
0.03%, annual incidence to 0.03%, and saved 2.5 million lives. The cost up to
2013 would have increased by USD18Bn but this would have been cost effective at
US$7,200 per life saved. Future surveys of HIV among women attending ante-natal
clinics should include testing women for the presence of anti-retroviral drugs,
measuring their viral loads, and using appropriate assays for estimating HIV
incidence. These data would make it possible to develop better and more
reliable estimates of the current state of the epidemic, the success of the
current ART programme, levels of viral load suppression for those on ART and
the incidence of infection. |
1311.2260 | Overshoot in biological systems modeled by Markov chains: a
nonequilibrium dynamic phenomenon | A number of biological systems can be modeled by Markov chains. Recently,
there has been an increasing concern about when biological systems modeled by
Markov chains will perform a dynamic phenomenon called overshoot. In this
article, we found that the steady-state behavior of the system will have a
great effect on the occurrence of overshoot. We confirmed that overshoot in
general cannot occur in systems which will finally approach an equilibrium
steady state. We further classified overshoot into two types, named as simple
overshoot and oscillating overshoot. We showed that except for extreme cases,
oscillating overshoot will occur if the system is far from equilibrium. All
these results clearly show that overshoot is a nonequilibrium dynamic
phenomenon with energy consumption. In addition, the main result in this
article is validated with real experimental data. |
1311.3261 | Experimental Design for Dynamics Identification of Cellular Processes | We address the problem of using nonlinear models to design experiments to
characterize the dynamics of cellular processes by using the approach of the
Maximally Informative Next Experiment (MINE), which was introduced in [W. Dong,
et al. Systems biology of the clock in neurospora crassa. {\em PLoS ONE}, page
e3105, 2008] and independently in [M. M. Donahue, et al. Experiment design
through dynamical characterization of non-linear systems biology models
utilising sparse grids. {\em IET System Biology}, 4:249--262, 2010]. In this
approach, existing data is used to define a probability distribution on the
parameters; the next measurement point is the one that yields the largest model
output variance with this distribution. Building upon this approach, we
introduce the Expected Dynamics Estimator (EDE), which is the expected value
using this distribution of the output as a function of time. We prove the
consistency of this estimator (uniform convergence to true dynamics) even when
the chosen experiments cluster in a finite set of points. We extend this proof
of consistency to various practical assumptions on noisy data and moderate
levels of model mismatch. Through the derivation and proof, we develop a
relaxed version of MINE that is more computationally tractable and robust than
the original formulation. The results are illustrated with numerical examples
on two nonlinear ordinary differential equation models of biomolecular and
cellular processes. |
1311.3573 | Improved design and screening of high bioactivity peptides for drug
discovery | The discovery of peptides having high biological activity is very challenging
mainly because there is an enormous diversity of compounds and only a minority
have the desired properties. To lower cost and reduce the time to obtain
promising compounds, machine learning approaches can greatly assist in the
process and even replace expensive laboratory experiments by learning a
predictor with existing data. Unfortunately, selecting ligands having the
greatest predicted bioactivity requires a prohibitive amount of computational
time. For this combinatorial problem, heuristics and stochastic optimization
methods are not guaranteed to find adequate compounds.
We propose an efficient algorithm based on De Bruijn graphs, guaranteed to
find the peptides of maximal predicted bioactivity. We demonstrate how this
algorithm can be part of an iterative combinatorial chemistry procedure to
speed up the discovery and the validation of peptide leads. Moreover, the
proposed approach does not require the use of known ligands for the target
protein since it can leverage recent multi-target machine learning predictors
where ligands for similar targets can serve as initial training data. Finally,
we validated the proposed approach in vitro with the discovery of new cationic
anti-microbial peptides.
Source code is freely available at |
1311.6379 | A fast and scalable kymograph alignment algorithm for nanochannel-based
optical DNA mappings | Optical mapping by direct visualization of individual DNA molecules,
stretched in nanochannels with sequence-specific fluorescent labeling,
represents a promising tool for disease diagnostics and genomics. An important
challenge for this technique is thermal motion of the DNA as it undergoes
imaging; this blurs fluorescent patterns along the DNA and results in
information loss. Correcting for this effect (a process referred to as
kymograph alignment) is a common preprocessing step in nanochannel-based
optical mapping workflows, and we present here a highly efficient algorithm to
accomplish this via pattern recognition. We compare our method with the one
previous approach, and we find that our method is orders of magnitude faster
while producing data of similar quality. We demonstrate proof of principle of
our approach on experimental data consisting of melt mapped bacteriophage DNA. |
1312.0329 | Cellphone based Portable Bacteria Pre-Concentrating microfluidic Sensor
and Impedance Sensing System | Portable low-cost sensors and sensing systems for the identification and
quantitative measurement of bacteria in field water are critical in preventing
drinking water from being contaminated by bacteria. In this article, we
reported the design, fabrication and testing of a low-cost, miniaturized and
sensitive bacteria sensor based on electrical impedance spectroscopy method
using a smartphone as the platform. Our design of microfluidics enabled the
pre-concentration of the bacteria which lowered the detection limit to 10
bacterial cells per milliliter. We envision that our demonstrated
smartphone-based sensing system will realize highly-sensitive and rapid
in-field quantification of multiple species of bacteria and pathogens. |
1312.1025 | Discovery of Proteomics based on Machine learning | The ultimate target of proteomics identification is to identify and quantify
the protein in the organism. Mass spectrometry (MS) based on label-free protein
quantitation has mainly focused on analysis of peptide spectral counts and ion
peak heights. Using several observed peptides (proteotypic) can identify the
origin protein. However, each peptide's possibility to be detected was severely
influenced by the peptide physicochemical properties, which confounded the
results of MS accounting. Using about a million peptide identification
generated by four different kinds of proteomic platforms, we successfully
identified >16,000 proteotypic peptides. We used machine learning
classification to derive peptide detection probabilities that are used to
predict the number of trypic peptides to be observed, which can serve to
estimate the absolutely abundance of protein with highly accuracy. We used the
data of peptides (provides by CAS lab) to derive the best model from different
kinds of methods. We first employed SVM and Random Forest classifier to
identify the proteotypic and unobserved peptides, and then searched the best
parameter for better prediction results. Considering the excellent performance
of our model, we can calculate the absolutely estimation of protein abundance. |
1312.4576 | The jigsaw puzzle of sequence phenotype inference: Piecing together
Shannon entropy, importance sampling, and Empirical Bayes | A nucleotide sequence 35 base pairs long can take
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 possible values. An example of systems biology
datasets, protein binding microarrays, contain activity data from about 40000
such sequences. The discrepancy between the number of possible configurations
and the available activities is enormous. Thus, albeit that systems biology
datasets are large in absolute terms, they oftentimes require methods developed
for rare events due to the combinatorial increase in the number of possible
configurations of biological systems. A plethora of techniques for handling
large datasets, such as Empirical Bayes, or rare events, such as importance
sampling, have been developed in the literature, but these cannot always be
simultaneously utilized. Here we introduce a principled approach to Empirical
Bayes based on importance sampling, information theory, and theoretical physics
in the general context of sequence phenotype model induction. We present the
analytical calculations that underlie our approach. We demonstrate the
computational efficiency of the approach on concrete examples, and demonstrate
its efficacy by applying the theory to publicly available protein binding
microarray transcription factor datasets and to data on synthetic
cAMP-regulated enhancer sequences. As further demonstrations, we find
transcription factor binding motifs, predict the activity of new sequences and
extract the locations of transcription factor binding sites. In summary, we
present a novel method that is efficient (requiring minimal computational time
and reasonable amounts of memory), has high predictive power that is comparable
with that of models with hundreds of parameters, and has a limited number of
optimized parameters, proportional to the sequence length. |
1312.5231 | Tortuosity Entropy: a measure of spatial complexity of behavioral
changes in animal movement data | The goal of animal movement analysis is to understand how organisms explore
and exploit the complex and varying environment. Animals usually exhibit varied
and complicated movements, from apparently deterministic behaviors to highly
random ones. This is critical for assessing movement efficiency and strategies
that are used to quantify and analyze movement trajectories. Here we introduce
a tortuosity entropy (TorEn) based on comparison of parameters, e.g. heading,
bearing, speed, of consecutive points in movement trajectory, which is a simple
measure for quantifying the behavioral change in animal movement data in a fine
scale. In our approach, the differences between pairwise successive track
points are transformed inot symbolic sequences, then we map these symbols into
a group of pattern vectors and calculate the information entropy of pattern
vector. Tortuosity entropy can be easily applied to arbitrary real-world
data-deterministic or stochastic, stationary or non-stationary. We test the
algorithm on both simulated trajectories and real trajectories and show that
both mixed segments in synthetic data and different phases in real movement
data are identified accurately. The results show that the algorithm is
applicable to various situations, indicating that our approach is a promising
tool to reveal the behavioral pattern in movement data. |
1312.5778 | The discriminant power of RNA features for pre-miRNA recognition | Computational discovery of microRNAs (miRNA) is based on pre-determined sets
of features from miRNA precursors (pre-miRNA). These feature sets used by
current tools for pre-miRNA recognition differ in construction and dimension.
Some feature sets are composed of sequence-structure patterns commonly found in
pre-miRNAs, while others are a combination of more sophisticated RNA features.
Current tools achieve similar predictive performance even though the feature
sets used - and their computational cost - differ widely. In this work, we
analyze the discriminant power of seven feature sets, which are used in six
pre-miRNA prediction tools. The analysis is based on the classification
performance achieved with these feature sets for the training algorithms used
in these tools. We also evaluate feature discrimination through the F-score and
feature importance in the induction of random forests. More diverse feature
sets produce classifiers with significantly higher classification performance
compared to feature sets composed only of sequence-structure patterns. However,
small or non-significant differences were found among the estimated
classification performances of classifiers induced using sets with
diversification of features, despite the wide differences in their dimension.
Based on these results, we applied a feature selection method to reduce the
computational cost of computing the feature set, while maintaining discriminant
power. We obtained a lower-dimensional feature set, which achieved a
sensitivity of 90% and a specificity of 95%. Our feature set achieves a
sensitivity and specificity within 0.1% of the maximal values obtained with any
feature set while it is 34x faster to compute. Even compared to another feature
set, which is the computationally least expensive feature set of those from the
literature which perform within 0.1% of the maximal values, it is 34x faster to
compute. |
1312.7532 | Detection of the melanoma biomarker TROY using silicon nanowire
field-effect transistors | Antibody-functionalized silicon nanowire field-effect transistors have been
shown to exhibit excellent analyte detection sensitivity enabling sensing of
analyte concentrations at levels not readily accessible by other methods. One
example where accurate measurement of small concentrations is necessary is
detection of serum biomarkers, such as the recently discovered tumor necrosis
factor receptor superfamily member TROY (TNFRSF19), which may serve as a
biomarker for melanoma. TROY is normally only present in brain but it is
aberrantly expressed in primary and metastatic melanoma cells and shed into the
surrounding environment. In this study, we show the detection of different
concentrations of TROY in buffer solution using top-down fabricated silicon
nanowires. We demonstrate the selectivity of our sensors by comparing the
signal with that obtained from bovine serum albumin in buffer solution. Both
the signal size and the reaction kinetics serve to distinguish the two signals.
Using a fast-mixing two-compartment reaction model, we are able to extract the
association and dissociation rate constants for the reaction of TROY with the
antibody immobilized on the sensor surface. |
1312.7556 | Stochastic Model for Tumor Control Probability: Effects of Cell Cycle
and (A)symmetric Proliferation | Estimating the required dose in radiotherapy is of crucial importance since
the administrated dose should be sufficient to eradicate the tumor and at the
same time should inflict minimal damage on normal cells. The probability that a
given dose and schedule of ionizing radiation eradicates all the tumor cells in
a given tissue is called the tumor control probability (TCP), and is often used
to compare various treatment strategies used in radiation therapy. In this
paper, we aim to investigate the effects of including cell-cycle phase on the
TCP by analyzing a stochastic model of a tumor comprised of actively dividing
cells and quiescent cells with different radiation sensitivities. We derive an
exact phase-diagram for the steady-state TCP of the model and show that at
high, clinically-relevant doses of radiation, the distinction between active
and quiescent tumor cells (i.e. accounting for cell-cycle effects) becomes of
negligible importance in terms of its effect on the TCP curve. However, for
very low doses of radiation, these proportions become significant determinants
of the TCP. Moreover, we use a novel numerical approach based on the method of
characteristics for partial differential equations, validated by the Gillespie
algorithm, to compute the TCP as a function of time. We observe that our
results differ from the results in the literature using similar existing
models, even though similar parameters values are used, and the reasons for
this are discussed. |
1401.1141 | Covariance in protein multiple sequence alignments using groups of
columns | Algorithms that detect covariance between pairs of columns in multiple
sequence alignments are commonly employed to predict functionally important
residues and structural contacts. However, the assumption that co-variance only
occurs between individual residues in the protein is more driven by
computational convenience rather than fundamental protein architecture. Here we
develop a novel algorithm that defines a covariance score across two groups of
columns where each group represents a stretch of contiguous columns in the
alignment. We define a test set that consists of secondary structure elements
({\alpha}-helixes and {\beta}-strands) across more than 1,100 PFAM families.
Using these alignments to predict segments that are physically close in
structure, we show that our method substantially out-performs approaches that
aggregate the results of algorithms that operate on individual column pairs.
Our approach demonstrates that considering units of proteins beyond pairs of
columns can improve the power and utility of covariance algorithms. |
1401.1168 | Field Effect Transistor Nanosensor for Breast Cancer Diagnostics | Silicon nanochannel field effect transistor (FET) biosensors are one of the
most promising technologies in the development of highly sensitive and
label-free analyte detection for cancer diagnostics. With their exceptional
electrical properties and small dimensions, silicon nanochannels are ideally
suited for extraordinarily high sensitivity. In fact, the high
surface-to-volume ratios of these systems make single molecule detection
possible. Further, FET biosensors offer the benefits of high speed, low cost,
and high yield manufacturing, without sacrificing the sensitivity typical for
traditional optical methods in diagnostics. Top down manufacturing methods
leverage advantages in Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)
technologies, making richly multiplexed sensor arrays a reality. Here, we
discuss the fabrication and use of silicon nanochannel FET devices as
biosensors for breast cancer diagnosis and monitoring. |
1401.1798 | Uncovering low-dimensional, miR-based signatures of acute myeloid and
lymphoblastic leukemias with a machine-learning-driven network approach | Complex phenotypic differences among different acute leukemias cannot be
fully captured by analyzing the expression levels of one single molecule, such
as a miR, at a time, but requires systematic analysis of large sets of miRs.
While a popular approach for analysis of such datasets is principal component
analysis (PCA), this method is not designed to optimally discriminate different
phenotypes. Moreover, PCA and other low-dimensional representation methods
yield linear or non-linear combinations of all measured miRs. Global human miR
expression was measured in AML, B-ALL, and T-ALL cell lines and patient RNA
samples. By systematically applying support vector machines to all measured
miRs taken in dyad and triad groups, we built miR networks using cell line data
and validated our findings with primary patient samples. All the coordinately
transcribed members of the miR-23a cluster (which includes also miR-24 and
miR-27a), known to function as tumor suppressors of acute leukemias, appeared
in the AML, B-ALL and T-ALL centric networks. Subsequent qRT-PCR analysis
showed that the most connected miR in the B-ALL-centric network, miR-708, is
highly and specifically expressed in B-ALLs, suggesting that miR-708 might
serve as a biomarker for B-ALL. This approach is systematic, quantitative,
scalable, and unbiased. Rather than a single signature, our approach yields a
network of signatures reflecting the redundant nature of biological signaling
pathways. The network representation allows for visual analysis of all
signatures by an expert and for future integration of additional information.
Furthermore, each signature involves only small sets of miRs, such as dyads and
triads, which are well suited for in depth validation through laboratory
experiments such as loss- and gain-of-function assays designed to drive changes
in leukemia cell survival, proliferation and differentiation. |
1401.2397 | Combined therapies of antithrombotics and antioxidants delay in silico
brain tumor progression | Glioblastoma multiforme, the most frequent type of primary brain tumor, is a
rapidly evolving and spatially heterogeneous high-grade astrocytoma that
presents areas of necrosis, hypercellularity and microvascular hyperplasia. The
aberrant vasculature leads to hypoxic areas and results in an increase of the
oxidative stress selecting for more invasive tumor cell phenotypes. In our
study we assay in silico different therapeutic approaches which combine
antithrombotics, antioxidants and standard radiotherapy. To do so, we have
developed a biocomputational model of glioblastoma multiforme that incorporates
the spatio-temporal interplay among two glioma cell phenotypes corresponding to
oxygenated and hypoxic cells, a necrotic core and the local vasculature whose
response evolves with tumor progression. Our numerical simulations predict that
suitable combinations of antithrombotics and antioxidants may diminish, in a
synergetic way, oxidative stress and the subsequent hypoxic response. This
novel therapeutical strategy, with potentially low or no toxicity, might reduce
tumor invasion and further sensitize glioblastoma multiforme to conventional
radiotherapy or other cytotoxic agents, hopefully increasing median patient
overall survival time. |
1401.2465 | Effective Particle Methods for Fisher-Kolmogorov Equations: Theory and
Applications to Brain Tumor Dynamics | Extended systems governed by partial differential equations can, under
suitable conditions, be approximated by means of sets of ordinary differential
equations for global quantities capturing the essential features of the systems
dynamics. Here we obtain a small number of effective equations describing the
dynamics of single-front and localized solutions of Fisher-Kolmogorov type
equations. These solutions are parametrized by means of a minimal set of
time-dependent quantities for which ordinary differential equations ruling
their dynamics are found. A comparison of the finite dimensional equations and
the dynamics of the full partial differential equation is made showing a very
good quantitative agreement with the dynamics of the partial differential
equation. We also discuss some implications of our findings for the
understanding of the growth progression of certain types of primary brain
tumors and discuss possible extensions of our results to related equations
arising in different modelling scenarios. |
1401.2603 | Delay effects in the response of low grade gliomas to radiotherapy: A
mathematical model and its therapeutical implications | Low grade gliomas (LGGs) are a group of primary brain tumors usually
encountered in young patient populations. These tumors represent a difficult
challenge because many patients survive a decade or more and may be at a higher
risk for treatment-related complications. Specifically, radiation therapy is
known to have a relevant effect on survival but in many cases it can be
deferred to avoid side effects while maintaining its beneficial effect.
However, a subset of low-grade gliomas manifests more aggressive clinical
behavior and requires earlier intervention. Moreover, the effectiveness of
radiotherapy depends on the tumor characteristics. Recently Pallud et al.,
[Neuro-oncology, 14(4):1-10, 2012], studied patients with LGGs treated with
radiation therapy as a first line therapy. and found the counterintuitive
result that tumors with a fast response to the therapy had a worse prognosis
than those responding late. In this paper we construct a mathematical model
describing the basic facts of glioma progression and response to radiotherapy.
The model provides also an explanation to the observations of Pallud et al.
Using the model we propose radiation fractionation schemes that might be
therapeutically useful by helping to evaluate the tumor malignancy while at the
same time reducing the toxicity associated to the treatment. |
1401.3624 | Numerical Solution of the Model for HIV Infection of Cd4+T Cells by
Using Multistage Differential Transform Method | The Multistage Differential Transform Method (MDTM) is employed to solve the
model for HIV infection of CD4+T cells. Comparing the numerical results to
those obtained by the classical fourth order Runge-Kutta method showed the
preciseness and efficacy of the multistep differential transform method. The
study shows that the method is a powerful and promising tool for solving
coupled systems of differential equations. |
1401.4026 | Sparse Learning of Markovian Population Models in Random Environments | Markovian population models are suitable abstractions to describe well-mixed
interacting particle systems in situation where stochastic fluctuations are
significant due to the involvement of low copy particles. In molecular biology,
measurements on the single-cell level attest to this stochasticity and one is
tempted to interpret such measurements across an isogenic cell population as
different sample paths of one and the same Markov model. Over recent years
evidence built up against this interpretation due to the presence of
cell-to-cell variability stemming from factors other than intrinsic
fluctuations. To account for this extrinsic variability, Markovian models in
random environments need to be considered and a key emerging question is how to
perform inference for such models. We model extrinsic variability by a random
parametrization of all propensity functions. To detect which of those
propensities have significant variability, we lay out a sparse learning
procedure captured by a hierarchical Bayesian model whose evidence function is
iteratively maximized using a variational Bayesian expectation-maximization
algorithm. |
1401.6004 | An Exploration of Physiological Responses to the Native American Flute | This pilot study explored physiological responses to playing and listening to
the Native American flute. Autonomic, electroencephalographic (EEG), and heart
rate variability (HRV) metrics were recorded while participants (N = 15) played
flutes and listened to several styles of music. Flute playing was accompanied
by an 84% increase in HRV (p < .001). EEG theta (4-8 Hz) activity increased
while playing flutes (p = .007) and alpha (8-12 Hz) increased while playing
lower-pitched flutes (p = .009). Increase in alpha from baseline to the flute
playing conditions strongly correlated with experience playing Native American
flutes (r = +.700). Wide-band beta (12-25 Hz) decreased from the silence
conditions when listening to solo Native American flute music (p = .013). The
findings of increased HRV, increasing slow-wave rhythms, and decreased beta
support the hypothesis that Native American flutes, particularly those with
lower pitches, may have a role in music therapy contexts. We conclude that the
Native American flute may merit a more prominent role in music therapy and that
a study of the effects of flute playing on clinical conditions, such as
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD), hypertension, anxiety, and major depressive disorder, is
warranted. |
1401.7972 | Predicting the Next Maxima Incidents of the Seasonally Forced SEIR
Epidemic Model | This paper aims at predicting the next maxima values of the state variables
of the seasonal SEIR epidemic model and their in-between time intervals.
Lorenz's method of analogues is applied on the attractor formed by the maxima
of the corresponding state variables. It is found that both quantities are
characterized by a high degree of predictability in the case of the chaotic
regime of the parameter space. |
1402.1805 | A generalized residual technique for analyzing complex movement models
using earth mover's distance | 1. Complex systems of moving and interacting objects are ubiquitous in the
natural and social sciences. Predicting their behavior often requires models
that mimic these systems with sufficient accuracy, while accounting for their
inherent stochasticity. Though tools exist to determine which of a set of
candidate models is best relative to the others, there is currently no generic
goodness-of-fit framework for testing how close the best model is to the real
complex stochastic system.
2. We propose such a framework, using a novel application of the Earth
mover's distance, also known as the Wasserstein metric. It is applicable to any
stochastic process where the probability of the model's state at time $t$ is a
function of the state at previous times. It generalizes the concept of a
residual, often used to analyze 1D summary statistics, to situations where the
complexity of the underlying model's probability distribution makes standard
residual analysis too imprecise for practical use.
3. We give a scheme for testing the hypothesis that a model is an accurate
description of a data set. We demonstrate the tractability and usefulness of
our approach by application to animal movement models in complex, heterogeneous
environments. We detail methods for visualizing results and extracting a
variety of information on a given model's quality, such as whether there is any
inherent bias in the model, or in which situations it is most accurate. We
demonstrate our techniques by application to data on multi-species flocks of
insectivore birds in the Amazon rainforest.
4. This work provides a usable toolkit to assess the quality of generic
movement models of complex systems, in an absolute rather than a relative
sense. |
1402.5341 | Hypercomplex cross-correlation of DNA sequences | A hypercomplex representation of DNA is proposed to facilitate comparing DNA
sequences with fuzzy composition. With the hypercomplex number representation,
the conventional sequence analysis method, such as, dot matrix analysis,
dynamic programming, and cross-correlation method have been extended and
improved to align DNA sequences with fuzzy composition. The hypercomplex dot
matrix analysis can provide more control over the degree of alignment desired.
A new scoring system has been proposed to accommodate the hypercomplex number
representation of DNA and integrated with dynamic programming alignment method.
By using hypercomplex cross-correlation, the match and mismatch alignment
information between two aligned DNA sequences are separately stored in the
resultant real part and imaginary parts respectively. The mismatch alignment
information is very useful to refine consensus sequence based motif scanning. |
1402.6183 | A statistical thin-tail test of predicting regulatory regions in the
Drosophila genome | Background: The identification of transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs)
and cis-regulatory modules (CRMs) is a crucial step in studying gene
expression, but the computational method attempting to distinguish CRMs from
NCNRs still remains a challenging problem due to the limited knowledge of
specific interactions involved. Methods: The statistical properties of
cis-regulatory modules (CRMs) are explored by estimating the similar-word set
distribution with overrepresentation (Z-score). It is observed that CRMs tend
to have a thin-tail Z-score distribution. A new statistical thin-tail test with
two thinness coefficients is proposed to distinguish CRMs from non-coding
non-regulatory regions (NCNRs). Results: As compared with the existing
fluffy-tail test, the first thinness coefficient is designed to reduce
computational time, making the novel thin-tail test very suitable for long
sequences and large database analysis in the post-genome time and the second
one to improve the separation accuracy between CRMs and NCNRs. These two
thinness coefficients may serve as valuable filtering indexes to predict CRMs
experimentally. Conclusions: The novel thin-tail test provides an efficient and
effective means for distinguishing CRMs from NCNRs based on the specific
statistical properties of CRMs and can guide future experiments aimed at
finding new CRMs in the post-genome time. |
1402.6770 | Unsuspected implications arising from assumptions in simulations:
insights from recasting a forest growth model in system dynamics | Familiarity with a simulation platform can seduce modellers into accepting
untested assumptions for convenience of implementation. These assumptions may
have consequences greater than commonly suspected, and it is important that
modellers remain mindful of assumptions and remain diligent with sensitivity
testing. Familiarity with a technique can lead to complacency, and alternative
approaches and software can reveal untested assumptions. Visual modelling
environments based on system dynamics may help to make critical assumptions
more evident by offering an accessible visual overview and empowering a focus
on representational rather than computational efficiency. This capacity is
illustrated using a cohort-based forest growth model developed for mixed
species forest. The alternative model implementation revealed that untested
assumptions in the original model could have substantial influence on simulated
outcomes. An important implication is that modellers should remain conscious of
all assumptions, consider alternative implementations that reveal assumptions
more clearly, and conduct sensitivity tests to inform decisions. |
1403.0630 | Stephenson et al.'s ecological fallacy | After more than a century of research the typical growth pattern of a tree
was thought to be fairly well understood. Following germination height growth
accelerates for some time, then increment peaks and the added height each year
becomes less and less. The cross sectional area (basal area) of the tree
follows a similar pattern, but the maximum basal area increment occurs at some
time after the maximum height increment. An increase in basal area in a tall
tree will add more volume to the stem than the same increase in a short tree,
so the increment in stem volume (or mass) peaks very late. Stephenson et al.
challenge this paradigm, and suggest that mass increment increases
continuously. Their analysis methods however are a textbook example of the
ecological fallacy, and their conclusions therefore unsupported. |
1403.0914 | Distinction between the Preneoplastic and Neoplastic State of Murine
Mammary Glands by spin-echo NMR | We have, using spin-echo nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, measured
the relaxation times and diffusion coefficient of water protons in primary
mammary adenocarcinomas of mice. In our biological model, three morphological
stages were defined: (a) mammary gland tissue from pregnant mice, (b)
preneoplastic nodules, and (c) neoplastic tissue. It was found that neoplastic
tissues could be distinguished from normal and prenoeplastic tissue. Spin-spin
and spin-lattice relaxation times and the diffusion coefficient of water
protons are increased in the neoplastic tissue relative to mammary gland tissue
from pregnant mice and preneoplastic nodule tissue. These results suggested
that one can use a pulsed NMR method to detect and even predict breast cancer. |
1403.2197 | Shape Optimization of Compliant Pressure Actuated Cellular Structures | Biologically inspired pressure actuated cellular structures can alter their
shape through pressure variations. Previous work introduced a computational
framework for pressure actuated cellular structures which was limited to two
cell rows and central cell corner hinges. This article rigorously extends these
results by taking into account an arbitrary number of cell rows, a more
complicated cell kinematics that includes hinge eccentricities and varying side
lengths as well as rotational and axial cell side springs. The nonlinear
effects of arbitrary cell deformations are fully considered. Furthermore, the
optimization is considerably improved by using a second-order approach. The
presented framework enables the design of compliant pressure actuated cellular
structures that can change their form from one shape to another within a set of
one-dimensional C1 continuous functions. |
1403.5148 | Principal component gene set enrichment (PCGSE) | Motivation: Although principal component analysis (PCA) is widely used for
the dimensional reduction of biomedical data, interpretation of PCA results
remains daunting. Most existing methods attempt to explain each principal
component (PC) in terms of a small number of variables by generating
approximate PCs with few non-zero loadings. Although useful when just a few
variables dominate the population PCs, these methods are often inadequate for
characterizing the PCs of high-dimensional genomic data. For genomic data,
reproducible and biologically meaningful PC interpretation requires methods
based on the combined signal of functionally related sets of genes. While gene
set testing methods have been widely used in supervised settings to quantify
the association of groups of genes with clinical outcomes, these methods have
seen only limited application for testing the enrichment of gene sets relative
to sample PCs. Results: We describe a novel approach, principal component gene
set enrichment (PCGSE), for computing the statistical association between gene
sets and the PCs of genomic data. The PCGSE method performs a two-stage
competitive gene set test using the correlation between each gene and each PC
as the gene-level test statistic with flexible choice of both the gene set test
statistic and the method used to compute the null distribution of the gene set
statistic. Using simulated data with simulated gene sets and real gene
expression data with curated gene sets, we demonstrate that biologically
meaningful and computationally efficient results can be obtained from a simple
parametric version of the PCGSE method that performs a correlation-adjusted
two-sample t-test between the gene-level test statistics for gene set members
and genes not in the set. Availability: Contact:
[email protected] or [email protected] |
1403.6839 | Ending AIDS in Gabon: How long will it take? How much will it cost? | The prevalence of HIV in West Africa is lower than elsewhere in Africa but
Gabon has one of the highest rates of HIV in that region. Gabon has a small
population and a high per capita gross domestic product making it an ideal
place to carry out a programme of early treatment for HIV. The effectiveness,
availability and affordability of triple combination therapy make it possible
to contemplate ending AIDS deaths and HIV transmission in the short term and
HIV prevalence in the long term. Here we consider what would have happened in
Gabon without the development of potent anti-retroviral therapy (ART), the
impact that the current roll-out of ART has had on HIV, and what might be
possible if early treatment with ART becomes available to all. We fit a dynamic
transmission model to trends in the adult prevalence of HIV and infer trends in
incidence, mortality and the impact of ART. The availability of ART has reduced
the prevalence of HIV among adults not on ART from 4.2% to 2.9%, annual
incidence from 0.43% to 0.27%, and the proportion of adults dying from AIDS
illnesses each year from 0.36% to 0.13% saving the lives of 2.3 thousand people
in 2013 alone. The provision of ART has been highly cost effective saving the
country at least $18 million up to 2013. |
1403.7104 | Elimination of HIV in South Africa through expanded access to
antiretroviral therapy: Cautions, caveats and the importance of parsimony | In a recent article Hontelez and colleagues investigate the prospects for
elimination of HIV in South Africa through expanded access to antiretroviral
therapy (ART) using STDSIM, a micro-simulation model. One of the first
published models to suggest that expanded access to ART could lead to the
elimination of HIV, referred to by the authors as the Granich Model, was
developed and implemented by the present author. The notion that expanded
access to ART could lead to the end of the AIDS epidemic gave rise to
considerable interest and debate and remains contentious. In considering this
notion Hontelez et al. start by stripping down STDSIM to a simple model that is
equivalent to the model developed by the present author3 but is a stochastic
event driven model. Hontelez and colleagues then reintroduce levels of
complexity to explore ways in which the model structure affects the results. In
contrast to our earlier conclusions Hontelez and colleagues conclude that
universal voluntary counselling and testing with immediate ART at 90% coverage
should result in the elimination of HIV but would take three times longer than
predicted by the model developed by the present author. Hontelez et al. suggest
that the current scale-up of ART at CD4 cell counts less than 350 cells/microL
will lead to elimination of HIV in 30 years. I disagree with both claims and
believe that their more complex models rely on unwarranted and unsubstantiated
assumptions. |
1404.0594 | multiDimBio: An R Package for the Design, Analysis, and Visualization of
Systems Biology Experiments | The past decade has witnessed a dramatic increase in the size and scope of
biological and behavioral experiments. These experiments are providing an
unprecedented level of detail and depth of data. However, this increase in data
presents substantial statistical and graphical hurdles to overcome, namely how
to distinguish signal from noise and how to visualize multidimensional results.
Here we present a series of tools designed to support a research project from
inception to publication. We provide implementation of dimension reduction
techniques and visualizations that function well with the types of data often
seen in animal behavior studies. This package is designed to be used with
experimental data but can also be used for experimental design and sample
justification. The goal for this project is to create a package that will
evolve over time, thereby remaining relevant and reflective of current methods
and techniques. |
1404.1396 | A Bayesian Approach to Optimizing Stem Cell Cryopreservation protocols | Cryopreservation is beset with the challenge of protocol alignment across a
wide range of cell types and process variables. By taking a cross-sectional
assessment of previously published cryopreservation data (sample means and
standard errors) as preliminary meta-data, a decision tree learning analysis
(DTLA) was performed to develop an understanding of target survival and
optimized pruning methods based on different approaches. Briefly, a clear
direction on the decision process for selection of methods was developed with
key choices being the cooling rate, plunge temperature on the one hand and
biomaterial choice, use of composites (sugars and proteins), loading procedure
and cell location in 3D scaffold on the other. Secondly, using machine learning
and generalized approaches via the Na\"ive Bayes Classification (NBC) approach,
these metadata were used to develop posterior probabilities for combinatorial
approaches that were implicitly recorded in the metadata. These latter results
showed that newer protocol choices developed using probability elicitation
techniques can unearth improved protocols consistent with multiple
unidimensional optimized physical protocols. In conclusion, this article
proposes the use of DTLA models and subsequently NBC for the improvement of
modern cryopreservation techniques through an integrative approach.
Keywords: 3D cryopreservation, decision-tree learning (DTL), sugars, mouse
embryonic stem cells, meta-data, Na\"ive Bayes Classifier (NBC) |
1404.1626 | Dealing with complexity of biological systems: from data to models | Four chapters of the synthesis represent four major areas of my research
interests: 1) data analysis in molecular biology, 2) mathematical modeling of
biological networks, 3) genome evolution, and 4) cancer systems biology. The
first chapter is devoted to my work in developing non-linear methods of
dimension reduction (methods of elastic maps and principal trees) which extends
the classical method of principal components. Also I present application of
matrix factorization techniques to analysis of cancer data. The second chapter
is devoted to the complexity of mathematical models in molecular biology. I
describe the basic ideas of asymptotology of chemical reaction networks aiming
at dissecting and simplifying complex chemical kinetics models. Two
applications of this approach are presented: to modeling NFkB and apoptosis
pathways, and to modeling mechanisms of miRNA action on protein translation.
The third chapter briefly describes my investigations of the genome structure
in different organisms (from microbes to human cancer genomes). Unsupervised
data analysis approaches are used to investigate the patterns in genomic
sequences shaped by genome evolution and influenced by the basic properties of
the environment. The fourth chapter summarizes my experience in studying cancer
by computational methods (through combining integrative data analysis and
mathematical modeling approaches). In particular, I describe the on-going
research projects such as mathematical modeling of cell fate decisions and
synthetic lethal interactions in DNA repair network. The synthesis is concluded
by listing major challenges in computational systems biology, connected to the
topics of this text, i.e. dealing with complexity of biological systems. |
1404.3299 | A rapid molecular approach to determining the occurrence of pathogen
indicators in compost | An accurate method for enumerating pathogen indicators, such as Escherichia
coli (E. coli), and Salmonella spp. is important for assessing the safety of
compost samples. This study aimed to determine the occurrence of pathogen
indicators in compost samples by using a molecular approach known as Polymerase
Chain Reaction (PCR). The DNA sample was extracted from sewage sludge compost.
The specificity of the probes and primers at the species level were verified by
performing NCBI-BLAST2 (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool). Primers that target
the gadAB gene for E.coli and invA gene for Salmonella spp. were selected which
produce fragment lengths around 670bp and 285bp respectively. The primers were
tested against bacterial cultures of both species and produced a strong signal
band of the expected fragment length. It provided results within 6 hours which
is relatively rapid compared to conventional culturing techniques. The other
advantages of PCR are shown to be its high sensitivity, and high specificity. |
1404.5205 | Enumeration of Salmonella in compost material by a non-culture based
method | Accurate enumeration of Salmonella spp. is important for assessing whether
this pathogen has survived composting. Recent literature has reported that
enumeration of Salmonella spp. using standard microbiological methods has a
numbers of disadvantages, particularly the time taken to obtain a result. This
research is an attempt to develop a rapid, low-cost detection method that is
quantitative, highly sensitive and target specific. This paper reports the
development of a DNA fragment that can be used to quantify Salmonella spp. by
competitive polymerase chain reaction (cPCR) targeted at the invA gene of
Salmonella (PCR primers that target the invA gene are reported to have very
high specificity for Salmonella strains). It is shown that cPCR, which could be
completed in 5 hours, could quantify the number of copies of the Salmonella
invA gene in a sample solution. |
1404.5210 | The Process and Pathogen Behavior in Composting: A Review | Composting is defined as the biological decomposition and stabilization of
organic substrates under aerobic conditions to allow the development of
thermophilic temperatures. This thermophilic temperature is a result of
biologically produced heat. Composting produces the final product which is
sufficiently stable for storage and application to land without adverse
environmental effects. There are many factors which affect the decomposition of
organic matter in the composting process. Since the composting process is very
intricate, it is not easy to estimate the effect of a single factor on the rate
of organic matter decomposition. This paper looked at the main factors
affecting the composting process. Problems regarding the controlling,
inactivation and regrowth of pathogen in compost material are also discussed. |
1404.5212 | Survival of Salmonella spp. in Composting using Vial and Direct
Inoculums Technique | The survival of Salmonella spp. as pathogen indicator in composting was
studied. The inoculums technique was used to gives the known amounts of
Salmonella spp. involved in composting. The inoculums of Salmonella spp.
solution was added directly into the compost material. The direct inoculum was
compared with inoculums in vial technique. The Salmonella spp. solution placed
into a vial and inserted into the middle of compost material before starting
the composting process. The conventional method that is used for the
enumeration of Salmonella spp. is serial dilution followed by standard membrane
filtration as recommended in the compost quality standard method PAS 100 and
the British Standard (BS EN ISO 6579:2002). This study was designed to
investigate the relationship of temperature and contact material that may also
involve in pathogen activation specifically to Salmonella spp. The exposure to
an average temperature during composting of about 55-60{\deg}C was kept for at
least 3 days as it was reported sufficiently kills the vast majority of enteric
pathogen (Deportes et al., 1995). The amount of Salmonella spp. and temperature
for both samples was set as indicator to determine the survival of Salmonella
spp. in direct and non-direct inoculums. This study gives the figures of
die-off rate for Salmonella spp. during composting. The differentiation between
direct contact (Sample A) and non-contact of Salmonella spp. with compost
material (Sample B) during composting was also revealed. The results from
laboratory scale of composting study has been showed that after 8 days (which
included at least at 66{\deg}C) the numbers of Salmonella spp. in Sample A were
below the limits in UK compost standard (known as PAS 100)(BSI, 2005) which
required the compost to be free of Salmonella spp. Meanwhile, Sample B still
gives high amount of Salmonella spp. in even after composting for 20 days. |
1404.5324 | For principled model fitting in mathematical biology | The mathematical models used to capture features of complex, biological
systems are typically non-linear, meaning that there are no generally valid
simple relationships between their outputs and the data that might be used to
validate them. This invalidates the assumptions behind standard statistical
methods such as linear regression, and often the methods used to parameterise
biological models from data are ad hoc. In this perspective, I will argue for
an approach to model fitting in mathematical biology that incorporates modern
statistical methodology without losing the insights gained through non-linear
dynamic models, and will call such an approach principled model fitting.
Principled model fitting therefore involves defining likelihoods of observing
real data on the basis of models that capture key biological mechanisms. |
1404.5431 | Tipping Elements in the Human Intestinal Ecosystem | Recent studies show that the microbial communities inhabiting the human
intestine can have profound impact on our well-being and health. However, we
have limited understanding of the mechanisms that control this complex
ecosystem. Based on a deep phylogenetic analysis of the intestinal microbiota
in a thousand western adults we identified groups of bacteria that tend to be
either nearly absent, or abundant in most individuals. The abundances of these
bimodally distributed bacteria vary independently, and their contrasting
alternative states are associated with host factors such as ageing and
overweight. We propose that such bimodal groups represent independent tipping
elements of the intestinal microbiota. These reflect the overall state of the
intestinal ecosystem whose critical transitions can have profound health
implications and diagnostic potential. |
1404.5544 | Estimating binding properties of transcription factors from genome-wide
binding profiles | The binding of transcription factors (TFs) is essential for gene expression.
One important characteristic is the actual occupancy of a putative binding site
in the genome. In this study, we propose an analytical model to predict genomic
occupancy that incorporates the preferred target sequence of a TF in the form
of a position weight matrix (PWM), DNA accessibility data (in case of
eukaryotes), the number of TF molecules expected to be bound specifically to
the DNA and a parameter that modulates the specificity of the TF. Given actual
occupancy data in form of ChIP-seq profiles, we backwards inferred copy number
and specificity for five Drosophila TFs during early embryonic development:
Bicoid, Caudal, Giant, Hunchback and Kruppel. Our results suggest that these
TFs display thousands of molecules that are specifically bound to the DNA and
that, while Bicoid and Caudal display a higher specificity, the other three
transcription factors (Giant, Hunchback and Kruppel) display lower specificity
in their binding (despite having PWMs with higher information content). This
study gives further weight to earlier investigations into TF copy numbers that
suggest a significant proportion of molecules are not bound specifically to the
DNA. |
1404.5725 | Application of signal processing techniques in the assessment of
clinical risks in preterm infants | Preterm infants with very low birth weight suffer from a high risk of
intra-ventricular hemorrhage(IVH) and other serious diseases. To improve the
clinical risk assessment of preterm infants and develop potential clinically
makers for the adverse outcome, the first part of the paper develops the
frequency spectral analysis on the non-invasively measured heart rate
variability, blood pressure variability and cerebral near-infrared spectroscopy
measures. Moderate and high correlations with the clinical risk index for
babies were identified from various spectral measures of arterial baroreflex
and cerebral autoregulation functions. It was also observed that the
cross-spectral transfer function analysis of cerebral NIRS and arterial blood
pressure was able to provide a number of parameters that were potentially
useful for distinguishing between preterm infants with or without IVH.
Furthermore, the detrended fluctuation analysis that quantifies the fractal
correlation properties of physiological signals has been examined, to determine
whether it could derive markers for the identification of preterm infants with
IVH. Cardiac output(CO) and total peripheral resistance(TPR) are two important
parameters of the cardiovascular system. Measurement of these two parameters
can provide valuable information for the assessment and management of patients
needing intensive care, including preterm infants in the neonatal intensive
care unit. To further assess the changes in CO and TPR in the preterm infants,
the multivariate regression model based on the useful features from ABP method
was used to improve the accuracy and robustness of the estimation. The
combination of signal analysis and multivariate regression model in estimation
of CO has produced some outcomes, and in the future, more effort should be
involved in this kind of research to improve the prediction of serious diseases
in preterm infants. |
1404.6448 | A modular approach to adaptive structures | A remarkable property of nastic, shape changing plants is their complete
fusion between actuators and structure. This is achieved by combining a large
number of cells whose geometry, internal pressures and material properties are
optimized for a given set of target shapes and stiffness requirements. An
advantage of such a fusion is that cell walls are prestressed by cell pressures
which increases, decreases the overall structural stiffness, weight. Inspired
by the nastic movement of plants, Pagitz et al. 2012 Bioinspir. Biomim. 7
published a novel concept for pressure actuated cellular structures. This
article extends previous work by introducing a modular approach to adaptive
structures. An algorithm that breaks down any continuous target shapes into a
small number of standardized modules is presented. Furthermore it is shown how
cytoskeletons within each cell enhance the properties of adaptive modules. An
adaptive passenger seat and an aircrafts leading, trailing edge is used to
demonstrate the potential of a modular approach. |
1404.6684 | Multidimensional mutual information methods for the analysis of
covariation in multiple sequence alignments | Several methods are available for the detection of covarying positions from a
multiple sequence alignment (MSA). If the MSA contains a large number of
sequences, information about the proximities between residues derived from
covariation maps can be sufficient to predict a protein fold. If the structure
is already known, information on the covarying positions can be valuable to
understand the protein mechanism.
In this study we have sought to determine whether a multivariate extension of
traditional mutual information (MI) can be an additional tool to study
covariation. The performance of two multidimensional MI (mdMI) methods,
designed to remove the effect of ternary/quaternary interdependencies, was
tested with a set of 9 MSAs each containing <400 sequences, and was shown to be
comparable to that of methods based on maximum entropy/pseudolikelyhood
statistical models of protein sequences. However, while all the methods tested
detected a similar number of covarying pairs among the residues separated by <
8 {\AA} in the reference X-ray structures, there was on average less than 65%
overlap between the top scoring pairs detected by methods that are based on
different principles.
We have also attempted to identify whether the difference in performance
among methods is due to different efficiency in removing covariation
originating from chains of structural contacts. We found that the reason why
methods that derive partial correlation between the columns of a MSA provide a
better recognition of close contacts is not because they remove chaining
effects, but because they filter out the correlation between distant residues
that originates from general fitness constraints. In contrast we found that
true chaining effects are expression of real physical perturbations that
propagate inside proteins, and therefore are not removed by the derivation of
partial correlation between variables. |
1404.6790 | Assessing T cell clonal size distribution: a non-parametric approach | Clonal structure of the human peripheral T-cell repertoire is shaped by a
number of homeostatic mechanisms, including antigen presentation, cytokine and
cell regulation. Its accurate tuning leads to a remarkable ability to combat
pathogens in all their variety, while systemic failures may lead to severe
consequences like autoimmune diseases. Here we develop and make use of a
non-parametric statistical approach to assess T cell clonal size distributions
from recent next generation sequencing data. For 41 healthy individuals and a
patient with ankylosing spondylitis, who undergone treatment, we invariably
find power law scaling over several decades and for the first time calculate
quantitatively meaningful values of decay exponent. It has proved to be much
the same among healthy donors, significantly different for an autoimmune
patient before the therapy, and converging towards a typical value afterwards.
We discuss implications of the findings for theoretical understanding and
mathematical modeling of adaptive immunity. |
1404.7182 | A note on the duality between interaction responses and mutual positions
in flocking and schooling | Background: Recent research in animal behaviour has contributed to determine
how alignment, turning responses, and changes of speed mediate flocking and
schooling interactions in different animal species. Here, we address
specifically the problem of what interaction responses support different
nearest neighbour configurations in terms of mutual position and distance.
Results: We find that the different interaction rules observed in different
animal species may be a simple consequence of the relative positions that
individuals assume when they move together, and of the noise inherent with the
movement of animals, or associated with tracking inaccuracy. Conclusions: The
anisotropic positioning of individuals with respect to their neighbours, in
combination with noise, can explain several aspects of the movement responses
observed in real animal groups, and should be considered explicitly in future
models of flocking and schooling. By making a distinction between interaction
responses involved in maintaining a preferred flock configuration, and
interaction responses directed at changing it, we provide a frame to
discriminate movement interactions that signal directional conflict from those
underlying consensual group motion. |
1405.0369 | Waves of cells with an unstable phenotype accelerate the progression of
high-grade brain tumors | In this paper we study a reduced continuous model describing the local
evolution of high grade gliomas - a lethal type of primary brain tumor -
through the interplay of different cellular phenotypes. We show how hypoxic
events, even sporadic and/or limited in space may have a crucial role on the
acceleration of the growth speed of high grade gliomas. Our modeling approach
is based on two cellular phenotypes one of them being more migratory and the
second one more proliferative with transitions between them being driven by the
local oxygen values, assumed in this simple model to be uniform. Surprisingly
even acute hypoxia events (i.e. very localized in time) leading to the
appearance of migratory populations have the potential of accelerating the
invasion speed of the proliferative phenotype up to speeds close to those of
the migratory phenotype. The high invasion speed of the tumor persists for
times much longer than the lifetime of the hypoxic event and the phenomenon is
observed both when the migratory cells form a persistent wave of cells located
on the invasion front and when they form a evanecent wave dissapearing after a
short time by decay into the more proliferative phenotype.
Our findings are obtained through numerical simulations of the model
equations. We also provide a deeper mathematical analysis of some aspects of
the problem such as the conditions for the existence of persistent waves of
cells with a more migratory phenotype. |
1405.1413 | A two-phase two-layer model for transdermal drug delivery and
percutaneous absorption | One of the promising frontiers of bioengineering is the controlled release of
a therapeuticdrug from a vehicle across the skin (transdermal drug delivery).
In order to study the complete process, a two-phase mathematical model
describing the dynamics of a substance between two coupled media of different
properties and dimensions is presented. A system of partial differential
equations describes the diffusion and the binding/unbinding processes in both
layers. Additional flux continuity at the interface and clearance conditions
into systemic circulation are imposed. An eigenvalue problem with discontinuous
coefficients is solved and an analytical solution is given in the form of an
infinite series expansion. The model points out the role of the diffusion and
reaction parameters, which control the complex transfer mechanism and the drug
kinetics across the two layers. Drug masses are given and their dependence on
the physical parameters is discussed. |
1405.1668 | Bayesian inference of time varying parameters in autoregressive
processes | In the autoregressive process of first order AR(1), a homogeneous correlated
time series $u_t$ is recursively constructed as $u_t = q\; u_{t-1} + \sigma
\;\epsilon_t$, using random Gaussian deviates $\epsilon_t$ and fixed values for
the correlation coefficient $q$ and for the noise amplitude $\sigma$. To model
temporally heterogeneous time series, the coefficients $q_t$ and $\sigma_t$ can
be regarded as time-dependend variables by themselves, leading to the
time-varying autoregressive processes TVAR(1). We assume here that the time
series $u_t$ is known and attempt to infer the temporal evolution of the
'superstatistical' parameters $q_t$ and $\sigma_t$. We present a sequential
Bayesian method of inference, which is conceptually related to the Hidden
Markov model, but takes into account the direct statistical dependence of
successively measured variables $u_t$. The method requires almost no prior
knowledge about the temporal dynamics of $q_t$ and $\sigma_t$ and can handle
gradual and abrupt changes of these superparameters simultaneously. We compare
our method with a Maximum Likelihood estimate based on a sliding window and
show that it is superior for a wide range of window sizes. |
1405.3895 | Interference of Binding Protein with Serum Growth Hormone Measurements | Measurement of serum growth hormone by mass spectrometry is demonstrated to
be unaffected by interferences with growth hormone binding protein as
frequently encountered with antibody-based routine test methods and provides an
alternative approach, therefore, to acquisition of accurate results. |
1405.4357 | Lab-in-a-phone: Smartphone-based Portable Fluorometer for pH Field
Measurements of Environmental Water | A novel portable fluorometer combining the attributes of a smartphone with an
easy fit, simple and compact sample chamber fabricated using 3D printing has
been developed for pH measurements of environmental water in the field. The
results were then compared directly with those obtained using conventional
electrode based measurements. |
1406.0212 | Generalized sensitivity functions for size-structured population models | Size-structured population models provide a popular means to mathematically
describe phenomena such as bacterial aggregation, schooling fish, and
planetesimal evolution. For parameter estimation, generalized sensitivity
functions (GSFs) provide a tool that quantifies the impact of data from
specific regions of the experimental domain. These functions help identify the
most relevant data subdomains, which enhances the optimization of experimental
design. To our knowledge, GSFs have not been used in the partial differential
equation (PDE) realm, so we provide a novel PDE extension of the discrete and
continuous ordinary differential equation (ODE) concepts of Thomaseth and
Cobelli and Banks et al. respectively. We analyze the GSFs in the context of
size-structured population models, and specifically analyze the Smoluchowski
coagulation equation to determine the most relevant time and volume domains for
three, distinct aggregation kernels. Finally, we provide evidence that
parameter estimation for the Smoluchowski coagulation equation does not require
post-gelation data. |
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