picked dvd release movie holiday norway released english subtitlesbr br the film beautifully photographed powerfully acted youngster portraying frits lead character astonishingly open face mirrors painful accuracy tragic events unfold around himbr br early film see father frits loves much mental health problems brought brutal headmaster denies assaulting boy suggests fatherbr br the climactic scene frits refuses show respect headmaster simply standing ground repeating liar brutally assaulted front classmates scene likely forgetbr br the films weak point rather clichd flower power teacher uses every friendly teacher trick book feel sure film really enjoy
im one year lefti turn sunday july th ever since young teenage years made promise time turn shit still sucks im out never thought day would come im going enjoyable potentially last year life im gonna branch out try new things meet new people stuff depression taken away since want last days best days ive ever had ive enough life now im going live best year ever
guys give german youtuber streamer recommendations need learn german would great something listen language
@sjrozas I can pick them up for you. You'll be busy working and I'm totally free on vacation. Mhahaha.
im feeling impulsive want stop talking everyone awhile quit eating much need eat much do wayyy much
hi againi posted something weeks ago anyway felt better days happened since ive waking suicidal thoughts go away yesterday stayed bed day need find new apartment end month im homeless im tired that plan jumping roof friends five story building end month cant fix things life ex said would could friends month since ran even opened email sent tell hes completely moved care im tired anyway thought id write cant talk specifics friends without freaking out
took gummy vitamins im still high working hfxu x yxurxt cutcucyvubpucurxextctocugubibuvrzrxtcubinp
want disappointment anymorei keep falling back suicidal thoughts used month twice week reason im still dissapoint people care im grateful care sometimes wish disappoint killed myself im afraid depression drive people away like usually do type feelings
hey im sad please get free hug ill pay back promise im bit down stay bald stay fresh
donniesbabe well it pishing here sun look like it want to break through hope it dows kid doing my head in
redflag answeri socially isolated making friends several times consistently abandoned shunned various reasons abused even getting tired me long lonely journey yet havent killed yet consistently try help various mental illness shall say diseases since chronic issues persisting problems d maybe someday find enjoyment life stop countless suicidal thoughts time time get closer attempting redflag another time maybe world fiction imagination shall know current consciousness dissipates maybe preonset schizophrenia d anyways hope nothing enough pain attempt kill take miserable life terrible existence
burdenive battling manic depression ever since kindergarten father help make worse adding ptsd onto list feel like im burden live feel like people take seriously everyone either says im clown im joking im fake say get upset mood never stabilized no mood stabilizers im mg prozac mg tenex mg prazasin mg trazedone feel meds help me tried talking doctor it said prozac know manage manic depression think ill ever learn
i can t take this heat it s like an oven in here i feel sick nwo
linda james thank you i spent age on thursday tidying up then along came everyone and it looked like a right tip again
i am pretty sure i have a porn addiction in particular i find myself drawn to the casting type video my therapist and i have discussed that seeing amateur and novel stimulus is sexually stimulating especially for someone who ha searched for porn all their life i d like to think that i am not hurting anyone besides myself in consuming this porn but i experience urge to watch girlsdoporn if you are not familiar many girl within this casting channel were coerced into filming and were essentially assaulted on screen i know morally that i should not watch these video and i always am able to stop myself but i am just so so ashamed that i have to seek validation on google is it wrong to watch gdp in order to stop myself to me it feel a though i need google to reaffirm my moral i just feel so weak when i am horny and after i am horny i just feel this terrible guilt am i a horrible person who view woman a nothing a sexual object am i so far removed from the concept of empathy that seeing woman possibly being assaulted is le important than satisfying my sexual urge how do you all view this situation do i pose a threat to those around me i feel a terrible shame but these feeling seem to almost evaporate when i m in that mood therapy and med have helped but i need to kick this habit and i don t want to hurt anyone i also feel that future relationship would be ruined if they were to find out about my blatant disrespect for woman
gosh it make me sad when people don t give god a chance
thicc water exists exists u problem swallowing
confession im asian indian im bad maths
well done spooky horror movie povertyrow film company prc usually put really cheesy films like devil bat flying serpent german expatriate director wisbar wonders small budget studiobound swamp set gaunt ghoulish charles middleton effective strangler
helpi want buy gun figure everyone would tell to unfortunately im making choice whether say not anyone kind message guns wont leave crippled actually kill you would grateful think might deleted im afraid wont get reply ill end completely wrong
Im 32wk today @davidotis try to keep up
had the worst dream abt some turd face ex ugh it wa awful
constantly know feel like missing core something joy felt happiness there feel emptyim sure anything spiritual level depression brain chemistry wack whatever elseim relationship someone feel like constantly disinterested me feel constantly alone drug problems recently pushed get want grt back overdose something kicked house keep spending money oneof things feels nice hard bot try cry everydayi feel alone like bo one despite knowing people want die run away woodsi write suicide letter day instead tried distract myselfi want die feel empty know make itive trying get contact therapist waiting months waiting list feel closer suicide everydayive ben thinking calling suicide hotline idki know do want help love care want die know stop wanting die missing core
i can feel tired all day but a soon a i m in bed i can t sleep i lay in bed for hour with my eye closed unable to sleep i have tried melatonin but it make it hard for me to wake up i have just been having a lot of trouble sleeping even when i m able to sleep i always wake up in the middle of the night and stay awake i just wan na be able to sleep early for once and be able to feel well rested in the morning any advice
managed get eight year depressive phase rather great elated three months lapsed again relapsed alcohol gotten symptoms used to time however become excessively paranoid aggressive waking night seeing things fell friend backhanded something said unlike worriedi need help great need help
In rehearsals . Rehearsals, rehearsals..... I like it Come back at 22:30 or 23:00 PM . ><
paul pogba s exprime sur la d pression dans une interview au figaro le milieu de terrain de l quipe de france et de manchester united s est confi sur la sant mentale de joueurs professionnels de football en cho aux propos r cent de thierry henry http t co f o dvbdo
topped school feel like loser im feel like wasted highschool years studying gaming pc randomly surfing web even remember much high school years made little friends past years still cant talk girls increasingly low self esteem got really good marks got best college city feeling like piece shit looking back time wasted anyone advise deal this thanks
going reddit rest year ngl fuckin hate
free movie websites hello everybody wondering guys know good free movie websites similar movies movies im trying find movie movies wondering guys know any
Vaastu Living with Pallavi – Depression and Vaastu Part 2In this episode we discuss the impacts of Depression on Vaastu and how to combat it using Vaastu principles.For more visit below link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7T_BxPQHrtQ …
absolute redflag methodcurrently recovery failed redflag attempt want fail next time
professors accent heavy thoufht said low cost exchange principle locards exchange principle im laughinf like wtf forensics accounting brain smooth
@mcevoy1rachael yeah the hannah montana one?? i like that song haha cool! x
horrible mental episodebreakdown yesterday im shit deserve livei get stressed easily especially social situations let emotions take control go crazy hate world much took pickaxe construction site started smashing breaking things screaming crying got arrested almost got tazed carrying deadly weapon know whats wrong me stuff like this know else cope sometimes feel like shit nobody deal me nobody ever understand cant wait end need man fuck up stop coward tie rope around neck suffering all need serious help seem available matter hard try im crazy alcoholic piece shit thats going till end death thing ever comfort me im really cut world
full plani know exact location day ill it live malibu ditch day senior year im going junior next year im driving kanan road mulholland highway taking right encinal canyon road going gods seat bring large tank helium bag close head standing edge cliff redflag bag doesnt kill me fall pass will funny part is keep trying get friends go they dont know plan remember beauty view call lame dont understand want go bad wanted let people know exactly im somebody family see postmortem know wasnt random plan brewing since years before
saw premiered rewatched ifc again great telling many possible stories immigrant farmworker population came hawaii work sugar plantations early s grandparents part migration parents born kohala plantation big island time setting movie moved big island year ago living california years surprised see many former cane growing lands still undeveloped wild cane still growing years plantations closed ive heard many stories aunts uncles kids growing plantation movie helps image kinds stories memories story historical document romantic plotdriven movie leaves shaking head read review like ccthemoviemans people get itbr br i recall youki kudoh starring role incredible job recall great performances jim jarmuschs mystery train australian film co starring russell crowe heavens burning tamlyn tomita great job pidgin english especially someone grow islands forgotten toshiro mifune cameo role moving picture show narrator missed fact jason scott lee uncredited nonspeaking part one plantation workers payday scene br br i saddened find director cowriter kayo hatta died accidental drowning br br there two excellent foreign films mirror cane plantation experience gaijin immigrant cane workers brazil many japanese time period sugar cane alley cane plantation experience africa latter still available gaijin sadly appear shown quite while another great film early asian america experience immigrants like slaves a thousand pieces gold set chinese workers involvement building railroad starred rosalind chao chris cooper michael paul chan dennis dun
today marks month since broke one single day wake thinking her incredibly sorry things went depression lack motivation ruined relationship light heart went lot support me never got tired me never things got progressively harder harder situation unbearable decided broke better miss her miss fucking much love think ever stop loving here worst part know also loves or used to cannot stand thought knowing hurt person love most want her past weeks incredibly taxing me works shit feel miserable person used relax enjoy fault feel empty void slowly eating inside lights life consumed nothing darkness bittersweet taste had know cope that currently going therapy stopped drinking promised would fall old habits hard want anything want her want make happy again make laugh one last timesorry anything wrongly written english main language miss much
posted times different names really know why guess hoping feel better shouting ether know anything one see it find oddly comforting spent long locked box know anything else anymore knowing one listening one help comfort almost but always known would end up even kid would cry sleep knowing one day would make everyone everything around miserable lo behold am married like idiot wanted hope know wanted try fight cosmic destiny felt waiting me maybe wrong maybe could happy maybe could beautiful wife child am married years made woman love miserable got beautiful daughter live father would someone supposed love people selfish enough get involved lives going sort emotional behavioral issues daughter mental illness runs family greedy walk away let live life know me wife choose marry me suffer it waste space time lives much coward end teenager late knew would never happy make anyone happy since ten twenty years later proof still plain day could stop trying live normal life could accept what deserved know never see this sorry truly sorry horrible luck meeting me nothing could ever make either you hope forget one day get lost too okay
think im ready gostarting think share pain disappointment best get regards socialization romantic love
im turning two weeks advice anything idk want know anything keep mind advice idk idk idk idk idk idk idk
@pradmilly As zice ca e aproape suficient
ubannnnnnnned banned reddit cant chat anymore ______________________________________________________
fta anyone heard about this wondering if anyone is carrying voom anymore or are they pretty much dead http tinyurl com ca z j
life meant peoplethe rest us spectators life whats point living work crappy job rather pursuing dream career whats point unattractive women wants date you whats point born short small people push around time keep lying life worth living like this
dont carei could give fuck less anymore dont care health fuck else going life fuck honestly im really quite tired fucking living lonesome im either gonna relapse cutting slit fucking arteries care less change doesnt matter doesnt mean shit new home new friends new whatever doesnt fucking matter still wont fucking make feel like im shit stain dont fucking say stupid im you bullshit ive heard fucking much intoxicating making every bit breathing hurt thousand times more im planning i id rather impulsive fucking get out thought fucking person around might wanna know fuck happened maybe theyll find somewhere fucking mess post fuck all
finally saw nonbeliever ff wow today aunt apparently visited us years visited us maybe mins started complain coronavirus fake made money virus self kill us masks here kind argument saying sterilized surprise virus made kill old ones much money spent way bill motherfucker call him make money point knew shall laugh cringe friend mother corona guess im wrong left shed start talking g ppl really nightmares smh talk mom fucking start acting like joke btw kind nurse germany virus didnt make casualties spring virus kind just kinda tilted
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year diei keep saying im suicidal im fucking lying im suicidal point ive lost empathy keep living fantasize badly hurt family friends left go im virtually selfdestructing sociopath point whats point trying save im far gone ampxb finally therapist validates ive able trust bullying well sexual abuse suffered kid well urges physically sexually assault everyone around me isolate much possible ampxb im delirious madman shallow husk person wanted rather monster now ampxb lots probably depressed think shitty person chances think hundreds ways murder rape people like do daily im fucking alienated think people hate people even feel like im person anymore depraved ghoul becoming like day ampxb situation life capable getting better all terminal downwards spiral getting worse worse insanity ampxb still faint sense hope want snuff last embers light already light goddamn illusion embracing oblivion thing thats real exist game selfdelusion cant tolerate life anymore fact life even exists begin tragic mistake ampxb last remnant good person let become complete piece shit wants kill hurt anyone outside remaining friends family
want girlfriend care yk secks would cool want someone spoil way to idk dont
yall really need stop sneaking girls dms like bro stop it stop ok really think gonna gf sneaking dms saying something like hey no course wont literally harassing online without even knowing it poor girl probably wanted post pic subreddit random thirsty dude sneaked dms made uncomfortable hell look know want girlfriend and theres nothing wrong that way ok proper relationships take time patience order successful
able cry long time way norm me past month felt like something bottled within suffocating me finally it cried think it cry probably stretch would tear seconds felt anger dissolve little tiring deal shit time feel shitty shitty shit think normal people thinking ending much cried today
happy sophomore dont haul foot backpack anymore
happy little bit time im reminded realityim loa work absolutely could get bed anymore selfinjure constantly now drink lot everything crashed last month know why alone one knows im going theres one tell anyway close friends acquaintances desperately need help form someone real life im dissociating constantly internet mind know do ive alone years anyone promise anything soon respond write back takes done anything want anyone worry
and you don't stop, and you don't stop rockin' the beat
got woken up this mornng at am damn lorry van and car accident just outside on our main road also causing car alarm to go off
anyone else hate people try force ships everyone else yes get character character would good couple opinion mean everyone else thinks thing even majority people do respect everyone thinks thing you would ya opinion character looks better another character respect opinion respect however expect everyone ship character character im tired typing thisthat character ill use w x y z respect think w x would cute together personally see w single x z together crush w people could agree that others might agree you doesnt mean like i think put w x together since theyre otp even dont ship whatsoever like respect shippers force ship everyone else
really want do life ends anyways ruin everything everything ruin ruined me nothingnobody single reason keep trying yet able stare bottle pills research ways able to know keep trying though eventually atleast make solid attempt hope everything else want never going happen cannot kill
cute film three lively sisters switzerland often seen running matching outfits want get parents back together seems mom still carrying torch dad sail new york stop dad marrying blonde golddigger calls precious dad seen daughters ten years oddly enough seem mind think hes wonderful meanwhile precious seems lead life mainly run overbearing mother alice brady woman wants see daughter marries rich man sisters get idea pushing precious path drunken hungarian count tricking two golddigging women thinking one richest men europe case mistaken identity makes girls think count goodlooking ray milland goes along scheme cause crush sister kaybr br this film enjoyable light fare barbara read kay comes across sweet pretty ray milland looks oh young handsome though unfortunately given little do alice brady quite good scheming mother deanna durbin real charmer cute button playing youngest sister penny pretty much steals show absolutely beautiful vocals sings several songs throughout film though actually would liked seen feature even this plot film bit silly nevertheless found film entertaining fun
byei go prestigious college northeast kind ironic since were known rampant student redflags even knew coming care drank koolaid going ivy id set life went well yeah marketing bullshit im still miserable here im miles away home one gives two shits me still get rejected internship positions regularly despite math cs tons shit resume work hs work now fucking nothing people lot less programming experience credentials get spots apple facebook spend hours classwork homework studying etc way healthy barely sleep yet still barely pull average slightly aboveaverage grades everything fucking curved social anxiety cant talk girls im also pretty short good looking girls really talk either so basically im good anything never happy successful aspect life fucking bother even alcohol really make feel better anymore matter much drink know almost one care enough read point are id like say bye really many regrets ending misery sooner hope get life did
oh no azppa just sent email for state convention may amp there wa papyrus all over it sad b c i wanted to attend
remember parker posey as world turns became queen independent movies film posey shows potential top fledged actress film supporting cast includes omar townsend moustafa lebanese immigrant works falafel salesman street aspires become teacher supporting cast features wonderful actress plays godmother family relative judy librarian old fashioned dedicated menopausal posey mary learns grow mature losing librarian clerk position makes realize much misses place life marys life surrounded friends lower east side village new york city became gentrified yuppies film quite good independent come enjoy parker posey mary well characters films
enjoyable movie without doubt evocative era particular stage boys rites passage say read notredflag comments here bit disappointed period captured plot desperately thin whole thing revolves around egregious bit miscasting history school plays idea quack quack would ever chosen play one three star turns philanderer risible without that nada subplots bore relation could see main plot could removed entirety without way affecting main story surely suggests fundamental flaw subplots look like padding know central idea stretched beyond limits nevertheless benign movie heart right place fine performances get feeling everyone involved felt deflated final cut good feeling permeates film count something flawed really quite good movie
i have a small business we got a meeting with our biggest client ever and i called them by their competitor name i m so scared i cost u the deal
im gonna shit shit
omg house what did i ever do to you
often driving wish someone would run red light hit deal life anymore always disappointed pass intersection unscathed wish someone would crash
rare disease thats called crippling depression cured awards im yeah give awards thanks entitled dont hand im going steal kneecaps
haha would funny would funny got awards think
like compliment straight guys mean im flirting you means im trying make happy thats all try beat something
something say one entirely unproblematic instead spending energy bringing peoples past mistakes obviously learned dont anymore could make feel like youve made world better place maybe try spreading actual positivity want bring someone maybe think good things done instead bad instead bringing someone could help show much good done like brendon urie example yeah said bad things past notice never said anything like again brendon urie also done many amazing things donated m dollars lgbtq charity puts amazing advice help people struggling brendon also talks mental health fans cares people calling racist homophobic isnt that redirected funds highest hopes foundation blm foundations pansexual helps fellow lgbtq members thank coming ted talk
ok guys want answers someone tell coin glitch reddit
happy scared math finals make board game math questions
miss warm summer evenings child would sit listen crickets lifetime endless possibilities stretched me miss comfort family knew deeply toxicity substance abuse plagued them miss days loved angry id grown be miss hope quickly snuffed young teen miss feeling whole burnout find joy peace simply drift want kill myself wonder ever would find peace side become reincarnated live another pointless existence guess none matters anyways lifes bitch die miss not least know broken
really like bc fleeting loveim generally optimistic guy even worst situations recently feel like im losing support system lover ive made throwaway bc weird way im afraid admit im turning this ill first start admitting yes bc girl cant keep wrapping head around ive plenty partners come gone one shes little hope cling onto given ultimatum come stay country x amount weeks through given recent situation fact uni student funded parents really isnt choice make ive offered come days wasnt enough dont want admit refuse continue her helps im lowest everything seems right shes around id keep going feel like ive turned rambling cant really bring write guess id like really talk someone since cant talk her get chest really dont want continue without her
@bellatela`s SINGINGGGG. Haha. I love it when she sings because she`s so good. :> )))
mom wants talk wtf talked mom weeks want to came house dad told it idk feel this definitely feel good
@DonnieWahlberg i freakin miss you guys!!!!i want to go to every concert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i cant..... =( fresno luvs you!
throw away accountive never plan want hang now im convinced im attention everyone around me part thinks am part thinks never want wake again seriously know good things come care know shitty things come also life hard fuck this ive also ssri meds days know terrible idea
tomorrow day midnighti cant handle anything anymore weeks weeks laying bed crying im bad habit bashing head relief again cant keep going on know never happyi met someone thought going soul mate but extremely jealous person broke months ago started talking months ago text promise promise keeps falling through got emotional got scared thought hint everyone talks about doesnt want anymore told missed me thinks lots fantasizes me going sleep weekend like before excited time yesterday sent message let hysterical worries saying jay jay dont want message anymore feel guilty bad whenever read say want alright first met you alone said anyways always there fell other made plans future said love would never die would always there sent message care nothing dont want message anymore needed me every time hurt bottle in run away get upset me take is silence uncertainty shes gone fault stayed gone first time wish didnt meet all wish went months ago wouldnt feeling like this today sent awful message saying would hurt make feel felt betrayed began belittling her hasnt replied dont blame her told message never talk again told hurtful things didnt really mean said horrible things her despite ignoring me love her never needed add horrible names judgments her im sorry cc really am maybe best truly hate me forget me im going spend time misty today little princess cat dont know find new home first what hope cats different hope forget me love baby misty dont want leave her misty loved me im going find good home someone give lots love dad poor father said would die too mom said thing love me theres nothing good all im hurt cant keepg goign im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry wish could understand tomorrow night need one night hold little misty waited lutside door last night fucked didnt want nothing hold me dont nderserve ikt dont deserve anything hurt im good at im going hurt people more im going lied anymore wont suffer feel alone love highest priority life feel true romance affection initimacy gone im never going meet someone like again cant get head cant exist im cursed forever see smile memories voice used sing songs anymore tomorrow midnight one last campfire near shore favorite place whole wide world grew small waves used help sleep maybe help sleep time im going favorite place sleep family also loves place plus reminds her promises things never do im going walk long dark road theres point looking lake beautiful spot trees surrounding shoreline theres old native ceremony cloths knots tied branches get cozy beach stone ground listen music favorites even ones told about bottle wine pack cigarettes enjoy view myself song ends finally sleep hear painful waves always comforted
headache still a little sleepy i miss ma babyy soo damn much right noww wakee upp
is drinking Barq's and getting ready to eat some pizza and hanging out with Brian. I like this weekend.
im point im done fightingi almost point feel like point living anymore im waste social anxiety long remember always felt weird around new people ever someone asks even simple question start blushing freaking embarrassing mom sister seem think since socially awkward treat like something mentally wrong me ever someone speaks mom butts talk say baby voice this youngest little shy understand treats like little child pisses talks always cuts off sister normally thing started new thing ever walk across street tries hold hand im like hell doing oh im trying make sure little sister run front cars really im fricking stores talking people right humiliates me it really stupid cause social anxiety like today sister goes things horse races whitch little fake model horses run around game bored sitting one ladies talking ofcourse mom butts talking says little shy one ever talk much wanted start crying embarrassed alot things going really want talk them everyone know homeschooled overprotective mother allow anything friends real life online im allowed step foot outside yes includes backyard without watching every step change talking never listen cant talk dad cause walked see times year tried commit redflag three times one night birthday year march brave enough feel like trying cause really feel like socially retarded freak cant speak anyone without almost breaking tears read room away people im freak family cause im vegan eating disorder one understands bring everyone down know must sound really annoying normally like this
hate socially awkward people ive come find one want fucking diei get nervous cant fucking keep conversation going id like think im confident convo begins im monotone im called quiet fucking hate it want girlfriend badly cant talk women seems like convo ends quickly lose interest hell even guys lose interest whenever fucking talk speech impediment people always ask repeat look way know know wtf im saying theyre trying appear nice im fucking sick this force social situations hell im part club like people literally parties stand someone talks cnat talk group cant act interested anyone cant ask multiple questions hard care try think anyones judging doi find someones judging me wish could stay alive want die feel like something would benefit society socially awkward people weird im weird im shy quiet women hate fucking shit hard confident knowing women like confident guys know im life used able give people handshakes normally somehow fuck up im fucking college making friends im not miss community college social group left left cant fucking go therapy money need therapy money insurance therapy hope right constantly state anxiety im always anxious ive tried drugs alcohol make confident nope im still quiet give fuck talk people still give weird look really hard continue pretending watch faces confused talk someone else say anything bad say boring shit like whats major what like do groom dress decent workouti see results well that still confident hate socially awkward knowing im socially awkward makes worse knowing people hate insecurity hate shyness men hard despise myself hard love nobody giving reasons love myself like someone hated everyone treating others bad person starts loving narcissism know know wtf im life idk fuck going on idk im doing fuck spent everyday past days escorts ive lonely keep looking bottle codeine wanting drink thats drug made social ive pulled driving like shit honestly cant figure whats going on im panic mode cant distract either studying try meditate working negative thoughts destroy mind need help want die do want therapist money dont even know fuck im writing shit
work yesterday girl asked number like ofc gave number weve talking since yesterday lowkey simps me ok cuz shes cute im concerned might take quick
anxietymy anxiety gets like prison head think worst brings deep depression want stop hate much every time look mirror get sad bc get reminded im tired
went movie perhaps bit jaded hackandslash films rampant screen days boy surprised little treasure pleasantly paced somber dark atmosphere surprising yet limited amount blood actually shown good movies one leaves something imagination bill paxton superb job directing scenes shot inside car well done and watching anatomy scene episode end video tape good see subtle yet wonderful things noticed intentional oh looks good keep it type direction moody movie filled grimness still dark subject considerable portion filmed daylight even disturbing scenes acting exceptional okay ive always fan powers booth never goes top au contraire subdued works extremely well type film one area film lacks ending seems bit contrived still works simpler level without destroying mood message movie message something individual decides themself overall scale movie scores like southern gothic genre ie body heat midnight garden good evil dont
indian depressed single life want stab neckif known life going depressing sad would plotted womb demise atleast mother agrees that used say wish killed womb life depressing spend hours toilet done minutes quite certain people around consider ugly social skills wish good communicating emotions also struggle making people smile laugh love people laugh jokes might happened twice life want get married parents trying hard convince arranged love marriage would choice want get married first place think would good husband father know never good son brother friend want end
careful data want call names someone dms asks download app likely they steal data quick buck spam ads quick buck created ripoff quick buck please dummy use common sense even see whatever asked download positive feedback buying person china cheap buying fake feedback cheaper download shit teenager subreddit everyone think ahead oh yea one thing do give away personal information think twice talking someone personal information think even think careful one safe that thanks time wonderful day
dancing with myself i m not emo want to write a song
wasted big dealim probably never gonna pre order its thank coming ted talk
Only 5mins till my baby's back from work
They make me feel bad for having depression like????
im sick of vent im sick myself im sick nothing matter theres someone better me im sick people thinking im strong talented sociable happy opinion cannot that im sick feeling like life lie im sick feeling like words actions own better version never be yet time im sick dreams aspirations im sick people telling make k year worth doing im sick told talent music photography also told talents useless focus math im sick worrying money im sick worrying cant afford im sick limited life financial state im sick living around actual millionaires feeling like belong im sick jealous people im sick seeing friends blow right past social musical academic status like im standing still im sick acting like nothings changed everything changed im sick feeling like cant talk friends theyre better me form another im sick looking mirror seeing shittier version someone else im sick feeling like bad photocopy parents expectations im sick asked help cope anxieties im sick telling truth deal them im sick letting words lies hate selfdoubt fester inside like cancer cannot function im sick knowing improve address problems correctly motivation so im sick knowing tests study for id rather sleep pretend exist im sick getting good grades anyways all im sick perfect im sick thinking perfect maybe things would right deal bullshit carry around like lead weight im sick feeling like im one deal kinds problems im sick feeling like everyone else shit straightened im one doesnt im sick feeling left behind one help get back feet im sick telling problems real get like everyone else im sick feeling like im one cant deal struggles shortcomings im sick pain never goes away im sick living nice town nice things good education means im privileged great things life im sick pressure constantly me making want disappoint someone thank reading this ive wanting say long time know say it feel like people know im really ok even say am im never ok never sure say it thank you
yall access porn websites ive tried open tells older enter yall enter know many yall watch porn talk here im wondering access websites
@shaundiviney Sweeny Todd is deadset one of the best movies of all time
winetweat sorry but follow u we re going to publish picture and video and sometimes also in english
Know people on Twitter who wanna hear what's going on?! Get them following us for the latest!
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when i stopped in 0 9 it took me month to taper off it so taking a medication that cause withdrawal symptom like that scare me it s the only thing that help other then numbing the feeling with an antidepressant i m on lyrica 0mg and buspar mg to time a day i don t feel down but my anxiety keep me from moving forward with the thing i need too am i right to continue struggling with anxiety and all the health issue that come from it just so i can avoid a benzo