# bai-3.0 Epilepsy (45851parametre) |
## "bai-3.0 Epilepsy" modeli, hastanın epilepsi nöbeti durumunu tespit eder. |
#### NOT: Gerçek zamanlı EEG veri takibi uygulamasına modeli entegre ederseniz, gerçek zamanlı olarak nöbet durumu tahmini yapabilmektedir. Uygulamaya erişebilmek için: https://github.com/neurazum/Realtime-EEG-Monitoring |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
# bai-3.0 Epilepsy (45851 parameters) |
## The "bai-3.0 Epilepsy" model detects the patient's epileptic seizure status. |
#### NOTE: If you integrate the model into a real-time EEG data tracking application, it can predict epilepsy seizure state in real time. To access the application: https://github.com/neurazum/Realtime-EEG-Monitoring |
**Doğruluk/Accuracy: %68,90829694323143** |
# Kullanım / Usage |
```python |
import pandas as pd |
import numpy as np |
import ast |
from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model, Sequential |
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score |
model_path = 'model/path' |
model = load_model(model_path) |
test_data_path = 'epilepsy/dataset' |
test_data = pd.read_csv(test_data_path) |
test_data['sample'] = test_data['sample'].apply(ast.literal_eval) |
X_test = np.array(test_data['sample'].tolist()) |
y_test = test_data['label'].values.astype(int) |
timesteps = 10 |
X_test_reshaped = [] |
for i in range(len(X_test) - timesteps): |
X_test_reshaped.append(X_test[i:i + timesteps]) |
X_test_reshaped = np.array(X_test_reshaped) |
y_pred = model.predict(X_test_reshaped) |
y_pred_classes = (y_pred > 0.77).astype(int) # En kararlı sonuçlar -> 0.78 ve 0.77. Eşik değeri: çıkan sonucun yuvarlama değerini artırıp azaltma. |
# Örn. Olasılık < 0.77 ise "0", olasılık >= 0.77 ise "1" tahminini yap. |
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test[timesteps:], y_pred_classes) |
print("Gerçek Değerler (1: Nöbet, 0: Nöbet Değil) ve Tahminler:") |
for i in range(len(y_pred_classes)): |
print(f"Gerçek: {y_test[i + timesteps]}, Tahmin: {y_pred_classes[i][0]}") |
print(f"Modelin doğruluk oranı: %{accuracy * 100}") |
model.summary() |
``` |
# Python Sürümü / Python Version |
### 3.9 <=> 3.13 |
# Modüller / Modules |
```bash |
matplotlib==3.8.0 |
matplotlib-inline==0.1.6 |
numpy==1.26.4 |
pandas==2.2.2 |
scikit-learn==1.3.1 |
tensorflow==2.15.0 |
``` |