--- |
title: Image To Text App |
emoji: 📹 |
colorFrom: blue |
colorTo: red |
sdk: streamlit |
app_file: app.py |
pinned: false |
--- |
# Kidney-disease-classification-mlops |
## Workflows |
1. Update config.yaml |
2. Update secrets.yaml [Optional] |
3. Update params.yaml |
4. Update the entity |
5. Update the configuration manager in src config |
6. Update the components |
7. Update the pipeline |
8. Update the main.py |
9. Update the dvc.yaml |
10. app.py |
# How to run? |
### STEPS: |
Clone the repository |
```bash |
https://github.com/HAKIM-ML/ |
Kidney-disease-classification-mlops |
``` |
### STEP 01- Create a conda environment after opening the repository |
```bash |
conda create -n cnncls python=3.8 -y |
``` |
```bash |
conda activate cnncls |
``` |
### STEP 02- install the requirements |
```bash |
pip install -r requirements.txt |
``` |
```bash |
# Finally run the following command |
python app.py |
``` |
Now, |
```bash |
open up you local host and port |
``` |
## MLflow |
- [Documentation](https://mlflow.org/docs/latest/index.html) |
##### cmd |
- mlflow ui |
### dagshub |
[dagshub](https://dagshub.com/) |
MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI = https://dagshub.com/azizulhakim8291/Kidney-disease-classification-mlops.mlflow |
python script.py |
import dagshub |
dagshub.init(repo_owner='azizulhakim8291', repo_name='Kidney-disease-classification-mlops', mlflow=True) |
import mlflow |
with mlflow.start_run(): |
mlflow.log_param('parameter name', 'value') |
mlflow.log_metric('metric name', 1) |
### DVC cmd |
1. dvc init |
2. dvc repro |
3. dvc dag |
## About MLflow & DVC |
MLflow |
- Its Production Grade |
- Trace all of your expriements |
- Logging & taging your model |
- Its very lite weight for POC only |
- lite weight expriements tracker |
- It can perform Orchestration (Creating Pipelines) |