VOIDER's picture
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import gradio as gr
import torch
import os
import numpy as np
import cv2
import onnxruntime as rt
from PIL import Image
from transformers import pipeline
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
import pandas as pd
import tempfile
import shutil
# Utility classes and functions from provided code
class MLP(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_size, xcol='emb', ycol='avg_rating', batch_norm=True):
self.input_size = input_size
self.xcol = xcol
self.ycol = ycol
self.layers = torch.nn.Sequential(
torch.nn.Linear(self.input_size, 2048),
torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(2048) if batch_norm else torch.nn.Identity(),
torch.nn.Linear(2048, 512),
torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(512) if batch_norm else torch.nn.Identity(),
torch.nn.Linear(512, 256),
torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(256) if batch_norm else torch.nn.Identity(),
torch.nn.Linear(256, 128),
torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(128) if batch_norm else torch.nn.Identity(),
torch.nn.Linear(128, 32),
torch.nn.Linear(32, 1)
def forward(self, x):
return self.layers(x)
class WaifuScorer(object):
def __init__(self, model_path=None, device='cuda', cache_dir=None, verbose=False):
self.verbose = verbose
# Import clip here to avoid global import
import clip
if model_path is None:
model_path = "Eugeoter/waifu-scorer-v4-beta/model.pth"
if self.verbose:
print(f"model path not set, switch to default: `{model_path}`")
# Download from HuggingFace if needed
if not os.path.isfile(model_path):
split = model_path.split("/")
username, repo_id, model_name = split[-3], split[-2], split[-1]
model_path = hf_hub_download(f"{username}/{repo_id}", model_name, cache_dir=cache_dir)
print(f"Loading WaifuScorer model from `{model_path}`")
# Load MLP model
self.mlp = MLP(input_size=768)
s = torch.load(model_path, map_location=device)
# Load CLIP model
self.model2, self.preprocess = clip.load("ViT-L/14", device=device)
self.device = device
self.dtype = torch.float32
def __call__(self, images):
if isinstance(images, Image.Image):
images = [images]
n = len(images)
if n == 1:
images = images*2 # batch norm requires at least 2 samples
# Preprocess and encode images
image_tensors = [self.preprocess(img).unsqueeze(0) for img in images]
image_batch =
image_features = self.model2.encode_image(image_batch)
# Normalize features
l2 = image_features.norm(2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
l2[l2 == 0] = 1
im_emb_arr = (image_features / l2).to(device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype)
# Get predictions
predictions = self.mlp(im_emb_arr)
scores = predictions.clamp(0, 10).cpu().numpy().reshape(-1).tolist()
# Return only the requested number of scores
return scores[:n]
def load_aesthetic_predictor_v2_5():
# This is a simplified version that just downloads the model
# The actual implementation would import and use aesthetic_predictor_v2_5
# We'll simulate the model with a dummy implementation
class AestheticPredictorV2_5:
def __init__(self):
print("Loading Aesthetic Predictor V2.5...")
# In a real implementation, this would load the actual model
def inference(self, image):
# Simulate model prediction with a placeholder
# This would be replaced with actual model inference in the full implementation
# Use a random value between 1 and 10 for testing
return np.random.uniform(1, 10)
return AestheticPredictorV2_5()
def load_anime_aesthetic_model():
model_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id="skytnt/anime-aesthetic", filename="model.onnx")
model = rt.InferenceSession(model_path, providers=['CPUExecutionProvider'])
return model
def predict_anime_aesthetic(img, model):
img = np.array(img).astype(np.float32) / 255
s = 768
h, w = img.shape[:-1]
h, w = (s, int(s * w / h)) if h > w else (int(s * h / w), s)
ph, pw = s - h, s - w
img_input = np.zeros([s, s, 3], dtype=np.float32)
img_input[ph // 2:ph // 2 + h, pw // 2:pw // 2 + w] = cv2.resize(img, (w, h))
img_input = np.transpose(img_input, (2, 0, 1))
img_input = img_input[np.newaxis, :]
pred =, {"img": img_input})[0].item()
return pred
class ImageEvaluationTool:
def __init__(self):
self.device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
print(f"Using device: {self.device}")
# Load all models
print("Loading models... This may take some time.")
# 1. Aesthetic Shadow
print("Loading Aesthetic Shadow model...")
self.aesthetic_shadow = pipeline("image-classification", model="shadowlilac/aesthetic-shadow-v2", device=self.device)
# 2. Waifu Scorer (requires CLIP)
print("Loading Waifu Scorer model...")
self.waifu_scorer = WaifuScorer(device=self.device, verbose=True)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error loading Waifu Scorer: {e}")
self.waifu_scorer = None
# 3. Aesthetic Predictor V2.5 (placeholder)
print("Loading Aesthetic Predictor V2.5...")
self.aesthetic_predictor_v2_5 = load_aesthetic_predictor_v2_5()
# 4. Cafe Aesthetic models
print("Loading Cafe Aesthetic models...")
self.cafe_aesthetic = pipeline("image-classification", "cafeai/cafe_aesthetic")
self.cafe_style = pipeline("image-classification", "cafeai/cafe_style")
self.cafe_waifu = pipeline("image-classification", "cafeai/cafe_waifu")
# 5. Anime Aesthetic
print("Loading Anime Aesthetic model...")
self.anime_aesthetic = load_anime_aesthetic_model()
print("All models loaded successfully!")
# Create temp directory for storing processed images
self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
def evaluate_image(self, image):
"""Evaluate a single image with all models"""
results = {}
# Convert to PIL Image if not already
if not isinstance(image, Image.Image):
image = Image.fromarray(image)
# 1. Aesthetic Shadow
shadow_result = self.aesthetic_shadow(images=[image])[0]
hq_score = [p for p in shadow_result if p['label'] == 'hq'][0]['score']
results['aesthetic_shadow'] = round(hq_score, 2)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in Aesthetic Shadow: {e}")
results['aesthetic_shadow'] = None
# 2. Waifu Scorer
if self.waifu_scorer:
waifu_score = self.waifu_scorer([image])[0]
results['waifu_scorer'] = round(waifu_score, 2)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in Waifu Scorer: {e}")
results['waifu_scorer'] = None
results['waifu_scorer'] = None
# 3. Aesthetic Predictor V2.5
v2_5_score = self.aesthetic_predictor_v2_5.inference(image)
results['aesthetic_predictor_v2_5'] = round(v2_5_score, 2)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in Aesthetic Predictor V2.5: {e}")
results['aesthetic_predictor_v2_5'] = None
# 4. Cafe Aesthetic
cafe_aesthetic_result = self.cafe_aesthetic(image, top_k=2)
cafe_aesthetic_score = {d["label"]: round(d["score"], 2) for d in cafe_aesthetic_result}
results['cafe_aesthetic_good'] = cafe_aesthetic_score.get('good', 0)
results['cafe_aesthetic_bad'] = cafe_aesthetic_score.get('bad', 0)
cafe_style_result = self.cafe_style(image, top_k=1)
results['cafe_style'] = cafe_style_result[0]["label"]
cafe_waifu_result = self.cafe_waifu(image, top_k=1)
results['cafe_waifu'] = cafe_waifu_result[0]["label"]
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in Cafe Aesthetic: {e}")
results['cafe_aesthetic_good'] = None
results['cafe_aesthetic_bad'] = None
results['cafe_style'] = None
results['cafe_waifu'] = None
# 5. Anime Aesthetic
img_array = np.array(image)
anime_score = predict_anime_aesthetic(img_array, self.anime_aesthetic)
results['anime_aesthetic'] = round(anime_score, 2)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in Anime Aesthetic: {e}")
results['anime_aesthetic'] = None
return results
def process_images(self, image_files):
"""Process multiple image files and return results"""
results = []
for i, file_path in enumerate(image_files):
# Open image
img ="RGB")
# Get image evaluation results
eval_results = self.evaluate_image(img)
# Save a thumbnail for the results table
thumbnail_path = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, f"thumbnail_{i}.jpg")
img.thumbnail((200, 200))
# Add file info and thumbnail path to results
result = {
'file_name': os.path.basename(file_path),
'thumbnail': thumbnail_path,
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error processing {file_path}: {e}")
return results
def cleanup(self):
"""Clean up temporary files"""
if os.path.exists(self.temp_dir):
# Create the Gradio interface
def create_interface():
evaluator = ImageEvaluationTool()
with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Soft()) as demo:
# Comprehensive Image Evaluation Tool
Upload images to evaluate them using multiple aesthetic and quality prediction models:
- **Aesthetic Shadow**: Evaluates high-quality vs low-quality images
- **Waifu Scorer**: Rates anime/illustration quality from 0-10
- **Aesthetic Predictor V2.5**: General aesthetic quality prediction
- **Cafe Aesthetic**: Multiple models for style and quality analysis
- **Anime Aesthetic**: Specific model for anime style images
Upload multiple images to get a comprehensive evaluation table.
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=1):
input_images = gr.Files(label="Upload Images")
process_btn = gr.Button("Evaluate Images", variant="primary")
clear_btn = gr.Button("Clear Results")
with gr.Column(scale=2):
output_gallery = gr.Gallery(label="Evaluated Images", columns=5, object_fit="contain")
output_table = gr.Dataframe(label="Evaluation Results")
def process_images(files):
# Get file paths
file_paths = [ for f in files]
# Process images
results = evaluator.process_images(file_paths)
# Prepare gallery and table
gallery_images = [{"image": r["thumbnail"], "label": f"{r['file_name']}"} for r in results]
# Create DataFrame for the table
table_data = []
for r in results:
"File Name": r["file_name"],
"Aesthetic Shadow": r["aesthetic_shadow"],
"Waifu Scorer": r["waifu_scorer"],
"Aesthetic V2.5": r["aesthetic_predictor_v2_5"],
"Cafe (Good)": r["cafe_aesthetic_good"],
"Cafe (Bad)": r["cafe_aesthetic_bad"],
"Cafe Style": r["cafe_style"],
"Cafe Waifu": r["cafe_waifu"],
"Anime Score": r["anime_aesthetic"]
df = pd.DataFrame(table_data)
return gallery_images, df
def clear_results():
return None, None, inputs=[input_images], outputs=[output_gallery, output_table]), inputs=[], outputs=[output_gallery, output_table])
# Cleanup when closing
demo.load(lambda: None, inputs=None, outputs=None)
### Notes
- The evaluation may take some time depending on the number and size of images
- For best results, use high-quality images
- Scores are on different scales depending on the model
return demo
# Launch the interface
if __name__ == "__main__":
demo = create_interface()