import os |
import numpy as np |
import os |
import hydra |
import numpy as np |
import random |
from cliport import tasks |
from cliport.dataset import RavensDataset |
from cliport.environments.environment import Environment |
from pygments import highlight |
from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer |
from pygments.formatters import TerminalFormatter |
import re |
import openai |
import IPython |
import time |
import pybullet as p |
import traceback |
from datetime import datetime |
from pprint import pprint |
import cv2 |
import re |
import random |
import json |
import operator |
import csv |
import itertools |
model = "gpt-4" |
def set_gpt_model(gpt_model_name): |
""" globally set gpt-model""" |
global model |
model = gpt_model_name |
print("use gpt model:", model) |
def mkdir_if_missing(dst_dir): |
if not os.path.exists(dst_dir): |
os.makedirs(dst_dir) |
def save_text(folder, name, out): |
mkdir_if_missing(folder) |
with open(os.path.join(folder, name + ".txt"), "w") as fhandle: |
fhandle.write(out) |
def add_to_txt(full_interaction, message, with_print=False): |
""" Add the message string to the full interaction """ |
full_interaction.append("\n\n"+message) |
if with_print: |
print("\n\n"+message) |
return full_interaction |
def get_task_import_str(): |
return "import numpy as np\n" + \ |
"import os\n" + \ |
"import pybullet as p\n" + \ |
"import random\n" + \ |
"from cliport.tasks import primitives\n" + \ |
"from cliport.tasks.grippers import Spatula\n" + \ |
"from cliport.tasks.task import Task\n" + \ |
"from cliport.utils import utils\n" |
def extract_code(res): |
""" parse code block """ |
pattern = r'```(.*?)```' |
code_string = re.findall(pattern, res, re.DOTALL) |
if len(code_string) == 0: |
print("\n".join(res.split("\n"))) |
print("empty code string") |
return '', '' |
code_string = code_string[0] |
code_string = code_string.replace('python', '') |
code_lines = code_string.split("\n") |
if 'python' in code_string: |
code_lines = code_lines[1:] |
class_def = [line for line in code_lines if line.startswith('class')] |
task_name = class_def[0] |
task_name = task_name[task_name.find("class "): task_name.rfind("(Task)")][6:] |
print("task_name:", task_name) |
return get_task_import_str() + '\n'.join(code_lines).strip(), task_name |
def extract_code_topdown(res): |
""" parse code block """ |
pattern = r'```python\n(.*?)```' |
print(res) |
code_string = res[res.index("```python\n"):].strip() |
if len(code_string) == 0: |
print("\n".join(res.split("\n"))) |
print("empty code string") |
return '', '' |
code_string = code_string.replace('python', '') |
code_lines = code_string.split("\n")[1:] |
if code_lines[-1].strip().endswith(","): |
code_lines[-1] = code_lines[-1][:-1] + "))" |
if 'python' in code_string: |
code_lines = code_lines[1:] |
class_def = [line for line in code_lines if line.startswith('class')] |
task_name = class_def[0] |
task_name = task_name[task_name.find("class "): task_name.rfind("(Task)")][6:] |
print("task_name:", task_name) |
return '\n'.join(code_lines).strip(), task_name |
def extract_dict(res, prefix="new_task"): |
""" parse task dictionary """ |
pattern = r'{(.*?)}' |
code_string = re.findall(pattern, res, re.DOTALL) |
if len(code_string) == 0: |
return '' |
code_string = code_string[0] |
code_string = code_string.replace('python', '') |
return prefix + '={'+ code_string.replace("\n","").strip() + '}' |
def extract_list(res, prefix="code_reference"): |
""" parse task dictionary """ |
pattern = r'\[(.*?)\]' |
code_string = re.findall(pattern, res, re.DOTALL) |
if len(code_string) == 0: |
return '' |
code_string = code_string[0] |
return prefix + '=[' + code_string.strip() + ']' |
def extract_assets(res): |
""" parse generated assets """ |
pattern = r'<?xml(.*?)</robot>' |
code_string = re.findall(pattern, res, re.DOTALL) |
assets_pattern = r'robot name="(.*?)">' |
assets_string = re.findall(assets_pattern, res, re.DOTALL) |
if len(code_string) == 0: |
return {} |
try: |
new_urdf = {} |
for asset_path, code in zip(assets_string, code_string): |
new_urdf[asset_path] = "<?xml"+code |
return new_urdf |
except: |
print("asset creation failure") |
print(str(traceback.format_exc())) |
return None |
def save_stat(cfg, output_dir, env_names, syntax_rate, run_rate, env_success_rate, diversity_score): |
""" save run results """ |
print("=========================================================") |
print(f"{cfg['prompt_folder']} | TOTAL SYNTAX_PASS_RATE: {syntax_rate * 100:.1f}% RUNTIME_PASS_RATE: {run_rate * 100:.1f}% ENV_PASS_RATE: {env_success_rate * 100:.1f}% DIVERSITE SCORE: {diversity_score:.3f}") |
print("=========================================================") |
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, "eval_results.csv"), "w") as f: |
writer = csv.writer(f) |
row_info_name = ["prompt", "metric", "success"] |
writer.writerow(row_info_name) |
for col, stat in zip(["syntax", "runtime", "env. completion"], [syntax_rate, run_rate, env_success_rate]): |
row_info = [cfg['prompt_folder'], col, stat] |
writer.writerow(row_info) |
def format_dict_prompt(task_name_dict, sample_num=-1, sort_items=False): |
""" format a saved dictionary into prompt """ |
if sort_items: |
task_name_dict = sorted(task_name_dict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0)) |
prompt_replacement = '' |
sample_idx = list(range(len(task_name_dict))) |
random.shuffle(sample_idx) |
if sample_num > 0: |
sample_idx = np.random.choice(sample_idx, sample_num, replace=False) |
for idx, (task_name, task_desc) in enumerate(task_name_dict.items()): |
if idx in sample_idx: |
prompt_replacement += f'- {task_name}: {task_desc}\n' |
return prompt_replacement + "\n\n" |
def format_list_prompt(task_list, sample_num=-1, sort_items=False): |
""" format a saved dictionary into prompt """ |
prompt_replacement = '' |
sample_idx = list(range(len(task_list))) |
if sample_num > 0: |
sample_idx = np.random.choice(len(task_list), sample_num, replace=False) |
for idx, task in enumerate(task_list): |
if idx in sample_idx: |
prompt_replacement += f"- {task['task-name']}: {task['task-descriptions']}\n" |
return prompt_replacement + "\n\n" |
def sample_list_reference(item_list, sample_num=-1): |
""" sample reference code from a list of python files """ |
sample_idx = list(range(len(item_list))) |
prompt_replacement = '' |
if sample_num > 0: |
sample_idx = np.random.choice(len(item_list), sample_num, replace=False) |
print("reference files: ", [item_list[idx] for idx in sample_idx]) |
for idx, item in enumerate(item_list): |
try: |
item_content = open(f"cliport/tasks/{item}").read() |
except: |
item_content = open(f"cliport/generated_tasks/{item}").read() |
if idx in sample_idx: |
prompt_replacement += f'```\n{item_content}\n```\n\n' |
return prompt_replacement + "\n\n" |
def compute_diversity_score_from_assets_old(task_assets): |
""" compute how many new asset combos are covered by previous by a proxy""" |
if len(task_assets) < 2: |
return 0 |
existing_assets = [] |
for asset in task_assets: |
new_asset_flag = True |
for existing_asset in existing_assets: |
if set(asset).issubset(existing_asset): |
new_asset_flag = False |
break |
if new_asset_flag: |
existing_assets.append(asset) |
return len(existing_assets) / len(task_assets) |
def iou_assets(asset1, asset2): |
asset1 = set(asset1) |
asset2 = set(asset2) |
return len(asset1 & asset2) / len(asset1 | asset2) |
def compute_diversity_score_from_assets(task_assets, total_trials): |
""" compute the pairwise IOU for assets""" |
if len(task_assets) == 0: |
return 0 |
score = 0 |
pairs = list(itertools.combinations(range(len(task_assets)), 2)) |
for j, k in pairs: |
score += 1. - iou_assets(task_assets[j], task_assets[k]) |
if len(pairs) == 0: |
return 0 |
return score / len(pairs) |
def truncate_message_for_token_limit(message_history, max_tokens=6000): |
truncated_messages = [] |
tokens = 0 |
for idx in range(len(message_history)-1, -1, -1) : |
message = message_history[idx] |
message_tokens = len(message['content']) / 4 |
if tokens + message_tokens > max_tokens: |
break |
truncated_messages.append(message) |
tokens += message_tokens |
truncated_messages.reverse() |
return truncated_messages |
def insert_system_message(message_history): |
system_message_prompt = 'You are a helpful and expert assistant in robot simulation code writing and task design.' |
'You design tasks that are creative and do-able by table-top manipulation. ' |
'You write code without syntax errors and always think through and document your code carefully. ' |
message_history.insert(0, {"role": "system", "content": system_message_prompt}) |
existing_messages = [] |
def generate_feedback(prompt, max_tokens=2048, temperature=0.0, interaction_txt=None, retry_max=5, n=1): |
""" use GPT-4 API """ |
global existing_messages |
global model |
if model == "text-davinci-003": |
return generate_feedback_completion_only(prompt, max_tokens, temperature) |
existing_messages.append({"role": "user", "content": prompt}) |
truncated_messages = truncate_message_for_token_limit(existing_messages) |
insert_system_message(truncated_messages) |
params = { |
"model": model, |
"max_tokens": max_tokens, |
"temperature": temperature, |
"messages": truncated_messages, |
"n": n |
} |
for retry in range(retry_max): |
try: |
if interaction_txt is not None: |
add_to_txt(interaction_txt, ">>> Prompt: \n" + prompt, with_print=False) |
call_res = openai.ChatCompletion.create(**params) |
res = call_res["choices"][0]["message"]["content"] |
existing_messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": res}) |
to_print = highlight(f"{res}", PythonLexer(), TerminalFormatter()) |
print(to_print) |
if interaction_txt is not None: |
add_to_txt(interaction_txt, ">>> Answer: \n" + res, with_print=False) |
if n > 1: |
return [r["message"]["content"] for r in call_res["choices"]] |
return res |
except Exception as e: |
print("failed chat completion", e) |
raise Exception("Failed to generate") |
def clear_messages(): |
global existing_messages |
existing_messages = [] |
def format_finetune_prompt(task_name): |
instruction_text = open('prompts/finetune_instructions_prompt.txt').read() |
instruction_text = instruction_text.replace("TASK_NAME_TEMPLATE", task_name) |
prompt_text = instruction_text |
return prompt_text |
def format_finetune_prompt_codeonly(task_name): |
instruction_text = open('prompts/finetune_instructions_prompt_codeonly.txt').read() |
instruction_text = instruction_text.replace("TASK_NAME_TEMPLATE", task_name) |
prompt_text = instruction_text |
return prompt_text |
existing_messages = [] |
def generate_feedback_completion_only(prompt, max_tokens=800, temperature=0.0, interaction_txt=None, retry_max=5, n=1): |
""" use GPT-4 API """ |
print("prompt size:", len(prompt)) |
params = { |
"model": model, |
"max_tokens": 1200, |
"temperature": temperature, |
"prompt": prompt[-6000:], |
"n": n |
} |
for retry in range(retry_max): |
try: |
if interaction_txt is not None: |
add_to_txt(interaction_txt, ">>> Prompt: \n" + prompt, with_print=False) |
call_res = openai.Completion.create(**params) |
res = call_res["choices"][0]["text"] |
to_print = highlight(f"{res}", PythonLexer(), TerminalFormatter()) |
print(to_print) |
if interaction_txt is not None: |
add_to_txt(interaction_txt, ">>> Answer: \n" + res, with_print=False) |
if n > 1: |
return [r["text"] for r in call_res["choices"]] |
return res |
except Exception as e: |
print("failed chat completion", e) |
raise Exception("Failed to generate") |