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import functools as ft
import os
import random
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pathlib import Path
import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
def preproc(batch: list[dict], padding: dict[tuple[int]]) -> dict[str, Tensor]:
"""Prepressing function for MERRA2 Dataset
batch (dict): List of training samples, each sample should be a
dictionary with the following keys::
'sur_static': Numpy array of shape (3, lat, lon). For each pixel (lat, lon), the first dimension indexes sin(lat), cos(lon), sin(lon).
'sur_vals': Torch tensor of shape (parameter, time, lat, lon).
'sur_tars': Torch tensor of shape (parameter, time, lat, lon).
'ulv_vals': Torch tensor of shape (parameter, level, time, lat, lon).
'ulv_tars': Torch tensor of shape (parameter, level, time, lat, lon).
'sur_climate': Torch tensor of shape (parameter, lat, lon)
'ulv_climate': Torch tensor of shape (parameter, level, lat, lon)
'lead_time': Integer.
'input_time': Integer.
padding: Dictionary with keys 'level', 'lat', 'lon', each of dim 2.
Dictionary with the following keys::
'x': [batch, time, parameter, lat, lon]
'y': [batch, parameter, lat, lon]
'static': [batch, parameter, lat, lon]
'lead_time': [batch]
'input_time': [batch]
'climate (Optional)': [batch, parameter, lat, lon]
Here, for x and y, 'parameter' is [surface parameter, upper level,
parameter x level]. Similarly for the static information we have
[sin(lat), cos(lon), sin(lon), cos(doy), sin(doy), cos(hod), sin(hod),
""" # noqa: E501
b0 = batch[0]
nbatch = len(batch)
data_keys = set(b0.keys())
essential_keys = {
climate_keys = {
all_keys = essential_keys | climate_keys
if not essential_keys.issubset(data_keys):
raise ValueError("Missing essential keys.")
if not data_keys.issubset(all_keys):
raise ValueError("Unexpected keys in batch.")
# Bring all tensors from the batch into a single tensor
upl_x = torch.empty((nbatch, *b0["ulv_vals"].shape))
upl_y = torch.empty((nbatch, *b0["ulv_tars"].shape))
sur_x = torch.empty((nbatch, *b0["sur_vals"].shape))
sur_y = torch.empty((nbatch, *b0["sur_tars"].shape))
sur_sta = torch.empty((nbatch, *b0["sur_static"].shape))
lead_time = torch.empty((nbatch,), dtype=torch.float32)
input_time = torch.empty((nbatch,), dtype=torch.float32)
for i, rec in enumerate(batch):
sur_x[i] = rec["sur_vals"]
sur_y[i] = rec["sur_tars"]
upl_x[i] = rec["ulv_vals"]
upl_y[i] = rec["ulv_tars"]
sur_sta[i] = rec["sur_static"]
lead_time[i] = rec["lead_time"]
input_time[i] = rec["input_time"]
return_value = {
"lead_time": lead_time,
"input_time": input_time,
# Reshape (batch, parameter, level, time, lat, lon) ->
# (batch, time, parameter, level, lat, lon)
upl_x = upl_x.permute((0, 3, 1, 2, 4, 5))
upl_y = upl_y.permute((0, 3, 1, 2, 4, 5))
# Reshape (batch, parameter, time, lat, lon) ->
# (batch, time, parameter, lat, lon)
sur_x = sur_x.permute((0, 2, 1, 3, 4))
sur_y = sur_y.permute((0, 2, 1, 3, 4))
# Pad
padding_2d = (*padding["lon"], *padding["lat"])
def pad2d(x):
return torch.nn.functional.pad(x, padding_2d, mode="constant", value=0)
padding_3d = (*padding["lon"], *padding["lat"], *padding["level"])
def pad3d(x):
return torch.nn.functional.pad(x, padding_3d, mode="constant", value=0)
sur_x = pad2d(sur_x).contiguous()
upl_x = pad3d(upl_x).contiguous()
sur_y = pad2d(sur_y).contiguous()
upl_y = pad3d(upl_y).contiguous()
return_value["static"] = pad2d(sur_sta).contiguous()
# Remove time for targets
upl_y = torch.squeeze(upl_y, 1)
sur_y = torch.squeeze(sur_y, 1)
# We stack along the combined parameter x level dimension
return_value["x"] = torch.cat(
(sur_x, upl_x.view(*upl_x.shape[:2], -1, *upl_x.shape[4:])), dim=2
return_value["y"] = torch.cat(
(sur_y, upl_y.view(upl_y.shape[0], -1, *upl_y.shape[3:])), dim=1
if climate_keys.issubset(data_keys):
sur_climate = torch.empty((nbatch, *b0["sur_climate"].shape))
ulv_climate = torch.empty((nbatch, *b0["ulv_climate"].shape))
for i, rec in enumerate(batch):
sur_climate[i] = rec["sur_climate"]
ulv_climate[i] = rec["ulv_climate"]
sur_climate = pad2d(sur_climate)
ulv_climate = pad3d(ulv_climate)
return_value["climate"] = torch.cat(
ulv_climate.view(nbatch, -1, *ulv_climate.shape[3:]),
return return_value
def input_scalers(
surf_vars: list[str],
vert_vars: list[str],
levels: list[float],
surf_path: str | Path,
vert_path: str | Path,
) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
"""Reads the input scalers
surf_vars: surface variables to be used.
vert_vars: vertical variables to be used.
levels: MERRA2 levels to use.
surf_path: path to surface scalers file.
vert_path: path to vertical level scalers file.
mu (Tensor): mean values
var (Tensor): varience values
with h5py.File(Path(surf_path), "r", libver="latest") as surf_file:
stats = [x.decode().lower() for x in surf_file["statistic"][()]]
mu_idx = stats.index("mu")
sig_idx = stats.index("sigma")
s_mu = torch.tensor([surf_file[k][()][mu_idx] for k in surf_vars])
s_sig = torch.tensor([surf_file[k][()][sig_idx] for k in surf_vars])
with h5py.File(Path(vert_path), "r", libver="latest") as vert_file:
stats = [x.decode().lower() for x in vert_file["statistic"][()]]
mu_idx = stats.index("mu")
sig_idx = stats.index("sigma")
lvl = vert_file["lev"][()]
l_idx = [np.where(lvl == v)[0].item() for v in levels]
v_mu = np.array([vert_file[k][()][mu_idx, l_idx] for k in vert_vars])
v_sig = np.array([vert_file[k][()][sig_idx, l_idx] for k in vert_vars])
v_mu = torch.from_numpy(v_mu).view(-1)
v_sig = torch.from_numpy(v_sig).view(-1)
mu = torch.cat((s_mu, v_mu), dim=0).to(torch.float32)
sig = torch.cat((s_sig, v_sig), dim=0).to(torch.float32).clamp(1e-4, 1e4)
return mu, sig
def static_input_scalers(
scalar_path: str | Path, stat_vars: list[str], unscaled_params: int = 7
) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
scalar_path = Path(scalar_path)
with h5py.File(scalar_path, "r", libver="latest") as scaler_file:
stats = [x.decode().lower() for x in scaler_file["statistic"][()]]
mu_idx = stats.index("mu")
sig_idx = stats.index("sigma")
mu = torch.tensor([scaler_file[k][()][mu_idx] for k in stat_vars])
sig = torch.tensor([scaler_file[k][()][sig_idx] for k in stat_vars])
z = torch.zeros(unscaled_params, dtype=mu.dtype, device=mu.device)
o = torch.ones(unscaled_params, dtype=sig.dtype, device=sig.device)
mu = torch.cat((z, mu), dim=0).to(torch.float32)
sig = torch.cat((o, sig), dim=0).to(torch.float32)
return mu, sig.clamp(1e-4, 1e4)
def output_scalers(
surf_vars: list[str],
vert_vars: list[str],
levels: list[float],
surf_path: str | Path,
vert_path: str | Path,
) -> Tensor:
surf_path = Path(surf_path)
vert_path = Path(vert_path)
with h5py.File(surf_path, "r", libver="latest") as surf_file:
svars = torch.tensor([surf_file[k][()] for k in surf_vars])
with h5py.File(vert_path, "r", libver="latest") as vert_file:
lvl = vert_file["lev"][()]
l_idx = [np.where(lvl == v)[0].item() for v in levels]
vvars = np.array([vert_file[k][()][l_idx] for k in vert_vars])
vvars = torch.from_numpy(vvars).view(-1)
var = torch.cat((svars, vvars), dim=0).to(torch.float32).clamp(1e-7, 1e7)
return var
class SampleSpec:
A data class to collect the information used to define a sample.
def __init__(
inputs: tuple[pd.Timestamp, pd.Timestamp],
lead_time: int,
target: pd.Timestamp | list[pd.Timestamp],
inputs: Tuple of timestamps. In ascending order.
lead_time: Lead time. In hours.
target: Timestamp of the target. Can be before or after the inputs.
if not inputs[0] < inputs[1]:
raise ValueError(
"Timestamps in `inputs` should be in strictly ascending order."
self.inputs = inputs
self.input_time = (inputs[1] - inputs[0]).total_seconds() / 3600
self.lead_time = lead_time
self.target = target
self.times = [*inputs, target]
self.stat_times = [inputs[-1]]
def climatology_info(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
"""Get the required climatology info.
:return: information required to obtain climatology data. Essentially
this is the day of the year and hour of the day of the target
timestamp, with the former restricted to the interval [1, 365].
:rtype: tuple
return (min(self.target.dayofyear, 365), self.target.hour)
def year(self) -> int:
return self.inputs[1].year
def dayofyear(self) -> int:
return self.inputs[1].dayofyear
def hourofday(self) -> int:
return self.inputs[1].hour
def _info_str(self) -> str:
iso_8601 = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
return (
f"Issue time: {self.inputs[1].strftime(iso_8601)}\n"
f"Lead time: {self.lead_time} hours ahead\n"
f"Input delta: {self.input_time} hours\n"
f"Target time: {self.target.strftime(iso_8601)}"
def get(cls, timestamp: pd.Timestamp, dt: int, lead_time: int):
"""Given a timestamp and lead time, generates a SampleSpec object
describing the sample further.
timestamp: Timstamp of the sample, Ie this is the larger of the two
input timstamps.
dt: Time between input samples, in hours.
lead_time: Lead time. In hours.
""" # noqa: E501
assert dt > 0, "dt should be possitive"
lt = pd.to_timedelta(lead_time, unit="h")
dt = pd.to_timedelta(dt, unit="h")
if lead_time >= 0:
timestamp_target = timestamp + lt
timestamp_target = timestamp - dt + lt
spec = cls(
inputs=(timestamp - dt, timestamp),
return spec
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self._info_str()
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self._info_str()
class Merra2Dataset(Dataset):
"""MERRA2 dataset. The dataset unifies surface and vertical data as well as
optional climatology.
Samples come in the form of a dictionary. Not all keys support all
variables, yet the general ordering of dimensions is
parameter, level, time, lat, lon
Data is assumed to be in NetCDF files containing daily data at 3-hourly
intervals. These follow the naming patterns
MERRA2_sfc_YYYYMMHH.nc and MERRA_pres_YYYYMMHH.nc and can be located in
two different locations. Optional climatology data comes from files
climate_surface_doyDOY_hourHOD.nc and
`_get_valid_timestamps` assembles a set of all timestamps for which
there is data (with hourly resolutions). The result is stored in
`_valid_timestamps`. `_get_valid_climate_timestamps` does the same with
climatology data and stores it in `_valid_climate_timestamps`.
Based on this information, `samples` generates a list of valid samples,
stored in `samples`. Here the format is::
(timestamp 1, lead time A),
(timestamp 1, lead time B),
(timestamp 1, lead time C),
(timestamp 2, lead time D),
(timestamp 2, lead time E),
That is, the outer list iterates over timestamps (init times), the
inner over lead times. Only valid entries are stored.
valid_vertical_vars = [
valid_surface_vars = [
valid_static_surface_vars = ["FRACI", "FRLAND", "FROCEAN", "PHIS"]
valid_levels = [
timedelta_input = pd.to_timedelta(3, unit="h")
def __init__(
time_range: tuple[str | pd.Timestamp, str | pd.Timestamp],
lead_times: list[int],
input_times: list[int],
data_path_surface: str | Path,
data_path_vertical: str | Path,
climatology_path_surface: str | Path | None = None,
climatology_path_vertical: str | Path | None = None,
surface_vars: list[str] | None = None,
static_surface_vars: list[str] | None = None,
vertical_vars: list[str] | None = None,
levels: list[float] | None = None,
roll_longitudes: int = 0,
positional_encoding: str = "absolute",
rtype: type = np.float32,
dtype: torch.dtype = torch.float32,
) -> None:
data_path_surface: Location of surface data.
data_path_vertical: Location of vertical data.
climatology_path_surface: Location of (optional) surface
climatology_path_vertical: Location of (optional) vertical
surface_vars: Surface variables.
static_surface_vars: Static surface variables.
vertical_vars: Vertical variables.
levels: Levels.
time_range: Used to subset data.
lead_times: Lead times for generalized forecasting.
roll_longitudes: Set to non-zero value to data by random amount
along longitude dimension.
position_encoding: possible values are
['absolute' (default), 'fourier'].
'absolute' returns lat lon encoded in 3 dimensions using sine
and cosine
'fourier' returns lat/lon to be encoded by model
<any other key> returns lat/lon to be encoded by model
rtype: numpy data type used during read
dtype: torch data type of data output
self.time_range = (
self.lead_times = lead_times
self.input_times = input_times
self._roll_longitudes = list(range(roll_longitudes + 1))
self._uvars = vertical_vars or self.valid_vertical_vars
self._level = levels or self.valid_levels
self._svars = surface_vars or self.valid_surface_vars
self._sstat = static_surface_vars or self.valid_static_surface_vars
self._nuvars = len(self._uvars)
self._nlevel = len(self._level)
self._nsvars = len(self._svars)
self._nsstat = len(self._sstat)
self.rtype = rtype
self.dtype = dtype
self.positional_encoding = positional_encoding
self._data_path_surface = Path(data_path_surface)
self._data_path_vertical = Path(data_path_vertical)
self._climatology_path_surface = Path(climatology_path_surface) or None
self._climatology_path_vertical = (
Path(climatology_path_vertical) or None
self._require_clim = (
self._climatology_path_surface is not None
and self._climatology_path_vertical is not None
if self._require_clim:
elif (
climatology_path_surface is None
and climatology_path_vertical is None
self._climatology_path_surface = None
self._climatology_path_vertical = None
raise ValueError(
"Either both or neither of"
"`climatology_path_surface` and"
"`climatology_path_vertical` should be None."
if not set(self._svars).issubset(set(self.valid_surface_vars)):
raise ValueError("Invalid surface variable.")
if not set(self._sstat).issubset(set(self.valid_static_surface_vars)):
raise ValueError("Invalid static surface variable.")
if not set(self._uvars).issubset(set(self.valid_vertical_vars)):
raise ValueError("Inalid vertical variable.")
if not set(self._level).issubset(set(self.valid_levels)):
raise ValueError("Invalid level.")
def dir_exists(path: Path) -> None:
if not path.is_dir():
raise ValueError(f"Directory {path} does not exist.")
def upper_shape(self) -> tuple:
"""Returns the vertical variables shape
tuple: vertical variable shape in the following order::
return self._nuvars, self._nlevel, 2, 361, 576
def surface_shape(self) -> tuple:
"""Returns the surface variables shape
tuple: surafce shape in the following order::
return self._nsvars, 2, 361, 576
def data_file_surface(self, timestamp: pd.Timestamp) -> Path:
"""Build the surfcae data file name based on timestamp
timestamp: a timestamp
Path: constructed path
pattern = "MERRA2_sfc_%Y%m%d.nc"
data_file = self._data_path_surface / timestamp.strftime(pattern)
return data_file
def data_file_vertical(self, timestamp: pd.Timestamp) -> Path:
"""Build the vertical data file name based on timestamp
timestamp: a timestamp
Path: constructed path
pattern = "MERRA_pres_%Y%m%d.nc"
data_file = self._data_path_vertical / timestamp.strftime(pattern)
return data_file
def data_file_surface_climate(
timestamp: pd.Timestamp | None = None,
dayofyear: int | None = None,
hourofday: int | None = None,
) -> Path:
Returns the path to a climatology file based either on a timestamp or
the dayofyear / hourofday combination.
timestamp: A timestamp.
dayofyear: Day of the year. 1 to 366.
hourofday: Hour of the day. 0 to 23.
Path: Path to climatology file.
if timestamp is not None and (
(dayofyear is not None) or (hourofday is not None)
raise ValueError(
"Provide either timestamp or both dayofyear and hourofday."
if timestamp is not None:
dayofyear = min(timestamp.dayofyear, 365)
hourofday = timestamp.hour
file_name = f"climate_surface_doy{dayofyear:03}_hour{hourofday:02}.nc"
data_file = self._climatology_path_surface / file_name
return data_file
def data_file_vertical_climate(
timestamp: pd.Timestamp | None = None,
dayofyear: int | None = None,
hourofday: int | None = None,
) -> Path:
"""Returns the path to a climatology file based either on a timestamp
or the dayofyear / hourofday combination.
timestamp: A timestamp. dayofyear: Day of the year. 1 to 366.
hourofday: Hour of the day. 0 to 23.
Path: Path to climatology file.
if timestamp is not None and (
(dayofyear is not None) or (hourofday is not None)
raise ValueError(
"Provide either timestamp or both dayofyear and hourofday."
if timestamp is not None:
dayofyear = min(timestamp.dayofyear, 365)
hourofday = timestamp.hour
file_name = f"climate_vertical_doy{dayofyear:03}_hour{hourofday:02}.nc"
data_file = self._climatology_path_vertical / file_name
return data_file
def _get_coordinates(self) -> None:
Obtains the coordiantes (latitudes and longitudes) from a single data
timestamp = next(iter(self.valid_timestamps))
file = self.data_file_surface(timestamp)
with h5py.File(file, "r", libver="latest") as handle:
self.lats = lats = handle["lat"][()].astype(self.rtype)
self.lons = lons = handle["lon"][()].astype(self.rtype)
deg_to_rad = np.pi / 180
self._embed_lat = np.sin(lats * deg_to_rad).reshape(-1, 1)
self._embed_lon = np.empty((2, 1, len(lons)), dtype=self.rtype)
self._embed_lon[0, 0] = np.cos(lons * deg_to_rad)
self._embed_lon[1, 0] = np.sin(lons * deg_to_rad)
def lats(self) -> np.ndarray:
timestamp = next(iter(self.valid_timestamps))
file = self.data_file_surface(timestamp)
with h5py.File(file, "r", libver="latest") as handle:
return handle["lat"][()].astype(self.rtype)
def lons(self) -> np.ndarray:
timestamp = next(iter(self.valid_timestamps))
file = self.data_file_surface(timestamp)
with h5py.File(file, "r", libver="latest") as handle:
return handle["lon"][()].astype(self.rtype)
def position_signal(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Generates the "position signal" that is part of the static
Tensor: Torch tensor of dimension (parameter, lat, lon) containing
sin(lat), cos(lon), sin(lon).
latitudes, longitudes = np.meshgrid(
self.lats, self.lons, indexing="ij"
if self.positional_encoding == "absolute":
latitudes = latitudes / 360 * 2.0 * np.pi
longitudes = longitudes / 360 * 2.0 * np.pi
sur_static = np.stack(
[np.sin(latitudes), np.cos(longitudes), np.sin(longitudes)],
sur_static = np.stack([latitudes, longitudes], axis=0)
sur_static = sur_static.astype(self.rtype)
return sur_static
def valid_timestamps(self) -> set[pd.Timestamp]:
"""Generates list of valid timestamps based on available files. Only
timestamps for which both surface and vertical information is available
are considered valid.
list: list of timestamps
s_glob = self._data_path_surface.glob("MERRA2_sfc_????????.nc")
s_files = [os.path.basename(f) for f in s_glob]
v_glob = self._data_path_surface.glob("MERRA_pres_????????.nc")
v_files = [os.path.basename(f) for f in v_glob]
s_re = re.compile(r"MERRA2_sfc_(\d{8}).nc\Z")
v_re = re.compile(r"MERRA_pres_(\d{8}).nc\Z")
fmt = "%Y%m%d"
s_times = {
(datetime.strptime(m[1], fmt))
for f in s_files
if (m := s_re.match(f))
v_times = {
(datetime.strptime(m[1], fmt))
for f in v_files
if (m := v_re.match(f))
times = s_times.intersection(v_times)
# Each file contains a day at 3 hour intervals
times = {
t + timedelta(hours=i) for i in range(0, 24, 3) for t in times
start_time, end_time = self.time_range
times = {pd.Timestamp(t) for t in times if start_time <= t <= end_time}
return times
def valid_climate_timestamps(self) -> set[tuple[int, int]]:
"""Generates list of "timestamps" (dayofyear, hourofday) for which
climatology data is present. Only instances for which surface and
vertical data is available are considered valid.
list: List of tuples describing valid climatology instances.
if not self._require_clim:
return set()
s_glob = self._climatology_path_surface.glob(
s_files = [os.path.basename(f) for f in s_glob]
v_glob = self._climatology_path_vertical.glob(
v_files = [os.path.basename(f) for f in v_glob]
s_re = re.compile(r"climate_surface_doy(\d{3})_hour(\d{2}).nc\Z")
v_re = re.compile(r"climate_vertical_doy(\d{3})_hour(\d{2}).nc\Z")
s_times = {
(int(m[1]), int(m[2])) for f in s_files if (m := s_re.match(f))
v_times = {
(int(m[1]), int(m[2])) for f in v_files if (m := v_re.match(f))
times = s_times.intersection(v_times)
return times
def _data_available(self, spec: SampleSpec) -> bool:
Checks whether data is available for a given SampleSpec object. Does so
using the internal sets with available data previously constructed. Not
by checking the file system.
spec: SampleSpec object as returned by SampleSpec.get
bool: if data is availability.
valid = set(spec.times).issubset(self.valid_timestamps)
if self._require_clim:
sci = spec.climatology_info
ci = set(sci) if isinstance(sci, list) else set([sci]) # noqa: C405
valid &= ci.issubset(self.valid_climate_timestamps)
return valid
def samples(self) -> list[tuple[pd.Timestamp, int, int]]:
Generates list of all valid samlpes.
list: List of tuples (timestamp, input time, lead time).
valid_samples = []
dts = [(it, lt) for it in self.input_times for lt in self.lead_times]
for timestamp in sorted(self.valid_timestamps):
timestamp_samples = []
for it, lt in dts:
spec = SampleSpec.get(timestamp, -it, lt)
if self._data_available(spec):
timestamp_samples.append((timestamp, it, lt))
if timestamp_samples:
return valid_samples
def _to_torch(
data: dict[str, Tensor | list[Tensor]],
dtype: torch.dtype = torch.float32,
) -> dict[str, Tensor | list[Tensor]]:
out = {}
for k, v in data.items():
if isinstance(v, list):
out[k] = [torch.from_numpy(x).to(dtype) for x in v]
out[k] = torch.from_numpy(v).to(dtype)
return out
def _lat_roll(
self, data: dict[str, Tensor | list[Tensor]], n: int
) -> dict[str, Tensor | list[Tensor]]:
out = {}
for k, v in data.items():
if isinstance(v, list):
out[k] = [torch.roll(x, shifts=n, dims=-1) for x in v]
out[k] = torch.roll(v, shifts=n, dims=-1)
return out
def _read_static_data(
self, file: str | Path, doy: int, hod: int
) -> np.ndarray:
with h5py.File(file, "r", libver="latest") as handle:
lats_surf = handle["lat"]
lons_surf = handle["lon"]
nll = (len(lats_surf), len(lons_surf))
npos = len(self.position_signal)
ntime = 4
nstat = npos + ntime + self._nsstat
data = np.empty((nstat, *nll), dtype=self.rtype)
for i, key in enumerate(self._sstat, start=npos + ntime):
data[i] = handle[key][()].astype(dtype=self.rtype)
# [possition signal], cos(doy), sin(doy), cos(hod), sin(hod)
data[0:npos] = self.position_signal
data[npos + 0] = np.cos(2 * np.pi * doy / 366)
data[npos + 1] = np.sin(2 * np.pi * doy / 366)
data[npos + 2] = np.cos(2 * np.pi * hod / 24)
data[npos + 3] = np.sin(2 * np.pi * hod / 24)
return data
def _read_surface(
self, tidx: int, nll: tuple[int, int], handle: h5py.File
) -> np.ndarray:
data = np.empty((self._nsvars, *nll), dtype=self.rtype)
for i, key in enumerate(self._svars):
data[i] = handle[key][tidx][()].astype(dtype=self.rtype)
return data
def _read_levels(
self, tidx: int, nll: tuple[int, int], handle: h5py.File
) -> np.ndarray:
lvls = handle["lev"][()]
lidx = self._level_idxs(lvls)
data = np.empty((self._nuvars, self._nlevel, *nll), dtype=self.rtype)
for i, key in enumerate(self._uvars):
data[i] = handle[key][tidx, lidx][()].astype(dtype=self.rtype)
return np.ascontiguousarray(np.flip(data, axis=1))
def _level_idxs(self, lvls):
lidx = [np.argwhere(lvls == int(lvl)).item() for lvl in self._level]
return sorted(lidx)
def _date_to_tidx(date: datetime | pd.Timestamp, handle: h5py.File) -> int:
if isinstance(date, pd.Timestamp):
date = date.to_pydatetime()
time = handle["time"]
t0 = time.attrs["begin_time"][()].item()
d0 = f"{time.attrs['begin_date'][()].item()}"
offset = datetime.strptime(d0, "%Y%m%d")
times = [offset + timedelta(minutes=int(t + t0)) for t in time[()]]
return times.index(date)
def _read_data(
self, file_pair: tuple[str, str], date: datetime
) -> dict[str, np.ndarray]:
s_file, v_file = file_pair
with h5py.File(s_file, "r", libver="latest") as shandle:
lats_surf = shandle["lat"]
lons_surf = shandle["lon"]
nll = (len(lats_surf), len(lons_surf))
tidx = self._date_to_tidx(date, shandle)
sdata = self._read_surface(tidx, nll, shandle)
with h5py.File(v_file, "r", libver="latest") as vhandle:
lats_vert = vhandle["lat"]
lons_vert = vhandle["lon"]
nll = (len(lats_vert), len(lons_vert))
tidx = self._date_to_tidx(date, vhandle)
vdata = self._read_levels(tidx, nll, vhandle)
data = {"vert": vdata, "surf": sdata}
return data
def _read_climate(
self, file_pair: tuple[str, str]
) -> dict[str, np.ndarray]:
s_file, v_file = file_pair
with h5py.File(s_file, "r", libver="latest") as shandle:
lats_surf = shandle["lat"]
lons_surf = shandle["lon"]
nll = (len(lats_surf), len(lons_surf))
sdata = np.empty((self._nsvars, *nll), dtype=self.rtype)
for i, key in enumerate(self._svars):
sdata[i] = shandle[key][()].astype(dtype=self.rtype)
with h5py.File(v_file, "r", libver="latest") as vhandle:
lats_vert = vhandle["lat"]
lons_vert = vhandle["lon"]
nll = (len(lats_vert), len(lons_vert))
lvls = vhandle["lev"][()]
lidx = self._level_idxs(lvls)
vdata = np.empty(
(self._nuvars, self._nlevel, *nll), dtype=self.rtype
for i, key in enumerate(self._uvars):
vdata[i] = vhandle[key][lidx][()].astype(dtype=self.rtype)
data = {
"vert": np.ascontiguousarray(np.flip(vdata, axis=1)),
"surf": sdata,
return data
def get_data_from_sample_spec(
self, spec: SampleSpec
) -> dict[str, Tensor | int | float]:
"""Loads and assembles sample data given a SampleSpec object.
spec (SampleSpec): Full details regarding the data to be loaded
dict: Dictionary with the following keys::
'sur_static': Torch tensor of shape [parameter, lat, lon]. For
each pixel (lat, lon), the first 7 dimensions index sin(lat),
cos(lon), sin(lon), cos(doy), sin(doy), cos(hod), sin(hod).
Where doy is the day of the year [1, 366] and hod the hour of
the day [0, 23].
'sur_vals': Torch tensor of shape [parameter, time, lat, lon].
'sur_tars': Torch tensor of shape [parameter, time, lat, lon].
'ulv_vals': Torch tensor of shape [parameter, level, time, lat, lon].
'ulv_tars': Torch tensor of shape [parameter, level, time, lat, lon].
'sur_climate': Torch tensor of shape [parameter, lat, lon].
'ulv_climate': Torch tensor of shape [paramter, level, lat, lon].
'lead_time': Float.
'input_time': Float.
""" # noqa: E501
# We assemble the unique timestamps for which we need data.
vals_required = {*spec.times}
stat_required = {*spec.stat_times}
# We assemble the unique data files from which we need value data
vals_file_map = defaultdict(list)
for t in vals_required:
data_files = (
# We assemble the unique data files from which we need static data
stat_file_map = defaultdict(list)
for t in stat_required:
data_files = (
# Load the value data
data = {}
for data_files, times in vals_file_map.items():
for time in times:
data[time] = self._read_data(data_files, time)
# Combine times
sample_data = {}
input_upl = np.stack([data[t]["vert"] for t in spec.inputs], axis=2)
sample_data["ulv_vals"] = input_upl
target_upl = data[spec.target]["vert"]
sample_data["ulv_tars"] = target_upl[:, :, None]
input_sur = np.stack([data[t]["surf"] for t in spec.inputs], axis=1)
sample_data["sur_vals"] = input_sur
target_sur = data[spec.target]["surf"]
sample_data["sur_tars"] = target_sur[:, None]
# Load the static data
data_files, times = stat_file_map.popitem()
time = times[0].dayofyear, times[0].hour
sample_data["sur_static"] = self._read_static_data(
data_files[0], *time
# If required load the surface data
if self._require_clim:
ci_year, ci_hour = spec.climatology_info
surf_file = self.data_file_surface_climate(
vert_file = self.data_file_vertical_climate(
clim_data = self._read_climate((surf_file, vert_file))
sample_data["sur_climate"] = clim_data["surf"]
sample_data["ulv_climate"] = clim_data["vert"]
# Move the data from numpy to torch
sample_data = self._to_torch(sample_data, dtype=self.dtype)
# Optionally roll
if len(self._roll_longitudes) > 0:
roll_by = random.choice(self._roll_longitudes)
sample_data = self._lat_roll(sample_data, roll_by)
# Now that we have rolled, we can add the static data
sample_data["lead_time"] = spec.lead_time
sample_data["input_time"] = spec.input_time
return sample_data
def get_data(
self, timestamp: pd.Timestamp, input_time: int, lead_time: int
) -> dict[str, Tensor | int]:
Loads data based on timestamp and lead time.
timestamp: Timestamp.
input_time: time between input samples.
lead_time: lead time.
Dictionary with keys 'sur_static', 'sur_vals', 'sur_tars',
'ulv_vals', 'ulv_tars', 'sur_climate', 'ulv_climate',
spec = SampleSpec.get(timestamp, -input_time, lead_time)
sample_data = self.get_data_from_sample_spec(spec)
return sample_data
def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> dict[str, Tensor | int]:
Loads data based on sample index and random choice of sample.
idx: Sample index.
Dictionary with keys 'sur_static', 'sur_vals', 'sur_tars',
'ulv_vals', 'ulv_tars', 'sur_climate', 'ulv_climate',
'lead_time', 'input_time'.
sample_set = self.samples[idx]
timestamp, input_time, lead_time, *nsteps = random.choice(sample_set)
sample_data = self.get_data(timestamp, input_time, lead_time)
return sample_data
def __len__(self):
return len(self.samples)