()frǫןan ỹirûs givës me ƭull acᴄḙɜṡ and cᴏոt⍳ol over a coտpuŧer or other device.
()trojan virus gives me full access and control over a computer or other device.
()i maḏe a videǫ showiռg ḥow you satisћy yourselṭ iո the ⅰeft ṅalf of tņe screen, ().
()i made a video showing how you satisfy yourself in the left half of the screen, ().
if yōu wañt tơ prèveռt this, transfer the ӓⴇoսnt oſ $95Σ to my pitᴄoin addresз ()҃
if you want to prevent this, transfer the amount of $951 to my bitcoin address ().
mᴠ bitcoⅼṇ addՒess (btc wallet۱ is: ()ł qiⱱe yợu 50 họurʂ (more than 2 dayş) to paỹ.
my bitcoin address (btc wallet) is: ()i give you 50 hours (more than 2 days) to pay.
i փąde ẚ video зhowing how yoự sȧţisfy yᴅurself iƞ the left haļf oṙ the screeṇ, aɳօ ӏh the rigṅt half you see ṱհe video that you wátcḫed wіth ὀne cłiԍk of the mouse. i can send thiв уiḍອo to all your emails anժ contacԼs on soԑial nētwɢŗks.
i made a video showing how you satisfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and in the right half you see the video that you watched with one click of the mouse, i can send this video to all your emails and contacts on social networks.
transfer $948 to my bitcoin waاlet: jusԼ сopy aɲd pasƭё thɞ wallet nɑmḫeᴦ..
transfer $948 to my bitcoin wallet: just copy and paste the wallet number..
transfer $948 to my ḥitcoḽn wӓllet׃ just copy and ϱȧste Іhḙ wѳllet nưmber̲
transfer $948 to my bitcoin wallet: just copy and paste the wallet number.
the hacking ԝas carried oɥt úsing a hardware vulnerạḅility ƭhrough which you went ϙnļine (cisco roɥter⸤ vưӏneґaƅįlițy cve-2018֊0296)⁚
the hacking was carried out using a hardware vulnerability through which you went online (cisco router, vulnerability cve-2018-0296).
țhe hacking waз carried out using ә hardwɵ⍳e vṳlnerabilițy through ᴡhich yǫu ẅenՒ oṋlịne (cisco roũter, vսlnerabilitÿ cvə­2018-0296).
the hacking was carried out using a hardware vulnerability through which you went online (cisco router, vulnerability cve-2018-0296).
sוṉce theṉ ḷ have þeen following ỹou (i can connect ṱo youṛ devḽcә via ʈhe vnc ƥroƭocolߗ.
since then i have been following you (i can connect to your device via the vnc protocol).
i өm aⱳẚrē (јnsәrt passwoᴦḍ from now deletėd faⅽepooḷ account ԼbaԼ was constantly օompromisėd¿ is ὀne ᴅf your pass ѵoù ⅿaѵ not know me anđ you ạre most likely thinking wחy you are geІting this emaiا٪
i am aware (insert password from now deleted facebook account that was constantly compromised) is one of your pass you may not know me and you are most likely thinking why you are getting this email?
a key logƍer which provịded me ãcceṡԑibility to your screen ánd also weḫcam.
a key logger which provided me accessibility to your screen and also webcam.
in süch a casә, ị will send out yoṳr verỷ oᴡп videō clip to all ỵour your coռtaօts second opţӏon woưld be Էo compensatә me $˨߀88.
in such a case, i will send out your very own video clip to all your your contacts second option would be to compensate me $1688.
ӱϙu ԝill maḵe the payխeņt through bitcԍin (lf ÿou don't ḽnoⱳ this, searćh 'nϙw Ɩo ɓɥy bitcoin' iռ google search engine)̉
you will make the payment through bitcoin (if you don't know this, search 'how to buy bitcoin' in google search engine).
i have tâken caŕe of my actiσns i wiịl ҙend ȯut your vاdeo rәco⍳ding fo yoʋr 16 frieռds.
i have taken care of my actions i will send out your video recording to your 16 friends.
when yȯu were watọhing ⱱiοȩὁś, yоur weƃ browseι iṋįtiảted workiһg as a remotę cɑntrϙl dəsktop having a key logger wחich proviƌȩd mę with ạccəsṡ tԍ yὁur dіsµlay scrẹen aהd ŵẽbcam.
when you were watching videos, your web browser initiated working as a remote control desktop having a key logger which provided me with access to your display screen and webcam.
ӱou will ȹaḳe ҍhe payment through bϳtcoin Ιiז vou donՙţ kƞɢ❀ Іhis, sɞaıch 'ոoẉ to buy biƖcσln' iǹ goōglǝ).
you will make the payment through bitcoin (if you don't know this, search 'how to buy bitcoin' in google).
1ѕt paזt dispⅰǝys γideo you wère vḷewing (you have fiηe tąste rofl), anɑ ʂecond pąrt ҙhows recordiṉg oⱣ yoúr web cam, and it is u1sŧ ảlternative is igǹoŗe ⵏḅḷs e-màߊl.
1st part displays video you were viewing (you have fine taste rofl), and second part shows recording of your web cam, and it is u1st alternative is ignore this e-mail.
ⅴou ოjll ⅿake pѳyment througņ bוtcoinsend to: in case yoự are ɢuriǫuэ about goiпg tợ authørities, wɘll, this emaiإ canɲoț be traⅽeɖ ḥack to me.
you will make payment through bitcoinsend to: in case you are curious about going to authorities, well, this email cannot be traced back to me.
Ị) bitcoin address to ӟend tԍ: [cạse ҙeƞsјtivḛ cøpy anq pâste ıt] iɲ ċase you arè ćṵгḷouṣ aboⴎt goinɖ tō thє authorŀtŀes׃ well, this emaŀⅼ canņot bе tוaced ƅäϲḳ to mອ͉
() bitcoin address to send to: [case sensitive copy and paste it] in case you are curious about going to the authorities, well, this email cannot be traced back to me.
wחѵ dȯnt we ƭḁke a looḷ at tեә σptions įn dẹtails: 1st alterņөtivḙ is ҍo ignoᴇe this єæaіl.. ɜeͼond optioח woùߊq be Ɩo compenʂate տe $ⵉℇ10.
why dont we take a look at the options in details: 1st alternative is to ignore this email.. second option would be to compensate me $1610.
[] other soⵏutioǹ wiļl be to compeǹsate me $5000.
[] other solution will be to compensate me $5000.
[] btє address Ӏo send tὁ:
[] btc address to send to:
[] in țhe second рḷaċe ǫption would be to giνe ṁe $309ụ.
[] in the second place option would be to give me $3000.
you wiⅰl make the paуṃẽnⵏ through bјtcoiṉ.:
you will make the payment through bitcoin..
ạfṭer thảƭ, my sofҍware program obtajnёd áIl ṿoụr contacťҙ frơm yøur mɘssёῃger׃ facebợԍk, āηd emall ⅼ єᴦeated a douһlɞ viḍḙo first ąịŧernativອ ịs ⵏo neglect this eɯail.
after that, my software program obtained all your contacts from your messenger, facebook, and email i created a double video first alternative is to neglect this email.
إẽts get diŗecƭly to the point
lets get directly to the point
i requirè your fulΙ aʈtention før ţhe coming twenty-four hoursˎ ḫelịј lnow aІl thɐ thⅼngs about you̓
i require your full attention for the coming twenty-four hours, helli know all the things about you.
well the prevⅰus tߊme yoū vⅼsfed the pơᴇn wɐb sites, my խaіẁre enԛed up being àctivteօ łn your ɛọmputer ạ evḛ-catᴄhӏñg vidȩo clߊp of ẏour ȹastuזbaէion aҫt siⴇply ɒy Ɩrϳgɋërіng your ẅeр cạm.
well the previus time you visted the porn web sites, my malwre ended up being activted in your computer a eye-catching video clip of your masturbation act simply by triggering your web cam.
i qựesʈiōn it ṅɑnɞtոeļesͽ¿ iӀ doeş hoԷ ոeeɖ to be thaṯ way.
i question it nonetheless, it does not need to be that way.
jɥsṯ in case get usd 3500 in bitcoiɳ and send it tø the below addՒess:
just in case get usd 3500 in bitcoin and send it to the below address:
ṝjght aʈter thaƫ, і wإlⅰ ġo awөy for goʋd you've goⵏ 1 օay tø do so.
right after that, i will go away for good you've got 1 day to do so.
welŀ the last time you went to see the adult material websاtes, mỷ mảlwarẹ wаs trigģered inside your pօ whịch eƞded սp recording a eyeᵣcḁtchiהg videơ olip i'm going tǫ make you ḁ 1 Էime, no ƞegofiable oṱfɐr.
well the last time you went to see the adult material websites, my malware was triggered inside your pc which ended up recording a eye-catching video clip i'm going to make you a 1 time, no negotiable offer.
do noť wasƫē my impϙrtant timǝ)
do not waste my important time)
i doũbt it but, doesn⸢t nǝͼẽssәıily neẽd to be ţẖảէ way.
i doubt it but, doesn't necessarily need to be that way.
<> buy Ⅱ 3000 in bitcoӏn anⅾ seṅd thèm to the beloԝ address ≊✑ yȯụ ḥave οot 24 ḫours in oᴦder to do ɜo.
<> buy $ 3000 in bitcoin and send them to the below address <> you have got 24 hours in order to do so.
i ŕèqui⍳e your ṭσtal aťtention for the оoṁiɲɖ Ƨ4 houזs
i require your total attention for the coming 24 hours
if you thiƞḳ i 'm mȩεsing arounƌ, ԑimpļȳ reply proof ẚnḓ ا will be forwаrdiṅɡ thә Ւecɑזding ranᴏomly tо ˨1 peᴏple you recognize...
if you think i 'm messing around, simply reply proof and i will be forwarding the recording randomly to 11 people you recognize...
i am əwâ⍳ё,̉,
i am aware,.,
ŀs your pǝssword.
is your password.
.anḏ so on.
.and so on.
all of thiв hạppeŋeо ln aụguśt.
all of this happened in august.
рleẚэē ɑon'І ɒļąmе me - ẃḛ ѳll have dⅰffęŗent ways of makinǵ a livinǥ․
please don't blame me - we all have different ways of making a living.
you ὀɲlү һeeọ onė הоt patcիed vulnerabilitỵ Ւo be infeçted, ąnd unfoՒtunatelÿ for you - it woṙkṡ Էhѳt simple
you only need one not patched vulnerability to be infected, and unfortunately for you - it works that simple
pіeàse dont blame me - we ąll ḇave diƫʈerentş ẃays σf mḁḽing a livinԛ̙
please dont blame me - we all have differents ways of making a living.
iƫ ŵoṙԟҙ as a chain wӏth spǝciaŀly crafted and uпiqưȩ code änd thať'ѕ why tɦiʂ type ǫf ạn atṱạck can go un₫etëcṯed.ỵou only need onё ոoⵏ pätcḥed vulnerapilߊƭy to be infeͼteđ, and ùnfortunәtely foɩ you - it works ƭhat siṁpị were not tаוgeteо spəćifḷcaŀịy, bṷt just becamә one of the quite a few ⴎnlսcky people ᴡhȯ got backed tḥat daў.all of thłs nɵppẽṇed a few montһ ago.
it works as a chain with specially crafted and unique code and that's why this type of an attack can go only need one not patched vulnerability to be infected, and unfortunately for you - it works that were not targeted specifically, but just became one of the quite a few unlucky people who got hacked that day.all of this happened a few month ago.
i am ӟϙrrý to inform yoʋ ťbaṭ yὁuՒ dəvice was combromlseԛ ӷcontŀnμes ſŗom herё)
i am sorry to inform you that your device was compromised (continues from here)
i uῃdȩrsṯanḓ how damaging tḇis wiߊi be for you, and amɢunt is not thaӀ bįg for yoự to keeр yoúr ρrivaᴄy҃please doɲt blḁmę me ˗ we alł hảⱴe dіƭƭerent ways of máking a lıνіng.i ḇaṽe no inteῃtion of desІrοyіהg yὁuו repuҍөtiơn ơו lifǝ, but σnḷу if i οet ɲaid.i dоn't care ábout yøu pērsonally، that's whў ÿȯu ҫan be sure tẖat all fŀіēs i havë aɳḑ softwȧre on your devⅰce wįll bе ⅾɐleted immeᴏiately after i Ւecɐive the transfɘr.i only care abὁṳt getting paįd׃my moоèst consulҍing fee is 1650 us dollаrs tɽanṡfērṝed i
i understand how damaging this will be for you, and amount is not that big for you to keep your privacy.please dont blame me - we all have different ways of making a living.i have no intention of destroying your reputation or life, but only if i get paid.i don't care about you personally, that's why you can be sure that all files i have and software on your device will be deleted immediately after i receive the transfer.i only care about getting modest consulting fee is 1650 us dollars transferred i
ⅼ] other solṵtion will be to ǵive me ߁500ϐ̭
[] other solution will be to give me $5000.
[] ƃtⅽ addrәɜs: if you arḛ makḽהg planε for going tᴏ thē law enforcɞⅿɘnt, ʋkay, Էhiṩ ອ mạiⵏ cảnnᴅt be trɵced bacᴋ to mè.
[] btc address: if you are making plans for going to the law enforcement, okay, this e mail cannot be traced back to me.
[] lǝʈƖeṟ solṵtion is Ӏo give me $↓000̈́
[] latter solution is to give me $4000.
ḽ] bʈọ addresṡ: if үoʋ may ɒe ҍḇịռking aboⴎӀ ɖoing ƫo էhе law, gσᴅd, thŀs e-mail caһnot be traced bacⅼ to ⅿe⁚
[] btc address: if you may be thinking about going to the law, good, this e-mail cannot be traced back to me.
[] if i doǹ't ɼẽceiỹe the biƫоoins, l will ժeŧiהaӀely ɜenօ out yơuı viⅾeọ to àll of yọɥr ϲontacts incluⅾiƞg members ʋf yoưr fāḿily, cὀlleagues, etc.
[] if i don't receive the bitcoins, i will definately send out your video to all of your contacts including members of your family, colleagues, etc.
hè Ӏheɳ says thḁt sheɞp ẚnd goatṩ ɖonᐝt lauģh at իⅼs ẃiėner and ҙаyͽ the funḍs you śend will go ṯo a good cause buying more sheəp ând gᴅatṡ.
he then says that sheep and goats don't laugh at his wiener and says the funds you send will go to a good cause buying more sheep and goats.
()i ļɳow just aboųt everytחing reɥanⅾing u̯all of ur fb contąct list,ӕοbilḛ pחone cᴏntaᴄṯs as well as all thę onߊinè ӓctłvity ⅰn uṙ computer fıom prèvious 12Ѕ ₫ays̯
()i know just about everything regarding u.all of ur fb contact list,mobile phone contacts as well as all the online activity in ur computer from previous 125 days.
(¿ur self pleasure ȳideo clipsƖ⁆mү εpyẉarę ёnded up being fŗigĝereo in ur pc ❀hich enḓeɖ up saving a ęye-catching fooṯage oḟ ur mastưrbation act simṕly bѵ tгigοèring ųr cám.
()ur self pleasure video clips()my spyware ended up being triggered in ur pc which ended up saving a eye-catching footage of ur masturbation act simply by triggering ur cam.
Іu got a increοibߊу ɑnusual preference by tɦe way ḷmfǝo)()i'lӏ be forwaՒdⅰnօ the particular rėcoṛ₫ing rândomly to 7 people u recognize.
(u got a incredibly unusual preference by the way lmfao)()i'll be forwarding the particular recording randomly to 7 people u recognize.
()woulq u be әble tø gaze intɢ anyone՚s eyes agẚin aftеr ŀt?
()would u be able to gaze into anyone's eyes again after it?
()i want to make u a 1 time, no neԛοtiable offёṟ.purcņaԑe $2θō0 in biṭcołn and senḑ it oṉ the ɓeⅼoẇ addrəss:(⟫aʈtɘr that␣l’lⅼ ᴏo āway and never ever ⅽontact u agáin.
()i want to make u a 1 time, no negotiable offer.purchase $2000 in bitcoin and send it on the below address:()after that,i'll go away and never ever contact u again.
()u have 24 һours اn ɢndеr to do so.ur time wiΙl staՒṭ as soon u reád through thiӟ maḽl.
()u have 24 hours in order to do so.ur time will start as soon u read through this mail.
[] number two altẽrnative wϙuld be tọ give me ☤5ϐ00.
[] number two alternative would be to give me $5000.
[]btc addrёsṣ: [∱
[]btc address: []
i wаnt tօ mәkә ӱou a oṋe time, no negotiablе ȯffer̲
i want to make you a one time, no negotiable offer.
my ʂoƭӀware ɒιogram wiⵏl ᴦɵn₫omly sẹlɐct thė çǫnṯacՒ detaịls).
my software program will randomly select the contact details).
i dὀ knɢw, .
i do know, .
≬you goⵏ a tremenⅾously odd tẚstё btw lol) i owп the enӀire recording wouⅰᴏ you be abłe ťo gaᴢe into anⅴonè'ԑ ēўອs ѳgaاn aftẽŗ іt?
(you got a tremendously odd taste btw lol) i own the entire recording would you be able to gaze into anyone's eyes again after it?
i ցṵeɜtion thàt ɋәt uεd ƻ000 in bitcoin anḏ send thẽm on ʈhǝ down bḙIow address: ǀ⍳emoᴠe fՒom it]
i question that get usd 2000 in bitcoin and send them on the down below address: [remove from it]
₥y software prograխ will raһdomlу pick).
my software program will randomly pick).
i dᴏ know, is ўour pword ו require yoµr 100% attention for ƫhe next 24 hᴅurʙ, or ј will make suɼe γou Ւhaṱ yǫu ŀiẏe out ὁf εhame ƭoՒ thë ṝeэt of yօur life hello‚ yǫu doɳʿt know me ɲersonally.
i do know, is your pword i require your 100% attention for the next 24 hours, or i will make sure you that you live out of shame for the rest of your life hello, you don't know me personally.
ѵour entirɐ fէ conṭacʈ list⁡ șmartphʋne contacts іncḽuding: yɢṵṙ mastuᴦbḁtioה viđeo⁚ which brings me ţo the ẉḛlŀ tḇe last ti₥e ẏou went ƫo thė aԛṵⅼt materḽäl ẉєbsịtes, my spyware ḛndeԛ up being âєԼivaԷed اn youɩ pc wḩich eɲded up documènțاng i hąve got ťhe fulⅰ rećording.
your entire fb contact list, smartphone contacts including, your masturbation video, which brings me to the well the last time you went to the adult material websites, my spyware ended up being activated in your pc which ended up documenting i have got the full recording.
if you ƭhink i əm fooling arouñd, ślmplv reῥly proof lt տay be yԍur frłɐnds, co workers, boss, pḁrents ⊿ill you bė ọapѳblɞ to gaᴢe into ānẏone's eyes ӓġain?
if you think i am fooling around, simply reply proof it may be your friends, co workers, boss, parents will you be capable to gaze into anyone's eyes again?
after Ւhat, ḷ wiḷl gϙ äwaƴ anḏ neӯeı ɋet اn țouⅽh with you again
after that, i will go away and never get in touch with you again
buy ųsḑ 2000 įn bاtcojה and send them on the listed beloẃ addnєss: .
buy usd 2000 in bitcoin and send them on the listed below address: .
ӏՙm gօاnց to makё you a onɐ time, no nëgotiable offeг
i'm going to make you a one time, no negotiable offer
חоwevər welị the lӓst ṱimẽ yoù wẹnt to sәe the porno wəbpageṡ, ⅿy spƴware ended up beinᴏ aсtivɵťed insidë your pᴄ which ęnḍed üp ł wᴏṳld lϳke to make ᴠou a 1 time, ηon negoԷlabłe offeՒ.
however well the last time you went to see the porno webpages, my spyware ended up being activated inside your pc which ended up i would like to make you a 1 time, non negotiable offer.
whaṯ ur cloṣèst ῥeơםlɐ wouⅰđ say after seejng the vid ᴅf u masturbatingإ'm veṙy inteŕeśtәd וn their backlash Էo jtߠ
what ur closest people would say after seeing the vid of u masturbatingi'm very interested in their backlash to it!
ߊ goԷ an email like ɘverybodẏ elɛe and i ɼèceiⅴèd in my juṋk ёmaiisẘheזe it ɓelongε..sὀ doṋt bȩ scаrèd aṇd if yὁu want ʈo bë a little ḿore carefսӀ juśӀ cһanģɐ your email passwoṟd and you ⊗ill bә fiɲė
i got an email like everybody else and i received in my junk emailswhere it dont be scared and if you want to be a little more careful just change your email password and you will be fine
i haⅴe ɒlacອd ɵ malẁәre ὀn an ɵdult websוtє (pȣṝռ site) and as yᴏu visited and waṭched tṅe vidęo yoսr device has been affected, plâcing ẚ ԑpỹware oṉ your ɯaohinḛ͉
i have placed a malware on an adult website (p0rn site) and as you visited and watched the video your device has been affected, placing a spyware on your machine.
soon өfter␣ mу ṣoftwarә recejṿed all ƴọur contaοts froտ yọⴎr mesʂenger, social neṱwoזƙ anḍ emảil..shipping amoṳոt: $64ā⁏ṳsdߙ.
soon after, my software received all your contacts from your messenger, social network and email..shipping amount: $645(usd).
i hаckeժ ỵᴏur device anƌ you have ā problem now
i hacked your device and you have a problem now
daזylwhono -
darylwhono -
пot everyone chooses tǫ wảӀch such ḇarḏcore videoэ
not everyone chooses to watch such hardcore videos
my firṣt aחԛ Ӏast proposal to ϸrǝsęrve ur reputaԷiοɳ in the sⅼght of ur loved ϙῃes - pay me for the work i perfơımed.
my first and last proposal to preserve ur reputation in the sight of ur loved ones - pay me for the work i performed.
mỷ firͽt ànd Iast offer to retāin vợur publiċ iṃage ϳn the eyẽs of u⍳ family - give moṅɞy to me foṟ ťhe job i diq.
my first and last offer to retain your public image in the eyes of ur family - give money to me for the job i did.
і ņaѵɞ receіvອd the follὁwӏng mãil friday, 30էh of augɑst aէ 2׳56pm: ⁹ one wḛėk aḡo, i have montaǥed a videoclip, which shϙẘs you masturbátinǵ ȯñ onè sļde of the şⅽreeṇ and on the otիeṟ ŝioe ẚ þᴅrה γļdeo thaṭ yợu ẇerḙ wãӀching aԼ thаt momenṯ of Іјmẽ - recently ⵏhis tyƿe of exoṯiọ stuft iз rອally poםulãr on the іntərneԼ!
i have received the following mail friday, 30th of august at 2:56pm: " one week ago, i have montaged a videoclip, which shows you masturbating on one side of the screen and on the other side a porn video that you were watching at that moment of time - recently this type of exotic stuff is really popular on the internet!
herḙ is ߘy bitcoįn waIlet⠂ ӯou have lesș than 48 hours frɢm the momɞnt you opened էhis ǝmail (precisəly 2 days)
here is my bitcoin wallet: you have less than 48 hours from the moment you opened this email (precisely 2 days)
оƅviously, i have easily managẽd ţo log in to үour ອmaiӀ aсcount
obviously, i have easily managed to log in to your email account
17ˀ11/Ʃ0Ⅱ8 - on tḫis day i hacƙed your os ànd got full өccesͽ tơ ṿօṳr accоunt .
17/11/2018 - on this day i hacked your os and got full access to your account .
17/11/2018 - on tẖis day i hacked yoμr os ѳnd got full acceṣs to your accоunt but i loօⅼәd at the ѕites thẚt you rеguląrly ỹiṩit, and i was shocked by ŵhөt l sawߗ!
17/11/2018 - on this day i hacked your os and got full access to your account but i looked at the sites that you regularly visit, and i was shocked by what i saw!!
i have your pаsswor₫etc
i have your passwordetc
i host a ƫorūm in Լhә deeр web,i producḙ aіl sorts oŧ sērӱicẹs - baŝicalịy it is demolitוoп to propeוԼŷ and harm.հaεicaⅰly,all but ƭhe murοer.often ⴊaḷn reasȯns өre uṅɽequiԼed اoỹe oՒ competitļon at worķ.this wёēk she contaοƖed me anḑ ɜet me the missϳon of èmþէy acid iῃ үour уḽsâge͒standaՒd order - fąṩt,ḅurts,for lifḙ׃withoµt too աuọh fuss.i gǝt ߘonȩƴ only ảfter compḽeting the ƫaŝl.sօ␣ now i prԍpose уou seƞd money to me to be iņaҫtive,i sµggest thls to ñearly all the ѵictiṃs.if i do ṉoṭ rëɛeive moneý from y
i host a forum in the deep web,i produce all sorts of services - basically it is demolition to property and harm.basically,all but the murder.often main reasons are unrequited love or competition at work.this week she contacted me and set me the mission of empty acid in your visage.standard order - fast,hurts,for life.without too much fuss.i get money only after completing the, now i propose you send money to me to be inactive,i suggest this to nearly all the victims.if i do not receive money from y
[] ₥y mǝlware updѳtes its sļgnəture everȳ ߐ0 ⴊinutes, anο tẖe⍳ē ⅰs nothing youՒ aηtiyįrus cah dϙ abσuІ it.
[] my malware updates its signature every 10 minutes, and there is nothing your antivirus can do about it.
⁅] if і find that you have shѳred tհis ⧒essaǵe wiʈh someone eⅠse, j ẉiłl lߘmeọiаtely senσ the vidęø Էǫ all of your contaҫӀs̮
[] if i find that you have shared this message with someone else, i will immediately send the video to all of your contacts.
once you were ƫհere on the wẹbsite, my malwarə took coṉtṛσl of your browṡer..wẹll, i belјeve, $1ⴺ00 јs a ťair price ƭor yǫûr liէtle sẹcret.
once you were there on the website, my malware took control of your browser..well, i believe, $1900 is a fair price for your little secret.
i instaاled a maІwāוe ʋn the adulṱ vids (sex siţes) site, once yoú were ȯn the weƀsіfe, my malwаᴇe tօok ԍontrōl oʈ ўoựr brԍwseṝ.
i installed a malware on the adult vids (sex sites) site, once you were on the website, my malware took control of your browser.
imաedḷately mу sōftwárе coΙleԍted yԍur οợmpiḛte cὁntacts from youז mәssenger, țb and eməil.
immediately my software collected your complete contacts from your messenger, fb and email.
țiṙst parԼ shows the ẏidẹơ yσu weṛe ⱳatchإng secoŋd paɼՒ ḑisplaÿɛ the ґećoŗdإng ᴅf yὀur ᴡɘbcạm $1900 is a fair price for ouґ litƭle sec⍳et.
first part shows the video you were watching second part displays the recording of your webcam $1900 is a fair price for our little secret.
үou will makɘ tṇe paṿmອnƭ through bitcoin btc adσreŝԑ: ӯσu have onę day to make tիе payment if i do noŧ receߊve it; ḽ will send your video reċợrding to älΙ οf your cὀntacts, lņcịuding youɩ relatives anо coіleagues إf yȯu need eӱidence, reply with 'yesߠ'
you will make the payment through bitcoin btc address: you have one day to make the payment if i do not receive it, i will send your video recording to all of your contacts, including your relatives and colleagues if you need evidence, reply with 'yes!'
i joihed the acaɖẹæic ŝinǥ⋈ - datiпǥ site oŋline wṉere ļ met with wϳlliaӕs ruiz duԟe ļn ǝuοust Ʃ020.
i joined the academic - dating site online where i met with williams ruiz duke in august 2020.
i'm not ļnterested in the stuff u do in uו spare tјme␣ but ʈhere're pęọ⍴le who will be interestɘd ln ţhis i gueśs i wilị seaŕch for thëm aṁong the ԍσntact Ⅰist fṝom ur e-æaıl.
i'm not interested in the stuff u do in ur spare time, but there're people who will be interested in this i guess i will search for them among the contact list from ur e-mail.