stringlengths 5
| text
stringlengths 2
| label
stringlengths 2
180706-0-0 | i'm äოḁne, ., | i'm aware, ., |
180706-0-1 | iɛ your pавs⊗ord. | is your password. |
151540-0-0 | i'm a⊿ḁṟe̊ .. is ӯour paşsworо. | i'm aware, .. is your password. |
151320-0-0 | i'm aოḁre, , ⅰs yԍuı ṗassword. | i'm aware, , is your password. |
151360-0-0 | i‵m aware, :, | i'm aware, ., |
151360-0-1 | is yōur pasşwoıd. | is your password. |
151420-5-0 | [] buy $ 2000 in biƭcoin ǝṉd send ⵏheխ on thё đown below aḍdrḛsʂ; [] іť you send out this partiⅽṷlaṙ 'ḍὁɳatıon' ¡lėt us calا iṱ Էhat°). | [] buy $ 2000 in bitcoin and send them on the down below address: [] if you send out this particular 'donation' (let us call it that?). |
151420-9-0 | ʃ] you've got 1 däy in order to dօ so. | [] you've got 1 day in order to do so. |
143130-5-0 | ẃelⅰ the previous time yᴏu went to thә porno ⊿eb siƫesˌ mӱ ŝpyware waз activatɘd iņʂide γoṳr ᴏoⅿpuƖer whӏch enƌєd up logging ə lovelÿ vіdeo ṙooʈage of yoùṛ seӀf pleasuṟe play si₥pļy էy tṙigǥering your ⊗ebcam׃ | well the previous time you went to the porno web sites, my spyware was activated inside your computer which ended up logging a lovely video footage of your self pleasure play simply by triggering your webcam. |
143130-9-0 | buү ☿ 2000 in bịtcợin and śen₫ them to ʈhe ժown beاow àժdreʙs: | buy $ 2000 in bitcoin and send them to the down below address: |
148527-1-0 | ✿ell Іḥe preⱴious time ŷou weɳt Լo see ṕᴏrn, ӕý spywarë ẹnded up bɞing trļgɥered in your computȩr which еndәd up documeņțing a eye-cǝtching video ҫlip oḟ ẏσur ɛeΙf pⅼeasure act by triggeriǹg yǫur web ọam. | well the previous time you went to see porn, my spyware ended up being triggered in your computer which ended up documenting a eye-catching video clip of your self pleasure act by triggering your web cam. |
148527-3-0 | if yϙu thⅰǹk i 'm playḽṉg arounօ, siƕply repļy prɑof ǝnd ו wįll be forwaгding the partiсular ɼeоordiɳg randoṁly to ڐ2 people yοu recognŀʐe ŀ'm goŀnġ to make you a one tוme nȯn ņegotiaϸle offër׃ | if you think i 'm playing around, simply reply proof and i will be forwarding the particular recording randomly to 12 people you recognize i'm going to make you a one time, non negotiable offer. |
148527-6-0 | гight afteг that, i wӏll go aᴡaȳ and nēver cơntact yoʋ agalη i hảve an sסeԍاal ԑodɞ ŧhat wוll inḟorփ me once you οo through this mail so do nσt try ťo act smart. | right after that, i will go away and never contact you again i have an special code that will inform me once you go through this mail so do not try to act smart. |
147932-1-0 | i rǝquire fuӏļ aԷtention for thḙ next 24h, orŧor tḥe reԑṭ ᴏƫ your lịfe you dὀn'ť knσw mё personalіy. | i require full attention for the next 24h, orfor the rest of your life you don't know me personally. |
147932-3-0 | tḫis inϲⅼudes, your ⴊasturbatⅼᴏn ṽiḑeoߘy malwaɼe endeḍ ųp triggered in your ͼomputer whŀch endәd up ɖøcumenⵏinɥ a ṽidәo of youזself pláy ḥγ tгiogering your webcąm. | this includes, your masturbation videomy malware ended up triggered in your computer which ended up documenting a video of yourself play by triggering your webcam. |
147932-4-0 | ̯.ḽẜ ṕerņaps yǫu tḫink i am messinɥ around, jusf ⍳ėpiy proof ɵǹd i wilⅰ be ṱοrԝөrding tһe partiċular Ւeċording randᴅḿly țo 4 ῤeo⍴ļe wiіl you be able to gaẕẽ iռto anyone'ҙ ėyes ° | ..if perhaps you think i am messing around, just reply proof and i will be forwarding the particular recording randomly to 4 people will you be able to gaze into anyone's eyes ? |
136203-6-0 | wẽli the breviouṩ time you visited the aduIƫ porn webpageŝ, my sῤyware ᴡaз ṯɼigցeιed insḷde your pc whⅰɛḫ endອd up ṙecorḑӏnᴏ a eƴe-catchiпg video footagອ of yōur self ῥleaśuŕe âct simply ḇy activating your ҫam. | well the previous time you visited the adult porn webpages, my spyware was triggered inside your pc which ended up recording a eye-catching video footage of your self pleasure act simply by activating your cam. |
122298-7-0 | fإrst part sho⇼ş the vlᴏeo ṿou ⇼ere watcեⅰng (you have a good tãste lol ), aռd the second part ₫isplâys the rëcording ὁf your webca⋈̭ | first part shows the video you were watching (you have a good taste lol ), and the second part displays the recording of your webcam. |
154744-2-0 | and this inοludes, youɩ seḽf ⍴leasɑre ƴideo, whiօh brḷnɡs me tợ ŧþe mǝin rėason ẇհy i ❜m craftinɡ thįs parԼاoular ę-mail to ẏøu. | and this includes, your self pleasure video, which brings me to the main reason why i 'm crafting this particular e-mail to you. |
154744-3-0 | ļ hẚγe the ëntire וecorḍiǹg. | i have the entire recording. |
141311-8-0 | purchaśe usđ Ɂ฿В0 in bifϲoiƞ and ŝend it on the dowη рelɑw өdօՒèss: ļcase ʙensifiỹe copy aոd paste iṭ, ɵnd remove froṃ ḷt] .: you've ɋot ˨ day in oŗder to do so҃ | purchase usd 2000 in bitcoin and send it on the down below address: [case sensitive copy and paste it, and remove from it] .. you've got 1 day in order to do so. |
12941-3-0 | thⅼɛ is your pẚsswoՒ₫ fnom <emãil> ợп mɑmeחt of haɛk: <pw> [] i uploaοed maإӏciԍuэ code tο your σperation sysŧɘæ. | this is your password from <email> on moment of hack: <pw> [] i uploaded malicious code to your operation system. |
12941-5-0 | [] i was struck by the siteɜ of inէimate contenƖ thąt ŷou oftеη ȳịsӏt͓ | [] i was struck by the sites of intimate content that you often visit. |
12941-6-0 | [] i mөde scrèenshot ⇼ϳth usוng my pṙogזam from your ċameוa oẜ yours deⱱice. | [] i made screenshot with using my program from your camera of yours device. |
12941-13-0 | ȹy bІc ⊛alΙet، ⁅] i give yoú 3 days Ⅰ4Ḅ hours) to mȧke a payment. | my btc wallet: [] i give you 2 days (48 hours) to make a payment. |
48226-2-0 | i understaהd it iҙ ṇard to beIieve, but ⅰ have full access tо ỵoɑr acćouոt: on ţhė moⴇeɳt of haċkŀnƍ voụr e-mөil . | i understand it is hard to believe, but i have full access to your account: on the moment of hacking your e-mail . |
59312-5-0 | tիe sçaṁ emaӏl ṣtarts liḵē thiε: "somè montṇs ѳgϙ i hacked vōur os anο got ṙuⅠl ḁccesș to ṿour accounƫ ʋո daȳ ɑf haɛk ŷour acԍount ẇiṱh passwϙrd xxxx∎⁹. | the scam email starts like this: "some months ago i hacked your os and got full access to your account on day of hack your account with password xxxxx". |
59312-6-0 | ṭhis sᴄa⋈mer ᴄlaims tոėy arə holdiņο ⅿy info to ȧ էiṱcoin ṛanѕσm̲ | this scammer claims they are holding my info to a bitcoin ransom. |
59312-7-0 | հuṯ i don't visiṭ "аdulʈᐡ ɜites. | but i don't visit "adult" sites. |
121413-7-0 | first ɒart sɦows ⵏhe video you were watԑhing (you հavе a good ⵏáste lol), & thḛ seоond pӓrʈ ɑispӏays tẖe וeԍʋrdinq of yὁuṙ webcӓm. | first part shows the video you were watching (you have a good taste lol), & the second part displays the recording of your webcam. |
341972-1-0 | yoṳ՚rẽ an ẚdʋlt, and your þleaṣuŕŀṋg uιselfthiŝ'ɛ certǝinly iḿpιеssive̮ | you're an adult, and your pleasuring urselfthis's certainly impressive. |
327773-6-0 | ҏlease donƖ blaփe me - we all have differeṋt ԝãỷs of makinĝ ḁ =ļvıng͒ | please dont blame me - we all have different ways of making a =iving. |
216222-7-0 | my first ãnd اȧst oזḟḙr to keeμ youn reputatịǫn in tḫe ėƴès oţ ur family - głӱe mϙney to me for the іob i‘ve done. | my first and last offer to keep your reputation in the eyes of ur family - give money to me for the job i've done. |
223555-7-0 | my first ḁnd lasԷ sṳggȩstłon to preserve your ῤɼestigә iῃ the eyes oⱣ ur זamily - ȩⱣfect paymenť էo ߘe for the job i haṿɘ perṙoṟ⧒ed͒ | my first and last suggestion to preserve your prestige in the eyes of ur family - effect payment to me for the job i have performed. |
343138-5-0 | hɘ telإs me to reply "yeaẖ" and then that he'ɜ ṣµɑoted thḙ ẹɯaiⵏ ӏt's froփ ṩᴏ ߊ caה't reply i know ṱechnicalḽy tḅis is ạn atէempt at se∎torṯion, but i'm far more offëndеd by ho❀ iռcompeteǹʈ ẖe is. | he tells me to reply "yeah" and then that he's spoofed the email it's from so i can't reply i know technically this is an attempt at sextortion, but i'm far more offended by how incompetent he is. |
343139-7-0 | there's an old jøke that goes ᐥi sȯmetimes worry Լṉat a lot oṭ ϱeople âre oſ belօw àveraḡe إntellḷgence" þut thϳs man is a complete moron̲ | there's an old joke that goes "i sometimes worry that a lot of people are of below average intelligence" but this man is a complete moron. |
37273-5-0 | thls ooes not ϱroƫect you from the humiliatiɑṅ tհe seҫoῃd optļon ḽӟ to pay mә. | this does not protect you from the humiliation the second option is to pay me. |
146880-0-0 | im awaґe * is your pasэ word j need уour 100ߘ attenṱјon ṇeϫt 24 houɽз oṝ ị wilإ make sūre that yoụ live out of sņamẽ for resⵏ of lifetime heⅰlo you do not know me perʙonəịly yḛt i know juͽt aḫout ɘverything aboưt you, perşonal facebook ⅽὁntẚcԷ ịist ῥhone conⵏacts plus aIl ὀǹliոe actiṽiṭy ԍn yoùɽ coȸϱuter from ῥrḙvioṳs 116 days аnd this inclɥdes ӱour self pΙeasure videο זootaɡe which brings ⧒e to ϱriߘөry ḿὁtاve why im crafṱıng Լhis ṃàil prḙvious time yoɑ ᴠisiteɖ porn wɘbsites my malwarë enoeԛ ṵp being aԍtiγa | im aware * is your pass word i need your 100% attention next 24 hours or i will make sure that you live out of shame for rest of lifetime hello you do not know me personally yet i know just about everything about you, personal facebook contact list phone contacts plus all online activity on your computer from previous 116 days and this includes your self pleasure video footage which brings me to primary motive why im crafting this mail previous time you visited porn websites my malware ended up being activa |
354305-1-0 | they hອlpeḑ teach me aboũt bԷc.and trade for meµnƭoɩtunaṱelѵ i ịost 50k. | they helped teach me about btc.and trade for meunfortunately i lost 50k. |
348621-9-0 | this ịs lįke a sẹsṡiὁn wịƖh a ϸsychologاsƖ ṭo зharɞ tẖe stuff tņaƭ hսrt me ᴠery badlᴠհe niçe, don't shake ùr dongIe in fronԼ of the cam of ur dḛvicǝ, maỷbe you träumatizɐ somḛḅødy eḷse. | this is like a session with a psychologist, to share the stuff that hurt me very badlybe nice, don't shake ur dongle in front of the cam of ur device, maybe you traumatize somebody else. |
4760-1-0 | receӏved-вpf: softfaḽl (. | received-spf: softfail (. |
83600-2-0 | the want $800 on this bḽƖcὁınadreşs. | the want $800 on this bitcoinadress. |
173185-5-0 | it οɢulⅾ enḓ ūƿ beiǹg youṙ ƒriends, ɢo workers, bosʙ, mother ӓnd father (lʹm not sure։ | it could end up being your friends, co workers, boss, mother and father (i'm not sure! |
173185-7-0 | ƿurchāвe uso 200Β in błtcoin anժ send theⅿ oһ tחe ḷisted below addresṡ: [casë ṣensitiẏe, copy ànɖ paɜte it, and remove * from it] youߵve 1 dɵy ṭo do sʋ͉ | purchase usd 2000 in bitcoin and send them on the listed below address: [case sensitive, copy and paste it, and remove * from it] you've 1 day to do so. |
4971-5-0 | btc address: you haⅴe onອ ḓay in ordeɩ to make the paⅴmënţ iẜ i do not get the hiṱсoihs, i wilị certainly seחο out your ᴠإdeo reċordiṇɑ to ãll of ӯɑur conէacts iƞçluding relatives․ ϲo✿orke⍳s, anḓ эo on | btc address: you have one day in order to make the payment if i do not get the bitcoins, i will certainly send out your video recording to all of your contacts including relatives, coworkers, and so on |
141113-7-0 | buy $ 2ᴜ00 in bitcoin aɲd seŋd וƖ օƞ Ւhe dǫwn ƃeloẃ addŗess: [case sensłtive copy & paste it, ãnd rǝmove fŗom łŧ] if you seǹо this ‛donatiօnʹ i will ḓŀѕäppear and never ever ϲʋntact ÿou ägain youʹve got 1 day in order to do so theɩеfore dɑn't try to act smarṱ. | buy $ 2000 in bitcoin and send it on the down below address: [case sensitive copy & paste it, and remove from it] if you send this 'donation' i will disappear and never ever contact you again you've got 1 day in order to do so therefore don't try to act smart. |
154075-5-0 | whiҫһ inͼludesˎ your self pإeasurе videὀ footage, i haṽe the compleʈe reoᴅrding. | which includes, your self pleasure video footage, i have the complete recording. |
5340-4-0 | i guess ߊ'm ƍonna have to tigḇţeη uס mý spaȹ fiاՒḙrs חow | i guess i'm gonna have to tighten up my spam filters now |
172347-5-0 | spvware ɞnⅾed up bǝiŋg tṝiggered iñside yᴏur computer which ended ub documǝηtiñԛ fooțage ot you bӱ activating your ẇėḇ cãm. | spyware ended up being triggered inside your computer which ended up documenting footage of you by activating your web cam. |
172347-6-0 | ..օėt usd 2000.00 in bitⅽoiɳ anԛ send thອӕ tὀ ⵏhe ԛown below әoqress: ÿou ṉave Ζ4 hourԑ in oזder tɑ dο εo. | ..get usd 2000.00 in bitcoin and send them to the down below address: you have 24 hours in order to do so. |
206093-1-0 | or johạח ṅedгiоk - birťhdate 9/26/60 aka dāmian berkins - ƅirthdate Ѕⅉ27/70 us phone - Ƨ02.5Β3.3056 turkey phone - 90.545͓95ṳ.S4.ⴺ5 ṷs addŗess: 548 ɢaboṭ drߊye, hockḙsвin, de 19Ỵ02 turkey ád₫ress: akevleṝ mаɦällesi 10⇃8 sokḁk no:11, һaḇacan µalace residenԑe kat: 4 d:В59„ ɐsẽnyṷrt/ istanbuḽ 34100 turkey. | or johan hedrick - birthdate 9/26/60 aka damian berkins - birthdate 8/27/70 us phone - 302.583.3056 turkey phone - 90.545.950.54.35 us address: 548 cabot drive, hockessin, de 19707 turkey address: akevler mahallesi 1048 sokak no:11, babacan palace residence kat: 4 d:059, esenyurt/ istanbul 34100 turkey. |
333753-0-0 | just a ιanḍom scammen | just a random scammer |
71550-0-0 | juʙt receive₫ 5 mẹsεäges уia conƖact form same aʂ ӓⅼready rëpϙrteḑ: "heṿ. | just received 5 messages via contact form same as already reported: "hey. |
71550-1-0 | șoon your hoԑҍịng ӓϲcount ѳhd yoɥr domain ⩽doḿaіn_nȧme> ԝill be blocked foṟever " | soon your hosting account and your domain <domain_name> will be blocked forever " |
330578-0-0 | just the usuaⅼ mσroņs who come out the woodwork, ᴡһen a zerợ day vulṅerabịliťy is çaşt intȯ the limelighṭ, other thәn jusţ ƃetween admins, hᴏweⅴer he sṯątes he did it աonths aɋo աmm i'₫ probabⅠy try not to contrãdiϲt yoսrseḽʈ | just the usual morons who come out the woodwork, when a zero day vulnerability is cast into the limelight, other than just between admins, however he states he did it months ago mmm i'd probably try not to contradict yourself |
119795-3-0 | while you were watchinᴏ the video, your web bıoⱳser aᴄťed as ḫⵏc ạddrәss: . | while you were watching the video, your web browser acted as btc address: . |
30368-11-0 | send 2000 usd to this bļtcoiṇ address immeɑiḁtely։ | send 2000 usd to this bitcoin address immediately: |
37514-4-0 | after ᴇepeated inɋuiries, the irs wilі hаve no ċṇoice but tɢ lᴅok cⵏøseіy into this ḿatter⁚ | after repeated inquiries, the irs will have no choice but to look closely into this matter. |
329655-9-0 | aɳd i ǝdvise yϙu - ƒind a girlfriend. | and i advise you - find a girlfriend. |
333705-1-0 | you're aƞ ӓσult, ând ur sexual ŝtiɯulatiơṉthat's certəinly imμresṡive. | you're an adult, and ur sexual stimulationthat's certainly impressive. |
332086-6-0 | if i find out ẃbᴏ did it ⵏas you can see, it's not Іhat diזficɥіť, coñsidering i confŕol alḽ yȯɥṝ systẽms) - your ӯideo wilا be shared to the pɑbΙⅰc imⴊediately. | if i find out who did it (as you can see, it's not that difficult, considering i control all your systems) - your video will be shared to the public immediately. |
332086-18-0 | mỵ ādvⅰce - keep օhаǹging ąll your passwords oƒten!" | my advice - keep changing all your passwords often!" |
326917-0-0 | moӟƫ of the emḁil: yǫṳ only ηėèd one ǹoŧ paṭᴄḇèd vuߊnerability to be inṱeċteḑˌ and unfortunately זor үou - it works thaҍ simple. | most of the email: you only need one not patched vulnerability to be infected, and unfortunately for you - it works that simple. |
91701-10-0 | 2,ϑ00 µsd = Β໋2006ǭ2 btc ⴇakǝ sure to senο ęxactly ᴜ.20߀6āẔ btc to the address above so i know the payṁeņt ịs coming from ýoṵ.. | 2,000 usd = 0.200652 btc make sure to send exactly 0.200652 btc to the address above so i know the payment is coming from you.. |
14597-1-0 | əḥsolutely scanḓalọuԑ . | absolutely scandalous . |
87951-0-0 | mȳ malԝare gave me זull acҫɞss and controΙ over youŕ cὀmputer, meәning i ҫan see everythjng ōn youᴇ screen, türn oɲ your caɯera οr micrȯpḅone and you ⱳoɳ't even nσtice aboսt iԷ. | my malware gave me full access and control over your computer, meaning i can see everything on your screen, turn on your camera or microphone and you won't even notice about it. |
6032-4-0 | accorḑinģly, ị haуe ʈhe datə ɑʈ all your ᴄontacts, ẝiles fṝom yԍur comῥuteι, phɢtos anọ videoş. | accordingly, i have the data of all your contacts, files from your computer, photos and videos. |
188937-2-0 | ȹạŗk ťaylɢr - ϳnsŧagraæ : fx_with̠mark_taylor tēl: +19ߑ4ⵉȘ602B7 webṩiƫes ; i began tradınɡ oɲ 13th juṅe, and waŝ told on ᒺ6th junә to open a new accounf with anothёr emaiߊ address . | mark taylor - instagram : fx_with_mark_taylor tel: +19142360267 websites : i began trading on 13th june, and was told on 16th june to open a new account with another email address . |
330588-7-0 | ł belŀevẽ thaţ you wὀũłd noť ŀįke ťhis to հapɲɐn‥ siɳce a إoոɋ holiday sɐөson is ǀuʂt ãbouŧ to staɽt soon - juӟƖ imagiпe the numḥer of silاỵ jokes and loud Ιȧսghter that wɑṷld get pᴦovσked by yơur videợ all over the neiĝhbourhood bars and pųbs | i believe that you would not like this to happen, since a long holiday season is just about to start soon - just imagine the number of silly jokes and loud laughter that would get provoked by your video all over the neighbourhood bars and pubs |
85057-6-0 | first ƿarƫ śիows thǝ video yōũ were watҫhing (you hāve a niԑe tȧͽtē haɦah), ạṅd second part disрiayѕ []. | first part shows the video you were watching (you have a nice taste hahah), and second part displays []. |
216253-7-0 | mŷ opening and clợsing sụggesҍion to pṟອservє uṟ puƀlic image in tɦe eṿeѕ of ᴠoûr loved ones - mӓke pȧyment to me ћor tחе wοrk i've օonə. | my opening and closing suggestion to preserve ur public image in the eyes of your loved ones - make payment to me for the work i've done. |
223536-7-0 | my ȯpeņing and closing proposal tԍ keep ӯoür ɩeputaԼŀon ıṉ thẽ ŝiցht of ur closesť people - głγe money to me for tṇe work actϳvitv i hạуe caɽried out. | my opening and closing proposal to keep your reputation in the sight of ur closest people - give money to me for the work activity i have carried out. |
331282-7-0 | my σnɐ ӓnd only proposal tǫ sąvɞ your pμblic image in ţḇe sight of ur rẽlativеs ᵣ make payߘɞnt tɢ me for thɐ ȷob i pərẜor₥ed. | my one and only proposal to save your public image in the sight of ur relatives - make payment to me for the job i performed. |
44730-3-0 | yoս'll տaкǝ thɞ payߘęṇt via bḷtcoin (ⅰṙ you οo not knǫw - thiś, search for 'how to buy bⅼІcoin' in ƍoᴅglɘ)̙ | you'll make the payment via bitcoin (if you do not know - this, search for 'how to buy bitcoin' in google). |
44730-4-0 | btᴄ өᴏdrḙss to sęnd to: bƭc ẚqdresε fo send to [case-sensitivȩ - coρy ℇ pastё it]ϳn cḁɛẽ you are planninց on goḽɳց ţo the lá⊛ eոfoזcemອnt, aռyẘay, i haṿẹ coveזëd mÿ aⅽՒions. | btc address to send to: btc address to send to [case-sensitive - copy & paste it]in case you are planning on going to the law enforcement, anyway, i have covered my actions. |
44730-8-0 | if ⅼ ḏɢ ṇԍt ŗeceiүe the bitⅽoiṉs, i wiإl certāinly send yᴏur viọёo to all of your contaҫts inclⴎding ᴄlosḙ relativɐs, ᴄo-wørkers (⁒ | if i do not receive the bitcoins, i will certainly send your video to all of your contacts including close relatives, co-workers () |
330557-23-0 | sȯ let's agree: yȯu senḑ me 2В00000 won, and once the transfer is receįvèd and so on. | so let's agree: you send me 2000000 won, and once the transfer is received and so on. |
47209-1-0 | we ẁıll reԛǝrd إt as a dɢnatłon, as a rәsult, i will quicĸly ḑiscard your viɖeo footageyouˈlị make the payment ḅy ƅitcoin (lf you do not lɳσw thḽs, searcḇ for ᴾhow tο buy biէԍoiח" in googḷe!. | we will regard it as a donation, as a result, i will quickly discard your video footageyou'll make the payment by bitcoin (if you do not know this, search for "how to buy bitcoin" in google). |
44465-1-0 | wє will ⍳ëgard it as a donation: as a resulӀ̊ إ wilΙ quוcӏly discаrd yԍuז ȳiɑeo footaḡe yоu'll make the payment bý bitcoiῃ ӷiſ you ḏo not know ťhiѕ․ search fơr ᓐhow ṱо buy bitоoin" in googⅼe). | we will regard it as a donation, as a result, i will quickly discard your video footage you'll make the payment by bitcoin (if you do not know this, search for "how to buy bitcoin" in google). |
240964-3-0 | one ⅳėek ąǥo, i հave montaged a vidອoclip, whاch shọws you maҙturbatinɥ ᴏn one side of tnɘ screen aɲd оn ṯhḙ other sјԛe a porn video that you werə ⋓atchịng at that moment of time ٠ ιəᴏently thiз Ɩypǝ of exotic stuff is reaⅠly popular on the إɳteוһeԷ! | one week ago, i have montaged a videoclip, which shows you masturbating on one side of the screen and on the other side a porn video that you were watching at that moment of time - recently this type of exotic stuff is really popular on the internet! |
240964-4-0 | ا am offeṛing a siæple anɑ reasonaհle soⅼution. өll you need ţo do ıs transfer an amount equiṽalent tὁ $ߐ450 ⟨usa doŀlars) Ւօ my bⅰtcὀin waⵏⅼet and we bὀth forgeṱ about tհis siΙlᴠ ԑtory fōוeӯer. | i am offering a simple and reasonable solution: all you need to do is transfer an amount equivalent to $1450 (usa dollars) to my bitcoin wallet and we both forget about this silly story forever. |
195423-0-0 | on 2020-˩0-13⟅20:29 (տesz - sһouị₫ bė utc+2h) aռ inοiviḑual or a gгoup of individuals used a noоe oη cdn77 to acceṣs my contacť foım and ţrӱ to рlacḳ⧒ail me for 250ϧ, saying they wouіο leək äll ⴇy acċount ӏnʈormaṭion to tṇe ᐡḏarkηet". | on 2020-10-13/20:29 (mesz - should be utc+2h) an individual or a group of individuals used a node on cdn77 to access my contact form and try to blackmail me for 250$, saying they would leak all my account information to the "darknet". |
226424-1-0 | the calإer namё anna - tṅe senior acoount maռaԛeг speәk ⵏø me explaإnŀng the compänẏ Ɩŗadinq on bәhalf ᴏf clieηts with less knowإɘḓge ᴅƒ how to trade, therе إs ǝ rișk trading wițh shãrєԑ maᴠ be up ànd down weeӏly. | the caller name anna - the senior account manager speak to me explaining the company trading on behalf of clients with less knowledge of how to trade, there is a risk trading with shares may be up and down weekly. |
31497-0-0 | os οоmpromised seṱ úp trojans on yoɑɽ compɥter ṃade a vḽdeo ợf ip detailś, alł cruciәl dὀcuments ɘtc.։ | os compromised set up trojans on your computer made a video of ip details, all crucial documents etc., |
31497-0-1 | ӯiṩļteḑ chiاd porn ⱳẹḫ-ʙites saveọ oп your ῤc savе thоsә vịọeos ōn yoùr comμuter in hļd₫en forɯat oṉly i can әcϲėss theȸ weпt Іo dream խarkeƫ ahd silk ᴇɑad made an account on yoûr nämȩ tþeıə.. | visited child porn web-sites saved on your pc save those videos on your computer in hidden format only i can access them went to dream market and silk road made an account on your name there.. |
31497-2-0 | ignore this e-æãil then i go aեeaԛ after 7Ẓ ḥrs and sènd tեoşe ȳideos to your all contacts. then ordḛr drսgs ѳnd weaῤoñs on youŕ ηame aɲd senо đețáils to âuէhoritieв sọ Էhey ọan arrєэt you aռd trust me theⅴ wiIliէ ⇼ill dеstזơᴠ ӯouṙ rɘlątاoһsիip, cȧreer␣ soҫial life ẽtç. | ignore this e-mail then i go ahead after 72 hrs and send those videos to your all contacts, then order drugs and weapons on your name and send details to authorities so they can arrest you and trust me they willit will destroy your relationship, career, social life etc. |
150390-4-0 | әהd thiʂ iɲcludes, youו mãsturbation video‚ ẇṉich brings me . | and this includes, your masturbation video, which brings me . |
57894-5-0 | i have deveіoped malwarё sofԷ on tիe adulŧ vids (porῃ) site and зuppọʙe that yᴅu spḛnt time on this site țo have a goᴅd tiփǝ ⍳you reaiize what إ ⱳanҍ to say). | i have developed malware soft on the adult vids (porn) site and suppose that you spent time on this site to have a good time (you realize what i want to say). |
152766-2-0 | helⵏo, ṿȯu don'ţ knoẅ me i know juṩt apoùt eγerӱthing negardinq you. | hello, you don't know me i know just about everything regarding you. |
152766-4-0 | consisƖing of, yϙur mastūᴇbẚՒiοn vịdeo cΙips, which ḅriṅgs mе Ւȯ tեe ρrimary reason whу i am craftinǵ this emaiا to youtẖe pгevious time you wenԼ ҍo зee the sexualⅠỹ grãṗhic ɑnline sites my malwəιɐ enⅾed uµ being ҍɼiggered whįcח enⅾed up sẖootlng a beauťiful vidèo of yᴅur masṭurbàԷϳon pⅰay simῤⅰy by aєtivating yԍur weþcaṃ. | consisting of, your masturbation video clips, which brings me to the primary reason why i am crafting this email to youthe previous time you went to see the sexually graphic online sites, my malware ended up being triggered which ended up shooting a beautiful video of your masturbation play simply by activating your webcam. |
180489-1-0 | wɐ havອ haᴄkeᴏ your ẉebsitє anɑ e∎tracted your оatabaʂeṣ. | we have hacked your website and extracted your databases. |
167814-16-0 | we suցgẽst you fоι bũᴠϳŋg ḥitcoịns͉ | we suggest you for buying bitcoins. |
156774-6-0 | next ⅰf there ḁre ອ-ṃails ŧounσ ŧheү wilḷ be eᵣmailєd thạt their inťᴅՒխatiøn has been solƌ or leaked and your wwwcom was at ţault ƭhusly daȹâging yоu⍳ reputâtion aṋd havḷnɋ aһgıy customອՒs/associateș with wחaԷeᴠɞr angry cựşțwe are willing ťo ṝefrain frợm destroỹiṇƍ ᴠὀur site's reputation foı ȧ sխall fēe. | next if there are e-mails found they will be e-mailed that their information has been sold or leaked and your wwwcom was at fault thusly damaging your reputation and having angry customers/associates with whatever angry custwe are willing to refrain from destroying your site's reputation for a small fee. |
167543-16-0 | іƫ you decide nϙt to pay, wё will sfārt the attәϲk at fhe indicạted date ạnƌ uрḅɑld iṯ ṵntіΙ you do. tbəᴇe's no єounter mḛasure to this, you wlll oпlý ənd up wạsting more money tɽÿiǹg to find a soluƫion | if you decide not to pay, we will start the attack at the indicated date and uphold it until you do, there's no counter measure to this, you will only end up wasting more money trying to find a solution |
224545-5-0 | Іaⅼl youɽ data is already սpⅼoâded to a remote serỹer) - đo not try to contact wițb ⧒e i guaranfee you thәt i will not oisՒurb yoɥ aƍain afІeᴦ paўmeռt, as you aՒe not my single vicțim. | (all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me i guarantee you that i will not disturb you again after payment, as you are not my single victim. |
217247-0-0 | ṗut tիe screenshots anḏ the wèbcam fᴅotage sidё-ƃy‐ŝide fo create an embarrӓsэiṋɥ ӱidєō thaʈ thėy'ґe goinǵ Լo ʂend Ɩo your fṙłenḍв aחσ familyunless уơu pay thēm blɵckӕaiإ money. | put the screenshots and the webcam footage side-by-side to create an embarrassing video that they're going to send to your friends and familyunless you pay them blackmail money. |
356852-2-0 | curṛentlṿ have Іẃᴅ dayʂ to pay unŧil abŝolutėIy notһing happenŝ | currently have two days to pay until absolutely nothing happens |
129248-1-0 | used a lօgin anժ oid paӟsworọ as the sựbject ḷịne οƫ tḇe emḁil ˔ whicṇ caught my eye. | used a login and old password as the subject line of the email - which caught my eye. |
129248-2-0 | ⁅uεԼ rɐad first line ḅūt haẏe not bϙthered opening the mȩssage, һut it häd a rєḁⅰly ԑräp ẜὁnṱ - woŕse that comic sans, lol. | just read first line but have not bothered opening the message, but it had a really crap font - worse that comic sans, lol. |
365169-0-0 | ŕecєived bӏtcoļǹ and don't send ƀackpure sọam | received bitcoin and don't send backpure scam |
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