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1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Classical music is a more recent addition to my life, but I find it quite soothing. I would have to say right now my three favorites are: Bach (even if he can be argued baroque), Tchaikovsky, and...|||Last Dance. It's a nice song.|||It really bothers me. Especially when it is such a simple concept or idea and they have no idea what they're talking about. It feels like I'm wasting my breath some days. But I've learned to get over...|||I've have pretty developed people skills. Although I'm finding more and more that I have to watch what I say. Many of the people I associate with are F dominate, and find a need to explain things to...|||I make others cry, by pointing out their very prominent flaws that in some way affect my life. But personally, I rarely cry.|||My resolution would be to improve my math work ethic.|||Hey Guys, I know I haven't been on for what feels like forever. Grade 11 is truly killing my spare time. Especially since I am almost failing math, which used to be one of my better subjects. I...|||Plain and simple. Prove every point you make with an enormous amount of evidence so that any argument he COULD make is crushed in your wake.|||-Compulsively organized and reorganized everything in your room... and other's... From a young age I thought that life would be better organized if it was sorted by category, sub category, and then...|||Be honest. Don't disrespect me and lie. That's my main thing.|||Make an everlasting impact on society and end up in the history books. I want to be unforgettable.|||Right now I'm strongly doubting my personality type.|||Merry Christmas Y'all!!! Now that I'm on break ill be posting like everyday! :D love you all <3|||I FOUND A PEN! I FOUND A PEN! SUCCESS! Writers block?!? DAMNIT.|||Sleeping Beauty So fair she lies upon the sheets Endless thoughts of hopes to be Waiting there for heaves kiss Sending her to perfect bliss. Years and times go passing by As slowly rolling...|||Dear Classmates, Sometimes I only feel like myself when I'm online. Why? Because here I am not afraid to admit all of who I am. Out there though, you judge so harshly. It makes me stay in my...|||Cause I suck at adding pictures to these threads, I'll just give you the name and description. Personality wise, I would honestly have to say Rachel Berry from Glee. I know that she isn't...|||That use to happen to me all the time. It happens to a lot of people really. Something I find helps is thinking of who I am. How I am a great person, and that even if things don't go well at least I...|||As an ENFJ I guess what I would say hurts me the most is others pain. Seeing anothers suffer completely kills, especially when you know is there is nothing you can do to relieve it. This is most...|||Those people who when asked how good they are, scream they're fantastic when the whole room is quite.|||When you can justify anything, and your friends hate you for it.|||I'm feeling great! Nothing planned today, which means I can use the entire day to catch up and realax. However I can't find a pen >:(|||Woot :) Go Jaws go!|||Razvan Maybe for halloween lol|||I must say there are already a lot of threads discussing ENFJ's and manipulation. So to cover it all up, I'd have to say we are but most of the time it's unintentional.|||I feel pretty, oh so pretty. I feel pretty and witty and gay! And I pity, any girl who isn't me today.|||Your idea of being friendly is another persons idea of being a tease.|||Niccolo Machiavelli WELL MAYBE IF YOU ACTUALLY SHOWED YOU CARE SOMETIMES I'D WANT TO MARRY YOU! BUT NO! ITS NEVER WARM FUZZY FEELINGS! ITS ALWAYS KILL THE WARM FUZZIES! KILL THEM ALL WITH YOU!...|||What happens when an ENFJ gets attached to something?|||KC Tan YOUR AMAZING! *HUG*|||I am actually in a great mood. That sad depressing spell from forever ago has vanished, and I am slowly coming alive again. YAY! :D|||So.... I have my newest one. However due to where it is currently located being otherwise occupied you will have to wait for it. But I'll give you the title: Puppets.|||I find that people often mistake my comments for rude when in reality they were meant as a joke.|||HEY! What if we all posted a picture of ourselves following a theme or idea?|||I feel like dancing in the rain, but I don't have any rain :(|||Home off of Phantom|||Thank you, it means a lot you saying so.|||My penpal is amazing :D|||What signs do you give off when you like someone? (Romantically) Smiling, Flirting, Complimenting, Asking to Hang Out A Lot, Personal Conversations, and Making Them Feel Important. How do you...|||24863 This is when I feel the happiest.|||Why is it people always fall in love with me?|||My mood changes often. I just figured some things out. However this morning my mood is dismal.|||Song: Hallelujah by Rufus Wainwright.|||I feel great! :D|||Awe I love it.|||I see your face. So bright, so perfect. The hair cascades. Long, dark, and perfect. You walk my way. Thin waist, so perfect. The smile you save For them, truly perfect.|||The song: Somewhere Off of West Side Story.|||How I talk. I overcomplicate every sentence, just for the hell of it.|||Ahh I understand|||I too have a huge passion for music. There's one song I've gotten pretty good at. I think I might share it eventually. It's off of Wicked.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'i think the whole thing is pretty much a farce really - if one, or indeed all of them (my mum dad and sister) were to die tomorrow, i dont think i'd be affected at all, life would just go on exactly...|||he could tell them that, but i think they would imagine he is joking|||some people revel in feelings; i think they just 'enjoy' feeling them for feeling them's sake; they arent interestded in analysing why they feel something and changing it, they dont see the need to...|||remember that relationships are always a two way street, but the only person we can change is ourselves you need to identify and deal with little negative things before they pile up and burst -...|||dup post: see below|||i think it can be acceptable to say that sometimes but, it really depends on the circumstancel who you are talking to; how well you know them, their expectations; whether you care or not if they...|||so, the really interesting thing about this thread for me is the OP posted the exact same thread to a number of different types just check out all started threads by vixin and you will see that the ...|||so, the really interesting thing about this thread for me is the OP posted the exact same thread to a number of different types just check out all started threads by vixin and you will see that the...|||its the same hoop though often times when people say i'd best be going now they dont really mean it in the literal sense its just a polite 'get out clause' which works for both parties its an...|||older movies with strong women she may not have seen: leon (wonderful); the color purple; the client; the pelican brief also city of god is excellent and thought provoking although a bit gritty and...|||a conversation doesnt have to end only when all talk has dried up and no one has anything more to say, sometimes it needs to end sooner than that esp if one person wants to keep it short and...|||i actually sit next to an intj girl at work, i typed her within a couple of days based on just a few things we discussed in conversation, then i asked her and turns out i was right - we get on really...|||i work with an entj boss and what drives me crazy about him is when he says to me, you're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong, oh.....yes....i do apologise, you're right this happens...|||ni ni ni ni http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTQfGd3G6dg we shall say ni if you dont appease us with a shrubbery lol no, not nuuuu, ni apologies for the outrageous derailment, i couldnt help...|||her start date is june2011, mine is obv before that, so how can i be the imposter???? it is very confusing when we are both making posts in the same thread, and i see someone quoting ariana and then...|||i am just really pissed off right now that someone has just created a new profile with 'virutally' my username and even an avatar pic that is kinda like mine.....grrrrr|||i would largely agree with you, however, interestingly i believe that the Prime Minister of Great Britain must always be Church of England - one reason i think is because they are responsible for...|||well yes i am more than aware how difficult it was for the ancient britons to move and erect the stones in the first place, but i am more interested in why you say that the romans moved the stones to...|||well its hardly surprising really is it; the only surprise to me is that so many people are still taking this load of of scaryfairytales seriously; i mean...jeez|||but what is the point of speaking at all if you dont care whether the people you are speaking to understand you? is it your intention when speaking to baffle your audience and make them feel more...|||the colosseum that is 931 miles away in rome???? i would be really interested to know exactly how and why they did that given the distance, the size and weight of the stonehenge blue stones...|||you dont believe me or you just want to find out more??? lol ok either way these should satisfy your curiousity: http://www.elizabethan-era.org.uk/old-english-letters.htm...|||the elizabethan alphabet only had 24 letters the letters u and v were the same letter, the V was the capitalised version of the u and the same for i and j, with J being the capitalised version of...|||agreed i think she is a very clever lyricist, i wish she would write another album|||i dont think that it probably made any difference that you used a long word, 16 yr old boys are just stupid 16yr old boys with mentality of 5 yr olds and laugh at anything at all (btw your story...|||i didnt think that song was so dark or outragsous to be honest, i prefer this one (warning if you dont like 'profanity' you might want to skip listening to these) ...|||sometimes its helpful to use 'simple words' eg day to day words, if you are trying to convey a complex idea to someone who is new to it. ultimately, starting basic can save you time and frustration...|||i was also frequently labelled precocious, it didnt help that although my reading age was really high, i was also very small for my age. your post reminded me of a time, when i think i was about 9,...|||i think the use of big words is ok, (i love them, i am always in dictionaries) and they are great tools for expressing yourself properly (and for appearing intelligent to others if that is what you...|||hey nice pic beth! and .... your hair matches your cushion :tongue:|||In 1869, Emperor Napoleaon III of France offered a prize to anyone who could make a satisfactory substitute for butter, suitable for use by the army. Hippolyte Mege-Mouries invented a substance he...|||i hated Atonement, one of the very very few books i've started and actually given up on; i was so disappointed|||And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Anais Nin this is one of my favourite quotes, and for me it says a lot about all the...|||sure its important to have a relationship based on more than pure appearance, but what is wrong with wanting the ideal in both appearance AND personality. again at the risk of being called shallow,...|||but this is not so very diff than guys who are into blonde girls or skinny model girls with long legs or girls with huge boobs? i am going to risk saying that men are just very aroused by visual...|||this is a very thought provoking clip about former cricketer and broadcaster Chris Broad whose wife Michelle had been diagnosed with motor neurone disease and committed suicide when he was in the...|||yh the miracle of life/birth thing, i think its something you kinda have to experience for yourself to 'get it', i can understand people feeling the way you do too, and i did have my first baby when...|||well u can say you dont believe, but can you live with the guilt that will be with you for all eternity when one of them dies and i for one, would not want to anger the all powerful queen of all the...|||i have 4 children aged between 15 and 24 and a grandchild aged 5 lol i enjoyed being pregnant, apart from my last one, cos my third child was only 18mths old and it was very hard work and exhausing...|||wow, way to stop a thread in its tracks, go me!!! does no one want to complain i am forcing my belief on them......|||i dont seem to be able to get past page 101 of this thread http://personalitycafe.com/intj-forum-scientists/3146-rarity-intj-women-new-post.html clicking on page 102 button or the last button...|||but some people dont want others to judge them on their rl appearance, but rather on their words alone but perhaps you could use your own photo instead of that cute fluffy baby creature?|||i think i need to reassess my life............:unsure: Work: fulltime Hobbies: reading, jogging Partnerships: a stupid man who is doing my head in right now due to his stupid fear of...|||i am so glad you said this cos i was wondering the exact same thing and then wondering if i was stupid, then reminding myself i'm not, so wondering the exact same thing anyway, i too am very much a...|||yes, and it did make me smile, but then, having been made aware of the dangers of smiling possibly leading to happiness, i instantly realised the gravity of the situation and thought i should...|||so, not being a chemist of any kind, i googled solid ammonia and this is what i found: ~When sensitized or during decomposition, may become unstable and/or explosive ~ may explode under conditions...|||it can be whatever you want it to be, and you are quite right that it is most unstable|||well i'm not a photography expert, and i thnk sanskrit's comments were probably technically correct , but i thought it was a really lovely photo of you, you look very pretty in it, and if you think...|||methinks we have special magical powers to dispell those pesky little mossie critters, ie we just give them the intj woman glare, and they flee into the night, behold, this is the power of the intj...|||ah, then it sounds you are quite 'normal' then, lucky you :cool: i think i wish i had more 'female' qualities like empathy, otherwise people compare me to what they expect women to be like and find...' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'oops double post|||Funny how MBTI pigeon holes everyone and turns things into a hate fest. There's no way you can make sense of anything that you analyze at face value, it's errors like this that you have the idea of...|||Am i reading things wrong? or is this like..y'know? *Edit* oh nvm i see D: , i thought it was an error|||Funny i had an english assignment due like last friday and i handed it in this friday. I've never handed anything so late before-good thing there was another ENFJ that procrastinated like me :D. And...|||I don't agree with MBTI type population stats. I think all types are around equal, source: Socionic Type Distribution Statistics Despite it being socionics, it's still very relevant Then...|||My grandpa's....or was it my moms. Aside from the jars...sometime my mom would teach me these chinese poem things about flowers falling-and i would recite them whenever i BEAT the flowers >:D|||My ESTP brother and I broke all the jars and pots containing plants, took out the roots and the flowers-threw them downstairs. Then we scattered all the dirt on the carpet-it was a lot of fun...|||Lol cheating is bad, but i'm one to say =D. I've cheated countless times in math, however when i bring in the notes with small handwriting on a slip of paper. I feel like i don't need to cheat at...|||All the other songs make me feel weird, lighten up the mood mannn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4-fJAYDR18|||Great post niff, i have love-hate relationships with my beta buddies too :).|||That moment was only significant because it hurt, if it didn't hurt i probably wouldn't have remembered...and the clock was right infront of me :(|||Yes it's very inaccurate to be typing people based off pictures, (most people in socionics forum agree). But what does work is typing people based off first time encounters (in real life) because you...|||I LOL'ed when i read this, it reminded me of the time June 12, 2011 8:02 am in the washroom where i was checking my face and then i ran smack right into the sides of the door when going out face...|||Despite Aestrivex being like my wat-conflictor? I agree with him since I do sometimes get lost in your post @_@. If you were explaining some other topic to an ISTJ even with all the disorganization,...|||It's assumed that it's a MBTI forum since the most popular theory in N.A is MBTI, but since it's a personality cafe/forum-every kind of theory can be introduced and discussed. It's not like every...|||Lol sorry ><, i have no clue what that meant but what i'm left with now is...How can something from chance make something that can reproduce something orderly? It's like you form a tornado and you...|||Response to the question: Chicken > egg any day Derail: I'm not the brightest when it comes to evolution, i've been told about the primordial soup and the aminoacids, proteins, DNA and how it...|||Lol talk about games, i like =D When it comes to shooters, i don't like FPS i like TPS like SD gundam Capsule fighter..like best game evarr? FPS gives me motion sickness, similar to Mine Craft ...|||1. Can you type without looking at the keyboard? Ya definitely 2. Do you use all 10 fingers while typing? I've seen some people typing with their index fingers. O_O I don't use my pinkies ever lol...|||Dam i feel awful for the OP In your case.. Your love for her defeats your strong convictions..And, like a man to double business bound, I stand in pause where i shall first begin. By Claudius...|||Ye http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1jccwpNuE8|||x93His master replied, x91Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your masterx92s happiness! (Matthew 25:21)...|||Lol my math teacher had those moments, he would accidentally say the f-bomb in front of his kid while the wife was arguing with him. And y'know how all kids love to learn words, so the kid would be...|||Dam you guys make such insightful posts, really gets me thinking about a lot of things. I wish i could be just as insightful :). Sela omg 4 days till the meet up? I could just picture you ISTj's...|||I believe he was making a joke. Arinn made a claim, to which Sela asked for a source, as if to say that any thing that is to convince an ISTJ requires a source, playing on irony. Of course,...|||Holly crap man, after 2 weeks of posting my original statement i realized that I've typo'd the T as an F in an ISFP. And i've also noticed that some people posted before my post to their question,...|||Mann y'know sRae is full of it when it comes to fantasizing, remember the unicorns thread. Gee that's some MAD fantasizing there, takes skill to do some of that. Now for the question, i think sensors...|||Another tourettes guy video, viewer's discretion is advised >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20ZwrZ1Dm6c|||WElll, that's a start XD|||Pops said that as you get older, you start to lose friends. You forget your elementary school friends, then goes your highschool friends, you get university friends-op you have kids, focus too much...|||Lol i love ISTJ's, very blunt and funny. From what I've heard people has said this about them: -They are sometimes found watching paint dry. (not in a literal sense but can be, just means they're...|||Y'know normally as asians, we have that crease on our eyelids when we open them up rite? For me I'm too lazy to open my eyes so there's no crease/fold, also usually when I'm thinking about something...|||Does awesome also mean retarded :D? *Warning* contains coarse language* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqtr_RvR3sY|||1. Sometimes I feel like the only one who cares. Yes i do care about things that the common won't care about. Other than that I don't care about a lot of things, too many i can't remember or...|||I would second that :)|||My friends say i can't chillax no matter how hard i try, but for me I'd say the outdoors too. I love nature, i like fish but i don't like the disgusting smell X.X. P.S I never some ISTJ's could...|||What the frick lol, I see ENFJ's every now and then around my area. They're not as uncommon as you think, people just have to be great at typing. I met this one like 2 days ago for an interview,...|||I just noticed 666 thanks o.o, someone ruin it :D|||A typical day at school would be like this for me: Ionno about other F men, probably different... -Not laugh when other people are laughing-since they're idiotic -Only laugh when someone puts me...|||/offtopic I'm not too familiar with using Si in MBTI terms since it's quite different or used another way but sorry if there's any misunderstandings since all the dynamics/object/processes/things...|||It's hard to explain here since it comes from another model but long story short. Factual information --> Invalidation of factual information = (from a Te type -some ISTj's apply here) stubbornness,...|||Even making someone's happy can be a huge accomplishment, you never know when it's someone's last straw before they fly off the roof D:|||If it's something that I have no frigging clue about the matter or where someone responds in an absurd way- then I'll back down. But if it's something I'm very knowledgeable and passionate about, I...|||Ya definitely care, some web browsers provide additional security services Search Engine: Google or Google Chrome, just used to it Web Browser: Firefox 4.0 > Internet Explorer>Everything else|||1. In nature 1 + 1 can = 3 (or a bagillion) 2. Life is too short to think/worry/or doubt 3. Knowing the types of people before hand can make be feel angst or giddy 4. GN drives from gundam 00 can...|||Obviously haven't seen* you. But you remind me of this asian guy who's only from church, haven't really talked to him too much so it helps to have an idea of what he could be. Hmm he's...|||Do any of you have a family day once a week? I remember back then we would have family meetings to discuss things-for eg. going on a vacation or trip. Ummm sometimes my mom would bring all 3 of us...|||Haha i cheated, i knew blue would be out voted :). From my previous thread most ISTj did pick blue so...:confused:|||Also 17 and turning 18 near the end of June :wink:|||welcome to my world ^ ^' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Arion is a spin on Orion, The Hunter constellation. I never really gave it much thought, but I would probably change it now if I could to make it Latin, maybe something like Incendia e (the fire...|||Right now? Mozart's Fantasia. Most of the time I'm in a Pathetique Sonata mov. 1 mood when I'm passionate on pursuing something, and an Adelaide (1795, Beethoven) mood when I'm longing for...|||Red Dragon... Still 3 more chapters 'till they introduce Hannibal Lecter... Blast. :dry:|||This is beautiful (in German, but Jussi is Swedish): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajdbVlTkiAE Music composed by Ludwig van Beethoven 1795, written by Friedrich von Matthisson. Jussi...|||Pantalaimon - I'm in. Most of you seem to hate/have hated the junior/senior high school social environment, but luckily many children in my school seem to be Ns, thus 'fitting in' does not pose a...|||Kind of curious about your username Wien1938... wasn't Austria invaded in 1938 (plus the Vienna reference)?|||LOL Seraphiel. I haven't read Nature by Emerson, but now that I look him up it seems an interesting read.|||I swear, this is the funniest thing I have ever read. Everyone I know with a decent sense of humour has laughed. http://philosophy.eserver.org/chicken.txt I dare you. Keep a straight face as...|||...ENTP on a sugar rush? Or are you guys normally like that? :proud: Well, sort of. I admire the wolf's ability to be adaptable, but about 80% of my inclination to my avatar was due to the...|||What is it about cats that draws us... their mysterious allure? The independent air about them? Not minding being ignored as Master does their Multivariable Calculus assignment?:proud: What do you...|||Well, I'll tell you guys how my life is progressing. I currently have a thing for Mozart's Requiem - I listen to Confutatis almost every day. My brother calls me a morbid child, unsurprisingly,...|||What do you think his type is?|||Thanks for the link. Yes, I knew that he had stood on the entrance of Auschwitz, pointing and declaring, Left, left, left, right, left... Left was the gas chambers. Apparently the Angel of...|||Hm. No, not that the E or I could have proven relevant to anything in the modern day... It seems that the historical figures which so intrigue me are either my or remarkably close to my type. The...|||Does anyone have an idea? There are people in history who deeply intrigue me, and Mengele certainly is a mystery. I get a xNTx impression. Also: Albert Speer is an INTP, no?|||I'm an identical twin, and though genetically we are exact copies of each other, we are not so in a psychological sense. Of course, we have many similarities. But in contrast, my twin seems to be...|||I put seven, though as I look it over it could have been anywhere in the 7-9 range. Generally, life for me is simple and non-problematic. When I do stumble over something, usually I mean so...|||Regarding Pride and Prejudice: Mr. Darcy is simply awesome. I do respect the character Elizabeth Bennett though, for her strong opinions and refusing to go by society's rules simply because of...|||I'm sorry, I did mean 2,000 pages. Excuse my error...|||A simple sentence to describe the whole Twilight series: What a waste of two thousand words. Spare me from this torture. However, I am curious to know if anyone thinks Carlisle is the only...|||Thanks Perseus|||3 usually, if asked something. 4 if I'm with people I trust or the subject is way too interesting for me to be on the sidelines - then I will probably explode into lecture, and people just watch me...|||All that was given to me word for word is Hamilton hated dueling, ... However, can we conclude from that that maybe Hamilton did not find it a logical action to solve relations? I do not know...|||I read in history class that Hamilton was killed in a duel. I now hate Aaron Burr with a passion... Okay, that's illogical, but Hamilton didn't even want to shoot at Burr and he was murdered...|||[Originally posted in the general What's my Type? forum, found this more suiting] 1. Alexander Hamilton (interesting figure) 2. Ludwig van Beethoven (Mozart was a bit annoying. I much...|||1. Alexander Hamilton (interesting figure) 2. Ludwig van Beethoven (Mozart was a bit annoying. I much prefer Beethoven and can relate to him more.) 3. Herbert von Karajan (a simply amazing...|||Generally? I like to discover things on my own. The classroom is a typically a limited learning environment - directed at the general student body. Thus, the assignment, directed at the average...|||I always had a lot of S tendencies - I took another MBTI test today, and came out 50/50 with N and S. For the sake of being an INTJ, let's see if we can settle this. :proud: - I love astronomy......|||I would appreciate that very much if you could.|||I'll have to do more research on the wings since I'm a bit undecided on that.|||Hm. I'll ask.|||I see. I do suppose I'm a type 5 then. Is an Ennegram wing sort of your second function?|||Thanks, I'll make note of them.|||1. Can you explain the differences between an enneagram 5 and a 1? I fit both, but I am leaning more towards five. 2. What is an enneagram wing? Thanks. I'm new to the Enneagram.|||It's different there I guess. The girls at my school fuss over the same stupid things, but they know never to bring up the subject because apparently I already give them the first impression that if...|||I love music. I'm learning to play piano, and I can pretty much memorize whole movements of symphonies in my head. I mainly stick with Beethoven, Bach and Chopin, but a bit of Mozart and Satie is...|||Arratez, you're definitely not alone. And those two ignorant kids said the earth was made 200 years ago? I have a sudden desire to yell in their faces with objection. Ohh... that irritates me......|||There's a good friend of mine who I'm pretty sure is a J. Okay, he has always been getting bounced back from regular to advanced classes back to regular again. This year he's in advanced in math...|||I don't like math. Useful, yes... fascinating, hardly. Science and History are more like it. I like Language Arts solely for the creative writing. The grammar is boring though my grammar is...|||Welcome gladiatorqueen... Give me a moment so I can think of something worthwhile to say. Hmm. Oh. Well it is refreshing you like Mythbusters. Do you ever watch those astronomy showings on...|||Obsessions. They've been piling on my bookshelf for years... Examples: 1. The Holocaust 2. Frank Sinatra, Bobby Darin (two Rs or one R?) 3. Sci - Fi/Star Trek (recently acquired obsession... hah)...|||Thanks for the posts. 1. The people seem very friendly 2. Their country is beautiful 3. My interest in the Holocaust 4. The language in very nice sounding 5. I'm up for a challenge ...|||Thanks guys - that is established... Polish is Slavic. It sounds nothing like the East Slavs though that tend to use the Cyrillic alphabet. Russian doesn't flow nearly as well as Polish. Definitely...|||Well, I like studying languages. Right now I have a lot on my plate - Spanish and German. But after I'm done studying these, can anyone tell me about Polish? It sounds like an awesome language....|||Thank you guys for all your takes on those... dark times. Fortunately, I have another 5 years to go till I graduate high school... see where that takes me...:mellow:|||Yeah, my brother has Asperger's and is exactly as described - a sensitive INTP. However, I think he would be just the same without Asperger's.... of course, that's not very accurate, since I've known...|||Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling|||Heh, Cold Shower type. My bro loves cold showers (literal sense). I never see him as cold... but I may be biased :laughing:.|||Hmm. I have a lot of J characteristics, but unfortunately I am quite a procrastinator. That is, unless I get to do a project I;m really interested in. But math... eh, not so much...|||I, too, regard being social as alien to me. However, unlike some people, I have no problem with that. If kids tease me it's behind my back because they can't say anything to the physically disabled -...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'HONEY BUNCHES OF OATS! with a bagel and cream cheese. Maybe a glass of OJ if i'm feelin' spiffy.|||never judge a book by its cover, that's all i'm going to say.|||It won't come instantly, obviously. We humans are creatures of habit. Make a habit out of it.|||stop overanalyzing.|||I look to everyone as a model for normalcy until they give me reason no to. Besides that, my 4th-5th grade science teacher (best damn guy you'll ever meet) and my mother as role models.|||The only time i drink anything remotely close to coffe is a double chocolate frappuccino at Starbucks. I've had about four cups my entire life--not including the summer i was forced to when i spent...|||I've noticed, however, it only really works if you take it EXTREMELY over the top. Or, it just sounds cocky. Unless i have one of those remarks ready, i say thanks, and conversation continues.|||I am Ariel Schwartz and i am really good at hoolah-hooping.|||Alpha doesn't have to be a state per se. I see it as more... aspectual.|||exactly, precisely, definitely, nothing more, nothing less. This.|||Avatar, duhhhh. Or, perhaps the scene in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when Charlie (and the gang) are led to Willy Wonka's Candy Forest room.|||my best friend is INTJ. He's the only person i can sit down and converse with for extended periods of time.|||do something about it!|||if i chose eternal life, would this mean that i'm free from external factors that might, in fact, cause death? (AKA i have superpowers)|||sounds like a great guy.|||i had no clue you were into the bad boys, melanthe.|||i smell liar(s).|||I go through constant extremes in my life. One day i'll be gung-ho about saving the world, and the next i can't bring myself to get out of bed. The thing is, these gung-ho days only really occur...|||I'm considering asking my parents to cut me off so i can find motivation in work?|||And then I JIZZ. IN. MY PANTS.|||Fell in love with a stripper recently, but i'm on the edge of asking out a gogo dancer. Hope this answers your question.|||http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/11433_1295288499564_1150881506_30897996_4365049_n.jpg shepard chow-chow mix.|||A play. Buried Child by Sam Shepard.|||Guitar, voice, poetics and mathematics. Almost forgot to mention, i top the charts in procrastination. EDIT: I take pride in my gift giving ability.|||thought i'd add to this. can't feed em, don't breed em.|||lighten up.|||The foundation for this question is on such a melancholic level that it's dimmed my day a bit. Calling reproduction a selfish act is almost like saying the same of sleeping. Am i selfish for...|||My experience with Lexapro only lasted 4 days, ever since then i will never neglect my emotions.|||the line between charming and obnoxious.|||First day that felt normal in a long time, but then again, i'd have to define normal. It just didn't feel weird.|||I can remember the first time i stayed up all night when i was 2 1/2 so i could watch the sunrise for the first time. I think it had something to do with not believing the sun actually rose, but it...|||waiting for godot.|||Mind if i join you? and Hey don't think past that. You'll hurt yourself if you think past that point. Girls are like busses. There's a new one every 15 minutes.|||I was hoping to find someone who likes Guster.|||it's from a legal standpoint.|||Bet this hasn't been done before. Love to see the range of tastes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2vJUadjdmo|||age 18. 10 char|||that ruins the fun of finding out ;-)|||if she's talking to you in general, that's a good sign.|||Ari from Arizona. Go figure.|||i have hazel eyes and i'm slim. http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/69755_477151076072_595326072_5999247_5737266_n.jpg recent picture, i'm on the far left.|||i'd call it an event horizon.|||All right, so i've deleted facebook about 3 times now, and it has me coming back for different reasons every time. Two of them being work, one was to keep in touch with my penpals. Sad that i talk to...|||you can't find connection until you can connect with yourself. What makes you happy? Do you like music? drawing? Whatever it may be, start it, and continue doing it. Not because you feel you have to,...|||i consider myself a childish grandpa.|||I forgot to mention my biggest pet peeve of all. There are fucking rules to the sidewalk. It's like driving, stay right.|||Some times feelings are best described in song. Kinky songs that is.|||has anyone here actually tried oxytocin?|||ari and math are two peas in a pod.|||whenever someone says hows it going. i reply its going. when someone says how are you, i say swell. Always say the same thing. Hate wasting mental energy on those two questions.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'I'm bored as hell and there isn't anything to do. Oh, and about my spamming. I was suffering from schizophrenia, but everything is all good now. Edit: I guess your eyes are open now, huh,...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhj-oTXFWqs|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFHJRHM_dOw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMQKGMS_Df4|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlcIKh6sBtc https://vigilantcitizen.com/sinistersites/sinister-sites-the-denver-international-airport/...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPfzLkt6PEE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_TVvlxZKyI Bass | MMKB | FANDOM powered by Wikia|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUwJfVn9Nq4|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZaHmjYL3xo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEqdBXGtnz4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xo4Goy96sk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg61DWzNsgw|||1|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjnrlDeVJAg Yugi Muto | Yu-Gi-Oh! | FANDOM powered by Wikia Seto Kaiba | Yu-Gi-Oh! | FANDOM powered by Wikia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xti__AlMJRs ...|||:angry::exterminate:|||The (stream of conscious?) venting thread for INTJ. That sounds singular to me, not plural.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6uddfbUtNM http://aceattorney.wikia.com/wiki/Phoenix_Wright http://aceattorney.wikia.com/wiki/Miles_Edgeworth 705769 705777...|||Revelation 21King James Version (KJV) 21 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. 2 And I John saw the holy...|||No, you start it.:rolleyes::tongue: http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Rule_Breaker “This is a sword of negation and betrayal, that nullifies every kind of magecraft in the world.” —Caster 705761|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwTTijPtYSk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7XmO8sEenA|||https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enter_the_Dragon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kpu_lTDyd88 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Way_of_the_Dragon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYHZEu7Y7DU|||http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Naruto_Uzumaki http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Sasuke_Uchiha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Co7LyMJO4g|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx3duFYCcho https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-o2SV6ynJYQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zw47_q9wbBE|||http://zelda.wikia.com/wiki/Triforce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9FeFkMyBIY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnN0wzF5XTY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87nkWPZ_UMI|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3rz1EW_F-8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc-AZoQTW6k Schrödinger | Megami Tensei Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RdbZeOxL2o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JI_4kGK5D0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHJbE_kfybs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmmZdq5ReyE ...|||Chiaki Nanami | Danganronpa Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDwCViUq7Dc http://zeroescape.wikia.com/wiki/Luna https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diana_%28mythology%29 ...|||https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Hilbert_(game) https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/N https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWOEowMhG0I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8YlPlN-eI8 ...|||Isn't it such a coincidence that my last name is Au,which is Gold in the periodic table. Shocking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXBL3Rc87z4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_Dragon...|||705657 http://www.neoseeker.com/shin-megami-tensei-iv-final/faqs/2783929-shin-megami-tensei-iv-apocalypse-alignment-endings.html 705665 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2t5hDj4TDPI...|||Want to know something? I'm posting without thought and calculation. It just comes naturally. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=61&v=Lccq_W--Dh8 ...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKA4ty5g41c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-nSIzB_C80 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIQ3hT_Kcus https://www.khwiki.com/Oathkeeper...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vFLuPCNXtU|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ojIgAIl3jE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQ-n4rpjwMA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCBUFV5WRLI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHSSZw4O39M ...|||Time flows by quickly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbcmfvkCt8k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cUX5HvzwhE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1Sx7B5WnDo ...|||Sleep is for the plebeians. I would rather stay awake and ponder about things. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0lDskCT9hY|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lc3ZeDilPNI Life is a game to be dominated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0oRrQKFEp8 705530 705538|||705466 705482 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHt8LFFcO5E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgSZA3NPpBs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewv-rNV6ZyQ 705490 705514|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9F20IeFnG8w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OJfnc-z4f4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpezw3cwSgw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfk7_DYYTqQ ...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8ef9Bj_0Ig https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqB1iZfHNQc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRKPvvW6IbU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhJz3f355D0 ...|||Make me one, plebeian. You want it, you do it. You go, girl. I know you can do this.|||Revelation 22King James Version (KJV) 22 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. 2 In the midst of the street of...|||No, I am just proselytizing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proselytism Revelation 12King James Version (KJV) 12 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the...|||Hebrews 4:12King James Version (KJV) 12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints...|||Look what you made me do, Vinniebob. You have caused me to sperg out. 705226|||705210 705218|||From giants, nephilim, demons, and watchers — all the way to messengers, fallen ones, and the mysteries behind the world and even the worlds above and below, The Book Of Enoch tells it all! So...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zz8_MxcnzY 705194 705202|||https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhism_and_Christianity FYI, Buddhism doesn't have a god. It should be considered as a philosophy of life or something. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asceticism|||That is not a religion. Do you consider MBTI and Astrology to be one? 705186 Christianity is the most important teachings to me. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moloch...|||https://spiraldragons.com/2015/10/20/jesus-christ-and-chinese-astrology/|||In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang (陰陽 yīnyáng, lit. dark-bright, negative-positive) describe how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and...|||I'm playing around. Relax. Lighten up. You musn't be too sensitive. 705154 705162|||You will go down the rabbit hole and you will like it! If you don't, you will be sent to Auschwitz and be gassed at once! The Final Solution for you will come when you least expect it. 1...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XjouKSkSeM' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Greetings and welcome to PerC! Don't worry too much about your future, when I first discovered MBTI I thought INTJ fit me 100%, then I though INFP fit me 100%, then I thought ISTJ fit me 100%... In...|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This forum really is a great place to discuss psychology with people who are way more knowledgeable than me about it, hope you have a nice day!|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This website really is full of many funny and awesome people so hopefully you'll enjoy your stay here. Don't forget to have fun! :P|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This website really is full of many funny and awesome people so hopefully you'll enjoy your stay here. Don't forget to have fun! :P|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This website really is full of many funny and awesome people so hopefully you'll enjoy your stay here. Don't forget to have fun! :P|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This website really is full of many funny and awesome people so hopefully you'll enjoy your stay here. Don't forget to have fun! :P|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This website really is full of many interesting people so hopefully you'll enjoy your stay here.|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This website really is full of many funny and awesome people so hopefully you'll enjoy your stay here. Don't forget to have fun! :P|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This website really is full of many great and wonderful people so I'm sure you'll have fun.|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This website really is full of many great and wonderful people so I'm sure you'll have fun.|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! In my opinion this forum is the best community on the Internet, full of wonderful and diverse people with interesting points of view. So I'm sure you'll be able to make...|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This forum is one of the best communities on the Internet, full of great people so hopefully you'll enjoy it here.|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This forum is one of the best communities on the Internet, full of great people so hopefully you'll enjoy it here.|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This forum is one of the best communities on the Internet, full of great people so hopefully you'll enjoy it here.|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This forum is one of the best communities on the Internet, full of great people so hopefully you'll enjoy it here.|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This forum is a great place to discuss MBTI and other personality theories so hopefully you can meet more likeminded people here.|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This forum is a great place to discuss MBTI and other personality theories so hopefully you'll have fun here.|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This forum is a great place to discuss MBTI and other personality theories so hopefully you'll have fun here.|||People who harass others online, as trolls, flamers, jerks, etc are all a bunch of lowlifes with no real talents in real life. As a result, they go to the Internet as an escape mechanism and...|||Reddit Youtube (Though not as much as I used to) DeviantArt Facebook Various alternate history forums And of course PerC|||Trump is an incompetent narcissist. http://api.theweek.com/sites/default/files/20170612edohc-a.jpg?resize=807x807 http://api.theweek.com/sites/default/files/lk061317dAPR.jpg?resize=807x807...|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! I also love lurking a lot on other sites so it's great to see you've made an account. Anyway, hope you have fun here on this forum!|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This forum really is one of the better communities here on the internet and there are tons of people who are experts in MBTI and psychology in general. The ISFJ forum...|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This website definitely has one of the best communities on the Internet show I'm sure you'll meet plenty of awesome people. Hope you have a fun time here!|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! Coincidentally, I was also 17 when I first learned about MBTI and I quickly became obsessed with it due to the fact that I was going through a rough patch emotionally...|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! There are definitely a ton of people way more knowledge about MBTI theory and I'm sure you can find a bunch of them over at the ISFP forum. Hope you are able to resolve...|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! That's great that you still keep backing to this forum, I used to more active here too, and I still try to make posts daily, though schoolwork and other events get in...|||Trump is a special snowflake who thinks he is entitled to everything. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DBpBEYbXoAU7bnh.jpg:large...|||May: Corbyn is a terrorist sympathizer! Also May: We will continue to work with our friends and allies in the Democratic Unionist Party......|||http://api.theweek.com/sites/default/files/060117ParisClimateR.jpg?resize=700x700 http://api.theweek.com/sites/default/files/060417CaretakersR.jpg?resize=807x807...|||https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DAIyBeaW0AEnWZx.jpg:largehttps://pbs.twimg.com/media/DAXzSGMXYAEcZPv.jpg:large https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DBgFxrCXcAMeY1F.jpg:large http://i.imgur.com/7SXN11f.jpg...|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This website is full of tons of people way more knowledgeable than I am about MBTI so I'm certain you can learn a lot from them. Also as for why there aren't a whole...|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This forum is full of INTJs and I'm sure you can find some like-minded people over there. Over time you'll learn more about how the forum worked, I'm still discovering...|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This forum is full of INFJs so hopefully you can find some like-minded people. Hope you have a great day!|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! There are definitely a ton of interesting people on this site so hopefully you can have some riveting conversations on here. Anyway though, hope you have a great day!|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This forum is full of INFJs so I'm sure you can find plenty of like-minded people. And about your results on 16 personalities changing to INFP, don't fret over it as...|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This website is full of awesome people who you can discuss all sorts of interesting topics with so hopefully you'll enjoy it. Hope you have a great day!|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This forum has one of the best communities on the whole Internet in my opinion so hopefully you'll enjoy it here. There are definitely tons of knowledgeable people on...|||This literally just six words on a white background, how is it a meme?|||http://api.theweek.com/sites/default/files/handcolor_2.jpg?resize=807x807...|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! That's pretty awesome that you are from India, we don't have too many users from there on this website but the more diverse the merrier! Hope you have a great time here...|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! You both sound like pretty awesome people and I love that avatar! :kitteh: Hope you have fun!|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! This forum is a great place to learn more about the personality theories and yourself in the process so hopefully it can help you out. Hope you have a nice time here on...|||Greetings and welcome to PerC! That sucks that you were unable to find a job even with a degree in Computer Science. My advice to you would be to start working on some independent freelance projects...|||Stereotypes are the only way we can even attempt to classify something as vast and varied as one's personality, considering how there are over 7.5 billion people on Earth there is no possible way to...|||I'm an INTP and I love math so much, even though some math problems can be extremely frustrating math in general is pretty fun, especially in the context of problems for something like physics where...|||Mental pain, obviously, I couldn't care less about the physical pain my body is in as I can just ignore it after awhile, but mental pain is something which by definition is always on your mind.|||People never laugh at my jokes so I learn to just never say them to anyone but the internet.|||Nothing drives me, I have never once felt passionate about doing something, the only reasons I do things are either for survival or out of intellectual curiosity. I personally couldn't care less...|||Trump claims to be against Radical Islam, yet is friends with the Islamist theocrat and psuedo-sultan Erdogan. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DACOXlxWAAAFljD.jpg...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Isn't Si such a fun function?|||I always try to be polite and respectful with everyone I meet. Likewise, I also reciprocate what I get. If you give me shit, you're going to get shit.|||It's a little too late for that now...|||Nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize. Hide in plain sight. Try it. It works.|||Where did he get that hat?|||Right now? My roommate accidentally his car, and I am now his personal taxi. This entails getting up at stupid-o'clock. To surmount this, I am automating the coffee machine. Best...|||swagg With two 'g's, it's important.|||This thread feels kinda recursive. Also I'm blunt, all the bitches love it.|||Personally, this type of paranoia isn't abnormal, at least for me. It might just be stress induced crazies or she might want out.... Honestly, you could probably just ask if you're worried.|||I call it Super Crunchy after my slav friend butched the pronunciation of it... I can only speak English and Spanish. I only bother to speak Spanish because I work with legit Mexicans, who...|||My roommate always seems to test as an ENTP, he also constantly destroys electronics. Luckily I'm his roommate, so I can unfuck most of the things that get borked.|||Yay, time for insomnia!|||I always enjoy checking out what people in third-world countries search for... You know, for research purposes... It's very interesting...|||Grab his crotch. http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg172/Behemoth_album/manga%20macros/president_crotch_grab.jpg|||Master debaters.|||This is such a good thread we've got here.|||Have I been here before?|||There's a point where you need to acknowledge that you don't need their shit, and you have clearly passed it.|||I never thought this picture would ever be relevant. 84654|||I try not to be evil and take advantage of social engineering, but it's just so easy.|||I'm pretty sure that the government is responsible for the government shut down.|||I used to enjoy Post-Apocalyptic what-not, but I'm pretty burned out with it now, especially with the sheer ammount of mainstream garbage that's being produced en-masse. I also like Urban Fantasy,...|||Travel the world as a vagabond. Peddle electronics, guns and other things for massive piles of moni. Write my name in shit on the Moon. I think that about covers it.|||http://youtu.be/qRuNxHqwazs Related|||Sometimes people make beautifully formatted and thought out posts and we ignore them. Sometimes people twerk on their keyboard and post it and I try to be the first to reply. I don't...|||Ads.....in 2013 TL:DR you cannot pleasurable computer experience.|||Yeah, sometimes I really want to be an asshole, douchebag, scammer. It's really hard though, I don't want to get shanked by some dude who looks like Viggo Mortensen, but at the same time, lol get...|||ITT: We attempt to decipher the meaning behind the shitty conclusion to Dexter.|||As much as I hate the term....Imma need a TLDR for this, or maybe some formating. Come one man.|||The serpent who encircles the Earth. A Universe who keeps trying to teach me things...stop trying to teach me things, it's not going to work.|||I like all the bans. Also, how about the notion that we all are smokers...I think it's an unsubtle troll, I've never met an INTP irl who smokes.|||If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library - Some guy.|||Go travel the world and fuck whores. The answer will come to you in a dream. Help, I'm trapped in a fortune cookie factory.|||I like driving quite a bit for a few reasons. If you go far enough; it's a truly solitary activity, just you and the road. I'm really good at it. I've never lost control of a vehicle, wrecked...|||I'm pretty sure that their discussion ending in gunfire probably proves Kant right....I think. What got me was this line: The discussion deteriorated into a fistfight and one participant...|||A: 1. Were/are you in one? Yep 2. Up to what grade does it go to? Up to like, 7th grade I think. 3. What were its prerequisites? Not that I can remember, but probably scoring well on bullshit...|||Graduate early, then take the year off and travel or something.|||I don't, it's just not my thing, plus cigarettes are nasty is hell with all the shit they put in them nowadays. If hipsters weren't so fond of E-cigs I could go for that, but I'd prefer to avoid...|||DEMOND CONFIRMED FOR ILLUMINATI Seriously though, what are we even discussing here? This thread is a complete clusterfuck of conspiracy theory,bible study, and geopolitics. Not to imply...|||People won't change mate. Ever read the graffiti on the walls of Pompei? All that changes is the technology that surrounds us; organic constructs change over incredible expanses of time. If...|||I have a few, and own fewer now than I had previously. My reasoning is as follows: Guns are a pretty good investment, as the market is pretty much always active and the price for most quality...|||I don't think you escape the rat-race by delving head-first into its' core.|||The former are top-notch, but rarely recommended for some reason; the later are so terrible and abysmal in quality, and that is impressive in it's own right.|||What do you mean by interesting? Like stuff you don't usually hear about, or like interesting. If the former watch; Gankutsuou, Sora no Woto, or Legend of Galactic Heroes if you mean the...|||Pretty much this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pJuedzzLXE|||Modern Solism is top shelf stuff for debating or trolling. As usual, Carlin was right.|||The name anti-oxidant is misleading. That's not to say they're good for you, or that excessive anti-oxidants are bad for you: 1. That doesn't make sense, and 2. Nothing is good in excess. They...|||Shit's borked yo.|||If I wanted to overpay for mediocre hardware, a linux distro and a billet aluminium case I would consruct my own device, and use the money I saved on cocaine and sex lube. Apple is overated and...|||Epileptic trees.' |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 'lol, yes I see what you mean, with new friends who hasn't seen you naked, it's a good point. :) Anyway, about having to choose between friends and love, that is a tough choice. In my last...|||It could be interesting to hear anyway :-)|||Exactly! He talked to me again now, an he said that he thinks I'm being unjust and that he doesnt want me to be talking to my ex secretly and he thinks it's unfair that he has sort of given up...|||Probably not type related. Maybe this was the wrong forum. Anyway, I would be super jealous and not happy at all if I were him. But I dont hold myself as the ideal at all. I understand him though.|||.... how do I make it better? He's angry at me because I've been talking to my ex boyfriend. I have to say this, I wouldnt sleep with my ex if he so was the last person in the world alive. He...|||Hello!!! Definetely sounds like you're an f anyway ;) I hope you'll like the forum and verything. My advic would be to take mbti with a grain of salt. At its best, it can be a way to greater...|||Hello and thanks! I'm a procratinator and probably always will be. I have to recommend this though, it's hilarious and spot on: Why Procrastinators Procrastinate | Wait But Why dont miss the...|||I've been in a relationship with an istp guy for 1,5 yr now. We live together. I think we're super compatible! We had some fights in the beginning, or I dunno if fight is the right word, rather me...|||I'm sick of this shit, but I like this place anywaysss|||I am overly sensitive to critisim but as my boyfriend is an istp I'm getting used to handle straight forward comments :)|||beside me-a snoring man. but nor just any man, but the love of my life. Me - naked, drunk and hunggry for some buttery garlic bread or something :P|||Hi! I would say that it hasnt so much to do with type as on how you would define friend. I, for example, would say I have many friends, but then, there're just a few that I really trust... ...|||Hm...I don't even know your type, but I saw on youre profile you're ennegrame type 9 (as so am I) so... stop being afraid of criticizing others. If you express your opinion in a thoughtful and nice...|||I feel this so strong that it must be true.|||HI! I'm a little bit too drunk now and I havent been in this forum for ageeeees, but I finally found love!! And thats with an istp-guy!!!!! We've been together for like 9 months now. He's the best...|||Case Report Well, he was very charming, very talkative, open, curious about me, warm. I was shy as hell so I dont think anyone seeing me would have typed me esfp. He was acting kinda gentleman...|||LOL it's interesting you say that. About that you appearing to be another type than who you really are, if someone runs into you. :-) And yeah, coffee date it is! ^^ From the mails we've...|||Thanks guys, well I'm 30 and he's.... 33. yeah lets just see what happens. I'm so nervous though, I'm tired of dating. tired of falling in love, mostly unhappily so, tired of being disappointed....|||Oh I have to say that my best friend is enfp, and we have a deep connection I believe. Although I feel like if the enfp-personality is kinda, you know, girly....? sorrysorry|||Thanks for your stereotypic input guys :P Well I'm very curious about this date. It will probably take place saturday :-) I will report! :D|||Hi ya'all!!! :crazy::crazy: You ENFP guys, have you ever fallen for an esfp girl? Or do you think you could? hugs!:tongue:|||you slut ;) with love of course :-*|||That enneagram info is depressing for me... My best match is only with type 1 ? Lol And what kind of man for me? You know, I'll be going on a date with a estj, could it be something? If we screw...|||Hello to you too from Sweden!! :D i hope you enjoy the forum!|||welcome dear! :)|||Hello dear Ahlicks! I hope you'll enjoy the forum and for Gods sake, dont get addicted, I am :P I wish you a lovely day too!!!!!!!!|||Nothing! How could they ever? They are so sweet, probably i piss them off far more, than they piss me off! :)|||HIya, I'd date you any day!!! :P Although we're quite far apart, plus I'm a little too old for you imo :) But best of luck!!!!!|||wohoooo hot vid coming up :P Just kidding!!!!!|||Congratualtions miss Julia Bell! You're one of my absolute stars!! *moah*|||Congratulations Miss!!!!!:crazy:|||Nah, I'm desperatly in love with an intp, but he's not so interested. I think he's great, and he thinks I'm weird. Which is partly true but... Anyway, when I want someone I do the pursuing! There's...|||Hello and welcome!!! :D|||Is that you on the pic? dont worry, you will not be forever alone. Actually, quite FEW people are actually forever alone. So using logic... why should you be in that small group of people? Some smart...|||Could as well be.... :(I don't know!!!!! hmm maybe more likely to be E... oh dear! Dunno!!! I'm gonna post a quote here, down below, which I think is very good, and important to remember. MBTI are...|||HI!!! I'm glad you thought of me :P Although I'm nor so sure if I can be to any help. Well, first of all, I have to say that in my mind you're already an entp, because it said so at the end of...|||well,nah, I didn't think you were being serious anyway ;P|||Lloydy Is this person a whiney freak hahaha LMAO, seriously, LOL!!!!!|||OK I see, thanks for explaining! :) Well, for me, asking; who's your next partner of amusement? is not the same as calling someone a whore! I dont think someone should have to like hold back...|||But I don't understand how you by mistake call someone a whore??|||lol Staffan thats the name of my dad. Ok sorry to the topic: YES! I do neglect my physical needs at times. Normally I have a very strong hunger for example, but when I'm into something it's like...|||I'm writing a post in an fun thread on perC :P|||The funny thing is that everyone writing in this thread is actually doing the same thing.... doh|||Amazon.com: Women Who Love Too Much (9780671733414): Robin Norwood: Books Aoutch... she's so right it hurts. :'(|||Thank you, you are so clever too!!!!! Lot's of good advices! For sure, I've been letting this guy take to much of my mind. I'll fix me up now, emotionally speaking. I promise :) I promise. I've...|||Oh dear, don't worry. I will sort myself out! I will stop writing about him now. I'm sorry I don't wanna make you sad!!!!!! :)|||But won't falling in love with someone who wants to fall madly in love with you too be worth more than the heartache you're experiencing now? ^ I don't believe in that!^ I don't believe in...|||@Chrysantheist well if you think he has logically determined that I'm not his type... I do take your opinion seriously, but in the end it is YOUR opinion, not a matter of fact. But I think you might...|||LOL, my piece of advice: DON'T go on dates when you have a crush on someone else!|||Thank you! In fact, I did tell him how I feel. And I said I can't go on sleeping with you because I like you too much to have this kind of friends-who-sleep-together-relation. He said he understood...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'Holy crap Adro, congratulations bro ! wishing you the very best <3|||I was crazy. Slightly (ok, totally) hyperactive, bigger than life imagination (which ended in telling some pretty epic lies, not proud of it but it was fun), kinda live wire-ish energy, was getting...|||Hes basically untypable. Major personality disorders (neurotic / schizophrenic and whatnot) so yeah. You could say that when he's not obsessing or anything he's somehow of a major asshole with a...|||If the doormat somehow had a special meaning I would keep it all my life. Take it as you wish|||I don't know how you manage to always look lovely but please don't ever stop <3|||You sure are concerned with what you're getting out of an individual that would need to 1) conform to your ideal in order to be valued 2) stroke your ego pretty hardcore an understanding,...|||1) The World's End 2) Pulp Fiction 3) Aladdin - The Emperor's New Groove - Hercules (really close tie with Lilo and Stitch too ) 4) Pitch Black 5) Children of Men ____ 1) Gladiator|||Estp are kryptonite. If they're mature enough the connection happens immediately, in a very natural way .. alike souls talking in a different language, but at the core they mean the same. I just...|||Yes, aslong as said thinkers aren't xSTJ. Any type with Ti would be wonderful as far as understanding goes|||http://i.imgur.com/efrpg89.jpg there you go|||JESUS CHRIST the whole time I was thinking this is straight up Alice in Wonderland kind of wedding, amazing and then this post. :D The whole thing is so perfect Nihm, congratulations <3|||its completely normal that when you're in the grip, symptoms are physical ... Infj shadow is ESTP, so you'll feel it big time. It's like a Ni Ti insanity coupled with some Se extravaganza, not pretty|||Everything about her is|||http://i.imgur.com/m2jDfeE.jpg Engaged today with this INTJ. Feeling all weird and stuff :D|||He's the same guy. Don't hate the player because of the game. Just hate the game. Since the start he's doing EXACTLY what people want out of him ... with a twist. Folks gotta understand that ESTP are...|||Oh my god you re back Nihm :D so happy for you|||^^^^^^^ the mental anticipation alone is such a climax on its own. here i thought i was weird, but we re two now :chat02:|||Yep|||And here I thought this would be about what makes INFJ high spiritually|||I love everything about her, but yeah her eyes are something else entirely. These Ni doms ya know :D|||Been a little busy :) http://i.imgur.com/aL9096X.jpg|||you re so marvelous Ai <3|||Lol one day you'll get over it|||Most draining : ESTJ Less draining : INTP / ISTP / ISTJ / INTJ Sup brah been a while : ESTP Ball of warmzies : INFP snowbell cricket|||A diet. finding joy again, and then love|||Hi, I would like to have my name changed for Arnljot, please :) thanks in advance !|||Gonna give a comic book author in first place : Garth Ennis His main character is the darkest side of humanity and how it's not always such a bad thing if properly handled. He embodied this notion...|||Dreaming is enough|||Infp|||Vulnerability resentment would be my go to :p|||xSTP aren't afraid of commitment. They're afraid of their feelings because they don't want to admit it|||To make a stand and being firm about it. To not let her toy with you after she decided to put your romance on the side. The purpose is to stay centered into what you decided as acceptable to cope...|||Pretty easy my friend ! a) I am glad you are honest and telling me this. We shared something very valuable and I wanted you to know that. a.2) My interests in you are deeper than a friendly...|||Are you in any way more relevant position than me ? you're making assumptions for the sake of being right, with a slight touch of obnoxiousness on top. Now if you'd be so kind, go play somewhere...|||He probably doesn't know how to conceal his Fe ... it truly isn't about control but simply feeling relevant. You probably don't know how Fe is working either. Podcast - Ep 106 -How Types Say I...|||Short Term 12 did. Out of profound happiness and rage. Well interpreted stories not putting too much of a gusto toward dramatic effects (violins and all) always hit home :)|||You will meet one next year if you come back to Paris ! I'm not a lady but I did meet quite a few in book stores, reading at calm places (lakes, in front of the sea), coffees, things like that....|||So you re doing something that she could totally report in order to justify your third degree burn ?|||Not a single great man or woman made themselves alone I love to get and give help, because it remind me a greater truth : our specie is strong by being grateful and connected. Lone wolves never...|||http://i.imgur.com/yFZ47B9.png I kinda completely agree with the results|||I absolutely love that there's no impossible with him. It's all a mystery and you can deliver|||Hell or High Water Very good movie, top notch acting and actual depiction of Texas's state both material & immaterial|||The Fountain Pan's Labyrinth Black Swan Nightcrawler Foxcatcher Seven The Master No Country For Old Men Good Bye Lenin Adaptation|||Beta quadra, socionics stuff (where we both belong in). it basically say that Betas dislike a lot when special snowflakes do what they can in order to be stand offish in a group athmosphere, I'm...|||Could this be more Beta ? Don't think so <3 Completely validating this, unhealthy Fi users are a major pain in the ass. Then again, one have to remind that Fi users as a whole are much more squishier...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PazqCDSF76U|||MBTI : INFJ Socionics : IEI-Ni Enneagram : 7w8 sx/sp Hogwart : Ravenclaw Patronus : Beagle Wand : Cypress wood with a unicorn hair core, 13 ¾ and slightly springy flexibility Ilvermony :...|||Libra sun, Aries Moon, Pisces Rising. Got a pretty funky chart to say the least, and it kind of correlate in many ways|||Become a Listener | 7 Cups Thought this could appeal to the counselors ;)|||Yeah I remember you having a knack for Ti based humor :P they're awesome. I'm very fond of INTJ / INTP since they're able to explain very simply things I need an input on in a certain way. They...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | Not sure about Hugo... Thin is I'm not sure if the translations are faithful enough to represent his writing. Yet you have a point that he's a lot more detached than someone, say, like Dickens. I...|||Yes Tolkien is an INTP and pigs can fly! His stuff was so stuffed with Fi-judgements (i.e. whether he approves of an object/person: Elves are good; Orcs are bad) it's almost the antithesis of Ti,...|||Just one thing: why are INFPs pacifists?|||lolz I thought you were talking about how bliss Fukushima is, sunflowers, mutant butterflies, and zombies, and best of all NO PEOPLE|||That first sentence sounds distinctly un-INTP-ish, at least to me. An INTP might loiter round his/her first three functions far more, and produce nice little logic loops and maybes (result of Ne). In...|||Speaking from an INTP perspective, superficially we're far from cold - we don the mask of the patient listener every time people have stuff to whine about, and drop empathetic comments so that they...|||When was the last time I saw INTP's pose Q&As OUTSIDE THEIR OWN HEADS? Hmm.....|||You don't hate modern society, just society. Read any of the great INTP writers and listen to what they have to say about their respective contemporary societies and enjoy the deja vu|||I'm a invertebrate-creepy-crawly (the spiders not me) geek. I'm a bit of an anomaly for not hating insects, because humans ARE pre-programmed to be unnerved by creepy-crawlies, esp. spiders and the...|||Actually you can use language to narrow down your thoughts and make distinctions, a broad idea is nice but if you think in terms of language you'll have to fill in the details, which helps you kind...|||Good, I want to see the out-of-proportion stats for fantasy and scifi for INs|||Just came over from the INTP subforum, there's practically a warcry for atheists and agnostics there, so maybe I'd just put in my two cents for reasonable, respectful and logical discussion on the...|||In general fours, fives and nines are the most action-oriented, community-minded people in the enneagram. If anything I expect them do be alpha more than any other type(s). Subtype included most...|||Errm, make the conversation happen............inside your head.|||It isn't just an NT thing. Go to the INFP forum and piss yourself.|||INTPs are awkward, like they are born like that. They aren't ENTPs. No getting round that. In general really all INs with Fe, that's INTPs and INFJs, are awkward and Fi users don't ******* care. You...|||People you are generalising wayyy too much, I don't really think that the so-called 'Eastern' and 'Western' culture is a credible way to classify modern culture in the first place. OP, what exactly...|||Yes, I always want to prepare, and then I get cold feet, so instead of preparing myself to stop myself from chickening out I just throw myself into social situations and pray it doesn't go too...|||Just done it, neat little thing, but I'd just like to clarify on the meaning of 'general xxxxx' and 'world xxxxx'|||I thought you were talking about close to, as in emotionally, but I guess that's going too far for the INTP sub. Well, I think I act like an ESTJ when I need to present ideas to people, which means I...|||I can't agree more, it's very easy to write generally, but it's the interviewing that puts me off. Maybe you should consider becoming a columnist, though?|||If you think that stupidity and ignorance are not bad things, that is. Ant colony optimization algorithms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia|||I have never been thus treated in my entire life. My dear philosophers, please do not include natural organisms in your delightful theories, UNTIL and UNLESS you really know about the animal or...|||WE ARE NOT NERDS, full stop.|||I only know that 80 per cent of the time, ESFs are telling you that they don't understand what you're saying and that you are on a different channel, but on the flip side, from my own experience,...|||Au contraire, mon ami. I have a decent to good memory in words and theories, numbers I'm so-so with, but I'm worst with everyday stuff, and I sometimes have to draw multiple lists to remind myself.|||I'm not an atheist, but I'm probably the next worst thing, a Darwinist.|||I'll type only, fits more with my personality and ease, etc, etc.|||Exatcly, I could care less about the lyrics and more about the melody.|||Try lego, it helps you get excited by allowing you to shift your ideas into real life.|||I suppose so, but only consult people who will say nothing of substance so that our sound logic stays the way it is?|||I disagree, an entj would probably want someone with power and social skills and a good image, while personally, I, as an Intp, could never accept an extrovert who sacrificed his or her individuality...|||No, but I don't think one really has to ask that many questions, can't you just figure it out in your head?|||I don't understand. Just these three words|||I'm pretty good at scrabble, not to say that I don't like chess, it's challengeing, but I'm bad at it simply because I don't plan everything well enough, and I never concentrate long enough, rarely...|||Quite possibly sherlock|||Tell them that they're wrong! Nothing bugs them more than being wrong.|||Wonder if anyone gets the reference, nicotine patches, remember?|||We'd be callous and cold without our chameleon skins, and in five seconds we'd all be accusing each other of being dumb, politically incorrect, intrinsically biased, arrogant, etc, etc, not to...|||Hmm, reminds me of an anime I watched for no reason, doesn't bother you that the books are fake, though?|||If you think you're a psychopath then you're most likely a sociopath, that's what intps always fantasise about being.|||Just a tip, the Diogenes Club will surely help you.|||Stupid sapiosexual fixtation, I n T p again!|||I love mimicking the RP accent for its sheer (perceived) poshness, but the Australian accent is so stereotypical that it's one of the easiest accents to mimic, personally.|||Impose discipline into your own life. Although we all are absent-minded, check several times before you leave the place if you have forgot anything. Finally, and no joke, pay attention to grammar, it...|||Soulless? Of course not, that is, if souls existed on the first place, not to say that they don't. With INTPs capacity of thought and creativity, I'd think that they'd be the last people to be called...|||I don't know if this has come up yet: 'Let me think'|||Exactly, I have a few friends who are infatuated with Mahler, who isn't, these days? Not to say that Mahler's stuff is bad., no, but they do find Debussy boring, although in my opinion people should...|||Violin here, I used to hate the it, what's the point in reciting others' works? I asked. In my opinion, a performer is the meanest of all talents, while the composer is, of course, the greatest, as...|||'ello! New here and not exactly a hundred per cent certain and I am INTP, but here's what I'm listening at the moment: Reverie - Claude Debussy (Sorry boys, [and girls] no links yet.) |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'Boxers or briefs? Also, whats your position on dr phill?|||Btw, fascinating thread,food for thought, hold the msg and caffeine though aye:happy:|||w, me too, I have no idea if I have OCD but I count things,I still do it now, I don't think it interferes with my daily life too much, but its always there.|||must..protect..sweet..sweet..energy..juices..yessss..my..preciousss...:tongue:|||I have to mentally prepare myself to leave the house.|||yeap wish id read the 1st paragraph before I voted crazed.Its spiritually romantic .|||Dear those 2 very much in love infjs I am so happy for you,reading your post's to each other makes me go all warm and gooey inside, usually im the kinda gal that roll's her eyes at that kind of...|||I think its time for you to stand up for yourself and say no.No I will not let you hurt me, no I will not be held hostage by your emotional abuse of me,life is too short if you have to cut out or...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6YKXCwVIQ4 violent femmes-promise|||again, really? u already tried this shit in the INFJS THE WORLD NEEDS YOU NOW thread, lame.|||Infj- atheist.|||Miley Cyrus- from child star and role model to obnoxious exhibishionist.|||ok 1 more, I confess that when I used to work as a chef, a drunken sleaze was dining in the restaurant, harassing my friend who had the displeasure of serving him(pinched her butt,made sleazy...|||I confess that when I was a kid, we'd all be singing along in church, and id look upto the projector screen and think it was gods hands changing the song sheets, I finally realised when I was about 9...|||oh I thought I was the only weirdo who loves sloths:happy: I like squares, when I doodle I draw squares,3D squares mostly so cubes, oh and celtic symbols, hieroglyphics, oh and the star within a...|||other- haven't decided exactly what though, something along the lines of poking the Syrian president with a sharp, acid soaked stick. infj.|||I think its a great idea!, if I saw a poster inviting infjs to reply id be all for it,what have you got to lose?, better still what have you got to gain? just be careful ok, that's the mum in me...|||wow ok here goes, geez marla you really got me thinkin,I feel like music is my one and only true companion,it is constant,it always surprises me, it is my antidote for the days when I feel like im...|||Dynamo magician extaordinaire, I have no concrete evidence to support this just a feelin...:tongue:|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ylww2dOW7fg heard it on a jeans advert when I was about 12, loved it ever since...|||assholes talking on their phones in the library|||I had no idea that there was such a thing as infjs MBTI etc, till about 2 months ago,I was actually looking for information about my ex who I suspected had borderline personality disorder,...|||I just don't think you have been in love yet, trust me when you fall in love youll know it, it will hit you like a mack truck there will be no wondering if you can or wondering if it is love you will...|||http:youtube.com/watch?v=KAveNvDnL_A Ohh yea!!|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=156QcvCeVoA|||http://watch?v=1mdgLn5BFRQ house cleanin music!|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjQ9XeOwCGQ Opshop- sundays best clothes. Truth is of no use to me, no not this time let me go let me be .........|||god its hard isint it? for me its turning that little voice inside me down or possibly off if I can,I sit there and think about what is he doing, why hes doing it,what paths he's taking, where they...|||I wana be a mermaid, with shells on ma boobs, bluey green hair that doesn't need pantene or anything to make it gleam and look amazing lol, I want to sing songs that can enchant sailors etc, Id be...|||Really? im reading a thread in which ppl are discussing some utuber changing her type from intj to infj, then she shows up in the thread and its like the fucking queen arrived lol, endless fawning...|||My dad had cancer and took 4 years to die, even though we all knew it would happen eventually, it was still devastating. I had days when everything was fine, did the normal day to day stuff, helped...|||27.And even then, I agonise over what I've said.:blushed:|||whats a fox say?:tongue:|||its all fun and games till someone loses an eye.|||As the coach meandered its way through the sodden city streets, Travis recalled the extraordinary events of the previous night, had he really seen her, Alethea? The bile rose in his throat as he...|||You introduced yourself to me with a gentlemanly bow,and i was delighted,i echo the sentiments of knight93,the last person who msgd me,called me a ,thanks tease(condecendingly,passive agressive,i...|||team new Zealand hurry up and win the bloody Americas cup, im so over it being plastered all over our 3 main t.v channels day and night..... (p.s up yours jimmy spithill):tongue:|||wupwup thanks!|||high5@oldmanrivers yup I work the best when im under pressure, sometimes I feel as if my mind goes into some sort of robotic mode, it analyses the fastest and most efficient way to get things...|||suddenly I see, (suddenly I see) this is what I wanna be , suddenly I see (suddenly I see) why the hell it means so much to me... shit cant remember who sings it but I like it:tongue:|||I gave up the dream when I finally realised after quite a few years, that that's all it was, a dream that kept kicking my ass.|||a machine that could give people the abilty to sympathise/empathise with others, I am always surprised at the amount of people ive met who either don't know how or just cant.|||dear me, you can do this, don't be afraid.|||really sorry trying to fix a mistake|||oh no|||pkkkkkk|||you people me rose-im too busy thanking everybody so no one feels left out lol@Antipode you took the letters right out of my mouth...|||t.v series The black velvet gown, based on a Catherine Cookson novel, Sapphire and Steele-interdimensional travel,both british,oh yeah and The Professionals-Two hunky English cops from the 70s with...|||ohh me too, ive never seen the vid but have always imagined lots of men and women from the 80s with big hair and leotards doing aerobics for some reason...|||ive never heard any of the greatful deads music, funny though one of my fav quotes is by themmusic is the soundtrack to our lives... I am now a fan, im lovin this...' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'I'd very much like to believe this were true, but politics, at least here in the US, are based completely on lies, pretense, and disingenuity, and I only see it getting worse. Money is already the...|||I prefer to be as direct as possible, but I learned early on that most people can't handle that. Now I feel people out to see how honest I can be with them.|||Existing in the 21st century works rather well.|||Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal This comic, of course, doesn't apply to me. I actually am special. You can brew your own.|||In order of (rapidly) decreasing likelihood: The Likely Achieve a net worth of over 20 million US Dollars (adjusted for inflation) The Possible Become CEO of a Fortune 500 company|||Here's an excellent lecture by Dr. Michael Shermer on things like agency bias, self-deception, and the origin of beliefs regarding supernatural entities: ...|||The knowledge that I'm an ENTJ has helped me immensely in terms of identifying and addressing my own weaknesses. I'm now much more critical of my own ideas, much more open to having my mind changed,...|||Yes.|||Ideally an exchange of money is a mutually beneficial interaction; I can pay a person for their goods or services because what we each get is more valuable to us than what we gave up for it. Of...|||I believed that the universe was made with humanity in mind, that there was a good reason for the suffering I saw in charity pamphlets, that America was the greatest country in the world, and that...|||Funny, I never thought of INTP's as humble. They're certainly not self-aggrandizing, but they seem to have an air of intellectual superiority, and a mild disdain for the simpler folk.|||I always knew exactly what I wanted.|||Bane seemed far too selfless and ideological to be an ENTJ. His plan involved his own death.|||HideousHeart|||You could give the OP veto power over the edits to make sure they approve.|||MindSlinger The last time I genuinely got angry over an online conversation was over three months ago. I disagreed with a minor point on a blog post and was assaulted with flagrant...|||http://youtu.be/F-S0T4xTdLY|||I didn't mean to imply that your explanation was impossible, that would be an indefensible position to hold. I merely wished to advance a more simple, evidence-based alternative. Unfortunately,...|||Oh I don't think you could handle me.|||Problem?|||I guess I should have explained my point. Your post was ironic because the very existence of the internet is a testament to the ability of science to determine truth. And saying it goes both...|||ENTJ's are typified by a desire to enforce their will upon their environment; money is the most obvious way to do that, but it's not the only way.|||You sound way too confident in your new found enlightenment. I strongly advise you to temper your intuition with a healthy dose of skepticism. The ideas popping into your head are educated guesses...|||Need I point out the irony of using the internet to tell people that science is poorly adapted for determining truth?|||You may want to try proofreading your posts for coherence. I'm sure the section I colored blue makes perfect sense to you, but to me it reads like an excerpt from Time Cube. Yes, an actual...|||Care to elaborate?|||I can tell you that memory is extremely unreliable, and that dreams can easily be confused with actual experiences.|||Interesting. Back in college I took a world literature class that stressed me out so badly I developed chronic heartburn. The professor was a very nice person, but he was also very flighty and...|||adverseaffects I waxed a little poetic there; I don't really think life has any overarching purpose, because that would require a sentient creator. But if I were to assume such a creator existed,...|||That depends on the attributes of said God. Is it not dishonest to believe something merely because it's practical to do so?|||What is the meaning of life? Pointless suffering. The agony endured on our world alone is beyond our comprehension, and it is but one of trillions.|||I first encountered MBTI in a business writing class.|||I'd more than likely derive no satisfaction from it. Besides, a predator often targets the weakest of the herd; all it's interested in is eating.|||You asked how to not get bored in a long term relationship, the professor in the comic describes being married to the same woman for 50 years.|||The default response of many authority figures when a subordinate makes demands is I provide you with X, Y, and Z, how dare you demand more?!.|||Just make sure you use an emotional appeal, not a logical argument. The simplest amounts to I'm in charge, do as I say, though that may backfire if you aren't actually in charge.|||Scantron is obsolete?!|||Just make sure you have a good defense against any accusation of hypocrisy or selfishness.|||No one does that to me in person, at least not more than once.....|||Interesting.... Is resolve preferable to reason? Is holding to your beliefs in the face of opposing evidence a virtue?|||This certainly isn't unique to INFP's. My ideals were brutalized so badly that I abandoned them altogether. I would be an abomination in the eyes of myself just 5 years ago.|||http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=2545#comic|||Need someone to make you feel inadequate? You'll have to pay.|||Just so you know, this thread is almost a year old, and bubbamamma hasn't posted anything since last April.|||I love anything that's existentially depressing; it's one of the few things that can make me feel. Unfortunately, I haven't read any more than you.|||The quote assumes the person is wishing on an actual star, and it's supposed to say years, not lightyears. I used to do this constantly, now I use the less offensive if I remember...|||How much will you pay me to argue your side?|||It's difficult to see that when you're raking in millions every year.|||A lot of that fear is likely justified; imperfect as it is, many profit greatly from society's current configuration. Because of this the powerful are almost always defenders of the status quo.|||The System is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work......' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'A mini snickers bar (pouts) still hungry...|||Hi there Rei :) My name's Elizabeth, or Liz, depending on what mood I'm in :P|||Finished high school, and I'm working at TAFE atm|||Basically which animal do you most relate to (not like to be)|||Hi and welcome sibling type (I'm infp)! :)|||Hello and welcome from a fellow INFP! :D|||Any kind of rain, light and drizzly or pelting down flood loads. Early morning fog or mist is beautiful, and basically the less sun around the better.|||Most comforting smells: My boyfriend warm, clean, clothes and bed sheets out of the dryer :3 Coffee and most warm milk drinks Scents that remind me of my parent, such as mum's perfume, or...|||Favourite smells: newborn babies and that almost fluffy scent of most small animals (who doesn't want to inhale their pet bunny or duckie? :3) the smell of rain, especially during an electrical...|||I got blue, lavender, crystal (in that order) if there was a fourth I think it would be indigo :3 Blue http://www.lifecolorscity.com/uploads/colors/blue.jpg Blues are some of the most loving,...|||The 9 description works for me, especially this part: Nines report that they dip in and out of conversations. A sector of their attention is mechanically focused on what is being said, but they...|||This is great! :D I'm a quality time person with physical touch coming a close second :3 Physical touch is a bit of a funny one though, I love it when someone touches me (keep your minds out of...|||Mother: INFP Father: ESTP (possibly J) Siblings all from same parents Me: INFP Brother: INFP Brother: ENFP Brother: ISTJ Sister: ENFP|||Mother: INFP Father: ESTP (possibly ESTJ, not exactly sure) Siblings, eldest to youngest (all from same parents) Me: INFP Brother: INFP Brother: ENFP Brother: ISTJ Sister: ENFP Sister: INFP|||Still studying, high school and tafe|||I'm right handed but there are a lot of things I can (and sometimes prefer to) use my left hand for. I'm not quite ambidextrous. Despite being right handed I am very much right brained, almost only...|||My ENFP brother is naturally left handed, but has learnt to use his right hand for a lot or things|||I'm straight. I don't find other women at all attractive, but I do ponder on the advantages of a gay relationship... maybe two women could get along better than a man and a woman?|||Insomnia, internet, thinking...|||From my point of view, Different is probably the one word that best describes me :/ although I've had caring, artistic and thoughtful applied to me a lot more...|||Why I think I'm lucky to have INFPs who are so close to me? Basically because it makes me feel less alone and different (if that's possible for an INFP :P) Also, in general I feel none of the...|||Depends on what mood I'm in and the people around me... mostly I'd say I'm mature, but I'm also a child at heart :3|||Mine's either 4 or maybe 9. I'm not 100% sure, I think I could be more of a 4 wing|||I'm pretty lucky that some of the closest people in my life are INFPs XD My mum, younger brother and my boyfriend, if I didn't have them (especially mum and bf) I'd go completely crazy. Having them...|||Shiny Happy People, by R.E.M. Only INFPs understand this song :(' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Thank you very much for your feedback. I will try not to over think or worry too much on my character development and construction. I just want things to be just right, so I get perfectionistic. May...|||Oh! I should be more clear. When I imagined her, I saw her as this commanding and logical person. Introverted too. When I imagined it, ENTJ was the first thing to pop in my head. I was trying to give...|||I am writing this post to thank you all for answering my questions and indulging in my creativity. I would further like you all to aid me. I am writing 5 book series. Does anyone have any advice on...|||Guess guys and girls differ on this huh? ai.tran.75 cake|||Okay that answers 2/3 questions I asked...... Plus I was looking for details! As in the subjective feelings and thoughts you feel when in love! :/ Plus I still dont know how much it takes for you to...|||Three questions that overlap: What is like to fall in love for you? (hard, easy, takes time, picky, etc..) What are you like when you are in love? How do you feel when you are in love?|||Three questions that overlap: What is like to fall in love for you? (hard, easy, takes time, picky, etc..) What are you like when you are in love? How do you feel when you are in love?|||Three questions that overlap: What is like to fall in love for you? (hard, easy, takes time, picky, etc..) What are you like when you are in love? How do you feel when you are in love?|||Three questions that overlap: What is like to fall in love for you? (hard, easy, takes time, picky, etc..) What are you like when you are in love? How do you feel when you are in love?|||Hello ALL! I need some dire help here. I am trying to find a BIG book or a book on the governments of the ancient and medieval world. I am doing research for a novel and I wanted to construct a...|||Hello ALL! I need some dire help here. I am trying to find a BIG book or a book on the governments of the ancient and medieval world. I am doing research for a novel and I wanted to construct a...|||Hello ALL! I need some dire help here. I am trying to find a BIG book or a book on the governments of the ancient and medieval world. I am doing research for a novel and I wanted to construct a...|||Hello ALL! I need some dire help here. I am trying to find a BIG book or a book on the governments of the ancient and medieval world. I am doing research for a novel and I wanted to construct a...|||Woah man......Where is all that then?? O.o Im lost at the last sentence. *shrugs* Whatever then. From what I read they seem really strong and stubborn. Very interesting creatures.|||To the people I like...... Yeah um.....you just set yourself up there..........See people say that cuz U aint soft to people you meet, just the ones you like. What chliches? O.o All I said is...|||Lol|||Its still not as organized as MBTI. Which was the point. Anyways, thanks for the info. Im gone.|||Thats interesting.|||hmmm...|||I just looked up that comic strip and OMG clams are cool. They are like jellyfish yet they are alive and can move. It blows my mind how they have no eyes, mouth, brain, heart or anything and live in...|||Quantity does not mean it is not more organized. And what does the amount have to do with what I said of MBTI being more organized than enneagram? O.o|||.........I thought INTJs were super smart.......XP Im so sad! I finished watching Tales fromt he badlands. I loved it so much and Im sad its done. I want more! It was so funny and fun to watch. I...|||Ill give you that. But MBTI seems to be more organized than enneagram.|||But you guys are that clam! :3|||I don't do the enneagram crap. Its strong opinion. I found out my information by just reading about him and his life. How he complained about his wife to his friends and that she was a bossy...|||Lmao......she who has the clam picture.....|||We talking about Walter Disney??? The man who was afraid of mice and made a famous mouse character? The man who utmost refused to keep mickey mouse out of the creative domain?? He would be turning in...|||Thanks!|||let it be known that you are the only one who is still talking about this to me. The convo ended a while ago.|||So you feel he isnt doing enough and the call for equality will go off the rails like other movements have then? Case in point of what? When have I not allowed you to not explain your position?...|||What wth some are you talking about??? O.o Oh so, you are just tired of hearing about him or this? The feminist movement thing or something? Or that nothing is getting done? I forget what it...|||This is everywhere....lol|||Whats SJW? O.o ...|||How am i going too far into it when you just said there are some things in feminists you dont approve or like? Its the extremism is it not? Thats why I said there are types. Various. You or rather...|||O.o alot of questions......what does shit pertain to here? Why are feminists narrowminded? Is it the word you dislike or what that word has come to stand for? Because they are types of feminists....|||Woah, man. Whats with that? O.o Why the beef? O.o|||Why worried? and not sure? I like the last one. Look up Kiznaiver|||If you could have any super power or be a superhero(herione) who would it be? What would they be? *limit is 3|||Can I have one of you? A male preferably? I am very affectionate :3 <3 Also, tell me about yourself :) Btw yall know Justin Trudeau is an ENFJ right?|||?|||VAMPIRE!!!!!! Kay, you lost me. What? O.o So you want me to say thanks but no thanks or do what she says or what? Cuz i have done what she says without like actually listening and she gets...|||I ended this conversation like posts ago...... But thank you for the offer. I will let you know if there is anything.|||Oh finally, you got to the point. mk|||There is no prediction and I refuse to repeat history with my words and effort. Its quite obvious she will not listen when she keeps telling me i need to change my hair and how I wear my scarf. So,...|||Hahahah cute <3! I dont want attention either|||mmmmm id prefer something in a darker shade :3|||Well you need to find a balance. He needs to understand your need to discuss, and you need to understand that we cannot always handle it. Plus yall get intense and its like woah man......all i did...|||Then why are you on here with your results? Whats the point? Its not reliable or valid, so why waste your time? Why be here?|||You act like she listens.......|||LOL Aww these are sweet. Just dont get mischevious with them in the wrong way.......' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Why aren't you paying attention to the things around you more carefully?|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oh96CaVE2_4|||I've reached to a point where I just can't take it anymore. I've recently quit a job last week that I've been working at for almost three months. I've been known to suffer from anxiety and depression...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snouZdW2IWg Not the best quality for sound but for the sake of the video I used this one instead. Also the scene was lovely in the end of the last season of Venture...|||Just turned 21 and I have no idea how to feel about it. Honestly so far it did in fact feel like a special day only for me, but not today. I don't think it's the whole I'm getting older part that...|||I am really thrilled to hear that Kevin Smith is going to direct Clerks III. I know, it's a bit of a late news, but it's really awesome to see he is still kicking the Clerks flow. But sadly, this is...|||That is quite a good way of getting inspiration and pictures done. Taking lots of pictures of anything that interests your eye can inspire other artists too. If only I'd have a proper camera, I'd...|||I am curious what drives you ENFP artists to be inspired to draw, to know no boundaries, to be able to produce and create without any concerns from the outer world? As we all know, when something...|||Here are some new drawings for now. Because of some technical difficulties I had with the tablet, I haven't been able to draw anything but luckily it's all been solved now. Here is a new finished...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bW75OwVXZI&feature=related Love it a lot. Gives you that feeling of something being forgotten until now.|||Dear Anonymous, You used to be a great person, you used to be a very special friend to me, and now everything got changed and I can't figure out what happened to you. You don't care much about me,...|||Finished Call of Duty Black Ops II several days ago and started playing L.A. Noire. I loved BO II and how your actions affect your story and it was also well made. Also I didn't have much time for...|||I could say I like a lot of games actually. Besides shooters, which is my main type of games, such as the Call of Duty series, Battlefields (mostly online only), the Max Payne series, which has so...|||Usually my energy level used to be mostly the same as Alicewonderland's, but recently my level is quite low most of the day, and I tend to get hungry more often and I don't always rush for food in...|||That I always have huge dreams at first and how everything is going to be all better and the way I want things to be, and later on I just realize what a stupid dream it is. But I won't ditch it, just...|||Sadly, I am a very smothering and gushy but can't really say I am too dependent though. I have those moments when I'm totally fine without any emotional support, but that only works when I'm focused...|||Currently playing Bad Company 2 (lots of online rounds lately) and Grand Theft Auto IV (since it has many options to choose from).|||I just can't put any of them as favorite, since all of them are. His creations are just awesome and the way he can give them life, it feels like he can do it like no other. He's indeed very talented,...|||A great Red Hot Chili Peppers song deserves another good song by them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfOdWSiyWoc|||I hate it when people make some lame excuses instead of telling me the truth of what happened, because I always tend to find out the truth. I am a huge truth seeker and I don't like to be lied to....|||I love to listen to all of his lectures/speeches. You can learn so much about how things work in his world for example, and the talking forever part, I can relate to that, because once I start a...|||Hello there and welcome to the forum! As always, it's nice to see new ENFP people joining the forum, that doesn't mean I will only welcome the ENFPs because I am one, but it's a thrill for me to meet...|||I am quite curios, are there other people here on the forum who watched any of Kevin Smith's movies? For those who don't know, he directed a lot of indie movies, first being Clerks in 1994. I am a...|||Other things that were said to me recently: You're such a nice person and caring So wait, the whole mess in your room and on your desk doesn't bother you at all? How are you still so...|||Alanis Morissette - Everything http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6kLbDHu0yc I just found out she is also the Fi-ENFp type. No wonder I love her song so much. :)|||Didn't even know there are two types of ENFp. I saw in many places that people mentioned Ne-ENFp but I had no idea what it was referred to. To be honest, I have no idea which reflects me, probably...|||One of my favorite song, The Messenger by Linkin Park http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CZIwOMHJDM|||The trouble with wanting something is the fear of losing it, or never getting it. The thought makes you weak.|||Hello and welcome to the forum! Glad to see another ENFP like me joining the forum. Sounds like your in a trouble, but not to worry, maybe we can help. I can relate to the pretty bad part, because...|||Hello and welcome to the forum! I hope you'll enjoy the stay and as always, it's nice to meet you! :)|||I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it. -Audrey Hepburn|||Fort Minor - The Hard Way http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oqWdZsBYuE|||Hello and welcome to the forum! I hope you'll enjoy the stay here and I hope you'll be able to meet a lot of friendly people and people like you. And as always, it is nice to meet you. :)|||I was raised as a Reformed, and until the age of 13-14 I was, like any other kid, just going with the plan of church, until I started to be more aware of things. I noticed that I don't need religion...|||Pretty much a night person myself. I don't like to wake up when the sun gets up because I didn't get used to that schedule for more than a year now. I mostly prefer being active at nights because...|||I've got to admit, it's something I am getting a lot lately. I noticed a lot of times that some people become fake or however it's described, because they are hurt or insecure by a lot of reasons as...|||“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up,...|||The most effective is that thing we used to get when doing something great for someone. That little thanks that can be such a great feeling. But sometimes, I feel like that thanks isn't quite much,...|||Here are some of my digital paintings, some are old and some are recent, some are sketches and others are finished artwork. I usually do digital paintings, since I can do much more than with...|||One thing is sure about me or any ENFP soul, is that we all fall in love very quickly. Sometimes we don't even know why, but we just feel that way. I don't know about anyone else, but when I fall in...|||That is also a wonderful trait if you ask me. Us ENFPers are mostly born with such a trait. Ah, yes, Classical Art. Something that very few people appreciate it these days. And yes, your avatar...|||Hello and welcome BadKitty! It's always nice to see new ENFP souls around here! And I also definitely feel the same about being around non-ENFPs as well. The more you grow up the more you realize...|||Hello and thank you for your welcome! Thank you for the time reading my introduction post. And I would add that you are definitely not wrong about the interesting person part. That is what I am, or...|||Hello and thank you for your welcome Cara. Never to worry if you do not have an artistic skill, I assure you that it is compensated with something else, like ability to write artistic poems and...|||Hello there and welcome! It is nice to see another ENFP fellow like myself here. I am sure you will enjoy your stay here! Being intuitive and an extrovert is definitely a wonderful trait to have,...|||ruth2ten: Thank you for your welcome and especially thank you for the kitten for such a dangerous occasion! Chimeric: Thanks for your welcome, and it's great to know other fellow ENFP artists and...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQ04WbgI9rg|||One of my favorite Death Metal band would be the fictional band Dethklok. I started to like the songs ever since I started watching the animated cartoon Metalocalypse. The reason why they are...|||1. Linkin Park 2. Fort Minor 3. Eminem 4. Dethklok 5. Iron Maiden 6. Foo Fighters 7. Red Hot Chili Peppers 8. Metallica 9. Guns 'n' Roses 10. Led Zeppelin|||Personally, I liked this movie a lot, because here you can see how someone who knows a lot can attract a lot of people, because let's face it, in a century like this, having a lot of knowledge should...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'It is too much fun trying to put your dreams into story format and getting the flat out response of you're mad! from the ones you confide in :wink:|||It is possible to be an introvert who can put on a good guise as an extrovert. I class myself as a typical introvert but I do have moments when I come alive in the environment and engage with...|||Tchyeah, those darned SPs adopt me as some sort of cute mascot lmao! :crazy:|||I got the job!!! Pretty much shocked...but fellow INFPs, you just gotta believe in yourself cause we DO rock! Also notes to read from do help you keep your composure. Chins up :)|||There's nothing wrong with you at all! I hate getting my haircut cause I can't really do the whole casual chat with my hairdresser. I honestly want to zone out and daydream for the long 45 minutes it...|||Pickup lines are corny and fake. Instantly set me at illease and most likely to make me back away quickly!|||*cringe* me pretending and failing to come across as a wild sporty SP type... 80500e.|||Being a victim is thrilling; playful intensity *spazz and drool* Enjoy this too. My fantasies are either really cuddly comforting or wild slight S/M-y...:3|||My fantasies are ever changing but a common theme is adventure, romance and magic.|||You remind me of Florence Welch aka Florence and the Machine. Your username reminds me of her; ethereal, beautiful and spritely. 80425|||You're so quiet You're an epic distraction Awww you're so lovely...AWWW! Please don't faint|||Hehe, well me and my friend actually pieced together a Dora adventure once off the top of our heads. Totally random; she gets lost in Edinburgh Castle and eaten by a giant snake like in Harry Potter...|||Through the bad times, I usually think to myself that if I wake up tomorrow and the sky is still expansive and blue, the sea is waved and deep, the land green and alive, the sun strong; that...|||I have SOME internal shit together. Externally, I might as well be a hobo. But I'm fine with it. Being lost means you can find tropical oasis' and treasure beyond your wildest dreams. Or at least...|||I suck at interviews. Never a successful one yet. Nervous about one I have this Wednesday, but I'm hoping with experience and time I'm able to wing it and project the best side of myself. Confidence...|||Agree with all of these. Sitting about doing nothing but pondering everything is a great way to spend an afternoon imo; beats doing chores...and yeah, my bestie can get a bit annoyed when I make puns...|||Sometimes some people never get their shit 100% together. This is me; 20 and still not entirely on this planet. Drifting, slightly aimless but my brain amuses me so much! Plus going with the flow is...|||(on being invited to a Kings of Leon concert earlier)..I'm the most un-rock chic ever; why the invite? I can't believe this! Yet I'm soooooooo flattered! Heheeeyayooooh fun adventure! But... large...|||I definitely have to apply images to my thinking in order to understand what I'm processing. It's difficult to explain to other people, hence why I use metaphors an awful lot.|||Thanking you all for your responses and insights :) Variety seems to be the spice of life and romance, it seems... Personally, I'm very much drawn to ENTP and ESTP energies at this moment in time,...|||You know you are an INFJ (or even any NF type in general) when you have all these great fantasies panning out but in reality you are too shy to even be in the same vicinity as your crush :(|||@lampt that's great to hear, thanks for sharing :)|||SPs can be so exciting! Yes, I do agree with your comments on ENFP and INFP somewhat. LOVE them as friends but not sure we'd be compatible. Personally, I have a preference towards men with Thinker...|||Yes I think intro/extro relationships are very rewarding. Balance is made with enough differences to create growth in individuals. Personally I am more romantically attracted to gregarious bold guys....|||Yeah introverts are really attractive souls but extroverts; god, it's hard not to be amazed by their charisma.|||I have pretty bad spacial awareness...|||Delilah don't you just admire :happy: INTJ logic?|||Oh, the annoyingimated part..but I do what she does too sometimes and send texts as seperate spam rather than one whole message.|||Ditto...I kinda look around to see if there's someone else to direct the attention onto and involve in the moment, like oh, well 'insert name here' has a much cuter bag than mine *smile and pray...|||Aw that's a really sweet story. Glad it's worked out for you :) thanks for sharing|||I'm very emotional and masking them doesn't work; just creates a big volcanic mess. Concealing hurts, doesn't help, which is what I am trying to work on. I'm most at ease with my feelings when I can...|||^^This!! I understand everyone but myself!|||A chill ENTP is the dream; they *must* exist somewhere! I have a lot of respect for ISTJ's but like you said, I think the INFJ/ISTJ match would be more infuriating than blissfull...|||Yeah I definitely have a draw to those energies too. I think they balance us INFJ's out rather nicely; our opposites that we're intrigued by rather than flustered by :)|||Wow, these poems are BEAUTIFUL|||Recom hello Germany!|||Thank you for your feedback :) Being open to possibilities is good! Any type can make a lovely couple imo. Fair point. Romance and relationships in general are a bit of a mystery....|||Fictional characters are so hard to type! I guess only the writer truly knows their personality and motivations...|||Thanks for the reply, relax, I wouldn't kill you for having an opinion. *besides I don't think the INFJ forum would have the stomach for random brutal violence hehe!* So you would say that you...|||I'm the female version of this. At high school I felt I was the ugly duckling. Plus with inferior Se I didn't have that innate instinct to engage completely with my surroundings and not stay within...|||I'm curious to what you all have to share on this subject. I'll chip in with my insights later on...:happy:|||Outwardly I get a little shy over compliments, blush, laugh slightly nervously and say the polite statutory thank you with a crooked smile. I'm pleased to receive them, truly, and internally beam...|||I do come across as really formal in email or letters in the workplace but then I've also been told my reports and essays for college have been surprisingly passionate and that I need to tone it down...|||Northwind nice to meet you :)|||Thank you, hey :) Omroberts you are right, you learn more about yourself by meeting others with similar thought and experiences. So glad to be here! Thank you, lovely to meet you all, I...|||Actually funny thing is I'm originally from South London but moved all the way up North when I was a child. Maybe it's time I come and visit again :)|||*virtual high five back* thanks!|||Thank you for the response, I'm sure I'll find lots of intrigue and excitement on here :)|||I'm sure I'm a Fe subtype for these reasons: 1. Occasionally portraying shades of familiarity and impudence At times I have playfully back-sassed my boss. She's lighthearted and sunny in response...|||Just thought I'd introduce myself to the forum and site in general :) Hello there, I'm Jen from the UK, Northern England to be exact. I'm 20 years old and female and an INFJ. And that's the...' |
0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 'I always forget where I put my keys, therefore I must have inferior si as opposed to being dumb ;) So as the saying goes...You don't know what you have until you lose (Dom+aux+tert) it?...|||Not doubting your argument, but higher IQ sensors tend to come off as intuitives to others because they process things faster. You're looking at Da Vinca (ISFP) and Picasso (ESFP/some sort of SJ). On...|||IMO, if you get moments where you say things like, I was like WTF or She is like 'what is this, I don't even then it's likely Si as work. You're expressing yourself as though you're coding your...|||I guess a better way to ask the OP would be what would bother her from other people the most when she has negative emotions.|||I just told an suspected INTP that he sometimes annoy me. He acted like OMG SO I'VE BEEN DOIN' IT RONG and he shattered into a hundred million pieces. @OP, I guess the next question is what kind...|||[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] This tends to trouble me too, because how big picture, is how big picture? On the inverse we can have N's mistype as S because ideals/perfection means that not a single...|||I think Doll meant to that as trolling into her own personal satisfaction of evil.|||It could mean sensory processing of when shit hits the fan (i.e. yelling, look on their faces) or afraid of what FE is currently experiencing. Having some indepth understanding or idea of what will...|||What kind of small things? When do you feel this way, and what is often the reason?) (I feel I can go with ENFP and even ISFP despite the si in your photo analysis as well, so I'm going to keep...|||Only explanation I could give you is that maybe it has something to do with people exerting friction on some parts of your personality but as you become an adult, what stays, stays.|||Not implying that FE doms can't apply themselves to animals or secretly hate everyone, but it sounds Fi-dommie. Although it could be that you're enneagram 3w2 giving that SPARTA feeling to the...|||^ Title initiates.|||Could be FE's need for harmony backfiring against OP, just sayin'|||I see the world as...1) ...a bundle of possibilities to be explored and unraveled. The world is objectively full of possibilities but if I say course it's full of possibilities, look at how history...|||Oh really; I'm currently in a fine arts university program studying art ideology, psychology, philosophy within it as mandatory so you can pretty much get that it's modern art, not technical fine...|||I'm 2w3, 9w1, 5w4 tritype. Not solid on my mbti type atm :/|||INFP, INTP, ENFP, ISFJ, ISTJ, ESFJ, ESTJ, ISTJ. Getting there...slowly, slowly...........................stop? Hopefully. ;P It's possible people with more sensing in their stacks need to noodle...|||I wrote in a paragraph or so as a disclaimer. If you end up doing more work than you should for my humble sake, then that's your problem ;) Dat FE.|||I'd give every single human within sight my credit card number so I can watch all the crazy shit ensued. Also, I'll look in the face of politics with whatever u mad face I can realistically make,...|||Type 3w2 ESFJ's are probably the type who organizes everything for the event and still manage to make everyone personalized coffee. Because supporters are also leaders? Type 2w3 ESFJ's are...|||So far in the What's my Type forum, going more so by doms... Fi types might either associate with it, relate to what they like or feel the need to change things. FiSe tends to just feel while FiNe...|||I had this feeling that you're an N, then I checked your profile and went Bingo. Yeah, people asked me the same thing too and I felt I had to go the extra mile. Wanting to strip off to easy mode...|||My most sensor portion of a dream... Well, before I slept I was looking straight ahead (which was a window) and I dreamt...of that window view so I had no idea it was a dream. Then all of a...|||Just wondering how different groups perceive or absorb the same external reality. Just share your impression of the image in a paragraph or so. Thanks~ ...|||Just wondering how different groups react to the same ... external reality? (Yes, Spade's test). Just describe your impression of the photo in a paragraph or so. ...|||Just wondering how different groups perceive different...realities? Just describe your impression of the image in a paragraph or so :| http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8093/8476743612_a305233dec_z.jpg|||Just wondering how different groups perceive images o.O Just describe your impression of the photo here. http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8093/8476743612_a305233dec_z.jpg|||Pasta|||Right, but you can reason that NI-TE is evolutionary common because NI-TE helps you pop out of danger beforehand like a magical card trick or something. Si is also about internal well being in...|||That's boring :C|||Wellllllllllllll I guess to be fair introducing the functions may as well be a course in itself.|||Obvious ISFP is obvious.|||I'm guessing one of the following: IFP ITP EFJ ETJ Thinking/feeling functions evaluate stuff. Thinking looks at the logical properties of things and how it relates together then attach...|||Think about how you are at stress. If you tend to conclude things when you're stable and conclude things when you're unstable, you're likely some sort of judging function leading person as opposed to...|||Well...the desire to understand yourself and others is raging common because other people reflect so many things about our place in the world. There's so many users on the forum, it's inevitable to...|||This thread is golden: http://personalitycafe.com/intj-forum-scientists/126949-how-you-see-16-types-gif-form.html and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_i-XL_fm6E|||I don't see how being a 3 and an ESFJ is so incompatible. That ne tert ought to get you somewhere. Pretty sure that the ETJ's shouldn't be the only get shit done sort of person.|||I wonder how complicated it could be for high school students just to explain what the functions are :confused:|||I believe I experienced an Fe/Ne loop before, which in other words means emotionally independent on other's approval by trying to be more than we currently are. I'm not saying that this feeling is...|||Well...the color of their fur makes them unique but at the end of the day, it's still an animal that demands you to give them food and wipe off their waste products. So all the things that makes...|||How to sticky copyrighted contents :tongue:|||Maybe loops refer to an emotional reaction to immediate stress until it tears down to the inferior. I mean more powerful spike in anxieties. You can have many, many spikes but it doesn't necessarily...|||6238862389 What's the difference between a black cat and a white(and brown) cat?|||I find it ironic that SJ's apparently need a guide to being hip and new, over a thread about the hipster level of a particular group of people. But hey, nothing begins if we don't will it right...|||:wink: I guess that's where my epiphanies come from then. Teewhy|||Don't take life (too) seriously, because for what you're worrying or fixated upon, it's not the final conclusion. And there probably be never a conclusion to the present beyond the future ;)|||You kind of just boxed yourself into this ESFJ box. You're probably looking for forgiveness and for someone to cut you the slack. You're bothered about your adequacy to protect the emotions...|||Fe-dom is about right. I read about the TI inferior and it seems to fit together, expecially the part about not remembering too much what's going on (Ti's convoluted thoughts). I believe I use SI,...|||1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type? Curiousity, wondering where I fit in and how I relate to others. Valuing other inputs? 2) What do you yearn for in life?...' |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | this is such a catch 22 |||I'm here! Although, I'm quite the terrible ESTJ-- my Fi developed so rapidly recently I might as well be a feeler...|||Yikes. I do not want power...|||Thank you SO SO much. This is what I had planned to do, and I spent time trying to see it from his perspective and all your thoughts were what I was thinking: consistency. As an ESTJ, once I can...|||Hi|||Thank you for your help in advance. <3 I had been dating an ESFJ since September. I've never felt this way about someone before even all my long-term bfs. I wasn't myself in this relationship....|||We're very direct, open, and we hate dancing around things. We like things to proceed in a very step-by-step fashion. We always like to know where we stand with people and will tell you how we feel...|||EXACTLY THIS. I let other people lead and do things until things become chaotic then I take over because I can't handle the downward spiraling of chaos.|||My best friend is an INFJ, we've been besties for 12 years now. So just from my experience, the relationship is great! We've never fought or got into an argument. *knock on wood* My aunt is also an...|||Hmm... Perhaps you can try being less talkative? I've learned to listen a lot more and practice being more introverted. It's really not necessary to always say what you think/feel. One of my goals...|||Not sure-- but I really like Aziz Ansari humor. I tend to like things that are relevant to what I'm going through. TV/Movies that make me laugh: Brooklyn 99, Fresh Off the Boat, The Goldbergs,...|||lol. I wonder if it's because I'm a female ESTJ and my interactions with male INFP has never happened the way you described. Perhaps, gender roles plays into this.|||I either write in my journal (usually realizations/processing, not usually mundane day-to-day task things) or just thoughts or quotes or poetry. Really depends on my mood. Sometimes one form of...|||Recently started dating an ESFJ guy. Everything has been super easy and fun. He embodies all the characteristics I'm looking for. He's been very open/honest about the fact that he got out of a 6 year...|||Thank you for asking first of all. I have a really weird one-- not so typical of ESTJ, I think. More so like an ENFP haha! 1. dinner 2. shower + brush teeth/floss 3. lotion + face moisturizer...|||Is that a deal breaker?|||this is everything.|||I don't want to make assumptions for everyone, but in my personal experience, yes. In my life I've noticed: ENxPs tend to be more fluid and in open relationship/poly situations. NF types tend to...|||What do you guys do at night after dinner/before bed? What does your night routine look like? Do you have a bedtime snack? Floss? Do you read?|||This. :)|||I've never been withdrawn and uncommunicative! How interesting!!|||Communication with INFPs have always been very easy for me. We exchange ideas and converse like there's no tomorrow. Although I have to say, I've been misunderstood by INFPs that don't know me very...|||Where do you ISFPs hide tho? o.O Haha... I've only ever met one ISFP, so I can't really tell you-- BUT I'm curious as well.|||Definitely not. I would never forget if I was romantically interested. Plans/scheduling is REALLY important to ESTJs.|||Hell no. I think we're one of the most direct personality types. I find it really difficult to not voice how I feel. I also find it very difficult to omit/hide things.|||For me personally: Restlessness - This usually happens when I'm stuck in a group setting or having to converse with people that I cannot find common ground with (Ex: differing tastes in music that I...|||I would say we would be one of the most reliable types to stay in a long distance relationship. Once we make a commitment to something we tend to stick with it-- however, that's ONLY after we have...|||I think it's much easier if the female is ISTP and the male is ESTJ. The other way doesn't work nearly as well.|||Interestingly enough, I'm an ESTJ, got completely swept off my feet by an INFP after a break up with my ex of 7 years. I don't think this only applies to ESTJ, I think it applies to everyone--...|||double post -_-|||INFP TMLT text you every single day but never make actual plans|||whoa yum|||INFJ! TMLT: Fall in love and realize they aren't in love|||lol omg. hm... ENTP TMLT pretend they don't care but really care a lot|||I can't speak for him, but as an ESTJ, I can explain how it works for me. You have to pass our logic test FIRST before we will ever develop feelings for you. These checkpoints all have to turn...|||hahaha!|||Do any of you meet someone and automatically know what type they are just based off the feeling you get? I met an INFP friend last year who reminded me so much of my INFP cousin, and I couldn't...|||Coffee blended with coconut oil + ghee. It's high in fat. SUPPOSEDLY good to start off the day with high energy.|||NUTELLLLLLAAAAAAAA! As for the coffee conversation-- I've been drinking coffee drinks (like Philz mint mojitos or lattes), and I'm just intaking too much unnecessary sugar. Plus I don't want to...|||Yep. I don't understand that either. ESTJ/ISTP doesn't work when it comes to communication at all. I was with an ISTP for 7 years. I never once felt heard really. I just accepted it. And it confused...|||I LOVE green tea! I'm also partial to earl grey with milk + honey. Do you like earl grey?! My INFP cousin makes it for me a lot whenever we are having our endless conversations about life, and it...|||OH COFFEE! I really should ween myself off coffee tho tbh! >.< I want to meet every type! I've never met an ISFP, so naturally I am SO curious! :)|||HA! The irony...|||Oooooh... *stuffs face* SAUCEYYY!|||Hi ISFPs. I'm dropping in to say, hello! Hope that's alright. I've never met one of you in real life, and I want to! So this is my compromise at the moment. And to the lovely 2 ISFPs that invited...|||I will come join you guys for a bit! Thank you for the invite! ^_^ I do wonder where can I find 3D versions of you... hmmm...|||How does that look? Is it draining energy? I could never find common ground with ISTP except only when doing things or solving a problem. I find them to be lacking in emotional depth.|||What does this mean about INFP/ESTJ? I've known for a while we have the same functions in opposite directions, and I'm super close to both my INFP cousins, and recently one of my newer but super...|||Where can I find ISFPs?|||This is very true. ESTJ almost have an inherent need to know where we stand with people so we are willing to be completely direct and check-in. Not in a weird/obsessive way, but as a way of avoiding... |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'The main reasons why I visit someone's profile are : a) Misclick|||Well, somehow, when you wear a ring, a lot of women magically start looking at you differently.|||Aging really helps, and it's pretty effortless, just takes a bit of time. Being thirty-something, I still have self-confidence issues some days, but my self-esteem is pretty strong. Then again it...|||If I manage to make enough money to hire a maid, a full time baby-sitter, a cook, a secretary, a big and completely insonorised house, all the while having a lot of free time, why not. And if my...|||I tell them to please wait a minute, put the phone near my speakers, and offer the low-payed horrible job holder (with a probably obnoxious boss and impossible quotas to meet) a free break with good...|||I find it difficult sometimes to decide, so I use this technique of contrast to help : 1. ... He doesn't need security in family environment. He doesn't care for the family, nor the inherited...|||Interesting, but soooo sloooow. This is why I hate most videos, I feel like I'm back to college; I'd rather have the possibility to read it.|||Capable of taking criticism without feeling personally attacked, able to accept your own limitations and recognize the help that others can bring, admitting the possibility that you're wrong without...|||Is a NIPT someone with an extraverted iNtuition as his strongest function, all the while being fairly introverted and a little less perceptive, and a weak Ti? The tests you can find online, it...|||Yes. About country types, I remember reading a few pages on google books, in which the authors had a real reasoning for attributing a type to a country, not only using statistics, but by assessing...|||I wouldn't go as far as to say that it is Ti dominant (if that even makes sense for a country), but Ti is certainly well-accepted, even valued. If you can make a very logical argument, opposing...|||I think the wording is intentionally a bit convoluted, but all questions and answers considered correct seem to respect the standards of formal logic. The only difficulty if you're not familiar with...|||I failed only at the end, picking clear form instead of submit. The rest was OK; had to verbalize sentences in my native tongue; the top of my head feels strange.|||As a person from another country, all I can say is that, though we don't hear that much about it, it seems quite appreciated. It makes the U.S. look way more sane, balanced and less scary,...|||I've been living in France for the last 32 and half years; I've been on my own and in relative solitude. I go out almost every day for a walk, but aside from skype, my interactions with other people...|||People often don't pay much attention to certain things. Being permanently vigilant to these (even non consciously) provides one with data that goes unnoticed by most. Like arachnophobics having...|||I don't think this alpha thing is very suitable for humans; too simplistic. At least I've never seen strength netting you any more power than wits since middle school, and not any more women...|||I think I have existential happiness. I find (intrinsic) meaninglessness relieving and liberating. It seems that totally shutting out other people scales and criteria for success allowed the...|||I think nothing has made me doubt my type more than this video. Seems a bit too specific and vague at the same time, like he's talking about himself or someone in particular and making...|||After a certain time, you notice the same topics coming up again and again; posters come and go, and you can see patterns and cycles being repeated. (My INTP boyfriend is doing so and so, MBTI...|||I think it was in this thread. And, as I don't want to risk my precious ratio only for pointing this out, here is a picture : 20932|||I'd really prefer it if only yourself had access to your own ratio, and the name of the thankers wasn't shown. It's a nice tool to induce both quality exigent posting (though a bit redundant for...|||Translating the translated translation of the title gave me the key to understand this thread : INTP you have an accident on the Internet?|||Strange, I never heard one. Not that I imply you're lying, considering a few towns in the south had/have nationalist tendencies (Only lived briefly in that area). However, at least outside 3 or...|||I pretty much agree with everyone here. I just like the ways of my country because I was born in it, and got accustomed; it's comfortable. But despite all the political efforts (mostly history...|||We could make a few thread plans. Post 1 : INTP exposing a problem encountered with non-INTPs. Post 2 : INTP giving a witty response. Post 3 : INTP explaining you that you clearly don't...|||http://i.imgur.com/cTSN5.png|||I can't decide, I imagine both the worse and the best outcomes; actually, I'm just curious to see what happens, and seem very optimistic because I am confident that I'll be able to deal with...|||I've been playing for a few years. I don't play that much; in fact I spend way more time reading about game mechanics, player psychology and behavior. The game is mostly a lab where I go from time...|||I heard one of them hated the idea of a username that could be related to his interests or anything personal/characteristic. Ne told me to link it to Introversion, Ti's tendency to...|||http://www.smbc-comics.com/comics/20110218.gif|||I have a thing for Z-movies (not sure if that's the correct term though). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tx7PYAAOwxE&feature=related|||I used to play fps (Quake, UT, TF2, various HL mods) and was pretty decent. I can't aim properly but have very good reflexes (I would never try to play one with a console pad though, that's gross)....|||I am not stealing money; it is being transferred as planned by the law, in a manner/amount decided by political representatives, elected by the people who pay for it. Hard working people; well,...|||31, never worked. (I managed to get threatened to be fired from a company where I didn't work, if that counts.) I spend very little money. I'm lazy, couldn't stand staying in the same place for...|||I can't really vote because I consider my childhood both awesome and traumatic. A wonderful family and a brutal confrontation with the world. I was already introspective before the time of...|||I'm more of a plan breaker than a plan maker. When I want something I somehow prevent it to not happen rather than make it happen. It's like there are all these possible futures at the...|||That's not a total failure, this flawed test managed to piss me off; like 99% of tests. (See how diplomatic I am?)|||The inventions I make up as excuses for not doing things.|||Very limited experience with one ESFJ, and I had the upper hand, (and ended up bombarding him with TiSi in the end) but things that seem to have helped : Learning to read them very well; timing is...|||I'm not cool, but anyone implying it gets ridiculed, which is really not cool. So they generally settle with we're cool.|||But does love actually exist?|||I've been reading quite a lot about Ni as I found it to be the most interesting function that I shouldn't use. However upon reading it seems really natural to me; After lurking in the INTJ and...|||I find english sensual, because of its structure/rules/various idiosyncrasies. (To speak in MBTI terms, I feel like it is a ST language, as opposed to my NF french.) Aside from that, there's the...|||According to Dodgson it should work. Considering the fact that the movie you're referring to treated that subject in a spectacular way by purposely and successfully programming its audience to...|||Sometimes the idea you stick with is irrelevant. You might stick with one long enough to be sure it's been totally crushed and there is nothing left of it; you don't even care about that idea, you...|||I only get ignored when I forget that prosody exists. I don't know many INTPs but it seems to be a common issue among us. (body language, eye contact and volume also seem very relevant)|||This is most interesting; I suspected something was going on with the airflow but couldn't nail it. Be careful of ENFJs though, they're easily confused with us because they pretend to breathe when...|||I don't care that I'm going to die, just that it will prevent me from seeing what happens in the future.|||Books are dangerous; you just start reading the first words and suddenly you can't put it down, you begin to feel things intensely, your mind is shattered, something manages to reach these secret...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'This is mean and probably not in the 4 behaviour. I feel like a dick because typically 4s are pretty damn empathetic. Anyways, too often I find that if the conversation is not about me or something...|||What do think of them? Boring? Intriguing? Personally, I get chills. Our museum here is pretty basic, but I love the planetarium we have. When the Titanic exhibit came to the city, I was in...|||I had the coolest dream. I was in this large old home with my old sorority sisters. There was a third floor that no one has been to. So we tried to find stairs. We realized that there was a secret...|||Woke up feeling like absolute shit.|||I hate making mistakes at work. Memory + multitasking doesn't work. I end up feeling down about myself, anxious and self-conscious. I've lost almost all ability to math more of the complex equations....|||Most people in my life mainly text, so I don't have much issue. When my mom calls, I normally will put the phone on speaker so I do other things. I tend to drift into my own mind if the conversation...|||What is your experience with it? Any tips to overcome it? Home? Work? 711730|||The night before work, I am always anxious and can't fall asleep. I'm not sure why. I have been dreaming about the past. Old houses, roommates, boyfriends, university. The dreams are full of...|||I know how to paint evil or even hell. If I was some pretentious well-known painter, I could probably get away with it...if no one has thought of it already. People would be like 'whoa that's deep'....|||the carpet/wall colour is my favourite colour. I am unsure what it is called so I just call it dark teal.|||I am trying to find ways to show who I am at work. I feel this natural pull to express myself through my clothes. They have these black smocks they get us to wear. They are similar to health care aid...|||If anyone is looking for a good melancholic playlist here is mine to share: http://open.spotify.com/user/nickydandurand/playlist/6Jc44GNAWl0LWKUnDFo3Tm?si=hbWH8zFy|||My iPhone background is this: 711146|||I love my job. Hate answering phones and calling people. It is so true what they say about introverts and phone phobia. It interrupts you and always need to prepare what I am going to say before...|||My evenings after work have consisted of smoking a bit of my cannabis and high CBD oil while watching Neil Degrass Tyson on Netflix. Reallly appreciate the universe when you have a slight high and...|||More proof that Felix is an INTP: http://youtu.be/od5w-cXfr1g|||I am so tired of this hot weather. 28'0 Celsius today.|||Sad that we don't appreciate the stars, sun and moon. Kind of forget they are even there- just assume that they will remain the same.|||It's funny, I am surrounded by 6s. Both my parents are and two of my friends from highschool who married are also. Kind of funny how I see similarities in each group and individuals. I remember...|||Anyone else hate the sound of aluminium foil|||I don't have a dream guy. Just some things that I find attractive: Dark hair on the shorter side (doesn't have to be dark) Piercings (in moderation and not a must) Tattoos (in moderation and not...|||When I talk on the phone with my mom, sometimes she likes to tell me about other people's problems who I have never met and never will. Person 1 told me that she was hurt, because person 1 was told...|||I smoked the 1:1 (CBD and THC ratios are the same) I had on my break at work and got a little high. Which is rare cus the CBD counteracts with the psychoactive effects of the THC. But I guess I...|||I like how the biggest YouTuber in the world is an introvert.|||Had a dream that I was pregnant. I was considering calling him Alex. No one treated me as if I was pregnant, like being gentle with me.|||Where do squirrels go at night time? I know that holes in a tree trunk is what is usually depicted. But that's a lot of squirrels per holes.|||My mom told me that I was a quiet baby and barely cried. What I recall from a few memories as a child was that I was curious, imaginative and had a one very close friend at age 5, and was naive- some...|||Ask your parents/siblings?|||How was your temperament as a baby to about 2 years old? Were you active, quiet, cried often, happy go lucky, fussy, wanting to make friends? I am curious to know if the introvert/extrovert began as...|||Confession: I post things on Facebook that I know will most likely not get replies or likes to, or even be read. I think it makes me out to seem like I am a loner, and obvious that no one cares about...|||Past few dreams I had, whatever the dream was originally about, it always ends up that I am in a bathroom. Either at a friend's place, at my old school, a shopping center. I am taking a shower or...|||I messaged a guy on a dating site earlier this month. A complete introvert that appears to have some things in common. He messaged me back. I am 98% sure that he is an INFP. Into gaming, art,...|||Yeah anything to do with change, like switching jobs to buying clothes/shopping. Some grocery stores, I know I am being followed or watched by security, cus I have a hard time choosing and it looks...|||Have had a bad craving for chocolate for the past few days. Currently eating chocolate chips from a bag ^.^|||Came across this while reading his book. It's genius and very applicable to our type as creative and deep people. The Relationship Between Creativity and Death. By existentialist Rollo May: ...|||I watched Shutter Island the other night. Apparently it came out in 2010. How did I not hear about?! Great psychological thriller with Leo Dicaprio in it! Even tho I know the ending, I would still...|||Been a few days since I have been on here. Work is going pretty good. Still in learning mode, but getting there. Co-workers are very friendly. It'll be a busy week Weds and Thursday, the clinic is...|||On Netflix looking for a happy movie. Just something chill and enjoyable. Recommendations are welcome|||Saw the Dr and am now approved for medicinal cannabis. Received my legal card today and picked the licensed producer to register with. Buying in a few weeks. Let's hope that CBD will prove beneficial...|||I could really go for a rainy day. Just a drizzling would be nice. It would be a good day for a cardigan and tea :)|||People from that intuitive meet up group are messaging me thru the App. I am planning to go to the next one in Sept, but I really don't want to have any connection with them outside of the meet up...|||In my dream, I found myself struggling to fall asleep and relax. I was at the dinner table with my dad and little brother. I found out that my brother was taking Nabilon (a med that contains a...|||Pretty sure I am going to be exhausted later on today. Had a migraine before sleeping, finally went away, starting my new job today which is causing my mind to go a mile a minute. Melatonin was...|||I've never really paid much attention to the last letter and the difference between p/j. Ever the words intuitive vs perceptive seem to be very similar in definition.|||Yeah I suppose you are right about grasping it. For me, I would never use a term seriously (even for communal purposes) that has such a terrible history- unless to weaken it with humour. Though given...|||Some car outside my house is blasting hip hop. I don't care what ethnic group you belong to, music with the n***** word is really not necessary. It seems like hip hop loves to throw it in because...|||I don't know where you live but this is the website: Meet the new Meetup | Meetup The premise is for people who have the same interests to get together|||Went to a Meet Up tonight. It was for Myers Briggs Intuitive Types. I was the only INFP there. Lots of INFJs, an ENFP and an INTP and INTJ and a few extroverts. Definitely quiet at first. I was...|||I feel like I complain and vent WAY too much on here. I think it's becoming obnoxious. I think maybe I should take a few days off the site. Probably do me some good. Focus on other things.|||I've been more honest to my mom about my struggles with work and finding meaning. Even though I doubt she understands, I express myself. I've noticed that her anxiety increases, she tries to blame me...' |
0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | '@Eryngo, thanks a lot for the insightful discussion! And for taking the time to write all that. I really appreciate your input. There is a lot to think about, I have also shown your reply to my...|||Hello, INTP's I am a typical ISFJ and my wife and I have been married for nearly 5 months. Before that we were dating for 2 years, so we know each other quite well. Well, if any one can ever fully...|||If I would be in his place and would be displaying a reaction like this, I would probably need affirmation about the relationship. You see, ISFJs are hyperloyal and the worst thing to them is letting...|||OOOH you are SOOOO teasing me - I love baking! Teasing me to try and make it myself - I will probably not eat it though its too unhealthy!!|||I agree with this comment. So far the reseach I have conducted shows that it is an ISFJ who would be a perfect match (dual) for an ENTJ. :)|||I am so sorry to hear about your family conditions :( I can only imagine how heavy this must have been on you all this time. It's like you have been hoping and thinking and relying on different...|||This is very true to me and to many other ISFJ's. Being an emotional person, we often need to process our feelings extravertedly. But being so sltruistic does not allow us to do so every time,...|||As an ISFJ, I am extremely organized and scheduled. At the same time, just like you yourself have noted, the emotions are there, tucked away beneath the surface, rigorously bubbling and certainly not...|||On that beautiful day when I first had met you I had promised myself I will never forget you. Gentle smile on your face, waves of beautiful hair... You just blew me away, all I could do was...|||Awwww!!!!! :kitteh: You are such a darling, Justsomeone!! :tongue::wink: Thanks for showing appreciation!:crazy:|||Oh, this is soooo me! :sad:|||Ok, then what do you think about deadlines?|||I fell that you have been too overwhelming for the guy here. :) I mean, it sounds like he is the only person in your life! DO you have any other friends, both men and women? As far as an ISFJ goes,...|||Can I join the siblings' ranks? :tongue:|||Are ISFJ less sexually permissive? I am still a virgin, but I know what I am looking for in a relationship. I am not big on physical touch and PDA and will definitely not engage into anything unless...|||There is nothing worse for an ISFJ than to be with someone, care for them, look out for them - only to find out that they have used you and eventually dumped you because you are of no further use for...|||This is very true of me! I would not maybe call it my dark side, but I would say this is a pain in the butt every day. I used to think that I am a good people-reader in the past. But I came to...|||I feel you - it can be totally frustrating, and although ISFJ's are generally very reliable, being reliable with so many people actually scatters us all over the place, bringing our reliability to...|||How busy do you like to be?|||First of all, welcome to the ISFJ forums! Hope you like your stay here! I have to say, (1) and (3) are spot-on for me! I am exactly like this - a little anxious about important conversations and...|||https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1017285_10151661823920339_2084462010_n.jpg|||If you will not enjoy yourself, no one will enjoy you. The best way to be a blessing to others is to be content with yourself first - the rest will flow from within.|||When there is too much on my plate to handle at the very moment... then I just stop doing everything, run to a corner and cry it all out. Then I feel better and can actually pick my life back up and...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRpeEdMmmQ0|||I love my inner world - it is not like a place anywhere here on earth, but is something of eternity God has placed inside all of us. I enjoy spending time with myself, rethinking about my life, past...|||Thank you for your thank you :)|||Did I mention how we love an element of surprize? hahaha!! :kitteh:|||It sounds to me like your ISFJ friend is emotionally isolated by all the stress and tension of your project. I don't know about you, but INTJ's tend to be very performance oriented (my mom is one!)...|||Yeah - this is a great idea!! Whenever you write your memories, focus more on how you felt in that moment, how what she said/did made you feel. Try not to discuss the details and the events for the...|||Maybe he is INTP, coz his room is always so messy and disorganized...|||hmmmm..... ISFJ + ISFJ = ??? how will it feel if I date myself? i think... dull and boring The thing is - I have my dreams, desires and aspirations... so another ISFJ will have their own. So...|||I am an ISFJ and my younger brother is a mighty ISTP... This said, the quotes above represent the two huge areas where we struggle most. I am so organized, and he is as chaotic as a milk shake - this...|||Oh yeah, here are some resources for you to ponder about: Personality description: Portrait of an ISFJ Stress: (you are there too! - maybe show it to her?)...|||I am glad you are willing to put in the effort to make your SO happy! It is indeed so nice of you - few people are so committed and involved as you sound to be. As an ISFJ, I can go on and on...|||This is a very interesting thread! I have an ENTP friend, but we are just getting to know each other better so I don't have any strong opinion about how we interact through all the ups and downs of...|||You have summed my own views quite well! There is nothing more ecstatic than living my life at my own pace and seeing how people change for the better through coming into contact with me and how I...|||72732 This was last year :)|||I live my life at a very slow pace.... it is a little surprize to me since I am an extreme J. But I think my J is projected outwards, while in my own personal space I am as slow as the Universe...|||Use your rational thinking to help and assist her. I presume she feels about just about anything. So sometimes she will feel that doing stuff is good and fine, while in fact it is draining her and...|||:))))) Observing is like sitting in a circus - while discussing is staging the show!|||Man! People are so delicious to discuss! No wonder some fall prey to temptation of gossip now and then! I'm glad we have it legal here @PerC, really! :wink:|||Really? I would indeed consider it impractical and a waste fo time and resources. But I guess there are deeper things at stake here - like self-fulfilment. Mine comes from bringing order and...|||This is very true! One intrinsic trait of mine - and most SFJ's - is that we need to be needed.... so obviously I have been a keen observer of my bro's life and how and where can I assist... With...|||Welcome - why don't you introduce yourself in the newcomers' section? :)|||I totally feel you! My brother is an incarnation of Tarzan the Apeman! :laughing: I love baking... well, he loves devouring it, but totally refuses to lend a helping hand because he wants to be...|||Yip, that's the casus belli here. Your post is very explanatory, and I am very very grateful!! Let's call this a non-cruel experiment - the results will follow shortly! :))|||From one ISFJ to another... You want to be a blessing, to be needed, to serve and help people, expecting nothing in return. Its cool I am like that too. But you know what?.. only some people will...|||... when you make 100% sure you are 99.9% percent prepared if you know there will be at least ONE stranger involved - we do want to make a perfect first impression don't we! ;)|||Thanks! Yeah so far I have read some of the posts - especially debates and I really love it! It's so interesting to see how different personalities respond to the same things. At the same time among...|||Yeah! Forums are for talking - for lots of talking!' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'I feel that I could be better about empathizing with others. And I thought I would try to....but I think I'm at doorslam stage. Or I will be if I let myself care anymore. So caring less, and doing...|||Yes I have. And apparently they have. And yet they walk into an emotional disaster with arms wide open.|||That's what I'm doing. I'm just venting frustration.|||I fundamentally disagree. I think venting feelings anonymously versus destroying any good relationship I have with them is much better moral option. And just because their behavior is stupid does...|||I agree with the shoulds. I've just gotten worn down with being patient with someone to figure out their ambivalence.|||But solid relationships are built on some sort of rationality or they don't thrive. And when you base it on mutual dependence it's kind of a problem. People really need to step back sometimes and...|||Sometimes they think I'm a snob -- I've totally gotten that. Sometimes they mimic me, act uber jealous, or talk over me so that I can't be heard (I know that was about inferiority). I don't really...|||Those aren't the people I judge so much. It's often people who are much more capable, who get into stupid relationships. And act complete flabbergasted that the relationship is so irrational, but...|||I don't think I'm special necessarily, but I really work on trying to be an ideal in my life. I feel like this causes people to feel inferior to me even though I do not believe they are. Sometimes...|||And the other problem I have is just thinking that the best strategy is to keep it to myself, but it's repressive at times.... :( I also actually think I know the reasons for it sometimes, like I...|||I wasn't really suggesting that I could see the future. (I don't believe that that is possible.) I do however think INFJ intuition MAY be able to recognize patterns so thoroughly as to be somewhat...|||David Bowie is not a pedo. Jareth is a fictional/fantasy character not from our world, and not bound by our ethics. Also, 15 was not an unusual age for a girl to be married even as recently as...|||So I have been trying to understand INFJ judgment. I feel that this happens to me in certain difficult situations (i.e., I'm reading things into people's behaviors much against my own will). There...|||It kind of amazes me how dark Jim Henson's movies tend to be. He's not really just the all-sunshines-and-roses hippie you'd think...but perhaps most hippies aren't that either. :)|||I would advocate that this song is about seducing her. I think it really seems particularly sexual in nature.....|||As The World Falls Down There's such a sad love Deep in your eyes. A kind of pale jewel Open and closed Within your eyes. I'll place the sky Within your eyes.|||I recently got into Labyrinth again after having been away from it for awhile. After seeing it again, I was surprised by a lyric that said As the pain sweeps through, makes no sense for you, every...|||So....I've been kind of having an issue. I like a guy who is in a relationship, but I became emotionally attached before that relationship started. The thing is he kind of seems ambivalent about...|||I feel like much of this kind of thing is intuitive, I would tell you to aim more for feelings than for strategy without specific instances. Every relationship is an opportunity for trial and error...|||I think what I was suggesting was somewhat different than what you were saying. Of course, I realize when I say the word seduce alarm bells go off, but there really is no better word for it. I am...|||I'm guessing at the context here, but you could try Wanna help me do ________? And then wait for them to finish their answer. They might just be thinking out loud, and haven't gotten to the part...|||Well there are things in here that remind me of myself. So just going on what I would do: - I say flirty things like nicknames just to be fun and appealing, but people that I have had close,...|||Someone once told me that the kind of company I crave is that which stretches me personally. So hence, I find myself frequently lonely because I feel like I can't relate to the people I'm around. ...|||I feel that I have the best luck finding groups of people working on projects to hang out with kind of useful. I would avoid becoming too versed in any ideological-based group, but you could...|||Yep. Until I learned about my personality type, I was very worried about this. Growing up in a highly enforced social culture, my reluctance to socialize greatly distressed the Asian side of my...|||Flag I think is drier than Phoenix. Partially the heat allows Phoenix to retain some humidity and I suspect that the number of swimming pools in the valley contribute. But when it precipitates, the...|||Ya...Arizona has some issues, let me tell ya. The heat doesn't help either...at least in Phoenix. But I dislike Northern AZ being the opposite extreme. Yeesh.|||Valandis I really like Utadu Hikaru, and Asian pop in general. I'm always amazed by how beautiful the lyrics are, sometimes even abstract, the Asian music I tend to hear. It's taken me a very...|||Awesome songs, guys! I kind of want to make a playlist of these....|||Also....Idahoans in Arizona are always so nice....|||Some of my ancestors have their homestead in BC, but my dad's family is from Idaho....|||Anybody think they've got a theme song? I found mine just a couple weeks ago. Daylight by Matt and Kim. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgBeu3FVi60 ...|||Just wanted to point out that that whole thing was pretty much a joke (except what was in parentheses). I'm a pretty darn straight hetero female myself. I was trying to use my identity in a...|||In your opinion, is the universe more chaotic or orderly? Identify, then discuss. :happy:|||As an INFJ, I'm pretty cool that Ista and I will likely not be either lovers or best friends because of what has been stated thus far. My idealism says that I really shouldn't want to limit my...|||clevernessofme Wait a second. Are you using Korean character crying faces or am I just imagining it?|||No, thankfully. Someone up here showed me a picture of like 5 of them on the floor of their dining room in their house in Gilbert. We get more weird-ass bugs that I would have no idea where to...|||I've heard this mentioned from several people that Shane seems arrogant. Somehow I don't think that's the whole story. I have been told that I seem arrogant, but when I have been accused of...|||Wow. Northern AZ here. It's 37 degrees tonight....|||Whereabouts in AZ? (generally speaking)|||So far, know I've been attracted to ENFP, and ISFJ. There may have been an INFx, ENFx, and IxTx....I think...|||Spring where I live is gale-force winds and often persisting winter cold just prior to summer in mid-May. Though this year, the wind and cold have lasted till even now. Other than that....I...|||meted|||One of my closest friends is an INFP. The relationship is bizarrely easy.|||atoms|||aster|||Stape|||loser (nothing personal) ;)|||Seals|||Also I feel that I should add, that I don't really find much of life really boring but am trying to recognize that that might matter to you. The one ENFP I knew seemed to have a chronic need for...' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'First impression upon reading: ENFP (it was that endearing general excitableness that gave you away :tongue:) But yeah function wise - Ne, Fi: logical conclusion = ENFP|||I would say: ENTJ - she has a sub-ideology of Conservatism named after her (not exactly the stereotypical sensor :tongue:)|||I'm gonna creep inside you like a warm kitten|||I'm a vegetarian out of habit more than anything - I've never really been concerned with the whole ethics/health. I could never be a vegan... I love cheese too much :happy:|||ENFP - Weed is my preferred 'drug' of choice (if you call it a drug), I smoke (nicotine) but don't really enjoy it anymore - it's more a habit as I'm finally coming to admit, I take mephedrone on a...|||Okayy: I usually feel burnt out after extensive periods of socializing (Extensive in my books is defined by three hours) - Introversion (no surprise there :tongue:) I'm reserved around people...|||I've only ever had one particularly profound experience (under the influence of psilocybin mushrooms). The experience was something akin to having your mind opened to the most thought provoking...|||It works both ways - Fi provides us with a very personalised morality, the guilt can be overwhelming; yet there's a part of the ENFP searching for new experiences, new connections (both emotional and...|||Just my take: I keep seeing a strong link between introspection and xNxP types (both introverted and extroverted). Extraverted intuition combined with introverted feeling causes NFPs to engage in...|||You notice extraverted functions more - its possible Ne seems like your dominant function, but its more plausible that you are driven internally by Fi except you aren't as conscious of it. Also...|||Of course. It just seems that the timing would suggest that this was the trigger - I'm not suggesting that he tried to kill himself because he failed his exams but rather it was a sort of 'final...|||The difference is I actually care why - suicide isn't a simple matter of rationality thinking: the causes are complex. For better or worse I want to know what was going on in his head when he did it....|||Thanks to everyone who posted. It's a bit of a headfuck to be honest - I'm feeling a bit better now but I think its probably going to take some time to feel 'normal' again. And for everyone that...|||Read the post again - immediately after witnessing it I did feel 'blessed' (as you put it). Now I don't. Unfortunately I can't just 'restore' that feeling; right now there's little I have to identify...|||I've never posted in the advice forum before but now seems like an appropriate time... A few days ago I witnessed an attempted suicide. After the shock subsided I felt re-energised (for lack of a...|||Tough one... probably: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO5APfKnR50 Soooo.... anything that sounds like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idcaRTg4-fM|||I don't know where the sensing is coming into this, from what you've said I think everything points towards intuition (or more specifically Ne). As for T/F, she looks like an NF to me (remember with...|||ENFPs and ESFPs actually have a lot in common - although Ne & Se appear to be 'opposed' as it were, the primary means of experiencing life is similar, through the extraverted perceiving function. The...|||Mainly Ne or Te, occasionally Fi. Process = work out P/J -> if P work out extraverted N/S, if J work out extraverted T/F -> work out whether primary function is extraverted/introverted (thus...|||In all honesty I think categorizing type relationships is stretching MBTI too far - we can have good and bad relationships with any type. For example - take two ENTJs I know, one of them I consider...|||NT seems clear - function wise, his diagnosis seems to be based on Ne (What does this mean?, hidden implications) and Ti (the a priori cause). I would suggest an unhealthy ENTP.|||Do you believe the world will come to an end? - For mankind yes. But the end of the human species won't be the 'end' so to speak - nature will continue to flourish in other ways. How do you...|||My point exactly - Azrael was suggesting the opposite.|||Exactly what I was going to say :tongue: Psychologists are obsessed with sex... just look at Freud :wink:|||Hmm... I like it but I'm not so sure about Feelers being conscious of their emotional values... Who knows... maybe I'm actually a thinker rather than a feeler - and now you've got me questioning...|||This has absolutely nothing to do with your parents being SFs - excuse my language, but they are simply fucked up. Parents of all personality types can be perfectly accepting of their children; your...|||My interpretation: we have the ability (or perhaps potential) to make startling insights into other people's lives but we may be oblivious to seemingly obvious insights into our own lives.|||<- what it says there Yeah I'm pretty satisfied with who I am at the moment. In the past less so but personal understanding is a beautiful thing :happy:|||If N/S isn't clear it's usually a pretty good indication of Judging (in this case Thinking) as the dominant function... If he's only twelve it's most likely his auxiliary function isn't that...|||Really? I would have said the opposite... maybe it's a US thing.|||We Are Everywhere: The Irresistible Rise of Global Anti-Capitalism It's a fun book :tongue:|||Interesting - introverts tend to be more republican than extroverts, judging more republican than perceiving (actually not that surprising considering right-wing politics tends to focus more on...|||Most of it isn't so metaphorical :bored:|||This reminded me of the introduction to a certain book: http://artactivism.gn.apc.org/allpdfs/001-Photo%20essay.pdf|||Could some possibly explain to me the importance/significance of the Enneagram in understanding personality type? Whereas MBTI can help us understand how the brain thinks, how we interact etc. (not...|||Why live your life tormenting yourself with the fear of inevitable? Certainly not a typical ENFP trait I'm aware of... that said if she's thirteen you can hardly blame her. The thought of having your...|||Hmm... where to start.... Nicotine, talking to my cats (I've discovered there are five different sorts of 'miaow', three different pitches asking for your attention with different degrees of...|||Perseus hit the nail on its head - only thing I would add is a clear 'E' for Grandpa, everything you've said would point to ESTP.|||I think the J is a misinterpretation. A conscientious P can be both tidy and hard-working (notice He's been prone to workaholism in the past and an inability to say no to people - the workaholism...|||Hope this hasn't been posted already: Source: http://www.greatlakesapt.org/jung-article.pdf|||The functions are set because they relate to specific areas of the brain (some areas are more developed than others, but they all contribute to running our bodies, thoughts etc.). While there is no...|||Everything you've said would suggest ESFP Feeling is a given, pretty sure he's a Sensor, Extroversion is clear and passive attitude towards discipline indicates perceiving. Fear of rejection +...|||Um... maybe if you have a degree in conflict resolution? Not saying its impossible but it's not exactly a match made in heaven...|||She has a very strong personality. - would generally indicate Extroversion She's always right and it seems as if though she expects you to change your mind and agree with her. - definitely...|||We live in a predominantly extroverted world - as a society we simply do not understand an introverted reality, such behavior is deemed 'anti-social' (or worse... open any psychology text-book and...|||There are ups and downs but most of the time I have a pretty optimistic view of life. There is always a quick fix to the bad times - people :wink:|||Oh don't worry - I wasn't taking it personally :tongue: Yeah I think I slightly misconstrued your post - I thought you were suggesting that INTPs are both stubborn and intelligent (many of you...|||This wasn't directed at anyone in particular but I think it warrants repeating:|||Greetings! All you need to know about PC: Alle reden vom Wetter. Wir nicht :wink:|||The same applies for T-F - it pisses me off to no end the amount of people on the forum talking about how 'smart' Ts are. There is no correlation whatsoever between the two - I know 'dumb' Ts and...' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'SkyRacerX Actually, I quoted and agreed with the premise of your position, with two reasons to support why - even explicitly stating regardless of gender twice. My position regarding this list...|||@dulcinea Good idea! Yes to all of the suggestions above #asdforchatboxmod|||what did you eat today|||Mr. Castelo I think you're actually Sp/So. My impression is that in general you are neutral and dispassionate. You emphasize that you have a fear of intimacy in that it causes you anxiety. For me, So...|||ugh|||i kind of like the idea of power and oh yeah, i want to serve this great community n stuff|||I don't have this problem. Usually I need to shut up because I'm too direct. Sounds like you struggle with assertiveness. I think this is more common for the type 9, actually. My advice is to put...|||#asdforchatboxmod2017|||can i be mod of chatbox? pls pls pls pls pls psl pls|||Undead Warhead I think 6w5 is right, stacking is either Sp/Sx or Sx/Sp, probably Sp/Sx. I'm 6w5 Sx/Sp myself so I'll briefly elaborate to differentiate. I also think you left out a lot of things as...|||:laughing::laughing:|||I agree. Regardless of gender, our first function is Te. Te, obviously, is blunt, direct, and transparent - our communication style is masculine in that it's straight to the point. Regardless of...|||:redface: :redface-new: :very_drunk: ty ty. sometimes i try|||uncle ben* lol|||that's a great question. the possibilities are endless... spiderman once said, with great power comes great responsibility. well, fuck that. 1. infraction spree. i get excited just thinking...|||when are you going to make me mod (for one day)? pls pls ls|||TheSonderer decisions, decisions............. Dulcinea asking the ni future vision jedi mind reading questions. enough is enough|||beard braids or no.. that's a tough one alright. wouldn't want to be in your shoes right now|||^:smilewoot::winetime::kirby::kirby::kirby:|||that was rude.|||Fumetsu Just caught up on this exchange. Judging from the context alone and not by any assumptions or personal experiences inserted, sounds like you're simply trying to think out loud and assess a...|||oh wait i thought the potatoes were eggs lol|||^my meal for friday :sun-smiley: make a french foodie thread please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||ahhhhhh post recipe now!!!!!!|||what is your favorite french dish|||we seek answers!|||https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2017-03/3/15/asset/buzzfeed-prod-fastlane-02/sub-buzz-29344-1488573403-7.png?downsize=715:*&output-format=auto&output-quality=auto|||I think the entire NT squad is overrated (thanks for that, David Keirsey). Sensors get a lot of crap, honestly. It is a bit unfair - an ISTJ is just as logical compared to an INTJ, etc. and so on.|||My sister is a type 1 Sp/So. She doesn't prioritize close friends and her friends are sort of like social groups, social friends, etc. A reoccurring theme, however, is around her birthday she comes...|||i dunno but sign me up|||wut?|||Ni subtype is a valid possibility; also, if you find out your stacking (enneagram), I find that it helps as well. For instance, I'm ENTJ-Ni subtype and my stacking is Sx/Sp. Usually, there's a...|||#confused|||dulcinea to be honest, in terms of tritype, I don't really see any validity. Wing, you're probably 4w5. I figured Sp/Sx; are you familiar with the Sp 4 subtype (from Naranjo and Chestnut)? I think...|||dulcinea essentially, I think you're type 4 to the max. Your 4ness is overwhelming me. Do you know your stacking? I think perhaps Sp/Sx. A lot of your answers are image-focused. That said, you have...|||autism spectrum disorder...............|||LOL :tan::emmersed::rolling::surprise:|||Krayfish Are you familiar with Socionics? If you are, I won't link you to sources; if not, let me know. :proud: Also, I find that a lot of people have trouble deciding the E/I because of Socionics...|||Turi Lol @ the ignorance and misinformed data (you do realize the Loyal Skeptic is the literal title given to the type 6, right? :laughing:). Admittedly, you have 0 knowledge regarding core types and...|||If you get into the enneagram you learn about your hidden motivations, fixations, patterns of defense mechanisms, etc. - it presents room for growth and change. This is pretty common for the...|||People usually assume I'm unemotional because of my demeanor and are often surprised by my sensitivity and the amount of investment I have to help others once they get to know me.|||Animal exactly, the continued deflection and personal attacks are childish and off-putting as it's an overreaction or moral crusade or whatever bullshit to anyone disagreeing - I can't be...|||JennyJukes sorry, I was honestly referencing an ENTP, ENFP, and ENTJ. I'm sure there's a variation there. :proud:|||Hermetica Can you read? Did they claim innocence? No, you did. So much for reading comprehension.|||Paradigm I thought that was an unfair post as well laced with a lot of biased self-affirming bullshit all equating to nonsense. I have some choice words but I'll refrain given the recent events and...|||I agree with Krayfish, I think you're a 9; you have a softer disposition. Actually, a lot of times I see a type 9 mistype as 5; especially if they're INTP. Both are withdrawn types (5 and 9). ...|||It took reading Chestnut and Naranjo before realizing I was a 6. This is common for the counter-types. Why do you think so for subtype? I agree, tritype is irrelevant. Subtype is the...|||^lol|||This is a good question. I wonder which is more dominant as well. As a 6 in the head triad, I have fear. With my Sx subtype, I have more anger, and aggression. In fact, I am more conscious of my...|||Database error rating: ********************** :laughing:' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | I personally thought the movie was well done and was interesting to watch. I think the main problem with the controversy surrounding the movie is that everyone is trying to attach their own political...|||Silly Europeans. America is supreme and above criticism :cool:|||Knowing GRRM, The battle at Castle Black is gonna be both epic and heartbreaking :(|||Get ready for the waterworks lol|||:/ ^That's all I can say about the Mountain vs Viper fight.|||I'm serious considering whether I'm actually an ESTP (i'm probably just gonna go with EXTP for now). And so far, I've been well received in the few contacts I've had with military lifestyle.|||I'm actually the degree for a similar reason as you. I plan on joining the Army after college (18X program if wanna know more) and C.S. degree is more of a fall-back than anything else.|||How come you regret your decision in picking computer science (incidentally, that's the degree that I plan on pursuing in college)?|||One thing I've noticed about all my friends who I think are Se-doms or auxs is they all have steady gazes when their making eye contact. (It almost like their analyzing me :unsure:) I'm just...|||I've been called weird and awkward but never creepy.|||I'm guessing it would happen randomly for me (that's how I met all my current friends)|||I like it. Interesting and fairly easy to understand|||Ragnar is definitely an EXTP. His desire to explore and find new lands to raid and conquer fit hand-in-hand with a Pe-dom. I'm less sure about whether he is an S or N (I'm leaning towards ENTP due to...|||Just stop cleaning up after their shit. When their parts of house start to mold, they'll get the memo.|||Umm, pirates? (Wait, no that's stupid) I got nothing. Anyways, in all seriousness, ESTPs are pretty fun peeps. They're the only ones I know that can keep up (and even surpass) my level of...|||Do you often only use violence for self-defense? Btw I almost forgot about this thread :P|||So men got banned?|||I can't help that but feel that I would've loved being an explorer of the Americas (a columbus-type person). I think it'd be safe to say that my personal dream job would be that or an...|||Sounds interesting enough. I feel like if we were to fight a big war, our lack of unity would probably cause us to lose faster than anything our enemies could throw at us.|||I'd liked to play as a spellsword or battlemage; roast your enemies from afar with some fire magic and then close in and gut 'em with your handy-dandy sword. :D|||Why not just threaten to beat him up? You are the big brother after all..|||I was about to say the same exact thing. Nothing sets me off more than someone trying to make life decisions for me (I don't mind advice but they need to understand that all it'll be is advice)|||My bad. I didn't really state what I was trying to say very well; my point is that since he is a sociopath at heart, we really can't use MBTI on him since his sociopathy seriously affects how he sees...|||He doesn't have a type. You guys forget that he's a sociopath at his core. He can't be accurately typed b/c he is mentally ill.|||When it comes to politics, I'm pretty much a pragmatist by this point. I started out as a rebel conservative (b/c everyone near me was a liberal) and then started to shift to the right-libertarian...|||Establish fallout shelters across the globe and promptly nuke all major powers. In the post-apocalyptic world, the shelters will act as bases for you to exert influence over the whole world.|||Hi.|||Prevent the enemy from fighting us and lead them in a wild-goose chase. When they're sufficiently exhausted, we unload the wrath of God on the poor bastards and completely eradicate them. Simple....|||What if we just don't show up to the battle?|||Methinks you over-thinking things just a little too much. I agree w/ you that a good of deal of Walt's stunts are unrealistic. But I think it adds to the show, not detracts from it. It helps build...|||What happens when people stop going to college b/c the tuition has become too expensive to pay for? Or the gov't can no longer afford to give student aid for the same reason? The bubble is going...|||Yeah, I think the wounded are much higher proportionally than previous wars (1 in 8 that are wounded die compared to Vietnam which was 1 in 3 and WW2 which was 1 in 2)> I guess you can thank better...|||In 2012, more than 25,00 people died in car accidents. By comparison, only 301 military personnel died in Afghanistan in the same year. Sources: United States Forces casualties in the war in...|||I've heard that you're more likely to die in a car crash than in Afghanistan. (I'll have to pull up the official statistics though) On-topic, most people should look at community college or...|||Never underestimate it's power...|||I support so much that I'm reviving this 3-month old thread|||Bump Don't wan't this to be forgotten about|||At least tell me you like SOME type of chocolate?:sad:|||:angry: How dare you question the deliciousness of hot chocolate, PEASANT!!!!! Off with your head!!!!!!!!!!!111|||There have been calls from many different people (myself included) to create a forum for members of Generation Z (1995-2010/12). I'm posting this as a suggestion to have such a forum created. ...|||Any proof for this?|||Tie in the main storyline into the guild quests. I like the idea of my guild quest actions altering how the storyline plays out...|||Good luck (and more importantly DON'T volunteer for anything) BTW what's your MOS?|||Kill her?|||Who are these 'masses' you all keep talking about? I can't seem to find them anywhere...:confused:|||You know, as horrible as sweatshops are, no one ever seems to ask how the people working there feel about it. I'd be willing to guess that working there is a choice of desperation (and like you said...|||Join the Army. That'll make you more interesting (or dead but who cares:tongue:) All joking aside, I'd say just be willing to do things for the hell of it and over-analyze everything. That's what...|||So, what was the point of your rant again? Or were you just looking for attention?:rolleyes:|||The only time a 'know-it-all' bothers me is when they feel the need to answer a simple question with a half-hour long speech...|||It's just people trying to fit into the stereotype of the NT (you know, borderline sociopathic, a know-it-all, over-theorizing EVERYTHING, that kind of jazz). |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Lol Silly, why would you want friends? Other than professional relationships and business outings I segregate myself from the rest of the human race as much as I can. I socialized a lot in high...|||That's a difficult question, I've cuddled with, made out with, slept with girls just because I'm attracted to them and their available and I've left the same girls which from their perspective makes...|||I did when I was a teenager, at the moment I don't smoke, drink or anything, just eat and sleep and work :P|||Authority and Self-sufficiency max, vanity medium with a dash of entitlement, level 20, I do love me :P Haha I always knew I was a Narcissistic d-bag it's not a surprise :P|||I have at the moment three friends that I respect and trust, I have many acquaintances though they are just a means to an end socially :P giving me potential access to others I may connect with. ...|||Well if your already in close proximity regularly to these people on a daily basis you're halfway there. Engage them find out their interests and motivations take the initiative and ask to...|||It's hard for me to know what it's like for feeling types because feelings are not part of my decision making process. I tend to simply observe situations and make a rational judgment call on what...|||You scored 100 out of 100 masculine points, 24.167 out of 100 feminine points, and 49.167 out of 100 androgynous (neutral) points. Lol that's right ladies|||She's not wrong bro, lots of sex appeal in the INTJ picture thread, Plus you obviously haven't seen my picture yet the Stern but lovable face of masculinity :P Lol|||PZelda I'll pm respond to you we kinda high-jacked this thread Lol|||Um who cares? Lol Lol young people.. You just can't think like that, everything is subjective your looks your personality. Strength and confidence make you attractive and it comes from...|||I've never actually met one to my knowledge, though I like bugging them in their forums occasionally.|||Absolutely all my decision are primarily based on my interpretation of the outcome to the larger objective. I prefer to control the world around me for a lot of reasons, I don't trust...|||Maybe however I like hearing myself talk. :P Ya I like to weigh in :P Lol, I like you, you're almost as a cold as I am.... almost :P quite easy to antagonize though LOL :P|||Umm, me :P For an INTJ manipulating people to get to the top is easy if your driven, however as much as people annoy us we care about their well being in an Egalitarian, logical, rational,...|||Easy (hard to rank the first two though) Lust Greed Wrath INTJ 8w7 ladies, I'm deranged :P|||I cannot be hurt so I'm going to have to believe it is at least feasible that you cannot be either, this would be by definition an exercise of futility. P.S. I care about as much about grammar and...|||Don't get her wet or feed her after midnight..... Lol but seriously never got that dude, I am an INTJ guy and I had an INTJ woman and it wasn't great. I couldn't deal with the I love you, I...|||Lol I actually totally understand, Like I said I connect with so few people and they all share the NT coincidence? and that is why I am here as well. Exactly I would never start anything but...|||My younger brother is an INTJ, Older brother and sister are INTP's my two best friends are INTJ and INTP so I lucked out in that area but I came here to try and understand why I really connect deeply...|||I'm used to talking to the rest of the mundane population so it's difficult to get used to talking to people similar to myself. I find cheating and hitting unacceptable behavior on both...|||Lol same all my girlfriends were literally girlfriends at one point.|||1.) Why do people say that INTJs hate humanity/people? Hate is a strong word, I feel that I dislike that most people have a tendency to be irrational and illogical. In addition I dislike that...|||Lol, what I mean is outside a relationship.|||It's my fault as an INTJ myself I should realize everything I say will be over analyzed and scrutinized by other INTJ's to come up with what they believe to be the most logical interpretation of what...|||I didn't mean to generalize to the extent that I am saying the entire female population, rather a large portion, much like when I say people are stupid I mean at least the majoring or greater then...|||Lol don't worry I'm not offended I can be quite the a-hole, I am perfectly comfortable with that. Don't misunderstand me I would prefer a relationship that is equal and has equity for both...|||I don't conform to anything :P so I feel you|||In any professional setting I am solid, rational and logical, I don't honestly feel comfortable sharing my feelings with other INTJ's, INTP's etc because I need to maintain a high standard of logic...|||INTJ's make great friends but its difficult to understand them in a romantic way after dating one myself I have a better appreciation for those that are in touch with their feelings for sure :P lol,...|||Lol, there was a reason for her lashing out, the problem is most INTJ's are not comfortable or in touch with their feelings they spend a lot of time dissecting them and over analyzing them from a...|||I'm 6'0 tall, brown hair which but I buzz my head, brown eyes, usually have five o'clock shadow or a goatee I weight 200 lbs right now and am around 11% body fat because I just finished a winter...|||Life is not a static entity, it is a living dynamic entity if we are not willing to change with it we well go extinct. I live my live very dynamically I would say that nothing I do, nothing I believe...|||_s.il Ok I'm going to give you some advice that I wish someone would have told me when I was 16. F$#k other people, it doesn't matter what they think it only matters what you think. Happiness...|||Lol, now your starting to understand me :P If you could compress all the I don't give a f%$ks in the world and infuse it into one individual that sir would be me :P|||Ya I don't proof read anything because I don't really care about your ability to properly understand me :P you're lucky if anything I type is even feasible English.|||Lol my brother and I are both INTJ's and are both workaholics, both work 70 hours + a week, I spend most my free time working out and he spends most his free time painting. not enough time seems to...|||I feel similar I would rather only live while I'm making an active contribution to society, I would rather die saving people from a burning building or taking a bullet for someone to be completely...|||I was referring to myself as interpersonal, yes much like there is a difference between internet and intranet, controller and comptroller, in and out. Ash is my actual name however the nonymous you...|||I'm motivated if I really want something, the only two things that regularly is work and workout, because I am motivated by money professionally and my hobby weight training. It's all basically about...|||Interpersonal :P|||What about NF guy's you mistook for females?|||Ya It gets old real quick Lol,|||Well guy INTJ's I met are the closest friends I have, I dated a female INTJ though once the sexual component exhausted it self it was cold hard logical conversation wasn't the greatest relationship...|||I appreciate the visual education :P lol|||Lol, I love cloths and bodybuilding so I know how you feel, I'm like the way I look don't really give a d*mn what anyone else thinks though I'm an a-hole :P haha I'm pretty good at flirting with...|||Hello Ya same, I asked around as well I've never met one but I tend to gravitate towards INTJ's because their normally kinda a-holes like I am LOL You're going to throw up a Nyan Cat on me?...|||I meant more that they are not particularly the most cuddly / lovable people to people they are not close to :P lol Lol no they can't. untameable /unchainable brother, however I'd love to...|||I just don't want people I know that I have a heart otherwise I lose my power over them :P 8w7 ftw,. Lol I don't mind internet hugs from strangers just not real strangers. That's...|||I did answer thread 1 but I feel compelled to answer this as well. I like to have control over things, especially initially in a relationship I like to gauge the other person and remain...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | i REALLY wanted to own a kindle but i was put off by the price of ebooks... recent releases seem to cost more than hardback versions... (what is the logic in this????) thats the main thing that put...|||racism or any kind of derogatory remark about a generalised minority group.. it REALLY pisses me off (possibly my straight caucasian male guilt kicking in)|||what other songs do you think are INFP related?|||i am rather loving this too Darth Vader is an example of an iNFp whose Idealist nature turned to the Dark-side. Drawn first to the Force, he was enticed and then overwhelmed and captured by...|||i dont particuarly like the song, i find it kinda hard to relate to lyrics if i dont like the musical style i think this is more INFP, i tend to like quite angsty music though so maybe mixing it...|||So guys, kinda interested to know what your politics are or if you even have any strong political views? I'm pretty much libertarian, I think individual liberty in all things outweighs any other...|||what's with all the negative responses to this thread? I can see what he is getting at.. I often find myself mixing and mashing my personality around different people to conform and then realising I...|||Im a man so obviously ive got no monthly patterns, but i do tend to go up and down like a yo yo though.. can feel almost euphoric at times then crash down to a major low over something really stupid...|||I can totally relate to your inner fire as you term it. especially as it applies to loving or hating people.. I can feel like I swing from one feeling to another with someone based on a conversation...|||rubbing his eyes bewildered, bud stared at the man on his couch. who was he? how did he get here? bud carefully picked a beer out of the mans sleeping grasp and eyed the label in disgust. 'budwiser'....|||i think i get the same sort of feeling from time to time, usually when doing something incredibly mundane.. i dont think ive had anxiety problems before though, well diagnosed ones anyway|||I agree with Yallredyno, ive tested as ENFP on my professionally done test but identified a lot more strongler with all the infp profiles ive read (IE its a book about me!). The MBTI qualified guy...|||loves all well and good but how can you even consider leaving this world without making your mark on it. great people achieve, you never hear about their love lives though! if I could make a truly...|||gaaaaaaaaaaah can i have half of both?|||oh.. i get that all the time : i thought i was just easily bored|||what are the symptoms of ADD/ADHD? i kinda thought it was kids who were really loud and kept jumping around everywhere? (ill freely admit i know VERY little about it)|||is that a gorey cartoon in your profile pic? (or is it called an avatar? im a wee bit new to forums)|||gah all the time! I can totally relate. I feel i often mimic other peoples feelings without even realising it and i only realise when im alone. A blessing and a curse I feel. On the one hand you can...|||your mehness has added one more post to the masses! feels good no? can i get a hell yea?!?!|||compartmentalized! Yes! that is the word i was looking for! thanks :)|||hahaha too true! i fear nothing less than my worlds being destroyed! arrrrrrrrrah!|||ugh i totally agree... ive tried to tell people many times that money is just paper. Thats all it is! its a collective hallucination that bits of paper have any value. I get weird looks|||hey guys i dont know much about this stuff.. what are fire signs and earth signs? im cancer by the way. i get crabby!|||Ive got a feeling this is probably just something I do, not really a personality based issue but noticed a while ago that i tend to zone off all my relationships and try not to have them mix. I have...|||Overseer and Creator forums combined? Anyone else curiously proud of that fact?|||What if you are already dead and your entire life is just a few random neurons firing their last in your head?|||how did it go? what did you do in the end?|||in a way it terrifies me.. but in another way I'm rather looking forward to seeing what (if anything obviously) is next... its intriguing... guess I will find out someday... unless.... quantum...|||strange you should say that about weed though, i have the opposite.. it tends to make me more introspective... unless mixed with booze then it just makes me into a (very happy, slighty nausous)...|||the lack of inhibition is really refreshing as im sure you can all relate to and not feeling burdened by inhibition can be clarifying.. but ive had many occasions when ive woken up the next day with...|||So im still kinda facinated by the whole personality profiling thing, and am pretty new to it all.. I took a test years ago and got INFP and recently took another proffesional one at work and got the...|||I REALLY do not like the idea of the personality test being flawed so that if someone of a different personality type took it when despressed they would show up as INFP! that means that in general...|||gotta be george orwell and aldous huxley (although i really doubt their.... INFPness is proven) And i always thought 1984 and brave new world were just two sides of the same coin|||I think most tests put a very positive spin on the personality types, maybe this is what's throwing you off a bit?|||haha i got called too laid back by my boss recently too... crazzee|||I dont really understand the question. I mean would you not take anything seriously unless it was backed up by action? to me thats an insane way to live... everyone would be knackered!|||wow.. that just sounds bizarre. You go out of your way to help someone and this is what you get? insane! I think she sounds slightly unbalanced when it comes to animals.. If i were you id just turn...|||yea i guess so.. i dont think INFP automatically means pacifist though.. if you wanted to analyse it in an ultra biased way (and why the hell not eh?) you could say he was symbolically destroying...|||Just do whats right for you, i wouldnt feel obligated or bad about not telling them. You will work through it im sure, you have already taken a big positive step|||Yea totally, there is so much ugliness and stupididy in the world. I often think humanity would probably be better off if we had never climbed out of those nice trees|||Ive got a few people i know i could talk to just... I dont know i just dont want to burden them with my own personal crap. I find it kind of difficult to express my own feelings outside of my head...|||good on you for taking action dan, I went through a real rough patch when i was at college too but i stupidly didnt want to talk to anyone about it, let alone a doctor.. and well it wasnt a very...|||See id feel really awkward talking to someone about it if i was in a big downer. If i feel down or stressed i usually try to vent it with exercise, endorphins do wonders for mood in general.|||yea i agree with dan, i dont consider myself depressed though.. i can get down sometimes like everyone else but i think INFP's probably have more difficulty in expressing this when they are down for...|||how bizarre, i wanted to start writing a post apocolypse story too, I really liked the idea of something like metro but more... real.. the mutants and magic and stuff in that book really pissed me...|||yea ive reintroduced myself to people ive met once or twice before many times, its extremely embarrasing! And yea im terrible with names too, i have to hear someones name at least five or six times...|||I guess everyone is different but personally i tend to keep my feelings closely guarded specifically so i wont come off as a drama queen or just annoy everyone with my incessent self obsessed...|||thanks for that, thats great :D and glad to hear its working out for you! I can definatly see the whole organised vs disorganised thing being an issue but glad to hear you can work through it. Thanks...|||wow bossing around and controlling!, sounds rather facinating but im guessing it would translate into being made to tidy up! perish the thought! Too true about looking for flaws though :/ i guess it...|||Yea exactly! haha thats why i like this forum, because you can ask questions like this you have been thinking about for ages without sounding like a total weirdo (or possibly someone with incredibly... |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Hello All, I've already posted this some time ago in the INFP forums. Even after seeing a bunch of lovely responses from the INFPs, I am still very uncertain about what I want to do for my future...|||I would say above all else it would be a spiritual thing for me. I would definitely want to get married by the pastor of my church or at least a pastor that shares my same beliefs. That's the only...|||Wow! All great responses and ideas!! I did have a conversation with my grandma (ISFP) last night and a conversation with my dad (INFP) previously about the idea of me going out and eloping. They...|||Hello all, I recently got engaged and I am truly overjoyed about it! I am now facing the daunting task of planning a wedding. Everytime I look into planning one though, I am honestly so close to...|||Thank you so much for your kind words. I am intending to send updates on this post as time goes on. I really find comfort in the fact that there are others out there that actually get me. Like...|||I have been on a journey for the last 4 or so years. The journey has been long and challenging and I have failed much more than I have succeeded. The struggle? Numbness, Emotional detachment and lack...|||Thank you all for the great replies!! I was feeling a bit down yesterday. I was feeling like there was something more for me out there and I just wanted to run away. Some days I think I would be...|||Infps.. does the life of fulfillment exist?? Has any infp been able to create a life that syncs with their inner core? Have any of you been able to find a job that is rewarding and are living your...|||Hello fellow INFPs.. I need advice... I post about this quite occasionally... but I have been in a four year relationship with an ESTP. I hold this back but I am feeling in a sharing mood right...|||I wouldn't say it was an instant connection either. I wouldn't say it was love at first sight. I would say over time we have helped each other through some things and a mutual respect grew and grew....|||We have the same sense of humor. We are both crazy silly and we have a lot of the same interests.|||Spot on! That is exactly right. Hell, there are some times when I don't understand him at all either...|||Thanks for all the support, guys. I really do appreciate it and will take all of the advice into consideration. My boyfriend and I are very different people, but at the same time we have a lot in...|||AWWW Thank you!!!! I am learning to voice myself better. I couldn't figure out why I would be so unhappy at times. It was because I was holding everything in. It is truly like an art being able to...|||I wouldn't say he doesn't accept me. Overall, we have a great relationship. I have been with the guy for four years. At times it is frustrating but most of the time we see eye-to-eye. We have such a...|||I think he realized he hurt my feelings because I was moping around yesterday. He didn't bring it up again and got quiet and stopped arguing with me. I asked him in all seriousness that if I wanted...|||I think it is our eyes. I have been by many people that my eyes are very expressive, almost like a gateway to my soul. I think this is true to a certain extent. I am not easily read, but I do have...|||That's good enough for me!!|||Writing is my escape. I have multiple notebooks filled with creative writing, journal entries, and silly ideas. Those journals are kept secret from the world. If someone found it and read it, my...|||When I am deep in thought and someone digs to know what is on my mind.. The more you dig, the more distant and annoyed I become... Watch out...|||So Saturday night my boyfriend's friend was having a house party. I don't go out too often with him and his friends because it is just not my scene. I thought it would be nice for me to be his DD for...|||Some days when I am feeling wild, I will apply foundation, concealor, and the whole sha-bang. I am very picky though, I don't like wild colors and don't cake on the foundation either. I like neutral...|||I have an ESTJ mother. We never got along.. ever. She was always accusing me of being up to no good. She was always harsh and she was never wrong. She never understood me and always tried to pry me...|||You know you're an INFP when you make your coworkers take personality tests so you can understand them better. You also know you're an INFP when you want to discuss these said tests all day long even...|||My mom is an ESFJ.. It was really tough as a kid. I spent a lot of my childhood locked away in my bedroom. My mom was too much for me to handle. Not only was she an extrovert, she also has an up in...|||Off topic, but I think I watched these adorable kittens for at least 5 minutes... SO CUTE|||I get told I am very elegant, poise, quiet, goofy, weird, random, trustworthy, responsible, dependable, reserved, calm, sensitive|||That is a great way to put it! I can jump moods so fast. Today I started out in a wonderful mood, then I got really angry and aggressive, and now I am calm..... I'm sure I confuse people... but that...|||No problem :). I guess from the outside looking in, we have quite a difficult personality type to understand. We really appreciate and respect someone who appreciates and respects us and our need for...|||I am really laid back. I have always really been a follower. I have never really had the opportunity, but maybe I would be a good leader of something I am really passionate about.|||You let him be and give him space. If he wants to tell you, he will. Digging always makes me withdrawl even further. Maybe just let him know that you're there for him. If he wants to, he will tell...|||I'm starting to learn not to let things get to me as easily as they did in the past. I have realized that you can make a decision not to let failures torture you. It takes time, but I think...|||Well, lets see... I posted a thread about being moody. Then I answered a thread on when INFPs are pushed too far and how they react. I guess you can say I am in an agressive mood today. I am moody...|||I am a very polite person. I'll take a lot for the team. I respect everyone's decisions and I don't step on toes. I expect the same treatment. If I don't get the same treatment, I'll suck it up for...|||Hello fellow INFPs I know INFPs are said to show some serious mood fluctuations from time to time. I can go from being in a really good mood to three seconds later experiencing melancholy and...|||I am a christian believer. I believe there is a heaven and a hell.|||I am scared of the act of dying. I am not scared of death itself. I am a believer in heaven, and heaven just sounds amazing. It is just how you get to heaven that makes me feel uneasy.|||I tend to talk in circles when I am trying to tell a story or explain something. A lot of times I forget what I am getting at and it is hard for me to stay focused. Writing is my way to explain...|||I am not a fan of tradition. I like to mix things up and try new things out. (I dread Christmas time! Esp. decorating the tree.. SHOOT ME)|||Oh, thought of another one. You know you're an INFP when you look at old dates on coins and daydream about where this coin has been throughout its life.|||Or you have so much to do on your to do list that you just don't do any of it.. Then you sit there feeling anxiety because you know you should do the things on your to do list but the to do...|||You know you're an INFP when you force yourself to clean up an untidy apartment and it takes you a week and a half to complete the task. Clean for five minutes.. watch tv for 2 hours and repeat. Then...|||HI!!! So as a child, I lived in a very broken home.. My dad and mom split when I was three. My mom couldn't seem to ever be single but at the same time could never keep a relationship. There was...|||Grass green and different blues. It reminds me of being outside in nature. I also like hot pink...|||I cry so so so easily! I cry when someone talks about something touching. I cry when someone else is crying. I cry when I am confronted. I cry when I talk about myself. I cry ALLLL the time. This...|||I'm glad to see I'm not alone. For most of the relationship I had felt like it was me! I had spent a couple years working on myself and found no change. It wasn't until a few weeks ago it just...|||I know he is a great guy and many people really like him. I think this is why I have stayed with him for so long. My family loves him; everyone loves him. He just is not the right person for me. It...|||SO glad I'm not the only one. Nothing makes me more mad than being told what to do. I will do what I want to do and that is that..... This makes me very stubborn and tend to get very moody...|||He constantly challenges everything I say and it is a true soul drainer. Wish there was some way I could stay in the relationship, because it has been so long. I'm just tired of trying to please him...|||Hey all, So I am basically here to vent my feelings. I was wondering if anybody else can relate to me when it comes to how I personally act. So I'm in a relationship and have been for four...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Ha. Same thing happened to me in high school in Art class. Based on all my grades on the assignments I deserved an A, but he gave me a D because no matter what happens, [he] has the final say on...|||WHAT. DID. I. TELL. YOU? That is all.|||So are there any kind, nurturing, submissive INTJ women that anybody knows about? Or are they all defensive, aggressive, and cold as you say?|||I would like to change my name to Ashitaka. It suits my avatar better :)|||What are some of the major differences (if any)?|||As long as you're gonna end up in a job that lets you get by, my recommendation is to not worry about the money and do what you're passionate about. Even if you do just care about money, you'll...|||I'm very surprised. The fact that he held you closer is a dead give-away. There's no way I would ever do that with somebody I wasn't interested in. Now, it could be that this guy has women falling...|||Is it possible to change your username? How?|||That's interesting. I would think a classic INTJ response would be something like: What did she look like? A foot. Would you have done her? If you like feet, sure.|||No they haven't!! I've barely heard any good things about being an Introvert. Ugh. I wish I could change my OP. Clearly, NOBODY understands what I'm looking for. My OP was meant as a...|||INTJ's primary modes being Ni & Te -- same as ENTJ. Why would ENTJ be any different? Link me an article describing this. I've never heard this before, and it's very hard to believe.|||Uh... no it's not. It's least susceptible to I/E. INTJ = Ni Te (Fi Se) ENTJ = Te Ni (Se Fi) ISTJ = Si Te (Fi Ne) INFJ = Ni Fe (Ti Se) INTP = Ti Ne (Si Fe)|||Well, I've outlined quite a few advantages of E over I. I think the impact is fairly significant. Though, you do make a good point about less drama. Well, actually, everything else being...|||Getting back to the OP, I'd still like to know what the advantages of I over E are.|||Well said WikiSurfer|||Uh... what? This was just meant to be an analysis of E vs. I. I personally think E is better. If I was ENTJ, I'd probably think the same thing. The only difference is I'd be responding to your...|||Oh. Yea. Nevermind. We're not doing stuff on the same level at all. What kind of oscillators/filters? Software or hardware? Are you doing any of that design? Or just using COTS stuff?|||Agree. Does nobody know about Rome? I remind myself that hey, at least I wasn't born in like 2050 or something. I can't imagine how bad things will be by then. All I can say is I hope you and I...|||Both? How can you do both? You must work for a -really- small company. And yea, everything's moving to software. Hardware guys are gonna be obsolete in not too long (except for the SoC stuff).|||Oh really? Software or Electrical? I'm a firmware engineer, and I do some DSP stuff myself (for power metrics).|||An interesting study I found shows the likelihood of being intelligent: iNtuition = 58.4% of which are gifted Introversion = 46.4% of which are gifted Perceiving = 45.2% of which are gifted...|||Ok, great. What ARE the pros/cons?|||I completely agree here, and the capacity may even be unlimited. Uh... no. This is no more Darwinism than choosing a career path is.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAsTlnjvetI&ob=av2n Best. Song. Ever.|||I think INTJs probably take it to the extreme. Either completely ignore their health or really work at it. Last time I got a complete health screen done (with blood work up and everything), I...|||I question this. If you're truly an ENFP, you'll be over this whole thing in a few weeks, in my experience.|||Could not agree more. I'm actually going to try avoiding INFPs for a while, honestly.|||That's a very good point. Thanks. I, personally, have always known myself better than most people I meet know themselves. A Japanese friend gave me the nickname Kisho, which means One who knows...|||I think success is determined by happiness. According to this study, happiness is determined mainly by health, wealth, marriage, and education (as well as GOP status and church). And except for...|||Could not agree more.|||I can see this. Why is this a good thing? I'm not sure this is true. Maybe generally. I've met many exceptions.|||I'm surprised nobody has poked holes in this. Darwinism is about genetic evolution. MBTI is not tied to genes. Two Es can have an I.|||I think you mean everything else being equal, introverts/extroverts are equally capable of learning the same amounts of knowledge right? In theory, degree of intelligence begets capacity for...|||No, I was just referring to infinitia :laughing:|||That's why I'm here. To make you lol. Sometimes I'll even make you rofl.|||Yes, I understand what you're saying, and that's what I took away from your previous response. Sorry, if I said it was not profound. I wasn't meaning that as an insult. I've just heard it many...|||So it seems like most people are either responding with a we're all God's creatures type responses (or funny jokes, which is cool too), even though that's not the common poll answer. I guess...|||Citation please? What I said was This poll shows some interesting correlations... I'm simply presenting some of the more interesting data points that I've found. I'm not trying to make...|||I've been giving this a lot of thought for a while now, and I want to get everyone's take on it. Posit: Extroversion > Introversion Work Your charisma helps in getting a job or a...|||Well, it just so happens that I -do- have an opening for an ENFP. If your current position doesn't work out, give us a call.|||I would move around a lot of them in 5-10. For example: 6, Girl #1 is quite attractive and deserves at least a 7 or 8, imo. 9, Girl #2 (blonde in last row) is really not that attractive to me...|||Aftershock|||Listen to hoom. Just tell him. Be 100% honest. Keep it brief (3 sentences). Give him time to think about it, if needed. As an INTJ, I don't ever seek short-term relationships. I'm always...|||Me = INTJ Feeling = Does not compute. Uncertainty = Does not compute. Killer = Does compute.|||Primary: Inverted Triangle Secondary: Oval The Square/Rectangle ones look like dudes.|||Probably. I'd day trade regardless, if it wouldn't bore me to death. No, what I mean is, the free market that Liberatarians want. Their ideal. How is that any different than the situation...|||Ok, so this is really what I should have quoted: And this is a valid argument (not necessary entirely true though). However, it does make the assumption that people (esp. those paying more...|||Agree. I was attempting to infer that with my statement. Many GOPs are saying this. I don't see the connection. Please explain. Well, that's debatable, but irrelevant to this...|||Heh. That's what I meant when I used that term. I don't think he's cute. EDIT: Sorry, I didn't see that you are French. When I said like I meant due to his political stance, not because he...|||I would like one libertarian to explain to me what these increased opportunities are. Businesses aren't charities. I like Mitt Romney. If I had to choose among the GOP, I'd pick him.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Also, try going for community college for two years first and then transferring to a good school so you still get the benefit of graduating from a good school at a much lower price than a four year...|||You weren't prepared enough in highschool, you probably didn't take any AP classes, am I right? Or maybe you did, but all your teachers were slackers. Ugh. I had two AP classes that I slogged my...|||Sex. 'Nuff said.|||Business & Technology | Does going to college pay? Answer isn't simple | Seattle Times Newspaper I guess not?|||I was rather unassertive. Was actually quite a loner and I found all of my classes to be uninteresting. Putting it mildly, I got into arguments all the time with my teachers and students, and never...|||Lol I love you guiys. Though some douche bags actually pay alot though. :confused: So I take it that it doesn't matter what my GPA is, as long as I have a college degree everything is fine?...|||Will they be looking at the college you graduate from though?|||Haha...if only you were my employer. :P But the question still begs...how much does it matter (in the real world) ?|||Or GPA in general?|||Flatter him about how smart he is. Then lie about how unhealthy yawning is, say how bad it is, talk about how bad his breathe is...etc. Afterward, praise him every time he doesn't yawn and flatter...|||I might be. Or I might be manipulating you into thinking so.|||Hm...intelligent response. I must say, by replying patiently to a forty year-old in a basement, I must be horribly wounded. :laughing:|||Awww....paranoid, aren't we?|||And why do I get the feeling that you're forty, half-stupid and live in your parent's basement? :laughing:|||You're the one being stupid here, miss. :wink: If you have never heard of boredom, or playing the devil's advocate then well...it's hopeless... See, I do get why people are reacting to my...|||It is more like your statement here makes no sense. At first, you were advising me to go out and get social. Then, right afterward, you change your advice to simply: go out and look for one....|||And also a lot of morons who think that they are morally superior. Simply, if I think that manipulation is fun, it does not make me any less of an idiot than you are when you think that flaunting...|||So? Is not psychology a hobby? Does not psychology have to do with people? And for your information, graphology does involve people, though tools and objects are involved as well. :laughing: ...|||Oh! Playing teacher now, aren't you? Okay then, teacher. Let me refute what you're saying. (very slowly..) 1) I am not intellectually superior to anyone around me. 2) I do not think of...|||Creative, aren't you? ;) Exactly what I was thinking. Congratulations, I whole-heartedly agree with you. However, the assertion that there will always be a majority of humans that care for...|||Yup. So, what's your point?|||Knowledge. To satisfy curiosity. For fun, I guess. I want to truly know how shallow love is. Feelings are so easily manipulated. You can turn two people onto each other. A single lie can cause...|||Wow. I don't think of them as toys. I think of them as other human beings- ignorant nonetheless. All of you are getting the impression that I think that I am superior to the people that I'm...|||It is not bullying. Bullying is make someone feel isolated, alone, weak. My manipulation is manipulation without them knowing. Without them suspecting. Without them thinking. It is different...|||The majority is ever-changing. And thus are morals. Most is never the same. Societies change, people change, and thus good and evil changes. I am different. So? I am proud to be unique. If I'm...|||Firstly, I would like the statistics behind your claims. Secondly, I would like to see your credentials. Thirdly, I would like the logical reasons behind what you exert. Because, for one thing, if...|||Wow. So many negative comments. It does seem like there are alot of people here who believe in their moral superiority. For one thing guys, are you so narrow-minded that anything beyond the...|||I wouldn't go up the someone and right away flatter them. That would be way too obvious. Of course I'm going to get to know them first- sit quietly with them and start conversations before laying...|||Time? Not much of an issue. And love? A psychological feeling. As I said- an experiment. I neither expect nor not expect an out-come. If it works- it works, because this is an experiment. ...|||I like to experiment with psychological manipulation, it's a morbid interest that I picked up. It's just such a shallow thing, a weakness in everyone that can be exploited. Just imagine, what if...|||lol. Something else just made it worse too. My piano teacher and my entire family is coming to watch me. Great.|||I am the accompanist for the choir. It's a nerve-wrecking experience. Everyone is dependent on you for the correct notes, correct tempo- in other words- to lead. And I have to go up there not...|||The first way to make people leave you alone is to make eye-contact with someone and never ever lose eye contact. Lift your eyebrows as high as they can go and stare straight into their eyes. 99%...|||My church had a tradition of having someone recently baptized to give a speech to all the youth in the teenage service. Needless to say, I was completely unprepared, so I bullshitted most of the...|||If it were me, I probably wouldn't even give a crap. Just saying. :sad:|||Family pictures are pointless. I'm sorry. The idea of dragging out an unwilling INTP hundreds of miles for some stupid family time and spending two days of cold and wet horror in a tent will make...|||LOL! It's the opposite for me. In real life I feel like a complete dumbass but in the forums I feel smart and accepted. :/ Maybe I'm just weird that way.|||Btw, back then when I created a thread for intelligent conversation, debates about religion were screwing the entire place. And I didn't want to ban anyone because the forum had a small size and if I...|||Yeah, it was plastic.|||I am diagnosed with ADHD, and all of the traits above describe me to a point, except being highly sensitive, and being more restless. For starters, I noticed that I talked a lot more than other...|||Woo! Nice things!|||Answer to that: nothing. Personally, God's will is bullshit.|||I am an Asian. I want to live in a van when I grow up- travel around and lavish in the security of not having to pay rent. Also, solar electricity and water in a tank is really cheap nowadays. ...|||Still in high school. Needless to say, school has thought me to be a really good joke cracker. I can make anyone laugh at school, where as I hardly cracked a smile in grade school. I've also met...|||The problem with taking my parents to court is that I'm not at the legal age, and they don't have to kick me out here. Because we are just PR's, they can easily just take me to another country and...|||Facepalming is such a prevalent theme in the church. This theme is at its height when the worship is at a point whereby there isn't even an effort to sing along because either they forgot their meds...|||How many of you go to church? How many of you are forced to go to church? How many of you aren't allowed to bring anything there? :/ Well, my SJ parents force me to go to church every week....|||FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Fuck.|||I'm hoping that when I do die, at least there will be some forum members to communicate my last words. I hope that if I start a thread that says I'm going to die, I'll get at least 30 replies in 10...|||I'm a loner. Will be and always be, and I will live a life style as a loner. It will probably suit me too, until I die. I'm not scared of death. Death is simply fading away to a state of blissful...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Well it wasn't really 'happy' or 'sad'... Mostly apathetic. It probably would've been worse if I kept going to public school with all of those ESFxs (I'm home schooled now). Bad things that...|||Asperger's* Yes, I feel like that a lot. I've even taken a few (online--not official) tests and they all say it is likely that I have Asperger's/autism.|||What Hogwarts house are you in? What is your MBTI type? Me: Ravenclaw INTJ|||Me: INTJ My mom: ISFJ My dad (I don't think he's taken the test and I don't feel like asking him because we don't get along so I'll just guess): ENFJ Relationship with my mom: we get along great...|||Me: INTJ My brother: INTP My sister: ESFx My mom: ISFJ My dad (I don't know if he's taken the test and I don't feel like asking him because we don't get along so I'll just guess): ENFJ My other...|||I was just wondering... Where are all of the other INTx Oregonians? Probably in their laboratories or libraries, like me. -_- Everyone that I know (not very many people...) seems to be an ExFx...|||Thanks guys :] no one else seems to think they're interesting at all =|||Introverted: 84.38% Extroverted: 15.63% Intuitive: 69.44% Sensing: 30.56% Thinking: 87.1% Feeling: 12.9% Judging: 69.7%|||Yeah but that's how it is with all types of siblings. Anyway, I would love to have a twin (preferably one with a similar personality) And I would probably want a fraternal twin so people wouldn't...|||True. That is very true.|||I've noticed that no one else that I know (not very many people) think as much as I do. Everyone tries to tell me 'too much thinking is bad for you', 'you think too much', 'thinking makes people go...|||Hello fellow INTJs. Could you please check out these inventions? I found them very interesting. Invisibility cloak:...|||Well actually no one knows anything about alien personalities... They may be extremely varied, like human personalities, or they could be the stereotyped 'I'm going to suck your brains out, eat your...|||Yes, that counts :] If I were to go to an actual school again, I would want to go to a private school or a boarding school... :] (I would like to go to a boarding school because I could pretend...|||None of the personality types are useless but if I had to choose one that IS useless, it definitely wouldn't be INTP (I would probably choose an ExFx... No offense). Einstein and Galileo were both...|||I like all kinds of book genres... Fiction (fantasy, sci-fi), nonfiction, etc... Everything except romance. Examples of fiction: the Harry Potter series, the Atherton series, the Gone series...|||Yeah, it's like they don't pay attention to anything the teacher is saying. Do you live in America? If you do, you should look up this great school called Connections Academy; it's so much better...|||Yeah, that's how I felt when I went to public school. The other kids didn't even care about learning, they were only there because of their friends. Ask any of them to be home schooled and they'll...|||Cool, do you like public school?|||Really?! Wow, and I just thought she was a bad author. I guess she's also a conceited idiot... I bet she hasn't even read Shakespeare.|||Oh, well happy early birthday :]|||This will be my second year participating in NaNo. I can't wait for November! :]|||Sorry, it won't happen again. And what you said sounds almost identical to my Dad's behavior. =/|||Umm okay well that could definitely be considered a bit crazy, sorry.|||I've never taken an official test but I've taken a few online IQ tests. I always get somewhere around 140.|||ExFxs. We just don't understand each other|||What you call 'f%#@ing crazy' someone else might find quite normal. And someone else might find you to be 'f$#@&ing crazy'.|||I got INTJ, like me... I wouldn't mind an INTP either; it's going to be hard to find one. :(|||Name: Ashley Nickname: no one has actually given me a nickname but people always call me Ash. You can call me Ashley or Ash, I don't care. Gender: Female Where were you originally born?: a...|||Yeah, I feel the same about everything you just said.|||I would too... And I did. I went to public school until 5th grade... They were the worst years of my life. I hated every moment of my education because everyone was always taking advantage of me and...|||Yeah, he wants me to socialize more... But he doesn't understand that when I AM in a social situation, I'm there physically but not mentally. He hardly even knows me though so I don't think his...|||I'm homeschooled too! :]|||I am my best friend too!!|||He'll be 19 in October :] Wow, that's cool! Do you like being homeschooled? I love it!! :D|||I'm a 13 year old (I'll be 14 in 72 days, 16 hours, and 52 minutes) INTJ. And happy almost birthday!! :]|||Hi!! My brother is an INTP too :]|||Haha, what do you mean? I think I might know what you mean but I'm not sure... Do you mean that you are the age of a teenager but you wouldn't really consider yourself a teenager because you're so...|||Yeah that's pretty much the same for me except the exact opposite. I went to public school from kindergarten until 4th grade... Then in fifth grade I finally convinced my mom (after 5 years of...|||Yes, I LOVE IT; it's so much better than public school. That's cool that you go to private school. :]|||I'm in 8th grade. Do you go to public school? I attend an online school called Connections Academy... I used to go to public school but I HATED it.|||I don't really hold a grudge. However, if someone is always making me mad or annoying me, she/he will probably never see me again. I barely make time for people I like being around, so why would I...|||Hello!! :]|||I put my true age and it let me join...|||Wow, I like polar bears and eagles too!! I also like Owls and Phoenixes (yes, they're fictional, I just like them).|||I believe there is life on other planets. (plants, small creatures, etc) but I don't know about intelligent aliens that are going to come here, suck our brains out, and dissect us (wow, that sounds a...|||Hi, I'm semi-new here... I was just wondering if there were any other INTJ teenagers out there...? I don't really socialize with people my age (at all) if I can avoid it... So it helps that I'm home...|||I simply can not read romance; It's extremely boring, and I can't relate to it at all. I need a good mixture of everything... I like fiction books like the Harry Potter series, the Atherton series,...|||I agree completely with this. I was never a 'girly girl' in any way.|||I'm attracted to INTJs and INTPs... Although I've never actually met any (outside of the internet) other than my brother and myself. I don't really get along with SFs (their emotions are annoying).... |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'i HAVE to have both of my ears covered if i want to achieve any kind of sleep, if i paint my fingernails i have to chip it off pretty much immediately after it dries. i touch my nose/lips with...|||yes two. my brother and my best friend. i love them. they are who i am close to in life.|||yes! when i get really stressed at school i break out in this rash on my neck/chest area. i thought it was just me. hmmm..|||i know! i really put hannah up towards the top of my favorite movie list. it was so beautiful. but i really recommend limitless. its not on the same level as hannah but its still really good|||Hannah was so good, and Limitless|||singing when i am by myself. i am no good, and i know it, but it just feels so good playing dress up games online........ i love to personalize things mocha frappes, so good, but so bad for you.....|||nylsha hmmm|||i had a bunny when i was really little. it was a big, fat, and scary. the first time i held it, it bit me. we got rid of it..|||Emperor of The Great Oceans Known in some parts of the world as: Devil of The Steely Moon The Great Archives Record: A child of the Moon Goddess - Cold, determined, but of the light in the night....|||celebrating. my mother just won $1,000. we are using the money to send my father to key west for two weeks. itll be the best two weeks ever.|||everywhere! i really want to see the world but that would require flying and i am scared i would be too claustrophobic :(|||i was on a field trip led by my cousin. we walked through a city in a back alley to get to where we were going. i was towards the back of the crowd of people who were attending the field trip. we...|||what? you know fucking what. i know you heard me. dont ask me to repeat it.|||yes, waffles are shapely. yes, they have badass neat little compartments for your butter and syrup to chill out. but they are just like eating tiny breakfast bed crates. and thats gross. so...|||I am the Cheese, Looking for Alaska, The Perks of Being a Wallflower.. there are more, but i cant think right now|||Its a Wonderful Life i cant say that i actually watched it but it was the last movie that i was around lol|||White Oleander! everybody go get a copy right now! so great, ah! such a great book :]|||only with threads bb :]|||aw this is so cute <3 your gonna do great :]|||person one- thank you. you have been really helpful and nice to me:] i cannot express my gratitude. i hope you find ease in completing this difficult task that is taxing you, person two- im...|||ive been thinking about this question lately i like to make all of my meals for myself....... i really dont like anyone else to do it. but i guess i dont really like to cook persay. but then...|||yes! this has been a problem for me. i always feel dishonest when wearing them. i dont even need a bra really, and sometimes i feel self conscious about it. but at the same time i know that i am not...|||some ipecac|||http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwf88pQowA1qb0mdjo1_500.jpg|||i think of it as, like, my body is where i live, and i want it to feel good. ive found that in the winter my diet is very strict and healthy but in the warmer months i tend to give in to cravings....|||you lucky duck! that is beautiful that you two have that and i wish you the best :]|||spaghetti <3|||physical affection. touch, playing with hair, etc. i also feel most loved by physical affection and find it to be exhilarating that love can be communicated without having to speak.|||i used to smoke a lot with my ex. but i started to realize that it really wasnt for me and that it was actually causing me anxiety because i would over think my body's reaction to the plant and...|||i havnt seen very many on here with facial hair. why is this? or maybe there is no method to the madness at all.|||http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/383745_10150357767111331_634506330_8616251_1280341169_n.jpg a tea set i made this past semester in ceramics 2|||i feel like to fit in, i must keep my opinions to myself or i will cause conflict with the ones around me. so if i stay quiet, i fit in :]|||That I give one chance to people. that's it. one chance with me is all you get. if you cross me, or i catch you crossing someone else once over anything-no matter how big or little- that's it. your...|||dear self, sit back. recharge. you don't have to do something just because you have the little window of time to. take a break and breath. you deserve it.|||yes truth-based is so funny! i think sometimes it can be the most humorous of all|||i don't even know how to explain it, but like, funny words or sounds that wouldn't normally be used to describe something, but it ends up making perfect sense. I don't really like humor at other...|||hah, when i first read this i thought it said please stay alive haha|||yay:] everyone is so nice! this welcome balloon is most exquisite! thanks everyone<3|||made a few friends already, but i thought i would do an intro. so hey everyone im here and i exist:]|||im 5'6 . its an okay height. can't complain. i don't want to be any taller though|||i lost my virginity at 15 to a guy i just recently broke up with. almost 3 years together. i would take it back in a heart beat. way too young. way too scary. but live and learn i guess,|||IVE ALWAYS HAD THIS PROBLEM. i just cant get other females. same with always being the odd one. and as for seeing the bad side, SAME. and thats the part that bothers me most. i dont do it to men as...|||i always found myself lost when it came to having female friends. they all just seemed to be unintelligent and got on my nerves. i was and still am better friends with men. they are so much easier to...|||i am really good friends with an infp. she feels things the way i do so it works:] and she is good hearted' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 'More 80's funk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlCjIMW_sqU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5WPcUGVZ34|||The NASA Cassini spacecraft in orbit around Saturn took a picture of the Earth, from 870 million miles away (1.4 billion kilometers away), about a week and a half ago. You can see those pics from...|||My favorite would probably be the Tiger.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXP2g121vZk|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECn7TSA7Poc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QuFknNnr2E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwRHCyxdLvg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhE38tnTsmA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lF2Vn844K3o|||552754 Yep.|||Yeah, I certainly am. Especially the Pacific and Indian Oceans. And in the realm of astronomy, I love ocean planets.|||Hi guys. Hope you've all been having a good weekend. I just wanted to share with you a picture I found of the March 9th solar eclipse as it was displayed on the Earth's surface. I absolutely love...|||Same here, though it was from 1991 to 1997.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3bmH78DMXw Damn, :cool:|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nVYUTJ1HIg Love the beat and rhythmic groove from this 80s Japan Funk song.|||Oh shit. :wink:|||Damn, you fuckin' nailed this. :cool:|||I experienced the same quake in downtown Washington D.C. It was August 23, 2011. Magnitude 5.9. Strongest quake I've experienced. Though the epicenter was some 90 miles SSW of D.C., it was felt...|||My first and, thus far, only transpacific flight was on a QANTAS A380 going from LAX to Sydney. Great experience. Left L.A. on a Thursday night at 10:30 and arrived in Sydney on Saturday morning at...|||Hey guys. I just wanted to mention this new website I came across that shows actual, near-real time full disk images of the Earth. The website is here: DSCOVR::EPIC::Earth Polychromatic Camera. It...|||Today was a great day. I spent much of the day at the Arecibo Telescope and also spent some time at the beaches of Hatillo.|||Way to go, Vinnie! :smile:|||I'm a month and a half younger than Cinnamon83.|||Now THAT is a jackpot quote. Couldn't have said it any better. :smile:|||I think that those are all good points. At the same time, while I agree with you that a person did not choose to be born and live at a certain time period and place and can live their life on a...|||You have no idea... :smile:|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXT-nYHOLsU|||^^Damn, you look great.|||Probably my favorite type of music is 80's funk/soul, due to the beat/tune/background music of the songs. Here are three examples: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVGZv_FkgV4 and ...|||White River Yeah I think Austin is ISTP, or maybe ESTP, but leaning towards ISTP. Back then, during the Attitude Era I used to hate him because, as an Undertaker fan, he would be the WWF champion...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAHffXP3vDA Haha I know I'm bringin' in another Undertaker clip from '98, but in this one he has an awesome voice during the interview.|||Well, in my case, distant and faraway locations like Australia, New Zealand and Tahiti and circumnavigating the Earth twice in the process. Or Ernest Shackleton when he went all the way to...|||You know, I was just thinking a couple days ago that the name could be changed to The Explorers.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-hdLhozNog This is perhaps his best-ever speech/monologue/promo. I found a better quality one, but the WWF blocked it on YouTube due to some copyright bullshit....|||361970|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8jyUY9TOBc More 80's funk.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtOGAjoxf3c 80's funk from 1982.|||It sounds like I went through virtually exactly what you are going through, except, after taking a Career Management class in my first semester of junior year, where I took a MBTI test for the very...|||Now some classic 80's rap........ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEOpIMrFu98 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLGxWPtgodo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yu2NqfISm9k|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=habMp_RKfKY and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ba2q6TUHgbU|||Hahaha, so you think Haynesworth, Lynch, Alonso and Gordon are total idiots? :wink:|||Gina Carano (MMA fighter, now an actress, I think) - ISTP Mark Calaway (known as The Undertaker, WWF wrestler) - ISTP Glenn Jacobs - (known as Kane, the Undertaker's younger brother, WWF...|||Here's another one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_RENrcS0mo 80's dance/funk/soul.|||............And it's not even noon. :cool:|||Benstein, I'd choose the sunset. 282882|||Just discovered this guy yesterday, some 25-30 years late, hehe....... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n606ISLXlC8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IiP6BNhmx0|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qYBiWl9i-U and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5MsS203hG0 I used to love listening to the above song on a cassette tape that my cousins brought from India...|||Damn, that's a good question. If I had to make a choice, I guess it would be stranded on a tropical island in the South Pacific, like an atoll in the Tuamotu Archipelago of French Polynesia or...|||Thanks Murdock, appreciate it. :)|||31 orbits around the Sun, as of today.|||I think Jennifer Garner and Olivia Wilde are ENFJs, but Garner may also be an ENFP. At least she's a solid ENF.|||emberfly, I should have never majored in business or attended the university's business school at all, simply because I as a person, with my personality/attributes/traits/etc., did not...|||Damn, haha! I was just doing exactly that when I came across your thread, nonnaci!' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I like that you are kind, as INFJ I find that I love you all easily, Its so natural to fit next to you and relax, enjoy time and not feel like i have to do things such as hold hands, and other social...|||I found that when this happens it may be that there is something seriously upsetting him, and he is laying out hints and you just are glazing over the top of them (actully pretty normal their hints...|||I am truly curious about this as well, me and a enfj i know are in the same place, though I still love him, and he appears to have feelings for me, I wonder if the possibility is there...|||I find it varies, depending on my moods. I am genreally a 50/50 because I beleive that it takes two to make it good. so I'll lead a little and then let them lead a little. Its the best way to find...|||I can understand, we are fairly resilient. I mean honestly we tough it out through so much crap. I personally don't care what they've done, if I love them I always keep trying even though it makes me...|||I am an ENFP and I love dreaming!!! I cant stand it when people tell me to stop living like everything will work out...|||I've only found one person I can't read and easily understand what he is thinking... And Oddly its this fact that made me love him.. But he always said I was mysterious and he ended up pushing me...|||It happens, I have deve3loped said wall already, and it ruined the best love i ever had because i became to afraid to let him past the wall... i seriously dont recomend it....|||Or my least favorite, I always feel like your hididng something.|||I wouldnt say I display my anger, most of it genrally stays internalized. But Only when I am deeply hurt by someone I love and feel so defensless I cant protect my self, do I actully go into a...|||why are eggs yellowish inside|||I hope for nothings, and am still disappointed. Yes I find I have been hurt badly because I don't give up on people and I'm a very all or nothing person. I either don't care at all or I care far...|||What were you thinking!?!?!|||I wonder if my tarantula has feelings and if I hurt them by being afraid of her the whole first month I was given her? Maybe that is why she chases me through the living room...|||I think the true questions is, as opposed to do we care more what others think or do we let what others think stop us?|||Don't mistake confrontations with assertive... I hate fighting unless I feel the definite need to do so... But assertive. Letting my thoughts be known? Yes I do that every time I speak.. =-P We were...|||Hahah reading others is easy, figuring out motives, behavioral patterns, reasoning's, etc.. But somehow I can never convey myself to them in return... So maybe its more of a curse than a gift. You...|||I think it may be unusual for my typing, but I find I always feel disconnected from others around me. So when I never get a response from my shy attempts at communication I get quiet discouraged... I...|||I always result in being a chaotic neutral... in D&D and especially in life hahahah ironic|||Why does this thread scare you?|||I would not take it to hard, even well developed ENFP's tend to walk away from overly one sided relationships. me personally, when I feel that they have figured things out or learned what they need,...|||I am an ENFP and I can never keep track of anything 0.o|||I use a really wide sense for humor mostly described as morbid/ positive. Anything goes unless it is mean. I do tend to blurt sarcastic or stupid humor a lot though... so that may play into a good...|||I understand easily the flare and boredom that brings on FwB, but honestly it's just no good for me without the extreme connections. But I'm extremely picky.... I have had the whole FwB but it was so...|||hahaha I seldom allow myself to become angry in public but when I do... I'd run, I'm like hell on two pretty stilettos, and It's not a pretty hell. I can saddly garentee that.|||I would id give anything to have him back. I think of him all the time and honestly it kills me thinking he may not think of me at all.... But i was so concerned with protecting myself he pushed me...|||I found dating an INFJ to be ridiculous, he was super insecure and as such he ended up pushing me away, (not saying theyre all like this) so I find that it could be amazing, as long as you find a...|||THANK YOU! arg i am so sick of the typical enfp.... like are you serious.. i cant for the life of me figure out why i keep aquiering that result.. I identify much more with the descriptions for an...|||Im in agreeance, I find I identify more with an ENFJ, though I do have a sense of emotions. But as far as being open and such, im not.. Im fairly difficult to get me to let another into my inner...|||You have no idea how happy this makes me (= thank you, im so used to INFJs and such pointing out our flaws, like unpredictable=untrustable.. do you know how much it hurts having somone question my...|||Ive taken several Cognitive skills test and MBTI tests and keep getting ENFP. occasionaly an Unclear as such.. ENFP Extravert(44%) iNtuitive(50%) Feeling(38%) Perceiving(11)% ...|||I dated two of them, its accurate.. they have a uniqe way of shocking you when they finally decide to talk..|||I dated two of them, its accurate.. they have a uniqe way of shocking you when they finally decide to talk..|||I agree with Shakti, Ive been having that huge problem as well. Im stuck between ENFP and ENFJ, again depending on my mood I come up as either one frequently. I find I fit alot of the different...|||possibly I am fairly irrational in my choice of actions :tongue: quiet awful truly. I over analyze evvverything|||I feel hurt and betrayed and Im not sure why but I keep hoping for some ungodly impossibility that my INFJ (now ex) boyfriend will come back and say he loves me still. he started off so sweet and...|||Yeah tell me about it.. I fell for an INFJ and he was amazing and convinced me to date him (keep in mind i dont do romantic relations... I cant bear loosing people i care about.. Im allll or nothing...|||I have to ask. Is it such a bad mix? Im an ENFJ (my scores below) and i am very good at perception... I recently fell in love with a INFJ but we ended up breaking up. I still want to know if there is...|||i had a great realtionship with an INFJ, in the way that in the beggining he was sweet and kind and over time he grew more mean and kept pushing me away, due to the fact that he was a highly negative...|||I would have to agree, the irrationality claimed as intuition made things hard, as well as the interesting mood/persona changes... though i keep ending up with infjs =/|||What happens when the INFJ is so afraid of their own insecurities and fears that they push you away and give up? Why would he do that? we both came from abusive type relationships with exs and...|||Its not a matter of how to approach, the effort alone is worth the come commendation, and help them? I fail to see why you would need to. You should look for one who is of a stable mind set. No help...|||Dear INFJ Boy I wanted to let you into my world because when we met there was such a sadness in your eyes, and i know i should not date with the intent of helping others, but i did. You...|||The point is there, just describe yourself in a confident and open way =p maybe you are a sexy ninja beast' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 'I journal. Only in times of severe depression though. I tend to want to - for some reason - write it out or something. It's usually a pretty psycho mishmash of how everything is worthless, but...|||I'll just butt in and say that I actually enjoy some kinds of drugs as long as they boost me somehow (amphetamine and the likes) I enjoy being vaguely drunk (just enough to keep my self-control...|||I don't need to LOVE what I do, but I do need to have fun, and feel proud. AND it also has to offer the schedule I want AND the money I want. Which has proven tricky...|||I'm just going to stop posting myself, and let Northern Lights say stuff for me!|||I more or less always speed (exception being around schools and crossings, too much of a risk that I'd kill someone, and while I love going fast, I'm not stupid) Never gotten a ticket though -...|||I'd go with ISTP too - I can totally see the INTJ theory, but somehow I suspect an INTJ would sit around just being...well...'the boss' more, whereas an ISTP would be more likely to 'use' (for lack...|||Hm. Working in tech-support (so not getting computers to work as such, but more a case of why isn't this working, fix it you cunt, or i will kill you you worthless whore!11!!elevn11one) for 16...|||Vehicles of all kinds. It's non-computer, it's hands-on, and it's fascinating and fun - and the feeling of pride and ahaaa when you understand how they work is amazing. I mean, that said,...|||I have no idea what Enneagram-thing I am, but I do use Facebook. I started back in 2007 when I moved from Sweden to France, partly to keep in touch with friends and family back at home without having...|||How do you fit and differ from ISTP stereotypes? I fit in just about all the ways - except I'm fat (we're not supposed to be that) and family and life guided me towards more feminine education,...|||Physical touch, by far. That's basically why my relationship ended; not enough touch, not enough sex.|||Anything where you serve people. I did 16 years or something of customer support. Quit in June. Still unemployed (with literally zero income; I have a supportive family - though it makes me SICK to...|||If you want companionship then your first statement that you wouldn't care about her rings false. Take a serious think about what it is you actually lack, and what you actually want...|||I, also, am not a man - but, at around age 27, I decided to try actual relationships, instead of just FWB-setups. It largely didn't work out. I don't fear risking HURT or whatever it is people...|||I would not wear the elephant - that is how I presume this game works; you comment on the item posted before you - yay or nay - and THEN post an item of your own, which the next person in line...|||Sorry I fell off this thread - was a bit limited for access. So, current story is basically I will try to make my own business. I have given myself until the end of this year, and I have an idea...|||Yeah, this is shitty, and I am sorry, but while I personally am so stuck in WTF-state I can't shake myself out, I know that we are natural problem solvers, and perhaps one of you can solve my...|||I find that 'everyone' says ISTP are shallow. I'm the least shallow person I know, so you won't get ME by being hot at least. People who describe themselves as hot and nice are, in fact, a huge...|||I seriously look at this image, then I look at myself, then I cry a bit, and haul ass off to the gym...|||I keep wishing I could, I'd love to do that for a year or something at least, just to have experienced it, but I've managed to get Stuck in so much, like job, and rental contract where the others...|||How do I even find this out? All the tests I find just suggests one (and I'm at work, so I can't really dedicate too much time to it right now, but of course still feel like I need to try now :p )|||The more I see of your posts, I get the feeling you're probably someone I would enjoy to actually meet. At least in my mind you appear that way. We could get a log cabin in Alaska and hunt and shit. ...|||Freedom - Independence - Privacy.|||Large parts of this thread reeks some kind of special snowflake bullshit. I'm sorry (well, I'm not really) but it does, like I don't have nightmares because I think they're cool Then it's by...|||Interestingly, I wonder what kind of men ISTP women are drawn to - I always seem to end up with NF's. If that's somehow just how it is; that a relationship needs balance, and so T's are attracted...|||Or, you know - as the text said - about them not about you|||Yeah, no attractive isn't a personality trait. That's just dumbasses who think that because someone is Beautiful, they also have to be Good. Leading to MANY broken hearts and pathetic...|||Haha, this is funny because we just had a workshop at work a few days ago... I'm in customer support, and we were talking about approaches to get the best results and surveys and so on. Turns...|||Might be :) For me, it's an in the present thing - but I can't say We may not be together in 15 years, so I won't give this experience my time either. Right now, our relationship is awesome -...|||Oh no, it's very much a bond - we're even engaged at present, cause he felt like it (and admittedly, I quite like the idea, in some weird way...like, whatever happens, we had this Thing, and I will...|||We've tried having that talk - we just basically keep ending up with well, we want to be together, though we do want terribly different things - but as long as neither of us is forced to make a...|||It was really difficult the past 6 months actually - we lived in an expensive, moldy, one-room apartment, and it rained ALL the time (Ireland...sigh) so we were basically on top of each other all the...|||Interesting. My BF of three years is an INFP, so let me think... I hated his guts the moment I saw him, basically - I thought he was ugly, and whiny. Which he was (at least whiny) but then,...|||I never SEEK it - that seems like a waste of time; it'll show up when/if it does. Also, I'm not sure what it actually means - been with my partner now for almost 3 years and I STILL only want to...|||If I'm in a monogamous relationship, then never-ever-ever. I value that trust, and I absolutely despise liars, and so I don't want to be a liar myself.|||Yes. It was one of my party tricks when I was younger (around 20) not just their weak points and fears, but quite a large chunk of their personality, life, interests, family situation, so on - don't...|||Never have, never will - though I do actually stay friends with most of them. I don't know, maybe because to me, most of the relationships have been basically an advanced form of FWB - no clue how...|||I want a house. Ideally my brothers house, which is fucking perfect (HUGE, fire heated, middle of nowhere, barely even any neighbours...it's ABOVE the damn pole circle - I LOVE it) It's heaven on...|||Oooh, this thread reminded me of something else I wanted to be for the past 9 years; perfumer. It's a 2K education just to find out if I have any talent at all though (and to learn the...|||I sleep in t-shirt and pyjama trousers, unless there's sex involved. I don't like the idea of being naked if something happens. If the houses catches fire, or someone breaks in, I want to be...|||Would 'Loss of control' be considered an ISTP panic trigger? Yes. I'd probably go so far as to say it's the main, or even ONLY, one.|||Actually, it sort of was - it basically answered your questions. Just you wanted to be spoonfed more elaboration. If you bother reading, it actually says You are not a failure (addresses your...|||Sounds about right - except possibly 5; I don't avoid them because it's too painful - I do so because once it's over, it's over, and my life goes on. Edit: Unless I see benefit in having them as...|||Yeah, I do this. An ex once told me that when he was little, he asked his father why his father slept on the side of the bed open to the room, while his mother slept closest to the wall. His...|||I wanted to be a rockstar, or a writer. I became customer support. Yes, I struggle with actual suicide thoughts at least bi-monthly.|||That's just it though; I can't prove someone wrong. If - for example - the printer breaks down at work, sure I can fix it - if I have an hour, and peace and quiet. I could just take it apart, figure...|||Thing is I logically know that, but I am somehow conditioned to back off and let the Men handle stuff - because they already know how to, and I don't - so it's turned into a vicious circle, too - I...|||That actually sounds interesting - I've been considering stuff in the general region of that (waste truck driver, plumbing, garbage center, or water purification plant - english is not my first...|||This is going to be VERY long... I'm sorry, first - I'm not sure how this at all relates to type, but I am hoping someone might be able to help me. First off, I am will always be the first to...|||Are you one, or do you know one? I have plenty of questions - I know there are a lot of threads and posts on multiple forums, but it seems easier and less icky to ask specifically, rather than...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'I've had problems in the past with binge eating and compulsive eating (surprisingly, I'm not fat) . It seems that the only way to keep this under control is to strictly schedule my meals and NEVER...|||I do not usually eat meat, but I'm not a strict vegetarian. I don't see anything wrong with eating meat as long as the animal that it is from was kept in good conditions. Since that's usually not...|||INTP and RCUEI with the primary type being inquisitive. But this is the first time of taken this so it could be wrong..|||All of my stuffed animals had feelings in my mind and I remember getting so upset when they wouldn't all fit on the bed because I didn't want any of them to feel left out. And I didn't have...|||It depends on whether I new the person's name or their face first. But usually faces.|||I've never been diagnosed with anything but I've been depressed on and off since I was in Elementary school. Last winter was the worst though because there was actually a person attached to it and...|||I guess I have a few friends. I have one permanent friend who I don't think likes me that much anymore. I have a lot of friendly acquaintances at school but as far as people who I actually hang out...|||I think there's a good chance it's type related. I feel awkward talking about myself because I feel like I'm naturally programmed to take in information during conversations rather than put out and...|||Does it count if I move my mouth but don't make actual sounds? (sometimes I end up talking quietly under my breath but usually it's silent talking). I think in speech patterns most of the time. ...|||Once I'm very interested in someone it seems like I can't stop endless romantic senarios from rushing through my head. They aren't really the fateful encounter type fantasies but I would lump them...|||Sometimes I can't sleep all night because I'm talking to myself quickly under my breath about my ideas and theories. I also have a tendency to think to far into things and analyze every detail in...|||I had this dilemma a while ago and it has led to my being nocturnal for the past 5 nights, sleeping from around mid morning to mid or late afternoon each day. I'm trying to decide whether I should...|||All As and 1 B feels like the same thing as all Cs to me. I want to do something perfectly or not do it at all.|||when you sit up all night mumbling about your abstract theories and are surprised when it starts to get light out.|||the boundaries between what is real an what is not are kind of hazy to me, stuff just happens and Maybe it all in my head. But then again, maybe I don't even have a head. And know, I am not on...|||Fairly short and getting kind of shaggy and in need of a trim. But I like the disheveled look.|||I would classify myself as an INFPish INTP when I'm alone, an I/ENTPish INTP when interacting with people normally, but an ENTJish INTP when in a position of leadership, which I seem to fall into a...|||Well I know I am.|||Sometimes I slave over essays but I just can't bring myself to compose that last paragraph. And whenever that happens, I'm always hoping that my teacher won't allow me to turn it in late so that...|||I was diagnosed with depression That's cool. What do say to something like that anyway?????|||In that case, I would think that being aware that my actions were wrong would be worse.|||I don't exactly know the percentages but I'm french ,german, swedish, irish, scottish, and english as far as I know. In short, a western european mutt|||maybe that's my problem. I'll try it tonight. :D|||Furniture Porn: Enter... It's all there. (and no this is not an actual porn site.) (unless you get off on pieces of furniture humping one another)|||You're right, it does depend on how you look at the situation. From the social viewpoint, I don't think it matters if I am a psychopath or not. It would be more what my actions actually are than...|||My thinking was that since I knew what I was doing was wrong and hurtful it was worse than if I was a psychopath and couldn't fully understand the negative impact.|||Hmm I'll definitely have to look into this.. thank you..|||I was wondering if there is any link between insomnia and type. What's your type and have you had any sleeping problems? If so describe them. I'm INTP and I've struggled with not being able...|||I identify much better with my enneagram. I fall somewhere in the 5 4 spectrum. Probably 5w4. I don't fit a lot of INTP stereotypes so it's harder to identify with my MBT.|||Welcome, from another INTP that isn't into math and science (excluding psychology). I think it may be a 5w4 5w6 thing. Even though not all INTPs are 5s... I'm not even good with computers.|||The sad thing is that I didn't have to call her. She was in the car with me. I like to be the center of attention, I just don't always feel like doing whatever it takes to get all of the...|||Figuring out that I was 5w4 (possibly 4w5) helped a lot because it's a common type among INTPs and I haven't heard of any 5w4 ENTPs, though I'm sure they must exist. Also, a few days ago it took...|||When people ask me what's wrong or if I'm okay because I'm quiet. Or feel bad for me when I'm sitting alone. If I wanted to socialize, I could and would. Oh and when people go beyond saying...|||Thank you :) I am so far.|||This is a tough one. better be.... HUFFLEPUFF.|||Are you Satisfied? - Marina and the Diamonds|||I've been a member since march and a lurker since I discovered the sight. Now that I am at a family gathering of people who don't appreciate my philosophical musings, I am hiding in the corner on...|||Well, I don't have bad posture. My grandmother's a hunchback and I'm scared of looking like her, so I make sure to sit up straight. As far as I know, my neck is pretty normal. I do have...|||The narcissism can be amusing at first, but at times it really gets to me.|||I really need to hurry and finish the first book. I'll probably be good for a few more episodes. I thought they did a good job of sticking to the plot and making Bran look adorable.|||Last summer an INFP (I think) confessed that he had liked me for the past 2 years. At first I liked him back, but grew tired of him after a while. I knew he was obsessed with me so I kept messing...|||I'm not sure that I exist, but if I do I'm female. Physically, at least.|||I don't enjoy small talk at all (not surprising). I like to jump right in to some kind of philosophical discussion. Conversation between me and small-talkers usually go something like this: ...|||I try to ignore gender in relation to how I act and how I dress altogether. I have short hair, but I style it. I like dressing up, mainly because I like aesthetic (might have to do with me being...|||change plans at the last minute. Don't text them back when they ask an urgent question.|||Same here. My best ideas for essays and projects come at the last minute so it works out for the best. Also, if I had started earlier it probably would have taken me twice as long because I wouldn't...|||Due Date. I'm not sure, but I think RDJ is my soulmate.|||I usually only shake hands when meeting someone new. For some reason I always feel a twinge of anxiety when I know the handshake is about to come. But I do my best to shake firmly, and look the...|||I've been told I look like Amanda Bynes. I don't see much of a resemblance. ...|||My mom is an ISTJ and my dad is an ISTP. I get along a little bit better with my dad, but I'm not very close to either of my parents. It's interesting that we're all introverts and thinkers. ...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Too true: The old world will burn in the fires of industry. Forests will fall. A new order will rise. We will drive the machine of war with the sword and the spear and the iron fist of the orc. ...|||Actually, now that I think about it -- Will is a J. The only 'P' thing he ever really does is chase after Elizabeth, and that was an exceptional circumstance. Everything else about him - his sense...|||The thing about Will is that his personality changes tremendously between the first and third films. For Curse of the Black Pearl, I agree with ISFP, but afterwards he becomes much more of a leader...|||I don't understand...|||The Three Musketeers -- I'm the first to admit that it's just a stupid summer blockbuster, but I still think it's entertaining, in a ridiculous sort of way.|||If Americans are so out-of-control and short-sighted enough to make themselves obese en masse, then they deserve to be restricted by legislation like the soda ban in NYC.|||I usually drink earl grey and black too, but I usually spice up the black. For an herbal-like black tea, try adding fresh mint leaves (spearmint, not peppermint) and sugar, or dried sage and honey....|||I would characterize Evanescence (and its listeners) as more INFP. I haven't listened to Breaking Benjamin in a while, but it could be ISFP or INFJ. Also, most pop singers/band personas are just...|||How can you use that definition of a Jack and not include Cpt. Jack Sparrow? :laughing:|||I like this idea - songwriters as authors. For me, it's Amy Lee. 'Actual' authors include: Sharon Creech, when I was younger. I wanted to BE her characters. J.R.R. Tolkien, because his works are...|||Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that God may love thee. Speak the truth, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless, and do no wrong. That is your...|||I love you. I need you. You mean everything to me. I thought you might like this. (someone having given me a thoughtful, spontaneous gift) Let's go hang out in a bookstore. Want some...|||Yes, I can see INFP for Mark, too. Jill could be an I, but S strikes me as more accurate because she's so focused on her immediate surroundings, the tiniest details of everyone's lives, etc.|||Hello. Welcome to the forums :proud:|||Middle Earth, without question. Specifically Lothlorien, or Mirkwood once it became Greenwood again. I also love the WoW world. It's pretty cliche, but so freaking epic - not to mention the fact...|||I used to watch this show often, but I never really considered what the characters' personality types might be. These are my best guesses: Tim - ESxP Jill - ESFJ Al - ISFJ Wilson - INTP Brad -...|||My only impression of him comes from the characters he portrays and maybe one or two interviews, and he always seems to be/play the extrovert. Granted, I haven't followed him very closely, but how...|||INFP seems slightly off for Leonard; it just doesn't fit. I agree with the F, but ISFP or ISFJ seems more likely.|||Tea, and some homemade vegan bread|||Like raw meat, I imagine, although it probably varies depending on which part of the interior you're smelling.|||I had the same reaction as most of the above. Wanted to find out what the hype was about, read the first chapter, found out the writing was atrocious and the plot lame and predictable. I've read much...|||I agree with Frodo, but Gandalf is generally typed in the INTP/INTJ realm.|||My mother's an ISTJ - I know how difficult that can be. I think, fundamentally, ISTJs (at least the ones I know) have difficulty expressing their own feelings or telling others what they need to feel...|||ENFP sounds right to me as well. Granted, I haven't seen much of him since LOTR, but from the interviews and behind-the-scenes footage of him, he seemed very outgoing, fun-loving, charming, etc - the...|||Also, Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus|||It's Arabic. INTP's pretty accurate anyway, since I can't determine whether I'm T or F.|||Your avatar looks pretty ENFP to me.|||Hello, infpetey. Good to have you.|||Just saw it a few days ago - fantastic! (and it takes a lot to get an exclamation point out of me) Though I never expected to like Thorin so much...|||No. No, you didn't.|||I would say the first sign is that they show more emotion than they normally do. If they're INTs, then once they open up at all it's probably a good sign that they like you.|||I prefer silver...|||Ha. I'll do it for you: there is a possibility that the person to post after me will wake up in a locked chest full of spiders.|||Spot-on. This is why he's my favorite - good description.|||Potatoes only have eyes. Pretty sure there are no mouths on them with which to say anything....|||INxP Snape, Luna (and Harry, in the books and earlier movies)|||Yes, but some people win more than others.|||This made me laugh. I can't see it for an extra week though - need to wait until finals are over.|||I think you're wrong.|||How to Read a Book - 1940 edition - Mortimer J. Adler|||Yes, conditionally. Only from people I already know and really like/love. Otherwise, I hate people touching me.|||Nice username - now I'm picturing you as Liam Neeson.|||My posts tend to be short and to-the-point, not because I can't elaborate, but usually because I don't have the time or inclination to write out extremely long answers.|||Drinking peanut butter hot chocolate right now.|||Possible - just had a big snowfall yesterday, and I have to go our on the roads in a while...|||Procrastinating from writing a final paper before the semester ends. Debating if I want to work out today or not.|||fatima.19 - I'm a Muslim too (see avatar), though more INxP than INFP. I find a lot of beauty in Islam - the simplicity and elegance of its basic tenets, its message of equality, soaring nature...|||whoops, double post|||THat's possible: your INFJ description fits me pretty well. I'll look into it - thanks.|||I don't know if mixing types is possible, but I've felt like some sort of INFP/INTP hybrid for a long time. I originally thought I was INTP, but I realized I'm much more fantasy-focused than...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | '36|||Most: 694 or 692 Least: 873|||It sounds like a very difficult and complicated situation. I do think couples counseling will be helpful even if you end up choosing not to stay together. Improving your communication skills is...|||I spent a large portion of my life trying to desensitize myself. It didn't work and now I have also come to terms and accepted my highly sensitive nature.|||Most movies make me cry. I hate watching movies with other people.|||When I am alone with someone I am not comfortable with I do feel compelled to make conversation but I usually just ask lots of questions to get to know them better. When it is a bigger group I...|||People frequently think I am sad about something when I am perfectly fine. Over the years I have taught myself to have a slight smile a lot of time to counteract all of this concern I keep getting.|||Indigo|||Thanks for the laugh! Love these videos|||ENFJs can be optimistic and see the best in people. I'm not sure what this guy's motivation is though. Why don't you just ask him?|||Everything about that situation would make me uncomfortable. I don't like being approached by strangers so I would have paid attention and politely said I wasn't interested in participating. If I...|||Who needs other joy when you have the pleasure of smoking? ;) As a former smoker I am mostly kidding. I do think there is a bit of a numbing effect from smoking and I do feel more vital since I quit.|||I get teary quite frequently - a few times a week at least. If anything moves me, makes me sad, makes me mad or if I see anyone else crying I respond automatically with tears. An actually sobbing...|||I'm very forgiving and tolerant. I rarely cut people out of my life. It has to be pretty extreme for that to happen.|||Theory says that you stay the same throughout your life but circumstances and phases of life can cause you to develop different functions and your behaviour can change a lot. I'm a bit torn...|||I can immediately tell that someone is familiar and that I should be able to place them but I usually can't remember where I know them from. This happens all the time with TV shows but thankfully...|||I'm very responsible with money and budgeting. When I am under stress I do sometimes online shop a bit too much but I have lots of savings to cover it.|||For those who fall somewhere in the middle on the introvert/extrovert scale, what would be some other differences between the NFJ types to help them decide between them?|||I was listening to some of the podcasts at Personality Hacker and they have suggestions on how to encourage growth for each type.|||I got Green/White as well|||Her behaviour seems quite odd and I would be a bit concerned that she has no friends. Even though I'm an INFP I don't really relate to that kind of hot and cold treatment of people so I hope her...|||When I was younger I had a lot of social anxiety and low self-esteem so I understand what you are saying. Now that I am older I have a lot more confidence and I have accepted myself as I am. I...|||I think your responses to the questionnaire sound rather INFP. Sometimes healthy Fi can look like Fe because it is considerate of others and likes harmony. Maybe you should consider that type?|||She sounds like a high Te user - ISTJ, ESTJ, ENTJ or INTJ are my guesses|||Thanks. I feel like my attention to detail is quite weak and my memory recall is poor so that is one hesitation I have about Si especially as a dominant functions. Here is one of those...|||My guess is ISTP as well|||In terms of possibilities I tend to be very good at problem solving because I can see alternate solutions that no one has considered. I tend to look at it from a different perspective and get...|||The results of the 3 tests were ESFJ, INFP and ENFJ. Here are some processes of mine that fit or do not fit the profile of the types: Thoughts on being an ESFJ: - I am very nostalgic about...|||I am relatively new to cognitive functions so I took a few tests today. The results are a bit different from each test and was wondering about some help interpreting the results. I have related...|||Hi and welcome! This place might make you think even more :)|||Hi and welcome! I love cats too.|||Hi and welcome! I love animals|||Hi and welcome! I am new here too|||Hi and welcome! I am new here too. INFPs are wonderful|||Hi and welcome! I am new here too|||Thank you for the links!|||Thank you!|||Having small children, I have learned there is a lot of value in planning when it comes to outings and trips so I have become more skilled at that. I am very time aware so I can usually complete...|||INFP - Scholar and then Artisan|||I prefer novels that have more complex plots. Some romance in a book is fine but I don't want it to be the sole focus of the book.|||Are there any INFPs who are skilled at organizing and planning things?|||I've been married to an ISFP for over 10 years and it is a great combo for us. We both have a deep understanding and respect of each other's feelings. We can be a bit quiet sometimes but we enjoy...|||Hmm ISTP crossed my mind a few times while reading this. Do you think you are Ti dominant?|||I see a lot more Ne in your post than Ni. I have read that Ne users can have a hard time committing to one type :)|||I can see why you are torn but I also vote for INFP type 7.|||Life as an ENFJ for me: My feelings are very strong and I am constantly noticing how people around me are responding to everything. I like to surround myself with optimistic, positive people who I...|||I would guess your dad is ESFJ or possibly ESTJ. Your mom is trickier. Does she make decisions based on her feelings? Does she also like to improvise when it comes to making plans or going places?...|||ENFJ 1. I was not popular in high school 2. I can be quiet and reserved in a crowd 3. I am messy 4. I hate exercising 5. I enjoy being logical and analytical sometimes|||I really like SPs. Their Se inspires me.|||Hi I'm an ambivert ENFJ who loves everything about personality typing. I am interested in learning more about enneagram, socionics and other personality typing systems.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Watch The Social Network and see if you relate to Justin Timberlake's character (Sean Parker). A great representation of an ENTP capitalist.|||There are 2 parts to exercising will power: 1) Showing presence-of-mind. 2) Tolerating discomfort. You seem to be struggling with the latter. The, most 'INTP' way of dealing with this is...|||Motivated by spite? Strikes me as an easy way to waste a lot of time.|||OMG no WTF lol :crazy:|||Turnitin is now going to crawl this website and flag those sentences as plagiarized. :kitteh:|||I also lean more towards Materialism.|||I like it. This is fairly reflective of my experience, being one of the brighter ones in my class (but sadly also one of the most lazy and disorganised).|||It's been right round the corner for 50 years. Don't believe everything you read on Zerohedge.|||INTP 5w4 here. I concur with the naive experience of emotion, rather like many of the INTPs on here. But I seem to have reconciled myself with the situation and as such I don't feel the least bit...|||Well thanks I guess. It's weird but these goals have kinda always been there, but only recently have I been consciously aware of them. OT but you can quote more than one message per post ya know....|||Cleaner? I did that for a couple of summers during uni. I was working at a hospital at the time and ended up sterilizing surgical instruments. Plenty of part-time work and much of it will be evenings...|||I'm a scientist. I wouldn't be as happy doing anything else. However, why can I only have just the one? My other goals are: Good husband. Happy father. Decent person.|||Anything that is both rationally true and also horribly counterintuitive: I've been debating the idea that we have no free will on this site. The idea that there is no such thing a the continuous...|||Our best physical theories (QM) indicate that random chance really is an intrinsic property of the universe. This connects to macroscopic effects as described by chaos theory. For instance: your...|||Those times when you have nothing in is what pizza delivery is for. If you buy a big one, it'll do tomorrow as well.|||I have some experience with this. :sad: One thing that might work is: Just being there. Abandon thoughts of prying feelings out of someone - it's just going to alienate them. Don't act with...|||Poetic. I like it.|||The search for truth and a commitment to try and live in truth. I never feel entitled to it. The truth often comes at a price. And I am far from perfect at it as well, we all fall prey to...|||Exactly, though I agree with the functional stack one, simply because that is an INTP by definition. Semper veritas is, however, a personal value of mine.|||The best cure for presentation nerves is to know more about your subject than anyone else in the room. Then you're laughing. Failing that, practise, practise, practise. Get a coursemate to watch...|||LOL. Gotta love the INTP forum. I got shot yesterday. Wow. What kind of gun did they use? In answer to the OP: The situation you describe is common in the world of work. Trying to convince...|||Less and less critical all the time. I used to be more suspicious the dogma that underpins the modern scientific method, but increasingly see it as a least-worst option for understanding the...|||Come on guys, you know the routine. ...Ad fades from black. Plinky-plonky melancholy music. Slow motion black and white images of either a crying african child or a sad-looking dog. This is X...|||It's more polite to make out that you are struggling to follow what someone is saying than it is to tell them that what they're saying is so boring that your mind wandered. If you said something...|||I do this. Though only occasionally because of exasperation with someone I think is being intellectually lazy. Most of the time I do it because solving problems is fun, and I wouldn't like to deny...|||In the UK: Hard work. Whenever anything goes wrong: because of an insufficiency of hard work. Working 24 hours a day and still failed? Should have worked 26. Never mind trying to actually think...|||The whole trilogy is a mediation on Free Will. How is our Free Will limited by our environment/perception? How is it limited by our natural abilities? How is it limited by the machinations of people...|||People who post controversial opinions that they don't believe, simply for the sake of offending people are idiots. People who post self-referential opinions are even worse.|||I'm right. You're mistaken. They're crazy/evil.|||Cliffs? For those of us who don't fancy wading through it. EDIT: I think I got it. It would be the specialness vs love distinction, Ch24....|||One of the reasons I like it is because it pisses on the continuity-fascism that plagues most of sci-fi. And so it must, in order to resolve all the temporal-paradoxes that would result from going...|||Not plagued. Now starting to think I'm the freak ha ha. I do come to conclusions tentatively, but the universe is a complicated place and in my experience it's usually better to have an answer...|||It's a Wonderful Life|||INTJs read all the scientific literature, digest it and come to a considered conclusion, INTPs don't bother and survive on fuzzy inferences about systems and rapidly iterating logical deductions. To...|||If you are mentally ill, to some, everything you say is suspect. That is why I frequently accompany my partner to medical consultations and advocate for her as vigorously as possible.|||A 'Rustlers' microwave cheese and bacon burger. Blah.|||Vimto is far superior to Ribena. There, I said it!|||ENTJ. But then I know an ENTJ in work (he did the test and everything) and he is nothing like I'd expect an ENTJ to be like. :unsure:|||I hate 'shopping' and everything it stands for.|||In order to exercise my willpower I need to be well rested, well hydrated and have eaten fairly recently. Once you've got the basics out of the way it comes down to practice. Using willpower is...|||I have spend that last few months working on my willpower, with some success. Stoic spiritual practice is my weapon of choice. I have come to the conclusion that willpower - the ability to for...|||From what I gathered in my web research, bupropion is the king of antidepressants - it doesn't damage your libido or cause you to put on weight, and stops you wanting to smoke (smoking is almost...|||These rules build upon one another, in order of importance: 1) Follow the rules. Show up on time, follow procedure, do what is expected of you, cover your ass. 2) Don't be an asshole. If everyone...|||In school I was a smart-ass slacker. Doing just enough work to get straight A's. Used to leave my homework till the last minute then burn through it (often first thing in the morning before the class...|||Reading Moby Dick is an allegory for a whaling voyage: brief instances of excitement punctuating long periods of boredom.|||I think it's a (relative) preference for introverted perceiving and extraverted judging that comes through: Si hard work and tried and true methods, and Ni mysticism both seem stronger in Asian...|||It isn't, it's good manners. Deliberate, underhanded/deceitful methods of advancing the manipulator's own self interest. That is manipulation. INTP chameleoning: unconscious, empathetic (driven...|||Not a paleontologist, but my best friend in Uni was a Geology student. From what I gathered at the time, geology is a prerequisite for paleontology. You may find that your geology course has modules...|||Ah yes, I've heard of this but not met anyone who has done one of these courses at the start of their PhD's, so I'm afraid I can't help you there. Good luck whichever direction you choose.|||anon What field is your PhD in? I thought all PhDs in the UK were research-based. Certainly of all the science PhD students I have dealt with, none of them have had assignments or exams that...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'At this moment I'm very afraid of my emotions. I'm convinced that if I let them run amok, they will destroy me.|||Dear INTJ, I have a crush on you. That's why I turn into an idiot when you're around. I wish I could speak to you with more confidence. Sincerely, INTP|||Sometimes I feel like a prisoner of my own mind. When I feel something, I instantly start to analyze the feeling. Is this a good idea? What are the possible risks? Is it really worth it? Almost...|||I like barn owls and ravens.|||ISTPs. My best friend is an ISTP. Some people think she's a bit intimidating, but we've always had a connection. I love her dark sense of humor. ENTPs seem so confident that they make me nervous,...|||What pisses me off about myself is my laziness (or tendency to procrastinate) and inability to make decisions.|||When I have a crush on someone and I feel all fuzzy and warm inside and listen to love songs on Youtube.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9BfvPjsXXw&ob=av2e|||Sounds familiar. People have told me I try too much. I'm ashamed by this people pleasing tendency, because I'd like to appear as a person who doesn't care. I tend to feel la bit disconnected...|||I'd say pretty much everything from Rollins Band.|||I find it amusing how some people take things personally on the Internet.|||INTPs are good at maths. I find this stereotype annoying, because mathematical skills have never been my strongest point.|||Society wants me to be ENFJ because I happen to be female. However, I'm INTP.|||I had this ESFJ male acquaintance who really wanted to have me as his girlfriend. I told it's not going to happen, and thought he got it. But no... every time we saw each other, he tried to get close...|||I'm not religious but spiritual, I just believe in some sort of higher power. I used not to, because I had no proof. Then I had this realization - logical thinking isn't all there is. I still don't...|||I just found this survivalist thing hilarious. I understand if it's a hobby, but if it becomes an obsession... it's almost funny how some people are so damn scared of death. I don't know what...|||I'm having a common cold. Boring! I feel too weak to go out - or maybe I could go for a little walk. It could actually make me feel a bit better, because I get a bit frustrated when staying in my...|||Lately, I have found which foods work for me and which don't. I eat lots of vegetables. Wheat doesn't suit me very well - I'm not eating bread, cereal or pasta anymore. I start my day with an oatmeal...|||I'm feeling somewhat frustrated and even a bit angry, which means people should just leave me alone today. For some reason, I'm quite stressed - I worry about money, even though I have enough money...|||Age of Empires. I personally love Final Fantasy series, especially IX. VII is considered to be the best by the most people, but I like IX because it has fairytale-like atmosphere, compared to...|||Existence. Just being alive.|||Listening to Dubstep radio at di.fm and drinking coffee. :)|||http://www.spiritofspider.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/joep-hommerson-4.jpg (by Joep Hommerson) I like surreal and visionary art.|||http://www.browntapeproducts.com/DMICatalog/thumbnails/PC595.jpg|||Yes. It used to be something between misanthropy and nihilism. I disliked the most people. Nowadays I just observe, not really having much opinion about anything. It's not apathy, but more like...|||Somebody, I don't care.|||I think you're right. My ex-boyfriends have told me I'm cold, sadistic and heartless. I haven't been called a bad person but a monster... My view is that I've been involved with insecure, unstable...|||Slowly waking up. Drinking green tea and eating yoghurt with apple jelly in it.|||If a person that I like really has has a problem and therefore a reason to be upset, I try to help him/her somehow, give an advice if it's asked for. Otherwise, my reaction varies depending on my...|||I like to wear purple clothes, I just can't get enough of my favourite colour. I can't describe my overall style, because it's changing a lot, depending on my mood and other factors. But I like...|||I remember reading that if you're unsure, not knowing are you INFP or INTP, think about how you make big decisions in your life. During the process, feelings and logic are being taken into account,...|||Smoking DMT is one of the best experiences I've ever had. I could speak to my higher self, that reassured me when I told her in my head that I feel so lost in my life and I have no idea what to do....|||21. I don't get it, I think of myself as an empathic person, even more than the most people. The fact I don't know how to express it, doesn't mean I lack empathy.|||Normally 8-10 hours. 2-5 hours when I'm hypomanic, and 12-16 hours when I'm depressed.|||People who test me. For example, one guy threw a tantrum because he thought I'm unemotional and cold. He said: Leave me alone, I never want to see you again! I respected what he said and didn't...|||Yes. Most of the time I'm observing and listening, letting others do the talking. However, I have a tendency to space out if I'm bored (=when people are talking about subjects that do not interest...|||I hug a teddybear when I have problems falling asleep. (LOL) Sometimes I feel like my computer is my best friend. I get annoyed when someone has a crush on me and therefore seems overly...|||I've done many drugs, but now I'm trying to stay clean. I was addicted to amphetamines, because they made me less depressed (I used to be so depressed that I needed uppers to get even trivial...|||You know you're an INTP when you have no difficulty understanding chaos theory, but sorting out the chaos in your apartment seems to be an impossible task, no matter how hard you try.|||Hi. I'm a 23-year-old girl from Finland. My Myers-Briggs type is INTP and my enneagram type is 5w4. Being a thinker doesn't mean I'd be unemotional, and sometimes I'm even too emotional, I just...' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Wow! That's very IDEALISTIC of you. This chick has used me and other mutual friends before for her needs that she deceived us into believing were beyond her control until we found out we were all...|||Sheet, I don't blame you. If it's awkward, it sucks. Exing her out is best, I'd say. Anyone that makes me feel uneasy (besides bosses) get exed out. Anyone I can't REALLLY talk to get put on the...|||My fellow ENFPs might hate me because I'm older than them with waaaaayyyyy more experience than them. They seem like children to me sometimes. WTF? Maybe I'm not an ENFP, or just an adult in her...|||This thread looks like a freakin Huggables (look it up young ones) convention. Yes, I like hugs too, but that's not porn, k. Yeah, I'm an in your face ENFP. That's how I roll.|||Lame!!!!! I like my porn nutty and slutty.|||He needs a confidante, and he does not feel that he can do that with you. Let him know that he can do that with you without judgment.|||Oh no! As an ENFP that has done this before (held things in), I will say that I believe it is self destructive because, like a volcano or steam engine with built up energy with no release, there...|||Well, not all of us are jerks. I mean, I have tortured myself for being rude, or what I perceived as mean plenty of times. Classes....ah you make me want to go back to school. I already got a...|||Oh wow, yes. I have made some excuses for her behavior such as the other stressors in her life, and I think I am holding on to that person I have known to be good natured. It's just not showing up...|||Hahaha! OK, I'll stop.|||Oh wow, yeah I could see why you would not want that dude in your apartment while your trying to study or SLEEP perhaps lol. People do change, though. All we can do accept that and move on.|||Oh man, what a downer. I can only imagine :(|||I guess I feel that because CA friend and I have been through so much together, I do not want to lose her as a friend, but at the same time I'm shocked and unnerved by her actions toward our mutual...|||I hear ya, King. I have friends, but I would like someone I can just sit around with and cuddle, hold hands, and share my inner most self with. I went to dinner with friends last week, and it was...|||Oh no, I did not mean to suggest that all BPs were cruel. I should have worded that to include that she has all these other stressors in her life and that perhaps it is overwhelming her as a BPI. I...|||LOL Sorry about all that TX/CA stuff. Well, I ultimately did tell the mean friend that she was being cruel and a user. I just could not hold back. She thinks she has had a rough life, which she...|||I'm having a bit of a moral dilemma here. I have a friend that I have known since I was 11. We have had intermittent contact over the years, but it has been much more regular in the past few. Well,...|||You are most welcome!|||My advice to the young ones. NEVER show your true self while out in your job. Yes, be the personable entity that you are, but do not got very personal. People will not understand your lives...|||Is it not the beauty of being an ENFP that one cannot be stereotyped by appearance? Blending in, chameleonlike-adaptable. I thought that was the true ability of ENFP-change and adaptation. Not...|||More.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrpGhEVyrk0|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQVeaIHWWck http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpeWHPtviFQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO5APfKnR50|||Long and short answer: You are not ready for any kind of long-term commitments at this point in your life. I always find it best to let someone know this at the start so they know where I stand.|||Hmmm, you may be correct, but how well was psychoanalysis working before CBT? From my understanding, not so well because the phobias were not really understood all that well in the first place.|||What do you mean by more standardized? Do you mean that it is in use much more often? Please expound.|||Well, I can definitely agree with that statement. Different animal indeed :)|||I'm always apologizing for my lack of attention to spelling. I tyoe fast and often miss a few words here and there, but as a college educated man, I believe you will get the gist.|||It was hip? Weird, we just read some of his writings and made our own anyses about what it has to do with today. Nah, man, my ideas about Freudstarted at an early age. I became curious about him...|||My problem as well.|||LOL! That was funny, King :)|||I love my dog whom which King of Dreams resembles.|||Sometimes I find myself wishing to be more grounded. In fact, I find myself not even knowing what that means.|||Nay. I do not suffer from high self-esteem. I say suffer from because those with high self-esteem are disbaled when it comes to humilty which many a human encounter requires. I suffer from low...|||I tried keeping a journal once, but I kept having to insert sentences in between other sentences once I remembered something I forgot to put in the original paragraph. It ended up looking like child...|||I guess I'm lucky in that most people I talk to (on a personal level) understand where I'm going with my thoughts because they have witnessed my all over the place branching off several times lol .|||Is that what keeps taking my llighters? ;)|||Some people believe that this scatterbrain phenomenon is a result of simply not taking things into consideration, being all over the place. I agree with the being all over the place part. However,...|||It is difficult for me to take much that has come from Freud seriously. The dude was obsessed with dreams and found sexuality to be the root of so many of life's frustrations and happiness. ...|||Yes, actually, a bit more in SF.|||Perhaps it is your location. San Francisco is absolutely awesome; however, it's very expensive. I loved living there, but I also wanted to have money in my savings account lol. I'll never regret...|||Yeah, I can get emotive about certain things and/or issues. It just depends on strongly I feel about it. Hahaha! Your boyfriend sounds like my ex-boyfriend (no, his fliping out had nothing to do...|||Oh wait...WARNING, WARNING.....bars are usually not a good place to find a partner unless you are looking for a friend with priviledges or a partner in crime lol. You CAN find a real relationship in...|||Live shows/concerts, little bars, little not-popular coffee shops. Me and my ENFP friends tend to like a place that is a bit off-beat. Bars and coffee shops that play interesting music, whether it...|||Right on chinotto ans Sundancer. I dig your posts!|||Well, you all know we are ALL mutts, right? I had a physical anthropology professor once who said this, There is no such thing as pure race. Anyone who says there is is full of shit. Ever since...|||No, it's just that the Mescalero live not far from the city I'm from, and there are many Mexicans in the area too.|||You would not happen to live in NM, would you?|||I really don't know, myself. I have studied various cultures as I studied anthropology. I recall thinking that I'd hate to be a woman in some of those cultures. I am Latina; however, I don't look...|||I agree....pills. Too many pills!|||Whoa!!!! Lots of Bipolar II and dyslexia. I do not believe I have been properly diagnosed. I have been diagnosed with general panic disorder, major depression, with a side of PTSD. Yes, sure doc....' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'As long as I can make a living from what I earn, the amount of money is not important. It is a shame that money has such great influence on wealth. Sometimes I wish I had a lot of money - not because...|||I don't mind insects at all. They have the right to be where they want. However, in case they are inside my house I usually catch them and let them out. Not because I am afraid of them - I just think...|||-Thinking -Dreaming - Being alive - Playing classical music on my saxophone and trumpet - Listening to music (mostly classical and jazz) - Spending time with my twin - Reading (mostly...|||I have to confess I am curious by nature. Anyhow, I only remember those things which I believe are worth remembering. That is quite a lot, though.|||The Italian Concert by Bach.|||Most of all, other peoples happiness.|||Agnostic. Yet, I still have doubts.|||I am extremely sensitive. I cry very easily because events in the world affect me deeply. From age four to age seven I was afraid answering a question when somebody asked me something. I would just...|||Welcome to PerC! I wonder why quite a few INFJs feel the need to do many different things job-wise. I believe I read somewhere, that INFJs dislikes routine tasks. Apparently, many of us will get...|||-Cruelty -War -Injustice - Hate - Narrowmindedness - Disrespectfulness - Abuse in all shapes and forms - Conflicts (when topic has something to do with religion, politics, personal view). -...|||Greetings! And welcome to the forum (:|||I am like a bird flying over sea Hoping some day I may be Something I yet can't define But truly, I know, It can't be mine The hidden key is yet locked One day we may be shocked To find a...|||From the age of three to seven I refused to answer any question asked by an unknown person. My response to their questions was to stare at them for a while, and then, eventually, get distracted by...|||I am the girl who started crying when I read this thread.|||I am quite talkative when near close friends. Sometimes, anyway. It depend on so much. My mood, their mood, the context, topic and what the importance of the conversation is. Small-talk is not my...|||I work best when I know there is plenty of time for me to finish what I started. It's not that practical but anyhow, it kind of works for me if I can get done with a project without being...|||I find small-talk quite irritating and somewhat annoying. I don't see any importance in the daily-life topics and I always fail to come up with a good answer to stuff like: How do my hair look? I...|||The forgive but never forget thing is so like me. When people say they are sorry for whatever they have done to hurt me I will immediately forgive them. I feel like I can't do anything else. I won't...|||Luther Vandross - Dance with my father. It makes me cry every time I hear it.|||Welcome to PerC! Hope you will like it here (:|||I play the saxophone and the trumpet. :)|||Well, the reason why I am asking is this: For me mathematics doesn't matter. I don't care whether the result is 44 or 33274. My brain stops functioning the minute I'm looking at math. I just can't...|||I confess that I dislike almost all of my classmates. I don't really care about them, because they never seem to care about me. Maybe that's because I am hiding from them. Always behind the closed...|||Hey all. I read somewhere, that INFJs usually enjoy solving math and science problems. That made me wondering, since math is one of the hardest subjects for me to pass. :confused: Do you enjoy...|||I don't know much about Marijuana, so I've no opinion about that. Personally, I would never smoke anything. Mostly because I hear what it does to the body. I believe it's good sense not to do it....|||I never understood what the feeling 'hate' is. I don't know how it feels to hate. That's why I don't use that word. It is a very hard word ti describe the meaning of, and I still haven't been able to.|||I used to play World Of Warcraft, which I did for three years. Before that I played a lot of Pokémon and a little Sims. I played WoW the most, though.|||Try something written by Albert Camus. I find him a great author.|||Paul Auster - The New York Triologi. I really enjoyed reading that one. It's really good, I think. It gives you a lot to think about.|||Welcome! Hope you will enjoy it here. ^_^|||Savage Rose, wild child.|||Welcome! Hope you will find it comfortable here! :)|||Welcome! :happy:|||Welcome! Glad you like it here. :happy:|||Welcome! It's nice to have you here :happy:|||I have been called many things - a lot of them have been negative. Some have been said behind my back. Intelligent, brainy, smart, introverted, quiet, mysterious, poetic, away, in my own world,...|||Poetic complex|||I'm right-handed, although I used to be able to use my left hand when using a scissor or something.|||I have played the saxophone for six years (both alto, tenor and barytone). For about a year ago I started playing the trumpet. I can play very little piano and flute. My sister who play the trombone...|||Okay, I think I'm going to give it a go.. The girl who can stare at herself for hours without knowing what is hiding inside. I am the one who barely knows and accept herself because the rest of...|||I'm an INTJ girl. I don't think I'm girly at all, but I'm having a hard time defining 'girly'. I'm thinking it could be a girl who doesn't wear lots of make-up and don't wear the most expensive...|||Welcome! :happy:|||People usually find me intimidating. I don't know why that is. When a group of people are having a conversation I rarely say anything, instead I just stand and stare. I think people find it weird or...|||Welcome! :) Hope you have a nice time.|||When you have a hard time forgiving yourself. When you feel different than the people around you. When you hide your inner-self and gets sad when people believe you are something you are not. ...|||Personally, I haven't ever thought about the mask. Not many people know who I am. It is not because I don't want them to. I just tend to be quiet around others, I hardly ever share my feelings or...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Alright, I admit, I did not read your whole post. I did go back and read that 11,000-subject study you mentioned. Perhaps my allegation that the Big 5 is much more accurate was a bit hasty. I will...|||I never said the MBTI was an invalid or unreliable test, that it didn't pass muster or that psychologists reject it. I said they were beginning to favor the Big 5 over the MBTI, which means fewer...|||The psychology world is starting to abandon the MBTI in favor of the Big 5 personality types. All the evidence personality psychologists are finding is showing that the Big 5 is much more accurate...|||Obviously you misunderstood the point I was trying to make. Since I have a desire for you to understand my argument here, I have the responsibility of trying to more effectively communicate my point...|||I can tell you to do whatever I want to tell you to do. Of course that doesn't mean you actually have to do it. :wink:|||It is your responsibility if you have a desire to be understood, or to not be misunderstood, just as much as it is the responsibility of the other person to correctly understand you. It's a mutual...|||My apologies, I certainly did not mean to imply that this is not true. In fact, I made this exact point to someone else just last night on the issue of feminism. I try to refrain from using absolute...|||Please don't take this as a personal attack or criticism. These are just my own general observations and reactions to this thread as a psychologist. Firstly, by making an allegation that someone...|||Your opinion is unjustified and your arguments are unfounded and unsubstantiated.|||forgot one... Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouf?|||I may not always be right, but I am never wrong. Your argument is invalid What are, you? Stupid? Yeah, well.. Your opinion is wrong. What part of ___ didn't you understand? The (first...|||I've been told this a time or two. I didn't give it much credit though. I imagine it's just the predictability of their behavioral patterns. Get to know someone well enough, pay attention to their...|||One of my psychology professors mentioned a study that was done saying that a high IQ has no correlation with success or happiness. If only I could remember what the name of it was or who it was that...|||I rarely lose my temper too. When I do though, I've been told that I get really calm. If someone asks me to do something, I literally do exactly what they ask for and absolutely nothing else. People...|||Like you, if I am doing this, I certainly don't see my actions as cold and calculating. I think it's important to understand that other people view it as such regardless of the actual intent or...|||Well... Yes and no... I mean ruthless really is a strong word to describe this tendency. I don't know what his motivations were, but there is the possibility that had I been him and under certain...|||Just to provide you lovely INFPs with an outside perspective on this thread: In psychology, this is most closely related to the idea of cognitive dissonance. It’s natural to want to align what is...|||But you did suggest he tell people he is depressed in order to justify his relationship. If he isn't depressed but said he was, would he not be lying about being depressed? If this wasn't what you...|||I can absolutely fake it, but like thecatharsis said, it was a learned skill. When discussing introverts and extroverts in all of my psychology classes, I got a lot comments that no one had believed...|||All Natural Boulder Ice Cream - Mexican Chocolate It has cinnamon! Mmmmmmnomnomnomnomnomnomnom..... ew, I made a mess...|||You offend me good sir. Pistols at dawn! The very idea reminds me of corporate personhood, which is stupid for its own reasons. The rules were interesting though.|||No, it was Introduction to Philosophy. Although western was an option, I didn't think I knew enough to just jump in with both feet.|||This is what I meant. Most of the one's I've seen have put forth a lot of effort. Not here in Denver. At least not in the area I live. In fact, I don't think I've seen a single one since I moved...|||well there something you don't see everyday...|||You're not the first person to consider this. If I remember correctly, I believe the conclusion was that it would be a bad thing. Imagine if you could never get rid of a bad habit, or were forced to...|||Actually, the reptilian primitive part of the brain is called the limbic system and it has absolutely nothing to do with being introverted or extroverted. It is made up of various regions that...|||I grew up with my family telling me what I was interested in and what I wasn't all the time. I conformed to this to avoid conflict, but that sort of influence on me proved to be quite negative in the...|||I think university name dropping is geared more toward getting hired in the first place than it is toward getting customers. I think there is a fundamental flaw in the general perception of how...|||Honestly, this wasn't something I considered in my post. This is more of what I was thinking of: There is this quesadilla bar in the cafeteria at school with all the toppings/fillings on the...|||First off, that video was very interesting. Thank you very much for linking it. I really like that he told the audience exactly what the limitations and strengths of the EEG are before getting too...|||lol|||I took a philosophy class a while back. My professor sort of glossed over her work and mentioned her name only in a few discussions. This isn't the worst thing he did that semester though. He...|||Hiding from other humans as best I can and behaving like an extrovert if I can't. It's all just to throw you off our scent. Think: Mission Impossible... (queue music)|||Hiding from people mostly..|||Yes. This. And even worse, being told how to do what we were just told to do. Want a fast track to our darker side? Do this. Probably like flour... and sweet... maybe some cinnamon and vanilla...|||You may have a point here, but I think you understood the intent behind what I said without having to argue semantics. Yes, I agree this is true but not the sole cause for such a change,...|||arkigos In this light, I will admit I may have unintentionally committed a red herring fallacy. I will maintain that an arbitrary 'no' to the question of whether or not an MBTI type can change is...|||Actually its x93cognitive neuropsychologyx94 and when discussing cognitive functions, it is relevant. This thread isnx92t necessarily about cognitive functions, but you did bring it up when you questioned...|||It sounds like you're talking about manipulating people for the expressed purpose of human domination. Unless I am your right hand man, I would prefer not to be under your thumb, thanks. And my kung...|||This is true, but the MBTI never claimed to type anyone's life experiences and neither have I. This is also true, and neither did I try to refute this claim. I will say however, it does still try...|||Woah, calm down. I never said you didn't know anything, just that you need to brush up on your research. I am not questioning your intelligence, just your knowledge on this subject and the source of...|||Spot on. My J is the weakest of my traits, sitting at about 61%. The rest are +85%. Not sure I can help you with this. I can tell you what you're doing wrong a lot easier than what you could do...|||Dang it! Now I have to change my avatar to something less noticeable.|||Mine is a picture I took of my mac keyboard way back when they first came out with the ufo imac (one is pictured below if you don't know what I'm talking about.) I hated the way it turned out. Who...|||You should tell your INTJ boyfriend that if he doesn't find a use for that toy soon, you'll find a use for it for him :kitteh:.|||I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but... Looking at the performance of human beings from the time of recorded civilization until the present, people don't want to come together. I say this as a...|||Perhaps you don't know as much in this regard as you think you do and should probably brush up on your personality typing research. Yes, if you take an MTBI test on the internet, there is a degree...|||Are you kidding? I absolutely adore anyone who is willing to even attempt to comprehend me. I am more than happy to explain things a billion times, in a billion different ways as long as you're still...|||Huh? Where's your evidence? I will neither confirm nor deny a sexual appetite for inanimate objects that I may or may not have until you provide me with some irrefutable empirical scientific evidence...|||Apparently I was a bit off on my recollection of this creation myth. I was close but the point is still valid, I think. Most of the story was lost, but the parts that were saved are reflected in the...' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Enfp|||Using an old french term tirant in the same sentence as a swear word.|||Motivation|||ESTJ TMLT lock themselves out of their home?|||Trying to make me do something that takes way too much effort|||What's feelings? http://i.imgur.com/ziYjijO.png|||ESFJ - The Fashion Nazis tmlt to have a stamp collection?|||Holy shit. You're so INFJ I can't even.... :confused: I can't even.... :confused2: :moon::ghost:|||What's wrong with Bard? :hampster:|||Settings -> Edit Profile -> Myers Briggs Personality Type -> INTJ - The Scientists Already, 9/10 INTJs suffer from special snowflake syndrome. This is a serious issue man. You're making it worse....|||Super serious question. I'm would be a broccoli cheese tuna with raisins and chocolate sprinkles.|||Welcome to PerC! Try checking with this INFP - Harmonizer Clarifiers It's the INFP description written from behind an INFP's eyes. Sometimes type descriptions can be odd since they are written...|||So I heard you love TED.... Here's a TED talk generated by a neural network after letting it learn from all the TED talks available in the world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=23&v=-OodHtJ1saY...|||Username Core type Secondary type Tertiary type Instinctual subtype francescleary 1w2 3w2|||Oh man. If these are the kinds of things you say, you shouldn't worry about shutting up. :loveyou::octopus:|||Because I cried over the movie and the book. :dry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOPMlIIg_38|||Hi Shria! Nice to meet you too!|||There are many videos on youtube. Here's one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvldC6mzLvA Yoga Nidra is mostly guided relaxation of different parts of your body, so it's a good place to...|||I will keep trying then! Thanks guys, I was on the brink of giving up.|||Moar sleep. Moar productivity|||How do I stop you guys from leaving me when you think I'm beyond redemption?|||1. Is it in any way helpful for depression or anxiety? Buddhism aims to remove the mind of afflictions in the form of delusions and give you the tools to see the world as it is. The mind being the...|||Type A personality with minor OCD tendencies like games on steam have to be in a defined tab in alphabetical order. ... I blame the shade of the blue on your avatar :mellow:|||Winning~|||Punniez 350514|||Welcome to Personality Cafe! I get that quite a lot too. Sometimes it comes in the form of some kind of unfinished thought stuck in the back of my head, like a bubble at the bottom of a fish tank...|||Thanks for the welcome! Hope we can rally for more stickies at some point. :kitteh:|||O_o ookay...|||:D!!!! How did you upload that in full size?|||We shall transverse the universe together. 350330 https://giphy.com/gifs/l41m3wIry7VIV7HA4 Original size|||Cos they sexy as hell. Period. I've come to terms that a relationship beyond friendship with them can't last. Gotta have that gap. Though somehow they always manage to find out I'm soulless. It's...|||Istj|||Isfp|||You mean, not very aligned to INFP stereotype. :wink: I know a lot of INFPs. I can tell you an informed one is easily the best conversation partner I've ever had. I like the idea creating systems...|||The Winner Effect, Ian Robertson|||Hiya MissMo|||This post has helped me so much over the past year of lurking, I kinda treat it like a reference document. Why isn't this stickied?|||rapturous You seem to have the same problem I had. Since my functions heavily leaned towards all Ti, Te, Ni, and Ne, the tests came out different each time. However, MBTI personality is preference of...|||Waif Maybe we're not each other, but we're pretty darn close! :D|||I wanna know too|||DisneyKitten Our first agenda should be to take over the commando dogs. Jared Eggo There can be only one! :hotneko: :hotneko: :hotneko: Reluctanine I can make you a lazy cat with a pink pin...|||Learning to listen and empathise to others, does not mean others will listen and empathise to you.|||I understand what you mean. Sometimes I catch myself talking way too much when I'm caught up with a trail of thoughts and my conversation partner was just staring back with this look. Kinda...|||Purrrdy. I always associated the owl to the High Priestess tho. That's an interesting combo. What deck?|||Thanks! Impeccable, like a sir. https://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_maebgkl0c81rf4dqro1_500.jpg|||Pleasure to meet you Ztommi :D I keep reading your name as japanese for some reason.|||OwO *drool* I wanna see|||ENTP On the practical side, another system that works very well in getting a person to talk, confront, and work through their issues without feeling threatened by perceived judgement from another....|||I admire how your internal system usually has high logical integrity with very little discrepancies. How quick you are to correct them if found and how you're willing to adjust according to new...|||Claiming social tact as selfishness' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'I'm a Swedish ENTP. A group sounds rad. :)|||ISFJ for Gabriella? That was my initial thought at least.|||I'm not a sociopath, although the thought does not worry me. If you're a sociopath you would not ask yourself that question; no, rather that's a sign of not being very self-aware or...|||All the ENTPs I've known have cheated at least once. Including myself. Was starting to think it was a universal trait or something. Personally I wasn't all that attached to my previous boyfriend...|||Heh. Been thinking about this lately. Mom - ESFJ Dad - IxTJ, too unhealthy to type properly Brother - ISTJ Older brother - IxTJ, probably INTJ but don't know him too well ISTJ brother's...|||Cameron seems ISFJ imo|||Yeah. He's gorgeous. Judging from interviews, he seems like some kind of SP?|||Sorry for reviving this incredibly old thread, but I just finished Norwegian Wood and was thinking about the characters' types. Toru - INFJ or ISTP? Definitely seems to use, Fe, Ti, Ni and Se. The...|||I was thinking INFJ for Kira. Her Ni seems to be off the charts.|||Are there any more guesses for Todd?|||Will is either an ISTJ or an ESTJ. First thought was ISTJ but he strikes me as a bit more involved (organizing the dance etc), outspoken and in-your-face than your average ISTJ would be. Simon: ISFP...|||My current favourite teacher is an ENTP. He's fucking awesome, really. (well actually we have two teachers in that class, but I think the other one's an INTP. He's cool too). They teach social...|||Haha what, how'd you figure the trance? My ISTJ brother actually makes trance music...|||I just re-read this book. I love it. I unfortunately don't really know the characters' types very well, but I agree that both Eli and Oskar are introverts. Oskar strikes me as some kind of a Fi...|||Haha! It's not THAT bad! Carl Barât on its own sounds pretty cool, it's when you throw in Ashley that it becomes questionable. Is Barât French or something?|||It is? I thought that was just something Peter called him, along with Carlito. :P|||Hello! And I apologize for kind of derailing the thread. I tend to get really excited when I find other Libs fans to talk with. They're not really that common here in Sweden, unfortunately. Plus I...|||Hard for family members, easy for strangers. The less I care about the person, the more I care about their opinion of me. Hear me out, I know that sounds weird. But really, I couldn't care less if...|||Yeah...I try not to defend his actions too often though. I mean, as a fan I try to be careful not to put my idols on piedestals and be completely blind to their faults, you know? I mean in most cases...|||Yeah, really. Or I don't know? Damn it, you're making me unsure here haha (shouldn't use very certain or definitely). Well, the thing is that yes, I did originally think he was an extrovert...|||Yep, I'm still around (albeit very infrequently...) And I've changed my mind. Peter is definitely dominant Fi, so INFP. What do you think?|||Slacker? How much is the salary? In whichever case, I'm not getting paid enough.|||It just is. No, no it's not.|||Yes, of course. INFP's are sensitive creatures, so of course you guys are going to strive for acceptance from the people around you. I guess that at some point you are going to realise that it goes...|||Sorry for bringing this fairly ancient thread back from the dead. It's just that Libs are my favourite band, and therefore it is perfect. Peter: I'm very, very certain he's an ENFP, albeit an...|||Noooo, absolutely not. They're awesome, okay? No dissing the ISTJs. Okay they do kind of seem boring on the surface, but once you've gotten to know them, in my experience, they are the silliest...|||Hahaha. That's brilliant. If I walked around and spoke like that, I doubt people would be able to be around me for longer periods of time without laughing. In general the sappiness seems a bit too...|||Hahaha I knoooow, it's insane. Here are a few of my personal favourites: x93There will come a time when all of us are dead. All of us. There will come a time when there are no human beings...|||I liked it as well. I've also read Looking for Alaska, which I enjoyed more than TFiOS. Idk I thought both Augustus and Hazel were pretentious as shit and it just annoyed me so so much xD. All of...|||Yeah, I feel very nostalgic about it as well. I remember being very excited about coming home from school as a twelve-year-old to watch A:TLA. And as I've gotten older, it has only gotten better. ...|||I definitely believe that ultimately, Azula was more badly hurt by her father than her brother was. By banishing him, Ozai put a distance between himself and his son. Zuko's banishment gave hime a...|||Where in Britain do you live? I'm suspecting it's an idealized picture of the UK I have in my mind, but I do have a dream of living there someday. I'm just such a fan of British music it's almost...|||You're British? Jealoooous. I'm sorry, I'm just another anglophile haha. But it's definitely the same in Sweden, and I can imagine a lot of guys who feel the need to exaggerate their masculinity....|||The same to you, my good sir! I'm still very much on the fence regarding my type, and the fact that you are so willing to analyze me is great. It's very helpful, and also very interesting to read. ...|||Yeah, I understand that. Personally, I've always found dirty jokes hilarious, so I'm quite the opposite of you. As a girl, you're not supposed to do that, or even be a thinker. :p I'm not as...|||I'm actually kind of confused of whether I'm a sensor or an iNtuitive now, so I decided to answer some more questions I found in another questionnaire. Didn't include all of them for the sake of...|||Hmmmm. Is this only related to surroundings? Because I have a serious knack for remembering names and conversations years after they've happened. Don't know if it's related to anything, but it sounds...|||I've always seen Zuko as trying to adapt himself to the Fire Nation's standards, without naturally fitting in. Trying to appear more masculine and unemotional than he really is etc. Being ruthless...|||Oh yeah, yeah definitely. INFPs are often viewed as innocent and idealistic and wouldn't hurt a fly, but in reality, in fights they can become quite fierce and no bs-y actually. I've heard people...|||Did my answers make you think Ne? Also, heh...I was actually diagnosed with ADD when I was younger. :p Don't know how much it shows now though. I'm just seemingly incapable of organizing my life...|||Ah, I would only expect an INTP to go completely against the stream and come up with an entirely different conclusion. Love you for taking the time to write this. In-depth analyses of my functions is...|||Haha, thank you. I shall now start off with my duties as a newfound ENTP and go and troll the internet or something. ;)|||No, I don't really understand why people hold grudges, or are still angry the day after a fight. I get over things quickly, be it insults or arguments. I rarely get emotionally invested in arguments...|||Haha, that's fantastic actually. People who are able to laugh at tough situations and remain optimistic are very inspiring. And wow, I can imagine (and I can imagine myself doing the same thing -...|||Yeah, I have the exact same experience. Now, I have, however, completely embraced my weirdness, and I quite enjoy it. It's all about finding people who like you because of your weirdness and...|||You're adorable. And, I'll have to agree with everybody else, very ENFP. Hilarious answer at the car one.|||You are right, indeed. I can identify with all of this very much. I think my favorite thing about discussing ideas with other people is that while neither of us might have a correct...|||Aang - Perfect ENFP. Katara - ESFJ or ENFJ, can't decide upon that one. Sokka - He gradually developed into an awesome ENTP. <3 10/10, would marry. Toph - ISTP or ESTP. I think I'd say ISTP....|||I'll take that as a compliment. Love your pug. I really didn't expect such a general consensus. Almost starting to think that I actually am an ENTP, despite my occasional reclusive behaviour (my...|||Thanks for the answer! ENTP is one of the types I've considered, and the only extroverted one. The other ones are INTP, INFP and even INFJ (okay, seems like I pretty much knew N). Hearing you say...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Like seriously how do you fall out of love with someone one day and fall in love the next. How the fuck do you do that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||I tried dating sooooo many people after him. Because I really wanted to move on. But none of them made me feel the way I did with him in the beginning. When we met we were instantly smitten. We fell...|||That was really helpful. Thank you. I know all this stuff. I'm just trying to forget the good times. Plus my problem is that I want to him to know all this stuff. I've tried to say this stuff to...|||How do I get over my first love of 3 years leaving me for his best friend? He changed and became a better person for her. Made all of these big changes for her that he never made for me. Just moved...|||How do I get over my first love of 3 years leaving me for his best friend? He changed and became a better person for her. Made all of these big changes for her that he never made for me. Just moved...|||How do I get over my first love of 3 years leaving me for his best friend? He changed and became a better person for her. Made all of these big changes for her that he never made for me. Just moved...|||I do see a therapist. And I do write this stuff down. Neither really seem to help. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||I don't know. I just don't know what to do. The pain is so bad. It's been a year of this everyday. The thoughts are debilitating. I'm tormented by them everyday. I cry and scream into my pillow for...|||I can't eat. I can't sleep. It's been a fucking year. I feel like I'm holding on for dear life every day. When is this ever going to end? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||I want to scream at him. I want to tell him I hate him. I told him I'm miserable and I'm tortured every day. That he ruined the last 3 years of my life and I'm still tormented by the thoughts. I'm...|||I'll try not to make this too long. But I don't know what else to do. I'll start from the beginning. My boyfriend and I were together for 3 years. He was my first love and I loved him so deeply....|||Ahhhhhh you said all the things!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||I posted this on another thread but Im feeling desperate so here goes. Im feeling something strange that I haven't felt in a very long time. Just a quick background, I am in an open...|||Im feeling something strange that I haven't felt in a very long time. Just a quick background, I am in an open relationship (that might as well be closed because were both extremely introverted...|||I feel this everyday. And I've found that nothing ever really brings me satisfaction. I've just rested upon the idea that I will never be truly content with my life, and that I will always be a...|||http://yaleherald.com/op-eds/the-myth-of-skinny-shaming I'm not saying that it doesn't totally suck that you feel negatively about your body, or that you don't have the right to be angry at the...|||http://everydayfeminism.com/2013/10/lets-talk-about-thin-privilege Im just gonna leave this here.... I'm sorry but skinny shaming just doesn't exist. Neither does reverse racism. Racism and fat...|||Wow. I'm so surprised so many people said nice. I don't think I've ever really been complimented on or been known for being nice. Not that I'm not nice but that's never been a staple of my...|||Thank you. I was surprised everyone liked this so much. I Just found it annoying and sexist. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk|||I never really considered excelling in maths and sciences to be necessarily intelligent, but rather knowledgable and capable of memorizing/storing large quantities of data. Not that I look down on it...|||Nevada democratic caucus tonight. Polling here is few and far between, so I don't actually know who's in the lead. I think the last polling they did, it was Clinton 48% Sanders 47%. I really hope he...|||I once read something which said Fe users are more empathetic and Fi users are more sympathetic. As an example, when consoling a friend Fe users would be more likely to cry with them and feel what...|||Hey welcome to the forum! No need for the disclaimer everyone will be kind. I'm sorry that you are feeling so panicked. I don't really have advice but I can totally relateI have never wanted to buy a...|||Hahahaha the American Idol video killed me. I'm dying. Made my day. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk|||amazing. this video brought me back. in highschool my friend and I always used to sing 3333333333 3 3 motherfuckin 3! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk|||I kind of wanna flat out say no lol. They are two entirely different types with absolutely no functions in common. I find it odd that she would test her complete opposite. On the other hand, those...|||The Cat Returns is amazing!!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk|||Hmph. I consider myself somewhat of a sexual enigma (woah). I have a high sex drive, and think about sex a lot, and I am very interested in a lot of different methods of sex, but often when it's...|||WELL OK THAT WAS INSIGHTFUL FOR A HIGHSCHOOLER Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk|||I don't consider myself too smart, just too aware. I think there is major truth to the saying the more I learn, the less I know and I think truly the smartest people are the most aware of this...|||YES. Even then it will take some time before college is affordable. But if I didn't have to go in worrying about the debt, I would be so much more motivated to kick ass, because I wouldn't always be...|||My major was Sociocultural Anthropology. I had a finished Black Studies minor and a partially completed art history and music minor before I dropped out in my last year. Like some other posters have...|||care to explain a more in depth reasoning for supporting Trump? Which policies and plans of his do you support and why you think he would make a diplomatic leader? How do you think he would...|||all of my dads are entj's Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk|||my new favorite video http://youtu.be/-dY77j6uBHI Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk|||but seriously, I don't fit that stereotype and I've always felt like a less magical INFP for not looking like a fairy. Not my fault I got a donk. And fairy's can't have donks. Too hard to fly. ...|||alls I'm sayin is I am NOT thin ;) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk|||wow thank you I have been trying to put this into words forever and I've never quite known how to explain it so simply. Sheeple never understand this concept. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk|||Hahaha I think that's the best compliment I've ever gotten Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk|||These are my results: Auditory: 30% Visual: 45% Tactile: 25% A bit surprised because I always represented myself as a major tactile learner. The test isn't perfect though. Personally I feel I...|||Yes! Rainy days are my favorite! Sunny days always make me feel like I have to leave the house and be productive. Rainy days make me feel safe. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk|||I think ideally I'd like to die as some sort of underdog hero. Someone who everyone doubted or hated but I end up having to sacrifice myself for goodness to prevail over evil. I would fight some long...|||http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/watch/albright-addresses-women-voters-617720899732 THIS. This is why I do not support Hillary. This is establishment politics. This is just utter BS propoganda. In...|||banned. now peace shall be restored. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk|||may his soul find another forum to harass </3 Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk|||dragthewaters r.i.p to these threads :,) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk|||I just dont understand what you want from all of this. it has nothing to do with infps. Cant you go post on relationship/dating forums instead and get better advice/support/results? it just doesnt...|||why are you harassing the infp forum with all of these threads... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk|||omg wtf am i reading bye Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk|||Ahh us American INFP's are all so spread out >.< Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Not really what you're describing, but I do know that I will think about someone i care about at least once a day in such a deep respect that I get the sudden urge to message them. Its a constant...|||Lost it at 20 to my first girlfriend. that was about 4-5 years ago now and we went our separate ways. I know that before that first time I hadn't really had any interest, but after you experience...|||I have experienced both intimate love-making and passionless sex, and of the two I find the intimate to be much more fulfilling even without a climax. I enjoy making my partner feel good and like...|||Introverted: 79% Intuition: 84% Feeling: 58% Perceiving: 74% I'd say thats pretty damn solid. I've always been kind of close between Thinking and Feeling, though.|||I have a love-hate relationship with the darkness. On the one hand I love the feeling of being out at night, no sun shining overhead and only myself on the empty streets. On the other hand, though, I...|||Don't waste your time with jealousy; sometimes you're ahead, some times you're behind. The race is long, and in the end its only with yourself. I also just recently re-read Oh! The Places You'll...|||Ridiculous|||I have qite a few ideas for personal gain, but I think we need a variety of small projects that can make money. I know personally I would lose interest very quickly with just one venture, but having...|||I think its a common misconception that voicing concerns and worrying are akin to complaining/whining. I know that I personally can whine, but its normally just me voicing my complaints or...|||It depends on what the small talk is about. For instance, if you want to talk about sports then no, no we are traditionally not good at discussing the sporty-ness of ball events. If its something a...|||I have been perpetually stressed for the past year and half going from finals through graduation to 3 different jobs, unemployment, new car, several moves including a major one across the country and...|||That actually really means a lot to hear that. Thank you :)|||Thanks for the response. I know these kinds of things usually don't seem quite so frustrating to most people but when I put forth the effort and then get ignored its more than a little upsetting. ...|||I feel like no one wants to DEAL with me unless I'm being happy and outgoing. I've had a close friend on several occasions inform me that they don't want to be around people who are negative and that...|||I recently had to move because of falling out with my roommates and now find myself far away from my friends and relationships. It hasn't been an issue thus far because I've been able to hang out...|||You always jump to conclusions without asking any questions.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8Wx80TZ8OQ|||I just had to move and as I we were pulling boxes from under my bed my SO stumbled upon a bag of pokemon plushes. She found it hilarious that I would have those kinds of things. I just shrugged it...|||129. I'm not sure taking this at work with headphones in was the best idea, though.|||John Dies At The End (before you ask, no, there are no spoilers in that title) is by far my favorite book. Its a perfect combination of weird, lovecraftian horror and dick jokes.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=os0Z3mc8G8g|||I can't speak for others, but I do know I forgive much more easily than many others think I should. Its part of the curse of being able to see the potential in others. That said, there is a cut off...|||My fucking roommates have been the biggest children with regards to my announcement to move. I gave them 5 (though in all fairness my wording made it sound more like 4) months notice of my decision...|||Know what you like and don't be afraid to say it; treat everyone fairly and as equal human beings (I'll let you determine what the standard for that should be); and don't lie to yourself or anyone...|||Making out with a random person I just met at a bar. Just think about it makes me feel anxious, and I've already been drinking a little today.|||My T and F are ~1% different so its interesting being on both sides of this wall. In all honesty, though, I love INTPs. Their love of knowledge is by far the most wonderful trait a person could have....|||I know that high school was a rough time dealing with other people, specifically in that a shy nature would result in the more extroverted (and lets face it, developed) people poking fun. It...|||Its all in your head|||I am a cancer. Grammatical humor aside I actually fall in line pretty close with the idea of what a cancer represents. Specifically, very closed off when meeting people for the first time,...|||I think I needed this more than I thought I would...|||Yep. My brain and I have some interesting back and forth, usually explaining what we already know and just reiterating it like some weird TV show trying to explain what was happening before the...|||I think its mostly about finding who you are. I don't think any of us really want to cause harm to others, but because of our understanding and ability to emphatically connect with others we have a...|||Travel. Sleep in hotels and live out of a bag, spending a couple months in one location before moving onto the next. I'd see Europe, Asia, parts of South America, Australia... just see the world and...|||We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. - Oscar Wilde “You see, Frank found out the hard way that the dark things lurking in the night don’t haunt old houses or...|||For the past 4 years I had been driving around a 1993 Honda Accord that was, for all intents and purposes, being held together by duct tape. It was my first car and I dumped more money into its...|||I just want to hear from her... some kind of message... I hate message blackouts, giving or receiving :/|||1) I am more patient than is reasonable. I have put up with manipulative exes, socially impossible acquaintances, and family members who probably shouldn't be allowed to hold the scissors they give...|||I'm making this post so i can get to 15 and be able to post links...|||The fucking mental state where we think everything is shit, that we're shit, and that there is something fundamentally wrong to keep us from being happy. There is absolutely no reason for it and yet...|||Finding some way to shut my brain down for a little while. Generally video games can help with that, but alcohol (to an extent) is another one. There is a bit of a dichotomy within myself where I am...|||I feel like I have an opposite problem where I find myself opening up too much. I need a way to vent my anxieties and I find that I use people as talking posts when i really shouldn't be sharing some...|||I bought new clothes yesterday and have been speaking with more confidence. I still think before I act but I am trying to be more sure of myself, even if I have no idea what I'm doing/saying. Its...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTJ7AzBIJoI As for getting affirmation of love, as difficult as it might be you need to get it from yourself. Having others tell you that you're special and...|||I cannot decide if I'm jealous of people I care about having fun without me, or if I'm afraid of missing out and slowly becoming irrelevant. Even now I'm still being torn apart by my SO spending the...|||A concept that I'm still working to grasp is that love, in any form, is pointless without self respect. You may love someone more intensely that you could think possible but it does;t mean anything...|||I actually was thinking about this earlier today and was thinking David Wong from John Dies at the End may be an example of an INFP/INTP. He's definitely removed from reality, preferring to be by...|||I'm curious if anyone else has developed a way to pick yourself up when feeling down and, for lack of a better word, depressed. Personally I've found that giving myself a project helps to distract...|||I only started recently to realize the subconscious reasoning for my wardrobe choices. In high school I had a large jacket that I wore literally all year long (Spring to Winter) because I felt...|||I find that I have a tendency to never write anything down because the words just start forming in my head before I can even find a place to start typing or writing. If I've already written 2 pages...|||A couple of my favorites https://38.media.tumblr.com/db7d2e95e03a91c47dd25717737d2e6b/tumblr_ndzd8hr0oC1ru0qsgo1_500.jpg...' |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 'so im an istp male - though my profile says estp.. Whatever... anyway, ive been in a relationship with an infp girl (CONFIRMED!!!! lol). so its been a year and a hallf, my second longest...|||59734597355973659737:wink:|||I always have a blast, and constantly 'stir' the party. like, um . keeping it upbeat, Cause i get so talkative and it seems like everybody else is in slow motion :( And then I wake up trying to...|||work smarter and not harder. take the N's job C: Thus $60 every 10 min.|||still, the vague question is vague.|||like i was tryin to say|||You dont know what nig rig means? Or what, does that offend you? Like redneck-tech.,.. no ? Lets just say its when you ducktape shit.|||Good C:|||you intuitives are CrAzY!|||Oh yea! Intersting point - i don't think least feminine means most masculine :/ eh?|||my vote is in esfj's And even more so on xsfp's|||like Miersho says, whats mbti got to do with it? But, for your sake; females wear that type well, as they do as sfp's, which i seem to be magnetized to for some reason. So if your a female, an xsfp,...|||Yea, I didn't understand either. I want male power, but i want female love LOL Whats the question?|||I know i know, im no istp But i think im istp enuff. So. i dnt like em. Seem like everytime I get a gf she always says what would you think if I got tatoo? depends i guess, im not gettin one so,...|||http://gifs.gifbin.com/g600g641767.gif|||http://gifs.gifbin.com/16099g6561.gifISTP - while smiling http://gifs.gifbin.com/163563561.gifESFP + Jager-Bomb + Halloween Candy http://gifs.gifbin.com/169717951.gifENTJ - Trying to get to the...|||wow. How are these people getting banned?? And why don't estp's have amnesty?!?|||Masters of Reality eh? I like that!!|||Deff find new friends! Dsn't mean you have to kill the old ones. just expand your circle. My closest homies are CONSTANTLY gettin high and playin with magic cards, Always! As they play, they sit...|||viva la piratebay.wtfe,-. ..rock n roll till your 80|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWMCR8Wadtw get it while it lasts|||not tryin to be a dick, aight. Im just sayin man|||Or, maybe your taste in music sucks and is limited. Perhaps|||when you and your entj brother are continually drunk in the Fl keys, fully convinced that you own the whole island|||dude your all over the place on this.. Why dont you try not manipulating the results (answer truthfully)? intj and estp's are COMPLETELY different. - i mean, even if you do know what the questions...|||Well, I think that xsxp's are more commonly than not asxp's. why. i don't cnow. and, if i were a feeler, would it be more appropriate to have said Well, I feel that xsxp's are more commonly than...|||passive aggression|||Well, for some reason I don't think intuitives like me :( i mean, in person. i think I put off the wrong vibe somehow. The thing is, Ill make a random, sort of crude,...|||but really, im usually good at getting things done last min. BUT as college progresses this last min. stuff, here lately, has lead to more stress that I've ever felt,.. aside from the stress induced...|||planning.. i suck at it. Also, i think it's a little wierd that I can't communicate with personality-cafe.com home slizzles without having posted 15 posts. So -Chicken noodle soup for the teenage...|||i feel like that last post was retarded lol|||I deff have had some of these sorts of issues. Partially because all i want to do is be recognized, I really think i can be the best at everything sometimes. something about the sp nature is so...|||they're just thoughtful estp's :cool: - a guaranteed formula for awesome|||Drop the needle to the groove I get smooth, and Im forced to fck it up, my style carries like a pick up truck. Idk why|||Is something on your mind dear?|||This threaeaeadd is ha-hlarious!|||for me, it's a trust problem. I just don't wanna get hurt. I've never cheated on a girl and I avoid ALL thoughts of such things. I figure if im loyal to her, she'd be loyal to me. Not the case...|||Deffanitly takes time. Learning from new experiences, im sure,. and not a swap sustainable for an extremely long period of time, Isuppose (just for sake of agreeing with the Debbie downers here).....|||thats just how shit works mu fcka's .. (applause)|||The type changes are absolutely possible! Not even theoretic.. While your initial categorical type is hard wired, the preferences can change (which is to say, they are just that.. Preferences)!...|||Like the shit! In a im soo happy to be awesome because god's blessed me tremendously sort of way :) To whom it may concern, my best freind is an infj and he's the bomb. He's the one that got me on...|||well im just gonna say that when in a given moment, I am able to have FUN while everyone else talks about having fun (when really they just think talking is fun).. idk somethin like that. Then...|||Wing 5 must know something I don't' |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | intj|||isfp|||They have been taught to live a lie|||Have you notice a pattern in how the U.S.A enter ww1 and 2 right. They are going to sacrifice peoples lives on a ship and that is how that it could enter. If you believe the illuminati, they got...|||paulina enfj dash esfp jack fenton xntp Maddie fenton isfj|||I think all that abuse from lucious messed him up a little bit. I think he is infp 9w1 4w3 6w7. I think that is the real Hakeem. Hakeem istp Luscious esfp|||Hakeem now gives me an isxp vibe strong se|||I can see why father is often typed as xntj|||I thought ufeffthe exact same thing about father xntp of some sort.|||What you say makes sense because I thought he was an enfj 3w2 8w7 7w8 sp so because I do not see him as esxp 8, he would have been gradually starting to ask himself questions throughout ufeffthe season...|||Why do you believe that tai is enfj as opposed to esxp Why do you say matt is isfp Why did you type Ken as intp as opposed to inxj|||Why do you believe that tai is enfj as opposed to esxp Why do you say matt is isfp Why did you type Ken as intp as opposed to inxj|||He is not an xntj at all. I do not see him at ni dom if he seem to be an enfp.|||Will infj Cornelia esxp enfj Irma esfj Hay line esfj or enfp T isfj Phobos entj Nerissa intj Blunk entp|||Intp|||Why do you believe inuyasha is istp|||Goku estp Vegetable istp|||Penelope infj or infp Neyla istp|||Why do you say ryoko is estj I think ragyo is enfj or entp|||I.tj 5w4 sx sp|||One big weakness of entjs and exxj is that they do not spend lot of time questioning themselves they just decide what is just and what is fair and just act. Another problem with entjs is that a lot;...|||Rarity entj|||She is an estp 3w2 sp so|||Nicki Minaj is esfj 3w2 sx sp|||Click here for more info https://draft.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=1468735364940826411#overview/src=dashboard|||But when he betrayed his friends and then was betrayed, he felt like garbage and when he felt bad that fluttershy was her friend an he acted stupid that seems like fi|||I think that last main villain is entj while discord is enfp|||If I were to use socionics, you would be right. I think joey would be estp Mai valentine entj succumbing to her inner isfp Kaiba entj Pharaoh anime version enfj magna infj movie enfj Yugi into...|||What type donyou believe that anzu is|||Why do you believe that stem is entj|||Type to make extra cash | Connect Direct Link|||Type to make extra cash | Bookmark Tangle|||Type to make extra cash | Join Bookmark|||Twightlight sparkle inrp|||Type to make extra cash | Clear Bookmark|||If you want ways to make some extra money on the side, then I suggest to you to try TypeAtHome.com. All you have to do is to pay a certain amount of money for the three positions; part-time cost...|||Well you can say that all of the judging functions ti and fi looks the most intuitive due to the shade of grey in their area and that is why perceivers, who are focused on ti or fi might think they...|||I can see why you said lelouch is intp, but you forgot that intjs can wonder in their own mind as well if they do not focus their the to get results as well, but it does make sense. Could light...|||Enfj ratigan orichimaru naruto joker from batman rises Infj darts from yugioh Infp zatch's brother Enfp sasuske from naruto|||Either way, she gone wrong. After gakuto got his head shave, he looked kind of entj to me at points. Ryoko from tenchi muyo esfj Tsasami xsfj Mioshi esfj Kiyone istj Grandma intp Tenchi dad...|||Mari could be infj because I have notice that meiko might have weak ti as opposed to fi inferior in trying to correct her boss, but her loyalty seems to get in the way meiko might be esfj 2w3 or 6w?|||If we are going to talk socionics, then hints and tsubaaki from naruto and soul eater are either enfp or istj, but I doubt that|||Prison school Gakuto entp Chiyo infp Meiko estj Blue hair guy xstp Mari intj Blond girl enfp estj Principal estj|||Enfp Voice of the soul by death|||Enfp Voice of the soul by death|||Exfj I get pissed off at people I have never met as an uninteresting people, but some are entertaining. I am mad at the fact that these people who I have never met as some of the worst people I...|||Exfj I get pissed off at people I have never met as an uninteresting people, but some are entertaining. I am mad at the fact that these people who I have never met as some of the worst people I...|||I mean why do you type kyle and Stan te fi|||Why ?|||Izaya is more like 4 so sx |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I just enjoy helping people and making people happy. ^_^ Easy would be me saying yes to everything and everybody that would want me, I guess|||http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w302/xbladeofdoomx/IMG_0194.jpg Go for it ^_^|||Or at least, I think I'm an ENFP. I went from INFP, to a confusion between ENFP/INFP, now I think I'm slightly more E... So. I have become a fellow ENFP. I love you <3|||Very true, but why limit your possibilities? I understand that it's a MBTI site, but it's about personality in general too. I think it'd be up to the user's discretion on how to use it! But, as...|||Honestly, I was going to donate when I could, but-- As far as types goes? It doesn't matter to me. As long as we can love each other and such then I'm happy ^^|||Welcome to Personality Cafe. I hope you enjoy your stay~|||Most epic film ever. I would love to fight a League of Evil Exes.|||That's a perfectly fine feeling. That's how I felt. I wanted to save my first kiss for someone I truly adored and loved... though, unfortunately. But do what you feel is right <3|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkPphjv63E4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKy--iCDUNM&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzFl6sWHmXI ...|||Ed, Edd, and Eddie. :D|||http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w302/xbladeofdoomx/ILOVEMITSY.jpg|||I love hugging. Everyone :D|||The land of heaven and chaos, cause then the martian eating ninja pies came down and fought against the others in hardcore one on one duels, death suffering and the cries of the ethereal shattering...|||Alright. Well it's almost time, Saturday/Sunday, so... if you can make it, please do! And if not, then there's always next year! :D|||Honestly, I would go out with someone I love regardless of what type they are. As long as the person is a healthy individual, and that I completely be comfortable with being around then I'm happy. ...|||I'm a Sanja. A Samurai-Ninja. : D|||http://www.formspring.me/ProjectMazda Have a blast : D|||Yes I totally would hoook up with Lullaby. She can read me bedtime stories <3|||OP, I love your post, and I totally agree with you Omar. You two practically took the words out of my mouth! You're all beautiful, you're all human, you all breathe and live like a human being...|||I get a great satisfaction out of popping zits and hearing them pop for some reason. I feel as if I won a battle.|||I know my dad is an ISTP, and my mom is an INFJ, and I think my oldest brother is an INTJ. My youngest, older brother is an ESFP. I'm not too sure on my second oldest brother though. xD|||I had a dream where I fought Godzilla and a Tentacle Monster thing with a sword backpack and a car. It was freaking amazing. I have no idea what the dream meant, but I know that it was...|||http://verydemotivational.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/129146209145172524.jpg|||No, I do not fit in with my Society and Culture, nor do I try to fit in.|||I don't mind it. To me is actually rather amusing. XD I've had to carry my own man-purse before. It doesn't bother me at all.|||Thanks Ectoplasm XD Wish you could make it. It'd be nice to see you :3|||Oops. Misread. I've always wanted to be the birth giver of cars. Whether to draw them on a piece of paper, or build them from the ground up in garages. They're so lovely to watch, and I would...|||I'm sure. I'm glad to hear. <3 I am going to be trying very hard to be the best host my soul offers me to be. And I can always use this as an experience! ^^ I'm sure things'll go well.|||Thanks. ^^ I just hope it's convenient for people to be able to make it down here during that time xD|||Someone I can love with all my heart, who would appreciate and connect with me, as well as understand the beliefs and return my love. Not much to it. xD|||Anything. Erotica, romance, fantasy.... just about anything I feel like writing when I feel like writing. xD I'm good at poems, writing to express my heartfelt emotions.|||I CAN BREAK THESE CUFFS! Oh hey what? INFP with Extroverted qualities? Well now, I'd must say that my spontaneous happy-go-lucky battle warcries in real life and my love to dance would fall under...|||Yes yes yes! I will voluntarily go and hang out at my friends'! I do so everyday, I am out with a fairly large group and I fit along with them just fine. I have no problems talking too or meeting...|||Hey all my NF friends and family, how are you? Just a couple months back, I had posted up plans for the NF Convention, or hangout, or get together, or whatever the heck you wanna call it. The...|||Mialrin Aluriur :3 Pulled that out of my head. XD I doubt it'd work though|||Depends on what your definite of dirty is... I have a dirty mind. I guess. But it just depends on the perspective. XD|||I know plenty. Like all the others on this forum. <3|||I'm a pretty calm and fast driver. I don't get that bad of road rage. :D|||Er.. not scary, but random and WTF kinda expressions are what I get. XD|||Passion, creation, writing, emotion, cars, words, and the spiritual essence of life itself, love and expression of one's self in creative ways. :3|||I wanna meet up with you And show you what I'm thinking I'll take you anywhere That you wanna go I'm sitting here bored and lonely and You know that anytime you're free To show me how you...|||Oh yeah. I would. Totally :D|||ROFL! I smell my armpits. Sometimes...cause I'm bored o.o;|||Congrats :D|||Mm, I forget their names but I like hentai artist's artwork. When they aren't drawing Hentai. XD Their work are some of the most detailed things in the anime world, ever.|||Welcome to Personality Cafe! Enjoy your stay :3|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZCFGso6yEA|||I sing and dance no matter where I am, even if I'm in my tank tops and briefs. :D|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDAIPaXn4Gk&feature=avmsc2|||You make me happy. <3' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'I agree with this... I don't keep friends without trying it seems like, well more so maintaining closeness. But this year I'm making a few new friends and joined a band.|||I don't think through my feelings, I normal do nothing and just feel them raw, then sort them out later.Sign Up for Facebook | Facebook|||People just don't agree with how to be spiritual without religion, and some people need to know how because we aren't all christians. Plus I'm being attacked multiple times saying it's some morality...|||I wouldn't say I'm a total outside but most of my friends aren't normal or kinda nerdy.|||Another friend I used to hang out a ton like avoids me or is obsessed since I told him I was an atheist (probably a few months ago?) I was christian until the beginning of this year or so but even...|||Once your somewhere new they always do that... hahaha. A lot of times you meet someone just as good or better though. But it sucks when you lose them. I think I'm lucky to be introverted, I don't...|||I think deep down it is not religion, they probably were tired of being mistreated, had dealt with the horrors of discrimination, rather than read a bible verse and that being the main reason for...|||Justification doesn't equal cause. Some of them may have been that way (MLK is a good example) but the cause was from the idea of equal rights, the enlightenment, and simply being mistreated....|||I'm NOT saying something is right and asserting that is not science. Connecting morality to religion is insane, every modern social movement has been from secular, modern causes, I'm referring to...|||I'm only in high school and 95% of my friends I've met in middle school and such and I have a few friends and a good amount of acquaintances. So I'm happy but in terms of really good friends I think...|||I agree with you, but being alone doesn't mean lonely, and you can be lonely and not be alone. Alone rules by the way.|||Political and Issues. Well that and fiction. Something that appeals to my emotions. Also, I love science and learning so I read about that. Recently I've read a book on genetics, biography on...|||Well an evil (and emotionally unstable who actually has OCD and takes meds and I'm sure has other problems) ex-friend of mine broke off with me, she was going way over the line to violence... shes...|||I don't like sharing a seat on the bus, I try to avoid it. Luckily a lot of the ignorant/annoying kids were seniors and are gone now... I hope.|||I wouldn't say it's from coldness. I just alway have loved science, I want to discover and learn about everything.|||INTJ. Hands down. I'm a big thinker.|||When I went to Paris I was leading the way for my family. I'm only a teenager but if they gave me the paperwork I could easily get home straight from the hotel. I don't drive either.|||I really like nature and it's so relaxing, elegant, and beautiful. I could see myself going into biology, I wouldn't like all the dirt and streams and yeah... But I want to go into science. I...|||I'm very introverted, generally no less than 85% on the tests. Around 95% normally. So I don't get lonely too often. But that feeling when nobody understands you or you need to express deep...|||I get angry easily and have similar experiences. Don't know what to tell you, just let your Fe work.|||A space elavator would be slow and cost too much... new fuels are the answer.|||Studying anthropologically isn't demeaning, it just means studying the culture, happens with ALL cultures. But I know you mean by that. Hahahaha. They aren't as fringe as you think... it's scary....|||Theories require PhD's... if you don't have one get one now... And connecting mind to matter as in spirituality good luck.|||I LOVE Bill Maher. And I've seen this too many times. And they're pretty much for trillions in war funding because we all need 4000 troops per country right? He's right about the debt though......|||So wheres your evidence?|||I really doubt you have ever been to France, Belgium, Germany, etc. People have much better standards and statistics show it. I've traveled there, have a few relatives who moved there and had their...|||Your ideas of the bailouts are avoid the problem of deregulation, time and time again it has been proven to cause problems. The Glass-Steagall act repealed by conservatives caused huge problems and...|||I actually watched it today. I also personally know quite a few tea partiers. So I'm intolerant for being angry for someone who claims atheists are evil and uses the murder of some high schooler...|||They were needed, people were constantly asking to address the issue and he went with the constitution, look at public support of repealing the jim crow laws.|||I've tested ISTJ when having a terrible few months of life, in fact it was my first MBTI lol.|||Mormonism has a lot of roots in oppression of women and the book is racist. It condemns marrying someone who isn't white, claims God turned Cain into a black man, used to forbid black, its also...|||Next five years... 1. Get into a top notch college 2. Enjoy college. 3. Get some kind of research done or help with it (PhD) Get a car, volunteer/job, have a relationship hopefully I'm in...|||Glenn Beck (the scary fear-mongering mormon) is having a massive gathering at the Lincoln memorial. It's sad because at the anniversary of the I have a dream speech by MLK beck has a guide to avoid...|||mbti - Google Scholar We can't fully cover all aspects of personality, thats virtually impossible, but look at the articles, theres plenty in favor for an against, but the evidence is in favor of...|||I used to be like that, and I'm a teenager. I'm generally cynical and tend to underestimate people sometimes in terms of character, intelligence, attitude, etc. I don't show trust easily. I've come...|||Your probably like me on the introversion, I'm very introverted but I'm a talker around people I know very well/trust. Your probably INFJ.|||It seems to get you to be more open, be more admired and generally a better respected person. I feel stronger in that I'm making better decisions and people will like/agree with me more. So, do...|||I do what I want, which I'm glad about, I know when and how to not take things personally and I try to get my way unless it's hurting someone a lot. I'm assertive when I'm not afraid of someone...|||Very very slowly... also, physiologically means like physically in terms of health.|||On a lot of the online quizzes they ask if governed by head or heart, logic vs feelings, etc. I would agree with you on relying on values and people for decisions vs the most logical or efficient...|||define spiritual? I hate how religion is seen as beneficial in psychology. You can replace it with other things that are true and not morality controlling... So if you meaning deep meaning and...|||You'd have to look at scholarly papers about it. Also MBTI is based on Jung's hypothesis which was not based on proper standards for formulating a theory. The big five is a theory which was started...|||It seems natural to stereotype us as irrational however I think we need to show people that feeling means we base a lot of our decisions on feelings which are thought out and NOT raw emotion. We...|||I'm in high school now... I would say I've reached a point where the gender roles and repressing emotions has to stop. So when the year starts people will see me differently.|||You said what I had so much better. If I could change one thing as a child I would make myself shutup about my messed up imagination. But innocence and growth is good for me though.|||I hate writing endless thank you cards... I hate it in fact I didn't do it this past year (Nov) and it made me feel really self-conscious though... I love when people make food for me... apart...|||I've been somewhat shy and very introverted, but the emotional expression shell formed around when I was 11ish.... I cared a lot more about it really and didn't want to look weak or get judged.|||1. Accountability - I need to know I can depend on them to a reasonable extent. 2. Confidentiality - If it's a secret it stays that way. 3. Love/Friendship - No need for an explanation here......|||I've been using it and I feel stronger, I'm making decisions that give me more respect and I feel more admired which is great.:proud: I tend to make decisions based what works the best socially or...|||LMAO Depending on how things do that will happen... that made sense I hope.' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | I'm an INXP, Existance is only in your mind. Absolutely nothing yet everything exists at the same time. The universal mind can only be tapped into by total intoxication of the doors of perception, a...|||..... when you figure out what life is by the age of 11 and would rather die then go through the motions every fucking day...|||For years I considered myself to be a real INTP 5w4, but now I'm just not sure. I've changed a lot due to my coma October 2010 and now I feel much more like a feeler( INFP). I now make most of my...|||Ouch, that reminds me... I need glasses|||Yea I'm pretty sure my entire family are S types..... except my uncle. I gotta say, you guys know your stuff when it comes to putting tangible things together. N types are much better suited for...|||You know you're a sensor when you know what a carborator is...( it's pretty embarassing, but I don't = / )|||Hey guys, havn't been on in a while. I've been I just had a psych hospital stay that didn't go so well for me. I spent most days just sitting in my room, thinking.... Anyway I was diagnosed with...|||468 here.... My 6 goes between phobic and counterphobic. I feel like an artist without an instrument most of the time. This video that TheLuckyOne has presented really hits home with me personally. I...|||:unsure::angry::crying:|||Here's a thought guys, MAYBE we as human beings are slowly, sensors and intuitives alike, evolving little by little to do more then merely survive. I would like to point out what Friedrich Neitzche...|||Wow, the first Sensor to give an unbiased answer. The First one who was willing to say, logically the sensing functions would have served humans better back in the B.C era. You give me hope, thank...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPMxssn6whA&feature=channel_video_title I'm an INTP 4w5.....|||Personally I don't give a rat's ass about the general social world. I pick and choose which social situations I feel I can get into, or just want to take out for a test drive in order to learn more...|||Are you talking to me? or someone else? or just generalizing?|||That's more Ti then anything else. As an INTP i find myself in that situation a lot( we're both Ti first.)|||Here's one, you know you're a sensor when you actually fit into the larger social world.|||So true, so true:dry:|||Exactly, but if their are certain drugs that are generelly known to be extremely addictive, then you'd have to know yourself and your current psychological health. Like me, I when i was 15 my first...|||Not forcibly, but I mean in a kind of subtle way. For instance, if someone identifies themselves as a tritype 5w9w4. Most people who don't understand the full scope of the enneagram and its intention...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xcwt9mSbYE|||[QUOTE=Sleeve Of Wizard;1311280]There is seriously not enough hymn music in this thread QUOTE] There isn't enough GOOD music in this thread ...|||[QUOTE=alextyrian;1309772]There is seriously not enough pop music in this thread. WHat are you? an SJ? pig...:angry:|||Such as? I'm interested.|||Uh, yes it is??? Intuitives in general use broad logic, sensors use linear logic. Intuitives make generalizations ( intuitive) and sensors( specifically Si firsters) like things that are already...|||Spoken like a true sensor. He/she came to the conclussion from going through college his/herself and experiancing his/her teachers. So she therefore made the generalization that most college...|||Cheyvo Luneth please stop acting like children you two...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOrBaLMBxJw&feature=channel_video_title|||..........|||That is the most common sence statement I've ever heard... Leave it to the Sensors to kick ass in common sence XP|||I have made this thread with fellow intuitives in mind. The aim of this thread is for intuitives to vent there anger at sensors. So pick up your dirty words dictionary and HATE!!!!!!|||Most, no. Some, yes. I myself tried getting philisophical with a bunch of SPs one time. They were about as deep as a kiddie pool.....|||Positive: Mother(ENFP), George Carlin(ENTP), Friend(ENTJ Negative:Asshole of a prick father(ESTJ), the kids at my high school( mostly SJ's)|||Really? It doesn't remind me of that at all... Reminds me of a dreadfull decision someone has to make in which they're screwed no matter what. Or, as far as mood, it sounds more sad then deppressing.|||I love that song!!!|||The Doors-Take it as it comes|||damn... of course, of course|||We don't need other people to validate our own existence, as Extroverts do|||Good point, however, were sensors not more suitable for the conditions back then? Also, a sensor is completely capable of inventing anything. When did I ever say that a sensor couldn't produce/invent...|||INTP's can come off as ENTP's. Every mbti type can look like it's introverted or extroverted side when the secondary part is developed|||I love ENTPs!!!! especially George Carlin|||It's a mixture of paternal traits and the environment. (ex. What do we find more necessary to survive as a child?)|||I'm not saying intuitives are better then sensors. All I'm asking is whether of not you guys think it's possible that intuitives came after sensors in an evolutionary sense. Think about it, in the...|||OPIATES!!! wooo!!!!! liquor is alright too, pot does nothing for me|||Originally Posted by Kayness OMG! That is TOO true for me! I live among iNtuitive family members, and more often than not I'm the one who finds things for them. This goes for my N boyfriends as...|||Aila8 fallibility of human reason? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!??? What is so imperfect about our reason?|||The universe is endless, as we all know. Are we simply in this universe, or is the universe within us? Everything is endless, forever, and possible at all times. Everything we know consciencely ...|||I honestly think that certain drugs do hold some value for us. Such as ADD meds or other weaker stimulants. Even pot allows us to dive deeper and deeper into reality. I find myself thinking the...|||Otherwise, I think you're an infp at that point.....|||Well then either you're very young or havn't really developed your sensor side enough to see all the inconsistancies|||I never said you guys were as a whole less intelligent, just most of you, lol. I was only kidding, and most if not all of the sensors i meet irl are dumbasses. I realize type has no correlation to... |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Love is glorious and terrifying. It is the strongest thing you can feel. When you love, you are at your most intimate. But love is fragile. It needs a careful hand, or it will fade and break. If you...|||I play three computer games. I like games in which I only have to kill things if I feel like it (Which is rare.) and that I have a lot of freedom to move about and bend the world to my will. I...|||I think true intimacy is possible. It just takes a lot of growth, a lot of courage, and a dash of luck. Now, is it is possible for me? I don't know. I have my fair share of issues, and although I...|||When I'm with him. . . I was a very unhappy child, so definitely not that.|||Yes, I think that perhaps I wasn't reading the signals that he was giving me about his feelings. But, I realize now that he does care about me, and my feelings, just that I don't quite know how to...|||Listener Now, this I understand. I certainly feel that other people see relationships through a different light than I do. But then I wonder: Are they right or am I? Am I just viewing things through...|||I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you are trying to say. I think it is impossible to be an INFP without self doubt. Relationships become harder, just due to our type. Are you trying to say...|||The books aren't even worth it for me if I don't develop a crush on one of the characters! I always do, though, so no worries there.|||Lol, I'm not quite ready to give up on people fully. I'm going to find someone perfect for me, maybe the perfect person just isn't this person. Although, I am very, very attached to my soft...|||Oh, no! It isn't your fault at all. I was sad when I made this thread, and I'm really happy to be getting support. It really helps to know that other people have gone through this, too. That I'm not...|||Why are you ignoring me? Are you ignoring me? Do you care at all what I feel? I had thought that you weren't as cold as you sometimes seemed, but perhaps I was wrong. I had thought you would never...|||Yes, that is exactly what I feel. So the relationship ended? Well, nothing seems to be boding well for my relationship. I suppose all the wishful thinking in the world isn't going to save me from...|||Yes, you are probably right. He doesn't want something as serious as I do, and I'm kind of just hurting myself trying to make him be more emotional than he is. Maybe I should just give up on him? It...|||I love to sleep. I completely adore my dreams. It is the one time I can just let go, and no one will look down upon me for being unrealistic. I don't have to worry about what people will think or if...|||I do agree that these things happen naturally with the right person, but I feel as though we could really have something. That this could just be a speed bump in the road to happiness and to love. ...|||This is exactly how I feel. I say something that is really important to me, and he reacts by making a joke. And it hurts me so much, because I am trying to be open with him. His joking makes me feel...|||I am sooo open with him. I just want him to be open with me. Because I've been more open with him than I've ever been with anyone before. I certainly don't want to trick him. I want to have an open...|||I would like to use a dating site, but it seems kind of scary and strange. I wouldn't know what to do with myself.|||Dear 9w8 Oh, I'm sure about the 5w4. I have many, many, many five qualities. I read the nine description, and it really didn't fit me. But thank you for the suggestion. I'm very set on my 5w4. It...|||I'm currently in a relationship with someone who keeps his feelings fairly close to his chest. Which is okay, usually I do too. But in this particular situation I feel very empty. If he cared about...|||I know I am INXX. But the rest is difficult. I am constantly questioning it, even though I get strong scores in ever category for INFP in tests.|||Dear part of myself that thinks she may be an INTJ/INFJ/INTP. You are none of these things. You will never be any of these things. Just because an INXX writes something that could have been...|||Need some love.|||I'm with randomcouchpotato on this one. I was certainly the tortured soul in high school. Of course, I was also very busy trying to be an ENFP, which made me seem less tortured, but actually made me...|||I would love to be completely silent. But it would bother the people around me, so I suppose I'll never get the chance.|||No, I'm not afraid of death at all. I don't know what happens in the afterlife, or if we are just gone, but not knowing doesn't scare me. I hope to not be raped and murdered, sure. The actual death...|||It makes me happy. Lol. And I'm kind of a newbie. But I like feeling normal, if only for a little while.|||I want the love that is in my head; The perfect love. But I don't mean that the person has to be perfect. Far from it. Many of the qualities that I look for in my true love are not considered...|||I'm currently in a relationship with someone who doesn't understand the amount of space I need. I avoid him sometimes and we recently had a break. I don't want to break up with him, and like him a...|||The wise accept reality without being resigned to it.|||When I am happy, I can't imagine what it was like to be sad. When I am sad, I can't believe I'll ever be happy. I don't think I'm more unhappy than other people, just more entrenched in that...|||If you were over her, then it would be okay to keep her as a friend. But you're not over her. So if you want to get over her, then you would be doing yourself a favor by blocking her.|||Oh, me too. I have seen him, and he seems happy while I am here dying a little bit inside. I feel like an awful person for saying this, and I would never wish him pain, but his happiness makes my...|||I can't offer you advice, but I can say that I feel very similarly. I think INFPs hold love and relationships very highly, and when they don't work after we have put so much of ourselves into them,...|||Results Your Moralising Quotient is: 0.21. Your Interference Factor is: 0.00. Your Universalising Factor is: 0.00. Well, that was icky.|||I completely agree with everything that is said here. A month is nothing to lose and everything to gain.|||I would ask someone on a group date instead of a one one one because I would be afraid that I wouldn't be able to make enough conversation, and a group takes the pressure off of me.|||Oh, there are too many scary people on the internet for that. Plus, I like my anonymity. It is like a warm blanket for my identity.|||Oh, it makes me sad. The one in our community went under and I cried. (Just a little bit. I have some great childhood memories at that bookstore.)|||A double major in Finance and Accounting. Then on to law school.|||I have eight, which is normal for me.|||Hello! Why'd you choose to come to PerC? We're both the same Enneagram type! I'm the first female on this thread!|||The first three drinks make me such a flirt. Then four comes and pushes me over the edge on to Why doesn't anyone l-love m-me? *sob*. It gets even less pretty after that.|||I'm a little bit late at being new. . . lol. I was intending to, but then I got distracted by looking at my cat's eyes. Which I think might be quite typical.|||Oh, me! Me! I love that feeling when you barely know a person and you think you're attracted to them, but you really aren't sure yet. You imagine what it must be like to talk to them, wonder if...|||I was awful at it, and it bored me.|||I have this same question. I get typed as INFP, but I think I may be INFJ. I am not afraid of conflict, unlike the INFP profile. I am decisive, unlike the INFP profile. I am disorganized, unlike...|||When you make decisions, do you regularly take into consideration other people's feelings? It doesn't need to be in a kind way, just that when you do something, if you think I wonder how this will...|||Oh, I've got like half of these and I only think I'm pathetic once a month or so. (Although, at this point I've narrowed it down to three stuffed animals...and one of them is me sized.)|||I sometimes feel like this too. I almost always test INFP, and every letter on its own seems to fit, but. . . When I look at the individual functions, I get Si Ne (or Ni) Ti Fi. Which I know isn't...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | KMB:INFJ INTJ,ISTP,INTP Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Marry:ENTJ Bed:ENFP Kiss:ISFP ENTP,INFP,ISFJ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||ESFP TMLT Never do their homework and fail Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||I didn't realize you changed your type from unknown|||Slows Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||INFP TMLT to never do their homework but still is top student Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||xSTJ TMLT Always be relaxed Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||INFP TMLT Be a bookworm Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||INTP TMLT to have made MBTI Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||INFP TMLT Be a huge nerd Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||ENTJ TMLT Eat the person who eats animals alive alive Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Loops|||ISFJ TMLT Wish time would go by faster Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Poopy :p Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Guppy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||INTP or ENFP TMLT Be too normal Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||ENTP TMLT Fall walking on the sidewalk because they are in their heads Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Historical what do you typically do in your average day? I'm curious because you have been on here for the past 6 hours. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||ISFJ TMLT Hate INTJs Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||ISTJ TMLT Be a cat lady Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Pulpy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||INxJ TMLT Be my dog https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170921/8475afc65fb990cda83c4a20fa89d18f.jpg|||ENTP TMLT Be psycho Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||ENTJ TMLT Be a hitman Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||ESTJ TMLT Be the inmate that rules the prison Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||ENFP TMLT Go to jail Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||ISFP TMLT Be a prostitute Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||ESFP TMLT Become the master of Ninjaing Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||ISFJ TMLT Hit the person who hit the child for being annoying Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||ENTP TMLT have no idea how to flirt Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||INTJ TMLT Urinate Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||ISFP TMLT Be vegan only for the health benefits Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||ESTP TMLT Drink water Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||INFx TMLT Be left handed Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||INTx TMLT Tell everyone they meet that they are left handed Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Any right minded human being TMLT own an android Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Anyone who has posted on here over 100 times ;p TMLT Only post in the same threads Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||ExFJ TMLT Be a beautician Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||INTx TMLT Be a businessman Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||INTP TMLT only care about aesthetics and not functionality Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||ENFJ TMLT Be the most emotional thinker Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||ESTJ TMLT Be a feminist Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||INTx TMLT Have typed themselves as 10 different types Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||xNFP TMLT Believe in afterlife Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||INTJ TMLT Hate all of their teachers as a kid Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||ENFP TMLT Not believe in ghosts Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||IxTJ TMLT Believe the ends justify the means/ consequentialism Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||ESFP :p TMLT Ninja people on PerC|||ESTJ? TMLT Think anyone who is their type is mistyped Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||INFP TMLT type by MBTI Stereotypes Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'Well, a desire for order, a tendency to live by a certain code, and a sort of perfectionism. If the basis of your Ni = type 1 idea is that INxJs can be perfectionistic, I think you're barking up the...|||Most of these I've seen before, but how did you come up with the idea that Ni is type 1? I don't think I've ever seen that before. Usually type 1 is seen as more of a Te thing. Also, why is type...|||Well, if I snub someone who has any degree of influence over others, they could potentially get me fired or turn my friends against me. There's also a possibility that they could uncover dirt on me...|||Well, yeah, but if you're that rude to them directly, they might cause trouble for you. Of course, if you know the person isn't a threat to you... then yes, you can do whatever you want to them....|||Here's what I do, starting from least severe to most extreme methods: 1. Make excuses to avoid hanging out with them or talking to them. Most people will pick up on this eventually, if you go...|||I do think ISFPs can be similar to INFJs, though I don't think it's IQ-related. I think it's just because they're both IxFx types that use Ni/Se over Si/Ne. I often find ISFPs more relatable in...|||Why did you quote me? Why do you have to single me out? Other people are far more hostile to your argument than I have been, and I was just trying to settle things with someone else. Now I have...|||Wow, your main three points are the same as my Mom's... She's also a Sagittarius Sun, Libra Rising, Aquarius Moon.|||Well, yeah, of course a male ISFJ isn't going to be very feminine... But anyway, I don't see how the level of accuracy/precision about the nature of types and taking into account all these...|||I was half-joking because I don't take the concept of a type being feminine very seriously to begin with. But I do know that I wouldn't be very good at a lot of the stereotypically feminine/maid...|||I would think ISFJ. An INFJ would be too spaced out and daydream too much to be a great housekeeper or cook.|||What would they LOOK like? Probably kind of like this: http://www.osanimi.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/witchdoctor1.jpg|||Hi! Look at this cute macramé model of a Sierpinski triangle I just made. Oh, and what do you think of these beautiful landscape photos? I shot them with a 35mm lens. They could do other things,...|||Well, it seems that we mostly have a philosophical disagreement here. I think that your type is about those natural tendencies, and not about results or objective/measurable categories. I'm more...|||Duncan, A. (2014). The threat of educational stagnation and complacency. Education Digest, 79(7), 23. Patterson, T. (2013). We the people: A concise introduction to American politics (10th ed.)....|||INTJs are typically good strategists with some sort of drive to achieve their goals, yes. That part is typical of NJs in general, AFAIK. But caring about the good of everyone, rather than just...|||Out of those four? ISFJ. You do seem fairly relatable in terms of judgment, now that I've seen the Fe, but you seem more Si/Ne. Also, you seem to have good Thinking on top of that.|||I have to admit, I never thought I'd see so many INTJs talking about this stuff. I always thought they were so invested in the objectivity/rationality thing that they'd never admit to an interest in...|||Everything you said made sense, I think. Although... I'm pretty sure Mercury (ruler of Gemini/Virgo) is in my 11th house, not my 5th house. Was that a typo, or is there something else going on...|||I'm interested. date of birth: 04-01-1988 Time of birth(must be exact, within 5minutes): 8:40AM, Central Location of birth: Chicago, IL. I was born via C-section, so I'm sure the time is...|||I feel like I should point out that that's actually not what the theory suggests. Your type doesn't just change because you use your brain differently. It's not about behavior or conscious...|||militantsparrow I can see why you thought you were an INFJ now... there's actually a lot of Fe in here. In fact, I'm now fairly certain you're an FJ of some stripe. Some of your responses make...|||Actually, yes. There are a few questionnaires stickied in this subforum as a way of drawing these things out when you aren't sure what to say. Choose one of these three: ...|||I actually do relate to the Ti guy in the video a little bit... particularly when I'm trying to avoid admitting guilt for something. Perhaps not to that literal extreme, but I'm aware of that as a...|||That sounds more like Te to me. I wouldn't rule out Ti entirely, but right now I'm seeing Te mostly.|||In this dialogue, Socrates is Ti while Euthyphro is Te. This how Te looks to Ti. The Internet Classics Archive | Euthyphro by Plato On the other hand, in this video, you see how Ti looks to Te....|||Keirsey temperaments really aren't a good way of typing yourself, especially if you're an INxJ. A lot of NFs are more like stereotypical NTs, and a lot of NTs are more like stereotypical NFs. ...|||Good question. Keirsey Temperament Website - Portrait of the Rational Mastermind (INTJ) A lot of people are introduced to type theory by a book that calls INTJs Rationals and Masterminds. ...|||I don't know if the OP was only interested in INTP opinions on the subject, but since -Alpha- already mentioned me, I thought I'd mention him in return. He does seem to understand how I think fairly...|||I have a pretty good idea what kind of person you think I am, and I know I can come off that way. They shared with me by choice and felt my words resonated with them. EDIT: Sorry if I seemed a...|||I can tell you what it is, actually: Decans or Decanates - Planet Rulers Basically, it divides each 30 degree sign into 10 degrees. The first ten degrees of a sign are most strongly ruled by...|||Isn't that the definition of INTP to start with? I kind of assumed that TiNe and INTP were basically interchangeable terms. That's technically true, but it's a little like saying that the best way...|||INFJ. I try to avoid discomfort, but I don't go out of my way to make myself comfortable either. I don't mind stiff clothing material, although I dislike tight clothing because it makes me...|||Well, it's a very tentative idea, I haven't done enough research yet. But I'm thinking of... Type 12 Vice: Demiurge (A tendency to create/nurture things that reflect an inner flaw). Type 12...|||This kind of thinking reminds me so much of how I used to alienate people. You sound sort of like me, if I were extremely jaded and full of testosterone. I always resented the hell out of it when...|||If some of the complaints I bring up are out of date, I should note that I've been involved in the typology community since 2007 or so, and basically had a four-year hiatus from all sites of this...|||Yeah, I do wonder about people that filter the functions out of the descriptions of Enneagram types in order to justify an Enneagram type that doesn't seem to suit their MBTI. The idea is rooted...|||MSN no longer exists because Microsoft purchased Skype and discontinued MSN service. It's defunct, so there's no issue getting rid of that. I don't hear of too many people using ICQ these days...|||chicklit Sorry I skipped your videos, but you didn't have a post up when I started out. That's one thing I hate about threads like this... it seems like someone always replies to my subject by the...|||Actually, most of the users I've seen who refuse to accept friend requests and try to keep their friend list empty are INTJs. It seems to be some sort of pride/independence thing with them.|||I think AIM and Yahoo should be left in place, because I still use those occasionally. Some people's computers can't handle Skype, and others just don't want to video chat.|||You seem like a 7w6, 4w3, 9w1. Well, I'm going to post more songs. This time, I'm using songs that I enjoyed at an earlier time in my life, around 12-11. ...|||One irritating idea is the fact that people who don't see themselves in a type right away, or who ask for help, are assumed to be 9 or 6. Worse, with 6, the fact that you doubt your type is used as...|||It seems way too subjective, but here's what I'm gathering from it: Warm outside = P Warm inside = F Cold outside = J Cold inside = T I don't really agree that Ps seem warmer than Js do....|||Apparently, this:|||I do see Ti dominance as a possibility, but I have trouble seeing the Si and Ne. That part, I understand so far. I don't actually think he does sound ISTJ, though. I think he may actually...|||I've never seen him as INTP, though. Even back when he thought he was one, I didn't see it. I'd consider ISTP before INTP. He really doesn't seem like an Si/Ne user to me, if I'm being honest. As far...|||Right. I'm not saying that people shouldn't connect to the groups they find themselves joining. I'm just saying that you should be aware of what you believe and what your nature is apart from that. ...|||Actually, I'm not saying INTJs should do that at all. If anything, INTJs naturally tend to seek out arguments, and thus don't really need to do what I'm doing. I'm just saying that I think I should...|||Me, obviously. xD Just kidding. I don't think there's anyone who has no personal issues or weaknesses. The point is that people should strive to be aware of their issues and handle them, rather...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'This site is epic! Thanks for sharing. A E S T H E T I C Oh, so here's something I found interesting... when I clicked France in the 1980s the first song I got was called Narcissique by Caroline...|||Lyrics I'm not a menace to society, God *tinmad*, society's a menace to me|||On your honor, no looking up songs. You can guess any for any lyrics posted in a previous post. The original poster can only answer when someone guesses or identifies the song correctly. Your...|||Still worth. Ask! :P|||I would definitely say it's worth the relatively small amount of money. There's a lot of information there and good new ways to think of the question. If money is an issue for you, PM me and I will...|||Elfish|||Novel|||Stern.|||White|||This.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VZXvwv0pMo Anyone think this sounds a bit similar to Om Namo Bhagavate by the Desert Dwellers?|||Damn, that's a lot of self-honesty. I can appreciate your thinking, nom.nom.nom. Btw, nice avatar. And on the topic of this thread... if he means this much to you, perhaps write him a very...|||It's interesting that you note those characteristics in the philosophy and general manner of Wang Yang-Ming. You mentioned that he often tried to reframe the question at hand by suggesting a...|||Ooh!!! You know Wang Yang-Ming! Nice. Knowledge is action. I think you have a good hypothesis. What is your reasoning?|||steep|||Ricket|||Absolutely love both. Sunbathing is one of the best physical feelings I've experienced, and I've tried my fair share of substances... But rain, or any precipitation, is just so peaceful. Much...|||I've gone back and forth between INFJ and INFP for years but since learning about MBTI I have felt that I was an INFP. Just some darn test results suggesting I was an INFJ had me confused. I...|||That was my suspicion as well but I also think we don't commonly talk about ridges so it might be the ideal time to think of a winding road.|||Would you be open to giving it a try if he were the one to express interest? If you can see yourself at peace with the friendship then I say keep to your current trajectory. No need for unnecessary...|||Just gonna say that I love discussing Taoism. As an INFP, I always felt that the Taoists were true to their hearts and so perhaps the ancient masters were INFPs. But recently I realized that the...|||True, I feel you. But INFPs ought to follow their hearts. What if he likes you too?|||Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone. I wonder why people tend to think of it as win-dee more.|||Dear INFJ, I admire your stoic ever-deepening commitment to your passion and your natural ability to flow with the moment like a lazy river. Sincerely yours, INFP|||Hi Arlecchino, welcome to PerC! :) Just joined too. It's pretty nice to have a forum rooted in typology. One of my best friends is Italian. Well, he's half Italian, half German, and was born in...|||If this is your first post, I find it an interesting introduction as well! :eagerness: It's pretty crazy to think of all the paths people can be walking leading to a single convergent meeting. Is...|||Hi MelainaFear, nice to meet you. :welcoming: It's possible she's just slow to open up. She is probably a deep person but was caught off guard. Maybe she felt like you were expecting her to...|||Hi megmento, nice to meet you. :joyous: Why won't you confess your feelings to the INTJ? Btw I'm an INFP too.|||lol Welcome dude. I'm new as well. Won't take you up on your username's request though. Hope that won't come between us. :kiwi-fruit:|||Not quite as epic of a question as some of the Zen koans I've heard but still... imagine that you live on a street called Windy Ridge Way. When you tell your friends the name of the street you live...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | Anger doesn't bother me and hasn't for a long time. It's just an emotion like every other emotion. It is what it is. What bothers me is how poorly people use it. It's often a frustration reaction...|||Political rhetoric seems thoroughly interchangeable, in that it fits the worldview in question and whatever set of ideas are being argued using that rhetoric, don't actually seem to matter. If it...|||My style seems to not evolve much anymore since I've tried and liked pretty much everything I wanted to try. I'm basically stuck in last decade. I'm pretty lightly built and I like things to be snug...|||I'm currently studying to be a psychologist someday. They say do what you love (well, I like it), which is grand, and my grasp of concepts are good, but after putting in (technically?) five years...|||I like to think that I don't have conflicts, but it's more that I (we) tend to be able to deal with them before they really grow big enough to be conflicts. They're more like...lumps. I expect...|||I am informed that I sat still and mostly shut up during that time, and did mostly nothing. I apparently decided learning to walk was for plebs, so I instead pointed at things I wished to inspect and...|||It's difficult to separate it from all the things that go along with it in a relationship that provides it, since it's one piece of a big, gooey, pleasantly-scented inseparable whole to me. I...|||That a great many people, even through old age, continue to push the idea that everything was going just fine until the next generation singlehandedly fucked it up and will be responsible for the...|||I used to want to go into psychotherapy. Now, I want to teach. I was not sure I could do the former, but I am sure (as sure, at least, as I think I can reasonably be) that I can do the latter. It's a...|||My laptop died a sudden, premature death in my arms a few days ago. It was a loyal machine, let down by a chassis susceptible to stripped screws, such that the frame was torqued open over time and...|||Humans have a natural preference towards integrity of ego rather than expansion of knowledge. After learning, at a basic or introductory level, how to cope with some challenging or dangerous topic,...|||Well so does mine, but after this long, fortunately, she's largely given up. I seem to get along competently as an adult in the rest of my life and long-term patterns get too difficult to ignore for...|||I've been told that I'm both gentle and patient, but my attitude towards people has grown to be very black-and-white. I like to think I am when I first encounter someone. Generally I'm patient with...|||https://youtu.be/GaRaztQQLQI 5/5 patriotic would colonise again|||I've always felt very self-conscious about my appearance and my self-esteem has consistently suffered for not meeting societal standards, but I don't actually want to meet those standards and I...|||The Dunning-Kruger effect in action never ceases to amuse me. I giggle at many things, but honestly, it's nice to have the opportunity to openly point and laugh at someone and not feel too...|||I think I've settled on my future specific area of interest in study: Psychology and (Informal) Logic/Reasoning [as it applies to society and humanity]. Presumably a branch-off of social psychology,...|||I suppose five things equally. 1. That so many people can be so very dim and incurious. 2. That intelligence, learning or experience does not necessarily make anyone any less dim or incurious....|||Well that is more awkward. It may well be worth coming up with said personality-related excuse about needing some down time or something, since that works every day. The best lies are based on the...|||Well, for what it's worth...don't learn them by rote. Having to force yourself to resort to a script can easily be psychologically maladaptive; a reminder that you're in a position you don't want to...|||I've learned that if I wait for people to be considerate and respectful, I'm going to spend my whole life waiting. In the long term, I make sure that I only keep the company of considerate and...|||In the past week and a bit, I have received no less than fourteen bites from False Black Widow spiders. I hate spiders. Still, I gave them a chance. Then they bit me again. I obliterated them...|||My soul m8 is an ENTP. This gives me reason to believe it can work very well, although that comes down to the right INFP and the right ENTP, so standard disclaimers apply in that regard. I think I...|||A disapproving, antisocial scowl telling an intriguing tale of generalised misanthropy and distrust. Physically gorgeous. Beautifully shaped. Attractive walk. Superlative fluid intelligence, thinks...|||'Type' as a four-letter construct is basically irrelevant. Type descriptions are vague approximations of what one would expect an average, stereotypical individual of said type to resemble, and as a...|||The way a lot of people tend to think is the best way to relate to other humans has no correlation or bearing on what the best way to relate to other humans actually is. The fact that it seems common...|||Secular humanist. Possibly an atheistic satanist if I'm very smug about myself on a given day. Hail Satan. :V|||I disagree. For a type that seems very given to political extremism and has an easy ability to develop entire self-justifying, long-acting moral systems on the basis of emotional impulse and very...|||A rigger's belt with cobra buckle from a British company, which explains why they don't advertise it as such but it's the same thing a load of US companies make, got it for less though. Picked it up...|||I have been on one date in my entire life. It lasted a little over an hour. We got coffee and walked around a pretty part of town. Neither of us spoke to or looked at each other during this...|||Indeed so. Quite perceptive of you, young lady. Done correctly, damp and strange, but warm and inexplicably appealing. It is the responsibility of both partners to have sufficiently heated...|||I'd love a cosy house in Oregon not too far from the Willamette. My dream house has a gorgeous view of the outside. The hills behind me and a gorgeous canopy of trees in front. A skyline of conifers...|||Given the choice, I avoid confrontation when it raises the possibility of any remotely serious conflict. There is very little worth fighting about in life, and it seems many people make poor choices...|||I'm pretty sure I found (heard close by, didn't see) a mountain lion last night while roaming a back road behind our nearest mountain at 3am (as you do) and all I want to do is go back and find it....|||Serious is a very broad term, so probably not what you're thinking of, but - INFPs seem more susceptible than any type I've seen on the forum to major sense of humour failures. Type descriptions of...|||Whether in fact benevolent or not, Fi is inherently incredibly self-righteous and self-justifying, which isn't a quality one necessarily wants in someone who is their own judge and jury. An INFP...|||You got: Oregon! You're a laid-back person who thrives on independence. You'll love the seasons, nature, and open minds in the wilds of Oregon. And indeed I did. Still my home state, although I'm...|||I'm back bitches What's changed in my favourite forum in a year?|||lel this thread is still going After three years I've quit carrying a backpack everywhere, so now it's just whatever I cram into my pockets. - Phone, earbuds - Plastic money, bus pass, loyalty...|||i leave america for five fucking minutes and it elects a textbook NPD basket-fuckcase neo-fascist wannabe rapist on the back of an army of memetic blackshirts and 8th grade level logical fuckery...|||I voted ambidextrous, but I suppose I'm left-dominant - I'm equally dextrous in both, although my writing with my right hand is neat but slow. I naturally do a lot of things right-handed with no...|||u wot u wot|||Plenty of expensive tastes, much more than I can afford. I basically like nice things that are good value such that I actually stand a chance at owning them, so I do research on the topic, pick very...|||MISCELLANEOUS HAPHAZARD CONFESSIONS TIME. I've decided I want to get my PhD and teach but it seems most of my reasoning for that is that I like how a few other people have done it rather than...|||I've been having an amazingly productive couple of days. Unfortunately, this is because I have no choice. So far I've called the local utilities place to arrange an end of service, called the...|||I look forward to opportunities to get into debates with fairly intelligent people (or so considered by others) I've taken a dislike to over a given topic, particularly one which reflects directly on...|||Stating a moral position on something, in the manner of 'I believe x action/process is y judgement/trait', and then when questioned employing reasoning that goes, 'well that's true for you but it...|||Being the coffee fiend I am, I've been talking a lot to all the baristas I'll be leaving behind when I head north (basically the closest thing I have to friends, they're cool cats). A few are from...|||North: Edinburgh, Scotland (55.95°N) West: Nye Beach, Newport, Oregon (124.063°W) South and East: Sentosa Island, Singapore (1.248°N 103.830°E)|||So apparently Portland has the nation's lowest rental vacancy rate, it's 3.1% and used to be lower. Well Victoria, BC, has a vacancy rate of 0.6%. Guess why I ended up being in Canada for an extra... |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 'Please don't leave me a bunch of pity. More than anything I just felt the need to write my thoughts. Now that I think about it this should have just been a blog but whatever.|||Why can't women just be direct about not being interested? Warning: Long and filled with me being a whiny bitch! As some of you might recall I ended up asking a coworker out to which she...|||This evening I find myself wondering what the hell is wrong with me. Anyway on Saturday I ended up asking a coworker out for Thursday. She ended up turning me down because she has school that day,...|||Yes I've considered it but I don't want to decide that sense I'm only 22. Part of me likes the idea of total freedom. Then again having a family also sounds nice. I will say I'm tired of the games...|||I would definitely say I had social anxiety when I was younger but I've mostly overcome this. I still over think social situations but i generally don't let it keep me from doing things. If anything...|||Skiing and snowboarding. Trail riding (dirt bike). Video games. Surfing. Hunting. Reading about stuff related to my hobbies. Learning how to fix things I use.|||Kind of sounds like me.|||My opinion is most of what you learn in college (and school in general) isn't very useful for most people. As for the stuff that might be useful they don't show you how to use it practically. This...|||I don't see myself as boring. Other people probably view me as boring though because I don't say much, I'm to the point, and I don't go to parties much.|||When I'm in group settings I find people try to prod me into talking, but with little success. In the end I tend to just sit there listening untill a topic I care about comes up or I feel something...|||My bad I missed the ten word rule.|||A penguin caught a fish in antarctica and then it was eaten by a polar bear. Satisfied from his delicious meal, the bear went to sleep. And bingo was his name-o. He had been given this posh name by...|||I didn't have much of a religious upbringing though I know my parents are christian. For a number of years I had a questioning belief. The more I thought about it there more problems I had with...|||Most stuff on History, Discovery, Military, or similar channels. No Reservations and the Layover. The Big Bang Theory. Top Gear. Two and a half men (not the same without Charlie though).|||F vs T has nothing to do with being nice. I've known people who I suspect are dominant feelers yet could be down right nasty over nothing. It all goes to show F vs T dosn't mean much in that regard....|||1. Hell no. There's 6-7 billion people on this planet of which about half of them are female. Even after narrowing it down to my age bracket and what I consider attractive there's still millions....|||I can't give the lady's what they want that easily. I have to see some in return. XD|||I have a text message stalker.|||It all comes down to being on social autopilot. If I don't care to deal with the person I try to deal with the person as quickly and efficiently as possible. I actually need as reason to give more...|||It drives me nuts.|||Im only able to pull this kind of thing off when I put myself in the mindset to do so before hand. The problem is it's just not natural for me to remain in it. More often then not i come up with a...|||I'll save the tweeting for the birds. Actually this is the only site I post anything on. Never had myspace. No Facebook. No google+ or whatever it's called.|||To win the lottery. Oh you said career. Im still trying to figure that out maybe a linemen (as in electrical). With the relationship part I'll have to get back to you on that.|||I enjoy going out to dinner with my family. Otherwise I see them as just another day.|||I wasn't big on sports until after high school. I wasn't a natural at it and was to lazy to practice, then I learned to ski. Anyway it dosn't need to be a sport. The point is for him to find an...|||I vote for leave it for the reasons others have given.|||Does he have any outlets such as sports, hobbies, ect. Basically anything he enjoys doing regularly that doesn't include such things as hours of playing video games, watching tv, or surfing the net....|||I second the let him make his own mistakes. Trying to help him avoid mistakes can often backfire anyway. If it isn't likely to ruin his life it's probably better to let him make the mistake and...|||I second the ISFJ though it's hard to type a person based on a description like this. Either way I say she dosn't sound ISTP.|||I hate eye contact. For me I find it a distraction from the conversation. When using it I have to think about keeping eye contact but not staring the person down. In the end I say it's just one of...|||I don't recall the scores from the mbti tests I've taken. If I had to compare myself to the people around me though I would have to place myself at about 85% introvert. Most days I just don't feel...|||How about the teacher that expects you to write a poem. Those kind of assignments always pissed me off.|||Never been a fan of poems.|||This. (10 char)|||My problem is I kill most conversations fairly quickly because I don't give people much to work with. Then theres the problem of not caring for a lot of people I meet.|||People who drive under the speed limit for no good reason. I can't tell you how often this happens to me.|||I don't do new years resolutions. January first is just another day to me.|||I think you and I know thats not the kind of movie I'm talking about. There may be some exceptions besides these three that I can't think of but generally there total garbage. I actually can't...|||The only things I don't like about the holiday is the music, having to decorate, and the movies. Every year my mom watches all kinds of the terrible Christmas movies. You know the ones were some...|||Your campus too. Can't walk anywhere on my campus without steping in it. By the way BBQ geese kabobs with bacon tastes great. Bacon yum.|||I feel it should be illegal. If a women decides to have sex she accepts that she could get pregnant. Sure you can use protection but no protection is 100%, so even with it you still should accept the...|||It's why I sometimes question whether my dad is an ISTP. He can get extremely anal about where you leave things. Some days he will just start moving your stuff and you come back and can't find it. He...|||You seem to be thinking yourself in circles. If I were you I would go out with her on a trial basis and stop comparing her to the ENFJ's. If it just feels right after a few dates then go with it, if...|||Thats a tough choice. I deffinitely spend alot of time thinking about and researching my interest's. At the same time after several hours to a few days of this I really need to get up and do a...|||Outside of my family the only people I regulary interact with is co workers. I've got some co-workers that I get along well enough to were I snowboard with them. Infact they invited me on a trip to...|||I agree with you that with the right person the conversation should feel natural. Having said that my question is how did you meet these women in the first place and what led to the conversations?...|||1. I don't know if I would say I'm attracted to people that fall under that category. In general though I prefer people who are laid back (while still being somewhat dependable). 2. I highly...|||I find myself in this same catch-22. The basic solution is obvious, but it's still a pain in the ass. Then there's the added struggle (at least for me) of trying to find things to talk about when...|||The only current system I have is 360. My computers are not really up to gaming specs. Having said that I play alot of the MW3. Also just got BF3 but haven't had a chance to play it.|||Basically what the rest of you said. Buy a decent size house (2000-3500 sq. ft.) on several acres. Then I would take off on a several year trip around the world starting in Europe and just go...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Philadelphia (1993)|||No offense to Portugal, but seriously? Did we watch the same show? I thought Moldova had a chance|||8/10 Nice choice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVNQBZMVSe0|||5/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxXBhKJnRR8|||No|||5/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3ZVZVMIG7g|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x59kS2AOrGM|||I don't play games as much as I used to. Occasionally I play The Sims 4, some browser games and I used to play a lot of cute anime mmorpg before.|||Scott Pilgrim vs the World|||https://68.media.tumblr.com/3fee5ec2046303df9b7d23ef1e49434c/tumblr_omeom93DbK1ql5yr7o1_400.gif|||ISTP? Skip to 1:16 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGTdeh5s2vU|||Yes. I think it happened to me more than once. It's like a platonic ideal. Not sexual, not physical, just something attracting you and it's very out of the blue. Only difference is that I don't feel...|||Around 10 I think.|||Please can you change my name from aske to Atrej? Thank you very much.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFU6sKjWFtk|||[deleted]|||Lately I've been thinking about my life and what good has that ever brought to anyone... So, the problem is, I'm struggling with my sexuality. I noticed I'm attracted to guys a long time before, but...|||Kurt Vile - Life Like This|||387706|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJhgyZtxX3Y Billy was a good friend of mine We grew up together ever since we were nine We went to school, he was my best friend And I thought our friendship...|||The title says it all. I don't think I've ever been to a concert by myself, but I went alone to movies/theater once and it was great.|||I don't. It stresses me out and I hate organizing it. I have a pressure that everyone has to feel good and have a great time so it's not enjoyable to me at all. I feel like I'm responsible for...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fD8Reb-zHXA|||.....you get drunk and bring home a cat at 3 AM (and you live in a flat with your parents). your parents freak out and don't let you keep it :unsure:|||I should've named this thread 'How do you cope with rejection? or something, so more people could participate in the discussion... Too late now I'm afraid.|||Yeah, I know. I hate it that I can be so illogical and irrational at some point. XD Thank you all for your replies.|||I don't like eating at the table because I see it as a waste of time. I would rather be sitting at the computer, reading and learning something new.|||I love r'n'r. I don't think it ruined anything, it gave people more freedom. I see the past as utterly conservative and hypocrite society. A lot of people back then, I would say, didn't even have...|||One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest|||Slytherin LOL|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1PNvopXjbg|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1PNvopXjbg|||Maybe I do, but with a lot of effort. It doesn't come naturally to me and I'm not interested in it.|||NTs I think.|||When somebody rejects you, or you get disappointed by something (etc) do you keep hoping that someday it'll turn out just fine? Because that's how me, as an INFP am, I never seem to lose my hope. I...|||And does it bother you when somebody doesn't accept? Do you question why they didn't? Would you find it creepy if someone you remember from somewhere, but have never talked to, finds you on...|||Type 5: Investigator|||Me as a kid 193442|||George Orwell: 1984|||Can't decide whether ESFP or ENFP, but something out of those two I think.|||Azumanga Daioh: Osaka - totally INFP XD. I'm curious what Mamimi Semejima of FLCL could be, so if anyone could try to guess this... I have no idea.|||As a Type 5, this is literally what I google on the internet. WikiHow is amazing. XD|||Good night!|||They do exist. I was also confused when I read that Type Fives and INFPs contradict each other (because I scored both), but then I found out about Type Five sexual subtype. It shares quite a lot of...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLOPkQii7Bo|||Now it's all clear to me. I'm a Sexual Five (5w4) INFP. I was confused when I read that INFPs and Type Fives contradict each other, but this subtype of a Five could quite possibly represent an INFP.|||My mom ENFJ, dad ESFP me INFP|||Agnostic.|||For me as an INFP, I find it easy to get along with other INFPs, ENFJs, ENFPs...|||INFP = Clerics or Archers ENTJ = Swordsmen, Tanks' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'INFJs tend to see the problems of the people they care about as their own problem. What makes this so frustrating is we have no control over those problems, so we take on a lot of the stress of it...|||I think it's important not to rely too heavily on Ni. Intuition is very susceptible to bias, even if it is well-developed. It's okay to value your intuition, as long as you acknowledge that in alot...|||For me, I definitely do keep feeling other's emotions after the moment has passed. I've had situations where I feel like I've been more worried about a friend then they are about themselves. Like,...|||This sounds alot like mindfulness, especially the part about watching (being mindful of) your thoughts (not sure if you knew about mindfulness or are just really smart and figured it out on your...|||I would say that INFJs definitely have the potential to be materialistic. I've seen it said on here alot that our Se can sometimes be expressed in a way that makes us seem a little vain, and I would...|||No. If I think a topic is sensitive to someone, I like to steer well clear of it. Like, if someone is talking about something that I know someone else would feel uncomfortable talking about, I'll...|||True dat.|||INFPs have Ne not Ni :) I think if this is something that ISFPs and INFPs have in common, it's more likely that your dominant Fi is the cause. I know Fi-doms are more about actions over words, but...|||This is very common and the majority of people do it (especially adults). We imitate other people to make them feel more comfortable with us so they will like us. It's not a conscious decision but...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wAlL99vDn4 Every time I see the INFJ or INFP question come up, I point people to this vid. Hope it helps!|||Like some people have said, it's probably a good idea to actually talk to her about this stuff, otherwise she could interpret your absences as you not really caring about her/no longer liking her. If...|||I still don't believe Hitler was INFJ, not because he was evil, it's just he was charismatic in front of large crowds and but was super uncomfortable in one-on-one conversations, seems the opposite...|||You dreamed about that because you felt left out that day. Your friend probably worried about being the third wheel, so he talked alot. Your GF probably talked to him because she didnt want him to...|||This happens to me all the time. I like the term buzzing that you used. I feel that buzzing, not just when I'm looking at faces, but pretty much any time I'm overstimulated. I can usually only look...|||If they're not together anymore, it's a little weird that she'd still have stuff about him as current on her social media (I know nothing about instagram so I don't know if that's something that...|||I get the idea of the flow not being there to say much else (I get that feeling too), I guess sometimes I just feel obliged to respond to something that someone says, even if it's just to acknowledge...|||It seems like two of the main things ISFPs want from their friends is someone who accepts who they are and someone who is honest. But I feel like you can't always express both of those values at the...|||I think it depends on the size of the problem. I get the view that if you don't bring it up early it might turn into something bigger, but if it's a small problem and you bring it up, it might make...|||I've been thinking about this lately. I feel like my Fe actually makes me resent some people. Like, if they're in a bad mood, I can't help but feel that, then I resent them for me feeling their bad...|||I think to assume that sarcasm always or even often hurts someone is a bit of a narrow view. Me and my friends go back and forth with sarcastic comments all the time and we all enjoy it, it brings us...|||OP just blew my mind. I'm writing this shit down.|||I'm probably honest where other people would lie, but I still lie pretty often. Sometimes I have a good reason (like sparing someone's feelings), sometimes I just don't want someone to know my...|||I've taken it a couple of times, got 77% and 84%.|||You should be confused. This guy is confusing as shit. Like everyone else, I call BS on the sex thing. At first I thought he was just overthinking himself into insanity, but now it just seems he's...|||This did bug me when I first started reading, then I thought how do these people know soooo many INFJs and I can't even find one?!?. They seem to have chosen a couple of (very negative)...|||Definitely idiosyncratic for me. I actually identified alot with some of the not-so-good qualities like being possessive of friends and being a bit moody. The moodiness doesnt really show, I kind of...|||I'm not prepared to say this is ALL on you. I'm sure she has a big part in the negatives of your friendship. But I'll try and tease apart what things are normal INFJ behavior and whats not. 1....|||I would say that you should genuinely try to move on. That's the best thing for both of you. If you just say you're moving on but are expecting to get back together, he'll feel that and maybe even...|||I've thought about this too, and I feel like the only way it would happen was if MBTI became some kind of craze, like some incredibly famous, horribly inaccurate book got published that got everyone...|||On the test that MooseAndSquirrel posted, I got: Ravenclaw - 11 Hufflepuff - 10 Gryffindor - 10 Slytherin - 10 I'm more difficult to sort than Harry Potter :)|||Best video for INFJ vs INFP problems and also helps describe the functions :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wAlL99vDn4|||Like everyone else has said, he needs his alone time. Understanding how important that is to him will go a long way to helping him feel comfortable with you. I know that at 17, I knew I needed alone...|||I think immaturity is when they do things like 'keeping score' in a relationship, or (for lack of a better term) taking advantage of a situation in a relationship to have things their way. When they...|||Ummmm......cluttering up your own room probably wont bother him that much unless you're expecting him to spend lots of time there. If you give him advanced notice and only stay a couple of days,...|||I have an INTP friend who is very wity and sarcastic. She can makes up random jokes and fanciful storylines which is a big reason we're friends. She's so quick that sometimes I feel out of my...|||I like the idea of being in Slytherin while not totally fitting their stereotype, but based on the characteristics that you put up.... HUFFLEPUFF!!!! Edit: Thinking about this from the...|||I think online friendships can only go so far. You cant experience your life with an online friend other than what you choose to tell them and what they choose to tell you. Real-world friendships...|||Like Nicole Hobbs said, he probably doesn't want to burden you. Your relationship is a good thing in his life, he doesnt want to 'taint' it (for lack of a better word) by introducing his problems. ...|||I act like this plenty around pretty much anyone I don't know very well. I didn't really see anything that suggested interest, although I didn't see anything that suggested disinterest. I wrote a...|||I'm not going to have a car while I'm there. Is it hard to get around without one? Whats the public transport like?|||I was thinking San Diego Zoo would be pretty cool :) Might check out a museum or something too :) Thanks guys. Anything else?|||I have about 5 days to kill in Southern California before I leave foreverrrrrrr :) Anyone from around here/people who have been here know of something interesting to do in San Diego/LA area? Thanks :)|||I'm at an american college now and the friendship dynamic here is...different. Like, I've met alot of people, but I dont feel like I've made that many friends. Everyone seems to flit from one person...|||Not sure if I've responded to this thread or not.... Australia - currently living in California :)|||It seems like you're attributing this to you lacking motivation, not you not having something to motivate you. You sound like someone who is used to being intrinsically motivated, like it's part of...|||So did any INFJ meet ups end up happening in SoCal? I was thinking about asking a few months ago when I got here, but I spaced, and now I'm leaving in 2 weeks :(|||Something to keep in mind, he might be nervous now that he has to respond with a video/picture and is worried you won't like what you see.|||Agree with what most people have said. Either he thinks you like him but you've pulled away so many times that he's vulnerable and will pretty much never make the first move or he doesn't think you...|||I'm not very good at maths, but I get very OCD about numbers. I've had this habit since I was a kid....if I'm watching a video or something, I have to try and work out the fractions of the video time...|||The Green Mile http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=083OMBnPA3c&feature=my_liked_videos&list=L LS2Zfv-JUbapBFDlCHMLelw Tad depressing that I connect so much with someone who is about to be killed,...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'difficult... draw things into reality perhaps?, one only have so much time to discover things and there are so much in this time and in the possibilities of my mind... but on the other hand, why the...|||...peace, love and uunderstaaanding. but perhaps in the order love, understanding(I'll let curiosity be part of that(desire for udnerstanding), and the appreciation of the complexity/simplicit of...|||I thought she seemed extroverted too, in the series, I have not read the books, I was curious about the series as I have heard so many here talk about that book series as such an infp one. I did read...|||So many people... Can't I take a week vacation from people? no? The night is sweet though; me, computer, music and tea. Today I learnt that the work I started studying for requires...|||saltless soup 0.5 pencil or 0.7 pencil?|||I was scared of one not that long ago, it was the biggest I had seen, and it was very fast and I was surprised. But two days ago one crept over my face when I was about to fall asleep and I just...|||six (in my language the word for six and sex are the same, that is sex)|||I don't know much, but was told once I was happy and pleased, didn't scream much.|||I don't know if it is the real definition of it, but to me, what I have thought of when reading emotional connection is mutual perceptiveness, noticing ques for what the other is feeling(it doesn't...|||Hm... I have been thinking about this some this summer, that and shorter showers are my next areas of improvement environmentally speaking. Plus it is nice exercise. I used to need a bicycle, because...|||I think it is dangerous to both talk about vitamins like they are harmless, and to talk about them as though they are very dangerous, because it can scare away people who need them. As a vegan it is...|||I don't know about the feeling better in general. But one temporary plaster, while working on the rest, can be to prepare some treat for the morning, like a little ritual, I am not sure why I don't...|||Strangely dizzy, I think it might be allergy somehow, or sideeffect of the pollenmedicine perhaps. Stressed, so much to do this weekend and the week after. I have a five weeks course to finish(no...|||I have been thinking so much about empathy... but I don't know if I am any the wiser, it is confusing. I think I have pretty strong empathy, not not very... skilled empathy. I struggle with...|||I don't know! I keep going into these threads with the intention to at least post something, even if it would not be the very top five, but just 5 of the top 50 or something... but it is so hard....|||Not exactly like in that example, if it is a word in the middle of a sentence, I tend to get stuck, weaving my hand around, getting frustrated, then find the word or make one up or explain it in...|||I am no expert, but I will try to answer from what I have observed mainly in myself and people in the infp forum. I'll write in colour in the quote, bit by bit.|||Oh, I can relate :) stuff like that can happen to me every so often, but not quite as much lately, as I have started to learn from mistakes and doublecheck stuff a lot (like that the skirt is not...|||Monadnock Even if your guess that people to the left care about the climate just because they fear they will be the loosers if times get much harder, how does that make climate change any less...|||In 2013, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report concluded that It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming...|||I need to sleep, but I am still a bit adrenaliny after a spider that might have been about 6cm long ran around in our bedroom (I am not usually very scared of spiders, unless they crawl over my face...|||This was a bit interesting: Type most likely to be Lesbian, Gay, or Bisexual it is a limited sample, based on okcupid profiles, which doesn't have to represent the general public, and there's a...|||Spark? Voff? Tailer? Friend? Slippers? Donut? Loaf? Ernest? Fido? Fifi?... It is late, I am too tired to think of something really good. What craft would you like to be able to master, if you were...|||Most said in the above post I think. One more thought was that the product might not cost that much to them, I don't know what product we are talking about, but is is possible something selling for...|||It worries me a lot in periods, then I don't think about it much at all for quite some time, then I get worried again. I make smaller adjustments in my life now and then, but it seems futile in the...|||Unrelatedly? -------------- Perhaps that many seem to see so much as separate stuff going on, not giving much thought to the greater movements that make up, it doesn't seem to have so much to...|||^Hm... I think I prefer 1.5-3 meters apart, depending on how loud the place is. If someone is next to me it is ok to be closer, 30 cm even, but closer than a meter in front of my face and it will...|||Dracula? (don't ask me how that came to mind... I don't know how it is associated... or wait, one of the first books I read was about a vampire named Vincent, which is similar to Valentine, that...|||I don't know how it works in england, but checking the hospitals close to where she's supposed to be might also be an idea, if she was in an accident and is recovering there. I does sound a bit...|||Beautiful things being destroyed. What do you think the world is made of?|||I am pretty organised in space, but not in time, my J partner is the opposite, he never remembers where he put his book, doesn't know where we keep say our stapler though it has been there in plain...|||35... but I think I have gotten around 50 on EQ tests before. I feel like this test depends quite alot on how confident you are, if you are cautious. Being cautious and picking slightly...|||sofa|||No :) SO=significant other=boyfriend/partner/guy/fiancé, I am a bit reluctant to use it too, I switch between the terms, partly because other people might also be significant(and I am not fond of...|||Mh... I have not had a room-mate except my SO, and that is different, but also similar in many ways I would guess. I have had many flatmates though. I don't know what anyone's type has been, but I...|||mittens|||I sometimes feel I become a bit hard-cool-facts and bottom-lines-ish in discussions, or more so debates sometimes. But I think it is mostly an adaptation to others, not coming from within myself....|||I don't know if one needs to be always doing something, it can be really neat to just sit by a fire looking out over water and thinking for a while too for example, but I think at least I would feel...|||I think it sound wonderful to go to a place like that alone. Perhaps bring a book or something, sketchbook? crossword? whatever you like to do, if you don't have anything to do for hours. I have gone...|||Not that I can remember... I rarely cry, and most likely if I do it is where I am alone like in a closed room or the toilet. I imagine it would feel really good though, like the world was empathising...|||I understand you saying leans toward intp, because you seem to have a kind of openmindedness for example my intj father seem to be lower in. Wasn't there some other test here some time ago,...|||The general idea sounds good, but putting a strange cat down next to a sleeping cathater sound dangerous, haha, I am an worst-case-scenarioer and this is what I envisioned(based on my own cats...|||I do :) Well, not every time I come home, but more every now and then when we meet, and more often the top of her head than the neck, but also every so often her stomack(we have this ritual when she...|||Time, much, much more time, in the little moments and in the long run. What if your life was a new version of the Truman show, would you like to know? Or go on happily oblivious to that everyone...|||I am a little late to the party, but I just looked up what on earth your name actually means, I thought Dammerung was something about apocalypse or something, but internet says it is dusk, and in my...|||According to my ample experience with young men and armhair(that is one person) some might have complex for having more armhair than the norm, or darker that shows much more than blond hair does, and...|||Do anyone think your answer would differ depending on what time of the day I asked this question? I am thinking I might be closer to isfp in the daytime, become a bit more extroverted in the evening,...|||some cake? https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a2/60/fe/a260fe17d279f33451f6c2e634611eb0--funny-cake-oreo-cake.jpg or witch-cake?:...|||Most close to being, yourself :) I don't think I would have liked to be an intp alltogether(I think I might have been a bit like that in my teens and it felt... bad, as it is not really me) but it...|||Right now I do next to nothing. I don't have an income, so I can't donate much, but I still have a few monthly payments to Action aid, Amnesty, Animal rights org. etc. that are withdrawn if I have...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Nailed it.|||Bingo. From my own experience (others may be different), my OCD is definitely a factor in my ADHD. With my thoughts running rapidly, it's hard to sort them out and prioritize them. I have always...|||From what I've read, it's a result of dopamine deficiency or the brains lack of efficiency in regulating it. Other disorders do not necessarily cause it, but accompany it. The two have some symptoms...|||To some extent, we have to conform, unless we have some talent that is so extraordinary that it can catapult us into importance (importance based on some need).|||I'm in retail management, currently in bridal jewelry. I went to school for history and english. I didn't have a clear plan in college, but now in my thirties, I realise a career in personal training...|||For I, it's quite ironic. I feel the same as you, but my depression fuels my poetry. My poetry draws people in, but I only let them see so little of me. Then again, I want people to have more of me....|||Here I am 166826|||Quietly in a chair with a pen in my hand and my final poem near completion. That|||Thanks you, and yes 1981 was an excellent year.|||ATWA is a song by System of A Down on the album Toxicity. I was born in 1981.|||I'm dating an INFJ. She is the second woman I've ever fallen in love with. Our connection was instant and I was surprised that she could get me to express my feelings so quickly. I almost forgot how...|||Are any INFJ in a relationship with an INTP? I'm curious as to how that works out for you, though I know any two types can work out.|||Without a doubt. My mother is ESFJ. I'm 32 with kids and she actually tries (unsuccessfully) to control who I date and how I raise my kids.|||ESFJ mother and sister. INTP father. ENFP sister. Our upbringings sound very similar.|||Conversing with you requires an act of Congress. Your head is in the clouds (Nope, just gathering information) You're weird You always have to be different from everyone else (no, I just am)...|||I enjoy being kind and doing things for people at times, until it bites me in that backside. Then people try to volunteer me to take care of things, rather than ask. I have to put my foot down,...|||Oreos and hard cider. I think it's worth a shot|||These oreos taste great.|||How do you suppose we get these two INTPs together? Personally, I've never dated a woman that didn't have an E or F, if not both.|||I grew up as the first, then college happend and I progressed into the second by the time I was 21 (dropped the ivory tower crap around 25). Thank god I got laid at 19. Looking back on it, that...|||Aaaah, the I was misdiagnosed, so everyone else is too! thing. It's very real. Ne has no fury like adhd. It's one thing when I have a ton of thoughts running through my head, but the impulse...|||My father and I are INTPs. My mother and younger sister are ESFJs. My older sister is ENFP. My younger sister and mother are basically the same person, two overbearing, judgemental women. We disagree...|||Welcome!|||The part about the stereotype that ESTJs are usually male. I personally didn't see that stereotype (or every other stereotype), since I've grown up around so many in my family. Maybe I'm a little...|||Nope. My female boss is one. I find her pretty awesome. Actually, I've met a few cool ESTJs and some I couldn't stand. That's with every type.|||Why???? Is this an attempt at trolling?|||Sums it up nicely. :-P Really though, each person will have deviations from this, so it is not absolute. Heck, most of my test end in a near 50/50 P/J.|||1.) 40 living at home in their parents basement. 32, moved back in, bout to get back out (child support hurts). 2.) 40 year old virgin Two kids 3.) Socially deprived Never really cared 4.) Game...|||Sagittarius, I doubt it.|||The religion topic wasn't about her, but people in general. I realise I didn't clarify that. When she and I talked about religion, it was short and quick. Her- Why won't you come to church with...|||Doesn't talk much, military (hell no), an asshole, in my own world and intimidating. When I decide to open my mouth, they find I'm open-minded, funny, and will talk a lot to people I trust and like....|||So many people act like attractiveness is a set standard. There have been many women who are considered attractive that I never saw the big deal about. Attractiveness for me is more than how a woman...|||I agree completely. A lot is assumed based on appearances. I have a muscular build, short haircut and wear fitted clothing. People are surprised that I write, used to draw and graduated in history....|||I did this often to an ex-girlfriend. She hated me for it. I'm still surprised that we lasted for so many years. I still feel the itch to do so when religion pops into conversations, but I hold back....|||I googled some mbti topics and I was brought here. I read interesting things and signed up a few days ago. I think I'll stay.|||It's a song from the System of a Down album Toxicity.|||Aside from avoiding the crowds, I know I'll never do anything after work, so mornings it is. I have two kids who stay with me at varying times of the year, which makes morning easier as well.|||What is your job?|||I almost said four, but it's five. I've done too well of a job forgetting about my regrettable first.|||Grey or green. My outlook for the future of this world is not promising.|||I like running two or three times a week as well. The one thing I will add is that I go to the gym super early, b/c I can't stand when a lot of people are there. Some don't mind, but it drives me...|||I've been a gym rat for eleven years. I wake up early to get my day started. I can't imagine not lifting and keeping my body in shape, which some say INTPs are prone to. What is your physical...|||I've been in leadership roles in different jobs for nine years now. It has its good points and some I can't stand, like the tedious paperwork and other administrative duties. People say I have a...|||Pisses me off? People who talk down to you like you're an idiot when you don't agree with their opinion, though you use logic to show them that it's not an opinion. They are just wrong. In other...|||How have you not throttled her by now? I'm lucky enough not to have run into someone like that, but it sounds like an inconsolable pain.|||Sevendust - Denial|||I don't have any words for this. Oh wait, I do. You just described the tempest I slowly trudged through, on and off, for ten years, only b/c we had a kid involved. That ISFJ woman was the worst...|||I'm an agnostic atheist. No person can say they know for certain the existence or non-existence of deities, though I feel the likelihood of one is slimmer than a strand of baby hair. I grew up with...|||Actually, yes. I know exactly what you mean. I have felt the same way in the past. As you mentioned, most people will not listen unless you have a strong ability to appeal to the emotions and senses...|||The more I understand of myself, the more I crave to learn. I know the journey to understanding myself as I am right now is endless. How could I stop trying to understand myself as I grow and change....' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | So, what do we need to talk about for you to come to a conclusion about my personality? There are some things about my personality that stand out. Maybe this will help. 1. I am better with...|||I took the test and it gave me INTP. Many of the questions were difficult to answer. I took a few cognitive functions tests as well. The results were balanced mostly. One wouldn't give me...|||RationalistYour quantitative reasoning score: 77.78% Your future-based reasoning score: 87.5% Your evidence evaluation score: 81.25% Your cognitive awareness score: 81.25% I'm trying to decide...|||Either way...|||Haha! Thanks! Yes, please help! Ask me some questions that would help you type me, and I will answer honestly. :)|||Okay, so I have taken the MBTI tests online many times, and I nearly always get INTP. However, people keep telling me that I'm an INTJ. Occasionally get typed as ENTx. Pretty much keep getting...|||Changed my mind...|||Welcome! You're an INFJ BTW. You should type yourself instead of relying on tests.|||I just hate engineering jobs. Engineering itself is uhmeyziing!|||They could learn, but they actively reject learning about topics that they are not interested in. Then they claim that so-n-so is invalid for so many reasons and it is completely outside of their...|||I was curious how old that I look. I asked a girl out that was working at a fast food place. I'm assuming she was around 18 because she would still be in class if she was in high school. She...|||I'm thinking that one day I will wake up and go from looking young, to looking super old.|||There are plenty of disadvantages to being an INTP and a few advantages. The spectrum is a balance between two polar opposite cognitive functions. If you are extreme, then you will likely have...|||A strut with extra swagger.|||Are you saying that people don't get locked into their personality type? Or are you saying that creating a reward system for improving personality is not a good idea? Or are you saying that...|||Gamification would be an improvement to the MBTI. People get locked into their personality types when it's the polar opposite of what Jung believed. That's a good idea! I'm going to work on...|||I'm crushing on you! http://i1375.photobucket.com/albums/ag448/computerhxr/crush_zps6yl4vqdm.gif|||Exactly! Very good point! Sometimes you have to ask though... Otherwise, how will anyone know that you want a cup of tea? Intuition, understanding, and the strength to want to do good in the...|||It's the best way to be! That's why you were mistyped and why people mistype me so often. Jung says that you are the best person to type yourself. External personality is not a true representation...|||Ditto!|||Introverted functions are more interesting than extraverted ones. Si, Ni, Ti, Fi... Take your pick Extraverted functions are focused on current reality. Introverted functions are in another...|||What do you mean by philosophical state?|||Wooo! Yeah!|||Southern California. It's wing span is as wide as my car. It always happens at this one spot on a windy road. It swoops down over my hood and in-front of my headlights. It's awesome! This has...|||It depends on the INTP. Some are Cats and some are Owls. Some are both Cats and Owls. Both are nocturnal, but Cats also are out and about during the day. Owls can come out during the day, but...|||Balance and shadow functions... The collective unconscious and individuation. The MBTI is limited. Jung is an INTP, and we are similar. The primary difference is that he grew up with religion,...|||I got Owl. The description of Owl makes sense. I have denied that part of my personalty for a long time so I guess I should add it to my totem. They fly down in-front of my car when driving down...|||Well, it's nice to meet you! Yes, it is quite the contrast. I would say that I to E was the most difficult part of the journey. P to J is an ongoing effort. Apparently, I have mastered F in a...|||Yeah, sure. We can talk. What do you think happened before the Big Bang? I have ideas about it as well... I think that religions are abstract models of reality. They were the best explanation...|||I don't know that I would do acid, or that it would be any different that what I experience IRL. Shrooms on the other hand, I am waiting to try those. I have some but it's not enough and I wanted...|||Yup. Did you notice anything else?|||My spirit animal/totem is a cat... What about you?|||I'm committed to boarding an alien ship if the opportunity ever presents itself. It's good to have plans for scenarios because you never know what's going to happen. You don't want to be the...|||Balance. People shouldn't be asking for more than they give. If they are a provider, then feel good in getting them that cup of tea! If they just ask for stuff out of laziness, then do a...|||Thanks! Yep, I've managed to slide right in. See ya around!|||Eyebrows. They have the most personality.|||You can type yourself. The INTP title is not important. Just look at each of the functions and see which ones you connect with. Ideally you should seek balance and eventually relate to all of...|||1) ALL INTPS LOVE SCIENCE AND NON-FICTION. Anything absolute about personality should be ignored. 2) THEY NEVER GET OFFENDED Again with the absolutes! It's easy to offend an INTP...|||Hello all! I am happy to be part of the forum and I welcome you all to be my friends. Thanks! I'm open to pretty much anything and have lots of thoughts that probably sound insane. INTP by...|||It depends on how old or young that I want to look. Clothes and hairstyle change everything. It sucked when I was 19 and people actually thought that I was 12! It was worse when I was in my...|||Are you familiar with Phi? Psychology is the measures of Phi between two known points of reference. E.g. Bell curve/standard deviation. Head and shoulders (or reversed), bear flags, bull flags,...|||I am my most productive when I have the severe ADHD. It sucks when I am burdened by responsibilities...|||I quit smoking the reefer about a week ago and I feel about the same. I was expecting to have all kinds of energy and motivation to get some work done. I had a lot more motivation before, it was...|||INTPs are the worst! They are overly rational thinkers so their IQ pops a few points. But then they don't know anything other than what they know. Pretty dumb if you ask me.|||I dropped out of high school and college. Never did any homework or assignments in elementary school. Actually, I have an A.A. somewhere but I never took it out of the envelope and have no idea...|||Seeing patterns in everything. Osmosifying large amounts of aggregate data. |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'Nice vent!|||Parenting Styles to a fault: SJs - Their rigidness and coercion will make you want to question if they really love you, or just love the control factor. SPs - They will probably runaway from...|||My mother is an ISTJ and dad is ISFP. My dad gets really emotionally frustrated by her cold logic and practicality sometimes and so do I!! For ISTJs out there - figure out a half way with the...|||It's interesting all ENFJs here have very similiar sentiments about their relationship with ISTJs. Did you know that the ESTJ and ISTJ have opposite cognitive functions to ENFJs? I had an ESTJ...|||Why would you bottle them up??|||My first love was an ISFJ. We dated for about 3 years... They are amazing. I think, especially with ENFJs, they can really take care of your needs, and we can give them the love and appreciation...|||I think Hulk is ESFP. This is because I have seen two (male and female) ESFPs get super pissed off. They will punch through walls. It is a site to behold!! (run for your lives...) On a second...|||Since Agent Coulson reveres in Captain America and is very polite and caring, I think he may be an ESFJ. Here are some quotes to Captain America: I gotta say, it's an honour to meet you,...|||This is my analysis: Thor: ESTP (like an istp, but more extroverted! very rugged nonetheless) Ironman (Tony Stark): ENTP (inventive, all over the place) Captain America: ISFJ (emotional,...|||I met my ENFJ friend at a high school friend's party. Over 7 years, we stayed in touch, while I lived in another state or another country. He's been amazing and I've been able to tell him a lot of...|||I would never do that to a homeless person. But perhaps there is some truth to how people may percieve us. I do go away from people for long periods of time, because they hurted me in some way and I...|||I rage cleaned because I learned that this is how you deal with stress from my SJ family. When I lived alone I did it for awhile but sooner or later, I didn't do it because there was no longer that...|||Although I agree with developing your first and second preference, I think it's also important to understand the limitations of your intuition which is usually in the tertiary and inferior...|||My mum is an ISTJ and my aunt is an ESFJ. They repeat themselves like nobody's business. I must say something's do need repeating and are good for an NF child, like financial matters and protecting...|||My mother is an ISTJ led by the dominant Introverted Sensing (Si). She usually spends a lot of her time by herself thinking about what had happened in the past and recalls it with great detail and...|||My theory is that even though we have a preference for one type of personality, we still have and can recognise all of the functions - it's just that it's going to drain us if we use it. So all...|||Have you ever thought that you're too judgmental? And, why does everything have to go your way? This is exactly the problem I have with my INFJ sister. I always give in to her and with respect. So...|||I have way too many INFJs in my life right now. I'm even beginning to doubt their rarity!! Too many close INFJs and I can feel their judgmentality force!! Has anyone come across an unhealthy...|||Thank you seeker! Yes I had a close ENFJ friend who stood by me... so it appears to be true, that the only personality who can give just as much as the ENFJ is another ENFJ! INFJs are okay, but they...|||Don't feel bad, I think this is completely normal and a coming of age thing... The concept of good and bad seems to be really important to us ENFJs as we are always trying to find the right value...|||Too much padding. This isn't really a complaint.|||I wish I wasn't so Fe Dominant sometimes. It's so hard to switch it off. At university, I learned from the NTs to be cold and impartial over social things. I can appreciate it and see why being...|||Also, our shadow is ISTP. I don't understand why we are talking about ISTJs.|||I worked in a place where everyone was not so nice. It made me become anti social and I hated it because I'm a social person and like to get along with everyone. ENFJs get affected by their...|||I must say this is kind.|||Uhm I'm an ENFJ. and yes, the INFPs get that way...but not me. I don't believe in fairy tales as a point to mature on. I do believe in good ethics though but this seems to fly around with you guys...|||You guys can be funny though in an unconventional sense and good at comps. But yeah, how's your love life?? Is it full of drama and chaos??|||My ex bf was an ESTP. It was THE WORST relationship I ever had and my heart was broken for the first time. Now that I realised he's an ESTP, there's no problem. I feel much better knowing that he's...|||In my asian family, there is an ISTJ mum, INFJ sister, ENFP cousin, ESFP cousin, ESFJ aunt.... all varieties in this region|||Maybe you guys need the love of NFs. Apparently Cleopatra (ENFJ) fell in love with Julius Caesar (ENTP) - the love story of the ages. I am having a similar experience though never thought Caesar...|||I didn't realise how cold I get. I shun everyone from me when I'm in this mode. Seeing people around really helps though and also just being comfortable with yourself when your alone. I try to...|||Have you ever encountered him or you being jealous? I had my guy friend who I've known for aages over my house and we played video games. My ISTP (roommate) didn't say hello or good morning to me...|||Wayupnorth, thanks for your comments. I am still not officially together with my ISTP and its been 6 months since we've met. Things are still feeling the same, ie warm but I think we are both nervous...|||my istp just complimented me. sometimes I have no idea how to reply to it. It is golden.|||I think ISTPs are hot but spend way too much time being by themselves. Share your awesomeness more why don't cha?|||I'm finding that my ISTP is reacting much more when I appear bored with the relationship. How does this work?|||Giving someone a chance will only and honestly happen when you realise that even though you can be very capable and independent on your own, there is still some part of you that feels the void of...|||I rest my case. Whatever. No one cares anyway.|||That is true physically but...mentally or spiritually? How about dying with people you love beside you in your last days of living? How about making your life worthwhile to other people besides...|||Do you really think the best thing is to die a lonely death? Well if so, fine. Whatever. Nobody cares anyway. [Pretend shadow ISTP talking]|||Here's my list of pros and cons for ENFJ-ISTP relationship as far as a I can see it (for maturing ISTPs and ENFJs only) PROS 1. Feel so close by Calvin Harris is ENFJ-ISTP theme song. IT'S A...|||I have known 5 ISTPs in my life, either in family, friends or at work. I am trying out a relationship with an ISTP guy at the moment who seems to be quite 'perfect' for me on and off the paper. ...|||I definitely think he's an ENTP. I have an ENTP friend, who is also a Doctor, and they both buzz the same way. Matt Smith as the doctor is hot however.|||hopeless romantic. It's awful and crippling.|||You guys need to give people a chance.|||ENTP Archetype - Doctor Who (Matt Smith) is hot.|||I'm great friends with an ENTP. We have a brother-sister relationship but I think he is perhaps too much of a brainiac for anything to happen. It is pheremone buzzkiller sometimes!! Advice is...|||I want to save the world, but in order to do this, I must save myself first to save you and the rest of humanity.|||[QUOTE=Aquc;2422453]First off, necro... [QUOTE] Inferior Fe.|||Sorry to hear that. I'm am beginning something with an ISTP at the moment but not yet a couple. Far out, I hope it doesn't take him a year to say thanks but no thanks!' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I was raised in a strict Catholic family, went to Catholic school, hated it, rebelled against it, it probably helped form me into the anti-authoritarian person I still am many many years later. I...|||Flabbering gasbag|||Try Desolation Angels then. If you aren't melancholic enough by the end of that...you'll be downright depressed. :laughing:|||While some INFPs might be illogical as a rule, I think where our powers of illogica really shine is when we're emotional. Then we are tops. . Personally, I think it's illogical that people ignore...|||I was going to suggest the Dharma Bums. I think Salinger is over-rated. So is Kerouac really, but OTR and DB and Desolation Angels are good. The rest are impossible to read.|||Neruda|||I know what NOT to do....don't invalidate whatever he's freaking out about by saying its not a big deal, or he shouldn't freak out about it. I'd suggest being supportive and see how that works. But...|||I've learned that for me, therapists are best used like hammers and chisels and screwdrivers, for a very specific pre-defined purpose. Like hammering a nail, or turning a screw, or shaping some wood....|||Funny. Just before I found this thread I found myself pouring over the farcebook page of someone I adored in high school a million years ago but was too shy and sensitive to actually ask out. But I...|||I want to know what other means. Twins and Triplets?|||I just tied it up at 27.91% for the youngests.|||I've written a lot, published a little, all of it nonfiction. For this INFP, the words only flow when I'm inspired so I have to tap into that to get a lot of words on the paper/monitor. I can't think...|||I don't think I could do yoga with all those birds yapping. :orange:|||Just for the record, I think it's a very biased load of crap. First of all I think a literate person of any type can probably write well. I would probably prefer the writing of NFs though. ...|||Or so it says here: INFP Careers I'm guessing that an INFP wrote that. Discuss.|||My 20s were miserable, punctuated with great joy and beauty, but always returning to misery. Fortunately things got better. If I could go back and give advice to my 20-something year old self it...|||I've made very few male friends since high school probably because few of them are feelers. If a person (man or woman) can't grasp feelings its hard for me to feel much for them although there are...|||An INFP can easily let themselves get steamrolled into feeling like you feel, and then reacting in a way that may be perceived as toxic to others. In short, we can become assholes when we let...|||Much better thanks|||I'm up for some Bernie|||pretty fucked up|||I decided to post my thread in a different forum, but that went smoothly. What is my usergroup, and how does it get turned on/off? I haven't changed any settings in years|||Right, the attachment icon is there in the start new thread window, but not in the reply to thread window. That's why I had to start a new thread to post the attachment instead of posting it in...|||I also don't see an attachment option when I reply to a thread, so I had to start a new thread to show this screenshot. Where is the prefix drop down that I'm supposed to see?|||There isnt|||actually its the baby boomers forum and there is no dropdown available to me. I don't ever recall using a dropdown.|||and yet I still can't start one in another forum?|||and why was I able to start this thread without one?|||I get you must choose a prefix error. WTH is a prefix?|||This is good news. Helps clean up the unsightly, unsanitary apparition of those furry soup catchers known as beards and makes them look even more ridiculous too.|||I'm a tree hugger.|||I favor the split in principle because I fall between the cracks, but I despise the name Generation Jones as much as I despise Baby Boomer. When you paint an entire generation with one broad sweep of...|||Put it on his doorstep, light the bag, ring the bell and run like hell.|||I applied for something like 75 jobs last year and got none of them. I have 20 years experience. Finally something fell into my lap. This year I had too many jobs (but still not enough money) ...|||A male vent would properly be termed cloaca. You need to rename this The cloaca thread.|||If what you said was very hurtful they will come around in either a) a really long time b) never But I congratulate you on apologizing. It seems to me that few people know how to do that...|||I don't know, whenever I look at the match questions for women who are 90% match they say something just like your cat example, which for me would be dogs. But usually it's something even more...|||Dude, OK Cupid says you and I are an 89% Match. Too bad we're both straight, huh? http://www.websmileys.com/sm/crazy/069.gif This confirms what I've suspected all along about OKC's algorithms...|||OK, with the caveats that I'm not only single and male but in a completely different demographic, I think I'm interested and I want to hang out is not really displaying the right level of interest....|||Now that we've seen your pictures, let's see some of the messages you sent. Those may need a haircut too. Don't be offended by the hair talk-I had long hair most of my life and only chopped it off 6...|||Someone sent me a Valentine! Someone sent me a Valentine! Someone loves me! I'm not alone! Oh wait. Its a form Valentine from Personality Cafe Forums. Nevermind. A form Valentine.|||What kind of writing do you like to do? I write nonfiction, creative nonfiction, personal essays. What are you currently working on? A lot of nonfiction essays, from lyrical essays about...|||In the polyamours know of, this is anything but the case. Their enlightened thinking has been of a low level actually, and they tend to look down on people not gifted with their heightened level...|||Thanks you. No, he was not a member here, he was an at-large member of the club. It never occurred to me, but maybe he was INFP. We never talked about that sort of thing. It doesn't matter what type...|||We lost a member this week. A friend of mine died somewhat unexpectedly Monday. I say somewhat because he had some serious illnesses and we never expected him to live this long. We think we have it...|||I used to move every few years. I've been pretty stuck since I bought a house. But I still get the itch. I don't know if I feel suffocated by my surroundings because I always live in beautiful...|||Gray jays aren't called camp robbers for nothing. That one was way up in the bush, north of Pickle Lake Ontario. I've fed them by hand before, but never seen one that aggressive. That fish had only...|||I love insects. I get paid to study insects. One of my regular website visits is to Welcome to BugGuide.Net! - BugGuide.Net Do not go there if you don't like bugs. :happy:|||God, I'm such a thread killer. Well today I went to a friends house and fed chickadees sunflower seeds by hand. The bummer is, I knew I was going to do this and still forgot to bring my camera. ...|||I'm just happy someone else here goes outside.' |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 'INTP because you're paranoid and logical and have a beard|||ENTJ because I'm not really bothered to think of a reason.|||Yea yea I get ya. Depending on a lot of things but let's say for example age you might decide to be more honest when testing yourself and/or have grown up to know yourself better.|||I think a lot of things change people. Time, success, age, experiences and environment all change people (we hope) for the best.|||1. At best: happy, optimistic, hopeful, determined, easily excited, positive, successful mindset, open-minded, enthusiastic 2. At worst: addictions, egotistical, superficial, self-ego,...|||@tanstaafl28 Ok then. Growing up and all the responsibilities changes people.|||Agree with that but what I'm interested in is how did you come to learn?|||When you get slightly ticked off that the Introverts have 90+ pages. Well no that's no really extroverted haha.|||1 Does it make sense to consider ESFJ the worst MTBI's type? u200bNo, all types are different but equal. Like human beings. 2 Did you have just bad experiences with people of this type? (Free to...|||A lot of people when starting out think it's better to be so and so type so that they can say oh look I have an awesome type! but really later on they find out that no type is better than another...|||I sound like both.|||Why does everyone live in Antartica? Ah wait... PENGUINS.|||I suppose this would only apply to straight people? Because since I'm only interested in the same sex, having friends that are the opposite totally is just the same as same-sex friends. If anything...|||All very good points guys. So perhaps in circumstances that are life-changing and so quick that the mind has to readjust someone may temporarily change type but then switch back to their true type?...|||Do you think MBTI changes with age? Discussion time!|||Intelligence isn't IQ. Intelligence is Emotional Intelligence, Moral Intelligence and Body Intelligence. Effectively, everyone's a genius haha.|||You would think it's easy to tell apart but actually ESFP and ENFP are really similar. I've been classified as both sensor and intuitive. When someone has developed their hidden side (for example...|||I see adventure and possibilities. The wheat field opens you up for new opportunities. It could also be someone running away from their heritage, finding freedom in the corn field (whatever that...|||bump|||You know you're a sensor when the worst present anyone could ever give you is a theory book.|||Haha fun title to pull you in. What I'm really saying is that what would Bernie Taupin's type be? Elton seems either ESFP or ENFP but there's never been much has been said on the Brown Dirt Cowboy.|||It's a bit strange because I have two sides so to speak. Firstly, I can be very spontaneous, loving and I suppose inspiring. I can easily become excited and passionate about what I love and I love...|||I'm an ENFP and I'm extraordinary.|||Do you ever shut up? You have some crazy ideas Awesome! Any derived word of dude it would seem|||Hola to you too! My espanol no es muchado bueno. (does that actually make any sense haha) Bienvenido, fellow Gryffindor. Let us ride broomsticks and play Quidditch (with which I will...|||Thanks!|||I win.|||I have posted here. You see the level of random in this thread has just risen 100% thanks to me. And now, lions... 66339|||I'm a huge risk-taker myself and I love a thrill. I'm Ne Dominant, by the way.|||I am a candle haha. Candle in the Wind, reference anyone?|||Being LGBT I find it hard to understand your reasoning. The fact of getting energy from other people vs. getting energy from yourself isn't really a big quality that I look for in a girl. Yea yea...|||Thanks!|||I mean gee who is this robot after all?|||No it does not for I have posted here! WATCH OUT MORTALS.|||Haha the Seven drawings relate to me.|||Bump?|||Unlikely, but possible. How likely is it for an ENFP to get very easily distracted, in fact multiple times?|||Personal ~ * Name - What do you preferred to be called? Awesome person. Haha no Auburn's fine. - Any nicknames? With the username Auburn? Auby, Auburn, Aubs, Aubby & Auburn the awesome.|||A thread where you ask how likely it is a type/function would do something. Example : How likely is it an ISTP would be lost for words? etc... Begin! How likely is it that an ESFP would...|||Okay, so an eagle. You didn't specify what breed but doesn't matter. Mostly solitary so I. Use intuition in flight but also their senses. Have to think to develop strategies and often don't always...|||Type 7: Bring it on|||No, no es bad. Haha, I don't even know the word for bad. Donde es en mi elephante.|||Haha ramble all you will. As long as it is awesome. Pero has visto mi sombrero.. :o Si, yo has visto!|||Ah I see! Well were we houseflies we may have been squished by an unfortunate flyswatter tragedy. Valiant though it would be. Ah my journey is not over: it's only just begun.|||Hullo! Ah the famous D&D. Haha I highly doubt I am more of an old timer, but thank you none the less, young hobbit. I was brought to this site because I was searching for something for personality...|||SCUAI (3.4% of women; 4.8% of men) life of the party, not bothered by disorder, not afraid of doing the wrong thing, often late, level emotions, not afraid to draw attention to self, worry free,...|||I've recently seen a thread that showed a picture with animals typed and such, but I need to know for an analysis what type a Rock Hyrax would be? (In general, since no two hyraxes/animals/etc are...|||7 is exactly me.|||Useful information... Mwahaha. And thank you all for the kind welcomes guys.|||Well I think I can give it a shot at this... E vs I: First you have to know that an extrovert may not be the 'typical' extrovert type, party-loving, full of energy, very excitable (I myself am...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'As much as I wish I could, I really don't.|||Hey everyone so I know I've been gone forever but I was thinking about this thing I do and it sparked my curiosity as to whether anyone else does it as well. Here it is... before I talk to anyone, I...|||65035 You guys what's wrong with me|||I've finally confirmed that I do in fact want to change my major. I am quite interested in psychology, the study of it at least, but I can't see myself making a career that I enjoy out of it. My...|||56736 Merry Christmas or whatever. Why does this holiday have to come u200bevery year?|||1. Happy are you? 5. It varies from day to day. 2. Socially skilled are you? 5. Not the best, not awful. 3. Lazy are you? 8. Pretty damn lazy. 4. Emotional are you?|||What do you think of advice? Do you ask for advice? Do you take that advice? Do you give advice? I am curious because I tend to ask for advice but never actually take it. I just like asking for...|||Off the top of my head: hula-hoops, paint pens, tarot cards... books?|||Picked up a compiled book of all Poe this morning. I'll be reading it for a while.|||I am not sure why this happens... but I have the same problem every time I purposefully try to meditate. Throughout the day, I am very calm and calculating. I have a decent attention span and focus....|||I used to use marijuana regularly, and I still associate with friends who do, but I don't see it in the same light anymore. I initially quit because I am applying for a job with the county who tests,...|||1. What is your sexual orientation? Heterosexual. 2. Do you regularly do drugs? (For the purposes of this survey, I'll include alcohol.) Alcohol is the only drug I use. I'd say I use it regularly,...|||I squirrel walks up to a tree and says I forgot to store acorns for winter and now I am dead. It's funny because the squirrel gets dead. 55793|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwKXggW7naI|||First five syllables Yes then seven syllables And then back to five|||I try to appear busy, and when they ask how I am doing I emphasize that I am busy. If that doesn't work and they still stick around, be engaged in something else while they are talking to you.|||3-3-11 pattern? I kind of like it, it has a nice ring to it wake up late so my fate is to forget important things while rushing|||I usually ask for money or gift cards. I don't even know what I want, might as well have options. However this year in particular I asked for a car wash and new brake pads.|||I agree with Narcotic, don't write a letter. This sort of discussion is much more effective in person. If part of your incentive to write a letter (I'm not sure if it is, I'm just making a connection...|||The last one before bed My love Clint Eastwood Soon we will be together In my dreams tonight|||When you have to pee Be a civilized person Go to the toilet Unrelated... Homework incomplete At least I will get a B High test scores are key|||Yes! She's my spirit animal!|||I recommend finding a chair at a party that you can station yourself in because it's also a very powerful move at any social function to be the one that stays in one place that people come to. It...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAcS40DNt40 I enjoy her style of humor. She is relatively relaxed and speaks in a neutral tone, unlike a lot of other comedians who are too loud and chaotic for my...|||I said the same thing before I read your post. I'm picking up on a pattern here...|||I never really was associated with any stereotype, to my knowledge. People usually just perceived me as the sarcastic girl who could help you out in math class. I only really hung out with one...|||In elementary school I wasn't out for good grades, I just didn't have many other interests so I had a lot of time to devote to school. I never really participated in any extra-curricular activities,...|||Procrastination 60 paragraphs I have to write By midnight tonight|||You are unaware One usually leads to two Or more, ask Richard|||Anything can be unisex... I think. Except those boots in particular were a little big on me.|||Well the boots actually belong to the guy to the left of me, so I'm not sure where to get them. I know the brand is Demonia though. Thank you though. :) Ermahgerd fershern!|||Haikus I have missed Of our INTP-ness Look I made a joke|||Naive and anxious Damn extroverted feeling Please just go away I tried to write once Everything distracted me And that is the end|||Precisely. Although 2 is leaning toward please don't take a pic at all, do I have a choice, oh well, shit they took it.|||How fantastic! They're a lot of fun with the zippers. Yeah, some lady on the street stopped and asked if she could take a picture of us haha. Thank you.|||So I was torn between whether to post this in the art section or the health and fitness section but I ultimately decided on here as flow arts involve expression through creative movement. I was...|||ENTJ So one time, my best friend who happens to be an ENTJ and happened to be drunk at the time walked up to a pool table, moved his arm across it quickly to scatter the balls everywhere, and yelled...|||55566 So I thought this was interesting... ISFP, INTP(self), ESFJ, ESFP, INFP. Note the ISFP attempting to look sophisticated, the INTP not knowing how to smile, the ESFJ looking bored, the ESFP...|||55561|||Super profound.|||I'm moving to the San Francisco bay area with an ENTJ friend this summer. Hooray for getting out of the area I've lived all my life.|||INTP Aries with moon in Aquarius. Not the same sun sign, but still a fire sign.|||I am an INTP Aries. BOOM!|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3U8pAM4VXvI When I up, down and touch the ground It puts me in the mood Up, down and touch the ground In the mood for food I am stout, round and I have found...|||On a weekday... School, homework, shower, sleep. On a weekend... homework, drink, sleep.|||I read the Tao Te Ching every day. It reminds me to keep it simple.|||I am independent and private. If a person cannot understand that I need space it will never work. I shudder at clingy, over-involved people...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zbXDRpCNaM I find most of what she says witty and amusing. I'm not sure if she would be an INTP or INTJ though.|||I am perfectly accepting of varied opinions, but if you insult my taste in music, literature, art, or anything really... be prepared. It's not even that I value my opinion above others, it's that I...|||This is really bad, but I crush hard on Harry Styles. I'm generally not even involved in pop culture, but for some reason I find him irresistible. Perhaps it's the seemingly blissful and carefree...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | Life has taken a turn for the amazing. I am absolutely content with life at this moment. I wish I could sort of capture this moment and just live in it forever.|||My mood has kicked back to stable and maybe a little hypomanic after three fantastic days of accomplishment and heavy drinking with old friends and co-workers who happened to be in the same town I...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEaKX9YYHiQ|||Just hit full stride depressive episode. I hope it passes in the next couple days.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySzrJ4GRF7s|||Sometimes I feel like my mind is slowly splintering into a million pieces and that I'm going crazy. I don't know if it's an issue where I'm battling with cognitive dissonance because I don't have...|||I am not feeling all that great today. I put myself out there for the first time in a long time, and I can already tell things are not going to go well. It's like that innate sixth sense when you...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lf45KMHeFeQ|||I hate the expectation of society that I need to be a whole, hard, stoic person. I'm hard and kept-inside, forced to be incredibly logical and not show my emotions because I would be ridiculed and...|||Never. I demand loyalty, fidelity and monogamy in a relationship. Those are my values and are very important to who I am. I don't care what other people do, but if someone wanted to be in a...|||I run in this mode 90% of the time. I just go into hyper-logical unfeeling robot mode and fall back on being incredibly analytic about everything. I have a lot of emotions and feelings deep inside,...|||I'll have a beer or two every few weeks, and I enjoy an old scotch and a fine cigar once in a great while. Otherwise, I will use a weightlifting stimulant once in a while for the extra energy in the...|||I can plainly see everyone is missing out on the real fun: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF0y_iisF0Q STRONGMAN|||I was a 'rejected' child until highschool, when I ended up moving to a very small private school, where I was more or less 'accepted'. I prefer not to dwell on my earlier school years. I've mostly...|||I'm trying to decide on what action movie to watch this Valentine's day. So many good choices, First Blood, Commando, Bloodsport, Dirty Harry, Unforgiven....|||Absolutely. I have lot of negative emotions that dwell deep along with lots of repressed memories and anger in life. I often feel I try to live a good and virtuous life because I'm afraid that if I...|||I'm typically online or at home, kind of an introvert and homebody when left to my own devices. As far as dating, I typically have met people over the internet. You may want to try there, even though...|||I'm 6'3, and it's awesome. You've a big advantage in life being taller. The hardest part is finding tall women to date. ;) It sounds like a lot of your issue comes more with being uncomfortable...|||Not clinically diagnosed, but I think I may have cyclothymia (bipolar spectrum disorder). Struggled with anxiety for years. I'm also socially avoidant but working on it slowly over the past few...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXIWRan3XGY|||I like spending a lot of time with someone I'm dating, but there is a balance to it I think. If I can be engaged in other stuff and they can too, but just be around and hanging out, it's a lot less...|||I provided University sourced studies to even back up my points. We've come to an impasse, so I agree to disagree. I do appreciate the dialogue though. If you care to back up your statement...|||Except your version implies that the collective rights of one group are more important than the collective rights of another group, completely trivializing men in lieu of women, because you feel that...|||So instead of as a joint society, coming to equality between the genders, we should just carte-blanche decide that one half of the population has the best for everyone in mind and support them...|||So what you're saying is that we should just completely fuck men so women can have their day, thus instead of closing the gender gap, completely reversing the gender situation to what it was...|||We also have to go on diets, look sexy but not too sexy (trying too hard..), have big muscles and tan, if we want to fit our media image. We're airbrushed, modeled and strut around on TV shows (True...|||I listen to a lot of loud, angry, and aggressive music. Coincedentally, I have a lot of pent-up anger and emotion. My biggest hobby is strength training to one day compete in some kind of strength...|||You have summed up exactly how I feel about the issue far better than I could myself. This: Sums up everything that is wrong with contemporary feminism, from the treatment of boys in schools...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnXFJOXvL_A|||I'm very secure in my masculinity, and definitely straight. Dudes do nothing for me. As far as how people would interpret me if they knew certain things, I'm not sure. I'm kind of an oddball. I'm...|||My eyes are always sad, I think it's called an epicanthic fold. They literally cannot be any other way (I get comments on it sometimes) :P Yeah, it's hard to get a good deathstare going, but rest...|||I'll play, excuse me looking like crap though, I'm on my (short) vacation right now so I'm kind of lazy and self-concious egh. death stare http://oi41.tinypic.com/28cepdv.jpg happy laugh/smile...|||Accepting myself.|||Depressed and anxious, in a downward spiral, for the past few days. Managed to avoid drinking myself into a stupor by sleeping for several hours today. Realizing I've been going over cyclic negative...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyx-3GWW0ms|||-reading (fantasy literature/information technology) -powerlifting (sort of my daily meditation) -beer homebrewing -programming languages -self education -discovering new bands -cooking (i'm...|||I'm significantly younger (23) but I'd thrust myself into adulthood at quite an early age with intent and drive of being successful, and this resonates a lot. With the experiences that I've had at a...|||Mirroring. It's what I've realized I do on dates with women, I mirror them. Body language speaks so much more than actual words when it comes to attraction, and I realized at some point I could sort...|||From what I understand, I've creeped many an extrovert out in meetings with my 'death stare'. It seems to work best on your extroverted 'sales types'. I also stare into space while I consider my...|||how open you are about your feelings: not very open, admittedly. It takes time before I trust anyone enough to start getting very personal with my feelings. avoid comfrontation with your partner...|||I was a fat kid most of my life, lost a lot of weight, put on a lot of muscle the past two years. Looking much better, feeling much happier with my body image.|||http://oi44.tinypic.com/25s4bir.jpg sometimes i clean up|||My lone wolf tendencies. Doesn't help I'm kind of socially awkward and not good at connecting with people. I feel like a footnote most of the time.|||I was gifted as a kid, so I guess I'm gifted as an adult. I was tested on a standardized Stanford-Binet test administered by a psych.|||I'm a romantic, admittedly, I like somewhat cliche gestures, romance and watching relationships evolve between characters in books. I temper that though with a healty dose of cynicism/skepticism in...|||You have a bit of an Aubrey Plaza resemblance-thing going on, and it's awesome.|||I don't know if I'm coping well with life these days, or if I've just stopped caring.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5juc6fmgylw|||This is part of why I love weight training (which can be looked at as physical labor). There is nothing quite like the feeling of exertion and accomplisment that you get from hard work. I find...|||I apparently did okay enough in the generic lottery to not look like a hideous ogre beast intent on ravaging villages and killing the peasantry. Seriously though, I'm not sure. The one thing that... |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'that's so ironic, considering how your signature is cats are the better people.. cats are known to kill or play with their prey for fun. you think that's wrong because that's how you were...|||ooh, I'm a virgo rising INFJ! virgo is also one of my fav zodiac signs. INFJ's is that kind and honest childhood friend who even after years of not talking would be happy to check up on you and...|||I'm consumed by machiavellianism in dark periods of my life. I sometimes just get fed up by all the fake people and lies around me that others perceive as truth and reality. So instead to just focus...|||people tend to generally like me and they try to be careful and polite to me as to not offend me, in order to not turn me off. idk if i come off as intimidating or if they think that they need to...|||I get overwhelmingly sarcastic and ironic at the person I'm interested in. That's how flirting comes to me naturally, and I hate it. The person I'm interested in may actually get offended and I...|||Yes. No matter if I end up being the last human on earth or if we all vanish. There is a big big chance that the Big Bang will happen again and things will take their course from the beginning|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2tMGq6r37Y|||NomadLeviathan he's an ESFJ, and thanks!:proud:|||i swear i feel bad about ignoring you but i am too shy and boring IRL please understand, i know i'm kinda selfish by doing this|||ZiggyStardust I really like your style! me on the left :tongue: 379698 379706|||stop yelling at me for crying WHILE im crying! i dont care if you dont like seeing me cry but yelling at me to stop makes it worse|||people call me laid back and chill a lot. also they claim that i am easy to talk to since i am not judgemental. i guess i give off this calm and accepting vibe|||ESFP and ENFJ|||376082 me ft. fake smile for the camera 376090 my cute ESFJ partner sleepin|||When I'm at my best and the healthiest I am definitely the first type. On rainy days when my self consciousness and anxiety comes to surface I am the second type.|||I still haven't read or researched much about the enneagram types and I've got mistyped a lot in the past.. But I tested myself again some days ago and I think that I'm a type 4. The bad thing is...|||I'm sure this problem is common among INFJ's who are a little more insecure or too passive/submissive. I've had people/friends (turned out to be fake) take advantage of me and my kindness. This...|||365506 I definitely would :tongue: The sound of the waterfall would be calming. I just love being around water|||My first name, Vanessa, means butterfly or of Venus in latin. My second name means shining light, or bright one. INFJ|||extra mozzarella, extra pepperoni and black olives. or chicken, extra cheese, green pepper and black olives|||Going to an experienced and licensed hypno-psychotherapist has literally changed my life and my outlook on things for the better. I highly recommend it to people who have had issues like me with...|||I'm sorry, I'm still quite new and I am still learning about the MBTI types and how they work. I didn't find any recent thread on this subject so I thought to make one, based on my dilemma.. Looking...|||haha you're cute|||Esfp|||I was thinking about this today. Do the MBTI types of the parents influence in some way the MBTI type that their kids will be? I was thinking what kind of parents would most likely raise an...|||364290 front phone cameras aren't very good quality :/|||oh it makes me restless and my hands start shaking. Cappuccino's make me sleepy though|||Take a shower, dress up and go out for shopping (clothes) and then call my mother telling her the good news. Then we would probably either move or replace all furniture. I'd feel extremely...|||ENTJ or ESTJ|||Honestly, I had about the same thoughts as you 5-6 months ago along with suicidal and depressing thoughts. I found a good hypnotherapist with whom we clicked right away and he helped me, in just 2...|||Why are you taking her selflessness so personally? You don't have to deal or put up with your mother's kindness. Be glad that she is a good person and mother and treat her like a human being....|||Stop making me feel unwanted and awkward around you.... it makes me rethink everything between us.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDyvBGoHejw not very INFJ, haha|||Greece is probably one of the worst places for INFJ people.. Very Se and extroverted. They are traditional in every aspect. Not very open minded. OFC there are exceptions but I only met about 4-5...|||Whenever I drink I just get incredibly dizzy and sleepy.. If I interact with anyone I get incredibly clingy and pour my heart out to them, maybe actually reveal things that I have kept hidden from...|||Enfj|||Iceland: INFJ ?|||Iceland and Finland|||you give me this intimidating and confident INTJ vibe. read more about the F and T functions (both of them, not only T!) to understand them and see which one applies to you the most, since you said...|||Maybe he's insecure and needs constant validation? I feel like that sometimes, I need validation in words more than actions. Perhaps you should tell him what you wrote here. Tell him that you have...|||is he an INFJ? If so, don't worry about sounding too cliche or sappy... We do not judge those who are close to our heart, and he will of course be happy to hear affectionate words from you. Try to...|||People misunderstanding you. They either take my quiet, reserved behavior as an insult or automatically categorize me as boring. To me, it hurts, but I gotta accept the fact that it's not my...|||Intj|||I have taken the enneagram test three times and every time I got a different type. My mood affects my answers a lot.. I was thinking about it yesterday, I know that I am mistyped. Regarding that...|||yup, the moment I get to know someone better I just get conflicted constantly whenever I try to figure out something about them on my own. I think I need to be more sure of myself and a bit more...|||Either as a partner, sibling, friend, etc.... How do you show someone that you love and care for them? For me it would be listening to their troubles and empathizing with them as much as I can....|||I used to say yes to everything and generally do everyone's favors but I learned that it's now how you win people's trust and make them like you... I learned how to be more self assertive and I love...|||Let's just say that many people have cried because of my words and actions while I was in my unhealthy phase. I have two unhealthy phases and it depends on what triggered them: I either act like...|||Forgot to mention how when we started talking he told me that he wants to find a serious relationship because he can't stand being alone. He told me he needs someone by his side to love him and show...|||that's interesting, thanks for your input. he seems more like a Se individual, definitely. I guess he's an ESFJ, and despite his kindness and displays of affection I'm still afraid that I might...' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Please stop talking about the things you're passionate about. It's boring for me.|||I don't know exactly what you mean by losing your 'spark' and becoming 'complacent.' Those words seem quite melancholic, so I'm sorry if you're in a bit of a dark place at the minute. However, not...|||Well, it's not a form of passive-aggression at all. I think that's why my behavior confuses me sometimes. I'm not pushing buttons to elicit a specific reaction, manipulate anyone, or otherwise push...|||I suppose social experimentation can have a sinister connotation, but I just see it as subtly trying to understand how open I can be with someone via covert methods. 'Pushing buttons' I guess is...|||I have always done this, and I'm curious about whether it is an ENFP thing or not. Nothing malicious, mind. I just tend to say/do things to judge how people react. Based on their reactions, I...|||Holland code IRECAS|||I am a student of neuroscience on an MSc course and I love it. Every day, I get to explore the universe of neurons within the human body. Neuroscience is a meeting point of various sciences and...|||That wasn't a greeting I was giving to a specific person. That was an introduction of myself to this corner of the Internet. I'm not going to waste my time telling all of the magical things about...|||If all of your greetings are like the one you gave me, I can see how you could think that greetings are inherently boring. One can deliver a greeting and be anything from funny to delightful to...|||Its fine, really. Anyone who leaves that dull a greeting is too boring for me to get on well with anyway. Next!|||I've never actually taken a sorting hat quiz. I've taken all of the quizzes on this site sever times over, because I'm not really afraid of any type I might be categorized in - they all have their...|||Does anyone on here claim to be really good at typing others? I know this is what the quizzes are for. I can't help but to find the quizzes vague and impersonal are far too open to interpretation....|||Traveling alongside lil bub from galaxies far and away? Yes indeedy.|||well of course it exists independently of humans. Maths just gives definition to the concepts. 2+2 is still equivalent to 4 without having numbers. This concept is much like how language can exist...|||Well I'm not sure it's a conscious process - different situations are appropriate for different mental processes. It's not people consciously changing/adapting/altering their personalities.|||Hello and thank you. I'm not terribly sure. I don't even trust the MBTI/tend to think personality typing is bunk. I get a different result every time I take a test. I've literally been all 16...|||I am...entirely unsure of whether I fit into this category of humans now that I've read some of these posts. Then again, I tend to think this whole MBTI cognitive functions thing is bunk anyway....|||I am new.|||When your ideal relationship is one which centers around adventure. Where your partner is a hot, athletic, scientist who enjoys reading. One in which you both trust each other completely but remain...|||*open communication *smart and preferably more on the quiet side *definitely NOT a pushover *ethical and principled *is his own person *willing to engage in insulting banter and has the ability...|||This is a song by Matt Nathanson. I feel it accurately describes the way I feel when my core values are challenged by someone close to me. I was just wondering if there were other sixes out there...|||You are The Sun Happiness, Content, Joy. The meanings for the Sun are fairly simple and consistent. Young, healthy, new, fresh. The brain is working, things that were muddled come clear,...|||Well...most people say I'm a bitch...but that's probably because I'm a bitch. I can't very well speak for other ENTJs since I only know me, and I'm not even sure that I'm an ENTJ myself. As for...|||we're everywhere. Seriously. I'm only one person and I'm involved in everything from the national psychological honor society to triathlon and online gaming. We're like roaches, honestly. Roaches...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwczZLOmBhw I hope that no one has posted this yet. But it probably deserves to be posted twice anyway. ((which reminds me...I find usage of the word 'anyways'...|||-When people tell you their life stories, problems, etc. and you genuinely want to help them, but don't know how since you hardly understand your own emotions -When your catch phrases are I told...|||ENTP, but with a highly developed Fe. Combing Ne with Ti and Fe would give me pretty much everything I've ever wanted in life. Well...for myself anyway. See? I'm a selfish wench. I need some...|||all the time. Why? because why the hell not, really. Life's too short and frankly, I've never had any solid feeling of security - even though I'm constantly seeking out those experiences. I used...|||I use gestures like this all the time. Especially the bend their fingers and grasp the space in front of them, turning and shaping their ideas in the air bit.|||Oletko sujuvasti Suomea?|||English and German, but I'm pretty confident in my writing of both Finnish and French. I would go into why I choose only to write in the latter two, but that story is quite verbose and rather dull...|||You bet your ass I was! (and I still am)|||INFJ https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/302918_10150438082451934_685051933_10469907_63379590_n.jpg I'm the one in the skirt|||Other than making lame jokes that I'm sure no one other than myself finds amusing, (title of this thread much?) I'm really trying to figure out what brand of extroverted intuitive I am. ENFP...|||Moments like these are what my life has been made of. Yet, I somehow have retained a very logical and methodical mind. It's all quite curious, really. I don't understand me. (which is probably why...|||1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type? I initially tested as an ENFP, and I have tested as such for years. My constant desire to make people happy and my...|||I need an equal amount of space an communication in my relationships. I've found it difficult to find that balance with men.|||When you can identify, assess, and solve an internal dilemma with relative ease, but it takes you two and a half weeks to realize that an unbearable pain in your foot is what's keeping you up at...|||buh! I don't know what I would do without exercise. I love competing in olympic distance triathlons...but I need to MOVE every day...even if it's just roller skating around the apartment in my...|||Dear INFJ, Please accept my openness with warm kindness ((and maybe a little laughter?? I always love how you kindly laugh at my jokes...no matter how un-funny they are)). I've been hurt...|||I think that if you stay in that mindset, you're missing part of the picture, because not everyone behaves as their thought processes dictate they should. Anyway...I was under the impression that...|||haha! I saw the TITLE of this thread and thought ExTP c(= ((LOVE him!)) Though, I think the greatest examples of him being an ExTP come from his handling of hecklers - he seems to LOVE inciting...|||umm...false. The MBTI is about learning and understanding the various cognitive processes which humans use to assess *insert noun here*. The MBTI is NOT about putting people in boxes - I think...|||wow...I just now found out that I am an empath. This explains so much...thank you.|||YEAH! YEAH! YEAH! and YEAH! :laughing:|||I'm not an INFJ....but I'm so drawn to this personality type that I couldn't resist... *When you attract ENFPs like a moth to flame (especially if enneagram 9s as well) *swoon* =D *When you're...|||oh...I...was a little disappointed to see that this isn't about shoe-and-pavement running. I thought I was going to be able to get on my 'triathlons are awesome!' soapbox. but....guh!!! ...|||*when you go for a long drive, the radio stations start to blend together, and you leave it on anyway just because the sound is something new. *when you talk to cows in a pasture while riding by...|||Oh gosh...I want so much out of life! Dreams to be fulfilled: *Finding the love of my life, and having a difficult/rewarding/crazy/weird/beautiful romance together *Starting out my life abroad -...|||I don't really believe in all of the pairing stuff but I do think that INFJs generally have all of the qualities I'm looking for in a mate' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Shortstacked and ready to gamble...|||Why spend time on the internet? I just update my Facebook with my phone telling people about all the cool things going on in my life! My friend's friend has this boat and we're all gonna go party...|||I'm very sarcastic, dry, witty (I think), and enjoy pure randomness... random random random! :)|||ISFP vs. ISFJ|||I was already married and divorced so I answered Yes based on that. Would I get married again? Maybe.|||You nailed it, and now I'm depressed... :/|||Even if you already decided you don't like the Beastie Boys, you should listen to this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiD7kiSSi9k|||Life is becoming unbearable. I think my emotions will leave me soon. I can't handle all this negativity. I'm so tired of being alive.|||I think we probably make judgements like many others do, but our judgements are more flexible and bend with time and action. I don't know about other NP's, but for me, I rarely hold grudges...|||How about an INFP who has learned proper capitalization? :wink:|||All NP's have the cognitive function Ne very high in their function order, either dominant or auxiliary. It follows that the advantages of Ne are shared with all NP's... We love brainstorming...|||You bring up a good point there. What are these obvious reasons about it not working with an ENFJ anyway? I'm not sure if I know any ENFJ's in real life, but I can't think of any glaring reasons...|||I think you have definitely idealized our type too much. Good luck on your quest, but limiting love to only one type is a mistake, imo.|||Stressful day complete|||I feel the exact same way, my friend.|||I'm surprised and a little disappointed to see such extreme views in this thread.|||They're more personality/morality tests. I remember one of the questions was like Is it less wrong to steal from a large corporation than a small company? Stuff like that.|||To quote Austin Powers... Ouch, Baby... Very Ouch|||Your name and listed type are ISTJ, not INTJ... typo? Anyway, I don't think you need to come up with a list of things to say back or anything. Just acknowledge him in whatever way feels most...|||So you throw in the towel just like that? Sounds INFP if you ask me. :wink:|||It very well may be chocolate... it's just a stock photo I found on the intrawebz to go with my name. In fact, let us now pretend that it is indeed chocolate hidden under golden wrappers! :) Place...|||There will always be classes regardless of money. It will no longer be rich vs. poor, though. It will be the powerful vs. the powerless. I wish this were not the case, and maybe someday we can...|||I actually like money. It allows me a great deal of freedom in this world.|||Wow, that sucks! I'm sorry. :( It's hard for me to think of a fellow INFP hurting someone like that, but I suppose it happens. :/ *hugs* Incidentally, I've unfriended people for less, because...|||maybe a big turn off, especially if it violates his values. I respectfully suggest you end one relationship before considering another. Even if you would never tell him that, he may have that sense...|||Who can really define what love is for another person? I think it's possible to fall in love with anyone for any reason over whatever medium is present, but that's just me. I'm sure lots of people...|||Night time is the right time. I've always been a night owl since I was a little kid. It seems the best time to be awake. :)|||I could fill volumes of books with all the stuff I've typed and then deleted out of frustration in it not coming out just right! I feel your pain.|||You don't sound stupid at all. I'm sorry you're feeling the way you do. I feel pretty much the same. :/ Being a male INFP is a difficult cross to bear, imo. Posting on PerC is a good thing to do...|||...I still believe in paradise... but now at least I know it's not some place you can look for... because it's not where you go... it's how you feel for a moment in your life... and if you find that...|||Nothing too hard, I'm at work. I'll just have a Strongbow cider. ;)|||We are definitely misunderstood, that's for sure. For those wonderful people who get it, we will do anything for you. :)|||I used to play MW2 all the time back in the day. I became kinda bored with it, though. There is something inherently evil about pumping out a new version of a game twice a year. Call of Duty lost...|||To be more specific, it's envy. I envy people in love. :(|||Something about me puts people off... probably my looks first... then the fact that I can't deal with idle chit chat... then my social awkwardness of having actual opinions... then my tendency to...|||Lol! You're welcome! :)|||This movement is an utter failure. I empathize with people that see the world is unjust, but this is not the path to resolution, imo. As an outsider, I see it as a vague complaint from bored...|||I believe so, yes. To be clear, it isn't 100% accurate. It is our best assessment based on what we are perceiving.|||I can be fairly emo at times, and sometimes I really believe Fi is the culprit. There are times when the weight of the world seems to bear down on me. I can feel the struggles... the...|||The way I understand Fi is as follows: It is a function that allows us to determine the essence of a person. To drill deep down and find the good or bad in them. That gut feeling you have...|||Constantly. Even at this very moment! :shocked:|||No, neither.|||It's not dumb; I know exactly what you mean. It's easy to feel this way when we're alone. :( You're a beautiful girl and I know you'll meet the right person. Don't lose the faith. :)|||I'm feeling worthless, overlooked, marginalized, patronized...|||I'm pretty certain my ex-wife was INTJ. While it did end in divorce, it was my longest relationship ever and so I'm deeming it a mildly successful pairing.|||No problem at all. I think it is possible for any type to be happy with any other type, but there are always challenges. It sounds to me like NF with SJ have a LOT of challenges and it relates to a...|||Yes... I spend too much time on PerC!|||This thread may be of interest to you: http://personalitycafe.com/nfs-temperament-forum-dreamers/69181-nfs-romantic-relationships-sjs.html|||Very much a philosopher, not a crusader.|||I'm so counterculture I see hip culture as mainstream... lol ;)' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'I'd go ENTP or INFJ. I am 100% you are N-Dom and have a prominient Fe. And btw... I REALLY IDENTIFIED WITH YOU!!! Like... A lot xD Well, i'm quite shitty when it comes to evaluating my self lol...|||Lol, it took me an year and a half to properly fit in (although i didn't fit in. I just accepted the fact that i was not going to and i just kinda went with it). My freshman year was kinda shit....|||Lol, good! You got me!|||I think INFJ or XNFP Although i can see the predominant Fe in lots of these characters, you could be easily XNFP. Mine are (i have A SHIT TON of favourites so... Here is a small fraction of it...|||I think i am prone to be a Dog person. But either one is fine for me.|||No. After reading this it kinda got on my head. Because it sounded like him. But i think he is either ISFP or INFP. Cleanin Out My Closet and The Way I Am are very Fi-Dom lyrics.|||Oooh, okay :D But don't apologise. You have nothing to feel sorry for :)|||As a 4w5 core type, it made completely sense to me. Now i am wondering if J.K Rowling is either 4w5 or 5w4 or wether Eminem is either 4w5 or 4w3.|||In my understanding, any type can be both. However, if you go analyse the functions, the most likely archetypes to be Pragmatic (result-driven) would be the ones who have either N or T as a primary...|||Lol, okay. Good :D But you weren't completely wrong. The fact is that Luna has a very tricky personality, and typing her as an INFP isn't really a mistake. It is more like a close call. I used to...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wczFwAEQ-hs|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9bCLPwzSC0|||Well, i don't know about Fleur. But you are probably right xD|||Lol, S inferior bro... And there is the gender variant xD Men are notorious brainfarters about this xD|||LOL, no!!! I am implying that the attitudes he take is because of cowardice, not because Fi xD Sorry if it sounded like that. I am a HUGE Fi user btw. It would be kinda self-destructive to say that...|||Lol. Sam L Jackson owning it!|||BREAKING MY MBTI STEREOTYPE INFJ stereotype:mr/mrs perfect who gets straight a's in school and everyone loves him/her mr: my teachers like me, but my average grade is C because i didn't really...|||lol no wonder.|||You're welcome. And don't worry, i won't hesitate haha ;) And thanks, Samuel L Jackson is always badass lol|||Hi, i'm not here to ask for you to pray for me, but i really appreciate your initiative and i really appreciate the fact that you are being so kind and amorous. Thank you for doing this to people....|||Oooh, but still, the Mother Theresa i am speaking of was ISFJ and people type her as INFJ.|||Maybe you're right. Specially in the part that i bolded. But i think that wanting or not, what really matters to him is his own survival. Because he is a coward. So i still think that he could be Fi,...|||I don't get your point... Are you saying that there are literally more than one Mother Theresa (many people with the same name), or that there are other ISFJ's, like Mother Theresa, that are mistyped...|||How do ISFJ's feel when pretentious INFJ's say that Mother Theresa isn't ISFJ? Because sometimes that really pisses me off xD It seems like every good natured person in the world must be INFJ to the...|||I had some trouble with him to. But i thought that Peter Pettigrew always thought of him, and what he felt and what mattered to him. Therefore, Fi primary. And as odd as this seems, Harry is an ISFP...|||Don't worry about me getting offended, i am not. I'm actually really interested in our conversation. Well, i think that people actually don't think anything most of the times when i use my Ti...|||Basically Leonardo DiCaprio's life with a couple of twists. I want to have a sparkling career in film, be an environmentalist , be a humanitarian and have a good, happy and meaningful life in general.|||Lol, i am sure of it. By the way. Fe was really close to Ni. I already left the page, but i believe that the scores were: 1- Ni: 39.5 2- Fe: 36. something 3- Fi: 35.5 4- Ne: either 34. something...|||I think ISFP. He really seems Fi primary to me.|||Logically speaking, yes. And btw, when i am doing something and someone phones my house and tells me to leave a message to somebody, i always forget. Because to me, that moment barely made it into my...|||What if its? What makes you think it is impossible? Btw: i took the test. My Ti got 3 points less than my Fe. As well as Ne got 4 points less than Ni. The result was INFJ. But Ne and Ti were...|||That is extremely good. Congratulations. This is in order: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z571ByeNbPQ Any insights on the wings?|||My daydream = 90% of my day. If you ever watched bones, i am pretty much like Nigel. A skeleton had an arrow craved in it's rib cage and as i am speaking about those arrows, i am going through all...|||Yes, sir. According to the INFJ's functions, this type is more likely than the other types to write longer sentences and have a richer vocabulary, even if the enunciator is foreign. Like me :) I...|||In general, yes. INFJ's are procrastinators. Ni primary means that we focus on what's important to our heads, which gives us lower Se, which means we simply don't really care of whats going on in the...|||I am extremely cold and calculating. But i personally think that this depends on the person. For instance: my enneatype in 4w5 (which can become calculating, no doubt about that) 1w9 (which,...|||Yes, but sorting means putting the individual where he belongs, according to his strongest personal characteristics, even though of the possibility of those being misleading. And you can't exactly...|||Not necessarily. The description given in the books are a overall strive for knowledge and enlightenment. The quirky part can be attributed to any house, standing out is Gryffindor, and the being...|||What super-hero are you Which animal would you pick as your pet? -Bat -Spider -Any from Asgard, my home land -I come from a planet that exploded, therefore i don't know any animals from earth.|||Not really. He isn't afraid of the world. I bet that if Sherlock was a real dude he would hate the world. Why? Because everyone is SLOW. Beating boredom isn't a coping mechanism because he isn't...|||But in the books (and BBC) sherlock is completely deprived of Sx and he is in no way concerned with danger + he isn't at all cautious. And he plays the violin and he is deeply in touch with art and...|||I got quite surprised by Spotlight, i could tell Morgan Freeman was surprised as well. Lol, but it isn't really wrong though. It was more likely for The Revenant, but Mad Max was brilliant, plus...|||Yes, i AM sure that i will be quite surprised with the winners.|||Lol, fixed the blue. Btw, thanks for that (the part that i bolded), and yes i agree with your opinions. I tried to swallow my personal opinion and remain unbiased. Otherwise, it would be just my...|||Title pretty much says it all. My predictions for today (red is the winner, blue is my second choice and the rest are the nominees. The other nominees are in alphabetical order): Best Motion...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNodZNUZ8Ss|||INFJ, Neutral Good. Although i got Chaotic Good sometimes.|||Oh, okay thanks a lot man! :wink:|||I don't see as pointless to argue, but yes you could make strong arguments for both. And what you said about JK is pure Ni, not Ne. Ne acts differently. She would kind of debate about it, or...|||Oh, okay. Interesting, what if i am in between? What does that change? I think i am predominantly reactive, but i am mostly 50/50. But if i needed to type my nature between balanced and...' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | I initially thought that she was INFP, as she had that fairytale view of romance and often sung in metaphors. However, she could be ESFJ instead. She's always has a meticulous memory of names and...|||I'm sure she's type 3. https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/nintchdbpict000307453122.jpg Experiences with friends aren't about meeting the needs of others. She may see herself...|||Same here. https://assets.vg247.com/current//2017/03/destiny_2_hi_rez_artwork_characters-2.jpg|||I don't think all type 3's necessarily want to be the most successful of their kind. However, I think a positive image is a significant part of what they desire. I believe Taylor wants be admired...|||https://i0.wp.com/justrandomthings.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/taylor-swift-look-what-you-made-me-do-video-stills-27.jpg?zoom=6.5&resize=731%2C238 Her whole life story is that of a social...|||Taylor is way too self promotional and goal driven to be a 2. 'Look what you made me do' more than underlines the unhealthy aspects of type 3. Type 2 tries to persuade by personal charm and...|||Of course, nothing good lasts forever. However, whatever happens to the national accounts figures, which are released in a weeks time, Australia will have gone 104 quarters without a recession. I'm...|||Australia has had a record 103 quarters/26 years without a recession and according the 'The Economist', it's also got 4 of the top 11 most liveable cities in the world. If the price for that is...|||Creative types are more genetically predisposed to carry the gene variants related to mental health disorders. If entertainers talked and acted like normal people, they just wouldn't be that...|||It didn't take too long, to answer my own question. Nick Xenophon asks British Home Office to clarify citizenship status, could be embroiled in dual citizenship scandal|||On a less surprising note, for a record 7th time..... Top 10 most liveable cities: Melbourne no1 while Sydney has fallen out of top 10 :happy: Cheers to my fellow Melburnians!!!|||More citizenship news.... Citizenship saga: Michael Keenan may be dual citizen of UK and Australia Who will be next in this ongoing saga?|||Both Australia and the US have cultures which value a strong internal locus of control. However, a major difference is how they define success. Whereas Australians equate success with: happiness,...|||Policy changes are often done at the behest of political expediency rather than due to other considerations. Although the percentage of people in Australia who report as gay or lesbian at 3.4% is...|||It's been mentioned that Israel is type 6, on page 12 of this thread.|||Although Trump is effective at using various persuasion methods and insults to garner the votes of: the poor, poorly educated and those with an external locus of control, i.e. people who value...|||First of all, I see people of all enneagram types who are successful. Being type 3 is not a prerequisite to being successful in a type 3 culture, or for that matter, in any type of culture. I don't...|||Naturally, if a person with an internal locus of control doesn't have the necessary ability, skills or knowledge to successfully achieve a goal, then that person would find that situation...|||Locus of control isn't the end all and be all predictor of success. There are many other factors, which can lead to a person to being successful. The argument that could be made is since the...|||At least some people are making good artistic use of the bollards. That's not the only issue, in some places there are gaps where a car could be driven through. They're just a cheap alternative to...|||Generally speaking, an internal locus is considered a much healthier disposition. https://www.fastcompany.com/1840496/how-your-locus-control-impacts-business-success However, that depends...|||You can always hang out in the aussie thread: http://personalitycafe.com/travel-local-interests/100247-do-you-come-lands-downunder-192.html Weather is one of the reasons why I'm still here in...|||Cheers from Melbourne!|||Have a 1st dan black belt in karate and a blue belt in TKD. Have never been in a fight. I read that 90% of black belts never get into fights. Not sure whether that's true or not.|||Refer to the poems in my blog.|||I heard it on local radio. There are many articles which draw similar conclusions. Men are happier with a smarter wife - Telegraph Men Who Marry Smart Women Live Longer | I Heart Intelligence...|||Intelligence doesn't necessarily equal being adversarial and judgemental. Furthermore, there was a research study which found that the happiest couples were where the wife was more intelligent than...|||Yes, but only online.|||If scrabbletray wants to be an entertainer, I suggest he change his final words (to something more creative) before being banned, yet again. ...|||Having dupes doesn't automatically make a user permabanned. Being permabanned does.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejYVZXyYZ7I|||Scrabbletray; PerC rules apply here, not jailhouse rules!|||Maybe, maybe not.|||The six thinking types that are overrepresented amongst lawyers are: https://leavinglaw.wordpress.com/2010/12/01/more-on-the-lawyer-personality/|||I sense that this makes sense.|||The funny ferret mod team doing our search for the danger noodle. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/02/17/14/314F016D00000578-0-image-a-22_1455718254454.jpg|||I think that's yet to be established. I haven't seen a photo of him yet and the pink bunny suit photo still doesn't constitute proof of race or gender!|||I thought that would have been scrabbletray's jail nickname!|||Thread Warning Unsolicited type questioning, is a contravention of rule 1. Further breaches of this rule, will result in additional action being taken. 1. Do Not Make Personal Attacks ...|||Sure, Borat was a terrible movie, probably amongst the worst that I've ever seen, but hasn't the movie increased tourism to Kazakhstan?|||In addition to contacts, only blue level or higher mods can view private blogs.|||Mod reporting for duty! If there's a shortage of buddies, I can do some interim buddying and I can also answer any questions that you have. You can send me a request via pm.|||Fantabulous!|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONep89lM4wg|||Congrats on getting to 3000 posts! https://perthzoo.wa.gov.au/sites/default/files/jumbotron/Sunbear__h2q7567_1920px.jpg|||Yes, you can get those in most parts of the world. However, if ever I move from Oz, I'll miss these.... http://static.wixstatic.com/media/e4b6ff_3d43890af533447ab589e79c5056db30.jpg_256|||Nah, I'm chewing on minty bites. No room for alternate perspectives.|||What's good or bad, is always a matter of perspective. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/51b3dc8ee4b051b96ceb10de/t/53bf8e8fe4b0fd3182dcc6e5/1405062804507/?format=2500w Wonder Woman âx80x94...|||All the more reason to give concealed carry license holders priority, so they can protect the Texas lawmakers from the volley of tampons and sugar packets.|||Any diabetic supplies, which includes sugar packets. Apparently federal law prohibits discrimination against diabetics. |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Heh, I shouldn't be surprised so many INFPs are bi (including me).|||I'm a shy submissive dude dating a shy submissive girl. I guess anything works.|||I really wish the State would cease existing, and humans could peacefully live without intervening in other people's lives and act like grown, mature men. Unfortunately the human race isn't...|||http://i.imgur.com/DSpKr9R.jpg http://i.imgur.com/GERj24a.jpg It seems like I still can't smile in pictures, or take any good ones to begin with.|||I don't give much of a shit about what I wear. Usually it just jeans (either pants and shoes (and the shoes being the same pair almost every single time) or shorts and flip-flops) and a generic...|||Got INFJ, actual girlfriend is INFP (just like me). Close enough u.u|||Mom's surely ESFJ. As for my dad I'm almost certain he's an INTP. What a match.|||Honestly I'm also really fed up with school but next year will be the last one so I'm stopping to worry about it, especially because this year our school system/method changed a bit so basically I...|||Death Note. Oh God why.|||Never :) Always c:|||http://i.imgur.com/HJovUTc.jpg Remembered about this pic of me and my cousin to the left in 2010. At least that World Cup didn't have a 7x1.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drIWW4hXV34 What a game. (besides the awkward facial animations)|||Um, this will be of no use to anyone who doesn't speak Portuguese x_x But here's this short documentary about the conditions of Industrial Revolution workers me and I my friends made for History...|||Bokeh Had a good premise but after seeing a character show up and then go away with no actual relevance to the plot at all and not seeing any conclusion or meaning behind all people disappearing...|||Plus, I started being interested in politics thanks to Mrs. Rand. Even more special!|||I agree with a lot of communist values, but when it comes to using something that can actually be efficient (aka work) in the real world, I go with capitalism (and with free market, please). Right...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_xGeZDk3Sw I'm starting to like rap for some reason.|||Metropolis (1927), full version. My main problem with that movie is just what you would expect from something so old. The characters don't feel morally gray enough imo, instead there seems to be a...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dONxX9rifs|||Recently I've became very interested in filmmaking, and I'm seriously considering to have it as my career. But there are some problems. First of all most people would think I'm crazy if I don't...|||Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood Listening to it on Spotify so I'm not bringing up a YT link as usual.|||I - Very N - Very F - Balanced (I feel like both my feeling and thinking are very strong, to a point where they both become balanced) P - Between moderate and very|||My family knows about her. But they think she's a friend, not that we're dating. I'll just tell them when I feel it's he right time.|||I met my girlfriend on a Clash of Clans (this mobile game which everyone irk seems to have stopped playing by now) forum by the start of 2015. We started officially dating by the middle of last year,...|||I like watching movies, and prefer watching them alone, unless it's at the theater. It's easier to focus on the movie itself, and I don't have to necessarily pick movies that have some mainstream...|||I don't really like cars, I don't really like buying this for status only, so therefore I don't like like luxury cars at all. I mean, they can look nice, but unless I'm millionaire buying one after...|||I have kind of an obsession with death, and I actually am afraid of it (this includes not only me but people who are close to me). I just try to ignore it and think of other things. That's pretty...|||I'm pretty much dead on this forum but answering questions is always fun (and I suppose I'll keep using this teal color for my posts as before). 1 - My nostalgia (when I have it) is usually VERY,...|||Top 3: 1. Rammstein 2. David Bowie 3. Muse (but unsure about that one) In no particular order: Radiohead Pink Floyd Genesis (before Peter Gabriel left) Oomph!|||Unique (at least I try to be) Empathetic Intelligent Shy Anxious|||Der Außerirdische|||u200bRests|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJ2u3pRpCjc|||My favourite band is Rammstein, but that isn't very stereotypically INFP. But what I like listening to the most after it is David Bowie, which is more INFP-like music.|||Cry Cry Cry again|||http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view2/3748198/randy-marsh-shit-o.gif I win.|||The character he plays on his videos is completely ENTP, but his actual self behaves very differently. Look up for the video where he behaves normally. I forget its name, but some channel reuploaded...|||u200bxNFP (mainly INFP)|||I dunno, but I approve of your username. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-qUH2sD4GWB0/UUn5xBphLjI/AAAAAAAAA2o/MMYWv7n8sNw/s1600/thumb-up-terminator+pablo+M+R.jpg|||- Learn German - Learn the (electric) guitar - Learn the drums - Learn how to use Unity and other game engines (future planned career related) - Actually make a game with Unity or another game...|||AMBITION You have a strong sense of potential and an intense drive to accomplish difficult things. The core of this is your ability to hold together the big goals and the daily efforts. Where...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGgMZpGYiy8|||Find an INFP female.|||I hope I don't get called that when I manage to pull of a longish hair with beard. I better just stick with keeping my face shaved and being confused with a girl.|||Let me guess, long hair?|||u200bLaziness|||The Martian. Would give it a 7 out of 10. 7.5/10 solely for the Starman scene.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSyB3Tew87s|||Irl I hang out more with xxTPs, I don't think I know any actual INFP. ;_;|||Change mine to Außerirdische. If the ß isn't available, it can be spelled as Ausserirdische.' |
0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 'Yes Geelong in the state of Victoria in Australia|||stephiphi sorry I may have worded my previous post wrong.I meant in context of the Introvert v Extrovert.You are correct in that the isfj/esfj share all the same functions but in a slightly different...|||To be happy in a relationship for once!!!! Thought the one I am currently in would be that special one that I had always hoped for.But now that seems to be unraveling thread by thread and my partner...|||Siren that is what ISTP's do! Mine would say that he would pop around in a few days and it became weeks before I saw him again.He still does that and we are not in a relationship anymore.They do get...|||I was in a relationship with a male ISTP for almost a year.Then we grew apart when he went overseas for a couple of months and I grew close to an ESTJ female.I broke up with my ISTP to be with her...|||You know you're an ISFJ when....you stuff up another relationship by being too clingy:~ My current partner is a possible ISFJ or ISFP/ESFP and she wanted to break up with me because I was...|||The ideal mate for an ISFJ is the exact polar opposite the ESFJ|||I'm not.... I am attracted to someones personality and intellect rather than looks.My last two recent relationships suffered because there was not enough stimulating conversation.And I wouldn't say...|||I have had a few casual relationships,mainly friend with benefits ones.But I am about to give them all up to enter into a monogamous relationship with my ESTJ girlfriend.|||I meant that I also have a fear of swimming.I also grew up on an Island surrounded by water (Australia).It's not that I think it looks like blood,but I have almost drowned 3 times in my life,and now...|||Delok I identify more with being an ISFJ,but I also have some INFJ tendencies as well.I never come out as being the same type when I do tests and quizzes.I have tested as ISFP before which I know I...|||Yes all of these for me too.And also follow your dreams,don't let fear of other peoples opinions hold you back.Only you know what's best for you.I was afraid to be true to myself for many years...|||Congrats!!!!!|||Whatever!!!! You are entitled to your opinion but I don't agree with you.He isn't showing me that he loves me.He is all talk and no action!!!!|||Benja you are entitled to your opinion,and yes it does go beyond mere personality differences.I don't feel like his girlfriend,more like someone he sees when he wants intimacy,a friend with benefits...|||I'm a 2 w 6 w 9, and I do have some interest in the macabre.I am not really into blood and gore as such but have a fascination and interest in serial killers and forensic investigation.I wanted to do...|||You spelt faeces wrong!!!! Yeah I know I'm a spelling Nazi.... Unless you suffer from dyslexia or some other disorder I will jump on any spelling mistakes.|||ISTP's don't want companionship,they want someone to be around when it suits them.Not saying this is true for all of you,but my ISTP boyfriend has two close male friends who he sees more than he does...|||Congrtaulations Longdove.I really enjoy reading your posts.May there be many more to come.|||1. What mbti type are you? ISFJ 2. On a scale of 1-5, how easy was/is English/Language Arts in school? 5 3. On a scale of 1-5, how easy was/is math in school? 3 4. How many musical instruments...|||I am an ISFJ type two in a relationship with a female ESTJ type unknown.I am hoping that this will be the last relationship that I will ever be in,but who knows what will happen down the track.My...|||I'm a 2 6 9|||The Confession by John Grisham............|||Congratulations!!!! knittigan I really enjoy reading your posts and you are one of my favourite members here on Per C.|||Never been in a get down and dirty fist fight before.I, like most ISFJ's on this forum don't like confrontation.But if my family and friends are threatened I can get pretty riled.I have been in some...|||I am an ISFJ and definitely Si dominant.I am very much like your brother and boss in how they perceive things.I am also very resistant to new things and changes around me.My ISTP boyfriend is very...|||I really don't have a good understanding of the functions as yet,although I would say that I have the same opinion as you to what Si could be.My ISTP is very similar to yours,and certainly doesn't...|||You have probably repressed it,and that may be a good thing.I don't blame you for wanting to smash your ex sister-in-laws head in.At first I wanted to do the same to my ex husband but instead of...|||I have to agree with n2freedom,Life.Is.A.Game I can empathise and understand your situation wholeheartedly.I was sexually abused by an uncle for 8 years from ages 8-16 and like you I tried to lock it...|||Congrats!!!!!! You're Awesome ..........|||I too have a huge fear of failure, and as an ISFJ loathe confrontation and aggressiveness.This also has had a very big impact on many stages of my life. I'm in the same boat.....I so wanted to be...|||Congratulations!!!!!!!|||It sounds very much like my ex husband is Passive Aggressive.He would never hit me but would use verbal and emotional abuse to bring me down.He would also spit in my face and say things like I hope...|||Yes I take full responsibility for that,it shouldn't have happened but it did.I can't go back now,but I can prevent it from happening again.|||You don't know me or what kind of hold my ex has over me still.Yes I should tell my ISTP boyfriend but I don't know how to go about it.Yes my ex abused me for 18 years so that should tell you that he...|||Life.Is.A.Game I slept with my ex too,twice since our divorce and I don't know why I did it.I haven't had the courage to tell my ISTP about it yet, and don't know if I can bring myself to do so.My ex...|||Yes this is why I have trouble speaking my mind to my ISTP partner.I was in an abusive relationship for 18 years,however 10 of those were spent separated.I just couldn't tear myself away from him...|||Personality Questionnaire for Kids Results Congratulations, you scored IFP ! That's an Introverted Feeling Perceiving type. I'm an ISFJ,and I think I have changed a lot since I was a...|||My ISTP boyfriend is the same,he hates talking on the phone or texting.If he has to he will try to do it as quickly and painlessly as possible.I have learnt to call or text him only when the...|||I eat my food rather quickly too!!!!!!!!!!!|||I was in a monogamous relationship for 18 years,but 10 of those were spent separated and I never slept with anyone else.One reason for this was that I never thought any one else would want damaged...|||Just tell him how you feel!!!!!! Hopefully he will get that you don't want to be with him any more.|||Awwwww......sending big hugs to you Miriamisfj.............. I just dragged myself out of bed and it is 1 pm in the afternoon.But have nothing to do or no where to go today and feeling a bit...|||I'm tired and should go to bed but too much information is swimming around in my head.|||My ISTP raised his twin daughters alone after they decided that they didn't want to live with their mother (his ex).He considers his stepson to be his own.However there is one thing that I am very...|||We are both hoping to chat via msm (hotmail) while he is away.He asked me to come with him then changed his mind.I would not have been able to get my passport organised in time anyway.I am currently...|||My ISTP always cooks dinner for me when I am at his house,and he gave me a hand made card for my birthday.He didn't make it,he asked a friend who does calligraphy to do it.I thought that was lovely...|||My ISTP boyfriend tells me that he loves me all the time also,and he really gets along well with my kids too,especially my daughter.We have been together for ten months now,but in contrast to...|||ISFJ enneagram type 2 Kind Compassionate Loving Resilient Empathetic|||Books.....I love to read for pleasure and also to learn.' |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 'Leslie: ENFJ Ann: ESFJ Apirl: INFP Tom: ESTP Ron: ISTJ Andy: ENFP Jerry: ISFP Donna:ESTJ Chris: ENFJ Ben: INTJ|||Does anyone else think Ann is an E? I really don't think she is an I. She likes to talk and wants to talk and connect with people.|||Slytherin|||I think this is evil and pathetic. Sharing how to emotionally control others? Seriously, what is wrong with you?|||I hate my life and everyone around me.|||I got like 128 (I know it was high twenties) when I took it in high school. I haven't taken one since then and that was when I was 17 so I don't know now. and my BF won't tell me his...probably...|||either really sweet and sincere or complete jerks that make me cry.|||would you date an S?|||Isfj, istp, estj, entj, intj|||I apologize, I guess I shouldn't have said anything.|||I didn't say whether or not I agreed with everything he sang about or not. What I'm not allowed to think someone is attractive? geez loiuse. grace alone my friend.|||Yes I did. I listened to all the videos posted. So there. That doesn't change the fact that I don't know enough to determine his type...but I can say that I find him very attractive because I don't...|||I don't know enough to determine what he is but I think he is so hot.|||What are you saying?|||...has nothing to do with that actually....just what I said.|||He does make me laugh but not as much as my intp friend.|||1,000 gifts, A Loving Life and Extravagant grace.|||I am frustrated that you feel like you won. But in fact I didn't answer what you wanted me to so HAH!|||whatever you say :-)|||I didn't answer your question really...but glad you are satisfied.|||I would definitely have sex with that sexy fireman.|||I don't like being told what to do, so no.|||I am supposed to be working, but checking emails and chatting on PCafe.|||Riiight. I'm so scared!!|||Holy crap....I might reconsider:tongue:|||so demanding...I don't respond well to demanding. I'll answer it when I want to :tongue:|||So would I have sex with the fireman who wants to do it doggy style or would I have sex with the person above me, as in you?|||I am not an INTP but I feel I can relate to a lot of what you are saying...so I don't think it's just an INTP thing that you are prone to anxiety and depression. I don't believe that is based on...|||hahahaha I completely agree with you on this. I last ate a chocolate fudge brownie...very tasty but not very satisfying. I'm quite hungry still.|||Not if they wanted to do doggy style.|||I think that seems kind of degrading. Sorry :-/|||My boyfriend is an ISTP :-). Also the happiest most up beat and peppy person I know is an ENTJ.|||Thank you. Asian? Hm never got that before. I have gotten Mediterranean though. I am Colombian.|||bahahaha!|||too much work. You can look at my picture on my profile if you are that curious.|||I got that. No worries.|||I wasn't. I was just pointing out you are not as grossed out by me as you pretend.|||I know you think I'm gorgeous.:wink:|||That means...? I disgust you! Or I'm killing you?|||Yes. But only because I am picturing a fireman. Also, traditional style because I'm old fashioned like that.:wink:|||ok for men...INTP, ENTP, ISTP. Women...ENFP or ENFJ...ISFJ...INTJ|||If actually cared what some random ENTP thought of me, based on some arbitrary list of attributes or opinions that have nothing to do with measuring or determining a persons intelligence.|||Hmm yes usually when people are mistreated or being disrespected I get very angry on that person's behalf...also when I feel as though I am being mistreated or disrespected. Also events that are...|||hahahaha this is great! My ISTx bf is very blunt and stoic and sometimes I can mistake this for him being mean but really he is not trying to hurt my feelings, it's just how he communicates. He has...|||Intp|||I know you are not asking for advice in this department but I think alot girls like to be pursued :-). Makes us feel like we were worth the risk of being rejected and also makes you look more manly....|||I am dating an ISTJ now...hahaha. Also, not all ESFPs believe the same things. I admit I can be gullible because I usually assume people wouldn't have reason to lie to me. I don't think of myself is...|||Welcome! Glad to have a fellow ESFP.:proud:|||Do you find the ESFP personality attractive? (I guess this is more individual based not type based but I was just wondering). If you are interested in a girl, will you go for her and pursue her?...|||I'd like to be more ENFJ I think...I would like to be more N and more J. I am so disorganized and scattered sometimes and I don't like that about myself. Also, I would like to be more N and be able...' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | '288970 It's been a while, guys. Also I bleached my hair.|||I disappear for months.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Irc-hcKtDJg|||I'd cry.|||Why are people so crazy?|||Lonely.|||I absolutely loathe stupid people.|||Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddddd!|||Dumb and not dumb.|||I bought a car. Woohoo!|||Need cuddles.|||http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/14/09/13/880f207cf65746b799d28aee6f3d77ef.jpg|||We make the party Super naughty|||I definitely am. Being an ISTP doesn't mean being a socially retarded lazy weirdo, although a lot of people on this forum would have you believe otherwise. What do you suspect I am, anyway?|||Mac n cheese!|||A big, hearty laugh.|||People are super crazy...|||There's nothing more fun than dancing and lipsyncing to music around my room.|||Nope. My first job was at a doctor's office and I kept it for nearly two years until I just recently quit to visit my family in England for 2 months. There's no reason to be lazy, especially if...|||Yeah, but we love that.|||God help me. Stuck in a condo for the weekend with my insane family. Been here five minutes and am already on my own in the bedroom. Help.|||Pussy bout to get a standing ovation|||:rolleyes:|||What?|||What?|||My best friend is an INTP. We love to just chitchat about how we hate everyone and everything and I revel in the fact that neither of us have emotions.|||Thanks babygirl, I'm excited for England actually. It will be a nice break from the Florida heat.|||I'm not sure! It seems like some people take a few tries and others get it done the first. I'm happy it's over with. I think I'm a good driver.|||Nothing for a few months since I will be in England until the end of October. It will have to be something I fit in, because I am super tall. I took my test in a Prius and trained in it, but it...|||I passed with not a single point missed!|||Today is my driving test. Wish me luck!|||*squeeze*|||My root canal yesterday took six fucking hours.|||Getting the itch to bleach my hair again!!|||My pain tolerance is so low. Like, pinch me and I'll be popping an ibuprofen. This root canal pain is kicking my ass left and right. I cannot wait for this to be over. How did people survive before...|||dat ass|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahdmNS9Nkm0|||Gordon Ramsay is way too screechy and high strung to be an ISTP. I would feel utterly ridiculous screaming at people over their food.|||People saying nice things is never a good thing for me!|||Omg, fending off the waterworks. So hard. Why am I such a baby?|||Today is my last full day at my job. Next week I'm working evenings to train my replacement. I am so exhausted right now though, barely got any sleep.|||My new gaming computer arrives today! Yay.|||I am so looking forward to my last day at work next week. Everyone is going to show up and have no idea who to pass their work off to or how to get anything done.|||I wish I had nerves of steel.|||What a beautiful collection of boyz!|||Thorweeps come on down, <3 <3|||Omg, me too! Depends on the lighting I guess.|||I am going to punch the lady I am training. How can one be so bad at computers?|||I really cannot fucking stand people who cannot keep their emotions in check. Don't be a rude piece of shit to me just because you've had a bad day or whatever. I don't really care. I'll gladly try...|||ISTP group hug! http://johndohrmann.com/Yahoo_status_gallery/assets/images/emoticons/big_hug.png Love you guys' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Fatness has very little to do with food intake or exercise levels, according to thousands of studies on the matter. And it cuts life short by less than a month. For heart attack and cancer patients...|||Though I'm not entirely sure why, I'm not comfortable guessing strangers' MB types. (maybe because all I can guess is the type of their cultivated public persona, so it's meaningless to speculate). ...|||Exams are fine and getting a 90% because I forgot a few things doesn't bother me. I did take one undergrad class where the exam writer of a multiple choice exam was the worst writer of an exam I've...|||Whoever made the rule/myth that long-term relationships are better than short-term ones should be taken out back and shot. Caused me more trouble than I can tell in a short post to hang on to that...|||From time to time, but age will eventually take care of my smarts, so I'll get to know what being slow and not finding the right word is like thirty years down the road, as I'll know what it is to...|||I'm not sure any one city is better for INTJs. You have to balance noise/crowdedness against cultural events, museums, the likelihood of finding like-minded people for a group of...|||Do you prefer to date in your own social group: If I'm a loner, what's my social group--should masturbation count? Or, 2, where else would a person date but from one of their social groups? I'm...|||Romantic love seems to me to be about 1) chemicals/hormones/lust and 2) psychological problems in the person claiming to love. Regarding the first, narcissists with their seeming self-confidence...|||Competently, and I have from a very early age, being the go-to person in family and peer group when someone was spurting blood/had an LSD freakout/something was on fire. Sometimes later I fall...|||Most untrue things pass right by me, except when someone says I haven't tried and I know damn well I've committed lots of energy to something that is, for whatever reason, difficult for me. Valid...|||So you'd prefer it if he said something along the lines of, for fuck's sake, you're a nattering empty-headed useless lump of protoplasm and I want nothing to do with you ? I guess that's not...|||Well...er... I'm probably not the best person to ask, for sometimes I think I'm flirting and it's not getting across, and sometimes I'm trying not to and some jealous female boils up and screams at...|||Agree--this test is not about empathy. Whatever it's about, I hoped to score low on it and I did.|||Normal. I've done lots of stupid/silly/inappropriate things in a lifetime. I'd add it to the ever-growing list and continue living.|||I wonder if I'm the same species as the authors. Not that I'll try to mate with any to see if we have fertile offspring, but I have my doubts.|||1) not necessarily 2) depends on if I was treated badly--if so, never again. I've stayed friends with a majority of ex lovers. I've never rekindled (though I did have casual sex with one ex, once,...|||The best stories--the real jaw-droppers--you'll hear at AA meetings. My friends in recovery have some doozies. Nothing like an event involving a SWAT team or mysteriously bloody clothing to make...|||I doubt seriously that marijuana caused any of the psychiatric symptoms. But whatever the cause, this is who you really are now. There's not some magical real you who isn't the quotidian you or...|||Questions for which the asker doesn't want a truthful answer or which are disguised statements. Are you going to go hole up with your blinds drawn again? (after last night's social event, I got...|||Honestly, I wouldn't want it. I don't want the moral responsibility or hassles. But, as a thought experiment...I'd: a) be dumbfounded because I never buy a lottery ticket. If I survived that...|||I have no idea what you're talking about. What sort of freak out and in what sense did you get weird?|||Ditto on the get too bored to specialize comment. Also, as a generalist, I get the opportunity to synthesize from diverse fields and see connections I wouldn't if I had specialized. I've had four...|||I've spent a lot of hermit time this past seven years. I went without speaking to anyone but grocery store clerks (thanks) for one four-month stretch. It was lovely, as wonderful as the fantasies...|||speaking of amazon reviews: Amazon.com: Omas Limited Edition Phoenix Plated Fountain Pen With Diamonds: Office Products|||I had hypnotherapy to quit biting my nails in my early 20's. Worked perfectly for that irksome habit. I was amused that a week later I'd space out and suddenly come to following a post-hypnotic...|||I would treat it rather lightly at first. The question for me would not be OMG how do I act normally. Who the fuck cares how I'm acting? (I don't.) My question would be, how do I get this behavior...|||1. No. Except rarely, some particular person will be difficult for me to stay with. 2. No. I have mobile expressions. I reserve Death Glare for when I wish Death upon someone. I have okay...|||Loads. Real life losses of beloved pets, my father, the story my friend told me about sitting with her brain-dead son and turning off the the machines (she didn't cry, but I'm sure she has cried a...|||Punch Brothers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfbzkp3dVB4|||Hmm, I'd never considered the question, but it makes sense to me that INTJs would be less likely to be. I can be, but it really isn't that interest a state for me. You ever laze in bed after...|||I'd never ever use one. But I'm older and we old folks don't trust such newfangled concepts. Intellectual connection does not predict that F2F spark for me. Furthermore, it's far easier to find...|||I can control how much online contact to have and when. I can disappear from a place like this for months and no one will notice or care, which I find pleasant. I have the same problems I suppose...|||I: - Sleep when the sun sleeps (though I stay up past sundown in the winter--can't sleep that many hours) - Never nap--napping screws up my head - Pay attention to my own body and deep mind -...|||that's kind of you. However, I see a difference between extroverts (people who want people around all the time and seek people in times of stress) and yammerers. People who can't shut up are, I...|||Me: briefly explain the difference between introverts and extroverts in the MBTI sense (I usually say, in times of stress, some people seek company and noise, some seek a friend to talk with, and...|||I'll never again marry anyone, so no. Asperger's puts me off not at all; bipolar does. I've heard too many stories of manics cleaning out checking accounts, inviting strangers back to the house for...|||Analytic logic tests are my best. I seem to get slightly higher scores on IQ tests that are verbally weighted and lower scores on spatial ones--you know those tests that show a two-dimensional...|||This is one of those examples of why I think 85% of psychology is utter bullshit, witchdoctory nonsense that makes me dislike the field. Has my brain-mouth combination made people insult me, fear...|||no idea what mbti people are and won't speculate. Photorealists are cool, like Ralph Goings 53742|||- living alone and being free - not working and being able to follow my own mind all day long - my mind itself. Thanks, dad's family for these genes (blond, athletic, smart, musical, artistic...|||Sounds like a big teacher crush, a fairly common event. Cause: a) hormones and b) psychological issues (not necessarily bad stuff, normal stuff will do) that I'm not qualified to speculate on. ...|||Huh, are we all morning people? Thanks for the answers. Those all sound like pleasant days to me, too. Me. Up with the sun. Put on breakfast and check emails. Surf the net and follow my...|||I'm interested in your reports on this. Of your normal days, the ones that are repeated in life, what schedule and balance of activities would make you lie down in bed at the end of the day and say,...|||not even a tiny bit are they useless Uses for a university education in the US, but you have to go away and live in a new city or state: - to get you away from your...|||If you lined up my lovers in a row and just looked, you'd not see many commonalities. White, black, Asian, male, female, tall, short, painfully thin to 350 pounds, one person with CP. So far, no...|||If I understand it correctly (and there's every chance I don't), it's behind some of my sense of humor. Is it responsible for knowing that something is wrong with this person, get the hell away...|||No, but I hope you're my secret Santa. I don't work. No income = no taxes (poverty).|||I think notions like countries are less important than most folks believe, and I don't know that they are actually thems who can betray and I certainly know I can't control such a force in...|||1. With a minimum of pain 2. Fed to wild animals (dump me into the ocean) 3. As that weird git who wanted to have her body eaten by shrimp|||Loathe xmas music if it's religious in nature. Grow tired of even the secular stuff very rapidly. However, I could hear without wanting to climb a clock tower, once a year, Judy Garland singing...' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 'I was really close friends with an ENFP in college until some stuff tore us apart in our friend group. Years upon years have passed and she made several attempts to fix it, but I was too hurt to let...|||Northern Lights I freaking love your descriptions of this. You have been very helpful. It would seriously be so cool to meet someone so similar to me. Szartsky based on your profile...|||I either get asked why I'm so angry or told that I need to smile at least once a day. It is beyond annoying. I'm also pretty even keeled and content majority of the time as long as I'm allowed to...|||jumbotoo I'm sure there are others out there. We just aren't in the typical spots. I wish more women were similar to me. I might have some girl friends then...|||We went hiking yesterday and it was disheartening to not be able to enjoy the summit completely due to other hikers. Some girl kept babbling about how she hiked all the way up herself and her friends...|||HAHAH omg yes I am a bit controlling. Good to know I fit you 95%. Part of my need for clarification is that my brother is also INTP/ISTP. I'm trying to observe him in person (he moved out of the...|||I'm not confused about who I am. The descriptions are confused. haha|||Blue Ribbon Harsh indeed. I obviously wrote this after I was interrupted multiple times by my coworkers to answer the same repetitive questions and the ESFJ over the wall was going on and on...|||OMG this just made my morning. LMAO|||Northern Lights Your description was very helpful. It appears that I have been confusing/misinterpreting which cognitive functions my traits fall into. Now that I read your perspective, I think I...|||jumbotoo Chicks can be so uptight about the weirdest things. As if it's not obvious based on a guy's eye movement and facial shifts that they want to sleep with you. It's the same gesture. If...|||Despite the fact that I haven't met any healthy INFPs who don't come across as bitter and cynical, I don't HATE their type. Bitter unhealthy INTJ's are horrible cocky douches and your encounter was...|||I have had this conversation with my INTJ partner at length. We used to fight a lot because he would do something different than I would have done. My argument typically included me slinging the...|||pwowq People tend to notice actions over words, so if you are able to figure out and fix something they have been stumped on for months, it becomes noteworthy. I am the go to person when...|||I've outlined my special needs. Please review and sign here. I need a replacement mom. One who won't slap me. And who will bed me.|||I'm going to kill you. You can scream for them. I do like the chase.|||I work at the morgue. I happen to like corpses. Can you play dead well? I'll put you on ice. Don't make a fucking sound.|||Tell me your safe word?|||Pregnant? No birth control needed.|||That is hilarious. I seriously wish I had another ISTP in my life. Everyone seems so freaking boring, concerned what everyone else thinks, and uptight. Bah conventionalists.|||Thanks for this thread. I was on the fence for over a year, but have finally narrowed it down to ISTP. Now I'm trying to figure my brother out. He's also either INTP or ISTP. I thought he was the...|||OMG haha you might be getting me started on the next big rabbit hole. I'll have to let you know when I can read it at home. My work computer is blocking the link right now. So lame.|||I thought that would be the dead give away too, but I don't just willy nilly tinker with them. I fix them if they need fixed to save money. Otherwise I get ass raped at shops thinking I'm just...|||Thank you Candy Apple , so I'm not hallucinating. I think this may have been environmental. My dad is an ESTJ and mom is INFP. I was a little daddy's girl as a kid and am still very close with...|||Candy Apple That's very in line what I have been reading. However that doesn't really help me when my perception of Se and Ne is blurred as well as Ni and Si. I feel like I do a lot of it all....|||haha I do this to a crazy extent, sometimes even when it makes no sense just because I don't want to fit into the expected. My mom calls me her Rebel without a cause. I drive myself nuts sometimes.|||I was always so excited to be 18 to be rid of retarded restrictions for things. Although Murdock is right, living adult life is expensive. I find it disheartening that I am unable to doing things I...|||I just posted a thread to sort of get a similar answer. Does Se have to utilize touch? I collect data via all sorts of means and was assuming it was Se. However, now reading more about Ne and Si,...|||I read over a bunch of the forums on here as well as a ton of ISTP vs INTP comparison, but I feel I need to ask for input from people who have interacted with these types for some clarity. Ix92m...|||Oh lord, I've BEGGED to be moved into the broom closet, if that would make it happen. Sadly, they won't move me anywhere except 1 desk over, which solves nothing. I'm not a shy person at all, I just...|||That's an interesting perspective and helpful. So some take it as a personal offense that we would rather keep to ourselves.|||That was sort of the point I was trying to get to, although now looking back my post sounds cynical and/or depressing. It was not my intension. I try to read the situation and act accordingly. I...|||That sounds absolutely awful!!! ENTJ's can be pretty overbearing. I've met quite a few. The more I get to know them the less I like them.|||I don't necessarily agree with that. There are a couple of my coworkers that go out of their way to bother me and laugh about it because they know it irritates me.|||You dehydrate yourself at work so you can avoid walking to the bathroom and therefore interacting with anyone along the way.|||You ruin someone's birthday and have no clue why. haha|||You would rather be in a natural disaster situation than consoling someone about a love life dilemma.|||Are extroverts oblivious to the fact that introverts want to be left alone or are they purposely trying to ruin our day? I avoid eye contact like it's my job, walking with my head down or angled...|||You ask how do you feel? when discussing relationship issues with you Thinker partner and wonder why they shut down.|||You know you are an Introvert when you're biggest fear is having Extroverted children.|||I'm a little disappointed that there are no posts in this thread yet.|||I totally agree. When I made my comment I was referring to the INTJ since they prize logic. But they tend to let their Fi override and block logic sometimes. At least my SO does.|||I can relate to the fear of change. My INTJ gets very set in his ways. Even on the smallest things like saying I want to do Legs at the gym but you get there and everyone is on the Legs equipment so...|||I'm pretty sure I sit, walk, and talk like a guy, but I have very feminine looks. I just prefer comfort and feeling natural than feeling like I have to act a certain way to fit in. I dress for...|||OMG SJ's drive me nuts with that crap. You poor thing!|||I'm ISTP - living in the moment, always busy, a million hobbies and projects going at any given time, no nonsense yet has childlike energy and quirks, sarcastic, funny apparently, can't understand...|||Maybe this is me pointing out that obvious thing that the INTJ misses, but.... INTJ's say they are not hard to read and if someone isn't sure, they should just ask. So, why not take the same...|||OMG he says this to me all the time. It literally does not compute for me, but I know how he is. ^Ditch comment, hilarious. I leave him alone for 5 minutes and he falls in a ditch. We hike a...|||Pretty much. I'm always elaborating and then look at his face, shake my head hopelessly, and just say, you'll know it when you see it.|||I know this is way late for the post date, but... I spent many months debating between ISTP and INTP myself. This test helped me. INTP or ISTP Test - CelebrityTypes.com I also realized...' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 6 years is a long time, what made you decide to reenlist and change jobs? Do you miss being in combat arms now that you're in a separate MOS? What branch is it under (Signal, MI, ect)? I feel like...|||Four years later, my conclusions... I drank the army cool-aid hard (I appogize for my last ridiculously enthusiastic post hah). If the army was everything it's supposed to be, ENTPs would be...|||A little update with the ISFJ roommate: We get along great and quite literally have never had a fight! We're good friends :) Fellow MBTI-ers, don't believe too much in duality and inter type...|||I've heard that too, probably would have gone airforce if it was offered here :) The only thing is, Airforce is really full right now, everyone and their brother is trying to enlist/ROTC there...|||Actually, that idea just gave me shivers. If, for some reason, you decide to actually join the military, send me a message. Let's start a secret Militant ENTP Networking Association|||Well, it's been awhile since I originally posted this and I thought I should come back and give an update :) Joining ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps) is one of the best decisions I've ever...|||Edit: This is me learning social tact|||[I do apologize for the essay! It is a little long, but I added in lots of spaces :) ] so anyway, the situation :D I am a hopelessly love struck ENTP who has fallen hard for an INFP. We hang...|||Then please refrain from posting|||I have a disturbing feeling that this is going to be the case ... She's young, only like 16, and hasnt quite matured into a more accepting person yet. I think it wouldnt be such a big deal if I wasnt...|||Wow an INTP in the marines, that would be a rough transition regardless of your background So to you guys who were in the military, do you have any advice for getting along with superiors? I'm...|||Ah but 4 years of hell instead of 10 years of paying off student loans is very tempting I naturally have other, more abstract reasons for wanting to do this, but I'm lazy and dont really want to...|||Thank you all for your advice! I'll post how it goes|||I actually almost joined the marines lol but that was before I got into college Thank you for the job advice! I was going to pick quartermaster lol, do you know anything about logistics? Maybe I...|||would in person be better or over a message?|||I just realized that last post was a little long-winded, sorry about that|||I have a really great guy friend who is an INTP. He got a new girlfriend who is an ISFJ. Whenever I hung out with him and his gf I always felt that there was a bit of tension (maybe territorial?)....|||So I've signed myself up for ROTC next year and I'm a little alarmed. Who has had experience as an ENTP in the army? I'm mostly interested in what you found difficult to deal with and how you...|||Oh you sweet and infinitely humble INFP's :) Your selflessness is outrageously cute. It blows my mind how you have so much intuitive power and intellectual potential, yet you just want to use it to...|||Oh you sweet sweet and infinitely humble INFP's, its outrageously cute how you all feel compelled to apologize for the perceived flaws you think exist in your work :) keep up the beautiful writing!|||Yeah the compulsive organizing and picky-ness was what I was referring to for Se (though to be serious I dont really understand Se). I'm usually super unorganized and care more about the point of my...|||You do have a point here, but then why arent all the NT types so good at last minute? or are they? When under stress apparently INTP's become super melodramatic and feel sorry for themselves and have...|||EDIT The ENTP uses Se when under stress sorry :)|||When ENTP's are under stress, they go Si crazy and become obsessed with minor details. This comes in the form of extreme perfectionism so that the ENTP will either complete the task to perfection or...|||I get horrible angry when I feel like I've been manipulated and I didnt catch it|||sneak hug attacks, usually with more than one person. My f friends started doing this to me when the found out how ridiculously awkward I consider hugging. Those strange warm fuzzies are so...|||thats sounds rough :( its great that your not trying to fight against yourself as much anymore though, especially after that situation with your friend! It is upsetting how so many people (like your...|||homoflexible! Awesome term lol I love it hahaha Well, after rewriting this message several times in an attempt to be sensitive, I have concluded that I really dont think I'm capable of not being...|||hm good point, I do suppose I wasn't writing to my audience lol|||Was it hard for you to accept? I wonder if it would be a moral issue for you guys and yes bi people are great as well :) :) :) Just doing some spontaneous learning :D|||Gahhh forgot transgender! If you are transgender, feel free to just post with your vote|||Do you guys exist?? please share your story :D|||Will do ty for the advice!|||Heyya friendly INFP's! So my best friend ( INFP female) of four years is at basic training at West Point right now and I dont know what to do. Well really the only thing I can do is write her letters...|||hahaha yes from what I am reading it sounds like you should just be yourself. And if you end up stuttering and turning red after asking the question, she'll probably take it as a compliment and will...|||Just like anything else, you start at the beginning when you learn something. Do you really think that an ENTP like myself wouldnt be able to survive in the wilderness because I come from a place...|||I agree. What ever you, try not to make him feel like you are there for him because he was there for you. When people do this with me, it turns the whole thing into like a business transaction. It...|||I have an INFP friend who is a valedictorian (after taking all AP classes her high school career) She got some scholarship for having a 2200 something SAT 0.o Intelligence is based on how...|||wait whaaa?|||The never ending battle. The only way I can do it is to talk to someone about the overall goal and get amped about it. For example, when I procrastinate on school work, I either go visit the college...|||oh where to start Its clear that your attempts at arguments are only a ploy to distract yourself from the obvious truth that you are truly just desperate and flawed. Picking pointless fights over...|||feel free to start making sense - really anyday now ... or maybe your just high and thats why no one is getting what the FUCK your talking about EDIT: no attack intended of course :)|||1. who are you referring to? 2. seriously chill, you sound hella pissed with no attack intended:happy:|||:laughing:you pretty much took my entire scattered thought process and put it into words. *claps* :proud: ty|||But its a lie. I understand the need for emotional manipulation with people who cant handle/ would rather not handle the honesty, but I personally put my faith in the truth. Besides, most emotional...|||hahahahahahah He does sound very ENTP-ish. He probably mulls it over because he's a T and doesnt naturally relate to feelings and knows he can be a little harsh. He cares about you and doesnt want to...|||I think alot of times we dont really recognize what we feel. When someone asks me how I feel I subconsciously make a pro and con list and decide how I feel based on that. I neither know nor...|||I LOVE NF's! :) they have a way of indirectly making me feel warm and fuzzy :crazy: which is really weird because I dont really get like that...like ever... I feel like they make me feel more human...|||honesty is a big one. I would rather be told the brutal truth then to be lied too. I respect people who are intellegent, but mature. I think people who feel deeply are interesting but its not a...|||why thank you:proud: |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | I must admit, it is great to see that we INTJ's have such an influence on people even though most of the time it doesn't feel like people are really paying to much attention.|||Well there is one, the Association for Psychological Type international host a biennial Type conference in the United States for type enthusiasts to get together and learn from one another. In fact...|||Well speaking for myself and those comments I've read so far on this thread, I think we are in fact defining INTJ's! I know I can relate to damn near all of these.|||I can't seem to make decisions to save my life, not any that seem to stick anyway. Also I feel like every time I read about how we're supposed to be so impressive with our great view of abstracts and...|||I'm all for the kissing booth!!!|||Well who could go wrong with a fun loving ENTP!!!!:laughing:|||Anthropology, emphasis in Archaeology. But the real question I thing is WHY you choose the major- For me, knowing the there were people who walked the earth thinking and feeling and aksing the same...|||Sometimes the craziness you are dealing with is the only way to sift through life and find what your calling really is. Sometimes the struggle IS the way you find your way, forcing you to ask...|||yeah I tend to lose mine ever so often, then find myself wondering if they actually were 'friends' or just people who were around when I was, then it takes forever to establish new ones, quite...|||I'd like to spend more time hanging 'out', but I find myself at a loss as to what you all do, to me I can always imagine how much more comfortable and relaxed I could be if I were at home going...|||OMG, YESSSSS. I dream all the time of letting my P shine in the outer world so that it may stop driving me NUTS in my inner world!|||I would start a Career College as it's what I want to do anyway. & I would donate part of it to APT, CPP and CAPT for personality Type research, perhaps even fund my own research organization and use...|||I'm 'involved' (if that's what you want to call it) with an ESTP, five years now, and we seem to be drawn to one another and can't get away from it no matter how many fights we have or how often we...|||I can imagine they are, caps in general tend to be anxious personalities, but mix that with an INTJ preference and oh crap.... it's like overload unless they can (we can) learn how to deal...|||I can honestly say this sounds so familiar... oh yea, sounds just like me! It's nice to know there's someone else out there that is so close. (And nice to see someone who potentially attributes the...|||No, not unhelpful, that is pretty good description!|||Wow, that was amazing, thank you for sharing it with us, others should deffinently watch it if they have a moment.|||I am all for trying to understand and give others the benefit of the doubt, but y personal experience it would probably be alot easier for most of us to do so with ESTJ's if we hadn't all had quite...|||I get this as well. And though by nature I'm not a violent person, I keep having dreams lately that I stabbed an ESTJ that recently stomped on my heart in the leg and told him I hoped he burned in...|||Well let's see... 1. I'm not always right. I know surprise, surprise right! 2. I give men more leeway than they're usually deserving of. 3. I love sitting in front of a fire and watching it...|||Thank you, this was what I was attempting to get at with the phrase my instructor told me: IJ's are closet P's and IP's are closet J's.|||Yea, sometimes I just think about all the things I know I can do to help relieve it, but it just takes to much out of me to actually do it so I start bad habits and spend alot of time ruminating...|||I actually tend to be more organized when i'm stressed. It seems to help me get back to my normal self, the more stressed I get the more I feel like things are a mess and I need to clean, or organize...|||[quote=Silhouetree;49962]Cryptonia: Autumnbree: (sorry if this isn't very accurate, but I haven't really observed you too much since you recently joined)...|||Thanks for the good chuckle:laughing:|||file:///Users/sabrinagoff/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems/moz-screenshot.jpgfile:///Users/sabrinagoff/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems/moz-screenshot-1.jpghttp://www.maniacworld.com/three-bird-smiley-face....|||Kinda makes me think of leave it to beaver meets the shining, absurd I know, but it's Jack Nicholson, what else could you think of? Besides maybe the Joker...:tongue:|||Well first, they may not even realize you're interested, and yes that does happen even if you've been flirting ofr six months. But if you know that this is not the case- i.e they've never openly...|||Hawks are mainly woodland birds with long tails and high visual acuity, hunting by sudden dashes from a concealed perch. Loosely, to mean almost any bird of prey. Hawks are widely reputed to have...|||I think you throw him off. As an NT, we are pretty rare, and ESTJ's just aren't used to the way we present ourselves, the upfront blunt honesty. The ESTJ I was involved with acted completely out of...|||So cryptonia and I have been having a discussion on IJ's and IP's. My MBTI instructor once told me that IJ's are closet P's and IP's are closet J's. What do you all think? Do any of you J's ever...|||Okay, I'm going to give this a shot. I don't think i'd say it makes them 'weakest', it's like any inferior function, it just comes out exaggerated and undeveloped, so when IJ's have the desire to be...|||So the way I relate to this might help, I'm an IJ and I like to be organized, have some OCD issues with certain things have to have things planned and structured or I feel so outta wack and anxious....|||Okay.... You may not like this, and I know my situation isn't yours, but I just went through this exact thing with an ESTJ, he was the first man i've ever actually seen a future with, brought out...|||I don't necessarily think it's all better today, there's some give and take, you lose some things when you move forward while gaining others, and you hope that in the end all comes together. I used...|||Ha Ha, in my MBTI qualifying class, my instructor made a very good point, IJ's are closet P's and IP's are closet J's. I find this fits me so well! :)|||Well lack of emotion has just always been me, I mean I try to understand where others are coming from and I know that everyone is different and we all have our own lens with which we see the world,...|||By femininity I mean those characteristics that tend to define the INTJ types, the tendency towards lack of emotion and a more calm collected aura, the 'tell it like it is attitude', which people say...|||All the type 'matching' information I've read always seems to contradict one another, it makes me feel like their reliability is so flimsy. I'm supposedly good with ESTJ, but no, in another ESTJ and...|||So I'm curious, do any men actually seek out INTJ women? Every time I find myself in a relationship, in the end I always seem to be to much for my partner. It seems like they find my sense of...|||That isn't exactly accurate, you may think you know what they are thinking based on their body language, however, INTJ's tend to be quite misunderstood even in that department. I have been repeatedly...|||I've always had that feeling too. That at some point I will be put in a position where I will have to be that person who leads or holds things together, sometimes I think of it like when the world...|||Hmmm... I think that depends on their satisfaction level with their mate, I have been involved with one who cheated on his girlfriend with me, and even then still couldn't keep it in his pants! |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Knowing about types, and my type particularly, has played a large part in allowing me to say I like who I am. I donx92t need to change the parts of my personality that other people feel the need to...|||My best friendships have started by someone just asking if I want to hang out, be it for lunch, or to study, or some event that was going on in college or something. Generally, the people that ask...|||Thank you, all of you, so much for writing your own personal experiences about things, and the people that mean so much to you. thenotsobadwolf I think thatsx92s a large part of it - if you spend...|||Feel free to skip straight to the black text. I used to hang out here a few years ago, but left for several reasons, and I havenx92t been here in a long, long time, so if therex92s a process of...|||Oh no, I'm not saying my actual type changes. I've been an INFP since the first time I've taken the test, and have never been told any differently, but my Fi result, for example, changes each time I...|||To any INFP who's taken the test more than once, do you find that your INFP-ness goes up and down according to where you are in your head/life at the time? I've taken the test a couple of times, a...|||1319 1320 1321 If the size is awful, I'm really, really sorry. Pretty sure the last one is of James Franco. I'm not sure of his personality type, but there was always something about this that...|||Root:under-active(-38%) Sacral:open(12%) Navel:under-active(-19%) Heart:open(50%) Throat:open(25%) Third Eye:over-active(81%) Crown:open(38%) I know I tend to be 'elsewhere'...|||Oh, Autumn! Autumn to me, is what Spring is to everyone else - that time when you clear the slate of everything, and start afresh. It changes my whole persona, and I become what I should be the...|||My ideal place to live is a bit changeable, but at the moment it would be a small town, where the lights don't interfere with the night, and with friendly people you can say 'hi' to without people...|||People who leave the sticky ticket on the bottom of their shoes. And myself for noticing/caring.|||I do exactly the same thing! Nothing else seems to matter once I've found something to obsess over for a few months - the kind of obsession that makes you forget to eat, and sleep isn't a priority...|||I've just finished college, and don't really have anything set in stone work-wise so I'm on a little bit of a mission to find my 'thing'. I have all the little things, like reading and listening to...|||I have a such a hard time with organisation, studying included. If I have several projects on at once, it makes it so much worse, because they'll be the one project that I can really get on with and...|||...What...? You seem really thoughtful...Are you sure you're okay? You don't look okay? You're special (in the 'whoa, you're a bit freaky' kinda way, but only by friends) You're so quiet!...|||I have trouble being mean to people, full stop. Whether it's directly or indirectly, at some point in the very near future the guilt will set in. I think it's probably the reason I pick my battles...|||I know I'm really soft-spoken, but from what I've gathered from some recent conversations with friends, I think it's even more so than I originally thought. I've been told I have a very calming and...|||Only once have I had that connection and unfortunatly it was with someone I didn't know. I was in Canada for a couple of weeks and passed by him in a doorway, and as soon as we met each others gaze...|||Oh dear...this seems far to familiar :laughing: I think my memory capacity is fairly big, the problem is it's filled with (mostly) useless infomation. I can remember song lyrics perfectly from just...|||Overall, I think I'm fairly patient. I'm normally quite a jumpy person - going from one thing to another and back again all the time - so I sometimes surprise myself at my own patience. If I'm in a...|||My dreams aren't usually nightmares in terms of having me waking up screaming, but that's more to do with me having an unusual sense of calm despite the content. But anyway, it's usually a theme that...|||I'm not much of a fan for Radiohead, and I've never actually seen Eternal Sunshine...Rebel INFP over here :) I've noticed a lot of the type have a liking for music, or lyrics, that would normally...|||Everyone knows us INFP's have a 'light' side and a 'dark side'. Up until a few months ago, the majority of my time was spent on the darker scale of things to various degrees, from mid-grey to pitch...|||Just out of interest, and I don't mean to hijack the thread, but for anyone who has the fidgeting issue, like myself, have you ever tried using a spinner ring? Spinner Rings, Spin Rings, Sterling...|||I've designed something I'd like to get done, but considering I'm famous for changing my mind as often as the wind blows I don't think it's a good idea I ever have it done. If I do ever have anything...|||I'm a night owl. I generally create most of my stuff late at night, writing, drawing ect. I love the feeling of being one of few-I like to watch the empty road, guess how many people are looking at...|||I can get away with being both older and younger. People often mistake be for being 20, and seemed quite taken back when I tell them I'm 17. But then I went back to my old school last year to go pick...|||Yay for intuition! Do you have a link for that article anywhere? It never clicked with me that that sort of situation had anything to do with being intuitive, I thought it was just strange...|||My voice is kind of my 'thing' - is just seems to be something I'm known for among friends. Very gentle, very soft. I used to be insecure about it, because it means people sometimes have difficulty...|||Thank you for posting this because I most likely wouldn't have found this otherwise. I've been thinking about this for the past few days, and the problems with schooling as we traditionally know it....|||17 over here :happy:|||Would you consider yourself an optimist or a pessimist, or do you find it hard to place yourself in either catagory? I honestly don't know whether I'm right in my theory, but with our type...|||:shocked: Fortunatly, no :) It's the other end you need to be worried about - the end with the teeth attached.|||If I could, then no. But honestly, I have a rabbit, and I think he would probably eat me first. Mess with him, and you'll learn your lesson. Hell, if he can scare a hungry fox out of our...|||I just had to quote this because I think it's just an amazing way to live your life. It doesn't matter whether you intend this to be the meaning of life, that's up to each individual, but it's one of...|||I think as I've gotten older my memories have become clearer, and also they seem to be happier ones than before. I used to remember mainly bad things (i.e. things I may have done when I was really...|||Psychological thrillers are always a win-win for me. The darker and more mysterious the better - but not excessive violence. Science Fiction is also something I love, but like someone has already...|||I'm pretty sure this isn't what you want to hear, but you have to remember that that I'ness, in both you and him, is part of the reason both of you were first attracted to each other. If either of...|||Definitely Left. Which side of left depends on the subject in conversation, but I have never been anywhere even remotely close to the Right.|||I hide everything creative that I do. To be honest I don't know why, it's just something that I've always done. I've been writing for several years now, and my parents didn't even knew I wrote until...|||My relaxed face isn't smiley, and I've been told to 'put a smile on my face' before even when I'm not particularly sad. On the plus side however, I've also been told that my eyes make up for...|||I'm only 17 so by no means am I in a rush, but I think yes, I would like to one day. For me though, I'd have to know I was in the right place in my own head. I go through drastic changes in my...|||My main sun sign is Gemini, and as for the others I'm not that sure. Posted via Mobile Device|||You say they know how much you hate doing these kind of things, yet do they understand why? I think getting them to see that would really help. I have always had the same problem as you, a lot of my...|||I don't do physical abuse-at least not from me. However, verbally, I have the abilty to ruin someone. Only on one occasion has someone pushed me into 'undefeatable tank' mode. And for that person to...|||I do this with music all the time. Sometimes it relates to the lyrics, often not. I create stories, most of the time in my mind rather than writing them in story-form. A lot of the time it will...|||(I wanna) Thank you Falletinme Be Mice Elf Agin :laughing: I couldn't help but sing this. Anyway, what I wanted to say is this-you know that bad place us INFPs have a tendancy to get...|||I used to like the idea of going in my sleep because it's quite a peaceful way to go, now I hate it. It pretty much just changed overnight but I have no idea why. As long as it's before I get really...|||I laughed the entire way through this. Unfortuantly, this is normal for me. I'll often deliberate for hours on one thing, and once I've eventually decided (if I have at all), I'll often end up going...|||1) Do you INFPs believe that as long as you love someone, everything will be ok in the end? I think that maybe we hope it will be. Occasionally, that hope will make us blind to the reality. If it...' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'I'm married to an INTP. HELP. He's driving me nuts. Waisting my time with superfluous contemplation. ...|||My 'lil sis begged me to get onto snapchat. I said no, she whined, so here we are. Behold, my response to lenses: ...|||I've been typing as INTJ for over half my life. In my most recent years, my results have become closer to borderline INFJ (the more stereotypical empath type) and its driving me nuts! I've analyzed...|||It's a love hate relationship. For some reason, I attract them. Not romantically - but ENFP females (I don't think I know any ENFP guys) tend to want to be my friend in RL. I'm plenty flattered...|||Besides the obvious (typing this post) - listening to Within Temptation, plotting world domination, the usual.|||Similar here, a page i follow on Facebook used to be interesting and respectable, now it has those stupid lines with every video. They make me uncharacteristically irritable such that i could very...|||I can't take it anymore! Click-bait tag lines, someone please make them go away! I swear, as soon as I take over, anyone responsible for those obnoxiously stupid and dramatic lines is going to live a...|||lol, im not much of the helping sort. I thought once I wanted to teach high school physics. Two weeks of student teaching and I was out of that place. Ugh. haha. But it sounds like you don't...|||I ADORE math. yes lots and lots of math. and physics - because of the math.|||After scanning several pages, it seems that INTJ males are widely favored by females in general, but show up as least attractive female for guys. Bummer! lol My fav stereotypes: INTP, ENTP, INTJ...|||This guy, Winter, is my bestie: http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h353/flightysprite/Pets/IMG_4969_zps9ks9tkme.jpg Gracie, fluffy black cat:...|||purple (but not lavender, ewee)|||Very dark chestnut brown|||When I was a tween - it was Sunflower by Elizabeth Arden. in high school I tried Tommy Hilfiger for a while, but returned to Sunflower again. For the past 5 years or so I have alternated...|||I'd like to try out xNFP for a while. Its the sort of personality i used to imagine myself having inside my head, but haven't been able to force it into practice :p|||I'd be the one waiting in line trying to conceal my frustration that everyone in front of me is ordering some fancy froofroo drink that takes forever to make only to realize the irony that the coffee...|||jeb! my main bro! but who else would be first to reply to one of my posts :p|||I think I posted in this thread about a year ago... here's me now http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h353/flightysprite/Pictures/IMG_5061_zps4jubglqh.jpg|||Humpback Whale|||lol, yes, i am definitely not the judgmental sort; was just providing my personal preference for the sake of the thread question.|||I've seen this question a few times and it seems there is no particular correlation between personality type and casual sex. Maybe I haven't seen proper statistics yet **shrug**. At any rate, I...|||Im so mad!! Can you believe that I just waited almost a whole month to receive a replacement order for one of my favorite hair sticks (b/c I lost it) and I ordered two this time and both of them...|||you're wrong.|||**sigh** you have taken over my preferred role of being the obnoxious one. you win. but only for today. :kitteh:|||Not aaall of you. we still have an infiltrator problem. ;) speaking of which, hey FakeLefty, I think your Doge is over due for a nice relaxing cup of chamomile tea.|||you were first to request credit for being wise even though I was only addressing guys in my first post (before I noticed who specifically was responsible for most of the trouble). If you'd prefer,...|||yes, well, apparently since most of the guys are you atm. . .|||:dry:|||All right! now you're all just a bunch of WISE GUYS!!!|||And here you all had me thinking I became really famous on PerC overnight, having 5 mentions when I rarely have one. . but alas, it was just everyone quoting jeb :(|||http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h353/flightysprite/Memes/hA32701DD_zps51f8aadc.jpeg|||What is my deal??! ugh. Same thing every afternoon: -finish cup of tea -look in cup and notice its empty => make sad face -resolve to make more tea -get distracted and do something else instead...|||apparently you missed the memo about my anti-hug protection :shocked:|||ah right. . .that must be that long painful work he transcribed for us that I briefly glanced over and proceeded to ignore (hence being one of the many to inspire his disappointed post)|||hey wait a second! aren't you supposed to be dead? yes yes, last we met I definitely left you for dead. o.O|||Greetings INTJs! (and rogue infiltrators too). :p|||well gee, what did you expect? Im not even in queue for jeb-entertainment training. i was offering the most logical solution for everyone. ;)|||yes, whatever suits you (I'll just mind not to check in on you lest I go into shock over the mess that must be cleaned up). soon you'll be entirely self-entertaining :)|||I'm sure Jeb will be ok for a while if we put him in a playpen with some cuddly toys...|||your = you're I have terribly typing skills. .im just lucky that autocorrect hasn't embarrassed me with inappropriate corrections, lol. but when the typo comes out as bad grammar. . oh the shame,...|||GAH, you quoted me before I could correct my typo. 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。|||You're crazy. Im probably going to die soon from exposure to so much enthusiasm, but I guess thats what we get for allowing an ESTP in the INTJ thread. :laughing:|||FakeLefty, your avatar is making me nervous, LOL|||lookslikeiwin thanks for that link about being a sensitive person. But just like with autism/aspergers, I still wonder how many of those traits can be independent of personality type. Of course,...|||My mother is an ENFJ (like an ESFJ, but tries to come across as more motherly and sweet about her fixes for introverts, lol). She was ALWAYS telling me to go outside, go play, etc, etc. Many times I...|||Subtlety? I was removing snideness, not subtlety.|||I only started worrying about it when I got involved with PerC and was bombarded with mistype accusations (a few to myself as well as witnessing others). No one here has suggested that I am ISTJ,...|||Going back and looking at the e-book again with a new perspective, it is definitely heavy on ISJ = traditional and went so far as to say that they are the least independent-minded type. I don't know,...|||The people with average IQs aren't going to volunteer that information. Everyone prefers to play up their strengths. If they have a high IQ they'll want to share, if not, thats not the world's...|||toast or cereal? I want and English muffin, lol :) Seriously, though: I eat cereal everyday because I'm too lazy to toast the bread and then butter it, and crumbs. omg crumbs. I hate crumbs!! And...' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | Which type would be both strongly moral (opinion of right and wrong) while at the same time, detached/factual (analytical, not feeling-based etc)? And because having even one issue that conflicts...|||Broken Sword? xD Was Nico a character or something? @Manticore Yes, when I think of that name I think of them [plus selena gomez /shot] and that's what you don't want when a name is supposed to...|||Manticore My 'name' generates more jokes than nicknames T_T I think Nico's masculinity is fine, because it sounds like both Nick and Nicole, like Jordan. Names like Aaron or James would...|||vinniebob of course, my apologies took you all day to scan identify the cluster of pixels by your screen i must appreciate that effort but how do ya do c;|||vinniebob >:(|||@AesSidhe oh god the ottokes and oppas and senpais i feel you Hm, given a choice, I don't want a common name nor an exotic sounding one like I'm trying to stand out but one that is...|||@aesside Whoa, you're lucky you get to move around a lot o: Here, the country is small and its easy to encounter people you know everywhere, especially if you don't 'change schools' but rather move...|||Those of you with normal sounding names, you guys have probably taken it for granted. But I can say that you do not want to be feeling the mental turmoil I'm facing now. bit of history (only if...|||Warning: Do Not Encourage|||Barbarians Barbarians do not mess around. They hunt the opponent's king from the beginning to the end of the game. They are attacking players who are willing to accept lots of risk, calculating...|||personally, i'll follow authority so long the rules etc don't interfere with my interests authority is useful, they're commanded or created by people such as NTs i don't actively seek to oppose...|||The Hatter omg this is so late but i'm on the list what that's nice c;|||Quite a lot. I'm Chinese, regarding race, but I was born in Singapore. My parents though were from HongKong and Malaysia respectively, so I'm half those. Funnily enough, I have several...|||See that button there? The one that says 'do not push'? Yeah.|||I can think of more than two c; Name the favourite book of this generation.|||It's fine ^^ Hmm well, there are these traits in undeveloped types. INTJs are more prone to that, like ENTJs as well. But a developed INTJ/ENTJ would account that there is always an unsure...|||Furuba9000 OHAI SOMEONE MY AGE welcome to perc! appreciating is growing yes indeed, good job c; its not easy liking something about oneself that was initially disliked hope to see you...|||ah i see in this point of view, its impossible to see who's actually accurate because the test results themselves aren't a 100% accurate portrayal and nobody's personality is exactly the same,...|||okay xD|||yeah you shouldn't have tried but its nice that you did, its always nice to give people the benefit of the doubt c; unfortunately, in this case|||@Mercury33 you seem interesting you speak like thor but heck yes welcome c;|||ironically that title itself has been used several times xDD but anyway weelcome :D its nice here, if you're trigger happy, like me cough|||drum roll weeeeelcome :D|||this is exactly why i love posting in forums so much xD i didn't take my comment on divergence seriously but now i see the possibilities thank you like no really, thank you best bunch of...|||would it? i have not said my opinion on this 'best typer' matter yet however it would be superior i suppose, depending on the accuracy which is why i did not state 'better' in my actual question...|||of course xD i cant even get angry like|||MSI hahaha don't even bother anymore from what i've just read in thie post this guy's a joke im laughingi cant even|||The way one perceives the world affects how they do things, is that not the case? Its because of some of these different mindsets that we're better at different things. oh naw i wasn't going...|||its absolutely fine i'm not condemning or otherwise disapproving your way of presenting information after all, i can't control that i can only control what i have an inclination to read|||exactly different types have different skills, don't they? so you're saying only experience matters? everything requires some degree of experience, so why isn't everyone equally good at...|||hornet why? :o would there be something wrong in wondering who's most effective at typing? or did you think it was keyboard typers|||it is annoying to read there is a reason paragraphing exists exactly it does fit each person specifically compared to the factions in divergent because it is possible to be both...|||so you object to this thread but still would like to express your opinion what's with the 'seriously' then? c:|||this on the contrary is an excellent idea for an experiment except not just satisfaction with teachers, but satisfaction in general in the effectiveness of their education/social life|||first of all, i'm going to honestly say that i didn't read that enormous wall of text which seems largely repetitive and off point and also because i actually agree with youu200b on the against the...|||@BigApplePi he's just asking questions to form a more definitive judgement, its a way of gathering information. if interrupting reflection time bothers you, i think you might be an intp|||are your friends also entps? do you get all your things done quickly?|||let's watch and see c; oh well i don't think it'll be anything too serious though Zero11 are you seriousing this thread, or that intps are that best?|||entps need interesting people also it helps if they're good-looking don't forget that a certain level of mental capability is needed honestly, i think we might be the pickest people ever but...|||I haven't seen any threads debating the best typers yet (not typing like, keyboard i hope you got that) and I'm sufficiently curious so I thought I'd make one ^^ This is open to anyone with an...|||u r entp like its very prominent you just pointed out all the entj traits that they share with entps working as a team, trying to lead, that's young entping a more experienced one doesn't...|||just reiterating because this is important entps are the most introvertic of extroverts it's not surprising you feel that way i personally am equally inclined to go for an overnight party as...|||oh? this is your own personal projection of your status is candor considered lower than erudite? or abnegation more pathetic than dauntless? each sector has their set of talents and abilities...|||Bella2014 i'm kidding lmao xD when i comment it already subscribes|||wait the ratios don't add up say you earn 40K with 4 hours of work versus 400K with 80 hours of work this means that every hour for the 1st case you earn 10K, and every hour for the 2nd case...|||snort this whole thread how do yu subscribe to this|||i think they might be entps because only entps would have both the intellect and enthusiasm to pursue such a job, and be more than moderately good at it they read people pretty well, see...|||honestly imagine the world was like divergent except the factions would be mbti, obviously it would be brilliant|||yeah i've got an intp friend, she's crazy, adhd, and we get along quite well especially idea-wise/conversations its like someone who can actually follow my train of thought?? one...|||im dying like i can't even laugh its so dying that was excellent idk or maybe its just the word cookie your teacher though, too easily cowed |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I've never played, unless you count being forced to, in school P.E lessons. Hopefully, I never have to ever again for the rest of my life.|||Crook.|||Thanks for your answers, and taking the time to read my post. I really appreciate it. I can live with being an INFP! [Although from what I've read on the NT and SJ forums, they don't seem very...|||1. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life circumstances? Other useful information includes sex,...|||Gay INTP here. Been with my boyfriend, who is an INFP for nearly 10 months, I believe. :) We make an interesting duo, to say the least!|||Extreme racists, homophobics and similar types of people tend to make my mind boil. And also when people deliberately slow my internet speed. :[ That's all I can think of right now.|||I'm very messy in my bedroom, and I always say to myself I'll clean the room after I finish reading something, then I forget about it for a while, then remember in a few hours [sometimes days] to...|||Yes, I do this all the time when I'm by myself, usually with another version of myself. Sometimes I will talk out loud without realising, and people think I'm talking to somebody else in the room,...|||I'm really excited for this, but I don't want to get too hyped up either. :happy: KOTOR 1&2 were both amazing for me.|||I rarely get angry or annoyed, but if somebody does set off a trigger, I usually always give them a hefty dose of silent treatment, which can vary in degree from simply not talking to somebody, to...|||I find a lot of it incredibly boring, and the thought of trying something like algebra again makes me want to run as far away as possible from the sadistic tormentor.. still, I think I could do most...|||Freshly cut grass seems to be quite popular. :blushed:|||Mmm.. off the top of my head: Farm animal faeces Candle smoke [when it's blown out] Newly cut grass Tree bark Certain body odours Fresh paint|||Thank you for the welcome. Skycloud, you apparently have a similar personality to me, I found that to be interesting. :proud:|||Just another INTP here. I'd been lurking for about a week, and decided to take the plunge and make an introduction post. I don't have much to really say about myself though, I'm afraid. I'm really...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'If you're confused as to whether you're an INFP or an INFJ, you should watch this video! Let us know if you have any other questions, and we'll make sure to include it in our next video! ...|||There are different types of intelligences, and I think that each personality type has one intelligence in particular that makes them unique. For example, I think that ISTJs are most likely...|||Yup. This is exactly what everyone thinks of INFPs. No doubt about it... lol|||I'm still laughing! :laughing:|||oh, gosh...|||What are some INFP Stereotypes? I want to know how others view an INFP...|||He's too smart to be an F,** Grammar: Use it. Furthermore, it seems like he's an ENFP. He's very much an extrovert, and he is able to see the big picture a lot better than most presidents. ...|||The feeling of not being good enough.|||I am 100% sure that the perspectives of both of these movies are of INFPs that have lost hope at one point. First: Nick Carraway from Great Gatsby Nick was the neighbor and only friend to the...|||I'm very happy that you came to that conclusion (:|||I have a very serious question. Do you think most gay INFPs aren't here because they're the most likely to commit suicide at a young age? I know I struggled with this my whole life.|||Anytime! <3 I'm happy for you, and don't let yourself get down if things don't work out for a bit. Be happy that you're alive and feeling things at all (: Feelings are gifts, not things to regret.|||Let me know how everything works out(:|||Do you have a link to some studies?|||Do you think that you're going to change your behavior soon? You should look up a video by Brene Brown, titled The power of vulnerability, on youtube. I think that may help. Let me know what...|||From an Gay INFP dude. You're not gay. You're just emotionally aware, and girls don't understand that all too well. Especially at an earlier age. Most girls that tell me about boys tend to ignore...|||Me(:|||+1 queer (norms?! What are those?) +1 pan sexual (I love everyone equally) Question: is it possible to be asexual and infp?!|||I'm really enjoying this thread :p|||69889 This is me. I like taking pictures that somewhat bring my dreams to life.|||I dared in the form of a polite request... :kitteh:|||I've always wondered if a person's personality type determines their musical preference, so in this thread may you please post your personality type and the 3 songs you are currently most drawn to. ...|||What happened to make you think that you were apathetic? And do you really think that you were apathetic? Where do you live? And I personally think that when an INFP begins to mature,...|||San Francisco, CA|||I think there is a larger amount of introverts and ambiverts in the world than most believe, but in a dominant extroverted culture, the statistics are skewed. It also depends on where you live and...|||How often have you taken on the role of the leader? Which of your parents is the ISTJ? What was your major? How long do your cyber-relationships last? Have you had non cyber-relationships?|||Story of my life... LOL|||I think that the description is very general, and most are probably written by non-INFPs that don't understand the complexity of an INFP. The usual perception may simply be interpreted as a whiney,...|||You're very sweet!!! Thanks for that! (:|||The reason I identify with INFP most is because, from my understanding, it makes sense. I have a very adaptable nature. I adapt to situations and people and let their experiences mold me. ...|||Why did you think you were mistyped? And what process did you go through to decide an end result? And correction: 7 types** I listed 6 and forgot INFJ.|||I actually don't think I've been mistyped. I agree that my qualities align well with the qualities that describe INFP. I also see my qualities align with 5 of the other personality types (ENFP,...|||Hi y'all! My name is Angel, and I live in San Francisco. I love learning, especially about people, so feel free to message me! :kitteh: If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. ...|||When I took the Brigg's test for the first time, my results had very low percentages (except for N - I was at 34%). I don't truly know what this means, but I'm assuming that it means that it's means...' |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'Any stories about an ENFP + ISTP marriage? (I'm currently dating one.)|||I've become really good at/comfortable with, the situations in which I am the client or the boss-- like your hairstylist example. My Fi and Te have figured out a way to handle this where Te addresses...|||I feel like I've lost my happily, friendly, enthusiastic, fun, and witty self. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, what caused it, and how did you pull yourself out of it?|||I think by beat yourself up, I meant more like view yourself, as a friend, in a negative light so much so that you avoid close friends. For example, to consider yourself abusing your friends by...|||I'm the same way in most situations, but I've found one type of scenario that I feel like I don't know how to handle: work. Even if I don't like or care about the person, I can't just ignore them...|||So I was reading up on my S.O.'s personality type, when I came across this tidbit that is TOTALLY ME! Can anyone else identify? Unlike the Ne-Si function pair, which encourages makeshift tool use...|||I do the same thing! And I think what happens is, I try to let them off the hook, only to be blindsided by resentful feelings when they do it again.|||I just wanted to say that your motives behind these issues are really noble, and I don't think you should beat yourself up about it (not that you asked me..) A true friend wants to be there for...|||Solving problems and coming up with new ideas. What the problems and ideas are exactly, is subject to change. Like, monthly.|||I think an ever bigger, more pressing question is: How passive-aggressive are ENFPs? I also hate passive aggressiveness, especially the kind that Fe-users use, where they don't address the issue,...|||I love this thread! More answers/stories please! (I have nothing to contribute here, unfortunately)|||We will have to deal with it on our own, but you can still help. The key is to listen, listen, and listen to our hurts! We need to talk through these things. Usually we do not want advice unless we...|||Lol wut? Are you talking to us? I feel like ENFPs, or at least myself and the ENFPs I know, are absolutely flooded with self-issues and doubts. We are Fi-users, after all, and we take ourselves way...|||On a side note, I wish current ISTP boyfriend was into MBTI like y'all are. :unsure:|||Totally-- ISTPs don't use Fi. But it is interesting that we have this in common. I agree, it could be the similarity between Se and Ne... or perhaps even Ti and Fi can express themselves similarly in...|||So, this will sound weird, but first guy seemed like a 7 minus any niceness. If that makes any sense. Like, he was really energetic and all over the place and outgoing... but it was like he didn't...|||See, with him, he is mannerly and ridiculously nice all the time, to everyone. A homeless person will come up to him on the street and he'll shake their hand, ask them their name, and give them some...|||They could have different enneagrams. Current guy is probably a 9... first guy maybe a 7 or a 3?|||In my experience, it's the xNFJs who are notorious for I'm mad at you and won't tell me why because you should know. I also feel that Fe-types are confident of their rightness in those types of...|||I can see that. I dated another ISTP when I was 16 and he was definitely not as friendly/likeable to everyone as the current ISTP, so I was just surprised at how much Fe I see in current bf. I...|||That's odd-- usually ENFPs don't do the I'm mad at you and won't tell me why because you should know thing, because we also are better at reading than interpreting. We make good guesses, but we've...|||I suppose I should specify: he is polite and considerate to EVERYONE he meets, not just me and other important people. He is seriously one of the most affable people that I have ever known, but I'm...|||Er... if at all? I'm dating an ISTP who I feel must have a decently developed inferior Fe, because he is way more polite and considerate than I could ever hope to be... But I don't really know...|||Well, it mostly didn't make sense because he was drunk... he started weaving the names of streets and stores we were passing into his metaphors. It was at about that time that I realized he was three...|||Several years late to the party... but that is EXACTLY what happened me and my ISTP! It was hilarious... I was all like, Oh? And just who are you in a relationship with? And he was like, ...You?|||I saw my ISTP boyfriend REALLY drunk for the first time recently, and it was hilarious. I was driving him home and the whole time he was monologing about life and love-- unfortunately none of it made...|||Haha data points... Spoken like a true thinker! It always cracks me up to hear life experiences discussed in a dispassionate, objective manner. One of the things that I don't like about the INTJs...|||That sounds EXACTLY like the relationship I have with my ISFJ mother!! Still, I wouldn't have any other type for a mom; she grounds me like no other.|||Oh yeah, I do that all the time! That's sort of the fun part of the Ne-Te loop, because at least Fi isn't completely left out. It judges yourself and decides that you need improvement. Then Ne comes...|||I didn't mean rigidness as in spontaneous versus planned... Actually, I LOVE planning things. In fact, planning/daydreaming about all the cool stuff we could do is at least half the fun of taking a...|||The problem with the Ne-Te loop is that two extroverted functions are never supposed to, ideally, be working in tandem. It works well enough at my job, where I use Ne to gather data, Te to make...|||Good stuff, thanks for your thoughts! My current job requires lots of Te, with equal amounts of Ne and Si (at different times, luckily), and almost no Fi. I'm really stoked to be developing that...|||That all sounds great in theory, but in actuality, I've just never developed an attraction to an INTJ because I don't find them very exciting. Maybe if I met one that is really, really physically...|||Having pendulum-ed from one extreme (my natural desire to seek greener grass) to the other (enduring a bad situation in misguided loyalty until I'm beaten and bruised), I've learned that what's...|||So true! When we're feeling positive, the world is our oyster and full of eternal possibilities. When we're feeling negative, especially stressed or scared, we somehow forget the undulating nature of...|||Agree 100% with all you said, especially the red highlighted. On another note, I dated an ISTP for 2 years and it was one of the best relationships so far. We ended up breaking it off mainly...|||Totally agree, except I don't have any INTJ friends. My boss is one however, and though she's kinda cold sometimes, I feel like she's someone I can definitely learn from. I also feel I'm best...|||As I'm in my mid-20s, I'm going through some serious tertiary Te development... but I feel like lately it's been going a little overboard. I'm stuck in a Ne-Te loop! This is what's been going on with...|||In order of least attractive to most: I've never been attracted to an xSTJ... not repulsed, just not attracted-- they aren't really crazy or fun enough to interest me. I HAVE been repulsed, and...|||I am entirely confused by this. Dogs? Scullery Boys? Cat wives? What? I never have a man in tow... who wants to tow around a dude? Or anyone, for that matter. I need freedom and I want others to...|||I need to own my anger more, and stop viewing it as wrong or bad. Supposedly, it's actually a helpful emotion if you use it correctly... which I haven't been. I tend to try and turn anger into...|||I agree with the above... when I read your evidence of aux Fi, it struck me that all the descriptions were actually negative, as if you don't like Fi and view it solely as a weakness. Could that be...|||I'm an event coordinator, with plans to someday have my own event planning and design business. I've been doing this sort of thing for about 3 years now and I love it... I need a job with equal...|||ENFPs are supposed to be very disorganized, or so says all the literature. And yet I LOVE organizing things (and I'm better at it than nearly everyone I know, including plenty of Judgers.)...|||PREACH IT GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh, this is such a freaking thorn in my side. I love guys as friends but it's very, very rare that they will be all for the totally platonic relationship that I...|||It's seriously a thing. Both of us do it like crazy. The INFJ I lived with was constantly judging me for it, so it's nice to have a roommate who won't give me passive aggressive looks if I make a...|||This is more or less the experience I've had with INFJs... they makes excuses for their bad behavior but harshly judge bad behavior in anyone else. That said, the ones I've known were definitely not...|||I love my ESTJ friends dearly, but living with them would be a trainwreck. Despite my strong Te, my Ne-Fi lifestyle would annoy the shit out of them and they would end up hating me ;)|||I've been out of my parent's house for six years now, so I've got a decent amount of experience with roommates. Very recently, I think I've come to discover the BEST MBTI type for an ENFP to have as...|||Same here. When you go to an art school, you tend to be designated the artsy one. Also when you sew, do interior design for all your friends, throw theme parties, and have about a million d.i.y....' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | Please check out this site. It will absolutely change how you feel about yourselves as (boring) INFJs. We are, apparently, anything but! www.stellarmaze.com|||It's the pretense of ESFJs caring about you that hurts, when they're really only doing it because of how safe and secure with themselves you make them feel. When you stop doing that is when they...|||People threatened by authenticity tend not to like me very much. Often loud people, who drown out the ones I realize do appreciate me...It's a weird balance.|||Which author do you prefer and why?|||Yah. If it comes with advice on how to be cool like y'all.|||Does that mean you could take us or leave us?|||Okay, I'll admit it. I made this thread specifically so that Docta_Phreak could make another brutally honest pros and cons list, but for INFJs. Pretty please? :) Others are welcome to comment,...|||They arrreee. Aaaggghhhh. He's everything you describe (the voice especially, goddamn). Tastefully sexy, witty, very fit, creative. Mm. But above all he's kind, to everyone. That's my weakness I...|||Lovely Ethanol, iamken. But but but but...how long does it take for an ENFJ to take the bait? I am absolutely sure he knows how I feel. Some days I feel like he already assumes we're together — it's...|||Right now I'm dealing with an older ENFJ who seems to be feeling and doing these exact things. I don't know. All I know is I want him, and I am not one to even think about pursuing men I don't know...|||I'm going through something similar. Advice anyone?|||Does your social life contract when you're in a relationship? Especially if your partner happens to be introverted? Did you know this would happen before you got involved if so? And do you resent him...|||Why is that? I do get this sense. Thought I was paranoid. What is it about INFJ that rubs people wrong in the workplace?|||Sometimes, though, it feels like I have enough Fe to worry about others and be somewhat selfless, but not enough of it to draw people to me and have the social support systems that dominant Fe users...|||He may check all the boxes for you on paper but what has he actually DONE to earn your affections? Texting you a lot requires no effort and may just be a control tactic. Trust me, there are people...|||Not to reinforce stereotypes as well but... the only explanation I would have for why ENFJs would be good at self-regulating: They really do seem to put understanding others and making them feel...|||Mmhm, I think that's what he had in mind. I'm just an intern, anyway. I have been looking, but... The thing is a job just opened up at the organization we work for -- and I was offered it....|||What are your general feelings on dating someone you work with? :( What if you thought it was really love? Would it make you uncomfortable to work with people you knew were schtupping? And if you...|||Well then, there's your problem. I find that even though ENTPs say they like a challenge, that tends not to be true in the realm of actual relationships. There can be a huge reticence on the part...|||Do you overcompensate for your love for people by being an ass sometimes?|||Scarlet.Black I guess it's more the intensity of feelings being expressed coupled with this person's desire to leave things open that makes me question his being an FJ. Ambiguity like that would make...|||KC Hm. I think the more you can be a steady, reassuring presence in his life, the better. Love tends to empower ENFJs from what I've seen, but at the same time, there's only so much you can do. At...|||Was he joking about leaving you on the spot? That is mean... When he says you wouldn't like him if not for his achievements, it sounds like some sort of alternate reality is setting in for him at...|||He sounds more like an NP to me. Either ENFP or ENTP. Intuitive in that he could go probably go without seeing you for awhile and still keep you in his mind - to the extent that he wants to, and...|||Yeah. Bit of both? Sometimes I wish I knew what it was like to be Ne-dominant. I might have more sympathy for the constant FOMO. Basically, he wanted something open and I made it clear that's not...|||Visionce Hm. Well, since the ex drove me to learn about attachment styles, I think I'd be more focused on that. I'm glad I'm now able to recognize the signs of someone who just wants nothing to do...|||Sweetdreamin Honestly, what do I know. I was so lax with my ex that he spent two years jerking me around despite my weak pleas for him to commit. It ended up being an ENTJ he finally got serious...|||Visionce Eh, it's not much worth getting into. I don't think he's very healthy and most likely has an avoidant attachment style. I'm worried about him but still angry. There was so much deception on...|||So I tried to be civil about it and remain symbolic friends on FB, but he started getting super passive-aggressive on it and I had to delete him. He's been trying to reach out ever since but I...|||Sorry to have to ask, but how would you prefer to be broken up with? And how would you like the relationship to play out afterwards, in an ideal world?|||Sweetdreamin To me it is just like, so long as my own path in life is not being disrupted, and the experience of meeting and getting to know the other person has thus far only been positive, I will...|||KC Yes. As an introvert and Enneagram social-last, I naturally underestimate the extent to which other people and communities can shape an individual for the long term, and the value of such....|||Mmhm. I suppose I'm zeroing in on that connotation, thinking (hoping!) his plans include keeping me at home and saving on tuition - where we live it makes sense - while he finds ways to arrange crazy...|||Dropping hints about homeschooling your future children before you've even had your first date. Is this something you're prone to doing, e.g.? Not just thinking it. Actually mentioning it. Yeah....|||As horrible as it feels to be neglected, or to endure abuse, reflecting on said experiences has helped me recognize and really cherish the good eggs in my life. Given my rather loner-esque nature, I...|||Don't gooooooo :(|||KC Thank you for being honest. I hear you. I realize there is a lot of nuance to relationships, and the fact that you as ENFJs have so many, and you are not robots, makes it plausible that you'd have...|||Eggsies I clearly should have watched the above before posting. :)|||ENFJs, you guys seem pretty good at drawing the line between friends and romantic interests, without it even being within your control. You simply have different physiological reactions to people...|||I wonder if Ni's compulsive pattern-finding has a way of manifesting itself physically. As if others could see the gears turning without us even knowing it. We could be very transparent about the...|||What I'm realizing is that a lot of people probably have a subconscious need for others to be easy to read in order to feel safe and comfortable. The more WYSIWYG you are, the more trustworthy? That...|||Yes. My Fe is worthless when it counts. Job interviews for instance. I think bc the people interviewing me have mostly been Ts. No use getting them to like me.|||I read this today. The blurb about INFJs, it felt true. So much that it made me uncomfortable. Only because I DO feel like I have an agenda in most situations. But it's usually, ultimately a good...|||There are very few people I genuinely love. But when I love, I love hard and almost completely ignore the others. That is, if they don't need something from me. This makes me feel deficient...|||KC Hahahahahah!!! Oh nooooooooo ::dies::|||Your crush adds you on FB. Do you freak, ENFJs?|||It sounds like she has something personal against you, frankly. When you asked for an explanation as to why you couldn't be trained, and she cited complaints from other co-workers? Smells like BS to...|||Eggsies I don't know. Just ever since this person has taken notice of me, I've been in disbelief. Wondering if I should try harder and make an effort to be gregarious or at least do something...|||Apparently ENFJ (males) like shy people. Does this mean you're drawn to quiet, bookish, plain jane, no makeup wearing girls that most guys tend to ignore? If so, what's that about?|||Yeah, and lower my own standards for myself maybe. I don't always have to blow people out of the water with my presence but still, if I don't put in that effort, I end up feeling invisible. Anyway,... |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 'Croatian, Slovene, English, Italian and all of those + Spanish and German|||Agnostic atheist, hello. Why? Because we cannot know. No side is better, because both sides cannot prove anything. My choice is to be in the middle, while leaning more towards the disbelief in any...|||Human sexuality|||Speak and understand = 4 Only understand = 6|||I cringe everytime I remember how I meet other people. It is a sad comedy show. I can seem awkward at best, but usually I think I seem very detached and bitchy.|||Currently in a relationship with one. It all started off as a great friendship and I have to say that our similar views on things is an extremely positive thing.|||I have backup plans and plans for everything.. to the point it gets really annoying since I constantly compare plans and try to see which is best.|||I always score high on aspie tests and sometimes I worry about being one. Even if I was, there's nothing I can do about it.|||I often cannot talk to people when I am stressed or depressed. Stress makes me obsess about the things that stress me so I cannot follow what a person is saying while depression makes me think that...|||I keep most details in my head unless I am close to the person.|||I get pissed off pretty quickly when someone just assumes they know me better than I know myself. Also, don't patronize me. Things don't really hurt me, instead they make me angry and increases...|||Going for computer science; INTJ. I like it so far - it is difficult but yes, I think I'll pull through.|||Happy tears.|||Of course I do - it already takes energy to express thoughts vocally and if I have to do it twice then it's just a plain pain in the ass.|||The Strokes - Juicebox|||Solitary: Researching various topics, video games also. Non-solitary: socializing with loved one.|||Around 32 hours... procrastination on projects piled up.|||I'm just passing by to express my love towards Mass Effect 1, 2 and 3 and Life is Strange. Also, Dying Light is cool.|||I allow myself to feel for few days and then I just throw it all out. I think about the good times, and of course, about bad times. In the end I just threw any reminder of them away and blocked...|||Pessimistic about everything.|||I think that I've finally found out my type by exploring the functions. Now, if I wake up tomorrow being completely sure that I'm INTJ, then I'll finally be able to get this MBTI thing out of my head.|||Java, Java, Java. Must learn Java.|||I shake my legs when standing, I shake my legs when sitting, I'm shaking my foot right now.. while laying on a bed and typing. Lip biting, joint cracking, pretending I'm being recorded when I cook...|||Depends on what the thread is about and if it really interests me, usually, it doesn't.|||I wish to do so.|||Sometimes.. I enjoy being intoxicated by McDonalds.|||Yes. It's sunday and I have an essay due tomorrow. And 4 other subjects to study. Also for tomorrow. It's only 2pm, I've got the whole day to waste, yay!|||This contained no words but it was awkward as hell. My friend and I have this lesbian thing going on, not sure if we are bored or just weird. Few days ago I somehow found my hand on her crotch...|||I'm a retard at maths and physics, physics especially. For the university I want in I will need maths and physics as those subjects are the most important ones on it, 'til 2015 I need to know...|||I don't. I'm sarcastic and somehow people manage to like me... what.|||Oh, the feeling of joy I get when people contact me after months just so they could request attention or emotional support. From now on they can go fuck themselves.|||wantingtoknowall|||My dad doesn't accept my social anxiety and introversy, I could care less though. Sister somehow understands me, not fully though, she has trouble understanding my mood and thoughts. Both fail at...|||I'm rarely bored. I remember when for my summer job I had these 9 hour shifts and I had to stand the other four hours in front of a restaurant and check in the VIP guests, sadly, there weren't...|||Hello, yes, I have to study. <sarcasm> And this will be one amazing evening. </sarcasm> Thanks for reading. Message me as much as you can to distract me and make my life a living hell because...|||I enjoy violent sports because I can get rid of my anger on others without needing to apologize :D, it's bad, I know. I wish I had the willpower to suppress my impulsivity when it comes to food.|||It's 1 am and 17 minutes; I've realized I also have to study Biology for tomorrow (today). Lovely INTP's.|||It's 11 pm. I haven't even begun studying.|||Picky when it comes to food, I cannot eat the things that smell bad to me (most things). And yes, I am somehow paranoid.|||Once a guy was preparing to ask me out for months and in the end, he asked me to talk to him on New Year's Eve and I said no. Since then he lost his romantic interest in me, smart guy.|||I surely don't like the title, with that attitude no one could achieve anything. People change, you can change too.|||Nah, I've never had one. I keep anxiety tightly locked down in myself, for now.|||I do like tits. Death not that much, but I'm sure that tits can overcome death.|||Never been interested in it and never really tried to like it. I've been wanting to check GOT out to see what's all the fuss about, so I'll probably do that.|||I'm quite reserved, awkward and shy. I don't like people from rl digging into my personal crap, and I rarely allow others to do so. Awkward, yeah I'm very awkward. I'm spontaneous when...|||When people who don't know anything about a certain subject try to act smart. No no no, just no. Don't do that.|||Lovely replies by everyone, I find it very interesting. The idiots in my school don't appreciate anything. I even told them that I usually don't feel like hanging out, that I just like being...|||I feel guilty because I could of gone, but I never feel like going. If I go when I don't feel like going, I can guarantee a shit mood while being out and afterwards. Lol, that's my relationship with...|||So, being quite introverted, have you lost some important people in your lives? I feel as it's happening to me right now. I think that my best friend is mad at me, because I've recognized the...|||I absolutely hate exercising. It's extremely boring and somehow annoying, I prefer sports. However, I go to the gym up to five times a week because I want to get in shape. Soon I think I'll switch to...' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'I can relate to all of that well apart from the sleeping around. Maybe it's the lack of Fi that allows us to engage in double standards.|||My best friend is ENFP she's more sensitive and uses her N to freak herself out she thinks of all the negative possibilities when dealing with friends or boys she likes, she rants about her feelings...|||Thanks for this :D you're really pretty too :D|||What is irrational about my thought pattern? How would you know if I haven't had a rational thought?|||Ok believe what you want to believe. I do not let my beliefs hinder my judgement, if that's natural to you then that's okay. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions.|||Ok clearly have some personal issues you need to deal with, come back when you can actually be logical. All I'm doing is giving you solutions for your problem, if you do not want to take it, then...|||Soul doesn't only rely on religion :s, it's linked with Dualism too. Anyway, the baby is developed enough to be living at around 4 months.|||Hate watching sports, I rather do it myself. Although I love theoretical things, I hate theory of sports or sport science. I rather do it myself, the only types of sports I can watch are running,...|||4 months is officially when the baby is living, before that it's just potential life. It has no soul, just a ball of cells, therefore if Abortion is done, no harm is made.|||Are you in an Islamic State? You say Dr Zakir Naik isn't there to help anyone learn yet he has released a number of DVDs and books how to pray salad the 5 pillars, 6 beliefs etc. He directly quotes...|||Peronally pro-life, however I would allow pro-choice legally, but it needs to be restricted. All rights must be restricted if they harm another li, and abortion, if done too late actually kills a...|||We'd probably be an independent gang that wouldnt have any secure allies and would not hesitate to backstab anyone. We'd be this ruthless cutthroat gang that the rest of the criminal world would hate...|||Yes I do, I bet I'll be bombarded with questions, but that's ENTPs for you. The thing about being a Religious Rational is that I can try to logically answer why I believe in God and not take offence...|||Really big Tesco/Sainsbury's which would provide me with everything, clothing, cultery, food, DVDs, Games, Headphones, cleaning products etc, and a book shop like Foyle's.|||I used to have a lot of why questions, and then I came across a hadith that said constant doubt comes from Shaitan, and it made sense because I'd have random questions like 'I wonder why Shirk is the...|||Yeah I get what you mean, Islam is really immense, although no need I can see the goodness behind it I guess. I guess it would go against 'liberalism' but then I guess true liberalism can never be...|||I don't want to have them either, but then I don't want to be in a care home when I'm old, who knows what abuse I'd face and I do not want to die alone. However I'm deathly afraid of childbirth, and...|||I'm not sure. I think my political views would lie on the example of Islam around the four rightly guided caliphs and the golden age of Islam. Right now I'm neither left or right. Neither is Islamic...|||I'd choose option 1, I'd live like a princess, and only work for 4 hours, how sick is that?? I'm a low-maintenance girl so I don't really care about a lot of money. With all my spare time, I could...|||Yeah that's what I meant sorry :p|||Oh yeah I get it. Then on a legal basis, I'd be pro-choice, but on a moral basis I'd be pro-life.|||The slashers are funny. I love horror comedies. But psychological horror effing scares me, not while I'm watching it, but when I think back on it before I go to sleep, my head goes into Ne overload,...|||Isn't that generalising pro-lifers? Not everyone is like that, what happened to the objectivity of the ENTP, I'm afraid it's gone down the drain for you atm.|||I'm mainly pro-life with exceptions I guess. I think if you're going to have an abortion have it early before 3 months, because if it's past that it's essentially murder :dry:. A woman in the UK got...|||It's cool how you took the time to analyse them all, makes sense. So then who are the most closest to then out of all the types? Which person do you have the most disagreements? and How are...|||I answer the question. I mean what I say most of the time. I'm hardly the type of person to say mean and hurtful things out of emotional incapability. I say what I mean, and if it hurts I'm sorry for...|||Happens to me all the time. I hide it well though, most of the time. When I insult people or I'm being sarcastic, I always have a smile on my face. People call me 'Miss Right' because I've always got...|||Erm....your point is?|||Because I said so|||Yeah I was a tomboy all my life. Then my mum forced me to stop wearing tracksuits and looking boyish around 13 years old. After that I've appreciated dressing femininely and wearing make-up. But...|||Why not?|||Actually my Ne gets worse when I read fiction, I get distracted by my own thoughts, imagining myself in the story, and how I would change the plotline. But I don't care. I love fiction and fantasy...|||I like Classical. My favourite piece is Pachelbel Canon. Rock is my favourite genre especially J-ROCK like ONE OK ROCK. Three Days Grace etc. I also like Eminem, Tupac, and Macklemore. Pop I like...|||I turn into a giddy, lovestruck teenager (even though I'm one) but on the inside. On the outside I act like my normal self. When I like someone I become more self-conscious i.e. putting lip balm on...|||I calm down by thinking of something else, or distracting myself with something, so by the time I think about my problem, my emotions are in check and I can assess the problem.|||Lol! Wow. I was like her when I was a teengaer. The one thing that kept me on track was fear of my mum. She'd beat the crap out of me. An ENTP won't be swayed by emotion or the 'right' thing. It...|||Wow, you don't know how much of a breath of fresh air this comment is. I always never understood why I could never cry but I get it now. I guess we might use apathy as a defense mechanism. I also...|||OMG same here. When my grandparents died, I couldn't cry. I felt like such a dick, to see my mum breaking down, telling me how cold hearted I am. Yet I cry over pathetic things in anime. I guess...|||Probably an F who said it.|||Best thing you can do is surround yourself with ENTPs for while. Which you did, I've felt that way, even in my own home. Living with SFs is not so easy, especially living in an SF dominated world,...|||Anime. Basically anything fictional or based on fiction/sci fi/supernatural apart from vampire shit. That got ooooolllldddddd. The only 'live action' shows I like are 8 out of ten cats, Nevermind the...|||Well you guys are a lot more meticulous than us. Our carelessness would probably drive you crazy. And we'd think that you make a big deal out of nothing, and you're a drama queen. Basic conflict...|||How about I'm not proud of being an ENTP. I'm proud of being me.|||Oh well, you could say that your thinking is a delusion that everything around us is a hallucination. The hallucination is world that was created by our own ego for the purpose of protection. We as...|||Trust me, I'm more introverted now, I doubt I'd want another me. I'm crap at small talk and people's first impression of me, is most of the time negative. Maybe introverts have this air of mystery...|||I hate individuals not people as a whole. I wouldn't want to be lumped with another prick for doing nothing, so I wouldn't do the same to others.|||Did this actually work? Did you attract an INFJ?|||Same. I'm 18, but in UK born and bred. I'll think about it. It'll take effort penpalling|||Now that I think about it, it does sound like an F rant. But yeah the one value I would really hold tight to is fairness. If that's breached my Fe is uncontrollable. Most of the time I'm apathetic,...|||Well then next time the ones that don't do their homework, get them to be your errand boys and girls for week. So basically they have to miss their break times, lunch times and stay in after school...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'I should be sleeping right now actually. Tomorrow is my first day of work in a new department and I need to get up in 6 hours but I can't get off the internet haha|||Wow I went rhough the last 10 or so pages and I've noticed something...we are attractive as all hell!! xD|||249234249242 From my most recent play Water By the Spoonful. And one out of character.|||Yes! I describe it more like really intense force-field around ourselves and another INFJ(P too) that keeps us from getting too close. Too intense.|||A peace sign necklace. Started from my Human Rights advocating days in highschool and now, pretty much it has transcended into a recognizable detail of my style. Bisexuality flag bracelet. No one...|||Im bisexual if you mean not-straight by gay|||You're a really good leader, it's natural in you. Never heard that before. And ever since I heard that I became confident in my leadership skills.|||Used to identify as Buddhist but I've learned and developed my own spiritual 'beliefs'.|||Actually I usually go on airplane mode on my phone which blocks off phone calls, text, as well as social media notification. I go for a nice long walk with my music player, treat myself to a nice...|||Yeah I do wish I was more social sometimes. Actually, I'll take that back I wish I felt anxious being in unfarmiliar social settings because that's what really puts me off from trying too much. ...|||Random filler in the silence, just discussions on trivial stuff that lack in depth or anything worth remembering. But I do agree with some of you, it is the means of figuring out whether the opposing...|||Ditto for me!|||I don't know about Invade but once I find out the MBIT type of someone I'm befriending I go to their sub-section on here and get a glimpse into their inner workings of their minds. It's fun stuff...|||Alright alright I was content reading for the most part but I felt a duty to step in here because I feel that us INFJ's are coming off way to arrogantly on our INFP counterpart. So I'll speak from...|||Thinking of it now, I'm not too big on reading at all. I much rather watch a documentary then stare at a page for an extended period of time. Also, I can have meaningless sex but it's nowhere near as...|||Most of my friends, the ones I instantly get along with are usually ENFJ. ENFJ + INFJ = Good Tag-Team partners.|||I've kept one since my Sophomore year of High-school back in 2008. I've finished two already and currently on my third. Perhaps one of my better decision for self-realization and improvements. Those...|||Well may I suggest not poking him with the spoon? It sounds like that's really irritating to him. My assumption is that he hasn't voiced his concern about you constantly badgering him, INFJ's are...|||From my understanding, yes I'm well respected as both a professional and on a personal level. Doesn't necessarily mean people wanna be friend me lol.|||When I'm under circumstances that cause me great stress. But I completely had the revelation that I'm completely sane, but those around me....I still wonder.|||http://australiansanta.com/post/84699387659 Yep im going to buy that|||My keenness to observation. I know someone's weakness, their hopes and fears. I can figure them out. I never really thought about exploiting that kind of stuff but since my friends brought up the...|||Well for me... 1) For the first time I'm actually working on my own damn self (weird right?). I've been growing so much personally and professionally. 2) Don't go out much so that lowers my...|||Addressing this year’s MID Challenge RA Jean wrote a play about a high school’s student’s journey to college. Along his way our protagonist is faced with quite a few issues such as lack of...|||Yeah I do it. If i feel someone has nothing to offer (rarely) when I see their sig in which I associate the member by I would just completely over it.|||I don't. I refuse to grace my cheeks on a cold relentless toilet seat.|||I haven't looked into this to much but good heavens is Misty Day from Season 3 not an INFJ but rather INFP. She has that typical free-spirited, screw the norms, emotional impulsive air about her.|||Actually I've always been writing but as of recently my focus shifted towards Play writing. One thing that was pointed out to my in my play writing course I am taking is that my work tends to focus...|||INFJ here The Valley of Wisdom I'll follow back, I am curious to see the tumblrs of all the different type son here anyways!|||I find it hard to believe INFJ's are winning this one! I've met some stone cold INFP and ENFJ's! From experience I'll put my vote on INFP.|||Pot: To enjoy life better for an objective introspective (odd I know) look at myself. Also to appreciate the little things. Alcohol: To rid my social anxiety in group settings. I don't drink alone,...|||I am lacking in evil, I need to step my game up right? Probably jut sleep with someone I knew had stronger feelings for me. They were heartbroken. I guess that's it so far.|||You're so theatrical I get that a lot. But I don't feel theatrical unless i'm around my close friends at that point I am a walking showcase haha.|||The whole 'nose in book' stereotype. I own a lot of books but I've probably read about 10% of my collection. It's just so boring and tedious haha but to each their own.|||I don't see why I wouldn't personally. It's kinda amusing and interesting stuff you know|||Thus far my best day of my life is Oct 29, 2013 that was the initiation night for my fraternity. Let's just say it was an emotional roller-coaster and it concluded with a big celebration in honor of...|||Sitting at work on PerC. It's a pretty laid back job....RA life!|||ENFJ just to ave slightly better social skills. #INFJlife|||Took the words out of my mouth haha|||Doesn't sound too bad from what you're saying. What do you do when you're level of confidence starts to fade? Also what triggers your sense of confidence? I'm curious to know. Feel free to pass a...|||Have the same compassion for yourself as for others. Put your pride and ego aside and allow others to be there for you, battles are better fought with allies.|||I scored A 15. Mehhh generally speaking I don't think this is a very accurate assessment of for narcissism but interesting nonetheless.|||Don't read many books, nor do I watch much movies but I DO read a lot of plays. Water by the Spoonful by Quiara Alegria Hudes had me in near tears by the end! I do recommend.|||Yup actually it's always been on my bucket list. Granted in a more romantic sense, like tell my partner I'm taking him/her to a play or something and actually end up driving to the airport with...|||Law of Attraction, look it up boy!|||Yeah I usually never follow through with it though. I feel like I would feel bad...but we might just find out soon lol|||Anthropolgy and Theatre....so far I'm loving it.|||INTP. We both get on each others nerve often but we care enough about one another to get over it by next morning. Best friend 5 years strong.|||REading this thread makes me miss my sister soo much :]|||Photo of me seeing how I'll look in a dress xD http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff231/JDaGame43/1147655_646669198678341_50928057_o.jpg Yes, this is how me and my friends act at malls haha.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Your big 5 results are the equivalent of INFP. You're interpretation of F is off (it's common), romancy movies, crusading for rights (INTJs and ISTJ [Hermione is an ISTJ] can be massive crusaders...|||Yeah, I was driving in the car today and realized I'd type 16 instead of 8. Oops. Snape is most likely an INTJ. He lacks very much lacks a dominant or even auxiliary Fi and his emotional things...|||INTPs and Ti doms typically aren't worried about appearing competent though can sometimes it happens if they get stuck in a Ti-Si loop (though that typically is self-doubt and not worrying about...|||Have you read the article similar to the INFP one I linked that discusses the inferior Fe in INTPs? It would probably be a good read to compare the differences between the two. Sorry, I...|||You seem like an INFP to me as I don't see much Ti dominant in your original post or your replies though Ti is a bit harder to detect. You seem to be me Fe dom. I'd also like to comment on...|||I hated school until College. I was a mostly B student in high school because I would never do the homework, but always did well on tests. I think I only had about 4 very good teachers all through...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_fMN9kFm14|||Yes, I did, but now that I'm trying to explain it I can't make sense of it. I think I was try to say that people with a thinking preference are thought of as Male and maybe it has more to do with...|||I do agree that men are probably much more likely, but I don't think it's completely impossible for women just more difficult for women to do so. Even women like me who are thinkers, we still tend to...|||I have the same phobia, as well as major phobia of broken ankles.|||I certainly agree that Alex is a ESTP. Everything he does has a very practical purpose. I also think an ENTP would have noticed a place he beat the crap out of some one and does his best to get out...|||That's certainly the best advice I've ever heard.|||Running away sounds like the perfect solution! I've tried, and they seem incapable of understanding that some people in the world actually don't want to spend every single second talking and...|||For once, I'm at a loss. I have two SJ roommates and one possibly SP, all extroverts. I'm starting to wonder if it is even possible to successfully live with three Extroverted Sensing types. I've...|||Happens to me quite a lot, but I've yet to find a solution for it.|||I say accept the apology, but make it VERY clear that next time it won't be accepted and something might possibly have to be done concerning the problem with her not fulfilling her promises such as...|||I'm not a feeler, obviously, but when a man cries it breaks my heart more than when girls do, unless they're asshole faking for their own gain. I think it's just because women tend to be more...|||It's very true to me. Because I rationalize most things, I tend to not get caught up in the drama of life and can easily get through things that completely befuddle & upset the feelers I know. I just...|||I'm not an INFJ, but I'm a Freshman in college as well. Why not talk with different people about jobs & majors and such? It can be quite helpful to help figure out what you want to do as well as...|||I have to disagree. A lot of what I do is quite casual and just for the fun of it. As for your original question. I'm quite far from asexual. I don't know how old you are, but I know when I was...|||I really don't mind it unless I'm in a group of people that don't care about my opinions or try to ignore the fact I'm even in the group. I tend to try to be the one to take over the group first to...|||No, I get nostalgic a lot, but I never cry over it. Of course, I do cry over some silly things that people would probably think I was crazy for crying over it. For example, when I hear people sing in...|||I use to be like that, then I decided to get over it and just find pointless entertainment.|||No. I find it to be a waste of time. I also wouldn't want to have to spend money to fly and meet some one or drive forever. I also don't think I'd trust myself with out having the person near me.|||Yes, very much so. I don't like people coming in my room or leaving them alone in my room. I also can't stand when I have to give some one something I've work hard on other than the person it was...|||Don't look at the descriptions as a whole look at the functions. I always test as INTJ as well, but I'm an INTP because I tend to use the INTP functions, though I do have a weak P so I sometimes...|||My mom is an ENTP. I'm not really sure about my dad I just know he's probably a ESxx, most likely a P. They don't get along at all and I wouldn't want to marry some one like him. I have no idea how...|||I should be kept away from mirror rooms as I have way too much fun with them. I like mirrors possibly because I would always use mirrors to create a playmate when I was little as I was an only...|||I don't as most of the time that would mean having a cactus on my bed which doesn't sound like it would end too well. I did use to always buy cacti when I went to Home Depot, actually my dad bought...|||I would never act stupid unless to show a point. People also don't normally think I'm stupid. I obviously take my classes and the sort way too serious for anyone to accuse me of being stupid. They...|||I'm a I-don't-care-sexual. I never understood the point of claiming some label for your sexuality. I understand most labels, but this is one I fail to understand. If I'm attracted I'm attracted and...|||I may have posted here already, but I don't think so. I have a fear of broken ankles. They cause me to completely freak out. Other than that I'm not really afraid of anything.|||Not to the extent of hurting some one, but yes. I get oddly excited when things like that happen. Even more so when it starts making a pattern. I feel so dorky atm..|||I love compliments. I normally say thank you and smile.|||It's best NOT to think about some one you miss until you've had time to heal. I want to think about people I've loved and lost after they die or they left, but it's best to put it in the back of my...|||I'm a much better writer than speaker. I tend to trip over my words and say things that only make sense in my head. The annoyance of not being able to talk as fast as I can think.|||Opera tabs: Livejournal - friends page Facebook Youtube - JK Rowling interview Livejournal - community entry PersonalityCafe BabyNamesWorld - Quick Search (I needed to find a name for to go...|||As a child I was incredibly weird. I always felt different from everyone else. I was also a nightmare as a child because I was EXTREMELY controlling. I never tried to change to fit in, it was...|||I find zombies ridiculously stupid and uninteresting. I don't get the craze. Of course, I have been made fun of for talking about the rules of zombies while watching some zombie movie. I'm a...|||Yes, something make me look like I'm almost excessive about neatness while others make me look like a complete slob. It really only depends on what I use it for only whether or not I care about it's...|||Yes, I do. Earlier this year I would have said no, but I've come to understand how I can be a better person and that I'm not limited to whatever crazy idea I have. It may be a little difficult...|||I tend to only be imaginative at random. A lot of times I'm not very imaginative, but when I want to write or need to create a solution or idea then I can be quite imaginative. Of course, when it...|||I'm a door slammer & tend to just yell at who ever is available. That's how I deal with anger. I always fell sorry for those that happen to cross my path during that time. Anger is a pretty simple...|||Have no clue. Maybe because grey eyes aren't really common therefore have more mystery surrounding those with that color? It could possibly come from the Greek Goddess Athena as one of her titles was...|||Yep, but I just say I think it's silly to try to label sexuality and that I'm attracted to what I'm attracted to and that's that. I found trying to explain and label myself just made it more...|||I've only had two serious relationships. One was with possibly a EST(f)P & the other one was most likely a INFP. Both of them wanted romance and the like and I don't know what I did, but some how...|||I'm on the border of J/P & I am rather extroverted in the sense that I enjoy being around people more than being in my room on my own. I still takes me ages to open up & really start talking, but...|||Cheek kisses. But that mostly just with my grandmother. My parents aren't very touchy feely and neither am I, so hugs for them.|||I'm a very happy person. I spent most of my early life depressed and insecure, but I just grew out of it. Yeah, I have my bad days, but I'm still happy. I can't really say how I do it, because I'm...|||I love my video games. Though I only go through bursts of playing. It's how I do everything, in bursts. Of course, gaming is still the reason I'm spending money on getting a new laptop instead of...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 'LITERALLY DESCRIBING ME PERFECTLY BOOBOO.. But seriously, as an INFJ martian, I found my natural inclination toward silliness very odd as well. But it truly makes life so much more fun. I totally...|||I have found that when around ENTPs, I am able to mess around with their mind more than they can mess around with mine. Then, when they discover I was playing, they get a chuckle and we continue on...|||Not yet, but I can ask her to take the test again. She has gotten ENTJ before but then she told me all the other times she got random other ones.|||I have the same problem. Are you an INFJ-T? I think that may play a part in it. However, when on the quest to lose weight, I found the best thing that worked for me was to first realize that diets...|||I have this feeling every waking moment of my life.. Except for when I take measured to appease the feeling. I am a couple years older but we are close enough to age to be relatable in the situation...|||Words of Affirmation 2 Quality time 10 Receiving Gifts 1 Acts of Service 7 Physical touch 10|||I was OBSESSED with science and art as a child and growing up. I would always enter science competitions and I won every year:D I still love science and I am pursuing a career in science! physics is...|||Hey girl, I know what you're going through. Trust me. And it can be so frustrating when your INFJ mind starts running rampant and just wants to have a great conversation, but your significant other...|||Things that are amazing in out humanly perceiveable world: Smoothies Vegetables Fruits Water Air Cute animals/snuggling with them Dancing Not too warm sun on your head Beach smells|||YES the blushing especially. Also smiling without trying to! Does your voice ever go a couple octaves higher because your body is naturally trying to give a non threatening vibe, but when it happens...|||I'm not fishing for compliments at all! I just want to have a look inside why some ENTPs are infatuated with INFJs. I know several, trust me. I'm trying to gain some insight is all. Thanks for the...|||I constantly hear and read about the ultimate pairing of the ENTP with the INFJ personalities. I must admit, the friends of mine who are ENTPs are the ones with which I get along most effortlessly....|||This is really interesting to me. People give me the same reaction but they dot realize that I actually am very fair-tempered. They just don't know what to expect so if guess they fear what might...|||I am ALWAYS told I have a death glare! And that I look cold. Honestly, I'm just lost in my mind. Always thinking thinking thinking. Rarely perceiving things of the external world.|||I am an animal-obsessed INFJ vegan. Animals have unassuming qualities about them that draws me to them. It's hard to find an animal with a malicious streak that actually truly acts out of mal intent....|||Before you go into a relationship, you should be certain that you are okay and secured being on your own. This means that you have more or less found yourself to a healthy extent. If you feel that...|||If you press reply with quote at the bottom of the post you want to quote, that works!|||Yes that's exactly what I meant! It's fun to read different things and experiment with how much you allow to influence you. Sometimes I wonder how much control over that we really have. Yes, we have...|||I have totally done this before as well. It's like a less harsh door slam.|||Is it possible to casually door slam? Like you get so anxious and annoyed and frustrated at the person but in a long term low key way, so one day you just ignore them and you don't have the intention...|||Yea I don't like to admit that though|||I think it takes time to realize this. Time and very careful observation of the person's idiosyncrasies and conversation style. Let's say I'm talking to Bob. Bob likes to make witty jokes and enjoys...|||That's the spirit! Good luck with freeing your mind and achieving ultimate brain nirvana! It's been great listening to you! And if you ever have other questions don't hesitate to ask|||Let your mind go wild. But don't let it imprison you while it runs rampant. It's a paradox, but the control of the mind is what ultimately gives you freedom. I highly suggest mindfulness meditation...|||Oh my god FIZZ WIZZ yes!!! But on a serious note, I love the way you described the navigating of minds between a mesh of levels. Literally the best description of this phenomenon. Just YES....|||What exactly do you mean by door slamming? Just ignoring people completely? Or is it a conversational technique?|||I always liked artistic sports like martial arts or gymnastics where you are displaying strength and beauty at once while performing.|||Try to empathize with someone you feel might be gossiping about you. If they actually are gossiping about you,, think about the reasons why they may be doing it while you are in their shoes: 1)...|||I partially agree and partially disagree. I sometimes do have trouble connecting with other people. When someone asks me a question, and I give an unfiltered, true-to-myself answer, they...|||not in any particular order: The Grand Budapest Hotel Moulin Rouge! Harry Potter (series but especially 6th) Àmelie Romeo and Juliet Baz luhrman and Wes Anderson films are amazing!!|||shes my favorite!!!!!|||TessaVictoria is your sig agnes Cecile??|||China 2w3|||Kaylinn57 are you an avid reader? Reading strongly affects the verbiage of people. I find that the more I read, the easier and more organic it is for me to come up with idiomatic speech or even...|||Is this a reference to Scary Terry from Rick and Morty|||This feeling can be very frustrating, and I often experience it as well. One thought that helps me get past this frustration (even if it's only momentary) is the fact that time spent toward an...|||Isn't it frustrating??? Because it is meant in good fun, but ends up either making someone uncomfortable or getting them angry and then it's a major buzzkill. ;(|||desire machine Is it weird that I have trouble with this as an INFJ? I have a very dry, absurd sense of humor and I can become very loony and have the urge to do crazy wild funny silly things, but...|||Don't listen to nitwits. Often they are jealous or just trying to over compensate for their own insecurities because they already know that they are a nitwit!|||Truer words have never been spoken. It is scary to see the absurd lenses through which some people view the world. As if they are the only inhabitants of this earth and only their emotions and...|||I'm glad to hear that! Sounds as though you are on the right path to truly finding yourself! Stay strong, we are all just trying to find ourselves and those who are not afraid to ask questions and...|||This is spot-on. The easy flow and chemistry is very important. Emphasis on EASY because the moment the conversation becomes forced, it's a huge buzzkill. The two brains working together bantering...|||Aliens are a great topic!|||I disagree with this. I strongly believe you can love two people at once, but the types of love are different. Love A might be really in tune with your emotions, so you feel very safe with Love...|||http://youtu.be/D1sZ_vwqwcE http://youtu.be/I9QGpHScGug Don't ask me why. Just the vibe|||I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM!!!! Vitamins or any medicine or pill of any type before sleeping automatically gives me weird dreams! It would be interesting to study the nature of the connection between...|||But juice is so juicy and gewdddddd hom mom nom nom|||Have you ever been to a psych evaluation? One of my friends came to me very concerned about her personality as it is always changing when she takes the Myers Briggs. However, this is due to the fact...|||There seems to be a lot of talk about ENTP/INFJ relationships lately. Having studied some of my friends in such relationships, they seems to always have a certain energy between them. Liike Blue Soul...|||Listen to the little mermaid soundtrack on repeat and when you hear Sebastian's voice start singing kiss di girl you know what to do' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'I remember back in junior high, I was a new student, and I shared a name with this really outgoing popular tomboy girl in class. She's pretty chill and I admired her for it. Her best friend, though,...|||In a few months I'm not going to be in my teen year anymore and I feel like I'm missing out in so many things in life. Some will say my life is just getting started, but what's worse than not...|||I believe I don't qualify as a liar per se, although I have experienced countless times where I fail myself in fulfilling the promises I make to other people. That always makes me feel like real...|||Oh don't get me wrong. I don't hate psychopaths or sociopaths. I was just saying that nobody's bad from birth. And even til people get older, I believe nobody is truly evil. Psychopaths and...|||I apologize. I probably shouldnt've said it the way I said it. In fact, I probably shouldnt've said anything at all regarding your case. But hey, if you wanna talk, hit me up anytime! :)|||I'm sorry you had to go through that.. :( Those people who call you evil are just ignorant palookas k, don't mind em. Honestly, I don't really have friends in real life and I can somewhat...|||Does myself count?|||I'm just like this. I'm INFP, and though I'm what most would consider a really kind person, I tend to always feel such strong dislike towards whoever treats me unkindly or unfairly OR if one...|||I hate that I'm always so whiny (oh look here I go again). It's just that I don't have anyone to talk to. And I'm not just saying that to sound cool and different and ooh I'm so special-- just, no....|||Ah, INFPs and ISFPs are rather hard to differentiate, yes. I wouldn't say one couldn't be an INFP if one could not comprehend philosophical books though, haha. Sure, INFPs usually get these things,...|||Hey, welcome to PerC! I know that INTPs are awesome so it's great to have an addition of an awesome user here. Have fun, stranger! :)|||Well, you've summed it up very well. I'm an INFP though. Sleeping for me is a chore. It's really hard for me to fall asleep, even though I actually really like sleeping (you know, once I'm...|||Asthma's coming back :(|||I wonder how Gordon Ramsay's salmon en croute tastes like. Is it as tasty as it looks? Is it? IS IT???|||Do you like to express yourself through what you wear? Is it important to you? I usually just throw things on. Eh, not usually, actually. More like all the time. Most of my clothes aren't even...|||I'm very quiet in real life, but when someone brings up a topic that really touches my heart, I'd be the one doing all the talking. I'd talk long and wide about it for a long time, but the things I...|||It hasn't been solved exactly-- I haven't even met her yet. And even if I did, I know I wouldn't be able to just solve the problem right away. Thanks for making me feel better about myself and making...|||Ugh I know right. It's their friggin' sexy accent. Wish I could sound as good as them...|||Haha, Japanese can be a bit troublesome. :frustrating: Is English not your first language?|||Man I wish I could turn to be an NT type... From the MBTI theory though, your type really couldn't be changed...unless maybe some overly traumatic or big thing happened to you. But still, your...|||For the happiest type, I personally think ESTPs tend to seem as though they're always happy. I don't know if they really are, 'cause I've never really got close to one. Life just looks so easy for...|||I'm much more 'extroverted' online. I constantly chat with people-- I always chat with people, actually. Through Facebook or the like. If I don't chat with anyone, it makes me feel empty and bored....|||Because most people work or go to school on Monday-Friday. People specifically hate their Mondays because they sure as hell know their week is about to start. I mean like, after a Monday, there's...|||Damn, I love you! Lol. I'll take your words. :proud: Thanks for this. *hugs* I'll try to embrace my shyness and awkwardness (again, 'cause I tried before, and I failed) and maybe I'll live a...|||Because people only care what's written on papers. If there's no paper stating that you graduated from college, then people don't respect you as much as they do to other people your age who do have a...|||Buuump.|||Yeah... That's the best way to put it, I'm her taxi service lol. Really, I'm taking deep consideration about this. I really want to do this, yet my guts have not yet kicked in yet. Thanks...|||Wow, I'm sorry you had to go through what I'm going through. Really, despite all my personal problems, I wish no one else has to go through the shits I go through. I guess that's how we INFPs are,...|||Okay. Would you do the honor of being my friend? :kitteh: Yeah you're right. People can indeed change. I just hope the best for her. I don't hate her, I'm just exceedingly annoyed and pissed at...|||Lol, maybe I'll do that once I'm ready. As for now, I'll just try to stay alive. Thanks for your support, it really means a lot. :)|||It's terrifying. Especially considering the fact that I'm basically friendless in college, and she's...friendful? Coming onto her is just going to make matters worse. She's not going to...|||It's still holidays and I'm making the best of it by...being alone. And I'm basically making my life brighter right now by ignoring her texts and calls, lol. There comes a time though, where...|||Would you learn those languages? Or perhaps you already speak them?|||You gave me chills. I just read the whole thing...and that is so like me.|||Lucky you, that's still pretty normal though! Wish I could sleep that fast... :sad: And yes with having so much thoughts in our heads, it makes it sooo much harder to sleep.|||People think that this girl that I really dislike is my best friend. Obviously, they're wrong. I knew this girl since the beginning of college. We were in the same classes. She's a really popular...|||Want to know how to hack through life in order fasten time so that you'd never have to live through the horrible, horrible present? Sleep.|||I've always loved French, but I can't ever seem to pronounce the words right... :dry: I like Japanese and Italian as well, but French will always be number one to my ears! What do you guys...|||You bought me a present? Why would you do such a thing? I know you think you're being generous, but the foundation of gift giving is reciprocity. You haven't given me a gift, you've given me an...|||This really made my day.|||Yay more INFP! Welcome! Hope you'll like it here! <3|||Ugh. So I guess that means I'm very sleep deprived. :sad: Maybe I should try finding new ways to fall asleep easily. Writing, sketching, reading, whatever.|||You were a kindergarten teacher? How lucky! I really don't know how to help you here. I'm rather confused too now. But like I said before, the only person who can define who you are is you...|||What exactly happened that caused you to lose faith in people? How do you feel now that you're like this? Do you feel not as 'energized' as you used to now that you don't go out and socialize as...|||Really, these days you shouldn't count on online tests. They're not always accurate. In fact, they rarely are. You should ask yourself the easiest question when it comes to the whole...|||I know people don't exactly 'time' how fast they sleep, but yeah. How long do you think you can fall into sleep? Is it weird that I can't sleep unless I lay down in bed for like 2-4 hours?...|||An online karaoke??? :O I've never heard of it, and I'm nowhere a good singer, but I'd go and try it for sure.|||I judge myself now because of this though, lol. Ugh, yeah. I wonder what shampoo he uses. I have chaotic long frizzy hair, and I need to know his hair treatment secrets. And have you ever...|||I've heard of so many Kefka vs Sephiroth nonsense on the net, but I honestly don't think that's a fair comparison. 'Badass'-wise, Kefka wins. Power-wise, Kefka wins. And sure, Kefka did take over the...|||Introverts get their energy from their time alone. Introverts don't get their energy from being around people. ....So that, friend, makes you an extrovert.' |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | '659586 At least there was no hate in my comment. Not sure if I can say the same for yours.|||The only person actually being intentionally racist here right now is you. Telling me what to do because of the colour of my skin, treating me a particular way because I am white, assuming you know...|||I actually don't think there is anything wrong in saying it, since I don't think it is a bad thing. This is basically what I've been trying to say this entire thread, but I'll repeat myself: A word...|||Consider my mind blown. Can't speak for my bro, but I'm not.|||Way to step up the game, bro xD That's my nigga.|||It all depends on the tone/intention in which you say it, but that's just like the word bitch in itself; I had this conversation with a guy one time about calling girls bitches (because someone was...|||I've called guys bad bitch before. I think of it as the female version of guys yelling Fuck yeah! (or whatever manly thing you'll yell) and slapping each others' ass before/after a football...|||Is this a serious question? I thought everyone had been called that.. It's a way of telling someone you love them, right? If not, I'll have to have a serious talk with my bitches regarding this.|||I have a great eye for aesthetics, everything I like is fucking gorgeous - everyone else is just blind. No, but seriously dude, this has nothing to do with type, it has to do with taste - yes,...|||I don't know unless someone tells me, and of course I don't just assume that if people don't like me it is because of my tattoo. What I mean when I say people don't want to talk to me because of my...|||Yes I am, very much. My eyes usually fall to the guy (or person in general) in the room with the most tattoos. I also like having a tattoo and I am very attracted to the idea of having a lot more. ...|||Well you know, we can't all be aggressive rapists.|||First of all, this right here - definitely not cool. I don't care how blue your balls are, rape is never okay. Secondly, some people tease just because they like it, others because they don't...|||- address an emotional issue with a logical response - be happy when social events are cancelled - analyse people from a distance before interacting with them personally = seem like creepy...|||One time at Starbucks, I ordered a mango juice and the guy said he couldn't make it because he didn't have any ice (machine was broken or whatever). He told me I could order whatever I wanted since...|||Usually if I feel like not going, I'll just say I'm not coming because I'm tired and not in the mood for social stuff. Most of my friends know that means I'm having an introvert day and we always...|||Well, if you're going solo I guess you have to be creative. But there's no shame in having preferences. :laughing:|||You poor, unfortunate soul..|||Because I thought any hobby is better than no hobby, so if playing with the D is what floats your goat, I say fap that f*cker all you can. Maybe you should get away from the keyboard/screen for a...|||Well, I guess any hobby is good as long as it makes you happy.. From my experience, if you start watching a tv series, you'll spiral faster :laughing:|||So do you have a roommate or flatmate or something? I don't live in a dorm either, and I don't go partying either, but that is exactly why I personally need something else to do outside of school to...|||Nothing wrong with you, it's just a comfortable place to look at. If you are like me and dislike too intense eye contact, but still kinda feel like you should look at the person you are talking...|||I am INTP too, and I currently also go to uni (studying the education of my dreams), and I totally feel you - shit gets hard and a small failure feels so much worse than it really is, and then you...|||I think a lot of people take what I say quite wrong sometimes - they don't find me insulting, just stupid or nervous or something, when I am really not. I tend to just let them think whatever they...|||Call an ambulance, I feel the burn. Pretty sure I would win since that bitch is cray-cray and all my niggas know it.. But anyways, I see this person every day so I don't want to make...|||I am talking to myself, just not online :laughing: I know the person will probably cause a scene because this bitch is drama on legs. Keeping the peace is what I have been doing for the last...|||To clarify, just in case: I'm not really talking about romantic relationship, like pretending to be interested in a romantic relationship with someone, I'm talking mostly just friends/people in...|||I'll take it. Some people react very strongly when you stop hanging out with them, and it is these people I have the most problems with getting rid of, and ironically it is also these...|||So, when I meet new people, of course I try not to judge them before I get to know them, or give them the benefit of the doubt, but sometimes this theory just backfires so hard. The problem is, being...|||I didn't know such people exist..|||It's not that I like being bad friend material, I just don't always see what other people need me for in their lives when they are so social and outgoing people and I'm more introverted and often...|||I don't know, I feel like I'm being myself when I talk to people, but if I'm not close to them I'm not gonna go all plan for world domination on them, so I'll try to act normal/polite. Thing is,...|||I order in, from an online service that doesn't require human interaction. Proper INTP style. However, I would probably enjoy going to restaurants, or at least cafes, alone if I could get a table for...|||Well, I do actually have some friends, but they've seen me at my worst, so they all know. To some degree, yes this relates, as I believe my problem is that I kinda wanna be friends, I just...|||I usually notice a change in my own motivation in connection to physical exercise and diet. That doesn't mean I have to be working out all day, every day and eat nothing but salad to stay happy and...|||464874|||So yeah, this will sound bad to a lot of people, but I am sincerely hoping y'all fellow INTPs get me on this one, maybe you can even help me. I am, without exception, extremely, unfoundedly and...|||Stop being a whiny bitch and come hang out. I'll buy you a drink and compliment your ass all night. Now, where do you wanna go? Yeah, not really that much of a shocker that I'm single..|||Because feelers go directly against INTPs' logical approach. The J doesn't really help much either, INTPs are more laid back, the INFJ need for planning stresses us.|||I had a very good childhood, but my teenage years was kinda bad and probably involved some depression (although I never went to a psychologist or had this diagnosed in any way). As I have gotten...|||I love Disney, Alice in Wonderland is my favorite movie, the Cheshire Cat is my favorite character in the movie, the quote is one of my favorites, and the black matches my soul.|||Well, I'm still studying so I can't really say if my choice of career is right yet as I haven't started practicing, but at least for now I still feel good about my choice. I also often experience...|||Lying, mostly in the form of cheating, but generally all types of lies and misusing my trust would hurt me the most. Trust is the last thing I will give a person in a relationship, and only after a...|||Black, like my soul. I prefer the darkness.|||Not going into too much detail, these are my initial thoughts: a) beware of the extrovert-mask (some introverts act extroverted to fit in, this takes a lot of energy and can make her feel less...|||You need to hang out with other people more You're so weird (in a 'what the actual fuck is wrong with you, you freak?!' kinda way) You're so weird (in a 'That was so offensive, but so funny...|||Some things shouldn't be shared publicly. You seem pretty confident those words won't be needed for other purposes. You better be right. I will have no problem punishing you twice..|||Your lack of trust should be punished. It will be my pleasure to make sure it is. We all have rape fantasies. What's the point of getting fucked if there is no surprises?|||Serious panty dropper. A sexy vanilla :wink:|||Marry me. Your mind is twisted. And sexy.' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'Dear everyone ( including most entps ) , we are not lazy unless we are uninterested ; so stop saying we are bitches and be interesting Sincerely , ENTP P.S : I know this is a ( dear entp...|||HOW TO ADD YOURSELF TO THE LIST: Please use Reply with Quote on the latest post with a table Remove the [ QUOTE ][/ QUOTE ] tags from the post so the next person can qupte the updated table ...|||Katniss Everdeen intj , istp Peeta Mellark isfp ,enfx Gale Hawthorne entx Primrose Everdeen I dont know xsfj , xxfx Effie Trinket esfp , any other suggestions ???, she maybe an esfj Cinna enfx...|||Yeah I think it does and the complement is number 9|||When you are uncertain of anything even the fact that you are not certain of anything|||Or not secretly|||The people I want them to like me like me, and the people that I don't want them to like me don't And it is not dependent on weather I liked them or not|||I bet you have an fi function somewhere maybe as your first , second or third function but it is obvious , and you care too much about what people think to be an NT|||I love to play sports , almost every kind there is|||when I fail myself|||I think no one wants a pissed off ENTP but this whole thing used to work on me when I was 14 but now I don't fall for it , so you have to think of something else ENTPs adopte you can piss them off...|||You are apolagizing but we are not the one who is mistaken , the world sees us as people who are annoying , arrogant and alot to take beacause they can't think beyond the possibilty that we are that...|||Sorry , didnt want to spend the next hour clkcking enter|||Username Core type Secondary type Tertiary type Instinctual subtype francescleary 1w2 3w2 8w9 deSouza 1w2 7w8 2w3 sx/sp/so Trivial 1w2 7w8 3w4 so/sp/sx wohonajax 1w9 5w6 2w3 so/sx/sp William I am 2w3...|||I hate people who say that they think everyone is good and deserve a second chance and at the first thing you do and it is not in their playbook they turn on you and think you are the wicked witch...|||Japanese , French , Swedish|||You must set clear boundries of how she should interact with you , and make sure that she never cross them in anyway|||Wow , it exposed our inner demons , so acurate ,|||I would prefer a NT child ,|||Yes it does happen alot (mostly) unconsciously , I do it because I knew what they are going to say|||I wonder if you ever heard about math anxiety , it is basically a developed fear of math due to past excperiance , no matter how good you actually are at math or logic your brain just shuts down ,...|||3w2 7w8 8w7|||when you make acquaintances & strategies for the sake of your future devilish plan , even if you don't know what future devilish plan is when you do almost nothing , just because you know almost...|||to get out|||This is exactly my problem , & you said it happens during teen years only well I hope so , it does hold me back alot I have started to try & solve this problem for good , I started pushing myself...|||This is exactly my problem , & you said it happens during teen years only well I hope so , it does hold me back alot I have started to try & solve this problem for good , I started pushing myself...|||36 , & then my mum made me sleep ( I'm still 15 )|||To change the world , discover alot of things & have fun|||I wonder if you ever heard about math anxiety , well it is basically a developed fear due to past excperiance no matter how good you actually are at math , your brain just shut down , you can look up...|||Do you like being different or do you like fitting in with crowd , what kind (or kinds ) of music do you like and do you prefer being with people or alone ???|||so true|||Hi everyone, so I was wondering which types like ENTPs the most except for the the rather obviouse NTs of course I always sensed that most types were kind of impressed & intimidated by us , or I...|||it is not , just tell her in the... what is the right word I guess the smothest way possible , just be honest ,|||Murder is good for the enviroment , it is only natural Stupid people deserve to die , they just make everything slower & harder , the only problem is the definition of clever is not very specific...|||I just wanna say that me being smarter than most people is not cocky it is just the thruth|||ironman is definitely an ENTP|||I think most of ENTPs want love but not as it is defined today , personally when I feel emotions it is always intense but I can just change feelings (or not feel at all) when my mind or intitution...|||I think the best way to finsh things is to intensely focus on a few things at a time like if you want to read a whole book without leaving it midway , just every time you get bored read another one...|||I think the best way to finish things & achive more is to intensely focus on a few things at a time like if you want to read a whole book without leaving it midway , just every time you get bored...|||It happens unconsciously but I started to notice it when I read books about body language , sometimes it is weird cause I start chameleoning their accent and voice but I started to control it now ,...|||I never really cared about anything or anyone in my life excpet maybe for Doctor who & mathematics|||You will in the present but not in the future ,' |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 'I like to sing. But I don't think it's because of our personality type :unsure:|||When I took the personality test.|||Left Brain - 52% Right Brain - 48% Your Left Brain Percentages 50%Logical (Your most dominant characteristic) 47%Reality-based 27%Sequential 22%Linear 17%Symbolic|||Rainbow color would be great :happy: Which part of PersonalityCafe that you like?|||This thread reminds me of Avatar: The Last Airbender animation series. I think I want to be an earthbender. My reason: Toph is awesome!|||Not much. Most of them prefer to keep their opinion about me to themselves. They know I don't give a sh*t about it.|||Agreed! If RobynC put Rainbow on the list, I'm game :happy:|||Most of the time. I'm a moody person, and most of my friends hate me for it.|||Your expression is so... expressionless... :laughing:|||Awww... struck some nerves, huh? Very well then. You could have fun with it.|||My moments of empathize usually happen when I see someone's life/physical conditions such as malnutrition people, children with disabilities, poor people, and so on. But one thing that I could...|||How did you do that?! I need at least a whole night to recharge myself! But when I think of it, maybe that's because I only did it once a day...|||Hahaha... Don't worry, it could happen to anyone. Me, included :laughing: We're survived just because my friend know how to use compass and we supported him with prayers during those times....|||My mom once told me that if I was thrown into a jungle with some clothes and foods, I could get out of there alive, and come back in just for fun. I think it's true, though. I went to the...|||I see. I must be not read your post carefully because I thought that this NT is you :happy: Sorry... Anyway, as for the NTs, I have no problem if they think that they're genius or something....|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P81yEdJy3fo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHx-xqs3hO8&ob=av2e|||Ubuntu, if you value your sex life, don't you ever, EVER, become a gorilla! They have the smallest penis among the primates! Go with the elephant!|||Typical. /10chars|||Yeah. We won't have enough time to answer the expectation in society anyway. When this zombie apocalypse happen, I figure out we would be too busy butchering those zombies.|||NoirAddict, I like the way you define Si! Thanks for sharing!|||Hm... me too. I found it weird to date a guy with the same personality type. Different is good. As long as they don't have Judging thing on their type. It kinds of freak me out. Anyway, I...|||Distracted from topic? Very! Monotone? A bit. But you guys make its interesting to watch :happy: I think I'm in love with you :wink:|||Peeking some girls? He's pretty good in concealing himself from them. But not that good to hide from us :laughing:|||You're right! It spew nonsense :laughing: I like your style, though.|||Thanks for tips! I'm ISTP, though :laughing: I think I've been doing that for a long time because I just don't like to analyze people in details and judge them based on that when I just met them....|||Too generalized. I HATE POETRY, but I LOVE MUSIC! And guess what? I'm still a genius! (ha!) Poetry just like any other hobbies. You won't die if you don't like it, and it's definitely won't...|||Wow! I just find out about this psychoanalysis term in this thread. I know nothing about it. I guess that's because I rarely analyze people, and prefer to go with my guts :laughing: Don't...|||Is Michael Scofield okay? I kinda like his brain, though.|||DJ, I like the way you put it! I think that's because of your confidence level is sooo... out of the chart. Women tend to fall for that... Yeah, including me :laughing: Do you guys feel that...|||I'm not. Too much pressure on that. I'm pretty good with math and science, though. But, I don't understand one thing. For me, being genius is good. Why do you feel sick of it? Is it because...|||Hm... it would be hard to choose one of them. I'm pretty confident that if I could achieve everything in my life, I could find the love of my life too. It would be hard not to fall in love with...|||Wow! It seems like most of ISTP's here are not so eager in social networking :laughing: I think the Introvert thing in us is very strong, huh?|||1. Do you personally desire close relationships? Yes. I want it sometimes, but it's not a crucial need. 2. What does a close relationship look like to you? Lots of understanding between each...|||Unlimited cash? Interesting. I will buy all the forests in the world, build a small house in there, and hire mercenaries to shoot anyone who tried to harm my forests and the animals inside. ...|||For me, it would be The Oatmeal and Not Invented Here Series.|||Very. ISTP's are nothing but impulsive creature.|||Woo Hoo!!! You must be get the wrong women! Besides, there are so many women out there who aren't as selfish as that. The problem is, will you take your time to find them, without snatching any...|||Well, we have our own preferences :happy:|||Hi guys, I just got a Google+ account and I'd like to have an ISTP Circle in it. If you have any Google+ account, please add me to your circle, or put your link in this thread so we could add you...|||I think it's about 2 weeks before I joined this forum. I'd always know that there's something wrong with me, such as: - I like to go EVERYWHERE... alone - I don't care about what other people...|||Agreed!!! Limitless is awesome! It would be great to have that kind of pills handy. I just can't imagine what kind of crazy problems our ISTP buddies created when they have the pills... :D|||I've never thought that creating crazy things included in the fine arts term. But I do enjoy any fine arts that have lots of trees and green in it :D|||When I get angry, I usually avoid people, find a quiet place, and kick everything on my sight!|||Freedom of speech? There's no such thing.|||Now: SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 Mineral Makeup CSI Movies Job hunting abroad Past: Severus Snape character in Harry Potter (He's Awesome!!!) Online CMS Zumba|||I work as a Technical Support in a local company. Positives: I only work full-time for 2 weeks. I could use the rest of it to do the things that I like! During my full-time work, I could...|||double posts. see the next one :)|||Cool! I'm a reserved leader :D Check out my personalDNA report|||Well, it seems like the are tons of awesome one liners in here! I'll try to add mine :D are you ok? Hm. (while putting my best you-better-be-dead-when-I-see-you-next-time expression) ...|||Yeah, sometimes! That's the point when I felt totally bored doing all the routines. Some things that I've done to fix it: Daily sabbatical. Stop doing my routine for a whole day, and...' |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 'No, I said its Fe thing to do would be to follow it as a moral guideline, because its easy to follow and to Fe there is no point in searching for a more flawless morals in the world that doesn't...|||Sorry I meant to say 'morals (Fi) or ideas (Ni)' That's to broad to be 'very Fe'. In fact it might be Fi because you're focusing on morals as if they are universal ('how people ouught to relate')...|||Thanks for validating me haha :D I'm glad you pointed out that he still does question Catholicism on a conceptual (Ni) and logical (Ti) level. He's not a sheep following things blindly, but he...|||Thank you! The way you describe Ne vs Ni and how they would approach things is exactly the difference between Stewart and Colbert, which you can especially see in their respective books (America...|||I stand to my belief that he is an INFP. He does have strong belief system and seems like he's pondered deeply enough on the topic of love, sadness, misery and joy, that he sees the need for humor in...|||Can I say something about this? #1 We all here in Personalitycafe are MBTI enthusiasts and probably some of us are actual MBTI practitioners. Given that, I believe we all have done our assignments...|||Your introduction makes me wanna be friends with you. :33|||Yep! Totally like my ISTP friend. He'd be gone for a week and don't bother getting online... by the time he comes back a lot of things already happened in our group.. lotsa conversations and he would...|||(1) I would say that ISTPs are mysterious. They don't share much info about themselves or openly talk about them.. I think not because they're hiding or because they find personal info private but...|||Wooow this post is so old and you're the first to respond. xD Thanks thanks! I definitely will.|||Wooow this post is so old and you're the first to respond. xD Thanks thanks! I definitely will.|||Hmm.. Actually my ex is an INFP. :tongue: haha It was nice and all.. He talked to me in a way I wanna be talked to... but our FI X FI just clash... We don't have the same beliefs and that's the...|||-sneaks in the thread and finds it interesting- @.@ But tooooo lazy to read xDD You guys are very... serious about this stuff. Very long and deep intellectual/emotional messages... I'm overwhelmed....|||Like deep-seated eyes... as deep as our souls? lol jk.. Like eyes that see something others don't? HAHA|||Wow thanks! That helps a lot! I'm not really good with all these technical stuff xD And really? Thanks thanks.|||It's okay, silly. I'm Filipino and it's Asian. :))) And really? Thanks!!|||I dunno how to make it bigger. I swear its big in my comp. @.@ Anyways, HI HI!! And oh, look! It's my 100th post :tongue: 388698|||Why? Why?? Why do INFPs look alike in some weird way? HAHA I can't point it out but there's really something similar in INFPs. I dunno if it's the aura... @.@ but there's something, definitely.|||You know you're an INFP when you recite in class not because you have something nice to share but just because you've been quiet way too long and your teacher might start thinking you're dumb. So you...|||-nods nods- Indeed, I can understand limited need for socialization. I too deal with just two or three people IRL. Though probably what I'm thankful for with being an INFP is we love people, and...|||My last relationship was with an INFP male. It was okay. It was sweet. He was my best friend. But it didn't work. I wouldn't say the reason we broke up was because INFPXINFP matches don't work. I...|||True, true! I dislike fights so I doubt I will ever start one here ^-^ And... If I may ask, what kind of attacks/threats are INTJs referring to? (Not that I'm being a secret spy here xP -sneaks...|||Good thing there's lots of dark corners around here. xDDD|||I've had this same comment tons of times O.O I love ENFPs so... I will take it as a compliment! hahaha jk* What I like about being INFP is that... no two INFPs are the same. We're individualists...|||In the other thread, it's the NTs invading the INFP forum. I guess its a type war now. xDD Jk* -retreats to shell-|||-thumbs up- owo Thank you for the friendly reminder! haha|||-nods nods- O.O 384449|||Hi hi!!! Q.Q I totally think you guys are nice. Especially this post! :33 Brightened up my day. Thanks!|||HAHA I suppose. I was like INFP passing by if you don't mind! Good thing I'm not yet kicked out. Achievement unlocked! owo|||xDD Don't worry.. hissing is a natural action.|||o.o but i feel exposed when outside the shell.. -fires imaginary bullets aimlessly-|||Exactly like that! Be prepared for the ENFP xD Why do you have an unknown personality? OoO|||xDD just a joke!|||Hi hi Diogen!! Don't worry. Comment appreciated. I acknowledge the lack of substance to my thread too!! LOL Well, I can be kinda spontaneous sometimes and just post stuff without thinking too much...|||Thanks! I feel welcomed :) Don't worry, I had my share of funny experiences here in PerC so I will just treat comments as they are. So fire away! haha -puts turtle armor on- owo I'm glad you think...|||Thank you!!! I will try to make myself welcome too here. xD|||Well, recently I asked one of my cousins to take the MBTI test and she got INTP as a result. Of course I tried to take her other tests too and the results are pretty constant. And from what I've...|||xDD It's fine. I know people like teasing INFPs a lot. Idk why but... I guess it's okay. lol Maybe that's one of our purpose in life.|||Some nice advice. But I don't really care about bullies. ^^ Waste of my time responding to them. I also ask questions in the threads so, if they respond, great. If not, it's cool too. I do read...|||So it's simply like knowing the ways to get into an INTPs head kind of thing and then they're good to go.|||I wouldn't necessarily call someone who can be intimidating not nice :) And nope most certainly not a bitch xD|||Yep I post in different forums because I don't plan to make a PerC account and not use it the way forums are ought to be used.. mainly.. for communication. I also don't plan to make myself bored. I...|||We're all dead by then.|||You try to picture the invasion in your head, imagine how it would feel to be in one, and then compare it to how youre feeling right now.. LOL jk!! Truth is I dunno. haha -puts armor on and becomes...|||There is an invasion going on? How come I do not feel it? HAHA|||LOL John Lennon... so very INFP. xDD -plays ukelele and sings along- And what's with this PerC invasion. HAHAHA|||Wooow... That's an eye opener message. like ---> O.O I just thought maybe I could try to be more rational, and think of things in a more logical perspective and not always rely on my emotions. Like...|||Exactly. @.@ I really hate it when I get passive-aggressive. Fi is a good thing for me, but it can really be like a double edged sword... and a lot of times I notice I hurt myself more than others...|||Oops! Hi hi! and thank you. Sorry for the late reply... cuz I... got sick. HAHA|||O.O Woah, feel no need to change it. -blinks- Did I read that right? Hmm... So they're like.. contented people who don't need much socializing and creating good vibes. True to themselves kind of...' |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 'could say like 75-80% by choice, but i'd still be interacting with people in some form during that time if i had a car the number might drop to ~60% and i'd be out but not full-on interacting with...|||possibly|||a lot. the lyrics can determine whether i really like a song or not. i listen to a lot of electronic/upbeat stuff and like that just fine even if there aren't lyrics/if the lyrics don't mean anything...|||muh shoulder when i was carrying her|||a mix of myself and i have no fucking clue, with some for the people i love in there|||I don't have any entp siblings of the opposite gender, but I do have an intp brother who is 3 years younger than me (i'm an entp female) As the older sibling I find that I can get away with more...|||well said|||i'm usually attracted to high Ne. Ne with Fi is fine if the person doesn't get triggered all the time|||it's normal. no one would consciously choose to hang out with a person who doesn't have anything interesting to say or contribute to a conversation. especially with the tendencies of Ne to seek out...|||Iago from Othello could be an entp, it's been a while since I read that|||i think you would switch the 5 and 6 alignments. 6 would be lawful out of loyalty or worry of facing consequences (lawful subtypes) where 5 has no real obligation to adhere to the law and play fair...|||Yea|||SO blind spot - finds it hard to concern self with another’s agenda, dismissive. When the social instinct is least developed, the individual is going to find it difficult to see why it is important...|||if there's an nf orgy count me in, i'll be honorary nf for the time being|||sure|||as an sx dom (see: instinctual variants) i experience this alot- attraction without any attached emotional meaning; being in love with the idea of being with someone. though i'm also an entp|||probably infp|||cats r beautiful|||wot|||for some reason i find that i'm attracted to infps.. or possibly the idea of them (over infjs). i probably wouldn't be able to handle the fi though :p|||yes|||why would you rub a pen? to heat up the ink and make it flow easier?|||that idea is brought up for many illnesses, specifically mental illnesses regardless of proof. the illness isn't man made but the concept of it could be. you'll hear people say that about adhd as...|||[emoji14]|||tru|||ENTJ tmlt be an obvious thinker when typed by anyone around them|||when was the last pi day that was on a friday|||why fall in love with a male enfp when you could fall in love with a female entp instead ;) although enfp/infp works decently well in my book|||INTPs. they don't have that obnoxiousness to them, they're introverts, they're chill, and they make great partners in crime. I've never befriended an obvious ENTJ (though i suspect they would be...|||you|||you can go out and buy pens at any nearby walmart|||i love pens|||for lack of effort to get up and consume anything better: xntp tmlt be in love with love rather than love anyone|||why else would i befriend someone|||tru|||infj|||istp https://youtu.be/cDEUNh_kOIc|||https://youtu.be/dQLngV189IU|||https://youtu.be/2pY_WobtVuQ|||istp|||that might be a subcategory of what sadness is. it sounds like grief mixed with guilt|||who are you?|||enfp tmlt commit suicide because they just got too bored with life|||esfp 4w20|||maybe|||estp|||yis|||hey bb|||and that's when the quote actually died out really, it's time to move on guys - intp's aren't that great anyway|||Maybe you need to calm the fuck down' |
Subsets and Splits