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"The is Grog, Groog, Grug, my cousin Grag...." <|endoftext|> |
We should look like Grug. Just because. <|endoftext|> Hello /tg/. Would any of you care to assist a first time DM? |
I've never DMed before, so I figured the easiest way for me to get started would be to create a world, then create a starting town and the outlying area and a quest option or two. |
Well, I've spent a lot of my day making this continent and starting location. But now, I almost feel kind of stuck. I know at this point I need to set up NPC interactions as long as an event that causes them all to meet, but I don't know how to accomplish this. |
This is all I've come up with about the world, I did it all while creating the land. |
The Port of Mistyvale (also starting location) is the large port of the continent which is primarily ran by humans. This port exports good to Nilinbel a Elven/Human city. This city use to be full of just elves, and after years and years of doing trade with the humans from Mistyvale they started to become fond of the humans. Nilinbel is now filled with a mix of humans and elves. A place where half-elves are common and accepted. |
A lot of elves weren't okay with the mix of breeds and segregated themselves to the lower portion of the forest. Their new home is a place called Esmira. |
Esmira is current under attack by the snow orcs to the far south. Esmira is desperately in need of supplies and numbers that only Nilinbel can supply. Since the elves were so harsh in the treatment of 'non pure' elves the people of Nilinbel don't want to help. Not that the Elves of Esmira would stoop so low to work with mix breeds. |
This is all being orchestrated by a orc named Grug. While Grug is the face of it all he’s under the influence of a dragon in the Hellkite Cliffs. |
I don’t know where else to go for feedback other than my PCs. I need more input. Especially on starting the game off. My PCs are a Cleric, Duskblade, Wizard, Rogue and Paladin. Two of them are new players, one is more experienced than me, and the other is only good at the combat aspect of the game. <|endoftext|> One time, my friend played a Changeling Illusionist. The thing was, nobody knew he was a changeling or a illusionist. As far as they knew, he was a half-orc Barbarian named Grug. He would use bluff rolls to make it seem like he was simply smashing things when in reality he was using magic. |
However, everyone in the party thought that Grug was a retarded half-orc, so as such some pretty funny shit came out've it. |
At one point, the party was trapped in a dungeon below an old fort. They couldn't find a way to break out, but "Grug" used a magic item he had been saving, a gemstone that would answer three questions. Since he "found" it, he insisted he got to ask the questions. |
>Grug want to know where he is! |
the gemstone tells him that they are in an underground dungeon below and old fort. |
>Grug want to know how to get out! |
the gemstone replies that there is a key to their cell |
At this point, the rest of the party stop Grug and let him know, emphatically, that he absolutely must ask "where is the key" Grug nods and returns to the stone. He then, completely straight-faced, asks |
>Will Grug ever find love? |
The entire party is screaming at him, and the DM leans in and says "No." |
>Grug then drops to his knees and scream to the ceiling "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" <|endoftext|> |
>Min-maxing has naught to do with equipment |
Plenty of people would disagree, and seem to in this thread. The joke holds, even if the other caveman yell at Grug for "just practicing slingshot and not also an elective like cave painting" or "only lifting boulders to increase strength and not also balancing on a log to increase dexterity". |
The point is, a character is interesting or not independent of their mechanical advantages, so don't tell people that a character being too good at something makes them a poorly roleplayed character. |
You seem to be arguing against a definition of minmaxing that differs from the one presented by other people in the thread. Until you present your own, there isn't much point talking about it. <|endoftext|> |
Grug the Plains Hunter and Maloth the Wizard should form a minmaxing party together. <|endoftext|> |
I personally think that you are viciously retarded. |
Min-maxing has naught to do with equipment. You... you goddamn fool, you. |
If Grug has 6 in all his mental stats, just to boost his physical stats and not because Grug was dropped on his dented head, that's a problem. |
You cannot min-max in real life. |
You have a wide variety of skills. You can cook for yourself, clean up after yourself, etc. |
You aren't just good at punching homeless people and dodging the attacks of homeless people. <|endoftext|> |
Agreed, and well stated. Someone should do the "caveman science fiction" thing, but for minmaxing. |
>Grug is lvl 1 plains hunter! Grug have pouch full of smooth pebbles of similar size and weight! |
>That unrealistic, Grug. Grug too focused on best hit rate, Grug should focus on story, and how it feels to be on plains! |
>But Grug deeply involved in story! Grug have connection to land and sky, deep love for plains life! Real plains hunter like Grok always take pains to have only smooth, even-weighted pebbles in pouch. |
>It not fun, Grug! Have adventure! Sometimes, in pouch is poop, or small bird. |
>Grug cannot believe plains hunter do that. Why pebbles make less adventure? Why put poop in pouch? Make no sense without some kind of special circumstance. |
>"Muh realism! Muh motivations!" Grug, you ruin everything. |
And then Grug was the bad guy. <|endoftext|> |
I think I understand the confusion, let me break it down with a more literal play example. |
>3 Marines |
>8 Orks |
>Roll to hit |
>5 hits scored |
>Roll those 5 hits to determine wounds |
>Only 4 of the 5 hits actually wound |
>There are now 4 wounds in the wound pool |
We now begin allocating wounds to the Ork unit that the Space Marines are shooting at. |
Find the model (that is, the individual Ork model) within that Ork unit which is closest to the Space Marine Unit. In order to do this, we measure the distance from the closest Space Marine model (individual SM model) to the closest Ork Model. |
Once we have determined the closest Ork model, we can now begin to resolve the wound pool. Again, there are 4 wounds in the wound pool. |
So we take the closest Ork model (I'll name him Grug) that we determined, and apply the wound to it. Grug is allowed any applicable saves (let's say Grug has a 5+ cover save in this situation.) Then the following plays out: |
>Grug rolls to save against the wound, and passes. There are now currently 3 wounds left in the wound pool. |
>The process begins again - we seek out the closest Ork model in the unit which still has wounds to be resolved. It is still Grug. |
>Grug rolls to save against the wound. He passes it. There are now two wounds left to be resolved |
>The process begins again - we seek out the closest Ork model in the unit which still has wounds to be resolved. It is still Grug. |
>Grug rolls to save against the wound. He does not save, and is allotted a wound. As he only has one wound in his stat line, he is killed and removed from play. |
>>The process begins again - we seek out the closest Ork model in the unit which still has wounds to be resolved. This time, as Grug has died, it is the next closest Ork model in the unit, measured from the closest model in the Space Marine unit. |
>This new Ork rolls to save against the wound. He passes it, and no further wounds are allotted. This unit of Space Marines' shooting is over. <|endoftext|> just throwing some ideas out there: |
At BAB 5 you normally get an additional d20 to play with as well as your attack -5. To translate this you get an additional 5d4 on lvl 5. |
During fights from that point on you can divide your dice pool in any way you desire, double your attack bonus and then divide it into at least 2 attacks. |
the -5 that i am ignoring will be ignored because no crits. |
Ex. Grug the Orc has +12 to hit at lvl 6. He has 10d4 and a pool of 24. Since he is fighting kobolds, he divides this into 2 attacks of 5d4+12, 4d4+12, and throws his last d4 to be able to run around without provoking AoO <|endoftext|> |
"Why you give Grug letter with gold coins in it? I give it to wizard friend and he said not to worry about it. What did it say?!" |
"It was a bribe, to betray your friends." |
"Oh, well I would have done that back then, when I was only a small Grug. But now, I'm going to smash your head in with rock." <|endoftext|> |
'Grug recommend Necronomicon for reading pleasure. Pictures make Grug smile!' <|endoftext|> |
>Gr-ugg |
Seven brothers. Gr-ugg, Gr'ugg, Grug, Grrugg, Grr'ugg, Grr-uggug, and Steve. <|endoftext|> |
Hey, don't talk that way about Grug the Magnificent. He's a great wizard. <|endoftext|> |
It would have to be a Colossal giant for that to fit. |
And he's definitely going to be a pencil dick to a Colossal. |
Now with the right exercises and a Cock Ring of Ogre Power... |
Yes. Grug the Towercocked could be a fierce opponent. <|endoftext|> |
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