Poor Grug. Never to know the touch of a humanoid's love due to his 12' long cock. <|endoftext|>
Sh-shut up! Grug just wants to hit things! It has nothing to do with me not knowing where to stick his fleshlance into a lady! <|endoftext|>
Played by a jew-fro kid named Tom. Now I'd seen Tom about before I started my experiment, played a game of munchkin or two with him at the table. He was, as far as I can tell, just a regular of the society 'guildhall'. Brought games, played games, wasn't too obnoxious. We have PLENTY of obnoxious regulars and 'characters' who become laughing stock, but it's rare that anyone actually causes shit. So when, after I announced my project he turned up with his Pathfinder core rulebook, I was pretty happy. A normal guy who's got some experience with the game, great! I let him roll up a character without my supervision because he obviously knew the basics and I had people who had NEVER played before who needed someone to teach them. He was absent for the first session as I lead two of my close friends and four newbies through basic combat and a bit of silly roleplaying.
The camp was marching to war and there was a spy somewhere in a nearby village! So we had a 5-hour session of goofing about. It was by the book, but everyone seemed to have a good time, I was thrilled because I had a &quot;sand-lord&quot; called &quot;Mohammed&quot; playing a half-orc barbarian called 'Grug' and despite never playing a tabletop rpg before, he was getting into character like a pro and causing lots of laughter at the table. I thought things couldn't GET any better. We packed up and promised to be there nice and early next week. <|endoftext|> Fishhead Krumpany
Kaptin Kograt Jawrippa
Warboss w/Warbike, cybork, attack squig, power klaw, bosspole
Mekboss Razzgut Grumpgit
Big Mek w/ Shokk attack gun, eavy armour
8 Lootas
6 Nobz w/ warbikes, cybork, waaagh banner, painboy, 2 pk, 3 BC
20 shoota boyz, 2 Bs, nob w/ pk eavy armour, bosspole
20 shoota boyz, 2 Bs, nob w/ pk eavy armour, bosspole
10 grots/ 1 runt herd (Thucidium &ldquo;Redskirt&rdquo; Ferrous)
10 grots/ 1 runt herd (Sister Margaret &ldquo;Magz&rdquo; Reccilla )
Fast attack
2 deffkoptas w/ tl rokkit launchas
2 deffkoptas w/ tl rokkit launchas
Heavy support
Deff dread (Beff Bossgurl and Grug) 3 dreadnought cc weapons, 1 Skorcha
Total:1500 <|endoftext|> Polished this up this morning.
Fishhead Krumpany
Kaptin Kograt Jawrippa
Warboss w/Warbike, cybork, attack squig, power klaw
Mekboss Razzgut Grumpgit
Big Mek w/ Shokk attack gun, eavy armour
8 Lootas
6 Nobz w/ warbikes, cybork, waaagh banner, painboy, 2 pk, 3 BC
20 shoota boyz, 2 Bs, nob w/ pk eavy armour
20 shoota boyz, 2 Bs, nob w/ pk eavy armour , boss pole
10 grots/ 1 runt herd (Thucidium &ldquo;Redskirt&rdquo; Ferrous)
10 grots/ 1 runt herd (Sister Margaret &ldquo;Magz&rdquo; Reccilla )
Fast attack
2 deffkoptas w/ tl rokkit launchas
2 deffkoptas w/ tl rokkit launchas
Heavy support
Deff dread (Beff Bossgurl and Grug) 2cc weapons, 2 KMB
Total:1500 <|endoftext|>
I meant more damning the future consequences for the immediately right action. What do you see Grug the barbarian doing? Stabbing the guy who just risked death for him in the back, or letting him go to fight another day? I just really can't see chaotic good justifying long term good for short term evil. That's like... Killing an informer in a terrorist cell for coming clean. Sure he was a terrorist, but he just did what he could to help you. Even knowing he will go back to that group. Sure you prevent evil, but you need to consider the message of what you just did is. it's this:
&quot;Yes, you did good. But your past deeds cannot be forgiven, and the possibility you will do evil again supersedes all else. You can never redeem yourself.&quot; <|endoftext|>
This may take some training, especially in the first few adventures where there is the added problem that they don't know their character's personality yet. It can sometimes take a newbie a while to get into their character's skin.